Presentation type:
NH – Natural Hazards

EGU23-2227 | Orals | NH1.2 | Plinius Medal Lecture

Extremes in river flood hydrology: making Black Swans grey 

Alberto Viglione

Black Swans in river flood hydrology are unexpected events that surprise flood managers and citizens, causing massive impacts when they do occur, but that appear to be more predictable in retrospect, after their occurrence. My talk aims at showing how black swans in river flood hydrology can "be made grey", i.e. can be anticipated to a certain degree, in probabilistic terms, and/or made less impactful, by (1) expanding information on flood probabilities by gathering data on floods occurred in other places and at other times; (2) understanding the mechanisms causing heavy tails in flood frequency distributions; (3) understanding the mechanisms causing river flood changes in time; (4) accounting for uncertainties in data, models and flood frequency estimates; (5) accounting for the possible dynamics of coupled human-water systems; and (6) coupling the classical top-down approach to hydrological risk assessment based on predictive modelling with a bottom-up approach that is centered on robustness and resilience.

How to cite: Viglione, A.: Extremes in river flood hydrology: making Black Swans grey, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2227,, 2023.

Mountain torrents and debris flows are widely distributed in the mountainous region, threatening the urban development and infrastructure in mountain areas. The adverse effects of these hazards may increase due to the continued socio-economic development and influence of climate change on the frequency and magnitude of the hazards. This lecture introduces an early warning system of mountain hazards based on hazards process simulation and associated risk forecasting. The system identifies the watershed with high susceptibility to mountain hazard occurrences by monitoring the hazard-fostering conditions and real-time meteorological data. Focusing on those watersheds, the formation and movement of the hazards were simulated while different characteristics were captured, such as debris flow scale amplification and flash flood erosion. The risk of the mountain hazards was assessed based on the whole process of disaster formation-movement-deposition/disaster-causing. Compared with traditional early warning systems, which largely rely on rainfall thresholds and expert judgment, this proposed system is fully data-driven and process-based, while little human intervention is required. This system provides more accurate early warning information, and risk forecasting can better support disaster response planning for the government agency. This system is currently under trial in Liangshan Prefecture, Sichuan Province of China. Just in 2022, 15 debris flow and 52 flash flood events were captured and the early warning information was delivered to the residents and government. The accuracy is more than 79% and significantly improved the disaster resilience of the mountainous region.

About the Presenter

 Prof. CUI Peng has long been engaged in research on the formation mechanism, risk assessment, monitoring and early warning, prevention and control technology of debris flows and other mountain hazards. He has given a strong pulse to several topics of major relevance for disaster risk reduction and management, including (1) deepening the understanding of debris flow formation, scale amplification, and disaster-causing mechanisms; (2) providing rigorous insights concerning the formation and evolution of earthquake-induced hazards and multi-hazard chaining effect; (3) development of multi-scale disaster risk assessment model; (4) building of risk-level-based monitoring and early system to support efficient disaster reduction; and (5) creating the mass control and energy-based disaster mitigation theory and technology. He has published more than 400 papers with over 12000 citations and is the world's most published scholar in the field of debris flow.

How to cite: Cui, P.: A data-driven and process-based system for mountain torrent and debris flow early warning and risk forecasting, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17044,, 2023.

EGU23-8830 | ECS | Orals | NH11.2 | NH Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award Lecture

Disentangling the Characteristics and Drivers of Compound Drought and Hot Extremes 

Ankit Agarwal

Compound drought and hot extremes (CDHE) are periods of prolonged dry and hot weather exhibiting adverse impacts on nature and humankind than their counterparts. Understanding compound extremes is in its infancy due to complex dynamical climate systems involving interactions and feedback with the different processes at different scales. Our detailed investigation of the last seven decades of CDHE during the Indian Summer Monsoon has shown alarming observations. Our results confirmed a threefold increase in CDHE frequency for the recent period (1977–2019) relative to the base period (1951–1976), exhibiting a strong spatial pattern. Further investigation revealed CDHE likelihood, and spatial diversity in the CDHE occurrence is a function of the strong negative association between precipitation and temperature and soil moisture-temperature coupling, respectively. Investigation into the temporal evolution of CDHE confirms the strengthening of the negative association between precipitation and temperature, indicating a higher number of CDHE in future.

How to cite: Agarwal, A.: Disentangling the Characteristics and Drivers of Compound Drought and Hot Extremes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8830,, 2023.

NH0 – Inter- and Transdisciplinary Sessions

EGU23-338 | ECS | Posters virtual | ITS1.1/NH0.1

A Stacking Ensemble Deep Learning Approach for Post Disaster Building Assessment using UAV Imagery 

Leon Sim, Fang-Jung Tsai, and Szu-Yun Lin

Traditional post-disaster building damage assessments were performed manually by the response team, which was risky and time-consuming. With advanced remote sensing technology, such as an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), it would be possible to acquire high-quality aerial videos and operate at a variety of altitudes and angles.  The collected data would be sent into a neural network for training and validating. In this study, the Object Detection model (YOLO) was utilized, which is capable of predicting both bounding boxes and damage levels. The network was trained using the ISBDA dataset, which was created from aerial videos of the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey in 2017, Hurricane Michael and Hurricane Florence in 2018, and three tornadoes in 2017, 2018, and 2019 in the United States. The Joint Damage Scale was used to classify the buildings in this dataset into four categories: no damage, minor damage, major damage, and destroyed. However, the number of major damage and destroyed classes are significantly lower than the number of no damage and minor damage classes in the dataset. Also, the damage characteristics of minor and major damage classes are similar under such type of disaster. These caused the YOLO model prone to misclassify the intermediate damage levels, i.e., minor and major damage in our earlier experiments. This study aimed to improve the YOLO model using a stacking ensemble deep learning approach with a image classification model called Mobilenet. First, the ISBDA dataset was used and refined to train the YOLO network and the Mobilenet network separately, and the latter provides two classes predictions (0 for no damage or minor damage, 1 for major damage or destroyed) rather than the four classes by the former. In the inference phase, the initial predictions from the trained YOLO network, including bounding box coordinates, confidence scores for four damage classes, and the predicted class, were then extracted and passed to the trained Mobilenet to generate the secondary predictions for each building. Based on the secondary predictions, two hyperparameters were utilized to refine the initial predictions by modifying the confidence scores of each class, and the hyperparameters were trained during this phase. Lastly, the trained hyperparameters were applied to the testing dataset to evaluate the performance of the proposed method. The results show that our stacking ensemble method could obtain more reliable predictions of intermediate classes.


How to cite: Sim, L., Tsai, F.-J., and Lin, S.-Y.: A Stacking Ensemble Deep Learning Approach for Post Disaster Building Assessment using UAV Imagery, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-338,, 2023.

        Since Taiwan is located at the Pacific Ring of Fire, seismic activity of varying magnitudes occurs almost every day. Among them, some of these seismic activities have in turn caused severe disasters, resulting in loss of personal property, casualties and damage to important public facilities. Therefore, investigating the long-term spatiotemporal pattern of seismic activities is a crucial task for understanding the causes of seismic activity and to predict future seismic activity, in order to carry out disaster prevention measures in advance. Previous studies mostly focused on the causes of single seismic events on the small spatiotemporal scale. In this study, the data from 1987 to 2020 are used, including seismic events from the United States Geological Survey (USGS), the ambient environmental factors such as daily air temperature from Taiwan Central Weather Bureau (CWB) and daily sea surface temperature data from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Then the temperature difference between the land air temperature and the sea surface temperature (SST) to the correlation between the occurrence of seismic activities and the abnormal occurrence of temperature difference are compared. The results show that lots of seismic activities often have positive and negative anomalies of temperature difference from 21 days before to 7 days after the seismic event. Moreover, there is a specific trend of temperature difference anomalies under different magnitude intervals. In the magnitude range of 2.5 to 4 and greater than 6, almost all of the seismic events have significant anomalous differences in the temperature difference between land air temperature and SST compared with no seismic events. This study uncovers anomalous frequency signatures of seismic activities and temperature differences between land air temperature and SST. The significant difference in temperature difference between seismic events and non-seismic events was compared by using statistical analysis. Additionally, the deep neural network (DNN) of deep learning model, logistic regression and random forest of machine learning model was used to identify whether there will be a seismic event under different magnitude intervals. It is hoped that it can provide relevant information for the prediction of future seismic activity, to more accurately prevent disasters that may be caused by seismic activity.

How to cite: Chen, Y.-H. and Lin, Y.-C.: Investigating the Correlation between the Characteristics of Seismic Activity and Environmental Variables in Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2564,, 2023.

The 2010-2011 Canterbury Earthquake sequence (CES) led to unprecedented building damage in the Canterbury region, New Zealand. Commercial and residential buildings were significantly affected. Due to New Zealand’s unique insurance setting, around 80% of the losses were covered by insurance (Bevere & Balz, 2012; King et al., 2014). The Insurance Council of New Zealand (ICNZ) estimated the total economic losses to be more than NZ$40 billion, with the Earthquake Commission (EQC) and private insurers covering NZ$10 billion and NZ$21 billion of the losses, respectively (ICNZ, 2021). As a result of the CES and the 2016 Kaikoura earthquake, EQC’s Natural Disaster Fund was depleted (EQC, 2022). This highlighted the need for improved tools enabling damage and loss analysis for natural hazards.
This research project used residential building claims collected by EQC following the CES to develop a rapid seismic loss prediction model for residential buildings in Christchurch. Geographic information systems (GIS) tools, data science techniques, and machine learning (ML) were used for the model development. Before the training of the ML model, the claims data was enriched with additional information from external data sources. The seismic demand, building characteristics, soil conditions, and information about the liquefaction occurrence were added to the claims data. Once merged and pre-processed, the aggregated data was used to train ML models based on the main events in the CES. Emphasis was put on the interpretability and explainability of the model. The ML model delivered valuable insights related to the most important features contributing to losses. Those insights are aligned with engineering knowledge and observations from previous studies, confirming the potential of using ML for disaster loss prediction and management. Care was also put into the retrainability of the model to ensure that any new data from future earthquake events can rapidly be added to the model. 

How to cite: Roeslin, S.: Development of a Rapid Seismic Loss Prediction Model for Residential Buildings using Machine Learning - Christchurch, New Zealand, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2996,, 2023.

EGU23-3928 | Orals | ITS1.1/NH0.1

Comparison of deep learning approaches to monitor trash screen blockage from CCTV cameras 

Remy Vandaele, Sarah L Dance, and Varun Ojha

We investigate the use of CCTV cameras and deep learning to automatically monitor trash screen blockage. 

Trash screens are installed to prevent debris from entering critical parts of river networks (pipes, tunnels, locks,...). When the debris piles up at the trash screens,  it  may block the waterway and can cause flooding. It is thus crucial to clean blocked trash screens and avoid flooding and consequent damage. Currently, the maintenance crews must manually check a camera or river level data or go on site to check the state of the screen to know if it needs cleaning. This wastes valuable time in emergency situations where blocked screens must be urgently cleaned (e.g., in case of forecast  heavy rainfall). Some initial attempts at trying to predict trash screen blockage exist. However, these have not been widely adopted in practice.  CCTV cameras can be easily installed at any location and can thus be used to monitor the state of trash screens, but the images need to be processed by an automated algorithm to inform whether the screen is blocked.

With the help of UK-based practitioners (Environment Agency and local councils), we have created a dataset of 40000 CCTV trash screen images coming from 36 cameras, each labelled with blockage information. Using this database, we have compared 3 deep learning approaches to automate the detection of trash screen blockage: 

  • A binary image classifier, which takes as input a single image, and outputs a binary label that estimates whether the trash screen is blocked.
  • An approach based on anomaly detection which tries to reconstruct the input image with an auto-encoder trained on clean trash screen images.  In consequence, blocked trash screens are detected as anomalies by the auto-encoder.
  • An image similarity estimation approach based on the use of a siamese network, which takes as input two images and outputs a similarity index related, in our case, to whether both images contain trash. 

Using performance criteria chosen in discussion  with practitioners (overall accuracy, false alarm rate, resilience to luminosity / moving fields of view, computing capabilities), we show that deep learning can be used in practice to automate the identification of blocked trash screens. We also analyse the strengths and weaknesses of each of these approaches and provide guidelines for their application.

How to cite: Vandaele, R., Dance, S. L., and Ojha, V.: Comparison of deep learning approaches to monitor trash screen blockage from CCTV cameras, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3928,, 2023.

EGU23-4455 | ECS | Posters virtual | ITS1.1/NH0.1

Traffic Monitoring System Design considering Multi-Hazard Disaster Risks 

Michele Gazzea, Reza Arghandeh, and Amir Miraki

Roadways are critical infrastructure in our society, providing services for people through and between cities. However, they are prone to closures and disruptions, especially after extreme weather events like hurricanes.

At the same time, traffic flow data are a fundamental type of information for any transportation system.

We tackle the problem of traffic sensor placement on roadways to address two tasks at the same time. The first task is traffic data estimation in ordinary situations, which is vital for traffic monitoring and city planning. We design a graph-based method to estimate traffic flow on roads where sensors are not present. The second one is enhanced observability of roadways in case of extreme weather events. We propose a satellite-based multi-domain risk assessment to locate roads at high risk of closures. Vegetation and flood hazards are taken into account. We formalize the problem as a search method over the network to suggest the minimum number and location of traffic sensors to place while maximizing the traffic estimation capabilities and observability of the risky areas of a city.

How to cite: Gazzea, M., Arghandeh, R., and Miraki, A.: Traffic Monitoring System Design considering Multi-Hazard Disaster Risks, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4455,, 2023.

Earthquake-induced land deformation and structure failure are more severe over soft soils than over firm soils and rocks owing to the seismic site effect and liquefaction. The site-specific seismic site effect related to the amplification of ground motion, liquefaction, and landslide has spatial uncertainty depending on the local subsurface, surface geological, and topographic conditions. When the 2017 Pohang earthquake (M 5.4), South Korea’s second strongest earthquake in decades, occurred, the severe damages influenced by variable site response and vulnerability indicators were observed focusing on the basin or basin-edge region deposited unconsolidated Quaternary sediments. Thus, nationwide site characterization is essential considering empirical correlations with geotechnical site response and hazard parameters and surface proxies. Furthermore, in case of so many variables and tenuously related correlations, machine learning classification models can prove to be very precise than the parametric methods. This study established a multivariate seismic site classification system using the machine learning technique based on the geospatial big data platform.

The supervised machine learning classification techniques and more specifically, random forest, support vector machine (SVM), and artificial neural network (ANN) algorithms have been adopted. Supervised machine learning algorithms analyze a set of labeled training data consisting of a group of input data and desired output values. They produce an inferred function that can be used for predictions from given input data. To optimize the classification criteria by considering the geotechnical uncertainty and local site effects, the training datasets applying principal component analysis (PCA) were verified with k-fold cross-validation. Moreover, the optimized training algorithm, proved by loss estimators (receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC), the area under the ROC curve (AUC)) based on confusion matrix, was selected.

For the southeastern region in South Korea, the boring log information (strata, standard penetration test, etc.), geological map (1:50k scale), digital terrain model (having 5 m × 5 m), soil map (1:250k scale) were collected and constructed as geospatial big data. Preliminarily, to build spatially coincided datasets with geotechnical response parameters and surface proxies, the mesh-type geospatial information was built by advanced geostatistical interpolation and simulation methods.

Site classification systems use seismic hazard parameters related to the geotechnical characteristics of the study area as the classification criteria. The current site classification systems in South Korea and the United States recommend Vs30, which is the average shear wave velocity (Vs) up to 30 m underground. This criterion uses only the dynamic characteristics of the site without considering its geometric distribution characteristics. Thus, the geospatial information included the geo-layer thickness, surface proxies (elevation, slope, geological category, soil category), and Vs30. For the liquefaction and landslide hazard estimation, the liquefaction vulnerability indexes (i.e., liquefaction potential or severity index) and landslide vulnerability indexes (i.e., a factor of safety or displacement) were also trained as input features into the classifier modeling. Finally, the composite status against seismic site effect, liquefaction, and landslide was predicted as hazard class (I.e., safe, slight-, moderate-, extreme-failure) based on the best-fitting classifier.  

How to cite: Kim, H.: Machine Learning-based Site Classification System for Earthquake-Induced Multi-Hazard in South Korea, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4757,, 2023.

EGU23-4816 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.1/NH0.1

XAIDA4Detection: A Toolbox for the Detection and Characterization of Spatio-Temporal Extreme Events 

Jordi Cortés-Andrés, Maria Gonzalez-Calabuig, Mengxue Zhang, Tristan Williams, Miguel-Ángel Fernández-Torres, Oscar J. Pellicer-Valero, and Gustau Camps-Valls

The automatic anticipation and detection of extreme events constitute a major challenge in the current context of climate change, which has changed their likelihood and intensity. One of the main objectives within the EXtreme Events: Artificial Intelligence for Detection and Attribution (XAIDA) project ( is related to developing novel approaches for the detection and localization of extreme events, such as tropical cyclones and severe convective storms, heat waves and droughts, as well as persistent winter extremes, among others. Here we introduce the XAIDA4Detection toolbox that allows for tackling generic problems of detection and characterization. The open-source toolbox integrates a set of advanced ML models, ranging in complexity, assumptions, and sophistication, and yields spatio-temporal explicit detection maps with probabilistic heatmap estimates. We included supervised and unsupervised methods, deterministic and probabilistic, neural networks based on convolutional and recurrent nets, and density-based methods. The toolbox is intended for scientists, engineers, and students with basic knowledge of extreme events, outlier detection techniques, and Deep Learning (DL), as well as Python programming with basic packages (Numpy, Scikit-learn, Matplotlib) and DL packages (PyTorch, PyTorch Lightning). This presentation will summarize the available features and their potential to be adapted to multiple extreme event problems and use cases.

How to cite: Cortés-Andrés, J., Gonzalez-Calabuig, M., Zhang, M., Williams, T., Fernández-Torres, M.-Á., Pellicer-Valero, O. J., and Camps-Valls, G.: XAIDA4Detection: A Toolbox for the Detection and Characterization of Spatio-Temporal Extreme Events, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4816,, 2023.

EGU23-5581 | Posters on site | ITS1.1/NH0.1

Vision Transformers for building damage assessment after natural disasters 

Adrien Lagrange, Nicolas Dublé, François De Vieilleville, Aurore Dupuis, Stéphane May, and Aymeric Walker-Deemin

Damage assessment is a critical step in crisis management. It must be fast and accurate in order to organize and scale the emergency response in a manner adapted to the real needs on the ground. The speed requirements motivate an automation of the analysis, at least in support of the photo-interpretation. Deep Learning (DL) seems to be the most suitable methodology for this problem: on one hand for the speed in obtaining the answer, and on the other hand by the high performance of the results obtained by these methods in the extraction of information from images. Following previous studies to evaluate the potential contribution of DL methods for building damage assessment after a disaster, several conventional Deep Neural Network (DNN) and Transformers (TF) architectures were compared.

Made available at the end of 2019, the xView2 database appears to be the most interesting database for this study. It gathers images of disasters between 2011 and 2018 with 6 types of disasters: earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, volcanic eruptions, fires and hurricanes. For each of these disasters, pre- and post-disaster images are available with a ground truth containing the building footprint as well as the evaluation of the type of damage divided into 4 classes (no damage, minor damage, major damage, destroyed) similar to those considered in the study.

This study compares a wide range DNN architectures all based on an encoder-decoder structure. Two encoder families were implemented: EfficientNet (B0 to B7 configurations) and Swin TF (Tiny, Small, and Base configurations). Three adaptable decoders were implemented: UNet, DeepLabV3+, FPN. Finally, to benefit from both pre- and post-disaster images, the trained models were designed to proceed images with a Siamese approach: both images are processed independently by the encoder, and the extracted features are then concatenated by the decoder.

Taking benefit of global information (such as the type of disaster for example) present in the image, the Swin TF, associated with FPN decoder, reaches the better performances than all other encoder-decoder architectures. The Shifted WINdows process enables the pipe to process large images in a reasonable time, comparable to the processing time of EfficientNet-based architectures. An interesting additional result is that the models trained during this study do not seem to benefit so much from extra-large configurations, and both small and tiny configurations reach the highest scores.

How to cite: Lagrange, A., Dublé, N., De Vieilleville, F., Dupuis, A., May, S., and Walker-Deemin, A.: Vision Transformers for building damage assessment after natural disasters, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5581,, 2023.

Natural and man-made disasters pose a threat to human life, flora-fauna, and infrastructure. It is critical to detect the damage quickly and accurately for infrastructures right after the occurrence of any disaster. The detection and assessment of infrastructure damage help manage financial strategy as well. Recently, many researchers and agencies have made efforts to create high-resolution satellite imageries database related to pre and post-disaster events. The advanced remote sensing satellite imageries can reflect the surface of the earth accurately up to 30 cm spatial resolution on a daily basis. These high spatial resolutions (HSR) imageries can help access any natural hazard's damage by comparing the pre- and post-disaster data. These remote sensing imageries have limitations, such as cloud occlusions. Building under a thick cloud cannot be recognised in optical images. The manual assessment of the severity of damage to buildings/infrastructure by comparing bi-temporal HSR imageries or airborne will be a tedious and subjective job. On the other hand, the emerging use of unmanned aired vehicles (UAV) can be used to assess the situation precisely. The high-resolution UAV imageries and the HSR satellite imageries can complement each other for critical infrastructure damage assessment. In this study, a novel approach is used to integrate UAV data into HSR satellite imageries for the building damage assessment using a convolution neural network (CNN) based deep learning model. The research work is divided into two fundamental sub-tasks: first is the building localisation in the pre-event images, and second is the damage classification by assigning a unique damage level label reflecting the degree of damage to each building instance on the post-disaster images. For the study, the HSR satellite imageries of 36 pairs of pre- and post natural hazard events is acquired for the year 2021-22, similarly available UAV based data for these events is also collected from the open data source. The data is then pre-processed, and the building damage is assessed using a deep object-based semantic change detection framework (ChangeOS). The mentioned model was trained on the xview2 building damage assessment datasets comprised of ~20,000 images with ~730,000 building polygons of pre and post disaster events over the globe from 2011-2018. The experimental setup in this study includes training on the global dataset and testing on the regional-scale building damage assessment using HSR satellite imageries and local-scale using UAV imageries. The result obtained from the bi-temporal assessment of HSR images for the Indonesia Earthquake 2022 has shown an F1 score of ~67%, while the Uttarakhand flooding event 2021 has reported an F1 score of ~64%. The HSR imageries from the UAV Haiti earthquake event in 2011 have also shown less but promising F1 scores of ~54%. It is inferred that merging HSR imageries from satellite and UAV for building damage assessment using the ChangeOS framework represents a robust tool to further promote future research in infrastructure maintenance strategy and policy management in disaster response.

How to cite: Gupta, S. and Nair, S.: A novel approach for infrastructural disaster damage assessment using high spatial resolution satellite and UAV imageries using deep learning algorithms., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5778,, 2023.

EGU23-5913 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.1/NH0.1

Pluto: A global volcanic activity early warning system powered by large scale self-supervised deep learning on InSAR data 

Nikolaos Ioannis Bountos, Dimitrios Michail, Themistocles Herekakis, Angeliki Thanasou, and Ioannis Papoutsis

Artificial intelligence (AI) methods have emerged as a powerful tool to study and in some cases forecast natural disasters [1,2]. Recent works have successfully combined deep learning modeling with scientific knowledge stemming from the SAR Interferometry domain propelling research on tasks like volcanic activity monitoring [3], associated with ground deformation. A milestone in this interdisciplinary field has been the release of the Hephaestus [4] InSAR dataset, facilitating automatic InSAR interpretation, volcanic activity localization as well as the detection and categorization of atmospheric contributions in wrapped interferograms. Hephaestus contains annotations for approximately 20,000 InSAR frames, covering the 44 most active volcanoes in the world. The annotation was performed  by a team of InSAR experts that manually examined each InSAR frame individually. However, even with such a large dataset, class imbalance remains a challenge, i.e. the InSAR samples containing volcano deformation fringes are orders of magnitude less than those that do not. This is anticipated since natural hazards are in principle rare in nature. To counter that, the authors of Hephaestus provide more than 100,000 unlabeled InSAR frames to be used for global large-scale self-supervised learning, which is more robust to class imbalance when compared to supervised learning [5]. 

Motivated by the Hephaestus dataset and the insights provided by [2], we train global, task-agnostic models in a self-supervised learning fashion that can handle distribution shifts caused by spatio-temporal variability as well as major class imbalances. By finetuning such a model to the labeled part of Hephaestus we obtain the backbone for a global volcanic activity alerting system, namely Pluto. Pluto is a novel end-to-end AI based system that provides early warnings of volcanic unrest on a global scale.

Pluto automatically synchronizes its database with the Comet-LiCS [6] portal to receive newly generated Sentinel-1 InSAR data acquired over volcanic areas. The new samples are fed to our volcanic activity detection model. If volcanic activity is detected, an automatic email is sent to the service users, which contains information about the intensity, the exact location and the type (Mogi, Sill, Dyk) of the event. To ensure a robust and ever-improving service we augment Pluto with an iterative pipeline that collects samples that were misclassified in production, and uses them to further improve the existing model. 


[1] Kondylatos et al. "Wildfire danger prediction and understanding with Deep Learning." Geophysical Research Letters 49.17 (2022): e2022GL099368.

[2] Bountos et al. "Self-supervised contrastive learning for volcanic unrest detection." IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 19 (2021): 1-5.

[3] Bountos et al. "Learning from Synthetic InSAR with Vision Transformers: The case of volcanic unrest detection." IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (2022).

[4] Bountos et al. "Hephaestus: A large scale multitask dataset towards InSAR understanding." Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF CVPR. 2022.

[5] Liu et al. "Self-supervised learning is more robust to dataset imbalance." arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.05025 (2021).

[6] Lazecký et al. "LiCSAR: An automatic InSAR tool for measuring and monitoring tectonic and volcanic activity." Remote Sensing 12.15 (2020): 2430.

How to cite: Bountos, N. I., Michail, D., Herekakis, T., Thanasou, A., and Papoutsis, I.: Pluto: A global volcanic activity early warning system powered by large scale self-supervised deep learning on InSAR data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5913,, 2023.

It has become increasingly apparent over the past few decades that environmental degradation is something of a common concern for humanity and it is difficult to deny that the present environmental problems are caused primarily by anthropogenic activities rather than natural causes.

To minimize disaster’s risk, the role of geospatial science and technology may be a terribly helpful and necessary technique for hazard zone mapping throughout emergency conditions. 

This approach can definitively help predict harmful events, but also to mitigate damage to the environment from events that cannot be efficiently predicted.

With detailed information obtained through various dataset, decision making has become simpler. This fact is crucial for a quick and effective response to any disaster. Remote sensing, in particular RADAR/SAR data, help in managing a disaster at various stages. 

Prevention for example refers to the outright avoidance of adverse impacts of hazards and related disasters; preparedness refers to the knowledge and capacities to effectively anticipate, respond to, and recover from, the impacts of likely, imminent or current hazard events or conditions.

Finally relief is the provision of emergency services after a disaster in order to reduce damage to environment and people.

Thanks to the opportunity proposed by ASI (Italian Space Agency) to use COSMO-SkyMed data, in NeMeA Sistemi srl we developed two projects: “Ventimiglia Legalità”, “Edilizia Spontanea” and 3xA.

Their main objective is to detect illegal buildings not present in the land Legal registry.

We developed new and innovative technologies using integrated data for the monitoring and protection of environmental and anthropogenic health, in coastal and nearby areas. 

3xA project addresses the highly challenging problem of automatically detecting changes from a time series of high-resolution synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images. In this context, to fully leverage the potential of such data, an innovative machine learning based approach has been developed. 

The project is characterized by an end-to-end training and inference system which takes as input two raw images and produces a vectorized change map without any human supervision.

More into the details, it takes as input two SAR acquisitions at time t1 and t2, the acquisitions are firstly pre-processed, homogenised and finally undergo a completely self-supervised algorithm which takes advantage of DNNs to classify changed/unchanged areas. This method shows promising results in automatically producing a change map from two input SAR images (Stripmap or Spotlight COSMO-SkyMed data), with 98% accuracy.

Being the process automated, results are produced faster than similar products generated by human operators.

A similar approach has been followed to create an algorithm which performs semantic segmentation from the same kind of data.

This time, only one of the two SAR acquisitions is taken as input for pre-processing steps and then for a supervised neural network. The result is a single image where each pixel is labelled with the class predicted by the algorithm. 

Also in this case, results are promising, reaching around 90% of accuracy. 

How to cite: Pennino, I.: A new approach for hazard and disaster prevention: deep learning algorithms for change detection and classification RADAR/SAR, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6522,, 2023.

EGU23-6790 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.1/NH0.1

Deep learning for automatic flood mapping from high resolution SAR images 

Arnaud Dupeyrat, abdullah Almaksour, Joao Vinholi, and tapio friberg

 With the gradual warming of the global climate, natural catastrophes have caused billions of dollars in damage to ecosystems, economies and properties. Along with the damage, the loss of life is a very serious possibility. With the unprecedented growth of the human population, large-scale development activities and changes to the natural environment, the frequency, and intensity of extreme natural events and consequent impacts are expected to increase in the future. 

 To be able to mitigate and to reduce the potential damage of the natural catastrophe, continuous monitoring is required. The collection of data using earth observation (EO) systems has been valuable for tracking the effects of natural hazards, especially with their near real-time capabilities for tracking extreme natural events. Remote sensing systems from different platforms also serve as an important decision support tool for devising response strategies, coordinating rescue operations, and making damage and loss estimations.

 Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery provides highly valuable information about our planet that no other technology is capable of. SAR sensors emit their own energy to illuminate objects or areas on Earth and record what’s reflected back from the surface to the sensor. This allows data acquisition day and night since no sunlight is needed. SAR also uses longer wavelengths than optical systems, which gives it the unsurpassed advantage of being able to penetrate clouds, rain, fog and smoke. All of this makes SAR imagery unprecedentedly valuable in sudden events and crisis situations requiring a rapid response.

 In this talk we will be focusing on flood monitoring using our ICEYE SAR images, taking into account multi-satellites, multi-angles and multi-resolutions that are inherent from our constellation and capabilities. We will present the different steps necessary that have allowed us to improve the consistency of our generated flood maps.

How to cite: Dupeyrat, A., Almaksour, A., Vinholi, J., and friberg, T.: Deep learning for automatic flood mapping from high resolution SAR images, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6790,, 2023.

Increasing climatic extremes resulted in frequency and severity of urban flood events during the last several decades. Significant economic losses were point out the urgency of flood response. In recent years, the government gradually increased the layout of CCTV water level monitoring facilities for the purpose of decision-making in flood event. However, it is difficult for decision makers to recognize multiple images in the same time. Therefore, the aim of this study attempts to establish an automatic water level recognition method for given closed-circuit television (CCTV) system.

In the last years, many advances have been made in the area of automatic image recognition with methods of artificial intelligence. Little literature has been published on real-time water level recognition of closed-circuit television system for disaster management. The purpose of this study is to examine the possibilities in practice of artificial intelligence for real-time water level recognition with deep convolutional neural network. Proposed methodology will demonstrate with several case studies in Taichung. For the potential issue that AI models may lacks of learning target, the generative adversarial network (GAN) may be adopted for this study. The result of this study could be useful to decision makers responsible for organizing response assignments during flood event.

How to cite: Chen, B. and Li, C.-Y.: A study on the establishment of computer vision for disaster identification based on existing closed-circuit television system, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7435,, 2023.

EGU23-8419 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.1/NH0.1

Synthetic Generation of Extra-Tropical Cyclones’ fields with Generative Adversarial Networks 

Filippo Dainelli, Riccardo Taormina, Guido Ascenso, Enrico Scoccimarro, Matteo Giuliani, and Andrea Castelletti

Extra-Tropical Cyclones are major systems ruling and influencing the atmospheric structure at mid-latitudes. They are characterised by strong winds and heavy precipitation, and can cause considerable storm surges potentially devastating for coastal regions. The availability of historical observations of the extreme events caused by intense ETCs are rather limited, hampering risk evaluation. Increasing the amount of significant data available would substantially help several fields of analysis influenced by these events, such as coastal management, agricultural production, energy distribution, air and maritime transportation, and risk assessment and management.

Here, we address the possibility of generating synthetic ETC atmospheric fields of mean sea level pressure, wind speed, and precipitation in the North Atlantic by training a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN). The purpose of GANs is to learn the distribution of a training set based on a game theoretic scenario where two networks compete against each other, the generator and the discriminator. The former is trained to generate synthetic examples that are plausible and resemble the real ones. The input of the generator is a vector of random Gaussian values, whose domain is known as the “latent space”. The discriminator learns to distinguish whether an example comes from the dataset distribution. The competition set by the game-theoretic approach improves the network until the counterfeits are indistinguishable from the originals.

To train the GAN, we use atmospheric fields extracted from the ERA5 reanalysis dataset in the geographic domain with boundaries 0°- 90°N, 70°W - 20°E and for the period 1st January 1979 - 1st January 2020. We analyse the generated samples’ histograms, the samples’ average fields, the Wasserstein distance and the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the generated samples and the test set distributions. Results show that the generative model has learned the distribution of the values of the atmospheric fields and the general spatial trends of the atmosphere in the domain. To evaluate better the atmospheric structure learned by the network, we perform linear and spherical interpolations in the latent space. Specifically, we consider four cyclones and compare the frames of their tracks to those of the synthetic tracks generated by interpolation. The interpolated tracks show interesting features consistent with the original tracks. These findings suggest that GANs can learn meaningful representations of the ETCs’ fields, encouraging further investigations to model the tracks’ temporal evolution.

How to cite: Dainelli, F., Taormina, R., Ascenso, G., Scoccimarro, E., Giuliani, M., and Castelletti, A.: Synthetic Generation of Extra-Tropical Cyclones’ fields with Generative Adversarial Networks, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8419,, 2023.

EGU23-8944 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.1/NH0.1

Towards probabilistic impact-based drought risk analysis – a case study on the Volta Basin 

Marthe Wens, Raed Hamed, Hans de Moel, Marco Massabo, and Anna Mapelli

Understanding the relationships between different drought drivers and observed drought impact can provide important information for early warning systems and drought management planning. Moreover, this relationship can help inform the definition and delineation of drought events. However, currently, drought hazards are often characterized based on their frequency of occurring, rather than based on the impacts they cause. A more data-driven depiction of “impactful drought events”- whereby droughts are defined by the hydrometeorological conditions that, in the past, have led to observable impacts-, has the potential to be more meaningful for drought risk assessments.

In our research, we apply a data-mining method based on association rules, namely fast and frugal decision trees, to link different drought hazard indices to agricultural impacts. This machine learning technique is able to select the most relevant drought hazard drivers (among both hydrological and meteorological indices) and their thresholds associated with “impactful drought events”. The technique can be used to assess the likelihood of occurrence of several impact severities, hence it supports the creation of a loss exceedance curve and estimates of average annual loss. An additional advantage is that such data-driven relations in essence reflect varying local drought vulnerabilities which are difficult to quantify in data-scarce regions.

This contribution exemplifies the use of fast and frugal decision trees to estimate (agricultural) drought risk in the Volta basin and its riparian countries. We find that some agriculture-dependent regions in Ghana, Togo and Côte d’Ivoire face annual average drought-induced maize production losses up to 3M USD, while per hectare, losses can mount to on average 50 USD/ha per year in Burkina Faso. In general, there is a clear north-south gradient in the drought risk, which we find augmented under projected climate conditions. Climate change is estimated to worsen the drought impacts in the Volta Basin, with 11 regions facing increases in annual average losses of more than 50%.

We show that the proposed multi-variate, impact-based, non-parametric, machine learning approach can improve the evaluation of droughts, as this approach directly leverages observed drought impact information to demarcate impactful drought events. We evidence that the proposed technique can support quantitative drought risk assessments which can be used for geographic comparison of disaster losses at a sub-national scale.

How to cite: Wens, M., Hamed, R., de Moel, H., Massabo, M., and Mapelli, A.: Towards probabilistic impact-based drought risk analysis – a case study on the Volta Basin, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8944,, 2023.

EGU23-9091 | Orals | ITS1.1/NH0.1

Improving near real-time flood extraction pipeline from SAR data using deep learning 

Mathieu Turgeon-Pelchat, Heather McGrath, Fatemeh Esfahani, Simon Tolszczuk-Leclerc, Thomas Rainville, Nicolas Svacina, Lingjun Zhou, Zarrin Langari, and Hospice Houngbo

The Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation (CCMEO) uses Radarsat Constellation Mission (RCM) data for near-real time flood mapping. One of the many advantages of using SAR sensors, is that they are less affected by the cloud coverage and atmospheric conditions, compared to optical sensors. RCM has been used operationally since 2020 and employs 3 satellites, enabling lower revisit times and increased imagery coverage. The team responsible for the production of flood maps in the context of emergency response are able to produce maps within four hours from the data acquisition. Although the results from their automated system are good, there are some limitations to it, requiring manual intervention to correct the data before publication. Main limitations are located in urban and vegetated areas. Work started in 2021 to make use of deep learning algorithms, namely convolutional neural networks (CNN), to improve the performances of the automated production of flood inundation maps. The training dataset make use of the former maps created by the emergency response team and is comprised of over 80 SAR images and corresponding digital elevation model (DEM) in multiple locations in Canada. The training and test images were split in smaller tiles of 256 x 256 pixels, for a total of 22,469 training tiles and 6,821 test tiles. Current implementation uses a U-Net architecture from NRCan geo-deep-learning pipeline ( To measure performance of the model, intersection over union (IoU) metric is used. The model can achieve 83% IoU for extracting water and flood from background areas over the test tiles. Next steps include increasing the number of different geographical contexts in the training set, towards the integration of the model into production.

How to cite: Turgeon-Pelchat, M., McGrath, H., Esfahani, F., Tolszczuk-Leclerc, S., Rainville, T., Svacina, N., Zhou, L., Langari, Z., and Houngbo, H.: Improving near real-time flood extraction pipeline from SAR data using deep learning, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9091,, 2023.

EGU23-9426 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.1/NH0.1

Fire hazard modelling with remote sensing data for South America 

Johanna Strebl, Julia Gottfriedsen, Dominik Laux, Max Helleis, and Volker Tresp

Throughout the past couple years, changes in global climate have been turning wildfires into an increasingly unpredictable phenomenon. Many environmental parameters that have been linked to wildfires, such as the number of consecutive hot days, are becoming increasingly unstable. This leads to a twofold problem: adequate fire risk assessment is at the same time more important and more difficult than ever. 

In the past, physical models were the prevalent approach to most questions in the domain of wildfire science. While they tend to provide accurate and transparent results, they require domain expertise and often tedious manual data collection.

In recent years, increased computation capabilities and the improved availability of remote sensing data associated with the new space movement have made deep learning a beneficial approach. Data-driven approaches often yield state of the art performance without requiring expert knowledge at a fraction of the complexity of physical models. The downside, however, is that they are often intransparent and offer no insights into their inner algorithmic workings. 

We want to shed some light on this interpretability/performance tradeoff and compare different approaches for predicting wildfire hazard. We evaluate their strengths and weaknesses with a special focus on explainability. We built a wildfire hazard model for South America based on a spatiotemporal CNN architecture that infers fire susceptibility from environmental conditions that led to fire in the past. The training data used contains selected ECMWF ERA5 Land variables and ESA world cover information. This means that our model is able to learn from actual fire conditions instead of relying on theoretical frameworks. Unlike many other models, we do not make simplifying assumptions such as a standard fuel type, but calculate hazard ratings based on actual environmental conditions. Compared to classical fire hazard models, this approach allows us to account for regional and atypical fire behavior and makes our model readily adaptable and trainable for other ecosystems, too.

The ground truth labels are derived from fusing active fire remote sensing data from 20 different satellites into one active wildfire cluster data set. The problem itself is highly imbalanced with non-fire pixels making up 99.78% of the training data. Therefore we evaluate the ability of our model to correctly predict wildfire hazard using metrics for imbalanced data such as PR-AUC and F1 score. We also compare the results against selected standard fire hazard models such as the Canadian Fire Weather Index (FWI). 

In addition, we assess the computational complexity and speed of calculating the respective models and consider the accuracy/complexity/speed tradeoff of the different approaches. Furthermore, we aim to provide insights why and how our model makes its predictions by leveraging common explainability methods. This allows for insights into which factors tend to influence wildfire hazard the most and to optimize for relatively lightweight, yet performant and transparent architectures.

How to cite: Strebl, J., Gottfriedsen, J., Laux, D., Helleis, M., and Tresp, V.: Fire hazard modelling with remote sensing data for South America, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9426,, 2023.

For recent years, Machine Learning (ML) models have been proven to be useful in solving problems of a wide variety of fields such as medical, economic, manufacturing, transportation, energy, education, etc. With increased interest in ML models and advances in sensor technologies, ML models are being widely applied even in civil engineering domain. ML model enables analysis of large amounts of data, automation, improved decision making and provides more accurate prediction. While several state-of-the-art reviews have been conducted in each sub-domain (e.g., geotechnical engineering, structural engineering) of civil engineering or its specific application problems (e.g., structural damage detection, water quality evaluation), little effort has been devoted to comprehensive review on ML models applied in civil engineering and compare them across sub-domains. A systematic, but domain-specific literature review framework should be employed to effectively classify and compare the models. To that end, this study proposes a novel review approach based on the hierarchical classification tree “D-A-M-I-E (Domain-Application problem-ML models-Input data-Example case)”. “D-A-M-I-E” classification tree classifies the ML studies in civil engineering based on the (1) domain of the civil engineering, (2) application problem, (3) applied ML models and (4) data used in the problem. Moreover, data used for the ML models in each application examples are examined based on the specific characteristic of the domain and the application problem. For comprehensive review, five different domains (structural engineering, geotechnical engineering, water engineering, transportation engineering and energy engineering) are considered and the ML application problem is divided into five different problems (prediction, classification, detection, generation, optimization). Based on the “D-A-M-I-E” classification tree, about 300 ML studies in civil engineering are reviewed. For each domain, analysis and comparison on following questions has been conducted: (1) which problems are mainly solved based on ML models, (2) which ML models are mainly applied in each domain and problem, (3) how advanced the ML models are and (4) what kind of data are used and what processing of data is performed for application of ML models. This paper assessed the expansion and applicability of the proposed methodology to other areas (e.g., Earth system modeling, climate science). Furthermore, based on the identification of research gaps of ML models in each domain, this paper provides future direction of ML in civil engineering based on the approaches of dealing data (e.g., collection, handling, storage, and transmission) and hopes to help application of ML models in other fields.

How to cite: Kim, J. and Jung, D.: State-of-the-Art Review of Machine Learning Models in Civil Engineering: Based on DAMIE Classification Tree, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11636,, 2023.

EGU23-11756 * | Orals | ITS1.1/NH0.1 | Highlight

Digital twin computing for enhancing resilience of disaster response system 

Shunichi Koshimura and Erick Mas

Digital twin is now recognized as digital copies of physical world's objects stored in digital space and utilized to simulate the sequences and consequences of target phenomena. By incorporating physical world’s data into the digital twin, developers and users have a full view of the target through real-time feedback. Recent advances in high-performance computing and large-scale data fusion of sensing and observations of both natural and social phenomena are enhancing applicability of digital twin paradigm to natural disaster research. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are also being applied more and more widely across the world and contributing as essential elements of digital twin. Those have significant implications for disaster response and recovery to hold out the promise of dramatically improving our understanding of disaster-affected areas and responses in real-time.

A project is underway to enhance resilience of disaster response systems by constructing "Disaster Digital Twin" to support disaster response team in the anticipated tsunami disaster. “Disaster Digital Twin” platform consists of a fusion of real-time hazard simulation, e.g. tsunami inundation forecast, social sensing to identify dynamic exposed population, and multi-agent simulation of disaster response activities to find optimal allocation or strategy of response efforts, and achieve the enhancement of disaster resilience.

To achieve the goal of innovating digital twin computing for enhancing disaster resilience, four preliminary results are shown;

(1) Developing nation-wide real-time tsunami inundation and damage forecast system. The priority target for forecasting is the Pacific coast of Japan, a region where Nankai trough earthquake is likely to occur.

(2) Establishing a real-time estimation of the number of exposed population in the inundation zone and clarifying the relationship between the exposed population and medical demand.

(3) Developing a reinforcement learning-based multi-agent simulation of medical activities in the affected areas with use of damage information, medical demands, and resources in the medical facilities to fid optimal allocation of medical response.

(4) Developing a digital twin computing platform to support disaster medical response activities and find optimal allocation of disaster medical services through what-if analysis of multi-agent simulation.

How to cite: Koshimura, S. and Mas, E.: Digital twin computing for enhancing resilience of disaster response system, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11756,, 2023.

EGU23-12240 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.1/NH0.1

Classification Seismic Spectrograms from Deep Neural Network: Application to Alarm System of Post-failure Landslides 

Jui-Ming Chang, Wei-An Chao, and Wei-Kai Huang

Daman Landslide had blocked one of the three cross-island roads in Taiwan, and a road section has been under control since last October. During the period, more than thousands of small-scale post-failures occurred whose irregular patterns affected the safety of engineering workers for slope protection construction and road users. Therefore, we installed one time-lapse camera and two geophones at the crown and closed to the toe of the Daman landslide, respectively to train a classification model to offer in-situ alarm. According to time-lapse photos, those post failures can be categorized into two types. One is rock/debris moving and stopping above the upper slope or road, named type I, and the other is the rock/debris going through the road to download slope, named type II. Type I was almost recorded by the crown station, and type II was shown by both stations with different arrival times and the toe station’ high-frequency signals gradually rising (up to 100 Hz). Those distinct features were exhibited by spectrograms. To keep characteristics simultaneously, we merge two stations’ spectrograms as one to indicate different types of post-failures. However, frequent earthquakes affect the performance of the landslide’s discrimination, which should be involved in the classification model. A total of three labels, type I, type II, and earthquake, contained more than 15,000 images of spectrogram, have been used for deep neural network (DNN) to be a two-station-based automatic classifier. Further, user-defined parameters for the specific frequency band within fixed time span windows, including a sum of power spectrogram density, the arrival time of peak amplitude, cross-correlation coefficient, and signal-to-noise ratio, have been utilized for the decision tree algorithm. Both model results benefit the automatic classifier for post-failure alarms and can readily extend to monitor other landslides with frequent post-failures by transfer learning.

How to cite: Chang, J.-M., Chao, W.-A., and Huang, W.-K.: Classification Seismic Spectrograms from Deep Neural Network: Application to Alarm System of Post-failure Landslides, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12240,, 2023.

EGU23-12716 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.1/NH0.1

Investigating causal effects of anthropogenic factors on global fire modeling 

Nirlipta Pande and Wouter Dorigo

Humans significantly control the natural environment and natural processes. Global fire ignitions are a prime example of how human actions change the frequency of occurrence of otherwise rare events like wildfires. However, human controls on fire ignition are insufficiently characterised by global fire models because impacts are often indirect, complex, and collinear. Hence, modelling fire activity while considering the complex relationships amongst the input variables and their effect on global ignitions is crucial to developing fire models reflecting the real world. 

This presentation leverages causal inference and machine learning frameworks applied to global datasets of fire ignitions from Earth observations and potential drivers to uncover anthropogenic pathways on fire ignition. Potential fire controls include human predictors from Earth observations and statistical data combined with variables traditionally associated with fire activity, like weather, and vegetation abundance and state, derived from earth observations and models.

Our research models causal relationships between fire control variables and global ignitions using Directed Acyclic Graphs(DAGs). Here, every edge between variables symbolises a relation between them; the edge weight indicates the strength of the relationship, and the orientation of the edge between the variables signifies the cause-and-effect relationship between the variables. However, defining a fire ignition distribution using DAGs is challenging owing to the large combinatorial sample space and acyclicity constraint. We use Bayesian structure learning to make these approximations and infer the extent of human intervention when combined with climate variables and vegetation properties. Our research demonstrates the need for causal modelling and the inclusion of anthropogenic factors in global fire modelling.

How to cite: Pande, N. and Dorigo, W.: Investigating causal effects of anthropogenic factors on global fire modeling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12716,, 2023.

EGU23-13083 | Orals | ITS1.1/NH0.1

Machine learning modelling of compound flood events 

Agnieszka Indiana Olbert, Sogol Moradian, and Galal Uddin

Flood early warning systems are vital for preventing flood damages and for reducing disaster risks. Such systems are particularly important for forecasting compound events where multiple, often dependent flood drivers co-occur and interact. In this research an early warning system for prediction of coastal-fluvial floods is developed to provide a robust, cost-effective and time-efficient framework for management of flood risks and impacts. This three-step method combines a cascade of three linked models: (1) statistical model that determines probabilities of multiple-driver flood events, (2) hydrodynamic model forced by outputs from the statistical model, and finally (3) machine learning (ML) model that uses hydrodynamic outputs from various probability flood events to train the ML algorithm in order to predict the spatially and temporarily variable inundation patterns resulting from a combination of coastal and fluvial flood drivers occurring simultaneously.

The method has been utilized for the case of Cork City, located in the south-west of Ireland, which has a long history of fluvial-coastal flooding. The Lee  River channelling through the city centre may generate a substantial flood when the downstream river flow draining to the estuary coincides with the sea water propagating upstream on a flood tide. For this hydrological domain the statistical model employs the univariate extreme values analysis and copula functions to calculate joint probabilities of river discharges and sea water levels (astronomical tides and surge residuals) occurring simultaneously. The return levels for these two components along a return level curve produced by the copula function are used to generate synthetic timeseries, which serve as water level boundary conditions for a hydrodynamic flood model. The multi-scale nested flood model (MSN_Flood) was configured for Cork City at 2m resolution to simulate an unsteady, non-uniform flow in the Lee  River and a flood wave propagation over urban floodplains. The ensemble hydrodynamic model outputs are ultimately used to train and test a range machine learning models for prediction of flood extents and water depths. In total, 23 machine learning algorithms including: Artificial Neural Network, Decision Tree, Gaussian Process Regression, Linear Regression, Radial Basis Function, Support Vector Machine, and Support Vector Regression were employed to confirm that the ML algorithm can be used successfully to predict the flood inundation depths over urban floodplains for a given set of compound flood drivers. Here, the limited flood conditioning factors taken into account to analyse floods are the upstream flood hydrographs and downstream sea water level timeseries. To evaluate model performance, different statistical skill scores were computed. Results indicated that in most pixels, the Gaussian Process Regression model performs better than the other models.

The main contribution of this research is to demonstrate the ML models can be used in early warning systems for flood prediction and to give insight into the most suitable models in terms of robustness, accuracy, effectiveness, and speed. The findings demonstrate that ML models do help in flood water propagation mapping and assessment of flood risk under various compound flood scenarios.

How to cite: Olbert, A. I., Moradian, S., and Uddin, G.: Machine learning modelling of compound flood events, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13083,, 2023.

EGU23-14126 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.1/NH0.1

ML-based fire spread model and data pipeline optimization 

Tobias Bauer, Julia Miller, Julia Gottfriedsen, Christian Mollière, Juan Durillo Barrionuevo, and Nicolay Hammer

Climate change is one of the most pressing challenges to humankind today. The number and severity of wildfires are increasing in many parts of the world, with record-breaking temperatures, prolonged heat waves, and droughts. We can minimize the risks and consequences of these natural disasters by providing accurate and timely wildfire progression predictions through fire spread modeling. Knowing the direction and rate of spread of wildfires over the next hours can help deploy firefighting resources more efficiently and warn nearby populations hours in advance to allow safe evacuation.
Physics-based spread models have proven their applicability on a regional scale but often require detailed spatial input data. Additionally, rendering them in real-time scenarios can be slow and therefore inhibit fast output generation. Deep learning-based models have shown success in specific fire spread scenarios in recent years. But they are limited by their transferability to other regions, explainability, and longer training time. Accurate active fire data products and a fast data pipeline are additional essential requirements of a wildfire spread early-warning system.
In this study, physical models are compared to a deep learning-based CNN approach in terms of computational speed, area accuracy, and spread direction. We use a dataset of the 30 largest wildfires in the US in the year 2021 to evaluate the performance of the model’s predictions.
This work focuses in particular on the optimization of a cloud-based fire spread modeling data pipeline for near-real-time fire progression over the next  2 to 24 hours. We describe our data pipeline, including the collection and pre-processing of ignition points derived from remote sensing-based active fire detections. Furthermore, we use data from SRTM-1 as topography, ESA Land Cover and Corine Land Cover for fuel composition, and ERA-5 Reanalysis products for weather data inputs. The application of the physics-based models is derived from the open-source library ForeFire, to create and execute physical wildfire spread models from single fire ignition points as well as fire fronts. The predictions of the ForeFire model serve as a benchmark for the evaluation of the performance of our Convolutional Neural Network. The CNN forecasts the fire outline based on a spatiotemporal U-Net architecture. 
The scaling of the algorithms to a global setting is enabled by the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre. It enables large-scale cloud-based machine learning to provide a time-sensitive solution for operational fire spread modeling in emergency management based on real-time remote sensing information. 

How to cite: Bauer, T., Miller, J., Gottfriedsen, J., Mollière, C., Durillo Barrionuevo, J., and Hammer, N.: ML-based fire spread model and data pipeline optimization, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14126,, 2023.

EGU23-15711 | Orals | ITS1.1/NH0.1

A globally distributed dataset using generalized DL for rapid landslide mapping on HR satellite imagery 

Filippo Catani, Sansar Raj Meena, Lorenzo Nava, Kushanav Bhuyan, Silvia Puliero, Lucas Pedrosa Soares, Helen Cristina Dias, and Mario Floris

Multiple landslide events occur often across the world which have the potential to cause significant harm to both human life and property. Although a substantial amount of research has been conducted to address the mapping of landslides using Earth Observation (EO) data, several gaps and uncertainties remain when developing models to be operational at the global scale. To address this issue, we present the HR-GLDD, a high-resolution (HR) dataset for landslide mapping composed of landslide instances from ten different physiographical regions globally: South and South-East Asia, East Asia, South America, and Central America. The dataset contains five rainfall triggered and five earthquake-triggered multiple landslide events that occurred in varying geomorphological and topographical regions. HR-GLDD is one of the first datasets for landslide detection generated by high-resolution satellite imagery which can be useful for applications in artificial intelligence for landslide segmentation and detection studies. Five state-of-the-art deep learning models were used to test the transferability and robustness of the HR-GLDD. Moreover, two recent landslide events were used for testing the performance and usability of the dataset to comment on the detection of newly occurring significant landslide events. The deep learning models showed similar results for testing the HR-GLDD in individual test sites thereby indicating the robustness of the dataset for such purposes. The HR-GLDD can be accessed open access and it has the potential to calibrate and develop models to produce reliable inventories using high-resolution satellite imagery after the occurrence of new significant landslide events. The HR-GLDD will be updated regularly by integrating data from new landslide events.

How to cite: Catani, F., Meena, S. R., Nava, L., Bhuyan, K., Puliero, S., Pedrosa Soares, L., Dias, H. C., and Floris, M.: A globally distributed dataset using generalized DL for rapid landslide mapping on HR satellite imagery, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15711,, 2023.

EGU23-16626 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.1/NH0.1

Danish national early warning system for flash floods based on a gradient boosting machine learning framework 

Grith Martinsen, Yann Sweeney, Jonas Wied Pedersen, Roxana Alexandru, Sergi Capape, Charlotte Harris, Michael Butts, and Maria Diaz

Fluvial and flash floods can have devastating effects if they occur without warning. In Denmark, management of flood risk and performing preventative emergency service actions has been the sole responsibility of local municipalities. However, motivated by the disastrous 2021 floods in Central Europe, the Danish government has recently appointed the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) as the national authority for flood warnings in Denmark, and DMI is in the process of building capacity to fulfill this role.


One of the most cost-effective ways to mitigate flood damages is a well-functioning early warning system. Flood warning systems can rely on various methods ranging from human interpretation of meteorological and hydrological data to advanced hydrological modelling. The aim of this study is to generate short-range streamflow predictions in Danish river systems with lead times of 4-12 hours. To do so, we train and test models with hourly data on 172 catchments.


Machine learning (ML) models have in many cases been shown to outperform traditional hydrological models and offer efficient ways to learn patterns in historical data. Here, we investigate streamflow predictions with LightGBM, which is a gradient boosting framework that employs tree-based ML algorithms and is developed and maintained by Microsoft (Ke et al., 2017). The main argument for choosing a tree-based algorithm is its inherent ability to represent rapid dynamics often observed during flash floods. The main advantages of LightGBM over other tree-based algorithms are efficiency in training and lower memory consumption. We benchmark LightGBM’s performance against persistence, linear regression and various LSTM setups from the Neural Hydrology library (Kratzert et al., 2022).


We evaluate the algorithm trained using different input features. This analysis include model explainability, such as SHAP, and the results indicate that simply using lagged real-time observations of streamflow together with precipitation leads to the best performing and most parsimonious models. The results show that the LightGBM setup outperforms the benchmarks and is able to generate predictions with high Klinge-Gupta Efficiency scores > 0.9 in most catchments. Compared to the persistence benchmark it especially shows strong improvements on peak timing errors.

How to cite: Martinsen, G., Sweeney, Y., Pedersen, J. W., Alexandru, R., Capape, S., Harris, C., Butts, M., and Diaz, M.: Danish national early warning system for flash floods based on a gradient boosting machine learning framework, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16626,, 2023.

EGU23-39 | Orals | ITS1.12/NH0.2

Deep Convolutional Architectures for Uncertainty Quantification and Forecast in Inundation Problems 

Azzeddine Soulaïmani, Azzedine Abdedou, Yash Kumar, and Pratyush Bhatt

Most science and engineering problems are modeled by time-dependent and parametrized nonlinear partial differential equations. Their resolution with traditional computational methods may be too expensive, especially in the context of predictions with uncertainty quantification or optimization, to allow for rapid predictions.  In this talk, we will overview data-driven methods aimed at representing high-fidelity computational models by means of reduced-dimension surrogate ones.  Different approaches will be presented for the uncertainty quantification for reliable predictions and forecasts in inundation problems.

Particularly, a non-intrusive reduced-order model based on convolutional autoencoders is proposed as a data-driven tool to build an efficient nonlinear reduced-order model for stochastic spatiotemporal large-scale physical problems. The method uses two-level autoencoders to reduce the spatial and temporal dimensions from a set of high-fidelity snapshots collected from an in-house high-fidelity numerical solver of the shallow-water equations. The encoded latent vectors, generated from two compression levels, are then mapped to the input parameters using a regression-based multilayer perceptron. The accuracy of the proposed approach is compared to the linear reduced-order technique-based artificial neural network (POD-ANN) on benchmark tests (the Burgers and Stoker's solutions) and a hypothetical dam-break flow problem over a complex bathymetry river. The numerical results show that the proposed nonlinear framework presents strong predictive abilities to accurately approximate the statistical moments of the outputs for complex stochastic large-scale and time-dependent problems, with low computational cost during the predictive online stage.

The caveat that remains is the long-term temporal extrapolation for problems marked by sharp gradients and discontinuities. Our study explores forecasting convolutional architectures (LSTM, TCN, and CNN) to obtain accurate solutions for time-steps distant from the training domain, on advection-dominated test cases. A simple convolutional architecture is then proposed and shown to provide accurate results for the forecasts. To evaluate the epistemic uncertainties in the solutions, the methodology of deep ensembles is adopted.


  • Bhatt, Y. Kumar and A. Soulaïmani. Deep Convolutional Architectures for Extrapolative Forecast in Time-dependent Flow Problems, DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2209.09651.
  • Abdedou and A. Soulaïmani. Reduced-order modeling for stochastic large-scale and time-dependent problems using deep spatial and temporal convolutional autoencoders.
  • Jacquier, A. Abdedou, V. Delmas and A. Soulaimani. Non-intrusive reduced-order modeling using uncertainty-aware Deep Neural Networks and Proper Orthogonal Decomposition: Application to flood modeling. Journal of Computational Physics. Volume 424, 1 January 2021, 109854.
  • Abdedou and A. Soulaïmani. A non-intrusive reduced-order modeling for uncertainty propagation of time-dependent problems using a B-splines Bézier elements-based method and proper orthogonal decomposition: Application to dam-break flows. Computers & Mathematics with Applications. Volume 102, 15 November 2021, Pages 187-205.
  • Chaudhry and A. Soulaimani. A Comparative Study of Machine Learning Methods for Computational Modeling of the Selective Laser Melting Additive Manufacturing Process. Appl. Sci. 2022, 12(5), 2324;
  • Delmas and A. Soulaimani. Parallel high-order resolution of the Shallow-water equations on real large-scale meshes with complex bathymetries. Journal of Computational Physics. Volume 471, 15 December 2022, 111629


How to cite: Soulaïmani, A., Abdedou, A., Kumar, Y., and Bhatt, P.: Deep Convolutional Architectures for Uncertainty Quantification and Forecast in Inundation Problems, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-39,, 2023.

EGU23-554 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.12/NH0.2

Using machine learning to emulate the hydrodynamic model for flood inundation modelling 

Santosh Kumar Sasanapuri, Dhanya Chadrika Thulaseedharan, and Gosain Ashwini Kumar

Floods are one of the most devastating natural disasters in the world causing loss of human lives and property across the world. These losses can be minimized by accurate prediction of floods well in advance. However, 2D hydrodynamic models which are used for flood inundation modelling require high computational time and hence are unsuitable for development of real-time flood monitoring system in most cases. Therefore, a surrogate machine learning model named XGBoost Regressor (XBGR) is developed for flood inundation modelling. The developed model overcomes the constraint of high computational time required by 2D hydrodynamic models. The XGBR is developed to predict maximum flood depth map and is evaluated with the LISFLOOD-FP hydrodynamic model. The training data for the XGBR model is generated using the LISFLOOD-FP model. The surrogate model is trained on 21 flood events, tested on 4 and validated for 1 flood event. For better development of the surrogate model, physical characteristics of the study area are considered in the form of nine indices referred here as topographic variables along with the flood characteristic variables. However, to refrain the XGBR model from overfitting and decrease the training time, a feed forward feature selection method is used to select the best predictive topographic variables. Four topographic variables are selected after which there is no significant improvement in the model was found. Number of trees and learning rate parameters of XGBR model are parameterized which are having highest impact on the model performance. Mean absolute error (MAE) and root mean square error (RMSE) are used for evaluating model accuracy. For testing period, the average MAE and RMSE are 0.433 m and 0.780 m, respectively and for the validation event MAE and RMSE are 0.595 m and 0.960 m respectively. For evaluating the accuracy of the surrogate model on flood inundation extent, F1 score is used which is the harmonic mean of precision and recall. The F1 score is 0.908 for the testing events and is 0.931 for validation events. The higher value of F1 score (>0.9) indicates good accuracy of the XGBR model when validated using the hydrodynamic model.

How to cite: Sasanapuri, S. K., Chadrika Thulaseedharan, D., and Ashwini Kumar, G.: Using machine learning to emulate the hydrodynamic model for flood inundation modelling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-554,, 2023.

EGU23-5068 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.12/NH0.2

Advantages and promises of deep neural operators for the prediction of wave propagation 

Fanny Lehmann, Filippo Gatti, Michaël Bertin, and Didier Clouteau

Physics-based deep learning experienced a major breakthrough a few years ago with the advent of neural operators. Beyond the traditional use of deep neural networks to predict the solution to a fixed Partial Differential Equation (PDE), these novel methods are able to learn the operator solution to a class of PDEs.

Comparisons and analyses of popular neural operators such as Fourier Neural Operator and DeepONet have been conducted for numerical case studies. However, they are still lacking for more realistic problems in complex settings.

In this study, we compare several neural operators to predict the propagation of seismic waves in heterogeneous media. Our database is composed of more than 12 million ground motion timeseries generated from 50,000 media. We quantify the accuracy of the neural operators, their memory requirements, and their dependence towards both the initial condition and the PDE parameters. We also propose insights on their possible extension to 3 dimensions.

How to cite: Lehmann, F., Gatti, F., Bertin, M., and Clouteau, D.: Advantages and promises of deep neural operators for the prediction of wave propagation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5068,, 2023.

EGU23-5252 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.12/NH0.2

Hybrid generation based on machine learning to enhance numerical simulation for earthquake 

Gottfried Jacquet, Didier Clouteau, and Filippo Gatti

In the last decades, geophysicists have developed numerical simulators to predict earthquakes and other natural catastrophes. However, the more precise the model is, the higher the computational burden and the time to results. In addition, even if we could reproduce the phenomenon with more complex and more representative models, the underlying uncertainty would remain significantly high, affecting the reliability of the final prediction. In response to this challenge, we adopted a hybrid strategy, consisting into mixing physics-based numerical simulations and machine-learning. The goal is to transform synthetic earthquake ground motion, obtained via physics-based simulation, accurate up to a frequency of 5 Hz, into a broader-band prediction that mimics the recorded seismographs. In doing so, we factorize the latent representation of the seismic signal, by forcing an encoding that splits features into two parts: a low frequency one (0-1 Hz) and a high frequency one (1-20 Hz). In the following, we train a convolutional U-Net neural network and apply two different signal-to-signal translation techniques: pix2pix and BiCycleGAN. The latter strategies are compared with the prior work of Gatti et al., 2020, on the Stanford Earthquake Dataset (STEAD) showing their capability of mimicking recorded seismographs. We finally tested the two strategies on the synthetic time-histories obtained for the 2019 Le Teil earthquake (France).


How to cite: Jacquet, G., Clouteau, D., and Gatti, F.: Hybrid generation based on machine learning to enhance numerical simulation for earthquake, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5252,, 2023.

EGU23-7773 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.12/NH0.2

Integration of 3D surveying approaches for critical infrastructure digital twins in natural hazard-prone scenarios 

Federica Gaspari, Federico Barbieri, Francesco Ioli, Livio Pinto, and Paolo Valgoi

The fragile geomorphological context of Italy sets a variety of natural challenges, ranging from seismic to hydrogeological risk. In such a complex territory, documenting the conditions of infrastructures is crucial for planning adequate strategies of maintenance through 3D modelling for structural analysis and digital twins’ implementation of structures like dams (Pagliari et al., 2016) or bridges (Gaspari et al., 2022). Geomatics, through periodical surveys using state-of-the-art technologies, reconstruct accurate 3D models of structures that results in the generation of dense pointclouds from which polygon meshes can be derived as well as in the model integration in Building Information Modeling (BIM) or Finite Element Method (FEM) environments for the computation of simulations and deformation monitoring or structural health assessment analysis in support of decision making.

Such data are generated through different approaches. A traditional methodology first implies the materialization and measurement of a topographic network in a local system with a total station and its subsequent georeferencing in a global coordinate reference system through a roto-translation based on Global Navigation Satellite System observations of ground control points. In the same framework, scans for the acquisition of dense pointclouds are defined through the adoption of a terrestrial laser scanner (TLS). Hence, the execution of planned drone flights, with nadiral and side view of the structure and its surrounding environment, serving as input for the generation of photogrammetric cloud through a robust Structure from Motion data processing.

Implementing open-source WebGL solutions like Potree supports the digital twin and data sharing with audiences of different technical backgrounds, committers concerned with the adoption of a monitoring platform for integrating products in different format as well as experts with non-geomatics expertise interested in further analysis of collected data through computer vision and deep learning approches that enrich the existent documentation. With a user-friendly interactive web platforms users are able to access the 3D model, make measurements and execute simple processing operation like cross-sections and clipping (e.g.

Since 2019, the dams of the Sila mountains in the Calabria region represented the case study for testing the described integrated approach. The present work concerns the integration of data from different sensors (TLS for indoor and outdoor environment, photogrammetric images and lidar from drone) for the generation of the digital twin of the arcuate-plan gravity dam of Trepidò. The dam digital twin of the dam and adjacencies consists of a pointcloud of 2594370 points, with adaptive density and average accuracy of 1-2 cm for the structure and 10 cm for the downstream vegetated sediment. It can be used to increase knowledge of the structure (built in 1930) and for structural analysis.




Gaspari, F., Ioli, F., Barbieri, F., Belcore, E., and Pinto, L. (2022): Integration of UAV-LiDAR and UAV-photogrammetry for infrastructure monitoring and bridge assessment, Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLIII-B2-2022, 995–1002,

Pagliari, D., Rossi, L., Passoni, D., Pinto, L., de Michele, C., and Avanzi, F. (2016). Measuring the volume of flushed sediments in a reservoir using multi-temporal images acquired with UAS, Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 8(1), 150–166,

How to cite: Gaspari, F., Barbieri, F., Ioli, F., Pinto, L., and Valgoi, P.: Integration of 3D surveying approaches for critical infrastructure digital twins in natural hazard-prone scenarios, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7773,, 2023.

EGU23-9555 | Orals | ITS1.12/NH0.2

Towards the development of an AI-based early warning system: a deep learning approach to bias correct and downscale seasonal climate forecasts 

Fatemeh Heidari, Qing Lin, Edgar Fabián Espitia Sarmiento, Andrea Toreti, and Elena Xoplaki

Early warning systems protect and support lives, jobs, land and infrastructure. DAKI-FWS, a German national project, aims at developing an early warning system to protect the German society and economy against extreme weather and climate events such as floods, droughts and heatwaves. With a seasonal temporal horizon, DAKI-FWS requires high resolution and bias corrected seasonal forecast of daily minimum and maximum temperatures, daily precipitation and wind speed. To derive such information, we have developed a deep neural network (DNN) approach to downscale and bias correct coarse resolution seasonal forecast ensembles on a 1 degree grid to a 1 arc minute grid.

The proposed DNN approach is here analyzed and compared with other machine learning approaches. Results show that such a deep learning technique can generate realistic, temporally consistent, and high-resolution climate information. The statistical and physical properties of the generated ensembles are analyzed using spatial correlation, cross validation and SVD. The DNN predicts extreme values that are very close to the observed values while preserving the physical relationships in the system as well as the trends in the variables.

How to cite: Heidari, F., Lin, Q., Espitia Sarmiento, E. F., Toreti, A., and Xoplaki, E.: Towards the development of an AI-based early warning system: a deep learning approach to bias correct and downscale seasonal climate forecasts, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9555,, 2023.

EGU23-11462 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.12/NH0.2

A hybrid approach for declustering of earthquake catalogs 

Jonas Köhler, Wei Li, Johannes Faber, Georg Rümpker, Horst Stöcker, and Nishtha Srivastava

Usually, the earthquake catalog for a given region represents a collection of all detected and localized earthquakes and, thus, contains not only the main shocks, but also fore- and aftershocks. In order to perform an independent seismic event and seismic hazard analysis we require a catalog that, ideally, contains only mainshocks. Thus, the removal of dependent fore- and aftershocks from an earthquake catalogby declustering is a crucial step in seismic hazard analysis. Machine learning methods can potentially offer improvements in speed and accuracy in comparison to classical declustering approaches.

Here, we propose a hybrid approach to identify the temporal clusters of earthquakes from the catalogs of California (USGS) and Japan (ISC). We combine unsupervised 1-D clustering algorithms with seismologically informed methods and machine learning techniques. We use epidemic type aftershock sequence (ETAS) generated catalogs as well as classically declustered catalogs to benchmark the method.

How to cite: Köhler, J., Li, W., Faber, J., Rümpker, G., Stöcker, H., and Srivastava, N.: A hybrid approach for declustering of earthquake catalogs, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11462,, 2023.

The present paper focuses on the influence of Rayleigh and Love waves on the seismic structural performance of a simplified nonlinear beam structure representing a bridge column. The impact of surface waves in the structure is quantified directly by a coupled 3D SEM-FEM numerical wave
propagation simulation from the earthquake source to the structure using the Domain Reduction Method.
In the first step, ground motions, including basin-induced surface waves, are generated from a regional model containing the earthquake source and a simplified basin. Surface waves are extracted and characterized with the Normalized Inner Product (NIP) in terms of amplitude and
frequency content from ground motions at different locations inside the basin. In the second step, the seismic wavefield from the SE simulation is imposed in a FE model composed of a nonlinear structure placed over a portion of the basin sediments. The model considers soil-structure
interaction and structural non-linearity through a multifiber beam approach.
By placing the structure in different positions, the extracted surface waves and the structural damage can be linked to a specific location inside the basin. Therefore, the spatial variability of the structural damage and the surface wave characteristics can be quantified. Consequently, this work
evaluates if structural damage can be estimated only from typical ground motion intensity parameters or if other parameters associated with surface wave characteristics are necessary. The results show a correlation between obtained seismic damage with rotational components from
surface waves (torsion for Love waves and rocking for Rayleigh waves).

How to cite: Soto, V. and Lopez-Caballero, F.: Quantification of source- and basin-induced surface waves effects on the seismic performance of nonlinear structures, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11611,, 2023.

Solving partial differential equations (PDEs) stably and accurately is essential in simulation analysis of a variety of geophysical phenomena. Designing appropriate discretization schemes for PDEs requires careful and rigorous mathematical treatment and has been a long-term research topic. The computational efficiency is additionally a long-standing challenge when what-if hazard scenario analysis is considered. The data-driven discretization is a hybrid approach to combine machine learning and physics-based simulations, which provides a methodology to derive better discretization schemes from reliable references obtained typically using known stable schemes with higher resolution grids. As the resultant schemes may inherit the physics described by the PDEs, surrogate models employing them are expected to be in good agreement with expensive simulations. It is also argued that the learnt schemes by neural network models can exhibit similar characteristics to known sophisticated algorithms and outperform them in terms of accuracy. However, the method has currently been assessed with only limited examples and the detailed mechanisms of the learnt schemes are not well understood. In this presentation, thorough assessment and investigation of learning discretization schemes are conducted by applying the methodology to several types of differential equations with different learning models for the schemes. Whether the methodology has the potential to derive new schemes is also discussed.

How to cite: Ishikawa, T.: On learning discretization schemes of partial differential equations in geoscience, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11657,, 2023.

EGU23-13337 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.12/NH0.2

Tropical cyclone storm surge emulation around New Orleans 

Simon Thomas, Dan(i) Jones, Talea Mayo, and Devaraj Gopinathan

Storm surges can have devastating effects on coastal communities. These events, often caused by tropical cyclones, are difficult to simulate due to the challenging nature of process-based modelling and the relative paucity of data covering extreme tropical cyclone conditions. In order to make optimal use of existing physical models, we build an emulator to actively learn the relationship between tropical cyclone characteristics and maximum storm surge height.


We used the ADCIRC physical storm surge model, a reliable but costly tool, to simulate a series of representative tropical cyclones that typically affect the coast near New Orleans. These initial storms were sampled using Latin hypercube design, varying tropical cyclone characteristics such as the landfall speed, central pressure, and others. By running the ADCIRC model for each of these events, we were able to determine the maximum sea surface height caused by each simulated storm. Next, we trained a Gaussian process to fit the maximum sea levels at each point along the coast given the tropical cyclones' characteristics as input. Through active learning, we iteratively selected additional tropical cyclones to further improve the emulator’s accuracy. Finally, we evaluated the model's performance using a held-out test set of idealised tropical cyclones.


Our emulator approach allowed us to efficiently create a high-quality, low-cost statistical model that can potentially be used to predict the probability of future storm surge heights. Additionally, it allowed us to separate uncertainties in the input distribution of tropical cyclone characteristics from uncertainties in the model itself. By better understanding these sources of uncertainties, we can work towards more accurately assessing the potential impacts of future storms on coastal communities.

How to cite: Thomas, S., Jones, D., Mayo, T., and Gopinathan, D.: Tropical cyclone storm surge emulation around New Orleans, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13337,, 2023.

EGU23-15645 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.12/NH0.2

Social & Physics Based Data Driven Methods for Wildfire Prediction 

Jake Lever, Sibo Cheng, and Rossella Arcucci

Twitter is increasingly being used as a real-time human-sensor network during natural disasters, detecting, tracking and documenting events. Current wildfire models currently largely omit social media data, representing a shortcoming in current models, as valuable and timely information is transmitted via this channel. By including this data as a real-time data source, we aim to help disaster managers make more informed, socially driven decisions, by detecting and monitoring online social media sentiment over the course of a wildfire event. This monitoring model is coupled to a real-time forecasting of wildfire dynamics.

Real-time forecasting of wildfire dynamics, which has attracted increasing attention recently in fire safety science, is extremely challenging due to the complexities of the physical models and the geographical features. Running physics-based simulations for large-scale wildfires can be computationally difficult. We propose a novel algorithm scheme, which combines reduced-order modelling (ROM), recurrent neural networks (RNN), data assimilation (DA) and error covariance tuning for real-time forecasting/monitoring of the burned area. An operating cellular automata (CA) simulator is used to compute a data-driven surrogate model for forecasting fire diffusions. A long-short-term-memory (LSTM) neural network is used to build sequence-to-sequence predictions following the simulation results projected/encoded in a reduced-order latent space. 

We implement machine learning in a wildfire prediction model, using social media and geophysical data sources with sentiment analysis to predict wildfire instances and characteristics with high accuracy. The geophysical data is satellite data provided by the Global Fire Atlas, and social data is provided by Twitter. In doing this, we perform our own data collection and analysis, comparing regional differences in online social sentiment expression.

The performance of the proposed algorithm has been tested in recent massive wildfire events in California.

How to cite: Lever, J., Cheng, S., and Arcucci, R.: Social & Physics Based Data Driven Methods for Wildfire Prediction, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15645,, 2023.

EGU23-16906 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.12/NH0.2

Efficient Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard and Risk Assessment Using a Hybrid Modeling Approach: A Systematic Evaluation 

Naveen Ragu Ramalingam, Alice Abbate, Erlend Briseid Storrøsten, Kendra Johnson, Gareth Davies, Stefano Lorito, Marco Pagani, and Mario Martina

The hybrid modelling approach combining machine learning and physics-based simulation has been used in a variety of ways to study tsunami and improve our understanding of this complex natural hazard. They are broadly applied for (1) Tsunami forecasting and early warning systems and (2) Tsunami hazard and risk assessment including sensitivity, analysis uncertainty studies and inverse modelling for estimating the source. 

Rigorous evaluation of such a hybrid approach is constrained by the limited size of available simulation datasets which is important to guide their usage by practitioners. This study investigates the application of a hybrid tsunami modelling technique (Ragu Ramalingam et al., 2022, Ragu Ramalingam et al., 2022) which offers a computationally efficient approach for hazard assessment where large events-sets must be modelled typical of probabilistic tsunami hazard and risk assessment (PTHA/PTRA). We use a large tsunami simulation dataset for a coastal region of eastern Sicily, Italy and try to address the following question:

  • How to efficiently sample scenarios used to train the ML models?
  • Where and when are such methods accurate? 
  • How do they compare with other traditional modelling methods like Monte Carlo Sampling?

Additionally, the effort will deliver an open tsunami benchmarking dataset that can be utilised for further development, baseline comparison of various ML algorithms, and improved hyperparameter tuning.


Ragu Ramalingam, N., Johnson, K., Pagani, M., and Martina, M.: A hybrid ML-physical modelling approach for efficient approximation of tsunami waves at the coast for probabilistic tsunami hazard assessment, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-5642,, 2022.

Ragu Ramalingam, N., Rao, A., Johnson, K., Pagani, M. and Martina, M. A hybrid ML-physical modelling approach for efficient probabilistic tsunami hazard and risk assessment, Proceedings of the 19th Annual Meeting of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS 2022), August 1-5, 2022, Virtual.

How to cite: Ragu Ramalingam, N., Abbate, A., Briseid Storrøsten, E., Johnson, K., Davies, G., Lorito, S., Pagani, M., and Martina, M.: Efficient Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard and Risk Assessment Using a Hybrid Modeling Approach: A Systematic Evaluation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16906,, 2023.

Effective support for people´s responses to climate change requires knowledge on the gap between physical climate change science and practices where the responses are realized. Studies have shown that individuals´ strong belief in local impacts of climate change is an important driver of climate change response (e.g. Blennow et al. 2012). Arguably this belief can be fortified by the belief that one has experienced the local impacts of climate change. However, a recent study shows that while responses to climate change correlate positively with the strength of belief that one has experienced negative local impacts of climate change, experience of positive local climate change impacts can either promote or inhibit the response (Blennow and Persson 2021). If the intention is adaptation to the impacts of climate change, positive experiences of climate change promote the response but if the intention is climate change mitigation, experience of positive impacts of climate change inhibit the response.

While strong belief in the local impacts of climate change is a prerequisite of climate change response, for adaptation, the agent also needs detailed knowledge of the causal links between climate change and the negative and positive values of expected climate change related impacts (Blennow et al. 2020). Decision-making in favor of adaptation to climate change generally increases with the absolute value of the net of positive and negative expected impacts in the absence of ‘tipping point’ behavior (Persson et al. 2020; Blennow et al. 2020). Tipping point behaviour occurs when adaptation is not pursued in spite of the strongly negative or positive net value of expected climate change impacts. For mitigation, moreover, it is important that the net value of expected impacts is negative and not positive (Blennow and Persson 2021). We discuss the implications of the results for policies aiming at supporting responses to climate change, such as communications that help the receiver subjectively attribute the causes of an event to climate change.



Blennow, K. Persson, J., 2021. To Mitigate or Adapt? Explaining Why Citizens Responding to Climate Change Favour the Former. Land, 10, 240.

Blennow, K., Persson, J., Tomé, M., & Hanewinkel, M., 2012. Climate change: believing and seeing implies adapting. PLOS ONE, 7(11):e50181.

Blennow, K. Persson, J., Gonçalves, L.M.S., Borys, A., Dutcă, I., Hynynen, J., Janeczko, E., Lyubenova, M., Merganič, J., Merganiová, K., Peltoniemi, M., Petr, M., Reboredo, F., Vacchiano, G., Reyer, C.P.O., 2020. The role of beliefs, expectations and values in decision-making favoring climate change adaptation – implications for communications with European forest professionals. Environmental Research Letters,15: 114061.  /

Persson, J., Blennow, K., Gonçalves, L.M.S., Borys, A., Dutca, I., Hynynen, J., Janeczko, E., Lyubenova, M., Martel, S., Merganic, J., Merganicova, K., Peltoniemi, M., Petr, M., Reboredo, F., Vacchiano, G., Reyer, C.P.O., 2020. No polarization – expected values of climate change impacts among European forest professionals and scientists. Sustainability, 12, 2659; doi:10.3390/su12072659

How to cite: Blennow, K. and Persson, J.: The role of beliefs, expectations and values for decision-making in response to climate change, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6880,, 2023.

EGU23-8097 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.4/NH0.4

Climate X: Making climate risk data useful and usable for the financial sector 

Sally Woodhouse, Claire Burke, Nick Leach, James Brennan, Graham Reveley, Laura Ramsamy, and Hamish Mitchell

Increasingly the financial sector is interested in understanding their risk to the impacts of climate change. This is driven both by governmental regulation that requires financial services to declare their risks due to climate change, as well as a desire to mitigate risks to profits that climate change poses.

To generate useful and accurate risks assessments users need access to high quality data of the projected changes to hazard due to climate change. However, there is typically a gap between scientific research and what our clients need to understand their risk. Many of the most damaging hazards, such as flooding and subsidence, are not directly modelled by climate models and require specialist hazard knowledge and well as climate data to assess. Scientific studies often focus on large scale changes or small regional studies, whereas clients need consistent high-resolution data across multiple regions. Additionally, a risk portfolio covers a wide range of climate related hazards, which all must be considered when understanding and attempting to mitigate risk. Users will often not have the inhouse knowledge to use data generated by the scientific community directly or the expertise to assess how this relates to the risks posed by different hazards. Therefore, the financial sector is turning to external data providers for this information, such as Climate X.

This talk will cover how at Climate X we make reliable and robust risk assessments of climate hazards that are presented in a way that is usable and useful for the financial sector as well as various other decision makers. The focus will be on how we use open-source climate model data to generate our heat risk metric. This will cover the definition of the metric, how it is calculated and how we how we present the data to users including accuracy and uncertainty. I will also present overview of the other hazards that we provide and the need for an interdisciplinary team to cover the broad range of physical hazards related to climate change.

How to cite: Woodhouse, S., Burke, C., Leach, N., Brennan, J., Reveley, G., Ramsamy, L., and Mitchell, H.: Climate X: Making climate risk data useful and usable for the financial sector, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8097,, 2023.

EGU23-10040 | Posters on site | ITS4.4/NH0.4

Communicating impacts of climate change with the RECEIPT storyline visualizer 

Gijs van den Oord, Maarten van Meersbergen, Peter Kok, Jesus Garcia Gonzales, Sander van Rijn, Alessio Ciullo, Elco Koks, Ertug Ercin, Henrique Moreno Dumont Goulart, Esther Boere, Christian Otto, Patryk Kubiczek, Robin Middelanis, Carla Mauricio, Keren Prize Bolter, Dana Stuparu, and Bart van den Hurk

Disseminating the effects of climate change and its potential future impacts to a wider audience is a demanding task, yet of great importance to society. Moreover, quantifying causal chains emerging from global warming is often impeded by the growth of unknown parameters related to modeling socio-economic responses. One method to obtain insights into the complex consequences of climate change is the use of physical climate storylines. Conceptually, storylines correspond to reasonable choices for the unknowns within the modeled impact transmission chain. They allow us to understand and describe the unfolding of climate-induced extreme events, making the impacts of global warming tangible to a wide range of potential stakeholders.

The RECEIPT project develops and applies the concept of climate storylines to provide risk information on climate change effects with a remote origin and an impact on European socio-economic sectors. Sectors that are being addressed within RECEIPT are the European critical infrastructure, manufacturing chains, the food system, financial markets and European international cooperation with (developing) regions. Experts within the consortium construct credible storylines for these sectors, often starting from extreme, disrupting historical events and translating these to counterfactual climate and socio-economic futures. These analyses are being published in scientific journals, but the RECEIPT consortium envisions an alternative dissemination channel to target a larger community.

The storyline visualizer ( is an interactive, web-based user interface, aimed at communicating physical climate storylines to an audience of informed stakeholders. The visualizer enables storyline developers in RECEIPT to structure their message into a logical progression of sections, and support each page with text, pictures, geospatial data and interactive charts. The visualizer also allows the user to explore data used within the storyline and browse through counterfactual futures. Currently, five storylines have been visualized with this platform, describing:

  • the future impacts of sea level rise and storm surges upon critical infrastructure around the French Atlantic coast, based upon storm Xynthia;

  • increased impacts of cyclones upon European overseas territories and the sustainability of the European Solidarity Fund within this context;

  • soy production disruptions in a warming climate and their impact on the European food system;

  • multi-breadbasket harvest failures, locust infestations and their impact upon food security in the Greater Horn of Africa;

  • the impact of extreme hurricanes in the Houston metropolitan area for global manufacturing chains and European industry.

Implementing these studies as captivating climate storylines in the visualizer has taught us valuable lessons; one particular challenge has been to handle the growing complexity of the analyses when multiple socio-economic aspects are taken into account. Using a minimalist approach, shifting the focus towards the modeled impacts rather than the full academic reasoning, have appeared to be a useful path forward, resulting in accessible yet credible storylines of climate impacts. In this session, we plan to showcase the capabilities of the storyline visualizer, review lessons learned during the implementation process and discuss possible applications beyond RECEIPT.

How to cite: van den Oord, G., van Meersbergen, M., Kok, P., Garcia Gonzales, J., van Rijn, S., Ciullo, A., Koks, E., Ercin, E., Moreno Dumont Goulart, H., Boere, E., Otto, C., Kubiczek, P., Middelanis, R., Mauricio, C., Prize Bolter, K., Stuparu, D., and van den Hurk, B.: Communicating impacts of climate change with the RECEIPT storyline visualizer, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10040,, 2023.

EGU23-11023 | Orals | ITS4.4/NH0.4

AI for Climate Adaptation? 

Tina-Simone Neset, Katerina Vrotsou, Carlo Navarra, Fredrik Schück, Clara Greve Villaro, Magnus Mateo Edström, and Caroline Rydholm

In October 2021, the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute launched a novel national system for impact-based weather warnings, moving from the traditional format for meteorological, hydrological, and oceanographic warnings towards an assessment process that includes collaboration and consultation with regional stakeholders on the impacts that certain weather events would have for a specific geographic area and time frame. As part of this new system, local and regional administrative efforts are made to create assessment-support documentation drawing on local knowledge and providing support ahead of and during extreme weather events.

We present initial results from the ongoing research project ‘AI4ClimateAdaptation’ (, which explores the potential of employing AI-based image and text analysis to support the process and evaluate the precision of impact-based weather warnings. The project collects image and text data appropriate for subsequent use in AI-based analysis from citizen science campaigns and social media. The presentation focuses on the concept of integrating AI-based text and image analysis with the processes of the warning system, as well as the barriers and enablers that are identified by local, regional, and national stakeholders related to the role of AI in weather warning systems. We further discuss to what extent data and knowledge on historical extreme weather events can be integrated with local and regional climate adaptation efforts, and whether these efforts could bridge the divide between long-term adaptation strategies and short-term response measures related to extreme weather events. The results of this study are expected to contribute to the national system for impact-based weather warnings and to increase resilience to extreme climate-related weather events.

How to cite: Neset, T.-S., Vrotsou, K., Navarra, C., Schück, F., Greve Villaro, C., Mateo Edström, M., and Rydholm, C.: AI for Climate Adaptation?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11023,, 2023.

EGU23-11292 | Orals | ITS4.4/NH0.4

Challenges and opportunities of knowledge co-creation for the water-energy-land nexus 

Nicu Constantin Tudose, Mirabela Marin, Sorin Cheval, and Cezar Ungurean

The pressure on natural resources including water, energy and land is continuously growing through changes in climate and land use. Representatives of academia, industry, governments and society need to join forces in order to develop new pathways towards sustainable natural resource use and management. Such pathways start from the basic idea that natural resources are finite and interlinked and that human activities can affect these resources and links, with partly irreversible effects. We combine the water−energy−land nexus and the climate services concept and present a cross-sectoral approach of knowledge co-creation to inform natural resource use and management. The approach is tested in three case studies across Europe that face different challenges resulting from climate and socio-economic change. We present the process, applied methods and major results of knowledge co-creation for sustainable natural resource use and management, and we reflect on the challenges and opportunities from engaging multiple stakeholders. Even if a comprehensive, cross-sectoral approach encourages embedding the water−energy−land nexus into climate services and allows the development of pathways towards sustainable natural resource use and management, maintaining these achievements and partnerships beyond the lifetime of a research project remains challenging.

How to cite: Tudose, N. C., Marin, M., Cheval, S., and Ungurean, C.: Challenges and opportunities of knowledge co-creation for the water-energy-land nexus, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11292,, 2023.

EGU23-13145 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.4/NH0.4

Implications of governance mechanisms for spanning boundaries and managing risk  

Lydia Cumiskey, Denise McCullagh, Pia-Johanna Schweizer, and Sukaina Bharwani

Managing flood risk and adapting to climate change is complex where multiple actors need to work together across sectoral and disciplinary boundaries to capture synergies and manage trade-offs. A selection of governance mechanisms were found to influence actors’ capacity to work in partnership, break down silos and unlock opportunities.

Results from research conducted within the SYSTEM-RISK project identifies boundary spanning roles as governance mechanisms facilitating integrated flood risk management in England and Serbia (Cumiskey, 2020). Among other characteristics, the ‘reticulist’ was found to utlise networks and diplomacy to access funding, ‘entrepreneurs’ acted creatively to capture funding and test the flexibility of rules, ‘interpreters’ built interpersonal relationships and interpreted different professional languages, ‘organisers’ managed actor partnerships and ‘specialists’ were willing to engage and try new approaches. The availability of rules and resources influenced capacities to hire, train and sustain such boundary spanning staff.  Results highlighting the dynamic interdependencies between such roles and the governance system will be shared.

Place-based adaptation partnerships were found as another governance mechanism, strengthening collaboration, knowledge exchange and joint action across boundaries. The Climate Adaptation Partnership Framework1 was developed through the TalX project (Transboundary Adaptation Learning Exchange) to collate learning from applications in Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales and provide guidance for stakeholders interested in implementing such partnerships.  

The RISK-TANDEM framework is being developed within the DIRECTED project (Horizon Europe, 2022 - 2026) to enhance risk governance, knowledge co-production and interoperability across data, models and tools to enable disaster resilience in four Real World Lab regions. An initial version of the framework, which builds upon the existing Tandem Framework2 (among others) will be shared along with plans for implementation.   

The role of such governance mechanisms in integrating research, innovation and science in a collaborative way will be introduced, while opening the discussion on how to improve the application of such mechanisms to facilitate future engaged research.


Cumiskey, L. (2020). Embracing boundary spanning roles in Flood Risk Management. PhD Research Briefing Note 2. Middlesex University. Available at:

1 Climate Adaptation Partnership Framework. Available at:

2 The Tandem framework: a holistic approach to co-designing climate services. Available at:

How to cite: Cumiskey, L., McCullagh, D., Schweizer, P.-J., and Bharwani, S.: Implications of governance mechanisms for spanning boundaries and managing risk , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13145,, 2023.

EGU23-14166 * | ECS | Orals | ITS4.4/NH0.4 | Highlight

Reversing the impact chain 

Peter Pfleiderer, Jana Sillmann, Robin Lamboll, Joeri Rogelj, and Carl-Friedrich Schleussner

Climate impacts have been studied intensively and our understanding of changes in climate impacts due to anthropogenic activity is impressive (see IPCC AR6). There is, however, a gap between the physical understanding of changes in climate impacts and availability of information that could directly be used by adaptation planners. We argue that this gap is to a large extent a result of the usual modeling chain that is based on a handful of representative emission scenarios.

Most climate change studies take a small, predefined set of emission scenarios (SSP2-45, SSP1-26, SSP5-85 etc.) and calculate the global and regional climate impacts resulting from these. Focusing on a limited set of emission scenarios allows us to compare results from different modeling groups and lets us run detailed climate models on each scenario. However, this modeling approach does not align with relevant research questions such as: “How much can be emitted to avoid a certain impact?” Or “what are the emission constraints to limit the probability of experiencing a certain event until 2050 to 10%?”

The presented reversal of the impact chain would help to answer these questions. The idea is to start from a clearly defined impact and evolve uncertainties backwards into the emission space. Doing so, we take the perspective of practitioners who know very well what impacts are of relevance and would like to know how these impacts are related to greenhouse gas emissions.

How to cite: Pfleiderer, P., Sillmann, J., Lamboll, R., Rogelj, J., and Schleussner, C.-F.: Reversing the impact chain, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14166,, 2023.

EGU23-14580 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.4/NH0.4

Strategic litigation on climate change adaptation: The case of public authorities’ liability in flood risk reduction 

Riccardo Luporini, Marcello Arosio, Emanuele Sommario, and Mario Martina

Strategic climate change litigation is rising on a global scale as a tool to bridge the accountability and enforcement gap that is currently affecting climate change law. The vast majority of strategic climate cases concern mitigation, while adaptation is rarely addressed, and when it is, this is done in a rather residual and vague manner (Setzer and Higham, 2022). However, if it is true that states and corporate actors are lagging behind their emission reduction commitments, at the same time ‘at current rates of adaptation planning and implementation, the adaptation gap will continue to grow’ (IPCC, 2022). Accordingly, once strategic litigation is found to be a suitable tool to advance climate action, opportunities to litigate adaptation strategically should be further explored.

 The role of science in substantiating climate change litigation is very much under the spotlight when it comes to the determination of emission reduction targets, carbon budget and ‘fair shares’ in mitigation cases (BIICL and Sant’Anna, 2021). On the other hand, science does not yet provide accurate indicators of adaptation progress or lack thereof and this contributes to narrowing down opportunities for strategic litigation on adaptation (Berrang-Ford, Biesbroek et al, 2019).

Against this background, this study aims to investigate the role of geosciences in fostering strategic litigation on climate change adaptation. This objective is pursued via a case study. The study builds hypothetical strategic cases concerning public authorities’ liability for flood risk reduction and investigates the potential role of geosciences in such cases. How can geosciences help determine the impacts of climate change on flood risk in a given area and the consequent exposure and vulnerability of specific communities? What does a science-based assessment of given adaptation and flood risk reduction policies and measures look like? To what extent can geosciences determine the activities that public authorities should take to reduce flood risk in a certain area? And, finally, how far can existing commitments in the area of disaster risk reduction and human rights be used in order to distill concrete obligations in terms of adaptation to climate change-induced hazards? The study aims to address these questions by means of an interdisciplinary approach based on combining legal and policy practice with sound geoscience methodology.


Joana Setzer and Catherine Higham, ‘Global trends in climate change litigation: 2022 snapshot’, (2022) Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment and Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy, London School of Economics and Political Science

IPCC [Hans-O Pörtner et al. (eds)], Climate Change 2022 Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Working Group II Contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Summary for Policy Makers

A Holzhausen, R Luporini (Eds), The Role of Science in Climate Change Litigation: International Workshop Report, (July 2021)

Lea Berrang-Ford, Robbert Biesbroek, et al, Tracking global climate change adaptation among governments, Nature Climate Change 9, 440–449 (2019)

How to cite: Luporini, R., Arosio, M., Sommario, E., and Martina, M.: Strategic litigation on climate change adaptation: The case of public authorities’ liability in flood risk reduction, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14580,, 2023.

Climate change is posing challenges for operating and designing critical infrastructure. Increasingly, AI has been used to enhance these decision making process. Reinforcement Learning has shown its advantages in dealing with difficult sequential decision making in games. When scaling to real life applications, their complexity and heterogenous nature potentially will require Multi Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) to provide adaptive capacity in a distributed manner. However, the human system is also characterised by the diverse belief of each individuals and groups - a feature that was captured in agent based models. AI/agent systems are evolving to work with human and become ubiquitous in real life/applications critical to society (such as health and transport). We argue that allowing belief transfer and full interactions across MARL actors in a three-layer model capturing data uncertainty, logical model and belief will help create a heterogeneous MARL system for better human-AI interaction that better aligns with human thoughts/values for actionable climate decisions.

How to cite: Hoang, L. and Smyrnakis, M.: Towards teaching multi agent system the concept of risks and safety for actionable climate decisions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15960,, 2023.

EGU23-16311 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.4/NH0.4

Flood risk assessment in support of the evaluation and selection of risk mitigation measures 

Alice Gallazzi, Francesco Ballio, Daniela Molinari, Marina Credali, and Immacolata Tolone

The purpose of the study is to define how the models available for flood damage assessment in the Italian context can support cost-benefit or multi-criteria analyses of risk mitigation measures, in accordance with current laws and regulations on the subject. On the basis of the present situation in which risk mitigation measures are evaluated mostly according to their capability of reducing the hazard and by considering few simple exposure factors, the study aims at identifying more robust indicators to assess measures effectiveness based on results from flood damage modelling. State of the art flood damage models developed within the context of the project MOVIDA (MOdello per la Valutazione Integrata del Danno Alluvionale – Model for integrated evaluation of flood damage, were applied to evaluate the expected damage in several flood prone areas within the Lombardia Region (northern Italy), where mitigation actions are planned by the Regional Authority. Then, obtained results for these areas were analysed to define effectiveness indicators as well as their range of values. Finally, specific indicators were developed to evaluate the environmental impact of each intervention according to present policies to promote sustainable investments in the field of soil protection as well as contribute to achieve Green Deal goals. Results show that developed indicators increase the ability of local authorities in the definition of priorities of intervention, leading to a reduction of institutional and legislative inefficiencies and increasing the efficiency of disaster risk reduction policies.

How to cite: Gallazzi, A., Ballio, F., Molinari, D., Credali, M., and Tolone, I.: Flood risk assessment in support of the evaluation and selection of risk mitigation measures, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16311,, 2023.

EGU23-17453 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.4/NH0.4

Next Steps for Earth Science Contributions to Community Resilience 

Sruti Modekurty, Arika Virapongse, Rupanwita Gupta, Zachary J. Robbins, Jonathan Blythe, and Ruth E. Duerr

Community resilience increases a place-based community’s capacity to respond and adapt to life-changing environmental dynamics like climate change and natural disasters. Timely access to environmental data is an important factor for community resilience. Most Earth science information is created for a particular science community for a specific scientific purpose, without much thought to who else could benefit from it and how they might use it. New approaches are needed to facilitate better data production and integration for community use.

In this session, we present the findings of a paper published by ESIP’s (Earth Science Information Partners) Community Resilience Cluster. As a convening space for over 150 member organizations across different sectors, ESIP’s biannual meetings, conference calls, and topic-driven clusters provided the infrastructure and expertise to support the Community Resilience cluster’s examination of the role of Earth science data for community resilience. This presentation highlights the challenges communities face when applying Earth science data to their efforts:

• Inequity in the scientific process,

• Gaps in data ethics and governance,

• A mismatch of scale and focus, and

• Lack of actionable information for communities.

Recommendations are made as starting points to address the challenges, along with examples of good practices from across the Earth science community. Given ESIP’s data stewardship efforts with large organizations and across domains, the recommendations are applicable at scale. We offer actionable steps for the Earth science community to help them produce data to better support community resilience.

How to cite: Modekurty, S., Virapongse, A., Gupta, R., Robbins, Z. J., Blythe, J., and Duerr, R. E.: Next Steps for Earth Science Contributions to Community Resilience, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17453,, 2023.

EGU23-1988 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.4/NH0.6

Changes in Compound Flood Event frequency in Northern and Central Europe under climate change 

Philipp Heinrich, Stefan Hagemann, and Ralf Weisse

The simultaneous occurrence of increased river discharge and high coastal water levels may cause compound flooding. Compound flood events can potentially cause greater damage than the separate occurrence of the underlying extreme events, making them essential for risk assessment. Even though a general increase in the frequency and/or severity of compound flood events is assumed due to climate change, there have been very few studies conducted for larger regions of Europe. Our work, therefore, focuses on the high-resolution analysis of changes in extreme events of coastal water levels, river discharge, and their concurrent appearance at the end of this century in Northern and Central Europe (2070-2100). For this, we analyse downscaled data sets from two global climate models for the two emissions scenarios RCP2.6 and RCP8.5.

First, we compare the historical runs of the downscaled GCMs to historical reconstruction data to investigate if they deliver comparable results for Northern and Central Europe. Then we study changes in the intensity of extreme events, their number, and the duration of extreme event seasons under climate change. Our analysis shows increases in compound flood events over the whole European domain, mostly due to the rising sea level. This increase is concomitant with an increase in the annual compound flood event season duration.

Furthermore, the sea level rise associated with a global warming of 1.5K will result in a 50% increase in compound flood events for nearly every European river considered.

How to cite: Heinrich, P., Hagemann, S., and Weisse, R.: Changes in Compound Flood Event frequency in Northern and Central Europe under climate change, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1988,, 2023.

EGU23-2079 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.4/NH0.6

Hotspots and impacts of present and future compound hot and dry summers in Europe 

Andrea Böhnisch, Elizaveta Felsche, Magdalena Mittermeier, Benjamin Poschlod, and Ralf Ludwig

Compound hot and dry events (such as recent summers of 2015, 2018 and 2022 in Europe) have an impact on a wide range of sectors, including health, transport, energy production, ecology, agriculture and forestry. The co-occurrence of extreme heat and drought poses a risk to water security in particular, since heat exacerbates moisture shortages during dry periods through increased evapotranspiration while at the same time water demand increases (e.g., for drinking water, cooling, irrigation). Current research suggests that climate change will increase the intensity, frequency, and duration of joint hot and dry extreme events in Europe. However, most studies focus on the drivers applying coarse-resolution global climate models.

This study exploits a 50-member single-model initial condition large ensemble (SMILE) of the Canadian Regional Climate Model, version 5, at 12 km resolution (CRCM5-LE, RCP 8.5 from 2006 onwards, driven by the Canadian Earth System Model Version 2 large ensemble, CanESM2-LE). The application of a regional SMILE provides an extensive database of compound events and, subsequently, robust estimations of their occurrence changes across Europe, from current to future states and in high geographical detail.

We define compound hot and dry summers based on joint exceedances of temperature and (negative) precipitation thresholds (2001-2020 JJA 95th percentiles). By considering low soil moisture (below regional 2001-2020 JJA 10th percentile) as an impact indicator, we further show the spatially varying connection between compound hot and dry summers and low water availability in Europe. Compound event occurrences are investigated in a current climate (2001-2020) and future 20-year slices at global warming levels (GWL, derived from the CanESM2-LE) of +2 °C and +3 °C, with each period represented by 1000 model years. Last, we investigate the underlying processes (e.g., heat budget terms) of changing event occurrences and their spatial distribution, and discuss the land use-specific (e.g., urban, agricultural, natural) exposure to impacts on water availability during compound hot and dry summers.

We identify areas in the Mediterranean and northern France as hotspots with a fivefold occurrence frequency of compound hot and dry summers for +2 °C GWL. With +3 °C GWL, the Mediterranean, France, Belgium, southern Germany, Switzerland, and the south of UK and Ireland are affected by a tenfold occurrence frequency with respect to current climate.

This study is an important boundary condition to the development of adaptation strategies for the affected regions.  At the same time, it quantifies the reduction of event occurrence in a +2°C world compared to the higher GWL of +3°C, highlighting the importance of climate mitigation strategies and policies.

How to cite: Böhnisch, A., Felsche, E., Mittermeier, M., Poschlod, B., and Ludwig, R.: Hotspots and impacts of present and future compound hot and dry summers in Europe, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2079,, 2023.

EGU23-3133 | Posters on site | ITS1.4/NH0.6

Changes in temperature-precipitation correlations over Europe: Are climate models reliable? 

Mathieu Vrac, Soulivanh Thao, and Pascal Yiou

Inter-variable correlations (e.g., between daily temperature and precipitation) are key statistical properties to characterize probabilities of simultaneous climate events and compound events. Their correct simulations from climate models, both in values and in changes over time, is then a prerequisite to investigate their future changes and associated impacts. Therefore, this study first evaluates the capabilities of one 11-single run multi-model ensemble (CMIP6) and one 40-member single model initial-condition large ensemble (CESM) over Europe to reproduce the characteristics of a reanalysis dataset (ERA5) in terms of temperature-precipitation correlations and their historical changes.

Next, the ensembles’ correlations for the end of the 21st century are compared. Over the historical period, both CMIP6 and CESM ensembles have season-dependent and spatially structured biases. Moreover, the inter-variable correlations from both ensembles mostly appear stationary. Thus, although reanalyses display significant correlation changes, none of the ensembles can reproduce them, with internal variability representing only 30% on the inter-model variability. However, future correlations show significant changes over large spatial patterns. Yet, those patterns are rather different for CMIP6 and CESM, reflecting a large uncertainty in changes. In addition, for historical and future projections, an analysis conditional on atmospheric circulation regimes is performed. The conditional correlations given the regimes are found to be the main contributor to the biases in correlation over the historical period, and to the past and future changes of correlation.

These results highlight the importance of the large-scale circulation regimes and the need to understand their physical relationships with local-scale phenomena associated to specific inter-variable correlations.

How to cite: Vrac, M., Thao, S., and Yiou, P.: Changes in temperature-precipitation correlations over Europe: Are climate models reliable?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3133,, 2023.

EGU23-3172 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.4/NH0.6

The perfect storm? Concurrent climate extremes in East Africa 

Derrick Muheki, Axel Deijns, Emanuele Bevacqua, Gabriele Messori, Jakob Zscheischler, and Wim Thiery

Concurrent extreme events exacerbate adverse impacts on humans, economy, and environment relative to those from independent extreme events. However, while the effects of climate change on the frequency of individual extreme events have been highly researched, the impacts of climate change on the interaction, dependence and joint occurrence of these extremes have not been extensively investigated, particularly in the East African region. Here, we investigate the joint occurrence of six categories of extreme events in East Africa, namely: river floods, droughts, heatwaves, crop failures, wildfires and tropical cyclones using bias-adjusted impact simulations under past and future climate conditions. We show that the change in the probability of joint occurrence of these extreme events in the region can be explained by the effects of climate change on the frequency, spatial distribution, and dependence of these extreme events. The analysis demonstrates that there is a higher positive correlation between most co-occurring pairs of extremes in the region under end-of-century global warming conditions leading to more frequent concurrence in comparison to the early-industrial period. Our results further highlight the most affected locations in the region by these concurrent events and consequently the main driver(s) in the various co-occurring pairs of extremes. Our results overall highlight that concurrent extremes will become the norm rather than the exception in East Africa under low-end warming scenarios.

How to cite: Muheki, D., Deijns, A., Bevacqua, E., Messori, G., Zscheischler, J., and Thiery, W.: The perfect storm? Concurrent climate extremes in East Africa, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3172,, 2023.

EGU23-3273 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.4/NH0.6

Compound drought and heatwave events in the eastern part of the Baltic Sea region 

Laurynas Klimavičius and Egidijus Rimkus

Both droughts and heatwaves cause negative impact on human health, agriculture, economy and other areas while occurring separately. However, in recent years the impact of these phenomena acting together has been increasingly analysed as it was found that such events, called compound drought and heatwave events (CHDE), may induce even more damage. The aim of this research is to identify droughts, heatwaves and CDHE in the eastern part of the Baltic Sea region during the summer months (June-August) from 1950 to 2022 and to assess their frequency and intensity. For the purpose to identify droughts the 1-month Standard Precipitation Index (SPI) values calculated for each day were used. Droughts were distinguished if the SPI values were lower than -1 for at least five or more days in a row and this condition was met in at least one third of the study area.  Heatwaves were defined as a period of five or more consecutive days when daily maximum air temperature (Tmax) was higher than 90th percentile of Tmax of the study period (1951–2022) for each summer day (on a 5-day moving average) and for one or more days covered at least one third of the study area. Daily Tmax data as well as precipitation data that was needed to calculate SPI were obtained from European Centre of Medium-range Weather Forecast ERA-5 reanalysis dataset with a spatial resolution of 0.25° x 0.25°. CDHE events were defined as time periods when heatwave occurs during the drought period. Study showed that the number of heatwaves in the study area since 1950 increased significantly (by 1.25 per decade). The number of droughts during investigation period slightly decreased. The majority of droughts were identified in 1990’s when dry periods were recorded during six summers in a row (from 1992 to 1997). In total, 19 CDHE during the summer months were distinguished, while a lot of them occurred during 1990‘s (5 events). As a consequence, statistically significant increase of such events during the study period was not observed. CHDE of the highest intensity was found in 1994 while the longest CDHE occurred in 2022 and lasted for 19 days (from August 11th to August 29th).

How to cite: Klimavičius, L. and Rimkus, E.: Compound drought and heatwave events in the eastern part of the Baltic Sea region, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3273,, 2023.

EGU23-5187 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.4/NH0.6

The influence of modes of variability and their interplay on compound extreme wind and precipitation events in the northern hemisphere. 

Khalil Teber, Bastien Francois, Luis Gimeno-Sotelo, Katharina Küpfer, Lou Brett, Richard Leeding, Ahmet Yavuzdogan, Daniela Domeisen, Laura Suarez, and Emanuele Bevacqua

Countless climate-related impacts are caused by compound events, i.e. by the combination of multiple climate processes at different spatial and temporal scales. For example, when precipitation and wind extremes coincide, the resulting impacts on infrastructure and humans can be very destructive. It is established that climate modes of variability, which are known to oscillate from seasonal to decadal timescales, such as the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), Pacific-North American Pattern (PNA) and Atlantic Multidecadal Variability (AMV) favour the occurrence of extreme weather events such as heavy precipitation in several areas worldwide. However, little is known about the effect that these climate modes of variability have on compound events. In this context, understanding the physical modulators of compound events can contribute to an improved comprehension of their dynamics, and ultimately to a better prediction of their impacts. Here, focussing on compound wind and precipitation extremes, we contribute to closing this research gap by using large ensemble climate model simulations (CESM) and reanalysis data (ERA5). We identify hotspot regions in the northern hemisphere where winter (DJF) compound event occurrences are influenced by modes of variability. We also inspect whether particular combinations of modes of variability, e.g., superposition of extreme states of both ENSO and NAO indices, enhance compound event occurrences. Finally, the identified patterns in the observational data are compared to the model simulations. The findings allow us to understand whether climate modes of variability favour the simultaneous occurrence of compound events over different regions worldwide, and how well the current generation of climate model simulations represents these dynamics.  An improved understanding of these oscillating modes of variability could be used to enhance the development of sub-seasonal to seasonal forecasts of compound events, which therefore may reduce their impacts. 

How to cite: Teber, K., Francois, B., Gimeno-Sotelo, L., Küpfer, K., Brett, L., Leeding, R., Yavuzdogan, A., Domeisen, D., Suarez, L., and Bevacqua, E.: The influence of modes of variability and their interplay on compound extreme wind and precipitation events in the northern hemisphere., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5187,, 2023.

EGU23-5942 | Posters on site | ITS1.4/NH0.6

Climate Change to Exacerbate the Compounding of Heat Stress and Flooding 

Leonardo Valerio Noto, Dario Treppiedi, and Gabriele Villarini

The role of climate change in exacerbating the impacts of natural hazards has been the focus of extensive interest. However, while the emphasis is generally on a single hazard (e.g., heat stress, extreme precipitation, floods, droughts), their compounding effects under climate change have been the subject of a growing number of studies. Among compound events, heat stress was recently found to be a precursor of summer flooding across the central United States. We show for the first time that heat stress can trigger floods across large areas of North and South America, southern Africa, Asia and eastern Australia. Moreover, using global climate models from the sixth phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6), we show that the compounding of heat stress and floods is projected to worsen under climate change with effects magnified as we move from the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) 1-2.6 to 5-8.5. Under future conditions, the compounding between heat stress and floods is projected to extend to Europe and Russia due to the increased warming. These results highlight the need towards improved preparation and mitigation measures that account for the compound nature of these two hazards, and how the compounding is expected to be exacerbated because of climate change.

How to cite: Noto, L. V., Treppiedi, D., and Villarini, G.: Climate Change to Exacerbate the Compounding of Heat Stress and Flooding, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5942,, 2023.

EGU23-6226 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.4/NH0.6

Recurrence of drought events over Iberia under present and future climate conditions 

Julia Moemken, Benjamin Koerner, Florian Ehmele, Hendrik Feldmann, and Joaquim G. Pinto

Seasonal droughts are a common feature of the Iberian climate. They can have severe socioeconomic and ecological impacts – especially, when recurring in consecutive years. We investigate the recurrence of extreme drought events in the Iberian Peninsula (IP) for the past decades and in regional climate change projections. With this aim, we introduce and apply a new set of indices: the Recurrent Dry Year Index (RDYI) and the Consecutive Drought Year (CDY) Index. For the present climate, different gridded observational and reanalysis datasets at several spatial resolutions (10 to 25 km) are used. To analyse the potential impacts of climate change, we apply the indices to a large EURO-CORDEX multi-model ensemble with 12 km horizontal resolution consisting of 25 different global-to-regional model (GCM-RCM) chains for the historical period and future periods along the RCP8.5 scenario.

Results show that the IP is regularly affected by extreme droughts under present climate conditions, with roughly three individual events per decade. Especially the southern and central parts of IP are exposed to recurrent events, which last between two and six years. Under different global warming levels (GWLs), results reveal a general tendency towards more severe drought conditions. Moreover, recurrent drought events are projected to occur more frequent and last longer (up to 14 years). While the ensemble mean responses are only moderate for a GWL of +2°C (compared to the pre-industrial average), recurrent drought conditions are strongly enhanced for the +3°C GWL. The climate change signals are robust for most of IP and the considered recurrent drought indices, with a larger model agreement for the +3°C GWL. For both present and future climate conditions, results show some sensitivity on the choice of index and dataset.

We conclude that the new indices are suitable for the detection and evaluation of recurrent drought events under present and future climate conditions. With ongoing climate change, the Iberian Peninsula faces an increased risk of recurrent drought events. If global warming should exceed the +3°C threshold, the majority of models projects an almost permanent state of drought – with severe consequences for the Iberian population and ecosystems.

How to cite: Moemken, J., Koerner, B., Ehmele, F., Feldmann, H., and Pinto, J. G.: Recurrence of drought events over Iberia under present and future climate conditions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6226,, 2023.

EGU23-6283 | Posters on site | ITS1.4/NH0.6

Compound precipitation and wind extremes under recent and future climate conditions 

Jens Grieger and Uwe Ulbrich

Severe winter wind storms are related with strong impacts. We could show in recent studies that the co-occurrence of extreme wind and precipitation is leading to higher damages of residential buildings in comparison to non-compound events. This was done using ERA5 reanalysis data for the European winter season and daily insurance records of damages for residential buildings over Germany provided by the German Insurance Association (GDV).

This study investigates the representation of co-occurrence of extreme wind and precipitation for climate simulations of the Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) for Europe (EURO-CORDEX). We use multi-model ensemble simulations with horizontal resolution of 0.44° and 0.11°. Individual simulations are analysed with respect to the characteristic of compound events for historical projections. Climate change signals for future scenarios are discussed.

How to cite: Grieger, J. and Ulbrich, U.: Compound precipitation and wind extremes under recent and future climate conditions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6283,, 2023.

EGU23-6479 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.4/NH0.6

Characterization of compound occurrence of heat waves and drought in Europe and North America 

Natalia Castillo, Marco Gaetani, and Mario Martina

Extreme events such as heat waves and droughts can have major impacts on agriculture, human health, and the energy sector, especially during the co-occurrence of such events. Although there is evidence that heat waves and drought have increased in intensity and frequency in the last decades, the analysis, characterization, and impact assessment of the compound occurrence of drought and heat waves are not well documented yet in a common framework. There are still some open questions related to how changes in midlatitude circulation may transcend in the thermodynamical characteristics of these compound events in the future. Furthermore, the role of some local feedbacks and the relationship with other extremes are still a debating subject.

The purpose of this research is to shed some light and add evidence about the key drivers related to these extreme events. The main atmospheric characteristics of compound heat waves and drought events in Europe and North America are identified through the analysis of the ERA5 dataset during the historical period (1959-2022). Additionally, we evaluate the ability of CMIP6 models with respect ERA5 to reproduce the statistics of these compound events. Specifically, we aim at understanding what are the climatological characteristics of these events in the historical climate and what are the dynamical mechanisms leading to compound occurrence of heat waves and droughts.

How to cite: Castillo, N., Gaetani, M., and Martina, M.: Characterization of compound occurrence of heat waves and drought in Europe and North America, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6479,, 2023.

EGU23-7203 | Posters on site | ITS1.4/NH0.6

Co-occurring British flood-wind events (1980-2080): Their anatomy & drivers 

John Hillier, Hannah Bloomfield, Freya Garry, Paul Bates, and Len Shaffrey

In wintertime, infrastructure and property in NW Europe are threatened by multiple meteorological hazards, and it is increasingly apparent that these exacerbate risk by tending to co-occurring in events that last days to weeks. Impacted by Atlantic storms, Great Britain (GB) is a sentinel location for weather that later tracks into NW Europe.   A recent, dramatic storm sequence (Dudley, Eunice, Franklin) demonstrated the need for a multi-hazard view by bringing a mixture of damaging and disruptive extremes including extreme winds and flooding over 7-10 days in Feb 2022.

This work uses a stakeholder inspired, event-based approach to jointly consider these two hazards.  A wind event set (n = 3,426) is created from the 12km regional UK Climate projections (1981-1999, 2061-2079) to match previously created high-flow events (Griffin et al, 2023). Then, the two hazards’ time-series are merged using windows up to a maximum size (Δt = 1-180 days) positioned to maximize the size of the largest events’ impact. The benefits and limitations of this methodology are discussed, anatomy of storm sequences (Δt = 21 days) discussed, and potential drivers of co-occurrence in the multi-hazard sequences (e.g. jet stream position/strength) examined.

How to cite: Hillier, J., Bloomfield, H., Garry, F., Bates, P., and Shaffrey, L.: Co-occurring British flood-wind events (1980-2080): Their anatomy & drivers, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7203,, 2023.

Heatwave events have been increasing in frequency, duration, and intensity along the past decades, leading to severe impacts on ecosystems, human health and basic resources. These events are projected to continue increasing associated to anthropogenic activity. Moreover, droughts have also been more recurrent and intense, which can significantly impact agriculture and reservoirs’ water level and quality.

Events of high temperature can occur both in the atmosphere and the seas. These warmer conditions, together with extremely dry episodes, have been affecting southern Europe and the Mediterranean region, which appear to be very sensitive to climate change. Additionally, the co-occurrence of droughts and heatwaves increases meteorological fire danger, rising the probability of wildfire occurrence and severity and resulting in economic, ecological, and even human losses.

In this sense, it becomes fundamental to pay special attention to the role of compound events and synergies in fueling extreme fire outbreaks. Therefore, we propose to address this problem by analyzing the occurrence of both marine and atmospheric heatwaves and drought conditions over Southern Europe, East Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea (relying on ERA5 reanalysis), as well as the recorded wildfires (through MODIS burned area product).

This work aims to address the occurrence of heatwaves (marine and atmospheric) and previous and contemporaneous drought episodes on a compound or cascading approach, estimating their contribution to the occurrence of extreme wildfires in the region in the last decades were analyzed on a seasonal scale.


Acknowledgments: This study is partially supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research project FirEUrisk (Grant Agreement no. 101003890) and by the Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) I.P./MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC) – UIDB/50019/2020- IDL,  DHEFEUS - 2022.09185.PTDC

How to cite: Santos, R., Russo, A., and Gouveia, C. M.: Assessing the impact of marine and atmospheric heatwaves on droughts and fire activity in the Mediterranean region, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7779,, 2023.

EGU23-8588 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.4/NH0.6

Detecting dependencies of large-scale heatwaves and droughts with AI-enhanced point process approaches 

Niklas Luther, Andrea Toreti, Jorge Pérez-Aracil, Sancho Salcedo-Sanz, Odysseas Vlachopoulos, Andrej Ceglar, Arthur Hrast Essenfelder, and Elena Xoplaki

Investigating the global connectivities of extreme events is vital for accurate risk reduction and adaptation planning. While human and natural systems have a certain resilience level against single extremes, they may be unable to cope with multiple extreme events whose impacts tend to be amplified in a non-linear relationship. Concurrent droughts and heatwaves are frequently linked to severe damage in socioeconomic sectors such as agriculture, energy, health, and water resources. They can also have detrimental effects on natural ecosystems. Here, we detect global scale dependencies of large-scale droughts and heatwaves using an AI-enhanced point process-based approach, where large-scale events are defined to occur when a certain amount of grid points (e.g., 20%) of a given region of interest experiences heatwave or drought conditions. The classic inhomogeneous and non-stationary J-function can determine whether the occurrence of the events shows clustering, inhibition or independence. However, the analysis and interpretation of this function are usually affected by a high degree of subjectiveness, and its application for large datasets and/or ensembles is challenging. The proposed AI-based automated interpretation tool replaces a subjective and user-dependent approach. Monte Carlo simulations based on standard point process models, reflecting the aforementioned dependence structures, are utilized, allowing the dependence structure to be labeled and the classification problem to be trained using Deep Learning algorithms. To identify the global connectivities of large-scale droughts and heatwaves, we first detect extreme events at the grid scale based on appropriately selected indices. A cluster analysis pinpoints areas with similar drought and heatwave patterns, thus identifying the regions of interest for the large-scale events. For these events we compute the J-functions, and the dependence structure of the large-scale events is then classified by the AI-tool. Links to teleconnections (such as the El Niño-Southern Oscillation and the North Atlantic Oscillation) can be further identified by analyzing the dependencies conditioning on the teleconnection phase under consideration. The proposed tool can be used in diverse research questions where a point process approach is appropriate, and thus has applications beyond climate science.

How to cite: Luther, N., Toreti, A., Pérez-Aracil, J., Salcedo-Sanz, S., Vlachopoulos, O., Ceglar, A., Hrast Essenfelder, A., and Xoplaki, E.: Detecting dependencies of large-scale heatwaves and droughts with AI-enhanced point process approaches, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8588,, 2023.

EGU23-8705 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.4/NH0.6

Interdependence among subregional crop production affects global crop failure risk 

Sifang Feng, Jakob Zscheischler, Zengchao Hao, and Emanuele Bevacqua

Synchronous crop failure among multiple breadbaskets worldwide, a typical spatially compound event, may amplify threats to the global food system and food security and has been a growing concern among the scientific community in recent years. While the risk of simultaneous crop loss across multiple breadbasket regions has been analyzed, to date, little is known about how interdependence among regional crop production affects aggregated crop failure at the global scale. Quantifying the impact of dependencies among breadbasket regions on global food production and assessing how the dynamic of spatially compounding crop failures is simulated by climate and crop models is essential for informing the modeling of global food security risk. In this study, focusing on different crop types, we quantify the influence of dependence between crop production of individual regions on global aggregated crop yield based on the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP) dataset. We find that spatial dependence between regional crop yields may aggravate global crop deficits and identify a characteristic spatial scale beyond which the dependence between crop production in different regions vanishes. Our results provide valuable information for designing risk strategies for food security at the suited scale.

How to cite: Feng, S., Zscheischler, J., Hao, Z., and Bevacqua, E.: Interdependence among subregional crop production affects global crop failure risk, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8705,, 2023.

EGU23-9048 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.4/NH0.6

The joint impact of rainfall events on water- and dike systems in Dutch polders 

Bart Strijker and Matthijs Kok

Polders can be found in coastal and alluvial lowlands all over the world. These polders need an internal drainage system consisting of drainage canals, weirs and/or pumps to discharge the water out of the polder. Next to these drainage canals, dikes can protect the low-lying polder areas that are situated several meters lower than the controlled water levels in these canals. This study investigates the joint impact of extreme rainfall events on water and dike systems within Dutch polders. Previous research has shown that the combined effect of heavy rainfall and storm surge can increase flood risk in coastal polders in the Netherlands. However, the impact of extreme rainfall on multiple water-and-dike systems within a single polder, resulting in multiple hazards, has received little attention. Our analysis uses physical models that are calibrated on measurements and forced by synthetic rainfall and evaporation time series to examine the response time and interdependencies between regional drainage systems and pore-water pressures in canal dikes. Water levels and pore-water pressures and their interrelationships were analyzed as indicators of flood hazards. Our findings demonstrate the importance of considering the joint impact of multiple hazards on flood risk in polders, as the functioning of regional drainage systems and canal dikes can be affected by similar weather events.

How to cite: Strijker, B. and Kok, M.: The joint impact of rainfall events on water- and dike systems in Dutch polders, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9048,, 2023.

EGU23-10996 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.4/NH0.6

A bottom-up approach for exploring the role of humidity in high heat-related mortality events: A Multi-City, Multi-Country study 

Sidharth Sivaraj, Samuel Lüthi, Eunice Lo, and Ana Maria Vicedo-Cabrera

Although studies based on physiological models have repeatedly shown that high humidity levels lead to stronger heat stress in humans, findings from epidemiological studies have remained inconclusive on the matter till date. We aim to employ a ‘bottom-up’ strategy of identifying key drivers of compound events to explore the role played by humidity in high heat-related mortality events, spanning across multiple cities in multiple countries. We used daily data on all-cause mortality, mean temperature and mean relative humidity from 11 cities across the world and applied state-of-the-art epidemiological models to compute the daily observed total mortality counts attributable to heat (i.e., limited to days with average temperature exceeding the ‘temperature of minimum mortality’ (MMT) in each city). Each of these days with mean temperature exceeding MMT is considered as an ’event’ and events with highest mortality counts attributable to heat from multiple cities are analysed in a 2D scatter plot of the corresponding percentile rank of temperature and humidity observed during those events. The frequency of such high impact events in the temperature-humidity percentile space across multiple cities, categorised into sub-groups based on the temperature and humidity climatology of the cities, was then studied. It was observed that close to 90% of the high impact events occurred during high temperature (> 90th percentile) and non-high humid (<50th percentile) conditions. The events of high severity, where humidity conditions were comparatively high (> 50th percentile), were mostly representative of cities with prevailing high humidity conditions on average during the warmest months, when compared across all the cities. Based on our preliminary findings, there is no conclusive evidence that high humidity conditions were prevalent during high heat-mortality impact events, but further analysis incorporating more cities and other climatological variables of interests such as absolute humidity, wet-bulb globe temperature etc. are planned. This novel framework provides valuable insights into the role of humidity in heat stress mortality and can be generalised to address other similar complex research questions in environmental epidemiology.

How to cite: Sivaraj, S., Lüthi, S., Lo, E., and Vicedo-Cabrera, A. M.: A bottom-up approach for exploring the role of humidity in high heat-related mortality events: A Multi-City, Multi-Country study, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10996,, 2023.

Heavy rainfall events and urban flash floods pose a high risk potential for humans and the environment, as a concrete prediction of the regional impacts is difficult. The effects of heavy rainfall events and urban flash floods depend, among other things, on the characteristics of the respective affected area - such as land use, soil type or topographical factors - but also on prior conditions, especially the pre-rainfall index. River floods also pose a similarly high risk, even if they can be predicted more precisely than heavy rainfall events - especially in larger river systems - and thus a more focused flood risk management can be carried out. If these events overlap in the form of compound flooding from river floods and heavy rainfall, the hazards and the risk to people and the environment increase significantly. This was shown in particular by the flood disaster in July 2021 in Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany.

Investigations are carried out into the joint occurrence of river floods and heavy rainfall. Discharge data from various stream gauges in North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany) and precipitation data from radar data of the German Weather Service as well as ERA5-Land reanalysis data of the ECMWF are used for this purpose. First, the respective single events are identified and analysed with regard to various statistical parameters. Then the analysis of the compound events is carried out, considering only events that are identical in time and space. To take this into account, simultaneous series are formed from the time series available. Since not all catchments are equally at risk from compound river flood and heavy rainfall events, one focus is on determining vulnerable areas. Here, various characteristic attributes of the catchments but also weather conditions, such as the pre-rainfall index, are considered. It turns out that special attention must be paid to small to medium-sized catchments and to areas with steep and narrow valleys.

Furthermore, the joint occurrence probability of river floods and heavy rainfall is determined. This is done with archimedean copula functions. A statement on the joint probability of occurrence of river floods and heavy rainfall has not yet been included in practice or in standards but should be adopted for the correct determination of hazards and risks. Furthermore, based on the analyses carried out, a proposal for the preparation of flood hazard maps by compound river floods and heavy rainfall is presented.

How to cite: Simon, F. and Mudersbach, C.: Analysis of compound river flood and heavy rainfall events for a development of combined flood maps, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11000,, 2023.

EGU23-11029 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.4/NH0.6

Unfolding the role of active/break spells in compound hot and dry extremes (CHDE) in India 

Iqura Malik and Vimal Mishra


The co-occurrence of temperature and precipitation extremes can have profound consequences than either individual extremes. The role of increasing warm spells in increasing CHDEs has been studied in various studies, but the role of active and break spells on CHDEs during monsoon has not been studied. As a result, in this study, we investigated the fraction of CHDEs in both active and break spells in India. We used copula and threshold-based methodology to characterize CHDE to investigate the uncertainty in the frequency of CHDEs during active and break spells. We also looked at how CHDEs in two different spells will impact society differently. We further investigated the changes in CHDEs to future projections of active-break spells of the Indian Summer Monsoon. The findings of the study may help to mitigate the severe impacts of compound hot and dry extremes in the future.

Keywords: Climate change, Compound extremes, active spells, dry spells

How to cite: Malik, I. and Mishra, V.: Unfolding the role of active/break spells in compound hot and dry extremes (CHDE) in India, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11029,, 2023.

EGU23-11220 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.4/NH0.6

Compound storm surge and river flood events in the coastal zone: Exploring the influence of data sources and compound approach on extreme recurrence levels 

Kevin Dubois, Morten Andreas Dahl Larsen, Martin Drews, Erik Nilsson, and Anna Rutgersson

Floods are among the most impactful disasters especially in terms of economy in affecting humans’ activities and damaging infrastructures. This is particularly the case along the coast where coastal floods happen. Such floods can be due to three different factors: meteorological (precipitation), hydrological (river runoff) and oceanographic (storm surge). A single factor but also a combination of two or more of such factors happening at the same time can lead to coastal floods also called compound floods. Flood hazards can then be underestimating when compound effects are not considered. 

This study focuses on coastal compound floods from oceanographic and hydrological phenomena at the coastal city of Halmstad (Sweden). It aims to quantify the risk of such flood events at Halmstad and to analyse the sensitivity of data sources and copula’ approaches.

Here, the copula method is used to analyse compound floods based on annual maxima of river discharge and corresponding sea level and vice-versa. A comparison is carried out with the commonly used Extreme Value theory on a single factor and the compound approach. Effects from different data time-series available from observations and models for both river discharge and sea level are studied.

This paper concludes the presence of a higher risk of flooding when compound effects are not considered and that the choices made on input datasets and copulas can have a significant impact.

How to cite: Dubois, K., Andreas Dahl Larsen, M., Drews, M., Nilsson, E., and Rutgersson, A.: Compound storm surge and river flood events in the coastal zone: Exploring the influence of data sources and compound approach on extreme recurrence levels, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11220,, 2023.

EGU23-12245 | Orals | ITS1.4/NH0.6

Projecting the occurrence of extreme heat-related mortality using long short-term memory networks in cities of Switzerland 

Saeid Ashraf Vaghefi, Veruska Muccione, Ana Vicedo-Cabrera, Raphael Neukom, Christian Huggel, and Nadine Salzmann

Climate change increases the frequency and severity of heat waves, which can negatively impact human health. Extreme heat can lead to heat stroke, dehydration, and other heat-related illnesses. Heatwaves are more severe for vulnerable populations such as older adults, young children, and people with pre-existing medical conditions. In this study, we analyze the occurrence of compound extreme heat-related mortality in five Swiss cities using neural networks.

To define the excess mortality due to compound heat extremes (Hot day, Tmax>30oC, followed by a tropical night, Tmin>20oC) we compared mortality during the four hot summers of 2003, 2015, 2018, and 2019 with long-term average mortality rates (1981-2020). We trained long short-term memory (LSTM) neural networks on 40-year time series of maximum and minimum temperatures, hot day / tropical night compound events, and mortality in Basel, Bern, Geneva, Lugano, and Zürich.  LSTM neural networks learn the important parts of the sequence seen so far and forget the less important ones. This makes these models predict with greater accuracy than traditional time series analysis methods.

In general, we found that over the past 40 years, more than six percent of deaths were caused by compound extreme heat waves in the five Swiss cities. Geneva and Lugano are the most affected cities by compound heat, but the risk of heat-related mortality has decreased in these two regions over time, which could be a result of the action plans that exist in the Latin regions of Switzerland.

We further used Switzerland's future climate model scenarios (CH2018), to predict mortality rates in Swiss cities in the near-future (2020–2050) and far-future (2070–2100). We projected that the number of people affected by mortality risks associated with heat could increase by three folds by the end of the century in most cities if no further adaptation is taken place.

Our results show how important it is for governments, public health agencies, and individuals to be aware of the potential impacts of climate change on heat-related mortality and to take steps to mitigate and adapt to these impacts.

How to cite: Ashraf Vaghefi, S., Muccione, V., Vicedo-Cabrera, A., Neukom, R., Huggel, C., and Salzmann, N.: Projecting the occurrence of extreme heat-related mortality using long short-term memory networks in cities of Switzerland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12245,, 2023.

EGU23-12427 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.4/NH0.6

Compounding hydro-meteorological drivers of forest damage over Europe 

Pauline Rivoire, Daniela Domeisen, Antoine Guisan, and Pascal Vittoz

Extreme meteorological events such as frost, heat, and drought can induce significant damage to vegetation and ecosystems. In particular, heat and drought events are projected to become more frequent under a changing climate. It is therefore crucial to predict the frequency (on climate timescales) and the occurrence (on timescales of weeks to months) of such extremes.

The subseasonal-to-seasonal (S2S) forecasting timescale refers to forecasting timescales from two weeks to a season. Skillful S2S forecasts of hydro-meteorological hazards can be of crucial importance to prevent large-scale vegetation damage. The utility of S2S forecasts for vegetation is very broad (agriculture, biodiversity and flora protection, wildfire risk management, forest management, etc.).

We focus here on forest damage, defined as negative anomalies of the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI). We use the AVHRR dataset, providing NDVI data over Europe. Compound droughts and heat waves are known to trigger low NDVI events in summer. A dry summer combined with moist conditions during the previous autumn can also have a negative impact. The idea is to find, among all the hydrometeorological variables available as S2S forecast in the ECMWF model, the most relevant ones to predict forest damage. For that, we establish an automated procedure to identify the compound hydro-meteorological conditions leading to low NDVI events, up to several seasons before the impact. We train a model using ERA5 and ERA5-Land reanalysis datasets for the explicative variables. These variables include temperature, precipitation, dew point temperature, surface latent heat flux, soil moisture, snow water equivalent, soil temperature, etc. Several space and time aggregations are considered in order to find the optimal scales and most relevant combinations of variables to predict low NDVI events. The overall goal of this research project is to bridge the research gap between the S2S forecast of hydrometeorological variables and vegetation damage in general. For that, we assess the forecast skill of variables identified as responsible for compound low NDVI events and vegetation biodiversity loss.

How to cite: Rivoire, P., Domeisen, D., Guisan, A., and Vittoz, P.: Compounding hydro-meteorological drivers of forest damage over Europe, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12427,, 2023.

EGU23-13562 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.4/NH0.6

Defining compound extreme events on objective spatiotemporal scales 

Nina Schuhen, Jana Sillmann, Julien Cattiaux, and Carley Iles

Compound extreme events describe the simultaneous occurrence of two or more individual extreme weather or climate events that often have a significant impact on environment, society or economy. Many studies have investigated such events, often using different spatiotemporal scales for the same event, depending on e.g., the country or region of interest. Although appropriate from an impact point of view, this practice might lead to conflicting or inconsistent results. It is therefore necessary to find objective definitions of extreme events for attribution studies or to investigate how likelihoods of certain extreme events change over time.

Building on previous work for single extreme events, we propose a roadmap for obtaining objective compound event definitions, especially with regards to their spatiotemporal characteristics, by estimating multivariate probability distributions via copulas and then maximizing the rarity of the event across several scales. We present applications to past compound extreme events with considerable impact on e.g., human health and agriculture, such as the European heat wave/high ozone event in summer 2003, and also investigate how probabilities of these events change under different emission scenarios.

How to cite: Schuhen, N., Sillmann, J., Cattiaux, J., and Iles, C.: Defining compound extreme events on objective spatiotemporal scales, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13562,, 2023.

EGU23-14152 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.4/NH0.6

How compound can a compound event be? Mapping the compoundness of the Gloria storm 

Maria Aguilera Vidal, Jose A Jimenez, Montserrat Llasat, Salvador Castan, and Carmen Llasat

From a risk management perspective, compound events are very relevant because they can significantly increase the intensity and/or the spatial and temporal extension of the impact. Thus, depending on their magnitude, they may overwhelm the capability of emergency-response services to cope with “unusual” situations of major damage and respond to a large number of emergency situations throughout the region at the same time, and/or have to maintain the level of response during a relatively long period of time. When an extreme compound event occurs, its characteristics depart from the idealized conditions that are usually analyzed and, from the risk management perspective, the problem becomes highly multidimensional. This will be illustrated with the impact of the Gloria storm on the Spanish Mediterranean coast in January 2020. During five days extreme conditions (with some record breakings) of multiple hazards (wind, waves, rainfall, river discharge and surge) were recorded. In places such as the mouth of the Tordera River, they occurred simultaneously, but the most common situation was that different extreme conditions of univariate hazard occurred in remote areas of the territory, although they had to be managed simultaneously. In addition, the storm caused massive damage of various kinds, affecting transportation infrastructure, railway services, breakwaters, docks, urban services, housing, agricultural land and four fatalities in Catalonia. As a result of this, although the storm lasted about five days, the management of its impacts was much more extended, so that several months later some repairs were still being carried out. Looking to the event, the analysis of its probability of occurrence will be significantly affected by the adopted perspective. Thus, from the “physical” point of view, the analysis would range from the simplest joint probability of some hazards occurring in a given location (classical 2-drivers multivariate events) to multiple hazards over the whole territory (spatially compound with up to four concurrent hazards). From a "management" point of view, the analysis would focus on the probability of different types of damage (and their corresponding services) occurring at the same time, and on the probability of providing services in remote parts of the territory (and, consequently, dividing the available services) within a short period of time. To illustrate this possible multidimensional study plane, we will map the compoundness of the Gloria storm encompassing its induced hazards, impacts, damage and response. 

This work was supported by the Spanish Agency of Research in the framework of the C3RiskMed project (PID2020-113638RB-C21/ AEI / 10.13039/501100011033).

How to cite: Aguilera Vidal, M., Jimenez, J. A., Llasat, M., Castan, S., and Llasat, C.: How compound can a compound event be? Mapping the compoundness of the Gloria storm, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14152,, 2023.

EGU23-15290 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.4/NH0.6

Quantifying climate change induced shifts in the risk of jointly and individually occurring drought and late-spring frost 

Benjamin F. Meyer, Marija Tepegjozova, Anja Rammig, Claudia Czado, and Christian S. Zang

Global climate change is altering the frequency, intensity, and timing of drought and late-spring frost (LSF). European beech, an ecological and economical cornerstone of European forestry, has been shown to be susceptible to both extremes. Since recovery from both drought and frost damage requires access to stored carbohydrate reserves, the joint occurrence of drought and late-frost exacerbates the deleterious effects on forest health. Both extremes are projected to increase in frequency with increasing temperatures, yet, a statistical model for compound drought and late-spring frost events over time is still lacking. Thus, in order to facilitate forest risk assessment, we quantify the joint probability of drought and spring late-frost risk in the historic domain and identify shifts in this dependency across multiple, future climate change scenarios. Analogously, we determine the individual probability of both drought and LSF to determine the contribution of each extreme to the joint probability. 

We determine frost risk based on the minimum temperature during the period of leaf flushing as predicted by a phenological model. Drought risk is quantified using the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI). To quantify the joint risk of these two extremes while accounting for climatic and topographical covariates, we use vine copula based models. Specifically,  we apply a novel, regular vine copula based regression model, Y-vine copula regression, designed for a two-response regression setting.

We establish a historical baseline for the joint probability of drought and LSF and identify critical climatic and topographic covariates. Subsequently, we repeat the analysis with climate projections for three different scenarios (RCP 2.6, RCP 4.5, RCP 8.5). We identify differences in the joint probability of drought and LSF across the three climate change trajectories, yet note, that the critical covariates remain constant across scenarios. To further disentangle the coupling between drought and LSF, we use a single response, D-vine copula to determine probability and critical covariates for each extreme separately. Consequently, we are able to determine whether the risk of frost and drought change in concert, how this differs between climate change scenarios, and which covariates drive each extreme. 

How to cite: Meyer, B. F., Tepegjozova, M., Rammig, A., Czado, C., and Zang, C. S.: Quantifying climate change induced shifts in the risk of jointly and individually occurring drought and late-spring frost, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15290,, 2023.

Compound climate-related events are impactful extreme events in which the interactions between multiple variables amplify the final impact. They may be classified depending on the types of interaction and the scales involved. For example, temporal compounding events are characterized by the occurrence of subsequent events in time, as in case of a temporal clustering of precipitation. This last trigger is of great importance when the antecedent soil saturation shapes the intensity or occurrence of a given natural hazard, like for floods or deep landslides. Here, we focus on the characteristics of temporal clustering of precipitation over the Italian territory and its link with landslides occurrence. First, we investigate the spatial and temporal distribution of temporal clustering and the synoptic conditions more prone to it, using Era5-Land dataset. Second, we link the identified clusters with the occurrence of different movements’ types (complex, debris flow, fall, flow, and sliding), using a shuffling procedure to assess the significance. Regarding the first point, clear differences emerged between the Italian regions and the four seasons. Clusters were more widespread in autumn and spring and more localized in winter and summer. During winter, we observed a negative link between the number of clusters and the Mediterranean oscillation index in south-central Italy. Regarding the second point, differences were found between the five landslide typologies: fall events were mostly preceded by an intense precipitation event, debris flow by a temporal clustering over small windows and complex, flow, and sliding with a temporal clustering over long windows.

How to cite: Banfi, F. and De Michele, C.: Temporal compounding of precipitation and its occurrence before landslide events over the Italian territory, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15427,, 2023.

EGU23-16867 | Orals | ITS1.4/NH0.6

Characterization of Lagged Compound Floods and Droughts Under Climate Change 

Mohammad Reza Najafi, Wooyoung Na, Reza Rezvani, and Melika Rahimi Movaghar

Increases in the frequency and intensity of hydroclimatic extremes (floods and droughts) and their temporal swings have led to severe consequences in many regions around the world. Traditionally, these contrasting extremes have been assessed in isolation without considering their spatial and temporal interactions, implications for infrastructure design and management and the overall compounding risks. Nonetheless, understanding the changing characteristics of such lagged compound events is critical to developing effective mitigation and adaptation strategies. In this study, we propose a novel framework to identify and characterize the hydroclimatic whiplash events and investigate their spatiotemporal projections under climate change. Multiple hydroclimate variables such as precipitation, evapotranspiration, soil moisture, runoff, and streamflow are used to identify dry and wet extremes and their transitions. Different scenarios for nonstationary hydrological swings between flood and drought are investigated based on streamflow data. Meteorological wet and dry conditions are investigated using standardized drought indices calculated based on the downscaled and statistically bias-adjusted simulations of CMIP5 for 1.5°C-4 °C global warming levels over three major river basins in northwest North America. Further, three dry-wet spell indices estimated by precipitation, soil moisture, and runoff simulations are merged into an integrated indicator to provide a thorough perspective on the changing risks of such transitions across North America using the Canadian Regional Climate Model version 4 Large Ensemble. We apply an ensemble pooling approach to enhance the sample size for index estimation, which enables projecting the characteristics more robustly. Frequency, intensity, transition time, spatial fraction, aggregation index, and seasonality are quantified for each warming period and compared with those of the baseline period to investigate their projected changes. In addition, we assess the contribution of external forcing and internal variability to the historical and projected changes of the lagged compound events. The results of this study suggest that hydroclimatic whiplash across North America is expected to become more frequent and intensified in a warmer climate. Projections show overall increases in the frequency of hydroclimatic whiplash and a decrease in the corresponding transition times as the climate gets warmer. In addition, the magnitude, intensity, and duration of wet and dry components of such lagged compound events are projected to increase based on the analyses with streamflow. Increasing trends of spatial fraction and spatial aggregation during both transitions between dry and wet spells also imply higher risks and future challenges for water resources management. The findings of this study support the necessity of developing appropriate mitigation measures targeting lagged compound floods and droughts that can lead to severe environmental and socio-economic disasters in North America.

How to cite: Najafi, M. R., Na, W., Rezvani, R., and Rahimi Movaghar, M.: Characterization of Lagged Compound Floods and Droughts Under Climate Change, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16867,, 2023.

EGU23-17187 | Posters virtual | ITS1.4/NH0.6

Trends in the Frequency and Intensity of Compound Coastal Flooding Events along the Indian coastline during 1980-2020 

Diljit Dutta, V Vemavarapu Srinivas, and Govindasamy Bala

The Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea adjoining the coastline of India are breeding grounds for depressions and tropical cyclones, with 2 to 3 cyclones making landfall every year on average. The frequency and intensity of compound coastal flooding events are expected to increase as the world continues to warm. The impact of these events will also be more due to the growing exposure and vulnerability of human settlements in the coastal areas of India. The compound coastal flooding events are primarily driven by extreme sea levels and heavy rainfall during tropical storms and depressions making landfall near the coast. However, there is no comprehensive study on the trends in compound flooding scenarios with reference to Indian coastline. This study presents results from an analysis of compound extreme flood events in the Indian coastal region and assesses the change in frequency and intensity of these events based on in-situ data for the period 1980-2020. The hourly sea-level data was obtained from 9 Tide Gauge stations (TGs) operated by the Survey of India. The daily rainfall data at these stations are extracted from 0.25° resolution gridded rainfall product of the India Meteorological Department (IMD). Harmonic analysis is carried out on the detrended sea-level data to separate the astronomical tide component and obtain skew surge time series at predicted high tide timesteps. The extremes corresponding to 90th, 95th and 98th percentile thresholds are identified for both skew surge and rainfall time series, and the co-occurrence probability of the two extreme events is analysed for the historical data. The evolution of frequency and intensity of the potential compound flood days over the historical period is also investigated.

How to cite: Dutta, D., Srinivas, V. V., and Bala, G.: Trends in the Frequency and Intensity of Compound Coastal Flooding Events along the Indian coastline during 1980-2020, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17187,, 2023.

EGU23-17600 | ECS | Orals | SM1.6

Permanent Displacement Distribution From Strong Ground Motion Records of the 2023 Mw7.7 Earthquake. 

Emrecan Adanır and Gülüm Tanırcan

One of the most damaging earthquake effects occurring in the vicinity of the fault trace is fling step, also known as permanent displacement. However, due to the fact that the standard filtering techniques eliminate the low frequency portions of the motion, the permanent displacements are not seen on the displacement time histories derived from the accelerogram records. Thus, fling step is neglected in many engineering practices. To reveal the permanent displacements, special data processing schemes based on removal of the baseline shifts in separated time windows were proposed. In this study, the most recently proposed data processing scheme eBASCO (Schiappapietra et al., 2021) is improved and the effectiveness of the new scheme is tested by comparing the obtained displacements on the processed records with those derived from nearby GPS data for 25 records from worldwide earthquakes.

 Preliminary site screening efforts and geodetic observations demonstrated that the earthquake sequence of February 6, 2023 in Turkey caused remarkable permanent displacements, which might be one of the reasons for severe damage and collapse of the structures, especially those which have long fundamental periods such as pipelines, roadways and high-rise buildings. In this study, near fault records of the earthquake sequence are processed with the proposed scheme and the obtained permanent displacements are evaluated with those predicted by existing models.

How to cite: Adanır, E. and Tanırcan, G.: Permanent Displacement Distribution From Strong Ground Motion Records of the 2023 Mw7.7 Earthquake., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17600,, 2023.

EGU23-17601 | Orals | SM1.6

Evidence of Early Supershear Transition in the Mw 7.8 Kahramanmaraş Earthquake From Near-Field Records 

Ahmed Elbanna, Mohamed Abdelmeguid, and Ares Rosakis

The Mw7.8 Kahramanmaraş Earthquake was larger and more destructive than what had been expected for the tectonic setting in Southeastern Turkey. By using near-field records we provide evidence for early supershear transition on the splay fault that hosted the nucleation and early propagation of the first rupture that eventually transitioned into the East Anatolian fault. The two stations located furthest from the epicenter show a larger fault parallel particle velocity component relative to the fault normal particle velocity component; a unique signature of supershear ruptures that has been identified in theoretical and experimental models of intersonic rupture growth. The third station located closest to the epicenter, while mostly preserving the classical sub-Rayleigh characteristics, it also features a small supershear pulse clearly propagating ahead of the original sub-Rayleigh rupture. This record provides, for the first time ever, field observational evidence for the mechanism of intersonic transition. By using the two furthest stations we estimate the instantaneous supershear rupture propagation speed to be ~1.55 Cs and the sub-Rayleigh to supershear transition length to be around 19.45 km, very close to the location of the station nearest to the epicenter. This early supershear transition might have facilitated the continued propagation and triggering of slip on the nearby East Anatolian Fault leading to amplification of the hazard. The complex dynamics of the Kahramanmaraş earthquake warrants further studies.

How to cite: Elbanna, A., Abdelmeguid, M., and Rosakis, A.: Evidence of Early Supershear Transition in the Mw 7.8 Kahramanmaraş Earthquake From Near-Field Records, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17601,, 2023.

EGU23-17602 | ECS | Orals | SM1.6

Preliminary Results of Dynamic Rupture Simulations of the Mw7.8 Kahramanmaras Earthquake 

Yasemin Korkusuz Öztürk, Nurcan Meral Özel, Jean-Paul Ampuero, and Elif Oral

It is essential to investigate how ruptures develop and propagate dynamically along the East Anatolian Fault (EAF) and what conditions explain the rupture propagation patterns observed for recent earthquakes. The northeast motion of the Arabian plate with respect to the Anatolian microplate and the African plate is accommodated along the left-lateral East Anatolian and Dead Sea faults.  The slip-rate along the northern Dead Sea Fault is about 4 mm/yr while the slip rate along the EAF increases from 5 mm/yr to ~12 mmm/yr towards the northeast where it connects to the North Anatolian Fault. The Mw7.8 Kahramanmaras earthquake on 6th of February 2023 initiated along a splay called the Narli fault and proceeded along the EAF bilaterally, rupturing a total of more than 300 km. The earthquake ruptured a significant portion of the EAF and a section of the Amanos Fault which connects to the Cyprus Arc offshore. One interesting point is that the rupture along the EAF was dynamically triggered by a splay which is at an acute angle of ~30°. This raises the question of how the slip distribution and rupture parameters were affected by the rupture initiation at a splay fault. Initial models indicate that the rupture propagated faster toward northeast and slower toward southwest, which might indicate that the directivity of the splay fault played an important role in the rupture dynamics of this earthquake. Remarkably, this complex event triggered another destructive earthquake with magnitude Mw7.6, west of the epicenter of the first mainshock, nine hours later. The second event caused a relatively short surface rupture (~80 km) with high stress drop. The analysis of 3D dynamic earthquake rupture simulations contributes to a comprehensive understanding of the effects of material properties and initial stresses on dynamic triggering and ground motion intensity. In this study we will show our preliminary results of the dynamic modeling of the Mw7.8 earthquake using the Finite Element community code Pylith. East and south Anatolia contain many faults which are capable of generating M>7.0 earthquakes in the near future. Therefore, understanding the dynamics of the Kahramanmaras earthquakes and stress transfer to neighboring faults is important in order to understand the potential for new destructive earthquakes in the surrounding area, and to generate scenarios of damage, shaking and PGA distributions.

How to cite: Korkusuz Öztürk, Y., Meral Özel, N., Ampuero, J.-P., and Oral, E.: Preliminary Results of Dynamic Rupture Simulations of the Mw7.8 Kahramanmaras Earthquake, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17602,, 2023.

EGU23-17603 | Posters on site | SM1.6

Geodetically and seismically informed rapid 3D dynamic rupture modeling of the Mw7.8 Kahramanmaraş earthquake 

Alice-Agnes Gabriel, Thomas Ulrich, Mathilde Marchandon, and James Biemiller

The destruction unfolding after the February 6, 2023 Turkey-Syria Earthquake sequence is devastating. First observations reveal complex earthquake dynamics challenging data-driven efforts. We present rapid, data-informed and physics-based 3D dynamic rupture simulations of the puzzling Mw7.8 Kahramanmaras earthquake providing a first-order mechanical explanation of this earthquake’s complexity and its implications for the Mw7.5 doublet event.

By incorporating detailed fault geometries constrained by satellite geodetic observations into 3D dynamic rupture simulations, we show how dynamic interactions between fault geometric complexity and the heterogeneous regional stress field generated the unique and unexpected rupture behaviors observed, including localized supershear, backwards rupture branching, and locally strong shaking.

Our supercomputing empowered simulations that tightly link earthquake physics with interdisciplinary observations can provide a direct understanding of the fault system mechanics, reconcile competing interpretations and serve as a constraint to understand the short- and long-term Eastern Anatolian Fault system interaction.

How to cite: Gabriel, A.-A., Ulrich, T., Marchandon, M., and Biemiller, J.: Geodetically and seismically informed rapid 3D dynamic rupture modeling of the Mw7.8 Kahramanmaraş earthquake, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17603,, 2023.

EGU23-17604 | ECS | Posters on site | SM1.6

Delineation of Regional High Seismic Risk Zone for More Targeted Seismic Risk Mitigation 

Danhua Xin, Zhenguo Zhang, Bo Chen, and Friedemann Wenzel

Despite global efforts to reduce seismic risk, earthquake remains one of the most destructive natural disasters in the world, especially for seismic active zones when they are characterized by high densification of fixed assets and population. For a specific country or region, the most effective way to achieve earthquake resilience is preparedness prior to an earthquake. To mitigate potential seismic risk, it is important to understand where high seismic risk zone locates, since the budgetary resources available from the local government are always limited and they should be allocated to such zone with priority. This paper proposes a strategy to delineate regional high seismic risk zone by combing different seismic risk assessment results, aiming to make the seismic risk mitigation practice more targeted and operable. Our analyses show that while the delineated high seismic risk zone occupies only ~10% of the case study area, it accounts for ~90% of the total seismic risk in terms of economic loss. To achieve more targeted seismic risk mitigation, we recommend that such zone should be given top priority in seismic risk mitigation.

How to cite: Xin, D., Zhang, Z., Chen, B., and Wenzel, F.: Delineation of Regional High Seismic Risk Zone for More Targeted Seismic Risk Mitigation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17604,, 2023.

A devastating earthquake sequence occurred on February 6, 2023, within the East Anatolian fault system. Two main shocks, the Mw 7.7 Sofalaca-Şehitkamil-Gaziantep, and Mw 7.6 Ekinözü-Kahramanmaraş earthquakes occurred nine hours apart and affected 10 cities and more than an area of 100,000 km2 (PGA>0.08g). The earthquake-affected area mainly exhibits arid/semi-arid climatic conditions where approximately 15% of the landscape is characterized by steep topography (slope steepness>20°). Initial estimates of globally available predictive landslide models indicated extensive landslide distribution over the area.

We examined high-resolution satellite images and aerial photos to provide a better insight into this co-seismic landslide event and its possible post-seismic consequences. These observations are going to be validated and enriched by detailed field surveys. This research presents our preliminary findings as a result of these investigations. Our observations carried out in the first two weeks after the sequence showed that rock fall and lateral spreading are the dominant landslide types, and the overall landslide population could be less than expected. Therefore, the resultant co-seismic landslide event seems unexpected, given the intensity of ground shaking and landscape characteristics. Based on the preliminary investigations, lithology, topographic relief, and climatic conditions appear to be the main variables causing these below expectations for landslide distribution. We should stress that our historical records mostly lack landslide events in arid/semi-arid conditions, as we observed in this event. In this context, this event is going to be recorded as one of a few of its kind. Our observations also showed intense ground shaking and strongly deformed numbers of hillslopes, although most have not failed yet. In particular, heavy rain and snowmelt may result in a considerable number of failures on those hillslopes that are prone to cracking and deformation due to strong ground shaking. In this respect, this area needs to be monitored for a long time to understand the earthquake legacy effect and post-seismic hillslope response.

How to cite: Gorum, T. and Tanyas, H.: Less than expected? Landslides triggered by the 2023 Mw 7.7 and 7.6 Kahramanmaras (Türkiye) earthquake sequence, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17606,, 2023.

EGU23-17607 | ECS | Posters on site | SM1.6

Strong Ground Motion Simulations of the 2023 Turkey–Syria Earthquake Sequence Using CGFDM3D-EQR 

Tianhong Xu, Wenqiang Wang, and Zhenguo Zhang

On February 6th 2023, a large Mw 7.8 earthquake struck Turkey and Syria near the border area. Only 9 hours later, another Mw 7.5 earthquake occurred about 90 km northeast of the epicenter of the first earthquake. Up to now, the two earthquakes have killed at least 43,000 people and injured 120,000. Preliminary inversion results from USGS show that the geometric structure of the seismogenic fault is rather complex, and the rupture propagates through multiple sub-faults.

Massive casualties show the necessity and urgency of an earthquake rapid emergency response system, and ground motion simulation is a key component of this system. Empirical ground-motion prediction equations (GMPEs), which are widely used, can quickly provide the distribution of ground motion and seismic intensity. Unfortunately, the calculated seismic intensity is not accurate enough due to its incomplete consideration of the earthquake source and the complicated seismic wave propagation process(Paolucci et al., 2018; Infantino et al., 2020; Stupazzini et al., 2021). In contrast, the physics-based ground motion simulation method has more advantages. In this study, we employ the USGS's finite fault inversion results as kinematic source input to model the two earthquakes' strong ground motion using the CGFDM3D-EQR platform (Wang et al., 2022). The platform can quickly run an earthquake simulation while taking into account the three-dimensional complexity of topography, underground medium, and source, providing timely reliable distribution of ground motion and seismic intensity. Preliminary findings indicate that the first earthquake's maximum intensity is XI, the second earthquake's maximum intensity is X, which is consistent with the report issued by AFAD, and that the simulated intensity's spatial distribution range is also consistent. The simulation completely considers the effects of the source, geological environment, and topography, and the seismic intensity distribution exhibits complex non-uniform properties that are closer to the reality.

The rapid ground shaking simulations of the Turkey–Syria earthquake allows for the quick, accurate, and scientific assessment of earthquake damage. To reduce lives and financial losses, these results can serve as a scientific foundation and point of reference for the relevant authorities as they decide how best to respond in an earthquake and conduct out rescue operations.






Infantino M, Mazzieri I, Özcebe A G, et al. 3d physics-based numerical simulations of ground motion in istanbul from earthquakes along the marmara segment of the north anatolian fault[J]. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 2020, 110(5): 2559-2576.

Paolucci r, Gatti F, Infantino M, et al. Broadband ground motions from 3d physics-based numerical simulations using artificial neural networksbroadband ground motions from 3d pbss using anns[J]. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 2018, 108(3A): 1272-1286.

Stupazzini M, Infantino M, Allmann A, et al. Physics-based probabilistic seismic hazard and loss assessment in large urban areas: A simplified application to istanbul[J]. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 2021, 50(1):99-115.

Wang, W., Zhang, Z., Zhang, W., Yu, H., Liu, Q., Zhang, W., & Chen, X. (2022). CGFDM3D‐EQR: A Platform for Rapid Response to Earthquake Disasters in 3D Complex Media. Seismological Research Letters, 93 (4): 2320-2334.

How to cite: Xu, T., Wang, W., and Zhang, Z.: Strong Ground Motion Simulations of the 2023 Turkey–Syria Earthquake Sequence Using CGFDM3D-EQR, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17607,, 2023.

EGU23-17608 | Orals | SM1.6

Dynamic Triggering of Tremor and Earthquakes along the Dead Sea Transform by the 2023 Kahramanmaraş Earthquake Doublet 

Asaf Inbal, Itzhak Lior, Alon Ziv, and Ran Novitsky Nof

The Kahramanmaraş earthquake doublet, which struck south-eastern Turkey, imparted stress changes that dramatically affected neighboring regions: northern Israel, located about 600 km to the south of the epicenters, experienced roughly a hundred-fold increase in seismicity rates during the first week following the M>7 earthquakes. Here, we study seismic records along the Dead Sea Transform (DST) in order to identify, locate, and determine the characteristics of seismic sources triggered by seismic waves due to the M>7 earthquakes. We take advantage of a dense near-fault accelerometer network recently installed along the DST in Israel, and scan high- and low-pass filtered seismograms to look for body- and surface-wave triggering. We find that Love waves generated by the Mw7.5 earthquake triggered a small-magnitude earthquake in the northern Dead Sea lake area. Importantly, we find the first evidence of deep tectonic tremor along the DST, also triggered by the Mw7.5 Love waves. This tremor episode is composed of two 10 s bursts aligned with the strongest Love wave energy. Preliminary tremor envelope cross-correlation location results suggest it resides in the Jordan Valley, north of the Dead Sea lake, at 10 to 20 km depth, within the San Andreas Fault tremor depth range. Despite its larger magnitude, we do not find evidence for dynamic triggering due to the Mw7.8. The lack of dynamic triggering due to the Mw7.8, and the fact that waves from both earthquakes travel along similar paths to Israel, allow us to establish a threshold for dynamic earthquake triggering in the Dead Sea area.

How to cite: Inbal, A., Lior, I., Ziv, A., and Novitsky Nof, R.: Dynamic Triggering of Tremor and Earthquakes along the Dead Sea Transform by the 2023 Kahramanmaraş Earthquake Doublet, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17608,, 2023.

EGU23-17609 | Orals | SM1.6

Rupture processes of the 2023 Türkiye earthquake sequence: Main- and aftershocks 

Gesa Petersen, Pinar Büyükakpinar, Felipe Vera, Malte Metz, Joachim Saul, Simone Cesca, Torsten Dahm, and Frederik Tilmann

On February 6, 2023, southeastern Turkey was hit by two of the most devastating earthquakes in the instrumental period of the country, with Mw 7.7-7.8 and Mw 7.6, respectively. Both earthquakes caused massive damage and in total tens of thousands of casualties in Turkey and Syria. In this study, we analyze the rupture processes of main- and aftershocks by combining different seismic source characterization techniques using teleseismic, regional and local data. We perform finite source inversion and back projection-based analyses for the two main shocks and invert for probabilistic centroid moment tensor solutions of both main and aftershocks (M≥4). The first earthquake was bilateral and ruptured a seismic gap along the East Anatolian Fault Zone, with rupture first propagating to the north-east for ~200 km, and in a latter phase propagating to the SSW, probably coming to a halt only on a branch extending into the Mediterranean Sea. The total length of the rupture likely exceeds 500 km. The second event ruptured the EW oriented Sürgü-Misis Fault Zone to the NW of the first event. It shows a highly concentrated rupture near the epicenter, Rupture directivity analyses for M≥5.3 earthquakes provide additional insights into dynamic source aspects. Preliminary moment tensor solutions of numerous aftershocks indicate a remarkable variability of rupturing mechanisms, suggesting stress changes and the activation of multiple faults in the vicinity of the main ruptures. With our work, we aim to shed light onto multiple aspects of the complex rupture evolution and hope to provide new insights towards a better understanding of the devastating 2023 Türkiye earthquake sequence.

How to cite: Petersen, G., Büyükakpinar, P., Vera, F., Metz, M., Saul, J., Cesca, S., Dahm, T., and Tilmann, F.: Rupture processes of the 2023 Türkiye earthquake sequence: Main- and aftershocks, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17609,, 2023.

EGU23-17610 | Orals | SM1.6

The 6 February 2023 Türkiye Earthquakes: Insights for the European Seismic Hazard and Risk Models 

Graeme Weatherill, Fabrice Cotton, Helen Crowley, Laurentiu Danciu, Karin Sesetyan, Eser Cakti, M. Abdullah Sandikkaya, Ozkan Kale, and Elif Türker and the Members of the 2020 European Seismic Hazard Model and 2020 European Seismic Risk Model Core Teams

The earthquakes that struck eastern Türkiye and Syria on 6 February 2023, first with a Mw 7.8 shock then followed only hours later by a second Mw 7.6 event, will have profound and long-lasting consequences for those living in this highly seismically active region. From the perspective of the European earthquake science and engineering communities, however, these events also force us to evaluate our models of seismic hazard and risk for the region, specifically the 2020 European Seismic Hazard Model (ESHM20, Danciu et al.. 2021) and European Seismic Risk Model (ESRM20, Crowley et al.. 2021), to identify potential shortcomings and focus on areas where improvement is needed. A single event such as this can neither validate nor invalidate probabilistic models, but as data emerge, we can compare these with components of our models and verify the extent to which the events themselves and their consequences are described.

We first verified that the ruptures associated to the two main earthquakes are present within the inventory of ruptures and associated probabilities within the source model (the earthquake rupture forecasts or ERFs) for the East Anatolian Fault (first event) and Sürgü-Cardak Fault (second event). These earthquakes are larger than those in the historical earthquake catalogue, but ruptures close in magnitude and dimension to those observed were present in the ESHM20 ERFs. Both magnitudes were between 0.2 – 0.4 Mw units lower than those defined for their respective faults on the different logic tree branches.

Preliminary ground motion observations allowed us to compare the observed shaking to that predicted by the ESHM20 ground motion model (GMM) and others in the literature. These were found to be consistent in their prediction of the expected shaking and its attenuation. The 6th February earthquakes do show that future models must address issues of time-dependence between earthquakes and allow for short-term clustering of large events on nearby ruptures. Recorded near-fault ground motions also suggest strong pulse-like behaviour, indicating the need for such phenomena to be better captured in the GMMs.

A complete assessment of the actual damage and consequences is not yet available from which we could compare the seismic risk model. We have run scenario risk calculations using the ESRSM20 site, exposure and vulnerability models for the two main earthquakes, along with other scenario ruptures on neighbouring faults. Expected fatalities were lower than those reported at the time of writing; however, many factors contribute to this. Further analysis is needed to understand the difference, but critical areas for future improvement to the risk models should include state-dependent fragility, modelling of further epistemic uncertainty in exposure and vulnerability, and inclusion of spatial- and temporal correlations in ground motions across a region. Future efforts by the seismic hazard and risk modelling community to address these issues considering the February 2023 earthquakes may have a lasting impact on risk mitigation, both in Türkiye and across Europe.

How to cite: Weatherill, G., Cotton, F., Crowley, H., Danciu, L., Sesetyan, K., Cakti, E., Sandikkaya, M. A., Kale, O., and Türker, E. and the Members of the 2020 European Seismic Hazard Model and 2020 European Seismic Risk Model Core Teams: The 6 February 2023 Türkiye Earthquakes: Insights for the European Seismic Hazard and Risk Models, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17610,, 2023.

EGU23-17611 | ECS | Posters on site | SM1.6

Fault slip and fault-zone damage of the 6 February 2023 Kahramanmaraş earthquake duplet estimated from 3D displacement derivations of Sentinel-1 radar images 

Jihong Liu, Xing Li, Adriano Nobile, Yann Klinger, and Sigurjón Jónsson

We report on the surface displacements of the 6 February 2023 Kahramanmaraş earthquake duplet derived from pixel-offset tracking of Sentinel-1 radar images. From both ascending and descending orbit images, along-track (azimuth) and across-track (range) pixel offsets were derived, yielding four different offset images from which we inverted for three-dimensional surface displacements. The resulting horizontal surface displacements clearly show the left-lateral motion across the two main faults, with the vertical displacements small in comparison, confirming the almost pure strike-slip mechanism of both events. Comparison with GPS data indicates that an accuracy of ~10 cm can be achieved for the horizontal displacements. From the offset results, we mapped the main surface rupture of the first event along the East Anatolian Fault (EAF) for ~300 km and the surface rupture of the second mainshock for over 100 km, i.e., somewhat shorter than illuminated by the aftershocks. Using multiple profiles across the faults, of the fault-parallel displacements derived from the offset results, we find three slip maxima along the EAF, with the largest slip (6-7 m) found northeast of the epicenter, ~30 km east of the city of Kahramanmaraş. Another slip maximum (~4 m) is found further southwest, near Islahiye, with fault slip abruptly decreasing near Antakya at the southwestern end of the rupture. The maximum surface offset of the second fault is even larger than for the first rupture, or about 8 m, and it is found near the epicenter. In addition to localized deformation along the main rupture, across-fault profiles of both fault-parallel and fault-perpendicular displacement components also show deformation gradients that might be evidence for off-fault damage extending several km away from the surface ruptures. From the derived coseismic 3D displacements and GNSS observations, we inverted for spatially variable fault slip, revealing that most of the fault slip occurred above 15 km with maximum slip of both quakes reaching almost 10 m. The spatially variable slip model of the first mainshock has primarily three areas of high slip, like what is seen at the surface. Together the results have provided a quick and a complete overview of surface fault offsets and what faults were activated in the earthquake and will help assessing the influence these large earthquakes have had on other faults in the region.

How to cite: Liu, J., Li, X., Nobile, A., Klinger, Y., and Jónsson, S.: Fault slip and fault-zone damage of the 6 February 2023 Kahramanmaraş earthquake duplet estimated from 3D displacement derivations of Sentinel-1 radar images, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17611,, 2023.

EGU23-17612 | Posters on site | SM1.6

Mapping the ruptures of the Mw7.8 and Mw7.7 Turkey-Syria Earthquakes using optical offset tracking with Sentinel-2 images 

Floriane Provost, Jérôme Van der Woerd, Jean-Philippe Malet, Alessia Maggi, Yann Klinger, David Michéa, Elisabeth Pointal, and Fabrizio Pacini

Monday February 6, 2023, two large Mw7+ earthquakes struck Turkey and North-Syria. The first event occurred along the N60 striking East Anatolian Fault (EAF) and its prolongation towards the Dead Sea Fault, the N25 striking Karazu fault, with an epicenter 30 km south-east off the main rupture zone. The second event is located to the north of the first one, along the N100 Sürgü-Çartak fault. Focal mechanisms of both shocks exhibit a dominant left-lateral strike-slip component on sub-vertical faults. These ruptures and mechanisms are compatible with Anatolia westward extrusion between the North and East Anatolian faults in response to Arabia-Eurasia convergence. The complex geometry of the activated faults during this earthquake sequence sheds light on how strain is partitioned and distributed among the faults of this triple-junctions linking Nubia, Arabia and Anatolia.

The current constellation of Earth Observation satellites allowed for rapid acquisition of the whole impacted area shortly after the mainshocks. On February 9, 2023, the Copernicus Sentinel-2 satellite captured a set of optical images while the region was mostly cloud free. This dataset offers a complete coverage of the system of faults activated during these events at 10 m spatial resolution. Although this resolution is not sufficient to map surface ruptures directly from the images, image correlation (also known as offset tracking) techniques can be applied on these images to retrieve the distribution of the surface displacement. In the present work, we used the GDM-OPT-ETQ service of the ForM@Ter solid Earth data hub to measure (with the open source photogrammetry library MicMac) the co-seismic displacement between images of January 25, 2023 and February 9, 2023. The massive processing was performed on the Geohazards Exploitation Platform (GEP). The final products of the processing are East-West and North-South displacement maps covering an area of  300 km x 300 km at 10 m resolution and further 2D strain maps are also derived. Spatial offsets in the range of 3 to near 10 m are identified with large geographic variability along the faults. 

These maps significantly contribute to identify and map the ruptures of the Turkey-Syria earthquakes and determine the along fault displacement. The spatial distribution of the displacement will be discussed together with a first order cluster analysis of the seismic sequence using an aftershock catalogs. The combined datasets should allow us to better understand the complexity of the on-fault and off-fault deformation pattern.

How to cite: Provost, F., Van der Woerd, J., Malet, J.-P., Maggi, A., Klinger, Y., Michéa, D., Pointal, E., and Pacini, F.: Mapping the ruptures of the Mw7.8 and Mw7.7 Turkey-Syria Earthquakes using optical offset tracking with Sentinel-2 images, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17612,, 2023.

The double earthquakes of 6 February 2023 in central Turkey and their associated seismic activity show a composite cloud of thousands of epicenters that mimic the number 7 and extend from central Turkey to the east Mediterranean shoreline. The lower limb of this mighty “7” spreads along a trend that matches the onshore continuation of the Latakia ridge, which is one of the most prominent seafloor structures of the east Mediterranean region. This structure extends for about 200 km along the subduction zone of the Cyprus arc where compressional forces are dominant. We interpreted a major and active reverse fault system underneath the Latakia ridge using 3D seismic interpretation. The ridge’s reverse faults rupture the seafloor and display a relief up to 500 m in height. The fault system underneath this prominent seafloor rupture is capable of generating a high magnitude earthquake and can be considered a very plausible source of the 9 July 551 M 7.2 earthquake and its associated tsunami along the Levant coast. The magnitudes of the 6 February 2023 double earthquakes and the density and trend of their associated seismic activity highlight the importance of understanding the interconnection of the seismogenic structures in the east Mediterranean region, both onshore and offshore, with additional attention to those that are potentially tsunamigenic.

How to cite: Nemer, T., Faysal, R., and Sarieddine, K.: The double earthquakes of 6 February 2023 in central Turkey: a mighty “7” from continental strike-slip to subduction, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17613,, 2023.

Temporal seismic velocity changes have been reported to occur before, during and after major earthquakes. We applied seismic ambient noise interferometry to analyse transient velocity changes (dv/v) in the vicinity of the fault segment affected by the 6th of February East Anatolia earthquake sequence. The dataset consists of 5 months of continuous seismic records (from October 1st 2022 to February 15 2023)   recorded by three triaxial broadband stations deployed on the shoulders of the reactivated fault system. The open-access stations are operated by the Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute of Turkey. Cross-correlation changes over time between station pairs reveal a large velocity co-seismic drop of about 2%   in the apparent velocity. We also examine the velocity variations in single-station cross-component analysis finding a co-seismic velocity variation of 1% more prominent on horizontal cross-components. These variations may be associated with changes in the effective stress of the upper crust and may be identified before and during the occurrence of important events. We are currently investigating precursory cross-correlations and auto-correlations of the signal in comparison to long-term seasonal trends. We show the importance of seismic interferometry as an additional method to monitor active fault systems.

How to cite: Muñoz-Burbano, F., Savard, G., and Lupi, M.: Temporal seismic Velocity variations prior and during the 7.8 and 7.5 MW earhquakes occurred in south-central Turkey implementing ambient noise interferometry, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17614,, 2023.

EGU23-17616 | Posters on site | SM1.6

Surface Displacement and Source Parameters of the Mw 7.7 and Mw 7.6 Kahramanmaraş Earthquakes 

Haluk Özener, Çağkan Serhun Zoroğlu, Egehan Vardar, Emre Havazlı, Tülay Kaya Eken, and Mahyat Shafapour Tehrany

On February 6th, 2023, a devastating earthquake with a magnitude of Mw7.7 occurred in the Kahramanmaras region of Türkiye. The earthquake is caused by the rupture of a NE-SW oriented left lateral strike-slip Pazarcık fault segment located between the East Anatolian Fault (EAF) and Dead Sea Fault (DSF) fault systems. The aftershock sequence of the earthquake indicated that post-seismic deformation continued along the EAF and DSF toward the NE and SW. Just 9 hours later, another earthquake with a magnitude of Mw7.6 occurred along the EW-oriented left lateral Sürgü Fault, located approximately 100 km north of the first event. These two earthquakes released a significant amount of energy and affected ten provinces in southeastern Türkiye. The earthquake region is characterized by a complex tectonic structure actively deforming through a network of strike-slip, thrust, and normal faults formed by the convergence of the Arabian Plate to the Eurasian Plate and the westward movement of the Anatolian Plate. It is of utmost importance to understand the co-seismic and post-seismic surface deformation behavior to make reliable seismic hazard assessments.

To better understand the deformation patterns during and after the Kahramanmaraş earthquakes, we processed Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) data sets obtained before and after the earthquakes. We used both ascending and descending track SAR images of the ESA Sentinel-1 to detect the surface displacement. Then, we incorporated the post-seismic deformation patterns from the relocated aftershock events to the InSAR derived deformation field to gain insight into the source properties of the events. Our preliminary results revealed several meters of displacement across the faults.

How to cite: Özener, H., Zoroğlu, Ç. S., Vardar, E., Havazlı, E., Kaya Eken, T., and Shafapour Tehrany, M.: Surface Displacement and Source Parameters of the Mw 7.7 and Mw 7.6 Kahramanmaraş Earthquakes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17616,, 2023.

EGU23-17617 | Posters on site | SM1.6

Multiple effects contributed to the intensive shaking recorded in the 6 February 2023 Kahramanmaraş (Türkiye) earthquake sequence 

Sigurjón Jónsson, Theodoros Aspiotis, Tariq Aquib, Eduardo Cano, David Castro-Cruz, Armando Espindola-Carmona, Bo Li, Xing Li, Jihong Liu, Rémi Matrau, Adriano Nobile, Kadek Palgunadi, Laura Parisi, Matthieu Ribot, Cahli Suhendi, Yuxiang Tang, Bora Yalcin, Ulaş Avşar, Yann Klinger, and P. Martin Mai

The Kahramanmaraş earthquake sequence caused strong shaking and extensive damage in central-south Türkiye and northwestern Syria, making them the deadliest earthquakes in the region for multiple centuries. The rupture of the first mainshock (M7.8) initiated just south of the East Anatolian Fault (EAF) and then ruptured bilaterally hundreds of km of the EAF, causing major stress changes in the region and triggering the second mainshock (M7.6) about 9 hours later. We mapped the surface ruptures of the two mainshocks using pixel-offset tracking of Sentinel-1 radar images and find them to be ~300 km and 100-150 km long. The distribution of aftershocks indicates that the fault ruptures may have been even longer at depth, or about ~350 km and ~170 km, respectively. The pixel-tracking results and finite-fault modeling of the spatially variable fault slip show up to 7 and 8 m of surface fault offsets at the two faults, respectively, and that fault slip was shallow in both events, mostly above 15 km. In addition, our back-projection analysis suggests the first mainshock ruptured from the hypocenter to the northeast towards the EAF (first ~15 sec), then continued along it to the northeast (until ~55 sec), and also to the southwest towards the Hatay province, later at high rupture speeds (until ~80 sec). Furthermore, strong motion recordings show PGA values up to 2g and are particularly severe in Hatay, where multiple stations show over 0.5g PGA values. Both events are characterized by abrupt rupture cessation, generating strong stopping phases that likely contributed to the observed high shaking levels. Together the results show that directivity effects, high rupture speed, strong stopping phases, and local site effects all contributed to the intensive shaking and damage in the Hatay province.

How to cite: Jónsson, S., Aspiotis, T., Aquib, T., Cano, E., Castro-Cruz, D., Espindola-Carmona, A., Li, B., Li, X., Liu, J., Matrau, R., Nobile, A., Palgunadi, K., Parisi, L., Ribot, M., Suhendi, C., Tang, Y., Yalcin, B., Avşar, U., Klinger, Y., and Mai, P. M.: Multiple effects contributed to the intensive shaking recorded in the 6 February 2023 Kahramanmaraş (Türkiye) earthquake sequence, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17617,, 2023.

EGU23-17618 | Posters on site | SM1.6

Global Distributed Fibre Optic Sensing recordings of the February 2023 Turkey earthquake sequence. 

Philippe Jousset, Andreas Wuestefeld, Charlotte Krawczyk, Alan Baird, Gilda Currenti, Martin Landrø, Andy Nowacki, Zack Spica, Sandra Ruiz Barajas, Fabian Lindner, Özgün A. Konca, Pascal Edme, Voon Hui Lai, Vladimir Treshchikov, Lena Urmantseva, Jan Peter Morten, Werner Lienhart, Bradley Paul Lipovsky, Martin Schoenball, and Kuo-Fong Ma and the “DAS-month” team (sample only!)

As part of a global distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) campaign, multiple DAS interrogators (from academia and industry) recorded simultaneously from 1st till 28th February 2023 in different regions of the globe. The objective is to define if and how a global monitoring system based on DAS could perform for teleseismic event record and analysis. Each participant uploaded triggered data window from earthquakes with magnitude larger than 5, as defined by global seismological networks, to a central storage location. Data was pre-processed following common filtering parameters (spatial and temporal sampling). Bottle-necks in data format, storage, and legal issues are identified and reviewed to pose the basis for a common DAS data archive strategy.

In this study, we present a selection of DAS records of the Turkey earthquake sequence, from borehole, surface, on-land, submarine telecommunication or dedicated cables all over the globe. They comprise a few kilometers long railroad track (Switzerland), an 0.8 km long deployed cable in the Limmat river, near Zürich (Switzerland), a 1 km deployed cable at Mt. Zugspitze in the Alps (Germany/Austria), a 21 km telecom cable in the forest around Potsdam (Germany), a 17 km telecom cable surface geothermal field (north Iceland), a 0.2 km borehole at Etna volcano (Italy), a telecom cable in the city of Istanbul (Turkey), a 25 km telecom cable in Melbourne (Australia), in the inner city line in Graz (Austria), in the city of Seattle, WA (USA), a submarine cable in the North Sea, a submarine cable connecting Ny Ålesund and Longyearbyen at Svalbard (Norway), a 0.8 km dedicated fibre in a quick clay area in Norway, amongst many others.

We show that signals from the two destructive earthquakes in Turkey were recorded all over the globe. We discuss the signal quality and their potential use to study teleseism signals. We analyze recorded strain amplitudes according to the different array geometries and the differing sensitivities to wave types (body, surface waves, possibly others) and deployment conditions. When available, comparison with other sensors located in the same place is performed. Finally, we analyze the influence of local geological conditions due to the passing large amplitudes waves.

With the increasing availability, reduced cost and improved simplicity of DAS systems and the wide spread existing fibre optic networks, we believe fibre-optic sensing will play an ever-increasing role in the global seismic monitoring.

How to cite: Jousset, P., Wuestefeld, A., Krawczyk, C., Baird, A., Currenti, G., Landrø, M., Nowacki, A., Spica, Z., Barajas, S. R., Lindner, F., Konca, Ö. A., Edme, P., Lai, V. H., Treshchikov, V., Urmantseva, L., Morten, J. P., Lienhart, W., Lipovsky, B. P., Schoenball, M., and Ma, K.-F. and the “DAS-month” team (sample only!): Global Distributed Fibre Optic Sensing recordings of the February 2023 Turkey earthquake sequence., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17618,, 2023.

EGU23-17619 | Posters on site | SM1.6

Preliminary Seismic and Geodetic Observations of the Mw7.8 and Mw7.6 Earthquakes in Eastern Turkey 

Sezim Ezgi Güvercin, Ali Özgün Konca, Hayrullah Karabulut, Figen Eskiköy, James Hollingsworth, and Semih Ergintav

On 6 February 2023, Mw7.8 Kahramanmaraş earthquake sequence ruptured a section of ~300 km of the East Anatolian Fault (EAF). The rupture was initiated with a relatively small ~Mw7.0 event on the Narli Fault, a subparallel prolongation to the Amanos segment breaking ~50 km of its length to the north before reaching to the EAF, ~20s later. The Mw7.8 earthquake was followed by a Mw7.6 event rupturing E-W oriented Çardak Fault on the north of the EAF, ~9 hours later. The initial part of the rupture along the Narlı fault with Mw7.0 earthquake has significant normal component while the rest of the rupture is mostly left-lateral strike slip consistent with the EAF. The pixel correlation of satellite images shows that the rupture of the Mw7.8 event extends for 300 km along the EAF with a maximum slip of ~9 m near Kahramanmaraş Junction. Preliminary finite-fault models show that average rupture velocity toward north-east is faster (~ 3km/s) compared to the southwest (~2 km/s). The north-east extent of the rupture almost reached to the termination of the 2020, Mw6.8 Sivrice earthquake, while to the southwest, it extends to the east of the city of Antakya. The Mw7.6 earthquake has surface offset of ~10 m extending E-W for ~100 km between the EAF in the east and Savrun Fault in the west. The aftershock zone expanded over a wide region during the first few days, all over the eastern Anatolia. The seismic activities triggered on Malatya, Savrun and Göksun Faults are consistent with Coulomb stress increases. Earthquake focal mechanisms solutions are consistent with the kinematics of the ruptured faults with strike slip solutions. Normal fault solutions are observed at the terminations of the ruptures with Coulomb stress increases.  The normal fault is activated on the southern border of the Hatay Graben, with a continuation to the Cyprus Arc.  In this presentation we present the preliminary results of the seismicity, slip model including GNSS, seismic and InSAR data as well as the satellite obtained surface offsets.

How to cite: Güvercin, S. E., Konca, A. Ö., Karabulut, H., Eskiköy, F., Hollingsworth, J., and Ergintav, S.: Preliminary Seismic and Geodetic Observations of the Mw7.8 and Mw7.6 Earthquakes in Eastern Turkey, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17619,, 2023.

EGU23-17620 | ECS | Posters on site | SM1.6

Strong ground motions due to directivity and site effects inflicted by the February 6 2023 earthquake doublet, along the East Anatolian Fault 

Theodoros Aspiotis, Tariq Anwar Aquib, David Castro-Cruz, Bo Li, Xing Li, Jihong Liu, Remi Matrau, Kadek Hendrawani Palgunadi, Laura Parisi, Cahli Suhendi, Yuxiang Tang, Yann Klinger, Sigurjon Jonsson, and Paul Martin Mai

Two powerful earthquakes (magnitudes 7.8 and 7.6) struck south-central Türkiye on February 6, 2023, causing significant damage across an extensive area of at least ten provinces in Türkiye as well as in multiple cities in northwestern Syria, making them one of the deadliest earthquakes in Türkiye for multiple centuries. The first mainshock started close to the well-known East Anatolian Fault (EAF) and then rupturing more than 300 km of that fault, whereas the second large earthquake occurred nine hours later around 90 km north of the first mainshock, on an east-west trending fault. In this study, we analysed recorded strong ground motions from the two events to better understand the factors contributing to the devastation caused by the earthquakes.


For this, we collected 250 and 200 strong ground motion records for the first and the second event, respectively, from the Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD) in Türkiye. Maximum peak ground accelerations (PGA) of 2g were observed at a distance of 31 km northeast of the first mainshock epicenter and 0.6g for the second event 65km west to its epicenter. In addition, we find particularly high amplitude ground motions in the Hatay province for the first event, which is consistent with the extent of damage reported in that region. High shaking levels in Antakya and other parts of Hatay can be explained by a combination of strong directivity and local site effects.


The results of our analysis imply that the PGA values derived from two local ground motion models (GMMs), adopted for the 2018 Turkish hazard map, are underestimated in comparison to observed strong motion recordings. In addition, we also compared observed peak and spectral ground motion characteristics with estimated seismic hazard values (10% probability to exceed in 50 years) in the East Anatolian Fault region (extracted from the 2018 Turkish seismic hazard map). Furthermore, we compare the recorded response spectra with the Turkish design code for several locations around the main faults.  The results show that the observations greatly exceed the hazard values and code guidelines in the Hatay province.

How to cite: Aspiotis, T., Aquib, T. A., Castro-Cruz, D., Li, B., Li, X., Liu, J., Matrau, R., Palgunadi, K. H., Parisi, L., Suhendi, C., Tang, Y., Klinger, Y., Jonsson, S., and Mai, P. M.: Strong ground motions due to directivity and site effects inflicted by the February 6 2023 earthquake doublet, along the East Anatolian Fault, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17620,, 2023.

EGU23-17621 | Posters on site | SM1.6

The Tsunami Warning triggered in the Mediterranean Sea by the 2023 February 6 Mw 7.8 Türkiye-Syria earthquake: from the present Decision Matrix (DM) to Probabilistic Tsunami Forecasting (PTF). 

Stefano Lorito, Jacopo Selva, Alessandro Amato, Andrey Babeyko, Basak Bayraktar, Fabrizio Bernardi, Marinos Charalampakis, Louise Cordrie, Nikos Kalligeris, Alessio Piatanesi, Fabrizio Romano, Antonio Scala, Roberto Tonini, Manuela Volpe, Musavver Didem Cambaz, and Doğan Kalafat

The 2023 February 6 Mw 7.8 earthquake was the first one of a doublet which shook Türkiye and Syria causing, as per the estimates at the time of writing of this abstract, more than 45,000 casualties.

The current standard operating procedures of the NEAMTWS (Tsunami Warning System in the North-Eastern Atlantic, the Mediterranean and connected seas, coordinated by UNESCO/IOC) for the initial tsunami warning message following an earthquake are based on a Decision Matrix (DM), whose input parameters are hypocentre and magnitude of the earthquake. Since the epicentre of this earthquake was located at a depth between 15-35 km at almost 100 km from the coast, both KOERI (Türkiye) and INGV (Italy) Tsunami Service Providers (TSPs) of the NEAMTWS issued a Tsunami Watch message (i.e., runup expected to exceed 1 m) for the whole Mediterranean Sea. NOA (Greece) did not issue any alert, because its initial location was more than 100 km from the coast.

In response to the tsunami warning, trains were stopped in different locations in Southern Italy for several hours, and evacuation of some coastal areas was enforced. However, only a relatively small tsunami was recorded by Turkish close-by tide-gauges in the Eastern Mediterranean, with a maximum recorded amplitude of less than 50 cm. Based on these measurements and on others showing little to no tsunami at increasing distances, the alert was then ended after 5 and 9 hours by INGV and KOERI, respectively, based on the available tide-gauge recordings and interaction with Civil Protection Officers.

This event has highlighted that NEAMTWS is an asset for the coastal communities. It can provide rapid alerts, which can save lives if the last-mile of the procedures is in place and the communities are “Tsunami Ready”, that is aware and prepared to respond with evacuations and other appropriate countermeasures. On the other hand, while it is reasonable – and dutiful based on current standard operation procedures – to issue a basin-wide, or at least a local alert, for an inland earthquake of unknown mechanism and of such a large magnitude, it is perhaps possible to improve the DM, which is totally heuristic and characterized by hard-thresholds, with consideration of numerical tsunami simulations and quantitative uncertainty treatment with more continuous variations. Moreover, there is no procedure currently in place to differentiate among locations where the expected time of arrival differs by many hours across the Mediterranean basin, nor a sufficient instrumental coverage that could make cancellation/ending faster due to a more solid observational basis.

We will discuss some of the scientific and operational aspects with the aim of identifying which lessons can be learned to improve the NEAMTWS efficiency. We will also compare the DM-based alerts with those that would be produced with the recently introduced Probabilistic Tsunami Forecasting (PTF, Selva et al., 2021, Nature Communications), presently in pre-operational testing at INGV.

How to cite: Lorito, S., Selva, J., Amato, A., Babeyko, A., Bayraktar, B., Bernardi, F., Charalampakis, M., Cordrie, L., Kalligeris, N., Piatanesi, A., Romano, F., Scala, A., Tonini, R., Volpe, M., Cambaz, M. D., and Kalafat, D.: The Tsunami Warning triggered in the Mediterranean Sea by the 2023 February 6 Mw 7.8 Türkiye-Syria earthquake: from the present Decision Matrix (DM) to Probabilistic Tsunami Forecasting (PTF)., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17621,, 2023.

EGU23-17624 | Orals | SM1.6

February 6, 2023, Mw 7.8 and 7.6 Kahramanmaraş (Turkiye) Earthquake Sequence: Insights from Co-seismic and Post-seismic Surface Deformation 

Seda Özarpacı, Alpay Özdemir, Efe Turan Ayruk, İlay Farımaz, Muhammed Turğut, Yusuf Yüksel, Figen Eskiköy, Uğur Doğan, Semih Ergintav, Cengiz Zabcı, Rahşan Çakmak, Mehmet Köküm, and Ziyadin Çakır

On 6 February 2023, 04:17 in local time, Mw 7.8 earthquake and nine hours later, 13:24 in local time, Mw 7.7 earthquake struck the same region resulting a massive destruction with loss of lives more than 41,000 in Türkiye and 4,000 Syria.  The earthquake took place on the East Anatolian Fault Zona (EAFZ) which is a plate boundary (~600 km) between the Anatolian and Arabian plates from Karlıova triple junction between Arabian, Anatolian and Eurasian plates to the Dead Sea Fault Zone (DSFZ) and parts of another triple junction at the south end between Adana block, Anatolian and Arabian plates at Kahramanmaraş. Secular plate velocities between Arabia and Anatolia range from 6 to 10 mm/yr and has resulted in destructive earthquakes in eastern Turkey as documented by historical records. The largest known earthquakes along the EAFZ occurred on November 29, 1114 (M > 7.8), March 28, 1513 (M > 7.4) and March 2, 1893 (M > 7.1).  The activity of these large devastating historical earthquakes contrasts with the low-level activity during the 20th century. The quiescence ended with the Mw 6.9 1971 Bingöl earthquake, which is followed about 50 year later by the Mw 6.9 January 24, 2020 Sivrice, Elazığ earthquake that ruptured only 45 km of the 95 km long Sivrice-Pütürge segment. With the latter event, seismicity accelerated along the rupture zone and activity moved towards to the SW.

Our aim is to monitor and estimate the co- and post- deformation field from geodetic measurements (InSAR and GNSS). While maximum co-seismic displacement at the ANTE GNSS station was 0.4 m in the first event (KMRS, Kahramanmaras), the biggest co-seismic displacement observed in the second event was 4.5 m in EKIZ (Ekinozu) station which is ~1.5 km away from the epicenter of the second earthquake. This co-seismic deformation field was estimated from open station of TUSAGA-Active GNNS Network. Following the earthquakes, we established three new continuous GNSS stations to monitor the postseismic deformation in Hatay province close to Türkoğlu segment of the East Anatolian Fault. Preliminary analysis indicates about 20 mm of postseismic deformation 10 days following the earthquakes. We have also conducted a GNSS campaign and occupied nearfield benchmarks. We will also monitor postseismic deformation using Sentinel and CosmoSkyMed SAR data field.

This work is supported by TUBITAK project number 121Y400 and 1002-C project “Mw 7.7 Pazarcik (Kahramanmaras) Earthquake Sequence”.

Keywords: 06.02.2023 Turkiye Earthquake Sequence, Kahramanmaras Earthquake, GNSS, InSAR, Coseismic and Postseismic Deformation

How to cite: Özarpacı, S., Özdemir, A., Ayruk, E. T., Farımaz, İ., Turğut, M., Yüksel, Y., Eskiköy, F., Doğan, U., Ergintav, S., Zabcı, C., Çakmak, R., Köküm, M., and Çakır, Z.: February 6, 2023, Mw 7.8 and 7.6 Kahramanmaraş (Turkiye) Earthquake Sequence: Insights from Co-seismic and Post-seismic Surface Deformation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17624,, 2023.

EGU23-17626 | Posters on site | SM1.6

The contribution of Total Variometric Approachto the 2023 Türkiye earthquake sequences 

Michela Ravanelli, Federica Fuso, Elvira Astafyeva, and Mattia Crespi

The 2023 Türkiye earthquake sequences are among the most devastating events of recent years. The earthquake occurred on February 6th, 2023 and was characterized by several foreshocks starting from 1:17UT. The Mw 7.8 shock was the strongest and was caused by a shallow strike-slip faulting.
We applied the Total Variometric Approach (TVA) methodology to fully characterize the 2023 Turkey earthquake sequences from ground to the ionosphere [1].
The TVA technique simultaneously employs two variometric algorithms, VADASE (Variometric Approach for Displacement Analysis Stand-alone Engine) and VARION (Variometric Approach for Real-Time Ionosphere Observation), to retrieve earthquake ground shaking, co-seismic displacements and ionospheric Total Electron Content (TEC) variations in real-time. TVA was already successfully applied to the 2015 Mw 8.3 Illapel earthquake and tsunami.
In this case, we used IGS observations from 6 GNSS located in Turkey, Greece and Israeli and data from 60 GNSS receivers belonging to the Turkish network TUSAGA-Akitf [2].

Our first results show very strong ground shaking up to 10 cm/s in the East direction and up to 25 cm in the North direction. We notice great displacements especially in the horizontal plane (up to 30 cm). This is coherent with a strike-slip earthquake. Nonetheless, we also observe great displacements in the Up component (up to 1m). This could be the reason why we see this earthquake signature also in the ionosphere, although it is a strike-slip shock.
Indeed, preliminary ionospheric analyses reveal the signature of acoustic-gravity waves epicenter (AGWepi) especially for satellites G03, G04, G31 and E09.
A 30cm tsunami wave was also registered in Erdemil, along the Turkish coastline.

This study shows how the TVA can contribute to the complete understanding and rapid characterization of the seismic event, from ground to the atmosphere, and to manage and real-time earthquake hazard assessment.

[1] Ravanelli, M., Occhipinti, G., Savastano, G., Komjathy, A., Shume, E. B., & Crespi, M. (2021). GNSS total variometric approach: first demonstration of a tool for real-time tsunami genesis estimation. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1-12.


How to cite: Ravanelli, M., Fuso, F., Astafyeva, E., and Crespi, M.: The contribution of Total Variometric Approachto the 2023 Türkiye earthquake sequences, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17626,, 2023.

EGU23-17628 | Posters on site | SM1.6

Surface deformation retrieval of the February 2023 South-East Turkeyand Northern Syria Mw 7.8 and Mw 7.5 seismic events through Sentinel-1and SAOCOM-1 co-seismic SAR image analysis 

Francesco Casu, Fernando Monterroso, Yenni Lorena Belen Roa, Pasquale Striano, Simone Atzori, Manuela Bonano, Claudio De Luca, Marianna Franzese, Michele Manunta, Giovanni Onorato, Muhammad Yasir, Ivana Zinno, and Riccardo Lanari

On 6 February 2023 two Mw 7.8 and Mw 7.5 seismic events struck the South-East Turkey and Northern Syria regions, close to the cities of Gaziantep and Ekinözü, causing more than 50 thousands of fatalities and above 120 thousands of injured, with incalculable, widespread damage to the surrounding villages. Such earthquakes are related to the main geodynamic regime controlled by the triple junction between the Anatolian, Arabian and African Plates, and by the tectonic context associated with a shallow strike-slip faulting, including the East Anatolian Fault zone and the Dead Sea Transform. Immediately after the occurrence of these earthquakes, we started investigating the surface deformation field induced by the considered seismic events by applying the Differential SAR Interferometry (DInSAR) and the Pixel Offset (PO) techniques, within the framework of EPOS (European Plate Observing System), which is the European research infrastructure for the study of the solid Earth.

To this aim, we exploited several co-seismic SAR data pairs that have been collected by different satellite constellations. First of all, we exploited C-band (5.6 cm of wavelength) SAR data acquired by the Sentinel-1A sensor of the European Copernicus program from both ascending (Track 14) and descending (Track 94 and 21) orbits. Moreover, we benefited from the availability of a number of L-band (23 cm of wavelength) SAR images acquired by the twin satellites of the Argentine SAOCOM-1 constellation, programmed in collaboration with the Italian and Argentine Space Agencies.

The main focus of this work regards the joint exploitation of the Sentinel-1 and SAOCOM-1 SAR products to retrieve the 3D co-seismic deformation field. Further analysis is envisaged in order to model the co-seismic sources.

This work is supported by: the 2022-2024 IREA-CNR and Italian Civil Protection Department agreement, and by the H2020 EPOS-SP (GA 871121) and Geo-INQUIRE (GA 101058518) projects. The authors also acknowledge ASI for providing the SAOCOM data under the ASI-CONAE SAOCOM License to Use Agreement. Sentinel-1 data were provided through the European Copernicus program.

How to cite: Casu, F., Monterroso, F., Roa, Y. L. B., Striano, P., Atzori, S., Bonano, M., De Luca, C., Franzese, M., Manunta, M., Onorato, G., Yasir, M., Zinno, I., and Lanari, R.: Surface deformation retrieval of the February 2023 South-East Turkeyand Northern Syria Mw 7.8 and Mw 7.5 seismic events through Sentinel-1and SAOCOM-1 co-seismic SAR image analysis, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17628,, 2023.

EGU23-17632 | Posters on site | SM1.6

Direct Rupture Speed Estimation from "Rupture Phase" of the 2023 Turkey Mw 7.8 Earthquake 

Suli Yao and Hongfeng Yang

Rupture speed is a fundamental dynamic characteristic of earthquakes, which can be inferred by multiple approaches such as the back projection (BP) and kinematic fault slip inversion with near-field or far-field data as constraints. Here we propose a rapid estimate for rupture speed directly from the strong motion records along the southern segment of the Mw 7.8 Turkey earthquake on 6 Jan 2023. We collect data on 12 strong motion stations that are located within 3 km from the major fault trace. Due to the short distances to the fault, the ground motions on these stations can approximate a very local rupture phase, with the peak amplitudes of fault-parallel velocities corresponding to the rupture front passage. We pick peak velocities on three components and obtain an apparent propagation speed of ~ 3 km/s. To validate the correlation between the rupture speed and the apparent rupture-phase speed, we conduct 3-D dynamic rupture simulations for this Mw 7.8 event and compare the synthetic rupture front with the rupture phase. We find that the rupture speed is slightly higher than the rupture-phase speed with a difference of 5% - 10%. Based on our modeling results, we infer the actual rupture speed of ~3.2 km/s along the south segment in the Mw 7.8 Turkey earthquake. Different from those waveform-fitting methods that require certain assumptions on the earthquake source, such as the relation between the rupture front and the radiation process or the slip rate function, our approach provide a fast and robust rupture speed estimation that can be done in real time.

How to cite: Yao, S. and Yang, H.: Direct Rupture Speed Estimation from "Rupture Phase" of the 2023 Turkey Mw 7.8 Earthquake, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17632,, 2023.

EGU23-17634 | Posters on site | SM1.6

Sequence-specific updating of European ETAS model: Application to the 2023 Türkiye-Syria earthquake sequence 

Marta Han, Leila Mizrahi, Stefan Wiemer, and Irina Dallo

We analyse the spatio-temporal evolution of the aftershock sequence to the 2023 M7.8 Türkiye-Syria earthquake. Recently, we have calibrated a generic ETAS-based operational forecasting model for Europe, using the unified earthquake catalog developed within the European Seismic Hazard Model (ESHM20; Danciu et al., 2022) for data between 1990 and 2015. Focusing on the earthquake sequence that started in February 2023 in Türkiye, we analyse how our model would have forecasted the temporal and spatial evolution of the sequence. We observed that the productivity of the sequence is substantially higher than forecasted by our generic model. Similar observations have been made in earlier studies on other sequences, and strategies have been proposed to improve existing models based on sequence-specific data (e.g., Omi et al., 2015). Therefore, we conclude that sequence-specific updating is required to achieve an acceptable fit between model and observations.

Here, we investigate the best way to visualize the results of aftershock forecasting and operational earthquake forecasting, and propose a new strategy for sequence-specific updating of model parameters to accurately describe the productivity and the spatial aftershock distribution, while leveraging on the parameters obtained from larger amounts of data within the European model. Our approach strives to avoid biases in the description of the temporal decay due to relying on short-term data. This is done by keeping the parameters describing the temporal decay fixed to the values inverted with our baseline model and calibrating the remaining parameters, using data of the ongoing sequence. As an alternative way to better control productivity, we test model variants for which the a value is fixed to be equal to the GR law exponent b, as proposed by Hainzl et al. (2008). The variants with both fixed and calibrated temporal kernel and productivity are fitted to varying time periods of the Turkish sequence.

We assess the model’s consistency with observations by comparing the forecasts issued by the basic and modified models to the observed events. Preliminary results suggest that keeping the temporal kernel and the productivity parameter a fixed provides better forecasts than the baseline model, already when small amounts of data from the sequence are available. Having identified a promising strategy for sequence-specific model updating, we plan to test whether it is systematically successful by applying it to all earthquake sequences in Europe that occurred after the end of the baseline model training period in 2015. Moreover, we will develop prototypes of communication products that should support professional, societal stakeholders (e.g., decision makers, first responders) to take informed decisions, for example during rescue investigations. Thereby, we will follow evidence-based recommendations derived from the research efforts in the European Horizon-2020 project RISE (Freeman et al., 2023).

How to cite: Han, M., Mizrahi, L., Wiemer, S., and Dallo, I.: Sequence-specific updating of European ETAS model: Application to the 2023 Türkiye-Syria earthquake sequence, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17634,, 2023.

NH1 – Hydro-Meteorological Hazards

Extreme heat under the warming environment has direct societal implications for developing and highly urbanized populations. Previous studies have shown that extreme wet-bulb temperature, a multivariate measure of temperature-humidity, has led to anomalously high convective inhibition and increased precipitation intensity over the tropics. However, little is known about the linkage of humid heat stress characteristics, such as duration and peak heat stress, versus the sub-daily precipitation extremes over urban and periurban locations in the tropics. Leveraging ground-based meteorological records of around five decades from the 27 hydrometric observatories of the India Meteorological Department, I investigate the compound occurrence of humid heat stress versus sub-daily precipitation extremes across the Indian subcontinent (4 - 40° latitude and 65 - 100° longitude). Here heatwaves are identified when three or more consecutive days of extreme wet-bulb temperature, Tw, is above the 90th percentile daily variable threshold for each day of the year.  I show the impact of heat stress and its duration on sub-daily precipitation extremes using a novel conditional probabilistic approach. The risk of sub-daily precipitation extremes at each urbanized location is modelled considering the nonstationarity of underlying drivers. The relative timings between each driver and duration overlap between heatwaves and above-average precipitation extremes (wet spells) are also shown. The results show that the extremal upper dependence between peak Tw and sub-daily precipitation extremes are significantly positive and lies in the range of 0.12 to ≥0.20 across the central northeast region that housed part of the Indo-Gangetic Plains. More than 40% of sites report the most coinciding occurrence of humid-heat stress versus sub-daily precipitation extreme, where each of these drivers readily overlapped each other with a lag time of fewer than two days. Further, I show that considering the magnitude of heat stress as a 10-year return period, even a moderate increase in duration will increase the probability of sub-daily precipitation extremes by a range of 1.7 to 20%, with a notable increase across coastal cities. These results are supported by the physically consistent theory suggesting an increase in sub-daily rainfall extremes in response to climate warming over lands of the tropics because of the combination of “positive thermodynamic” and “dynamic contributions.” The observational evidence of increased sub-daily precipitation extremes in response to humid heat stress would help stakeholders and international organizations build resilient strategies to mitigate the impacts of such consecutive hazards.

How to cite: Ganguli, P.: Observational Evidence Reveals Growing Spatial Scales of Compound Occurrence of Humid Heat Stress-Extreme Rainfall in India, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-509,, 2023.

EGU23-2491 | Posters on site | NH1.1

Minimum rest time for outdoor workers exposed to summer heat stress in South Korea 

Seung-Wook Lee, Young-San Park, and Gwangyong Choi

Continuous work in high-temperature environments can lead to occupational injuries, illnesses, and even deaths. Thus, mandatory rest time for appropriate heat management programs must be provided for the safety of workers. In this study, we figured out the minimum rest time for the heat safety of outdoor workers in South Korea. To quantitatively calculate the minimum rest time, the wet-bulb globe temperature (WBGT) index estimated by 27 synoptic weather stations in South Korea and the national work-rest regimens were used. We assumed that the minimum rest time is the same as the rest time of the work-rest regimens recommended by the WBGT. To examine the intra-seasonal evolution patterns of the minimum rest time, summer seasons are divided into several sub-periods. The average of the hourly WBGT values during summer months from June to August (2009–2018) shows that outdoor workers with a moderate workload (200–350 kcal/h) are exposed to heat stress during approximately 30% of their daytime working hours (06:00–18:00). In the whole summer period, the minimum rest time required for each hour was about 5 minutes for moderate work. But in the mid-summer period from late July to early August, the daily minimum rest time for moderate workload noticeably increases to 20 minutes of mid-day (11:00–15:00). Regionally, no significant increase in rest time was found in areas with high urbanization rates.

How to cite: Lee, S.-W., Park, Y.-S., and Choi, G.: Minimum rest time for outdoor workers exposed to summer heat stress in South Korea, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2491,, 2023.

EGU23-2554 | Orals | NH1.1 | Highlight

Impact of Persistent Heatwave on Heat-Related Illness 

JongHyeon Baek, Sungsu Lee, and Jeong Ah Um

Since 2000, numerous people have suffered from heat-related illness and even died of the heatwave, and more than thousands of people in Korea share the similar pain and loss since 2010. The extremely high temperature and humid are known to be responsible for illness and death; however, the spatial correlation between highest temperature and occurrence of heat-related illness seems relatively low according to the previous studies. There can be many reasons for this, one of which is social aspect. Another reason of the varying probability of occurrence can be the duration of the temperature. Therefore, in this paper, in order to analyze the impacts of persistent high temperatures on the occurrence of heatwave disease, we analyzed the number of days of heatwave days and tropical night days immediately preceding the date of the onset of heat-related illness. This research was supported by a grant(2020-MOIS35-002) of Policy-linked Technology Development Program on Natural Disaster Prevention and Mitigation funded by Ministry of Interior and Safety(MOIS, Korea).

How to cite: Baek, J., Lee, S., and Um, J. A.: Impact of Persistent Heatwave on Heat-Related Illness, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2554,, 2023.

EGU23-3460 | ECS | Orals | NH1.1

Heat waves monitoring over West African cities: uncertainties, characterization and recent trends 

Cedric Gacial Ngoungue Langue, Christophe Lavaysse, Mathieu Vrac, and Cyrille Flamant

Heat waves can be one of the most dangerous climatic hazards affecting the planet; having dramatic impacts on the health of humans and natural ecosystems as well as on anthropogenic activities, infrastructures and economy. Based on climatic conditions in West Africa, the urban centers of the region appear to be vulnerable to heat waves. The goals of this work is firstly to assess the potential uncertainties encountered in heat waves detection; and secondly analyze their recent trend in West Africa cities during the period 1993-2020. This is done using two state-of-the-art reanalysis products, namely ERA5 and MERRA, as well as two local station datasets, namely Yoff Dakar in Senegal and Aéroport Félix Houphouët Boigny Abidjan in Ivory Coast. An estimate of station data from reanalyses is processed using an interpolation technique : the nearest neighbor to the station with a land sea mask >=0.5; the interpolated temperatures from local station in Dakar and Abidjan, show slightly better correlation with ERA5 than MERRA. Three types of uncertainties are discussed: the first type of uncertainty is related to the reanalyses themselves, the second is related to the sensitivity of heat waves frequency and duration to the threshold values used to monitor them; and the last one is linked to the choice of indicators and the methodology used to define heat waves. Three sorts of heat waves have been analyzed, namely those occurring during daytime, nighttime and both daytime and nighttime concomitantly. Four indicators have been used to analyze heat waves based on 2-m temperature, humidity, 10-m wind or a combination of these. We found that humidity plays an important role in nighttime events; concomitant events detected with wet-bulb temperature are more frequent and located over the north Sahel. For all indicators, we identified 6 years with a significantly higher frequency of events (1998, 2005, 2010, 2016, 2019 and 2020) possibly due to higher sea surface temperatures in the equatorial Atlantic ocean corresponding to El Nino events for some years. A significant increase in the frequency, duration and intensity of heat waves in the cities has been observed during the last decade(2012-2020); this is thought to be a consequence of climate change acting on extreme events

How to cite: Ngoungue Langue, C. G., Lavaysse, C., Vrac, M., and Flamant, C.: Heat waves monitoring over West African cities: uncertainties, characterization and recent trends, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3460,, 2023.

EGU23-3523 | Orals | NH1.1 | Highlight

Varying drivers of humid heat extremes over Africa 

Cathryn Birch, Richard Keane, and John Marsham

Africa is particularly vulnerable to present day and future temperature extremes due to its (sub)tropical location, its growing population and the challenges of adapting to extreme heat in many of its regions. Globally, the vast majority of past research on the drivers of heatwaves is focused on dry bulb temperature extremes. The drivers of humid heat extremes vary by location and there is limited understanding of the drivers in all parts of the world, but particularly over Africa. Previous published research by the authors showed increased humidity, cloud, rainfall and/or evaporation drive events over most of Africa. However, across the central African equatorial belt, where absolute values of wet bulb temperature are highest, humid heat extremes are driven by both increased temperature and humidity, and cloud and rainfall anomalies are less important. Here we use ERA5 reanalysis to identify multi-day, large-scale humid heat events over different regions of Africa and quantify the roles of moisture transport, cloud, rainfall and atmospheric circulation. We compare and contrast the different sub-tropical and tropical climatic regions of Africa and present a detailed case study of coastal East Africa. East Africa is of particular interest due to its high climatological wet bulb temperatures, its high population, and its coastal location where the land-sea breeze may be a key control on humid heat extremes. We identify the time of day and locations in coastal East Africa that experience the highest daily maximum wet bulb temperatures and discuss the controlling factors.

How to cite: Birch, C., Keane, R., and Marsham, J.: Varying drivers of humid heat extremes over Africa, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3523,, 2023.

EGU23-4145 | ECS | Orals | NH1.1

Using Apriori Algorithm to Find the Number of Frequent Heat Wave Days Affecting Cities in Europe Over the Future Period 

Mahesh Ramadoss, Christopher Kadow, Meyyappan Thirunavukkarasu, Samuel Chellathurai, Shameema Begum, Narmatha Duraisamy, Akbar Bhadushah, and Abdul Rasheed

Heatwave episodes have severe consequences in the forms of excess mortality in many regions around the world, shortage of agricultural products, drastic changes in ecosystem function and health risks. Due to the global mean temperature rising, the acceleration of extreme temperature disturbing highly at the local scale level, particularly in urban areas. From an economic growth point of view, Major cities are contributing in terms of GDP more. Heatwaves have impacted European GDP significantly in recent years. Our work is to find the number of frequent heat wave days affecting cities which are contributing to the growth of the economy in terms of GDP and density of population wise in Europe over the near future, mid future and long future using the Apriori algorithm. The features of the heat wave and their attributes have been defined according to the criteria explained in ETCCDI. The dataset that contains heat wave days in Europe derived from EURO-CORDEX climate projections is used in this work.


  • Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S): Heat waves and cold spells in Europe derived from climate projections, Climate Change Service Climate Data Store (CDS),  DOI:10.24381/cds.9e7ca677
  • David García-Leó, Current and projected regional economic impacts of heatwaves in Europe, Nature Communications,
  • Christophe, Towards a monitoring system of temperature extremes in Europe, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci,doi:10.5194/nhess-2017-181, 2017
  • Chloé Prodhomme., Seasonal prediction of European summer heatwaves,
  • S. E. Perkins and L.V.Alexander, On the Measurement of Heat Waves, DOI:
  • S. E., Changes in regional heatwave characteristics as a function increasing global temperature, DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-12520-2
  • Agrawal, R. and Srikant, Fast Algorithms for Mining Association Rules in Large Databases. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, VLDB, Santiago de Chile, 12-15 September 1994, 487-499.

How to cite: Ramadoss, M., Kadow, C., Thirunavukkarasu, M., Chellathurai, S., Begum, S., Duraisamy, N., Bhadushah, A., and Rasheed, A.: Using Apriori Algorithm to Find the Number of Frequent Heat Wave Days Affecting Cities in Europe Over the Future Period, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4145,, 2023.

In the recent years, under the influence of land cover changes and climate changes, more frequent extreme heat events have occurred and make people face severer heat stress than before, especially for the people of low socioeconomic status, elderly or other vulnerable groups. Moreover, although land cover changes in rural areas are milder than in urban areas, the rotation of crop fields and expansion of non-vegetation areas in rural areas will alter the landscape and further influence the thermal environment. However, the issues of thermal comfortability in aging rural areas have been rarely studied compared to the urban areas in the past. To quantify and mitigate the risk of heat exposure of the elderly in rural areas, the goal of this study is to analyze the spatial-temporal characteristics of thermal environment and heat-related comfortability in an aging rural areas, Yunlin County, in central Taiwan.

To characterize the spatial-temporal patterns of the thermal environment in Yunlin, this study estimated the spatial distribution of different meteorological parameters from seasonal to annual scales and analyzed the land cover compositions from the satellite remote-sensing images. Furthermore, to evaluate the effects of heat stress on the human comfort in aging rural areas, a thermal comfort index, physiological equivalent temperature (PET), was quantified using the meteorological data from weather stations in Yunlin and surrounding area with the Python package of pythermalcomfort. In addition, the statistical methods will be used to analyze how land use affects the microclimate and comfort in the Yunlin area from the community to regional scales. In brief, the anticipated results from this study are expected to characterize factors that affect the thermal environment in aging rural areas, and further provide management and policy suggestions for the reduction in the risk of heat exposure in the future.

Key words: Thermal comfortability, Physiologically Equivalent Temperature (PET), Heat stress, Elderly group 

How to cite: Wang, T.-Y. and Juang, J.-Y.: Investigation Effects of Environmental and Geographical Factors on Thermal Environment in Aging Rural Areas in Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4904,, 2023.

We implement the Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT), a standardized heat stress metric, into the Community Land Model (CLM5), the land surface component of the Community Earth System Model (CESM2). This includes the notoriously difficult calculation related to measuring human heat stress: radiation. Following the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 7243, physical representations of the instruments, a globe thermometer and natural wet bulb thermometer, simulate where humans work and live in non-urban environments. By using ISO 7243 within CLM5, we create a common framework within Earth system models to calculate the impact of radiation on temperature-moisture covariance.


We demonstrate the capabilities of the WBGT using a default configuration of CLM5. We output 4x daily temporal resolutions globally, showing the advantage of simulating the WBGT within each environment. The WBGT outdoor and indoor calibration is simulated in an averaged grid cell, above the vegetation canopy, below the vegetation canopy, and bare ground environments. We examine the 1995 Chicago Heatwave, specifically the rural regions impacted by the heatwave, and demonstrate that the grid cell average calculated at the CLM5 30-minute time step is a poor representation of human environments and can differ by multiple degrees. In high heat stress environments following ISO 7243, a 0.5C change in WBGT can lead to a >10% reduction in labor capacity. This difference in temperature and labor capacity shows that assumptions about calculating a non-linear algorithm — even utilizing high temporal frequency grid cell averages that drive non-linear labor capacity impact models — is a flawed approach that can grossly over or underestimate the impact of heat stress on future climate change projections. To accurately assess the direct exposure, risk, and damage of climate change on people, it is critical to implement diagnostics directly into Earth system models.

How to cite: Buzan, J. and Joos, F.: Substantial Errors Revealed When Calculating Heat Stress Using Grid Cell Averages as Compared to Sub-Grid Cell Environments, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5245,, 2023.

EGU23-5468 | Orals | NH1.1

Effect of anomalous high-pressure in Eastern Europe on the prediction of 2018 East Asian heatwave 

Jinhee Kang, Jieun Wie, Sang-Min Lee, Johan Lee, Baek-Jo Kim, Semin Yun, and Byung-Kwon Moon

In 2018, a severe and long-lasting heatwave in East Asia resulted in significant socio-economic damage. To possibly reduce losses, it is necessary to understand the mechanisms of heatwaves and increase their predictability. In this study, we identify the patterns of geopotential height responsible for the 2018 East Asian heatwave from ERA5 observation and compare them with simulations using Global Seasonal Forecasting System version 6 (GloSea6). The K-means clustering analysis reveals an anomalous high-pressure pattern in Eastern Europe, which is mainly associated with the 2018 East Asian heatwave. GloSea6 experiments were then conducted with various initial conditions. Notably, GloSea6 runs reproducing the observed high-pressure anomaly in Eastern Europe shows a good prediction of the 2018 East Asian heatwave. Sensitivity experiments further highlight the lack of soil moisture in Eastern Europe seems to be a key factor for the anomalous high-pressure pattern there, resulting in the 2018 East Asian heatwave. Our results imply that model- and observation-consistent representations of soil moisture in Eastern Europe are required to reduce the uncertainty in predicting the East Asian heatwaves.

This work was funded by the Korea Meteorological Administration Research and Development Program under Grant KMI2020-01212. This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) grant funded by the Korea government(MSIT) (No. 2022R1A2C1008858).

How to cite: Kang, J., Wie, J., Lee, S.-M., Lee, J., Kim, B.-J., Yun, S., and Moon, B.-K.: Effect of anomalous high-pressure in Eastern Europe on the prediction of 2018 East Asian heatwave, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5468,, 2023.

EGU23-7581 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.1

The impact of extreme heat during pregnancy and childbirth in Johannesburg, South Africa 

Chloe Brimicombe, Annika Sachs dos Santos, Ijeoma Solarin, Gloria Maimela, Matthew Cherish, Katharina Wieser, and Ilona M. Otto

Heatwaves and Heat Stress are an increasing risk on a global scale with our changing climate. For Southern Africa, it has been demonstrated that the number of heatwaves and heat stress days have increased since the 1980s. Consequently, a greater proportion of people in the region are exposed to extreme heat for longer periods of time. Extreme heat has been shown to have negative effects on maternal health and birth outcomes and is compounded by existing vulnerabilities such as age and lower socio-economic status. Limited previous research in Africa has demonstrated that exposure to extreme heat in the first weeks of pregnancy can cause complications during and after pregnancy such as pre-eclampsia and gestational diabetes. In addition, it has been found that exposure to extreme heat in the region increases the risk of low birth weight, pre-term birth and in some cases stillbirth. In this study, maternal health data from tertiary hospitals in Johannesburg is analysed against local weather station observations for temperature and heat stress. We assess the threshold at which extreme heat has adverse health outcomes during pregnancy and childbirth (intra-partum) and suggest potential interventions to mitigate against this. This work contributes to calls to improve the understanding of the impacts of extreme heat on maternal and child health in Africa. It also supports work to create global maternal and child climate change health indicators, to better inform adaptation and mitigation efforts.

This research is part of HIGH horizons which is funded by the European Union’s Horizon Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement no 101057843

How to cite: Brimicombe, C., Sachs dos Santos, A., Solarin, I., Maimela, G., Cherish, M., Wieser, K., and Otto, I. M.: The impact of extreme heat during pregnancy and childbirth in Johannesburg, South Africa, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7581,, 2023.

EGU23-7995 | ECS | Orals | NH1.1 | Highlight

A Novel Framework for the Assessment of Heat-Wave Risks and Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) Impacts 

Luigi Brogno, Francesco Barbano, Laura Sandra Leo, and Silvana Di Sabatino

Current climate change projections show that the probability of occurrence and the magnitude of heat-wave events are increasing worldwide. These events have to be considered as higher risks for territories and ecosystems, especially where vulnerability is high. The occurrence of heat waves translates into several potential damages such as an increase in fatalities and production losses, degradation of natural and cultural heritages, or the triggering of other hazards such as wildfires. The overlap of all these consequences may lead to both relevant economic losses and additional CO2 emissions affecting our resilience and exacerbating in turn climate change.
In this context, we propose a novel framework for the assessment of risks resulting from heat waves with the aim of quantifying the main contributions to economic losses and CO2 emissions. This framework follows the conceptual definition of risk provided by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) as the product of hazard, exposure, and vulnerability components. The newly-proposed formulation of these components includes the concept of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) as strategies carried out to enhance our adaptive capacity in a sustainable and cost-effective way. Since NBS consist of natural features that are also exposed to heat waves, the entire life cycle of NBS is considered (i.e., the implementation, maintenance, and possible restorations). The proposed framework stands as a tool for assessing the local impacts of already-implemented or designed NBS in the current and future climate scenarios.

How to cite: Brogno, L., Barbano, F., Leo, L. S., and Di Sabatino, S.: A Novel Framework for the Assessment of Heat-Wave Risks and Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) Impacts, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7995,, 2023.

EGU23-8146 | ECS | Orals | NH1.1 | Highlight

Seasonal forecasts of the nighttime heat waves in Europe 

Verónica Torralba, Stefano Materia, Leone Cavicchia, M.Carmen Álvarez-Castro, Enrico Scoccimarro, and Silvio Gualdi

Extreme climate events such as heat waves cause enormous stress on human health and ecosystems and economic losses in agriculture, energy, or water management activities. In particular, the combined effect of above-normal nighttime temperatures and high humidity poses a high risk to human health. This is related to the thermal discomfort which prevents the human body’s recovery from daytime high-heat exposure. Seasonal forecasts of the nighttime heat waves might be used as a tool to anticipate these risks and to better manage their social and economic impacts. However, the ability of the seasonal forecast systems to predict these extreme events has not been explored so far. This work provides insight into the potential of four seasonal forecasting systems (CMCC Seasonal Prediction System 3.5, DWD System 2.1, ECMWF SEAS5, and Météo-France System 7) to provide skillful and reliable predictions of the nighttime heat waves in Europe during the boreal summer season. Different potential proxies for the assessment of nighttime heat waves have been considered: nighttime apparent temperature computed from temperature and humidity at night, the temperature at night, or daily minimum temperature. There are different indices that can be used to investigate extreme temperatures, but the one chosen in this study is very suitable for seasonal forecast analysis because it is invariant to the mean biases and provides an integrated view of the nighttime heat waves for the entire season with information on their duration, frequency, and intensity. The forecast quality assessment has revealed that state-of-the-art seasonal forecast systems are able to provide useful information on the nighttime heat waves in Southern Europe, which is a particularly vulnerable region where timely climate information can benefit the decision-making processes. 

How to cite: Torralba, V., Materia, S., Cavicchia, L., Álvarez-Castro, M. C., Scoccimarro, E., and Gualdi, S.: Seasonal forecasts of the nighttime heat waves in Europe, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8146,, 2023.

EGU23-10533 | ECS | Orals | NH1.1 | Highlight

Stickiness: A New Variable to Characterize the Temperature and Humidity Contributions toward Extreme Humid Heat 

Catherine Ivanovich, Colin Raymond, Radley Horton, and Adam Sobel

Extreme values of wet bulb temperature are often used as indicators of heat stress for humans and other animals. However, humid heat extremes are fundamentally compound events, and a given wet bulb temperature can be generated by various combinations of temperature and humidity. Differentiating between extreme humid heat driven by anomalous temperature versus anomalous humidity is essential to identifying these extremes’ distinct physical drivers and preparing for their individual impacts. Extreme dry heat tends to occur due to processes such as blocking events and land surface feedbacks, and it has the potential to prime regions for wildfires and crop damage. In contrast, extreme humid heat depends more on strong moisture fluxes and vertical stability to moist convection, and it poses high risk for human health through its influence over heat stress.

Here we explore the variety of combinations of temperature and humidity contributing to heat extremes across the globe. In addition to using traditional metrics, we derive a novel thermodynamic state variable named “stickiness.” Directly analogous to oceanographic spice (which quantifies the relative contributions of temperature and salinity to a given seawater density), stickiness quantifies the relative contributions of temperature and specific humidity to a given wet bulb temperature.

Consistent across metrics, we find that extreme humid heat — that is, the occurrence of wet bulb temperatures sufficiently high to impact human health — tends to occur in the presence of anomalously high humidity. Although theoretically humid heat extremes can be achieved at low humidities if temperature is high enough, this tends not to happen in practice. Using stickiness allows for the direct evaluation of the spatial and temporal variability in the temperature- and humidity-dependence of humid heat events, a task that is more complicated and subjective using traditional variables. We identify locations with high variability in stickiness: these include the Persian Gulf, the western United States, and southeast Australia. These locations are key areas where the predictive skill for heat stress-related mortality may improve by considering fluctuations in atmospheric humidity in addition to dry bulb temperature.

How to cite: Ivanovich, C., Raymond, C., Horton, R., and Sobel, A.: Stickiness: A New Variable to Characterize the Temperature and Humidity Contributions toward Extreme Humid Heat, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10533,, 2023.

EGU23-11659 | Posters on site | NH1.1

How unexpected was the Spring 2022 South Asian Heatwave 

Waqar ul Hassan and Munir Ahmad Nayak

Persistent heatwaves cause severe impacts on the ecosystem and society, including increased mortality, and widespread snow and glacier melting. These impacts are expected to escalate in a warmer world, which is likely to witness more frequent and intense heatwaves. South Asia (SA), home to one-fifth of the global population and the largest freshwater resource on the earth, is a hotspot of extreme heatwaves and vulnerable to severe impacts. The region recently experienced its hottest March and April of the century in the year 2022. Here, we use high-resolution, long-term ERA5 (1959–2022) and CPC (1979–2022) data to show that the temperatures in Northwestern South Asia were about 5°C higher than the climatology, which corresponds to about 2.5 standard deviations above the mean. Using maximum temperature-based CTX90pct definition of heatwaves, we show the 42-day-long heatwave in the month of March and April 2022 ranked the most severe heatwave recorded in the available observation period of 65 years. The heatwave engulfed half of Northwest SA, approximately 1.6 million km2, with an average intensity of 1.8°C. The high-temperature driven snow melting during the heatwave nearly vanished the year’s snowpack, which normally lasts till June. With further analysis, we find that the heatwave was initiated by a persistent anticyclonic blocking associated with a sub-tropical Rossby wave, while it was exacerbated by strong positive land-atmosphere feedback due to lack of soil moisture and latent heat. Our findings provide valuable insights into understanding the changes and impacts of heatwaves in the mountainous areas of SA.

How to cite: ul Hassan, W. and Ahmad Nayak, M.: How unexpected was the Spring 2022 South Asian Heatwave, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11659,, 2023.

EGU23-12382 | ECS | Orals | NH1.1 | Highlight

Quantifying impact-relevant heatwave durations 

Kelley De Polt, Philip J. Ward, Marleen de Ruiter, Ekaterina Bogdanovich, Markus Reichstein, Dorothea Frank, and René Orth

Heatwaves are weather hazards which can influence societal and natural systems. Recently, heatwaves have increased in frequency, duration, and intensity, and this trend is projected to continue as a consequence of climate change. This has triggered extensive research aiming at a better understanding of their impacts and underlying processes. However, the study of heatwaves is hampered by the lack of a common definition, which limits comparability between studies. This applies in particular to the considered time scale. 

Here, we determine impact-relevant temporal scales of heatwaves. For this purpose we characterise societal metrics related to health (heat-related hospitalizations, mortality) as well as public attention (Google trends, news articles) in Germany. We calculate country-averaged temperatures and select the warmest periods of varying durations between 1 and 90 days. For each time scale, the societal response is assessed to find the heat wave durations with the most pronounced impacts. This way, we yield impact-relevant heat wave durations for Germany. The results differ slightly between the considered societal metrics but indicate overall that heat waves are most relevant at weekly to monthly time scales. Finally, we also compare impact-relevant heat wave durations between moderate and extreme heat waves, as well as between heat waves occurring individually or jointly with droughts.

Our methodology can be extended to other societal indices, countries, and hazard types to form more meaningful definitions of climate extremes in order to guide future research on these events.  An improved understanding of weather and climate hazards with their impacts on society, economy and environmental systems will support better communication for preparation, response, and future adaptation.

How to cite: De Polt, K., Ward, P. J., de Ruiter, M., Bogdanovich, E., Reichstein, M., Frank, D., and Orth, R.: Quantifying impact-relevant heatwave durations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12382,, 2023.

EGU23-13758 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.1

Investigating Potential Risk of Thermal Hazards Along Race Routes of Taipei Marathon By Mobile Monitoring and Quantitative Analysis 

Cheng-En Lin, Shiuh-Shen Chien, and Jehn-Yih Juang

In the recent years, the long-distance endurance running races, such as half-marathon or marathon, are becoming much more popular in Taiwan. However, due to the frequent hot and humid weather in this low-latitude country, runners in these races usually face the risk of thermal hazards. In order to analyze the heat stress for the runners in such environment, the main objectives of this study are to characterize the thermal environment in road race events and to quantify the risk of thermal hazard for athletes.

This study chose the route of half-marathon of Taipei Marathon, a World Athletics Elite Label race, as the research object.  The necessary environmental parameters for risk of thermal hazards along the route were collected by means of mobile monitoring, and the heat stress on the route was evaluated through the Heat Strain Decision Aid model (HSDA) and the thermal index, Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT). To quantify the impact of heat stress on different groups from beginner to elite runners, the spatiotemporal variations of WBGT and body core temperature along the route were further estimated. The results from this study could help the race organizer to identify the high-risk areas during the race planning and help the participants to understand the potential risk of heat stress in the race.

How to cite: Lin, C.-E., Chien, S.-S., and Juang, J.-Y.: Investigating Potential Risk of Thermal Hazards Along Race Routes of Taipei Marathon By Mobile Monitoring and Quantitative Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13758,, 2023.

EGU23-16703 | Posters on site | NH1.1

Predictability of heat waves over West African main cities 

Christophe Lavaysse, Cedric Gacial Ngoungue Langue, Cyrille Flamant, and Mathieu Vrac

Heatwaves are one of the most dangerous climatic hazards affecting the health of humans and ecosystems around the world. Accurate forecasts of these dramatic events can be relevant for policy makers, climate services and the local population. In this perspective, the present study addresses the predictability of heatwaves in sub-seasonal to seasonal forecasts in the West Africa region over the recent period from 2001 up to 2020. Two models from the S2S Prediction project namely ECMWF and UKMO have been analyzed. Heatwaves have been detected using minimum/maximum values of 2-m temperature as indicators over a period of at least 3 consecutive  days. The validation of the model outputs is processed using ERA5 as reference. The global skill of the models in reproducing 2-m temperature is done by calculating the Continuous Rank Probability Score (CRPS). ECMWF model shows more skill in the Guinean region for minimum and maximum values of 2-meter temperatures.  The predictability of heatwaves in the models is estimated by the computation of some probabilistic metrics such as : hit-rate and false alarm ratio (FAR).  Models show predictive skill of heatwave days greater than the climatology up to 3 weeks lead time in the 3 regions. The FAR values are high and increasing with the lead time. This suggests that the models used to predict heat wave days which are not observed in the reanalysis (ERA5) more than real events. ECMWF shows more predictive skill at weekly time scale with high hit_rate values up to 3 weeks lead time. The accurate representation of the heatwaves intensity in the models remains very challenging at any lead time.

How to cite: Lavaysse, C., Ngoungue Langue, C. G., Flamant, C., and Vrac, M.: Predictability of heat waves over West African main cities, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16703,, 2023.

EGU23-283 | ECS | Orals | NH1.2

Impact of climate change on temperature and precipitation in Toruń, Poland, based on CMIP6 under SSP scenarios 

Babak Ghazi, Rajmund Przybylak, and Aleksandra Pospieszyńska

The latest projection of temperature under Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) scenarios from Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase-6 (CMIP6) indicates that, by the 21st century, the global average temperature will increase by over 5.4 °C in the highest-emission scenario and 1.1 °C in the highest mitigation scenario. Climate change is mainly described by changes in two main meteorological variables, i.e., temperature and precipitation. Observed and projected changes in temperature and precipitation significantly influence various hydroclimatic events such as droughts and floods. Therefore, a precise projection of those variables, including at local and regional scales, is crucial and urgently needed. In Poland, the negative impact of the observed warming on the frequency and intensity of droughts and floods has been detected.

In this research, we present a projection of temperature and precipitation variations in Toruń, Poland, for future periods (2015–2100). To accomplish this, several general circulation models (GCMs) are employed under two SSP scenarios, namely SSP1-2.6 and SSP5-8.5 from NASA Earth Exchange Global Daily Downscaled Projections (NEX-GDDP-CMIP6) datasets. In these models, the historical reference period is 1950–2014, and future projections are for 2015–2100.

The results indicated that the mean annual air temperature will increase from 8.1 °C in the reference period to 8.9 °C in SSP1-2.6 scenario and 10.1 °C in SSP5-8.5 scenario. Precipitation will increase slightly under both scenarios. It is projected that the average annual precipitation in Toruń will change from 514.38 mm in the reference period to 533.15 mm and 522.37 mm during 2015–2100 according to the SSP1-2.6 and SSP5-8.5 scenarios, respectively. It is evident that an increase in precipitation and heavy rainfall will culminate in extreme occurrences such as floods, which will further threaten lives, properties and the environment within the heart of Toruń.

How to cite: Ghazi, B., Przybylak, R., and Pospieszyńska, A.: Impact of climate change on temperature and precipitation in Toruń, Poland, based on CMIP6 under SSP scenarios, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-283,, 2023.

In 2016, the World Meteorological Organization declared that lightning is an essential climate variable. To date, global change studies have only considered the effect of warming on lightning flash frequency and the global distribution of lightning activity. Furthermore, none of these studies considered the effects of climate change on lightning flash intensity. In our previous studies we suggested based on laboratory experiments that lightning intensity over water surfaces may be influenced by their chemical properties, including salinity (S), pH and total alkalinity (TA). In this study we tested the combined effects of changes in S, TA and pH in Mediterranean Sea surface water on the intensity of laboratory generated electrical sparks, which are considered to be analogous to cloud to sea-surface intensity of lightning discharges. The range of values tested in the lab correspond to changes in S, pH and TA of Mediterranean surface water that were caused by the anthropogenic climate change, ocean acidification and damming of the Nile in the 1960s. Where, the damming of the Nile is generally accepted to have caused nearly 30% of the total salination of Mediterranean surface water until now. The experimental results were used to develop a multivariate linear model of Lightning Flash Intensity (LFI) as a function of S, TA/S, which  and pH. The model was validated with wintertime (DJF) LFI measurements along a Mediterranean Sea zonal profile during the period 2009-2020 compared to corresponding climate model outputs of S, TA and pH. Based on this model, the combined effects of climate change, ocean acidification and the damming of the Nile, may have increased LFI in the Levantine Sea by 16±14% until now relative to the pre-Aswan Dam period. Furthermore, assuming that salinization and acidification of the Levantine Sea will continue at current trends, the LFI is predicted to increase by 25±13% by the year 2050.

How to cite: Asfur, M. and Silverman, J.: Climate mediated changes in seawater chemistry and their potential effects on marine lightning intensity, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-334,, 2023.

EGU23-647 | ECS | Orals | NH1.2

Understanding the role of climate change in disaster mortality: Empirical evidence from Nepal 

Dipesh Chapagain, Luna Bharati, Reinhard Mechler, Samir Kc, Georg Pflug, and Christian Borgemeister

Climatic disaster impacts, such as loss of human life as its most severe consequence, have been rising globally. Several studies argue that the growth in exposure, such as population, is responsible for the rise and the role of climate change is not evident. While disaster mortality is highest in low-income countries, existing studies focus mostly on developed countries. Here we address this impact attribution question in the context of the Global South using disaster-specific mixed-effects regression models. We show that the rise in landslide and flood mortality in a low-income country Nepal between 1992-2021 is attributable primarily to the increased precipitation extremes. An increase in one standardized unit in maximum one-day precipitation increases flood mortality by 33%, and heavy rain days increase landslide mortality by 45%. A one-unit increase in per capita income decreases landslide and flood mortality by 30% and 45%, respectively. Population density does not show significant effects.

How to cite: Chapagain, D., Bharati, L., Mechler, R., Kc, S., Pflug, G., and Borgemeister, C.: Understanding the role of climate change in disaster mortality: Empirical evidence from Nepal, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-647,, 2023.

EGU23-666 | ECS | Orals | NH1.2

Drought-to-flood transitions – When and where do they occur? 

Jonas Götte and Manuela Brunner

Drought-to-flood transitions are both a challenge and opportunity for water management. While the two extremes are often studied separately, their close succession can have severe impacts. The timespan between events can range from rapid transitions happening within a few days to long transitions taking many years. Still, the drivers and frequency of those transitions in specific river basins remain unknown. Therefore, we ask ‘when, where and how often do transitions from streamflow droughts to floods occur?’

To answer these questions, we analyse over 1000 catchments in the contiguous US from the GAGES-II database, identify streamflow droughts and floods, and calculate transition times between both types of extremes. Then, we relate the time and frequency of occurrence and the timespan between extremes to local climate and topographic characteristics. We distinguish between winter and summer transitions to identify hydro-meteorological processes important in different seasons and focus on particularly rapid transitions. 

We find that the duration and frequency of transitions show large spatial variability. Regionally, rapid transitions occur during a typical time of the year which is often related to the presence of snow and melt processes. Snow also dictates seasonal differences in rapid transition frequencies between summer and winter. Snow-free catchments have a lower frequency but higher variability of transitions which makes the phenomenon less predictable. Additionally, reservoirs reduce the occurrence of snow-affected rapid transitions. We conclude that management challenges related to drought-to-flood transitions are particularly pronounced in natural and rainfall-dominated catchments.

How to cite: Götte, J. and Brunner, M.: Drought-to-flood transitions – When and where do they occur?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-666,, 2023.

EGU23-797 | ECS | Orals | NH1.2

Projections and uncertainties of future winter windstorm damage in Europe 

Luca Severino, Chahan M. Kropf, Hilla Afargan-Gerstman, Christopher Fairless, Andries Jan De Vries, Daniela I.V. Domeisen, and David N. Bresch

Extratropical winter windstorms are among the most significant natural hazards in Europe in terms of fatalities and economic losses, and windstorm impacts projections under climate change in Europe are considerably uncertain. This study combines state-of-the-art climatic projections from 29 global climate models participating in CMIP6, with the open-source weather and climate impact-risk assessment model CLIMADA to obtain a set of relevant projections for future windstorm-induced damages over Europe. Spatial patterns of the future changes in windstorm damages projected by the multi-model ensemble show a median increase in the damages in northwestern and northern-central Europe, and a median decrease over the rest of Europe, in agreement with an eastward extension of the North Atlantic storm track into Europe. We combine all 29 available climate models in an ensemble of opportunity approach and find evidence for an overall increase in future windstorm loss events, with events with return periods of 100 years under current climate becoming events with return periods of less than 20 years under future SSP585 climate. Using an uncertainty-sensitivity quantification analysis, we find that the climate model uncertainty dominates the uncertainty in the projections of damages related to frequent events, but that stochastic uncertainty hinders the uncertainty quantification for more extreme events. Our findings demonstrate the importance of climate model uncertainty for the CMIP6 projections of extratropical winter windstorms in Europe, and emphasize the increasing need for risk mitigation and management due to extreme weather in the future.

How to cite: Severino, L., Kropf, C. M., Afargan-Gerstman, H., Fairless, C., De Vries, A. J., Domeisen, D. I. V., and Bresch, D. N.: Projections and uncertainties of future winter windstorm damage in Europe, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-797,, 2023.

EGU23-827 | ECS | Orals | NH1.2

An insight into the severe 2019-2021 drought over Southeast South America from a daily to decadal and regional to large-scale variability perspective 

João Lucas Geirinhas, Ana Russo, Renata Libonati, Diego Gonzalez Miralles, Alexandre Miguel Ramos, and Ricardo Machado Trigo

An acceleration in the global water cycle with severe rainfall and drought episodes is expected to occur in many regions due to climate change1. Spatial and temporal disturbances in the atmospheric water budget encompassing changes in precipitation and evaporation rates, soil moisture levels, groundwater recharge and water available for runoff are foreseen, posing great challenges to the global freshwater availability2 , food security3 and the sustainability of natural ecosystems4 . Thus, the assessment of hydro-meteorological extremes is crucial, particularly in regions such as South America (SA) that are extremely vulnerable to climate change and lack a comprehensive assessment of this extremes. Moreover, SA has two main watersheds (Amazon and La Plata basin) essential for the regional hydroclimate and local and remote precipitation in a global scale, through moisture recycling, transport and convergence.

Regions of Southeast SA, particularly over the La Plata basin and the Pantanal, have witnessed severe drought conditions in recent years. Pronounced soil dryness started to be recorded during mid-2018 over Southeast Brazil, but rapidly spread to areas in Paraguay, Bolivia, and northern Argentina. This abnormal situation lasted until 2021, leading to huge agricultural losses. Extremely low streamflow levels in the Paraná and Paraguay rivers caused serious constraints in the hydropower generation and water supply, and led to disruptions in the waterways that are fundamental for the fluvial transport and economy of these countries. Moreover, the Pantanal biome was also dramatically affected, particularly during 2020, when pronounced soil dry-out conditions concurred with several heatwaves, leading to devastating fires that resulted in catastrophic burned area levels7.

This study presents a detailed analysis of the 2019–2021 drought episode over Southeast SA from a climate change and variability context aiming: to (1) evaluate the exceptionality of the soil dry-out conditions within a historical record of 70 years; (2) provide a detailed spatiotemporal evolution (from daily to decadal and regional to large-scale) of soil moisture anomalies across the southeast SA; and (3) assess the large-scale tropical and subtropical atmospheric mechanisms that were responsible for pronounced disturbances in the normal processes of moisture transport and convergence, and that, ultimately, explained the observed soil moisture deficits over southeast SA.


  • [1] Chagas, V. B. P., Chaffe, P. L. B. & Blöschl, G. Climate and land management accelerate the Brazilian water cycle. Nat. Commun. 13, 5136 (2022).
  • [2] Konapala, G., Mishra, A. K., Wada, Y. & Mann, M. E. Climate change will affect global water availability through compounding changes in seasonal precipitation and evaporation. Nat. Commun. 11, 1–10 (2020).
  • [3] Lesk, C., Rowhani, P. & Ramankutty, N. Influence of extreme weather disasters on global crop production. Nature 529, 84–87 (2016).
  • [4] Seddon, A. W. R., Macias-Fauria, M., Long, P. R., Benz, D. & Willis, K. J. Sensitivity of global terrestrial ecosystems to climate variability. Nature 531, 229–232 (2016).


JG, AR, RT are grateful to Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia for the PhD Grant 2020.05198.BD, I.P./MCTES for the national funding (PIDDAC) – UIDB/50019/2020 and for Dhefeus (2022. 09185.PTDC). RL is grateful to CNPq (Grant 311487/2021-1) and FAPERJ (Grant E26/202.714/2019).

How to cite: Geirinhas, J. L., Russo, A., Libonati, R., Miralles, D. G., Ramos, A. M., and Trigo, R. M.: An insight into the severe 2019-2021 drought over Southeast South America from a daily to decadal and regional to large-scale variability perspective, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-827,, 2023.

Flood disaster resilient design of the bridges is the lifeline of the transport infrastructure. Design of flood disaster resilient bridges is the major requirement for construction of the main highways and railway networks as well as for developing the transport networks in hilly regions and remote areas. Inadequate hydrologic and hydraulic design of the bridges results in failure of the bridges and during the current rainy season, a number of bridges were washed away in the India and other parts of the world, mainly due to it. In the present era, the construction technology is in fairly well advanced state and a major challenge associated in construction of the disaster resilient bridge infrastructure is to estimate the accurate design flood and using it for determination of the highest flood level (HFL) of the bridges incorporating the growing climate-change-induced threats of the intensifying extreme weather events. In this research, a procedure for design flood estimation for the bridges will be developed based on the L-moments approach of flood frequency analysis and its superiority will be demonstrated over the existing procedures. The data will be screened using the discordancy measure (Di) in terms of the L-moments. Homogeneity of the region will be tested using the L-moments based heterogeneity measure, H. For computing the heterogeneity measure H, 500 simulations will be  performed using the four parameter Kappa distribution. Comparative regional flood frequency analysis studies ill be performed using the L-moments based frequency distributions: viz. Extreme value, General extreme value, Logistic, Generalized logistic, Normal, Generalized normal, Uniform, Pearson Type-III, Exponential, Generalized Pareto, Kappa, and five parameter Wakeby. Based on the L-moment ratio diagram and Zidist -statistic criteria, the robust distribution will be identified and design flood will be estimated using the robust frequency distribution. Effect of climate change will be studied using the CMIP-5 scenarios and the fixed percentage increases in the design flood. The research will create a climate-resilience-centred procedure leading to policy framework comprising of exhaustive methodology, guidelines and tools for design of flood disaster resilient bridges for the road and railway networks to make the transport infrastructure more resilient in the face of future climate change induced uncertainties of the extreme rainfall events.

How to cite: Kumar, R.: Design flood estimation for flood disaster Resilient bridges exposed to climate change, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-882,, 2023.

EGU23-1669 | Posters on site | NH1.2

Assessment of meteorological drought characteristics during 1980-2020 over the Marathwada Region, India 

Surendra Kumar Mishra, Sabyasachi Swain, and Ashish Pandey

Drought is a meteorological phenomenon that occurs when there is a prolonged period of below-average precipitation, leading to a shortage of water. It can have serious consequences, particularly for agriculture, as plants and crops depend on water for their growth and survival. In this study, we conducted a spatiotemporal assessment of drought trends and variabilities in the Marathwada Region of Maharashtra, India, which is dominated by agriculture. We used precipitation data from the India Meteorological Department for 1980-2020 and characterized drought occurrences using the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) at different time frames (1-, 3-, 6-, and 12-months moving windows). Further, we used non-parametric tests, such as the modified Mann–Kendall (MMK) and Sen's slope (SS) tests, to detect trends in precipitation as well as in Evaporative Stress Index (ESI) and actual evapotranspiration (ET). The results of the study indicate that the Marathwada region is prone to droughts, and the SPI at a 12-monthly moving frame is more effective at capturing drought occurrences than shorter time frames due to the lesser randomness in the time series. We also found a mix of positive and negative trends in the SPI series for the monsoonal months, with more concentration towards negative trends, thereby indicating an increased tendency or severity of drought events. A detailed discussion is also provided on the seasonal variations of precipitation, ESI and ET. The information from this study can be used to develop water management strategies to mitigate the effects of drought in the region.

How to cite: Mishra, S. K., Swain, S., and Pandey, A.: Assessment of meteorological drought characteristics during 1980-2020 over the Marathwada Region, India, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1669,, 2023.

EGU23-1697 | Posters virtual | NH1.2

Intensity Detection methods of Tropical Cyclone in Western North Pacific with Deviation Angle Variance Technique 

Wei Zhong, Qian Qian, Yao Yao, Yuan Sun, Hongrang He, and Shilin Wang

In this paper, standardized infrared cloud images from Fengyun (FY) Series geostationary satellites and Best-Track Data from China Meteorological Administration (CMA-BST) within 2015-2017 are used to investigate the effects of two multi-factor models, generalized linear model (GLM) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) model, for tropical cyclone (TC) intensity estimation. The typical single-factor Sigmoid function model (SFM) with map minimum value (MMV) of deviation angle variance (DAV) is also reproduced for comparison. Through applying the sensitivity experiments to DAV calculation radius and different training data groups, the estimation precision and their optimum calculation radius for DAV in Western North Pacific (WNP) are analyzed. The results show that the root mean square error (RMSE) of single-factor SFM is between 8.79 and 13.91 by using individual years as test sets and the remaining two years as training sets with the optimum calculation radius of 550 km. However, after selecting and using high-correlation factors by GLM, the RMSE of GLM and LSTM model decreases to 5.93~8.68  and 4.99~7.00 , respectively with their own optimum calculation radius of 350 km and 400 km. All sensitivity experiments indicate that the estimation results of SFM can be significantly influenced by DAV calculation radius and the characteristics of training set data, while the results of multi-factor models appear more stable. Furthermore, the multi-factor models reduce the optimum radius within the process of DAV calculation and improve the precision of TC intensity estimation in WNP, which can be an effective way for TC intensity estimation in marine area.

How to cite: Zhong, W., Qian, Q., Yao, Y., Sun, Y., He, H., and Wang, S.: Intensity Detection methods of Tropical Cyclone in Western North Pacific with Deviation Angle Variance Technique, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1697,, 2023.

EGU23-2227 | Orals | NH1.2 | Plinius Medal Lecture

Extremes in river flood hydrology: making Black Swans grey 

Alberto Viglione

Black Swans in river flood hydrology are unexpected events that surprise flood managers and citizens, causing massive impacts when they do occur, but that appear to be more predictable in retrospect, after their occurrence. My talk aims at showing how black swans in river flood hydrology can "be made grey", i.e. can be anticipated to a certain degree, in probabilistic terms, and/or made less impactful, by (1) expanding information on flood probabilities by gathering data on floods occurred in other places and at other times; (2) understanding the mechanisms causing heavy tails in flood frequency distributions; (3) understanding the mechanisms causing river flood changes in time; (4) accounting for uncertainties in data, models and flood frequency estimates; (5) accounting for the possible dynamics of coupled human-water systems; and (6) coupling the classical top-down approach to hydrological risk assessment based on predictive modelling with a bottom-up approach that is centered on robustness and resilience.

How to cite: Viglione, A.: Extremes in river flood hydrology: making Black Swans grey, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2227,, 2023.

EGU23-3160 | Orals | NH1.2

MEF application- the extreme floods are already in maps! 

Libor Elleder and Jolana Šírová

The usual goal of palaeoflood hydrology and historical hydrology is, according to the classic concept, to extend the flood records over centuries or millennia back. Many compilations of documentary sources on floods in Western and Central Europe were collected in last two centuries. The palaeoflood records were presented for hundreds of localities in Europe. Numerous individual flood event case studies were carried out and published. On the PAGES Flood Working Group (FWG) website hundreds of flood records are collected in one database. The overall goals of the FWG are "to integrate and analyse existing palaeoflood data at the regional and global scales and to promote and disseminate palaeoflood science and data at different levels". The aim of this contribution is to present the recently created “Map of Extreme Floods” (MEF) ESRI application focused on European floods.  Apart from the FWG goals stated above, the MEF application aims also to the future geographic characterization and mapping of hydrological extreme events. The MEF places some of interpreted documentary sources for Central and Western Europe into relevant spatial and temporal frameworks. Actually, the MEF application more event oriented approach enables to put the fundamental information on European historical floods, i.e. the exact location and datum, into broader spatial and temporal context. The maps created by this tool form the reliable fundament for detailed exploration and including of additional data. The principal MEF application aims are: (i) archiving, (ii) verification, (iii) corrections, (iv) addition of further data and information, (v) exchange of data and last but not least (vi) providing information for both scientists and public. 24 large floods from 1432 to 2002 are now at disposal and next 20 are under preparation. The estimated extremities, economic losses, infrastructural damages, water levels, flood marks etc. are attributed to individual localities. The performance of the MEF application is documented by selected historical extreme flood events, possibly analogical to these recent of 1997, 2002, and 2013.


How to cite: Elleder, L. and Šírová, J.: MEF application- the extreme floods are already in maps!, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3160,, 2023.

EGU23-3751 | ECS | Posters virtual | NH1.2

Lightning activity in Mexico under climate change scenarios 

Alejandro Jaramillo, Brian Gustavo Pérez Juárez, and Christian Dominguez

Lightning has an important role in the Earth's energy balance, atmospheric chemistry, the initiation of natural forest fires, and a close relationship with the development of deep convection. On the other hand, lightning is also a significant meteorological hazard, particularly in Mexico, during the rainy season, causing deaths and disrupting socio-economic activities. According to the IPCC report, it is expected an increase in the frequency and severity of extreme events in North America due to climate change in the forthcoming decades. To understand the impacts of climate change on lightning in the Mexican territory, it is necessary to explore the future changes in the regional patterns of lightning activity in the region. We use different parameterizations of lightning activity over Mexico, using data from reanalysis and coupled models from CMIP6. We also evaluate the parameterization performance in representing the historical period against available lightning observations. Later, we obtain the projected changes at the end of the 21st Century in the selected CMIP models under the most extreme climate change scenario. At the end of this preliminary study, we provide insides into how climate change will impact extreme events and lightning activity over Mexico. 

How to cite: Jaramillo, A., Pérez Juárez, B. G., and Dominguez, C.: Lightning activity in Mexico under climate change scenarios, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3751,, 2023.

EGU23-3938 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.2

Flood inundation mapping along a downstream river segment 

Sofia Sarchani and Ioannis Tsanis

According to the IPCC, Eastern Canada is an area where heavy precipitation events are likely to intensify. The Humber River basin is a medium-sized basin located in the Greater Toronto Area, in Southern Ontario, Canada, which is exposed to severe storms resulting in flash floods. A severe storm that passed by the city of Toronto on July 8, 2013 caused a flood with damages across the area, including blackouts and citizens trapped in public transportation and vehicles. Hydro-meteorological stations close to the basin’s outlet, in the urban section, recorded 60-63 mm of rain in two-three hours. The analysis of the examined river segment, including several bridge structures, is performed with two hydraulic models (1D and 2D) by using a high-resolution DTM and two flow hydrographs as input boundary conditions. The 2D hydraulic model provides more detailed results regarding the maximum flood depths, flood wave velocities, and arrival times of maximum depths, at every grid cell of the computational mesh. In comparison, the 1D model provides results at cross-sectional level, and interpolates them in the intermediate positions. The differences between the two models in low-height bridge locations are considerable. The 2D model can be improved by enforcing grid cells at bridges’ locations. However, there is a risk of possible instabilities in solving the shallow water equations by assuming a Courant number kept in low levels. Moreover, during storm events, water level gauges in situ measurements can improve calibrating both hydraulic models. The probable increase in precipitation heights due to climate change indicates the necessity for effective flood risk management in the urban area of the city of Toronto. On-going research concerns the effect of projected extreme precipitation on peak runoff and downstream flood impacts via climate model datasets.

How to cite: Sarchani, S. and Tsanis, I.: Flood inundation mapping along a downstream river segment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3938,, 2023.

EGU23-4255 | Orals | NH1.2

Hail in the Kvemo Kartli Region (Georgia) 

Elizbar Elizbarashvili, Mariam Elizbarashvili, and bela Kvirkvelia

The research aimed at studying the characteristics of hail in the Kvemo Kartli region (Georgia). Hail (30%) is the most frequent natural hydrometeorological event in the territory of Georgia after flash floods (37%). Hail is typical for the Kvemo Kartli region, where agricultural production is the leading industry. It damages farm lands. The study of hail is very important for the development and introduction of hail prevention methods in the region.

We used the observation materials of 7 weather stations of the region for the years of 1961-2022, a catalog was compiled and the following characteristics of hailfall were calculated: probability, number of days, intensity, frequency, duration, and distribution areas.

Hail is observed in the warm spell of the year; especially active processes develop in spring and the first half of summer, which are associated with convective clouds.

The highest number of hailfall days in the region is 12-14 days a year. In the Kvemo Kartli region, hail damage the territory with an area of ​​1 to 5 square kilometers in 38% of its cases; in 33% of cases, it damages an area of ​​less than 1 km2. An area of ​​more than 5 km2 is damaged in approximately 30% of cases of hail. Rarely, hail damages much larger areas, for example, more than 50 km2 is damaged in 3% of cases. The average duration of hailfall is 9-10 minutes. In 60% of cases, hailfall lasts less than 5 minutes, in 80% of cases, the duration of hailfall is less than 10 minutes. In 3% of cases, hail can last for an hour and a half.

Thus, the main climatic characteristics of hail in the Kvemo Kartli region have been identified.

The research results can be used to reduce the negative impact of hail and implement measures to prevent hail.

This work was supported by Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia (SRNSFG) Grant № FR-19-14993.

How to cite: Elizbarashvili, E., Elizbarashvili, M., and Kvirkvelia, B.: Hail in the Kvemo Kartli Region (Georgia), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4255,, 2023.

Spain is a territory with spatial variations highly influenced by its distance from the sea and its complex orography, where it is possible to note an uneven distribution of both temperature and precipitation. This study presents an analysis of trends in maximum temperature and precipitation by zone over the period 1951-2021 using monthly data. The database used includes 16156 multivariate time series (maximum temperatures and precipitation) corresponding to different areas of the Spanish territory, distributed over a grid of 5x5km2. The methodology used starts by reducing the dimensionality of the time series and with this version are clustered using an approach based on multiscale analysis using a clustering algorithm. In the following, the prototypes of each group are defined, which allows to identify and analyse patterns of change in maximum temperatures and precipitation by zones. An increase in average maximum temperature has been identified in eight zones distributed in Spain from 1951 to 2021. The rate of change of maximum temperature was between 0.060ºC and 0.2155ºC per decade. Areas further south showed a higher rate of increase than areas found in the north. It has been observed that May was the month with the highest variation for all areas in maximum temperature, nevertheless, differences in seasonal variation are evident when passing from one zone to other, as in some there is greater variation in spring months and in others in winter months. An analysis of trends and seasonal variations of precipitation in the identified zones will be carried out and the correlation between patterns of maximum temperature and precipitation will be studied in each of the eight zones.

How to cite: Palacios Gutiérrez, A. and Valencia Delfa, J. L.: Identification of precipitation and maximum temperature patterns in Spain during 1951 to 2021 using clustering based on multiscale analysis of time series, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4466,, 2023.

When tropical cyclones (TCs) move to the mid-latitudes, they encounter the baroclinic environment where many of them experience extratropical transition (ET) by which they lose the symmetric and warm-core characteristics and transform into extratropical cyclones (ETCs). ETCs are usually faster than TCs and oftentimes destructive to coastal cities with strong wind and heavy precipitation. Climate models predict that the mean intensity of TCs would become stronger fundamentally due to the increase in atmospheric moisture contents in response to global warming. However, whether the destructiveness of ETCs originated from TCs will change in the future has not been explored with a high-resolution fully-coupled model. To understand the future changes in ET events and the destructive potential of these ETCs, we analyzed the high-resolution Community Earth System Model (CESM) simulations (0.25 degrees for the atmosphere and 0.1 degrees for the ocean) with present-day, doubling, and quadrupling CO2 concentrations.

The high-resolution model well captures the frequency and annual cycle of the ET events compared to observation with underestimated frequency in the North Atlantic and West Pacific while overestimating them in the East Pacific, South Indian, and South Pacific. Our results show that the frequency and ratio of ET events do not change significantly in both CO2 doubling and quadrupling experiments. An increase in 10-m wind speed at ET completion is observed mainly in North Atlantic and South Indian. We used the total integrated kinetic energy, which depends on the wind speed and the area covered by the high wind region of a storm, to represent the destructive potential of a storm upon ET completion. It is found that the relative ratio of the strongly destructive ETCs to weaker ETCs increase in response to greenhouse warming.

Our study highlights the destructive potential of transitioned TCs. Since ETCs usually have greater spatial coverage than TCs, the former can impact a larger population and region, albeit with lower intensity. Therefore, accurate prediction of future changes in ET events can have significant socio-economic implications.

How to cite: Cheung, H. M. and Chu, J.-E.: Increasing destructive potential of extratropical transition events in response to higher CO2 concentration in global climate model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4736,, 2023.

EGU23-6087 | Posters on site | NH1.2

Multidisciplinary reconstruction of the May 1853 flood episode 

Josep Carles Balasch, Feliu Izard, Jaume Calvet, Jordi Tuset, David Pino, Mariano Barriendos, and Josep Barriendos

Climate variability conditioned by the effects of climate change justifies the study of historical periods in order to identify and characterise episodes of high severity and low frequency. The increase in the irregularity of the rainfall regime in some regions justifies the study of these events for a better assessment of their presence in the immediate future. In this regard, the study of extreme hydrometeorological episodes that happen in unusual seasons of the year for these extreme episodes is of particular interest.

One of these unusual episodes was the torrential rainfall and floods of May 1853 in Catalonia (NE Iberian Peninsula). The whole month of May 1853 is a unique hydrometeorological anomaly, being the second most rainy month of May in the whole instrumental series of precipitation of the city of Barcelona (period 1786-2022).

This work reconstructs this episode of heavy rainfall and floods using a multidisciplinary approach. Old instrumental meteorological data are used to obtain the daily pluviometric behaviour in Barcelona. Surface atmospheric pressure data from different points of Western Europe allow its synoptic description.

Historical information allows the identification of the different river overflow points and the floods caused by this episode. These points are represented cartographically together with the documented impacts on infrastructures. For this episode, there are 38 cases with historical information on impacts caused by floods or overflows. These occurred in eight different river basins which are included in the hydrographic demarcations of the Ebro River and the Catalan Coastal Basins. 

In order to appreciate the magnitude of the event, a limnimark (or floodmark) located in Tres Ponts Canyon on the Segre River is used. This record enables us to assimilate the episode with the most severe episode measured on the Segre River, one of the main tributaries of the Ebro River, in November 1982, with 1900 m3/s. This confirms the magnitude of the event of 1853, which is one of the most severe episodes of the lower Ebro basin for the last 500 years. 

How to cite: Balasch, J. C., Izard, F., Calvet, J., Tuset, J., Pino, D., Barriendos, M., and Barriendos, J.: Multidisciplinary reconstruction of the May 1853 flood episode, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6087,, 2023.

EGU23-6192 | Posters on site | NH1.2

Impacts of extreme wind speeds and other factors on tree fall alongside railway lines 

Rike Lorenz, Nico Becker, and Uwe Ulbrich

High wind speeds are a major cause for tree fall. However, the impact of wind on trees can depend on other co-occurring or antecedent meteorological conditions. Tree fall can also have an impact on surrounding infrastructure like the railway system. Here, it may damage railway infrastructure and lead to train disruptions. The intensity and frequency of windstorms and other meteorological factors is expected to change in the course of a changing climate. Thus, their impacts on trees and tree damage might change as well. To understand these changes an examination of impact-relevant weather factors and sequences is needed.
We obtained a dataset for tree and branch fall events alongside German railway lines from the Deutsche Bahn for the years 2017 to 2021. We use logistic regression to model tree fall probabilities and to identify relevant current and antecedent weather factors, their combinations and their impact on tree fall risk during winter. We use meteorological predictors derived from the ERA5 reanalysis and RADOLAN radar data.
High wind speed is identified as the strongest risk increasing factor. However, high daily precipitation and high soil water volume during the tree fall event as well as an antecedent year with high precipitation also increase tree fall risk. A small decreasing effect was found for warm and wet soil conditions in the three preceding months. We found no or only minor effects for daily mean air temperature, storm duration and wind direction.
In further steps these factors and their combinations will be assessed in terms of their effect on occurrence probabilities of tree fall events under recent and future climate conditions based on regional climate simulations.

How to cite: Lorenz, R., Becker, N., and Ulbrich, U.: Impacts of extreme wind speeds and other factors on tree fall alongside railway lines, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6192,, 2023.

EGU23-6322 | ECS | Orals | NH1.2

Investigating the relationship between drought and clay-shrinkage-induced subsidence damage at the town scale over France 

Sophie Barthelemy, Séverine Bernardie, Bertrand Bonan, Gilles Grandjean, Dorothée Kapsambelis, David Moncoulon, and Jean-Christophe Calvet

Clay shrink-swell consists in volume changes of clayey, smectite-rich soils as a function of their soil water content. Building foundations can be affected by soil shrinkage during droughts, entailing what is called subsidence damage. This is the second costliest peril covered by the French national natural disaster compensation scheme, the losses amounting to more than 16B€ between 1989 and 2021 (CCR, 2021). As illustrated by the 2022 drought in France, these costs are likely to increase as a result of climate change and of the related amplification of annual soil moisture cycles.

In this context, we investigate the relationship between drought and subsidence damage, using the ISBA land surface model developed by the French meteorological service (Météo-France), geotechnical data from the French geological survey (BRGM) and data from a national claim database operated by the French state-owned national reinsurance company (CCR). We compute several yearly drought indices based on multi-layer soil moisture time series simulated by the ISBA model. Different configurations of the indices are considered, varying in particular the ISBA model settings, and the soil drought definition through a threshold value accounting for a given temporal frequency, for each model soil layer. We assess a large range of configurations by using the Kendall rank correlation of the indices with yearly town-scale insurance claim data from 2000 to 2018, processed using the geotechnical data. The analysis is repeated for five sets of four towns with an important damage history distributed throughout France, in contrasting climate conditions.

Highest rank correlation coefficients are obtained for soil layers deeper than 60 cm, and with temporal frequency threshold values corresponding to intense droughts. Under these conditions, the indices are able to fairly represent the occurrence of damages. The relationship between drought indices and the number of claims is non-linear. This study benefits from the latest improvements in land surface modeling and is a step forwards in climate risk modeling since the indices investigated can be considered as new predictors for subsidence damage. Climate change impact studies will be conducted in a next phase.

[References] CCR: Les Catastrophes naturelles en France, Bilan 1982-2021, 2021.

How to cite: Barthelemy, S., Bernardie, S., Bonan, B., Grandjean, G., Kapsambelis, D., Moncoulon, D., and Calvet, J.-C.: Investigating the relationship between drought and clay-shrinkage-induced subsidence damage at the town scale over France, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6322,, 2023.

Upper Bavaria has comparatively higher mean rainfall amounts than other regions in Germany when the long-term rainfall data analyzed. Those heavy rainfall events cause severe human and economic impacts in the region. However, when the precipitation patterns (i.e. intensity, duration, etc.) were examined for this region, it is possible to see that similar rainfall patterns might cause different impacts in different districts of Oberland. This situation underlines the importance of understanding the different aggravating pathways of heavy rainfall events in the region. For this aim, flood-aggravating pathways such as topographic features, land use types, soil moisture and infiltration properties of the events in Oberland between the years 2001-2021 were analyzed. To determine the dominant influencing mechanisms, aggravating pathway factors are classified using hierarchical clustering for the study area. The classification results are compared with the heavy rainfall events defined by the German Weather Service (DWD), Catalogue of Radar-based Heavy Rainfall Events (CatRaRE catalogue) in terms of precipitation duration and amount, as well as fire brigade operations in the area regarding the impacts.

Herewith, direct or indirect relevance of rainfall patterns and catchment properties on the flood events in Oberland (Upper Bavaria), Germany between the years 2001 and 2021 are investigated with this study. The outcomes could provide beneficial information on different aggravating mechanisms in different districts in Oberland and could be used for future land-use planning and flood risk prevention studies.

How to cite: Koc, G.: Clustering of flood-aggravating pathways in the forelands of Pre-Alpine Region, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6846,, 2023.

EGU23-7244 | ECS | Orals | NH1.2

A first insight into the hail distribution over Germany 

Tabea Wilke, Markus Schultze, and Katharina Lengfeld

Since major hail events are quite rare in Germany, there is a lack of information in hail occurrence, size and its spatio-temporal distribution. As hailstorms are often locally very limited events, the hail distribution is hard to analyze precisely. Hail reports can only give a first intuition about the amount of hail overall. There might be a bias in the amount of reports towards too many reports in highly populated areas, which could lead to an underrepresentation of reports in rural and sparsely populated areas. Areal information from weather radar networks can overcome this issue with a high spatio-temporal resolution. As an addition, data from the German Insurance Association (GDV) about damages through hail serve as a very certain source for hail occurrence.

The German radar network consists of 17 dual-polarimetric radar systems, which cover Germany more or less completely. For the analysis of the hail distribution, the Maximum Expected Size of Hail (MESH) and a method based on Vertical Integrated Ice (VII) are used to estimate the hail size. Those sizes are reduced to thresholds to obtain where hail is reasonable or have a significant large size. The results of MESH and VII are finally compared to the eyewitness reports sent to the European Severe Weather Database and the WarnWetter-App. An important comparison are the loss data by the GDV. It can give further insides into the amount and the size of hail.

How to cite: Wilke, T., Schultze, M., and Lengfeld, K.: A first insight into the hail distribution over Germany, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7244,, 2023.

Record-breaking heatwaves, both atmospheric or marine, occur regularly throughout the world, leading to a variety of sectoral and societal impacts. According to the WMO, since 1970 there were more than 11 000 reported disasters attributed to these hazards globally, with just over 2 million deaths and US$ 3.64 trillion in losses. Heatwaves are among the top 4 disasters in terms of human losses during the 50-yr long period, with uneven impacts throughout the world.

Madagascar, which is well known for its vast biodiversity, and abundant and unique natural resources, has been affected by successive droughts and hot events with disastrous consequences for the agriculture sector, and consequently increasing food insecurity. During the last decades, climate change and environmental degradation contributed to an escalation of the ecosystem’s fragility, therefore decreasing, even more, food security in subsistence farming regions.

Considering that the association between higher temperatures and water scarcity increases the risk of food insecurity compared to the sole occurrence of individual hazards, it is very important to address extreme events on a compound approach, identifying synergies, driving mechanisms, and dominant atmospheric modes controlling single and combined hazards.

Here the focus is placed on a particularly sensitive region,  the Madagascar Island, which shows significant positive trends in heatwaves metrics over the period 1982–2022 (frequency, intensity, duration, and intensity composite index). The combined occurrence of both marine and atmospheric heatwaves and drought conditions along the Mozambique Channel and Madagascar relying on ERA5 reanalysis was also performed and ranked according to the referred metrics. Of the two zones considered, there is considerable differences between trends when addressing separately the northern and southern regions, particularly in the case of the intensity of marine and atmospheric heatwaves.  


This work was funded by the Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) I.P./MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC) – UIDB/50019/2020- IDL ,  DHEFEUS - 2022.09185.PTDC and ROADMAP - JPIOCEANS/0001/2019.

How to cite: Russo, A., Santos, R., and Gouveia, C. M.: Compound occurrence of marine and atmospheric heatwaves with drought conditions over the Mozambique Channel and Madagascar Island, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8156,, 2023.

EGU23-8704 | Posters on site | NH1.2

Multidisciplinary reconstruction of the flood episode of September 1793 

Pablo Gimenez-Font, Josep Barriendos, Jorge Olcina, Mariano Barriendos, Josep Carles Balasch, and Jordi Tuset

Climate variability conditioned by the effects of climate change justifies the study of past periods in order to identify and characterise episodes of high severity and low frequency. The increase in the irregularity of the precipitation regime in some regions justifies the study of these events for a better assessment of their occurrence in the immediate future. In this regard, the climatic framework of the Maldà Oscillation (1760-1800) offers hydrometeorological anomalies of low frequency and high severity, especially in the dimension of catastrophic floods. One of the episodes that occurred in this period affected the region of the present-day Valencian Community, on the eastern coast of the Iberian Peninsula, between 6 and 8 September 1793.The aim of this work is to reconstruct, in as much detail as possible, the meteorological and hydrological behaviour of an extraordinary rainfall event. At the same time, it also aims to reconstruct the impacts caused on human activity. In order to achieve this objective, data from old instrumental meteorological observation and the result of an extensive collection of information from historical documentary sources are used. Although the meteorological data are scarce, they allow the synoptic characterisation of the episode. The hydrological approach of the episode is only qualitative, but it allows the identification of the affected river basins and the occurrence of river floods and overflows. The social impacts of the episode are significant and occurred due to the exceptional nature of the episode. For example, the overflowing of the top of a hydraulic dam built at the end of the 16th century (Tibi dam, 43 metres above the river course). Despite the presence of hydraulic infrastructures that were able to control the floods, there were numerous catastrophic damages that are represented in a detailed thematic cartography. During 3 days of flooding, 7 river basins belonging to the Júcar and Segura hydrographic demarcations were affected, with 11 towns and villages suffering catastrophic damages. Likewise, the social response to these events is analyzed, basically characterized by the celebration of religious ceremonies.

How to cite: Gimenez-Font, P., Barriendos, J., Olcina, J., Barriendos, M., Balasch, J. C., and Tuset, J.: Multidisciplinary reconstruction of the flood episode of September 1793, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8704,, 2023.

EGU23-9729 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.2

Development of a flood events database for the Spanish Mediterranean coast and its application to improve flood risk awareness 

Montserrat Llasat-Botija, Erika Pardo, Laura Esbrí, Raül Marcos, and María Carmen Llasat

Floods are the natural risk that causes the most damage in Mediterranean coastal areas. In Spain, for instance, more than 60% of disaster compensations correspond to floods. Consequently, it is essential to characterize these phenomena to obtain information that can be useful to improve preparedness and future response by generating effective and efficient adaptation strategies.

In the context of the C3RiskMed project, all the flood events that have affected the Spanish Mediterranean coast between 1980 and 2020 have been identified. To this aim, the INUNGAMA flood database (Llasat et al., 2014) has been used as starting point. This database contains all the flood events that have occurred in Catalonia since 1900 and includes hydrometeorological and impact information for each event.  Once this database has been updated until 2020, flood events from the Valencian Community, the Region of Murcia and Mediterranean Andalusia have been searched and classified. This has been achieved by using the Civil Protection Catalog of Historical Floods and other sources such as newspaper archives and reports. This base allows us to characterize the different regions in terms of the impact of events and to identify differences and commonalities to take into account in the design of adaptation measures. It will be also used to identify and characterize compound events.

Hence, in this communication we present the update of this database as well as its application as an adaptation tool for Catalonia: the AGORA Flood Observatory. This Observatory consists of an online portal ( that contains multiple resources related to floods such as reports of historical events with different sections adjusted to different target audiences (i.e. the general population, schools, expert and/or technical audiences). This observatory also includes the AGORA viewer. This viewer allows interactive consultation of flood events by municipality, county, and river basin, either on a map or in a table (with event details). The observatory also offer technical and pedagogical material about floods for different target groups. The role of this Observatory as an adaptation tool is based on its potential as a decision support and planning tool and its contribution to the improvement of risk awareness of the population. This research has been done in the framework of the C3Riskmed project (MICINN-AEI/PID2020-113638RB-C22) funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and the AGORA project financed by the Water Catalan Agency.

Llasat, M.C., Marcos, R., Llasat-Botija, M., et al. (2014). Flash flood evolution in North-Western Mediterranean. Atmospheric Research, 149: 230–243.

How to cite: Llasat-Botija, M., Pardo, E., Esbrí, L., Marcos, R., and Llasat, M. C.: Development of a flood events database for the Spanish Mediterranean coast and its application to improve flood risk awareness, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9729,, 2023.

EGU23-10893 | Posters on site | NH1.2

Maximum wind radius approximation for parametric typhoon model combining operational forecast model and its application to storm surge and wave predictions 

Jae-Il Kwon, Sang-Hun Jeong, Yeong-Yeon Kwon, Jung-Woon Choi, Hojin Kim, Jin-Yong Choi, Ki-Young Heo, and Deoksu Kim

Parametric typhoon models reproduce realistic atmospheric pressure and wind fields during a typhoon. They require much less computation than planetary boundary layer models, allowing rapid coastal hazard estimations such as storm surges and waves. In these models, the maximum wind radius (Rmax) is a crucial parameter determining a wind field with the typhoon’s track and central pressure. This study proposes a new approach to Rmax estimation to generate accurate wind and pressure fields using numerical model data. We use the parametric typhoon model based on the basic vortex model. The track and central pressure of typhoons are obtained from the best track archives of the Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC). Rmax was estimated hourly using circle fitting methods from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Global Forecast System (GFS) data. We tested this approach on five typhoons that passed near the Korean peninsula from 2016 to 2020. We evaluated the timeseries of Rmax with the JTWC archives. In addition, the prediction accuracy of storm surge and wave was compared using the reproduced wind field with Korea Operational Oceanographic System (KOOS). We also performed sensitivity tests for Rmax. This approach was tested on Typhoon Hinnamnor in 2022 with typhoon information from the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA).

How to cite: Kwon, J.-I., Jeong, S.-H., Kwon, Y.-Y., Choi, J.-W., Kim, H., Choi, J.-Y., Heo, K.-Y., and Kim, D.: Maximum wind radius approximation for parametric typhoon model combining operational forecast model and its application to storm surge and wave predictions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10893,, 2023.

EGU23-14453 | Orals | NH1.2

Extreme wind gusts assessment in France 

Nathalie Bertrand, Adrien Gaonac'h, Hugues Delattre, Maeva Sabre, and Laurent Li

Extreme wind phenomena generated during convective events are reported every year in France and cause significant material losses. In 2022, several significant events were observed, for example in Normandy in June where a kite surfer lost his life or in August in Corsica where a new wind gust record was recorded (225km/h). However, convective wind gusts are not considered in the design process of residential and industrial infrastructures. Therefore, our study assesses the available databases on convective wind speeds monitored or estimated by MeteoFrance and Keraunos for the period 2000-2019 in order to define a methodology to estimate the wind gusts return level.

Since all these convective events occur during a thunderstorm, the originality of this work was to use lightning data to separate convective from non-convective events. In addition, we considered all available data by projecting them onto the same grid (Meteorage lightning grid with 25 km resolution). A first probability analysis and conditional probabilities knowing the occurrence of a thunderstorm were deduced over the period and by seasons.

Then, we will focus on a very convective region (North-East of France) to evaluate the possibility to estimate the return level of wind gusts with the designed available dataset.

How to cite: Bertrand, N., Gaonac'h, A., Delattre, H., Sabre, M., and Li, L.: Extreme wind gusts assessment in France, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14453,, 2023.

EGU23-14921 | Orals | NH1.2

The April 2022 South Africa Flood event 

Carlotta Scudeler, Giulia Giani, and Alexandra Tsioulou

Over April 2022, heavy rain in KwaZulu-Natal province in South Africa, followed by intense flooding and mudslides, caused one of the deadliest natural disasters in the country, mostly hard-hitting the areas in and around Durban. The intense rainfall was caused by a cut-of-low mid-latitude depression, known as Storm Issa, which is a common weather system in South Africa, particularly in the spring and summer months. In this study we present an analysis which investigates 1) the reasons why this event has been so impactful in terms of damage and loss compared to other similar events in South Africa and 2) if the intensity and frequency of such a storm is increasing as a result of a changing climate.  The analysis has been carried out at different levels: ERA-5 reanalysis data and rain gauge data have been used to characterize at different temporal and spatial scales the precipitation relative to the event and compared to other similar events; DWS discharge data have been used to analyse the event in terms of hydrological response and flow; and finally the footprint of the event has been reconstructed, following the flow analysis and by means of UNOSAT satellite-detected flood, landslide and damaged structures taken as reference. Among the major outcomes of the analysis we found that the duration and antecedent conditions, most probably also exacerbated by La Nina effect, made the event exceptional, resulting in a flash flood among the highest recorded in the last 70 years. The reconstructed event footprint whilst could be improved in the areas which were mostly affected by landslides, captures well the flooding in the major floodplain.     

How to cite: Scudeler, C., Giani, G., and Tsioulou, A.: The April 2022 South Africa Flood event, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14921,, 2023.

EGU23-15054 | ECS | Posters virtual | NH1.2

Numerical Analysis of a Spanish Supercell Outbreak 

Carlos Calvo-Sancho, Javier Díaz-Fernández, Juan Jesús González-Alemán, Yago Martín, Lara Quitián-Hernandez, Pedro Bolgiani, Daniel Santos-Muñoz, José Ignacio Farrán, Mariano Sastre, and Maria Luisa Martín

On July 31 2015, a supercell outbreak occurred in Spain, causing significant damage and disruption. More than 20 supercells were responsible for producing multiple large hail, flash floods, and severe wind gusts. The outbreak was driven by a deep shortwave trough over the Iberian Peninsula, bringing with it a strong geopotential height gradient and instability in the Iberian Peninsula. On the front side of the trough axis, positive vorticity advection and divergence helped to promote and strengthen the upper-level forcing favoring thunderstorm episodes.

The event was simulated using the WRF-ARW model, in which several convective variables and instability indices were studied. To track the supercells, a python-based supercell tracking tool was used. This tool identified and tracked every supercell resolved by the model, and these results were verified with the supercell database. Reanalysis and sounding data revealed pre-convective environments favorable for supporting supercells development (i.e., high-level instability coupled with strong deep-layer shear). The results indicate large interaction between topography, convective initiation and supercell life-cycle, inducing their dynamics and the growth of mesocyclones.

The use of the WRF-ARW model and python-based supercell tracking tool allowed for a better understanding of the event and can help improve future forecasting and warning efforts.

How to cite: Calvo-Sancho, C., Díaz-Fernández, J., González-Alemán, J. J., Martín, Y., Quitián-Hernandez, L., Bolgiani, P., Santos-Muñoz, D., Farrán, J. I., Sastre, M., and Martín, M. L.: Numerical Analysis of a Spanish Supercell Outbreak, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15054,, 2023.

EGU23-15352 | ECS | Orals | NH1.2

Intensifying Hydrometeorological Extreme Events and Compound Anomalies in a Temperate Region, Germany 

Haiyan Chen, Ye Tuo, and Markus Disse

Hydrometeorological extremes (HMEs) pose immense challenges and hazards to communities in a warming world, and this is particularly true for compound extremes (CHMEs) associated with deadly wet and dry events. More attention has been paid to extremes happening in arid and wet regions, nonetheless, temperate regions are understood poorly where more and more HMEs are striking fragile social-ecological systems. Therefore, the study shines a light on a proper temperate region of Europe, Germany. Not only the spatial-temporary variation of individual HMEs (IHMEs) but also compound events are fully investigated over the past seven decades. Notably, we propose a new insight to explore the concurrent extreme wet and dry events (CEDWs). A comprehensive framework is devised here, it combines the percentile and standardized index methods to explore compound extremes first. Different time scales are utilized to identify extreme wet (EWs) and dry events (EDs) separately considering their different evolving processes and impacting patterns on human society. The research presents the spatiotemporal distribution of the number, magnitude, and intensity of IHMEs and CHMEs in the wet and dry regions of Germany. Moreover, the changing tendency and spatial clustering of these events are further discussed by Ordinary Least Squares and Moran Index methods. Our study provides an important perspective on the changes in the spatiotemporal distribution of HMEs in the temperate region, especially the novel discussion of compound events. On the other hand, the research results regarding phases and areas of severe extremes facilitate planners and decision-makers to prioritize disaster management with limited resources and produce effective risk-mitigation plans.

How to cite: Chen, H., Tuo, Y., and Disse, M.: Intensifying Hydrometeorological Extreme Events and Compound Anomalies in a Temperate Region, Germany, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15352,, 2023.

EGU23-15638 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.2

Bivariate modeling of flood peak and volume for assessing the hydrological safety of dams 

Epari Ritesh Patro, Greta Cazzaniga, and Carlo De Michele

The dam failure can be caused by multiple factors such as slope instability, presence of structural faults, or overflow. The latter is one of the most frequent causes and accounts for more than 40 % of them worldwide. Checking the hydrological safety of dams means assessing the ability of the dam, and thus of its outlets, to dispose of intense flood events without overflow. In Italy, the assessment of the hydrological safety of dams is a key and urgent issue in Italy. About the 8% of the large dams were built more than one century ago, and such a percentage is expected to increase up to 23% in a decade. Traditionally, such assessment is performed by means of the millennial quantile of flood peak. However, in literature, it has been shown that the determination of critical flood events should consider the statistical dependence between flood peak and flood volume. In the present work, we assess the hydrological safety of three Italian dams (namely, Ceppo Morelli, Mignano, and Molato) exploiting a bivariate approach, which stems from the method presented by De Michele et al., 2005. The statistical dependence between flood peak and volume is firstly estimated and modelled using copula models. Massive synthetic simulations are afterward performed to estimate the rate of overtopping of each dam, and consequently the return period. Results show that all the three dams result as hydrologically safe, even if Ceppo Morelli dam needs to be regularly monitored. Furthermore, for each dam, we also define a critical region, where the couples flood peak-flood volume may lead to overtopping. It is observed that the shape of such regions strictly depends both on flood peak and volume. Eventually, the routing effects of the three dams are compared, with respect to the return period and assuming three different dependence behaviors. It is proved that an overestimate of the dependence degree would result in an underestimate of the dam routing effect, and viceversa, leading to improper assessment of the risk.

How to cite: Patro, E. R., Cazzaniga, G., and De Michele, C.: Bivariate modeling of flood peak and volume for assessing the hydrological safety of dams, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15638,, 2023.

EGU23-16269 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.2

Combining the Weights of Evidence model, the Strahler/Shreve hydrographic model, and the HEC-RAS analysis for the assessment of flood susceptibility in Essaouira Province, Morocco 

Abdellah Khouz, Jorge Trindade, Sérgio Oliveira, Pedro Pinto Santos, Fatima El Bchari, Blaid Bougadir, Ricardo Garcia, Eusébio Reis, Mourad Jadoud, and Andreia Alves Silva
The most frequent disasters indiced by natural hazards in Morocco's northern and central regions are floods, namely flashfloods. Determining the areas covered by the maximum extent of floodwaters from estimated flood flows is how flood-prone areas are often defined. The primary goal of the current study was to develop a map of flood susceptibility using a weights-of-evidence (WofE) model. To confirm it, compare it to a simplified hydrographic model that was constructed based on the hierarchy of drainage system characteristics, adhering to the Strahler stream order criteria and the magnitude of the drainage networks based on Shreve’s magnitude, considering both approaches are widely used in the literature review. The most susceptible area defined by the two approaches was thoroughly analysed through hydraulic modelling using HEC-RAS, providing the most accurate results. Digital elevation models (DEMs) created from 12.5 m high-resolution orthophoto images, were used for the investigation in this study.The Essaouira provincial Watersheds in Morocco mapped around 95 flood locations in a GIS system, during the last 20 years. From the flood locations inventory, 70% were randomly chosen for training the flood susceptibility model and the remaining 30% were deployed for independent validation goals. 18 flood-conditioning factors were considered:  elevation, aspect, slope angle, curvature plan, curvature profile, Stream Power Index (SPI), Topographic Wetness Index (TWI), Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), distance to rivers, lithology, rainfall, land use and land cover (LULC), drainage density, valley depth, Topographic Position Index (TPI), Terrain Ruggedness Index (TRI), Geomorphons and permeability. The final flood susceptibility map was produced by using the weights-of-evidence (WofE) model, for which the receiver operating characteristic curve and the area under the curve (AUC) were generated. The validation findings demonstrated the WofE model's robustness and effectiveness. Additionally, the results of both approaches revealed a linkage in terms of susceptible locations, with the most susceptible area being nearer to the city of Essaouira on Ksob oued. HEC-RAS analysis was performed on the cited location, helped to determine the local susceptible area with higher specificity, comparing to the two previous approaches. Managers, academics, and planners can use the study's findings to manage flood-prone areas and decrease damage. Acknowledgements: The work has been financed by national funds through FCT (Foundation for Science and Technology, I. P.), in the framework of the project “HighWaters – Assessing sea level rise exposure and social vulnerability scenarios for sustainable land use planning” (EXPL/GES-AMB/1246/2021).

How to cite: Khouz, A., Trindade, J., Oliveira, S., Santos, P. P., El Bchari, F., Bougadir, B., Garcia, R., Reis, E., Jadoud, M., and Silva, A. A.: Combining the Weights of Evidence model, the Strahler/Shreve hydrographic model, and the HEC-RAS analysis for the assessment of flood susceptibility in Essaouira Province, Morocco, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16269,, 2023.

EGU23-16301 | Posters on site | NH1.2

How will climate change affect spatial coherence of streamflow and groundwater droughts in Great Britain? 

Amulya Chevuturi, Maliko Tanguy, Ben P Marchant, Jonathan D Mackay, Simon Parry, and Jamie Hannaford

How climate change will affect spatial coherence of droughts is a key question that water managers must answer in order to adopt strategies to mitigate impacts on water resources. For example, water transfers between regions have long been considered as a possible water management option. Conjunctive use of surface water and groundwater is another common water management practice. However, in both cases, these solutions are only viable if both regions or stores are not in drought simultaneously. These relationships might change under the influence of climate change.

The recently published ‘enhanced Future Flows and Groundwater’ (eFLaG) dataset of nationally consistent hydrological projections for the UK, based on the latest UK Climate Projections (UKCP18), provides the opportunity to explore the future evolution of drought spatial coherence in detail. Here, we use eFLaG future simulations of streamflows and groundwater levels to analyse the projected change in drought spatial coherence in Great Britain, over its seven different water regions, using joint and conditional probabilities of occurrence. Some key findings are: an increase in coherence in summer everywhere in the country; in winter, however, it will only increase in the South-East; and, in most regions, the coherence between groundwater and streamflow droughts will increase, one exception being the South-East in summer.

These results provide valuable insight to water managers to inform their long-term strategies to overcome future impacts of droughts. The methodology has the potential to be applied to other parts of the world to help shape strategic regional and national investments to increase resilience to droughts.

How to cite: Chevuturi, A., Tanguy, M., Marchant, B. P., Mackay, J. D., Parry, S., and Hannaford, J.: How will climate change affect spatial coherence of streamflow and groundwater droughts in Great Britain?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16301,, 2023.

Flooding is one of the most prevalent and disruptive natural hazards that affect livelihoods worldwide, especially in lower-income countries where proper drainage and flood protection measures tend to be less developed. Floods have become more frequent and intense over the recent decades and are expected to worsen their negative impacts in the future. Managing flood risk requires the evaluation of potential flood hazards and their consequences. Hydrodynamic models are generally employed to predict flood hazards (inundation extent, depth, velocity, etc.). One of the major concerns in flood hazard mapping is selecting an appropriate model structure. This study examines the flood predictions by a one-dimensional (1-D) hydrodynamic model for two geomorphologically distinct river reaches, the Adyar River, Chennai, India, and the Brazos River, Texas, USA. The results are compared against the simulation results of a two-dimensional (2-D) hydrodynamic model. An open-source model, HEC-RAS, with both 1-D and 2-D modeling capabilities, is employed for flood inundation modeling. The inundation patterns predicted by the 1-D model are found to vary significantly in the case of the Brazos River compared to those for the Adyar river. The study suggests that the simulations of flood inundation extent and maximum flow depth are influenced by the 1-D modeling assumptions on flood plains in river reaches characterized by wide flood plains with complex local terrain variations. The 1-D model simulations are also found sensitive to the magnitude of the flood event with respect to the hydraulic capacity of the reach.

How to cite: Jesna, , Sm, B., and Kp, S.: Investigating the potential of a 1-D hydrodynamic model for flood inundation modeling and hazard mapping, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-362,, 2023.

EGU23-832 | ECS | Posters virtual | NH1.3

Assessment of future fluvial floods damages on buildings based on different climate scenarios: a case study in France 

Emmanuelle Itam, Thomas Boidot-Doremieux, and Mohammad Ali Iravani

Today, there is no doubt climate change leads to more frequent and severe climate extremes in the future. Like other extreme climate events, fluvial flooding, which is already the most damaging climate extreme in France, will be more frequent, endangering the entire economy and financial system. As essential economic actors, financial institutions must be prepared to face higher resulting economic impacts caused by extreme fluvial floods, even in the close future. However, it is still difficult to analyze and quantify this physical risk and its resulting direct losses, particularly in the building sector. In this context, the necessity to integrate flood-related risks into financial risks (credit, market, and liquidity risks) can be done through the quantification of predicted climate-related damages.

In this study, we emphasize the results of the application of a new framework to calculate the direct damages from fluvial flooding on residential buildings and its future worsening due to climate change. The originality of our work is to develop a frequency analysis of the prediction of flood damages at the building scale by combining specific depth-damage functions (Grelot and Richert, 2019) and fine-resolution hazard maps for river flooding.

We calculate damages on buildings located in the center of Paris (close to Seine river) for different fluvial flood frequencies. The damage modeling is performed using national depth-damage functions that give relationships between flood depth, flood duration, and subsequent damage. The latter concerns the cost of repair or replacement of each elementary component of the buildings that will be damaged or destroyed depending on the flooding scenario. We consider three different types of buildings collective buildings, multi-storey individuals, and single-storey individuals. The water depths due to flooding defines exposed areas of buildings and are based on data extracted from maps provided by the Joint Research Centre (Alfieri et al., 2015). Those maps depict flood-prone areas for river flood events for six different flood frequencies (from 1-in-10-years to 1-in-500-years) and are based on the high-emissions “RCP8.5” global warming scenario.

For each return period, we detect the impacted buildings by crossing the building map created from the French National Building Database with the corresponding fluvial flood map. Total damages are then computed as the sum of damages predicted for each building type associated with the closest water depth value.

By using the expected annual damage (EAD) methodology, we have investigated the effects of climate change caused by decreasing the return period (increasing the frequency of events). The results show that an increase in the frequency of occurrence of flooding due to climate change (decreasing the return period) led to increasing in the value of annual damage.


Alfieri, L., Feyen, L., Dottori, F. and Bianchi, A., 2015. Ensemble flood risk assessment in Europe under high end climate scenarios. Global Environmental Change, 35, pp.199-212.

Grelot, F. and Richert, C., 2019. Floodam: Modelling Flood Damage functions of buildings. Manual for floodam v1. 0.0 (Doctoral dissertation, irstea).

How to cite: Itam, E., Boidot-Doremieux, T., and Iravani, M. A.: Assessment of future fluvial floods damages on buildings based on different climate scenarios: a case study in France, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-832,, 2023.

EGU23-1316 | ECS | Orals | NH1.3

RESCUE a new physically-based large scale flood model 

Luciano Pavesi, Elena Volpi, and Aldo Fiori

Flood mapping is an essential step in flood risk assessment to reduce losses. Through flood mapping, we can detect vulnerable areas, assess flood impacts and create mitigation plans.
From the literature, we have two consolidated approaches to delineating flood maps. The first one is the hydrologic-hydraulic approach. Its strength relies on the possibility of simulating scenarios for different probabilities of occurrence (return period scenarios), considering the physics of the phenomenon. At the same time, the weaknesses of this approach regard the required amount of input data and high computational costs. The second approach is the geomorphological one, which allows to delineate flood-prone areas directly from some topographic features derived from a Digital Terrain Model (DTM), i.e. elevation, distance to the channel, etc.. Thanks to the limited request of input data and its rapidity in terms of computational efficiency, this approach is particularly appealing for large scale analyses. However, the geomorphological approach does not allow for the delineation of flood maps for different return period scenarios; further, the output is strongly linked to the quality of the input DTM.
Here we propose a model that combines the two approaches to enable preliminary mapping of flood areas for different scenarios at the regional scale; the model is named RESCUE, laRgE SCale inUndation model. RESCUE takes advantage from coupling geomorphological analysis and simplified hydrologic-hydraulic modeling, providing simple and reliable large scales inundation estimates. Like geomorphological models, it requires few data in input and has a high computational efficiency; while like hydrological-hydraulic models, it is physically-based and linked to a return period scenario.
Noteworthy, RESCUE allows for parameter uncertainty estimation through Monte-Carlo analysis, leading to a probabilistic assessment of flooded areas. Here, we show the potentialities and limitations through two examples: The Paglia-Chiani River system, and Central Apennines District (Central Italy).

How to cite: Pavesi, L., Volpi, E., and Fiori, A.: RESCUE a new physically-based large scale flood model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1316,, 2023.

Accurate extraction of high-resolution digital elevation models (DEMs) is critical for many flood-sensitive rivers regarding landform change monitoring, hydraulic modeling, sediment transport tracking, and evaluation of river channel morphodynamics. Multi-temporal repeat monitoring of flood-vulnerable rivers is crucial due to rapid alteration of morphological properties of in-channel landforms. Thus, in this study the three-dimensional (3D) DEMs of the study region were acquired by unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) based surveys in order for continuous tracking of stream channel morphology for the rivers sensitive to floods. Repeated high-resolution topography of the Bogacay basin, Antalya, Turkey was obtained in this study by means of UAV-based Structure from Motion (SfM) photogrammetry. The acquired topography during two consecutive years allows analysis of the relations between the main geomorphic processes related to landform alterations and their role in sediment transfer. In conjunction with the flood simulation, the scour depths at bridge piles after a probable flood (Q500) were predicted by HEC-RAS software. The flood analysis was conducted for a maximum runoff of 2560 m3/s with a calculated return period of 500 years (Q500). The results of HEC-RAS flood and scour analyses indicated that a maximum scour depth of 2.49 m could be expected during a probable flood with a maximum water depth of 8.2 m measured from the scoured depth. This water level corresponded to a 0.46 m of submersion of the bridge deck since the pier height was 5.25 m and the maximum flood velocity was predicted as 5.7 m/s. The results indicated that the alterations in the river channel after an expected flood event, allowed reliable evaluation of riverbed morphodynamics, while verifying that UAV-SfM and Dem of Difference (DoD) are useful tools in geomorphological dynamic mapping and in change monitoring studies.

How to cite: Özcan, O. and Özcan, O.: UAV-based monitoring of river bed morphodynamics for multi-hazard vulnerability assessment of bridges, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1858,, 2023.

EGU23-2133 | Posters on site | NH1.3

Riverine flood risk in municipalities of Slovakia 

Matej Vojtek and Jana Vojteková

Integrated flood risk assessment is based on a multidimensional definition of flood risk, i.e. the extent of flood losses depends not only on the flood hazard itself, but also on the vulnerability of the social, economic, and environmental system to flooding. This study aims at the riverine flood risk mapping and assessment in municipalities of Slovakia. The riverine flood risk index (RFRI) was determined for 2,927 municipalities of Slovakia as a synthesis of the riverine flood hazard index (RFHI) and the riverine flood vulnerability index (RFVI) using the spatial multi-criteria analysis and geographic information systems (GIS). The RFHI was calculated based on eight indicators representing the riverine flood potential: number of flood events, slope, curvature, average annual maximum 5-day rainfall, river density, lithological rock types, soil texture, and land cover. Moreover, the RFVI was calculated based on seven indicators representing the social and economic vulnerability of municipalities: population density of urban areas of municipalities, share of population included in the age category 65+ from the total population of municipality, share of unemployed persons from the total number of economically active population in municipality, share of the Roma ethnicity from the total population of municipality, number of buildings within 100 m from a river, length of roads within 100 m from a river, and number of bridges in a municipality. The result of the Pearson correlation between individual indicators and the number of flood events in municipalities was used to determine the importance of indicators, which was subsequently used for assigning the indicator weights applying the rank sum method. The RFHI and RFVI for each municipality were calculated as the aggregation of the respective weighted indicators. The multiplication of the RFHI and RFVI resulted in the final RFRI. Based on the results obtained, the very high and high classes of RFHI contained 839 municipalities, which are located mostly in northern and eastern Slovakia and partly also in western and central Slovakia. The very high and high classes of RFVI included 817 municipalities, mainly, in northern and central Slovakia and partly also in western and eastern Slovakia. The highest RFRI values were recorded mostly by the municipalities in northern, central, and eastern Slovakia and partly also in western Slovakia. The very high and high risk of riverine flooding was recorded in 700 municipalities, i.e. these municipalities are included in the very high and high classes of RFRI. The results achieved in this study are useful, on one hand, for local self-governments and actors responsible for flood risk management, but more importantly for cyclic updating of the Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment in Slovakia under the EU Floods Directive. This work was supported by the VEGA agency under the grant number 1/0103/22 through the project entitled "Spatio-temporal Changes and Prediction of Flood Risk in Municipalities of Slovakia".

How to cite: Vojtek, M. and Vojteková, J.: Riverine flood risk in municipalities of Slovakia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2133,, 2023.

EGU23-3239 | ECS | Orals | NH1.3

Accelerating urban flood modelling using a GPU-parallel non-uniform structured grid and sub-grid approach 

Youtong Rong, Paul Bates, and Jeffrey Neal

Remote sensing technology and the resulting high resolution geospatial data now allow for a detailed description of urban landscape, advancing the development of raster-based flood models. Previous studies have highlighted the critical role of finely resolved and accurate terrain data (5m or less) in capturing flow patterns in urban areas. However, using a uniform fine grid resolution over a rectangular domain generally results in dense grids and leads to large computational costs. The small cell size is often an overspecification for rural regions where the flow processes are changing much less rapidly. Unstructured grid models resolve this issue and trade off more complex programming and slower operation against being able to represent a given problem with fewer computational elements. An alternative solution has been recently proposed to apply the non-uniform structured grid, with fine grids covering only the regions where this detail is a necessity, for example to capture the preferential flow paths influenced by small-scale topographic features or man-made structures (river channels, buildings, roads, defences, etc.). Without this, the smoothing effect of mesh coarsening upon input topographical data in urban areas leads to a uncertain prediction of the inundation extent and the timing of inundation due to the simplified wetting process. Flow connectivity formed by the river channels and the road network, which has a strong control on urban floodplain hydraulics, is also better represented by mixing grid resolutions. Considering the large consequences in terms of economic losses caused by urban flooding, here we develop a GPU-accelerated non-uniform sub-/super-grid channel model (river channels with width below or above the fine grid resolution) for accurate and efficient urban flood modelling. Urban areas and the river channel network are forced to keep fine resolution, while a coarse representation, depending on the terrain gradient, is allowed for rural regions. This model allows the utilization of available sub-/super-grid scale bathymetric information for 1D in-channel flow representation, and a 2D model for floodplain with variable grid resolution, minimising the computational costs and below water line data requirements in the river channel. Three tests are set up to validate the model performance, and the results show that modelling the urban area with fine resolution improved the model reliability and accuracy, and reduces computational cost in rural areas where a coarse grid may be used.

How to cite: Rong, Y., Bates, P., and Neal, J.: Accelerating urban flood modelling using a GPU-parallel non-uniform structured grid and sub-grid approach, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3239,, 2023.

Flood susceptibility assessment for identifying flood-prone areas plays a significant role in flood hazard mitigation. Machine learning is an optional assessment method because of its high objectivity and computational efficiency, but how to get enough and accurate information of historical flood locations to train the machine learning models has been a key problem. In recent years, news media data from both news websites and social media authentication accounts has emerged as a promising source for natural science studies. However, the application of news media data in urban flood susceptibility assessment is still inadequate. This study proposed an approach of three tasks to use news media data on this topic. Firstly, flood locations were extracted from news media data based on a named entity recognition (NER) model. Then, a frequency or distance-based data quality control method was employed to improve the representativeness of the extracted flooded locations. Finally, flood conditioning factors with information of historical flood locations were input into a Support Vector Machine (SVM) model for flood susceptibility assessment. We took the central city of Dalian, China, as a case study. The results show that there was no significant difference of a T-test between the distributions of most flood conditioning factors at the flood locations from the news media data and the official planning report. In the obtained flood susceptibility map, the high flood susceptibility areas got a recall of 90% compared with the high flood hazard areas in the planning report. Performing data quality control in the frequency-based method can improve the precision of the flood susceptibility map by up to 5%, while the distance-based method is ineffective. This study provides an example and offers the value of applying new data sources and modern deep learning techniques for urban flood management. 

How to cite: Fu, S., Lyu, H., Wang, Z., and Hao, X.: Extracting flood locations from news media data by the named entity recognition (NER) model to assess urban flood susceptibility, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3286,, 2023.

EGU23-4812 | ECS | Posters virtual | NH1.3 | Highlight

Daily Streamflow Forecasting in the Mahanadi River Basin using a Novel Deep Learning-based Model 

Amina Khatun, Chandranath Chatterjee, and Bhabagrahi Sahoo

Flood is one of the most devastating natural disasters accounting for the loss of life and property of millions of people every year. Since 2000s, floods have become more frequent in some parts of the world, especially in the tropical region. In India, many frequent extreme floods are found to occur recently. While the structural measures of flood management are not always feasible, the non-structural measures, such as flood forecasting plays a vital role in developing early flood warning systems. In the present study, a novel deep learning model, namely Smoothing-based Long Short-Term Memory (Smooth-LSTM) model is developed for daily streamflow forecasting at the head of the delta region in the Mahanadi River basin, eastern India. This modelling framework integrates smoothing filters and the traditional LSTM networks to predict the daily streamflow foreacasts up to 5-days lead-time. This model follows a sequence-to-single output approach, with the time-lagged streamflows as the only input variable. The Smooth-LSTM model is able to predict the streamflows reasonably well with a Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency of 0.87–0.82 up to a lead-time of 5-days. The overall model performance is found to be satisfactory with the ability to capture the observed streamflows within the 90% uncertainty bands.

How to cite: Khatun, A., Chatterjee, C., and Sahoo, B.: Daily Streamflow Forecasting in the Mahanadi River Basin using a Novel Deep Learning-based Model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4812,, 2023.

EGU23-6693 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.3

Transferability of data-driven models to predict urban pluvial floodwater depth in Berlin, Germany. 

Omar Seleem, Georgy Ayzel, Axel Bronstert, and Maik Heistermann

Hydrodynamic models are considered the best representation of the physical process of runoff generation and concentration. However, they are computationally expensive. Data-driven models are raising as a potential alternative to surrogate them but the models’ transferability in space is still a major challenge. This study compared the performance of random forest (RF) and convolutional neural networks (CNN) based on the U-Net architecture for predicting urban pluvial floodwater depth, the models’ transferability in space and whether using transfer learning techniques could improve the models’ performance outside the training domains. The results showed that RF models were better for predictions among the training domains, though this may be due to overfitting. The CNN models had a better potential to generalize beyond the training domains and were able to benefit from transfer learning techniques to improve their performance outside the training domains than RF models.

How to cite: Seleem, O., Ayzel, G., Bronstert, A., and Heistermann, M.: Transferability of data-driven models to predict urban pluvial floodwater depth in Berlin, Germany., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6693,, 2023.

EGU23-7583 | ECS | Orals | NH1.3

City of Pemba: development of an automatic prediction tools for pluvial hazard assessment 

Giacomo Fagugli, Flavio Pignone, Alessandro Masoero, Simone Gabellani, Umberto Morra di Cella, Lauro Rossi, and Federico Munaretto

Mozambique is one of the countries in Africa most seriously affected by tropical cyclones, which bring heavy rains and flooding causing severe damage and often exacerbating human-driven emergencies. Coastal cities, like Pemba (Cabo Delgado), are exposed to cyclone-triggered urban flooding events. 

In the framework of the ECHO funded project “REDE-EDUCAMA Disaster Reduction and Education in Cabo Delgado and Manica)”, an innovative (open-source) hydraulic modelling tool was adapted to recreate flooding scenarios caused by heavy rainfall in the peninsula of Pemba (85 square kilometres) with the aim of identify the area most prone to pluvial flooding and implementing an operational tool to inform Disaster Risk Management Authorities (DRMA) with reliable forecasts to issue timely early warnings (EWs) in case of cyclones and heavy rain affecting this area. For improving the sustainability of the tool, the operational chain implemented in co-operation with local authorities, is based on the use of open-source free software and models. The hydrodynamic model of rainfall-runoff (Broich et al., 2019), available in Telemac-2D and adapted to deal with time-variant grid-based rainfall input, was used.  

A preliminary collection of available data was carried out for the definition of the inputs needed to feed the model: a topographical base-map and precipitation. The map was derived integrating the results of a high-resolution drone survey (performed together with local authorities on 14 km2) with the Copernicus DSM satellite product (30m), to ensure the hydrological continuity needed.  

Concerning the rainfall input, the historical precipitation data series from the Pemba weather station, provided by INAM Cabo Delgado was analysed to identify the maximum rainfall depth for certain hourly intervals (24, 48 and 72 hours). Following this analysis,  33 rainfall events (hyetographs), different in timing and intensity, were generated and used to feed the ponding model, to produce 33 urban flooding scenarios. For warning purposes, 2 representation modalities of the outputs were investigated: a 200-metre grid aggregation (selecting medium-high percentiles) and a neighborhood-scale aggregation (selecting high percentiles and using the neighborhood map provided by the Municipality of Pemba). 

Modelled inundation maps were shared and commented with the local community in Pemba, with the dual objective of receiving feedback and increasing flood risk awareness. 

The full pluvial flooding forecasting chain for the Pemba urban area was then operationally implemented by connecting the flooding scenarios with the operational weather forecasts, by means of FloodPROOFS open-source modelling system ( Daily forecasts of rainfall over Pemba are extracted from freely available global models (GFS 0.25), considering a set of pixels surrounding Pemba to account for uncertainty. A tailored tool connects the forecast rainfall with the most similar rainfall scenario, activating the corresponding urban flooding scenario, was developed. Operational forecasts are made available to DRMA officers through the EW platform. 

The application in Pemba demonstrated the goodness of the approach based on innovation and co-operation with local authorities, enabling the replication on other cities of the country. 

How to cite: Fagugli, G., Pignone, F., Masoero, A., Gabellani, S., Morra di Cella, U., Rossi, L., and Munaretto, F.: City of Pemba: development of an automatic prediction tools for pluvial hazard assessment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7583,, 2023.

On a global scale, the frequency and magnitude of flooding are getting worse. Although hydrologists around the globe have developed sophisticated flood models, their performance, especially over mountainous regions, is not comprehensively understood. The situation is challenging for flood-affected low-income nations, as sufficient resources are needed to procure commercial flood models with appropriate technical know-how. For instance, Bhutan, a mountain-dominated landscape in Asia, has been experiencing unprecedented flooding due to its fragile topography and climate change impacts. Unfortunately, a comprehensive data-driven modeling approach to determining flood hazard zones is missing in this region. The present study quantifies flood risks while considering a robust hydrodynamic flood model over Bhutan’s Chamkhar Chu River basin, a severely flood-prone area. The recently released open-source HEC-RAS v6.3 by the U.S. Army corps of Engineers, whose efficacy for flood inundation modeling is less explored, is considered to derive a set of flood risk maps. The coupled 1D-2D flood model setup is developed to simulate various flooding scenarios corresponding to design discharge and rainfalls for 50-yr, 100-yr, and 200-yrs. A corrected high-resolution Digital Elevation Model (DEM) from the ALOS-PALSAR product was utilized to reduce uncertainties in the final flood risk values. The simulated flood hazard maps for the settlements along the Chamkhar chu river are quantified in terms of flood depth, velocity, and a product of depth and velocity. A set of performance statistics are derived from testing the model performance while comparing the simulated inundation maps with the past inundation maps from MODIS satellite imagery. It was noticed that a significant portion of the central region is at a potential threat of very high flood risk as the simulated depth exceeds 3 m and velocities surpassing over 1.6 m/s. Such research will assist flood management agencies in prioritizing affordable structural and non-structural flood mitigation measures for the public that will reduce the impact of flood hazards in the future. Given the efficient computational performance of HEC-RAS v6.3 over a sensitive terrain, the study encourages the adoption of the model for accurately identifying flood risks over global mountainous regions for effective flood management.

How to cite: Namgyal, T., Mohanty, M. P., and Thakur, D. A.: How fitting are open-source flood models in capturing flood risks over mountainous regions: A prudent analysis over Chamkar Chu Basin, Bhutan using HEC-RAS v6.3, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11334,, 2023.

EGU23-11448 | ECS | Orals | NH1.3

Challenges for flood hazard and risk assessment in Mozambique: the case of Megaruma and Muaguide rivers 

Sara Rrokaj, Benedetta Corti, Giorgio Cancelliere, Alice Costa, Anna Giovannini, Daniela Molinari, Charlie Dayane Paz Idarraga, Alessio Radice, and Ana Maria Rotaru

As a consequence of climate change and rapid urbanization, floods have increased both in terms of intensity and frequency, impacting especially the less developed countries of the World, and particularly sub-Saharan Africa. In such contexts, reliable flood risk assessments are of primary importance to support local authorities and stakeholders in emergency management and planning, and in the definition of effective risk mitigation measures. Still, their implementation is often hampered by lack of suitable data and resources. The present study has the main objectives of presenting challenges and identified solutions of performing flood hazard and risk analysis for the Megaruma and Muaguide rivers in Cabo Delgado, the northern province of Mozambique and also the poorest one. The downstream paths of the rivers cross the districts of Mecufi and Metuge, rural areas covered by fields cultivated by inhabitants who live on subsistence agriculture. During the wet season, some of the villages are completely isolated, with no access to adequate health services due to the floods that periodically affect the local population and their activities. As for many developing countries, data scarcity was the first limiting factor for quantitative analysis; therefore, much effort was primarily invested into data research. The hydrologic and hydraulic modelling to determine the flood hazard in the areas rely on free or at least cheap, global data (rainfall, terrain elevation and soil cover), meeting the second requirement of low available budget. On the contrary, an intensive field survey was required to collect data on the vulnerability of exposed assets at the base of damage assessment. Particular attention was also paid in the choice of free softwares and modelling tools. The resulting approach and methods can be easily exported to similar contexts, enabling robust flood risk analyses in the support of sustainable development.

How to cite: Rrokaj, S., Corti, B., Cancelliere, G., Costa, A., Giovannini, A., Molinari, D., Paz Idarraga, C. D., Radice, A., and Rotaru, A. M.: Challenges for flood hazard and risk assessment in Mozambique: the case of Megaruma and Muaguide rivers, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11448,, 2023.

EGU23-12263 | Posters on site | NH1.3

Flood forecasting for everywhere-PUB in flood forecasting 

Thomas Skaugen, Zelalem Mengistu, Ivar Peerebom, and Wai Wong

In this study the Prediction in Ungauged Basins has been taken very literally in that we present a system that enables setting up a rainfall-runoff model, the Distance Distribution Dynamics (DDD) model for any catchment in Norway. The system can be used in operational flood forecasting since hydrological simulation results for an arbitrary catchment are obtained in a few minutes. A GIS map tool is used to calculate catchment boundaries, a hypsographic curve and other catchment characteristics such as vegetation and mean annual discharge needed to estimate DDD model parameters. Derived terrain information and catchment boundaries are furthermore used to extract meteorological information from gridded (1 x 1 km) maps for both historical and forecast periods. The historical period may be of such length (>30 years, daily resolution) that the mean annual flood can be reasonably estimated and compared to forecasted runoff values for hazard assessments. In this way a flood forecaster is no longer limited to only be looking at hydrological simulation results from calibrated models set up for a few gauged catchments. Rather, she can set up a model for ungauged catchments where the forecasted precipitation is the most intense or where vulnerable infrastructure is located. The relative comparison between simulated forecasted runoff and simulated mean annual flood is of value for hazard assessments. Regarding absolute values, the DDD model has been tested for prediction in ungauged basins for 25 gauged catchments and obtains an average Kling-Gupta efficiency (KGE) of 0.77. The mean annual flood is, however underestimated by 40 %. Better results are expected when improved gridded meteorology and estimates of mean annual discharge are available. Future developments include higher temporal and spatial resolutions so that flood forecasting and flood estimation can be carried out for smaller and faster responding ungauged catchments.

How to cite: Skaugen, T., Mengistu, Z., Peerebom, I., and Wong, W.: Flood forecasting for everywhere-PUB in flood forecasting, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12263,, 2023.

EGU23-12397 | ECS | Orals | NH1.3

Pluvial flooding in urbanscapes: a full-coupled flood modelling approach 

Paolo Tamagnone, Guy Schumann, and Ben Suttor

Are your properties located far enough from rivers, sea shorelines or water bodies? If the answer is yes, this does not mean that they are fully safe from flooding.

In an era governed by continuous climate instability and unstoppable expansion of cities, the exacerbation of hydrometeorological events is increasing the occurrence of pluvial floods. Pluvial flooding is induced by the combination of two factors: extreme precipitations and the incapability of the ground/drainage systems to effectively handle excessive rainwater.

In an urban environment, the runoff generated by localized and intense rainstorms may quickly inundate streets and buildings undermining the safety of people and assets. The characteristic of being hardly predictable has inspired the definition of pluvial flood as an ‘invisible hazard’ and the related damages and losses are increasingly weighing on the budget of municipalities and private citizens.

Looking at the upsetting climate projections, experts are resolute in developing comprehensive methodologies and strategies for flood risk assessment and management.

In this work, we present the attempt of accomplishing a high-resolution pluvial flood risk assessment at the city scale. The city of Differdange (Luxembourg's third largest city) is used as case study in which the extreme rainfall-related impacts and hazards are analyzed through the implementation of a fully coupled 1D/2D dual drainage model. This type of hydrodynamic model closely mimics the complexity of an urban landscape allowing to simulate all hydraulic phenomena occurring both on the surface and through the sewer network. Despite the digital accuracy of these models, they are rarely implemented due to the vast amount of detailed information required; which are often unavailable.

The implementation of the hydraulic model follows two main steps: the bi-dimensional discretization of the surface and the 1D modelling of the whole drainage network.

Nowadays, many countries provide open-access high-resolution digital elevation models of their territories (50 cm for Luxembourg) and up-to-date cadastral planimetries from which essential information for the 2D component are extrapolated. Ground data is enriched by land use/cover and soil maps for the estimation of roughness and infiltration parameters.

The drainage network contemplates all pipes carrying rainwater, meaning the newer storm-water system and the old combined sewer network. The geometric specifications required are size, shape, elevation, material of pipes, manholes and tanks. Important infrastructures, such as flooding barriers, have been systematically added to the model.


The fully-distributed hydrological engine allows operating the rainfall-runoff transformation on each cell of the domain and the exchange of water between the surface and drainage network occurs through the nodes of the network (storm drains and manholes).

The model’s outcomes allow for assessing the level of hazard to which each building is exposed, identifying the critical nodes within the drainage network, and proposing mitigation strategies.

Furthermore, these insights may help authorities to improve their warning systems and emergency plans.

How to cite: Tamagnone, P., Schumann, G., and Suttor, B.: Pluvial flooding in urbanscapes: a full-coupled flood modelling approach, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12397,, 2023.

EGU23-13130 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.3 | Highlight

Hydrodynamic simulations of the flash flood event in July 2021 in the Wesselbach catchment in Germany, and the effects of land use changes 

Franziska Tügel, Lizanne Eckmann, Lennart Steffen, Reinhard Hinkelmann, and Eva Paton

Flash floods are among the most dangerous natural hazards and the associated risks are likely to increase due to climate change and increased urbanization. Observations of the last decades and projections of the future climate show an increase in the frequency and intensity of heavy rainfalls for many land surfaces. In July 2021, many European countries have been severely affected by large-scale heavy rainfalls. In Germany, the federal states of North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate have been particularly affected with at least 180 fatalities, hundreds of injuries, lots of heavily damaged buildings, and extensive infrastructural damages. The modeling of flash floods is essential for effective risk management to produce hazard and risk maps, investigate the effects of land use changes, and plan mitigation measures.

This works aims to investigate the flash flood event in the Wesselbach catchment in North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany), which was generated by an extreme, short rainfall event of 118 mm within less than two hours in the late evening of 13th July 2021. The catchment is part of the city of Hagen, and the considered model domain of approximately 3 km² is characterized by steep slopes, a main soil type of silty loam, and a main land use type of forest, with settlements along the main watercourse in the downstream half of the domain. Large portions of coniferous areas in the catchment have exhibited decreasing vitality since 2018, up to complete dead or cleared areas. The in-house robust shallow water model hms++ is used to simulate the flash flood event using the measured rainfall data of a nearby rainfall gauge as input. Spatially distributed Manning’s roughness coefficients are used to account for the different land use types. Infiltration is neglected as the soils in that area show limited infiltration capacity, and the worst-case is considered that the soils are already saturated. Building heights have been included in the digital elevation model.

The results include the temporal development of flooding areas, spatial distributions of maximum water depths, and flow velocities in the Wesselbach catchment as well as hydrographs at different cross-sections of the main water course. Furthermore, the effects of forest damage on the discharge behavior and flooding areas will be investigated. Later on, structural mitigation measures will be included in the model to study their effectiveness for different heavy rainfall events.

How to cite: Tügel, F., Eckmann, L., Steffen, L., Hinkelmann, R., and Paton, E.: Hydrodynamic simulations of the flash flood event in July 2021 in the Wesselbach catchment in Germany, and the effects of land use changes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13130,, 2023.

EGU23-14829 | Orals | NH1.3 | Highlight

Thermal imaging and vegetation detection through UAV survey for large scale hazard monitoring of river levee 

Giorgia Dalla Santa, Lorenzo Picco, Francesca Ceccato, Simonetta Cola, and Paolo Simonini

Levees are linear structures that can be thousands of kilometers long and play a very important role in flood protection. They are usually monitored by traditional direct survey techniques, such as CPTU or coring, or piezometers, which provide high accuracy, but are localized and performed in predetermined locations.

As a result, long distances between investigated sections limit the detailed analysis of the entire structure. In addition, predetermined locations may not cover areas of actual potential weakness.

Recently, new survey technologies from aerial media (drones) have been successfully applied to obtain a first level of levee investigation in order to identify the location of possible weak areas or potential locations of levee failure, so as to plan further local investigations in those areas.

Usually, levee failures are localized in the presence of:

(i) concrete structures passing the levee;

(ii) large trees, which can be dangerous because their roots are a preferred route for water infiltration and, therefore, potential seepage pipes. In addition, at higher erosion levels of the river bank, large trees can promote bank collapse due to their weight;

(iii) sandy soils, which are characterized by high permeability. From previous experience, we have noticed that levee failures have occurred at sections previously vegetated by reeds. Reed canes usually grow on sandy soils and, in addition, are characterized by very deep and large roots, possible routes of localized infiltration through the body of the levee. From these observations comes the idea of using reedbeds as indicators of sandy soils and possible weak levee sections;

(iv) sections where unfavorable conditions of the levee body, such as soils with high permeability or the presence of animal burrows crossing the levee or obstructed drains, prevent proper drainage and bring the phreatic surface close to the levee surface.

Thus, the idea is to test different innovative UAV-supported survey approaches on the same test area, in combination with local on-site surveys, to compare and combine the obtained results. Firstly, we would test the possibility of using vegetation maps as an indicator of weak sections of the embankment. Up to now, a first drone survey data has been performed and the obtained RGB orthophotos have been elaborated to determine the Green Red Vegetation Index (GRVI), in order to acquire a vegetation cover map of the embankment. The obtained data have been calibrated with on-site surveys conducted by vegetation experts. To facilitate the identification of reedbeds, the campaign has been carried out in winter, when reedbeds are yellowish in color, unlike short grass. In areas identified as reedbed vegetated, the soil has been sampled by coring and fully classified in the geotechnical laboratory to check if reedbed can effectively be an indicator of sandy soils. Further characterization may be carried out in order to investigate the relationship between reedbeds and soil characteristics.

The final aim is to develop an innovative method of low-cost aerial monitoring of levee structures that can provide an initial state of information and identify areas in need of further direct investigation in order to define the necessary maintenance works, decreasing associated risks.

How to cite: Dalla Santa, G., Picco, L., Ceccato, F., Cola, S., and Simonini, P.: Thermal imaging and vegetation detection through UAV survey for large scale hazard monitoring of river levee, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14829,, 2023.

EGU23-15342 | Posters on site | NH1.3

Integrated Reservoir Operations using coupled Hydro-Met Multi-Model system for flood forecasting and mitigations for Pune, India 

Pallavi Gavali, Srujan Gavhale, Mohamed Niyaz, Sahidul Islam, Sumita kedia, Sagar Pokale, Arun Dwivedi, Gouri Kadam, Akshara Kaginalkar, Manoj Khare, and Abhinav Wadhwa

Meteorology and Hydrological extreme events, such as heavy rainfall and associated Flooding is one of the increasing disasters in India for last two decades. Due to heavy reservoir discharge, Impact of rapid Urbanization, unauthorized encroachments across riverbanks extreme flood events are likely to be more common and severe in the future, potentially impacting millions of people.

Pune one the fastest growing megacities in India facing frequent riverine flooding and associated disaster causing huge property losses in millions and causalities. The city is located at the leeward side of Sahyadri mountain range, with 7 reservoirs on the upstream side of the catchment, which control the flows in the rivers impacting the downstream Urban catchment. The reservoirs spillway discharges causes riverine flooding along with contribution from free catchment runoff, which usually occur concurrently. Estimation of reservoir inflows and subsequent spillway discharges is needed for integrated reservoir operations to execute effective flood control measures. To understand these severe flood disasters associated with reservoir operation ensemble multi model simulations were carried for Pune catchment for flood mitigation.

In current study, coupled meteorology model WRF with integrated high resolution (10m) hydrology model HEC-HMS and Hydraulic Model HEC-RAS was developed. High resolution CartoSAT, Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and generated 1m DTM was used to develop both hydraulic and hydrology models. The geometric data for dam structures and gates/spillways have been incorporated in developed models. Gates were operated based on reservoir rule curves for spillway discharge and riverine flood simulations. Spatially distributed high-resolution WRF (1.5 Km) forecasted (72 Hrs.) gridded rainfall data with temporal resolution of 15 mins has been used for forecasting the flood condition in the city. 3D buildings have been incorporated in the terrain to recognize water depth and flooding in the city, which can be visualized through 2-dimensional Rasmapper and 3-dimensional viewer.  The performance of the models has been validated on the basis of statistical error functions (NSE, RSR, PBIAS and R2). Pune flood disaster events for the year 2019 and 2022 were simulated by developed flood forecasting system with reservoir operations. The model output (water level, spread and discharge) were validated using observed flood data from Pune Municipal corporation and dam discharges from water Resource department.

The developed multi-model flood forecasting framework will help the reservoir authorities to perform reservoir operations effectively in future to minimize the downstream flood conditions. Also the disaster management authorities will plan flood mitigation plans with sufficient lead time.

How to cite: Gavali, P., Gavhale, S., Niyaz, M., Islam, S., kedia, S., Pokale, S., Dwivedi, A., Kadam, G., Kaginalkar, A., Khare, M., and Wadhwa, A.: Integrated Reservoir Operations using coupled Hydro-Met Multi-Model system for flood forecasting and mitigations for Pune, India, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15342,, 2023.

EGU23-16719 | Posters on site | NH1.3

MICA: A fast and flexible solution for real-time flood mapping – An application on 2015 Cannes Antibes flood 

Alexandre Bredimas and Tristan Cambonie

Fast-flood prediction challenges both scientists and stakeholders. Flood evolution is extremely sensitive to input data regarding rain forecasts and the actual status of infrastructures and soil. Accurate and quick modelling is critical to the responsiveness and decision-making of all stakeholders for an optimal allocation of the resources required to limit the damages to the infrastructure and the risk to the population.

BlueMapping develop a decision-support tool called MICA. MICA is a cellular automata model building on previous academic models, especially CADDIES, with tailored adaptations.

The code of MICA has been industrialised into a high-performance calculation algorithm based on parallel computing using GPUs. It has been deployed on the Amazon Web Services cloud. It provides an efficient, scalable and flexible solution for pluvial flood prediction.

MICA's potential will be illustrated with the test case of fast-flood inundations that hit the watershed of Cannes and Antibes (South of France) in October 2015. The code runs in a few minutes on this 149 km2 watershed. The result will be benchmarked with a standard model and the actual maximum depth measurements.

How to cite: Bredimas, A. and Cambonie, T.: MICA: A fast and flexible solution for real-time flood mapping – An application on 2015 Cannes Antibes flood, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16719,, 2023.

EGU23-16893 | Orals | NH1.3 | Highlight

Disseminating Flood Risk Information in the USA through Risk Rating 2.0 

Md Adilur Rahim, Rubayet Bin Mostafiz, and Carol Friedland

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) introduced Risk Rating 2.0, a new risk-based premium approach, on October 1, 2021, for new policies and on April 1, 2022, for existing policies. Risk rating 2.0 considers the geographic attributes (e.g. distance to the lake, river, coast), building attributes (e.g. foundation type, first-floor height), and policy attributes (e.g. coverage and deductible limit) by coverage (i.e., building and contents) and perils (i.e., pluvial and fluvial flooding, storm surge, tsunami, great lake, and coastal erosion) to estimate risk premiums. In this review study, we conduct exploratory data analysis and visualization of the rating factors released by FEMA to better understand the risk premium. The associated rating factors are multiplied and summed by coverage to get the initial premium without fees for each structure. As the rating factors are multiplicative, lower factors contribute to lower risk premiums. The rating factors decrease with increasing distance from flood sources.

The states in the USA are categorized into five segments (e.g. Gulf coast states are categorized as segment 1). A base rate is applied to each state by single-family home indicator and perils for levee and non-levee protected areas. The factors are then distributed by territory where each HUC12 is assigned a factor by peril. Inland flood from pluvial and fluvial sources is applicable for all the states where single-family homes are not levee protected. The effect of the inland flood is considered for structures in segment 1 where the distance to the river is less than 13,500 meters. Storm Surge flooding is considered within 11,000 meters of the Gulf coast for non-barrier islands. Tsunami flooding is considered for structures located in coastal CA, OR, WA, AK, AS, GU/MP, and HI. Great Lake flooding is considered for structures located within 8,500 meters of the Great Lake. Coastal erosion is considered for structures located within 100 meters of the coastline.   

The elevation of a structure is an important indicator for estimating risk premium. The higher the elevation of the structure relative to flood sources, the lower the risk factors. The occupancy affects the premium where single-family home masonry structure has a lower rating factor than frame structure. A higher floor of interest has lower factors, lowering the premium for all perils except coastal erosion. The foundation type also affects the factors where Slab foundation has lower factors than Crawlspace foundation, hence lower risk premium. Another addition is elevating the machinery and equipment above the first floor which reduces the initial premium without fees by 5%.  

Individual and community level flood mitigation reduces risk rating 2 insurance premium. Elevating first-floor height (FFH) to 1, 2, and 3 feet above ground reduces the initial premium without fees by 10, 19, and 27.1 percent, respectively, compared to FFH of 0 feet. Community Rating System (CRS) discount reduces the initial premium without fees between 5% to 45% based on CRS class. The information presented in this study will help homeowners, community developers, and government agencies to understand the effect of each attribute on risk premiums.

How to cite: Rahim, M. A., Mostafiz, R. B., and Friedland, C.: Disseminating Flood Risk Information in the USA through Risk Rating 2.0, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16893,, 2023.

Flooding is among the most prevalent natural hazards worldwide, with increasing frequency and devastating impact. Urban floods are severe in Indian cities due to the culmination of changing climate, rapid urbanization, and intensive population growth. Transport infrastructure such as roads underpins economic activity enabling goods and human mobility. Evaluating the response against urban flooding is critical as disruption of the road system can result in cascading effects. The recent advancements in assessing the direct impact of urban flooding on road infrastructure are well explored. However, we lack a systematic approach to model and evaluate the direct, intangible, and indirect effects of extreme precipitation-induced urban flooding on road infrastructure systems in urban areas with unplanned drainage systems. Here in this study, we model the interaction between urban flooding and road transportation systems by integrating a hydrodynamic model with a network science approach for the coastal city of Kozhikode, India. We evaluated the response of the combined sewer drainage system against extreme precipitation events through the 1D-2D coupled flood model. While also identifying the resulting flood inundation characteristics- extent, propagation, and depth. Flood modeling results indicate the inundated roads and functionality loss of the road system for extreme precipitation events. Our initial assessment highlights that highly localized road network submergence due to flood inundation has a widespread and prolonged disruption in the system. The integrated framework and network functionality measures could help in future resilience assessment and in devising effective planning strategies for hazard mitigation in urban areas.

How to cite: Dave, R. and Bhatia, U.: Investigating the impact of extreme precipitation induced urban flooding on road network disruption, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-738,, 2023.

Increasing urban pluvial flood disasters due to climate change and rapid urbanisation have been a great challenge worldwide. Timely and effective emergency evacuation is important for reducing casualties and losses. This has become a bottleneck for emergency management. This study aimed to develop a commonly used Agent-Based Mode (ABM) for pluvial flood emergency evacuation at the city scale, exploring the cascading impacts of pluvial flooding on human behaviour and emergency evacuation. The July 2021 pluvial flood event in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, claiming 380 lives and 40.9 billion yuan in direct losses, was selected as this case study. A raster-based hydraulic model (ECNU Flood-Urban) was used to predict flood inundation (extent and depth) during an event in Zhengzhou’s centre. Moreover, a comparative analysis of emergency evacuations was conducted before and after the pluvial flood event. The results showed that crowd behaviour plays an important role in emergency evacuation, and extensive flooding leads to an 11–83% reduction in the number of evacuees. This study highlights the importance of risk education and contingency plans in emergency response. The ABM model developed in this study is proven to be effective and practical and will provide support for decision-making in urban flood emergency management.

How to cite: Yang, Y.: ABM-based emergency evacuation modeling during urban pluvial floods: A “7.20” pluvial flood event study in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1800,, 2023.

EGU23-3616 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.4

Mapping the impact of levee failure on flood risks: A Toronto case study 

Florence Mainguenaud, Usman T Khan, Laurent Peyras, Claudio Carvajal, Bruno Beullac, and Jitendra Sharma

Urban areas are frequently built along rivers and earthen levees are commonly used to protect areas from fluvial floods. Levees are designed to protect assets from flooding, however, they deteriorate over time. Maintenance checks are required to maintain their efficacy but even in good condition, a levee structure may fail during a flood, hence flood risk assessments in fluvial areas require an investigation of levee failures, e.g. by overtopping, erosion, or sliding. In this research, we investigate the failure probability due to backward erosion of an adapted levee in the Etobicoke Creek watershed, in Toronto, Canada. The study proposes an adapted levee as the residential area is often flooded. Backward erosion is the most probable and challenging failure mechanism for our case study based on the levee shape and soil type. For this probabilistic study, the levee was modelled using GeoStudio, which produces seepage analysis from geotechnical and hydrological parameters. The seepage analysis provides hydraulic gradients from which we determine the failure probability of backward erosion based on a critical hydraulic gradient value. To obtain the flood hazard, we use a steady flow hydraulic model (HEC-RAS) to simulate the 350-years return period flow through the River. We compare two backward failure scenarios: one with a levee breach and one without, to better understand how failure of the levee will impact flood risks, and therefore, highlighting the importance of on-going levee maintenance. To obtain flood risk maps, the flood hazard (i.e., flood extent) is combined with flood exposure. The flood exposure includes land-use type (residential, commercial, etc.) and demographic information. Flood hazard and exposure data are combined using ArcGIS. The flood hazard and exposure rasters are reclassified in a new scale to determine flood risk. We then overlay the rasters to determine the spatial distribution of flood risk for both scenarios. We compare the resulting flood risk maps and calculate the change in flood risks for the area protected by the levee. Accounting for potential failure of infrastructure in flood risk mapping results in more accurate risk estimations. We also demonstrate the positive impact of the levee.

How to cite: Mainguenaud, F., Khan, U. T., Peyras, L., Carvajal, C., Beullac, B., and Sharma, J.: Mapping the impact of levee failure on flood risks: A Toronto case study, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3616,, 2023.

EGU23-3883 | Posters on site | NH1.4

Smart city disaster prevention platform information integration displays and practical application in New Taipei City Taiwan 

Sheng-Hsueh Yang, Der-Ren Song, Jyh-Hour Pan, Xi-Jun Wang, Sheau-Ling Hsieh, Keh-Chia Yeh, Cheng-Wei Li, and Wen-Feng Wu

Urban areas are gradually being affected by climate change. It is difficult to avoid urban flooding caused by heavy rainfall. Especially road flooding occurs 2-3 times a year in urban areas in the summer of Taiwan, when the regional weather is convective rainfall strong, it is difficult for general weather forecasting models to predict the amount of rainfall in the city in a short period of time. Rainfall areas in urban areas are prone to road flooding. Therefore, the intensity management value (>50dBz) of the radar reflectivity around the city is used to estimate the rainfall and urban flood warning, and the IoT water level monitoring instrument can monitor the water level in the urban rainwater sewer and set the urban flood warning based on the management value. The local low-lying areas of the city can also use CCTV images to identify flooding situation as a tool through AI's CCN deep learning technology and CCTV's flooding big data database that according to CNN's learning, training, and testing, after the completion, CCTV inspection and flood image recognition can be used for urban disaster prevention and relief. Finally, the monitoring data related to urban flooding is collected and displayed through the urban smart flood prevention platform, which provides efficient data collection, increases the response time for disaster relief, and quickly eliminates road flooding in the city. This study takes the urban smart flood prevention platform in New Taipei City, Taiwan as an example.

How to cite: Yang, S.-H., Song, D.-R., Pan, J.-H., Wang, X.-J., Hsieh, S.-L., Yeh, K.-C., Li, C.-W., and Wu, W.-F.: Smart city disaster prevention platform information integration displays and practical application in New Taipei City Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3883,, 2023.

EGU23-5027 | ECS | Orals | NH1.4

Flood Simulation and Population Impact Analysis of Short-Duration Intense Rainfall in Urban Area 

Hsiao-Ping Wei, Yuan-Fong Su, Chih-Hsin Chang, and Keh-Chia Yeh

A report from World Bank in 2022 reveals that about 1.81 billion people (23% of the world population) are directly exposed to flood with depths greater than 0.15 meters. In this study, we evaluate the impact of extreme rainfall events on population in urban areas in Taiwan using SOBEK models. The validation results of the SOBEK models are promising with photos collected from social media for historical storm events. To further assess the impact of extreme rainfall events, we used design rainfall with hourly rainfall of 80mm/hr, 90mm/hr, and 100mm/hr derived from Simple Scaling Gaussian Markov (SSGM) method for single rainfall gauge within major urban area. These results are provided for disaster prevention authority to reinforce the flooding management in urban area.

How to cite: Wei, H.-P., Su, Y.-F., Chang, C.-H., and Yeh, K.-C.: Flood Simulation and Population Impact Analysis of Short-Duration Intense Rainfall in Urban Area, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5027,, 2023.

EGU23-5522 | ECS | Orals | NH1.4

2D Flood Analysis considering Buildings in Urban Areas 

Kyewon Jun, Sunguk Kim, Minjin Jung, and Seunghee Lee

Due to climate change, the scale of flood damage by localized torrential rains in urban areas is on an increase. Meanwhile, the existing flood runoff analysis methods do not consider buildings in urban areas, resulting in an overestimation of the degree of flood damage. Therefore, this study presents a method to consider buildings when applying XP-SWMM for flood analysis in downtown areas where buildings are concentrated, in order to accurately simulate the flood spread pattern around the building. To propose an optimal method which considers buildings, water depth, maximum flooded area, and the flow pattern around the building were compared according to whether or not the building was applied. As a result of the study, the average flooded area was 172,900㎡ when the building was set as an inactive area, which was 64% of the average flooded area (271,000㎡) when the building was not considered. The average water depth was 0.32m when buildings were considered, which was 1.78 times deeper than the average water depth (0.15m) when buildings were considered. This is the reflection of the blocking effect of the building in the model analysis, resulting in a significant reduction of the flooded area. In addition, since the flood simulation considered the flow rate of the same volume, flow velocity and average submerged depth relatively increased. This study is expected to contribute to the establishment of optimal downtown flood measures, by presenting a method for accurate flood analysis using the XP-SWMM model considering the influence of buildings in urban areas. For further improvement in the accuracy of flood analysis, it would be necessary to develop flood simulation methods suitable for different basins with flood records.


This research was support by a (2022-MOIS63-002) of Cooperative Research Method and Safety Management Technology in National Disaster funded by Ministry of Interior and Safety(MOIS, Korea).

How to cite: Jun, K., Kim, S., Jung, M., and Lee, S.: 2D Flood Analysis considering Buildings in Urban Areas, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5522,, 2023.

EGU23-7707 | ECS | Orals | NH1.4 | Highlight

A modelling framework to assess urban flood risk on the city scale 

Stefan Reinstaller, Albert König, and Dirk Muschalla

A city-wide approach to reduce the uncertainty regarding the spatial variability of urban flooding events is required in urban catchments. The goal of this study is the development of a modelling framework independent of the spatial scale to address the most hazardous areas in the current state and the future. The framework starts with the definition of the study objectives (e.g. reducing flood risk), which have a direct impact on the spatial and temporal scale, the used model approach, the data requirement and the level of detail. Furthermore, potentially hazardous areas will be identified with the potential flood risk index (PFRIi). The determination of this is a risk-based approach (R=E*V*H) which combines the exposition (E) with the vulnerability (V) and the hazard (H). The population density of each object and the total number of persons in the catchment will quantify the exposition. The vulnerability includes the number of past damage events and the object use. How accurate the modelled hazard is considered, depends on the used model approach: i) GIS-based; ii) only 1D; iii) only 2D; iv) 1D/2D models. The combination of H and V resulted in the risk factor (RFi) in four levels of detail depending on the used model approach. This allows both, the quantification of hazardous areas at the current state and the change of the PFRIi by future scenarios such as climate change and urbanization.

PFRIi = nP,k * RFi / (Ak * ∑P)                                                                                                                                                                                     

PFRIi=Potential Flood Risk Index; nP,k= number of Persons on a private ground k; Ak=total object area; =total number of persons in the catchment; Rfi= risk factor depending on the used model approach k

The GIS-based flow path analysis as the first level of detail can be used to identify the urban flooding hot spots. This allows the identification of hazardous sub-catchments in a city or high-risk private ground in a catchment quantified by the PFRIGIS. This is useful for further detailed analysis with other model approaches (e.g. 1D/2D model). The next steps are the implementation of the demonstrated framework for each level of detail in the city of Graz in Austria. Furthermore, the framework will integrate different climate scenarios based on a high-resolution climate model to address the impact of climate change on the urban drainage system quantified by the PFRIi.

Keywords: urban flooding, urban flood modelling, risk assessment, future changes

How to cite: Reinstaller, S., König, A., and Muschalla, D.: A modelling framework to assess urban flood risk on the city scale, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7707,, 2023.

EGU23-9359 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.4

Evaluating the design relevance of the choice of flood frequency analysis technique in an urban coastal watershed 

Daniel Lassiter, Julianne Quinn, and Daniel Wright

The central challenge to flood risk management is in designing flood mitigation practices and strategies that avoid the human and economic costs of under- and over-investment. Designing to avoid these costs requires accurate recurrence probability estimates for decision-relevant flood impacts such as water depths, financial damages, and water volumes. The challenge of estimating flood impact probabilities is exacerbated in coastal settings with non-independent compound flood drivers such as rainfall and storm surge. While techniques for compound flood impact probability assessments have been proposed, insight into the decision relevance of the choice of methodology has not been explored. Our work begins to address this gap by comparing flood-volume exceedance curves resulting from three approaches in a 1.9km2 coastal urban watershed in Norfolk, Virginia. Watershed runoff and storm sewer flow are represented by 1144 links, 1128 nodes, and 869 subcatchments in a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Stormwater Management Model (SWMM).

The first flood impact probability assessment technique follows a traditional design storm approach in which the joint probability of storm surge and rainfall are mapped directly onto the modeled flood volumes. In contrast, the second and third techniques involve modeling many years of stochastically generated rainfall and storm surge time series and empirically estimating the probability distribution of the resulting flood volumes. These two techniques differ in their approach to stochastic weather generation, one fitting a probability distribution to local rainfall observations to allow for extrapolation outside the record, and the other using only historical rainfall observations but across a wider regional domain. Each approach is grounded in statistical and physical theory but leads to different estimates in flood-volume exceedance curves and their associated uncertainty. Since these estimates would influence flood mitigation design, we show that the choice of technique has design implications.

How to cite: Lassiter, D., Quinn, J., and Wright, D.: Evaluating the design relevance of the choice of flood frequency analysis technique in an urban coastal watershed, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9359,, 2023.

EGU23-10415 | Posters on site | NH1.4

Development of Guidelines on the Application of Urban Flood Sensors 

Sunguk Kim, Kyewon Jun, and Minjin Jung

In recent years, the frequency and intensity of localized torrential rains in Korea have increased due to climate change, thereby increasing human and property damage through frequent urban flooding. Research on urban flood forecasting is mainly focused on numerical modeling and rainfall-based flood prediction, but the analysis technology of quantitative flood measurement data is lacking. In addition to flood mapping and verification of flood prediction results, it is necessary to develop urban flood management technologies using sensor-based quantitative flood depth measurements. The existing flood sensors have different management regulations depending on the development entities, and there are no set standard or basic performance standards, causing inefficiency in their budget and maintenance. Therefore, in order to improve the efficiency and prevent trial and error, this study proposes the performance standards and installation methods as guidelines, necessary for the installation and operation of flood sensors. To this end, firstly, domestic and foreign cases for urban flood sensors were reviewed for their installation procedures, installation location selection, measurement intervals, inspection and management plans, etc. The table of contents of the guidelines was derived through case analysis, consisting of a standard model installation plan that describes the detailed composition and operation principle of flood sensors, sensor installation plans for each measurement point such as the surface and sub-surface, on-site installation procedures, and instructions on a test run. These guidelines are expected to be followed to strengthen a proactive urban flood response system by effectively operating flood sensors.


Acknowledgment: This research was support by a (2022-MOIS63-002) of Cooperative Research Method and Safety Management Technology in National Disaster funded by Ministry of Interior and Safety(MOIS, Korea).

How to cite: Kim, S., Jun, K., and Jung, M.: Development of Guidelines on the Application of Urban Flood Sensors, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10415,, 2023.

The most frequent catastrophic natural disaster is thought to be flooding. Due to climatic uncertainty, variable rainfall, a lack of river carrying capacity, illegal settlement along river banks, and dense population, flood magnitudes and vulnerabilities increased in the past ten years globally. There are 11,356 records of hydrological and meteorological occurrences from 1900 to 2020, according to the United Office of Disasters Risk Reduction's (UNDRR) International Database, with 8.6 million fatalities and 2600 million US dollars in economic damage. In the current climate, floods cannot be prevented, but their damages can be reduced with a thorough flood assessment. The identification of the flood inundation area, flood arrival time, and flow velocity in flood-prone areas can be accomplished using a variety of hydrodynamic models; however, the limited resolution of DEM (Digital Elevation Model) makes it impossible to determine the actual flooding state. To remedy this shortcoming, we developed a high-resolution DEM from UAV (Unnamed Aerial Vehicle) for this case study, which involves the well-known Sabarmati of Gujarat State, one of India's principal west-flowing rivers with a length of 371 kilometres, which was impacted by a flood in 2006. The 4RTK (Real-Time Kinematic) Phantom, a UAV survey, was used to acquire aerial pictures of a portion of the river Sabarmati. The image was then processed with 75% mosaicking using the Pix4D mapper tool for better accuracy. Later, with the aid of Global Mapper, various DEMs with grid sizes ranging from 0.5 m x 0.5 m to 10 m x 10 m are created with near precision of 3 cm spatial resolution. These generated DEMs are then used as input for the hydrodynamic simulation using Civil Geo-HECRAS. Hence, the hydrological data required for the hydrodynamic model has been assumed from past floods and the geometrical data for the study is derived from the UAV survey with four Manning's roughness coefficients—0.025, 0.030, 0.033, and 0.035 have been assumed for this case study considering the local conditions. The analysis of Manning's roughness value's influence reveals that when roughness increases, discharge reduces, and velocity and Froude's number decrease.

Keywords: Flood, DEM-Digital Elevation Model, UAV-Unnamed Aerial Vehicle, Hydrodynamic modeling, Manning’s roughness

How to cite: Rana, M., Patel, D., and Vakhria, V.: UAV based High-resolution DEM for 1D Hydrodynamic modeling - A case of Flood Assessment of Sabarmati River, Gujarat, India., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11379,, 2023.

EGU23-12624 | Orals | NH1.4 | Highlight

Multi-parameter flood risk assessment towards efficient flood management in highly dense urban river basins in the Region of Attica, Greece 

Alexia Tsouni, Stavroula Sigourou, Panayiotis Dimitriadis, Vasiliki Pagana, Theano Iliopoulou, G.-Fivos Sargentis, Romanos Ioannidis, Efthymios Chardavellas, Dimitra Dimitrakopoulou, Nikos Mamasis, Demetris Koutsoyiannis, and Charalampos (Haris) Kontoes

Flood risk assessment in vulnerable areas is crucial for efficient flood risk management, including the analysis and design of civil protection measures and the implementation of studies with proper interventions towards mitigating flood risk. This is even more crucial in highly dense urban river basins such as the ones in the region of Attica, which is hosting Athens, the capital of Greece, as well as critical infrastructures and important social economic activities. In the framework of the Programming Agreement with the Prefecture of Attica, the Operational Unit BEYOND Centre of EO Research and Satellite Remote Sensing of the Institute of Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications & Remote Sensing (IAASARS) of the National Observatory of Athens (NOA), in cooperation with the Research Group ITIA of the Department of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering of the School of Civil Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), study five flood-stricken river basins in the region of Attica, which affect 23 Municipalities. The research teams collect all available data, conduct detailed field visits, run hydrological and hydraulic models, and assess flood hazard, flood vulnerability and eventually flood risk in every area of interest. Furthermore, high-risk critical points are identified, and mitigation measures are proposed, both structural and non-structural, in order to achieve effective crisis management for the protection of the population, the properties and the infrastructures. In addition, the BEYOND Centre has developed a web GIS platform where all the collected and produced data, the flood hazard, vulnerability and risk maps, as well as the identified critical points, the refuge areas and escape routes are stored and made available. All the relevant stakeholders and the competent authorities, who are directly or indirectly involved in civil protection, participate in dedicated workshops designed for their needs, and moreover, the studies’ general outcomes are disseminated to the wider public for raising awareness purposes. The response of the end users is very positive, and their feedback very constructive. The methodology and the outputs of the project are in line with the requirements for the implementation of the EU Floods Directive 2007/60/EC, the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, the UN SDGs, as well as the GEO’s Societal Benefit Areas.

How to cite: Tsouni, A., Sigourou, S., Dimitriadis, P., Pagana, V., Iliopoulou, T., Sargentis, G.-F., Ioannidis, R., Chardavellas, E., Dimitrakopoulou, D., Mamasis, N., Koutsoyiannis, D., and Kontoes, C. (.: Multi-parameter flood risk assessment towards efficient flood management in highly dense urban river basins in the Region of Attica, Greece, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12624,, 2023.

EGU23-15092 | ECS | Orals | NH1.4

Urban Flood Resilience Assessment Using Arc GIS Based AHP Approach: A Case Study of Gyor City, Hungary 

Ibrar Ullah, Gabor Kovacs, and Tibor Lenner

Urban flooding has gained great attention in recent years since population in urban areas have become more vulnerable to climatic extremes. The rate of urban flooding has increased around the globe mainly due to climate change. To cope with an increasing flooding issue, there has been an increased effort to manage flood management in urban areas. Similarly in this study, an attempt was made to develop a GIS based map to access flood resilience for the Gyor city. The Gyor city is particularly vulnerable to flooding due to its geographical proximity at the confluence of Raba, Rabca, Mosoni, Marcal and the great Danube rivers. Three elements i.e., hazard, Exposure, and coping capacity with each having pre-determined parameters were selected and processed through Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) technique. The product value map was then analyzed in ArcGIS using Specialized Flood Resilience Model (S-FRESI). The resultant product map shows that the majority of Gyorszentivan, Menfocsanak and Ipari Park districts have the very high resilience to floods, while most area of the  districts of Kismegyer, Nadorvaros,  Sziget, and Belvaros have very low resilience to floods. Similarly, the districts of Bacsa, Saras, Pinnyed, Gyimot and Likocs have most of the areas in medium resilience, while the remaining 6 districts possess areas with low, medium and high resilience. The study is very beneficial for future studies in assessing the areas that are more vulnerable to flooding and have low resilience and can help the decision makers to prepare a better urban flood management system.

How to cite: Ullah, I., Kovacs, G., and Lenner, T.: Urban Flood Resilience Assessment Using Arc GIS Based AHP Approach: A Case Study of Gyor City, Hungary, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15092,, 2023.

EGU23-15752 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.4

Contrasting levels of surprise and levee effect between municipalities in the 2021 flood in Belgium 

Daniela Rodriguez Castro, Solène Roucour, Pierre Archambeau, Christophe Dessers, Sébastian Erpicum, Michel Pirotton, Mario Cools, Jacques Teller, and Benjamin Dewals

In July 2021, the Bernd low-pressure system induced disastrous floods over part of Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium. Relatively small catchments were mostly affected. In Belgium, nine out of the ten most impacted municipalities are situated in a single catchment, namely river Vesdre (700 km2). Considering this catchment as a case study, we investigate whether available data enable detecting surprise and levee effects and, if so, whether the distribution of such effects shows a particular spatial pattern.

To explore this, we apply relatively simple data analysis based on official flood hazard maps, field surveys, as well as outcomes of hydrological and hydrodynamic modelling. The field surveys are twofold. On one hand, inundation depths were registered for 8,000 buildings and infrastructures in the considered catchment. On the other hand, detailed interviews were conducted with flood victims. Information was collect on: flow characteristics, building features, damage and monetary losses, as well as implemented precautionary measures and warning.

Data analysis shows that the mismatch between the observed inundation extent and the official hazard maps varies strongly from one section of the river to another, particularly between municipalities. These variations could be related to the presence of flood defense constructed along specific sections of the river, and the associated levee effects. Another quantity which varies enormously from one municipality to another is the ratio between the number of flooded buildings in a municipality to the total number of buildings in the same municipality. This quantity may reflect the degree of overwhelming of local authorities and first respondents, though it is not accounted for in current flood damage modelling.

The outcomes of the data analysis contribute to explain differences in how local authorities and communities reacted during this unprecedented flood. Overall, the results highlight the relevance of initiatives undertaken since the event for updating the official flood hazard maps based on more extreme scenarios aiming at enhancing risk awareness. It also emphasizes the need for improved management of residual risk in the case of channelized rivers, or rivers equipped with high-standard flood defences.

We are currently exploring to which extent the differences in the level of surprise and levee effects contribute to explain differences in damage and monetary losses between municipalities.

How to cite: Rodriguez Castro, D., Roucour, S., Archambeau, P., Dessers, C., Erpicum, S., Pirotton, M., Cools, M., Teller, J., and Dewals, B.: Contrasting levels of surprise and levee effect between municipalities in the 2021 flood in Belgium, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15752,, 2023.

Urban flooding occurs to  populated and build environments when there is excess water due to intense rainfall, extreme river flows, or storm occurance. Flood protection procedures and processes are  important and critical tools in flood-vulnerable and flood-prone areas. The consequences of the occurrence of such phenomena can have a seriously negative impact on a social, economic and environmental level. The first two categories are particularly affected in urban environments, where flooding might lead to severe casualties. The assessemnt for  optimal use of mobile systems of mobile flood protection dams/barrires as  short-term flood prevention and non-permanent/ nonstructural measures in combination with the permanently existing protection works and infrastructures in the urban environment is the subject of this study.

As a field of application (case study) of this research and the evaluation of different flooding and intervention scenarios, a stream section of an important transboundary watercourse that flows through the city of Serres, Greece was chosen. For this stream, the river bed and the surrounding areas as well as the built environment and all the technical works along the stream were measured by land observation methods (topographic and remote sensing data).

In order to draw into conclusions, the assessment of the hydrological characteristics and the water flow characteristics of the stream and the catchment area was carried out. Then, the simulation of the hydraulic characteristics for the current state of the stream and for various different flooding scenarios through the use of mobile flood barriers/small dams of different types and geometrical characteristics was applied.

The result of the study has led to a “roadmap” of how, when and where non-permanent protection measures and can be implemented in urban environments, useful to local authorities and civil protection in charge.

The evaluation of the capacity and performance of mobile barrier systems (based on their characteristics) was carried out, in order to be  effectively used in varying flooding events, with different characteristics and in  site-specific locations in various scenarios, through hydraulic simulations. The results of the hydraulic simulations resulted in the barrier systems’ evaluation and the formation of a methodology, which concerns their application efficiency and their inter-operability in the pilot area, while determining the optimal management and the overall cost at the same time.

How to cite: Tzanou, E., Chatzigiannis, A., and Piliouras, M.: Pilot-scale application of mobile barrier systems for flood protection of urban areas. Assessment and evaluation of their interoperability in the urban area of Serres, Greece., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16291,, 2023.

EGU23-17553 | ECS | Orals | NH1.4 | Highlight

Urban textures and flood hazard impacts from 2008 to 2018 in Nairobi, Kenya 

Bernard Majani, Bruce D Malamud, and James Millington

This research develops a methodology to examine the change over time of urban textures for Nairobi in relation to flood hazard impact on infrastructure. We use three Landsat 7 (30 m resolution) images of Nairobi (2008, 2013, 2018). ‘Urban textures’ are the spatial distribution, shape and relative arrangement of urban elements such as green spaces, trees, roads and height of buildings and their geometry in a given urban city. Here, revising Stewart and Oke’s classifications for built-up areas and land cover types, we classify each of the three Landsat images into 14 urban textures using maximum likelihood under supervised classification. The building structure types were then examined using local knowledge, YouTube videos, Google Street View and ground truthing. We find that from 2008 to 2018 the urban textures with the largest total increases in area were compact mid-rise by 49.9km2 (6.9%) and compact high-rise by 11.3 km2 (1.5%). In contrast, the compact low-rise residential urban texture decreased greatly (29.2 km2). This suggests that for non-industrial land uses, Nairobi has grown upward. Accuracy assessments for the 2008 [2018] map were 83.6% [87.9%] with 95% confidence interval of 75.4–90.0% [80.6–93.2%] and kappa statistic 0.777 [0.834]. We then examine the spatial temporal change of intensive (high severity – low frequency) and extensive (low severity – high frequency) flood hazard events in terms of pattern, trend and impact in relation to rainfall, elevation, and urban textures. We find that urban textures for 2018 have reduced area coverage of the urban texture lightweight low-rise, having partly changed to compact midrise. The impact of change in land use through the development of urban areas greatly affects flooding and impacts in terms of severity. Flooding is more prevalent close to the major rivers in Nairobi, some of which occur in the non-informal settlements. Flood water flows from the higher areas of Ngong and Kikuyu towards the town centre, Nairobi west into industrial area going towards east lands. Rivers in Nairobi regularly overflow their banks and inundate low-lying areas like T-Mall, Nairobi west, industrial area and Mathare valley. These are the flood hotspots of Nairobi that also have high severity of fatalities and impact on infrastructure. We believe that our methodology of examining urban textures over time, using remote sensing images, combined with flood hazard impact information, will help scientists and hazard managers better understand, and prepare for, the interlinked nature of urban change with the flood hazard.

How to cite: Majani, B., Malamud, B. D., and Millington, J.: Urban textures and flood hazard impacts from 2008 to 2018 in Nairobi, Kenya, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17553,, 2023.

EGU23-17580 | Posters on site | NH1.4

Development of Buoyancy Type Urban Water Level Gauge 

Hyunsuk Lee, Ki-Won Lee, and Ho-Jeong Jo

The water level observation technology, which converts the change in weight due to buoyancy into the water level, has a long history of Archimedes' buoyancy experiment. A buoyancy type water level gauge that can provide a resolution of 0.1mm or more using Archimedes buoyancy was developed by Lee (2001) under the model name BYL-EV250. Currently, the above technology has been used since 2013 for the purpose of observing evaporation from the water surface with a resolution of 0.03 mm or more. Recently, various observation techniques have been developed to quantitatively monitor urban flooding. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) (2020) provides guidelines for the use of low-cost urban flood monitoring sensors. In this study, the element technology necessary for urban flood monitoring was developed. The first is a waterproofing technology developed to minimize equipment damage even when the equipment is completely submerged as urban flooding progresses. The second is a power-saving technology developed to provide smooth monitoring power while minimizing installation space. In addition, case protection technology that can provide smooth communication while protecting the device has been developed. In the future, these technologies can be used for developing technologies to minimize damage and prevent disasters by quantitatively monitoring urban flooding.

How to cite: Lee, H., Lee, K.-W., and Jo, H.-J.: Development of Buoyancy Type Urban Water Level Gauge, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17580,, 2023.

EGU23-58 | ECS | Orals | NH1.5

Seasonal and regional distribution of lightning fraction over Indian Sub-continent 

Rakesh Ghosh, Sunil D Pawar, Anupam Hazra, and Jonathan Wilkinson

The three years of IITM LLN lightning observation data are used to determine the seasonal and spatial (over different geographical locations) distribution of the ratio of intra-cloud lightning (IC) to cloud-to-ground lightning (CG) in thunderstorms over the Indian sub-continent. The ratio is high (8-10) in the north-western parts and low (0.3-3) in the north-eastern parts. There is not a prominent latitudinal variation of IC and CG ratio, but a climatological seasonal variability exists all over the regions. In the Pre-monsoon (March to May), the mean ratio is observed at 3.87 with a standard deviation of 0.74, and during Monsoon (June to September), that is 3.01 with a standard deviation of 0.52. Pre-monsoon thunderstorm exhibits more IC discharge comparatively monsoonal thunderstorms; hence IC:CG ratio is also high in pre-monsoon. We have observed that CG lightning is approximately 20% of total lightning in pre-monsoon whereas 25% of total lightning in monsoon all over the Indian region. High CAPE associated with a stronger vertical updraft enhances the cold cloud depth and expands the mixed phase region, which can broaden and uplift the size of the upper positive charge center inside a thunderstorm while the middle negative charge center remains at the same temperature level. Therefore it enhances the occurrence of IC discharge between the upper positive charge center and middle negative charge center, hence increasing the IC:CG ratio of a thunderstorm. The implication of these observed results has the importance of separating CG lightning flash from total and can be used in the numerical model to give a proper prediction of CG lightning in hazard mitigation.


How to cite: Ghosh, R., Pawar, S. D., Hazra, A., and Wilkinson, J.: Seasonal and regional distribution of lightning fraction over Indian Sub-continent, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-58,, 2023.

EGU23-657 | ECS | Orals | NH1.5

Multi-station observation of periodic variations in long-term Schumann resonance records 

José Tacza, Tamás Bozóki, Gabriella Satori, József Bór, Anne Neska, Tero Raita, Ciaran Beggan, Mike Atkinson, Ashwini Kumar Sinha, and Rahul Rawat

Lightning has been declared as a new Essential Climate Variable by the World Meteorological Organization. Schumann resonance is a valuable parameter to monitor the global lightning activity, thus, the Atmospheric Observation Panel for Climate accepted Schumann resonance (SR) measurements as an emerging tool for studying lightning-related large-scale processes in the atmosphere. Previous studies showed a clear extraterrestrial influence on the SR parameters at different time scales (e.g., solar cycle). For all these reasons, a growing new interest arises in the scientific community to exploit the potential of SR better in gaining more information on electrodynamic coupling mechanisms taking place in the atmosphere. This has motivated the installation of new instruments worldwide to monitor SR measurements.

We performed a multi-station spectral analysis of the SR parameters (frequency and intensity) by using wavelet transformation. SR records from different monitoring sites around the globe were analyzed simultaneously for the first time: Hornsund (~12 years of data) and Belsk (~7 y.) managed by Poland, Rovaniemi and Ivalo in Finland (~16 y.), Eskdalemuir in Scotland (~10 y.), Nagycenk in Hungary (~22 y.), Boulder Creek in USA (~4 y.) and Shillong in India (~9 y.). For all SR sites, the periodicities of 0.5, 1, ~180 and 365-day appeared both in the frequency and the intensity of SR modes. Evidence was also found for the ~27- and ~45-day periods at specific time intervals. Cross-wavelet transform and wavelet coherence analyses were made between SR frequencies and the Kp index, and between SR intensities and Madden-Julian Oscillation index. Time periods of highly coherent 27-day as well as 45-day periodicities were found in the time series of these parameters intermittently. These preliminary results suggest that these periodicities are likely related to the solar rotation and Madden-Julian Oscillation, respectively. A detailed analysis about our findings will be presented and discussed.

How to cite: Tacza, J., Bozóki, T., Satori, G., Bór, J., Neska, A., Raita, T., Beggan, C., Atkinson, M., Kumar Sinha, A., and Rawat, R.: Multi-station observation of periodic variations in long-term Schumann resonance records, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-657,, 2023.

EGU23-795 | ECS | Orals | NH1.5

Changes in thunderstorm activity at high latitudes observed at WMO weather stations 

Daniel Kępski and Marek Kubicki

Knowledge about the occurrence of thunderstorms in polar regions is still limited. Lightning detection systems have varying detection efficiency over time and space, which makes climatological analysis difficult. This is especially problematic in areas where lightning strikes are relatively rare. Traditional observations carried out at weather stations are therefore still a very important source of information about the occurrence of thunderstorms in the polar and circumpolar regions. Scientific studies usually predict that these phenomena will be more frequent in high latitudes in a warmer world. To check whether the number of thunderstorms changes as projected, we summarize SYNOP data from manned World Meteorological Organization (WMO) stations operating in the years 2000-2019 located at latitudes above 60° of both hemispheres. According to this source, the changes in thunderstorm frequency are only visible in certain areas and mostly during the summer months. The regional Kendall test revealed a statistically significant increase in the number of thunderstorm days north of 60°N in Interior Alaska, northwestern Canada, much of Siberia and European Russia. However, a decrease in thunderstorm frequency has also been detected in some regions. This was the case on the shores of the southern Norwegian Sea and seasonally in spring in the northern Urals. The largest increase in thunderstorm days exceeded 5 per decade in the highly continental regions of central Siberia and interior Alaska. For the entire high-latitude area, the change in the number of days with thunderstorms was statistically insignificant. However, the statistically relevant increase in the number of thunderstorm days is visible for inland weather stations located 250 – 1,000 km from the coastline, where it was on average 1 day per decade.

How to cite: Kępski, D. and Kubicki, M.: Changes in thunderstorm activity at high latitudes observed at WMO weather stations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-795,, 2023.

The ground-level potential gradient atmospheric electric field, the air conductivity, and concentration of cloud condensation nuclei have been recorded at Stanislaw Kalinowski Geophysical Observatory in Świder, Poland (52°07' N, 21°14' E), for several decades. A new digitisation project of Świder atmospheric electric data published in the observatory year books provides an opportunity to review the results of studies of the long-term variation of the electric parameters. New results of an analysis of both short-term and long-term variations in the positive conductivity and related component of the air-Earth current density are presented, and implications for the Global Electric Circuit studies using the Świder dataset are discussed. This work is supported by Poland National Science Centre grant no 2021/41/B/ST10/04448.

How to cite: Odzimek, A., Pawlak, I., and Kępski, D.: Analysis of long-term variations in fair-weather PG, the positive air conductivity and conduction current density at Geophysical Observatory in Świder, Poland, and implications for the Global Electric Circuit, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-977,, 2023.

The ground-level atmospheric potential gradient (PG) has been measured with a radioactive collector method in Stanislaw Kalinowski Geophysical Observatory in Świder, Poland, for several decades. The observations have been previously analysed by Kubicki et al. (ICAE 2003, ICAE 2007) revealing rather typical behaviour in the diurnal and seasonal variations of the PG of a land station controlled by pollution. Electric field measurements at such station usually show a maximum at local winter months which are mostly affected by anthropogenic pollution. The whole series has been newly analysed to describe the Świder PG variations in greater detail, also in connection with an analysis of simultaneous measurements of cloud condensation nuclei. Fair-weather potential gradient course is calculated in different time scales (annual, seasonal and diurnal) with taking into account local meteorological and air pollution conditions. An attempt is made to calculate the diurnal and seasonal variations at very low cloud condensation nuclei counts. The work is supported by Poland National Science Centre grant no 2021/41/B/ST10/04448.

How to cite: Pawlak, I., Kępski, D., Tacza, J., and Odzimek, A.: New analysis of diurnal and seasonal variations in fair-weather atmospheric potential gradient and cloud condensation nuclei measured in S. Kalinowski Geophysical Observatory in Świder, Poland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-978,, 2023.

EGU23-1480 | Orals | NH1.5

Employing Optical Lightning Data to identify lightning flashes associated to Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes 

Christoph Köhn, Matthias Heumesser, Olivier Chanrion, Victor Reglero, Nikolai Østgaard, Hugh Christian, Timothy Lang, Richard Blakeslee, and Torsten Neubert

Terrestrial gamma-ray flashes (TGFs) are bursts of energetic X- and gamma-rays emitted from thunderstorms and observed by the Atmosphere-Space Interactions Monitor (ASIM) mounted onto the International Space Station (ISS) detecting TGFs and optical signatures of lightning. ISS-LIS (Lightning Imaging Sensor) detects lightning flashes allowing for simultaneous measurements with ASIM. Whilst ASIM measures ~300-400 TGFs per year, ISS-LIS detects ~ 106 annual lightning flashes giving a disproportion of four orders of magnitude. Hence, based on the temporal evolution of lightning flashes and their spatial pattern, we present an algorithm to reduce the number of flashes potentially associated with TGFs by ~90%, and we use the ASIM TGF list to ensure that the resulting flashes are those associated with TGFs and thus benchmark our algorithm. We will compare how the radiance, footprint size and the global distribution of lightning flashes of the reduced set relates to the average of all measured lightning flashes. Finally, we will present a parameter study of our algorithm and discuss which parameters can be tweaked to maximize the reduction efficiency whilst keeping those flashes associated to TGFs. In the future, this algorithm will hence facilitate the search for TGFs in a reduced set of lightning flashes.

How to cite: Köhn, C., Heumesser, M., Chanrion, O., Reglero, V., Østgaard, N., Christian, H., Lang, T., Blakeslee, R., and Neubert, T.: Employing Optical Lightning Data to identify lightning flashes associated to Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1480,, 2023.

EGU23-1492 | Posters on site | NH1.5

Measurements of PG during rain, hail, snow and lightning 

Konstantinos Kourtidis, Stergios Misios, Athanassios Karagioras, and Ioannis Kosmadakis

We present an analysis of the evolution of PG during the course of rain, hail and snow events at the Xanthi site, N. Greece. In particular, using data from eight rain events in 2021, four hail events in the period 2018-2021 and four snow events during the same period, we examine how the PG frequency distribution changes during the progression of these events and discuss potential implications for the charge of the hydrometeors and the clouds that produce them. We also present some first results from measurements of PG and lightning at the high altitude (2340 m ASL) site of Helmos Observatory, Peloponnese, Greece.

How to cite: Kourtidis, K., Misios, S., Karagioras, A., and Kosmadakis, I.: Measurements of PG during rain, hail, snow and lightning, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1492,, 2023.

EGU23-1742 | ECS | Orals | NH1.5 | Highlight

Experimental volcanic lightning under conditions relevant to the early Earth: Discharges as a possible prebiotic synthesis mechanism 

Christina Springsklee, Bettina Scheu, Christoph Seifert, Corrado Cimarelli, Damien Gaudin, Donald B. Dingwell, and Oliver Trapp

Far from being a recent development of the Earth System, volcanism has accompanied the Earth, terrestrial planets and countless exoplanets since their origins. Volcanism is a material mechanism whereby planets evolve to their differentiated states that are potentially capable of hosting life. Explosive volcanic eruptions are commonly accompanied by volcanic lightning, modulated by charging and discharging mechanisms within the eruption column. As discharges have been proposed as a potential prebiotic synthesis mechanism for forming first organic molecules, the behaviour of volcanic lightning at early Earth conditions could yield further insights into likely environments for the origin of life.

Earth´s atmosphere has changed significantly in composition and pressure since its early beginnings. Here, we would like to investigate how volcanic lightning might have operated and was influenced by changes in those environmental conditions. For this purpose, we have developed an experimental device, which consists of a gas-tight modification of a shock-tube apparatus, to investigate experimental discharges in decompressed jets of gas and volcanic ash particles under varying atmospheric conditions. The setup acts as a Faraday cage, capable of measuring discharges close to the vent. The gas inside the particle collector tank is sampled by crimp cap bottles and analysed by gas chromatography. We modified the enveloping atmospheric composition and pressure (200 mbar – 4 bar) and the transporting gas phase (argon and nitrogen).

We have tested atmospheres containing carbon dioxide, nitrogen and carbon monoxide to mimic early Earth conditions and obtained discharges with similar magnitude to those achieved in an air atmosphere. We have also varied the atmospheric pressure and observed that decreasing the atmospheric pressure results in less discharges. The results of the experiments demonstrate that it is the coupling between gas and ash particles which largely governs the occurrence and magnitude of discharges close to the jet nozzle. Nitrogen as transporting gas results in fewer discharges compared to argon, emphasizing the importance of the composition of the transporting gas phase in the jet charging and discharging mechanisms. The preliminary results point to active volcanic settings under varying atmospheric conditions as multivariate environment for the emergence of life and thus our experiments continue.  

How to cite: Springsklee, C., Scheu, B., Seifert, C., Cimarelli, C., Gaudin, D., Dingwell, D. B., and Trapp, O.: Experimental volcanic lightning under conditions relevant to the early Earth: Discharges as a possible prebiotic synthesis mechanism, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1742,, 2023.

EGU23-1888 | Orals | NH1.5

Short term forecast and monitoring of thunderstorms - status and recent developments at DWD. 

Richard Müller, Axel Barleben, Stephane Haussler, and Matthias Jerg

During the last few years, DWD has developed a pioneering nowcasting procedure (NCS-A) for thunderstorms and strong convection based on  intelligent combination of lightning data, satellite information and Numerical Weather Prediction. The atmospheric motion vectors needed for the nowcasting are derived with the optical flow method TV-L1. Version 1 of the method NCS-A is operated 24/7 by DWD, covers the complete geostationary ring and has been very well received by aviation customers. The current developments of the nowcasting method focus on the analysis of life cycles in order to be able to improve the prediction of formation and decay of thunderstorms. This includes analysis of lightning activity. Further, work is also being done to seamlessly extend the forecast times by up to 6-8 hours through ensemble analysis of the Lightning Potential Index, provided by the DWD NWP model ICON. In addition to the mentioned developments of physical methods,  research is being also carried out on AI-based methods (neural networks) in cooperation with the University of Mainz. The presentation will start with an overview of the current 24/7 thunderstorm nowcasting. This will be followed by a presentation and discussion of the current developments at DWD aimed at providing accurate 6-8 hour forecasts of thunderstorms. Links for further readings and software will be provided as well.


Müller R, Haussler S, Jerg M. The Role of NWP Filter for the Satellite Based Detection of Cumulonimbus Clouds. Remote Sensing. 2018; 10(3):386.

Urbich I, Bendix J, Müller R. Development of a Seamless Forecast for Solar Radiation Using ANAKLIM++. Remote Sensing. 2020; 12(21):3672.

Müller R, Haussler S, Jerg M, Heizenreder D. A Novel Approach for the Detection of Developing Thunderstorm Cells. Remote Sensing. 2019; 11(4):443.

Zach, Christopher & Pock, Thomas & Bischof, Horst. (2007). A Duality Based Approach for Realtime TV-L1 Optical Flow. Pattern Recognition. 4713. 214-223. 10.1007/978-3-540-7

Müller, R.; Barleben, A.; Haussler, S.; Jerg, M. A Novel Approach for the Global Detection and Nowcasting of Deep Convection and Thunderstorms. Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 3372.

Brodehl, S.; Müller, R.; Schömer, E.; Spichtinger, P.; Wand, M. End-to-End Prediction of Lightning Events from Geostationary Satellite Images. Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 3760. 


How to cite: Müller, R., Barleben, A., Haussler, S., and Jerg, M.: Short term forecast and monitoring of thunderstorms - status and recent developments at DWD., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1888,, 2023.

EGU23-2026 | Orals | NH1.5

Worldwide distributions and key properties of Blue LUminous Events (BLUEs) as detected by ASIM 

Francisco J. Gordillo-Vazquez, Sergio Soler, Francisco J. Pérez-Invernón, Alejandro Luque, Dongshuai Li, Torsten Neubert, Olivier Chanrion, Victor Reglero, Javier Pérez-Navarro, and Nikolai Ostgaard

The presence of transient corona discharges occurring in thunderclouds has been suspected for a long time. Thunderstorm coronas can be observed as Blue LUminous Events (BLUEs) formed by a large number of streamers characterized by their distinct 337 nm light flashes with negligible (or absent) 777.4 nm optical emission (typical of lightning leaders). The Modular Multispectral Imaging Array (MMIA) of the Atmosphere-Space Interaction Monitor (ASIM) has successfully allowed us to map and characterize BLUEs worldwide. The results presented here include a global analysis of key properties of BLUEs such as their characteristic rise times and duration, their depth with respect to cloud tops, vertical length and number of streamers. We present two different global annual average climatologies of BLUEs depending on considerations about the rise time and total duration of BLUEs worldwide [1-3].

We found that around 10 % of all detected BLUEs exhibit an impulsive single pulse 337 nm light curve shape. The rest of BLUEs are unclear (impulsive or not) single, multiple or with ambiguous pulse shapes. BLUEs exhibit two distinct populations with peak power density < 25 μWm−2 (common) and ≥ 25 μWm−2 (rare) with different rise times and durations. The altitude (and depth below cloud tops) zonal distribution of impulsive single pulse BLUEs indicate that they are commonly present between cloud tops and a depth of ≤ 4 km in the tropics and ≤ 1 km in mid and higher latitudes. Impulsive single pulse BLUEs in the tropics are the longest (up to about 4 km height) and have the largest number of streamers (up to approximately 3 × 109).


[1] S. Soler, F. J. Pérez-Invernón, F. J. Gordillo-Vázquez, A. Luque, D. Li, A. Malagón-Romero, T. Neubert, O. Chanrion, V. Reglero, J. Navarro-González, G. Lu, H. Zhang, A. Huang, N. Ostgaard.: "Blue optical observations of narrow bipolar events by ASIM suggest corona streamer activity in thunderstorms" (Editor's Hightlight), Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, vol. 125, 2020, doi: 10.1029/2020JD032708.

[2] S. Soler, F. J. Gordillo-Vázquez, F. J. Pérez-Invernón, A. Luque, D. Li, T. Neubert, O. Chanrion, V. Reglero, J. Navarro-González, N. Ostgaard.: "Global Frequency and Geographical Distribution of Nighttime Streamer Corona Discharges (BLUEs) in Thunderclouds", Geophysical Research Letters 2021, 48, doi: 10.1029/2021GL094657.

[3] S. Soler, F. J. Gordillo‐Vázquez, F. J. Pérez‐Invernón, A. Luque, D. Li, T. Neubert, O. Chanrion, V. Reglero, J. Navarro-González, N. Østgaard.: "Global distribution of key features of streamer corona discharges in thunderclouds". Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, vol. 127, 2022, doi: 10.1029/2022JD037535.

How to cite: Gordillo-Vazquez, F. J., Soler, S., Pérez-Invernón, F. J., Luque, A., Li, D., Neubert, T., Chanrion, O., Reglero, V., Pérez-Navarro, J., and Ostgaard, N.: Worldwide distributions and key properties of Blue LUminous Events (BLUEs) as detected by ASIM, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2026,, 2023.

EGU23-3116 | Orals | NH1.5

The ALOFT mission: a flight campaign for TGF and gamma-ray glow observations over Central America and the Caribbean in July 2023 

Nikolai Ostgaard, Martino Marisaldi, Kjetil Ullaland, Shiming Yang, Bilal Hasan Qureshi, Jens Søndergaard, Andrey Mezentsev, David Sarria, Nikolai Lehtinen, Timothy Lang, Hugh Christian, Mason Quick, Richard Blakeslee, J. Eric Grove, and Daniel Shy

The Airborne Lighting Observatory for FEGS and TGFs (ALOFT)  is a field campaign focused on observing Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes (TGFs) and gamma-ray glows from thunderclouds. ALOFT will be flown on a NASA ER-2 research aircraft, flying at 20 km altitude, and the payload  includes:

1) Fly’s Eye GLM Simulator (FEGS), an array of imaging photometers as well as different wavelengths, and electric field change meters.
2) Lightning Instrument Package (LIP), giving three component electric field measurements.
3) Several gamma-ray detectors covering four orders of magnitude dynamic range in flux as well as the full energy range for TGF/gamma-ray glow detection.

ALOFT is scheduled for July 2023, with 50 flight hours based out of Florida.  Flying over thunderstorms in Central America and Caribbean, one of the most active TGF regions on the planet during the most optimal season, the ALOFT campaign will help us to answer the questions:

1) How and under what conditions are TGFs produced?
2) How extended in space and time are the gamma-ray glows?

To answer question 1), the ALOFT campaign will be supported by ground based radio measurements from different locations in Central America and Caribbean.

To answer question 2), with realtime downlink of data we will know when the ER-2 encounters gamma-ray glowing thunderclouds, and we will instruct the pilot to have the aircraft perform have repeated overflights over this cloud as long as the glow exists, to answer question 2).  This will also help us understand whether gamma-ray glows and TGFs are interrelated.

The full set of observational goals of ALOFT are:

1. Observe TGFs in one of the most TGF-intense regions on the planet.
2. Observe gamma-ray glows in thunderstorms and their relation to TGFs.
3. Perform International Space Station Lightning Imaging Sensor (ISS LIS) and Global Lightning Monitor (GLM) validation using improved suborbital instrumentation (including upgraded FEGS).
4. Evaluate new design concepts for next-generation spaceborne lightning mappers.
5. If relevant instrumentation is available, make measurements useful to advance convection science from a suborbital platform.

In this presentation we will give the status and plans for the ALOFT mission.

How to cite: Ostgaard, N., Marisaldi, M., Ullaland, K., Yang, S., Hasan Qureshi, B., Søndergaard, J., Mezentsev, A., Sarria, D., Lehtinen, N., Lang, T., Christian, H., Quick, M., Blakeslee, R., Grove, J. E., and Shy, D.: The ALOFT mission: a flight campaign for TGF and gamma-ray glow observations over Central America and the Caribbean in July 2023, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3116,, 2023.

EGU23-3124 | Orals | NH1.5

Electrodynamic model of K-changes 

Petr Kaspar, Thomas Marshall, Maribeth Stolzenburg, Ivana Kolmasova, and Ondrej Santolik

K-changes are step-like electrostatic field changes, which occur during the final part of cloud flashes or between the return strokes in cloud-to-ground discharges. We numerically solve the full set of Maxwell’s equations coupled to the electrostatic Poisson’s equation for a given thundercloud charge structure to model the K-changes. We simulate the K-changes by a sequential increase of conductivity of the decayed vertical channel. This process creates a current pulse which attenuates as it propagates downward. We show how the modeled linear charge densities and electric potentials connected to K-changes evolve in time. We successfully compare our model with the electric field measured by a flat-plate E-change antenna with a sensor having a decay time constant of 1 s, a bandwidth of 0.16 Hz –2.6 MHz, and a sampling rate of 5 MS/s. The experimental data used for comparison with our model were obtained at KSC Florida in 2011.

How to cite: Kaspar, P., Marshall, T., Stolzenburg, M., Kolmasova, I., and Santolik, O.: Electrodynamic model of K-changes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3124,, 2023.

EGU23-3281 | Posters on site | NH1.5

Library of simulated gamma-ray glows and application to previous airborne observations 

David Sarria, Nikolai Østgaard, Martino Marisaldi, Nikolai Lehtinen, and Andrey Mezentsev

Gamma-Ray Glows (GRGs) are bursts of high-energy radiation that are emitted by thunderclouds and have a duration of seconds to minutes. These radiation sources are extended over several to tens of square kilometers. GRGs have been observed from detectors on the ground, in aircraft, and on balloons. In this paper, we present a Monte-Carlo model that can be used to study the production and propagation of GRGs. We compare our model to one developed by Zhou et al. (2016) and find small differences between the two. We have also created a library of simulations that is available to the community. Using this library, we were able to reproduce five previous GRG observations from five airborne campaigns: balloons from Eack et al. (1996) and Eack et al. (2000), and aircraft from the ADELE (Kelley et al. 2015), ILDAS (Kochking et al. 2016), and ALOFT campaigns (Østgaard et al. 2019).

Our simulation results confirm that the flux of cosmic-ray secondary particles at a given altitude can be enhanced by several percent or even several orders of magnitude due to the effect of thunderstorms' electric fields. These results explain the five observations we studied and will be useful for the upcoming ALOFT-2023 campaign. While some GRGs can be explained solely by the MOS process, the strongest GRGs observed require electric fields significantly larger than the RREA threshold value (E_th). Some of the observations also came with in-situ electric field measurements that were always lower than E_th, but these measurements may not have been taken from the regions where the glows were produced. This study supports the idea that some thunderstorms must have electric fields with magnitudes of at least E_th on a kilometer scale.


References :

-Effect of near-earth thunderstorms electric field on the intensity of ground cosmic ray positrons/electrons in tibet. Zhou et al. (2016).

-Balloon-borne x-ray spectrometer for detection of x-rays produced by thunderstorms. Eack et al. 1996.

-Gamma-ray emissions observed in a thunderstorm anvil. Eack et al. 2000.

-Relativistic electron avalanches as a thunderstorm discharge competing with lightning. Kelley et al. 2015.

-In-Flight Observation of Gamma Ray Glows by ILDAS. Kochkin et al. 2017. -Gamma Ray Glow Observations at 20-km Altitude. Østgaard et al. 2019.

How to cite: Sarria, D., Østgaard, N., Marisaldi, M., Lehtinen, N., and Mezentsev, A.: Library of simulated gamma-ray glows and application to previous airborne observations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3281,, 2023.

EGU23-3432 | Posters on site | NH1.5

The effects of fog on the atmospheric electrical field close to the surface 

Yoav Yair, Roy Yaniv, and Colin Price

For almost a decade, ground-based measurements of the electric field (Ez) have been conducted continuously at Tel-Aviv University's Wise astronomical observatory, located in the Negev desert highland in southern Israel. The data enabled identifying the characteristics of Ez in fair weather, during dust storms, lightning activity and the passage of different cloud types overhead. We present new results of observations of the variability of the atmospheric electric field during several foggy days along with meteorological data of wind speed and relative humidity. The results show a substantial increase of the electric field (up to 400-650 V m-1) compared with the mean fair-weather values at the site (180-190 V m-1) during times of high values of relative humidity (>95%) and low wind speed (<3 m s-1). This increase is a consequence of the reduction in the conductivity at low levels due to the attachment of ions to fog droplets. We suggest that closely monitoring the electric field when there is a forecast for the occurrence of fog can offer a precise indication when fog begins and ends.

How to cite: Yair, Y., Yaniv, R., and Price, C.: The effects of fog on the atmospheric electrical field close to the surface, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3432,, 2023.

EGU23-3546 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.5

Lightning activity over central Europe in years 2017-2022 (analysis of ISS-LIS data) 

Andrea Kolínská, Ivana Kolmašová, Colin Price, and Ondřej Santolík

We analyze the lightning activity over central Europe from 2017 to 2022 using the optical data from the Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS) on board the International Space Station (ISS). The area of interest covers a central European region limited by 54.5° N, 7.5° E and 44.5° N, 22.5° E. A total number of 68192 lightning flashes was detected during 1805 ISS orbital overpasses. This study compares the lightning activity in central Europe to the global lightning activity and investigates the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. While there is a global reduction of the lightning activity during the lockdowns in 2020, no significant decrease is observed in central Europe.

On the territory of Czechia, the highest density of flashes was detected in the northwestern part of the country. We combine the ISS-LIS data with measurements of the Shielded Loop Antenna with Versatile Integrated Amplifier (SLAVIA) detectors located in this region. The measurements of the ISS-LIS and SLAVIA detectors are combined with data from the World Wide Lightning Location Network (WWLLN) or Global Lightning Dataset (GLD360) in order to understand the correlation between electromagnetic radiation from selected lightning flashes and their optical characteristics observed from space.

How to cite: Kolínská, A., Kolmašová, I., Price, C., and Santolík, O.: Lightning activity over central Europe in years 2017-2022 (analysis of ISS-LIS data), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3546,, 2023.

EGU23-3801 | Orals | NH1.5

A strong pulsing nature of negative recoil leaders accompanied by regular trains of microsecond-scale pulses 

Ivana Kolmašová, Olaf Scholten, Ondřej Santolik, Brian M. Hare, Ningyu Y. Liu, Joseph R. Dwyer, and Radek Lán

A presence of regular sequences of microsecond-scale pulses has been occasionally reported in the lightning literature for more than forty years. Due to a fine time resolution of modern electromagnetic receivers, the properties of these pulse trains are now well described. Nevertheless, the conditions for their occurrence are still not understood, and the information needed for their proper modelling is not sufficient.  

To contribute to this effort, we report for the first time properties of negative recoil stepped leaders accompanied by regular trains of microsecond-scale pulses simultaneously seen by the broadband magnetic loop antenna SLAVIA (Shielded Loop Antenna with a Versatile Integrated Amplifier; 5 kHz-90 MHz), and the radio telescope LOFAR (Low Frequency Array; 30-80MHz). We investigate four pulse trains that occurred during complicated intracloud flashes on 18 June 2021, when heavy thunderstorms hit Netherlands.

The pulses within the trains are unipolar, a few microseconds wide with an inter-pulse interval of about ten microseconds. The pulse trains last from 100 µs to 800 µs. After a careful time alignment of both magnetic field and LOFAR time series, we found that the broadband pulses perfectly match with regularly distributed and relatively isolated bursts of VHF sources localized by the LOFAR impulsive imager. All trains were generated by negative recoil stepped leaders propagating downward (two events) or upward (two events) at altitudes between 5.5 km and 8.5 km. Their tracks were formed by positive leaders occurring within the same flash several hundreds of milliseconds previously. The peak powers of VHF sources seen by the LOFAR electric antennas closest to the investigated discharges were about one order of magnitude higher than the power of signals emitted by normal negative leaders. These stepped recoil leaders propagate at a relatively low speed of about 2-5x10^6 m/s, when similar recoil leaders often reach speeds of 10^7 m/s. The velocity and inter-pulse intervals decrease towards the end of trains.

We show that observed pulse trains are due to stepping recoil leaders. However, we consider this strong pulsing nature of the examined recoil leaders to be quite unusual. The physical mechanism giving rise to the energetic VHF bursts and accompanying regular microsecond-scale pulses remains unclear.

How to cite: Kolmašová, I., Scholten, O., Santolik, O., Hare, B. M., Liu, N. Y., Dwyer, J. R., and Lán, R.: A strong pulsing nature of negative recoil leaders accompanied by regular trains of microsecond-scale pulses, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3801,, 2023.

EGU23-4086 | Posters on site | NH1.5 | Highlight

Effects of cloud-to-water lightning strokes on open sea fish cages during eastern Mediterranean winter thunderstorms 

Mustafa Asfur, Roy Lavie, Jacob Silverman, Colin Price, Menahem Korzets, and Yoav Yair

Based on data obtained by the Earth Networks Total Lightning Network (ENTLN) for 5 winter seasons (DJF, 2018-2022), the flash density of lightning striking the water surface of the eastern Mediterranean Sea up to 50 km from the Israeli coastline is on average 3 strokes/km2. Out of the total lightning that strike the sea surface in the said area, about 0.05% on are superbolts with peak current > 200 kA. Cloud-to-water strikes generate thunder and underwater acoustic noise that can propagate for a few km from the strike location. While anthropogenic noises have been shown to cause negative stress responses in the marine environment and specifically in aquaculture fish cages, no stress response of cultured fish due to lightning strikes have been recorded yet.  New areas in the Israeli territorial waters are allocated to fish farms. These commercial farms will be using net cages, with high fish density expecting large yields.

This research aims to find out how cultured fish respond to the acoustic noises generated by lightning strikes. This hypothesis meets a growing awareness in the aquaculture field to research fish stress that, in this case, stay trapped in the water body without the ability to effectively respond and flee lightning strikes. Continual stress of cultured fish can economically adversely affect the fish farm due to high mortality rates and decreased growth rates. By monitoring sea bream (Sparus aurata) cages, with cameras and hydrophone, during winter months of years 2021-2023, we have found several cases of stress related behavior. These cases were correlated with precise lightnings data, videos of surveillance cameras pointed toward the fish farm, audio records of underwater sound and indications of abnormal fish behavior (sudden dive or direction changes). We will present results from newly developed image processing algorithm that reads underwater fish videos files and automatically finds abnormal behavior events.

How to cite: Asfur, M., Lavie, R., Silverman, J., Price, C., Korzets, M., and Yair, Y.: Effects of cloud-to-water lightning strokes on open sea fish cages during eastern Mediterranean winter thunderstorms, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4086,, 2023.

    Existing literature indicates that volcanic lightning occurs during a devastating volcano eruption. However, it is still limited to understanding the volcanic electrification mechanism in nature because of the rarity of the explosive volcano eruption and visible spectrum obstacles from plumes full of dirty ashes. The eruption of the Hunga Tonga–Hunga Haʻapai (HT-HH) submarine volcanoes in the Lau Basin, South Pacific, had an extremely violate surtseyan type eruption on January 15th and generated numerous volcanic lightning. This eruption event provides a great opportunity to explore the electrification and evolution of volcanic lightning. 

    In this work, more than 40,000 lightning events were detected by the World Wide Lightning Location Network (WWLLN) during the primary eruption on January 15th. At the first stage of the eruption, the geographic distribution of lightning strikes expanded rapidly and isotropically while the eruption column reached a specific altitude. Then a lightning tranquility period occurred subsequently, implying explosive erupting was intermittent. Several explosive sub-eruptions were detected from 04:00Z to 07:00Z, and sub-eruptions' timestamps are highly consistent with seismic data analysis from IRIS. Lightning footprint provided evidence that the HT-HH eruption was a surtseyan eruption unsteady with several quiescent phases separating the explosive stages.

    HT-HH is one of the most powerful eruptions of the 21st century and provides a favorable environment for volcanic lightning research. The result of this work can track the immediate eruption by using lightning activities. Moreover, volcanic lightning has a different charging mechanism than general tropospheric lightning. Therefore, many interesting issues can be discussed, such as the volcano eruption's contribution to global electrical circuits or whether volcanic lightning can generate other atmospheric electricity events like TLEs or TGFs.

How to cite: Lin, Y.-C. and Chen, A.: Characteristics of Volcanic Lightning Distribution Generated by Hunga Tonga–Hunga Haʻapai on January 15th, 2022, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4714,, 2023.

EGU23-5231 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.5

Simultaneous detection of long continuing current lightning with space and ground-based detectors 

Pablo A. Camino-Faillace, Francisco J. Pérez-Invernón, Francisco J. Gordillo-Vázquez, Torsten Neubert, Víctor Reglero, and Nikolai Ostgaard

Long continuing current (LCC) lightning flashes contain a discharge in which a continuing electrical current flows for more than 40 ms. They represent about 10% of the total cloud-to-ground lightning flashes and have been associated with lightning-ignited wildfires. LCC flashes can be detected by different terrestrial- and space-based instruments. However, those instruments simultaneously detect all kinds of lightning across the globe, including those with long continuing current, which hinders the analysis of LCC-only events.

We present a method to match every single flash from the Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM), the Atmosphere-Space Interactions Monitor (ASIM) and the Earth Networks Total Lightning Network (ENTLN) by using a proximity index. In turn, we analyze the optical signal of LCC flashes simultaneously detected by GLM and ASIM.

According to preliminary results, we found an average of 15 LCC events per month in the continental United States simultaneously detected by the three mentioned sensors (GLM, ASIM and ENTLN). Moreover, this method can be used to match other atmospheric electricity phenomena simultaneously detected by different ground and/or space-based instruments.

How to cite: Camino-Faillace, P. A., Pérez-Invernón, F. J., Gordillo-Vázquez, F. J., Neubert, T., Reglero, V., and Ostgaard, N.: Simultaneous detection of long continuing current lightning with space and ground-based detectors, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5231,, 2023.

EGU23-5302 | ECS | Orals | NH1.5

Global occurrence of continuing currents in lightning and lightning-ignited wildfires predicted for the next century 

Francisco J. Pérez-Invernón, Francisco J. Gordillo-Vázquez, Heidi Huntrieser, and Patrick Jöckel

Lightning flashes can produce a discharge in which a continuing electrical current flows for more than 40 ms. Such flashes have been proposed to be the main precursors of lightning-ignited wildfires.

In this work, we used lightning measurements provided by the Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) over the continental United States of America during the summer of 2018 to confirm the role of lightning with continuing currents in the ignition of wildfires. We investigated projections in the occurrence of lightning with continuing currents and in the meteorological conditions that favor wildfires over the next century by applying a new parameterization of continuing currents based on the updraft strength. The simulations are performed by using the European Center HAMburg general circulation (ECHAM) / Modular Earth Submodel System (MESSy) Atmospheric Chemistry (EMAC) model [1]. We found a 41% increase in the occurrence of lightning with continuing currents worldwide. Increases are largest in South America, the western coast of Northern America, Central America, Australia, Southern and Eastern Asia, and Europe, while only regional variations are found in northern polar forests, where wildfires can affect permafrost soil carbon release.

We obtained a possible increase in the risk of lightning-ignited fires in Europe, Eastern Asia, North America, the Western coast of South America, Central Africa and Australia. In turn, the simulations suggest a decrease in the risk of lightning-ignited wildfires in polar regions of Eurasia and North America. Finally, projections do not show any clear tendency in the Amazon rainforest during the typical fire season.

[1] Pérez-Invernón, F. J., Huntrieser, H., Jöckel, P., and Gordillo-Vázquez, F. J.: A parameterization of long-continuing-current (LCC) lightning in the lightning submodel LNOX (version 3.0) of the Modular Earth Submodel System (MESSy, version 2.54), Geosci. Model Dev., 15, 1545–1565,, 2022.

How to cite: Pérez-Invernón, F. J., Gordillo-Vázquez, F. J., Huntrieser, H., and Jöckel, P.: Global occurrence of continuing currents in lightning and lightning-ignited wildfires predicted for the next century, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5302,, 2023.

Negative streamers play an important part in propagation of a negative stepped leader. They are emitted from the tip of a space stem or, as a streamer burst, from the tip of the space leader right after its attachment to the main leader.

In the laboratory conditions, it was shown that negative streamers need a significantly higher voltage for inception than positive streamers [e.g., Briels et al, 2008, doi:10.1088/0022-3727/41/23/234004]. The higher negative threshold is in agreement with the higher field measured inside streamer channels, namely 13±2 kV/cm for negative streamers versus 5 kV/cm for positive streamers.

We obtain the conditions for propagation of negative streamers using the Streamer Parameter Model (SPM) [Lehtinen, 2021, doi:10.1007/s11141-021-10108-5]. In this model, we calculate various streamer parameters from relationships between them, with the assumption of maximization of streamer velocity. This model, in the positive streamer case, was shown to agree well with both experimental measurements and hydrodynamic simulation results [Lehtinen and Marskar, 2021, doi:10.3390/atmos12121664]. In the negative streamer case, we show that the parameter equations have no solution below certain background electric fields. The threshold at which the negative streamer appears is around 12-14 kV/cm for 5-10 cm streamer length, which agrees with the experimental data. We also perform hydrodynamic simulations of negative streamers as another way to calculate the conditions for negative streamer propagation.

There is an important difference from positive streamers, for which the propagation threshold is determined by the rate of free electron removal from the streamer channel (i.e., attachment): namely, we find that the negative streamer threshold field is finite even in the absence of the electron removal.

How to cite: Lehtinen, N.: Conditions for inception and propagation of negative streamers, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5529,, 2023.

EGU23-6089 | Orals | NH1.5

Evolution of lightning activity observed during rapid intensity changes of tropical cyclones 

Kateřina Rosická, Ivana Kolmašová, and Ondřej Santolík

We study evolution of lightning activity accompanying rapid intensity changes of tropical cyclones worldwide. We use a dataset of 400 tropical cyclones occurring between 2012 and 2017. We use the cyclones tracks from the International Best Track Archive for Clime Stewardship. The lightning data are provided by the World Wide Lightning Location Network (WWLLN). We inspect the lightning activity and median stroke energies accompanying rapid intensifications (RI) of cyclones, defined as increases of the wind speed by more than 30 kt in 24 hours, and their rapid weakenings (RW), defined as decreases of the wind speed by more than 40 kt in 24 hours.

In an area of radial wind maximum (RWM), we observe a stroke density of 15.1 strokes/(100 km)2/hour for RI and 21.8 strokes/(100 km)2/hour for RW, respectively, which is much higher than average RWM density 7.9 strokes/(100 km)2/hour over the duration of the cyclone. A median stroke energy is 0.3 kJ during RI and 0.7 kJ during RW. It means that during rapid intensification of cyclones, there are less strokes with slightly higher energies and during rapid weakening there are more strokes with slightly lower energies. When analyzing the cyclones in both hemispheres separately, we obtain 0.3 kJ for RI and 0.6 kJ for RW in the northern hemisphere, and 0.8 kJ for RI and 0.9 kJ for RW in the southern hemisphere. The difference in the stroke density during RI and RW was observed larger in the northern hemisphere (19.7 vs 34.1 strokes/(100 km)2/hour), when in the southern hemisphere the stroke density is much lower and differs less (4.4 strokes/(100 km)2/hour for RI and 5.1 strokes/(100 km)2/hour for RW).


How to cite: Rosická, K., Kolmašová, I., and Santolík, O.: Evolution of lightning activity observed during rapid intensity changes of tropical cyclones, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6089,, 2023.

EGU23-6099 | Posters on site | NH1.5

Analyses of thunderstorm structures using data of a Ka-band Doppler polarimetric vertical cloud profiler 

Zbyněk Sokol, Jana Popová, and Kateřina Skripniková

This study investigates the structure of strong convective storms to determine the difference between the structure of storms inducing or not lightning discharges. The structure of strong convective storms is investigated using a Ka-band Doppler polarimetric vertical cloud profiler operating at a frequency of 35 GHz. The profiler is located at the Milešovka meteorological observatory in Czechia (Central Europe). To study the structure of storms, we used the basic radar measurements of phase and power spectra of the co- and the cross-channel. We analysed the data from all the storms that occurred close to the Milešovka observatory during 2018-2022 and we performed statistical and correlation analyses of vertical profiles of phase and power spectra in the co- and the cross-channel in dependence on the distance of lightning discharges observed and recorded by the EUCLID lightning network.

How to cite: Sokol, Z., Popová, J., and Skripniková, K.: Analyses of thunderstorm structures using data of a Ka-band Doppler polarimetric vertical cloud profiler, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6099,, 2023.

EGU23-6148 | Orals | NH1.5 | Highlight

Immediate effects of the Hunga Tonga - Hunga Ha’apai volcanic eruption on the AC and DC Global Electric Circuits 

József Bór, Tamás Bozóki, Gabriella Sátori, Earle R. Williams, Sonja Ann Behnke, Michael Rycroft, Attila Buzás, Hugo Gonçalves Silva, Marek Kubicki, Ryan Said, Chris Vagasky, Péter Steinbach, Karolina Szabone André, and Mike Atkinson

Observed responses of the AC and DC parts of the Global Electric Circuit (GEC) to the large eruption of the Hunga Tonga - Hunga Ha’apai (HT-HH) volcano on 15 January, 2022 are presented. The AC-related investigation is based on Schumann resonance (SR) measurements from the Nagycenk Geophysical Observatory (NCK), Hungary as well as from distant stations on the globe belonging to the HeartMath Institute ( The DC-related investigation is based on atmospheric electric potential gradient measurements (PG) from six recording stations in Europe and in the USA. The GLD360 and the WWLLN lightning detection networks were used to characterize lightning activity in the vicinity of the HT-HH island on the investigated day. The peak lightning stroke rate reached 80/s (5000/minute), whereas the average global rate is ~44/s. Lightning discharges occurred in rings around the vent of the volcano. Peak currents and the diameter of the ring of positive and negative polarity lightning strokes varied differently in the main phase of the eruption. At its peak, negative lightning dominated the electric activity in the volcanic cloud.

A global intensification of SR is apparent in connection with the enhanced lightning activity caused by the eruption. The SR data together with the global network observations indicate that the lightning activity in the eruption dominates the naturally occurring global activity for a period of at least one hour. The highly localized increase in lightning activity over HT-HH provides a unique point source of excitation for the SR.

In contrast with the dramatic response of the AC global circuit, the response of the DC GEC to this exceptional eruption is not readily unambiguous in the PG measurements. The observations suggest that impulse-like charging of the GEC by ~15% via -CG lightning strokes took place two times during the eruption. A time constant of 7 or 8 minutes has been inferred for near-surface electric field changes from these enhancements. This could be the first direct measurement of the time constant of the GEC near the Earth’s surface, as well as the first observation of the direct charging of the DC GEC by a single atmospheric electrified source.

How to cite: Bór, J., Bozóki, T., Sátori, G., Williams, E. R., Behnke, S. A., Rycroft, M., Buzás, A., Silva, H. G., Kubicki, M., Said, R., Vagasky, C., Steinbach, P., Szabone André, K., and Atkinson, M.: Immediate effects of the Hunga Tonga - Hunga Ha’apai volcanic eruption on the AC and DC Global Electric Circuits, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6148,, 2023.

EGU23-6342 | ECS | Orals | NH1.5

Localization and quantification of the acoustical power of lightning flashes 

Damien Bestard, Thomas Farges, and François Coulouvrat

Lightning is a ubiquitous source of infrasound, and an essential climate variable. Acoustic measurements have been carried out by the CEA over the last ten years to characterize thunder within the framework of the HyMeX project. First, during the fall of 2012 in the south of France in the Cévennes region during the intensive measurement campaign (SOP1) and more recently, in the fall of 2018 in Corsica (France), as part of the EXAEDRE campaign. During both the SOP1 and EXAEDRE campaigns, mini-arrays (“AA” for “Acoustic Array”) of four microphones (respectively disposed on a 50m and a 30m-wide triangle) were used. Lightning information were available thanks to three kinds of electromagnetic detection systems. Firstly, classical Lightning Location Systems (LLS) measured the low frequency range (1-350 kHz), giving the flash emission time and location, as well as its peak current. Secondly, a network of 12 antennas, Lightning Mapping Array (LMA), detecting in the very high frequency range (60-66 MHz) was used. It measured the radiation from leaders and intracloud discharges, which occur mostly inside the thundercloud, providing the 3D location of these discharges. Thirdly, the Charge Moment Change (CMC) was provided by broadband Extremely Low Frequency (< 1.1 kHz) measurements.

Time delays between AA sensors inform on the direction of sound arrival, while the difference between emission time and sound arrival provides the source distance. Combining the two allows a geometrical reconstruction of individual lightning flashes, each viewed as a set of point sound sources. Co-localization of acoustic sources with in-cloud detections provided by the LMA and with ground impacts provided by the LLS shows the efficiency and precision of the method. The measured sound amplitude can also be back-propagated, compensating for absorption and density stratification. This allows to evaluate the acoustical power of each detected source, and then the total power of an individual flash.

In both campaigns, very heterogeneous geometrical distributions of source sound powers within a single flash are frequently observed. Most of the power is frequently located in only one portion of the lightning, most of the time in the return stroke, but also sometimes in the intracloud part. A few homogeneous cases are observed, especially in SOP1. The total acoustical power of the flashes turns out to be also extremely variable, extending over at least 4 orders of magnitude with a median value of 3 MW. It correlates quite good with the peak current or the CMC, and the nature of the correlation differs strongly with the category of lightning considered, either typical return strokes or very energetic positive flashes generating sprites. However, a high dispersion of the data is observed, so that it is not possible to correctly predict any electrical parameter using only the total acoustic power of an event, although a trend is statistically observed. This could be overcome by finding other variables to fully explain the relationship between acoustical and electrical parameters, and improving our propagation model to better account for acoustic variability.

How to cite: Bestard, D., Farges, T., and Coulouvrat, F.: Localization and quantification of the acoustical power of lightning flashes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6342,, 2023.

Over the last few decades, lightning has been one of the fatal extreme weather phenomena in the Indian subcontinent. Aerosols which act as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) and ice nuclei (IN) can modify the cloud properties and alter the thermodynamic processes within the deep convective clouds in a way that eventually affects the lightning flash rates associated with thunderstorms. Long-term satellite observations suggest that a maximum number of lightning strikes (40-45 flashes/km2) occur during the pre-monsoon (March-May) and monsoon (June-September) seasons over the Indian subcontinent. We analyzed the lightning data available from satellite observations over two distinctly different climatological regions namely, northeast India and western India. In this study, we evaluate the performance of a numerical weather research and forecasting model (WRF) in reproducing the lighting characteristics over these two regions and further try to understand the sensitivity of simulated lightning flash rates to aerosol characteristics and aerosol-cloud interactions considered in the model.

Two severe lightning episodes which occurred on 5-6 May 2013 and 16 April 2019 over northeast India and western India respectively are chosen as case studies for our model sensitivity experiments. We used Morrison, NSSL & SBM microphysics schemes to understand the capability of bulk and bin schemes in simulating these events. Our results show that SBM (bin) scheme affects lightning flash events more accurately than the other two bulk schemes. Increasing aerosol concentrations, increases the cloud droplet number concentrations, thus influences the collision-coalescence processes thereby increase lightning activity over both regions. To further understand the influence of aerosol size, we used a spectral bin microphysics method with a dry radius range of (0.7nm-12µm), which modified the cloud microphysical features. Changing the number concentration and default size of aerosols also influenced the meteorology and hence the deep convection and thunderstorms occurring over the two selected case study regions. More results with greater details will be presented.

How to cite: Ghoshal Chowdhury, S., Ganguly, D., and Dey, S.: A modeling study on the role of aerosols in modulating the lightning flash rates over two different climatological regions of India, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6397,, 2023.

The generation and variation of the atmospheric electric field (hereafter E-field), which exists under all meteorological conditions and drives the charge flow around the Earth globally, and many natural phenomena such as lightning, thunderstorms, and even earthquakes have been observed accompanied by surface E-field disturbances; therefore, E-field observations are also used in disaster warnings. Since 2021, a ground E-field network consisting of three stations using in-house electric field mills has been deployed in the Tainan area, covering two known seismic faults, to monitor the characteristics of the e-field variation caused by diurnal cycle, thunderstorms, and earthquake precursor.

The results indicated that the small-area E-field variation did not follow the Carnegie curve because local effects (aerosols, weather conditions, and environment) masked the variations of the global electrical circuit. In addition, the analysis of the disturbed E-field showed that more than 90% of the single-cell thunderstorms observed in the surface E-field could be classified as mature and dissipating stages. Each disturbance lasted approximately 34 minutes and was accompanied by an average of 1.4 times E-field phase reversals. Among them, the negative reversal of the surface electric field caused by the negative charge layer was relatively strong and frequent. Eventually, triangulation was used to reconstruct the charge structure of four distinctive single-cell thunderstorm events and restore the surface E-field responses during the passage of clouds. The correlation coefficients between the simulation and the observation were higher than 85%, and the trajectory and speed of the thunderclouds is also successfully reproduced by the recorded e-field data. Furthermore, some preliminary conclusions about earthquake precursors were drawn by analyzing the surface E-field.

How to cite: Chen, A. B.-C. and Chuang, C.-W.: The charge structure of thunderstorms revealed by the ground electric field monitoring network deployed in Tainan, Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6527,, 2023.

EGU23-6741 | ECS | Orals | NH1.5

Long-range Lightning Interferometry (A Simulation Study) 

Xue Bai and Martin Fullekrug

Traditional long-range lightning detection and location networks use Time-of-Arrival (TOA) differences, and a single timestamp to locate lightning events. For long propagation distances, the amplitude of ground waves decays faster with distance than sky waves as a result of the ground conductivity and the effects of Earth curvature (Caligaris et al., 2008, Cooray, 2009, Hou et al., 2018). This can lead the skywaves to interfere with their large amplitudes when locating lightning.

Coherency, which is short for phase coherency of the analytic signal, is used here, which exhibits lightning characteristics (Bai & Fullekrug, 2022). This work introduces a simulation study to lay the foundation for new lightning location concepts. A novel interferometric method using coherency is presented here, which expands the use of more data points of recorded lightning sferics to map the lightning into an area in a long-range network. In this map, each pixel corresponds to a lightning location with different coherency and time of arrival differences, simulated by shifting the complex lightning waveforms. In long-range networks, the coherency of the 1st skywave is larger than the ground wave, and it is difficult to distinguish them due to the short time delay between them. One solution is to use a small network so that the recorded waveforms are associated with short propagation distances which can eliminate the interferences caused by the first skywave. Another solution is to filter the data such that a lightning waveform is represented by an impulse. In this case, only one maximum coherency area exists for each event at the lightning occurrence time.

In the future, the data collected with a real-time lightning detection network will be analysed to map the lightning events using the complex interferometric method for use in long-range lightning location networks.



Bai, X., & Füllekrug, M. (2022). Coherency of Lightning Sferics. Radio Sci., 57(5), e2021RS007347. doi: 10.1029/2021rs007347

Caligaris, C., Delfino, F., & Procopio, R. (2008). Cooray–Rubinstein Formula for the Evaluation of Lightning Radial Electric Fields: Derivation and Implementation in the Time Domain. IEEE Trans. Electromagn. Compat., 50(1), 194-197. doi: 10.1109/temc .2007.913226

Cooray, V. (2009). Propagation Effects Due to Finitely Conducting Ground on Lightning-Generated Magnetic Fields Evaluated Using Sommerfeld’s Integrals. IEEE Trans. Elec-tromagn. Compat., 51(3), 526-531. doi: 10.1109/temc.2009.2019759

Hou, W., Zhang, Q., Zhang, J., Wang, L., & Shen, Y. (2018). A New Approximate Method for Lightning-Radiated ELF/VLF Ground Wave Propagation over Intermediate Ranges. Int. J. Antennas Propag., 2018(6), 1-10. doi: 10.1155/2018/9353294

How to cite: Bai, X. and Fullekrug, M.: Long-range Lightning Interferometry (A Simulation Study), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6741,, 2023.

EGU23-7176 | Orals | NH1.5

Study of multiple ELVES at the Pierre Auger Observatory 

Adriana Vásquez Ramírez, Roberto Mussa, and Luis A. Núñez and the Pierre Auger Collaboration

ELVES are transient ring-shaped emissions occurring in the ionosphere above thunderstorms. Multi-ELVES are events consisting of two and up to four rings of light separated temporally by tens of microseconds. The Fluorescence Detector (FD) at the Pierre Auger Observatory has been detecting ELVES with a dedicated trigger since 2013. The high temporal resolution of 100 ns of the FD allows us to record the phototraces of the events in great detail. From the improved processing of the phototraces, we have observed ELVES with double and triple peaks. In fact, during the period 2014-20, about 27% of the events detected at Auger are multi-ELVES. The origin of multi-ELVES is still not fully understood, therefore in this work, we tested two models: the first one relates the temporal difference between two peaks (ΔT) to the rise (tr) and fall (tf) times of the current density pulse of the source beam; the second one relates the height of the intra-cloud lightning source (hb) to ΔT and is used to study events with three or more peaks. From the first model, we can obtain combinations of tr and tf where ΔT tends to zero, i.e. the origin of the simple ELVES can also be explained. For this analysis, we compare the ELVES parameters measured in Auger with the lightning properties detected by Earth Networks, i.e. the location, waveform, and height of these sources. 

How to cite: Vásquez Ramírez, A., Mussa, R., and Núñez, L. A. and the Pierre Auger Collaboration: Study of multiple ELVES at the Pierre Auger Observatory, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7176,, 2023.

EGU23-7235 | ECS | Posters virtual | NH1.5

Towards a GPU based particle model for streamer discharges 

Elloïse Fangel-Lloyd, Saša Dujko, Sven Karlsson, Matthias Gammelmark, Anton Rydahl, Kenishi Nishikawa, and Christoph Köhn

Terrestrial gamma-ray flashes (TGFs), bursts of X- and gamma-rays, are emitted from thunderstorms and are produced through relativistic electrons through the Bremsstrahlung process. Despite recent progress through measurements and simulations, the specific mechanism of electron acceleration remains unknown. As the processes inside thunderclouds occur on a multiscale level, we need to develop models that cover a wide range of temporal and spatial scales. As a first step, we here present a GPU based Monte Carlo particle-in-cell code to simulate electron avalanches and streamers, benchmarked against existing particle models. We will present this benchmarking as well as details on the GPU-code implementation as well as first results of electron avalanches and streamers and compare runtimes with previous models. This code will form the basis for a fully hybrid code running on the newest generation of pre-exascale computers. In the future, such a code will allow us to gain insight on the mechanisms responsible for TGFs.

How to cite: Fangel-Lloyd, E., Dujko, S., Karlsson, S., Gammelmark, M., Rydahl, A., Nishikawa, K., and Köhn, C.: Towards a GPU based particle model for streamer discharges, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7235,, 2023.

EGU23-9041 | ECS | Orals | NH1.5

Optical properties of the shallow and exposed lightning discharges observed by ASIM 

Dongshuai Li, Torsten Neubert, Olivier Chanrion, Lasse Skaaning Husbjerg, Alejandro Luque, Yanan Zhu, Nikolai Østgaard, and Víctor Reglero

The Atmosphere-Space Interactions Monitor (ASIM) on the International Space Station (ISS) observes lightning and Transient Luminous Events (TLEs) above the thunderstorm clouds. ASIM includes three photometers that sample at 100 kHz and two cameras that image at 12 frames per second. The photometers measure part of the far ultraviolet (FUV) and middle ultraviolet (MUV) band at 180 – 300 nm, a line of the second positive system of N2 at 337nm (blue) and an atomic oxygen line at 777.4 nm (red). The cameras measure in the blue and red bands of the photometers with a spatial resolution on the ground around 400 m × 400 m. When ASIM is in a nadir-viewing configuration, photometer signals in the blue and red are sometimes associated with coincident UV signals, indicating that the UV photons originated from lightning discharges at cloud altitudes and not from the TLEs at higher altitudes. Here, we analyse the optical properties of these events by combining data from ASIM, the global lightning network GLD360, Lightning Mapping Arrays (LMAs) and NEXRAD radars. Of the 12 cases identified with such data coverage, 5 are Cloud-to-Ground (CG) and 7 are Intra-Cloud (IC) lightnings. The lightning leaders are located nearby the cloud top boundaries or partly exposed outside the cloud. Both the CG and IC lightnings are associated with the exposed lightning leaders. The 5 CG lightnings are identified as the “bolts from the blue”, and the 7 IC lightnings are “cloud-to-air” lightning. The altitudes of the sources vary from 5 km to 7 km for the CG lightnings and from 7 km to 15 km for the IC lightnings. The optical properties for the events, such as their irradiance, rise time and duration in the different optical bands are summarized and discussed. The results provide information that allows to estimate the global occurrence of “bolts from the blue” and “cloud-to-air” lightning.

How to cite: Li, D., Neubert, T., Chanrion, O., Husbjerg, L. S., Luque, A., Zhu, Y., Østgaard, N., and Reglero, V.: Optical properties of the shallow and exposed lightning discharges observed by ASIM, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9041,, 2023.

EGU23-9381 | Posters on site | NH1.5

The scientific payload of the ALOFT mission to chase Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes and gamma-ray glows 

Martino Marisaldi, Nikolai Østgaard, Kjetil Ullaland, Shiming Yang, B. Hasan Qureshi, Jens Søndergaard, Andrey Mezentsev, David Sarria, Nikolai Lehtinen, Timothy J. Lang, Hugh Christian, Mason Quick, Richard Blakeslee, J. Eric Grove, and Daniel Shy

ALOFT (Airborne Lightning Observatory for FEGS and TGFs) is a flight campaign designed to observe Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes (TGF) and gamma-ray glows close to their production source. The campaign consists of 50 flight hours of a NASA ER-2 research aircraft taking off from Florida and is scheduled for July 2023. The ER-2 cruise altitude of 20 km allows flying over active thunderstorms in the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean region, one of the most TGF-active region on the planet. The main challenge for TGF detection at close distance is the large variability in the expected gamma-ray flux, spanning four orders of magnitude depending on the radial distance from the source. To cope with this challenge, the ALOFT gamma-ray payload consists of several detectors of different size, made of different materials and readout sensors, designed to cover 4 orders of magnitude dynamic range on the typical TGF/gamma-ray glow energy range (~100 keV - ~40 MeV). In addition, the payload includes the Fly’s Eye GLM Simulator (FEGS), an array of imaging photometers sensitive at different wavelengths, and electric field change meters, and the Lightning Instrument Package (LIP), giving three component electric field measurements. The synergy between airborne gamma-ray, optical and electric field measurements, combined with ground-based radio observations, will provide a unique set of observations to constrain the source properties and their physics. This presentation will focus on the ALOFT scientific payload and the system architecture.

How to cite: Marisaldi, M., Østgaard, N., Ullaland, K., Yang, S., Qureshi, B. H., Søndergaard, J., Mezentsev, A., Sarria, D., Lehtinen, N., Lang, T. J., Christian, H., Quick, M., Blakeslee, R., Grove, J. E., and Shy, D.: The scientific payload of the ALOFT mission to chase Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes and gamma-ray glows, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9381,, 2023.

EGU23-9415 | ECS | Orals | NH1.5

Detections of high peak current lightning and observations of Elves 

Ingrid Bjørge-Engeland, Nikolai Østgaard, Martino Marisaldi, Alejandro Luque, Andrey Mezentsev, Nikolai Lehtinen, Olivier Chanrion, Torsten Neubert, and Victor Reglero

Elves are produced when electromagnetic pulses from lightning interact with the lower parts of the ionosphere and are observed from space as expanding rings of light in the UV and visible optical bands. Elves are known to be associated with high peak current lightning. Using data from the Modular Multi-spectral Imaging Array (MMIA) instrument of the Atmosphere-Space Interactions Monitor (ASIM) payload, we search for observations of Elves when high peak currents (>70 kA) are detected by the global ground-based lightning detection network GLD360. We identify two types of events; high peak current detections associated with Elves, and high peak current detections not associated with Elves. To understand why some high peak current discharges do not generate observable Elves, we explore the number of lightning discharges and their peak currents leading up to the events. Preliminary results indicate that for current pulses with peak currents below 100 kA we observe a significant number of Elves, but this quantity depends on the lightning activity within 5 minutes before. Current pulses with peak currents above 120 kA nearly always produce Elves, regardless of the preceding lightning activity.


How to cite: Bjørge-Engeland, I., Østgaard, N., Marisaldi, M., Luque, A., Mezentsev, A., Lehtinen, N., Chanrion, O., Neubert, T., and Reglero, V.: Detections of high peak current lightning and observations of Elves, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9415,, 2023.

EGU23-9459 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.5

Characterization of Thunderstorm Cells Producing Observable Terrestrial Gamma Ray Flashes 

Lasse Husbjerg, Torsten Neubert, Olivier Chanrion, Martino Marisaldi, Martin Stendel, Eigil Kaas, Nikolai Østgaard, and Victor Reglero

We present the largest catalogue compiled to date of TGFs and associated lightning activity, geostationary satellite cloud images and ERA5 reanalysis data. The TGFs are observed from AGILE, ASIM, FERMI and RHESSI, and the lightning activity by the WWLLN and GLD360 networks. The 1582 TGF events identified are analysed and contextualized relative to lightning flashes. In our analysis, we consider the proportion of TGFs and lightning coming from overshooting tops, and the dependencies on Cloud Top Temperature (CTT) and the Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE). We find that TGFs come from primarily higher cloud tops than lightning flashes, consistent with previous studies. We also find that CAPE is similar for TGF and lightning-producing cells, and that the proportion of TGF and lightning-producing cells in the overshooting phase are similar. We analyse the regional and seasonal differences between TGFs and lightning and see that regional meteorological effects dominate.

How to cite: Husbjerg, L., Neubert, T., Chanrion, O., Marisaldi, M., Stendel, M., Kaas, E., Østgaard, N., and Reglero, V.: Characterization of Thunderstorm Cells Producing Observable Terrestrial Gamma Ray Flashes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9459,, 2023.

EGU23-9989 | Orals | NH1.5

The nonlinear interactions of whistlers in the ionospheric plasma during strong thunderstorms 

Jan Blecki, Roman Wronowski, and Paweł Jujeczko

  It is not new knowledge that whistler are always present in the ionosphere during the thunderstorms. The terrestrial ionosphere is mainly a plasma region which is very sensitive for different disturbances. A wide range of plasma instabilities can develop  in this region, which are often nonlinear processes and leading to the development of plasma turbulence.  Turbulence is one of the most universal events phenomena in nature. It plays a crucial role in the dynamics of the space plasma processes. The turbulence appears when some physical parameter exceeds a certain level. It can have place during strong thunderstorms. The ionosphere is sometimes treated as plasma physics laboratory with unique possibility to study fundamental plasma processes. The use of ionospheric satellite  gives the chance to perform insitu measurement of plasma parameters during dynamic processes. For our analysis we used set of selected data  of the electric and magnetic fields variations in ELF and VLF ranges originating from the all French microsatellite DEMETER which was operating on the circular orbit with inclination of about 800 at altitude of 660 km from July 2004 until December 2010.

The  Fourier, wavelet and bispectral analysis of these signals has been performed. The 3 waves processes has been identified during few very strong strokes. In some cases the nonlinear interactions of whistlers with VLF signals of ground based transmitters. The character of spectra suggests the presence of Richardson’s cascade. Our conclusion is that these results are related to whistler turbulence.

How to cite: Blecki, J., Wronowski, R., and Jujeczko, P.: The nonlinear interactions of whistlers in the ionospheric plasma during strong thunderstorms, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9989,, 2023.

The use of very low frequency (VLF) radio waves for monitoring the lower part of ionosphere (D region) has contributed immensely to explore this unique domain as satellites and other ground-based instrumentations have not been able to physically assess and characterized it. Several deployed ground- and space-based observational techniques not only enhance a robust capability to monitor, model and predict processes in the atmosphere-ionosphere-magnetosphere coupled regions, but also act as key feature to perform scientific studies in geo-sciences related areas. Here, we present preliminary results from multi-dimensional analyses of LF broadband measurement conducted from Ariel University (AU), Israel, as a complementary useful data source to other available ground- and space- based observational tools, already deployed. The AU LF (0.50 – 470 kHz) observational site, receives electromagnetic waves from different worldwide VLF transmitters as well as other natural sources such as lightning discharges. The station data is mainly used for diagnostic probing of ionospheric irregularities, caused by space weather events such as gamma-ray burst and EUV radiation, along with additional atmospheric electricity measurements. Additionally, different Machine Learning (ML) are used to study spheric waveforms in order to infer their exact location along with different physical characteristics.

How to cite: Ajakaiye, M. P., Reuveni, Y., and Romano, B.: Multi-dimensional Analyses of the First Measurement from the Low Frequency (LF) Radio Waves Receiving Station at Ariel University, Israel, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10903,, 2023.

EGU23-11467 | Posters virtual | NH1.5

Discerning TGF and Leader Current Pulse in ASIM Observation 

Andrey Mezentsev, Nikolai Østgaard, Martino Marisaldi, Torsten Neubert, Olivier Chanrion, and Victor Reglero

TGFs being the bursts of high energy photons shot from Earth’s atmosphere to space, are known to be produced during the initial upward propagation of the +IC lightning leader. VLF and LF radio sferics can often be found in association with the short duration TGFs. The Atmosphere-Space Interactions Monitor (ASIM) instrument provides synchronous X- and gamma-ray measurements with optical recordings in 180-240 nm, 337 nm and 777.4 nm wavelength. This allows for simultaneous detection for TGFs and the lightning processes associated with them.

ASIM TGF observations have shown that TGFs within the FOV of the optical instruments are always accompanied by the prominent optical pulse which starts the lightning flash. TGFs have a clear tendency to slightly precede the optical pulse, but the short duration of TGFs together with the optical delay of the lightning light propagating through the cloud do not allow to confidently resolve the true sequence of these events.

The same problem is present in radio measurements: radio signature from TGF current is usually mixed with lightning current in the recordings due to temporal proximity of the processes involved.

Here we report a remarkable, high fluence and long duration TGF, together with its associated optical recordings. This observation shows clear distinction between the TGF and the associated optical pulse: the optical pulse is subsequent to the TGF, as it starts after the TGF is terminated. This allows to conclude that strong current surges inside the leader channel are not responsible for the TGF generation, and, in turn, the current surge producing the optical pulse can be conditioned by the generated TGF, or even be responsible for TGF termination.

How to cite: Mezentsev, A., Østgaard, N., Marisaldi, M., Neubert, T., Chanrion, O., and Reglero, V.: Discerning TGF and Leader Current Pulse in ASIM Observation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11467,, 2023.

EGU23-11504 | Orals | NH1.5

Searching for the VHF signature of the tip of an intra-cloud positive leader 

Olaf Scholten, Brian Hare, Joe Dwyer, Ningyu Liu, and Christopher Sterpka

We have used the LOw-Frequency ARray (LOFAR) to search for the growing tip of an intra-cloud (IC) positive leader. LOFAR is an extended astronomical radio telescope consisting of many (thousands antennas arranged is stations operating at very-high frequencies (VHF). For these lightning observations we have used about 170 dual polarized antennas in the Netherlands with baselines up to 100 km.  

Even with our most sensitive beamforming method, where we coherently add the signals of all 170 antenna pairs, we were not able to detect any emission from the tip of an IC positive leader. Instead, we put constraints on the emissivity of VHF radiation from the tip at 1 aJ/MHz at 60 MHz, well below the intensity of the galactic background.

We conclude that these IC positive leaders propagate in a continuous process which is in sharp contrast to what is seen to the step-wise propagation seen in some cloud-to-ground positive leaders and for negative leaders.

How to cite: Scholten, O., Hare, B., Dwyer, J., Liu, N., and Sterpka, C.: Searching for the VHF signature of the tip of an intra-cloud positive leader, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11504,, 2023.

EGU23-12033 | ECS | Orals | NH1.5

CASPER: A Space Mission Concept to Investigate Transient Luminous Events and Terrestrial Gamma Ray Flashes 

Manuel Maurer, Louí Byrne, Ulrik Falk-Petersen, Ali Hamdoun, Gwendal Hénaff, Kilian Huber, Andreea Ilas, Nadja Reisinger, Jonas Sinjan, Crisel Suarez, András Szilágy-Sándor, Vertti Tarvus, Marialinda Tsindis, and Mikhail Vaganov

As part of the Alpbach Summer School, a collaboration between FFG, ESA and ISSI, a team of students developed the F-class CASPER mission concept to investigate Transient Luminous Events (TLEs) and Terrestrial Gamma Ray Flashes (TGFs). These lightning-related plasma phenomena, first detected on Earth in 1989, typically occur in the mesosphere at an altitude between 50-100 km. The UVS instrument onboard the JUNO mission detected several similar events on Jupiter, and they are expected to also occur on other planets.

The CASPER mission consists of two identical spacecraft, each of which will be equipped with three cameras in different wavelengths and four high speed sensors, the latter will function as triggers to start the data acquisition of higher resolution images. A system chosen to combat the transient characteristic of the events (lifetime < 300 ms). While three sensors will be taking measurements of photons, one will quantify the electron flux in order to constrain the role of TLEs and TGFs in the global electric circuit.

The second great area of interest is the vertical structure of TLEs as well as their global distribution and occurrence rates. To achieve this, data will be captured using a two-satellite train in a sun-synchronous low earth orbit. The orbit is inclined at 98° and the satellites are phased at an angle of 5.2° to observe these events from two points of view simultaneously. The operational mission lifetime is five years, with a possible extension.

How to cite: Maurer, M., Byrne, L., Falk-Petersen, U., Hamdoun, A., Hénaff, G., Huber, K., Ilas, A., Reisinger, N., Sinjan, J., Suarez, C., Szilágy-Sándor, A., Tarvus, V., Tsindis, M., and Vaganov, M.: CASPER: A Space Mission Concept to Investigate Transient Luminous Events and Terrestrial Gamma Ray Flashes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12033,, 2023.

EGU23-12591 | Orals | NH1.5

The propagation and 3D VHF polarization properties of recoil leaders 

Brian Hare, Olaf Scholten, Stijn Buitink, Joseph Dwyer, Ningyu Liu, Chris Sterpka, and Sander ter Veen

Lightning dart and recoil leaders are difficult to understand, as they have a different (often smoother) propagation mode than stepped leaders, and re-ionize a previously ionized channel. In order to understand them better, we have imaged recoil leaders with the LOFAR radio telescope (30-80 MHz), and will present 3D polarization, speed, and intensity data from multiple recoil leaders. We will show that many recoil leaders with high VHF intensity have VHF polarization that is very parallel to the recoil leader channel, with an opening angle as small as 15 degrees. Recoil leaders with lower VHF intensity have larger polarization opening angles, but it is not clear if this is physical or instrumental. In addition, VHF emission from recoil leaders comes from a sub-meter thin channel. Finally, we will show that the propagation speed and VHF intensity are strongly correlated; almost following a power-law or exponential relationship. These results probe the streamer behavior of recoil leaders, and thus provide significant clues to how recoil and dart leaders propagate. The fact that recoil leaders are very VHF thin is consistent with small polarization opening angles, and demonstrates that recoil leaders have significant streamer activity in their core and their corona sheath is VHF silent. The power-law/exponential relationship between speed and VHF intensity, however, is very difficult to explain.

How to cite: Hare, B., Scholten, O., Buitink, S., Dwyer, J., Liu, N., Sterpka, C., and ter Veen, S.: The propagation and 3D VHF polarization properties of recoil leaders, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12591,, 2023.

EGU23-13117 | Posters on site | NH1.5

Modelling of cloud electrification 

Jana Popová and Zbynek Sokol

We developed a cloud electrification model (CEM) which describes the evolution of the electric field in clouds, including electric discharges. Our CEM simulates evolution of charge of individual hydrometeors (cloud droplets, rain droplets, ice, snow, graupel) and models the distribution of positive and negative ions. Using this model, we compared the evolution of electric charge and electric field for selected winter and summer thunderstorms that occurred close to the Milešovka meteorological observatory. We analysed the dataset of thunderstorms using measurements of Ka-band cloud profiler and X-band weather radar, both located at the Milešovka observatory, and standard meteorological measurements. The analyses include a comparison of the structure of the modelled thunderstorms with the structure derived from radar and satellite observations. 

How to cite: Popová, J. and Sokol, Z.: Modelling of cloud electrification, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13117,, 2023.

EGU23-13197 | ECS | Orals | NH1.5

The Role of Global Thunderstorm Activity in Modulating Global Cirrus Clouds 

Joydeb Saha, Colin Price, and Anirban Guha

Cirrus clouds provide a significant radiative forcing on the Earth's climate system. The net cloud radiative forcing for cirrus clouds results a warming of the climate.  More/less cirrus clouds result in more/less warming of the planet. The moisture for the formation of cirrus clouds in the upper atmosphere is transported there in large part via deep convective storms, many associated with lightning activity and hence defined as thunderstorms.  An increasing in cirrus clouds in a warmer atmosphere will amplify the initial warming. This paper looks at the connection in space and time between monthly mean lightning activity observed from the Lightning Imaging Sensor on board the International Space Station (LIS-ISS), and the global monthly mean cirrus cloud cover obtained from the MERRA-2 reanalysis product. The correlation coefficient between the global monthly mean cloud optical thickness (COT) of the cirrus clouds (clouds at altitudes above the 400hPa pressure levels) with the monthly mean lightning flash counts is 0.84, implying that monthly mean  lightning can explain 70% of monthly variability of the global high cloud optical thickness. In addition, lightning amount explains nearly 60% of the monthly mean global area coverage of cirrus clouds.  Given these statistically significant connections between lightning and cirrus clouds, we propose using global lightning data as an additional tool for monitoring monthly variability of cirrus clouds.


How to cite: Saha, J., Price, C., and Guha, A.: The Role of Global Thunderstorm Activity in Modulating Global Cirrus Clouds, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13197,, 2023.

EGU23-13985 | Posters virtual | NH1.5

Development and testing of a modernised Programmable Ion Mobility Spectrometer 

Karen Aplin, Alan Meaney, József Bór, and Attila Buzás

The atmosphere is made slightly electrically conductive by cosmic rays and natural radioactivity, which generate ions. Air conductivity is a key component of the global electric circuit and influences droplet and cloud charging [1]. Further, atmospheric ions may affect the radiative balance through particle formation and infra-red absorption [2], [3]. Both considerations motivate the need for accurate atmospheric ion measurements. The Programmable Ion Mobility Spectrometer (PIMS) is a computer-controlled instrument based on the Gerdien measurement principle in which a cylindrical capacitor, across which a voltage is applied, is aspirated to sample air ions [4]. Computer control of a switchable multimode electrometer [5] offers the capability to measure ions in two modes, offering self-calibration, which removes the difficulties with providing a well-characterised environment for calibration [6]. The PIMS can independently monitor internal leakage currents which can be a significant source of thermally dependent error, especially in outdoor use. First developed in the early 2000s, the PIMS has recently been modernised with a new electrometer and advanced microcontroller, leading to significantly miniaturised electronics and opportunities for more sophisticated interfacing. The modernised PIMS was tested at Nagycenk Geophysical Observatory (47.632°N,16.718°E), Hungary in summer 2022, alongside a full range of meteorological and atmospheric electrical measurements for comparison.



[1]      R. G. Harrison and K. A. Nicoll, “The electricity of extensive layer clouds,” Weather, vol. 77, no. 11, pp. 379–383, Nov. 2022, doi: 10.1002/wea.4307.

[2]      K. L. Aplin, “Composition and measurement of charged atmospheric clusters,” Space Sci Rev, vol. 137, no. 1–4, 2008, doi: 10.1007/s11214-008-9397-1.

[3]      K. L. Aplin and M. Lockwood, “Cosmic ray modulation of infra-red radiation in the atmosphere,” Environmental Research Letters, vol. 8, no. 1, 2013, doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/8/1/015026.

[4]      K. L. Aplin and R. G. Harrison, “A computer-controlled Gerdien atmospheric ion counter,” Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 71, no. 8, 2000, doi: 10.1063/1.1305511.

[5]      R. G. Harrison and K. L. Aplin, “Multimode electrometer for atmospheric ion measurements,” Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 71, no. 12, 2000, doi: 10.1063/1.1327303.

[6]      K. L. Aplin and R. G. Harrison, “A self-calibrating programable mobility spectrometer for atmospheric ion measurements,” Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 72, no. 8, 2001, doi: 10.1063/1.1382634.

How to cite: Aplin, K., Meaney, A., Bór, J., and Buzás, A.: Development and testing of a modernised Programmable Ion Mobility Spectrometer, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13985,, 2023.

Being one of the natural hazards and an indicator of severe weather, studying and evaluating lightning activity has a well recognized role in scientific research. The detection of lightning activity with a good efficiency is crucial not only to the protection of human lives and minimizing economic losses, but to get a better understanding of Earth’s climate system as well.

There are several solutions for lightning detection implemented both on ground (e.g., Earth Networks, EUCLID, LINET, WWLLN, etc.) and in space (e.g., GLM, LIS, OTD) providing a big amount of reliable data. The BlitzOrtung (BO) is a dynamically developing and community-based lightning detection network (Wanke et al., 2014). By 2018, the BO had circa 2000 stations around the globe (Narita et al., 2018) and their data are used widely in Europe. However, there is a need to evaluate the detection efficiency and compare the parameters of the detected lightning strokes with the ones derived from other networks (Narita et al., 2018).

In this study, we aim at evaluating the performance of the BO network on a statistical basis. First, the detected lightning strokes are paired with those reported by the LINET and WWLLN systems using the time point and location information. Then the geographical distribution as well as the temporal stability of the number of detected events and the percentage of paired events are examined. The first results of a pilot analysis over Hungary (45.5°-49° N, 16°-23° E) in Central Europe will be presented. This project serves to establish a comparison-based method for the evaluation of the lightning climatology of a region.


Narita, T. et al. (2018): A study of lightning location system (Blitz) based on VLF sferics, 34th International Conference on Lightning Protection, 978-1-5386-6635-7/18/$31.00,

Wanke, E., Andersen, R., and Volgnandt, T. (2014): A World-Wide Low Cost Community-Based Time-Of-Arrival Lightning Detection and Lightning Location Network,

How to cite: Buzás, A., Bozóki, T., and Bór, J.: Community-based lightning detection in Europe: studying the detection efficiency of the BlitzOrtung network - a case study concerning lightning climatology over Hungary, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14243,, 2023.

EGU23-14440 | Orals | NH1.5

Removing local variability from Potential Gradient data – the Carnegie filter 

R.Giles Harrison, Keri Nicoll, Manoj Joshi, and Ed Hawkins

Measurements of atmospheric electricity have been made at many sites over a long time, with the vertical Potential Gradient (PG) the most commonly observed quantity. In general, the PG responds to local influences from weather, aerosol effects on charge exchange, and variability in the global atmospheric electric circuit. Different methods have been used to classify PG data, for example through identifying days when conditions were considered relatively undisturbed, or by using meteorological information to identify days on which weather-related variability was negligible. Nevertheless, local effects can persist, especially in data obtained at continental sites. Hence, if long term changes in the global atmospheric electric circuit are to be investigated, the local effects need first to be reduced or, ideally, removed.

Recent work has demonstrated a close relationship between the PG at some sites and ocean temperatures modulated by the El Niño Southern Oscillation, through the associated changes in the global atmospheric electric circuit ([1],[2], [3]). The expectation of such a relationship can be used to test methods of removing and reducing local effects in PG data. A method based on the Carnegie curve – the hourly variation known to be present in the global circuit – is discussed here. Through comparison of hourly PG data from a site with the Carnegie curve, outlier values lying beyond the usual range of global circuit changes can be identified and removed. The remaining data can then be used to construct new daily or monthly averages with reduced local variability, evaluated by comparison with global circuit changes associated with the El Niño Southern Oscillation.



[1] R.G. Harrison, K.A. Nicoll, M. Joshi, E. Hawkins: Empirical evidence for multidecadal scale Global Atmospheric Electric Circuit modulation by the El Niño-Southern Oscillation Environ Res Lett 17, 124048 (2022)

[2] N.N. Slyunyaev, N.V.I lin, , E.A. Mareev,.G. Price: A new link between El Nino - Southern Oscillation and atmospheric electricity, Environ. Res. Lett., 16, (2021) 

[3] R.G. Harrison, M. Joshi, K. Pascoe: Inferring convective responses to El Niño with atmospheric electricity measurements at Shetland Environ Res Lett 6 (2011) 044028 

How to cite: Harrison, R. G., Nicoll, K., Joshi, M., and Hawkins, E.: Removing local variability from Potential Gradient data – the Carnegie filter, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14440,, 2023.

EGU23-14579 | Orals | NH1.5

Increase in Lightning and Upper Tropospheric Water Vapour Over the Arctic Circle 

Anirban Guha, Joydeb Saha, and Colin Price

Sea ice in the Arctic grows during each hemisphere’s winter and it retreats in the summer. The highly reflective white surface of sea ice reflects solar energy, cooling the planet. When it melts, the darker ocean absorbs more heat, reinforcing the cycle of melting sea ice. Sea ice plays a critical role in regulating Earth’s climate, and it influences global weather patterns and ocean circulations. One essential feedback in the Arctic is the rise in upper tropospheric water vapor (UTWV) or the specific humidity (SH) that acts as an intense greenhouse gas trapping in additional heat released from the Earth's surface.   While temperature change is driven by increasing greenhouse gases, the interannual variability in sea ice can be explained by changes in the UTWV (ASO) at 400mb in the Arctic. Where is this increase in UTWV (400mb) coming from in the Arctic?  Thunderstorm activity appears to be increasing in the Arctic in the last decades, and could be a source of the increasing UTWV, and hence the decrease in Arctic sea ice.

How to cite: Guha, A., Saha, J., and Price, C.: Increase in Lightning and Upper Tropospheric Water Vapour Over the Arctic Circle, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14579,, 2023.

EGU23-14736 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.5

Validation of the ASIM MXGS performance using cosmic Gamma-Ray Bursts 

Andreas Ramsli, Martino Marisaldi, Anastasia Tsvetkova, Cristiano Guidorzi, David Sarria, Andrey Mezentsev, Anders Lindanger, Nikolai Østgaard, Torsten Neubert, Victor Reglero, Dmitry Svinkin, Alexandra Lysenko, and Dmitry Frederiks

The Atmosphere-Space Interactions Monitor (ASIM) is a mission of the European Space Agency launched in April 2018 and hosted onboard the International Space Station (ISS). ASIM is dedicated to study the physics of Transient Luminous Events (TLEs) and Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes (TGFs) and their relation to lightning. TGFs are X- and Gamma-ray flashes associated to lightning discharges, with average duration of few tens of microseconds and energies up to 40 MeV. ASIM detects TGFs by means of the Modular X- and Gamma-ray Sensor (MXGS). So far, the MXGS performance (efficiency, effective area) have been evaluated by Monte Carlo simulations only, while energy calibration is monitored using built-in radioactive sources and background lines. TGFs are local events, very rarely observed by more then one spacecraft simultaneously, therefore it is difficult to use them to validate the MXGS performance. Goal of this study is to use cosmic Gamma-ray Bursts (GRBs) simultaneously detected by ASIM and other spacecraft as calibration sources to validate the spectral performance of MXGS. GRBs are the brightest explosions in the universe, associated to the collapse of massive stars or the merger of compact objects, involving at least one neutron star, at cosmological distances. During the period from June 2018 to December 2021, 12 GRBs were detected by ASIM and by one or more other spacecraft. Here we use data from the Konus-WIND mission and from the Fermi Gamma Burst Monitor (GBM), both considered as benchmarks in the field of GRB analysis. We cross-correlate the light curves of the three instruments, and we perform simultaneous spectral analysis using the forward-folding approach. In some cases, we find good consistency between the detectors, indicating an overall validation of the MXGS performance. In other cases, we identified discrepancies, possibly due to absorption from structures of the ISS, currently under investigation. In this presentation, we show our data sample, the methodology used and the preliminary joint spectral analysis results. This work is relevant because it will provide an independent assessment of the MXGS performance, with clear implications for ASIM TGF results.

How to cite: Ramsli, A., Marisaldi, M., Tsvetkova, A., Guidorzi, C., Sarria, D., Mezentsev, A., Lindanger, A., Østgaard, N., Neubert, T., Reglero, V., Svinkin, D., Lysenko, A., and Frederiks, D.: Validation of the ASIM MXGS performance using cosmic Gamma-Ray Bursts, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14736,, 2023.

EGU23-15378 | Orals | NH1.5

Studying downward TGFs with the largest ground array of gamma-ray detectors 

Roberta Colalillo, Joseph Dwyer, David M. Smith, and John Ortberg and the Pierre Auger Collaboration

The Pierre Auger Observatory, the largest cosmic-ray detector in the world, has been
observing peculiar events which are very likely downward TGFs. Their experimental
signature and their time evolution are very different from those of a shower produced
by an ultra high energy cosmic ray. The TGF-like events happen in coincidence with
lightning and low clouds and their deposited energy at the ground is compatible with
that of a standard downward TGF with the source at few kilometers above the
ground. The surface detector (SD) of the Auger Observatory consists of 1660 water-
Cherenkov detectors (WCDs) spread over 3000 km2 in the Argentinian pampa. The
WCD height of 1.2 m makes them highly sensitive to gamma rays and the large area
covered with SD allows us to sample the TGF beam from different points. The
timing shape of WCD signals can be very important to constrain different TGF source
models. Cold runaway from the high fields near the leader tips or relativistic
feedback produce the same energy spectrum but predict a different rise and fall of the
counts versus time, and they could produce a different angular distribution.
Comparisons between simulations and data will be shown.
Moreover, first results from a preliminary analysis of the available meteorological
data at the time of Auger TGF-like events will be presented. Little is known about the
TGF-producing storms. The characteristics of these thunderstorms are being
investigated by studying meteorological data in coincidence with upward TGFs. A
similar analysis is important to better understand downward TGF production
mechanisms and investigate if are the same as those producing upward TGFs.

How to cite: Colalillo, R., Dwyer, J., Smith, D. M., and Ortberg, J. and the Pierre Auger Collaboration: Studying downward TGFs with the largest ground array of gamma-ray detectors, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15378,, 2023.

EGU23-15873 | Posters on site | NH1.5

THOR-DAVIS: A neuromorphic camera to observe thunderstorms from inboard ISS. 

Olivier Chanrion, Nicolas Pedersen, Andreas Stokholm, Benjamin Hauptmann, and Torsten Neubert

The technical purpose of THOR-DAVIS is to test a new camera concept in space for observations of thunderclouds and their electrical activity at up to a resolution of 10 µs. The scientific purpose is to conduct video camera observations of thunderclouds and their electrical activity. The focus is on altitude-resolved measurements of activity at the top of the clouds and the stratosphere above. The camera type is a so-called neuromorphic camera (or event camera) where pixels are read out asynchronously when the pixel illumination changes. The goal is to understand, under realistic conditions, the use of such a camera for future use in space for observations of processes in severe electrical storms. The camera has a high temporal resolution 100.000 equivalent frame per second and a huge dynamic range of about 120 dB and is particularly well suited for this kind of observations. The camera weights about 200g and consumes about 1.5A in operation and is particularly well suited for space applications.

In this presentation we will give the status of the development of the THOR-DAVIS experiment to be conducted by the Danish astronaut Andreas Mogensen during his upcoming ESA mission Huggin onboard the International Space Station (ISS). We’ll present the design of the payload based on a Davis 346 neuromorphic camera mounted on top of a Nikon D5 camera for handheld operation. The 2 cameras are controlled by an AstroPi unit based on a Raspberry Pi computer board.

Finally, we’ll give preliminary results of laboratory measurements made with the flight model.


How to cite: Chanrion, O., Pedersen, N., Stokholm, A., Hauptmann, B., and Neubert, T.: THOR-DAVIS: A neuromorphic camera to observe thunderstorms from inboard ISS., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15873,, 2023.

EGU23-15876 | Orals | NH1.5

TGFs - "Storm Activity" relationship  

Javier Navarro-González, Paul Connell, Chris Eyles, Víctor Reglero, Jesús Alberto López, Joan Montanyà, Martino Marisaldi, Andrey Mezentzev, Anders Lindanger, David Sarria, Nikolai Østgaard, Olivier Chanrion, Freddy Christiansen, and Torsten Neubert

In the first two years of ASIM operations from June 2018 till the end of 2019 486 TGFs have been observed, with a TGF rate of 0.84 per day. Their geographical distribution is consistent with the three main lightning chimneys Central America, Central Africa, and South East of Asia. Figure 1 displays the ISS footprint positions when the TGFs were detected.

Figure 1: ISS position for the 2018-2019 ASIM TGFs. Red circles marked those within 4 minutes of the previous TGF detected.

If the TGF occurrence follows a stochastic process (each TGF is not related to the next one), the time-difference distribution between a TGF detection and the next one should fit an exponential distribution. For a Δt < 4 minutes the number of TGFs following the exponential distribution is 16. Opposite we got 85 in groups of 2-3 TGFs displayed in Figure 1 in red circles. Analyzing the apparent strong discrepancy in the number of detection in less than 4 minutes (Figure 2) and the number derived from the exponential distribution is one of the motivations of this study.

We build a grid of variable dimension cell size to keep the same ISS observing time for each cell in a Monte Carlo code to simulate the TGF generation that has into account the frequency and the anisotropy distribution of the TGFs over the earth.

To preserve the total number of TGF observed in Δt < 4 minutes we need to add a parameter related to the “Storm Activity” defined as the time in a cell available to generate a TGF. The model fits observations when this parameter is 7%±1%. The good correlation between model/observation is displayed in Figure 2.

Figure 2: The predicted distribution of the TGF pairs (Orange) in 15s bins fits the observations (Blue).

The scope of this work is to check the adopted “Storm Activity” value using WWLLN sferics database as a good indicator of storm activity.








How to cite: Navarro-González, J., Connell, P., Eyles, C., Reglero, V., López, J. A., Montanyà, J., Marisaldi, M., Mezentzev, A., Lindanger, A., Sarria, D., Østgaard, N., Chanrion, O., Christiansen, F., and Neubert, T.: TGFs - "Storm Activity" relationship , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15876,, 2023.

EGU23-16046 | Orals | NH1.5

Investigating ELVE photometric waveforms with elementary electromagnetics 

Alejandro Luque Estepa, Ingrid Bjørge-Engeland, Dongshuai Li, Nikolai Østgaard, and Martino Marisaldi

ELVEs are quickly expanding rings of light emissions excited in the lower ionosphere by the electromagnetic pulse of an electric discharge in a thundercloud. They are commonly observed from space platforms and have been reported in conjunction with other atmospheric-electricity events. One motivation to investigate ELVEs is that their signal may provide insight into the discharge that created them. Until now the modeling of ELVES has either relied on strong simplifications or on the Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) method to directly solve the Maxwell equations. One limitation of the latter is that non-axisymmetrical discharges (with a slanted channel or a non-vertical magnetic field for example) require computationally expensive, fully three-dimensional meshes, which makes parametric studies of the ELVE features slow and cumbersome.  We show here that elementary electromagnetic theory allows one to model ELVEs, even non-axisymmetrical ones, with sufficient accuracy at little computational cost. We then apply our methods to the parametric study of ELVE photometric waveforms as recorded by space-based instruments.

How to cite: Luque Estepa, A., Bjørge-Engeland, I., Li, D., Østgaard, N., and Marisaldi, M.: Investigating ELVE photometric waveforms with elementary electromagnetics, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16046,, 2023.

EGU23-16868 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.5

Project JetNet: Hemispheric-scale gigantic jet detection network 

Levi Boggs, Jeffrey Smith, Douglas Mach, Steve Cummer, John Trostel, Jeffery Burke, and Jessica Losego

In this presentation we will provide an overview and present preliminary results from a multi-institutional collaborative project, which seeks to detect gigantic jets over hemispheric scales using a combination orbital and ground-based sensors and machine learning. Gigantic jets are a type of transient luminous event (TLE, Pasko 2010, doi: 10.1029/2009JA014860) that escape the cloud top of a thunderstorm and propagate up to the lower ionosphere (80-100 km altitude), transferring tens to hundreds of Coulombs of charge. Our detection methodology primarily uses the Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM), which is a staring optical imager in geostationary orbit that detects the 777.4 nm (OI) triplet commonly emitted by lightning (Goodman et al. 2013, doi: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2013.01.006).  Gigantic jets have been shown to have unique signatures in the GLM data from past studies (Boggs et al. 2019, doi: 10.1029/2019GL082278; Boggs et al. 2022, doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abl8731). Thus far, we have built a preliminary, supervised machine learning model that detects potential gigantic jets using GLM, and begun development on a series of vetting techniques to confirm the detections as real gigantic jets. The vetting techniques use a combination of low frequency (LF) and extremely low frequency (ELF) sferic data, in combination with stereo GLM measurements. When our detection methodology grows in maturity, we will deploy it to all past GLM data (2018-present), with the potential to detect thousands of events each year, allowing correlation with other meteorological and atmospheric measurements. We will share the database of gigantic jet detections publicly during and at project conclusion (2025), allowing other researchers to use this data for their own research.

How to cite: Boggs, L., Smith, J., Mach, D., Cummer, S., Trostel, J., Burke, J., and Losego, J.: Project JetNet: Hemispheric-scale gigantic jet detection network, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16868,, 2023.

EGU23-16886 | ECS | Orals | NH1.5

Earth Networks Lightning System Update 

Elizabeth DiGangi, Jeff Lapierre, Yanan Zhu, and Michael Stock

Global lightning location data has long been a critical tool for lightning research and safety. The Earth Networks Total Lightning Network (TLN) incorporates advanced lightning location technology delivering competitive lightning detection efficiency, location accuracy, and classification (intracloud vs cloud-to-ground). It consists of over 1800 wideband sensors deployed in 40+ countries to detect lightning and generate real-time localized storm alerts. TLN is constantly evolving through network expansion, as well as hardware and software development. In this presentation, we will cover some of the recent advances to the TLN hardware and processor. The new TLN sensor has been redesigned to use a dipole sensing element to help reduce the requirements of a strong ground. These new sensors are currently being used operationally and produce comparable waveforms to the previous monopole antenna. New upgrades to the lightning location algorithm have increased the detection efficiency, location accuracy, and classification accuracy of the network. Globally, TLN is locating approximately 50% more pulses than it was before. In moderately remote regions of the world, performance gains can be higher. TLN continues to use data from the World Wide Lightning Location Network (WWLLN), enhanced via raw signals from approximately 200 TLN sensors, to locate lightning in extremely remote regions like the deep oceans. However, how WWLLN data is incorporated into the TLN feed has changed, leading to significantly reduced false alarm rates in some regions. Location accuracy was improved by developing a new propagation model for signals produced by lightning, resulting in a reduction in location error by as much as a factor of 2. As a result of the improved location accuracy, as well as enhancements to the false alarms rates, there is improved clustering of lightning, which directly impacts downstream products such as lightning alerting and Dangerous Thunderstorm Alerts.

How to cite: DiGangi, E., Lapierre, J., Zhu, Y., and Stock, M.: Earth Networks Lightning System Update, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16886,, 2023.

EGU23-17102 | ECS | Orals | NH1.5

ELF-transients detected in the broadband recordings at the Hylaty station in Poland 

Tamas Bozoki, Janusz Młynarczyk, Jozsef Bor, Jerzy Kubisz, Istvan Bozso, Andras Horvath, Lukacs Kuslits, and Mate Timko

Lightning acts as a natural antenna radiating electromagnetic (EM) waves in a wide frequency range. In the extremely low frequency (ELF) band (3 Hz - 3 kHz), lightning-induced EM waves suffer very weak attenuation while they propagate in the waveguide formed by the Earth’s surface and the lowest part of the ionosphere. These EM waves can travel around the Earth several times before losing most of their energy. This allows ELF-transients generated by powerful lightning discharges from around the globe to be detected at any observation site. We developed an algorithm that identifies ELF-transients in the broadband recordings at Hylaty, Poland (sampling frequency: 3004.81 Hz, antenna bandwidth: 0.02 Hz to 1.1 kHz) and finds their most probable source lightning discharge in the lightning database of the Word Wide Lightning Location Network (WWLLN) based on the technique described by Bór et al. (2022).

Between July 2020 and April 2021 about 270,000 ELF-transients were found in the records from Hylaty. The most probable source of 160,000 transients  was identified in the WWLLN database. Using this data set, we show that the propagation speed of broadband ELF-transients differ significantly when the propagation path is on the dayside or on the nightside of the Earth. It is also demonstrated that for lightning discharges close to Hylaty (d<2Mm), the timing and location accuracy of WWLLN has a large impact on the identification of the lightning source and on the inferred propagation speed. A convolutional neural network, trained with ELF-transients of known source location, was used to determine the distance to the lightning source in cases where the source lightning discharge could not be found in the WWLLN database. The average accuracy of the distance provided by the neural network is 700 km. No significant difference can be seen between the distribution of distances obtained by matching the source lightning stroke in the WWLLN database and that obtained using the neural network-based approach.



Bór, J., Szabóné André, K., Bozóki, T., Mlynarczyk, J., Steinbach, P., Novák, A., and Lemperger, I. (2022): Estimating the Attenuation of ELF-Band Radio Waves in the Earth’s Crust by Q-Bursts. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 70, 8.

How to cite: Bozoki, T., Młynarczyk, J., Bor, J., Kubisz, J., Bozso, I., Horvath, A., Kuslits, L., and Timko, M.: ELF-transients detected in the broadband recordings at the Hylaty station in Poland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17102,, 2023.

EGU23-636 | Posters on site | NH1.6

Flood Risk Mitigation in Highly Urbanized Area by Nature Based Solutions: The Case of Istanbul Esenyurt 

Buse Özer, Egemen Fırat, Koray K. Yılmaz, Gülçin Türkkan Karaoğlu, Esra Fitoz, Özlem Yıldız Yüksekol, Tuba Alphan, and Görkem Önder

As in the rest of the world, floods have devastating socio-economic effects in Turkey as well. Especially, highly urbanized areas do not enable the implementation of structural measures, properly. In addition, in recent years, structural measures have been replaced by nature-based and eco-friendly approaches. Therefore, it is essential to investigate the effectiveness of nature-based solutions (NBSs) in such places in order to eliminate the negative effects of floods. This study covers the area of Esenyurt District in Istanbul, which is highly urbanized and frequently affected by floods. The main channel of the Haramidere Creek and its six branches were studied with a total length of approximately 25 km. Firstly, 2, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500 and 1000 year recurrence interval of flow rates were calculated by using a hydrological model and extreme value analysis. Next, flood inundation area and depths were determined using 1D and 2D hydrodynamic models. Social and economic risks were estimated by combining the related studies mentioned above with the road, vehicle, building etc. inventory. Following this, the basin was divided into regions according to its NBS characteristics. The approaches such as rainwater harvesting in areas with insufficient infrastructure and permeable pavement in suitable areas having gentle slopes were modeled both individually and in combinations. In the literature, the effects of NBS have been revealed by examining the flood volume and peak flow values. In some similar studies, there is more decrease in peak flow rates while implementing a combination of NBSs rather than applied alone as a solution. In our study, in addition to the changes in flood volume and peak values, changes in flood inundation boundary, depth, social and economic risk will also be quantitatively revealed for the relevant recurrence interval of flow rates.

How to cite: Özer, B., Fırat, E., Yılmaz, K. K., Türkkan Karaoğlu, G., Fitoz, E., Yıldız Yüksekol, Ö., Alphan, T., and Önder, G.: Flood Risk Mitigation in Highly Urbanized Area by Nature Based Solutions: The Case of Istanbul Esenyurt, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-636,, 2023.

Nature-Based Infrastructure (NBI) should be designed to evolve over time with the ability to adapt to changing conditions while providing ecosystem benefits to form culturally valuable landscapes. There are substantial differences between NBI and traditional infrastructure - whose forms specifically do not change over time and do not migrate or evolve. Given these differences as well as the substantial operational scale of NBI, how do we monitor and determine their management needs?

Professors Basener and Luegering’s research examines the role of plants as vital elements of NBI, whose capacity to indicate climate change impacts as well as respond to varying conditions through existing genetic capacities such as rapid resprouting, rhizomatous or tillering root systems, present an immense opportunity to track, induce and manage these changes.  With plants at the center of the research, our work builds on emerging remote sensing techniques, to develop ‘Fundamental Signatures’ (FS), which are signatures whose development methods anticipate atmospheric material interference, increase and vary resolution, and increase seasonal collection frequency with sensitivity towards species habits and growth patterns. FS engage the chemistry and geometry of plants through the intentional usage of emerging technology in the form of Hyperspectral and LiDAR sensors.

We argue that the 2020 spectral research survey performed by Hennessy, Clarke and Andrew Hennessy in Hyperspectral Classification of Plants: A Review of Waveband Selection Generalizability, points to a need for a greatly expanded capture and classification of signatures associated with seasonal variation as well as environmental disturbance.  As such, we are working to develop controlled studies at our test plots at the University of Virginia’s Morven Sustainability Lab. With these test plots, we can track spectral changes with regular intervals, but further, we will create controlled inundations with salt and fresh water as well as manipulate the pH and soil composition to track a full range of spectral signatures within each species. We have teamed with the United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resource Conservation Service (USDA-NRCS) to assist in study development as well as plant and knowledge exchange.

Our scale of study stretches from the single plant and test plot scale (CM scale) to the Chesapeake Bay (KM scale). As we develop Fundamental Signatures for indicator and disturbance invigorated species, we will begin to test them against seasonal large-scale data collections performed by the University of Vermont, including LiDAR and Hyperspectral data collected via manned aircraft. At the scale of the Chesapeake Bay, we can study the effectiveness of fundamental signatures in identifying existing plant communities as well as the identification of stressors through variegated portions of the fundamental signature.

The project continues to work towards several key outcomes, including the construction of a public fundamental signature library, the development of workflows for incorporating and updated landcover and Manning’s classifications for hydrodynamic modeling and design studies as well as field techniques for the propagation and manipulation of plants in Nature-Based Infrastructure. 

How to cite: Luegering, M. and Basener, W.: Monitoring Landscape Change: Fundamental Spectral Signatures and the Adaptive Management of Nature-Based Infrastructure , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1922,, 2023.

EGU23-2894 | ECS | Posters virtual | NH1.6

Investigating the effectiveness of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) for climate change adaptation: The case study of Aa of Weerijs catchment, The Netherlands. 

Irfan Nazar, Muhammad Haris Ali, Claudia Bertini, Ioana Popescu, Andreja Jonoski, and Schalk Jan van Andel

Anthropogenic Climate Change has caused an increase in frequency, intensity and impact of hydro-meteorological-hazards (HMHs) such as floods, droughts, wildfires, and sea level rise. Prior to the 21st century, most policies and strategies to deal with water-related climate risks were based on conventional or grey solutions without considering Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) as potential measures. In the recent past, NBS has gained prominence over conventional measures, in the long run, owing to multi-functionality, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness, providing inter-related and multi-scale benefits to deal with water-related climate hazards.

However, the efficiency and robustness of NBS are still under question because of the lack of specialized models and tools to assess them throughout the life cycle and under varying climate patterns. A solid framework of Key Performance Indicators is needed to progress further in promoting NBS at larger scales.

In this study, we have explored a set of potential NBS for the Aa of Weerijs catchment, in the Netherlands, which is currently under water stress. The performance of NBS to deal with water-stress-related challenges in the catchment is investigated using a fully distributed physical coupled MIKE SHE-MIKE11 model previously developed. A different set of scales and extents and combinations of NBS have been modelled in the MIKE SHE model of the catchment, ranging from wetlands, detention ponds and river meandering. The performance of NBS is evaluated both for the present and for future climate change conditions, using two sets of climate change projections, the KNMI ’14 scenarios, developed by the Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut (KNMI), and the RCP 6.0 and RCP 8.5 scenarios, provided by Copernicus.

To assess the performance of each NBS set-up and support informed decision-making for stakeholders, a suite of defined KPIs, including surface and groundwater availability in the catchment, water stress ratio, and soil moisture deficit index, is being calculated for each NBS simulation run and used for comparison with base results.

The study results are intended to support NBS impact evaluation as an adaptation strategy for the long term.

How to cite: Nazar, I., Ali, M. H., Bertini, C., Popescu, I., Jonoski, A., and van Andel, S. J.: Investigating the effectiveness of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) for climate change adaptation: The case study of Aa of Weerijs catchment, The Netherlands., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2894,, 2023.

Flood is one of the most frequent and costly natural disasters worldwide. In many cases, implementing flood protection measures is limited due to land or resource availability. Natural Water Retention Measures (NWRMs), a more cost-effective approach, have recently drawn the attention of many researchers. Instead of infrastructure construction, NWRMs aim to reduce the risk of flooding and economic loss by land use and water management practices without many construction applications. Much previous literature qualitatively investigates the mechanisms of NWRMs, however, only a few focus on the hydraulic characteristic and the effectiveness of flood reduction of NWRMs. To improve the understanding of NWRMs, this study clarifies and analyzes the hydraulic performance of NWRMs. We consider the triangular inflow hydrograph based on the continuity equation with the Muskingum-Cunge method to derive the outflow of the channel, as well as the weir equation to the outflow of the retention area. Following, the continuity equations are formulated as a first-order ordinary differential equation in dimensionless form. The conceptual model built from the equations could denote the primary hydraulic mechanism in the original channel and the additional retention area. Two important parameters include the ratio of peak maximum outflow and peak inflow, and the ratio of maximum storage and total flood volume can be obtained by solving the equations. The results show that the relationship between two dimensionless parameters are nonlinear. Also, in the channel, the relationship is sensitive to the shape factor in the Muskingum-Cunge method, especially in a lower ratio of maximum outflow and peak inflow. With this model, the study following examined the different proportional of flood volume flowing in retention areas and calculate the downstream outflow. The result shows the effectiveness of flood reduction and the proportional of flood volume in retention areas are nonlinear relationships. Briefly, there is an optimal operation of NWRMs by balancing the flood volume in the river and retention could induce the minimum outflow. The findings in this study represent the hydraulic performance of NWRMs. The results can also improve the design and operation of NWRMs appropriately.

How to cite: Huang, Y.-S. and You, J.-Y.: Application Continuity Equation to Analyze the Hydraulic Performance of Nature Water Retention Measures, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4335,, 2023.

Sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS) have been increasingly implemented as a low-impact, cost-effective stormwater control measure (SCM). SUDS include a diverse set of infiltration-based measures designed to maintain the pre-development hydrological cycle, reduce runoff, and enhance water quality via infiltration. However, these functions are prone to deterioration during winter, especially when soil frost is present. Unlike inland cold regions, maritime cities are particularly vulnerable to the negative winter impacts due to frequent freeze-thaw cycles, rain-on-snow events, and intermittent midwinter snowmelt. To date, the hydrological efficacy of SUDS at catchment-scale under cyclical cold conditions is still lacking. The goal of this study, therefore, was to evaluate the runoff and volume reduction achieved by a SUDS network in a small, 1.5 ha catchment in Garðabær, Iceland. In addition to assessing the seasonal and spatial variability of infiltration performance of different SUDS elements with varied soil properties and vegetation covers in an urban area. To that end, a total of 18 soil water content reflectometers to measure soil temperature and moisture were implemented in three SUDS components (i.e., densely vegetated rain garden, sparsely vegetated rain garden, and a front lawn with a grass vegetation cover receiving stormwater from a roof through a drain into a soakaway) in the study area at different depths (5–20 cm). An area-velocity flowmeter was installed at the outfall of the catchment to monitor runoff from the SUDS system as well as from the impervious surfaces that include streets, parking lots, and walking paths. Preliminary assessment at the beginning of the freezing period (i.e., November and December) showed that the densely vegetated rain garden was less susceptible to frost formation (frost reached 15 cm depth; min. -1.6 °C) compared to the sparsely vegetated rain garden (20 cm frost depth; min. -3.8 °C at 15 cm). In the front lawn, on the other hand, frost penetrated down to 10 cm depth (the depth at which soil was monitored and the minimum soil temperature dropped to -5.4 °C). The preliminary results show that the SUDS system was very effective during summer/fall and successfully infiltrated a total of 58% (n=14) of the storm events, especially small events (< 2 mm). The runoff coefficient for the events that produced surface runoff ranged between 0.011 and 0.19 (n=24) with an average volume reduction of 92% of the incoming runoff. However, further assessment of the system’s efficiency in terms of volume and runoff reduction during winter is still needed.

How to cite: Zaqout, T. and Andradóttir, H. Ó.: Catchment-scale hydrological performance of sustainable urban drainage systems in a cold maritime climate undergoing soil freeze-thaw cycles and rain-on-snow events, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5220,, 2023.

Fluvial floods in recent years (e.g., 2002 and 2013) have caused high financial losses in Germany. Floodplains are under extensive use and dikes disconnect two thirds of natural flood retention areas from rivers. Moreover, floodplains serve as hotspots of biodiversity and floodplain habitats as well as ecosystems are categorized as endangered. Additionally, the goal of the German National Strategy on Biodiversity in increasing retention areas along rivers by at least 10% by 2020 failed. In summary, urgent actions need to be taken to reduce flood risk on the one hand, and increase floodplain area for ecological improvement – often synergies are not considered. Dike Relocation (DR) or levee setback is considered as nature-based flood protection measure whereby flood water levels can be lowered by reconnecting floodplain areas to rivers and improving nature conservation. Although DRs are being implemented already, an integrated and systematic approach is needed to consider the synergies between fields, nature conservation and flood protection.

Using dike lines, Basic European Assets Map (BEAM), Natura 2000 protected sites, and EU Copernicus land use map, a GIS-based method was developed. Four criteria were considered to evaluate effective DR; (1) The narrowness of flood channels, (2) flood-exposed assets and population, (3) floodplain habitats, and (4) urban land use and infrastructure behind the dikes. Narrow width in flood channels (between dike lines) were identified as bottlenecks. Using BEAM, flood-exposed population and asset values were calculated upstream of the identified bottleneck. The area behind dikes was searched for Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) with typical floodplain habitats. By ranking and rescaling, indices were provided for each criterion. The indices were combined with equal weights to reach DR effectiveness index. The share of urban land use and transport infrastructure was calculated behind the dikes, and DRs were grouped based on the potential of socio-economic conflicting interests.

The developed method was applied to the German part of the river Elbe. Along the 195 km river reach between Tangermuende and Geesthacht, 29 critical bottlenecks were identified. Because of high urban land use and existing transport infrastructure behind the dikes, no DR is possible at 13 of those bottlenecks. As an example of recommended DRs, the highest effectiveness index was reached for a 72% width contraction and flood-exposed assets of 16 million Euro/km2 with high share of habitat area behind the dikes (93%). The results were confirmed by a comparison of this approach with the German Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG) 2D hydraulic analysis of bottlenecks at the Lower Middle Elbe.

The GIS-based method can be used especially in the initial phase of decision making instead of time-consuming hydraulic models. Hereby, priority is given to DRs with higher synergy and low socioeconomic restrictions. Application of freely available data makes the method transferable to other European countries.

How to cite: Kazemi, H., Natho, S., and Thieken, A.: GIS-based identification of effective dike relocations: considering the synergy between nature conservation and flood risk reduction, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5241,, 2023.

EGU23-5974 | Orals | NH1.6

Monitoring and modeling the hydrological performance of a rain garden installation for flood risk mitigation at a urban site 

Adriano Magliocco, Arianna Cauteruccio, Katia Perini, and Luca Lanza

The Rain Garden was built as part of "Proterina 3 Evolution", a strategic project of the Interreg Maritime Italy France program, between 2018 and 2019, commissioned by the partner Città Metropolitana di Genova to the Department of Architecture and Design of the University of Genoa, with the project's scientific directors prof. Adriano Magliocco and prof. Katia Perini, involving arch. Paola Sabbion, as landscape architect and, subsequently as regards to hydrological monitoring, prof. Luca Lanza and dr. Arianna Cauteruccio.

The rain garden was built in a free area facing a school building in the municipality of Campomorone (Genoa, Italy). The goal was to verify the functioning of a NBS in a climatic context characterized by rainfall concentrated in short periods of time, with particularly dry summer seasons.

The rain garden is of the non-infiltrating type. It receives the rainwater directly and from the pavement of a parking lot. The water passes through a container equipped with an overflow and is supplied to the rain garden via a micro-perforated pipe. The Rain Garden is waterproofed on the bottom and has a drainage pipe that takes the water to the measuring device placed inside a control pit.

The pilot site is equipped with a tipping bucket rain gauge, calibrated according to the European Standard EN 17277:2019. The rain gauge provides the inter-tip time stamp as a measurement of precipitation intensity at high temporal resolution. Both direct precipitation over the raingarden area and the flow rate drained from the nearby impervious parking surface act as the forcing input. The output from the raingarden is measured using a water level gauge located in the output control pit, at a one-second resolution. The input and output measurements are then aggregated at the one-minute resolution for post-processing.

In this work, the hydrological behaviour of the raingarden is simulated using a conceptual model involving a cascade of three linear reservoirs: the first one representing the fast response of the impervious surface, the second one the shallow soil layer used by the vegetation and the third one the deep drainage layer. Each reservoir is characterized by a retention and a storage coefficient. Precipitation and outflow events recorded during one year of measurements in the wet period, from autumn to spring, allowed characterizing the hydrological performance of the system. The value of each parameter was calibrated using part of the measured precipitation and outflow events. The remaining events were used to validate the reliability of the conceptual model using the same parameters. The aim of this work is to verify the role of the implemented NBS to reduce direct runoff in an urban environment for flood risk mitigation purposes.

Results are expressed in terms of non-dimensional performance indices: flow peak attenuation, dead time and retention coefficient. The validation of the model parameters allows extending this NBS model to other sites characterized by a similar rainfall climatology. In that case, performance indices can be derived by measuring the precipitation alone.

How to cite: Magliocco, A., Cauteruccio, A., Perini, K., and Lanza, L.: Monitoring and modeling the hydrological performance of a rain garden installation for flood risk mitigation at a urban site, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5974,, 2023.

EGU23-6780 | ECS | Orals | NH1.6 | Highlight

Evaluating the impact of urban wetlands as nature-based solutions at the catchment scale 

Fangjun Peng, Leyang Liu, Yuxuan Gao, Vladimir Krivtsov, Barnaby Dobson, and Ana Mijic

During COP14 in 2022, Ramsar Convention commended 25 cities around the world for their efforts to protect urban wetlands. With the development of cities and the increase in land demand, the trend is to reduce the number of open blue spaces. Yet when preserved and sustainably used, urban nature-based solutions in the form of constructed wetlands could provide water management benefits including water quality regulation and flood mitigation. However, these water management benefits have rarely been evaluated at a catchment scale, and the mechanisms behind them are not fully understood, both of which hinder effective integrated constructed wetlands planning. We aim to explore the impact of wetland changes on water quality and quantity at the catchment scale. This study firstly evaluates the benefits by analysing the monitoring water quantity and quality datasets before and after the wetland construction in Enfield catchment, London. To understand the mechanisms behind the benefits, we build a Water Systems Integration Modelling framework (WSIMOD) to simulate the catchment-scale water cycle. This model is validated against monitoring river flow and water quality data. The constructed wetlands are then conceptualised and integrated into the WSIMOD, and their interactions with the catchment water cycle are simulated. Scenarios are constructed to analyse the impacts of different configurations and sizes of the constructed wetlands on the catchment water cycle. The results show that urban wetlands play a role in flood detention and water quality purification of watershed water resources at the catchment scale. Scattered small wetlands can more effectively reduce the impact of a flood under the same total wetland area. The results provide useful insights into the planning of constructed wetlands for maximising the water management benefits at a catchment scale. Future studies could focus on representing the interaction between the quantity and quality of water in a wetland with biodiversity and leveraging this representation to design interventions to improve biodiversity.

How to cite: Peng, F., Liu, L., Gao, Y., Krivtsov, V., Dobson, B., and Mijic, A.: Evaluating the impact of urban wetlands as nature-based solutions at the catchment scale, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6780,, 2023.

Urbanization and climate change are increasing the frequency and severity of urban pluvial flooding. The traditional urban modelling approaches do not take infiltration from sealed surfaces into account, leading to an overestimation of excess runoff. Still, the conventional centralized sewage systems are often overburdened. While municipalities are taking initiatives to utilize green infrastructure as a sustainable way to manage stormwater, the performance of the implemented measures varies from region to region. This study uses the WaSim-ETH physically based hydrological model to investigate runoff and infiltration processes in urban areas and determine how much rainfall contributes to runoff and infiltrates through different types of land use surfaces. It also evaluates the efficiency of green infrastructure to reduce the generated runoff from different rainfall events. The model is applied to study areas in Berlin and Würzburg, both cities have experienced frequent pluvial flooding in the last decades.

How to cite: Dobkowitz, S. and Seleem, O.: Evaluating the impact of infiltration from sealed surfaces and green infrastructure on urban pluvial flooding, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6841,, 2023.

Tonkin, B.Ra., Marti-Cardona, Ba., Hughes, S.Ja., Ru, Ta., Philpott, Nb.

a Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, University of Surrey, UK.

b Environment Agency, England.

Nature-based solutions (NBS) are increasingly being recognised as a tool for flood mitigation, particularly relevant in the face of increased storm severity due to climate change. The simulation of NBS functioning is of great interest for their effective location and design, and there are substantial ongoing efforts in developing strategies to underpin their catchment scale modelling.  Leaky Barriers (LB) are a type of NBS interventions which consist of placing logs across a channel to hold back runoff during storm events and to slow down its travel. Despite their common adoption in the UK, there are relatively few studies that have addressed the best hydraulic representations of LB’s through calibrated and validated measurements during flood events. 

This study is based within the Thames basin in the Southeast of England and encompasses the 21km2 headwater catchment of the Pipp Brook. In 2019, the Environment Agency of England installed over thirty LB’s in the Pipp Brook as a trail study. Monitoring data has been continuously acquired by sensors installed at the site (water level gauges, ultrasonic flow gauge, fixed-point infrared cameras) and during periodic inspections (structural monitoring) since 2019. This enhanced monitoring programme, one of the most comprehensive in the UK, provides rigorous evidence to understand and assess the effectiveness of the NFM measures installed in the catchment. To date, this has included the capture of multiple high flow events, up to a peak magnitude of 1 in 20 years.

This research seeks to address a gap in the strategy to simulate individual leaky barriers using 1-dimensional hydraulic models. To this aim, one LB in the Pipp Brook was simulated with an industry leading hydraulic modelling software package (Flood Modeller, Version 6.10 by Jacobs) using six different 1D modelling strategies reported in the literature: i) Orifice, ii) Bridge, iii) Weir, iv) Increased roughness (Manning’s n), v) Bernoulli loss, vi) Blockage. High-flow records from a double-peak event in October 2021 were used to calibrate and assess these hydraulic representations. Upstream boundary conditions were produced by ReFH2 rainfall-runoff modelling, using the precipitation records from a nearby meteorological station.

The comparison of calibrated models to the gauged data revealed a maximum difference of circa 0.20m to the measured upstream water elevation, for a maximum water depth of 0.75m. Our results showed that the best approximation was achieved by using the bridge unit. A common approach in the literature is to represent LB’s with a high roughness coefficient (Manning’s n), which in our case resulted in the poorest performance. The results of this ongoing research will improve the ability of flood practitioners to predict the effectiveness of leaky barrier configurations in a catchment, hence informing their optimal design.

How to cite: tonkin, B.: Nature-based solutions for flood mitigation:Monitoring and modelling leaky barriers. A case study from the South East of England., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7126,, 2023.

EGU23-7494 | ECS | Orals | NH1.6

Drought mitigating nature-based solutions: a critical state-of-the-art review at global and regional scales 

Estifanos Addisu Yimer, Lien De Trift, Jiri Nossent, and Ann Van Griensven

Natural disasters are creating a major collapse in human existence. Among the many, drought is becoming more frequent and intense. Therefore, mitigation/adaptation measures have to be set to reduce the impact. This can be achieved via the application of Nature-based solutions (NBSs). This concept is now gaining more attention than ever but with fewer applications. The primary goal of this review paper is to analyze the different NBSs targeted for drought impact mitigation. The study constitutes the application of NBS at a global, continental and regional scale. Extensive literature was made to assess; NBS type, location, start and ending period of implementation, status, and level of effectiveness, recommendations set by researchers, and insight for future applications.

The comprehensive review revealed that there are only a few scientific publications, hence, grey and non-scientific literature need to be included. Only four papers included a quantitative assessment for evaluating the effectiveness of NBS targeting drought. However, the continental and regional performance of NBS is not mentioned. Therefore, a common effectiveness evaluation framework shall be created to give policymakers a clear view of the different NBS’s. Furthermore, a more collaborative approach, including different stakeholder groups, is recommended, with specific attention to the local communities. In Flanders, most projects are in the pilot project stage. Moreover, the few successfully implemented projects are only very local and have a long realization time which the earlier limits to acquire visible impact at a larger scale. Finally, the loss of wetlands at a global scale and in Flanders (70% are lost), increases the vulnerability of catchments to drought. Therefore, future research should increase the evidence base and implementation of NBS, such as wetlands, in Flanders.

How to cite: Yimer, E. A., De Trift, L., Nossent, J., and Van Griensven, A.: Drought mitigating nature-based solutions: a critical state-of-the-art review at global and regional scales, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7494,, 2023.

EGU23-8034 | ECS | Orals | NH1.6 | Highlight

Indicators and metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of nature-based solutions for climate risk management and adaptation: A systematic review 

Fabienne Horneman, Silvia Torresan, Elisa Furlan, Diep Ngoc Nguyen, Asrat Telke Asresu, and Andrea Critto

In recent years Nature-based Solutions (NbS) have received increasing attention in coastal areas due to their ability to counteract Hydro-Meteorological Hazards (HMHs) and adverse climate change effects through habitat restoration and the re-establishment of Ecosystem Services (ES). Regardless of the wide adoption of NbS, there remain gaps and barriers in the effective uptake and implementation. There is an urgent need to define the specifics of NbS outcomes, measures of success and appropriate evaluation metrics. To bridge this knowledge gap this review focuses on: i) the terminology of NbS applied in coastal archetypes; ii) the ecosystem services delivered; iii) the HMHs targeted by NbS; and iv) the effectiveness indicators and metrics applied to monitor the impact of NbS implementation, including the tools and technologies employed. The NbS terminology applied addresses a range of different approaches included under the umbrella term NbS, e.g., building with nature, nature-based adaptation, or mitigation, and ecosystem-based management. Yet most of the included approaches mention the provisioning of ES as part of the main objective, relying on habitats and ecosystems to provide these services. In the scope of this paper 87.1% of the included ES can be attributed to regulating services such as reduction of erosion rates, coastal protection, carbon sequestration and water quality improvement.  The ES also clearly align with the climate change hazards addressed by NbS which include, e.g., flood and erosion risk, sea level rise, eutrophication, and extreme weather. These hazards are addressed through the implementation of NbS which aim to, e.g., reduce wave energy, anticipate storm surges, achieve good ecological/environmental status of water, re-establish carbon sinks and mitigate storm risk. To evaluate the effectiveness of NbS in counteracting these hazards and mitigate the impact of climate change this work identified 28 indicators. The indicators reflect mainly habitat characteristics and ES, e.g., geomorphology, vegetation cover and composition, risk reduction, carbon sequestration, and storm surge attenuation, complemented by socio-economic indicators such as willingness to pay and stakeholder perception. They are supported by multitude of metrics, evaluated through a variety of monitoring methods encompassing historical records (to create a baseline using, e.g.,  salinity records, seagrasses, vegetation status, or habitat size), questionnaires (to evaluate stakeholder values), in-situ measurements and remote sensing (to assess change in, e.g., bed level dynamics, vegetation presence, carbon stock, bird species, and marsh surface following NbS interventions) and modelling (the impact of NbS through, e.g., UVVR, morphology, vegetated leading edge, and habitat distribution). The results of this review will support the upcoming monitoring activity of saltmarsh restoration in the Venice lagoon (Italy) as part of the REST-COAST project and will pave the way for the creation of a methodological framework to systematically evaluate NbS effectiveness under current and future climate change scenarios. The project leading to these results has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101037097.

How to cite: Horneman, F., Torresan, S., Furlan, E., Ngoc Nguyen, D., Telke Asresu, A., and Critto, A.: Indicators and metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of nature-based solutions for climate risk management and adaptation: A systematic review, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8034,, 2023.

EGU23-9844 | Orals | NH1.6

Multiple criteria-based assessments of Nature-Based Solutions for flood management: a review 

Lorette Gallois, Marc van den Homberg, and Marco Cinelli

Increased flooding frequency and intensity threaten vulnerable populations’ lives and livelihoods worldwide. Fitting into the preparedness and mitigation phases of the Disaster Risk Management framework used by humanitarian and conservation organisations, Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) have been advanced as effective alternatives to traditional grey infrastructures in order to mitigate flooding impacts. By reproducing natural processes, NBS have shown to provide multiple environmental, social, and economic benefits in addition to their technical performance in mitigating floods. However, a framework to systematically assess these co-benefits is not readily available, which is an obstacle to the effective implementation of NBS on a larger scale. This paper develops such a framework using a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) based on the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) method. The framework includes a set of descriptors to characterize and analyse NBS consistently. These include:

  • Type of NBS;
  • Type of protection area (coastal, urban, rural, mountainous, riverine);
  • Provided environmental/technical/social/economic benefits;
  • Location of applicability;
  • Scale of implementation;
  • Inclusion of stakeholders’ preferences for NBS implementation.

The  SLR is shaped using a combination of scholarly literature (via Web of Science) and grey literature from reputable organizations in the NBS domain and beyond, including the WWF Nature-based Solutions Accelerator, the United Nations Office for Disaster Reduction, the Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre, and the Geneva Environment Network. The resulting framework can support decision-making and facilitates the deployment of sustainable infrastructure. The Red Cross Red Crescent Movement and WWF will test the framework in a case study in the Zambezi river basin in Zambia.

How to cite: Gallois, L., van den Homberg, M., and Cinelli, M.: Multiple criteria-based assessments of Nature-Based Solutions for flood management: a review, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9844,, 2023.

EGU23-9875 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.6 | Highlight

Where to locate large-scale nature-based solutions? Finding suitable locations for rainwater harvesting 

Yared Abayneh Abebe, Beatriz Emma Gutierrez Caloir, and Zoran Vojinovic

Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) are suitable responses for hydrometeorological hazard reduction, integrating the hydrology, geomorphology, hydraulic and ecological dynamics of a catchment. Large-scale NBS are implemented on a catchment scale and may provide more co-benefits than small-scale NBS. Literature shows a methodological gap in finding suitable locations to implement large-scale NBS. Developing spatial analysis tools in a GIS environment is essential to generate information for decision support. In this research, we developed a method for finding suitable rainwater harvesting locations (RWH) and applied it to the Municipality of Santiago de Machaca, part of the La Paz Department in Bolivia. Large-scale RWH is the collection of rainwater from ground surfaces and streams and its storage in depressions made for that purpose. RWH is implemented to store and provide water supply in stressed regions and mitigate the impacts of floods by diverting and storing runoff. The raster datasets required to map suitable locations for RWH implementation are annual precipitation depth, coefficient of variation of the monthly precipitation, runoff coefficient, aridity index, population density and slope. The datasets are normalized to generate a standard scale between 0 and 100, and the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) was used to weigh, prioritize and rank alternatives. Built-up areas and buffered roads and rivers should be removed from the raster file generated after the AHP analysis. For the Santiago de Machaca case study, we categorized the final raster cells as no, low, medium and high suitability for implementing RWH. The areas highly suitable for RWH are located in the valleys, but some are small patches fragmented by the road network. It should be noted that the final result is dependent on the matrix built to obtain the raster weights in the AHP analysis and the final suitability ranking categories. However, the developed method is a generic one that can be applied in any site and is a step forward in general for planning the implementation of large-scale RWH as an NBS.

How to cite: Abebe, Y. A., Gutierrez Caloir, B. E., and Vojinovic, Z.: Where to locate large-scale nature-based solutions? Finding suitable locations for rainwater harvesting, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9875,, 2023.

EGU23-9957 | Orals | NH1.6

PHUSICOS – Nature-Based Solutions to Reduce Risk in Rural Areas and Mountain Landscapes 

Amy Oen, Bjørn Kalsnes, Anders Solheim, Vittoria Capobianco, James Strout, and Farrokh Nadim

The H2020 project PHUSICOS has from 2018-2022 aimed to demonstrate how nature-based solutions (NbS) reduce the risk of extreme weather events in rural areas and mountain landscapes. Mountains amplify risks and therefore the impacts of extreme hydro-meteorological events such as flooding and landslides in mountain areas often affect entire river basins. However, NBS in rural areas and mountain regions have not received the same amount of attention as urban areas. This presentation highlights the lessons learned in order to tackle the challenges of selecting, designing and implementing NbS at the landscape spatial scale in rural areas.  

The PHUSICOS case study sites in Norway, France, Spain, Italy, Germany and Austria represent a broad range of natural hazards, including snow avalanches, erosion, rockfall, flooding and debris flows. The demonstrator sites have undergone a co-creation process with stakeholders to select and plan the NbS interventions. The specific location and NbS selection were based on a rigorous process considering the following selection criteria: risk reduction, technical feasibility, co-benefits, effectiveness, efficiency, potential negative impacts, stakeholder involvement, and compliance with international and EU agreements and directives.

Innovation actions have framed the project activities as an approach to fill NbS knowledge gaps. These innovation actions have included: service innovation to engage stakeholder participation through a Living Labs approach, technical innovation to design an NbS assessment framework in the context of natural hazard risk mitigation to document the effectiveness of NbSs, governance innovation to explore planning and policy frameworks as enablers for the design and implementation of NbS, learning arena innovation to facilitate knowledge exchange through Virtual Reality and Serious Gaming as training programs as well as product innovation establishes an evidence-base and data platform for NbS in mountains.

For example, the assessment framework as a flexible disaster risk management support tool for NbS is viewed as especially relevant. It has been applied to three different NbS interventions to document the baseline scenario and subsequently compared to the NbS design scenario. After completion, the assessment framework will be used to develop the monitoring programs to assess the long-term effectiveness of the NbS interventions. Improved processes and services related to governance innovation outputs focus on exploring ways to improve the planning policy and implementation mechanisms for sustainable use and management of land, water, and natural resources in rural areas and their impacts at the local and wider watershed scale. The most critical governance innovation enablers for successful NbS interventions include polycentric governance arrangements in public administration, participatory co-design processes, as well as financial incentives.

The different innovation actions will be further showcased to share project outputs and outcomes, to reflect on the lessons learned as well as to weigh in on their significance towards long-term impacts.

How to cite: Oen, A., Kalsnes, B., Solheim, A., Capobianco, V., Strout, J., and Nadim, F.: PHUSICOS – Nature-Based Solutions to Reduce Risk in Rural Areas and Mountain Landscapes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9957,, 2023.

EGU23-10108 | Orals | NH1.6

The MANCOGA Project - co-designing NbS using mangroves against coastal hazards in Ghana 

Holger Brix, Edem Mahu, David Kaiser, Christiane Eschenbach, Donatus Yaw Atiglo, and Joanna Staneva

Coastal hazards such as erosion, flooding and pollution are major problems globally, exacerbated by increasing frequency and severity of hydro-meteorological extremes amidst inadequate technology and adaptive capacity. The Ghanaian coast is an example of a region impacted by such problems. Factors hampering the management and improvement of these issues include the lack of data, insufficient communication structures between stakeholders and missing pathways to informed decisions with sustained impact.

In this context, the MANCOGA project stands out by employing a co-design approach to develop a robust and participatory Nature-based Solution (NbS) to coastal hazards. The co-design pilot phase has drawn the focus onto steps for restoring wetlands, mangroves in particular, to provide sustainable livelihoods by protecting and reinvigorating coastal systems and environmental health.

In the implementation phase, MANCOGA will evaluate mangrove ecosystem services for their potential as NbS to a number of pressing local issues. A Digital Twin will use What-If scenarios to predict the role of mangroves as NbS for flood mitigation and erosion prevention. Being a dominant Blue Carbon ecosystem, mangroves will also contribute to climate change adaptation strategies as well as provide socio-economic value (e.g., through carbon credits). The wider effects on water quality, through the reduction of eutrophication, is critical for local economics, including fisheries. We employ aerial photography and remote sensing to identify possible nature-based solution areas.

The comprehensive community involvement of stakeholders from all societal and administrative levels facilitates frameworks to understand and evaluate effectiveness of NbS applications. The relationships and collaborative approach developed during the co-design phase will guarantee continued involvement of stakeholders. MANCOGA will provide a digital toolbox of intuitive, interactive tools to analyze and disseminate archived and new observational data, which will enable ecosystem service quantification before and after the application of NbS, and lead to knowledge-based decision-making.

We envision MANCOGA as the start of sustained collaboration, knowledge transfer and capacity building. Therefore, we warmly invite researchers and stakeholders, from Africa and elsewhere, to connect to MANCOGA and share experiences and efforts.

How to cite: Brix, H., Mahu, E., Kaiser, D., Eschenbach, C., Atiglo, D. Y., and Staneva, J.: The MANCOGA Project - co-designing NbS using mangroves against coastal hazards in Ghana, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10108,, 2023.

EGU23-10360 | ECS | Orals | NH1.6

Optimisation of Urban-Rural Nature-Based Solutions for Integrated Catchment Water Management 

Leyang Liu, Barnaby Dobson, and Ana Mijic

Nature-based solutions (NBS) have co-benefits for water availability, water quality, and flood management. However, searching for optimal integrated urban-rural NBS planning to maximise co-benefits at a catchment scale is still limited by fragmented evaluation. This study develops an integrated urban-rural NBS planning optimisation framework based on the CatchWat-SD model, which is developed to simulate a multi-catchment integrated water cycle in the Norfolk region, UK. Three rural (runoff attenuation features, regenerative farming, floodplain) and two urban (urban green space, constructed wastewater wetlands) NBS interventions are integrated into the model at a range of implementation scales. A many-objective optimization problem with seven water management objectives to account for flow, quality and cost indicators is formulated, and the NSGAII algorithm is adopted to search for optimal NBS portfolios. Results show that rural NBS have more significant impacts across the catchment, which increase with the scale of implementation. Integrated urban-rural NBS planning can improve water availability, water quality, and flood management simultaneously, though trade-offs exist between different objectives. Runoff attenuation features and floodplains provide the greatest benefits for water availability. Regenerative farming is most effective for water quality and flood management, though it decreases water availability by up to 15% because it retains more water in the soil. Phosphorus levels are best reduced by expansion of urban green space to decrease loading on combined sewer systems, though this trades off against water availability, flood, nitrogen and suspended solids. The proposed framework enables spatial prioritisation of NBS, which may ultimately guide multi-stakeholder decision-making, bridging the urban-rural divide in catchment water management. 

How to cite: Liu, L., Dobson, B., and Mijic, A.: Optimisation of Urban-Rural Nature-Based Solutions for Integrated Catchment Water Management, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10360,, 2023.

EGU23-10930 | ECS | Posters virtual | NH1.6

Nature Based Solutions (NBS) to achieve food security and SDGs in drought prone subtropical area 

Chanda Kumari and Roopam Shukla

Drought is a slow onset natural disaster but affects most of the facets of human life in a very large scale. Climate change is causing droughts to become more severe. Due to the drought's impact on agricultural productivity and the fact that most of the rural towns depend on farming and  on an agriculture-based economy, rural populations appear to be more susceptible to this disaster. As a result, they are the main victim. The current study attempts to evaluate our knowledge of how agricultural productivity in drought-prone areas is being impacted by climate change. Low crop yield raises the risk of food insecurity, including the risk of hunger and malnutrition. Hence, a more lasting and sustainable approach is needed to lessen the negative effects of droughts. This can be more effectively accomplished by incorporating Nature Based Solutions (NBS) into agricultural practices like Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) and Nature Climate Solutions (NCS), a subset of NBS. And with NBS, we may further advance our step toward sustainability and be able to accomplish some of the Sustainable Development Goals while also enhancing and improving traditional and technological expertise in agriculture. Additionally, a suitable adaptation strategy is suggested for the local communities to adapt to the changing environment, which will aid in the development of the society's potential. In summary, the results of this study will give all the stakeholders deep insights that they may use to revise their plans and policies for managing the drought.


The aim of this research is to deal with the food insecurities due to drought (due to climate change) and mitigating it through Nature based Solutions to achieve food security and some SDGs in a drought prone area.


  • To monitor the present and future data of drought and key climatic variables in sub-tropical region due to climate change in drought prone area.
  • To analyse the risk of food insecurity in terms of hunger and malnutrition in the targeted population.
  • To inculcate the NBS against drought prone area to achieve high productivity through agriculture practices by the local community and accomplish several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through it.
  • To support the capacity building and adaptation strategies by the local communities against the drought and climate change.


    The study's goal was to evaluate the drought circumstances, which are influenced by all of the above listed aspects. After evaluating these aspects, one may determine the precise steps that should be taken to address the low agricultural productivity while also putting the appropriate remedies to use against the same. Farmers who use nature-based solutions will not only see an increase in crop yield, but also a continued commitment to use exclusively natural solutions. By doing this, we can easily address the issue of food insecurity. The local communities' adaptation plans will help the society to become stronger, be able to handle any crisis in the future, move toward sustainability, and aid in the achievement of the SDGs.

How to cite: Kumari, C. and Shukla, R.: Nature Based Solutions (NBS) to achieve food security and SDGs in drought prone subtropical area, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10930,, 2023.

EGU23-11417 | Orals | NH1.6 | Highlight

Exploring nature-based solutions to droughts and floods in the Limpopo basin 

Anne Van Loon, Alessia Matanó, Sithabile Tirivarombo, Luis Artur, Syed Mustafa, Melanie Rohse, Rosie Day, and Jean-Christophe Comte

Southern Africa faces both severe droughts and strong floods. Communities describe how they are impacted by both extremes, but do not regard them as connected. They prepare for droughts by implementing water-saving measures and crop changes, but report doing little to prepare for floods. Governance actors instead try to manage both extremes, for example by installing dams that can capture floodwater to increase water availability during dry seasons. In the Connect4WR project, we combined community and governance interviews and workshops with scenario modelling to explore more nature-based solutions focusing on subsurface storage and infiltration. The governance actors in the four countries of the Limpopo (Botswana, Zimbabwe, South Africa and Mozambique) were keen to explore effects of afforestation, sand dams, managed aquifer recharge, and rainwater harvesting. The coupled surface-water-groundwater model we set up, showed that these measures can successfully reduce both droughts and floods. Especially measures that increase groundwater levels both increase water availability and reduce flood peaks throughout the basin. Although downstream communities benefit from the decreased flooding, they could be negatively affected if measures that increase (ground)water storage are combined with high abstraction for irrigation in the upstream part of the basin. In a transboundary river basin like Limpopo, international cooperation and information sharing is crucial. Also, these measures are often too costly and large-scale for the resource-limited rural communities, who can often only respond to extremes by relocating to less drought- or flood-prone areas. Training and government support can help with the implementation of nature-based solutions, but measures need to be resonating with local cultural practices to be adopted and effective land- and water management is important. In this presentation I will discuss the benefits and challenges related to the implementation of nature-based solutions in low- and middle-income countries with fragile populations.

How to cite: Van Loon, A., Matanó, A., Tirivarombo, S., Artur, L., Mustafa, S., Rohse, M., Day, R., and Comte, J.-C.: Exploring nature-based solutions to droughts and floods in the Limpopo basin, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11417,, 2023.

EGU23-12470 | Orals | NH1.6 | Highlight

Eco-Hydrology Engineering Design Tool - ClearWater Capabilities - General Constituents, Nutrients, and Contaminants 

Todd Steissberg, Billy Johnson, and Zhonglong Zhang

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has a major responsibility for the regulation of the Nation’s streams, rivers, and waterways. This often requires developing water quality models to resolve issues and concerns with regard to the environment and ecosystems. USACE Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) is currently developing an Eco-Hydrology Engineering Design Tool supported by years of research and development. This tool development integrates ERDC’s Gridded Surface Subsurface Hydrologic Analysis (GSSHA) model and the Corps Library for Environmental Analysis and Restoration of Watersheds (ClearWater), a suite of water quality and ecosystem models.


Weather is not the only cause of flooding, stream erosion, and pollution. These problems usually occur due to human impacts on watersheds, including urban development, construction activities, hydrologic modifications, forestry, mining, and agricultural practices.


To help evaluate the impact of these serious economic and environmental issues, experts in watershed, riverine, and reservoir engineering at the ERDC developed a suite of water quality, contaminant, and vegetation modules that can be integrated with existing hydraulic and hydrologic models.


ClearWater, developed by the ERDC, LimnoTech, and Portland State University, is a library of environmental simulation software that leverages capabilities of existing water resource simulation models (e.g., HEC-RAS-1D/2D,  HEC-ResSim, GSSHA, AdH, and SWAT) to assess environmental impacts (e.g., changes in water temperature and constituent concentrations) and design solutions (e.g., constructed wetlands) to manage (e.g., modifications to reservoir operations rules) and restore aquatic ecosystems (e.g., fisheries and bird habitat). The following water quality modules are included: NSMs (Nutrient Simulation Modules I and II), TSM (Temperature Simulation Module), MSM (Mercury Simulation Module), CSM (Contaminant Simulation Module), GCSM (General Constituent Simulation Module), SSM (Solids Simulation Module), and RVSM (Riparian Vegetation Simulation Module).


This presentation will discuss current development efforts and future directions in support of an Eco-Hydrology Engineering Design Tool to support U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) ecosystem restoration and management.

How to cite: Steissberg, T., Johnson, B., and Zhang, Z.: Eco-Hydrology Engineering Design Tool - ClearWater Capabilities - General Constituents, Nutrients, and Contaminants, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12470,, 2023.

EGU23-12565 | Orals | NH1.6

Nature-based Restoration Planning using Spatial-Temporal Simulation Modeling 

kihwan Song and Jinhyung Chon

Natural hazards such as typhoons and earthquakes caused by climate change cause enormous damage to the social-ecological system and result in the degradation of ecosystem services. This has suggested the necessity of considering the concept of resilience along with the limitations of existing methods in disaster management and has been linked to restoration plans connected to nature-based solutions. The Republic of Korea suffers from natural disasters caused by typhoons and torrential rains every summer and the damage is worsened because of insufficient spatial management and the failure to predict disasters. Therefore, to cope with these damages and maintain ecosystem services, a nature-based restoration plan should be presented using the concept of resilience. In the process, it is necessary to understand the changes that have happened in ecosystem services over time and plan a space that can respond to natural disasters. The purpose of this study is to simulate changes in ecosystem services for natural disaster damage through spatial-temporal models and present the improvement effects of ecosystem services through nature-based restoration scenarios. Accordingly, we first searched for areas to which the resilient ecosystem service restoration planning could be applied within Pohang, which suffered significant flood damage throughout 2022. Then, a spatial-temporal model of the target area was constructed to simulate changes in the ecosystem services due to floods. Finally, the ecosystem service improvement effect of the spatial-temporal simulation model was analyzed by constructing and applying a nature-based restoration scenario. Based on the results of this study, a nature-based restoration plan was conceived of as a method to improve ecosystem services for the long term by simulating changes in the target area affected by natural disasters in terms of time and space. In addition, by presenting the preceding process as a nature-based restoration plan, it is possible to maintain resilience to the damage caused by natural disasters in terms of the social-ecological system.

This research was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education(NRF-2021R1A6A3A01087973). This research was also supported by OJEong Resilience Institute (OJERI).

How to cite: Song, K. and Chon, J.: Nature-based Restoration Planning using Spatial-Temporal Simulation Modeling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12565,, 2023.

EGU23-14216 | Posters on site | NH1.6

Proposal of UAV-Lidar and photogrammetry-based modeling for assessing soil loss using nature-based solutions as countermeasure in urban areas in DRC 

Carles Raïmat, Christian Van Eghoff, Ana Campos, Laurent Corroyer, Sergio Mora-Castro, Javier Saborío, and Arabela Vega

Mass movements due to soil erosion, intense rains and water runoff in sandy soils represent a major socio-ecological problem in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Kinshasa, Kananga and other urban areas in DRC are currently challenged by severe forms of land degradation.

Natural resources are being exploited at high rates due to unplanned human settling pressed by migration and population growth. Consequently, demanding energy, forestry, agricultural goods and services that undermine tropical forests, savannas and monsoon forests, which are fragile and high value ecosystems.

The effects of forest lost are exacerbated by growing urban areas with drainage mismanagement in anarchic urban environments due to concentrated and disorganized flow. Rain events between 2019 and 2022 have compromised or destroyed basic structure such as railroads and main streets, considered key lifelines that have already caused human, environmental and infrastructural losses.

Reliable rain data records are scarce or inexistent; however, intense, heavy, punctual rain events can be identified throughout the dry and rainy season. No particular erosive effect can be attributed to these events without consistent Intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) data. On the other hand, slope instability has been well documented through satellite imagery and demonstrated exponential growth since 2010. Aero transported Lidar, photogrammetry and cloud point technique have been used to map urban growth, vegetation cover and soil management practices in four study sites, in between seasons.

Hence, this study proposes to systemize a methodology that assesses soil degradation and stability risks; evaluating the effectiveness of NBS to reduce soil erodibility through the combination of agroecological solutions, engineering risk management in urban and peri-urban environments facing climate change challenges. This is a project currently under research and execution by the Government of DRC with the support of the World Bank.




How to cite: Raïmat, C., Van Eghoff, C., Campos, A., Corroyer, L., Mora-Castro, S., Saborío, J., and Vega, A.: Proposal of UAV-Lidar and photogrammetry-based modeling for assessing soil loss using nature-based solutions as countermeasure in urban areas in DRC, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14216,, 2023.

EGU23-14281 | ECS | Orals | NH1.6

Hydrologic characterization of sponge-city systems for urban trees based on monitoring and modelling 

Anna Zeiser, Sebastian Rath, Peter Strauss, and Thomas Weninger

Sponge-city sites for urban trees based on the model of Stockholm promise to improve the chances of trees surrounded by sealed or condensed surfaces for root growth and therefore vital tree development tremendously. The system furthermore helps to conquer the urban heat island effect, aids in stormwater management as an underground retention basin saving soil water for transpiration and hence supports the ambition to approach a (more) natural hydrologic cycle. The actual capacity of the system to fulfil these services is determined by a variety of design criteria which need to be optimized based on detailed knowledge about the hydrological functionality of the different elements of the system. The aim of several monitoring and modelling studies in Austria is to gain such knowledge to ensure a proper performance of the system in terms of tree growth and rainwater retention.

First of all, the substructure construction consists of unconsolidated fine substrate flushed into the voids of edged stones that serve as load-bearing structure, assuring root-favouring pore distribution. Technical components like an inlet and surface water distribution system accompany the substrate. Further influencing parameters are e.g. properties of the existing substrate underneath, design of urban surface as well as origin and treatment of fed surface water. Based on monitoring sites in the shape of lysimeters, field scale projects in real urban settings, and laboratory experiments, modelling approaches for the hydrological functionality of the sponge-city systems are generated. Crucial system elements and target values for design properties are derived from these simulations. In the longer term, the results should serve as a supportive planning tool for engineering projects in urban environments.

How to cite: Zeiser, A., Rath, S., Strauss, P., and Weninger, T.: Hydrologic characterization of sponge-city systems for urban trees based on monitoring and modelling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14281,, 2023.

EGU23-14949 | ECS | Orals | NH1.6

Nature-based solutions for drought resilient forests 

Lucas Alcamo, Karl Broich, and Markus Disse

Climatic extremes are the new normal for large parts of the world. Even temperate places, such as northern Bavaria, have experienced an abundance of extreme weather with significant impacts on the local ecology. Heavy torrential rainstorms are observed more often, while simultaneously, the precipitation required for a healthy ecology does not occur for increasing periods. These droughts, in combination with anthropogenic influences, have severely weakened the vitality of vast stretches of forest in northern Bavaria. In consequence, secondary pests were able to cause wide spread tree mortality. This indicates the need for innovative water management strategies to increase the resilience of forest ecosystems with regard to an increased occurrence of droughts.

This study aims at exploring the potential of nature-based solutions to increase the infiltration of surface runoff in forest in order to increase the plant-available soil moisture and therefore the drought resilience during dry periods. Specifically two measures are investigated, which alter the micro-topography of the forest floor. These are:

  • “Dead-wood” left in the forest after timber-harvest and aligned along slopes to act as flow barriers during runoff events and,
  • Small-scale basins of shallow depth that mimic the natural topography of the forest floor and act as retention basins.

To be able to understand and evaluate the effectiveness of the nature-based solutions and investigate the relevant hydrological and hydrodynamic processes, a small, forested slope in Northern Bavaria was modeled using an innovative coupling of the 2-dimensional hydrodynamic TELEMAC Model with Green & Ampt infiltration. In preparation of setting up the model, state-of-the-art drone LiDAR measurements were used to produce a high-resolution (10 cm resolution) Digital Elevation Model of the area. This enabled us to set up the model with a high enough resolution to capture and simulate the micro-topographic changes of the measures. We simulated various scenarios representing different implementations of the nature-based solutions and used the change of runoff coefficient as compared to the current state simulations as a measure of efficiency. In general, our findings show a clear link between the implementation of the measures and decreased runoff coefficient. While the aligning of dead wood along the slope reduced the runoff coefficient more as compared to a random distribution of dead-wood, the shallow retention-basins showed a significantly higher impact on the runoff coefficient. However, it is likely that the distribution of soil types, vegetation and soil animal activity are very crucial because they significantly affect the infiltration and therefore the efficiency of these measures for drought resilience. Theses aspects were not considered. Altogether, the results of this study should be considered as qualitative as compared to quantitative, due to the simplifications done, especially with regard to the soil and infiltration processes.


Keywords: Drought; Forest ecosystem; TELEMAC; Greene & Ampt; LiDAR

How to cite: Alcamo, L., Broich, K., and Disse, M.: Nature-based solutions for drought resilient forests, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14949,, 2023.

EGU23-1239 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.6

Impact of urbanization and climate change on spatial patterns of precipitation 

Marika Koukoula, Herminia Torelló-Sentelles, and Nadav Peleg

More than half of the world’s population now resides in cities and the amount of urban population is expected to further increase during the coming decades. Urbanization and the associated changes in land use/land cover can have a notable impact on the climate at local and regional scales. Specifically, several studies recently concluded that urbanization can modify the temporal and spatial properties of precipitation. On top of that, global warming is expected to enhance the magnitude and frequency of short-duration heavy precipitation, with consequential effects on the severity and frequency of urban pluvial flood events. Therefore, improving our understanding of the separate and combined effects of urbanization and climate change on short-duration precipitation is imperative for flood risk assessments and planning of future cities. To this end, we investigate the impact of climate change and urbanization on the space-time properties of precipitation by conducting current and future simulation scenarios over cities with different climates using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) physically-based climate model. The results of this study elucidate the important role of urban land cover on the spatial stucture of precipitation under a changing climate.

How to cite: Koukoula, M., Torelló-Sentelles, H., and Peleg, N.: Impact of urbanization and climate change on spatial patterns of precipitation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1239,, 2023.

EGU23-1276 | ECS | Orals | HS7.6

Changing spatial patterns of convective rainfall across urban areas 

Herminia Torelló-Sentelles, Francesco Marra, and Nadav Peleg

Observations using remote sensing data reveal that urban areas affect the intensities and spatial structure of rainfall fields on small scales (i.e., at sub-hourly and sub-kilometer resolutions). However, there is currently disagreement regarding the precise pattern of change and the driving dynamic and thermodynamic forces behind it. As the hydrological response in urban areas is fast and highly sensitive to space-time rainfall variability, it is crucial to understand how urban areas change the intensity and spatial structure of rainfall to improve our abilities to nowcast rainfall and urban floods. We used high-resolution weather radar data to analyze the intensity, spatial structure, and motion of convective rainfall events that crossed several urban areas with diverse characteristics (e.g., Milan, Italy; Phoenix, US). We present an automatic methodology  (i.e., does not require an expert’s interpretation of rainfall fields) that can be applied to different urban areas worldwide. We first tracked convective rainfall events using a storm-tracking algorithm (from a Lagrangian perspective) and investigated changes to the properties of the rainfall fields (e.g., mean intensity, area, and intensity distribution profile) at varying upwind and downwind distances relative to each urban center. We also investigated changes to storms’ trajectories and to the frequency of storm initiations, terminations, splitting and merging events. We validated our results by repeating the analyses in control regions, that were adjacent to each study region and did not contain large urban areas within them. Our results show a general intensification of rainfall over cities, conserved spatial structures (instead of an expected weakening), as well as, increased storm initiations downwind of urban areas. Our findings also suggest that urban areas might be acting as barriers, by increasing storm terminations upwind of urban areas and deflecting incoming storms leftwards; possibly as a result of roughness-induced frictional turning.

How to cite: Torelló-Sentelles, H., Marra, F., and Peleg, N.: Changing spatial patterns of convective rainfall across urban areas, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1276,, 2023.

EGU23-1354 | Posters on site | HS7.6

Enhanced intensification of hourly rainfall extremes due to urban warming in Phoenix, Arizona 

Jamie Huang, Simone Fatichi, Giuseppe Mascaro, Gabriele Manoli, and Nadav Peleg

The main cause of flash and pluvial floods in cities is short-duration extreme rainfall events. The built environment can either intensify or weaken extreme rainfall intensity depending on the urban fabric that controls the local environmental and climatic conditions. From 2000 through 2018, we examined how the built area affected hourly extreme rainfall intensities in the large metropolitan area of Phoenix, Arizona, characterized by open low-rise buildings, using a large and dense rain-gauge network of 168 ground stations. We found that hourly extreme rainfall intensities increased both in the city and its surroundings but the increase in the built area was significantly greater (3 times greater) - the mean trend in annual hourly rainfall maximum in the urban area was 0.6 mm h-1 y-1 while in the rural surrounding the mean was 0.2 mm h-1 y-1. We calculated a negative trend in aerosol concentration (−0.005 AOD y−1) but a positive trend in near-surface air temperature that was considerably larger in the urban areas (0.15 °C y−1) as compared to the rural counterpart (0.09 °C y−1). Even though built surfaces and low-rise buildings contributed to an increase in air temperature, they did not affect air humidity. Generally, rainfall extremes follow the Clausius–Clapeyron relationship with an increase at a rate of 7% °C−1. Our results demonstrate that the warming effect associated with a low-rise urban area can result in increased rainfall extremes that are significantly greater than in the surrounding areas of the city.

How to cite: Huang, J., Fatichi, S., Mascaro, G., Manoli, G., and Peleg, N.: Enhanced intensification of hourly rainfall extremes due to urban warming in Phoenix, Arizona, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1354,, 2023.

EGU23-2673 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.6

Impact of Climate Change on Non-stationary IDF Curves for Urban Areas 

Naman Kishan Rastogi, Abhinav Wadhwa, and Pradeep P. Mujumdar

High-intensity rainfall in a short duration has become the primary reason for the flooding of urban areas, and quantifying this may help to reduce the destruction caused by the floods. Continuous human interventions, change in land use land-cover and urbanization have significantly altered the climate patterns in many places of the world. Urban infrastructure, economic activity, and social well-being are greatly affected by the increase in rainfall intensity resulting in more runoff, drainage system overflow, and subsequent flooding disasters. Water infrastructure planners and designers have traditionally used Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) curves as tools for urban flood assessment and management. However, IDF curves created based on the stationarity hypothesis are inaccurate and may underestimate the present or future results due to continuous changes in climatic conditions. This study investigates the non-stationary behavior of IDF curves due to climate change. It is assumed that the likelihood of quantile occurrence changes with time. An optimal solution is determined by comparing Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) parameters with a stationary GEV incorporating time, space, location, and shape as covariates. These covariates are associated with the most significant physical processes, such as urbanization, local temperature changes, and global warming, that make the time series non-stationary. In addition, for downscaling the climate change model data to station-level data, a modified K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN) approach is used, incorporating non-stationarity wherever appropriate. The method is applied to 100 Telemetric Rain Gauge (TRGs) stations that are spatially dispersed throughout the urban catchment of Bangalore city, India. According to the findings, the spatial plots for IDFs can capture the current patterns and translate them into predictions of future rainfall intensities. The return period can be shortened by more than one-tenth of its length in the estimations of future rainfall intensities. These analyses along with a comparison study with the existing and future IDFs will help raise awareness and provide potential warnings to the existing water infrastructure systems.

How to cite: Kishan Rastogi, N., Wadhwa, A., and P. Mujumdar, P.: Impact of Climate Change on Non-stationary IDF Curves for Urban Areas, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2673,, 2023.

EGU23-2704 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.6

A bivariate rainfall frequency analysis framework in urban areas by coupling copula theory and stochastic storm transposition 

Qi Zhuang, Shuguang Liu, Zhengzheng Zhou, and Daniel Wright

Extreme rainfall is a critical “agent” driving flash floods in urban areas. In rainfall frequency analysis (RFA), however, storms are usually assumed to be uniform in space and fixed in time. Spatially and temporally uniform design storms and area reduction factors are oftentimes used in conjunction with RFA results in engineering practice for infrastructure design and planning. The consequences of such assumptions are poorly understood. This study examines how spatiotemporal rainfall heterogeneity impacts RFA, using a newly-introduced bivariate framework consisting of copula theory and stochastic storm transposition (SST). A large number of regionally-extreme storms with specific features—rainfall depth, duration, intensity, and level of intra-storm spatial organization—were collected. Rainfall intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) estimates exhibiting these bivariate features were then generated by synthesizing long records of rainfall via SST. The results show that dependencies exist among spatiotemporal storm characteristics. Bivariate frequency results exhibit smaller uncertainties but more complex physical meanings that the results from conventional methods. In particular, the highly spatially-organized storms play a leading role in frequency estimates.

How to cite: Zhuang, Q., Liu, S., Zhou, Z., and Wright, D.: A bivariate rainfall frequency analysis framework in urban areas by coupling copula theory and stochastic storm transposition, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2704,, 2023.

Stochastic rainfall modeling has been a useful tool to generate long rainfall time series for hydrological applications. One of the widely-used stochastic rainfall generators in the UK water industry to support drainage system design is the Bartlett-Lewis Rectangular Pulse model (BLRP). In practice, there are two main challenges that need to be addressed in the development of BLRP models: 1) capacity of preserving standard and extreme rainfall properties across a wide range of timescales, e.g. from sub-hourly to monthly; 2) ability to reflect the variations in the underlying climate/weather.

For the first challenge, some breakthroughs have been achieved over the past few years. Onof and Wang (2020) reformulated the original BLRP model to overcome its deficiency in underestimating rainfall extremes at sub-hourly timescales. Kim and Onof (2020) further extended Onof and Wang’s work by introducing an additional parameter to enable reproducing rainfall properties across a wide range of timescales –from sub-hourly to monthly or longer. 

The second challenge is however yet to be addressed. The concept of weather analogs is often adopted in the literature to incorporate the impact of climate dynamics. A set of atmospheric variables, which are assumed to be able to well represent the underlying weather/climate condition, are selected and associated with the co-located local rainfall properties. Cross (2020), e.g., proposed a regression method to associate the monthly temperature with the parameters of the BLRP model. However, the concept of ‘calendar month’ –a man-made period of time–  was still used in this method, which hindered the capacity of resembling the natural variations in seasons between years. To better resemble nature, Dai (2021) proposed a moving-window approach Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) method. Dai’s method sliced the original rainfall time series with a 30-day width and 10-day step moving window to reduce the impact of artificial separation of seasons. In addition, the DTW was employed to provide a more robust metric than the eulerian distance for quantifying the similarity between any two climate conditions. Dai’s work suggests that an unconventional metric may be required to better identify weather/climate analogs. 

Hoffmann and Lessig (2022) proposed a deep-learning method, called AtmoDist, that transforms the original atmospheric variables into a number of high-dimensional features and computes the distance from the extracted features. The result showed that the AtmoDist outperforms the traditional distance in identifying weather analogs. In this research, we extend the moving-window DTW based analog method proposed in Dai (2021) by replacing the DTW with the AtmoDist. Similarly to Dai (2021), selected atmospheric variables from the ERA5 hourly data on pressure levels are used for model training and validation. The local rainfall properties derived from the periods of the identified weather analogs resulting from the AtmoDist and the DTW methods will be first compared to evaluate their ability to identify weather analogs. Then, the derived local rainfall properties will be used as input to the BLRP model. This will enable the quantification of the impact of large-scale atmospheric variations to the local rainfall properties. 

How to cite: Chen, P.-C. and Wang, L.-P.: Modeling rainfall with a Bartlett–Lewis process: incorporating climate co-variate using a deep learning method, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3733,, 2023.

EGU23-5619 | Posters on site | HS7.6

How to consistently adapt soil parameters to express urban growth in physically based precipitation modeling ? 

Etienne Leblois, Silvia-Patricia Salas Aguilar, Sandrine Anquetin, and Enrique Gonzalez Sosa

Atmospheric limited-area models are superb tools built by atmospheric scientists, and can also be used by scientists from other disciplines. As hydrologists interested in urban rainfall hazard, we want to study possible changes in local-scale precipitation intensities and patterns under urban growth scenarios.

Unfortunately, the parameterization of ground properties appears scattered in many datasets. These differ by their spatial resolution, computational type (exclusive categories expressed as integers, categories expressed as percentages in the patchwork/tile approach, continuous parameters as real numbers, month-dependent real numbers), and of course by their semantic (land use/land cover, radiative properties such as LAI according to one or another sensor, orography, soil type according to one or another research institute).

From the above, the basic way to deal with expected land use changes in impact simulation changes would involve reading the scientific literature exhaustively - literally: to the point of exhaustion - to establish which parameter must be changed, and to hope that no inconsistencies will be introduced in the individual values or in their interdependence.

We propose another, easier, and above all safer strategy. The first step is to recognize the "ground properties" are not a list of individual parameters, but a compound object where many parameters are related in a hierarchy of aspects  : parameters related to land use, parameters related to orography, etc. The determination of this hierarchy is quite easy using multivariate statistics, individuals being locations sampled in the domain of interest and data being the parameters values at these locations. This approach helps to establish the list of parameters connected to the intended change.

Armed with this list, a "geographic cut-and-paste" strategy can be safely adopted to express intended land use change: the relevant parameter values of a representative (donor) location will be used at the target (modified) location, while leaving all other local parameters untouched.

We illustrate this approach with the specific case of prescribing variable levels of urban development for the city of Querétaro, Mexico, in the technical context of using WRF's UEMS distribution (89 datasets distributed as 25633 files distributed in 219 directories).

How to cite: Leblois, E., Salas Aguilar, S.-P., Anquetin, S., and Gonzalez Sosa, E.: How to consistently adapt soil parameters to express urban growth in physically based precipitation modeling ?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5619,, 2023.

Urban flooding is a critical disaster resulting in the malfunction of the city and the loss of properties. Furthermore, urban flood prediction often requires a combined modeling process due to the complicated drainage system. In this study, the water levels and relevant inundation areas were estimated by the radar rainfall estimations and the SWMM model. Regarding the radar rainfall estimation, the joint relationship between reflectivity, phase (i.e, ZH, ZDR, KDP) of dual-polarization radar and ground rainfalls was explored through the copula function. The copula is a function that effectively joins marginal distribution functions to form a multivariate distribution function. Finally, the water level and inundation areas of Gangnam district were estimated using hourly mean areal precipitation (MAP) through radar rainfall estimations and the coupled 1D/2D urban hydrological model. The coupled model consists of a 1D conduit network model based SWMM (i.e., the RUNOFF and EXTRAN modules) and a 2D overland flow model, which links the surcharging flows at the manholes of the 1D sewer network model.



This work was supported by Korea Environment Industry & Technology Institute (KEITI) through the Aquatic Ecosystem Conservation Research Program, funded by the Korea Ministry of Environment(MOE). (No. 2021003030001)

How to cite: Kim, H.-J., Jung, M.-K., Cho, H., and Kwon, H.-H.: Estimation of mean areal precipitation based on dual-polarization radar using copula function and Its use for urban drainage modeling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6299,, 2023.

EGU23-9127 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.6

Comparitive performance of two quality control algorithms for personal weather station rainfall data in Amsterdam Metropolitan Area 

Lotte de Vos, Abbas El Hachem, Jochen Seidel, and András Bárdossy

The accurate estimation of precipitation is still one of the major challenges in hydrology. One fairly new approach to improve rainfall quantification is the use of so-called opportunistic sensors (OS), i.e. sensors that were not designed to provide high-quality rainfall data at a larger scale, but can be used for that purpose. One type of OS are personal weather stations (PWS) that are owned by private users. They typically comprise one or a set of low-cost devices that record meteorological variables such as air temperature and rainfall. The number of PWS has increased over the past years and the high number of rain gauges offers potential to improve rainfall estimates. 
OS have also raised scientific interest in the recent years. In October 2021, the EU COST Action CA 20136 “Opportunistic Precipitation Sensing Network” (OPENSENSE) was launched with the aim to bring together researchers in the field of OS and to build a global opportunistic sensing community. Furthermore, EUMETNET recently released a dataset containing data of PWS in Europe for 2020 from MetOffice WOW and Netatmo to support the development of PWS quality control tools.
Compared to traditional rain gauge networks, PWS provide data in high temporal and spatial resolution but with low quality, since they are often not installed and maintained according to professional standards. Therefore, these data require a thorough quality control (QC) and filtering before they can be used for applications such as areal precipitation estimates. Two different QC algorithms have been published by de Vos et al. (2019) and Bárdossy et al. (2021). These are available in the OPENSENSE GitHub environment ( 
In this study, we apply these two aforementioned QC algorithms on four 24-hour periods, containing convective or homogeneous rain events, from the same PWS dataset for the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area, and validate the outcome using a gauge-adjusted radar product as reference. The characteristics and relative performance of the QC algorithms are presented, thus providing aid for prospective users to decide which of these QC algorithms is best suited for their purpose.

Bárdossy, A., Seidel, J., & El Hachem, A. (2021). The use of personal weather station observations to improve precipitation estimation and interpolation. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 25(2), 583-601
de Vos, L. W., Leijnse, H., Overeem, A., & Uijlenhoet, R. (2019). Quality Control for Crowdsourced Personal Weather Stations to Enable Operational Rainfall Monitoring. Geophysical Research Letters, 46(15), 8820-8829.

How to cite: de Vos, L., El Hachem, A., Seidel, J., and Bárdossy, A.: Comparitive performance of two quality control algorithms for personal weather station rainfall data in Amsterdam Metropolitan Area, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9127,, 2023.

EGU23-9498 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.6

Effects of urban structures on spatial and temporal flood distribution 

Marlin Shlewet, Daniel Caviedes-Voullième, Karl Kästner, and Christoph Hinz

Urban pluvial flooding is a modern, growing global disaster, particularly in developing countries with inadequate infrastructure. It remains a challenge to accurately model the runoff behavior in urban areas with a complex topography and to quantify the impact of spatial urban patterns on changing urban rainfall-runoff response. The question to be addressed is how varying the urban spatial configurations can quantitatively influence the overland flow response in relation to the spatiotemporal hydrodynamic variables such as water depth, velocity, and outflow discharge. We use a 2D shallow water model to indicate the influence of changing spatial urban factors (such as the orientation of streets and buildings, and adding sidewalks) in small idealized (synthetic) urban catchments during a single pluvial flood event. The domain layout extends over a size of 267.5m*267.5m with a 3% longitude slope. We differentiate mainly between two street networks: i) the two-way main street with of 14-m width with sidewalks, and ii) side streets of 10m width (Fig.1). We then define novel spatially integrated indicators over the domain at the steady state to analyze quantitatively runoff variables in correlation with the urban features (Fig.1). Additionally, local hotspot maps were created to assess the flood-risk thresholds, such as human stability and failure of buildings. Hotspots are defined as the places with the highest flow velocity magnitudes and water depths (> 90%). The results of the modeling showed that, with respect to the flow velocities in small-scale urban catchments, the main street layout is the dominant urban factor, followed by the side street widths, which were decisively determined by the geometry of the sidewalks. The comparison with real flood risk thresholds shows that the lower part of the main road is the most sensitive to flood risk in the domain with a high-risk hazard for human stability. However, the riskiest case is not corresponding to the fastest hydrograph response. Varying the spatial urban configurations, especially the rotation of the main roads, changes the flood risk thresholds and delays runoff. On the other hand, spatially integrated indicators of the flow variables in the domain are showing low sensitivity to the spatial urban features. Our findings offer a new important perspective on the development of urban flood risk assessment, especially for rapidly urbanizing cities, and provide a better understanding of the spatiotemporal rainfall-runoff generation in a small urban catchment considering the spatial layout of the urban structures.

Fig.1 Overview of the modelling approach and evaluation of the runoff data

How to cite: Shlewet, M., Caviedes-Voullième, D., Kästner, K., and Hinz, C.: Effects of urban structures on spatial and temporal flood distribution, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9498,, 2023.

EGU23-9567 | Orals | HS7.6

Opportunistic rain sensors and flood modelling to assess the risk of failure of surface drainage in urban areas 

Luca G. Lanza, Arianna Cauteruccio, and Enrico Chinchella

High-resolution space-time measurements of rain fields in urban areas are crucial to support the assessment of the risk of failure of urban drainage systems. In this work, opportunistic rain sensors based on optical principles and mounted on board moving vehicles are tested and used as an input to a hydraulic model to assess the risk of flooding of selected urban areas. Opportunistic sensors can be joined with other innovative measurement techniques (satellite links) and traditional instruments (radars and rain gauges at the ground) to provide the best real-time estimate of the space-time rain field for selected events. Synthetic hyetographs based on the local DDF curves are also used to assess the return period of flooding scenarios.

The focus of this work is on the impact of the inlet number, positioning, and efficiency on the risk of flooding. Detailed information about the inlet characteristics, including the potential degree of clogging, were obtained from the archives of the company in charge of the street and inlet maintenance, corroborated by a dedicated survey in the study area. This allowed obtaining a complete definition of the geometric and hydraulic characteristics of the surface drainage system (inlets), connecting the runoff produced during rain events with the underground storm sewers. It is assumed here that the capacity of the storm sewers is sufficient to drive away the water conveyed through the inlets, therefore no backflow is considered.

Hydraulic modelling is performed by using the HEC-RAS 2D software code (v. 6.3.1) and inlets are simulated as pumping stations with a customised stage-discharge relationship based on the available literature studies. Results are presented in the form of maps of the water depth and velocity over the study areas, and critical regions are identified based on the observed frequency (return period) of the expected flooding.

This study aims at providing suitable information to plan priorities in the maintenance interventions (cleaning and repairing of inlets) and possible expansion of the surface drainage system. The model is applied to a case study of an urban district of the town of Genoa (Italy), to support the activities of the project RUN – “Urban Resilience: Now-casting of the risk of flooding with IoT sensors and Open Data”, funded within the ROP-ERDF (Regional Operational Programme of the European Regional Development Fund).

How to cite: Lanza, L. G., Cauteruccio, A., and Chinchella, E.: Opportunistic rain sensors and flood modelling to assess the risk of failure of surface drainage in urban areas, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9567,, 2023.

EGU23-10806 | Posters on site | HS7.6

Sensitivity Analysis of the Effect of Rainfall on Road Traffic Speed in Bangkok, Thailand 

Tsuyoshi Takano, Shinichiro Nakamura, Hiroyoshi Morita, Napaporn Piamsa-nga, and Varameth Vichiensan

Rainfall affects urban traffic flow. In rapidly urbanizing megacities in Asian countries, heavy rainfall causes roads to flood and traffic congestion to worsen due to weak drainage systems. This study statistically quantified the impact of rainfall on urban traffic speed in Bangkok, using probe vehicle data and rainfall data from 2018 to 2020. Traffic speeds are calculated based on the travel distance and travel time between districts, taking into account the detouring of flooded sections.

Results show that both the rainfall intensity at the time of driving as well as the amount of previous rainfall affect the traffic speed reduction. In particular, the impact of previous rainfall increases at times and areas where traffic is concentrated, such as during the weekday morning and evening peak hours and travel to/from the city center. The results of the analysis based on regional characteristics show that low-lying districts are more affected by the previous rainfall because the flood water tends to stay on the road surface, while districts with high vegetation index (NDVI) are less affected by the previous rainfall. In addition, the impact of previous rainfall increases with population density and the ratio of narrow streets. In Bangkok, urbanization has progressed while leaving behind a city block configuration with many narrow streets, called Soi, connecting to arterial roads. This result means that limited road space is prone to flooding, and once flooding occurs, combined with the concentration of traffic on adjacent roads, traffic congestion becomes more severe.

The results of this study showed the impact of rainfall on urban traffic in different areas and at different times of the day in the target site. Integrated improvements to the transport and drainage systems could have a greater benefit.

How to cite: Takano, T., Nakamura, S., Morita, H., Piamsa-nga, N., and Vichiensan, V.: Sensitivity Analysis of the Effect of Rainfall on Road Traffic Speed in Bangkok, Thailand, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10806,, 2023.

EGU23-11115 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.6

Developing a SMART flood early warning system for a mountain watershed: experiences from the Lesser Himalayas 

Sudhanshu Dixit, Tahmina Yasmin, Kieran Khamis, Antony Ross, Subir Sen, Debashish Sen, Wouter Buytaert, David M. Hannah, and Sumit Sen

In the current context of climate change, urban areas in the Himalayas frequently experience flash floods. During high-intensity rainfall events in the catchments, due to hilly terrain and steep slopes, headwater streams cause flash floods and destroy life and property downstream. Increased encroachment along riverbanks and unplanned urban settlements expose financially distressed communities to the elevated risk of floods. This requires developing a reliable warning/alert system to ensure better preparedness for flood hazards and improve disaster resilience. Adequate hydrometeorological monitoring is a key element of such a system to generate knowledge on catchment/watershed characteristics as part of a broader disaster mitigation framework to reduce flood risk. 

The Bindal river in Dehradun (the capital city of Uttarakhand state in India) lies in the Doon valley on the foothills of the Himalayas, having a significant elevation difference of 450m with an area of 44.4 km2. The downstream settlements of the Bindal river experience flash floods during the monsoon season. Utilizing a SMART approach (developing shared understanding, monitoring, and awareness of the associated risks for preplanning response actions on time), this study aims to leverage and test a low-cost sensor network to provide information of hydrological variability and runoff response in the Bindal catchment. The SMART sensor network consists of 3 LiDAR river water level sensors and 4 tipping-bucket rain gauges at 15-minute intervals. The observed data showcases a substantial variability at both spatial and temporal scales within the small catchment of the Bindal river. The correlation coefficient (p value<0.05) between the rainfall observations at different stations varied from 0.82 to 0.20, with distance between their locations varying from 2.74 to 8.24km. The difference in total monthly rainfall recorded in two rain gauges 8.24 km apart in September is 187 mm. Additionally, the preliminary data suggests urban settlements in the downstream receive heavy rainfall within a short duration, while upper-catchment regions receive low-intensity rainfall for a longer duration. Future work will focus on developing a correlation between rainfall intensity and streamflow to define Intensity-Duration (ID) thresholds for early warning of flash floods. Similar systems in mountain landscapes with long-term rainfall and discharge data can contribute to establishing effective and low-cost flood warning systems for vulnerable riverine communities, particularly in developing countries.

How to cite: Dixit, S., Yasmin, T., Khamis, K., Ross, A., Sen, S., Sen, D., Buytaert, W., Hannah, D. M., and Sen, S.: Developing a SMART flood early warning system for a mountain watershed: experiences from the Lesser Himalayas, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11115,, 2023.

EGU23-12555 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.6

The sensitivity of urban surface water flood modelling to the temporal structure of rainfall 

Molly Asher, Mark Trigg, Cathryn Birch, Steven Böing, and Roberto Villalobos-Herrera

The risk posed globally by surface water flooding to people and properties is growing due to rapid urbanisation and the intensification of rainfall due to climate change. Whilst tools to model urban flood risk have also been rapidly developing, there remains a knowledge gap around the sensitivity of urban hydraulic modelling methods to the temporal structure of rainfall. In the UK, the industry standard process considers rainfall events to always be symmetrical, and with a singular peak in intensity. Previous studies of observed UK extreme rainfall events suggests that loading of rainfall towards the start or end of events is in fact more common. In this study, the sensitivity of an urban catchment in the north of England is tested using fifteen realistic rainfall profiles derived from these observed extremes. Additionally, idealized systematic variations are made to the industry standard profile to shift the single peak towards the start or end of the event, and to split the rainfall volume over multiple peaks. We demonstrate that the positioning of the peak, as well as its magnitude, influences the severity, timing and nature of the associated flooding. The profile with the peak nearest the end of the event is associated with an 18% larger flooded area than the early peaking profile which is associated with the smallest flooded area.

How to cite: Asher, M., Trigg, M., Birch, C., Böing, S., and Villalobos-Herrera, R.: The sensitivity of urban surface water flood modelling to the temporal structure of rainfall, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12555,, 2023.

EGU23-12626 | Orals | HS7.6

Real-time Rainfall Estimation Using Binarized Rain Streak Images in Surveillance Cameras 

Jongyun Byun, Jinwook Lee, Hyeon-Joon Kim, and Changhyun Jun

Real-time monitoring and analysis of rainfall are important in reducing potential damage and losses in water-related disasters. Nowadays, IoT sensor data is being widely used in weather observation because of cost-effectiveness with high spatiotemporal resolutions. This study proposes a novel approach to estimate rainfall intensity from binarized rain streak images in surveillance cameras. Here, several background subtract algorithms are considered to extract rain streak images from raw video data recorded by surveillance cameras installed in six different points in Seoul, Korea. Various ranges of binarization threshold values are also used to calculate the number of white pixel values from rain streak images. As results, it indicates that rainfall intensity is properly estimated from binarized rain streak images with a relation equation between the number of white values and observation rainfall intensity data, which shows high dependence on the amount of illumination and recording environment characteristics (e.g. rainfall type, camera parameter, etc.).

Keywords: Rainfall Estimation, Rain Streak, CCTV, Computer Vision, Korea


This work was funded by the Korea Meteorological Administration Research and Development Program under Grant KMI2022-01910 and in part supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) grant funded by the Korea government(MSIT) (No. NRF-2022R1A4A3032838).

How to cite: Byun, J., Lee, J., Kim, H.-J., and Jun, C.: Real-time Rainfall Estimation Using Binarized Rain Streak Images in Surveillance Cameras, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12626,, 2023.

EGU23-13977 | ECS | Orals | HS7.6

Simulating rainfall and drainage response using CON-SST-RAIN - a stochastic areal rainfall generator 

Christoffer B. Andersen, Søren Thorndahl, and Daniel B. Wright

Stochastic rainfall generators have been commonly used in the field of hydrological and hydrodynamic modeling for a long time. These generators allow for an extensive ensemble of rainfall scenarios and continuous time series that is applicable for risk assessment and response variability studies under current and future climate conditions. Most rainfall generators simulate rainfall at daily scale and at point values. Recently some generators have been developed to produce gridded rainfall products. With advancement in weather radar technology a much more detailed representation of rainfall fields is now possible. This is especially needed in the field of urban hydrology.

We developed the stochastic rainfall generator CON-SST-RAIN that is based on traditional dry/wet sequencing using Markov Chains and rainfall field generation by Stochastic Storm Transposition (SST), a time-in-space resampling method. CON-SST-RAIN was developed utilizing a 17-year long C-band radar dataset, with a spatio-temporal resolution of 500m x 500m and 10 minutes, discontinuous in time (discard of data) and Markov Chains are derived from rain gauges.

CON-SST-RAIN can recreate continuous areal time series that captures the mean annual precipitation while also retaining seasonal and inter-annual variances. Extreme rain rates are likewise preserved and comparable to rain gauge data with +40 years of record.

We test the CON-SST-RAIN on stochastically generated artificial hydrological networks to examine the importance of spatio-temporal dynamic rainfall fields. The networks are generated by a Gibbs sampling approach where the modeler can choose the extent and complexity of the generated network. Runoff from these networks is coupled with a simple detention pond model to estimate return periods for rainfall storage.

How to cite: Andersen, C. B., Thorndahl, S., and Wright, D. B.: Simulating rainfall and drainage response using CON-SST-RAIN - a stochastic areal rainfall generator, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13977,, 2023.

Flood damage is not only caused by river floods. In particular, highly sealed urban areas are repeatedly affected by flooding as a result of convective heavy precipitation, regardless of their proximity to surface waters. Floods are often very localized due to the small spatial extent of the heavy precipitation cells. However, the spatial and temporal prediction of these precipitation cells is subject to great uncertainty due to the multitude of meteorological influences. In many cases, only the affected large areas in which convective heavy precipitation events can occur are known. The spontaneous implementation of safety measures by municipalities and residents is therefore rarely effective, which has already led to high damages in the past.

Hydrodynamic numerical (HN) models for simulating runoff, water levels and water velocity for heavy precipitation events require a high spatial and temporal resolution. Therefore, computational costs for pure HN models are high, so that a novel coupling approach with a hydrological rainfall-runoff (RR) model, which computes comparatively fast, is suggested. To represent the flooding events resulting from convective heavy precipitation events in highly heterogeneous inner-city areas, surface runoff can be simulated using RR models. Overloads of the existing drainage system are also identified. Averaging of, for example, sealing values, as is the case with conventional RR modelling, is dispensed with using high-resolution area information. A particularly detailed analysis of the study area at street level is thus possible as long as the flow directions are unambiguous. Subsequent coupling of the RR-simulated runoff to an HN model represents flooding of the area away from the fixed RR model runoff pathways. Due to the model concept developed for our study, runoff is represented with high temporal and spatial resolution and very short response times in the RR model. In the case of identified flooding of a road section, the flooding is then followed up with a non-uniform and transient HN model for the respective area. The combined approach reduces the model area of the HN model, which simulates dynamic flooding into the area, to the flood critical areas. In addition, this approach increases the accuracy of hindcasts compared to observations and delivers the opportunity to assess weak spots in the drainage system of complex urban areas. Municipalities may use the knowledge to create adapted and adequate risk management approaches for heavy precipitation events and make structural adjustments to reduce the now known risks.

How to cite: Sauer, C., Nagrelli, S., and Fröhle, P.: High-resolution modelling of heavy precipitation runoff behavior in urban areas using a coupled rainfall-runoff and hydrodynamic modelling approach, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14225,, 2023.

EGU23-14790 | Orals | HS7.6

Anthropogenic intensification of life-threatening rainfall extremes: Implications for flash floods in urban areas 

Hayley Fowler, Stephen Blenkinsop, Steven Chan, Abdullah Kahraman, Haider Ali, Elizabeth Kendon, and Geert Lenderink

Short-duration (1 to 3 hour) rainfall extremes can cause serious damage to infrastructure and ecosystems and can result in loss of life through rapidly developing (flash) flooding. Short-duration rainfall extremes are intensifying with warming at a rate consistent with atmospheric moisture increase (~7%/K) that also drives intensification of longer-duration extremes (1day+). Evidence from some regions indicates stronger increases to short-duration extreme rainfall intensities related to convective cloud feedbacks but their relevance to climate change is uncertain. This intensification has likely increased the incidence of flash flooding at local scales, particularly in urban areas, and this can further compound with an increased storm spatial footprint to significantly increase total event rainfall. These findings call for urgent climate-change adaptation measures to manage increasing flood risks, including rethinking the way climate change is incorporated into flood estimation guidance.

How to cite: Fowler, H., Blenkinsop, S., Chan, S., Kahraman, A., Ali, H., Kendon, E., and Lenderink, G.: Anthropogenic intensification of life-threatening rainfall extremes: Implications for flash floods in urban areas, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14790,, 2023.

Rainfall observations with high spatio-temporal resolutions are required for a wide range of urban hydrological applications. The requirements on rainfall data are particularly high when predicting discharges in catchments with short lag times between rainfall and runoff peaks. Commercial microwave links (CMLs) can help in this regard, as they densely cover urban areas and can provide quantitative precipitation estimates (QPEs) at high temporal resolution. This study i) investigates how to reduce systematic errors in CML QPEs using rainfall and runoff observations commonly available in urban areas and ii) evaluates the potential of CML QPEs for modeling discharge and its uncertainty in a small urban catchment.

The catchment is located in a suburb of Prague (CZ), has an area of 1.3 km2 (35 % impervious surfaces) and is drained by a stormwater sewer system. Rainfall data are retrieved from 16 CMLs operated between 25 and 39 GHz, four municipal rain gauges located outside of the catchment, and three temporarily deployed rain gauges located at the border of the catchment. Discharge is measured at the outlet of the catchment. The dataset spans the period between July 2014 and October 2016 during which we observed 46 rainfall events with the average rainfall depth exceeding 2 mm. We randomly selected 23 events and used them for optimizing CML QPEs, whereas the remaining 23 events were used in the subsequent validation stage for evaluating the CML performance. CML QPEs are optimized using rainfall data observed by rain gauges at different distances from the catchment. Furthermore, we investigate how to optimize CML QPEs by comparing simulated and observed discharges. Rainfall data are propagated through the rainfall-runoff model and the simulated discharges are compared to the those observed at the outlet of the catchment. Finally, uncertainties in the simulated discharge are estimated by extending the deterministic hydrodynamic model by a stochastic error model explicitly accounting for model bias (Pastorek et al., 2022).

The results show that discharge simulations with CML QPEs outperform simulations with the rain gauges used alone and are only slightly worse than the benchmark simulations with three rain gauges located in the catchment (1 gauge per 0.5 – 1 km2). The best performance is achieved with CML QPEs optimized by the three closest municipal rain gauges (about three km from the catchment); CML QPEs optimized by the observed discharges achieve only slightly worse performance. The estimated discharge uncertainty reflects well different quality of the input rainfall data, i.e. the width of uncertainty bands increases when more distant RGs are used to optimize CML QPEs. We also show that even a single rain gauge located 8 km from the catchment, which is simply too far to be used alone for rainfall-runoff modeling, can efficiently reduce systematic errors in CML QPEs. Overall, the results show that CMLs can complement existing monitoring networks and significantly improve rainfall-runoff modeling including uncertainty estimation.


Pastorek, J., Fencl, M., Bareš, V., 2022. Uncertainties in discharge predictions based on microwave link rainfall estimates in a small urban catchment. Journal of Hydrology 129051.

How to cite: Fencl, M., Pastorek, J., and Bareš, V.: Improving discharge predictions and uncertainty estimates in a small urban catchment using commercial microwave links, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16044,, 2023.

Pluvial urban flood events are prone to cause huge damages to infrastructures and can also endanger human lives. A strategy for dealing with natural disasters like urban flood events is to build up detailed models to predict potential implications of an event. These models are commonly physically based hydrodynamic models. Using such models for gaining better understanding of historical and possible future events can be beneficial. For damage mitigation during a storm event, the computational demand of these models is, however, too high. Therefore, substitute models have been developed in recent years, which are fast enough to allow for real time prediction. We present a machine learning model for real-time urban flood prediction with spatial and temporal resolution. The model was tested with promising results for a flat urban catchment. The model is based on a combination of autoencoders and a NARX neural network structure. The spatial resolution is 6 x 6 meters and the temporal resolution is 5 minutes. During the present research we applied the model to a steep urban catchment. Database for training the model was generated with the 1D/2D bidirectional coupled hydrodynamic model Hystem Extran 2D. As input we used design storm events with return periods of up to 100 years.  

How to cite: Berkhahn, S. and Neuweiler, I.: Real-time pluvial urban flood prediction with high spatial and temporal resolution – a case study for a steep catchment., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16652,, 2023.

Rainfall is the driving force of hydrological events. In order to predict Pluvial Flooding in cities modelling approaches make use of rainfall data of various sources: radar-based observations and predictions, high-precision rain gauges (like the OTT Pluvio² types used in the Brussels monitoring network The first have the advantage of being area-covering and having predictive power, the latter providing more precise absolute and ground-based rainfall measurements but potentially lacking spatial representativity. In an urban setting , high-density rainfall measurements are important as a little shift in rainfall may lead to a significantly different hydrological response (peak flow at different location in sewer network). The main objective is to explore the potential of low-cost rain sensors as complement for extreme peak rainfall monitoring in Brussels, Belgium. Within the frame of the FloodCitiSense project ( rainfall data has been collected during 2 years (2019-2021) using low-cost acoustic rain sensors, installed via citizen observatories. For the data analysis we focus mainly on convective rain storms typically occurring during summer time, which are most often very localized and challenging to measure and/or predict.

The research questions were as following: (1) What is the performance of the low-cost sensors compared to the existing high-precision rain gauges of the FLOWBRU monitoring network in network? (2) Can we improve the quantitative estimation of extreme rainfall distribution using the measurements of the low-cost sensors?

A comparative analysis, focusing on rainfall events with a return period of 10 years (T10), between a local low-cost acoustic rain sensor and a high-precision FLOWBRU rain gauge, installed at the same location (Royal Meteorological Institute) revealed a relative strong correlation between both rainfall timeseries, but a significant under estimation of cumulative rainfall during the events. A regression analysis enabled to develop a dynamic multiplier, varying in function of the rainfall intensity per 5-min timestep, improving the rainfall estimated by the low-cost sensor. Therefore the multiplier has been used to re-calibrate all low-cost measurements. In order to answer the second research question a spatial interpolation (Inverse Distance Weighted) using the cumulative rainfall per T10 event from FLOWBRU stations WITH and WITHOUT the low-cost stations has been applied. As a reference radar QPE images were used (cumulative rainfall per T10 event). Although yielding variable results, the use of the low-cost sensor data shows clearly an added value for (extreme) peak rainfall monitoring in Brussels.

How to cite: Verbeiren, B. and Lemmens, J.: Exploring the added value of low-cost sensors via citizen observatories for peak rainfall monitoring in cities (Case study: Brussels), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16721,, 2023.

EGU23-746 | ECS | Orals | HS5.14

Functional response evaluation of hard and soft adaptation strategies in urban flooding 

Angana Borah, Raviraj Dave, and Udit Bhatia

Intensified climate extremes in changing climate scenarios with rapid urbanization make urban floods a global concern since the population in the cities is increasing. One way to manage urban floods is the adoption of various adaptation measures. The existing infrastructures for flood adaptation are classified as 'hard,' 'soft,' and 'hybrid' adaptation strategies, which constitute the conventional Stormwater Drainage Network (SWD),  Green Infrastructures (GI) practices, and a combination of soft and hard strategies, respectively. As infrastructures are vulnerable to damage because of exceedance in design life, capacity, or any adverse situation, all adaptation methods are likely to become non-functional in the event of a disaster. Under such circumstances, the flood response of an urban region on account of the non-functionality of both soft and hard adaptation strategies is not well understood. We develop a coupled 1D-2D hydrodynamic model using MIKE+ and generate scenarios to compare the damages in the functional capacity of all three adaptation strategies. We implement this model for Ahmedabad city, India, and our Initial results show the hotspots which are highly prone to urban flooding. Here, we evaluate the hydrodynamic interaction between flood propagation on the surface with components of SWD structures and GI facilities and determine the consequence of their functional damages. Our analysis unfolds all the aspects of utilizing certain adaptation pathways, including the merits and demerits of the success and failure of a project. Our framework could aid in determining the trade-offs between different adaptation pathways from the perspective of building flood-resilient cities. 

How to cite: Borah, A., Dave, R., and Bhatia, U.: Functional response evaluation of hard and soft adaptation strategies in urban flooding, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-746,, 2023.

EGU23-2223 | ECS | Orals | HS5.14

Societal interest and willingness to pay for green roofs in Sardinia 

Elena Cristiano, Roberto Deidda, and Francesco Viola

Among the different nature-based solutions proposed for the sustainable development of urban areas, green roofs are becoming more and more popular, thanks to their multiple benefits. Indeed, these nature-based solutions reduce the pluvial flood risk during rainfall events, contribute to the thermal insulation of buildings, mitigate the urban heat island effect, and improve the air quality. The knowledge that citizens have about green roofs, the interest and willingness to pay for their installation are still poorly investigated and quantified, although this meta-information could be a valid support and guidance for policy makers and urban planners. In this work, we investigated, through an anonymous online survey, the perception of people living in Sardinia on the most common urban environmental issues (i.e., urban flood, increase of temperature, energy consumption, air pollution and lack of green spaces), and the willingness to pay for green roof installation on both public and private roofs. We estimated the empirical relation among environmental issues awareness and the willingness to pay for a specific green solution while trying to relate the latter to socio demographic characteristics. Results show that citizens are very interested in having green roofs on public building, and on average they are willing to pay around 35 euro per year for their installation and maintenance. The interest for green roofs on private building is, on the other hand, lower than on public ones, due to the high installation and maintenance costs. Moreover, when possible, citizens would rather have solar panels instead of green roofs, since they fully perceive the economic advantages deriving from the installation and are not fully aware of the green roof benefits.

How to cite: Cristiano, E., Deidda, R., and Viola, F.: Societal interest and willingness to pay for green roofs in Sardinia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2223,, 2023.

Nature-based Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) have been promoted for enhancing urban drainage, as well as offering additional benefits to urban greening and amenity, and engaging communities in the design and adoption of schemes. However, a lack of data on the efficacy of nature-based options means that schemes often use traditional engineering approaches instead of nature-based designs. Where nature-based options are used, most schemes lack long-term monitoring to understand their effectiveness; interventions are rarely designed to maximise their potential and often underperform once constructed. Existing practices also mean that most schemes are led by technical expertise and hence proceed with token public engagement, and lack support for community acceptance and adoption. This is unsustainable and undermines SuDS as a crucial tool for climate adaptation and sustainable urban development.

The SuDS+ approach argues for a radical rethink of the benefits of SuDS, de-prioritising drainage as their primary driver, and instead conceptualising ‘SuDS+’ as a multi-benefit urban development tool with a range of co-, not additional, benefits. In this approach SuDS become a vehicle for enhancing urban design, amenity, and health and wellbeing which can be adapted to meet community needs and aspirations.

The SuDS+ project, a 5-year Defra funded study in the Northeast of England, aims to develop and deliver community-centred SuDS, embedding innovation in collaborative design, as well as pushing forward new technologies and approaches for nature-based urban water management, and co-developing our understanding of what and how to monitor interventions to develop a robust evidence-base for the future.

This paper outlines the key challenges and how the project will aim to tackle these as a call to reimagine SuDS as a vehicle for delivering greener, healthier, more sustainable, and more resilience urban communities.

How to cite: Starkey, E. and Rollason, E.: SuDS+: establishing a new vision for sustainable drainage in delivering  sustainable and resilient urban communities, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3381,, 2023.

EGU23-4190 | Posters on site | HS5.14

On the effectiveness of green infrastructure to reduce stormflow at catchment scale 

Julian Klaus, Paulina Busch, and Michael McHale

Population growth and climate change alter the urban water cycle resulting in increasing frequency and magnitude of urban floods. In this study, we compared stormwater response in an urban drainage system between two adjacent urban sewersheds in Buffalo, NY, USA. At the first site (DEL), comprehensive installations of green infrastructure (GI) (i.e. bioretention cells) were carried out, while the second site (SQ) was minimally influenced by GI practices. Stormflow was monitored as pipeflow at both sites for an observation period of five years, three pre-construction and two post-construction years. We identified storm events and calculated event runoff, as excess flow above baseflow. Additionally, we evaluated annual total flow and peakflow (annual and seasonal) between the sites and between pre- and post-construction. Our analyses were confined to snow-free seasons because storage of precipitation in the snowpack confounds the evaluation of the precipitation-runoff relation. The analysis showed that the GI implementation was highly effective in reducing stormflow. Total annual flow was reduced at DEL between pre- and post-construction, while no trend was observable at the minimally influenced by GI SQ. Also, event-based stormflow was reduced through GI implementation across all snow-free seasons. Last, median event peakflow was clearly reduced through GI, especially in spring and summer, whereas results during fall were less clear. Through this hydrometric analysis, this study is among the first that provided evidence for the efficiency of GI in reducing stormflow beyond the plot-scale and thus provides future guidance on flood mitigation in urban environments.       

How to cite: Klaus, J., Busch, P., and McHale, M.: On the effectiveness of green infrastructure to reduce stormflow at catchment scale, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4190,, 2023.

EGU23-4666 | ECS | Orals | HS5.14

Integrated urban water management modeling under future water demand and climate scenarios for the city of Bangalore, India 

Snigdha Sarita Mohapatra, Meenakshi Arora, Wenyan Wu, and Manoj Kumar Tiwari

Climate change and population growth have a significant impact on urban water supplies. This is due to the fact that meeting urban water demand with the available water resources is quite challenging due to ever-growing water demand, variable supply as a result of climate uncertainties, and water pollution. In many urban areas around the world, the concept of integrated urban water management (IUWM) has become quite prominent in recent decades to tackle the challenges of urban water supply and management. The main principle of IUWM is to incorporate non-conventional water supply sources, such as stormwater, rooftop rainwater, and recycled wastewater, to augment the water supply and provide fit-for-purpose water. IUWM, if implemented successfully, has the potential to mitigate multiple challenges outlined above including enhanced water security during droughts, reduced waste streams, reduced floods, and enhanced groundwater recharge as well as reduced water pollution.

In this research, an IUWM principles incorporated water balance model (i.e., developed using eWater Source Version was used to identify the most suitable supply options from multiple water sources to satisfy the water demands under future demand and climate scenarios for the city of Bangalore, India. Five different water supply configurations were generated based on available water sources and within the policy framework to meet water demand. The effect of climate change has been incorporated into the IUWM model configurations through the runoff responses from future precipitation and temperature changes. Future climate change scenarios for four IPCC emission scenarios i.e., ssp126, ssp246, ssp323, and ssp586 have been incorporated from thirteen Coupled Model Intercomparison Project-6 (CMIP6) models (i.e., 0.25° spatial resolution available at the study location). Three water demand scenarios i.e., low (150 liters per capita per day), average (175 liters per capita per day), and high (200 liters per capita per day) for the projected population were considered as per the Indian Standards. The selected configurations were evaluated for water supply reliability (i.e., time and volumetric reliability) in the study area. Further, as multiple future scenarios resulted in multiple water supply reliability solutions under five IUWM model configurations, the robust solution was identified using robustness metrics.

How to cite: Mohapatra, S. S., Arora, M., Wu, W., and Tiwari, M. K.: Integrated urban water management modeling under future water demand and climate scenarios for the city of Bangalore, India, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4666,, 2023.

Floods have devastated many urban socio-ecological systems, adding to urban planners' concerns. Floods caused by typhoons and heavy rain are common in South Korea during the summer, and especially Seoul has experienced urban flooding due to unusually localized heavy rains since 2010. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change scenarios (IPCC, 2014), flood damage in Korea is expected to increase due to summer-concentrated precipitation. As an example of what happened, record-breaking rainfall in the summer of 2022 caused severe damage in the Gangnam, a prime district in Seoul, Korea, that has been most vulnerable to flood damage due to drainage problems.

Green infrastructure's socio-ecological system aspect has been recognized for its ability to improve the provision of urban ecosystem services and is increasingly being used for stormwater management. Flood resilience necessitates the ability of urban socio-ecological systems to maintain their structures and functions during and after flooding events. In terms of achieving sustainable outcomes for municipalities, green infrastructure has practical limitations, such as a limited capacity for storing and infiltrating stormwater. As an interdisciplinary approach, green infrastructure necessitates the involvement of multiple stakeholders with conflicting interests, and it is critical to identify the best measures to apply in each context for effective flood mitigation strategies. There is, however, a knowledge gap in investigating an urban water system as a social-ecological system that coevolves because of interactions between actors, institutions, and water systems.

Gangnam district has quickly become the focal point for discourses on socio-economic inequality in Korea, consolidating both socio-economic segregation and political conservatism, making social-economic-ecological context critical for any urban planning to be sustainable. The aim of this research is to develop a system for selecting appropriate green infrastructure for resilient urban stormwater management in Seoul's Gangnam district using simulation-based modeling.

The first step will be to identify suitable green infrastructure practices for Gangnam district’s socio-economic context based on a co-benefits analysis, which will include incorporating co-benefits and human well-being into flood management decision-making while taking stakeholders' perceptions into account using a multi-criteria decision support system. The second step involves using the "Green Values Stormwater Management" model (Jaffe et al., 2010) to assess the green infrastructure's ability to adhere to the "4R" principles of resilience: robustness, rapidity, redundancy, and resourcefulness based on simulation results.

The volume of rain captured or retained by the area's green infrastructure, providing feedback on construction and maintenance costs, as well as an estimate of the percentage of the desired volume retention goal being met will be estimated by the simulation model. Additionally, co-benefits such as cost savings and increased real estate value will be calculated and presented. This research framework will assist city planners decide which green infrastructure practices to use for resilient urban flood management.


IPCC (2014). Climate Change 2014: Synthesis Report. IPCC, Geneva, Switzerland.

Jaffe, M., Zellner, M., Gonzalez-Meler, M., Cotner, L. A., Massey, D., Ahmed, H., & Elberts, M. (2010). USING GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE TO MANAGE URBAN STORMWATER QUALITY: A Review of Selected Practices and State Programs.

How to cite: Rahman, M. R., Kim, H., Kwon, D., and Lee, J.: A Simulation-based Modeling Approach to Adapt Social-Ecological Green Infrastructure System for Resilient Urban Flood Management, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4830,, 2023.

Green roofs are beneficial in urban drainage systems due to their role in mitigating the hydrological response of the largely impervious surfaces to intense rainfall events. Such benefit is often assumed to hold also in case RainWater Harvesting (RWH) is implemented to exploit the collected rainwater for non-potable usages and to save valuable potable water resources. However, the role of green roofs on the RWH efficiency is not obvious and requires detailed investigation by accounting for the local rainfall climatology.   

On the one hand, retention of rainwater operated by the vegetation would reduce the total volume of collected water made available for exploitation. On the other hand, rainwater detention in the green roof substrates would add to the storage capability of the RWH system, therefore improving the delayed supply of water during inter-event dry periods. The resulting efficiency at the annual scale depends on the distribution of precipitation within the year (duration of dry periods, intensity of rain events, frequency of extremes, etc.).

In this work, a behavioural model is developed to investigate the impact of the inflow modulation due to an interposed green roof on the efficiency of a generic RWH system located in the Mediterranean environment (Cauteruccio and Lanza, 2022). Various configurations of both the green roof characteristics (retention and detention performance) and the RWH system (rainwater collection area and storage volume) are compared with the collection from impervious surfaces in terms of non-dimensional reliability indices.

Furthermore, the annual usage volume per unit tank capacity is used as an indicator of the economic benefit associated with the exploitation of the resource, and its variation in case of the various green roof/RWH system design configurations is assessed. In particular, the reduction of the significant overflow ratio that is typical of RWH systems in the Mediterranean climate is calculated, which is interpreted as a positive feature since overflow represents the unused portion of the collected water.

Cauteruccio, A. and L.G. Lanza (2022). Rainwater harvesting for urban landscape irrigation using a soil water depletion algorithm conditional on daily precipitation. Water, 14(21), 3468.

How to cite: Cauteruccio, A. and Lanza, L. G.: Competing roles of green roof in rain water harvesting systems: accounting for retention and detention in a behavioural model simulation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8630,, 2023.

EGU23-8836 | ECS | Posters on site | HS5.14

Engaging local communities in planning Nature-Based-Solutions for urban drainage systems - the MUDAR project 

Livia Serrao, Susanna Ottaviani, Corrado Diamantini, Alessandra Marzadri, Marco Ragazzi, Wilson Alberto Munguita Paulino, Félix Cândido Cláudio Eduardo Macueia, Harold Juvenal Chate, Americo Da Stela Valdimir Msopela, Alfredo Manhota Antonio, and Guido Zolezzi

Urban population has been increasing worldwide in recent decades and it is expected to continue growing in the coming years. Cities are facing the effects of the climate crisis, which primarily impact the most vulnerable contexts, first and foremost informal settlements. In this context, the growth of informal neighborhoods, home to one billion people1, poses complex challenges for the cities of today and tomorrow. In these urban areas traditional, informal and formal social dynamics coexist, strengthened by strong community identities and bonds. Major problems are due to the lack of basic services and infrastructure, making these areas more vulnerable to the increasingly frequent and intense extreme rainfall events. 

In this work, we present the recently launched Europeaid-funded project MUDAR (Mozambique integrated Urban Development by Actions and Relationships), and specifically focus on its component that addresses the dynamics and effects of flooding  in an informal urban area: the Macuti neighborhood in the city of Beira, Mozambique. Macuti is situated on the coast, making it particularly vulnerable to frequent cyclones, one of all Idai, which damaged 49% of its buildings in March 20192. Moreover, it is located on a marshy, purely flat area at the end of an inadequate open drainage network serving the entire city, which is unable to drain the flow at high tide. Macuti, with its almost 17 thousand people (2017), since the early 2000s has been experiencing a rapid growth in spontaneous settlements, which has resulted in a higher population density, with the unbuilt area decreasing by 40% from 2004 to 2022, and soil permeability further reducing in a context where the clayey soil composition already strongly limits rainfall infiltration. These changes, in addition to the inadequate water infrastructure, have exacerbated flooding problems associated with heavy rainfall events (the maximum daily precipitation of the 1990-2020 period was 288.5 mm/day). Investigating the socio-hydrology of flooding in these informal settlements is particularly complex because its requirements for high-resolution topographic, soil, land use and meteorological data, which are very limited in these informal settlements. 

More specifically, we present preliminary outcomes and the proposed project strategy to cope with the intrinsic data scarcity of such context, which is based on carefully designed participatory surveys with local actors. To fill this data gap, a multi-disciplinary approach has been adopted by combining elaborations from satellite image processing (SAR) with in-situ measurements and interviews to inhabitants and professionals. In addition to being involved in providing information about the area, the inhabitants are a crucial actor in the decision-making process for choosing the technical solutions to be implemented. Preliminary results on  flooding dynamics in Macuti neighborhood, as well as on three Nature-Based-Solutions scenarios emerging from the participatory process highlight promising factors that can allow adapting the participatory procedure in similar contexts.


1French, M., Trundle, A., Korte, I., Koto, C. (2020). Climate Resilience in Urban Informal Settlements: Towards a Transformative Upgrading Agenda. Climate Resilient Urban Areas, 129-153

2UNOSAT-REACH (2019). Mozambique- Beira City -Macuti - Neighbourhood Damage Assessment- As of 26 March 2019. URL:

How to cite: Serrao, L., Ottaviani, S., Diamantini, C., Marzadri, A., Ragazzi, M., Paulino, W. A. M., Macueia, F. C. C. E., Chate, H. J., Msopela, A. D. S. V., Antonio, A. M., and Zolezzi, G.: Engaging local communities in planning Nature-Based-Solutions for urban drainage systems - the MUDAR project, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8836,, 2023.

EGU23-10523 | ECS | Posters virtual | HS5.14

Sensitivity analysis of green roof design parameters in SWMM for its improved understanding of hydrological performance 

Husnain Tansar, Huan-Feng Duan, and Ole Mark

Improved understanding of dynamic hydrological performance of green roof (GR) design parameters towards different model responses is important for maximizing its target design goals at the unit-scale. Replication of an optimally designed GR unit at the catchment-scale significantly contributes to achieving its target design goals (i.e., surface runoff reduction, urban flood reduction, peak flow control, etc.). Moreover, adequate efforts are required to explore and provide appropriate knowledge about the categorization of influential and non-influential design parameters with their suitable design spaces to guide researchers, drainage engineers, and stormwater management practitioners for effective and efficient planning, designing and optimization of GR at catchment-scales.

This study employs a robust and comprehensive global sensitivity analysis (GSA) method known as the variogram analysis of response surfaces (VARS) for sensitivity analysis of GR design parameters. Firstly, a total of 13,999 sample points for 14 GR parameters of three layers (i.e., surface, soil and drainage mat) are generated by using the latin hypercube sampling technique and their factor spaces are decided based on design guidelines in current SWMM manuals. Following that, the PySWMM is used to simulate these design samples in a Monte-Carlo-type setting on a conceptual catchment of 0.01km2 (100m2 × 100m2) with 50% treatment area of GR, and the model responses (e.g., surface infiltration, surface outflow, storage volume, and peak flow) are estimated and applied for sensitivity analysis. Finally, VARS evaluates different sensitivity analysis metrics by using different model responses corresponding to their designed samples.

Overall, the senstivity analysis results demonstrate that 8 out of 14 design parameters are highly influential on different model responses, however, the parameters’ sensitivity varies towards different model responses under different perturbation scales and rainfall conditions. Moreover, the selection of an effective range of design space of design parameters is necessary as it has a higher influence on model responses, while the parameters’ rankings and contributions to total sensitivity indices change with the range of design spaces. Furthermore, this research also provides an opportunity through VARS directional variogram index (an integrated sensitivity index) to study and understand the underlying mechanisms of design parameters under different perturbation scales with no extra computational burden. Senstivity analysis results will be presented with insights and recommendations for other regions, which will be helpful for decision-makers for effective planning, designing and implementation of GR. The findings of this parametric study would be helpful for the calibration and optimization of design parameters of GR for different case studies.


How to cite: Tansar, H., Duan, H.-F., and Mark, O.: Sensitivity analysis of green roof design parameters in SWMM for its improved understanding of hydrological performance, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10523,, 2023.

Green infrastructure (GI) has become a common solution to mitigate stormwater-related problems such as water quality and flooding hazards. Despite  widespread acknowledgement of GI benefits, there is a lack of decision support methods that allow practitioners to identify optimal locations and evaluate the costs and benefits of numerous spatially distributed small GI practices at larger scales (subwatershed to entire watershed) under uncertainty. To address these needs, an online Cloud-based interactive tool coupling SWMM (Storm Water Management Model) and the Water Research Foundation LID life cycle model, , called Interactive DEsign and Assessment System for Green Infrastructure (IDEAS_GI), is optimized using a noisy genetic algorithm (GA) with life cycle costs and stormwater volume reduction as the primary objectives. To overcome the computational challenge of probabilistic sampling with the noisy GA and to identify significant features for preferable locations, the GA  is merged with an artificial neural network, which acts as a meta-model (surrogate) for the numerical simulation model (SWMM). Post-optimization, machine learning decision trees are also generated that classify the numerous potential solutions generated by the noisy GA into GI coverage classes based on sub-watershed parameters. This framework is applied to a watershed in Baltimore, Maryland, U.S., under multiple budgetary scenarios. The results suggest that the greatest GI investments under the highest and lowest budgetary scenarios should be allocated to subwatersheds closest to the watershed outlet. For the lowest scenario, GI practices should be installed only in subwatersheds closest to the watershed outlet. When the budgetary scenario is highest, GI is sited across the watershed but highest priority is still given to subwatersheds closest to the watershed outlet. On the other hand, the importance of total distance to the watershed outlet is lower for the medium budgetary scenario. In fact, the impacts of different features for preferable GI coverage for these solutions are more complex, don’t follow a consistent pattern, and require more depth to capture the patterns in their corresponding classifier decision trees. In addition to these GI findings, the results showed that the addition of meta-models decreases average computational time required to reach Pareto frontiers similar to the ones generated by the noisy GA by more than 95%.

How to cite: Minsker, B. and Heidari Haratmeh, B.: Optimization of Green Infrastructure Networks to Maximize Stormwater-Related Benefits and Minimize Life Cycle Costs Using a Noisy Genetic Algorithm and Machine Learning, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10670,, 2023.

Infiltration-based green infrastructures (GIs) are commonly constructed to effectively storage the excessive stormwater runoff. These GIs exploit infiltration process, as the key natural phenomenon in the hydrological water balance, to detain excessive stormwater volume, especially at the outlet of the peri-urban watershed. Beside many factors playing significant roles in the performance of the infiltration-based GIs, implementing them in shallow groundwater area still represents a challenge that can restrict their widespread adoption. In fact, the groundwater level, if close to the bottom of infiltration-based GIs, can strongly influence the infiltration process. Basically, the shallow groundwater may theoretically play as a boundary conduction and subsequently reduces the infiltration rate.

The present study investigated the activation of an infiltration-based GI located at the outlet of the combined sewer system in the municipality of Sedriano (12,000 inhabitants in province of Milan, North Italy), monitoring the inflow and the water depth over a period of almost two years. Meantime, groundwater level and meteorological measurements were observed (including precipitation, air temperature, solar radiation, wind velocity, and relative humidity). Using these observations, a Water-Balance Model (WBM) was calibrated on the hydrological response of the infiltration-based GI and then, used to simulate how much time is required to empty under a specific precipitation event, and to understand the spatial distributed performances of these measures under different groundwater levels.

The implementation of an accurate WBM can be a useful tool for designing and assessing the performance of the infiltration-based GIs in shallow groundwater environments in peri-urban areas. This study is an integral part of the project Smart-Green ( that developed online tools for supporting the water utilities to accelerate the transition towards the sponge cities utilizing GIs techniques.

How to cite: Masseroni, D., Niazkar, M., and Cislaghi, A.: Implementing Water Balance Model for Stormwater Management: the case of an Infiltration-Based Green Infrastructure Under Shallow Groundwater Levels, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11430,, 2023.

EGU23-13446 | ECS | Orals | HS5.14

Modelling reference evapotranspiration for vertical green (in urban areas) 

Karin A. Hoffmann, Rabea Saad, Björn Kluge, and Thomas Nehls

Vertical green is promoted as climate change mitigation and adaptation measure, and it provides green space for the urban population. However, it could be used in urban water management as well if its evapotranspiration, thus its water demand would be predictable.

For optimal performance, plants need to be provided with water, nutrients, and rooting space. But irregular precipitation, drought periods, and lack of natural water storage necessitate additional irrigation preferably by local water sources (such as rainwater runoff and greywater).

The amount of water needed for irrigation can be calculated using the Penman-Monteith approach which quantifies evapotranspiration of vegetated horizontal surfaces. For Vertical Green, the Penman-Monteith equation has already been tested. In that way, water demand of VGS can be calculated for hourly time steps based on radiation, wind speed, and vapor pressure deficit expressed by air temperature and relative humidity data.

The needed meteorological data can be measured on-site or derived, thus adapted – verticalized - from remote climate stations, depending on data availability, and needed accuracy of the results. This study models water demand using (1) on-site measured meteorological data, (2) ‘verticalized’ remote station data, and (3) remote station data. We then compare simulated evapotranspiration with measured lysimetry data for a ground-based Vertical Greenery system of Fallopia baldschuanica monitored in Berlin, Germany.

This study finds radiation and vapor pressure deficit to have the highest impacts on the variance of the results while wind speed has the lowest impact. In this contribution, we present the developed model, verticalization methods for the input parameters and validate the performance of the model based on measured water demands.

How to cite: Hoffmann, K. A., Saad, R., Kluge, B., and Nehls, T.: Modelling reference evapotranspiration for vertical green (in urban areas), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13446,, 2023.

EGU23-13499 | ECS | Posters on site | HS5.14

Have roofs in Berlin become greener? Evaluation of Berlin's green roof subsidy program performance using geodata and deep learning 

Siling Chen, Margaux Antonia Huth, and Andrea Cominola

Green roofs are one of the most widely applied blue-green infrastructure in urban regions to serve several purposes moving towards climate change mitigation and urban adaptation. Their large-scale adoption is critical in enhancing resilience against urban hazards, such as urban flooding, urban heat island effects, and biodiversity loss. Currently, the most popular policy format to encourage their roll-out is subsidy programs. However, the success of such programs is oftentimes evaluated based on siloed governmental data, local evaluation reports, and non-recurrent monitoring campaigns, which may become inconsistent and incomparable across temporal scales and different geographical regions. Due to the lack of open data, complementary metadata, and standard quantitative evaluation tools, monitoring and consistently comparing the effectiveness of different green roof incentivization policies is a challenge in practice. This lack of data and high cost of frequent large-scale monitoring campaigns also hinders city-wide spatial distribution analysis of green roofs and identification of green roof development potential, which could support policymakers in devising effective and sustainable urban management strategies.

Moving towards an automated frequent monitoring of green roof development, previous work by Wu and Biljecki developed “Roofpedia”, an open-source deep learning algorithm for green roof mapping and urban sustainability evaluation using satellite imagery. In this work, we validate Roofpedia and evaluate its accuracy in automatically identifying and classifying green roofs from satellite images with public ground truth data in Berlin, Germany. Furthermore, we develop a Berlin-based case study where Roofpedia is applied using geospatial data across temporal scales to assess the efficacy of Berlin’s green roofing subsidy program "GründachPLUS", which has provided 2.7 Million Euros of funding for green roof construction since 2019. We first retrieve open-access orthoimagery data, then extract green roof coverages in Berlin across two temporal steps (i.e., before and after subsidy program instigation), and finally evaluate how effectively and promptly the subsidy program fostered the development of green roofs. This study contributes a Machine Learning-based add-on to the current evaluation protocol of the Berlin municipality, which is implemented via threshold-based spectral analysis. We analyze the spatial distribution of green roofs and provide insights into further green roof potentials in the city of Berlin, by identifying interesting hotspots for future green roof development. Upon imagery availability, this automated assessment may be extended to multiple cities to enable comparative studies of various green roofing incentivization policies and offer a transferrable and scalable policy evaluation framework.

How to cite: Chen, S., Huth, M. A., and Cominola, A.: Have roofs in Berlin become greener? Evaluation of Berlin's green roof subsidy program performance using geodata and deep learning, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13499,, 2023.

EGU23-13613 | ECS | Posters on site | HS5.14

The role of urban trees in water cycle restoration 

Giacomo Marrazzo and Anita Raimondi

Urban development leads to an increment of impervious cover that drastically reduces infiltration rates and increases the risk of stormwater floods, also reinforced by the rise of extreme events due to climate change.

In this context, urban trees represent a valid system for sustainable stormwater management. They decrease the runoff discharged in the sewer network and/or in the receiving water bodies.

Trees impact the hydrological cycle through the processes of interception, evapotranspiration and infiltration strictly depending on several factors such as tree features, soils properties, climate, and storm event characteristics.

The objective of the study is to propose an analytical-probabilistic approach to model the contribution of urban trees to the restoration of the water cycle, with particular focus on the evapotranspiration component.

How to cite: Marrazzo, G. and Raimondi, A.: The role of urban trees in water cycle restoration, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13613,, 2023.

EGU23-14713 | Posters on site | HS5.14

Investigation of thermal cooling potential of Permeable Paving at an urban trial site in London, UK 

Adrian Butler, Thomas Rowan, and Athanasios Paschalis

The built environment is being forced to adapt to rising global temperatures and severe weather events such as more intense storms, longer heatwaves etc. The proliferation of impermeable surfaces has over time led to many urban design problems, such as storm surges overwhelming sewers. Increasing urban temperatures are also caused by the built environment, the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect. These impacts can be tackled through better infrastructure. Permeable paving offers an alternative to many impermeable surfaces, providing a robust surface with the advantage of drainage. Its ability to mitigate heat, however, remains poorly understood.

To address this, a detailed performance evaluation of two permeable paving pads, one a control and the other actively (mains supply) and passively (rainwater retention) watered, was undertaken. The 16 m2 permeable paving pads were installed at Imperial College London’s White City campus (London, UK) and monitored over 4 months (July to October 2021). The pads were bounded by a raised impermeable barrier and consisted of a block layer with foundations of grit underneath. Both pads were placed on a slope enabling them to be drained, a weir prevented flooding and a tap allowed for complete drainage. The pads were instrumented with internal heat and water content sensors, as well as surface thermal sensing, and a dedicated weather station. Several artificial wetting events were conducted during the summer of 2021 alongside controlled laboratory work. A significant cooling effect was found (average of 1, and up to 5 of cooling), which was around half that computed for well-watered green space. It was found that the evaporation rate of the wetted pad was dependent on the degree of saturation, with the greatest heat loss efficiency occurring when the grit layer was partially saturated. A variety of secondary observations were also made, including issues around water fouling, and porous bricks. Whilst permeable paving can assist with flood alleviation, is it hoped, through minor design modifications, that it can also help tackle extreme urban heat impacts.

How to cite: Butler, A., Rowan, T., and Paschalis, A.: Investigation of thermal cooling potential of Permeable Paving at an urban trial site in London, UK, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14713,, 2023.

EGU23-15672 | ECS | Orals | HS5.14

The effect of Nature Based Willow system deployment at a catchment scale for flood control 

Arunima Sarkar Basu and Laurence Gill

Extreme hydro-meteorological events have caused massive devastations in European territories. The rising frequency and severity of hydro-meteorological events such as floods appear to be associated with climate change and land cover change. Flooding can be broadly classified into three types, fluvial flooding, pluvial flooding and coastal flooding. Fluvial flooding occurs when rivers and streams break their banks and water flows out onto the adjacent low-lying areas (the natural floodplains). Many factors are responsible in understanding the impact of rainfall events to fluvial flooding. The factors are size and slope of catchment, permeability of the soil, urbanization and soil compaction, presence of dams upstream to the floodplain and degree to which water can be stored in the dam and the rate of water release.

Pluvial flooding occurs when the amount of precipitation received exceeds the capacity of storm water drainage systems or the capacity of ground to absorb it.

Due to urbanization process, the surface cover of the land alters leading to increasing impervious areas and decreasing infiltration of the soil

The main focus of the research is to understand the effect of willow plantation at a catchment scale for improving pervious areas for flood control. Willow plants have shown high rate of evapotranspiration and improved infiltration. Willow based systems are used to understand the improvement in the rate of evapotranspiration and infiltration in the presence of appropriate climate and representative soil conditions in Ireland.

The willow systems are being monitored in the western, eastern and northern catchments in Ireland which are regulating the evapotranspiration and also the rate of infiltration at a catchment scale. A statistical rainfall runoff model has been deployed to understand the rainfall-runoff relationship. The evapotranspiration has been estimated based on the Penman–Monteith equation, which requires values of mean temperature, wind speed, relative humidity and solar radiation at daily scale. An inter-comparison for rainfall-runoff relationship is made for estimating the percentage change for improvement in runoff in the presence and absence of the willow plantations.

How to cite: Sarkar Basu, A. and Gill, L.: The effect of Nature Based Willow system deployment at a catchment scale for flood control, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15672,, 2023.

EGU23-15822 | ECS | Posters virtual | HS5.14

Sludge valorisation to obtain high quality water from WWTP 

Nuria Oliver, Miguel Año, Pura Almenar, Angela Baeza, Carmen Hernández-Crespo, and Miguel Martín

In the face of insufficient water resources and the intensification of extreme events caused by climate change, the generation of non-conventional water sources is an option that should become a priority. Wastewater treated is a water resource that with proper post-treatment can be suitable for maintaining the environmental quality of rivers and wetlands or be used for productive activities such as agricultural uses.

Returning water to the environment in similar conditions to its original state is vital to promote its reuse and to help maintain biodiversity. In this sense, the project Integrating circular economy and biodiversity in sustainable water treatments based on constructed wetlands LIFE RENATURWAT aims to demonstrate that it is possible to obtain high quality water from Waste Water Treatment Plants (WWTP) effluents by combining Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) and industrial wastes.

One of the disruptive issues of this project is exactly the use of a waste generated in the integral water cycle itself, concretely during the production of drinking water, to produce quality water from WWTP. This sludge (DWTS) has inert and non-toxic properties, so usually is disposed in landfills, not taking profit of the economic and environmental benefits derived from its valorisation. Nevertheless, the DWTS has adsorbent capacities due to the coagulant used in the drinking water treatment process.

LIFE RENATURWAT plans to use the DWTS as an active substrate in constructed wetlands (CWs) aimed at upgrading treated urban wastewater. This sludge is dewatered and milled to obtain a grain size similar to sand. The DWTS reinforces the wetland technology so that it can be more efficient and can efficiently remove phosphorus and other pollutants at the same time as generating a habitat in itself.

The solution includes two kinds of CWs operating in series. The first is a vertical subsurface flow constructed wetland with DWTS as a filter medium and the second one is a free water surface constructed wetland. The described system is able to remove phosphorus from wastewater even at very low concentrations, achieving an average total phosphorus concentration in the effluent below than 0.1 mgP/l. This is considerably lower than the legal limit set by Directive 91/271/EEC, UWWTD (1 or 2 mg P/l), as well as the so-called sensitive area 0.6 mg P/l. In this way, a wastewater effluent with a very low phosphorus concentration is obtained, without additional consumption of reagents, addressing one of the main problems faced by WWTP managers, which is the eutrophication of the natural environment and compliance with phosphorus discharge limits. Within the framework of this project, two pilot projects have been implemented, one in the Valencian town of Carrícola, and the other in the Los Monasterios urbanisation (Puçol).

How to cite: Oliver, N., Año, M., Almenar, P., Baeza, A., Hernández-Crespo, C., and Martín, M.: Sludge valorisation to obtain high quality water from WWTP, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15822,, 2023.

Unprecedented famine and rocketing food prices are expected to grow as the emerging shocks continue to reshape our world. Lying at the interface of the resource nexus, the agri-food systems are identified as a primary consumer of global freshwater resources and the main contributor to food security. As a result of external shocks, limitations on human activities have resulted in unexpected disturbances in the global agri-food chain, decreasing the functionality and efficiency of agri-food systems and raising the alarm for a need to transform our food systems. Candidating Peri-urban Green Belts as agents of transformation, this research investigates the potential of adding decentralized and coupled Citizen Science and Nature-Based Sanitation Solutions (CS-NBSS) to cause a transformation in urban and peri-urban contexts. Utilizing existing knowledge from researchers and practitioners in the field, alternative NBSs have been identified which interconnect the WASH sector to the food sector, e.g., evapotranspiration tanks (TEvap). We hypothesize that adding such systems to the existing grey infrastructure can increase food and urban resilience and promote marginalized communities' participation in urban governance. CS and NBS have been prominently highlighted in literature due to their merits in constructing and promoting sustainable attitudes and contexts, causing the underlying systems to behave sustainably. Considering the vital role of governance in steering the technical, economic, social, and environmental dimensions of transformation, a critical question remains on how to go beyond existing public policy research on the participation variable. Current research primarily emphasizes ‘what is (status quo) and what needs to be’ rather than proposing methodological approaches towards the latter. With this objective in mind and focused on the food and WASH sector as primary concerns of peri-urban communities, their local governments, and academia, this project will apply mixed-method research to collaboratively design, implement, monitor, and evaluate CS-NBSS living lab experiences in three case studies, incorporating and assessing the effect of such systems on the participation variable, food, and urban resilience, as well as their potential to cause a transformation.

How to cite: Loghmani Khouzani, S. T.: Peri-Urban Green Belts: Introduction of Decentralized and Coupled Citizen Science and Nature-Based Sanitation Solutions in the Context of Urban Transformation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16391,, 2023.

Since the settlement of the São Miguel Island (Azores-Portugal), in the middle of the fifteenth century, there is a record of occurrence of landslides, some with high socio-economic impact. In this work, we carried out a spatial, temporal and impact analysis of landslide events that were registered in the NATHA (Natural Hazards in Azores) database for the period 1900-2020, based on newspapers descriptions. A total of 236 landslide events (a day with one or more landslides identified) that caused human losses, damage to houses or obstruction of roads on São Miguel Island were catalogued. Based on the recorded events, it is verified that there is not a regular increment and/or pattern in the distribution of the events over time, although two main periods can be distinguished: 1900–1994 (1.0 events per year) and 1995–2020 (5.3 events per year). The events were responsible for 82 fatalities, 41 injuries, 66 houses partially or totally destroyed and 305 homeless people. The municipality of Povoação registered 76 landslide events, followed by the municipalities of Ribeira Grande (71 events), Ponta Delgada (69 events), Vila Franca do Campo (47 events), Nordeste (26 events) and Lagoa (21 events). Although there is a relative homogeneity on the distribution of landslide events in the municipalities of Povoação, Ribeira Grande and Ponta Delgada, the same does not apply to the impact caused. In the municipality of Povoação were counted 48 fatalities, 20 injuries, 17 houses destroyed and 109 homeless people, in Ponta Delgada 14 fatalities, 14 injuries, 24 houses destroyed and 173 homeless people and in Ribeira Grande 8 fatalities, 5 injuries, 16 houses destroyed and 21 homeless people. In the municipality of Vila Franca do Campo were counted 7 fatalities and 2 houses destroyed, in Nordeste 3 fatalities and 2 injuries, and in Lagoa 2 fatalities, 7 houses destroyed and 2 were homeless people. Rainfall was the triggering factor responsible for 70% of the catalogued landslide events, followed by sea erosion (8%), anthropogenic actions (4%) and earthquakes (2%). The triggering factor was not possible to identify in 16% of the landslide events. Landslides occurred mostly during the rainiest season (from November to March), which comprise about 78% of the catalogued landslide events.

How to cite: Silva, R. F., Marques, R., and Zêzere, J. L.: Landslides on São Miguel Island (Azores-Portugal) in the period 1900-2020: Analysis of the spatio-temporal distribution, triggering factors and impact based on newspapers press articles, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-445,, 2023.

EGU23-1542 | ECS | Orals | HS7.5

Triggering rainfall conditions of post-fire debris flows in Campania, Southern Italy 

Stefano Luigi Gariano, Giuseppe Esposito, Rocco Masi, Stefano Alfano, and Gaetano Giannatiempo

The Campania region, in Southern Italy, is affected by hundreds of wildfires every year, mainly during the summer season. Starting from the month of September, mountain watersheds including those hit by wildfires are impacted by even more frequent intense rainstorms. In such conditions, the high sediment availability, lack of recovered vegetation and a likely stronger soil water repellency increase the likelihood of surface runoff and soil erosion, leading to potential post-fire debris flows downstream.

This work provides information on more than 100 post-fire debris flows (PFDFs) that occurred in Campania between 2001 and 2021, with a particular focus on the triggering rainfall conditions. Rainfall measurements at a high temporal resolution (10 min) were gathered from a dense rain gauge network, with an average distance between sensors and PFDFs initiation areas of 2.6 km. Information on the occurrence of PFDFs was obtained from web news, social networks, and reports produced by the Fire Brigades. The collection of accurate information related to the debris flow timing and location allowed retrieving and analyzing properties of the triggering rainfall inputs, by identifying the minimum triggering conditions with rainfall thresholds. Moreover, to evaluate the temporal structure and type of the storms associated with the PFDFs (e.g., convective or frontal systems), the standardized rainfall profiles of the triggering events were defined. The return times of the peak cumulative rainfall of the bursts in 10, 20, and 30 minutes were also calculated.

Results show that the triggering rainfall events are very short (37 minutes on average), with high average intensity (73.2 mm/h and 49 mm/h in 10 and 30 minutes, respectively), and mostly associated with severe convective systems (i.e., thunderstorms). The estimated return times are quite low, with 75° percentiles of the related distribution ranging from 2.7 to 3.2 years, indicating that these rainfall events are neither rare nor extreme, as also observed by other authors worldwide. Differences are observed in return times and the spatial distribution of the events that occurred in July-September (higher rainfall magnitudes and longer return times) rather than in October-December. The time window in which PFDFs are more likely to occur in the study area has an extension of four months, from September to December. According to the defined triggering rainfall threshold, a rainfall of 11.4 mm in 30 minutes (corresponding to an average intensity of 22.8 mm/h) is likely sufficient to trigger a PFDF in the study area.

These research outcomes provide reliable and effective support to inform decision-makers engaged in hazard assessment and risk management, in order to implement suitable countermeasures in terms of monitoring and early warning systems. It is worth noting that PFDFs often occur in small-scale watersheds characterized by very short concentration times, in response to intense bursts of less than 60 minutes. This means insufficient lead time to fully develop an effective emergency response. This and other criticalities represent serious challenges requiring additional work.

How to cite: Gariano, S. L., Esposito, G., Masi, R., Alfano, S., and Giannatiempo, G.: Triggering rainfall conditions of post-fire debris flows in Campania, Southern Italy, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1542,, 2023.

EGU23-2000 | ECS | Orals | HS7.5

Foreseeing the propensity of rivers to extreme floods 

Stefano Basso, Ralf Merz, Larisa Tarasova, and Arianna Miniussi

Notwithstanding hundreds of years of efforts, flooding is still the most common natural disaster. A reliable assessment of the impending flood hazard is indeed an outstanding challenge with severe consequences. Mistaken estimates of the odds and magnitude of extreme floods especially result in huge economic losses due to widespread destruction of infrastructure and properties.

We show here that we can infer the propensity of rivers to generate extreme floods by means of two hydroclimatic and geomorphic descriptors of watersheds, which embody the spatial organization of the stream network and the characteristic streamflow dynamics of the river basin. These features are main determinants of a sharp increase of the magnitude of the rarer floods and of the flood value for which this marked growth of magnitude occurs, which we term flood divide as it separates ordinary from extreme floods. Their relevance is suggested by a novel ecohydrological approach to flood hazard assessment and confirmed by observations from hundreds of watersheds in the USA and Germany.

We first ascertained the capability of the method to distinguish between basins which do not and exhibit a flood divide, and its ability to dependably estimate its magnitude. We then applied a dimensional reduction tool to pinpoint key physioclimatic controls of the occurrence of flood divides, verifying our results against data. Finally, we utilized descriptors of these controls (namely the hydrograph recession exponent and streamflow variability) within binary logistic regression to predict the possible occurrence of flood divides and extreme floods in river basins. Repeated analyses for independent realizations of subsets of data indicate good prediction accuracy.

The identified controls of the propensity of rivers to generate extreme floods are readily estimated from primary hydroclimatic variables. The tool thus allows for inferring cases where extreme events shall be expected from short records of ordinary events, providing valuable information to raise awareness of the peril of floods in river basins.

This study summarizes results of the DFG-funded project "Propensity of rivers to extreme floods: climate-landscape controls and early detection - PREDICTED" (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft - German Research Foundation, Project Number 421396820).

How to cite: Basso, S., Merz, R., Tarasova, L., and Miniussi, A.: Foreseeing the propensity of rivers to extreme floods, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2000,, 2023.

EGU23-2240 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.5

Large-scale dynamical drivers associated with sub-daily extreme rainfall in Europe 

Anna Whitford, Hayley Fowler, Stephen Blenkinsop, and Rachel White

Short-duration (3hr) extreme rainfall events can cause significant socioeconomic and structural damage, alongside loss of life, due to their ability to generate dangerous flash floods, particularly in urban areas and small catchments. With the projected future increase in the frequency and intensity of these events due to global warming, it is imperative to improve our ability to provide warning to communities that may be impacted by these floods. Large-scale atmospheric dynamics play a role in generating the conditions conducive to the development of local-scale sub-daily extremes, but our current understanding of these processes is limited. Additionally, large-scale circulations are inherently more forecastable than small-scale features such as convection, therefore, this project focuses on finding connections between the large-scale dynamics and sub-daily extremes.

This study uses the quality-controlled Global Sub-Daily Rainfall dataset to identify past extreme events in western Europe. The atmospheric circulation pattern present on the day of each event is extracted from the UK Met Office’s set of 30 weather patterns (WPs) based on mean sea level pressure. This information is then used to examine the intensity and frequency of extreme events under each WP, leading to analysis of the spatial connections between the WPs and sub-daily extremes.

Results indicate just 5 of the 30 WPs account for 53% of recorded 3hr events above the 99.9th percentile in Europe in summer. The important WPs are a mixture of those showing a cyclonic system (cut-off low) close to or over western Europe and those representing a transitional environment. There are also distinct spatial patterns to the relationships in some cases, for example WP11 (isolated low pressure centred over the south-west UK), is associated with very high frequency of extremes over the UK and Portugal but much lower frequencies elsewhere in Europe. The identification of a select group of WPs as important for the generation of sub-daily extremes has implications for forecasting these events at longer lead times, as the large-scale WPs can be predicted further ahead than local conditions.

The WP-based analysis is supplemented by investigation of the links between the sub-daily rainfall extremes and synoptic scale Rossby wave patterns. The Local Finite Amplitude Wave Activity (LWA) metric is used to identify regions of anomalous cyclonic or anticyclonic wave activity both prior to and during the extreme events. This analysis indicates anomalous cyclonic wave activity at certain locations, including over Alaska, to the west of the British Isles and over northern Siberia, is significantly correlated with extreme rainfall over Europe. It is also possible to trace the LWA in days leading up to the extreme events, enabling identification of wave patterns that evolve into conditions associated with the extremes.

These results offer new evidence on the role of large-scale dynamics associated with sub-daily extreme rainfall, whilst also providing powerful information that could be used in the forecasting of these events.

How to cite: Whitford, A., Fowler, H., Blenkinsop, S., and White, R.: Large-scale dynamical drivers associated with sub-daily extreme rainfall in Europe, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2240,, 2023.

EGU23-2462 | ECS | Orals | HS7.5

Towards a method of rapid flood scenario mapping using hybrid approaches of hydraulic modelling and machine learning 

Andrea Pozo, Matthew Wilson, Emily Lane, Fernando Méndez, and Marwan Katurji

Floods are the most common hazard in New Zealand, the second most costly and they will change rapidly in frequency and intensity, become more extreme as the impacts of climate change become realized. At the same time, we are undergoing an intense urban development and growing population lives in floodplains, increasing the risk for people’s households and wellbeing. Additionally, computers have limited power and capacity, so there is a limitation in the number of flood scenarios that can be assessed and in the complexity of the hydrodynamic modelling process. This research project, which is part of the 5-year multi-stakeholder research programme “Reducing flood inundation hazard and risk across Aotearoa/New Zealand”, supported by the New Zealand Government and led by the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA); investigates the feasibility of using a hybrid hydrodynamic/machine learning model to reduce the numerical modelling load and enable probabilistic modelling. The study site is the Wairewa catchment (Little River, Canterbury, New Zealand), working closely with the Wairewa Rūnanga based there. A sample of flooding scenarios is constructed based on the characteristics of the main inundation driver (spatial and temporal characteristics of rainfall extreme events) and other inundation drivers (lake level and antecedent conditions in the catchment). Selected scenarios from this sample will be modelled through a previously calibrated hydrodynamic model and the resultant inundation maps (maximum water depth map for each event) will be used to train a machine learning algorithm to produce the maps for the remaining events. The hybrid model would provide for any flooding scenario (defined by a specific number of variables) the corresponding inundation map in a fast and accurate way, avoiding the hydrodynamic modeling process (very time and computationally expensive). Results from this research will be used to develop a Mātauranga Māori approach to flood resilience and flood related policies by the local and central governments.

How to cite: Pozo, A., Wilson, M., Lane, E., Méndez, F., and Katurji, M.: Towards a method of rapid flood scenario mapping using hybrid approaches of hydraulic modelling and machine learning, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2462,, 2023.

EGU23-3005 | ECS | Posters virtual | HS7.5

Variations in floods associated with Tropical Cyclones over Mexico under ENSO conditions 

Christian Dominguez and Alejandro Jaramillo

Tropical cyclones (TCs) are among the most hazardous hydrometeorological phenomena. Mexico is affected by TCs from the North Atlantic and Eastern Pacific oceans, and they originate 86.5% of domestic disasters. The natural hazards associated with TCs are extreme precipitation events, floods, storm surges, and landslides. In the present preliminary study, we focus on exploring how El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) modulates the frequency and magnitude of extreme precipitation events and floods caused by TCs. We use the CHIRPS dataset for determining the extreme precipitation events (defined by the 95th percentile of daily precipitation) and Mexican rain gauge stations from May to November during the 1981-2013 period. We find that TCs are responsible for ~60% of floods in coastal regions, but this percentage decreases inland. Under El Niño conditions, most floods occur over southwestern Mexico. During neutral conditions, the western coast of Mexico is mainly affected. Under La Niña conditions, most floods occur over the eastern coast of Mexico. Additionally, trends in floods are explored. We conclude that local decision-makers need this information to decrease the hydrometeorological risk before the tropical cyclone season begins. Implementing this information on Early Warning Systems for TCs is also discussed.

How to cite: Dominguez, C. and Jaramillo, A.: Variations in floods associated with Tropical Cyclones over Mexico under ENSO conditions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3005,, 2023.

EGU23-3073 | Posters on site | HS7.5

Flooding Hazard of Union Station and Impact of Ridership due to Climate Change-an Example of Banqiao Main Station 

Yong-Jun Lin, Hsiang-Kuan Chang, Kai-Yuan Ke, Jihn-Sung Lai, and Yih-Chi Tan

This study adopts the rainfall scenario generated by TCCIP (The Taiwan Climate Change Projection Information and Adaptation Knowledge Platform) based on IPCC AR5, which provides the 95th percentile of Taipei’s maximum 24-hour cumulative rainfall due to climate change. The baseline of this scenario is 404 mm for 1979-2008, and the projected rainfall is 517 mm for the future mid-century (2039-2065).

The flooding potentials of the Taipei Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) stations are obtained by applying the scenarios of rainfalls and the corresponding rainfall patterns of each rainfall station to a two-dimensional flood model. The flooding simulations of baseline and future scenarios show that Jingan Station and Fu-Jen University Station have the highest flooding potential, with a maximum flooding depth of 2 meters. The flooding hazard factors include flooding depth, flow velocity, and rising rate of water surface level. We adopted those factors to analyze the flooding hazard at Banqiao Main Station, which unites Banqiao Railway Station, a high-speed rail station, and Banqiao MRT station. It has a severe flooding potential and a large traffic volume. Because the mid-century rainfall is 1.43 times that of the baseline, the corresponding flooded area of the future scenario is also increased. As a result, the flooding hazards around the exits of Banqiao Main Station are high within the 300 m buffer for the baseline. In contrast, the very high flood hazard was found in a 200m-300m buffer for the future scenario.  

MRT Banqiao Station has 5 entrances/exits, while Banqiao Railway Station has 6 entrances/exits, a total of 11. The average daily ridership at this union station before Covid-19 is 159,239 people/day. The impact ratio of the ridership is set by the degree of flood hazard for each entrance/exit. In the future scenario, the number of affected people is roughly estimated to be 11,611 people/day, which is about 7% of daily ridership before Covid-19.

How to cite: Lin, Y.-J., Chang, H.-K., Ke, K.-Y., Lai, J.-S., and Tan, Y.-C.: Flooding Hazard of Union Station and Impact of Ridership due to Climate Change-an Example of Banqiao Main Station, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3073,, 2023.

EGU23-3734 | ECS | Orals | HS7.5

Modeling risk to infrastructure due to episodic debris fan aggradation 

Yuan-Hung Chiu, Colin P. Stark, and Hervé Capart

In many mountain valleys, communities and infrastructure are exposed to high risks of damage due to debris fan aggradation. To assess such risks, two questions must be addressed: (1) What will be the extent and thickness of deposition over the fan for a given volume of debris delivered from the upstream catchment? (2) How large could debris flow volumes be for a single event or a sequence of events? In this contribution, we propose a methodology to address both questions. Its first component is a simplified model of debris fan morphology, based on assuming a fan-slope-distance relationship along paths affected by topographic obstacles like steep valley sides. Using a computationally efficient algorithm, this model can be used to reconstruct past fan volumes from terrace remnants resolved on high resolution DEM topography, and to simulate large numbers of possible future events. Its second component is a stochastic model for the evolution of fan volume framed as a form of random walk. To take into account the episodicity of debris delivery, we model this random walk as a gamma-subordinated Wiener process aka a variance-gamma process. To calibrate the model parameters, we exploit both short-term and long-term data: for the slope-distance relationship, topographic data from recent and Holocene debris-fan remnants; for the stochastic process parameters, reconstructed fan-volume changes associated with recent flood events and with older radiocarbon-dated fan surfaces. We illustrate the approach with an application to the Laonong River in southern Taiwan. In this valley, an important roadway link has been repeatedly damaged by debris-flow aggradation. To guide road and bridge reconstruction, it is essential to assess fan aggradation risk for different design alternatives on a decadal time scale or more. The model provides a basis for optimizing the layout and height of such infrastructure.

How to cite: Chiu, Y.-H., Stark, C. P., and Capart, H.: Modeling risk to infrastructure due to episodic debris fan aggradation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3734,, 2023.

EGU23-4243 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.5

Do CMIP6 climate models capture rapid shifts between dry and wet extremes? 

Rong Gan and Yuting Yang

Do CMIP6 climate models capture rapid shifts between dry and wet extremes?

Authors: Rong Gan1, Yuting Yang1,*

Affiliations: 1State Key Laboratory of Hydroscience and Engineering, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

*Correspondence to: Yuting Yang (

Keywords: CMIP6, climate extremes, compound events


Rapid shifts between dry and wet extremes may impose higher socioeconomic and environmental pressure than single extremes. Whether the sixth phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6) models are capable of capturing the abrupt alternations between dry and wet periods remain elusive. Here we examine such compound events simulated by CMIP6 models based on the state-of-the art reanalysis datasets, namely ERA5, NCEP-NCAR and MERRA-2. The 1-month Standard Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) were first calculated to identify dry spells (SPEI≤1) followed by wet spells (SPEI≥1), and vice versa. Event characters including frequency, duration and intensity were then evaluated across all CMIP6 models and reanalysis datasets spanning 1980-2014. We find the following:

  • CMIP6 multimodel-ensemble median and reanalysis ensemble give close estimates of event characters on global average, with frequency being about 4.1 and 3.67 (No. events/20-year), duration of 2.50 and 2.55 (months), and intensity around 3 (SPEI mean) for dry-wet events, respectively. Similar values were found for wet-dry events.
  • During 1980-2014, CMIP6 and reanalysis indicate roughly 10% increase in event frequency comparing the first and last 20-year periods, and less than 1% increase in duration and intensity for both dry-wet and wet-dry events.
  • Spatial distribution for event frequency tends to overlap for dry-wet and wet-dry events, as shown by both CMIP6 models and reanalysis. Hot spots were found in North-eastern America, Europe, Eastern Asia, South-western America, and Middle Africa. Higher latitude regions were shown to experience more events. Despite general spatial agreement between CMIP6 and reanalysis, discrepancies can be seen on finer scales within each region.
  • Common spatial patterns for duration were also found between the two types of events based on CMIP6 models, where the events tend to last longer in middle and southern Eurasia, Eastern Africa, northwest of South America and west of Northern and Central America. However, reanalysis indicates longer events also happened in Middle Africa and eastern Australia. Both CMIP6 models and reanalysis indicate longer event duration roughly around the equator.
  • CMIP6 models give much higher dry-wet intensity compared to wet-dry, especially in Australia and Southern and Western Asia. Reanalysis agrees well on this pattern, yet greater magnitude differences were found in eastern South America.

Overall, CMIP6 models are capturing the variations of abrupt dry and wet alternations well when compared to reanalysis. The models are more skilful in simulating event frequency than duration and intensity in general. Caution should be paid assessing such compound events especially on smaller spatial scales and sensitive regions such as Africa for frequency and Australia for duration and intensity. Our results can be further employed to support climate risk adaptation and mitigation.

How to cite: Gan, R. and Yang, Y.: Do CMIP6 climate models capture rapid shifts between dry and wet extremes?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4243,, 2023.

EGU23-4417 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.5

Hazard index applied to natural rivers – Preliminary result from a case study of mountain trails in southern Brazil 

Marina Refatti Fagundes, Fernando Mainardi Fan, Gean Paulo Michel, Karla Campagnolo, Masato Kobiyama, Ronald Pöppl, and Bruno Henrique Abatti

Trails are one of the main places for ecotourism practitioners’ activities. Many of them are located close to watercourses, and it is often necessary for practitioners to cross them. This often leads to dangerous situations, since critical conditions of water stages and flow velocity can make people lose their walking stability. One way to quantify these hazards is the hazard index (HI) which, in general, is defined as the product of the flow velocity by its depth (Stephenson, 2002). Although many studies have been carried out to determine the HI values as safety limits for people exposed to water flows, none of them analyzed the natural river conditions like those encountered during an ecotourism trail. In these environments, locomotion is hampered due to the surface which is usually highly irregular and often contains slippery rocks and sediments. Thus, that there is a gap related to the HI analysis in natural rivers, and more research becomes necessary, since more people have sought to carry out activities related to ecotourism. The main objective of this research is to apply HI approach in natural rivers so that its results can be utilized in the management of trails containing watercourses crossing. Initially, a bibliographic review was carried out, where some important concerns related to people's loss of stability were analyzed. The results of the bibliographic review were organized within a summary table which permits verifying variables with stronger influence on people's stability, during these walks. After this first stage, three mountain trails located in the Aparados da Serra National Park, in southern Brazil, were selected for field measurements. In all of these trails, measurements of flow depth and velocity were carried out using a small current meter and the granulometry of the river sediments was measured through an adaptation of the Pebble Count method. The measurements were taken at all points where tourists cross the riverbed during the trails, i.e., 23 measurement sites in total. The analysis of these data resulted in preliminar information: (i) an easy-to-interpret diagram that indicates the thresholds values of HI in natural rivers, named Hazard Index Diagram of Natural River (HIDNR); and (ii) list of the main variables responsible for people's loss of stability, in order to contribute to the safety of ecotourism practitioners. One of the next steps of the work is to analyze how the sediment transport and connectivity behaviour could give us insights about hazard levels.


STEPHENSON, D. (2002). Integrated flood plain management strategy for the Vaal. Urban Water, v. 4, n. 4, p. 423-428.

How to cite: Refatti Fagundes, M., Mainardi Fan, F., Michel, G. P., Campagnolo, K., Kobiyama, M., Pöppl, R., and Abatti, B. H.: Hazard index applied to natural rivers – Preliminary result from a case study of mountain trails in southern Brazil, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4417,, 2023.

EGU23-4537 | ECS | Orals | HS7.5

What controls physical vulnerability to geo-hydrological hazards? A contribution to quantitative assessment of landslide and flood risk in western Uganda 

John Sekajugo, Grace Kagoro-Rugunda, Rodgers Mutyebere, Clovis Kabaseke, David Mubiru, Esther Namara, Violet Kanyiginya, Bosco Bwambale, Liesbet Jacobs Jacobs, Olivier Dewitte, and Matthieu Kervyn

Geo-hydrological hazards (landslides and floods) are often associated with significant damages on physical infrastructure like buildings and roads. Understanding the factors controlling the extent of damage is a prerequisite for quantitatively estimating risk and its spatial distribution, and advising on measures to reduce vulnerability. In this study we document the impact of 64 landslide and six flood events in four selected districts in western Uganda for the period May 2019 - March 2021 through extensive fieldwork. We quantify in economic value the physical damage of landslide and flood hazards on exposed buildings, roads and bridges. We then analyse the physical vulnerability based on damage ratios and determine the factors  (building material, hazard characteristics and age of the building) that control the degree of damage using fractional logistic regression. Out of the 91 buildings affected by landslides, 54% were totally destroyed, and only 10% not or minorly damaged, for an average damage cost of 3,179 USD/building. For the 212 documented buildings affected by floods, 35% were totally destroyed, 28% had severe to moderate damage and the rest were minorly or not affected, with an average damage costs of 1,755 USD/building. The physical vulnerability of buildings to landslides depends on the size of the landslide, age of the building, type of building wall material and the steepness of the slope cut to establish an artificial foundation platform. On the other hand, the physical vulnerability of buildings to flood hazards is largely controlled by the flood depth, the distance from the river channel, slope, size of flooded area and type of floor material. The physical vulnerability functions developed in this study are being used as a new inputs into a regional quantitative model of geo-hydrological risks. Combining the hazard estimates with the most accurate information on exposure of physical infrastructure, will facilitate the identification of the types of events and the locations that require most attention for risk reduction.

How to cite: Sekajugo, J., Kagoro-Rugunda, G., Mutyebere, R., Kabaseke, C., Mubiru, D., Namara, E., Kanyiginya, V., Bwambale, B., Jacobs, L. J., Dewitte, O., and Kervyn, M.: What controls physical vulnerability to geo-hydrological hazards? A contribution to quantitative assessment of landslide and flood risk in western Uganda, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4537,, 2023.

EGU23-5513 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.5

Global IDF curves created from local observations using machine learning 

Jannis Hoch, Izzy Probyn, Joe Bates, Oliver Wing, and Christopher Sampson

Intensity–duration–frequency (IDF) curves are representations of the probability that a given rainfall intensity will occur within a given period. At the global scale, however, only for a few locations sub-daily rain gauge data is available from which global IDF curves could be derived. This poses a major challenge for simulations of global pluvial flood hazard and risk which require information of intensity, duration, and probability as boundary conditions. Therefore, efficient yet accurate means for scaling the locally available data to the global extent need to be found.

Consequently, we use available quality-controlled sub-daily precipitation data from the GSDR data set to derive growth curve parameters at around 10,000 locations world-wide. After combining these scale and shape parameters with globally available data of main precipitation drivers, a regionalized machine learning model is first trained and tested and then applied to produce global IDF maps.

Finally, we evaluated these maps against an ensemble of openly available local IDF curves found in literature. By selecting locations spread across the globe, we try to ensure to include as much variability as possible in the evaluation. Additionally, the global IDF curves were benchmarked against available more bespoke IDF data in the USA and UK.

While such data-driven approaches clearly depend on the quality and quantity of available sub-daily rainfall observations, the method still shows to capabilities of current data-driven modelling approaches to scale local data to global data applicable in both flood risk research and practice.

How to cite: Hoch, J., Probyn, I., Bates, J., Wing, O., and Sampson, C.: Global IDF curves created from local observations using machine learning, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5513,, 2023.

EGU23-6689 | ECS | Orals | HS7.5 | Highlight

Global analysis of emergency service provision to vulnerable populations during floods of various magnitude under climate change 

Sarah Johnson, Robert Wilby, Dapeng Yu, and Tom Matthews

In a world of increasing global flood hazards, vulnerable populations (very young and elderly) are disproportionately affected by flooding due to their low self-reliance, weak political voice and insufficient inclusion in climate adaptation and emergency response plans. These individuals account for most flood casualties and often rely on emergency services due to flood-induced injuries, exacerbated medical conditions, and requiring evacuative assistance. However, emergency service demand often exceeds the potential capacity whilst flooded roads and short emergency response timeframes decrease accessibility, service area, and population coverage; but how does this compare across the globe and what will the future hold?

To answer this question, a global analytical framework has been created to determine the spatial, temporal, and demographic variability of emergency service provision during floods. This is based on global fluvial and coastal flooding (at 10-year and 100-year return periods), and present and future flood conditions (present-day and 2050, under RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5 climate scenarios). The framework includes an accessibility analysis to identify emergency service accessibility to vulnerable populations based on restrictions of flood barriers and response-time frameworks, a vulnerability analysis to compare the difference in emergency service provision between key demographic groups, and a hotspot analysis to identify the extent and distribution of flood hazards and at-risk vulnerable populations.

Research findings include the identification that (based on the scenario of 2050 riverine flooding at a 100-yr return period under RCP8.5 and a 30-minute response time):

  • Globally, 64% of schools are always accessible to the ambulance service and 56% of schools are always accessible to the fire service
  • Globally, 29% of schools are never accessible to the ambulance service and 38% of schools are never accessible to the fire service.
  • Globally, approximately 20% fewer people are accessible to emergency services than under non-flood conditions.
  • Africa and Asia experience the greatest accessible population reductions (14-27% and 24-25%) whilst Europe experiences the least accessible population reductions (8-9%).
  • Priority hotspot countries are primarily located in central North America (e.g., Belize), northern South America (e.g., Guyana) and west-central Africa (e.g., Liberia).

The highlighted geographical and temporal differences in emergency service provision globally and between regions, in addition to the framework itself, can be used by national and international organisations to inform strategic planning of emergency response operations and major investments of infrastructure, services, and facilities to maximise the benefit to the disproportionately affected vulnerable populations. This includes the production of more detailed flood hazard and evacuation maps that highlight vulnerability hotspots, the prioritisation of vulnerable population groups in emergency response plans to minimise geographic and population disparities of flood injuries and fatalities, and the allocation of emergency service hubs in regions of high vulnerability but low emergency response provision.

How to cite: Johnson, S., Wilby, R., Yu, D., and Matthews, T.: Global analysis of emergency service provision to vulnerable populations during floods of various magnitude under climate change, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6689,, 2023.

EGU23-7000 | Orals | HS7.5

Areal reduction factor assessment for extreme rainfalls through a new empirical fixed-area formulation 

Alessia Flammini, Jacopo Dari, Carla Saltalippi, and Renato Morbidelli

In the hydraulic structures design against extreme events a proper estimate of the areal reduction factor (ARF) is required. Specifically, rainfall-runoff models widely used need to be fed with information on areal-average rainfall over a watershed surface, while rainfall data is typically available at a point scale. The ARF allows to convert rainfall data from point to areal scale.

In this work, a new fixed-area and deterministic approach for estimating the ARF is proposed; it involves ratios between observed annual maxima with specific duration of average rainfall occurring in a specific area and those referring to all the available point rainfalls in the same area. The approach was applied to the Umbria region in Central Italy where, using high-quality and validated rainfall data (with a temporal resolution of 1 minute), a parametric relation expressing ARFs as function of duration and area was found. The outcomes were then compared with those of the most widespread empirical approaches available in literature, often applied when rainfall data are lacking, obtaining substantial over- or underestimation of empirical ARFs. This confirms that the transposition of ARF relations from a geographic area to another could have not-negligible impacts on the design of hydraulic structures. In addition, indications aimed at selecting the most suitable method to be applied for ARF estimation are provided. Specifically, the proposed approach is suitable when a limited number of years of rainfall observations is available. In this regard, the robustness of the methodology was tested by varying the length of the rainfall observation period; a minimum number of about 6 years was found to make the derived empirical formulation sufficiently accurate in a specific area.

How to cite: Flammini, A., Dari, J., Saltalippi, C., and Morbidelli, R.: Areal reduction factor assessment for extreme rainfalls through a new empirical fixed-area formulation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7000,, 2023.

EGU23-7194 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.5

Urban Flood Risk in Dhaka, Bangladesh 

Farzana Mohuya, Claire Walsh, and Hayley Fowler

Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh, is one of the most densely populated cities in South Asia. Urban flooding from extreme rainfall is a recurring phenomenon, with historic floods in 1988, 1998, and 2004 amongst the most catastrophic events in Dhaka. Prolonged urban flooding or water logging is a major concern for both Dhaka North City Corporation (DNCC) and Dhaka South City Corporation (DSCC) areas. This research investigates how “Citizen Science (CS)” could help individuals, communities, and stakeholders understand and manage the risk of current and future urban flooding, integrating formal flood risk management along with the affected area’s respondents’ self-perceived perception, concerns, experience, awareness, and opinions about flood risk management, and ability to cope with the flood risk. Fieldwork data were collected through the administration of a purposely designed questionnaire to 500 respondents in the water logging affected wards of the two city corporations’ areas in Dhaka. Preliminary findings from the fieldwork revealed that every year approximately 45.6% and 29.4% respondents in the study area experienced 1-3 days of urban flooding/water logging, mostly during the monsoon season (June – September), with a work time loss of 3-4 hours respectively. Respondents in the study area are aware and concerned about flooding and its associated risk, and approximately 36.9% respondents think that the frequency of urban flooding will increase in Dhaka in the next 10 years. In terms of the vulnerability, approximately 51.5% respondents mentioned that they are vulnerable to urban flooding and small business holders (Entrepreneurs) are most affected (61.5% respondents) by flooding. Although almost 61.2% respondents were not familiar with the “Citizen Science” concept, but approximately 42.8% of respondents expressed an eagerness to involve themselves in any Citizen Science based project to promote awareness and mitigation of urban flood risk/water logging issues in their community or in Dhaka City. In addition, preliminary findings from Key Informant Interviews (KII) and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Meetings suggested that unplanned urbanisation, poor and inadequate drainage system management, and recent extreme rainfall events were the major drivers behind the urban flooding/water logging situation in Dhaka.

The study also explored annual and seasonal trends of rainfall in Dhaka (using observed datasets from the Bangladesh Meteorological Department) over the period from 1953-2019 using extreme precipitation indices [Climate Change Detection and Indices (ETCCDI)]. It is revealed that over these 67 years, Annual Maximum Daily Rainfall has increased during winter (0.021 mm/year) but statistically significantly decreased during the monsoon (-0.636 mm/year). The overall annual rainfall has significantly decreased (-0.718 mm/year). Trends in Consecutive Dry Days, heavy, and very heavy precipitation days indicate an annual increasing rate of 0.158 days/year for CDD, 0.077 days/year with >= 10 mm rainfall and 0.019 days/year with >= 20 mm rainfall, respectively. Results from the rainfall datasets are now being integrated with the fieldwork findings and other secondary datasets to set up a Hydrodynamic Model (CityCAT) to investigate current and future flood risk in Dhaka in more detail.

How to cite: Mohuya, F., Walsh, C., and Fowler, H.: Urban Flood Risk in Dhaka, Bangladesh, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7194,, 2023.

EGU23-7772 | ECS | Orals | HS7.5 | Highlight

Societal Flood Risk in Italy 

Mina Yazdani, Paola Salvati, Mauro Rossi, Cinzia Bianchi, and Fausto Guzzetti

Flood events are among the most damaging natural disasters, with billions of people being directly exposed to the risk of intense flooding worldwide. The economic and societal consequences of these events are expected to increase in the coming years. Flood societal risk can be determined by analyzing the relationship between the frequency of fatal flood events and the magnitude of the resulting consequences to the population (evaluated by the number of fatalities due to the event). Here, we test an approach previously proposed for landslides to estimate the flood societal risk in Italy, using historical sparse data on flood fatalities, available through national catalogues. Such an approach is based on the use of the Zipf distribution, which has previously been widely adopted for the modeling of societal risk for different natural hazards. The model allowed the evaluation of the spatial and temporal distribution of societal flood risk over the Italian territory over a regularly spaced grid. Different risk scenarios are presented and discussed.  

How to cite: Yazdani, M., Salvati, P., Rossi, M., Bianchi, C., and Guzzetti, F.: Societal Flood Risk in Italy, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7772,, 2023.

EGU23-10096 * | ECS | Orals | HS7.5 | Highlight

Could the 2019-20 Australia bushfires or 2020-22 floods be predicted using CMIP decadal prediction? 

Ze Jiang, Dipayan Choudhury, and Ashish Sharma

Over the past six years, Australia has experienced significant fluctuations in rainfall, including prolonged dry conditions and extensive bushfires, followed by two consecutive years of heavy rainfall in the east. Could such anomalies be predicted many years in advance is the question this study hopes to answer. A prediction framework that combines empirical and physically-based approaches using CMIP decadal prediction, and a novel spectral transformation approach is presented. When tested in a hindcast experiment, this framework shows significant prediction skill for rainfall up to five years in the future across all regions and climate zones in Australia. This framework was used to project from 2018 to 2022, covering the years of bushfires and extreme floods in Australia, as an added blindfolded validation of the prediction approach used. Following this, a blind projection of the precipitation anomalies over the continent for the coming five years is presented, to assess whether the anomalies for the past five years were, indeed, anomalies, or part of a pattern of what can be expected into the future. It is shown that this decadal framework has great potential for predicting whether the next few years will be wetter or drier, extending the predictive accuracy beyond a few months into the future. This can be valuable for managing water resources, prioritizing demands, protecting vulnerable systems, and reducing uncertainty in hydrological decision-making.

How to cite: Jiang, Z., Choudhury, D., and Sharma, A.: Could the 2019-20 Australia bushfires or 2020-22 floods be predicted using CMIP decadal prediction?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10096,, 2023.

EGU23-10255 | Orals | HS7.5

Cascading flood hazards: the role of large wood transport 

Virginia Ruiz-Villanueva

Floods are one of the most relevant natural hazards, causing significant socio-economic damage every year globally. They will likely continue to increase for various reasons: the climate and global changes, two relevant ones. More importantly, our still limited capability to predict river response to flooding and anticipate the consequences by designing proper and sustainable risk mitigation measures. A recent example was Europe's floods in July 2021, the highest recorded. They led to many casualties and economic losses (i.e., 180 fatalities and billions of Euros). Extreme long, high-intensity rainfall resulted in extreme flows, particularly in small tributaries, but this could not solely explain the devastating impacts. Geomorphological changes, bank erosion and channel widening, sediment erosion and transport, and uprooted and transported trees and instream large wood accumulated at bridges played a significant role. However, these cascade processes are rarely quantified or considered in flood hazard and risk analysis. This is the focus of this talk. Case studies showing a combination of modelling approaches will illustrate how quantifying the supply and transport of instream large wood is essential in river reaches crossing infrastructures like bridges to assess flood-related hazards and risks.

How to cite: Ruiz-Villanueva, V.: Cascading flood hazards: the role of large wood transport, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10255,, 2023.

Characterizing the upper tail of flood peak distributions remains a challenge due to the elusive nature of extreme floods, particularly the key elements of flood-producing storms that are responsible for them. Here I examine the upper tail of flood peaks over China based on a comprehensive flood dataset that integrates systematic observations from 1759 stream gaging stations and 14,779 historical flood surveys. I show that flood peak distributions over China are associated with a mixture of rainfall-generation processes. The storms responsible for the upper-tail floods (with the recurrence intervals beyond 50 years) are characterized with anomalous moisture transport and/or synoptic configurations, with respect to those responsible for annual flood peaks. Anomalous moisture transport (in terms of intensity, pathways, and durations) dictates the space-time rainfall dynamics (relative to the drainage networks) that subsequently lead to anomalous basin-scale flood response. I provide physical insights into extreme flood processes based on downscaling simulations using the Weather Research and Forecasting model driven by the 20th Century Reanalysis fields. Modeling analyses for a collective of extreme flood events highlight the role of interactions between complex terrain and large-scale environment in determining the spatial and temporal variability of extreme rainfall. My analyses contribute to improved understanding of the unprecedented flood hazards over China by establishing the nexus between atmospheric processes and basin-scale flood response. These knowledge gains can be potentially used to the upper tail of flood peak distributions.

How to cite: Yang, L.: Hydrometeorological processes and controls of the upper-tail floods over China, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10453,, 2023.

EGU23-10474 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.5

A hydrological and socioeconomic risk assessment of tropical cyclone disasters by leveraging space-based Earth observations 

Gigi Pavur, Venkataraman Lakshmi, and James H Lambert

On September 28, 2022, Hurricane Ian made landfall in Florida as the 5th strongest tropical cyclone on record for the United States of America. Preliminary damage assessments conducted by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) estimated over $50 billion USD in insured and uninsured losses from the event. The extensive environmental and socioeconomic consequences of recent hydrometeorological extremes in Florida indicate an urgent need to improve understanding of hydrological and socioeconomic vulnerability in the region to inform future investments to increase resilience to events like Hurricane Ian. This study conducts an interdisciplinary risk analysis of both hydrological and socioeconomic variables before and after Hurricane Ian to improve understanding of the region’s hydrological and socioeconomic vulnerability to hydrometeorological extremes. A variety of publicly available satellite-based remote sensing data are leveraged for the hydrological analysis, specifically precipitation data from the Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals for Global Precipitation Measurement (IMERG), soil moisture data from Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP), synthetic aperture radar data from Sentinel-1, optical imagery from Landsat 8, and Global Navigation Satellite System Reflectometry (GNSS-R) data from the Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System (CYGNSS) are utilized. Additionally, high-resolution commercial satellite data from Planet, Maxar, and Capella are used to further identify infrastructure damages from Hurricane Ian. To support the socioeconomic risk analysis, publicly available demographic and economic data are used from the U.S. Census Bureau and State of Florida. Results from this work can be used to improve understanding of hydrological and socioeconomic risk in Florida due to hydrometeorological extremes. Additionally, this work can be used to inform priorities and strategy aimed to decrease risk and increase resilience in this region towards major tropical cyclones. 

How to cite: Pavur, G., Lakshmi, V., and Lambert, J. H.: A hydrological and socioeconomic risk assessment of tropical cyclone disasters by leveraging space-based Earth observations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10474,, 2023.

EGU23-11439 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.5 | Highlight

Assessing floods impacts on population displacement in Sudan 

Eleonora Panizza, Yared Abayneh Abebe, and Roberto Rudari

The frequency and intensity of floods in the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) region in Eastern Africa have increased over the years because of climate variability and change. Sudan is one of the IGAD countries most affected by these extreme events. In August 2022, the country experienced the fourth consecutive year of major flooding, which extensively damaged buildings and impacted people’s livelihoods. Floods also cause the displacement of thousands of people every year in Sudan due to direct damage to houses and impacts on livelihoods, critical services, and infrastructure. The effects of these events on people’s lives are worsened by contextual socio-economic, political, and individual vulnerabilities. In this regard, assessing flood impacts on displacement is crucial to increase people’s resilience and risk reduction capacities.

In this poster, we present the design, execution, and results of a data collection campaign focused on a pilot area in the Khartoum State of Sudan. These data will support the next phase of research, which is an agent-based modeling (ABM) study. The aims of the broader study are to better understand the nexus between flood events and displacement patterns in the area, including flood perception, preparedness, and displacement duration, and to evaluate the impact of different risk reduction policies. The overall goal of the effort is to strengthen local resilience and capacity, and to support policymakers in identifying effective mitigation and management strategies.

Considering that there could not be a one-size-fits-all solution for different contexts, first-hand data were collected at the local level to capture specific information about the area and its population. Questionnaires were administered to a statistically significant sample of residents in the pilot area, focusing on household characteristics, their experience regarding floods and displacement, and their risk perception. Among the results, it was found that 67% of the surveyed population was displaced due to flooding at least once, most of them for a period ranging from 1 to 5 months. The main reason for the decision to move was the damage to the house, followed by flood impacting livelihood. Displacements occurred most often during the event itself, showing a lack of preparedness. Data showed that 81% of the respondents perceived that they lived in a flood-prone area, while 56% of them believed they were at high risk of being displaced due to flood events. To gain a broader understanding of flood risk reduction policies and implementation contexts, representatives of Sudanese institutions and relevant organizations were interviewed. Policy options were explored, including housing policy and Early Warning Systems.  Both questionnaires and interviews are being used to inform the construction of the ABM.

The research is therefore relevant to understand the main elements that affect displacement decisions and to support the design of strategies for mitigating the risk of involuntary mobility in the area, and for increasing people’s resilience and capacity to cope with flood events and displacement risks.

How to cite: Panizza, E., Abebe, Y. A., and Rudari, R.: Assessing floods impacts on population displacement in Sudan, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11439,, 2023.

EGU23-11966 | Orals | HS7.5

Spatially consistent flood risk assessment for Germany 

Bruno Merz, Mostafa Farrag, Xiaoxiang Guan, Björn Guse, Li Han, Heidi Kreibich, Dung Nguyen, Nivedita Sairam, Kai Schröter, and Sergiy Vorogushyn

Flood risk assessments are an important basis for risk management. For larger regions, these assessments are often based on small-scale modelling, which is subsequently compiled into a large-scale picture. However, this approach neglects spatial interactions, such as decreasing risk due to upstream dike breaches, and does not provide realistic risk statements for larger regions. This paper presents the ‘derived flood risk analysis’ as an alternative approach and its implementation for Germany. A model chain consisting of hydrological, hydraulic, and damage models simulates the occurrence of extreme runoff, inundation, and direct economic damages. This model chain is driven by a weather generator that provides spatially consistent fields of climate variables. The generation of very long (several thousand years) time series with daily resolution allows the estimation of extreme runoff and corresponding damages. The consideration of the spatial relations in all model components, from the weather generator to the damage model, is able to provide consistent large-scale risk statements. This avoids the significant overestimates typical of many large-scale flood risk assessments.

How to cite: Merz, B., Farrag, M., Guan, X., Guse, B., Han, L., Kreibich, H., Nguyen, D., Sairam, N., Schröter, K., and Vorogushyn, S.: Spatially consistent flood risk assessment for Germany, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11966,, 2023.

EGU23-12932 | ECS | Orals | HS7.5 | Highlight

Communicating the return period of extremes 

Elisa Ragno and Amir AghaKouchak

The concept of return period (recurrence interval) of extreme events is widely used in engineering practice and in the media. In engineering design and risk assessment, the concept of return period is used to determine the expected magnitude(s) of one or more extreme weather events – i.e., the expected magnitude of an event that, if occurred, might cause the failure of a structure. In the media, the concept of return period is used to communicate to the general public the severity of an event. For example, the 2021 summer flood in Northwestern Europe was reported in the news as a one-in-400-year event – an event expected on average once in 400 years. The strength of return period as a metric (in years) to describe the severity of events resides in the straightforward comparison between the average occurrence in years of an event with the average number of years a person can experience and recollect events.

Generally, the return period of a rare event and its magnitude (known as return level) is inferred from limited observations - often derived by extrapolating from a distribution function fitted to the available observations. The distribution is often greatly influenced by the length of observations. These factors make the concept of return period prone to misinterpretation as extreme events are rarely observed in existing records.

Here we provide a new perspective on the return period of extremes determined not only by its exceedance probability but also in relation to the observations used to describe the underlying distribution. Our method offers a straightforward metric, independent of the type of statistical distribution adopted, to quantify and communicate the likelihood of having observed the event of interest in the available observations, ranging from unlikely to very likely. This metric can provide a measure of confidence in the statistical inference of return periods based on the length of record used for inference. We argue that this additional information on likelihood offers important information for designers, planners, and decision-makers.

How to cite: Ragno, E. and AghaKouchak, A.: Communicating the return period of extremes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12932,, 2023.

EGU23-14062 | Orals | HS7.5

Suitability of near-real time precipitation products for Flood Risk Forecasting 

Jose Luis Salinas Illarena, Ludovico Nicotina, Shuangcai Li, and Arno Hilberts

Accurate real and near-real time forecasting of extreme flood events has lately become more and more important for the insurance and re-insurance industry (e.g., for claims allocations, Insurance Linked Securities and Catastrophe Bonds…). Examples of such events triggering significant losses in recent years are low-pressure system Bernd (July 2021, eastern Belgium, western Germany, and north-eastern France), hurricane Ida (August-September 2021, Louisiana and Northeastern United States), or hurricane Ian (September 2022, Florida). In order to estimate overall flood risk and flood losses in near-real time, a precipitation product released with a short latency is necessary.

This study analyses the use of the near-real time precipitation products NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center (CPC) and Multi-Radar/Multi-Sensor System (MRMS) for flood forecasting, the latter having a higher spatial and temporal resolution than the former. We investigate and compare their different rainfall characteristics in terms of their ability to capture rainfall extremes, their suitability as input for hydrological/inundation models, and the effect that they have on overall economic losses for a series of selected historical events over the Conterminous United States. Finally, we include in the comparison the more stablished, long-latency dataset North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS), more frequently used for event reconstruction c.a. 1 week after the event.

How to cite: Salinas Illarena, J. L., Nicotina, L., Li, S., and Hilberts, A.: Suitability of near-real time precipitation products for Flood Risk Forecasting, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14062,, 2023.

EGU23-14903 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.5

Modelling severe hail events over Austria using the metastatistical extreme value distribution 

Marc-André Falkensteiner, Gregor Ehrensperger, Thorsten Simon, and Tobias Hell

Knowledge about extreme values of severe hail plays an important role in engineering and insurance. The estimation of return levels of severe hail events is challenging, as hail is locally rare and documentation about hail events is not available in a unified way. For instance for the state of Austria GeoSphere provides radar based probabilities of hail (POH) and maxima of expected hail size (MEHS) that only span a period from 2010 onward.

Based on this sparse data the application of classical extreme value theory, such as Block-Maxima or Peak over Threshold might be invalid. Instead we use a version of the metastatistical extreme value distribution (MEVD), which was shown to work reasonably well in the context of extreme precipitation events, even with a rather small number of available years used for the estimation in comparison to the recurrence time. More precisely we make an assumption about the underlying probability distribution of the daily maximum POH values. The parameters of the distribution are then modeled as smooth functions of the day of the year and the year of observation, thus employing the framework of generalized additive models for location, scale and shape (GAMLSS). Furthermore we add topographic information (longitude, latitude, altitude) to our model, resulting in a full spatiotemporal model across the whole domain of Austria, from which the return values of the POH, respectively MEHS are calculated.

This framework allows for the incorporation of an arbitrary number of additional covariables, as long as they are available on the same grid as the desired output. To illustrate this we use the information of daily precipitation extremes to enrich the model with additional atmospheric information.

How to cite: Falkensteiner, M.-A., Ehrensperger, G., Simon, T., and Hell, T.: Modelling severe hail events over Austria using the metastatistical extreme value distribution, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14903,, 2023.

In Indian Himalayas, many hydroelectric projects are now under construction due to the availability of a perennial water source and a natural head for hydropower generation. Hydropower plants often require significant investments, design lifetimes, and lengthy repayment. Indian Himalayan states are now developing State Action Plans on Climate Change, with policies for climate change mitigation and adaptation at the subnational level. These plans recognize GLOFs as a significant climate change-related flood to be considered for the safety of River Valley Projects. The snow-fed catchment area of these projects has many glacial lakes, and there is a high likelihood of breaching for lakes located at the glacier's snout. In general, potentially dangerous lakes are located near the end of a glacier in the lower part of the ablation area. A large mother glacier can create potentially hazardous lakes. These moraine dams could likely breach due   to   piping   or   overtopping   due   to   their porous soil content inside dam body. A sudden discharge of significant magnitude could endanger the safety of the downstream HE hydroelectric project. It is suggested, the glacial lake outburst flood (GLOF) and the design flood be simultaneously considered while assessing the spillway capacity of new hydropower projects to ensure that they are hydrologically secure.

Bajoli-Holi Hydroelectric Project, located on river Ravi in the Himachal Pradesh state of India, is studied, to analyze its spillway capacity considering both GLOF and Inflow Design flood. BIS published the guidelines for fixing spillway capacity. As per the codal provisions, the Bajoli-Holi dam qualifies for PMF as its Inflow design flood.

The hydrology of a particular basin or project undergoes certain changes due to factors such as climate change, urbanization, deforestation, soil erosion, a heavy spell of short-duration rainfall, etc. With the aid of the most recent methods, including hydrodynamic modeling and a hydro meteorological approach, the design flood and GLOF for the dam have been evaluated in this study.

There are a total of 83 glacial lakes identified and mapped in this catchment area. It is further critically analysed to find the effect of the most critical glacial lake which is glacial Lake-52 having an area of 14.5 ha at a distance of 26.5km from the project location. River cross sections spaced 400 m apart has been considered. The upper envelope of the PMF is calculated to be 15,303 cumecs, average envelope is 6247cumecs and the lower envelope value is 2551 cumecs. The combined GLOF peak attenuated after hydrodynamic channel routing at the project site and the PMF analysed, will be taken as the inflow flood for analyzing the spillway requirements for the Bajoli-Holi project. The study results can be applied to similar hydro-meteorologically similar basins of the Himalayas in India which are under the influence of glacial lake outbursts and PMF.

How to cite: Issac, I., Goel, D. N. K., and Rai, N.: Approach and methodology for estimating combined glacial lake outburst flood (GLOF) and PMF design flood for Bajoli Holi hydro-electric project in the Indian Himalayas, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15819,, 2023.

Flash droughts are generally considered a subset of seasonal drought events. In the present study, we have characterized the flash drought events based on soil moisture index (SMI) using daily ERA5 reanalysis data having a spatial resolution of 0.250 * 0.250 from 1960 till 2021. Flash drought events were identified when SMI drops below the 20th percentile within less than 3 next pentads, and it terminates when SMI goes above the 20th percentile and stays there for the next 2 pentads. Flash drought time series was prepared and the Mann-Kendall trend test was applied to investigate the evidence of the statistically significant trends. To assess the atmospheric drivers (precipitation, PET) of flash drought, standardized precipitation index (SPI), and standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index (SPEI) were calculated during the occurrence of each flash drought event at each grid pixel. For calculating SPI and SPEI, ERA5 reanalysis data of precipitation and PET (potential evapotranspiration) was used. Seasonal analysis of results showed that the flash drought frequency observed during the pre-monsoon season (March-April-May) shows considerable variation when compared to the monsoon (July-August-September) and post-monsoon (October-November-December) seasons. Results of Mann-Kendall statistics show the increasing trend of flash drought over semi-arid regions like Marathwada and Vidarbha. Both SPI and SPEI shows spatially varying similarity with the flash drought events. When observed on a seasonal scale, it is observed that SPEI shows a higher degree of similarity with flash drought events during pre-monsoon season as compared to SPI as evaporative demand is high during this period.  

How to cite: Remesan, R. and Pachore, A.: Analysis of Spatio-temporal variability and atmospheric drivers of the flash drought over Godavari river basin., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15836,, 2023.

EGU23-16630 | ECS | Orals | HS7.5

Projection of future rainfall erosivity over China under global warming 

Wenting Wang, Shuiqing Yin, Zeng He, Deliang Chen, Hao Wang, and Andreas Klik

Five CMIP6 models were selected to project changes in rainfall erosivity of China for two future periods (the near-term in 2041-2065, the long-term in 2076-2100) under SSP1-RCP2.6 and SSP5-RCP8.5 scenarios. Models’ capacity in estimating two erosivity indices, annual average rainfall erosivity (R-factor) and the storm erosivity at 10-year return level (10-year storm EI) were evaluated by comparing the model derived indices for the historical period with the state-of-the-art reference erosivity maps of China interpolated with hourly observations. Results show that GFDL-ESM4, IPSL-CM6A-LR, and UKESM1-0-LL outperform the other two models with higher NSEs and better spatial correlation, especially in the water erosion regions. R-factor and 10-year storm EI estimated using MMEs (the arithmetic means of the aforementioned three models) for the historical period are generally underestimated, and the median biases are 0.80 and 0.66, respectively. Biases for each grid were determined as the bias-correction factors for future erosivity projection. Generally, most areas in eastern and central China are expected to experience larger rainfall erosivity. Under SSP1-RCP2.6 and SSP5-RCP8.5 scenarios, R-factor over mainland China is projected to increase by 18.9% and 19.8% for the near-term and 26.0% and 46.5% for the long-term, respectively; and 10-year storm EI is projected to increase by 14.2% and 17.4% for the near-term, and 14.9% and 45.0% for the long-term, respectively. The projected increases in rainfall erosivity are mainly due to the increasing probability of extreme precipitation. This implies that soil and water conservation measures in China need to be further strengthened to meet the challenges brought by the increasing number and magnitude of extreme events in the context of global warming.

How to cite: Wang, W., Yin, S., He, Z., Chen, D., Wang, H., and Klik, A.: Projection of future rainfall erosivity over China under global warming, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16630,, 2023.

EGU23-16753 | Orals | HS7.5

Dry and wet climatic change and its driving factors in China 

Jie Tang, Wenting Wang, and Yun Xie

Evaluating the characteristics of long-term dry and wet climate changes under the background of global climate change is important for regional water resources security, ecosystem security and socio-economic development. Based on the daily meteorological data of 1680 meteorological stations in China from 1971 to 2019, the reference evapotranspiration (ET0) was estimated with the FAO-56 Penman–Monteith equation. Based on which, the temporal and spatial variations of humidity index (HI), precipitation (P), reference evapotranspiration (ET0) and the driving factors of which were further analyzed. Results showed that HI significantly increased in the northwest China of arid area, the northeast China of subhumid area and the Huang-Huai region of humid area, while it significantly decreased in the southwest and southeast China of humid areas. The change of HI can be mainly attributed to the change of ET0 while no significant trends has been detected for P for most regions of China. During the past 50 years, the increasing rate of ET0 was 3.76 mm/10a. But the temporal variation of ET0 are different from regions, and the increasing and decreasing area were mainly dominated by climate different factors. For region of Huang-huai and northern Northeast China, ET0 showed significant downward trend. Among factors that relating to ET0, wind speed contributes most to the significant decrease of ET0. For all rest regions of China, ET0 showed significant upward trends, and relative humidity contribute most to the increase.


Key words: Dry and wet climatic change, humidity index, reference evapotranspiration, contribution, climatic factors.

How to cite: Tang, J., Wang, W., and Xie, Y.: Dry and wet climatic change and its driving factors in China, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16753,, 2023.

EGU23-17047 | Orals | HS7.5 | Highlight

A just map: community and fluvial science working together for flood hazard vulnerability mapping in Massachusetts 

Christine Hatch, Seda Salap-Ayca, Christian Guzman, and Eve Vogel

In the Northeastern U.S., the most costly damages from intense storm events were impacts to road-stream crossings.  In steep post-glacial terrain, erosion by floodwater and entrained sediment is the largest destructive force during intense storms, and the most likely driver of major morphological changes to riverbanks and channels.  Steam power analysis is a tool that can successfully quantify floodwater energy that caused damages, however, prediction of which reaches or watersheds may experience future impacts remains uncertain. Downstream, in urban areas, floodwaters increasingly occupy larger geographic extents that spill well beyond traditionally mapped flood and hazard zones. Limiting these maps are critical biases: Often more information is available for coastal and urban areas (missing steeper terrain geomorphic hazard zones), base functional assumptions (that flood risk is dominantly inundation risk from a specific depth of water, ignoring the force of moving water, sediment or erosion), their concentration around the highest-value infrastructure (lower-value and lower-density development or undeveloped areas have little or no map coverage) and how these maps are utilized for regulatory purposes (e.g. mortgage and insurance requirements). Compounding the physical destruction of flooding is the unequal distribution of these impacts on socially vulnerable populations that are least able to recover from them.  We strive to improve the co-generated mapping of social vulnerability and flood risk by (1) utilizing measures of social vulnerability with greater social and geographical insight and nuance, including self-organizing maps (SOM) that cluster overlapping metrics, (2) applying modified flood hazard maps that accurately represent fluvial geomorphic hazards, urban flooding hazards, and climate change considerations, and (3) overlapping these to understand what factors influence current maps and policy practice; what populations and places may be overlooked or under-resourced relative to vulnerability; and use this collective insight to help inform and develop improved map products and policy approaches.  Integration of this information directly with practitioners’ resources allows communities to prioritize and make land-use decisions and flood-response and preparedness decisions that are informed by the specific vulnerabilities of their populations as well as the fluvial geomorphic workings of the larger watershed, and that have powerful local implications.  Outreach and educational programs focused on social vulnerability and fluvial systems for river practitioners and politicians at all levels align communities’ attitudes about flooding and rivers can ultimately result in ecologically sound, socially just, and more flood resilient policies and practices.

How to cite: Hatch, C., Salap-Ayca, S., Guzman, C., and Vogel, E.: A just map: community and fluvial science working together for flood hazard vulnerability mapping in Massachusetts, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17047,, 2023.

The Sikkim Himalaya, similar to other mountain regions, has lost considerable ice cover over the years owing to the changing climatic factors leading to enlargement of glacier-fed lakes, and thus posing a potential threat to downstream communities in the mountain and Tarai (foothills) region in case of breach anytime in the future. The Chhombo Chhu Watershed (CCW) of the Tista Basin in the Sikkim Himalaya, located between the Greater Himalayan Range and the Tethyan Sedimentary Sequence, is the storehouse of number of glacial lakes with large areas and volumes. In this study, we mapped the glacial lakes' changes between 1975–2018 and assessed their dynamics based on manual analysis of optical satellite images using KeyHole-9 Hexagon (∼4 m), Landsat Series (∼15-30 m), and Sentinel 2A-MSI (∼10-20 m) imagery and verified during field surveys. The results show that the number of lakes has increased from 62 to 98, and its total area expanded significantly by 34.6 ± 5.4%, i.e., from 8.5 ± 0.2 km2 in 1975 to 11.4 ± 0.6 km2 by 2018, at an expansion rate of 0.8 ± 0.1% a–1. Lake outburst susceptibility result reveals that a total of twenty-seven potentially dangerous glacial lakes exist in the watershed; 5 have a status of ‘high’ outburst probability, 17 ‘medium’ and 5 ‘low’. The majority of the proglacial lakes in the watershed have significantly enlarged due to the faster melting and calving processes as a result of accelerating increasing long term average annual trend of temperature (+0.283° Ca–1; 95% confidence level) and homogeneous or slightly declining precipitation.

How to cite: De, S. K., Chowdhury, A., and Sharma, M. C.: Inventory, Classification, Evolution, and Potential Outburst Flood Assessment of Glacial Lakes in the Chhombo Chhu Watershed (Sikkim Himalaya, India), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17459,, 2023.

EGU23-529 | ECS | Posters on site | HS3.8

How consistent are citizens in their observation of temporary streams? 

Mirjam Scheller, Ilja van Meerveld, Sara Blanco, and Jan Seibert

Half of the global river network dries up from time to time. However, these so-called temporary streams are not represented well in traditional gauging networks. One reason is the difficulty in measuring zero flows. Therefore, new approaches, such as low-cost sensors and citizen science, have been developed in the past few years. CrowdWater is such a citizen science project, in which citizens can submit observations of the state of temporary streams with the help of a smartphone app. The flow state of the stream is assessed visually and assigned to one of the following six classes: dry streambed, wet/damp streambed, isolated pools, standing water, trickling water, and flowing.

To determine the consistency of observations by different citizens, we asked questions regarding the flow state to more than 1200 people, who passed by temporary streams of various sizes in Switzerland and Germany. The survey consisted of 19 multiple-choice questions (with 14 being yes/no questions), three rating scale questions, two open-ended questions and five demographic questions, and was available in German and English. Most participants were interested in the topic and happy to participate. We estimate that about 80% of the people we approached participated in the survey.

Over 90% of the participants were native German speakers. When the expert assessment of the flow state was dry streambed, isolated pools or flowing water multiple surveys (4-6) could be done for up to four streams. Other states (standing water and trickling water) were assessed at only one stream. The surveys covered all six flow state classes: dry streambed: 4 times with a total of 244 participants; wet/damp streambed: 3 times with 179 participants; isolated pools: 5 times with 265 participants; standing water: 3 times with 177 participants; trickling water: 2 times with 106 participants; flowing: 6 times with 297 participants.

The answers of the participants were consistent for the driest and wettest states (dry streambed and flowing water) but differed for the in-between states. For example, half of the participants at one stream chose the wet streambed category, while the other half decided on standing water. This suggests that visual assessments of flow states for multiple classes are more complicated than could be assumed initially, but still give additional information beyond the flowing or dry categories. Above all, it provides information for streams that otherwise would be unmonitored.

How to cite: Scheller, M., van Meerveld, I., Blanco, S., and Seibert, J.: How consistent are citizens in their observation of temporary streams?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-529,, 2023.

Floods are one of the most common and catastrophic natural events worldwide, making studies on the magnitude, severity and frequency of past events essential for risk management. On this wise, remote sensing techniques have been widely used in flooding diagnoses, where Sentinel-2 images are one of the main resources employed in surface water mapping. These studies have developed single band, spectral indexes and machine learning-based methods, which have typically been applied to large water bodies. However, one of the issues in identifying water surfaces remains their size. When water surfaces have sizes close to the spatial resolution of satellite images, they are difficult to detect and map. To improve remotely sensed images' spatial resolution, an algorithm for super-resolving imagery has been developed, giving good results, especially in areas covered by agricultural land with large uniform surfaces. Although this method has proved effective on Sentinel-2 images, it has not been tested for enhancing flood mapping. Thus, flood mapping is still considered an open research topic, as no suitable method has been found for all datasets and all conditions. Consequently, the present study has developed a methodology for flood delineation in small-sized water bodies. The method leverages the advantages of Sentinel-2 MSI data, image preprocessing techniques, thresholding algorithms, spectral indexes and an unsupervised classification method. Thus, this framework includes a) the generation of super-resolved Sentinel-2 images, b) the application of seven spectral indexes to highlight flood surfaces and evaluation of their effectiveness, c) the application of fifteen methods for flood extent mapping, including fourteen thresholding algorithms and one unsupervised classification method and, d) the evaluation and comparison of the performance of flood mapping methods. The technique was applied in the Carrión River, located in the Duero basin, province of Palencia, Spain. This river is classified as a narrow water body, which presents recurrent flood events due to its morphometric characteristics, fluvial dynamics, and land uses. The results obtained show optimal performances when highlighting flood zones by combining AWE spectral indices with methods such as those of Huang and Wang, Li and Tam, Otsu, and momentum-preserving thresholding algorithms and EM cluster classification.

How to cite: Lombana, L.: Flood mapping in small-size water rivers: Analysis of spectral indexes using super-resolved Sentinel-2 images, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-690,, 2023.

EGU23-2029 | ECS | Posters on site | HS3.8

Showcasing the Potential of Crowd-sourced Observations for Flood Model Calibration 

Antara Dasgupta, Stefania Grimaldi, Raaj Ramsankaran, Valentijn Pauwels, and Jeffrey Walker

Floods are one the costliest natural disasters, having caused global economic losses worth over USD 51 million and >6000 fatalities just in 2020. Hydrodynamic modelling and forecasting of flood inundation requires distributed observations of flood depth and extent to enable effective evaluation and to minimize uncertainties. Given the decline of in situ hydrological monitoring networks, Earth Observation (EO) has emerged as a valuable tool for model calibration and evaluation in data scarce regions, as it provides synoptic observations of flood variables. However, low temporal frequencies and the (currently) instantaneous nature of EO, still limits the ability to characterize fast moving floods. The concurrent rise of smartphones, social media, and internet access has recently led to the emerging discipline of citizen sensing in hydrology, which has the potential to complement real-time EO and in situ flood observations. Despite this, methods to effectively utilise crowd-sourced flood observations to quantitatively assess model performance are yet to be developed. In this study the potential of crowd-sourced flood observations for hydraulic model evaluation is demonstrated for the first time. The channel roughness for the hydraulic model LISFLOOD-FP was calibrated using just 32 distributed high-water marks and wrack marks collected by the community and provided by the Clarence Valley Council for the 2013 flood event. Since the timings of acquisition of these data points were unknown, it was assumed that these provide information on the peak flow. Maximum model simulated and observed water levels were thus compared at observation locations for each model realization, and errors were quantified through the root mean squared error (RMSE) and the mean percentage difference (MPD), respectively. Peak flow information was also extracted from the 11 available hydrometric gauges along the Clarence River and used to constrain the roughness parameter, to enable the quantification of value addition from the citizen sensed observations. Identical calibrated parameter values were obtained for both data types resulting in a mean RMSE value of ∼50 cm for peak flow simulation across all gauges. Outcomes from this study demonstrate the utility of uncertain crowd-sourced flood observations for hydraulic flood model calibration in ungauged catchments.

How to cite: Dasgupta, A., Grimaldi, S., Ramsankaran, R., Pauwels, V., and Walker, J.: Showcasing the Potential of Crowd-sourced Observations for Flood Model Calibration, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2029,, 2023.

Due to the influence of climate change, the range of change in precipitation and regional variation have increased over the past 10 years, and the occurrence of local drought is increasing. The existing water supply and demand analysis system in Korea is produced by each management department, so there are limitations in data collection and decision-making on water distribution. For efficient water management, integration of water information should be prioritized. Based on this, actual water use monitoring, evaluation and water shortage prediction technology can be developed.

In this study, the DB of water-cycle system was constructed focusing on domestic water and transfer function model was developed. DB construction was classified into 3 stages (pre-preparation/investigation and analysis/application and evaluation), and the first stage was defined as the concept of water inflow/delivery/outflow from the urban perspective and the current status of data by point was identified. In the second stage, research directions were established through expert consultation and undisclosed data were collected through cooperation with related organizations. The third stage was applied to Gongju-si and Nonsan-si in Korea, which are the study sites, and the supplementations were reviewed. A transfer function model was developed using the constructed DB. It is expected that it will be possible to construct a useful transfer function model when analyzing the performance index by learning the outflow of the Singwan sewage treatment equipment based on the water intake amount of the Hyeondo intake station and confirming the autocorrelation of the non-significant residual.

In the future, additional considerations (outlet location, service area, and sewage treatment area subdivision) are required in national reports on river basins and droughts, and precipitation is also considered as a major input factor for outflow.


(This work was supported by a grant from the Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute (KEITI), funded by the Ministry of Environment (ME) of the Republic of Korea (2022003610003))

How to cite: Lee, S. and Lee, S.: Construction of integrated DB for domestic water-cycle system and development of transfer function model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2201,, 2023.

EGU23-2493 | ECS | Posters virtual | HS3.8

pyRCIT - A rainfall nowcasting tool based on a synthetic approach 

Ting He and Thomas Einfalt

Operating precise rainfall nowcasting with the help of observations from weather radar can give an effective warning before hydrometerological hazards occur. A common radar based rainfall nowcasting procedure includes: rain cell identification and tracking, spatial and temporal analysis of rain cell, rainfall nowcasting and nowcasting results evaluation.

In this study, an open source rainfall nowcasting tool - pyRCIT is designed and developed which is purely based on qualified weather radar data. It have four main modules: (1) weather radar data processing; (2) rainfall spatial and temporal analysis; (3) deterministic rainfall nowcasting and (4) ensemble rainfall nowcasting. In pyRCIT, rainfall is firstly obtained from weather radar data sets with a series of data quality adjustment procedures. Secondly, rain cells are identified and their spatial and temporal properties are analyzed by the RCIT algorithm. Thirdly, deterministic rainfall nowcasting is operated following the extrapolating schema using lagrangian persistence and semi-lagrangian methods separately, nowcasting results are evaluated by the object oriented verification method - SAL (Structure-Amplitude-Location). Finally, nowcasting uncertainties are analyzed by the random field theory and the quantified uncertainties are implemented as the aid of ensemble rainfall nowcasting.

Nowcasting quality of pyRCIT are evaluated by comparing it with some main rainfall nowcasting methods: TREC, SCOUT and pySTEPS. Comparative results showed that deterministic nowcasting score of pyRCIT were higher than the TREC and SCOUT methods but is nearly equal to the score of pySTEPS, for the ensemble nowcasting, score of pyRCIT is higher than all three methods for the selected cases. The pyRCIT can serve as the basis for further hydro-meteorological applications such as spatial and temporal analysis of rainfall events and flash flood forecasting.

The code of pyRCIT is available at

How to cite: He, T. and Einfalt, T.: pyRCIT - A rainfall nowcasting tool based on a synthetic approach, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2493,, 2023.

EGU23-5818 | Posters on site | HS3.8

Application of multimodal deep learning using radar and water level data for water level prediction 

Seongsim Yoon, Seyong Kim, and Sangmin Bae

In general, water level prediction models using deep learning techniques have been developed using time-series water level observation data from upstream water level stations and target water level stations even though many of physical data are necessary to predict water level. The changes of the water level are greatly affected by rainfall in the basin, therefore rainfall information is needed to more accurately predict the water level. In particular, radar data has the advantage of being able to directly acquire the amount of rainfall occurring within a watershed. This study aims to develop the multimodal deep learning model to predict the water level using 2D grid radar rainfall data and 1D time-series water level observation data. This study proposed two multimodal deep learning models which have different structures. Both multimodal deep learning models predict the water level by simultaneously using the observed water level data up to the present time and the radar rainfall data that affects the water level in the future. The first proposed model consists of a deep learning network that links 2D Average Pooling (AvgPool2D), which compresses 2D radar data to 1D data, and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), which predicts 1D time series water level data. The second proposed model consists of a deep learning network that predicts water levels by linking Conv2DLSTM and LSTM, which can reflect the characteristics of 2D radar data without deformation.  The two proposed multimodal deep learning models were learned and evaluated in the upper basin of Hantan River. In addition, it was compared with the results of single-modal LSTM using only water level data. There are three water level stations in the study area, and the objective was to predict the water level of the downstream station up to 180 minutes in advance. For learning and verification of the deep learning model, 10-minute water level and radar rainfall data were collected from May 2019 to October 2021. For the radar data used as input, the grid data included in the target watershed were extracted and used among composite radar data with a resolution of 1 km operating by Ministry of Environment. As a result of evaluating each learned deep learning model, two multimodal models had higher prediction accuracy than the single-modal using only water level data. In particular, second proposed model (Conv2dLSTM+LSTM) had better predictive performance than first proposed model (AvgPool2D+LSTM) at the time of the sudden rise in water level due to rainfall.


Research for this paper was carried out under the KICT Research Program (project no. 202200175-001, Development of future-leading technologies solving water crisis against to water disasters affected by climate change) funded by the Ministry of Science and ICT.

How to cite: Yoon, S., Kim, S., and Bae, S.: Application of multimodal deep learning using radar and water level data for water level prediction, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5818,, 2023.

EGU23-7700 | ECS | Orals | HS3.8

Improved flush detection and classification in combined sewer monitoring 

Markus Pichler and Dirk Muschalla

During rain events, rainwater reaches the combined sewer system and causes additional hydraulic and pollutant load. Due to the limited capacity of the sewer system and the wastewater treatment plant, overflow structures are constructed to reduce the discharge and thus create a potential hazard for the environment. For optimal management of these structures, it is necessary to know the runoff and pollutant load of the events and their distribution over time. When these distributions have a significant peak, they are often referred to as a flush, the best-known phenomenon being the first flush at the beginning of a rainfall event. This knowledge can be used for the design of retention facilities and the calibration of sewer models. The flush phenomena are mainly caused by the erosion of contaminants on the surface as well as the remobilisation of sediments in the sewer network.

Although many papers have investigated the first flush, no common pattern for the occurrence of these flushes has been identified. While the concentration of the flushes in rainwater sewers can be measured directly, the rain flushes in combined sewers are mixed with more polluted wastewater, which leads to a reduction in signal strength.

The sensor site for the used measurement data is located in a combined sewer overflow in the western part of Graz, Austria with a catchment area of 460 ha, consisting mainly of residential areas and with about 19500 inhabitants.

This work aims to separate and classify pollution flush signals from rainfall events in combined sewer systems to better understand the relationship between these signals and rainfall event characteristics.

For this reason, the continuous hydraulic and pollution data are first analysed to determine the representative dry weather contribution. By subtracting the dry weather contribution from the combined wastewater volume and the mass flux, the stormwater contribution and thus the flushes can be estimated. In addition, automatic event detection of combined sewer events was done.

Next, the wet weather events are classified by clustering the stormwater runoff-induced pollutant distribution (flush signals) and the event parameters. For the clustering of the temporal pollutant load distribution of events of different duration, the events are normalised by the mass-volume curves. To obtain the best possible clustering result, the dimension of the mass-volume curves is reduced by a principal component analysis. Different clustering methods, such as partitioning or hierarchical methods, are applied and compared.

How to cite: Pichler, M. and Muschalla, D.: Improved flush detection and classification in combined sewer monitoring, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7700,, 2023.

EGU23-8802 | Orals | HS3.8

Improving Early Warning System for Urban Flooding in Chinese Mega Cities using Advanced Active Phased Array Radar 

Dehua Zhu, Yunqing Xuan, Richard Body, Dongming Hu, and Xiaojun Bao

This two-year trial aims to bring together academics and industrial partners from UK and China to conduct a pilot study on the use of the active phased array radar to provide early urban flood warnings for Chinese mega cities, which facing challenging urban flood issues. This is the first in the world of cascade modelling using the cutting-edge active phase array radar (APRA) to provide rainfall monitoring and nowcasting information for a real-time two-dimension urban drainage model. The collaboration built up by this project and the first-hand experiment data will serve well to further catalyse the taking-up of state-of-the-art weather radars for urban flood risk management, and to tackle the innovation in tuning the radar technology to fit the complex urban environment as well as advanced modelling facilities that are designed to link the observations, providing decision making support to the city government. Recommendations for applying high spatial-temporal resolution precipitation data to real-time flood forecasting on an urban catchment are provided and suggestions for further investigation are discussed.

How to cite: Zhu, D., Xuan, Y., Body, R., Hu, D., and Bao, X.: Improving Early Warning System for Urban Flooding in Chinese Mega Cities using Advanced Active Phased Array Radar, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8802,, 2023.

EGU23-9494 | Orals | HS3.8

A Nonstationary Multivariate Framework for Modelling Compound Flooding 

Yunqing Xuan and Han Wang

 Flooding is widely regarded as one of the most dangerous natural hazards worldwide. It often arises from various sources either individually or combined such as extreme rainfall, storm surge, high sea level, large river discharge or the combination of them. However, the concurrence or close succession of these different source mechanisms can lead to compound flooding, resulting in larger damages and even catastrophic consequences than those from the events caused by the individual mechanism. Here, we present a modelling framework aimed at supporting risk analysis of compound flooding in the context of climate change, where nonstationary joint probability of multiple variables and their interactions need to be quantified.The framework uses the Block Bootstrapping Mann-Kendall test to detect the temporal changes of marginals, and the correlation test associated with the Rolling Window method to estimate whether the correlation structure varies with time; it then evaluates various combinations of marginals and copulas under stationary and nonstationary assumptions. Meanwhile, a Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo method is employed to estimate the time-varying parameters of copulas.

How to cite: Xuan, Y. and Wang, H.: A Nonstationary Multivariate Framework for Modelling Compound Flooding, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9494,, 2023.

EGU23-9546 | ECS | Orals | HS3.8

DeepRain: a separable residual convolutional neural algorithm with squeeze-excitation blocks for rainfall nowcasting 

Ahmed Abdelhalim, Miguel Rico-Ramirez, and Dawei Han

Precipitation nowcasting is critical for mitigating the natural disasters caused by severe weather events. State-of-the-art operational nowcasting methods are radar extrapolation techniques that calculate the motion field from sequential radar images and advect the precipitation field into the future. However, these methods assume the motion field's invariance, and prediction is based solely on recent observations, rather than historical radar sequences. To overcome these limitations, deep learning methods such as convolutional neural networks have recently been applied in radar rainfall nowcasting. Although, the promising progress of using deep learning techniques in rainfall nowcasting, these methods face some challenges. These challenges include producing blurry predictions, inaccurate forecasting of high rainfall intensities and degradation of the prediction accuracy with rising lead times. Therefore, the aim of this study is to develop a more performant deep-learning model capable of overcoming these challenges and preventing information loss in order to produce more accurate nowcasts. DeepRain is a convolutional neural network that uses a spatial and channel Squeeze & Excitation Block after each convolutional layer, local importance-based pooling, and residual connections to improve model performance. The algorithm is trained and validated using the UK Met Office's radar rainfall mosaic, which is produced by the UK Met Office Nimrod system. Using verification metrics, the model's predictive skill is compared to another deep learning model and a range of extrapolation methods.

Keywords: deep learning; rainfall nowcasting; radar; convolutional neural networks; Squeeze-and-Excitation

How to cite: Abdelhalim, A., Rico-Ramirez, M., and Han, D.: DeepRain: a separable residual convolutional neural algorithm with squeeze-excitation blocks for rainfall nowcasting, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9546,, 2023.

EGU23-9588 | ECS | Orals | HS3.8

Comparative performance of recently introduced Deep Learning models for Rainfall-Runoff Modelling 

Yirgalem Gebremichael, Gerald Corzo Perez, and Dimitri Solomatine

Machine learning and specifically deep learning has been applied in solving numerous hydrology related problems in the past. Furthermore, extensive research has been done on the evaluation and comparison of performances of different Machine learning techniques applied in solving hydrology related problems. In this research, the possible reasons behind these performance variations are being assessed. The performance of recently introduced deep learning techniques for rainfall-runoff modelling are being evaluated by looking in to the possible modelling set-up and training procedures. Therefore, model set-up and training procedures such as: normalization techniques, input variable selection (feature selection), sampling techniques, model complexity, optimization techniques and random initialization of weights are being examined closely in order to improve the performances of different deep learning techniques for rainfall-runoff modelling. As a result, this study is trying to answer whether these factors have significant effect on the model accuracy.

The experiments are being conducted on different deep learning models such as: LSTMs, GRUs and MLPs as well as non-deep learning models such as: XGBoost, Random Forest, Linear Regression and Naïve models. Deep learning frameworks including TensorFlow and Keras are being implemented on Python. For better generalization, study areas from three different climatic zones namely: Bagmati catchment in Nepal, Yuna catchment in Dominican Republic and Magdalena catchment in Colombia are chosen to implement this experimental research. Additionally, in situ meteorological and stream flow data are being used for the rainfall-runoff modelling.

The preliminary model results show that model performances in case of Bagmati catchment are higher as compared to the other catchments. The LSTMs and MLPs are performing good with NSE values of 0.71 and 0.72 respectively. Most importantly, the linear regression model was outperforming the other models with NSE up to 0.75 in case of considering 6 days lagged rainfall input. This implies the relationship between daily rainfall and runoff data from Bagmati catchment may not be as complex. On the contrary, the 3-hourly data from Yuna catchment shows results with lower values for the performance metrics. This may be an indication of more complex relationships within the Yuna catchment.

This research provides key elements of the modelling process, especially in setting up and training deep learning models for rainfall-runoff modelling. The comparative analysis performed here, provides a basis of performance variations on different basins. This work contributes to the experiences in understanding machine learning requirements for different types of river basins.

How to cite: Gebremichael, Y., Corzo Perez, G., and Solomatine, D.: Comparative performance of recently introduced Deep Learning models for Rainfall-Runoff Modelling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9588,, 2023.

EGU23-10491 | ECS | Posters on site | HS3.8

Addressing discoverability, trust and data quality in peer-to-peer distributed databases for citizen science 

Julien Malard-Adam, Sheeja Krishnankutty, Anandaraja Nallusamy, and Wietske Medema

Peer-to-peer distributed databases show promise for lowering the barrier to entry for citizen science projects. These databases, which do not require a centralised server to store and exchange data, instead use participants’ devices (phones or computers) to store and transfer data directly between project participants. This offers concrete advantages in terms of avoiding usually very costly and time-consuming server maintenance for the research team, as well as improving data access and sovereignty for the participating communities.

However, several technical challenges remain to the routine use of distributed databases in citizen science projects. In particular, indexing data and discovering peers who hold data of interest or from the same project; managing safety, trust and permissions; and ensuring data quality all without relying on a central server to perform these functions requires a rethinking of the standard paradigms of database and user account management.

This presentation will give a brief overview of the Constellation software for distributed scientific databases before presenting several novel approaches (concentric recursive data search, user network-centric trust, and multiple data quality verification layers) it has adopted to respond to the above-mentioned challenges. Examples of concrete applications of Constellation for data sharing in the fields of hydrology and agronomy will be included.

How to cite: Malard-Adam, J., Krishnankutty, S., Nallusamy, A., and Medema, W.: Addressing discoverability, trust and data quality in peer-to-peer distributed databases for citizen science, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10491,, 2023.

Population growth and economic development increase water demand, while human activities degrade the quality of available water resources along the adjacent rivers. The U.S. state of Alabama has been suffering from floods causing the degraded water quality by scouring pollutants into the water. In recent decades, Alabama has been experiencing persistent precipitation deficits and unusual severe droughts, resulting in limited economic and water-based recreation activities within downstream states. Since 2020, The COVID-19 pandemic aroused a series policies like quarantine and lock down, which slowed down the economic development and reduced chances of people going outside to witness the water pollution accidents.

In this study, we conducted a sentiment analysis of over 9,900 water pollution complaints (2012-2020) from residents in Alabama. Overall, it is found that complaints are dominated by negative and objective complaints no matter what extremes events or environmental accidents. Results show that sentiment alteration during climate extremes and COVID period was detected. Potential causes of the sentimental alteration in the public water pollution complaint reports were explored. Results show more complaints during summer seasons, which can be explained as higher temperature and intensive precipitation at that time. More complaints are distributed in the counties that are higher socioeconomically developed, to be more specific, counties with more population and higher GDP level. The severity of antecedent extreme events can affect the sentiment of environmental pollution complaints related to on-going extreme events due to limited human judgements. Key words extracted from the complaints point out the pollution resources and locations, which provide important clues from local government to resolved problems.

This study provides an example of how unstructured data such as public complaints can be used as a technology to improve the water pollution and public health monitoring with the help of big data and artificial intelligent technologies. While the results of this study were based water pollution complaints from residents of Alabama state, it is applicable to other environmental pollutions (like air and land) and other regions with available long-term textual data.


How to cite: Liu, A. and Kam, J.: Observed Sentimental Alteration in the Public Water Pollution Complaints during Climatic Extremes and the COVID-19 Pandemic, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10886,, 2023.

EGU23-10937 | ECS | Orals | HS3.8

Feature engineering strategies based on GIS and the SCS-CN method for improving hydrological forecasting in a complex mountain basin 

María José Merizalde, Paul Muñoz, Gerald Corzo, and Rolando Célleri

Hydrological modeling and forecasting are important tools for adequate water resources management, especially in complex systems (basins) characterized by high spatio-temporal variability of runoff driving forces, landscape heterogeneity, and insufficient hydrometeorological monitoring. Yet, during the last decades, the use of machine learning (ML) techniques has become popular for runoff forecasting, and the current research trend focuses on performing feature engineering (FE) strategies aimed both at improving forecasting efficiencies and allowing model interpretation. Here, we employed three ML techniques, the Random Forest (RF) algorithm, traditional Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), and specialized Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) networks, assisted by FE strategies for developing short-term runoff forecasting models for a 3300-km2 complex basin representative of the tropical Andes of Ecuador. We exploited the information of two readily-available satellite products, the IMERG and GSMaP to overcome the absence of ground precipitation data, and the FE strategies proposed were based on GIS and the Soil Conservation Service Curve Number (SCS-CN) method to synthesize the use of land use and land cover, soil types, slope, among other hydrological concepts. To assess the forecasting improvement, we contrasted a set of efficiency metrics calculated both for the developed specialized models and for referential models without the application of  FE strategies. In terms of results, we were first able to develop accurate forecasting models by exploiting precipitation satellite data powered by ML techniques with different complexity levels. Second, the referential forecasting models reached efficiencies (Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency, NSE) varying from 0.9 (1-hour lead time) to 0.5 (11-hours), which were comparable for the RF, ANN, and LSTM techniques. Whereas for the specialized models, we found an improvement of 5–20 % in NSE-values for all lead times. The proposed methodology and the insights of this study provide hydrologists with new tools for developing short-term runoff forecasting systems in complex basins otherwise limited by data scarcity and model complexity issues.

How to cite: Merizalde, M. J., Muñoz, P., Corzo, G., and Célleri, R.: Feature engineering strategies based on GIS and the SCS-CN method for improving hydrological forecasting in a complex mountain basin, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10937,, 2023.

EGU23-11217 | ECS | Posters on site | HS3.8

International Natural Disasters Research and Analytics (INDRA) Reporter: A multi-platform Citizen Science Framework and Tools for Disaster Risk Reduction 

Manabendra Saharia, Dhiraj Saharia, Shreya Gupta, and Satyakam Singhal

With pervasive access to mobile phones with powerful sensors and processors, crowdsourcing has become increasingly prominent as a means of supplementing data obtained from traditional sensors. But there is a lack of a comprehensive application programming interface (API)-based framework that can collect data from multiple sources through user-friendly workflows. INDRA Reporter has been designed with a mobile-first approach geared towards real-time applications and an emphasis on user-interface/user-experience (UI/UX) to maximize collection of higher fidelity data. This paper details a comprehensive suite of tools for active and passive crowdsensing of natural hazards such as floods, storm, lightning, rain etc. Currently the framework includes mobile applications, telegram chatbots, and a publicly available dashboard. Most citizen science applications in flooding are quantitative, which makes it difficult for non-specialists to provide accurate scientific information along with providing user insight into prevailing situation within a single coherent workflow. It is imperative that workflows targeting dangerous situations emphasize on speed and visual acuity while collecting critical data.  The main objective of INDRA is to provide a simple and intuitive way of collecting qualitative and quantitative data from people. Since traditional data collection through ground-based sensors and satellites suffer from various limitations, measurements collected using INDRA will supplement these sources and form the basis of developing multi-sensor data products. We are reporting the development and release of four components of the framework – a) open INDRA API b) INDRA Reporter mobile application, c) Telegram Chat bot, and d) web dashboard. The API has been kept extensible in order to expand the data collection to other hydrologic and meteorological phenomenon.

How to cite: Saharia, M., Saharia, D., Gupta, S., and Singhal, S.: International Natural Disasters Research and Analytics (INDRA) Reporter: A multi-platform Citizen Science Framework and Tools for Disaster Risk Reduction, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11217,, 2023.

EGU23-11419 | ECS | Posters on site | HS3.8

Spatio-temporal analysis of storm surge in the Korean Peninsula 

Jung-A Yang

The Korean Peninsula (KP) located in the Northwest Pacific have different topographic features. West coast of the KP has large tidal variations. If storm surge occurred at high tide, the west coast is vulnerable to flooding. The south coast has a complex coastline with hundreds of islands. Its complex topography can amplify storm surge height (SSH) and it also makes it difficult to conduct numerical modeling for storm surge. Moreover, as the KP is located in the pathways of typhoons, it has been affected by an average of three typhoons every year. The KP has actually suffered from storm surge-induced disaster several times in the past. In order to plan efficient and effective countermeasures against storm surge disasters, it is required to identify the vulnerability of coastal regions in the KP. Therefore, this study quantitatively analyzed the frequency and cause of occurrence of storm surges that occurred along the Korean coast in the past.

First, this study collected observed tidal data at 48 tide stations which are installed along the coast of the KP and performed a hormonic analysis on the observed tidal data to build a database of SSH information that occurred along the coast of the KP from 1979 to 2021. Next, the cause of the storm surge was evaluated based on the occurrence time of the high-level SSH. If the storm surge occurred in winter season, it was treated as being caused by an extra-tropical cyclone, and if in summer season, by and tropical cyclone. Lastly, storm surge vulnerable areas were assessed based on frequency and level of the SSH. To this end, the coast of the KP was divided into five zones: the northwest coast, the southwest coast, Jeju island, the southeast coast and northeast coast. The frequency of the high-level SSH generated in those zones was calculated, and areas where storm surge occurred a lot were selected as vulnerable areas.

As a result of the study, it was found that the high-level SSH with more than 1 m in the KP are caused by tropical cyclone in summer, and the area most vulnerable to storm surge is the southeast coast.

However, the observed tidal data used in this study has a limitation in that the collection period differs depending on the zone: the observation period is longer for the southeast coast than for the southwest coast. Looking at the paths of past typhoons, many typhoons passed through the west coast, so the possibility that the southwest coast would have been judged to be more vulnerable than the southeast coast cannot be ignored if the observed tidal data for the southwest coast were more abundant. In addition, since storm surge is phenomenon that is affected not only by meteorological conditions but also by topographic conditions (e.g., complexity of coastline, water depth, etc.), spatio-temporal analysis of storm surge by topographic conditions is going to be conducted through future research.



This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea grant funded by the Korea government(MSIT) (No. 2022R1C1C2009205).


How to cite: Yang, J.-A.: Spatio-temporal analysis of storm surge in the Korean Peninsula, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11419,, 2023.

EGU23-12475 | Posters on site | HS3.8

Comparing different radar-raingauge precipitation merging methods for Tuscany region 

Rossano Ciampalini, Andrea Antonini, Alessandro Mazza, Samantha Melani, Alberto Ortolani, Ascanio Rosi, Samuele Segoni, and Sandro Moretti

Radar-based rainfall estimation represents an effective tool for hydrological modelling. Nevertheless, this data type is subject to systemic and natural perturbations that need to be considered before to use it. Because of that and to improve data quality, corrections based on raingauge observations are frequently adopted. Here, we compared the efficacy of different radar-raingauge merging procedures over a regional raingauge-radar network focusing on a selected number of rainfalls events.
We adopted the methods: 1) Kriging with External Drift (KED) interpolation (Wackernagel 1998), 2) Probability-Matching-Method (PMM, Rosenfeld et al., 1994), and 3) a kriging mixed method exploiting the Conditional Merging (CM) process (Sinclair-Pegram, 2005) based on elaborations available at DPCN (Italian National Civil Protection Department). These methods have been applied on the Tuscany Regional Territory using raingauge recorded rainfalls at 15’ time-step and CAPPI (Constant altitude plan position indicator) reflectivity data at 2000/3000/5000 m at 5’ and 10’.
Relationships describing precipitation VS radar reflectivity were integrated and elaborated as part of the development of the merging procedures, while the comparison involved the analysis of variance and diversity coefficients. Kriging-based elaborations showed different spatial patterns depending on the applied procedure, with patterns closer to radar variability when using DPCN, and more reflecting the gauge data structure when adopting KED. The probabilistic method (PMM), instead, had the advantage of integrating the gauge data while preserving the spatial radar patterns, confirming interesting perspectives.

How to cite: Ciampalini, R., Antonini, A., Mazza, A., Melani, S., Ortolani, A., Rosi, A., Segoni, S., and Moretti, S.: Comparing different radar-raingauge precipitation merging methods for Tuscany region, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12475,, 2023.

EGU23-12857 | Orals | HS3.8

Surge-tide interaction along the Italian coastline 

Alessandro Antonini, Elisa Ragno, and Davide Pasquali

Storm surge events are probably one of the most studied phenomena in coastal regions since they can lead to coastal flooding, environmental damage, and sometimes loss of human life. In regions of shallow water, among other localized processes, surges occurring at high astronomical tides tend to be damped while surges occurring at rising tides are amplified affecting water level extremes. This requires accounting for tide-surge interaction when defining the coastal hazards due to extreme water levels.

Cities along the Italian coast, such as Venice, Ravenna, Bari (Adriatic sea), Genova, Livorno, Napoli, and Palermo (Tyrrhenian sea), are vulnerable to coastal flooding. Hence, a thorough understanding of the interaction between water level components, i.e., storm surge and astronomical tides, is required to define a proper framework for coastal risk assessment.

Here, we analyze water level observations in several Italian coastal locations to investigate possible correlation and interaction between astronomical tide and the storm surge. Then we study the effect that such interaction has on extreme water level statistics to support the development of flood-resilient adaptation strategies.

How to cite: Antonini, A., Ragno, E., and Pasquali, D.: Surge-tide interaction along the Italian coastline, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12857,, 2023.

EGU23-12909 | Posters on site | HS3.8

Smart Groundwater Monitoring System for Managed Aquifer Recharge Based on Enabled Real-Time Internet of Things 

Khan Zaib Jadoon, Muhammad Zeeshan Ali, Hammad Ullah Khan Yousafzai, Khalil Ur Rehman, Jawad Ali Shah, and Nadeem Ahmed Shiekh

Groundwater has provided a reliable source of high-quality water for human use. After India, USA and China, Pakistan is the fourth largest groundwater user in the world and around 60x109 m3 of groundwater is extracted annually. The situation in Pakistan has further exacerbated when government subsidized electricity for agricultural purposes – paving the way for installation of myriad tube wells across the country which resulted in excessive withdrawal of groundwater. The major challenges in sustainable groundwater management system are twofold. First, increasing withdrawals to meet growing human needs have led to significant groundwater depletion, which is usually not monitored due to high cost of monitoring system. Second, data limitations and the application of regional groundwater models for future prediction.

In this research, Internet of Things (IoT) enabled smart groundwater monitoring system has been developed and tested to monitor in-situ real-time dynamics of groundwater depletion. Each groundwater monitoring sensor is connected to an embedded module that consists of a microcontroller and a wireless transceiver based on Long Range Radio (LoRa) technology. The readings from each LoRa enabled module is aggregated at one (or more) gateways which is then connected to a central server typically through an IP connection. Sensors of the smart groundwater monitoring system were calibrated in the lab by fluctuation water levels in a 3-meter water column. A network of the low-cost groundwater sensors was installed in managed aquifer recharge wells to provide real-time assessment of groundwater level measurement remotely. The smart and resource efficient groundwater monitoring system help to reduce number of physical visits to the field and also enhance stakeholders participation to get social benefits (promote equity among groundwater users), economic benefit (optimize pumping, which reduces energy cost) and technical benefit (better estimates of groundwater abstraction) for sustainable groundwater management.

How to cite: Jadoon, K. Z., Ali, M. Z., Yousafzai, H. U. K., Rehman, K. U., Shah, J. A., and Shiekh, N. A.: Smart Groundwater Monitoring System for Managed Aquifer Recharge Based on Enabled Real-Time Internet of Things, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12909,, 2023.

EGU23-13505 | Posters on site | HS3.8

Water observations by the public- experiences from the CrowdWater project 

Ilja van Meerveld, Franziska Schwarzenbach, Rieke Goebel, Mirjam Scheller, Sara Blanco Ramirez, and Jan Seibert

Hydrology is a data limited science, especially spatially distributed observations are lacking. Citizen science observations can complement existing monitoring networks and provide useful data. Engaging the public in data collection can also increase people’s interest and awareness about water-related topics. In this PICO, we will present the CrowdWater project, in which citizen scientists share, with the help of a smartphone app, hydrological observations on stream water levels, the presence of water in temporary streams, soil moisture conditions, plastic pollution, and general information on water quality. We will highlight the type of data that are collected, our quality control procedures, and the value of the data for hydrological model calibration. We will also discuss the motivations of the citizen scientists to join the project and to continue to contribute to the project. Although the majority of our frequent contributors are adults, we try to engage the youth in the project by giving presentations in schools and at science fairs. Therefore, we will end the PICO presentation with some examples of our outreach work and lessons learned.

How to cite: van Meerveld, I., Schwarzenbach, F., Goebel, R., Scheller, M., Blanco Ramirez, S., and Seibert, J.: Water observations by the public- experiences from the CrowdWater project, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13505,, 2023.

EGU23-15389 | ECS | Posters on site | HS3.8

An innovative data driven approach improves drought impact analysis using earth observation data 

Ye Tuo, Xiaoxiang Zhu, and Markus Disse

Drought is a devastating natural hazard that can be of diverse magnitude, duration and intensity. It leads to economic and social losses and ecological imbalances. Ascribing to climate change, drought has occurred more frequently with high intensity worldwide in recent decades, such as the striking droughts in the summer of year 2022. In water resource aspect, one direct consequence of drought is the decrease of water amount in the rivers, which could further develop into water shortage for irrigation and drinking water supply, and cargo shipping disruption. Therefore, in order to make management decisions that help mitigate the drought damage, it is important to monitor river water anomalies and identify the vulnerable shrinking sections along the river network. Traditional river gauging stations only provide us limited observations of particular spots. A proper utilization of spatially distributed remote sensing data is necessary and effective. In this work, we develop a novel framework to monitor river water shrinking anomaly by including image processing and machine learning approaches, based on earth observation data. The Rhine, a major cargo-route river, is selected as the pilot case, because it had huge water decrease and caused shipping disruption during the 2022 summer’s drought in Germany. The Modified Normalized Difference Water Index (MNDWI) is calculated from the green and Shortwave-Infrared bands of Sentinel-2 satellite images.  MNDWI images of a specific non-drought period is defined as the reference datasets representing normal conditions. Afterwards, a new water shrinking index is introduced to quantify the river water anomaly during drought periods.  Specifically, a python based algorithm which includes image processing and machine learning clustering methods is developed to scan along the MNDWI images to compute the water shrinking index with adjustable river section size. With the index datasets, river sections are further grouped into categories with drought vulnerable levels. By parameterizing the section size, the algorithm is able to quantify and identify the vulnerable shrinking river sections with varying scales. It provides classified references of drought affected hotspots for the regional water management plans in case of drought mitigation. Such a scalable framework can offer a timely distributed monitoring of the drought impacts on the water resource along the river network. As a long term benefit, numerical connections can be identified between the river shrinking status and the economic losses of cargo shipping disruption due to drought.  This is of great value to facilitate the drought impact analysis and forecasts.

How to cite: Tuo, Y., Zhu, X., and Disse, M.: An innovative data driven approach improves drought impact analysis using earth observation data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15389,, 2023.

EGU23-16292 | ECS | Posters on site | HS3.8

Hydrological decision-making systems using high-resolution weather radar observations –  a case study from Hungary 

Zsolt Zoltán Fehér, Erika Budayné-Bódi, Attila Nagy, Tamás Magyar, and Tamás János

According to past observations and long-term forecasts, the Carpathian Basin is distinguished by two precipitation trends. The frequency, length, and severity of periods of precipitation deficit and drought are increasing. Furthermore, as small-scale convective updrafts intensify, heavy thunderstorms become more intense. Both trends pose significant risks from an anthropogenic perspective. The former increases food insecurity due to intensifying droughts, which damages agricultural yields, while the latter mainly increases property damage via heavy hailstorms.

The 2022 drought year demonstrated that effective use of available water is the foundation for sustainable growth, which may be supported by well-designed infrastructure investments and smart water management technologies. A rainfall radar system with a high spatial and temporal resolution that contributes to near real-time machine decision-making is one conceivable component of such a complex system.

The Furuno WR-2100 precipitation radar, which was deployed on the outskirts of Debrecen in 2020 for benchmarking purposes, is the first component of such an intelligent decision-making system in Hungary. The radar's range comprises both urban and rural areas, allowing it to continually gather high-resolution test data for both urban hydrology and agricultural irrigation system developments.

The research presented in the article was carried out within the framework of the Széchenyi Plan Plus program with the support of the RRF 2.3.1 21 2022 00008 project.

How to cite: Fehér, Z. Z., Budayné-Bódi, E., Nagy, A., Magyar, T., and János, T.: Hydrological decision-making systems using high-resolution weather radar observations –  a case study from Hungary, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16292,, 2023.

The quality of mosaic QPE directly determines the accuracy of QPF products from nowcasting models. However, there is a common spatial discontinuity phenomenon caused by the biases of multiple radars in mosaic QPE. Consistency correction, a type of multi-radar quality control method, can be used to mitigate the spatial discontinuity of mosaic QPE, but its improving effect on QPF products should be analyzed.

For this consideration, a consistency correction method based on GPM KuPR proposed by Chu et al (2018a) was applied to the three S-band operational radars of China, and the improvement on QPE by Z-R relationship, deterministic QPF by S-SPROG (Spectral Prognosis), and ensemble QPF by STEPS (Short-Term Ensemble Prediction System) were analyzed. The results showed: 1) the raw reflectivity factors by the three operational radars over the same equidistance area were significantly different. After the consistency correction, the differences decreased to be less than 0.5 dB and the spatial discontinuity of mosaic products disappeared. 2) The precision of mosaic QPE was significantly improved after the correction, and the average RMSE of QPE decreased by 19.5%, and the TS of heavy rainfall and above rose by 44.8%. 3) The 0-1h deterministic QPF by S-SPROG, and ensemble QPF by STEPS were significantly improved after the correction. The deterministic (ensemble) TS of moderate rain and above rose by 11.9% (10.2%), and that of heavy rain and above increased by 34.2% (38.7%). 4) Furthermore, the consistency correction method contributed to precipitation velocity estimation, and decreased its RMSE by 25.0%. Clearly, the consistency correction method is significantly contributive to multi-radar mosaic QPE and precipitation nowcasting.

How to cite: Chu, Z.: Improvement of Multi-Radar Quantitative Precipitation Nowcasting with Consistency Correction Method, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16647,, 2023.

EGU23-766 | ECS | PICO | HS4.1

Bridges influence large wood trapping efficiency during large floods: insights from the Francolí River flood in 2019 

Llanos Valera-Prieto, Virginia Ruiz-Villanueva, and Glòria Furdada

Recent large floods across Europe, including those in Belgium and Germany in 2021 or, more recently, in Italy in October 2022, showed that major obstructions of bridges due to the mobilized large wood (LW) significantly influenced the flood-related damages. However, in principle, none of the dangers posed by wood was inherent to the wood itself but to the obstacles and infrastructures that were not designed to allow the wood to pass. Understanding this legacy effect on wood in rivers due to the increased artificial trapping efficiency of river structures (bridges, dam reservoirs) still needs to be completed.

The Francolí River in Catalonia, NW Iberian Peninsula (853 Km2 area and 59 km length) underwent a major flash flood on October 22, 2019, that caused six fatalities. The rainfall recorded in the NW basin was 293 mm in 24 hours. Consequently, significant bio-geomorphological changes occurred; a large amount of sediment was eroded, transported and deposited, and many trees were damaged or uprooted with subsequent large wood (LW) supply and transport. In addition, infrastructures were severely damaged (e.g., three bridges collapsed).

The legacy effects on instream large wood related to the human infrastructures in river systems is an essential factor to consider when assessing the effects of floods and potential risks. Therefore, this study's main objective was to evaluate the influence of bridges on large wood accumulation during floods. 

We analyzed a reach of 30 km along the Francolí River in which there were 23 bridges. The reach was split into 52 sub-reaches based on their morphological characteristics (i.e., the width of the valley bottom, slope, and sinuosity), the presence of infrastructures, or lithologic and anthropic knickpoints, and the junction with tributaries. The 52 sub-reaches were grouped into four main typologies based on statistical segmentation and clustering.

Individual pieces of LW and accumulations were digitalized using post-flood high-resolution orthophotos (i.e., 0.10 m resolution). They were characterized using four attributes: orientation with respect to the channel (parallel, perpendicular, oblique), transported (yes or not), location (active channel or floodplain), and length. Average Nearest Neighbour, Spatial Autocorrelation (Global Moran's I test) and Density were computed and revealed the depositional pattern of LW along the study reach.

Preliminary results showed that morphological characteristics favoured LW trappings: wide valley bottoms and sinuous bends. In addition, the standing vegetation and other in-channel obstacles were crucial to trap wood. The most significant aspect, however, was the presence of bridges. A significantly more considerable amount of wood (i.e., the highest density observed, ranging between 33 and 101 pieces/ha) was trapped upstream from bridges, where wood was deposited at significantly higher elevations. Further analyses will explore the characteristics of the bridges and upstream sub-reaches.

This study will provide crucial information to understand large wood accumulation at bridges during floods and will inform flood-hazard assessments and river management.

How to cite: Valera-Prieto, L., Ruiz-Villanueva, V., and Furdada, G.: Bridges influence large wood trapping efficiency during large floods: insights from the Francolí River flood in 2019, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-766,, 2023.

EGU23-1241 | ECS | PICO | HS4.1

Downward counterfactual analysis of historical rainfall events in Germany 

Paul Voit and Maik Heistermann

In the last 20 years a variety of heavy precipitation events (HPEs) have caused severe floods and large damages in Germany. However, the impact of an HPE is not solely determined by the event itself, but also by the geomorphologic characteristics of the location where it occurs.

Previous studies have shown that HPEs can happen anywhere in Germany. To find out where in Germany historical HPEs could have caused a potential hazard, we extracted the 10 most extreme HPEs by using the cross-scale weather extremity index (xWEI) from the last 20 years of radar data (RADKLIM) and shifted these events to every mesoscale subbasin in Germany.

We use the geomorphological instantaneous unit hydrograph as a simple screening tool to investigate the runoff concentration at the mesoscale and the following flood wave propagation in these subbasins as response to historical HPEs. While this method might not be sufficient to model precise discharge, it can be used to spot rapid increase in direct runoff and shed light on the peak development further downstream, depending on the spatiotemporal characteristics of the HPE. 

By using historical HPEs as benchmarks, our method can help to identify areas in Germany which are prone to flood hazard and assist to adjust mitigation measures accordingly.

How to cite: Voit, P. and Heistermann, M.: Downward counterfactual analysis of historical rainfall events in Germany, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1241,, 2023.

EGU23-3147 | ECS | PICO | HS4.1

Seamless rainfall and discharge forecasting using a scale-dependent blending of ensemble rainfall nowcasts and NWP 

Ruben Imhoff, Athanasios Tsiokanos, Jerom Aerts, Lesley De Cruz, Claudia Brauer, Klaas-Jan van Heeringen, Albrecht Weerts, and Remko Uijlenhoet

Flash flood early warning requires accurate rainfall forecasts with a high spatial and temporal resolution. As the first few hours ahead are already not sufficiently well captured by the rainfall forecasts of numerical weather prediction (NWP) models, rainfall nowcasting can provide an alternative. This observation-based method, however, quickly loses skill after the first few hours of the forecast due to growth and dissipation processes that are not accounted for. In addition, providing an additional forecasting method can let users drown in the amount of available information. A promising way forward is a seamless forecasting system, which combines the aforementioned forecasting methods. By optimally combining (blending) rainfall nowcasts with NWP forecasts, we can extend the skillful lead time of short-term rainfall forecasts and provide users with more consistent, seamless forecasts.

We implemented an adaptive scale-dependent ensemble blending method in the open-source pysteps library. In this implementation, the blending of the extrapolation (ensemble) nowcast, (ensemble) NWP and noise components is performed level-by-level, which means that the blending weights vary per spatial cascade level. These scale-dependent blending weights are computed from the recent skill of the forecast components, and converge to a climatological value, which is computed from a multi-day rolling window and can be adjusted to the (operational) needs of the user. To constrain the (dis)appearance of rain in the ensemble members to regions around the rainy areas, we have developed a Lagrangian blended probability matching scheme and incremental masking strategy.

We evaluate the method using three heavy and extreme (July 2021) rainfall events in four Belgian and Dutch catchments, focusing on both the rainfall forecasts and the resulting discharge forecasts using the fully distributed wflow_sbm hydrological model. We benchmark the results of the 48-member blended forecasts against the deterministic Belgian NWP forecast, a 48-member nowcast and a simple 48-member linear blending approach. When focusing on the resulting rainfall forecasts, the introduced blending approach predominantly performs similarly or better than only nowcasting (in terms of event-averaged CRPS and CSI values) and adds value compared to NWP for the first hours of the forecast. This holds for both the radar domain and catchment scale, although the difference, particularly with the linear blending method, reduces when we focus on catchment-average cumulative rainfall sums instead of instantaneous rainfall rates. We find similar results for the resulting discharge forecasts, although the effect of the catchment size and corresponding lag times becomes influential and determines the added value of nowcasting over NWP. By properly combining observations and NWP forecasts, blending methods such as these are a crucial component of seamless hydrometeorological forecasting systems.

How to cite: Imhoff, R., Tsiokanos, A., Aerts, J., De Cruz, L., Brauer, C., van Heeringen, K.-J., Weerts, A., and Uijlenhoet, R.: Seamless rainfall and discharge forecasting using a scale-dependent blending of ensemble rainfall nowcasts and NWP, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3147,, 2023.

EGU23-5831 | PICO | HS4.1

Nowcasting localized heavy precipitation using a multi-parameter phased array weather radar (MP-PAWR) and a 3D recurrent neural network. 

Philippe Baron, Kouhei Kawashima, Dong-Kyun Kim, Hiroshi Hanado, Takeshi Maesaka, Shinsuke Satoh, Seiji Kawamura, and Tomoo Ushio

Temporal extrapolation of radar observations of precipitation is a means of nowcasting sudden localized heavy rains, i.e., restricted convective rains on a spatial scale of less than 10 km and a lifetime of a few tens of minutes. Such nowcasts are necessary to set up warning systems to anticipate damage to infrastructure and reduce the fatalities these storms cause. It is a difficult task due to the storm suddenness, their restricted area, and nonlinear behavior that are not well captured by current operational systems, even for a lead time of only 10 minutes. Often, conventional approaches use radar observations with 5 min resolution and a Lagrangian advection based extrapolation model with a poor description of the vertical dimension. In this study, we use a new Multi-Parameter Phased-Array Weather Radar (MP-PAWR) with a temporal resolution of 30 sec and a 3D recurrent neural network to improve 10-minute nowcasts of sudden localized rains. The MP-PAWR has been operational in Japan (Saitama prefecture) since 2018. The nowcast model is a supervised neural network trained with adversarial technique. It considers the 3D volume surrounding the instrument up the height of 10 km and the polarimetric information of the measurement.  Improvements with conventional nowcasting techniques will be discussed with some typical examples.

How to cite: Baron, P., Kawashima, K., Kim, D.-K., Hanado, H., Maesaka, T., Satoh, S., Kawamura, S., and Ushio, T.: Nowcasting localized heavy precipitation using a multi-parameter phased array weather radar (MP-PAWR) and a 3D recurrent neural network., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5831,, 2023.

EGU23-6096 | ECS | PICO | HS4.1

Representative Hillslope Approach for Modeling Flash Flood Generation in Ungauged Catchments 

Ashish Manoj J, Franziska Villinger, Mirko Mälicke, Ralf Loritz, and Erwin Zehe

Convective rainfall extremes usually trigger due to their highly localised and intense input of mass and momentum ‘hot moments’ in water and matter cycling. Terrestrial systems then respond with strong Hortonian overland flow and erosion up to the formation of flash floods. While heavy precipitation events are characterised by multi-decadal variability, it is noteworthy that the largest observed floods in many rivers of Europe have occurred in the last three decades. Similarly, flash floods have also intensified. The recent clustering of extremes likely reflects the ongoing acceleration of the hydrological cycle, with expected increasing frequencies of intense convective rainstorms and related flash flood and erosion events due to Clausius-Clapeyron scaling. This urgently calls for an improved understanding and models that allow the design of strategies to mitigate onsite and catchment-wide offsite damages of flash floods and erosion events.

Hortonian overland flow occurs when precipitation intensity exceeds the soil’s infiltration capacity. The latter depends on the soil water content, soil hydraulic properties and the density and connectivity of vertical preferential flow paths and are often biologically mediated, as in the case of worm borrow and root channels. Whether locally generated surface runoff reaches the stream depends on the generated spatial connectivity of overland flow paths to the river network.

Here we propose that land use management and soil surface preparation bear the key to reducing the formation of Hortonian overland flow and the connectivity of its flow path, e.g., through a locally elevated infiltration capacity and roughness, thereby reducing the overland flow velocity and favouring its re-infiltration. Moreover, we demonstrate that physically based hydrological models are key to quantifying how changes in landuse and surface preparation techniques (including buffer areas, vegetation barriers, and fascines) in combination with local flood defense reservoirs reduce the formation of flood runoff during convective extremes. Specifically, we use the model CATFLOW and the representative hillslope approach to investigate flash floods observed in four ungauged headwaters catchments in the Kraichgau, Baden-Württemberg (Germany) in 2016. While each catchment drains into a regulated flood defense reservoir, we inverted the flood hydrograph/ inflow into the flood reservoirs using water level measurements and reservoir geometry equations. LULC maps are derived from LANDSAT images using spectral profiles obtained from field surveys over the region. Since flash floods are often associated with localised short-duration, high-intensity rainfall of convective origin, the model is forced using commercial radar-based precipitation products. The CATFLOW model was set up separately for the four headwaters by transferring a completed hillslope setup (soil catena, soil hydraulic properties, plant roughness parameters) from a gauged Weiherbach experimental catchment in the same landscape while deriving the representative hillslope profiles from the digital elevation data. Our results indicate that physically based models perform well in capturing the dynamics of the reconstructed hydrographs, which speaks a) for the transferability of physically based model structures within the same hydrological landscape and b) the feasibility of representative hillslope approach and c) the usefulness of the radar product.

How to cite: Manoj J, A., Villinger, F., Mälicke, M., Loritz, R., and Zehe, E.: Representative Hillslope Approach for Modeling Flash Flood Generation in Ungauged Catchments, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6096,, 2023.

EGU23-7151 | ECS | PICO | HS4.1 | Highlight

Assessing the ability of a seamless short-range ensemble rainfall product to detect flash floods on the French Mediterranean area 

Juliette Godet, François Bouttier, Pierre Javelle, and Olivier Payrastre

Flash floods have dramatic economic, natural and social consequences, and efficient adaptation policies are required to reduce these impacts, especially in a context of global warming. This is why it remains essential to develop more efficient flash flood forecasting systems. This study was carried out in order to assess the ability of a new seamless short range ensemble rainfall forecast product, called PIAF-EPS and recently developed by Meteo France, to predict flash floods when it is used as input in an operational hydrological forecasting chain.

For this purpose, eight flash flood events that occurred in the French Mediterranean region between 2019 and 2021 were reproduced, using a similar forecasting chain as the one implemented in the French “Vigicrues-Flash” operational flash flood monitoring system. The hydrological forecasts obtained from PIAF-EPS were compared to the hydrological simulations obtained from the radar observations, and to three deterministic forecasts using varied scenarios (future constant rain, deterministic PIAF, and a numerical nowcasting system called AROME-NWC).

The verification method applied in this work uses rank diagrams and scores calculated on contingency tables, in an original way. The verification process has been conducted on each 1km² pixel of the territory.

The results illustrate the added value of the ensemble approach for flash flood forecasting, and the benefits of the use of a “seamless” product combining radar observations and numerical nowcasting.   

How to cite: Godet, J., Bouttier, F., Javelle, P., and Payrastre, O.: Assessing the ability of a seamless short-range ensemble rainfall product to detect flash floods on the French Mediterranean area, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7151,, 2023.

EGU23-7798 | ECS | PICO | HS4.1

Towards 2D flood forecasting with the HPC-enabled shallow water solver SERGHEI-SWE 

Ilhan Özgen-Xian, Mario Morales-Hernández, Michael Nones, and Daniel Caviedes-Voullième

Great advancement has been achieved in the last decade in 2D shallow water solvers for flood modelling. However, their application to physically-based flood forecasting continues to be experimental and not widespread. One of the central challenges towards operational flood forecasting with 2D solvers is their computational cost, which needs to be reconciled with the required lead times for forecasts to be of use. Nonetheless, these solvers have great potential to improve flood forecasting predictions, especially when it comes to flash floods, for which the established 1D and conceptual models may be significantly less applicable.

The shallow water solver SERGHEI-SWE leverages on robust and efficient numerical techniques and is implemented for High Performance Computing (HPC), allowing its use in supercomputers and opening new opportunities in 2D flood forecasting. In this contribution, we present proof-of-concept simulations of several flood events in different catchment and river systems. We show that, with SERGHEI-SWE, it is possible to run very high resolution flood simulations for large hydrological systems with runtimes significantly lower than the event duration. This property is essential to enable operational forecasting with useful lead times.

We run simulations on three river reaches, in the Italian river Po (125 km reach between Boretto and Pontelagoscuro) and in one of its tributaries, the river Secchia (20 km reach), and a meandering reach of the Ebro river through the city of Zaragoza. We also perform flash flood simulations on a 5 km2 district of Nice (France), and in a 50 km2 agricultural catchment in Jaén (Spain). The focus of the exercise is on the computational performance aspect and not on the model performance. The results show that high resolution simulations can be done with runtimes in the order of 100 times faster than real time, potentially allowing a very good forecast lead time. We also explore different combinations of computational resources, model resolution and ensemble size to explore the flexibility of the modelling approach under different computational systems, which may be available for flood forecasting.

How to cite: Özgen-Xian, I., Morales-Hernández, M., Nones, M., and Caviedes-Voullième, D.: Towards 2D flood forecasting with the HPC-enabled shallow water solver SERGHEI-SWE, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7798,, 2023.

Flash floods occur when heavy rain causes a fast and powerful flow of water in a drainage area. In the Eastern Mediterranean region, which contains arid and semi-arid areas, the location and timing of rainfall is the most significant factor in the formation of flash floods. Predicting when and where extreme weather events such as storms, heavy rainfall, and flooding are likely to happen is a key challenge in the effort to prevent natural disasters. Here, we present an improved version of a previous work by Ziskin and Reuveni, which investigated the use of precipitable water vapor (PWV) data from ground-based global navigation satellite system (GNSS) stations, along with surface pressure measurements to predict flash floods in an arid region of the eastern Mediterranean. The previous study involved training three machine learning models to perform a binary classification task, using multiple unique flash flood events and testing the models using a nested cross-validation technique. The results showed that the support vector machine (SVM) model had the highest mean area under the curve (AUC) and the lowest AUC variability compared to random forest (RF) and multi-layer perceptron (MLP) models.  When tested on an imbalanced dataset simulating a more realistic flash flood occurrence scenario, all models demonstrated a decrease in the false alarm rate (precision) with a high hit rate (recall) performance.

In this study, we extend the previous work by integrating nearby lightning data as a new feature in our studied dataset. The inclusion of this feature is motivated by the observation that heavy rainfall, which can lead to flood events, is often accompanied before by an increase in lightning activity. The experimental results show that the adding a 24-hour vector of nearby lightning activity improves the precision score significantly.

How to cite: Reuveni, Y., Asaly, S., and Gottlieb, L.-A.: Flash flood predictions over the Eastern Mediterranean using artificial intelligence techniques with precipitable water vapor, pressure, and lightning data., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9979,, 2023.

EGU23-11757 | ECS | PICO | HS4.1 | Highlight

Relevance of using ensemble forecasts of flash-flood impacts for an emergency service: an evaluation for the October 2018 flood event in the Aude river basin, France 

Maryse Charpentier-Noyer, Pierre Nicolle, Olivier Payrastre, Eric Gaume, François Bouttier, and Hugo Marchal

Flash floods (FF) represent an important part of the flood damages and fatalities in the world. Today, operational FF nowcasting and warning systems are often based on the use of precipitation weather radars, and therefore still offer limited anticipation. They also generally rather represent the intensity of the flood events than their severity in terms of impacts, which may limit the capacity of emergency services to take relevant decisions.

This contribution aims at evaluating the value of a new ensemble FF impacts forecasting chain for the decision making of an emergency service.  The case study corresponds to the Aude River flash floods that occurred on October 15 and 16, 2018, and which are among the most important FF observed in southeastern France in the recent years. This event is responsible for the death of 15 people (99 people injured), as well as particularly large material damages.

The tested FF impacts forecasting chain combines three new rainfall ensemble forecast products (provided by CNRM), specifically designed for short-range forecasting (0-6h), and a highly distributed rainfall-runoff model (Charpentier-Noyer et al., 2022). A simple impacts model is built and applied for each river reach based on a catalog of 8 inundation scenarios corresponding to return periods of 2 to 1000 years. The impacts are represented in terms of a number of inundated buildings.

The value of the ensemble impacts forecasts is finally evaluated based on the implementation of a multi-agent model, for the simulation of the field decisions taken by an emergency service. This new evaluation approach, based on simple but realistic hypotheses, allows to illustrate and measure the gains associated with a better anticipation of impacts, and the costs associated with false alarms, which lead to the unnecessary mobilization of rescue teams, to the detriment of really impacted locations. In case of extremely limited means for safety operations (low number of rescue teams), the decisions based on a naive zero future rainfall scenario may sometimes appear better than those using ensemble rainfall forecasts. Nevertheless, in all the simulated cases, the decisions taken from the ensemble rainfall forecasts appear more efficient than those based only on field observations.



Charpentier-Noyer, M., Peredo, D., Fleury, A., Marchal, H., Bouttier, F., Gaume, E., Nicolle, P., Payrastre, O., and Ramos, M.-H.: A methodological framework for the evaluation of short-range flash-flood hydrometeorological forecasts at the event scale, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss. [preprint],, in review, 2022.

How to cite: Charpentier-Noyer, M., Nicolle, P., Payrastre, O., Gaume, E., Bouttier, F., and Marchal, H.: Relevance of using ensemble forecasts of flash-flood impacts for an emergency service: an evaluation for the October 2018 flood event in the Aude river basin, France, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11757,, 2023.

EGU23-13338 | ECS | PICO | HS4.1

Debris flows risk assessment for Central Asia by application of Global Ensemble Output and Post-processed Precipitation 

Gavkhar Mamadjanova, Maria Shahgedanova, and Fatima Pillosu

Accurate predictions of heavy and intense rainfall are vital for impact-based forecasting that can be essential for mitigating the significant damage and loss of life across the globe. However, producing reliable forecasts capable of capturing the rainfall values is challenging in complex mountain terrain due to the forecast uncertainty and computational cost especially in data-scarce regions. Central Asia is one of these regions, where extreme rainfall leads to flash floods, landslides and debris flows in the mountains and foothills. The risk of these events increases with global warming, and the early warning systems based on reliable forecasts are particularly important to manage the risk in the region and adapt to climate change.

In this study, we have evaluated and compared the skills of two probabilistic forecasts developed by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF): standard Ensemble Forecasts (ENS) which consists of an ensemble of 51 members and ecPoint Rainfall produced by statistical post-processing of the ENS and delivers probabilistic forecasts of rainfall totals for points within a model gridbox (18 km resolution) that can be particularly useful in the mountains. Skills of both forecasts were assessed in relation to the forecast of debris flows in Central Asia.

Both forecast products were verified against SYNOP (surface synoptic observations) data for stations over Central Asia, mainly for the debris flow season (March-October) in 2022. In this case, two popular verification methods were used: Brier Score and Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) diagram for the exceedance of precipitation thresholds of 1 mm, 10 mm and 25 mm.

Verification trials over the 2022 debris flow season in Central Asia show that the performance of ecPoint Rainfall depending on the forecast lead-time can be a good proxy for the range of point rainfall values to define the warning areas of debris flow risk over the study area. The ecPoint Rainfall is recommended for the operational application of heavy rainfall leading to debris flow formation which can support impact-orientated forecasting and early warning systems in Central Asia.

How to cite: Mamadjanova, G., Shahgedanova, M., and Pillosu, F.: Debris flows risk assessment for Central Asia by application of Global Ensemble Output and Post-processed Precipitation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13338,, 2023.

EGU23-14123 | PICO | HS4.1

Wavelet-based post-processing of NWP precipitation forecasts 

Fiona Johnson and Ze Jiang

Reliable flood forecasts are dependent on accurate quantitative precipitation forecasts. Despite improvements in the resolution and schematisation of Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) models, there are still substantial biases in their precipitation forecasts. Biases are present at a range of time scales and correctly representing the multi-temporal scale properties of precipitation including its persistence and variability is vital. In this presentation a new method for post-processing NWP model precipitation forecasts is developed. The new method is based on continuous wavelet transforms (CWT) which correct the statistical characteristics of the precipitation forecasts across a range of time scales. The precipitation amounts are corrected using a simple quantile mapping of the amplitude of each time scale of the wavelet decomposition. To account for uncertainty in precipitation timing, we also adjust the phase of the CWT randomly to create an ensemble of post-processed forecasts. Spatial correlations are preserved by maintaining the same phase adjustments at each different precipitation forecast location.  

The new method is demonstrated using hourly forecast data from the ACCESS model over the period March 2018 to September 2021  for a network of 158 gauges around Sydney, in eastern Australia. The new method improves the correlation of the forecasts and reduces the root mean square error. The spatial correlation structure of the post-processed forecasts is also improved. Correctly representing spatial patterns of precipitation is vital to ensure that catchment averaged precipitation and the resulting flood forecasts are correct.

How to cite: Johnson, F. and Jiang, Z.: Wavelet-based post-processing of NWP precipitation forecasts, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14123,, 2023.

EGU23-90 | Posters on site | HS7.8

Embracing Large-sample Data to Characterize Streamflow Extremes at a Global-scale 

Sai Kiran Kuntla and Manabendra Saharia

The recurrent and destructive nature of floods causes enormous economic damage and loss of human lives, leaving people in flood-prone areas fearful and insecure. It is essential to have a thorough knowledge of the factors that contribute to it. However, most catchment characterization studies are limited to case studies or regional domains. A detailed global characterization is currently unavailable due to the limitation in the holistic dataset that it demands. This study aims to fill this gap by utilizing multiple global datasets describing physiographic explanatory variables to characterize streamflow extremes. The role of catchment features such as landcover, geomorphology, climatology, lithology, etc., on spatial patterns and temporal changes of high streamflow extremes, was investigated in detail. Moreover, the multidimensional correlations between streamflow extremes and catchment features were modeled using a Random Forest approach and integrated with an interpretable machine learning framework to find the most dominating elements in different climate classes. The interpretation reveals that climatological variables are the most influential across all climates. However, the variables and their influences fluctuate between climates. Furthermore, distinct geomorphological variables dominate throughout climatic classes (such as basin relief in warm temperate and drainage texture in arid climates). Overall, the insights of this study would play a vital role in estimating the unit peak discharge at ungauged stations based on known watershed features. In addition, these findings can also help assess the nature of extremes in future climate scenarios, consequently implicating risk management methods.

How to cite: Kuntla, S. K. and Saharia, M.: Embracing Large-sample Data to Characterize Streamflow Extremes at a Global-scale, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-90,, 2023.

EGU23-230 | ECS | Orals | HS7.8

The role of spatial dependence in global-scale coastal flood risk assessment 

Huazhi Li, Toon Haer, Alejandra Enríquez, and Philip Ward

Coastal flooding is among the world’s deadliest and costliest natural hazards. The impacts caused by coastal flooding can be particularly high when an event affects a large spatial area, as witnessed during Hurricane Katrina and Cyclone Xaver. Current large-scale flood risk studies assume that the probabilities of water levels during such events do not vary in space. This failure to capture flood spatial dependence can lead to large misestimates of the hazard and risk at large spatial scales, and therefore potentially misinform the risk management community. In this contribution, we assess the effects of spatial dependence on coastal flood risk estimation at the global scale. To this end, we compare the assessments using two spatial dependence scenarios: i) complete dependence and ii) modelled dependence of water level return periods. For the complete dependence scenario, we use the existing risk information calculated by the GLOFRIS global risk modelling framework. To estimate the spatially-dependent risks, we use an event-based multivariate statistical approach and consider 10,000-year extreme coastal flood events derived from the global synthetic dataset of spatially-dependent extreme sea levels. The associated spatially coherent return periods of each event are then combined with the GLOFRIS spatially-constant inundation layers to create the spatially-dependent inundation map. These hazard maps, overlaid with exposure layers and vulnerability information, are further used to assess the coastal flood impacts. The flood risk is estimated using Weibull’s plotting formula and presented in terms of expected annual population and expected annual damage. This study will improve our understanding of flood spatial dependence and will provide improved risk estimation at the global scale. Such reliable estimates could lead to improved large-scale flood risk management through better wide-area planning decisions, more accurate insurance coverage, and better emergency response. 

How to cite: Li, H., Haer, T., Enríquez, A., and Ward, P.: The role of spatial dependence in global-scale coastal flood risk assessment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-230,, 2023.

EGU23-1384 | Orals | HS7.8

Estimating very rare floods at multiple sites in a large river basin with comprehensive hydrometeorological simulations 

Daniel Viviroli, Anna E. Sikorska-Senoner, Guillaume Evin, Maria Staudinger, Martina Kauzlaric, Jérémy Chardon, Anne-Catherine Favre, Benoit Hingray, Gilles Nicolet, Damien Raynaud, Jan Seibert, Rolf Weingartner, and Calvin Whealton

Rare to very rare floods (associated to return periods of 1'000–100'000 years) can cause extensive human and economic damage. Still, their estimation is limited by the comparatively short streamflow records available. Some of the limitations of commonly used estimation methods can be avoided by using continuous simulation (CS), which considers many simulated meteorological configurations and a conceptual representation of hydrological processes. CS also avoids assumptions about antecedent conditions and their spatial patterns.

We present an implementation of CS to estimate rare and very rare floods at multiple sites in a large river basin (19 locations in the Aare River basin, Switzerland; area: 17'700 km²), using exceedingly long simulations from a hydrometeorological model chain (Viviroli et al., 2022). The model chain consisted of three components: First, the multi-site stochastic weather generator GWEX provided 30 meteorological scenarios (precipitation and temperature) spanning 10'000 years each. Second, these weather generator simulations were used as input for the bucket-type hydrological model HBV, run at an hourly time step for 80 catchments covering the entire Aare River basin. Third, runoff simulations from the individual catchments were routed for a representation of the entire Aare River system using the routing system model RS Minerve, including a simplified representation of main river channels, major lakes and relevant floodplains. The final simulation outputs spanned about 300'000 years at hourly resolution and cover the Aare River outlet, critical points further upstream as well as the outlets of the hydrological catchments. The comprehensive evaluation over different temporal and spatial scales showed that the main features of the meteorological and hydrological observations were well represented. This implied that meaningful information on floods with low probability can be inferred. Although uncertainties were still considerable, the explicit consideration of important flood generating processes (snow accumulation, snowmelt, soil moisture storage) and routing (bank overflow, lake regulation, lake and floodplain retention) was a substantial advantage compared to common extrapolation of streamflow records.

The suggested approach allows for comprehensively exploring possible but unobserved spatial and temporal patterns of hydrometeorological behaviour. This is particularly valuable in a large river basin where the complex interaction of flows from individual tributaries and lake regulations are typically not well represented in the streamflow records. The framework is also suitable for estimating more common, i.e., more frequently occurring floods.


Viviroli D, Sikorska-Senoner AE, Evin G, Staudinger M, Kauzlaric M, Chardon J, Favre AC, Hingray B, Nicolet G, Raynaud D, Seibert J, Weingartner R, Whealton C, 2022. Comprehensive space-time hydrometeorological simulations for estimating very rare floods at multiple sites in a large river basin. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 22(9), 2891–2920, doi:10.5194/nhess-22-2891-2022

How to cite: Viviroli, D., Sikorska-Senoner, A. E., Evin, G., Staudinger, M., Kauzlaric, M., Chardon, J., Favre, A.-C., Hingray, B., Nicolet, G., Raynaud, D., Seibert, J., Weingartner, R., and Whealton, C.: Estimating very rare floods at multiple sites in a large river basin with comprehensive hydrometeorological simulations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1384,, 2023.

EGU23-2129 | Posters on site | HS7.8

The Prevalence and Impact of Heavy Tails on Hydrologic Extremes and Other Statistics 

Richard Vogel, Jonathan Lamontagne, and Flannery Dolan

The prevalence of heavy tailed (HT) populations in hydrology is becoming increasingly commonplace due in part to the increasing need and use of high frequency and high-resolution data.   In addition to the impact of HT on extremes, HT populations can have a profound impact on a wide range of other hydrologic statistics and methods associated with planning,  management and design for  extremes.   We review the known impacts of HT populations on the instability and bias in a wide range of commonly used hydrologic statistics. Experiments reveal that HT distributions result in the degradation of many commonly used statistical methods including the bootstrap, probability plots, the central limit theorem, and the law of large numbers.     We document the gross instability of perhaps the best-behaved statistic of all, the sample mean (SM) when computed from HT distributions.  The SM is ubiquitous because it is a component of and related to a myriad of statistical methods, thus its unstable behavior provides a window into future challenges faced by the hydrologic community.  We outline many challenges associated with HT data, for example, upper product moments are often infinite for HT populations, yet upper L-moment always exist, so that the theory of L-moments is uniquely suited to HT distributions and data.  We introduce a magnification factor for evaluating the impact of HT distributions on the behavior of extreme quantiles

How to cite: Vogel, R., Lamontagne, J., and Dolan, F.: The Prevalence and Impact of Heavy Tails on Hydrologic Extremes and Other Statistics, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2129,, 2023.

Extreme wildfires continue to be a significant cause of human death and biodiversity destruction across the globe, with recent worrying trends in their activity (i.e., occurrence and spread) suggesting that wildfires are likely to be highly impacted by climate change. In order to facilitate appropriate risk mitigation for extreme wildfires, it is imperative to identify their main drivers and assess their spatio-temporal trends, with a view to understanding the impacts of global warming on fire activity. To this end, we analyse monthly burnt area due to wildfires using a hybrid statistical deep-learning framework that exploits extreme value theory and quantile regression. Three study regions are considered: the contiguous U.S., Mediterranean Europe and Australia.

How to cite: Richards, J. and Huser, R.: Insights into the drivers and spatio-temporal trends of extreme wildfires with statistical deep-learning, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2332,, 2023.

EGU23-2974 | ECS | Orals | HS7.8

Stochastic Generation of Snow Depth in Canada 

Hebatallah Abdelmoaty and Simon Papalexiou

Snow depth is a significant component in the hydrological cycle and global energy and water balances, contributing to climate change impacts. Weather stations with gauges for snow depth are scarce, especially in complex terrain regions, and require high accuracy for measurements. Advances in observational systems offer unconventional solutions yet are expensive. To bridge these gaps, stochastic generation methods offer a cost-effective solution to reproduce time series of hydrological variables, preserving their stochastic properties. Stochastic generation methods are well-established for total precipitation but lack snow depth generation. Here, we introduce a stochastic method to exclusively generate snow depth time series that preserve their distinct statistical properties on different time scales. We use 450 observed snow depth time series and 470 CMIP6 simulations to detect Canada's observed and physical statistical properties. The results indicate that snow depth has a light tail, and the distribution might change daily. The probability of zero snow depth shows a clear seasonal pattern. The synthetic snow depth time series can be an alternative to climate models’ outputs, offering a computationally effective solution to investigate the snow depth variability. This method advances the generation of stochastic time series of snow depth and can be applied to investigate catastrophes from snowmelt processes and avalanches that lead to severe damage and fatalities.

How to cite: Abdelmoaty, H. and Papalexiou, S.: Stochastic Generation of Snow Depth in Canada, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2974,, 2023.

EGU23-3709 | Posters on site | HS7.8

Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Drought Events Using High-Resolution SPEI and Dynamic Drought Detection Algorithm 

Jiyoung Yoo, Jiyoung Kim, Hyun-Han Kwon, and Tae-Woong Kim

Drought is one of the world's major natural disasters. In order to monitor drought and reduce drought damage through preemptive response, it is important to understand the spatiotemporal evolutionary characteristics of drought. Droughts have a three-dimensional (3-D) space-time structure, typically spanning hundreds of kilometers and lasting months to years. In this study, a high-resolution(5 km) SPEI-HR(Standardized Precipitation Evaporation Index) dataset was used, considering climatic (typical temperate continental climate) and various geographic characteristics (mountainous terrain, lowland basin, desert, grassland, etc.). In addition, all large- and small-scale drought events that evolve spatiotemporally were extracted using the dynamic drought detection technique (DDDT) algorithm. These 3D-drought properties are important information to explain the spatiotemporal evolution of drought and are characterized by drought patches in dynamic drought maps. As a result, most of the trajectories of droughts in Central Asia during the period 1981 to 2018 tended to move laterally to the east and west (ENE, E, ESE, WNW, W, WSW). In addition, droughts in Central Asia are characterized by very strong correlations between indicators of duration, severity, area, and trajectory movement distance. These Central Asian drought characteristics are interpreted as meaning that there is consistency among various drought information in determining the most severe drought event. In addition, the dynamic drought map, which includes all 3D-drought properties, has the advantage of producing high-level drought information (temporal continuity of drought events and dynamic evolution characteristics, etc.) that are not found in general drought maps through various conditional drought monitoring.

Acknowledgements: This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (No. NRF-2020R1C1C1014636) and Korea Environment Industry & Technology Institute (KEITI) (No.2022003610001) funded by the Korean government (MSIT and MOE).

How to cite: Yoo, J., Kim, J., Kwon, H.-H., and Kim, T.-W.: Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Drought Events Using High-Resolution SPEI and Dynamic Drought Detection Algorithm, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3709,, 2023.

EGU23-3851 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.8

On the Projected Changes in the Seasonality and Magnitude of Precipitation Extremes 

Dario Treppiedi, Gabriele Villarini, Jens Bender, and Leonardo Noto

Heavy precipitation events are strongly affected by climate change and there is a high confidence that these extremes will become more frequent and more severe in the future. Moreover, potential changes in the seasonality of these events are important in terms of planning and preparation against these events. While efforts have been focused on changes in the magnitude and seasonality of extreme precipitation events, these studies have treated these two quantities separately.

In order to overcome to this limit, a different perspective is here used by modeling the seasonality and magnitude of extreme precipitation events together through circular-linear copulae. We perform analyses at the global scale and develop bivariate models for an historical dataset. The outputs provided from several global climate models from the sixth phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6) and Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) from 1-2.6 to 5-8.5 are then used to examine the joint projected changes in the seasonality and magnitude of extreme precipitation at the global scale.

How to cite: Treppiedi, D., Villarini, G., Bender, J., and Noto, L.: On the Projected Changes in the Seasonality and Magnitude of Precipitation Extremes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3851,, 2023.

Spatially co-occurring floods pose a great threat to the resilience and the recovery potential of the communities. A timely forecasting of such events plays a crucial role for increasing the preparedness of public and private sectors and for limiting the associated losses. In this study we investigated the potential of dilated Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) conditioned on a set of large-scale climatic indexes and antecedent precipitation for monthly forecast of widespread flooding severity in Germany using 63 years of streamflow observations. The severity of widespread flooding (i.e., spatially co-occurring floods) was estimated as simultaneous (within a given month) exceedance of an at-site two-year return period for streamflow peaks across 172 mesoscale catchments. The model was trained for the whole country and for the three diverse hydroclimatic regions individually to provide insights on spatial heterogeneity of model performance and drivers of flooding. Evaluation of the model skill for floods generated by different processes revealed the largest bias for events generated during dry conditions. The bias for rain-on-snow flood events was the lowest despite their higher severity indicating higher predictability of these events from large scale climatic indexes. Model-based feature attribution and independent wavelet coherence analyses both indicated considerable difference in the major drivers of widespread flooding in different regions. While the flooding in the North-Eastern region is strongly affected by the Baltic Sea (e.g., East Atlantic pattern), the North-Western region is affected more by global patterns associated with the El-Niño activity (e.g., Pacific North American pattern). In the Southern region in addition to the effect of the global patterns we also detect the effect of the Mediterranean Sea (Mediterranean Oscillation Index), while antecedent precipitation seems to play less important role in this region compared to the rest of the country. Our results indicate a considerable potential for forecasting widespread flood severity using dilated CNN especially as the length of the available time series for training increases.

How to cite: Tarasova, L., Ahrens, B., Hoff, A., and Lall, U.: Forecasting the monthly severity of widespread flooding in Germany using dilated convolutional neural networks conditioned by large-scale climatic indexes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4419,, 2023.

EGU23-5298 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.8

A spatial covariates model for storm surge extremes in the German Bight 

Gabriel Ditzinger, Henning Rust, Jens Möller, Tim Kruschke, Laura Schaffer, and Claudia Hinrichs

Storm surges and accompanying extreme water levels pose a major threat to coastal structures, urban and industrial areas and human life in general. In order to develop effective risk mitigation strategies, it is crucial to improve the understanding of these extreme events as well as their occurrence probabilities and quantiles, respectively.

The standard procedure to estimate extreme quantiles (return-levels) is to fit a suitable distribution to the observed extreme values on a site-by-site basis. However, this approach exhibits some disadvantages: 1) Estimates of extreme quantiles are only available at gauged locations. 2) The small amount of extreme events in tide gauge records makes these estimates highly uncertain.

We tackle both issues by pooling all available tide gauge records together through a covariates model that allows for smoothly varying distribution parameters in space. Using this approach, the model is not only able to reduce the uncertainty in quantile estimates, but also enables the interpolation of the distribution parameters at arbitrary ungauged locations, e.g. in between tide gauge locations.

Deploying our model for the German North Sea coast, we generate a probabilistic reanalysis of extreme water levels as well as associated probabilities for the period 2000 – 2019.

How to cite: Ditzinger, G., Rust, H., Möller, J., Kruschke, T., Schaffer, L., and Hinrichs, C.: A spatial covariates model for storm surge extremes in the German Bight, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5298,, 2023.

Statistical dependency measures such as Kendall’s Tau or Spearman’s Rho are frequently used to analyse the coherence between time series in environmental data analyses. Autocorrelation of the data can however result in spurious cross correlations if not accounted for. Here, we present the asymptotic distribution of the estimators of Spearman’s Rho and Kendall’s Tau, which can be used for statistical hypothesis testing of cross-correlations between autocorrelated observations. The results are derived using U-statistics under the assumption of absolutely regular (or β-mixing) processes. These comprise many short-range dependent processes, such as ARMA-, GARCH- and some copula-based models relevant in the environmental sciences. We show that while the assumption of absolute regularity is required, the specific type of model does not have to be specified for the hypothesis test. Simulations show the improved performance of the modified hypothesis test for some common stochastic models and small to moderate sample sizes under autocorrelation. The methodology is applied to observed time series of flood discharges and temperatures in Europe and yields results that are consistent with the literature on flood regime changes in Europe. While the standard test results in spurious correlations between floods and temperatures, this is not the case for the proposed test, which is more consistent with the literature on flood regime changes in Europe.

How to cite: Lun, D., Fischer, S., Viglione, A., and Blöschl, G.: Attribution of flood changes with time series in the presence of autocorrelation: Modifications for Spearman‘s Rho and Kendall‘s Tau, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7352,, 2023.

EGU23-7564 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.8

Areal extremes from a different perspective: rainfall as 2D and 3D connected objects. 

Abbas El Hachem, Jochen Seidel, and András Bárdossy

Using the German weather radar data for the last 20 years with a high spatial and temporal resolution, the occurrence of rainfall extremes was analysed. By extracting and examining connected rainfall areas, several research questions were investigated: (1) How many extremes occur in a given area independent of their location? (2) To what extent is their occurrence in space a random and to what extent a structured process? (3) How are the connected volumes behaving in space and time? (4) How does the areal extent relate to event duration, rainfall volume, and discharge volume? The first two research questions were investigated for all of Germany, the last two by analysing rainfall and run-off data in several small and medium size headwater catchments in southern and western Germany.

The results show that the occurrence of events in space is related to their areal extent; there are regions where the frequency of occurrence of large spatially distributed events is greater than that of smaller ones. Moreover, there are interesting relationships between the spatial extent of an event, the event duration, and the event rainfall volumes. For high discharge values, not only does the rainfall intensity matter but also the event duration and spatial distribution of rainfall within a catchment. Many discharge peaks are not necessarily caused by high-intensity events (hourly or daily maxima) but by the accumulation of rainfall cells in space and time.

How to cite: El Hachem, A., Seidel, J., and Bárdossy, A.: Areal extremes from a different perspective: rainfall as 2D and 3D connected objects., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7564,, 2023.

Alaba Boluwade*

School of Climate Change & Adaptation, University of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, Canada;;



Hydrological risk assessment, such as flood protection, requires estimates of variables (e.g., precipitation) measured from several weather stations. The spatial modeling of average rainfall estimates differs from extreme precipitation analysis. This is because extremes are focused on the tail of the probability distribution and the assumption of Gaussianity may not be suitable. Extreme Value Theory (EVT) application to univariate weather variables measured at weather stations has been well documented; however, extreme precipitation at closer stations tend to show trends and dependencies (similar values). It is, therefore, crucial to quantify the dependency structure and trend surface of weather stations in space. The max-stable process has been well documented to model spatial extremes. The objective of this study is to quantify the spatial dependency and trend of an annual maxima precipitation (annual highest daily precipitation, from 1970-2020) across selected weather stations in the Northern Great Plains (i.e., Nelson Churchill River Basin (NCRB)) of North America. The annual maxima data were extracted from the Global Historical Climatology Network Daily (GHCNd) and Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC). NCRB covers four states and four provinces in the United States and Canada. A heterogenous rainfall pattern characterizes NCRB. This is due to enormous quantities of orographic rainfall in the west and the convective precipitation in the Prairies (which is dominated by short-duration, sporadic, extreme rain), causing millions of dollars in damages. This study uses max-stable processes to examine spatial extremes of annual maxima precipitation.

The results show that topography, time, and geographical coordinates were important covariates in reproducing the stochastic extreme precipitation field using the spatial generalized extreme value (SPEV). Takeuchi’s information criterion (TIC) shows that the SPEV model with all the covariates above superseded the one without the covariates.   The inclusion of time as a covariate further confirms the impacts of climate change on extreme precipitation in the NCRB. The fitted Extremal-t max-stable model captured the spatial dependency and equally predicted the 50-year return period levels. Furthermore, ten realizations (equal probable) were simulated from the max-stable model. The study is relevant in quantifying the spatial trend and dependency of extreme precipitation in the Northern Great Plains. The result will help as a decision-support system in climate adaptation strategies in the United States and Canada.


Keywords: extreme events; Max-Stable processes; flood protection; maxima annual rainfall; flash flood protection; Canada, United States

How to cite: Boluwade, A.: Application of Max-Stable Process Model in Estimating the Spatial Trend & Dependency of Extremes in the Northern Great Plains, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9758,, 2023.

EGU23-10538 | ECS | Orals | HS7.8

Improved data assimilation in regional frequency analysis of rainfall extremes across large and morphologically complex geographical areas 

Andrea Magnini, Michele Lombardi, Taha B. M. J. Ouarda, and Attilio Castellarin

In locations where measured timeseries are not available or not sufficiently long, reliable predictions of the rainfall depth associated with a given duration and exceedance probability may be obtained through regional frequency analysis (RFA). The scientific literature reports on a large number of different approaches to RFA of rainfall extremes, each one characterized by specific advantages and disadvantages. One of the most common drawbacks is that regional models specifically refer to a single duration or a single exceedance probability. Second, several approaches require the definition of a homogeneous region where the model is trained; this leads to higher accuracy, but also the applicability of the model is limited to those locations that are hydrologically similar to the homogeneous group used in the training. Moreover, most models require filtering the available gauged stations based on the length of the measured timeseries to perform reliable frequency analysis. These aspects lead to discard a significant amount of data, which could turn out to be detrimental to the accuracy of the regional prediction in some cases.

We set up a few alternative models aiming to investigate and discuss a different and innovative approach for RFA of rainfall extremes. We want to address three main research questions: (1) Can a single model represent the frequency of extreme rainfall events over a large, climatically, and morphologically complex geographical area? (2) Can a single RFA model handle all sub-daily  durations (i.e., from 1 to 24h)? (3) Is it possible to exploit all available annual maximum series, regardless of their length (i.e., very short ones too)? We select a large study area that is located in north-central Italy. We make use of more than 2300 Annual Maximum Series of rainfall depth for different time-aggregation intervals between 1 and 24 hours, that have been collected between 1928 and 2011 in the Italian Rainfall Extreme Dataset (I2-RED). For each gauged station, several morpho-climatic descriptors are retrieved (e.g., minimum distance to the coast, elevation of orographic barriers, aspect, terrain slope, etc.) and used as covariates for the prediction models. Our models are based on ensembles of unsupervised artificial neural networks (ANNs) and are able to predict parameters of a Gumbel distribution for any location and any duration in the 1-24 hours range based on the morphoclimatic descriptors. Through the analysis of results over 100 gauged validation stations, a profitable discussion is enabled on the potential and drawbacks of ensembles of unsupervised ANNs for regional frequency analysis of sub-daily rainfall extremes.

How to cite: Magnini, A., Lombardi, M., Ouarda, T. B. M. J., and Castellarin, A.: Improved data assimilation in regional frequency analysis of rainfall extremes across large and morphologically complex geographical areas, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10538,, 2023.

EGU23-11332 | Posters on site | HS7.8

Interpolation of design rainfall at ungauged locations exploiting the potential of convection-permitting climate models. 

Giuseppe Formetta, Francesco Marra, Eleonora Dallan, and Marco Borga

Quantifying design rainfall events at varying durations is crucial for assessing flood risk and mitigating losses and damages. Yet, in a changing climate, they are fundamental tool for a reliable design of water related infrastructures, such as flood retention reservoirs, spillways, and urban drainage systems. Usually, design rainfall is quantified where rain gauges are located, and regionalization methods are used to provide estimates in ungauged locations. During the last years, convection-permitting climate models (CPM) are receiving increasing attention because, thanks to their high spatial resolution (~3km) and ability of explicitly resolving atmospheric convection, they allow for better estimating precipitation spatial patterns and extreme rainfall at multiple durations compared to coarser models.

In this work, we combine at-site rain gauge measurements with CPM simulations, within a non-asymptotic statistical framework for the analysis of extreme rainfall. We aim at quantifying the added value of the physics-based information provided by CPM simulations for the estimation of high quantiles of rainfall in ungauged locations.     

The performance of the new regionalization approach is compared with traditional interpolation methods (i.e. interpolation of distribution function parameters) using leave- one-out cross-validation as well as considering different rain gauge densities.

Preliminary results show that the proposed methodology based on CPM simulation provides: i) similar performances compared to traditional gauge-based regionalization methods for high station density scenarios and ii) improved performances for low station density scenarios.

How to cite: Formetta, G., Marra, F., Dallan, E., and Borga, M.: Interpolation of design rainfall at ungauged locations exploiting the potential of convection-permitting climate models., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11332,, 2023.

EGU23-11828 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.8

The Future of Extreme Event Risk Assessment: A Look at Multivariate Return Periods in More than Three Dimensions 

Diego Armando Urrea Méndez, Dina Vanesa Gómez Rave, and Manuel Del Jesus Peñil

The multivariate return period is a measure of the frequency with which simultaneous sets of variables are expected to occur in a given area. So far, most approaches to calculate the multivariate return period of various hydrological variables have used copulas in two and three dimensions. (Salvadori et al., 2011) proposed a methodology for calculating the return period based on Archimedean copulas and the Kendall measure in 2 and 3 dimensions. (Gräler et al., 2013) proposed the calculation of the trivariate return period based on Vine copulas and Kendall distribution functions to describe the characteristics of the design hydrogram, considering the annual maximum peak discharge, its volume and duration. (Tosunoglu et al., 2020) applied three-dimensional Archimedean, Elliptical and Vine copulas to study the characteristics of floods. These studies have shown that the use of copulas can improve the accuracy of the risk measure of extreme events compared to univariate approaches, that only consider one variable at a time.

One of the limitations in describing the occurrence of multivariate extreme involving more than three simultaneous variables is the complex mathematical model to be solved (highest probability density point of a hypersurface) and the high computational cost that this imposes. However, in some areas of hydrology, developing more robust analyses that consider more than three variables can further improve risk assessments. For example, considering multiple rainfall stations in a watershed may help to properly capture the spatial structure of extremes -instead of relying on other spatial distribution procedures-. This improvement can provide a more accurate measure of the return period in the design of critical infrastructure, flood prediction, risk plans, etc.

In this context, we present an application where an extreme characterization of 5 rain gauges is considered simultaneously, using vine copulas based on Kendall distribution functions. More specifically, we analyze which measures are suitable for explaining the spatial and temporal correlation of rain events in different locations within a network of stations; which families and structures of vine copulas can optimally capture the spatial dependence structure within a region; how to solve the complex mathematics that is imposed when expanding the dimensionality; what is a computationally reasonable alternative to improve the computational cost involved.; and how multivariate analysis can improve the precision of the extreme event risk measure compared to univariate approaches.

These questions are answered by applying the proposed methods to a pilot case, which is developed in a basin located in northern Spain. Multivariate modeling is becoming increasingly relevant in the field of hydrology due to its ability to model extreme stochastic events, which are key to mitigating the risk and damages caused by floods.


Gräler, B., Berg, M. J. van den, Vandenberghe, S., Petroselli, A., Grimaldi, S., De Baets, B. & Verhoest, N. E. C., 2013. Multivariate return periods in hydrology: a critical and practical review focusing on synthetic design hydrograph estimation. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 17(4), 1281–1296.

Salvadori, G., De Michele, C. & Durante, F., 2011. On the return period and design in a multivariate framework. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 15(11), 3293–3305.

How to cite: Urrea Méndez, D. A., Gómez Rave, D. V., and Del Jesus Peñil, M.: The Future of Extreme Event Risk Assessment: A Look at Multivariate Return Periods in More than Three Dimensions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11828,, 2023.

EGU23-12249 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.8

Space-time downscaling of extreme rainfall using stochastic simulations, intense runoff susceptibility modeling and remote sensing-based pluvial flood mapping 

Arnaud Cerbelaud, Etienne Leblois, Pascal Breil, Laure Roupioz, Raquel Rodriguez-Suquet, Gwendoline Blanchet, and Xavier Briottet

Accurate rainfall modeling is crucial to understand the way water is intercepted, infiltrates and flows through surfaces and rivers. In particular, it is paramount for the study of the influence of rainfall spatio-temporal distribution on basin hydrologic response and the structure of floods. Current weather radar products allow capturing the variability of rainfall extremes mainly at 1 km spatial resolution. In France, radar measurements are performed at a 5-minute time step, while gauge-based reanalysis are computed at hourly resolutions. During short-duration high-intensity precipitations, pluvial floods (PF, or flash floods) can occur outside the hydrographic network in runoff-prone areas, leading to various types of damages such as soil erosion, mud and debris flows, landslides, vegetation uprooting or sediment load deposits. Contrary to fluvial floods, PF are highly correlated to local rainfall. Depending on generic susceptibility linked to topography, soil texture and land use, specific precipitation patterns can trigger intense overland flow. Hence, after extreme weather events, precise reports on PF locations provide key information for rainfall reanalysis and downscaling at fine spatial resolution.

This work focuses on two extreme Mediterranean events (more than 300 mm of rainfall in 24 hours) that took place in the South of France between 2018 and 2020. Time series of hourly rainfall intensities from Comephore radar reanalysis data at 1 km resolution (Météo-France) are confronted to (i) maps of PF that occurred during the events and (ii) generic susceptibility maps to surface runoff. For (i), runoff-related impact maps of the events are produced using the remote sensing-based FuSVIPR algorithm (Cerbelaud et al., 2023) based on Sentinel-2 temporal change images and Pléiades satellite or airborne post event acquisitions. For (ii), the IRIP© method (Dehotin and Breil, 2011; Cerbelaud et al., 2022) is used to generate PF susceptibility maps. The model is run with the RGE Alti® 5 m DEM, the OSO French land cover dataset, and soil type susceptibility characteristics derived from both climatological information and the ESDAC database.

We primarily show that areas with higher IRIP levels are more likely to be impacted by PFs, and even more so where short-term precipitation was heavier. Additionally, rainfall intensities are negatively correlated with IRIP susceptibility scores in PF impacted areas. This corroborates that somewhat higher rainfall intensities are required for flash floods to occur in less susceptible areas. Similarly, comparatively smaller rainfall amounts can trigger PFs in locations where susceptibility is high. Then, the Comephore products are downscaled at 50 m resolution on both events using the SAMPO stochastic simulator (Leblois and Creutin, 2013). Among multiple scenarios, optimal ones are chosen based on the assumption that the negative correlation with the IRIP susceptibility levels in the affected areas should be equally or even more present in the downscaled rainfall time series. This study hence suggests an original way of selecting disaggregated extreme rainfall scenarios that are consistent with the observed consequences of intense runoff on the land surface using various tools such as a stochastic simulator, a hydrological risk mapping method and earth observation data.

How to cite: Cerbelaud, A., Leblois, E., Breil, P., Roupioz, L., Rodriguez-Suquet, R., Blanchet, G., and Briottet, X.: Space-time downscaling of extreme rainfall using stochastic simulations, intense runoff susceptibility modeling and remote sensing-based pluvial flood mapping, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12249,, 2023.

EGU23-12736 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.8

Multivariate Probability Analysis of Compound Flooding Dynamics. 

Dina Vanessa Gomez Rave, Diego Armando Urrea Méndez, and Manuel Del Jesus Peñil

Coastal cities are increasingly prone to compound flooding events. Particularly in estuaries, interactions between both freshwater fluxes (rainfall or discharge) and coastal water levels (tide, surge, waves, or combinations thereof) can strongly modulate flood hazard. These separate but physically connected processes can often occur simultaneously (but not necessarily in extreme conditions), resulting in compound events that may eventually have significant economic, environmental and social impacts. Conventional risk assessment mainly considers univariate-flooding drivers and does not include multivariate approaches; nevertheless, ignoring compound analysis may lead to a significant misestimation of flood risk.

In this respect, the complex interactions between coastal flooding drivers imply multidimensionality, nonlinearity and nonstationarity issues, and consequently, more relevant uncertainties. Copula-based frameworks are flexible alternatives to overcome limitations of traditional univariate approaches, and can incorporate the joint boundary conditions in riverine and coastal interactions in a statistically sound way (Harrison et al., 2021; Bevacqua et al., 2019; Couasnon et al., 2018, Moftakhari et al., 2017).  However, incorporations are often limited to the bivariate joint case. Trivariate (or higher dimensional) joint distribution are scarce, due to the convoluted and computationally expensive composition (Latif & Sinonovic, 2022). Notably, a need for robust and efficient approaches that help to characterize the nature of compound hazard remains (Moftakhari et al., 2021).

This study aims to improve copula-based methodologies that can adequately estimate the compound flood probability in estuarine regions, considering more than two variables, including more sources of uncertainty into the stochastic dependence analysis, raising the degree of accuracy to risk inference. This work develops a vine copula framework for the analysis of estuarine compound flooding risk, considering interactions and dependency structures between several oceanographic, hydrological, and meteorological processes and variables (rainfall, river discharge, waves, and storm tides). We show the potential of the framework in Santoña, a strategic estuarine ecosystem in Northern Spain. In order to yield proper design events, we focus here on estimating the multivariate joint and conditional joint return periods statistics, using the best-fitted model in the assessment of the extreme regime, based on Archimedean and Elliptical copula families. We also present the complexities of determining the ensemble of compound events corresponding to a given return period and compare these ensembles to the results of univariate extreme value analysis, to remark the importance of multivariate characterization of extremes.


Bevacqua, E., Maraun, D., Vousdoukas, M. I., Voukouvalas, E., Vrac, M., Mentaschi, L., & Widmann, M. (2019). Higher probability of compound flooding from precipitation and storm surge in Europe under anthropogenic climate change. Science advances, 5(9), eaaw5531.

Couasnon, A., Sebastian, A., & Morales-Nápoles, O. (2018). A copula-based Bayesian network for modeling compound flood hazard from riverine and coastal interactions at the catchment scale: An application to the Houston Ship Channel, Texas. Water, 10(9), 1190.

How to cite: Gomez Rave, D. V., Urrea Méndez, D. A., and Del Jesus Peñil, M.: Multivariate Probability Analysis of Compound Flooding Dynamics., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12736,, 2023.

EGU23-13328 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.8

Assessing daily precipitation tails over India under changing climate 

Neha Gupta and Sagar Chavan

Daily precipitation extremes are crucial in the hydrological design of major water control structures. The extremes are usually present in the upper part of the probability distribution of daily precipitation data, known as the tail. The distributions are bifurcated into heavy or light-tailed distributions depending on the tail. Heavy tails signify a higher frequency of occurrences of extreme precipitation events. Prediction of extreme precipitation depends on reliable modelling of the tail. Tail behaviour can be studied by graphical as well as threshold-based fitting approaches; however, each approach has associated shortcomings. In this work, we utilize a versatile and simple empirical index known as the “Obesity Index” (OB) to assess the tail of probability distributions of daily gridded precipitation data for India. This comprehensive regional analysis has been undertaken to quantify the tail heaviness of 4801 daily precipitation records over India for historical (1970–2019) and future (2020–2100) time periods. Future projections of daily precipitation are downscaled from the latest generation of climate models knowns as Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) under different emission scenarios. Finally, the application of the OB-based approach is extended to characterize daily precipitation in Indian Meteorological Subdivisions. Results indicate the applicability of heavy-tailed distributions in representing daily precipitation over India and establish the utility of the OB-based approach in diagnosing tail behaviour. Also, the spatial patterns of the tail heaviness are found to be matching with the Köppen–Geiger climate classification of India. The findings from this can be an input for the policymakers to develop adaptation strategies in response to the projected climate change impact.

Keywords: Extreme precipitation, Climate Change, India, Obesity index, Tail heaviness


How to cite: Gupta, N. and Chavan, S.: Assessing daily precipitation tails over India under changing climate, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13328,, 2023.

EGU23-13386 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.8

Use of high temporal resolution data to identify the key drivers and locations where walls of water occur in the UK 

Felipe Fileni, David Archer, Hayley Fowler, Fiona McLay, Elizabeth Lewis, and Longzhi Yang

Walls of water (WoW) are a subset of flash floods characterised by an extremely fast increase in the discharge rate of rivers. In the UK, WoWs, events where an almost instantaneous increase in river flow happens, are responsible for several deaths, even when the maximum peak flow of the said event is not as noticeable. Using a national 15-minute continuous dataset, this study identified WoWs for catchments in the UK. Next, the antecedent atmospheric conditions for these WoWs were extracted from gridded datasets. Furthermore, catchment descriptors such as catchment area, elevation, slope, land use, and permeability of every catchment were downloaded from the National River Flow Archive. Finally, with the use of machine learning algorithms, that is, tree regressions and neural networks, this study identified vulnerable catchments and key conditions for WoWs to occur. Early results indicate that WoWs are not solely driven by rainfall intensity and that larger catchments (>500km) with low permeability are the most vulnerable to these hazards. Further studies using additional atmospheric conditions, i.e., temperature and windspeed will allow a better understanding of the drivers of these events.

How to cite: Fileni, F., Archer, D., Fowler, H., McLay, F., Lewis, E., and Yang, L.: Use of high temporal resolution data to identify the key drivers and locations where walls of water occur in the UK, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13386,, 2023.

EGU23-13732 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.8

Simulation of extreme precipitation events over south-west France: the role of large-scale atmospheric circulation and atmospheric rivers 

Namendra Kumar Shahi, Olga Zolina, Sergey K. Gulev, Alexander Gavrikov, and Fatima Jomaa

South-western France has witnessed some of the most devastating extreme precipitation events that eventually lead to record-breaking severe flash flooding in the region and cause losses to human lives, urban transportation, agriculture, and infrastructure. In this study, two cases of deadly flash floods that occurred/reported in the Aude watershed in south-western France during 12-13 November 1999 and 14-15 October 2018 are studied using the WRF4.3.1 model simulations, with a particular emphasis on the model ability to capture these heavy precipitation events. We performed two simulations one with parameterized convection and one without the use of convection parameterizations for each case at gray-zone resolution (~9 km horizontal grid spacing) using the ERA5 reanalysis as the lateral boundary condition. In addition, attempts have been made to investigate the role of large-scale atmospheric circulation and atmospheric rivers in the production of these heavy precipitation events. The results from model simulations are compared quantitatively with available observations and reanalysis and found that the simulations at ~9 km gray-zone resolution capture the observed spatio-temporal distribution of precipitation characteristics during both extreme cases. The added value of gray-zone resolution simulations over driving coarse-scale ERA5 reanalysis datasets is observed in the representation of the precipitation characteristics. It has also been observed that the model simulation without the use of convection parameterization yields a reasonable and realistic representation of the precipitation characteristics during both extreme cases, and this suggests that at this “gray-zone” resolution the organized mesoscale convective systems/processes can be resolved explicitly by the model dynamics. The contribution of the large-scale atmospheric circulation and the atmospheric river (i.e., moisture transport) in the production of these flood events has also been observed.

How to cite: Shahi, N. K., Zolina, O., Gulev, S. K., Gavrikov, A., and Jomaa, F.: Simulation of extreme precipitation events over south-west France: the role of large-scale atmospheric circulation and atmospheric rivers, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13732,, 2023.

EGU23-14934 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.8

Updating annual rainfall maxima statistics in a data-scarce region 

Angelo Avino, Luigi Cimorelli, Domenico Pianese, and Salvatore Manfreda

The growing number of extreme hydrological events observed has raised the level of attention toward the impact of climate change on rainfall process, which is difficult to quantify given its strong spatial and temporal heterogeneity. Therefore, the impact of the climate cannot be determined on the individual hydrological series but must be assessed on a regional and/or district scale. With this objective, the present work aims at identifying the trends and dynamics of extreme sub-daily rainfall in southern Italy in the period 1970-2020. The database of annual maxima was assembled using all available rainfall data (provided by the National Hydrographic and Mareographic Service - SIMN, and the Regional Civil Protection). However, due to the numerous changes (location, type of sensor, managing agencies) experienced by the national monitoring network, the time-series were found to be extremely uneven and fragmented. Since the spatio-temporal discontinuity could invalidate any statistical analysis, gap-filling techniques (deterministic and/or geostatistical [Teegavarapu, 2009]) were applied to reconstruct the missing data. In particular, the “Spatially-Constrained Ordinary Kriging” (SC-OK) method [Avino et al., 2021] was used, namely a mixed procedure that adopts the Ordinary Kriging (OK) approach with the spatial constraints of the Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) method. The SC-OK method allows to reconstruct only missing data for stations selected by the IDW method (those with a sufficient number of functioning neighbouring rain gauges). Then, the reconstructed dataset has been used to explore trends and regional patterns in annual maxima highlighting, how rainfall are evolving in the most recent years.


Avino, A., Manfreda, S., Cimorelli, L., and Pianese, D. (2021). Trend of annual maximum rainfall in Campania region (Southern Italy). Hydrological Processes, 35.

Teegavarapu, R.S.V. (2009). Estimation of Missing Precipitation Records Integrating Surface Interpolation Techniques and Spatio-temporal Association Rules. Journal of Hydroinformatics, 11(2).

How to cite: Avino, A., Cimorelli, L., Pianese, D., and Manfreda, S.: Updating annual rainfall maxima statistics in a data-scarce region, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14934,, 2023.

EGU23-15475 | Posters on site | HS7.8

A non-stationary gridded weather generator conditioned on large-scale weather circulation patterns for Central Europe 

Viet Dung Nguyen, Sergiy Vorogushyn, Katrin Nissen, and Bruno Merz

For many flood risk assessments at large spatial scales, long-term meteorological data (e.g. precipitation, temperature) with spatially coherent representation are needed. This is where a regional weather generator comes into play. Meteorological fields for a specific region are strongly dependent on weather circulation patterns (CP) at larger scales. Additionally, there is evidence that these fields covariate with the average regional surface temperature (ART). With future climate change, such changes in both CP and ART should be included in weather generators.

This study presents the development of such a non-stationary gridded weather generator conditioned on large-scale weather circulation patterns for Central Europe. The reanalysis dataset ERA5 (1o x 1o) is used for weather type classification. The E-OBS gridded observational dataset (0.25ox 0.25o) is used to parameterize the meteorological fields, such as precipitation and temperature (minimum, maximum, average). The spatial and temporal dependence is represented by the multivariate auto-regressive model. Daily precipitation amount is modelled by the extended generalized Pareto distribution and daily temperature is modelled by the transformed normal distribution. Both fields are conditioned on CP and allow to covariate with ART. In this way, the regional weather generator is capable of capturing “between-type” and “within-type” climate variability and can be used to generate long synthetic data for flood risk assessment in present and future periods.

How to cite: Nguyen, V. D., Vorogushyn, S., Nissen, K., and Merz, B.: A non-stationary gridded weather generator conditioned on large-scale weather circulation patterns for Central Europe, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15475,, 2023.

EGU23-16623 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.8

Mapping Hazard to Extreme Temperature Events Over the Indian Subcontinent 

Anokha Shilin, Naveen Sudharsan, Arpita Mondal, Pradip Kalbar, and Subhankar Karmakar

The recent AR6 report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) explicitly shows that the observed change in hot extremes (including heatwaves) with high confidence in human contribution to the observed changes has highly increased in the South Asian (SAS) domain which comprises the Indian subcontinent. Extreme heat events are more frequent and intense across the globe since the 1950s and have adverse societal and economic impacts. Considering current warming trends and projections, heatwaves are becoming a serious problem in India. Exposure to extreme heat in the population is increasing due to climate change. Also, observed temperatures are increasing globally as well as regionally as an effect of global warming. As heat stress occurs when the human body cannot get rid of the excess heat, it can be considered a good proxy for the heatwave hazard. Heat stress results in heat stroke, exhaustion, cramps, or rashes. Exposure to extreme heat can result in occupational illnesses and injuries. An agrarian country like India will have large economic damage when climate-related heat stress increases the occurrence of droughts and exacerbate water scarcity for irrigation. Hence the impact of the heat stress hazard is spotted and largely discussed both in the academic and political domains. In this study, Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI) based hazard map is developed for India with a non-parametric multivariate approach. The prominent heat stress hazard areas are identified and mapped with reference to the UTCI assessment scale which is categorized based on thermal stress. The probability of occurrence is also mapped using the exceedance probability with the UTCI reference. Heat stress hazard map provides the basis for a wide range of applications in public and individual precautionary planning such as heatwave action plans, urban and regional planning, the tourism industry, and climate research. Hence a country-level extreme temperature hazard map is of dire necessity.

Keywords: Exceedance probability, hazard map, heat stress, multivariate approach, non-parametric method

How to cite: Shilin, A., Sudharsan, N., Mondal, A., Kalbar, P., and Karmakar, S.: Mapping Hazard to Extreme Temperature Events Over the Indian Subcontinent, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16623,, 2023.

EGU23-417 | ECS | Orals | HS4.2

Parameter transferability of a distributed hydrological model to droughts 

Giulia Bruno, Doris Duethmann, Francesco Avanzi, Lorenzo Alfieri, Andrea Libertino, and Simone Gabellani

Hydrological models often do not simulate properly streamflow (Q) during droughts, because of a poor representation of the interactions among precipitation deficits, actual evapotranspiration (ET), and terrestrial water storage anomalies (TWSA) during these periods. However, there is little research comprehensively evaluating model skills during droughts of varying intensity in a spatially distributed way. To shed further light into these drops in model skills and step toward more robust models in an anthropogenic era and a changing climate, we evaluated Q, ET, and TWSA simulations during moderate and severe droughts, and we tested if calibrating during a moderate drought could enhance model performances during a severe one. We applied the distributed hydrological model Continuum over the heavily human-affected Po river basin in northern Italy and the period 2010 – 2022. Moreover, we exploited independent ground- and remote sensing-based datasets to evaluate the temporal and spatial variability of Q, ET, and TWSA monthly simulations across the whole basin and 38 sub-catchments. Model performances for Q across the study sub-catchments were comparable during both wet years (2014 and 2020, mean KGE = 0.59±0.32) and moderate droughts (2012 and 2017, mean KGE = 0.55±0.25). Further, Continuum simulated well Q for the basin outlet even during a severe drought (KGE = 0.82 in 2022), while its performances generally decreased among the sub-catchments (mean KGE = 0.18±0.69 in 2022). In general, the model well represented ET and TWSA seasonality over the study area, and a decline in TWSA over the more recent years. Yet, during the severe 2022 drought we detected an increased uncertainty in ET anomalies, especially in human-affected croplands, that could explain the Q performance drop along with an increased anthropogenic disturbance. Including a moderate drought (2017) in the calibration period did not lead to a significant improvement in model skills during the severe event (mean KGE = 0.18±0.63 for Q during 2022), meaning that the severe 2022 drought was fairly unique for the study area both in terms of hydrological processes and human disturbance on them. By unveiling an increase in model uncertainty during a severe drought and possible causes for it, our findings are relevant to assess and possibly enhance model robustness in a changing climate and the anthropogenic era for adequate water management, disaster risk reduction, and climate change adaptation.

How to cite: Bruno, G., Duethmann, D., Avanzi, F., Alfieri, L., Libertino, A., and Gabellani, S.: Parameter transferability of a distributed hydrological model to droughts, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-417,, 2023.

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the applicability of medium and long-term satellite rainfall estimation (SRE) precipitation products for drought monitoring over mainland China. Four medium and long-term (19 a) SREs, i.e., the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Multi-Satellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA) 3B42V7, the Integrated Multi-satellite Retrievals for Global Precipitation Measurement V06 post-real time Final Run precipitation products (IMF6), Global Rainfall Map in Near-real-time Gauge-calibrated Rainfall Product (GSMaP_Gauge_NRT) for product version 6 (GNRT6) and gauge-adjusted Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation V6 (GGA6) were considered. The accuracy of the four SREs was first evaluated against ground observation precipitation data. The Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) based on four SREs was then compared at multiple temporal and spatial scales. Finally, four typical drought influenced regions, i.e., the Northeast China Plain (NEC), Huang-Huai-Hai Plain (3HP), Yunnan– Guizhou Plateau (YGP) and South China (SC) were chosen as examples to analyze the ability of four SREs to capture the temporal and spatial changes of typical drought events. The results show that compared with GNRT6, the precipitation estimated by GGA6, IMF6 and 3B42V7 are in better agreement with the ground observation results. In the evaluation using SPEI, the four SREs performed well in eastern China but have large uncertainty in western China. GGA6 and IMF6 perform superior to GNRT6 and 3B42V7 in estimating SPEI and identifying typical drought events and behave almost the same. In general, GPM precipitation products have great potential to substitute TRMM precipitation products for drought monitoring. Both GGA6 and IMF6 are suitable for historical drought analysis. Due to the shorter time latency of data release and good performance in the eastern part of mainland China, GNRT6 and GGA6 might play a role for near real-time drought monitoring in the area. The results of this research will provide reference for the application of the SREs for drought monitoring in the GPM era.

How to cite: Cheng, S.: Evaluating the Drought-Monitoring Utility of GPM and TRMM Precipitation Products over Mainland China, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-571,, 2023.

EGU23-621 | ECS | Orals | HS4.2

Agricultural Drought Monitoring using Satellite based Surface Soil Moisture Data 

Hussain Palagiri and Manali Pal

Agricultural drought refers to a period with declining Soil Moisture (SM) content and consequent crop failure from water stress. SM plays an important role in indicating water stress and thereby identifying agricultural drought. Due to the lack of large scale, fine resolution, and accurate/quality SM many agricultural drought studies are mostly based on ground-based SM observations having limited spatiotemporal variability and cannot be applied for large scale studies. Microwave remote sensing showed capability in estimating geophysical properties like SM and paved the way for a continuous agricultural drought monitoring. European Space Agency (ESA) under Climate Change Initiative (CCI) developed an active-passive multi-satellite merged ESA CCI SM dataset. In this study, ESA CCI SM’s potential in agricultural drought monitoring is explored, by deriving Empirical Standardized Soil Moisture Index (ESSMI) to identify agricultural drought in Indian state of Telangana from 2001 to 2020. Telangana is a severely drought-prone state of India heavily impacted by significant water stress and water shortages due to frequent droughts. This increases the need for accurate agricultural drought characterization in the state. Keeping in mind the necessity of drought monitoring system for Telangana and availability of large-scale satellite soil moisture data from ESA CCI, this present study employs the ESSMI using the non-parametric distribution of ESA CCI SM data, to characterize the agricultural drought in drought prone Telangana. The efficiency of ESSMI in drought monitoring is evaluated by comparing it to the Standardised Precipitation Index (SPI) and Rainfall Anomalies (RFA) calculated from India Meteorogical Department (IMD) daily gridded rainfall data. Both the indices along with the RFA identified 2009 as dry year and 2020 as wet year. Temporal evolution of monthly drought identified by ESSMI showed monthly delayed response when compared with SPI, whereas yearly ESSMI showed consistency with SPI and RFA. Different classes of drought areas identified by ESSMI are compared with SPI which showed near normal and mild dry regions for most of the study period. ESSMI is able to effectively capture near normal to moderate drought events and shows a consistent association with the SPI and RFA both in short and long term (monthly and annual) temporal scale. The study showed the overall performance of ESSMI is reliable for agricultural drought monitoring and can be used to develop effective drought warning and risk management.

How to cite: Palagiri, H. and Pal, M.: Agricultural Drought Monitoring using Satellite based Surface Soil Moisture Data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-621,, 2023.

EGU23-737 | ECS | Posters on site | HS4.2

Green Water Scarcity Index Mapping for India Using Geospatial Data Products 

Saicharan Vasala and Shwetha Hassan Rangaswamy

Green water assessment is evolving as a significant aspect of hydrological science since its existence is critical for crop production in rain-fed areas. The green water scarcity index (GWSI), which is based on evapotranspiration and effective rainfall, can assist researchers in understanding the water requirements of agriculture and the current water stress condition. To generate a GWSI map of India from 2017 to 2019 at monthly and yearly scales, this study employed Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) gridded rainfall and TerraClimate-based actual evapotranspiration data products. The results showed that India experienced low GWSI throughout the monsoon season, as was to be expected, but interestingly, there were no high GWSI values (> 0.9) during the summer months, as seen in the winter. India experienced average GWSI values of 0.87, 0.86, and 0.83 in 2017, 2018, and 2019, respectively. In comparison to other years, 2019 has a lower GWSI, and rest years have similar GWSI values in the July and December months. In contrast to how almost all months in all years have similar GWSI values, the substantial discrepancy is only seen in September 2019. Due to the high frequency of rainfall events in September 2019, the ER rate has increased, which has led to a decrease in the GWSI in India's month of September 2019. According to the findings of this study, the monsoon has less of an impact on GWSI scarcity. India experiences green water scarcity all year round, necessitating extensive irrigation for agriculture. The lack of gree water resources enabled the transition away from rainfed agriculture cultivation. This research will aid in determining the precise condition of water stress in the targeted region, as well as the zoning of water-scarce regions, so that future irrigation planning can be done appropriately.

How to cite: Vasala, S. and Hassan Rangaswamy, S.: Green Water Scarcity Index Mapping for India Using Geospatial Data Products, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-737,, 2023.

EGU23-1431 | Orals | HS4.2

Exhaustive Searching and LASSO for Reliable Drought Forecasting over South Korea 

Taesam Lee, Yejin Kong, Taekyun Kim, and Saejung Lee

The spring drought over South Korea has been extensive damage recent years and its forecasting can be important in water management and agricultural industries. However, the drought forecasting is not an easy task because of the difficulty to find predictors to the precipitation predictand. Also, limited hydrological records for applying to complex models such as nonlinear or deep learning models do not produce reliable forecasting results. In the current study, we proposed the drought forecasting approach by exhaustive searching for explanatory variables and a regression model for limited record lengths. At first, the target drought index was set with the accumulated spring precipitation (ASP) obtained by the median of the 93 available weather stations over South Korea. Then, exhaustive searching for predictors was performed with association between the ASP and the differences of two pair combination of the global winter MSLP, say Df4m, for the time lag of the spring seasonal drought. The 37 Df4m predictors were found with high correlation over 0.55. The detected 37 variables were categorized into three subregions. The predictors in the same region contain highly similar to each other. Subsequently, the multicollinearity problem cannot be avoidable. To solve the multicollinearity problem, the Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO) model was applied resulting five Df4m predictors and the good agreement of the forecasting value with the observed value as R2=0.72. Therefore, we concluded that the proposed LASSO model with the exhaustive searching of the global MSLP can be a good alternative to forecast the spring drought over South Korea. The spring drought forecasting with the LASSO model and the Df4m predictors can be extensively used for water managers and water industry.  

How to cite: Lee, T., Kong, Y., Kim, T., and Lee, S.: Exhaustive Searching and LASSO for Reliable Drought Forecasting over South Korea, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1431,, 2023.

EGU23-1645 | ECS | Orals | HS4.2

Sectoral water use responses to droughts and heatwaves: analyses from local to global scales from 1990-2019 

Gabriel Antonio Cárdenas Belleza, Marc F.P. Bierkens, and Michelle T.H. van Vliet

Water security is threatened by a growing global population and the associated increase in sectoral water demand. This condition is worsened by the occurrence of droughts and heatwaves, which mainly lead to a reduction in the available water, increasing water scarcity. The resulting threats to water security are expected to become more pertinent when considering that such extreme events are expected to increase both in frequency and severity. Nonetheless, little is known about the responses in sectoral water use during extreme hydroclimatic events.

This research therefore quantifies responses in water use for different sectors (i.e. irrigation, livestock, domestic, energy and manufacturing) during droughts, heatwaves and compound events at global, regional and local scales. To achieve this, the spatial extent, times of occurrence and durations of these hydroclimatic extremes were identified worldwide for the period 1990-2019. Next, sectoral water use responses were evaluated during these extreme events and compared to normal (non-extreme) periods for sectoral water withdrawal or consumption.

Our results show that extreme events affect water use responses differently per sector and region. At a global scale, the overall use of water for domestic and irrigation sectors increased while it decreased for thermoelectric and manufacture sectors during heatwaves. Also, water use response patterns show that irrigation and domestic sectors are prioritized over livestock, thermoelectric and manufacturing on a global level. Furthermore, stronger impacts are found for heatwaves and compound events compared with impacts during droughts. Finally, our analyses show that water use drivers -such as income level, use of alternative water sources, and regulatory water policies- impact the magnitude of change in sectoral water use under these extreme events.

These results set the foundation for the development of a new global sectoral water use model which will allow more accurate quantifications of sectoral water use responses and water scarcity during present and future projected droughts and heatwaves.

How to cite: Cárdenas Belleza, G. A., Bierkens, M. F. P., and van Vliet, M. T. H.: Sectoral water use responses to droughts and heatwaves: analyses from local to global scales from 1990-2019, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1645,, 2023.

Streamflow drought is addressed as below-normal water availability in large rivers and tributaries. Streamflow drought impacts several sectors, including irrigation, river ecology, hydroelectric potential, financial, and drinking water supply. Analyzing variability in streamflow drought timing and the nonlinear interactions between drought onset and severity is necessary not only for better understanding of drought predictability but also of its temporal change, which aids in developing climate adaptation strategies. Very few studies have assessed the seasonality of streamflow droughts, although a few analyses have been performed focusing on other hydroclimatic extremes, such as extreme precipitation and floods. However, little is known about understanding the shifting behaviour of streamflow drought onset patterns at a local or regional scale. Further, a few studies have assessed the severity of low flows at a global and local scales. However, most of these studies have either considered a constant threshold approach to delineate low-flow episodes or employed sub-seasonal (monthly) temporal scales to access streamflow droughts using standardized indices of precipitation or runoff. However, none of the studies have investigated the non-linear interactions between streamflow drought onset and deficit volume and how these bivariate interactions evolve over time across large river basins. Here we investigate the timing of the streamflow drought onset and its severity (i.e., deficit volume) over 472 catchments that are spatially distributed across 21 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on Managing the Risks of Extreme events and Disasters to Advance Climate Adaptation (SREX) reference regions in the global Tropics. We identified those catchments with little or no potential anthropogenic influences and were selected based on a detailed quality assessment of continuous streamflow records and their proximity to dam locations. We implemented a daily variable threshold approach with an 80% exceedance probability of the flow record to identify streamflow drought episodes. Moreover, based on large streamflow records, we compare the potential shifts in the seasonality of streamflow droughts in the recent (1994-2018) versus the pre-1990s (1969-1993). We show a strong persistency in the timing of streamflow drought onset in the core monsoon-dominated regions. In the northern hemisphere, the mean onset is observed primarily during August and September, whereas in the southern hemisphere, the onset timing is temporally clustered around November to March. Our proof of concept analysis suggests that North-East South-America is the most vulnerable region, in which an earlier occurrence of drought is compounded by an increasing deficit volume, indicating a drying trend throughout. Furthering this, we investigate the non-linear interactions between drought characteristics, onset time, and severity to decipher the pattern of associations across disparate climate regimes, especially in regions with pronounced seasonal cycles. The obtained insights has important implications for water resources management in tropics, where seasonal climates dominates. The findings can inform drought monitoring, planning and improve drought resilience to multiple climate stressors.

How to cite: Raut, A. and Ganguli, P.: Examining Changes in Nonlinear Interactions of Streamflow Drought Seasonality versus its Severity across Global Tropics, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2182,, 2023.

EGU23-2252 | Orals | HS4.2

Assessing the impacts of future climate change scenarios on water systems supplied by karst aquifers 

David J. Peres, Nunziarita Palazzolo, Claudio Mineo, Stefania Passaretti, Eleonora Boscariol, Anna Varriale, and Antonino Cancelliere

Water resources management is becoming increasingly challenging under current climate change. Water utilities need to assess planning adaptation strategies aimed at sustainable water resource exploitation. In this study, we estimate the potential impacts of climate change on hydrological variables and future spring discharge availability. Specifically, we exploit an empirical regressive model based on the statistical relationship between Standardized Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) and minimum annual spring discharge, in combination with Regional Climate Models (RCMs) provided by the EURO-CORDEX initiative. In this regard, two Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) are considered, RCP4.5 (intermediate emissions scenario) and RCP8.5 (high emissions scenario), as well as two future time horizons, namely the near future 2021-2050 and the far future 2041-2070. Then, after bias correction of the so estimated minimum spring discharge values, the curves relating spring discharge and reliability in satisfying water demand are assessed. We carried out our investigation for karst aquifers located in the Italian Apennines, which are used for the water supply system of the city of Rome (Italy) and the surrounding areas, managed by ACEA Ato2, serving over 4 million users. Overall, the results indicate a general decrease in the demand that can be satisfied with high reliability, pointing out significant potential impacts of climate change on water availability on both near and far future. The proposed methodology could be a useful tool for water managers, since it provides a support for planning adaptation measures aimed at minimizing future socio-economic impacts of climate change.

How to cite: Peres, D. J., Palazzolo, N., Mineo, C., Passaretti, S., Boscariol, E., Varriale, A., and Cancelliere, A.: Assessing the impacts of future climate change scenarios on water systems supplied by karst aquifers, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2252,, 2023.

EGU23-3043 | Posters on site | HS4.2

Monthly vegetation drought forecasting using copula functions, numerical weather prediction and artificial intelligence models 

Jeongeun Won, Jiyu Seo, Chaelim Lee, and Sangdan Kim

Drought inhibits vegetation growth, triggers wildfires, reduces agricultural production and has a significant impact on the health of terrestrial ecosystems. Continuously monitoring and forecasting the effects of drought on vegetation health can provide effective information for ecosystem management. The purpose of this study is to forecast the effect of meteorological drought on vegetation, that is, the ecological drought of vegetation. Because vegetation drought is a complex phenomenon, it should be approached based on the probabilistic relationship between meteorological drought and vegetation. Accordingly, a probabilistic approach was constructed to model the bivariate joint probability distribution between meteorological drought and vegetation using the copula function. In order to predict ecological drought based on the joint probability distribution, predictive information on meteorological drought and vegetation health is required. To this end, a meteorological drought was predicted using numerical weather prediction, and a short-term vegetation prediction model considering the meteorological drought prediction results was developed. The vegetation prediction model combining Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory and Random Forest was able to improve the prediction performance of vegetation by considering spatial and temporal patterns. The vegetation drought was forecast by linking the prediction information of vegetation and meteorological drought with the joint probability distribution. The approach of this study will be able to provide useful information to respond to the drought risk in terms of ecology.



This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT) (No. NRF-2022R1A2B5B01001750).

How to cite: Won, J., Seo, J., Lee, C., and Kim, S.: Monthly vegetation drought forecasting using copula functions, numerical weather prediction and artificial intelligence models, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3043,, 2023.

EGU23-3295 | ECS | Orals | HS4.2

Drivers of sustained drought over the Arabian Peninsula in recent decades 

Md Saquib Saharwardi, Hari Prasad Dasari, Karumuri Ashok, and Ibrahim Hoteit

The predominantly desert region of the Arabian Peninsula (AP), comprising seven nations, is characterized by high temperatures and meager rainfall. Temperature, and dust activity, are exacerbating over the AP. In the current study, we found that drought frequency and severity have increased in the AP over the last two decades compared to the previous five decades. This recent drought intensification is characterized by dominant decadal variability in addition to what appears to be a long-term trend. The current droughts intensification appears to be driven by increased warming over the AP than by a decrease in local precipitation. The Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) cycle is strongly related to decadal drought variability, and the current unprecedented multiyear drought is associated with current positive phase of AMO. We developed a statistical model for future projections that indicates that the frequency and intensity of droughts over the AP are expected to decrease significantly in the coming year.

How to cite: Saharwardi, M. S., Dasari, H. P., Ashok, K., and Hoteit, I.: Drivers of sustained drought over the Arabian Peninsula in recent decades, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3295,, 2023.

EGU23-3415 | ECS | Posters on site | HS4.2

Mapping of large-scale low water situations using satellite-based water-land boundaries 

Bastian Gessler, Silke Mechernich, Robert Weiß, and Björn Baschek

In the summers of 2018 and 2022, low water levels of German waterways massively restricted the transport performance of freight ships. Furthermore, oxygen and temperatures were critically high for the ecosystem. In such hydrological extreme situations, information on the location and shifting of the boundaries between water and terrain (water-land boundary) is relevant, e.g. for improved forecasting and monitoring of sediment displacements.

Satellite-based methods are an effective way to monitor such situations and can be used to observe large areas in a short time. Due to their independence from solar illumination and weather conditions, radar data offer considerable advantages compared to optical data. Particularly the radar satellite Sentinel-1 (ESA, Copernicus) is of great relevance, since the data are available free of charge and a continuous future supply is assured. For this reason, we use Sentinel-1 data as basic information in the project "Sat-Land-Fluss".

Here, we will present an example of S-1 water-land-boundary detection for the low water event in 2018 at the Middle Rhine. Comprehensive validation data are available, as an imagery flight was assigned by BfG on behalf of the Freiburg Waterways and Shipping Authority (WSA) at the lowest water level in November 2018. The water-land boundaries were derived from the 10-cm-resolution aerial photographs by the Federal Institute of Hydrology.

The water surfaces from S-1 data is obtained by a thresholding method of backscatter intensity. Various ancillary data were integrated and their potential for improving the result was analyzed, e.g.:

  • the location of the shipping channel (©WSA Rhein) led to a significant reduction of misclassifications, since e. g. overlay effects from ships or bridges can be removed.
  • The land cover information (©ESA World Cover 2020) allowed the correct classification of areas with low backscatter effects (e.g. agriculture) as non-water.
  • The HAND (Height Above Nearest Drainage) index from the high-resolution terrain information (DTM-5 of the Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy) helped to exclude areas that could be classified as not covered by water due to their topographic location.

The algorithm based only on S1-data yields about 85-92 % of correct water-classification, and together with the additional data in a)-c) we gain up to approximately 94-98 % of correct classification depending on the S-1 scene. We highlight that particularly the usage of landcover data and high resolution DTMs highly improves the reliability of the water-land boundary from S-1 data. The main remaining weaknesses are located near the water-land-boundary within approximately 50 m. Since the spatial resolution of S-1 data is rather low with about 5 x 20 m, the resulting spatial accuracy of the water-land-boundary is less than about 10 m. To improve this, the integration of a 1-m-digital terrain model of the water course (DGM-W) together with measured or predicted water level information is ongoing. This will provide water level information in areas where Sentinel-1 is not able to record information (e.g. areas of radar shadow due to vegetation, buildings, bridges or topography).

How to cite: Gessler, B., Mechernich, S., Weiß, R., and Baschek, B.: Mapping of large-scale low water situations using satellite-based water-land boundaries, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3415,, 2023.

Agro-climatological droughts have been a dominant driver of various socio-economical losses. However, the association between drought hazards & their socio-economic impacts is still less explored on a global scale. The objective of this study is to understand this linkage by globally analyzing drought hazards and their socio-economic impacts during 2001-2021.

To monitor the agro-climatological drought hazard, we have developed a new combined drought indicator (CDI) integrating satellite and reanalysis model-based four input variables (i.e., precipitation- CHIRPS data, temperature, and soil moisture – ERA5-Land data, normalized difference vegetation index – MODIS data). In CDI, the Principal Component Analysis was applied to combine all the variables. To examine the socio-economic impacts of drought hazard, we used the Geocoded Disaster (GDIS) dataset, which provided the location information of subnational-level drought events. Since GDIS shows the actual impact of drought events on socio-economic conditions, the drought vulnerability at a sub-national level can be quantified by performing a comparative analysis between CDI and GDIS.

Based on CDI, the maximum frequency of severe drought events (> 7) is observed over sub-Saharan Africa, followed by parts of south Asia. During these events, the CDI values ranged between -1.5 to -3, signifying the critical hydrometeorological conditions in the respective region. The comparative analysis shows that the CDI-based drought clusters can represent the GDIS drought events at a statistically significant level. Both CDI and GDIS methods noticed that the parts of Argentina, Brazil, the horn of Africa, western India, and north China are continuously under the grips of severe droughts. In these regions, even less severe agro-climatological (CDI) droughts have caused substantial socio-economical (GDIS) losses making these areas highly vulnerable to drought. In contrast, the outcomes of CDI also indicated extreme drought cases over parts of North America and Europe, but these events were inconsistent with GDIS, meaning that developed countries are less vulnerable to drought.

This study highlighted the importance of GDIS data for accurate drought impact assessment at the subnational level and in validating CDI. The proven subnational level association between CDI and GDIS from this study could help to identify the socio-economically vulnerable areas to drought on a finer scale and priorities the regions that demand more concern. 

How to cite: Kulkarni, S. and Sawada, Y.: Monitoring and Assessment of Global Patterns of Subnational droughts using Combined Drought Indicator and Geocoded Disaster Dataset, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3914,, 2023.

EGU23-3951 | ECS | Posters on site | HS4.2

Drought behaviour in Barcelona from its instrumental precipitation series (1786-2022) 

Josep Barriendos, María Hernández, Salvador Gil-Guirado, Mariano Barriendos, and Jorge Olcina-Cantos

The current climate change scenario increases the concern for water resource management and for the increase in the frequency of droughts in the Mediterranean region. This work proposes the analysis of the instrumental precipitation series of the city of Barcelona (1786-2022), which extends from the end of the Little Ice Age to the current climatic period. This series, due to its temporal length, constitutes a continuous scenario of pluviometric information that allows the identification and analysis of the periods in which the most severe droughts occur.

This work is organized following two main objectives. The first objective consists on the analysis of the values of this precipitation series using different statistical techniques, including drought indices. The second objective is the evaluation of the severity of the most significant drought events that appear in the instrumental precipitation series of Barcelona.

To achieve these objectives, the methodologies used in this work consist on the application of some statistical techniques on the instrumental precipitation series, such as the detection of its breaking points. At the same time, this work proposes the application of different drought indices as the SPI index and the SPEI index on the entire instrumental precipitation series of Barcelona (1786-2022). The use of these methodologies allows the comparison between the different droughts included in the instrumental series. These also allow distinguishing the most relevant droughts according to their severity. Two significant examples of the most severe droughts are the ones of the first third of 19th century (1812-1825) and the droughts of the 21st century (1998-2008). We also want to determine the relevance of the current drought (2021-2022) in contrast to the overall instrumental series of precipitation of Barcelona.

Additionally to these methodologies and results, for the most significant droughts detected in the precipitation series, it is also proposed to use monthly barometric indices to characterise the general atmospheric circulation of those periods. It would have the aim to contrast the results on the instrumental precipitation series with the synoptic conditions that produce these droughts. This comparison also would help to determine if these conditions have changed over time, especially considering recent decades in the context of current climate change.

How to cite: Barriendos, J., Hernández, M., Gil-Guirado, S., Barriendos, M., and Olcina-Cantos, J.: Drought behaviour in Barcelona from its instrumental precipitation series (1786-2022), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3951,, 2023.

EGU23-4708 | ECS | Orals | HS4.2

Is solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence derived index much useful in agricultural drought monitoring 

Vaibhav Kumar, Hone-Jay Chu, and Mohammad Adil Aman

Drought is multifaceted, more frequent hydrometeorological phenomena occurring worldwide. The intensity and frequency of droughts are increased with rising trend of global warming. These events significantly impact society which directly linked to agricultural productivity and economy. India witnessed these extreme drought events and have faced serious economic loses. Therefore, more effective, and reliable drought monitoring is essential for its mitigation and to enhance early warning systems. In addition, there are limited studies looking at the sensitivity of solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) to response of meteorological parameters during drought event.   

Therefore, a maiden attempt is taken to understand how terrestrial vegetation response under severe drought event which experienced in 2009 summer monsoon period (June to September) over Indo-Gangetic plain regions in India. We studied the productivity of vegetation over IGP region using solar-induced fluorescence as a proxy. Moreover, we have derived drought indices herein Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI), Standardized Soil Moisture Index (SSI), and SIF Health Index (SHI). These indices were utilized gridded monthly precipitation, evapotranspiration, soil-moisture, land surface temperature (LST) and solar-induced fluorescence (SIF) datasets from 2001 to 2020 over IGP region. In addition, statistical relationships and trends among these indices are evaluated through the Pearson correlation coefficient and Mann-Kendall test.

Our findings provide promising results by addressing the major drought events over Indo-Gangetic plains in India in terms of intensity and spatial coverage. There is great significance to further understand the application of SIF in agriculture drought detection. The spatio-temporal patterns and trends of standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index (SPEI), and standardized soil-moisture index (SSI), have compared against solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence health index (SHI) anomaly for short, and mid-term (herein 01, 03 and 06 month time scales) for seasonal drought monitoring. Furthermore, the spatial extent of SPEI, SSI and SHI anomaly well agreed for the 2009 drought event across region.

Overall, SIF can be reliable tool for agricultural drought monitoring in a timely and accurate manner. The resultant water stress leads to reduction in vegetation which reflected changes in SHI anomaly. This showcasing the ability of SIF to provide insight the link between carbon and water during droughts. Furthermore, it will enhance information for stakeholders, interested into future carbon-water cycle studies.

 Keywords: SPEI, SSI, SHI, and agricultural drought.

How to cite: Kumar, V., Chu, H.-J., and Aman, M. A.: Is solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence derived index much useful in agricultural drought monitoring, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4708,, 2023.

Extreme value statistics are well established for floods and are also receiving increasing attention in drought hydrology. They allow the user to characterize the severity of an event by a statistical probability or return period, a concept that is well understood in the scientific, policy, and public arenas. Frequency analysis is usually carried out on the basis of annual extreme event series, which  is straightforward in its application and interpretation. However, in seasonal climates with a warm and a cold season, the low-flows can be generated by different processes, which violates the basic assumptions of extreme value statistics and can lead  to inaccurate conclusions.

Here we assess the value of a mixed distribution approach for low-flows to perform frequency analysis in catchments with a mixed summer/winter regime. We first present the theoretical concept of the mixed probability estimator for low-flows. We then illustrate the characteristics of the model for archetypal low-flow regimes, from pronounced summer and winter regimes to flow mixtures with weak seasonality. We successively evaluate the gain in performance from the mixed distribution model for a range of low flow regimes, based on a comprehensive Austrian dataset. We finally scrutinize the assumption of the mixed probability estimator and review the added value of using an extended, Copula-based  framework. The results show large differences of event return periods, and suggest that the mixed estimator is relevant not only for mountain forelands, but for a much wider range of catchment typologies across Europe. These even include typical summer regimes when only single winter low-flows are mixed in. We conclude that the mixed distribution approaches outperform the conventional frequency estimator and should be used by default in seasonal climates where summer and winter low flows occur.

How to cite: Laaha, G.: The value of mixed distribution approaches for low-flow frequency analysis, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4914,, 2023.

The Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) is applied worldwide for drought assessment. In general, in many studies, SPI was estimated from a two-parameter gamma distribution. However, in other climatic regions, there are also studies that suggest that distributions other than the Gamma distribution are more suitable. In addition, as the frequency of drought events increases, the need for daily SPI calculated with relatively short time-scales for immediate drought response is increasing. In this study, the optimal probability distribution for estimating SPI using daily precipitation in the southern part of the Korean Peninsula was explored. Gumbel, Gamma, GEV, Loglogistic, Lognormal, and Weibull are applied as candidate distributions, and optimal distributions for each season, region, and time-scale are investigated. The Chi-square test was applied to investigate the probability distribution function appropriate to the cumulative daily precipitation time series for various time-scales. In the process of calculating the SPI, when the cumulative daily precipitation has a value of 0, the cumulative probability value was calculated by reflecting the probability of having a value of 0. Then, by applying the candidate distribution, it was verified whether the estimated SPI conformed to the standard normal distribution. Finally, a more precise drought assessment could be performed by determining the optimal probability distribution for each region, season, and time-scale. It is also expected to increase the applicability of daily SPI by reducing problems that occur in a short time-scale.



This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT) (No. NRF-2022R1A2B5B01001750).

How to cite: Lee, C., Seo, J., Won, J., and Kim, S.: Investigation of optimal probability distribution of Standard Precipitation Index for daily precipitation time series in Southern Korean Peninsula, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4931,, 2023.

EGU23-5680 | Orals | HS4.2

Vegetation dynamic and drought: South African savanna case study. 

María P. González-Dugo, María J. Muñoz-Gómez, Hector Nieto, María José Polo, Timothy Dube, and Ana Andreu

Semiarid rangelands are one of Africa’s most complex and variable biomes. They are a mosaic of land uses, where extensive livestock is the main economic activity, and agriculture is also crucial. They are highly controlled by the availability of water, e.g., pasture and rainfed crop production. Although the vegetation is adapted to variable climatic conditions and dry periods, the increase in drought intensity, duration, and frequency precipitate their degradation. By integrating Earth Observation data into models, we can evaluate, on the one hand, the vegetation water stress and, on the other, its primary production. This allows us to assess the interaction of both processes, improving our knowledge about the vegetation's behavior in the face of drought.


In this work, we set up an open-source cloud framework to monitor water consumption and primary production interaction over this semiarid mosaic in the long term, to analyze system tipping points. This information can help reduce the uncertainty associated with the public administration and farmers’ decision-making processes. A surface energy balance model, previously validated in the area, was applied to estimate evapotranspiration (ET) from 2000-2020 (monthly, at a 1 km spatial resolution, using MODIS data and global atmospheric reanalysis dataset). The anomalies of evapotranspiration (ET) to reference ET were used as an indicator of drought for the period. The biomass production was estimated by applying an adaptation of the Monteith LUE (light use efficiency) model based on the relationship between plant growth and incident solar radiation. The parameterization of the model corresponded to semi-natural grasslands and crops, and it was applied at a daily scale with 250 m of spatial resolution. The model’s estimation presented an acceptable agreement over the area.


Close links between grassland/crop production and drought events were found and evaluated. 2016 was the worst year regarding the state of the vegetation, followed by 2015, 2003, and 2002, all coincident with drier events (as measured by ET/ETo anomalies). The different production patterns of each patch of vegetation were visible. Although crops were mainly rainfed (probably being irrigated if necessary) and followed the precipitation rates, they were less dependent on rain than grassland. Croplands had higher production peaks during February/March than natural grasslands, although trends were similar. Production rates were much higher than usual during 2004, 2009, and 2017. These vegetation blooms came after a drought where biomass production rates were minimal. A thorough analysis of these results can provide insights to better cope with future droughts.

Acknowledgment: This work has been carried out through the project "DroughT impACt on the vegeTation of South African semIarid mosaiC landscapes: Implications on grass-crop-lands primary production" funded by the European Space Agency in the framework of the "EO AFRICA R&D Facility".

How to cite: González-Dugo, M. P., Muñoz-Gómez, M. J., Nieto, H., Polo, M. J., Dube, T., and Andreu, A.: Vegetation dynamic and drought: South African savanna case study., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5680,, 2023.

EGU23-5990 | Orals | HS4.2

Meteo-hydrological precursors of water crisis in the Turin area: a first forecasting and management chain 

Elisa Brussolo, Christian Ronchi, Alessio Salandin, Roberto Cremonini, and Secondo Barbero

The Piedmont region (north-western Italy) is located between the Alps and the Mediterranean area, two territories that are recognized as climate hotspot regions, showing amplified climate change signals and associated with environmental, social and economic impacts.
A number of water crisis that affected the Italian territory in the last twenty years exacerbated conflicts in different territories with regard to the priority use of water resource. The recent drought events (2017, 2021, and 2022) have seen areas not normally characterized by this type of phenomenon, such as the Piedmont region, go into crisis, involving all water users and human activities.
In this framework, there is a renewed urgency for improved drought monitoring, forecasting and assessment methods, that will allow for better anticipation and preparation and will lead to better management practices, in order to reduce the vulnerability of society to drought and its subsequent impacts.
As drought can be defined in a number of ways and the determination of drought magnitude and impacts can be quite complex, the top scientific priority and social challenge are the identification of meteo-hydrological precursors of water crises. This will lead from meteo-hydrological drought to socio-economic drought and drive water management and decision-making with a strong scientific basis.
In this work we  focused on the Turin area and after identifying the events that have sent in crisis the drinking water supply sources, the meteorological data and appropriate drought indexes have been analyzed. Critical thresholds and parameters have been identified and a first combined index, for developing an operational chain that can alert water utilities, stakeholders and mayors reasonably in advance, is proposed.

How to cite: Brussolo, E., Ronchi, C., Salandin, A., Cremonini, R., and Barbero, S.: Meteo-hydrological precursors of water crisis in the Turin area: a first forecasting and management chain, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5990,, 2023.

EGU23-6177 | ECS | Posters virtual | HS4.2

Influence of reservoir on propagation from meteorological to hydrological drought for Tapi river basin 

Akshay Pachore, Nirav Agrawal, Komiljon Rakhmonov, Sanskriti Mujumdar, Gulomjon Umirzakov, and Renji Remesan

Meteorological drought generally gets propagated into agricultural and hydrological drought. Hydrological drought is characterized by reduced streamflow in the river regime. Due to the interconnection between different drought types, it is important to analyze the drought propagation time. Propagation from meteorological to hydrological drought is of prime concern, as hydrological drought is having immediate consequences on industry, agriculture, and the water supply system. In the present study propagation time from meteorological to hydrological drought was studied using the spearman rank correlation coefficient for the Tapi river basin of India having semi-arid climatic conditions.  Spearman rank correlation was calculated between lagged values of the standardized precipitation index (SPI-1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12), and monthly standardized streamflow index (SSI-1). Drought propagation under the influence of the Ukai reservoir was analyzed for Sarangkheda and Ghala gauging stations. Sarangkheda station is in the upstream of the Ukai reservoir whereas, Ghala station is in the downstream. Results indicated that there is a clear influence of reservoir on propagation time from meteorological to hydrological drought. The highest correlation for the Sarangkheda station was observed for SPI-5 and SSI-1, whereas, for the Ghala station, it is for SPI-12 and SSI-1. Propagation time has significantly increased for reservoir-influenced gauging station as compared to gauging station in the natural catchment. The present study is important as information on propagation time under the influence of a reservoir can be useful to the water resource manager, stakeholders, and policymakers for doing the required preparation and taking necessary measures.

How to cite: Pachore, A., Agrawal, N., Rakhmonov, K., Mujumdar, S., Umirzakov, G., and Remesan, R.: Influence of reservoir on propagation from meteorological to hydrological drought for Tapi river basin, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6177,, 2023.

The SUDOE AQUIFER project ( aims at capitalizing, testing, diffusing and transferring innovative practices for groundwater monitoring and integrated management.

BRGM has developped the « MétéEAU Nappes » web platform ( for several years. It enables to visualize the current and future behavior of groundwater bodies in France and to forecast groundwater availability in many monitoring wells which have been modeled using a lumped hydrological model [1].

Although more than 500 wells are monitoring groundwater level in real time in unconfined aquifers in the Adour-Garonne basin (France) (, none of these monitoring points have been modeled to enable 6 months groundwater levels forecast. The SUDOE AQUIFER project enables to model ten monitoring points in 2022 and 2023 to forecast groundwater levels using different climatic scenarios. These forecasts are updated on a monthly basis and can be compared to groundwater levels thresholds (piezometric drought thresholds from local authority use-restriction orders [2]).

These groundwater level forecasts are further used to predict groundwater withdrawable volume using a three-dimensional groundwater flow model in the Garonne, Tarn and Aveyron alluvial plain [3]. The main activity of this region is agriculture and the main groundwater use is crop’s irrigation. Groundwater withdrawal is especially important in the summer, and can impact the volume of groundwater reaching the rivers and sustaining their baseflow. This competition in use creates the need to accurately define potential withdrawable volumes.

Combining the lumped hydrological models with a three-dimensional groundwater flow model enables to define the potential withdrawable volume based on (1) the summer climatic scenario chosen by the decision maker, (2) the forecasted groundwater level at the end of the low-water season and (3) the status of the groundwater body (critical, balanced, conservative) to achieve at the end of the low-water season. This decision support tool is developed as a web platform and will be accessible to groundwater managers and decision makers. After choosing the groundwater level forecasted at the start of the irrigation period within 6 scenarios based on different climatic conditions, three potential withdrawable volumes will be defined depending on the status of the groundwater body considered acceptable to obtain at the end of the low-water season. This information can then be communicated to groundwater users.

These innovative practices will be extended to other regions where increase groundwater pressure forces local authority to develop methods and tools to sustainably manage groundwater bodies.

Références bibliographiques :

 [1] Mougin B., Nicolas J., Vigier Y., Bessière H., Loigerot S. (2020). « MétéEAU Nappes » : un site Internet contenant des services utiles à la gestion des étiages. La Houille Blanche, numéro 5, p. 28-36.

[2] Surdyk N., Thiéry D., Nicolas J., Gutierrez A., Vigier Y., Mougin B. (2022). MétéEAU Nappes: a real-time water-resource-management tool and its application to a sandy aquifer in a high-demand irrigation context. Hydrogeology Journal.

[3] Le Cointe, P., Nuttinck, V., Rinaudo, JD. (2020). A Tool to Determine Annual Ground-Water Allocations in the Tarn-et-Garonne Alluvial Aquifer (France). In: Rinaudo, JD., Holley, C., Barnett, S., Montginoul, M. (eds) Sustainable Groundwater Management. Global Issues in Water Policy, vol 24. Springer, Cham.

How to cite: Beranger, S., Le Cointe, P., and Mougin, B.: Groundwater level and withdrawable volume forecasts in the Adour-Garonne basin (France) to enable sustainable groundwater management, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6607,, 2023.

EGU23-6835 | ECS | Orals | HS4.2

Multiscaling behavior of vegetation, precipitation and aridity time series in semiarid grasslands. Persistence and multifractal sources. 

Ernesto Sanz, Andrés Almeida-Ñauñay, Carlos G. Díaz-Ambrona, Antonio Saa-Requejo, Margarita Ruíz-Ramos, Alfredo Rodriguez, and Ana M. Tarquis

Grazing is an important ecosystem process affecting more than a third of the global land surface. However, it is challenging to predict responses of rangelands to changing grazing regimes due to complex interactions between grazers, vegetation and climate. Understanding the multiscaling behavior of vegetation and climate time series can be key to improving grazing and vegetation management in semiarid areas where climate change is heavily affecting vegetation-climate complex systems. 

A grassland plot in central Spain (Madrid) was selected to study this system. This plot was selected based on proximity to a meteorological station and maximum surface covered by grasses. For this plot, reflectance data were collected from MODIS (MOD09A1.006) to study the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). These series, from 2002 to 2020, have a 250 m spatial resolution and 8-days temporal resolution. Daily meteorological precipitation and evapotranspiration were obtained from the closest station from AEMET (Spanish Meteorological Agency). Precipitation was accumulated over 8-days and the aridity index was calculated (accumulated precipitation over accumulated potential evapotranspiration) for every 8-days to match the temporal resolution of NDVI. With these three series (NDVI, precipitation and aridity), multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis was performed, to calculate the persistence (H2) and multifractality. Furthermore, this was also done to these series after shuffling and surrogating them. 

The aridity index showed a high persistent character, while precipitation had a light persistence and NDVI showed no persistence or antipersistence, instead, it had a random character. The aridity index and NDVI displayed a decrease in H2, progressively, when surrogate and shuffle series were used. On the other hand, precipitation showed a higher H2 when the surrogate series was used compared to the original series. The shuffle precipitation series had a lesser value of H2 than the original and surrogate precipitation series. The increase in persistence on the precipitation surrogate series, have been reported in other precipitation series and it may indicate that the year that cause a decrease in persistence in the original series are separated along the original series. 

The most multifractal series was found to be NDVI followed by aridity index and finally precipitation. The multifractality always declined when the surrogate series was used in all series. Moreover, when shuffle series were used multifractality was almost eliminated in NDVI shuffle series, but some was retained for precipitation and aridity index, showing a larger source of multifractality due to the probability density function in these two series, mixing with a long-range correlation source of multifractality (mostly dominant for NDVI). 

Acknowledgements: The authors acknowledge the support of Clasificación de Pastizales Mediante Métodos Supervisados - SANTO, from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (project number: RP220220C024).


Baranowski, Piotr, et al. "Multifractal analysis of meteorological time series to assess climate impacts." Climate Research 65 (2015): 39-52.

Sanz, Ernesto, et al. "Generalized structure functions and multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis applied to vegetation index time series: An arid rangeland study." Entropy 23.5 (2021): 576.

Sanz, Ernesto, et al. "Clustering Arid Rangelands Based on NDVI Annual Patterns and Their Persistence." Remote Sensing 14.19 (2022): 4949.


How to cite: Sanz, E., Almeida-Ñauñay, A., Díaz-Ambrona, C. G., Saa-Requejo, A., Ruíz-Ramos, M., Rodriguez, A., and Tarquis, A. M.: Multiscaling behavior of vegetation, precipitation and aridity time series in semiarid grasslands. Persistence and multifractal sources., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6835,, 2023.

EGU23-6869 | ECS | Orals | HS4.2

Vegetation response to extreme drought events in northern Italy 

Alice Baronetti, Matia Menichini, and Antonello Provenzale

The increase in drought conditions is one of the main consequences of climatic change, that affects both natural and socioeconomic systems. Northern Italy is historically rich in water resources, and one of the most fertile areas in Italy. However, in the last decades drought events increased also here, affecting the hydrological behaviour of the Po River and vegetation growth.

This study aims to quantify the spatial distributions of drought events and identify their effects on vegetation greenness in northern Italy during the 2000-2020 period using MODIS images at 1 km spatial resolution. For this purpose, correlation maps between fields of bi-weekly vegetation indices (NDVI and EVI) and drought indices (SPI and SPEI) were estimated.

The NDVI and EVI indices were extracted from the atmospherically corrected MODIS images and vegetation trends were investigated by mean on the Mann-Kendall test. To analyze drought events, 150 daily precipitation ground station series were collected, aggregated at bi-weekly scale, reconstructed, homogenised and spatialised at 1km resolution by mean of the Universal Kriging with auxiliary variables. Land Surface Temperature (LST), assumed as air temperature, was collected from MODIS images. Pixels with clouds were removed, and the accuracy was determined against the high resolution gridded temperature dataset available for northern Italy. The NDVI-LST space was investigated at yearly scale exploring the link between NDVI and LST for 6000 random points in the study area. Evapotranspiration was estimated by means of the Hargreaves equation and severe and extreme drought episodes were detected by means of drought indices (SPI and SPEI) calculated at 12-, 24- and 36-months aggregation time. Trends were analysed and the main drought events were characterised, identifying the percentage of area under drought, and the magnitude, duration and frequency of droughts. Each pixel was analysed to investigate the impacts of severe and extreme drought events on vegetation properties, and the Pearson’s correlation between NDVI/EVI and SPEI/SPI at different time scales was estimated. Finally, on the basis of the correlation maps and on the CORINE Land Cover 2020, drought impacts on different vegetation communities at medium (12 months) and long (24 and 36 months) time scales were detected as the percentage of vegetation under drought stress.

The study highlights the importance of applying multiple indices to study droughts, since even though positive temperature trends were recorded in northern Italy, in the last two decades the main trigger of droughts is the lack of precipitation. Moreover the western portion of northern Italy was mostly interested by drought intensification. The investigation on drought duration revealed that the longest extreme drought events were detected in the Po Valley, where the strongest negative impacts on vegetation were detected. The results also indicated that first droughts interested herbaceous vegetation, while subsequently affecting also sparse and open forests.

How to cite: Baronetti, A., Menichini, M., and Provenzale, A.: Vegetation response to extreme drought events in northern Italy, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6869,, 2023.

EGU23-6903 | Orals | HS4.2

Winter Warm Spells and snowpack ablation in western North America 

Lucia Scaff, Sebastian Krogh, Keith Musselman, Adrian Harpold, Mario Lillo-Saavedra, Ricardo Oyarzún, Yanping Li, and Roy Rassmusen

Winter warm spells (WWS) are extreme temperature anomalies that might impact the snowpack. WWS amplify snowmelt and sublimation in mountain regions with uncertain consequences to timing and volume of water resources. Most studies focus on the spring season when snowmelt rates and streamflow response are high. However, winter snowmelt events are important in places where the snowpack and air temperatures are closer to the freezing point during winter, and thus it will become important in other regions in a warmer climate.

This study aims to understand the effect of WWS on snowpack ablation patterns in the mountainous western North America and how they might change under a warmer climate. For this, we use two convection permitting regional climate model simulations to represent historical (2001-2013) and future atmospheric and the surface conditions. The future simulation is performed with a Pseudo Global Warming approach for a high emission scenario (RCP8.5). We verify WWS using gridded maximum daily temperature observation, and winter ablation using snow pillows. Then we characterize WWS and relate them to snowpack ablation.

Although days with ablation during WWS represent a small fraction (8.3%, 0.6 days on average), 55% of total ablation occurs during WWS over regions with significant snowpack (mean peak snow water equivalent over 150 mm). Consistently, a larger ablation rate (53%) is found during WWS than non-WWS events. Total ablation during WWS increases about 157% in a warmer climate; however, the extreme ablation (99th percentile) rates show slight decrease (5%). Classifying the domain based on its humidity and temperature, we found that ablation rates during WWS in humid regions are larger in a warmer climate than those of the dry regions, which is explained by the differences in the energy balance and the snowpack cold content. WWS predominantly drive snowmelt (93.8%) rather than sublimation (6.2%), which has relevance to water resources such as flood risk, soil moisture, and streamflow response. Furthermore, the median snowmelt rate during WWS found to increase in response to warming by 179% compared to the median sublimation rate (125%). This study provides a comprehensive description of the impact of extreme temperature events and a warmer climate over our changing snowpack. We acknowledge financial support by Centro CRHIAM Project ANID/FONDAP/15130015, and the Anillo project ACT-210080.

How to cite: Scaff, L., Krogh, S., Musselman, K., Harpold, A., Lillo-Saavedra, M., Oyarzún, R., Li, Y., and Rassmusen, R.: Winter Warm Spells and snowpack ablation in western North America, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6903,, 2023.

EGU23-7180 | ECS | Orals | HS4.2

Human interventions impacts: the role of reservoir operations on drought propagation 

Tesfaye B. Senbeta, Emilia Karamuz, Krzystof Kochanek, Jaroslaw J. Napiorkowski, and Ewa Bogdanowicz

The reservoir is a hydroengineering structure to regulate discharge in rivers and store water. It can be used for flood control, water supply, irrigation, power generation, etc. It is also used for physical water management to cope with droughts at the catchment scale. The reservoir operations can have a mitigating and/or enhancing impact on droughts and their propagation from meteorological to agricultural and hydrological drought.

The aim of the study is to assess the role of reservoir operation on drought propagation using the Sulejow and Wiory reservoirs as case studies in the catchments of the Pilica and Kamienna rivers (central Poland), respectively. Two approaches, namely hydrological modelling and the observation-based approaches, were used for the study. In the hydrological modelling method, the naturalised hydrological variables in the post-dam period simulated using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) were compared with the observed values in the same period, while in the observation-based approach, the upstream and downstream hydrological variables such as soil moisture (remote sensing data) and observed river discharge were used. In addition, the SWAT with reservoir was considered by applying the target reservoir release method for simulating the downstream hydrological variables and comparing it with the method without reservoir. The threshold method, based on the parameter transfer method, was applied in the analysis of drought conditions to account for the non-stationarity of the hydro-climatic variables.

Preliminary results suggest that the two approaches are consistent in showing the impact of reservoir operations on the propagation and characteristics of droughts. In addition, the comparative analysis between the reservoirs shows differences based on their purpose. The results of the study can be used to understand the propagation of drought in human-altered watersheds and to appropriately manage water resources for drought mitigation.


This work was supported by the HUMDROUGHT ( project carried out at the Institute of Geophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences and funded by the National Science Centre (contract 2018/30/Q/ST10/00654).

How to cite: Senbeta, T. B., Karamuz, E., Kochanek, K., Napiorkowski, J. J., and Bogdanowicz, E.: Human interventions impacts: the role of reservoir operations on drought propagation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7180,, 2023.

EGU23-7193 | ECS | Orals | HS4.2

Developing a national-scale hydrological model for drought monitoring in Ireland 

Sri Vengana and Fiachra O'Loughlin

Ireland’s climate is changing with the same pattern as global trends. This has the potential to have significant impacts on precipitation and water availability throughout the country. It is vital to be able to quantify the size of these impacts. One way to do this is by hydrological models tuned for the extremes of interest. This study focuses on the development of a national scale hydrological model calibrated for droughts and low flows across Ireland. A total of 332 catchments have been used to calibrate and validate the national scale model hydrological model using the Modular Assessment of Rainfall-Runoff Models toolbox (MARRMoT) over the chosen 332 catchments. These catchments range in sizes (50km2 to 10,800 km2) and all chosen catchments have a minimum of 30 years of data available so that the model calibration and validation can be performed adequately. A few different objective functions focusing on droughts were used in calibration and validation including Kling and Gupta efficiency of discharge KGE(Q) function and logarithmic transformation based KGE. Initial results show that the simulated discharges can reproduce the observed discharges across the majority of catchments and that catchment size and the amount of baseflow are the important factors that influence the accuracy of the simulations.

How to cite: Vengana, S. and O'Loughlin, F.: Developing a national-scale hydrological model for drought monitoring in Ireland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7193,, 2023.

EGU23-7487 | Orals | HS4.2

Monitoring of drought in the Netherlands in an online portal 

Marjolein van Huijgevoort, Esther Brakkee, Gé van den Eertwegh, Erwin Vonk, Dion van Deijl, and Ruud Bartholomeus

In 2018-2020 water managers in the Netherlands were confronted with extreme drought. This event had a large impact on nature, agriculture, shipping and drinking water supply. To better anticipate dry conditions and improve water management during a drought, up-to-date and accurate information about the meteorological and hydrological situation is crucial. During the 2018 drought it became clear that current information about groundwater levels was scattered across many different organisations. In addition, each organisation had different methods to compare current groundwater levels with historical data to indicate the severity of the drought event. There was a clear need for an uniform indication of drought severity.

We developed an online information portal with up-to-date measurements for precipitation and groundwater levels. To quantify the drought severity, the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI), Standardized Precipitation-Evapotranspiraton Index (SPEI) and Standardized Groundwater Index (SGI) are determined. The availability of long-term records (30> years) of groundwater observations is limited for most regions in the Netherlands. Therefore, the SGI is based on simulations with a time series model for all locations for the same period (27 years). Time series models are developed for 5818 wells with observations. Several criteria have been applied to evaluate the time series model, for example, a minimum value of the explained variance, resulting in 1931 wells for which SGI values are calculated. We have also compared SGI values directly derived from observations with the SGI values from simulated groundwater levels for locations with longer time periods. This comparison indicated that due to errors or missing values in observations, the SGI values from simulations are more reliable to gain a global overview of the drought situation.

By combining the information on meteorological and hydrological drought in one decision-support system (, water managers and stakeholders can now get an up-to-date overview of the current situation. Due to the uniform determination of drought severity, regions within the Netherlands can be compared. This can help to implement targeted water management decisions for adaptation measures for mitigating drought impacts. Part of the information of the portal is also included in the national drought monitor of Rijkswaterstaat (Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management). At the moment, the portal gives forecasted information for 7 days, but the data provides an excellent opportunity to include forecasts on longer timescales ((sub-)seasonal) to improve water management.

How to cite: van Huijgevoort, M., Brakkee, E., van den Eertwegh, G., Vonk, E., van Deijl, D., and Bartholomeus, R.: Monitoring of drought in the Netherlands in an online portal, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7487,, 2023.

EGU23-7644 | Orals | HS4.2

Response of vegetation indices to drought in western Spain 

Elia Quirós and Laura Fragoso-Campón

Drought is a transitory anomaly, prolonged, characterised by a period with precipitation values lower than normal in a specific area. The initial cause of any drought is a shortage of precipitation (meteorological drought) which leads to a shortage of water resources (hydrological drought) necessary to supply the existing demand. Flash drought is a critical sub-seasonal phenomenon that can be devasted for the ecosystems and, consequently, for general economy and health. There are areas where droughts are more devastating, and Spain is in a medium risk zone. In addition to water supplies, one of the first elements where the effects of droughts are first felt is on vegetation. Recent studies have addressed the relationship between NDVI and drought events. They concluded that, although vegetation activity over large parts of Spain is closely related to the interannual variability of drought, there are clear seasonal differences in the response of the NDVI to drought.

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) categorises various drought indices into different groups such as (a) meteorology, (b) soil moisture, (c) hydrology, (d) remote sensing and (e) composite or modelled. Within the group of indices that can be defined by remote sensing, it points out some indices as possible predictors or evaluators of drought periods such us the Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI), Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI). However, WMO leaves open the use of other possible VIs for drought prediction or assessment. In the current scenario, where there are multiple vegetation indices that can be used from satellite imagery, the initial objective of the study is to establish, from a set of VIs proposed or not by the WMO, which ones have the highest correlation with drought events in the study area. This correlation will be analysed according to vegetation type  (using the categorisation of the recently published ESA World cover map), in order to attempt to determine the behaviour of the vegetation index under meteorology according to each type. The study area is located in the Extremadura region of western Spain. The mean annual precipitation of the zone ranges from 446 to 1323 mm. The precipitations occur mainly from October to April while June, July and August suffer a significant drought with none or close to zero precipitation amount. The land cover types are mainly forests, agricultural and impervious cover. Regarding the temporal extent, two episodes of severe drought (2005-2006 and 2021-2022) will be studied.

Firstly, the vegetation indices available in open collections like OpenEO or Copernicus Global Land Service will be used. All available indices will be used to create time series to be compared with meteorological time series. Once the correlation is established, it will be analysed according to the type of coverage of the World cover map, in order to establish which index correlates better with drought episodes and thus try to establish the best predictor/evaluator.

How to cite: Quirós, E. and Fragoso-Campón, L.: Response of vegetation indices to drought in western Spain, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7644,, 2023.

EGU23-8074 | ECS | Orals | HS4.2

Human and natural drought impacts on groundwater fluxes of non-Amazonian South America 

Jorge Vega Briones, Steven M. de Jong, Edwin Sutanudjaja, and Niko Wanders

The consistent impact of droughts and the progressive use of groundwater for the superficial allocation of crops has extremely increased groundwater withdrawal. The rapid economic expansion is increasing water usage and is likely to exacerbate hydrological drought. While global drought intensities are increased by 10–500\% due to human water consumption, the consequences at a regional and global scale are aggravated by changing precipitation patterns, resulting in multi-year droughts and decreased groundwater recharge. 

An essential factor to better understand how human activities affect drought characteristics and development is to quantitatively distinguish natural and human components. At the same time, we see that the recovery from a severe drought is also impacted by catchment characteristics and regional climatology. In this study, we focus on the south American non-Amazon region which has frequently experienced multi-drought periods with severe impacts on surface and groundwater.

We estimate the drought impact on groundwater with the model PCR-GLOBWB2 at a 5 arcmin resolution under natural and human influence. Aggregations of the model output at a catchment level of the groundwater and subsurface partitioned run-off was performed. To determine the influence with and without lateral water flux at high resolution, the flux differences of groundwater components such as baseflow and groundwater recharge were quantified. Finally, the drought termination (DT) framework was applied to understand the recovery response of simulated surface runoff, interflow, and groundwater recharge.

The PCR-GLOBWB2 identifies regions influenced by human impact in the non-Amazon basins, supported by the drought duration, deficit, and groundwater fluxes. The differences in fluxes show an increasing groundwater withdrawal due to irrigated zones, affecting hydrological processes at a catchment and regional scale. The recovery of fluxes during these events consists of a relevant indicator for groundwater behavior due to drought and/or human consumption. We quantified the impact on groundwater resources by addressing the land-use component to understand the variability in water volumes. This study is beneficial to identify groundwater drought vulnerability in regions where observations are lacking and help to predict drought recovery periods, lateral-flux impacts, and characteristics.

How to cite: Vega Briones, J., de Jong, S. M., Sutanudjaja, E., and Wanders, N.: Human and natural drought impacts on groundwater fluxes of non-Amazonian South America, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8074,, 2023.

EGU23-8726 | ECS | Posters on site | HS4.2

Drought Risk Assessment for an Agricultural Basin in Turkey using SPEI and SPI 

Mohammadreza Khandandel, Onur Cem Yoloğlu, Daniele Secci, Valeria Todaro, Irem Daloğlu Çetinkaya, Nadim Kamel Copty, and Ali Kerem Saysel

The Konya province in the Central Anatolia Region of Turkey features a semi-arid climate with cold winters and hot, dry summers. Although the annual precipitation of the Konya Closed Basin is about 350 mm, the basin is considered one of the main agricultural regions of Turkey. Given the effects of drought on crop yields and food security, evaluation of drought risks is crucial. This study aims to describe historical as well as future drought characteristics of the Konya basin by means of two widely used meteorological drought indices: the standardized precipitation index (SPI) and the standardized precipitation-evapotranspiration index (SPEI). The indices were calculated for different timescales (6–24-month timescale) to better assess agricultural drought conditions. For the SPEI index, the potential evapotranspiration (PET) was calculated using the Hargreaves and Samani method, commonly used in arid and semi-arid weather conditions. The analysis was performed over the period 1980-2020 using precipitation and temperature data from 18 weather stations located within Konya Closed Basin. Based on drought classification by SPI and SPEI, values equal to or lower than -2 are considered extreme droughts. The results show that the number of extreme climatic drought periods at the considered stations within the Konya basin based on SPI is higher than that based on SPEI. The findings also reveal that both SPEI and SPI characterize a general increase in drought severity, areal extent, and frequency over 2000-2010 compared to those during 1980-1990, mostly because of the decreasing precipitation and to a lesser extent rising potential evapotranspiration. To assess future drought frequencies, the drought indices were calculated using precipitation and temperature data provided by 17 regional climate models from the EUROCORDEX project. The results for both RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5 scenarios show significantly more frequent extreme and severe droughts, particularly for the second half of the 21st century. Overall, this study implies that SPEI may be more appropriate than SPI to monitor drought periods under climate change since potential evapotranspiration increases in a warmer climate.

This work was developed under the scope of the InTheMED project. InTheMED is part of the PRIMA program supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 1923.

How to cite: Khandandel, M., Yoloğlu, O. C., Secci, D., Todaro, V., Daloğlu Çetinkaya, I., Copty, N. K., and Saysel, A. K.: Drought Risk Assessment for an Agricultural Basin in Turkey using SPEI and SPI, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8726,, 2023.

EGU23-8730 | ECS | Orals | HS4.2

Global Drought Hazard Monitoring in Rainfed Areas 

Neda Abbasi, Stefan Siebert, Petra Döll, Harald Kunstmann, Christof Lorenz, and Ehsan Eyshi Rezaei

Droughts are a significant threat to the agricultural sector in general, and rainfed farming in particular. Therefore, effective and timely responses to manage droughts and their impacts are required so that farming systems can limit the negative effects of droughts on food production. We developed a crop drought index (CDI) by integrating drought hazard and exposure and applied this index at the global scale to evaluate the influence of drought on the exposed rainfed areas for different crops. In an attempt to develop an operational, multisectoral global drought hazard forecasting system, we computed and analyzed CDI for historical periods. We further used bias-corrected seasonal climate forecasts to project the drought development in a 7-month period. The CDI was calculated by using the Global Crop Water Model (GCWM) at a global extent (5 arc-minute resolution) from 1980 to 2020. We compared the drought conditions in specific years to the CDI in the 30-year reference period 1986 to 2015. The CDI was computed for 25 specific crops or crop groups based on the relative deviation of the ratio between actual evapotranspiration (ETa) and potential evapotranspiration (ETp) in a specific year from the long-term mean ratio of ETa/ETp during the crop growing season. To test the skill of the seasonal drought forecasts, CDI computed with bias-corrected ensemble forecasts was compared to simulations with standard ERA5-reanalysis data for the year 2018 when severe drought conditions were observed across Europe and other regions. The skill of the CDI to detect drought impacts was tested for historical years by comparing the time series of the harvested area weighted CDI to detrended yield anomalies for crops and countries with predominantly rainfed production. The results of the comparison with historical yield anomalies showed that the CDI is a good indicator for negative yield anomalies, in particular in regions known to be affected regularly by droughts. The model simulations employing the bias-corrected ensemble forecasts reproduced well the reference drought condition in the year 2018 in countries such as Argentina, Australia, Italy, and Spain but showed little skill to reproduce the severe drought in Western Europe. Data availability constraints also had an impact on the accuracy of historical reconstructions and forecasts. For instance, the hazard and exposure analysis rely on static input data for crop shares and crop calendars, which can impact the results (i.e., as cropping patterns are dynamic and often can change over time). The findings suggest that bias-corrected seasonal ensemble forecasts have a significant potential to enhance seasonal drought forecasts, although the skill of the forecasts varies considerably for specific regions. Further research is needed to analyze this potential across different periods and geographies systematically to increase forecasting system efficiency and minimize processing time before this system can be run operationally. In our study, we hence want to demonstrate the current status of the CDI-based forecasting system and discuss the potential, limitations, and uncertainties of such CDI forecasts for agricultural applications.


How to cite: Abbasi, N., Siebert, S., Döll, P., Kunstmann, H., Lorenz, C., and Eyshi Rezaei, E.: Global Drought Hazard Monitoring in Rainfed Areas, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8730,, 2023.

EGU23-8917 | ECS | Orals | HS4.2

Comparison of Meteorological Drought Indices in Georgia (1931-2020) 

Mariam Tsitsagi, Zaza Gulashvili, Nana Bolashvili, and Michael Leuchner

Recently, the severity of droughts has been increasing due to climate change. Due to the multifaceted nature of droughts (meteorological, hydrological, economic, ecological, etc.), it affects almost all aspects of community life directly or indirectly, both short and long term. Georgia is characterized by diverse terrain and, accordingly, climatic conditions. Most types of climates are present in Georgia except savanna and tropical forests (from humid subtropical to dry subtropical, and climate of eternal snows and glaciers). Therefore, droughts are expressed differently in this small area (67,900 km²). The complexity of different indices used in drought studies depends on the availability of the used data. The purpose of the study was to analyze the intensity of droughts in the short and long term in the territory of Georgia and their distribution for 1931-2020. In this study, we focused on the widespread Standard Precipitation Index (SPI) and Standard Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI).  Both indices were calculated based on the data of more than 100 rain gauges located in the study area for several time-scales including 3, 6, 12 and 24 months covering the period from 1931 to 2020. As SPI uses only precipitation data, evapotranspiration is also taken into account in SPEI, which offers a more complete picture of the background of the diversity of Georgia's climate. Daily temperature (for calculation of ET) and precipitation data are used in the research. We calculated the Pearson correlation, R² and RMSE. The correlation of SPI and SPEI allowed us to determine climate type with decisive role of temperature in assessing droughts. The frequency of severe droughts has increased throughout the country, especially in recent decades. This trend is especially striking in the case of the eastern Georgian lowland. In the example of Eastern Georgia‘s precipitation data, another trend was revealed. Here the correlation of SPI and SPEI was relatively low and decreased as the period increases; for example, the correlation for 12- and 24-month periods was lower than for 3- and 6-month periods. This shows that when assessing droughts in East Georgia, it is crucial to take into account the change in temperature along with the change in precipitation. Therefore, in western Georgia, where there is a humid subtropical climate, it is possible to create an idea about the nature of droughts only by using SPI. In the lowland of Eastern Georgia, where it is unlikely to see the accurate picture with only one index, and it is better to use multivariable indices, where along with precipitation, temperature and other data will be taken into account.

How to cite: Tsitsagi, M., Gulashvili, Z., Bolashvili, N., and Leuchner, M.: Comparison of Meteorological Drought Indices in Georgia (1931-2020), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8917,, 2023.

Effective drought characterization and monitoring are urgent challenges especially in arid and semi-arid regions. The Tensift basin is in the center-west of Morocco and is exposed to recurrent droughts. The effects of climate change, which has already led to several economic, agricultural, hydrological and social losses over the past decades, exacerbate the situation. The objective of this study is to characterize the drought in the Tensift basin and to assess its impact on water resources by using the potential of satellite products. For this purpose, satellite products and reanalysis data were selected for the evaluation of observed data in the study area. These datasets were used due to the availability of long-term data, near real-time data series, relatively high spatial and temporal resolutions and open access data. In particular, precipitation and temperature retrieved by ERA5-Land ( and CHIRPS ( datasets, as well as the corresponding data observed by in-situ stations, were used and statistically analyzed and evaluated by common metrics (R, R², BIAS, RMSE, and the Nash and Sutcliffe Efficiency) to compare their performance and accuracy. The obtained results showed that most meteorological stations agree with satellite and reanalysis products, with some slight errors. Based on these results, several drought indices during the period 1982-2021 have been calculated at several spatio-temporal scales to determine the impacts of drought on water supply. The results show that the Tensift Basin suffered from multiple droughts over the past 40 years. The years 2000 and 2015, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021 were common drought periods by either the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) and the Standardized Precipitation and Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI); however, the Vegetation Condition Index (VCI), which was provided by NOAA-AVHRR data (, indicate more dry years than the other indices. The drought indices provide a powerful tool to monitor drought and its impacts on water resources. These tools could potentially allow decision makers to better manage water resources as to minimize drought impacts. Furthermore, the considered drought indices could be used separately or in combination within a drought early-warning system in the study area for drought monitoring and forecasting.

Keywords: Drought, Water supply, Satellite products, Tensift basin, Remote sensing, Reanalysis data

How to cite: Naim, M. and Bonaccorso, B.: Evaluation of satellite products for drought characterization and impact assessment on water resources in the Tensift Basin (Morocco), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8975,, 2023.

EGU23-9279 | ECS | Orals | HS4.2

Current and future drought hazards in the Flemish pear sector 

Brecht Bamps, Anne Gobin, Ben Somers, and Jos Van Orshoven

Recurring episodes of drought have become a hot topic in recent years in the Flemish pear sector. Damages associated with these episodes increasingly cause economic losses and create uncertainty for fruit growers. This trend is expected to continue in the future, as episodes of drought are likely to increase in frequency, intensity and duration as a result of climate change.

This problem calls for the development of efficient risk management methods, which rely on accurate estimates of the hazard imposed by extreme weather. Therefore, our study aims to quantify the location-specific hazard and impact of past and projected drought episodes on pear orchard vigour and productivity in the region of Flanders (Belgium). The hazard under the recent past climate is characterised based on daily historical meteorological observations (1961-2022) with 5x5 km spatial resolution (Gridded Observational Dataset of the Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium). The future hazard is determined based on daily regional climate model projections from the CORDEX ensemble (12.5x12.5 km spatial resolution). Climate projections are bias-corrected using Multivariate Quantile Mapping based on a N‐dimensional probability density function transform.

Regional AquaCrop, a spatially distributed modelling system of the field-scale crop growth model AquaCrop1, is used to calculate the soil water balance on a daily timestep, covering the region of Flanders at a spatial resolution of 12.5x12.5 km. Phenology-dependant thresholds of critical values of the soil water potential are used to analyse the frequency, intensity, duration and timing of drought-related stress episodes for rainfed pear orchards (cv. Conférence). Moreover, changes in the characteristics of potentially damaging episodes of drought under future climates are analysed.

Preliminary findings show an increase in projected frequencies of stress-inducing occurrences under Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) 4.5 and RCP 8.5 for the period 2022-2072 compared to the reference period 1972-2022. Moreover, spatial variation in drought hazards for pear orchards across Flanders points to local environmental factors such as soil type and groundwater depth.

The spatially explicit hazard maps associated with the future climatic conditions resulting from this analysis are useful for decision-making by fruit growers, governments and insurance companies.


1Raes, D., Steduto, P., Hsiao, T. C., and Fereres, E.: AquaCrop – the FAO crop model to simulate yield response to water: II. Main algorithms and software description, Agron. J., 101, 438–447,, 2009.

How to cite: Bamps, B., Gobin, A., Somers, B., and Van Orshoven, J.: Current and future drought hazards in the Flemish pear sector, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9279,, 2023.

EGU23-10679 | Orals | HS4.2

Quantifying the climatic drivers of drought using a standardized aridity index 

Song Feng and Miroslav Trnka

Drought is one of the costly natural disasters that affect water resources, agriculture and ecosystems. This study developed a standardized aridity index (SAI) to quantify the short- and long-term drought, and then decipher the climate drivers of the drought on local, regional and continental scales.  The ratio of total precipitation (P) to total potential evapotranspiration (PET) for a given month or multiple months was firstly calculated, and then normalized to calculate the SAI. The contribution of P, PET as well as temperature, solar radiation, wind speed and relative humidity on SAI can be decomposed by apply partial derivation of SAI and PET algorithm (i.e., Penman-Monteith model). The SAI is highly correlated to several frequently used drought indexes.  We also examined the temporal variations and spatial extent of different droughts across the global. The contributions of different climate variables on these droughts were also examined. The spatial distribution of individual droughts and their intensity revealed by SAI are comparable to those calculated using existing drought indexes and drought monitors. For example, the 12-month SAI and other drought indexes all suggested a several drought condition in the central Europe during 2015-2020, which is unprecedented in the past 2,000 years. We found that this drought was firstly initiated by precipitation deficit, but the PET became important in the late years of this drought. On average, the precipitation contributed to 70%, while the PET contributed to another 30% to this multi-year drought. The temperature warming alone contributed to about 20% of the drought intensity.

How to cite: Feng, S. and Trnka, M.: Quantifying the climatic drivers of drought using a standardized aridity index, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10679,, 2023.

EGU23-11208 | ECS | Posters on site | HS4.2

Future drought prediction using time-series of drought factors and the US drought monitor data based on deep learning over CONUS 

Bokyung Son, Jaese Lee, Jungho Im, and Sumin Park

Predicting future drought conditions is crucial for preventing massive agricultural and/or hydrological resource damage caused by drought. This study predicts future (in this case, 3-month forecast lead time) drought conditions in the contiguous United States, especially focusing on five different dry and drought severity classes indicated by the United States Drought Monitor (USDM) during 2000-2020. A deep learning model was trained using the time-series of USDM and four different types of drought-related variables (i.e., hydro-meteorological variables) such as precipitation and temperature from Phase 2 of the North American Land Data Assimilation System. UNet, one of the image-to-image translation techniques, was used as a basic deep learning architecture to consider the spatial characteristics (extents of each drought severity class) of drought across the continent. As drought classes in USDM are ordinal, the loss function of the deep learning model was set to be able to consider ordinal problems utilizing the cross-entropy loss function. The results of the proposed model were compared to the existing seasonal drought outlooks provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Climate Prediction Center. The performance for the validation period (2 years) showed an overall accuracy of about 65%. When compared to the seasonal outlooks, it demonstrated about a 6% improvement in terms of overall accuracy for changing drought conditions. Future research will further discuss the performance of the proposed model with other comparable reference data and the impact of each input variable to predict future drought conditions.

How to cite: Son, B., Lee, J., Im, J., and Park, S.: Future drought prediction using time-series of drought factors and the US drought monitor data based on deep learning over CONUS, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11208,, 2023.

EGU23-11265 | Orals | HS4.2

Near-real Time Daily Drought Monitoring Using an Ensemble of Gridded Precipitation Datasets 

Olivier Prat, David Coates, Scott Wilkins, Denis Willett, Ronald Leeper, Brian Nelson, Michael Shaw, Steve Ansari, and George Huffman

We present a near-real time drought monitoring framework that uses precipitation estimates from a selection of satellite (CMORPH-CDR, IMERG) and in-situ (NClimGrid) gridded precipitation products datasets. The near-real time availability of precipitation datasets allows for the computation of the standardized precipitation index (SPI) over various time scales (30-, 90-, 180-, 270-, 365-, 730-day) and daily update of drought conditions. The three drought products generated: CMORPH-SPI (Global; 1998-present; 0.25°x0.25°degree spatial resolution), NClimGrid-SPI (CONUS; 1951-present; 0.05°x0.05°), and IMERG-SPI (Global; 2000-present; 0.1°x0.1°) are being evaluated focusing on the influence of the sensors characteristics and resolutions, differing period of record, and various SPI formulations. The remotely sensed and in-situ SPIs are also compared against existing droughts monitoring resources and in particular the US Drought Monitor (USDM).

The use of cloud-scale computing resources (Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services) reduces considerably the computation time. Gain in computational time and process optimization allow for the implementation of a drought amelioration module that is run conjointly with the daily SPI. The drought conditions derived from the precipitation datasets enable us to estimate the amount of deficit precipitation needed to alleviate drought conditions as a function of drought severity and accumulation periods. The process flexibility also allows for the addition of other variables (i.e. temperature, ET) to develop more complex drought indices.  For instance, daily temperature information available from NClimGrid, is used to compute the Standardized Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) that is evaluated against NClimGrid-SPI over CONUS.

Finally, we present the effort to transfer the SPI from research to operation (R2O). The global daily SPI derived from CMORPH-CDR is publicly available via the Global Drought Information System (GDIS) dashboard ( The other products developed (NClimGrid-SPI, IMERG-SPI) are expected to be added to the existing portfolio of near-real time drought monitoring capabilities.

How to cite: Prat, O., Coates, D., Wilkins, S., Willett, D., Leeper, R., Nelson, B., Shaw, M., Ansari, S., and Huffman, G.: Near-real Time Daily Drought Monitoring Using an Ensemble of Gridded Precipitation Datasets, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11265,, 2023.

The Vietnamese Mekong Delta (VMD) is the most productive region in Vietnam in terms of agriculture and aquaculture. Unsurprisingly, droughts have been a prevalent concern for stakeholders across the VMD over the past decades. However, the VMD precipitation moisture sources and their dominant factors during drought conditions were not well understood. By using the ERA5 reanalysis data as inputs, the Water Accounting Model-2layers (WAM-2layers), a moisture tracking tool that traces moisture sources using collective information of evaporation, atmospheric moisture, and circulation, was applied to identify the VMD precipitation moisture sources from 1980 to 2020. The modelling simulation indicates that the moisture sources transported from the upwind regions dominate the VMD precipitation by 60.4% to 93.3%, and the moisture source areas vary seasonally with different monsoon types. The VMD precipitation moisture sources mainly come from the northeast area (e.g. the South China Sea) in dry seasons due to the northeast monsoon, while the southwest region (e.g. the Bay of Bengal) provides the primary precipitation moisture in wet seasons. Based on the causal inference algorithm, the driving factors in the process of moisture transport were also investigated. The results show that the specific humidity and wind speed are the dominant factors for driving moisture transport and determining the amount of VMD precipitation in dry and wet seasons, respectively. During the drought events in 2015-2016 and 2019-2020, the reduced moisture transport in the 2015 and 2016 dry seasons was mainly caused by the anomaly of both specific humidity and wind speed, while the negative anomaly of moisture sources in the 2020 dry season was dominant by the specific humidity. In the 2019 wet season, the wind speed anomaly led to the reduction of tracked moisture. These findings are important to understand the VMD precipitation moisture sources and their dominant factors during recent drought events.

How to cite: Zhou, K., Shi, X., and Renaud, F.: Understanding precipitation moisture sources of the Vietnamese Mekong Delta and their dominant factors during recent drought events, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11377,, 2023.

In the past two decades, Europe has been hit by major summer heat waves and droughts, with heavy impacts on ecology, economy and civil society.

In addition to increased risk of crop failure, forest fires and danger to human health, extensive dry conditions may lead to riverine low flows and general water scarcity. Low flow conditions can restrict river navigation, hydropower production, and limit water use for power plant cooling and irrigation agriculture. Furthermore, the ecological state of the river is impaired.

To address these challenges, setting up a hydrological model based on a large ensemble climate simulation provides the required data to evaluate the water availability under future heat and drought conditions. Therefore, we create a hydrological large ensemble with 50 realizations for the periods 1990 – 2099 featuring the Water balance Simulation Model (WaSiM). The single-model initial condition large ensemble (SMILE) CRCM5-LE (CRCM5-Large Ensemble) used consists of 50 transient simulations (50 members) of a regional climate model of 150 years each (1950-2099, 7500 model years, hourly time step, 0. 11° spatial resolution) and provides the meteorological forcing data, after bias correction and statistical downscaling to the hydrologic model application scale, for 98 gauges simulated with the WaSiM-ETH water balance model in hydrological Bavaria. Due to the high number of model years, this model chain on the one hand provides a novel way to transfer and assess the non-linear relationships of the natural variability of the climate system within the hydrological system, and on the other hand results in a sufficiently large number of extreme events to conduct a robust statistical analysis.

Based on the modeling results, the dynamics of the low flow situation in Bavaria is mapped for the reference period (1981-2010), spatial patterns of drought are highlighted, and regional correlations are identified. To allow for seasonal comparisons of the negative anomalies of the runoff event, the variable-threshold approach is used. Here, the threshold is defined as the 15th percentile for the 30-day moving average of the discharge value for each day of the year, averaged over the reference period. An undershoot of this threshold for at least 20 days is considered a drought event. The use of climate simulation data allows for an analysis of how these characteristics (intensity, duration, spatial occurrence of the drought event) will change in the future due to climate change. Emphasis is placed on the potential change in the seasonal regime and the associated impacts on river system usage. By accounting for the natural variability of the climate system through the ensemble approach, the results become more robust, particularly with respect to extremes, and strengthen confidence in the change signals that are observed.

Results of these analyses are presented using a representative sample of watersheds for the entire study area, highlighting common features as well as unique characteristics. The evaluations provide important evidence for the basic definition of low-flow events and a robust estimate of how their intensity, frequency, and seasonality changes in the future as a result of climate change impacts.

How to cite: Sasse, A., Böhnisch, A., and Ludwig, R.: Low flow in Bavaria: derivation of drought characteristics and their future development in a hydrological single-model large ensemble., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11800,, 2023.

EGU23-12010 | ECS | Posters on site | HS4.2

Hydrological drought monitoring in the Ebro basin: Standardized Soil Moisture Index 

Guillem Sánchez Alcalde, Maria José Escorihuela, and Giovanni Paolini

Recent studies manifest that the frequency and severity of droughts are increasing due to climate change. Drought stands as a major climate risk; thus, its understanding and study are of utter importance. Such phenomenon results from complex interactions between the atmosphere, the continental surface and water resources management, and it can lead to large socioeconomic impacts.

Following the work of Wilhite and Glantz, droughts can be categorized based on their severity as: meteorological, agricultural, hydrological, and socioeconomic (Wilhite, D.A.; and M.H. Glantz, 1985). The first three approaches are described by the physical impact of the drought, while the latter deals with drought in terms of supply and demand (e.g., the lack of energy, food or drinking water).

Meteorological drought is associated with a precipitation deficiency period, which can also be accompanied by high temperatures or low relative humidity. If such a period persisted in time, we would start observing a deficiency in soil moisture, and a reduction in crop population and yield. Such circumstances would indicate that we are under the influence of an agricultural drought, with the potential to evolve into a hydrological drought with time. The frequency and severity of hydrological drought are defined typically on a river basin scale, with an impact on the surface and subsurface water supply (i.e., reduced streamflow or inflow to reservoirs, lakes and ponds).

Due to the effects and frequency of droughts, monitoring them is of sheer importance. Different indices have been developed for the study of droughts, based on variables such as precipitation or vegetation status. One of the most used indices is the standardized precipitation index (SPI), which shows the deviation from average precipitation. Hence, it is related to drought hazards. Each index provides different information about the drought; therefore, a combination of indices is required to identify and assess them.

Drought indices can also be obtained from L-band (21 cm, 1.4 GHz) radiometers, which provide soil moisture data, among other variables. Soil moisture plays a key role in agricultural monitoring and drought forecasting. While vegetation-based drought indices can only be applied once the drought is already causing vegetation damage, soil moisture observations can forewarn of impending drought conditions.

The main drawback of precipitation-based drought indices is that they require in-situ data, providing a discrete image of the drought. Despite precipitation indices based on theoretical models providing a continuum picture of the drought, their performance and reliability should be taken with a grain of salt. On the other side, soil moisture data not only does not depend on any model but also displays a continuum image of the drought.

In this presentation, we will study the performance of a variety of drought indicators based on precipitation and soil moisture data in the Ebro basin region and show how they manifest hydrological drought. Namely, we have developed the standardized soil moisture index (SSI). The SSI is based on the SPI method, and we have tested this index for different integration times.

How to cite: Sánchez Alcalde, G., Escorihuela, M. J., and Paolini, G.: Hydrological drought monitoring in the Ebro basin: Standardized Soil Moisture Index, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12010,, 2023.

EGU23-12437 | ECS | Orals | HS4.2

Forest Drought Impact Prediction based on Spatio-temporal Satellite Imagery and Weather Forecasts -- A Spatio-Temporal Approach using Convolutional LSTM Models 

Emine Didem Durukan, Selene Ledain, Thomas Brunschwiler, Devis Tuia, Manuel Günther, and Benjamin Stocker

Recent hot and dry summers in Europe have had a significant impact on forest functioning and structure. In 2018 and 2019, Central Europe experienced two extremely dry and hot summers. These extremes resulted in widespread canopy defoliation and tree mortality. The objective in this study is to create a predictive model for predicting the density of vegetation, as measured by the NDVI index. We predict NDVI at a horizon of a month utilising data from the previous months as input to determine where and when drought impacts are triggered. Such predictive models should take into account both spatial and temporal dependencies between environmental variables and impacts. We hereon focus on Switzerland's forests as a region of interest to leverage high-quality model input layers and applications to typical stakeholder needs. Widely used vegetation indices and mechanistic land surface models are not effectively informed by the full information contained in Earth Observation data and the observed spatial heterogeneity of land surface greenness responses at hillslope-scale resolution. Effective learning from the simultaneous evolution of climate and remotely sensed land surface properties is challenging. Modern deep learning and machine learning techniques, however, have the capacity to generate accurate predictions while also explaining the relationship between climate and its recent history, the position in the landscape, and influences on vegetation. The task is to predict the future NDVI over forest areas, given past and future weather and surface reflectance. Giving future weather predictions as an input to the model, we are going for a 'guided-prediction' approach where the aim is to exploit weather information from forecasting models in order to increase the predictive power of the model - similar to the EarthNet2021 Challenge. Models are fully data-driven, without feature engineering and trained on spatio-temporal datacubes which can be seen as stacked satellite imagery for a specific geo-location and a timestep of past Sentinel 2 surface reflectance, past (observed) and future (forecasted) climate reanalysis, time-invariant information from a digital elevation model, and land cover map. The data pre-processing step includes implementing a customized dataset for drought impact prediction task, and a customized data sampler in order to be able to sample data (scenes) both spatially and temporally. Additional data operations include  aggregation of the weather data, normalization, and data imputation both on the image-level and missing-day level. For the prediction task, we used Convolutional Long-Short Term Memory models. In the temporal domain, models are trained on the period between 2015-2018, and be validated between 05-2019 and 09-2019. For the test period summer months of 2020 and 2021 will be used. However, in the spatial domain, for the sake of testing the generalizability of the model, different regions were used for train, validate and test processes. In order to asses the models performance on the temporal domain, tests with different training and testing window sizes are used. As for evaluating the performance of the model, Mean Squared Error was used. The project will lay the basis for an early warning platform to enable periodically updated near-term drought-impact forecasts.

How to cite: Durukan, E. D., Ledain, S., Brunschwiler, T., Tuia, D., Günther, M., and Stocker, B.: Forest Drought Impact Prediction based on Spatio-temporal Satellite Imagery and Weather Forecasts -- A Spatio-Temporal Approach using Convolutional LSTM Models, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12437,, 2023.

EGU23-12672 | ECS | Orals | HS4.2

Forest drought impact prediction based on satellite imagery and weather forecasts - a spatially distributed approach using a recurrent deep neural network 

Sélène Ledain, Emine Didem Durukan, Thomas Brunschwiler, Manuel Günther, Devis Tuia, and Benjamin Stocker

The increased frequency of temperature anomalies and drought events in Switzerland has major ecological implications, with impacts over whole ecosystems. In Swiss forests, the 2018 drought, which was the most severe drought event recorded led to widespread leaf discoloration, premature leaf-shedding, and tree mortality. While work has been carried out to analyse droughts a posteriori, the prediction of potential drought impacts would make it possible to anticipate ecological responses, manage resources and mitigate damage. Current approaches to drought prediction include mechanistic models. However, such models are often limited by data accessibility and resolution to effectively describe local effects. Deep learning models trained on remote sensing and atmospheric data have been applied to drought fore- casting, but face the “black box” issue and often discard domain knowledge on drought mechanisms.

In this work, we propose a spatio-temporal deep learning method for drought forecasting in forests based on Sentinel-2 satellite imagery and weather variables, with the inclusion of topographic and environmental information. Drought is monitored by a proxy of early leaf wilting, using the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) that can be derived from Sentinel-2 bands. By predicting future NDVI values of pixels, we predict the potential occurrence of droughts in the short term.

Hand-crafted features based on environmental data are used as input for the model, such as high-resolution topographic features which can capture micro-climatic effects, as well as soil- vegetation-climate relationships. Environmental information is provided to the model through data on soil and forest properties. This explicit modelling with topographic and environmental features increases the model interpretability, compared to models performing feature extraction and based only on image bands.

A sequence model with long short-term memory (LSTM) cells was selected for its capacity to learn long-term dependencies as required in our application. We implement a pipeline to process spatiotemporal data, including data aggregation, normalization, missing data impu- tation and sample pixel timeseries for the prediction task. The model is trained and tested on data between 2015 and 2021, using the mean squared error to evaluate performances. A month (3 timesteps at Sentinel-2 acquisition rate) is forecasted given the past 3 months (9 timesteps) at a specific location. We opt for a “guided prediction” approach where the model has also access to weather forecasts for the future timesteps. The model is trained and tested in different regions in Switzerland to assess its generalization in space. A feature importance study was performed to identify key factors for drought forecasting and further improve the model.

This research combines drought predictors known to have an impact in ecology and hydrology with a guided deep learning model. We offer a method for dealing with heterogeneous spatiotemporal data and train an interpretable model for forecasting potential forest drought.

How to cite: Ledain, S., Durukan, E. D., Brunschwiler, T., Günther, M., Tuia, D., and Stocker, B.: Forest drought impact prediction based on satellite imagery and weather forecasts - a spatially distributed approach using a recurrent deep neural network, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12672,, 2023.

EGU23-12961 | ECS | Posters virtual | HS4.2

A pan-European analysis of drought events and impacts 

Martina Merlo, Matteo Giuliani, Yiheng Du, Ilias Pechlivanidis, and Andrea Castelletti

A drought is a slowly developing natural phenomenon that can occur in all climatic zones, and propagates through the entire hydrological cycle with long-term economic and environmental impacts. Climate change has made drought one of the greatest natural hazards in Europe, affecting large areas and populations. Different definitions of drought exist, i.e. meteorological, hydrological, and agricultural droughts, which vary according to the time horizon considered and differ in the variable used to define them. Just as there is no single definition of drought, there is no single index that accounts for all the types of droughts. As a consequence, capturing the evolution of drought dynamics and associated impacts across different temporal and spatial scales remains a critical challenge.

In this work, we analyze existing standardized drought indexes in terms of their ability in detecting drought events at the pan-European scale using data from HydroGFD2.0 reanalysis and E-HYPE hydrological model simulations over the time period 1993-2018. We firstly compare the frequency and mean duration of drought events detected by different indexes to identify the river basins mostly affected by droughts and to assess similarities and differences in the information provided by different indexes. We then compare them with the drought impacts recorded in the Geocoded Disasters (GDIS) dataset to examine agreements and discrepancies between index-detected droughts and impact data.

Preliminary results show that different indexes generally agree in pointing out that Southern England, Northern France, and Northern Italy are the regions that experienced the highest number of drought events, whereas other regions, such as Southern Spain, experienced intense droughts events, which are not consistently indicated by all indexes. In terms of drought duration, the areas affected by the longest droughts are instead the Baltic Sea region and Normandy. Clustering the 35408 European basins according to dominant hydrologic processes reveals that the variables mainly controlling the drought process vary across clusters and depends on the characteristics of each cluster. While substantial agreement exists between observed impact and detected drought, several areas without GDIS records show critical index values. Such asymmetry can be explained by incomplete reporting in GDIS but also due to some non-physical hydrometeorological factors influencing drought dynamics, such as controlled water infrastructure, that are not adequately captured by standardized indexes. These findings suggest the need of adjusting the formulation of drought indexes to the specific characteristics of different river basins in order to improve drought detection and management.

How to cite: Merlo, M., Giuliani, M., Du, Y., Pechlivanidis, I., and Castelletti, A.: A pan-European analysis of drought events and impacts, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12961,, 2023.

In Flanders, a cumulative precipitation deficit of no less than 330 mm was calculated during the growing season of 2022 (April - September) (Soil Service of Belgium). This high precipitation deficit reflects the importance and need of additional water supply to meet the water demand and the yield potential of the crop. However, this additional water must be administered as efficiently as possible to avoid water waste, while maximizing yields. For decades, the Soil Service of Belgium already offers paid irrigation advice based on simulations with a soil water balance model calibrated with manual soil samples, and weather data, while considering weather predictions separately. With the rise of affordable, autonomous sensors and IoT (Internet-of-Things) technology, it is possible to monitor the soil moisture in a field online and in real time. The use of these sensors offers opportunities such as data accessibility, model calibration, and optimization of irrigation advice.

Soil moisture model simulations and forecasts alone may be less accurate than in situ soil moisture measurements. However, soil moisture forecasts make it possible to anticipate drought or precipitation forecasts, which makes it easier to plan irrigation in advance. Sensor data alone fall short in this respect, as sensors only provide data on the previous and current soil moisture content, but do not provide information on future soil moisture development. Both approaches can be combined by calibrating the model with sensor data via inverse modelling. In this study, DREAM is used as inverse modelling approach to estimate model parameters, including soil and crop growth parameters, as well as their uncertainty. These parameter distributions result in soil moisture simulations, and, when inserting weather forecasts, predictions, along with their uncertainty. The uncertainty of the calibrated model simulations can be used to determine the probability of the soil moisture dropping below the critical water stress threshold.

When this combined approach is compared to the irrigation advice based on a model alone, the soil moisture is simulated and predicted more accurately, resulting in a more efficient water application, while the crop experiences less stress. In the dry growing season of 2022, for example, a celery trial in Flanders (Research Station for Vegetable Production) saved about 45 mm (21%) of water without sacrificing crop quality and yield. In addition to irrigation yield responses, the approach is also validated in light of parameter estimation, and soil moisture simulations, comparing simulated and measured soil moisture content.

How to cite: Hendrickx, M., Diels, J., Vanderborght, J., and Janssens, P.: Simulating and predicting soil water content by combining soil water balance calculations, weather forecasts and soil sensors with inverse modelling for optimal irrigation advice: A case study in Flanders, 2022, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13028,, 2023.

EGU23-13266 | ECS | Orals | HS4.2

Water scarcity and climate change impacts in the Eastern Italian Alps: A case study of the Adige river basin 

Susen Shrestha, Mattia Zaramella, Giacomo Bertoldi, Marco Borga, Stefano Terzi, and Pittore Massimiliano

Over the past decade, the Adige river basin in the Eastern Italian Alps has experienced water scarcity during early spring and late summer, due to a combination of decreased snowmelt, less precipitation, and increasing water demand. This condition has caused tension and disputes between upstream and downstream water users, particularly between hydropower companies in the upstream region (Trentino/South Tyrol) and agricultural users in the downstream areas (Veneto region). The potential for water scarcity impacts to intensify and expand in the future remains a major concern with climate change leading to more frequent warm and snow droughts in the region. Informing the region's administration, institutions, communities, and businesses to manage water scarcity conditions, is essential to prepare and mitigate the potential future impacts. This work aims to explore decision-making options in drought conditions in the Adige river basin, along with the potential impacts of climate change, by exploiting hydrological models for the river basins and for the major reclamation consortium in the area. The study will focus on years with severe drought, such as the 2022 drought period, using simplified decision options and examining how the decisions to meet the water needs of hydropower agencies in the upstream part of the Adige river basin could impact agricultural water use in the downstream part. The analysis will then be repeated in similar conditions, but with the added element of climate change forcing and reduced glacier volumes in the Alps. This study will identify those needs that might not be fulfilled in certain drought scenarios providing valuable insights for decision-makers and supporting the development of effective strategies to prepare and better manage future water scarcity conditions in the region.

How to cite: Shrestha, S., Zaramella, M., Bertoldi, G., Borga, M., Terzi, S., and Massimiliano, P.: Water scarcity and climate change impacts in the Eastern Italian Alps: A case study of the Adige river basin, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13266,, 2023.

EGU23-13769 | Orals | HS4.2

Understanding drought indicator-to-impact relationships to improve drought monitoring and early warning: Thailand as a case study 

Maliko Tanguy, Lucy Barker, Michael Eastman, Chaiwat Ekkawatpanit, Daniel Goodwin, Jamie Hannaford, Ian Holman, Eugene Magee, Liwa Pardthaisong, Simon Parry, Dolores Rey, and Supattra Visessri

Thailand has already been experiencing an increase in severity and duration of its droughts as a consequence of the changing climate. Developing a reliable drought monitoring and early warning system (DMEWS) is an integral part of strengthening a country’s resilience to droughts. However, for DMEWS to be useful for stakeholders, the indicators they monitor should be translatable to potential drought impacts on the ground and, ideally, inform mitigating actions. Here, we analyse these drought indicator-to-impact relationships in Thailand, using a novel combination of correlation analysis and random forest modelling. In the correlation analysis, we study the link between meteorological drought indicators and high-resolution remote sensing vegetation indices used as proxies for general crop health and forest growth. Our analysis shows that these links vary greatly depending on land use (cropland vs. forest), season (wet vs. dry) and region (north vs. south). The random forest models built to estimate regional crop productivity provided a more in-depth analysis of the crop- and region-specific value of different drought indicators. The results highlighted seasonal patterns of drought vulnerability for individual crops, usually linked to their growing season, although the effect was somewhat masked in irrigated regions (North). This new high-resolution knowledge of crop- and region-specific indicator-to-impact links can be used as the basis of targeted mitigation actions in an improved DMEWS in Thailand. In addition, the framework developed here can be applied elsewhere in the Southeast Asia region, as well as other drought-vulnerable areas internationally, in particular those that are data sparse.  

How to cite: Tanguy, M., Barker, L., Eastman, M., Ekkawatpanit, C., Goodwin, D., Hannaford, J., Holman, I., Magee, E., Pardthaisong, L., Parry, S., Rey, D., and Visessri, S.: Understanding drought indicator-to-impact relationships to improve drought monitoring and early warning: Thailand as a case study, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13769,, 2023.

EGU23-13796 | ECS | Orals | HS4.2

Innovative system for monitoring and forecasting hydrological dynamics in semi-arid Ceará, NE-Brazil 

Klaus Vormoor, Erwin Rottler, Martin Schüttig, Axel Bronstert, Ályson Estácio, Renan Rocha, Valdenor Nilo de Carvalho Junior, Clecia Guimarães, and Eduardo Martins

The state of Ceará is located in the semi-arid northeast of Brazil and is characterized by strong inter- and intra-annual variability in precipitation. Thus, droughts and an uncertain water supply threaten the people in one of the most densely populated dryland regions in the world. To store and supply water during dry periods, tens of thousands of dams of various sizes have been built, especially since the end of the 19th century. Only 155 of these reservoirs are systematically monitored and managed. For the remaining reservoirs, there is no systematic monitoring and coordinated water resource management so far. In addition to a comprehensive monitoring, it requires an adapted hydrological modeling and forecasting tool to best manage water resources in Ceará and to reduce the impact of future droughts.

In this project, an innovative system for monitoring and forecasting hydrological dynamics in Ceará was developed in collaboration with the Federal Agency of Hydrology and Meteorology (FUNCEME). This system is based on an integrated use of climate modeling, process-based hydrological modeling, remote sensing, and existing databases. Specifically, the following three complementary products have been developed:

  • Satellite-based monitoring of stored water volume in reservoirs: Weekly monitoring of water masks of > 30,000 reservoirs is performed by evaluating and classifying Sentinel-1 scenes. The stored water volume can then be inferred from the area-volume relationship derived using high-resolution TanDEM-X CoSSC DEMs for these reservoirs during explicit drought years (i.e. when reservoirs were empty).
  • Modeling and seasonal forecasting of hydrological dynamics using WASA-SED: The process-based hydrological model WASA-SED, developed for semi-arid areas, was adapted and calibrated for the state area of Ceará. Information from satellite-based reservoir monitoring is dynamically assimilated in the simulations. Based on an ensemble of ECHAM4.6 climate simulations (updated monthly), the adapted hydrological model is used to generate seasonal forecasts with six months lead time on streamflow and reservoir filling conditions.
  • Web-based visualization of monitoring and forecast results: The results of satellite-based monitoring and dynamic hydrological modeling and forecasting are centrally managed in a database and can be retrieved from there by a web application. The corresponding information is visualized online as maps and graphics and made available to different user groups and decision makers.

How to cite: Vormoor, K., Rottler, E., Schüttig, M., Bronstert, A., Estácio, Á., Rocha, R., de Carvalho Junior, V. N., Guimarães, C., and Martins, E.: Innovative system for monitoring and forecasting hydrological dynamics in semi-arid Ceará, NE-Brazil, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13796,, 2023.

EGU23-14106 | ECS | Orals | HS4.2

Reinvestigating Groundwater Drought Using In Situ and GRACE Data 

Jinyuan Wang, Kaniska Mallick, Natascha Kuhlmann, Patrick Matgen, Stéphane Bordas, and Laurent Pfister

Groundwater plays a unique role in the terrestrial water cycle. It is one of the prime sources of water during periods of severe drought. Depletion of groundwater reaching certain thresholds substantially lead to the degradation of water quality. Among all the hydrological variables, it has a characteristics behavior due to its lagged response to precipitation, evapotranspiration, soil water content variations, and surface water variation due to anthropogenic activities. Groundwater drought has been studied in various regions in the world, which revealed significant correlation among hydrological factors, including precipitation, soil water content, and various terrestrial water storage. Terrestrial water storage variables used for monitoring groundwater drought are total water storage change (TWSC) and groundwater storage change (GWSC). While the TWSC can be estimated from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE), GWSC can be estimated from in situ groundwater level within the network of well records using relevant hydrogeological information. Previous studies showed the ability and reliability of GRACE data in groundwater monitoring in the regions under extreme drought. Hydrological model outputs, e.g., the Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLDAS), have been used to derive groundwater drought indicators that reached certain reliability. The present study conducts a systematic investigation on the ability of the GRACE data to reflect the groundwater drought conditions, by comparing in situ groundwater data, TWSC estimated from GRACE (TWSCGRACE), GWSC estimated from the conjuncture of GRACE and GLDAS (GWSCGLDAS), Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI), and satellite land surface temperature. Further, by estimating the vadose zone water storage change (VZWC) using TWSC and in situ groundwater data (VZWCin situ), as well as using TWSC and GLDAS (VZWCGLDAS), we investigate the ability of GRACE and in situ data to monitor the vadose zone water content. Our results show that TWSCGRACE correlates better with in situ groundwater data as compared to GWSCGLDAS in all three study areas located in India, Australia, and Belgium, which are some of the hotspots suffering from intensive flash drought in the recent decade. TWSCGRACE shows stronger correlation and better consistency with SPI and land surface temperature as compared to in situ groundwater data. VZWCin situ correlates well with VZWCGLDAS but is limited to data availability from the well network. Results from GWSCGLDAS and VZWCGLDAS show that hydrological model outputs can serve as replacement or supplement to estimate GWSC and VZWC when in situ groundwater data is significantly missing.

How to cite: Wang, J., Mallick, K., Kuhlmann, N., Matgen, P., Bordas, S., and Pfister, L.: Reinvestigating Groundwater Drought Using In Situ and GRACE Data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14106,, 2023.

EGU23-14395 | ECS | Posters on site | HS4.2

Deciphering the declining runoff in the Thaya river basin 

Petr Pavlik, Milan Fischer, Adam Vizina, Juraj Parajka, Martha Anderson, Petr Štěpánek, Martin Hanel, Petr Janál, Song Feng, Evžen Zeman, and Miroslav Trnka

This study aims at understanding the changes in the water balance in the Thaya river basin over the past 40 years. The Thaya River is one of the tributaries to the Danube basin with a catchment area of more than 13 000 km2. A number of hydroclimatic variables related to runoff were examined by a trend analysis based on Theil-Sen regression and Mann-Kendall tests for the two periods 1981–2020 and 2001–2020. The latter period was selected because it allows analysis of several relevant variables derived from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). These variables ecompass snow cover, leaf area index and land surface temperature based actual evapotranspiration.

With our analyses we confirm previously found increasing trends in air temperature, ETo, and no trends in precipitation. We also found a consistent increase of ET during spring months and indication of summer decrease (not statistically significant). This change was associated with a significant increase of spring vegetation development followed by summer stagnation. We identified a significant trend decline in runoff, mainly in the upland sourcing areas. The correlation analysis reveals a different behavior along the elevation gradient, with evapotranspiration in the uplands being limited by energy and in the lowlands by water, especially in spring. During summer, however, the entire basin is often water-limited, with a more pronounced limitation in the lowlands. According to attribution analysis for the past 20 years, the significantly decreasing runoff is driven primarily by non-significantly decreasing precipitation, significantly increasing air temperature and vapor pressure deficit. Global radiation and wind speed affect the runoff only to a very limited extent. We conclude that complex adaptation measures reflecting the site specificity and elevation gradient are needed to sustain the water dependent sectors operating in the region facing increasing aridity. 

How to cite: Pavlik, P., Fischer, M., Vizina, A., Parajka, J., Anderson, M., Štěpánek, P., Hanel, M., Janál, P., Feng, S., Zeman, E., and Trnka, M.: Deciphering the declining runoff in the Thaya river basin, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14395,, 2023.

EGU23-14822 | Orals | HS4.2

Spatio-temporal assessment of groundwater drought risk in the Souss-Massa aquifer: Impacts of climate variability and anthropogenic activity 

Soumia Gouahi, Mohammed Hssaisoune, Mohammed Nehmadou, Brahim Bouaakkaz, Hicham Boudhair, and Lhoussaine Bouchaou

Although the several studies carried out in the Souss Massa region, in terms of water resources, the assessment of the drought is still understudied, particularly groundwater drought which remains a gap in the previous studies. In this work, meteorological drought is investigated by using the standardized precipitation index (SPI) to shed light on its impact on groundwater drought occurrence. Thereafter, a combination of reliability analysis and standardized water level index (SWI) is used for groundwater risk modeling. Reliability analysis accounts for the safety and the failure of a system regarding loads, which take into account the external effects (withdrawals and recharge), and resistance which accounts for the system's capacity, thereafter values of Groundwater Drought Risk (GDR) and Environmental Hazard Index (EHI) are generated and then spatially distributed to assess groundwater risk for mild, moderate, severe, and extreme droughts for the whole region of Souss-Massa. Results showed a wavering between short dry and wet periods based on SPI, and demonstrated a weak correlation between the SPI and the SWI, hence the upward trend in the SWI is explained by the anthropogenic overexploitation of the aquifer. Furthermore, groundwater drought risk (GDR) values are low in the upper Souss and increase in the middle part and in the Massa basin, where significant effects are potentially expected. Based on the EHI results, it is confirmed that the Massa basin and the middle Souss are susceptible to groundwater drought and its environmental impact and need immediate intervention to properly manage the groundwater resources. This model could be helpful for the policymakers for better planning of water supply by providing useful information about the expected frequency and severity of water shortage in the studied area.

Groundwater drought, Reliability analysis, meteorological drought, anthropogenic activities, Souss Massa basin.


How to cite: Gouahi, S., Hssaisoune, M., Nehmadou, M., Bouaakkaz, B., Boudhair, H., and Bouchaou, L.: Spatio-temporal assessment of groundwater drought risk in the Souss-Massa aquifer: Impacts of climate variability and anthropogenic activity, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14822,, 2023.

EGU23-14961 | Orals | HS4.2

Multi-temporal drought rarity curves - a yearly classification of meteorological drought severity in France 

Juliette Blanchet, Baptiste Ainési, and Jean-Dominique Creutin

Droughts are recurrent phenomena, impacting eco- and socio-systems at varied temporal and spatial scales. Their impact depends on both the severity of the antecedent meteorological conditions and the recovery dynamics of the impacted systems. The drought severity analysis proposed in this study accounts for the ”memory effect” of rainfall accumulation by considering across time the rarity of antecedent precipitation at multi-temporal scales. It applies to rainfall accumulation over a single area. In this presentation, we define the yearly curve of multi-temporal drought rarity by the non exceedance probability of the smallest rainfall accumulations observed that year over a range of accumulation durations. Each rarity curve is thus defined by as many values as the number of durations considered. We apply this concept to droughts in France from 1950 to 2022, with accumulation durations varying from 4 weeks to 260 weeks. We show that the rarity curves are easy tools to summarize how droughts build and persists across time and temporal scales. We use an automatic classification of the curves to discriminate years associated to short- to long-term droughts (basically from half a year to five years). Although the concept is here used for rainfall over a single area, France, it could be applied as well to a set of areas and/or to other drought variables such as discharge or soil moisture. 

How to cite: Blanchet, J., Ainési, B., and Creutin, J.-D.: Multi-temporal drought rarity curves - a yearly classification of meteorological drought severity in France, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14961,, 2023.

EGU23-15473 | ECS | Posters on site | HS4.2

The implementation of the GEOframe system in the Po River District for the hydrological modelling and water budget quantification 

Gaia Roati, Giuseppe Formetta, Marco Brian, Silvano Pecora, Silvia Franceschi, Riccardo Rigon, and Herve Stevenin

As observed in the last years, flood and drought events are getting more likely to happen due to climate change and can cause significant environmental, social and economic damages.

For this reason, already in 2021, the Po River District Authority (AdbPo) undertook the implementation of the GEOframe modelling system on the whole territory of the district in accordance with the GCU-M (Gruppo di Coordinamento Unificato-Magre) to update the existing numerical modelling for water resource management and with the objective of producing a better quantification and forecast of the spatial and temporal water availability across the entire river basin and, finally, to improve the planning activity of the


The GEOframe system was developed by a scientific international community, led by the University of Trento, and is a semi-distributed conceptual model, with high modularity and flexibility, completely open-source.

The implementation of GEOframe in the Po River District has begun in the Valle d’Aosta Region, the most upstream part of the district.

After an initial part of meteorological data collection, validation, spatial interpolation, and geomorphological analysis, a first running of the model to assess all the components of the hydrological balance (evapotranspiration, snow accumulation, water storage and discharge) was carried out.

Consequently, the calibration phase started, consisting of the research of the values of the characteristic parameters of the model which fit the discharge evolution recorded in the hydrometers of the region in the best possible way, comparing the modelled discharge trend with the measured one.

The calibration, based on KGE method, has been executed in 10 hydrometers in Valle d’Aosta across a 4 years period. The results were encouraging, with an objective function of 0.76 at the closure point of the region.

The same process is now in progress in Piemonte, one of the biggest regions of Italy, which contains more than 100 hydrometers. The resulting objective functions are in general rather high and will be presented in this work.

At the same time, thanks to the geomorphological analysis, most part of Po River District (up to Pontelagoscuro (FE)), which totally occupies more than 42,000 km2, has been divided into subbasins, the hydrological reference units where the simulation process takes place, and this dataset will be open-source and shared with the scientific community.

On the other hand, the interpolation and spatialization of the meteorological data will be carried out according to the 1 km2 European Environmental Agency reference grid.

In conclusion, in this initial stage of implementation of the model and calibration of its parameters, it was possible to assess the capacity of GEOframe to simulate not only the water discharge but also the other components of the water cycle, namely the evapotranspiration, the water storage and the snow accumulation. Furtheremore, implementing GEOframe in a mountainous area underlines the importance and the influence that snow and glaciers, especially in a higher temperature scenario due to climate change, can have on water availability and, therefore, a better modelling component of these elements will be implemented in the future developments of GEOframe.

How to cite: Roati, G., Formetta, G., Brian, M., Pecora, S., Franceschi, S., Rigon, R., and Stevenin, H.: The implementation of the GEOframe system in the Po River District for the hydrological modelling and water budget quantification, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15473,, 2023.

EGU23-16413 | ECS | Posters on site | HS4.2

Comparing the performance of process-based models for drought simulation in Scotland 

Shaini Naha, Kit Macleod, Zisis Gagkas, and Miriam Glendell

Scotland is increasingly vulnerable to periods of dry weather, impacting water users and the natural environment. In 2022, large parts of Scotland have experienced water scarcity, resulting in Scotland Environmental Protection Act (SEPA) suspending water abstractions for abstraction licence holders in some Scottish catchments. To understand and manage these water scarcity events in Scotland, we need to monitor and model the drought processes. This research is a part of a Scottish Government funded project ‘Understanding the vulnerabilities of Scotland’s water resources to drought’ which has been co-constructed with a range of national level stakeholders and aims to understand what the specific impacts of droughts are and what are the vulnerabilities that may apply to Scotland under future change. This includes the understanding of the spatial variability and characteristics of future hydrological drought events and short-term forecasting of drought duration to inform adaptive catchment management, while considering water resources requirements of different user sectors. As a first step towards constructing a national short-term drought forecasting framework, we have reviewed the state-of-the art hydrological modelling approaches currently applied in the UK. Our review suggests a lumped conceptual model, GR6J and a distributed hydrological response unit-based model, HYPE, are the most appropriate hydrological models for both simulating and short-term forecasting of droughts, based on the following criteria: openly available model code, proven ability at simulating and forecasting low flows, and widely used and supported model. In next steps, we will design a common modelling framework for drought simulation and forecasting in Scotland. Using both HYPE and GR6J, we will set up and test both models in a medium size long-term monitoring test catchment in Tarland in northeast Scotland (~70km2) where we have good process understanding and recent hydro climatological datasets. Comparison of the model performances of HYPE and GR6J will guide us to take a decision on which model to move forward with for upscaling in Scotland. Machine learning approaches for low-flow forecasting using long-short-memory networks will also be explored in developing a multi-model drought forecasting ensemble.  

Keywords: Drought, water scarcity, modelling, HYPE, GR6J, forecasting 

How to cite: Naha, S., Macleod, K., Gagkas, Z., and Glendell, M.: Comparing the performance of process-based models for drought simulation in Scotland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16413,, 2023.

EGU23-16778 | Orals | HS4.2

Understanding the hydrological drought processes in the Paraná River Basin. 

Luz Adriana Cuartas, Thais Fujita, Juliana Andrade Campos, Ana Paula Cunha, Cintia Berttachi Uvo, Elisangela Broedel, and José Antonio Marengo

Brazil has endured the worst droughts in recorded history over the last decade, resulting in severe socioeconomic and environmental impacts. The country relies heavily on water resources, with 77.7% of water consumed for agriculture (irrigation and livestock), 9.7% for industry, and 11.4% for human supply. Hydropower plants generate about 64% of all electricity consumed. One of the most impacted basins was the Paraná River basin It concentrates a third of the Brazilian population in urban centres such as São Paulo, the largest city in Latin America, thus it is the river basin with the greatest demand in the country. This basin is also the most important in hydropower generation, by the highest install capacity for hydropower; 57 reservoirs in the main steam and its tributaries (Grande, Paranaíba, Tietê, Paranapanema and Iguaçu Rivers), with Itaipu having the largest installed capacity (14,000 MW). This study aimed to advance the state of knowledge regarding hydrological drought patterns in the Paraná River Basin for improved monitoring and forecasting.

Droughts, like all hydrometeorological processes, are multivariate processes, that is, they are the result of the interaction of multiple hydrometeorological, climatic, and anthropogenic variables, among others. Therefore, several studies have shown the need to consider a multivariate approach to analysis and modelling drought events, which allows a better evaluation of the characteristics and conditions of its.

In this study we applied: i) well know univariate drought index: SPI, SPEI and SSFI; ii) a multivariate index, obtained through the Copulas Theory and; iii) potential soil moisture conditions obtained through the Normalized Terrain Model HAND, to understand and characterized hydrological droughts in the Paraná River Basin and Subbasins. We used rainfall data from CHIRPS, streamflow data obtained from the Brazilian National Electrical System Operator (ONS) and the National Water and Sanitation Agency (ANA), the SPEI global drought monitor dataset and HAND MERIT dataset (90 m spatial resolution).

The results show that the hydrological droughts in the last decade of 1981–2021, were the most severe and intense. Among the indices, SPEI, SSFI and the multivariate index, presented the strongest evidence, at time scales of 12, 24, 36 and 48 months. The multivariate index together with HAND information allow us to understand better the process of developing, duration, and recovery of drought events.

How to cite: Cuartas, L. A., Fujita, T., Andrade Campos, J., Cunha, A. P., Berttachi Uvo, C., Broedel, E., and Marengo, J. A.: Understanding the hydrological drought processes in the Paraná River Basin., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16778,, 2023.

EGU23-16949 | Orals | HS4.2

Effective hydrological drought monitoring depending on the catchment's hydrological regime 

Oscar Manuel Baez Villanueva and Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini

There is an expected increase in the occurrence and severity of hydrometeorological extremes in many regions worldwide. Current research indicates that despite a positive trend in reducing drought impacts, most regions still need to adapt their monitoring practices to cope with projected drought events effectively. On the other hand, we still need a clear understanding of how a changing climate can modify the hydrological regime of catchments in the future. Therefore, it is essential to understand which drought indicators are relevant to monitoring catchments with different hydrological regimes.

Therefore, this study aims to elucidate which drought indices are required to effectively monitor hydrological drought depending on the catchment’s hydrological regime, using  100 near-natural Chilean catchments with contrasting climatic conditions and hydrological regimes as a case study. For this purpose, different drought indices were computed at different temporal scales: SPI and SPEI at 3, 6, 9, 12, and 24 months; the Empirical Standardised Soil Moisture Index (ESSMI) at 3, 6, and 12 months; and a standardised snow water equivalent index (SSWEI) at 3 and 6 months. State-of-the-art gridded datasets used for computing the drought indices were: CR2MET v2.5 (a Chilean dataset based on ERA5) for precipitation and potential evapotranspiration; ERA5, ERA5-Land, and SMAP (L3 and L4) for soil moisture; and ERA5 and ERA5-Land for snow water equivalent. These indices were evaluated against the Standardised Streamflow Index (SSI) to select indices that are able to effectively monitor hydrological droughts, considering different hydrological regimes. A cross-correlation analysis and an event coincidence were used to assess which index had the highest correlation with SSI. Results showed that the indices and temporal scales used to effectively monitor hydrological droughts changed according to the catchment's hydrological regime. The results of the present work are pivotal for water managers as they provide insights on how the hydrological regime of the catchments should be considered in drought monitoring.

How to cite: Baez Villanueva, O. M. and Zambrano-Bigiarini, M.: Effective hydrological drought monitoring depending on the catchment's hydrological regime, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16949,, 2023.

EGU23-17222 | Posters on site | HS4.2

Risks of Future Droughts and their Impacts on Scottish Private Water Supplies 

Sayali Pawar, Sarah Halliday, Paola Ovando, and Miriam Glendell

In recent years, Scotland has been experiencing lower-than-average rainfall in the spring and summer seasons leading to water scarcity in many parts of the country, especially during the summer months. Climate change is likely to exacerbate these dry conditions even more in the future, presenting significant risks to water resources management. Businesses and households, especially those relying on Private Water Supplies (PWS) in rural areas, such as boreholes and springs, have already observed noticeable changes in the quantity and quality of water during the dry periods. Around 3.5% of the Scottish population relies on PWS which includes households, industries, agriculture, and the tourism industry. This study aims to project future drier periods from 2041-2080 across Scotland on a 1-km grid, using the Standardised Precipitation and Evapotranspiration Index and the observed meteorological data from 1981-2020 as the baseline. Results suggest low to extreme drought conditions in all 1-km cells , with increases in dry conditions likely to be highest in the eastern parts of Scotland, showing a distinct spatial variability in drought characteristics across Scotland. In future work, past and future drought occurrences will be linked with the water quality characteristics of PWS to understand the likely impact of future droughts on Scotland’s water security. The water quality dataset has been made available from the Drinking Water Quality Regulator for Scotland for the period 2006-2020 for nearly 6000 PWS locations. These PWS have been monitored twice a year on an average for their water quality. They span across 25 administrative areas in Scotland and represent roughly 27% of the total PWS in Scotland.  Water quality variables such as faecal coliforms, E.coli, iron, turbidity, lead, pH, colour, nitrate and phosphate will be included in the analysis to facilitate planning for effective, resilient water resources management and ensure access to clean water to maintain health and livelihoods. 

How to cite: Pawar, S., Halliday, S., Ovando, P., and Glendell, M.: Risks of Future Droughts and their Impacts on Scottish Private Water Supplies, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17222,, 2023.

EGU23-17360 | ECS | Orals | HS4.2

Drought characterization across Peru and Ecuador and its relationship with ocean-atmospheric indices 

Fiorella Vega-Jácome, Axel Bronstert, Carlos Antonio Fernandez-Palomino, and Waldo Lavado-Casimiro

Peru and Ecuador have suffered high economic losses because of extreme events (Floods and Droughts). The analysis of the meteorological droughts and their drivers is of paramount importance for water resources management and risk assessment in these countries. This study aims to characterize the spatiotemporal variability of droughts across Peru and Ecuador over the last four decades (1981-2020) and evaluate the relationship with the ocean-atmospheric circulation patterns. The Rain for Peru and Ecuador (RAIN4PE) gridded precipitation dataset was used to estimate the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) at time scales of 3 and 12 months to assess short and long-term droughts, respectively. Droughts were characterized by the number of events, duration, intensity, and severity, and the relationship was evaluated by computing the Pearson correlation to identify the leading oceanic-atmospheric indices: E (Eastern Pacific SST anomalies), C (Central Pacific SST anomalies), PDO (Pacific Decadal Oscillation), SOI (Southern Oscillation Index), MEI2 (Multivariate Enso Index), TPI (Tripole Index for the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation), TNA (Tropical North Atlantic index), and TSA (Tropical Southern Atlantic Index).

The results show high spatiotemporal variability of drought characteristics with the high frequency of extreme droughts over the southern Peruvian Andes in Peru and the eastward of the Andes in Ecuador. The ranking of the extremeness of drought events based on the areal extent, duration, and intensity identified that three of the four more extreme events match ENSO conditions in Peru (1992/02, 1988/08, 1990/01) and Ecuador (1985/04, 1990/01, 1995/04). Finally, strong relationships between ocean-atmospheric indices and droughts in Peru and Ecuador were identified. Droughts in Peru evidence significant correlations with E, C, and TNA indices. Similarly, droughts in Ecuador show high correlations with E, C, PDO, TPI, and SOI indices. These results provide more insights into the characteristics of droughts and the possible drivers, information that is useful for water resource management decisions and can help as the basis for developing drought forecasts.

How to cite: Vega-Jácome, F., Bronstert, A., Fernandez-Palomino, C. A., and Lavado-Casimiro, W.: Drought characterization across Peru and Ecuador and its relationship with ocean-atmospheric indices, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17360,, 2023.

EGU23-17410 | ECS | Orals | HS4.2

Environmental Vulnerability Assessment of Anthropogenic Droughts in Regulated Basins 

Ali Mehran and Amir AghaKouchak

Man-made local water supply infrastructure (in particular reservoirs) affects future water availability because it is built specifically to cope with climatic extremes. A system with multiple reservoirs, and therefore more local resilience, will be less vulnerable to climatic change and variability compared to a system with limited local capacity to cope with extremes. Therefore, different regions will see different water availability changes depending on their local infrastructure and capacity to cope with variability or adapt to change. The key questions that are studied in this proposal is the extent and intensity of environmental impact of the water stress. To address the question, this study proposes a multidisciplinary framework that integrates top-down (local inflows) and bottom-up (historical water use categories) factors to quantify the human induced water stress in each reservoir and the overall impact on the system’s resilience (water availability). The human induced water stress in regulated basins (with multiple reservoirs) is tracked by assessing the historical water use categories, which are later used to develop hypothetical water demand scenarios for near-future water stress assessment. Recent studies have shown that by changing water use policies, the system builds up resilience to cope with water stress. Our study explores reservoirs with multiple basins and tracks the policy changes impact on the system regarding the reservoirs orientation in the basin. Furthermore, this study tracks the environmental impact of the socioeconomic drought condition in regulated basins and highlights the changes due to water use policies.

How to cite: Mehran, A. and AghaKouchak, A.: Environmental Vulnerability Assessment of Anthropogenic Droughts in Regulated Basins, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17410,, 2023.

EGU23-803 | ECS | PICO | HS4.5

Impact-based seasonal rainfall forecasting to trigger early action for droughts 

Tim Busker, Hans de Moel, Bart van den Hurk, and Jeroen C.J.H. Aerts

The Horn of Africa faces an ongoing multi-year drought due to five consecutive failed rainy seasons, a novel climatic event with unpreceded impacts. Over 50 million individuals in the region are expected to be highly food insecure by the end of 2022 and early 2023. The severity of these drought impacts call for the urgent upscaling and optimisation of early warning systems that trigger early actions. However, drought research focuses mainly on meteorological and hydrological forecasting, while early action is seldom addressed specifically. This leads to a gap between early warning and early action, which heavily reduces the effectiveness of these systems.

To address this gap, this study investigates the effectiveness of early action for droughts by using seasonal ensemble forecasts from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) SEAS5 system, predicting rainfall for the March-April-May (MAM) and October-November-December (OND) rainy seasons. We show that these seasonal rainfall forecasts reflect major on-the-ground impacts, which we identify from 9 years of monthly drought surveillance data from 21 counties in Kenya. Subsequently, we show that the SEAS5 drought forecasts with short lead times have substantial potential economic value (PEV) when used to trigger action before the OND season across the region (PEV max = 0.43). Increasing lead time to one or two months ahead of the season decreases PEV, but the benefits of early action still persist (PEV max = 0.2). Highest value for early action is found for the OND season in Kenya and Somalia, with excellent PEV max  of around 0.8 in Somalia. This indicates exceptional potential for early action to reduce impacts in this drought-prone country. The potential for early action is relatively low for the MAM season across the region, due to the season’s lower predictability. To illustrate the practical value of this research, we showcase how our methodology can be used by a pastoralist in the Kenyan drylands to effectively trigger livestock destocking ahead of a drought using SEAS5 forecasts.

These results are making headway to the development of concrete early action triggers for drought-prone regions, which are urgently needed to translate early warning to early action for droughts. It also emphasizes the need to expand historical datasets of drought impacts and early actions to support future research and policy development. Therefore, this work supports early decision-making and the development of early action protocols across the different countries in the Horn of Africa.

How to cite: Busker, T., de Moel, H., van den Hurk, B., and C.J.H. Aerts, J.: Impact-based seasonal rainfall forecasting to trigger early action for droughts, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-803,, 2023.

EGU23-1569 | ECS | PICO | HS4.5

Improved flood-related decision-making in case of urban flash floods in a metropolitan city of India 

Akshay Singhal, Nibedita Samal, Sanjeev Jha, Louise Crochemore, and Isabelle Ruin

Occurrences of short-duration extreme rainfall have significantly increased over India, leading to frequent flash floods. Growing incidences of urban floods pose a challenge to rainfall forecasting agencies and disaster mitigation authorities. Advancement in the numerical weather prediction (NWP) models has resulted in improved skills of rainfall forecast for longer lead times. However, in recent years, there is a growing emphasis on developing an impact-based approach to communicate the probable impacts of the forecast and reduce the socio-economic losses. In this study, we aim to generate Impact-Based Forecasts (IBFs) in response to the growing incidences of urban flash floods in metropolitan cities of India such as Mumbai. IBFs will provide warnings about the potential impacts as well as communicate protective responses based on the category of impact, i.e., high, moderate, and low. To this end, an inventory of several urban floods over the city of Mumbai during the past decades is prepared, and the relationship between past extreme hazards and related impacts is investigated. Various available Quantitative Precipitation Forecasts (QPFs) from the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), UK Met Office (UKMO), and National Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasting (NCMRWF) will be used in the study. Moreover, several observation datasets, such as from the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD), and from Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals for GPM (IMERG), will be used to validate the forecast information. The raw precipitation forecasts will be post-processed using a Bayesian joint probability (BJP) model-based rainfall post-processing approach to improve reliability and accuracy. With this study, decision-makers are expected to gain crucial insights regarding the probable impacts arising due to multiple realistic flash floods in Mumbai scenarios. The analysis is underway, and the results will be presented at the conference.

How to cite: Singhal, A., Samal, N., Jha, S., Crochemore, L., and Ruin, I.: Improved flood-related decision-making in case of urban flash floods in a metropolitan city of India, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1569,, 2023.

EGU23-1894 | ECS | PICO | HS4.5

Using hydrodynamic flood modelling to support impact-based forecasting: a case study for Super-Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines 

Asha Barendregt, Irene Benito Lazaro, Sanne Muis, Marc van den Homberg, and Aklilu Teklesadik

The Philippines is one of the countries most at risk to natural disasters. Amongst these disasters, typhoons and its associated landslides, storm surges and floods have caused the largest impact. Due to increased typhoon intensity, the country’s high population density in coastal areas and rising mean sea levels, the coastal flood risk in the Philippines is only expected to increase. The 510 initiative of the Netherlands Red Cross uses an Impact Based Forecasting (IBF) model based on machine learning to anticipate the impact of an incoming typhoon to set early action into motion. The IBF model underperformed in regions that are susceptible to storm surges. Most notably, it showed a poor performance for Super-Typhoon Haiyan (2013), which caused storm surges to reach up to over five meters high. The goal of this research is to evaluate how the IBF model can be improved by applying a fast hydrodynamic modelling approach that can forecast storm surges and coastal flooding associated with typhoons. First, the accuracy of the Global Tide and Surge Model (GTSM) in simulating Haiyan’s coastal water levels was examined. GTSM was forced with two different meteorological datasets: a gridded climate reanalysis dataset, ERA5, and observed track data combined with Holland’s parametric windfield model. Second, GTSM’s water levels were used as input for a hydrodynamic inundation model to simulate the flood depth and extent in San Pedro Bay, which was subjected to a widespread coastal flood during Haiyan. This was explored both with and without the inclusion of wave setup. Our results show that Haiyan’s flood cannot adequately be indicated using the ERA5 reanalysis dataset as meteorological forcing, as it underestimated Haiyan’s extreme wind speeds with ~60 m/s. By applying the Holland parametric wind field model, more accurate flood predictions and storm surge simulations can be made. Additionally, GTSM’s temporal resolution influences the models performance substantially. By increasing the 1 hour resolution to a 30 minute resolution the prediction of the overall flood extent improved by 16%. In future research we recommend examining the applicability of the Global Tide and Surge Model when using a higher spatial resolution to help better represent local processes. Additionally, exploring the accuracy for other typhoons that struck the Philippines and the applicability in operational setting using forecasted track data can contribute to further improving forecast-based early action systems in anticipating coastal flood occurrences.



How to cite: Barendregt, A., Benito Lazaro, I., Muis, S., van den Homberg, M., and Teklesadik, A.: Using hydrodynamic flood modelling to support impact-based forecasting: a case study for Super-Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1894,, 2023.

EGU23-3876 | PICO | HS4.5

Rapid global hazard forecasting to support early action in data poor regions 

fredrik huthoff, kris van den berg, and carolien wegman

In March 2022, the United Nations set as a five year target that every place on Earth should be served by Early Warning Systems (EWS) for natural hazards. Such an EWS provides emergency alerts when a natural disaster is imminent and can support local or international (aid) organizations to take effective action early on. Places most vulnerable to natural disasters are often those where little local data and capacity is available to locally develop and operate such a system. As local EWS are not yet available everywhere, robust and reliable global approaches and collaboration initiatives are needed as initial and possible fallback solution.

We propose an innovative flood hazard mapping method based on globally available data that can spatially indicate oncoming floods and thereby inform on preparatory actions to take, such as required emergency stocks, needed shelter capacity, clearing of evacuation routes, and strategic protection of vulnerable people and assets. It instantaneously calculates forecasted flood extents based on global precipitation forecasts and the terrain’s natural drainage network. Its functioning is demonstrated for a selection of historical flood events and shows to good agreement with satellite-observed inundated areas, even where flood extents have gone beyond catchment boundaries. The method can easily be scaled-up to other areas around the world and can be expanded to issue automated warnings and provide impact estimates.


How to cite: huthoff, F., van den berg, K., and wegman, C.: Rapid global hazard forecasting to support early action in data poor regions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3876,, 2023.

EGU23-7070 | ECS | PICO | HS4.5

A Bayesian decision framework to support flood anticipatory actions in the urban data scarce city of Alexandria, Egypt 

Adele Young, Biswa Bhattacharya, and Chris Zevenbergen

Ensemble prediction systems (EPS) have been proposed to quantify uncertainty in forecasts, but to what extent they are useful for supporting flood anticipatory actions in an urban data-scarce city has not been fully explored. This research uses a Bayesian decision theory framework to support sequential decisions for reducing flood impacts. The predictive information is derived from probability distributions of flood depth simulated from a coupled ensemble Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) and hydrodynamic MIKE urban inundation model. A damage function is used to value user actions and expected damages. Posterior probabilities are computed using prior probabilities and expected damages to select an action which minimises the expected losses.

The analysis is done for the Egyptian coastal city of Alexandria, which experiences extreme rainfall and pluvial flooding from winter storms resulting in disruptions, damages and loss of lives. The decision framework supports anticipatory actions which can be taken 12-72 hours before an event. These include cleaning drains, dispatching pump trucks to critical flood locations before events, and proactive pumping to increase storage.

Results suggest the use of a probabilistic decision framework can help support mitigating actions and reduce the occurrence of false and missed alarms. However, it depends on the combination of event intensity and probability (e.g. high intensity, low probability) the specific action and the loss function used. This approach helps decision-makers understand the value of probabilistic forecasts and models to trigger actions for improved decision support.

How to cite: Young, A., Bhattacharya, B., and Zevenbergen, C.: A Bayesian decision framework to support flood anticipatory actions in the urban data scarce city of Alexandria, Egypt, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7070,, 2023.

EGU23-8724 | ECS | PICO | HS4.5

Flood Early Warning and Hazard Mapping for Railway and Dam Management 

Heather J. Murdock, Antje Otto, Anna Heidenreich, and Annegret H. Thieken

Floods in Europe regularly cause damage and disruption to communities and infrastructure. The extreme flood of July 2021 which affected Germany, Belgium, Luxemburg and the Netherlands provides an example of a flood event with a rapid onset time with corresponding short warning times and high uncertainty. This was a flood event with high velocities and volumes of debris. In addition to casualties there was extensive damage and disruption to infrastructure including roads, rail, water supply, and power transmission. Some negative impacts can be mitigated through the use of flood early warning systems (FEWS) and spatial planning using hazard maps. For such risk reducing measures, it is important to understand what challenges remain towards implementation. For example, challenges may differ between actors with different mandates and capacities.   

Infrastructure operators have an important role in flood risk management as the functioning of critical infrastructure (CI) is of high importance for society. CI in this context includes infrastructure, such as dams and railroad which we focus on, whose failure or impairment results in lasting disruptions to the overall system. Is it therefore possible that the prevention of damage and disruption to CI can reduce risk for society as a whole? Flood early warning information can support early action including moving mobile assets to higher ground, preventative closures, or protecting critical parts of a network with mobile flood barriers. Little empirical data exists, however, to address this question. It is therefore unclear to what extent flood risk management measures have become integrated into CI management by infrastructure operators.   

In this study we conduct expert interviews with CI operators in Germany and Belgium to investigate: (1) what FEWS information CI operators use, (2) how has it been applied during past flood events, particularly in 2021, (3) what information is shared with other stakeholders in an emergency context, (4) what flood hazard maps do operators currently use, and (5) how are flood hazard maps integrated into infrastructure planning. Our focus on dam and railway operators is due to the important role they play in water management and regional transportation, respectively. The interviews are transcribed and coded using MaxQDA to address the five points mentioned above. The empirical basis of this research can help to shed light on the effectiveness of available information to reduce risk in an emergency management context as well as for infrastructure planning. 

How to cite: Murdock, H. J., Otto, A., Heidenreich, A., and Thieken, A. H.: Flood Early Warning and Hazard Mapping for Railway and Dam Management, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8724,, 2023.

EGU23-9345 | ECS | PICO | HS4.5

Lessons from Red Cross Red Crescent Anticipatory Action 

Arielle Tozier, Eduardo Castro Jr., Hafizur Rahaman, Dorothy Heinrich, Yolanda Clatworthy, and Luis Mundorega

The Red Cross Red Cresent is among the organizations with the longest and most extensive experience with forecast-based action. We present the findings of recently-published research based on interviews with 139 stakeholders involved in Red Cross Red Crescent (RCRC) AA programs in 18 countries. We find that the organizaitonal benefits of forecast-based ation include capacity building, more proactive operations, and expedited humanitarian response. Forecast-based action can also help to overcome common challenges in climate services by providing a framework and decision-making and resources for early action. Despite these benefits, AA practitioners struggle with challenges common to climate services, development, and humanitarian aid, including local project ownership, capacity and infrastructure, integration with existing systems, data availability, forecast uncertainty, and monitoring and evaluation. We conclude that forecast-based action systems can only be sustainble if they address these perennial challenges and focus on building capacity and ownership. Furthermore, donors can play a major role in facilitating these shifts by providing funding designed to support long-term multi-stakeholder processes.

How to cite: Tozier, A., Castro Jr., E., Rahaman, H., Heinrich, D., Clatworthy, Y., and Mundorega, L.: Lessons from Red Cross Red Crescent Anticipatory Action, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9345,, 2023.

EGU23-9862 | ECS | PICO | HS4.5

Assessing ensemble flood forecasts with action-relevant scores to support flood preparedness actions: An application to the Global Flood Awareness System in Uganda. 

Douglas Mulangwa, Andrea Ficchi, Philip Nyenje, Jotham Sempewo, Linda Speight, Hannah Cloke, Shaun Harrigan, Benon Zaake, and Liz Stephens

This study investigates the importance of assessing ensemble flood forecasts with action-relevant scores to support flood preparedness actions by analyzing the discrepancies between traditional general scores that focus on the overall accuracy with other more specific flood event-based scores. Popular general scores such as the Kling-Gupta Efficiency (KGE) or the Continuous Ranked Probability Score (CRPS) are widely used in hydrological modeling and forecasting, but they aggregate different aspects of model quality into a single overall score. On the other hand, flood event-based scores, such as Flood Timing Error (FTE), False Alarm Ratios (FAR) and Probability of Detection (POD), provide more specific verification measures of forecast quality that should be more informative to decision-makers. Both classes of overall accuracy and event-based scores include either deterministic or probabilistic scores, focusing on either the ensemble mean (or quantiles) or on probabilities. 

Results are presented for ten catchments in Uganda with different morphological and hydrological characteristics. An evaluation of extended-range re-forecasts from the Copernicus-Emergency Management Service Global Flood Awareness System (GloFAS) has been carried out against observed streamflow data, contrasting overall performance scores, including the KGE and the CRPS, and event-based scores, including the FTE, FAR and POD for forecasts at different lead times (< 45 days). The relative performance of two different versions of GloFAS (2.1 and 3.1) is assessed by this multi-criteria verification setting. Results show that the relative ranking of forecast performance across model versions and catchments may vary based on the scores considered, suggesting that a multi-criteria and event-based evaluation is needed to inform flood preparedness actions.

How to cite: Mulangwa, D., Ficchi, A., Nyenje, P., Sempewo, J., Speight, L., Cloke, H., Harrigan, S., Zaake, B., and Stephens, L.: Assessing ensemble flood forecasts with action-relevant scores to support flood preparedness actions: An application to the Global Flood Awareness System in Uganda., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9862,, 2023.

EGU23-10940 | ECS | PICO | HS4.5

Automatic generation of impact-based drought forecast, implications for early warning and action in East Africa 

Nishadh Kalladath Abdul Rasheed, Viola Otieno, Herbert Misiani, Jully Ouma, Erick Otenyo, Jason Kinuya, and Ahmed Amdihun

The regions of east Africa are facing unprecedented drought impacts at present and it is expected to intensify with climate change. Impact based forecast can give critical information for disaster preparedness, adaptation, and anticipatory action thereby increasing communities’ resilience. Probabilistic forecasts with uncertainty metrics have in the past provided early warning information for early actions. However, the complexity of drought as a disaster, encompassing and effecting wide range of socio-economic activities with interlinked compounding and cascading effect often makes drought impact forecasting bound to be less effective and robust (Boult et al. 2022). Moreover, drought impacts which are subjected to the influence of other high-impact weather related events, increases the difficulty to ascertain the extent of the impact. Therefore, drought impact forecasting should be viewed as a dynamic process that involves multi-stakeholders to realize its full potential of triggering early action (de Brito 2021). In such a scenario, the availability of an open, and widely accessible information portal can be effective in ensuring early waning information is disseminated widely across all stakeholders to trigger timely action.   

This study demonstrates an automatic impact-based drought forecast system to be integrated with existing East Africa Drought Watch (EADW) web portal. For the last two-to-three years, EADW has proven to be single window portal for major hazard related information dissemination for disaster early warning and action. The proposed automatic impact-based drought forecast system is based on TMAST ALERT probabilistic soil moisture and Water Requirement Satisfaction Index (WRSI) forecast using their data Application Programming Interface (API). TAMSAT ALERT is region specific validated, calibrated data source and its effectiveness assessed in impact-based forecast for the region (Boult et al. 2020, Busker et. al 2022). CLIMADA, an open-source software for climate risk assessment was used for integrating the soil moisture hazard data with exposure, and vulnerability to forecast socio-economic impact of drought. The current version of the system, directed for agriculture drought IBF, uses Spatially-Disaggregated Crop Production Statistics Data in Africa and WRSI maize crop unimodal relationship as impact function. The probabilistic forecast of WRSI is used to generate the Impact Based Forecasting (IBF), impact versus probability matrix for region specific map generation.  Finally, implications for early warning and early action on agricultural practices in the Eastern Africa region are discussed.  

1. Boult, Victoria L., et al. "Towards drought impact-based forecasting in a multi-hazard context." Climate Risk Management 35 (2022): 100402. 

2. de Brito, Mariana Madruga. "Compound and cascading drought impacts do not happen by chance: A proposal to quantify their relationships." Science of the Total Environment 778 (2021): 146236.​ 

3. Boult, Victoria L., et al. "Evaluation and validation of TAMSAT‐ALERT soil moisture and WRSI for use in drought anticipatory action." Meteorological Applications 27.5 (2020): e1959. 

4. Busker, T., de Moel, H., van den Hurk, B., Asfaw, D., Boult, V., and Aerts, J.: Impact-based drought forecasting for agro-pastoralists in the Horn of Africa drylands, IAHS-AISH Scientific Assembly 2022, Montpellier, France, 29 May–3 Jun 2022, IAHS2022-255,, 2022. 

How to cite: Kalladath Abdul Rasheed, N., Otieno, V., Misiani, H., Ouma, J., Otenyo, E., Kinuya, J., and Amdihun, A.: Automatic generation of impact-based drought forecast, implications for early warning and action in East Africa, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10940,, 2023.

EGU23-11434 | ECS | PICO | HS4.5

Evaluating the explainability and performance of an elementary versus a statistical impact-based forecasting model 

Sahara Sedhain, Marc van den Homberg, Aklilu Teklesadik, Maarten van Aalst, and Norman Kerle

The disaster risk community has notably shifted from a response-driven approach to making informed anticipatory action choices through impact-based forecasting (IBF). Algorithms are being developed and improved to increase impact prediction abilities, and to allow automatic triggers to reduce the reliance on human judgement. However, as complexities in modelling algorithms increase, it becomes more difficult for decision makers to interpret and explain the results. This reduces the accountability and transparency, and can lead to lower adoption of the models. Therefore, humanitarian decision-makers can benefit from a mechanism to evaluate different IBF approaches, which has not yet been developed. Through a case study of anticipatory action for tropical cyclones in the Philippines, we evaluated two very different approaches to IBF: (1) a statistical trigger model that uses a machine learning algorithm with several predictor variables, and (2) an elementary trigger model that combines damage curves and weighted overlay of vulnerability indicators, to predict the impact and prioritize areas for intervention. The models were evaluated based on their performance for damage prediction and their sensitivity to different risk indicators for Typhoon Kammuri (2019) in the Philippines. The study also proposed a way of characterising the explainability specific to an IBF model, and that gives clarity on which elements, and why, influence the results, done via a model card. To facilitate this process a prototype interactive decision portal was built, which shows decision makers the sensitivity of the results to variations in input parameters. The results show that in relative terms the elementary model performed better and would have allowed to maximise impact reduction through early action, suggesting that, for this particular case, complex was not necessarily a better choice. However, the uncertainty in both models due to limitations in the initial hazard forecast indicates that multiple models need to be evaluated for practical cases that cover different characteristics of the hazard and socio-vulnerable situations. For this, the evaluation framework we developed can be expanded across operational IBF projects.

How to cite: Sedhain, S., van den Homberg, M., Teklesadik, A., van Aalst, M., and Kerle, N.: Evaluating the explainability and performance of an elementary versus a statistical impact-based forecasting model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11434,, 2023.

EGU23-14435 | PICO | HS4.5

Towards a global machine learning based impact model for tropical cyclones 

Mersedeh Kooshki, Marc van den Homberg, Kyriaki Kalimeri, Andreas Kaltenbrunner, Yelena Mejova, Leonardo Milano, Pauline Ndirangu, Daniela Paolotti, Aklilu Teklesadik, and Monica Turner

Due to its geographical location, the Philippines is prone to tropical cyclones (TC) which produce strong winds, accompanied by heavy rains and flooding of large areas, resulting in heavy casualties to human life and destruction to livelihoods and properties. To reduce the humanitarian impact of TC, the Philippine Red Cross with the German Red Cross and 510, an initiative of The Netherlands Red Cross, designed and implemented a machine learning impact-based forecasting model based on XGBoost, which is used operationally to release funding and to trigger early action. The model predicts the percentage of houses that will be completely damaged due to a TC using predictive features for the hazard (wind speed, rainfall, storm surge and landslides), exposure (such as ruggedness and population density) and vulnerability (such as housing material and poverty) . However, this model is not easily transferable to other countries, due to its use of country specific data from the Philippines.

Here, we develop upon this line of research around the XGBoost model, in three ways. First, we evaluate multiple ML algorithms for classification and regression of impact data of tropical storms. Secondly, we perform a sensitivity analysis on the predictive features, replacing where possible those features for which only Philippines-specific data sources can be used with features for which data from global open data sources are available. Thirdly, the XGBoost model provides predictions at the aggregated geographical level of a municipality. Our research centres on transforming it to a grid based model with a resolution of 0.1 x 0.1 latitude-longitude degrees. For all experiments, due to the scarcity and skewness of the training data (algorithms are trained on only 40 historical typhoon events), specific attention is paid to data stratification, sampling and validation techniques. 

We find that XGBoost slightly outperforms random forest and that regression is more suitable to detect outliers than classification. Furthermore, we show that we can limit the predictive features from the original model to a subset of 20 features. The transformation to a grid-based model was possible by de-aggregating the impact data using OpenStreetMap housing data obtained from Humanitarian Data Exchange. Preliminary results show that the ML model performance worsens when going from municipality to grid-based level. This is likely caused by a larger error variance between the individual grid cells of a municipality which get averaged when aggregated. To conclude, relying on globally available data sources and working at grid level holds potential to render a machine learning based impact model generalisable and transferable to locations outside of the Philippines impacted by TCs. Future research will focus on validation with data for other countries. Ultimately, a transferable model will facilitate the scaling up of anticipatory action for tropical cyclones. 

How to cite: Kooshki, M., van den Homberg, M., Kalimeri, K., Kaltenbrunner, A., Mejova, Y., Milano, L., Ndirangu, P., Paolotti, D., Teklesadik, A., and Turner, M.: Towards a global machine learning based impact model for tropical cyclones, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14435,, 2023.

EGU23-15188 | ECS | PICO | HS4.5

Machine-learning enhanced forecast of tropical cyclone rainfall for anticipatory humanitarian action 

Andrea Ficchì, Guido Ascenso, Matteo Giuliani, Enrico Scoccimarro, Linus Magnusson, Rebecca Emerton, Elisabeth Stephens, and Andrea Castelletti

Tropical Cyclones (TCs) have the potential to cause extreme rainfall and storm surge, which in turn can lead to riverine and coastal flooding with huge damage to property and loss of lives.

The use of precipitation forecasts in the context of decision-making and anticipatory action is currently hampered by the limited skill of numerical weather prediction models in forecasting the characteristics of such extreme rainfall events (especially their severity and location) with a sufficiently long lead time.

In this study, we present a post-processing scheme for precipitation forecasts based on a popular deep-learning algorithm (U-Net). We design our Machine Learning (ML) model to reduce the local biases of precipitation forecasts from TCs and adjust the spatial distribution of extreme rainfall. For this, we use a composite loss function to train the model, based on the combination of the Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and the Fractions Skill Score (FSS). We first demonstrate the potential of our ML-based approach working on ERA5 reanalysis data and subsequently apply it to the ensemble mean of ECMWF sub-seasonal forecasts with a lead time up to 10-days. As for the ensemble spread, we investigate possible post-processing adjustments based on the improvement of the spread-error relationship and of action-relevant scores of interest for humanitarian agencies, namely False Alarm Ratios (FAR) and Hit Rates (HR). We train and validate the model on a historical dataset of global TC precipitation events, using ECMWF re-forecasts over 20 years and a multi-source observational dataset (MSWEP) as reference. The results are evaluated with a multi-criteria approach including MAE, FSS, FAR, and HR, to assess the capacity of improving the predicted severity and spatial patterns of TC precipitation, as well as their potential for triggering anticipatory actions. Finally, we discuss how the outputs of our model can be used and further improved to support humanitarian actions aimed at saving lives in vulnerable communities in Mozambique.

How to cite: Ficchì, A., Ascenso, G., Giuliani, M., Scoccimarro, E., Magnusson, L., Emerton, R., Stephens, E., and Castelletti, A.: Machine-learning enhanced forecast of tropical cyclone rainfall for anticipatory humanitarian action, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15188,, 2023.

EGU23-15732 | PICO | HS4.5

How a flood forecasting system saved lives and property in West Africa 

Jafet C.M. Andersson, Aishatu T. Ibrahim, Ahmed Lamine Soumahoro, Vakaba Fofana, Abdou Ali, and Berit Arheimer

Floods pose an increasing challenge for societies in West Africa; causing loss of lives, damaged infrastructure, and food insecurity. Improving flood management is hence paramount for the region, which several initiatives aim to contribute to. Hydrological forecasting systems can help, but only if they lead to appropriate action.

This presentation focusses on how a flood forecasting system has been used to save lives and property in West Africa within the FANFAR project ( The system was co-designed and co-developed together with hydrological services, emergency management agencies, river basin organisations, and regional expert centres in 17 countries. The pilot system was launched early in the project, producing new forecasts every day. This enabled operational staff at national and regional agencies to utilize the system during the current rainy season, for every season since 2019.

During 2020, Nigeria experienced severe flooding. The Nigeria Hydrological Services Agency (NIHSA) hence decided to utilize FANFAR to warn the population of forthcoming flood risks, which resulted in 2 500 lives saved on one occasion, and minimisation of property damage on another. In the presentation we describe these events, and how NIHSA acted together with other institutions to entice action.

FANFAR was also used in Ivory Coast during the 2022 rainy season. Operational staff at SODEXAM – the meteorological services of Ivory Coast – utilized the system to inform two flood-prone communities of forthcoming flood risks. This resulted in on-the-fly construction of a drainage ditch, which reduced impacts on the nearby community. In the presentation we describe the event and also the approach SODEXAM took to build trust and communicate with the communities.

We also briefly describe the FANFAR system that employs a daily forecasting chain including meteorological reanalysis and forecasting based on HydroGFD, data assimilation of gauge observations, hydrological initialisation and forecasting with the HYPE model, flood severity assessment, and distribution through e.g. web visualisation. 

How to cite: Andersson, J. C. M., Ibrahim, A. T., Soumahoro, A. L., Fofana, V., Ali, A., and Arheimer, B.: How a flood forecasting system saved lives and property in West Africa, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15732,, 2023.

EGU23-16024 | ECS | PICO | HS4.5

From flood forecast to direct damage prediction: Supporting early action with an Impact-based Forecasting system 

Margherita Sarcinella, Brianna R. Pagán, Lisa Landuyt, Jeremy S. Pal, Arthur H. Essenfelder, and Jaroslav Mysiak

The global economic loss caused by weather-related extreme events amounts to over $260 billion in 2022. Storms and floods are among the deadliest disasters and are responsible for the highest toll. Despite committed research efforts in strengthening flood forecasting and making those predictions readily and openly available, much remains to be done to facilitate intervention when locally acting upon those forecasts. This research aims at building an automated tool to forecast flood direct damages with a high spatial resolution and timeliness. Thus, allowing prompt, informed and targeted early action on site before the disaster hits. Moreover, it can serve as a device to unravel criticalities within preparedness plans and guide the adoption of adaptation measures in the long term. The proposed research develops a tool to rapidly link GLOFAS discharge forecasts with the relative inundation map and direct damages caused. The method includes three modules: i) a factual component collecting satellite-derived flood maps of historical events; ii) a probabilistic component based on hydrological modelling and iii) the impact assessment. The past event database comprises 10-meter resolution inundation maps derived from Sentinel-1 SAR imagery with a single-scene automated classification method. The outcome of hydrological modelling is then integrated with the remote sensing database to improve its accuracy and spatial resolution. Lastly, the impact assessment module estimates affected people and the economic damage to buildings. The presented methodology is applied to two case studies: the flooding caused by Tropical Cyclone Idai that made landfall in March 2019 in Mozambique and the country-wide flood event that occurred in Pakistan in the summer of 2022.

How to cite: Sarcinella, M., Pagán, B. R., Landuyt, L., Pal, J. S., Essenfelder, A. H., and Mysiak, J.: From flood forecast to direct damage prediction: Supporting early action with an Impact-based Forecasting system, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16024,, 2023.

EGU23-16824 | ECS | PICO | HS4.5

Flood Preparedness Application Using Pre-determined Global Flood Inundation Maps 

Brett Snider, Robin Bourke, and Mathew Godsoe

In Canada, floods are the most common and most costly natural disaster. Floods threaten lives, properties, and the environment and these risks are only expected to increase alongside expected population increase and impacts from climate change. Flood early warning systems (FEWs) can help mitigate the impact of floods by helping inform the public when and where a flood may occur, identifying infrastructure that may be impacted, and disseminating evacuation routes that avoid flooded roads. FEWs have been shown to save lives and mitigate flood impacts. However, many existing FEWs are limited in terms of their forecast horizon and geographical coverage, and also require precise hydraulic models and substantial computing.

This paper develops a flood preparedness application for all of Canada to help prepare Canadians for future and imminent floods. This Canadian flood preparedness application addresses limitations associated with many of the developed FEWS in Canada by matching predicted river flows to predetermined return periods for developed global (or country-wide) flood inundation maps. By matching predicted river flow to return periods of predetermined inundation maps, complex computation is avoided reducing response time, and improving geographical coverage (by using a Canada-wide model). Lastly, using the static map approach, the public and emergency personal can help prepare for floods well in advance, identifying their own flood risk and as well as evacuation and muster locations strategies by identifying roads that would likely be flooded under various flood return periods. Overall the Canada-wide flood preparedness application will help protect and better prepare Canadians as flood risks continue to rise by increasing forecast horizon and geographical coverage and minimizing computation. The new approach of using global (or country-wide) static flood inundation maps to inform FEWS may be applicable in other countries where detailed hydraulic models are unavailable or too time consuming to calculate on a continuous or as needed basis.

How to cite: Snider, B., Bourke, R., and Godsoe, M.: Flood Preparedness Application Using Pre-determined Global Flood Inundation Maps, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16824,, 2023.

EGU23-282 | ECS | Orals | HS4.3

Developing a user-focused flood forecast product for a continental-scale system 

Gwyneth Matthews, Hannah Cloke, Sarah Dance, Cinzia Mazzetti, and Christel Prudhomme

Floods are the most common and disastrous natural hazards, but early warning systems can help mitigate the damage by increasing preparedness. However, the products from these early warning systems must be skilful and actionable to be useful in the event of a flood. The European Flood Awareness System (EFAS), part of the European Commission's Copernicus Emergency Management Service, provides complementary flood forecasts to EFAS partners across the whole of Europe. One forecast product provided by EFAS is the ‘post-processed forecast product’ which is generated for the location of approximately 1600 river gauge stations where sufficient historic and near-real time river discharge observations are available. The aim of this product is to provide an error-adjusted forecast up to a maximum lead-time of 15 days. However, the post-processing methodology and the product design of the post-processed forecast product has not evolved over the past few years and therefore may not satisfy user’s changing requirements nor benefit from recent scientific advances. Following a skill assessment of the EFAS post-processed forecasts and a consultation with the EFAS partners a roadmap for future developments of the EFAS post-processed forecast product was designed. Here, we present this roadmap, and the results of the first stages, which include increasing the temporal resolution to 6-hourly timesteps, improvements to the post-processing methodology to better account for the different hydroclimatic regimes across Europe, and changing the post-processed forecast product to make it more locally relevant and useful to the EFAS Partners.

How to cite: Matthews, G., Cloke, H., Dance, S., Mazzetti, C., and Prudhomme, C.: Developing a user-focused flood forecast product for a continental-scale system, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-282,, 2023.

EGU23-613 | ECS | Posters on site | HS4.3

Bayesian neural network-based satellite fog detection 

Prasad Deshpande, Shivam Tripathi, and Arnab Bhattacharya

Fog, an essential component of the hydrological cycle, is frequently experienced in North India during winter. The reduced visibility due to fog causes many accidents and delays in trains and flights, leading to loss of health and economy. Hence real-time detection and forecast of fog are crucial for mitigating these losses. The study proposes an algorithm to detect fog using satellite observations. The algorithm consists of Bayesian Neural Networks containing weights as probability distributions, unlike ordinary neural networks that treat weights as deterministic parameters. This algorithm provides prediction uncertainty. Both epistemic (data-dependent) and aleatoric (model-dependent) uncertainties are modelled. The final output is the percentage chances of fog which can be suitably thresholded into fog/no-fog. In this study, in situ airport weather records (METAR) are used as reference observations, whereas satellite observations are obtained from the 6 bands of the INSAT-3D geostationary satellite (with a spatial resolution of 4 km). Sub-hourly data of wintertime observations from 2016 to 2020 for seven cities spread across North India are used to train and validate the proposed methodology. The model performs better than the INSAT-3D fog product developed by ISRO. The critical success index of INSAT-3D fog product and the proposed method are 0.17 and 0.44, respectively, whereas Cohen’s Kappa values are 0.22 and 0.50, respectively. The uncertainty analysis shows that aleatoric uncertainty is generally higher than epistemic uncertainty. Moreover, for observations having higher aleatoric uncertainty, the epistemic uncertainty is also high, showing a positive correlation. The real-time predictions are disseminated on the website ( for the public and scientists. This work is a part of the Fog Prediction using Data Science project.

How to cite: Deshpande, P., Tripathi, S., and Bhattacharya, A.: Bayesian neural network-based satellite fog detection, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-613,, 2023.

EGU23-1536 | ECS | Orals | HS4.3

Statistical generation of fine-resolution precipitation data in Ganga and Godavari River basins of India using limited training datasets 

Nibedita Samal, Akshay Singhal, Ankit Singh, and Sanjeev Kumar Jha

The Ganga and Godavari are major rivers of India and are known for satisfying the agricultural needs of most part of the country. In the past few decades, these basins have seen increased geohazard scenarios such as floods, flash floods, landslides, etc. The availability of fine-scale precipitation data is a necessity for accurate monitoring and routine issuance of flood warnings. Downscaling of precipitation is a challenging task due to the complex topography of the basin, seasonality of the Indian rainfall, and large-scale influence of meteorological variables. In this study, we set up a Multiple-Point Statistics (MPS) based statistical downscaling approach using available precipitation data of the previous years to generate precipitation data for future at a finer resolution. The MPS approach uses the Training Image (TI) as input, hence we investigate into the adequate length of the past data record required for setting up the statistical model. We also investigate whether the length of data used as a TI in one River basin has any similarity in the other River basin. Further, what is the minimum year of data required to set up the statistical model. This is done by diving the datasets into five sets of TIs with each succeeding set larger than the previous one. This study uses datasets from High Asia Refined Analysis (HAR) (30×30 km) and the Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals for GPM (IMERG) (10×10 km) as the reanalysis and observation data respectively for a time period of 2001 to 2014. The idea is to explore if MPS is able to reproduce proper spatial features even with smaller TI data. The work is significant as it will benefit the hydrologists and water resource managers. The work is in progress and the results of the study will be presented at the conference.

How to cite: Samal, N., Singhal, A., Singh, A., and Jha, S. K.: Statistical generation of fine-resolution precipitation data in Ganga and Godavari River basins of India using limited training datasets, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1536,, 2023.

EGU23-2950 | Orals | HS4.3

Evaluation of continental-scale ensemble hydrological forecasts from Environment and Climate Change Canada: a comparison with forecasts from the Global Flood Awareness System (GloFAS) 

Vincent Fortin, Silvia Innocenti, Étienne Gaborit, Dorothy Durnford, Setigui Keita, Jacob Bruxer, Marie-Amélie Boucher, Shaun Harrigan, Ervin Zsoter, Milena Dimitrijevic, Caroline Sévigny, Nicole O'Brien, and Natalie Gervasi

Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) is in the process of deploying a continental-scale hydrological prediction system known as the National Surface and River Prediction System (NSRPS). Operating at a resolution of 30 arc seconds, NSRPS currently generates Ensemble Streamflow Predictions (ESPs) for over four million grid points. Issued once per day, the ensemble is composed of twenty members and provides 16-day forecasts. NSRPS differs from other hydrological forecasting systems in operational use in Canada by being continental in scope and by relying on an Earth System Modelling (ESM) approach for prediction. In order to assess the value of forecasts issued by NSRPS, a comparison is performed with a similar ESP system available over all of Canada: the Global Flood Awareness System (GloFAS) from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). The evaluation focusses on the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence watershed as well as the Nelson and Churchill watersheds, each over one million km² in size. 393 streamflow stations are identified where NSRPS and GloFAS agree on the watershed delineation. The comparison is limited to the Spring, Summer and Fall of 2022 due to NSRPS forecast data availability. For most stations, NSRPS performs better than GloFAS in terms of Continuous Ranked Probability Score (CRPS), but the median of the potential CRPS across the 393 stations is very similar for days 3-16. Both systems suffer from a lack of spread, particularly for short lead times, but the problem is slightly more acute for GloFAS. Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA) is explored in order to obtain calibrated probabilistic forecasts that perform better than both NSRPS and GloFAS. 

How to cite: Fortin, V., Innocenti, S., Gaborit, É., Durnford, D., Keita, S., Bruxer, J., Boucher, M.-A., Harrigan, S., Zsoter, E., Dimitrijevic, M., Sévigny, C., O'Brien, N., and Gervasi, N.: Evaluation of continental-scale ensemble hydrological forecasts from Environment and Climate Change Canada: a comparison with forecasts from the Global Flood Awareness System (GloFAS), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2950,, 2023.

EGU23-2956 | Posters on site | HS4.3 | Highlight

Evaluation of Seasonal Streamflow Forecasts over South American Large Rivers 

Ingrid Petry, Fernando Fan, Vinicius Siqueira, Walter Collischonn, Rodrigo Paiva, Erik Quedi, Cléber Gama, Reinaldo Silveira, Camila Freitas, and Cássia Aver

Society’s increasing demand for water and the need for its long-term management have motivated efforts toward improving seasonal streamflow forecasts. Currently, seasonal climate forecasts are routinely issued in meteorological centers around the world, generating information for decision-making and seasonal streamflow forecasting (SSF) studies that are becoming more frequent. Seasonal streamflow forecast skill derives from land surface initial conditions and atmospheric boundary conditions that mostly depend on large-scale climate phenomena (such as ENSO). Thus, seasonal rainfall predictions produced by dynamic climate models that represent ocean-atmosphere interactions may have a positive impact on streamflow forecasts. In South America, seasonal streamflow forecasts are essential for the hydropower sector, which is responsible for ~65% of the electric energy produced in countries such as Brazil. In this work, we assessed seasonal streamflow forecasts over South America based on a continental-scale application of a hydrologic-hydrodynamic model and precipitation forecasts from the ECMWF's fifth generation seasonal forecast system (SEAS5). Seasonal streamflow forecasts (SEAS5-SF) were evaluated against a reference model run and forecast skill was estimated relative to the Ensemble Streamflow Prediction (ESP) method. The bias correction of SEAS5 predicted precipitation improved the performance of the seasonal streamflow forecasts, frequently turning negative skill results into near null to positive skill. Results indicate that the ESP remains a hard-to-beat method for seasonal streamflow forecasting in South America. SEAS5-SF skill was found to be dependent on initialization month, season, basin and forecast lead time, with greater skill on the initialization month lead time. Rivers where the forecast skill is higher were Amazon, Araguaia, Tocantins and Paraná.


Acknowledgments: This work presents part of the results obtained during the project granted by the Brazilian Agency of Electrical Energy (ANEEL) under its Research and Development program Project PD 6491-0503/2018 – “Previsão Hidroclimática com Abrangência no Sistema Interligado Nacional de Energia Elétrica” developed by the Paraná State electric company (COPEL GeT), the Meteorological System of Paraná (SIMEPAR) and the RHAMA Consulting company. The Hydraulic Research Institute (IPH) from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) contribute to part of the project through an agreement with the RHAMA company (IAP-001313).

How to cite: Petry, I., Fan, F., Siqueira, V., Collischonn, W., Paiva, R., Quedi, E., Gama, C., Silveira, R., Freitas, C., and Aver, C.: Evaluation of Seasonal Streamflow Forecasts over South American Large Rivers, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2956,, 2023.

EGU23-4349 | Orals | HS4.3

Confidence intervals for the reliability diagram 

Jan Verkade

The reliability diagram is often used to assess the reliability of a set of probabilistic forecasts. It plots the observed relative frequency of an event against its predicted probability. Reliability is evaluated by assessing the distance of the plotting positions from the diagonal which designates 'perfect reliability'. The reliability diagram is easy to construct and to understand. However, there is a caveat: it is not immediately clear which distance from the diagonal would still be considered 'reliable'. Due to finite sample size, even a perfectly reliable forecasting system could result in a reliability diagram where not all points are on the diagonal. Various authors have proposed visual guidance that allows a forecaster to assess whether the observed relative frequencies fall within the variations that can be expected even when a forecasting system is perfectly reliable. These include 'consistency bars', a modified version of the reliability diagram which is plotted on probability paper and  a 'standardized reliability diagram' based on the Normal transform of the Poisson binomial distribution. The present contribution provides another method to visualize the expected deviation from the diagonal: confidence intervals based on the Poisson binomial distribution. The application is demonstrated in various case studies.

How to cite: Verkade, J.: Confidence intervals for the reliability diagram, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4349,, 2023.

EGU23-4846 | ECS | Posters on site | HS4.3

Are ensemble NWP forecasts now so good that calibration is unnecessary? 

James Bennett, David Robertson, Durga Lal Shrestha, Kim Robinson, and Andrew Schepen

For streamflow forecasting, calibration of ensemble numerical weather prediction (NWP) models has long been considered a necessary evil. Necessary, because NWP forecasts are usually too biased to force calibrated hydrological models, they often produce unreliable ensembles and may produce forecasts that are less accurate than simple climatology at longer lead times. Evil, because calibration adds complexity to any forecasting system and the calibration process destroys spatial, temporal and inter-variable correlations in the ensemble, which then must be reconstructed in various and usually unsatisfying ways. As ensemble NWPs improve, the degree to which calibration is ‘necessary’ declines.

Here we investigate recent versions of two ensemble NWP models – the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts ensemble NWP (ECMWF-ens) and the Bureau of Meteorology’s Australian Community Climate and Earth-System Simulator Global Ensemble (ACCESS-GE) NWP. The models are tested over Tasmania, where CSIRO is working with Hydro Tasmania, Australia’s largest generator of hydropower, to establish new ensemble streamflow forecasting systems. Tasmania is mountainous and temperate and features strong rainfall gradients. We apply an existing calibration method – the Catchment-scale Hydrological Precipitation Processor (CHyPP) – which uses a Bayesian Joint Probability model to calibrate ensemble precipitation forecasts.

We show that CHyPP improves reliability in both the ECMWF-ens and ACCESS-GE ensembles, but these improvements come at the cost of a slight reduction in skill at short lead times. Uncalibrated ACCESS-GE forecasts generally produce more biased and less reliable forecasts than ECMWF-ens, and we conclude that calibration is necessary for the ACCESS-GE model, both to reduce biases and improve reliability. However, the improvements in bias from calibrating the ECMWF-ens are negligible in some catchments, with the main benefit being improved reliability at longer lead times. This brings into question the need for calibration of the ECMWF-ens model with CHyPP. We note that these findings may not hold outside the Tasmanian catchments tested, where high resolution ensemble NWP forecasts generally perform well. We discuss the implications of these findings with respect to streamflow forecasts.

How to cite: Bennett, J., Robertson, D., Shrestha, D. L., Robinson, K., and Schepen, A.: Are ensemble NWP forecasts now so good that calibration is unnecessary?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4846,, 2023.

EGU23-5511 | Orals | HS4.3 | Highlight

A skill assessment of the European Flood Awareness System notifications 

Jesús Casado Rodríguez, Corentin Carton De Wiart, Stefania Grimaldi, and Peter Salamon

The European Flood Awareness System (EFAS) of the Copernicus Emergency Management Service is an operational forecasting system whose aim is to raise awareness about floods in European transnational rivers. It produces probabilistic, medium-range discharge forecasts twice a day by running the open-source hydrological model LISFLOOD with four different meteorological forcings, two deterministic forecasts from the DWD (German Weather Service) and the ECMWF (European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts), respectively, and two probabilistic forecasts from ECMWF and the Cosmo Consortium (COSMO-LEPS). Based on these forecasts, flood notifications are issued to the EFAS partners if a set of criteria is met: contributing area larger than 2000 km², lead time from 48 to 240 h, at least one deterministic model exceeds the discharge threshold (5-year return period), and at least one probabilistic model predicts 30% exceedance probability of that discharge threshold for three or more consecutive forecasts.

The operational EFAS is being regularly updated, so the configuration of EFAS has changed since the time these notification criteria were defined. For instance, the temporal resolution has increased from daily to 6-hourly, and the spatial resolution is planned to improve from 5km to approximately 1.5 km (1 arcminute).

This study aims at assessing the skill of the notification criteria above presented with the current system setup, and to derive a new set of criteria that optimizes the notification skill. We will focus on three research questions: (i) how can we combine the different models (deterministic and probabilistic) into a grand ensemble and what probability threshold optimizes skill? (ii) Is the persistence criterion (i.e. 3 consecutive forecasts need to provide persistent predictions of high flood risk) adding to the skill both at shorter and larger lead times? (iii) Can we reduce the contributing area threshold without compromising skill?

The study will make use of reanalysis, driven by meteorological observations, and forecast data at over 2300 stations across Europe for a time span from October 2020, which was the release time of the last major change in the EFAS setup, until present. By comparing the reanalysis data with the simulated discharge threshold, a total of 1327 “observed” flood events have been identified in the 2 years from October 2020 to October 2022. The “notified” events will be computed by comparing the forecast data against the notification criteria; we will compute skill metrics (f1, Hanssen-Kuipers) at each daily lead time for different combinations of meteorological forcing and notification criteria in order to find the procedure that maximizes the skill of EFAS notifications and to assess the above research questions.

The outcome of this study will be applied to the EFAS operational system, directly impacting the preparedness of the relevant authorities in future flood events.

How to cite: Casado Rodríguez, J., Carton De Wiart, C., Grimaldi, S., and Salamon, P.: A skill assessment of the European Flood Awareness System notifications, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5511,, 2023.

EGU23-5632 | ECS | Orals | HS4.3

Surface Water Flood forecasting using reasonable worst case scenarios from ensemble rainfall forecasts 

Ben Maybee, Cathryn Birch, Steven Boeing, Thomas Willis, Linda Speight, Aurore Porson, Kay Shelton, Charlie Pilling, and Mark Trigg

Surface water flooding (SWF) presents a significant risk to livelihoods, which is projected to increase under climate change. However, forecasting the intense convective rainfall that causes most SWF on the temporal and spatial scales required for effective flood forecasting remains extremely challenging. National scale flood forecasts are currently issued for England and Wales by the Flood Forecasting Centre (FFC). The forecasts are well regarded amongst flood responders, although they feel they would benefit from more location-specific information.

We have developed an enhanced, regional-scale surface water flood forecast system driven by post-processed ensemble rainfall forecasts. We apply a neighbourhood post-processing method to generate percentile-based reasonable worst case rainfall scenarios from the UK operational Met Office Global and Regional Ensemble Prediction System (MOGREPS-UK), a 2.2km horizontal resolution, convection-permitting operational ensemble system that provides forecasts at up to 5 days lead time. Enhanced surface water flood forecasts are then generated by conducting look-ups of meteorological inputs against catchment-level hydrological reference data from the national Environment Agency Risk of SWF mapping database. In this manner the likely severity of flooding associated with forecast rainfall events is assessed by reference to the driving hyetographs for local-scale hydrological modelling, which is available nationally.

Evaluation of the forecasts is informed by both quantitative assessment and qualitative user feedback. We tested the new forecast system over Northern England over summer 2022 and held a co-development workshop with professional and volunteer flood responders, in which we presented participants with existing and new forecasts for recent case-study flood events. We found that responders would routinely use the enhanced forecasts if they were offered as a complement to existing operational provision, with the enhanced information having the strongest impact on decision making for severe, high impact flood events. Responders valued having access to more localised forecast information, which was viewed as useful for decision making, despite the necessity of accepting a higher degree of forecast uncertainty.

We evaluated the SWF forecasts over a historical 10-year period for days with observed SWF events across Northern England and, to assess false alarms, we verified them against SWF forecasts produced using radar observations for several summers’ continuous daily forecasts. The method is effective at forecasting impacts from higher impact flood events, although still generally over-estimates the extent of affected areas. The results of quantitative skill assessment will form a key basis for determining future operational deployment across England and Wales, which we will discuss the feasibility of and requisite next steps.

How to cite: Maybee, B., Birch, C., Boeing, S., Willis, T., Speight, L., Porson, A., Shelton, K., Pilling, C., and Trigg, M.: Surface Water Flood forecasting using reasonable worst case scenarios from ensemble rainfall forecasts, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5632,, 2023.

EGU23-5735 | ECS | Orals | HS4.3

A polyglot tool for the evaluation of deterministic and probabilistic streamflow predictions 

Thibault Hallouin, François Bourgin, Charles Perrin, Maria-Helena Ramos, and Vazken Andréassian

Whether they refer to it as validation, verification, or evaluation, hydrological practitioners regularly need to compute performance metrics to measure the differences between observed and simulated/predicted streamflow time series. While the metrics used are often the same (MAE, NSE, KGE, Brier, CRPS, etc.), the tools used to compute them are seldom the same. In some cases, specific tools are not used and the computation of the metrics are directly hand written in the scripts used to analyse model outputs. In addition, the computation of performance metrics is often accompanied with a variety of pre- and post-processing steps that are rarely documented (e.g. handling of missing data, data transformation, selection of events, uncertainty estimation). This can be error prone and hinder the reproducibility of published results. The sharing of tools computing these performance metrics is likely limited by the variety of programming environments in the hydrological community, and by well-established practices in operational environments that are difficult to modify. In order to enable the sharing between researchers and practitioners and move towards more reproducible hydrological science, we argue that an evaluation tool for streamflow predictions must be polyglot (i.e. that it must be usable in several programming languages) and that it must not only compute the performance metrics themselves, but also the pre- and post-processing steps required to compute them. To this end, we present a new open source, polyglot, and compiled tool for the evaluation of deterministic and probabilistic streamflow predictions. The tool, named “evalhyd”, can be used in Python, in R, and as a command line tool. We will present the concept behind its development and illustrate how it works in practice through examples from operational streamflow predictions in France. We will also discuss further steps and remaining challenges in the evaluation of hydrological model predictions.

How to cite: Hallouin, T., Bourgin, F., Perrin, C., Ramos, M.-H., and Andréassian, V.: A polyglot tool for the evaluation of deterministic and probabilistic streamflow predictions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5735,, 2023.

EGU23-6796 | ECS | Orals | HS4.3

Enhancing the seasonal forecasts from large-scale hydro-climate services to better meet the local conditions 

Yiheng Du, Ilaria Clemenzi, and Ilias Pechlivanidis

A key challenge in continental and global hydro-climate services deals with the incomplete (or even lack of) incorporation of local knowledge and data from the users. Here, we demonstrate the regional skill of seasonal forecasts from large-scale hydro-climate services, while we present a framework that accounts for local data and with the use of machine-learning enhances the seasonal forecasts by better capturing the local information. Five European case studies subject to different hydro-climate conditions and user needs are selected. We test our framework using the E-HYPE hydrological model forced by bias-adjusted ECMWF SEAS5 seasonal meteorological forecasts. We firstly assess the skill of seasonal hydrological forecasts using pseudo-reality and “real” local observations as reference. The skill assessment is driven by the local needs and hence it is conducted for different target hydro-climatic variables and conditions (i.e. floods and droughts). This first evaluation sets the benchmark for quantifying the added value from a machine-learning enhanced hydro-climate service. We next introduce a post-processing workflow to take advantage of the available local observations and potentially improve the forecasting skill. Here, quantile mapping and machine-learning post-processors are tested in the case study areas to further tune the output from the European hydro-climate service towards the local observations. Results from these hybrid seasonal forecasts show potentials to meet the local conditions and consequently address the user expectations from the service. The current work is highlighting the way forward for machine-learning enhanced services that allow tailoring large-scale hydro-climate services using local knowledge and data.

How to cite: Du, Y., Clemenzi, I., and Pechlivanidis, I.: Enhancing the seasonal forecasts from large-scale hydro-climate services to better meet the local conditions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6796,, 2023.

EGU23-7722 | Posters on site | HS4.3

Assessing seasonal meteorological and hydrological forecasts across South Korea 

Yongshin Lee, Andres Peñuela-Fernandez, Francesca Pianosi, and Miguel Rico-Ramirez

Due to the intensified impact of climate change, the intensity and severity of catastrophic droughts is increasing all over the world. South Korea had also suffered from extreme droughts, including a recent a drought that prolonged from 2013 to 2015 and caused nation-wide crop failures. As one of the measures to anticipate droughts and mitigate damages, past studies have evaluated the use of seasonal forecasts in other regions. However, few studies have focussed the assessment at catchment-scale, which is more suitable for practical water management, and no studies were found on the assessment of seasonal forecasts over South Korea.

Firstly, we assessed the skill of Seasonal Precipitation Forecasts (SPFs) over the 20 catchments in South Korea where the largest reservoirs are located, over the period 2011 to 2020. Ensemble SPFs from 4 weather forecasting centres (ECMWF, UK Met Office, Météo France and DWD) were evaluated, and the skill quantified using the Continuous Ranked Probability Skill Score (CRPSS). We analysed how the skill of the seasonal meteorological forecasts varies across the seasons and years, before and after bias correction, and if the skill can be linked to catchments characteristics. In doing so, we developed a methodology and a Python package to implement it, which is freely available for future applications to other regions ( The results showed that amongst the four forecasting centres, SPFs by ECMWF were the most skilful in South Korea. In particular, they generally outperformed climatology for up to 2 months of lead time and during the Wet season of drier years for all the lead times. We also found that linear bias correction is useful to correct systematic seasonal biases and there is no significant correlation between the catchment characteristics and forecast skill. Additionally, we investigated the possibility of anticipating dry years from ENSO indices and the forecasts themselves, but we found no significant link.

Secondly, we looked at how skill in seasonal meteorological forecasts propagates into the skill of hydrological forecasts (SHFs). We used the lumped hydrological Tank model to generate ensembles of reservoir inflow from ECMWF’s seasonal forecasts data (precipitation, Evapotranspiration and temperature). Again, we quantified the skill (CRPSS) of SHFs at different lead times, seasons and in wet and dry year. The results showed that the skill of SHFs is highly dependent on the skill of SPFs, and it mimics the seasonal and annual (dry and wet years) features of precipitation forecasts. We also tested 4 different types of processing methods (raw, pre-processing, post-processing, pre/post-processing) found that pre-processing method which corrects bias of weather forcings is the most useful to improve forecast skill.

How to cite: Lee, Y., Peñuela-Fernandez, A., Pianosi, F., and Rico-Ramirez, M.: Assessing seasonal meteorological and hydrological forecasts across South Korea, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7722,, 2023.

EGU23-7873 | ECS | Orals | HS4.3

Sensitivity Analysis of Flood Risk Estimation under Nonstationary Conditions: A Case Study of the Weihe River, China 

Bin Xiong, Shuchen Zheng, Lihua Xiong, and Chong-Yu Xu

Flood risk has been increasing in many basins of the world, due to the global water cycle change driving by the global climate warming. To deal with the nonstationary properties of hydrological extremes, some new concepts, methods and models on flood frequency analysis and risk assessment are developed and applied. However, the robustness of nonstationary frequency analysis models, e.g. those based on the Generalized Additive Models for Location, Scale and Shape, is yet a big concern because the uncertainty of the parameters introduced by the methods and its impact on design flood values are difficult to quantify. This study aims to develop sensitivity degree indexes to assess the robustness of the nonstationary estimation of flood risk rates and their attributions, based on classical and Bayesian statistics, respectively. The results of the case study showed that the proposed method was efficient in identifying significant driving factors of nonstationary flood frequency; the results of the sensitivity index based on the Bayesian statistics showed that the uncertain degree of the nonstationary flood risk estimation increases with uncertain degree of the nonstationary model parameters as expected, but the sensitivity degree is decreased. It is indicated that the degree of influence of model parameters uncertainty on the risk estimation results is model dependent. This study will benefit the application of nonstationary frequency analysis methods in the flood risk assessment and flood design inference fields.

Keywords: Flood frequency analysis; Flood risk; Non-stationarity; Attribution

*This work was supported by the Research Council of Norway (FRINATEK Project 274310).

How to cite: Xiong, B., Zheng, S., Xiong, L., and Xu, C.-Y.: Sensitivity Analysis of Flood Risk Estimation under Nonstationary Conditions: A Case Study of the Weihe River, China, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7873,, 2023.

EGU23-8578 | Orals | HS4.3 | Highlight

A new process-oriented ensemble hydrological prediction system for flood prediction and water management in the US Pacific Northwest 

Andy Wood, Josh Sturtevant, Naoki Mizukami, and Guoqiang Tang

Water-related applications and decisionmaking for flood forecasting and seasonal water management commonly rely on hydrologic modeling and forecasting that must provide accurate information over large domains as well as at local watershed scales.  We present progress on an experimentally operational hydrologic forecasting system being developed in a project between NCAR and the US Army Corps of Engineers to increase situational awareness in the US Columbia River basin of the Pacific Northwest, where myriad management concerns include flood risk mitigation, hydropower generation, navigation, water supply, recreation, fisheries and environmental management. The components of the system arise from process-oriented hydrologic modeling, analysis and prediction research that has been developed over the last decade in a collaboration between NCAR, federal US water agencies, and several academic institutions. In particular, a calibrated, watershed-based SUMMA hydrologic model and MizuRoute channel routing model are run in both retrospective and real time modes to provide 3-hourly timestep ensemble flood forecasts for short to medium range lead times, as well as ensemble seasonal streamflow and water supply forecasts up to a 1-year lead time. A 36-member meteorological forcing analysis is used to initialize the model states, while ensemble meteorological forecasts from GEFS, sub-seasonal-to-seasonal (S2S) climate forecasts and ESP are used to drive future flow predictions. We present the current status of the system, which runs in real time at NCAR, and discuss different elements of the forecast approach, including model calibration, ensemble initialization, data assimilation, downscaling of NWP, S2S climate forecast use, post-processing, and hindcasting. We also discuss project links to a related streamflow forecasting testbed initiative through the new NOAA Cooperative Institute for Research to Operations in Hydrology (CIROH)

How to cite: Wood, A., Sturtevant, J., Mizukami, N., and Tang, G.: A new process-oriented ensemble hydrological prediction system for flood prediction and water management in the US Pacific Northwest, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8578,, 2023.

EGU23-9579 | Posters on site | HS4.3

Five years of real time hydro-meteorological forecasts and monitoring for local civil protection: the SOL and MOCAP warning systems 

Alessandro Ceppi, Enrico Gambini, Giovanni Ravazzani, Gabriele Lombardi, Stefania Meucci, and Marco Mancini

Among the natural disasters floods are identified with the greatest impact on highly urbanized areas in economic terms and loss of human lives. Flooding phenomena are more often observed due not only to significant weather events, but also to less intense, but more frequent episodes that undermine the urban drainage system and its interconnections with the river network.

In this context, an alert system has been developed to predict possible river floods for the Seveso, Olona and Lambro rivers (SOL) 24 - 36 hours in advance with a technology based on the sequential functioning of hydrological meteorological, hydraulic engineering calculation models, and visualization on web-GIS.

The proposed flood warning system is, in fact, composed of a physically based and spatially distributed hydrological model for the rainfall-runoff transformation, fed by both observed and forecasted atmospheric forcings of various deterministic and probabilistic meteorological models such as the GFS, Bolam, Moloch, Cosmo I2 and I5, Cosmo-Leps, and WRF.

The data measured on the ground are daily provided by a citizen scientist observation network of the Meteonetwork association and by the official Arpa Lombardia network.

In recent years, this decision support system has also been integrated with a real-time hydrological monitoring and alert network (MoCAP, an Italian acronym which stands for municipal monitoring for flood alerts), developed for the civil protection of the Bovisio-Masciago town, which is located along the Seveso River.

This study describes the benchmark analysis of the coupled forecasting and monitoring systems for local civil protection purposes and its relative performance in the last five years (2018-2022) of functioning.

How to cite: Ceppi, A., Gambini, E., Ravazzani, G., Lombardi, G., Meucci, S., and Mancini, M.: Five years of real time hydro-meteorological forecasts and monitoring for local civil protection: the SOL and MOCAP warning systems, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9579,, 2023.

EGU23-9645 | Posters on site | HS4.3 | Highlight

Towards improved hydro-meteorological ensemble forecasting for flood warning in small catchments in Saxony, Germany 

Jens Grundmann, Michael Wagner, and Andy Philipp

Flood forecasting and warning for small catchments are challenging due to the short response time of the catchments on heavy rainfall events. Thus, disaster managers are interested in extended lead times to initiate flood defence measures, which can be obtained by employing forecasts of numerical weather models as driving data for hydrological models. To portray the inherent uncertainty of weather model output, ensemble hydro-meteorological forecasts can be used.

By this contribution, we introduce the next steps to improve our operational web-based demonstration platform for ensemble hydrological forecasting in small catchments of Saxony, Germany ( In its current configuration, it uses the Icon-D2-EPS numerical weather prediction product of the German Weather Service (DWD) and provides a hydrologic forecast ensemble of 20 members each three hours, for lead times up to 27 hours. The system is established for three pilot regions with different hydrological settings in Saxony, Germany. Within the second funding period of the HoWa-project improvements are planned for three main parts of the hydro-meteorological ensemble prediction platform considering a) the for observed and forecasted precipitation input, b) the hydrological forecast modelling, and c) the post-processing, visualisation and communication of results including their uncertainty.

In terms of precipitation input we are going to incorporate radar based nowcasting for short term forecasts of the next two hours. Furthermore, we will enlarge the maximum forecast period to 48 hours by exploring the full range of the Icon-D2-EPS NWP forecasts. In addition, forecasts will be updated more frequent. Regarding the hydrological forecasting features will be implemented for flood reservoir operation, and the numbers of catchments/regions will be increased. Finally, a new web-based visualisation dash board will be developed to allow for user oriented analysis and configuration. First steps towards these improvements will be presented.

How to cite: Grundmann, J., Wagner, M., and Philipp, A.: Towards improved hydro-meteorological ensemble forecasting for flood warning in small catchments in Saxony, Germany, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9645,, 2023.

EGU23-10284 | ECS | Orals | HS4.3

A reproducible data-driven workflow for probabilistic seasonal streamflow forecasting over North America 

Louise Arnal, Martyn P. Clark, Vincent Fortin, Alain Pietroniro, Vincent Vionnet, Paul H. Whitfield, and Andy W. Wood

Seasonal streamflow forecasts are critical for many different sectors - e.g., water supply management, hydropower generation, and irrigation scheduling. Initial hydrological conditions (e.g., snow storage and soil moisture) are an important source of hydrological predictability on seasonal timescales. Snowmelt is the main source of runoff generation in high-latitude and/or high-altitude headwaters basins across North America, and the basins downstream. As a result, data-driven forecasting from snow observations is a well-established approach for operational seasonal streamflow forecasting in the USA and Canada.

The aim of this work is to benchmark the skill of probabilistic seasonal streamflow forecasts across North America. To this end, we developed a reproducible data-driven workflow and implemented it for basins with a nival regime across North America. The workflow uses snow water equivalent measurements from the Canadian historical Snow Water Equivalent dataset (CanSWE), the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) manual snow surveys, and the SNOTEL automatic snow pillow in the USA. These datasets are gap filled using quantile mapping based on neighboring snow and precipitation stations. Principal Component Analysis is then used to define a small set of orthogonal predictor variables. These principal components are used as predictors in a regression model to generate ensemble hindcasts of streamflow volumes for basins across North America. 

Preliminary results for 93 nival basins and 17 glacial basins across Canada suggest that this forecasting method has the ability to provide skilful hindcasts (i.e., better than streamflow climatology) during the snowmelt season with up to 2-3 months lead. The results of this study provide a reference against which alternative forecasting methods (e.g., process-based forecasting models or machine learning approaches) can be assessed in the future.

This work is a contribution of the recently launched Cooperative Institute for Research to Operations in Hydrology (CIROH) initiative that aims to develop next-generation water prediction capabilities. The CIROH program and the Global Water Futures (GWF) program are advancing capabilities for probabilistic streamflow forecasting over North America.

How to cite: Arnal, L., Clark, M. P., Fortin, V., Pietroniro, A., Vionnet, V., Whitfield, P. H., and Wood, A. W.: A reproducible data-driven workflow for probabilistic seasonal streamflow forecasting over North America, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10284,, 2023.

EGU23-10361 | ECS | Orals | HS4.3

Application of weather post-processing methods for operational ensemble hydrological forecasting on multiple catchments in Canada 

Freya Saima Aguilar Andrade, Richard Arsenault, and Annie Poulin

Hydrological forecasts often contain biases or uncertainty that make them less useful to water resources system managers. They can, however, be further improved using post-processing methods. Post-processing has the capability to reduce overall bias and improve the uncertainty quantification (spread), in order to enhance the usefulness of the forecasts in decision-making. In this study, a Quantile Mapping (QM) post-processing method was implemented on meteorological forecasts assessed in three different configurations: A monthly, a seasonal, and an annual quantile mapping schemes. The evaluation was carried out over 22 watersheds with different basin areas in the south of Canada. Post-processing methods were trained on ECMWF operational forecasts from 2015-2019 inclusively, then applied on forecasts from 2020 and fed to 8 assimilated hydrological models on each catchment. The hydrological forecasts for the year 2020 were generated at a lead time of 8 days and a timestep of 6 hours. The methodology and results were evaluated using the Continuous Ranked Probability Score (CRPS) metric. Results show that all three QM combinations improve the performance of the forecasts at the most distant lead times, showing significant improvements from day 4. The annual QM implementation was shown to perform the best, followed by seasonal or monthly, depending on the watershed.

How to cite: Aguilar Andrade, F. S., Arsenault, R., and Poulin, A.: Application of weather post-processing methods for operational ensemble hydrological forecasting on multiple catchments in Canada, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10361,, 2023.

EGU23-11632 | Posters on site | HS4.3

Preprocessing intense precipitation forecasts to improve flood predictability for small and quick responding catchments 

Trine Jahr Hegdahl, Thordis Thorarinsdottir, and Kolbjørn Engeland

Small catchments have a quick flood response subject to intense precipitation. Previous studies show a lack of predictability for rain induced floods in these catchments. The aims of this study are to (i) apply processing techniques that focus on improving high to extreme precipitation forecasts, and (ii) evaluate how and if the spatial distribution of precipitation within a catchment affects the flood forecast, and the ultimate effect on flood predictability. Even though preprocessing precipitation has shown to improve flood prognosis, high (intense) precipitation values are still difficult to forecast correctly. In this study, we use precipitation forecasts from the regional weather forecasting model AROME-MetCoOp (MEPS, a 30-member lagged ensemble with a grid resolution of 2.5 km) and the global European Center of Medium-Range Weather Forecasts Integrated Forecasting System (ECMWF HRes and ENS, grid resolution of ~8km and for the ensemble ~16 km). MEPS serves as the reference forecast and is used in the operational flood forecasting system in Norway. For the ECMWF HRes and ENS we will apply techniques focusing on the high precipitation values. We will use Bayesian Model Averaging and apply a sampling approach that ensures that the tail of the posterior distribution is represented. We will also use a quantile regression method that employs an extreme value distribution in the tail. To assess the streamflow forecasts from all ensemble forecasts, a gridded HBV model run at a 3 hourly temporal resolution is used. 

The performance of flood forecasts for the different preprocessing approaches for the precipitation ensemble forecasts will be evaluated. For intense precipitation events the spatial distribution of precipitation within a catchment will be evaluated with an emphasis on the ultimate effect on estimating flood peaks for small and quick responding catchments. 

How to cite: Hegdahl, T. J., Thorarinsdottir, T., and Engeland, K.: Preprocessing intense precipitation forecasts to improve flood predictability for small and quick responding catchments, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11632,, 2023.

EGU23-11744 | Posters on site | HS4.3

Development of forecasting rainfall accuracy correction method based on observation scenario 

Jungsoo Yoon, Seokhwan Hwang, and Narae Kang

Numerical weather prediction (NWP) provided by the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) has rainfall predictions such as typhoons, so it simulates the time point relatively well, but the rainfall intensity of heavy rain, such as the peak of precipitation, is inaccurate to use for flood forecasting. Various methods have been tried for peak smoothing or under-estimation limits due to limitations due to the temporal and spatial scale of the prediction field, but a solution that can be used in practice has not been found. In order to solve this problem, this study developed a technique for correcting the temporal distribution of meteorological forecast data using the representative temporal distribution extracted based on a large amount of past observation data. In order to solve the peak smoothing problem of numerical forecasting, after merging radar quantative precipitation forecasting (QPF) and NWP, the abnormal distribution of precipitation around the peak was corrected using the standard time distribution based on observation data. As a result of correction for typhoon Hinnamno attack in 2022, the accuracy was improved from 68% of the actual rainfall before correction to 85% due to improvement in the peak.


Acknowledgement : This research was supported by a grant(2022-MOIS61-002) of ‘Development Risk Prediction Technology of Storm and Flood for Climate Change based on Artificial Intelligence’ funded by Ministry of Interior and Safety(MOIS, Korea).


How to cite: Yoon, J., Hwang, S., and Kang, N.: Development of forecasting rainfall accuracy correction method based on observation scenario, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11744,, 2023.

EGU23-14249 | ECS | Posters on site | HS4.3

Verification of ECMWF SEAS5 precipitation seasonal forecasting using ERA5 and observations for Brazilian Hidro Power Plants 

Nathalli Rogiski da Silva, Reinaldo Bomfim da Silveira, Camila Freitas, Cassia Silmara Aver Paranhos, André Luiz de Campos, and Leandro Ávila Rangel

The Electric Energy Company of Parana (COPEL GeT), the Meteorological System of Parana (SIMEPAR) and RHAMA Consulting company are undertaking the research project PD-6491-0503/2018 for the development of a hydrometeorological seasonal forecasting for Brazilian reservoirs. The project, sponsored by the Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency (ANEEL) under its research and development programme, aims the forecasting of streamflow, at temporal scales ranging from 1 to 270 days, at hydro power enterprises, which are integrated by the National Power System Operator (ONS) through its Interconnected System (SIN). In the present work, we verify the precipitation seasonal product from SEAS5 from ECMWF against three references, namely model climatology, ERA5 reanalysis and in-situ observations. In order to achieve the results, we extract the values from the model, respectively to the closest location of observations within Brazilian rain gauge network, corresponding to hydro power plants, and compare them to the observed values and ERA5 results, for the period from 2000 to 2020. The accuracy measurement was performed by settling a contingency matrix to estimate the probability of detection (POD), probability of false detection (POFD), the ROC curve, the area under the ROC (AUC) and other related metrics. The statistics are gathered by monthly and by season and by considering three quantile thresholds of rainfall distribution for forecasting, computed for 153 reservoirs of the SIN. The results describe a good performance of SEAS5 for either monthly or seasonal forecast if compared to climatology or ERA5, but less accuracy if compared to the rain gauges, mainly for low quantiles. Despite this, by considering the large extension of the country and its climate diversity, we noticed the SEAS5 is quite promising for using on hydrological forecasting at seasonal scale.

How to cite: Rogiski da Silva, N., Bomfim da Silveira, R., Freitas, C., Silmara Aver Paranhos, C., Luiz de Campos, A., and Ávila Rangel, L.: Verification of ECMWF SEAS5 precipitation seasonal forecasting using ERA5 and observations for Brazilian Hidro Power Plants, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14249,, 2023.

EGU23-14944 | ECS | Orals | HS4.3

Estimation of different uncertainties in simulated streamflow from hydrological models 

Mehnaza Akhter, Munir Ahmad Nayak, and Manzoor Ahmad Ahanger

Streamflow simulated from hydrological models is associated with uncertainty from a variety of sources. The chief sources of uncertainty are: i) errors in the measurement of the observed inputs to the hydrologic models, say precipitation, discharge, and temperature observations, ii) calibration uncertainty associated with algorithms used to estimate the parameters of the model iii) structural uncertainty, associated with incomplete or approximate representation of the catchment with hydrologic models. Operational forecasts generally ignore these uncertainties for important management decisions in water resources, for example, in issuing flood warnings. However, several works have shown that these uncertainties can substantially impact large streamflow forecasts made through hydrologic models. In this work, we explore different error models for estimating the relative contribution of individual error sources to overall uncertainty in the streamflow simulations. Four hydrologic models are used to estimate error distributions at various flow quantiles due to individual sources. The strategy can be adopted to improve the sources contributing to these uncertainties for future predictions from these systems. The approach may be used to reduce the major sources of uncertainty, which will help in reducing the computational efforts in estimating the uncertainties in streamflow simulations.

How to cite: Akhter, M., Nayak, M. A., and Ahanger, M. A.: Estimation of different uncertainties in simulated streamflow from hydrological models, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14944,, 2023.

EGU23-15775 | Posters on site | HS4.3

A seamless hydrologic forecasting system for Germany 

Husain Najafi, Rakovec Oldrich, Pallav Kumar Shrestha, Stephan Thober, and Luis Samaniego

An experimental hydrological forecasting system has been developed for Germany ( at high resolution (1 km). Since early 2021, the hydrological forecasting system provides operational ensemble forecasts for soil moisture droughts at sub-seasonal time scale (HS2S). In the next year, it will be upgraded to streamflow and inundation areas. The mesoscale Hydrologic Model (mHM- with the Multiscale Parameter Regionalization scheme [1,2,3] is used to simulate hydrological forecasts across German catchments. This model is forced with the extended large atmospheric ensemble forecasts from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF). The soil moisture index is updated twice per week with associated uncertainties of the initial atmospheric conditions. The initial conditions are obtained with the DWD precipitation and temperature data, similar to the German Drought Monitor ( The hydrological forecasting system was also evaluated for 2021 summer flood in west Germany [4]. The system has shown promising results in flood forecasting as well. This system is based on the EDgE system [5] and can easily be developed across other regions around the world.


[1] Samaniego L., Kumar R., & Attinger, S. (2010). Multiscale parameter regionalization of a grid-based hydrologic model at the mesoscale. Water Resour. Res., 46,W05523, doi:10.1029/2008WR007327. WRR Editors' Choice Award 2010

[2] Samaniego L., et al. (2021). mesoscale Hydrologic Model. Zenodo. doi:10.5281/zenodo.1069202,

[3] Kumar, R., Samaniego, L., & Attinger, S. (2013). Implications of distributed hydrologic model parameterization on water fluxes at multiple scales and locations. Water Resour. Res., 49(1), 360-379.

[4] Najafi, H., Rakovec, O., Kumar Shrestha, P., Thober, S., & Samaniego, L. (2022). Post-Assessment of ECMWF-mHM ensemble flood forecasting for 2021 summer flood in west Germany. 2022 AGU Fall meeting. Chicago, IL & online everywhere.

[5] Samaniego et al. (2019). Hydrological Forecasts and Projections for Improved Decision-Making in the Water Sector in Europe. BAMS, 100(12), 2451–2472.

How to cite: Najafi, H., Oldrich, R., Shrestha, P. K., Thober, S., and Samaniego, L.: A seamless hydrologic forecasting system for Germany, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15775,, 2023.

EGU23-16025 | ECS | Posters on site | HS4.3

Medium range ensemble streamflow forecasts for hydropower dams of the Brazilian National Interconnected System 

Cléber Gama, Vinicius Siqueira, Arthur Kolling Neto, Rodrigo Paiva, Fernando Fan, Walter Collischonn, Erik Quedi, Ingrid Petry, Reinaldo Silveira, Camila Freitas, and Cassia Paranhos

Short-to-medium range streamflow forecasting is essential for planning and operating hydropower plants (HPPs). The Brazilian National Interconnected System (SIN) is composed of more than 150 HPPs that are located over a wide range of climate and hydrological conditions. Forecasts of natural inflow into the SIN reservoirs are important to establish optimal operating rules to reduce costs with other energy sources, therefore influencing the prices in the energy market. The objective of this work is twofold: (i) evaluate the skill of ensemble streamflow forecasts for the SIN hydropower plants based on continental-scale hydrological modeling (MGB-SA) and medium-range ECWMF rainfall forecasts (MGB-ECMWF), and (ii) compare the MGB-ECMWF forecasts to those produced operationally by the Electric System National Operator (ONS). The MGB-ECMWF predictions were additionally bias-corrected and updated using quantile mapping and auto-regressive model approaches, and were assessed in the period from 2015 to 2020 in terms of weekly averages. The forecast skill was estimated relative to both streamflow climatology and persistency using the CRPS metric, while the comparison between MGB-ECMWF and operational forecasts was performed using deterministic metrics typically adopted by ONS. The skill of MGB-ECMWF forecasts was substantially improved (especially in the first week) by the use of output correction methods, which were demonstrated to be essential for quantitative streamflow forecasting using a continental-scale hydrological model. The relative performance between ONS and MGB-ECMWF forecasts was quite variable (exhibiting positive and negative values) over the geographical extent of the SIN, although in several locations the MGB-ECMWF forecasts have performed equal to or even better than those issued by ONS. Finally, the results presented here provide insights for investigations and applications of streamflow forecasts using continental-scale modeling and simple output correction techniques, which can bring benefits, for example, in the optimization of the reservoir operation and electricity generation.

Acknowledgments: This work presents part of the results obtained during the project granted by the Brazilian Agency of Electrical Energy (ANEEL) under its Research and Development program Project PD 6491-0503/2018 – “Previsão Hidroclimática com Abrangência no Sistema Interligado Nacional de Energia Elétrica” developed by the Paraná State electric company (COPEL GeT), the Meteorological System of Paraná (SIMEPAR) and the RHAMA Consulting company. The Hydraulic Research Institute (IPH) from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) contribute to part of the project through an agreement with the RHAMA company (IAP-001313).

How to cite: Gama, C., Siqueira, V., Kolling Neto, A., Paiva, R., Fan, F., Collischonn, W., Quedi, E., Petry, I., Silveira, R., Freitas, C., and Paranhos, C.: Medium range ensemble streamflow forecasts for hydropower dams of the Brazilian National Interconnected System, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16025,, 2023.

EGU23-16465 | ECS | Orals | HS4.3 | Highlight

Stochastic flow forecast tool in Mediterranean watersheds for hydropower plants management at operational time scales 

Raquel Gómez-Beas, María José Polo, María Fátima Moreno, Manuel del Jesus, and Cristina Aguilar


The operation of hydropower systems is carried out based on operation rules and environmental flows requirements. The effects of the highly temporal variability of hydrological regime in Mediterranean areas are more pronounced in Run-of-River hydropower systems, located in mountainous areas as they must often cease operation due to flow rates either below the turbine minimum discharge and the environmental flow requirements, or over the turbine maximum discharge. Conversely, regulated basins with storage systems are more resilient to changes in the short-medium term. In any case, having a forecast operational tool with delimited uncertainty and sufficient reliability would mean an improvement in the hydropower production planning, as well as a decrease in opportunity costs.

A stochastic flow forecast tool is applied in two selected Mediterranean hydropower systems (Southern Spain). In particular, the mini hydropower plants in Poqueira river, as representative of Run-of-River systems; and Los Hurones plant, with a reservoir, are presented. The forcing agents of the increase in humidity were first identified, being the snow and rainfall regimes in Poqueira, and the atmospheric pressure and NAO index in Los Hurones respectively. Secondly, the statistical modelling of dependent variables was carried out with parametric and non-parametric approaches to, finally, generate the probability distribution functions of occurrence of the flow regime. This structure of Bayesian dynamics forecast of water inputs to the plants on a week-month and month-season scale allows the forecast based on observable and verifiable antecedent conditions in quasi-real time.

The operationality of the hydropower plants refers to the probability of producing energy, so that its complementary value, probability of failure, is defined as the number of days in which the plant is not operating. Failure frequency and the associated operationality were calculated from the 250 stochastic replications of the 20-year period of the forcing agent in the selected case study. Including the 250 replications of the inputs allows considering the effect of different combinations of wet and dry years on the variables analysed, and provides the uncertainty associated with both, a certain value of operationality, and a fixed value of the hydrological variable at the desired time scale.

Results reveal that the higher operationality in Poqueira is given between April and May when the snowmelt produces greater flows, with a 25% probability of having less than 4 days of failure, lower than in the winter months (December to February), with a 25% probability of having 8-18 days of failure. In Los Hurones, with a 25% probability, the lowest failure will be 8-12 days between April and June, being significantly higher the rest of the year. Operational graphs obtained from the uncertainty analysis allow estimating how to plan the operation of hydroelectric plants to maximize its production based on the data observed in previous weeks and months.


Acknowledgments: This work has been funded by project TED2021-130937A-I00, ENFLOW-MED "Incorporating climate variability and water quality aspects in the implementation of environmental flows in Mediterranean catchments" with the economic collaboration of MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and European Union "NextGenerationEU"/Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia.

How to cite: Gómez-Beas, R., Polo, M. J., Moreno, M. F., del Jesus, M., and Aguilar, C.: Stochastic flow forecast tool in Mediterranean watersheds for hydropower plants management at operational time scales, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16465,, 2023.

The exploitation of rivers and hydropower reservoirs involves daily monitoring of  the water resources, the meteorological conditions, the status of  the river banks, the flood areas, etc. As maximum river discharge often results in flooding, it is of importance to provide with timely and reliable forecasts of discharge and water levels. Predicting river discharge and water levels has been a subject of hydrological modelling and a topic of serious research. However, only in recent years scholars and practitioners have turned to consider earth observation data for their studies, mainly to compare evidence of flood mapping. We present an approach of using earth observation data to feed AI architectures – EO4AI – and produce forecasts for discharge and water level with significant degrees of accuracy.  Our starting point is that river discharge and water levels depend on a variety of meteorological and environmental factors like precipitations, snow cover, soil moisture, vegetation index and satellite data offer rich variety of datasets, supplying this information. We adopt a pipeline of deep learning architectures consisting of GAN, CNN, LSTM and EA to actually generate forecasts for river discharge and water level by using historic satellite data of the meteorological features listed above, and in-situ measurements for water level and discharge. The satellite data are provided by ADAM  via the NoR service of ESA. ADAM provides data access to satellite datasets from different satellites with semantic relevance for the construction of sediment transport and deposition forecast model as discussed above.  We explain the purpose of the pipeline components. Our forecast models are calibrated for 3, 5, 7, 30 days ahead, and our experiments provide predictions for one year ahead with each of the calibrated models. We discuss experiment results carried out with data from the Danube and Arda rivers, including three dams from cascade Arda and compare them with predictions derived with other methods. We demonstrate the viability of the approach and the reliability of the forecasting results. We further show how the forecasts can be used in hydrodynamic modelling context, for early warning applications and for routine water resources management and monitoring tasks.

How to cite: Damova, M. and Stankov, S.: Forecasting Discharge and Water Levels of Rivers and Dams using Earth Observation and AI, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17141,, 2023.

EGU23-17334 | ECS | Posters on site | HS4.3

Simulation of long-term rainfall runoff using a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks: Case of Osipcheon watershed in Korea 

Sung Wook An, Jung Ryel Choi, and Byung Sik Kim

Water resource management requires long-term historical discharge data, and physical hydrology models were widely used. Recently, in the field of water resources, various studies using artificial neural networks have been conducted. In this paper, long-term discharge was estimated using meteorological data and LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory). Study area is selected as Osipcheon watershed in Korea. Observed meteorological data and discharge data were collected for 10 years to training period (2011-2018) and testing period (2019–2020). The potential evaporation data was calculated by Hargreaves formula equation. And NSE (Nash– Sutcliffe Efficiency), RMSE (Root Mean Square Error), and MSE (Mean Square Error) were used to compare LSTM results and observed discharge during the training, test and total period. As a result, NSE, RMSE, and MSE were satisfactory during the total period which showed a high possibility of using the LSTM deep learning technique in the water resource area.

Acknowledgment: This research was supported by a grant(2022-MOIS61-001) of Development Risk Prediction Technology of Storm and Flood For Climate Change based on Artificial Intelligence funded by Ministry of Interior and Safety(MOIS, Korea).

How to cite: An, S. W., Choi, J. R., and Kim, B. S.: Simulation of long-term rainfall runoff using a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks: Case of Osipcheon watershed in Korea, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17334,, 2023.

EGU23-17521 | ECS | Posters on site | HS4.3

Water level forecasting of Reservoir downstream by machine learning 

I-Hsiu Chuang, Gwo-Fong Lin, Ming-Jui Chang, and Yuan-Fu Zeng

Taiwan is located in the subtropical monsoon region, both typhoons and vigorous convection caused by strong southwesterly flow develop seasonal compound disasters.
In addition, the response time for early warning systems of the reservoirs and downstream riverbanks has been shortened due to higher frequency and greater intensity of short-duration rainfall events in recent years. Past studies pointed out that the current water level forecast does not consider the outflow discharge of the reservoir. Therefore, this study proposes a downstream water level forecasting model that considers the outflow discharge of the reservoir, and the model is provided to relevant hazard mitigation centers.
This research has selected the water level of the Taipei bridge as target status and collected data of typhoon and storm events from 2014-2021. These data included the precipitation in the watershed of upstream of Taipei bridge, outflow discharge of Shimen reservoir, outflow discharge of Feitsui reservoir, and tidal of Tamsui river estuary as the alternative factors. Subsequently, building several models based on multiple machine learning, such as RNN, SVM, and LSTM to interface with the constant-quantity rainfall forecast of the Central Weather Bureau, then produce the forecast in the future 12 hours with Multi-Step Forecasting (MSF) about the water level of Taipei bridge.
The result shows that SVM, RNN, LSTM forecast in the future 1 hour precisely, which statistical values of CC are more than 0.97, and root mean square errors of water level are around 0.2 m. As the forecast time is longer, the statistical values of CC decrease around 0.93 and root mean square errors of water level increase around 0.3 m.
However, LSTM is able to learn dependencies between the time series and get more precise outcomes than the SVM and RNN, which is not outstanding initially then performs the best at the last. The proposed water level forecast is proved to improve the accuracy of the forecast in the future 12 hours about the water level of Taipei bridge. Moreover, by coordinating the Quantitative Precipitation Forecast (QPF) and warning water level, the model provides early warning of the future twelve-hour water level, which is not only beneficial to evacuation and operating traversing dock-gate and evacuation gates efficiently, but also conducive to reducing the risk of losses in life and property.
Keywords: Water level, Quantitative Precipitation Forecast, Machine learning, Multi-Step Forecasting

How to cite: Chuang, I.-H., Lin, G.-F., Chang, M.-J., and Zeng, Y.-F.: Water level forecasting of Reservoir downstream by machine learning, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17521,, 2023.

EGU23-200 | ECS | Orals | HS8.2.4

A critical review of solute mixing and transport approaches in karstic groundwater modelling and key challenges 

Kübra Özdemir Çallı, Süleyman Selim Çallı, Daniel Bittner, Gabriel Chiogna, and Andreas Hartmann

Modelling solute mixing and transport processes is one of the key steps to effectively managing karstic groundwater resources, particularly under the threat of climate change and risk of contamination. For that reason, a considerable body of literature has been devoted to understanding and describing solute mixing and transport processes in karst aquifers. However, due to the strong multiscale heterogeneity (from microscale to aquifer scale), modelling solute mixing and transport processes in karst aquifers remains a challenging task. This presentation critically reviews the current state of knowledge and fundamental challenges in the modelling of solute mixing and transport processes in karst aquifers, thereby collocating and synthesizing the existing body of knowledge in the literature. To provide a holistic and objective picture of the state-of-the-art of the solute mixing and transport modelling, we performed a bibliometric analysis on the relevant literature for karst groundwater studies (over 2800 scientific papers). Further, with a meta-analysis of scientific papers focusing on the quantitative tracer tests, we evaluated the field-based transport parameters that are typically served for the solute mixing and transport models.

The review unveils the fundamental modelling hinges underlying a successful modelling practice for the solute mixing and transport processes in karst, thereby discussing to what extent and in what ways we are dealing with these challenges. The major modelling challenges are defined as follows: (i) Model conceptualization based on data collection and system understanding (e.g., How well is the problem of interest defined? To what extent is the domain of interest described?), ii) Model selection considering the choice of a dominant physicochemical process (e.g., How well is the process of interest represented by a set of governing equations over the problem domain?), iii) Time-variability of solute mixing and transport processes (e.g., To what extent do the parameters represent the process of interest under the different time-scales?), iv) Model parametrization considering the parameter non-uniqueness and transferability (e.g., How realistic are the model parameters? To which extent are they transferable over the same aquifer?), v) Uncertainty quantification in model results (e.g., How robust are the model results? How much are we (un)certain about our model?). Finally, we address potential research directions and knowledge gaps by encouraging the community for building a protocol for solute transport modelling in karst aquifers, as well as providing more transparent and reproducible results.

How to cite: Özdemir Çallı, K., Çallı, S. S., Bittner, D., Chiogna, G., and Hartmann, A.: A critical review of solute mixing and transport approaches in karstic groundwater modelling and key challenges, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-200,, 2023.

EGU23-1596 | ECS | Posters on site | HS8.2.4

Study on the relationship between geometrical features and permeabilities of fracture networks based on the spring hydrographs 

Yuan Chen, Longcang Shu, Zhe Wang, Shuyao Niu, and Zihan Ling

Identifying the hydraulic properties of fracture networks is important for groundwater management of karst aquifers which are composed of fractured rocks and cavernous conduits. Although much research has been done on the geometrical characteristics and flow calculation of discrete fracture networks, further exploration on the relativity between them is still needed. This study aims to quantitatively analyze the relationship between different geometrical features and permeabilities of fracture networks based on the spring hydrographs, which can intuitively reflect the flow velocity of karstic medium system.

We simulated rainfall-discharge processes of a karst area with different distributions of random fracture networks using a numerical model developed based on a laboratory experiment. The results of plenty of simulation show that the total length of fracture networks and relative density of fractures are most related to the peak values of spring discharge with the Pearson correlation coefficients of over 0.8, indicating that these two geometrical parameters can reflect the permeability of random fracture networks best, followed by the fractal dimension and number of intersection points. However, the connectivity of fracture networks also depends on whether there is one or more fractures that go through the entire study area, which greatly promote water movement and solute transport in the fractured rocks. Another factor that impacts the permeability of fracture networks is uniformity of distribution of fractures, in that a drastic propagation that occurs in a small area with clusters of fractures could not represent the overall permeability of fracture networks. Additionally, the surrounding rock matrix with ultralow hydraulic conductivity has a positive and significant impact on the water transmission capacity of fracture networks, showing that the strong water blocking effect of matrix pushes the groundwater movement towards fractures with high delivery capacity.  

This study utilized the spring hydrographs to evaluate the permeability of fracture networks for convenience compared to the calculation of equivalent permeability coefficient, while the latter is more accurate and representative. The above findings can enhance the understanding of properties of fracture networks, benefit targeted observations of detailed structures of fractured rocks and then improve the efficiency of groundwater management in karst areas.  

How to cite: Chen, Y., Shu, L., Wang, Z., Niu, S., and Ling, Z.: Study on the relationship between geometrical features and permeabilities of fracture networks based on the spring hydrographs, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1596,, 2023.

EGU23-2979 | Orals | HS8.2.4

Natural production of nitrate by groundwater nitrification in New Zealand karst springs 

Michael Stewart, Chris Hickey, Magali Moreau, Joseph Thomas, and Roger Young

The objective of this work is to understand the sources of nitrate in Te Waikoropupū Springs (‘the springs’) in New Zealand, and thereby contribute to their preservation. Previous work has shed light on the recharge sources of water to the springs (Stewart and Thomas, 2008), and nitrate mass balance based on this recharge model reveals the nitrate values in the recharge waters when they reach the springs. The major recharge source (from pristine forest on karst uplands) delivers much more nitrate to the springs than expected from measurements on water in its recharge area. This excess nitrate is attributed to nitrification (following mineralisation of organic-N) within the oxic karst groundwater system as the water flows to the springs.

Nitrification (bacterial conversion of ammonium to nitrate) is widespread in soils, unsaturated zones and oxic groundwater systems. Evidence showing natural production of nitrate by nitrification in the current system is given by: (1) Total nitrogen measurements: If organic-N is converted to nitrate-N along the flowpath from the Karst Uplands to the springs, there must be input of 5 kg/ha/yr of organic-N from the recharge area of 170 km2. This is within the range found by McGroddy et al. (2008) for first order streams from pristine forests in NZ. (2) 15N and 18O measurements: Nitrification produces nitrate with low values of the isotope ratios as observed for the springs, whereas denitrification would cause high values which are not observed. (3) Scientific literature: Recent papers have reported nitrification as a previously unrecognised source of nitrate in oxic karst systems. For example: Musgrove et al. (2016) showed that groundwater nitrate concentrations in the Edwards Aquifer were higher than those in the surface water recharge. They concluded that nitrification within the aquifer is the source of the extra nitrate in the groundwater.


McGroddy, M.E., Baisden, W.T., Hedin, L.O. 2008. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 22, GB1026.

Musgrove, M., Opsahl, S.P., Mahler, B.J., Herrington, C., Sample, L.L., Banta, J.R. 2016.  Science of the Total Environment 568, 457–469.

Stewart, M.K., Thomas, J.T. 2008. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 12(1), 1-19.

How to cite: Stewart, M., Hickey, C., Moreau, M., Thomas, J., and Young, R.: Natural production of nitrate by groundwater nitrification in New Zealand karst springs, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2979,, 2023.

The Front Ranges of the Canadian Rockies are home to extensive carbonate assemblages that host karst aquifers. New caves and karst springs have recently been discovered in the mountains from Banff, Alberta extending all the way to the United States border, although little research has been conducted on them due to the challenging terrain. In this study, we focus on the Watridge Karst Spring, which is located on a forested hillside in a mountain range that reaches an elevation of 3400 m. This perennial spring can discharge up to 3000 L/s. Karst catchments in these snowmelt-dominated, glacierized areas have sparse vegetation, heavy snowfall, and high hydraulic gradients, leading to efficient groundwater infiltration. As a result, the hydrochemistry of these springs often exhibits strong and rapid fluctuations. The effects of rapid conduit flow are expressed at the Watridge Karst Spring by an increase in discharge followed by a lagged decrease in electrical conductivity (EC), occurring over a diurnal-scale and a longer-scale (e.g., episodic snowmelt or heavy storm). This research aims to use hydrologically relevant metrics to understand the recharge, flow paths, and storage capacity of the aquifer. 
Particularly, we used signal processing of the fluctuations in discharge, EC and air temperature to estimate groundwater response time, defined here as the lag time between a hydrologic event and a resulting change in hydrochemistry. Response time can be used to approximate celerity in the case of discharge, and velocity in the case of EC. Additionally, automatic water sampling allowed for the observation of rapid changes in major ion chemistry.
The results yielded an estimated groundwater conduit velocity on the order of 0.1 m/s that steadily decreases with diminishing flow. It was also found that a distinct shift in the EC signal phase and an associated change in mineral dissolution marks the drainage of an overflow conduit path. This is supported by dye tracer experiments of up to 14 km distance where a maximum velocity of 0.14 m/s has been recorded. Our results show that continuous hydrochemical monitoring of discharge and meteorological conditions at a high-temporal resolution can be used as a first step in characterizing conduit system response. For alpine karst springs with strong hydrochemical fluctuations, this strategy may limit the need to conduct tracer tests involving laborious field work in remote, mountainous locations.

How to cite: Lilley, S. and Hayashi, M.: Strategies for karst groundwater flow characterization in remote, mountainous, snowmelt-dominated catchments, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4013,, 2023.

EGU23-4134 | Posters on site | HS8.2.4 | Highlight

Sinkholes evolution in coastal settings: some examples from Southern Italy 

Mario Parise and Isabella Serena Liso

The southernmost sector of Apulia Region can be described as a karst peninsula surrounded by the Adriatic and the Ionian Seas. The process of seawater intrusion, together with groundwater outflow, mainly coming out at the coastline, produces a water mixing that enhances the solution of soluble carbonate rocks. The effect of these processes can be observed along the coastline, characterized by several areas interested by sinkhole development and evolution. In some cases, they have become famous touristic attraction as at Grotta della Poesia, visited every summer by thousands of tourists; in other cases they represent spectacular sites of high ecological values, since they host peculiar ecosystems, with many fauna and flora species. At several sites along the Apulian coasts, sinkhole evolution form elongated bays, completely protected from sea waves, as in the sector between Fasano and Brindisi. Along this coastal stretch, field surveys revealed different sinkholes stages that can be described as successive phases in the development of bays: from opening of individual collapse sinkholes, typically at distance lower than 20 m from the coastline, to evolution in elongated sinkholes deriving from coalescence of nearby features, eventually leading to the final stage, with formation of protected bays, which main elongation depends upon the main discontinuity systems in the rock mass, and the main direction of sea storms as well. These examples highlight the importance of sinkhole processes in predicting the future evolution of the coast, and may be of help to local authorities for the most proper management of such a fragile environment.

How to cite: Parise, M. and Liso, I. S.: Sinkholes evolution in coastal settings: some examples from Southern Italy, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4134,, 2023.

EGU23-5031 | Posters on site | HS8.2.4

Distribution and characteristics of glaciokarst on the island of Gotland, Baltic Sea - its role on groundwater recharge and sensitive wetland ecosystems 

Mikael Erlström, Peter Dahlqvist, Krister Mild, Daniel Sopher, Magnus Martinsson, Anders Glimskär, Anders Jacobson, Björn Holgersson, Frans Lundberg, and Jakob Léven


Glaciokarst is widespread in the Silurian carbonate bedrock on the Island of Gotland. Grikes and limestone pavements are the most common karst features. Although, less well documented, caves and subsurface channels also contribute to the complex hydrogeology in the bedrock. The karst is interpreted to have been formed, primarily, before the Pleistocene when the landscape was covered with acidic organic soils. Glacial erosion and postglacial karstification have also played significant roles in sculpturing the epikarst morphology we see today. The study presents quantitative and qualitative characterization of karst within several pilot areas on the island of Gotland. High resolution aerial photographs were acquired over the pilot areas using a drone. These images were then analysed in GIS-software to provide a statistical evaluation of length, width, and relative area with karst. As well as providing a statistical understanding of the occurrence and geometry of karst, the results also help to clarify the impact of karst on the sensitive and limited groundwater resources on Gotland. Since a large part of the carbonate bedrock surface is barren or covered by thin quaternary deposits the epikarst provides important pathways for the percolation of meteoric water and recharge to the groundwater. It also locally provides guided pathways for surface runoff. Furthermore, the study demonstrates that the presence of karst often is in conjunction with sensitive ecosystems such as temporary wetlands. Extensive development of grikes and limestone pavements also provide conditions for periodically hanging aquifers, which not only promotes groundwater recharge but also the formation of unique habitats for a variety of often threatened ecosystems. This study, which includes both biologists and earth scientists highlights the importance of the identification of catchment areas and mapping of karst. It also emphasises that investigations into the hydrogeology (including aspects such as groundwater recharge, surface runoff and subsurface transport pathways) is essential for a better understanding of wetland dynamics and their protection. The presence of karst and spreading of contaminations in the ground is also discussed. The work summarizes early results from a collaboration between authorities working with Natura 2000 karst habitats and geological classification and mapping of karst.

How to cite: Erlström, M., Dahlqvist, P., Mild, K., Sopher, D., Martinsson, M., Glimskär, A., Jacobson, A., Holgersson, B., Lundberg, F., and Léven, J.: Distribution and characteristics of glaciokarst on the island of Gotland, Baltic Sea - its role on groundwater recharge and sensitive wetland ecosystems, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5031,, 2023.

EGU23-5147 | ECS | Orals | HS8.2.4

A Bayesian multi-model framework for structure selection and parameter estimation for lumped parameter modeling in karst hydrology. 

Vianney Sivelle, Yohann Cousquer, Hervé Jourde, and Naomi Mazzilli

Lumped parameter modeling in karst hydrology has been widely developped in the last decades. Uncertainty in model conceptualization, which often leads to one unique model structure, is frequently neglected. This issue is particularly important for karst hydrology, where hydrological systems are highly heterogenous and information about the structure is difficult to obtain. In this work, we delopped a Bayseian multi-model framework that allows to calibrate simulteanously a set of model structure and associated parameters. This constitutes a significant step forward compared with classical calibration approaches that allow (i) to provides an ensemble of predictions considering both structural and parametric uncertainties, and (ii) to avoid epistemic error due to model structure selection, wich is generally influenced by the subjective conceptualization of the karst hydrological system by the modeler. The methodology is illustred with a Bayesian inference procedure among a large range of lumped parameter model structure considered for the simulation of discharge at fontaine de Vaucluse karst spring (southern France).

How to cite: Sivelle, V., Cousquer, Y., Jourde, H., and Mazzilli, N.: A Bayesian multi-model framework for structure selection and parameter estimation for lumped parameter modeling in karst hydrology., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5147,, 2023.

EGU23-5640 | Orals | HS8.2.4

Degradation and loss of soil in karst terrains 

Umberto Samuele D'Ettorre, Isabella Serena Liso, Luca Pisano, Veronica Zumpano, and Mario Parise

Fragility of karst derive from a variety of reasons, starting from peculiarity of the geological, hydrogeological, and ecological features, and the facility to transform and negatively impact the environment through many anthropogenic activities. This makes karst terrains among the most endangered areas in the world, as repeatedly demonstrated in many karst areas, also with severe impacts on natural resources. Apulia, the southern-east portion of Italy, is an almost entirely karst region, where expansion of the urbanized areas, development of agricultural practices, and lack of awareness of the importance of karst resources over the last decades have determined an acceleration in the degradation of the karst environment. This is quite in contrast with the long history of the region, where past cultures and civilizations were able to live sustainably with the karst environment, without destroying or polluting its precious natural resources, in primis groundwater.

For instance, the agricultural practices marked a very bad time starting from the 1980s, when intense stone clearing (performed with the goal to obtain new land for cultivation) strongly changed the original karst landscape, which was characterized by bare karst, with slightly incised karst valleys and dolines, and a high number of caves. As a result of such an intense conversion of land cover, karst landforms were highly disturbed, many of them were canceled, and surficial erosion and loss of soil had to be often registered on the occasion of the main rainstorms. Alta Murgia, one of the main karst regions of Apulia (also included within the National Natural Park) was particularly affected, and obliteration of many karst features had to be recorded. Furthermore, the extraction activity carried out in quarries, to extract limestone rocks used for building and ornamental purposes, resulted in destruction of karst caves, against the regional laws which prescribed the need in exploring any cave found during quarrying, aimed at ascertaining any likely interest of the underground karst. Overall, these anthropogenic activities caused an high negative impact on the Alta Murgia karst, which only recently has started to become worth of specific studies from the scientific community. Quantification of the loss of soil, and of the karst landforms is not easy, but in some portions of Alta Murgia has definitely been significant.

Within projects dedicated to creating a greater awareness about local populations of the importance of living in karst, and of respecting such a natural landscape which hosts fundamental natural resources, we present in this contribution some examples of preliminary evaluations of the landscape changes observed, and of their negative impacts on karst.



Parise M., 2016, Modern resource use and its impact in karst areas – mining and quarrying. Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie, vol. 60, suppl. X, p. 199-216.

Parise M. & Pascali V., 2003, Surface and subsurface environmental degradation in the karst of Apulia (southern Italy). Environmental Geology, vol. 44, p. 247-256.

Pisano L., Zumpano V., Pepe M., Liso I.S. & Parise M., 2022, Assessing Karst Landscape Degradation: a case study in Southern Italy. Land, vol. 11, 1842.

How to cite: D'Ettorre, U. S., Liso, I. S., Pisano, L., Zumpano, V., and Parise, M.: Degradation and loss of soil in karst terrains, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5640,, 2023.

EGU23-6405 | Posters on site | HS8.2.4

Investigating the hydrological behaviour of the Upper Pivka Valley (Slovenia) 

Cyril Mayaud, Blaž Kogovšek, Metka Petrič, Nataša Ravbar, Matej Blatnik, and Franci Gabrovšek

The Pivka River is a 20 km long stream located 40 km SW from Ljubljana (Slovenia), which disappears in the world famous Postojna Cave. While the river flows permanently on flysch rocks in the valley lower part, water is only present temporarily in the valley upper part due to the karstic nature of the aquifer located below the river. This aquifer is assumed to be linked to the larger Javorniki karst aquifer that belongs to the catchment of the Unica and Malenščica Springs, which drain water from the whole region. During high water period, the regional groundwater level rises up to 50 m, and 17 temporary lakes might appear on the valley surface. Because the hydrological situation in the Javorniki karst aquifer is assumed to affect flooding in the Pivka Valley, the interaction between both need to be understood. A network of nine automatic stations recording water level, specific electrical conductivity and water temperature at a 30 min interval has been progressively established in the valley since 2020. The three years dataset has been analysed with data collected in the water active caves of the Javorniki karst aquifer and at the Unica and Malenščica Springs. Results allowed elaborating a conceptual hydrological model of the region. They emphasized that the karst aquifer below the Upper Pivka Valley acts as an overflow of the Javorniki karst aquifer during high water periods, while it flows back into the Javorniki karst aquifer and further toward the Unica and Malenščica springs during the recession.

How to cite: Mayaud, C., Kogovšek, B., Petrič, M., Ravbar, N., Blatnik, M., and Gabrovšek, F.: Investigating the hydrological behaviour of the Upper Pivka Valley (Slovenia), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6405,, 2023.

It is long known that dissolved aqueous CO2 is the key driving force of chemical reactions leading to rock corrosion, which is denoted as karstification. Accordingly, it is evident that meteoric water percolating through the biologically active vadose zone leads to replenishment of CO2 concentrations in karst water. We performed long-term measurements in a cave that show quick responses of gaseous CO2 concentrations in cave air after rain events.

More importantly, however, our research aims at highlighting a so far by the literature totally ignored process in karst research, which is density-driven dissolution of CO2 at the karst-water table. Our preliminary results indicate that this process can have high significance for hydraulic conditions where water is stagnant or at small convective base velocities (Class et al., 2021).

In our most recent work (Class et al., 2022, submitted), we monitored the influence of seasonally fluctuating gaseous CO2 concentrations in a deep karst cave on aqueous CO2 concentrations in different depths of a stagnant water column. The data indicate that density-driven enhanced dissolution at the karst-water table is the driving force for a fast increase of aqueous CO2 during periods of high gaseous concentrations in the cave, while during periods of lower gaseous concentrations the decline of aqueous CO2 is limited to shallow water depths in the order of 1m. Numerical simulations with a Navier-Stokes model and water density dependent on CO2 concentration can be used to interpret the data and, perspectively, to extrapolate to geologically relevant time scales. This can also include the dissolution of CaCO3, which is likely further increasing the relevance of density-driven dissolution at the karst-water table.

H. Class, P. Bürkle, T. Sauerborn, O. Trötschler, B. Strauch, M. Zimmer: On the role of density-driven dissolution of CO2 in phreatic karst systems, Water Resources Research 57(12), e2021WR030912, 2021, doi:10.1029/2021WR030912

H. Class, L. Keim, L. Schirmer, B. Strauch, K. Wendel, M. Zimmer: Seasonal dynamics of gaseous CO2 concentrations in a karst cave correspond with aqueous concentrations in a stagnant water column, manuscript submitted, December 2022

How to cite: Class, H., Keim, L., Schirmer, L., Strauch, B., Wendel, K., and Zimmer, M.: Dynamics of seasonal CO2 concentrations above and below the karst-water table are influenced by density-driven transport: monitoring data from a cave in the Swabian Jura and interpretation with numerical simulation models, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6413,, 2023.

EGU23-8112 | ECS | Orals | HS8.2.4

Hydrological control on cave ventilation and its effect on the heat balance of Longeaigue cave 

Claudio Pastore, Marc Luetscher, Frédéric Doumenc, Amir Sedaghatkish, Eric Weber, and Pierre-Yves Jeannin

The network of fractures and conduits crossing a karst massif drains water and air from the atmosphere deep into the massif, exchanging heat at the boundaries between rock, air and water. The thermal characteristic of the rock together with thermal processes including convection, evapo-condensation, radiation and conduction, concur to fix the cave’s temperature. The thermal length, the distance at which the external temperature fluctuations are damped, and the energy balance of the cave system depend on its geometry and the fluxes therein. Comprehensive knowledge of what modifies these thermal characteristics is of interest for e.g. low-enthalpy geothermal exploitation, mineralisation in water supplies and also for paleoclimatic studies on speleothems.

In Longeaigue cave (Val-de-Travers, Jura mountains, CH), we deployed several sensors measuring airflow and temperature along the main conduit network. The cave is mainly dry and has a lower and upper entrance leading to an intense airflow controlled by the chimney effect. The temperature oscillations observed throughout the cave are chiefly related to external temperature and airflow variations. Results from 8 monitoring stations reveal that 90% of the energy brought in by the air during ventilated periods is exchanged within the first tens of meters from the cave entrances. However, temporary interruptions of the airflow occur during periods of flooding related to rainfall and snowmelt. This situation can take place several times per year. Our observations demonstrate that the transient nature of this airflow modifies the temperature signals in the cave, affecting the cave energy balance in a differentiated way according to seasonal hydrological conditions. With the increasing winter temperatures, we anticipate a progressive shift towards a summer ventilation regime enhanced by limited summer rainfall. A positive feedback is observed on the energy balance of the cave. It is therefore of crucial importance to consider the presence of subsurface ventilation for the thermal characterisation of karstic environments, which can modify the biochemical, physical and thermal characteristics of seeping water and, in turn, impact on the interaction with the encasing rock.

How to cite: Pastore, C., Luetscher, M., Doumenc, F., Sedaghatkish, A., Weber, E., and Jeannin, P.-Y.: Hydrological control on cave ventilation and its effect on the heat balance of Longeaigue cave, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8112,, 2023.

EGU23-12285 | Orals | HS8.2.4 | Highlight

Impact of climate change on groundwater level dynamics and karst spring discharge of several karst systems in the Mediterranean area 

Guillaume Cinkus, Vianney Sivelle, Hervé Jourde, Naomi Mazzilli, Yves Tramblay, Bartolomé Andreo, Juan Antonio Barberá, Rachida Bouhlila, Joanna Doummar, Jaime Fernández-Ortega, Emna Gargouri-Ellouze, Valeria Lorenzi, Marco Petitta, Nataša Ravbar, Fairouz Slama, and Nico Goldscheider

Anthropogenic activities and climate change exert significant pressures on the quality and availability of water resources in karst environments, which supply drinking water to about 9.2% of the world's population. Increasing temperatures and changes in precipitation regimes will strongly impact water recharge processes. Understanding the karst hydrodynamic behaviour in the present context of climate change constitutes a major challenge for a sustainable management of karst groundwater. This study focuses on the Mediterranean area, where up to 90% of the drinking water supply depends on carbonate aquifers. The spring discharge and/or water level of six karst systems in the Mediterranean area (France, Italy, Lebanon, Slovenia, Spain and Tunisia) are simulated using precipitation-discharge reservoir modelling tools. The studied karst systems are well known and have different characteristics in terms of climatic conditions, hydrogeological properties and available data. Using different model structures, the hydrological models are first calibrated and validated over a historical period and then used to simulate spring discharge time series under various climate projections (up to 2100). To account for uncertainties in climate projection, 12 coupled GCM/RCM climate models are considered with two emission scenarios (RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5) proposed in the framework of the CMIP5 initiative. The analysis of the forecasted spring discharge and water level time series focuses on (i) the long-term trends in the hydrological functioning of karst systems, (ii) the effects of climate change on spring discharges (intensity and duration of extreme events), and (iii) the study of uncertainties related to the exceedance of the known functioning ranges of the systems. Further discussion is also dedicated to model uncertainties in relation to model parameters and structure, climate models, and the estimation of potential evapotranspiration in future climate. This research has been conducted within the KARMA (Karst Aquifer Resources availability and quality in the Mediterranean Area) project into the PRIMA (Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area) EU program.

How to cite: Cinkus, G., Sivelle, V., Jourde, H., Mazzilli, N., Tramblay, Y., Andreo, B., Barberá, J. A., Bouhlila, R., Doummar, J., Fernández-Ortega, J., Gargouri-Ellouze, E., Lorenzi, V., Petitta, M., Ravbar, N., Slama, F., and Goldscheider, N.: Impact of climate change on groundwater level dynamics and karst spring discharge of several karst systems in the Mediterranean area, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12285,, 2023.

EGU23-12506 | ECS | Orals | HS8.2.4

The role of seasonal variation of precipitation/recharge for different climates in karst genesis behaviors 

Chuanyin Jiang, Hervé Jourde, and Xiaoguang Wang

Recharge is an important factor controlling dissolution processes during speleogenesis of karst aquifers. In former studies simplified assumptions were considered, where a maximum recharge rate is assumed while its fluctuation is ignored. Under the latter assumption, the karst genesis is clearly divided into two successive processes characterized by either a hydraulic head limitation (hydraulic control) or a flow rate limitation (catchment control). In this study, we consider a karst system evolving according to a maximum recharge rate linked to the seasonal variation of precipitation, which may lead to speleogenesis processes under hydraulic control or catchment control from the beginning of the karst genesis. We found that, without considering the recharge fluctuation, the enlargement of fractures as well as the dimensions of dissolving area under a long-term evolution tends to be underestimated. Moreover, in the cases of a large catchment area, the time required to reach the final dissolution patterns tends to be underestimated (i.e., earlier breakthrough), while it tends to be overestimated in the cases of a small catchment area. In addition, the flow focusing during the karst genesis may be interrupted during dry seasons when the recharge regime is under catchment control. This may cause a stagnation in the evolution of flow channeling or even a less localized flow field. This study highlights the importance of recharge fluctuation in modeling karst genesis, which may have important engineering implications for the management of karst aquifers or the leakage risk prediction at dam sites.

How to cite: Jiang, C., Jourde, H., and Wang, X.: The role of seasonal variation of precipitation/recharge for different climates in karst genesis behaviors, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12506,, 2023.

EGU23-12574 | ECS | Posters on site | HS8.2.4

Multi-disciplinary approach for assessing the impact of a flood event in a shallow karst cavity (Pindal Cave, Spain) 

Tamara Martin-Pozas, Soledad Cuezva, Fernández-Cortés Ángel, María González-Pumariega, Elsa Duarte, Marco de la Rasilla, Juan Carlos Cañaveras, David Benavente, Cesáreo Sáiz-Jiménez, and Sergio Sánchez-Moral

Pindal Cave (Asturias, Spain) and its Paleolithic art have been part of the UNESCO World Heritage List since 2008. The importance of this Paleolithic art led to a research project that deals with deciphering the relationships between environmental conditions and microbial activity in natural underground ecosystems and its application to the design of conservation strategies.

The Pindal karstic system develops in a calcareous massif (Carboniferous) modeled in the form of an erosional marine terrace (rasa) by coastal morphogenetic processes. This marine terrace level is located at an elevation of 30-68 meters above current sea level and constitutes the preferred catchment area for runoff water from another higher level (140-170 m) developed on quartzite layers with very low permeability (Ordovician). The cave is the main endokarstic feature of the system. On the surface of the 30-68 m rasa there are numerous exokarstic structures of sinkhole and polje type. On one of the sinkholes, located almost vertically to the cave, a cattle farm was installed in 1995.

Between October 19 and 23, 2019, an extreme episode of rainfall occurred in the area with a cumulative total of 209 l/m2. This event caused a strong accumulation of water in the aforementioned sinkhole that finally collapsed, flooding the cave for several days. Immediately after the cave had been drained, environmental measurements and sediment samplings were carried out at various points in order to determine the changes caused in the underground ecosystem. In the most affected area by the flood, changes in humidity and temperature of air and sediments were recorded for several months. Biogeochemical data indicated that the sediments deposited as a result of the flooding presented high values of available organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, much higher than those of the innermost areas did not directly affect by the flooding. The comparative microbiological study of sediment samples revealed that the flood produced very significant changes in the microbial composition of sediments: the appearance of the bacterial phyla Bacillota and Bacteroidota, including groups of opportunistic bacterial pathogens (Corynebacterium, Thauera, Clostridiales) and the almost complete disappearance of Rokubacteriales and Nitrospirota. Bacillota and Bacteroidota are common in the intestinal tract of mammals and are dominant in liquid and solid samples of manure from dairy farms. Overall, the results conclude that the sediments dragged into the cave were accompanied by residues from livestock farming and indicate the high degree of vulnerability of this type of cave. Although livestock activity finally ceased in 2021, we continue analyzing environmental parameters, waters, sediments and microbial populations to evaluate their evolution in the medium-long term.

Research funded by PID2019-110603RB-I00 – SUBSYST project and PID2020-114978GB-I00

How to cite: Martin-Pozas, T., Cuezva, S., Ángel, F.-C., González-Pumariega, M., Duarte, E., de la Rasilla, M., Cañaveras, J. C., Benavente, D., Sáiz-Jiménez, C., and Sánchez-Moral, S.: Multi-disciplinary approach for assessing the impact of a flood event in a shallow karst cavity (Pindal Cave, Spain), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12574,, 2023.

EGU23-12875 | ECS | Posters on site | HS8.2.4

Coupled CFD-DEM Modelling of subsidence and canyon formation in an evaporite karst system 

Djamil Al-Halbouni, Lars Ruepke, Monica Giona Bucci, Torsten Dahm, and Aaron Micallef

Surface stream-channels and subsurface conduits form the connecting interface between on- and offshore groundwater in the coastal transition zone. Rapid canyon formation occurs due to erosion and dissolution of material rapid retrogressive growth, slope failure, and subsidence, thus posing important geohazards in coastal areas.

We here focus on the formation of canyon systems with theatre shaped heads as found along the Dead Sea. Underlying their recent development is a dynamic evaporite karst system fed by channelized groundwater flow with subrosion processes and subsequent discharge into the lake. We use a 3D hydromechanical modelling approach to derive information on the hydromechanics and feedback between changing fluid pathways, deformation and the formation of stream-channel morphologies under varying conditions. We use a hydrogeological setup consisting of (A) a layered alluvial fan system alternating between mechanically weak, salt/rich clay-silt material and mechanically stronger, compound alluvial sandy-gravel sediments, (B) a pronounced lateral border between the former Dead Sea lakebed and the alluvial fans, (C) a Darcy-flow type fresh-water inflow through tubes at different depths and (D) a natural hydraulic gradient of 30 m/km. We hereby couple simple computational fluid dynamics with distinct elements to simulate subrosion processes as observed for the Dead Sea shore.

We found that the shape of the canyon, and particularly the morphology of canyon heads, is (1) intrinsically linked to the geologic material conditions, i.e. the stratigraphy of the subsurface, (2) the nature (3D tube network) of the karst system and (3) the hydraulic gradient conditions. This study hence gives further insight into the role of the hydromechanical conditions that drive the formation of canyons and subsidence in unconsolidated material and shows the applicability of this approach to derive morphometrics in similar coastal environments.

How to cite: Al-Halbouni, D., Ruepke, L., Giona Bucci, M., Dahm, T., and Micallef, A.: Coupled CFD-DEM Modelling of subsidence and canyon formation in an evaporite karst system, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12875,, 2023.

EGU23-12938 | ECS | Orals | HS8.2.4

Solute transport experiments and modelling in terminal conduit of karst hydrosystems, Southern France 

Mohammed Aliouache, Pierre Fischer, Pascal Brunet, Lionel Lapierre, Benoit Ropas, Frank Vasseur, and Hervé Jourde

In the community working on karst hydrosystems, the needs for subsurface solute and contaminant transport characterization is widely acknowledge.  In former studies, several researchers addressed these needs with different approaches such as laboratory experiments, field tests, and groundwater flow and transport simulations. The main objective of such approaches is to improve knowledge of transport processes in karst hydrosystems, and propose solutions to limit the downstream hydrogeological risks (contamination of water resources). In this study, we performed a solute transport experiment in different karst aquifers, in the terminal karst conduit near the spring. We injected a dye in the karst conduit and we monitored the restitution of the tracer at three different zones downstream. In each zone, five probes were placed at different locations (middle, up, down, left and right parts of the cave) along the cross-section of the karst conduit.

Experimental data allowed to reconstruct a transient spatial distribution of concentration for each zone and a general evolution of solute plume. It also provided information about dye mixing along the karst conduit. As a next step, these results are compared to simulated results to investigate the effect of karst conduit geometry, turbulent flow and velocity profiles on concentration profiles, mixing processes and the evolution of solute plume along the conduit. Preliminary results showed that the consideration of the complex karst conduit geometry and morphology has an important effect on transport processes, with a behavior notceably different from the one obtained with numerical simulations on simplified karst conduit geometries.

How to cite: Aliouache, M., Fischer, P., Brunet, P., Lapierre, L., Ropas, B., Vasseur, F., and Jourde, H.: Solute transport experiments and modelling in terminal conduit of karst hydrosystems, Southern France, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12938,, 2023.

EGU23-12973 | ECS | Orals | HS8.2.4

Seasonal pressurization of a coastal karst: the paleolithic decorated Cosquer cave (SE France) 

Pellet Hugo, Henry Pierre, Arfib Bruno, and Touron Stéphanie

The Cosquer cave is a paleolithic decorated cave, in a coastal karst linked to the sea. Stability of climatic parameters in caves is known to be one main condition for conservation of art. Hydroclimate data are measured since several years at a 5 minutes time step: karst air pressure, water level in the karst, atmospheric pressure and sea level. Data shows an unusual behaviour for a karst: the karst air pressure is nearly always higher than the atmospheric pressure. As a result, water level in the karst is below the sea level. Some rock art figures present on walls near water level undergo wash out and fading but limited thanks to the karst pressurization. A stop of this mechanism due to rising sea-level, an increase of the massif permeability or changes in climatic conditions would lead to the loss of arts near water bodies.

The cave air overpressure is related to the rock permeability that should be low. The pressure time series show that three main processes drive the cave pressure. The daily variations of the sea tide provide an assessment of the cave air volume above the pools water level. Although the cave air is confined by the rock and the seawater, there are external air inflows during short pressurization events, that can be deduced from pressure data. Then, the low cave air pressure decrease over the summer season is explained by air outflow through the rock. A bulk permeability is then calculated using Darcy law, assuming a gas permeability in a non-saturated medium. Three theoretical cases are evaluated: an equivalent porous medium, a single fracture, and a single karst conduit. The time series give an observation database to assess future changes in the pressure behaviour of this decorated paleolithic cave, and to detect water level increase and adjust conservation choices.

How to cite: Hugo, P., Pierre, H., Bruno, A., and Stéphanie, T.: Seasonal pressurization of a coastal karst: the paleolithic decorated Cosquer cave (SE France), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12973,, 2023.

EGU23-13275 | Posters on site | HS8.2.4 | Highlight

Model-based assessment of dynamic volume estimates for karst aquifers 

Steffen Birk and Mahmoud Abirifard

Karst springs frequently drain large catchment areas and thus represent important water resources. Adequate management of karst water resources requires quantitative information about the drainable water volume, i.e., the dynamic volume of the karst aquifer supplying the spring. The mathematical integration of a functional relationship fitted to the observed discharge recession curve is one approach commonly employed for this purpose. Yet, this approach implicitly assumes that the observed recession behavior can be extrapolated to longer times and lower discharge values. Here, we explore the adequacy of this approach using the numerical karst groundwater flow model MODFLOW-CFP to simulate the discharge recession of hypothetical karst aquifers. While the model scenarios represent simplified hydrogeological settings, each of them includes complexities that may be encountered in real karst aquifers. By comparing the actual dynamic volume of the modelled aquifer to the volume estimate obtained from recession analysis, we identify factors potentially affecting the accuracy of the dynamic volume estimate (Abirifard et al., J. Hydrol., 2022, ). It is found, for example, that a decrease of hydraulic conductivity with depth causes underestimation of the dynamic volume, whereas groundwater abstraction within the spring catchment results in an overestimation. Real-world examples where these factors likely affect the recession behavior and thus the dynamic volume estimate are identified and described.

How to cite: Birk, S. and Abirifard, M.: Model-based assessment of dynamic volume estimates for karst aquifers, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13275,, 2023.

EGU23-13530 | ECS | Posters on site | HS8.2.4

Dynamics of sinkhole and uvala development on the eastern shore of the Dead Sea, 1980-2022 

Hanna Z. Schulten, Robert A. Watson, Djamil Al-Halbouni, Osama Al-Rabayah Al-Rabayah, Fayez Abdulla, and Eoghan P. Holohan

The Dead Sea is a hypersaline terminal lake whose level has been declining due to anthropogenic stresses since the 1960s. At its eastern shore, near Ghor-Al-Haditha in Jordan, over 1200 collapse sinkholes have been mapped roughly parallel to the shoreline from the 1980s until 2017. This mapping also documented five larger karstic depressions (uvalas), that formed in close spatial-temporal association with the sinkholes, and demonstrated that sinkhole and uvala formation during this period has migrated laterally, both in the direction of shoreline retreat (from east to west) and parallel with the shoreline from south to north.

Here, we use new, high-resolution optical satellite imagery from the Pleiades and PNEO satellites, to show that over 500 new sinkholes have formed between 2018-2022. Furthermore, three new uvalas have developed to the north in accordance with the appearance of the sinkholes. Our study indicates quantitatively that the coalescence of sinkholes to form larger compound sinkholes is a subsequent stage of uvala development. New mapping confirms a previously established link between sinkhole size distribution and the mechanical properties of the sedimentary materials in which they form, with holes formed in salt-dominated morphologies being smaller in diameter than those in alluvium and lacustrine mudflats. Initial comparison to local meteorological records has shown that a temporal link between periods of high rainfall and enhanced sinkhole formation is not readily apparent at the resolution of the sinkhole mapping. Moreover, as previous studies had hypothesized, growth of the sinkhole population and the uvalas continues towards the north and is diminished to the south. Our results help to inform hazard monitoring and mitigation strategies at Ghor Al-Haditha: for example, presently growing areas of surface depressions are within 130 meters of a 700-meter-long stretch of the western main highway connecting the north and south of Jordan. Therefore, we suggest that infrastructure such as the highway continue to be monitored in light of the observed subsidence.

How to cite: Schulten, H. Z., Watson, R. A., Al-Halbouni, D., Al-Rabayah, O. A.-R., Abdulla, F., and Holohan, E. P.: Dynamics of sinkhole and uvala development on the eastern shore of the Dead Sea, 1980-2022, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13530,, 2023.

EGU23-13664 | ECS | Posters on site | HS8.2.4

Indicator Kriging approach for the assessment of groundwater nitrate pollution in the Salento aquifer (Southern Italy) 

Gaetano Daniele Fiorese, Maria Rosaria Alfio, and Gabriella Balacco

Groundwater, being the largest distributed freshwater supply, plays a central role in sustaining ecosystems and enabling human adaptation to climate change. The strategic importance of freshwater for global water and food security will intensify as the frequency of extreme weather events such as floods and droughts events. Many aquifers are severely stressed due to unsustainable management of the water resource that compromises its quantity and quality.

Today, nitrate pollution is the most common form of groundwater contamination worldwide. Many Mediterranean regions present worrying concentrations of nitrate in groundwater and are consequently one of the most polluted territories across the world. Nitrate monitoring is fundamental since excessive concentrations in water resources may affect the quality of crops and causes several human health disorders. For this purpose, this study aimed to deal with the evolution in space and time of nitrate concentrations in the coastal karst aquifer of Salento (Puglia, Southern Italy), whose water demand for drinking and irrigation purposes relies on groundwater. The intrinsic vulnerability of this territory is critical due to its complex geomorphological and structural characteristics, the presence of saltwater beneath freshwater, intensive exploitation, and climate change.

Several different chemical surveys from 1995 to 2021 were organized into two-time datasets to focus on the spatio-temporal evolution of nitrate concentrations. The geostatistical Indicator Kriging (IK) method was used for this purpose. This is a spatial interpolation technique aimed at estimating the conditional cumulative distribution function of a variable at an unsampled location. Indicator Kriging analyses were performed for a direct estimation of the local conditional probabilities of nitrate concentrations for the two reference periods using sampled available wells. Probability maps representing the spatial distribution of water quality have been obtained as result. Results highlight a critical situation in terms of nitrate pollution, as most of the territory has experienced an increase over the past 25 years, progressively affecting large areas.

How to cite: Fiorese, G. D., Alfio, M. R., and Balacco, G.: Indicator Kriging approach for the assessment of groundwater nitrate pollution in the Salento aquifer (Southern Italy), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13664,, 2023.

EGU23-14082 | ECS | Posters on site | HS8.2.4

A method to determine the dissolution and erosion rates of marly gypsum samples from Ripon, UK 

Gabriella Williams, Elisabeth Bowman, Domenico Bau, and Vanessa Banks

Ripon is a town affected by frequent collapse sinkholes that occur due to the rapid dissolution of the underlying gypsum. This gypsum is interbedded and mixed with low solubility but easily water weakened calcareous marl. Construction sites underlain by cavities can be remediated, but if even small flow paths remain, new cavities can appear in close proximity. Dissolution rates previously determined for gypsum have either been on high purity specimens or do not consider the insoluble impurities. It is therefore important to understand the role of interbedded calcareous marls in controlling cavity distribution and growth. A method is proposed to evaluate the effect of marl impurity on gypsum dissolution rates in this area.

For the dissolution test, water is circulated through a hole drilled in a gypsum specimen from Ripon. As the gypsum dissolves, the marl could detach and settle, become suspended or also dissolve. If it remains attached, however, it could impede further gypsum dissolution. Conductivity, total dissolved solids (TDS) and pH of the water are monitored and the test continues until the conductivity has stabilised. This indicates that the water is saturated with gypsum and dissolution has ceased. The water is then evaporated to recover suspended solids, which are put through particle size distribution (PSD) sieves. The post-test specimen mass is added to the recovered solid mass and compared to the pre-test mass.

After testing, mass loss is estimated from both conductivity and TDS curves, and these are compared to measured mass loss. Changes in pH are taken to indicate dissolution of calcareous components in the marl. The conductivity curve is used to find the dissolution rate constant of the specimen, and its cross-section is visually inspected to check the dissolution pattern. The PSD is used to study transport and deposition of insoluble material. Results are combined to assess the influence of marl on gypsum dissolution and sinkhole development, which can be applied both in Ripon and elsewhere.

How to cite: Williams, G., Bowman, E., Bau, D., and Banks, V.: A method to determine the dissolution and erosion rates of marly gypsum samples from Ripon, UK, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14082,, 2023.

EGU23-471 | ECS | Orals | GM5.5

Landscape-scale links between microbial ecology and surface processes 

Michal Ben-Israel, Claire E. Lukens, Kolleen Peyakov, and J. Michael Beman

Microbial activity on Earth’s surface is key in the decomposition of organic matter and humus formation, carbon sequestration, cycling of rock-derived nutrients, and the development of soil structure and stabilization. While the role of microbial life in various weathering processes has been demonstrated experimentally and observed at the nanometer-centimeter scale, the obvious link between microbial life activity and landscape-scale geomorphic processes remains unexplored.

We examined the reciprocal relationship between microbial communities and rates of surface processes in recently deglaciated landscapes in the eastern Sierra Nevada Mountains, California, USA. Sampling along an elevational transect in a glacial basin in the high Sierra (between 2800 and 3050 masl), we quantify exposure ages and rates of soil production using cosmogenic nuclides and examine microbial community ecology in the same rocks and soils. Exposure ages from cosmogenic 10Be indicate rapid deglaciation around 12-13 ka and relatively fast soil production rates (~4.3-4.5 cm/kyr), independent of elevation.

To understand how these rapid soil production rates correlate with microbial community composition and diversity, we extracted and sequenced environmental DNA from near-surface soils, saprolite samples, and exposed surface rocks. Microbiome sequencing results constrain changes in microbial ecology from rock to soil, shed light on the complex relationship between microbial community dynamics, and weathering rates in the eastern Sierra, and help us to better understand the link between life and landscape evolution.

How to cite: Ben-Israel, M., Lukens, C. E., Peyakov, K., and Beman, J. M.: Landscape-scale links between microbial ecology and surface processes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-471,, 2023.

EGU23-2150 | Orals | GM5.5

Modelling the impact of dams and exotic vegetation in New Zealand braided rivers 

Guglielmo Stecca, Richard Measures, Jo Hoyle, and D. Murray Hicks

River planform results from the complex interaction between flow, sediment transport and vegetation, and can evolve following a change in these controls. Disentangling this complex causation path as a preliminary measure to devising restoration measures is not straightforward. We propose a modelling approach that can be used as tool for analysis of observed trajectories and to forecast future behaviours in dam- and vegetation- impacted braided rivers.

We focus two iconic braided river cases in New Zealand’s South Island: the Lower Waitaki River and the Waimakariri River. The Waitaki is impacted by the combined effects of exotic vegetation and a hydropower scheme that has altered the flow regime. As the Waitaki River is unable to clear vegetation efficiently, vegetation encroachment has promoted a shift towards a single-thread morphology. In contrast, the more active Waimakariri River, despite having been subjected to similar vegetation, retains a largely unvegetated channel due to its ability to naturally clear vegetation.

A two-dimensional physics-based numerical model capable of accounting for the evolution of morphology and vegetation in braided reaches is constructed and applied to the two rivers.

Calibration and validation of the vegetation parameter settings, which is critical to obtaining realistic planform styles, is carried out in applications to the two test cases by selecting the parameter values that allow the model to predict vegetation encroachment in the Waitaki and efficient vegetation clearing in the Waimakariri. The model responds sensibly to changes in parameters, showing that more aggressive vegetation types cause a sharper reduction of braiding.

The calibrated model is applied to reconstruct planform changes in the Lower Waitaki under a reconstructed natural flow regime, showing that, even in the absence of the hydropower scheme, the river would have suffered from vegetation encroachment due to its naturally steady hydrology.

Finally, summary metrics that represent vegetation presence in each model are computed and their dependence on the flood frequency is analysed. We find that vegetation presence across rivers and flow regimes can be explained as a function of the duration of periods of vegetation growth, intervening between floods that cause vegetation removal.

How to cite: Stecca, G., Measures, R., Hoyle, J., and Hicks, D. M.: Modelling the impact of dams and exotic vegetation in New Zealand braided rivers, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2150,, 2023.

EGU23-2536 | ECS | Orals | GM5.5

How does spatiotemporal dynamics of large wood impact its ecosystem services in a meandering river? 

Zuzana Poledniková and Tomáš Galia

Large wood is an essential component of the river channel. Channel morphodynamics are impacted, specific habitat for aquatic biota is created, and aesthetic or education function is enhanced by the presence of large wood in the river. The concept of ecosystem services can be applied to describe the functions of large wood. In the case of large wood, there can also be potential risks for human society connected with flooding or bank erosion. We inventoried large wood in 13 active meanders of the Odra (Oder) River, Czechia, and its potential ecosystem services. We surveyed large wood using aerial images (2012 and 2020) and field surveys (2016 and 2020). Based on previous literature research, we assessed each large wood piece separately and decided on the services (3 main categories and 13 subcategories) based on the functions by preselected indicators. Preliminary results show that the functions and provided services depend mainly on the residence time of large wood in the channel and its additional characteristics such as dimensions, type of large wood (e.g., whole tree with preserved crown, present/absent root wad) or its orientation against the flow. We provide a methodological approach of (i) possible assessment of large wood in the river reach to summarize its benefits and risks and (ii) to simplify the understanding of the presence of large wood and its promotion to river practitioners, city planners, and the broader public.

How to cite: Poledniková, Z. and Galia, T.: How does spatiotemporal dynamics of large wood impact its ecosystem services in a meandering river?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2536,, 2023.

EGU23-3080 | Orals | GM5.5 | Highlight

Six years of spatiotemporal variations of large wood at the meander scale 

Tomáš Galia, Václav Škarpich, and Matěj Horáček

Meander bends are perceived as sites with high large wood (LW) retention potential by trapping transported LW at their concave banks or on point bars. We employed five field inventories between 2016 and 2022 (2016, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022) in 13 subsequent meander bends of the Odra (Oder) R., Czechia, to assess spatiotemporal variations of LW in the period characterised by ordinary flow events including a flood of 5-year recurrence interval (10/2020, 308 m3/s). We found an increasing trend in LW volume (121.1 m3 in 2016 and 138.1 m3 in 2022, respectively) in a 3.65 km long study reach. We observed a high disproportion in the longitudinal LW distribution during individual surveys along the study reach. Furthermore, four upstream meander bends had stable LW volumes during the study period, whereas the bends located in the middle and downstream part of the study reach indicated large fluctuations of LW loads without any regular trend. These fluctuations are likely related to (i) chronic recruitment of LW from outer meander banks, (ii) burial of LW during floodplain accretion, and (iii) LW mobility during high flows. Independent variables representing the characteristics of the riparian trees (tree basal area and the length of the riparian forest at the bend) were detected as significant predictors of the LW volume at the meander scale. Future research will focus on the complex links among the migration rates of individual meanders, the characteristics of riparian stands, and the dynamics of LW in the channel and floodplain.       

How to cite: Galia, T., Škarpich, V., and Horáček, M.: Six years of spatiotemporal variations of large wood at the meander scale, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3080,, 2023.

This study investigates connections amongst geomorphological activity, geological history and organic carbon storage for trees, shrubs and herbs along valley floors of channel networks in small, steep drainage basins in the Canadian Rockies. The amount of potential storage space for organic carbon often varies considerably along valley floors in mountainous terrain due to variability in valley floor widths resulting from large-scale tectonic controls. Vegetation density on valley floors is anticipated to show significant variability along channel networks in steep terrain due to changing environmental conditions (e.g., climate, moisture, geomorphic disturbances). Valley floor widths were measured and analyzed for two steep drainage basins, Ribbon Creek and Porcupine Creek, in the Front Ranges of the Canadian Rockies. Results show that the complex tectonic history and associated geological structures and bedrock type influence valley floors widths, with no regular, discernible pattern in an upstream direction. Field surveys were undertaken to document vegetation density along these same channel networks. Geomorphological processes, such as debris flows and other mass wasting events, influence grain sizes along valley floors in the study drainage basins. Substrate characteristics, such as grain size, were found to influence vegetation density along channel networks. Finally, total organic carbon storage along valley floors is determined for Ribbon Creek and Porcupine Creek. Values of total organic carbon storage are influenced by the joint controls of potential storage space for organic carbon that results from the tectonic history and the control of geomorphological activity on substate conditions and vegetation density.

How to cite: Martin, Y., Gurung, D., and Johnson, E.: Connections of Geomorphological Activity, Geological History and Organic Carbon Storage in Steep, Mountainous Drainage Basins: A Field Investigation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4658,, 2023.

EGU23-6621 | ECS | Posters on site | GM5.5

Laboratory experiment for initiation of wood motion on mobile-bed by using IMU sensor 

Yi-Cheng Chen and Su-Chin Chen

ABSTRACT   In recent years, Taiwan has suffered from large-scale sediment-related disasters frequently caused by climate change induced extreme rainfall events. Fresh wood was usually recruited with large-scale sediment-related disasters and trapped in channels. Once a flash flood occurs, wood accumulated in the river consequently travels, threatening the safety of structures in the river. Furthermore, driftwood forms log jams leading to river blockage and backwater, causing overflooding. Therefore, realizing the initiation of motion mechanism of driftwood helps prevent driftwood disasters.

According to previous studies on the initiation of wood motion, driftwood interacts with sediment and results in sliding, rolling, pivoting and floating motion modes dependent on discharge and riverbed conditions. To explore the motion mode of the initiation of wood motion on a mobile bed, this study conducts a flume experiment using driftwood equipped with an IMU (Inertial measurement unit) sensor that measures the posture of driftwood’s motion in the Eular Angle. According to the IMU’s data, the above four motion modes can be interpreted. Meanwhile, using the laser scanner to establish the digital elevation model and explore the correlation between sediment and driftwood motion on different mobile-bed conditions.

How to cite: Chen, Y.-C. and Chen, S.-C.: Laboratory experiment for initiation of wood motion on mobile-bed by using IMU sensor, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6621,, 2023.

EGU23-7250 | ECS | Posters on site | GM5.5

Decay of the perturbations induced by a horizontal cylinder across an open-channel flow 

Théo Fernandez, Ingo Schnauder, Olivier Eiff, and Koen Blanckaert

A laboratory study is reported on the flow perturbations induced by a cylinder across an open-channel flow at a subcritical Reynolds number of ReD = 104 (based on the cylinder diameter). Inspired by field measurements on the Plizska River, Poland (Blanckaert et al., 2014) the investigated configuration is representative of large wood trunks that traverse a river.

The flow perturbation induced by cylinders has been abundantly investigated in infinite unbounded configurations. Cylinders placed in a bottom boundary layer, such as found in rivers, have hardly been investigated. Previous investigations have demonstrated the importance of different parameters such as the cylinder-based Reynolds number ReD , the gap ratio Gb, defined as the ratio between the distance from the flume bed to the lower edge of the cylinder and the cylinder diameter D, the blockage ratio Br, defined as the ratio between D and the boundary layer thickness, and the boundary layer turbulence. However, these studies mainly focused on the frequency of the vortex shedding, characterized by the Strouhal number St and not on the characteristics of the wake.

Thus, a first aim of the present study is to analyze the flow characteristics in the wake of the cylinder, such as the half-width of the wake L0 , the velocity deficit Us , the decay of the perturbations in the streamwise velocity ū, turbulent kinetic energy k and Reynolds stresses.

A second aim is to analyze the effect of the bed boundary layer on the perturbations induced by the cylinder, and the effect of the latter on the bed boundary layer. This is important as these mutual interactions can have implications on the bed morphology, fluxes of matter including wake retention and hyporheic exchange and stream habitats in general.

The study reveals that important differences exist between the flow perturbations in unbounded and bounded configurations. In a bounded environment, the wake half-width L0 increases at a slower rate along the flow direction and is limited by the boundaries (the free-surface and the bed). Moreover, a faster recovery of the streamwise velocity ū and a faster decay of the velocity deficit Us were observed. These differences with the unbounded case are due to the confinement of the wake and the blockage created by the cylinder. Furthermore, the turbulence generated by the interaction of the wake and the boundary layer, as well as the ambient turbulence also have an impact on these differences.


Blanckaert, K., Han, R., Pilotto, F., and Pusch, M. (2014). Effects of Large Wood on Morphology, Flow and Turbulence in a Lowland River. In International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, River Flow 2014, pages 2493–2501

How to cite: Fernandez, T., Schnauder, I., Eiff, O., and Blanckaert, K.: Decay of the perturbations induced by a horizontal cylinder across an open-channel flow, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7250,, 2023.

EGU23-7638 | Posters on site | GM5.5

Mediterranean landforms evaluation for biogeomorphodiversity assessments: where biotic meets abiotic diversity for sustainable olive orchards 

Maria Teresa Ceccherini, Sandro Moretti, Angela Roccotelli, Simone Tommasini, and Samuel Pelacani

Geomorphodiversity is a new emerging topic in earth sciences. Landform  diversity influences and interacts with both biodiversity and geodiversity. Hence, there is an increased awareness of the need to understand patterns of geomorphodiversity in different landscapes facing the actual global change. An increasing body of evidence indicates that global climate change is taking place and that it will have important effects on biological processes over the next decades, such as yields and  the quality of products, the distribution and outbreak potential of pests in a vast range of crops species, and across all land uses and landscapes.

A new approach of landform geodiversity and biodiversity evaluation is proposed, based on the geomorphometric-biogeochemical signature of several geodynamic settings of the Tuscany region. Starting from a geomorphometry approach, the geostatistical and geostochastic modelling enables to quantify, describe, and compare different landforms, providing an objective and useful tool to delineate the signature and the bio-geocomplexity of landforms. The geochemical approach is  based on the detection of REEs pattern distribution and fractionation signatures as tools for tracing natural geochemical processes and soil-plant interactions to compare landforms of different origins. Using both REEs and the 87Sr/86Sr ratio it was possible to compare landscapes of different origins and ages. In addition, bioinformatics were used to evaluate species–environment relationships, and to determine factors explaining changes in  bacterial composition developed on eleven contrasting lithologies.

Whereas most authors have focused on mountainous, coastal and/or continental areas, for the first time a study of this type is applied to different landforms that support a centuries-old Mediterranean olive groves.

The general aims of this work is to define a conceptual framework and test a new methodology to improve the knowledge related to the interaction between chemico-physical and biological soil processes able to shape landforms at various spatio-temporal scales. In particular, we will discuss the role of bio-geomorphic interactions influencing the nutrient/mineral content in olive fruit for geographic authentication, healthy food production and a healthy, biodiverse environment.

How to cite: Ceccherini, M. T., Moretti, S., Roccotelli, A., Tommasini, S., and Pelacani, S.: Mediterranean landforms evaluation for biogeomorphodiversity assessments: where biotic meets abiotic diversity for sustainable olive orchards, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7638,, 2023.

EGU23-8684 | ECS | Posters on site | GM5.5

High resolution forest-landscape interactions 

Stuart Grieve, Harry Owen, Paloma Ruiz-Benito, and Emily Lines

In forested landscapes, trees drive and modulate both advective and diffusive sediment transport processes. These relationships represent complex feedbacks between topography and vegetation. Root growth and tree throw drive diffusive soil creep, whilst root cohesion is a contributing factor in advective processes including landsliding and debris flows. In turn, landscape morphology modulates water, nutrient, and light availability and has been observed to cause significant variability in the structure and composition of forests across scales. To fully explore this topic, a confluence of robust, high resolution measurements of landscape and tree morphology is required alongside long term monitoring data, which has hitherto been unavailable at the appropriate spatial scale.

Working across a range of European forest ecosystems, coupling long term measurements of forest structure with newly acquired high resolution topographic data, we have constructed an unprecedented 3D dataset of European forest-landscape dynamics. We segment individual trees from combined UAV LiDAR and terrestrial laser scanning campaigns, compute tree structural metrics, and link them to localised topographic metrics computed using LSDTopoTools. Using these data we explore the inter- and intra- specific relationships between topography and individual trees and demonstrate the potential to fundamentally link geomorphic and ecological process through coupled field and computational research.

How to cite: Grieve, S., Owen, H., Ruiz-Benito, P., and Lines, E.: High resolution forest-landscape interactions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8684,, 2023.

EGU23-8911 | ECS | Orals | GM5.5

A dendroprovenance approach to fingerprint the origin of instream wood at the river basin scale 

Javier Gibaja del Hoyo, Laetitia Monbaron, Torsten Vennemann, Marceline Vauridel, and Virginia Ruiz-Villanueva

Instream large wood (LW) plays an important role in the geomorphic and ecological diversity of a fluvial ecosystem. However, during flood events, LW can also pose a risk to infrastructure and populations by blocking channels, damaging bridges, and other structures. The primary source of LW are forested areas established along rivers and their upstream network. Understanding the origin of LW and the factors that influence its dynamics is key for optimizing river and riparian forest management and reducing the risk associated with flood events.

We study a 50km reach of the Rhone River between the city of Geneva and Génissiat dam (France), where the wood material arriving is retained. In this 3000km2 catchment, we aim to infer the origin of the LW that arrives at the reservoir by differentiating between the two main tributaries and providers of LW in the reach: The Arve River (coming from the Alps Mountains) and the Valserine River (from the Jura Mountains).

We have explored several methods for inferring the origin of instream wood. By combining them, we gain a more comprehensive understanding of the factors that influence the supply of LW to the watershed and its dynamics within the river system. These methods are based on:

  • Stable isotopes in the cellulose coming from the water molecule (δD and δ18O): they present a spatial distribution due to fractionation happening during evaporation-precipitation processes. The tree absorbs the isotopic signal and stores it in the cellulose, that can be analyzed to distinguish between different source areas.
  • Chemical composition of wood cellulose: it can be analyzed to provide information about the geology of the area where the tree grew. Techniques such as inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) or X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) are used for this purpose.
  • Riparian forest composition: some forest characteristics (e.g., tree species, tree diameter, forest density, dead wood present in the floodplain, lateral connectivity with the river, etc.) provide useful information on the areas that are supplying the wood that reaches or will potentially reach the dam.

By combining these approaches, it may be possible to distinguish between different source areas of LW within the catchment and to better understand the factors that influence the supply of LW to the river system. We aim to develop a method that can be applied to similarly scaled mountainous catchments to determine the origin of instream large wood.

How to cite: Gibaja del Hoyo, J., Monbaron, L., Vennemann, T., Vauridel, M., and Ruiz-Villanueva, V.: A dendroprovenance approach to fingerprint the origin of instream wood at the river basin scale, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8911,, 2023.

The uprooting of trees is one of the most important biogeomorphological processes in temperate forests around the world. The direct cause of this process is the influence of hurricane-speed winds. However other factors (such as the features of soil, bedrock, topography, and stand) also play a significant role. Tree uprooting leads to the formation of root plates. Detecting the location of root plates may widen our knowledge about the contemporary impact of winds on forest ecosystem evolution. Tree uprooting involves the displacement of soil and weathered bedrock, and therefore may be considered in terms of biotransport (ie. transport of material caused by the impact of living organisms). Estimating the volume of the root plates can allow a better understanding of the scale and factors influencing the process of biotransport.

Uprooted trees may be investigated with the use of LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) point clouds. Such data can provide a basis for creating Digital Surface Models (DSMs), which may be used to extract the location and estimate the volume of root plates. Previous research has focused on applying point clouds to detect 1) stems of fallen trees and 2) pit-mound topography. To date, as far as we know the LiDAR data were not applied to investigate root plates.

The aim of the current project was to develop an automatic method for the detection of root plates and for biotransport estimation, based on point cloud data. Analysis was performed for two 100x100 m research plots located in the Babia Góra National Park (BgNP; Western Carpathians). The study plots were situated within the monitoring area established in 2005 following a catastrophic windstorm event that damaged the forest in November 2004. For the analysis two types of point clouds were applied: 1) open access point cloud from the Polish Institute of Geodesy and Cartography (minimal density: 4 points / m2, acquisition year: 2014) and 2) point cloud from BgNP (density: 40 - 55 points / m2, acquisition years: 2019-2020). Locations (GNSS receiver) and dimensions of 150 root plates measured in the field were used as validation data. DSMs in 0.25 m spatial resolution were created on the basis of three point classes: ground, low vegetation (< 0.2 m), and medium vegetation (< 2 m). Contour lines were generated every 0.1 m. Closed contours occurred frequently on the convex forms of root plates and therefore were used to extract the boundaries of potential root plates. Polygons created from closed contours were filtered using various criteria and compared to validation data to increase the accuracy of the method. The volume of root plates was estimated on the basis of DSMs and validated against the volume calculated from root plate dimensions measured in the field. The results underline the significance of LiDAR point clouds in the research on the tree uprooting process and the importance of GNSS technology to develop precise validation data with centimeter-level measurement accuracy.

The study has been supported by the Polish National Science Centre (project no 2019/35/O/ST10/00032).

How to cite: Godziek, J.: Root plates of uprooted trees – automatic detection and biotransport estimation using LiDAR data and field measurements, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8933,, 2023.

Wood structures used in river restoration, such as installed log-jams, root boles or entire trees, are challenging for hydraulic engineers. Their impact on flow, turbulence and morphology is difficult to predict quantitatively and even qualitatively for some configurations. Wood structures inherit distinct shape, porosity, position and orientation relative to the flow and analogies to ‘standard’ bluff bodies from literature are not easily transferable. A generalising hydraulic classification scheme and studies towards a standardisation of flow and turbulence properties are thus still lacking. Even more so, if morphodynamics and the associated flow adaptations are of concern.

As a starting point, flow and morphologic changes due to installed tree structures were investigated at the TU Wien hydraulics lab for clear-water conditions in a 2.5 m wide flume. Flow depth was H = 0.25 m at a Froude number of Fr = 0.25 and a flow-Reynolds number of Re = 7.7 x 104. The structures were composed of a circular root-plate (D = 0.4 m diameter) with a cylindrical stem attached (0.12 m diameter, 3.0 m long). Root porosity was realised by cutting out sectors of the root-plate and additionally by attaching a porous filter mat. The orientation of the tree was kept streamlined with the flow and two vertical positions of the structure were tested, with the stem afloat near the surface (positively buoyant) and with the stem deposited on the bed (negatively buoyant).

The floating installation induced fast-response tunnel-scour underneath and slow-response shear layer scour at both sides downstream of the root-plate. The drowned installation induced initial horseshoe vortex scour until the lower edge of the root-plate was reached and tunnel-scour reshaped the scour hole at its final stage. The vertical and lateral extent of the scour hole controlled flow divergence underneath the root and into the near-wake, causing pronounced upwelling downstream. Upwelling fluid further diverted the shear layers laterally outward and increased the wake width. With increasing root-plate porosity, scour depth, upwelling strength and lateral shear-layer divergence decreased. Root-plate porosity reduces the global velocity gradient between wake and ambient flow as well as the strength of downward directed flow into and upward directed flow out of the scour hole into the wake.

How to cite: Schnauder, I. and Blanckaert, K.: Flow, turbulence and morphodynamics of wood structures in rivers: challenges due to shape, porosity, position, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9779,, 2023.

EGU23-10087 | Posters on site | GM5.5

Ecosystem engineers and biogeomorphology of the Mediterranean algal reef Coralligenous 

Daniela Basso, Valentina Alice Bracchi, Pietro Bazzicalupo, Marco Bertolino, Fabio Bruno, Mara Cipriani, Gabriele Costa, Francesco D'Alpa, Gemma Donato, Luca Fallati, Adriano Guido, Maurizio Muzzupappa, Rossana Sanfilippo, Alessandra Savini, Francesco Sciuto, Andrea Giulia Varzi, and Antonietta Rosso

Coralligenous (C) is a type of Open Frame Reef, characterized by a variable association of calcareous red algae and macroinvertebrates. It is distributed across the Mediterranean shelf below the deepest seagrass meadows and down to the mesophotic zone, with different facies. The Italian project FISR “CRESCIBLUREEF” provided an extraordinary opportunity to explore the development of the Mediterranean C, from inception to present-day morphology and distribution off the SE coasts of Sicily. The spatial extension of C hybrid banks and discrete reliefs over the studied Sicilian shelf controls the hydrodynamics at the seafloor, the habitat biodiversity, and the related carbonate production at the shelf scale. The analyzed C samples, collected at about 36 m depth, had a columnar shape, were Holocene in age, and their development significantly modified the seafloor geomorphology. Our observations confirmed that most of the framework was built by calcareous red algae with an important contribution by bryozoans, with serpulids, molluscs, and rare corals as accompanying components of the sessile macroscopic fauna.

The framework was highly porous, with a primary porosity derived from the growth, shape and structure of the skeletal components of both builders and dwellers, and an important secondary porosity derived from bioerosion and other early taphonomic processes involving both skeletonised and soft-bodied organisms, like sponges. During the entire process of framework growth and development, sponges played an important role as mineralization mediators of the autochthonous micrite fraction, which contributes significantly to the framework consolidation. Detrital micrite, rich in fine skeletal remains, is trapped in the primary and secondary cavities and represents an archive for the study of the organisms which are not directly involved in the framework building.

How to cite: Basso, D., Bracchi, V. A., Bazzicalupo, P., Bertolino, M., Bruno, F., Cipriani, M., Costa, G., D'Alpa, F., Donato, G., Fallati, L., Guido, A., Muzzupappa, M., Sanfilippo, R., Savini, A., Sciuto, F., Varzi, A. G., and Rosso, A.: Ecosystem engineers and biogeomorphology of the Mediterranean algal reef Coralligenous, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10087,, 2023.

EGU23-10330 | ECS | Posters on site | GM5.5

Wood quantities and transport in the Avançon de Nant river, Switzerland. 

Janbert Aarnink, Marceline Vuaridel, Bryce Finch, and Virginia Ruiz-Villanueva

By creating pools and retaining sediment and organic matter, instream wood provides habitats for a vast variety of different species. It creates a complex river bed and is essential for a healthy ecosystem (Wohl et al., 2019). However, during extreme weather conditions, floods can mobilize the wood and transport it, causing a hazard to downstream infrastructure. Therefore it is important better understand river wood dynamics, such as storage and transport regimes. These regimes are influences by individual log characteristics (e.g. shape, density and orientation), but also individual river weather, climate and geographical factors. In the last decade, an increasing amount of case studies have been performed, although still limited in amount of logs tracked in European rivers (Wyzga et al., 2017). In our current contribution, we deploy a tracking and monitoring system in an Alpine river in the canton of Vaud, Switzerland. The Avancon the Nant is located in the Vallon de Nant, a valley that has been protected since 1969 (Vittoz and Gmür, 2009), and can therefore be argued to have a close to natural wood regime.

Figure: Locations of instream wood in 2022 as compared to 2021. In grey, 3 special sections (wider sections and sections with multiple streams) of river are represented.

In the summer of 2021, 948 (0001 to 0948) pieces of instream wood were tagged with a unique number and 2 unique RFID tags. One year later, in another field campaign, the movement of the pieces was assessed (see figure). From the pieces that have been recovered (7% were lost), a total of 20 pieces were found to have moved with an average of 260 meters. These movements took place in specific sections, primarily in single-threaded narrow sections. The two lower special river sections (w1 and w2) were found to contain pieces with a larger diameters as compared to the other sections. As the tree density decreases when moving up the river, also the total volume of wood storage and the amount of pieces decreased. Furthermore, more pieces with a high degree of decat were found as compared to fresher pieces. This indicated that in recent years, less wood recruitment has taken place. 


Vittoz, P., & Gmür, P. 2009: Introduction aux Journées de la biodiversité dans le Vallon de Nant (Bex, Alpes vaudoises), Mémoire de la Société vaudoise des Sciences naturelles, 23, 3-20. 

Wohl, E., Kramer, N., Ruiz-Villanueva, V., Scott, D. N., Comiti, F., Gurnell, A. M., Piegay, H., Lininger, K. B., Jaeger, K. L., Walters, D. M., & Fausch, K. D. 2019: The natural wood regime in rivers, BioScience, 69, 259–273. 

Wyzga, B., Mikus, P., Zawiejska, J., Ruiz-Villanueva, V., Kaczka, R. J. & Czech, W. 2017: Log transport and deposition in incised, channelized, and multithread reaches of a wide mountain river: Tracking experiment during a 20-year flood, Geomorphology, 279, 98-111. 

How to cite: Aarnink, J., Vuaridel, M., Finch, B., and Ruiz-Villanueva, V.: Wood quantities and transport in the Avançon de Nant river, Switzerland., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10330,, 2023.

EGU23-10844 | ECS | Posters on site | GM5.5

The influence of ecohydrological and biogeomorphological seasonality in non-perennial rivers 

Camilla Santos and Jonas Otaviano Praça de Souza

The interaction between riparian vegetation growth and river evolution is characterised by complex nonlinear feedback. When dealing with non-perennial rivers, this interaction presents growth patterns directly affected by the temporality of the flow, which controls water availability. Dry periods reduce the diversity and coverage of herbaceous species along the channel and riparian area. When prolonged, it modifies/prevents ecological succession in geomorphic units, such as bars and islands and riverbanks, delaying the growth process. The long periods of gentle precipitation allow moisture to permeate the channel, allowing the maintenance of herbaceous strata. On the other hand, extreme flood events act by removing the riparian vegetation and structurally modifying the bio-geomorphological patterns. To contribute to these analyses, the present work evaluated how ecohydrological and bio-geomorphological seasonality affects the morphology of non-perennial sandy channels in Northeast Brazil. For this purpose, DEMs and orthomosaics, generated from five UAV surveys in three stretches of the basin that present a different hydrological behaviour between October 2021 and September 2022, were analysed, allowing the analysis of morphological changes in the coverage of the watershed. Vegetation. Simultaneously, we installed field quadrants to monitor the coverage and growth of some riparian vegetation species of some geomorphic units of the stretches. This information was related to data from six pluviometric pluviometric stations. The rainfall volume of the hydrological year was between 400mm and 500mm, with an average of 46 days of rain and two daily events of extreme rainfall (above 50mm/day) during the year. The wettest period was between March 20th and April 9th, when rainfall accumulated from 56mm to 118mm around the watershed and had two daily extreme rainfall events. The surveys between January 7th and March 19th identified insignificant bio-geomorphological changes in the stretches; at the beginning of the first precipitation events, erosion processes were identified in the sandy bars, which soon after were stabilised by the growth of herbaceous species. The rain events between March 20th and April 9th generated an accumulation of precipitation between 90mm and 117mm and a low flow in the channel in the monitored sections. In one of the stretches, an increase in erosive processes on the banks was identified, and in all stretches, there was the growth of herbaceous vegetation in the alluvial bed. In general, there was a significant increase in vegetation cover, mainly herbaceous, in all quadrants; some stood out for showing a 70% increase in area coverage and a 100% increase in the number of bushy species (Jatropha mollissima ). It is essential to highlight that this quadrant is located in a sandy bar formed from the accumulation of sediment from an invasive tree individual (Prosopis juliflora) that was removed and relocated in an anterior extreme event and regrowth in the bed. These results highlight that the growth and maintenance of riparian vegetation and its spatial location strongly depend on the hydrological regime. The presence of vegetation associated with the deposition of sediments, stabilisation of banks and changes in morphology are vital features to river dynamic understanding.

How to cite: Santos, C. and Souza, J. O. P. D.: The influence of ecohydrological and biogeomorphological seasonality in non-perennial rivers, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10844,, 2023.

EGU23-11318 | ECS | Orals | GM5.5

Highlights on periphyton in a recently deglaciated floodplain 

Matteo Roncoroni, Davide Mancini, Aurélien Ballu, Floreana Miesen, Tom Müller, Mattia Gianini, Boris Ouvry, Mélanie Clémençon, Adrijan Selitaj, Frédéric Lardet, Tom Battin, and Stuart Nicholas Lane

Glaciers are retreating worldwide due to climate change, creating extensive proglacial margins exposed to solar radiation and hence colonization by phototrophic organisms. The extremely dynamic nature of proglacial margins makes ecological colonization difficult. Whilst proglacial margins have received significant attention from the geomorphology community, their ecological functioning remains less intensively investigated. Classic research has shown that colonization depends on distance from the glacier terminus and on season. However, with current rates of glacier retreat, long downstream distances are becoming exposed in a relatively short time, questioning the validity of this longitudinal chronosequence model. In this research, we decrypt the physical habitat of periphyton in recently deglaciated floodplains and we demonstrate the role that periphyton plays in favoring embryonic ecosystem development.


First, we combine UAV based remote sensing with characterization of local environmental conditions (e.g., inundation extent, rates of disturbance). We show that in proglacial margins periphyton effectively develop extensively during windows of opportunity (i.e., spring and autumn) but they can also develop less extensive but still important extents in summer, during the season of most intense glacial melt. Such development may occur rapidly (timescale of days) in the active zone of the braidplain as access to water is secured. But high rates of morphodynamic reworking means that the periphyton are emphemeral. However, in smaller channels, often fed by hillslope tributaries and/or groundwater, away from the active zone, that are more stable, extensive perennial periphyton cover may develop. As the probability of access to water tends to be positively correlated with the probability of disturbance, extensive perennial periphyton development is spatially restricted.


Second, we deploy in-situ flume experiments to mimic the conditions of stable channels and use close-range photogrammetry and 3D hydraulic analysis. We show that periphyton development strongly modifies the streambed morphology but much less so the near-bed hydraulics. Most importantly, it reduces water vertical infiltration by clogging the streambed interstices. This autogenic response, a form of ecosystem engineering, explains why pioneer vegetation tends to develop in specific locations of a glacial floodplain, and reveals new patterns in primary succession in deglaciated terrains and the important role played by periphyton. However, whilst periphyton can improve local hydrological conditions, they do not appear to be able to counter the potential risks of geomorphic disturbance and it is that which determines the patterns of ecological succession.

How to cite: Roncoroni, M., Mancini, D., Ballu, A., Miesen, F., Müller, T., Gianini, M., Ouvry, B., Clémençon, M., Selitaj, A., Lardet, F., Battin, T., and Lane, S. N.: Highlights on periphyton in a recently deglaciated floodplain, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11318,, 2023.

EGU23-11446 | ECS | Orals | GM5.5

Wetlands are the primary hotspots of carbon accumulation in proglacial areas 

Noortje Janssen, Sigrid van Grinsven, and Arnaud Temme

Glacial retreat is a well-known effect of global warming. Where glaciers retreat, land becomes available for soil formation. The water that is produced by the melting of the glaciers forms a stream system in the newly available land, and together these form the proglacial area, or glacial forefield. Proglacial areas are interesting study areas for a negative feedback loop of global warming: where land becomes available, microbial and plant biomass are formed, taking up CO2 from the atmosphere. For inland glaciers, dry soils generally cover most of the surface of proglacial areas, with only a very small fraction covered by wetlands.

Using detailed carbon stock data, CO2 flux measurements, and GIS methods, we assessed the contribution of soils and wetlands to the valley-wide carbon storage in a proglacial valley in the Martellertal, Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio, Italy. We explored the relationship among the CO2 flux, soil carbon content, and location factors such as slope steepness, rock and vegetation cover, and litter layer thickness. Furthermore, we studied the relationship between the soil age, or time since deglaciation, and carbon stocks and fluxes. Our data shows that wetlands are major carbon storage hotspots: not only was the carbon stock significantly higher at wetland sampling locations, also the CO2 uptake per surface area was significantly higher than in dry soils. These findings suggest that despite their small spatial coverage, wetlands are key areas to consider when assessing proglacial carbon budgets, both from a carbon storage as well as a carbon flux viewpoint.

How to cite: Janssen, N., van Grinsven, S., and Temme, A.: Wetlands are the primary hotspots of carbon accumulation in proglacial areas, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11446,, 2023.

Large woody debris (LWD) is commonly used in river restoration projects because it provides important habitats. However, when used in urban creeks and rivers, these structures must be designed and installed in a way that balances the needs for flood safety with the goals of ecological restoration. To ensure the stability of LWD during floods, engineers must consider a range of characteristics such as the size of the structure relative to the flow cross-section, the ratio of length to diameter, shape, orientation, flow magnitude, and the overall hydraulic conditions. To properly design and fixate LWD, it is necessary to consider both lift and drag forces in different flow situations. There are several approaches available for calculating these forces, but many of them are often only applicable by simplifying the LWD into an idealized 1D or 2D cylinder case.

The general drag force equation uses an empirical drag coefficient, which is a function of the object's shape, size, and surface roughness, as well as the properties of the fluid and the flow conditions. However, the drag coefficient does not account for factors such as blockage ratio (the ratio of the object's area to the flow cross-section) and orientation (the angle at which the object is oriented relative to the flow direction). These factors can significantly affect the drag force, and their inclusion in the drag force calculation can lead to more accurate predictions.

To evaluate the role of blockage ratio and cylinder orientation, experiments were conducted in a 10 meter long, 79 cm wide glass flume with a rough bed to create a fully turbulent velocity profile. Smooth PVC cylinders, representing the woody structures, were placed in the flume with rotation angles between 0 and 90 degrees relative to the flow. Examined were three cylinders with a ratio of length to diameter from 3.16 to 9.48 and lengths between 20% and 60% of the channel width. A dynamic load cell was used to measure the drag forces on the cylinders in the flow direction, and various subcritical flow conditions with different depths and velocities were examined.

How to cite: Balmes, J. P.: Evaluating the Role of Blockage Ratio and Orientation in the Drag Force Calculation for Large Woody Debris, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11739,, 2023.

EGU23-13379 * | Orals | GM5.5 | Highlight

Sustained old carbon dioxide release from river surfaces across an Andes to Amazon floodplain transect 

Robert Hilton, Josh West, Mark Garnett, Mathieu Dellinger, and Emily Burt

Globally, river surfaces release ~1.8 ± 0.3 PgC yr-1 of carbon dioxide (CO2). This is larger than the net removal of anthropogenic CO2 to the land surface of 1.6 ± 0.5 PgC yr-1, meaning that river CO2 could act as a leak of carbon back to the atmosphere over the coming decades. To better understand the impact of this large flux on the carbon cycle, we must seek to connect the geomorphic, hydrological and ecological controls on the export of carbon from the terrestrial biosphere, soils and rocks to river networks. Despite the recognition that the release of CO2 from river surfaces is substantial, we still lack insight on the source, delivery and/or production of CO2 along rivers. Here we assess the source of riverine CO2 along a ~250 km transect from the high Andes to the lowland Amazon floodplain, across the upper Madre de Dios basin in the wet season of March 2019. Using floating chamber methods, we quantify CO2 release from river surfaces. To explore the competition of CO2 sources from weathering (rock-derived C) and from the biosphere, we use a headspace method to trap CO2 on zeolite sieves for isotopic analysis (stable carbon isotopes and radiocarbon). The major and trace element dissolved chemistry was also assessed to quantify the dominant weathering reactions. We find downstream variability in CO2 release from river surfaces (ranging from ~650 to 2900 gC m-2 yr-1), with the mainstem of the Madre de Dios at our most downstream location having the highest flux. In contrast, the radiocarbon activity (reported as Fraction Modern, F14C) of the CO2 varied much less, with the two major tributaries the Rio Manu and Rio Alto Madre de Dios having F14C values of CO2 of 0.818 and 0.824, respectively, while ~150 km downstream the mainstem F14C of CO2 was 0.809. The F14C of a lowland river, not sourced from the Andes, had a F14C of CO2 of 0.954, suggesting old organic matter degradation may be underway upstream. Together with the stable C isotope composition and dissolved chemistry, these findings suggest a sustained release of old CO2 from carbonate weathering sources across this tropical floodplain transect, but that the overall flux is dominated by CO2 from the terrestrial biosphere that must be efficiently delivered to the river channel.

How to cite: Hilton, R., West, J., Garnett, M., Dellinger, M., and Burt, E.: Sustained old carbon dioxide release from river surfaces across an Andes to Amazon floodplain transect, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13379,, 2023.

EGU23-14976 | ECS | Posters on site | GM5.5 | Highlight

Extreme flood impact on riparian vegetation dynamics in the Ahr catchment, Germany 

Chiara Hauser, Alexander R. Beer, Clemens Gacmenga, Ugur Ozturk, Michael Dietze, Rainer Bell, and Ana Lucía

On 14th and 15th July 2021 heavy rainfall in western Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands caused severe floodings. The most affected area in Germany was the 86 km long Ahr river valley, which suffered from severe damage to buildings and infrastructure and where more than 130 people died. The Ahr flood exceeded a return period of at minimum 500 years. The river Ahr drains around 900 km2 of the Rhenish Massif with a dendritic catchment from west to east causing differences in slope properties and covering different land uses. The flood water carried large woody debris that caused clogging in bridges of the main valley and some tributaries, some of which collapsed. This extreme event thus offers the opportunity to explore the spatial impact and characteristics of large wood on channel dynamics. This study aims to find thresholds for the initiation of large wood recruitment, dependent on catchment size, valley slopes, water quantity and land use.

The study focuses on the whole catchment area of the Ahr river. Using general vegetation data obtained from the German national forest inventory, we quantified the type and amount of flood-affected vegetation. We adopted an NDVI (normalized differential vegetation index) based change detection approach using Landsat/Sentinel satellite data (Google Earth Engine based Hazmapper) to identify recruited live vegetation and deadwood transport during the flood. We validated this remotely obtained data with field surveys along selected valley sections.

Large wood was predominantly recruited from the fluvial corridor in the main Ahr valley and not from the tributaries, even if those experienced heavy precipitation and surface runoff (up to few meters high discharge on the flood plains). Although we have observed transported tree trunks in those tributaries, there was no large pattern. We aspire to identify deposition areas using ortho photos to investigate a wood balance.

Including large wood in flood modelling would improve flood hazard assessments. Remote sensing analyses offer an interim solution in this regard by helping to identify potential large wood recruitment areas and inform designing flood hazard prevention measures.

How to cite: Hauser, C., Beer, A. R., Gacmenga, C., Ozturk, U., Dietze, M., Bell, R., and Lucía, A.: Extreme flood impact on riparian vegetation dynamics in the Ahr catchment, Germany, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14976,, 2023.

EGU23-15060 | ECS | Posters on site | GM5.5

Hydrodynamic Processes due to a Series of Partially Spanning Logjams 

Isabella Schalko and Nathalie Flury

Due to human intervention, many rivers worldwide exhibit sediment deficit as well as hydraulic and morphological degradation, resulting in the restoration of river habitat becoming a critical task. In Switzerland, the revised Waters Protection Act demands the restoration of 4,000 eco-morphologically impaired river kilometers by 2090. To meet this target, nature-based solutions such as engineered logjams are being implemented to increase flow heterogeneity and provide shelter and habitat for aquatic organisms. To optimize their design, it is crucial to improve our understanding of the physical and ecological interactions for habitat creation, while also considering the potential flood hazard.

In this study, we performed a series of flume experiments on partially spanning logjams positioned in series. The experiments were conducted for different clearance distances between the installed logjams, logjam width, solid volume fraction, and flow Froude number. We analyzed the resulting flow velocity, water depth, and turbulent kinetic energy to quantify the flow heterogeneity and to evaluate the flood hazard.

The results demonstrated that the backwater rise upstream of the first logjam was larger compared to the second logjam. Compared to previous experiments with single partially spanning logjams, the presence of the second logjam did not affect the backwater rise upstream of the first logjam. In addition, it was found that the backwater rise increased with increasing logjam width, resulting in a smaller logjam width being more beneficial from a flood hazard perspective. In contrast, a wider logjam led to a higher flow variability and the creation of two distinct flow regions downstream of the logjams. This result highlights the relevance to consider both flow variability and flood hazard aspects to design engineered logjams for river restoration projects.

How to cite: Schalko, I. and Flury, N.: Hydrodynamic Processes due to a Series of Partially Spanning Logjams, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15060,, 2023.

EGU23-15071 | ECS | Posters on site | GM5.5

Impact of engineered logjams in enhancing performance of full floodplain restorations 

Elizabeth Follett, Barry Hankin, and Nick Chappell

Changes in storm frequency and intensity, linked to increases in drought and flooding, are expected to continue to rise due to climate change. To promote provision of ecosystem services and mitigate climate change impacts, international interest has grown in use of nature-based solutions for climate adaptive management of surface water. Nature-based solutions for natural flood management include large wood additions, construction of engineered logjams, and implementation of full floodplain restorations, in which stream water formerly directed to an incised channel is allowed access to a restored floodplain with increased hydraulic roughness. Here, we examine the role of engineered logjams in enhancing water storage on a full floodplain restoration site (Lowther Estate, Penrith, Cumbria, UK), at which water formerly directed to an artificial diversion channel has been allowed to access its historic route across a restored floodplain. A time record of discharge entering and exiting the site is obtained from calibrated flumes. We present results evaluating the floodplain restoration performance in relation to vegetative drag and event magnitude. The potential is examined for engineered logjams in combination with existing vegetation to enhance water storage during major flood events, while allowing reduced storage during routine conditions. Reduction in hydrograph peak magnitude and increase in time delay of the peak are evaluated using a 1D network model exploring jam spacing and structural common metric, with the accumulation of wood pieces acting as a porous obstruction. The effect of jam spacing and structure is explored and related to the observed range of local wood piece characteristics, yielding recommendations for design and maintenance of full floodplain restoration interventions.

How to cite: Follett, E., Hankin, B., and Chappell, N.: Impact of engineered logjams in enhancing performance of full floodplain restorations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15071,, 2023.

EGU23-15085 | ECS | Orals | GM5.5

Flume Study on the Process of Slender Wood Jamming at Bridge Piers 

Muhammad Iqbal Pratama, Ingo Schnauder, and Koen Blanckaert

The accumulation of floating large wood at bridge piers exacerbates flood risk. Climatic change, deforestation, soil erosion and expanding settlements cause increasing loads of wood into rivers. Besides naturally eroded wood, also harvested and treated wood, e.g. wood cut and stored on the floodplain that is mobilized during inundation events, is of concern. Cut wood is typically unbranched, more slender, dryer and often smoother than naturally eroded wood. Understanding how these different wood properties affect the jamming processes and identifying their governing control parameters is key for a bridge design with reduced jamming vulnerability. In this study, we therefore experimentally investigate the initiation and growth of wood jams from slender wood elements.

Flume experiments are conducted in a 1.7 m wide, fixed bottom flume at the TU Wien hydraulics lab. Flow depth was set to 0.30 m at a Froude number of 0.23 and a flow-Reynolds number of 1.16 x 105. A cylindrical pier with 0.1 m of diameter was installed centrally in the flume. Unbranched cylindrical elements of 30, 45 and 60 cm length and 0.4 and 0.6 cm diameter were used to covered high slenderness regimes (l/d) of 50 - 100 and high relative lengths (l/D) of 3 – 6. The elements were produced from waterproofed pine dowels and plastic pipes sealed at both ends yielded elements with relative densities between 0.3 and 0.6 in water. A downward-looking camera recorded the jamming process.

Preliminary experiments focused on phenomenological observations of the jamming process. Approaching elements were only trapped, if their eccentricity (the lateral distance between their center and the center of the pier), was below one third of the element length. Within this range, slender long elements remained trapped for a long time – up to infinity in many cases. This first metastable regime is possible because of stabilizing compensatory movements, including rotational swaying around the bridge pier, vertical dipping and vibrations related to vortex-shedding. Hereby, swaying had the most stabilising effect as it exposed one end of the element into higher flow velocities upstream, thus increasing drag and initiating reverse rotation. The second stage of jam formation was governed by the interaction and collision of additional elements with the first element. At low eccentricity, the colliding element was rotated and attached parallel to the first element. At higher eccentricity, the collision destabilized the first element and rotated both elements. In this case, a third element was required to collide within a critical impact time to stop rotation and dislodgement. Thus, the stabilising mechanism shifted from compensatory movements to compensatory collisions. When collisions caused the trapping of elements, three (or more) elements formed a triangular, scissor-like pattern around the pier. This ‘scissor-pattern’ was a second metastable regime, typical for the tested slender long elements and observed throughout all runs. Experiments indicated, that friction between the elements and the pier surface controls the stability of the ‘scissor-pattern’, which is subject of ongoing analyses.


How to cite: Pratama, M. I., Schnauder, I., and Blanckaert, K.: Flume Study on the Process of Slender Wood Jamming at Bridge Piers, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15085,, 2023.

EGU23-454 | ECS | Posters on site | GM11.2

The Balta Alba Kurgan loess-paleosol sequence - Chronology and paleoclimate in the northern Lower Danube Basin, Romania 

Janina J. (Bösken) Nett, Stephan Pötter, Ulrich Hambach, Stephanie Scheidt, Sonja Berg, Christian Zeeden, Frank Lehmkuhl, and Daniel Veres

Loess-paleosol sequences are widely spread across central and southeastern Europe and are studied intensively, as they are important terrestrial archives that preserve paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic information. In the Lower Danube Basin large areas are covered by loess, loess derivates, sandy loess, and sand dunes (Lehmkuhl et al., 2021). The exposed loess deposits reach several decameters in thickness. In contrast to other well-studied sites in the Lower Danube area, the investigated Balta Alba Kurgan (BAK) sequence is located close to the forelands of the Eastern Carpathians, an area that is largely underrepresented in loess research. High-resolution geochemical analyses identified the Eastern Carpathians as a main source region of the loess at this site (Pötter et al., 2021). The BAK sequence consists of loess with several intercalated paleosols and weaker pedogenetic horizons, reflecting Late Pleistocene environmental conditions. Furthermore, the Campanian Ignimbrite/Y-5 tephra is preserved that serves as a chronological marker horizon and which had severe ecological impact in southeastern Europe. A robust age model was established for the upper 10 m using a multi-method approach (luminescence dating, radiocarbon dating, magnetic stratigraphy, and tephrochronology) which shows that this part of the sequence covers the MIS 3/2 transition up to present (Scheidt et al., 2021). Here, we present further geochronological data obtained from luminescence dating and more detailed paleoenvironmental proxy data, widening our understanding of Late Pleistocene climate and environmental conditions in the northern Lower Danube Basin.



Lehmkuhl, F., Nett, J.J., Pötter, S., Schulte, P., Sprafke, T., Jary, Z., Antoine, P., Wacha, L., Wolf, D., Zerboni, A., Hošek, J., Marković, S.B., Obreht, I., Sümegi, P., Veres, D., Zeeden, C., Boemke, B., Schaubert, V., Viehweger, J., Hambach, U., 2021. Loess landscapes of Europe – Mapping, geomorphology, and zonal differentiation. Earth-Science Reviews 215, 103496. doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2020.103496

Pötter, S., Veres, D., Baykal, Y., Nett, J.J., Schulte, P., Hambach, U., Lehmkuhl, F., 2021. Disentangling sedimentary pathways for the Pleniglacial Lower Danube loess based on geochemical signatures. Frontiers in Earth Science 9, 1–25. doi:10.3389/feart.2021.600010

Scheidt, S., Berg, S., Hambach, U., Klasen, N., Pötter, S., Stolz, A., Veres, D., Zeeden, C., Brill, D., Brückner, H., Kusch, S., Laag, C., Lehmkuhl, F., Melles, M., Monnens, F., Oppermann, L., Rethemeyer, J., Nett, J.J., 2021. Chronological Assessment of the Balta Alba Kurgan Loess-Paleosol Section (Romania) – A Comparative Study on Different Dating Methods for a Robust and Precise Age Model. Frontiers in Earth Science 8, 598448. doi:10.3389/feart.2020.598448

How to cite: Nett, J. J. (., Pötter, S., Hambach, U., Scheidt, S., Berg, S., Zeeden, C., Lehmkuhl, F., and Veres, D.: The Balta Alba Kurgan loess-paleosol sequence - Chronology and paleoclimate in the northern Lower Danube Basin, Romania, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-454,, 2023.

EGU23-1104 | ECS | Orals | GM11.2

Imprints of large-scale oscillations on river flow in selected Canadian river catchments 

Adeyemi Olusola, Samuel Ogunjo, and Christiana Olusegun

Rivers within sub-tropical and temperate regions serve several purposes, including agricultural irrigation, hydro-power generation, and drivers of civilization. The impacts of six large-scale oscillation indices on river flow at three stations within Humber catchments (Ontario and Labrador) between 1970 and 2020 were investigated using sensitivity and wavelet analyses. Results showed that the discharge at East Humber River near Pine has the highest statistically significant sensitivity of 0.304 and 0.394 units per month to the Dipole Mode Index (DMI) and Tropical North Atlantic (TNA), respectively. Monthly significance analysis also showed the varied influence of large-scale oscillations on the river flow at these locations. Wavelet analysis reveals significant active multidecadal oscillations for the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) at East Humber River near Pine with high spectral power. This study has identified the contributions of different climatic indices to river flow within the Humber catchments. The results will be helpful in environmental planning and effective water management within the basin.

How to cite: Olusola, A., Ogunjo, S., and Olusegun, C.: Imprints of large-scale oscillations on river flow in selected Canadian river catchments, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1104,, 2023.

Dune field landscape patterns serve as an important signs of aeolian processes, such as wind conditions, sediment supply, and so on. A novel framework was proposed and evaluated for automatic dune detection and classification with remotely sensed images. The framework consists of two main steps: (1) The first step is to detect sand dunes from remote sensing images by SandUnet, which is firstly proposed in this paper. SandUnet, a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), has a similar network structure with Attention U-net but modifies its attention gate module. In SandUnet, the input signals' information is not compressed as in the Attention U-net, therefore, the nuanced color and texture information of dunes are preserved. This paper demonstrated that SandUnet has better detection accuracy than other popular CNNs such as FCN, U-net, U-net++, and Attention U-net. (2) The second step is to compute the image similarity scores through MobileNet between each dune detection result image and the representative images of 6 different types of dunes. Then, each dune detection result image is classified into a dune type automatically. This paper applied the proposed framework to Taklimkan Desert in China. The average classification accuracy rate is around 80%, which proves the usefulness of this framework in automatic, no-cost, and accurate sand dune classification.

How to cite: Tang, Y. and Wang, Z.: Automatic Sand Dune Detection and Classification Framework Using Remote Sensing Images, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2232,, 2023.

EGU23-3684 | ECS | Orals | GM11.2 | Highlight

Are spatial and temporal patterns of landslide triggering events reflected in topography and sediment dynamics? 

Benjamin Campforts, Alison Duvall, Charles Shobe, Gregory Tucker, and Irina Overeem

Landslides alter the morphology and sediment dynamics of mountainous terrain. Here, we evaluate how the spatial and temporal variability of landslide triggering events adjust this footprint. We use the HyLands landscape evolution model that explicitly simulates the occurrence of landslide events as well as fluvial incision and sediment dynamics. Both existing landscapes as well as synthetically produced landscapes that evolve over geological timescales are considered. This enables us to identify the required magnitude and frequency of extreme events for them to be recorded in landscape morphology. Moreover, we compare the relative contribution of long-term tectonic processes versus spatially clustered extreme events in shaping mountainous terrain. Finally, we evaluate if and how the temporal occurrence of landslide-triggering events alter morphology. Here we compare two scenarios: a first one evaluates how a landslide-prone landscape responds to events that are uniformly spread through time, a second one tests how such a landscape responds to regionally synchronous events. This contribution aims to clarify the distinctive role of landsliding in shaping mountainous terrain, which will in turn contribute to understanding how landslide prone regions respond to spatial and temporal changes in extreme events.

How to cite: Campforts, B., Duvall, A., Shobe, C., Tucker, G., and Overeem, I.: Are spatial and temporal patterns of landslide triggering events reflected in topography and sediment dynamics?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3684,, 2023.

EGU23-4321 | ECS | Posters on site | GM11.2

An intermontane desert system: Sedimentology, mechanism, and provenance in Southeast China during the Late Cretaceous 

Shuo Cao, Laiming Zhang, Nigel Mountney, and Chengshan Wang

Along with the intensification of global warming, severe desertification has already impaired human sustainable development. In a near-future greenhouse world, the total area of the desert will increase, and new types of deserts may emerge. During the “greenhouse” Cretaceous, conventional large paleo-deserts developed in broad topographic basins, and many possible deserts developed in small-scale intermontane basins, which are unusual in near-modern times and less studied. A comprehensive study of their sedimentology, mechanisms, and provenance would refine our interpretation of desertification and improve our understanding of the potential impact of future climate in arid and semi-arid regions in a near-future “greenhouse” world. The Xinjiang Basin is a typical intermontane basin in Southeast China that formed >300 m of successive aeolian deposits during the early Late Cretaceous, making it an ideal place to investigate the Sedimentological characteristics and formation mechanisms of intermontane deserts. In this study, we applied detailed sedimentary analyses to the aeolian deposits throughout the Xinjiang Basin and reconstructed a three-dimensional sedimentary model for the intermontane deserts. We confirmed the existence of the typical intermontane paleo-desert and summarized in detail the differences between intermontane deserts and broad topographic deserts. We noticed that the “greenhouse” state during the Late Cretaceous seems to have been suitable for the development of deserts in intermontane basins due to the hot, arid climate conditions and penetrating winds with sufficient transport capacity. In addition, the provenance analysis of the intermontane desert proved the ultra-long-distance aeolian sediment transport, and it may enable by the strengthening of intermittent westerly winds during short-lived glacial episodes and the presence of a low-relief corridor that served as a transport pathway from source to sink. Therefore, we suggest the emergence and development of intermontane deserts in a near-future “greenhouse” world would contribute to the global desert expansion and massive desertification.

How to cite: Cao, S., Zhang, L., Mountney, N., and Wang, C.: An intermontane desert system: Sedimentology, mechanism, and provenance in Southeast China during the Late Cretaceous, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4321,, 2023.

EGU23-7184 | Orals | GM11.2

Characteristics of the landslides triggered by the extraordinary rainfall event occurred in Central Italy on September 15, 2022 

Federica Fiorucci, Marco Donnini, Michele Santangelo, Stefano Gariano, Francesco Bucci, Mauro Cardinali, Francesca Ardizzone, Ivan Marchesini, Massimo Melillo, Txomin Bornaetxea, Paola Salvati, Massimiliano Alvioli, Silvia Peruccacci, Maria Teresa Brunetti, Giuseppe Esposito, Omar Althuwaynee, Mina Yazdani, Bianchi Cinzia, and Susanna Grita

Timely and systematic collection of landslide information after a triggering event is essential for the definition of landslide trends in response to climate change. On September 15, 2022 Marche and Umbria regions, in Central Italy, were struck by an anomalous rainfall event that showed characteristics of a persistent convective system. An extraordinary cumulated rainfall of 419 mm was recorded by a rain gauge in the area in only 9 hours. It was carried out a systematic reconnaissance field survey to prepare an event landslide inventory map in an area of 550 km2 that includes a large neighbourhood of the area that recorded the highest rainfall intensity. The rainfall triggered 1687 landslides in the area affected by the peak rainfall intensity. Landslide area spans from a few tens of square meters to 105 m2, with a median value of 87 m2. We describe the characteristics of the landslides identified during a field survey conducted immediately after the event. Most of the mass movements are shallow, many are rapid (i.e., debris flows, earth flows) and widely affecting the road network. Many national and local roads were interrupted, mostly by earth and rock slides; national and local railways were interrupted at several points; extensive damage was registered to structures and infrastructures. Furthermore, field evidence revealed that a vast proportion of landslides occurred in the immediate vicinity of roads, mostly affecting road embankments and that a large number of landslides initiated within natural and semi-natural areas and hit the road network and, locally, affected houses and activities. Field surveys also revealed diffuse residual risk conditions, being a large proportion of landslides located in the immediate vicinity of infrastructures. Besides reporting the spatial distribution of landslides triggered by an extreme rainfall event, the data collected on landslides can be used to make comparisons with the distribution of landslides in the past, validation of landslide susceptibility models, definition of the general interaction between landslides and structures/infrastructures.

How to cite: Fiorucci, F., Donnini, M., Santangelo, M., Gariano, S., Bucci, F., Cardinali, M., Ardizzone, F., Marchesini, I., Melillo, M., Bornaetxea, T., Salvati, P., Alvioli, M., Peruccacci, S., Brunetti, M. T., Esposito, G., Althuwaynee, O., Yazdani, M., Cinzia, B., and Grita, S.: Characteristics of the landslides triggered by the extraordinary rainfall event occurred in Central Italy on September 15, 2022, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7184,, 2023.

EGU23-8005 | Posters on site | GM11.2

Modelling multi-decadal sediment delivery to rivers by debris flows and lahars with SedCas 

Georgina Bennett, James Christie, Jacob Hirschberg, Andrew Nicholas, Ellie Vahidi, and EvoFlood Team

Debris flows and lahars convey large quantities of sediment through fluvial systems in mountainous and volcanic regions. Constraining decadal to centennial patterns of sediment transport by these potentially destructive flows is crucial for understanding their drivers and subsequently modelling the evolution of downstream hazard and channel morphology with time. Relatively few modelling frameworks have been designed to capture sediment transport dynamics at these timescales. Existing models instead tend to either 1) simulate the runout of individual debris flow events or 2) forecast landscape evolution over longer millennial timescales. Our work seeks to address this research gap by developing SedCas. SedCas is a spatially lumped sediment cascade model developed to simulate decadal patterns of sediment transport by debris flows from the Illgraben, an Alpine catchment in Switzerland, into the Rhône River. Its relatively simple structure is computationally inexpensive and has enabled its use in forecasting debris flow hazard and sediment yield from the Illgraben over the 21st century in response to a range of climate change scenarios. Here, we present the first application and adaptation of the SedCas model framework to non-alpine catchments. Firstly, we simulate sediment transport by lahars in a catchment on the island of Montserrat which has been disturbed episodically by explosive volcanism between 1995 - present. In this model iteration, SedCas_Volcano, we account for variations in vegetation cover induced by eruptive events, in addition to water and sediment supply. The model results capture the first-order patterns (aggregate magnitude-frequency) of the largest observed lahars, and the timing and relative order of magnitude of fluctuations in sediment yield. Seasonal and interannual variations in lahar activity are not fully captured, however. We attribute these shortfalls to limitations of available data and the model not accounting for important dynamic hydrological processes that alter runoff generation on evolving volcanic deposits. These limitations in turn provide avenues of further research and development. Secondly, we present preliminary experiments to simulate bedload sediment delivery as input into a new global flood model that accounts for evolving channel geometry.

How to cite: Bennett, G., Christie, J., Hirschberg, J., Nicholas, A., Vahidi, E., and Team, E.: Modelling multi-decadal sediment delivery to rivers by debris flows and lahars with SedCas, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8005,, 2023.

EGU23-8219 | Orals | GM11.2

Runoff controls on stream network branching 

Hansjoerg Seybold, Minhui Li, and James Kirchner

The geometry of stream networks varies systematically with climate [1,2]. In humid regions diffusive processes seem to dominate the branching geometry of stream networks, resulting in wider branching angles close to 72 degrees, which is the theoretical angle for growth in a diffusive field [1,3]. In arid climates, on the other hand, channel networks display much narrower angles [1,2].

Here we show that the narrower angles in arid regions can be related to the higher frequency of extreme runoff events, which are more common in arid landscapes than in humid ones [4]. Erosion due to overland flow leads to incision which is more focused in the direction of regional topographic gradients and thus resulting in narrower branching angles as the influence of diffusive processes becomes weaker and weaker. Our analysis is based on flow frequency distributions derived from USGS gauging stations across the United States [4] and branching angles obtained from the USGS medium resolution National Hydrographic Dataset [1]. Our measurements show, that the tails of the flow frequency distributions become systematically heavier with aridity in the same way as branching angles become narrower.

This result suggests that the relative impact of diffusive network growth systematically decreases with increasing aridity as the landscape's Peclet number changes across a landscape with varying climate.



[1] H. J. Seybold et al., Climate's watermark in the geometry of stream networks, GRL (2017)

[2]  A. Getraer & A. C. Maloof, Climate-Driven Variability in Runoff Erosion Encoded in Stream Network Geometry, GRL (2021)

[3] O. Devauchelle et al., Ramification of stream networks, PNAS (2012)

[4] M. W. Rossi et al., Precipitation and evapotranspiration controls on daily runoff variability in the contiguous United States and Puerto Rico, JGR (2016)


How to cite: Seybold, H., Li, M., and Kirchner, J.: Runoff controls on stream network branching, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8219,, 2023.

EGU23-9028 | ECS | Orals | GM11.2

Climate change effects on flooding at Lurin river basin, Peru 

Henry Asencios, Waldo Lavado, Evelin Sabino, Jonathan Qquenta, and Oscar Felipe

The magnitude and frequency of extreme precipitation events are expected to increase in central Peruvian Andes for this century, which will pose a significant challenge on water resources management and flood risk mitigation. The present study focuses on assessing the possible flood hazard under two different climate change scenarios (SSP 4.5 and SSP 8.5) in the lower part of the Lurin River watershed (~ 1642.5 Km2) by using a distributed physically-based hydrologic and erosional model (e.g. TREX) and a 2-D depth-averaged hydraulic and sediment transport model (e.g. BASEMENT-2D). The models were calibrated using hydrometeorological data corresponding to the extreme flood events of 2015 and 2017 and satellite-based and UAV-derived inundation maps. Future climate scenarios are going to be constructed from bias-corrected outputs of CMIP6 global climate models, while the rainfall temporal patterns for different return periods will be obtained from observed precipitation events corresponding to extreme flood events of El Niño 2017. Results are expected to provide important data needed to make policy changes to mitigate the negative impacts of climate change in the Lurin River basin. 

How to cite: Asencios, H., Lavado, W., Sabino, E., Qquenta, J., and Felipe, O.: Climate change effects on flooding at Lurin river basin, Peru, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9028,, 2023.

EGU23-9185 | ECS | Posters on site | GM11.2

Simulating dryland cliffs evolution in response to extreme rainstorms 

Yuval Shmilovitz, Matthew Rossi, Gregory Tucker, Benjamin Campforts, Joel Pederson, Efrat Morin, Moshe Armon, Yehouda Enzel, and Itai Haviv

Cliff bands are common in drylands and their evolution is often influenced by hydrogeomorphic processes. It has been previously suggested that cliff retreat patterns and morphology are affected by the properties and frequency-magnitude relations of rainstorms. However, basic questions on this topic persist because landscape evolution models typically do not account for the surface processes like runoff generation and sediment transport that occur under short-duration (sub-hourly) intense rainfall. Here we test the hypothesis that changes in rainstorm properties can systematically alter cliff retreat patterns and morphology. We developed a novel numerical model that simulates the response of cliffs and associated sub-cliff slopes to various rainstorm regimes to (1) identify dominant cliff morphologies, and (2) examine if extreme rainstorm properties are encoded in the topography. The new model utilizes the Landlab modeling toolkit and includes an explicit novel representation of surface processes that occur during short-duration rainstorms, including cliff-weathering, infiltration, runoff generation, clast fragmentation, and size-dependent sediment transport. Using a suite of numerical experiments, we vary model parameters and rainfall types and simulate changes in cliff retreat patterns and morphology. Our model results agree well with analytical predictions for cliff morphology under a control case of no transport on the sub-cliff slope, indicating a good representation of processes. Furthermore, sensitivity analyses on cases where sediment transport is explicitly included show that cliff evolution is highly dependent on both the grain size of sediment derived from the cliff and the rainfall intensities. These two factors can alter retreat patterns and determine whether and how fast the cliff can be buried under its own sediment. Numerical experiments based on rainfall and field measurements from the central Negev desert (eastern Mediterranean) demonstrate that including the dynamics of high-intensity rainfall and sediment grain size can help explain observed topographic trends. In addition, for a given imposed storm depth, we find that the rainstorm intensities pattern strongly influences both the cliff retreat and its morphology. Short rainstorms with higher intensities are much more erosive than longer storms with lower intensities. This latter case frequently triggers cliff burying. Taken as a whole, our results demonstrate that cliff evolution and morphology are significantly affected by storm-scale sediment transport dynamics and thus highlight the importance of incorporating high-resolution rainfall forcing into landscape evolution models of dryland landforms.

How to cite: Shmilovitz, Y., Rossi, M., Tucker, G., Campforts, B., Pederson, J., Morin, E., Armon, M., Enzel, Y., and Haviv, I.: Simulating dryland cliffs evolution in response to extreme rainstorms, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9185,, 2023.

EGU23-10832 | ECS | Orals | GM11.2

Decoupling of Rub’ al Khali Quaternary dune record and paleoclimate 

Andrew Gunn, Ryan Ewing, and Josephine Brown

The climate history of wind-blown dune fields is commonly determined by dune morphology, stratigraphy and age. These properties in the Rub’ al Khali have been used to interpret climate history relevant to human dispersal and monsoon variability during the glacial cycles. An underlying assumption of some of these interpretations is that the time it takes dunes to respond to a change in climate is shorter than the time over which climate changes. Here we show that this assumption does not always hold. We do this by comparing the bedform reconstitution time Tr (i.e., the time taken for sand to be completely reworked within a dune) to a climate persistence time Tc (i.e., how long dune-relevant wind properties stay the same). Tr is found using modern wind reanalysis and topography data, and Tc using paleoclimate simulations. Where Tr>Tc, climate varies too fast to be recorded in dune properties. In some areas of the Rub’ al Khali, Tr is longer than the time between glacial cycles, so dune properties and modern climate are decoupled. We extend this case study to a general theory to assess if wind-blown dunes properties can be used to interpret past climate.

How to cite: Gunn, A., Ewing, R., and Brown, J.: Decoupling of Rub’ al Khali Quaternary dune record and paleoclimate, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10832,, 2023.

EGU23-11075 | ECS | Posters on site | GM11.2

A USLE and SCS-CN coupled approach for design sediment yield prediction 

Ishan Sharma, Surendra Kumar Mishra, Ashish Pandey, Henok Mekonnen Aragaw, and Vijay P Singh

Knowledge of sediment yield is essential for predicting and mitigating the impact of natural disasters such as floods and landslides as well as for managing water resources and ecosystems of a region. It has been found that a considerable portion of sediment yield is sometimes generated from extreme rainfall events of high magnitude and intensity compared to that from myriad small rain events. Therefore, it is vital to accurately predict sediment yield resulting from extreme storms of varying durations, especially from data-scarce regions. This study proposes an empirical approach based on the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) and Soil Conservation Service-Curve Number (SCS-CN) methods integrated with a sediment yield model to predict sediment yield resulting from a storm of desired duration (d) and recurrence interval (T). To this end, the potential erosion (A) is empirically related to ‘d’ and ‘T’ and the empirical relation is calibrated and validated on the data of ten sub-watersheds of Ashti catchment, India, involving annual maximum rainfall (observed), runoff (daily observed) and sediment (daily SWAT simulated). The model performance is evaluated using Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE), Coefficient of Determination (R2), Percent Bias (PBIAS), Normalized Root Mean Square Error (nRMSE), and visually by scatter plots. The model was calibrated with high NSE, low nRMSE and PBIAS values in all the sub-watersheds (NSE>0.85, PBIAS< ±10% and 0.156< nRMSE <0.216). In validation, the performance was also excellent (0.77≤ NSE ≤0.98 mean value = 0.86, PBIAS ≤ ±20%, and 0.86≤ R2≤ 0.99 mean value = 0.95) in 9 out of 10 sub-watersheds. Additionally, a correlation matrix between catchment physiographic characteristics (terrain slope, stream length and size) and calibrated empirical parameters (‘α’, ‘β’, ‘m’ and ‘n’) was developed, indicating stream length influences these parameters more than size and slope.

How to cite: Sharma, I., Mishra, S. K., Pandey, A., Aragaw, H. M., and Singh, V. P.: A USLE and SCS-CN coupled approach for design sediment yield prediction, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11075,, 2023.

EGU23-14068 | Posters on site | GM11.2

18O Analyses of bulk lipids as a novel palaeoclimate tool in loess research - a pilot study 

Michael Zech, Jakob Labahn, Lucas Bittner, Christopher Roettig, Diana Burghardt, Slobodan Markovic, and Bruno Glaser

The analysis of the stable oxygen isotopes 18O and 16O has revolutionised palaeoclimate research since the middle of the last century. Particularly, 18O of ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica is used as a palaeotemperature proxy and 18O of deep-sea sediments is used as a proxy for global ice volume. Important terrestrial archives to which 18O as palaeoclimate proxy is successfully applied are speleothems, lake sediments or tree rings. By contrast, 18O applications to loess-palaeosol sequences (LPSs) are scarce, despite for instance a compound-specific 18O analytical tool for sugar biomarkers was developed and presented already years ago (Zech et al., 2014). Here we present a first continuous 18O record (n=50) for the LPS Crvenka in Serbia, SE Europe, spanning the last glacial-interglacial cycle. From a methodological point of view, we took advantage of a recently proposed palaeoclimate/-hydrological tool/proxy based on bulk 18O analyses of plant-derived lipids. The 18O lipid values range between −10.2‰ and +23.0‰ and are systematically more positive in the interglacial and interstadial (paleo-)soils compared to the loess layers. In our presentation, we compare our 18O lipid record from the LPS Crvenka with the marine oxygen-isotope stages as well as with the Greenland 18O ice core records revealing the famous Dansgaard-Oeschger events (stadials and interstadials). Concerning the interpretation of our LPS 18O lipid record, we will discuss several influencing factors, such as temperature-control on 18O, evaporative leaf water enrichment, post-sedimentary effects and pool-effects.


Labahn, J., Bittner, L., Hirschmann, P., Roettig, C., Burghardt, D., Glaser, B., Marković, S. and Zech, M., 2022. 18O analyses of bulk lipids as novel paleoclimate tool in loess research – a pilot study. E&G Quaternary Science Journal 71, 83-90.

Zech, M., Mayr, C., Tuthorn, M., Leiber-Sauheitl, K. and Glaser, B., 2014. Reply to the comment of Sternberg on "Zech et al. (2014) Oxygen isotope ratios (18O/16O) of hemicellulose-derived sugar biomarkers in plants, soils and sediments as paleoclimate proxy I: Insight from a climate chamber experiment”. GCA 126, 614-623. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 141, 680-682.

How to cite: Zech, M., Labahn, J., Bittner, L., Roettig, C., Burghardt, D., Markovic, S., and Glaser, B.: 18O Analyses of bulk lipids as a novel palaeoclimate tool in loess research - a pilot study, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14068,, 2023.

EGU23-14873 | Orals | GM11.2

Lithology, mineralogy, geochemistry and chronostratigraphy of heavy-mineral bearing dune sands in the Podravina, northeastern Croatia 

Koen Beerten, Nina Hećej, Mihajlo Pandurov, Branko Kordić, Petar Stejić, Rodoljub Gajić, Ajka Šorša, and Lidija Galović

The Đurđevac Sands constitute a wide area of extraordinary small-scale dune relief in the Podravina (northeastern Croatia), along the central part of the southern Drava river valley. They are thought to have been formed by reworking of fluvial material due to strong northern winds. Their significance is evident from the geometry of the dunes (shape, orientation, thickness), and the presence of intra- and post-formational alteration (pedogenesis). In addition, the elevated heavy mineral content puts the sands in the position of potential ore deposit.

The objective of this study is to explore this aeolian archive in an attempt to extract relevant palaeo-environmental information and to compare it with similar landscapes across Europe. The lithology (grain-size) and intra-formational alteration (palaeosoils) as well as geochemical signatures are investigated from outcrops in an abandoned sand pit to define phases of sand movement and landscape stability. Radiocarbon dating of charcoal, optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of quartz, and historical archives are used to develop a geochronological framework. The heavy and light mineral fractions of the sands are used to determine their composition, provenance and detailed sedimentological context at the time of deposition. A digital elevation model of the region is used to gain insight into the geometry of the dunes, while geo-electric soundings and mechanical coring are applied to investigate the vertical and lateral variations in sand lithology and thickness, as well as intraformational soils.

At first sight, the dune landscape seems to have a chaotic nature, showing an irregular alignment of smaller parabolic, linear and domal shaped dunes. Although, larger structures may also be classified as complex long-walled transgressive dunes or compound en-echelon parabolic dunes. The thickness of the dune sand can clearly be traced on geo-electrical profiles, where the dry dune sand appears to generate a different signal than the underlying water-saturated fluvial material. Furthermore, the results show that phases of sand movement occurred before and after the Bølling-Allerød (B-A) interstadial, as well as during the early Holocene and up to the 19th century. Phases of stability are witnessed by the presence of slightly altered parent material (presence of organic carbon, slightly finer grain size, and decalcified) and are dated to the B-A interstadial, and several episodes in the Holocene. The heavy mineral content is dominated by garnet, while muscovite is strikingly more present in the Holocene sediments. This may be due to either a change in source material (new Holocene Drava river sediment) and/or changing aeolian dynamics. Overall, these new findings obtained from the Đurđevac Sands area correlate rather well with other regions in the Pannonian Basin as well as the North European Plain, especially in terms of the timing of events.

How to cite: Beerten, K., Hećej, N., Pandurov, M., Kordić, B., Stejić, P., Gajić, R., Šorša, A., and Galović, L.: Lithology, mineralogy, geochemistry and chronostratigraphy of heavy-mineral bearing dune sands in the Podravina, northeastern Croatia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14873,, 2023.

EGU23-15175 | ECS | Posters on site | GM11.2 | Highlight

Calcium sulphate-wedge formation in deposits from the Aroma alluvial fan as indicator for haloturbation in the Atacama Desert 

Aline Zinelabedin, Benedikt Ritter, Joel Mohren, and Tibor J. Dunai

Polygonal patterned grounds on the Earth’s surface are typically associated with subsurface-wedge structures in periglacial environments. The presence of such wedges is usually taken as an indicator for cryogenic processes in the subsurface, which form a characteristic vertically laminated sequence. However, similar structures can be found in the subsurface of the Aroma fan in the Central Depression of the Atacama Desert in northern Chile. Within the salt-bearing deposits of the alluvial fan, the calcium-sulphate wedges appear to be preliminary formed by haloturbation and may represent the hyperarid equivalent to periglacial wedge structures. The characteristic vertical lamination of the wedges contains calcium-sulphate phases accompanied by clastic minerals, as found by X-ray diffraction and X-ray fluorescence analyses. Hence, the calcium-sulphate phases in the wedges are assumed to be potential drivers for salt dynamics causing subsurface wedge-growth and surface polygonal patterned ground formation. Due to varying water availability in a generally extremely water-limited environment, these salt dynamics possibly led to significant volumetric changes in the deposits induced by dissolution and (re)precipitation of salts from infiltrating solutions and phase transitions of calcium-sulphate phases.

The subsurface-wedge network of the Aroma-fan outcrop is covered by a ~ 20 cm thick calcium sulphate-bearing surface crust, which potentially covered a polygonal patterned ground. The formation and preservation of the surface crust might indicate an amplification of arid conditions leading to the inhibition of wedge growth in the subsurface. To unravel the mechanisms and governing environmental conditions of calcium-sulphate wedge and crust formation at the Aroma site, we present various mineralogical, geochemical, and sedimentological data of wedge and crust material.

Furthermore, we applied geochronological methods to resolve wedge-growth phases and episodes of local moisture supply. We tested meteoric 10Be dating and post-infrared infrared stimulated luminescence (post-IR IRSL) dating on wedge material to gain information on the evolution and activity of wedge growth under arid to hyperarid conditions. Such geochronological data is indispensable for using the wedges as terrestrial proxy record for the palaeoclimate in the northern Atacama Desert.

How to cite: Zinelabedin, A., Ritter, B., Mohren, J., and Dunai, T. J.: Calcium sulphate-wedge formation in deposits from the Aroma alluvial fan as indicator for haloturbation in the Atacama Desert, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15175,, 2023.

EGU23-15791 | Orals | GM11.2

Long-term hydrologic connectivity on the Australian dryland margins: evidence from the Willandra Lakes World Heritage Area over the last 60 ky 

Kathryn Fitzsimmons, Markus Fischer, Maike Nowatzki, Tobias Lauer, Kanchan Mishra, and Nicola Stern

The recent catastrophic flooding across the world’s driest inhabited continent – Australia – has highlighted an urgent need to understand the climatic (atmospheric) and hydrological (land surface) mechanisms comprising hydroclimate. Records of past hydrologic change may help in this endeavor by informing us about different hydroclimate states and their manifestation on the land surface. By virtue of its antiquity, aridity and relative paucity of available sediment, however, the Australian continent preserves few records of long-term hydroclimate. As a result, we know little about long-term water availability and the drivers of surface hydrology and climate circulation, particularly for the dry inland regions where water resources and sensitive land surfaces need to be carefully managed.


One of the few areas in dryland Australia which preserves semi-continuous deposition of hydrologic change is the Willandra Lakes system. The Willandra Lakes are located on the semi-arid desert margin of southeastern Australia, yet its headwaters lie in the temperate eastern highlands. Long-term lake filling and drying is consequently driven by rainfall in the headwaters and hydrologic connectivity both across the catchment and between the lakes. These environmental changes – both long and short in duration – are recorded in the sediments of the downwind transverse dunes (lunettes). In this study we investigate long-term hydrologic connectivity across the catchment and between the lakes. Our approach uses a novel integration of both classical lake-level reconstruction based on lunette sedimentology, stratigraphy and luminescence geochronology, with hydrologic modelling of key event time slices over the last 60 ky, fed into a palaeoclimate model. We characterize the land-surface response to various hydroclimate states, so improving our understanding of dryland atmosphere-hydrosphere interactions.


How to cite: Fitzsimmons, K., Fischer, M., Nowatzki, M., Lauer, T., Mishra, K., and Stern, N.: Long-term hydrologic connectivity on the Australian dryland margins: evidence from the Willandra Lakes World Heritage Area over the last 60 ky, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15791,, 2023.

EGU23-16209 | Orals | GM11.2

Application of a deep learning framework to explore transfer learning for dune mapping across regions 

Maike Nowatzki, David Thomas, and Richard Bailey

Dune mapping is a traditional task for aeolian geomorphologists and has made use of satellite imagery since the 1970s (Breed & Grow, 1979). Labour-intensive manual mapping approaches are increasingly substituted by (semi-)automated ones that apply progressive Machine Learning algorithms (Zheng et al., 2022). Advanced techniques such as neural networks enable the creation of powerful computational models to automatically map dune fields (Shumack et al., 2020; Rubanenko et al., 2021). Globally available satellite imagery datasets and the progression of computational infrastructure and power facilitate the operation of increasingly elaborate models and their application to spatially extensive regions. A lack of training and validation datasets for such dune mapping models and the subjective and time-consuming nature of their creation, however, remains a challenge.

We present a framework that uses Deep Learning and different types of satellite imagery to map dune crests. It comprises automated modules to (1) retrieve and pre-process training and prediction data, (2) train a neural network (U-Net; Ronneberger et al., 2015), and (3) identify dune crests in unlabelled target areas applying the trained model. The framework has shown good performance mapping linear dunefields in the Kalahari Desert using a small training and validation dataset (130 labelled 960mx960m tiles).

Addressing the lack of global training data, we use our model to explore the possibilities of transfer learning and the universality of regional training datasets. In our main case study, we assess whether a model trained on satellite data of linear dunes in the Kalahari can be applied to map linear dunes in regions containing morphologically similar dunes in the Australian deserts.


Breed, C. S., & Grow, T. (1979). Morphology and distribution of dunes in sand seas observed by remote sensing. A study of global sand seas, 1052, 253-302.

Ronneberger, O., Fischer, P., & Brox, T. (2015, October). U-net: Convolutional networks for biomedical image segmentation. In International Conference on Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention (pp. 234-241). Springer, Cham.

Rubanenko, L., Pérez-López, S., Schull, J., & Lapôtre, M. G. (2021). Automatic Detection and Segmentation of Barchan Dunes on Mars and Earth Using a Convolutional Neural Network. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 14, 9364-9371.

Shumack, S., Hesse, P., & Farebrother, W. (2020). Deep learning for dune pattern mapping with the AW3D30 global surface model. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 45(11), 2417-2431.

Zheng, Z., Du, S., Taubenböck, H., & Zhang, X. (2022). Remote sensing techniques in the investigation of aeolian sand dunes: A review of recent advances. Remote Sensing of Environment, 271, 112913.

How to cite: Nowatzki, M., Thomas, D., and Bailey, R.: Application of a deep learning framework to explore transfer learning for dune mapping across regions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16209,, 2023.

EGU23-1568 | ECS | PICO | GM3.2

How is Indira Sagar Dam Altering the Suspended Sediment Transport in Central Indian Region? 

Pragati Prajapati, Gaurav Meena, Somil Swarnkar, and Sanjeev Jha

The hydraulic structures, such as dams and reservoirs, are built for flood mitigation, drinking & irrigation water supply, and hydropower generation. Despite their positive roles, large dams and reservoirs are well known to trap a significant portion of the incoming sediment fluxes. In turn, sedimentation reduces the reservoir's water storage capacity. The Indra Sagar dam, located in the Narmada River Basin, is the largest reservoir in India (total capacity ~ 12.2 Bm3). Therefore, in this study, our objective is to set up a data-driven, i.e., Generalized Additive Model Location Scale and Shape (GAMLSS) to simulate the impact of the Indira Sagar dam on the downstream sediment transport. The daily sediment and water discharge data are used from 1987 to 2019, from June to November, at upstream and downstream gauge stations. Preliminary analysis reveals a significant alteration in downstream sediment discharge after constructing the Indira Sagar dam. However, the pre-dam period doesn't significantly alter sediment transport behavior. In addition, pre-and post-dam water discharge behaviors do not exhibit considerable alteration. The difference between 5-yearly sediment duration curves reveals around 60% to 95% reduction in high and moderate magnitudes sediment load. Further observation suggests an increase in low sediment magnitude flows downstream after the dam construction from the base period 1989-1993. The significance of the study is that it will help water managers in understanding the dam's water storage capacity, which may be affected due to sediment deposition. It is also crucial to understand the geomorphological changes and implications of less sediment supply in the downstream region. The results obtained from this study will further provide additional insights into evolving flood and drought processes and their forecasting around the dam-affected region. This work is in progress, and further results will be presented at the conference.

How to cite: Prajapati, P., Meena, G., Swarnkar, S., and Jha, S.: How is Indira Sagar Dam Altering the Suspended Sediment Transport in Central Indian Region?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1568,, 2023.

EGU23-3135 | ECS | PICO | GM3.2

Feldspar luminescence signal of modern fluvial sediments as a proxy for erosion rates? 

Anne Guyez, Stephane Bonnet, Tony Reimann, clare wilkinson, Sebastien Carretier, Kevin Norton, and Jakob Wallinga

Documenting and quantifying sediment transport in natural system, especially over millennial timescale, is still challenging. Among potential new approaches, recent development has shown that luminescence signal could be used to estimate transport parameters in rivers such as virtual velocity of sediments, storage time or sediment sources (McGuire & Rhodes, 2015; Gray et al., 2018; Gray et al., 2019; Sawakuchi et al., 2018; Guyez et al., 2022).

In this study, we focus on the factors controlling post-infrared feldspar luminescence signals (pIRIR) of modern fluvial sediments in upstream areas. The objective is to examine whether pIRIR equivalent dose distributions relate to landscape erosion rates and associated sediment fluxes. To test this hypothesis, we studied catchments in the Southern Alps of New Zealand (SANZ), one of the world’s most active mountain ranges, with extremely high rates of exhumation and erosion.

For eight catchments of the SANZ, we compared the single-grain pIRIR equivalent dose distributions from modern fluvial sediments with catchment-wide erosion rates obtained using measurements of 10Be cosmogenic nuclide concentration in modern fluvial quartz grains. The latter approach is widely used to quantify catchment-wide erosion rates on millennial time scales.

Using the cosmogenic methods, we found catchment-wide erosion rates ranging from 0.2 to 4.0 mm/yr. The rates increased along the mountain range from South-West to North-East, confirming results by Larsen et al. (2014), and may reflect a tectonic uplift gradient related to northward segmentation of the Alpine fault. In addition, erosion rates on the Western side were higher than the Eastern side, which we attribute to the climatic gradient of the SANZ, related to orographic effect.

We measured single-grain pIRIR equivalent dose (De) distributions at the outlet of each catchment. We calculated (1) the fraction of grains whose luminescence signal is saturated (Bonnet et al., 2019; Guyez et al., 2022), (2) the fraction of well-bleached grains. We also characterized the De distribution using (3) the central age model (CAM; Galbraith et al., 1999) and (4) the bootstrapped minimum age model (BS-MAM; Cunningham & Wallinga, 2012). We found a relationship between those four proxies and erosion rates obtained from 10Be, as well as with suspended sediment yield (Adams, 1980; Hicks et al., 2011) and channel steepness index.

Our study shows that single grain pIRIR equivalent dose distributions reflect erosion and sediment fluxes of a catchment. This new property could be further developed with the perspective to use this proxy as a new independent tool to quantify erosion and transport processes in a wide range of fluvial settings on time scales shorter than cosmogenic methods.

How to cite: Guyez, A., Bonnet, S., Reimann, T., wilkinson, C., Carretier, S., Norton, K., and Wallinga, J.: Feldspar luminescence signal of modern fluvial sediments as a proxy for erosion rates?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3135,, 2023.

EGU23-3236 | ECS | PICO | GM3.2

Using a hydroacoustic method to establish continuous time series of suspended sand concentration and grain size in the Isère River, France 

Jessica Laible, Benoît Camenen, Jérôme Le Coz, Guillaume Dramais, François Lauters, and Gilles Pierrefeu

High frequency measurements of the concentration and grain size of suspended sand in rivers remain a scientific challenge due to the strong spatio-temporal variability. Applying a hydroacoustic multi-frequency method can improve temporal resolution compared to the classical approach by solid gauging (water sampling) and provides an interesting surrogate for suspended sediment concentration and grain size in rivers characterized by a bimodal suspension. The aim of this study is to establish time series of concentration and grain size of suspended sand in the Isère River (France) using a hydroacoustic method. Measurements with 400 and 1000 kHz Horizontal Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (HADCP) are used to determine the acoustic attenuation and backscatter. Using frequent isokinetic water samples obtained with a US P-06 sampler close to the ensonified volume, a relation between the acoustic signal and the sediment concentration and grain size can be determined. In a next step, regular solid gaugings help to establish a relation between the concentration and grain size in the ensonified volume and on average in the river cross-section. Finally, time series of concentration and grain size of suspended sand may be established based on this relation. Results show a good correlation between the concentration of fine-grained sediments and acoustic attenuation as well as between the sand concentration and backscatter. While the acoustic signature of fine sediments is mostly driven by concentration changes, the acoustic signature of the sand fraction is impacted by changes not only in concentration but also in grain size distribution (the median diameter  varying between 150 and 400 µm). The homogeneity of concentration and grain size along the acoustic beam seems to be a main factor for successfully establishing concentration time series based on a cell-by-cell analysis.

How to cite: Laible, J., Camenen, B., Le Coz, J., Dramais, G., Lauters, F., and Pierrefeu, G.: Using a hydroacoustic method to establish continuous time series of suspended sand concentration and grain size in the Isère River, France, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3236,, 2023.

EGU23-6550 | ECS | PICO | GM3.2

Machine learning assisted delineation and measurement of grains in sediment images – the potential of transfer learning 

David Mair, Ariel Henrique Do Prado, Philippos Garefalakis, Guillaume Witz, and Fritz Schlunegger

The size of coarse sedimentary particles in fluvial systems is key for quantifying sedimentation and transport conditions in both active and ancient fluvial systems. In particular, the grain size of the bed load in gravel-bed rivers allows inferring information on sediment entrainment or deposition mechanisms, and on the hydraulic conditions controlling them. However, collecting data on such coarse-grained sedimentary particles traditionally involved time-intensive and costly fieldwork, leading to the development of image-based techniques for grain size estimation over the last two decades. Nevertheless, despite much progress and the recent deployment of deep learning methods that were trained on large datasets (i.e., > 100 000 manually annotated grains; Lang et al., 2021; Chen et al., 2022), image-based grain size data is limited to single percentile values, often due to a systematic bias and/or a low accuracy (e.g., Chardon et al., 2020; Mair et al., 2022). Specifically, the core challenge for most existing methods is the accurate segmentation, i.e., the identification and delineation of individual grains, across distinctly different types of data.

Here we present a new approach designated to improve the segmentation in images, which is based on the capability of transfer learning of deep learning models. Such a strategy allows us to re-train existing models for new tasks that are similar to their original purpose. In particular, we use the python-based and open-source tool cellpose (Stringer et al., 2021), which is a state-of-the-art machine-learning model based on neural networks and designed to segment cells in biomedical images. We retrained such a cellpose model on several image datasets of fluvial gravel. The rationale for our approach is based on an inferred geometric similarity between cell nuclei and rock pebbles. Our re-trained models outperform existing methods designed for the segmentation of fluvial pebbles in all datasets, despite an order of magnitude smaller number of training data than currently used in machine learning models. Furthermore, our results show that models trained on specialized datasets for a specific sediment setting yield significantly better results than models trained on larger and more diverse datasets. Fortunately, the model’s flexibility, accessibility, and ability for easy and fast training (Pachitariu and Stringer, 2022) enable the training of task- or image-type-specific models. To facilitate the segmentation power of such models, we built an open-source software tool, ImageGrains. This tool allows for easy use of the models we trained, or of other custom models, as well as streamlined grain size and shape measurements. This allows for fast and nearly automated measurements of large numbers of coarse sedimentary particles with high precision and across vastly different image settings.


Chardon, V., et al., 2022: River Res. Appl., 38, 358–367,

Chen, X., et al., 2022: Earth Surf. Dyn., 10, 349–366,

Lang, N., et al. 2021: Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 25, 2567–2597,

Mair, D., et al. 2022: Earth Surf. Dyn., 10, 953–973,

Pachitariu, M. and Stringer, C. 2022: Nat. Methods, 19, 1634–1641,

Stringer, C., et al. 2021: Nat. Methods, 18, 100–106,

How to cite: Mair, D., Do Prado, A. H., Garefalakis, P., Witz, G., and Schlunegger, F.: Machine learning assisted delineation and measurement of grains in sediment images – the potential of transfer learning, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6550,, 2023.

EGU23-10413 | ECS | PICO | GM3.2

A Study on the Bedload Discharge Estimation using CNN 

Minjin Jung, Kyewon Jun, Sunguk Kim, and Changdeok Jang

Localized torrential rain, which has recently increased in frequency due to abnormal climate, accelerates erosion in the river basin and increases sediment transport into the river. The movement of inflowed sediment is one of the most important factors in the development and management of water resources.

Among the mechanisms of sediment transport in rivers, bedload has limitations in direct measurement due to the risk it poses and inaccuracy in the existing measurement methods. Measurement equipment based on new concepts is continuously being developed to overcome these limitations. A representative equipment is a pipe hydrophone, which indirectly measures the bedload discharge by collecting and analyzing acoustic data when soil collides with a metal tube with a built-in microphone.

To estimate the bedload discharge, this study acquired data through indoor experiment and applied them to the learning process of the Convolutional Neural Networks(CNN). First, an indoor hydraulic experiment device was built with a pipe hydrophone installed at the bottom of the water outlet of the indoor waterway. Then, a system for analyzing and displaying graphs for the impact sound of bedload, and data acquisition storage programs therein, was established. Finally, learning for bedload discharge estimation was conducted using CNN, and the accuracy of the estimation was reviewed.

As a result, the F1-score for the accuracy of bedload discharge estimation was 61%, and the accuracy was higher when bedload discharge was 3kg and 10kg, compared to other weight ranges. Considering that the accuracy of 61% is an insufficient level to completely trust the estimated result, more efficient measurement would be possible by combining this method with the previously developed measurement methods in a complementary manner. In future studies, additional experimental data under various conditions will be secured and applied, to increase the accuracy of bedload discharge estimation.


"This research was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education(C20017370001)"

How to cite: Jung, M., Jun, K., Kim, S., and Jang, C.: A Study on the Bedload Discharge Estimation using CNN, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10413,, 2023.

EGU23-14522 * | PICO | GM3.2 | Highlight

Tracking coarse sediment in an Alpine subglacial channel using radio-tagged particles 

Stuart N. Lane, Matt Jenkin, Margaux Hofmann, Bryn Hubbard, Davide Mancini, Floreana M. Miesen, and Frederic Herman

Temperate Alpine glaciers produce substantial quantities of sediment that are exported via active subglacial meltwater channels to their proglacial environments. Measurements of suspended sediment and bedload in proglacial rivers have been used to estimate glacial erosion rates and downstream sediment yields, assuming that eroded sediment is rapidly evacuated by flowing meltwater; that subglacial sediment storage remains constant and that the measurements are unaffected by proglacial filtering effects. Studies generally focus on the suspended sediment fraction of export, due to the challenges involved in monitoring coarse sediment transport. It is not surprising that subglacial sediment transport dynamics are poorly understood, and a limited amount of field and model-based research indicates that subglacial sediment transport may be attenuated in the rapidly thinning and retreating snout marginal zones of many Alpine glaciers. This is likely due to the existence of non-pressurised subglacial channels with highly variable transport competence related to diurnal discharge variability, leading to cycles of alluviation and deposition. The potential attenuation of sediment and the unknown relationship between suspended load and bedload has important consequences for estimates of glacial erosion based on proglacial export measurements. 

Here, we present results from a proof-of-concept for a method to track radio-tagged bedload particles through meltwater channels under shallow temperate glacier ice (<50 m). Active radio transmitters were inserted into natural pebbles and then deployed directly via boreholes into a 10 m wide snout-marginal subglacial channel at the Glacier d'Otemma, Switzerland. A roving antenna at the surface was used daily to estimate the planimetric point location and downstream transport distance of each tagged particle using Kernel Density Estimation (KDE) as it moved downstream through the subglacial channel. In addition, stationary antennas on the glacier surface monitored the passage of the particles through successive reaches of the subglacial and proglacial channel, constraining the timing of particle transport events. The roving and stationary antenna data were combined to create a transport distance model for each particle, which, when applied at scale, may be used in conjunction with river gauging data to examine the drivers and timescales of coarse subglacial sediment transport. We present results that confirm this method as a highly original means of quantifying subglacial sediment transport using particle tracking.

How to cite: Lane, S. N., Jenkin, M., Hofmann, M., Hubbard, B., Mancini, D., Miesen, F. M., and Herman, F.: Tracking coarse sediment in an Alpine subglacial channel using radio-tagged particles, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14522,, 2023.

EGU23-14870 | PICO | GM3.2 | Highlight

Smart cobbles and boulders for monitoring movement in rivers and on hillslopes 

Kyle Roskilly, Georgina Bennett, Miles Clark, Aldina Franco, Martina Egedusevic, Robin Curtis, Joshua Jones, Michael Whitworth, Chunbo Luo, and Irene Manzella

Constraining the initiation of bedload sediment transport in rivers is of fundamental importance to understanding a range of geomorphic processes. Likewise, on hillslopes, identifying the initiation of movement is a vital first step towards developing early warning systems for hazards such as landslides. Several studies have previously experimented with embedding sensors within cobbles and boulders to capture and characterise their initiation and subsequent movement in the laboratory and in the field (both for hillslopes and riverbeds). However, these sensors have been limited by their battery life and/or lack of wireless sensor communication in their ability to monitor movement in natural settings over extended time periods. Accelerometers have been most widely applied, e.g. to detect bedload movement on a river bed, but can only measure vibrations and partial changes in orientation between stationary periods, which can occur simply during shaking of a cobble in its pocket on the bed. Gyroscopes, which can assist in continuous orientation tracking and therefore identification of actual transport (e.g. rolling of a cobble along a riverbed), have higher power consumption.

On SENSUM (smart SENSing of landscapes Undergoing hazardous hydrogeomorphic Movement), we have leveraged advances in micro-electronics and Internet of Things technologies to develop a low-power inertial measurement sensor that communicates in near real-time via Long Range Wide Area Network (LoRaWAN). The sensor includes accelerometers, gyroscopes and magnetometers and laboratory experiments have already shown their potential to differentiate between sliding and rolling behaviour. We have embedded sensors in natural and manmade boulders (SlideCubes), cobbles and wood debris within several landslide and flood prone sites across the UK. The sensors form part of Wireless Sensor Networks that also consist of LoRaWAN gateways and other sensors such as discharge gauges.

We present field data captured from smart cobbles installed in upland rivers on Dartmoor and Cumbria that demonstrate the potential of SENSUM sensors to detect initiation of bedload transport, i.e. the transition from shaking of a cobble in its pocket to downstream transport by rolling and/or saltation. We also present preliminary data of landslide movement captured by sensors installed in SlideCubes at Lyme Regis and Isle of Wight. Moving forwards, we will use machine learning methods to analyse sensor data on the server in near real-time in order to characterise and alert of hazardous movement.

How to cite: Roskilly, K., Bennett, G., Clark, M., Franco, A., Egedusevic, M., Curtis, R., Jones, J., Whitworth, M., Luo, C., and Manzella, I.: Smart cobbles and boulders for monitoring movement in rivers and on hillslopes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14870,, 2023.

EGU23-14960 | ECS | PICO | GM3.2 | Highlight

The use of optical camera for river turbidity monitoring 

Domenico Miglino, Seifeddine Jomaa, Michael Rode, Francesco Isgro, Khim Cathleen Saddi, and Salvatore Manfreda

Improving river monitoring techniques is critical given the concomitant impact of climate change, population growth, and pollution over the last years. Turbidity is one of the most significant metrics for water quality characteristics. In river basins, high turbidity values can be indicative of both organic and inorganic materials. Turbidity is often used as a proxy for transport of suspended particles and associated fluxes of hydrophobic pollutants in a wide range of hydrological conditions. However, it is demanding to estimate suspended sediment yields in rivers because of the high variability along stream of suspended sediment concentrations. Traditional methods, such as gravimetric analysis, are time-consuming, expensive, often discontinuous in space and time and influenced by human errors or instrumental limitations.

Remote sensing techniques are a suitable alternative to point measurements. Satellite remote sensing allows to study the spatial and temporal variations of water status parameters, but it is limited by the spatial and temporal resolution of the satellites considered. Low range systems can help increase the resolution of the imagery used for this purpose. In particular, the use of optical cameras can significantly reduce the monitoring cost and exponentially increase the information on water bodies health and hydrological dynamics, offering a large amount of data distributed in time and space. Nonetheless, all optical sensing methods are strongly affected by many environmental constraints (light, good optical transmission, visibility, etc.), which make them currently not always suitable for regular long-term monitoring of turbidity in rivers. 

The main goal of the monitoring procedure identified in this work is to avoid all these constraints, by processing the camera image to use it as a real measurement data. In this work, an image processing procedure has been identified by exploiting the water surface reflectance properties to estimate water turbidity spectral indices related to red and green bands of the light visible spectrum (Miglino et al., 2022). This river monitoring system is under development in different cross sections of the Bode River, one of the best-instrumented catchments in Central Germany.managed by UFZ Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research. They gather a wide range of environmental data including a long-term time series on water quantity and quality. Preliminary results highlighted interesting similarities between the chromatic variation of the water surface captured by the RGB camera and the real data. 


Keywords: turbidity, sediment transport, image processing, spectral indices, remote sensing, camera, water quality assessment.



Miglino, D., Jomaa, S., Rode, M., Isgro, F., & Manfreda, S. (2022). Monitoring Water Turbidity Using Remote Sensing Techniques. Environmental Sciences Proceedings, 21(1), 63.

How to cite: Miglino, D., Jomaa, S., Rode, M., Isgro, F., Saddi, K. C., and Manfreda, S.: The use of optical camera for river turbidity monitoring, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14960,, 2023.

EGU23-15456 | ECS | PICO | GM3.2

A Precipiton-Based Approach for Multi Grain-Size Transport Models 

Marine Le Minor, Philippe Davy, Jamie Howarth, and Dimitri Lague

Multi grain-size transport models that simulate transport of various grain sizes along with the bed stratigraphy consider that only the sediment present in an active layer at the top of the substratum participates in sediment transport. The thickness of this well-mixed layer may be fixed but also calculated according to the coarsest grain size it contains or to the shear stress applied at the surface of the substratum. However, this approach puts the emphasis on the conservation of the active layer thickness and on the availability of the various sizes within this layer. This means there is little consideration i) for heterogeneity in grain size distribution when mixing together adjacent stratigraphic layers that differ significantly in composition and ii) for grain sizes that could prevent or slow down removal of the others. To cope with these limitations, we developed an algorithm with the ability to capture the transport of heterogeneous sediments and the related stratigraphic record of erosional and depositional events based on the behavior of the various sizes within the bed layers. We built a multi grain-size module based on the precipiton method: the time spent by a precipiton (volume of water that carries sediment) on a pixel determines the grain-size specific magnitude of deposition and erosion. The newness of our work is that the magnitudes of erosion may be corrected according to the sizes that slow down the erosion of the others (zero or slow erosion rate) and stratigraphic layers with similar composition only may be merged. A few tests were conducted to study the morphological evolution of a 1D-river reach under various conditions (water discharge, sediment source, etc.). A lake was added at the end of the reach to record the various sizes existing the reach over time. At low water discharge when only the threshold of fine grains is exceeded, an armoring layer made of coarse grains develop at the surface of the substrate. At a water discharge when all the grains are in motion, the finer the grains are, the further downstream they are transported. This downstream fining pattern may be associated with changes in the concavity of the river profile. This multi grain-size algorithm not restricted to the precipiton approach has the potential to unravel the role of heterogeneous sediments in the formation of sorting patterns and, therefore, it is to be implemented in the landscape evolution model RiverLab (former Eros). 

How to cite: Le Minor, M., Davy, P., Howarth, J., and Lague, D.: A Precipiton-Based Approach for Multi Grain-Size Transport Models, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15456,, 2023.

EGU23-16276 | ECS | PICO | GM3.2

Smart sensors to detect movements of cobbles and large woody debris dams. Insights from lab experiments. 

Alessandro Sgarabotto, Irene Manzella, Alison Raby, Kyle Roskilly, Martina Egedusevic, Diego Panici, Miles Clark, Sarah J. Boulton, Aldina M. A. Franco, Georgina L. Bennett, and Chunbo Luo

An increase in population pressure and severe storms under climate change have greatly impacted landslide and flood hazards globally. At the same time, recent advances in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, microelectronics and machine learning offer new opportunities to effectively monitor stability of boulder and woody debris on landslides and in flood-prone rivers. In this framework, smart sensors embedded in elements within the landslide body and the river catchment can be potentially used for monitoring purposes and for developing early warning systems. This is because they are small, light-weight, and able to collect different environmental data with low battery consumption and communicate to a server through a wireless connection. However, their reliability still needs to be evaluated. As data from field sites could be fragmented, laboratory experiments are essential to validate sensor data and see their potential in a controlled environment. In the present study, dedicated laboratory experiments were designed to assess the ability of a tag equipped with an accelerometer, a gyroscope, and a magnetometer to detect movements in two different settings. In the first experimental campaign, the tag was installed inside a cobble of 10.0 cm diameter within a borehole of 4.0 cm diameter. The experiments consisted in letting the cobble fall on an experimental table composed of an inclined plane of 1.5 m, followed by a horizontal one of 2.0 m. The inclined plane can be tilted at different angles (18˚- 55˚) and different types of movement have been generated by letting the cobble roll, bounce, or slide. Sliding was generated by embedding the cobble within a layer of sand. The position of the cobble travelling down the slope was derived from camera videos by a tracking algorithm developed within the study. In the second experimental campaign, a simplified analogue model of a woody debris dam was built from a single hollowed dowel with a length of 40 cm and a diameter of 3.8 cm. The sensor tag is installed in the woody dowel within a 2.5 cm longitudinal borehole. Two metal rigs are mounted at both sides of the woody dowel to allow different modes of movement. Specifically, the woody dowel is allowed to move either horizontally or vertically within a range of 20-30 mm, whereas it is always free to complete full rotations. The woody dowel is mounted on a frame within a 20 m long and 0.6 m wide flume. In these two experimental settings, combining data from the accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer it was possible to detect movements and differentiate between different type of motions both in a woody dowel and in the cobble under different initial conditions. Data were analysed to understand which type of information could be retrieved. This gives important insights for the assessment of the feasibility and effectiveness of the use of smart sensors in the detection of movements in woody logs within dams and boulders embedded in landslides, thus providing indications for the development of early warning systems using this innovative technology.  

How to cite: Sgarabotto, A., Manzella, I., Raby, A., Roskilly, K., Egedusevic, M., Panici, D., Clark, M., Boulton, S. J., Franco, A. M. A., Bennett, G. L., and Luo, C.: Smart sensors to detect movements of cobbles and large woody debris dams. Insights from lab experiments., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16276,, 2023.

EGU23-716 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.14

Analysis of the Genesis Potential Index in Subtropical Cyclones off the Coast of Brazil 

João Gabriel Martins Ribeiro, Gabriel Teodoro da Paz, Michelle Simões Reboita, Luiz Felippe Gozzo, Glauber Willian de Souza Ferreira, and Rosmeri Porfírio da Rocha

The coastal region of southern and southeastern Brazil, which is part of the South Atlantic Ocean basin, is a genesis region for subtropical cyclones and, therefore, is susceptible to weather changes caused by these systems. The first named subtropical cyclone in the South Atlantic basin was Anita in 2010. Since then, some studies on subtropical cyclones have been carried out, but there are still several questions to be investigated. Thus, this study aims to: (a) describe the main physical mechanisms of genesis of the subtropical cyclones that were named in the South Atlantic Ocean between 2010 and 2021 and (b) identify the value of the Genesis Potential Index (GPI) between the pre-cyclogenesis and the phase in which these systems acquire subtropical characteristics. The rationale for analyzing the CPI is that we want to identify a possible pattern that helps in operational weather forecasting. The main database used in the study is the ERA5 reanalysis. Of the 14 cyclones studied, only two systems did not have cyclogenesis with subtropical characteristics, but acquired it 24 hours after cyclogenesis. The results indicate that 5 cyclones have a genesis associated with mid-level troughs in the atmosphere, and 9 with blocking patterns (cutoff low type). As most of the cyclones studied occur in an environment with blocking structure, this indicates that the condition of weak vertical wind shear is an important factor for subtropical cyclones. As the GPI does not show a standard value in the 14 cyclones studied, between pre-cyclogenesis and the moment when these systems become subtropical, as it varies from 0.35 in the Deni genesis to 22.71 in the Anita genesis, perhaps it is not possible to use it with a threshold in operational practices. The authors thank Programa de P&D regulado pela ANEEL e empresa Engie Brasil Energia e a Companhia Energética Estreito for the financial support.

How to cite: Ribeiro, J. G. M., da Paz, G. T., Reboita, M. S., Gozzo, L. F., Ferreira, G. W. D. S., and da Rocha, R. P.: Analysis of the Genesis Potential Index in Subtropical Cyclones off the Coast of Brazil, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-716,, 2023.

Previous studies showed that the midlatitude atmospheric circulation generally shifts poleward in response to climate change induced by increased greenhouse gas concentration, including the midlatitude storm track and the eddy-driven jet. The magnitude of this shift varies widely between different climate models and depends on the season, hemisphere and longitude. In this study we aim to reexamine the connection between the shifts of the sensible eddy heat flux and the eddy-driven jet in response to climate change and the role of diabatic heating and latent eddy heat flux in this relation. Our approach is to use the constraints of the zonally averaged heat and momentum budgets in order to connect the eddy-driven jet latitude to the heat budget terms. First, we examine the relation between the eddy-driven jet latitude and the eddy heat flux latitude in the inter-model spread of CMIP6 models. We find that the latitudinal separation between the eddy heat flux and eddy-driven jet depends on the amount of diabatic heating in the midlatitude midtroposphere, which varies widely between different models. This relation is explained based on the heat and momentum budgets.

Next, we use an idealized general circulation model with interactive water vapor and full radiation. We customized the model with different levels of saturation vapor pressure by increasing CO2 concentration and by increasing the humidity factor in the Clausius-Clapeyron relation. We found that in both the cases the atmospheric circulation responds in a similar way and the heat budget terms shift upward and poleward, signifying an upward and poleward shift of the storm track. We found that when the diabatic heating rises upward and strengthens enough over the midlatitude mid-troposphere in response to climate change, the adiabatic cooling by the Ferrel cell rising branch balances the diabatic heating and an equatorward shift of the eddy driven jet and the Ferrel cell is observed. These results provide further insight to the relation between the responses of the midlatitude circulation and the poleward energy flux terms to climate change.

How to cite: Ghosh, S., Lachmy, O., and Kaspi, Y.: The latitudinal shift of the midlatitude atmospheric circulation in response to climate change and the role of midlatitude diabatic heating, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1801,, 2023.

EGU23-1812 | ECS | Orals | AS1.14

Extreme rainfall events in Morocco: spatio-temporal characteristics and climate drivers 

Abdelaziz Chaqdid, Alexandre Tuel, Abdelouahed EL Fatimy, and Nabil EL Moçayd

Extreme precipitation drives a series of natural disasters such as floods, flash floods, landslides, or crop losses. These disasters directly impact people's lives, their homes, and their food security. Located at the edge of the subtropics, on the northern edge of the Sahara desert, Morocco is particularly vulnerable to extreme precipitation. Indeed, between 1951 and 2015, Morocco experienced more than 35 major floods, which resulted in significant material and human losses. Understanding the spatio-temporal characteristics of extreme precipitation is key to better predicting and mitigating the risks associated with extreme precipitation events (EPEs). Yet, the spatio-temporal distribution and physical drivers of extreme precipitation in Morocco remain poorly understood. To address this gap, we apply temporal and spatial clustering methods to precipitation data from the ERA5 database as well as from observational databases to identify the main drivers of EPEs in Morocco. We find that Morocco exhibits five spatially coherent regions in terms of EPE timing, corresponding to mixed influences of large-scale extratropical and tropical weather systems. Indeed, EPEs in northern regions are caused by weather patterns similar to the negative phase of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), associated with strong upper air flow enhanced by Greenland blocking and Rossby wave breaking (RWB). By contrast, extreme precipitation in southern regions is associated with tropical-extratropical interactions. There, EPEs are linked to an intense water vapor transport from the tropics and a relatively weak upper air flow.

How to cite: Chaqdid, A., Tuel, A., EL Fatimy, A., and EL Moçayd, N.: Extreme rainfall events in Morocco: spatio-temporal characteristics and climate drivers, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1812,, 2023.

EGU23-1890 | Orals | AS1.14

The thermodynamic differences between winter cyclones from midlatitudes and high latitudes 

Dandan Tao, Camille Li, Richard Davy, Shengping He, Clio Michel, and Andrea Rosendahl

Cyclones carry heat and moisture that impact local conditions along their path. Cyclones with different origins can, however, have different life cycles and cause different impacts. To quantify differences in the thermodynamic evolution of cyclones originating from different latitudes during wintertime, we separate the cyclones according to their origin (cyclogenesis location):  midlatitude (ML) cyclones originating in the North Atlantic and high-latitude (HL) cyclones originating in the Nordic Seas and Barents Seas. It is found that HL cyclones generally carry lower thermodynamic energy as they originate in a cold environment. In contrast, ML cyclones have much higher thermodynamic energy throughout their lifecycle, even though they lose a large amount of heat as they travel long distances from their origin towards the Arctic. For a given region in the high latitudes (e.g., the Barents Sea), the mean vertical profiles of temperature and moisture from the HL group are colder and drier compared to the ones from the ML group, but the maximum values in the HL group can reach those of the ML group. Further analysis for the top 10% warmest profiles in the HL group suggests that these HL cyclones form in a preconditioned warm and moist environment. The precondioning is set up by the large-scale circulation with influences from the upstream North Atlantic. Under special conditions, the formation of high latitude cyclones in a preconditioned warm and moist environment can lead to extreme warming events in the deep Arctic like the one during New Year’s 2015/16.

How to cite: Tao, D., Li, C., Davy, R., He, S., Michel, C., and Rosendahl, A.: The thermodynamic differences between winter cyclones from midlatitudes and high latitudes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1890,, 2023.

EGU23-2195 | ECS | Orals | AS1.14

Origin of low-tropospheric potential vorticity in Mediterranean cyclones 

Alexander Scherrmann, Emmanouil Flaounas, and Heini Wernli

Mediterranean cyclones are extratropical cyclones, typically of smaller size and weaker intensity than other cyclones that develop over the main open ocean storm tracks. Nevertheless, Mediterranean cyclones can attain high intensities, even comparable to the ones of tropical cyclones, and thus cause large socio-economic impacts in the densely populated coasts of the region. After cyclogenesis takes place, a large variety of processes are involved in the cyclone’s development, contributing with positive and negative potential vorticity (PV) changes to the lower-tropospheric PV anomalies in the cyclone center. Although the diabatic processes that produce these PV anomalies in Mediterranean cyclones are known, it is still an open question whether they occur locally within the cyclone itself or remotely in the environment (e.g., near high orography) with a subsequent transport of high-PV air into the cyclone center. This study introduces a Lagrangian method to determine the origin of the lower-tropospheric PV anomaly, which is applied climatologically to ERA5 reanalysis and to 12 monthly simulations, performed with the IFS model. We define and quantify so-called "cyclonic" and "environmental" PV and find that the main part of the lower-tropospheric PV anomaly (60%) is produced within the cyclone, shortly prior (-12 h) to the cyclones’ mature stage. Nevertheless, in 19.5% of the cyclones the environmental PV production near the mountains surrounding the Mediterranean basin plays a significant role in forming the low-tropospheric PV anomaly, and therefore in determining the intensity of these cyclones. The analysis of PV tendencies from the IFS simulations reveals that the major PV production inside the cyclone is typically due to convection and microphysics, whereas convection and turbulent momentum tendencies evoke most of the positive PV changes in the environment.

How to cite: Scherrmann, A., Flaounas, E., and Wernli, H.: Origin of low-tropospheric potential vorticity in Mediterranean cyclones, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2195,, 2023.

EGU23-4675 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.14

Storms and associated damages in Norway 

Ashbin Jaison, Asgeir Sorteberg, Clio Michel, and Øyvind Breivik

Extreme winds account for more than half of Norway’s insurance claims related to natural hazards [1]. Quantifying windstorm-damage relations is crucial to prepare for and mitigate the effects of future wind events. However, there has never been an attempt to quantify windstorm-damage relations at the municipality level in Norway. The work in hand employs four different damage functions at the municipality level of Norway. Along with the newly proposed modified Prahl damage function [2], an ensemble means of the damage estimates are tested for 356 municipalities in Norway. We evaluate the damage functions in terms of forecast accuracy. The spatial distribution of losses suggests severe damages along the west coast of Norway. Further inland in Norway, there are seldom any losses due to Norway’s unique topography and demography. The losses above the 99.7th percentile in each municipality constitute 85% of total national loss, and we focus on this extreme loss class. A significant agreement between the observed and estimated losses at the municipality and national levels indicates that the damage functions are suited for forecasting storm-induced damages. The damage functions are also able to successfully reconstruct the spatial spread and pattern of losses caused by very extreme windstorms.


1] Finance Norway, Natural Disaster Statistics (NASK), (2019)
[2] B.F. Prahl et al., Applying stochastic small-scale damage functions to German winter storms, Geophysical Research Letters 39, (2012)


How to cite: Jaison, A., Sorteberg, A., Michel, C., and Breivik, Ø.: Storms and associated damages in Norway, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4675,, 2023.

EGU23-5690 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.14 | Highlight

Investigating the predictability of Mediteranean cyclones and their severity 

Benjamin Doiteau, Florian Pantillon, Matthieu Plu, Laurent Descamps, and Thomas Rieutord

Cyclones are essential elements of the climate and of the water cycle in the Mediterranean. The most intense of them lead to natural disasters because of their violent winds and extreme rainfall, which can cause significant damage to the territories bordering the Mediterranean (coast and mountain ranges). Reliable forecasts of cyclones are therefore essential to better anticipate and prevent their societal impact. However, their predictability is often limited by their particularities: smaller cyclones with a shorter life cycle than in the North Atlantic, complex topography, interactions with the relatively warm sea and air masses laden with dust from the Sahara.

We investigate the predictability of Mediterranean cyclones in a systematic framework using an ensemble prediction system. A reference dataset was first obtained by tracking cyclones in the ERA5 reanalysis (1979-2021), using an algorithm developped for the North Atlantic and adapted for the Mediterranean region. We then investigated the predictability using ARPEGE ensemble reforecasts in a homogeneous configuration over 22 years (2000-2021).

We restricted the study on 500 cases, which were selected using a storm severity index based on wind gusts and adapted for the Mediterranean region. The cases were then divided in several categories following their dynamical context, their intensity and their geographical origin. The predictability of the reforecasts was finally quantified on each of those categories, using probabilistic scores on cyclone trajectories (along and cross track error) and on intensities (mean sea level pressure and storm severity index).

While past studies have been limited by the fact that regular updates of operational forecasting systems do not allow the predictability of cases to be compared with each other, the homogeneous configuration of the ARPEGE ensemble reforecasts makes it possible to systematically identify the limitation to the predictability of Mediterranean cyclones.

How to cite: Doiteau, B., Pantillon, F., Plu, M., Descamps, L., and Rieutord, T.: Investigating the predictability of Mediteranean cyclones and their severity, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5690,, 2023.

A large number of intense cyclones occur every year in the Mediterranean basin, a relatively small and densely populated region, but also a worldwide climate-change hotspot. Given their importance for the variability of the regional climate and its extremes, Mediterranean cyclones have lately attracted much of attention, especially due to the broad range of severe socio-economic and environmental impacts that they produce.

This talk aims at summarizing the concentrated knowledge of the last decade on the dynamics, climatology and relevant impacts of Mediterranean cyclones. We will especially focus on the processes that take place in different spatiotemporal scales triggering cyclogenesis and turning Mediterranean cyclones into catastrophic storms. We will also discuss the role of the unique regional geographical features therein, along with the influence of the latitudinal location of the Mediterranean basin. Finally, we will discuss the different subtypes of Mediterranean cyclones that develop in the region, devoting special attention to medicanes, i.e. cyclones with tropical characteristics and subjects of numerous recent studies. Througout the talk, research perspectives that advance the field of Mediterranean cyclones as a whole will be highlighted, along with current trends in community efforts within the framework of MedCyclones COST Action that address relevant topics to the complex dynamics of Mediterranean cyclones and consequent severe socio-economic impacts.

How to cite: Flaounas, E.: Mediterranean cyclone dynamics and climatology: current knowledge and research perspectives, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6278,, 2023.

EGU23-6570 | Posters on site | AS1.14

Cloud-radiative heating shapes idealized extratropical cyclones by changing atmospheric stability 

Aiko Voigt, Behrooz Keshtgar, and Klara Butz

"All models are wrong. Some are wrong in a useful manner.” (adapted by the authors from George Box) In this presentation, we utilize an error in the surface flux formulation of the ICON-NWP numerical weather prediction model to elucidate how cloud-radiative heating affects the intensity of idealized extratropical cyclones.

We present idealized baroclinic life cycle simulations with two versions of the global atmosphere model ICON-NWP. Both versions simulate the same cyclone when run without radiative heating, but disagree when cloud-radiative heating is allowed to affect atmospheric temperature and the cyclone evolution. In version 2.1, taking into account cloud-radiative heating leads to a weaker cyclone, while in version 2.6 a stronger cyclone results. The simulations use a new modeling technique for which only cloud-radiative heating interacts with the cyclone and clear-sky radiative heating is omitted. The technique circumvents changes in the mean state due to clear-sky radiative heating that has complicated the interpretation of previous work.

A defining difference between the two model versions is the amount of simulated low-level clouds. Compared to version 2.6, version 2.1 simulates twice as many low-level clouds and a twice as strong cooling of the planetary boundary layer by cloud-radiative heating. While the increase in low-level clouds is tied to an error in the surface flux formulation in version 2.1 that was corrected in version 2.6, the error provides an opportunity to probe the impact of cloud-radiative heating in the boundary layer (below 2 km) versus the free-troposphere (above 2 km). Sensitivity studies show that negative cloud-radiative heating in the boundary layer from the tops of low-level clouds weakens the cyclone by making the atmosphere more stable. At the same time, they show that negative cloud-radiative heating near the tropopause from the tops of high-level clouds strengthens the cyclone by decreasing atmospheric stability. The changes in stability are particularly evident in regions of upward motion.

Overall, our results indicate that the vertical distribution of clouds and their radiative heating are an important factor for the dynamics of extratropical cyclones and that model differences in the simulation of low-level clouds can translate to model differences in cyclone intensity.

How to cite: Voigt, A., Keshtgar, B., and Butz, K.: Cloud-radiative heating shapes idealized extratropical cyclones by changing atmospheric stability, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6570,, 2023.

EGU23-6629 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.14

Effects of climate variability and change on cyclones in the Mediterranean 

Onno Doensen, Martina Messmer, Woon Mi Kim, and Christoph Raible

The Mediterranean is characterized by a high extratropical cyclone activity. These cyclones are an important source for water availability in the region, but at the same time they have the potential to cause extreme weather in the form of precipitation and wind extremes. The Mediterranean is heavily affected by the ongoing anthropogenic climate change, which is expected to have a profound effect on cyclones in this area. In this study, we investigate the effects of internal climate variability and anthropogenic climate change on the characteristics of Mediterranean cyclones. The analysis is based on two simulations from the Community Earth System Model 1.2 (CESM): a seamless simulation spanning 3500 years from 1500 BCE to 2012 CE and a simulation of future RCP8.5 scenario from 2013 to 2300 CE. The simulations have a 1.9°x2.5° horizontal resolution, and cyclones are identified using an established detection and tracking algorithm. Comparison with the ERA5 reanalysis for the period 1981–2010 shows that CESM is able to realistically represent cyclone frequency on a global scale, though it slightly underestimates cyclone activity in the Mediterranean. Our results indicate that cyclone activity in the Mediterranean varies on interdecadal to centennial time scales before 1850 CE. These variations are linked to positive and negative climate anomalies and fluctuations in strength of several modes of circulation, such as the North Atlantic Oscillation. The variations caused by internal variability are, however, of smaller magnitude than the effects of future climate change on the Mediterranean cyclones. In the RCP8.5 scenario, Mediterranean cyclones will become less frequent based on our simulation, and cyclone related precipitation will decrease in addition to that, which is contrary to what is being observed in other important storm track regions, such as the North Atlantic. We hypothesize that the changes in cyclone characteristics are more pronounced in the Western Mediterranean than in the Eastern Mediterranean. Overall, the study suggests that cyclone activity in the Mediterranean is projected to leave the bandwidth of variability of the last 3500 years near the end of the century.

How to cite: Doensen, O., Messmer, M., Kim, W. M., and Raible, C.: Effects of climate variability and change on cyclones in the Mediterranean, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6629,, 2023.

Extratropical cyclone airstreams, such as warm conveyor belts (WCBs), are linked to strong precipitation along with latent heat release at low levels and, thus, changes in the low-level PV distribution. Previous studies have shown significant changes in PV anomalies in a future climate under the RCP8.5 scenario, which are also associated with changes in strong near-surface winds. However, the source of these PV anomalies is still unclear, especially at upper levels. Based on the 1% strongest winter-cyclones in the North Atlantic (NA) region over the two periods 1990-2000 and 2091-2100, we adopt a Lagrangian perspective to investigate such changes in CESM Large Ensemble simulations.
Backward trajectories are computed to explicitly identify the contributions of diabatic processes to future changes in cyclone-associated PV anomalies. Moreover, the role of specific airstreams in PV generation/destruction is examined with Lagrangian composites.
The results show a sinificant change in the mean trajectory properties 24 hours before the maximum cyclone intensity at low and upper levels. This period of 24 hours is taken to construct Lagrangian composites at 700 hPa and 250 hPa, which provide insights into changes in WCB and dry intrusion (DI) airstreams. We further analyze these airstrem changes by constructing cross sections downstream (WCB regime) and at the equatorward side (DI regime) of the cyclone center.
In general, increased diabatic heating along backward trajectories amplifies positive PV anomalies near the cyclone center at both lower and upper levels in a warmer future climate. More specifically, a poleward and upward shift of the WCBs with a larger PV production at middle levels are is found. DIs near the cyclone center are projected to be responsible for stronger PV production at low levels to the south of the cyclone center. At upper levels, the decreased PV anomaly to the south of the cyclone center results from a combined effect of a decreased climatological PV in the NA region and a shift in the origin of the air masses. The increasing importance of diabatic processes in a wamer climate suggests that a better representation of these processes in climate models is necessary to reduce uncertainties.

How to cite: Dolores-Tesillos, E. and Pfahl, S.: Future changes in North Atlantic winter cyclones in CESM-LE simulations from a Lagrangian-composite perspective, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6851,, 2023.

EGU23-7236 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.14

Objective assessment of storm surge risk in the German Bight – historical events and future climate change 

Laura Schaffer, Nico Becker, Ludwig Schenk, Claudia Hinrichs, Gabriel Ditzinger, Nils H. Schade, Daniel J. Befort, and Tim Kruschke

Storm surges in the German Bight can have great destructive potential. This includes devastating floods, structural damage to infrastructure, and even loss of life. The most important driver of storm surge events in the German Bight is strong winds from north-westerly directions, often related to intense extra-tropical cyclones travelling from the North Atlantic into the North Sea region.

Making use of an objective, impact-oriented identification and tracking scheme, we analyse storm events related to storm surges in the German Bight. This particular version of the tracking algorithm includes the so-called Storm Surge Severity Index (SSSI) and is used as a complementary tool in operational forecasting by the German Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH). The SSSI takes wind speed and direction into account and intends to quantify storm surge risk in the German Bight. However, to date, the SSSI has never been systematically evaluated for past storm surge events. To fill this gap and to prove that the SSSI can be used as a proxy for storm surge risk, we analyse the relationship between SSSI values of past storm events and the associated water levels recorded in the German Bight using ERA5 atmospheric reanalysis data. Moreover, we analyse potentially storm surge-relevant storms in a multi-model ensemble of global climate model simulations to assess potential future changes in storm surge risk in the German Bight.

How to cite: Schaffer, L., Becker, N., Schenk, L., Hinrichs, C., Ditzinger, G., Schade, N. H., Befort, D. J., and Kruschke, T.: Objective assessment of storm surge risk in the German Bight – historical events and future climate change, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7236,, 2023.

EGU23-8826 | ECS | Orals | AS1.14

Global climatology of cyclone clustering in present and future climates 

Chris Weijenborg, Thomas Spengler, and Matthew Priestley

Cyclone clustering, the swift succession of multiple extratropical cyclones in a geographically confined region during a short period of time, constitutes a large fraction of European weather extremes. The idea that several cyclones follow a similar track dates back to the centennial concept of cyclone families of Bjerknes and Solberg. To investigate the dynamical causes of cyclone clustering, it is necessary to diagnose the occurrence of cyclone clustering and to determine their characteristics. So far, most diagnostics focused either on local impact or on a statistical analysis of storm recurrence. While the first cannot be applied globally, the latter is difficult to relate to individual events. We therefore use a novel method to globally detect cyclone clustering that is closer to the original concept of Bjerknes and Solberg, where extratropical cyclones follow similar tracks within a given time period.

Using this novel cyclone clustering diagnostic based on spatio-temporal distance between cyclone tracks, we analyse cyclone clustering globally in Era-Interim for the period 1979 until 2016 as well as for 10 CMIP6 models. We separate the cyclone clusters into two types: one representing the ‘classical’ bjerknes-type clusters, and one representing more stationary clusters. We find that cyclone clustering mainly occurs along the climatological storm tracks, with the bjerknes-type more common at the western side of the storm tracks, while the stationary-type of cyclone clusters occurs more downstream. In general, clustered cyclones are stronger than non-clustered cyclones. While CMIP6 models feature a slight bias towards an equatorward shift of the storm tracks, cyclone clustering in a future climate occurs more poleward. Furthermore, the average number of storms per cluster decreases in a future climate, though the mean intensity of the cyclones that are clustered increases slightly.

How to cite: Weijenborg, C., Spengler, T., and Priestley, M.: Global climatology of cyclone clustering in present and future climates, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8826,, 2023.

EGU23-9393 | ECS | Orals | AS1.14

Growing Pacific Linkage with Western North Atlantic Explosive Cyclones 

Jacob Stuivenvolt-Allen, Simon S.-Y. Wang, Yoshimitsu Chikamoto, Jonathan Meyer, and Zachary Johnson

Explosive cyclones (ECs), defined as developing extratropical cyclones that experience pressure drops of at least 24 hPa in 24 hours, are impactful weather events which occur along highly populated coastal regions in the eastern United States. These storms occur due to a combination of atmospheric and surface processes, such as jet stream intensification and latent heat release. Even though previous literature has elucidated the role of these processes in EC formation, the sources of interannual variability that impact seasonal EC frequency are not well known. To analyze the sources of interannual variability, we track cases of ECs and dissect them into two spatial groups: those that formed near the east coast of North America (coastal) and those in the North Central Atlantic (high latitude). The frequency of high-latitude ECs is strongly correlated with the North Atlantic Oscillation, a well-known feature, whereas coastal EC frequency exhibits a growing relationship with an atmospheric wave-train emanating from the North Pacific in the last 30 years. This wave-train pattern of alternating high-and-low pressure resulted in heightened upper-level divergence and baroclinic instability along the east coast of North America. Using a coupled model experiment, we show that the tropical Pacific Ocean and North Pacific oceans are the main driver of this atmospheric wave train and the subsequent enhancement seasonal baroclinic instability in the North Atlantic.

How to cite: Stuivenvolt-Allen, J., Wang, S. S.-Y., Chikamoto, Y., Meyer, J., and Johnson, Z.: Growing Pacific Linkage with Western North Atlantic Explosive Cyclones, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9393,, 2023.

EGU23-9411 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.14

Explosive Cyclones in the Mediterranean Sea exploiting ERA5 dataset: detection, classification, statistical and synoptic analysis of their occurrance 

Cosimo Enrico Carniel, Rossella Ferretti, Antonio Ricchi, Gabriele Curci, Mario Marcello Miglietta, Marco Reale, Piero Serafini, Evan David Wellmeyer, and Dino Zardi

In the semi-enclosed basin of the Mediterranean Sea, a wide variety of cyclone mechanisms are known to develop, including baroclinic waves coming from the Atlantic, Mediterranean cyclones originating from the cut-off of baroclinic waves, Warm Seclusions, Tropical-Like Cyclones (TLC), Rapid-Cyclogeneses (RC) and Intense Mediterranean Cyclones (IMC). Depending on the cyclone's type, the characteristic frequency of appearance can vary, ranging from tens per month to around 1-1.5 per year, as in the TLC case. RCs are among the rarest and probably most intense and destructive cyclone events that can develop in nature; they usually originate at high latitudes, during wintertime, and mainly over the sea, preferring areas with high Sea Surface Temperature (SST) gradients. It is generally accepted that these events are described by quick drop of pressure, close to 1hPa/hr for 24 hours, within the eye of the cyclone. Several recent studies investigated the formation of RC’s over Mediterranean Basin (MB). RCs formation is an extremely complicated process, and in the MB  it is mostly driven by dry air intrusions from the stratosphere and by the trigger of Atmospheric Rivers.

Using ERA5 dataset, we firstly conducted a physical and dynamical analysis of the most intense cyclone events occurred in the Mediterranean basin in the period 1979-2020, identifying factors which triggered, generated and contributed to the intensification of such events. According to Sanders’ and Gyakum’s definition of Bergeron, a parameter which describes RCs’ deepening rate and varies from 28mb/(24h) at the pole to 12 mb/(24h) at latitude 25°N, we were able to classify them in the three aforementioned categories. With the help of EOF analysis, we outlined synoptic configuration more likely to drive the phenomena, highlighting the role of SCAND index and NAO-. Moreover, we have investigated the deepening with a new promising approach involving the use of 6 hours timespans, in order to single out the cyclones with higher gradients of pressure and faster evolution in semi enclosed basins. Further analysis is being undertaken to determine the cyclones’ phase and their main morphological characteristics, as well as their correlation with atmospheric rivers and SST anomalies exhibited by the Central Mediterranean Basin.

How to cite: Carniel, C. E., Ferretti, R., Ricchi, A., Curci, G., Miglietta, M. M., Reale, M., Serafini, P., Wellmeyer, E. D., and Zardi, D.: Explosive Cyclones in the Mediterranean Sea exploiting ERA5 dataset: detection, classification, statistical and synoptic analysis of their occurrance, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9411,, 2023.

EGU23-10041 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.14

Tropical and extratropical circulation biases and the Southern Hemisphere Hadley cell width 

Pia Freisen, Julie Arblaster, Christian Jakob, and José Rodriguez

The widening of the Southern Hemisphere tropical meridional circulation has been attributed to various forcings from increased greenhouse gases, ozone depletion and natural variability. While climate models can reproduce some characteristics of this observed change, there is some uncertainty in the operating mechanisms and driving regions setting the edge of the tropical circulation. Here we examine the impacts of systematic model biases of the atmosphere-only Unified Model onto the simulation of the Southern Hemisphere tropical extent. We utilise nudging experiments with prescribed sea-surface temperatures, where potential temperature and horizontal winds are relaxed back to reanalysis for a 20-year period. Specifically, experiments with regionally-defined bias correction aide to determine the influence of remote model biases on the tropical width. The experiments are applied to different tropical width metrics previously identified to measure the boundary between the tropical to extratropical circulation. We uncover a more consistent improvement of the location of the Hadley cell edge by correcting Southern Hemisphere extratropical circulation biases, than tropical ones. The analysis is further expanded to the range of atmosphere-only model simulations of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6). We explore the relationships between tropical and extratropical biases and the models’ representation of the Hadley cell.

How to cite: Freisen, P., Arblaster, J., Jakob, C., and Rodriguez, J.: Tropical and extratropical circulation biases and the Southern Hemisphere Hadley cell width, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10041,, 2023.

EGU23-10466 | Posters on site | AS1.14

Extratropical storm track activity change in future climate change scenarios 

Ui-Yong Byun, Eun-Chul Chang, Joowan Kim, Donghyun Cha, Joong-Bae Ahn, and Seung-Ki Min

In the mid-latitudes, synoptic-scale phenomena like high and low-pressure systems generate the variability of the regional-scale weather system. To identify the weather variability of extra-tropical region storm track activity has been analyzed based on observations since the mid-nineteenth century. After early-stage research that directly counted the movement of cyclones, the time filtering method based on grid analysis has been used for an isolated disturbance with periods of 2~7 days. This bandpass filtering method has the advantage of being able to examine the distribution and the variability of the storm track spatially in vertical and horizontal space.

In this study, we confirm the storm track activity in the East Asia region using the dynamical down-scale results from CORDEX (COordinated Regional climate Downscaling EXperiment) East Asia projects. We verify the reproducibility and confirm the temporal change in the storm track activity from various RCM data. In addition to the historical period, we examine the difference in storm track intensity over future climate change scenarios. Through this, we also discuss the role of added value from RCM.


This work was funded by the Korea Meteorological Administration Research and Development Program under Grant KMI2022-01210.

How to cite: Byun, U.-Y., Chang, E.-C., Kim, J., Cha, D., Ahn, J.-B., and Min, S.-K.: Extratropical storm track activity change in future climate change scenarios, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10466,, 2023.

EGU23-10857 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.14

An assessment of extreme precipitation within cyclone composites using ERA5 

Cameron McErlich, Adrian McDonald, and James Renwick

Extra-tropical cyclones are key components of the atmospheric general circulation due to their ability to transport large quantities of heat, moisture, and momentum. Cyclones are an important contributor to extreme weather as their passage is associated with strong winds, and large precipitation accumulations. Here we connect a cyclone compositing scheme with regionally derived distributions of precipitation to present a framework for classifying spatially dependent extremes relative to the cyclone centre. Using this framework, cyclone composites for both average (50th percentile) and extreme (90th and 98th percentile) precipitation are derived from ERA5 reanalysis output. Composites are then partitioned into different stages of the cyclone lifecycle to assess the spatial and temporal evolution of precipitation extremes. We find that most extreme precipitation occurs within the comma-cloud structure close to the cyclone centre, with the extreme precipitation occurrence and intensity occurring in that region. Extreme precipitation is also identified to be largest during the period of deepening before the maximum cyclone intensity is reached. These regions of the cyclone correspond to places where large fractions of precipitation are above the extreme threshold. Strong spatial correlation are also seen between the average and extreme precipitation during the deepening phase for the precipitation mean, occurrence and fraction. This correlation weakens as the cyclone evolves and as the threshold used to determine extreme precipitation increases.

How to cite: McErlich, C., McDonald, A., and Renwick, J.: An assessment of extreme precipitation within cyclone composites using ERA5, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10857,, 2023.

EGU23-12391 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.14

High-resolution loss modeling for European Windstorms 

Dhirendra Kumar, Len Shaffrey, Richard Dixon, Hannah Bloomfield, Paul Bates, and John Hillier

European windstorms are a frequent and damaging natural hazard that can cause loss of human life and damage to property and infrastructure. As there is a high degree of uncertainty in climate projections, it is crucial to understand the physical risks and economic losses at regional and local scales associated with European Windstorms. In this study, we develop a simple model to estimate historical windstorm losses over the European region. The model uses winds from the ERA5 reanalysis and different exposure datasets based on countrywide total insured property values, gross domestic product, and historical population density.

We find that the estimated losses associated with major historical storms in North-western Europe and estimated average EU-wide losses are comparable to the reported estimates and those from propriety vendor models. However, estimated losses from windstorms in France and Germany are lower than reported. Differences in the estimated losses are attributed to the contrasts in the regional-level exposure within and between different exposure datasets. We also tested the sensitivity of regional-level vulnerabilities and find that accounting for regional-level vulnerability differences slightly improves the biases in countrywide losses. Further, we also find that the major contribution to the estimated losses comes from the United Kingdom, France, and Germany for most of the storm seasons, and thus it is important to correctly represent the exposure and vulnerabilities over these countries. The ability of the model to estimate reported losses is also limited by the representation of the winds in ERA5, which has limited skill in representing the hazard footprint, especially for specific storms such as the Great October Storm of 1987.

Keywords: Losses, Windstorms, Climate Change, Natural Hazards

How to cite: Kumar, D., Shaffrey, L., Dixon, R., Bloomfield, H., Bates, P., and Hillier, J.: High-resolution loss modeling for European Windstorms, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12391,, 2023.

EGU23-12526 | ECS | Posters virtual | AS1.14

Volcanically induced increase in extra-tropical cyclone frequency 

Laurits Andreasen, Joona Corner, Peter Abbott, Victoria Sinclair, Felix Riede, and Claudia Timmreck

Volcanic eruptions are well known to influence Earth's temperature, however, how eruptions influence the atmosphere's circulation pattern, especially on the scale of everyday weather is poorly understood. Changing Earth's temperature can affect temperature gradients which in turn could affect baroclinicity and hence high- and mid-latitude weather. Yet, to what extent volcanic eruptions do in fact exert  such an influence is not clear.

To answer this, we followed two independent lines of investigation: First, we query the Greenland ice-core proxy record for Indications of increased extra-tropical cyclone frequency that correlates with evidence for volcanism. This is done by comparing the storm proxy sea salt (a substance transported to the ice sheet by wind)  with the volcanological proxy sulfur. Secondly, we simulate eruptions with the MPI-ESM1.2 Earth System Model and use the TRACK algorithm to explore how extra-tropical cyclone frequency is affected in the model  experiments. Both approaches suggest that volcanic eruptions impact high- and mid-latitude weather by increasing the number of extra-tropical cyclones especially at higher latitudes. A detailed interrogation of the simulated eruption scenarios suggests that this increase in cyclone frequency is associated with features such as an increase in isentropic slopes and sea-ice extent most commonly found under  colder climate regimes and is the reverse of what one finds in more equable climates such as that projected for the future.

How to cite: Andreasen, L., Corner, J., Abbott, P., Sinclair, V., Riede, F., and Timmreck, C.: Volcanically induced increase in extra-tropical cyclone frequency, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12526,, 2023.

EGU23-13180 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.14

Drivers of large footprints of extreme winds and rainfall and their projected future changes 

Colin Manning, Elizabeth Kendon, Hayley J. Fowler, Jennifer L. Catto, Steven C. Chan, and Philip Sansom

Extratropical cyclones produce extreme surface wind speeds and heavy rainfall which can individually and jointly influence impacts and potentially produce large aggregate impacts. Within this study, we assess the UKCP 12-member ensemble of local convection-permitting 2.2 km climate projections. We quantify the likelihood of cyclones producing large footprints of both extreme winds and rainfall over the UK in a control (1981-2000) and future (2061-2080, RCP8.5) climate simulation. Following this, we characterise the convective and frontal drivers of wet and windy conditions within cyclones, and identify the characteristics of cyclones, their tracks and interactions with the jet stream that contribute to the occurrence of large, combined footprints in the control and future simulations. The future simulations project an increased probability of extratropical cyclones producing extremely wet and windy conditions in the same storm, as well as an increase in the land area covered by such conditions. In both the control and future simulations, combined wet and windy extremes largely occur close to cold and warm fronts, likely due to the warm conveyor belt which produces heavy rainfall (due its ascent over the frontal boundaries) and high winds (when occurring within a region of tight pressure gradients). Cyclone composites reveal that the largest changes in joint extremes are closely located within the sector of cyclones where we expect to see the warm conveyor belt, suggesting their change arises partly through the response of this shared driver rather than being a simple consequence of increased rainfall due to thermodynamics. In further analysis, we identify favourable conditions and cyclone characteristics that lead to cyclones producing large rainfall and wind footprints over the UK.

How to cite: Manning, C., Kendon, E., Fowler, H. J., Catto, J. L., Chan, S. C., and Sansom, P.: Drivers of large footprints of extreme winds and rainfall and their projected future changes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13180,, 2023.

EGU23-13914 | Posters on site | AS1.14

Decadal variability of extreme winds and potential storm losses in Europe using large RCM ensembles 

Jisesh Sethunadh, Joaquim G. Pinto, Patrick Ludwig, Hendrik Feldmann, and Florian Ehmele

Windstorms (major winter storms) are one of the most important natural hazards in Europe. Despite the large observed socioeconomic losses, the impact of windstorms and its decadal variability is not yet fully understood. This study aims to assess the loss potentials associated with European windstorms and the variability in the wind speed climatology across Europe. We use the 12,500-years LAERTES-EU (LArge Ensemble of Regional climaTe modEl Simulations for EUrope) RCM ensemble to study the spatio-temporal distribution and variability of windstorms over Europe. LAERTES-EU is validated against reanalysis data (ERA5) and available ground-based station observations. The associated windstorm losses are estimated by computing statistics of extreme wind speeds and related indices. Different loss indices are validated using historical loss data from the insurance sector. The results reveal that the loss index (LI) is a good proxy for the estimation of potential losses associated with windstorms across Europe in winter. The derived statistics of extreme windstorms such as return periods (RP) show hardly any change in the severity and frequency of windstorms during the covered period 1900-2028, but a strong decadal variability is apparent.

How to cite: Sethunadh, J., Pinto, J. G., Ludwig, P., Feldmann, H., and Ehmele, F.: Decadal variability of extreme winds and potential storm losses in Europe using large RCM ensembles, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13914,, 2023.

EGU23-13929 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.14

European windstorm risk at the regional scale under recent and future climate conditions 

Inovasita Alifdini, Julia Moemken, and Joaquim G. Pinto

European windstorms are among the natural hazards with the highest economic losses. We investigate the impact of European windstorms under recent and future climate conditions at high spatial resolution. With this aim, we use hourly surface wind data at 30 km resolution from ERA5 reanalysis for 1959-2021, and 3-hourly surface wind data at 12.5 km resolution from 60 different global-to-regional climate model (GCM-RCM) chains from EURO-CORDEX (EUR-11). The windstorm activity is compared in 30-year periods from the historical events (1976-2005) to the future events (under RCP8.5 scenario) at global warming levels (GWL) of +2°C and +3°C.  We apply different indices (meteorological index and loss index) to quantify the severity of windstorms and to estimate the corresponding impacts. For the historical period, storm Wiebke in 1990 (storm names as used by the German Weather Service DWD) caused the highest loss for Central Europe, followed by storm Lothar in 1999. The United Kingdom and Germany are countries in Central Europe that have the highest loss index (more vulnerable to the European windstorms). The results from the EURO-CORDEX ensemble show only small changes in windstorm activity between the historical period and the different GWLs, but display decadal variability.

How to cite: Alifdini, I., Moemken, J., and Pinto, J. G.: European windstorm risk at the regional scale under recent and future climate conditions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13929,, 2023.

EGU23-14410 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.14

Estimating worst-case European windstroms, and worst-case seasons, using seasonal forecasts. 

Jacob Maddison, Jennifer Catto, Stefan Siegert, and Sandra Hansen

Windstorms pose continual risk to Europe. Among their associated hazards, strong near-surface winds can be particularly damaging, threatening infrastructure, life and billions of pounds in insured losses. Insurers (and reinsurers) therefore need to prepare for the potential cost of extreme windstorms. Storm severity indices (SSIs) have been developed to quantify the potential losses associated with windstorm winds. Here, the most extreme windstorms that could potentially occur in the current climate are estimated using seasonal forecast data together with a cyclone-tracking algorithm, and their potential losses quantified using an SSI. As maximum wind gusts, the typical input variable for SSIs, are not available in the seasonal forecast dataset, a method is developed to calculate SSIs using wind speed data and a bias correction used to convert to SSI values representative of those obtained when calculated using wind gusts. Nearly 700 extended winter seasons of forecast data are analysed, representing a much larger sample of potential windstorms compared to that available from reanalysis or observational products. The storm track is reasonably well represented in the seasonal forecast data: spatial features are similar to those in a reanalysis, but there exists a slight poleward bias and underestimation of number of storms per season (maximal underestimation of around 10%). Additionally, distributions of SSI values for several countries in Europe are similar in the forecast data and reanalysis. Together, these suggest that the seasonal forecast data is suitable for analysing windstorm statistics and informing on potential extreme storms. We give estimates of worst-case storms, and worst-case seasons, that are identified in the forecast data and compare to those seen in a reanalysis, highlighting the potential insurance loss implications.

How to cite: Maddison, J., Catto, J., Siegert, S., and Hansen, S.: Estimating worst-case European windstroms, and worst-case seasons, using seasonal forecasts., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14410,, 2023.

EGU23-14446 | ECS | Orals | AS1.14

A framework for understanding the correlation between aggregated losses of compound events 

Toby Jones, David Stephenson, and Matthew Priestley

The risk from individual natural hazards (such as extratropical cyclones) can be large, but the aggregate loss over yearly timescales is significantly greater. For example, wind damage from the three major European windstorms in February 2022 caused more than €3.5 billion of insured losses.

This study proposes a random sum modelling framework for understanding the correlation between aggregate risks that occur from compound events. By considering the frequency and intensities of compound events as random variables, the framework provides an expression for correlation between two random sums (which each represent different types of loss from compound events).

The framework shows that this correlation will generally increase monotonically towards one as the dispersion (clustering) of the number of events increases. Under certain conditions, the correlation will always monotonically increase with dispersion.

The framework has been illustrated by applying it to annual sums from 1980-2020 using wind speed and precipitation as proxy measures for insured loss. This is calculated from ERA5 reanalysis data which includes 39587 storm events and covers the European region and Atlantic Ocean (from 30°N 100°W to 75°N 40°E).

The framework performs well, capturing the general behaviour of the correlation, with large positive correlation over the N. Atlantic Ocean and weaker correlations over European land regions.

How to cite: Jones, T., Stephenson, D., and Priestley, M.: A framework for understanding the correlation between aggregated losses of compound events, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14446,, 2023.

EGU23-14695 | Posters on site | AS1.14

Assessing the boundaries of seasonal forecast skill for European winter storms from different hindcast suites 

Gregor C. Leckebusch, Lisa Degenhardt, Elleanor Berrie, Kelvin S. Ng, and Elisa Spreitzer

European winter storms are a significant threat to communities, public infrastructure, and private and commercial properties. On seasonal timescales, potential predictability was evidenced in recent state-of-the-art seasonal hindcast suites e.g., the UK Met Office’s GloSea5. Related positive and potentially usable forecast skill for frequency and intensity measures were based on pre-season model initialisation around the beginning of November for the following core winter (DJF) season’s assessment.

This study expands on these findings by analysing extended lead times of seasonal forecast into autumn and late summer before the winter season. Here, in a systematic way, a multi-model ensemble of hindcasts is analysed to evaluate current models’ capability to forecast the seasonal activity for initialisations from September to November. First results indicate potential predictability precursors already from the September initialisations for storm frequencies. These results vary from model to model though. The presentation will discuss differences between models as well as lead times for both, storm frequency and intensity.

How to cite: Leckebusch, G. C., Degenhardt, L., Berrie, E., Ng, K. S., and Spreitzer, E.: Assessing the boundaries of seasonal forecast skill for European winter storms from different hindcast suites, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14695,, 2023.

NH2 – Volcanic Hazards

EGU23-251 | ECS | PICO | NH2.1 | Highlight

Numerical modelling of the volcanic plume dispersion from  La Soufrière de Guadeloupe 

Yuly Paola Rave Bonilla, David Jessop, and Séverine Moune

Passive volcanic degassing often occurs at active but not actively erupting volcanoes. Gases are emitted by fumaroles and through diffuse soil degassing. This results in the emission of toxic gases such as H2S at quasi-steady rates over long periods of time (months to years). Whilst less apparent than gas emissions during more vigorous and violent paroxysms, the long duration of emission and the fact that such gases are dispersed at low altitude (i.e. along the flanks of the volcano, often at human height) means that even the typically low concentrations (e.g. tens of ppb H2S) pose a significant hazard to human health in nearby habitations.

La Soufrière de Guadeloupe has been undergoing an unrest phase since 1992 and it has one of the highest gas emission rates of any volcano in the Lesser Antilles. Gas emissions here are principally from three fumarolic sites at the summit though the typically high winds and low gas temperatures result in a laterally dispersed plume within a few metres of the ground. In this study, gas dispersion from the volcano over the period 2016–2021 was modelled using a numerical code that takes into account wind direction and strength, atmospheric stability, local topography and gas flux measurements; we used information from local meteorological stations, ECMWF Climate Reanalysis data and the gas flux dataset acquired by MultiGas measurements during the mentioned period.  We ran c.100 individual simulations of the most frequently observed wind and gas flux conditions using a Monte-Carlo scheme. From the ensemble of results, we calculated the mean (i.e. most probable gas concentration values at any given location) and found that the most exposed zones are the hamlet of Matouba and the upper parts of St. Claude. We also simulated particular dates with strong H2S odours reported by local inhabitants via online surveys and we compared the model results with the Gwad’air agency’s air quality station located at St Claude, the closest town to the volcano. This allowed us to establish the prevalence of gases coming from La Soufrière in nearby cities and the accuracy of our models. The resulting maps of the areas potentially long-term (>8 years) exposed by gas emissions can be used to evaluate health risks for all people living around the volcano. In these locations, our results suggest that there is a 20% and 5% probability, respectively, for these areas of exceeding H2S guidelines for long-term gas exposure (70 ppb).

How to cite: Rave Bonilla, Y. P., Jessop, D., and Moune, S.: Numerical modelling of the volcanic plume dispersion from  La Soufrière de Guadeloupe, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-251,, 2023.

EGU23-2652 | ECS | PICO | NH2.1

Chronic exposure to volcanogenic carbon dioxide and radon: how does it affect lung function and DNA in oral epithelial cells of the inhabitants in hydrothermal areas 

Diana Linhares, Patrícia Garcia, Fátima Viveiros, Catarina Silva, and Armindo Rodrigues

Hydrothermal areas are potentially hazardous to humans, as volcanic gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and radon (222Rn) are continuously released from soil diffuse degassing. Even though many studies have established an association between exposure to anthropogenic air pollution and changes in lung function and, that radon exposure is estimated to be the second leading cause of lung cancer, the health risks of exposure to these elements in hydrothermal areas remain poorly known.

We investigated the association of chronic exposure to volcanogenic soil diffuse degassing with restrictive and chronic obstructive (COPD) respiratory defects and with DNA damage. A cross-sectional study was designed to evaluate the human lung function and the DNA damage in the buccal epithelial cells of individuals chronically exposed to carbon dioxide and indoor radon in a volcanic area (Furnas volcano, Azores, Portugal) with a hydrothermal system. A total of 150 individuals inhabiting the hydrothermal area (study group) and a reference group of 383 individuals inhabiting a non-hydrothermal area were considered to study the lung function; to study the DNA damage, buccal epithelial cells were collected from a sub-selection of 33 individuals inhabiting the volcanic area and from 49 individuals inhabiting the non-hydrothermal area. Lung function [FEV1 (forced expiratory volume in 1 sec), FVC (forced vital capacity) and Tiffeneau-Pinelli index (FEV1/FVC ratio)] were measured by spirometry test. Indoor radon was measured with Ramon 2.2 detectors. DNA damage was measured by micronucleus cytome assay. Data were analyzed with logistic regression models, adjusting for confounding factors (age, gender, body mass index, smoking status, and asthma). 

The prevalence of restrictions in the study group was significantly higher than in the reference group (10% vs. 2.87%, respectively; p<0.001). Similarly, the prevalence of COPD in the study group was significantly higher than in the reference group (33% vs. 12%, respectively; p<0.001). Chronic exposure to volcanogenic soil diffuse degassing was significantly associated with a higher prevalence of respiratory restrictions and exacerbation in COPD severity. The risk of having a restrictive respiratory defect was significantly increased in the study group (3.55 times higher) when compared to the reference one. Similarly, the risk of COPD exacerbation was significantly increased in the study group (3.96 times higher). Indoor radon concentration correlated positively with the frequency of micronucleated cells (rs=0.325, p=0.003) and revealed to be a risk factor for the occurrence of micronucleated cells in the inhabitants of the hydrothermal area (RR= 1.71; 95% CI, 1.2–2.4; p=0.003).

These findings reinforce the need for further studies with human populations living in these areas and, may assist health officials in advising and keeping up with these populations to prevent and minimize the risk of respiratory diseases and DNA damage caused by genotoxic elements.


Keywords: Volcanic gases, volcanism, genotoxicity; micronuclei; biomonitoring.

How to cite: Linhares, D., Garcia, P., Viveiros, F., Silva, C., and Rodrigues, A.: Chronic exposure to volcanogenic carbon dioxide and radon: how does it affect lung function and DNA in oral epithelial cells of the inhabitants in hydrothermal areas, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2652,, 2023.

EGU23-3643 | ECS | PICO | NH2.1

CO2 hazard mapping in the buildings of La Bombilla and Puerto Naos (La Palma, Canary Islands) using of alkaline traps 

Noelia Rodríguez, María Asensio-Ramos, Gladys V. Melián, Cecilia Amonte, Antonio J. Álvarez Díaz, Alexis M. González Pérez, Fátima Rodríguez, Germán D. Padilla, José Barrancos, Luca D'Auria, Pedro A. Hernández, and Nemesio M. Pérez

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a gas that is found in small amounts in Earth's atmosphere. It is released into the atmosphere by volcanoes, but it is typically diluted to low concentrations very quickly and is not harmful to people or animals. However, in certain stable atmospheric conditions, cold CO2 gas can flow into low-lying areas and reach higher concentrations. At these concentrations, CO2 can be dangerous. If the air contains more than 3% CO2, it can cause symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, increased heart rate, and difficulty breathing. At concentrations above 15%, CO2 can quichly lead to unconsciousness and death. The boundary between healthy air and lethal gas can be extremely sharp; even a single step upslope may be adequate to escape death.

Since the Tajogaite eruption ended on December 13, 2021, high concentrations of CO2 up to 20% have been observed inside the buildings of La Bombilla and Puerto Naos (La Palma, Canary Islands).  Anomalous concentrations of CO2 are detected mainly in the ground-floor and basement of the buildings in Puerto Naos, and their distribution is not homogeneous or uniform throughout the Puerto Naos area (Hernández P.A. et al, 2022).  Because of the ultradilute nature of CO2 in the atmosphere, chemical sorbents with strong CO2-binding affinities are typically employed for CO2 capture. For this study, we set up a network of 45 alkaline traps stations located on the ground-floor (streel level) inside buildings of Puerto Naos. These chemical sorbents were made up KOH 1.2 M and replace weekly. The aim of this study was to distinguish between indoor areas that had high levels of CO2 in their alkaline traps and those with lower levels of CO2. This was done through weekly surveys conducted from May to October 2022 in order to identify and define areas with the greatest CO2 hazard. The statistical analysis of the results shows that 75% of the variance of the amounts of CO2 retained weekly in the alkaline traps seems to be related to an endogenous CO2 source while 25% of the variance observed is related to external variables.


Hernández, P. A., Padrón, E., Melián, G. V., Pérez, N. M., Padilla, G., Asensio-Ramos, M., Di Nardo, D., Barrancos, J., Pacheco, J. M., and Smit, M.: Gas hazard assessment at Puerto Naos and La Bombilla inhabited areas, Cumbre Vieja volcano, La Palma, Canary Islands, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-7705,, 2022.

How to cite: Rodríguez, N., Asensio-Ramos, M., Melián, G. V., Amonte, C., Álvarez Díaz, A. J., González Pérez, A. M., Rodríguez, F., Padilla, G. D., Barrancos, J., D'Auria, L., Hernández, P. A., and Pérez, N. M.: CO2 hazard mapping in the buildings of La Bombilla and Puerto Naos (La Palma, Canary Islands) using of alkaline traps, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3643,, 2023.

EGU23-3931 | PICO | NH2.1

CO2 hazard monitoring in the inhabited area of La Bombilla (La Palma, Canary Islands) by means of diffuse degassing studies 

Pedro A. Hernández, Gladys V. Melián, Fátima Rodríguez, Antonio J. Álvarez Díaz, Germán D. Padilla, María Asensio-ramos, José Barrancos, David Calvo, Eleazar Padrón, Alexis M. González Pérez, and Nemesio M. Pérez

After the Tajogaite eruption at Cumbre Vieja volcano (La Palma, Canary Islands), volcanic gas hazard continues to affect the inhabited coastal areas of Puerto Naos and La Bombilla, as well as the nearby agricultural fields, which are located about 6 km distance from the eruptive vents. This gas hazard is primarily due to CO2 (Hernández et al. 2022) and persist during the post-eruptive phase of the eruption. According to long-term geochemical studies conducted by INVOLCAN, the high levels of CO2 emissions in these coastal areas were first recorded approximately three weeks before the end of the Tajogaite eruption on December 13, 2021.

To monitor this anomalous diffuse CO2 degassing at La Bombilla, 46 surveys consisting of approximately 84 sampling observation sites have been regularly conducted since December 2021, covering an area of 0.033 square kilometers. In-situ measurements of soil CO2 efflux and ground temperature as well as collection of samples of the soil gas atmosphere at a depth of 40cm for chemical and isotopic analysis were carried out at each sampling site. Soil CO2 efflux measurements have been performed following the accumulation chamber method. Soil gas chemical analysis were carried out by means of a microGC and the carbon isotope ratio of soil gas CO2 (expressed as δ13C-CO2 ‰ vs. VPDB) was analyzed also in our geochem lab by a Thermo Finnigan MAT 253 mass spectrometer. Spatial distribution maps have been constructed following the sequential Gaussian simulation (sGs) to evaluate the spatial distribution of the soil CO2 efflux measurements and quantify the diffuse CO2 emission from the studied area. Observed soil CO2 efflux values ranged from <0.5 (detection limit) to 449,500 gm-2d-1 with a mean value of 513 gm-2d-1. Diffuse CO2 emission values ranged between 4.0 and 170 td-1, with an average value of 16 td-1. δ13C-CO2 values ranged between -8.63 to -4.31 (‰ vs. VPDB) with an average value of -5.68 (‰ vs. VPDB). The temporal evolution of the diffuse CO2 emission rate at La Bombilla shown a rapid initial decrease from the first survey (170 td-1) remaining relatively stable between 55 and 4 td-1. Since November 2022, the time series seems to show a progressive decreasing trend. However, the temporal evolution of the δ13CO2 values shows that volcanic-hydrothermal contribution to these diffuse emanations continues to be important. In order to evaluate other potential geochemical parameters as indicators of a possible mitigation of this problem related to the CO2 hazard, we are investigating the temporal evolution of the La Bombilla / Cumbre Vieja diffuse CO2 emission ratio normalized per area unit.


Hernández, P. A., Padrón, E., Melián, G. V., Pérez, N. M., Padilla, G., Asensio-Ramos, M., Di Nardo, D., Barrancos, J., Pacheco, J. M., and Smit, M.: Gas hazard assessment at Puerto Naos and La Bombilla inhabited areas, Cumbre Vieja volcano, La Palma, Canary Islands, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-7705,, 2022.

How to cite: Hernández, P. A., Melián, G. V., Rodríguez, F., Álvarez Díaz, A. J., Padilla, G. D., Asensio-ramos, M., Barrancos, J., Calvo, D., Padrón, E., González Pérez, A. M., and Pérez, N. M.: CO2 hazard monitoring in the inhabited area of La Bombilla (La Palma, Canary Islands) by means of diffuse degassing studies, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3931,, 2023.

EGU23-4188 | PICO | NH2.1 | Highlight

Air CO2 monitoring network in the urban areas of Puerto Naos and La Bombilla, La Palma, Canary Islands 

Germán D. Padilla, José Barrancos, Pedro A. Hernández, Antonio J. Álvarez Díaz, Nemesio M. Pérez, Alexis M. González Pérez, José M. Santana, José M. Pacheco, Fátima Viveiros, Konradin Weber, and Jon Vilches Sarasate

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is colorless, odorless and also heavier than air, which means it can accumulate at low elevations. At high concentrations, CO2 can be hazardous and can cause asphyxiation by reducing the amount of oxygen available to breathe. In high concentrations, it can also irritate the eyes, nose, and throat. During the post-eruptive phase of Tajogaite eruption, high concentrations of air CO2, up to 20% (200,000 ppmv), have been detected both outdoor and indoor of buildings at La Bombilla and Puerto Naos, which are located about 5 km from the eruption vent. Hazardous CO2 concentrations were detected not only in the basements, but also on the ground floors and even inside of some upper floors buildings in Puerto Naos. In the case of La Bombilla, relatively high CO2 concentrations were just observed on the ground floors. The spatial distribution of these hazardous indoor CO2 concentrations is not uniform throughout both populated areas (Hernández et al, 2022).

In order to study and assess this volcanic hazard, in both evacuated neighborhoods, an instrumental network for air CO2 monitoring has been established by INVOLCAN in collaboration with the DGSE-GOBCAN and the Universities of the Azores (Portugal) and Düsseldorf Applied Sciences (Germany). The first CO2 monitoring station was installed on 9 January 2022 and by the time being this network consists of 35 air CO2 monitoring stations with different full scale (2 of 100%, 22 of 20%, 7 of 5% and 4 of 4%). In the case of La Bombilla the air CO2 monitoring network consists of 10 different stations monitoring the indoor (7) and outdoor (3) CO2 concentrations, respectively. The other 25 stations are located in Puerto Naos to monitor the indoor (21) and outdoor (4) ambient air CO2 concentrations.

Observed outdoor CO2 maximum and mean daily average concentrations > 5% (> 50,000 ppmv) and 0.9% (9,000 ppmv), respectively, have been recorded at Puerto Naos. However, indoor CO2 monitoring at Puerto Naos have reached maximum and mean daily average concentrations about 20% (200,000 ppmv) and 12% (120,000 ppmv), respectively. In the case of La Bombilla, outdoor CO2 measurements have reached maximum and mean daily average concentrations > 5% (> 50,000 ppmv) and about 2% (20,000 ppmv). Stations to monitor the indoor air CO2 concentrations at La Bombilla were just installed (December 2022) and by the time being are recording maximum and mean CO2 concentrations about 6% (60,000 ppmv) and 1.9% (19,000 ppmv), respectively. Most of the air CO2 monitoring stations, both outdoor and indoor, shows that the daily averages of CO2 concentrations from fifteen-minute data during the night are usually higher than during the day.

To mitigate the observed hazardous CO2 concentrations some remediation techniques have been suggested, such as the installation of an indoor air CO2 monitoring network with a larger number of stations and an automatic alert system for air CO2 concentration inside residences with forced air ventilation systems.

Hernández P. A. et al., EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-7705,, 2022.

How to cite: Padilla, G. D., Barrancos, J., Hernández, P. A., Álvarez Díaz, A. J., Pérez, N. M., González Pérez, A. M., Santana, J. M., Pacheco, J. M., Viveiros, F., Weber, K., and Vilches Sarasate, J.: Air CO2 monitoring network in the urban areas of Puerto Naos and La Bombilla, La Palma, Canary Islands, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4188,, 2023.

EGU23-4411 | PICO | NH2.1

Anomalous CO2 concentrations of volcanic origing in the ambient air of banana plantations at La Palma, Canary Islands 

Gladys V. Melián, Pedro A. Hernández, Fátima Rodríguez, Antonio J. Alvárez Díaz, Germán D. Padilla, María Asensio-Ramos, José Barrancos, David Calvo, Eleazar Padrón, Alexis M González Pérez, and Nemesio M. Pérez

The recent eruption of Tajogaite volcano occurred between September and December 2021 at La Palma Island is considered the most devastating of Europe since that of Vesuvio in 1944. The post-eruptive period is being characterized by the appearance of high outdoor and indoor CO2 concentrations at inhabited areas such as La Bombilla and Puerto Naos (Hernández et al., 2022), forcing the eviction of numerous homes. However, anomalous concentrations of CO2 have not only appeared in inhabited areas, but also in cultivated lands. In fact, the highest CO2 concentration values measured in the outdoor environment during the entire post-eruption period have been in a banana plantation of approximately 4,200 m2 that INVOLCAN has been monitoring since June 2022, named Las Hoyas.

Since June 2022, 26 scientific observation surveys have been carried out at Las Hoyas consisting of the measurement at 39 homogeneously distributed sites of the CO2 and O2 concentration at two heights, 40 and 170 cm from the ground, as well as sampling of atmospheric air in 19 sites at 40 cm for carbon isotope ratio of air CO2. Air CO2 and O2 concentrations are measured with a hand portable Dräger X-am® 8000 meter and the carbon isotope ratio of air CO2 (expressed as δ13C-CO2 ‰ vs. VPDB) is analyzed at ITER/INVOLCAN lab by a Thermo Finnigan MAT 253 mass spectrometer. Spatial distribution maps have been constructed following the sequential Gaussian simulation (sGs) to evaluate the spatial distribution of the air CO2 concentration. Observed air CO2 concentration values ranged from air value (412ppm) up to 69%, the highest ever measured during the post-eruptive period, with an average value of 7.1%. Air O2 concentration values ranged between 7.9% to air value (20.9%), with an average value of 19.2%. δ13C-CO2 values ranged between –8.90 to -2.66‰, with an average value of -4.87‰, indicating a clear volcanic-hydrothermal origin for the anomalous CO2 emitted from Las Hoyas banana plantation and ruling out a single biogenic origin.

In order to investigate the temporal evolution of the observed high CO2 concentrations in Las Hoyas, a Sinclair statistical graphic analysis was applied to the data from each survey. Time series of background and peak populations does not show a clear trend, with the occurrence of peaks and valleys throughout the entire series, and maintaining values much higher than those of the air. Likewise, the temporal evolution of the δ13C-CO2 values shows a trend towards heavier values, indicating that the volcanic-hydrothermal contribution increases with time. The spatial distribution of the air CO2 concentration measured at 40 cm shows that in most of the surveys, the anomalous values (>10%) are located mainly along the walls of Las Hoyas and in the NW sector, where in more than a year after the eruption, the banana plants are still withered and dead terrestrial and aerial fauna constantly appear due to poisoning and suffocation from CO2 inhalation.


Hernández et al. EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-7705,, 2022.

How to cite: Melián, G. V., Hernández, P. A., Rodríguez, F., Alvárez Díaz, A. J., Padilla, G. D., Asensio-Ramos, M., Barrancos, J., Calvo, D., Padrón, E., González Pérez, A. M., and Pérez, N. M.: Anomalous CO2 concentrations of volcanic origing in the ambient air of banana plantations at La Palma, Canary Islands, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4411,, 2023.

EGU23-5705 | PICO | NH2.1

Estimation of soil CO2 flux emissions at Fogo Volcano (São Miguel Island, Azores) 

Fátima Viveiros, Guilherme Bettencourt, António Cordeiro, César Andrade, and Catarina Silva

Secondary manifestations of volcanism found out at Fogo Volcano (São Miguel Island, Azores) comprise essentially hydrothermal fumaroles, thermal and cold-CO2 rich springs, as well as diffuse degassing areas. Visible emissions are essentially located on the north flank of the volcano and are associated to the general NW-SE faults of the Ribeira Grande graben. Diffuse degassing surveys aiming at measuring the soil CO2 concentration at about 50 cm depth were carried out in the north flank of the volcano in the last 20 years and anomalous CO2 was associated to NW-SE trends, coincident with the graben faults. Soil CO2 flux surveys, through the accumulation chamber method, were carried out during summer-autumn 2022 in the areas surrounding the three main fumarolic fields: Caldeira Velha, Caldeiras da Ribeira Grande, and Pico Vermelho. A total of 1207 sites were sampled in an area with about 1 km2. Interpolated data (sequential Gaussian simulation) together with the Graphical Statistical Approach estimated a value around 95.5 t/d for the CO2 emitted to the atmosphere. Main anomalous CO2 fluxes are correlated with temperature anomalies and DDS (Diffuse Degassing Structures) show general NW-SE orientations, suggesting the correlation between degassing and tectonic structures in the study site, similarly to the observed in previous studies. This work contributes not only to the estimation on the total carbon-budget, but may also be a valuable tool to identify potential anomalies related with unrest of the volcanic system.

This work was partially funded by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, under project MAGAT - From MAGma to the ATmosphere - uma contribuição para desenvolver a próxima geração de sensores geoquímicos para a monitorização em tempo real do movimento do magma em profundidade (CIRCNA/OCT/0016/2019).

How to cite: Viveiros, F., Bettencourt, G., Cordeiro, A., Andrade, C., and Silva, C.: Estimation of soil CO2 flux emissions at Fogo Volcano (São Miguel Island, Azores), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5705,, 2023.

EGU23-5940 | PICO | NH2.1

Radon (222Rn) in volcanic islands (Azores): Implications for public health 

Catarina Silva, Fátima Viveiros, and Teresa Ferreira

Radon (222Rn) is a noble gas that results from the radioactive decay chain of 238U. As the only gaseous element of this decay chain is the element with more mobility and can be released from the rocks and soils into the atmosphere. In outdoor environments the presence of this gas normally does not pose a problem for public health, however when it accumulates inside buildings it can represent a threat for human health. Being a radioactive gas, the radiation released can damage the lung cells and, in certain conditions, the damage can be so severe that can lead to the development of lung cancer.

The studied areas are located at S. Miguel and S. Jorge volcanic island located in the Azores archipelago. Two different volcanic environments were considered in this study, namely, a trachytic polygenetic volcano and basaltic rift zones. The trachytic polygenetic volcano selected was Furnas Volcano located at S. Miguel Island. Furnas Volcano is well known by its important soil diffuse degassing (CO2 and 222Rn), fumarolic fields, thermal and CO2-rich waters. Two basaltic rift systems were selected, the Picos Volcanic System located in S. Miguel Island and the Manadas Volcanic System located at S. Jorge Island. No important visible degassing was known in both volcanic systems.

At Furnas Volcano, the radon measurements were performed in buildings located at Furnas Village with maximum values of 14864 Bq/m3. In the basaltic rift zones, measurements were performed at Ponta Delgada City located at Picos Volcanic System and at Velas, Toledo, and Santo Amaro villages located at Manadas Volcanic System. In Ponta Delgada the maximum value reached 3717 Bq/m3 and in the Manadas Volcanic System the maximum value was measured at Velas reaching 1885 Bq/m3. Spectral Analysis and Multivariate Regression Analysis were applied to the data obtained to evaluate variables that may interfere with the radon emission as well as cyclic behaviour.

Despite the geological differences between the two volcanic environments considered in this study, the maximum values measured in all the volcanic systems were above the 300 Bq/m3, limit proposed by the Portuguese law for human exposure.  As so, this work enhances the importance of performing indoor measurements in volcanic environments, even in areas where lower values would be expected.

How to cite: Silva, C., Viveiros, F., and Ferreira, T.: Radon (222Rn) in volcanic islands (Azores): Implications for public health, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5940,, 2023.

EGU23-6431 | PICO | NH2.1

Chemical and isotopic composition of the indoor ambient air of Puerto Naos and La Bombilla, La Palma, Canary Islands 

Fátima Rodríguez, María Asensio-Ramos, Gladys V. Melián, Pedro A. Hernández, Cecilia Amonte, Antonio J. Álvarez Díaz, Alexis M. González Pérez, David Calvo, Germán D. Padilla, José Barrancos, Víctor Ortega, Iván Cabrera, Eleazar Padrón, Luca D'Auria, and Nemesio M. Pérez

During and after the end of the 2021 Tajogaite eruption (La Palma, Canary Islands), anomalous CO2 degassing has been detected in the neighborhoods of La Bombilla and Puerto Naos, located around 5 km distance southwestern of the 2021 Tajogaite eruption vents. The aim of this study is to determine the indoor air quality of the houses of the aforementioned neighborhoods. For that purpose, from August 11 to October 24, 2022, air samples were taken, for further analysis, from indoors of 10 locations in Puerto Naos, on a weekly basis. In addition, on September 22, 2022, a discrete survey of the indoor ambient air was carried out in 10 houses of La Bombilla, consisting on in-situ measurements and gas sampling for further analysis.

Gas samples were taken for a complete geochemical characterization (i.e., He, Ar, Ne, H2, N2, O2, CH4, CO contents) by micro-gas chromatography (micro-GC) and quadrupole mass spectrometry (QMS) and, as well as for carbon isotopic analysis of the CO213C-CO2) by isotopic ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS). In-situ measurements of CO2, O2, 222Rn, 220Rn, H2S and Hg0 were conducted in La Bombilla with and without natural ventilation.

National Health Systems in the European Union reflect that the upper limit of the acceptable CO2 concentration range for long-term exposure in the indoor ambient air of buildings for residential use should be of the order of 1,000-1,200 ppm to guarantee people health. The concentrations of CO2 registered in the indoor ambient air of the 10 houses of La Bombilla determined by the in-situ measurements showed relatively high values -above 5,000 ppm- even reaching a maximum of 183,900 ppm in conditions without natural ventilation. In these conditions of absence of ventilation, a certain displacement of O2 was observed, which dropped to 18.7% in the worst case. Under conditions with natural ventilation for a period of 2 hours, the range of CO2 concentration fell to a range between 1,050 and 14,200 ppm and the O2 concentration registered was 20.9%. These results reflect that natural ventilation, and even more forced ventilation, would contribute to reduce CO2 concentration in the ambient air inside buildings. Regarding the results of the indoor gas samples analysis from Puerto Naos, the CO2 concentration and the δ13C-CO2 mean values ranged from 1,190 to 230,952 ppm and -7.9 to -4.8‰ vs. VPDB, respectively. These results of the chemical and isotopic composition of the indoor ambient air of Puerto Naos and La Bombilla demonstrate the importance of these studies to monitor and manage these silent hazards that pose a threat to the population and restrict access to their houses.

How to cite: Rodríguez, F., Asensio-Ramos, M., Melián, G. V., Hernández, P. A., Amonte, C., Álvarez Díaz, A. J., González Pérez, A. M., Calvo, D., Padilla, G. D., Barrancos, J., Ortega, V., Cabrera, I., Padrón, E., D'Auria, L., and Pérez, N. M.: Chemical and isotopic composition of the indoor ambient air of Puerto Naos and La Bombilla, La Palma, Canary Islands, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6431,, 2023.

EGU23-7546 | PICO | NH2.1

Periodical behaviour of air CO2 time series after Cumbre Vieja volcanic eruption 

Sérgio Oliveira, Fátima Viveiros, José Pacheco, Diogo Henriques, Alexandra Moutinho, Nemesio Pèrez, and Pedro Hernández

In the aftermath of the 2021 eruption of Cumbre Vieja volcano, a network of four low-cost air sensors was installed at four different sites in the village of Puerto Naos in La Palma, Canary Islands. These sensors measure CO2, temperature, and relative humidity every one minute.

The measurements made between January and December of 2022 showed that all sensors frequently overpassed the 0.5 vol.%, defined by several organizations as the Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) for safety in work environments. In addition, three of the sensors reached the instrument’s full scale (4.0 vol. %), a concentration above the STEL (short-term exposure limit) that can cause symptoms such as headache, weakness and breathing acceleration.

The Lomb-Scargle power spectral density estimate, obtained applying the plomb function of Matlab R2021a to the data, revealed diurnal cycles on the atmospheric CO2 concentration time series in all monitored sites. All sites showed at least one cycle per day, with two of the sites having two cycles per day. One site, with an outdoor sensor, showed three cycles per day during the monitored period. Air temperature and relative humidity at the same sites showed similar periodicity, suggesting that the gas concentrations are correlated with the meteorological parameters. These observations, as far as we know, are the first to highlight the cyclic behaviour on volcanic air CO2 time series.

This work was partially funded by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, under project SONDA - Synchronous Oceanic and Atmospheric Data Acquisition (PTDC/EME-SIS/1960/2020), and VOLRISKMAC II - Fortalecimiento de las capacidades de I+D+i para el desarrollo de la resiliencia frente a emergencias volcánicas en la Macaronesia (INTERREG MAC2/3.5b/328).


How to cite: Oliveira, S., Viveiros, F., Pacheco, J., Henriques, D., Moutinho, A., Pèrez, N., and Hernández, P.: Periodical behaviour of air CO2 time series after Cumbre Vieja volcanic eruption, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7546,, 2023.

EGU23-16440 | PICO | NH2.1 | Highlight

The combined surveying of soil CO2 flux and air CO2 concentration for gas hazard mitigation at Vulcano, Italy 

Marco Camarda, Sergio Gurrieri, Roberto M.R. Di Martino, and Vincenzo Francofonte

Among extreme geological events, people feel the effects of volcanic eruptions through fear and wonder. Several volcanoes erupt across the world with sheer physical power, but a large part of them is either dormant or quiescent. Risks for explosions at active volcanoes are well-recognized, while the gas hazard which is correlated with almost continuous gas emissions from either the crater cone or the soils is still a masked risk. Volcanic gas emissions impact people at settled zones which lay around the main quiescent volcanic structure. In addition, the level of the gas hazard correlates with changes in the gas emissions, which agrees with variations of the magmatic degassing at depth.

This study reports on the results of the continuous monitoring for soil CO2 flux, air CO2 concentration, and some weather variables (i.e., temperature, pressure, relative humidity, wind speed, and wind direction). Tailored monitoring stations were deployed in an anomalous degassing zone of the island of Vulcano, Italy (i.e., Faraglione) for mitigating the gas hazard. This area hosts many infrastructures and several tourist facilities. The deployment of the monitoring network occurred in June 2021 in the framework of the agreement between the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Sezione di Palermo, and the Dipartimento Regionale di Protezione Civile (DRPC – Sicilia).

Since late September 2021, the volcanic degassing increased at Vulcano due to a probable increase of the magmatic degassing at depth. The results of this study show a distinct increase in the soil CO2 flux at Faraglione which correlated with the high CO2 concentration in the air. These variations caused increases in the gas hazard at Vulcano. Besides various evidence points to the climax of the volcanic unrest in autumn 2021, redundancy for monitoring stations in the anomalous degassing zone allowed capturing of some minor variations of the magmatic activity at depth. Some remarkable increases occurred in soil CO2 emissions during spring 2022, which culminated in the whitening of the seafloor at Baia di Levante. Minor variations are reported for both summer and early autumn 2022. These results point out as both the accurate monitoring of the air CO2 concentration and the weather variables complement efficiently the continuous monitoring of the soil CO2 flux resulting in a suitable strategy for mitigating the gas hazard at Vulcano.

How to cite: Camarda, M., Gurrieri, S., Di Martino, R. M. R., and Francofonte, V.: The combined surveying of soil CO2 flux and air CO2 concentration for gas hazard mitigation at Vulcano, Italy, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16440,, 2023.

EGU23-17321 | ECS | PICO | NH2.1

Chronic exposure to non-eruptive volcanic activity as cause of pulmonary oxidativestress and apoptosis in mice 

Ricardo Camarinho, Diana Linhares, Patrícia Garcia, and Armindo Rodrigues

Volcanogenic air pollution studies and their effects on the respiratory system are still outnumbered by studies regarding the effects of anthropogenic air pollution, representing an unknown risk to human population inhabiting volcanic areas worldwide (either eruptive or non-eruptive areas).
This study was carried out in the Azorean archipelago of Portugal, in areas with active non-eruptive volcanism. The hydrothermal emissions within the volcanic complex of Furnas (São Miguel Island) are responsible for the emission of nearly 1000 tons of CO2 per day, along with H2S, the radioactive gas –
radon, among others. Besides the gaseous emissions, metals (e.g., Hg, Cd, Al, Ni) and particulate matter are also released into the environment. We test the hypothesis whether chronic exposure to hydrothermal emissions causes pulmonary oxidative stress, using Mus musculus as a surrogate species. M. musculus were live-captured in: two villages with hydrothermal emissions and one village without any type of volcanic activity. Immunohistochemical evaluations were performed to access the level of pulmonary oxidative stress using an OxyIHCTM Oxidative stress detection kit, and the detection of terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT)-mediated dUTP nick end-labeling (TUNEL) was used to evaluate apoptosis in lung tissues. Mice chronically exposed to hydrothermal emissions presented increased levels of oxidative stress and amount of apoptotic cells. We demonstrate, for the first time, the high oxidative stress potential in the lungs of mice chronically exposed to hydrothermal emissions. This study also highlights the Mus musculus as a useful bioindicator for future biomonitoring programs in these types of volcanic environments.

How to cite: Camarinho, R., Linhares, D., Garcia, P., and Rodrigues, A.: Chronic exposure to non-eruptive volcanic activity as cause of pulmonary oxidativestress and apoptosis in mice, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17321,, 2023.

EGU23-3120 | Orals | NH2.2 | Highlight

The "reflexive" public administration 

Antonio Barone

A peculiar aspect of the precautionary principle lays right in the reassessment and renewal of authorization provisions. Precautionary measures are provisional and subject to review upon acquisition of “new scientific information” or development of “best available technologies”. In the European administrative integration process, the re-examination of public decisions adopted in situations of scientific uncertainty reflects the idea of a permanent correspondence between the administrative function and the public interest (in cases of human and environmental safety). Because of such on-going correspondence, the administrative function cannot be fossilized in one single administrative provision (e.g., the authorization), but rather must adapt to the (ever changing) need of the public interest. Such idea also shows the need to reconsider the principle of administrative continuity: from an organization-based moment to a functional one.

The authorization of an industrial activity potentially harmful to human and animal health or the environment initiates an administrative relationship that is “unstable” ab origine. Such relationship with the Administration has a “procedural” character (maintained even after the authorization’s grant), which is characterized by a permanent modification of the administrative function. Therefore in a risk-based logic, all procedures of authorization, renewal and re-examination cannot be strictly separated one from each other and take the shape of an administrative function that gradually and permanently creates the features of the very administrative relationship itself. This happens along a continuum that seems not to distinguish between procedures of “first” or “second” degree.

Similarly, also risk management cannot be exhausted in the single authorization procedure. Risk management sets itself aside from the single administrative procedure and performs its many potentialities before, during and after the authorization’s renewal and re-examination.

Precaution, as a principle of administrative action, calls for the duty to evaluate thereby enhancing or (arguably) exacerbating the duty to pursue the public interest. In “risk law”, the action of public authorities cannot exhaust itself in one single administrative provision. The global relevance of the administrative function finds its expression in the continuous re-examination of the decisions taken in light of the evolution of the scientific and technological datum. It is right in the duty to evaluate and re-assess the scientific datum that the sociological concept of “reflexive” Administration becomes legally relevant.

How to cite: Barone, A.: The "reflexive" public administration, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3120,, 2023.

For years now, proliferation of technological tools has been taking hold, albeit with some resistance, in the public sector as well, since as reflected in the agendas and public policies of EU member States, digitalization is a non-deferrable need, a prerequisite for the implementation of further reforms. This report’s purpose is to ascertain whether and how, data in IA can support administrations and stakeholders in coping with unforeseen events, such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

Among disaster protection risks, volcanic activity is often considered a foreseeable risk because it is thought that phenomena that presage rising magma to surface can be recognized and measured, which is why they are called precursors although this is, however, a simplification that does not take into account the complexity and extreme variability of volcanic phenomena and the difficulty in assessing and interpreting them.

Precursor phenomena only as indicators of an ongoing process that if properly and adequately studied, analyzed and monitored, can give an idea of the state of volcano activity and its possible evolutions, allowing for the detection of possible anomalies. For this reason, data and processing by AIs can provide support and decrease errors in the calculation of phenomena even if it could only be a quantitative reduction.

Data and their processing can provide a reliable index to support prevention activities. Potential issues for the jurist involve ownership of database management, interoperability, errors in the management of the same knowledge. Grading operated by AI and data has the advantage of being rapid and devoid of operator discretion. Machine learning, in fact, has a capacity of about 98 percent to hit the attribution of a rock of unknown origin.

Central node within the discussion is to determine the ownership of data and the AI tools deputed to process them, whether to endow public facilities or outsource this function to the private sector.

How to cite: Brigante, V.: Artificial intelligence and volcanic data management: a dialogue between technique and administration, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3141,, 2023.

EGU23-8564 | ECS | Orals | NH2.2

Wildfire risk map of Apulia Region (Italy) 

Valentina Santarsiero, Antonio Lanorte, Gabriele Nolè, Giuseppe Cillis, Francesco Vito Ronco, and Beniamino Murgante

Forest and interface fires change the dynamics of land cover because of the combination of various environmental and socio-economic factors that make Mediterranean regions particularly vulnerable to fire. They represent one of the main causes of environmental degradation and have an important negative impact on the landscape, strongly influence ecological processes and compromise ecosystems. Fires are a problem that, while varying in severity and frequency, affects all European countries. However, the Mediterranean countries tend to be the most affected, in Italy for example, the issue of fires is an important issue and addresses the problem through laws, policies and fire prevention measures. The Italian legislation reiterates the obligation for each municipal administration to adopt a simple and fast tool that allows the safety of the population in the event of an interface or forest fires that threaten settlements, sensitive places or local infrastructures. The estimation of fire danger is very important for quantifying the impact on the territory and plays an important role in mitigation framework programmes, representing a strategic support for policy makers for planning fire prevention strategies and policies and for monitoring fire areas. The National Manual for the Processing of Civil Protection Plans establishes the guidelines for a methodological approach with the aim of suggesting the minimum requirements to be met for the drafting of risk maps on the Italian territory. The Puglia Region is among the Italian regions particularly affected by the phenomenon of fires, the civil protection in 2019 identified around 600 fires. Fire danger estimation is very important for quantifying the impact on land and plays an important role in mitigation framework programs, representing a strategic support for policy makers in planning fire prevention strategies and policies and monitoring fire-affected areas. For this reason, the Apulia Region and the other regions of central and southern Italy have expressed the need to create a permanent Technical Table of Forest Fire Prevention Actions (AIB) in order to design strategies shared with the different stakeholders to improve the AIB system. The AIB Plan is produced using spatial and satellite analysis models and techniques appropriate for the interpretation of forecasting, monitoring, and supervising systems that can be used to improve forecasting, prevention, and active management of wildfires. Through the Plan for Forecasting, Preventing and Actively Fighting Forest Fires, the Apulia Region supports municipal planning activities in the field of forest fire risk by providing municipal-scale risk zoning expressed in terms of an overall risk index calculated on a municipal basis. This paper presents an experimental methodology carried out within the framework of the research agreement with the Apulia Civil Protection Department to update the fire risk classification at the municipal level calculated by formulating, in the form of weighted and normalized indices, risk factors such as forest cover, potential risk, actual risk, road infrastructure density, land cover, historical fire occurrence and climate variability. All indices were processed in a GIS environment and validated with the tools currently in use by the Apulia Region Civil Protection Department.

How to cite: Santarsiero, V., Lanorte, A., Nolè, G., Cillis, G., Ronco, F. V., and Murgante, B.: Wildfire risk map of Apulia Region (Italy), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8564,, 2023.

The issue of exceptions to the ordinary public contracts rules in the management of risks and emergencies resulting from volcanological phenomena allows for numerous considerations on aspects of public contract law and administrative law in general. The topic must obviously be analysed through an interdisciplinary approach focused on the relationship between technology and law. For example, in fact, in order to verify the legitimacy of the application of the derogatory rules (Article 163 of the Italian Public Contracts Code) it is necessary to consider the three-phase structure of volcanic risk: risk assessment, hazard assessment and mitigation of the event. The centrality of the technical issues requires firstly an examination of the legal profiles involving the use of Article 163 in the case of volcanic phenomena. The first aspect concerns the delimitation of both the concept of "paramount urgency" - a prerequisite for derogating from the ordinary discipline - and which events (whether those that have already occurred or those that have not yet occurred) are susceptible to be included in the field of the provision. In this context, the investigation focuses on the practices of individual local authorities that make use of Article 163, from which a significant interpretative and methodological distance emerges. A further profile of interest is certainly the one concerning organisational issues: up to now, the discipline provides that not only the Regions, but also the metropolitan cities and municipalities can carry out emergency works under article 163. This study, instead, intends to examine the benefits deriving from a centralisation of competences in the responsibility of the Regions, from two points of view. The first one concerns an attempt to reduce potential corruptive phenomena that could occur in territories (think of Sicily or Campania) in which unforeseeable maintenance events occur frequently and which could see a total detachment from the supranational principle of rotation. The second one is based on the consideration that leaving the choice to the individual local administrations could mean that one municipality could consider the conditions of 'paramount urgency' to exist, while another municipality, possibly a neighbouring one, could consider them not to exist in the exercise of its own discretionary power. Centralisation would thus move in the direction of uniformity of decision. There are, in conclusion, two other aspects that deserve further in-depth analyses. The first one concerns the necessity of the ex-post controls, which is linked to the centrality of the assessment of the conditions of extreme urgency, and which runs the risk of not being effective considering the extremely restricted time profiles. The second one, seeks to understand whether the exception to the procurement regime also drags in the regime of landscape authorisations or environmental impact assessments: if this were not the case, and if the ex-ante intervention were therefore still necessary, the simplification process of economic operators activities would be inevitably frustrated.

How to cite: Calabrò, M. and Di Martino, A.: The award of public contracts in the emergency context, with particular reference to volcanic risk, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8663,, 2023.

EGU23-8671 | Posters on site | NH2.2

Precaution and prevention in the jurisprudence of the administrative judge 

Annarita Iacopino

The paper aims to analyse the path of administrative jurisprudence on how the principles of prevention and precaution behave, the role they assume for the public decision-maker and the judge's review. In this perspective, priority is given to examining the nature and ratio of the two principles, as well as the relationship between them. It is then necessary to define their sphere of operation and the essentially “methodological and bidirectional” dimension in which they move. They, in fact, offer rules for proceeding and not for deciding, thus allowing the identification of the path of proceduralisation of public decisions in situations of danger (prevention) or in situations of risk (precaution), enabling the minimisation of risks, respectively, through intervention on the causes of the possible emergence of danger and through the identification of the solution that makes it possible to balance the minimisation of risks with the maximisation of benefits (or, in an emergency phase, as in the case of compulsory vaccination, by operating in a “counter-intuitive” manner with the imposition of instruments-therapies- that ensure more benefits than risks, since the potential risk of an adverse event for an individual is far less than the actual damage to society as a whole). In all these hypotheses, the scientific basis represents a guarantee of the reasonableness of the choices, since the public decision-maker's assessment must be based on the acquisitions of the best science of the moment and on the rigour of the relevant method; a “reserve of science” whose reasonableness and proportionality is subject to the administrative judge's review.

How to cite: Iacopino, A.: Precaution and prevention in the jurisprudence of the administrative judge, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8671,, 2023.

EGU23-8962 | Orals | NH2.2 | Highlight

Managing the progressive awakening of Karthala volcano (Comoros Archipelago) after 14 years of quiescence: lessons learned from a long phase (2021-2023) of unrest. 

Andrea Di Muro, Hamadiu Toiwilou, Valerie Ferrazzini, Benoit Smets, Hamid Soule, Jean-Luc Froger, Sam Poppe, Bhavani Benard, Marco Liuzzo, Valerie Cayol, Shafik Bafakhi, Lise Retailleau, Frederic Lauret, Moussa Magne, Christophe Brunet, Thomas Lecocq, Corentin Caudron, Nicolas d'Oreye, Delphine Smittarello, and François Lötter and the Interreg Project Hatari Team members

Karthala shield volcano (Grande Comore) is the most frequently active volcano of the Comoros Archipelago. On a centennial scale, Karthala alternates phases of dominantly eccentric activity, when eruptive fissures open along the rift zones cutting the northern and southern volcano flanks, with phases of dominantly summit activity. As a whole, the volcano alternates periods of intense activity (4 eruptions in the 2005-2007 period) with decade-long periods of total rest. Since 1926, the activity of the volcano has occurred inside or close to the summit caldera, with the notable exception of the 1977 eruption located at a low altitude on the SW flank, close to the village of Tsingani. The last eruption occurred in 2007 in the northern part of the summit caldera.

The Centre National de Documentation et de Recherche Scientifique (CNDRS) of Comoros is in charge of volcanic and seismic monitoring for the three islands of Grande Comore, Anjouan and Moheli. The headquarters of the Karthala Volcano Observatory (OVK) are located on Grande Comore. Geophysical and geochemical volcano monitoring and educational programs are performed in collaboration with international partners, while communication during seismo-volcanic events is performed in collaboration with the Civil Defence and a panel of stakeholders.

Since November 2021, the OVK seismic network has detected the beginning of a new phase of unrest, after 14 years of quiescence. Swarms of deep eccentric seismicity below the western flank and minor shallow seismicity below the summit during June-October 2022 have been associated with significant movement of the western flank of the volcano towards the satellite as detected by satellite radar interferometry. A continuous trend of subsidence is measured inside the summit crater, possibly related to cooling of the 2007 lava lake. Geochemical monitoring has confirmed the absence of major changes in composition or temperature of the summit intra-caldera fumaroles and the occurrence of CO2 soil emissions mostly focused on the volcano flanks.

On one side, the early detection of a possible dyke injection below the edifice, the progressive awakening of the volcano and the existence of major international cooperation programs (Interreg “Hatari”) have facilitated the rapid consolidation of the scientific and operational framework and have permitted to inform the national authorities and the population regularly. Conversely, the long duration of the alert represents a major challenge in maintaining a permanent and efficient scientific-operational interface able to face the several possible scenarios associated with the reawakening of Karthala volcano.

How to cite: Di Muro, A., Toiwilou, H., Ferrazzini, V., Smets, B., Soule, H., Froger, J.-L., Poppe, S., Benard, B., Liuzzo, M., Cayol, V., Bafakhi, S., Retailleau, L., Lauret, F., Magne, M., Brunet, C., Lecocq, T., Caudron, C., d'Oreye, N., Smittarello, D., and Lötter, F. and the Interreg Project Hatari Team members: Managing the progressive awakening of Karthala volcano (Comoros Archipelago) after 14 years of quiescence: lessons learned from a long phase (2021-2023) of unrest., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8962,, 2023.

EGU23-12260 | Orals | NH2.2

Audit and prevention in the jurisprudence of the Italian Court of Auditors 

Emanuele Fratto Rosi Grippaudo

This contribution aims at delving into the ways in which the Italian Court of Auditors avoids the risk of irregularities that may affect the economic performance of budgets approved by local authorities. It also aims at analysing the role of the Italian Court of Auditors in addressing the non-compliance with parameters of financial legality. These objectives will be reached through an analysis of current Italian legislation and its interpretation by the Italian Court of Auditors. First of all, this contribution will propose an expansion of the concept of jurisprudence of the Italian Court of Auditors, which also includes the deliberations of the regional audit departments of the abovementioned Court. In particular, it will be argued that these decisions are the result of the integration of judicial and audit activities and, a positive view will be taken towards the possibility of a substantial assimilation with judicial measures. Secondly, this contribution will build upon legislative texts and decisions enacted by the Italian Court of Auditors in order to establish the rules governing the audit activity on the financial management of local authorities, which is undertaken by the regional sections of the abovementioned Court. In particular, this contribution will focus on the rules aimed at avoiding or mitigating the risk of failure to reach a balanced budget. Moreover, this contribution will examine the sanctioning activity of the Italian Court of Auditors, which is addressed both to local authorities and their administrators. This sanctioning activity is aimed at preventing specific risks, which undermine the financial stability of local authorities. In conclusion, this contribution will argue that the Italian Court of Auditors has an effective set of tools to prevent risks and deal with emergencies related to the accountancy of local authorities and will call upon the legislators to intervene in an area of accounting law dominated by the interpretative choices of the abovementioned Court.

How to cite: Fratto Rosi Grippaudo, E.: Audit and prevention in the jurisprudence of the Italian Court of Auditors, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12260,, 2023.

EGU23-12425 | Orals | NH2.2

The Modernity of Emergency Administration 

Marco Macchia

What are the characteristics of emergency organisation? Emergency-generating events are extraordinary occurrences that do not fall under the general provisions of the administrative order, the resolution of which requires an ad hoc derogation from the existing order. Although it is not possible to make an exhaustive list of the events capable of generating an emergency, given also the variability of the historical and factual framework of reference, the different and heterogeneous origins of potential emergencies activate a reaction of the order that tends to be uniform. The reaction is the disruption of the order through suspension, which translates into a momentary freezing of the effectiveness of rules and principles, or exemption.
Emergency must be distinguished from risk. While risk is inherent in the predictability of the event, which can be regulated by law insofar as it is referable to a general and abstract case, the emergency is configured as an unforeseen and unforeseeable situation that is normally not explicitly regulated by the law in force and that must be dealt with as an exception to the system of legally recognised values. 
The administrative organisation must know how to plan for possible emergencies in order to prevent them, or mitigate their possible effects, by working on the level of prevention. This requires experts. The lack of preventive planning in many sectors forces us to focus on emergency planning itself, which is not aimed at avoiding the emergency but, where it has already occurred, at responding in the most appropriate way. The civil protection plan must, in fact, identify the tasks and responsibilities of administrations, expert structures and organisations with regard to the activation of specific actions in the event of impending danger or emergency, ensuring clarity with regard to the chain of command. It must then define the human resources, materials and means necessary to deal with possible emergencies, thus planning upstream the available equipment.
Downstream from the planning, the need for coordination of management competences between administrations emerges when the serious and extraordinary situation has already occurred. The competences inherent in the emergency change at the moment when the expected event materialises, thus creating a real dichotomy between the subject in charge of avoiding or reducing the severity of the emergency before it happens and the subject that materially deals with the emergency now in progress. In order to achieve specific objectives or for particular and temporary needs of operational coordination between administrations, commissioners perform extraordinary functions by managing large public resources. 
In short, emergency organisation has the most modern characteristics. It must be able to deviate from the system while respecting certain essential elements. It must be able to foresee risks and plan how to deal with emergencies. Finally, it is a mission administration that challenges complexity by coordinating a plurality of management skills. 

How to cite: Macchia, M.: The Modernity of Emergency Administration, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12425,, 2023.

The assessment of the volcanic and seismic hazards is still a huge problem for the entire humankind, since every year hundreds of human lives are lost and damages to the economy and to the cultural heritage for billions of euros are recorded. Any natural or industrial risk assessment takes into account two parameters: the probability that an event may occur “P“ and the damage “D” that the event may induce. The scientific community operates to better assess the P parameter either with a probabilistic (earthquakes) and a more deterministic (volcanoes) approach. For the volcanic risk assessment, the P parameter is currently tackled using multidisciplinary observation systems aimed of reconstructing evolution sceneries of ongoing phenomena. The damage parameter “D” is basically evaluated using economic factors that combine the vulnerability factors with their intrinsic value (e.g. buildings, infrastructures, economic activities, human casualties). The better is the evaluation of P and D parameters, the better will be the risk minimization capacity. The risk minimization has severe consequences on the population safety and on the activities planning (including economic, territorial, social etc.) for those area prone to the natural risks. Therefore, to minimize the risk it is necessary to affect the “damage” parameter besides the continuous enhancement of the monitoring methods. In coincidence of volcanic and seismic crises, however, a range of “hidden” effects occur and, unfortunately, they are not yet considered for the evaluation of the D parameter although they are closely related to the territorial planning of the volcanic and seismic-prone areas. Some examples, such as the contamination of drinkable waters, the anomalous degassing of CO2 and radionuclides during seismic and volcanic crisis of the recent past, highlight the necessity of an accurate territorial planning where exposed and hidden natural processes are both considered to gain the result of a correct and effective territory management.

How to cite: Italiano, F.: Exposed and hidden geohazards: contribution to the volcanic and seismic risk evaluation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12706,, 2023.

EGU23-12772 | Posters on site | NH2.2

The costs of the emergency and the role of the Court of Auditors 

Vanessa Manzetti, Giovanna Colombini, Francesca Carpita, and Letizia Colangelo

This paper aims to highlight how the Italian Court of Auditors can help to detect the costs of the recent pandemic emergency.


The Court of Auditors is assigned the scrutiny of the economic-financial balance of the Public administrations in order to protect the economic unity of the Italian Republic.  Such prerogatives have a great importance in the framework outlined by art. 2 §1 of the Constitutional Law n.1/2012, which, in line with the European Union legal system, recalls the Public Administrations as a whole to ensure balanced budgets and the sustainability of the public debt.


This means that the surveys of the Court of Auditors in the performance of its functions (judicial, control and advisory) should indirectly also reveal the emergency costs.


The paper will examine some fundamental documents such as the Report on the financial management of the local authorities 2019-2021, the deliberations of the Regional Audit sections of the Court on budgets of the local health authorities, as well as the Reports on the result of the controls on the financial management of the companies subject to the control of the Court of Auditors ex art. 12 of the Law n. 259 of 1958.


The exam will also focus on the controls that the Regional Control Sections of the Court of Auditors carries out on the budgets and final accounts of Local Authorities to verify the compliance with the annual objectives set by the Internal Stability Pact and the compliance with the obligation provided by article 119 § 6 of the Italian Constitution. These controls aim also to verify the debt sustainability and the absence of irregularities that could jeopardize the balance economic-financial aspects of the Local Authorities.


An important perspective to better quantify the costs of the emergency is also identified by article 103 of the Italian Constitution which attributes to the Court of Auditors the jurisdiction on public accounting, civil, military and war pensions, as well as the jurisdiction on the liability of public accountants, public administrators and public officials in judgements concerning the management of the public money. This approach could also lead to reflect on the relationship between public debt and emergency, and on the possibility of judgments raised by a party before the Court of Auditors. Lastly, the examination of the Opinions drawn up by the Court of Auditors in the exercise of its advisory function could be also useful to trace the unclear perimeter of the costs of the emergency.   The work consists of two parts: a general part carried out by Professors Giovanna Colombini and Vanessa Manzetti and a part of analysis of case studies carried out by Dr. Francesca Carpita and Dr. Letizia Colangelo.


How to cite: Manzetti, V., Colombini, G., Carpita, F., and Colangelo, L.: The costs of the emergency and the role of the Court of Auditors, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12772,, 2023.

EGU23-15070 | Posters on site | NH2.2

Programming as part of risk and emergency governance 

giovanna iacovone

Administration appropriateness within the government of risk and emergency, and hence in its full application of precautionary model requires a preliminary thought about the precaution and prevention criteria that play a fundamental role according to a complementary relational dynamic that presupposes a coordination between parties, including private ones, especially in order to gain an adequate acquisition of essential scientific and technical knowledge that is an indefectible prerequisite for the preparation of measures and procedures adequate with respect to the purpose. There are two profiles involved in this theme, namely one of a general type, relating precisely to the approach one has with regards and weighting of risk, and yet quite of a punctual and operational nature relating to the taking of the single precautionary measure and related relationship between technique and law and the quest, on the part of the latter, for a datum of certainty that the former often fails to offer. In this regard, it seems interesting to note that a very clear message comes from Europe when it states that it is generally recognized that, in some cases, scientific risk evaluation alone cannot provide all the necessary information on which a risk management decision should be based, and that it is legitimate to consider other relevant factors, including social, economic, traditional, ethical, and environmental aspects. A vision of the exceptional event that in the correct assessment of the dimension of risk could not disregard the consideration of the moments prior to its occurrence, that is, in consideration of a flexible programmatic and regulatory template capable of building a fully functional institutional and infrastructural system that would make it possible to guarantee the management of the consequences of the occurrence of the exceptional event with the parameters and guarantees of ordinariness, avoiding the encroachment, or rather the abuse, of exceptional instruments. The paper will focus on the need to adopt models of programming and planning based on the application of a genuine strategic method that, starting from the configuration of cognitive frameworks capable of making in-depth risk prospecting, orient and direct decisions and actions to the pursuit of prevention objectives, providing mechanisms for detecting the impacts of spatial choices and for monitoring and evaluation in order to move away from emergency crisis containment objectives and toward a structural, systemic and long-term approach to vulnerabilities that focuses on forecasting, prevention and preparedness

How to cite: iacovone, G.: Programming as part of risk and emergency governance, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15070,, 2023.

The CorVo project[1] (Corpora for Volcanoes) aims at building an innovative tool for volcanic risk forecasting, impact assessment, and resilience planning. Exploiting technologies coming from the digital humanities and computational linguistics, a flexible digital interface will be developed to query a body of documents (the CorVo corpus) containing extensive descriptions of the past activity of one of Italy’s most high-risk volcanoes: the Vesuvius. The methodology proposed is an innovative type of approach and the resulting prototype is likely to be extended to other volcanoes in multi-hazard settings.

By querying the linguistically annotated corpus, end users (such as Civil Protection units and other stakeholders) will be able to quickly obtain important information from past eruptive scenarios, such as precursors, phenomenology, deposit distribution, and damages, as well as their social impact and the reactions they provoked in the institutions. In this way, they will be able to tackle future emergency scenarios, assess area vulnerability, and plan their response strategies in the best way.

In order for the CorVo tool to return useful information, the CorVo corpus linked to it needs to contain a balanced selection of documents that describe the different types of eruptions the volcano may experience: Plinian-type, fissural or mixed (explosive-effusive). Therefore, the first three eruptions that are going to be included in the pilot are going to be the Plinian-type eruption of 1631, the fissural eruption of 1794, and the most recent mixed eruption of 1944. In order to test the validity of the obtained tool, the selected eruptions are in the number of the best-studied Vesuvius eruptions, also from the point of view of the information retrieved from historical sources. The bulk of the documents to be included in the corpus is going to be selected from the BIBV Database ( The testing phase of the tool will be carried out in cooperation with other units of the PNRR EPOS MEET project.

[1] The CorVo project is funded as Operating Unit CNR-IGG, WP11 Action 11c of the MUR PNRR EPOS MEET project, which started November, 1st 2022.

How to cite: Principe, C. and Marini, C.: Using text corpora for volcanic eruption impact assessment and resilience planning: The first steps of the CorVo project, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15120,, 2023.

EGU23-17106 | Posters on site | NH2.2 | Highlight

Trilemma, complexity, administration, and exceptional events 

Loredana Giani Maguire, Beniamino Murgante, Valentina Santarsiero, and Alessandra Cutolo

The aim of the paper is to identify a key to understanding that allows us to overcome the regulatory trilemma that has emerged, seeking to offer a perspective according to which the exceptional event, an expression of the (ineliminable) complexity of reality, is included (in the competent political and institutional fora) in a broader case, encompassing contingencies. And this is not to foresee them, often asking science to do the impossible, nor to block activities considered dangerous through an exaggeration of the principles of prevention and precaution, but simply to allow the legal system to assume a broader vision, inclusive of the unusual case in point, to provide a toolbox of possible reactions to be triggered in the event (even remote) of the occurrence of an exceptional event.

And moving from the awareness of the impossibility of zeroing out the uncertainty attributable to complexity, the aim is to propose a key to understanding that allows us to overcome that binomial 'exceptional event/ordinary nature' of the intervention, including the regulatory one, which has characterized emergency law until now. If one considers the manifest inadequacy of positive law to govern exceptional events through extraordinariness (extra ordinem), and if one moves from the consideration of the complexity of society in terms of social structures and interacting systems, it becomes clear how the occurrence of the unusual event, if correctly contemplated within the framework of the evaluation of complexity, can be managed through instruments that are certainly exceptional, but which the legal system has incorporated, has provided for within it.

Therefore, the correct assessment of risk and the institutionalization of its evaluation within the legal system of virtuous processes and procedures require a different perspective of a dialogue between science and law that allows a normalization of unusual cases. It is essential to have a view of risk law that allows the system to acquire an approach able to guarantee not the occurrence of the exceptional event but a damage reduction in the case of its occurrence and a strengthening of the system's reaction capabilities.

Emblematic, in a non-positive sense, in the Italian situation is the relationship between territorial planning and volcanic risk management, with regard, for example, to evacuation plans and land management (e.g., building amnesties).

In order to experiment with this different approach, the evolution of the settlement system has been analyzed at different times, comparing this expansion with the legislative apparatus at the related time.

How to cite: Giani Maguire, L., Murgante, B., Santarsiero, V., and Cutolo, A.: Trilemma, complexity, administration, and exceptional events, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17106,, 2023.

EGU23-17275 | Orals | NH2.2 | Highlight

Risks, major infrastructure and public procurementLu 

Aristide Police

The paper focuses its attention on the functional interconnections that arise between unforeseen events, infrastructure planning and public contracts. Distortions are noted that alter infrastructure planning with respect to the emergence of unforeseen events that also affect the awarding of public contracts, with absent or sloppy procedures that in the long run betray the assumption for which they were called.
Biases are likely to generate negative consequences in the long run, for the accountability of administrations, for the management of procedures, and of course on the infrastructure itself. It is a matter of establishing the derogation regime, the possibility of concentrating many powers under one person also in order to check the trajectories of public authorities' approach to unforeseen situations.

How to cite: Police, A.: Risks, major infrastructure and public procurementLu, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17275,, 2023.

EGU23-310 | Posters on site | GMPV9.1

Quantifying the impact of source variability on unsteady buoyant jet behaviour 

Morgan Hetherington, Alan Cuthbertson, Sue Dawson, and Fabio Dioguardi

Buoyant jets are ubiquitous in both naturally- and industrially-derived environmental flows (e.g. volcanic eruptions, marine wastewater discharges, industrial atmospheric emissions), leading to significant and wide-ranging societal, economic, and environmental impacts. For example, during the 2010 eruption of Eyjafjallajökull in Iceland, European and North American airspace was closed for over a month, causing societal disruption and costing the aviation industry millions of dollars per day whilst flight restrictions were in place. Understanding the fundamental behaviour of buoyant jets is therefore crucial to minimising their potential impacts. A buoyant jet can be divided into two regions: a momentum-driven jet region close to the source, and a buoyancy-driven plume region further away from the source. Well-established integral model theories have been developed that are based on detailed knowledge of how the time-averaged behaviour in the plume region is affected by steady source conditions in the jet region. These steady-state theories underpin many of the numerical models used to predict the evolutionary behaviour of buoyant jets, particularly when quantitative data is difficult to obtain directly from the source conditions, due to physical and practical limitations. As such, the assumption of time-averaged conditions at the source eliminates any variability in the downstream plume behaviour associated with source unsteadiness. Observations of evolving buoyant jets at field scales, such as during pulsatory volcanic eruptions, indicates a potential disconnect between these well-established steady-state theories and reality.

The current study aims to address this disconnect by evaluating the impact of source unsteadiness on the evolving downstream plume behaviour by conducting a series of scaled parametric experiments of buoyant jets discharged vertically into both homogeneous and stratified ambient water bodies. The fresh water source fluid of density ρ0 = 1000 kg.m-3, with a known concentration of fluorescent dye or seeding particles added, was pumped into a stagnant, homogeneous or stratified saline water ambient volume with density ranging from ρ1 = 1010 – 1030  kg.m-3. Unsteady buoyant jet source conditions were achieved using an electronically operated solenoid valve to control the rate of valve opening and closing, thus creating pulsatory discharge conditions with a known frequency. These unsteady source conditions could then be compared directly with equivalent steady discharges, permitting a comprehensive evaluation of the evolving plume behaviour (e.g. geometry, velocity structure, dye concentration, and entrainment characteristics) in response to source variability. A range of measurement techniques, including particle image velocimetry, ultrasonic velocity profiling and laser-induced fluorescence, was adopted in the study. The implications of the experimental results comparing steady versus unsteady plume dynamics will be discussed in the context of the evolution of volcanic plumes.



How to cite: Hetherington, M., Cuthbertson, A., Dawson, S., and Dioguardi, F.: Quantifying the impact of source variability on unsteady buoyant jet behaviour, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-310,, 2023.

EGU23-422 | ECS | Orals | GMPV9.1

Modelling inter-event times from central volcanoes at São Miguel Island (Azores) 

Simone Aguiar, Laura Sandri, Adriano Pimentel, and José Pacheco

Central volcanoes can produce a wide spectrum of volcanic eruptions, with different magmatic compositions, styles, sizes, and recurrence periods. On volcanic islands, the eruptive record of central volcanoes is often incomplete, due to the small subaerial area, irregular topography, and high erosion rates typical of these islands, generating large uncertainties about the past eruptive activity and making the estimation of eruptive parameters, recurrence times and probabilities of future eruptions very challenging.
São Miguel Island (Azores archipelago) is one of these cases, where most eruptions of the three active central volcanoes (Sete Cidades, Fogo, and Furnas) are undated or poorly reconstructed. Based on the known stratigraphy, Sete Cidades volcano erupted at least 36 times in the last 15 ky, producing 24 trachytic events, almost all explosive, and 12 basaltic flank eruptions; Fogo volcano erupted at least 21 times also in the last 15 ky, producing 16 trachytic explosive eruptions and 5 basaltic flank eruptions; while Furnas volcano erupted at least 22 times over the last 17 ky, all trachytic explosive events.
Here, we model eruptive event times based on the generation of synthetic catalogues that follow the known stratigraphic sequence and include the uncertainty of eruption ages. The completeness of the eruptive records of each volcano was assessed by plotting the cumulative number of eruptions in time and identifying breaks in slope, which may indicate changes in the recording rate of events, as well as possible changes in the eruptive behaviour. In the parts of catalogues after the first break-in-slope we also checked the stationarity to identify the portions of the catalogues that could be modelled by renewal models. Fitting the stationary portion of data with several renewal models allowed to identify which statistical model best describes how eruptive events occur in time. 
This study presents a statistical analysis where data uncertainties are accounted for to model eruptive inter-event times, estimate recurrence periods and probabilities of future eruptions. This approach is crucial for a more robust long-term assessment of volcanic hazard, providing important clues to forecast the eruptive behaviour of central volcanoes, even in cases of low-activity systems or volcanic islands, where eruptive catalogues are frequently incomplete. In the case of São Miguel this approach allowed to estimate recurrence periods and the probability of a future event for each of the three active central volcanoes of the island. 

How to cite: Aguiar, S., Sandri, L., Pimentel, A., and Pacheco, J.: Modelling inter-event times from central volcanoes at São Miguel Island (Azores), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-422,, 2023.

EGU23-541 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV9.1

Reconstruction of Azorean eruptive scenarios through the correlation of proximal and distal tephras 

Maria Margarida Ramalho, Adriano Pimentel, and José Pacheco

Explosive volcanic eruptions are amongst the most hazardous natural phenomena due to their potential to affect large areas of land, ocean, and airspace. Thus, understanding how volcanic ash clouds disperse is of crucial importance for the mitigation of volcanic hazard. The Azores archipelago, in the middle of the North Atlantic, is an active volcanic region with an extensive geological record of explosive eruptions from several trachytic central volcanoes. Previous studies have reported distal occurrences of Azorean tephra as far as North Africa or the British Isles, but to date there are no reconstructions of tephra dispersal patterns. In the present work, we correlate cryptotephras with their source volcanoes and reconstruct plausible eruptive scenarios using the Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory (HYSPLIT) model.

Proximal trachytic tephra layers from Sete Cidades and Furnas volcanoes on São Miguel Island (Azores) have been successfully correlated with cryptotephras found in Morocco and Ireland, respectively, based on volcanic glass compositions and age constraints. The pumice fall deposit of Santa Bárbara eruption (18.7 – 19.5 cal ka BP) from Sete Cidades volcano has been geochemically correlated with cryptotephras in layer TAF_S1_R2 (< 26.5 – 24.4 cal ka BP) of Taforalt archaeological site, Morocco. Likewise, the deposits of three hydromagmatic eruptions of Furnas volcano showed good geochemical correlations with cryptotephras found in lacustrine sediments in Ireland, confirming previous studies: Furnas C (154 cal BC – 422 cal AD) compositionally matched cryptotephra layers MOR-T7, -T8, and -T9 (c. 280 AD, c. 150 AD, and c. 35 AD, respectively); Furnas I (1439-43 AD) has been correlated with MOR-T2 (c. 1400 AD); and Furnas 1630 (1630 AD) with PMG-5 cryptotephra (c. 1600 AD).

To reconstruct possible volcanic ash clouds trajectories from Sete Cidades and Furnas volcanoes to Morocco and Ireland, we used the HYSPLIT model to perform simulations of hundreds of eruptive scenarios based on eruption source parameters of Santa Bárbara, Furnas C, Furnas I, and Furnas 1630 eruptions, and daily atmospheric conditions between 2014 and 2021. Our results show that in 52% of the simulations tephra disperses towards North Africa and in 8% towards the British Isles. Also, in 9% of the cases tephra heads to both North Africa and the British Isles in the same simulation and in the other 31% of the cases tephra disperses in different directions.

Although the frequency of explosive eruptions in the Azores is relatively low, a future explosive event may have tremendous economic consequences not only to the archipelago, but also to the entire North Atlantic airspace, as the predominant westerly atmospheric circulation pattern will most probably disperse volcanic ash clouds across some of the world’s busiest air routes. Therefore, eruptive scenario modelling based on past eruptions is a fundamental tool to improve the assessment of volcanic hazard.

How to cite: Ramalho, M. M., Pimentel, A., and Pacheco, J.: Reconstruction of Azorean eruptive scenarios through the correlation of proximal and distal tephras, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-541,, 2023.

EGU23-1068 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV9.1 | Highlight

Numerical thermo-mechanical modelling of lava dome growth during the 2007-2009 dome-building eruption at Volcán de Colima 

Natalya Zeinalova, Alik Ismail-Zadeh, Igor Tsepelev, Oleg Melnik, and Frank Schilling

Lava domes form during effusive eruptions due to an extrusion of highly viscous magmas from volcanic vents. We present here a study of the lava dome growth at Volcán de Colima, Mexico during 2007-2009 using numerical modelling. The mathematical model treats the lava dome extrusion dynamics as a thermo-mechanical problem. The equations of motion, continuity, and heat transfer are solved with the relevant boundary and initial conditions in the assumption that the viscosity depends on the volume fraction of crystals and temperature. Numerical experiments have been performed to analyse the internal structure of the lava dome (i.e., the distributions of the temperature, crystal content, viscosity, and velocity) depending on various heat sources and thermal boundary conditions. It was demonstrated earlier that the lava dome dynamics at Volcán de Colima during short (for a couple of months) dome-building episodes can be modelled by an isothermal lava extrusion with the viscosity depending on the volume fraction of crystals. We show here that cooling plays a significant role during long (up to several years) dome-building episodes. A carapace develops as a response to a convective cooling at the lava dome interface with the air. The carapace becomes thicker if the radiative heat loss at the interface is also considered. The thick carapace influences the lava dome dynamics constraining its lateral advancement. The latent heat of crystallization leads to higher temperatures inside the lava dome and to a relative flattening of the dome. The developed thermo-mechanical model of lava dome dynamics at Volcán de Colima can be used elsewhere to analyze effusive eruptions, dome carapace evolution and its failure potentially leading to pyroclastic flow hazards.


How to cite: Zeinalova, N., Ismail-Zadeh, A., Tsepelev, I., Melnik, O., and Schilling, F.: Numerical thermo-mechanical modelling of lava dome growth during the 2007-2009 dome-building eruption at Volcán de Colima, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1068,, 2023.

EGU23-2186 | Posters virtual | GMPV9.1

Volcanism of Mount Fuji activated by the 2011 Japanese large earthquakes 

Kazuyoshi Nanjo, Yohei Yukutake, and Takao Kumazawa

The relation between earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, each of which is manifested by large-scale tectonic plate and mantle motions, has been widely discussed. Mount Fuji in Japan last erupted in 1707, paired with a magnitude (M)-9-class earthquake that took place 49 days prior. Motivated by this pairing, previous studies examined the effect of both the 2011 M9 Tohoku megaquake and a triggered M6-class earthquake 4 days later at the foot of the volcano on Mount Fuji, although no volcanic eruption was reported. More than 300 years already have passed since the last 1707 eruption, and although consequences to humans and society caused by the next eruption are already being considered, the implication for future volcanism remains uncertain. Here we show how volcanic low-frequency earthquakes (LFEs) in the deep part of the volcano revealed hitherto-unrecognized activation immediately after the foot earthquake. Our analyses using statistical methods based on the matched-filtering, the epidemic-type aftershock sequence (ETAS), and the Gutenberg-Richter frequency-magnitude distribution of LFEs show that despite an increase in the rate of occurrence of LFEs, these did not return to pre-earthquake levels, indicating a change in the magma system. Our results demonstrate that the volcanism of Mount Fuji was reactivated by the foot earthquake, implying that this volcano is sufficiently sensitive to external events that are enough to trigger eruptions.

How to cite: Nanjo, K., Yukutake, Y., and Kumazawa, T.: Volcanism of Mount Fuji activated by the 2011 Japanese large earthquakes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2186,, 2023.

EGU23-7616 | Orals | GMPV9.1

Quantifying ballistic projectile hazards and risks due to paroxysms and major explosions at Stromboli (Italy) 

Andrea Bevilacqua, Antonella Bertagnini, Massimo Pompilio, Patrizia Landi, Paola Del Carlo, Alessandro Fornaciai, Luca Nannipieri, Massimiliano Favalli, Marina Bisson, Alessandro Tadini, Willy Aspinall, Peter Baxter, Gordon Woo, and Augusto Neri

Major explosions and paroxysms, respectively, have been the most powerful explosive phenomena at Stromboli in recent centuries. These two categories of explosions, although not sharply separable in terms of eruptive mechanisms and hazards, can produce ballistic projectiles affecting trails and observation sites in the summit area (both major explosions and paroxysms) as well as lower elevation areas of the volcano, down to the coast (paroxysms only). Time series analysis of reconstructed activity since the end of the XIXth Century highlights that such unordinary explosions are strongly non-homogeneous in time and often show notable temporal clustering. We perform a critical review of the volcanic catalogs produced by the Italian volcanological observatories in the last ~40 years. In this review, we evaluate the effect of uncertainties on the characterization of such major explosions, in contrast to intense ‘ordinary’ Strombolian explosions that do not eject large ballistic projectiles outside the Craters Terrace and the upper portion of Sciara del Fuoco. Where sufficient information is available for major explosions, we devise an analytical summary and explore comparative mapping of field data related to the dispersal areas of ballistic projectiles, taking into account relevant uncertainties. Using Monte Carlo simulations, we propose preliminary probabilistic hazard maps for areas potentially exposed to future events of this kind, varying the radius and angle-size of the circular sectors affected. We also evaluate lateral hazard modulation in terms of the density variability of ballistic projectiles per square meter of ground, based on literature review and spatial statistics of newly collected UAV data from the ballistic deposits of the 3rd July 2019 paroxysm on the slopes above Ginostra village. These new hazard maps, once combined with vulnerability and exposure data, allow preliminary quantitative estimates of individual risk exposure levels for guides, volcanologists, and tourists spending time in areas exposed to these unordinary events. Through a retrospective counterfactual analysis of the July 2019 eruption, we demonstrate how, in a future Strombolian paroxysm at another time of day, these risk rates might result in major casualty numbers.

How to cite: Bevilacqua, A., Bertagnini, A., Pompilio, M., Landi, P., Del Carlo, P., Fornaciai, A., Nannipieri, L., Favalli, M., Bisson, M., Tadini, A., Aspinall, W., Baxter, P., Woo, G., and Neri, A.: Quantifying ballistic projectile hazards and risks due to paroxysms and major explosions at Stromboli (Italy), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7616,, 2023.

EGU23-7974 | Posters on site | GMPV9.1 | Highlight

Probabilistic hazard assessment of pyroclastic avalanches at Mt. Etna volcano through numerical modeling 

Mattia de’ Michieli Vitturi, Francesco Zuccarello, and Tomaso Esposti Ongaro

One of the most hazardous phenomena which characterizes the summit activity at Mt. Etna (Italy) is represented by pyroclastic avalanches, gravity-driven flows of pyroclastic material at high particle concentration, characterized by modest volumes (usually lower than a few millions of cubic metres) and small thickness-to-length ratio. The frequency of pyroclastic avalanches at Mt. Etna has increased during the recent 2020-2022 volcanic activity, where a series of intense paroxysmal eruptions took place at the South East Crater (SEC). The accumulation of proximal deposits generated by the explosive activity led to the growth of SEC, which posed favorable conditions in triggering partial collapses of unstable flanks of the crater. Pyroclastic avalanches propagated mainly eastward and southward of the SEC, up to distances of about 2 km from the source.

Numerical modeling of pyroclastic avalanche propagation and emplacement constitutes a powerful tool for hazard assessment, despite several difficulties in simulating the rheology of the polydisperse granular mixture. In this work, pyroclastic avalanches are simulated using the open-source code IMEX-SfloW2D. Depth-averaged equations are implemented in the code to model the granular flow as an incompressible, single-phase granular fluid, described by the Voellmy–Salm rheology. Comparison of numerical results with the well-documented pyroclastic avalanches occurred on 11 February 2014 and during the 10 February 2022 paroxysmal eruption (one of the most intense of the 2020-2022 series) allowed us to investigate the variability of the avalanche dynamics with its volume, the influence of the three-dimensional volcano morphology, and to statistically calibrate the unknown rheological parameters (i.e., the dry-friction coefficient µ and viscous-turbulent friction coefficient ξ). Finally, we provide a preliminary quantification of new potential collapse scenarios, to assess pyroclastic avalanche probabilistic hazard on the summit area, one of the most preferential tourists destination at Mt. Etna.

How to cite: de’ Michieli Vitturi, M., Zuccarello, F., and Esposti Ongaro, T.: Probabilistic hazard assessment of pyroclastic avalanches at Mt. Etna volcano through numerical modeling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7974,, 2023.

EGU23-8781 | Orals | GMPV9.1

A comprehensive observational database of deformation at global volcanoes for machine learning applications 

Lin Shen, Andrew Hooper, Milan Lazecky, Matthew Gaddes, and Susanna Ebmeier

A key indicator of potential and ongoing volcanic activity is deformation of a volcano's surface due to magma migrating beneath. The European Sentinel-1 radar archive now contains a large number of examples of volcano deformation, yet the vast majority of subaerial volcanoes are not well monitored. We therefore aim to systematically extract all deformation signals at volcanoes globally, including smaller scale signals associated with processes such as landslides and local changes in hydrothermal systems, which can provide a basis for machine learning approaches to automatically classify and potentially forecast deformation.

We have developed an approach to automatically derive high-resolution displacement time series centred on each volcano. To avoid the loss of decorrelated signal in areas of glacial coverage, winter snow and heavy vegetation, we build a highly redundant small baseline network of interferograms tailored to each volcano using coherence tests. We implement an improved phase unwrapping algorithm that separately unwraps signals at different spatial scales, to improve results in decorrelating areas. To mitigate the effect of phase propagation through the atmosphere, we provide multiple atmospheric correction methods, including a spatially-varying scaling method that uses interferometric phase to refine the interpolation of a weather model in time and space.

The processed products, stored in a database with annotated metadata (VolcNet), are available for the further interpretation. We show here the volcanic unrest at a large number of volcanoes taken from the database, detected using a machine learning algorithm LiCSAlert. We also show a statistical analysis based on the processed time series for the assessment of volcanic risk.

How to cite: Shen, L., Hooper, A., Lazecky, M., Gaddes, M., and Ebmeier, S.: A comprehensive observational database of deformation at global volcanoes for machine learning applications, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8781,, 2023.

EGU23-8913 * | Posters on site | GMPV9.1 | Highlight

Mt. Etna volcano: what have we learned from 20 years of continuous GNSS observations? 

Mimmo Palano, Giuseppe Pezzo, and Claudio Chiarabba

Mt. Etna volcanic activity has been characterized, in the last two decades, by more than 150 paroxysmal events (from moderate to intense and impulsive explosive activity, coupled sometime to voluminous lava flows) as well as by some large eruptive events (e.g., 2001, 2002-03, 2004-05, 2006, 2008) involving the upper sector of the northern and southern flanks of the volcano, along with the summit craters. Taking advantage of an extensive dataset of continuous GNSS stations covering the entire volcano edifice, we propose an unprecedented and detailed picture of different deformative stages. Raw GNSS observations, are processed by using the GAMIT/GLOBK software and achieved results, e.g. station daily time series and network-scale surface deformation fields, are referred to a local reference frame. By inspecting the daily baseline changes for EDAM and EMGL stations we detected a total of 59 different ground deformation phases consisting in 29 inflation phases, 21 deflation phases, 5 magmatic intrusions and 4 periods with no significant deformation. The surface deformation for each detected phase is used to constrain isotropic half-space elastic inversion models, therefore providing significant constraints on subsurface Mt. Etna’s magmatic storages. We integrate our results with recent tomographic models, correlating the inferred sources with VP and VP/VS anomalies, in order to provide exhaustive interpretative model into the general volcano-tectonic context of Mt. Etna and in turn, new insight on hazard assessment.

How to cite: Palano, M., Pezzo, G., and Chiarabba, C.: Mt. Etna volcano: what have we learned from 20 years of continuous GNSS observations?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8913,, 2023.

EGU23-9071 | Posters virtual | GMPV9.1

Conductivity and Temperature as indicators of hydrothermal activity: A comparison of two submarine volcanoes (Greece) 

Ana Dura, Theo J. Mertzimekis, Paraskevi Nomikou, Mark Hannington, and Sven Petersen

The presence of active hydrothermal vent fields near residential areas and their possible link to volcanic activity pose a potential natural hazard to the environment, to society, and to the economy. Despite the importance of risk assessment and mitigation, the monitoring of volcanic activity is hindered by the remoteness and extreme conditions of underwater volcanoes. By developing a mathematical model for geological and physical processes in these environments we shed light on the underlying dynamics of chemical products emitted from the vents and point to the underlying mechanisms that govern potentially hazardous, underwater volcanic environments. Santorini and Nisyros both belong to the Hellenic Volcanic Arc but appear to have different underlying mechanisms. The Generalized Moments Method (GMM) was applied to data gathered from the Northern Caldera of Santorini and the Nisyros caldera, Avyssos, for the purpose of this work, where we focus on the high-frequency recorded CTD data (Conductivity, Temperature, Depth) in the water column over the hydrothermal vents. The data from Santorini were collected in 2017 using an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) during the POS510 mission led by GEOMAR, while the data from Nisyros were gathered with the help of a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) in 2010, during the Nautilus expedition.

How to cite: Dura, A., Mertzimekis, T. J., Nomikou, P., Hannington, M., and Petersen, S.: Conductivity and Temperature as indicators of hydrothermal activity: A comparison of two submarine volcanoes (Greece), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9071,, 2023.

EGU23-9132 | Orals | GMPV9.1

The new summit hazard map from lava flow inundation at Mt Etna volcano 

Francesco Zuccarello, Giuseppe Bilotta, Gaetana Ganci, and Annalisa Cappello

Mt. Etna is one of the most active basaltic volcanoes worldwide, characterized by both explosive and effusive eruptive activity. Lava flows represent the main hazard linked to the volcanic activity, which can be emplaced at high rates during paroxysmal eruptions from the main vents located at summit, or through vents located on the flank of the volcano. In the last decades, the eruptive activity interested mainly the summit area, particularly the South East Crater (SEC), with vigorous lava fountains, as during the 2011-2013 and 2020-2022 series, alternated by effusive activity through fissures opened at the base of the scoria cone, as during the July-August 2014, February-April 2017, May-July 2019 and May-June 2022 eruptions. This posed the need to quantify the hazard from lava flow inundation in the summit area, which is essential during volcanic emergencies and for mitigation actions.

In this study, we present the new lava flows hazard map of Etna’s summit, which has been developed through a probabilistic approach that combines the statistical analyses of the volcanological historical data with the numerical simulations of lava flows on a 2022 Digital Surface Model (DSM). The probabilistic approach includes: i) the estimation of the spatiotemporal probability of future vent opening; ii) the calculation of the occurrence probability of the eruptive classes, which are defined considering the distribution of the lava volume erupted and the durations of eruptions; iii) the simulation of the lava flow paths for all the defined eruptive classes from each potential vent using the GPUFLOW model; iv) the mapping of the probability of inundation by combining the numerical simulations with the probability of future vent opening and the occurrence probability.

A grid of potential vents have been defined over an area corresponding to the Ellittico caldera, while the eruptive classes have been derived by considering both the short- and long-lasting eruptions that occurred at Etna’s summit since 1998. The highest probabilities of inundation of lava flows provided by the obtained map are linked to the vents located in the SEC’s area, according to the observation of the eruptive dynamics in the last decades.

How to cite: Zuccarello, F., Bilotta, G., Ganci, G., and Cappello, A.: The new summit hazard map from lava flow inundation at Mt Etna volcano, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9132,, 2023.

EGU23-11809 | Orals | GMPV9.1

A Google Earth Engine (GEE) system/tool for the monitoring of active volcanoes at a global scale 

Francesco Marchese, Nicola Genzano, and Nicola Pergola

The NHI (Normalized Hotspot Indices) system performs the automated monitoring of volcanic thermal anomalies at global scale under the Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform, by integrating information from Sentinel-2 MSI and Landsat 8/9 OLI/OLI-2 data. Thermal anomalies flagged by the NHI system may be then investigated through the tool. The latter enables the analysis of volcanic thermal features in terms of hot spot pixels, total SWIR (short wave infrared) radiance and total hotspot area, with low processing times. In this study, we present some recent results of the active volcanoes investigation performed using the tool, starting from the automated NHI detections. Results show that the NHI system/tool may provide a relevant contribution to the monitoring of thermal volcanic activity in both remote and well-monitored areas, thanks to the capacity in detecting and mapping hot targets with a low false positive rate.

How to cite: Marchese, F., Genzano, N., and Pergola, N.: A Google Earth Engine (GEE) system/tool for the monitoring of active volcanoes at a global scale, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11809,, 2023.

EGU23-12204 | Orals | GMPV9.1

Realistic volcanic deformations synthesis based on simulation data via generative model 

Teo Beker, Qian Song, and Xiao Xiang Zhu

Volcanic eruptions are large-scale rare events causing extensive economic damage and loss of life each year. About 1500 volcanoes are considered active, and 800 million people live less than 100km away from them. Therefore, forecasting volcanic activity and eruptions are of great significance.

The most precise way to monitor volcanoes and volcanic deformation is onsite monitoring; however, many active volcanoes are inaccessible. In the past years, Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) technology has been utilized with the help of deep learning (DL) to detect fast, intense volcanic deformations automatically. Previously, we employed the InSAR data with state-of-the-art processing to achieve high deformation accuracy over longer periods and apply DL to detect subtle long-term volcanic deformations automatically. Like the mentioned approaches, we face the challenges of small training sets and the gap between the train and test set.

The DL model is trained on synthetic data and makes many false positive detections on the real test set. Grad-CAM analysis uncovered that the false detections are activated by the region-specific patterns of salt lake deformations, slope processes, and residual tropospheric noise. To increase the diversity of synthetic samples and reduce the false positives, we apply generative adversarial networks (GANs), to transfer the style of realistic terrain to synthetic data.

This approach allows the generation of an infinite amount of synthetic data containing the regional deformation patterns and can be replicated for other regions. Since we are using real and synthetic data, it is significant that model can be trained with unpaired images. We employ a multi-domain and bidirectional state-of-the-art image-to-image translation model, StarGAN v2. We test the model on different tasks. The first task is to learn the transformation from synthetic background data to real background data. For volcanic deformations, we rely on established models for volcanic deformation simulations, like Mogi, Okada, or volumetric models. The second task demands the model to translate between synthetic and real and volcanic and non-volcanic domains. This model is capable of directly generating realistic-looking samples with volcanic deformations but with less control than the previous approach.

How to cite: Beker, T., Song, Q., and Zhu, X. X.: Realistic volcanic deformations synthesis based on simulation data via generative model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12204,, 2023.

EGU23-12359 | Orals | GMPV9.1 | Highlight

Quantification of tephra impact on the road network: the example of lava fountains at Etna volcano in 2021-22 

Luigi Mereu, Manuel Stocchi, Alexander Garcia, Michele Prestifilippo, Laura Sandri, Costanza Bonadonna, and Simona Scollo

During explosive eruptions a large amount of tephra is dispersed and deposited on the ground with the potential to cause a variety of damage and disruption to residential buildings and infrastructure, including road networks. The quantification of the tephra ground load is, therefore, of significant interest to reduce environmental and socioeconomic impact, and for managing crisis situations during volcanic eruptions. Tephra dispersal and deposition is a function of multiple factors, including mass eruption rate (MER), degree of magma fragmentation, vent geometry, top plume height (HTP), particle size distribution (PSD) and wind velocity and pattern.In this work we quantify the tephra load deposited on the road network of the eastern flank of Mt. Etna, in Italy, during the sequence of lava fountains occurred between February 2021 and 2022. In particular we analyse those events generating volcanic plumes mostly dispersed towards the east-southeast direction and focus our study on the main road networks of some municipalities which are found in this section of Mt. Etna as Milo, Santa Venerina, Fleri.We applied the volcanic ash radar retrieval (VARR) approach to a large dataset of short-lasting and intense lava fountains detected by the X-band weather radar, located at about 32 km from the Etna summit, to retrieve the eruption source parameters. When the radar data were unavailable, we analysed images of the SEVIRI satellite and of the visible calibrated camera images of the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Osservatorio Etneo.

Two numerical models (TEPHRA2 and FALL3D) were used to simulate tephra ground accumulation. The model calibration was performed using data collected during an eruptive event in 2021. Tephra load was calculated for areas of particular interest as e.g., building roofs, infrastructure and road networks, requiring clean-up.We compute a cumulative in time of deposited tephra on some locations of the road network obtaining values ranging from 40-140 kg/m2, and from 110-480 kg/m2 in function of model considered and selected location.As a result, we produce fast estimates of total tephra deposited on specific infrastructures (e.g., roads) during sequences of eruptive events; such information can be a valuable input for quick planning and management of the short-term tephra fall hazard.

How to cite: Mereu, L., Stocchi, M., Garcia, A., Prestifilippo, M., Sandri, L., Bonadonna, C., and Scollo, S.: Quantification of tephra impact on the road network: the example of lava fountains at Etna volcano in 2021-22, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12359,, 2023.

EGU23-13528 | Posters virtual | GMPV9.1

A mathematical perspective on the formalization of risk mitigation 

Giuseppe Bilotta, Annalisa Cappello, and Gaetana Ganci

The classic definition of risk as the product of hazard, exposure and vulnerability was initially intended as a qualitative rather than quantitative formula. Its informal nature becomes more apparent when evaluating strategies for risk mitigation, for which different informal equations have been presented in the literature.

We offer here a mathematical perspective on the equations that define risk and a novel approach for a quantitative analysis of risk mitigation that help highlight decision variables among the many input variables that participate in risk analysis and modeling.

We show how the classic Risk = Hazard * Exposure * Vulnerability formula represents a zero-order approximation of the more formal integral representation that we derive, and that risk mitigation can be quantified based on parallels with mathematical homotopies with an associated cost function, with an interesting outlook on the design of both long-term and short-term risk mitigation strategies.

How to cite: Bilotta, G., Cappello, A., and Ganci, G.: A mathematical perspective on the formalization of risk mitigation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13528,, 2023.

EGU23-13903 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV9.1

Volcano hazard monitoring at Mount Etna: the 2022 case study 

Annalisa Cappello, Giuseppe Bilotta, Gaetana Ganci, and Francesco Zuccarello

Combining field measurements, satellite estimates and numerical modeling provide great advantages for the continuous monitoring of effusive eruptions. Here we demonstrate the potential of a new integrated monitoring system called HOTFLOW developed for Etna volcano, which is based on the CL-HOTSAT thermal monitoring system for the processing of satellite imagery and GPUFLOW model for the simulation of lava flows. The potential of HOTFLOW is demonstrated here using the ongoing eruption of Mount Etna started on November 27, 2022. We provide insights into lava flow field evolution by supplying detailed views of flow field construction (e.g., the opening of ephemeral vents) that are useful for more accurate and reliable forecasts of the eruptive activity. Moreover, we give a detailed chronology of the lava flow activity based on field observations and satellite images (i.e. SEVIRI, MODIS, Landsat 8/9, Sentinel-2, Planetscope, Skysat), assess the potential extent of impacted areas, map the evolution of lava flow field, and provide lava flow hazard projections. 

How to cite: Cappello, A., Bilotta, G., Ganci, G., and Zuccarello, F.: Volcano hazard monitoring at Mount Etna: the 2022 case study, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13903,, 2023.

The San Bartolo eruption is the last flank eruption occurred at Stromboli volcano about 2 ka ago on the NE flank of the island. Despite its importance in being the most recent example of flank activity outside the barren Sciara del Fuoco slope, where the recent activity concentrated, some important volcanological data, such as the duration and lava volume have not yet been provided. Here, we present a new simulation of the San Bartolo eruption carried out using a combination of field analyses and numerical modelling. In particular, we used the CL-HOTSAT satellite monitoring system to estimate the effusion rate and erupted volume of the 2002-03 eruption, which formed a similar lava flow field extending from about 600 m in elevation to the coast. These were used as input of the physics-based model GPUFLOW to reproduce the emplacement dynamics of the San Bartolo lava flow. The aim is to reconstruct the sequence of events and infer a possible duration and impact of the eruption. Our results can provide a useful scenario should a flank eruption occur in the future, a possibility that was close to happening in 1998, when the ground deformation stations revealed a lateral intrusion in the shallow supply system of the volcano.

How to cite: Ganci, G., Bilotta, G., Cappello, A., and Calvari, S.: The San Bartolo lava flow field, Stromboli volcano, Italy: Simulation of the most recent historic flank eruption (2 kyr) affecting the inhabited area aimed at hazard assessment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14042,, 2023.

EGU23-15614 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV9.1 | Highlight

Comparison between a 20-year terrestrial and satellite gravity data at Mt. Etna volcano (Italy). 

Luca Samperi, Ailin Pereira, Filippo Greco, Daniele Carbone, Danilo Contrafatto, Alfio Alex Messina, Luca Mirabella, Maria Cristina Pacino, and Ayelén Pereira

Gravity measurements are increasingly used for high-precision and high-resolution Earth investigation. Recent times highlight the intention to combine both terrestrial and satellite data in order to reach higher accuracy for several purposes such as geological structures determination and geoid models construction.

Here we present results of a comparison between a twenty-year (2002-2022) relative and absolute gravity data collected through the Microg LaCoste FG5#238 absolute gravimeter (AG), in the framework of repeated measurements in one station at about 1750 m above sea level and the satellite gravity data provided by CNES/GRGS RL05 Earth gravity field models, from GRACE and SLR data.

The comparison allows to estimate the long-term correlation between the two dataset and a remarkably good fit was found in the long-term trend, revealing gravity changes most likely due to hydrological and volcanological effects.

Our study shows how the combination of terrestrial and satellite data can be used to obtain a fuller and more accurate picture of the temporal characteristics of the studied processes. The combined use of these dataset results crucial especially in a harsh, unsteady and changing environment as well as the Etna volcano.

How to cite: Samperi, L., Pereira, A., Greco, F., Carbone, D., Contrafatto, D., Messina, A. A., Mirabella, L., Pacino, M. C., and Pereira, A.: Comparison between a 20-year terrestrial and satellite gravity data at Mt. Etna volcano (Italy)., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15614,, 2023.

EGU23-15785 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV9.1

Deep Learning for volcanic risk assessment 

Claudia Corradino, Simona Cariello, Federica Torrisi, Eleonora Amato, Vito Zago, and Ciro Del Negro

The large amount of lava outflows during effusive eruptions can cause profound morphological changes, affecting both the natural and inhabited environment, destroying buildings, agricultural fields and important infrastructures such as roads, power lines, aqueducts and even modified the coastline. The ongoing demographic congestion around volcanic structures increases the potential risks and costs that lava flows represent and leads to a growing demand for implementing effective risk mitigation measures. Therefore, it is important to assess the elements at risk in volcanic areas to establish the mitigation actions to reduce the lava flow risk. Risk management for volcanoes is not just an emergency response to save lives but is also important in terms of economic loss. However, the collection of data regarding exposed elements surrounding the volcanoes is a lengthy and time-consuming process but utilizing the satellite images together with several machine learning techniques helps address this goal. We propose a cloud based platform in Google Colab using Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) classifiers to automatically assess the elements at risk by exploiting freely available high spatial resolution satellite images. This procedure allows to get an updated map of elements at risks in volcanic areas worldwide and will allow to routinely update the exposure map and thus risk map. In fact, up-to-date risk maps are fundamental to reaching the optimal decision in case of any hazard and crisis and can help us add or delete critical zones around the volcano. Using the freely available Sentinel 2-Multispectral Instrument (MSI) images and deep learning models, we aim to test the LULC applicability to a variety of volcanic areas whilst comparing the performances of two Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architectures, namely VGG16 and ResNET50.

How to cite: Corradino, C., Cariello, S., Torrisi, F., Amato, E., Zago, V., and Del Negro, C.: Deep Learning for volcanic risk assessment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15785,, 2023.

EGU23-15787 | ECS | Posters virtual | GMPV9.1

Modelling lahars at Merapi (Indonesia) and Rainier (USA) volcanoes using Titan2D and LAHARZ computer models 

Tanvi Chopra and Joaquín Cortés

Lahars are a type of volcanic hazard that can have devastating impacts on surrounding environments and communities. They are difficult to predict and study, making them particularly dangerous. In order to better understand the extent and potential impacts of lahars, this study utilizes digital simulations and GIS technology to model lahar activity at Mount Merapi in Indonesia and Mount Rainier in the United States.

The study employs the use of two computer codes, Titan2D and LAHARZ, to generate visual outputs for GIS systems. Titan2D is used to model near volcano hazards, such as pyroclastic density currents, using a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of the volcano. These outputs are then remobilized as lahars and extended along valleys using LAHARZ, resulting in outputs that mimic real-life scenarios.

Both Mount Merapi and Mount Rainier are located near densely populated settlements and have the potential to generate lahars, indicating a possibility for significant hazards. Using a 30-metre DEM and varying parameters, this study simulates lahars of varying volumes ranging from 125,000 m3 to 16,000,000 m3 in order to identify the extent of the hazard in multiple scenarios.

Both Titan2D and LAHARZ have been tested individually by researchers in the past and have been found to accurately recreate past events. This study tests their combined use as a tool for producing hazard maps viewable in GIS, which can aid in hazard prediction and analysis. The resulting hazard maps for both Mount Merapi and Mount Rainier are found to be comparable to existing hazard maps for these volcanoes, suggesting that the combination of Titan2D and LAHARZ is an effective tool for hazard analysis.

How to cite: Chopra, T. and Cortés, J.: Modelling lahars at Merapi (Indonesia) and Rainier (USA) volcanoes using Titan2D and LAHARZ computer models, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15787,, 2023.

EGU23-15945 | Posters virtual | GMPV9.1

An Artificial Intelligence-based platform for volcanic hazard monitoring 

Ciro Del Negro, Eleonora Amato, Simona Cariello, Claudia Corradino, Federica Torrisi, and Vito Zago

Satellite remote sensing data are suitable to monitor global scale volcanic hazards in an efficient and timely manner. The development of monitoring systems which automatically collect and process satellite data is crucial during a volcanic crisis. The huge amount of multispectral satellite data available requires new approaches capable of processing them automatically and artificial intelligence (AI) addresses these needs. Machine learning, a type of AI in which computers learn from data, is gaining importance in volcanology. The combination of ML algorithms and satellite remote sensing in volcano monitoring has the potential of analyzing global data in near real-time for mapping and monitoring purposes. Here, an AI-based platform was developed to monitor in near real-time the volcanic activity from space. AI algorithms are used to retrieve information about the ongoing volcanic activity. Under this perspective, a key role is played by ML since it overcomes the issues related to hard coded/explicit rules by implicitly learning them from historical satellite data. Volcanic eruptions are then fully characterized in terms of their energy release, e.g. volcanic radiative power (VRP), effusive rate, quantification of the erupted products, i.e. volume, spatial extension, volcanic cloud composition. This task is achieved by combining a variety of freely available satellite datasets, i.e. infrared (IR) data with different spatial, temporal and spectral features.  In particular, both a geostationary satellite sensor, i.e. SEVIRI (Spinning Enhanced Visible and InfraRed Imager, on board Meteosat satellites), and several mid-high spatial resolution polar satellite sensors, e.g. MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer, on board Terra and Aqua satellites), VIIRS (Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite, on board the Suomi-NPP and NOAA-20 satellites), SLSTR (Sea and Land Surface Temperature Radiometer, on board Sentinel-3A and Sentinel-3B satellites), MSI (MultiSpectral Instrument, on board Sentinel-2), are adopted. We demonstrate the potential of this web-based satellite-data-driven platform during the recent eruptive events on Stromboli and Etna. 

How to cite: Del Negro, C., Amato, E., Cariello, S., Corradino, C., Torrisi, F., and Zago, V.: An Artificial Intelligence-based platform for volcanic hazard monitoring, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15945,, 2023.

EGU23-16305 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV9.1

On Artificial Intelligence-based emulators of physical models to forecast the evolution of lava flows 

Vito Zago, Eleonora Amato, Simona Cariello, Claudia Corradino, Federica Torrisi, and Ciro Del Negro

Timely forecasting of the evolution of lava flows is one of the key elements for assessing volcanic hazards. Lava flows are among the main hazardous phenomena during an effusive eruption, due to the possibility to reach urban areas and cause damage to infrastructure. Physical-mathematical models can be used to estimate the dynamics of a fluid or the fluid-solid interactions, in particular for the case of lava flows. However, high fidelity models require long execution times and large computational resources. Recently, artificial intelligence (AI) has been adopted to emulate physics-based models and deliver similar results, speeding up the simulations. We will discuss the possibility to use AI-based approaches to emulate highly complex numerical models used to simulate the spatio-temporal evolution of lava flows. Analyzing and treating the formal mathematical aspects of the models under analysis, we will verify and validate the models using test cases associated with the main features of lavas, discussing the accuracy and the performance offered by the two approaches.

How to cite: Zago, V., Amato, E., Cariello, S., Corradino, C., Torrisi, F., and Del Negro, C.: On Artificial Intelligence-based emulators of physical models to forecast the evolution of lava flows, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16305,, 2023.

During an effusive eruption a key aim for volcanologists is to predict both the area covered by active lavas as a function of time, and ultimately, when the eruption ends and the hazard associated with the flows subsides. Over the last 50 years, quantitiate methods for foreacasting lava flow length have been developed, some empirical, others deterministic, and the sophistication of these models has increased markedly in recent years with the advent of cost effective distributed computing (i.e. cloud processing) and other technological innovations and advances, such as General Purpose Graphical Processing Units.

At its simplest, a lava flow not limited by supply from the vent flows downhill and eventually cools enough that it becomes too stiff to be ‘pulled’ downhill any further, at which point it stops flowing. The more rapidly the lava exists the vent, the greater the distance from the vent lava can extend before this solidication threshold is crossed. Lava flow simulations require information about the effusion rate, as well as the rate at which the lava loses heat to its surroundings, using this information to estimate when the rheological criteria for flow cessation are met. The simulations also need to know something of the underlying topography, so they know which way ‘downhill’ actually is.

Lava effusion rate, cooling rate, and (even) the underlying topography all vary in time during an eruption, at all temporal scales. Repeated measurements, across the entire flow, are required to resolve these important parameters, and remote sensing (beit from space or the air) has been shown able to do this, with varying degreees of success.

In this presentation, we will review how satellite measurements of lava flows have been used to drive (and validate) simulations of lava flow hazards.

How to cite: Wright, R.: Integrating satellite measurements into lava flow hazard predictions: a review, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17017,, 2023.

EGU23-17117 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV9.1

Volcano-seismic event classification using wavelet scattering transforms 

Patrick Laumann, Nishtha Srivastava, Wei Li, and Georg Ruempker

To learn more about the physical processes related to volcanic activity, more and more data from extensive networks of seismic stations is being collected and analyzed. Conventionally, this data is identified and classified manually – a labor-intensive and time-consuming process. Here, we propose a classification method based on the clustering of wavelet scattering transforms of the volcanic events, which are embedded into a lower dimensional space, using t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE). Wavelet scattering is chosen because of its advantageous properties, such as the invariance of the representation, the high information content, and its stability. For clustering, the spectral clustering method is used. By embedding the data to a pre-trained t-SNE scaffolding a supervised classification method is also possible. For classification, a simple k-nearest neighbor-classifier is used. The method is tested on events from the Llaima volcano in Chile, under supervised and also unsupervised conditions. These lead to promising results with a classification accuracy of 97% in the unsupervised and 99% in the supervised case, respectively.

How to cite: Laumann, P., Srivastava, N., Li, W., and Ruempker, G.: Volcano-seismic event classification using wavelet scattering transforms, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17117,, 2023.

Volcanic clouds are a major hazard to air traffic, public health, infrastructure, and economic sectors. Therefore, monitoring and tracking volcanic clouds and determining eruptive source parameters (e.g., erupted volume, plume height, mass eruption rate) is crucial to characterizing eruption dynamics and assessing associated natural hazards.
A literature review is proposed in this study to understand better how Earth Observation (EO) satellite sensors are used to monitor, track, and model ash and SO2 during volcanic eruptions, ranging from optical (multispectral, hyperspectral, and LiDAR) to radar and thermal data. This review seeks to characterize the different sensors algorithms and models, their accuracy, advantages, and limitations. A systematic literature review was carried out to accomplish this goal utilizing the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) standard. To the best of the author's
knowledge, it is the first systematic literature review fully dedicated to satellite Remote Sensing-based approaches (RS) to monitor, track and model volcanic cloud monitoring, prediction, and forecasting methods.
The review was performed on academic papers on the Web of Science to find relevant scientific publications on volcanic cloud monitoring, published from January 1 st , 2010, to September 30 th , 2022. The search parameters used were keywords chosen based on the review topic. They were combined as follows: "Volcanic cloud" OR "Volcanic plume" OR "Volcanic Column" AND "Ash plume" OR "Ash cloud" OR "plume" AND "Remote Sensing" OR "Satellite" AND "Monitoring" AND "Eruptive Source Parameters" OR "SO2 mass Flux" OR "SO2 Flux". From this search, 84 papers were chosen, the selection was based on the use of satellites to detect and monitor volcanic clouds, model and forecast, and combining both approaches in order to estimate the eruptive source parameters. This work assesses the state of the art in satellite remote sensing across the globe to identify and comprehend the major gaps, constraints, and prospective advancements in the sensors, algorithms, and models.

How to cite: Mota, R., Gil, A., and Pacheco, J.: Detecting, monitoring and modeling volcanic clouds with EarthObservation (EO) satellites data: a systematic review, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17439,, 2023.

EGU23-17559 | Orals | GMPV9.1

The TEC-GNSS analysis of the paroxysmal eruptive activity of Mt.Etna 

Federico Ferrara, Alessandro Bonforte, Michela Ravanelli, and Andrea Cannata

The ionosphere is a region of the upper atmosphere (50-1000 km a.s.l.) characterized by free electrons and ions produced mainly by solar radiations (UV, X) and subordinately by cosmic radiations (RAVANELLI, 2021). It’s a very sensitive plasma to energy variations, mostly the F2 layer (240-400 km a.s.l.) that is a region of maximum ionization with an electron density of 10 6 e - /cm 3 . For this reason, the ionosphere (in particular the F region) can be seen as a field of remote sensing monitoring from which to extrapolate various informations by the natural systems that make up our planet.
About this, solid Earth (e.g. litoshpere, internal structure) and fluid Earth (e.g. idrosphere, atmosphere) are two open systems that exchange energy continuously. It means that big dynamic processes (e.g. plate tectonics, genesis of magmas) can release amounts of energy, in the form of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and correlate phenomena (e.g. tsunami), capable to perturb the earth’s matter at every aggregation state and up to planetay scale with propagation of gravity-acoustic waves. In this field, the ionospheric volcanology is a targered discipline for the study of the effects that great volcanic eruptions (VEI > 3-4) cause to Total Electron Content (TEC) in the ionosphere (F2 level) through propagation of internal gravity waves (0.1 – 2 mHz) and acoustic waves (2 – 10 mHz). The study of the TEC’s variations caused by strong geodynamic events represents a new approach with which to contribute to implementation of the monitoring and research systems in order to mitigate the volcanic and seismic risks.
The method consists to extrapolate the temporal variations of TEC during the volcanic activity period by RINEX and navigational data GNSS registered by RING (Rete Integrata Nazionale GNSS) and local GPS networks. By the way, others outputs can be derived from TEC series such as spectrograms and hodocrones in order to better understand the evolution of the electron activity in ionosphere excited by the volcanic eruption. This study method is applied for some paroxysmal eruptive activities of Mt.Etna analyzing and comparing the volcanological data with TEC outputs. The latter have been processed with VARION (Variometric Approach for Real-time Ionosphere Observation) algorithm, designed within the Geodesy and Geomatics Division of Sapienza University of Rome in 2015. VARION is based on single time differences of geometry-free combination of GNSS carrier-phase measurements, using a standalone GNSS receiver and standard GNSS broadcast products (orbits and clocks correction) that are available in real time. One of the goals to be pursued in the Research is to comprehend the differences between eruptive mechanisms capable to generate gravity waves rather acoustic waves, and how such mechanisms may depend by physical-geometric features of the plumbing system of the volcano and by chemical-physical features of the magma and its amount of gas.

How to cite: Ferrara, F., Bonforte, A., Ravanelli, M., and Cannata, A.: The TEC-GNSS analysis of the paroxysmal eruptive activity of Mt.Etna, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17559,, 2023.

EGU23-2364 | ECS | Orals | GMPV8.5

Measuring volcanic ash optical properties with high-spectral resolution infrared sounders: role of refractive indices 

Alexandre Deguine, Lieven Clarisse, Hervé Herbin, and Denis Petitprez

Hyperspectral infrared sounders like IASI are used to track and quantify volcanic ash in the atmosphere. The retrieval process of physical quantities like particle radius and mass depends critically on the assumed spectrally dependent complex refractive indices that are used. Traditionally, the Pollack et al. (1973) dataset were used almost exclusively. These indices are however based on measurements of rock slabs and in recent years two datasets have become available from laboratory measurements of ash in suspension, the Reed et al. (2018) and Deguine et al. (2020) dataset. In this work, we compare for the first time the three most important datasets of CRI with respect to the three most common ash types (basaltic, andesitic and rhyolitic). The results show significant influence of the dataset used on the retrieved physical quantities. When it comes to basaltic and andesitic ash, both the Deguine and Reed samples outperform Pollack in terms of able to reconstruct the satellite observed spectra. However, all datasets overestimate the extinction near 1250 cm−1, which could possibly be related to the lack of sensitivity of spectrometers (water vapour continuum) leading to a poor signal over noise ratio in this spectral region. While this is not a guarantee that the retrieved quantities are closer to the physical reality, being able to reconstruct the observed spectra is a prerequisite of constructing a consistent physical model. Finally, a case study on the 7 May 2010 plume of the Eyjafjallajokull eruption is presented. For this case study, the differences are found to be mostly related in retrieved altitudes. It is clear that while the availability of CRI based on ash suspended in air is an important milestone, a lot of further research is needed to strengthen the theoretical basis of infrared retrievals of volcanic ash. A comprehensive database of reliable in-situ measurements of volcanic clouds would in this perspective be most welcome.

A. Deguine, D. Petitprez, L. Clarisse, S. Gudmundsson, V. Outes, G. Villarosa, and H. Herbin, “Complex refractive index of volcanic ash aerosol in the infrared, visible, and ultraviolet,” Applied Optics, vol. 59, no. 4, p. 884, jan 2020.

J. B. Pollack, O. B. Toon, and B. N. Khare, “Optical properties of some terrestrial rocks and glasses,” Icarus, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 372–389, jul 1973.

B. E. Reed, D. M. Peters, R. McPheat, and R. G. Grainger, “The complex refractive index of volcanic ash aerosol retrieved from spectral mass extinction,” Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 123, no. 2, pp. 1339–1350, jan 2018.

How to cite: Deguine, A., Clarisse, L., Herbin, H., and Petitprez, D.: Measuring volcanic ash optical properties with high-spectral resolution infrared sounders: role of refractive indices, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2364,, 2023.

Volcanic eruptions used to cause huge disasters which usually bring about many fatalities and property damages, especially a big city near the volcanoes. The Taipei metropolitan city is located at the foot of Tatun Volcano Group (TVO), which has been identified as an active volcano. Meanwhile, several volcanic islands are distributed in the offshore of northern Taiwan, which may be the active volcanoes. Thus, the past eruptive behaviors and mechanisms, characteristics of products, volcanic history and activity, etc.

Based on the field observations, geomorphologic analyses, characteristics of ejecta, as well as the cases of world volcanoes, the explosive craters distributed in both sides of Chihsingshan volcano were produced by the phreatic eruption. Generally, two models of phreatic eruption have been proposed. One is a deeper hydrothermal system fed by magmatic gases being sealed and produces overpressure sufficient to drive explosive eruptions, and the other where magmatic gases are supplied via open-vent degassing to a near-surface hydrothermal system, vaporizing liquid water which drives the phreatic eruptions. The mechanism of Chihsingshan phreatic eruption is similar to the type I, which has hydrothermal reservoir underneath the volcano. Comparing other types of phreatic eruption in the world, for example, Mt. Ontake (Japan)、Inyo Craters (USA) and Tarawera Rift (New Zealand), they have similar common characteristics, (i) occurred in rifting conditions, (ii) heat source from magma intruded along the faults, (iii) had water body, such as groundwater, lakes or hydrothermal fluids, etc. near the conduit of magma. The geology and mechanism of phreatic eruption in the Chihsingshan volcano is more or less similar to the 2014 phreatic eruption of Mt. Ontake, Japan.

How to cite: Song, S.-R.: Characteristics of Latest Eruption in the Tatun Volcano Group, North Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3795,, 2023.

EGU23-4626 | ECS | Orals | GMPV8.5

A millennial-scale tephra event-stratigraphic record of the South China Sea since the penultimate interglacial 

Deming Kong, Weijia Feng, jiawen Yang, Chuang Bao, and Min-Te Chen

Large volcanic eruptions have significant impacts on climate and environmental changes. The deposition of tephra in marine sediments may serve as an eruption recorder, but it has not been extensively studied in the western Pacific. This study explored a millennial-scale tephra event-stratigraphy with multiple indicators in a sediment core collected from the eastern South China Sea (SCS) basin. The magnetic susceptibility (MS), Fe and Mn concentration determined by X-ray fluorescence (XRF), and identification of individual ash particles were used to identify tephra layers and reconstruct the history of volcanic activity. Nine visible volcaniclastic units (VVU) and two cryptotephra layers have been identified based on their distinct features, as manifested by high MS, Fe, and Mn concentrations, and single-peak grain size distribution. The VVUs and cryptotephra layers reveal elevated volcanic activities. Using the radiocarbon age model and oxygen isotope stratigraphy, these episodes could roughly correspond to the following periods: 1-11 ka, 16-17 ka, 27-31 ka, 41-42 ka, 45-46 ka, 49-50 ka, 77-80 ka, 90-91 ka, 97-99 ka, 116-126 ka, and 132-140 ka. The alkenone-derived SST has significant glacial cycles and good synchronicity with other SCS SST records, which could partially help build the preliminary age model. Despite possible age errors larger than 1 kyr, the discovery and timing of tephra layers provide a preliminary framework to further investigate the impact of historical volcanic eruptions on climate changes.

How to cite: Kong, D., Feng, W., Yang, J., Bao, C., and Chen, M.-T.: A millennial-scale tephra event-stratigraphic record of the South China Sea since the penultimate interglacial, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4626,, 2023.

Volcanic sulfur dioxide (SO2) is a gaseous precursor that is transformed into secondary sulfate aerosols (SO42-) by several intricate chemical and physical atmospheric processes. It is currently unclear how quickly sulfate aerosols are produced in volcanic plumes, particularly in tropospheric plumes. We jointly analyze Aura/OMI SO2 observations to constrain the sulfur-rich emissions and identify the volcanic plume dispersion pattern as well as multi-angle, multi-wavelength, and polarizing PARASOL/POLDER-3 observations that are particularly sensitive to fine mode particles to gain a better understanding of the lifecycle of volcanic sulfate aerosols. The GRASP/Component[1] (Generalized retrieval of Aerosol and Surface Properties) algorithm gives us details about the soluble and insoluble aerosol components in both fine and coarse modes based on their complex refractive indices in addition to standard optical characteristics. In order to provide insight into SO2 to particle conversion rate, we analyze the degassing of the Kilauea volcano (Hawaii, USA) between 2006 to 2012, which includes periods of passive and eruptive degassing.

We demonstrate that Kilauea SO2-rich pixels from OMI measurements are broadly collocated with poorly-absorbing fine aerosol-rich pixels from POLDER measurements (fine AOD (440nm) ranging from 0.1 to 0.4, SSA (440nm) ranging from 0.95 to 1.0). We show that these volcanic particles also differ from long-distance transported man-made and natural fine-absorbing particles seen across the Kilauea domain from the Asian region in terms of their absorption characteristics. We, therefore attribute these fine mode particles to sulfate aerosols that result from the conversion of Kilauea SO2 emissions.

In comparison to SO2-rich plumes, Kilauea aerosol-rich plumes have a significantly wider spread and are characterized by an excess anomaly in fine AOD and high SSA values. Irrespective of the degassing strength, a pattern consistent with the oxidation of SO2 to secondary sulfate aerosols is observed where the SO2 concentration gradually drops with plume dispersion while the fine AOD gradually increases, peaking at a distance of around 800–3000 km from the Kilauea source. Depending on the intensity of volcanic activity, the season, and enduring local meteorological conditions, different time scales for oxidation of SO2 and geographical dispersion of the Kilauea aerosol plumes are observed. We conducted additional analysis on the coarse AOD and coarse components to look for ash signals inside the plume. Furthermore, the complex refractive index of Kilauea particles, retrieved by the GRASP/Component algorithm, indicates an imaginary part (0.003-0.005) that is slightly higher than that of volcanic basaltic ash, as determined by laboratory experiments, while the real part (1.49-1.52) lies well in between pure sulfate (1.40-1.46) and basaltic ash (1.56-1.63). These refractive index values imply that Kilauea particles are not pure sulfate aerosols but instead contain some spectrally absorbing elements that may point to the existence of fine ash or sulfate-coated ash particles within the plume.

[1] Li, L., Dubovik, O., Derimian, Y., Schuster, G. L., Lapyonok, T., Litvinov, P., Ducos, F., Fuertes, D., Chen, C., Li, Z., Lopatin, A., Torres, B., and Che, H.: Retrieval of aerosol components directly from satellite and ground-based measurements, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19, 13409–13443, 13409-2019, 2019.

How to cite: Panda, S. R., Boichu, M., Derimian, Y., Dubovik, O., and Behera, A. K.: Insight into the conversion of SO2 to sulphate aerosols in volcanic plumes from the joint analysis of hyperspectral OMI and multi-angular polarimetric POLDER satellite observations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5423,, 2023.

EGU23-7027 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV8.5

First archive of extensive N-fixation by volcanic lightning and implications for the prebiotic Earth 

Adeline Aroskay, Erwan Martin, Slimane Bekki, Joël Savarino, Jean-Luc Le Pennec, Abidin Temel, Nelida Manrique, Rigoberto Aguilar, Marco Rivera, and Sophie Szopa

On Earth, most of the nitrogen (N) accessible for life is trapped in dinitrogen (N2), which is the most stable atmospheric molecule. In order to be metabolised by living organisms, N2 has to be converted into assimilable forms, also called fixed N. Nowadays, nearly all the N-fixation is achieved through biological and anthropogenic processes. However, in early environments of the Earth, before the emergence of life, N-fixation must have occurred via natural abiotic processes. Electrical discharges, including from thunderstorms and also lightning associated with volcanic eruptions is one of the most invoked processes. The occurence of volcanic lightning during explosive eruptions is frequent, and convincing laboratory experimentations support the role of this phenomenon, however no evidence of substantial N-fixation has been found in volcanic records.
Here we report on the discovery of large amounts of nitrates in volcanic deposits from Neogene caldera-forming eruptions, which are well correlated with the concentrations of species directly emitted by volcanoes such as sulphur and chlorine. The multi-isotopic composition (δ18O, Δ17O) of the nitrates reveals that they originate from the atmospheric oxidation of nitrogen oxides formed by volcanic lightning that occur during the eruption. According to these volcanic nitrate records, our first estimates suggest that about 60 Tg of N can be fixed during a large explosive event. Our findings hint at a unique role potentially played by subaerial explosive eruptions in supplying essential ingredients for the emergence of life on Earth.

How to cite: Aroskay, A., Martin, E., Bekki, S., Savarino, J., Le Pennec, J.-L., Temel, A., Manrique, N., Aguilar, R., Rivera, M., and Szopa, S.: First archive of extensive N-fixation by volcanic lightning and implications for the prebiotic Earth, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7027,, 2023.

EGU23-7268 | ECS | Orals | GMPV8.5

Dispersion modeling of the volcanic sulfur dioxide plumes from the simultaneous eruptive activity of Stromboli and Mt Etna on 28 August 2019 

Giuseppe Castorina, Agostino Semprebello, Alessandro Gattuso, Francesco Italiano, Giuseppe Salerno, Pasquale Sellitto, and Umberto Rizza

During the summer of 2019, both Mt. Etna and Stromboli volcanoes in Sicily were in the stage of no ordinary activity. Mt. Etna was featured by mild strombolian activity from the summit South East Crater producing a moderate SO2–ash rich plume 4 km above sea level (asl). Meanwhile, at 120 km far from Etna, on 3 July and 28August, the ordinary and typical mild explosive eruptive activity of Stromboli was interrupted by two paroxysms. Both events were characterized by pyroclastic flows and consistent emission of ash–SO2 rich plume, which spread up to height of 5–6 km asl.
In this work, we explored the spatial dispersion of the volcanic plumes released by both Mt. Etna and Stromboli on August 28 by employing the Weather Research and Forecasting Chemistry (WRF–Chem) model. The simulation was specifically configured and run by considering the time-variable Eruptive Source Parameters (ESPs) related to the SO2 flux data for Stromboli and Mount Etna observed from ground by the FLAME DOAS scanning spectrometers network.
In order to assess the predictive performance of the WRF–Chem model, the simulated SO2 dispersion maps were compared with data retrieved on 28 August from TROPOMI and OMI sensors onboard Sentinel–5p and Aura satellites. The results show a good agreement between WRF–Chem and satellite data. In fact, the simulated total mass of the emitted SO2 from the two volcanoes has the same order of magnitude as the satellite data. However, for the case of Stromboli, the total SO2 mass predicted by the WRF–Chem simulation is underestimated; this is likely due to inhibition of the real syn-eruptive SO2 detection by FLAME due to the extreme ash–rich volcanic plume released during the paroxysm.
In conclusion, the results of these two test–cases demonstrate the feasibility of WRF–Chem model with a time-variable ESPs in reproducing different levels of volcanic SO2 and their dispersion into the atmosphere. For these reasons, our approach could represent an effective support for the assessment of local–to-regional air quality and flight security and, in case of particularly intense events, also on a global scale.

How to cite: Castorina, G., Semprebello, A., Gattuso, A., Italiano, F., Salerno, G., Sellitto, P., and Rizza, U.: Dispersion modeling of the volcanic sulfur dioxide plumes from the simultaneous eruptive activity of Stromboli and Mt Etna on 28 August 2019, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7268,, 2023.

EGU23-7369 | ECS | Orals | GMPV8.5 | Highlight

The evolution and dynamics of the sulfate aerosol plume in the stratosphere after the exceptional Tonga eruption of 15 January 2022 

Clair Duchamp, Bernard Legras, Pasquale Sellitto, Aurélien Podglajen, Elisa Carboni, Richard Siddans, Jens-Uwe Grooss, Felix Ploeger, and Sergey Khaykin

We use a combination of seven space-borne instruments to study the unprecedented stratospheric plume after the Tonga eruption of 15 January 2022.

The aerosol plume was initially formed of two clouds at 30 and 28 km mostly composed of submicron-sized sulfate particles, without ashes washed-out within the first day following the eruption. The large amount of injected water vapour led to a fast conversion of SO2 to sulfate aerosols and induced a descent of the plume to 24-26 km over the first 3 weeks by radiative cooling. Whereas SO2 has returned to background levels by the end of January, volcanic sulfates and water still persisted after 6 months, mainly confined between 35°S and 20°N until June due to the zonal symmetry of the summer stratospheric circulation at 22-26 km. Sulfate particles, undergoing hygroscopic growth and coagulation, sediment and gradually separate from the moisture anomaly entrained in the ascending branch Brewer-Dobson circulation. Sulfate aerosol optical depths derived from the IASI infrared sounder show that during the first two months the aerosol plume was not simply diluted and dispersed passively but rather organized in concentrated patches. Space-borne lidar winds suggest that those structures, generated by shear-induced instabilities, were associated with vorticity anomalies that may have enhanced the duration and impact of the plume.

Reference: ACP Highlight, DOI: 10.5194/acp-22-14957-2022

How to cite: Duchamp, C., Legras, B., Sellitto, P., Podglajen, A., Carboni, E., Siddans, R., Grooss, J.-U., Ploeger, F., and Khaykin, S.: The evolution and dynamics of the sulfate aerosol plume in the stratosphere after the exceptional Tonga eruption of 15 January 2022, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7369,, 2023.

EGU23-7516 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV8.5

Rapid gas measurements in volcanic plumes with UAVs: online and offline measurements of various trace gases with light UAVs 

Niklas Karbach, Bastien Geil, Jonas Blumenroth, Heiko Bozem, Christian von Glahn, Peter Hoor, Nicole Bobrowski, and Thorsten Hoffmann

To protect people and infrastructures in the immediate vicinity of active volcanoes, monitoring the gas composition of the emitted plume is crucial. In order to react quickly to sudden changes in this composition, frequent measurements are key, as different ratios like the halogen/sulfur or the CO2/SO2 ratio can give hints on changing volcanic activity due to their different solubility in magma.   

However, monitoring the chemical composition of the volcanic plume is not an easy task, especially since stationary ground-based gas monitoring stations do not always measure the concentration in the plume, only under certain meteorological conditions, and remote sensing methods are not available for all gases of interest. In this case, human interaction is required to move the measurement equipment to the location of interest, which is close to the active vent. Not only does this pose a serious health risk, it is also burdensome, as the researcher must climb the volcano, take the measurements, climb back down, and analyze the results. This lengthy procedure can be sped up and facilitated by using lightweight drones to take the measurements. Sensors and various other instruments, such as miniaturized alkaline traps or impregnated syringe filters that employ an electrophilic addition to a double bond to selectively absorb halogen species in the oxidation states -1, ±0 and +1, can be mounted on the drone and controlled via a radio link to a ground station. The online results can then be used during the flight to locate the plume to ensure efficient sampling with the absorbers. The landing site of the drone is usually located far away from active vents, which significantly reduces health hazards and speeds up the process.

This poster presents such a drone with its advanced sensor system and absorbers for the determination and quantification of CO2, SO2, acidic gases and halogen species and its deployment during a measurement campaign on Etna in July 2022.

How to cite: Karbach, N., Geil, B., Blumenroth, J., Bozem, H., von Glahn, C., Hoor, P., Bobrowski, N., and Hoffmann, T.: Rapid gas measurements in volcanic plumes with UAVs: online and offline measurements of various trace gases with light UAVs, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7516,, 2023.

EGU23-8281 | Posters on site | GMPV8.5

A case study of two simultaneous extreme aerosol events in the Mediterranean: The Mount Etna series of eruptions and major Saharan dust event in February 2021 

Pasquale Sellitto, Giuseppe Salerno, Stefano Corradini, Irène Xueref-Remy, Aurélie Riandet, Clémence Bellon, Sergey Khaykin, Gerard Ancellet, Simone Lilli, Ellsworth J. Welton, Antonella Boselli, Alessia Sannino, Juan Cuesta, Henda Guermazi, Maxim Eremenko, Luca Merucci, Dario Stelitano, Lorenzo Guerrieri, and Bernard Legras

During the extended activity of Mount Etna volcano in February-April 2021, three distinct paroxysmal events took place from 21 to 26 February, which were associated with a very uncommon transport of the injected upper-tropospheric plumes towards the north. A major Saharan dust outbreak to central Europe occurred in the same period. Using a synergy of observations and modelling, we characterise the three-dimensional dispersion of these volcanic plumes and we disentangle their optical and radiative signature from the simultaneous Saharan dust transport. In the region of interest for our study, the volcanic and the dust plumes remain completely vertically-separated, thus facilitating the detection and spatiotemporal characterisation of the dispersion, properties and radiative impacts of these two different aerosol plumes, using vertically-resolved observations. With a satellite-based source inversion, we estimate the emitted sulphur dioxide (SO2) mass at an integrated value of 55 kt and plumes injections at up to 12 km altitudes, which qualifies this series as an extreme event for Mount Etna activity spectrum. Then, we combine Lagrangian dispersion modelling, initialised with measured temporally-resolved SO2 emission fluxes and altitudes, with satellite observations to track the dispersion of the individual volcanic and dust plumes. The general transport towards the north allowed the height-resolved downwind monitoring of the volcanic and dust plumes at selected observatories in France, Italy and Israel, using LiDARs and photometric aerosol observations. A specific effort has been dedicated to the characterisation of the volcanic aerosol plumes. Volcanic-specific aerosol optical depths in the visible spectral range ranging from about 0.004 to 0.03 and local daily average shortwave radiative forcing ranging from about -0.2 to -1.2 W/m2 (at the top of atmosphere) and from about -0.2 to -3.0 W/m2 (at the surface) are found. The composition (possible presence of ash), aerosol optical depth and radiative forcing of the volcanic plumes has a large inter- and intra-plume variability and thus depend strongly on the position of the sampled section of the plumes. The dust optical depth and radiative impact largely outweigh volcanic aerosols when the two plumes are co-located, for this event. This case study points at the complexity of the Mediterranean aerosol environment and pave the way to future studies at longer timescales, exploiting the available observational and modelling capabilities and their synergies.

How to cite: Sellitto, P., Salerno, G., Corradini, S., Xueref-Remy, I., Riandet, A., Bellon, C., Khaykin, S., Ancellet, G., Lilli, S., Welton, E. J., Boselli, A., Sannino, A., Cuesta, J., Guermazi, H., Eremenko, M., Merucci, L., Stelitano, D., Guerrieri, L., and Legras, B.: A case study of two simultaneous extreme aerosol events in the Mediterranean: The Mount Etna series of eruptions and major Saharan dust event in February 2021, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8281,, 2023.

EGU23-8559 | ECS | Orals | GMPV8.5

Laki 1783-84 AD tephra linked mercury enrichment in peat at Brackloon Wood, Mayo, Ireland. 

Lucy Blennerhassett and Dr. Emma Tomlinson

Mercury is a significant volcanic volatile species from effusive and explosive activity1. Understanding its emission to the atmosphere from volcanic activity, aids our understanding of the global mercury cycle and its environmental impacts. Sedimentary and ice core records can be archives of these mercury enrichments2,3.

The Laki 1783-84 AD fissure eruption in Iceland was significant due to its voluminous outpouring of basaltic lava, copious sulphur emissions and widespread environmental effects locally and across the Northern Hemisphere4,5. Extreme weather events were recorded in Europe and North America, owing to a veil of sulphur dioxide that remained at the tropopause for over a year5. Due to the phreatomagmatic and thus explosive nature of Laki, a significant eruption plume was produced4. As such, cryptotephra shards have been located at distal locations from Iceland including ice cores in Svalbard and Greenland6,7 and in an Irish woodland peat at Brackloon Wood, Co. Mayo8. There is evidence to suggest significant heavy metal emission to the atmosphere during the Laki eruption, however these records are currently restricted to Greenland ice cores9. Previous heavy metal findings linked to Laki do not include mercury, despite its significance as a volcanic volatile, and a potentially environmentally damaging heavy metal. Therefore, to expand our knowledge of the Laki 1783-84 AD eruption plume, its associated emissions, and environmental consequences we returned to the woodland peat site in Brackloon Wood, Co. Mayo, Ireland.

Analysis of a 50 cm peat core using an AMA 254 mercury analyser was combined with a novel technique to find tephra using BSE (back scattered electron) imaging and geochemical discrimination using SEM-EDX (scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive x-ray). The Laki tephra is successfully located using this method and coincides with a visible enrichment in mercury relative to background concentrations and organic matter. An age-depth model developed using the tephra layer and two radiocarbon dates indicate a strong likelihood that such enrichments are a product of volcanic emission. Such a finding can expand our understanding of heavy metal deposition during Laki 1783-84 AD away from the poles and to our knowledge, demonstrates the first direct exploration of mercury enrichment in distal peat for this eruption. As a secondary test of volcanic volatile enrichment, trace element analysis of the same bulk peat will be conducted to explore enrichments in other volcanic volatiles such as sulphur, cadmium, lead, copper and zinc.


1. Pyle, D. M. & Mather, T. A. Atmos. Environ. 37, 5115–5124 (2003).

2. Schuster, P. F. et al.,. Environ. Sci. Technol. 36, 2303–2310 (2002).

3. Roos-Barraclough, F. et al.,. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 202, 435–451 (2002).

4. Thordarson, T. & Self, S. Bull. Volcanol. 55, 233–263 (1993).

5. Thordarson, T. & Self, S., J. Geophys. Res 108, 4011 (2003).

6. Kekonen, T. et al., Polar Res. 24, 33–40 (2005).

7. Wei, L. et al., Geophys. Res. Lett. 35, L16501 (2008).

8. Reilly, E. & Mitchell, F. J., Holocene 25, 241–252 (2015).

9. Hong, S. et al., Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 144, 605–610 (1996).


How to cite: Blennerhassett, L. and Tomlinson, Dr. E.: Laki 1783-84 AD tephra linked mercury enrichment in peat at Brackloon Wood, Mayo, Ireland., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8559,, 2023.

EGU23-9128 | Posters on site | GMPV8.5

Ground-based volcanic ash detection with low-cost sensors – a case study at the 2021 Cumbre Vieja eruption 

Jose Pacheco, Diogo Henriques, Sérgio Oliveira, Alexandra Moutinho, Fátima Viveiros, Diamantino Henriques, Pedro Hernández, and Nemesio Pèrez

The Tajogaite eruption of Cumbre Vieja volcano, in 2021, was a basaltic fissure eruption characterised by a variety of eruptive styles ranging from the predominantly strombolian activity, to lava fountaining, ash emission and effusive activity. The eruption lasted nearly 3 months, produced an extensive lava field and about 45.106 m3 of tephra. Although its intensity varied throughout the entire duration of the eruption, the eruptive plume had a typical height of about 3500 m asl and reached a maximum of 8500 m asl just hours before the end of the eruption, on the 13th of December. Ash is, therefore, a significant hazard to consider not only during the eruption, but also on the post-eruption phase.

To measure ash in the air around the volcano, during the last stage of the eruption and the following weeks, an experiment was devised based on a proximal network of several ground-based low-cost sensors, measuring suspended particulate matter (PM10, PM2.5) concentration, air temperature, and relative humidity.

The results showed that, during the documented period, the daily mass concentration of particulate matter in the air reproduced the peak on the eruptive column high at the end of the eruption. After the eruption several significant resuspension events were detected simultaneously in several stations; in addition, after the eruption, a major event of “calima” dust intrusion largely exceeded all recorded eruptive events. Overall, even after the eruption, the 24-hour average exposure to PM2.5 surpassed the guidelines of the World Health Organization.



This work was partially funded by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, under project SONDA - Synchronous Oceanic and Atmospheric Data Acquisition (PTDC/EME-SIS/1960/2020) and INTERREG MAC under the project VOLRISKMAC-II - Fortalecimiento de las capacidades de I+D+i para el desarrollo de la resiliencia frente a emergencias volcánicas en la Macaronesia.

How to cite: Pacheco, J., Henriques, D., Oliveira, S., Moutinho, A., Viveiros, F., Henriques, D., Hernández, P., and Pèrez, N.: Ground-based volcanic ash detection with low-cost sensors – a case study at the 2021 Cumbre Vieja eruption, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9128,, 2023.

EGU23-9143 | Orals | GMPV8.5

Quantifying volcanic gas emission rates from infrasound and SO2 cameras: potentials, limitations, and volcanological implications. 

Dario Delle Donne, Giorgio Lacanna, Marcello Bitetto, Giacomo Ulivieri, Maurizio Ripepe, and Alessandro Aiuppa

Volcanic degassing, a persistent manifestation of active volcanoes, provides crucial information on the dynamics of the magmatic feeding systems, and allows identifying the phases of volcanic unrest in the runup to volcanic eruptions. While thus determining volcanic degassing rates is a central topic in modern Volcanology, direct volcanic gas flux observations by classic spectroscopic techniques are challenged by (i) the need of adequate illumination (by sunlight) and clear weather conditions (ii) difficulties in robustly estimating plume speed velocity and transport direction, and (iii) a variety of optical and radiative transfer issues. Because of these, volcanic gas flux records are often sparse and incomplete, and affected by intrinsic noise that may prevent from fully resolving the gas emission changes associated with changing volcanic activity. To overcome such limitations, measuring the infrasound produced by the expansion of over-pressurized volcanic gas in the atmosphere, using infrasonic arrays, offers as a promising alternative/complementary tool to quantify and locate degassing at active volcanoes. Here, we report on 2-year long (April 2017—March 2019) period of combined measurements of the SO2 flux and of volcano-acoustic emissions produced by regular mild persistent strombolian activity and passive degassing of Stromboli Volcano (Sicily, Italy). These were obtained by a permanent monitoring SO2 camera and a five-element short-aperture (~300 m) infrasonic array. Our results highlight substantial temporal changes in degassing activity, that reflect the recurrent episodes of activations/inactivation of multiple distinct degassing sources within the crater area, as coherently tracked by SO2 and infrasound together. A simple waveform modeling of the infrasonic record, assuming a monopole acoustical source, suggests that infrasonic degassing, comprising of explosive events and continuous puffing activity, dominates the total persistent degassing budget as tracked by the SO2 camera.

How to cite: Delle Donne, D., Lacanna, G., Bitetto, M., Ulivieri, G., Ripepe, M., and Aiuppa, A.: Quantifying volcanic gas emission rates from infrasound and SO2 cameras: potentials, limitations, and volcanological implications., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9143,, 2023.

Sulfate aerosols are a primary driver of climate impacts during and following volcanic eruptions and form from erupted SO2 gas. However, the amount of SO2 that is delivered to the stratosphere is not clearly related to the amount dissolved in the magma (the ‘sulfur excess problem’). Therefore, magma properties and eruption magnitude are not necessarily predictive of climate impacts from eruptions, which is exacerbated by the as-yet unknown importance of the insulated, hot transport pathway. During a magnitude 6 explosive volcanic eruption there is up to 100 seconds of transport between the magma fragmentation depth – where volcanic ash is formed and the mixture accelerates – and the Earth’s surface. Here, we present a numerical implementation of a theoretical framework which predicts the rapid reactions between gases and volcanic ash in this transport interval, which include: (1) iron oxidation state changes; (2) SO2 uptake via calcium sulfate surface crystallization; (3) HCl uptake via NaCl surface crystallization; and (4) incipient nanolite crystallization that may be related to (1). In all cases, these processes are rate-limited by a suite of diffusive exchanges between the ash bulk and surface, for which our model solves. To demonstrate the upscaled importance of these processes, we couple our models to volcanic plume simulations (using a 1991 Pinatubo baseline simulation), and output the bulk SO2 that can be captured by ash. We find that depending on the source parameters of the eruption, anywhere between 30 and 100 wt.% of the total erupted SO2 can be removed from the plume gas and captured by ash. This effectively changes the sink of SO2 from the stratosphere to the hydrosphere, as CaSO4 crystals are soluble and ultimately wash into the environment following ash deposition. We propose that these hot sulfur scrubbing processes may be crucial in mediating SO2 delivery to the atmosphere, and therefore may explain much of the complexities associated with correlating eruption magnitude with climate impacts in the recent past or back into the Last Glacial period.

How to cite: Vasseur, J., Wadsworth, F., Paine, A., and Dingwell, D.: Hot volcanic ash filters eruptive SO2 during hot transport in conduits and the lower plume: A predictive model with implications for the climate impacts of volcanic eruptions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11407,, 2023.

EGU23-11832 | Orals | GMPV8.5

Remote SO2 flux by UV and TIR ground based cameras at Sabancaya volcano (Peru), cross comparison and validation with satellite data 

Stefano Corradini, Giuseppe Salerno, Robin Campion, Lorenzo Guerrieri, Luca Merucci, and Dario Stelitano

During the 14th IAVCEI Field Workshop held in Peru from 6 to 14 November 2022, SO2 plume measurements were carried out remotely in the volcanic plume of Sabancaya volcano. Sabancaya is an active stratovolcano located in southern Peru (15.787°S, 71.857°W), Sabancaya’s first historical record of an eruption dates to 1750 and the most recent eruption began in November 2016. Volcanic activity consist of rhythm vulcanian explosions, which produce a gas-ash rich plumes which rose few km above the summit terrace. On 10 and 11 November 2022, side-by-side observation by UV and TIR ground-based cameras were remotely carried out with the object to observe the passive and active SO2 burden from the volcanic plume of Sambacaya. Two UV cameras systems were employed observing the volcanic plume at 2- and 5-seconds time steps and calibrating SO2 amounts by coupling SO2 DOAS inverted column densities ad and SO2-quartz cell amounts. The TIR camera (named VIRSO2) is a novel system developed for the detection of volcanic plumes, the estimation of the height and the determination of columnar content and the SO2 flux. It allows acquisition of high frequency data both during the day and at night. It is equipped with 3 cameras, two broadband TIR (7-14 micron) and a VIS, capable of acquiring data simultaneously. For the quantitative estimation of SO2, an 8.7 μm filter is installed in front of one of the TIR camera. Retrieved cameras products were cross-compared and validated in order to determinate limit an uncertainty of both methods and results were also compared with those obtained by S5p-TROPOMI instrument.

Preliminary results show a feasible strength between the three ground and space-based techniques. Within the uncertainties of each method, differences between inverted SO2 column densities and emission rates arise from field of view geometrical sampling set-up and radiative transfer. Results gathered in this study prove the promising application of ground-based TIR in volcanic plume SO2 observation.

How to cite: Corradini, S., Salerno, G., Campion, R., Guerrieri, L., Merucci, L., and Stelitano, D.: Remote SO2 flux by UV and TIR ground based cameras at Sabancaya volcano (Peru), cross comparison and validation with satellite data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11832,, 2023.

EGU23-12069 | ECS | Orals | GMPV8.5

Explicit simulation of volcanic eruption plumes in atmospheric models: first results and implications 

Sascha Bierbauer, Gholam Ali Hoshyaripour, Julia Bruckert, Daniel Reinert, and Bernhard Vogel

Explosive volcanic eruptions emit large amounts of solid and gaseous materials into the atmosphere, thereby affect weather and climate and pose hazards to human health and aviation. To constrain those impacts it is important to understand dynamical, microphysical and chemical evolution of the eruption plumes. Especially the density of a plume and atmospheric conditions control the dynamical development of an eruption plume. To simulate those plumes correctly the flow field has to be described as a multi-constituent multiphase flow system. This is realized in eruption plume models but not in the conventional atmospheric models. The latter neglect the partial density of ash particles in relation to total air mass and cannot treat for the effect of ash particles on dynamics during simulations. To overcome this limitation, we use a modified version of ICOsahedral Nonhydrostatic model with Aerosols and Reactive Trace gases (ICON-ART) in which we extended the existing equation set. This version of ICON-ART can consider a source of total mass during the eruption as well as a mass sink due to sedimentation of ash and other constituents. The mass source is accounted by an additional source term for total density, and the mass sink is accounted by implementing the lower boundary condition of the vertical velocity at the surface. This leads to a conserved dry air mass and changing total air mass, which affects dynamics and is crucial for handling multiphase flows correctly. Additionally, a momentum forcing as well as a temperature forcing cause the strong updraft within the plume region.

We simulated the real case of the Raikoke eruption in 2019 in a LES-mode for more detailed investigations of the plume. In this experiment, in addition to ash, we also emit water vapor which might lead to an additional upward motion in the convective plume region due to latent heat release when clouds develop. The results show that the model is able to reproduce the observed plume geometry vertically and horizontally. Moreover, we simulated gravity waves that developed during the eruption around the volcano. In combination with microphysics and aerosol dynamics, the new implementations in ICON-ART enable detailed investigations of volcanic plume development across scales.

How to cite: Bierbauer, S., Hoshyaripour, G. A., Bruckert, J., Reinert, D., and Vogel, B.: Explicit simulation of volcanic eruption plumes in atmospheric models: first results and implications, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12069,, 2023.

EGU23-13755 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV8.5

Inversion techniques on volcanic emissions and the use for quantitative dispersion modeling: The case of Etna eruption on 12 March 2021 

Anna Kampouri, Vasilis Amiridis, Ondřej Tichý, Nikolaos Evangeliou, Stavros Solomos, Anna Gialitaki, Eleni Marinou, Antonis Gkikas, Emmanouil Proestakis, Simona Scollo, Luca Merucci, Lucia Mona, Nikolaos Papagiannopoulos, and Prodromos Zanis

Modeling the dispersion of volcanic particles released during explosive eruptions is crucially dependent on the knowledge of the source term of the eruption and the source strength as a function of altitude and time. Forecasting volcanic ash transport is vital for aviation but rather inaccurate for quantitative predictions of the fate of volcanic particle emissions. Here we demonstrate an inverse modeling framework that couples the output of a Lagrangian dispersion model with remote sensing observations to estimate the emission rates of volcanic particles released from the Etna eruption. We use an inversion algorithm (Tichy et al., 2020) where the distance between the model and observations is optimized under the assumption that the source term is either sparse or smooth. The Bayesian formalism allows the algorithm to estimate these characteristics together with the source term itself and thus normalize the inversion problem. This methodology uses source receptor relationships as an input from the FLEXPART (flexible particle dispersion) model constrained by ground-based Lidar measurements and satellite observations of SO2 and ash emissions. The case study analyzed here refers to the Etna eruption on 12 March 2021, with the volcanic plume being well captured by the lidar measurements of the PANGEA observatory located at Antikythera island in southwest Greece. A dense aerosol layer, suspending in the height range between 7.5 and 12.5 km (19:30 - 21:30 UTC), has been captured by the PollyXT lidar. For the inversion simulations, we also use data acquired by the Spin-stabilised Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI) instrument, mounted on the Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) geostationary satellite. The aforementioned observations serve as a priori source information to estimate the volcanic ash and SO2 source strength, depending on altitude and time, coupled with the output of the FLEXPART model. Our results are efficient for real-time application and could supply ash forecasting models with an accurate estimation of the mass rate of very fine ash during explosive eruptions. Improved forecasts of the dispersed volcanic plumes following the suggested inverse modeling framework would then allow for more effective emergency preparedness for aviation to ensure safety during volcanic eruptions.


This research was also supported by the following projects: ERC grant D-TECT (agreement no. 725698); EU H2020 E-shape project (Grant Agreement n. 820852); PANCEA project (MIS 502151) under the Action NSRF 2014-2020, co-financed by Greece and the European Union. The research was supported by data and services obtained from the PANhellenic Geophysical Observatory of Antikythera (PANGEA) of the National Observatory of Athens (NOA), Greece. O. Tichy was supported by the Czech Science Foundation, grant no. GA20-27939S.


Tichy, O.; Ulrych, L.; Smidl, V.; Evangeliou, N.; Stohl, A. On the tuning of atmospheric inverse methods: comparisons with the European Tracer Experiment (ETEX) and Chernobyl datasets using the atmospheric transport model FLEXPART, Geosci. Model Dev. (2020), 13, 5917-5934.

How to cite: Kampouri, A., Amiridis, V., Tichý, O., Evangeliou, N., Solomos, S., Gialitaki, A., Marinou, E., Gkikas, A., Proestakis, E., Scollo, S., Merucci, L., Mona, L., Papagiannopoulos, N., and Zanis, P.: Inversion techniques on volcanic emissions and the use for quantitative dispersion modeling: The case of Etna eruption on 12 March 2021, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13755,, 2023.

EGU23-14820 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV8.5

Pattern of volcanic degassing at open-vent volcanoes using TROPOMI SO2 time-series from COBRA retrievals 

Jordi Van Mieghem, Hugues Brenot, Benoît Smets, and Nicolas Theys

Sensitive and accurate detection of SO2 from remote sensing is essential to monitor volcanic degassing. The main objective of this study is to understand the dynamics of SO2 gas emissions at open-vent volcanoes between major eruptive events, using Sentinel-5P TROPOMI-based SO2 measurements.

Time-series of SO2 mass are analysed at 10 open-vent volcanoes (Ambrym, Erebus, Erta Ale, Kilauea, Masaya, Nyamuragira, Nyiragongo, Stromboli, Villarica, Yasur) using a newly developed TROPOMI SO2 product generated by the Covariance Based Retrieval Algorithm (COBRA; Theys et al., 2021). Compared to the current operational SO2 TROPOMI product (which uses the Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy technique), the COBRA dataset has improved performances and reduce both the noise and bias on the data, allowing a more refined study of degassing from open-vent volcanoes.

Time-series have been obtained for SO2 emissions over a period from 2018 to early 2023. For the 10 selected persistently active volcanoes, the SO2 behaviours are analysed and compared, showing cyclic and sporadic variations, as well as peaks of emission when a flank or major eruption occur. Patterns in SO2 time-series during and between major eruptive events are discussed to assess the potential use (and limitations) of these measurements as a tool for early warning and volcanic crisis management.


Theys, N., Fioletov, V., Li, C., De Smedt, I., Lerot, C., McLinden, C., Krotkov, N., Griffin, D., Clarisse, L., Hedelt, P., Loyola, D., Wagner, T., Kumar, V., Innes, A., Ribas, R., Hendrick, F., Vlietinck, J., Brenot, H., Van Roozendael, M. (2021). A sulfur dioxide Covariance-Based Retrieval Algorithm (COBRA): application to TROPOMI reveals new emission sources. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21(22), 16727-16744.

How to cite: Van Mieghem, J., Brenot, H., Smets, B., and Theys, N.: Pattern of volcanic degassing at open-vent volcanoes using TROPOMI SO2 time-series from COBRA retrievals, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14820,, 2023.

EGU23-15216 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV8.5

Trace element transport processes in volcanic gases 

Celine Mandon and Andri Stefansson

Despite our perception of gold as a shiny precious metal, a small amount of gold is actually transported by magmatic gases and emitted in the atmosphere at most volcanoes on Earth. This gaseous transport is made possible by the very nature of volcanic gases: high-temperature non-ideal water vapor-dominated mixture of gases, also containing other major constituents such as sulfur, carbon dioxide and halogens. This combination allows for volatile transport of virtually all elements from the periodic table, through the formation of gaseous compounds between trace elements and major gas species. However, the complexity of volcanic gases also makes them difficult to apprehend; little is known on the solubility and behavior of trace elements. Moreover, the gas composition varies from one volcano to another, while changes in pressure and temperature occur between gas exsolution from the magma and emission at the surface. Interactions between the gas phase and surrounding rocks and fluids can furthermore affect volcanic gases on their way to the surface. In this work, we explore the transport processes controlling the abundance of trace elements in volcanic gases. We use major and trace element composition from fumarolic gases from Vulcano, Italy sampled over a 14-year period and during both background emissions and unrest. We also work with a compilation of high-temperature gas compositions, from fumaroles and volcanic plumes, from various tectonic settings. This data is then used for thermochemical calculations using the HSC Chemistry software. We will explore the factors that affect the trace element transport in volcanic gases, such as 1) cooling of the gas from the exsolution temperature to the emission temperature at the surface, 2) pressure decrease from the depth of exsolution to atmospheric pressure, 3) composition of the gas and therefore ligand availability, 4) transport rate and its effect on mineral deposition from the gas.

How to cite: Mandon, C. and Stefansson, A.: Trace element transport processes in volcanic gases, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15216,, 2023.

EGU23-15716 | Posters on site | GMPV8.5

Tephrochronology and geochemical correlation of Middle Pleistocene distal tephra deposits in Armenia 

Edmond Grigoryan, Khachatur Meliksetian, Hripsime Gevorgyan, Ivan Savov, Gevorg Navasardyan, Marina Bangoyan, and Tatevik Boyakhchyan

Widespread volcanism played significant role in geological history of Anatolian-Armenian-Iranian orogenic plateau formed as a result of continental collision of Arabian and Eurasia. Among diverse chemical compositions and eruption styles, reported for volcanoes of Armenian highlands, noteworthy are distal tephra fallout deposits and voluminous ignimbrite shields resulted from violent explosive volcanic eruptions with VEI estimations ranging form 4 to 6. Obviously, such eruptions had significant impact on climate, human occupation and migrations in the entire region and provide insights to volcanic hazards in the region.  One difficulty in the identifying and studying explosive eruptions during Pleistocene, is that many tephra fallout deposits are not preserved in the geologic records, since unconsolidated deposits erode rapidly, particularly in mountain topography. In Armenia, there is a sparse geologic record of tephra fallouts, except where these deposits are preserved beneath pyroclastic flows, which presumably occurred very soon after tephra deposition. Such tephra deposits, are known in Armenia in underlying ignimbrite units related to activity of Aragats stratovolcano (Gevorgyan et al., 2018), beneath Ani ignimbrite in western part of Armenia and activity of Irind and Pemzashen volcanoes. Alternatively, tephra deposits can be preserved if layers are rapidly covered by loess deposits or colluvium deposits or landslides shortly after the eruption and tephra deposition occurs. Such conditions are known for distal tephra fall deposits from Ararat volcano in Ararat depression and in NE Armenia near Ijevan. A big number of finds of  Paleolithic stone tools, and resent achievements in studying Paleolithic archeology in south Caucasus region provide evidences of early human occupation in the territory of south Caucasus.  This contribution  aims to fill gaps in our knowledge of distal tephra layers identified in Armenia, namely in  north-east, south and central parts of Armenia.  New data based on detailed geochemical investigations and 40Ar/39Ar age determinations of distal tephra layers originated from violent explosive eruptions, reported in this study, can contribute to establish chronostratigraphic horizons as marker layers for paleoclimate and archaeological records during Middle-Upper Pleistocene in the entire region. Tephra layers preserved in Pleistocene sedimentary sequences in Armenia provide important information about these violent explosive eruptions that are significant for the geological evolution and the human geography of the entire region.

How to cite: Grigoryan, E., Meliksetian, K., Gevorgyan, H., Savov, I., Navasardyan, G., Bangoyan, M., and Boyakhchyan, T.: Tephrochronology and geochemical correlation of Middle Pleistocene distal tephra deposits in Armenia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15716,, 2023.

EGU23-1248 | Orals | GMPV8.6

The influence of water-saturation on the strength of volcanic rocks and the stability of lava domes 

Michael Heap, Claire Harnett, Jamie Farquharson, Patrick Baud, Marina Rosas-Carbajal, Jean-Christophe Komorowski, Marie Violay, Albert Gilg, and Thierry Reuschlé

The rocks forming a volcano are typically saturated or partially-saturated with liquid. However, most experiments aimed at better understanding the mechanical behaviour of volcanic rocks have been performed on dry samples, and therefore most large-scale models designed to explore volcanic stability have used parameters representative for dry rock. We present a combined laboratory and modelling study in which we (1) quantify the influence of water on the mechanical behaviour of variably altered dome rocks from La Soufrière de Guadeloupe (Eastern Caribbean) and (2) use these new laboratory data to investigate the influence of water on dome stability. Our laboratory data show that the ratio of wet to dry uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) and Young's modulus are ~0.95–0.30 and ~1.00–0.10, respectively. In other words, the rocks were all weaker when saturated with water. We also find that the ratio of wet to dry UCS decreases with increasing alteration (the wt% of secondary minerals). Micromechanical modelling suggests that the observed water-weakening is the result of a decrease in fracture toughness (KIC) in the presence of water. We also find that the ratio of wet to dry KIC decreases with increasing alteration, explaining why water-weakening increases with alteration. To explore the influence of water saturation on dome stability, we numerically generated lava domes using the experimental data corresponding to dry unaltered and altered rock, in Particle Flow Code. The strength of the dome-forming rocks was then reduced to values corresponding to wet conditions. Our modelling showed that, although the stability of the unaltered dome was not influenced by water saturation, large displacements were observed for the altered dome. Additional modelling in which we modelled a buried alteration zone within an unaltered dome showed that higher displacements were observed when the dome was water saturated. We conclude that (1) the presence of water reduces the UCS and Young's modulus of volcanic rock, (2) larger decreases in UCS in the presence of water are observed for altered rocks, and (3) large-scale dome stability modelling suggests that the stability of a dome can be compromised by the presence of water if the dome is altered or contains an altered zone. These conclusions highlight that the degree of alteration and water saturation should be monitored at active volcanoes worldwide, and that large-scale models should use values for water-saturated rocks when appropriate.

How to cite: Heap, M., Harnett, C., Farquharson, J., Baud, P., Rosas-Carbajal, M., Komorowski, J.-C., Violay, M., Gilg, A., and Reuschlé, T.: The influence of water-saturation on the strength of volcanic rocks and the stability of lava domes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1248,, 2023.

The Quaternary east (EEVF) and west Eifel volcanic fields consist of hundreds of distributed scoria cone and explosive maar-diatreme volcanoes fed from reservoirs in the upper mantle and lower crust. Uplifting of the larger EVF region of up to 2 mm/yr is resolved today with modern GNSS and InSAR processing, and the distribution of deformation rates correlate with seismic anomalies and topography at Moho level. The EEVF developed additionally explosive volcanic centres, with a VEI 6 Plinean eruption at the Laacher See volcano (LSV) only 13,000 years ago. The LSV is the second youngest silicic-carbonatitic magma system in the world, with CO2-rich melt erupting from a long-lived (>30.000 years) zoned silicic reservoir at a depth of 5-6 km. The phonolitic centres are today characterised by high CO2 fluxes, fossil CO2-driven diatremes and short-term short wavelength uplift and subsidence. Deep low-frequency earthquakes have been observed beneath the LSV since 2013, suggesting a channel-like connection between the upper mantle and the suspected LSV reservoir, through which magmatic volatiles and possibly fresh melts could migrate upwards.

As a uniquely accessible site in central Europe, the Eifel is a prime location to study the transcrustal magma system of intraplate distributed volcanic fields and their appearance in seismological and geodetic data. Therefore, in September 2022 we started a large-scale field experiment with more than 350 temporary seismological stations (Eifel Large-N) complementing the permanent seismic networks, a 100 km long dark fibre DAS campaign for a period of three months, and further densified the network of continuous GNSS and multiparameter stations at the LSV. We report on pre-studies to design the Large-N experiment, the logistical and technical approach to handle the network and data, and show first examples for selected earthquakes, local noise conditions and ambient noise correlations.

How to cite: Dahm, T. and the Eifel Large-N team: A large-N passive seismological experiment to unravel the structure and activity of the transcrustal magma system of the Eifel Volcanic Field, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2590,, 2023.

EGU23-2969 | Posters on site | GMPV8.6

Probing the 4D evolution of active magmatic systems through magnetotelluric monitoring 

Graham Hill, Max Moorkamp, Yann Avram, Colin Hogg, Kati Mateschke, Sofia Gahr, Adam Schultz, Esteban Bowles-Martinez, Jared Peacock, Gokhan Karcioglu, Chaojian Chen, Corrado Cimarelli, Luca Carrichi, and Yasuo Ogawa

Detection of geophysical signatures associated with a geologic event, such as a volcanic eruption, is key to understanding the underlying physical processes and making an accurate hazard assessment. Magma reservoirs are the main repositories for eruptible magma, and understanding them requires the ability to detect and interpret changes in the magmatic system from surface measurements. Traditionally, monitoring for these changes has been done with seismic and geodetic approaches, both of which require dynamic ‘active’ changes within the magmatic system. Seismic monitoring relies on the number and location of earthquakes, to indicate magma migrating within the magmatic system. In contrast, geodetic efforts rely on identifying ground inflation events which have traditionally been interpreted to represent recharge of magma from a deep parental source into shallower crustal reservoirs. Neither of these techniques is sensitive to the petrology or temperature of the magma though. Thus, additional monitoring techniques able to detect ‘static’ phase changes in the evolving magma and the thermal structure of the magma reservoir are needed. The magnetotelluric method, measures subsurface electrical properties and is sensitive to both ‘magma on the move’ and these petrological changes that occur within the magma reservoir itself. Using Mount St Helens where a detailed magnetotelluric survey was completed during the most recent dome building eruptive phase 2005-06, and is now in a period of quiescence, we compare the original measurements from 2005-06 to repeated measurements in the same locations in 2022 to develop the temporal analysis approaches required for monitoring application. In addition to the repeat campaign we have deployed 4 long-term monitoring stations with continuous data observation and telemetry to local servers. First, qualitative, comparisons of the data from different time periods indicate some significant changes in subsurface conductivity. We will present an overview of the newly acquired data and the monitoring setup and discuss where the most significant changes occur.

How to cite: Hill, G., Moorkamp, M., Avram, Y., Hogg, C., Mateschke, K., Gahr, S., Schultz, A., Bowles-Martinez, E., Peacock, J., Karcioglu, G., Chen, C., Cimarelli, C., Carrichi, L., and Ogawa, Y.: Probing the 4D evolution of active magmatic systems through magnetotelluric monitoring, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2969,, 2023.

EGU23-3158 | ECS | Orals | GMPV8.6

How topographic changes influenced infrasound amplitude during Mt. Etna’s 2021 lava fountains 

Adriana Iozzia, Leighton Watson, Massimo Cantarero, Emanuela De Beni, Giuseppe Di Grazia, Gaetana Ganci, Jeffrey B Johnson, Eugenio Privitera, Cristina Proietti, Mariangela Sciotto, and Andrea Cannata

Over the last 20 years, infrasound signals have been used to investigate and monitor active volcanoes during eruptive and degassing activity. In particular, infrasound amplitude information has been used to estimate eruptive parameters such as plume height, magma discharge rate and lava fountain height. Active volcanoes are characterized by pronounced topography and, during eruptive activity, the topography can change rapidly, affecting the observed infrasound amplitudes. While the interaction of infrasonic signals with topography has been investigated by several authors over the past decade, the impact of changing topography on the infrasonic amplitudes has not yet been explored. In this work, the infrasonic signals accompanying 57 lava fountain paroxysms at Mount Etna (Italy) during 2021 were analyzed. In particular, the temporal and spatial variations of the infrasound amplitudes were investigated. During 2021, significant changes in the topography around the most active crater (the South-East Crater) took place and were reconstructed in detail through unoccupied aerial system surveys. Through analysis of the observed infrasound signals and numerical simulations of the acoustic wavefield, we demonstrate that the observed spatial and temporal variation in the infrasound signals can be explained by the combined effects of changes in the location of the acoustic source and changes in the near-vent topography. This work demonstrates the importance of accurate source locations and high-resolution topographic information, particularly in the near-vent region where the topography is most likely to change rapidly. Changing topography should be considered when interpreting local infrasound observations over long time-scales.

How to cite: Iozzia, A., Watson, L., Cantarero, M., De Beni, E., Di Grazia, G., Ganci, G., Johnson, J. B., Privitera, E., Proietti, C., Sciotto, M., and Cannata, A.: How topographic changes influenced infrasound amplitude during Mt. Etna’s 2021 lava fountains, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3158,, 2023.

EGU23-3565 | Posters on site | GMPV8.6

MACIV: a new project on multiscale seismic imaging of Massif Central (France) focusing on recent intraplate volcanism 

Anne Paul and Aurélien Mordret and the MACIV Team (1, 2, 3, 4)

Volcanic hazard is still an issue in the French Massif Central (FMC) because the last eruptions are dated 6700 yrs BP. Indeed, seismic bursts and geodetic uplift related to volcano-magmatic activity have recently been detected in the Eifel region (Germany), which belongs to the same European Cenozoic rift system as the FMC. However, geophysical knowledge of the sources of FMC volcanism is limited to the mantle-plume hypothesis, which dates from the last seismological experiment performed >30 years ago. To improve our knowledge on the deep structures of the FMC and the sources of volcanism, a multidisciplinary team of geophysicists, geologists, and volcanologists has set up the MACIV project, in a context of solid synergy with ongoing and future research initiatives in France and Europe (e.g. AdriaArray). Between 2023-2026, we will deploy several hundreds of seismic instruments in a multiscale configuration to probe the different scales and depths of the FMC volcanic systems with optimal spatial resolution. The entire FMC will be covered with broadband seismic stations in a 2-D array (spacing ~35 km) and three transverse profiles (spacing 5-20 km) for durations of 1.5-3 yrs. These arrays will provide information on the causes of mantle melting at depth, their links with the expression of volcanism at the surface, and the influence of Variscan and Cenozoic lithospheric structures. On a smaller scale, dense large-N arrays of ~650 short-period stations will provide images of the upper crust below the volcanoes and illuminate their plumbing systems. The enhanced earthquake detection power of the dense arrays will illuminate active faults and possible plumbing systems of the youngest volcanoes. The MACIV project will help better evaluate the volcanic hazard and provide a framework for a monitoring strategy scaled to a currently dormant volcanic province. The resulting seismological dataset will be used for years to come to yield essential information on intraplate volcanism.

How to cite: Paul, A. and Mordret, A. and the MACIV Team (1, 2, 3, 4): MACIV: a new project on multiscale seismic imaging of Massif Central (France) focusing on recent intraplate volcanism, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3565,, 2023.

EGU23-5035 | Posters on site | GMPV8.6

Monitoring underwater volcanic degassing using Exail (iXblue) SeapiX volumetric sonar 

Guillaume Jouve, Corentin Caudron, Guillaume Matte, Frédéric Mosca, Tehei Gauthier, and Mario Veloso

Volcanic gases are a main trigger of explosive eruptions, but the largest amounts are emitted through passive, non-eruptive, degassing during quiescence. It is thus necessary to accurately map bubble clouds, and to monitor their dynamics, to reduce volcanic risks.

Contrary to atmosphere, gases are easily detected in water column, particularly using hydro-acoustic methods (Vandemeulebrouck et al., 2000). Two pioneering studies have monitored gas venting into Kelud Crater Lake (Indonesia) from a hydroacoustic station shortly before a Plinian eruption in 1990 [1] and, nearly two decades later, by empirically quantifying CO2 fluxes using acoustic measurements in the same lake just before a non-explosive eruption [2]. However, despite hydroacoustic detection capabilities, fundamental advances are limited by technology performances. Overall acoustic detection of a bubble field is easy, while its quantification remains complex due to the 3D structure of clouds and the acoustic interactions between bubbles.

We present results from near-surface geophysics of sedimentary deposits and water column gas seepage at the Laacher See (Eifel, Germany), using Exail Seapix 3D multibeam echosounder & Echoes high-resolution sub-bottom profiler. Backscatter profiles of water column elements distinguish macrophytes, gas bubbles and fishes and highlight several bubble plumes. Target Strength (TS) of bubbles is centered around -70 dB, suggesting they are of very small size (35 μm), much smaller than observed elsewhere using single beam echosounders. This would explain why, in the same spot, we did not observe any gas bubbling using camera mounted on ROV. Recent measurements at the nadir of a gas flare, in static positioning, using the steerable mills cross multibeam capability of the SeapiX, offered a 4D observation of the gas bubbling. It also provided an equivalent TS of the bubbling we observed two years earlier. We will also present CO2 flow rates that were also extracted from backscatter of gas bubbling in 4D. These calculations are currently being constrained using different backscatter models and represent the last technical aspect before developing an efficient early warning system. Meanwhile, Echoes 10 000 provides high-resolution paleoenvironmental reconstruction using 3D modeling of remobilized materials, and gas diffusion through the sediment. Fusion of all geophysical data using Delph Roadmap allows 3D modeling of gas flare dynamic from 40m in sediment to water-atmosphere interface. Our scientific approach contributes to improve forecasting of volcanic and limnic eruptions and participates to improve early warning systems by constant collaborations with academic research.

[1] Vandemeulebrouck et al (2000) J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res 97, 1-4: 443-456

[2] Caudron et al (2012) JGR: Solid Earth 117, B5

How to cite: Jouve, G., Caudron, C., Matte, G., Mosca, F., Gauthier, T., and Veloso, M.: Monitoring underwater volcanic degassing using Exail (iXblue) SeapiX volumetric sonar, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5035,, 2023.

EGU23-5226 | Orals | GMPV8.6

Seismic background level growth can reveal slowly developing long-term eruption precursors – A case study at Kirishima volcano, Japan 

Mie Ichihara, Takao Ohminato, Kostas Konstantinou, Kazuya Yamakawa, Atsushi Watanabe, and Minoru Takeo

The accelerating growth of seismic unrest before eruptions has been observed at many volcanoes and utilized for eruption forecasts. However, there are still many eruptions for which no precursory unrest has been identified, even at well-monitored volcanoes. The recent eruptions of Shinmoe-dake, an active cone of Kirishima volcano, Japan, had been another negative example of this kind. Here we present seismological evidence that the eruption preparation had been ongoing at the shallow depths beneath Shinmoe-dake for several months to a year.

We investigated the seismic background level (SBL) of eleven-year data recorded around the volcano, including two stations about 1 km from the eruptive crater. We searched for persistent weak signals, focusing on low-amplitude time windows recorded during quiet nighttime. Then the spectra of daily background noise were classified by clustering analysis. The SBL analysis successfully revealed very weak precursory tremors from more than several months before the eruption, and residual tremors to the end of the eruptive period. The precursory signals grew acceleratory in a similar way as is assumed in the material failure forecast method applied to eruption forecasts. However, their growth was significantly slower and longer compared to previous cases. Such slow and quiet preparations would not be captured by conventional seismological methods but could be a common feature at volcanoes with developed hydrothermal systems. It is also noted that the SBL monitoring is potentially useful to judge the end of an eruption period. Further studies are necessary for clarifying the source locations and mechanisms of the SBL noise.

How to cite: Ichihara, M., Ohminato, T., Konstantinou, K., Yamakawa, K., Watanabe, A., and Takeo, M.: Seismic background level growth can reveal slowly developing long-term eruption precursors – A case study at Kirishima volcano, Japan, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5226,, 2023.

EGU23-5638 | ECS | Orals | GMPV8.6

Imaging the Magmatic Plumbing System beneath Askja Caldera, Iceland with Seismic Tomography 

Jifei Han, Nicholas Rawlinson, Tom Winder, Tim Greenfield, Robert White, and Bryndís Brandsdóttir

Askja caldera is a large central volcano located in the Northern Volcanic Zone in Iceland. It has experienced a number of eruptions in modern history with one of the largest taking place in 1875, from which tephra managed to travel as far as Germany. After its most recent erup- tion in 1961, GPS measurements have shown that deflation has continued since the 1970s, which may primarily be caused by the cooling of a magma body at a depth of around 2 km below sea level, as suggested by geodetic modelling. In ~September 2021, the Askja caldera switched from deflation to inflation. This has caused a lot of excitement in the seismology and volcano communities, with increased monitoring and data collection beginning in earnest in an attempt to better evaluate the progress and potential outcomes of this interesting phenomenon.

My study aims to image the magmatic plumbing system beneath the top ~10 km of the Askja caldera and the surrounding region using seismic tomography. The dataset consists of the first arrival picks of P- and S-waves from local earthquakes. The initial dataset is sourced from Greenfield et al. (2016), but additional picks from more recently collected data are also incorporated to enhance ray coverage. These arrival times are inverted using the FMTOMO package, which jointly constrains hypocenter location and 3-D Vp, Vs and Vp/Vs structure using an iterative non-linear approach, in which the forward problem of traveltime prediction is solved using the Fast Marching Method (Rawlinson et al., 2005).

The final tomographic results yield a variety of wavespeed anomalies that can be associated with the volcanic plumbing system. Of particular note is a low Vp, low Vs and high Vp/Vs anomaly at around 2 km depth below the caldera, a feature that has previously not been observed in seismic imaging results. A low wavespeed anomaly also connects the mid-crust with the surface below the edifice, which is consistent with the flux of melt through the crust. Synthetic checkerboard and spike tests indicate that these features are constrained by the data.


Rawlinson, N. and Sambridge, M. (2005). The fast marching method: an effective tool for tomographic imaging and tracking multiple phases in complex layered media. Exploration Geophysics, 36(4):341.

Greenfield, T., White, R. S., and Roecker, S. (2016). The magmatic plumbing system of the Askja central vol- cano, Iceland, as imaged by seismic tomography. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 121(10):7211– 7229.

How to cite: Han, J., Rawlinson, N., Winder, T., Greenfield, T., White, R., and Brandsdóttir, B.: Imaging the Magmatic Plumbing System beneath Askja Caldera, Iceland with Seismic Tomography, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5638,, 2023.

EGU23-5757 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV8.6

InSAR tropospheric corrections on Merapi using global weather models and local GNSS network 

Shan Gremion, Virginie Pinel, Fabien Albino, and François Beauducel

Merapi is a strato-volcano rising at 2900 m a.s.l, located on the South coast of Java island, Indonesia. Only 30 km north to the city of Yogyakarta (2 millions inhabitants), it is considered one of the most dangerous dome building stratovolcanoes, as summit domes almost continuously grow and destruct. Merapi is therefore closely and routinely monitored by InSAR (Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar) to track ground deformation. To retrieve ground deformation from the full wave path, the delay due to the radar wave crossing the atmosphere needs to be corrected. In the case of Sentinel-1, interferograms are mostly biased by the tropospheric variations. Tropospheric variations are expected to be stronger in tropical regions and where topographic gradient is high, which is the case at Merapi. They can be estimated thanks to various methods, including global weather models (ERA-5 and GACOS), a linear model regarding topography, and GNSS networks.

In this work, we compare the performance of atmospheric corrections derived from two weather-based models, ERA-5 and GACOS, and those derived from the empirical method based on a linear phase-elevation correlation. The aim is to evaluate the efficiency of each model in correcting this tropospheric bias. To this end, we choose to study a period between 2016 and 2018 during which no deformation occurred on the Merapi, so that most of the phase delays corresponds to tropospheric signals.

We use three criteria to evaluate the performance: i) the reduction of the standard deviation, ii) the reduction of the sill of the semi-variogram, iii) the slope reduction of the phase-elevation correlation. We show that corrections with ERA and GACOS are efficient on only half of the interferograms.

Finally, we also use the local network of 5 GNSS stations to rely on an independent dataset. We show there is a linear relation between the GNSS tropospheric delays and the global weather models delays. However, the GNSS network at Merapi is too small to provide an efficient correction on the whole volcanic edifice. For this reason, a similar workflow has been carried on the Piton de la Fournaise, Réunion island, using a wider GNSS network. The final aim of this study would be to implement a strategy on which the most suitable tropospheric model is chosen routinely based on the evaluation of the performance criteria to obtain atmospheric-free interferograms during volcanic unrest.

How to cite: Gremion, S., Pinel, V., Albino, F., and Beauducel, F.: InSAR tropospheric corrections on Merapi using global weather models and local GNSS network, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5757,, 2023.

EGU23-6328 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV8.6

Non-stationarity of volcanic tremor signals revealed by blind source separation and manifold learning 

René Steinmann, Léonard Seydoux, Michel Campillo, Nikolai Shapiro, Cyril Journeau, and Nataliya Galina

Volcanic tremors are one of many seismic signals recorded on volcanoes and are associated with different pre- and co-eruptive processes. Therefore, they are widely used in volcano monitoring. The properties of the tremor signals such as duration, spectral content, or intermittency are very variable, reflecting the possible different tremor source mechanisms. In many cases, several tremor-generating processes can act simultaneously resulting in overlapping signals in the seismogram. Despite their complex signal characteristics and different source mechanisms, volcanic tremors are either treated as one seismic signal class or as a set of seismic signal classes. With a scattering network, we can access the information conveyed by volcanic tremors, even in the presence of short-term impulsive signals. We apply blind source separation methods and manifold learning techniques to continuous seismograms recorded at the Klyuchevskoy Volcanic Group (Kamchatka, Russia) and reveal the underlying patterns in the time series data dominated by volcanic tremors. The data-driven descriptors of the year-long seismogram reveal an ever-changing tremor signal, challenging the division of the observed volcanic tremors into a few distinct classes. The results highlight the complexity and non-stationarity of the volcanic tremors, suggesting a non-stationary volcanic system. Relating the data-driven patterns to the different underlying processes is the next step to understanding better the inner workings of a volcano.

How to cite: Steinmann, R., Seydoux, L., Campillo, M., Shapiro, N., Journeau, C., and Galina, N.: Non-stationarity of volcanic tremor signals revealed by blind source separation and manifold learning, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6328,, 2023.

EGU23-6757 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV8.6

The Complex Relationship between Seismic Velocity and Volcanic, Tectonic, and Environmental Forcings Illustrated by 23 Years of Data at Mt. St. Helens 

Peter Makus, Marine Denolle, Christoph Sens-Schönfelder, Manuela Köpfli, and Frederik Tilmann

Mt. St. Helens is an explosively erupting volcano located in close vicinity to major metropolitan centres on the US Westcoast. In recent history, Mt. St. Helens erupted twice, in 2004 and 1980, causing more than 50 fatalities and over one billion USD of damage. Mt. St. Helens is also home to the only advancing glacier in the US, making it a unique site for geophysical measurements. Here, we present a seismic velocity change time-series (dv/v) of an unprecedented length covering the years 1998-2021. We quantify dv/v by applying the method of ambient seismic noise interferometry to waveform data recorded from a combination of various permanent and temporary seismic stations of the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network (PNSN). Due to its ubiquitous nature, ambient seismic noise allows for far denser temporal sampling than, e.g., active source or earthquake coda interferometry. However, source variability related, for example, to volcanic tremor activity affects the results retrieved by this method and can lead to decreased reliability. In this study, we focus on the impact of the complex dynamics at Mt. St. Helens on dv/v specifically by setting it into context with ground deformation, meteorological changes, and volcanic activity with the ultimate goal of unravelling the complex physical relationship between different forcings and the seismic velocity.

How to cite: Makus, P., Denolle, M., Sens-Schönfelder, C., Köpfli, M., and Tilmann, F.: The Complex Relationship between Seismic Velocity and Volcanic, Tectonic, and Environmental Forcings Illustrated by 23 Years of Data at Mt. St. Helens, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6757,, 2023.

EGU23-6925 | Posters on site | GMPV8.6

The installation and operation of a multi-parameter volcano monitoring network on the islands of Saba and St. Eustatius in the Caribbean Netherlands 

Elske de Zeeuw-van Dalfsen, Reinoud Sleeman, and Andreas Krietemeyer

In the Caribbean Netherlands, the islands of Saba and St. Eustatius host the active but quiescent volcanoes Mt. Scenery and The Quill. To mitigate volcanic risk to the islands, robust monitoring is essential. Therefore in the past five years the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) significantly expanded the volcano monitoring network on both islands.

The seismic monitoring network was expanded from seven to 11 broadband seismometers located across the islands. Seismic data are sent to and stored at KNMI and Observatories and Research Facilities for European Seismology (ORFEUS). Eight permanent continuous Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) stations were newly installed, where possible co-located with the broadband seismometers. GNSS data are sent to and stored at KNMI and UNAVCO. On a daily basis we run an automatic earthquake detection system and coincidence trigger to identify seismic events and create GNSS time series using both network and Precise Point Positioning (PPP) solutions.

The installation of new instruments was challenging due to the remoteness of the envisioned locations which were needed to monitor all sides of the volcanoes.  Local governmental and military assistance was key to the success of the mission. At the most remote locations instruments are operated on solar power and data are transmitted using  Very-Small-Aperture Terminal (VSAT) technology. Ensuring the operability of the monitoring network remains demanding due to the harsh tropical conditions (hurricanes, UV-radiation, sea spray, lightning) as well as network and power outages. 

Apart from seismic and GNSS instruments, we also deploy three temperature sensors and four cost-effective GNSS units to extend our monitoring network. Furthermore, in collaboration with Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) we test the feasibility of the use of Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) for the monitoring of these islands.

How to cite: de Zeeuw-van Dalfsen, E., Sleeman, R., and Krietemeyer, A.: The installation and operation of a multi-parameter volcano monitoring network on the islands of Saba and St. Eustatius in the Caribbean Netherlands, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6925,, 2023.

EGU23-7122 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV8.6

The use of cost-effective GNSS units as a volcano monitoring tool on Saba, Caribbean Netherlands 

Andreas Krietemeyer, Elske de Zeeuw-van Dalfsen, and Reinoud Sleeman

We present initial positioning results obtained by analyses of data from four cost-effective Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) units installed on the island of Saba. The island hosts the active but quiescent stratovolcano Mt. Scenery which reaches an elevation of 887 metres and was last active around 1640. The cost-effective GNSS units were installed around the volcano in February 2022 and house all necessities for autonomous, continuous monitoring. The overall equipment cost per unit is about 1000 Euros, a fraction of the material costs of a conventional, permanent continuously monitoring GNSS station. Furthermore, the typical installation time of permanent stations takes multiple days whereas the installation time required for our cost-effective units can be undertaken within a few hours. We demonstrate that the performance of the cost-effective GNSS units for daily positioning estimations is comparable with the performance of permanent stations. We investigate the precision and accuracy of the time series of kinematic and static positioning solutions using geodetic positioning estimation algorithms. For direct comparison we placed one cost-effective GNSS unit next to a permanent, conventional GNSS station. Furthermore, we investigate if results improve after applying a minimum-effort calibration of the cost-effective antenna using a permanently installed GNSS station. We demonstrate that cost-effective GNSS units are i) well-suited to extend an existing volcano monitoring network of permanent GNSS stations and ii) can potentially even be used independently for basic volcano monitoring when funding is limited. We also envisage the use of cost-effective GNSS units for rapid deployment in hazardous or risk-prone areas where installations of conventional GNSS stations could be deemed too costly.

How to cite: Krietemeyer, A., de Zeeuw-van Dalfsen, E., and Sleeman, R.: The use of cost-effective GNSS units as a volcano monitoring tool on Saba, Caribbean Netherlands, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7122,, 2023.

EGU23-7714 | Posters on site | GMPV8.6

Volcano-tectonic, electrical and electromagnetic investigations to highlight the structure of the most active sector of Campi Flegrei caldera 

Roberto Isaia, Maria Giulia Di Giuseppe, Jacopo Natale, Antonio Troiano, and Stefano Vitale

The Solfatara-Pisciarelli area, within the Campi Flegrei caldera, represents the site of small phreatic, phreatomagmatic and effusive eruptions, which emplaced domes and crypto-domes. Despite a significant number of scientific studies devoted to such an area, the deeper feeding system of the Pisciarelli hydrothermal field, its relation to the Solfatara system, and the main structures governing the fluid rising still represent open problems.

The present contribution aims to detail the surface and buried volcano-tectonic structures and their interaction with hydrothermal fluids in the Solfatara-Pisciarelli area and characterize the presently unknown feeding zones. Geological-structural field surveys permitted the reconstruction of the geological map of the area and the implementation of the fault and fracture orientation and kinematic dataset. Additionally, a series of Electrical resistivity tomographies (ERT), carried out along profiles of different lengths, detailed the structure up to about 100 m depth. The detected patterns of electrical resistivity anomalies helps to define the main structural lineaments of the investigated sector, particularly the presence of normal faults, which results in the presence of sub-vertical resistivity discontinuities. The combination of the ERT and the geo-volcanological and structural survey results allowed the reconstruction of geological sections showing the main structures that characterize the Solfatara and Pisciarelli area. Finally, an Audio-MagnetoTelluric (AMT) survey was carried out in the central sector of the Campi Flegrei caldera to obtain information on the deeper feeding system of the Pisciarelli fumarolic field and its relations with that of the Solfatara and the volcano-tectonic structures of the area. The AMT survey comprised a series of electromagnetic measurements in 47 different sites. The subsequent data inversion produced a 3D model, which identified the electrical resistivity pattern of the investigated structure down to a depth of 2.5 km below sea level. Such a 3D model, which represents the first three-dimensional electromagnetic image of the first few kilometres of the central sector of the Phlegraean area, highlights the presence of significant anomalies related to distinct processes and physical conditions in the system. Remarkably, the main volcano-tectonic structures already hypothesized by shallower electrical surveys are detected by the AMT survey, which results describe their development in depth, identifying at the same time the main structures playing a significant role in the ongoing dynamics of the investigated area.

The proposed combination of shallow ERT, deeper AMT and geological-structural field surveys suggests a possible paradigm for studies on the volcano-tectonic characterization of hydrothermal systems,  due to the good capability to shed light on their evolution. Furthermore, although the intensive monitoring already realized by the INGV-OV surveillance system in the Solfatara-Pisciarelli area, the reiteration of the proposed combination of surveys could reveal helpful to detect changes in the relationships between the faults and the hydrothermal fluid circulation. Our approach could also be of interest to other similar systems, which could steer toward unrest states compatible with impulsive events, such as hydrothermal and phreatic explosions, as recorded worldwide in several cases, also recently. 

How to cite: Isaia, R., Di Giuseppe, M. G., Natale, J., Troiano, A., and Vitale, S.: Volcano-tectonic, electrical and electromagnetic investigations to highlight the structure of the most active sector of Campi Flegrei caldera, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7714,, 2023.

On 27 November 2022, an eruption started at the Mauna Loa (Hawaii; USA) volcano after about 38 years of quiescence. The eruption took place at the summit caldera; the day after, it migrated to the upper Northeast Rift Zone, where lava effusion initially occurred from three fissure vents. In this work, we investigate the Mauna Loa 2022 eruption, ending on 13 December, by means of a virtual network of multi-sensor infrared satellite observations. In particular, we show the results achieved by implementing the Normalized Hotspot Indices (NHI) on GOES-R ABI data, at 10 min temporal resolution, and by using Sentinel-2 MSI and Landsat-8/9 OLI/OLI-2 observations at mid-high spatial resolution via the Google Earth Engine tool developed to map volcanic thermal anomalies at global scale.. Both the eruption onset and the short-term variations of thermal activity were well identified by NHI, using GOES-R ABI data. Moreover, an accurate mapping and characterization of active lava flows was performed. These results confirm that SWIR (short wave infrared) observations, at different temporal and spatial resolution, if properly analysed, may support the monitoring and surveillance of active volcanoes from space.

How to cite: Pergola, N., Genzano, N., Plank, S., and Marchese, F.: Investigating Mauna Loa (Hawaii) eruption of November-December 2022 from space: recent results from GOES-R, Sentinel-2, and Landsat 8/9 observations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7776,, 2023.

EGU23-7824 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV8.6

Seven years of UV camera-based SO2 flux observations at Mount Etna 

Giovanni Lo Bue Trisciuzzi, Alessandro Aiuppa, Marcello Bitetto, Dario Delle Donne, Mauro Coltelli, Emilio Pecora, Salvatore Alparone, and Gaetana Ganci

Volcanic SO2 flux observations are relevant to understanding the magmatic processes that occur within the shallower portions of magmatic plumbing systems, and the mechanisms governing transition from open-vent quiescent degassing to explosive activity. Here, we review a SO2 flux dataset acquired at Mt. Etna volcano from a permanent UV camera system during more than 7 years of observations, from June 2015 to December 2022. Our fully automated UV camera system, housed in the Montagnola INGV-OE hut, is designed to spatially resolve SO2 emissions from the southern portion (SEC + Central Craters) of the summit craters’ terrace. The observed period encompasses a variety of eruptive phenomena, including the Voragine Crater (VOR) paroxysmal episodes in 2015-2016, several effusive and lateral eruptions (including the late 2019 “Christmas eruption”) and the two most recent paroxysmal sequences of the South-East Crater (SEC) in December 2020/April 2021 and May/October 2021. We find large temporal variations in the SO2 flux in response to changes in volcanic activity style and vigour. Our results, in particular, demonstrate a clear acceleration in SO2 degassing during effusive eruptions and paroxysmal episodes, relative to non-eruptive (quiescent) periods. Escalating SO2 flux (>5000 t/d) is especially relevant prior (circa 1 month before) onset of the December 2020/April 2021 SEC paroxysmal sequence, whilst reduced degassing (<3000 tons/d) characterises the quiescent phases in between the paroxysmal sequences. This 2020-2021 paroxysmal sequences is characterised in more detail by complementing gas observations with volcanic tremor results and thermal output records (both ground- and satellite-based). Results are interpreted in view of a S degassing model lead that explain elevated SO2 fluxes as caused by augmenting rate of magma transport into the shallow (< 5 km) Etna’s plumbing system.

How to cite: Lo Bue Trisciuzzi, G., Aiuppa, A., Bitetto, M., Delle Donne, D., Coltelli, M., Pecora, E., Alparone, S., and Ganci, G.: Seven years of UV camera-based SO2 flux observations at Mount Etna, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7824,, 2023.

EGU23-9354 | Posters on site | GMPV8.6

Sangay volcano (Ecuador): multiparametric analysis of the December 2021 eruptive activity including the opening of new vents, a drumbeat seismic sequence and a new lava flow 

Silvana Hidalgo, Francisco Vasconez, Jean Battaglia, Benjamin Bernard, Pedro Espin, Sebastien Valade, Maria-Fernanda Naranjo, Robin Campion, Josue Salgado, Marco Cordova, Marco Almeida, Stephen Hernandez, Gerardo Pino, Elizabeth Gaunt, Andrew Bell, Patricia Mothes, Mario Ruiz, and Daniel Andrade

Sangay is a 5286 m high stratovolcano located in the southern part of the Ecuadorian Andes, about 200 km south of the capital city of Quito. Sangay is the last active volcano to the south of the Northern Andes, and has been characterized by an almost constant and continuous activity with variable periods of quiescence. During historical times, the written reports describe at least 9 major eruptions since 1628. Sangay has been instrumentally monitored by the Instituto Geofísico of the Escuela Politécnica Nacional (IG-EPN) since 2013. In May 2019, Sangay began a new eruptive period, which is still ongoing and has been categorized as the most intense in the last six decades. The main phenomena produced during this period are small explosions, ash and gas emissions, lava fountaining, lava flows and associated pyroclastic currents and secondary lahars.

On 1 December 2021, from around 19:20 UTC, the seismic recordings of SAGA station began to show transient events occurring regularly. These events persisted for the next 13 hours with an irregularly accelerating rate of occurrence and increasing amplitude before merging into tremor at around 08:20 on 2 December. This sequence was rapidly followed by two explosive emissions, which were observed by the GOES-16 satellite, the first one at 09:02 and the second at 09:13. The emissions produced a 14.5 km-high gas-rich, ash-depleted eruptive column without any associated regional fallout reported. This drumbeat sequence was produced after a series of morphological changes observed through satellite images (Planet and Sentinel 2). Specifically, during the short time period considered in this study: 1) two new vents opened; 2) a landslide affected the northern flank of the volcano; 3) the first drumbeat sequence was recorded at Sangay; and 4) a new lava flow was emitted through the new northern vent. The drumbeat sequence is interpreted as being caused by the forced extrusion of this new lava flow through the new opening northern vent. Timely communication of this kind of volcanic events is favored by the creation and strict following of internal protocols within volcano observatories and the appropriate use of social networks allowing thousands of people to be reached in very short time period. The corresponding short report produced by the IG-EPN reached more than 300.000 people.

How to cite: Hidalgo, S., Vasconez, F., Battaglia, J., Bernard, B., Espin, P., Valade, S., Naranjo, M.-F., Campion, R., Salgado, J., Cordova, M., Almeida, M., Hernandez, S., Pino, G., Gaunt, E., Bell, A., Mothes, P., Ruiz, M., and Andrade, D.: Sangay volcano (Ecuador): multiparametric analysis of the December 2021 eruptive activity including the opening of new vents, a drumbeat seismic sequence and a new lava flow, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9354,, 2023.

EGU23-9696 | Orals | GMPV8.6

Ongoing unrest at Icelandic volcanoes: What deformation and seismicity patterns to expect leading up to future eruptions 

Freysteinn Sigmundsson, Michelle Parks, Halldór Geirsson, Páll Einarsson, Vincent Drouin, Benedikt G. Ófeigsson, Kristín Jónsdóttir, Kristín S. Vogfjörd, Andrew Hooper, Yilin Yang, Sonja H. M. Greiner, Siqi Li, Chiara Lanzi, Sigrún Hreinsdóttir, Ronni Grapenthin, Erik Sturkell, Elske de Zeeuw van Dalfsen, Mathijs Koymans, and Sara Barsotti

Precursors to volcanic eruptions vary widely between volcanic systems and their individual eruptions. Volcanic systems in Iceland undergoing unrest include the Reykjanes, Svartsengi, Fagradalsfjall, and Krísuvík systems on the obliquely spreading Reykjanes Peninsula. Main precursors prior to the Fagradalsfjall eruptions in 2021 and 2022 were signals associated with the formation of dikes releasing stored tectonic stress over weeks and days, respectively. If volcanic activity occurs at Fagradalsfjall in coming years it may be associated with shorter warning time, as less stored tectonic stress remains. In contrast, the nearby Svartsengi system experienced cumulative uplift of about 15 cm in multiple inflation episodes during 2020 to 2022, modeled as repeating sill intrusions. Prior to, in-between, and following the intrusive events, the surface subsided. We find that the onset of diking accompanied by a sudden increase in seismicity and deformation rates is a likely scenario prior to future eruptions on the Reykjanes Peninsula. A decline in seismicity and/or deformation may occur as unrest activity progresses, as experienced prior to the 2021 and 2022 eruptions. In other areas of Iceland, since 2020 magma storage areas with increasing pressure have been identified at the Askja, Grímsvötn, Krafla, and Bárðarbunga calderas, as well as at Hekla volcano. Increasing pressure buildup in the roots of these volcanoes, is expected to a varying degree prior to next eruption, with different amounts of inflation and seismicity. Tectonic stress release as observed during the 2014/15 Bárðarbunga rifting event may occur or not. The largest capacity for pressure increase is expected at the Askja caldera, where the surface over the magma chamber subsided by more than 1 m from 1983 to 2021, but since August 2021 over 45 cm of uplift has occurred and deformation continues. The amount of subsidence prior to present uplift may indicate the scale of further inflation needed to reach critical conditions, assuming that the current inflation is sourced in a similar crustal volume as the deflation, and the strength of the surrounding material remains similar (e.g., no new faulting/fracturing). Examples of intermittent flow of magma to shallow depth, or pressure increase beneath calderas, occurred during 2017-2018 at Öræfajökull, where a slight increase in seismicity has been detected in recent months, and inflation 2018-2019 at Torfajökull caldera. It remains a challenge to promptly identify seismic swarms that may be indicative of formation of magma feeding conduits versus those indicating intermittent increases in seismic activity due to high stress levels, e.g., caused magma recharging, changes in geothermal activity, or glacial retreat. Experience from the Northern Volcanic Zone and the Reykjanes Peninsula oblique rift, suggest precursory activity may take place simultaneously over wide parts of plate boundary areas, indicating to some extent coupled activity of nearby volcanic systems.

How to cite: Sigmundsson, F., Parks, M., Geirsson, H., Einarsson, P., Drouin, V., Ófeigsson, B. G., Jónsdóttir, K., Vogfjörd, K. S., Hooper, A., Yang, Y., Greiner, S. H. M., Li, S., Lanzi, C., Hreinsdóttir, S., Grapenthin, R., Sturkell, E., van Dalfsen, E. D. Z., Koymans, M., and Barsotti, S.: Ongoing unrest at Icelandic volcanoes: What deformation and seismicity patterns to expect leading up to future eruptions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9696,, 2023.

EGU23-12201 | Posters on site | GMPV8.6

Bulge Formation, Water Jetting and Drifting at Strokkur Geyser, Iceland, derived from Video Camera Data 

Sandeep Karmacharya, Eva P. S. Eibl, Alina Shevchenko, Thomas Walter, and Gylfi Páll Hersir

Strokkur geyser in Iceland is located in the Haukadalur valley and features jetting water fountains of hot water every few minutes. In earlier studies we found that Strokkur geyser passes through typical phases: eruption, conduit refilling with water, gas accumulation in a bubble trap and regular bubble collapses at depth in the conduit (Eibl et al. 2021).

In this presentation we focus on the blue bulge that forms at the beginning of an eruption and the following jetting and drifting of the water fountain. We analysed video camera data from 2017, 2020 and 2022 from the ground and from drones to assess the bulge heights and formation speeds. We find that an up to 0.5 m high water bulge forms within 0.7 s at an average speed of 0.6 m/s. Following the bulge burst, we subdivide the eruption phase into a water jet phase and a water drift phase. The water jet reaches a mean height of 16.2 m rising at a maximum average speed of 10.2 m/s. 5 s after maximum jet height is reached the water has drifted to a mean height of 25.6 m at a constant drift speed of 2.0 m/s. We find that eruptions that feature larger bulges also feature larger jet heights and discuss whether there is a link between eruption height and waiting time after eruptions.


How to cite: Karmacharya, S., P. S. Eibl, E., Shevchenko, A., Walter, T., and Páll Hersir, G.: Bulge Formation, Water Jetting and Drifting at Strokkur Geyser, Iceland, derived from Video Camera Data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12201,, 2023.

EGU23-12571 | ECS | Orals | GMPV8.6

Clusters of lava fountain events identified on strainmeter data at Etna volcano 

Luigi Carleo, Gilda Currenti, and Alessandro Bonaccorso

Lava fountains at Etna volcano are spectacular eruptive events characterized by powerful gas jets that expel lava fragments to several hundred meters and volcanic ash to several kilometers above the crater. Ash fall-out and dispersal cause critical hazards to both the vehicular traffic and the aviation, inducing the temporary closure of the southern Italy airports.

In 2020-2022, Etna experienced more than 60 lava fountains. The dynamics of such explosive events is usually a gradual process, starting with a strombolian activity that progressively evolves in an intense and continuous explosive activity with a sustained eruptive column. The duration, the degree of explosiveness, the portion of effusive flows, etc., are usually variable implying a different degree of involved hazard. Recently, researchers attempted to manually classify lava fountains at Etna on the basis of volcanological and geophysical data. However, manual classification is time consuming and prone to subjective biases.

We propose an automatic procedure to cluster the lava fountain events that occurred in 2020-2022 at Etna using unsupervised machine learning techniques. The clustering algorithm is applied on high precision strain signals recorded by the borehole dilatometer network deployed to monitor volcano deformation processes. In particular, the analysis focuses on the strain variations recorded during the lava fountain events to highlight similarities and differences among the eruptions in terms of induced ground deformation. The results disclose the main features of the strain signal effective to group the lava fountain events. Four well-separated and coherent clusters are identified improving the manual classifications performed by the experts. Moreover, the analysis reveals that the lava fountains clusters are grouped also over time showing possible transitions in the eruptive style.

How to cite: Carleo, L., Currenti, G., and Bonaccorso, A.: Clusters of lava fountain events identified on strainmeter data at Etna volcano, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12571,, 2023.

EGU23-13071 | Posters on site | GMPV8.6

Estimations of eruption column height during Etna eruptions: a new database based on visible calibrated cameras 

Simona Scollo, Michele Prestifilippo, and Luigi Mereu

During the last decades, explosive activity of Mt. Etna (Italy) has increased. Those events produced powerful lava fountains which form high eruption columns rising up to 15 km above sea level and low intensity and long-lasting explosive activity producing weak plumes of few kilometres above the summit craters. During Etna explosive activity, the estimation of the eruption column height is very important for several reasons. This value is inserted in the Volcano Observatory Notices for Aviation (VONA) messages sent by the Istituto Nazionale di Geosifica e Vulcanologia, Osservatorio Etneo (INGV-OE) as monitoring and surveillance duties. The column height is also one of the main eruption source parameters needed to run volcanic tephra dispersal models. Luckily, the column height is one of the easiest features that can be detected in real time using different ground-based instruments (e.g. cameras, radar and lidar) and satellite spectrometers. In this work, we analyse images of two visible calibrated cameras of the permanent video-surveillance system of INGV-OE. They are installed on the south and west sectors of Etna volcano flanks and the column height is estimated also considering the prevailing wind direction above the Etna summit craters. Data cover the period between 2014 and 2022 and were selected on the base of the VONA messages sent by INGV-OE. For the first time, this new database includes the time-variation of the column height for each explosive event. Our analysis, now free available, could be used in future to: i) analyse each explosive activity at Etna volcano; ii) validate new techniques aimed at estimating the eruptive column heights; iii) improve the modelling of eruption column; iv) estimate the mass eruption rate, another key parameter characterizing the explosive activity. 

How to cite: Scollo, S., Prestifilippo, M., and Mereu, L.: Estimations of eruption column height during Etna eruptions: a new database based on visible calibrated cameras, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13071,, 2023.

EGU23-13136 | Orals | GMPV8.6

Seismic imaging on volcanoes using Machine Learning 

Chris Bean, Gareth O'Brien, and Ivan Lokmer

Despite advances in seismic instrumentation and seismic network densities, the ability to obtain detailed images of subsurface volcanic structure is still compromised. This leaves large uncertainties in the time evolution and nature of shallow magma emplacement, for example. Ideally it is desirable to see objects at the scale of individual sills, but strong wave scattering in volcanic settings makes this difficult to achieve and tomographic images smooth out objects at this scale. Multiple scattering creates a ‘fog’ through which it is difficult to pick singly scattered (reflected) events of interest. We use a Deep Learning approach to try capture information from this full wavefield and use that to build detailed images. Specifically we employ a Fourier Neural Operator (FNO) to model and invert seismic signals in heterogeneous synthetic volcano models. The FNO is trained using 40,000+ simulations of full wavefield elastic waves propagating through these 2D models. Once trained, the forward FNO network is used to predict elastic wave propagation and is shown to accurately reproduce the seismic wavefield. That is, the FNO can act as a fast and highly efficient forward full wavefield simulator. The FNO is also trained to predict highly heterogeneous velocity models given a set of seismograms. We show that this Deep Learning approach accurately predicts known synthetic velocity models based on surprisingly small sets of input seismograms, capturing details of the velocity structure that would lie outside the ability of current seismic methods in volcano imagery. This offers a potential new approach to imaging in volcanic environments. Although the upfront training cost of 40k simulations is very large, once trained the run times for the FNO are negligible.  

How to cite: Bean, C., O'Brien, G., and Lokmer, I.: Seismic imaging on volcanoes using Machine Learning, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13136,, 2023.

EGU23-13361 | Orals | GMPV8.6

Catching the time-variable gravity at Mt. Somma-Vesuvius volcano (Southern Italy) by means of discrete and continuous relative gravity measurements 

Umberto Riccardi, Stefano Carlino, Tommaso Pivetta, Jacques Hinderer, and Severine Rosat

We report the results of about 20 years of relative gravity measurements acquired on Mt. Somma-Vesuvius INGV monitoring network, together with about 9 months of continuous gravimetric recordings collected with the new generation relative gravimeter gPhoneX#116, specifically designed for continuous gravity recording. We also present the outcomes of an intercomparison experiment of the gPhone#116 conducted at the J9 gravity observatory in Strasbourg (France). In this intercomparison, we were able to check the meter scale factor with a high degree of precision by comparing them with 2 superconducting gravimeters and a FG5-type absolute ballistic gravimeter. It was also possible to carry out a detailed study of instrumental drift, a crucial topic for reliable monitoring of the long-term gravity variations in active volcanic areas. In fact, a challenge in time lapse gravimetry is the proper separation of the instrumental variations from real gravity changes eventually attributable to recharge or drainage processes of magma or fluids in the feeding systems of active volcanoes.

Since 1980s the relative gravity network of Mt- Somma-Vesuvius has evolved over time becoming progressively larger and denser. We discuss the results of the time-lapse monitoring since 2003, when the INGV network reached an almost stable configuration. The retrieved field of time gravity change shows a pattern essentially related to the ground deformation detected by the permanent GNSS network. Vesuvius is currently experiencing subsidence at a variable rate. A clear topographic effect emerges with a strong correlation with altitude, whereby higher stations subside at a greater rate, up to 7 mm/year, than those at lower altitudes. Most of the observed gravity changes can be explained by this dynamics; only a residual positive gravity is detected in the western sector of the volcano, which could be likely due to hydrological effects. A reliable tidal gravity model was derived from the analysis of the gravity records. We believe that this result should help improve the accuracy of the volcano monitoring as it will be useful for the correct reduction of tidal effects for all relative and absolute gravity measurements acquired in the area.

How to cite: Riccardi, U., Carlino, S., Pivetta, T., Hinderer, J., and Rosat, S.: Catching the time-variable gravity at Mt. Somma-Vesuvius volcano (Southern Italy) by means of discrete and continuous relative gravity measurements, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13361,, 2023.

EGU23-13558 | Posters on site | GMPV8.6

The planning and field work for the large-N passive seismological experiment in the Eifel Volcanic Field 

Claus Milkereit, Marius Isken, Christof Sens-Schönfelder, and Torsten Dahm

In September 2022 we launched a large-scale seismic experiment in Germany with more than 350 seismological stations (Eifel large-N), to study the Eifel volcanic system. The temporary network is complementing the permanent seismic networks in the region. The deployed instruments used include both 4.5 Hz 3C, 1 Hz short-period, and broadband instruments. DIEGOS Cube3 digitizers are used for data sampling and 9 V electrical fence batteries provide autarch energy at each site. Most of the instruments were borrowed from the GFZ GIPP Instrument Pool for 1 year. In a second phase of the project, half of the installed stations will be re-deployed along linear profiles with a station spacing of 1 km. In 2023, continuous distributed acoustic sensing measurements along a 100 km dark telecommunication fiber optical cable will begin, for a period of three months. These measurements will complete the campaign. We report on preliminary studies on the design of the Large-N experiment, the logistical and technical approach to handling the network and the data, and show first examples for selected local earthquakes, local noise conditions and noise correlations.

The Eifel region in Germany is characterized both as a recreational area with villages, agriculture, forestry and parks, as well as with cities, industrial centers, motorways, railway lines, windmill energy parcs and quarries. The site selection phase was carried out with up to three groups, and began half a year before the network deployment. At the same time, the district administrators and mayors of cities and municipalities who provide valuable support for the project were contacted.

Site selection information was organized in a geo information system (GIS). The fieldwork was orchestrated using the mobile QField App. In September 2022, we started to install the large-N network, which covers an area of ​​approximately 150 x 110 km2. Around the scientific target, the Laacher See, is a high station density with inter-station distance of less than 1 km, the inter-station distances increase with distance from the Laacher See. During the installation phases in September and October 2022, the international project partners formed up to 8 groups that installed the nodal stations in the sectors. Each group was equipped with a smartphone or tablet running the QField app also, updating the station information database independently. The QField app provided instant information about the network status via online synchronization.

How to cite: Milkereit, C., Isken, M., Sens-Schönfelder, C., and Dahm, T.: The planning and field work for the large-N passive seismological experiment in the Eifel Volcanic Field, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13558,, 2023.

EGU23-13838 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV8.6

Earthquake cluster analysis reveals the complex response of microseismicity to the ongoing 2021-2023 inflation at Askja caldera, Iceland 

Tom Winder, Isabel Siggers, Nicholas Rawlinson, Robert White, and Bryndís Brandsdóttir

Askja is an active volcano in Central Iceland that has experienced ~ 45 cm of uplift since August 2021, marking an abrupt end to decades of gradual deflation. We have operated a dense local seismic network around Askja since 2007, providing an exceptionally long time series of seismic data within which to search for patterns that relate to this sudden change in behaviour. Here we focus on spatiotemporal changes in microseismicity associated with the switch to inflation. Understanding what seismicity can tell us about the ongoing unrest at the volcano is crucial, because it is one of the few monitoring tools that is available year-round. Furthermore, joint interpretation of seismic and geodetic data is key to overcoming ambiguities in the interpretation of surface deformation measurements alone.

Our catalogue of microseismicity in Askja spanning July 2007 to August 2022 contains more than 25,000 events detected and located with QuakeMigrate1. Increases in seismicity rate are clearly observed in August 2021, corresponding to the start of inflation as measured by a GPS station close to the centre of uplift. However, a strong spatial variation across the caldera is observed in the magnitude and duration of the seismicity rate increase. To investigate this further, we cross-correlate earthquake waveforms and calculate relative relocations. Combined with cluster analysis, this divides the seismicity into sharply resolved structures, with markedly different temporal evolution. We identify new clusters of events not seen in the 14 years preceding the current inflation, as well as previously persistent clusters which have now shut off, and areas of microseismicity which are seemingly unaffected by the inflation. Combined with analysis of tightly-constrained earthquake focal mechanisms covering the same time period, these results provide new insight into both the mechanism linking the observed deformation and seismicity rate changes, and the role of caldera fault slip in facilitating the ongoing inflation at Askja.


1: Winder, T., Bacon, C., Smith, J., Hudson, T., Greenfield, T. and White, R., 2020. QuakeMigrate: a Modular, Open-Source Python Package for Automatic Earthquake Detection and Location.

How to cite: Winder, T., Siggers, I., Rawlinson, N., White, R., and Brandsdóttir, B.: Earthquake cluster analysis reveals the complex response of microseismicity to the ongoing 2021-2023 inflation at Askja caldera, Iceland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13838,, 2023.

Natural processes and anthropogenic activities often generate changes in the stress state of the crust, and, consequently, measurable surface deformation. Volcanic activity produces surface displacements as a result of phenomena including magma recharge/deployment and migration, and fluid flow. The accurate measurement of surface deformation is one of the most relevant parameters to measure tectonic stress accumulation and for studying the seismic cycle. Improved monitoring capabilities also capture surface deformations related to coastal erosion and its connection to climate change, landslides and deep seated gravitational slopes, and other hydrogeological hazards. In addition, anthropogenic activity such as mining and water pumping cause measurable soil displacement.

Ground deformations are measured by space and terrestrial techniques, reaching sub-millimetric accuracy. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellites have been quickly developing in the last decades. GNSS data allows to map nearly 3D deformation patterns, but often the network consists of few benchmarks. The joint use of SAR and GNSS data compensate the intrinsic limitations of each technique. Levelling measures the geodetic height of a benchmark. Borehole dilatometers and clinometers provide derivative measurements of the surface displacements.

Theoretical models of deformation sources are commonly employed to investigate the surface displacements observed, for example, in volcanic areas or related to a seismic event. A volcanic source can be represented by a confined part of crust with a certain shape inflating/deflating because of a change in the internal magma/gas pressure. The static seismic source is ideally represented by a tabular discontinuity in the crust undergoing relative movement of both sides. Furthermore, gas reservoir exploitation, water pumping and soil consolidation, can be represented using the same models.

Volcanic and Seismic source Modelling (VSM) is an open-source Python tool to model ground deformation detected by satellite and terrestrial geodetic techniques. It allows the user to choose one or more geometrical sources as forward model among sphere, spheroid, ellipsoid, fault, and sill. It supports geodetic from several techniques: interferometric SAR, GNSS, levelling, Electro-optical Distance Measuring, tiltmeters and strainmeters. Two sampling algorithms are available, one is a global optimization algorithm based on the Voronoi cells and the second follows a probabilistic approach to parameters estimation based on the Bayes theorem. VSM can be executed as Python script, in Jupyter Notebook environments or by its Graphical User Interface. Its broad applications range from high level research to teaching, from single studies to near real-time hazard estimates. Potential users range from early career scientists to experts. It is freely available on GitHub ( In this contribution I show the functionalities of VSM and test cases.

How to cite: Trasatti, E.: Volcanic and Seismic source Modelling (VSM) - An open tool for geodetic data modelling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2589,, 2023.

EGU23-3344 | Orals | GMPV8.1

Late complex tensile fracturing interacts with topography at Cumbre Vieja, La Palma 

Thomas R. Walter, Edgar Zorn, Pablo Gonzalez, Eugenio Sansosti, Valeria Munoz, Alina Shevchenko, Simon Plank, Diego Reale, and Nicole Richter

Volcanic eruptions are often preceded by episodes of inflation and emplacement of magma along tensile fractures. Here we study the 2021 Cumbre Vieja eruption on La Palma, Canary Islands, and present evidence for tensile fractures dissecting the new cone during the terminal stage of the eruption. We use synthetic aperture radar (SAR) observations, together with drone images and time-lapse camera data, to determine the timing, scale and complexities associated with the fracturing event, which is diverging at a topographic ridge. By comparing the field dataset with analogue models, we further explore the details of lens-shaped fractures that are characteristic for faults diverging at topographic highs and converging at topographic lows. The observations made at Cumbre Vieja and in our models are transferrable to other volcanoes and add further evidence that topography is substantially affecting the geometry and complexity of fractures and magma pathways, and the locations of eruptions.

How to cite: Walter, T. R., Zorn, E., Gonzalez, P., Sansosti, E., Munoz, V., Shevchenko, A., Plank, S., Reale, D., and Richter, N.: Late complex tensile fracturing interacts with topography at Cumbre Vieja, La Palma, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3344,, 2023.

EGU23-5046 | Posters on site | GMPV8.1

Volcanism and tectonics unveiled in the Comoros Archipelago between Africa and Madagascar 

Isabelle Thinon, Anne Lemoine, Sylvie Leroy, Fabien Paquet, Carole Berthod, Sébastien Zaragosi, Vincent Famin, Nathalie Feuillet, Pierre Boymond, Charles Masquelet, Anais Rusquet, and Nicolas Mercury and the SISMAORE and COYOTES teams

Geophysical and geological data acquired during the 2020–2021 SISMAORE oceanographic cruise reveal a corridor of recent volcanic and tectonic features 200 km wide and 600 km long within and north of Comoros Archipelago in the North Mozambique Channel. More than 2200 submarine volcanic edifices, comparable to the Fani Maoré volcano, have been identified. Most of them are distributed according to two large submarine tectonic-volcanic fields: the N’Drounde province oriented N160°E north of Grande-Comore Island, and the Mwezi province oriented N130°E north of Anjouan and Mayotte Islands. The presence of popping basaltic rocks sampled in the Mwezi suggests post-Pleistocene volcanic activity. The geometry and distribution of recent structures observed on the seafloor are consistent with a current regional dextral transtensional context. Their orientations change progressively from west to east (∼N160°E, ∼N130°E, ∼EW). In the western part, the volcanism could be influenced by the pre-existing structural fabric of the Mesozoic crust. The wide tectono-volcanic corridor underlines the incipient Somalia–Lwandle dextral lithospheric plate boundary between the East-African Rift System and Madagascar. For details see Thinon et al. (2022;  doi 10.5802/crgeos.159).

How to cite: Thinon, I., Lemoine, A., Leroy, S., Paquet, F., Berthod, C., Zaragosi, S., Famin, V., Feuillet, N., Boymond, P., Masquelet, C., Rusquet, A., and Mercury, N. and the SISMAORE and COYOTES teams: Volcanism and tectonics unveiled in the Comoros Archipelago between Africa and Madagascar, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5046,, 2023.

EGU23-5163 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV8.1

The long-term evolution at Krafla Volcanic System, Iceland, by time-lapse microgravity. 

Ana Martinez Garcia, Joachim Gottsmann, and Alison Rust

The Krafla Volcanic System (KVS) in the Northern Volcanic Zone (NVZ) in Iceland last erupted between 1975 and 1984, during an eruptive period called “the Krafla Fires”. The KVS is composed of a restless caldera, an array of scoria cones along a fissure swarm and is among the best-studied volcanic systems due to the exploitation of its geothermal potential. In 2009, the Icelandic Deep Drilling Project (IDDP) encountered a shallow rhyolitic magma body at 2.1 km depth beneath the caldera. To date, no geophysical method has been able to image this magma body at Krafla within the top 4 km of the crust.

  Here we present new micro-gravity data collected in June and July 2022 across a 14-station network of benchmarks in the KVS. Micro-gravimetry is a relative method that records changes in gravity between a reference and a series of benchmarks over both space and time to investigate subsurface mass or density changes via time-series analysis and modelling.

  Our 2022 survey highlights negative gravity differences of benchmarks located in the centre of the caldera with respect to a reference located to the south and outside the caldera. The most negative values are found in its eastern part. Positive gravity differences can be found south of the southern caldera wall along a set of past eruptive fissures.

  The next steps in data processing include data reduction for deformation effects to link the new data to previous joint deformation and micro-gravity surveys conducted at the KVS since 1965. This should enable us to quantify the long-term evolution of the KVS over more than 50 years providing unprecedented insights into its inner workings.

How to cite: Martinez Garcia, A., Gottsmann, J., and Rust, A.: The long-term evolution at Krafla Volcanic System, Iceland, by time-lapse microgravity., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5163,, 2023.

EGU23-5317 | Posters on site | GMPV8.1

Forecasting the fate of unrest at basaltic calderas 

Valerio Acocella, Federico Galetto, Andrew Hooper, and Marco Bagnardi

Forecasting eruption is the ultimate challenge for volcanology. While there has been some success in forecasting eruptions hours to days beforehand1, reliable forecasting on a longer timescale remains elusive. Here we show that magma inflow rate, derived from surface deformation, is an indicator of the probability of magma transfer towards the surface, and thus eruption, for basaltic calderas. Inflow rates ≥0.1 km3/year promote magma propagation and eruption within 1 year in all assessed case studies, whereas rates less than 0.01 km3/year do not lead to magma propagation in 89% of cases. We explain these behaviours with a viscoelastic model where the relaxation timescale controls whether the critical overpressure for dike propagation is reached or not. Therefore, while surface deformation alone is a weak precursor of eruption, estimating magma inflow rates at basaltic calderas provides improved forecasting, substantially enhancing our capacity of forecasting weeks to months ahead of a possible eruption.

How to cite: Acocella, V., Galetto, F., Hooper, A., and Bagnardi, M.: Forecasting the fate of unrest at basaltic calderas, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5317,, 2023.

EGU23-5609 | Posters on site | GMPV8.1

Regional-scale ground monitoring of 80 East African Rift volcanoes using Sentinel-1 SAR interferometry 

Fabien Albino, Juliet Biggs, Milan Lazecký, Yasser Maghsoudi, and Samuel McGowan

Countries with low to lower-middle income have limited resources to deploy and maintain ground monitoring networks. In this context, satellite-based techniques such as Radar interferometry (InSAR) is a great solution for detecting volcanic ground deformation at regional-scale. With the launch in 2014 of Sentinel-1 mission, regional monitoring of volcanic unrest becomes easier as SAR data are freely available with a revisit time of 6-12 days. Here, we develop a tuned processing workflow to produce Sentinel-1 InSAR time series and to automatically detect volcanic unrest over 80 volcanic systems located along the East African Rift System (EARS). First, we show that the correction of atmospheric signals for the arid and low-elevation EARS volcanoes is less important than for other volcanic environments. For a 5-year times series (between Jan. 2015 and Dec. 2019), we show that statistically uncertainties in InSAR velocities are around 0.1 cm/yr, whereas uncertainties associated with the choice of reference pixel are typically 0.3–0.6 cm/yr. For the automatic detection, we found that volcanic unrest can be detected with high confidence in the case the cumulative displacements exceed three times the temporal noise (threshold of 3σ). Based on this criterion, our survey reveals ground unrest at 16 volcanic centres among the 38 volcanic centres showing historical evidence of eruptive or unrest activity. A large variety of processes causing deformation occurs in the EARS: (1) subsidence due to contraction of magma bodies at Alu-Dalafilla, Dallol, Paka and Silali; (2) subsidence due to lava flows compaction at Kone and Nabro; (3) subsidence due to fluid migration at Olkaria and Aluto or fault-fluids interactions at Haludebi and Gada Ale; (4) rapid inflation due to magma intrusions at Erta Ale and Fentale; (5) short-lived inflation of shallow reservoirs at Nabro and Suswa; (6) long-lived inflation of large magmatic systems at Corbetti, Tullu Moje and Dabbahu. Except Olkaria and Kone, all these volcanoes were identified as deforming by previous satellites missions (between late 90’s and early 2000), which is an indication of the persistence of activity over long-time scales (>10 years).  Finally, we fit the time series using simple functional forms and classify seven of the volcano time series as linear, six as sigmoidal and three as hybrid, enabling us to discriminate between steady deformation and short-term pulses of deformation. We found that the characteristics of the unrest signals are independent of the expected processes, which means that additional information (structural geology, seismicity, eruptive history and source modelling) will be necessary to characterize the processes causing the unrest. Our final objective will be to improve the transfer of this information to local scientists in Africa, which can be achieved by integrating our tools to an existing monitoring system and by developing web-platform where the InSAR products can be freely available.

How to cite: Albino, F., Biggs, J., Lazecký, M., Maghsoudi, Y., and McGowan, S.: Regional-scale ground monitoring of 80 East African Rift volcanoes using Sentinel-1 SAR interferometry, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5609,, 2023.

Investigation of the dynamic magma movement beneath the volcanos could provide critical information about the mechanism of volcanic eruption and therefore enhance the accuracy of eruption forecast.  Axial Seamount is an active submarine volcano located at the intersection of the Juan de Fuca Ridge and the Cobb hotspot.  Through its submarine surveillance network of Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI), we observed magmatic activities that occurred before and during its latest eruption on April 24, 2015, as well as the following unrest events from the temporal variations of shear-wave velocity beneath Axial Seamount.


In this study, we applied the Rayleigh-wave admittance method, which uses the frequency-domain transfer function between seismic displacement and water pressure, to invert for shear-wave velocity changes beneath the submarine seismic stations.  The results illustrated that a large magma upwelling event happened beneath the AXEC2 (southeastern caldera of Axial Seamount) several weeks prior to its 2015 eruption, implying the magma movement through a pathway near the southeastern caldera and possibly triggered the subsequent eruption.  However, another magma upwelling event beneath the AXID1 station (southern caldera) between December 2016 and June 2017 occurred without triggering any noticeable eruption event. These magmatic activities demonstrate that the eruption of Axial Seamount is controlled by a complicated magma plumbing system.  The eruption probably depends on not only the magma influx but also the status of the plumbing system and the overlying crustal layer.  With the Rayleigh-wave admittance method and the real-time data from the OOI network, we can continuously monitor the status of Axial Seamount and provide more information for the next eruption.

How to cite: Wang, L. and Ruan, Y.: Dynamic magma movements beneath the Axial Seamount revealed by Rayleigh-wave Admittance Method, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5843,, 2023.

EGU23-5994 | Orals | GMPV8.1

Reworking processes during monogenetic eruptions. The case of the Parícutin volcano 

Xavier Bolós, José Luis Macias, Yam Zul Ocampo-Díaz, and Claudio Tinoco

One of the best-known examples worldwide of monogenetic volcanism is the Parícutin volcano. The eruption began its formation in the middle of a cornfield in February 1943 and lasted until March 1952. Parícutin is the youngest edifice of the Michoacán-Guanajuato Volcanic Field, which was witness initially by local inhabitants, and later by scientists and other observers. Observations of the eruption documented the remobilization of primary ashfall by rainfall and wind. Despite these observations, the resulting reworked deposits have not yet been described in the stratigraphic sequence. The distinction between primary pyroclastic and reworked deposits is critical for the geological understanding of eruptive processes and related hazards because of their different origins, frequencies, and environmental impacts. This categorization is not always obvious and needs a detailed study to characterize the complex interbedding of both types of deposits that coexist in the volcanic sequence. Referenced to these, we conducted new field reconnaissance, coupled with laboratory analyses of the ejecta ash fraction. The detailed composite stratigraphy obtained consists of six widely dispersed fallout deposits interbedded with seven reworked units. These reworked deposits display sedimentary structures produced by tephra remobilization due to lahars and stream flows. In addition, some layers show dunes and ripples generated by duststorms. By using GIS tools, we integrated the existing data with our new composite stratigraphic column and the distribution map of the syn-eruptive reworked deposits. This analysis reveals that more than 70% of the total thicknesses correspond to syn-eruptive reworked deposits. Therefore, previous studies had overestimated the distribution of primary tephra from the Parícutin explosive phases. The lowest and flattest areas with wide rill networks, which are located 4 to 6 km north of the volcano, are composed of up to 90% reworked deposits. In contrast, proximal locations with gentler slopes located at medium altitudes better preserve pyroclastic deposits. To that end, we constructed a new isopach map of the pyroclastic deposits based on the distribution of the reworked deposits. This study brings new light to understanding the sedimentary processes that occur during volcanic eruptions and highlights the importance of recognizing pyroclastic and reworked deposits during monogenetic eruptions.

How to cite: Bolós, X., Macias, J. L., Ocampo-Díaz, Y. Z., and Tinoco, C.: Reworking processes during monogenetic eruptions. The case of the Parícutin volcano, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5994,, 2023.

EGU23-6118 | Orals | GMPV8.1

Variation in Elastic Thickness along the Emperor Seamount Chain 

Paul Wessel, Tony Watts, Chong Xu, Brian Boston, Phillip Cilli, Robert Dunn, and Donna Shilington

The Hawaii-Emperor seamount chain stretches westward from the “Big Island” of Hawaii for over 6000 km until the oldest part of the Emperor chain is subducted at the Kuril and Aleutian trenches. Still regarded as the iconic hotspot-generated seamount chain it has been sampled, mapped, and studied to give insights into numerous oceanic phenomena, such as seamount and volcano formation and associated intraplate magma budgets, the past absolute motions of the Pacific plate and the drift of the Hawaiian plume, and the thermal and mechanical properties of oceanic lithosphere. Much early work on determining the flexural rigidity and equivalent elastic plate thickness that supports the large volcano loads that comprise the chain was focussed on the Hawaiian Ridge, with a major multichannel seismic expedition to the Hawaiian Islands in 1982 providing clear and direct evidence of plate flexure, as well as the indirect effect this deformation has on Earth’s gravity field. Numerous studies have since followed. However, the older part of the chain, beyond the ~50 Ma “bend”, has been much less well studied due to its remoteness, but recent expeditions have provided new marine seismic data to allow an estimation of elastic thickness along the Emperor chain and how they compare to the information we have along the Hawaiian Ridge. Here, we present preliminary work on determining the elastic thickness beneath the Emperor Seamounts. Unlike the Hawaiian Ridge, where the age of the lithosphere at the time of loading (i.e., the difference in age between the underlying seafloor and the formation age of a seamount or oceanic island) is remarkably constant, along the Emperor chain there are major variations in the age of loading, compounded by higher uncertainty due to limited seamount age sampling and the chain’s location within the Cretaceous Quiet Zone. Thus, models with variable elastic thickness as a function of location along the Emperor chain are required. In this presentation, we discuss several models that seek to account for the new seismic imaging of the top and base of flexed oceanic crust (i.e. Moho) at Jimmu guyot while at the same time honouring the characteristic gravimetric signature of the Emperor seamount edifices and their flanking moats. The Optimal Regional Separation (ORS) method is used to isolate the flexural loads, while seismic tomography and different velocity/density relations are explored for assigning suitable load and infill densities that vary spatially, and we search for optimal density and elastic parameters which minimize the misfit to both the residual gravity as well as the seismically observed flexure in the vicinity of Jimmu guyot. The first-order result is a clear thinning of the elastic thickness as we move from south to north: the implications of which we examine here for the tectonic evolution of the northwest Pacific Ocean and the long-term (>106 a) mechanical properties of oceanic lithosphere.

How to cite: Wessel, P., Watts, T., Xu, C., Boston, B., Cilli, P., Dunn, R., and Shilington, D.: Variation in Elastic Thickness along the Emperor Seamount Chain, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6118,, 2023.

EGU23-6230 | ECS | Orals | GMPV8.1

Dyke-sill propagation in glacial-volcanotectonic regimes: The case study of Stardalur laccolith, SW Iceland 

Kyriaki Drymoni, Alessandro Tibaldi, Federico Pasquaré Mariotto, and Fabio Luca Bonali

Dykes (Mode I extension fractures) supply magma from deep reservoirs to the surface and subject to their propagation paths, they can sometimes reach the surface and feed volcanic eruptions. Most of the times they mechanically stall in the heterogeneous crust or deflect through pre-existing fractures forming sills. Although several studies have explored dyking in heterogeneous regimes, the conditions under which dykes propagate in glacial-volcanotectonic regimes remain unclear.

Here, we coupled field observations with FEM numerical modelling using the software COMSOL Multiphysics (v5.6) to explore the mechanical and geometrical conditions that promote (or not), dyke-sill propagation in glacial-tectonic conditions. We used as a field example the Stardalur cone sheet-laccolith system, located in the Esja peninsula proximal to the western rift zone. The laccolith is composed of several vertical dykes that bend into sills and form a unique stacked sill ‘flower structure’. We modelled a heterogeneous crustal segment composed of lavas (top) and hyaloclastites (bottom). We then studied the emplacement of a dyke with varied overpressure values (Po = 1-10 MPa) and regional extension (Fe = 0.5-3 MPa) loading conditions at the lava/hyaloclastite contact. In the second stage, we added an ice cap as a body load to explore dyking subject to unloading due to glacier thickness variations (0-1 km).

Our results have shown that the presence of the ice cap can affect the dyke-sill propagation and the spatial accumulation of tensile and shear stresses below the cap. The observed field structure in non-glacial regimes has been formed either due to the mechanical contrast (Young’s modulus) of the studied contact, a compressional regime due to pre-existing dyking or faulting, or finally, high overpressure values (Po  ≥ 5 MPa). Instead, in a glacial regime, the local extensional stress field below the ice cap encourages the formation of the laccolith when the ice cap becomes thinner (lower vertical loads). Our models can be applied to universal volcanoes related to glacier thickness variation and sill emplacement.

How to cite: Drymoni, K., Tibaldi, A., Pasquaré Mariotto, F., and Bonali, F. L.: Dyke-sill propagation in glacial-volcanotectonic regimes: The case study of Stardalur laccolith, SW Iceland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6230,, 2023.

EGU23-6552 | ECS | Orals | GMPV8.1

New constraints on Middle-Late Pleistocene large-magnitude eruptions from Campi Flegrei 

Giada Fernandez, Biagio Giaccio, Antonio Costa, Lorenzo Monaco, Paul Albert, Sebastien Nomade, Alison Pereira, Niklas Leicher, Federico Lucchi, Paola Petrosino, Alfonsa Milia, Donatella Insinga, Sabine Wulf, Rebecca Kearney, Daniel Veres, Diana Jordanova, and Gianluca Sottili

Assessing the history, dynamics and magnitude of pre-historic explosive volcanic eruptions relies heavily on the completeness of the stratigraphic records, the spatial distribution, and the sedimentological features of the pyroclastic deposits. Near-vent volcanic successions provide fundamental but often patchy information, both in terms of record completeness (e.g., scarce accessibility to the older deposits) and of the spatial variability of the sedimentological features. Hence, medial to distal sections increasingly represent essential integrative records.

Campi Flegrei (CF) is among the most productive volcanoes of the Mediterranean area, with a volcanic history comprised of well-known caldera-forming eruptions (e.g., Campanian Ignimbrite, CI, ~40 ka; Neapolitan Yellow Tuff, NYT, ~14 ka). Furthermore, recent studies correlated a well-known widespread distal ash layer, the so-called Y-3, with a poorly exposed proximal CF pyroclastic unit (Masseria del Monte Tuff, 29ka), allowing a re-assessment of the magnitude of this eruption, now recognized as a third large-magnitude (VEI 6) eruption at CF. The discovery of this large eruption reduces drastically the recurrence intervals of large-magnitude events at CF and has major implications for volcanic hazard assessment.

While the most powerful Late Pleistocene (e.g., post-NYT and partially post-CI) eruptions at CF have been the subject of extensive investigations, less is known about its earliest activity. Motivated by this knowledge gap, we have reviewed the research on Middle-Late Pleistocene eruptions from the CF (~160-90 ka) in light of new compositional (EMPA + LA-ICP-MS), grain-size distribution (dry/wet sieving and laser) and morphoscopy (SEM) data of tephra layers from proximal and distal settings, including inland and offshore records. Our study provides a long-term overview and cornerstone that will help provide future eruptive scenarios, essential for the quantification of recurrence times of explosive activity and in volcanic hazard assessment in the Neapolitan area. This overview sets the basis for modelling dispersion as well as eruptive dynamics parameters of pre-CI large-magnitude eruptions, needed to better understand the behavior of the CF caldera with a long-term perspective.

How to cite: Fernandez, G., Giaccio, B., Costa, A., Monaco, L., Albert, P., Nomade, S., Pereira, A., Leicher, N., Lucchi, F., Petrosino, P., Milia, A., Insinga, D., Wulf, S., Kearney, R., Veres, D., Jordanova, D., and Sottili, G.: New constraints on Middle-Late Pleistocene large-magnitude eruptions from Campi Flegrei, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6552,, 2023.

EGU23-6906 | Posters on site | GMPV8.1

The Relationship Between Moderate Earthquakes and Ayazakhtarma Mud Volcano Using the InSAR Technique in Azerbaijan 

Fakhraddin Gadirov (Kadirov) and Bahruz Ahadov

In this research, the Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) method is used to evaluate the connection between earthquakes and volcano dynamics in Azerbaijan. InSAR provides a robust technique for defining the complexity of earthquakes in spatial dimensions and provides more precise information about the effects of earthquakes than traditional methods. We assessed pre-, co-, and post-seismic scenarios to find the possible triggering relationships between moderate earthquakes and the Ayazakhtarma mud volcano. The Ayazakhtarma volcano is located 46 km from the 2021 Shamakhi and 67 km from the 2019 Basqal earthquakes, respectively. In this study, comprehensive deformation time series and velocities for the volcano using Sentinel 1A/B data between 2014 and 2022 were produced from LiCSAR products using LiCSBAS. At the same time, a radar line-of-sight (LOS) displacement map was generated based on results from the GMT5SAR for pre-, co-, and post-seismic deformation of earthquakes. Based on our observations of the following earthquakes, our results show that moderate earthquakes (Mw≤5) cannot trigger large mud volcano eruptions. In particular, the study of the Ayazakhtarma mud volcano revealed significant LOS changes that were positive and negative in the western half and eastern half of the site, respectively. Our research helps us comprehend how earthquakes impact eruptive processes. In two different situations, the interferograms enable the detection of ground displacement associated with mud volcano activity. At the Ayazakhtarma, faults also play a fairly important role in the deformation pattern. Interestingly, the observed fault system primarily exists in the region that divides sectors with various rates of subsidence. The interferometric data have been studied, providing new information on the deformation patterns of the Ayazakhtarma mud volcano.

How to cite: Gadirov (Kadirov), F. and Ahadov, B.: The Relationship Between Moderate Earthquakes and Ayazakhtarma Mud Volcano Using the InSAR Technique in Azerbaijan, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6906,, 2023.

EGU23-7141 | ECS | Orals | GMPV8.1

Hydroacoustic monitoring of Mayotte underwater volcanic eruption 

Aude Lavayssière, Sara Bazin, Jean-Yves Royer, and Pierre-Yves Raumer

Mooring networks of hydrophones is an effective way to monitor the ocean soundscape and its sources, and it is particularly efficient to better understand underwater volcanic eruptions. In October 2020, four continuous hydrophones were moored in the SOFAR channel around Mayotte Island, in the North Mozambique Channel, to monitor the Fani Maoré 2018-2022 submarine eruption. This eruption created a new underwater seamount at 3500 m below sea level, 50 km east of Mayotte. Since 2020, the MAHY hydrophones record sounds generated by the volcanic activity and the first results have evidenced earthquakes, underwater landslides, and impulsive signals that we related to steam bursts during lava flow emplacement. An automatic detection of these specific impulsive signals is being developed for a better monitoring but also a better understanding of their source. The hydroacoustic catalog obtained characterize the Mayotte lava flow activity and will help quantify the risk for Mayotte population. This detection could be used by Mayotte’s and other volcano observatories to monitor active submarine eruptions in the absence of regular seafloor imaging.

How to cite: Lavayssière, A., Bazin, S., Royer, J.-Y., and Raumer, P.-Y.: Hydroacoustic monitoring of Mayotte underwater volcanic eruption, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7141,, 2023.

EGU23-7166 | Orals | GMPV8.1

Towards monitoring phreatic eruptions using seismic noise 

Corentin Caudron, Társilo Girona, Thomas Lecocq, Alberto Ardid, David Dempsey, and Alexander Yates

Phreatic and hydrothermal eruptions remain among the most difficult to forecast. The frequent absence of clear precursor signals challenges volcanologists' ability to provide timely and accurate hazard advice. They remain poorly understood and have recently caused human fatalities. It is therefore paramount to better investigate such eruptions by integrating new methodologies to fully understand the preparatory processes at play and improve our ability to forecast them.

Among the different approaches to monitor volcanoes, seismology forms the basis, and most active volcanoes are nowadays equipped with at least one seismometer. Seismology is unique amongst the Earth Science disciplines involved in volcano studies, as it provides real-time information; as such, it is the backbone of every monitoring program worldwide. With data storage capabilities expanding over the last decades, new data processing tools have emerged taking advantage of continuous seismic records. Recent advances in volcano monitoring have taken advantage of seismic noise to better understand the time evolution of the subsurface. 

The well-established seismic interferometry has allowed us to detect precursory changes (dv/v or decorrelation) to phreatic eruptions at different volcanoes, thereby providing critical insights into the triggering processes. More recent approaches have provided insights into the genesis of gas-driven eruptions using seismic attenuation (DSAR: Displacement seismic amplitude ratio) and correlation with tidal stresses (LSC). Yet, puzzling observations have been made at different volcanoes requiring the use of numerical models and machine learning-based approaches, as well as complementary dataset to reach a more comprehensive understanding. This presentation will review recent insights gained into precursory processes to phreatic eruptions using seismic noise and how we could possibly forecast them. These tools are freely available to the community and have the potential to serve monitoring and aid decision-making in volcano observatories.

How to cite: Caudron, C., Girona, T., Lecocq, T., Ardid, A., Dempsey, D., and Yates, A.: Towards monitoring phreatic eruptions using seismic noise, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7166,, 2023.

EGU23-7174 | Orals | GMPV8.1

Dealing with hydrothermal unrest in active calderas by jointly exploiting geodetic and seismic measurements: the 2021-22 Vulcano Island (Italy) crisis case study 

Federico Di Traglia, Valentina Bruno, Francesco Casu, Ornella Cocina, Claudio De Luca, Flora Giudicepietro, Riccardo Lanari, Giovanni Macedonio, Mario Mattia, Fernando Monterroso, and Eugenio Privitera

Active calderas are typically characterized by shallow magmatic systems associated with marked geothermal anomalies and significant fluid releases. Ground deformation are generally associated with uplift or subsidence, induced by recharges or emptying/cooling of the magmatic storage system, by expansions or contractions of hydrothermal systems, or by combinations of these factors. The pressure variations in the hydrothermal systems can lead to an increase in the fumarolic and distributed soil degassing activity or in the sudden release of gas, leading to phreatic explosions, even to violent ones.

The Island of Vulcano (Italy), part of the Aeolian archipelago (southern Tyrrhenian Sea), contains an active caldera (La Fossa caldera) showing a widespread degassing and fumarolic activity, mainly localized in the main active volcano (La Fossa cone) and in other emissions zones within the caldera. The La Fossa caldera has shown signs of unrest since September 2021 and to date monitoring parameters have not returned to background levels.

Accordingly, the geophysical measurements obtained through the Vulcano Island monitoring infrastructures, which include geodetic and seismic data, were analysed. GNSS and DInSAR data, the former processed using the GAMIT-GLOBK software to calculate both time series and velocities of every remote station of the 7-stations network in Vulcano and Lipari islands, the latter processed through the P-SBAS technique, were used to identify the source of deformation. The seismic network data were exploited to discriminate the seismicity induced by regional tectonics from that induced by the magmatic or hydrothermal system (VT, VLP, tremor).

The inversion of the ground deformation measurements made possible to investigate the source within the hydrothermal system of the Fossa cone. Moreover. the seismic data analysis reveals the activation of regional crustal structures during the hydrothermal unrest, as well as the flow of hydrothermal fluids within the caldera structures linked to the presence of a pressurized hydrothermal system.

The presented results will provide a general overview of the main findings relevant to the Vulcano Island geodetic and seismic data inversion and analysis.

How to cite: Di Traglia, F., Bruno, V., Casu, F., Cocina, O., De Luca, C., Giudicepietro, F., Lanari, R., Macedonio, G., Mattia, M., Monterroso, F., and Privitera, E.: Dealing with hydrothermal unrest in active calderas by jointly exploiting geodetic and seismic measurements: the 2021-22 Vulcano Island (Italy) crisis case study, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7174,, 2023.

EGU23-7218 | ECS | Orals | GMPV8.1

Dike-arrest vs dike-propagation and associated surface stresses: an example from the Younger Stampar eruption (13th century), Reykjanes Peninsula, SW Iceland 

Noemi Corti, Fabio Luca Bonali, Elena Russo, Federico Pasquarè Mariotto, Agust Gudmundsson, Kyriaki Drymoni, Alessandro Tibaldi, Rosario Esposito, and Alessandro Cavallo

Understanding the factors that affect dike propagation and dike arrest in the shallow crust, and subsequently control the associated dike-induced surface deformation is fundamental for volcanic hazard assessment. In this work, we focus on two dike segments associated with the Younger Stampar eruption (1210-1240 AD) on the Reykjanes Peninsula (SW Iceland). Both segments (spaced 30 m apart horizontally) were emplaced in the same heterogeneous crustal segment composed of lavas and tuffs. Here, the first dike to be emplaced fed a lava flow, while the second dike became arrested 5 m below the free surface without producing any brittle surface deformation. Therefore, this area represents an ideal case study to analyse the conditions that promote dike arrest or, alternatively, dike propagation to the surface. The outcrop also provides further examples of the absence of brittle deformation around a dike arrested just below the surface. 

For this work, we collected structural data from the dikes and the heterogeneous layers as well as from the nearby crater rows associated with the Stampar eruptions. We integrated our field observations with a high-resolution 3D model reconstructed from UAV-collected pictures through Structure-from-Motion photogrammetric techniques. These 3D model data were then used as inputs for Finite Element Method (FEM) numerical models through the COMSOL Multiphysics® software (v5.6). We performed a range of sensitivity tests to investigate the role of dike overpressure (Po= 2 - 4 MPa), the mechanical properties of the host rock (e.g., Young’s modulus), and the layering of the crustal segment subject to horizontal extension and compression boundary conditions.

Our multidisciplinary structural analyses show that the Stampar crater rows is consistent in strike with the orientation of the volcanic system of the Reykjanes Peninsula, as well as the other historic and prehistoric eruptive fissures in the region. Furthermore, our numerical models indicate that the layering and the dissimilar mechanical properties of the host rock contributed to the arrest of non-feeder dike and the associated absence of brittle deformation at and above its tip. In particular, the layering (stiff lava flow on top of soft tuff) magnifies (concentrates) the compressive stress induced by the earlier feeder dike which cuts through an existing lower part of the surface lava flow. The horizontal compressive stress, in turn, is one reason for the very low overpressure of the non-feeder when it approached the tuff-lava contact, hence its arrest at the contact. Our studies can be applied to other dike-fed volcanic areas in Iceland and worldwide.

How to cite: Corti, N., Bonali, F. L., Russo, E., Pasquarè Mariotto, F., Gudmundsson, A., Drymoni, K., Tibaldi, A., Esposito, R., and Cavallo, A.: Dike-arrest vs dike-propagation and associated surface stresses: an example from the Younger Stampar eruption (13th century), Reykjanes Peninsula, SW Iceland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7218,, 2023.

EGU23-7374 | ECS | Orals | GMPV8.1

Bayesian modeling of velocity break points in GNSS time series and the effect of noise on their estimation: Did velocity anomalies in the Krafla volcanic system, north Iceland, precede the Bárðarbunga-Holuhraun 2014-2015 rifting episode? 

Yilin Yang, Freysteinn Sigmundsson, Halldór Geirsson, Chiara Lanzi, Sigrún Hreinsdóttir, Vincent Drouin, Xiaohui Zhou, and Yifang Ma

Correct estimation of the timing of velocity changes (break points) and associated uncertainties in ground deformation observed with Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) coordinate time series is crucial for understanding various Earth processes and how they may couple with each other. To simultaneously estimate break points, velocity changes and their uncertainties, we implement Bayesian modeling with Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm for GNSS time series. As the presence of white noise (WN) and time-correlated flicker noise (FLN) in GNSS time series was found to affect velocity estimation, synthetic data experiments are first conducted to investigate their effect on break point estimation. The results indicate that reliable estimates are obtained only when the value of velocity change is larger than FLN amplitude. With the presence of WN and FLN, whose amplitudes are one twentieth and one fourth of the velocity-change value, the estimation bias and uncertainty are <0.5 mm/yr and ~5 mm/yr for velocity change, and <30 d and ~100 d for break point, respectively. In this case the uncertainty is one magnitude larger than that with only the presence of WN. Then the proposed method is applied to model two velocity changes detected manually during 2014-2015 at the Krafla volcanic system, North Volcanic Zone (NVZ), Iceland. Similar accuracy and precision as the synthetic data experiments can be expected in east component of the real data as the velocity-change values are 6.9-16.5 times of the WN amplitudes and 2.5-4.0 times of the FLN amplitudes from preliminary analysis. Considering the uncertainty estimated with 95% confidence interval, the first break point at the three continuous GNSS stations in the Krafla area suggests a change in extension pattern across the NVZ prior to the beginning of a major rifting episode that started on 16 August 2014 at the Bárðarbunga volcanic system, which is ~130 km south of Krafla. The first break point at KRAC station in the Krafla caldera occurs on 2-4 July 2014, with 95% confidence interval being 4 May to 13 August 2014. The first velocity change is about 7.6 to 9.8 mm/yr to the west with its uncertainty ranging from 4.5 to 14.4 mm/yr. The velocities approximately resume to the original level after the second change at the end of 2014 or early 2015, whose chronological relationship with the end of Bárðarbunga-Holuhraun episode cannot be asserted because of uncertainties. The results may indicate coupling of activities between the volcanic systems in the NVZ via processes not well understood. Further work is needed to confirm these results and their significance.

How to cite: Yang, Y., Sigmundsson, F., Geirsson, H., Lanzi, C., Hreinsdóttir, S., Drouin, V., Zhou, X., and Ma, Y.: Bayesian modeling of velocity break points in GNSS time series and the effect of noise on their estimation: Did velocity anomalies in the Krafla volcanic system, north Iceland, precede the Bárðarbunga-Holuhraun 2014-2015 rifting episode?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7374,, 2023.

EGU23-7530 | ECS | Orals | GMPV8.1

Mechanical controls on caldera slope morphology and failure 

Claire Harnett, Robert Watson, Eoghan Holohan, and Martin Schöpfer

Volcanic calderas are delimited by a ‘caldera wall’ which can be several hundred meters in height. This represents the degraded scarp of a fault that accommodates roof subsidence. Here, we assess the roles of friction and cohesion on caldera wall morphology by: (i) analysing the slope properties of several young natural calderas in the ALOS-3D global digital surface model (DSM), and (ii) comparing those observations to the results of a text-book analytical solution and of new Distinct Element Method (DEM) modelling.

Our analysis of the DSM suggest that caldera wall heights are not as closely linked to slope angle as previously suggested. Slope angles range from 20 – 65° and slope heights range from 99 m - 1085 m. We find that the smaller slope heights are not robustly tied to greater slope angle. When compared to analytical predictions, these slope-height data yield expected rock mass cohesion values of less than 0.25 MPa for all calderas, which is 2-3 orders of magnitude less than typical laboratory-scale values.

The DEM models explicitly simulated the process of progressive caldera collapse, wall formation and destabilisation, enabling exploration of the emergence of slope morphology as a function of increasing subsidence and of mechanical properties. Results confirm that low bulk cohesion values <0.5 MPa are required to reproduce the observed ranges of slope angles and slope heights, and they indicate that friction is the dominant control on slope evolution. Different failure mechanisms resulted as a function of cohesion and friction during early collapse: (1) granular flow with low friction and cohesion, and (2) block toppling at high friction and cohesion. During later collapse, shear failure dominates regardless of cohesion. At higher cohesion and/or friction values, the models resulted in non-linear concave-upward slope profiles that are seen at many natural calderas.

How to cite: Harnett, C., Watson, R., Holohan, E., and Schöpfer, M.: Mechanical controls on caldera slope morphology and failure, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7530,, 2023.

EGU23-7704 | Posters on site | GMPV8.1

Flank collapse and magma dynamics interactions on stratovolcanoes: InSAR and GNSS observations at Mt. Etna (Italy) 

Giuseppe Pezzo, Mimmo Palano, Lisa Beccaro, Cristiano Tolomei, Matteo Albano, Simone Atzori, and Claudio Chiarabba

Spatial-temporal ground deformation patterns of volcanoes is one of the major and more impressive observations of the volcanic dynamic. Cause of his numerous volcanic, seismic, and gravitational phenomena, Mt. Etna is one of the more studied volcanoes worldwide. We processed and analyzed GNSS and InSAR dataset from January 2015 - March 2021 period. In addition to inflation and deflation displacement pattern, we observe a spectacular velocity modulation of the superfast seaward motion of the eastern flank. Rare flank motion reversal indicates that short-term contraction of the volcano occasionally overcomes the gravity-controlled sliding of the eastern flank. On the other hand, fast dike intrusion guided the acceleration of the sliding flank, potentially evolving into sudden collapses, fault creep, and seismic release. These observations can be of relevance for addressing short term scenarios and forecasting of the quantity of magma accumulating within the plumbing system.

How to cite: Pezzo, G., Palano, M., Beccaro, L., Tolomei, C., Albano, M., Atzori, S., and Chiarabba, C.: Flank collapse and magma dynamics interactions on stratovolcanoes: InSAR and GNSS observations at Mt. Etna (Italy), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7704,, 2023.

EGU23-8378 | ECS | Orals | GMPV8.1

Strain Localization at Volcanoes Undergoing Extension: Investigating Long-term Subsidence at Krafla and Askja in North Iceland 

Chiara Lanzi, Freysteinn Sigmundsson, Halldór Geirsson, Michelle Maree Parks, and Vincent Drouin

Localized ground deformation at volcanoes in extensional setting may occur because of strain localization. The magmatic system of a volcano with its liquid magma, magma mush, and hot crust will cause a rheological anomaly, where material properties may be very different from surrounding crust and mantle. Numerical models based on the Finite Element Method (FEM) are used to explore ground deformation at volcanoes in extensional environments, considering realistic volcano models with heterogeneous multi-layered structure, with both elastic and viscoelastic rheology. The effects of localized lateral and vertical variations in terms of geometry and material properties of the crust are explored, in a model domain undergoing stretching applied perpendicular to the lateral domain boundaries of one and two-layers model (at a rate of 17.4 mm/yr applied in our models). A one-layer model displays the same elastic feature throughout the whole domain except for a localized upper volume with lower elastic properties, compared to the surrounding crust, to simulate the shallow magmatic system. In a two-layer model, the top elastic layer overlies a viscoelastic layer that locally reaches shallower levels to symbolize the deep magmatic system beneath the shallow low-rigidity volume previously introduced. A localized surface subsidence signal is a characteristic feature of magmatic system with a large body of localized viscoelastic rheology at shallow depth. The subsidence signal is strongly dependent on the viscosity and volume of the up-doming viscoelastic material. A model with viscosity of 5 × 1019 Pa s in the up-doming material, and a 7 – 15 km-thick elastic layer, show a small subsidence rate, ~0.1 – 0.4 mm/yr. Our models show an increase of the localized subsidence rate, from 1.9 to 5.5 mm/yr, as the viscosity decreases from 1018 Pa s to 1016 Pa s in the up-doming material. Lower viscosities (<1016 Pa s) show no further change in subsidence rate when compared to the 1016 Pa s solution. We apply three-dimensional FEM models to improve understanding of the subsidence at the Krafla and Askja volcanic systems (1989-2018 and 1983-2018, respectively) in the Northern Volcanic Zone of Iceland. The two subsiding areas (roughly 9 × 10 km each) lie in about 50 km-wide zone which marks the North America-Eurasia divergent plate boundary. The rate of subsidence at Krafla was ~1.3 cm/yr in 1993-2000 and slowed down to 3-5 mm/yr in 2006-2015. The rate of subsidence at Askja decayed more slowly than Krafla. During the 1983-1998 the subsidence rate was ~5 cm/yr; in 2000-2009, geodetic monitoring showed that the subsidence slowed down to ~2.5 cm/yr. Comparison of FEM models to geodetic data in North Iceland suggests that plate divergence processes may account for part of the observed subsidence, dependent on how extensive rheological anomalies in relation to magma are beneath the volcanoes.

How to cite: Lanzi, C., Sigmundsson, F., Geirsson, H., Maree Parks, M., and Drouin, V.: Strain Localization at Volcanoes Undergoing Extension: Investigating Long-term Subsidence at Krafla and Askja in North Iceland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8378,, 2023.

EGU23-9104 | ECS | Orals | GMPV8.1

Sudden shallow dyke intrusion at São Jorge Island (Azores) after 60 years of repose 

João D'Araújo, Andy Hooper, Milan Lazecky, Freysteinn Sigmundsson, Teresa Ferreira, Rita Silva, João Gaspar, and Rui Marques

Eruptions at long-inactive volcanoes are usually preceded by days to months of unrest as magma migrates gradually to shallower depths. This is built into plans by civil protection agencies for societal response. Here we show that at São Jorge, Azores, after 60 years of repose, magma reached almost the surface in a vertical dike intrusion within a few hours of the seismicity onset with no previous precursory signals. São Jorge lies in a rift zone where extensional stress is expected to be built over time to accommodate magma at depth. Recent eruptions at São Jorge have produced pyroclastic density currents, and the potential for an eruption to occur with little warning poses a significant risk. Deformation associated with the event reached other neighboring islands over a distance of at least 45 km away from São Jorge. Deformation was high on the first day of activity (>50 mm within March 19-20) and significantly decreased afterward. The combined analysis of GNSS and InSAR data allows using a model of segmented rectangular dislocations with multiple patches for data inversion. A maximum opening of 1.7 m at 4-6 km depth is inferred from the modeling. We interpret the cause of the initial vertical shallow injection to be due to host rock failure conditions triggered by deviatoric stresses. We investigate why lateral spreading of the dike occurred soon after the initial injection. Using a FEM simulation, we show how the tension at the tip of a vertical propagating dike is high at the start and decreases with shallower depths, reaching similar levels of tension found at the lateral parts of the dike and increasing the probability of lateral propagation.

How to cite: D'Araújo, J., Hooper, A., Lazecky, M., Sigmundsson, F., Ferreira, T., Silva, R., Gaspar, J., and Marques, R.: Sudden shallow dyke intrusion at São Jorge Island (Azores) after 60 years of repose, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9104,, 2023.

EGU23-10409 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV8.1

Testing the Sensitivity of Shear Wave Splitting to Volcanic Inflation, A Case Study from Askja, Iceland 

Jamie McCann, Tom Winder, Conor Bacon, and Nicholas Rawlinson

Askja is an active volcano situated in the Northern Volcanic Zone of Iceland that last erupted in 1961. Since then, long-term geodetic studies of Askja’s caldera complex have tracked the deflation at a decaying rate associated with a shallow source. However, in August 2021, a rapid reversal of this trend indicated the onset of re-inflation, which, as of January 2023, has resulted in 45cm of uplift near the centre of the primary caldera. While several techniques have been used to measure the geodetic signal associated with this inflation, including gravity and InSAR data, there has yet to be a detailed examination of the seismic response. We observe a definitive increase in the rate of seismicity associated with the onset of re-inflation in August 2021. In this study we examine the sensitivity of shear wave splitting, a phenomenon arising due to seismic anisotropy in the crust, to the changing stress state of the crust within and surrounding Askja associated with this new phase of inflation. We estimate the fast orientation and delay time, which parameterise the orientation and magnitude of seismic anisotropy respectively, from split shear wave arrivals across our local network of seismometers. We leverage an extensive catalogue of microearthquakes in and around Askja spanning 2007 to 2022 in order to compare the variation in pre- and post-inflation delay times and strength of anisotropy, to better understand the sensitivity of shear wave splitting to stress changes during periods of volcanic inflation. This will give valuable information on whether shear wave splitting can be used as a proxy for stress changes when other geodetic observations cannot be performed in volcanic and other settings, as well as the role shear wave splitting has in combination with these other techniques.

How to cite: McCann, J., Winder, T., Bacon, C., and Rawlinson, N.: Testing the Sensitivity of Shear Wave Splitting to Volcanic Inflation, A Case Study from Askja, Iceland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10409,, 2023.

EGU23-10489 | ECS | Orals | GMPV8.1

On the 2021 Volcanic Paroxysmal Activity of Mount Etna: a Ground Deformation Analysis Using InSAR 

Alejandra Vásquez Castillo, Francesco Guglielmino, and Giuseppe Puglisi

Measuring how the surface deforms in time and space plays a crucial role, not only for understanding volcanic mechanisms, but also for hazard assessment, risk mitigation and supporting crisis management. Mount Etna, one of the most active volcanoes in the world, with a growing population in its vicinity, has experienced an intense period of activity in recent years, mainly characterized by continuous degassing and recurring lava fountains. Due to this activity, continuous deformation can be observed at Mount Etna.

The summit craters showed brisk activity in the last months of 2020, accompanied by increasing seismicity. A period of paroxysms started in December 2020 and intensified in February 2021, with brief but violent eruptive lava-fountaining episodes, that continued throughout all the year. The focus of this study is to understand the dynamics of the near-surface feeding system by constraining the sources responsible for the observed paroxysms. To localize and describe the time-dependent ground deformation, we examine surface deformation at Mount Etna by means of an Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar time series analysis utilizing Sentinel-1 data between the second half of 2020 and the end of 2021. The onset of the paroxysms was preceded by an inflation period and deflation episodes were observed during the paroxysms period, which suggests a link between the volcano activity and the observed deformation. The findings may contribute to the discussion on the distribution and dynamics of magma reservoirs that form Mount Etna's conduit system and its interaction with the local tectonic regime.

How to cite: Vásquez Castillo, A., Guglielmino, F., and Puglisi, G.: On the 2021 Volcanic Paroxysmal Activity of Mount Etna: a Ground Deformation Analysis Using InSAR, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10489,, 2023.

EGU23-10631 | ECS | Orals | GMPV8.1

Microstructure linking external forcing to supereruption 

Boda Liu and Chao Qi

Large rhyolitic eruptions with ejecta of transcontinental scale have catastrophic effects on the environment. Despite its importance in volcanic hazard assessment and potentially influencing climate, the triggering of supervolcanoes remains enigmatic. Many valid mechanisms for mobilizing an eruptible magma reservoir exist, however, the fundamental question of how to initially form the magma reservoir responsible for a supereruption is unknown. Here we show that the deformation microstructure of partially molten rock could accelerate melt extraction and assemble a large eruptible magma reservoir. By modeling observed shape and orientation of melt pockets in deformed samples, we predict that deformation microstructure forms a melt network that enhances melt flux by up to 30 times. Our results suggest that compressing a crystal-rich magmatic mush in volcanic arcs or under glacial loading can assemble a large crystal-poor magma reservoir in a few thousand years, a timescale in consistent with petrological evidence of rapid assembly. Because external stress is common to most magmatic systems, deformation microstructure could be a ubiquitous catalyst for magmatic activities including supereruptions.

How to cite: Liu, B. and Qi, C.: Microstructure linking external forcing to supereruption, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10631,, 2023.

EGU23-12087 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV8.1

Flank collapse, sediment failure and flow-transition: the multi-stage deposition of a volcanic sector collapse offshore Montserrat, Lesser Antilles 

Michel Kühn, Christian Berndt, Sebastian Krastel, Jens Karstens, Sebastian Watt, Steffen Kutterolf, Katrin Huhn, and Tim Freudenthal

Volcanic sector collapses generated some of the most voluminous mass transport deposits on Earth and triggered devastating tsunamis with numerous casualties. The associated sector collapse deposits occur around many volcanic islands all over the world. The shelf around the volcanic island of Montserrat (Lesser Antilles) and the adjacent Montserrat-Bouillante-Graben host more than ten surficial or buried landslide deposits with most of them classified as volcanic debris avalanche deposits by previous studies. The most intensively studied deposit (Deposit 2) is associated with a landslide that occurred at ~ 130 ka and comprises a volume of 10 km³, including remnants of the volcanic flank and secondarily mobilized seafloor sediments. Here, we present new 2D and 3D seismic data as well as MeBo drill core data from Deposit 2 that reveal multi-phase deposition including an initial blocky volcanic debris avalanche followed by secondary seafloor failure and a late- erosive event. Late-stage erosion is evidenced by a channel-like incision on the hummocky surface of Deposit 2 about 15 km from the source region. Erosional incisions into the top of sector collapse deposit have also been reported from Ritter Island, Papua New Guinea – the only other volcanic landslide deposit that was studied at similarly high resolution. This may imply that late stage erosive turbidites are a common process during volcanic sector collapse. This requires geological and oceanographic processes that can create high flow velocities close to the source of the collapse area leading to a late down-slope acceleration of sediments that were suspended in the water column.

How to cite: Kühn, M., Berndt, C., Krastel, S., Karstens, J., Watt, S., Kutterolf, S., Huhn, K., and Freudenthal, T.: Flank collapse, sediment failure and flow-transition: the multi-stage deposition of a volcanic sector collapse offshore Montserrat, Lesser Antilles, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12087,, 2023.

EGU23-12116 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV8.1

Major volcanic events from Mohéli, Anjouan and Mayotte Island edification in the Comoros Archipelago at Northern Mozambique Channel inferred by seismic reflection data. 

Charles Masquelet, Sylvie Leroy, Daniel Sauter, Matthias Delescluse, Nicolas Chamot-Rooke, Isabelle Thinon, Louise Watremez, and Anne Lemoine

The timing of volcanic events at the Comoros archipelago (North Mozambique Channel) are currently only known by dating samples from the onshore islands. According to these data, the oldest lavas from the Comoros are 10 Ma and several distinct volcanic periods are inferred (Michon, 2016). However, the onset of the volcanism within the archipelago cannot be constrained by these data. Here we use two different datasets of wide angle, and  high resolution multichannel seismic reflexion profiles to provide insights on the birth and early evolution of the volcanism around the islands of Mohéli, Anjouan and Mayotte, in the Comoros basin (SISMAORE cruise, ANR COYOTES project, (Thinon et al., 2022)).

The seismic interpretation revealed several distinct volcanic horizons within the sedimentary cover, that could be related to the formation of the Jumelles Ridge, Geyser bank, Mohéli, Anjouan and Mayotte volcanic island. We identify the onset of the main volcanic event that led to the formation of Mayotte island. We show that the corresponding seismic volcanic horizon is located at different depths in the north and the south of Mayotte island. This indicates at least two different major volcanic phases of the Mayotte island edification. Seismic profiles also show  the presence of a magmatic feeder complex underneath. Using known regional stratigraphy, we finally propose a chronology of all the volcanic episodes in the regional volcanic context of the construction of the Comoros archipelago.

Michon, L., 2016. The Volcanism of the Comoros Archipelago Integrated at a Regional Scale, in: Bachelery, P., Lenat, J.-F., Di Muro, A., Michon, L. (Eds.), Active Volcanoes of the Southwest Indian Ocean, Active Volcanoes of the World. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 333–344.

Thinon, I., Lemoine, A., Leroy, S., Paquet, F., Berthod, C., Zaragosi, S., Famin, V., Feuillet, N., Boymond, P., Masquelet, C., Mercury, N., Rusquet, A., Scalabrin, C., Van der Woerd, J., Bernard, J., Bignon, J., Clouard, V., Doubre, C., Jacques, E., Jorry, S.J., Rolandone, F., Chamot-Rooke, N., Delescluse, M., Franke, D., Watremez, L., Bachèlery, P., Michon, L., Sauter, D., Bujan, S., Canva, A., Dassie, E., Roche, V., Ali, S., Sitti Allaouia, A.H., Deplus, C., Rad, S., Sadeski, L., 2022. Volcanism and tectonics unveiled in the Comoros Archipelago between Africa and Madagascar. Comptes Rendus. Géoscience 354, 1–28.

How to cite: Masquelet, C., Leroy, S., Sauter, D., Delescluse, M., Chamot-Rooke, N., Thinon, I., Watremez, L., and Lemoine, A.: Major volcanic events from Mohéli, Anjouan and Mayotte Island edification in the Comoros Archipelago at Northern Mozambique Channel inferred by seismic reflection data., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12116,, 2023.

Unrests at calderas are usually characterized by surface uplift, which is often driven by the pressurization of a sill-like reservoir. If an unrest ends up with an eruption, the location and timing for the opening of the eruptive vent are difficult to predict. In fact, when a reservoir fails, a magmatic dyke nucleates and starts propagating towards the surface, following a direction that results from the interplay between magma pressure, local stress, and regional tectonic. Where and how a sill reservoir will fail is one of the most uncertain factors in such a pre-eruptive scenario. In order to study the transition between an inflating sill and a dyke intrusion, we developed an original analogue model set-up: We shaped the surface of a solidified gelatin block, reproducing a simplified topography of Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy). This provides our model with the local unloading stress due to the presence of the caldera. In addition, we introduced a variable horizontal extension by expanding the gelatin block in one direction, providing a regional extension. We placed a sill-type reservoir below the caldera, scaling its dimensions based on previous deformation studies at Campi Flegrei. In our experiments, the reservoir was progressively pressurized through the injection of air from the bottom of the gelatin block, simulating a process of shallow sill-reservoir activation by a deeper “feeder dyke”. Depending on the ratio between the local unloading stress and the regional extension, we observed two main behaviors for the nucleation of a shallow dyke: I) if the local stress dominates over the regional extension - when the sill overpressure reaches a critical value - we observed the lateral growth of the sill, followed by the progressive re-orientation of the intrusion towards vertical, thus forming a dike which fed a circumferential vent on the rim of the caldera; II) if the extension dominates, the sill-to-dyke nucleation still occurs at the edge of the sill, but with a vertical dyke opening in the direction of the regional extension (on the same plane as the feeder dyke). The intrusion grows towards the surface, leading to a radial fissure located at the edge of the caldera.

Previous estimates for the stress state at Campi Flegrei caldera from Rivalta et al. (2019) would suggest that the most relevant mechanism for Campi Flegrei may be the one dominated by the local stress rather than the regional extension (type I).

How to cite: Maccaferri, F., Gaete Roja, A., and Mantiloni, L.: Sill to dyke transition beneath a caldera: the competition between local stress and regional extension. Insights from analogue experiments applied to Campi Flegrei caldera, Italy., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12143,, 2023.

EGU23-12339 | Orals | GMPV8.1

Pressure drop as a forecasting tool of eruption duration: 2021 La Palma eruption 

Maria Charco, Pablo J. González, Laura Garcia-Cañada, and Carmen del Fresno

One of the main goals of the modern volcanology is produce accurate eruption forecastings. Not only from a scientific point of view, but considering that approximately 30 million people live in the vicinity of active volcanic areas and tens of thousands of people have lost their lives as a result of the direct effects of historical eruptions. Thus, in 2017 "The US National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine" considered the forecast of eruptions as one of the great challenges of Volcanology. Generally, the focus is on forecasting the eruption onset, however, forecasting the style, size and duration becomes relevant and properly manage long-duration eruption, e.g., during the 2021 La Palma (Canary Islands) eruption, whose main hazards were air pollution, ash fall and lava flows. In particular, the 2021 eruption of La Palma lava flows caused extensive devastation to the surrounding community: more than 2800 buildings and almost 1000 hectares of banana plantations and farmland were destroyed. In this study, we use co-eruptive GNSS series of deformation data to estimate the eruption's end. The forecast was based on the relationship between displacements and pressure changes provided by a purely elastic model of the medium. We also estimated the location of a magma reservoir. A depth of 10-15 km is inferred. This reservoir is consistent with the main seismogenic volume during the eruption. We interpret that the reservoir pressure dropped due the progressive withdrawal of magma that fed the eruption. We assumed that the magmatic plumbing responsible for the eruption was a closed system and that the magma contributions in this zone do not cause detectable deformations. Thus, we used the pressure drop as an indicator of the end of an eruption. With the benefit of the hindsight, we extensively tested our model considering different deformation time series spams in order to evaluate the feasibility of making near-real time predictions of the duration of the eruption, and derive some constraints about the magma system.

How to cite: Charco, M., González, P. J., Garcia-Cañada, L., and del Fresno, C.: Pressure drop as a forecasting tool of eruption duration: 2021 La Palma eruption, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12339,, 2023.

EGU23-12984 | Posters on site | GMPV8.1

Dynamic strain anomalies detection at Stromboli from 2007 eruptive phase using machine learning 

Pierdomenico Romano, Bellina Di Lieto, Agata Sangianantoni, Silvia Scarpetta, Giovanni Messuti, and Roberto Scarpa

The characterization of volcano state is not a simple task due the complexity of physics processes underway. Understanding their evolution prior to and during eruptions is a critical point for identifying transitions in volcanic state. Recent developments in the field of Machine Learning (ML) have proven to be very useful and efficient for automatic discrimination, decision, prediction, clustering and information extraction in many fields, including volcanology. In Romano et al. (2022) the use of ML algorithms led to classify strain VLP families related with changes in volcano dynamics prior of paroxysmal eruptions: algorithms have been able to discriminate little differences in VLPs shape and to find a correspondence among a higher number of families and volcanic phenomenologies. For paroxysmal events occurring outside any long-lasting eruption, the initial success of our approach, although applied only to the few available examples, could permit us to anticipate the time of alert to several days, instead of few minutes, by detecting medium-term strain anomalies: this could be crucial for risk mitigation for inhabitants and tourists. 

The neural network method used in previous analysis has been extended to a wider (2007-2022) period to verify that families found in the previous narrower time interval were still present. We tried, then, to associate families with volcanic activity, confirming the conceptual model previously introduced (Mattia et al., 2021 and   Romano et al., 2022), capable of explaining the changes found. Our innovative analysis of dynamic strain, systematically conducted on several years of available data, may be used to provide an early-warning system also on other open conduit active volcanoes.

Valuable information is embedded in the data used in the current work, which could be used not only for scientific purposes but also by civil protection for monitoring reasons. Such a variety of possible usage needs the setting of principles and legal arrangements to be implemented in order to ensure that data will be properly and ethically managed and in turn can be used and accessed by the scientific community.

How to cite: Romano, P., Di Lieto, B., Sangianantoni, A., Scarpetta, S., Messuti, G., and Scarpa, R.: Dynamic strain anomalies detection at Stromboli from 2007 eruptive phase using machine learning, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12984,, 2023.

EGU23-13107 | Posters on site | GMPV8.1

Modeling of volcanic sources and evolution of stress and strain rate at Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy) from GNSS data (2000-2022) 

Valentina Bruno, Prospero De Martino, Mario Dolce, Mario Mattia, and Emily K. Montgomery-Brown

The Campi Flegrei caldera (southern Italy) is one of the most populated volcanic areas on the Earth. It is characterized by intense uplift episodes followed by subsidence phases. Following the 1982–1984 unrest, there was about 21 years of subsidence,  followed by a new phase of inflation started in 2005 and, with increasing uplift rates over time, is still ongoing. Since 2005, the total vertical ground displacement is about 1 m near the city of Pozzuoli.

We analyze the evolution of the volcanic sources that caused the measured ground deformations since 2000 by modelling the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data from the permanent monitoring network in the caldera. Based on changes in slope in the GNSS displacement time series, we divide the recent inflation period into different phases. During time periods characterized by a near-linear trend, we can infer that a stationary pressure source is active inside the caldera. Using this inference, we describe the ground deformations of the last two decades through different sub-intervals, as “snapshots” that are the result of the time evolution of the inner volcano-dynamics.

Furthermore, over the investigated period we analyze the evolution of surface stresses from an ellipsoidal source model and the strain rate patterns from the horizontal GNSS velocities. In particular, we compute areal strain rates, shear strain rate magnitudes, associated with a strike-slip component of deformation, and rotation rates, and this helps us to infer surface manifestations of subsurface deformations.

How to cite: Bruno, V., De Martino, P., Dolce, M., Mattia, M., and Montgomery-Brown, E. K.: Modeling of volcanic sources and evolution of stress and strain rate at Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy) from GNSS data (2000-2022), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13107,, 2023.

EGU23-13251 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV8.1

Volcanic activity of Campi Flegrei Caldera (Italy) during 2013-2020 from surface deformation mapping and modeling 

Ana Astort, Elisa Trasatti, Marco Polcari, Mauro Antonio Di Vito, and Valerio Acocella

The current unrest phase at Campi Flegrei Caldera, Italy from 2000 to present is evidenced by increasing seismicity rates and magnitude, gas emissions and remarkable ground deformation. We consider multi-technique geodetic data to constrain the recent surface deformations and study the possible hazard implications. Time-series from the COSMO-SkyMed satellite mission and GNSS data in the period 2013-2020 show an increasing rate of uplift at the caldera center, reaching a total of about 1 m in the town of Pozzuoli during 2010-2020. Horizontal deformation confirms the inflationary trend. Also, new GNSS seafloor measurements, located in the Gulf of Pozzuoli and available from 2017 to 2020, show a nearly radial pattern. The use of these data in the analysis, in addition to the inland GNSS and InSAR data, helps constraining the 3D pattern of deformation also in the submerged part of the Campi Flegrei caldera.

3D finite element models are developed including the elastic heterogeneous structure of the medium based on the newest seismic tomography of the area of Campi Flegrei. We consider the potential action of a plumbing system composed of a general (without fixing the shape a-priori) “central” source, and a deep tabular layer placed at 7.5 km depth.

The results show that the central source is placed below the caldera floor, at 4.5 km depth, and has a shape of a thick spheroid with axes ratio of about 0.8 and 0.5. The use of the sill-like source, as suggested by several previous studies for the 2011-2013 time window, lead to three-four fold higher misfits. We interpret our solution as a thickened sill for which the vertical dimension is not negligible such as for the sill-like source, but has a finite dimension of about half the horizontal extension.

No significant contributions from the deep tabular layer are evidenced by the inversions,  but the hypothesis of a deep reservoir cannot be fully ruled out, since its activity may be masked by the central shallower source. Also, the implementation of seafloor measurements leads to results compatible with the inland GNSS data alone. 

In order to understand the evolution of the current inflation process, the results are compared to previous models from the beginning of the present unrest phase (2011 - 2013) and also previous unrest phases (1980-1984).

This work is part of the multidisciplinary project LOVE-CF, financed by the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, to study the dynamics of Campi Flegrei caldera.

How to cite: Astort, A., Trasatti, E., Polcari, M., Di Vito, M. A., and Acocella, V.: Volcanic activity of Campi Flegrei Caldera (Italy) during 2013-2020 from surface deformation mapping and modeling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13251,, 2023.

Typically surface displacements, as a consequence of magmatic movements, are calculated by implementing either a data inversion model or an analytical model comprising of loosely constrained, generalised rock properties and simplified source geometries. In fact, these analytical models are commonly characterised by a pressurised point source embedded within a homogeneous, isotopic, flat, elastic half space (i.e. the Mogi-McTigue Models). The Mogi model, in particular, provides a quick and relatively accurate estimation of the symmetric, radial displacement patterns from a predefined pressure source. However, limitations arise from the assumptions behind the parameterisation of the model (Masterlark, 2007), namely defining the elastic moduli of the matrix and failing to account for the influence that the topography exerts on the volcanic system. 

This work seeks to address these limitations by employing GALES (GAlerkin LEast Squares), a Multiphysics finite element software (FEM) that was developed by INGV, Sezione di Pisa. GALES consists of various geophysical solvers, including, but not limited to: computational fluid dynamics, computational solid dynamics and fluid solid interaction (Garg & Papale, 2022). The GALES software is tailored towards high performance computing (HPC), on cluster machines, and has been used regularly since its inception; contributing to several significant studies pertaining to magma transport and rock deformation. Thus, GALES is seen as the ideal software platform to introduce geophysical and spatial heterogeneities to these established analytical models - this time with the topography of the volcano at the forefront of its consideration. 

As 3D simulations of this extent are computationally expensive, the open-source softwares MESHER (Marsh et. al., 2018) and GMSH were used to generate a dynamic computational mesh, of variable resolution, for the simulations by deriving a triangulated irregular network (TIN) from the Tinitaly Digital Elevation (~10 m resolution - see Tarquini et. al., 2007) and GEBCO (2022) Bathymetry datasets (~500 m resolution). Significantly, it was also possible to avail of the INGV’s extensive monitoring network by including the positions of the signal receivers stationed across a vast computational domain of 100 km x 100 km x -50 km. The integration of these receiver stations not only allows for a direct and comprehensive comparative analysis of the modelled synthetic deformation signals against the catalogues of empirical data, but also significantly, the extent of its coverage is beneficial as we can obtain deformation patterns from a variety of different source locations, both in the near-field and far-field ranges. 

Therefore, whilst recording volcanic deformation signals and distinguishing its sources at significant depths within the Earth’s crust can prove to be complex, challenging and even elusive, the combination of these numerical models, high-resolution datasets along with continuous monitoring, simulations such as these have the potential to provide new insights into the existence, behaviour and evolution of deep magmatic bodies (Dzurisin, 2003), as well as, constraining the geophysical characteristics of the medium by which they are emplaced. 

How to cite: McCluskey, O., Papale, P., Montagna, C., and Garg, D.: Integrating high-resolution topography data of Mount Etna to produce numerical simulations of surface deformation patterns associated with deep rooted magmatic pressure sources, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13482,, 2023.

In 2018, four deadly (Mw 6.2 to 6.9) earthquakes struck the north coast of Lombok Island, on 28 July, 5August, and 19 August, distributed between the Flores back-arc thrust and the Rinjani-Samalas volcanic complex, causing hundreds of fatalities and extensive damage. We performed a comprehensive analysis of relocated aftershocks, static coulomb stress changes, and co-seismic and post-seismic deformation, to improve our understanding of this earthquake sequence. The fault geometries and slip distributions of the three mainshocks are modelled by inverting the co-seismic deformation imaged using an interferometric analysis of Sentinel-1 synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) measurements, based on rectangular dislocations embedded in a multi-layered elastic half-space. The earthquake sequence aftershocks were analysed using an unsupervised learning method (ST-DBSCAN) to cluster these relocated aftershocks so that we can identify the source of each aftershock. We used a time-series consisting of 658 descending and 370 ascending Sentinal-1 InSAR interferograms to investigate the time-dependent post-seismic deformation in the two years following the Lombok 2018 earthquake sequence, deriving a combined model that simulates the viscoelastic relaxation and afterslip simultaneously. The Coulomb stress change modelling based on the co-seismic and post-seismic rupture models indicates about 1 MPa of extensional stress change at 10 to 20 km of depth and 0.5 Mpa extensional stress change at 15 to 25 km of depth around the Barujari Crater region, respectively, which affects the open of the magma conduct, reflected as caldera-scale deflation and inflation. To quantify the influence of the earthquake sequence on the spatiotemporal deformation pattern of the volcano edifice, we extended our InSAR time-series range forward to the year 2014, just prior to the two eruptions that occurred on 25th October 2015 and 1st August 2016, and perform Principal Component Analysis to investigate the time-dependent inflation and deflation signals. We modelled the volume change and the location of the volcano pressure source for a better understanding of how changes in the magma body and magma movement may have been influenced by the 2018 Lombok earthquake sequence. A double-source compound model is used to invert the parameters of the magma chamber, including a shallow Moji point pressure source centred at 1.3 km north of the Barujari cone, and a deep source centred at 1.5 km northeast of the Rinjani cone, at ~3.9 km and ~3.5 km depth below the sea level respectively. We also used a uniform sill and dike combined model to interpret the co-eruptive signals surrounding the observed eruptive fissures. Our best-fit dike is nearly vertical, reaching a depth of 2 km below sea level with an opening of 8.5 cm, and the sill is at the depth of 3.1 km with a contraction of 40 cm.

How to cite: Zhao, S., McClusky, S., Miller, M., and Cummins, P.: The impact of the 2018 Lombok earthquake sequence, Indonesia on the unrest Rinjani-Samalas volcanic complex inferred from the time-dependent seismic and volcanic source models, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13534,, 2023.

EGU23-13580 | Posters on site | GMPV8.1

Nature of polygenetic to monogenetic transition of volcanism of Gegham volcanic ridge (Armenia) 

Gevorg Navasardyan, Ivan Savov, Edmond Grigoryan, Jean-Philippe Metaxian, Lilit Sargsyan, Elya Sahakyan, Avet Galstyan, and Khachatur Meliksetian

In this contribution we discuss the geological structure, temporal and spatial relationships of Gegham upland between polygenetic and monogenetic volcanic activity as well as transitions from one to another as well as geochemical features of magma generation processes.

Armenia is situated in the NE part of the Anatolian-Armenian-Iranian plateau, an intensely deformed segment of the Alpine-Himalayan belt. The complex geological structure of the region is represented by a mosaic of tectonic blocks comprising fragments of volcanic arcs, continental crust and exhumed oceanic crust of the Mesozoic Tethys ocean basin (Meliksetian, 2013). The Gegham volcanic upland is located in the center part of the Neogene-Quaternary volcanic belt formed within the territory of the Armenian Highland. The duration of volcanism within the Gegham ridge spans from the Late Miocene to the Holocene (Karakhanyan et al. 2003, Karakhanyan et al. 2002). Temporal and spatial relationships between polygenetic and monogenetic volcanic activity as well as transitions from one to another are among fundamental problems in volcanology. Geological evidence such as presence of thick (abouth 500m) Vokhchaberd volcanoclastic suite at foothills of Gegham volcanic ridge suggests presence of stratovolcano (caldera-?) activity in Late Miocene-Pliocene (K-Ar dating data 3.4-6.7Ma; Bagdasaryan and Ghukasyan 1985) in Gegham, that was switched later to monogenetic activity and crater (or caldera) and slopes of former stratovolcano covered by monogenetic vents and their lava flows. After the polygenic volcanism the volcanism of Gegham upland is accompanied by fissure (plateau basalt) and monogenic volcanism.

Plateau basalts of Gegham upland distributed within town Gavar and Kotayk plateau, gorg of Hrazdan river up to village Parakar and age of these are 40Ar/39Ar 2.37±0.03 Ma (Neill et al., 2015). According to K. Karapetyan (1962, 1973) the youngest, Upper Pleistocene-Holocene volcanism of the upland is confined to the watershed part of the upland and the Eratumber plateau. According to Meliksetian (2017), there are data from extended flows from the Gegam upland - Argavand (221.1±5.0 Ka), Gutansar (314.1±16.2 Ka), Garni columnar flow of basaltic trachyandesites (127.7± 2.6 Ka) and lavas overlapping the Garni flow (49.9±9.2 Ka), which show the chronological and stratigraphic position volcanic activity of Gegham upland.

Taking into account the available and new reliable data, it is obvious that the volcanism of the Gegham upland continued from the Late Miocene-Early Pliocene time and up to the Upper Pleistocene and Holocene, and at the turn of the Pliocene-Quaternary period, due to changes in volcano-tectonic conditions, a change occurred in polygenic explosive-effusive volcanism to predominantly effusive areal.

Geochemical typification of the volcanic series of the Gegham upland indicates the predominance of "subduction" related fingerprints in them, however, some transitional to "intraplate" geochemical features are also found. The geochemical features and the petrogenetic model of the evolution of the volcanic series of the Gegham upland suggest a single magma-generating source and similar conditions for the evolution of melts within the entire Gegham upland.


How to cite: Navasardyan, G., Savov, I., Grigoryan, E., Metaxian, J.-P., Sargsyan, L., Sahakyan, E., Galstyan, A., and Meliksetian, K.: Nature of polygenetic to monogenetic transition of volcanism of Gegham volcanic ridge (Armenia), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13580,, 2023.

EGU23-13854 | Orals | GMPV8.1

Using analogue experiments to explore fundamental processes during magma ascent 

Janine Kavanagh and Caitlin Chalk

The propagation mechanics and fluid dynamics of magma-filled fractures, such as dykes and sills, are fundamental to the generation of sub-surface signals which indicate magma is on the move. Dykes play a major role transporting magma from depth to the surface, and modelling the dynamics of dyke growth remains a primary objective to improve the interpretation of a wide range of geophysical, petrological and geochemical evidence of magma ascent. We present results from scaled analogue experiments using Liverpool’s new Medusa Laser Imaging Facility to quantify the fluid flow dynamics and solid deformation during magma ascent in dykes. Our results detail the characteristics of dyke ascent from inception to eruption, with magma flow regimes and host-rock deformation mode dependent on dyke geometry, host-rock properties, density contrasts and magma rheology. Our results pose new conceptual models upon which the signals of magma movement in nature should be interpreted.

How to cite: Kavanagh, J. and Chalk, C.: Using analogue experiments to explore fundamental processes during magma ascent, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13854,, 2023.

EGU23-16329 | Posters on site | GMPV8.1

Unsteady thermo-fluid-dynamics modelling of Timanfaya volcanic area (Lanzarote,Canary Islands) and present-day ground deformation 

Umberto Tammaro, Vittorio Romano, Josè Arnoso, Maite Benavent, Umberto Riccardi, Fuensanta Montesinos, Emilio Velez, and Michele Meo

Lanzarote is the most northeast and together with Fuerteventura is the oldest island of the Canarian Archipelago (Spain), which is located on a transitional zone, a passive margin, between oceanic and continental crust. The last volcanic eruption in Lanzarote was a 7 years voluminous eruptive cycle, occurred during the 18th century. Historical seismicity registered in the region, is customarily attributed to diffuse tectonic activity.

This study is intended to contribute to understanding the surface thermal anomalies and the active tectonics on Lanzarote island, mainly in the Timanfaya volcanic area, which is located to the southwest of the island and covers the land extension generated by the last eruption..

First, we describe the steps taken to implement a thermo-fluid-dynamics model to study the surface thermal anomalies detected at the Timanfaya volcanic area after the volcanic activity that took place between 1730 and 1736. The origin of these anomalies is acknowledged to be due to the intrusion of a magma body and its consequent cooling, but which still might have very high temperature. This hypothesis is based on the fact that the cooling of basaltic magma, which has an initial temperature of 1200 °C, takes about 104 ÷105 years, as indicated by some authors. Our physical model consists of a cooling magma body, with a radius of 300 m, located at a depth of 4 km and with a temperature of 800 degrees (1073,15 K).

The model was developed in three steps: 1) accounting for the energy balance only, 2) both the energy and the momentum balance are accounted for, 3) mass balance is accounted too.

The three thermo-fluid dynamic models are based on a finite element modelling (FEM). The novelty of our model consists in including both the steady and unsteady (transient) phase, not considered in analytical solutions under purely stationary conditions developed in past modelling by other authors.

Second, we describe a detailed geodetic continuous monitoring in Timanfaya volcanic area, where, as mentioned, the most intense geothermal anomalies of Lanzarote are located.

We report on the analysis of about 6 years of CGNSS data collected on a small network consisting in 9 permanent stations, spread over Timanfaya area in Lanzarote Island. The GNSS stations are operated by several owners: the Institute of Geosciences, IGEO, DiSTAR, the Geodesy Research Group of University Complutense of Madrid, the Cartographical Service of the Government of Canary Islands and the National Geographic Institute of Spain.

Finally, we attempt to interpret the thermo-fluid dynamic model and the observed ground deformations in light of the tectonic framework derived from state-of-the-art geophysical studies.

How to cite: Tammaro, U., Romano, V., Arnoso, J., Benavent, M., Riccardi, U., Montesinos, F., Velez, E., and Meo, M.: Unsteady thermo-fluid-dynamics modelling of Timanfaya volcanic area (Lanzarote,Canary Islands) and present-day ground deformation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16329,, 2023.

EGU23-17100 | Orals | GMPV8.1

Volcano processes at the remote South Sandwich Islands of Zavodovski and Saunders observed from air and space 

Nicole Richter, Francesco Massimetti, Tom Hart, Oliver Cartus, Silvan Leinss, Allan Derrien, Edgar Zorn, Alina Shevchenko, Paul Wintersteller, Martin Meschede, and Thomas Walter

Under polar and subpolar climatic conditions, volcano edifice growth and stability are affected by extreme erosion rates, mass wasting, glacier loading (and unloading), and permafrost soil conditions. Relatively small changes in temperature can lead to very different snow and ice conditions in relation to all of the above. Therefore active, shallow magmatic plumbing systems and magmatic pathways might react sensitively to even minor changes of their surrounding environmental conditions. Almost constant degassing from the summit crater of Mount Curry (Zavodovski Island) and the presence of an active lava lake within the summit crater of Mount Michael (Saunders Island) suggest the existence of shallow magmatic plumbing systems at both volcanoes. They therefore represent exceptional study sites for investigating volcano processes under subpolar climatic conditions. Because of their remoteness, none of these islands are equipped with permanently installed ground-based instruments. We observe and quantify surface displacements related to volcanic activity, fumarolic activity, tectonic activity in the Scotia arc, as well as glacier flow from high-resolution combined TerraSAR-X and PAZ interferometry and amplitude offsets. Multi-temporal topographic data are available through the TanDEM-X SAR satellite mission and photogrammetric surveys conducted in April-Mai 2019 at Saunders Island and in January-February 2023 on Zavodovski Island. Here we introduce the first results of combining and exploring UAV photogrammetry with SAR satellite data. We present a geomorphological and structural analysis of Zavodovski Island and the outer subaerial and shallower submarine flanks of Saunders Island. We also estimate the glacier volume and volume change over time on Saunders as well as surface dynamics at Zavodovski. With this study we highlight the unprecedented detail and the valuable information that can be retrieved from tasked and targeted TerraSAR-X, TanDEM-X, and PAZ satellite acquisitions coupled

How to cite: Richter, N., Massimetti, F., Hart, T., Cartus, O., Leinss, S., Derrien, A., Zorn, E., Shevchenko, A., Wintersteller, P., Meschede, M., and Walter, T.: Volcano processes at the remote South Sandwich Islands of Zavodovski and Saunders observed from air and space, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17100,, 2023.

EGU23-17466 | ECS | Orals | GMPV8.1

GNSS and InSAR study of the ground deformation of the eastern flank of Mount Etna from 2016 to 2019 

Francesco Carnemolla, Alessandro Bonforte, Fabio Brighenti, Pierre Briole, Giorgio De Guidi, Francesco Guglielmino, and Giuseppe Puglisi

The geodynamic framework of Mount Etna volcano (Italy) is characterised by two superimposed tectonic domains: a compressional one, oriented N-S, and an extensional one, oriented approximately WNW-ESE. The combination of these two domains and the volcano activity, has generated a complex system of faults prevalently on the eastern flank of the volcano. The eastern flank is the most active area of the volcano in terms of deformation and seismicity. The velocities there are at least one order of magnitude greater than in the rest of the volcano flanks due to the eastward sliding of the eastern flank.

The monitoring and analysis of the acceleration occurring on the eastern flank of Mount Etna is the keystone to understand the volcano-tectonic dynamics that, apart from the tectonic and magmatic processes, involves the instability of this flank in a densely inhabited area.

In order to monitor the deformation, Istituto Nazionale Geofisica e Vulcanologia – Osservatorio Etneo (INGV-OE) and the GeoDynamic & GeoMatic Laboratory of the University of Catania integrate GNSS and InSAR products with twofold objective: to characterize the dynamics of the area and to analyse the deformation transients, this last in view of a possible use in the framework of an alert system.

Here, we analyse the ground deformation that occurred between 2016 and 2019 across the faults of the south-eastern flank of Mount Etna. On the south-eastern flank the deformation is accommodated by several faults which have different kinematics and behaviours. We discriminate the deformation transient and the activity of the Belpasso-Ognina lineament, Tremestieri, Trecastagni, San Gregorio-Acitrezza, Linera, Nizzeti and Fiandaca faults. The latter generated the 26 December 2018 earthquake, two days after the eruption of 24 December, which induced a clear post seismic deformation, detected by GNSS and InSAR data. In particular, we discriminate the deformation occurred along the San Gregorio-Acitrezza fault, which is accommodated by the Nizzeti fault, and we analyse the post seismic deformation along the Linera fault. We analyse the Slow Slip Events (SSE) that are observed in the GNSS and InSAR time series in the vicinity of the Acitrezza fault and we quantify and discuss the tectonic origin of the Belpasso-Ognina lineament that we interpreted as a tear fault.

How to cite: Carnemolla, F., Bonforte, A., Brighenti, F., Briole, P., De Guidi, G., Guglielmino, F., and Puglisi, G.: GNSS and InSAR study of the ground deformation of the eastern flank of Mount Etna from 2016 to 2019, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17466,, 2023.

NH3 – Landslide Hazards

EGU23-568 | ECS | Orals | NH3.1 | Highlight

Detection of debris-flow initiation with seismic techniques for early-warning purposes 

Elena Ioriatti, Velio Coviello, Francesco Comiti, Pierpaolo Macconi, Mauro Reguzzoni, and Matteo Berti

In mountain regions, debris flows are responsible for major damage to infrastructure and many casualties every year. Early Warning Systems (EWSs) based on sensor networks installed along the debris-flow channel have been implemented in some catchments around the world, including the Alps. Detecting the early phase of debris flows would allow expanding the lead time of an EWS compared to the monitoring of channelized flows upstream a vulnerable site. In this study, monitoring data gathered from 2019 to 2022 in the headwaters of the Gadria catchment, eastern Italian Alps, are analyzed. One active channel located at 2200 m a.s.l. was instrumented with a time-lapse video camera, a tipping-bucket rain gauge, and a 4.5-Hz vertical geophone. The dataset includes 5 debris-flow events that propagated from the monitored channel to the basin outlet and a large number of signals produced by other seismic sources (e.g., rockfalls, earthquakes, animals, wind). The peak amplitude, the duration and the frequency content of the seismic signals were analyzed with the support of video images to identify the different seismic sources. Results show that different seismic sources produce signals with different characteristics and that it is possible to discriminate the most intense channel processes by analyzing seismic data only. Adopting an approach similar to the rainfall thresholds, debris-flow and runoff events have been bounded by means of a power relationship between peak amplitude and signal duration. The next step of the research would be the development of an algorithm able to automatically classify the seismic sources and identify intense channel processes that can generate debris flows. A similar approach will be applied to the Blé catchment (Val Camonica, central Italian Alps) to study the triggering mechanisms and dynamics of debris flows and analyse whether the proposed approach is valid in other locations. The analysis of seismic data will be combined with the identification of triggering rainfall thresholds and the analysis of infrasound signals to develop reliable EWSs for debris flows.

How to cite: Ioriatti, E., Coviello, V., Comiti, F., Macconi, P., Reguzzoni, M., and Berti, M.: Detection of debris-flow initiation with seismic techniques for early-warning purposes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-568,, 2023.

EGU23-1052 | Posters on site | NH3.1

Distinction between watersheds prone to debris flow, debris flood, and flood using morphometry in Serra do Mar, Brazil (São Paulo State North shore). 

Vivian Cristina Dias, Helen Cristina Dias, and Carlos Henrique Grohmann

Among the hydrogeomorphologic processes, debris flows, debris floods, and floods stand out as the most destructive due to their potential to transport a variety of materials over long distances and the damage caused to urban infrastructures. The watershed dynamic and morphometry stand out as one of the paramount factors related to triggering the processes. The Serra do Mar, on the southeast coast of Brazil, is a mountain range with about 1,500 km where landslides are frequent, causing a high number of casualties and economic losses, especially when related to debris flows/floods.  Thus, studies focusing on the evaluation of the susceptibility of the areas are needed, aiming for mitigation and planning actions. In this way, the aim of this research was the characterization of watersheds for the occurrence of hydrogeomorphologic processes using morphometry on the North shore of Serra do Mar in São Paulo State. To reach this goal, the following methodological steps were carried out: (a) delimitation of the watersheds considering the proximity of the scarp of the Serra do Mar, altimetric range, angle, confinement of the channel, and evidence of past events; b) mapping of morphometrics parameters (Area, Length, Basin relief, Relief ratio, and Melton ratio) using a TanDEM-X Digital Elevation Model with 12 meters spatial resolution; and c) identification of watersheds prone to debris flows, debris floods, and floods according to the morphometry results. A total of 355 watersheds were mapped in three cities (Ubatuba, Caraguatatuba, and São Sebastião). The results show that according to the Melton ratio, 67% of the watersheds are prone to debris flows, with values > 0,60, followed by 30% prone to debris floods and floods, and only 3% prone to fluvial processes. Values vary from 0,16 to 1,70, with a mean of 0,68. Values for Area were between 0,07 to 8,02 km² (mean 0,70 km²), in the range for areas prone to debris flows, according to the literature (up to 10 km²). For the Length, the values vary from 0,47 to 6,73 (mean 1,30 km), with most of the watersheds (94%) with values up to 2,7 km (the threshold indicated for debris flow prone areas). Basin relief and Relief ratio presented values varying between 0,26 to 1,27 km (mean 0,57 km), and 0,09 to 0,79 (mean 0,44), respectively. The next step of the research is the investigation of past events using aerial photos and satellite images. The results of this research can contribute to government response and the reduction of the damage caused by natural hazards in Brazil.  

How to cite: Dias, V. C., Dias, H. C., and Grohmann, C. H.: Distinction between watersheds prone to debris flow, debris flood, and flood using morphometry in Serra do Mar, Brazil (São Paulo State North shore)., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1052,, 2023.

EGU23-1454 | ECS | Orals | NH3.1

Flow and Bed Conditions jointly control Debris-Flow Erosion and Bulking, Illgraben (CH) 

Tjalling de Haas, Brian McArdell, Wiebe Nijland, Amanda Åberg, Jacob Hirschberg, and Pierre Huguenin

Debris flows are water-laden masses of soil and rock, which are common geological hazards in mountainous regions worldwide. They can grow greatly in size and hazardous potential by eroding bed and bank materials. However, erosion mechanisms are poorly understood because debris flows are complex hybrids between a fluid flow and a moving mass of colliding particles, bed erodibility varies between events, and field measurements are hard to obtain. Here, we combine detailed flow measurements, rainfall data, and high-resolution UAV measurements of channel-bed erosion and deposition for 13 debris flows in the Illgraben (CH), to identify the key controls on debris-flow erosion and deposition. We show that flow conditions and bed wetness jointly control debris-flow erosion. Flow conditions that describe the cumulative forces exerted at the bed over the full event (flow volume, cumulative shear stress, and seismic energy) have the strongest correlations with measured erosion and deposition. However, we also find statistically significant correlations between erosion and deposition and frontal flow properties, including frontal velocity, flow depth, shear stress, and peak discharge. Antecedent rainfall over a period of 2-3 hours prior to the debris-flow events strongly correlates to erosion and deposition, while the correlation decreases in strength and diminishes towards shorter and longer time periods of antecedent moisture. Shear forces and particle-impact forces are strongly correlated and act in conjunction in the erosion process. A shear-stress approach accounting for bed erodibility may therefore be applicable for modelling and predicting debris-flow erosion.

How to cite: de Haas, T., McArdell, B., Nijland, W., Åberg, A., Hirschberg, J., and Huguenin, P.: Flow and Bed Conditions jointly control Debris-Flow Erosion and Bulking, Illgraben (CH), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1454,, 2023.

Climate change-induced geohazards pose significant threat to the sustainability and serviceability of built environment. Among such disasters debris flows are prominent in hilly areas and pose threat to life and property all over the world. Debris flows are coupled geo-hydro-mechanical phenomena with high flow velocity and long runout distance, resulting in a large impact force on the associated built environment. For effective hazard mitigation it is crucial to investigate the dynamic impact of debris flows on structures. It has been established that barriers in the way of debris flow helped to reduce the energy of the flow, leading to a lesser impact on the downstream end. As such many studies have focused on installing barriers at varied locations and of various sizes. However, there is still need for innovative research on how to increase the performance of these barriers. In this study an investigation to evaluate the impact on a structure on downstream due to debris flows is carried out. Besides, the implications of introducing a barrier structure with passages on upstream end is also studied. Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH), a mesh-free Lagrangian method, is employed to capture the motion of debris flow and its impact on a rigid structure. For this study the authors have considered the Rishiganga river valley of Uttarakhand state in India, where a recent event of debris flow on February 07, 2021, caused large destruction to important facilities including the hydroelectric power plant. Located in the southern part of the Himalayas, this region is geo-morphologically sensitive and seismically active, making it susceptible to frequent events of landslides, debris flows and other mass movements. Three dimensional (3D) analyses are carried out for three different cases: case1, with no barrier structure on the upstream, case 2, where a barrier structure with one large passage has been placed and case 3, where a barrier structure with two passages has been placed on the upstream. Based on the outcomes, it is inferred that the presence of a rigid structure at the upstream end reduces the impact on the downstream structure considerably. The impact is found to be highest for case 1, followed by cases 2 and 3, with impact values which are only 35% and 30% of case 1, respectively. Similar trend is found in the velocity gradient at a location between the barrier and the main structure. After the introduction of barrier structure, there is a decrease of approximately 10% in maximum velocity for case 2 and a drastic decrease of approximately 90% for case 3 as compared to case 1, showing consistency with the impact values. It is established, that the introduction of passages decreases the impact considerably owing to the decrease in velocity as well as the volume of debris reaching the main structure, because of some accumulation behind the barrier. Moreover, increasing the number of passages, while keeping the passage area constant, causes the flow to become more streamlined, hence making the flow more uniform, which leads to a further reduction in impact forces.


How to cite: Mubarak, N. and Kumar, R.: Mitigating the Impact of Debris Flows on the Built Environment: A Case Study of Southern Himalayas, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2407,, 2023.

EGU23-2525 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.1

Risk Assessment of Downstream Areas in Case of Earth Dam Failure Using 3D Simulation 

Seulgi Lee and Sungsu Lee

Concerns about landslides or dam failures are increasing due to torrential rains, sudden heavy rains, and typhoons caused by global warming. In the 21st century, more than 200 dam and reservoir failures have occurred worldwide, causing enormous damage of human life and property. When a dam or reservoir collapses, a large amount of water and various sizes of earth and rocks are mixed and a debris flow occurs. Debris flows are dangerous because they move quickly and destroy objects in their path. In order to predict the damage caused by these dam and reservoir failures, 3D multiphase flow numerical analysis can be used. This study proposes a downstream risk assessment technique in the event of dam and reservoir failure that predicts downstream damage using a three-dimensional multi-phase flow numerical analysis and evaluates quantitative losses using a building's vulnerability curve against debris flows. This research was supported by Research Program to Solve Urgent Safety Issues of the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) funded by the Korean government (Ministry of Science and ICT(MSIT)) (Grant Number : 2021M3E9A1103506)

How to cite: Lee, S. and Lee, S.: Risk Assessment of Downstream Areas in Case of Earth Dam Failure Using 3D Simulation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2525,, 2023.

EGU23-3665 | ECS | Posters virtual | NH3.1

Rainfall thresholds estimation for debris flow occurrence in Peru 

Carlos Millan, Waldo Lavado-Casimiro, and Oscar Felipe-Obando

The objective of this work is to estimate regional rainfall thresholds obtained from a combination of high-resolution gridded rainfall data and debris flow events. The debris flow events were associated with rainfall data, determining triggering and non-triggering rainfall events. The method for determining the thresholds is based on an empirical–statistical approach, and the predictive performance of the thresholds is evaluated whit “true skill statistics”. The validation of the thresholds was carried out by selecting one year of the debris flow dataset to focus on the operability evaluation of thresholds in early warning systems in Peru. In addition, another validation method based on a random selection of the events was used to compare the validation procedure. The thresholds were determined for 11 rainfall regions in Peru. The best predictive performance is the mean daily intensity-duration I-D threshold curve, followed by accumulated rainfall E. This study is highly important to Peru because is one of the first approximations of rainfall thresholds at a regional scale in Peru.

How to cite: Millan, C., Lavado-Casimiro, W., and Felipe-Obando, O.: Rainfall thresholds estimation for debris flow occurrence in Peru, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3665,, 2023.

EGU23-3752 | Posters on site | NH3.1 | Highlight

Discharge and extension of debris flow and its application to ocean environments in South Pacific Area 

SoungDoug Kim, Hojin Lee, and Hyungjoon Chang

The purpose of this present study is to investigate and analyze the extension and the effect of debris flow generated in mountainous terrain due to climate change on the coastal and ocean downstream areas. As the target area of this study, the coast of Fiji in the South Pacific region affected by super hurricanes every year was selected. The category 5 Hurricane Winston in 2016 produced 42,700 tons of debris flow and caused massive damage to the entire Fiji. For debris flow analysis, mass conservation and momentum conservation equations were used as governing equations, and the finite difference method was applied to the numerical model. As a result of the analysis, the increase in the discharge of debris flow generated in the upstream mountainous area and the increase of the flow water depth extend along the downstream river to the Pacific coast, and a lot of soil run out. To check how far the debris flow moves along the river, the diffusion length of the debris flow was calculated, and the debris flow spreads over a considerable range during heavy rain. Corresponding author: Hojin Lee(

How to cite: Kim, S., Lee, H., and Chang, H.: Discharge and extension of debris flow and its application to ocean environments in South Pacific Area, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3752,, 2023.

EGU23-4021 | Orals | NH3.1

Abrupt debris-flow mobilization in a hillslope experiment 

Mark Reid and Hirotaka Ochiai

Debris-flow mobilization from shallow landsliding is widespread, can be deadly, and is the focus of warning systems worldwide. One challenge of forecasting is that some shallow landslides transform into rapid debris flows, whereas others do not. Although early warning systems can depend on forecasting this poorly understood transition, high-resolution hydrologic and deformation data from debris-flow mobilization events are rare. As part of the APERIF project (Ochiai et al., Landslides, 2004), we performed a field-scale artificial rainfall (sprinkling) experiment on a planar 33º natural hillslope near Mt. Kaba-san, Japan. Using 100-Hz sampling, we recorded synchronous subsurface pore-pressure response and ground-surface motion throughout the transition from slide (~1 m thick) to flow, including slow precursory deformation, abrupt rapid failure, and subsequent debris-flow motion down a small channel. The experiment began with ~6 hours of high-intensity sprinkling (at 78 mm/hr), which triggered motion of the slide in response to rising positive pore-water pressures. Continued sprinkling led to persistent slow motion of the slide for ~1 hour, until acceleration and abrupt failure. Our data revealed that during the several seconds of rapid failure, pore pressures dropped (indicative of soil dilation) then oscillated greatly in response to deformation, thereby enhancing liquefaction and flow.


An abrupt transition from slow to fast motion in dilative soils can present a mechanical conundrum. Although loose, contractive soils may collapse and liquefy, many hillslope soils are dense and dilate in shear, thereby impeding motion. We explored slide behavior using a 1D model (Iverson, 2005) that fully couples slide motion and pore pressure with evolving shear-zone dilatancy, and utilized measured and estimated parameters from our hillslope experiment. Simulations demonstrated that dilative soils impede motion, as observed initially in our experiment. However, dilatant systems can evolve dynamically through persistent landslide motion driven by prolonged rainfall. When motion-inhibiting dilatant effects are exhausted, our analysis showed rapid acceleration during a swift drop and subsequent increase in pore pressures (within a few sec), as was also observed in the field experiment. This behavior provides a mechanism to mobilize debris flows from shallow landsides in dense hillslope soils. Our results suggest that although high-resolution monitoring might detect precursory motion, forecasting liquefaction and debris-flow genesis is still dependent on soil properties and transient hydrologic conditions.

How to cite: Reid, M. and Ochiai, H.: Abrupt debris-flow mobilization in a hillslope experiment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4021,, 2023.

EGU23-4721 | ECS | Posters virtual | NH3.1

The critical state behavior of saturated glacial till 

Leilei Chen, Gordon G.D. Zhou, Yingguang Fang, Yunxu Xie, and Kahlil F. E. Cui

A large number of glacial tills are distributed in the high and cold mountainous areas of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Recently, climate change compounded by many other factors, promote the instability of glacial tills resulting in more frequent mountain disasters. Although the physical properties of glacial tills have been extensively studied in previous works, there are relatively few works that have focused on their shear behavior and critical state for different water contents. To understand the failure mechanisms, it is necessary to study the effects of water content on the shear behavior and critical state characteristics of glacial tills. This work discusses and studies the significance of compression, shear, and dilatancy of glacial tills in landslide prediction. The experimental results in this study are aimed to provide a basic understanding of the underlying failure mechanisms of glacial tills. Reconstituted specimens are studied through an oedometer, isotropic compression, and consolidated undrained shear tests. We compared the compressibility and shear behavior of glacial tills with three other types of weathered soils in Hong Kong: Lateritic soil (LAT), completely decomposed granite (CDG), and volcanic soils (CDV). Test results reveal similarities and differences between the tested soils. Through one-dimensional consolidation and triaxial compression tests, we find that the compressibility of glacial till is the lowest. Secondly, the stress-strain relationship exhibited by the glacial till is inconsistent with those of the other tested soils. Our test results showed that upon increasing the applied stress, glacial tills first softened and then hardened. Stress path analysis further showed that glacial tills first dilated and then shear contracted indicating a phase transition. In comparison, the other weathered soils consistently all shrink and eventually reach a critical state. The processes between soils are more complex. The slope and friction angle of the critical state line of glacial tills is significantly higher than that of CDG and CDV, but lower than that of LAT. This might be due higher large particle content of glacial tills and the difference in mineral composition.

How to cite: Chen, L., Zhou, G. G. D., Fang, Y., Xie, Y., and Cui, K. F. E.: The critical state behavior of saturated glacial till, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4721,, 2023.

EGU23-4724 | ECS | Posters virtual | NH3.1

Numerical study of  2018 Baige landslides induced geohazards chain and dynamic proesses 

Yunxu Xie, Gordon G.D. Zhou, Leilei Chen, Kahlil F. E. Cui, and Xueqiang Lu

Geohazards chain in watershed contains a landslide, which contributes to the propagation on the slope, intruding into river channels forming a landslide dam, a subsequent dam breach, and outburst flooding. Since the sub-process belonging to one chain are all coupled, one or several sub-processes can be the triggering factors of the subsequent one. They can generally own a larger space and time scale than that of a single disaster resulting in greater destructive power and amount of impact area. In this study, the most recent geohazard chain event that happened in the 2018-Baige landslide in Sichuan province, China is adopted for a numerical case study. This event can be divided into several sub-processes according to the coupling order within the chain process. The first landslide generates a landslide dam followed by another landslide and landslide dam sharing the same location. The second landslide overlapped with the first one forming a higher landslide dam. A larger-scale dam breach and resulting outflow occurred eventually. For solving this, a series of validated depth-averaged containing models for geohazards chain is adopted to simulate the whole coupling sub-processes, as well as, the standard LxF central differencing scheme is adopted for retaining high resolution and avoiding Riemann characteristic decomposition. The numerical study simulates the landslide propagation process using a viscos-inertial friction law. The numerical prediction is verified by values from field measurement in the literatures, indicating the feasibility of the (K) viscos-inertial rheology in simulating the large-scale landslide and the landslide dam formation. The overtopping failure process of the two overlapping landslide dams and the outburst flooding is numerically modeled by the proposed model. The results of maximum discharge illustrate the proposed model for landslide dam failure can simulate the interaction process of dam breach and outburst flood. The numerical results, validated by the literature provide reliable assessment and emergency relief support of the actual event. This proposed modeling framework is expected to improve mitigation strategies for geo-hazard chain hazards.

How to cite: Xie, Y., Zhou, G. G. D., Chen, L., Cui, K. F. E., and Lu, X.: Numerical study of  2018 Baige landslides induced geohazards chain and dynamic proesses, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4724,, 2023.

EGU23-4741 | ECS | Posters virtual | NH3.1

Experiment on the benefits of natural-based solutions for debris flow mitigation using synergistic eco-geotechnical measures 

Songtang He, Xiaoqing Chen, Daojie Wang, Yuchao Qi, Yong Li, Zengli Pei, and Peng Zhao

With the growing development of nature-based solutions (NBS) for debris flow hazard mitigation, the eco-geotechnical coupled technical system has drawn public concern. While the scheme of debris flow prevention and control are constantly improved, the current collaborative patterns, mechanism, and effects on debris flow interception are not clear. In this study, a new synergistic mitigation methodology of reducing debris flow impact risk coupling tree-shrub mixed vegetation filter stripes (T-SMVFS) in S-shape flow paths and dams was proposed. Four efforts were achieved stepwise: 1) the optimal row and stem spacing of T-SMVFS were determined by the overspread T-SMVFS type; 2) set “S-shape” flow path parameters: width ratio (30%, 45%, 60%, 75%); 3) Comprehensively compared the effects of synergistic measures and single measures (ecological or geotechnical measure) on debris flow reduction; 4) Calculation equation of flow reduction considering the influence of topographic features (channel width, roughness), vegetation planting pattern (stem spacing and row spacing), physical properties of debris flow (capacity, mass) was constructed. The results showed that the overspread T-SMVFS with the row spacing of 10cm and stem spacing of 6cm, respectively presented the best reduction effects with energy regulation reaching 43%, flow regulation reaching 46%, and flow rate being close to 40%, respectively. As the flow path widths of the S-shape vegetation filter strips increased (0%-75%), the flow reduction rate (≈45-8%), flow reduction rate (≈58-13%), and sediment interception rate (≈78-5%) decreased sequentially, but the transport capacity increased. Synergistic measures achieved 60% energy reduction, which was better than pure geotechnical (8.9-23.6%) and pure biological (11.56-52.72%) measures, and 70% sediment interception, and were also much higher than single measures. In the comparison of multiple synergistic approaches, the coupled s-shape vegetated filter strip with a 45% proportion of flow path and beam dam is more effective in synergistic hazard reduction. The synergistic eco-geotechnical mitigation measures proposed in this study are a pattern and an attempt to mitigate disasters based on the concept of NBS and provide a reference for subsequent more optimal mitigation solutions.

How to cite: He, S., Chen, X., Wang, D., Qi, Y., Li, Y., Pei, Z., and Zhao, P.: Experiment on the benefits of natural-based solutions for debris flow mitigation using synergistic eco-geotechnical measures, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4741,, 2023.

EGU23-5132 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.1

Analysis of factors influencing the construction of a check dam to reduce damage caused by debris flow 

Seungjun Lee, Hyunuk An, and Minseok Kim

The check dam is one of the most effective countermeasures to reduce the damage caused by debris flows. While several previous studies have tried to find the priority factor of check dam construction, there are still limitations in terms of quantitive analysis for figuring out the factor of check dam influencing debris flow damages. This study analyzed the most influential factor to assess the best location for the mitigation effect through numerical simulations, which are on the Raemian apartment at Mt. Umyeon in Seoul and Gallam-ri in Gangwon-do, the Republic of Korea, in 2011 and 2019, respectively. The simulation results were quantitatively analyzed by Spearman's rank correlation method. As a result, it was found that the topographical components are more reasonable than flow characteristics in the construction of the check dam. In particular, the check dam constructed at the point which could store more debris revealed the best performance in mitigation effect.

How to cite: Lee, S., An, H., and Kim, M.: Analysis of factors influencing the construction of a check dam to reduce damage caused by debris flow, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5132,, 2023.

EGU23-5593 | ECS | Orals | NH3.1

Reconstruction and risk predication of a typhoon-triggered debris flow via numerical simulation: A case study of Zhejiang Province, SE China 

Tengfei Wang, Kunlong Yin, Yuanyao Li, Juan Du, Lei Gui, and Zizheng Guo

Typhoon debris flows are recurrent phenomena with a high capacity to cause significant economic and life loss in the coastal areas. Accurately predicting the movement process and determining the potential zones and risk assessment are crucial to design mitigation strategies and to reduce societal and economic losses. In this study, the Wangzhuangwu (WZW) gully was chosen as the study object, which once broke out a debris flow induced by the Typhoon Likima on 10 August 2019. First, a detailed field investigation and interpretation of remote sensing imagery were carried out to study the trigger mechanism and quantify the characteristics of the debris flow. Second, the movement and deposition process of the 2019 WZW debris flow were reconstructed based on the Soil Conservation Service-curve number (SCS-CN) approach and a two-dimensional finite model (FLO-2D PRO model). The debris flow inundation and evolutionary trajectory were shown to be reasonably comparable with historical debris flows. Then, the potential hazard zones of debris flows with different recurrence intervals were determined based on the validated rheological parameters. Here we established a two-factors model that couples maximum flow depth with momentum to classify the hazard zones. Finally, we calculated the vulnerability distribution and economic risk of the buildings with different recurrence intervals based on a quantitative risk formula. This study provides a complete and efficient mean to determine the values of debris flow parameters and to implement a hazard and risk assessment based on numerical simulation. This proposed approach efficiently generated a debris flow risk distribution map that can be used for effective disaster prevention in the debris flow-prone areas.

How to cite: Wang, T., Yin, K., Li, Y., Du, J., Gui, L., and Guo, Z.: Reconstruction and risk predication of a typhoon-triggered debris flow via numerical simulation: A case study of Zhejiang Province, SE China, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5593,, 2023.

EGU23-5869 | ECS | Orals | NH3.1

An integrated hydrodynamic model for flash flood and debris flow simulations 

Xilin Xia, Kristine Jarsve, Tom Dijkstra, Qiuhua Liang, and Xingmin Meng

Climate change is forecasted to result in more frequent and intense storms, which in turn are likely to cause more flash floods and other hazardous processes in steep hilly and mountainous catchments. These flash floods are driven by complex and rapid overland flow responses to intense rainfall across these catchments. Where loose slope or valley-based deposits are available, flood water may mobilise these materials and transform into dynamic high-velocity, high-density debris flows that can pose significant threats to people, property, and infrastructure considerable distances away from the areas where these deposits are mobilised, exacerbating the already devastating situation caused by flooding. Hydro-dynamic models solving the full shallow water equations (SWEs) have shown great potential to reliably simulate the dynamics of overland flows and flash floods at catchment scales. However, simulating the transition from flash flood into debris flow is still technically challenging because of the difficulty of simulating erosion and deposition processes robustly. A reason is that the commonly used method for calculating erosion and deposition rate may suffer from singularity in the presence of vanishing velocity, which poses a major challenge for practical applications. In this work, we have developed a novel integrated hydrodynamic model for simulating flash floods and debris flows. Overland flows, change of debris concentration and bed elevation change are simulated simultaneously to model the transition between flash flood and debris flow. The overland flow processes are simulated by solving the full SWEs using a Godunov-type finite volume method. A novel method for calculating erosion and deposition rates is incorporated into the SWEs-based model to simulate the change of debris concentration and bed elevation change. The new method can maintain numerical stability and accuracy even in the presence of vanishing velocity. Therefore, the new model can effectively simulate the full process of rainfall-runoff-flooding turning into debris flows. Satisfactory simulation results have been obtained for both laboratory-scale and real-world test cases. The new model has the potential to be applied for flash flood/debris flow risk assessment and early warning.

How to cite: Xia, X., Jarsve, K., Dijkstra, T., Liang, Q., and Meng, X.: An integrated hydrodynamic model for flash flood and debris flow simulations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5869,, 2023.

Extreme climate events (e.g., extreme rainfall and glacier melting) in alpine areas can result in significant runoff or mass movements (e.g., flash floods and debris flows) that pose substantial threats to human life and infrastructure downstream. However, due to sparse measurements, understanding the sediment transport mechanisms that control these processes still needs to be completed. Scaling laws and dimensionless numbers provide valuable insights into complex physical systems and processes. Several dimensionless numbers (e.g., Einstein number and Savage number) have been proposed to investigate the relative importance of different sediment transport-related stresses for different systems or processes. In this study, we propose a new data-driven approach that embeds the principle of dimensional analysis in an unsupervised machine learning scheme to discover the best combination of dimensionless numbers that can describe sediment transport mechanisms in torrent processes. We reduce high-dimensional parameter spaces (12 dimensions) to descriptions involving only a few (about 3-4) physically interpretable dimensionless numbers. Using a unique field dataset, we demonstrate this idea to investigate the transition in different transport mechanisms. The result is generally applicable criteria that can improve existing classification models and aid in developing appropriate hazard assessments in mountainous regions based on scarce hydrologic measurements. 

How to cite: Tang, H.: Data-driven discovery of dimensionless numbers for extreme flow, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5870,, 2023.

EGU23-6251 | ECS | Orals | NH3.1

Quantitative evaluation of the debris flow events in July 2022 in Horlachtal/Austria by combining different data sets 

Jakob Rom, Florian Haas, Florentin Hofmeister, Tobias Heckmann, Moritz Altmann, Fabian Fleischer, Madlene Pfeiffer, and Michael Becht

In order to calibrate and validate debris flow models, high precision in situ measurements are essential. However, it is quite difficult to acquire detailed information about debris flows, as they only rarely occur during exceptional high precipitation intensities. In July 2022, a series of such high-intensity short-duration precipitation events triggered several debris flows within the area of the Stubai Alps/Austria, which caused severe damage. On the 20th and 23rd of July 2022, two of these convective events initiated multiple debris flows on the slopes of the Horlachtal, a side valley of the Oetztal.

These events have been registered by measurements of three different meteorological stations and four different discharge gauges distributed over the study area. In addition, INCA (Integrated Nowcasting through Comprehensive Analysis) rainfall data provided by ZAMG (Austrian Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics) allow insights in the spatial and temporal characteristics of the rainfall patterns. Furthermore, two airborne LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) campaigns of the Chair of Physical Geography at the University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt covering the whole Horlachtal (about 55 km²) provide detailed pre and post event topographical data.

A combined evaluation of the different data sets allows us to characterise the debris flow events in the study area in great detail. Topographical analyses show that a total number of 156 debris flows were triggered with accumulation volumes up to 40.000 m³. These volumes can be related to the individual catchment areas in combination with precipitation intensities. Furthermore, the spatial distribution of the triggered debris flows show a concentration to a certain region within the study area, which relates to the spatial patterns of the precipitation events.

How to cite: Rom, J., Haas, F., Hofmeister, F., Heckmann, T., Altmann, M., Fleischer, F., Pfeiffer, M., and Becht, M.: Quantitative evaluation of the debris flow events in July 2022 in Horlachtal/Austria by combining different data sets, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6251,, 2023.

EGU23-6460 | Posters on site | NH3.1

Climate change impacts on rainfall- and snowmelt-triggered debris flows in an Alpine catchment 

Jacob Hirschberg, Yoann Sadowski, Adrien Michel, Brian W. McArdell, and Peter Molnar

Debris flows are surging mixtures of water and sediments and can threaten humans and infrastructure. In alpine catchments, debris flows are often triggered by runoff events as a response to intense rainfall, snowmelt, or a combination thereof. Therefore, debris-flow triggering is expected to be sensitive to future changes in temperature and precipitation. Quantifying these changes is, however, challenging. While changes in temperature are relatively certain, future precipitation characteristics have lower signal-to-noise ratios (e.g., Hirschberg et al., 2021). Furthermore, how such changes influence the seasonal snowpack is not trivial. For example, snowmelt is predicted to start earlier in the year, but at lower rates (Musselman et al., 2017). Quantifying climate change impacts on debris-flow triggering runoff events in high-alpine catchments, therefore, requires studying the complex interactions of changes in precipitation, temperature and the snowpack.

Our study focuses on the Grabengufer rock glacier and the gully below, which is located above the municipality of Randa in the canton of Valais, Switzerland. The rock glacier front regularly delivers mobile sediments to the gully (1900 m a.s.l.), where debris flows are frequently triggered after rain and/or snowmelt. We use ALPINE3D, which is a spatially distributed version of the multi-layer snowmodel SNOWPACK (Lehning et al., 2002), to simulate the snowpack evolution and runoff in the Grabengufer basin. Due to the small size and the steepness of the basin, the discharge can be simplified as the snowmelt and liquid precipitation in each pixel and in each timestep. A debris-flow record consisting of 34 events between 1985 and 2016 allowed for calibrating a debris-flow triggering discharge threshold. Ultimately, we plan to use the AWE-GEN stochastic weather generator (Fatichi et al., 2011) and the CH2018 climate scenarios to study changes in debris-flow triggering discharge at hourly resolution. Preliminary results show clear relations between snowmelt, rainfall and debris-flow triggering for the calibration period and provide a proof of concept. Although we cannot address the full complexity of such geomorphic systems leading to debris-flow triggering (e.g., rock-glacier dynamics), we study changes in extreme discharge, which is a key variable for future debris-flow hazards. Furthermore, the studied basin is representative of high-alpine debris-flow torrents and the outcome will be useful for researchers and authorities interested in climate change impacts on alpine mass movements.


CH2018 Project Team 2018: CH2018 - Climate Scenarios for Switzerland. National Centre for Climate Services.

Fatichi, S., Ivanov, V. Y., & Caporali, E. 2011: Simulation of future climate scenarios with a weather generator. Advances in Water Resources, 34(4), 448-467.

Hirschberg, J., Fatichi, S., Bennett, G.L., McArdell, B.W., Peleg, N., Lane, S.N., Schlunegger, F., Molnar, P. 2021: Climate Change Impacts on Sediment Yield and Debris-Flow Activity in an Alpine Catchment. J. Geophys. Res. Earth Surf. 126.

Lehning, M., Bartelt, P., Brown, B., and Fierz, C. 2002: A physical SNOWPACK model for the Swiss avalanche warning: Part III: meteorological forcing, thin layer formation and evaluation, Cold Reg. Sci. Technol., 35, 169–184.

Musselman, K. N., Clark, M. P., Liu, C., Ikeda, K., & Rasmussen, R. 2017: Slower snowmelt in a warmer world. Nature Climate Change, 7(3), 214-219.

How to cite: Hirschberg, J., Sadowski, Y., Michel, A., McArdell, B. W., and Molnar, P.: Climate change impacts on rainfall- and snowmelt-triggered debris flows in an Alpine catchment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6460,, 2023.

EGU23-6690 | ECS | Orals | NH3.1 | Highlight

Investigation and preliminary assessment of the Casamicciola landslide in the island of Ischia (Italy) on November 26, 2022 

Saverio Romeo, Mauro Bonasera, Vittorio Chiessi, Danilo D'Angiò, Alessandro Fraccica, Luca Olivetta, Michele Perrotti, Mauro Roma, Alessandro Trigila, Valerio Vitale, and Marco Amanti

Active volcanic environments, due to their rapid processes of growth and deformation, can be considered a typical setting for the formation of both subaerial and subaqueous gravitational instabilities. Occasionally, such conditions - coupled with heavy rainfalls or earthquakes - can trigger sudden and rapid mass movements such as mud-debris flows and/or debris avalanches, representing serious hazards for human settlements.

The active volcanic island of Ischia is localized within the Gulf of Naples and its complex volcanism began prior to 350ka and continued, with centuries to millennia of quiescence, until the last eruption occurred in the historical period (AD 1302). 56ka a caldera-forming eruption occurred, followed by a resurgence process that has affected the caldera floor and generated a net uplift of about 900m since 33ka. Thus, the main morphostructural feature is the Mt. Epomeo resurgent block.

From a geological point of view, the island is composed of volcanic rocks, epiclastic deposits, and terrigenous sediments, demonstrating an alternation of constructive and destructive phases. In this context, the continuous occurrence of landslides on the island, even causing death to humans, is historically documented. In the last decades, the risk has been greatly exacerbated by the high level of human exposure due to not properly planned urban development.

On November 26, 2022, as a consequence of heavy rainfall, diffuse landslide events occurred along the island, the main of which affected a small catchment basin in the vicinity of an urban settlement within the Casamicciola Municipality. The area affected by the landslide events is located along the northern slope of Mt. Epomeo. On the summit, Mt. Epomeo is characterized by the strongly weathered Green Tuff Formation. The generated debris flow affected about 30 buildings causing 12 casualties, 5 injured, 230 people displaced, and severe damages to roads and properties. It should be pointed out that the maximum occurred rainfall - recorded by the local weather station - for durations from 1 to 24 hours are all higher than the corresponding maximum values recorded in the years 2007÷2021.

The present work shows the first outcomes, in terms of landslide types, volumes, extent, etc., from a preliminary multidisciplinary investigation carried out immediately following the event by using desk research, on-field survey, geomorphological mapping, remote sensing, and numerical modeling.

How to cite: Romeo, S., Bonasera, M., Chiessi, V., D'Angiò, D., Fraccica, A., Olivetta, L., Perrotti, M., Roma, M., Trigila, A., Vitale, V., and Amanti, M.: Investigation and preliminary assessment of the Casamicciola landslide in the island of Ischia (Italy) on November 26, 2022, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6690,, 2023.

EGU23-8083 | ECS | Orals | NH3.1

Integration of geophysical and geotechnical modelling to define hydrogeological conditions for unsaturated soils prone to shallow flowslides 

Rosanna Salone, Marianna Pirone, Claudio De Paola, Giovanni Forte, Antonio Santo, Gianfranco Urciuoli, and Rosa Di Maio

Flowslides, which occur mainly in shallow granular soils resting on bedrock, are among the most dangerous natural hazards to humans and utilities in both mountainous and volcanic areas. These phenomena are strongly controlled by the stratigraphic and topographic characteristics of the slope and the groundwater regime, which are commonly recognized as predisposing factors for the occurrence of flow-like landslides. Therefore, the study of the spatial variability of the local geological setting and hydrogeological conditions in partially saturated slopes is of fundamental importance for the prediction of flowslide events. In this framework, we propose a procedure based on 3D time-lapse electrical resistivity tomography imaging of the slope, integrated with geotechnical numerical modelling of hydraulic phenomena affecting the land cover, to analyse the effects of the stratigraphic variability in terms of geometry, continuity, and thickness of the soil horizons on the groundwater regime over time. The goal of the proposed approach is to set up an effective tool for predicting debris-flow landslides occurrence at the slope scale, thereby increasing the predictive capacity of early warning systems. The proposed multidisciplinary study was applied to the test site on Mt. Faito, in the northernmost part of the Lattari Mountains (Naples, Southern Italy), where loose pyroclastic deposits from the explosive eruptions of the nearby Somma-Vesuvius volcano cover a karst-fractured carbonate bedrock with a natural slope more than 30° steep. Specifically, seasonally repeated 3D electrical resistivity tomography surveys, suitably complemented with geological and geotechnical investigations, were carried out to determine the electro-stratigraphic and geological setting of the pyroclastic cover, the local morphology and physical conditions of the underlying carbonate bedrock, and the saturation degree distribution on a seasonal time scale. The latter was estimated through the resistivity vs. water content characteristic curves of the different soil horizons, which were obtained from laboratory measurements on specimens sampled in the survey area. The maps of the water content distribution within the pyroclastic cover, determined by the repeated field resistivity surveys, were validated by comparison with those obtained from 2D geotechnical numerical modelling aimed at simulating hydraulic phenomena affecting the soil cover. As main findings, the integrated approach showed that i)  the buried bedrock morphology heavily influences the pore water distribution in the soil cover and ii) ashy material fills the upper karst portion of the bedrock, providing a hydraulic connection of the water flow infiltrating from the topsoil downward.

How to cite: Salone, R., Pirone, M., De Paola, C., Forte, G., Santo, A., Urciuoli, G., and Di Maio, R.: Integration of geophysical and geotechnical modelling to define hydrogeological conditions for unsaturated soils prone to shallow flowslides, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8083,, 2023.

Vibrating boundaries are widely encountered, for example, between soil and bedrock during earthquake shaking. We understand that vibration of such boundaries can lead to instabilities in granular media with many applications to geological hazards, such as liquefaction and landslides, and during geological engineering applications. Although numerous studies have been dedicated to revealing the behavior of granular flows under various flowing regimes, the significance of vibrating boundaries remains an open problem. To fill this gap, we introduce a vibrating base boundary into the collapse of a granular column with a numerical scheme. To understand the role of fluids, we contrast the behavior of granular flows under dry and fluid-saturated conditions. From the simulations, the development of anisotropy in spatial inter-grain contact force distribution is studied. The fluid-saturated condition is achieved via a two-way coupled CFD-DEM method. From these simulations, a scaling law of granular flow is derived for vibrating boundaries. We illustrate for the first time the energy evolution of the granular system with vibrating boundaries. This work demonstrates the role of vibration in increasing the runout distance and the maximum kinetic energy of granular flows, this suggests a link between the mesoscale inter-grain responses and macro-scale dynamics of granular geological hazards triggered by earthquakes. Additionally, the spatial distribution of inter-grain contact forces is presented under dry and fluid-saturated conditions to indicate the anisotropic development inside the granular assembly.

How to cite: Wang, Y., Mao, W., and Rafn Heimisson, E.: On the effect of vibration on dry/fluid-saturated granular flows: Implications for geological hazards induced by earthquakes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8143,, 2023.

EGU23-8751 | Orals | NH3.1

Sediment dynamics related to the triggering of debris flows in different alpine watersheds 

Roland Kaitna, Philipp Aigner, Tazio Bernardi, Philipp Wagner, Erik Kuschel, Christian Zangerl, Markus Hrachowitz, and Leonard Sklar

Debris flows initiate by a critical combination of abundant sediment, steep inclination, and water. The latter is mostly provided by rainfall that can lead to landslides at the hillslope or along the channel and/or erosion and bulking of sediment due to increased runoff. Location of sediment sources and channel recharge are related to short- and long-term geomorphological processes within the watershed. Up to now, there are only a few studies investigating sediment dynamics in high alpine watersheds that are regularly affected by debris flows. In this contribution we report of our ongoing efforts to monitor sediment dynamics and debris-flow activity in three very different watersheds in the Austrian Alps. We use a combination of remote sensing and in-channel monitoring techniques including UAV, air-borne and terrestrial laser scanning before and after debris-flow events. We find that debris-flows frequency and volumes are strongly related to movement rates of landslides present in the watershed. At high movement rates, most of the channel refill occurs within the time scale of hours. In the absence of active landslides, debris-flow activity is limited by rainfall-triggered embankment failures along the channel and continuous transfer of hillslope sediment into the channel. In the steepest and smallest monitored watershed, active landslides and continuous surface erosion from landslide scars leads to a high frequency of debris flows of all magnitudes, even in the absence of rainfall. Our study shall provide the basis for a more complete modeling framework for a better prediction of debris flows now and in a future climate. 

How to cite: Kaitna, R., Aigner, P., Bernardi, T., Wagner, P., Kuschel, E., Zangerl, C., Hrachowitz, M., and Sklar, L.: Sediment dynamics related to the triggering of debris flows in different alpine watersheds, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8751,, 2023.

EGU23-8783 | Posters on site | NH3.1

Mirco-Geomorphology Differences Between Channelized Debris Flow with Hillslope Debris Flow 

Tien-Chien Chen and Yang Hung

The micro geomorphology characteristics of 47 hillslope debris flow (HDF) and 16 channelized debris flow (CDF) events were studied to explore the difference between HDF and CDF. In Taiwan, debris flow torrents are classified into CDF and HDF two types. CDF watershed consists of tributaries and gullies, in which one or multi tributaries might occur the debris flow then inducing the CDF. HDF is located upstream of the watershed and caused by a landslide on the slope and transforming into HDF. The result shows that the factors of CDF are larger than those of HDF including the watershed area, initiation region, length of the transport segment, and elevation differences of the transport segment. The gradient of the riverbank slope is similar between CDF and HDF. However, the channel gradient of the transport segment of HDF is higher than that of CDF. The gradient ratio between the channel gradient and the average gradient of the riverbank slope on the transport segment of CDF is smaller than the gradient ratio of HDF, revealing that CDF valley erosion is higher than HDF valley. This study attempts to establish the criteria for the interpretation of CDF and HDF and explores the differences between the two in the topographic characteristics.

How to cite: Chen, T.-C. and Hung, Y.: Mirco-Geomorphology Differences Between Channelized Debris Flow with Hillslope Debris Flow, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8783,, 2023.

EGU23-8803 | Posters on site | NH3.1

Rapid Detection Of Debris Flows Using Synthetic Aperture Radar: A Coherence-Based Methodology 

Matteo Mantovani, Stefano Crema, Giulia Bossi, Federica Ceccotto, Gianluca Marcato, and Alessandro Pasuto

The ability to detect and map landslides triggered by intense rainfall in quasi-real time is essential to mitigate their impact and for effective crisis management. The manipulation of space-borne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images has proven to be one of the most valuable and inalienable asset for this type of investigation. In mountainous areas, morphological variations, related to surface processes and activated by forceful meteorological events, can be usually detected by applying three type of approaches: amplitude-based methods, phase-coherence-based methods and polarimetric techniques. This study present a rapid, effective and straightforward coherence-based methodology which, using just three SAR images, can detect the activation of debris flows with a latency solely related to the repeat cycle of the SAR mission. The technique has been tested in the Italian Dolomites using the dataset of European Space Agency’s mission Sentinel-1, showing promising results. This research is carried out in the framework of Project VAILAND, a joint research agreement funded by the Veneto Region (Italy).

How to cite: Mantovani, M., Crema, S., Bossi, G., Ceccotto, F., Marcato, G., and Pasuto, A.: Rapid Detection Of Debris Flows Using Synthetic Aperture Radar: A Coherence-Based Methodology, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8803,, 2023.

EGU23-9654 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.1 | Highlight

Evidence of destructive debris flows at (pre-) Hispanic Cayambe settlements, Ecuador 

Francisco J. Vasconez, Pablo Samaniego, Jeremy Phillips, S. Daniel Andrade, Edwin Simbaña, Valeria Nogales, José Luis Román Carrión, Anais Vásconez Müller, and María Antonieta Vásquez

In Ecuador, a country with numerous potentially active volcanoes, recurrent large earthquakes, and regular climate-related events, it is surmised that phenomena such as debris flows have affected pre-Hispanic populations since their settlement in ~5000 cal BC. Here, using a multidisciplinary approach, we studied the most recent debris flow events that affected the Cayambe city area, located 15 km west of the active glacier-clad Cayambe volcano. Based on detailed characterization of the deposits, including sedimentological, archaeological, and paleontological analyses, as well as radiocarbon dating. We found that two debris flow (i.e., Río Blanco I and II) destroyed Caranqui settlements in 665–775 cal AD and 774–892 cal AD, respectively, while another event impacted a Spanish colonial farm in 1590 –1620 cal AD (Río Blanco III). The grain size distribution of these deposits indicates a gravel-rich flow for Río Blanco I and clay-rich flow for Río Blanco II and III, whilst componentry suggests low juvenile volcanic content for all three deposits. Juvenile components include pumice and lustrous dense dacites, while accidental clasts are dull dense dacites, oxidized and hydrothermally-altered material, as well as archaeological artifacts. These results, in addition to radiocarbon ages, suggest that the debris flows could either be post-eruptive or not related to volcanic eruptions. Potential non-volcanic trigger mechanisms for these events include rainfall and/or earthquakes, which implies that they can occur at any time and without forecast. Currently, the city of Cayambe is rapidly expanding and, consequently, our findings are relevant for creating impact scenarios for future debris flows forming in the Rio Blanco headwaters and descending to the city.

How to cite: Vasconez, F. J., Samaniego, P., Phillips, J., Andrade, S. D., Simbaña, E., Nogales, V., Román Carrión, J. L., Vásconez Müller, A., and Vásquez, M. A.: Evidence of destructive debris flows at (pre-) Hispanic Cayambe settlements, Ecuador, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9654,, 2023.

EGU23-10319 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.1

Exploring the relative contributions of fluid and solid phases in debris flow barrier impact 

Esme Hirsch, Joshua Woods, Ryan Mulligan, and Andy Take

Landslide barrier structures constructed on high-risk slopes are a useful strategy to halt and retain debris to protect vulnerable downslope infrastructure and inhabitations. To appropriately design these systems, an estimate of the likely volume, thickness, and velocity of the flow is required immediately prior to interaction with the barrier. These characteristics of the flow, when combined with an analytical model or numerical simulation of the impact, define the structural demand on the barrier. In this study, we use the large Queen’s University Landslide Flume to explore the relative contributions of the fluid and solid phases of a multi-phase flow on the structural demand on a barrier. Impact forces following dam break experiments of up to 1 m3 of material, released from the top of a 6.5 m long slope inclined at 30 degrees are explored for releases of pure water, dry granular particles, and fully-saturated granular water-grain mixtures. Impacting the barrier at approximately 4-5 m/s, temporal impact behaviour captured using ultrahigh speed imaging is correlated with the time series of impact load. Quantitative comparisons are then made between the observations of impact force by each class of flow to predictive equations published in the literature, highlighting the degree of match, hypotheses for observed discrepancies, and the relative contributions of the fluid and solid phases.

How to cite: Hirsch, E., Woods, J., Mulligan, R., and Take, A.: Exploring the relative contributions of fluid and solid phases in debris flow barrier impact, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10319,, 2023.

EGU23-10744 | Orals | NH3.1 | Highlight

Glacial lake outburst debris flows in the Himalayas in response to climate change 

Qiang Zou, Bin Zhou, Siyu Chen, Wentao Zhou, Hu Jiang, and Hongkun Yao

Global warming has led to environmental changes in the alpine Himalayan mountains, with significant glacier retreat, an increase in the area and number of glacial lakes, and an increase in the frequency and scale of glacial lake outburst debris flows, causing significant damage to people and facilities in downstream. In this study, we analyzed the spatial heterogeneity and variations of disaster-forming environments on the north and south areas of the Himalayan, identified the distribution patterns of glacial lake outburst debris flows, and predicted debris flows’ changing trends in the Himalayas. The results demonstrate that the distribution and variations of glaciers and glacial lakes in the Himalayan region have apparent spatial heterogeneity. The Central and South Himalayas are where glaciers and glacial lakes undergo the most dramatic changes. Glacial lakes are widely distributed in the Central Himalayas and southern slopes, with an increase in area and number from 1990-2015. New glacial lakes at higher elevations and alterations in moraine lakes dominate glacial lake variations across the region. Since the 20th century, there have been 249 outbursts of 113 glacial lakes in the Himalayan, Karakorum, and Southeast Tibetan regions, with the majority of outbreaks occurring in the Central and Eastern Himalayas along steep sections of main rivers. In the period 1901-2019, the inflection point for glacial lake outburst hazard is 1966+37/-31 years (median and 95% HDI), and the frequency of glacial lake outbursts proliferates before the inflection point and slowly increases after the break-point; the annual mean temperature changes have opposite trends before and after the inflection point, reflecting the lag effect of glacial lake outbursts on temperature changes. In addition, the measured data were calibrated and down-scaled the future simulated climate prediction data to reveal the spatial and temporal trends of glacial lake outburst debris flow disaster risk under the influence of future climate-causing factors. The annual mean temperature and precipitation in the Himalayas generally exhibited an upward trend in the 21st century, with higher increment speeds of warming and humidification on the northern slopes; Increasing very high and high glacial lake outburst debris flow hazard zones are a consequence of climate change, with a more concentrated distribution in the centre and northwest of the Himalayan Mountains.

How to cite: Zou, Q., Zhou, B., Chen, S., Zhou, W., Jiang, H., and Yao, H.: Glacial lake outburst debris flows in the Himalayas in response to climate change, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10744,, 2023.

On the southeastern Tibetan Plateau, which is an area widely covered by alpine glaciers, two types of debris flow generally occur: glacier-related debris flows (GDFs) and rainfall-related debris flows (RDFs). It is widely accepted that topographic conditions influence debris flow activities; however, few studies have examined the differences between such influence on GDFs and RDFs. This study investigated the GDFs and RDFs in the periglacial area of the Parlung Tsangpo Basin, and calculated 12 geomorphic indexes to reveal the topographic features associated with these two types of debris flow. It was found that lower values in the drainage area, main channel length, and relative elevation occurred in RDFs compared to the GDFs, whereas higher values in the channel gradient, relief ratio, and effective basin area appeared in RDFs. The discrepancy is mainly related to the different topographic and geomorphic shaping of modern glaciers. According to its geomorphological characteristics, the Parlung Tsangpo Basin can be divided into three sections: the upper V-shaped canyon section, middle wide valley section, and lower steep canyon section. The scale and frequency of debris flows in the upstream canyon region are substantially lower than those of debris flows in the downstream canyon region. Moreover, the frequency and scale of RDFs are substantially different to those of GDFs, primarily because of the different geomorphic evolutionary stages of debris flows gullies in different regions.

How to cite: Wang, J. and Zhang, G.: Study on the influence of  the geomorphic  on debris flow activity in the paraglacial zone of the Southeast Tibetan Plateau, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10888,, 2023.

EGU23-10895 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.1

Self-Potential signatures on monitoring a rainfall-induced landslide based on a laboratory experiment 

Kaiyan Hu, Peng Han, Chunyu Mo, Yihua Zhang, Shuangshuang Li, Jianwei Sun, and Qinghua Huang

Based on the electrokinetic effect, the pore-water flows can produce electrical streaming currents. The electrokinetic mechanism makes electrical voltage differences on the ground or underground be observed, which can be called as Self-Potential (SP). SP as a passive geophysical method could be used to understand water flow, which has a potential application in monitoring rainfall-induced landslides. In this study, we implemented a laboratory experiment by imposing rainfall to measure SP data variations due to soil imbibition and water flows. SP, pore-water pressure inside the slope and surface displacement are synchronously measured by a data acquisition system from National Instruments (NI Compact DAQ). The observed results indicate that (1) SP sensitively responds to the pore-water pressure variations, and (2) the significant increase of surface displacement lagging behind changes in SP. The experimental results show the potential that SP can be used to quantitatively interpret the changes in the water flowing pattern inside the slope.

How to cite: Hu, K., Han, P., Mo, C., Zhang, Y., Li, S., Sun, J., and Huang, Q.: Self-Potential signatures on monitoring a rainfall-induced landslide based on a laboratory experiment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10895,, 2023.

EGU23-11999 | ECS | Orals | NH3.1

Why is it so difficult to reliably measure the pore pressure at the base of a fast landslide in a laboratory flume test? 

Amanda Fawley, Alexander Taylor-Noonan, Lisa Tauskela, Erica Treflik-Body, and W. Andrew Take

Laboratory landslide flume tests provide valuable insights into the mechanics of multi-phase granular flows within highly controlled settings. Past studies have revealed the complex fluid-particle interactions associated with saturated granular flows result in greater mobility than their dry counterparts, being notably faster, further reaching, and experiencing enhanced spreading. The ability to reliably measure the pore pressures at the base of these flows in the laboratory is critical for developing, evaluating, and validating constitutive relationships linking the effects of pore pressure to the mechanisms causing increased mobility. Unfortunately, experience has shown that two identical sensors installed in the base of a landslide flume can yield wildly different responses to the same multi-phase landslide. In this session, we explore an answer to the question “Why is it so difficult to reliably measure the pore pressure at the base of a fast landslide in a laboratory flume test?” using evidence accumulated from ten years of flume testing using the Queen’s University Landslide Flume. In particular, we explore the hypothesis that surface roughness around pore pressure sensor filter elements can influence sensor readings. A unique experimental strategy of simplifying the flow into a single fluid phase is used to validate sensor readings, prior to application in multi-phase flows. Dam-break releases of 600 kg of water at the top of the inclined flume slope are used as a parametric study to provide evidence to support the hypothesis that surface roughness significantly impacts the pore pressure recorded in high velocity flows. These results are then contrasted to observations of releases of multi-phase flows to derive best practices for the reliable measurement of pore pressure in landslide flume tests.

How to cite: Fawley, A., Taylor-Noonan, A., Tauskela, L., Treflik-Body, E., and Take, W. A.: Why is it so difficult to reliably measure the pore pressure at the base of a fast landslide in a laboratory flume test?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11999,, 2023.

EGU23-12134 | ECS | Orals | NH3.1

LiDAR-based investigation of debris flow superelevation and velocity 

Amanda Åberg, Jordan Aaron, Jacob Hirschberg, Tjalling de Haas, Brian McArdell, and James Kirchner

Debris flows are a highly hazardous landslide type, and their impact forces, peak discharges and runout distances are dependent on the flow velocity. Knowledge of flow velocities is therefore often required for hazard planning and mitigation, as well as for validating numerical models. One commonly used method for post-hoc estimation of debris flow velocities uses the mudlines left behind by a passing flow as it travels through a bend. The surface inclination derived from these mudlines can be used to estimate velocity based on the forced vortex equation, originally developed for clear water flows and later adapted to debris flows using a correction factor k to back-calculate the flow velocity1,2:

where Rc is the radius of curvature of the bend, g* is the bed-normal component of acceleration due to gravity, B is the flow width, and Δh is the difference in elevation of the flow surface between the inner and outer bend.

This approach involves some uncertainties, however, such as how best to define the radius of curvature, the influence of roll waves and splashing on the post-event mudlines used to measure the surface inclination, as well as the meaning and appropriate value of the correction factor k. In this study, we first derive a database of superelevation velocity estimates based on pre- and post event UAV data for seven events from the years 2019 to 2021 in the monitored Illgraben torrent in Switzerland. Analysis of this database firstly indicates that the placement of cross-sections for surface inclination measurements is more important than how the radius of curvature is defined due to the large influence of local topography on mudlines. Secondly, the data indicates that the correction factor k increases nonlinearly with decreasing Froude numbers, as has been previously suggested2,3. The correction factors were back-calculated using eq. 1 and reference velocities from geophone detections of the front arrival, and seemed to range between approximately 1 and 7. We next present a first comparison of these data to surface inclination and radius of curvature values derived from high-resolution 3D LiDAR scanners for one event in the summer of 2022. We use this unique dataset to directly derive the radius of curvature (based on surface velocity vectors) and surface inclination of the flow, as well as the appropriate correction factor.  We compare these values to those derived by the above-mentioned commonly used method based on bend topography and post-event mudlines to assess the efficacy of these methods. This preliminary study thus provides a validation of the superelevation approach and will provide a basis for more in-depth research on this topic.


1 Hungr, O., Morgan, G.C. and Kellerhals, R., 1984. Quantitative analysis of debris torrent hazards for design of remedial measures. Canadian Geotechnical Journal21(4), pp.663-677.

2 Scheidl, C., McArdell, B., Nagl, G. and Rickenmann, D., 2019. Debris flow behavior in super-and subcritical conditions. Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists; special publication 28.

3 Scheidl, C., McArdell, B.W. and Rickenmann, D., 2015. Debris-flow velocities and superelevation in a curved laboratory channel. Canadian Geotechnical Journal52(3), pp.305-317.

How to cite: Åberg, A., Aaron, J., Hirschberg, J., de Haas, T., McArdell, B., and Kirchner, J.: LiDAR-based investigation of debris flow superelevation and velocity, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12134,, 2023.

EGU23-12196 | Posters on site | NH3.1

Seismic constraints on sediment budget for a mountainous catchment 

Zhen-Yu Wu, Wei-An Chao, and Chi-Yao Hung

In the steep mountain catchment, measuring the budget change of soil and sediment has always been a great challenge. Results of recent research have shown that the seismic station nearby river channels can capture seismic signals cause by different mechanisms such as water flow, sediment transport, and debris flow. Among them, river sediment transport and the debris flow have a more serious impact on the sediment mass distribution of river bed. This study site selected the Putanpunuas River in southern Taiwan where landslide occurred frequently, which could provide a stable source of sediment materials for this river. The temporals changes of erosion and deposition in the downstream alluvial fan can represent the income and expenditure of soil and sediment in the catchment area. Therefore, two broadband stations and one Geophone station were installed at downstream of the Putanpunuas River, and a broadband station was installed at the confluence of the Putanpunuas River and the Laonong River, which was named the Putanpunuas seismic array (PSA). By using a multi-temporal digital elevation model (DEM) of downstream alluvial fan, water level information captured by time-lapse images, time-frequency analysis of seismic signals, and the seismic physical models for different mechanisms (turbulent flow, bed saltation, debris flow), out study not only effectively monitor sediment transport but also provide better understanding on sediment budget in the catchment area. Temporal changes in erosion and deposition volume of the downstream alluvial fan was used to validate above seismology-based results.

How to cite: Wu, Z.-Y., Chao, W.-A., and Hung, C.-Y.: Seismic constraints on sediment budget for a mountainous catchment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12196,, 2023.

EGU23-13031 | Posters virtual | NH3.1

Correlating grain-size distributions, transport mechanism, and runout distance of debris flow deposits in the Himalayas 

Manish Dewrari and Srikrishnan Siva Subramanian

Debris flows are rapid mass movements with great potential energy to move and are among the most dangerous natural hazards due to their high velocities and longer runout distances. For hazard assessment, early warning systems, and to construct structural mitigation measures in mountainous catchments, it is crucial to study the origin, initiation, and dynamics of debris flows as well as the characterisation of the associated erosion and deposition processes. Debris flow deposit grain-size distributions (GSD) reflect the source properties and the transport and deposition mechanisms and control the sediment transport rates in fluvial systems. In this study, we characterise deposits of ~120 debris flows that occurred in Kedarnath, Mandakini valley, India, during the 2013 North India Floods and find the relation between GSDs and runout distances. Here, we use an approach that combines two methods of measuring GSDs, i.e., volumetric sieving and pebble count. Volumetric sieving can measure grain size only up to 80 mm and takes much fieldwork, while the pebble count method can only measure surface grain sizes but can measure all three axes of grains which is useful in the case of non-spherical grains. We measure surface and subsurface grain sizes and large boulders using this approach. After obtaining the GSDs for the number of debris flows, we do a statistical study on the relationship between GSDs, transport mechanism and runout length. Debris material characterisation is crucial, and the approach has large potential applications in understanding the initiation, failure, and transport mechanisms of extreme-precipitation induced sediment disasters.

How to cite: Dewrari, M. and Subramanian, S. S.: Correlating grain-size distributions, transport mechanism, and runout distance of debris flow deposits in the Himalayas, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13031,, 2023.

Glacier is sensitive to climate warming, and changes in mountainous areas can lead to serious hazards to human society. Glacial debris flow is a type of geological hazards characterized by suddenness and high mobility in high-mountain regions due to deglaciation. The study of susceptibility analysis for glacial debris flow can effectively reduce its potential negative effects. However, when evaluating susceptibility of glacial mudflow, most research work takes the existing glacier area into consideration and ignores the effect of glacier ablation volume. The improved glacial geomorphological information entropy theory based on glacial correction coefficients can be used to evaluate the susceptibility. The correction coefficients can be calculated by investigating the changes in glacier ablation and distribution based on remote sensing applications. In addition, a deep learning-based approach for extracting glacier boundaries is proposed. We present a case study evaluating the susceptibility of along the Duku Highway in Tien Shan area. The results show that the improved method based on glacier ablation can effectively increase the accuracy of the susceptibility analysis. Based on the theory of glaciology and geomorphology, the changes of glacier can be used in the susceptibility of glacial debris flow. In the future, we will explore a new prediction method of geo-hazards based on glacier dynamics.

How to cite: Lin, R. and Mei, G.: Susceptibility of Glacier Debris Flow Based on Remote Sensing: Case Study in the Tien Shan, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13421,, 2023.

FLATModel (Medina et al. 2008) was developed as a modeling tool for debris flow (DF) events. It includes several specific DF features, among them, a simple erosion mechanism was proposed and implemented. The previous validation of this model capability was based on event volume comparison. Now, a more detailed analysis has been performed, and several constraints in its applicability emerge. Model results for erosion present an important dependence on numerical parameters configuration, hence, not only the physical parameters calibration is required. Accuracy in erosion modeling requires proper numeric setup resulting in high computational effort, compromising the model performance. New specific algorithm or erosion computation approach is required.
A part from these numerical aspects, we present some results obtained in the Rebaixader torrent (Central Pyrenees), where a debris-flow monitoring system is installed and annual UAV-surveys are performed.

Medina, V., Hürlimann, M., Bateman, A. (2008) FLATModel: 2D finite volume code for debris-flow modelling. Application to different events occurred in the Northeastern part of the Iberian Peninsula. Landslides, 5, 127-142.

How to cite: Medina, V., Hürlimann, M., and Molano, L.: Drawbacks in modeling debris flow erosion using the shallow water equations and the finite volume method. Examples from FLATModel and the Rebaixader torrent, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16507,, 2023.

EGU23-17212 | ECS | Orals | NH3.1

Application of pulse-Doppler radar and 3D LiDAR for high-resolution velocity measurements of three debris flows at Illgraben (Switzerland) 

Tobias Schöffl, Jordan Aaron, Roland Kaitna, and Johannes Hübl

The surface velocity of debris flows is constantly subject to strong temporal and spatial fluctuations. These are amplified by the pulse-like occurrence of surges throughout the event and by the high variance of the solids fraction. However, continuous information on velocities of multiple consecutive surges within a single debris-flow event with high temporal resolution is rare. In this study, we test a pulse-Doppler (PD) radar over a total torrent length of 180 m. The PD radar utilizes pulsed transmission and provides spatially resolved cells, called range gates, that extend over a width of 20 meters. Doppler velocity spectra composed of velocity classes and echo intensities are obtained at 4 Hz for each range gate. From these, we derived continuous velocity-time data sets. We present PD radar data for three debris flows that occurred on 05.06, 30.06, and 08.09.2022 at the Illgraben creek, Switzerland. The radar data were validated at the first event with a velocity data set obtained from a LiDAR scanner installed at the same location. This novel method collects high-resolution 3D point clouds at 10 Hz. This data was used to derive a high-resolution velocity vector field for one of the events. We isolate a ~ 2x2 m box in the middle of the channel and compare the LiDAR derived velocities at this location to those measured by the PD radar. Our comparison shows a strong correlation between the two data sets, with a coefficient of determination of 0.85. In addition, we note a minor consistent offset in the two velocity data sets of 0.5 m/s. We attribute this to the nature of the different measurement methods and conclude that the two methods may be sensitive to different features of the surface of the flow. However, our results show the high effectiveness and reliability of both methods in debris-flow monitoring. We anticipate that further analysis of the data sets will provide new insights into the geophysical principles of debris flows.

How to cite: Schöffl, T., Aaron, J., Kaitna, R., and Hübl, J.: Application of pulse-Doppler radar and 3D LiDAR for high-resolution velocity measurements of three debris flows at Illgraben (Switzerland), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17212,, 2023.

EGU23-17359 | Posters on site | NH3.1

Evaluation of sediment control due to notches of mountainous river 

Chih-Ming Tseng, Yie-Ruey Chen, and Jen-Yen Tseng

Upstream of notches in mountainous rivers reveal backwater effect and velocity decreasing characteristics. The sediment transport in the upstream of reach with notches is therefore affected by the plane morphological characteristics. The upstream reach could possibly play a role of sediment control section for temporary sediment trapping and mitigation similar like check dam. In this study, we used the DTM of difference (DoD) method to perform four multi-temporal high-resolution DTMs during 2009 to 2021 to obtain the quantitative terrain elevation variance of river channels in five notch regions. The research results show that during Typhoon Morakot, the sediment control in notch area no. 1 can reach more than 20%. From 2012 to 2018, the control effect of sediment in notch regions no. 1, 2 and 4 is more than 14%. Overall, the notches no. 1 and 2 are the main sediment control areas, and the area of notch number 3 is limited in the amount of sediment due to the small contraction ratio of notch; the area of the notch number 4 and 5 is the secondary sediment control area, because the notch area 5 both the area and the contraction degree of the notch are smaller than those in area 4, and the control effect of sediment is more significant in area 4. Therefore, if we can make good implementation of the natural morphological features combined with the engineering structures to improve the effect of sediment regulation and control, it can be used as a reference for formulating watershed management strategies.

How to cite: Tseng, C.-M., Chen, Y.-R., and Tseng, J.-Y.: Evaluation of sediment control due to notches of mountainous river, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17359,, 2023.

EGU23-1670 | ECS | Orals | NH3.2

Semi-automated detection and delineation of earthflows in New Zealand using remote sensing - challenges and opportunities 

Daniel Hölbling, Lorena Abad, Raphael Spiekermann, Hugh Smith, and Andrew Neverman

Earthflows are complex landslide phenomena that can occur on gentle to moderate slopes in plastic, mixed, and disturbed earth with significant internal deformation. They exhibit a wide range of sizes (from tens of metres to kilometres in length) and can form complexes with slowly deforming bodies or fails along multiple shear surfaces, resulting in a lobate flow-like morphology. While they can show different movement rates, typical earthflows move slowly and intermittently with active and inactive states, whereby velocities are usually measured in meters per year. They mainly occur under saturated conditions, and trigger factors include prolonged or intense rainfall or snowmelt, stream erosion at the bottom of a slope, or the lowering of adjacent water surfaces and the related drawdown of the groundwater table. Earthflows can cause damage to infrastructure, affect the productivity of farmland, potentially dam rivers with subsequent flooding upstream, pose a risk to downstream areas, and impact water quality due to sediment input to streams.

Earthflows are usually mapped manually using orthophotos, but the quality of existing inventories differs significantly. Owing to their complexity, the semi-automated detection and delineation of earthflows is highly challenging. Boundaries are generally transitional rather than discrete, and a range of factors influence the internal homogeneity of the landslide body, such as topographic relief, landform properties, and scale. Terrain and topographic characteristics of earthflows, such as small scarps, hummocks, and flow lobe shadows, are difficult to discern based only on optical imagery; thus, the integration of high-resolution topographic data in the recognition process is important. While a human interpreter can use such specific topographic characteristics, implementing the required expert knowledge into automated mapping approaches based on remote sensing data is challenging.

In this study, we addressed these challenges and aimed to semi-automatically detect and map earthflows in the Tiraumea catchment, which is an upper catchment of the Manawatū catchment located in the Manawatū-Whanganui region of the North Island of New Zealand, using aerial photography and a photogrammetrically derived high-resolution digital surface model (DSM) within an object-based image analysis (OBIA) framework. A flexible segmentation approach was followed, creating different sizes of connected image objects at different hierarchical segmentation levels, whereby the earthflow boundaries were stepwise adapted and refined. Statistics derived from a range of terrain derivatives informed the selection of the most suitable derivatives for knowledge-based classification, which relied on specific earthflow characteristics, such as the connection to streams and the existence of bare ground, rushes, and surface water. The results show that the automated delineation of earthflow bodies is particularly difficult and requires further improvement. However, the mapping outcomes indicate potentially unknown earthflow locations that should be confirmed or refuted by local experts or in the field. An approach that combines semi-automated with manual feature detection could improve the entire mapping process and lead to acceptably accurate mapping results with the potential to greatly reduce the time and effort needed to generate earthflow maps.

How to cite: Hölbling, D., Abad, L., Spiekermann, R., Smith, H., and Neverman, A.: Semi-automated detection and delineation of earthflows in New Zealand using remote sensing - challenges and opportunities, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1670,, 2023.

EGU23-2084 | ECS | Orals | NH3.2

Architecture, Microfabric and Formation Conditions of the Basal Contact Zone of the Flims Rock Avalanche (Switzerland) 

Silvan Betschart, Simon Loew, Neil Mancktelow, and Luiz Grafulha Morales

Many theories about processes and conditions of rock avalanches lack field evidence, due to difficulties in monitoring such events and the rarity of accessible locations to study corresponding structures in bedrock outcrops. This study provides a detailed investigation of the basal contact zone (including the rupture/sliding surface) of the Flims rock avalanche at two sites (from the proximal and distal release area) in terms of architecture, microfabric, and formation conditions. In addition, we compare our findings with shallow seismotectonic fault zones and derive indications for processes that have occurred before, during, and after the failure of the Flims rock avalanche.


Field observations document the wide natural variability of the basal contact zone architecture within the rock avalanche source area. The studied contact zone was formed at about 500 m depth as a stepped or undulating structure, few centimeters to several meters thick. It consists of chaotic breccia and locally features an up to 10 cm thick mesocataclasite, granular fault injections, and striated pavements indicating highly localized shear deformation. The pavements represent the main rupture/sliding plane of the rock avalanche and occur either as a sharp boundary to the intact bedrock or as parallel planes within mesocataclasite. In the proximal area of the source zone, a gradual increase of grain comminution towards the rock avalanche basal rupture/sliding surface suggests that most deformation and movement within the rock avalanche was concentrated in this narrow zone. In the more distal area, the deformation and movement were distributed on both the basal rupture surface and internal shear zones.


Microstructural investigations of the contact zone reveal deformations older than the mesocataclasite and pavement, including mylonites and calcite veins related to the previous tectonic history, and an old healed breccia, possibly formed during pre-failure damage in this zone. The architecture of the rock adjacent to the rupture/sliding surface observed in this study shows similarities to observations from shallow seismotectonic fault zones and high-strain and high-speed shear experiments. The analogies help to understand processes that led to the formation of the rupture plane and its increased mobility: Observations of cataclasite at the basal rupture zone suggest that the movement of the rock mass first was slow (< 0.4 m/s) and crushed the rock near the basal rupture surface by constrained comminution, inducing a granular flow. An acceleration of the slip rate to over 1 m/s led to dynamic weakening and the development of a distinct rupture/sliding surface. With the formation of a thin rupture surface, several coupled processes (grain boundary sliding, frictional heating, and thermal decomposition) might have caused a further decrease of the frictional resistance on this plane, resulting in increased mobility of the rock avalanche in the source area. Evidence for these processes is given by the occurrence of rounded nano-grain structures on the pavement of the basal rupture surface, which are possible remains of thermal decarbonation. This decarbonation implies a very local temperature rise due to frictional heating (> 720 °C), less than 10 µm away from the rupture surface.

How to cite: Betschart, S., Loew, S., Mancktelow, N., and Grafulha Morales, L.: Architecture, Microfabric and Formation Conditions of the Basal Contact Zone of the Flims Rock Avalanche (Switzerland), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2084,, 2023.

EGU23-2422 | ECS | Orals | NH3.2

Dragon-king detection for real-time forecast of catastrophic rock slope failures 

Qinghua Lei, Didier Sornette, Haonan Yang, and Simon Loew

Catastrophic rock slope failures pose great threats to life and property, but remain difficult to predict. Over the past decades, great efforts have been devoted to develop and deploy high-precision monitoring technologies to observe unstable rock slope movements. However, only a limited number of large rock slope failures have been so far successfully mitigated. Here, we present a novel predictive framework to quantitatively assess the slope failure potential in real time. Our method builds upon the physics of extreme events in natural systems: the extremes so-called “dragon-kings” (e.g. slope tertiary creeps prior to failure) exhibit statistically different properties than other less intense deformations (e.g. slope secondary creeps). We develop robust statistical tools to detect the emergence of dragon-kings during rockslide evolution, with the secondary-to-tertiary creep transition quantitatively captured. We also construct a phase diagram characterising the detectability of dragon-kings against “black-swans” and informing on whether the slope evolves towards a catastrophic or slow landslide. We test our method on both synthetic and real datasets, demonstrating how it might have been used to forecast three representative historical rockslide events at Preonzo (Switzerland), Veslemannen (Norway), and Moosfluh (Switzerland). Our method, superior to the conventional velocity threshold approach, can considerably reduce the number of false alarms and identify with high confidence the presence of true hazards of catastrophic rock slope failures. Our work adds a new conceptual framework and operational methodology with a significant potential to reduce landslide risks and support existing early warning systems.

How to cite: Lei, Q., Sornette, D., Yang, H., and Loew, S.: Dragon-king detection for real-time forecast of catastrophic rock slope failures, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2422,, 2023.

Deep-seated gravitational slope deformation (DSGSD) is a rock mass wasting process of high mountain slopes, featuring slow movement rate. Although DSGSD movement is slow, it can continue for a long period, producing large cumulative displacements and could transform to catastrophic rockslides. In Taiwan, DSGSD has often been reported in the slate belt of the Taiwan’s backbone Range because of the inherent cleavage characteristic. When the slate slope undergoing DSGSD, the geometry of cleavage structures will interact with topographic slope and manifest by different internal structures such as toppling features and flexural folding. This study investigates how the DSGSD influences the internal structures and present-day activity of slate slopes in the Chingjing region, Taiwan. We focus on where the cleavage dip direction is parallel to the topographic downslope direction. To describe the relationship between cleavage structure and DSGSD movement, we present 2D numerical simulation of simplified slopes using the distinct element modeling approach. The slope topography and cleavage geometry are based on the typical values of slate slope in the study area. The simulation shows that the rotation of the cleavage dip angle has correlated with the slope deformation mechanics at different locations. The toppling structure appears to the slope toe, and the cleavage remains the same dip angle at the crest. Three hinge lines can be identified at different depths of the slope, which suggests the location of potential basal shear bands within the slope. We also observe the distribution of the shear bands emerging at higher elevation as the deformation velocity decreases. Parametric study shows that deformation of internal structures can exist at depths of 60 m and more as a result of slope height, slope steepness and cleavage dip angle. On the other hand, this study retrieves slope kinematics by performing 2D decomposition of PS-InSAR products derived from Sentinel-1 data acquired in ascending and descending orbits. The result shows that surface displacement ranges in 5 - 10 mm/year in the period of 2015 - 2017, and the displacement rate increases to 10 - 30 mm/year in the period of 2018 - 2020. By detecting velocity change and identifying deformation dip vector, we explain the present-day activity of DSGSD and driving mechanisms in the study cases. Overall, based on mechanical modeling, our analyses demonstrate that a cataclinal slate slope can exhibit different internal structure patterns in different sectors during DSGSD. We also highlight the need for InSAR-assisted monitoring in the region lack of surface displacement data for deeper understanding of this long-term process and interactions between slope activity and potential driving force.

How to cite: Lin, C.-H. and Lin, M.-L.: Internal structure and present-day activity of deep-seated gravitational slope deformation (Chingjing, Taiwan), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3949,, 2023.

EGU23-4270 | ECS | Orals | NH3.2

Modelling weathering-induced progressive rock slope failures 

Liang Wang, Simon Loew, and Qinghua Lei

Rock slopes usually exhibit progressive failure phenomena over a long period of time under the active Earth surface environment involving complex geological, mechanical, hydrological, and chemical interactions. Among these processes, weathering has been recognised as a ubiquitous and important factor that drives slope destabilisation. Rock masses in a slope may experience weathering-induced strength degradation of variable degrees depending on the morphology, lithology, depth, fracturing, and time, which can lead to the emergence of various rock slope failure patterns, e.g. planar and rotational slides, slumps, topples, and rock falls. After failure, the slope may transition from slow deformation to catastrophic collapse characterised by rapidly moving material flows of fragmented rocks. These complex processes are driven by various mechanisms operating across different timescales, which pose a great challenge for modelling the entire history of rockslide evolution. In this study, we develop a unified computational framework for simulating the pre- and post-failure behaviour of rock slopes subject to long-term weathering processes. This framework includes the following key features: (i) a coupled weathering-damage model is developed to capture the interplay of weathering-induced strength loss and damage-related strain softening; (ii) pre-existing faults are represented explicitly as thin weakness zones; (iii) an implicit time integration scheme is adopted to simulate the slope evolutionary behaviour across multiple timescales; (iv) a frictional velocity-weakening law is incorporated to capture the development of rapid mass flows; (v) the particle finite element technique is used to track the small to large deformation/motion of rock masses. We show that our model can realistically simulate the pre-failure progressive rock slope destabilisation, the catastrophic rock mass failure, and the post-failure transient runout, demonstrating the capability of our model in realistically capturing the initiation, evolution, and consequence of weathered rock slope failures. Our results provide useful insights into the interplay of natural weathering and brittle damage in rockslide evolution and the control of geological structures on pre- and post-failure patterns of rock slopes.

How to cite: Wang, L., Loew, S., and Lei, Q.: Modelling weathering-induced progressive rock slope failures, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4270,, 2023.

EGU23-5022 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.2

Insights from a combination of surface and deep measurements to set a long-term monitoring system of a complex, slow-moving landslide in Lower Austria (Austria) 

Edoardo Carraro, Yenny Alejandra Jimenez Donato, Francisca Antonia Soto Bravo, Robert Kanta, Philipp Marr, and Thomas Glade

Landslides are one of the most important and frequent geological hazards worldwide. Among the many different types and processes, slow and very slow mass movements are often underestimated, even if they can impact local infrastructures and permanently affect agricultural practices and land use planning. Slow-moving landslides are common in clay-rich layers and areas that are typically characterized by mechanically weak materials. In the field of slow-moving landslide monitoring, understanding the factors driving the slope instability is the key to assessing the landslide hazard and to supporting local authorities in hazard management.

In this study, the first results of an ongoing monitoring setup for a complex, slow-moving earth-slide system in Lower Austria are presented. The Brandstatt landslide is located in a complex geological transition zone between the Flysch and Klippen zones, which is known to be prone to shallow and deep landslides because its susceptibility to sliding processes has been investigated in recent years. Considering the predisposing conditions (geological and climatic settings), the unstable slope can be considered as a representative site of complex landslide processes in this region.

Landslide movements monitoring includes a combination of surface and subsurface methods to investigate the spatio-temporal evolution of factors that prepare, trigger, and control landslide dynamics. Geological characterization of the subsurface was obtained through a dynamic penetration test (DPH) campaign and percussion drilling. In addition, the subsurface displacements and potential shear planes were evaluated using repeated inclinometric measurements. A meteorological station is also installed on-site, as well as piezometers and time-domain reflectometry (TDR) sensors in selected locations on the slope. These instruments provide high temporal resolution data, which are automatically transmitted to a server for the real-time monitoring of hydrometeorological conditions. However, the monitoring strategy to detect surficial changes is currently limited to the application of Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) because an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)-based Structure from Motion (SfM) is not possible for vegetation cover issues.

The current results suggest the following: i) the connection between soil properties, soil moisture, and changes in groundwater level in the evolution of the slope instability, ii) potential shear surfaces within the shallow layers of the unstable slope, and iii) the importance of combining hydrological and geotechnical monitoring to set up an integrated network for landslide interpretation. Accordingly, obtaining information from a multi-parameter monitoring system is fundamental to identifying the relationship between the triggering and kinematic mechanisms of a complex, slow-moving landslide. However, the nonlinear behavior of slow movements restricts the temporal capability to properly understand the processes of complex mass movements. Consequently, landslide dynamics need to be further understood to establish a long-term monitoring system.

How to cite: Carraro, E., Jimenez Donato, Y. A., Soto Bravo, F. A., Kanta, R., Marr, P., and Glade, T.: Insights from a combination of surface and deep measurements to set a long-term monitoring system of a complex, slow-moving landslide in Lower Austria (Austria), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5022,, 2023.

EGU23-6748 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.2

Characteristics of a rapid landsliding area along Jinsha River revealed by multi-temporal remote sensing and its risks 

Jiaming Yao, Hengxing Lan, Langping Li, Yiming Cao, Yuming Wu, Yixing Zhang, and Chaodong Zhou

Large paleolandslides are developed in the upper reaches of Jinsha River, which seriously threaten the safety of nearby residents and engineering facilities. It is important to study the movement characteristics of these landslides. In this work, we inspect the deformation characteristics of a rapid landsliding area along the Jinsha River by using multi-temporal remote sensing, and analyzed its future development. Surface deformations and damage features between January 2016 and October 2020 were obtained using multi-temporal InSAR and multi-temporal correlations of optical images, respectively. Deformation and failure signs obtained from the field investigation were highly consistent. Results showed that cumulative deformation of the landsliding area is more than 50 cm, and the landsliding area is undergoing an accelerated deformation stage. The external rainfall condition is an important factor controlling the deformation. The increase of rainfall will accelerate the deformation of slope. The geological conditions of the slope itself affect the deformation of landslide. Due to fault development and groundwater enrichment, slopes are more likely to slide along weak structural plane. The Jinsha River continuously scours the concave bank of the slope, causing local collapses and forming local free surfaces. Numerical simulation results show that once the landsliding area fails, the landslide body may form a 4 km long dammed lake, and the water level could rise about 200 m.

How to cite: Yao, J., Lan, H., Li, L., Cao, Y., Wu, Y., Zhang, Y., and Zhou, C.: Characteristics of a rapid landsliding area along Jinsha River revealed by multi-temporal remote sensing and its risks, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6748,, 2023.

In remote sensing of landslide investigation, the interpretation of optical image is the main method at present. However, when a disaster occurs, it is very difficult to obtain images without cloud coverage. For example, Typhoon Lubi in August 2021 and Typhoon Nissa in 2022 caused many landslides and road interruptions. However, due to the cover of clouds and fog, it was impossible to obtain satellite images in time to judge the scale of the disaster. Unmanned vehicles are also affected by weather factors, which greatly increases the risk of flight. Therefore, it is extremely necessary to develop disaster identification methods that are not affected by weather.

In this study, the long electromagnetic waves of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) are not affected by cloud and fog to develop a landslide detection model for radar images. The reference range of the location and scale of the landslide can be obtained under bad weather conditions to make up for the weather limitations when evaluating the scope of the disaster with optical images.

In this study, the NDSI&RVID method is used as the index for the identification and interpretation of the landslide area, and the analysis and discussion of the landslide area is carried out in combination with multi-time series and different orbital data. The effect of landslide identification is improved by three methods: single-sequence identification and interpretation stacking, multi-time-series index stacking, and multi-time-series image stacking. Among them, better interpretation results can be achieved by stacking multiple time-series images. It is recommended to use the number of 4 images before the disaster and 1 image after the disaster for data interpretation. Although the image pixel classification effect still needs to be improved, the identification rate for landslides of more than 10 hectares can reach more than 90%. In the absence of optical images, it has considerable reference value.

How to cite: Wang, K.-L., Lin, J.-T., and Lee, Y.-H.: The Feasibility Assessment of Quick Landslide Identification Methods After Hazards with Sentinel-1 SAR Imagery, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6798,, 2023.

A landslide database is of utmost importance for hazard management as well as early warning systems. Historically landslides were manually identified by ground surveys or remote sensing data, but with development in satellite technology open-source satellite imagery has emerged as a preferred data source for landslide identification due to its cost effectiveness. On the other hand, an increase in computing power made computer vision methods especially deep learning popular for satellite image segmentation. Deep learning models require a large amount of data to reach operational performances, however there is very little labelled landslide data present. Labelling satellite imagery is costly and time consuming. Active learning remedies this by optimally selecting the data to label thereby maximizing the performance of the model given the limited data. In this study we present an active learning-based framework to train a segmentation model to identify landslides. The pre- and post-landslide images from sentinel 2 are merged with terrain features to create input data bands. The model is tested on a test database using metrics like IOU. The methodology has been developed with an application in India but can be applied globally.


How to cite: Sharma, N. and Saharia, M.: DL-AISLE: A Deep Learning framework using Active Learning on Satellite imagery for Landslide identification , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7155,, 2023.

EGU23-7442 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.2

The large San Vito Romano (central Italy) landslide system 3D geological-technical model 

Francesco Seitone, Victor Buleo Tebar, Michele Camillo Gabriele Licata, Mauro Bonasera, Alessio Argentieri, Giovanni Rotella, and Giandomenico Fubelli

On large landslide areas, two-dimensional and three-dimensional geological-technical models realization require a large number of subsurface data.

We investigate a complex landslide system located in San Vito Romano, Central Italy, 40 km east from Rome where a large number of boreholes, piezometers and geophysical surveys are available.  

The purpose of this work is the San Vito Romano landslide characterization in order to create a simplified graphic 3D model and to support a monitoring plan. The aim is also to support local authorities in civil protection activities.

The geological context is characterised by a Tortonian sequence of turbidite deposits, characterised by marls and arenaceous intercalations, forming a monocline with 15-20° dip-direction eastward, parallel to slope inclination. Moreover, a complex hydrogeological system characterises the groundwaters.

This landslide has a spatial extent of about 0.5 km2 and it has been studied for lot of years. It affects San Vito Romano’s new town (built from the 60s) and it has been interpreted as a large rock translational slide. From a geomorphological point of view the village is located along a cuesta. Human activities consist in buildings, roads and public services, built over the years, even in the recent past.

A multitude of technical reports were carried out in this area during the last decades: geological surveys for building projects, geotechnical surveys for landslide monitoring planning, academic studies and field survey to understand the geomorphological slope evolution, hydrogeological and geophysical survey.

All the available surveys were censored in order to create a large database in GIS environment. The database containing all the information from 80 linear and punctual surveys.

Therefore, a boreholes surveyed quick interpretation was carried out. First, the stratigraphy was simplified into three different lithological units: loose material belonging to the landslide, bedrock involved in the gravitational process and bedrock in place. The stratigraphic and geotechnical data were implemented by the seismic data.

A Digital Terranean Model was created using contour lines and elevation points from a 1:2000 scale local topographic map.

All available data has been entered into AutoCAD Map 3D and georeferenced in GIS environment. 7 E-W and 8 S-N cross sections were realized allowing a first two-dimensional landslide system interpretation. Finally, the cross sections were correlated to create a single simplified three-dimensional subsurface model.

This model shows at least three surfaces of rupture at different depth and the geological setting of the wide translation slide. Moreover, it could be implemented with new data and it could be imported into slope stability and hydrogeological modelling software for numerical analysis.

How to cite: Seitone, F., Buleo Tebar, V., Licata, M. C. G., Bonasera, M., Argentieri, A., Rotella, G., and Fubelli, G.: The large San Vito Romano (central Italy) landslide system 3D geological-technical model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7442,, 2023.

EGU23-8130 | Orals | NH3.2

The competing roles of seismicity and rainfall in slope destabilization: rockfalls triggered on a metastable volcanic edifice 

Virginie Durand, Anne Mangeney, Pascal Bernard, Xiaoping Jia, Fabian Bonilla, Claudio Satriano, Jean-Marie Saurel, El Madani Aissoui, Aline Peltier, Valérie Ferrazzini, Philippe Kowalski, Frédéric Lauret, Christophe Brunet, and Clément Hibert

The quantification of the effects of external forcings such as seismicity and rainfall on slope destabilization is an open and important question. To investigate the role of these forcings, we analyze an unprecedented 10-year long catalog of the rockfalls occurring in the Piton de la Fournaise volcano crater. Indeed, the dense seismic network operated by the Piton de la Fournaise Volcano Observatory (La Réunion Island) makes it possible to precisely locate the rockfalls and recover the volume of each event. We use statistical tools originally developed for earthquakes to study the spatio-temporal evolution of the rockfall activity and to unravel the impact of the external forcings. Our results highlight the predominant effect of low amplitude seismicity on the slope destabilization, via a progressive damaging of the slopes. Moreover, we show that the efficiency and the time delay of this dynamic triggering depends on the stability state of the slopes, i.e. the distance to failure. To better understand our observations, we compare them with laboratory experiments on granular avalanches triggered by ultrasound.


How to cite: Durand, V., Mangeney, A., Bernard, P., Jia, X., Bonilla, F., Satriano, C., Saurel, J.-M., Aissoui, E. M., Peltier, A., Ferrazzini, V., Kowalski, P., Lauret, F., Brunet, C., and Hibert, C.: The competing roles of seismicity and rainfall in slope destabilization: rockfalls triggered on a metastable volcanic edifice, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8130,, 2023.

EGU23-8771 | ECS | Orals | NH3.2

A thermo-poro-mechanical model to simulate and predict landslide evolution: a physics-based method applied to the Ruinon Landslide (Italian Alps) 

Andrea Morcioni, Tiziana Apuani, Francesco Cecinato, and Manolis Veveakis

Large slope instability processes result from a complex interaction among different geological, geomorphological and climatic factors. A complex multidisciplinary approach is thus necessary to understand their behavior and develop modeling predictive tools. This work suggests a multi coupling method to predict stability and velocity of a landslide, giving critical values for measurable variables (i.e., piezometric level) up to which remediation actions can be deployed. The aim is to define a time‐dependent stability criterion that links the external forcing of a landslide with its internal response through a thermo-poro-mechanical mathematical model.

The presented model is based on the assumption that most of the landslide deformation is concentrated on a basal shear band representing the sliding surface: the landslide body is deemed as a rigid block sliding on a visco-plastic shear band with thermal softening and velocity hardening. When the landslide moves, it causes friction with mechanical dissipation that raises the basal temperature and reduces the shearing resistance of the shear-band material. This process can continue up to the point when the friction coefficient decreases uncontrollably due to a thermal runaway instability and the system become unstable, even without changes in the external factors.

The model is applied to the Ruinon Landslide located in the Central Italian Alps (upper Valtellina region). It represents one of the most active cases in the alpine region, with a main sliding surface located at a depth of approximately 70 m, for a total estimated volume of about 20 Mm3 threatening the national road SS300 that travels through the valley bottom. On the base of the available in situ monitoring data (Piezometers, Ground-Based Interferometric Radar), velocity–time curves correlate with the piezometric level trend, suggesting a key role of pore pressure as an accelerating factor for the landslide.

The workflow of the analysis involved different steps. A preliminary 3D FEM numerical analysis was performed to provide the stress-strain distribution along the slope. Then, to define the thermo-poro-mechanical behavior of the sliding surface and to calibrate the mathematical model, triaxial compression tests with thermal control were performed on rock samples representative of the shear band. The pore pressure data from in situ piezometers were introduced as input-data and the landslide basal temperature was calculated. Finally, the strain rate was simulated by the model and a process of validation was applied using field displacement histories recorded by the landslide monitoring system.

The outputs of the model well simulate the landslide velocity, reproducing the sliding behavior and its relationship with pore pressure. The developed time dependent stability criterion represents an innovative physics-based tool for analyze landslide evolution leading to early-warning and remediation strategies, that accounts for thermal and velocity sensitivity of shear band materials, as well as the effect of pore pressure in promoting the evolution of different creep stages. The validated model can be also used as a predictive tool, to forecast the behavior of landslides and establish a physically based early warning strategy taking into account future climate scenarios.

How to cite: Morcioni, A., Apuani, T., Cecinato, F., and Veveakis, M.: A thermo-poro-mechanical model to simulate and predict landslide evolution: a physics-based method applied to the Ruinon Landslide (Italian Alps), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8771,, 2023.

EGU23-9298 | ECS | Orals | NH3.2

Characterizing 4D post-failure slope kinematics of the 2020 Aniangzhai landslide combining different remote sensing measurements 

Zhuge Xia, Mahdi Motagh, Tao Li, Mimi Peng, and Sigrid Roessner

With the avalanche of satellite remote sensing sensors, significant efforts have been made to develop methods to integrate optical and SAR remote sensing efficiently to quantify the kinematics and lifecycle of landslides. In this study, we design a framework that integrates multi-sensor satellite remote sensing data to investigate post-failure kinematics of the 17 June 2020 Aniangzhai landslide in the Danba County of Southwest China. This ancient landslide was partially reactivated due to rapid river incision and toe erosion during a complex cascading event, which led to an evacuation and relocation of more than 20,000 people.

First, time series of Planet images are exploited using the sub-pixel offset tracking method to generate horizontal deformation. Then advanced Multi-temporal InSAR (MTI) techniques are utilized to analyze the line-of-sight (LOS) displacements for 16 months after the failure. Eventually, the dynamics of the post-failure mechanism are modeled by integrating optical and radar data using an exponential decay model with independent component analysis (ICA) and least squares methods. Besides, the performance of a newly designed corner reflector (CR), consisting of two sets of semi-circular metal plates with a radius of 30-40 cm, is evaluated using both TerraSAR-X (TSX) and Sentinel-1 SAR data.

Optical results show that the landslide underwent large deformation up to around 14.3 meters within 1.5 months after the failure, then the rate of deformation decreased slowly with time. InSAR analysis suggests that the LOS velocity reached a maximum of approximately 300 mm/year, indicating the active status of the ancient landslide body after failure. Using ICA decomposition, we extracted different features with various spatiotemporal patterns from the landslide body, which was then applied in data integration and 4D modeling of landslide kinematics. Our experiment using newly designed CRs indicates improvement in the background intensity in TSX images by around 30 dB, with signal-to-clutter ratio (SCR) exceeding 25 dB. The radar cross-section (RCS) of CRs in both TSX and S1 images remains relatively stable, ranging from 15-23 dB, making them suitable for CR-InSAR analysis.

How to cite: Xia, Z., Motagh, M., Li, T., Peng, M., and Roessner, S.: Characterizing 4D post-failure slope kinematics of the 2020 Aniangzhai landslide combining different remote sensing measurements, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9298,, 2023.

EGU23-10134 | ECS | Posters virtual | NH3.2

Analytical Hierarchy Process for Mass Moviments Susceptibility Mapping in Fernão Velho, Maceió, Northeast Brazil 

Thyago Anthony Soares Lima and Antonio Rodrigues de Oliveira Filho

Mass movements result in great loss of life and property. This damage can be mitigated if the cause and effect relationships of the events are known. In this study, we use the analytical hierarchy process methods (AHP) to produce susceptibility to mass movement in the neighborhood of Fernão Velho, in the city of Maceió, capital of the state of Alagoas, northeastern Brazil . The study was conducted using remote sensing data, field surveys, and geographic information system (GIS) tools. That influence the occurrence of mass movement, such as elevation, slope aspect, slope gradient, density of buildings/cuts and embankments, lithology, distance from the lineament, soil, precipitation, land use/land cover (LULC) and influence of the railway line. Then the susceptibility to mass movement was established based on the assigned weight and ranking given by the AHP method. The result of the analysis was verified using existing mass movement occurrence sites, where it was obtained through the ROC index, an AUC of 86% , and a confidence interval of 82% , having an accuracy rate of 90% . The map of susceptibility to mass movement obtained is useful for prevention and mitigation of risks to the phenomenon, and proper planning for land use and construction in the future, serving as support for planning and decision-making by the civil protection of the municipality. 

Keywords: mass moviment susceptibility, analytic hierarchy process, GIS, remote sensing

How to cite: Soares Lima, T. A. and de Oliveira Filho, A. R.: Analytical Hierarchy Process for Mass Moviments Susceptibility Mapping in Fernão Velho, Maceió, Northeast Brazil, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10134,, 2023.

EGU23-11251 | Orals | NH3.2

Detecting Deep-seated Landslide Movement Using Seismic Signal Analysis of MEMS 

Meei-Ling Lin, Sheng-Yu Chiu, Kuo-Lung Wang, and Yo-Ming Hsieh

The deep-seated landslides often caused severe hazard due to the large area and landslide mass associated with the landslide movement. Thus, monitoring the landslide movement is an important task for landslide hazard management. The Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) technique developed rapidly in recent years provides the ability of low-cost sensors and easy installation for monitoring of the landslide movement in field. Typically, the landslide movement monitoring using MEMS is based on the tilt angle determined from the measured ground acceleration variations in three directions, and being subjected to the signal noise. We adopt Moving Window Fast Fourier Transform and other seismic wave analysis in this study to improve resolution of the seismic signals and achieve a sound detection of deep-seated landslide movement. The MEMS was installed at the Lantai deep-seated landslide study area, which measured the ground accelerations mid-slope of the landslide. The seismic signals recorded for eleven earthquake events and three heavy rainfall events are selected for analysis. It was found that the signal frequency can be separated from the system responses and related to the landslide movement. Validations were conducted by comparing the analysis results to the field monitoring data of in-place inclinometer and borehole extensometer while available. It is suggested that the landslide movement can be identified with seismic signal at approximately 17 Hz, and the results are consistent for both earthquake-induced and rainfall-induced events. 

How to cite: Lin, M.-L., Chiu, S.-Y., Wang, K.-L., and Hsieh, Y.-M.: Detecting Deep-seated Landslide Movement Using Seismic Signal Analysis of MEMS, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11251,, 2023.

EGU23-12150 | ECS | Orals | NH3.2

Using Digital Image Correlation (DIC) method to monitor the creeping indication and infer the geometry of landslides 

Hsien-Li Kuo, Guan-Wei Lin, Ting-Yu Lin, and Chung‑Ray Chu

Monitoring the creeping indications of landslides could provide valuable information for hazard prevention. The DIC methods allow to measure horizontal ground deformation with optical images. The surface moving information of landslide could offer the necessary data to infer the geometry including landslide sliding surface and volume of landslides.

This study focuses on a deep-seated landslide in Guanghua area which has been creeping since 2006 in northern Taiwan and there were sporadic collapse events in this slope area during recent years. The satellite images from 2016 to 2022 were collected and applied in Sliding Time Master Digital Image Correlation Analyses (STMDA) procedure to obtain the surface deformation of the landslide. The results including surface displacement and moving direction highly coincided with other monitoring data from on-site instruments. The landslide depth derived from surface displacements is about 20 m. The achievements reveal that using DIC method help to understand the landslide creeping process and the geometry distribution of potential landslide

How to cite: Kuo, H.-L., Lin, G.-W., Lin, T.-Y., and Chu, C.: Using Digital Image Correlation (DIC) method to monitor the creeping indication and infer the geometry of landslides, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12150,, 2023.

The 2020 December 5th Qingliucun landslide in western China presents a high locality and complex movement features. Its landslide source sits at the margin of a platform of a hillslope, which suffers from repeated earthquake and snow-water infiltration. The data from Insar and monitoring devices reveal that this landslide body have deform for 6 years and present a stepped three-phase failure process. The PFC simulation is also used to reproduce the failure process and motion features. It is found that several earthquakes result in the initiation of this landslide body and the snow-water infiltration plays a direct role in triggering this landslide by weakening the strength of soils. The landslide body scrape the slope mass during its transfer and block the river near the toe of the hillslope. The huge energy of landslide body is consumed during this process as verified by PFC simulation. The results can offer a good guidance to the hazard mitigation of this kind of landslide.

How to cite: li, L.: The failure pattern and transfer features of the 2020 Qingliucun landslide, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13358,, 2023.

EGU23-13439 | Orals | NH3.2

Seasonal and precipitation-triggered movements of the Almenningar and Tungnakvíslarjökull landslides, Iceland, monitored by low-cost GNSS observations 

Halldór Geirsson, Thorsteinn Sæmundsson, Jóhanna Malen Skúladóttir, and Nicolai Jónasson

Landslides show various characteristics of spatio-temporal distribution of movement. For example, nearby parts of the same landslide may respond differently to heavy rainfall. We report here on measurements of various episodic and transient movements, using low-cost continuously recording GNSS instruments, in two landslides areas in Iceland.


In the Tungnakvíslarjökull landslide, which lies on the west flank of the Katla Volcano in south Iceland, two GNSS instruments were installed in 2019 and 2020, at 830 and 650 m a.s.l. height, respectively. This landslide mass has subsided gradually by approximately 200 m in the past 70 years and has a scarp approximately 1.5 km long. The GNSS stations show movements of several decimeters per year, with most movement confined to late summer and fall each year. The lower station of the two shows distinct "jerky" motion, with instantaneous movements of 5-15 cm each time. These offsets are sometimes accompanied by regionally located seismic events occurring within seconds of the offsets. The upper station, however, moves more continuously. The landslide region experiences heavy rain in the fall season, however, also in the spring when little movement is observed. One possibility explaining the lack of motion in the spring time that frozen surface layers in spring to mid-summer may hinder precipitation from entering the landslide mass.


The Almenningar landslide region in north Iceland is composed of three main landslides spanning ~5 km distance. The fastest moving part is ~0.3 km wide and moves by ~1 m per year. A main road traverses the landslide area and needs frequent repairs because of differential motion. In the summer of 2022, nine continuously running GNSS stations were installed along the main road in the landslide region at 50 – 60 m a.s.l. height, with eight stations located in active parts, and one acting as a local reference station for monitoring purposes. Since the installation, three distinct movement episodes have been recorded, all following heavy rain, recorded by local and regional meteorological stations. However, different segments of the landslide area respond differently to the rain forcing, starting and stopping at different times, with some stations showing abrupt start with near-exponential decay, while some show gradual acceleration, followed by deceleration. We suggest that hydrological pressure inside the landslide governs much of its behavior.


In summary, the continuous low-cost GNSS observations complement spatially dense deformation techniques, such as using InSAR, differential DEM, or feature tracking. The continuous GNSS monitoring allows for great potential in understanding the time-dependent mechanics of landslides, and contributing to early warning of excessive motion.

How to cite: Geirsson, H., Sæmundsson, T., Skúladóttir, J. M., and Jónasson, N.: Seasonal and precipitation-triggered movements of the Almenningar and Tungnakvíslarjökull landslides, Iceland, monitored by low-cost GNSS observations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13439,, 2023.

EGU23-14398 | ECS | Orals | NH3.2

Challenges for satellite-based deep-seated landslide nowcasting 

Adriaan van Natijne, Thom Bogaard, and Roderik Lindenbergh

Landslides are a major geohazard in hilly and mountainous environments. We focus on slow-moving, deep-seated landslides that are characterized by gradual, non-catastrophic deformations of millimeters to decimeters per year and cause extensive economic damage. Where landslide hazard mitigation is impossible, Early Warning Systems are a valuable alternative to reduce landslide risk. Recent studies have demonstrated the effective application of machine learning for deformation forecasting to specific cases of slow-moving, non-catastrophic, deep-seated landslides. To test to what extent a combination of data-driven machine learning techniques and remote sensing observations can be used for landslide deformation forecasting, we developed a machine learning based nowcasting model on the multi-sensor monitored, deep-seated, Vögelsberg landslide, near Innsbruck, Austria. Our goal was to link the landslide deformation pattern to the conditions on the slope, and to produce a four-day, short-term forecast, a nowcast, of deformation accelerations.

Precipitation, snowmelt, soil moisture, evaporation, and temperature were identified as hydro-meteorological variables with high potential for forecasting deformation acceleration. Time series of those variables were obtained from remote sensing sources where possible, and otherwise from reanalysis sources as surrogate for data that is likely to be available in the near future. Deformation, the result of slope instability, was monitored daily by a local, automated total station of the Division of Geoinformation of the Federal State of Tyrol.

The five years of daily deformation and hydro-meteorological observations at the Vögelsberg landslide is quite limited for a machine learning model. To limit the complexity of the model, and the number of parameters to be optimized, the model was designed to mimic a bucket model, a simple hydrological model. A shallow neural network based on Long-Short Term Memory, was implemented in TensorFlow, as custom sequence of existing building blocks. In addition, a traditional neural network and recurrent neural network were tested for comparison.

Thanks to the limited complexity of the model, the major contributors could be determined by trial-and-error of nearly 150 000 model variations. Models including soil moisture information are more likely to generate high quality nowcasts, followed by models based solely on precipitation or snowmelt. Although none of the shallow neural network configurations produced a convincing nowcast deformation, they provide important context for future attempts. The machine learning model was poorly constrained as only five years of observations were available in combination with the four acceleration events that occurred in these five years. Furthermore, standard error metrics, like mean squared error, are unsuitable for model optimization for landslide nowcasting.

We showed that landslide deformation nowcasting is not a straightforward application of machine learning. The complexity of the machine learning model formulation at the Vögelsberg illustrates the necessity of expert judgement in the design and evaluation of a data-driven nowcast of slow deforming slopes. A future, successful nowcasting system will require a simple, robust model and frequent, high quality and event-rich data to train upon.

How to cite: van Natijne, A., Bogaard, T., and Lindenbergh, R.: Challenges for satellite-based deep-seated landslide nowcasting, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14398,, 2023.

EGU23-14471 | Orals | NH3.2 | Highlight

Dynamics of alpine glaciers large instabilities: results and open problems 

Daniele Giordan, Niccolò Dematteis, Fabrizio Troilo, and Valerio Segor

The study of glacier instabilities can be very useful, particularly when the activation of large ice avalanches can be dangerous for several elements at risk down-valley. This critical condition characterizes a growing number of glaciers in the Alps, where the distance between infrastructures, tourist areas and glaciers are minimal. The tragedy that occurred in Marmolada in 2022 is an example of the impact that an ice avalanche can have on a highly frequented area. In several recent studies, glacier-related instabilities are based on approaches similar to the ones adopted for landslides; in particular, the use of high-rate monitoring systems is fundamental for a characterization of the surficial movement of the glacier and its activity. The presence of an acceleration phase is often a precursor of the fall of the unstable ice chunk, and that is why the use of high-rate monitoring systems can be adopted for early warning purposes. The availability of similar data also allows a deeper knowledge of the processes that characterize the evolution of glaciers. Up to the present, the limited presence of permanent survey systems has prevented a more detailed study of the dynamics that control the evolution of glaciers. Recent monitoring solutions adopted to manage the ice-avalanche-related risk in the Alps represent an excellent opportunity to reduce this gap. The Grand Jorasses (Italian side of the Mont Blanc massif) open-field laboratory for the development of monitoring systems is an interesting example of this recent opportunity. The presence of cold (Whymper serac) and temperate (Planpincieux glacier) monitored glaciers is also important for better evaluating the impact of water at the bedrock-ice interface on the stability of hanging glaciers. The results obtained in the Grand Jorasses open-field laboratory pointed out the high complexity of temperate glaciers due to the variety of triggers that can activate large ice falls. The restricted access to the site for safety reasons limited the direct measurement of important parameters and led to the adoption of proximal remote sensing solutions. Thanks to the acquired data, a conceptual model of the glaciers' dynamics have been developed and adopted for better risk assessment.

How to cite: Giordan, D., Dematteis, N., Troilo, F., and Segor, V.: Dynamics of alpine glaciers large instabilities: results and open problems, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14471,, 2023.

EGU23-14542 | Orals | NH3.2

The OMIV service: acquiring and sharing long-period instrumental time series for documenting landslide activity 

Jean-Philippe Malet, Catherine Bertrand, Clément Hibert, Mathilde Radiguet, Thomas Lebourg, Stéphanie Gautier, Grégory Bièvre, Maurin Vidal, Xavier Wanner, Candide Lissak, Benjamin Vial, Nicolas Châtelain, Romain Besso, Sandrine Baudin, and Anne Boetsch

Documenting landslide activity over long periods and monitoring standards (sensors, acquisition rates, quality-control) is critical for understanding the landslide forcing factors, develop process-based models, identify the effect of climate change on their behavior, and ultimately define warning thresholds.

The French Landslide Observatory (Observatoire Multi-Disciplinaire des Instabilités de Versants) OMIV is the service of the French Research Institute (CNRS) in charge of deploying, acquiring, exploiting and disseminating multi-parametric sensor data over several large landslides in France. OMIV has developed, since more than 15 years, standards in terms of sensor types, using both high-grade and low-cost sensing in order to construct reference and spatially dense monitoring time series. The service provides open access to records of landslide kinematics, landslide micro-seismicity, landslide hydro-meteorology and landslide hydro-geophysics. Combined, these four categories of observations are unique worldwide for long-term landslide observations. OMIV is currently supervisizing the acquisition and dissemination of sensor data on 8 permanent unstable slopes (Avignonet/Harmallière, La Clapière, Séchilienne, Super-Sauze/La Valette, St-Eynard, Pégairolles, Vence, Villerville) and on unstable slopes currently experiencing gravitational crises (La Clape, Viella, Marie-sur-Tinée, Aiguilles). The service is organized around the dissemination of qualified data (in international reference file format) and products for 5 categories of observation (Geodesy, Seismology, Hydrology, Meteorology, Hydrogeophysics). For each categories of observation, specific FAIR data repository and access portals have been developed and automated processing methods have been proposed to meet the needs of the landslide research community. The products being generated are time series of GNSS and total station positions, catalogue of endogeneous landslide micro-seismicity, resistivity tomography datasets, and hydro-meterological parameters).

OMIV provides consistent and harmonized landslide monitoring data in order to identify the physical processes that control the landslide dynamics, both for slopes affected by slow-moving slides and cliffs affected by rockfalls, use these datasets to develop and validate landslide deformation/propagation models, extract (from the long-term observations) the patterns that may characterize changes in the landslide dynamics (annual, seasonal, event) and propose possible forerunners. The OMIV observations aim at contributing at identifying the key controlling parameters of different landslide types (e.g. soft/hard rock, cohesion/friction, slip/fracture, localized/diffuse damage) and at monitoring their evolution in time and space (deceleration or acceleration according to the triggering factors, sliding- flowing transition).

The objectives are to present the OMIV datasets, sensing standards and automated processing methods that has been developed, both for the science community and for operational partners in charge of landslide risk management (ONF-RTM, BRGM, CEREMA), for some of the monitored landslides. The objectives are also to present the future directions of the service with a focus on the modelling of the landslide processes using both process-based and machine learning approaches.

How to cite: Malet, J.-P., Bertrand, C., Hibert, C., Radiguet, M., Lebourg, T., Gautier, S., Bièvre, G., Vidal, M., Wanner, X., Lissak, C., Vial, B., Châtelain, N., Besso, R., Baudin, S., and Boetsch, A.: The OMIV service: acquiring and sharing long-period instrumental time series for documenting landslide activity, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14542,, 2023.

EGU23-14887 | Orals | NH3.2

A new landslide database for Iceland: what it tells us. 

Vincent Drouin and Martina Stefani

Landslides pose a considerable risk over communities and infrastructure in Iceland. There have been large landslides in the recent years and a least one related to permafrost. Taking into account the changing climate, knowing past and active moving slopes increases preparedness for civil protection purposes. In order to have a better overview of the actual hazard, we mapped and classified all landforms reminiscent of landslides into a database. The mapping was done using aerial orthophotos, digital elevation models (DEM), and satellite interferometry (InSAR) velocity map. To begin with, this allows to extract statistics about the spatial distribution and size of various type of landslides. The largest landslide features mapped covers over 10 km2, the smallest below 100 m2. The most common type of large landform can be classified as complex: a mix of slide and slow flow. As expected, most landslides are located where there is steep topography: the West Fjords, the Trollaskagi peninsula, and the East Fjords. However, the distribution of landslide landforms is extremely varied within these areas. Some valleys show numerous landslides while other none. To help figuring out this heterogeneity, this database is put into relation with other type of geographical information: digital elevation models, lithology, bedrock geology, volcanic systems, faults, hydrology, permafrost, ground deformation velocities, constructions and infrastructures.

How to cite: Drouin, V. and Stefani, M.: A new landslide database for Iceland: what it tells us., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14887,, 2023.

EGU23-14912 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.2

Geomorphological-geological characterization of an active, deep-seated rockslide in a heavily foliated rock mass – Wasserradkopf, Austria 

Severin Simma, Reinhard Gerstner, Gerald Valentin, Franz Goldschmidt, and Christian Zangerl

We present a study focusing on the geologic-geometrical characterization of an approximately
1,5 km² large, deep-seated rock slide at the south-eastern slope of the Wasserradkopf (3032
m a.s.l.) located in the high alpine environment of the Hohe Tauern National Park (Carinthia,
Austria). The rocks composing the Wasserradkopf belong to the “Bündnerschiefer”, which
mainly consist of a highly schistose rock mass.
Within our study, we performed a lithological and structural characterization, detailly mapped
the geomorphological features, and incorporated high resolution INSAR data in order to
demonstrate the structural control on the rock slide process.
Firstly, we conducted a geological field survey with the aim of creating a geological map of the
study site. Petrographic investigations on the microscope helped to classify the mapped
lithologies according to their mineralogy. Additionally, we recorded discontinuities to identify
the structural inventory of the rock mass hosting the rock slide allocate the discontinuities to
discontinuity sets.
Secondly, we characterized and mapped the geomorphological features, i.e., scarps, counter
facing scarps and horst and graben structures on the rock slide surface to identify the unstable
areas and distinguish individual rock slide slabs.
Finally, we assessed the INSAR data to quantify the movement in the outlined unstable areas.
By mapping areas of differential deformation rates, we confirm the presence of individual rock
slide slabs.
The preliminary results show that dominant brittle structures, which are represented by two
subvertical NNE-SSW and WNW-ESE striking joint sets, and several NE-SW striking steep
standing faults provide a favorable structural predisposition in interplay with the moderately
out-slope dipping schistosity for a rock slide mechanism to develop. Moreover, we correlate
the differential movement rates observable in the INSAR data with the individual rock slide
slabs identified by geomorphologic mapping.
By this combination of geological, geomorphological and advanced remote sensing techniques
we demonstrate the structural influence on the rock slide process and unravel its internal
deformation and kinematics.

How to cite: Simma, S., Gerstner, R., Valentin, G., Goldschmidt, F., and Zangerl, C.: Geomorphological-geological characterization of an active, deep-seated rockslide in a heavily foliated rock mass – Wasserradkopf, Austria, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14912,, 2023.

EGU23-16666 | Posters on site | NH3.2

Difference between rainy and dry year in Relations of activity and hydraulic parameters of landslide prone area: A case study in Xinzhuang, Southern Taiwan 

Ji-Shang Wang, Tung-Yang Lai, Chyan-Deng Jan, Guei-Lin Fu, Cheng Hsiu Tsai, and Wei-Ze Liou

The landslide prone area, Xingzhuang has been identified as a deep-seated landslide prone area by Taiwan authorities. Where covers a 10.3 hectares’ area with an average slope of 22.8 degrees and 20 buildings around the slope toe. The majority lithology of upper slope is sand-shale interbedded with highly sand contented, which differs from lower slope in shale with mud contented. In order to grasp the activities of this area, we have installed a real-time compound monitoring station including GNSS, biaxial tiltmeter, ground water level meter, and rain gauge.

The rainfall depth of 2021 and 2022 was 4,175 mm and 1,691 mm respectively. The difference was larger than 2400 mm in our study area which might induced the different activity behaviors. In this study, we discussed the relations of slope activity and hydrological parameters in last two years. The results show (1) The variation of X-direction of tiltmeter were about 7,500 and 3,500 (sec) in 2021 and 2022, respectively. The variation of Y-direction of tiltmeter were about 6,500 and 4,500 (sec) in 2021 and 2022, respectively. (2) In the same 6-hours rainfall intensity, the 6 hours tilt-angle of X and Y direction in 2021 were both two times of 2022. (3) In the same ground water level, the 6 hours tilt-angle of X and Y direction in 2021 were about 2 and 1.5 times of 2022, respectively. (4) In the same variation of 6-hours ground water level, no matter raising or decline ground water level the 6 hours tilt-angle of X and Y direction in 2021 were about 2.2 and 1.5 times of 2022, respectively. And the change rate of the 6 hours tilt-angle would be accelerated when the 6-hours variation of groundwater level was higher than 0.4 meters. On the whole, the rainy year would induce more active than dry year.

How to cite: Wang, J.-S., Lai, T.-Y., Jan, C.-D., Fu, G.-L., Tsai, C. H., and Liou, W.-Z.: Difference between rainy and dry year in Relations of activity and hydraulic parameters of landslide prone area: A case study in Xinzhuang, Southern Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16666,, 2023.

EGU23-16680 | Posters on site | NH3.2

Applications of multi-scale remote sensing data to determine potential landslides in the Laonong watershed areas 

Rou-Fei Chen, Chris Li, Tzung-Ting Chen, and Yi-Chung Chen

Since its opening to traffic, the Southern Cross-Island Highway has been playing an important role in linking Southern and Eastern cities in Taiwan. Nevertheless, Southern Cross-Island Highway was firstly struck by the 1999 Ji-ji Earthquake, which resulted in collapses along the route, and then Typhoon Morakot, which caused damages of 22 bridges and a number of deep-seated landslides between Meishan of Kaohsiung and Siangyang on the East. A long-term road reconstruction and improvement project of Southern Cross-Island Highway was therefore initiated in 2009. In August 2021, the torrential rain triggered a deep-seated landslide located in the upstream of Yusui Stream and an enormous amount of debris was brought to the downstream and crashed Minbaklu Bridge between Meishan and Siangyang. Although the Directorate General of Highways cleared the route and built a temporary steel bridge for people to pass through, this incident has highlighted the fact that the road breaks when plum rain or torrential rain occurs. This project has adopted optical satellite imagery, aerial LiDAR and UAV, technologies that complement each other with their respective benefits and drawbacks. Aerial LiDAR can remove vegetation and present the real ground surface, enabling researchers to calculate the volume of landslide materials of Yusui Stream and Putanpunas Stream using LiDAR derived DTM (digital terrain model) constructed based on the images collected between 2016 and 2022. The three-dimensional terrain interpretation and landslide volume calculation results reveal that the landslide surface area had been continuously increased over the last six years due to abundant rainfall brought by typhoons and torrential rain, causing an enormous volume of debris falling into the main river channel and piled up at its confluence with Laonong River. Nevertheless, the interpretation can be hard in areas with small-scale shallow landslide due to smaller changes to the surface elevation. Optical satellite imagery before and after the sliding is therefore required to quantify the change of landslide volume, helping to determine potential landslide and accumulation areas even more effectively.

How to cite: Chen, R.-F., Li, C., Chen, T.-T., and Chen, Y.-C.: Applications of multi-scale remote sensing data to determine potential landslides in the Laonong watershed areas, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16680,, 2023.

As the effects of climate change become more and more evident in high-mountain regions, investigating the relation between climatic anomalies and geomorphic hazards becomes increasingly critical to predict the risk associated with such hazards and to develop reliable models. To do so, researchers often adopt statistical-based methods to detect climate anomalies at multiple time scales associated with the occurrence of different types of landslides. However, the in-situ observations commonly adopted for such studies may misrepresent some of these climatic variables in high mountain areas, sometimes leading to questionable results. For example, no daily precipitation anomaly is often reported for events such as debris flows, which are mainly triggered by short-duration precipitation. Additionally, collecting and quality-controlling in-situ observations is an extremely time-consuming task that prevents wide-scale applications of these methods. In this work, we exploit a consolidated statistical-based method to compare the results obtained from carefully controlled in-situ observations with the ones obtained from freely available quasi-global gridded datasets of (a) daily temperature observations from ENSEMBLES OBServation (E-OBS) and (b) half-hourly precipitation estimates from the Integrated Multi-Satellite Retrievals from GPM (IMERG). We focus on an extended database of 483 geomorphic hazards, including landslides, rockfalls and debris flows, occurred across the Italian Alps in the period 2000-2020. Our results show that the integrated use of open and free products is beneficial in different ways. Statistical tests indicate that E-OBS gridded temperature anomalies as well as multi-day IMERG precipitation anomalies provide as much information as in-situ observations, and can thus be used as easily available surrogates. More importantly, thanks to the ability of satellites to measure precipitation at the triggering locations, IMERG proved able to detect daily precipitation anomalies for many debris flows events for which in-situ data reported no precipitation. Examining the sub-daily variability of the triggering precipitation, we show that the anomalies missed by in-situ observations tend to be associated with events with high temporal, and hence spatial, variability such as the convective storms that usually trigger debris flows in the Alps. The use of quasi-global open datasets in place of in-situ observations can greatly speed-up the data retrieval and even provides an added value over in-situ observations. These results represent an important step ahead in the analysis of climate anomalies related to geomorphic hazards in high mountainous regions as they open the way to more accurate wide-scale applications.  

How to cite: Paranunzio, R. and Marra, F.: Multi-source climate data to investigate the nexus between climate anomalies and landslides in high-mountain regions in the Alps, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1704,, 2023.

Due to the impact of climate change, the increasing frequency of extreme rainfall events, with concentrated rainfalls, commonly cause landslide hazard in the mountain areas of Taiwan. The extraordinary rainfall behavior is critical for the landslide hazard, therefore, it certainly affects the landslide resilience as well.

This study employs rainfall frequency analysis together with the atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM) downscaling estimation to understand the temporal rainfall trends, distributions, and intensities in the adopted study area in Central Taiwan. Beside the landslide susceptibility, the landslide resilience was quantitatively defined and analyzed. The upstreams of Tachia River, Wu River, and Chuoshui River were adopted as the study area. The results of predictive landslide susceptibility and resilience analysis can be applied for risk prevention and management in the study area.

How to cite: Shou, K.-J.: Landslide Susceptibility and Resilience Changing Climate– for the Case in Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1949,, 2023.

EGU23-5774 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.4

Physically based slope stability analysis: future scenarios due to changing surface temperature 

Om Prasad Dhakal, Gianvito Scaringi, Marco Loche, Ranjan Kumar Dahal, and Bastian van den Bout

Temperature significantly affects the hydraulic and mechanical properties of geomaterials on a slope. However, results from the laboratory show the change in material behaviour depends on the slip rates and the type of minerals present. Active clays are observed to be the most sensitive to temperature oscillations in mechanical deformations. In this research, the temperature change effects will be addressed in laboratory experiments on natural soils. We will deploy laboratory samples to obtain the frictional coefficient as a function of temperature (20-50 degrees). Further, reconstituted samples will be tested under different shear rates to understand the dependencies on temperature. Temperature-sensitive parameters (such as the internal friction angle) will be incorporated in a physically-based modelling framework analysing effects for a sloping unit. The factor of safety will be calculated based on spatial grids representative of the sampling location. In the second part of this research, the frictional coefficient obtained from the laboratory as a function of temperature will be synchronised with projected climate change (surface temperature, hydro-meteorological forcing) and will be simulated to a catchment scale multihazard modelling. This model will incorporate measured data and geostatistical interpolation of remotely sensed data to fulfil the dataset to run the physically based equations. The final output will be the comparison of hazard intensities (e.g., debris flow impact pressure, inundation heights, solid velocity and depth) for the projected future years.

How to cite: Dhakal, O. P., Scaringi, G., Loche, M., Dahal, R. K., and Bout, B. V. D.: Physically based slope stability analysis: future scenarios due to changing surface temperature, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5774,, 2023.

EGU23-7471 | Posters on site | NH3.4

Landslide probability in the German low mountain regions under climate change conditions 

Katrin Nissen, Martina Wilde, Uwe Ulbrich, and Bodo Damm

The influence of meteorological (pre-) condition on landslide probability in the German low mountain regions is assessed and effects arising from climate change are investigated. The landslide events analysed for this study are taken from the landslide database for Germany (Damm and Klose, 2015) and from an event inventory from the German railway company (Deutsche Bahn). We follow two different approaches in order to determine the influence of atmospheric conditions on hillslope failure.

The first approach is based on weather types. Each day is assigned one of 28 Lamb-style weather types. The meteorological variables used to classify the weather types are sea level pressure and anomalies of the atmospheric water content. We were able to identify 4 patterns associated with a statistically significant increase for landslide frequency. The climate change signal of the frequency for the occurrence for these weather types is investigated in a multi-model ensemble of regional climate simulations (EURO CORDEX). The majority of the models shows a decrease in the frequency of those relevant patterns under RCP8.5 scenario conditions. In most models this decrease is, however, not statistically significant.
The second approach is based on logistic regression. The logistic regression model was fitted using meteorological observations close to the landslide sites. Conditions at the day of the event as well as the pre-conditions from the days leading up to the event were considered. In order to select the best statistical model we tested a large number of physically plausible combinations of meteorological predictors. Each model was checked using cross-validation. The decision on the final model was based on the value of the logarithmic skill score and on expert judgement. As relevant predictors we identified daily precipitation, frost, and a soil moisture proxy determined from multi-day accumulated precipitation and potential evapotranspiration. 
The climate change signal is determined by applying the statistical model to the output of a multi-model ensemble of climate scenario simulations. 

Damm, B. and Klose, M. (2015): The landslide database for Germany: Closing the gap at national level, Geomorphology, 249, 82-93,


How to cite: Nissen, K., Wilde, M., Ulbrich, U., and Damm, B.: Landslide probability in the German low mountain regions under climate change conditions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7471,, 2023.

EGU23-7534 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.4

Hydraulic and mechanical behaviour of volcanic soils and implications for evaluating slope stability 

Maxime Delvoie, Pierre Delmelle, Hadrien Rattez, Jean-Michel Pereira, and Anh Minh Tang

Landslides are more widespread than any other geological events on Earth. Due to their steep topography and contrasted weather conditions, volcanic regions are especially prone to water-triggered landslides. Indeed, examples of volcanic slope failures abound. Regions endowed with volcanic soils are often densely populated and landslides are causing devastating impacts including loss of human lives, damage to critical infrastructure and disruption to livelihoods. There is growing concern that the intensifying effects of climate change on the hydrological cycle – changing the amount and frequency of rainfall and meltwater input – will exacerbate shallow-seated landslide susceptibility. Soil is the weakest material involved in landslide-related disasters, and soil properties are pivotal in determining the susceptibility of a slope to mass movement. Volcanic soils have unique, but hitherto poorly constrained, hydraulic and mechanical properties. Depending on the volcanic parent materials and weathering conditions, these soils can display clay fractions of different mineralogical composition which likely influence their hydraulic and mechanical properties.

Our study aims to advance understanding of the relationships between the hydraulic and mechanical properties of volcanic soils. We sampled undisturbed volcanic soils in Tenerife (Spain) and Ecuador characterized by different mineralogies in order to measure their microstructural and hydraulic properties (particle size distribution ; pore size distribution ; hydraulic conductivity ; water retention curve). We also determined the mechanical properties (shear strength) of these soils and quantified the effect of soil water content on these properties conducting triaxial tests at different moisture level. The mineralogical analysis performed reveal clay fractions either enriched in allophanes or halloysites for the different sampled sites. The allophanic soils display large porosities and water retention values, whereas halloysites-rich soils are less efficient to retain water but seem to conduct it faster. Halloysites-rich soils also show higher, but more water content dependent shear strengths. Indeed, maximum shear stresses reached during triaxial tests are largely increased with drying while allophanic soils’ shear strength are less impacted by a decreased water content. This could be explained by the aggregation of allophane particles in clumps during drying, causing a reduction of shear strength offsetting the classic increasing shear strength due to the increased capillary effects. 

How to cite: Delvoie, M., Delmelle, P., Rattez, H., Pereira, J.-M., and Tang, A. M.: Hydraulic and mechanical behaviour of volcanic soils and implications for evaluating slope stability, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7534,, 2023.

EGU23-9146 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.4

The Role of Conditioning Factors in Determining Rainfall Intensity Necessary for Triggering Shallow Landslides in Portugal 

Caio Vidaurre Nassif Villaça, José Luís Zêzere, and Pedro Pinto Santos

Shallow landslides are geological phenomena that affect soil of small thickness originated from the weathering of the bedrock and downslope transportation. The goal of this work is to analyze the correlation between the conditioning factors and the triggering factor (rainfall) of shallow landslides in the continental area of Portugal. The understanding of the correlation between these factors can be of great help for the development of early warning systems, since it enables near real time updates of susceptibility maps relying on the rainfall forecast and the  specific physical characteristics of different regions. We used the DISASTER landslide historical database and analyzed the following conditioning factors: elevation, slope, aspect, lithology, land use, distance to rivers and faults. The historical rainfall data were obtained from the gridded NetCDF file provided by the Copernicus climate services. An automatic script was created to filter in the database the landslides that can be considered a shallow landslide and the ones that were probably triggered by rainfall events. Another automatic script was created to extract from the NetCDF file the intensity of the rainfall event that triggered the landslide. Then, we used the Boruta algorithm for feature selection. The Boruta algorithm helps to reduce the number of features in a dataset by identifying features that do not influence the study variable. In our case, the algorithm analyses which conditioning factor influences the rainfall intensity necessary to cause the respective landslide. It was found that only the lithology, slope, elevation and aspect had a significant contribution to the definition of the necessary rainfall intensity. In order to analyze how the changes in the conditioning factors affect the rain intensity necessary to cause the landslide, we grouped the events by lithology.  Two-mica granites were the lithology with the widest range of rainfall intensities that triggered landslides, reaching the lowest and higher values. This result possibly demonstrates that regions dominated by two-mica granites have higher susceptibility to landslides. Next, the Pearson correlation was used to determine whether the correlation between the relevant conditioning factors and the triggering factor were positive or negative. As a preliminary result, we found that all the Pearson correlations were low and positive, showing that the increase of value of conditioning factors result in a small increase in rain intensity necessary to cause landslides. This correlation can be probably explained by analyzing the scatter plot “rainfall intensity/slope”. The plot shows that the slopes lower than 10 degrees and higher than 20 degrees show a minimum rainfall intensity higher than the ones within slopes between 10 and 20 degrees. This could be explained by the fact that shallow slopes have low gravitational potential energy demanding high rainfall intensities to trigger a landslide and steep slopes could not have enough material accumulated to generate a landslide with low rainfall intensity. The next step will be to run a statistical model to completely correlate the conditioning factors with the respective rainfall intensities.

How to cite: Vidaurre Nassif Villaça, C., Luís Zêzere, J., and Pinto Santos, P.: The Role of Conditioning Factors in Determining Rainfall Intensity Necessary for Triggering Shallow Landslides in Portugal, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9146,, 2023.

EGU23-9596 | Posters on site | NH3.4

Natural ventilation through open bedrock fracture systems and its influence on rock slope stability 

Thomas Scheiber, Paula Snook, Hallvard Haanes, Alexander Maschler, and Lukas Schild

Open bedrock fracture networks are characteristic structural features in unstable rock slopes. They affect the subsurface bedrock temperature field due to fracture ventilation and temporary water infiltration. The ground thermal conditions are a key factor influencing slope stability. Ascending air circulating through fracture networks during winter (the so-called chimney effect) facilitates the cooling of the ground and leads in some cases to the development of extra-zonal permafrost. In addition, fracture networks exposed to the atmosphere have an impact on gas exchange processes at the Earth-atmosphere interface. Natural ventilation of the underground compartments can thus lead to increased gas exhalation to the surface. Especially the radioactive gas radon (222Rn) has been used in Earth science and environmental studies of natural ventilation systems and has due to its relatively long half-life great potential to characterize the subsurface bedrock fracture systems.

We present a case study of a natural ventilation system from the Stampa rock slope instability (Aurland, Norway). The area above the slide scar is characterized by a relatively low slope angle and bedrock lineaments, which correspond to morphological depressions and open subsurface fractures. Natural ventilation through these fractures has been observed at several locations at Stampa, where air flows out or in. Such chimney ventilation depends upon outside air temperature compared to subsurface temperature but also on locality and other atmospheric conditions such as wind and air pressure. Rock-surface and air temperature loggers in open fracture systems can provide information about both subaerial temperature and the subsurface temperature field, which can be use to model the chinmey ventilation. Instruments continuously monitoring air flow and radon concentration at selected vents, in addition to sporadic alpha track radon surveys are used to identify the extent and connectivity beween individual ventilation systems and verify ventilation patterns. In situ measurements are combined with UAV surveys using both optical and thermal imaging. We found that air ventilation through several individual systems of open bedrock fractures leads to cooling of the ground and to the development of sporadic extrazonal permafrost far below the regional permafrost limit. Radon concentration of outflowing air is depending on the air flow rate and the rock-atmosphere contact area which, in turn, depends on ground water level and the extent of ice in subsurface fractures. The subsurface bedrock reaches its highest temperatures in late autumn/early winter which coincides with enhanced slope deformation. 

How to cite: Scheiber, T., Snook, P., Haanes, H., Maschler, A., and Schild, L.: Natural ventilation through open bedrock fracture systems and its influence on rock slope stability, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9596,, 2023.

EGU23-12239 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.4

Forecasting the surficial displacements of a landslide triggered by snow melting basing on LSTM and image processing algorithms 

Yuting Liu, Lorenzo Brezzi, Lorenzo Nava, Zhipeng Liang, and Simonetta Cola

The majority of landslide-prone areas spread in mountainous areas with abundant rainfall. However, when high altitudes make areas prone to significant snowfall, the amount of such snowfall, as well as environmental temperature and humidity, should be taken into account to determine its effect on the condition of landslide stability. To pursue this aim, the present study focuses on the quantification of snow accumulation on the slope through approaches based on image analysis and on the prediction of surface displacements of the slope using a two-steps LSTM (Long short-term memory) algorithm. The main LSTM algorithm aims at forecasting the landslide displacement in the future 12 hours using as input the past 5 days data of rainfall, snowfall and movements of the slope, plus the weather prediction of the next day. The necessity of estimation of the trend of the snow condition makes it necessary to implement a secondary LSTM algorithm for estimating if the snow coverage is going to accumulate or melt in next 12 hours, again basing on the past 5 days environmental measurements (temperature and humidity) and a forecast of the future condition of the site. Both the algorithms are trained basing on the historical measurements of temperature, humidity, rainfall, snowfall and landslide displacement. The main code also includes a training based on the surficial movements of the slope measured by a topographical monitoring system. Within this model, the presence and the trend of the snow is evaluated by means of some image-processing algorithms aiming at evaluating the cover square percentage of white content in the RGB image, filtering out noises and false signals. The presented procedure is applied to the case of the Sant’Andrea landslide, located in Perarolo di Cadore (North Italy, Province of Belluno), whose bedrock is composed by dolomitic lithology and folded layers rich in anhydrides and gypsum easily erodible by water infiltration in the subsoil. The two-steps LSTM model implementation achieves the forecasting of the landslide displacements, focusing in particular on the effects of snow melting in the stability condition of the slope.

How to cite: Liu, Y., Brezzi, L., Nava, L., Liang, Z., and Cola, S.: Forecasting the surficial displacements of a landslide triggered by snow melting basing on LSTM and image processing algorithms, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12239,, 2023.

EGU23-12809 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.4

Experimental analysis of seasonal processes in shallow landslide through downscaled observations 

Lorenzo Panzeri, Michele Mondani, Andrea Graziotto, Monica Corti, Monica Papini, and Laura Longoni

Shallow landslides are phenomena involving small parts of land and are triggered by huge intensity rainfall events of short duration or more moderate but prolonged over time. The area and thickness of such slips are typically reduced, but they are still harmful because there are no warning signs and no information on their possible evolution.

Since the middle of the 20th century, heavy precipitation events have been more frequent and intense. In light of the current climate crisis, it is crucial to thoroughly examine the effects of these occurrences in order to establish triggering thresholds in mountain regions.  

This work deals with the experimental study of these landslides through the laboratory simulations on a small-scale slope, reproduced at the Gap2 lab of the Lecco Campus.  Different experiments have been performed reproducing the seasonal conditions of the slopes. In particular, extreme rainfall events, soil conditions with different volumetric water content percentages were compared with moderate rainfall events in order to assess the different timing of landslide triggering.

To investigate the behaviour of surface landslides under these conditions and to visualise in detail the processes related to water circulation, a multidisciplinary approach was adopted that consist of observations using geological, geophysical and photogrammetric methodologies and instrumentation. These technologies include modified pressure transmitters for the pore water pressure evaluation, GoPro’s cameras, TDR (Time Domain Reflectometry) for the volumetric water content evaluation and a georesistivimeter (IRIS Syscal Pro). In this way hydrogeological processes can be deeply analysed from different perspectives and can highlight peculiarities and assess in detail their evolution leading to collapse.

Through the information obtained from geophysics, it is possible to visualise the formation of cracks within the landslide body in advance, also allowing considerations regarding the different water contributions of the simulated rainfall and the initial water content in the soil. The experimental results were then compared with a mathematical model.

How to cite: Panzeri, L., Mondani, M., Graziotto, A., Corti, M., Papini, M., and Longoni, L.: Experimental analysis of seasonal processes in shallow landslide through downscaled observations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12809,, 2023.

Manikaran town of Kullu district, Himachal Pradesh, NW Himalaya, India is a famous hotspot for hot springs, ancient Ram Mandir, and Gurudwara Sahib, which makes it a major tourist attraction. Over the past years, the number of tourists visiting Manikaran to explore the hot springs and ancient temples has increased exponentially. One major rockfall event occurred in Manikaran town in August 2015, destroying the four-story Gurudwara building, killing nearly 10 people, and injuring 15 people sleeping in the Gurudwara’s Sarai. Manikaran and surrounding areas witness rockfall activity every monsoon. These past events and the attraction of tourists to this place make it a very risky zone that needs to be studied closely. In this study, a holistic approach comprising geological field investigation, geomorphic mapping, field-based rockfall dataset (rock shape and volume), generation of high-resolution digital elevation model (DEM) using RTK-DGPS, and numerical modelling using open-source software SICONOS was conducted. During field investigations, it was found that the August 2015 rockfall event was not only a result of a single rock block affecting the Gurudwara. Instead, the main rockfall source block triggered the chain of rockfall events by remobilizing the static blocks present on the surface of the runout path of the moving block. A novel rockfall propagation model was developed by incorporating the rock-rock interaction using the rigid body approach in SICONOS software to complement the real August 2015 rockfall event in Manikaran. A comparative rockfall hazard assessment was conducted by comparing the rockfall trajectory simulation with and without static blocks present on the slope. Consequently, two different scenarios of rockfall simulations were generated for Manikaran such that realistic rockfall events can be captured for predicting future rockfall hazards in Manikaran. This study considers for the first time the role of static blocks present on the surface in rockfall propagation models and has potential applications across a wide range of rockfall-prone areas, especially those where large static rock blocks are found in the run-out path of moving rock blocks during rockfalls.

How to cite: Dhiman, R. K., Bourrier, F., and Thakur, M.: The study of remobilization of static blocks present on the terrain due to rockfall impact: a comparative assessment of rockfall hazard in Manikaran, NW Himalaya, India, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1947,, 2023.

EGU23-2335 | Orals | NH3.5

Deformation processes and failure analysis of a deep-seated rockslide near Laatsch, South Tyrol 

Klaus Voit, Christine Fey, Christina Rechberger, Volkmar Mair, and Christian Zangerl

The investigated deep-seated rock slide is located at the valley entrance of the Münstertal in South Tyrol directing to the Swiss border. The area is attributed to the Sesvenna Crystalline of the S-charl crystalline nappe, which is mainly formed by poly-metamorphic orthogneisses with intercalations of amphibolites, phyllites, paragneisses and marbles. The rockslide extends approx. 400 m in NE-SW-direction and spans 650 m from 1450 m to the main scarp at. 2015 m a.s.l. The SE-facing slope shows a main slope inclination of approx. 35° (min. 20°, max. 80°). A total rockslide volume could be estimated at approx. 3 to 4 Million m³ by means of GIS.

The rock mass shows a flat into the slope dipping foliation (mean dip angle approx. 15°) and is highly fractured by two orthogonally orientated sets of brittle joints (set 1 and set 2). Kinematic analysis suggests direct toppling for fracture set 1 and flexural toppling for fracture set 2. Geological mapping and laboratory analysis via thin section and XRD analysis identified Muscovite-rich shearing planes and phyllonite rock types in the area of the main scarp. Weathering progresses along scarps and developed tension cracks further eroding and dissembling the rock mass.

The activation of the movement occurred in the year 2000, showing a rapid expansion since the year 2012 causing a relocation of the road underneath in 2014. Multi-temporal deformation analysis based on orthoimages, ALS and TLS were able to show high velocities of at least 9 m per month during the initial formation phase in 2014, followed by a continuous velocity reduction to mean annual values of 1 to 2.5 m per year until spring 2022. In the period spring to autumn 2022 no more movements could be detected via TLS, which raises the question of the causal reasons for the movement and the different velocities of movement. The absence of significant precipitation in spring and summer 2022 can be interpreted as a probable cause, since also previous movement velocities showed a correlation with the respective amount of precipitation.

Rock fall and rock topple events with a dimension of several thousand m³ could also be observed along outbreak recesses at the rockslide flanks, scarps and at the internal slab margins and also be detected through several TLS measurement series.

Results indicate an internal slab formation along discrete shear zones recognizable on surface as main and minor scarps. The slabs show a translational movement behaviour along a fully persistent, slightly curvilinear basal shear zone. The reason for the destabilization of the valley flank is attributed to retrogressive processes caused by long-term stress release due to topographical and hydrogeological changes by adjacent, previous rockslides situated directly below the active rockslide.

How to cite: Voit, K., Fey, C., Rechberger, C., Mair, V., and Zangerl, C.: Deformation processes and failure analysis of a deep-seated rockslide near Laatsch, South Tyrol, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2335,, 2023.

EGU23-2839 | Posters on site | NH3.5

Study on the Failure Development Process and Energy Evolution of Rock Slope 

Yu Chen Wu and Chia ming Lo

The development of landslide often accompanied by accumulation, transfer and dissipation of energy. To understand the energy evolution in rock slope may be beneficial to the clarification of landslide mechanism, which can be took as consultation for landslide hazard assessment and prediction of runout distance of sliding material. Considering numerical method, the details of energy evolution inside the rock mass during the process of slip surface development and movement of debris after rock slope collapse. In this study, two kinds of simplified models were created by distinct element method. One is a cube with given slip surface composed by disconnected small crack. The model was used to simulate development of slip surface. Another is a single cube sliding along a flat wall. The model was used to simulate the moving behavior of single debris after rock slope collapse. A series of model with different inclination angle of wall and material property were created to represent different type of landslide and collision behavior respectively. For each model, the energy data were collected from selected elements which distribute uniformly inside the model. The results show that during the development of slip surface, the cracks propagate and then form the slip surface. The strain energy inside the rock mass near the crack accumulates continuously and drops rapidly soon after the crack propagates through the rock mass. After the slip surface be formed, the slope collapse and the potential energy transfers into kinetic energy. Then the frictional energy and damping energy generated by interaction between debris or between debris and mountainside. The debris travels along slope with high inclination angle rebounds higher after hit the bottom of mountainside, but has lower travel distance than ones travels along slope with lower inclination angle. The debris with lower strength tends to break into smaller pieces, and generates more frictional and damping energy due to higher interaction frequency between small pieces.

Keywords: Rock slope, Landslide mechanism, Energy evolution, Distinct element method

How to cite: Wu, Y. C. and Lo, C. M.: Study on the Failure Development Process and Energy Evolution of Rock Slope, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2839,, 2023.

EGU23-3102 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.5

A comparative study of UAV-based 3D point cloud analyses on landslide volume estimation for progressive rockslide 

Kuei-Ying Chang, Wei-Kai Huang, Cheng-Han Lin, and Ming-Lang Lin

Rock slope instability, such as rockslides and rock falls, are common issues along mountain highways. These natural phenomena not only control the slope morphology but also pose substantial risk to the safety of road users. When highway authority responds to those disasters, the first task is to estimate the landslide volume and potential sliding volume for planning emergency measures. Recent advances in UAV-based 3D point cloud analyses have improved our ability to investigate landslides efficiency with unprecedented time resolution. However, different techniques involve several limitations that should be considered when approaching landslide volume estimation for progressive rockslides. This study demonstrates how the effects of multitemporal point cloud dataset alignment may hinder the analysis of landslide development in high steep highway slope. A specific progressive rockslide occurred in Northern Cross-Island Highway of Taiwan is discussed. The landslide initiated on 14 September 2022 after Typhoon Muifa leave Taiwan. The first disaster caused the road to be blocked at the mileage of 49.8K for two days and developed continually for the next one month. We obtained pre- and post-disaster UAV-based point cloud data for three major disasters during the period. The DEMs of Difference (DoD) and Iterative Closest Point (ICP) approaches were used to minimize the positioning error and estimate the landslide volume for each event. In addition, the feasibility of another common approach multiscale model-to-model cloud comparison (M3C2) was also discussed. The study provides authorities and practitioners with qualitative comparison regarding the application of UAV-based 3D point cloud analyses on landslide volume estimation for progressive rockslides. The results also benefit scientists in developing scenario modeling based on numerical simulation.

How to cite: Chang, K.-Y., Huang, W.-K., Lin, C.-H., and Lin, M.-L.: A comparative study of UAV-based 3D point cloud analyses on landslide volume estimation for progressive rockslide, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3102,, 2023.

EGU23-3167 | Orals | NH3.5

Numerical investigation of the failure of the colluvium slope with retaining piles induced by rockslides 

Ting-Syuan Wei, Cheng-Han Lin, and Ming-Lang Lin

Retaining piles is the common mitigation measure for stabilizing colluvium slopes due to ease of design and cost-efficiency. Although there are many successful applications of retaining piles in Taiwan, several cases failed due to lack of consideration in design stage. We focused on a specific case in the downstream of Chiaohu River, central Taiwan. Remote-sensing analysis shows that this site has collapsed at least five times since 1948 and the rockslides from source area of colluvium dominate the stability of colluvium. The latest colluvium failure that occurred in 2019 had damaged the retaining piles. The design report of the retaining piles reveals that the stability analysis only considered the colluvium as the acting force. In the scenario, limit equilibrium method can be used to evaluate the factor of safety of the colluvium slope with piles. However, the limit equilibrium method is not applicable when the colluvium slope failed because the rockslide at the upper slope. This study aims to provide insight into the complex behavior of rockslide-induced colluvium slope failure and the stability of retaining pile in context of this design factor, facilitating the development of a numerical model. We first conducted geological investigations and remote sensing analysis to understand the evolution of landslide history. Next, three-dimensional full-scale numerical model was built based on coupled FDM-DEM technique. DEM was used to simulate the rockslide source and colluvium material, and FDM was used to model the piles in the colluvium. The back-analysis shows that simplified consideration of only colluvium material on the stability of retaining piles underestimate the effects of sliding force of the rockslide on behavior. In addition, the rockslides not only increase total landslide volume, but also are the source of the colluvium deposit in landslide history. This study demonstrates that the assessment of the stability of the colluvium slope with retaining piles induced by rockslides can be aided by using coupled FDM-DEM simulation.

How to cite: Wei, T.-S., Lin, C.-H., and Lin, M.-L.: Numerical investigation of the failure of the colluvium slope with retaining piles induced by rockslides, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3167,, 2023.

EGU23-3349 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.5

GIS-Based Rockfall modelling and risk-assessment in the low mountain ranges of Rhineland Palatinate, Germany 

Philip Süßer, Teemu Hagge-Kubat, Frieder Enzmann, and Ansgar Wehinger

Geographic information systems are a valuable tool to assess the vulnerability of infrastructure posed by mass movements. Since 2014, the State-Geological Survey of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany (LGB) recorded over 130 cases of rockfall and rockslides. Since only cases near vital infrastructure are recorded, the actual number is estimated to be much higher. The research presented here, makes use of the free to use algorithms of Q-, SAGA- and GRASS-GIS to create semi-automated workflows to identify endangered zones and infrastructure.  Based on high-definition LiDar-Digital Elevation Models Source Areas for the processes are calculated and used as start cells for Gravitational Path Models.  The start cells are calculated by looking for erosion contributing parameters such as exposure, insulation, surface runoff but also rock specific parameters like rock loosening and lithology. Through the precise identification of the rockfall source areas and further input data like vegetation and relief energy numerous cases exemplary in the area were modeled. Validation using the Mass-Movement Database of the Rhineland-Palatine Geological Survey and numerous ground checks show, that concrete rockfall events were simulated. By intersecting with real infrastructure data, it is possible to carry out risk assessments of specific sections of roads and railway lines. These coincide with the actual cases of damage and safety measures and can therefore be assessed as plausible and used for hazard zoning.

How to cite: Süßer, P., Hagge-Kubat, T., Enzmann, F., and Wehinger, A.: GIS-Based Rockfall modelling and risk-assessment in the low mountain ranges of Rhineland Palatinate, Germany, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3349,, 2023.

Half tunnels occurring as ‘overhangs’ within steep slopes of massive and hard rock mass have advantages over full tunnels or open excavations as they are economical and take short time in construction. Because of their sporadic occurrence along NH-05 the stability analysis of half tunnels in these areas is undone and some are still unexplored. These half tunnels are excavated through a highly jointed/fractured rock slopes which may be the threat to people’s lives and can disrupt the transportation in any time if any reinforcement is not given. The detached rock blocks from these half tunnels and surrounding rocky slopes took many local peoples and tourists lives in the past. These half tunnels in the Himalayan regions have existed since many years despite any reinforcement given to them. The stability analysis of these fractured and jointed rock mass associated with half tunnels are needs to be carried out and requires proper remedial measures and reinforcements to avoid any mishap in future. Therefore, in this regard, the present study endeavors the slope stability assessment of one such half tunnel, a stretch of ca.1km located near Thopan on NH- 05 in Kinnaur district, Himachal Pradesh, India. Basic Rock Mass Rating (RMR basic) has been used to classify and evaluate rock mass exposed in this half tunnel. Total six slopes have been chosen for stability assessment. Rock mass classification done by Basic Rock Mass Rating (RMRbasic) categorizes all six rock slopes into class II (good rock).  Continuous Slope Mass Rating (CSMR) was used to evaluate the stability of these six slopes in which 5 slopes fall into the Class V category and one slope fall into Class III category. The kinematic analysis demonstrates that wedge failure is the most common and likely failure type amongst the three failures (wedge, planar, and toppling) in the jointed rock slopes of half tunnel. The Factor of Safety (FoS) was also calculated for all the six slopes having the lowest CSMR values in the wedge failure case. All these 6 slopes are unstable showing FoS values less than one.

 Keywords: Slope Stability, NW Himalaya, Half Tunnels, Rock slopes, RMR, CSMR, Kinematic Analysis, FoS, Swedge model.

How to cite: Parkash, J., Thakur, M., Singh, J., and Negi, V. S.:  Slope Stability Assessment of Half Tunnel near Thopan area on National Highway-05 in Kinnaur District, NW Himalaya, India using Empirical, Kinematic and Limit Equilibrium methods, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4347,, 2023.

EGU23-4552 | ECS | Orals | NH3.5

Initiation and mechanism of rock slope failures triggered by the 2016 Mw 7.8 Kaikōura earthquake 

Corinne Singeisen, Chis Massey, Andrea Wolter, Tim Stahl, Colin Bloom, Richard Kellett, Zane Bruce, Caleb Gasston, Doug Mason, and Katie Jones

The 2016 Mw 7.8 Kaikōura earthquake on New Zealand’s South Island triggered c. 30,000 landslides. Around 70% of landslides occurred in Torlesse greywacke rock mass, which is characterised by closely spaced but low-persistence joints. Most failures in this rock mass were relatively shallow rock avalanches which do not appear to follow traditional failure mechanism models. Here, we use detailed site characterisation and dynamic numerical modelling to better understand landslide hazard and risk from Torlesse greywacke slopes. Using multi-method site characterisation including 3D pixel tracking in pre- and post-earthquake aerial imagery, geomorphic mapping, rock mass characterisation, geophysical ground investigations and a geotechnical borehole, we developed engineering geological ground models for individual sites. We then used these to develop a conceptual framework of failure mechanism in Torlesse greywacke and propose a ‘joint-step-path’ failure mechanism in which rupture surface propagation occurs along pre-existing, but low-persistence joints through multiple degrees of kinematic freedom. Torlesse greywacke failures typically evolve in three main landslide failure stages – incipient, transitional and rock avalanching. Hazard can increase for the same slope when it transitions from the incipient failure stage to sliding and/or avalanching. To quantify the transition between failure stages, we analysed coseismic displacement and strain for six landslides. As many displacement based coseismic landslide susceptibility models require some threshold, above which the slope is assumed to transition into a landslide, this information could potentially serve as a useful tool. For slopes at the incipient and transitional stage, 1D maximum total strain appears to be closely correlated with source slope angle. Based on these results, we develop the ‘transitional slope strain index’ (TSSI) that combines 1D maximum total strain with source slope angle. The TSSI relates to the likelihood of a slope transitioning into a more mobile, and therefore more hazardous, rock avalanche at a given level of earthquake shaking. Dynamic numerical back-analysis of the initiation of two landslides in Torlesse greywacke supports our empirical hypotheses that landslide susceptibility in this rock mass is strongly influenced by slope angle and rock mass strength. Coseismic failure initiation is, furthermore, strongly dependent on ground motion input. The geometry of failures can be reproduced using a random Voronoi joint network and adopting residual joint strength parameters, which further lends weight to the ‘joint-step-path’ failure mechanism hypothesis.

How to cite: Singeisen, C., Massey, C., Wolter, A., Stahl, T., Bloom, C., Kellett, R., Bruce, Z., Gasston, C., Mason, D., and Jones, K.: Initiation and mechanism of rock slope failures triggered by the 2016 Mw 7.8 Kaikōura earthquake, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4552,, 2023.

EGU23-5536 | Posters on site | NH3.5

Impact of quality of input data on rockfall hazard zoning 

Sandra Melzner, Marco Conedera, and Johannes Hübl

This contribution summarizes existing challenges in the implementation of a standardised procedure for natural hazard risk analysis and zoning in the Alps. The discussion focuses on (i) the impact of data acquisition strategies on the quality of input data, (ii) the applicability of different 3D rock fall simulation models for hazard zoning in different topographic and geologic environments, (iii) the definition of thresholds for hazard zoning, and (iv) the cartographic representation of the results.

The evaluation of the applicability of the model results bases on the model sensitivity to the scale-dependent accuracy of input data and on the quality of the simulated travel distances (e.g., reach probabilities) and dynamics (e.g., energies, passing heights, velocities).

Depending on the source information and the method/technique used to conduct the survey, the content and detail of the collected data and simulation results can vary significantly. Calibration and validation of simulation results is usually performed using information on the geographic position of mapped rockfall boulders and/or historical rockfall events by archive research. For the latter, there is often no size specification available. To define reproducible threshold values for hazard zoning (i.e., reach probabilities) and to transfer them as a standard to other study areas, the model input data (e.g., roughness, damping) and calibration/validation data should be clearly indicated and published.

A further very important step is the joined cartographic presentation of the results of both, the simulation results and the field mapping. Such combination of results issued from different approaches forms the basis for the final hazard zoning. Supplementing ÖNORM rules with guidelines explaining in more detail the different mapping strategies/techniques and the model decisions would be very useful for the end users.

How to cite: Melzner, S., Conedera, M., and Hübl, J.: Impact of quality of input data on rockfall hazard zoning, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5536,, 2023.

EGU23-7416 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.5

Role of Geological Structures in Rock Slope Stability along a Road Corridor in Indian Himalaya 

Piyush Kumar Singh and Sarada Prasad Pradhan

Slope stability analysis is essential for sustainable development since rock slope failure can destroy infrastructure and road networks, threaten public safety, cause economic setbacks, etc. Slope failures are mainly confined to hilly terrain across the world. Himalayan mountain belt, the youngest and tectonically active mountain chain, is highly vulnerable to landslides due to complex lithological and structural variability. It requires a detailed field and laboratory investigation to understand the causes, mechanism and behaviour of slope failure. The main objective of this study is the detailed stability analysis of a rock slope located near North Almora Thrust (NAT) in the Pithoragarh district of Kumaun Himalaya along National Highway-09, Uttarakhand, India. The current study uses a multi-parametric approach which includes the kinematic analysis of slope, analysis of rock microstructures and their relation to meso-structures, the effect of microstructures on rock strength and geochemical analysis to understand the influence of mineral properties on rock strength. The stability of the slope was evaluated based on the limit equilibrium method (LEM) and finite equilibrium method (FEM). To imitate the actual field conditions, the slope model was simulated under static and dynamic settings for saturated and unsaturated conditions. The slope consists of intercalations of dolomitic limestone and phyllite with uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) of 55 MPa and 20 MPa, respectively. The Rock Mass Rating (RMR) of the rocks of the slope depicts that the rock mass quality is ‘poor’, and Slope Mass Rating (SMR) analysis illustrates that the slope is partially stable. Rock microstructural study discloses the development of strong foliation in the phyllite, which serves as the seepage for groundwater percolation. Therefore, an increase in pore pressure along these foliations can decrease the overall strength of the rock, inducing slope failure. The effect of the microstructure orientation on the rock strength was also examined for the slope. It was observed that an increase in the intensity of rock microstructures brought on a drop in rock strength. Shear sense indicators observed in the thin sections confirm the existence of the thrust zone. The slope stability analysis based on LEM and FEM revealed that the slope is critically stable in dry condition, but may  become unstable when considering dynamic and saturated conditions.

Keywords: Himalayas, Slope stability, RMR, SMR, Geological Structure, Kinematic Analysis, LEM, FEM


How to cite: Singh, P. K. and Pradhan, S. P.: Role of Geological Structures in Rock Slope Stability along a Road Corridor in Indian Himalaya, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7416,, 2023.

EGU23-7521 | ECS | Orals | NH3.5

Rock slope failure evolution towards a sensitive close-to-failure system 

Johannes Leinauer, Michael Dietze, Sibylle Knapp, Maximilian Jokel, Natalie Barbosa, Riccardo Scandroglio, and Michael Krautblatter

Rock slope instabilities cause significant risk in populated alpine areas. To anticipate the final failure, a detailed understanding of the preparatory process dynamics including all potential promoting and triggering factors is needed. While standard external and internal drivers are known, measured evidence and a quantification of their relevance at a specific site is often lacking.

Here, we present the evolution of the imminent Hochvogel summit failure (200,000–600,000 m³) over multiple decades towards the current highly sensitive system. We identified the three most relevant potential drivers at the Hochvogel instability: (i) earthquakes, (ii) seasonal and short-term meteorological effects and (iii) increasing internal stress. To quantify these, we use diverse sources of information. Earthquake catalogues and the records of the regional seismic broadband stations help to constrain known historical rock fall events at the Hochvogel. The effect of precipitation events, snowmelt and temperature is quantified by the analysis of high-resolution crack opening and rain data of the last four years. Finally, we exploit the record of our local seismic network to reveal internal rock bridge failures, rock fall activity in the flanks and the seismic stressing of the instable mass due to local earthquakes.

The current process dynamics prove a close-to-failure status of the instability. The combination of historic records and high-resolution real-time data not only makes the Hochvogel a benchmark site for alpine hazard early warning but also enables the comprehensive definition and quantification of its relevant drivers. This will improve the global understanding of rock failure dynamics and so the anticipation ability for instable rock slopes.

How to cite: Leinauer, J., Dietze, M., Knapp, S., Jokel, M., Barbosa, N., Scandroglio, R., and Krautblatter, M.: Rock slope failure evolution towards a sensitive close-to-failure system, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7521,, 2023.

EGU23-7617 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.5

Retreat analysis of a sandstone marl interbedded cliff based on a three-year remote sensing survey: A case study at La Cornalle, Switzerland 

Li Fei, Tiggi Choanji, Marc-Henri Derron, Michel Jaboyedoff, Chunwei Sun, and Charlotte Wolff

Rockwall retreat by rockfalls in high alpine mountains has received increasing attention due to the increased rock failure activities and the corresponding damage under global warming in the past 20 years. However, the face retreat by rockfalls of subalpine rock cliffs is not sufficiently monitored and analyzed. In the present work, the nearly vertical sandstone-marls Molasse cliff formed by the La Cornalle-Les Luges landslide was monitored by a three-year monthly drone-based SfM photogrammetry and TLS scanning to establish the rockfalls inventories. The cumulative monthly detachment volumes from the sandstone and marls layers were analyzed using the frequency-magnitude relationships fitted by a negative power law, respectively, which help to calculate the retreat rate and reveal the spatiotemporal evolution of rockfalls between these two layers. Meanwhile, the cliff retreat volume in different months was correlated to the environmental factors (e.g., air temperature, precipitation, and rock surface temperature) using linear regression. A weather station and thermal couples in the rock collected the data of these factors. As a result, this work will contribute to a better understanding of the retreat pattern and rate of freshwater Molasse walls under global warming and provide a rock detachment model on a cliff with interbedded hard and soft rock layers in the subalpine regions.

How to cite: Fei, L., Choanji, T., Derron, M.-H., Jaboyedoff, M., Sun, C., and Wolff, C.: Retreat analysis of a sandstone marl interbedded cliff based on a three-year remote sensing survey: A case study at La Cornalle, Switzerland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7617,, 2023.

EGU23-11153 | ECS | Orals | NH3.5

Stability assessment of a recurring rockslide on Dehradun – Mussoorie highway in the Uttarakhand state of India 

Anoopsingh Chandel, Neha Gupta, and Mahendra Singh

The Himalayan geology is complex and fragile in nature. Many landslides are witnessed every year in the region and the occurrence of landslides drastically increases during monsoon. An alarming increase in landslide occurrences has been noticed, which sometimes are attributed to anthropogenic activities. In the present article, stability assessment of a road-cut rock slope site has been discussed. The most recent landslide at the slope site occurred on July 9th, 2022. The rock slope site is situated on Dehradun – Mussoorie highway, and is 29 km away from Mussoorie and 22 km from Dehradun in Uttarakhand state of India. The location is strategically important and poses risk of landslide hazards that can cause loss of human lives and resources. After the landslide occurred, the scarp of the rock slide was of the height of nearly 80 m above road level (1370 m above MSL) with slope height more than 150 m. The entrainment of the slided debris mass was of the extent of 70 m below road level. The preliminary data after the rock-slide at the slope site were recorded and collected such as slope images, slope attributes, joint attributes, joint roughness, and rock chunks. Google earth imageries of past years were observed for the slope site and 1st instance of instability was recorded in 2017, followed by another slide in 2019. Lastly, a major slide occurred in 2022. Point-load strength index (PLSI) tests on irregular rock chunks were performed as per IS – 8764 (1998) and UCS of the intact rock was derived using empirical correlation. Normal distribution was applied on the PLSI results to better assess the UCS of the intact rock. The probabilistic mean of the UCS was 24.21 MPa. Rock mass at the slope site was classified using Rock Mass Rating (RMR) and Q-slope classification system. Evaluated RMR and Q values were 37 and 0.073 respectively. A general impression from the derived values was that the rock mass was of poor quality with calculated safe cut slope angle of 42.3°. In the present case, the slope inclination lies between 60° - 70° on an average and can be termed under the category of unstable slopes. Further, Slope Mass Rating (SMR) was implemented on the slope site. The site was categorized in class IV and termed as unstable with probability of failure of 0.6 and type of failure as planar or big wedges. To be more certain and specific about the type of failure, kinematic analysis was performed in DIPS. It was determined that the rock slope has the probability of direct toppling by 0.33 and wedge sliding by 0.33. Hence, proper mitigation and stabilisation measures should be adopted to avoid any potential hazard.

How to cite: Chandel, A., Gupta, N., and Singh, M.: Stability assessment of a recurring rockslide on Dehradun – Mussoorie highway in the Uttarakhand state of India, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11153,, 2023.

EGU23-11263 | Orals | NH3.5

Supporting rockfall risk management along roadways in Yosemite National Park, California (USA) by field-constrained high-resolution 3D modeling 

Federico Agliardi, Paolo Frattini, Greg M. Stock, Simone Demonti, Federico Franzosi, Camilla Lanfranconi, and Brian D. Collins

Yosemite National Park is a major natural asset of the USA and attracts millions of visitors each year. Its geology and geomorphology make it particularly susceptible to rockfalls, with tens of kilometers of granite cliffs up to 1000 m in height. Between 2010 and 2020, 640 rockfalls were recorded; almost half of these caused damage to the road network somewhere within the park. Approximately 300 rockfalls affected the Merced River corridor, which contains the El Portal Road, the entranceway preferred by about 30% of the visitors. In addition to causing road damage and temporary road closures, rockfalls have also caused fatalities along roadways. Because National Park policies generally preclude mitigations on natural slopes, rockfall risks along roads are mitigated through traffic management practices based on the evaluation of local hazard conditions. Due to the widespread occurrence of rockfalls and the variability of geological conditions, implementing these practices remains challenging and requires a distributed yet accurate quantitative rockfall analysis approach. We performed high-resolution 3D rockfall simulations using the Hy-Stone rockfall runout model over an area about 18 km2 in size that contributes to rockfall hazards along two sections of roadway within the park, including the El Portal Road.

We set up our models using existing datasets (1m LiDAR DEM, canopy height, geological and vegetation maps), a database of Yosemite rockfall events (1857-2020), and new field surveys of infrastructure, rockfall paths and deposits, and visible damage caused by previous rockfalls. We identified rockfall sources using a morphometric approach refined by mapping rockfall evidence and additional unstable areas. Sources were classified into “cliff” and “roadcut” (engineered) categories. We mapped Quaternary deposits at the scale of consideration, reclassified vegetation types in categories relevant to rockfall interactions, and produced a unique condition map for model parametrization.

We calibrated Hy-Stone parameters (initial velocity, impact restitution, and rolling friction coefficients) by the back analysis of occurred rockfalls, for which field-based evidence was collected by NPS and USGS. We used post-event aerial pictures of the 2017 Parkline rockfall to map the location and size of 4700 blocks, producing a reference block size distribution for the simulations. Model parameters were calibrated by optimizing the fit between simulated and observed arrest locations and volumes.

We performed forward simulations over the study area considering “cliff” rockfall sources and two different block volume scenarios: a) realistic, stochastically variable volumes; b) worst-case, constant volume (100 m3). An additional simulation considered roadcut sources with variable block volumes. Results were extracted as raster maps of block frequency, velocity, energy, and height and validated against the historical and field databases, making it possible to perform a quantitative evaluation of rockfall susceptibility using the Rockfall Hazard Vector (RHV) method.

Our models combine robust 3D simulations with detailed field data, allowing the characterization of rockfall susceptibility over a large area with the spatial accuracy typical of site-specific studies. This provides robust inputs to quantitative risk analysis that will allow optimizing risk management and granting safer access to the park.

How to cite: Agliardi, F., Frattini, P., Stock, G. M., Demonti, S., Franzosi, F., Lanfranconi, C., and Collins, B. D.: Supporting rockfall risk management along roadways in Yosemite National Park, California (USA) by field-constrained high-resolution 3D modeling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11263,, 2023.

EGU23-11649 | ECS | Orals | NH3.5

Evolution of Rockfall based on SfM reconstruction of Street View and UAV data: Case study Kotopanjang, Indonesia 

Tiggi Choanji, Li Fei, Charlotte Wolff, Jing Jing Wang, Yuniarti Yuskar, Marc-Henri Derron, and Michel Jaboyedoff

In regions where rockfall in a constant occurrence, understanding rockfall evolution becomes essential. Accurate information on the quantity of rock that happens can be obtained through historical data or primary data that can be compared between the two. The Koto Panjang area is a small local mine that is quite risky because it is on the side of the main road connecting access to the two provinces. This area is geologically included in Bohorok Formation composed of gravelly mudstone deposited during the Carboniferous - Early Permian period. Three rockfalls occurred in this area in 2015, 2016 and 2016, closing access for passing vehicles. To obtain historical data comparison, 164 images of data were collected from 360 street view panoramas ranging from 2015 - 2021. The data were extracted and converted into cube images using the decompose equirectangular panorama method, and then the images were processed using Agisoft to create point clouds and compared with the latest UAV data. Based on the comparison results, it was found that significant changes of up to 4,400m3 from 2015 to 2021 occurred at several points along this area. Kinematic structure analysis from direct measurement and 3D point cloud also showed the rockfall area predominantly with direct toppling and wedge failure, which caused the previous rockfall. Therefore, this method can help reconstruct area that have experienced rockfall and provide an understanding of the retreat evolution of rockfall in the area.

How to cite: Choanji, T., Fei, L., Wolff, C., Wang, J. J., Yuskar, Y., Derron, M.-H., and Jaboyedoff, M.: Evolution of Rockfall based on SfM reconstruction of Street View and UAV data: Case study Kotopanjang, Indonesia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11649,, 2023.

EGU23-12266 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.5

A new approach to a Semi-automatic discontinuity sets extraction from point clouds . 

Antonin Chale, Michel Joboyedoff, and Marc-Henri Derron

Sensor such as light detection and ranging (LiDAR) or SfM (Structure from Motion), point clouds (PC) are nowadays an essential tool for the rock instabilities analysis. PCs currently allow us to images complex 3-dimensional discontinuities. Thanks to the high density of data and the high accuracy of the LiDAR have the potential of a semi-automatic fault identification. Previous work has already tackled the question by using methods such as least square analysis or the normal vector orientation calculation and other more complex method. Those methods where successful but the accuracy on fault detection were not sufficiently high enough. In order to overcome those encountered issue, the development of a new kind of fault detection algorithm were needed. During our work we have developed a new semi-automatic method of fault identification using the variation of point density. The developed method has successfully detected discontinuity as well as their orientation and their number. The 3-dimentional scanning of the PC by the algorithm allow us to have a good redundancy even on complex fault shape. Results on simple synthetic data are convincing enough to test our algorithm to more complex synthetic data with more randomized structures. Some test can be also be done on simple LiDAR dataset(simple shape (cube)) to consider instrumental noise or potential artefact before experimenting the algorithm on more real data. In the future this work could lead to data analysis of the output of the algorithm in to determine the frequency of similar discontinuity that can lead to the estimation of the potential volume of material that could be in movement.

How to cite: Chale, A., Joboyedoff, M., and Derron, M.-H.: A new approach to a Semi-automatic discontinuity sets extraction from point clouds ., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12266,, 2023.

EGU23-13129 | ECS | Orals | NH3.5

Quantifying massive cascading sediment transport triggered by a cliff fall in a highly-active alpine basin. 

Natalie Barbosa, Johannes Leinauer, Juilson Jubanski, Michael Dietze, Ulrich Münzer, Florian Siegert, and Michael Krautblatter

In the coming decades with enhanced rainstorm activity, massive sediment redistribution in Alpine catchments will be a key hazard and challenge in Alpine communities. While several studies have collected data from massive rock slope failures, few studies have quantitatively assessed the cascading sediment redistribution in highly active alpine catchments. Recurrence intervals for cliffs falls are estimated at 80 years (Krautblatter et al., 2012 ), thus, observations of the subsequent sediment cascading are limited or inexistent despite their major role in landscape evolution and sediment fluxes. Digital aerial photogrammetry acquired by governmental agencies is becoming a relevant tool to better understand short landscape response to climate change. Repetitive yearly to bi-yearly orthophotos and DSM extracted from large format aerial surveys represent a valuable monitoring tool at regional scale because of their wide extent coverage (km) at a high spatial resolution (20 cm). 

This contribution reports the massive sediment redistribution that has been triggered by the multistage failure of >200.000 m³ from the Hochvogel dolomite peak during the summer of 2016. Seven true orthophotos and high-resolution aerial photogrammetric digital surface models (DSM) between 2010 and 2020 were 3D coregistered to a reference system for optimized volume calculation in steep terrain. Three consecutive differential DSMs (2010-2012, 2012-2014, 2014-2015) describe the catchment morphodynamics before the cliff fall, while, the subsequent differential DSMs (2015-2017, 2017-2018, 2018-2020) describe the morphodynamics one year, two years and four years after the cliff fall. Spectrograms from surrounding seismic stations expand the understanding of the cliff fall timing. We observe the decadal throughput of >200.000 m³ of sediment with massive sediments pulses that (i) respond with reaction times of 0-4 years and relaxation times beyond 10 years, (ii) with faster 0-2 years response times in the upper catchment (A&B) and >>2 years response times in the lower catchments, (iii) the inversion of sedimentary (>10²-10³ mm/a) to massive erosive regimes (>10² mm/a) within single years and vice versa and the (iv) dependency of redistribution to rainstorm frequency and intensities.


Krautblatter, M., Moser, M., Schrott, L., Wolf, J., Morche, D., 2012. Significance of rockfall magnitude and carbonate dissolution for rock slope erosion and geomorphic work on Alpine limestone cliffs (Reintal, German Alps). Geomorphology 167, 21–34.

How to cite: Barbosa, N., Leinauer, J., Jubanski, J., Dietze, M., Münzer, U., Siegert, F., and Krautblatter, M.: Quantifying massive cascading sediment transport triggered by a cliff fall in a highly-active alpine basin., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13129,, 2023.

EGU23-13950 | Orals | NH3.5

A non-smooth cohesive zone model for rock fracture and contact 

Nicholas Collins-Craft, Franck Bourrier, Johan Gaume, and Vincent Acary

The effect of climate-change driven increases in temperature in high mountain areas is known to enhance the rockfall risk. One of the driving mechanisms is the fracture of rock masses that previously consisted of permafrost, but that are now subject to freeze-thaw cycles. Cohesive zone models are a high-fidelity way of modelling fracture propagation, and in particular extrinsic cohesive zone models are particularly suitable to the task of modelling rock fracture behaviour, as they can capture the full range of fracturing behaviour, from quasi-static to dynamic. As cracks in the field can progress very slowly before reaching a critical point from which they accelerate rapidly, being able to model the full range of crack speeds is essential to accurately capture the physics of rockfall initiation. Here, we propose a non-smooth cohesive zone model that allows us to combine fracture mechanics with contact mechanics, meaning that it is suitable both to model the formation of cracks and the subsequent contact of surfaces as newly formed blocks fall in a unified manner. Further, writing our problem in this way allows us to include frictional behaviour within a monolithic linear complementarity problem, which enables very efficient numerical resolution. We can prove mathematically that the discrete-in-time-and-space problem is well posed for a small enough time-step, meaning that the solution is unique and will not suffer from "solution jumps" (as can happen in quasi-statics). As such, the evolution of the fracture in the rock is continuous, matching the reality, and the shape of the newly-formed rock mass can be accurately captured. Our formulation is also well-adapted for extension to fully-coupled systems that include thermal effects, so as to accurately capture freeze-thaw cycles and properly integrate permafrost behaviour, and thus have a complete model of the system under climate-change-driven loading.

How to cite: Collins-Craft, N., Bourrier, F., Gaume, J., and Acary, V.: A non-smooth cohesive zone model for rock fracture and contact, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13950,, 2023.

EGU23-14220 | Orals | NH3.5

The 1967 Steinsholtsjökull rockslide and GLOF event in light of climate change in Iceland 

Þorsteinn Sæmundsson, Daniel Ben-Yehoshua, Nathan Smail, Ásta Rut Hjartardóttir, Greta Wells, Joaquin M.C. Belart, and Sinah Toschka

One of the most visible consequences of climate changes in Iceland are retreating outlet glaciers and formation of proglacial lakes. It is estimated that Icelandic glaciers have lost about 16% of their mass since 1890 or over a 130-year time interval. Temperatures have been fluctuating over this period with exceptional warm period in the 1920s and 1930s followed by slightly colder interval until beginning of the 1980s. During this time outlet glacier retreated considerably but around 1970 glaciers begun to readvancing which continued until around 1995. At the end of the 20th century another turning point occurred, with higher temperatures and rapidly retreating outlet glaciers. Existing proglacial lakes expanded and many new were formed in front of the rapidly retreating ice margins. Over the last years temperature have become more stable and several outlet glaciers have been showing a readvancing phase. Glacial fluctuations have affected the stability of valley slopes above retreating outlet glaciers and their proglacial lakes. Resulting in increased frequency of mass movements and slope deformation in these high-mountain regions. In 1967 a large rockslide fell onto the Steinsholtsjökull outlet glacier and into its proglacial lake causing a GLOF.

The rockslide was approximately 20 million m3 in volume. The head scarp was around 970 m long and up to 300 m high. It fell onto the western side of the glacier and broke up its snout. Part of the rockslide material fell into a proglacial lake, in front of the ice margin, causing a large GLOF down the valley. Large amounts of sediment were transported and redistributed down-valley with the GLOF. About 20km downstream a maximum flood discharge of 2100-2700 m3/s, was estimated.

The Steinsholtsjökull 1967 GLOF, entirely overprinted the proglacial landscape in the Steinsholtsdalur valley. Similar circumstances to the valley prior to the event, now exist and are forming in glacial environments around Iceland’s present-day outlet glaciers, which highlights the urgent need to study and monitor these environments.

How to cite: Sæmundsson, Þ., Ben-Yehoshua, D., Smail, N., Hjartardóttir, Á. R., Wells, G., Belart, J. M. C., and Toschka, S.: The 1967 Steinsholtsjökull rockslide and GLOF event in light of climate change in Iceland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14220,, 2023.

EGU23-14374 | ECS | Orals | NH3.5

The onset of a large gravitational slope deformation on Mt. Svínafellsfjall, SE Iceland. 

Daniel Ben-Yehoshua, Þorsteinn Sæmundsson, Reginald L. Hermanns, Sigurður Erlingsson, Jón Kristinn Helgason, Eyjólfur Magnússon, and Benedikt Ófeigsson

Since the end of the Little Ice Age in the late 19th century Iceland’s glaciers have experienced dramatic mass loss. Thinning outlet glaciers are exposing oversteepened rock slopes, which sometimes adjust in the form of slow slope deformations that can occasionally result in catastrophic paraglacial rock slope failures. Especially around the country’s deglaciating central volcanoes large landslides have occurred in the past decades. We describe a cluster of gravitational mass movements around the margin of the Svínafellsjökull outlet glacier in Southeast Iceland. The glacier margin is a popular tourist attraction with hundreds of visitors daily. Housing, a hotel, a gas station and the national ring-road are located within one kilometer downstream from the glacier. The largest deformation in the valley is located on the northern slope of Mt. Svínafellsfjall and is evidenced by a 2-km-long fracture system that separates an area of about 1km2 and a rock volume in the range of 50-150x106m3 from the mountain slope. The unstable slope is characterized by about elongated 200 sinkholes where soil cover has collapsed into underlying bedrock fractures. In several places across the slope, deep vertical bedrock fractures with no visible vertical displacement were observed. Based on morphological and structural mapping we suggest that the deformation occurs as a composite slide. Remote sensing data, eyewitnesses and field observations indicate that the onset of the deformation occurred between 2003 and 2007. This is parallel with the fastest glacier thinning rate within the 131-year record of existing data. Since 2011 the glacier surface hasn’t lowered significantly, in part due to the deposits of a large debris avalanche from 2013 on the glacial tongue which protect the glacier against ablation. The slope hasn’t shown new signs of deformation since 2018. It is however likely that the slope deformation will start again when glacier thinning continues. Even though deformation rates have been small it is crucial to continue monitoring the slope since several large rock slope failures in Iceland have shown only a short pre-failure deformation period. In a worst-case scenario a catastrophic landslide could travel across the glacier and enter two pro-glacial lakes which may lead to an outburst flood. This study shows how climate change driven glacier thinning has and likely will have further destabilizing effects on paraglacial slopes in Iceland and similar environments elsewhere.

How to cite: Ben-Yehoshua, D., Sæmundsson, Þ., Hermanns, R. L., Erlingsson, S., Helgason, J. K., Magnússon, E., and Ófeigsson, B.: The onset of a large gravitational slope deformation on Mt. Svínafellsfjall, SE Iceland., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14374,, 2023.

EGU23-14594 | Posters on site | NH3.5

Wildfire effects on rockfalls: a brief overview 

Roberto Sarro, Ignacio Perez-Rey, Roberto Tomás, Leandro R. Alejano, Luis Enrique Hernández-Gutiérrez, and Rosa María Mateos

Forested mountain regions in Europe are at risk of wildfires and rockfalls. Almost 600,000 forest fires affecting some 7.5 M ha have been recorded in Spain over the last fifty years. This is a serious problem that threatens to intensify due to the effects of climate change. In addition to the negative consequences associated with the wildfires themselves, such as the destruction of biodiversity, increased surface runoff, desertification and reduced water quality, they can also have cascading effects, triggering other types of hazards, such as rockfalls. Understanding the processes and conditions leading to rockfalls - during and after a forest fire - is therefore a major challenge for the scientific community in order to determine the real risk to the population and infrastructure.

The increase in rockfalls associated with forest fires is related to several factors. These factors affect (i) the rock massif where the source areas are located, (ii) the propagation area and (iii) the affected area. Source areas are mainly affected by forest fires by altering the rock massif and its properties. A variety of factors may contribute to the degradation of rocks, such as thermal weathering, the opening of cracks and discontinuities, or a decrease in rock resistance. An alteration in slope material and loss of vegetation are observed in the propagation area, which affects the range of blocks. Furthermore, extinguishing activities themselves can cause blocks to become unstable, and the extreme temperatures reached degrade the protection measures (dynamic barriers, nets, bolting, etc.). Furthermore, when the vegetation is removed from burned areas, the risk perception from rockfalls in burned areas increases, leaving the threatening boulders and the rock massif itself more clearly exposed. In this contribution, the main factors influencing the increase in rockfalls after wildfires are analysed.

How to cite: Sarro, R., Perez-Rey, I., Tomás, R., Alejano, L. R., Hernández-Gutiérrez, L. E., and Mateos, R. M.: Wildfire effects on rockfalls: a brief overview, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14594,, 2023.

EGU23-15426 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.5

Towards Integrating Rockwall Retreat into a Multilayer Landscape Evolution Model Using TopoToolbox to Investigate Plume Mode Erosion 

Maximilian Rau, Wolfgang Schwanghart, and Michael Krautblatter

Recently it has become clear that mantle-induced forces, and mantle plumes in particular, contribute significantly to uplift processes (Plume Mode). However, the formation of a landscape in uplift due to a plume in the subsurface has hardly been studied so far.

Therefore, in a first approach, the modelling of valley development in a plume mode shaped area is planned using the Landscape Evolution Model (LEM) named TTLEM, which is part of the Matlab based program TopoToolbox. The model will first be adapted to be able to create a real multilayer model. In addition, TTLEM will be adjusted to better implement slope-parallel weathering in bedrock observed in nature, rather than describing slope inflow as implicit linear or nonlinear diffusion with a threshold slope, as all current LEM do at the moment.

The model will be used to show that an upwelling plume influences erosion and sedimentation behavior at the surface. However, it will also be investigated which indications can be drawn from sediment distributions at the surface regarding the plume in the subsurface.

Here we show how rockwall retreat can be integrated into a real multilayer LEM to study the evolution of a landscape characterized by a plume mode.

How to cite: Rau, M., Schwanghart, W., and Krautblatter, M.: Towards Integrating Rockwall Retreat into a Multilayer Landscape Evolution Model Using TopoToolbox to Investigate Plume Mode Erosion, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15426,, 2023.

EGU23-16048 | ECS | Orals | NH3.5

Rockfall hazard assessment of the Poggio Baldi landslide by combining 3D and 2D multitemporal remote sensing data 

Giandomenico Mastrantoni, Jagadish Kundu, Giacomo Santicchia, Antonio Cosentino, Carlo Robiati, and Paolo Mazzanti

Rockfalls could be catastrophic for their inherent characteristics such as limited precursor deformation, unforeseeable movement, and extreme velocity. Potential damages in a rockfall event are mostly associated with blocks reaching vulnerable elements during their descent down the slope. The block volumes involved in a rockfall as well as detachment locations, trajectories and velocity along a slope are the parameters that directly determine the intensity of a rockfall hazard. Therefore, there is a dire need to develop effective evaluation strategies for rockfall phenomena through efficient monitoring and analysis techniques. Recent years have witnessed significant developments in the monitoring, analytical and physical methods for the study of rockfall phenomena. Improvements in the use of laser scanning, and drone photogrammetry have allowed to exploit high-resolution virtual outcrop models (VOMs) and derive accurate information about slope evolution. Rock falls are strictly related to fracture patterns pervading the rock mass. Hence, kinematic analyses can quantify the susceptibility to failure of a rock block. Moreover, discontinuity extraction represents the key data to investigate the spatial distribution of fractures and consequently to determine the potential rock block volumes. The trajectories of the rock fragments depend on the slope geometry and the characteristics of the propagation zone, local asperities, and the mechanical attributes of the exposed bedrock and soil cover.

The present study concerns the evaluation of rockfall activity, susceptibility, and hazard modelling of the Poggio Baldi landslide (Central Italy). The Poggio Baldi landslide is affected by frequent rockfalls, and it is being monitored for several years with multiple remote sensing instruments. It is home to a permanent natural monitoring laboratory managed by the Department of Earth Sciences of the Sapienza University of Rome and NHAZCA SRL. Over the years, many surveys and investigations have been carried out using modern remote sensing techniques to capture active gravitational processes.

Here, we introduce a new approach combining 3D and 2D VOM to assess rockfall activity and the associated hazard. Most active rockfall source sectors were found using 3D change detection on multitemporal VOMs, thus suggesting the state of activity of the rock scarp. In these sectors, we thoroughly surveyed the discontinuity sets and their patterns, such as spacing and persistence by integrating data from UAV-based photogrammetric point clouds and orthoimages. These data were then used to calculate the volume of the typical rock blocks characterizing each area. Moreover, we implemented a GIS-based modified kinematic method to assess the failure susceptibility of the rock scarp using slope morphometry and discontinuity orientations. Finally, to simulate the potential runout of falling blocks from the most active and susceptible areas of the slope, rockfall trajectory simulations were performed on a physical characteristics-based GIS model. The results of kinematic susceptibility and rockfall runout were then statistically assessed by comparing them with real depletion and accumulation areas derived by the multitemporal VOMs with a time span of 3 years. Through this approach, it was possible to perform detailed rockfall hazard simulations for each source area using specific structural/geomechanical data.

How to cite: Mastrantoni, G., Kundu, J., Santicchia, G., Cosentino, A., Robiati, C., and Mazzanti, P.: Rockfall hazard assessment of the Poggio Baldi landslide by combining 3D and 2D multitemporal remote sensing data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16048,, 2023.

EGU23-16182 | Orals | NH3.5

Rockfall hazard and risk along the coast of Ibiza (Balearic Islands, Spain) 

Paolo Frattini, Chiara Bertolo, Federico Agliardi, Roberto Sarro, and Rosa María Mateos

The coast of Ibiza is characterized by a large number of small coves and pocket beaches, impended by cliffs carved in relatively weak rocks such as calcarenites and marls. Due to its structural, geomorphological and lithological characteristics these cliffs are subjected by the widespread occurrence of rockfalls. Despite their moderate magnitude, these represent a major threat to the safety of tourists during the long touristic season of the island. This threat has increased in the last decades, as the island of Ibiza has become one of the major tourist destination in Europe. The management of rockfall risk is particularly complex, since risk varies locally according to both the hazard at the sites and the number of tourist attending the different beaches.

In this perspective, we performed an island-wide high-resolution 3D rockfall simulations, exploiting the capabilities of the Hy-Stone rockfall runout model along 210 km of the Ibiza coastline, in order to characterise rockfall risk at regional scale. Rockfall source areas have been identified using a morphometric approach with a slope threshold value of 50° obtained by a 2x2 m Lidar, further refined by mapping rockfall evidence and additional unstable spots. In order to characterize the slope surface and its interaction to rockfalls, as a basis for model parametrization, we combined lithology and land use. The first was classified with a geotechnical approach based on the average value of resistance to simple uniaxial compression into thrre classes: “weak rocks”, “moderately – hard rocks” and “hard rocks”, along with the Quaternary deposits. The land use has been classified into 8 classes, including forested, non-forested, and urban areas. The calibration of the restitution and friction surface parameters was obtained by back analysis of the 2017 rockfall in Es Cubells, for which field-based evidence was collected. The results of the rockfall simulations have been used within a multicriteria risk assessment by adopting the AHP weighting methodology. In addition to the results of the models, the multicriteria analysis includes indicators related to number of tourist and the presence of buildings, both obtained by a dataset provided by the Emergencies General Management and Interior of the Government of the Balearic Islands. The multicriteria analysis made it possible to rank the different beaches according to their rockfall risk, thus contributing to the risk management and mitigation plan strategies of the sites.

Two of the most at risk sites, Es Cubells and Cala d’Hort, were further simulated at the local scale, based on high-resolution data collected thought UAV survey and field activity.

In conclusion, this research combined robust 3D simulations and detailed field data to characterize rockfall hazard both at regional and local scale for the Ibiza coastal cliffs. Moreover, through the multicriteria analysis it provides a qualitative risk estimation that allows the optimization of the risk management and planning for the beaches of the island.

How to cite: Frattini, P., Bertolo, C., Agliardi, F., Sarro, R., and María Mateos, R.: Rockfall hazard and risk along the coast of Ibiza (Balearic Islands, Spain), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16182,, 2023.

EGU23-16223 | Posters on site | NH3.5

Development of a GIS-based methodology for quantitative risk analysis of fragmental rockfalls in transport infrastructures 

Nieves Lantada, Roger Ruiz-Carulla, Gerard Matas, Marc Janeras, Maria Amparo Núñez-Andrés, and Jordi Corominas

Rockfall events can cause important direct losses such as partial or total damage to transport infrastructures, traffic disruptions, and casualties, but also other indirect consequences that alter the normal running of society, its mobility, and economic activity. A quantitative risk analysis (QRA) for rockfall hazard can help to improve investment in mitigation measures of the infrastructure in terms of benefits, time, and cost savings.  The fragmentation process during rockfall propagation determines the number and size of the fragments and their trajectories, energies, and run-out. Therefore, fragmentation has a significant but contrasting effect on the reach probability at transportation corridors, which should be considered in QRA.

This study, conducted in the research Georisk project (Ref. PID2019-103974RB-I00, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033), presents the development of an objective and a GIS-based automatable methodology for quantitative risk analysis on linear structures due to fragmentary rockfalls. The annual frequency of events is established for each source point from the photointerpretation of deposits using historical orthophotographs. Some different source points maps are created from a digital elevation model, one for each maximum volume interval that could be detached from the cliff. This expected maximum volume considering the outcrop geometry is estimated automatically for each point based on the number of neighbor source points, using GIS tools. The impact energies are calculated using the RockGIS rockfall model, a 3D simulator able to reproduce the fragmentation phenomenon by using the Rockfall Fractal Fragmentation Model. The impact energies of each fragment are registered in raster maps. The exposure and vulnerability of each of the exposed elements are estimated through the corresponding developed fragility curves, which define the relationship between the impact energy and the estimated damage based on the particular characteristics of the different elements exposed.

The resulting risk values are presented in a georeferenced way along the road and for different dynamic exposed elements such as vehicles and people, in economic terms or the number of fatalities, for some given scenarios. The methodology and GIS techniques proposed have been implemented in a 27 km road corridor of great social and political interest in Catalonia (Spain).

How to cite: Lantada, N., Ruiz-Carulla, R., Matas, G., Janeras, M., Núñez-Andrés, M. A., and Corominas, J.: Development of a GIS-based methodology for quantitative risk analysis of fragmental rockfalls in transport infrastructures, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16223,, 2023.

EGU23-16566 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.5

An open-source code to calculate the spatial distributed roughness from 3D point clouds for rockfall simulation models 

Albert Prades-Valls, Gerard Matas, Nieves Lantada, Jordi Corominas, and M. Amparo Núñez-Andrés

The Geomatics Engineering (EGEO) research group of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC-BarcelonaTech) has developed, a 3D lumped mass simulator of block trajectories, called RockGIS, which considers the fragmentation of blocks along its propagation. In this type of simulators, digital elevation models in raster format are usually used. This information allows considering the apparent angle of friction presented by the contact surface between the ground and the detached block from the cliff. One of the limitations of considering a lumped mass approach when simulating the failure of a block is that its relative position at impact with the slope is unknown, since the geometry is not explicitly accounted for. The rebound depends on the size of the impacting fragment. It is common to use different sets of restitution coefficients for different block sizes, but when considering fragmentation, the model must be able to reproduce this different behavior depending on the size of the block. The roughness of the terrain plays an important role in this effect. Therefore, it is convenient to have models of the spatial distributed roughness of the slope.

In these models the local roughness is not represented due to the lack of resolution. Rockfall propagation programs usually assign roughness values to different areas based on field measurements or consider global values of roughness, which are often unrealistic. This is most evident in the spread of blocks in scree deposits. These have a heterogeneous granulometric distribution, with the accumulation of fragments of small dimensions in the upper parts with low roughness (a highly deformable area with low coefficient of restitution), while the large blocks accumulated at the foot. The dense point clouds that can be provided by photogrammetry or laser scanning (terrestrial TLS or lately airborne in a UAV) allow us to better estimate the roughness of the surface. Focusing on this kind of higher resolution 3D point cloud, an algorithm to characterize the roughness of the terrain has been developed, based on a statistic of the heights of points respect a local reference plane, established by RANSAC method, and in a certain neighborhood. To reduce the computational time required, the surface has been divided into simpler tree data structures, called octree. Once the octree structure is done, a calculation of the roughness can be obtained from the 3D point cloud for each point and its nearest points within a distance r. Then, the values obtained on the 3D point cloud at the required level of scale, are projected to a raster grid in order to be read by the simulator of rockfall trajectories. This study has been developed in the framework of the Georisk project (Reference: PID2019-103974RB-I00, funded by MCIN/ AEI/ 10.13039/ 501100011033).

How to cite: Prades-Valls, A., Matas, G., Lantada, N., Corominas, J., and Núñez-Andrés, M. A.: An open-source code to calculate the spatial distributed roughness from 3D point clouds for rockfall simulation models, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16566,, 2023.

EGU23-16570 | Orals | NH3.5

Wooden rockfall barrier assessment and impact analysis 

James Glover and Alex Fröhlich

Wooden rockfall barriers offer a sustainable solution to rockfall problems, while the full potential of wood remains untapped with increasing demands for natural hazards management in a changing climate. In Switzerland some of the first rockfall protection barriers were made from recycled wooden railway sleepers. Others sourced round wood beam elements from local mountain forests providing protection from natural hazards. However, advances in steel-wire net rockfall protection solutions have superseded wooden alternatives and this sustainable solution is being neglected.

With the aim of documenting existing wooden rockfall barriers and their protective capacity. Field investigations of existing wooden rockfall barriers, their construction design, remaining wood quality and moisture content, along with environmental conditions and evidence of rockfall impact events were conducted. This contribution focuses on a rockfall event that impacted one of the documented wooden barriers, causing damages to the beams and system structure. Rockfall impact scars were traced from its release source to the impact with the wooden barrier and are used to apply classical methods in rockfall trajectory analysis. Damages to the wooden barrier system are used to back calculate the rockfall impact energies and compared to the trajectory analysis of the event. Through this study an initial foundation in defining the protective capacity of wooden rockfall barriers has been established. Initial results indicate a higher energy dissipation capacity of wooden rockfall protection barriers than previously assumed and warrants further investigation of this sustainable rockfall protection solution.

How to cite: Glover, J. and Fröhlich, A.: Wooden rockfall barrier assessment and impact analysis, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16570,, 2023.

Rainfall is the primary cause of landslides in the Indian Himalayan Region. As a result, it is crucial to learn how precipitation is connected to the onset of landslides. The precipitation level over which landslides begin is a critical factor. An attempt is made in this study to establish the rainfall threshold at which landslides become likely in the Geyzing weather station region of the Sikkim Himalaya. The study's main objective is to evaluate and contrast several threshold models to identify the most appropriate one for the region under examination. Antecedent rainfall, intensity-duration (I-D), accumulative rainfall-duration (E-D), intensity-date (I-date), and accumulative rainfall-date (E-date) were used as thresholds in the present investigation. The India Meteorological Department of the Indian government provided the data on the average daily rainfall. The information on landslides was gathered from the Sikkim State Disaster Management Authority, Government of Sikkim, India, including the exact date of the event. The current analysis examined rainfall data collected over a period of eight years, from 2011 to 2018. Within a 9-kilometer radius of the Geyzing rain gauze station, data on 19 landslides were gathered, including their precise locations, dates of occurrence, and affected areas. The intensity duration approach has the highest reliability index (about 95% accuracy) of the methods tested. According to the intensity-duration technique, the threshold for precipitation that could cause a landslide in the study area was determined to be an average of 16.95 mm per day. Similarly, a landslide will occur once it has rained for 38.9 mm over the course of three days, as found by the three-day antecedent rainfall threshold study. Ordinary kriging, a popular form of interpolation, provided additional support for the study with an accuracy of 66.1%. Studies of this nature can greatly aid in providing early warning and reducing the severity of any resulting landslide damage.

How to cite: Biswakarma, P. and Joshi, V.: A comparative rainfall threshold study for the initiation of landslides in parts of West Sikkim, Indian Himalaya, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1763,, 2023.

EGU23-2960 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.6

Field investigation and movement deposition scale forecasting of a typical high-locality landslide in the dry season 

Zemin Gao, Mingtao Ding, Muhammad Hassan, and Xingwang Liu

Abstract: During the dry season of December 2020, two sliding subzones of the Qingliu landslide in southwest China slid out of stability, severely damaging the buildings on the slope. To investigate the mechanism and movement of landslides in the dry season, we employed high-resolution unmanned aerial vehicle mapping, electrical resistivity tomography, on-site union boreholes, groundwater detection, deep displacement monitoring, and numerical simulation to analyze the deep geotechnical structural characteristics, groundwater types and runoff paths, and destabilization range and movement processes at different times. Preliminary analysis showed that the slow infiltration of rainwater during the rainy season and infiltration of snow melt in winter, topography, and loess clay layers of the slide zone type are related to the triggers of landslide instability. Four layers of rock-soil stratification interfaces with different resistivity values, revealed by electrical resistivity tomographycomprising loess-like pulverized clay, gravelly pulverized clay, and bedrock, existed at different burial depths in the longitudinal section. Borehole and displacement monitoring revealed the existence of a primary slip surface and several secondary slip surfaces, with an average thickness of 16-22 m and a maximum daily displacement at the slip surface of approximately 2.29 mm. The deepest groundwater level of the water-bearing section in the borehole was 25.8 m, and it percolates and drains through fractures in the loess-like layer. Startup acceleration, deceleration pileup, front-edge pileup stopping, and middle- to rear-edge pileup stopping are the four primary discrete element simulation forecasting movement phases. The findings help deepen the understanding of similar dry-season landslides and their disaster-causing effects.

Fig. 1 Geographical situation and geo-tectonic setting of H01 and H02 zoning of Qingliu landslide, Li County, Southwest China. (a. 1:500,000 regional geological map; b. High-resolution UAV orthophotography and geometric interpretation)

How to cite: Gao, Z., Ding, M., Hassan, M., and Liu, X.: Field investigation and movement deposition scale forecasting of a typical high-locality landslide in the dry season, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2960,, 2023.

EGU23-3048 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.6

Assessment of rainfall-induced shallow landslide susceptibility using a probabilistic approach and the bootstrap method 

In-Tak Hwang, Hyuck-Jin Park, Jung-Hyun Lee, Sang-A Ahn, Hyeon-Hui Park, and Ji-Hee Choi

Physically based landslide susceptibility analysis method, which can consider landslide occurrence mechanisms, has been widely used since it has high predictive capability. This method considers the geometric characteristics of slope and the geotechnical characteristics of slope material as input data in the analysis. However, since the uncertainties were involved in input parameters due to limited information and spatial variability of slope materials, the probabilistic analysis has been adopted to deal properly with uncertainties in input parameters. In the probabilistic analysis, the accurate statistical parameters (mean, standard deviation and probability density function) of input parameters were required. However, it is difficult to obtain sufficient information for the statistical parameters in the landslide susceptibility analysis for regional area, which means that the reliability of probabilistic analysis would be adversely affected. Therefore, in this study, the bootstrap method that could effectively deal with uncertainties caused by limited data was proposed for regional landslide susceptibility analysis. Especially, the bootstrap approach was combined with the point estimation method (PEM) because the previous bootstrap method did not provide a single value of the probability of failure as a result, which means that the results could not be presented in the form of the susceptibility map. The proposed bootstrap-PEM method was applied to the practical case to evaluate landslide susceptibility, and the analysis results were compared with the probabilistic approach using Monte Carlo (MC) simulation. The bootstrap–PEM method showed better performance than the MC simulation. In addition, the proposed approach has the advantage of readily handling the cross-correlation between variables that significantly affects the analysis results from insufficient data.

How to cite: Hwang, I.-T., Park, H.-J., Lee, J.-H., Ahn, S.-A., Park, H.-H., and Choi, J.-H.: Assessment of rainfall-induced shallow landslide susceptibility using a probabilistic approach and the bootstrap method, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3048,, 2023.

EGU23-3496 | ECS | Orals | NH3.6

Space-time modelling of co-seismic and post-seismic landslide hazard via Ensemble Neural Networks. 

Ashok Dahal, Hakan Tanyas, Cees Van Westen, Mark Van der Meijde, Paul Martin Mai, Raphael Huser, and Luigi Lombardo

Until now, a full numerical description of the spatio-temporal dynamics of a landslide could be achieved only via physics-based models. The part of the  geoscientific community  developing data-driven model has instead focused on predicting where landslides may occur via susceptibility models. Moreover, they have estimated when landslides may occur via models that belong to the early-warning-system or to the rainfall-threshold themes. In this context, few published researches have explored a joint spatio-temporal model structure. Furthermore, the third element completing the hazard definition, i.e., the landslide size (i.e., areas or volumes), has hardly ever been modeled over space and time. However,  technological advancements in data-driven models have reached a level of maturity that allows to model all three components (Where, When and Size). This work takes this direction and proposes for the first time a solution to the assessment of landslide hazard in a given area by jointly modeling landslide occurrences and their associated areal density per mapping unit, in space and time. To achieve this, we used a spatio-temporal landslide database generated for the Nepalese region affected by the Gorkha earthquake. The model relies on a deep-learning architecture trained using an Ensemble Neural Network, where the landslide occurrences and densities are aggregated over a squared mapping unit of 1x1 km and classified/regressed against a nested 30~m lattice. At the nested level, we have expressed predisposing and triggering factors. As for the temporal units, we have used an approximately 6-month resolution. The results are promising as our model performs satisfactorily both in the susceptibility (AUC = 0.93) and density prediction (Pearson r = 0.93) tasks. This model takes a significant distance from the common susceptibility literature, proposing an integrated framework for hazard modeling in a data-driven context.

To promote reproducibility and repeatability of the analyses in this work, we share data and codes in a GitHub repository accessible from this link: 

How to cite: Dahal, A., Tanyas, H., Van Westen, C., Van der Meijde, M., Mai, P. M., Huser, R., and Lombardo, L.: Space-time modelling of co-seismic and post-seismic landslide hazard via Ensemble Neural Networks., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3496,, 2023.

EGU23-3629 | Orals | NH3.6 | Highlight

Harnessing new tools and satellite products to support landslide forecasting and capacity building over High Mountain Asia 

Dalia Kirschbaum, Thomas Stanley, and Pukar Amatya

The Hindu Kush-Himalaya (HKH) is one of the greatest geologically fragile young mountain systems in the world and are highly vulnerable to landslides. Extreme rainfall, seismic activity and human interventions result in landslides and related hazards that cause severe economic losses each year and can cause hundreds of fatalities annually. Effective response, mitigation and planning for landslide impacts is often challenging due to limited information on historical landslide behavior, land surface characteristics, impacts, and triggering processes. High resolution and publicly available satellite data, Earth system models, and machine learning approaches can provide enhanced understanding of where and when landslides impact  the HKH and importantly how these patterns may change in the future. Several efforts led by NASA, including the High Mountain Asia program and the SERVIR program have enabled new datasets, models, and capabilities to support both scientific advancement and capacity building activities within this region in terms of cascading hazards and their impacts. This work leverages a global and regional modeling approach called the Landslide Hazard Assessment for Situational Awareness (LHASA) as well as a machine-learning driven algorithm for identifying landslides called the Semi-Automatic Landslide Detection (SALaD) to bridge spatial and temporal scales for improved situational awareness of landslide hazards. Building upon several downscaled, regionally focused near real-time and forecasted precipitation information, this work also presents an initial assessment of changing patterns of potential landslide hazard across this region considering the past several decades and looking to the end of the 21st century. Through harnessing open source tools and data products available for HKH, this work demonstrates the potential for improving situational awareness and characterization of landslide hazards within the regional context at daily to decadal scales. Working closely with regional stakeholders, these capabilities will inform emergency response and planning on the ground as well as provide context for possible future mitigation needs.

How to cite: Kirschbaum, D., Stanley, T., and Amatya, P.: Harnessing new tools and satellite products to support landslide forecasting and capacity building over High Mountain Asia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3629,, 2023.

EGU23-4799 | Posters on site | NH3.6

Application of Electrical Resistivity Tomography for Assessment of Slope Creep Vulnerability 

Taeho Bong, Sangjun Im, Jungil Seo, Dongyeob Kim, and Joon Heo

Slope creep is a mass movement characterized by the slow, downward progression of rock and soil down a low grade slope. One of the causes of slope creep is the expansion of materials such as clay. Expansive clay is a soil that is susceptible to swelling and shrinking when they are exposed to water. However, it is not easy to find out if those vulnerable zones exist in soil slopes. Recently, the electrical resistivity survey has been widely used to determine the spatial and temporal variability of soil properties. In this study, field and electrical resistivity surveys were conducted in order to assess the vulnerability of slope creep. In the field surveys, various factors known to affect slope creep, such as soil types, physical and hydraulic properties of soils, gradient, topography, geological characteristics, and forest vegetation, were investigated, and traces of slope creep, such as tension cracks or tilted trees, were also observed. From the results of the field survey, slopes were divided into two groups: a group with a high creep vulnerability and a group with a low creep vulnerability. Then, electrical resistivity tomography was applied to assess the possibility of slope creep. Various statistical properties for soil resistivity values were calculated, and the most suitable criterion to distinguish the two groups for slope creep vulnerability was identified based on the t-test (p-value). In conclusion, there was a statistically significant difference (p-value=0.003) between the two groups when classified as a ratio of soil resistivity of 400Ω·m or less, and these results indicated that it is possible to identify slope prone to creep using the electrical resistivity survey.

Acknowledgments: This work was supported by Korea Association of Forest Enviro-conservation Technology (KAFET) and the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT) (No. 2022R1A2C4002583).

How to cite: Bong, T., Im, S., Seo, J., Kim, D., and Heo, J.: Application of Electrical Resistivity Tomography for Assessment of Slope Creep Vulnerability, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4799,, 2023.

Machine learning algorithms are commonly used for landslide susceptibility mapping; however, their application for spatiotemporal landslides prediction remains widely unexplored. Only static predisposing factors are needed for susceptibility assessment, which indicates where landslides are more likely to occur in the future. Therefore, dynamic parameters, such as critical or antecedent rainfall, which are mainly related to the temporal occurrence of landslides, remain unused.

This work provides a contribution to fix this gap by proposing an innovative methodology for the application of the Random Forest (RF) algorithm for spatio-temporal landslides prediction, landing to a more complete hazard assessment. This dynamic approach is based on the method of identification of non-landslide events in comparison with the reporting day and location of the landslide events; conceived to include both static and dynamic parameters as model input variables. Among other advantages, RF allows the calculation of the Out-of-Bag Error (OOBE) and depicts Partial Dependence Plots (PDPs), two useful indices of the influence of each input variable in determining the triggering of landslides. In this work, these indicators were used to verify the applicability of RF with the proposed methodology, investigating if the model outcomes are consistent with the triggering mechanism observed in the inventoried landslides.

The study area is the Metropolitan City of Florence (MCF), Central Italy, for which a detailed and dated landslide inventory is available, mainly composed of shallow landslides and debris flows. As first dynamic variable it was chosen to use the cumulative rainfall at various time steps, which allows to consider both short and long-term rainfall. The month of observation of the events is used as second dynamic input parameter, as a categorical type, to represent the seasonal variability. In addition, a static index related to the predisposition of the area to landslides (i.e., a classical susceptibility map) was inserted, to directly compare the influence of static and dynamic parameters on spatiotemporal prediction of landslides.

The goals of this research are: i) to understand how to populate training and test datasets with observations sampled over space and time, ii) to assess which rainfall variables are statistically more influential on landslides triggering, and iii) to verify the applicability of the proposed dynamic approach for landslides probability assessment.

The RF model employed through the proposed methodology showed encouraging results, consistent with the actual knowledge of the physical mechanism of the triggering of shallow landslides and debris flows (mainly influenced by short and intense rainfall). Some benchmark configurations have been identified which represent a promising starting point for future applications of machine learning models for landslide probability mapping.

How to cite: Nocentini, N., Rosi, A., Segoni, S., and Fanti, R.: Analysis of the influence of rainfall in the triggering of landslides through machine learning: an innovative approach in the perspective of spatiotemporal landslide forecasting, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5708,, 2023.

EGU23-5911 | ECS | Orals | NH3.6

Predicting landslide failure mechanisms using advanced mathematical models 

Kushanav Bhuyan, Kamal Rana, Joaquin Ferrer, and Lorenzo Nava

Understanding the process of landslide failure is crucial for predicting and minimizing the consequences of landslides. Landslide failure can be caused by a variety of factors, including geology, topography, and soil conditions, while environmental triggers such as precipitation and earthquakes initiate the movement. We can better understand the risks associated with landslides and apply appropriate steps to decrease those risks by disclosing the precise mechanisms that contribute to landslides in a specific location. To reveal these mechanisms, we use an advanced mathematical model called the Topological Data Analyses (TDA) that decodes the landslide's shapes and configurations as it includes factors such as the slope of the failures, the presence of cliffs or other steep terrain features, and kinematic propagation of the failures. Then we use these features to categorize the different landslide failure mechanisms such as slides, flows, falls, and complex landslides. Our study paves the way to classify existing and past inventories that miss these failure type information. This information will help the landslide predictive community in general and in the different stages of the landslide risk cycle as pertinent information of failure mechanisms are important for effective forecasting, susceptibility, hazard, and risk modelling.

How to cite: Bhuyan, K., Rana, K., Ferrer, J., and Nava, L.: Predicting landslide failure mechanisms using advanced mathematical models, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5911,, 2023.

EGU23-6257 | ECS | Orals | NH3.6

Modelling the onset of earthquake-induced landslides as triggered slip under rate-and-state friction law 

Hugo Lestrelin, Jean-Paul Ampuero, Diego Mercerat, and Françoise Courboulex

While the triggering process of landslides remains are multiple, the importance of seismic waves is well established. The leading approach to study coseismic landslides is through statistical studies or simple models such as the Newmark method. While providing useful information, these approaches fall short at predicting landslide triggering especially in complex environments such as submarine conditions. Here we study the possibility to establish a simple physically-based model to fulfill this purpose. Assuming strain is localized in a thin weak layer at the base of the landslide, we model the landslide as slip on a planar sloping surface. By analogy to tectonic faults, we adopt the rate-and-state friction law on this surface, a phenomenological law widely used to describe slow sliding on faults during earthquakes. This approach produces a range of landslide behaviors ranging from stable and unstable conditions. With a one-dimensional mathematical and numerical model, representing a wave incidence normal to the landslide interface, we identify the main triggering factors of slow and fast sliding and characterize the non-linear evolution of the slip instability. In particular, we map the range of slip behaviors as a function of non-dimensional numbers, such as the ratio of incident wave frequency to seismic resonance frequency of the layer. The incident wave amplitude also play an important role in the model: the slip velocity during acceleration depends exponentially on the ratio of the incident stress wave amplitude to the ambient confining stress. This basic model is a starting point that can be extended to include other relevant processes like the coupling between pore pressure and slip.

How to cite: Lestrelin, H., Ampuero, J.-P., Mercerat, D., and Courboulex, F.: Modelling the onset of earthquake-induced landslides as triggered slip under rate-and-state friction law, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6257,, 2023.

EGU23-6467 | ECS | Orals | NH3.6

Spatial modeling of cryospheric hazards: predicting retrogressive thaw slumps in Alaska 

Letizia Elia, Silvia Castellaro, and Luigi Lombardo

Classifying a given landscape on the basis of its susceptibility to surface processes is a standard procedure in low to mid latitudes. Conversely, these procedures have hardly been explored in peri-glacial regions, mostly because of the limited presence of human settlements and thus of the need for risk assessment. However, global warming is radically changing this situation and will change it even more in the years to come. For this reason, understanding the spatial and spatio-temporal dynamics of gemorphological processes in peri-arctic environments can be crucial to make informed decision in such unstable environments but also to shed light on what changes may follow at lower latitudes. For this reason, here we explored the use of artificially intelligent models capable of recognizing locations prone to develop retrogressive thaw slumps (RTS). These are cryospheric hazards induced by permafrost degradation and their development can negatively affect human settlements or infrastructure, change the sediment budget dynamics and release greenhouse gases. Specifically, we test a binomial Generalized Additive Modeling structure to estimate probability of RTS occurrences/development in the North sector of the Alaskan territory. The results we obtain show that our binary classifier is able to accurately recognize locations prone to RTS, in a number of goodness-of-fit and cross-validation routines. Overall, our analytical protocol has been implemented with the idea in mind of building an open source tool scripted in Python. 

How to cite: Elia, L., Castellaro, S., and Lombardo, L.: Spatial modeling of cryospheric hazards: predicting retrogressive thaw slumps in Alaska, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6467,, 2023.

EGU23-6970 | Posters on site | NH3.6

Landslide movement pattern revealed by temporal and spatial monitoring: A dip slope case in northern Taiwan 

Chia-Han Tseng, Yu-Chang Chan, Ching-Jiang Jeng, Ruei-Juin Rau, and Yu-Chung Hsieh

A natural hillslope developing into a landslide shows ground cracks and topographic deformation. Geomorphological and subsurface investigations using appropriate methodology are essential to understand the failure mechanisms and stability of a hillslope. A dip slope in sedimentary rock in northern Taiwan has been observed to have a potential landslide hazard for the development of ground cracks and persistent deformation of local buildings and facilities on the slope. To monitor the movement of the dip slope and then understand its movement pattern, 144 ground monitoring points was set in 2001, and its coordinates were measured using conventional traverse surveying twice a year until 2017. In addition, 6-year surficial surveying results as time series of displacements and velocity field are revealed by each GPS station on the slope surface. The long-term surveying results point out different displacement patterns of the dip slope depending on rainfall duration and amount. The surficial surveying results are presented as a time series of displacements with constraints of geometry and distribution of ground cracks and underground observations. The long-term surveying results reveal multiple potential sliding blocks within the Huafan University campus. A model of landslide movement with a listric sliding surface is proposed. Finally, the continuous GPS stations show the average velocity of 0.396~0.528 x 10-7 mm/sec, being classified as “Extremely slow” in the global “velocity scale of landslides” proposed by Cruden and Varnes in 1996. The long-term surface monitoring of a potential landslide slope in this study provides a reliable and economical way to understand the mechanism of movement behavior of the slope and evaluate slope stability.

How to cite: Tseng, C.-H., Chan, Y.-C., Jeng, C.-J., Rau, R.-J., and Hsieh, Y.-C.: Landslide movement pattern revealed by temporal and spatial monitoring: A dip slope case in northern Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6970,, 2023.

EGU23-6999 | Orals | NH3.6

Space-time landslide size modelling in Taiwan 

Luigi Lombardo, Zhice Fang, Yi Wang, and Cees van Westen

Landslide susceptibility assessment using data-driven models has predominantly focused on predicting where landslides may occur and not on how large they might be. The spatio-temporal evaluation of landslide susceptibility has only recently been addressed, as a basis for predicting where and when landslides might occur.

The present study combines these new developments by proposing a data-driven model capable of estimating how large landslides may be, for the Taiwanese territory in a fourteen year time window. To solve this task, our model assumes that landslide sizes follow a Log-Gaussian probability distribution in space and time. Spatially the area is subdivided into 46074 slope units, with 14 annual timesteps from 2004 to 2018. Based on this subdivision, the model we implemented regressed landslide sizes against a covariate set that includes temporally static and dynamic properties. In the validation of our model, we nested a wide range of cross-validation (CV) procedures, such as a randomized 10fold-CV, a spatially constrained CV, a temporal leave-one-year-out CV, and a spatio-temporal CV. The final performance was described both numerically as well as in map form.

Overall, our space-time model achieves interpretable and satisfying results. With the availability of more complete landslide inventories, both temporally and spatially, we envision that spatio-temporal landslide size prediction will become the next challenge for geomorphologists to finally address a fundamental component of the landslide hazard definition. And, because of it’s spatio-temporal nature, we also envision that it may lead to landslide simulation studies for varying climate scenarios.

How to cite: Lombardo, L., Fang, Z., Wang, Y., and van Westen, C.: Space-time landslide size modelling in Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6999,, 2023.

EGU23-7080 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.6

A framework to update 10-year-old landslide susceptibility predictions - assessing the accuracy of existing landslide susceptibility models 

Pedro Lima, Stefan Steger, Helene Petschko, Jason Goetz, Michael Bertagnoli, Joachim Schweigl, and Thomas Glade

Since 2014, a landslide susceptibility model is used by the Geological Survey and Spatial Planning Unit from the Regional Council of Lower Austria to guide decision-making and strategic development in the approx. 19,200 km² province. This existing map (1:25000) has been compiled by using a multi-temporal inventory composed of 12889 slides. In order to obtain the landslide susceptibility model, a generalized additive model (GAM) has been applied, using a large range of predictors. Predictions were performed on the basis of sixteen lithological units. To spatially communicate the landslide propensity, predictions are divided into three categories: low, medium, and high, based on quantiles. By design, the low landslide susceptibility covers 78% of the territory while containing 5% of the landslides. The medium susceptibility class covers 16% of the territory, including 25% of the landslides. The high susceptibility class covers 6% of the territory while containing 70% of the landslides. 


Although apparently able to correctly predict landslide occurrences over these nearly ten years, this map was never quantitatively evaluated. Since late 2021, a following up review project aims to evaluate how well the existing landslide susceptibility model from 2014 was able to correctly predict the landslides occurring after its implementation. This evaluation is based on landslides that occurred after 2014. Subsequently, the landslide susceptibility will be recalculated, and potential differences between the landslide susceptibility models investigated. To assure fair comparison, an identical methodological design is applied. Changes in the spatial prediction are quantified and explored.

Preliminary analysis suggests that the adequacy of the 2014 map to predict future landslides is good but highly determined by the inventories characteristics (i.e., quality and mapping method). For instance, 61% of the landslides coming from a high-quality inventory occur over highly susceptible zones. For a low-quality inventory, this percentage is observed to be rather lower (36%). However, it is also determined that, even for the landslides not occurring in the highly susceptible zone, their locations are rather close to predicted highly unstable zones. For instance, more than 80% of any landslide observations are at least 40m away from a predicted highly unstable zone. The preliminary remodeling of the landslide susceptibility (by including these new landslides) suggests for the regional scale that 88% of the territory remains with the same predicted landslide susceptibility class. However, the arrangement for the individual lithological units might substantially differ. Strategies on how to perform a comparison and updating of landslide susceptibility models are discussed. 

How to cite: Lima, P., Steger, S., Petschko, H., Goetz, J., Bertagnoli, M., Schweigl, J., and Glade, T.: A framework to update 10-year-old landslide susceptibility predictions - assessing the accuracy of existing landslide susceptibility models, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7080,, 2023.

EGU23-7801 | ECS | Orals | NH3.6

Advancing slope stability computations in distributed hydrologic computations 

Riccardo Bonomelli and Marco Pilotti

Settlements in mountain areas can be endangered by the occurrence of landslides usually triggered by excessive rainfall events in the catchment. A major issue with hazard mapping is the identification of unstable zones. The Infinite Slope (IS) model coupled with suitable hydrologic hypothesis has frequently been used to assess soil instability at the catchment scale, usually overestimating instability. Moreover, its fundamental assumption that neglects all boundary contributions to equilibrium or motion may become less and less viable with the growing resolution of the elevation data nowadays available. To relax this assumption along the slope length we adopt the Janbu’s method applied in a progressive manner. Dividing a generic slope into blocks, the Janbu’s method is applied first to a single block (the bottom one) then to the collection of the first and second block, then to the first three and so on, up to the point in which the whole slope is considered. Multiple slopes can be analysed in this way, thus covering the entire catchment with computational costs comparable to the IS approach. Using this method, a slope can turn out as globally unstable due to the action of single blocks located along its length. The method is validated against simple slopes whose stability has already been studied in the geotechnical literature. Transient relative soil saturation at each cell is computed adopting a distributed hydrologic model coupled with the described slope stability model. The hydrologic model uses a raster representation of the watershed elevation that is pre-processed to compute a Space-Filling Drainage Network and a channel network upon which the Green-Ampt method together with the Darcy’s equation are solved using suction, porosity, saturated permeability, and soil depth as parameters. A kinematic wave approach has been used to predict runoff and subsurface flows. Validation of the slope stability model shows that the Factor of Safety (FS) computed using the progressive Janbu’s method converges to the predictions of more rigorous methods like Finite Elements method within reasonable accuracy on different saturation conditions. Application of the whole modelling chain to a watershed test case show less unstable areas with respect to the predictions of the IS model. This procedure can be applied to entire catchments using rainfall and soil characteristics as boundary conditions and parameters to output the stability of all the cells present in the domain as a function of time. The proposed approach may suggest a more rigorous way to compute the FS with respect to the IS model in catchment scale applications.

How to cite: Bonomelli, R. and Pilotti, M.: Advancing slope stability computations in distributed hydrologic computations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7801,, 2023.

EGU23-7845 | ECS | Orals | NH3.6

Improving the performance of a dynamic slope stability model (TRIGRS) with integrated spatio-temporal precipitation data 

 Lotte de Vugt, Thomas Zieher, Barbara Schneider-Muntau, Mateo Moreno, Stefan Steger, and Martin Rutzinger

Most shallow landslides are triggered by prolonged or short intense precipitation events. In dynamic physically-based model approaches for landslide susceptibility assessment, the input precipitation data is often derived from a single or a small number of rain gauges. However, precipitation patterns show a high variance in their spatial distribution that is insufficiently captured by standard rain gauge networks, particularly if inter-station distances are large. Spatially distributed weather radar-derived rainfall products have been used as input for physically-based landslide models to overcome the shortcomings of interpolated station measurements. However, the use of weather radar precipitation in physically-based modelling is not straightforward, since it represents an indirect measurement and thus requires pre-processing steps. With this in regard, the Integrated Nowcasting through Comprehensive Analysis (INCA) system (publicly released by GeoSphere Austria) provides historical (from 2011) hourly precipitation data at a 1 x 1 km resolution that combines weather radar data, station data and elevation data for the inclusion of elevation effects. The result is a pre-processed dataset that integrates the quantitative accuracy of station data with the spatial information provided by the radar data.

In this study, we investigate whether the use of INCA precipitation data leads to improved model performance of TRIGRS compared to a conventional set-up using station data. We model slope stability in a 53 km2 sub-catchment located in South Tyrol (Italy) for an event that occurred in August 2016 with the INCA data and with precipitation data derived from a single station. The study compares the performances of the two model set-ups and their required parameter calibrations. First tests indicate that the model set-up using INCA data outperforms the station data set-up, as the spatial trend present in the INCA dataset of the modelled storm event follows the spatial trend present in the landslide inventory. In earlier studies and in a preliminary comparison with station data from South Tyrol, the historical INCA data was also shown to underestimate higher precipitation intensities, indicating that the two model set-ups require separate parameter calibrations. In future research, the calibrated model using the historical INCA dataset could be used with the nowcasting datasets from INCA to investigate if and how the INCA dataset can be used for landslide early warning systems.

This study is related to the PROSLIDE project that received funding from the research program Research Südtirol/Alto Adige 2019 of the Autonomous Province of Bozen/Bolzano (Südtirol/Alto Adige). In addition, the study also made use of the High-Performance Computing systems at the University of Innsbruck.

How to cite: de Vugt,  ., Zieher, T., Schneider-Muntau, B., Moreno, M., Steger, S., and Rutzinger, M.: Improving the performance of a dynamic slope stability model (TRIGRS) with integrated spatio-temporal precipitation data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7845,, 2023.

EGU23-8551 | ECS | Orals | NH3.6

Predicting the impact of vineyard management changes on landslide susceptibility by incorporating probabilistic parameterization into the landscape evolution model LAPSUS 

Alessia Giarola, Claudia Meisina, Paolo Tarolli, Jeroen M. Schoorl, Jantiene E.M. Baartman, Francesco Zucca, and Massimiliano Bordoni

Rainfall-induced shallow landslides, which mobilize the first few meters of soil cover (usually <2m) following significant rainfall events, can severely impact human life. They most frequently damage human activities as they often dam rivers, invade roads, destroy crops and occasionally cause the loss of human lives.

Such landslides can develop in vineyards, as they are commonly grown on hillslopes, causing farmers to lose revenue. However, not all vineyards are managed the same way: standard management techniques include (1) Tillage and Total Tillage (T/TT), which is the tillage of the soil between rows up to 6 times a year; (2) Permanent Grass Cover (PGC), in which grass is allowed to grow between rows and (3) ALTernating tillage-grass (ALT), the practice of tilling every other row.

Since land use has been proven to impact landslide susceptibility, the present work aims to investigate how landslide susceptibility would be affected by vineyard management changes.

To do so, a probabilistic version of the physically based landscape evolution model Lapsus-LS was adopted.

Created as a physically based model, LAPSUS simulates soil movement downslope by calculating the critical rainfall needed for triggering landsliding. After calibrating the critical rainfall threshold, the model calculates a slide trajectory and accumulation lobe with a double multiple flow routine.

The model requires as inputs the Digital Terrain Model (DTM) of the area, range values for geotechnical parameters, and a land use map of the site. Associated with the latter are values of root cohesion, which vary among different vineyard management practices: root cohesion is lower in T and TT vineyards and is higher in PGC and ALT vineyards.

In its probabilistic version, the model selects each input from a range of acceptable values and runs its course 100 times to compile a map illustrating which cells are more commonly predicted as unstable. Cells calculated as unstable in more than 50% of the iterations are classified as such.

The model was applied in the basin of Rio Vergomberra (municipality of Canneto Pavese, PV), a hilly area of 0.54 km2, in the Oltrepò Pavese (located in the southern-west sector of the region of Lombardy, in Italy) where shallow landslides triggered by rainfall are expected. Vineyards in the area are managed through T and TT techniques in the southeast sector, where most of the landslides have occurred, and through PGC and ALT in the northwest sector, where no landslides have occurred.

It was therefore evaluated how the predicted landslide susceptibility would be affected if vineyards currently cultivated with T and TT management techniques were to be managed through PGC.

The result was a lowering of the predicted susceptibility in previously unstable T and TT vineyards, despite the steep slope angles.

The result is also supported by the generally lower number of landslides in PGC vineyards compared to T and TT vineyards in the Oltrepò Pavese. In the presented study area alone, all five past landslides that occurred in vineyards were located in tilled vineyards. 

How to cite: Giarola, A., Meisina, C., Tarolli, P., Schoorl, J. M., Baartman, J. E. M., Zucca, F., and Bordoni, M.: Predicting the impact of vineyard management changes on landslide susceptibility by incorporating probabilistic parameterization into the landscape evolution model LAPSUS, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8551,, 2023.

EGU23-9229 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.6

Displacement prediction of large slow-moving landslide by means of MT-InSAR and ABC-KELM methods 

Chao Zhou, Lulu Gan, Ying Cao, Yue Wang, Mahdi Motagh, Xie Hu, Sigrid Roessner, and Kunlong Yin

Landslide displacement prediction is an essential component in landslide early warning system. The displacement prediction based on in-suit monitoring performs excellently but is expensive, which limited its promotion in less-developing regions. In this study, we propose a cost-effective landslide displacement prediction method with the combination of Multi-Temporal Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (MT-InSAR) technique and Artificial Bee Colony and Kernel-based Extreme Learning Machine (ABC-KELM). Two large slow-moving landslides in the Three Gorges Reservoir area, namely Shuping landslide and Muyubao landslide, are selected as study cases. We first extract the surface displacement sequences of both landslides through the MT-InSAR and the spaceborne Copernicus Sentinel-1 SAR imagery. The original displacement sequences are decomposed into trend terms, periodic terms, and noise using wavelet analysis. The modelling inputs of trend and periodic displacements are determined by analyzing the relationship between their influencing factors and deformation. The trend and periodic displacement are respectively predicted using ABC-KELM, and summing both predicted displacement to get total displacement. By comparing the displacement obtained by the Global Positioning System in both landslides, we find the MT-InSAR can monitor landslide displacement accurately. Prediction results demonstrate that the ABC algorithm can effectively optimize the parameters of the KELM. ABC-KELM outperforms the commonly used algorithms of extreme learning machine and support vector machine. Its root mean square error, relation coefficient, and mean absolute percentage error is 5.460, 0.022, and 0.990, respectively. Our proposed method is cost-effective in landslide displacement prediction, which can be recommended in susceptible regions.

How to cite: Zhou, C., Gan, L., Cao, Y., Wang, Y., Motagh, M., Hu, X., Roessner, S., and Yin, K.: Displacement prediction of large slow-moving landslide by means of MT-InSAR and ABC-KELM methods, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9229,, 2023.

EGU23-9240 | ECS | Orals | NH3.6

An efficient and parameter-free algorithm to delineate slope units for landslide susceptibility 

Jacob Woodard, Benjamin Mirus, Benjamin Leshchinsky, and Matthew Crawford

Slope units are terrain partitions bounded by drainage and divide lines, which have been shown to overcome many of the weaknesses of the traditional grid mapping units in landslide susceptibility models. Namely, they better capture the geometry of the terrain, mitigate the need to use multiple raster resolutions when the size and shape of landslides in the region are highly variable, provide a solution for incorporating landslide data in different formats (i.e., point and vector), and are more amenable to landslide repositories with less accurate landslide locations. However, the use of slope units in landslide susceptibility studies remains limited due, in part, to challenges with current delineation methods, including prohibitive computational costs, time-intensive manual processing, or indeterminate parameterizations. We introduce a computationally efficient algorithm for the parameter-free delineation of slope units. Our method determines the scaling of the watersheds at the threshold between fluvial and hillslope processes. It then subdivides these watersheds according to their longest flow paths. Our algorithm can run in parallel, effectively delineate slope units orders of magnitude faster than other parameter-free methods, and requires no significant pre- or post-processing to use. Here we explore the implementation of our algorithm and demonstrate some of the advantages of slope units over the grid-cell mapping unit for evaluating landslide susceptibility.

How to cite: Woodard, J., Mirus, B., Leshchinsky, B., and Crawford, M.: An efficient and parameter-free algorithm to delineate slope units for landslide susceptibility, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9240,, 2023.

EGU23-9463 | ECS | Orals | NH3.6

The influence of strong ground motion intensity measures on earthquake induced landslide susceptibility estimates 

Colin Bloom, Timothy Stahl, Chris Massey, Andrew Howell, and Corinne Singeisen

Strong ground motion intensity measures, for example Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) or Peak Ground Velocity (PGV), are important dynamic features, or predictive variables, in most regional earthquake induced landslide susceptibility models. Despite global reliance on these ground motion intensity measures, little work has been done to evaluate how dynamic feature selection, and underlying ground motion models, influence the predictive performance of landslide susceptibility models. Here, we conduct a feature sensitivity analysis, training a suite of 131 comparative logistic regression models on the distribution of landslides from the 2016 Mw 7.8 Kaikōura earthquake on the South Island of New Zealand. This analysis uses a combination of common susceptibility features (e.g., slope, curvature), distance to a surface fault rupture (both a susceptibility and dynamic feature), and 9 ground motion intensity measures (PGA, PGV, Arias Intensity, PSA - Peak Spectral Acceleration at 0.3, 1.0, 3.0, and 10.0 seconds, MMI - Modified Mercalli Intensity, and Duration of Shaking) derived from 4 published ground motion models for the Kaikōura earthquake. Ground motion is highly correlated with distance to a surface fault rupture (a Pearson R2 as high as 0.86). Models trained using both distance to surface fault rupture and a ground motion intensity measure produce high model performance but are overfit to the Kaikōura landslide distribution with negative model coefficients for most ground motion intensity measures. Excluding distance to a surface fault rupture still produces high model performance (less than a 0.04 drop in Model AUC) when including the most predictive ground motion intensity estimates (typically MMI, PSA at a period of 0.3 seconds, PGA, or PGV from the USGS ShakeMap) and results in more explainable, and likely more applicable, model coefficients. Although MMI and PSA at a period of 0.3 seconds (3.3 Hz) appear to be good predictors of the landslide distribution from the Kaikōura earthquake, MMI can be influenced by the availability of felt reports and the frequency of shaking can vary in different earthquakes. PGA and PGV provide acceptable model performance for the Kaikōura landslide distribution and are likely more applicable to other events. Highly variable performance is observed when applying the same ground motion intensity measures from different published ground motion models. The choice of ground motion model may, therefore, introduce a high degree of uncertainty into the landslide susceptibility analysis that remains relatively underappreciated in most studies. Additional recorded strong motion data will likely be required to further improve ground motion models, and thereby landslide susceptibility models, for future events.

How to cite: Bloom, C., Stahl, T., Massey, C., Howell, A., and Singeisen, C.: The influence of strong ground motion intensity measures on earthquake induced landslide susceptibility estimates, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9463,, 2023.

EGU23-9501 | Orals | NH3.6

Susceptibility assessment of shallow landslides occurrence in the Mt. Nerone district (central Apennines, Italy) 

Alessandro Vitali, Ilenia Murgia, Francesco Malandra, Massimo Prosdocimi, Enrico Tonelli, Lorena Baglioni, Filippo Giadrossich, Denis Cohen, Massimiliano Schwarz, and Carlo Urbinati

Rainfall-induced shallow landslides are among the most common gravitational mass movements on natural and artificial slopes. In addition, these events are also responsible for severe consequences on ecosystem services provided by forests and rural landscapes, and on human lives, activities and infrastructures. Considering that the frequency of critical rainfall events is expected to increase in the future due to climate change, the development and application of physically-based models for assessing hydrogeological instability are necessary to monitor the potential occurrence of such landslide events and to suggest possible adaptive forest management. SlideforMAP, a software developed by the ecorisQ international association (, is a physically-based model that quantifies the slope failure probability and tree roots' contribution to preventing soil mass movement. In this study, SlideforMAP was applied in the Mt. Nerone district (central Apennines, Italy) to asses the local landslide susceptibility. According to the national landslide inventories, significant landslides occurred in this area in the past. However, recent land-use changes that promoted forest recolonization on abandoned fields and grasslands, have substantially reduced the frequency of these critical events. This process enhanced the contribution of root reinforcement to landslide occurrence prevention. In fact, the historical landslides (covering about 14% of the entire Mt. Nerone area) are currently located on new forests previously used as agro-pastoral lands like in most of the study district. The SlideforMAP analysis detected potentially susceptible areas using factors such as morphology and related effects on water flow directions, soil type, and forest cover. We reconstructed some scenarios based on different rainfall return periods and forest cover, allowing for a pre-assessment of the potential hazard and risk levels in the investigated area. We found that the urban settlements and infrastructures are exposed to significant damage and that forested areas could play a primary protection role against shallow landslides. In detail, 17% and 32% of the total forest area in Mt. Nerone can potentially assume a primary function of direct protection of structures and infrastructures, respectively. The forest types more involved in this role are hop hornbeam-manna ash, turkey and downy oak, and beech forests, whereas 18% of the surface area subjected to risk of infrastructure damage is on pasture lands. Moreover, we were able to detect the forest areas with a substantial mitigation role and those where functional improvement is recommended. Finally, we were able to determine the mitigation effect of the forest expansion on the reduction of landslide frequency and to assess the current landslide susceptibility of the Mt. Nerone district. This study confirms the relevance of physically-based models in supporting land and forest management decision-making, aiming to increase the provisioning of ecosystem services and guarantee the safety of local communities, preserving the integrity of related cultural heritages and landscapes.

How to cite: Vitali, A., Murgia, I., Malandra, F., Prosdocimi, M., Tonelli, E., Baglioni, L., Giadrossich, F., Cohen, D., Schwarz, M., and Urbinati, C.: Susceptibility assessment of shallow landslides occurrence in the Mt. Nerone district (central Apennines, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9501,, 2023.

EGU23-9538 | ECS | Orals | NH3.6

Functional regression for space-time prediction of precipitation-induced shallow landslides in South Tyrol, Italy 

Mateo Moreno, Stefan Steger, Luigi Lombardo, Thomas Opitz, Alice Crespi, Francesco Marra, Lotte de Vugt, Thomas Zieher, Martin Rutzinger, Volkmar Mair, Massimiliano Pittore, and Cees van Westen

Shallow landslides are frequently occurring hazards in mountainous landscapes all over the world. These processes are caused by a combination of static (i.e., predisposing factors: topography, material properties) and dynamic controls (i.e., preparatory and triggering factors: heavy rainfall, snow-melt). Data-driven methods have been used to model shallow landslides at regional scales, in which efforts have been taken to separately investigate the spatial component (i.e., landslide susceptibility) and temporally-varying conditions (e.g., rainfall thresholds). However, the joint assessment of shallow landslides in space and time using data-driven methods remains challenging.

In the present work, we aim to predict the occurrence of precipitation-induced shallow landslides in space and time (i.e., the where and the when) within the Italian province of South Tyrol (7,400 km²). In this context, we test the added value of describing the precipitation leading to landslide occurrence as a functional predictor, in contrast to traditional approaches where precipitation is taken as a scalar predictor. We built upon hourly precipitation data from the Integrated Nowcasting through Comprehensive Analysis system (INCA, provided by Geosphere Austria) and past landslide occurrences from 2000 to 2021, which systematically relate to damage-causing landslide events. The methodical framework comprised filtering the landslide inventory, sampling landslide absences in space and time (i.e., balanced across years and months), extracting static and dynamic environmental factors (e.g., topography, lithology, land cover, and hourly precipitation), and removing trivial areas and time periods. We implemented a Functional Generalized Additive Model (FGAM) to derive statistical relationships between the different static factors as scalar predictors, the hourly precipitation preceding a potential landslide event as a functional predictor, and the occurrence in space and time of shallow landslides. The resulting predictions were assessed using cross-validation and transferred into space for different precipitation measures in order to hindcast landslide events.

The results from this novel approach are expected to integrate landslide predictions in space and time for large areas by accounting for static and dynamic (i.e., hourly precipitation grids) landslide controls, seasonal effects, and the underlying data limitations (e.g., inventory incompleteness). The findings associated with this research are framed within the PROSLIDE project, which has received funding from the research program Research Südtirol/Alto Adige 2019 of the Autonomous Province of Bozen/Bolzano – Südtirol/Alto Adige.

How to cite: Moreno, M., Steger, S., Lombardo, L., Opitz, T., Crespi, A., Marra, F., de Vugt, L., Zieher, T., Rutzinger, M., Mair, V., Pittore, M., and van Westen, C.: Functional regression for space-time prediction of precipitation-induced shallow landslides in South Tyrol, Italy, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9538,, 2023.

In mountainous areas in the Republic of Korea, landslides occur primarily due to heavy rainfall in the summer monsoon season. While these landslides tend to occur seasonally in summer, the rainfalls that have triggered landslides are complex and varied. Temporal prediction of landslides based on the variables of rainfall events mainly uses two variables: intensity-duration or cumulative event rainfall-duration. However, it does not consider the antecedent rainfall, another critical factor that could characterize various complex rainfalls regarding landslide occurrences. Here, we first attempted to determine critical rainfall variables and their threshold values for landslide occurring using the decision tree method necessary to consider multiple rainfall variables simultaneously. We then classified landslide-triggering rainfall based on the identified critical variables using the K-means clustering method. We chose as the study area Chuncheon in the middle of the Korean Peninsula, an eroded granite basin surrounded by schist and gneiss mountains, since it has not been affected hardly by earthquakes and thus is suitable for studying rainfall-induced landslides. According to the decision tree analysis, cumulative rainfall and 5-day antecedent rainfalls were determined as critical variables, implying that considering antecedent and cumulative rainfall simultaneously is significant for landslide prediction. The K-means clustering analysis classified landslide-triggering rainfalls into four types: 1) low cumulative rainfall (198.6 ± 90.9 mm) with high antecedent rainfall for seven days prior to the landslide, 2) medium cumulative rainfall (308.3 ± 81.1 mm) with a gradual increase in antecedent rainfall for four weeks, 3) high cumulative rainfall (534.5 ± 85.7 mm) with low antecedent rainfall for four weeks, and 4) high cumulative rainfall (538.4 ± 59.8 mm) with a gradual decrease in antecedent rainfall for four weeks. In particular, the high cumulative rainfall after gradually decreased antecedent rainfall caused the most frequent landslides. Our results suggest that the threshold of cumulative rainfall varies with the antecedent rainfall pattern and that antecedent rainfall data of at least four weeks have meaningful information in forecasting and preparedness for landslide occurrence.

How to cite: Lee, W. Y. and Byun, J.: Categorization of landslide-triggering rainfall focusing on the antecedent rainfall and its implication for landslide prediction, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10499,, 2023.

EGU23-12525 | Posters on site | NH3.6

Landslide displacement forecasting using deep learning and monitoring data under different slope conditions 

Ascanio Rosi, Lorenzo Nava, Edoardo Carraro, Cristina Reyes-Carmona, Silvia Puliero, Kushanav Bhuyan, Oriol Monserrat, Mario Floris, Sansar Raj Meena, Jorge Pedro Galve, and Filippo Catani

Accurate landslide early warning systems are a trustworthy risk-reduction method that may greatly minimize human and economic losses. Several machine learning algorithms have been investigated for this goal, underlying the impressive potential in prediction capability of Deep Learning (DL) models. Despite this, the only DL models evaluated so far are the long short-term memory (LSTM) and Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) algorithms. Several alternative DL algorithms, however, are appropriate for time series forecasting problems. In this research, we evaluate, analyze, and present seven DL approaches for the forecasting of landslide displacement: LSTM, 2xLSTM, bidirectional LSTM (Bi-LSTM),Multilayer perception (MLP), 1D convolutional neural network (1D CNN), GRU, and an architecture build of 1D CNN and LSTM (Conv-LSTM). The study examines four different landslides with varying geographical locations, geological conditions, time step size, and measuring devices. Two landslides are placed in an artificial reservoir scenario, whereas the other two are affected only by rainfall. The findings show that the MLP, GRU, and LSTM models can produce accurate predictions in all four situations, with the Conv-LSTM model outperforming the others in the Baishuihe landslide, which is extremely seasonal. There are no discernible variations in performance between landslides within and outside constructed reservoirs. Furthermore, the study finds that MLP is better suited to forecasting the largest displacement peaks, whilst LSTM and GRU are better suited to forecasting smaller displacement peaks. We feel that the outcomes of this study will be extremely beneficial in developing a DL-based landslide early warning system (LEWS).

How to cite: Rosi, A., Nava, L., Carraro, E., Reyes-Carmona, C., Puliero, S., Bhuyan, K., Monserrat, O., Floris, M., Meena, S. R., Galve, J. P., and Catani, F.: Landslide displacement forecasting using deep learning and monitoring data under different slope conditions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12525,, 2023.

Catastrophic events, such as Val Pola 1987, Sarno 1998, Casamicciola Terme 2009 and 2022, have showed the fragility of the Italian territory towards geo-hydrological hazards, that represent a serious threat to buildings, infrastructures and, of course, for human beings. Given local geological and morphological factors (predictor factors), and following the climate crisis, the connection between flash floods and landslides is becoming stronger and stronger. For this reason, both the scientific community and stakeholders, such as the owners/ managers of the electro-energetic system (EES), are moving their interest in this field especially for risk planning purposes. According to national and European policies, in fact, they are called to increase the resilience of power network against natural hazards, particularly those related to climate change, trying to predict their temporal and spatial occurrence.

Rockfalls, slides and debris flow represent the most rapid processes of slopes evolution and they are conditioned by the local morphology, geology and hydrology. For this study, three methods for determining a reasonable susceptibility mapping to these phenomena were evaluated, moving from the most subjective up to the most physically based. In the first one, a simple reclassification of the territory using the slope and the spatial frequency of landslides was adopted. For the second method, a linear model was implemented considering three different predictors of superficial landslide susceptibility i.e., slope, geology, and use of soil. This model has been compared with the reference landslide catalog obtaining a good “visual” accordance but with R2 coefficient = 0.4, not so satisfactorily. The third method discriminates areas prone to rockfall, debris and slides using an elaborated General Linear Model-GLM that considers several predictors directly taken from spatial data of morphology (Digital Terrain Model), geology, hydrology and use of soil. This method was validated using the Relative Operating Characteristic-ROC error scores obtaining fairly good performance (Area Under the Curve-AUC = 0.65).

Even though there are several open problems regarding the most appropriate scale for studying geo-hydrological processes, the estimation made by the third method can be considered a suitable methodology to map landslide susceptibility. Italian EES is rather dense and covers the whole national territory, including large parts of mountain areas. Since it is necessary to predict the most vulnerable components of electrical networks, a well-built susceptibility map can increase the territorial information highlighting those areas where more investigations are needed due to possible hazardous situations that may occur in the future with a particular kinematics (rockfalls, slides or debris), because of the activation/reactivation of landslides.

This study provides information to government or private company to assure the protection of the infrastructure and to prepare quick reply during the early stages of emergency.

How to cite: Bernardo, N. and Abbate, A.: Resilience of the Italian power network against natural hazards: a methodology for the spatial susceptibility mapping of landslides, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13023,, 2023.

EGU23-13400 | Orals | NH3.6

The role of rainfall infiltration on landslide occurrence at regional scale 

Clàudia Abancó, Flavio Alexander Asurza, Marcel Hürlimann, Vicente Medina, and Georgina Bennett

The rain that falls during or after rainy periods is one of the major triggers for landslides. It is crucial to account for the infiltration not only on the time of landslide occurrence but also days/weeks/months in advance, especially in areas with high amounts of antecedent and triggering rainfall such as in tropical climates.

We used a physically-based model called “Fast Shallow Landslide Assessment Model” (FSLAM) (Medina et al., 2021) to map landslide susceptibility in the area of Itogon (Benguet, Philippines), often affected by Multiple-Occurrence Regional Landslide Events (MORLEs, Crozier, 2005). The model uses a simplified hydrological model and the infinite slope theory. The main input data are soil properties, vegetation, terrain elevation and rainfall maps.

We analysed changes in landslide susceptibility between two very intense rainfalls that did not trigger MORLE and Typhoon Mangkhut (2018) that did trigger a MORLE in the area.  The results show that two main parameters control the instability of the slopes are: water recharge below the top soil layer before the event and the available pores volume (fillable porosity) in the soil at the time of the event. When the fillable porosity in the soil was lower, the landslide susceptibility increased and it was more likely to trigger a MORLE (case of Typhoon Mangkhut, 2018). On the contrary, if the soil had more fillable porosity (less saturated), the probability of MORLE occurrence is lower, no matter how high the rainfall intensity during the event is.

The findings of this work highlight that new approaches to develop hydro-meteorological thresholds for landslide early warning purposes should be evaluated, especially in tropical regions.



 Crozier, M.J. Multiple-occurrence regional landslide events in New Zealand: Hazardmanagement issues. Landslides 2, 247–256 (2005).

Medina, V.;  Hürlimann, M.; Guo, Z.; Lloret, A.; Vaunat, J.; Fast physically-based model for rainfall-induced landslide susceptibility assessment at regional scale, CATENA, 201, 105213 (2021),

How to cite: Abancó, C., Asurza, F. A., Hürlimann, M., Medina, V., and Bennett, G.: The role of rainfall infiltration on landslide occurrence at regional scale, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13400,, 2023.

EGU23-14345 | Orals | NH3.6

Landslide hazard assessment for climate change adaptation of linear infrastructure: From the global scale to the Nordic scale 

Rosa M Palau, Farrokh Nadim, Kjersti Gisnås, Hervé Vicari, Jelke Dijkstra, Graham Gilbert, and Anders Solheim

Rainfall-induced landslides represent an important hazard in mountainous regions worldwide. Landslides commonly impact the functioning of infrastructure assets such as roads and railways and occasionally damage buildings or result in fatalities. In the Nordic region, rainfall-induced landslides constitute a significant hazard, accounting for a considerable amount of Norway's national landslide database entries.

Because of climate change, the frequency of rainfall and soil moisture conditions that usually trigger landslides will become more variable. This leads to weaker predictions for the location and frequency of future landslide events from current models. Understanding how the landslide hazard will change can help plan mitigation along linear infrastructure and reduce the risk to the population.

Here, we report the findings from the NordicLink project, financed by Nordforsk, where a methodology to characterise landslide hazard at a global scale has been adopted to develop Nordic hazard maps.

The methodology to characterise the landslide hazard at a global scale has been developed within the activities of the "Global Infrastructure Resilience Index" (GIRI) project, funded by the Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI). The method combines landslide susceptibility and rainfall to compute landslide probability at a global scale. The susceptibility map classifies terrains into five susceptibility classes by combining slope, vegetation, lithology, and soil moisture information from global datasets. Rainfall information has been obtained from the W5E5 dataset for the period 1979-2016 and the IPSL-CM6A-LR climate model from ISIMIP3b dataset SSP126 and SSP585 scenarios for the period 2061-2100. To characterise the rainfall triggering potential, the 24 h rainfall intensities have been used to distinguish between five rainfall hazard classes. Finally, a hazard matrix has been employed to combine landslide susceptibility and rainfall. The output is a probabilistic hazard map covering the world with a resolution of three arc seconds (approximately 90 m at the equator).

In the NordicLink project, higher-quality Nordic-scale data and landslide inventories are used as input to the above-mentioned procedure to obtain probabilistic hazard maps covering Norway, Sweden, and Finland. The study concludes with a comparison between the NordicLink hazard maps and the (global) GIRI model. As expected, landslide hazard is higher in western Norway and decreases towards the East. Finland is the country with the lowest landslide hazard.

How to cite: Palau, R. M., Nadim, F., Gisnås, K., Vicari, H., Dijkstra, J., Gilbert, G., and Solheim, A.: Landslide hazard assessment for climate change adaptation of linear infrastructure: From the global scale to the Nordic scale, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14345,, 2023.

EGU23-14415 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.6

Monitoring and prediction of InSAR-derived post-seismic hillslope deformation rates 

Hakan Tanyas, Kun He, Nitheshnirmal Sadhasivam, Luigi Lombardo, Ling Chang, Zhice Fang, Ashok Dahal, Islam Fadel, Xiewen Hu, and Gang Luo

Strong earthquakes not only induce co-seismic mass wasting but also exacerbates the shear strength of hillslope materials and cause higher landslide susceptibility in the subsequent years following the earthquake. Previous studies have mainly investigated post-seismic landslide activity mainly by using landslide inventories. However, landslide inventories do not provide information on deformation given by ground shaking and limit our observations to only failed hillslopes. As a consequence, we lack comprehensive, quantitative analysis revealing how hillslopes behave in post- seismic periods. Satellite-based synthetic aperture radar interferometry (InSAR) could fill this gap and provide millimeter-scale measurements of ground surface displacements that can be used to monitor hillslope deformation.

InSAR also provides a rich dataset to put shed light on spatiotemporal patterns of hillslope deformation, which are influenced by a combination of static and dynamic environmental characteristics specific to any landscape of interest. However, these influences are yet to be explored and exploited to train data-driven models and make predictions on the deformation one may expect in space or time.

Here we use the Persistent Scatterer Interferometry technique to monitor pre- and post- seismic hillslope deformations for the area affected by the 2017 Mw 6.9 Nyingchi, China earthquake that occurred on the 2017 18th of November 2017 earthquake. We use Sentinel-1 satellite data acquired between 2016 and 2022 to examine post-seismic hillslope evolution. Using the same dataset, we also explore developing an interpretable multivariate model dedicated to InSAR-derived hillslope deformations

Our results show that the average post-seismic hillslope deformation level in the study area is still higher than its pre-seismic counterpart approximately four and a half years after the earthquake. As for the multivariate model dedicated to InSAR-derived deformation data, the results we obtain are promising for we suitably retrieved the signal of environmental predictors, from which we then estimated the mean line of sight velocities for a number of hillslopes affected by seismic shaking.

How to cite: Tanyas, H., He, K., Sadhasivam, N., Lombardo, L., Chang, L., Fang, Z., Dahal, A., Fadel, I., Hu, X., and Luo, G.: Monitoring and prediction of InSAR-derived post-seismic hillslope deformation rates, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14415,, 2023.

EGU23-15167 | Posters on site | NH3.6

Evaluation of landslide conditioning factors and the probability of occurrence in an Andean context: Case of Province of Azuay (Ecuador) 

Victor Rodriguez-Galiano, Sandra Cobos-Mora, and Aracely Lima

Across the globe, landslides are among the natural phenomena that can have significant adverse impacts on landscape changes, natural resources, and human health. This phenomenon is even more severe in the Andean region, given its geomorphological conditions, urbanization processes, poverty and inequality. The occurrence of landslides is an important triggering for changes in the vegetation cover. Therefore, this research aims to identify the most significant landslides conditioning factors within the Andean zone on a regional scale and the propose of its consequent data-driven susceptibility model. Geomatics techniques were used to describe the physical, environmental, climatology, and anthropic characteristics of 665 landslides event recorded in the province of Azuay in Ecuador. The statistical methods used were exploratory factor analysis and logistic regression. Both analyses have been consistent in their importance of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, Normalized Difference Water Index, altitude, fault density and Principal Component number 2. The latter represents precipitation in statistics such as standard deviation, maximum values and precipitation in the months of January, February and March. The optimized susceptibility model (AIC= 964.63, deviation of residuals 924.63, AUC = 0.92, accuracy = 0.84, Kappa = 0.68) also shows statistical significance for the factors of the slope, faults distance and density, roads density, geology and soil cover.

How to cite: Rodriguez-Galiano, V., Cobos-Mora, S., and Lima, A.: Evaluation of landslide conditioning factors and the probability of occurrence in an Andean context: Case of Province of Azuay (Ecuador), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15167,, 2023.

EGU23-15329 | Posters on site | NH3.6

Sea level rise hazard in exposed coastal urban areas of Portugal mainland 

Jorge Trindade, José Luís Zêzere, Eusébio Reis, Jorge Rocha, Andreia Silva, Sérgio Oliveira, Pedro Pinto Santos, Ricardo Garcia, Susana Pereira, and Samuel Pinheiro

Coastal areas are amongst the most dynamic systems. Flood and coastal erosion hazards are often present at the coastal zone together with human settlements high population density. This leads to high levels of exposure and vulnerability and to frequent damaging events affecting the coastal population, infrastructure and assets that will be amplified by mid- to long-term expected sea level rise (SLR). This research aims to delimitate the coastal hazard zones due to SLR in the Portuguese mainland and for future emission scenarios in 2040, 2070 and 2100. It aims also to assess the possible impacts on the built environment by predicting land use land cover (LULC) changes based on the recent past coastal urban area’s evolution.

The two-step methodology includes: a) identification of the SLR hazard zones (SLRHZ) based on the biophysical classification of coastal systems, on the 2040, 2070 and 2100 projected maximum high tide line of equinoctial living waters for the 2.7, 4.5 and 8.5 shared socioeconomic pathways (SSP) scenarios, added with the expected levels of storm surge and run up, and on the maximum expected coastline retreat for the same scenarios; b) assessment of the coastal zone built environment changes through recent LULC dynamics (1995 – 2018) and scenario modelling for the reference years and SSP taking into account present day land use planning restrictions.

Preliminary results show: (i) high dependence of SLRHZ on the type of coastal system, (ii) high regional/local contrast on the expected extent of the SLRHZ, mainly when considering the areas exposed to coastline retreat, wave overtopping and overwash; (iii) relatively low impacts of the permanent flooded areas due to SLR in the built environment; (iv) a steady rise in the built environment in the coastal area and consequently in the exposed elements in the SLRHZ; and (v) an increase in the exposed urban areas in the upcoming years according to the assumed scenarios.

Acknowledgements: Research financed through Foundation for Science and Technology, I. P., in the framework of the project “HighWaters – Assessing sea level rise exposure and social vulnerability scenarios for sustainable land use planning” (EXPL/GES-AMB/1246/2021).

How to cite: Trindade, J., Zêzere, J. L., Reis, E., Rocha, J., Silva, A., Oliveira, S., Santos, P. P., Garcia, R., Pereira, S., and Pinheiro, S.: Sea level rise hazard in exposed coastal urban areas of Portugal mainland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15329,, 2023.

EGU23-16218 | ECS | Orals | NH3.6 | Highlight

Continental Scale Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Using Machine Learning Techniques 

Graham Reveley, Hamish Mitchell, Claire Burke, James Brennan, Sally Woodhouse, and Laura Ramsamy

The identification of areas susceptible to landslides is critical for planners, managers, and decision makers in developing functional mitigation strategies. Recent applications of machine learning and data mining methods have demonstrated their effectiveness in large-scale assessments of landslide susceptibility. At Climate X, we utilise a range of big Earth remote sensing data alongside machine learning techniques to evaluate the spatial susceptibility landslides at continental scale. We compile several conditioning factors— including topographic, subsurface, and land use data—and combine them with continental scale landslide inventories to generate landslide susceptibility maps for Europe and North America. Climate model projections for different emissions scenarios are then used to understand how climate change could modify the spatial occurrence of landslide events with a focus on landslides triggered by rainfall within steeper terrain. Our results demonstrate how the combined application of big Earth data and machine learning can provide time sensitive assessments of landslide hazard over large spatial scales.

How to cite: Reveley, G., Mitchell, H., Burke, C., Brennan, J., Woodhouse, S., and Ramsamy, L.: Continental Scale Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Using Machine Learning Techniques, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16218,, 2023.

EGU23-16249 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.6

Sentinel-1 and Deep Learning for rapid landslide mapping 

Sansar Raj Meena, Lorenzo Nava, Kushanav Bhuyan, Oriol Monserrat, and Filippo Catani

Multiple landslide events happen frequently across the world. They have the potential to wreak significant harm to both human life and infrastructure. Although a substantial amount of research has been conducted to address the speedy mapping of landslides using optical Earth Observation (EO) data, significant gaps and uncertainties remain when engaging with cloud obscuration and 24-hour functioning. To solve the issue, we investigate the use of SAR data to automatically map landslides with the aid of advanced deep learning segmentation models. We use a Deep Learning (DL) design developed for pixel-based classification, the so-called Attention U-Net, to evaluate the landslide mapping capability of bi- and tri-temporal SAR amplitude data from the Sentinel-1 satellite. Four separate combinations are investigated, each of which consists of two different amplitude combinations per two satellite orbits. Furthermore, the effect of augmentations is assessed individually for each dataset. Through F1-score and other standard criteria, the models' predictions are compared to an accurate landslide inventory collected by hand mapping on pre- and post-event PlanetScope data. The enhanced ascending tri-temporal SAR composite produced the best results. Augmentations have a beneficial influence on the rising Sentinel-1 orbit, but they harm the descending route (in this case). Our findings show that integrating SAR data with other data sources can aid in the rapid mapping of landslides, especially during storms and deep cloud cover. However, further research and improvements are required, starting from novel sample and pre-processing strategies to mitigate the effect of the geometric distortions on model performance.

How to cite: Meena, S. R., Nava, L., Bhuyan, K., Monserrat, O., and Catani, F.: Sentinel-1 and Deep Learning for rapid landslide mapping, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16249,, 2023.

EGU23-16358 | Orals | NH3.6

Testing and Validation of Multiple Decision Trees Models for Rapid Coseismic Landslide Susceptibility Assessment 

Tz-Shin Lai, Wei-An Chao, Che‐Ming Yang, Yih-Min Wu, and Jui-Ming Chang

Coseismic landslides can result in significant economic loss and casualties. In Taiwan, combined effects of high seismicity, geology and steep topographic relief cause the high susceptibility of landslides associated with earthquakes. In this study, we use Newmark analysis, decision tree (DT) and multivariate decision tree (MDT) algorithm to perform the nowcasting and delivery susceptibility map on website. The strong-motion records with local magnitude larger than 6.0 from 1990 to 2020 are collected and the 175 potential planar failure slopes with similar lithology are selected as the target slopes (TS). We first found the representative station (RS) satisfied the specific thresholds of peak ground acceleration (> 196 gal) and Newmark displacement (> 10 cm), and then hillslopes around the TS associated with the RS with potential failures caused by earthquakes were carefully mapped by satellite images. The classification labels of failure and non-failure are used for the classification and regression trees (CART), C5.0 and multivariate regression trees (MRT). Overall, the accuracy (ACC) and false-negative rates (FNR) of C5.0 model for entire Taiwan were 83.3% and 10.7%, respectively. In advanced, the ACC can reach 95.8% in central Taiwan with merely 5.6% FNR. We use 2022 Hualien Yuli earthquake and 2022 Chishang earthquake to validate the DT model. The ACC is 83.3% with FNR = 0% in Hualien Yuli earthquake and the ACC is 76.9% with FNR = 0% in Chishang earthquake for entire Taiwan C5.0 model, indicates the model has reliable prediction outcomes. However, these two earthquakes didn’t cause the coseismic landslide case associate with 175 TS to validate the true positive portion. Additional TS, which are the coseismic landslide caused by 2022 earthquakes, should be added in our training data. Finally, the results in this study have been displayed on the web-based for rapid coseismic landslide susceptibility assessment providing the distribution of risk slopes with traffic lights for emergency response and disaster mitigation.

How to cite: Lai, T.-S., Chao, W.-A., Yang, C., Wu, Y.-M., and Chang, J.-M.: Testing and Validation of Multiple Decision Trees Models for Rapid Coseismic Landslide Susceptibility Assessment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16358,, 2023.

EGU23-16472 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.6

Slope-units-based landslide susceptibility mapping based on graph convolutional network: A case study in Lueyang region 

Ding Xia, Huiming Tang, Thomas Glade, Chunyan Tang, and Qianyun Wang

Landslides are the most frequent and numerous geological hazards that pose a serious threat to human safety and property. Landslide susceptibility mapping (LSM) has been focused on over the years as an essential step of landslide risk assessment. Numerous statistical or machine learning models have been proposed for LSM, but few consider mapping units' spatial correlation. This study proposed a deep learning model based on graph convolutional network (GCN) and K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), named KNN-GCN, for slope-units-based LSM and experimentally applied to the Lueyang region. It’s constructed and validated with the following steps: First, 15 landslide causal factors and landslide inventory were collected, and a slope units map (SUM) was obtained based on slope unit division. Then, the training and test sets were divided with the ratio 7:3 after the multicollinearity analysis for landslide causal factors. Next, a four-layer GCN model was constructed based on the slope units graph (SUG), in which the SUG was generated from the SUM by the KNN algorithm. After that, the proposed KNN-GCN model was trained and validated on training and test sets separately, then applied for LSM. Finally, the performance of the KNN-GCN model was compared with the three other models, including KNN, Support Vector Machine (SVC), and AutoML. The results show that the proposed model achieved the best performance (AUC=0.8473) than other models, and a more readable susceptibility map was generated with it, which has clear boundaries between different susceptibility levels. Notably, although the proposed KNN-GCN model shows excellent performance for slope-units-based LSM, it requires high computer hardware and is not recommended for small datasets.

How to cite: Xia, D., Tang, H., Glade, T., Tang, C., and Wang, Q.: Slope-units-based landslide susceptibility mapping based on graph convolutional network: A case study in Lueyang region, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16472,, 2023.

The Himalayas being an actively deforming terrain with steep hillslopes and significant rainfall is highly susceptible to landslide hazards. The fractured nature of the rocks, steep river bank and moderate to steep road cut-slope provide added risk to the slope failure vulnerability.  Landslides are generally triggered after substantial downpours during monsoon resulting in significant economic loss and casualties. Thus, an Early Warning System (EWS) is an absolute necessity. Our study explores the potential of geogenic Fracture Induced Electromagnetic Radiation (FEMR) technique for landslide forecasting. The FEMR technique is getting increasingly popular amongst geoscientists due to its ability to determine the zones of enhanced stress accumulation enabling it to be an effective precursor to a mass failure episode. This method is cost-effective and quick compared to other conventional rock mechanical studies. In the Eastern Himalayas, slopes get reactivated causing recurrent landslide episodes. The slope failure is generally guided by tensile rapture followed by shear sliding (TRSS) mechanism.  We acquired high-resolution FEMR linear profiles along the landslide planes with a portable instrument called ANGEL-M. Additionally, soil strength tests and numerical modelling were carried out to complement FEMR results. We concluded that the most severe deep landslides could be correlated to very high FEMR amplitudes whereas very low FEMR amplitude often corresponds to a lack of failure. Moderate FEMR amplitudes, however, are related to shallow-intermediate landslide occurrences. We further recommend that the FEMR technique can be utilized by moderately skilled surveyors from local municipalities as a pre-monsoon landslide forecasting methodology and mitigation strategies can be planned in advance.

How to cite: Das, D. and Mallik, J.: Landslide forecasting in the Eastern Himalayas by Fracture Induced Electromagnetic Radiation (FEMR) Technique, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-744,, 2023.

Rainfall is considered the most important triggering factor for landslide initiation. It is expected that changes in the precipitation regimes, as a direct consequence of climate change, will influence slope stability at different temporal and geographical scales altering the frequency and the distribution of rainfall-induced landslides. Therefore, there is a need to develop and implement efficient landslide risk management to deal with the increasing landslide risks. In this context, territorial landslide early warning systems (Te-LEWS) can be valuable tools to warn authorities, civil protection personnel and the population about the occurrence of rainfall-induced landslides over wide areas, typically through the prediction and measurement of meteorological variables with a limited consideration of soil behaviour. Currently, widespread deployments of Te-LEWS integrating monitoring data collected at local scale have been inhibited by the high cost of sensors, the requirement of frequent maintenance and the inflexibility of cable-based systems.

The use of advanced monitoring and communication technologies could provide the means to solve these challenges.

This study proposes a four-phase approach to set up an IoT-based early warning system at municipal scale. The territory of a municipality has been chosen as the reference spatial unit of assessment because it has an extension that is intermediate between slope units and regional warning zones. The framework is based on the following four phases: monitoring, modelling, forecasting, and warning. The study focuses on the first phase of the proposed approach, i.e., combination of widespread meteorological data and local real-time measurements coming from monitoring networks installed at specific locations of great geomorphological interest within the study area. The measurements—specifically soil water content, pore water pressure and suction— are used to provide additional information to be used for enhancing the performance of the warning model. It is important to highlight that, within the proposed framework, an important role for the warning system will be played by community members and other people working or living in the municipality, herein called human sentinels, which will be involved, for instance, in the proper maintenance of sensors and for documenting the impacts of extreme climate events (e.g., photos and reports uploaded in local data platforms).

The monitored sites are located within the municipality of Amalfi, southern Italy, and the implementation will be addressed within the activities of the Horizon Europe project “The HuT: The Human-Tech Nexus - Building a Safe Haven to cope with Climate Extremes”. The territory of Amalfi consists of a steep mountain front that rises abruptly from the Tyrrhenian Sea. Steep topographic gradients forced human settlements to develop along the coast at the mouth of the main streams. The town is a densely populated area with high touristic impact. The town is located in a morphologically complex zone of southern Italy frequently affected by dangerous and calamitous landslides.

This study aims at highlighting importance of considering both climate forcing factors and in-situ geotechnical parameters within a warning model operational at municipal scale.

How to cite: Pecoraro, G., Calvello, M., and Rianna, G.: A framework based on IoT and human sentinels for a municipal landslide early warning system: a case study in southern Italy of the project “The HuT”, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-818,, 2023.

EGU23-1353 | ECS | Orals | NH3.7

A data-driven approach to derive spatially explicit dynamic "thresholds" for shallow landslide occurrence in South Tyrol (Italy) 

Stefan Steger, Mateo Moreno, Alice Crespi, Stefano Luigi Gariano, Maria Teresa Brunetti, Massimo Melillo, Silvia Peruccacci, Francesco Marra, Marco Borga, Lotte de Vugt, Thomas Zieher, Martin Rutzinger, Volkmar Mair, Piero Campalani, and Massimiliano Pittore

When and where shallow landslides occur depends on an interplay of predisposing, preparatory, and triggering factors. At a regional scale, data-driven analyses are extensively used to assess landslide susceptibility based on “static” maps of predisposing conditions. In contrast, data-driven analyses focusing on landslide triggering factors often rely on non-spatially explicit approaches to derive empirical rainfall thresholds. So far, few attempts have been made to integrate the spatial and temporal analysis domains beyond a posterior combination of separately derived susceptibility models and rainfall thresholds.

This work focuses on the mountainous Italian province of South Tyrol (7400 km²) and proposes a novel data-driven landslide prediction model that jointly considers landslide predisposition and dynamic preparatory and triggering factors. The approach builds on a hierarchical generalized additive model, multi-temporal shallow landslide data from 2000 to 2020 and a range of environmental variables (e.g., daily rainfall, topography, lithology, forest cover). The model produces maps that portray the relative probability of landslide occurrence. These spatially explicit predictions change dynamically as a function of local predisposition, seasonality, and observed (or hypothesized) dynamic preparatory and triggering rainfall (i.e. cumulative rainfall amounts based on varying day-windows). Linking the model output to known measures of model performance, such as hit rate and false alarm rate, enables the creation of dynamic classified maps that can be interpreted in analogy to commonly used empirical rainfall thresholds. The approach also accounts for potential spatial and temporal biases in the landslide inventory by restricting the underlying data sampling to effectively surveyed areas and time periods and by including (and averaging out) bias-describing random effect variables. Our validation confirms the model's high generalizability and predictive power while providing insights into the interplay of predisposing, preparatory and triggering factors for shallow landslide occurrence in South Tyrol. Application possibilities of this novel approach are discussed.

The research leading to these results is related to the PROSLIDE project that received funding from the research program Research Südtirol/Alto Adige 2019 of the Autonomous Province of Bozen/Bolzano – Südtirol/Alto Adige.

How to cite: Steger, S., Moreno, M., Crespi, A., Gariano, S. L., Brunetti, M. T., Melillo, M., Peruccacci, S., Marra, F., Borga, M., de Vugt, L., Zieher, T., Rutzinger, M., Mair, V., Campalani, P., and Pittore, M.: A data-driven approach to derive spatially explicit dynamic "thresholds" for shallow landslide occurrence in South Tyrol (Italy), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1353,, 2023.

In the context of increasing number of landslide disasters, it is important to have efficient Landslide Early Warning Systems (LEWS). LEWS can reduce the risk with sufficient warning time and understanding the hazard and forecasting landslides is an important component of any LEWS. On local or slope scales, an early warning can be achieved with continuous monitoring, but on a regional scale, precise monitoring is still a question due to economical and practical concerns. Regional scale LEWS often relies on data-driven approaches such as rainfall thresholds, while process-based approaches are applied to smaller areas like single basins or watersheds due to complexities associated with precise data collection. The process-based approaches consider both spatial and temporal rainfall triggering factors as inputs, and hence they provide deterministic indices for the stability of a slope, based on both spatial and temporal conditions. In this study, a data-driven approach integrating probabilistic hydro-meteorological thresholds and landslide susceptibility maps (LSM) is used to develop a spatio-temporal landslide forecasting framework for a district in the southern part of India, Idukki. The method is then compared with two process-based approaches (Transient Rainfall Infiltration and Grid-based Regional Slope Stability (TRIGRS) and SHALSTAB) using a receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC) approach, using the landslide data of August 2018. From the analysis, it was observed that the data-driven approach has an efficiency of 81.21 %, while for TRIGRS and SHALTAB, the efficiencies are 72.15 % and 70.10 % respectively. The corresponding area under curve (AUC) values for all three models are 0.92, 0.80, and 0.76 respectively. The results indicate that the proposed data-driven model can perform better than both the process-based approaches, bypassing the complexities associated with physics-based modeling.

How to cite: Abraham, M. T. and Satyam, N.: Process-based and data-driven approaches for landslide forecasting: A quantitative comparison on regional scale, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1591,, 2023.

EGU23-2708 | ECS | Orals | NH3.7

Field hydrological monitoring with IoT-based low-cost sensor network on slopes subjected to rainfall-induced landslides 

Pasquale Marino, Daniel Camilo Roman-Quintero, Giovanni Francesco Santonastaso, and Roberto Greco

Many mountainous areas of Campania, Southern Italy, are characterized by steep slopes covered by layered granular unsaturated pyroclastic deposits, mainly consisting of ashes and pumices, laying upon fractured limestone bedrock. The total thickness of the soil is quite variable with a few meters (1.0 m–1.5 m) in the steepest part of the slopes, and larger at the foot. Shallow landslides are often triggered after large and intense precipitations, turning into destructive debris flows that cause heavy damage and victims. The slope of Cervinara, located around 40 km Northeast of Naples (Campania, Italy), was involved in a catastrophic debris flow between 15-16 December 1999, triggered by a rainfall event of 325 mm in about 48 h. Since 2001, hydrological monitoring activities have been carried out at the slope, by measuring precipitation depth, soil volumetric water content and capillary tension. Moreover, in December 2017 an automatic hydro-meteorological station has been installed at the elevation of 575 m a.s.l., near the scarp of the 1999 landslide. It allows the assessment of slope hydrological balance, by identifying the major hydrological processes involving the cover and the perched aquifer, which develops in the upper part of the fractured bedrock during the rainy season. Lately, since 1 December 2022, new monitoring activities started. A remotely accessible low-cost network has been installed moving away from the landslide scarp of 1999, for expanding the area interested by soil moisture monitoring. The tested prototype network is based on the use of capacitive sensors placed at nodes located 20 m apart from each other with a communication system within the domain of Internet of Things (IoT) technology. Specifically, the low-cost sensors network allowed measurements of soil water content, communicating through short-range wireless IoT system (i.e., Wi-Fi) thanks to ESP32 boards. The field data can be visualized remotely on ThingSpeakTM IoT platform on laptops and smartphones.

The tested IoT-based low-cost network shows the potential to enhance the amount of monitored hydrological data at affordable cost, so to improve risk management in landslide-prone areas. The same IoT network architecture with diffuse measurements can be replicated with long-distance radio communication between nodes, which allows extending the mutual distance up to few kilometers.

How to cite: Marino, P., Roman-Quintero, D. C., Santonastaso, G. F., and Greco, R.: Field hydrological monitoring with IoT-based low-cost sensor network on slopes subjected to rainfall-induced landslides, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2708,, 2023.

EGU23-2973 | Posters on site | NH3.7

Analyzing the occurrence of rainfall-triggered landslides through hydrologic controls of slope response in pyroclastic deposits 

Roberto Greco, Daniel Camilo Roman Quintero, Pasquale Marino, and Giovanni Francesco Santonastaso

Rainfall-triggered landslides are widespread geohazards, often characterized by shallow and fast movements. Their occurrence is reported in many mountainous areas, and its cumulative effects are sometimes comparable to great catastrophes (Banco Mundial, 2012). Particularly, southern Apennines of Campania (Italy), commonly covered by pyroclastic deposits laying upon karstic bedrock, are subjected to recurrent shallow landslides (Marino et al., 2021). Different triggering mechanisms have been hypothesized, and investigation on the hydrological processes predisposing slopes to failure is still needed. This study focuses on a slope where hydrometeorological monitoring has been carried out for several years, and landslides recently occurred. To assess the conditions leading to landslides, a 1000-year hourly synthetic dataset, mimicking the hydrological response of the slope to meteorological forcing, was generated. Specifically, a stochastic NSRP rainfall model was coupled with a hydrological model of the unsaturated flow through the soil cover, connected to a perched aquifer forming in the uppermost bedrock during the rainy season. Both the models had been previously calibrated based on field data (Greco et al, 2013, 2018; Marino et al, 2020).

The synthetic dataset was analyzed with k-means clustering and Random Forest techniques, to identify the hydrologic conditions, before the onset of rainfall events, controlling the amount of rainwater remaining stored in the soil cover at the end of rainfall, thus affecting slope equilibrium. Stability was analyzed under the infinite slope hypothesis, considering the contribution of suction to unsaturated soil shear strength.

The results show how the different hydrologic behaviors, related to slope underground water conditions before the onset of rainfall, as well as the total event rainfall, control slope stability. In fact, two different landslide triggering mechanisms are clearly identified. On one hand, when antecedent slope conditions hamper the fast drainage of infiltrating water out of the soil cover through the underlying fractured bedrock, typical of late autumn, slope failure is triggered by infiltration during the largest rainfall events, as almost all rainwater remains stored in the soil cover. On the other hand, when the bedrock is already filled with water previously drained from the soil cover, as at the end of very rainy autumns and winters, landslides can be triggered also by relatively small rainfall, as the bedrock cannot receive more water, and even exfiltration from the bedrock can occur.


Banco Mundial (2012). Análisis de la gestión del riesgo de desastres en Colombia: un aporte para la construcción de políticas públicas.

Greco R et al (2013). Hydrological modelling of a slope covered with shallow pyroclastic deposits from field monitoring data.

Greco R et al (2021). Recurrent rainfall-induced landslides on the slopes with pyroclastic cover of Partenio Mountains (Campania, Italy): Comparison of 1999 and 2019 events.

Greco et al (2018). Interaction between perched epikarst aquifer and unsaturated soil cover in the initiation of shallow landslides in pyroclastic soils.

Marino et al (2021). Soil moisture information can improve shallow landslide forecasting using the hydrometeorological threshold approach. 10.1007/s10346-020-01420-8

Marino et al (2021). Prediction of shallow landslides in pyroclastic-covered slopes by coupled modeling of unsaturated and saturated groundwater flow.

How to cite: Greco, R., Roman Quintero, D. C., Marino, P., and Santonastaso, G. F.: Analyzing the occurrence of rainfall-triggered landslides through hydrologic controls of slope response in pyroclastic deposits, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2973,, 2023.

EGU23-3187 | Orals | NH3.7

Soilstab and Evorisk: a web-service and web-platform for landslide and rock-fall hazards monitoring using ambient seismic noise methods 

Alexandra Royer, Mathieu Le Breton, Antoine Guillemot, Eric Larose, Laurent Baillet, Fabrice Guyoton, and Raphael Mayoraz

Landslide monitoring is essential to a better understanding of their dynamics and to the reduction of human casualties by detecting precursors before failures. In general, observations on the surface must be supplemented by sub-surface observations, in investigating the material in depth. Ten years ago, seismic ambient noise interferometry method has been applied to monitor the relative variations in surface seismic wave velocity (dV/V). As seismic wave velocities are directly related to material stiffness, any reduction in seismic velocity can be associated with a loss of stiffness with high probability (i.e. ground liquefaction or strong fracturation). This technique has led to the detection of a decrease in wave velocity several days before the rupture of a clay landslide [1], opening the way to a new precursor signal that could be used for alerts or early warning systems. Since then, several landslides have been monitored to this end [2].

In addition, by analysing the spectral content of seismic data, the natural resonance frequencies of rock instabilities (rocks columns, rock glaciers) can be monitored [3]. Their relative variation (dF/F) over time depends on the elastic properties and the geometry of the vibrating structure, which makes it possible to monitor its mechanical state, and to deduce precursor signals to significant failure.

In order to make these technologies operational, we have built a web-service, Soilstab, which allows for the processing of an existing dataset with the seismological methods described previously. This service is associated with Evorisk, a web-platform that displays the temporal evolution (updated daily or over a fixed period) of the results (dV/V and/or dF/F). This platform also integrates other available observations, such as environmental parameters (temperature, rainfall, snow, …) or surface observations (photogrammetry, GNSS/GPS-based displacement measurements, extensometers, etc..). Correlating all these observations is thus made easier to better understand and quantify the effect of environmental forcings (temperature, rain, freezing, etc.) on the dynamics of landslides and rock instabilities.

[1] G. Mainsant, E. Larose, C. Brönnimann, D. Jongmans, C. Michoud, M. Jaboyedoff, Ambient seismic noise monitoring of a clay landslide : toward failure prediction, J. Geophys. Res. 117, F01030 (2012).

[2] M. Le Breton, N. Bontemps, A. Guillemot, L. Baillet, E. Larose, Landslide Monitoring Using Seismic Ambient Noise Interferometry:: Challenges and Applications, Earth Science Review (2020)

[3] Colombero, C., Jongmans, D., Fiolleau, S., Valentin, J., Baillet, L., & Bièvre, G. (2021). Seismic noise parameters as indicators of reversible modifications in slope stability: a review. Surveys in Geophysics42(2), 339-375.

How to cite: Royer, A., Le Breton, M., Guillemot, A., Larose, E., Baillet, L., Guyoton, F., and Mayoraz, R.: Soilstab and Evorisk: a web-service and web-platform for landslide and rock-fall hazards monitoring using ambient seismic noise methods, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3187,, 2023.

EGU23-3899 | ECS | Orals | NH3.7

The potential application of statistical post processing techniques on landslide early warning system 

Xuetong Wang, Luigi Lombardo, and Hakan Tanyaş

With the increase of frequency and intensity of heavy precipitation in the future, rainfall triggered landslides (RTL) can be one of the major threat to human life and property security. Early warning systems of natural hazards are one of the most effective measure for reducing disaster losses and risks. However, the forecast of RTL in near-real-time (NRT) is extremely difficult since the quality of NRT precipitation data is relatively poor. Quantile regression forest (QRF), a state-of-the-art statistical postprocessing method, has been proved to reduce the difference existing between NRT satellite precipitation estimates and ground-based rainfall data. When predicted rainfall maps are put side by side with raw NRT satellite product, the pattern of the first matches much more closely the locations where landslide events have been mapped in a test site in North-Eastern Turkey. This leave an optimistic perspective on the application of statistical postprocessing techniques in the field of weather science and in general for natural hazard assessment. Ideally, by correcting the continuous information in space and time provided by satellite rainfall estimates, one could create a new operational tool for landslide early warning system, not bound to the financial and deployment requirement typical of rain gauge and terrestrial radar stations.

How to cite: Wang, X., Lombardo, L., and Tanyaş, H.: The potential application of statistical post processing techniques on landslide early warning system, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3899,, 2023.

EGU23-4070 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.7

Probabilistic mapping of co-seismic landslide hazard in Uttarakhand state (India) 

Kunal Gupta and Neelima Satyam

Probabilistic mapping methods are receiving more attention in the field of landslide susceptibility assessment due to their ability to incorporate the spatial and temporal uncertainties linked to the variability of hydrological, seismological, geological, geotechnical, and geomorphological parameters. Studies on the probabilistic seismic landslide hazard are necessary for Uttarakhand state (India) due to its high seismic activity. Therefore, the present research presents a probabilistic methodology to model the uncertainties associated with modified Newmark’s model, which considers the shear strength parameters of rock joints for the static factor of safety computations. By using statistical distributions to describe these values, the uncertainties pertaining to the input parameters were taken into consideration. The Monte Carlo approach was used to simulate several probability density functions pixel-by-pixel, and the simulation results were carried over into the computation. As a result, when converting the obtained numbers into probabilistic hazard maps, there were no restrictions on the mathematical symmetry or complexity of the underlying distributions. The likelihood of seismically induced slope deformation surpassing a threshold of 5 cm was computed for each pixel and presented in terms of the hazard map. The Greater and Middle Himalayas had high probability values, highlighting the potential of earthquake-induced landslides in this area. Finally, the landslide inventory from the 1999 Chamoli earthquake was used to validate the results. The produced seismic landslide hazard map will provide local governments and infrastructure planners with a tool for assessing the danger of a seismic landslide for land use planning and applying suitable mitigation measures to limit the losses.

How to cite: Gupta, K. and Satyam, N.: Probabilistic mapping of co-seismic landslide hazard in Uttarakhand state (India), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4070,, 2023.

EGU23-4872 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.7

Low-cost sensor observations for flash flood and landslide early warning systems in the mountainous area 

Monton Methaprayun, Apiniti Jotisankasa, Ratchanon Khunwisetkul, Thom Bogaard, and Punpim Puttaraksa Mapiam

Flash floods and landslides are severe natural hazards caused by heavy rainfall, which frequently occur in mountainous areas in most countries worldwide. Hydrometeorological measuring networks are key to tracking heavy storms and quantifying hydrological behaviour. Unfortunately, the monitoring networks in these regions are often scarce due to various challenges such as inaccessibility, limited power and data transmission capabilities, and maintenance requirements. To address these challenges, our research aims to develop and deploy low-cost sensors in the Khao Yai National Park, Lamtakong basin, northeastern Thailand, which are linked to high-resolution radar rainfall observations. This is subsequently used in spatially distributed models that are the basis of an early warning systems that is under development in this hazard-prone mountainous region. These sensors measure various physical parameters, including soil moisture, precipitation, water and air pressure, and transmit real-time data via NB-IoT mobile signals, with backup storage in SD cards. The stations were designed to be simple to maintain, with materials that were readily accessible. All collected data will be transmitted in real-time at high temporal resolutions. First, the rain gauge rainfall data will be merged with weather radar data to compute radar rainfall bias adjustment for preparing high-quality gridded rainfall over the study area. After that, the adjusted radar rainfall product combined with the hydrological measurements will be used as input for spatially distributed physical-based flash floods and landslides modelling. The use of low-cost sensors allows the monitoring network to be more widely deployed, particularly in areas that are difficult to access like the natural park. Furthermore, increasing coverage and denser data collection will lead to more accurate monitoring of the highly heterogeneous rainfall patterns and thus short-term rainfall forecasting. This will lead to a more effective early warning system.

How to cite: Methaprayun, M., Jotisankasa, A., Khunwisetkul, R., Bogaard, T., and Mapiam, P. P.: Low-cost sensor observations for flash flood and landslide early warning systems in the mountainous area, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4872,, 2023.

Landslide hazard management usually requires time-consuming campaigns of data acquisition, elaboration, and modeling. However, in the post-emergency phase management, time is a factor, and simple but fast methods of analysis are needed to support decisions in the short-term. This paper analyzes the Theilly landslide (Western Italian Alps), which was recently affected by a series of reactivations. While some instrumental campaigns (aimed at supporting physics-based modeling and the design of effective protection measures) were still in progress, simple tools were set up to manage the hazard of future reactivations and to evaluate the possibility of damming the stream flowing at the footslope. After a detailed geomorphological survey, state-of-the-art empirical methods were customized for the specific case of study. First, a set of intensity–duration rainfall thresholds depicting increasing hazard levels is used to monitor and forecast possible reactivations. Second, in case the landslide body reaches the narrow valley at the footslope, the possible evolution scenarios (i- landslide that does not block the river; ii- river blockage with formation of a stable dam and a lake; iii- river blockage with formation of an unstable dam and release of an outburst wave) are evaluated by means of a methodology based on the hydro-morphometric characterization of the site. The proposed empirical methodologies have the advantage of requiring only ready-available input data and quick elaborations, thus allowing the rapid set up of tools that could be used for hazard management. In this case of study, these tools are being used until mitigation measures (to date, still in the project phase), are completed.

How to cite: Segoni, S., Barbadori, F., and Gatto, A.: Empirical approaches for quick management of cascading hazards in the Italian Alps: a warning procedure for landslide reactivation, river damming and outburst waves, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6076,, 2023.

EGU23-6651 | ECS | Orals | NH3.7

Deriving hydro-meteorological thresholds for landslide early warning using multi-layer soil moisture information  

Nunziarita Palazzolo, David Johnny Peres, Enrico Creaco, and Antonino Cancelliere

A key component for Landslide early warning systems (LEWS) is constituted by thresholds that provide the conditions under which landslide events can be potentially triggered. Traditionally, thresholds based on rainfall characteristics have been proposed, but recently, the hydro-meteorological approach, combining rainfall with soil moisture or catchment storage information, is increasingly gaining attention. Usually, the hydro-meteorological thresholds proposed in the literature rely on soil moisture information relating to a single layer (i.e., depth or depth range). Nevertheless, multi-layered soil moisture information can be readily provided by in-situ observations, reanalysis projects, or hydrological models. Approaches based on this multi-layered information are lacking, probably because simpler thresholds, e.g., two-dimensional, are preferred and better understood by decision makers. This study, thus, proposes a methodology, based on principal component analysis (PCA), to derive two-dimensional hydro-meteorological thresholds that use multi-layer soil moisture information. Furthermore, a piece-wise linear equation is also suggested as threshold’s shape, which can be more flexible than the traditional power-law or bi-linear thresholds. Overall, results for Sicily Island (Italy), obtained using reanalysis soil moisture data at four different depths, corroborate the advantages of the hydro-meteorological approach with respect to the traditional rainfall thresholds. Specifically, a True Skill Statistic Index (TSS) equal to 0.5 is obtained for the traditional precipitation intensity-duration threshold, while a significantly higher one is obtained for the proposed hydro-meteorological thresholds using multi-layer information condensed in one variable by PCA (TSS = 0.71). Furthermore, comparing single- vs. multi-layer threshold performances provides insights on whether shallow or deep soil depth hydrological processes are more or less influent on landslide triggering. In this regard, for the analyzed study area, the multi-layer approach provides performances in terms of TSS are similar to those obtained with single-layer soil moisture at the upper depths, 0-7 cm and 7-28 cm, pointing out that landslide occurrences in Sicily are mostly driven by surface soil moisture. 


How to cite: Palazzolo, N., Peres, D. J., Creaco, E., and Cancelliere, A.: Deriving hydro-meteorological thresholds for landslide early warning using multi-layer soil moisture information , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6651,, 2023.

EGU23-6688 | ECS | Orals | NH3.7

Definition of physically-based regional soil moisture-rainfall thresholds for the assessment of landslide hazard 

Luca Ciabatta, Sara Galeazzi, Francesco Ponziani, Nicola Berni, Stefania Camici, and Luca Brocca

Landslides are one of the most dangerous natural hazards, causing every year fatalities, considerable damage and relevant economic losses. Early warning systems (EWS) for rainfall-induced landslides represent an useful tool for mitigating the impact of such hazard. Traditionally, EWS are based on physically-based models or on empirical relationships between rainfall and landslide occurrence.

With the aim of taking into account the hydrological settings within the slope, the Umbria Regional Civil Protection Service started in considering also the soil moisture conditions as triggering factor during the daily analysis of shallow landslide hazard. The historical analysis of landslide events leaded to the definition of a set of soil moisture-based thresholds.

By analyzing the soil saturation conditions before and after the rainfall event (by using a hydrological model), it has been seen that most of the activations occurred when the soil reached saturation. This hypothesis has been validated by performing a historical analysis on more than 500 landslides occurred during the period 1990-2022. In this work, we took advantages of this finding and proposed an improvement of the current thresholds that considers the amount of rainfall needed by the soil to reach saturation, and hence, the slope instability. The amount of rainfall needed to reach saturation has been calculated through the definition of soil hydraulic parameters and the saturation degree at the start of the rainfall event. Then, if the fallen rainfall is higher than the critical value needed to reach saturation, an alarm is issued. The obtained threshold is based on soil characteristics and it is independent by the input data (no need for recalibration or threshold adjustment). The proposed methodology is able to identify correctly most of the proposed events (>70%) with a very limited amount of false alarms (4%) considering all the rainfall events occurred during the 1990-2022 period.

Further analyses are required for a better definition of the soil hydraulic parameters and the rainfall events but the obtained results confirmed the added value of using soil moisture conditions as triggering factor for shallow landslides activation.

How to cite: Ciabatta, L., Galeazzi, S., Ponziani, F., Berni, N., Camici, S., and Brocca, L.: Definition of physically-based regional soil moisture-rainfall thresholds for the assessment of landslide hazard, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6688,, 2023.

EGU23-8179 | ECS | Orals | NH3.7

Assessing and monitoring urban landslide hazards - integrating geophysics, remote sensing, and wireless sensor networks 

Sebastian Uhlemann, Sylvain Fiolleau, Stijn Wielandt, and Baptiste Dafflon

Growing urbanization is pushing communities further into areas of known landslide hazard, elevating the risk posed to these communities. Hence, there is an increasing need to develop approaches that can characterize and monitor landslide hazards in urban areas. Here, we present recent developments in the rapid characterization of the landslide hazard using geophysics and remote sensing to parametrize hydromechanical models to assess probability of failure across a site in the highly populated Berkeley Hills, California. Calculating slope gradient from LiDAR, and estimating soil thickness from ambient seismic noise measurements, and total cohesion from vegetation distribution, we include the spatial variability of some of the most critical soil parameters in our hazard assessment. The results highlight various areas of elevated landslide hazard. Focusing on one such area, we used geophysical monitoring data to link changes in subsurface properties with slope instabilities, and found that rainfall induced increases in pore pressure drive slope deformation. Changes in seismic properties occurred up to 5h before actual soil displacements commenced. To monitor the hazard across the entire study site and to further increase our understanding of their triggering factors, we developed and  installed a dense wireless network of deformation, soil moisture, and pore pressure sensors. Using machine learning, we use this data to predict subsurface conditions critical to slope failure. We show that short-term predictions are comparably accurate, while long-term forecasts fail to predict sudden changes, mostly due to a lack of training data. The data obtained from these studies is starting to be incorporated into site management with the aim of mitigating the landslide risk. 

How to cite: Uhlemann, S., Fiolleau, S., Wielandt, S., and Dafflon, B.: Assessing and monitoring urban landslide hazards - integrating geophysics, remote sensing, and wireless sensor networks, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8179,, 2023.

EGU23-8674 | ECS | Orals | NH3.7

Physically-based model derived thresholds of sediment disasters for impact-based rainfall forecasts 

Srikrishnan Siva Subramanian, Piyush Srivastava, Sumit Sen, and Ali. P. Yunus

Rainfall-induced sediment disasters are catastrophic events that occur compounded during extreme precipitation. Territorial early warning systems (Te-LEWS) are necessary to predict these disasters. The warning information is disseminated based on thresholds derived from the correlation between rainfall magnitude and disaster occurrences. Nations that established successful Te-LEWS have maintained historical rainfall records and corresponding landslide occurrences that result in the precise derivation of early warning thresholds. In contrast, countries newly establishing Te-LEWS face difficulties setting the thresholds due to a lack of precise information on rainfall magnitude and historical landslide occurrences. In India, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) provides impact-based forecasts of rainfall that may induce landslides based on daily, 3-day cumulative and longer antecedent thresholds. However, thresholds correlating landslides with continuous monitoring through hourly/sub-hourly rainfall observations, which are the basis of the nowcast in real time, still need to be developed. Here, we present a framework for predicting landslide occurrences, i.e., shallow landslides, debris slides, and debris flows, using hourly rainfall. Using the framework, we analyse case studies of extreme precipitation-induced landslides in the Himalayas and Western Ghats, India. Through this, catchment-wise early warning thresholds are derived. This study opens avenues to improve the precision of impact-based rainfall forecasts for landslides. 

How to cite: Siva Subramanian, S., Srivastava, P., Sen, S., and Yunus, Ali. P.: Physically-based model derived thresholds of sediment disasters for impact-based rainfall forecasts, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8674,, 2023.

EGU23-11017 | Posters on site | NH3.7

Comparison between empirical and physically-based thresholds for the occurrence of shallow landslides in hillslopes with clayey soils of Northern Italian Apennines 

Massimiliano Bordoni, Margherita Pavanello, Valerio Vivaldi, and Claudia Meisina

Rainfall thresholds define the conditions leading to the triggering of shallow landslides over wide areas. They can be empirical, which exploit past rainfall data and landslide inventories, or physically-based, which integrate slope physical–hydrological modeling and stability analyses.

A comparison between these two types of thresholds was performed in this work, using data acquired in hillslopes characterized by clayey soils of Oltrepò Pavese (Northern Italian Apennines), to evaluate their reliability. Empirical thresholds were reconstructed based on rainfalls and landslides triggering events collected from 2000 to 2018. The same rainfall events were implemented in a physically-based model of a representative test-site susceptible to shallow landslides, considerino different antecedent pore-water pressures, chosen according to the analysis of field hydrological monitoring data.

Soil hydrological conditions have a primary role on predisposing or preventing slope failures. In clayey soils of Oltrepò Pavese area, cold and wet months are the most susceptible periods, due to the permanence of saturated or close-to-saturation soil conditions. The lower the pore-water pressure is at the beginning of an event, the higher the amount of rain required to trigger shallow failures is. Physically-based thresholds provide a better reliability in discriminating the events which could or could not trigger slope failures than empirical thresholds. The latter provide a significant number of false positives, due to neglecting the antecedent soil hydrological conditions. These results represent a fundamental basis for the choice of the best thresholds to be implemented in a reliable early warning system.

How to cite: Bordoni, M., Pavanello, M., Vivaldi, V., and Meisina, C.: Comparison between empirical and physically-based thresholds for the occurrence of shallow landslides in hillslopes with clayey soils of Northern Italian Apennines, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11017,, 2023.

EGU23-11853 | Posters on site | NH3.7

Frequentist rainfall thresholds for landslide forecasting in the Darjeeling and Nilgiris districts in India 

Massimo Melillo, Stefano Luigi Gariano, Maria Teresa Brunetti, Mauro Rossi, Sumit Kumar, Rajkumar Mathiyalagan, and Silvia Peruccacci

India is heavily affected by rainfall-induced landslides that cause fatalities and damage. Therefore, the development of effective and reliable models for the landslide forecasting and their possible integration in early warning systems (LEWSs) is necessary to mitigate the risk posed by such phenomena. Within the LANDSLIP (LANDSLIde Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment, Preparedness and Early Warning in South Asia: Integrating Meteorology, Landscape and Society; project, we developed threshold-based forecasting models to predict the occurrence of rainfall-induced landslides. The models were calibrated  in two Indian pilot areas: the Darjeeling and Nilgiris districts, in the states of West Bengal and Tamil Nadu, respectively. For the purpose, we built  two catalogs of 84 and 116 rainfall conditions likely responsible for landslide triggering in Darjeeling and Nilgiris, respectively, and daily rainfall measurements, which were used to define frequentist rainfall thresholds at different non-exceedance probabilities by means of an automatic tool (CTRL-T). A revision of the methodology to identify the rainfall conditions that triggered the failures was necessary due to possible inaccuracies in the landslide occurrence date and the daily temporal resolution of rainfall measurements in India. Triggering rainfall conditions were also related to the different monsoon regimes in the study areas. For a few uncertain events, the rainfall conditions automatically reconstructed by CTRL-T were revised after a consensus among several investigators. In agreement with the rainfall regimes of the two pilot areas, the thresholds for Darjeeling are higher than those for Nilgiris; regardless of the rainfall duration, a larger amount of rainfall is necessary to trigger landslides in the Darjeeling area. 

Despite some limitations, mostly due to the daily temporal resolution of rainfall data and the spatial and temporal distribution of the reported landslides, the uncertainties of the calculated thresholds were acceptable (also thanks to the double checking) to allow their implementation in the LANDSLIP prototype LEWS. 

The thresholds require ongoing evaluation and refinement. For the purpose, additional landslide and rainfall data were used to validate thresholds and improve forecasts.

How to cite: Melillo, M., Gariano, S. L., Brunetti, M. T., Rossi, M., Kumar, S., Mathiyalagan, R., and Peruccacci, S.: Frequentist rainfall thresholds for landslide forecasting in the Darjeeling and Nilgiris districts in India, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11853,, 2023.

EGU23-12730 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.7 | Highlight

A public-facing landslide early warning dashboard with sparse inventory data and community input: experience from Sitka, Alaska, USA 

Lisa Luna, Annette Patton, Josh Roering, Aaron Jacobs, Oliver Korup, and Ben Mirus

Following a fatal debris flow in 2015, community leaders and technical experts in Sitka, Alaska determined the need for a landslide early warning system. Here, we present the development of a public-facing landslide early warning dashboard that relies on statistical models that incorporate only five reported landslide events and station-based precipitation data between 2002 and 2020. We evaluated strategies for training landslide forecasting models with a limited record of landslide-triggering rainfall events, which is a common limitation in remote, sparsely populated regions. We estimated the daily probability and intensity of potential landslide occurrence with logistic and Poisson regression, respectively, employing both frequentist and Bayesian inference. We compared a series of models trained on cumulative precipitation at timescales ranging from one hour to two weeks using Akaike, Bayesian, and Leave-One-Out information criteria. We found that, in Sitka, three-hour precipitation totals were the best predictor of elevated landslide hazard and adding antecedent precipitation (over days to weeks) did not improve model performance, likely reflecting the rapid draining of porous colluvial soils on steep hillslopes. We then evaluated the best-fit three-hour precipitation models using leave-one-out cross validation as well as by testing a subset of the data. We found that probabilistic models trained with few landslide-triggering and many non-landslide-triggering events could effectively distinguish days with landslides from days without. We used the resulting estimates of daily landslide probability to establish two decision boundaries for three levels of warning. Considering community input, we set the lower boundary such that no missed alarms would have occurred between 2002 and 2020, and the upper boundary such that no false alarms would have occurred. With these decision boundaries, the logistic regression model incorporates National Weather Service quantitative precipitation forecasts into a real-time landslide early warning dashboard system ( This dashboard provides accessible and data-driven situational awareness for community members and emergency managers.

How to cite: Luna, L., Patton, A., Roering, J., Jacobs, A., Korup, O., and Mirus, B.: A public-facing landslide early warning dashboard with sparse inventory data and community input: experience from Sitka, Alaska, USA, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12730,, 2023.

EGU23-13214 | Orals | NH3.7

Improved monitoring and prediction of permafrost climate change related landsliding in the Arctic 

Marius Opsanger Jonassen, Hanne Hvidtfeldt Christiansen, Aleksey Shestov, and Knut Ivar Lindland Tveit

The Arctic plays a key role in understanding and mitigating the challenge of climate adaptation. Indeed, the observed Arctic warming is more than twice the global mean, implying that the Arctic may serve as an ‘early warning region’ in terms of climate change impacts. Longyearbyen, the Arctic capital settlement situated at 78°N in the archipelago of Svalbard, is located in a geographical hotspot affected by extreme Arctic climate change. Reports show that both experienced changes from 1971-2000 and projected 2071-2100 changes for Svalbard include increased air temperature, increased precipitation (especially in summer and autumn) and more frequent and intense events with heavy rainfall. Immediate and potentially detrimental impacts of these climate changes are seen in the widespread permafrost of the Arctic, which is particularly sensitive to climate change. These impacts include increases in active-layer thickness and melting of ground ice, resulting in increased risk of landslides.

Based in Longyearbyen, Svalbard, the PermaMeteoCommunity project develops a permafrost and meteorological response system that consists of (1) instrumented boreholes for direct observations of ground temperature and pore water pressure in the active layer and top meters of permafrost, (2) a network of meteorological stations, which records key standard parameters such as air temperature and precipitation with high spatial and temporal resolution. Using IoT technology, the observations are to be connected with an open online platform that receives and displays all data in near real-time. The data can thereby be used for local authorities and decision makers, during operational evaluations and extreme weather events such as large amounts of rain, potentially inducing permafrost-related landslides. The platform will also give access to historical data and the system will be highly relevant for use in research, for education, and in outreach as well as for long-term societal infrastructure and overall land area planning. Furthermore, work is being done to include more elements in the response system, among others (1) remote sensing data for monitoring of ground movement (2) high-resolution numerical weather simulations to be employed in preparedness situations on an on-demand basis and (3) a machine learning component for enhanced predictions of landslides.

How to cite: Jonassen, M. O., Christiansen, H. H., Shestov, A., and Tveit, K. I. L.: Improved monitoring and prediction of permafrost climate change related landsliding in the Arctic, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13214,, 2023.

EGU23-14184 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.7

Semi-supervised seismic event detection using Siamese Networks 

David Murray, Lina Stankovic, Stella Pytharouli, and Vladimir Stankovic

Detecting seismic events and their precursors is vital to understand and assess risks in areas of seismic instability. Most recent detection methods are based on supervised learning, where machine learning models are first trained using a labelled dataset, before being deployed. However, seismic sensors are often difficult to install and maintain, and large-scale events are few and far between. Furthermore, labelling collected data requires a great deal of time and effort from seismologists. Noise can vastly increase the difficulty of this task and labels can be highly subjective. Labelled data used for training machine learning models depends on the monitoring setup and geological characteristics of the terrain where the sensors are installed. For example, a dataset of events recorded in the Alps will likely not be representative of events that could be seen in less mountainous regions, meaning that transferability of proposed networks is vital. The Rest and Be Thankful in Scotland is a remote hillside prone to weather-induced seismic events which can cause disruption to the road infrastructure in the valley below, after rockfalls and landslides due to quakes. In this paper we propose a semi-supervised method of clustering these different types of events. Grouping data into categories of both known and unknown event types can reduce the time needed by experts to create labelled datasets via the use of Siamese networks and further understand the dynamics of the slope. We validate results against the BGS earthquake database from within a 50km radius, as well as human induced rockfalls. Grouping across around 100 days of data has detected a possible 10 earthquakes, 82 rockfalls, and 137 micro-quakes.

How to cite: Murray, D., Stankovic, L., Pytharouli, S., and Stankovic, V.: Semi-supervised seismic event detection using Siamese Networks, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14184,, 2023.

EGU23-14512 | Posters on site | NH3.7

Forecasting landslide occurrence from radar rainfall at the municipality scale : a case study in a Mediterranean climate context in France 

Séverine Bernardie, Stefania Viaggio, Nathalie Marcot, Yoann Drouillas, Rosalie Vandromme, and Thomas Lebourg

Improving the resilience of territories to landslides is a rising need for security managers in a context of climate change, with the increase in frequency and intensity of extreme events. The French department of the Alpes-Maritimes has experienced numerous heavy rainfall occurences  over the last two decades, among which the particularly intense events of November 2019 and October 2020 (known as Storm Alex) should be mentioned. During these intense events, the Menton municipality has experienced several damaging landslides. In this context, it is necessary to develop innovative operational systems, based on rainfall data, which is a fundamental physical parameter for triggering landslides. In this study, we propose to develop a tool for landslide prevention at a municipality scale. For that, a fine-tuned approach is proposed : we uses a physical based model to estimate the landslide susceptibility induced by meteorological events, with considering the influence of groundwater level evolution on slope stability. This distributed model is based on a limit equilibrium method that computes Safety Factor along 2D profiles over the entire area. Then a hydrogeological model has been applied for estimating the daily local piezometric level, based on meteorological parameters (rainfall, snowmelt, evapotranspiration...) that might evolve in response to rainfall. Spatialized radar rainfall data has also been introduced and has made it possible to improve the temporal and spatial accuracy of susceptibility maps, by making them "dynamic" and thus facilitating real-time forecasting. This analysis is now possible by setting up a processing chain that, starting with the radar measurement of rainfall (grid resolution 1km²) and through the computation of the corresponding groundwater level, allows a landslide susceptibility map to be produced in response to groundwater level fluctuations. The methodology has been tested on a significant rainfall episode in 2019, and the results are presented. This system is intended for local managers, which are facing with the management of landslide risk. The accuracy of the approach and the different uncertainty sources are presented, leading to some discussions about some necessary improvements of the system for a reliable Early Warning System.

How to cite: Bernardie, S., Viaggio, S., Marcot, N., Drouillas, Y., Vandromme, R., and Lebourg, T.: Forecasting landslide occurrence from radar rainfall at the municipality scale : a case study in a Mediterranean climate context in France, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14512,, 2023.

EGU23-15170 | ECS | Orals | NH3.7

Low-cost Hydrological Monitoring System For Assessing Shallow Landslide Occurrence Along Linear Infrastructures 

Margherita Pavanello, Massimiliano Bordoni, Valerio Vivaldi, Mauro Reguzzoni, Andrea Tamburini, Fabio Villa, and Claudia Meisina



Shallow landslides induced by heavy rainfall are a worldwide widespread phenomena and their related hazard is expected to increase due to more intense rainfall as a consequence of climate change (EEA Report No 15/2017). Since 2017, a decision-making tool based on Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA) has been proposed as an objective approach to obtain landslide susceptibility maps and plan proper remedial works along linear infrastructure corridors (Tamburini et al., 2017). The study of low-cost sensors for Landslides Early Warning Systems (LEWS) as a risk mitigation tool to these phenomena along highways, railways and pipelines is here presented.


Soil hydrological conditions before a rainfall event for the estimation of trigger moments (Bordoni et al., 2019) are the starting point of a LEWS. Different sensors for the measure of these parameters, particularly soil volumetric water content, exist with different pros and cons. The aim of the research is to compare seven low-cost sensors selected by IMAGEO Srl company together with HORTUS Srl. The sensors have been engineered with a datalogging system and an automatic in-cloud transmission of the data and in June 2022 have been located on field at 2 different depths (-0.6 m and -1.2 m) at the test-site of Montuè in the Northern Apennines (Italy) where an Hydrometeorological Monitoring Station (Andromeda Project) is operating since 2012 with high-cost TDR probes present at the same depths. In November 2022 a volumetric water content profiler with nine measurement depths up to 1 m deep has been added to the new monitoring system.

The comparison between the hydrological data acquired by different sensors allows to evaluate the quality and reliability of the low-cost system before its final installation along the infrastructures lines. Monitored data together with rainfall parameters provided by both in situ rain gauges and ERA5-LAND satellite-derived data are used as input for the reconstruction of soil moisture values physically based thresholds.


The near real-time access to the monitored data allows to send warning alert when the established thresholds are exceeded, resulting in a LEWS able to identify periods of imminent landslide danger and to assess security along the lines.


How to cite: Pavanello, M., Bordoni, M., Vivaldi, V., Reguzzoni, M., Tamburini, A., Villa, F., and Meisina, C.: Low-cost Hydrological Monitoring System For Assessing Shallow Landslide Occurrence Along Linear Infrastructures, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15170,, 2023.

EGU23-16231 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.7

IoT-based monitoring and modelling of an unsaturated slope in Norway 

Luca Piciullo, Vittoria Capobianco, and Håkon Heyerdahl

A framework for an IoT-based local landslide early warning system (Lo-LEWS) has been proposed in Piciullo et al., 2022. The framework is composed by four main components: monitoring, modelling, forecasting and warning. The first two phases have been applied to capture the hydrological behavior and compute the slope stability of a natural unsaturated slope located adjacent to a railway track in Eastern Norway. The steep slope (about 45° in the upper part) is instrumented with several sensors since 2016 (Heyerdahl et al., 2018). Volumetric water content (VWC) and pore-water pressure (PWP) sensors were installed in late spring of 2016. In 2022 a weather station has been added to the monitoring network for measuring climate variables. These data are collected in real-time and are accessible on internet, while the PWP from the electric piezometers are collected manually.

GeoStudio software was used to create a slope model able to replicate the in-situ monitored conditions. SEEP module was used to back calculate the observed VWC and PWP. Simulations were carried out by changing the initial and boundary climate conditions of the slope. Two main simulation sets were conducted considering: an initial calibration of VWC profile (C), no calibration (NC). For each one, three different surface boundary conditions were applied: i) only precipitation, ii) precipitation and atmospheric conditions, iii) precipitation, atmospheric conditions and vegetation, considering the Penman-Monteith equation for evapotranspiration. The simulations have been validated using Taylor diagrams that graphically summarize how closely a pattern, or a set of patterns, matches observations. The results show that including an initial calibration, climate variables and vegetation, is crucial to best model the response of the unsaturated slope in Eidsvoll.

A sensitivity analysis on the hydraulic conductivity and the permeability anisotropy contributed to better define the input data and to improve the fitting model-observations. The effectiveness of the best simulation, in back-calculating VWC, was tested for 3 different time periods: 6-month, 1-year, 1.25-year. The results show that the hydrological model can adequately represent the real monitored conditions up to a 1-year period, a recalibration is needed afterward. In addition, a slope stability analysis with GeoStudio SLOPE module, for the 1-year period, was coupled to the SEEP module (Piciullo et al., 2022) to compute the factor of safety (FS). A supervised, regression machine learning analysis has been carried out using a random forest machine learning model. The analysis has highlighted the importance of the monitored VWC in forecasting the FS. The VWC values are the variables measured in real time on the slope. For this reason, the possibility to predict the FS from VWC is relevant for the implementation of a real-time slope stability analysis as a Lo-LEWS.  

Heyerdahl H., Hoydal O. A., Kvistedal Y., Gisnas K. G., Carotenuto P. (2018). Slope instrumentation and unsaturated stability evaluation for steep natural slope close to railway line. In UNSAT 2018: The 7th International Conference on Unsaturated Soils.

Piciullo, L., Capobianco, V. & Heyerdahl, H. (2022) A monitored unsaturated slope in Norway: Eidsvoll case study. Klima 2050 Report;35  


How to cite: Piciullo, L., Capobianco, V., and Heyerdahl, H.: IoT-based monitoring and modelling of an unsaturated slope in Norway, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16231,, 2023.

Mountain torrents and debris flows are widely distributed in the mountainous region, threatening the urban development and infrastructure in mountain areas. The adverse effects of these hazards may increase due to the continued socio-economic development and influence of climate change on the frequency and magnitude of the hazards. This lecture introduces an early warning system of mountain hazards based on hazards process simulation and associated risk forecasting. The system identifies the watershed with high susceptibility to mountain hazard occurrences by monitoring the hazard-fostering conditions and real-time meteorological data. Focusing on those watersheds, the formation and movement of the hazards were simulated while different characteristics were captured, such as debris flow scale amplification and flash flood erosion. The risk of the mountain hazards was assessed based on the whole process of disaster formation-movement-deposition/disaster-causing. Compared with traditional early warning systems, which largely rely on rainfall thresholds and expert judgment, this proposed system is fully data-driven and process-based, while little human intervention is required. This system provides more accurate early warning information, and risk forecasting can better support disaster response planning for the government agency. This system is currently under trial in Liangshan Prefecture, Sichuan Province of China. Just in 2022, 15 debris flow and 52 flash flood events were captured and the early warning information was delivered to the residents and government. The accuracy is more than 79% and significantly improved the disaster resilience of the mountainous region.

About the Presenter

 Prof. CUI Peng has long been engaged in research on the formation mechanism, risk assessment, monitoring and early warning, prevention and control technology of debris flows and other mountain hazards. He has given a strong pulse to several topics of major relevance for disaster risk reduction and management, including (1) deepening the understanding of debris flow formation, scale amplification, and disaster-causing mechanisms; (2) providing rigorous insights concerning the formation and evolution of earthquake-induced hazards and multi-hazard chaining effect; (3) development of multi-scale disaster risk assessment model; (4) building of risk-level-based monitoring and early system to support efficient disaster reduction; and (5) creating the mass control and energy-based disaster mitigation theory and technology. He has published more than 400 papers with over 12000 citations and is the world's most published scholar in the field of debris flow.

How to cite: Cui, P.: A data-driven and process-based system for mountain torrent and debris flow early warning and risk forecasting, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17044,, 2023.

Analysis and prediction of climate-driven geohazards, such as rainfall-induced landslides and slope failures, are becoming more challenging given the changing climate where extreme events are inevitable. Therefore, there is a need to move beyond conventional sources of data and consider multiple types of data for more accurate analysis and prediction of landslides. In recent years, Data Fusion and Machine Learning techniques have played an important role in paving the path towards a better understanding of the problem and finding more accurate models at regional and local levels that incorporate several contributing factors for slope failures. The purpose of the study is thus to evaluate the capacities of machine learning models in landslide susceptibility prediction and analyze their model performance in comparison of a numerical method, Transient Rainfall Infiltration and Grid-Based Regional Slope-Stability Model (TRIGRS). Classic machine learning models, namely Multi-Layer Perceptron Neural Network (MLP), Random Forest (RF), Gradient Boosted Regression Tree (GBRT) and Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) are selected and developed respectively. The study is carried out based on a preliminary field survey of rainfall-induced landslides near Kvam village, Norway, in June 2011. A methodology workflow of landslide susceptibility modeling is proposed, in which effective data processing approaches including feature selection, data resampling, data splitting, and feature scaling are discussed and summarized. The optimal hyperparameter optimization method is determined by performing a comparative time efficiency analysis of Bayesian and Grid Search methods. It is concluded that GBRT is the optimal method for landslide susceptibility mapping in the study case of Kvam based on seven popular model evaluation metrics. Other tree-based machine learning algorithms (RF and XGBoost) also show an overall outstanding performance and computational efficiency in comparison to MLP and TRIGRS models. The landslide susceptibility maps developed by prediction results from five models are also presented and statistically analyzed. Corresponding model performance ranks are found with results from model evaluation metrics.

How to cite: Luo, H., Liu, Z., Pan, Y., and Rocchi, I.: GIS-based rainfall-induced landslide susceptibility mapping: a comparative analysis of machine learning algorithms and a numerical method in Kvam, Norway, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17051,, 2023.

EGU23-17343 | Orals | NH3.7 | Highlight

Lessons learned from the demonstrator 5G RuralDorset project: a pilot landslide monitoring system using Internet of Things, Machine Learning and 5G/NB-IoT mobile networks 

Catherine Pennington, Marios Angelopoulos, Christian Arnhardt, Matthew Dray, Vanessa Banks, Simon Holyoake, and John Christopher

The 5G RuralDorset project ( was a large (£9M; 2020-2022), multi-disciplinary project funded by the UK Department for Culture, Media and Sport that aimed to understand how 5G mobile network technologies could address some specific challenges in rural communities in Dorset, UK: public safety, economic growth, food production and environmental.  Work Package X aimed to develop and trial a novel landslide monitoring system for coastal cliffs using 5G/NB-IoT (Narrow Band - Internet of Things) technologies.  The system comprised a set of small, fully autonomous, highly integrated and power efficient sensing devices that were able to collect sensory data to identify landslide activity and landslide movement. These data were transmitted wirelessly using 5G/NB-IoT to a cloud-based Data Management Platform, where they were presented to the end user over a web interface for processing by Machine Learning algorithms. It is important to note that the term ‘Internet of Things’ has been used widely in recent years in application to landslide monitoring to in fact describe real-time telemetry of data. However, the true added value of IoT-enabled systems lies in their ability to extract knowledge from collected data, make decisions and take actions based on ambient conditions and evolution of physical processes.  This talk will describe the lessons learned from this work and highlight some of the obstacles to overcome when attempting to develop and commission such a system.

How to cite: Pennington, C., Angelopoulos, M., Arnhardt, C., Dray, M., Banks, V., Holyoake, S., and Christopher, J.: Lessons learned from the demonstrator 5G RuralDorset project: a pilot landslide monitoring system using Internet of Things, Machine Learning and 5G/NB-IoT mobile networks, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17343,, 2023.

EGU23-331 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.8

Kalka Shimla Railways – A UNESCO World Heritage Site Exposed to Landslides 

Ankur Sharma and Har Amrit Singh Sandhu

The Kalka Shimla Railway was built in the mid-19th century during British rule in India to connect Shimla, then the British summer capital and the headquarters of the British army, with the Indian rail network. Considered the “Crown Jewel” of the Indian National Railways during British times, the rail network features in the Guinness Book of World Records for its steepest rise in altitude, from 656 m at Kalka to 2,076 m at Shimla in a span of 96.57 km. It was granted UNESCO World Heritage Status in 2008 for its profound impact on the social and economic development of the high mountain areas. Despite conservation management plans and regular permanent maintenance, the track faces the vagaries of nature. Slips and landslides, in particular, cause frequent disruptions in its operations. The present study focuses on susceptibility mapping for the Kalka Shimla Railway, often dubbed the “Toy Train”, to determine the degree of its exposure to landslides. Data from 1,484 past landslide locations is used to train a Random Forest classifier with Bayesian hyperparameter optimization to ensure accurate classifications. The trained model is validated using 5-fold cross-validation with an accuracy of 90.6% and an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC) value of 0.97. The accuracy and AUROC values during the testing stage for the model are 91.7% and 0.97, respectively. The final susceptibility map is validated using the landslide density method after dividing the posterior probabilities into five classes based on Jenks optimization. The landslide densities of the five susceptibility zones, namely “Very High”, “High”, “Medium”, “Low” and “Very Low” are 17.180, 0.196, 0.036, 0.008, and 0.001 respectively, which reflect the quality of susceptibility zonation mapping because 96.55% of all the landslides lie within only 5.62% of the study area with “Very High” susceptibility. The results of the study show that 36.9% of the total length of the railway is exposed to either “High” or “Very High” landslide susceptibility. The degree of exposure is particularly severe in the Solan district where landslides have interrupted the normal operations of the railway as recently as the last monsoon spell in the region. The results of this study may help policymakers and concerned authorities implement decisive protection measures for the preservation of this heritage site and its outstanding legacy.

How to cite: Sharma, A. and Sandhu, H. A. S.: Kalka Shimla Railways – A UNESCO World Heritage Site Exposed to Landslides, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-331,, 2023.

The headwater regions of the Yangtze, Yellow, and Mekong rivers are called Sanjiangyuan in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. During the last decades, glaciers and permafrost are suffering from rising temperatures and precipitation, thus exacerbating surface instability and fostering landslides consequently. We utilized satellite-based interferometric monitoring to detect instability precursors and reconstruct deformation scenarios with 106 descending Sentinel-1 SAR images acquired from February 2016 to July 2020 in Yushu, Sanjiangyuan region where a typical earthflow occurred. Considering freezing and thawing would induce a large bias from linear deformation, the newly developed model was proposed by integrating in-situ soil temperature and moisture to separate the gravity-driven displacement and seasonal deformation. Four potential landslide prone slopes were identified in a less steep and shady landform with a maximum creep speed up to 45 mm at the regional scale. For the Yushu slope case, slow creep and accelerating creep behaviors were retrieved as precursory with the displacement rate varying from 11 mm/yr to 21 mm/yr before the failure. A seasonal oscillation pattern without gravity displacement was detected at the post-failure stage. In addition, we found that complex piecewise deformation patterns can be characterized by fast uplift (with the maximum deformation up to 20 mm in less than 30 days) in the early winter, and relatively slow subsidence in summer thawing (with the maximum value estimated by 10 mm in more than 37 days). The magnitude and duration of seasonal displacement were highly correlated with the internal hydro-thermal regime, especially soil moisture. Our result highlighted that a deformation separation model is necessary for identifying potential solifluction, evaluating the deformation state, and even forecasting risk in the periglacial regions.

How to cite: Meng, Q., Intrieri, E., Raspini, F., and Peng, Y.: Identification of earthflow-prone slopes (solifluction) in permafrost regions by a combination of satellite-based interferometry and in-situ investigations - a case study in Yushu, Sanjiangyuan, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-971,, 2023.

EGU23-1400 | ECS | Orals | NH3.8

Digital rock mass characterization for landslide risk mitigation in a nature reserve 

Davide Caliò, Simone Mineo, and Giovanna Pappalardo

The analysis of a three-dimensional digital model, derived from aerophotogrammetric data, is presented herein as an alternative and homogeneously improved tool for the study of rock masses in restricted areas, such as nature reserves, which are often protected by dedicated management strategies. Airborne photogrammetric and infrared thermography techniques were applied for the geostructural and morphological characterization of the tourist path at Lachea Island, belonging to the nature reserve archipelago "Lachea Islet and Cyclop Rocks" in eastern Sicily (Italy). Geologically, it is considered one of the earliest evolutionary stages of the volcano Etna that occurred about half a million years ago, which has been on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 2013 due to its exceptional level of volcanic activity. It is a world-renowned tourist destination that suffers from limited enjoyment due to the instability of the rock masses. This methodological approach provided quantitative and qualitative data on both the spatial orientation of discontinuities and the location of major structural features, as well as the volume of protruding blocks and the identification of areas of block detachment. The digitally derived spatial data were used to perform a kinematic analysis of the rock masses, highlighting the most recurrent unstable failure patterns. Infrared thermography allowed also defining the most relevant discontinuities. Through the detailed analysis of the 3D model, it was also possible to recognize potential source areas of future rockfalls, which were modelled through trajectory simulations. The results showed that rockfall threat is a crucial issue affecting the nature reserve and that the methodological approach carried out allows a quick, reliable rock mass characterization for practical purposes. Digital data were validated by a field surveying campaign, which returned a satis-factory match proving the usefulness and suitability of the approach, allowing quick and reliable rock mass characterization in the frame of practical use and risk management purposes.



How to cite: Caliò, D., Mineo, S., and Pappalardo, G.: Digital rock mass characterization for landslide risk mitigation in a nature reserve, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1400,, 2023.

The adoption of quantitative risk assessments (QRA) for land-slide management decision-making has increased over the last few decades, particularly when projects threaten sensitive built environments and heritage sites. The QRA process provides a quantitative estimate of the level of risk that can then be evaluated against adopted criteria for decision-making purposes regarding the need for prevention and mitigation. Although the QRA process provides for considerations of uncertainty in landslide hazard (occurrence probability, volumes, velocities, runout distances, etc.) and consequence (e.g. quantity and vulnerability of exposed population and infrastructure); The uncertainty associated with quantification in the QRA process is seldom understood or quantified.  

This presentation shares the outcome of a research project where the uncertainties associated with the QRA process were quantified in order to gain an understanding of the reliability in landslide QRA. The results are evaluated in terms of typical ranges within common risk tolerability criteria. The knowledge gained on this project was used to develop a simplified approach to consider uncertainty in QRA for practical purposes, which is illustrated for a section of highway exposed to rock fall hazards in Canmore, Alberta, Canada. The QRA was selected to inform decision-making for the selection of rock fall protection strategies at a location where environmental concerns, tourism activities, and economic activities are of significant value for the public. This significantly increased the complexity of the decision-making process, and therefore required a robust, clear approach for balancing public socio-economic expectations and safety. In the QRA process, uncertainty was associated with hazard and consequence quantification. The work elicited the plausible ranges for the input variables for risk calculation. The expected and the range in risk were calculated for the current conditions and considering the implementation of the mitigation option. The individual risk to highway users was considered low because of the limited exposure of any particular individual. The calculated current total risk (probability of fatality) was 2.9 × 10−4 with a plausible range between 2.0 × 10−5 and 5.5 × 10−3. The residual total risk considering implementation of the slope protection was calculated between 9.0 × 10−4 and 2.9 × 10−6, with an expected value of 4.5 × 10−5.The risk levels considering implementation of the mitigation options were evaluated against criteria previously used in Canada. These were considered an adequate balance between project costs, public safety, environmental concerns, tourism, and economic activities.

How to cite: Macciotta, R.: Considering uncertainty in the Quantitative Risk Analysis process to inform decision-making for landslide risk mitigation strategies, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1757,, 2023.

EGU23-5014 | Orals | NH3.8 | Highlight

The Copernicus European Ground Motion Service (EGMS) validation: a landslide monitoring prospective. 

Filippo Vecchiotti and Arben Kociu

The advent of the EGMS service offers chances and opportunities to EU Member States practitioners and researchers into the field of landslide monitoring. As member of the EGMS validation team, under the lead of SIXENSE, the Geosphere Austria carried out the in situ validation activity for five test sites spread over Europe. The focus of this paper is the inter-comparison of an automatic geodetic monitoring system installed at two landslide locations in Tyrol, Austria against the main products offered by the EGMS:

  • level 2a
  • level 2b
  • level 3

The comparison was performed in a Jupiter hub environment created ad hoc for the validation project by our partner Terrasigna. The workflow was developed in R language and validates error, precision and accuracy of the (in-situ) velocities and time series (TS) against the correspondent MT-InSAR values of the EGMS.

The workflow is made of several highly customisable modules:

  • reads and visualises the two datasets;
  • performs a series of analysis such as smoothing (simplification), outliers search and trends for both time series;
  • inter-compares all the combinations of derived TS datasets and calculates for each couple RMSE, Coefficient of Determination (R2) and index of agreement;
  • plots the TS and bar diagrams of the best scores in terms of minimum errors, maximum accuracy and maximum precision;
  • delivers a Quality Index (QI) between 0-1 for each EGMS product;

The results of the in-situ validation activity will be presented and explained. In fact, considering the type of natural hazard (deep-seated gravitational slope deformation) and his location (vegetated and high relief alpine morphology), this validation set the perfect example to discuss strength and weakness of the EGMS if compared to state-of-the art in-situ monitoring systems installed in such extreme and remote areas.


How to cite: Vecchiotti, F. and Kociu, A.: The Copernicus European Ground Motion Service (EGMS) validation: a landslide monitoring prospective., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5014,, 2023.

EGU23-5091 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.8

Sensor Fusion for Monitoring Unstable Rock Slopes - A Case Study from the Stampa Instability, Norway 

Lukas Schild, Thomas Scheiber, Paula Snook, Stig Frode Samnøy, Lene Kristensen, Alexander Maschler, and Reza Arghandeh

The unstable rock slope Stampa is located north-east of the touristic town of Flåm, Norway along the Aurlandfjord and displays signs of post-glacial deformation over a large area and a volume of several million m3. Directly below the rock slope lies the European Road E16, a highly frequented connection between Bergen and Oslo. Two high-risk objects have been identified on the instability, which are currently being monitored continuously by the Norwegian Energy and Water Directorate. The Landslide Research Group at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences uses an object on the unstable rock slope, Block 4a, as a field laboratory for sensor networks. The approximately 5,000 m3 Block sits on a highly fractured base of approximately 40,000 m3 and has recently been moving at speeds in excess of 1 cm per day. Different failure scenarios threaten the European Road under the object and potentially the town of Flåm. Data from an on-site sensor network with a range of instruments such as wire-extensometer, inclinometer, temperature loggers and geophones has been collected over a period of three years and combined with remote sensing data from a robotic total station, ground-based InSAR and satellite-based InSAR with the use of a corner reflector as persistent scatterer as well as weather station data from Stampa. Sensor Fusion has been used to merge the data of the different sensors and exploit the different resolutions of the respective sensors. This led to the development of a data set with high spatiotemporal resolution capturing the physical properties of Block 4a, such as displacement direction and velocity. This approach makes use of complementary sensor data to fill gaps in time series of other sensors, which can be caused by sensor faults or are due to sensor down-times during maintenance. Both the sensor fusion approach as well as filtering of outliers requires expert knowledge about the system in question, which sensor fusion research groups often do not integrate into their analysis. We propose thus a holistic analysis approach at the intersection between data science and geology. Preliminary analyses of the augmented data for Block 4a confirm high displacement rates at the end of 2022. This follows a general trend of acceleration that has been observed over the last three years. Furthermore, the displacement accelerations seem to follow a seasonality, with acceleration phases in spring and autumn, while summer and winter coincide with less movement. Based on the sensor fusion analysis we can identify that rain fall periods in autumn as well as snowmelt in spring have an impact on the block displacement. However, we conclude that precipitation alone cannot explain acceleration phases. Instead, we propose a model based on the combined influence of rain and snowmelt paired with air and rock surface temperature on the slope movement. In combination with a refined sensor fusion process, we expect our work to be transferable and relevant for the monitoring of other unstable rock slopes.

How to cite: Schild, L., Scheiber, T., Snook, P., Samnøy, S. F., Kristensen, L., Maschler, A., and Arghandeh, R.: Sensor Fusion for Monitoring Unstable Rock Slopes - A Case Study from the Stampa Instability, Norway, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5091,, 2023.

EGU23-6153 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.8

Displacement measurements of three slow moving landslides at Almenningar, north Iceland. A feature tracking application. 

Elias Arnar Ninuson, Þorsteinn Sæmundsson, and Benjamin Hennig

In 1968 the Siglufjarðarvegur road was built in north Iceland, serving as the only whole year road connecting the remote town of Siglufjörður with the capital city of Reykjavík. This road cuts through the area of Almenningar where three active slow moving landslides are situated, these are the Tjarnadalir, Þúfnavellir and Hraun landslides. The constant activity of these landslides affect a 5-6 km long stretch of the road that has been a problem both for the road authorities as well as travellers in terms of safety and maintenance. All three landslides have been mapped and studied before and the northernmost area of Tjarnadalir has gained the most attention as rate of movement is considered to be up to 1 m/yr for some periods. This is also the case for the southernmost Hraun landslide (0.83 m/yr) but the Þúfnavellir landslide in the middle is moving much slower with an estimated rate of 0.17 m/yr. The movement rate is constant with shorter periods of increased activity and there is strong evidence that the rate of movement is directly linked with weather patterns as more water in the landslide systems seems to cause increased activity. Ever since the year 1977, the road authorities have conducted GPS displacement measurements on a yearly basis with a limited number of points that are all situated along the road. Little is known about the different movement rates within the landslide bodies themselves but this study extends these displacement measurements through the application of remote sensing. Aerial photogrammetry comparison will be conducted with the feature tracking method in order to estimate the rate of movement throughout the entirity of all three landslide bodies. Available data extends back to the year 1954 to present day, giving an unprecedented insight into the temporal and spatial dynamics of the landslides.

How to cite: Ninuson, E. A., Sæmundsson, Þ., and Hennig, B.: Displacement measurements of three slow moving landslides at Almenningar, north Iceland. A feature tracking application., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6153,, 2023.

EGU23-6456 | Orals | NH3.8

Envirosciences - a multi-parametric low-cost and modular station for documenting geohazards: station specifications and time series products 

Florian Bourcier, Maurin Vidal, Maxime Bès de Berc, Céleste Broucke, Nicolas Chatelain, Jean-Philippe Malet, Xavier Wanner, Clément Hibert, Jean Letort, Franck Grimaud, Guy Sénéchal, Thomas Lebourg, Lucie Rolland, and Frédéric Masson

Envirosciences is developing an integrated multi-parameter low-cost monitoring station encompassing the geohazard and geophysical community needs. It consists in integrating co-located sensors ((meteorology, seismology, GNSS) on the same data acquisition card with modular configurations compatible with the EPOS - European Plate Observing System- specifications (sensor type, data sampling, noise level, data and metadata format). On-line data dissemination sand on-demand processing services are further being developed in order to propose advanced products such as GNSS position time series, advanced hydro-meteorological variables and seismic/micro-seismic catalogues.

A dense network of 45 stations is currently being implemented in the Western and Central Pyrenees (South France). The network consists of a seismological, meteorological and geodetic (GNSS) antennas. The measurement network is semi-permanent with at least ten years of observation. It will allow to create catalogues of hydro-geomorphological and tectonic events, to document Pyrenean tectonic uplift, and to better constrain local micro-meteorology from the valley bottoms to the summit ridges (by combining co-localised measurements of classic meteorological parameters - wind, temperature, pressure, humidity, precipitation - and tomography of vertical water vapor profiles from GNSS delays).

The objective of the presentation is to present the technological development of the station which combines several types of sensors (2 Hz seismometers, dual-frequency GNSS receivers and meteorological stations), a high-frequency geophysical digitization module, a communication module (WiFi or4G) and a power supply module (by solar energy or 220V). Softwares to control the station have been created, as well as software to supervise the database and codes to interpret the measurements.

We will further present the processing worklows and the time series of data acquired since November 2022 on 8 measurement stations already deployed in the Pyrenees. By the end of 2023, the full network of 45 autonomous real-time stations will be deployed with inter-station distances of around 5 km.

How to cite: Bourcier, F., Vidal, M., Bès de Berc, M., Broucke, C., Chatelain, N., Malet, J.-P., Wanner, X., Hibert, C., Letort, J., Grimaud, F., Sénéchal, G., Lebourg, T., Rolland, L., and Masson, F.: Envirosciences - a multi-parametric low-cost and modular station for documenting geohazards: station specifications and time series products, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6456,, 2023.

EGU23-7062 | ECS | Orals | NH3.8 | Highlight

Identifying landslides from massive seismic data and machine learning: the case of the European Alps 

Charlotte Groult, Clément Hibert, Jean-Philippe Malet, and Floriane Provost

Recent large landslides in many parts of the World (Nuugaatsiaq, Greenland; Taan-Tyndall, US; Culluchaca, Peru) as well as the increase in the frequency of mass movements in the European Alps (e.g. collapse of the Drus, Mont Blanc Massif, France; Piz Cengalo, Switzerland) revealed the threat of such events to human activity. Seismology provides continuous recordings of landslide activity at long distances. The objective of this work is to present a method to identify and construct instrumental landslide catalogs from massive seismological data. The method is developed and applied for the period 2000-2022 at the scale of the European Alps (~ 900 x 300 km). 

The detection method applied to the seismological observations consists of computing the energy of the signal between 2 and 10 Hz. Then, a supervised Random Forest classifier is trained to identify the source of the event (earthquakes or landslides). To implement  the seismological detection and identification methods, we compiled a database of 65 landslides and 4515 earthquakes (of MLv > 0.1). The dataset is composed of 2221 seismological traces of landslides and 17353 traces of earthquakes. Tests of the Random Forest identification method gave us a rate of good identification of around 100% for landslides and 96% for earthquakes. Tests on continuous data of the 65 days of the reference landslide events allow finding 235 new landslides including 61 over 65 reference events.

The trained model is then applied on continuous seismic data (~ 400 stations) acquired over the European Alps since 2000. To reject as many noise detections as possible, a first sorting of all detections is performed by looking at SNR ratio, number of stations involved in the detection in a small area and probability scores given by the Random Forest. The instrumental catalog is composed of ~ 183.000 possible landslides. In order to review the catalog, reject possible false detections and interpret the inventory, we developed a localization method. A first order of the localization is given by the spatial clusters of seismological stations that have detected the landslide signals. Then, to refine localizations, we compute travel times from seismological stations to all points of the area with a fast marching method and we perform the inversion by using NonLinLoc software (Lomax et al. 2000). The final landslide instrumental catalog will be presented and discussed.

How to cite: Groult, C., Hibert, C., Malet, J.-P., and Provost, F.: Identifying landslides from massive seismic data and machine learning: the case of the European Alps, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7062,, 2023.

EGU23-7366 | Orals | NH3.8

Permanent Monitoring Solution based on 3D Terrestrial Laser Scanner 

Bernhard Groiss, Thomas Gaisecker, and Markus Handl

RIEGL Laser Measurement Systems GmbH produces different laser scanners for a very wide range of applications. The technology is based on the time-of-flight principle and thus allows surfaces to be measured over a large distance in a very short time.

These devices are designed for use under difficult external conditions. Therefore terrestrial laser scanners have been used for many years for monitoring purposes e.g. landslides, erosion, avalanches etc. The effort to process the data and make it usable for further steps was left to the individual user.

We at RIEGL have taken on the topic and developed a solution how to achieve the mentioned results quickly and above all reliably.
In combination with increasingly efficient processors and communication technologies, it is possible to make the results of measurements, differences to previous measurements, available almost in real time for further interpretation via the Internet.

The current terrestrial laser scanners allow apps to be run directly on board. With the existing interfaces, the sensor can also be connected with the RIEGL V-Line CB23, a communication box, which ensures smooth 24/7 operation with SMS notification in case of a system failure and full remote operation of the system via LTE mobile network. The complete package, represents a very efficient monitoring solution for measuring surfaces, even at long distances and under demanding environmental conditions.

How to cite: Groiss, B., Gaisecker, T., and Handl, M.: Permanent Monitoring Solution based on 3D Terrestrial Laser Scanner, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7366,, 2023.

EGU23-7815 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.8

Stability of a rock slope overlying a weak clay: the difficult case of Balze di Verghereto (Italy) 

Rodolfo Rani, Andrea Benini, Andrea Foschi, and Matteo Berti

A common slope instability problem is the presence of hard rock lithotypes (such as limestones or sandstones) overlying weak rocks or soils (such as clays or shales). In this geological setting, hard rocks tend to create steep slopes or cliffs that become unstable because of the low shear strength of the underlying weak material. Landslides can take the form of slow, gradual spreading of rock blocks, or they can occur suddenly, in the form of a quick catastrophic collapse. These catastrophic landslides typically consist of deep rotational failures in the weak rocks induced by the weight of the rock mass above. The presence of groundwater at the contact between the two lithotypes and the generation of tensional cracks within the more brittle rock are additional factors that can influence the triggering of these hazardous landslides.

At the same time, gentle slopes below cliffs are ideal for human settlements. The physical presence of a cliff can act as a natural barrier, protecting the site from external threats and helping to preserve the site. Moreover, natural water springs or water-bearing strata are usually present in these sites due to the presence of permeable rock masses over less permeable materials. For these reasons, many cultural heritage sites are in these peculiar geological conditions. It is therefore important to assess the risk of landslides at cultural heritage sites and take appropriate measures to reduce the risk of damage and ensure visitors' safety.

In this study, we analyze the case of the Balze di Verghereto village located in the Nothern Apennines of Italy (Forlì-Cesena Province). This small historic village is built directly at the foot of a sandstone cliff and sits upon a heterogeneous clay formation. The site was affected by several landslides in the last century, and the main concern is now the collapse of the rock slope due to a deep rotational slide. Slope stability analysis of these phenomena are challenging for many reasons:

  • Geological materials are difficult to characterize, especially in the case of overconsolidated-fissured clays and weakly-cemented rocks.
  • Numerical instability can occur because of the presence of two geological materials characterized by very different mechanical properties (strengths and deformability).
  • The abruptly stepped morphology, produced by the presence of different lithologies, complicates the generation of the grid model used to represent the slope.

To face these problems, stability analyses were conducted using different strategies. In particular, we compared finite-difference modeling performed by FLAC 3.4 2D software adopting different constitutive laws (elastic-plastic and anisotropic ubiquitous-joint), boundary conditions (fixed vs free boundaries), and the presence or absence of interfaces. Numerical simulations were then compared with general limit equilibrium analyses conducted using various potential shapes of slip surfaces (circular, composite, and trapezoidal).

The results show that the collapse of the rock slope is unlikely, but clearly highlight the difficulty of the prediction. Beyond this result, the study provided an understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of different approaches for the analysis of a slope in this peculiar geological setting.

How to cite: Rani, R., Benini, A., Foschi, A., and Berti, M.: Stability of a rock slope overlying a weak clay: the difficult case of Balze di Verghereto (Italy), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7815,, 2023.

EGU23-8053 | ECS | Orals | NH3.8

Combining optical and SAR remote sensing data for landslide detection and monitoring after extreme climate events: a case study in the northeastern Italian Alps. 

Silvia Puliero, Sansar Raj Meena, Ascanio Rosi, Filippo Catani, and Mario Floris

Following extreme climate events, a timely and detailed landslide mapping is necessary to determine which areas have been most affected and to support civil protection in rescue operations. Moreover, the monitoring of slope instabilities can lead to an appropriate hazard and risk assessment of the affected areas and to an effective design of remediation works. The integration of optical and SAR remote sensing data acquired by spaceborne sensors plays a key role in these types of evaluations. Optical sensors perform better in terms of spatial and temporal resolution; SAR sensors have the advantage of acquiring images in all weather and light conditions. In this case study, an unstable slope located on the left side of the Boite river in the municipality of Valle di Cadore (northeastern Italian Alps) was investigated after windstorm Vaia event that occurred in October 2018. Medium and high-resolution optical imagery acquired by Sentinel-2 and PlanetScope missions, respectively, have been exploited to calculate NDVI values before and after the event as well as to identify and delineate the most damaged areas using the change detection technique. Then, the processing of Sentinel-1 SAR data through the Small BAseline Subset (SBAS) multi-temporal algorithm allowed for monitoring the evolution of the slope during the post-event. The results show the benefits of combining optical and SAR data to map and monitor the evolution of a slope that was affected by an extreme event such as the windstorm Vaia. In particular, the optical data show the sectors affected by slope instabilities and the time series derived by the SBAS analysis quantifies the displacement rate, emphasizing that the slope is still active. In conclusion, the analysis carried out reveals how these techniques can now become a concrete part of the design of systems to mitigate geological risks derived from hydrometeorological phenomena, whose frequency appears to be increasing due to climate change.

How to cite: Puliero, S., Meena, S. R., Rosi, A., Catani, F., and Floris, M.: Combining optical and SAR remote sensing data for landslide detection and monitoring after extreme climate events: a case study in the northeastern Italian Alps., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8053,, 2023.

EGU23-9219 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.8

Inferring The Impact Of Vaia Storm On Slopes Stability Using Sentinel-1 Data. 

Raniero Beber, Giulia Bossi, Federica Ceccotto, Gianluca Marcato, Alessandro Pasuto, and Matteo Mantovani

The Mediterranean storm “Vaia” hit the north-east of the Italian Alps at the end of October 2018. The strong wind gusts exceeding 200 km/h and the intense precipitation damaged more than 42,000 hectares of forests and caused floods that had a severe impact on the geo-hydrological balance of mountain basins. One of the most affected area, the province of Belluno, still bears the clear signs of the destructive effects of this extreme meteorological event, nevertheless the long-term impact on the slopes stability is yet far to be assessed. This study investigates the “Vaia” storm impact by analyzing time-series of the interferometric data acquired since 2015 by the European Space Agency’s Sentinel-1 mission.  Radar interferometry is, at present, the only technique capable to measure small ground displacements of large areas over long time periods. The rationale of the proposed approach assumes that changes in the response of radar targets, located over slopes, are proxy of change in the style of activity of landslides and in particular of their activation, re-activation and acceleration. The purpose is to evaluate the possibility to detect a statistical relationship between the occurrence of “Vaia” storm and the state of activity of mass movements. This type of analysis could be useful in helping to interpret the impact of extreme meteorological events on the landscape and in developing strategies for mitigating potential risks in the next future. This research is carried out in the framework of  Project VAILAND, a joint research agreement funded by the Veneto Region (Italy).

How to cite: Beber, R., Bossi, G., Ceccotto, F., Marcato, G., Pasuto, A., and Mantovani, M.: Inferring The Impact Of Vaia Storm On Slopes Stability Using Sentinel-1 Data., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9219,, 2023.

EGU23-11451 | Orals | NH3.8

Role of Geological Surveys of Europe in landslide monitoring 

Mateja Jemec Auflič, Gerardo Herrera, Rosa María Mateos, Eleftheria Poyiadji, Lídia Quental, Bernardie Severine, Tina Peternel, Laszlo Podolszki, Stefano Calcaterra, Arben Kociu, Bartłomiej Warmuz, Jan Jelének, Kleopas Hadjicharalambous, Gustaf Peterson Becher, Claire Dashwood, Peter Ondrus, Vytautas Minkevičius, Saša Todorović, Jens Jørgen Møller, and Jordi Marturia

This work was developed by the Earth Observation and Geohazards Expert Group from EGS and provides an overview of landslide monitoring techniques from 2005 to 2021. Based on the questionnaire, the following objectives were set: (1) to identify the type of monitored landslides, (2) to identify the landslide monitoring techniques, (3) to identify the spatial resolution, temporal resolution, and status of the technique (operational, non-operational), time of using (before the event, during the event, after the event), and applicability of the technique to the early warning system. The main contribution of this paper is to show the involvement of EGS in landslide monitoring and discuss the importance of geological data, which is often underestimated because of the use of relatively traditional, time-consuming methods. The collaborative work of 17 Geological Survey members of the Earth Observation and Geohazards Expert Group (EOEG) provided the landslide monitoring information and made this review possible. This review builds on landslide monitoring techniques at Geological Surveys, not only providing the review of the most often used techniques but also serving to highlight the importance of geological data in landslide monitoring. In addition, it provides new insights into the role of Geological Surveys in landslide monitoring.

Reference: Jemec Auflič, M., Herrera, G., Mateos, R.M. et al. Landslide monitoring techniques in the Geological Surveys of Europe. Landslides (2023).

How to cite: Jemec Auflič, M., Herrera, G., Mateos, R. M., Poyiadji, E., Quental, L., Severine, B., Peternel, T., Podolszki, L., Calcaterra, S., Kociu, A., Warmuz, B., Jelének, J., Hadjicharalambous, K., Peterson Becher, G., Dashwood, C., Ondrus, P., Minkevičius, V., Todorović, S., Møller, J. J., and Marturia, J.: Role of Geological Surveys of Europe in landslide monitoring, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11451,, 2023.

EGU23-11453 | ECS | Orals | NH3.8

Machine learning model to assess the spatial probability of Sentinel-1 based deformation trend changes 

Camilla Medici, Pierluigi Confuorto, SIlvia Bianchini, Matteo Del Soldato, Ascanio Rosi, Samuele Segoni, and Nicola Casagli

Satellite ground deformation monitoring is now a well-established reality and the MTInSAR (Multi-Temporal Interferometry Synthetic Aperture Radar) techniques have widely demonstrated their feasibility for detecting a wide range of slow-moving phenomena, e.g., landslides and subsidence at different scales. The launch of the ESA’s Sentinel-1 constellation has allowed acquiring massive quantities of radar images with a worldwide coverage and a short revisiting time. These characteristics, combined with the increasing computation capabilities and advanced processing techniques, have opened the opportunity of implementing a continuous monitoring service of ground surface deformations at regional scale. Tuscany, Veneto, and Valle d’Aosta regions (Italy) have benefited from this service exploiting ground deformation maps, periodically updated, and identifying the so-called anomalies of movement of radar targets, i.e., trend changes (e.g., accelerations) in the time series of displacement. However, the continuous monitoring system only has the ability to detect the anomalies of movement without being able to assess the propensity of a territory to be affected by them. Therefore, an approach for assessing the spatial probability of trend changes of InSAR-based ground deformations occurrence has been proposed. The occurrence probability of anomalies is determined by a Machine Learning (ML) algorithm, Random Forest, and the data used for the application of the model are the anomalies database and the predisposing factors (PF). The selected PFs can be split into two groups, indeed, in addition to the classical morphological and geological features, even five variables related to the radar system have been integrated. The latter parameters are two radar visibility indexes (C-index and R-index), the horizontal, along East-West direction, and vertical component of the velocity of displacement and the standard deviation of the satellite line of sight (LOS) velocity. These two groups of PFs can be considered a synthesis of the main factors that lead to the generation of anomalies. The procedure has been tested on the Tuscany region for assessing the spatial probability of anomalies occurrence related to landslides and subsidence. The outcomes of the procedure are two maps of the spatial probability of occurrence of landslides and subsidence anomalies. A cross-validation procedure has also been performed to verify the reliability of the final maps by exploiting anomalies collected in a different timespan from the input data and the official landslide and subsidence inventories. The resulting information, periodically updated, can represent a useful instrument for the regional authorities to identify the main driving forces leading to ground deformation anomalies and the areas where site investigations are to be carried out to assess the preliminary risk.

How to cite: Medici, C., Confuorto, P., Bianchini, S., Del Soldato, M., Rosi, A., Segoni, S., and Casagli, N.: Machine learning model to assess the spatial probability of Sentinel-1 based deformation trend changes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11453,, 2023.

EGU23-11653 | Posters on site | NH3.8

Hydro-geotechnical monitoring in dry-stone wall terraces for the investigation of rainfall-induced landslides: preliminary results from the UNESCO World Heritage Site of the Cinque Terre 

Giacomo Pepe, Andrea Vigo, Andrea Mandarino, Emanuele Raso, Francesco Marchese, Diego Di Martire, Giacomo Russo, Luigi Guerriero, Patrizio Scarpellini, Marco Firpo, Domenico Calcaterra, and Andrea Cevasco

Dry-stone wall terraces are among the most ancient and widespread agricultural practices on hilly-mountainous landscapes. Their historical, architectural, and environmental value has been recognized worldwide. Recently, “the art of dry-stone walls” was inscribed on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. These anthropic landscape transformations have important effects on both the slope geomorphology, by reducing steepness, and hydrology, by increasing water infiltration and soil moisture and by mitigating runoff. Under optimal management, dry-stone wall terraces favour farming, providing pedological and ecological advantages. However, following farmland abandonment, dry-stone wall terraces may progressively lose their hydro-geomorphological functions due to lack of maintenance. Over time, these dynamics can be accompanied by the development of severe erosion processes and mass movements which can lead to slope degradation issues and risk scenarios.

A wide variety of factors can influence the hydro-geomorphological response of terraced systems after their abandonment. In this work, the effects of land use and of management practices are explored in a small terraced area (12.5 hectares) surrounding the Manarola hamlet (eastern Liguria Region, north-western Italy), within the UNESCO World Heritage Site of the Cinque Terre. The research purpose is to investigate the hydro-geotechnical behaviour of dry-stone wall terraces in different land use conditions and state of management. The research activities are in the framework of the project Stonewalls4life, a LIFE EU-project aimed at investigating the role of dry-stone walls in increasing the resilience of rural territories and in counteracting the impacts of climate change.

The engineering-geological characterization of the pilot site was developed through a multidisciplinary approach consisting of geological and geomorphological surveys, in situ and laboratory geotechnical soil tests, excavation of shallow test pits and non-invasive geophysical surveys. The stratigraphic and geotechnical modelling of the test site allowed to implement integrated hydro-geotechnical monitoring systems aimed at measuring over time: (i) meteorological data (e.g., rainfall intensity, air humidity, air pressure), (ii) soil hydrological properties (e.g., volumetric water content, matrix suction), and (iii) loads acting on retaining walls (e.g., soil pore pressure). Different monitoring scenarios based on land use conditions (e.g., cultivated and abandoned) and dry-stone wall management practices (e.g., existing not maintained wall and reconstructed wall) were established.

From the whole set of investigations, it is expected to improve the knowledge concerning the hydrological processes occurring in dry-stone wall terraces and to obtain useful information for modelling soil mass movements (e.g., shallow landslides), along with indications for the development of effective land management strategies.

How to cite: Pepe, G., Vigo, A., Mandarino, A., Raso, E., Marchese, F., Di Martire, D., Russo, G., Guerriero, L., Scarpellini, P., Firpo, M., Calcaterra, D., and Cevasco, A.: Hydro-geotechnical monitoring in dry-stone wall terraces for the investigation of rainfall-induced landslides: preliminary results from the UNESCO World Heritage Site of the Cinque Terre, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11653,, 2023.

EGU23-12618 | Orals | NH3.8 | Highlight

Fusion of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 satellite imagery to rapidly detect landslides through Google Earth Engine 

Maria Prodromou, Christos Theocharidis, Kyriaki Fotiou, Athanasios Argyriou, Thomaida Polydorou, Diofantos Hadjimitsis, and Marios Tzouvaras

Landslides constitute a significant geohazard causing human losses and significantly affecting the economy worldwide. Earth Observation and the exploitation of the freely available Copernicus datasets, such as the Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 satellite images, can assist in the systematic monitoring of landslides overcoming the restrictions arising from in situ measurements. This study shows how the Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform can be utilised for the rapid mapping of landslides and effectively integrate both passive and active satellite data to enhance the results’ reliability. The GEE is a cloud computing platform designed to store and process huge datasets for scientific analysis and visualization of geospatial datasets where open-source images are acquired by several satellites. 

For this study, Ground Range Detection (GRD) Sentinel-1 and multispectral Sentinel-2 satellite data were utilised for a time period between 2016 and 2021. Multitemporal SAR change detection was conducted to identify potential landslides using GRD Sentinel-1 satellite images. Moreover, the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI), Soil Moisture Index (SMI) and Bare Soil Index (BSI) indices were used for the multispectral data. Multi-temporal image composites were created for the two periods. Furthermore, for all image collections, the calculated spectral indices were added as new bands to all images, and the maximum value for each pixel of the vegetation indices was taken. Following, the difference image for each spectral index was created based on two methods, i.e., the first method was based on subtracting the two time periods, and the second one on subtracting each year from the total average for the time period from 2016 until 2021. The possible events were then masked using the thresholding technique based on the trial-and-error procedure where the analyst adjusts manually the thresholds and evaluates the resulting image until satisfied. Based on the results derived from the abovementioned processing, the use of the second method, i.e., subtracting each year from the average, based on the NDVI spectral index provides better results. The proposed methodology was tested in Paphos city in Cyprus because of the occurrence of numerous landslide events in this area, based on the landslide inventory provided by the Geological Survey Department of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment. The results of this study were validated using high-resolution images from Google Earth in combination with the data from the Geological Survey department. 


The authors acknowledge the 'EXCELSIOR': ERATOSTHENES: Excellence Research Centre for Earth Surveillance and Space-Based Monitoring of the Environment H2020 Widespread Teaming project ( The 'EXCELSIOR' project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 857510, from the Government of the Republic of Cyprus through the Directorate General for the European Programmes, Coordination and Development and the Cyprus University of Technology. The authors would also like to thank the Geological Survey Department of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment for the provision of the landslide inventory.

How to cite: Prodromou, M., Theocharidis, C., Fotiou, K., Argyriou, A., Polydorou, T., Hadjimitsis, D., and Tzouvaras, M.: Fusion of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 satellite imagery to rapidly detect landslides through Google Earth Engine, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12618,, 2023.

Optical image offset tracking is a commonly used technique for mapping surface displacements caused by landslides, glaciers, and earthquakes in planar direction. With its daily temporal and high spatial resolution of 3 m, the PlanetScope cubesat constellation provides an excellent data set for studying dynamic surface changes. However, the limited relative geolocation accuracy among PlanetScope scenes with ~10 m RMSE for the PlanetScope SuperDove constellation poses a problem for the identification of slow-moving targets whose annual displacement rates remain well below this value. In this study, we have used PlanetScope data to measure surface displacement over a slow-moving landslide with velocities between 1 and 6 m/yr in the NW Argentine Andes through image cross-correlation techniques. In this steep, rugged environment, not only the misalignment from scene to scene, but also topography-related artifacts and the changing terrain over time, are sources of error. We present several correction steps to improve coregistration accuracy between PlanetScope scenes that lower the relative geolocation accuracy between selected image pairs into the subpixel range. Through an improved scene-to-scene alignment we can better distinguish displacement signal from noise and thus obtain a better understanding of the dynamics of this slow-moving landslide and its driving factors.

How to cite: Mueting, A. and Bookhagen, B.: Improving image-based tracking of slow-moving landslides with optical PlanetScope data: A case study from the Central Andes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13171,, 2023.

EGU23-13287 | ECS | Orals | NH3.8

Landslide mechanisms unraveled by RFID monitoring with a Machine Learning approach 

Arthur Charléty, Mathieu Le Breton, Eric Larose, and Laurent Baillet

 Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) shows great potential for earth-sciences applications [1], notably in landslide surface monitoring at high spatio-temporal resolution [2] with meteorological robustness [3]. Ten 865MHz RFID tags were deployed on part of a landslide (Harmalière) and continuously monitored for 12 months by a station composed of 4 reader antennas. 2D relative localization was performed using a Phase-of-Arrival approach [4,5], and compared with optical reference measurements.

    The spatio-temporal accuracy of the method allowed for a thorough exploration of the landslides mechanisms during a 6-months period of activity. Laplacian clustering was applied to the RFID data and groups of tags with coherent behavior were identified, allowing a fine description of the kinematic motion of the landslide blocks and various mass transfer mechanisms. Each identified block can be monitored individually. 
    Different deformation zones were highlighted on the monitored zone. The surface movement was initiated by the topmost blocks, transferring after several weeks to the bottom of the monitored zone. This opens the way to building a landslide mechanical model in order to interpret the acquired data.

    RFID landslide monitoring allows dense observation of ground surface movements at a centimeter scale and with sub-hourly time precision, and new results bring a finer understanding the the landslides inner mechanisms.


References :

[1] M. Le Breton, F. Liébault, L. Baillet, A. Charléty, E. Larose, and S. Tedjini,
“Dense and long-term monitoring of earth surface processes with passive
rfid—a review,” Earth-Science Reviews, p. 104225, 2022.

[2] M. Le Breton, L. Baillet, E. Larose, E. Rey, P. Benech, D. Jongmans, F. Guy-
oton, and M. Jaboyedoff, “Passive radio-frequency identification ranging, a
dense and weather-robust technique for landslide displacement monitoring,”
Engineering geology, vol. 250, pp. 1–10, 2019.

[3] M. Le Breton, L. Baillet, E. Larose, E. Rey, P. Benech, D. Jongmans, and
F. Guyoton, “Outdoor uhf rfid: Phase stabilization for real-world appli-
cations,” IEEE Journal of Radio Frequency Identification, vol. 1, no. 4,
pp. 279–290, 2017

[4] A. Charléty, M. Le Breton, E. Larose, and L. Baillet, “2d phase-based rfid lo-
calization for on-site landslide monitoring,” Remote Sensing, vol. 14, no. 15,
p. 3577, 2022. 

[5] P. V. Nikitin, R. Martinez, S. Ramamurthy, H. Leland, G. Spiess, and
K. Rao, “Phase based spatial identification of uhf rfid tags,” in 2010 IEEE
International Conference on RFID (IEEE RFID 2010), pp. 102–109, IEEE,

How to cite: Charléty, A., Le Breton, M., Larose, E., and Baillet, L.: Landslide mechanisms unraveled by RFID monitoring with a Machine Learning approach, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13287,, 2023.

EGU23-13729 | Orals | NH3.8

Landslide monitoring and triggering mechanism detection in case of composed landslide in northwestern Slovenia 

Tina Peternel, Mitja Janža, Ela Šegina, Mateja Jemec Auflič, Jernej Jež, Nejc Bezak, and Matej Maček

The study deals with the composed landslide Urbas, located in the hinterland of the densely populated settlement in northwestern Slovenia at the foothills of the Karavanke mountain ridge. The Urbas landslide was recognized as the largest landslide among five other landslides that pose a direct danger to the underlying settlement of Koroška Bela. The Urbas landslide has a length of 500 m and a width of about 440 m. The landslide covers an area of 177,000 m2. The formation of the Urbas landslide is related to complex geological and tectonic conditions. It is defined as a rotational landslide and was formed at the tectonic contact between the Triassic carbonate and the Carboniferous clastic rocks, mainly composed of siltstone and claystone. To determine the characteristics and mechanism of the Urbas landslide, several investigations and monitoring projects have been carried out using data from the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), a wire extensometer, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) photogrammetry and hydrometeorological sensing (groundwater table, precipitation). The results of this study show that the dynamics of the Urbas landslide exhibited different kinematic trends associated with different triggering mechanisms, depending on local geological and hydrogeological conditions. Consequently, certain parts of the landslide are at different evolutionary states and respond differently to the same external triggers.

Reference: Peternel, T.; Janža, M.; Šegina, E.; Bezak, N.; Maček, M. Recognition of Landslide Triggering Mechanisms and Dynamics Using GNSS, UAV Photogrammetry and In Situ Monitoring Data. Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 3277.

Acknowledgments: This research was funded by Slovenian Research Agency through grants Z1-2638, P1- 0419, P2-0180 and J6-4628. Additional financial support was provided by the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, and the Municipality of Jesenice.   

How to cite: Peternel, T., Janža, M., Šegina, E., Jemec Auflič, M., Jež, J., Bezak, N., and Maček, M.: Landslide monitoring and triggering mechanism detection in case of composed landslide in northwestern Slovenia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13729,, 2023.

EGU23-15086 | Orals | NH3.8

Update of the Italian National Landslide Inventory Map by exploiting Sentinel-1 P-SBAS data 

Pierluigi Confuorto, Nicola Casagli, Francesco Casu, Claudio De Luca, Matteo Del Soldato, Davide Festa, Riccardo Lanari, Giovanni Onorato, and Federico Raspini

Landslide inventory maps are fundamental tools for territorial planning, recording the location, the state of activity and the type of mass movement that affects an area (Guzzetti et al., 2012). In the last decades, the satellite Remote Sensing has represented one of the most useful techniques for studying landslides with its capability to detect large portions (km-scale) of the Earth surface: in this sense, DInSAR (Differential Interferometry Synthetic Aperture Radar) data are capable of retrieving surface displacements with centimeter to millimeter accuracy. The launch of Sentinel-1 (S1) satellites and the flourishing of fully automatic processing chains has encouraged the development of national scale monitoring service for the study of natural and anthropogenic hazards. Accordingly, the Parallel Small Baseline Subset (P-SBAS) processing chain, in the framework of an Operative Agreement with the Italian Ministry of Economic Development (MiSE) aimed at generating the displacement time-series and corresponding velocity maps of the entire Italian territory, has significantly boosted the systematic update of the landslide state of activity.

In this work, the Italian national database of landslides (IFFI landslide inventory) has been updated up to 2018 by exploiting national scale P-SBAS S1 analysis. In particular, the past landslide state of activity, which was obtained by exploiting the Envisat data (2003-2010 temporal range), has been compared with the one retrieved with P-SBAS S1 results (2014-2018 temporal range). With this comparative analysis, more than 56,000 landslides have been identified. The 74% of the studied landslides has been classified as dormant, having annual average velocity (projected along the slope direction) <7 mm/year (considering a value of two times the standard deviation) while the 26% has been considered as active (mean velocity >7 mm/year). In addition, a landslide reliability matrix was introduced to assess the quality of the new updated inventory, by using the point density and the standard deviation of the mean Vslope value of each considered landslide. Finally, the 2D horizontal (along the E-W direction) and vertical components of the MPs have been computed, aiming at the characterization of each landslide's movement direction and magnitude. The obtained results show the heterogeneity and the complexity of the Italian territory, with major differences among each region and between the Alpine and Apennine sectors. The work demonstrates that nation-wide monitoring service Sentinel-1 DInSAR data, such as those generated by the P-SBAS method, can be very useful to systematically update landslide inventories, providing significant support to risk reduction practices.

How to cite: Confuorto, P., Casagli, N., Casu, F., De Luca, C., Del Soldato, M., Festa, D., Lanari, R., Onorato, G., and Raspini, F.: Update of the Italian National Landslide Inventory Map by exploiting Sentinel-1 P-SBAS data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15086,, 2023.

EGU23-15218 | Orals | NH3.8

Synergetic Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process for a realistic assessment of landslide vulnerability 

Faten Ksantini, Ali Sdiri, Abdelwaheb Aydi, and Ana M Tarquis

Landslide is a common natural geological hazard that causes most damaging effects on natural features worldwide. Around the world, landslides have caused casualties, property damages and other deleterious effects in geological, ecological, environmental and infrastructures. It delineates a significant limitation for the development of urban and industrial planning. Thus, it is fundamentally important to create a landslide susceptibility map that would contribute to a realistic assessment of the threatening natural hazard for a subsequent efficient management and prediction of those potential disasters.

In this context, the present study attempted to apply an integrated multicriteria analysis with focus on Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Fuzzy-AHP (F-AHP) for the assessment of landslide vulnerability in Jabbeus area (Southwestern, Tunisia), which is potential candidate for future excavation as an open pit phosphate mine. The thematic layers and the landslide-causing factors were collected from various geospatial data sources. The main identified causative factors included lithology (LI), slope (S), distance to faults (F), distance to drainage lines (D) and the topographic wetness index (TWI). In addition Synergetic Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (SF-AHP) was applied as an innovative methodology to quantify the synergetic effect of LI-S and LI-F using fuzzy functions to enhance the interactions of these factors.

Finally, Landslide Susceptibility Index (LSI) values were computed according to the weighted linear combination (WLC) based on which zonation maps using the three methods were generated. These zones were classified in four categories, from non vulnerable to highly vulnerable, to landsliding events. The formulated SF-AHP showed significant improvement in vulnerability assessment accuracy compared to other conventional approaches.


Keywords: Landslide, assessment, analytical hierarchy process, multi-criteria approach



The first author acknowledges the financial support by the Minister of Higher Education

and Scientific Research,University of Carthage,Tunisia. Project No PID2021-

122711NB-C21, from Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, partially funded this


How to cite: Ksantini, F., Sdiri, A., Aydi, A., and Tarquis, A. M.: Synergetic Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process for a realistic assessment of landslide vulnerability, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15218,, 2023.

EGU23-15842 | ECS | Orals | NH3.8

The Poggio Baldi Natural Laboratory: an experimental and permanent monitoring site for the assessment of rockfall phenomena 

Antonio Cosentino, Giacomo Santicchia, Giandomenico Mastrantoni, Jagadish Kundu, and Paolo Mazzanti

In the last decades, technologies such as LiDAR, terrestrial and satellite SAR interferometry (InSAR) and photogrammetry demonstrated a great potential for rock slope assessment. However, studies and applications are still limited for ArcSAR Interferometry, Gigapixel imaging, Acoustic sensing and PhotoMonitoring. With an aim to explore deeper potentials of all above mentioned techniques in monitoring rockfalls and the related debris talus, a permanent natural monitoring site was founded in Poggio Baldi landslide (Central Italy) with various remote monitoring instruments. In detail, the annual volume lost from the cliff is about 3x103 m3 due to frequent rockfalls (up to 84 in three days). Officially inaugurated in October 2021, the permanent Natural Laboratory of Poggio Baldi is completely energy independent and remotely controlled, thus allowing a continuous and efficient monitoring of the rock slope. It is equipped with optical tools (multi resolution cameras), 3D modelling tools (LiDAR and drone photogrammetry), radar tools (linear and arc GB-InSAR, and doppler radar), acoustic tools, seismic tools (sound level meter and geophone) and a weather station. Thanks to the Department of Earth Sciences of the Sapienza University of Rome and NHAZCA SRL for the foundation, contribution, and continuous management of the site. The Poggio Baldi natural laboratory is now continuously monitoring the mass movement activities in a failed slope in Poggio Baldi. The goal is to understand the relationship between rockfalls, predisposing and triggering factors such as thermal, seismic, and meteorological stress that can provide critical information for setting up early warning systems. The acquired data are frequently analysed to assess and improve the prevailing facilities. Additionally, various tools, techniques and methodologies are being developed and implemented at the site to further enhance the capabilities of the monitoring activity. The laboratory is open to host third-party companies and research agencies for testing experimental instruments related to rock and slope deformation and associated risks.

How to cite: Cosentino, A., Santicchia, G., Mastrantoni, G., Kundu, J., and Mazzanti, P.: The Poggio Baldi Natural Laboratory: an experimental and permanent monitoring site for the assessment of rockfall phenomena, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15842,, 2023.

EGU23-16099 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.8

The Applicability of InSAR and LiDAR Remote Sensing Technologies in the Large-Scale Monitoring of Roadside Slopes and surrounding Structures 

Hong-Yi Hsiao, Yi-Chung Chen, Chien-Yu Chi, Chia-Shin Chang, and Rou-Fei Chen

In the past, when assessing the stability of roadside slopes in mountainous areas of Taiwan, road maintenance and inspection personnel were often limited by steep terrain and vegetation cover. They could only observe damages on the road surface and sides instead of grasping the key points of landslides and disasters. Among them, Sandimen and Wutai located on Highway 24 in Pingtung repeatedly suffer from natural disasters, such as falling rocks, debris avalanche or subsidence of roadbed, after the strike of Typhoon Morakot whenever a typhoon, torrential rain or earthquake event occurs. The government therefore spent a lot of money on road maintenance works. In this area, we have combined topographic features identified from LiDAR-derived 1-m resolution DEM and large-scale ground surface deformation observed using the multitemporal InSAR technique (MT-InSAR) developed based on ALOS-2 / PALSAR-2 images collected between 2015 and 2022. Then Sections 29.5K and 34.5K are selected as the key study area of this investigation. The cumulative deformation results of these key slopes are: -80 mm at 29.5K from ALOS-2 imagery and -103 mm at 34.5K from ALOS-2. As for the section of 29.5K, from May 8, 2016 to December 4, 2016, the overall slope of the road was affected by several heavy rains and typhoons, among which the maximum rainfall on that day reached 303 mm; and the amount of deformation decreased by 16.7 mm; the average deformation of subarea block A decreased by 33.6 mm, and the average deformation of subarea block B decreased by 14.8 mm. As for the section of 34.5K, the overall roadside slopes were affected by several heavy rains and typhoons, among which the maximum accumulation of rainfall on that day reached 303 mm, from May 8, 2016 to December 4, 2016. The amount of deformation decreased by 13.7 mm. Our primary results demonstrate that the cumulative deformation and rainfall of these two key slopes show a positive correlation.

How to cite: Hsiao, H.-Y., Chen, Y.-C., Chi, C.-Y., Chang, C.-S., and Chen, R.-F.: The Applicability of InSAR and LiDAR Remote Sensing Technologies in the Large-Scale Monitoring of Roadside Slopes and surrounding Structures, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16099,, 2023.

EGU23-16543 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.8

Sensitivity of advanced InSAR strategies for landslide monitoring 

Floriane Provost, Aline Déprez, Jean-Philippe Malet, and Michael Foumelis

Landslides are an important hazard worldwide in particular in mountainous environment. Monitoring the evolution of the slope motion is hence crucial to detect zones at risk and further understand and control their evolution. Monitoring landslides may be done via the installation of in-situ sensors requiring efforts to maintain the instruments in difficult field conditions. Remote sensing offers the advantage to monitor the Earth at a regular frequency by remote satellite. Among the many processing strategies to monitor landslides using satellite data, InSAR has drastically evolved in the past 30 years and became a widely used technique to monitor ground deformation. Numerous processing chains are now available and there are many examples of its interest for landslide application. However, landslides remain in most cases challenging to monitor with this technique and it is not always easy to understand pros and limitations of the different processing chains available. 

In this work we propose to analyze and compare the output products of four different advanced InSAR processing chains: a) SNAPPING based on the Permanent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) approach (Foumelis et al, 2022), b) P-SBAS based on Small-Subset Baseline Analysis (SBAS) approach (Casu et al, 2014), c) SqueeSAR based on PS and DS interferometry (Ferretti et al, 2011) and d) the product of the Copernicus European Ground Motion Service (EGMS, Level 2B). We selected three test areas with known landslides in different environnments: Villerville (France), Canton de Vaud (Switzerland) and Tavernola (Italy). The SNAPPING and P-SBAS processing chains are accessible through the Geohazard Exploitation Platform (GEP) and the results were obtained with default parameterization of these services. The SqueeSAR and the EGMS products were processed independently. 

We use different metrics to estimate the similarity of the ground motion time series in space and in time as well as the coverage and the information density of each products. We also analyze the georeferencing of the results by comparing the location of measurement points with man-made structures and known reference points. We also determine the sensitivity of each technique to monitor landslides by inter-comparing the coverage of measurement points in specific landslide targets. The results of this inter-comparison shows that the different products are in general in agreement over large region although their coverage and density may differ significantly. However, significant discrepancies exist in the estimation of the velocity and displacement time series in the studied landslides and this will be discussed.



Foumelis, M., Delgado Blasco, J. M., Brito, F., Pacini, F., Papageorgiou, E., Pishehvar, P., & Bally, P. (2022). SNAPPING Services on the Geohazards Exploitation Platform for Copernicus Sentinel-1 Surface Motion Mapping. Remote Sensing, 14(23), 6075.

Casu, F., Elefante, S., Imperatore, P., Zinno, I., Manunta, M., De Luca, C., & Lanari, R. (2014). SBAS-DInSAR parallel processing for deformation time-series computation. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 7(8), 3285-3296.

Ferretti, A., Fumagalli, A., Novali, F., Prati, C., Rocca, F., & Rucci, A. (2011). A new algorithm for processing interferometric data-stacks: SqueeSAR. IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing, 49(9), 3460-3470.

How to cite: Provost, F., Déprez, A., Malet, J.-P., and Foumelis, M.: Sensitivity of advanced InSAR strategies for landslide monitoring, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16543,, 2023.

EGU23-16750 | ECS | Orals | NH3.8

Natural Dam Hazard in Kundasang, Sabah Mountainous Region 

Rabieahtul Abu Bakar, Zakaria Mohamad, Tajul Anuar Jamaluddin, and Khamarrul Azahari Razak

Natural dam built up in mountainous regions is hazardous definatively a potential disaster. Kundasang is located on the highest mount in Malaysia and was hit by the 2015 earthquake. There are numerous kinds of dams that form by natural processes, dams formed from landslides on a mountainous landscape present one of the potential threat to people and property. Landslide dams form in a wide range of physiographic settings. The most common types of mass movements that form landslide dams are rock and debris avalanches; rock and soil slumps and slides; and mud, debris, and earth flows. The most common initiation mechanisms for dam-forming landslides are excessive rainfall and earthquakes. Natural dams may cause upstream flooding as the lake rises and downstream flooding as a result of failure of the dam.

Many landslide dams fail and mostly caused by over-topping as the most common cause of failure. The timing of failure and the magnitude of the resulting floods are controlled by dam size and geometry; material characteristics of the blockage; rate of inflow to the impoundment; size and depth of the impoundment; bedrock control of flow; and engineering controls such as artificial spill-ways, diversions, tunnels, and planned breaching by blasting or conventional excavation. One of the rare creation of landslide dams are when a single landslide sends multiple tongues of debris into a valley and forms two or more landslide dams in the same reach of river.

These dams pose hazards because back in 2015 there was an earthquake that shock the mount and destabilised the soil. Then, many trees were uprooted and fall. Thus, these phenomenon has shown in 2023 young vegetation has not stabilized mount Kinabalu slopes. There are many dam faces are steeper than the angle of repose, these dams and lakes are immediately downslope from steep crevassed glaciers and near-vertical rock slopes, and downstream from these dams are steep slopes with easily erodible materials that can be incorporated in the flow and increase flood peaks. The most recent reported failure mechanism is overtopping and breaching progressive rainfall.

How to cite: Abu Bakar, R., Mohamad, Z., Jamaluddin, T. A., and Razak, K. A.: Natural Dam Hazard in Kundasang, Sabah Mountainous Region, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16750,, 2023.

EGU23-1145 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.9

A National Landslide Dam Database for New Zealand 

Andrea Wolter, Regine Morgenstern, Biljana Lukovic, Simon C. Cox, Dan Bain, Akansha Sirohi, Zane Bruce, Dougal Townsend, Brenda Rosser, Katie Jones, and Chris Massey

As key components of multi-hazard, cascading slope-to-river systems around the world, landslide dams can have severe consequences. They form when landslides block a watercourse and can result in catastrophic flooding if they fail rapidly. Nonetheless, they are under-researched given the potentially high consequences of sudden dam breach and failure. Their formation, longevity, and breaching behaviour are not well understood, which is important information needed for effective risk management.

We present an Aotearoa New Zealand database of landslide dams, spanning pre-historic to historic natural dams compiled from several existing datasets and inventories. The database includes ~1030 landslide dams, as well as information for each dam such as catchment properties, landslide and dam dimensions, dam type, and dam stability where available. Where possible, quantitative attributes have been calculated automatically using arcpy (a Python site package that utilises ArcGIS processing tools), which allows consistency and repeatability in the database. A data quality ranking scheme has also been developed to assess the reliability of each dataset. The database will be available online on the OSF platform in mid-2023.

Several case studies, including the Hapuku, Stanton, Leader, Linton, and Conway landslide dams that formed during the 2016 Mw 7.8 Kaikōura earthquake, have been analysed in detail. Multiple field and remote sensing campaigns completed since 2016 – including field mapping, RTK surveying, drone photogrammetry, and LiDAR surveys – show the evolution of the landslide deposits and dams, providing high-resolution spatiotemporal data on their formation and breaching characteristics.

The database is currently being analysed to improve our understanding of dam formation potential and longevity, as well as breaching behaviour. These analyses will contribute to improved hazard management and avoidance.

How to cite: Wolter, A., Morgenstern, R., Lukovic, B., Cox, S. C., Bain, D., Sirohi, A., Bruce, Z., Townsend, D., Rosser, B., Jones, K., and Massey, C.: A National Landslide Dam Database for New Zealand, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1145,, 2023.

In the mountain area, Deep seated gravitational slope deformation (DSGSD) was a phenomenon that causes rock mass deformation under long-term gravity. In the Slate Belt of the Backbone Range, Taiwan where mainly slate distributed, it is more susceptible to develop DSGSD. After Typhoon Morakot (2009), the high-resolution airborne LiDAR topographic data of the entire island of Taiwan completed by 2016, which will be regularly updated every five years. This high-resolution airborne lidar topographic data could be applied to visual interpretation with the potential landslide area, multi-period data with activity of slope deformation. In this study, we used existing high-resolution LiDAR topographic data and the latest computerized 3D environments to conduct and explore preliminary geological information at the regional scale and potential large-scale landslide distribution with detailed topographical characteristics. The area of slow-moving landslides could be found by comparing multi- period LiDAR topographic data and UAV images. Through field investigations and UAV application in Lusan area of central Taiwan, the features caused by regional tectonic effects or DSGSD could be clarified and discussed activity and possible mechanism of rock mass failure caused by these DSGSD. The results help to understand the deformation mechanism of the slate area in the Central Range of Taiwan. In the future, we could further explore the possible causes of why DSGSD transform into catastrophic landslides.

How to cite: Hsieh, Y.-C., Tung, Y.-H., Chen, M.-M., Lin, H.-H., and Chi, C.-C.: Deep-Seated Gravitational Slope Deformation and Slow-Moving Landslides Revealed by Multi-Period LiDAR and UAS Data in the Slate Belt of the Backbone Range, Central Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3000,, 2023.

EGU23-3171 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.9

Influence of dam failure flow on water level in dam and the underwater breach topography 

Kai-Yi Chiu and Su-Chin Chen

Due to the young geology, unique climates, and location in the Pacific Rim seismic zone, complex sediment disasters frequently occur in Taiwan.  After the Chi-Chi earthquake in 1999, more than ten landslide dams appeared in the mountain regions with disaster potential to the neighbor.  The process of landslide dam breach is complex, often accompanied by abundant sediment and floods that cause damage to the downstream environment.  Therefore, analyzing the landslide dam breach process is an important subject.

The study area is located in Landau Creek in Huisun Forest, Nantou County.  Landao Creek is a tributary of the Beigang River, a potential debris flow torrent.  The soil and rocks on site were used to build a natural dam for the dam failure experiment.  The process of dam failure was recorded with cameras and UAVs.  In order to understand the relationships between the dam and the water level, some water pressure gages were set inside the dam and in upstream to measure the water pressure over time.  Because it is difficult to observe the change of the underwater breach with the naked eye during the dam failure process, triaxial sensors were placed in the dam body to determine the change of dam breach by recording the time when the sensors were scoured away from their original position.  The analysis showed that the groundwater level gradually increased during the dam failure, and the downward trend would slow down over time.  The underwater breach shape was similar to a parabolic or trapezoid shape.

How to cite: Chiu, K.-Y. and Chen, S.-C.: Influence of dam failure flow on water level in dam and the underwater breach topography, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3171,, 2023.

EGU23-5083 | Posters on site | NH3.9

Landslide dams in Europe – distribution, data gaps, and further research 

Alin Mihu-Pintilie and Anja Dufresne

The states and territories of Europe extend from the Ural mountains in the East to the Black and Mediterranean Seas in the South and are enclosed by the Atlantic Ocean West and North. With a variety of landscapes prone to slope failures, only few inventories exist of the resulting landslide deposits and river-damming (past and present) locations. In this chapter of the planned Springer Book „Landslide Dams around the World“ we are compiling data from published inventories, search for and add unpublished data, and aspire to present as complete a story as possible of landslide dams in Europe. Whilst extensive inventories exists for Austria, Italy, Norway, and Switzerland, few other countries feature published landslide dam datasets (e.g., Romania). Case studies exist for larger dams and some datasets are stored (but not always available) with regional geological surveys. We hence call for collaboration across Europe to complete the database and pursue the following objectives: (i) create a comprehensive landslide-dam database for the European territory, (ii) statistically analyse the data for clusters, geomorphic and temporal correlations, (iii) identify influencing factors (e.g., regional, climatic, hydrologic, anthropogenic) on landslide-dam occurrence and stability, and (iv) make the data available for researchers and stakeholders alike.

How to cite: Mihu-Pintilie, A. and Dufresne, A.: Landslide dams in Europe – distribution, data gaps, and further research, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5083,, 2023.

EGU23-5214 | Posters on site | NH3.9

Landslide dams around the World – case studies to global datasets 

Anja Dufresne, Xuanmei Fan, and Wolter Andrea

Landslide dams are an important component of slope-fluvial systems, particularly given their potentially disastrous consequences if they breach suddenly. To further research on dam longevity, stability, and failure mechanisms effectively, comprehensive landslide dam dataset are essential. Yet, such datasets from around the world are heterogeneous in their completeness and data-collection approaches, and we still see many geographical “blind spots” where research on landslide dams appears absent, at least within the published literature.

As part of a project to collate and compile a global, accessible landslide-dam database, we present some of the challenges involved in its construction. In addition to data heterogeneity and data gaps, biases and parameter definitions will be discussed and highlighted by several landslide-dam case studies from around the world. The aim of the discussion is to acknowledge these data biases, such as geopolitics, funding, accessibility, and triggering-event factors, and offer solutions for the global research community. We will also clearly define terms that have been vague in landslide-dam research so far. For example, dam height, volume, length and width are not used consistently – even what exactly constitutes a landslide dam can sometimes be a defined differently.  

How to cite: Dufresne, A., Fan, X., and Andrea, W.: Landslide dams around the World – case studies to global datasets, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5214,, 2023.

EGU23-7131 | ECS | Orals | NH3.9

Significant parameters of a landslide dam inventory from the stability assessment aspect - data analysis based on the 'part of the Eastern Alps' data inventory 

Roshanak Shafieiganjeh, Marc Ostermann, Barbara Schneider-Muntau, and Bernhard Gems

Landslide dams are counted as one of the most destructive mountain hazards. They pose flood hazards downstream and damming effects upstream. Assessing their stability requires either a detailed case study or relying on geomorphic indices. A case-study project, while being accurate, is time-consuming and cannot be implemented during emergencies. Therefore, geomorphic indices which are calibrated based on the landslide dam inventories facilitate the stability assessment of these dams.

Landslide dam inventories generally include qualitative and quantitative parameters of geographical location, landslide, dam, lake, and upstream catchment. In the current research, a comparison is made on the applicability of the existing geomorphic indices on a developed data inventory of Western Austria, Bavaria, and Northern Italy. The comparison indicates that the geometrical parameters can solely or in combination with each other stand as resisting and driving forces and that the stability assessment based on these parameters is reliable. According to the results, the volume and height of the dam are the most representative parameters of the dam's stability. However, the catchment characteristics such as area, slope, and ruggedness act as the determining destructive force. To evaluate the reliability of the methods used in the calculation or estimation of the geometric parameters, a statistical assessment is conducted based on the data from other published inventories. A wide range of variations in the mean value of the landslide and dam volume indicates the results' dependency on the study areas' geomorphological characteristics. On the other hand, the dam height of the current dataset, the datasets of Japan, New Zealand, and a worldwide database varies in only a 15 m range indicating a close estimation in different geographical regions. This emphasizes the necessity of the existence of a determining procedure for the estimation of such representative parameters in the landslide dam inventories.

How to cite: Shafieiganjeh, R., Ostermann, M., Schneider-Muntau, B., and Gems, B.: Significant parameters of a landslide dam inventory from the stability assessment aspect - data analysis based on the 'part of the Eastern Alps' data inventory, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7131,, 2023.

EGU23-7888 | ECS | Orals | NH3.9

Mapping glacier basal sliding applying machine learning 

Josefine Umlauft, Christopher Whilliam Johnson, Philippe Roux, Daniel Taylor Trugman, Albanne Lecointre, Andrea Walpersdorf, Ugo Nanni, Florent Gimbert, Bertrand Rouet-Leduc, Claudia Hulbert, and Paul Allan Johnson

During the RESOLVE project ("High-resolution imaging in subsurface geophysics: development of a multi-instrument platform for interdisciplinary research"), continuous surface displacement and seismic array observations were obtained on Glacier d'Argentière in the French Alps for 35 days during May in 2018. This unique data set offers the chance to perform a detailed, local study of targeted processes within the highly dynamic cryospheric environment. In particular, the physical processes controlling glacial basal motion are poorly understood and remain challenging to observe directly. Especially in the Alpine region for temperate based glaciers where the ice rapidly responds to changing climatic conditions and thus, processes are strongly intermittent in time and heterogeneous in space. Spatially dense seismic and GPS measurements are analyzed with machine learning techniques to gain insight into the underlying processes controlling glacial motions of Glacier d'Argentière.

Using multiple bandpass-filtered copies of the continuous seismic waveforms, we compute energy-based features, develop a matched field beamforming catalogue and include meteorological observations.Features describing the data are analyzed with a gradient boosting decision tree model to directly estimate the GPS displacements from the seismic records.

We posit that features of the seismic noise provide direct access to the dominant parameters that drive displacement on the highly variable and unsteady surface of the glacier. The machine learning model infers daily fluctuations as well as longer term trends and the results show on-ice displacement rates are strongly modulated by activity at the base of the glacier. The techniques presented provide a new approach to study glacial basal sliding and discover its full complexity.

How to cite: Umlauft, J., Johnson, C. W., Roux, P., Trugman, D. T., Lecointre, A., Walpersdorf, A., Nanni, U., Gimbert, F., Rouet-Leduc, B., Hulbert, C., and Johnson, P. A.: Mapping glacier basal sliding applying machine learning, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7888,, 2023.

EGU23-8382 | Orals | NH3.9

Investigation of prehistoric landslide dams in the central Andes of Chile and Argentina 

Sergio A. Sepulveda, Stella M. Moreiras, Pilar Jeanneret, Mariana Correas Gonzalez, Kimberly Bravo, Jacqueline Azanero, and Marisol Lara

Large volume landslides are common features in the high-topography Andes of central Chile and Argentina (31°-35°S). Many of these landslide deposits, mostly dating from Late Pleistocene to Holocene and related to a combination of deglaciation effects, seismicity and climate pattern changes, were large enough to block the glacial valleys and form landslide dams, some of which remain holding lakes until today. In this paper, we review and investigate some conspicuous landslide dams deposits from prehistoric times in the Andes Main Range in Chile and Argentina and the Andes Frontal Range in Argentina. A bibliographic review is followed by remote sensing analysis to obtain the main morphometric parameters of the landslides and the dams, complemented with field investigations in some of them. The landslide dams related with the rock slope failures of Portillo (1.1 km3, ~13 ka), Salto del Soldado (0.2 km3, 14- 9 Ka) Mesón Alto (4.3 km3, 4.7 Ka), Cortaderas-San Nicolás (2.4 km3, Holocene) and the Pangal complex (0.3 km3 , 40-11 ka) in the Chilean Western slope and the Laguna Blanca (81 hm3, ~12 ka), Horcones (0.35 km3, ~11-8 Ka), Negro (~18 Ka), Amarillo (~8Ka), and Laguna Atuel (56 hm3,~3 Ka) landslides in the Argentinean Eastern slope are described. Eldest rock avalanches associated with a seismic triggering mechanism that generate dammed lakes were previously studied in the Central Argentinean Andes such as Tigre Dormido (1.7 km3, ~46 Ka), Placetas Amarillas (1.6 km3, ~150 ka), and Piedras Blancas (0.89 km3, ~130 Ka). In these cases, the fine lake sequences reach 30 m in thickness but no outburst terraces were identified downstream, hardly supporting their catastrophic drainage.

In both Chile and Argentina, most preserved damming collapses correspond in general to huge rock avalanches, even though some slides and debris flows also blocked narrow valleys. In general, studied ancient dams are isolated in mountain remote areas but they show evidences of catastrophic ruptures that emphases their importance in the cascade hazard scenarios. While the large majority of identified dams in the region are thousands of years old, some historic cases show that these processes still occur and pose a geological hazard. Given the large area that can be affected by outburst floods downstream the usually remote landslide sites, potentially impacting villages as well as mining, energy, and transportation infrastructure, these geohazards must be considered in risk reduction strategies in the Andean region.

How to cite: Sepulveda, S. A., Moreiras, S. M., Jeanneret, P., Correas Gonzalez, M., Bravo, K., Azanero, J., and Lara, M.: Investigation of prehistoric landslide dams in the central Andes of Chile and Argentina, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8382,, 2023.

EGU23-9308 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.9

Spatial distribution and changes in the debris flow hazard across High Mountain Asia 

Varvara Bazilova, Tjalling de Haas, and Walter Immezeel

Debris flows and floods and flash floods pose hazards to the densely populated areas of High Mountain Asia (HMA). The continuous decline in the cryosphere across the region such as glacier mass loss and permafrost thaw leads to exposure of the unconsolidated debris material and sediment deposits. This has led to changes in the magnitude and frequency of debris flows and floods. We aim to identify the controlling parameters and quantify the likelihood of debris flow and floods and the change in likelihood due to projected regional climate and cryosphere changes. Based on visual inspection of alluvial deposition and surface properties of the alluvial fans, we identified catchments across HMA where floods or debris flows occur. We built a database with morphometrical (e.g. catchment area, perimeter, slope, elevation range, Melton ratio) and climatic features (e.g. temperature and precipitation regime, freeze – thaw cycles, glacier and permafrost area) and build a CatBoost gradient boosting based machine learning classifier. We identify that debris flows are more likely to occur in small catchments, defined as catchments with small Melton ratio and high slope. Projected regional climate change will decrease the probability of the debris flows. It will also increase the probability of the flood being a dominant process in the catchment across the entire HMA.


How to cite: Bazilova, V., de Haas, T., and Immezeel, W.: Spatial distribution and changes in the debris flow hazard across High Mountain Asia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9308,, 2023.

EGU23-9848 | ECS | Orals | NH3.9

Quantification of the damming and sediment trapping capacity of landslides and their dammed lakes: the example of the Hintersee landslide dam 

Anne-Laure Argentin, Thomas Hauthaler, Moritz Liebl, Jörg Robl, Stefan Hergarten, Günther Prasicek, Bernhard Salcher, Daniel Hölbling, Claire Pfalzner-Gibbon, Lisa Mandl, Michael Maroschek, Lorena Abad, and Zahra Dabiri

Perennial landslide dams interrupt the sediment connectivity of rivers. Although most landslide dams do not persist for more than a few days, those that do can exhibit significant sediment trapping capacity. While water can pass through or over the dam, the sediment load is trapped upstream of the dam until the dam breaks or gradually erodes, or is completely filled with deposits. The volume of sediment stored in this way can reach up to three times the volume of impounded water, as we find by back-analyzing the lake Hintersee in southeastern Germany. In this work, we reconstruct the pre-landslide topography using Petrel and then use the Gerris shallow-water flow solver with a Voellmy rheology to back-analyze this landslide-dammed lake in the Bavarian Alps. We test several landslide release scenarios and different landslide rheologies to obtain the best-fitting reconstruction of the dam topography. We then fill the landslide dam with water and sediment using simple slope algorithms and validate the results against the current topography. Finally, we compare the landslide deposit thicknesses, water depths, and trapped sediment thicknesses of our different scenarios in order to provide new insight into the damming and sediment trapping capacity of landslides.

How to cite: Argentin, A.-L., Hauthaler, T., Liebl, M., Robl, J., Hergarten, S., Prasicek, G., Salcher, B., Hölbling, D., Pfalzner-Gibbon, C., Mandl, L., Maroschek, M., Abad, L., and Dabiri, Z.: Quantification of the damming and sediment trapping capacity of landslides and their dammed lakes: the example of the Hintersee landslide dam, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9848,, 2023.

EGU23-11125 | Orals | NH3.9

Co-seismic landslide damming in the Indian Himalayas 

Akshat Vashistha, Srikrishnan Siva Subramanian, and Josodhir Das

In mountainous terrains, coseismic landslide dams are catastrophic geological hazards that induce devastating and cascading effects on humanity. Identification of historical landslide dams is necessary to mitigate the long-term effects it may cause in the future. If not controlled or necessary mitigation measures are not appropriately applied, the landslide dam deposits may have longer implications in generating cascading hazards through geological time. Coseismic landslide dams in the Indian Himalayas are not explored more except for very few studies. Here, we propose a framework to examine the potential for coseismic landslide damming and analyze the possible mitigation strategies to minimize the effects. We use the framework to analyze the potential of coseismic landslide damming in Uttarakhand, India, in the western part of the Himalayas. In addition, to make a coseismic landslide dam susceptibility map, we identified around a dozen landslide dams along major river systems in Uttarakhand which were not mapped or identified earlier. We found that many landslides during the Chamoli 1999 earthquake triggered many dams. While major earthquakes after 1999 did not occur in Uttarakhand, the possibility of coseismic landslide disasters should not be overlooked, and preparedness and mitigation strategies become inevitable to avoid cascading damages by landslide damming. 

How to cite: Vashistha, A., Subramanian, S. S., and Das, J.: Co-seismic landslide damming in the Indian Himalayas, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11125,, 2023.

EGU23-11642 | ECS | Orals | NH3.9

Towards a better understanding of large-scale rock slope dynamics with seismic interferometry 

Małgorzata Chmiel, Fabian Walter, Lena Husmann, Johannes Gassner, and Christian Kienholz

The Kandersteg region, Switzerland, has a history of catastrophic rock slope failures that repeatedly occurred throughout the Holocene, with volumes reaching hundreds of millions of cubic meters. In recent years, the rock slope near "Spitze Stei" has exhibited elevated displacement rates exceeding 10 cm per day, suggesting a growing instability of up to 20 million m3.

Due to the destructive potential of the Spitze Stei rockslide, extensive monitoring has been put in place since 2018, including borehole temperature logging, water pressure measurements and surface displacement monitoring. Borehole temperature measurements and direct observations highlight the presence of degrading permafrost, possibly on planes of enhanced gliding and shear deformation. However, point-like borehole measurements and sensing technology focusing on the slope surface cannot fully describe processes influencing slope dynamics, such as freeze-thaw cycles, varying water pressure, and progressive damage within the slope. These processes have lateral and depth-dependent sensitivity, causing changes in the rock's elastic properties, thus impacting seismic velocities. Here, we aim to provide a better understanding of these primary processes driving the dynamics of Spitze Stei. To this end, we analyze variations in relative seismic velocities (dv/v) measured through continuous seismic data and seismic interferometry. With this technique we transform seismic noise into coherent signals through cross-correlations of data from five 3-component seismometers.

The initial results of the time series of relative seismic velocity variations (dv/v) constrain the lateral and depth-dependent extent of subsurface changes. The results indicate that a substantial decrease in relative seismic velocity occurs at the times of rather heavy rain (rainfall >10 mm d-1). This suggests that dv/v reflects material changes caused by pore pressure increase and reduction in material strength. The shallowest dv/v measurements agree with surface displacements displaying cyclic slipping of material.

We discuss how our observations help identify the primary processes controlling the dynamics of the Spitze Stei rockslide, give quantitative insight into rock damage, and allow separating effects from irreversible damage growth and reversible thermoelastic and hydrologic variations. This knowledge is needed to better understand the development of large rock failures and potentially improve warning systems.

How to cite: Chmiel, M., Walter, F., Husmann, L., Gassner, J., and Kienholz, C.: Towards a better understanding of large-scale rock slope dynamics with seismic interferometry, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11642,, 2023.

EGU23-12132 | Posters on site | NH3.9

Seismic signature of landslide dam breaching and it’s possible early warnings. 

Shu-Yun Yang and Wei-An Chao

In eastern Taiwan, a landslide dam formed on February 4, 2021 in the Danan River. The lithology of the collapsed material is composed of schist and meta-sandstone with a thickness of a few centimeters to tens of meters. The landslide dam partially breached on August 7, 2021, and completely broke in October 2021. In the event of a dam failure, the downstream influence area includes residents along the river of Tongxin Village, the power plant, and an important artificial channel to transport farmland around Tongxin Village for irrigation. Therefore, real-time monitoring of dam failure is needed to provide early warnings of impending floods. The traditional monitoring method is to install a water level gauge behind the landslide dam for emergency response. However, it is impossible to establish a water gauge monitoring system on site because landslides usually occur in rugged mountainous areas. In this study, seismic analysis is adopted to capture seismic signals possibly caused by landslide dam failure, and to track the location of flooding after landslide dam failure. In this study, after the formation of the landslide dam, a real-time broadband velocity-type seismometer station (station code DALB) was deployed on the top of a mountain, and two Geophones stations (station code DALU, DALD) were installed in the midstream and downstream, respectively. Combined the difference between the arrival time of seismic waves and the distance along the river channel, the flow velocity can be measured. Optical satellite images were used to constraint the time range of dam failure based on the change in the highest elevation of the dammed lake surface. Finally, by using the riverine seismic signals, the time point of dam breaching can be determined, and the flow velocity of water and sand in the river channel can be estimated. Our studies can provide an early warning of few minutes to the downstream. The results of the time-frequency analysis also showed that the front reach of the breach is dominated by debris flow.

How to cite: Yang, S.-Y. and Chao, W.-A.: Seismic signature of landslide dam breaching and it’s possible early warnings., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12132,, 2023.

EGU23-12136 | Posters on site | NH3.9

Using a seismic array to study sediment redistribution after dam breaching 

Tzu-Yao Chang, Wei-An Chao, and Chi-Yao Hung

In the case of dam breaches in natural rivers, there is a lack of systematic studies understanding how the changes in the river bed elevation. This study aims to understand the characteristics of erosion and deposition along the river channel. Two field-scale dam breach experiments were conducted in Landao Stream, which is a tributary of Beigang River, length about 1,952 km and average altitude 1,200 meters. The total length of the experiment area is 280 m, and the average slope is 6.3°. Experiment I is a case of single dam and Experiment II is single dam with spur dike. In Experiment I, a seismic array of 20 stations was installed along the left and right banks of the river. In Experiment II, a seismic array of 12 stations was first deployed along the center of the river channel with station spacing distances of 10 m. Then, a seismic impact experiment was carried out to obtain the associated seismic parameters for seismic physical models. After the impact experiment, the seismometers were reinstalled on the left and right banks of river. For each experiment, the surveys of sediment grain size distribution and digital elevation model were conducted before and after experiment, which can provide information on erosion and deposit of river bed. Additionally, the water level, surface flow velocity, time-lapse photos, and temporal changes in beach shape were also monitored during experiment. With the available data of fluvial measurements, topographic changes in riverbeds, grain size survey, and seismic parameters, our study suggested that the riverine seismic signals can record the ground motions caused by water flow, sediment transport, and debris flow. Results of a series of time-frequency analysis presented the additional information about the erosion and sedimentation of river bed. Finally, our proposed mechanisms based on seismic physical models (e.g., turbulent flow, bedload saltation, and debris flow) will be discussed with the previous results of numerical simulation. Our results demonstrated that the riverine seismic signals of seismic array can effectively and immediately quantify downstream sedimentary erosion and deposition characteristics after the dam breaching.

How to cite: Chang, T.-Y., Chao, W.-A., and Hung, C.-Y.: Using a seismic array to study sediment redistribution after dam breaching, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12136,, 2023.

EGU23-12711 | ECS | Orals | NH3.9

Evaluation of factors that led to the 1967 paraglacial slope failure at Grewingk Lake and Glacier, Alaska 

Emilie Lemaire, Anja Dufresne, Pooya Hamdi, Bretwood Higman, and Florian Amann

The interaction between glacier retreat and rock slopes has gained considerable attention in the past years due to climate change. Glaciers shape mountain slopes and can daylight zones of weakness as they recede. Glaciers can act as a preparatory factor or trigger for slope failure. A retreating glacier at the slope's toe is often cited as the cause of failure. However, the relationship between glacier retreat and rock-slope stability is much more complicated, particularly for landslides that lack an explicit trigger. We studied a paraglacial slope failure at Grewingk Lake and Glacier in southcentral Alaska, United States. The collapse occurred on October 14, 1967, with no specific trigger, such as heavy rain or seismic activity on the day of the event. Grewingk Glacier is a lake-terminating glacier that has experienced and continues to experience rapid retreat, as have most glaciers around the world. The rapid retreat and the location of the glacier at the time of the collapse could lead to the conclusion that this was the cause of the collapse. However, a thorough examination of the structural geology of the slope and processes that could contribute to reduce the slope stability showed that the retreat of the glacier is only part of the tale. The structural preconditioning, together with an accumulation of seismic activity and daylighting fracture planes progressively contributed to the slope's destabilization. Our study emphasizes the value of examining the temporal trends of paraglacial rock-slope failures in situations in which there was no evident trigger at the time of the collapse.

How to cite: Lemaire, E., Dufresne, A., Hamdi, P., Higman, B., and Amann, F.: Evaluation of factors that led to the 1967 paraglacial slope failure at Grewingk Lake and Glacier, Alaska, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12711,, 2023.

EGU23-13466 | Orals | NH3.9

Use of combined monitoring remote sensing techniques for the study of active fractures in a remote area: Case of Cima Del Simano rockslide 

Charlotte Wolff, Tiggi Choanji, Li Fei, Amalia Gutierrez, Marc-Henri Derron, Michel Jaboyedoff, Andrea Pedrazzini, and Carlo Rivolta

The Ticino Canton, located in the Swiss Alps, is characterized by steep valleys with important slope instabilities. It particularly affected by rock avalanches and landslides especially after important precipitations.
One of those is the Cima del Simano gneissic mountain in the Blenio valley. The top, reaching an altitude of 2550m, is strongly weathered and presents one main 500 meters-long open fracture and several smaller fractures. Some preliminary satellite InSAR results highlight downward movements. This instability is worthy to be studied since it represents a risk for the road passing at the bottom or villages implanted on its slopes. 
Nevertheless, this mountain is challenging to study because of (1) its bad accessibility: the top without access roads is covered by snow half of the year and (2) the atmospheric effects: the top is often hidden by clouds.  
For those reasons, the study is carried by combining several remote sensing techniques to acquire a maximal amount of information on the instability movements such as rockfalls, topplings and slow deep-seated landslides. Those techniques are extensometers, GNSS, Lidar, satellite InSAR, Ground-Based InSAR (GB-InSAR) and drones Structure from Motion (SfM). They are aimed at confirming the failure scenarios, predicted based on field observations and by structural analyses.  
With Lidar and SfM point clouds one is able to detect small blocks in toppling or sliding, which are confirmed by the results of GNSS and GB-InSAR campaigns, as well as zones of accumulations of rock avalanches debris. By means of GB-InSAR and satellite InSAR one can detect more long-term moving areas (few mm/year). We estimate the limits of those instabilities and their corresponding volume with structural analyses of the discontinuities using Coltop3D and by applying the Slope Local Base Level (SLBL) method. 
For the main fracture, we try to delimit the contours of the instability, but such an aperture and hypothetical instability edges are hardly explained by the actual topography. One explanation is that this fracture was inherited from an older important gravitational event, whose involved material collapsed and was washed out since the event occurred.

How to cite: Wolff, C., Choanji, T., Fei, L., Gutierrez, A., Derron, M.-H., Jaboyedoff, M., Pedrazzini, A., and Rivolta, C.: Use of combined monitoring remote sensing techniques for the study of active fractures in a remote area: Case of Cima Del Simano rockslide, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13466,, 2023.

EGU23-14251 | Posters on site | NH3.9

Investigating the effects of meteorological conditions on landslide formation in a high-arctic glacier basin using terrestrial laser scanning (Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard) 

Erik Kuschel, Christian Zangerl, Ursula Laa, Vinzent Klaus, Alexander Prokop, Eric Bernard, Jean-Michel Friedt, Léo Duvernet, and Florian Tolle

Landslide processes are one of the dominant agents of erosion and sediment transport in alpine terrain, which often pose a significant risk to communities and infrastructure around the world. Climate change generates a wide range of processes such as glacier retreat, permafrost degradation or changing precipitation patterns, which are projected to decrease the stability of mountain slopes and thus will lead to increased landslide activity. However, the empirical evidence is lacking as meteorological boundary conditions altered by climate change, may have different and often contrasting effects on landslide formation and activity. As a result of the Arctic amplification, high-arctic environments are an important field laboratory for investigating current and future landslide processes.

The ongoing paraglacial response of sediment-mantled slopes through landslide processes has been assessed and mapped around the globe. However, investigations on the impact of meteorological factors on shallow landslide formation modifying sediment-mantled slopes in the surroundings of retreating glaciers is in many cases not possible due to the lack of long-term high-resolution terrain data. The Austre Lovénbreen glacier basin in Svalbard (Norway) is a particularly relevant location to study the modification of slopes through landslides, as the area has been affected by the recent global warming characterized by the greatest temperature increase during the last three decades.

The objectives of this study are i) to provide data utilizing multi-temporal high-resolution terrestrial laser scans of the glacier and the surrounding slopes, ii) identify and quantify landslide processes found on sediment-mantled slopes, iii) investigate failure mechanisms and derive a conceptual model describing the adaptation of the periglacial talus slopes to the retreat of the glacier and iv) investigate the driving factors for the temporal and spatial evolution of landslides in the Austre Lovénbreen Basin.

The Austre Lovénbreen glacier basin represents a highly dynamic environment, which is in an unstable state, caused by the rapid retreat of the glacier and by climatic conditions. We show that, in contrast to the established literature, shallow debris slides are the primary source of sediment transport on steep sediment-mantled slopes in a high-arctic environment and that meteorological parameters control their spatial and temporal evolution.

How to cite: Kuschel, E., Zangerl, C., Laa, U., Klaus, V., Prokop, A., Bernard, E., Friedt, J.-M., Duvernet, L., and Tolle, F.: Investigating the effects of meteorological conditions on landslide formation in a high-arctic glacier basin using terrestrial laser scanning (Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14251,, 2023.

EGU23-15433 | ECS | Orals | NH3.9

Evaluation of rock slope failure activity by comparison of multi-sensor InSAR datasets in the Sothern Swiss Alps 

Alessandro De Pedrini, Christian Ambrosi, Andrea Manconi, and Federico Agliardi

Spaceborne synthetic aperture radar interferometry (InSAR) is commonly applied in mountain environments to detect and monitor mass movements to support local or regional natural hazard evaluation. InSAR technology is being increasingly used thanks to the recent open data policies or relatively low costs. Despite the remarkable advantage of observing wide regions, the technology presents intrinsic limitations which are emphasized or reduced depending on the satellite and the characteristics of the area investigated. Satellites with different revisiting times and operating in various bands, namely in the X (wavelength lambda = 3.1 cm), C (lambda of 5.6 cm), and L (lambda of 23.1 cm) bands, are suitable for observing mass movements with different characteristics depending on mountain relief, vegetation, and displacement rates. However, the use of a certain satellite can result in misleading displacement rates or a lack of measurements.

In this work, we compare the data from different satellites to highlight the capabilities and the general limitations of the method for application in a 1’500 km2 wide area of the Southern Swiss Alps, covering the Canton Ticino and a portion of Canton Grisons. The main valleys have a north-south orientation, characterized by steep slopes of altitudes between 2’000 and 3’000 meters a.s.l., covered by typical alpine vegetation. The dataset processed includes the ERS, Envisat, Sentinel-1, and RadarSAT missions, both ascending and descending geometries for a time frame of several decades. The distribution of the instabilities of the whole region is provided by the update “Catalog of the instabilities of Canton Ticino, 2016” expanded to the adjacent Calanca and Mesolcina valleys of Canton Grisons. The mapping has been made by the Institute of Earth Sciences of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) in the framework of the Interreg AMALPI 18 project and the mapping of the geological maps Osogna, Grono, Biasca, and Mesolcina of the Swiss Geological Atlas AG25. We validate the InSAR results by comparing the surface velocities with terrestrial monitoring, field observations, and historical information that describe the rock slope failure activity.

From the statistical information obtained by the comparison of slope displacements detected through the Permanent Scatterers technique PS, the areas affected by instability, and different movement rates, we make considerations on the use of the PS for monitoring rock slope failures of different types and rates of displacement in a mountain context.

How to cite: De Pedrini, A., Ambrosi, C., Manconi, A., and Agliardi, F.: Evaluation of rock slope failure activity by comparison of multi-sensor InSAR datasets in the Sothern Swiss Alps, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15433,, 2023.

Global atmospheric warming and associated deglaciation effects lead to the increasing development of slope instabilities in glacier forefield environments. The primary drivers are debuttressing effects due to retreating glaciers, exposure of previously contained rock masses and thawing of permafrost. Such effects can lead to a decrease in slope stability and possible resulting failure in the generally rough and steep terrain encountered in high mountains, such as the densely populated European Alps, calling for extensive hazard analyses of such features.

Within the framework of the ESA Regional Initiatives for the Alps, the AlpGlacier project analyses capabilities to monitor glaciers in the Alps from the Copernicus Sentinel satellites. The derived products are: (a) snow cover and (b) flow velocities, both on glaciers, as well as (c) pro-glacial lakes and (d) slope instabilities, both in glacier forefields. Synergies through a combination of sensors, with focus on Sentinel-1 and -2, are tested and sensor limits identified. The presented work focusses on the slope instability product. The specific challenges to detect slope instabilities are the highly variable rates of movement combined with the long-lasting presence of snow cover, requiring the application of diverse DInSAR processing approaches and a detailed visual analysis of the observed changes. We present a comparison of standard and advanced DInSAR methods using Sentinel-1 data to evaluate the possibilities and limitations to detect slope displacements in three selected study regions in the European Alps. The Mattertal region in Switzerland, Mont Blanc region in France/Italy and Ötztal Alps in Austria are characterised by steep relief, the occurrence of permafrost, dense infrastructure and known slope instabilities. All sites experience glacier retreat since the Little Ice Age that leads to the potential formation of glacier lakes and slope instabilities. Continuous Sentinel-1 acquisitions exist for each site, which are used in multiple DInSAR techniques to detect and map slope instabilities, allowing an assessment of the variability of detected surface motion and suitability of the applied methods.

Results show a widespread distribution of slope instabilities moving at <2 cm/year to >30cm/year. Movements include soil and rock slides, rock falls, rock slope deformations as well as permafrost-related movements and rockglaciers. Time series extracted for exemplary movements occurring along retreating glaciers in each study region show distinct accelerations in the last 5 years that may be related to deglaciation effects. The results are validated with optical and SAR offset tracking methods.

How to cite: Jones, N., Strozzi, T., and Paul, F.: Slope instability mapping in glacier forefield environments of the Alps using standard and advanced DInSAR techniques, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15632,, 2023.

EGU23-16264 | Posters on site | NH3.9

Analysis of spatial and temporal evolution of the Brienz/Brinzauls deep-seated landslide, Switzerland 

Andrea Manconi, Yves Bühler, and Andreas Stoffel

Large compound landslides show long-term evolution, which is characterized by non-steady velocities, sudden accelerations and potential failure events. Accurate data is hence important for the analysis and the interpretation of their kinematic behavior, as well as associated hazard potential. Remote sensing techniques have demonstrated to be a valid complement to standard in-situ monitoring. Here we show how frequent acquisitions with remote Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) can be used to study large landslide complexes. We performed an extensive analysis at the Brienz/Brinzauls landslide complex, located in canton Graubünden (Switzerland), based on 20 photogrammetric flights acquired between 2018 and 2023. Dem-of-Differences (DoD) and displacements from Digital Image Correlation (DIC) are computed to reconstruct the spatial and temporal evolution of the surface changes. We compare the results with independent monitoring data, and we perform a strain analysis to highlight areas of strain accumulation and identify possible relationships between kinematic domains, geological boundaries, as well as tectonic structures and rock mass discontinuities. The aim of this contribution is to demonstrate how spatial and temporal resolution of the datasets might deeply influence the interpretation of displacements in complex landslide scenarios.

How to cite: Manconi, A., Bühler, Y., and Stoffel, A.: Analysis of spatial and temporal evolution of the Brienz/Brinzauls deep-seated landslide, Switzerland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16264,, 2023.

The purpose of this abstract is to describe a coupled CFD-MPM model that combines soil mechanics (saturated sediments) with fluid mechanics (seawater or air) as well as solid mechanics (structures) to consider interactions between soil, fluid, and structures. With this formulation, the Material Point Method, which models large deformations in porous media and structures in conjunction with the Implicit Continuous-fluid Eulerian Method, which models complex fluid flows, is combined to model large deformations in porous media and structures. The model has been validated through various benchmarks and then it is used to simulate submarine landslides due to earthquakes. It is shown that this model captures the complicated interactions between saturated sediment, seawater, and offshore structures. This allows us to estimate the impact of potential submarine landslides on offshore structures using the model. 

How to cite: Tran, Q. A.: A hybrid MPM-CFD model for simulating earthquake-induced submarine landslides, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-112,, 2023.

EGU23-1131 | ECS | Orals | NH3.11

Landsifier: A python library to estimate likely triggers and types of landslides 

Ugur Ozturk, Kamal Rana, Kushanav Bhuyan, and Nishant Malik

The accuracy of landslide hazard models depends on landslide databases for model training and testing. Landslide databases frequently lack information on the underlying triggering mechanism (i.e., earthquake, rainfall), rendering them nearly useless in hazard models.

We created Landsifier, a Python-based unique library with three different machine-Learning frameworks for assessing the likely triggering mechanisms of individual landslides or entire inventories based on landslide 2D platforms and 3D shapes relying on an underlying digital elevation model (DEM). The base method extracts landslide planform properties as a feature space for the shallow learner-random forest (RF). An alternative approach uses 2D landslide images as input for the convolutional neural network deep learning algorithm (CNN). The final framework uses topological data analysis (TDA) to extract features from 3D landslide surfaces, which are then fed into the random forest classifier as a feature space. We tested the developed methods on six inventories spread over Japan. We achieved mean accuracy ranging from 70% to 98%.

Advancing this trigger classifier, we are working on the next generation to classify also the landslide types (i.e., flows, slides, falls, complex) similarly.

How to cite: Ozturk, U., Rana, K., Bhuyan, K., and Malik, N.: Landsifier: A python library to estimate likely triggers and types of landslides, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1131,, 2023.

EGU23-1600 | ECS | Orals | NH3.11

Nonsmooth simulations of 3D Drucker-Prager granular flows and validation against experimental column collapses 

Gauthier Rousseau, Thibaut Métivet, Hugo Rousseau, Gilles Daviet, and Florence Bertails-Descoubes

Testing advanced numerical hydro-mechanical models against well-controlled experiments is a critical step in improving our understanding of unsteady granular mass flows, and necessary to provide some domains of validity for any further risk assessment.
To this end, experimental granular collapses were performed to evaluate the sand6 numerical simulator introduced by Daviet & Bertails-Descoubes (2016), which represents the granular medium as an inelastic and dilatable continuum subject to the Drucker-Prager yield criterion in the dense regime, and computes its dynamics using a 3D material point method (MPM). A specificity of this numerical model is to solve such the Drucker-Prager nonsmooth rheology without any regularisation, by leveraging tools from nonsmooth optimisation.
This nonsmooth simulator, which relies on a constant friction coefficient, is able to reproduce with high fidelity various experimental granular collapses over inclined erodible beds, provided the friction coefficient is set to the avalanche angle - and not to the stop angle, as generally done. The results, obtained for two different granular materials and for bed inclinations ranging from 0° to 20°, suggest that a simple constant friction rheology choice remains reasonable for capturing a large variety of granular collapses up to aspect ratios in the order of 10.
Investigating the precise role of the frictional walls by performing experimental and simulated collapses with various channel widths, we find out that, unlike some assumptions formerly made in the literature, the channel width has lower influence than expected on the granular flow and deposit.
The constant coefficient model is extended with a hysteresis model, thereby improving the predictions of the early-stage dynamics of the collapse. This illustrates the potential effects of such phenomenology on transient granular flows, paving the way to more elaborate analysis.

How to cite: Rousseau, G., Métivet, T., Rousseau, H., Daviet, G., and Bertails-Descoubes, F.: Nonsmooth simulations of 3D Drucker-Prager granular flows and validation against experimental column collapses, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1600,, 2023.

Abstract: The occurrence time of investigated landslide hazard is not complete, leading to an error in the statistical relationship between rainfall and landslide. And the low accuracy of the critical rainfall threshold model will be built. And further, it will lead to an increase in the false positive rate of meteorological early warning. This study takes rainfall-induced landslides in the Wanzhou District of Chongqing from 1995 to 2015 as the research object. And Henghe Township, where historical disaster data is missing seriously, is the verification area. This study proposes a prediction model of the daily temporal probability of landslides occurrence on a certain day based on Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and Temporal Convolutional Network (TCN). The method is used to reconstruct the temporal information of rainfall-induced landslide events by simulating the nonlinear relationship between the occurrence time of landslides and rainfall. The landslide events after the reconstruction of temporal information were verified and selected, and then applied to the reasonable division of the E-D effective rainfall threshold curve, so as to establish the landslide meteorological warning model. The average temporal probability of rainfall-induced landslide occurrence on a certain day predicted by the proposed method reached 90.33%, which is higher than that of ANN (71.17%), LSTM (72.75%), and TCN (86.91%). Based on the temporal probability of landslide occurrence on a certain day which is higher than the 90% probability threshold, 18-time information including 42 landslides in Henghe Township of the verification area is expanded to 201. Compared with only using the historical landslide events, the meteorological warning model based on the expanded time information has a more reasonable warning classification, and the effective warning rate in the severe warning level is increased by 42.86%. The model method in this study is of constructive significance to the daily temporal probability prediction of rainfall-induced landslides on the regional scale and is helpful for the government to accurately model the risk decision of landslide meteorological warning.

How to cite: Zhao, Y. and Chen, L.: Rainfall-induced Landslide temporal probability prediction and meteorological early warning modeling based on LSTM_TCN model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1702,, 2023.

The Jurassic red-strata of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area in China is interbedded of thick siltstone and thin sandy-mudstone and contains many clay minerals, such as montmorillonite and illite, which is water sensitive, weak and expansive, and easy to decompose by water weathering. In particular, due to the seasonal rainfall, development of settlements, and large-scale reservoir impoundment, many slow-moving landslides (e.g., deep rotation and planar landslides) often occur. Notwithstanding, the reconnaissance, updating, and mapping of kinematic features of township area landslides lack the appropriate attention of the government and researchers. Landslide susceptibility mapping is necessary prerequisites for landslide hazard and risk assessment. But a certain proportion of unpredictability is always closely related to modeling. The main objective of this work is to introduce deep ensemble learning into landslide susceptibility assessment to improve the performance of maximum likelihood models. Therefore, the current model construction has focused on three basic classifiers: decision tree, support vector machine, multi-layer perceptron neural network model, and two homogeneous ensemble models: random forest and extreme gradient boosting. Two prominent ensemble techniques—homogeneous/heterogeneous model ensemble and bagging, boosting, stacking ensemble strategy—were applied to implement the deep ensemble learning. Then, thirteen influencing factors were prepared as predictors and dependent variables. The landslide susceptibility maps were validated by the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve. The results of validation showed that the ensemble model shows that the ROC/AUC value is higher than 0.9, which is improved compared with the basic classifiers. Deep ensemble learning focuses more on detecting the landslide susceptibility area with the highest probability of occurrence. The Stacking based RF-XGBoost model obtained the best verification score (AUC=0.955). The comparison between the susceptibility map and landslide inventory data is encouraging as most of the recorded landslide pixels (about 83.3%) are at a high susceptibility level. Besides, from the information gain rate, we found that the Yangtze River and human engineering activities mainly affect the results, which is consistent with the current situation in the study area. The research results in the township-level landslide susceptibility map can also be extended to other urban and rural areas affected by landslides to reduce the landslide disaster risk and formulate further development strategies.

How to cite: Zeng, T., Yin, K., and Wu, L.: Uncertainty research of landslide susceptibility mapping based deep ensemble learning: different basic classifier and ensemble strategy, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2445,, 2023.

EGU23-4428 | Orals | NH3.11

From Dense Flows to Powder Cloud Simulations: The OpenFOAM Avalanche Module 

Matthias Rauter, Julia Kowalski, and Wolfgang Fellin

OpenFOAM [1] is a well-known and widely used framework for physical simulations. Its Finite Area Framework allows the depth-integrated simulation of flows on nearly arbitrary surfaces. It was shown that this framework can be applied to snow avalanche simulations in natural terrain [2].

We will present the latest updates to the framework and the implementation of the avalanche module. The module provides not only a model for dense flow avalanches [2], but was lately extended to simulate powder snow avalanches and mixed snow avalanches. Various well-known friction and snow entrainment models are available for use, as well as unique models for deposition and coupling of dense flow and powder cloud layer in mixed snow avalanches. For practical applications, the module provides interfaces and methods for the integration of geographic information systems (GIS) and is fully capable of using raster and shape files for in- and output.

The avalanche module is built to integrate well in the OpenFOAM structure and follows the common user concepts of OpenFOAM. Therefore, users familiar with OpenFOAM should be able to accommodate quickly to the module and to run simulations after a short time. The module is provided as open source and its structure enables and encourages the implementation and experimenting with new ideas. One mayor goal of the module is to reduce the time from model development to model evaluation and application.

The module is hosted and developed collaboratively on We will provide an introduction into the framework and development process and provide interested people pointers on how to get started with the module and how to implement their own ideas.

[1] Weller, H. G., Tabor, G., Jasak, H., & Fureby, C. (1998). A tensorial approach to computational continuum mechanics using object-oriented techniques. Computers in physics, 12(6), 620-631.

[2] Rauter, M., Kofler, A., Huber, A., & Fellin, W. (2018). faSavageHutterFOAM 1.0: depth-integrated simulation of dense snow avalanches on natural terrain with OpenFOAM. Geoscientific Model Development, 11(7), 2923-2939.

How to cite: Rauter, M., Kowalski, J., and Fellin, W.: From Dense Flows to Powder Cloud Simulations: The OpenFOAM Avalanche Module, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4428,, 2023.

EGU23-4715 | Posters on site | NH3.11

MultiResUNet, VGG16, and U-Net applications for landslide detection 

Saro Lee, Fatemeh Rezaie, and Mahdi Panahi

The frequent occurrence of disastrous landslides can lead to significant infrastructure damages, loss of life, and the relocation of populations. Early detection of landslides is crucial for mitigating the consequences. Today, deep learning algorithms, particularly fully convolutional networks (FCNs) and their variants such as the ResU-Net, have been utilized to rapidly and automatically detecting landslides. In the current study, a novel method using three new deep learning models: MultiResUNet, VGG16, and U-Net was used to detect landslides in Hokkaido Island, Japan. Our dataset is comprised of Sentinel-2 images and a mask layer, which includes "landslide" or "non-landslide" labels. The suggested framework was based on the analysis of satellite images of landslide-prone locations using bands 2 (blue), 3 (green), 4 (red), and 5 (visible and near-infrared) of Sentinel 2, slope and elevation factors. We trained each model on the dataset and evaluated their performance using a variety of statistical indexes, including precision, recall, and F1 score. The results showed that the MultiResUNet model outperformed the other two models, achieving an accuracy of 82.7%. The VGG16 and U-Net models achieved accuracies of 65.5% and 67.2%, respectively. The results indicated the capability of deep learning algorithms to process satellite images for early landslide detection and provide the opportunity of implementing efficient and effective disaster management strategies.

How to cite: Lee, S., Rezaie, F., and Panahi, M.: MultiResUNet, VGG16, and U-Net applications for landslide detection, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4715,, 2023.

Gravity-driven geophysical granular flows, such as rock avalanches, landslides, debris flows, etc., interact with obstacles (e.g. bridge piers and buildings) as they flow down the slope, causing rapid changes in flow velocity and height in the vicinity to form a granular shock wave in front of the object. The interaction between shock waves will affect the granular-flow field near the obstacles. However, the complex physical processes make some challenges in understanding how the granular material behaves in the influencing area of shock-shock interaction.

In this study, systematic chute experiments were performed with glass particles to investigate the dynamic interaction between granular flow and two circular cylinders with variable spacing distances. The pressure sensors were used to measure the impact pressure of the granular flow on the upstream cylindrical surfaces and a plate equipped flush with the chute bed. The accelerometers were mounted at the bottom of the plate to record seismic signals generated by the granular flow impacting on the bed as well as the cylinders. Flow velocities and depths were determined using an image processing method. The discrete element method (DEM) was utilized to construct a virtual model of the chute system and particles and to simulate the dynamic processes of granular flow interacting with the cylinders. The experimental and the DEM simulated results showed that bow shock waves were generated just upstream of the two cylinders and a granular vacuum zone was formed on the lee side of each cylinder, with the incoming flow velocity being significantly reduced in the granular-shock influencing area. As the spacing decreases, the two shock waves change from being independent to mutual interference. In addition, the effects of spacing distances on the shapes of the granular vacuum and bow shock waves were investigated by experiments and compared to the DEM results, showing a strong interaction between granular shocks. The pinch-off distance which is determined by the length of the granular vacuum also showed a dependence on the spacing distance of the cylinders, indicating a decreasing pinch-off distance with decreasing value of spacing. The impact pressures and acoustic signals generated by granular flow impacting on the chute bed and the surfaces of the cylinders in the shock influencing area for varying Froude numbers were also analyzed.

In summary, the DEM simulations and the recorded signals are helpful to analyze the interaction between granular shock waves. The finding in present study may contribute to better understanding granular shock dynamics and may eventually in improving the design of the protective structure in hazard-prone area.

How to cite: Wang, J., Chen, Z., and Wang, D.: Effects of Spacing Distance between Cylindrical Obstacles on Granular Shock Interactions in Gravity-Driven Experimental Flows, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5177,, 2023.

EGU23-5309 | ECS | Orals | NH3.11

Impacts of flow path water-saturation for debris-flow erosion modelling at Illgraben (Switzerland) 

Anna Lena Könz, Jacob Hirschberg, Brian McArdell, Perry Bartelt, and Peter Molnar

Debris flows can significantly grow along their flow path by entraining sediments stored in the channel bed and banks. This entrainment process is influenced by various factors such as flow properties (e.g., flow momentum, basal shear stress) and environmental conditions (e.g., soil water saturation, sediment availability). In recent years, different attempts to include the entrainment process in runout models have improved modelled flow properties and runout behavior by empirically linking entrainment volumes to individual modelled flow properties. Linking entrainment to environmental factors, however, has remained challenging.

Here, we aim at implementing and testing the influence of flow path water-saturated conditions in debris-flow runout modelling in a Swiss debris-flow basin (Illgraben). To this end, the modified RAMMS runout model, which includes an empirical algorithm to describe entrainment as a function of basal shear stress (Frank et al., 2015), is coupled with a simple hydrological model to predict soil water saturation. In a first step, the RAMMS model was calibrated for the Illgraben site for seven events with detailed data on erosion/deposition along the fan as well as flow properties at the outflow of the simulation domain (de Haas et al., 2022). In the calibration procedure, the focus was placed on the erosion proportionality factor dz/dtau [m/kPa] (which links the maximum potential erosion depth to the basal shear stress) as it is assumed to be the driving saturation-induced increase of entrained volume. Preliminary results show that in most cases, including the entrainment process improves the reproduction of the flow properties, especially the ‘hydrograph’ front, and that the erosion proportionality factor dz/dt shows a significant degree of variation for different events. In a second step, the relationship between soil moisture conditions and maximum erosion depth expected along the flow path was investigated. The hydrologic conditions are simulated with a conceptual model solving the water balance for the basin’s headwaters. The headwater discharge serves as the water input for the channel on the fan, where an infiltration model is applied, and entrainment is investigated. The presented framework, which could be incorporated into other runout models, is expected to be useful for debris-flow entrainment modelling, as well as for assessing climate change impacts on debris-flow runout.


de Haas, T., McArdell, B.W., Nijland, W., Åberg, A.S., Hirschberg, J., Huguenin, P., 2022. Flow and Bed Conditions Jointly Control Debris‐Flow Erosion and Bulking. Geophysical Research Letters 49.

Frank, F., McArdell, B.W., Huggel, C., Vieli, A., 2015. The importance of entrainment and bulking on debris flow runout modeling: examples from the Swiss Alps. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. 15, 2569–2583.

How to cite: Könz, A. L., Hirschberg, J., McArdell, B., Bartelt, P., and Molnar, P.: Impacts of flow path water-saturation for debris-flow erosion modelling at Illgraben (Switzerland), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5309,, 2023.

EGU23-6411 | ECS | Posters virtual | NH3.11 | Highlight

Importance of water and water producing processes in cascading events in mountainous regions 

Jessica Munch and Perry Bartelt

Over the last years, several multiphase avalanches have been observed, some of them leading to a cascade of events, such as in Chamoli, India, 2021, where a mixture of ice and rock fell down Ronti Peak, and transitioned to a debris flow with large amounts of water being involved. Another example is the event that occurred at Pizzo Cengalo, Switzerland, in 2017, where the rock face collapsed on the underlying glacier, entraining part of it, and also transitioning to a debris flow. When such a mass movement occurs, and leads to a cascade of events, the runout distances are much longer, and the consequences, both for humans and infrastructure, are much more important. 

When a multiphase avalanche turns into a cascade of events, the amount of water present in the flow seems to be a determining factor for the runout distance. The sources of water, for both of the events aforementioned remain debated, and the amounts of water that can be generated by the melting of the ice in the flow or by entrainment are poorly constrained. Indeed, from the moment that ice and snow are involved in a multi-material gravitational flow, they have the potential to melt due to friction between the different components of the flow and with the ground, and hence generate water. Material entrainment on the way also has the potential to either directly incorporate water in the flow, or bring in material with a high water content (i.e. hydrated sediments) or ice, that has the ability to melt while the flow propagates. An accurate modelling the thermal aspect of the flow as well as its ability to entrain material on the way is necessary to quantify the amount of water present in the flow.

Here, using a multiphase depth-average model specifically designed to handle gravitational flows made of rocks/ice/water/snow or any single components of these, we want to assess 1) the impact of heat transfers between the materials and 2) entrainment of multiphase ground material on the flow behaviour and more specifically on the water content in the flow and the consequences it has in term of runout distances and potential for cascading events. 

First results show that both entrainment and heat transfer within the flow play a major role in water production. Our experiments suggest that heat transfer between rocks and ice leads to the most efficient water production. Material entrainment also plays a major role in incorporating water in the flow, or producing it by melting entrained ice. Better constrains regarding material thermal properties, ground composition and potential for entrainment are however necessary to accurately quantify the amounts of water that can join the flow and influence the runout distances.

How to cite: Munch, J. and Bartelt, P.: Importance of water and water producing processes in cascading events in mountainous regions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6411,, 2023.

EGU23-6718 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.11 | Highlight

Generating multi-temporal landslide inventories through a general deep transfer learning strategy using HR EO data 

Kushanav Bhuyan, Hakan Tanyas, Lorenzo Nava, Silvia Puliero, Sansar Raj Meena, Mario Floris, Cees van Westen, and Filippo Catani

Mapping landslides in space has gained a lot of attention over the past decade with good results. Current methods are primarily used to generate event inventories, but multi-temporal (MT) inventories are rare, even with manual landslide mapping. Here, we present an innovative deep learning strategy employing transfer learning. This allows our Attention Deep Supervision multi-scale U-Net model to be adapted to landslide detection tasks in new regions. This method also provides the flexibility to retrain a pretrained model to detect both rain and seismic landslides in new regions of interest. For mapping, archived Planet Lab remote sensing imagery from 2009 to 2021 at spatial resolutions of 3–5 m was used to systematically generate MT landslide inventories. Examining all cases, our approach provided an average F1 value of 0.8, indicating that it successfully identified the spatiotemporal occurrence of landslides. To examine the size distribution of mapped landslides, we compared the frequency distribution of predicted co-seismic landslides with manually mapped products from the literature. The results showed good agreement between the calculated exponents of the power law, with differences ranging from 0.04 to 0.21. Overall, this study demonstrated that the proposed algorithm can be applied to large areas to construct a polygon-based MT landslide inventory.

How to cite: Bhuyan, K., Tanyas, H., Nava, L., Puliero, S., Meena, S. R., Floris, M., Westen, C. V., and Catani, F.: Generating multi-temporal landslide inventories through a general deep transfer learning strategy using HR EO data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6718,, 2023.

EGU23-6884 | ECS | Orals | NH3.11

Using Deep Learning for Sentinel-1-based Landslide Mapping 

Aiym Orynbaikyzy, Frauke Albrecht, Wei Yao, Simon Plank, Andres Camero, and Sandro Martinis

Every year, landslides kill or injure thousands of people worldwide and substantially impact human livelihood. With the increasing number of extreme weather events due to the changing climate, urban sprawl and intensification of human activities, the amount of deadly landslide events is expected to grow. Landslides often occur unexpectedly due to the difficulty of predicting their location and timing. In such cases, providing information on the spatial extent of the landslide hazard is essential for organising and executing first-response actions on the ground.

This study explores the advantages and limitations of using high-resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data from Sentinel-1 within a deep learning framework for rapidly mapping landslide events. The objectives of the research are four-fold: 1) to investigate how Sentinel-1 landslide mapping can be improved using deep learning; 2) to explore if the addition of up to three pre-event scenes could improve the SAR-based classification accuracies; 3) to test if and how much the addition of polarimetric decomposition features and interferometric coherence help to improve classification accuracies; 4) to test if performing data augmentation affects the final results.

We adopt a semantic segmentation model – U-Net, and a novel deep network - U2-Net, to map landslides based on limited but globally distributed landslide inventory data. In total, 306 image patches with 128x128 pixels size were split into 80% for training/validation of the model and 20% for testing it. We calculate radar backscatter information (gamma nought VV and VH), polarimetric decomposition features (alpha angle, entropy, anisotropy) and interferometric coherence between temporally adjacent scenes. The features are calculated for three pre-event scenes and one post-event scene. Copernicus Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data are used to integrate land surface elevation and slope information into the classification process.

Using all Sentinel-1 features, the best result of deep learning model obtained 0.96 for the Dice coefficient on validation data. The landslide detection based on U2-Net gave slightly better results than the U-Net-based approach. The accuracies of models based on one, two or three pre-event scenes did not substantially differ, indicating no added values of increasing pre-event SAR features. Higher accuracies were reached when polarimetric decomposition features were combined with interferometric coherence compared to runs with only radar backscatter. Increasing the sample size using image augmentation methods such as four-directional rotation and flipping helped advance the accuracy.

Future research is directed towards (i) increasing and diversifying the landslide examples, (ii) performing landslide-events-based resampling and (iii) adding pre- and post-event optical data from Sentinel-2.  

How to cite: Orynbaikyzy, A., Albrecht, F., Yao, W., Plank, S., Camero, A., and Martinis, S.: Using Deep Learning for Sentinel-1-based Landslide Mapping, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6884,, 2023.

EGU23-8446 | ECS | Orals | NH3.11 | Highlight

Automatic detection of landslides from satellite images using a range of training events 

Kathryn Leeming, Itahisa Gonzalez Alvarez, Alessandro Novellino, and Sophie Taylor

Landslides in remote or uninhabited regions can be undocumented, leaving gaps in landslide inventories which are a key input for hazard and risk assessments. This can lead to landslide events being missing from research studies, and contribute to a bias in the events used for training of machine learning models.

In this work we use satellite images, terrain information, and labelled examples of landslides to train a convolutional neural network (U-Net), for the purpose of adding previously undocumented and new landslides to inventories. This model segments the input images and highlights the pixels it labels as landslides.

Our work focusses on landslides with a range of types and triggers, so that the model is exposed to a variety of training data. We describe the key properties of the landslides in the training set, and discuss the implications for future uses of the trained model.

How to cite: Leeming, K., Gonzalez Alvarez, I., Novellino, A., and Taylor, S.: Automatic detection of landslides from satellite images using a range of training events, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8446,, 2023.

EGU23-8596 | ECS | Posters virtual | NH3.11 | Highlight

Evaluating effects of topographies on explicit hydromechanical solvers using procedural generation 

Saoirse Robin Goodwin

A key problem for landslide research is evaluating hydromechanical solvers on a suitable variety of terrain types. There currently exists a large gulf between studies using hydromechanical solvers on highly idealised terrain, and those on real topographies. This makes it difficult to properly evaluate (i) the sensitivity of the output from the solver to specific terrain features, and (ii) potential numerical artifacts. One way to bridge the gap is to use procedural generation -- which has been used extensively in the videogame and animation industries for three decades -- to generate hillsides with controlled properties. Indeed, the size and frequency of topographical features can be set using procedural generation algorithms, so the spatial distribution of topographical features can be varied in isolation. This study uses a depth-averaged SPH solver to model single-surge flows on a variety of procedurally generated terrains. We investigate the effects of the spatial distribution and magnitude of features on the deposition patterns from the flows. We also discuss other potential applications for these approaches, including hazard mapping for cases where topographical uncertainty is likely (e.g. for modelling snow avalanches).

How to cite: Goodwin, S. R.: Evaluating effects of topographies on explicit hydromechanical solvers using procedural generation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8596,, 2023.

EGU23-8895 | ECS | Orals | NH3.11

Application of SOSlope to shallow landslide triggering in Rüdlingen (Switzerland) 

Ilenia Murgia, Filippo Giadrossich, Denis Cohen, Gian Franco Capra, and Massimiliano Schwarz

The development and application of deterministic models for vegetated slope stability analysis at a local scale is a pivotal issue in international research. Such tools identify mitigation and risk management techniques during increasingly frequent critical rainfall events. In this sense, the SOSlope software, developed by ecorisQ international association (, allows the simulation of hydro-mechanical dynamics that may influence shallow landslides' occurrence, focusing on the progressive activation of root reinforcement in space and time to counteract soil movement. 

This study presents a reconstruction of an artificially triggered landslide in Rüdlingen (Switzerland), carried out during the Triggering Rapid Mass Movements project, aiming for a back-analysis of the hydro-mechanical conditions leading to its triggering. This experiment allows comparing real-scale data on triggering dynamics of shallow landslides with modeling assumptions and results. Detailed measurements during the investigation and following slope failure were used to calibrate the hydro-mechanical input parameters used in SOSlope and evaluate the modeling capability to reproduce the landslide-triggering conditions and behaviors. 

Results show a reasonable reconstruction of the complex dynamics leading to the loss of soil stability. In particular, considering the water effect and the force redistribution dynamics during the triggering. SOSlope can quantify the effect of the root reinforcement spatial distribution and passive earth pressure. In addition to quantifying the maximum value of root reinforcement achieved to counteract soil movement, SOSlope enables observing its progressive activation in space and time. Pore water pressure dynamics show a distinctive trend regarding preferential flows in soil fractures and macropores; the decrease of suction stress due to increased water content in the soil matrix was also observed. SOSlope allows for systemic analysis of the landslide event by evaluating the different phases of change in slope stability and identifying the causes that favored their failure. These results are challenging to understand the shallow landslide triggering dynamics on vegetated slopes, given simplified assumptions through simpler models. This tool could support risk management strategies, including green-based solutions, nearby structures and infrastructure, or reforestation activities for slope stabilization. In the latter case, through the software, the structure, composition, and efficiency of the plantation can be checked. 

Future developments in SOSlope will include the implementation of a triangulated grid mesh to improve computational limitations associated with the raster input data square grid resolution and the inclusion of new tree species for root reinforcement estimation.

How to cite: Murgia, I., Giadrossich, F., Cohen, D., Capra, G. F., and Schwarz, M.: Application of SOSlope to shallow landslide triggering in Rüdlingen (Switzerland), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8895,, 2023.

EGU23-9956 | ECS | Orals | NH3.11

A surrogate model for depth-averaged erosion and deposition closures using deep learning 

Mohammad Nikooei and Clarence Edward Choi

Geophysical mass flows are commonly modelled using depth-averaged (DA) numerical models, which rely on closure relations to account for erosion and deposition. While erosion and deposition are grain scale phenomena, their physics is overlooked due to simplifications required in DA models. In this study, a framework is proposed to transfer the grain-scale physics of erosion and deposition to the continuum scale of DA models. A long short-term memory (LSTM) neural network is coupled with a DA model to incorporate the grain-scale physics of erosion and deposition. As a surrogate model for the closure relation, the LSTM model is trained using computed results from grain-scale Discrete Element Method (DEM) simulations. The surrogate model is evaluated by studying the deposition of an initially flowing granular mass over slope. The effective flow depth h and DA velocity u calculated by the DA-LSTM model are compared with DEM simulation results. The DA-LSTM model is demonstrated to provide more computational efficiency compared to DEM simulations. The newly proposed surrogate model offers a promising approach to calculating more complex closures using deep learning techniques.

How to cite: Nikooei, M. and Edward Choi, C.: A surrogate model for depth-averaged erosion and deposition closures using deep learning, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9956,, 2023.

EGU23-10159 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.11

Unravelling the complex dynamic of slow-moving landslides in the Flysch zone region, Lower Austria. A case study of the Hofermühle catchment. 

Yenny Alejandra Jiménez Donato, Edoardo Carraro, Philipp Marr, Robert Kanta, and Thomas Glade

Slow-moving landslides are complex processes that represent a significant challenge for landslide dynamic analysis and disaster risk reduction. In some cases, they have been considered as early signals of potential destructive events as they can accelerate under specific climatic conditions, causing significant damage.  However, slow-moving landslides have been constantly neglected as the require significant time, human resources, and specific numerical models to assess their non-uniformity. Considering the existing gaps and the lack of data of slow-moving landslides in Austria, a long-term monitoring project has been carried out by the ENGAGE group of the University of Vienna. Several investigation techniques for hydro-geo monitoring have been installed in Lower Austria for multi-temporal landslide investigation in several landslides, using them as living laboratories. Therefore, the present study aims to integrate the valuable hydro-mechanical data to bring light on potential acceleration conditions of slow-moving landslides, frequency and intensity relationships and cascading hazards initiated from within the slow-moving landslide mass.  

The geographical and geological conditions of the province of Lower Austria place it as a very susceptible region to the occurrence of landslides. The predominant geology correspond to the units of the Flysch Zone and the Klippen Zone, which are mechanically weak units composed by intercalation of limestones and deeply weathered materials. These conditions, along with the hydrological conditions, land use changes and other anthropogenic impacts contribute to the instability of the region. Consequently, in order to understand landslide processes and mechanisms, we attempt to integrate the hydro-mechanical data compiled from the monitoring sites to model a complex event triggered in 2013, in the Hofermühle catchment, district of Waidhofen an der Ybbs, in order to improve our understanding of landslide conditioning factors and triggering mechanisms of potential cascading hazards in the region.

How to cite: Jiménez Donato, Y. A., Carraro, E., Marr, P., Kanta, R., and Glade, T.: Unravelling the complex dynamic of slow-moving landslides in the Flysch zone region, Lower Austria. A case study of the Hofermühle catchment., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10159,, 2023.

EGU23-10269 | Posters on site | NH3.11

Detecting Landslide Affected Areas Using Deep Learning of Bi-Temporal Satellite Imagery Datasets 

Fuan Tsai, Elisabeth Dippold, Po-Jui Huang, and Chi-Chuan Lo

Landslide is one of the most frequently occurred and destructive natural hazards in Taiwan and many other places around the world. Using satellite images to help identify landslide affected regions can be an effective and economic alternative comparing to conventional ground-based measures. However, utilizing remotely sensed images for the investigation and analysis of landslides still faces challenges. In a long-term monitoring of landslide affected areas, it is common to observe landslides occur repeatedly at or around the same region, thus requiring change-detection analysis of multi-temporal image datasets to identify this type (repeatedly occurred) landslides, especially to monitor its expansion. In recent years, machine learning techniques are extensively adopted for image analysis, including satellite images. Therefore, integrating change-detection with machine learning algorithms should be helpful for identifying and mapping incremental landslides from multi-temporal satellite images. This research developed a systematic deep learning framework for detecting landslides with bi-temporal satellite image pairs as the training datasets. The training datasets are extracted and labelled from multi-temporal high-resolution multi-spectral satellite images covering two watershed regions where landslides occurred frequently. Experimental results indicate that the developed machine learning algorithms can achieve high accuracies and perform better than conventional methods for detecting landslide affected areas from time-series satellite images, especially in the places where landslides may occur repeatedly.

How to cite: Tsai, F., Dippold, E., Huang, P.-J., and Lo, C.-C.: Detecting Landslide Affected Areas Using Deep Learning of Bi-Temporal Satellite Imagery Datasets, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10269,, 2023.

Western Ghats (WG) of India is experiencing frequent landslides during every Indian summer monsoon. Due to the unique blend of topography and tropical humid climate, accelerates chemical weathering, forming a layer of unconsolidated soil unconformably overlies the Precambrian crystalline rock. Lack of cohesion or bonding in these contrasting geologic materials, makes WG vulnerable to various forms of landslides during the peak of Indian summer monsoon. Hence detailed information about soil thickness has a predominant role in identifying the landslide prone area and understanding the landslides in WG. However, soil thickness maps are not available for WG area and steep rugged terrain makes it difficult to collect detailed soil thickness data. This study used a random forest (RF) machine-learning model to predict the soil depth with a limited number of sparse samples in the Panniar river basin of WG. The model was combined using 70 soil depth observations with eleven covariates such as normalized difference vegetation index, topographic wetness index, valley depth, solar radiance, elevation, slope length, slope angle, slope aspect, convergence index, profile curvature and plan curvature. The results show that the RF model has good predictive accuracy with coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.822 and root mean square error (RMSE) of 2.968, i.e., almost 80% of soil depth variation explained. The spatially predicted soil depth map clearly shows regional patterns with local details. Both geomorphological processes and vegetation contributed to shaping the soil depth in the study area. The resulting map can be used for understating the soil characteristics and  modelling  the landslide susceptibility in the study area.

How to cite: Asokan Laila, A. and Gopinath, G.: Soil depth Prediction in a landslide prone tropical river basin under data-sparse conditions using machine-learning technique, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11135,, 2023.

EGU23-13292 | Orals | NH3.11

Advances in landslide analysis by using remote sensing and artificial intelligence (AI): Results from MultiSat4SLOWS project 

Mahdi Motagh, Simon Plank, Wandi Wang, Aiym Orynbaikyzy, Magdalena Vassileva, and Mike Sips

Landslides are a major type of natural hazard that cause significant human and economic losses in mountainous regions worldwide. Optical and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellite data are increasingly being used to support landslide investigation due to their multi-spectral and textural characteristics, multi-temporal revisit rates, and large area coverage. Understanding landslide occurrence, kinematics and correlation to external triggering factors is essential for landslide hazard assessment. Landslides are usually triggered by rainfall and thus, are often covered by clouds, which limits the use of optical images only. Exploiting SAR data, and their cloud penetration and all weather measurement capability, provides more precise temporal characterization of landslide kinematics and its occurrence. However, except for a few research studies, the full potential of SAR data for operational landslide analysis are not fully exploited yet. This is a very demanding task, considering the availability of a vast amount of Sentinel-1 data that have been globally available since October 2014.

In this presentation we summarise all the achievements that were made within the framework of MultiSat4SLOWS project (Multi-Satellite imaging for Space-based Landslide Occurrence and Warning Service), financed within the Helmholtz Imaging 2020 call. The project aims on developing a multi-sensor approach for detection and analysis of the landslide occurrence time and its spatial extent using freely available SAR data from Sentinel-1. Within this project,  we generated a reference database based on Sentinel-1 and -2 data for training, testing and validation of deep learning algorithms. The reference database contains various landslide examples that occurred worldwide and include pre- and post-event polarimetric, coherence and backscatter features. Also, we investigated the applicability of SAR/InSAR time-series data for landslide time detection. Finally, we introduce a prototype of a Visual Analytics platform for rapid landslide analysis of spatial and temporal ground deformation patterns and correlation with external triggering factors.


How to cite: Motagh, M., Plank, S., Wang, W., Orynbaikyzy, A., Vassileva, M., and Sips, M.: Advances in landslide analysis by using remote sensing and artificial intelligence (AI): Results from MultiSat4SLOWS project, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13292,, 2023.

EGU23-13333 | ECS | Orals | NH3.11

Geophysical mass flow over complex micro-topography: from grain-scale mechanics to continuum modeling 

Lu Jing, Shuocheng Yang, and Fiona C. Y. Kwok

Geophysical mass flows involve granular earth materials surging down natural slopes, one of the major threats to mountainous regions worldwide. Accurate modeling of geophysical mass flows requires closure relations both within the flow (rheology) and at the flow-substrate interface (boundary conditions). However, although recent years have seen significant advances in the modeling of granular flow rheology, our understanding of how flowing granular materials interact with the substrate remains largely elusive. Here, we focus on micro-topography, i.e., geometric base roughness that is about the same size as the grain size, and investigate its effects on the granular flow dynamics as well as the associated closure relations. To systematically vary the base roughness from smooth to rough, we generate the base using immobile particles with varying particle size and spatial arrangement in laboratory experiments (with particle image velocimetry for flow kinematics extraction) and discrete element method simulations. Two granular flow scenarios are considered, including steady-state flow down inclines and granular column collapse. In the first scenario, it is found that basal slip occurs when the base roughness is below a range of intermediate values and a general slip law connecting the slip velocity, the mean flow velocity, and the base roughness is developed. In the second, transient flow scenario, basal slip inevitably occurs even for very rough bases due to inertial effects and a transient basal slip law is proposed to correlate the slip velocity with local flow properties based on kinetic theory arguments. The basal slip laws developed in this work can be readily incorporated as a dynamic boundary condition in continuum modeling of granular flows. In future work, grain-scale mechanisms relevant to more realistic geophysical flows will be investigated, including the feedback effects of pore fluid pressure on the flow mobility during basal sliding and the role of irregular particle shapes in hydro-mechanical modeling of geophysical mass flows.

How to cite: Jing, L., Yang, S., and Kwok, F. C. Y.: Geophysical mass flow over complex micro-topography: from grain-scale mechanics to continuum modeling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13333,, 2023.

EGU23-13523 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.11

Automatic landslide detection using Sentinel-1 and -2 images - a glacial case study 

Alexandra Jarna Ganerød, Erin Lindsay, Ola Fredin, Tor-Andre Myrvoll, Steinar Nordal, Martina Calovi, and Jan Ketil Rød

Although Norway is a country with rough terrain and a high frequency instable steep slopes, there is a scarcity of landslide data available. This limits the accuracy of thresholds for early warning systems, and hazard maps, both of which rely on historic event data. There is great potential to supplement existing ground-based observations with automated landslide detection, using satellite imagery and deep learning. In working towards an automated system for landslide detection in Norway, we investigated which imagery types and machine-learning models performed best for detecting landslides in a formerly glaciated landscape.

We locally trained a deep learning model with the use of Keras, TensorFlow 2 and U-net architecture. As input data, we used multi temporal composites with Sentinel-1 and -2 image stacks of all available images from one month pre- and post-event. Processed bands included: dNDVI (difference in maximum normalised difference vegetation index) from Sentinel-2, and pre- and post-event Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data (terrain-corrected, mean of multi-temporal ascending descending images, in VV polarisation) from Sentinel-1. Training and evaluation were performed with a well-verified landslide inventory of 120 manually mapped rainfall-triggered landslides from Jølster (30-July-2019), in Western Norway. We tested the model with four input data settings using different bands and various polarization for the pre- and post-event SAR data, including: 1) full version (all 13 bands) 2) dNDVI (Sentinel-2), preVV, postVV (Sentinel-1), 3) preVV, postVV (Sentinel-1), and 4) post-R, post-G, post-B, post-NIR, dNDVI (Sentinel-2). The results were compared to the results of a pixel-based conventional machine learning model (Classification and Regression Tree) using the same input data. The second input data setting provides the best results. The performance scores show precision results for all four input data settings between 80-85%, with Matthews corelation coefficient values from 51-89%. Moreover, the deep-learning model significantly outperforms the conventional machine learning model in the input data setting #3. We see that the patch-based classification method far out-performs the pixel-classification due to the ability to differentiate the landslide signal from random noise produced from speckle in undisturbed areas. In addition, this represents one of the first attempts to fuse SAR and optical data for landslide detection, and we show there is an advantage in doing so in this case.


How to cite: Ganerød, A. J., Lindsay, E., Fredin, O., Myrvoll, T.-A., Nordal, S., Calovi, M., and Rød, J. K.: Automatic landslide detection using Sentinel-1 and -2 images - a glacial case study, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13523,, 2023.

Geophysical mass flows typically consist of a granular solid phase having a broad grain size distribution and an interstitial fluid phase. During the flow, particles of larger sizes tend to segregate in the flow and thereby accumulate in the flow surface and front, resulting in dramatic changes in the flow and deposition characteristics, such as enhanced runout distances and stratified deposit patterns. However, current hydro-mechanical modeling of geophysical mass flows often does not consider grain size segregation and the resulting internal heterogeneity of the flow, which can largely compromise the predictability of existing hydro-mechanical models. A major challenge lies in the multiscale nature of grain segregation and its effects on the flow mobility, which requires detailed characterization of segregation mechanics at both the particle and flow levels. Here, we first review recent advances in a multiscale framework in which the driving and resistive forces of segregation on a single intruder particle or a collection of large particles have been formulated based on discrete element method simulations and theoretical analysis. Then, we discuss how these particle-scale forces can be derived toward a continuum formulation for segregation flux modeling and be connected with the flow dynamics in a two-way coupling manner. These physics-based force formulations reflect the micromechanics of segregation and lead to enhanced predictive modeling of particle size dynamics in the granular flow. Finally, we discuss the potential of extending the proposed framework to consider the effects of interstitial fluids and other mechanisms in upscaled hydro-mechanical modelling for more realistic geophysical mass flows.

How to cite: Liu, M. and Jing, L.: Modelling grain size segregation in geophysical mass flows: bridging particle-level forces and continuum models, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14147,, 2023.

EGU23-14199 | Orals | NH3.11

“Fusion network with attention for landslide detection. Application to Bijie landslide open dataset” 

Candide Lissak, Thomas Corpetti, and Mathilde Letard

Remote sensing techniques are now widely spread for the early detection of ground deformation, implementation of warning systems in case of imminent landslide triggering, and medium- and long-term slope instability monitoring. The large breadth of data available to the scientific community, associated with processing techniques improved as the data volume was increasing, has led to noticeable developments in the field of remote sensing data processing, using machine learning algorithms and more particularly deep neural networks.


This arsenal of data and techniques is necessary for the present scientific challenges the community of researchers on landslides still have to meet. As landslides can be complex, for risk management and disaster mitigation strategies, it is necessary to have a precise idea of their location, shape, and size to be studied and monitored. The challenge aims to automate landslide detection and mapping, especially through learning methods. Machine learning methods based on Deep Neural Networks have recently been employed for landslide studies and provide promising efficient results for landslide detection [1].


In this study, we propose an original neural network for landslide detection. More precisely, we exploit a fusion network [1] dealing with optical images on the one hand and Digital Elevation Models on the other hand. To improve the results, attention layers [3] (able to stabilize the training and more precise results) as well as mix up techniques [4] (able to generalize more efficiently) are exploited.

The model was trained and tested on the open Bijie landslide dataset.


Keywords: Remote sensing for landslide monitoring and detection, landslide detection, deep neural networks, attention


[1] Ji, S., Yu, D., Shen, C., Li, W., & Xu, Q. (2020). Landslide detection from an open satellite imagery and digital elevation model dataset using attention-boosted convolutional neural networks. Landslides, 17(6), 1337-1352.

[2] Song, W., Li, S., Fang, L., & Lu, T. (2018). Hyperspectral image classification with deep feature fusion network. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 56(6), 3173-3184.

[3] Niu, Z., Zhong, G., & Yu, H. (2021). A review on the attention mechanism of deep learning. Neurocomputing, 452, 48-62.

[4] Thulasidasan, S., Chennupati, G., Bilmes, J. A., Bhattacharya, T., & Michalak, S. (2019). On mixup training: Improved calibration and predictive uncertainty for deep neural networks. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 32.

How to cite: Lissak, C., Corpetti, T., and Letard, M.: “Fusion network with attention for landslide detection. Application to Bijie landslide open dataset”, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14199,, 2023.

EGU23-14546 | ECS | Orals | NH3.11

ML-based characterization of PS-InSAR multi-mission point clouds for ground deformation classification 

Claudia Masciulli, Michele Gaeta, Giorgia Berardo, Gianmarco Pantozzi, Carlo Alberto Stefanini, and Paolo Mazzanti

Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) is a powerful multitemporal A-DInSAR (Advanced Differential Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry) technique widely used for monitoring and measuring Earth’s surface displacements over large areas with sub-centimetric precision. The capability to detect ground deformation processes relies on the available PSI spatial density, strictly related to the resolution of the considered sensor and the presence of stable natural and artificial reflectors. A new data fusion approach, developed as part of the “MUSAR” project funded by ASI (Italian Space Agency), integrates multi-band SAR sensors to improve data coverage of PSI data by synthesizing multi-sensor displacement information. The integration of multi-mission PSI generates synthetic measurement points, named Ground Deformation Markers (GD-Markers), featuring vertical (Up-Down) and horizontal (Est-West) components of the displacements. The fusion of PSI data extracted by C-band Sentinel-1 images from the Copernicus initiative and the COSMO-SkyMed constellation in the X-band from ASI contributed to creating a dataset with high information content.

Each GD-Markers cluster with displacement measurements identifies a specific deformation process in the region of interest. After selecting the relevant cluster of points, the deformation processes were classified into different categories (e.g., landslide, subsidence) to improve their understanding and evaluation for mitigating natural-related hazards. This study aimed to develop a machine learning-based classification system, starting from GD-Markers point clouds, which support the automatization of ground displacement identification and characterization. The synthetic points were characterized as individual entities or point clouds, formed by a discrete cluster of points in space, to evaluate the advantage of treating each point independently or incorporating local neighborhood information. The structured point data were analyzed using a supervised Random Forest (RF) approach to evaluate the performance of point cloud classification and categorization for identifying the best initial setting. Each point was assigned a label representing a deformation process in point cloud classification, while one label is provided for the entire point cloud dataset with categorization.

Comparing models’ performances allowed the definition of the best possible approach for classifying the deformation processes observed by GD-Markers point clouds. The analysis assessed the effectiveness of the classification of single points or clusters to identify the optimal setup that achieves an accurate segmentation between adjacent deformation processes. Identifying this initial setting was essential for selecting and developing advanced deep-learning approaches.

How to cite: Masciulli, C., Gaeta, M., Berardo, G., Pantozzi, G., Stefanini, C. A., and Mazzanti, P.: ML-based characterization of PS-InSAR multi-mission point clouds for ground deformation classification, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14546,, 2023.

EGU23-14639 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.11

Performance analysis of a U-Net landslide detection model 

Itahisa Gonzalez Alvarez, Kathryn Leeming, Alessandro Novellino, and Sophie Taylor

Image segmentation algorithms are a type of image classifier that assigns a label to each individual pixel in an image. U-Nets, initially developed for the analysis of biomedical images and now widely used in a variety of fields, are an example of such algorithms. It has been shown that U-Nets are specially interesting when working with small training datasets and combined with data augmentation techniques.

In this study, we used satellite images with labelled landslide masks from known events to train a U-Net to identify areas of potential landslide. These landslide masks are time-consuming to create, resulting in a small initial training set. Even when working with U-Nets, the success of machine learning and AI tools depends on the availability and quality of training data, as well as the algorithm settings during the training process. Tuning machine learning models to achieve the best performance possible from limited amounts of data is important to generate trustworthy results that can be used to advance the knowledge of landslide events around the world.

Here, we show the differences in algorithm performance as we use different types of data augmentation and model parameters. We also explore and assess the effects on performance of options such as including different satellite bands, terrain information and alternative colour band representations.

How to cite: Gonzalez Alvarez, I., Leeming, K., Novellino, A., and Taylor, S.: Performance analysis of a U-Net landslide detection model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14639,, 2023.

Steep slopes, deforestation, unconsolidated deposits, high annual rainfall, and a highly dissected landscape facilitate the occurrence of landslides in one of the most important Colombian highways “Via al Llano”, frequently causing traffic interruptions. Prior to a susceptibility assessment of the area, a multitemporal inventory is required. Usually, landslides are identified and mapped by visual interpretation of satellite optical and/or aerial images. However, in study areas located in tropical areas such as that of Via al Llano, due to the frequent presence of clouds, a number of images are needed to identify the landslides and estimate the period of their occurrence. Therefore, an automatic detection procedure is indispensable for large tropical areas and multitemporal event inventories. The cloud-based Google Earth Engine (GEE) allows geospatial processing of freely available multi-temporal data. In this work, we perform automatic detection of landslides using the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) from Sentinel-2 (optical images) and the SAR-backscatter change from Sentinel-1 (radar images) over a sector of the Buenavista area, extending for 53km2 in the south portion of the “Via al Llano”. Considering a period during which the occurrence of some landslides blocked the highway, images before and after this event were selected for automatic detection, and the results were compared with landslide inventory previously prepared by an expert operator by visual analysis of images available on Google Earth (optical-natural color images). To assess the ability of each method to discriminate between landslides and stable slopes, confusion matrices were calculated. The NDVI-based approach demonstrated an acceptable ability to identify the landslides, although generating a high number of false positives. On the other hand, the SAR-based method exhibits a lower ability to correctly detect the landslide polygons, even if generating a lower number of false positives. This is maybe due to the pattern of predicted positives which mostly consists of isolated pixels; conversely, the NDVI-based approach provides groups of adjacent pixels predicted as positives which better reproduce the shapes of the landslide polygons. Finally, by combining the two approaches and using topographic masks, better accuracy in the automatic mapping of our multitemporal landslide inventories was achieved.

How to cite: Calderon-Cucunuba, L. P. and Conoscenti, C.: Automatic mapping of multitemporal landslide inventories by using open-access Synthetic Aperture Radar and NDVI imagery in Google Earth Engine: a case study of the “Via al Llano” highway (Colombia), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15954,, 2023.

EGU23-16166 | Posters on site | NH3.11 | Highlight

Numerical modelling of mudflows impacting settlements: a case study 

Alessandro Leonardi, Giulia La Porta, and Marina Pirulli

Mudflows are common natural hazards, often originating from the liquefaction of shallow landslides triggered by rainfall. The numerical back-analysis of past events is key in projecting the application of numerical models towards forward analysis. However, the complex multi-physics nature of the problem hampers the development of comprehensive frameworks. Notwithstanding, calibrated numerical models, able to simulate all aspects of the problem (triggering and runout) can still be valuable tools for aiding the design of countermeasures. This can currently only happen if calibration is performed on the specific site, or on sites with very similar geomorphological and geological characteristics.

In this presentation, the application of a coupled triggering and runout model is explored. Two study cases of well-known events occurring in Southern Italy are presented. A pseudo-plastic model is used for the post-triggering rheology. The resolution of the runout simulation is down to the level of the specific exposed element (houses, roads). This allows for an ad-hoc assessment of risk on key pieces of infrastructure. The results reveal interesting aspects related to how the complex topographic features of settlements challenge the traditional workflow for back-analysis. In particular, the channelization of flows within the settlement itself leads to an overestimation of hazard, unless care is placed to resolve the triggering phase down to the sub-basin scale.  



Ng, C. W. W., Leonardi, A., Majeed, U., Pirulli, M., & Choi, C. E. (2023). A Physical and Numerical Investigation of Flow–Barrier Interaction for the Design of a Multiple-Barrier System. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 149(1).

Pasqua, A., Leonardi, A., & Pirulli, M. (2022). Coupling Depth-Averaged and 3D numerical models for the simulation of granular flows. Computers and Geotechnics, January, 104879.

How to cite: Leonardi, A., La Porta, G., and Pirulli, M.: Numerical modelling of mudflows impacting settlements: a case study, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16166,, 2023.

EGU23-16501 | Posters on site | NH3.11

Assessment of landslide susceptibility in the rocky coast subsystem of Essaouira, Morocco 

Sergio C. Oliveira, Abdellah Khouz, Jorge Trindade, Fatima ElBchari, Blaid Bougadir, Ricardo A. C. Garcia, and Mourad Jadoud

Several researchers have developed landslide susceptibility maps in recent years using a variety of methods and models. The Information Value method has frequently been used to assess landslide susceptibility in a variety of coastal environments. In this study we used these bivariate statistical techniques to assess the coastal region of Essaouira's susceptibility to landslides. 588 different landslides were found, classified, and mapped along the rocky coast of this coastal stretch. The observation and interpretation of many data sources, such as high-resolution satellite images, aerial photographs, topographic maps, and extensive field surveys, are employed to understand terrain predisposing conditions and to predict landslides. Essaouira's rocky coastal system is situated in the centre of Morocco's Atlantic coast. The study region was divided into 1534 (50 m wide) cliff terrain units. The landslide inventory was randomly split into two separate groups for training and validation purposes: 70% of the landslides were used for training the susceptibility model and 30% for independent validation. Elevation, slope angle, slope aspect, plan curvature, profile curvature, cliff height, topographic wetness index, topographic position index, slope over area ratio, solar radiation, presence of faulting, lithological units, toe lithology, presence and type of cliff toe protection, layer tilt, rainfall, streams, land-use patterns, normalized difference vegetation index, and lithological material granulometry were the twenty-two layers of landslide conditioning factors that were prepared. Using a pixel-based model (12.5 m x 12.5 m) and an elementary terrain unit-based model, the bivariate Information Value approach was used to determine the statistical link between the conditioning factors and the various landslide types and to produce the coastal landside susceptibility maps. The multiple coastal landslide susceptibility models were evaluated for accuracy and predictive power using the receiver operating characteristic curve and area under the curve. The findings allowed for the designation of 38% of the rocky coast subsystem as having a high susceptibility to landslides, with the majority of these areas being found in the southern part of the coastal region of Essaouira. Both future planned development operations and environmental conservation can benefit from these susceptibility maps.

Acknowledgements: The work has been financed by national funds through FCT (Foundation for Science and Technology, I. P.), in the framework of the project “HighWaters – Assessing sea level rise exposure and social vulnerability scenarios for sustainable land use planning” (EXPL/GES-AMB/1246/2021).

How to cite: Oliveira, S. C., Khouz, A., Trindade, J., ElBchari, F., Bougadir, B., Garcia, R. A. C., and Jadoud, M.: Assessment of landslide susceptibility in the rocky coast subsystem of Essaouira, Morocco, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16501,, 2023.

EGU23-17563 | Orals | NH3.11 | Highlight

Impact of a debris flow surge on a vertical wall oblique with respect to flow direction 

Aronne Armanini, Alessia Fontanari, and Fabio Sartori

Debris flows are rapid to very rapid flows, made up of a high concentrated mixture of water and sediments. These types of flow are catastrophic natural phenomena affecting mountain areas and causing several property damages and loss of lives every year. The mitigation of these phenomena is then fundamental:  check dams and longitudinal protection walls are among the main structural passive countermeasures. A crucial aspect in the definition of the design criteria for these structures is the analysis of the impact force exerted by a debris flow on them.
From a scientific point of view, the state of the art in this field is quite lacking, despite the relevance of the topic. In the case of impact of a debris surge on a vertical plane normal to the flow direction, according to Armanini and Scotton (1992), two main types of impact may occur. The first type consists of a complete deviation of the flow along the vertical obstacle, assuming a jet-like behavior (Figure 1).  The second type is characterized by the formation of a reflected wave after the impact, which propagates upstream (Figure 2). The analytical solution based on momentum and mass balances in both case is already known (see Armanini 2009 and Armanini et al. 2020) and the comparison between theoretical results and experimental data are quite satisfactory. 
Much less studied is the case of the impact of a debris flow surge on a vertical wall, arranged in an oblique direction with respect to the flow direction, as in the case of lateral protection walls. 
In order to better understand its kinematic characteristics, the phenomenon  has been studied in the Hydraulic Laboratory of the University of Trento. The phenomenon has been reproduced in a channel of variable slope, by releasing a certain volume of fluid and measuring its impact force on a gate situated at the end of the channel at different oblique orientation with respect to flow direction. Several slopes of the channel and concentration of the solid fraction have been investigated. 
When the flow crash into the gate, it is deviated in the vertical direction along the obstacle and forms initially a vertical jet, which is soon deviated in the direction parallel to the gate.
The phenomenon has been theoretically investigated both in the light of the one-dimensional theory of fluid impacts already adopted for the case of impact on a vertical wall arranged orthogonally to the flow, and using a simplified approach derived from the classical two-dimensional theory of Ippen (1951) of the deviations of supercritical currents. The comparison between the predictions of the theory and the experimental data turns out to be quite good.

How to cite: Armanini, A., Fontanari, A., and Sartori, F.: Impact of a debris flow surge on a vertical wall oblique with respect to flow direction, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17563,, 2023.

Harvesting of steepland forests results in a short period where the landscape is particularly susceptible to rainfall-triggered shallow landslides between crop rotations. This is known as the ‘window of vulnerability’ (WoV) and has been considered to occur up to 6-8 years following clearfelling. The WoV represents a period in the forest's rotation where the interplay between declining root strength from the previous crop coincides with changes in soil hydrology creating conditions where soil strength is at its lowest, and the slope is vulnerable to failure.

This project aimed to focus on when maximum susceptibility to rainfall triggered landslides occurs within the WoV. We examined three areas in New Zealand where significant rain events (AEP's  < 1%) had resulted in many landslides on forest land harvested in the years immediately preceding those events.

Using forest company imagery, LiDAR and satellite information we manually discriminated rainfall-triggered landslides for each study area. In all three areas, landslides were 'tagged' to vegetation cover, time since harvesting and whether associated with forest infrastructure such as roads and landings or not.

Maximum landslide number and density occured on land clear-felled 2-4 years prior to the event and was slightly different for each study area. Landslides also occurred in older forest age classes and on areas with different vegetation covers, i.e., mature indigenous forests, pasture, scrub, etc. There were fewer landslides associated with forest infrastructure such as roads and landings than those deemed to be ‘natural’ slope failures.  

Better information on the period of susceptibility to rainfall-triggered landslides following forest removal may help forest managers and regulators better understand the nature of this hazard and what can and can’t be done to mitigate the effects of rain events that result in landslides and in some cases often ‘disastrous’ off-forest impacts.

How to cite: Phillips, C.: Examining the "Window of Vulnerability" following steepland plantation forest removal in New Zealand, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1026,, 2023.

EGU23-1695 | Orals | NH3.13

“Protéger” an integrated project to promote soil bioengineering to protect riverbanks of Guadeloupe 

André Evette, Eléonore Mira, Marie Robert, Alain Rousteau, Régis Tournebize, Lucie Labbouz, and Pierre Raymond

Within the biodiversity hotspot of the West Indies, Guadeloupe presents a remarkable plant biodiversity. The strong urbanization along its rivers leads to the alarming degradation of their banks through artificialization and proliferation of invasive alien species.

Since 2015, the "PROTEGER" project, led by the Guadeloupe National Park and involving INRAE and the University of the West Indies, and funded by the European Union and the French Biodiversity Agency, has been promoting and developing the use of native species and copying natural models to restore riparian ecosystems using soil bioengineering techniques. The first phase of the project (2016-2018) characterized 12 types of Guadeloupe's riparian forests and identified 80 native species potentially suitable for riparian restoration. The second phase of the project (2019-2022) focused on the control of the multiplication of 26 of these species, and their use on bank protection and restoration sites. An experiment on cuttings was conducted on 21 native species (9 tree 4 shrub species; and 8 herbaceous species), another on the germination and growth of seedlings of 5 species of tree legumes. The first soil water bioengineering demonstration projects was implemented along a riverbank through a training course. The third phase to come aims to disseminate the knowledge to local stakeholders and the development of a local economic sector of nurseries and specialized companies.

This project allows the improvement of scientific knowledge of Guadeloupean riparian environments and the development of innovative techniques for the restoration and protection of these environments using local plant species. This project associates managers and researchers in a global approach for the development of a sustainable sector of ecological engineering on the Guadeloupean territory.

How to cite: Evette, A., Mira, E., Robert, M., Rousteau, A., Tournebize, R., Labbouz, L., and Raymond, P.: “Protéger” an integrated project to promote soil bioengineering to protect riverbanks of Guadeloupe, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1695,, 2023.

EGU23-1753 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.13

Tree-integration into flexible rockfall barriers: feasibility, implementation and structural design 

Maximilian Kramer, Adrian Ringenbach, and Jürgen Suda

Society has established different mitigation strategies to minimize rockfall impacts on civil infrastructure. Typically, there are two distinct active protection measures to minimize the impact of natural mountain hazards: protection forests as a natural solution and rockfall barriers as a technical solution, which are applied when the protective effect of the natural solution is not sufficient. These measures have usually been implemented separately without the consideration of combined solutions. This study, guided by the approach of nature-based solutions, offers a strategy to permanently implement trees into rockfall barriers. It includes the tree-physiological potential impact forces, the technical design, and the structural dimensioning. We assessed the force-absorption potential of trees based on literature research. The technical design developed during this study is based on pre-existing tree-integrated systems (TIS) and various fixation strategy suggestions. We aimed for our structural engineering dimensioning to be according to the European Guidelines for designing steel and timber structures. The literature shows that there is stem breakage in cases of sudden dynamic impacts like rockfalls, but no uprooting is observed. As a result, the potential impact force was determined solely by the wooden body, which was dimensioned in accordance with European guidelines. This detailed dimensioning strategy results in an innovative TIS design. E.g., in the case of a 50 m long 500 kJ barrier, 6 steel posts, and 11 drilled anchors can be saved, assuming the use of 35 cm thick trees. The designed TIS rockfall protection system would be feasible and structurally sound up to energies of 1000 kJ if thicker trees were used.

How to cite: Kramer, M., Ringenbach, A., and Suda, J.: Tree-integration into flexible rockfall barriers: feasibility, implementation and structural design, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1753,, 2023.

EGU23-2995 | ECS | Posters virtual | NH3.13

Machine learning-enabled quantification of segmentation uncertainty of X-Ray CT image-based analysis for vegetated soils 

Zhenliang Jiang, Anthony Leung, and Jianbin Liu

Segmentation of X-ray computed tomography (CT) images of four-phase unsaturated rooted soils is challenging yet a crucial step for conducting the subsequent image-based analysis (IBA) for various properties, for instance, volume fraction of each phase, morphologies of pore and roots, pore fluid distributions and some engineering properties such as hydraulic conductivity. The accuracy and efficiency of phase segmentation have been widely investigated, but the segmentation uncertainty (SU), which is a measure of reproductivity or reliability, on IBA and how the uncertainty propagates at different stages of IBA have rarely been studied for rooted soils. In this study, we developed a machine learning (ML)-based technique, called the percentile-based segmentation method, to perform phase segmentation of CT images and quantify the uncertainty and propagation of phase segmentation at different stages of IBA. Two indicators were used: relative value (RE), which has been used in the literature and SU magnification factor (SU-MF), which is newly proposed in this study. X-ray CT images of soil samples with different particle sizes and cultivated with different plant species were taken by a micro-X-ray CT scanner. The images were then segmented using the proposed ML method. In the presentation, a detailed case study and sensitive analysis (e.g., different number of phases, plant species, sampling resolution, and simulation methods) will be presented. We will show that root volume is susceptible to SU yet has a marginal influence on CT-IBA as its fraction is relatively small compared to other phases. However, the volume of soil grains is less SU-sensitive, which could lead to a significant change in the IBA. Root architectures could substantially influence the SU. Increasing the segmentation percentile improves the reliability, but the accuracy reduces at the same time. Moreover, we will show that the newly proposed indicator, SU-MF, can reasonably reflect the SU propagation behaviour. Therefore, SU could significantly impact the CT-IBA of rooted soils, and SU propagation is phase- and parameter-dependent. The explored quantification and propagation of SU provide novel and practical perspectives for increasing the measurement reliability of the X-ray CT-IBA of rooted soils.

How to cite: Jiang, Z., Leung, A., and Liu, J.: Machine learning-enabled quantification of segmentation uncertainty of X-Ray CT image-based analysis for vegetated soils, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2995,, 2023.

Our motivation is to explain how severe bank slides, such as those following natural disasters, can be sustainably reintegrated into the river ecosystem in a modern, contemporary manner through the application of NbS and combined techniques. Our purpose is to explain the needs of an integrated engineering approach to find out the causes of streambank slides before works start. We point out the workflow of NbS reconstruction process by determining an efficient analysing stage, a construction stage and a monitoring stage. We show three realized examples of steep bank reintegration situated in high flow regime. Our conclusions show that reintegration into the river landscape of violent bank slides near residential areas and infrastructure with NbS techniques is feasible. The prerequisites, however, are a sufficient root cause analysis by an integrated engineering approach, and good training and experience of the hired construction companies during construction stage. In addition, clients need to throw out some of their old ideas of exclusively mineral and similar attachment techniques. This presentation serves as a demonstration of the potential of sustainable NbS steep bank revegetation for infrastructure protection, based on geotechnical analysis using examples since 1999.

How to cite: Peklo, K.: NbS and combined techniques - Case studies of steep bank stabilizations in the Garonne water catchment area in France, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3154,, 2023.

EGU23-4632 | ECS | Posters virtual | NH3.13

A generalised failure criterion for rooted soils 

Ali Akbar Karimzadeh and Anthony Kwan Leung

Plant roots are generally known to increase soil shear strength because of mechanical root reinforcement. Because of the anisotropic root distribution in soil, the shear strength of rooted soils is stress path-dependent, which is crucial to the engineering analysis and design of the stability of vegetated soil slopes. Existing failure criteria of rooted soils, which were mostly established based on direct-shear test results, were unable to account for the strength anisotropy of rooted soils under general loading conditions. In this presentation, we will propose and derive a new generalised 3-D anisotropic failure criterion for rooted soils. The anisotropic effects of root network and soil fabric on the shear strength of rooted soils upon various effective stress paths was captured by employing of the projection of the microstructure fabric tensors of soil and root network on stress tensors. To verify the proposed model, we will present the test results of drained compression and extension triaxial tests of saturated soil samples cultivated with deep-rooted vetiver grass (Chrysopogon zizanioides L.) under different over consolidation ratios (OCR; i.e., 1 and 3) and effective confining pressures (i.e., 50, 100 and 150 kPa). We discovered that upon compression stress path, the presence of roots increased the contractive behaviour of soil in normal consolidated samples, whereas the rooted soils were more dilative than bare soil in over consolidated samples. The presence of roots increased dilative behaviour of rooted soil following extension, irrespective to OCRs, because majority of the vetiver roots were grown vertically in a direction perpendicular to that of the major principal stress, resulting in greater mobilisation of the root tensile strength. Based on the calibrated model, we showed the anisotropies of both the cohesion and friction angle of the rooted soils. We also demonstrated why most of the studies that used the direct shear apparatus as a means of testing reported that roots affected almost exclusively the cohesion but not the friction angle. Indeed, the stress paths that direct shear followed are within section I of the deviatoric plane, where the effects of soil anisotropy on friction angle are not significant.

How to cite: Karimzadeh, A. A. and Leung, A. K.: A generalised failure criterion for rooted soils, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4632,, 2023.

EGU23-5403 | ECS | Orals | NH3.13

Natural streambank structure assessment in mountain rivers: an approach combining ecology and hydromorphology 

Rousset Juliette, Piton Guillaume, Didier Marie, François Adeline, and Evette André

Due to the steep relief of the mountain massifs, the valleys are strategic locations for the establishment of human activities. Over last decades, the floodplain of alpine rivers has been highly anthropized. However, mountain rivers have a strong erosive power that can threaten human infrastructures. To protect them, riverbanks are regularly protected with civil engineering works. Yet, this environment is home to a high level of biodiversity. Thus, soil water bioengineering techniques appear sustainable by allowing both to protect the anthropogenic assets and to welcome the rich riparian biodiversity and the associated ecological services. To implement these Nature-Based Solutions, it is necessary to draw inspiration from the biotic and abiotic components of natural riverbanks, which are still poorly understood at high altitude due to several pressures (climatic, hydrologic, hydraulic or morphologic). In order to understand the structure and functioning of natural models of alpine riverbanks, a protocol has been implemented on 21 mountain banks with mature vegetation and no signs of erosion. The sites were located in the Vanoise massif (France) on an altitudinal gradient (1331 – 2131 m) ranging from montane to subalpine belts with a wide range of channel slope (0,8 – 28,4 %). By focusing on the bank toe, biotic (vegetation cover and species biological features) and abiotic (altitude and hydrogeomorphology) components have been measured. First observations showed that the grain size distribution of the sediments forming the bank was coarser and more homogeneous than those forming the channel bed. For the step-pool channels, bank grain sizes were coarser than for plane-bed channels. Shields parameters for the 21 banks were well below the thresholds for sediment motion, and were therefore relatively stable. Furthermore, on all the sites the shear stresses were relatively high but according to the literature values, classic bioengineering structures could be implemented on 16 of the sites and would withstand a 100-year return period flood, which is consistent with our observation of mature, stable and healthy vegetation patches. The mineral component of the bank toe is closely linked to the woody plant structure. The vegetation cover was dominated by 12 species of willow and the green alder. Green alder cover increased with the altitude and the bed slope. Willow species cover varied with altitude and was less important for steep river. Thus, the natural models of banks were: (i) for the rivers with steep slope, models mixing mineral and plant units which both took part jointly in the stability of the bank; and (ii) for the rivers with lower slope the stability of the bank was mainly ensured by the vegetation. This work provided additional knowledge on the structure and functioning of the banks of stable and mature high-altitude rivers. Accordingly, these results will allow to design soil water bioengineering techniques more adapted to mountain environments (plant composition and structure, mineral unit size).

How to cite: Juliette, R., Guillaume, P., Marie, D., Adeline, F., and André, E.: Natural streambank structure assessment in mountain rivers: an approach combining ecology and hydromorphology, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5403,, 2023.

EGU23-5759 | ECS | Orals | NH3.13

Engineering transpiration-induced suction using mycorrhizal fungi with application to slope stability 

Eve Roberts-Self and Alessandro Tarantino

The use of vegetation to mitigate rainfall induced landslide hazards is a form of a Nature Based Solution. Rainfall induced landslides occur when the pore-water pressure builds up in the soil in response to infiltrating rainwater. The vegetation can create a stabilising effect by the removal of soil water via transpiration. The removal of water keeps the soil in an unsaturated state and decreases pore-water pressure in the soil, thus reducing hydraulic conductivity. Lowering the hydraulic conductivity before a rainfall event will reduce the downward infiltration of water and, hence, hinder pore-water pressure build-up (drop in suction) that could result in a landslide.

To improve this stabilizing effect the transpiration during a drying period should be maximized. This study looks at implementing biological processes that occur in the root zone with the aim of engineering the transpiration process. A common biotic interaction that occurs in the soil is the symbiotic relationship between mycorrhizal fungi and plant roots. The fungus has been found to improve nutrient and water uptake in plants. This research looks at the effect of mycorrhizal fungi on transpiration induced soil suction.

A controlled laboratory experiment was carried out to determine if the application of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi can increase transpiration of the herbaceous plants Medicago sativa and Lolium perenne. The plants were grown in mini-lysimeters with and without AM fungi and then exposed to drying conditions. The evapotranspiration was monitored via measurements of the change in mass of the mini-lysimeter and the soil water content was then back calculated from the final water content. Periodic soil volumetric water content measurements were also carried out using TDR-probes. The suction during drying was determined from the volumetric water content assuming that the water retention in the vegetated soil is the same as the bare soil, whose water retention properties were fully characterised in a separate experiment.

The inoculation with AM fungi in M. sativa plants increased the potential evapotranspiration during soil drying, this is likely due to the increase in the aboveground biomass. There was no significant difference between inoculated and non-inoculated L. perenne plants. The soil suction in the M. sativa plants increased by almost twice when inoculated with AM fungi in the same drying period. Inoculating with AM fungi can increase plant transpiration rates and generates a higher suction in the soil for M. sativa vegetation, although there was little difference with L. perenne plants. This suggests that the effect of AM fungi on plant water uptake can depend on root functional groups.

How to cite: Roberts-Self, E. and Tarantino, A.: Engineering transpiration-induced suction using mycorrhizal fungi with application to slope stability, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5759,, 2023.

EGU23-6078 | ECS | Posters virtual | NH3.13

A modified embedded beam element to improve the modelling of root–soil interfacial behaviour 

Jun Zhu and Anthony Kwan Leung

Abstract: Vegetation improves slope stability through mechanical root reinforcement and root anchorage. As shallow soil slides, plant roots extending beneath a potential shear band would be subjected to either bending or tension, depending on the root orientation with respect to the direction of shearing. The roots thus provide anchorage to stabilise the soil by mobilising the root–soil interfacial properties and the root tensile or/and bending strength until the roots are broken (i.e. breakage failure) or pulled out from the soil (i.e. pull-out failure). Modelling such a complex root–soil interaction mechanism is challenging. In existing modelling techniques of root–soil interaction, the mechanical behaviour of plant roots has been modelled by solid element or embedded beam element (EBE). The former is computationally expensive (thus being rarely and hardly used to model complex root architecture systems with multi-order root components), whereas the latter assumes unrealistic rigid root–soil bonding and thus is unable to capture the root pull–out failure mode (thus typically overestimating the root reinforcement). In this study, a newly modified EBE was derived by incorporating the effects of interfacial shearing and virtually permitting roots to be failed by the pull-out mode, in addition to breakage. The performance of the modified EBE was validated against three selected case studies, and the validated model was then used for subsequent parametric analysis on the effects of root morphology on the uprooting behaviour. Our simulation results show that the root systems whose morphology and branching pattern could gain more interfacial shear resistance (e.g., oblique second-order laterals in contrast to the horizontal case) and mobilise more root internal stresses (e.g., deeper branching point between first- and second-order roots) had higher uprooting resistance. Horizontal laterals mainly mobilised their bending strength to resist the uplift, but the oblique ones mobilised more tensile strength as their orientation was more aligned with the direction of the uplift.

How to cite: Zhu, J. and Leung, A. K.: A modified embedded beam element to improve the modelling of root–soil interfacial behaviour, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6078,, 2023.

EGU23-9214 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.13

Governing equations of slope stability models that consider hydrological and mechanical effect of root reinforcement: A review 

Amanda DiBiagio, Vittoria Capobianco, Amy Oen, and Lena M. Tallaksen

The use of vegetation as a nature-based solution for shallow landslide risk reduction is receiving increased attention in the scientific community. Vegetation can contribute to slope stability through both hydrological and mechanical root reinforcement, which improves resilience against shallow landslide triggering. In order to quantify the performance of roots as a slope stabilizing measure, slope stability models are valuable tools. Murgia et al. (2022) conducted a thorough review of the existing physically-based models that consider the mechanical effect of roots in the calculation of factor of safety (FoS), suitable for both regional and slope-scale analysis (physically based probabilistic and deterministic models, respectively). This study will build on to the previous review with an in-depth analysis of the equations governing the individuated models that account for the effect of root reinforcement on slope stability. With emphasis also on hydrological effects of vegetation, the governing equations of the different models are analysed and compared, and FoS of an ideal slope case will be assessed by using a selection of the identified models. Finally, this review will serve as a base to develop a guideline which will serve as a tool to ease the decision-making process when deciding which model to use when mitigation measures for a specific slope is to be designed.

Reference: Murgia, I., Giadrossich, F., Mao, Z., Cohen, D., Capra, G. F., & Schwarz, M. (2022). Modeling shallow landslides and root reinforcement: A review. Ecological Engineering181, 106671.

How to cite: DiBiagio, A., Capobianco, V., Oen, A., and Tallaksen, L. M.: Governing equations of slope stability models that consider hydrological and mechanical effect of root reinforcement: A review, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9214,, 2023.

EGU23-10147 | Orals | NH3.13

Losses of biomechanical properties and soil reinforcement upon the decomposition of the roots of Cynodon dactylon 

Anthony Leung, Viroon Kamchoom, Suched Likitlersuang, and David Boldrin

Plant roots provide mechanical reinforcement to soil and improve soil shear strength. How root decay upon mortality may affect the root biomechanical properties and the subsequent changes in root reinforcement to soil have rarely been systematically studied. The aim of this study is to provide new experimental evidence and quantify the influences of root growth and decomposition on the temporary variations in root breakage strength, root Young’s modulus and the shearing behaviour including dilatancy of compacted soils vegetated with a grass species, Cynodon dactylon L. In this study, C. dactylon was cultivated for six months in 33 columns of compacted lateritic soils (90 mm diameter and 115 mm height), and then either burned or treated with herbicide to introduce root mortality and decay. At different durations of plant growth (60, 120 and 180 days), decay after plant burning (30, 60, 120, 180 and 360 days) and after herbicide application (15, 30 and 60 days), each column was split into two parts; the top part was used for direct-shear tests, whilst root samples were collected from the bottom part for the measurements of root diameter as well as root biomechanical and chemical properties (including the cellulose and lignin contents) (n = 303). Our results showed that all the tensile strength-diameter relations of the roots of C. dactylon followed a negative power law relation (R2 > 0.6) regardless of the treatment applied. Growth effects had significant effects on the increase in median tensile strength, which was consistent with the increase in cellulose and lignin contents. As a result, the vegetated soils displayed greater shear strength and larger dilatancy, which were attributable to the growth-induced increase in the root cellulose content and thus the root tensile strength and modulus. The predominant root failure mode at all growth durations was pull-out (rather than breakage); thus, the soil shear strength was better explained by root modulus (36.0%; which defines root extension) than root strength (25.8%; which defines root breakage capacity) and root biomass (1.6%; which defines root content). On the other hand, root decay due to burning or herbicide application caused significant reductions in cellulose and lignin contents, accompanied by a drop in root tensile strength. This explained the significant reductions in soil dilatancy and soil shear strength. The predominant root failure mode switched from pull-out to breakage. Compared with burning, herbicide application introduced a greater and faster degradation of cellulose and lignin con-tents, which explained the more significant and faster root weakening. Reducing the shear strength of the vegetated soils to the level of fallow soil took approximately 2 months of herbicide application and 4 months of burning.

How to cite: Leung, A., Kamchoom, V., Likitlersuang, S., and Boldrin, D.: Losses of biomechanical properties and soil reinforcement upon the decomposition of the roots of Cynodon dactylon, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10147,, 2023.

EGU23-12075 | Posters virtual | NH3.13

Exploring the mechanisms through which basidiomycota fungi may influence slope stability 

Grainne El Mountassir, Emmanuel Salifu, Alireza Fathollahi, Qi Zhang, and Alexandra Schellenger

Current research at the university of Strathclyde is investigating the potential for basidiomycota fungi to be deployed as a nature-based technique to improve the stability of soil slopes. Basidiomycota are filamentous fungi which grow in the form of hyphae as they forage for nutrients in their surrounding environment. Hyphae are tubular structures with diameters between 2-7μm. Hyphae branch out and can anastomose forming a complex network, called the mycelium. Mycelial networks have attractive characteristics for use in ground engineering: evidence from natural analogues indicates that they can form massive, durable mycelia and they are resilient; dynamically responding to the environment and to damage/disruption.

A comprehensive experimental campaign has been conducted investigating the influence of the growth of basidiomycota fungi on soil behaviour including: assessment of liquid-solid contact angles, evaluation of water infiltration via instrumented columns, evaluation of saturated permeability and determination of soil water retention behaviour. Mechanical testing has included direct shear testing and jet-erosion testing. Our research shows that the growth of mycelial networks can influence the hydraulic and mechanical behaviour of soils via a number of different mechanisms including: (1) altering soil water repellency and infilling of pore space leading to reduced water infiltration and reduced permeability and (2) binding of soil particles via physical enmeshment within mycelial networks leading to enhanced soil cohesion and improved resistance to water-induced erosion. Furthermore, our results show that different fungal species can exhibit differences in growth behaviour and thus produce soil-mycelial systems with varying architecture which impacts upon the resulting soil behaviour. In summary, basidiomycetes show promise for enhancing slope stability by reducing water infiltration during heavy rainfall events, enhancing soil cohesion and improving soil resistance to erosion.

How to cite: El Mountassir, G., Salifu, E., Fathollahi, A., Zhang, Q., and Schellenger, A.: Exploring the mechanisms through which basidiomycota fungi may influence slope stability, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12075,, 2023.

EGU23-13109 | Posters on site | NH3.13

Fascines for riverbank stabilization : structural failure processes and design suggestions from physical modelling 

Solange Leblois, Guillaume Piton, Alain Recking, and André Evette

Willow fascine is the soil bioengineering technique for riverbank stabilization the most frequently used in France. Made up of bundles of living branches fixed between stakes, the fascine presents various possible configurations, adaptable to each site. The structure, with high theoretical resistance, is implemented at the bottom of the riverbank joining the riverbed and the riverbank, which makes it subject to strong constraints. Terrain return of experience showed that 22 % of the fascines did not start or did not stand after few years. Punctual observations in the field do not give the possibility to understand the whole process behind fascines structural failure nor to test various fascine configurations over a short period of time. The study based on physical modelling (scale 1:25) describes how riverbanks with fascines are destabilized and develops which fascine design could better stand. The techniques are replicated on the extrados of three meanders created in the flume. Each bank protection technique undergoes the same flood hydrogram. Three various bank toe protection techniques are tested with and without geotextile to protect the rest of the bank. Bank toe without protection is confronted to designs of (i) fascines with one bundle, (ii) fascines with two bundles and (iii) ripraps with the thickness of the two bundles fascine. Bank pressure is measured continuously, the topography is established by photogrammetry before and after each experiment and direct observations are conducted. As first main result, the process of destabilization of riverbanks with fascines could be descripted. Scour holes, naturally occurring at meanders extrados, develop bellow the fascine level of implementation. The bank material initially stocked behind the fascine is than free to fall in the scour hole. The fascine ends up isolated in the river. Without contact to the substrate, the living material cannot start anymore. Moreover, consecutive to the scour holes development, the fascines stakes fall into the river leading to the fascine structural failure. As second result, between the three bank toe protection techniques tested, the fascine with two bundles and geotextile stabilized the best the bank. However, this strong configuration resulted with deeper scour holes at the bottom of the fascine. Finally as third result, with the sediment material used, the water pressure differential between the riverbank and the running water did not enhance any bank erosion. The destabilization of riverbank with fascines is mainly driven by natural morphologic river adjustment. Consequently, the fascine design could be adjusted as follow. (i) The bank slope must be reduced to its maximum to minimize the scour hole. (ii) The fascine must be deeply anchored by the stakes. (iii) The fascine toe, below the level of vegetation start, is preferentially reinforced by extra bundles, wood pieces or riprap, in order to confined the bank material.

How to cite: Leblois, S., Piton, G., Recking, A., and Evette, A.: Fascines for riverbank stabilization : structural failure processes and design suggestions from physical modelling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13109,, 2023.

EGU23-14299 | ECS | Orals | NH3.13

Analysis of “Tasman” poplar’s (Populus deltoides x Populus nigra) root systems for the quantification of bio-engineering services in New Zealand pastoral hill country. 

Ha My Ngo, Feiko Bernard van Zadelhoff, Ivo Gasparini, Julien Plaschy, Gianluca Flepp, Luuk Dorren, Chris Phillips, Filippo Giadrossich, and Massimiliano Schwarz

Poplar (Populus sp.) is an important species for preventing shallow, rainfall-triggered landslides and hydraulic bank erosion in New Zealand. However, quantifying the spatial root distribution pattern and reinforcement remains challenging. This study aimed to find the Root Bundle Model with the Weibull survival function (RBMw), a root distribution model (RDM), and a root reinforcement model for the implementation in models such as BankforMAP and SlideforMAP. Our study was conducted within a 26-year-old “Tasman” poplar stand at Ballantrae Hill Country Research Station in the North Island of NZ. We measured root distribution at distances of 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, and 4.5 m from the stem of four poplar trees whose diameters ranged from 0.41 to 0.56 m and from eleven soil profiles along a transect located in a sparse to a densely planted poplar stand. This created a unique database of root distribution. 124 laboratory tensile tests and 66 field pullout tests on roots with diameters up to 0.04 m were carried out. The root distribution model well predicted spatial root partition in trenches of single tree root systems with R2 = 0.78 and in the transect with R2 = 0.85. The model tends to overestimate root distribution when planting density was higher than 200 stems per hectare. The maximum lateral root reinforcement model tends to underestimate forces in single tree root systems with R2 = 0.64, but it well performs along the transect within the stand with different planting densities. The basal root reinforcement model performed well in predicting its vertical distribution as a function of soil depth. In conclusion, our study provided a detailed dataset for the quantification of root distribution and reinforcement of poplars on a hillslope for the purpose of increasing slope stability and mitigating hydraulic bank erosion. The implementation of these data in models for the simulation of shallow landslides and hydraulic bank erosion is fundamental for the identification of hazardous zones and the prioritization of bio-engineering measures in NZ catchments. Moreover, the results are used to formulate a general guideline for the planning of bio-engineering measures considering the temporal dynamics of poplar’s growth and their effectiveness in sediment and erosion control.

How to cite: Ngo, H. M., van Zadelhoff, F. B., Gasparini, I., Plaschy, J., Flepp, G., Dorren, L., Phillips, C., Giadrossich, F., and Schwarz, M.: Analysis of “Tasman” poplar’s (Populus deltoides x Populus nigra) root systems for the quantification of bio-engineering services in New Zealand pastoral hill country., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14299,, 2023.

EGU23-14340 | Orals | NH3.13 | Highlight

Trees as hillslope debris flow brakers 

Niels Hollard, Christine von Moos, and Luuk Dorren

Worldwide, landslides and hillslope debris flow cause major infrastructure damage and fatalities. It is widely recognized that forests can prevent the release of a landslide by reinforcing the soil with the roots and positively influence the water balance. However, the question remains whether and how trees affect the runout of hillslope debris flows. The objective of this study was to quantify the potential braking effect of trees and the influence of different forest structures in the runout zone of hillslope debris flows. We therefore combined an analysis of historical hillslope debris flow events in the forest and on open land with laboratory tests.


The analysis of the historical events showed a general tendency that forest has a positive effect on the runout, in particular for smaller events (release area < 300 m2). The runout length significantly decreased with an increasing tree density. In addition, significantly more material was deposited behind thicker trees. This suggests that a well-structured stand with a high stem number, but also occasional large diameters, offers ideal protection against hillslope debris flows in the runout zone. The results of the laboratory tests indicate that the braking effect of different forest structures (dense, open, with gaps) is always given in comparison to a situation without forest, and this at lower (16%) and higher (20%) water contents. Generally, the effect of the trees was more pronounced for soils with a lower water content. Although the influence of the forest was always highlighted in comparaison to the situation without forest, no significant influence was showed between the three forest structures.

How to cite: Hollard, N., von Moos, C., and Dorren, L.: Trees as hillslope debris flow brakers, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14340,, 2023.

EGU23-14574 | Orals | NH3.13

Development of bio-based, biodegradable geotextiles for the revegetation of stabilized landslide-prone areas 

Helene Hofmann-Lanter, Martina Prambauer, and Dorota Czerski

High-tensile steel nets have established themselves as a solution for stabilising landslide-prone areas. To return an engineered slope as much as possible back to a natural look, thoughts of revegetation should always accompany such stabilisation projects. Different factors play a role in natural revegetation, such as the inclination and orientation of said slope and the erosion potential through water percolation. Sometimes it is necessary to help revegetation when a combination of unfavourable factors is present. This can be achieved by adding a geotextile.
When vegetation might take several years to grow, a long-term geotextile is required, which does not degrade in the first years. In such a long-term geotextile, 3D mats out of polypropylene were quite successful. Unfortunately, when it comes to its degradation, sometimes after decades, microplastics are released into the environment. This added an essential aspect to the constantly growing need for substituting petrol-based polymers with nature-based materials. This work highlights the different trials with materials to obtain a controlled degradation of the geotextile material into non-hazardous components. By applying biobased, biodegradable polymers for such applications, the need for material recollection is eliminated, and plastic waste’s impact on the environment is significantly reduced. In this work, biopolymer blend fibres were produced and evaluated in terms of mechanical properties and biodegradability. The blends were based on bio-polyester blends, and the properties were tailored by adjusting the composition of the blend fibres to resemble the existing polypropylene product. The degradation rate of the blend fibres was observed by artificial weathering and hydrolytic degradation tests. As a result, a relation between material structure, fibre strength and durability period was obtained and a complete 3D mat could be produced. Once the material was thoroughly tested in the laboratory, a first small-scale field test was set up in 2020, followed last summer with a large-scale 1:1 field test in southern Switzerland, where careful monitoring assesses the stability of the material as well as the stability of the soil beneath it. The development of the material in the laboratory as well as the first results from the large-scale field test will be presented.

How to cite: Hofmann-Lanter, H., Prambauer, M., and Czerski, D.: Development of bio-based, biodegradable geotextiles for the revegetation of stabilized landslide-prone areas, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14574,, 2023.

EGU23-14749 | ECS | Posters virtual | NH3.13

Long-term in situ scientific experiment: Demonstrating the slope protection effects of loess ecological materials 

Han Bao, Changqing Liu, and Changgen Yan

Ecological materials are increasingly being applied in the loess slope protection, and the time-dependency deterioration of materials is an important criterion in evaluating their protective effects. Taking polypropylene fiber and guar gum as examples, the protection tests of these two ecological materials were carried out for a typical bare cut-slope on the Loess Plateau in this study. We quantified the erosion deterioration based on the approach of LiDAR, and the deterioration processes of both the ecological materials were then comprehensively evaluated. Results showed that both the materials could generate good protective effects on the test slopes, and the guar gum mixed soil (GGS) was slightly better than polypropylene fiber reinforced soil (PFS) at initial time. However, the two materials deteriorated diversely with the increasing service time. The scouring erosion was mainly observed in PFS, which is different to the surface spalling observed in GGS, and the erosion mass presented different stepwise growth along the slope downward. In addition, the protective advantage of GGS was decreasing and even disappearing over time. Revealed by the dry-wet cycle tests, the rapid attenuation of disintegration resistance of PFS and shear strength parameters of GGS were the main reasons leading to the different deterioration of the two materials. For evaluating deterioration behavior of slope protection materials, the time-dependency deterioration model was furthermore established by combining the average intensity of effective rainfall as well as the disintegration rate and shear strength parameters of slope protection materials. Thus, the quantitative prediction on the deterioration process and the protective effect of slope protection materials were realized, with results indicating that the influences of disintegration rate, cohesion, and internal friction angel enhanced successively on the promotion of slope protection materials. This study is of great significance for revealing the deterioration mechanism and promoting continuous improvement of slope protection materials.

How to cite: Bao, H., Liu, C., and Yan, C.: Long-term in situ scientific experiment: Demonstrating the slope protection effects of loess ecological materials, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14749,, 2023.

Keywords: soil and water bioengineering, neophyte control, nature-based solutions, flood protection project, ecological river planning

Abstract: Dominance-forming communities of neophytes arise primarily alongside rivers and cause nature conservation-, economic-, hydraulic engineering- and health-related problems for society. Nature-based soil and water bioengineering (SWB) techniques offer sustainable and adaptable solutions to enable environment friendly interventions. The modes of action are multifunctional and offer the possibility of counteracting complex problems.

The flood protection project on the Raababach in Gössendorf (Styria, Austria) was launched by the State of Styria and implemented in the years 2017 to 2020. The aim was to create flood protection for the neighboring communities and to restore the river Raababach to a near-natural state. The measures were divided into two sections. Section one is characterised by direct intervention in the discharge area. In section two, measures off the stream course were implemented in the form of dams and retention basins.

This case study investigated SWB measures for bank protection implemented as part of the flood protection project (restoration and stabilisation) on the Raababach in Gössendorf (Styria, Austria) and the occurrence of neophytes in section one. The implemented SWB bank protections were evaluated and deviations from the ecological planning were analysed. The number and type of neophytes were mapped and recommendations for action were derived from a four-color rating system. The development of a willow brush mattress (aged 1 y) was recorded in detail and the emerging species were documented. The results of the construction type evaluation and the neophyte monitoring were superimposed and the connections between the selected bank protection and the neophyte incidence were pointed out.

The results revealed that the choice of bank protection, the type of construction design and adjacent areas with a neophyte infestation have an impact on the incidence of neophytes and that specific maintenance measures are necessary. Surface closing construction designs with high initial coverage (willow brush mattress) proved to be favourable for neophyte suppression, while critical stands were surveyed around the area of the concealed stone protection.

How to cite: Briefer, A. and Stangl, R.: Nature-based soil and water bioengineering solutions for neophyte control on streambanks - Case study on vegetation related reinforcement of the flood protection project Raababach in Gössendorf, Styria, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15154,, 2023.

Hydrogeological risk is a relevant issue in Italy, given its yearly and elevated socio-economic impacts in the country, including loss of lives in case of serious hazards. In the consistent case history of measures for hydrogeological risk mitigation ISPRA has developed the National Repository of hydrogeological risk mitigation measures (ReNDiS which is a platform for monitoring measures funded by the Italian Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security (MASE) from 1999 onwards which also aims to managing the evaluation of funding requests coming from Regions.

The ReNDiS project aims at implementing a database, collecting updated information about mitigation measures such as engineering works as well as non- structural measures. Inside the ReNDiS DB, information is organized by single “mitigation works” meaning that for every measure each stage from the financing action to design, work and accounting data are collected and stored. In order to manage heterogeneous data collected for each intervention, the choice of essential information has been restricted to: governmental funding measure, funding amount, local beneficiary authority, affected municipality, title of intervention and location. Other important information regards: geological and hydraulic characterization of the phenomenon, risk mitigation measures adopted, economic accounting for design, works and management, as well as up to date information on the actual progress stage of the intervention.

Among this information, the typology of the works and of the natural hazard to be mitigated are indicated too. From the beginning of the monitoring, in 1999, around 12 thousand measures have been already recorded in the database, amounting to over EUR 29 billion of funds. Among these entries, the 60.8% are related to landslide risk mitigation and the 36.8% to hydraulic risk mitigation, while the remaining ones are related to other risks (Figure 1).

Considering each class of natural hazard, it was observed that measures implementing nature-based solutions are the 17%, the 11.8% and the 28.8% of the total number, within the landslide, hydraulic and other risks mitigation, respectively (Figure 2).

Within the measures on landslide risk mitigation, the NBS works adopted are represented in Figure 3. The highest number of these works mainly involve vegetation cutting, selective deforestation and planting, and structures made by biodegradable materials such as wood (edging, palisades, gutters), bio-mats, bio-nets and bio-felt. Among the measures on hydraulic risk mitigation (Figure 4), the most-used NBS implemented vegetation and the use of timber and stones in structures for water regulation measures. In both cases, a good variability of measure typologies was observed.

The analysis showed that measures implementing NBSs are a conspicuous number, compared to the total, also considering their use often as a complement to more 'traditional' engineering works. 

Within the hydraulic risk mitigation measures, the use of greened weirs and stone and timber materials was preferred. In this case, the erosive forces involved and the frequent need for water regulation implied the choice of more structural materials and measures.

How to cite: Fraccica, A., Dessì, B., Gallozzi, P. L., and Rischia, I.: The use of nature-based solutions for hydrogeological risks mitigation in Italy: insights from ReNDiS, the monitoring database of the Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15807,, 2023.

EGU23-16051 | Orals | NH3.13

Streambank Stabilization in River Póvoa, Loures, Portugal 

Aldo Freitas, Ana Maria Oliveira, Rita Sousa, Rui Silva Santos, and Sara Francisca Sousa

This project is part of a wider EU-funded investment totalling 5,8 M€, that generally aimed for the sustainable flood control using bioengineering solutions in a total of 32 km. It represents the biggest investment ever made in Portugal regarding river restoration.

For this case, the objectives were to stabilize both river margins of a 250 m stretch of river Póvoa in Loures city and to restore the native vegetation.

The site is located in a highly populated area near Lisbon and is prone to recurring (and severe) floods.

This is due to several reasons: it falls within the floodplain of river Trancão; part of its basin drains water from steep hills located at a distance of less than 1 km; it suffers the influence of the Atlantic Sea tides via river Tagus.

The problems observed were both geotechnical and ecological. In the first case, several mass movements and cracks with more than 20 cm depth and 30 m long where present. The ecological problems were mainly related to the dominance of the giant reed (Arundo donax), an invasive species which the superficial roots do not contribute to in-depth slope stabilization.

The major aim of the latter was to develop a global solution for sustainable water management in the event of floods. During this process, the hydrology and hydraulics of river Loures basin was studied. The interventions included not only several works of civil engineering – culvert widening, installing passive tide gates, etc. – but also soil and water-bioengineering techniques (SWBT). These would promote erosion control, slope stabilization and consolidation as well as the ecological recovery of the site.

Regarding the Póvoa stretch, the hydrological and hydraulic model concluded that a maximum velocity of 1,8 m/s and a maximum shear stress of 17,068 N/m2 was expected for the 100-year flood, this including a high-tide scenario. Taking this into consideration along with the site characteristics and a thorough review of SWBT literature, the solution adopted to stabilize the streambanks was a vegetated crib wall. This structure is able to withstand water velocities between 3 and 6 m/s and 200-300 N/m2 of shear stress, thus suitable for the existing conditions.

The design included a retaining structure in two terraces in both riverbanks and a total height of 2,6 m. The bottom crib wall was to be filled with drain rock and the upper structure with soil and live willow stakes.

The works started in June 2022 and were at a good pace. The contractor was following the Project’s drawings as well as the Project team’s recommendation – a team with several years of experience in implementing SWBT in Portugal and abroad.

A few months later, the site was subject to heavy rainfall that caused 3 major floods, including the nearby area. Although the vegetated crib wall was not totally finished, the structure remained intact.

This Project and specifically the constructed vegetated crib wall showed that a careful conception and design of SWBT allied with a solid construction is vital for a successful outcome.

How to cite: Freitas, A., Oliveira, A. M., Sousa, R., Silva Santos, R., and Sousa, S. F.: Streambank Stabilization in River Póvoa, Loures, Portugal, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16051,, 2023.

According to the European Federation of Soil and Water Bioengineering ( EFIB ) Soil and Water Bioengineering (SWB) is a specific discipline that combines technology and biology in which native plants and plant communities are used as living building material to solve erosion and conservation problems, contributing to the regeneration of degraded ecosystems due to natural or anthropic causes, toregenerate the dynamics of ecological and geomorphological processes and to the recovery of Biodiversity.

The use of Nature Based Solutions (NBS)  as SWB is becoming more and more widespread in public administrations, for example, looking for specific solutions  for landslide stabilization(SWB )

Due to the orographic, edaphic, and climatological conditions of the Basque Country, landslides occur frequently. In the last decade, several landslide stabilizations projects have been carried out on road slopes using SWB solutions as an alternative to traditional engineering solutions. the Department of Road Infrastructures of the Basque administration  requested a series of technical projects  in which alternatives to traditional engineering solutions are presented using SWB, choosing a series of standard reports. The communication will present several examples realized  in the last fifteen years  in different conditions and the evolution of this work during this period.

The measures taken focused on:

  • The restoration of the slope morphology and its natural gradient and vegetation
  • The stabilization of landslides by using live structures like living cribwall or living
  • Improvement of the drainage of the slope with living drains

More recently , public entities have detected the need to have high quality technical manuals that support them in both the drafting of projects and definition of this type of works. To give answer to this situation, the Provincial Council of Bizkaia has commissioned the companies IDOM and SCIA SL  to form a working group for the definition and development of the technical manual of SWB works applied to the case of linear infrastructures. This manual is including the latest advances in the soil and water bioengineering discipline (description and constructive details of the techniques, root reinforcement models, work design methodologies in the short and long term, deterioration models of the utilized materials, etc.). The full manual will be completed and published throughout 2023.

This paper shows concrete examples realized in the Basque country and the progress and contents developed to date as well as the topics index that will be included throughout this year


How to cite: Sangalli, P. and Tardío, G.: Landslide stabilization using Soil and Water Bioengineering  in linear Infrastructures in Basque country  and technical manual   , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16844,, 2023.

EGU23-4608 | PICO | CR6.3

UAV and SnowModel Estimates of Wind Driven Snow in Eastern USA Avalanche Terrain 

Cameron Wagner, Adam Hunsaker, and Jennifer Jacobs

Mount Washington, New Hampshire’s east aspect glacial cirques are subject to frequent wind slab avalanche problems due to high winds and ample snowfall in fetch areas above the cirques.  Quantification of these slabs’ location, extent and depth is in integral part of avalanche forecasting and risk assessment. This research used SnowModel, a spatially distributed snow-evolution modeling system, to model wind slab depth maps using Mount Washington Observatory weather station data on a 1-meter grid scale. SnowModel’s SnowTran-3D, a snow redistribution by wind algorithm, is tested for one of the first times in the Eastern United States. Snowpack seasonal evolution and accumulation event-based model performance is calibrated and validated using 15 snow depth maps. These maps were constructed via structure from motion (SfM) analysis photogrammetry. SfM maps were derived from optical imagery collected using an Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) and were able to quantify wind slab depth with a 5cm spatial resolution.

How to cite: Wagner, C., Hunsaker, A., and Jacobs, J.: UAV and SnowModel Estimates of Wind Driven Snow in Eastern USA Avalanche Terrain, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4608,, 2023.

EGU23-4978 | ECS | PICO | CR6.3

Towards a general constitutive model for snow 

Gianmarco Vallero, Monica Barbero, Fabrizio Barpi, Mauro Borri-Brunetto, and Valerio De Biagi

Reproducing the mechanical behaviour of snow is a challenging task for many different application fields (e.g., Civil and Environmental Engineering, Physics, etc.) and can be useful to study many topics, such as: the stability of mountain snowpacks, the safety of structures and infrastructures in cold environments, the social and physical risk for people and goods in snow covered areas.

The available constitutive models for snow generally use the elasto-plastic (EP) theory to reproduce different and complex items of this peculiar material with reference to both laboratory and on-site conditions. Nevertheless, these models are often related to some specific types of snow (i.e., rounded grains, faceted crystals, etc.) and cannot be used for general purposes. Moreover, many models do not consider viscosity, rate-sensitivity, bonding effects, etc.

In this work, we introduce the theoretical bases of our proposal for a new and improved constitutive model for snow. The model is based on the theory of visco-plasticity for finite element applications with an implicit integration scheme, and can reproduce both qualitatively and quantitatively the findings of some literature experimental data. For instance, promising results are obtained for the following tests: triaxial compression and relaxation, volumetric compression, and creep. Finally, we suggest possible improvements of the model to include important snow features not considered so far, such as: the collapse in compression of the weak layer (anticrack), the change in shape of snow grains, the ductile-to-brittle transition of the material, etc.

How to cite: Vallero, G., Barbero, M., Barpi, F., Borri-Brunetto, M., and De Biagi, V.: Towards a general constitutive model for snow, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4978,, 2023.

EGU23-4989 | PICO | CR6.3

The potential of automotive perception sensors for local snow avalanche monitoring 

Stefan Muckenhuber, Thomas Goelles, Birgit Schlager, Kathrin Lisa Kapper, Alexander Prokop, and Wolfgang Schöner

Monitoring of local snow avalanche releases are indispensable for many use cases. Existing lidar and radar technologies for monitoring local avalanche activity are costly and require closed source commercial software. These systems are often inflexible for exploring new use cases and too expensive for large scale applications, e.g., 100-1000 slopes. Therefore, developing reliable and inexpensive measurement and monitoring techniques with cutting- edge lidar and radar technology are highly required. Today, the automotive industry is a leading technology driver for lidar and radar sensors, because the largest challenge for achieving the next level of vehicle automation is to improve the reliability of its perception system. Automotive lidar sensors record high-resolution point clouds with very high acquisition frequencies of 10-20Hz and a range of up to 400m. High costs of mechanically spinning lidars (5-20kEUR) are still a limiting factor, but prices have already dropped significantly during the last decade and are expected to drop by another order of magnitude in the upcoming years. Modern automotive radar sensors operate at 24GHz and 77GHz, have a range of up to 300m, and provide raw data formats that allow the development of algorithms for detecting changes in the backscatter caused by avalanches. To exploit the potential of these newly emerging, cost- effective technologies for geoscientific applications, a stand-alone, modular sensor system called MOLISENS (MObile LIdar SENsor System) was developed in a cooperation between Virtual Vehicle Research Center and University of Graz. MOLISENS allows the modular incorporation of cutting-edge radar and lidar sensors. The open-source python package ‘pointcloudset’ was developed for handling, analyzing, and visualizing large datasets that consist of multiple point clouds recorded over time. This python package is designed to enable the development of new point cloud algorithms, and it is planned to extend the functionality to radar cluster data. Based on MOLISENS and pointcloudset, a strategy for their operational use in local avalanche monitoring is being developed.

How to cite: Muckenhuber, S., Goelles, T., Schlager, B., Kapper, K. L., Prokop, A., and Schöner, W.: The potential of automotive perception sensors for local snow avalanche monitoring, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4989,, 2023.

EGU23-5687 | ECS | PICO | CR6.3

Analysis of snow avalanche simulation results in a thalweg-following coordinate system 

Oscar Dick, Matthias Tonnel, Anna Wirbel, Felix Oesterle, Jan-Thomas Fischer, and Michael Neuhauser

The thickness integrated dense flow avalanche simulation module com1DFA of the open source framework AvaFrame is used for snow avalanche simulations with application in hazard mapping for different mountainous areas. In order to further increase the information value gained from the avalanche simulation results in a global coordinate system, we introduce a thalweg following coordinate system. It allows us to quantitatively compare simulation scenarios and results of different modelling approaches in a new way. It helps to bridge the gap between the modules operating in three-dimensional terrain (com1DFA) versus two-dimensional along the avalanche path, such as the well-known alpha-beta model implemented in module com2AB. One essential step of the analysis procedures (analysis modules in AvaFrame) is the avalanche thalweg generation itself. The thalweg depends on the main flow direction, a property of the avalanche event which is strongly influenced by the terrain the avalanche flow will encounter. So far, the main flow direction is usually derived from observations or avalanche simulations, and the thalweg is generated manually. However, the reproducibility of this method raises an issue, and manually identifying the avalanche thalweg for every slope is unnecessarily time-consuming.

In this work, we use com1DFA simulations in three dimensional terrain. We automatically generate the two-dimensional avalanche thalweg by extracting the centre of mass coordinates at every time step. Projecting the simulation results into this thalweg following coordinate system, we can derive the position of the avalanche front and the local travel angles, from which scalar measures like runout length and runout angle are determined. We combine temporal and spatial information by introducing the thalweg-time and thalweg-altitude diagrams. These offer a different perspective on the simulation results and, at a glance, provide information on the evolution of spatio-temporal flow variables (thickness, velocity) along the avalanche thalweg in a single plot. Additionally, by using a numerical particle-grid method, we can evaluate simulation outputs at a particle level and relate them to the whole avalanche flow. Another advantage of the analysis tools operating in the thalweg coordinate system is the possibility to compare simulation results with field measurements. For example, we present in-flow particle sensors trajectories and corresponding velocities recorded during field experiments to evaluate com1DFA simulation results and thereby help to improve the dense flow module. For different avalanche simulations, we show how these analysis modules provide a new way to summarize the complex spatio-temporal flow variables evolution in three dimensional terrain in a more intuitive two dimensional illustration along the automatically generated thalweg.

How to cite: Dick, O., Tonnel, M., Wirbel, A., Oesterle, F., Fischer, J.-T., and Neuhauser, M.: Analysis of snow avalanche simulation results in a thalweg-following coordinate system, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5687,, 2023.

EGU23-11880 | ECS | PICO | CR6.3

Glide-snow avalanches: insights from combining field monitoring, time-lapse photography and SNOWPACK simulations 

Amelie Fees, Alec van Herwijnen, Michael Lombardo, and Jürg Schweizer

Glide-snow avalanches release due to a loss of friction at the snow-soil interface, which can result in large avalanches that endanger infrastructure in alpine regions. It is hypothesized that glide-snow avalanche release is linked to the presence of liquid water at the snow-soil interface, but the driving physical processes are poorly understood and prediction remains difficult. To better understand these driving physical processes, we monitored soil (water content, matric potential, temperature) and snow properties (water content, temperature, weekly snow profiles) across a small slope (40 m x 70 m) at the Dorfberg field site above Davos, Switzerland for the winter seasons 2021/22 and 2022/23. These observations were supplemented with SNOWPACK simulations for 10 release zones across Dorfberg. In addition, SNOWPACK simulations were used to supplement a dataset of more than 900 glide-snow avalanches that were previously (seasons 2009-2023) recorded on Dorfberg using time-lapse photography. Analyses of both SNOWPACK and monitoring data show high spatial variability of soil and snow properties across the monitored slope and across Dorfberg. Spatial variability in soil water content across the monitoring slope was higher during early winter than during spring when melt-freeze cycles and subsequent water infiltration in the soil cause a spatial homogenization. Transferring findings from the field monitoring to the large dataset allowed for the identification of several temporal patterns. For example, we see a positive correlation between mean snowpack density and the number of melt-freeze cycles prior to avalanche release in spring. We see a similar correlation with snow height. Overall, our measurements show that on Dorfberg several diurnal melt-freeze cycles are necessary before glide-snow avalanche release in spring.

How to cite: Fees, A., van Herwijnen, A., Lombardo, M., and Schweizer, J.: Glide-snow avalanches: insights from combining field monitoring, time-lapse photography and SNOWPACK simulations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11880,, 2023.

EGU23-12211 | PICO | CR6.3

Automated discrimination of seismo-acoustic avalanche signals 

Cristina Pérez-Guillén, Christine Seupel, Andri Simeon, Michele Volpi, and Alec van Herwijnen

The unpredictable nature and destructive power of snow avalanches demand reliable, real-time detection systems of the events in mountain regions. Remote detection systems based on seismic and infrasound sensors have been increasingly used to monitor avalanches at a rather low economic cost. The seismo-acoustic wave field generated by avalanches enables the detection of natural avalanches in a large area, independently of the weather and visibility conditions. One approach for the automatization of avalanche detection is the discrimination of seismic and infrasound signals in the continuous recordings by applying machine learning classification methods. In this study, we evaluated the automatic classification of avalanche signals recorded by a seismo-acoustic detection system installed in Davos (Switzerland) since the winter season 2020-2021. We tested three feature extraction methods to classify the signals based on a Random Forest algorithm. The first RF classifier was trained with a set of features extracted from the individual components of the array. This set of features included waveform properties, spectral features and spectrogram attributes. The second classifier used input features extracted from the amplitude, backazimut and apparent slowness time series of the array-processing outputs. In addition, we tested an autoencoder feature extraction method based on a convolutional neural network with long short-term memory. This automated set of input features was used to train another RF classifier using the same labels. We compared the predictive performance of the three classifiers. Our final goal is to develop an effective classification algorithm combining the different methods to automatically detect snow avalanches in near-real time.


How to cite: Pérez-Guillén, C., Seupel, C., Simeon, A., Volpi, M., and van Herwijnen, A.: Automated discrimination of seismo-acoustic avalanche signals, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12211,, 2023.

EGU23-12481 | ECS | PICO | CR6.3

Systematic production and characterization of artificially produced weak layers of depth hoar 

Jakob Schöttner, Melin Walet, Alec van Herwijnen, and Jürg Schweizer

Buried weak snowpack layers are a prerequisite for dry-snow slab avalanches, which are responsible for most recreational avalanche fatalities. To assess avalanche release probability and size requires detailed knowledge on weak layer mechanical properties. Natural weak layers exhibit a variety of different microstructures and densities, and thus show different mechanical behavior. Up to now, mechanical properties of snow have been mainly evaluated based on bulk proxies such as snow density, while relevant microstructural characteristics have not been accounted for. To establish a link between the microstructure of weak layers and their mechanical properties, we performed laboratory experiments with artificially produced snow samples containing a weak layer consisting of depth hoar. Growing weak layers artificially allows us to control and investigate the full microstructural parameter range. In addition, the controlled laboratory environment helps improve repeatability and limit the scatter that is inherent in field testing. To evaluate the properties and reproducibility of artificially grown depth hoar samples, we designed a snow-metamorphism box with a regulated heating plate at the bottom to impose a large temperature gradient across our snow sample. We then performed compression tests to measure the strength of the artificial weak layers. We used a mechanical testing machine to measure the peak force at the moment of weak layer failure. With digital image correlation we analyzed the deformation of the sample prior to failure. To establish a link between mechanical properties and microstructure, all samples were additionally characterized with micro-tomography. First findings show that we can produce samples with similar properties with reasonable accuracy and that there is a correlation between the resulting mechanical properties and the applied temperature gradient as well as the duration of the depth hoar metamorphism. Our results will help us improve our understanding of the growth and failure behavior of weak snowpack layers consisting of depth hoar and will ultimately allow us to better forecast avalanche release probability.

How to cite: Schöttner, J., Walet, M., van Herwijnen, A., and Schweizer, J.: Systematic production and characterization of artificially produced weak layers of depth hoar, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12481,, 2023.

EGU23-13240 | ECS | PICO | CR6.3

Monitoring and modelling snow avalanches to innovate road safety management in alpine valleys 

Pia Ruttner-Jansen, Julia Glaus, Andreas Wieser, and Yves Bühler

Snow avalanches threaten people and infrastructure in alpine regions. Each winter situations occur that require road closures, which have a major impact on the affected people and economy. The decisions on road safety measures are done by local experts, who decide based on information from the avalanche bulletin, weather forecast and most importantly personal experience. Valuable, detailed information about the snow depth distribution, especially in avalanche release areas is not available in sufficient resolution. To fill this data-gap, we propose a remote-sensing based approach to map, monitor and model the snow depth distribution and its development in avalanche release areas, with high spatial and temporal resolution. The main applied technologies are photogrammetry and LiDAR, both air-borne and ground-based. The newly build up snow database will serve as input to improve the simulation of avalanches and especially the runout distance, which is ultimately crucial for the decision of closing or re-opening a road.

How to cite: Ruttner-Jansen, P., Glaus, J., Wieser, A., and Bühler, Y.: Monitoring and modelling snow avalanches to innovate road safety management in alpine valleys, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13240,, 2023.

It is well known that the snow type can affect the mechanical behavior during slow compression, which may indicate fundamental differences in the deformation mechanisms. To examine these differences, we performed consecutive loading-relaxation tests on three different snow types (rounded grains, depth hoar, and faceted crystals) at the same strain rate of approximately 10-6 s-1 using a micro-compression stage that allowed for X-ray tomography imaging before and after the experiment. By using consecutive loading-relaxation cycles, we were able to eliminate unavoidable structural transients that occurr during the first loading. This allowed us to study the stress-time data in the following cycles and probe the pure viscoplastic behavior of the intact ice matrix in the snow in the absence of microstructural changes. We could consistently analyze the stress-time data of all curves using an implicit, analytical solution of a non-linear Maxwell model for loading and relaxation. Our analysis showed that the estimated mechanical parameters were highly consistent between loading and relaxation and between consecutive cycles. We observed that the exponent n in Glen's law takes either high or low values depending on snow type: rounded grains with n=1.9 and depth hoar/faceted crystals with n=4.4. The transition from rounded grains to depth hoar/faceted crystals also appears consistent with an underlying influence of the optical equivalent diameter but clearly rules out a previously hypothesized dependence of n on volume fraction. In contrast, the effective compactive viscosity obtained from loading and relaxation had a dependency on volume fraction. Our results complement the understanding of how snow type and microstructure influence the mechanical behavior during slow compression, which we discuss in terms of potential transitions in dominant deformation mechanisms.

How to cite: Sundu, K., Ottersberg, R., Jaggi, M., and Löwe, H.: Examining the effect of snow type on effective viscoplastic properties in micro-compression experiments through repeated load-relaxation cycles, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13274,, 2023.

EGU23-13474 | ECS | PICO | CR6.3

Capillary suction as a mechanism for interfacial water formation in early-winter glide-snow avalanches 

Michael Lombardo, Peter Lehmann, Amelie Fees, Alec van Herwijnen, and Jürg Schweizer

The presence of interfacial water at the soil-snow interface is considered one of the important factors controlling glide-snow avalanche release. Suction of water out of the soil has been postulated as a possible mechanism for interfacial water formation in early-winter (also known as “cold”) glide-snow avalanches, where the interfacial water is not due to melt water infiltration from the snow surface. Here, we use two 1D-models, HYDRUS and SNOWPACK, to investigate water transport across the soil-snow interface via capillary action. The results of this modeling demonstrate that, under certain conditions, the snowpack is capable of drawing water from the soil and/or interfacial vegetation layer (e.g. grass). We show that the dynamics and magnitude of water transport are highly dependent on the hydraulic properties of the soil, interface, and snow. For example, capillary rise within the snow increases with decreasing snow grain size and increasing snow density. When considering an initially dry snowpack, the capillary pressure of the water within the soil and vegetation sets an upper bound for the increase in liquid water content within the snow. Additional work is needed to assess the effect of geothermal melting as a competing mechanism for interfacial water generation. However, regardless of how the interfacial water is generated, we show that certain configurations of soil, interface, and snow layers can lead to an increase in liquid water content within the basal snowpack due to capillary action. Thus, we conclude that capillary suction is a possible mechanism for early-winter glide-snow avalanche release.

How to cite: Lombardo, M., Lehmann, P., Fees, A., van Herwijnen, A., and Schweizer, J.: Capillary suction as a mechanism for interfacial water formation in early-winter glide-snow avalanches, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13474,, 2023.

EGU23-14997 | ECS | PICO | CR6.3

Performing mixed-mode fracture tests to assess crack propagation in weak snowpack layers 

Melin Walet, Jakob Schöttner, Valentin Adam, Jürg Schweizer, and Alec van Herwijnen

Dry-snow slab avalanches release due to widespread crack propagation in a weak layer buried below cohesive slab layers. To understand the onset of crack propagation, it is essential to measure fracture properties of weak layers. As crack propagation in snow commonly occurs on inclined terrain, the interaction of different fracture modes also needs to be accounted for. Mode I denotes loading normal to the crack faces and mode II loading parallel to the crack surface but normal to the crack front. So far, experimental results on this mode interaction are lacking. Here we present results using a novel field method to derive the mixed-mode fracture toughness of weak layers, a material property describing the resistance to crack growth. Crack propagation will begin once the energy release rate exceeds the specific fracture energy, which is a measure for the fracture toughness. In order to cover the entire interaction range between mode I and mode II, we performed tilted fracture mechanical field experiments to determine fracture characteristics of different types of weak layers. Fitting the obtained results with a power law allows to represent the correlation between fracture characteristics and the full range of mode interactions. Our first results suggest a quadratic interaction and the measured specific fracture energy is larger for mode II than for mode I which both is in agreement with observed behavior in other materials. The observed fracture energies have the same order of magnitude as previous, comparable experiments. These results provide the first measurements of the mixed-mode fracture toughness of different weak layers and can be used to establish a link between snow microstructure and mechanical properties to ultimately improve avalanche forecasting.


How to cite: Walet, M., Schöttner, J., Adam, V., Schweizer, J., and van Herwijnen, A.: Performing mixed-mode fracture tests to assess crack propagation in weak snowpack layers, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14997,, 2023.

EGU23-15567 | ECS | PICO | CR6.3

A multiscale MPMxDEM model for simulating snowpack deformation and failure. 

olivier ozenda, Guillaume Chambon, and Vincent Richefeu

Fracture propagation in the snow-pack can lead to slab avalanches triggering. In the brittle deformation regime, snow can be viewed as a loose cohesive material. As shown in Discrete Element (DEM) simulations, the mechanical response of centimetric snow samples present complex patterns including strong strain-softening and volumetric collapse, with an important sensitiveness to the microstructure. On the other hand, avalanches involve large deformations and can propagate over hundreds or thousands of meters.

To tackle the challenge of modelling this wide variety of spatial scales, a double-scale MPMxDEM approach is proposed.
The MPM (Material Point Method) solver is used to compute the evolution of the flow at large scale and embeds a homogenized numerical constitutive law. Hence, each macroscopic lumping point is associated to its own microstructure, e.g. its own DEM cell, evolving independently. At the micro-scale, a loose assembly of spheres is considered with a cohesive contact law.

The ability of this method to capture the main features of snow mechalical behavior in a more robust manner than empirical analytical constitutive models will be investigated by simulating elemenary laboratory tests like oedometric test and field experiments like the Propagation Saw Test (PST).

How to cite: ozenda, O., Chambon, G., and Richefeu, V.: A multiscale MPMxDEM model for simulating snowpack deformation and failure., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15567,, 2023.

EGU23-15698 | ECS | PICO | CR6.3

Improved Kinematics in a Weak Interface Model for Stratified Snow Packs 

Florian Rheinschmidt, Philipp Weißgraeber, and Philipp L. Rosendahl

The danger of dry snow slab avalanches is dependent on the conditions of the snow cover in alpine regions. Whether an avalanche is triggered from its own weight, wind or additional loads as backcountry skiers depends strongly on the conditions of the so-called weak layer. These porous and faceted layers grow as surface and depth hoar and are buried by densified snow layers, the so-called slab. In terms of mechanical properties, the slab has a relative high stiffness and tensile strength, while the weak layers with their low densities are more compliant and prone to collapse. These so-called anti-cracks nucleate in the weak layer and propagate afterwards through the slope until the slab ruptures and the avalanche is released.

Providing an efficient stability assessment of stratified snowpacks demands for a mechanical model that can capture both the anti-crack nucleation and propagation. We present a highly efficient and accurate model based on the weak interface models from fracture mechanics, which is able to render stresses and energy release rates in snow packs in real time. The improved kinematics of the weak layer in combination with an improved derivation of the energy release rate enable one to substitute finite element computations in avalanche mechanics. In particular, the model covers the effect of the layering order on both the extensional and bending stiffness of the slab. It can be used for externally-loaded slopes and for stability tests such as the propagation saw test.

How to cite: Rheinschmidt, F., Weißgraeber, P., and Rosendahl, P. L.: Improved Kinematics in a Weak Interface Model for Stratified Snow Packs, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15698,, 2023.

EGU23-295 | ECS | Posters on site | GM3.3

GIS-FSLAM-FORM: A QGIS plugin for fa t probabilistic susceptibility assessment of rainfall-induced landslides at regional scale 

Hongzhi Cui, Marcel Hürlimann, Vicente Medina, and Jian Ji

Landslide susceptibility analysis is the necessary procedure for timely discovering and locking potential sources of slope instabilities in natural terrain areas. The infinite slope model is broadly applied for evaluating the shallow landslide susceptibility coupling the geotechnical and geological parameters with a hydrological model. Because rainfall is one of the major factors inducing landslides, the calculation of the water table and pore water pressure is an important task in our approach. To assess appropriately the most susceptible areas, we propose a new framework for regional slope stability based on probabilistic analysis by combining a hydromechanical model, which couples the Fast Shallow Landslide Assessment Model (FSLAM) and reliability method. A user-friendly software based on the open-source geographic information system (QGIS) platform called the GIS-FSLAM-FORM plugin adopting the Python programming language was designed and developed. Accounting for the potential uncertainties of geotechnical parameters (in particular effective cohesion and friction of soil or root strength), the horizontal hydraulic conductivity, as well as the soil depth. Our now approach is emphasized for its simple hydrologic model and its high computation efficiency. To consider the probabilistic information of the FSLAM incorporating the infinite slope, the first-order reliability method (FORM) is presented during the analysis although inevitably involving iterative computing. The developed plugin using physically-based modelling can directly provide several regional hazard index distribution maps, such as the factor of safety (FoS), reliability index (RI), and failure probability (Pf).

How to cite: Cui, H., Hürlimann, M., Medina, V., and Ji, J.: GIS-FSLAM-FORM: A QGIS plugin for fa t probabilistic susceptibility assessment of rainfall-induced landslides at regional scale, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-295,, 2023.

Random Forest (RF) is a classification algorithm used successfully in geomorphological and hazard mapping (Sîrbu et al., 2019). It performs a defined number of classifications, based on decision trees, on random samples with replacement, from the original training data. Because of this, the algorithm is especially robust for errors and outliers in the training data and it is also very good in producing uncertainty estimates for the variability of results on each of the classified features. Its resulting data can also be used, with different methods, to produce a ranking of the independent variables used in the classification.

The present study was performed on a given data set, in central Italy, containing 7,360 slope units covering an area of 4,095 km2. The slope units are classified twice, based on different methodologies, into units with or without landslides. Also each slope unit has assigned 26 attributes that were used as independent variables (Alvioli et al., 2022). The slope units are treated as spatially independent from each other, and have been randomly split 70%-30%, into training and validation data respectively.

The model was setup as a computer code, in the R software environment. It uses different libraries to integrate the input data, run the algorithm, run a validation and measure the performance of the model and finally produce the output data. Most of the model settings were used with their default value, with the number of classification trees (ntree) being the only important setting that was fine tuned to a value of 1501 based on different model runs.

The results of the two classifications (one for each classification of the dependent variable) are relatively similar, proving once again the robustness of the RF algorithm when it comes to minor to medium changes in the input data. The first classification had an AUC (area under the curve) value of 0.829 compared with the AUC value of 0.817 for the second classification. For each classification, a ranking of the independent variables was produce, with the standard deviation of slope being the most important predictor. Other predictors with relative high importance were elevation and curvatures.

The results show that RF is an important classifier, which can be used with relatively low custom settings and on almost any data set in order to produce a reliable susceptibility map. Its integration with the R software makes it easy to run the whole process virtually automatic. The computer code for the model will be made freely available.

How to cite: Sirbu, F.: Landslide Susceptibility Model based on Random Forest classification, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-733,, 2023.

EGU23-2283 | ECS | Orals | GM3.3

Application of the LAND-SUITE software with a benchmark dataset for landslide susceptibility zonation 

Txomin Bornaetxea, Mina Yazdani, and Mauro Rossi

We propose the usage of LAND-SUITE software to carry out 16 landslide susceptibility models exploiting the benchmark dataset provided by the session organizers. The software allows the application of Linear Discriminat Analysis (LDA), Logistic Regression (LR) and Quadratic Discriminant Analysis (QDA) as statistical methods, together with the Combination Forecast Model (CFM), which combines the outputs of the former three methods. Each of the mentioned models has been applied considering the two provided different landslide presence variables (presence1 and presence2), resulting in 8 susceptibility maps that takes into account the complete set of explanatory variables. Then, we have taken advantage of the variables analysis outputs provided by LAND-SUITE, and the process has been repeated with a reduced set of 10 explanatory variable. The variables selection has been carried out following the principles of independence between the explanatory variables, and trying to optimize the contribution of each of them to the model performance, for which leave-one-out tests and significance p-value of the LR outputs have been consulted. Results show a slight, but generalized, improvement of the model performances when the presence2 dataset is used, against the presence1. The model performance is also maintained or very sensitively decreased when the amount of explanatory variables is reduced from 26 to 10. However, the Area Under the ROC Curve (AUC) ranges between 0.75 and 0.82 in any of the tests. In addition, 9 out of the 10 selected variables are the same for both presence1 and presence2 tests. Uncertainty associated to each of the models has been also computed by means of the bootstrap resampling method.

How to cite: Bornaetxea, T., Yazdani, M., and Rossi, M.: Application of the LAND-SUITE software with a benchmark dataset for landslide susceptibility zonation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2283,, 2023.

EGU23-3566 | ECS | Posters on site | GM3.3 | Highlight

Landslide Susceptibility within the binomial Generalized Additive Model 

Marco Loche, Massimiliano Alvioli, Ivan Marchesini, and Luigi Lombardo

We develop a slope-unit based landslide susceptibility model using the benchmark dataset proposed in the session, located in Central Italy. As a result, we produce two susceptibility maps based on the two different landslide presence attribute fields included in the dataset.

The proposed dataset is a subset of a much larger one, recently used to obtain landslide susceptibility all over Italy. We further explore the differences between results obtained from the proposed dataset, and landslide susceptibility obtained at national scale. The national scale results were obtained in a Bayesian version of a binomial Generalized Additive Model (GAM) in R-INLA, an R implementation of the integrated nested Laplace approximation for approximate Bayesian inference. The method can explain the spatial distribution of landslides using a family of Bernoulli exponential functions.

This allows us to estimate fixed effects and random effects, and to assess their associated uncertainty. The residual susceptibility maps and the most common correlations permit to measure the strength and direction of the relationships between models and to capture differences in susceptibility values across the study area. On their basis, we offer a convenient approach to evaluate the similarities in case of both represented landslide distributions.

We propose this modeling comparison for any susceptibility maps to evaluate the interpretability of the covariates and performances, where a large dataset may influence the susceptibility pattern over space.

How to cite: Loche, M., Alvioli, M., Marchesini, I., and Lombardo, L.: Landslide Susceptibility within the binomial Generalized Additive Model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3566,, 2023.

EGU23-4851 | Posters virtual | GM3.3

Resolution of data, type of inventory and data splitting in machine learning-based landslide susceptibility mapping 

Neelima Satyam, Minu Treesa Abraham, and Kunal Gupta

The use of machine learning (ML) approaches for developing landslide susceptibility maps (LSM) has gained wide popularity in the recent past. The choice of ML algorithms, spatial resolution, the ratio of train-to-test data, and the landslide conditioning factors are some of the crucial factors that decide the performance of the developed LSM. However, there are no formal guidelines on the selection of any of these factors, as the choice highly depends upon the study area. In most cases, site-specific comparative analysis are required to find the best-suited combination. Two case studies were conducted for parts of the Western Ghats in India to develop pixel-based LSM for Idukki and Wayanad districts. Five different ML algorithms, two different spatial resolutions, multiple train-to-test ratios and two different types of landslide inventory data were used for developing the best-suited LSM. After detailed analysis, it was observed that the random forest (RF) algorithm has resulted in the best-performing LSM for both regions. The effects of spatial resolution and data splitting were found to be different for different algorithms, and among all the factors considered, data splitting is found to be the least influencing factor. 

How to cite: Satyam, N., Abraham, M. T., and Gupta, K.: Resolution of data, type of inventory and data splitting in machine learning-based landslide susceptibility mapping, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4851,, 2023.

EGU23-5755 | ECS | Orals | GM3.3

A slope units based landslide susceptibility analyses using Weight of Evidence and Random Forest 

Marko Sinčić, Sanja Bernat Gazibara, Martin Krkač, Hrvoje Lukačić, and Snježana Mihalić Arbanas

As identified by previous work, landslides present a significant hazard in the Umbria Region, Central Italy. We present a Weight of Evidence (WoE) and Random Forest (RF) approach for deriving landslide susceptibility maps (LSMs) for the defined slope units (SU) cartographic unit. Used input data in this study includes a layer containing 7360 SU with 26 landslide conditioning factors (LCFs) and two landslide presence flags. Namely, „presence1“ (P1) and „presence2“ (P2) describe 3594 and 2271 SU as unstable, respectively. LCFs were reclassified using Natural Breaks into 10 classes, followed by testing collinearity which resulted in selecting 11 for the further analyses. Unstable SU were randomly split in two equal sets, one for deriving LSMs, and the other for validation. Using only unstable SU for WoE, the landslide dataset applied in RF included additionally an equal amount of stable SU. Stable SU were randomly selected from the area which had excluded only the previously selected unstable SU, simulating a temporal inventory for landslide validation. The latter ensured application of the model to unseen data, as well as unbiased landslide dataset for training the model. Model evaluation and LSM validation included determining Area Under the Curve (AUC) for the LSM area defined with Cumulative percentage of study area in susceptibility classes and the Cumulative percentage of landslide area in susceptibility classes. For model evaluation, 50% of unstable SU were examined, whereas to validate it, the remaining 50% of unstable SU were used. For model classification parameters, all SU were used to define Overall Accuracy (OA) and a Hit Rate and False Alarm Rate curve for which AUC was calculated. RF model performed excellent, having 86.16 and 90.00 AUC values for P1 and P2 scenarios, respectively. Significantly worse, the WoE P1 and P2 scenarios have 62.09 and 69.41 AUC values, respectively. LSM validation on unseen data goes in favor of WoE with 60.46 (P1) and 66.17 (P2) AUC values, compared to 45.06 (P1) and 56.68 (P2) AUC values for RF, indicating a random guess prediction. Considering OA and AUC as classification parameters, OA values for P1 and P2 scenarios in RF are 74.36 and 77.60 whereas AUC values are 81.65 and 84.61. Significantly less, WoE method has 66.03 and 69.14 OA values for P1 and P2 scenario, respectively. Similarly, WoE AUC values for P1 is 74.09 whereas for P2 it is 77.07. Showing better results in all four studied parameters in both methods, we point out the P2 scenario as a better option for defining landslide datasets concerning the amount of unstable and stable SU. Due to having a relatively big portion of unstable SU in the input data we argue that classification parameters should be prioritized when choosing the optimal method and scenario, as they take to consideration both unstable and stable SU for the entire study area. Based on the conducted research, we suggest using RF due to better classification performance as an approach for landslide susceptibility analyses and future zonation in the study area.

How to cite: Sinčić, M., Bernat Gazibara, S., Krkač, M., Lukačić, H., and Mihalić Arbanas, S.: A slope units based landslide susceptibility analyses using Weight of Evidence and Random Forest, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5755,, 2023.

EGU23-6053 | ECS | Posters on site | GM3.3

Landslide Susceptibility Mapping via binomial Generalized Additive Model 

Gianvito Scaringi and Marco Loche

Developments of geostatistical models in landslide susceptibility mapping often do not consider interpretability, although this element has a reasonably fundamental importance on risk assessment. Last trends in machine learning demonstrate that enhancement of performances influences the interpretability of mechanical processes in geostatistical models, in which geomorphic causation is suddenly lost.

We took the benchmark dataset in central Italy as our study case, for which a complete inventory of landslides is available. We built two landslide susceptibility models using a Generalised Additive Model (GAM) with a slope-unit partitioning of the area (~4,100 km2, comprising 7,360 slope units), and a set of 26 independent variables, with the aim of classifying the presence/absence of landslides.

We tested the capability of a binomial GAM through nonparametric smoothing functions to evaluate the interpretability of the covariates. Furthermore, we obtained satisfactory results in terms of performance with a reasonable compromise in the interpretability.

GAMs are very popular classifiers in landslides susceptibility and even though other methods yield better performance, we suggest that interpretability in geostatistical analyses should proceed in tandem with improving the models’ performances.

How to cite: Scaringi, G. and Loche, M.: Landslide Susceptibility Mapping via binomial Generalized Additive Model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6053,, 2023.

Rain-induced natural terrain landslides are the most frequent geo-hazard in many regions of the world. As an essential tool in addressing rising landslide challenges due to climate change, landslide susceptibility assessment has been widely investigated in Hong Kong for over twenty years. However, a public dataset for Hong Kong landslide susceptibility assessment is currently absent in the geoscience research community, which brings difficulties in establishing consistent evaluation criteria for testing any new method or theory. Thus, to facilitate the development of new statistical and/or artificial intelligence-based methods for landslides susceptibility assessment, here we compile the first version of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology – Landslide Susceptibility Dataset (HKUST-LSD) based on multiple sources of open data. Aiming at comprehensively describing the rain-induced natural terrain landslide conditioning factors in Hong Kong, HKUST-LSD v1.0 comprises data of (a) a landslide inventory; (b) a high-resolution digital terrain model (DTM) and its topographical derivatives; (c) superficial geology, distance to faults and rivers/sea; (d) historical maximum rolling rainfall and (e) ground vegetation condition. HKUST-LSD v1.0 provides a ready-to-use dataset that includes processed landslide and non-landslide samples, together with reference codes that utilized representative machine learning techniques to assess the landslide susceptibility in Hong Kong and achieved satisfactory performance. The dataset will be updated on a regular basis to fulfil the latest research needs that might arise in the research community and support global sustainable development.

Download the dataset at:

How to cite: Wang, H., Zhang, L., and Wang, L.: HKUST-Landslide Susceptibility Dataset (HKUST-LSD): A benchmark dataset for landslide susceptibility assessment in Hong Kong, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6259,, 2023.

High-magnitude earthquakes are often in seismic zones that initiate the cascading chain of hazards such as co-seismic landslides, soil liquefaction, snow avalanche, surface faulting, devastating rock avalanches, and ground shaking. In the present study, a co-seismic landslide susceptibility analysis was executed for the Bhagirathi valley of Uttarakhand Himalayan region using machine learning techniques based on the slope unit-based method. The study area falls in seismic zone IV, rocks along the fault zone are fragile, and this area is very active seismically. This region has previously experienced Uttarkashi earthquake (1991) of magnitude 6.6. Assessment of seismic induced landslide is considered a complex process, as it considers both static parameters (causative factors) and dynamic parameters (triggering factor) in the form of ground motion shaking effects. In this study, the co-seismic landslide susceptibility maps using the machine learning approach Extreme Gradient Boosting (XgBoost) and Naïve Bayes (NB) techniques have been carried out at Slope Unit-based mapping level. The landslide inventory with 3,000 delineated polygons has been classified into training (80%) and testing (20%) data to calibrate and authenticate the models. For this purpose, static causative factors have been considered, such as slope, aspect, curvature, lineament buffer, drainage buffer, geology, topographic wetness index, and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), these parameters have been generated using the CartoDEM and satellite data. Triggering factors Arias Intensity (AI) has been considered for ground motion shaking as a dynamic factor for co-seismic landslides susceptibility mapping. Arias Intensity was prepared using the classical Cornell approach by considering the earthquake catalogue between the years 1700 and 2022. Finally, XgBoost and NB techniques have been used to compute static landslide susceptibility mapping and dynamic co-seismic landslide susceptibility map for a 475-year return period. XgBoost methods at the slope unit level predicted better results. These results were validated using the seismic relative index (SRI) and landslide density method. The prepared map can be effectively helpful for local and regional planning.


Keywords: Co-seismic landslide, Slope Unit, Landslide mapping, Machine learning.


How to cite: Gupta, N., Kanungo, D. P., and Das, J.: Co-seismic landslide susceptibility analysis for the Bhagirathi valley of Uttarakhand Himalayan region using machine learning algorithms based on Slope unit techniques, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6937,, 2023.

The aim of this study is to contribute to the introduction of a benchmark dataset for landslide susceptibility. The contribution consists in the application of Generalized Additive Models (GAMs) on the test area proposed by Alvioli et al. (2022), located in Central Italy (Umbria Region, 4095 km2), and over the Mountain Communities of Mont Cervin and Mont Emilius (670 km2), located in the central part of Valle d’Aosta Region. In the latter, previous studies regarding landslide susceptibility were carried out by Camera et al. (2021) and Bajni (2022).

The susceptibility analysis is based on slope units for both areas and it uses the open-source dataset available for Italy (, Alvioli et al., 2020). For Central Italy, predictors and response variable are those made available by Alvioli et al. (2022). For consistency, for Valle d’Aosta morphometric variables were calculated from the EUDEM digital elevation model (Copernicus Land Monitoring Service, 25 m horizontal resolution), while soil-related variables – namely soil depth, soil bulk density and particle size fractions - were derived from the SoilGrid global dataset (Hengl et al. 2017). In addition, coherently with Alvioli et al. (2022), two presence/absence landslide response variables (‘1’/’0’) were defined. For the first one, ‘presence1’, a slope unit was considered impacted by landslides (‘1’) if at least an event was recorded within its limits. For the second one, ‘presence2’, a slope unit was considered impacted by landslides (‘1’) if two or more landslides occurred within its limits. For Valle d’Aosta, landslide events were accessed through the regional inventory (, which is updated continuously by the Regional Civil Protection Department and the Forest Corps through regular surveys or following warnings from citizens.

Two landslide susceptibility maps were calculated for each area (‘presence1’, ‘presence2’). GAMs were applied through the mgcv library of R, with and without the option of variable selection through shrinkage. In addition, predictors behavior was analyzed through the associated Component Smoothing Functions (CSF) to check for physical plausibility. Finally, to evaluate uncertainties, a non-spatial k-fold cross-validation was carried out and a model evaluation was performed based on contingency tables, area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC) and variable importance (decrease in explained variance).

By the application of the same modelling algorithm (GAM) with an input dataset derived from the same data sources, the study is expected to verify the consistency of the obtained landslide susceptibility results in terms of both model performance and main driving processes (predictors).


Alvioli et al., 2020. Parameter-free delineation of slope units and terrain subdivision of Italy. Geomorphology 258, 107124.

Alvioli et al., 2022. Call for collaboration: Benchmark datasets for landslide susceptibility zonation.

Bajni, 2022. Statistical methods to assess rockfall susceotibility in an Alpine environment: a focus on climatic forcing and geomechanical variables.

Camera et al., 2021. Introducing intense rainfall and snowmelt variables to implement a process-related non-stationary shallow landslide susceptibility analysis. Science of The Total Environment 147360.

Hengl et al., 2017. SoilGrids250m: Global gridded soil information based on machine learning. PLoS one 12, e0169748.

How to cite: Camera, C. and Bajni, G.: Comparison of the effectiveness of application of GAMs for landslide susceptibility modelling in Apennine and Alpine areas, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7907,, 2023.

EGU23-9623 | ECS | Posters on site | GM3.3

Can AI-generated landslide inventories replace humans' cognitive abilities in hazard and risk scenarios? 

Sansar Raj Meena, Mario Floris, and Filippo Catani

Landslide inventories are quintessential for landslide susceptibility mapping, hazard modeling, and risk management. Experts and organizations all across the world have preferred manual visual interpretation of satellite and aerial imagery for decades. However, there are other issues with manual inventory, such as the subjective process of manually extracting landslide boundaries, the lack of sharing landslide polygons within the geoscientific community, and the amount of time and effort engaged in the inventory generation process by the expert interpreters. To address these challenges, a large amount of research on semi-automated and automatic mapping of landslide inventories has been conducted in recent years. The automatic development of landslide inventory using Artificial Intelligence (AI) approaches is still in its early stages, as there is currently no published study that can generate a ground truth representation of a landslide situation following a landslide-triggering event. In terms of landslide boundary delineation utilizing AI-based models, the evaluation metrics in recent research suggest a range of 50-80% of the F1-score. However, with the exception of those using model evaluation testing in the same studied area, very few studies claim to have attained more than 80% F1 score, that too at larger scales of investigation. As a result, there is currently a research gap between the generation of AI-based landslide inventory and their applicability for landslide hazard and risk assessments. There is a need to advocate for the geoscientific community to check the reliability of AI-generated landslide data in terms of their usage in the succeeding phases of landslide response and mitigation in impacted areas.

How to cite: Meena, S. R., Floris, M., and Catani, F.: Can AI-generated landslide inventories replace humans' cognitive abilities in hazard and risk scenarios?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9623,, 2023.

EGU23-9988 | Posters virtual | GM3.3

Comparing the performance of Machine Learning Methods in landslide susceptibility modelling 

Paraskevas Tsangaratos, Ioanna Ilia, and Aikaterini-Alexandra Chrysafi

Landslide phenomena are considered as one of the most significant geohazards with a great impact on the man-made and natural environment. If one search the scientific literature, the most studied topic in landslide assessments is the identification of areas that potentially may exhibit instability issues by modelling the influence of landslide-related variables with methods and techniques from the domain of knowledge and data-driven approaches. This is not an easy task, since the complexity, and in most cases the unknown processes that are responsible for the evolution of landslide phenomena triggered either of natural or man-made activities, influence their performance. Landslide susceptibility assessments, which models the spatial component of the evolution of landslides are the most reliable investigation tool capable of predicting the spatial dimension of the phenomenon with high accuracy. During the past two decades, artificial intelligence methods and specifically machine learning algorithms have dominated landslide susceptibility assessments, as the main sophisticated methods of analysis. Fuzzy logic algorithms, decision trees, artificial neural networks, ensemble methods and evolutionary population-based algorithms were among the most advanced methods that proved to be reliable and accurate.

In this context, the main objective of the present study was to compare the performance of various Machine Learning models (MLm) in landslide susceptibility assessments. Concerning the followed methodology, it could be separated into a five-phase procedure: (i) creating the inventory map, (ii) selecting, classifying, and weighting the landslide-related variables, (iii) performing a multicollinearity, an importance analysis (iv) implementing the developed methodology and testing the produced models, and (v) comparing the predictive performance of the various models. The computational process was carried out coding in R and Python language, whereas ArcGIS 10.5 was used for compiling the data and producing the landslide susceptibility maps.

In more details, Logistic Regression, Support Vector Machines, Random Forest, and Artificial Neural Network were implemented, and their predictive performance were compared. The efficiency of the MLM was estimated for an area of northwestern Peloponnese region, Greece, an area characterized by the presence of numerous landslide phenomena. Twelve landslide-related variables, elevation, slope angle, aspect, plan and profile curvature, topographic wetness index, lithology, silt, sand and clay content, distance to faults, distance to river network and 128 landslide locations, were used to produce the training and test datasets. The Certainty Factor was implemented to calculate the correlation among the landslide-related variables and to assign to each variable class a weight value. Multi-collinearity analysis was used to estimate the existence of collinearity among the landslide related variables. Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ) was used for ranking features by importance, whereas the evaluation process involved estimating the predictive ability of the MLm via the classification accuracy, the sensitivity, the specificity and the area under the success and predictive rate curves (AUC). Overall, the outcome of the study indicates that all MLm provided high accurate results with the Artificial Neural Network approach being the most accurate followed by Random Forest, Support Vector Machines and Logistic Regression. 

How to cite: Tsangaratos, P., Ilia, I., and Chrysafi, A.-A.: Comparing the performance of Machine Learning Methods in landslide susceptibility modelling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9988,, 2023.

Numerous advanced techniques including machine learning models are widely used in landslide susceptibility zoning which result in very high accuracy. In some cases, very high accuracy represents an overfitting in the model, where a model adapts very well to the training data but poorly for the test or new data.  Cross Validation (CV) strategies are often employed to reduce overfitting in a machine learning model. Several cross validation techniques have been developed recently as a part of machine learning workflow.  However, the preference of choosing one cross validation method to another is still unclear in landslide susceptibility zoning. To illustrate this issue, the authors reproduce non CV, standard V-fold CV, and several spatial CV techniques using a benchmark dataset in Italy to train, validate and test an XgBoost model using 26 landslide controlling factors. The variation of RoC validation, RoC testing, and confusion matrix were used to detect the potency of model overfitting. The preference of using a CV technique for a benchmark data in Italy will be discussed further. The result is expected to provide guidance for choosing CV technique in landslide susceptibility zoning based on slope unit and machine learning workflow.

How to cite: Samodra, G., Wahyudi, E. E., and Susyanto, N.: Cross validation technique preference for landslide susceptibility zoning based on slope unit and machine learning workflow, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11051,, 2023.

Bayesian logistic regression with vague priors and optimized XGBoost models are two contrasting and commonly used approaches for modeling landslide susceptibility. Logistic regression calculates the log odds of a binary outcome (i.e., landslide or no landslide) given some predictor data (e.g., slope, elevation, and geology) that describes the terrain of each mapping unit used to divide the terrain for susceptibility evaluation. The Bayesian implementation incorporates uncertainty into the model by using probability distributions of the model parameters. Weakly informative priors ensure that the likelihood function (i.e., observational data) dominates posterior distributions, which can be estimated using the statistical software Stan. Like logistic regression, the gradient boosting decision tree machine learning algorithm XGBoost requires the predictor data of each mapping unit to output a probability of an event. Decision trees are a non-parametric learning tool that uses a set of if-then-else decision rules to predict the expected model outcome. Gradient boosting is a method of sequentially adding more decision trees to improve the model output until the lowest model residual levels are reached while penalizing for the level of complexity added to the model. We optimize the model parameters using a Bayesian cross-validation procedure on a portion of the training data. To obtain distributions of the level of susceptibility from XGBoost, a 10-fold cross-validation procedure with ten iterations is implemented. Evaluation of both Bayesian logistic regression and XGBoost algorithms is performed using the area under the curve of the receiver operator characteristics and the Brier score, but any other common metric for evaluation is possible. Model development and evaluation is carried out through the computational environment R. These methods have been applied with success to many diverse regions of the United States and would benefit from testing with the benchmark datasets proposed by the conveners.

How to cite: Mirus, B. and Woodard, J.: Bayesian logistic regression and optimized XGBoost models for landslide susceptibility assessment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11586,, 2023.

Grid cells (GC) and slope units (SU) are the most common mapping units in landslide susceptibility modeling. SU-based models have recently gained popularity in the field because of the availability of user-friendly software and certain advantages over GC approaches. For example, SUs are often described as more geomorphologically meaningful, less sensitive to positionally inaccurate landslide data and more flexible in representing specific variables (e.g., binary vs. count responses). In contrast to GCs, SU sizes can vary considerably within a study area. Spatially varying mapping unit sizes may be accompanied by a spatially varying likelihood of a SU being affected by a landslide. We assume that larger SUs are more likely to be labeled as "landslide-affected" than smaller SUs, which are just as susceptible to landslides simply because of their larger spatial extent. In other words, the larger the area of investigation, the more likely a landslide can be found. This may have relevant effects on subsequent landslide susceptibility models, especially if certain predictor variables correlate with SU sizes.

To our knowledge, the effects of different SU sizes on landslide susceptibility models have rarely been investigated, and no approaches to explicitly consider SU size have yet been presented. In this contribution, we use Generalized Additive Mixed Models (GAMM) to confront four different strategies for dealing with spatially varying SU sizes in landslide susceptibility modeling. The analyses focus on the provided SU-based dataset related to a part of the Umbria region in Central Italy (~4,100 km²). In the first strategy, all predisposing factors, including those directly related to SU size (i.e., SU area and distance/SU area), are used for model fitting and spatial prediction. The second strategy builds upon strategy 1, but it does not consider the size of the SUs for model fitting and spatial prediction. The third strategy demonstrates the ability of SU size to discriminate SUs with landslides from those without landslides and consists of a single-variable model with the area of the SUs as its only predictor. Then, in the fourth strategy, all predictors are used for model fitting, but the effect of SU size is averaged out from the spatial prediction (i.e., the size effect is not predicted into space, but its potentially confounding effect is isolated during the model fitting).

The first tests support the assumption that larger SUs are more likely labeled as landslide-affected SUs and that associated confounding effects should be considered in landslide susceptibility modeling. We present the four strategies in terms of modeled relationships, relative variable importance, spatial prediction pattern and quantitative validation results.

How to cite: Moreno, M. and Steger, S.: Slope unit size matters - why should the areal extent of slope units be considered in data-driven landslide susceptibility models?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12943,, 2023.

EGU23-13362 | Orals | GM3.3

Exploring the benchmark dataset for tasks related to landslide susceptibility assessment 

Jewgenij Torizin and Nick Schüßler

In the presented study, we investigate the possibilities of performing tasks related to landslide susceptibility assessment (LSA) on the provided benchmark dataset. The slope unit-based dataset consists of aggregated predisposing factors and two label sets. Although initially introduced as a dataset for binary classification tasks, it is also suitable for zoning and regression analysis in combination with the underlying landslide inventory. Zoning ranks slope units to delineate the study area in susceptibility zones. In the regression analysis, we try to predict a numeric target value (e.g.,  landslide count) by the slope unit's attributes.

We explored the benchmark dataset using bivariate and multivariate statistical visualization techniques to understand the data relations better. We found the dataset at this stage insufficient for achieving a well-explainable high-performance classification using linear models. Most attributes are not specific to linearly separate the given labels. The chosen central tendency statistics (mean and standard deviation) may not characterize the parameter distributions inside the slope unit sufficiently.

We propose a theoretical concept for zonation analysis to assess the best possible performance on the given discrete dataset using the success rate curve as the model evaluation metric. Because any applied algorithm cannot modify the geometry of the discrete slope units, the evaluation metric only depends on the relative ranking of slope units. The best performance is obtainable without computing a predictive model. For frequency-related models (weighting of factors with landslide count statistics), a simple direct computation of conditional probabilities or frequency ratio on the slope units as a ranking factor provides the best possible ranking. Combining the label and slope unit's area provides the best slope unit ranking for binary labels.

We conducted a regression and classification analysis with artificial neural networks (ANN) testing different combinations of parameters (sensitivity analysis) architectures allowing for modeling nonlinear relations. In both analyses, initial results show that a complex net architecture can boost the model fit on the training dataset by losing predictive performance on test data. Also, the dataset pre-exploration corresponds well with the sensitivity analysis with ANN. The number of parameters is reducible to few effective predictors without losing much accuracy in classification, which is poor-to-moderate depending on the utilized label set.

While slope units as an aggregation for geomorphological analyses remain undisputed, the proposed aggregation of predisposing factors in slope units at the analysis's entry point needs further discussion. Aggregating the results of a raster-based LSA to overcome deviances in landslide susceptibility patterns caused by data uncertainties or different methods could be more suitable at this point. Slope units should be analyzed with regression analysis in LSA to consider their different spatial extents during the calculation.

We provide our scripts, visualizations, and results as a Jupyter Notebook on our GitHub:

How to cite: Torizin, J. and Schüßler, N.: Exploring the benchmark dataset for tasks related to landslide susceptibility assessment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13362,, 2023.

EGU23-16251 | Orals | GM3.3

Ensemble learning on the benchmark dataset for landslide susceptibility zonation in Central Italy 

Héctor Aguilera, Jhonatan Steven Rivera Rivera, Carolina Guardiola-Albert, and Marta Béjar-Pizarro

In response to the call for collaboration, we aim to develop landslide susceptibility maps for the benchmark study area using Ensemble Machine Learning. Ensemble Learning has proven succesful for landslide susceptibility mapping in highly susceptible Asian regions of South Korea (Kaavi et al., 2018) and China (Hu et al., 2020).

The benchmark dataset provided, encompassing 7360 slope units in the central region of Italy, has 26 morphometric and thematic attributes, and two binary targets indicating the presence (1) or absence (0) of landslides. The first binary variable is balanced with respect to the number of zeros and ones (target 1) and the second in terms of the area covered by slope units labeled either with zero or one (target 2). For each of the two conditions in the dataset, we will compare the performance of individual classifiers such as logistic regression, naive bayes, decision trees, k-nearest neighbors, support vector machine, neural networks, as well as bagging (e.g., random forest) and boosting (e.g., extreme gradient boosting, CatBoost) algorithms using cross-validation. Then the best most diverse models will be selected based on typical performance metrics such as AUC and Matthews Correlation Coefficient (MCC), fine-tuned, and combined using stacking and blending Ensemble Learning techniques.

The best model will be re-trained with different configurations of training and test sets to derive a distribution of errors to add a measure of uncertainty in each slope unit of landslide susceptibility maps. Further, we will develop a landslide susceptibility index based on the results (e.g., probability distributions of the outcomes) to represent quantile-based susceptibility maps.

This work has been developed thanks to the pre-doctoral grant for the Training of Research Personnel (PRE2021-100044) funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by "FSE invests in your future" within the framework of the SARAI project "Towards a smart exploitation of land displacement data for the prevention and mitigation of geological-geotechnical risks" PID2020-116540RB-C22 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033.

How to cite: Aguilera, H., Rivera Rivera, J. S., Guardiola-Albert, C., and Béjar-Pizarro, M.: Ensemble learning on the benchmark dataset for landslide susceptibility zonation in Central Italy, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16251,, 2023.

EGU23-254 | ECS | Orals | EMRP1.3

Progressive failure characteristics of different rock types through fractal analysis 

Özge Dinç Göğüş, Elif Avşar, Kayhan Develi, and Ayten Çalık

The deformation and failure processes of rocks under stress are primarily induced by microcracking. Detecting this micro-interaction phenomenon before the ultimate failure has paramount importance for predicting the post-failure rock damage characteristics. In this study, we aim to quantify the evolution of microcracking through fractal analyses of scanning electron microscope (SEM) images, captured from three different rock types subjected to uniaxial loading at various stress levels. In terms of uniaxial compressive (UCS) and tensile strength (UTS) values, the rocks range from the strongest to the weakest as being diabase, ignimbrite, and marble, respectively.  All rock samples are uniaxially loaded up to critical stress thresholds as crack initiation (σci), crack damage (σcd), and peak stress (σp) levels, considering their pre-defined characteristic stress-strain curves. Using the box-counting technique, the fractal dimension values (DB) of cracking intensity, induced by loading are determined for all these three stages. Here, it should be noted that higher fractal dimensions represent more intense microcracking according to the fractal theory. The results show that the DB values are increasing with the increasing amount of microcracks and the greatest DB values are calculated for Diabase due to its highest strength ratio (UCS/UTS). Although the marble has the weakest strength values, it presents a higher DB value than that of ignimbrite (DBmarble = 1.215 and DBignimbrite = 1.133) once the σcd stress threshold is reached. Furthermore, the DBmarble value is also greater than the DBignimbrite value for the σp stress level. It is because marble has a higher UCS/UTS ratio than the ratio of ignimbrite. Our results highlight the important role of rock texture on brittleness which exerts a primary control on fractal dimensions (DB). A decrease in volumetric rigidity is more dramatic in marble than in ignimbrite with incremental loading. The insights provide a better understanding of the microcracking process that leads to macro-scale deformations in rock engineering.

How to cite: Dinç Göğüş, Ö., Avşar, E., Develi, K., and Çalık, A.: Progressive failure characteristics of different rock types through fractal analysis, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-254,, 2023.

The pore size and the distribution of individual or connected pores contribute to the porosity in a rock which is closely related to rock weathering degree and rock strength. The chemical reaction is normally higher for the larger specific surface area which is closely related to the pore size distribution in a rock. The variation of pore size distribution in sedimentary rocks from Gyeongsan basin in Korea was determined by the laboratory artificial acceleration weathering experiment using peristatic pumps. The pore size distribution of rock specimens was measured by the nitrogen gas adsorption method using BELSORP-max II of Microtrac MRB. The pore characteristics were measured on the outer surface and the innermost part of rock samples to determine the variation of pore size distribution since the outer surface was directly affected by weathering processes while the innermost part was not. The high-purity nitrogen gas is used to evaluate the pore size distribution with different methods such as BET, BJH, and HK. The overall pore volume and size have been increased by the weathering experiment for the tested sedimentary rocks-sandstone, conglomerate, and shale. The increase of macropore in sandstone by weathering experiment leads mainly to the increase in pore volume, while the rise of micropore and mesopore in conglomerate drives the increase of pore volume. 


This research was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education(NRF-2020R1F1A107576412).

How to cite: Woo, I.: Pore Size Redistribution by Laboratory Weathering Tests on Sedimentary rocks, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1518,, 2023.

A zone of significant high-amplitude magnetic anomalies is observed without a comparable gravity high along the Cascadia margin and is spatially correlated with the low-velocity fore-arc mantle wedge, which is understood to be serpentinized fore-arc mantle and is further considered to be the main source of the high-amplitude magnetic anomalies. To test this concept, the magnetization-density ratio (MDR) is estimated along the Cascadia margin to highlight the physical characteristics of serpentinization (reduce density and increase in magnetization). Interestingly, high MDR values are found only in central Oregon, where slab dehydration and fore-arc mantle serpentinization (50%-60% serpentinization) are inferred in conjunction with sparse seismicity. This result may indicate either a poorly serpentinized fore-arc mantle or that the fore-arc mantle is deeper than the Curie temperature isotherm for magnetite in northern and southern Cascadia. This finding means that magnetic anomaly highs and serpentinized fore-arc mantle may not be completely positively related in subduction zones.

How to cite: Doo, W.-B. and Wang, H.-F.: Relationship between the high-amplitude magnetic anomalies and serpentinized fore-arc mantle in the Cascadia subduction zone, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1727,, 2023.

EGU23-2397 | Posters on site | EMRP1.3

Compaction localization in 4D imaged by X-ray Computed Tomography and Digital Volume Correlation 

Patrick Baud, Fanbao Meng, Lingcao Huang, and Teng-fong Wong

Understanding compaction localization in porous limestone in the laboratory is significantly more challenging than in sandstone because of the lack of consistent acoustic emission activity in carbonate samples. Previous studied have therefore relied on X-ray Computed Tomography imaging (CT). The first unambiguous evidence of compaction band development in limestone was provided by Huang et al. (2019), who performed synchrotron in situ CT imaging during shear-enhanced compaction in a sample of Leitha limestone. This sample was deformed in the HADES rig at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, in dry conditions and at a confining pressure of 20 MPa. In this study, we analysed this data set using Digital Volume Correlation (DVC). Not only could we use DVC to characterize quantitatively the spatiotemporal development of displacement and strain, we were also able to compare with direct observations to assess the stress-induced damage in multiple scales. Our new results confirm that inelastic compaction occurred in two stages in Leitha limestone: macropore collapse first and then sequential growth of compaction bands. In the pore collapse stage, DVC reveals complex and heterogeneous grain-scale strains, implying significant heterogeneity in the internal stress field. Such complexity is to be accounted for if one were to connect micromechanical and continuum models. At higher stresses, we have obtained further quantitative constraints on the spatial distribution of volumetric and shear strain during the growth of compaction bands. Our results demonstrate that compaction banding in Leitha limestone can be analysed as a bifurcation phenomenon, that would typically occur preferentially in zones of high porosity. The displacement field inferred from DVC revealed that the bands showed mostly normal displacement discontinuities, as expected for compaction bands. DVC analysis also gave more constraints on band geometric attributes. Analysis of the autocorrelation function for the strain suggested that the decay and rebound of the autocorrelation as a function of the axial separation may provide proxies for the mean width and spacing of compaction bands. The 2D autocorrelation function on the band planes also provides relevant clues on the complex sequential growths of the compaction bands.

How to cite: Baud, P., Meng, F., Huang, L., and Wong, T.: Compaction localization in 4D imaged by X-ray Computed Tomography and Digital Volume Correlation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2397,, 2023.

Heterogeneities control rock properties, especially hydraulic and geophysical properties. Complex systems typically include multiple porosities at embedded scales, from the micro/meso cracks and pores to geological macro-fractures and karsts. This complex network play coupled roles and introduces difficulties in the characterization of the whole formation.

In order to constrain these coupled effects, we use seismic to acoustic data to characterize a multi-scale double porosity network and to understand the corresponding flow and mechanical properties of a shallow aquifer reservoir. The study focusses on the platform “Observatoire des transferts dans la Zone Non-Saturée” (O-ZNS, Orléans, France), an artificial excavation in the karstified and fractured limestone formation of Beauce aquifer. It is composed by an exceptional well (20 m-depth, 4 m-diameter) surrounded by 8 cored boreholes.

Two seismic refraction profiles crossing the O-ZNS site were carried out to determine P-wave velocities. The profiles delineated three main geological units: (i) a clayey soil (0-2 m), (ii) a weathered and karstified limestone layer (2-7 m), and (iii) massive limestone down to the underlying Molasse du Gâtinais layer at a depth of 25 m. In consistence with the lithological log, a thin layer of more massive limestone is highlighted around 5 m-depth. In addition, we also observed that the increase in P-wave velocity slows down after 15 m. This effect is consistent with the increasing fracture density and karst development observed on the direct log imagery and on the well 3D scan. In the massive thin limestone layer of 5 m-depth, the interpreted relative crack density is low, around 0.08. However, in the last layer from 15 to 20m-depth, the relative crack density is much more important, even so discrepant, with maximal values around 0.4.

In parallel to large scale field investigation, mechanical tests and elastic wave velocities have been measured on representative core samples. A strong discrepancy is observed, whatever the property. For example, at 16 m-depth, P-wave velocities are distributed from 3,650 to 5,700 m.s-1 and the corresponding mechanical parameter of crack density ranges from 0 to 0.5. In addition, extreme values of crack density, above 1 are observed around 19 m-depth. These large discrepancies and crack density values are consistent with mechanical behavior and microstructure observation made directly on core samples, even though some samples are more porous than cracked and the distinction need to be kept. Samples are then classified through image processing in three categories: the porous ones, the cracked ones, and the mixed ones allowing to discuss and organize the heterogeneity distribution of the O-ZNS.

To complete the study, an intermediate characterization is running on metric blocs sampled at different depth from the O-ZNS well. Their analyses include 3D external scans at high resolution (as for the surface of O-ZNS well) and P-wave velocity measurements at intermediate frequencies. These blocs are then iterativelly, cut into smaller blocs and re-characterized in order to obtain the distribution of heterogeneity size and characteristics with depth targeting the determination of a REV (Relative Elementary Volume) for future modeling developments.

How to cite: Mallet, C., Laurent, G., and Azaroual, M.: Seismic to acoustic characterization of geomechanical and microstructural properties of a vadose zone heterogeneous limestone formation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3096,, 2023.

The presence of water causes a dramatic reduction of the strength of most rocks. Under compressive stress conditions, fracture mechanics models show the strength of a rock sample is in particular controlled by frictional parameters and the fracture toughness of the material. Previous studies suggested that these parameters could change significantly in the presence of water, but there is a paucity of data quantifying this. Here, we report fracture toughness, frictional and uniaxial compression tests performed on five sandstones and five limestones under dry and water-saturated conditions, that provide new insight into the mechanical influence of water on sedimentary rock strength. Our new data showed that on both sandstones and limestones, the presence of water causes a reduction of both the fracture toughness (from 0 to 50%) and the static friction coefficient (from 0 to 40%), suggesting that water weakening in these sedimentary rocks is mostly due to a reduction of these two parameters under the relatively high strain rate conditions investigated here. While for sandstone we found a reduction of the Uniaxial Compressive Stress between 0 to 35%, it was less variable in limestone, in most cases around 40%. The measured fracture toughness and frictional parameters were then introduced into two well-known micro-mechanical models (the pore-emanating cracks model and the wing crack model), which provide simple theoretical expressions for the Uniaxial Compressive Strength. We found that the predicted water-weakening based on our toughness and friction parameter measurements is in overall agreement with our strength measurements on dry and wet samples.

How to cite: Violay, M., Noel, C., and Baud, P.: Effect of water on sandstone and limestone, fracture toughness, frictional parameters and brittle strength., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4578,, 2023.

Recent industrial processes that involve injection of fluids, such as geothermal stimulation, disposal of waste water from hydraulic fracturing and carbon sequestration, have induced seismicity that has caused concern and resulted in discontinuation of the activity. Although field observations are the ultimate test of the effects of pore fluid on failure, their interpretation is complicated by heterogeneity of hydrologic and mechanical structure, and pumping and loading history. In particular circumstances, well-designed field tests can overcome some of these limitations. Laboratory experiments, despite their limited size and time scales, provide a more controlled environment that can yield an understanding of fundamental processes. Simple models that simulate the experiments can assess whether the mechanisms included in the models are sufficient to describe well the response or more complex formulations are needed. In addition, simulations can extend results for parameter values and loading programs beyond those achievable in experiments and aid in extrapolation to field applications.

This work uses a spring-block model and rate and state friction to simulate experiments conducted in a double direct shear apparatus on simulated carbonate fault gouge (Scuderi et al., EPSL, 2017) and on a shale bearing rock (Scuderi and Collettini, JGR, 2018). Both sets of experiments used the same loading protocol and injected pore fluid under creep conditions. When velocity strengthening rate and state friction is used to simulate the experiments on the simulated carbonate fault gouge the results agree well with the observed onset of tertiary creep in the experiment. Thus, the simulation reinforces the observation that pore fluid injection can induce rapid slip even when the friction relation is velocity strengthening. The rate and state framework provides an interpretation alternative to the standard one of the Mohr's circle moving to the left as pressure increases. In the rate and state framework, the friction coefficient must increase with pore pressure increase. The shale has a very low nominal friction coefficient (0.28) and is much more velocity strengthening than the carbonate. The simulation agrees with the observations that increases in pore pressure induce an increase in slip velocity but the magnitudes reach only about 100 µm/s by the end of the experiment. The simulation predicts reasonably well the times at which representative values of the slip velocity and displacement occur but the overall agreement of simulation and observation is not as good as for the carbonate. Mechanisms other than rate and state friction, for example, direct dependence of the friction coefficient on slip and porosity changes, may be significant.

How to cite: Rudnicki, J.: Rate and State Simulation of Two Experiments with Pore Fluid Injection Under Creep Conditions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4620,, 2023.

EGU23-5402 | ECS | Orals | EMRP1.3

Predictable healing rates in near-surface materials after earthquake damage in Chile 

Luc Illien, Jens M. Turowski, Christoph Sens-Schönfelder, Clement Berenfeld, and Niels Hovius

Earthquakes introduce long-lasting transient mechanical damage in the subsurface that can take years to recover to a new elastic steady-state. The associated transient perturbation of the elastic moduli can cause postseismic hazards such as enhanced landsliding.  This dynamics is linked to relaxation, a phenomenon observed in a wide class of materials after straining perturbations. In this study, we analyze the successive effect of two large earthquakes (the 2017 Mw7.7 Tocopilla and the 2014  Mw8.2 Iquique earthquakes) on ground properties through the monitoring of seismic velocity from ambient noise interferometry in the Atacama desert in Chile. The absence of rainfall in this area allows study of the mechanical state of the subsurface by limiting the potential effect of variations in groundwater content. We show that relaxation timescales are a function of the current state of the subsurface when perturbed by earthquakes, rather than ground shaking intensity. Our study highlights the predictability of earthquake damage dynamics in the Earth's near-surface and potentially other materials. We propose to reconcile this paradigm with existing physical frameworks by considering the superposition of different populations of damaged contacts. 

How to cite: Illien, L., Turowski, J. M., Sens-Schönfelder, C., Berenfeld, C., and Hovius, N.: Predictable healing rates in near-surface materials after earthquake damage in Chile, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5402,, 2023.

EGU23-5667 | ECS | Orals | EMRP1.3

Dynamic tensile behaviour of Barakar sandstone under high-temperature conditions 

Adarsh Tripathi, Mohammad Mohasin Khan, Ashok K. Singh, and Anindya Pain

Rocks are very much susceptible to deformation in tension, especially under elevated temperatures. Therefore, the study of the dynamic tensile behaviour of rock exposed to high temperature is highly significant to understand the tensile deformation behaviour in dynamic loading conditions which will be proved useful in a variety of engineering problems such as quantifying the blast load impact in fire affected underground/opencast coal mine regions; assessment of ground subsidence due to coalmine fire coupled with blast loading etc. The Jharia coalfield region, known as the coal capital of India, is affected by pervasive underground coalmine fire for decades resulting in small to large-scale surface fracturing. So,the present study focuses on the effect of high temperature on dynamic tensile behaviour and its relation with micro-mineralogical properties of subsurface coal-bearing sandstone samples from a fire-affected mine.  To achieve the objective, the prepared samples were kept in the furnace for 24h with a heating rate of 5°C/min and then allowed to cool down naturally within the furnace. Samples were divided into nine groups based on the thermal treatment at 25 °C, 100 °C, 200 °C, 300 °C, 400 °C, 500 °C, 600 °C, 700 °C, and 800 °C. Using the Split-Hopkinson Pressure Bar (SHPB), the indirect dynamic tensile strength was measured for each group. Based on the obtained results, the indirect dynamic tensile strength of heat-treated specimens is characterized into three zones; viz.: Zone 1 (25-400°C), Zone 2 (400-600°C) and Zone 3 (600-800°C). In zone 1, an increase in average indirect dynamic tensile strength is observed with elevated temperature. However, in zone 2, a sharp decreasing trend in indirect dynamic tensile strength was observed with increasing temperature. This zone is characterised by a progressive increase in thermal cracks and porosity which is possibly the prime reason for a sharp transition in thermal properties. An overall reduction in indirect dynamic tensile strength is observed within zone 3, however, the rate of reduction is gentle. The plasticity that occurred due to high temperature was responsible for a slow rate of reduction in indirect dynamic tensile strength.

How to cite: Tripathi, A., Khan, M. M., K. Singh, A., and Pain, A.: Dynamic tensile behaviour of Barakar sandstone under high-temperature conditions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5667,, 2023.

EGU23-6256 | ECS | Orals | EMRP1.3

Machine-learned interatomic potentials for modelling nanoscale fracturing in silica and basalt 

Marthe Grønlie Guren, Henrik Anderson Sveinsson, Anders Malthe-Sørenssen, Razvan Caracas, and Francois Renard

At the nanoscale, fracturing creates surface area and flow pathways, which control the rates of fluid-rock interactions. However, how fractures form at the nanoscale remains enigmatic. Here, we implement molecular dynamics simulations to reproduce fracture propagation in quartz and basalt. These simulations require large systems and long simulation times and are therefore currently depending on interatomic potentials. In the recent years, machine learning approaches have been established as a way to fit interatomic potentials, where the potentials are trained with quantum-mechanical data obtained from ab initio molecular dynamics simulations. We have developed machine-learned interatomic potentials for silica and basalt that allow using molecular dynamics simulations to simulate fracture propagation at the nanoscale. The interatomic potentials reproduce the mechanical properties of bulk silica and basalt sand have also been trained to account for fracture propagation. First, we trained a potential on silica to verify the fitting procedure, and then we used the same procedure to train an interatomic potential for basalt. By training the potential with water and carbon dioxide as fluids, we aim to study how a dynamic fracture damage basaltic glass and how the water and carbon dioxide enter these fractures in the wake of rupture. Our results are relevant for carbon mineralization where a coupling between dissolution of the basalt and precipitation of carbonate minerals can lead to nanofracturing of the rock.

How to cite: Guren, M. G., Sveinsson, H. A., Malthe-Sørenssen, A., Caracas, R., and Renard, F.: Machine-learned interatomic potentials for modelling nanoscale fracturing in silica and basalt, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6256,, 2023.

EGU23-6624 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.3

Multiscale analysis of physical rock properties at Stromboli Volcano: what controls the frictional properties?    

Thomas Alcock, Sergio Vinciguerra, and Phillip Benson

Stromboli volcano, located in the north-easternmost island of the Aeolian archipelago (Southern Italy) and well known for its persistent volcanic activity, has experienced at least four sector collapses over the past 13 thousand years. The most recent activity resulted in the formation of the Sciara del Fuoco (SDF) horseshoe-shaped depression and a tectonic strain field believed to have promoted flank collapses and formed a NE / SW trending weakness zone across the SDF and the western sector of the island. The tectonic strain field interplayed with dyking and fracturing appears to control the episodes of instability and the onset of slip surfaces. This study presents new data identifying areas of damage that could promote fracturing via remote sensing and rock friction measurements taken on rocks around the SDF and the coupled “weak” zone. We have carried out a multiscale approach by integrating satellite and microscale observations with frictional tests carried out in triaxial configuration on cm scale slabs.


Key units have been sampled on the field (Paleostromboli, Vancori and Neostromboli) with reference to SDF and the weak zone. Direct-shear tests in triaxial configuration were carried out to explore the frictional and seismic properties using rectangular basalt slabs at 5 – 15 MPa confining pressure in dry and saturated conditions, while recording acoustic emissions (AE) via two Piezo-Electric Transducers. The sliding velocity was changed to acquire rate and state friction parameters (RSF). Preliminary results show a variation in the friction coefficient (m) between 0.55 and 0.9 with a general m decrease with increasing confining pressure and saturation. RSF parameters a-b (0.1 < a-b < 0.1) and steady state friction coefficient (mss) (0.6 < mss < 0.9) are controlled by changing sliding velocity, confinement and by the physical properties of each unit, in particular the porosity.  AE key attributes, such amplitude, frequency and duration and their evolution confirm the relation to sliding velocity, confinement and porosity. Ongoing post mortem SEM analysis are aiming to assess the impact that textural features, such porosity, crystal distribution and glass groundmass for the different units have on the evolution of crack damage and their control on the frictional properties. Quantitative crack density analysis will be carried out using the Matlab tool box FracPaQ on the microstructures to quantify fractures properties and highlight which mechanical features (for example crystals or pores) control the development of asperities/stress concentration. This finding can be related to the field scale fracture density analysis, providing quantitative support for the identification of structurally weak zones across the SDF and constraint the mechanical behaviour of the fractured zones prone to instability.


How to cite: Alcock, T., Vinciguerra, S., and Benson, P.: Multiscale analysis of physical rock properties at Stromboli Volcano: what controls the frictional properties?   , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6624,, 2023.

EGU23-6698 | ECS | Orals | EMRP1.3

Rock bridge control on the failure mechanism of a rock fall in a metamorphic rock mass 

Reinhard Gerstner, Erik Kuschel, Christine Fey, Klaus Voit, Gerald Valentin, and Christian Zangerl

How to implement rock bridges and rock bridge failure in slope stability analysis is an ongoing discussion within the rock mechanic and landslide community. Although there has been intensive research over several decades, there is still a lack of knowledge on how to measure intact rock bridges on rock slopes, how to quantify their impact on rock mass strength, and how they affect the initial failure mechanism. Therefore, we present the analysis of a rock fall case study located in the alpine environment of southern Salzburg (Austria), where a rock slope composed of a polymetamorphic rock mass hosted three rock fall events in the year 2019. The primary aim of this study is the reconstruction of the multiphase failure event and the investigation of the influence of the discontinuity network with its intact rock bridges on the initial failure mechanism.

In our study, we performed a detailed reconstruction of the rock fall process by helicopter-borne event documentation. Moreover, we identified the rock fall failure mechanism by analysing a video capturing the first rock fall event.

Furthermore, we developed a high-resolution digital surface model of the complex post-failure topography by unmanned aerial vehicle photogrammetry (UAV-P) with real-time kinematics (RTK). Based on this model, we map the location, orientation and persistence of pre-existing discontinuities and identify failed intact rock bridges on the rupture surface of the unstable rock slope.

Additionally, we conducted point load and direct shear tests in the rock mechanic laboratory. We applied the former on block specimens to derive the uniaxial compressive strength of the intact rock. The latter allowed us to estimate the Mohr-Coulomb shear strength properties of intact rock and of failure planes, which formed sub-parallel to foliation planes in course of the test procedure.

After the third rock fall event of 2019, a ground-based interferometric synthetic aperture radar (GbInSAR) was installed for 166 days to monitor the actual deformation of the rock slope. We analysed the obtained deformation data at mm resolution to detect zones of ongoing slope movements.

Finally, we integrate the topographical and geological model, the structural inventory, and the geomechanical properties into a 2D numerical model based on the distinct element method (UDEC). We use Voronoi tessellation to allow the development of any failure path within intact rock bridges. By varying the persistence of pre-existing discontinuities and the shear-strength properties of rock bridges, we study the impact of rock bridge location, spatial distribution, and strength on the initial failure mechanisms of the rock slope. We validated the distinct element model by comparing its outcome with the essential characteristics of the rock fall observed in the event reconstruction and deformation monitoring.

By this integrated approach of methods applied to a polyphase rock fall process, we show that the initial rock fall failure mechanism is sensitive to the spatial distribution of rock bridges and their assigned shear strength properties.

How to cite: Gerstner, R., Kuschel, E., Fey, C., Voit, K., Valentin, G., and Zangerl, C.: Rock bridge control on the failure mechanism of a rock fall in a metamorphic rock mass, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6698,, 2023.

EGU23-7718 | Posters on site | EMRP1.3

Geomagnetic characteristics of submarine volcanic area off the coast of northern Taiwan 

Chung-Liang Lo, Shu-Kun Hsu, Shiao-Shan Lin, Ching-Hui Tsai, Wen-Bin Doo, Song-Chuen Chen, and Pin-Ju Su

As an active mountain building, Taiwan Island is deduced from the oblique collision between the Eurasian and the Philippine Sea plate, and its northern part and offshore region are under post-collision collapse. The magmatism induced from the post-collision collapse therefore distributes in the northern Taiwan and its offshore area. A series of submarine volcanoes and igneous rock isles are rooted in the area. For investigation of the volcanic and igneous arrangement, we have collected the magnetic data over the past few decades to combine and compile a map of regional magnetic anomalies. A pronounced magnetic high largely dominates the area of most submarine volcanoes and extends eastward, while the adjacent areas to the north and west are lower. To better understand the magnetic features for the submarine volcanic area, the magnetization for an equivalent magnetic layer thickness was calculated. The result shows that a high magnetization concentrated on the SV7 and extends northwestward that could be a magnetic dipole combining with its northeastern low part. To the southward, the submarine volcanoes SV1, SV3-SV6 locate between this high and another low magnetization. We also applied the enhanced analytic signal technique from the same magnetic data to evaluate the magnetic source strength distribution. Except for the SV2, SV5 and SV6, the 0th degree of enhanced analytical signal shows that most signal high concentrated on the submarine volcanic areas. For higher degree of enhanced analytical signal, the highest magnitude focus on the Ks and SV1, and PV, SV3 and SV4 are slightly minor.

How to cite: Lo, C.-L., Hsu, S.-K., Lin, S.-S., Tsai, C.-H., Doo, W.-B., Chen, S.-C., and Su, P.-J.: Geomagnetic characteristics of submarine volcanic area off the coast of northern Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7718,, 2023.

The propagation of micro-cracks will cause the change of rock infrared radiation (IR) information, which provides the possibility to study the rock damage behavior and failure precursor using IR. In this paper, a new quantitative characterization method of rock damage evolution using IR is proposed. Firstly, the maximum classes square error and median filter methods are used to separate the temperature increment caused by crack development in IR images. On this basis, a new index, Damage Infrared Energy Response (DIER), is proposed to describe the crack evolution state and recognize the failure precursor of rock. It is found that the change characteristics of DIER and Acoustic Emission (AE) count are consistent: the DIER remains at the level in the compaction and elastic stages, rises gradually in the stable crack propagation stage, and increases sharply in the unstable crack propagation stage and fluctuates with the appearance of AE count “peak”. The change characteristics of DIER in unstable crack propagation stages can be regarded as the failure precursors of rock, about 84.10% of peak stress. Then, according to the continuum damage mechanics theory, the DIER is used to establish a theoretical characterization of the damage variable for rock, which can accurately describe the damage evolution process of the rock under uniaxial compression. The research results can provide experimental and theoretical support for monitoring slope and rock engineering stability by IR.

How to cite: Liu, W. and Jaboyedoff, M.: Theoretical damage characterization and failure precursor recognition of the rock under uniaxial compression using infrared radiation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7857,, 2023.

EGU23-8050 | ECS | Orals | EMRP1.3

Non-classical, non-linear elasticity in rocks: experiments in a triaxial cell with pore pressure control 

Manuel Asnar, Christoph Sens-Schönfelder, Audrey Bonnelye, and Georg Dresen

In rocks and concrete, dynamic excitation leads to a fast softening of the material, followed by a slower recovery process where the material recovers part of its initial stiffness as a logarithmic function of time. This requires us to exit the convenient framework of time independent elastic properties, linear or not, and investigate non-classical, non-linear elastic behavior.

These phenomena can be observed during seismic events in affected infrastructure as well as in the subsurface. Since the transient material changes are not restricted to elastic parameters but also affect hydraulic and electric parameters as well as material strength, as documented for instance by long lasting changes in landslide rates, it is of major interest to characterize the softening and recovery phases. It may help us gain more insight in hazard prediction from both a geological and engineering perspective.

The underlying physics behind those non-classical, non-linear effects, sometimes referred to as Nonlinear Mesoscopic Elasticity”, are not agreed upon. There is a lack of experiments that would allow us to discriminate between the existing models.: we aim to contribute to filling that knowledge gap.

Our experiments are made on a sample of Bentheim sandstone, initially dry and then fully saturated, in a triaxial cell. We subject the sample to loading and holding cycles in the microstrain range, while also varying confining pressure and pore pressure. Active acoustic measurements during those loading cycles with an array of 14 piezoelectric sensors allow us to monitor relative velocity changes during the experiment by using Coda Wave Interferometry (CWI).

We observe the dynamic softening as well as the recovery processes in the sample during repeated loading phases of different durations. We find that characteristics of the observed velocity changes vary depending on the observed sensor combination, indicating spatial variability of the response, as well as depending on the lapse time and frequency content of the acoustic measurements that we perform the CWI on.

These experiments serve to estimate the exact capabilities of our experimental setup in terms of signal quality, signal stability and lapse time dependent decorrelation of coda waves. We expect our results to inform a future series of similar but more refined experiments addressing the pore pressure dependence of the non-classical response of rocks.

How to cite: Asnar, M., Sens-Schönfelder, C., Bonnelye, A., and Dresen, G.: Non-classical, non-linear elasticity in rocks: experiments in a triaxial cell with pore pressure control, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8050,, 2023.

EGU23-8188 | Posters on site | EMRP1.3

Using AE based Machine Learning Approaches to Forecast Rupture during Rock Deformation Laboratory Experiments 

Sergio Vinciguerra, Thomas King, Guido M. Adinolfi, and Philip Benson

Parametric analysis of laboratory Acoustic Emission (AE) during rock deformation laboratory experiments has revealed periodic trends and precursory behaviour of the rupture source, as crack damage nucleates, it grows and coalesces into a fault zone. Due to the heterogeneity of rocks and the different effective pressures, finding a full prediction of rupture mechanisms is still an open goal.

4x10cm cylindrical samples of Alzo granite were triaxially deformed at confining pressures of 5-40 MPa, while AE are recorded by an array of twelve 1MHz Piezo-Electric Transducers. AE are then post-processed to derive attributes and parameters. We aim to identify what are our most important parameters, and more interestingly, when they are most relevant for predicting when the rock will fail.

Time Delay Neural Networks (TDNN) have shown promise in forecasting failure when using AE-derived parameters. We trained a TDNN with 5 key parameters: 1) AE event rate, i.e. the number of events obtained during the incremental deformation (strain); 2) AE amplitude, i.e. maximum amplitude of S-waves, 3) AE source mechanisms inferred by the source radiation patterns to categorize events and obtain source orientations of mixed-mode type mechanisms; 4) Seismic scattering, i.e. the ratio between the low frequency (LF, 50-500 kHz) and high frequency (HF, 500-1000 kHz) peak delay (PD) values for individual AE and 5) Bulk elastic S-wave velocity measured at intervals throughout the experiment along the ray-paths created by transmitters and receivers. As each parameter investigates a specific mechanical aspect, taken together they provide information on deformation, fracturing and the evolving state of the background medium as failure is approached. These timeseries are then classified by the TDNN as variations in stress and strain (target parameters).

We are currently assessing the importance of individual parameters by omitting one at a time from the training routine. The more important the omitted parameter, the larger the misfit will be when comparing the network output and the target timeseries. The omission analysis determines what are the most important parameters to use when training a neural network to predict dynamic failure. Results are strongly dependent on the methods used to define the training parameters, but several trends are emerging. Event rate and amplitude differently influence predictions of stress and strain. Event rate appears relevant only in the early deformation phases, while amplitude seems much more significant during the coalescence/propagation phase. Seismic scattering and source mechanisms also show an early relevance, interpreted as due 1) to the breakup of low frequency surface waves as microcracks begin to coalesce and 2) bursts of tensile events in the enucleation phase and an increase at ~80% UCS, likely related to the crack propagation. Similarly, there is a clear pivot in the importance of seismic velocity during the early stage, but it emerges a progressive increase ~40% UCS whose origin is unclear. We are currently determining if these variations are directly related to the mechanics of the fault zone or are simply an artifact of the processing.

How to cite: Vinciguerra, S., King, T., Adinolfi, G. M., and Benson, P.: Using AE based Machine Learning Approaches to Forecast Rupture during Rock Deformation Laboratory Experiments, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8188,, 2023.

EGU23-8807 | Orals | EMRP1.3

A novel apparatus to study the mechano-chemical processes active during the nucleation and propagation of earthquakes (MEERA). 

Elena Spagnuolo, Chiara Cornelio, Stefano Aretusini, Giacomo Pozzi, Massimo Cocco, Paul Selvadurai, and Giuseppe Di Stefano

We present a novel apparatus designed to investigate the mechanical and chemical processes active during the nucleation and the subsequent propagation of a seismic rupture. The earthquake is experimentally represented by the sudden frictional sliding of two blocks caused by either: i) the passage of a rupture front from a nearby seismogenic source at prescribed slip velocity, or ii) by the sudden release of strain energy cumulated during the slow (tectonic) loading stage preceding the nucleation of seismic rupture. M.E.E.R.A. (Mechanics of Earthquake and Extended Rupture Apparatus) is a biaxial horizontal machine installed at the laboratories of the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia of Rome (Italy) thanks to a grant funded by the Italian Dipartimento di Protezione Civile. MEERA works on two blocks sized 320x80x50 mm3 put in frictional contact under a normal load up to 30 MPa. Blocks can be either rocks or analogue materials. The normal load and the shear stress are supplied by 6 hydraulic piston cylinders. One piston applies the tangential force up to 150 kN and up to 40 mm/s of slip rate. The other 5 cylinders modulate the normal force on the 320 x 50 mm2 contact surface. The 6 pistons are mounted on a rigid stainless-steel vessel that can be closed by a top built in plexiglass, which enables the environmental chamber for fluid confinement. The plexiglass top resists up to 6 MPa of fluid pressure exerted and controlled by using two ISCO pumps.  MEERA is designed following the outline described in McLaskey and Yamashita (2017) and introduces three novelties: the control in displacement and displacement rate of the tangential piston up to 1kS/s; the environmental chamber; the rigid stainless-steel frame. MEERA is designed to study how the tectonic loading of a frictional interface composed of natural rocks determine the stress state and shear stress evolution governing seismogenic processes. To this end, the simulated fault in MEERA is equipped with acoustic sensors, strain gauges, optical fibers and high velocity cameras to measure and constrain rupture nucleation processes and earthquake source parameters, including directivity and rupture velocity, the dynamics of seismic ruptures and the earthquake energy budget at different scales. We aim at comparing the laboratory observations and the signals collected by MEERA with those collected by the newly developed on-fault observatory of the ERC FEAR project in the Bedretto Underground Laboratory for Geosciences and Geoenergies (BULGG, Swiss Alps) to provide novel insights in earthquake mechanics.


How to cite: Spagnuolo, E., Cornelio, C., Aretusini, S., Pozzi, G., Cocco, M., Selvadurai, P., and Di Stefano, G.: A novel apparatus to study the mechano-chemical processes active during the nucleation and propagation of earthquakes (MEERA)., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8807,, 2023.

EGU23-9823 | Orals | EMRP1.3

Investigation of fault behaviour during shear process for weak and strong materials using 3D printing technologies 

Marianne Conin, Emilio AbiAad, Olivier Deck, and Jana Jaber

Morphology of rock joints (faults, fractures) has been recognized as the key factor controlling their mechanical behaviour, including the pre-peak and post peak phases as well as dilatancy. It also appears playing a significant role in two mechanical behaviours that have been observed on natural fracture during shearing: (i) joint dilation, or (ii) joint closure in association with asperities crushing, and rock matrix plastic deformation. We examine how (i & ii) occur in the joint, discussing their relationship with normal stress, joint morphology and intact matrix mechanical properties. To do this, two innovative methodologies based on 3DP technologies using a sand and phenolic binder on one side and a polymer (PA12) and binder jetting technology on the other one are applied to built fractures in a weak matrix, and in a strong matrix respectively. Joint surface roughness are built as fractal property with a self–affine replication, in accordance with natural observations. Results of direct shear tests under constant normal stress reveal that the mechanical behavior of the joints is first controlled by the mechanical parameters of the material (UCS/σn ratio), then by the joint geometry. In the case where the UCS/σn ratio is high (>40) corresponding to a strong material compares to the mechanical solicitation, no significant damage is notice on the joint and the maximal dilation angle is controlled by the steepest angles of the shorter wavelength asperities, which may only represent a small percentage of the surface roughness. In a the case of a weak material the joint behaviour is more complex, and is controlled by a specific range of asperities sizes. Three behaviours were observed depending on the applied normal stress: (i) at low normal stress the larger wavelengths asperities cause dilation since they are not sheared off; (ii) at normal stress over 40% of the UCS value, tensile and/or slip cracks were observed around those asperities, leading to their crushing and beheading; (iii) at normal intermediate stress, the two mechanisms were conjointly observed. In the second case (ii) joint closure is observed and the permeability increases in the surrounding matrix. Those results implies that the UCS/σn ratio plays an key role in fault shear behaviour, off-fault damage propagation and fluid circulation.

How to cite: Conin, M., AbiAad, E., Deck, O., and Jaber, J.: Investigation of fault behaviour during shear process for weak and strong materials using 3D printing technologies, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9823,, 2023.

EGU23-10164 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.3

Where curling stones collide with rock physics: Cyclical damage accumulation and fatigue in granitoids 

Derek Leung, Florian Fusseis, and Ian Butler

Fatigue and damage accumulation in granitoids are classical, but poorly characterised, rock mechanics problems. In order to explore these phenomena, we consider colliding curling stones as a rock physics experiment. Curling stones are made using granitoids from either Ailsa Craig (Scotland) or Trevor (North Wales), which are chosen for their uniformity, strength, and durability. During a curling game, stones are slid over an ice sheet and made to collide along a circumferential striking band. From a rock physics perspective, the collision of curling stones can be modelled as unconfined uniaxial compression of two convex surfaces under well defined boundary conditions. A curling stone experiences about 2900 collisions per season and is played for 10-15 years before refurbishment, which provides a unique long-term opportunity to study fatigue and damage accumulation under cyclic loading.

Here, we first determine the stress magnitudes and strain rates of head-on curling stone impacts using a series of on-ice experiments involving a high speed camera and pressure-sensitive films. We then characterise the observed damage that these collisions produce on the centimetre and micrometre scale using photogrammetry, synchrotron microtomography, optical microscopy, and backscattered electron imaging. We show that during each impact, a curling stone is stressed to at least 300-680 MPa (for a maximum-velocity scenario of 2.9±0.1 ms-1), which exceeds the unconfined compressive strength of the rocks (232-395 MPa; Nichol, 2001, J. Gemm. 27/5). Over its lifetime, a curling stone thus experiences thousands of impacts that will cause damage. The strain rates of these impacts (24±4 s-1) most closely resemble seismic magnitudes, suggesting that the impacts are dynamic in nature. This is supported by the type of damage observed in aged curling stones: (1) Hertzian cone fractures, (2) ejection of rock powder during collisions, and (3) minor spalling microcracks. Most samples show damage being confined to macroscopic Hertzian cone fractures and their immediate collet zones in the relatively narrow striking band. Within the striking band, the circumferential density of cone fractures is limited to about 2-2.5 fractures/cm. Surprisingly, damage does not appear to extend beyond about 3-5 cm into the stones along a radial direction.

Our observations allow us to formulate a model for damage evolution in curling stones. We infer that high-velocity/high-stress impacts initiate cone fractures up to a specific spatial density. As they mature over repeated impacts in the same regions of the striking band, cone fractures progressively propagate and coarsen with subsequent collisions, concentrating and channelling the accumulating damage. This damage geometry is surprisingly effective in shielding the rest of the stones from the reaching critical stress levels for damage. Our findings are significant for applications where rocks are exposed to large numbers of high-stress impacts and suggest that a relatively narrow damage zone can dampen even high-impact stresses over a relatively moderate network of fractures.

How to cite: Leung, D., Fusseis, F., and Butler, I.: Where curling stones collide with rock physics: Cyclical damage accumulation and fatigue in granitoids, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10164,, 2023.

EGU23-10226 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.3

Re-failure and geomorphological evolution of paleo planar slide 

Che-Ming Yang, I-Lin Chuang, and En-Lun Zhang

Deep-seated landslides may become long-term creeping or transform to catastrophic landslides. Both serious threat to mountainous roads, villages, tourist area, and reservoir areas, which belongs to long-term and extensive effects. Many historical catastrophic landslides have caused the devastating disasters, such as Tsaoling landslide induced by the 1999 Chichi Earthquake, the Hsiaolin village landslide induced by extreme rain of the 2009 Typhoon Morakot, and the long-term large-scale landslides (creeping) of Lushan and Lishan have affected on the environment of the adjacent areas for decades or even longer. In Taiwan, there are many regions of widespread dip slope landform with potential planar failures, study area ranges the right bank of Chishan River from south to north (~35km in length). Most potential planar failure areas had delineated, and several platforms or gentle surfaces on the slope represent the deposits of paleo planar slides or old landslides in study area. But few cases of the geomorphologic evolution are investigated. However, it is difficult to estimate the slope stability of potential planar failures without geomorphologic evolution model. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to use field investigation and topographic analysis to establish engineering geological models, then propose the geomorphologic evolution model for evaluation of slope stability. The methods of this study include: (1) identifies the microstructure of landslides by high-resolution LiDAR data, (2) performs the geological investigation to verify topographic interpretation and records occurrences of outcrops, (3) collects historical orthoimages to evaluate the activity of slope, (4) use high-precision aerial photography to establish digital surface model and analysis point cloud data to obtains the discontinuous plane state, and (5) the failure mechanism would be analyzed by the stereographic projection. In study area, 160 platforms are identified and area ranges from 220 m2 to 82386 m2. The largest two platforms, Tianziding (TZD) and Mujiliao (MZL) platforms, are investigated by field survey and drone. The attitudes of interbeds under TZD platform are surveyed along gullies, which is obvious gentler than the strata of dip slope. The front of MZL platform occurred slope failure during 2016 Typhoon Megi, therefore, the exposed rock mass of platform can be identified as deposits of planar slide. The preliminary results can infer that numerous paleo planar slides are exist in study area and the geological profiles of TZD and MZL are plotted. The structures of rock masses and attitudes of discontinuities by field survey and point cloud analysis need to interpreted carefully. Then, the geological model and geomorphological evolution can be proposed. 

How to cite: Yang, C.-M., Chuang, I.-L., and Zhang, E.-L.: Re-failure and geomorphological evolution of paleo planar slide, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10226,, 2023.

EGU23-11447 | ECS | Orals | EMRP1.3

Evidence of Strain Localization Preceding Rock Failure: Insights From Laboratory and Physics-Based Poroelastic Models 

Patrick Bianchi, Paul Antony Selvadurai, Antonio Salazar Vásquez, Luca Dal Zilio, Claudio Madonna, Taras Gerya, and Stefan Wiemer

At present, a reliable method for forecasting earthquakes has not been developed yet, as the physical mechanisms that generate them are very complex and still not completely understood. To overcome the difficulties of retrieving direct observations and measurements in the field, here we employ laboratory and numerical models to investigate and better understand strain localization preceding mainshocks.

We perform a failure test on an intact and dry sample of Berea sandstone confined at 20 MPa with a triaxial machine (LabQuake). Employing in-house developed, conical-type and fully calibrated piezo-electric transducers (PZT), we are able to investigate the acoustic emission (AE) clouds by relocating the single events and by computing their focal mechanisms and scalar seismic moments. The PZT sensors are also used actively to allow for the construction of inhomogeneous and anisotropic velocity models. We further employ distributed strain sensing (DSS) with optical fibers to capture the heterogeneous spatial distribution of the surface strain by gluing the fibers on the sample surface. We observe AE clustering in two regions located at the top and bottom of the rock specimen throughout the majority of the experiment. As the test approaches the main failure, AE localize at one side of the sample in the lower half before obliquely propagating upwards by forming a macro-fracture. Surface strain heterogeneities are detected during the experiment, and regions of higher extensional strain correlate in time and space with rock volumes experiencing high AE activity. Numerical simulations, which are conducted using a two-dimensional continuum-based and fully coupled seismo-hydro-mechanical poro-visco-elasto-plastic modelling tool (H-MEC), are validated with both AE and DSS data. The combination of laboratory and numerical investigations allows us to individuate and study physical mechanisms (e.g., visco-plastic compaction of pores and shear banding) that explain the processes responsible for both surface strain concentration and the generated AE clouds. These findings suggest that the deformation in the interior of the sample is mainly occurring inelastically and is localized along an obliquely forming shear band. We estimate the partitioning between seismic and total deformation to be ~0.09 % and this effectively confirms the previous evidences related to the irreversible localization of strain within the rock specimen. 

How to cite: Bianchi, P., Selvadurai, P. A., Salazar Vásquez, A., Dal Zilio, L., Madonna, C., Gerya, T., and Wiemer, S.: Evidence of Strain Localization Preceding Rock Failure: Insights From Laboratory and Physics-Based Poroelastic Models, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11447,, 2023.

Talc is an important product of several hydration and dehydration reactions in deep faults and subduction zones. The unique weakness of talc along its basal planes makes it an essential component in understanding various fault slip behaviors (e.g., episodic vs continuous slip, seismic vs aseismic) or realistic geodynamic models. A recent experimental study by Boneh et al. (2023) on talc mechanical behavior at high P-T conditions highlighted: (i) talc’s low friction coefficient under all conditions (<0.14), with thermal weakening down to µ~0.01 at 700 °C. (ii) Grain-scale microstructures demonstrate a component of fracturing and microcracking under all conditions tested. And (iii) pressure-dependence of talc strength decreases at higher temperatures, where there is also a greater tendency for localization. A vital part of depicting mineral rheology is the understanding of their underlying mechanisms of deformation associated with the observed bulk mechanical and microstructural behavior. To reveal the underlying deformation mechanism/s we analyzed the deformed samples through high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEM) at Utrecht university of samples prepared using a focus ion beam (FIB). Five talc samples were examined – an undeformed sample, and samples deformed at 400, 600, and 700°C under 1 GPa, and at 400 °C under 1.5 GPa.

Seven FIB lamellae sampled areas adjacent to the main fracture (if exists) or high damage zones. The starting material shows talc flakes with a thickness of ~100-400 nm without a sample-scale preferred alignment. The sample deformed under 400°C and 1.5 GPa exhibits distributed deformation with opening cracks along talc basal planes and pervasive kinking normal to the basal planes. The sample deformed at 400°C and lower pressure (1.0 GPa) exhibits thin lamination (~50 nm) well oriented with the orientation of the main fracture plane. The sample deformed at 600°C exhibits crystal delamination along the basal cleavage (forming grain fragments <10 nm in width) along the main fracture. The sample deformed at 700°C exhibits more areas of high damage, possibly due to the similar basal-cleavage delamination. A key incentive is to relate the observed nano-scale crystal defects with the bulk mechanical behavior and with processes that might promote the localization of deformation. Pressure-dependent strength can be accounted for by kinking and kinking-induced porosity while thermal weakening can be related to temperature-dependent mobility of crystal defects leading to delamination along the basal cleavage. We will discuss possible physical mechanisms of talc deformation and the prospect of extrapolating the mechanical behavior of talc achieved at the lab to the range of conditions expected in natural settings.

How to cite: Boneh, Y., Ohl, M., Plümper, O., Hirth, G., and Peč, M.: The Weakest Link – Revealing the microphysical deformation mechanisms of talc under P-T conditions associated with fault creep and slow slip events, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11449,, 2023.

EGU23-12979 | ECS | Orals | EMRP1.3

Parametric study to characterize water-weakening effects in UDEC 

Fengchang Bu, Michel Jaboyedoff, Marc-Henri Derron, and Lei Xue

The Universal Distinct Element Code (UDEC) has been rising much prevalence and is a validated technique applied to simulations in varied branches of geotechnics. Nevertheless, the characterization of water-weakening effects on a rock model remains elusive, resulting in a poor constraint referring to water-induced simulations by UDEC. In this context, previous research has been attempting to conduct an intuitive link between modelling parameters and saturation degrees, Sr, to implement a water-weakening process in UDEC, leading to a detrimental potential devoid of the basic logic that modelling parameters determine macroscopic properties of a rock model in contrast to dominance by Sr owing to the discrepancy in a physical sense and spatial scale. To fill in this gap, a new methodology coupled with a parametric study is first proposed with procedures that macroscopic properties of actual rock with different Sr are input into parametric relations to acquire predicted modelling parameters, which will be sequentially calibrated and adjusted until simulations are in line with actual tests. Utilizing this methodology, water-weakening effects on macroscopic properties, mechanical behaviours, and failure configurations of numerical models in UDEC are commensurate with tested ones to the utmost with noticeable computational expediency harnessing the benefit of the parametric study, indicating the feasibility and simplicity of the methodology. Thus, in the implementation of a water-weakening process in UDEC, we suggest converting an embarking from an intuitive link between modelling parameters and Sr into a parametric analysis to determine modelling parameters according to macroscopic properties under different Sr.

How to cite: Bu, F., Jaboyedoff, M., Derron, M.-H., and Xue, L.: Parametric study to characterize water-weakening effects in UDEC, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12979,, 2023.

EGU23-13293 | Orals | EMRP1.3

Modeling the relationship between mechanical yield stress and material geometry using convolutional neural networks 

Fahimeh Najafi, Henrik Andersen Sveinsson, Christer Dreierstad, and Anders Malthe-Sørenssen

Neural networks have proved to be able to capture the relevant and informative features of a wide variety of data types and predict the desired output for different regression or classification problems. Finding a mapping between materials’ structure and a given physical property of those systems is an example of a problem that could be approached with machine learning methods like neural networks. Especially when we are dealing with systems with a very large design space where using classical computational methods like molecular dynamics can be very time and resource-consuming for the study of a very large number of systems, a well-trained neural network can be greatly faster and more efficient for computing the relevant properties. In this work, we study α-quartz crystals with one porous layer with simplex noise as the shape of porosity. Simplex noise is a gradient based procedural algorithm that can produce irregular geometries with surface morphology resembling what is observed in nature. The property that we want the neural network to learn is the yield stress of these systems under both shear and tensile deformation. Molecular dynamics simulations are used for a randomly selected sample of possible structures in order to generate the ground truth to be used as the training data. We employ deep convolutional neural networks (CNN) which are commonly used when dealing with image or image-like data since the input data for the problem in hand is a binary 2-D structure of the porous layer of the systems. The trained model is compared with a basic polynomial fit of stress versus porosity. The trained CNN is successful in predicting the yield stress of a system based on the geometry of that given system, with lower variability and higher precision compared to the base polynomial regression method. The saliency maps created with the trained model show the model to be successful in capturing the physics of the problem when compared with the stress fields calculated using molecular dynamics simulations. This method of modeling materials can be further developed for the inverse design of structures with desired properties without the need for a huge number of simulations on a wide domain of possible systems.

How to cite: Najafi, F., Andersen Sveinsson, H., Dreierstad, C., and Malthe-Sørenssen, A.: Modeling the relationship between mechanical yield stress and material geometry using convolutional neural networks, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13293,, 2023.

EGU23-13723 | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.3

Atomic scale frictional aging in silicon carbide due to diffusion and creep 

Even Marius Nordhagen

Static friction is the force required to impose sliding on a rested body. The force depends on material properties and external factors such as normal pressure and temperature, but also a time dependent component is important. The frictional aging effect is at origination of the difference between static and dynamic friction, and is also believed to be responsible for the velocity-weakening of sliding friction. Despite immense effort, how microscopic processes affect the macroscopic aging is still not fully understood. We have performed molecular dynamics simulations where we demonstrate that high surface diffusion may provoke rapid contact area growth of an asperity-substrate interface, inducing a strong frictional aging effect. This mechanism differs from elastic and plastic creep in the sense that it occurs even at no normal pressure. The growth of contact area was found to be nearly logarithmic due to an exponentially decaying diffusivity. Furthermore, when applying a normal stress the aging effect is enhanced due to plastic creep. Our work suggests a new explanation of the logarithmic nature of aging and helps bridging the gap between empirical macroscale friction laws and the microscale behavior. While aging due to plastic and elastic creep is well-known and incorporated into most friction laws, diffusion aging has yet to be considered. The ultimate goal is to design or redesign friction laws taking the microscopic behavior into account and conceivably improve the accuracy of the laws. In the long term, this may contribute to improved earthquake forecast.

How to cite: Nordhagen, E. M.: Atomic scale frictional aging in silicon carbide due to diffusion and creep, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13723,, 2023.

EGU23-14394 * | ECS | Posters on site | EMRP1.3 | Highlight

Characterization of rockfall mechanisms and run-out in active volcano-tectonic areas: a case study from Ischia Island, Southern Italy 

Luigi Massaro, Federica Rauseo, Melania De Falco, Ermanno Marino, Giovanni Forte, and Antonio Santo

Ischia (Southern Italy) is a volcanic island of the Phlegrean Volcanic District that was recently affected by multiple geological hazards, including floodings, landslides, rockfall and earthquakes.

In this study, rockfall stability is analysed, assuming as a case study a 400m-wide cliff made of Green Tuff and located on the western area of Mt. Epomeo. The two outcrops studied are located at 280 and 420 m a.s.l., above the site of Frassitelli, Forio d’Ischia, which is an area of high residential, touristic and agricultural importance. The former is a high-angle outcrop affected by tens of meters-long faults, whereas the latter is characterised by high-dip pinnacles.

We analysed the fracture systems affecting the examined formation to compute the kinematic analysis of the potential rupture mechanisms and to perform numerical simulations of potential rockfall scenarios. The data acquisition was carried out by means of classical geological field surveys and structural analysis on Virtual Outcrop Models (VOM) obtained from images acquired by drones. The VOMs were analysed with ‘CloudCompare v2.10.2’ and ‘OpenPlot’ software. The former allowed the automatic digitalisation of the exposed discontinuities by applying the ‘Facets’ plugin, based on a least-square fitting algorithm (Fernández, 2005). ‘OpenPlot’ enabled the extraction of the geostructural information from the VOM, by computing the best-fit planes of the polylines manually drawn along the interference between the geological surface and the outcrop topography (Tavani et al., 2011).

The measured and the extracted features were classified following their attitude. Three main sets were defined, striking N-S, NW-SE and NE-SW. The fracture dataset was used to perform a kinematic analysis with ‘DIPS’ software on the surface discontinuities extracted from ‘Facets’ plugin. The 'wedge sliding' resulted the most critical potential rupture mechanism to occur on the analysed outcrops. Successively, numerical simulations of rockfall scenarios were computed based on the acquired structural information. The latter permitted us to identify the maximum run out of the potential blocks and draw some consideration on the rockfall hazard of the area.

How to cite: Massaro, L., Rauseo, F., De Falco, M., Marino, E., Forte, G., and Santo, A.: Characterization of rockfall mechanisms and run-out in active volcano-tectonic areas: a case study from Ischia Island, Southern Italy, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14394,, 2023.

Pressure, temperature, and infilling fluids influence the petrophysical properties and the associated damaging processes of rocks at all scales. Moreover, each fluid-rock system possesses peculiar mechanical behaviours being these particularly complex in carbonate rocks hosting fluids. In this work, we analyze the laboratory results of deformed clean and hydrocarbon-filled limestones under varying pressure and temperature, providing links between recorded physical properties (seismic velocity), fluid behavior, and damaging. We focus on carbonate-bearing reservoir (Bolognano Formation) rocks, sampled in the Majella massif (Central Italy) that represents a very good analogue for buried carbonate reservoirs. This reservoir is composed by calcarenites with connected porosity of about 20% saturated by hydrocarbon in the solid state at the outcrop conditions. We performed hydrostatic, triaxial and true-triaxial deformation tests up to a temperature of 100º C and a confining pressure up to 100 MPa on both clean and naturally hydrocarbon-filled limestone samples. Results show increasing seismic velocity and Young’s modulus with increasing confining pressures for both clean and saturated samples as expected. However, different results are observed when the temperature is increased. At low temperatures saturated samples show larger seismic velocity and rigidity with respect to clean samples whilst at higher temperatures the opposite occurs. In particular, when temperature is rised up to 100º C the Young’s modulus of the saturated samples dramatically decreases, being this coupled by a clear volume reduction even during hydrostatic tests (no differential stress applied). Accordingly, microstructural observations highlight grain crushing related to a large amount of randomly distributed cracks within saturated samples. On the contrary, clean samples are characterized by few microfractures, pointing out the primary role played by liquid hydrocarbons. These observations are in good agreement with meso and microstructural features observed on outcropping hydrocarbon-filled carbonate-bearing faults. The presence of fluid hydrocarbons (high temperature) severely weakens the rock promoting fracturing whilst at lower temperature the presence of solid hydrocarbons increases the mechanical properties of hydrocarbon-bearing rocks. These observations have a large impact for the petrophysical characterization of reservoirs and for the understanding microscale to mesoscale mechanisms of deformation and fluids movement along deformed rock volumes.

How to cite: Trippetta, F., Ruggieri, R., Motra, H. B., and Collettini, C.: Mechanical behavior of porous carbonates as a function of pressure, temperature, and fluid content from laboratory experiments and correlation with larger scale structures, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14779,, 2023.

EGU23-14869 | ECS | Orals | EMRP1.3

In situ assessment of rock mass fracturing using infrared thermography 

Federico Franzosi, Chiara Crippa, Roberto Garzonio, Stefano Casiraghi, Marc-Henry Derron, Michel Jaboyedoff, and Federico Agliardi

The reliable assessment of the fracturing state of rock masses is a fundamental step towards the evaluation of their geomechanical quality and the quantification of their hydraulic and mechanical properties. Traditional field discontinuity mapping techniques remain fundamental to collect statistical populations of discontinuity attributes and characterize rock mass structure and quality. However, point-like field surveys are strongly biased by scale and orientation. The development of 3D surveys allowed to partly overcome this problem by providing high-resolution point clouds. These allow a robust characterization of fracture geometry but require significant mapping efforts. Here we proposed a quantitative contactless approach to rock mass fracturing assessment by the use of Infrared Thermography (IRT).

IRT is increasingly used in rock-mechanics to characterize rock porosity/fracturing and to monitor rock mass stability, by measuring the thermal response of rock materials to heating or cooling. However, existing IRT applications to the geomechanical study of rock masses are mostly qualitative and lacking sound theoretical and experimental foundations. Starting from the laboratory scale, studying the thermal behaviour of rock samples with different fracture degrees, we propose a quantitative approach to quantify rock mass fracturing, that combines IRT rock temperature monitoring during cooling with the quantification of different descriptors of fracturing state suitable for different analysis scales (laboratory vs in situ).

As a field laboratory we used the Mount Gorsa porphyry quarry (Trento, North Italy), characterized by a homogeneous rock type but strongly variable fracturing states related by complex structurally-controlled and progressive slope damage processes.

We performed a field campaign on quarry front making a) Geometrical UAV surveys and b) field Geological Strength Index (GSI) evaluation on typical spots, c) we carried out IRT monitoring during night cooling using FLIRT1020 thermal camera.

During data processing d) thermal data acquired were corrected by environmental effects (blue sky radiation, slope inclination etc.) adopting original and ad hoc calibrated filters to skim the thermal response from geometrical and external biases. Finally we try to find a correlation between the thermal response of rock-mass outcrop to their quality index.

Our results support the possibility to upscale the analysis to field conditions in order to account for the radiative characteristics of natural environments, the limitations of the technique and upscaling issues typical of fractured rock-mass, taking into account that fracturing metrics (used in laboratory phase) at rock-mass scale, should influence block size distributions, which is fundamental in the evaluation of quality indices, e.g the Geological Strength Index (GSI) widely used in engineering applications.

Emphasising all these issues, the goal of our work is to investigate the relationship between the thermal response of rock mass quality index, through an experimental method developed at laboratory scale and upscaled to in situ conditions.

How to cite: Franzosi, F., Crippa, C., Garzonio, R., Casiraghi, S., Derron, M.-H., Jaboyedoff, M., and Agliardi, F.: In situ assessment of rock mass fracturing using infrared thermography, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14869,, 2023.

EGU23-16739 | ECS | Orals | EMRP1.3

Physical properties of 3D printed materials and their applicability as proxies for heterogeneous geomaterials 

Filip Adamus, Ashley Stanton-Yonge, Tom Mitchell, Dave Healy, and Phil Meredith

3D printing is a rapidly evolving technology that has proven useful for a wide variety of disciplines and industries. However, knowledge of its applicability to the fields of rock and soil physics remains limited. 3D printing allows the design of samples with any desired microstructural composition, enabling independent control of properties such as pore space fabric, size, and density; a feat impossible to accomplish with naturally occurring geomaterials. The use of 3D printed samples is therefore highly attractive for relating the effective properties of heterogeneous materials to their microstructural arrangement, a key subject in the fields of rock and soil physics.

This study aims to characterize the physical properties of 3D printed materials (i.e., elasticity parameters, porosity, permeability) and evaluate whether they are suitable to be used as proxies for heterogeneous geomaterials. Two distinct 3D printing technologies were employed for this purpose: the Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM), and Stereolithography (SLA) methods. The FDM method constructs 3D objects by superposing layers of polymer-based filament through a heated nozzle, whereas the SLA method, also known as resin 3D printing, uses a laser light source to cure liquid resin into hardened plastic.

Samples with a variety of pore shapes (sphere, needle, penny shaped), sizes, and pore densities were designed and printed as cylindrical samples of 25 mm diameter and 62.5 mm height. Samples were then subjected to uniaxial compression to measure their effective elastic parameters (elasticity modulus and Poisson’s ratio), and these measurements were compared with theoretical predictions. Preliminary results indicate that the FDM printing method is inadequate for representing a heterogeneous solid composed of an isotropic matrix and void space, due to the intrinsically anisotropic fabric resulting from the layer-by-layer printing method. Additionally, samples with a porous microstructure appear to be effectively stiffer than the intact material, which is attributed to enhanced material sintering surrounding the edges of the void spaces. On the other hand, SLA printing appears to hold more promise and be able to represent a composite material composed of an isotropic matrix with a heterogeneous void space. Further measurements need to be made to confirm these preliminary findings, and this work is currently in progress. 

How to cite: Adamus, F., Stanton-Yonge, A., Mitchell, T., Healy, D., and Meredith, P.: Physical properties of 3D printed materials and their applicability as proxies for heterogeneous geomaterials, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16739,, 2023.

NH4 – Earthquake Hazards

EGU23-852 | ECS | Posters virtual | NH4.1

A suitable time-dependent conditional probability for Pacific strong earthquakes 

Cristiano Fidani

Statistical analyses of NOAA POES data have recently evidenced electron burst losses 1.5-3.5 h before strong earthquakes in the West Pacific and 55-59 h before strong earthquakes in East Pacific. The conditional probability of a strong seismic event after an ionospheric loss event was calculated depicting possible scenarios in both areas. It presented a geohazard risk reduction initiative that can gain valuable preparation time by adopting a probabilistic short-term warning a few hours prior, especially for tsunamis in those dangerous areas. As electron losses were detected in the same region both for West and East Pacific earthquakes, the probability of a strong event in the West Pacific would be first considered and vanish in less than 4 h. Then, after considering the seismic activity, a statistical evaluation of a disastrous event for the East Pacific coast is generated, so defining a time-dependent increase in conditional probability.

How to cite: Fidani, C.: A suitable time-dependent conditional probability for Pacific strong earthquakes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-852,, 2023.

EGU23-1592 | Posters virtual | NH4.1 | Highlight

Lower  Ionospheric  variation over Europe during the  tectonic activity in the area of Thessaly, Greece on March of 2021. 

Michael E. Contadakis, Demeter N. Arabelos, Pikridas Christos, Stylianos Bitharis, and Emmanuel Scordilis

This is one of a series of papers in which  we investigate the Lower ionospheric variation on the occasion of intense tectonic activity.In the present paper, we investigate the TEC variations during the intense seismic activity in Thessaly, on March 2021 over Europe. The Total Electron Content (TEC) data are been provided by the  Hermes GNSS Network managed by GNSS_QC, AUTH Greece, the HxGN/SmartNet-Greece of Metrica S.A, and the EUREF Network. These data were analysed using Discrete Fourier Analysis in order to investigate the TEC turbulence. The results of this investigation indicate that the High-Frequency limit fo of the ionospheric turbulence content, increases as aproaching the occurrence time of the earthquake, pointing to the earthquake epicenter, in accordane to our previous investigations. We conclude that the Lithosphere Atmosphere Ionosphere Coupling, LAIC, mechanism through acoustic or gravity waves could explain this phenomenology.


Keywords: Seismicity, Lower Ionosphere, Ionospheric Turbulence, Brownian Walk, Aegean area.

How to cite: Contadakis, M. E., Arabelos, D. N., Christos, P., Bitharis, S., and Scordilis, E.: Lower  Ionospheric  variation over Europe during the  tectonic activity in the area of Thessaly, Greece on March of 2021., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1592,, 2023.

EGU23-2087 | Orals | NH4.1

Double resonance before earthquakes 

Chieh-Hung Chen, Kai Lin, Xuemin Zhang, and Yongxin Gao

An instrumental array was established in southwest China for Monitoring Vibrations and Perturbations in the Lithosphere, Atmosphere and Ionosphere (MVP-LAI).  We retrieved multiple-geophysical data from the array to investigate common characteristics in LAI before earthquakes.  Broadband seismometers are utilized to monitor ground vibrations in the lithosphere.  Barometers record changes in air pressure near the Earth’s surface.  Magnetometers monitor variations in the ionospheric currents ~100 km above the Earth’s surface.  Instead of GPSTEC (Global Positioning System Total Electron Content), electromagnetic signals transmitted from the BDS (BeiDou navigation system) geostationary satellites are received by ground-based GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) receivers to compute TEC data.  The BDSTEC from the geostationary satellites continuously monitor changes in TECs ~350 km in altitude right over the array.  We transferred these data into the frequency domain and found that ground vibrations, air pressure, the magnetic field, and BDSTEC data share the frequency ~5×10-3 Hz before major earthquakes.  Ground vibrations exhibit frequency characteristics of ~5×10-3 Hz due to resonance of nature frequencies before failure of materials (i.e., dislocations of faults, and earthquakes).  Ground vibrations with frequency of ~5×10-3 Hz persistently hit the bottom of the atmosphere that can trigger atmospheric resonance before earthquakes.  Double resonance (i.e., crustal and atmospheric resonance) provides the new way to reveal the seismo-anomalies of multiple geophysical parameters in LAI.  Double resonance would shed a light in earthquake prediction in practice once we face the major issue for efficiently retrieving resonance signals from multiple observation data. 


How to cite: Chen, C.-H., Lin, K., Zhang, X., and Gao, Y.: Double resonance before earthquakes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2087,, 2023.

EGU23-2126 | Posters virtual | NH4.1

New features of the ELSEM-Net electromagnetic monitoring stations network and analysis of recent data associated with strong earthquakes. 

Dimitrios Z. Politis, Stelios M. Potirakis, Philopimin Malkotsis, Nikolaos Papadopoulos, Dionysios Dimakos, Michael Exarchos, Efstratios Liadopoulos, Yiannis F. Contoyiannis, Angelos Charitopoulos, Kyriakos Kontakos, Dimitrios Doukakis, Grigorios Koulouras, Nikolaos Melis, and Konstantinos Eftaxias

The ELSEM-Net (hELlenic Seismo-ElectroMagnetics Network, is a telemetric network of ground-based monitoring stations for the study of fracture-induced electromagnetic emissions. It comprises 11 telemetric stations, spanning all over Greece, and has continuously been operated for almost 30 years. In this paper we present the new, custom designed, instrumentation of the telemetric stations. Specifically, we present both the hardware and the firmware/software used, from antennae to data acquisition and data management. Finally, we present recent recordings prior to significant strong earthquakes (EQs) that have happened in Greece, as well as the obtained analysis results, using nonlinear time series analysis methods, indicating that the acquired signals embed important features associated with the impending EQ.

How to cite: Politis, D. Z., Potirakis, S. M., Malkotsis, P., Papadopoulos, N., Dimakos, D., Exarchos, M., Liadopoulos, E., Contoyiannis, Y. F., Charitopoulos, A., Kontakos, K., Doukakis, D., Koulouras, G., Melis, N., and Eftaxias, K.: New features of the ELSEM-Net electromagnetic monitoring stations network and analysis of recent data associated with strong earthquakes., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2126,, 2023.

EGU23-2187 | ECS | Orals | NH4.1

Possible Lithosphere Atmosphere Ionosphere Coupling before 19 September 2021 La Palma volcano eruption 

Dedalo Marchetti, Hanshuo Zhang, Kaiguang Zhu, Zeren Zhima, Rui Yan, Xuhui Shen, Alessandro Piscini, Wenqi Chen, Yuqi Cheng, Xiaodan He, Ting Wang, Jiami Wen, Donghua Zhang, and Yiqun Zhang

On 19 September 2021, La Palma Volcano started a VEI 3 eruption. Here we will illustrate an investigation for at least six months before the eruption with the aim of searching possible lithosphere atmosphere and ionosphere couplings.

We identify and compare the anomalies from the seismic catalogue, the geomagnetic ground observatories, the atmospheric climatological datasets, TEC maps, CSES and Swarm satellites data with respect to the volcano location and the time cumulative trends of anomalies are analyzed.

We identify a temporal migration of the seismicity from one year before the eruption at a depth of 40 km possibly associated with magma migration, firstly to a deep chamber (20-13km depth) and in the last 10 days in a shallower magma chamber. CSES-01 detects an increase in electron density at the same time as vertical ground magnetic field anomalies, very likely due to the magma uprising. A final increase of carbon monoxide 1.5 months before the eruption with unusually high values of TEC suggests the degassing of magma before the eruption associated with shallow seismicity that preceded the eruption by ten days. We identify possible different coupling mechanisms, e.g., chain of mechanical, thermal, chemical and electromagnetic phenomena, or pure electromagnetic coupling). These different lithosphere-atmosphere-ionosphere coupling mechanisms can coexist.

Our results highlight the importance of integrating several observation platforms and datasets from the ground and space (earth observation satellites) to better understand the dynamics of the processes and associated natural hazards affecting our planet.

How to cite: Marchetti, D., Zhang, H., Zhu, K., Zhima, Z., Yan, R., Shen, X., Piscini, A., Chen, W., Cheng, Y., He, X., Wang, T., Wen, J., Zhang, D., and Zhang, Y.: Possible Lithosphere Atmosphere Ionosphere Coupling before 19 September 2021 La Palma volcano eruption, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2187,, 2023.

EGU23-3596 | ECS | Orals | NH4.1

Water chemical composition as indicator of geodynamic activity 

Armen Kazarian and Aik Kazarian


A.Kazarian, H. Kazarian IGN AN NAN


A detailed analysis of a long-term collection of hydro-geochemical data was carried out over a ten-year period. It revealed consistent iterations of signs of a process of earthquake preparation in this region. This preparation process has several distinct stages, which can be identified by noticeable changes in the geochemical composition of self-pouring well water. The earthquake preparation process is graphically visible and has a similar duration to the post-earthquake aftershock activity duration. The visualization of hydro-geochemical data from the pre- and post-earthquake periods for different (M> 6) earthquakes in this region shows a very similar pattern of behaviors and duration of behaviors for events of varying magnitudes and distances from the observation wells.

Changes in the main fluctuation trend of the geochemical data for helium (He) and a decrease in the standard deviation of the series for other main components appear as earthquake precursors (Na, K, HCO3, SO4, Cl, Ca, F). The detectable duration of a main shock's preparation process is approximately a year. The detailed examination of the data time series reveals a strong correlation between the overall geodynamic activity of the region and the hydrogeochemical composition of the observed wells.

The detailed analysis of earthquake activity in the region suggests a periodic nature of basic seismicity and its relationship with earthquake focal mechanisms. The obtained daily histograms for seismic activity in Armenia, Turkey, Greece, and Italy regions calculated by local time show cyclical activity patterns of 24 and 12 hours. This is consistent with variations in He and other important components in the well waters. The hypothesis and conclusion of this scientific research project are that in seismically active zones, the dynamics of hidden active tectonic processes can potentially be a priori diagnosed using this hydro-geochemical monitoring method.

How to cite: Kazarian, A. and Kazarian, A.: Water chemical composition as indicator of geodynamic activity, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3596,, 2023.

EGU23-3854 | Posters virtual | NH4.1

Comparison of the precursory effects in lithosphere, atmosphere and ionosphere of three large earthquakes with comparable magnitude: the cases of 2019 Kermadec Islands (NZ) and Ridgecrest (USA) earthquakes and 2021 Maduo (China) earthquake 

Angelo De Santis, Saioa A. Campuzano, Massimo Calcara, Gianfranco Cianchini, Serena D'Arcangelo, Mariagrazia De Caro, Domenico Di Mauro, Cristiano Fidani, Adriano Nardi, Martina Orlando, Loredana Perrone, Alessandro Piscini, Dario Sabbagh, and Maurizio Soldani

Three earthquakes of comparable magnitude and in different tectonic contexts occurred on 15 June 2019 (M7.2) in New Zealand (Kermadec Islands), on 6 July 2019 (M7.1) in California (Ridgecrest) and on 21 May 2021 (M7.3) in China (Maduo) (dates in UT). We applied a multiparameter - multilayer approach to lithospheric, atmospheric and ionospheric data, the latter taken from CSES  and Swarm satellites, before the mentioned large earthquakes to detect potential pre-earthquake anomalies. In all case studies, we note the following: a) similar precursor times of occurrences, confirming the Rikitake law for which the larger the earthquake magnitude the longer the anticipation time of the precursor and b) a clear acceleration of the possible precursory anomalies before each mainshock, as typical of critical systems approaching a critical state. We propose an interpretative model to take into account the chain of detected phenomena.

How to cite: De Santis, A., Campuzano, S. A., Calcara, M., Cianchini, G., D'Arcangelo, S., De Caro, M., Di Mauro, D., Fidani, C., Nardi, A., Orlando, M., Perrone, L., Piscini, A., Sabbagh, D., and Soldani, M.: Comparison of the precursory effects in lithosphere, atmosphere and ionosphere of three large earthquakes with comparable magnitude: the cases of 2019 Kermadec Islands (NZ) and Ridgecrest (USA) earthquakes and 2021 Maduo (China) earthquake, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3854,, 2023.

EGU23-4399 | Orals | NH4.1 | Highlight

Transient effects in the atmosphere/ionosphere and their re-occurrence before large earthquakes. Case study for the 2022 “anniversary” events. 

Dimitar Ouzounov, Sergey Pulients, Jann-Yenq Liu, Katsumi Hattori, Menas Kafatos, and Patrick Taylor

We present a study on temporal and spatial characteristics of Thermal Radiation anomalies (TRA) and ionospheric total electron content (TEC) pre-earthquake abnormalities associated with the occurred in 2022 “anniversary” earthquakes. “Anniversary”  is a quake occurring on the same date and following the years after the main earthquake, plus or minus several days.

We studied eleven large earthquakes in four regions: i/Japan: M7.3 of 03.16.2022 and M9.0 of 03.11.2011 East Coast Honshu; ii/Mexico: M7.6 of 09.19.2022 Michoacan; M7.1 of 09.19.2017 Puebla and M8.0 of 09.19.1985 Mexico City;/iii Chile: M5.7 02.28.2022 Bio-Bio and M8.8 02.27.2010 Maule and /iv Taiwan: M6.9 of 09.18.2022 Taitung and M7.7 of 09.21.1999 Chi-Chil and M6.7 of 03.22.2022 Taitung and M6 of 03.27.2013 Nantou earthquake.

We analyzed for TRA and TEC anomalies concerning the earthquake preparation zone (EPZ). For EPZ estimates, we use Dobrovolsky et al. (1979), and Bowman et al. (1998) estimates where the EPZ radius scales exponentially with earthquake magnitude, especially from Mw ≥ 6.0 onwards, and gives an extended coverage at larger magnitudes to examine TRA and ionospheric TEC anomalies. The main goals of this study were: 1/to understand the seismotectonic conditions that preceded the earthquake re-occurrence in the same place and on the same day(s): 2/ to perform a validation study about pre-earthquake signal occurrences in the same atmospheric and solar-geophysical conditions and 3/ to understand the potential triggering mechanism. Our preliminary results show synergetic coordination between the appearance of pre-earthquake transients’ effects in the atmosphere and ionosphere (with a short time lag, from hours up to a few days). The spatial characteristics of pre-earthquake anomalies were associated with the large area but inside the preparation region estimated by Dobrovolsky-Bowman. The pre-earthquake nature of the signals in the atmosphere and ionosphere was revealed by simultaneous analysis of satellite, GPS/TEC, and Satellite Earth observations. The “anniversary” events are recognized with common pre-earthquake transient re-occurrence patterns in the atmosphere/ionosphere within EPZ, scaled to the extent of the earthquake magnitude.

How to cite: Ouzounov, D., Pulients, S., Liu, J.-Y., Hattori, K., Kafatos, M., and Taylor, P.: Transient effects in the atmosphere/ionosphere and their re-occurrence before large earthquakes. Case study for the 2022 “anniversary” events., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4399,, 2023.

EGU23-5813 | Posters virtual | NH4.1

Mammal abundance varies with geochemical specialisation in the underlying rock formations. 

Rachel Grant, Alexander Shitov, and Andrey V. Karanin

There has been little research on how the composition of underlying rock formation affects animal species’ distribution and abundance. The subject is worthy of consideration as, for example,  it has been shown that ultrabasic and serpentine rocks in particular can give rise to plant biodiversity hotspots with a high level of endemism. Corresponding studies of fauna are lacking. We aim to test the hypothesis that rock type affects mammal abundance and biodiversity.

Here we present a comparative analysis of the abundance of mammals and its relationship with geological composition in the area of Gorny Altai, a mountainous region in Russia.

We used GIS approaches to map the influence of rock types on mammal abundance, while holding other factors such as soil type, relief, etc. constant. The study reveals significant correlations between underlying geology and variation in mammal distribution even when other factors such as soil type, climate and vegetation are held constant.

Intrusive rocks were found to have the greatest impact on variation in mammal distribution whereas sedimentary and metamorphic rocks have almost no effect. A characteristic feature of magmatic formations is their clear geochemical specialization, i.e. certain geochemical anomalies (Fe, Cu, Au, Hg, Ag, etc.) are confined to intrusions. We suggest that geophysical fields (magnetic and electric fields) and geochemical anomalies associated with intrusive rocks may have an impact on the distribution and species composition of mammals, as well as geodynamic processes such as fault activity. This finding has implications for further research into the phenomenon of animals’ anticipatory responses to earthquakes. 

How to cite: Grant, R., Shitov, A., and Karanin, A. V.: Mammal abundance varies with geochemical specialisation in the underlying rock formations., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5813,, 2023.

EGU23-8521 | Orals | NH4.1

Sub-ionospheric VLF/LF waveguide variations related to magnitude M>5 earthquakes in the eastern Mediterranean area 

Hans Eichelberger, Mohammed Y. Boudjada, Konrad Schwingenschuh, Bruno P. Besser, Daniel Wolbang, Maria Solovieva, Pier F. Biagi, Patrick Galopeau, Ghulam Jaffer, Özer Aydogar, Christoph Schirninger, Cosima Muck, Irmgard Jernej, and Werner Magnes

In this study we examine earthquakes with magnitude M>5 in the year 2022 where the epicenters are crossed by sub-ionospheric narrowband VLF/LF radio links. The study regions are Italy, Aegean area, and the Balkan Peninsula. Ideal suited for this task are paths from the transmitters TBB (26.70 kHz, Bafa, Turkey), ITS (45.90 kHz, Niscemi, Sicily, Italy), and ICV (20.27 kHz, Tavolara, Italy) to the seismo-electromagnetic receiver facility GRZ (Graz, Austria). The receiver is part of a wider network, this gives the opportunity to have multiple simultaneous crossings of an earthquake event.

We investigate electric field amplitude variations in the time span a few days around the main shock, in particular we apply the so-called night-time amplitude method. All electric field data sets have 1 sec temporal resolution. A crucial point is a certain threshold magnitude to obtain statistically significant results, but to firm up the results additional complementary investigations are necessary.

In summary, VLF/LF investigations of strong earthquakes show the complex interplay between the lithospheric events and electric field amplitude waveguide variations, multi-parametric observations in a network could be a tool to derive robust results.

How to cite: Eichelberger, H., Boudjada, M. Y., Schwingenschuh, K., Besser, B. P., Wolbang, D., Solovieva, M., Biagi, P. F., Galopeau, P., Jaffer, G., Aydogar, Ö., Schirninger, C., Muck, C., Jernej, I., and Magnes, W.: Sub-ionospheric VLF/LF waveguide variations related to magnitude M>5 earthquakes in the eastern Mediterranean area, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8521,, 2023.

EGU23-9395 | Orals | NH4.1

VLF transmitter signal variations as detected by Graz facility prior to Croatian earthquakes 

Mohammed Y. Boudjada, Pier F. Biagi, Hans U. Eichelberger, Konrad Schwingenschuh, Patrick H.M. Galopeau, Masashi Hayakawa, Maria Solovieva, Helmut Lammer, Wolfgang Voller, and Bruno Besser

We report on two earthquakes (EQs) that occurred in Croatia at a distance less than 200 km from the Austrian Graz facility (15.46°E, 47.03°N). Those EQs happened on March 22 and December 29, 2020, with magnitudes of Mw5.4 and Mw6.4, respectively. The epicenters were at geographical coordinates (16.02°E, 45.87°N; 16.21°E, 45.42°N) with focuses smaller than 10 km.  Austrian Graz facility leads to detect more than fifteen VLF and LF transmitter signals (Schwingenschuh et al., 2011, Biagi et al., 2019). Transmitter ray paths cross over the EQs epicenters in particular those localised in ICV and ITS (Italy) and TBB (Turkey). We emphasize in our study on the signal fluctuations before/after the sunrise- and sunset-times, or terminator times (TTs). Transmitter amplitude signals exhibit precursor anomalies that related to EQs disturbances occurring particularly at the falling off or the growth of the ionospheric D-layer. Ground-based stations (e.g. Rozhnoi et al., 2009) and satellite observations (e.g. Zhang et al., 2020) have reported such EQs ionospheric disturbances at several occasions.



Biagi et al., The INFREP Network: Present Situation and Recent Results, Open J. Earth. Research, 8, 2019. Rozhnoi et al., Anomalies in VLF radio signals prior the Abruzzo earthquake (M=6.3) on 6 April, 2009, Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, 9, 2009. Schwingenschuh et al., The Graz seismo-electromagnetic VLF facility, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 11, 2011. Zhang et al., Multi-experiment observations of ionospheric disturbances as precursory effects of the Indonesian Ms6.9 earthquake on August 05 2018, Remote Sens. J., 12, 2020.


How to cite: Boudjada, M. Y., Biagi, P. F., Eichelberger, H. U., Schwingenschuh, K., Galopeau, P. H. M., Hayakawa, M., Solovieva, M., Lammer, H., Voller, W., and Besser, B.: VLF transmitter signal variations as detected by Graz facility prior to Croatian earthquakes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9395,, 2023.

EGU23-10299 | ECS | Posters virtual | NH4.1

Connectivity of geoelectric network before strong earthquakes 

Hong-Jia Chen and Chien-Chih Chen

Earthquakes are reported to relate to rupture phenomena in complex self-organizing systems. Hence, the earthquake rupture is regarded as a critical point. The preparation process of an earthquake could be considered as the crustal system approaching this critical point. Complex dynamical systems can have critical tipping points at which a sudden shift to a contrasting dynamical regime may occur; in the meantime, the time series of the systems can behave much differently. Although it is extremely challenging to predict such critical points before they are reached, work in different scientific fields is now suggesting the existence of generic early-warning signals that may indicate a wide class of systems if a critical threshold is approaching. Those precursory signals include increasing correlations and variance, varying skewness, and so on. The critical transition of a system includes spatial criticality and temporal criticality. In this study, we attempt to research the spatial and temporal criticality of the crustal system by using the self-potential (SP) signals of the Taiwan Geoelectric Monitoring System (GEMS). The GEMS network consists of 20 SP stations with an interstation distance of 50 km. We calculate the correlations of the daily signals between any two stations, which formed an adjacency matrix. Then, we estimate the connectivity density based on the adjacency matrix and compare the daily connectivity density time series with ML ≥ 5 earthquakes. We would expect to find out high connectivity densities before a strong earthquake. This would mean that earthquake-related telluric currents flow out through the GEMS stations during the earthquake preparation process; hence, the SP signals of most stations would almost be connected. As a result, we might establish an earthquake forecasting technique using the SP data based on the concept of the critical-point theory.

How to cite: Chen, H.-J. and Chen, C.-C.: Connectivity of geoelectric network before strong earthquakes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10299,, 2023.

The temporal sequences of magnitudes recorded in seismic active zones exhibit complex behavior which is associated with the wide diversity of scales of fractures sizes when an earthquake on the Earth’s crust occurs. Earthquakes can be considered to be nearly, or even critical phenomena exhibiting dynamic phase transitions, where a mainshock is the beginning of a new phase. Near the critical point is where phase transition (order-disorder) occurs, and scaling laws with long-range order correlations are produced, so that the complexity of seismicity allows earthquakes to be characterized by a more diverse and riche phenomenology. In the last years, the ideas linked to nonlinear time series analysis and complex network theory have been related. Among those ideas,  the visibility graph (VG) method has been applied to the study different complex phenomena. One of the characteristics of this method is its ability to capture dynamic properties, such as non-trivial correlations in nonstationary time series, without introducing elaborate algorithms such as detrending. Seismic processes have been of great interest and their complete understanding is still an open problem. In this work we use the VG method to study the temporal correlations in the seismic sequences monitored in three regions of the subduction zone belonging to the Cocos plate. Our analysis allows estimate persistence and the temporal correlations in the seismic activity monitored in Michoacan State, Mexican Flat Slab and Tehuantepec Isthmus, showing differences in all three.

How to cite: Ramírez-Rojas, A. and Flores-Márquez, E. L.: Correlations of the seismic activity monitored in three subduction zones belonging to Cocos plate by using the visibility graph method., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10458,, 2023.

EGU23-10627 | ECS | Orals | NH4.1 | Highlight

Conductivity Anomalies before M > 6 Earthquakes in China during 2014 – 2019 

Zhiqiang Mao and Chieh-Hung Chen

The North-South Seismic Belt of China is one of the most active seismic areas on the Chinese continent.  More than ten strong earthquakes (Ms > 6) have occurred in this region since 2010.  However, Earthquake-related conductivity anomalies are rarely reported for those earthquakes.  In this study, 3-component geomagnetic data recorded at sixty geomagnetic stations are selected to compute the Parkinson vectors to monitor the changes of conductivity before and after the earthquakes.  Considering most fluxgate magnetometers have only been installed since 2014, we concentrate on six Ms > 6 earthquakes occurred during 2014–2019.  To mitigate artificial disturbances, low noise data during the 00:00 – 5:00 LT are utilized.  We compute the background distribution and monitoring distribution using the azimuth of the Parkinson vectors at each station within six years (2014 – 2019) and a 15-day moving window, respectively.  The background distribution is subtracted from the monitoring distributions to mitigate the influences of underlying inhomogeneous tectonic structures.  The obtained difference distributions binned by 10° within 400 km from each station are superimposed during 60 days before and after the earthquake to construct integrated maps.  To analyze the potential frequency characteristics, we compute the results from low to high frequency band.  The results show that for four earthquakes, the conductivity anomalies areas appear near the epicenter 10 to 20 days before earthquakes, while the rest two earthquakes have no anomaly.  The conductivity anomalies appear at all study frequency band from 0.0005 Hz to 0.1 Hz, and significantly at 0.001 – 0.005 Hz before earthquakes.  Meanwhile, we find that the lower frequency band corresponds to larger anomalies area.  These results suggest the change of underlying conductivity near the hypocenter is a possible phenomenon for strong earthquakes, and the frequency characteristics of the seismo-conductivity anomaly during the earthquake are helpful to understand the pre-earthquake anomalous phenomena.

How to cite: Mao, Z. and Chen, C.-H.: Conductivity Anomalies before M > 6 Earthquakes in China during 2014 – 2019, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10627,, 2023.

EGU23-13172 | Orals | NH4.1

ULF perturbations: modeling Earth-Atmosphere-Ionosphere coupling, signal processing using information entropy, determination of the electric and magnetic field components and “experiment-theory comparison“ 

Yuriy Rapoport, Volodymyr Reshetnyk, Asen Grytsai, Alex Liashchuk, Masashi Hayakawa, Volodymyr Grimalsky, Sergei Petrishchevskii, Andrzej Krankowski, Leszek Błaszkiewicz, Paweł Flisek, Angelo De Santis, and Carlo Scotto

We have used 2014–2017 data from the eight receiving stations of the Japan very low frequency (VLF) monitoring network. The nighttime data of the signals of the JJI transmitter on Kyushu Island, excited VLF electromagnetic waves (EMWs) in the Earth-Ionosphere waveguide (EIWG) had been processed. The wavelet transform with a preliminary detrending, to exclude influence of daily variations, has been applied. We have observed ultra-low frequency (ULF) modulation of VLF EMW spectra in the EIWG. We therefore concluded that modulating oscillations with periods of 4 minutes belong to the acoustic branch of acoustic-gravity waves (AGWs) in the Earth–Thermosphere waveguide; modulation of VLF with periods of 6–7 minutes corresponds to global evanescent/reactive Brunt–Väisälä AGW oscillations; the oscillations with periods 20–60 min and ~3 hours may characterize evanescent/reactive Lamb gravity wave mode of AGW [1]. The appearance of the combination frequency of VLF EMW and ULF AGW is likely due to the following effects: (1) the drag of charged plasma particles by ULF AGWs jointly with the background of VLF electron density disturbances and (2) the motion of charged plasma particles in the VLF EMW field jointly with the background of ULF changes in the plasma concentration caused by AGWs.

The theory [2,3] is extended to the excitation of ionospheric Schumann resonator (SR) [4] and ionospheric Alfvén resonator (IAR) in the ULF range. It is shown that IAR oscillations with a high quality factor (for geophysical resonators) (>10) can be excited in the SR range. The features of the excited ULF and VLF modes associated with the modification of the ionosphere as a result of the powerful eruption of the Hunga-Tonga volcano are under consideration [5,6].

A ULF model of perturbations in the atmosphere-ionosphere with a boundary transition from dynamic to static limit is developed and the preliminary results of the corresponding modelling will be presented. This ensures the "recovery" of magnetostatic disturbances "lost" in most of previous models of the atmospheric electrical circuit, important for understanding the mechanisms of seismo-ionospheric coupling, volcano-ionospheric coupling and influences of the other natural hazards on the ionosphere and ionospheric monitoring of the natural hazards.

[1] Rapoport et al. Sensors 22, 10.3390/s22218191, 2022; [2] Grimalsky et al. JEMAA 2012, 4, 192-198 ; [3] Yutsis V. et al. Atmosphere 2021, 12, 801 ; [4] Nickolaenko and Rabinovich Space Res. 1982, XX, 67-88 ; [5] Astafyeva et al. GRL, 2022 ; [6] D’Arcangelo et al., Rem. Sens., 14, 3649, 2022.

This research was partially funded by the National Science Centre, Poland, grant No. 970 2022/01/3/ST10/00072

How to cite: Rapoport, Y., Reshetnyk, V., Grytsai, A., Liashchuk, A., Hayakawa, M., Grimalsky, V., Petrishchevskii, S., Krankowski, A., Błaszkiewicz, L., Flisek, P., De Santis, A., and Scotto, C.: ULF perturbations: modeling Earth-Atmosphere-Ionosphere coupling, signal processing using information entropy, determination of the electric and magnetic field components and “experiment-theory comparison“, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13172,, 2023.

EGU23-13588 | Posters on site | NH4.1 | Highlight

Improving RST-based analysis of long-term TIR satellite observations in relation with earthquake occurrence 

Valerio Tramutoli, Roberto Colonna, Carolina Filizzola, Nicola Genzano, Mariano Lisi, Nicola Pergola, and Valeria Satriano

In order to build and implement a multi-parametric system for a time‐Dependent Assessment of Seismic Hazard (t‐DASH) the preliminary assessment of the selected parameters is required. To this aim a long-term correlation analysis - among anomalous transients and earthquake occurrence – has to be performed to establish the corresponding forecast capability and particularly the expected false-positive rate. In fact, more than the missing rate (i.e. how many earthquakes occurs in absence of specific precursors) the reliability of the forecast is much more important when the continuity of the observations cannot be guaranteed. This is the case of satellite observations in the optical band  whose continuity can be prevented by the presence of meteorological clouds. Among the others candidate parameters anomalous transients in the Earth’s emitted Thermal Radiation observed from meteorological satellites in the Thermal InfaRed band (TIR) have been since long-term proposed in the framework of a multi-parametric t-DASH system. Results achieved by RST (Robust Satellite Technique) analyses of multi-annual (more than 10 years) time series of TIR satellite images in different continents and seismic regimes, allowed to identify (isolating them from all the others possible sources) those anomalies (in the spatial/temporal domain) possibly associated to the occurrence of major earthquakes. Main lesson learnt until now can be summarized as follows:

a) Thanks to a clear definition of (Significant Sequences of TIR Anomalies (SSTAs) and well-defined validation rules, for earthquakes with magnitude greater than 4 the false positive rate is around 25% (average value over Greece, Italy, Japan, Turkey) oscillating from 7% up to 40% strongly depending on the considered region;

b) Molchan error diagram analyses gave a clear indication that a non-casual correlation exist between RST-based SSTAs and earthquake occurrence time and location;

c) SSTAs are quite rare (sporadic) with quite limited (less than 0,05% of the total investigated) alerted space-time volumes;

d) The approach based on the application of the RETIRA index (Robust Estimator of TIR Anomalies) showed some limitation related to the contextual approach that, in order to take into account of possible large scale changes of the thermal background, consider not just the TIR signal itself but its excess respect to the background (large scale spatial average of the TIR signal) introducing, this way, a strong dependence on the presence and distribution of meteorolical cloud across the scene.

In order to overcome the d) issue an alternative possibility has been investigated which can locally filter-out the contributes of occasional warming (typically associated to meteorological fronts) without the need of analyzing the TIR signal at the large-scale. In this paper RST approach is implemented by introducing the RETIRSA (Robust Estimator of TIR Slope Anomalies) devoted to identify anomalous Nocturnal TIR  Gradients in relation with the preparation phases of earthquakes. The impact in reducing the overall false-positive rates will be particularly discussed in the case of recent earthquakes occurred in Italy, Japan and California. 

How to cite: Tramutoli, V., Colonna, R., Filizzola, C., Genzano, N., Lisi, M., Pergola, N., and Satriano, V.: Improving RST-based analysis of long-term TIR satellite observations in relation with earthquake occurrence, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13588,, 2023.

EGU23-14058 | Posters virtual | NH4.1

Improving the statistical correlations between low seismic events and CO2 variations subtracting the rain contribution 

Lisa Pierotti, Cristiano Fidani, Gianluca Facca, and Fabrizio Gherardi

A correlation between low seismic activity and CO2 measurements variations was observed at the Gallicano thermomineral spring, Tuscany, Italy, where an automatic monitoring multiparametric geochemical station is operative since 2003 (Pierotti et al., 2015). The above-mentioned correlation reported a time delay of about 2 days of small earthquakes with respect to CO2 anomalies. Starting from this correlation a conditional probability of earthquake occurrence given the CO2 anomaly detection was calculated, with a probability gain near 4 (Pierotti et al., 2022).  A statistical correlation was also calculated between rain events and CO2 anomalies which was observed for rain vents ahead CO2 anomalies of one days. This permitted to distinguish CO2 anomalies due to meteorological versus tectonic activities.  Following this distinction, and subtracting the rain contribution to the CO2 variations, a new correlation was observed between small earthquakes and CO2 anomalies which confirmed the past results whit a better performance. The new correlation peak is better defined and concentrated in the time lag of 2 days. The p-values of both earthquake and rain to CO2 correlations were calculated. The correspondent probability gain in an earthquake forecasting experiment, taking into account the rain events, increased from less than 4 to 4.5. 



Fidani, C. (2021). West Pacific Earthquake Forecasting Using NOAA Electron Bursts With Independent L-Shells and Ground-Based Magnetic Correlations. Front. Earth Sci. 9:673105.

Pierotti, L., Botti, F., D’Intinosante, V., Facca, G., Gherardi, F. (2015). Anomalous CO2 content in the Gallicano thermo-mineral spring (Serchio Valley, Italy) before the 21 June 2013, Alpi Apuane earthquake (M= 5.2). Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 85, 131-140.

Pierotti, L., Fidani C., Facca, G., Gherardi, F. (2022). Local earthquake conditional probability based on long term CO2 measurements. In 40st GNGTS National Conference, Trieste, 27 - 29 June 2022.

How to cite: Pierotti, L., Fidani, C., Facca, G., and Gherardi, F.: Improving the statistical correlations between low seismic events and CO2 variations subtracting the rain contribution, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14058,, 2023.

EGU23-17023 | Orals | NH4.1 | Highlight

Ionospheric electric fields associated with seismo-ionospheric precursors and ionospheric storms observed by FORMOSAT-5/AIP 

Jann-Yenq Liu, Fu-Yuan Chang, Yuh-Ing Chen, and Chi-Kuang Chao

The mission of Advanced Ionospheric Probe (AIP) onboard FORMOSAT-5 (F5) satellite is to detect seismo-ionospheric precursors (SIPs) and observe ionospheric weathers.  F5/AIP plasma quantities in nighttime of 22:30 LT (local time) and the total electron content (TEC) of the global ionosphere map (GIM) are used to study SIPs of an M7.3 earthquake in the Iran-Iraq Border area on 12 November as well as two positive storms on 7 and 21-22 November 2017.  The TEC and the F5/AIP ion density/temperature anomalously increase over the epicenter area on 3-4 November (day 9-8 before the earthquake) and on the two storm days.  The anomalous TEC increase frequently appearing specifically in a small area near the epicenter day 9-8 before the earthquake indicates the SIP being observed, while those frequently occurring at worldwide high-latitudes are signatures of the two positive storms.  TEC increase anomalies most frequently appearing in the Iran-Iraq Border area on 21-22 November (day 10-9 before) is coincidently followed by an M6.1 earthquake on 1 December 2017, which again meets the temporal SIP characteristic.  The F5/AIP ion velocity uncovers that the SIPs of the two earthquakes are caused by eastward seismo-generated electric fields, and the two positive storms are due to the prompt penetration electric fields.

How to cite: Liu, J.-Y., Chang, F.-Y., Chen, Y.-I., and Chao, C.-K.: Ionospheric electric fields associated with seismo-ionospheric precursors and ionospheric storms observed by FORMOSAT-5/AIP, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17023,, 2023.

EGU23-17053 | Posters virtual | NH4.1

Detection of correlated anomalous seismic and geomagnetic precursor signals before Vrancea moderate size earthquakes 

Iren Adelina Moldovan, Victorin Toader, Andrei Mihai, Felix Borleanu, Laura Petrescu, Anica Otilia Placinta, and Liviu Manea

Our study aims to detect anomalous seismic and geomagnetic precursor signals appearing before Vrancea, Romania medium sized earthquakes, that occurred in the last decade (2012-2022), using in the first step the visualization processing method, to identify the time lap between the two anomalies and the following earthquakes. During the study period, in Vrancea seismogenic zone there have been recorded 39 earthquakes with magnitude ML>=4.5, both at normal and intermediate depth. We have assumed that the zone of effective manifestation of the precursor deformations is a circle with the radius taken from the equation of Dobrovolsky, 1979, so the studies were done inside this zone. The Seismic data consists in seismic velocities vp and vs (vp/vs), computed from the arrivals of seismic waves at the NIEP stations situated in the earthquake preparation area. The calculations are done automatically by the Phenomenal platform, using the corrected Romanian seismic bulletins. The seismic velocity is the geophysical property that has a key role in characterizing dynamic processes and the state of the stress around the faults, providing significant information regarding the change in tectonic regime. In the crust, velocities change before, during and after earthquakes through several mechanisms related to, for example, fault deformations, pore pressure, changes in stress state (pressure perturbation) and rebound processes.

The Geomagnetic data are obtained from Muntele Rosu (MLR) Seismological Observatory of NIEP, situated inside Vrancea seismogenic zone as primary station, and from Surlari (SUA) Geomagnetic Observatory of Intermagnet, as remote station, unaffected by medium size earthquake preparedness processes. Geomagnetic indices taken from GFZ ( were used to separate the global magnetic variation from possible local seismo-electromagnetic anomalies, that might appear in a seismic area like Vrancea zone and to ensure that observed geomagnetic fluctuations are not caused by solar-terrestrial effect.

In this presentation we study the appearance of the changes of seismic propagation velocities (vp/vs) in time and the geomagnetic deviations from the normal trend before the occurrence of moderate size crustal and intermediate earthquakes from Vrancea zone, to emphasize the time span between the studied phenomena, in order to be able to find a statistical correlation between them.

Acknowledgements. This work was funded by: PN23 36 02 01/2023 SOL4RISC Nucleu Project, by MCD, Phenomenal Project PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2019-1693, 480PED/2020 and AFROS Project PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2020-1361, PCE/2021 supported by UEFISCDI

How to cite: Moldovan, I. A., Toader, V., Mihai, A., Borleanu, F., Petrescu, L., Placinta, A. O., and Manea, L.: Detection of correlated anomalous seismic and geomagnetic precursor signals before Vrancea moderate size earthquakes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17053,, 2023.

EGU23-17076 | Posters on site | NH4.1 | Highlight

Development of Broadband Interferometer System for Pre-Earthquake Electromagnetic Radiation in LF Band :Design and Performance of Antenna Elements 

Katsumi Hattori, Yu-ichiro Ohta, Chie Yoshino, and Noriyuki Imazumi

Various preseismic electromagnetic variations have been reported so far. Oike et al. reported an increase in the number of electromagnetic pulses in the LF band for the 1995 Kobe Earthquake. However, there is a problem that the electromagnetic pulse due to lightning activity, which is a strong electromagnetic radiation source in the LF band, cannot be sufficiently distinguished from the electromagnetic pulse associated with earthquakes. At that time, it was difficult to observe waveforms with the observation equipment (especially digital measurement units), but with the development of today's ICT equipment and Internet technology, it is possible to realize an LF band broadband interferometer that can estimate the spatio-temporal sources of electromagnetic radiation. If it is an electromagnetic pulse due to lightning activity, the electromagnetic radiation source will move with the front or cloud, and if it is associated with an earthquake, the electromagnetic radiation source will be concentrated near the focal region. In this presentation, we will report the progress of the development of the LF band broadband interferometer, and the waveform analysis and pulse number variation of the nearby earthquake that occurred during the test of the interferometer element.

The developed system is a capacitive circular flat plate fast antenna, consisting of a 500 kHz low-pass filter, a 16bit AD converter, and a PC for data recording, and records 100 ms before and after the pulse waveform that exceeds the trigger level with 4 MHz sampling. The system is installed on the roof of the Faculty of Science Building No.5, Chiba University, and is conducting test observations.

First, we counted the total number of pulses recorded by the system, created an amplitude histogram, and targeted the top 15% of the pulses to investigate hourly fluctuations in the number of pulses. We calculated the average value m and standard deviation σ for the entire analysis period, and defined the anomaly in the number of pulses as m + 2σ. Next, using pulse waveforms and the mine location network, waveforms (near and distant mines) caused by mine discharges were identified. In addition, we analyzed the earthquakes that occurred within 100 km of the epicenter distance and satisfied log(Es)>8 during the observation period, and investigated the relationship with the earthquakes. where Es=101.5M+4.8/r2 (M: magnitude, r: focal distance). As a result, 4 days before the M5.0 earthquake on November 27, 2018, an abnormal increase in the number of pulses greater than m+2σ was observed, unrelated to the anti-mine. Although similar pulse waveforms did not exceed the m+2σ threshold, they were also observed prior to four other log(Es) > 8 earthquakes during the observation period, and these pulses were associated with preseismic electromagnetic waves. Possible pulse due to radiation. On the other hand, it is also possible that the pulse waveform is caused by cloud discharge, and in order to discriminate between electromagnetic radiation caused by cloud discharge and earthquake precursor electromagnetic radiation, electromagnetic radiation position determination using an interferometer and comparison with satellite images and meteorological data are required. also found to be essential.

How to cite: Hattori, K., Ohta, Y., Yoshino, C., and Imazumi, N.: Development of Broadband Interferometer System for Pre-Earthquake Electromagnetic Radiation in LF Band :Design and Performance of Antenna Elements, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17076,, 2023.

EGU23-346 | ECS | Orals | NH4.2

Seismic Risk Assessment of Natural Gas Networks considering Cascading Effects 

Chen-Yu Nieh and Szu-Yun Lin

Earthquake disasters may not only damage buildings but significantly influence the standard of living due to the impacts on critical infrastructure such as lifeline systems. This study focuses on the seismic risk and resilience of the natural gas network and the cascading effects. We analyze the risk of failure in the mid/low-pressure pipelines under a major earthquake scenario and evaluate the impacts on systemic service levels considering the secondary disasters of earthquakes. In this study, repair rate, R.R., is applied to evaluate the failure of natural gas pipeline. With the R.R. of pipelines and ground motion parameters, e.g., PGA and PGD, the failure probability of the pipeline can be derived by Poisson distribution. By overlay analysis with seismic parameters from Taiwan Earthquake Loss Estimation System (TELES) and the GIS data of the natural gas network, the number of damaged pipelines, the number of affected users, and the closure probability of valves can be estimated through Monte Carlo simulation. The service level and resilience of the system can be further assessed. In addition to the impacts on the natural gas system, the leaking gas can also cause a potential risk of worsening post-earthquake fire. On the other hand, the repairment of damaged pipelines may affect the surrounding traffic. These should be considered during the restoration process. This study proposes a risk assessment approach for the natural gas pipeline subjected to earthquakes considering not only the physical damage of the pipeline but the closure of valves, the risk of worsening post-earthquake fire, and the sequential influence on the traffic. The proposed framework was applied to the natural gas system in Tainan, Taiwan, as the case study. This study assesses the earthquake hazard risk of natural gas pipelines from the perspective of system functionality and community resilience. Decision-makers can plan appropriate disaster mitigation strategies based on the analysis results.

How to cite: Nieh, C.-Y. and Lin, S.-Y.: Seismic Risk Assessment of Natural Gas Networks considering Cascading Effects, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-346,, 2023.

Seismic hazard assessment (SHA) and associated risks (SRs) require necessarily an adequate understanding of earthquake distribution in magnitude, space, and time at regional scale. The Neo-Deterministic Seismic Hazard Assessment (NDSHA) is the innovative multi-disciplinary scenario-physics-based approach for reliable evaluation of seismic hazard and risks, which have been developed to overcome evident shortcomings of the outdated and very often wrong Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA). The NDSHA applications in many countries worldwide (Panza et al., 2021) pass intensive testing by instrumental and historical evidence, as well as by realistic modelling of scenario earthquakes. NDSHA results confirm reliable and effective input for mitigating object-oriented SRs. We applied two agents of the NDSHA synergy, i.e. Unified Scaling Law for Earthquakes (USLE) and anisotropic propagation of seismic effect, to evaluate SRs for the railway infrastructure in the Lake Baikal region.

USLE states that the logarithm of expected annual number of earthquakes of magnitude M or larger in an area of linear dimension L follows within the magnitude range [M– , M+] the relationship log N(M, L) = A + B×(5 − M) + C×log L, where A, B and C are constants. Naturally, A and B are analogous to the a- and b-values of the classical Gutenberg-Richter relationship (G-RR), while C compliments to G-RR with an estimate of local fractal dimension of earthquake epicentres allowing for realistic rescaling seismic hazard to the size of exposure at risk. USLE implies that the maximum magnitude MX expected with p% chance in T years can be obtained from N(MX, L) = p%, then used for estimating ground shaking effect.

We used as essentials (i) macroseismic intensity scale that provides a robust estimate for realistic modelling of maximal potential ground shaking in assessment of regional seismic hazard and associated risks and (ii) anisotropic propagation of seismic effect that is evidently following, in most cases of large earthquakes, dominant direction of active faults nearby epicentre and apply these to the earthquake catalogue compiled at the Baikal Division of the Geophysical Survey, Federal Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences (, Active Faults of Eurasia Database ( and data on railroads from the OpenStreetMap project (

We present the SRs for railway lines, hubs and tunnels in the Lake Baikal region based on the maps of maximum macroseismic intensity expected in a period of 50 years with a probability of 10%, 5% and 1% (Nekrasova&Kossobokov, 2022) and different model vulnerability functions attributed to the exposed infrastructure elements of different kind.

The study is carried on in the framework of the Russian State Task of Scientific Research Works of IEPT RAS and IPE RAS.



Nekrasova A, Kossobokov V (2022) Seismic risk assessment for the infrastructure in the regions adjacent to the Russian Federation Baikal–Amur Mainline based on the Unified Scaling Law for Earthquakes. Natural Hazards,

Panza G, Kossobokov V, De Vivo B, Laor E (Eds) (2021) Earthquakes and Sustainable Infrastructure: neo-deterministic (NDSHA) approach guarantees prevention rather than cure. Elsevier, xxv, 672 p.

How to cite: Nekrasova, A., Kossobokov, V., and Podolskaia, E.: Seismic risk assessment of the Lake Baikal railway infrastructure based on Unified Scaling Law for Earthquakes and anisotropic seismic impact, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1710,, 2023.

EGU23-1870 | Posters on site | NH4.2

Characterization of Earthquake Clustering in Contractional Regions, based on Nearest-Neighbor distances and Network Analysis 

Antonella Peresan, Mohammad Talebi, and Mehdi Zare

The features of earthquake clusters in two contactional domains, located in Northeastern Italy and North-Central Iran, have been investigated. The tectonic and seismicity of the two study areas, namely the Alps-Dinarides junction and the Alborz regions, are controlled by the convergence between the African and Arabian plates and the Eurasia plate. Both regions are characterized by a rather complex structural setting, mainly including reverse and strike-slip faulting systems, and by moderate to high seismic activity.

The nearest-neighbor approach has been used for the identification of the earthquake clusters in the space-time-energy domain. This approach permits for a data-driven identification of clusters so that, within multi-event clusters, the features of secondary and higher orders dependent events can be explored. The investigation of seismicity in Northeastern Italy is based on bulletins compiled at the National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics (OGS) in 1977-2018, while in North-Central Iran the dataset was extracted from the catalog compiled by the Iranian Seismological Center (IRSC) for the period 1996-2022. According to preliminary analysis of the used earthquake catalogs, two corresponding regions have been identified, where a satisfactory completeness level is assessed for events with magnitude greater than 2.0. Robust values of the scaling parameters, namely the b-value and the fractal dimension of epicenters, have also been computed and are used to calculate the nearest-neighbor distances and to identify the earthquake clusters.

The results obtained in the two regions confirm that the complexity of clusters structure depends on the tectonic, structural, and geophysical properties of the area. Moreover, the complexity measures, borrowed from network theory (i.e. the Centralization and Outdegree indexes), consistently capture the complexity of the identified clusters. Besides, in both investigated regions, the results allowed us identifying two macro-areas, which are characterized by different clustering features, namely: high complexity indexes,, which indicate simple (burst-like) structure of clusters, and low complexity indexes, corresponding to complex multi-level (swarm-like) structure of clusters. Specifically, we found that "swarm-like" (high complexity) sequences are prevalent along the thrust faulting Alpine and Central-West Alborz systems, whereas "burst-like" (low complexity) sequences prevail along the strike-slip Dinaric and Central-East Alborz domains.

How to cite: Peresan, A., Talebi, M., and Zare, M.: Characterization of Earthquake Clustering in Contractional Regions, based on Nearest-Neighbor distances and Network Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1870,, 2023.

EGU23-1897 | Posters on site | NH4.2

Theoretical analysis of the productivity of seismic events 

Elisa Varini, George Molchan, and Antonella Peresan

We investigate earthquake clustering, a prominent feature of seismic catalogs, in terms of distribution of the number of triggered events as described by a branching process (Kagan and Knopoff, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter., 1976; Saichev et al., Pure Appl. Geophys., 2005, and references therein). According to recent literature (e.g. Shebalin et al., Geophys. J. Int., 2020, and references therein), the productivity of a magnitude m event is defined as the number of triggered events of magnitude above m-Δ, where Δ is a positive default value. For a magnitude m event, we distinguish between the number of its direct descendants and the total number of its descendants, denoted respectively by the random variables v and V, both depending on Δ. Empirical analysis often testifies in favor of the identity of the type of distribution of both quantities (v and V) associated with the main event, and hypothetically is exponential. The testing or substantiation of this hypothesis is important for modeling seismicity and presents a serious challenge for seismic statistics.

In the standard Epidemic Type Aftershock Sequence – ETAS – model (Ogata, Ann. Inst. Stat. Math., 1998), the distribution of v is Poissonian. Therefore we consider the general ETAS model adapted to any distribution of v and prove that the branching structure of the model excludes the possibility of having a common distribution type (for example, Poisson or exponential) for both v and V at once  (Molchan et al., Geophys. J. Int., 2022). The second theoretical result relates to the behaviour of the tails of the productivity distribution. We show that there is a fundamental difference in tail behavior of the V-distributions for general-type clusters and for clusters with a dominant initial magnitude:  the tail is heavy in the former case and light in the latter. The real data display similar behavior. Theoretical conclusions are also illustrated through the analysis of a synthetic earthquake catalog.

How to cite: Varini, E., Molchan, G., and Peresan, A.: Theoretical analysis of the productivity of seismic events, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1897,, 2023.

EGU23-5879 | ECS | Posters virtual | NH4.2

b- value mapping in Sikkim and adjoining Himalayas 

Maitreyi, Chandrani Singh, Arun Singh, Mita Uthaman, Abhisek Dutta, Gaurav Kumar, and Arun Kumar Dubey

The b-value in the frequency-magnitude relation is one of the fundamental seismological parameters to define an assemblage of earthquakes. This study focuses on the use of b-value as a precursor to know the chances of occurrence of major earthquake events in Sikkim and adjoining Himalayas. A catalogue containing 9192 earthquakes (M ≥ 0.30) recorded across Nepal, Sikkim and Bhutan Himalayas during 1980-2022 is considered for the present study. The study area has been divided into three blocks encompassing Nepal, Sikkim and Bhutan segments and the b-values are computed. The results show variations in b-value across these three blocks which might be associated with the differential stress pattern across the regions. Further, we map the spatial variation of frequency-magnitude distribution by dividing the entire region into 0.1⁰ x 0.1⁰ grids. The grids with less than 30 earthquake events are excluded to ensure the reliability of our results. The results suggest that the entire segment belongs to a high stressed region. The lowest b-values are mostly observed in Sikkim and western Nepal, reflecting the possible zones of future earthquakes.

How to cite: Maitreyi, , Singh, C., Singh, A., Uthaman, M., Dutta, A., Kumar, G., and Kumar Dubey, A.: b- value mapping in Sikkim and adjoining Himalayas, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5879,, 2023.

At present, seismic prediction technology is still not available. Scientific decision-making and rescue after an earthquake are the main means of mitigating the immediate consequences of earthquake disasters. If earthquake emergency response level, fatalities, and economic losses can be estimated rapidly and quantitatively, this estimation will provide timely, scientific guidance to government organizations and relevant institutions to make decisions on earthquake relief and resource allocation, thereby reducing potential losses and more conducive to the implementation of social activities such as post-disaster reconstruction and reinsurance. To achieve this goal, a rapid earthquake disaster loss estimation method is proposed herein, based on a combination of physical simulations and empirical statistics. The numerical approach was based on the three-dimensional curved grid finite difference method (CG-FDM), implemented for graphics processing unit (GPU) architecture, to rapidly simulate the entire physical propagation of the seismic wavefield from the source to the surface for a large-scale natural earthquake over a 3-D undulating terrain. Simulated seismic intensity data were used as input for the earthquake disaster loss estimation model to estimate the fatality, economic loss, and emergency response level. The estimation model was developed by regression analysis of the data on human loss, economic loss, intensity distribution, and population exposure from the composite damaging earthquake catalog. We used the 2021 Ms 6.4 Yangbi earthquake as a study case to provide estimated results. The number of fatalities estimated by the model was in the range of 0–10 (five expected fatalities). The most probable economic loss range was 1–10 billion RMB (the expected economic loss was 4.862 billion RMB). Therefore, Level IV earthquake emergency response plan should have been activated (the government actually overestimated the damage and activated a Level II emergency response plan). The local government finally reported three deaths and 3.32 billion RMB economic losses during this earthquake, which is consistent with the model predictions.

How to cite: Li, Y., Zhang, Z., Wang, W., and Xin, D.: Rapid Estimation of Earthquake Disaster Loss Based on Physical Simulation and Empirical Statistics—A Case Study of the 2021 Yangbi Earthquake, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7690,, 2023.

EGU23-10882 | Posters on site | NH4.2

Deconvolution of site effects in ground-motion using site response function derived from HVSR method 

Byeong Seok Ahn, Tae-Seob Kang, and Hyun Jae Yoo

Site effects caused by unconsolidated sediments laying on the bedrock amplify or attenuate ground motions propagated to the surface. Site effect is unique site-by-site, and thus, makes analyzing actual attenuation characteristics of ground motions difficult. In the southern Korean Peninsula, 17 seismic stations administered by KMA and KIGAM were equipped with a pair of accelerometers; one is installed at the surface, and the other at the borehole (namely SB station). We estimate the site response functions of the stations using ambient noise data. First, the horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratios (HVSR) of the stations were calculated. Then, calibration ratios to adjust the amplitude of HVSR to that of surface-to-borehole spectral ratio (SBSR) were estimated and applied to the amplitude of HVSR. These amplitude-corrected HVSRs are used as the site response function to correct linear site effects in ground motions. To deconvolve the site effect of ground motions, we designed linear zero-phase FIR filters based on the site response functions. Then we divided the spectral amplitudes of the ground motions by the frequency response of the FIR filter. For the SB stations, site response functions of ten stations were obtained, and ground-motion data of 39 events with ML > 2 were corrected using these site response functions. In the result, the peak ground motion (PGA) of corrected ground motions at the surface was reduced by 20-76% on average compared to raw ground motions. Comparing ground motions of the borehole and surface sensors, the corrected PGA of the surface was 1.8-4.9 times bigger than the raw PGA of the borehole. For the whole surface stations of 176, the site-response functions of 75 stations were estimated, and ground-motion data of 210 events with ML > 3 were corrected by their site-response functions. We found that surface ground motions are deamplified to the level of borehole ground motions through the site effect correction.

How to cite: Ahn, B. S., Kang, T.-S., and Yoo, H. J.: Deconvolution of site effects in ground-motion using site response function derived from HVSR method, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10882,, 2023.

EGU23-11178 | Orals | NH4.2

Time-dependent Seismic Hazard Parameters Evaluation with SHAPE MATLAB Package 

Konstantinos Leptokaropoulos

Seismic processes can be often time dependent at different time scales. Earthquake interactions (e.g., static and dynamic stress changes), anthropogenic activities (e.g., mining, fluid injection, hydrocarbon exploitation) fluid dynamics (e.g., in geothermal fields and volcanic areas) and periodic phenomena (e.g., earth and ocean tides) result to changes in frequency and magnitude distribution of earthquakes. These changes apply in a wide range of time scales from seconds to decades and their evaluation is vital, for seismic hazard assessment in the vicinity of urban and industrial areas. In addition, such estimates can be used in industrial sites to facilitate production optimization, and they also may offer better insights for the underlying physical mechanisms of seismogenesis (e.g., stress transfer, fluid migration pathways and pore pressure, chemical alteration and frictional properties in depth).

SHAPE (Seismic HAzard Parameters Evaluation), is an open source toolbox, based on MATLAB, developed within the SERA (Seismology and Earthquake Engineering Research Infrastructure Alliance for Europe) Project, and is available for use by seismologists and other scientists and engineers in related fields. SHAPE probabilistically estimates the time-dependent, source components of seismic hazard, namely the magnitude distribution and the seismic activity rates, expressed jointly as changes in the exceedance probability of a given magnitude within a predefined period. Alternatively, the changes of the mean return period of a given magnitude is evaluated in moving time windows. Four different magnitude distribution models are included (unbounded and truncated Gutenberg-Richter law and non-parametric kernel). Interactive parameter selection and data filtering routines are also incorporated in the package.

The presentation will cover the capabilities of SHAPE and a demonstration of selected examples from published and ongoing case studies:

  • Mining induced seismicity at Rudna Mine, Poland.
  • Seismicity triggered by water reservoir impoundment in Song Trahn 2 artificial lake, Vietnam.
  • Tidal triggering of microseismicity recorded by an ocean bottom seismometer network in the equatorial mid-Atlantic ridge.

The SHAPE package is developed in two standalone versions (an interactive Graphical User Interface version and a function) as well an online version, integrated in the Thematic Core Service Anthropogenic Hazards (TCS-AH) of the European Plate Observing System (EPOS). The standalone versions can be downloaded for free from a public repository.

How to cite: Leptokaropoulos, K.: Time-dependent Seismic Hazard Parameters Evaluation with SHAPE MATLAB Package, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11178,, 2023.

EGU23-12679 | Orals | NH4.2 | Highlight

Advancing exposure modelling from seismic risk to multi-hazard analysis in urban and metropolitan areas 

Massimiliano Pittore, Juan Camilo Gomez Zapata, Christian Geiß, Piero Campalani, and Kathrin Renner

Exposure modelling is a critical factor in the assessment of risk from natural hazards. Athough often its role has been overshadowed by other risk components (most notably, hazard), an efficient estimation of exposure is key to improve confidence in impact analysis and forecasting and ultimately support decision makers to improve risk mitigation activities. This is particularly relevant in urban and metropolitan areas, where the density and complexity of the interplay between population, socio-economical assets and infrastructure is likely to foster non-linear risk amplification, possibly due to cascading phenomena. 
In the last decade several innovative methodological approaches have been proposed, building upon statistical modelling, exploiting heterogeneous data from remote sensing, and integrating machine learning techniques in order to improve understanding, formal description and representation of exposure in a wide range of applications. These activities have been originally developed within the community of seismic risk, and later increasingly extended to other natural hazards, acknowledging the need for a more general and flexible approach to exposure modelling in the context of multi-hazard and multi-risk applications.
This is ever more important considering also the ongoing convergence of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) in the broader context of Comprehensive Risk Management (CRM).
In this contribute we aim at providing an overview of the most recent advances that the authors have proposed in the field, outline the current challenge and perspectives in the field of exposure modelling, and draw a tentative roadmap for the next future. 

How to cite: Pittore, M., Gomez Zapata, J. C., Geiß, C., Campalani, P., and Renner, K.: Advancing exposure modelling from seismic risk to multi-hazard analysis in urban and metropolitan areas, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12679,, 2023.

EGU23-12982 | Orals | NH4.2 | Highlight

UCIS4EQ applied to the South Iceland region 

Marisol Monterrubio-Velasco, Marta Pienkowska, and Josep de la Puente

Urgent Computing (UC) refers to the use of High-Performance Computing (HPC) and High-Performance Data Analytics (HPDA) during or immediately after emergency situations. It typically combines complex edge-to-end workflows with capacity computing, where multiple model realizations are required (to account for input and model uncertainties) under strict time-to-solution constraints. Enabling urgent HPC for emergency scenarios, such as earthquakes, can prove valuable towards resilience and relief. The temporal horizon for UC typically ranges from minutes to a few hours.

A novel  HPC-based urgent seismic simulation workflow, the Urgent Computing Integrated Services for Earthquakes (UCIS4EQ),  focuses on short-time reports of the consequences of moderate to large earthquakes. UCIS4EQ automatically prepares and manages sets of physics-based deterministic simulations to rapidly obtain synthetic results. Based on pre-computed and on-the-fly simulations, UCIS4EQ delivers estimates of relevant ground motion parameters, such as peak ground velocity, peak ground acceleration, or shaking duration, with very high spatial resolution.  The physics-based engine includes pre-trained Machine Learning (ML) models fed with pre-computed simulation databases and r full 3D simulations on demand, providing results in minutes and hours, respectively.  The combined results, when well-calibrated, could complement GMPEs for rapid hazard assessment

To demonstrate the potential of UC in seismology, we show the capability of the UCIS4EQ workflow both for the ML predictions and for deterministic simulations in the South Iceland Seismic Zone (SISZ) and the Reykjanes Peninsula Oblique Rift (RPOR). The largest historic earthquakes in Iceland have occurred within these zones and have exceeded magnitude 7. The study region  (63.5°-64.5°N, 20°-22°W) is where the largely sinistral East-West transform motion across the tectonic margin is taken up by a complex array of near-vertical and parallel North-South oriented dextral transform faults in SISZ-RPOR. The high seismic activity in the area widely affects the capital Reykjavik, the most populous city in Iceland. 

This work has been supported by the ChEESE and eFlows4HPC projects.

How to cite: Monterrubio-Velasco, M., Pienkowska, M., and de la Puente, J.: UCIS4EQ applied to the South Iceland region, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12982,, 2023.

EGU23-13313 | ECS | Posters on site | NH4.2

PSHA for the Dominican Republic 

Kendra Johnson, Thomas Chartier, Marco Pagani, Yesica Perez, Vladimir Guzmán, Maria Betania Roque Quezada, and Catalina Yepes Estrada

The Dominican Republic, situated on eastern Hispaniola Island in the Caribbean, is subject to moderate to high seismic hazard mostly controlled by oblique convergence at the Caribbean/North American plate boundary. Offshore of the island, the North Hispaniola Trench (NHT) and Los Muertos Trough (LMT) subduction-like structures accommodate shortening, while crustal faults both onshore and offshore also take up some deformation. Historically, the Dominican Republic’s large cities, as well as those in Haiti (which shares Hispaniola) have been damaged by earthquakes, the worst of which required the population to relocate (e.g. the 1562 Santiago de los Caballeros earthquake).  Given the elevated hazard, the Dominican Republic was selected to engage in the Global Earthquake Model (GEM) Foundation coordinated USAID-funded “Training and Communication for Earthquake Risk Assessment” project, which aimed to improve earthquake risk assessment capacity in Latin American cities. This project and the collaborations that emerged were the basis for developing a seismic hazard model for the Dominican Republic.

The seismic hazard model is implemented in the OpenQuake Engine, and mostly uses GEM’s model-building tools and state-of-practice. Two main datasets were used for the seismic source characterization: a homogenized earthquake catalogue that benefited from local seismicity records contributed by the Servicio Geológico Nacional (SGN) and Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo (UASD), and an active faults database that combines GEM’s global database and one compiled by SGN during recent seismic hazard projects. Together, these datasets were used to constrain seismic source geometries and rates for active shallow crustal earthquakes, subduction interfaces and subduction-like thrusts, and intraslab earthquakes. Active shallow crustal sources were characterized as a combination of fault ruptures and off-fault (distributed) smoothed seismicity. Fault rupture geometries were pre-defined using the Seismic Hazard and Earthquake Rate In Fault Systems (SHERIFS) method, which allows multi-fault ruptures, incorporating epistemic uncertainty in the magnitude scaling relationship (and thus maximum magnitude), portion of earthquakes modelled on and off faults, and slip rates of two major fault systems. Additional uncertainty was considered in the assumptions used to smooth distributed seismicity rates. The NHT and LMT were also modelled using the SHERIFS method, while the other subduction sources were modelled using GEM’s more standard approaches (i.e. a single fault with complex geometry for the interface and pre-defined ruptures constrained to the intraslab volume). Two end-member magnitude frequency distributions were used for the Puerto Rico Trench interface: one assigning more moment to large magnitudes, and one obeying the Gutenberg-Richter relationship. For intraslab sources, epistemic uncertainty was captured in the assumptions for smoothing rupture probabilities according to past earthquakes. The ground motion characterization relied on residual analyses performed in past GEM projects, but replacing outdated GMPEs on subduction sources with more recent counterparts.

Hazard results generally reinforce former perceptions. In Santiago de los Caballeros, PGA reaches ~1g for 2% probability of exceedance in 50 years, controlled by the Septentrional Fault, while in the capital (Santo Domingo) PGA of ~0.5g is impacted by all tectonic region types, and includes contributions from moderate magnitude earthquakes (Mw 5-6).

How to cite: Johnson, K., Chartier, T., Pagani, M., Perez, Y., Guzmán, V., Betania Roque Quezada, M., and Yepes Estrada, C.: PSHA for the Dominican Republic, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13313,, 2023.

EGU23-15665 | ECS | Orals | NH4.2 | Highlight

PARATUS case-study Bucharest. A new seismic risk assessment model. 

Dragos Toma-Danila and Iuliana Armas

Bucharest can be considered Europe's most endangered capitals due to earthquakes. Intermediate-depth events occurring in the Vrancea Area, with magnitudes greater than 7, can significantly affect Bucharest. In the XXth century, the city experienced two major damaging earthquakes: in 1940 and 1977. But lessons were not fully learned. The number of vulnerable buildings is highly considerable: over 30% are built before 1963 (of which 22%, before 1941). The increased complexity of our society and new challenges among which climate change, pandemics and globalization are new problems to address. In this context, multi-hazard and multi-risk analyses are more than ever necessary.

If the 1977 earthquake generated numerous research with the aim of quantifying the vulnerability of the building stock and improving seismic design, social vulnerability to seismic risk was addressed only after 2000 by the Risk Research Center, University of Bucharest, based on a repeated spatial vulnerability assessment at city-level. Applying the additive approach of the multi-criteria and decision-making analysis in GIS, the spatial social vulnerability was identified by indicators of social and economic metrics, among which social capital and inequality, distance analysis, and on empirical taxonomies: gender, age, social status, ethnicity, type of housing, etc., based on 1992, 2002 and 2011 census data. Calibrating results using remote sensing and social surveys, helped identify vulnerable hotspots and the dynamic of social differences at city level.  

Superimposed on these detailed vulnerability maps for Bucharest based on computed vulnerability indices, a critical decision-making tool for safe access routes in the emergency intervention was developed supported by large sets of traffic and network data, time-dependent analysis, and seismic loss-estimations. This tool, called Network-Risk, uses a state-of-the-art network analysis methodology embedded in GIS, with the potential of integrating live traffic data.

All these topics will be continued in the recently started PARATUS European Project, where Bucharest is a case-study area. In our presentation, we talk about the new data and procedures that we consider for seismic risk assessment (among which new exposure data from a recent census or retrieved from remote sensing missions using deep learning, new data collecting procedures, vulnerability models and city-scale ShakeMap development) and which are the challenges – especially in the nowadays context.

How to cite: Toma-Danila, D. and Armas, I.: PARATUS case-study Bucharest. A new seismic risk assessment model., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15665,, 2023.

EGU23-17432 | ECS | Posters on site | NH4.2

Constructing a 3D Smoothed Seismicity Model for the Seismic Hazard Assessment in the Adriatic Thrust Zone, Italy 

Aybige Akinci, Claudia Pandolfi, Matteo Taroni, Giusy Lavecchia, and Rita De Nardis

In any probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA), the computation of earthquake forecasting models is a fundamental step. A widely used approach is the smoothed seismicity, which uses seismic catalogs to produce earthquake forecasts in time, space, and magnitude. Early smoothed seismicity models, called fixed smoothing, used spatially uniform smoothing parameters such that the kernels were invariant to spatial variations in seismicity rate. However, recently developed adaptive smoothing methods spatially adapt the smoothing parameters according to the earthquake density. All these fixed or adaptive methods are mainly used in regions with complex seismic source characterization since they do not rely on geological, tectonic, or geodetic information, and they overcome the difficulties in characterizing and segmenting complex geological set-ups. Nevertheless, the standard smoothed seismicity approaches may not properly present the seismicity rates for complex seismotectonic areas.

In this study, we propose an innovative 3D approach for fixed and adaptive smoothed seismicity methods that can be advantageously exploited in all contexts with available well-constrained 3D fault models derived from high-quality seismic catalogs. This approach presents a 3D kernel in the algorithm to smooth the location of earthquakes on a spatial grid by considering the earthquake's depth and spatial coordinates. This allows the use of a three-dimensional grid built on a 3D fault model to represent the depth variations of the structure and also provide the rupture parameters. We tested our method with the Adriatic Basal Thrust (ABT) in eastern Central Italy, a regional active contractional structure with a well-constrained 3D fault model and a related high-quality location catalog.

The eastern Central Italy seismotectonic set-up is characterized by contractional active regional thrusts, such as ABT, representing the outermost and still active front of the Apennine fold-and-thrust belt and by coaxial extensional faults observable along the axis of the Apennine Chain. This complex framework shows different kinematic seismogenic sources overlapping at different depths and represents a perfect case study to test the 3D smoothed seismicity with fixed and adaptive methods. The 3D seismicity model was constructed for the ABT using a detailed catalog with completeness magnitude Mc ≥ 1.4 opportunely selected to identify ABT activity and declustered for the time-independent (Poisson) model.   We then applied the 3D kernel algorithm with the adaptive and fixed smoothed seismicity approaches to calculate the M ≥ 4.5 ABT earthquake rates. We also include a series of geological information regarding the depth, the fault strike, the dip angle, the seismogenic layers depth, and the rake of the slip direction that can be used for the seismic hazard analysis in the region. Finally, we presented the impact of the 3D smoothed seismicity model on PSHA in central Eastern Italy using OpenQuake software.

How to cite: Akinci, A., Pandolfi, C., Taroni, M., Lavecchia, G., and De Nardis, R.: Constructing a 3D Smoothed Seismicity Model for the Seismic Hazard Assessment in the Adriatic Thrust Zone, Italy, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17432,, 2023.

This work investigates how the uncertainty in the soil parameters influences the frequency content of the earthquake accelerograms that are expected to occur at a specific site. To this end, the Clough-Penzien power-spectrum is parametrized using random variables to describe the stochastic soil parameters and an artificial set of accelerograms is generated using the Spectral-Representation method. Subsequently, the equations of motion of a single degree-of-freedom oscillator are solved numerically for each earthquake scenario and the response spectrum is extracted. By comparing the derived response spectrum with the one obtained from considering deterministic soil parameters, useful conclusions are drawn pertaining to structural design and analysis.

How to cite: Michailidis, A.: Uncertainty quantification of seismic structural response due to randomness in the soil properties, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17557,, 2023.

A tsunami induced by a shallow offshore earthquake of magnitude Mw=6.7 occurred south of the island of Crete (Greece) on May 2nd, 2020. The initial tsunami alert message (TAMs) received by the Egyptian National Tsunami Warning Focal Point for Egypt (i.e. Egyptian National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics-NRIAG) was issued by the Geodynamic Institute of the National Observatory of Athens (NOA-HLNTWC), and was based on preliminary, rather inaccurate hypocenter and magnitude estimates. About 36 minutes after the earthquake, a follow-up message with an increased tsunami warning level was issued; the updated warning was motivated by a significant revision of earthquake source parameters estimates. The later message, however, was issued without taking into account the available observations from sea-level data.

In this study we investigate the effectiveness and usefulness of the TAM messages received by NRIAG for the coastal areas of Egypt (including the issue time and the source parameters on which the messages are based), by cross-checking them against observed and modelled seismological and sea level data. Based on results from the critical review of the tsunami warning messages, disseminated by NOA-HLNTWC and other TSPs in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea and received by NRIAG (which is a TWFP for Egypt), a comprehensive revision of the tsunami early warning system tools and procedures seems urgently needed in the region. The active involvement of countries along the southern coast of the Mediterranean turns out to be crucial, as the analysis shows that tsunami warning can only be efficient with international cooperation on data (seismic and sea level) and procedures.

How to cite: Hassan, H. and Peresan, A.: Assessing Effectiveness of the Tsunami Alert Messages Issued by NEAMTWS-TSPs: a case study from May 2nd, 2020 South Crete Earthquake Tsunami alert for Egypt, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17572,, 2023.

EGU23-17573 | ECS | Posters on site | NH4.2

Spatial clustering of seismic events analysis using the Discrete Perfect Sets (DPS)algorithm: Pribaikalye 

Anastasiia Agaian and Anastasia Nekrasova

The study aims to get new insights in the evolving clustering of seismicity to be the preconditions for the further effective use of the improved SHA technique in earthquake-prone regions. Discrete Mathematical Analysis DMA (Gvishiani et al. 2008; Agayan et al. 2018) is a series of algorithms for analyzing discrete data, united by a common formal basis, which is fuzzy models of discrete analogs of the fundamental concepts of classical mathematical analysis: limits, continuity, smoothness, connectivity, monotonicity, extremum, etc. In this study, the use of DMA is associated with clustering: it has to select clusters of discrete observations according to a given criterion (classification of discrete observations belonging to one of the clusters) (Gordon, 1981). The results of application of the Discrete Perfect Sets DPS topological filtering algorithm to seismic events in the Baikal area are presented. For the purpose of our analysis, we consider the Baikal Division of the Geophysical Survey, Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, BDRGS (2020) catalogue data. Specifically the epicenters for magnitudes equal to or more than 2.6 (energy class K≥8.6, accepted in catalogue homepage) for the period 1989–2018 within 48–58°N and 99–122°E. The study was carried out as part of the Russian Federation State task of Scientific Research Works on "Seismic hazard assessment, development and testing of earthquake prediction methods"(No. 0143-2019-0006).

How to cite: Agaian, A. and Nekrasova, A.: Spatial clustering of seismic events analysis using the Discrete Perfect Sets (DPS)algorithm: Pribaikalye, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17573,, 2023.

EGU23-1035 | ECS | Orals | NH4.3

Is the stress relaxation relevant for long term forecasting? 

Giuseppe Petrillo, Jiancang Zhuang, and Eugenio Lippiello
The seismic gap hypothesis states that fault regions, where no large earthquake has recently occurred, are more prone than others to host the next large earthquake. This could allow an estmate of the occurrence probability of the next big shock on the basis of the time delay from the last earthquakes. Recent results, both numerical and instrumental, have shown that aftershock occurrence can provide important insights about the validty and range of applicability of the GAP hypothes. Here we discuss how to include the information of these new results in Self Exciting Point Process SEPP models, oiginally developed to describe only aftershock spatio-temporal patterns. In particular, using as testing laboratory a numerical model which reproduces all relevant statistical features of earthquake occurrence, we show as the introduction of stress release in SEPP models can improve long term earthquake prediction.

How to cite: Petrillo, G., Zhuang, J., and Lippiello, E.: Is the stress relaxation relevant for long term forecasting?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1035,, 2023.

EGU23-1309 | ECS | Orals | NH4.3

Seismic Signal Denoising with Attention U-Net 

Deniz Ertuncay, Simone Francesco Fornasari, and Giovanni Costa

Seismic stations record superpositions of the seismic signals generated by all kinds of seismic sources. In earthquake seismology, seismic noise sources can be natural events such as wind or anthropogenic events such as cars. In this study, we developed a machine learning (ML) based algorithm to remove the noise from earthquake data. This is important since the information related with the features of the seismic event may be overlapped by the noise. The presence of noise in the recordings can affect the performance of the seismic network, lowering its sensibility and increasing the magnitude of completeness of the seismic catalogue. To train ML model, 10000 thousand earthquake records with relatively low signal to noise ratio (SNR) are selected and contaminated by 25 noise records that are magnified up to 50% of peak amplitude of the earthquake signal and frequency content of those signals are stored as three component traces. The architecture used consists of an Attention U-Net, i.e. an encoder-decoder model using an attention gate within the skip connections: the encoder maps samples from input space (the waveform STFTs) to a latent space while the decoder maps the latent space to the output space (the signal-noise mask). Skip connections are introduced to recover, from previous layers, fine details lost in the encoding-decoding process. Attention gates identify salient regions and prune inputs to preserve only the ones relevant to the specific task. The use of attention gates in skip connections allows to pass "fine-detailed" information to high levels of the decoder that the model itself considers useful to the waveform segmentation. Trained model is tested with a new set of data to understand its capabilities. It is found that trained model can significantly improve the SNR of noise signals with respect to standard filtering methods. Hence, it can be considered as a strong candidate for seismic data filtering method. 

How to cite: Ertuncay, D., Fornasari, S. F., and Costa, G.: Seismic Signal Denoising with Attention U-Net, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1309,, 2023.

EGU23-4169 | Orals | NH4.3

Stochastic models for earthquake occurrence 

Eleftheria Papadimitriou

The complexity of seismogenesis requires the development of stochastic models, the application of which aims to improve our understanding on the seismic process and the associated underlying process. Semi Markov models are introduced for estimating the expected number of earthquake occurrences with the classification of the model states based on earthquake magnitudes. The instantaneous earthquake occurrence rate between the model states as well as the total earthquake occurrence rate can be calculated. Seismotectonic characteristic of the study area, incorporated in the model as important component of the model, increase the consistency between the model and the process of earthquake generation and support a classification that integrates magnitudes and style of faulting, thus being more effective for the seismic hazard assessment. For revealing the stress field underlying the earthquake generation, which is not accessible to direct observation, the hidden Markov models (HMMs) are engaged. The HMMs consider that the states correspond to levels of the stress field and its application aim to reveal these states. Different number of states may be examined, dependent upon the organization of observations, and the HMMs are capable to reveal the number of stress levels as well as the way in which these levels are associated with the occurrence of certain earthquakes. Even better results are obtained via the application of hidden semi–Markov models (HSMMs) considering that the stress field constitutes the hidden process and which, compared with HMMs, allow any arbitrary distribution for the sojourn times. The investigation of the interactions between adjacent areas is accomplished by means of the linked stress release model (LSRM), based upon the consideration that spatio–temporal stress changes and interactions between adjacent fault segments constitute the most important component in seismic hazard assessment, as they can alter the occurrence probability of strong earthquakes onto these segments. The LSRM comprises the gradual increase of the strain energy due to continuous tectonic loading and its sudden release during the earthquake occurrence. The modeling is based on the theory of stochastic point process, and it is determined by the conditional intensity function. In an attempt to identify the most appropriate parameterization that better fits the data and describes the earthquake generation process, a constrained “m–memory” point process is introduced, the Constrained–Memory Stress Release Model (CM–SRM) implying that only the m most recent arrival times are taken into account in the conditional intensity function, for some suitable mÎN, instead of the entire history of the process. The performance of the above mentioned models application are evaluated and compared in terms of information criteria and residual analysis.

How to cite: Papadimitriou, E.: Stochastic models for earthquake occurrence, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4169,, 2023.

EGU23-5729 | ECS | Posters on site | NH4.3

Forecasting strong aftershocks in the Italian territory: a National and Regional application for NESTOREv1.0 

Piero Brondi, Stefania Gentili, and Rita Di Giovambattista

In most of the recent intense earthquakes in Italy, a strong subsequent event (SSE) of comparable or higher magnitude was observed. Its effects, in combination with the strong mainshock, may lead to the collapse of already weakened buildings and to a further increase in damage or even in the number of fatalities, with serious consequences for society. Therefore, the forecasting of an SSE is of strategic importance to reduce the seismic risk during the occurrence of a seismic sequence. To this end, we have recently developed the machine learning-based multi-parameter algorithm NESTORE (Next STrOng Related Earthquake). The first MATLAB version (NESTOREv1.0) was applied to Italian seismicity to forecast clusters where the difference between the magnitude of the mainshock Mm and that of the strongest aftershock is less than or equal to 1. These clusters are called type A by the NESTOREv1.0 software, while the other cases are called type B. NESTOREv1.0 is based on nine seismicity features that measure the number of events with M > Mm-2, their spatial distribution, magnitude, and energy trend over time in increasing time intervals following the occurrence of the mainshock. The software identifies seismic clusters above a threshold for mainshock magnitude Mth, finds appropriate thresholds for features to distinguish A and B cases in a training database, and uses them to provide an estimate of the probability that a cluster is of type A in a test set. For the application of NESTOREv1.0 to Italy, we considered both a national and a regional approach. In the first case, we analysed the seismicity recorded by the INGV network from 1980 to 2021, while in the second case we used the seismic catalogue of the dense OGS network in northeastern Italy for the period 1977-2021. In the nationwide application of NESTOREv1.0, we observed an area between Tuscany and Emilia-Romagna with anomalously high seismic activity concentrated in bursts of short duration. Since this area is almost exclusively populated by type B and therefore not suitable for a specific training procedure, we excluded it from the following analyses. In the remaining national area, we trained NESTOREv1.0 with clusters in the time period 1980-2009 (24 clusters) and tested it in the period 2010-2021 (14 clusters). For the regional case, we considered a rectangular area in northeastern Italy, where we could lower Mth due to the higher local density of seismic stations of the OGS seismic network compared to the mean density of the national network. In this area, 13 clusters from 1977 to 2009 were used as training set, and the performance of NESTOREv1.0 was evaluated using 18 clusters from 2010 to 2021. For both approaches, we obtained good results in terms of the rate of correct forecasting of cluster typology. In the 12 hours following the mainshock, the rate is 86% for the nationwide analysis and 89% for the regional analysis, respectively, which supports the application of NESTOREv1.0 on the Italian territory.

Funded by a grant from the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

How to cite: Brondi, P., Gentili, S., and Di Giovambattista, R.: Forecasting strong aftershocks in the Italian territory: a National and Regional application for NESTOREv1.0, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5729,, 2023.

EGU23-5738 | Posters on site | NH4.3

Forecasting Strong Subsequent Earthquakes in Greece Using NESTORE Machine Learning Algorithm 

Stefania Gentili, Eleni-Apostolia Anyfadi, Piero Brondi, and Filippos Vallianatos

It is widely known that large earthquakes are followed by aftershocks that can affect numerous facilities in a city and worsen the damage already suffered by vulnerable structures. In this study, we apply NESTORE machine learning algorithm to Greek seismicity to forecast the occurrence of a strong earthquake after a mainshock. The method is based on extracting features used for machine learning and analyzing them at increasing time intervals from the mainshock, to show the evolution of knowledge over time. The features describe the characteristics of seismicity during a cluster. NESTORE classifies clusters into two classes, type A or type B, depending on the magnitude of the strongest aftershock. To define a cluster, a window-based technique was applied, using Uhrhammer's (1986) law. We used the AUTH earthquake catalogue between 1995 and 2022 over a large area of Greece to analyze a sufficiently large number of clusters. The good overall performance of NESTORE in Greece evidenced the algorithm's ability to automatically adapt to the area under study. The best performance was obtained for a time interval of 6 hours after the main earthquake, which makes the method particularly attractive for application in the field of early warning, as it allows estimating the probability of a future hazardous earthquake occurring after a strong initial event.


Funded by a grant from the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union (EU).

How to cite: Gentili, S., Anyfadi, E.-A., Brondi, P., and Vallianatos, F.: Forecasting Strong Subsequent Earthquakes in Greece Using NESTORE Machine Learning Algorithm, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5738,, 2023.

EGU23-5868 | ECS | Orals | NH4.3

Earthquake Magnitude Prediction Using a Machine Learning Model 

Neri Berman, Oleg Zlydenko, Oren Gilon, and Yohai Bar-Sinai

Standard approaches to earthquake forecasting - both statistics-based models, e.g. the epidemic type aftershock (ETAS), and physics-based models, e.g. models based on the Coulomb failure stress (CFS) criteria, estimate the probability of an earthquake occurring at a certain time and location. In both modeling approaches the time and location of an earthquake are commonly assumed to be distributed independently of their magnitude. That is, the magnitude of a given earthquake is taken to be the marginal magnitude distribution, the Gutenberg-Richter (GR) distribution, typically constant in time,or fitted to recent seismic history. Such model construction implies an assumption that the underlying process determining where and when an earthquake occurs is decoupled from the process that determines its magnitude.

In this work we address the question of magnitude independence directly. We build a machine learning model that predicts earthquake magnitudes based on their location, region history, and other geophysical properties. We use neural networks to encode these properties and output a  conditional magnitude probability distribution, maximizing on the log-likelihood of the model’s prediction. We discuss the model architecture, performance, and evaluate this model against the GR distribution.

How to cite: Berman, N., Zlydenko, O., Gilon, O., and Bar-Sinai, Y.: Earthquake Magnitude Prediction Using a Machine Learning Model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5868,, 2023.

EGU23-5934 | ECS | Orals | NH4.3

Can Seismicity Declustering be solved by Unsupervised Artificial Intelligence ? 

Antoine Septier, Alexandra Renouard, Jacques Déverchère, and Julie Perrot

Due to the complexity and high dimensionality of seismic catalogues, the dimensional reduction of raw seismic data and the feature selections needed to decluster these catalogues into crisis and non-crisis events remain a challenge. To address this problem, we propose a two-level analysis.


First, an unsupervised approach based on an artificial neural network called self-organising map (SOM) is applied. The SOM is a machine learning model that performs a non-linear mapping of large input spaces into a two-dimensional grid, which preserves the topological and metric relationships of the data. It therefore facilitates visualisation and interpretation of the results obtained. Then, agglomerative clustering is used to classify the different clusters obtained by the SOM method as containing background events, aftershocks and/or swarms. To estimate the classification uncertainty and confidence level of our declustering results, we developed a probabilistic function based on the feature representation learned by the SOM (spatiotemporal distances between events, magnitude variations and event density).


We tested the two-level analysis on synthetic data and applied it to real data: three seismic catalogues (Corithn Rift, Taiwan and Central Italy) that differ in area size, tectonic regime, magnitude of completeness, duration and detection methods. We show that our unsupervised machine learning approach can accurately distinguish between crisis and non-crisis events without the need for preliminary assumptions and that it is applicable to catalogues of various sizes in time and space without threshold selection.

How to cite: Septier, A., Renouard, A., Déverchère, J., and Perrot, J.: Can Seismicity Declustering be solved by Unsupervised Artificial Intelligence ?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5934,, 2023.

EGU23-6202 | ECS | Orals | NH4.3

Supervised Learning for Automatic Source Type Discrimination of Seismic Events in Sweden 

Gunnar Eggertsson, Björn Lund, Peter Schmidt, and Michael Roth

Distinguishing small earthquakes from man-made blasts at construction sites, in quarries and in mines is a non-trivial task during automatic event analysis and thus typically requires manual revision. We have developed station-specific classification models capable of both accurately assigning source type to seismic events in Sweden and filtering out spurious events from an automatic event catalogue. Our method divides all three components of the seismic records for each event into four non-overlapping time windows, corresponding to P-phase, P-coda, S-phase and S-coda, and computes the Root-Mean-Square (RMS) amplitude in each window. This process is repeated for a total of twenty narrow frequency bands. The resulting array of amplitudes is passed as inputs to fully connected Artificial Neural Network classifiers which attempt to filter out spurious events before distinguishing between natural earthquakes, industrial blasts and mining-induced events. The distinction includes e.g. distinguishing mining blasts from mining induced events, shallow earthquakes from blasts and differentiating between different types of mining induced events. The classifiers are trained on labelled seismic records dating from 2010 to 2021. They are already in use at the Swedish National Seismic Network where they serve as an aid to the routine manual analysis and as a tool for directly assigning preliminary source type to events in an automatic event catalogue. Initial results are promising and suggest that the method can accurately distinguish between different types of seismic events registered in Sweden and filter out the majority of spurious events.

How to cite: Eggertsson, G., Lund, B., Schmidt, P., and Roth, M.: Supervised Learning for Automatic Source Type Discrimination of Seismic Events in Sweden, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6202,, 2023.

EGU23-6343 | ECS | Orals | NH4.3

New CNN based tool to discriminate anthropogenic from natural low magnitude seismic events 

Céline Hourcade, Mickaël Bonnin, and Éric Beucler

Over the past 15 years, the deployment of dense permanent seismic networks leads to a dramatic increase in the amount of data to process. The seismic coverage and the station quality pave the way toward a comprehensive catalogue of natural seismicity. This means to i) detect the lowest magnitudes as possible and ii) to discriminate natural from anthropogenic events. To achieve this discrimination, we present a new convolutional neural network (CNN) trained from 60 s long three component spectrograms between 1 and 50 Hz. This CNN is trained using a reliable database of labelled events located in Metropolitan France between January 2020 and June 2021. The application of our trained model on the detected events in Metropolitan France between June and November 2021 gives a high discrimination accuracy of 98.18%. To demonstrate the versatility of our approach, this trained model is applied to different catalogues: from a post-seismic campaign in NW France (48 events) and from University of Utah Seismograph Stations, Utah, USA, (396 events between January and March 2016). We reach an accuracy of 100.00% and 96.72%, respectively, for the discrimination between natural and anthropogenic events. Since each discrimination comes with a level of confidence, our approach can be seen as a decision making tool for the analysts. It also allows to build reliable seismic event catalogues and to reduce the number of mislabelled events in the databases.

How to cite: Hourcade, C., Bonnin, M., and Beucler, É.: New CNN based tool to discriminate anthropogenic from natural low magnitude seismic events, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6343,, 2023.

EGU23-6806 | Posters on site | NH4.3

Comparison of seismic phase association algorithms and their performance. 

Jorge Antonio Puente Huerta and Christian Sippl

Seismic phase association is a fundamental task for earthquake detection and location workflows, as it gathers individual seismic phases detected on multiple seismic stations and associates them to events.

Current phase picking algorithms are capable of generating large phase datasets, and together with new improved phase association algorithms, they can create larger and more complete earthquake catalogs when applied to dense seismic networks (permanent or temporary).

As part of project MILESTONE, which aims at the automatic creation of large microseismicity catalogs in subduction settings, the present study evaluates the performance of three different phase association algorithms, both by comparing their outputs with a handpicked benchmark dataset and by the retrieval of synthetic events.

For this purpose, we used seismic data from the IPOC (Integrated Plate boundary Observatory Chile) permanent deployment of broadband stations in Northern Chile.

We manually picked P and S phases of raw waveforms on randomly chosen days, with event rates in excess of 100-150 per day. All events that were visually recognizable were picked and located, leading to a dataset to be used as “ground truth”.

We do the phase picking with EQTransformer (Mousavi et al. 2020) and evaluate the performance of three seismic phase associators: 1) PhaseLink (Ross et al. 2019), a deep learning based approach trained on millions of synthetic sequences of P and S arrival times, 2) REAL (Zhang et al. 2020), that combines the advantages of pick-based and waveform-based methods, primarily through counting the number of P and S picks and secondarily from travel-time residuals, and 3) GaMMA (Zhu et al. 2021), an associator that treats the association problem as an unsupervised clustering problem in a probabilistic framework.

In the synthetic test we use NonLinLoc raytracer and add random noise, as well as false picks to simulate an automatic picker output.

In both experiments we evaluate the number of correctly associated and lost events, and the number of constituent picks per event.

How to cite: Puente Huerta, J. A. and Sippl, C.: Comparison of seismic phase association algorithms and their performance., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6806,, 2023.

As the number of seismic stations and experiments greatly increases due to ever greater availability of instrumentation, automated data processing becomes more and more necessary and important. Machine Learning (ML)methods are becoming widespread in seismology, with programsthat identify signals and patterns or extract features that can eventually improve our understanding of ongoing physical processes.

We here focus on critically evaluating the performance of a popular machine-learning-based seismic event detection and arrival time picking program, EQ-Transformer, forseismic data from the IPOC deployment in Northern Chile, using handpicked benchmark datasets.By using the open-source framework SeisBench, we can test the effect of using different pre-trained models as well as modify critical parameters such as probability thresholds.

By performing this evaluation, we want to decide whether it is necessary to retrain EQTransformer with local data, or if its performance with one of the supplied pre-trained sets is sufficiently good for our purposes.

We prepared alarge handpicked benchmark dataset for Northern Chile, which we use to find the optimal configuration of EQTransformer. For this benchmark dataset, we select a total of 35 days distributed throughout the 15 years covered by the IPOC deployment. Our goal was to pick all of the many small events in the dataset, even when they are only visible at one or two stations, with high accuracy. We found around three hundred events per day, which highlights the very high seismic activity of the region. We then ran EQTransformer for the same days, using a wide range of parameter choices and pre-trained models.

We need to find if our data is similar to seisbench benchmark dataset or if we should use our data to calibrate the EQTransformer for picking in subduction zones.

We use our handpicked benchmark dataset to evaluate the detection rate (missed events, false detections) as well as the picking accuracy (residuals to handpicks) achieved with EQTransformerin the various tested configurations. We present results of choosing different event detection thresholds, showingtrue positive rate vs. false positive rate plots in order to find optimal thresholds, and evaluate the pick accuracy of obtained arrival time picks by comparing to the handpicked benchmark. This comparison of picking times (P & S) is visualized with residual histograms. Lastly,we also show examples for a visual comparison of picks fromEQTransformer with manual picks.

The present study is the first step towards the design of an automated workflow that comprises event detection and phase picking, phase association and event location and will be used to evaluate subduction zone microseismicity in different locations.

How to cite: Najafipour, N. and Sippl, C.: Optimizing the performance of EQTransformer by parameter tuning and comparison to handpicked benchmark datasets in a subduction setting, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6844,, 2023.

EGU23-6862 | ECS | Orals | NH4.3

How does a denoising autoencoder improve earthquake detection and the estimation of magnitude in seismic networks? 

Janis Heuel, Meggy Roßbach, and Wolfgang Friederich

Seismogram records always contain seismic noise from different sources. Previous studies have shown that denoising autoencoders can be used to suppress different types of disturbing noise at seismological stations, even when earthquake signal and noise share common frequency bands. A denoising autoencoder is a convolutional neural network that learns from a large training data set how to separate earthquake signal and noise. To train the denoising autoencoder, we used earthquake signals with high signal-to-noise ratio from the Stanford Earthquake Dataset and noise from single seismological stations. We used 160 seismological stations in Germany and surrounding countries and trained a denoising autoencoder model for each station. Afterwards, one year of continuous recorded data have been denoised.

EQTransformer, a deep-learning model for earthquake detection and phase picking, was then applied to the raw and denoised data of each station. Working with denoised data leads to a massive increase of earthquake detections. First results show that in dense seismic networks more than 100% additional earthquakes can be detected compared to events detected in the raw data set. Moreover, the localization accuracy is increased as more stations can be used.

However, like common filter techniques, denoising autoencoders decrease the waveform amplitude. Since earthquake magnitudes are often determined from these amplitudes, we expect a lower amplitude and thus a lower magnitude when using denoised data instead of raw data. So far, we did not find an empirical relation between the raw and denoised magnitude.

How to cite: Heuel, J., Roßbach, M., and Friederich, W.: How does a denoising autoencoder improve earthquake detection and the estimation of magnitude in seismic networks?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6862,, 2023.

EGU23-7028 | ECS | Posters on site | NH4.3

Application of machine learning to hydro-acoustic seismic and magmaticevents detections 

Pierre-Yves Raumer, Sara Bazin, Dorian Cazau, Vaibhav Vijay Ingale, Aude Lavayssière, and Jean-Yves Royer

Hydrophones arrays have proven to be an efficient and affordable method to monitor underwater soundscape, in particular magmatic and tectonic events. Indeed, thanks to the sound fixing and ranging (SOFAR) channel in the ocean, acoustic waves undergo a very low attenuation over distance and thus propagate further than they would do across the solid Earth. The MAHY array, composed of four autonomous hydrophones, has been deployed off Mayotte Island since October 2020. It contributes to monitor the recent volcanic activity around the island, and enabled to detect short and energetic acoustic events sometimes reffered to as impulsive events. As for their cause, it has been proposed that these signals are generated by water-lava interactions on the seafloor. So far, these events have been searched by visually inspecting the data, which is a cumbersome and somewhat observer-dependent task. To face these issues, we have developped an automatic picking algorithm tailored for these impulsive events. After some initial signal processing, a supervised neural network model was trained to detect such signals, which can be later checked by a human operator. Taking advantage of the genericity of this detection framework, we applied it to other hydroacoustic data sets (OHASISBIO and IMS-CTBT) to explore the feasibility of detecting T-wave generated by submarine earthquakes. The next step will be to improve the model with unsupervised or semi-supervised feature learning, in order to improve our metrics and, in the end, facilitate the study of specific acoustic signals.

How to cite: Raumer, P.-Y., Bazin, S., Cazau, D., Ingale, V. V., Lavayssière, A., and Royer, J.-Y.: Application of machine learning to hydro-acoustic seismic and magmaticevents detections, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7028,, 2023.

EGU23-9874 | Orals | NH4.3

Spatio-temporal localization of seismicity in relation to large earthquakes 

Ilya Zaliapin and Yehuda Ben-Zion

Progressive localization of deformation may signify a regional preparation process leading to large earthquakes [Ben-Zion & Zaliapin, GJI, 2020; Kato & Ben-Zion, Nat Rev Earth Environ. 2021]. The localization framework describes the evolution from distributed failures in a rock volume to localized system-size events. Ben-Zion & Zaliapin (2020) documented robust cycles of localization and de-localization of background earthquakes with M > 2 in Southern California that precede the M7 earthquakes within 2-4 years. This analysis has been done on regional scale, without posterior selection of the examined areas (e.g., around epicenters of large events). Similar results are observed before M7.8 earthquakes in Alaska using background seismicity with M > 4, and in laboratory acoustic emission experiments.

In this work we examine spatial characteristics of the localization process, identifying sub-regions that are responsible for the observed localization and delocalization. The analysis focuses on relative (with respect to other areas) changes in the background intensity. On sub decadal temporal scale, the observed relative seismic activity tends to concentrate on and switch between several subsets of the regional fault network. Within 2-10 years prior to a large event, there is relative activation in a large volume that not necessarily include the impending epicenter. This is followed by a prominent deactivation 2-3 years prior to a large event, reminiscent of the “Mogi donut”, potentially reflecting a transition to aseismic or small events. Some regions may experience multiple activation episodes before a large earthquake. The results emphasize the importance of examining small-magnitude events and joint analyses of seismic and geodetic data.


  • Ben-Zion, Y. and I. Zaliapin (2020) Localization and coalescence of seismicity before large earthquakes. Geophysical Journal International, 223(1), 561-583. doi:10.1093/gji/ggaa315
  • Kato, A. and Y. Ben-Zion (2021) The generation of large earthquakes. Nat Rev Earth Environ 2, 26–39


How to cite: Zaliapin, I. and Ben-Zion, Y.: Spatio-temporal localization of seismicity in relation to large earthquakes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9874,, 2023.

EGU23-10395 | ECS | Orals | NH4.3

OBSPicker: A generalized transfer-learned OBS phase picker 

Alireza Niksejel and Miao Zhang

Offshore earthquakes recorded by Ocean Bottom Seismometers (OBS) are crucial to studying tectonic activities in the subduction zones and mid-ocean ridges. In recent years, the ever-advancing Machine Learning (ML)-based phase pickers have shown promise in land earthquake monitoring, but there are few available ML models to handle OBS data due mainly to the lack of labelled training sets and low signal-to-noise ratios. Though land ML-based phase pickers may roughly work for OBS data, they introduce a large number of false negatives and false positives, leading to numerous events being missing and fake.

In this study, we create a tectonically inclusive OBS training data set and develop a generalized deep-learning OBS phase picker - OBSPicker using the EQTransformer (EQT; Mousavi et al., 2019) and the transfer learning approach. To create an inclusive OBS training data set, we collect earthquake waveforms from routine catalogues recorded at 11 OBS networks worldwide with different tectonic settings and geographic locations. Earthquakes are recorded in local and regional distances with diverse magnitudes (ML 0.0-5.8), source depths (0-250 km), and epicentral distances (0-3 deg). To label their phase picks, we adopt a sequence of processing steps including 1) initial phase arrival detection and picking by EQT, 2) identifying and discarding samples with multiple (unwanted) events using STA/LTA method, and 3) refining phase picks using the Generalized Phase Detection method (GPD, Ross et al., 2018), resulting in ~38,000 well-labelled earthquake samples. In addition, we also collect ~150,000 OBS noise samples from the same OBS networks for training augmentation instead of using the commonly adopted Gaussian noises. Those OBS noise samples are used to simulate low-magnitude earthquakes under different marine environments. Initial results show that our transfer-learned OBS phase picker outperforms the EQTransformer base model in both accuracy and precision, especially in presence of higher levels of noise.

How to cite: Niksejel, A. and Zhang, M.: OBSPicker: A generalized transfer-learned OBS phase picker, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10395,, 2023.

EGU23-11042 | ECS | Posters on site | NH4.3

Benchmarking Study of EQTransformer Autopicker for Seismic Phase Identification in Northern Chile 

Javad Kasravi and Jonas Folesky

One of the vital open questions in seismology is rapid, high quality phase identification and picking. Measurements of earthquake arrival time or phase picking are often done by expert judgment with many years of experience. Due to advances in technology and seismometer deployment, the amount of recorded data has increased dramatically in the previous decade, leading up to a point, where it has become almost impossible for humans to deal with this amount of data flow. Therefore, automatic picking algorithms are being used.  In recent years multiple machine learning algorithms have been introduced that bear the potential to combine both, high picking accuracy and the capability of processing large amounts of data. 
In this contribution, we demonstrate the performance of the EQTransformer autopicker, when applied to continuous seismic data from the Northern Chilean subduction zone. To test this deep neural network, we chose a random day and carefully hand picked the continuous data on 18 IPOC stations, selecting only combinations of picks which should lead to locatable events (e.g. with at least five picks). This results in the identification of  3040 P and 2310 S picks. We compare the results of two different training versions of EQTransformer with hand-picked data and with the IPOC seismicity catalog. As it turns out, the comparison is not straightforward, because the evaluation of the picks is highly complicated, given that the true number and type of phase arrivals is and remains unknown. However, the autopicker is able to detect most of the hand-picked phases and arrival times. It outperforms the IPOC catalog by a factor of about 10-15 and thusly it appears to be a valid alternative for advanced seismic catalog construction.

How to cite: Kasravi, J. and Folesky, J.: Benchmarking Study of EQTransformer Autopicker for Seismic Phase Identification in Northern Chile, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11042,, 2023.

EGU23-11052 | ECS | Posters on site | NH4.3

Preliminary earthquake catalog (2012–2021) of the southern Korean Peninsula by deep learning-based techniques 

Jongwon Han, Keun Joo Seo, Ah-Hyun Byun, Seongryong Kim, Dong-Hoon Sheen, and Donghun Lee

Earthquake monitoring has been stepped up due to high-density permanent networks in the southern Korean Peninsula, though its relatively low seismicity. With the dramatic increase of data volume, deep learning techniques can be effective ways to process them. In this study, we present a preliminary, but comprehensive earthquake catalog in the southern Korean Peninsula for research purposes by applying a series of deep learning-incorporated methods including for earthquake and phase detection, event discrimination, and focal mechanism determination. We first improved the EQTransformer by re-training it with hybrid local and STEAD datasets to perform earthquake and phase detection for 10-year-long data from 2012 to 2021. Then, the subsequent phase association was carried out using the algorithm based on a Bayesian gaussian mixture model. In the result, 66,855 events were identified and located from 691,077 phase detections. Among them, 27,429 natural earthquakes were separated with a novel CNN model trained using event waveforms and origin time constraints. The natural seismicity suggested various earthquake clusters that constrained by tectonic structures, such as the Okcheon belt and Gyeongsang basin, and showed significantly low rate of occurrence in the Gyeonggi massif. In addition, we developed a CNN model for the determination of focal mechanisms that identify the polarity of initial P-waves in input waveforms, and the application of it resulted in 2,345 reliable solutions. Strike-slip motions were dominant in the inland, while reverse faulting of coastal earthquakes, showing an average P-axis direction of N74E in both areas. Despite the massive volume of data, it took less than a week to perform all of the processes with more cataloged earthquakes than those in the previous one (9,218). The extended earthquake catalog accompanied by focal mechanisms underpins data-driven studies such as tomography, stress field estimation, earthquake hazards assessment, and burial fault mapping.

How to cite: Han, J., Seo, K. J., Byun, A.-H., Kim, S., Sheen, D.-H., and Lee, D.: Preliminary earthquake catalog (2012–2021) of the southern Korean Peninsula by deep learning-based techniques, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11052,, 2023.

Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) are well known for their ability to find hidden patterns in data. This technique has also been widely used for predicting the time, location, and magnitude of future earthquakes. Using various data and neural networks, previous works claimed that their models are effective for predicting earthquakes. However, these scores provided by the evaluation metrics with poor reference models, which are non-professional in statistical seismology, are not robust. In this work, we first take the Nighttime Light Map (NLM) as the input of Long-short Term Memory (LSTM) networks to predict the earthquakes with M>=5.0 for the whole Chinese Mainland, and NLM records the lumens of nighttime artificial light, and it is retrieved from the nighttime satellite imagery. The NLM is not physically related to earthquakes; however, the scores provided by Receiver Operating Characteristics curve, Precision-Recall plot, and Molchan diagram with spatial invariant Poisson model indicated that NLM is effective for predicting earthquakes. These results reaffirmed that researchers should be cautious when using these evaluation metrics with poor reference models to evaluate earthquake prediction models. Moreover, the original loss functions of ANNs, such as Cross Entropy (CE), Balanced Cross Entropy (BCE), Focal Loss (FL), and Focal Loss alpha (FL-alpha), contain no knowledge about seismology. To differentiate the hard and easy examples of earthquake prediction models during the training steps of ANNs, the punishment of CE, BCE, FL, and FL-alpha for positive examples will be further weighted by P0 and the punishment for negative examples will be weighted by P1, where P1/P0 is the prior probability provided by the reference model that at least one or no earthquakes will occur for the given example and P1+P0=1. The reference models are supposed to be as close to the real spatial-temporal distribution of earthquakes as possible, and the spatial variable Poisson (SVP) model is the simplest version which is also friendly to data mining experts. In this work, we choose the SVP as the reference model to revise these previous loss functions and take the estimated cumulative earthquake energy in the time-space unit (1 degree*1 degree*10 days) as the input of the LSTM to predict the earthquakes with M>=5.0 in the whole Chinese Mainland, and we use the Molchan diagram (SVP) and Area Skill Score (ASS) to evaluate the performance of these models. Results show that the majority of models (134 out of 144) trained by original loss functions are ineffective for predicting earthquakes; however, the scores of models trained using the revised loss functions have been obviously improved, and 83 out of 144 models are proved to be better than SVP in predicting earthquakes. Our results indicate that designing a more complex structure for ANN and neuron is not the only way to improve the performance of ANNs for predicting earthquakes, and how combining the professional knowledge of data mining experts and seismologists deserves more attention for the future development of ANN-based earthquake prediction models.

How to cite: Zhang, Y. and Huang, Q.: Improved ANN-based earthquake prediction system with reference model engaged in the evaluation metrics, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11684,, 2023.

EGU23-11763 | Posters virtual | NH4.3

Cascading occurrence of moderate magnitude seismicity in the active fault system of Thiva (central Greece) 

Parthena Paradisopoulou, Eleni Karagianni, Ioanna Karagianni, Areti Panou, Odysseus Galanis, Dominikos Vamvakaris, Vasileios Karakostas, Despina Kementzetzidou, and Eleftheria Papadimitriou

Intense and continuous seismicity in the last two years (October 2020 – September 2022) that took place in a rather small area near the city of Thiva is investigated here. The activity started with an M4.6 earthquake (2 of December 2020) followed by its own aftershock sequence. The activity migrated slightly to the west, with a persistent swarm in July 2021-September 2022 (largest magnitudes M4.3, on 11 July 2021, M4.0 on 2 September 2021 and M4.3, on 10 April 2022). Aiming to constrain the geometry and kinematics of the activated fault segments along with the spatiotemporal evolution of the seismic activity, processing of the recording of the regional seismological network was accomplished that includes the determination of the focal coordinates using the HYPODD software. The above information will provide a better understanding of the seismic sequence and seismic hazard in the region so that there is better prevention and preparation against a future strong earthquake. Aiming to study in detail the properties of this seismicity manifestation, the recordings of the Hellenic Unified Seismological Network (HUSN) are used to accurately determine the seismic parameters of earthquakes with magnitudes M≥1.5. Phases (P, S phases) are gathered from the Geophysical Department of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the Geodynamics Institute of National Observatory of Athens from October 2020 to September 20212. Then, the bulletins were merged, and an initial earthquake catalogue was compiled containing ~6000 events. Earthquake relocation was initially performed using HYPOINVERSE software and all the available manually picked P and S phases. An appropriate local velocity model and the VP/VS ratio were necessary to defined. The Wadati method was applied to the dataset and the resulting VP/VS ratio equals to 1.76. The one-dimensional velocity model used for this study is calculating by the VELEST software. Time corrections relative to the crustal model were calculated considering the mean residual for each station. For the relocation of the events the calculated time delays were taken into account. To improve the obtained locations, we relocate the earthquakes using the double difference inversion algorithm, hypoDD with differential times derived from phase-picked data.

Τo define the stress regime in the area, the moment tensors of earthquakes with ML ≥ 3.5 were estimated using the ISOLA and FPFIT software. The fault plane solutions from the largest earthquakes of the seismic sequence have been used for Coulomb stress changes calculation. The stress field is calculated according to the focal mechanism of the next large event, whose triggering is inspected, so it can be checked if foreshocks contributed to the occurrence of the largest earthquakes of the sequence and the possible sites for future strong earthquakes can be assessed as well.

How to cite: Paradisopoulou, P., Karagianni, E., Karagianni, I., Panou, A., Galanis, O., Vamvakaris, D., Karakostas, V., Kementzetzidou, D., and Papadimitriou, E.: Cascading occurrence of moderate magnitude seismicity in the active fault system of Thiva (central Greece), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11763,, 2023.

EGU23-11985 | ECS | Orals | NH4.3

Denoising InSight’s marsquake recordings with deep learning 

Nikolaj Dahmen, John Clinton, Men-Andrin Meier, Simon Stähler, Savas Ceylan, Constantinos Charalambous, Doyeon Kim, Alexander Stott, and Domenico Giardini

Marsquake recordings by NASA’s InSight seismometer often have low signal-to-noise ratios (SNR) owing to low marsquake amplitudes - only a handful of events are over M3.5 and epicentral distances are large, due to the single station being located in a seismically quiet region, and highly fluctuating atmospheric, spacecraft and instrumental noise signals.

We have previously shown [1] how deep convolutional neural networks (CNN) can be used for 1) event detection - thereby producing an event catalogue consistent with the manually curated catalogue by the Marsquake Service (MQS) [2], and further extending it from 1297 to 2079 seismic events - as well as for 2) separating event and noise signals in time-frequency domain. Due to the low number of events readily-available for network training, we trained the CNN on synthetic event data combined with recorded InSight noise.

Here, we construct a semi-synthetic data set (with real marsquake & noise data) to assess the denoising performance of the CNN w.r.t. to various evaluation metrics such as SNR, signal-distortion-ratio, cross-correlation, and peak amplitude of the recovered event waveforms, and compare modifications of the CNN architecture and the training data set.

For a large number of identified events [1,2] no distance estimates are available (or only with high uncertainty), and for all but a small subset the back azimuth is unclear, as the relatively high background noise often obscures this information in the waveforms. We explore how the denoised waveforms can support the phase picking and polarisation analysis of marsquakes, and with that their localisation, as well as their general characterisation.



[1] Dahmen et al. (2022), doi: 10.1029/2022JE007503

[2] Ceylan et al. (2022), doi: 10.1016/j.pepi.2022.106943

How to cite: Dahmen, N., Clinton, J., Meier, M.-A., Stähler, S., Ceylan, S., Charalambous, C., Kim, D., Stott, A., and Giardini, D.: Denoising InSight’s marsquake recordings with deep learning, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11985,, 2023.

EGU23-13113 | Orals | NH4.3

Detection of Deep Low-Frequency Tremors from Continuous Paper Records at a Station in Southwest Japan About 50 Years Ago Based on Convolutional Neural Network 

Hiromichi Nagao, Ryosuke Kaneko, Shin-ichi Ito, Hiroshi Tsuruoka, and Kazushige Obara

The establishment of the High Sensitivity Seismograph Network (Hi-net) in Japan has led to the discovery of deep low-frequency tremors. Since such tremors are considered to be associated with large earthquakes adjacent to tremors on the same subducting plate interface, it is important in seismology to investigate these tremors before establishing modern seismograph networks that record seismic data digitally. We propose a deep-learning method to detect evidence of tremors from seismogram images recorded on paper more than 50 years ago. In this study, we trained a convolutional neural network (CNN) based on the Residual Network (ResNet) with seismogram images converted from real seismic data recorded by Hi-net. The CNN trained by fine-tuning achieved an accuracy of 98.64% for determining whether an input image contains tremors. The Gradient-weighted Class Activation Mapping (Grad-CAM) heatmaps for visualizing model predictions indicated that the CNN successfully detects tremors without being affected by teleseisms. The trained CNN was applied to the past seismograms recorded from 1966 to 1977 at the Kumano observatory, in southwest Japan, operated by Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo. The CNN showed potential for detecting tremors from past seismogram images for broader applications, such as publishing a new tremor catalog, although further training using data including more variables such as the thickness of the pen would be required to develop a universally applicable model.

How to cite: Nagao, H., Kaneko, R., Ito, S., Tsuruoka, H., and Obara, K.: Detection of Deep Low-Frequency Tremors from Continuous Paper Records at a Station in Southwest Japan About 50 Years Ago Based on Convolutional Neural Network, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13113,, 2023.

EGU23-13927 | Posters on site | NH4.3

SeisBlue: a deep-learning data processing platform for seismology 

Chun-Ming Huang, Li-Heng Chang, Hao Kuo-Chen, and YungYu Zhuang

Deep learning has greatly improved the efficiency of earthquake detection and phase picking tasks, as demonstrated by neural network models such as PhaseNet and EQTransformer. However, the code released by these authors is not production-ready software that can be easily integrated into our lab's workflow. To solve this problem, we developed "SeisBlue," a platform that brings all the necessary steps together in one place. It includes these major components: database client, data inspector, data converter, model trainer, model evaluator, and pick associator, and is designed to be modular and interchangeable to allow for easy experimentation with different combinations.

SeisBlue has been used in several major earthquake events in Taiwan, including the 918 Taitung earthquake (magnitude 6.9 Mw). In this event, we were able to capture over 1,200 events near real-time in just two days - a task that would have taken over a month to complete manually. The quickly-released earthquake catalog provided insight into the complex behavior of the blind fault.

How to cite: Huang, C.-M., Chang, L.-H., Kuo-Chen, H., and Zhuang, Y.: SeisBlue: a deep-learning data processing platform for seismology, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13927,, 2023.

EGU23-14001 | ECS | Orals | NH4.3

Towards an Operational Earthquake Forecasting Model for Europe 

Marta Han, Leila Mizrahi, and Stefan Wiemer

The go-to models for developing time-dependent earthquake forecasts are Epidemic-Type Aftershock Sequence (ETAS) models. They model earthquake occurrence as a spatio-temporal self-exciting point process, using basic empirical laws such as the Omori-Utsu law for the temporal evolution of aftershock rate, the Gutenberg-Richter law to describe the size distribution of earthquakes, the exponential productivity law and so on. The main focus and core strength of ETAS lie in modelling aftershock occurrence. An important aspect which holds great potential for improvement is the modelling of background seismicity.

In this study, we focus on the data sets and expert solicitations acquired for building the European Seismic Hazard Model (ESHM) 2020. Since these data sets cover a wide range of space and time, the properties of the earthquake catalogs (completeness magnitude, magnitude resolution, time and space resolution, b-value) vary by region and time period. We address these issues using the model accounting for the time-varying completeness magnitude (Mizrahi et al., 2021) and other adjustments, then develop an ETAS model that allows the background seismicity rate to vary with space and be covariate-dependent. The expectation-maximisation-based algorithm allows for these rates to be given as an input, in our case based on fault locations, estimated long-term seismicity rates and area sources, or estimated during inversion for expert-defined zonations. We test the models retrospectively for self-consistency and pseudo-prospectively to identify the ones that lead to the best operational forecasting model for Europe.

How to cite: Han, M., Mizrahi, L., and Wiemer, S.: Towards an Operational Earthquake Forecasting Model for Europe, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14001,, 2023.

EGU23-15180 | Orals | NH4.3

An automated earthquake detection algorithm by combining pair-input deep learning and migration location methods 

Hamzeh Mohammadigheymasi, Nasrin Tavakolizadeh, Peidong Shi, Zhuowei Xiao, S. Mostafa Mousavi, and Rui Fernandes

Modern seismology can benefit from a rapid and reliable earthquake catalog preparation process. In recent years Deep Learning (DL)-based methods attracted seismologists’ attention to keep up with the constantly increasing seismic data for maximally processing and locating the recorded events. This study focuses on deploying an optimized workflow that integrates DL and waveform migration algorithms to achieve a comprehensive automated phase detection and earthquake location workflow. The goal is to deeply scan the seismic datasets for Pand S- phases, associate and locate the detected events, and improve the performance of DL algorithms in processing out-of-distribution and low signal-to-noise ratio data. The workflow consists of six steps, including the preparation of one-minute data segments by employing the framework of ObsPy, deep investigation of the recorded data for P- and S- phases by a low threshold EQTransformer (EQT), and a pair-input Siamese EQTransformer (S-EQT), phase association by Rapid Earthquake Association and Location (REAL) method, applying MIgration Location (MIL) to accurately locate the outputs of REAL, and calculating the local magnitude of the located earthquakes. Eighteen months of the Ghana Digital Seismic Network (GHDSN) dataset (2012-2014), is processed by this integrated and automatic workflow, and a catalog of 461 earthquakes is acquired. Although S-EQT and EQT, with the respective number of 758 and 423 earthquakes, show a figurative superiority in the number of detected events, they are scattered with inaccurate hypo-central depth. Conversely, the compiled catalog show high accordance with the previously interpreted seismogenic sources by Mohammadigheymasi et al. (2023), and a new seismogenic source is also delineated. This workflow significantly enhanced the seismic catalog compilation process and lowered the computational costs while increasing the accuracy of phase detection, association, and location processes. This work was supported by the European Union and the Instituto Dom Luiz(IDL) Project under Grant UIDB/50019/2020, and it uses computational resources provided by C4G (Collaboratory for Geosciences) (Ref. PINFRA/22151/2016). P. S. is supported by the DEEP project ( funded through the ERANET CofundGEOTHERMICA (Project No. 200320-4001) from the European Commission. The DEEP project benefits from an exploration subsidy of the Swiss federal office of energy for the EGSgeothermal project in Haute-Sorne, canton of Jura (contract number MF-021-GEO-ERK), which is gratefully acknowledged.

How to cite: Mohammadigheymasi, H., Tavakolizadeh, N., Shi, P., Xiao, Z., Mousavi, S. M., and Fernandes, R.: An automated earthquake detection algorithm by combining pair-input deep learning and migration location methods, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15180,, 2023.

EGU23-15321 | ECS | Orals | NH4.3

b-value variation through the seismic cycle: Revisiting Parkfield 

Aron Mirwald, Laura Gulia, and Stefan Wiemer

The Parkfield section of the San Andreas fault has a history of frequently occurring moderate (M~6) earthquakes with recurrence times ranging from 12 to 38 years. Since 1985, it has been extensively monitored as part of the experiment to predict the next moderate earthquake. Using the rich data resulting from the high-resolution monitoring, studies have revealed several interesting and consistent patterns of the frequency-magnitude distribution (FMD) of earthquakes, measured by the b-value of the Gutenberg-Richter law. The fault consists of patches of low b-values (b < 0.6) that correlate well with locked patches and with the areas that slipped in the 2004 M6 earthquake. High b-values (b > 1.3) were found to correlate with creeping section of the faults, and both observations support the hypothesis of an inverse relation between differential stress and b-values. Further, the b-value was found to increase during the aftershock periods of the 2004 earthquake, but so far, no gradual loading throughout the seismic cycle has been documented at Parkfield.

Here we revisit the b-values along the Parkfield section 19 years after the last M6 event, with the objectives to monitor and better understand the evolution of b-values in space and time as the segment approaches the next rupture. Our aim is first to benchmark and enhance approaches to map and monitor transients, to optimize uncertainty quantification, robustness, and resolving power of our statistical methods. This is best targeted by creating synthetics catalogues with known properties and then benchmarking different methods for spatial mapping and time-series analysis of b-values. We specifically investigate the recently introduced b-positive estimator and convert observed b-values and activity rates to earthquake probabilities. In a second step, we analyse the observed patterns in a context of gradual fault loading and repeated moderate events, to derive insights into the underlying physical processes. Finally, our aim to set up a ‘b-value’ observatory that will continuously monitor the space-time evolution of b-values and earthquake probabilities.

How to cite: Mirwald, A., Gulia, L., and Wiemer, S.: b-value variation through the seismic cycle: Revisiting Parkfield, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15321,, 2023.

EGU23-16410 | ECS | Orals | NH4.3

Increasing the reliability of seismic classification: A comparison of strategies to deal with class size imbalanced datasets. 

Chantal van Dinther, Marielle Malfante, Pierre Gaillard, and Yoann Cano

Recent employment of large seismic arrays and distributed fibre optic sensing cables leads to an overwhelming amount of seismic data. As a consequence, the need for reliable automatic processing and analysis techniques increases. Therefore, the number of machine learning applications for detection and classification of seismic signal augments too.

A challenge however, is that seismic datasets are highly class imbalanced, i.e. certain seismic classes are dominant while others are underrepresented. Unfortunately, a skewed dataset may lead to biases in the model and thus to higher uncertainties in the model predictions. In the machine learning literature, several strategies are described to mitigate this problem. In presented work we explore and compare those approaches.

For our application, we use catalogues and seismic continuous recordings of the RD network in France [RESIF, 2018]. Using a simple 3-layered convolutional neural network (CNN) we aim to differentiate between six seismic classes, which are based on hand-picked catalogues. The training set we obtained is highly skewed with earthquakes as the majority class, containing 77% of the samples.  The remaining classes (quarry blasts, marine explosions, suspected induced events, noise and earthquakes with unquantifiable magnitude) represent 2.1 - 7.5% of the dataset.

We compare four strategies to deal with an imbalanced datasets for a multi-class classification problem. The first strategy is to resample the dataset (i.e. reduction of the majority class). Another approach is the adaptation of the loss function by weighting the classes when penalizing the loss (i.e. increasing the weight of the minority classes). Those class weights can be adjusted either w.r.t. the reciprocal of class frequency [inspired by King and Zeng, 2001] or w.r.t. the effective number of samples [Cui et al., 2019]. Lastly, we have explored the use of a focal loss function [Lin et al., 2020].

Using balanced accuracy as a metric while minimizing the loss, we found that in our case adjusting the class weights in the loss function according to the reciprocal of the class frequency provides the best results.



- RESIF, 2018:

- King, G., & Zeng, L. (2001). Logistic regression in rare events data. Political analysis9(2), 137-163.

- Lin et al. (2020), Focal Loss for Dense Object Detection, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PATTERN ANALYSIS AND MACHINE INTELLIGENCE, VOL. 42, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 2020

- Cui et al. (2019), Class-Balanced Loss Based on Effective Number of Samples,

How to cite: van Dinther, C., Malfante, M., Gaillard, P., and Cano, Y.: Increasing the reliability of seismic classification: A comparison of strategies to deal with class size imbalanced datasets., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16410,, 2023.

EGU23-16438 | Orals | NH4.3

Earthquake Detection and Location in the Cameroon Temporary Network Data Using Deep Learning 

Luis Carvalho, Hamzeh Mohammadigheymasi, Paul Crocker, Nasrin Tavakolizadeh, Yahya Moradichaleshtori, and Rui Fernandes

A temporary seismic network consisting of 32 broadband seismic sensors was installed in Cameroon between March 2005 and December 2006 to study the seismic structure of the crust and upper mantle beneath the Cameroon Volcanic Line (CVL). This study aims to re-evaluate the seismicity in this period by processing this database and calculating an updated crustal velocity model for the region incorporating the acquired earthquake bulletin. 

The earthquake detection and location procedure applies hybrid deep learning (DL) and phase validation methods. We use an integrated workflow composed of Earthquake Transformer (EqT) and Siamese Earthquake Transformer (S-EqT) for initial earthquake detection and phase picking. Then, PickNet is used as a phase refinement step, and REAL for earthquake association and rough location. A set of thresholding parameters for earthquake detection and P- and S-picking equal to 0.2 and 0.07 are adjusted, respectively. By combining a set of 33282 P and 29251 S-picked phases associated with 743 earthquakes with 1.3 ≤ ML ≤ 4.6, we implement a joint inversion for estimating an updated 1D crustal velocity model. The obtained mode comprises thicknesses of 8, 12, 14, 20, and 30km, from the surface to a depth of 45km, with Vp = 6.1, 6.4, 6.6, 7.6, 8.25, and 8.5km/s, respectively. The newly detected events are primarily concentrated in three main clusters, 1) the east flank of Mount Cameroon, 2) an area between Mount Cameroon and Bioko Island, and 3) southern Bioko Island. The compiled catalog for this time interval is 1.7 times larger than the already reported catalog for this data set. Finally, we present a 3D time-lapsed animation of the detected earthquake sequences.

Acknowledgements: The authors would like to thank the support of the Instituto de Telecomunicações. This work is funded by FCT/MCTES through national funds and, when applicable co-funded EU funds under the project UIDB/50008/2020.

How to cite: Carvalho, L., Mohammadigheymasi, H., Crocker, P., Tavakolizadeh, N., Moradichaleshtori, Y., and Fernandes, R.: Earthquake Detection and Location in the Cameroon Temporary Network Data Using Deep Learning, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16438,, 2023.

EGU23-17092 | ECS | Orals | NH4.3

Frequency-size parameters as a function of dynamic range – the Gutenberg-Richter b-value for earthquakes 

Gina-Maria Geffers, Ian G. Main, and Mark Naylor

The Gutenberg-Richter b-value represents the relative proportion of small to large earthquakes in a scale-free population and is an important parameter used in earthquake hazard assessment. Discussion of the amount of data required to obtain a robust b-value has been extensive and is ongoing. To complement these analyses, we show the effect of the b-value with changes to the dynamic range – the difference between minimum magnitude (or magnitude of completeness) and maximum magnitude, which is inherently linked to the sample size, but not proportionately correlated. Additionally, we show that biases in high b-values are due to the bias in the mean magnitude of a catalogue, which asymptotically converges from below.

We derive and analytic expression for the bias that arises in the maximum likelihood estimate of b as a function of dynamic range r. Our theory predicts the observed evolution of the modal value of the mean magnitude in multiple random samples of synthetic catalogues at different r, including the bias to high b at low r and the observed trend to an asymptotic limit with no bias. In the case of a single sample in real catalogues, the situation is substantially more complicated due to the heterogeneity, magnitude uncertainty and lack of knowledge of the true b-value. We summarise that these results explain why the likelihood of large events and the associated hazard is often underestimated in small catalogues with low r, for example in some studies of volcanic and induced seismicity.

How to cite: Geffers, G.-M., Main, I. G., and Naylor, M.: Frequency-size parameters as a function of dynamic range – the Gutenberg-Richter b-value for earthquakes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17092,, 2023.

Soil liquefaction is one of the secondary effects of earthquakes and defined as the decrease in the strength and stiffness of saturated soil because of the increase in pore water pressure and resulting decrease in the effective stress under dynamic loads such as earthquakes. Soil liquefaction is controlled by earthquake magnitude, groundwater level, depth of the soil layer, acceleration, soil type, depositional environment, age of soil deposit and fine particle percentage. SW Anatolian Region is controlled by different fault mechanisms including normal, strike-slip and thrust faults including Gökova Fault Zone (GFZ), Muğla (MF) and Yatağan faults (YF) of Muğla-Yatağan Fault Zone (MYFZ), Milas–Ören Fault Zone (MOFZ), Fethiye–Burdur zone (FBZ) and Hellenic Arc which are probable to generate earthquakes with great magnitudes in a time span important for population (100years). Dalaman Basin is an extensional sedimentary basin (Delta Environment) in SW Anatolian Region which is controlled by numerous active basin margin normal faults in the close proximity to the Fethiye-Burdur Fault Zone and Hellenic Arc which makes it important in terms of soil liquefaction. Machine learning techniques have been started to be used in estimation of the liquefaction potential and this study aims to estimate liquefaction potential of sandy-silty soil layers in the Dalaman Basin using Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) feed forward machine learning technique. This method includes the generation of equation using depth, SPT blow numbers, fine particle content, groundwater level, total and effective stresses, maximum acceleration, earthquake magnitudes and CSR information with liquefaction case histories after 1999 Kocaeli and Taiwan Earthquakes and estimation of the liquefaction potentials of the soils of Dalaman Basin with this pre-generated equation. Results clearly shows that Multilayer Perceptron Machine learning technique is useful in estimation of liquefaction potential.

This study has been produced from PhD thesis named as “Determination of the geo-engineering properties and liquefaction potential of the Quaternary deposits of Dalaman-Muğla/SW Anatolia”.

How to cite: Türe, O. and Karacan, E.: Estimation of the liquefaction potential of soils of Dalaman Basin/Muğla (SW Anatolia-Turkey) using Multilayer Perceptron Feed Forward Machine Learning Technique., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-456,, 2023.

EGU23-931 | Posters on site | NH4.4

Velocity Analyses of the Reference Rock in Korea 

Myunghyun Noh

The reference rock is the rock expected to show little variation of seismic properties at different locations, therefore, can be used as a basis for site response analysis. The P-wave velocity (Vp,ref) and S-wave velocity (Vs,ref) of the reference rock were analyzed using bore-hole velocity measurements in Korea. The velocity measurements had been obtained by the down-hole test, the cross-hole test, or the SP logging.

The minimum S-wave velocity of 2,000 m/s was applied to the Vs,ref analysis, while the minimum P-wave of 3,500 m/s to the Vp,ref analysis. The velocity gradient along depth was limited not to exceed 25 (m/s)/m in the reference rock. The Vs,ref was identified and estimated in 108 S-wave velocity profiles of total 345 profiles. The Vp,ref was identified and estimated in 94 P-wave velocity profiles of total 212 profiles.

Depth ranges and velocity estimates of the reference rock were found to have a clear correlation with weathering grades, but no correlation with rock types. The velocity measurements affected by weathering were excluded in the estimation of the reference velocities. The estimates of Vs,ref and Vp,ref shows no systemic differences according to sites as well as velocity-measurement methods. This enabled us to assume that the whole estimates of the reference velocities were sampled from the same populations.

The averages of Vs,ref and Vp,ref are 2,529 ms/s and 5,152 m/s, respectively. The distribution test revealed that the velocities measured in the depth range of the reference rock follow neither a normal distribution nor a log-normal distribution with a significance level of 5%. The distribution test also revealed that Vs,ref and Vp,ref follow neither a normal distribution nor a log-normal distribution with a significance level of 5%.

How to cite: Noh, M.: Velocity Analyses of the Reference Rock in Korea, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-931,, 2023.

EGU23-1778 | ECS | Orals | NH4.4

Comparison using different models between theoretical and experimental HVSR curves. 

Anna Tanzini, Enrico Paolucci, and Dario Albarello

The ambient vibration Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratios (HVSR) is a widely used technique to identify the seismic resonance phenomena induced by the presence of seismic impedance contrasts at depth. Moreover, the HVSR curve can be used to constrain the shear wave velocity (Vs) profile in numerical inversion procedures: for this purpose, different HVSR forward modeling were developed in the last decades, which differ from each other both for the basic theoretical assumptions related to the ambient vibration wavefield simulation and for the phases of the involved seismic waves. Recently, some works showed that strong similarities between these HVSR models exist. In particular, these approach were considered: one based on vertically propagating body waves; one based on the ellipticity of the fundamental mode of Rayleigh waves; one based on the contribution of uniformly distributed random sources at the surface and the full wavefield and one based on a diffuse random wavefield assumption. As concerns the last two models, full wavefield and surface wave only were taken into account. In view of these conclusions, the aim of this work is to perform a comparison of the different theoretical HVSR modeling with experimental HVSR curves. To accomplish this purpose, HVSR measurements were carried out at test sites belonging to the down-hole database of the Tuscany Region administration (Central Italy; In particular, more than 50 sites with Vs profiles characterized by the presence of the seismic bedrock (Vs≥800m/s) and strong impedance contrasts were selected. Velocimetric acquisitions were carried out using the three-directional 24-bit digital tromograph Tromino™ ( and the ambient vibrations were acquired for 20 min with a sampling frequency of 128 Hz. In particular, the spectra of the single components were computed by averaging 20-s-long non-overlapping windows; a detrend and a 5% cosine taper were applied to each window, and the spectra were smoothed by using a triangular moving window with a frequency-dependent half-width (10% of central frequency). The horizontal components were combined with the geometric average. Theoretical HVSR curves were simulated considering the models mentioned above and taking into account the Vs and Vp profiles of the selected down-holes; density values were deduced from Vp by empirical relationships and, for not purely elastic models, damping values for Vp and Vs are assumed equal to 0.01 for all the layers. Finally, these curves were compared with the respective experimental ones in order to evaluate the differences in terms of frequency and peak amplitude as well as of overall trend.

How to cite: Tanzini, A., Paolucci, E., and Albarello, D.: Comparison using different models between theoretical and experimental HVSR curves., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1778,, 2023.

Given their ease of use, the simplified approaches based on the use of some seismic “proxies” and contained in the most common building code provisions are the most widespread methods in the professional activity to estimate the ground-motion amplification due to the local seismo-stratigraphical features. This kind of approach is also present in Italy in the actual national building code. As is now well known, this procedure assigns an acceleration response spectrum through the estimation of the soil class of the investigated site, which is identified by the values of two proxies, that is the seismic bedrock depth H (i.e., the layer with Vs ≥ 800 m/s) and the time average Vs down to H (VSH) or to 30 m depth (VS30), if H is lower or higher than 30 m respectively. The objects of this study are the seismic Amplification Factors (AFs) refer to each soil class, defined as the ratio between the integral of the acceleration response spectrum of soil classes B, C, D, E respectively and the integral of the response spectrum of the soil class A. These values were computed for three period intervals (0.1–0.5 s, 0.4–0.8 s and 0.7–1.1 s) and are determined for all the Italian municipalities considering the response spectra referred to the Italian Seismic Hazard Map relative to the ground motion expected to be exceeded with a probability equal to 10% in 50 years. The aim of this work is to test the effectiveness of these AF estimates verifying if these values are enough conservative with respect to those obtained by 1D numerical simulations carried out in the same sites. To perform this analysis, we evaluate if the number of excesses from these estimates is significant from the statistically point of view or it can be considered as a random fluctuation. On this purpose, outcomes from the “Italian Map of Expected Values of Amplification Factors” obtained in the framework of a national project in 2019-2021 were considered. In particular, seismo-stratigraphical and geotechnical data from sesimic microzonation studies of 1689 Italian municipalities were used to perform 1380600 1D equivalent linear numerical simulations, from which it was possible to compute the AFs value from the ratio between the integrals of the relevant output and input response spectra. For each simulated profile, AF value from building code is then retrieved estimating the soil class and considering the municipality of the data origin. Finally, the two AF datasets were compared following the statistical approach mentioned above.

How to cite: Paolucci, E., Tanzini, A., and Albarello, D.: Comparison between seismic amplification factors from building code and those obtained by data from Italian seismic microzonation studies, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2021,, 2023.

    Since the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake, earthquake engineering has devoted much effort to the issues of fault rupture-engineering structure interaction in Taiwan. So far, the Central Geology Survey of Taiwan has announced 36 active faults. Due to natural terrain conditions, linear traffic structures are difficult to avoid crossing the fault zone. However, the current design code rarely considers the effects of long-term fault creeping displacement in the assessment of structural performance. This study aims to develop a numerical-based performance examination approach for the viaduct with pile group foundations subjected to long-term fault offset. The area where the High-Speed Rail of Taiwan crosses the Chegualin Fault was selected as the case study. Remote-sensing survey and structural monitoring both indicated that the viaduct has been offset by approximately 30 cm due to fault creeping since 2006. The ratio between right-lateral and uplift movements is approximately 7:1. This study adopted coupled FDM-DEM technique as the numerical tool, and first validated its performance by physical sandbox tests. We used non-cohesive soil as the overburden material and polyethylene hollow foam tube as the foundation piles. Several key factors, including the Riedel shear bands, fault extended distance, tri-shear zone, pile cap deformation, were compared between numerical and sandbox models. Next, full-scale numerical modeling was calibrated based on in-situ structural monitoring data. The comparison of bridge pier displacement shows approximately 80% agreement between simulation and monitoring data. We found that the deformation of piles was dominated by the location of the fault tip. Simulation shows that the maximum rigid-body rotation of the pile cap will occur close to the fault tip. The cap of each pile group exhibits differential rotations and displacements behaviors, resulting significant superstructure distress. Based on the simulation, the performance of the High-Speed Rail in the study area was expected to fail meeting the current design code of Taiwan after 50 years.


How to cite: Liu, Y.-L., Lin, C.-H., and Lin, M.-L.: Examination of the performance of viaduct with pile groups underoblique-slip fault creeping: a case study in Chegualin Fault, Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3023,, 2023.

EGU23-3242 | Posters on site | NH4.4

Coregionalization models of geophysical data for site effect assessment at Anse-à-Veau, Haiti 

Hans-Balder Havenith, Valmy Dorival, Kelly Guerrier, and Sophia Ulysse

The multivariate generalization of the kriging, in geostatistical analysis, called cokriging makes it possible to take advantage of the relationships between several variables. The information carried by a secondary variable may improve the precision of the estimation of the main variable. The multivariate structural model between the variables is then built from the spatial joint analysis of the data which can be realized by coregionalization linear models.  

The present study aims at assessing the site effects from the results of multivariate analysis of seismic data collected at Anse-à-Veau, a municipality in the Nippes Department of Haiti, characterized by a relatively high seismic activity – during the measurement campaign in August 2021 this region had been hit by the 2021 Nippes Earthquake. The surveys carried out include ambient noise and seismological recordings, seismic tests as well as electrical resistivity measurements along profiles. The two first were processed, respectively, in terms of Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratios (HVSR) and Standard Spectral Ratios (SSR), the seismic tests both as Seismic Refraction Tomography (SRT) and by Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) and the last measurements as Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT). In total, more than 100 HVSR recordings, 7 115m-long seismic profiles and 8 ERT profiles have been completed. All related results were then compiled within one multi-data (including also geological, geomorphic and geomechanical information) 3D geomodel and submitted to a spatial analysis. The coregionalization modelling applied within this analysis is expected to take advantage of the relationships between the different type of seismic data in order to better estimate the potential site effects in the study area.

Keywords: coregionalization model, site effects, multi-geophysics, geomodelling, Haiti.    

How to cite: Havenith, H.-B., Dorival, V., Guerrier, K., and Ulysse, S.: Coregionalization models of geophysical data for site effect assessment at Anse-à-Veau, Haiti, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3242,, 2023.

EGU23-3505 | Posters on site | NH4.4

Developing an urban-scale 3D geophysical model for Basel, Switzerland 

Afifa Imtiaz, Francesco Panzera, Miroslav Hallo, Horst Dresmann, Brian Steiner, and Donat Fäh

Assessment of seismic risk at a local scale is fundamental to the adoption of efficient risk mitigation strategies for urban areas with spatially distributed building portfolios and infrastructure systems. An important component of such a study is to estimate the seismic ground motion amplification which is mainly controlled by parameters such as the local shear-wave velocity (Vs) structure. In this view, we attempted to characterize the shallow subsurface structure at an urban scale under the framework of developing an earthquake risk model for the canton of Basel-City in Switzerland. Different studies undertaken over last two decades in the area concluded that unconsolidated sediments were responsible for inducing fundamental resonance and large amplification of seismic waves over a range of frequencies pertinent to the engineering interest. They also highlighted the necessity of better characterizing complex geological domains (the Upper Rhine Graben and the Tabular Jura) and tectonic settings (the East Rhine Graben fault system) of the area. Therefore, we take a step forward by developing a three-dimensional (3D) geophysical model for Basel, which explicitly accounts for subsurface geological complexities.

We realize that the conventional optimization inversion techniques are limited in their ability to account for the inherent non-uniqueness of the inverse problem and related uncertainties in retrieving Vs profiles. Therefore, we apply a novel Bayesian inversion approach based on a Multizonal Transdimensional Inversion (MTI) and perform a joint inversion of multimodal Rayleigh- and Love-wave dispersion curves (DCs) along with Rayleigh-wave ellipticity. Such a joint inversion of Rayleigh- and Love-wave DCs could be performed only for a few sites in Basel in the past. We retrieve one-dimensional (1D) Vs profiles from 33 seismic ambient noise arrays located within about 130 sq. km area by using a single-zone transdimensional model space with homogeneous priors. We then divide the model space in different zones based on horizon depths extracted from the rigorous 3D geological model of Basel. We perform a mulitizonal inversion by drawing relevant constraints on the parameters within these zones. This process improves the final models as the major Vs contrasts and their depths are better resolved, especially in the complex sedimentary structure of the Rhine Graben area. The validation is performed by calculating the 1D site amplification and comparing it with that from seismic observations. Solution of the Bayesian inversion provides the posterior Probability Density Function (PDF) that results from prior expectations and observed data supplemented by an expected distribution of data errors. Hence, the model uncertainties propagated from DCs to Vs profiles is better accounted for. We perform a combined analysis of all the inverted Vs profiles and their PDFs in order to characterize the horizons from the 3D geological model by means of geophysical parameters within their uncertainy bounds. The developed 3D geophysical model will be used to estimate ground motion amplifications and simulate risk scenarios for Basel.

How to cite: Imtiaz, A., Panzera, F., Hallo, M., Dresmann, H., Steiner, B., and Fäh, D.: Developing an urban-scale 3D geophysical model for Basel, Switzerland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3505,, 2023.

EGU23-3874 | ECS | Posters virtual | NH4.4

Late Quaternary paleovalley systems detections through mHVSR technique: two case studies from the Adriatic coastal plain of Italy 

Andrea Di Martino, Giulia Sgattoni, Gianluigi Di Paola, Matteo Berti, and Alessandro Amorosi

Late Quaternary paleovalley systems are sedimentary bodies, tens of m thick and a few km wide, that are typically buried beneath modern deltas and coastal plains and that have no obvious geomorphological expression. Paleovalley systems are increasingly studied worldwide as they are considered possible amplifiers of earthquake damage due to the sharp contrast between their soft and unconsolidated sediment fill and the adjacent substrate. In this study, using previous high-resolution stratigraphic reconstructions of the Pescara and Manfredonia paleovalleys in the Adriatic coastal plain (Italy), we investigate the potential of the microtremor-based horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio technique (mHVSR) to identify these sediment bodies in the subsurface. We acquired 23 microtremor measurements in the Pescara area and 54 at Manfredonia along two transects transversal to the paleovalley axes. At both sites, we were able to detect resonance peaks that we correlated with stratigraphic data. In the Pescara paleovalley system, we identified low-amplitude resonance peaks at frequencies varying between 0.9 and 4 Hz, clearly denoting a U-shaped feature with lower frequencies in the central part. At Manfredonia, the resonance peaks are more prominent (with mHVSR amplitude up to 7), and the paleovalley system is denoted by resonance frequencies between 0.9 and 2.5 Hz, with a more complex geometry shaped by the interactions of the Candelaro, Cervaro, and Carapelle rivers. Using the well-known facies architecture as a guide, we constrained the mHVSR resonance peaks to create a Frequency-Depth model and transformed the mHVSR curves from the frequency to the spatial domain to reconstruct paleovalley geometries and infer Vs models. We thus obtained the 2D models of the paleovalleys profiles. The Pescara mHVSR model shows a sedimentary cover thickness varying from 10 m (on the interfluves) to 40 m (in the depocentre). At Manfredonia, the sedimentary cover has similar thickness, in the range of 10-45 m, with variations that reflect its complex internal geometry. At both sites, paleovalley fills are characterized by low Vs velocities: comparable Vs values were obtained from the two depocentres (about 180 m/s at Pescara and 140 m/s at Manfredonia), which places paleovalley fills into the ground type D of the Standard Eurocode 8. The fundamental resonance frequencies show considerable variability along the investigated transects on very short distances (few hundred meters), in a range of frequencies that can interact with the most common building types. We mapped this variability and observed excellent correlation with the geologic cross-sections, proving the mHVSR to be an effective tool for mapping these particular sediment bodies. The 2D models obtained will serve as a basis for future seismic response simulations.

How to cite: Di Martino, A., Sgattoni, G., Di Paola, G., Berti, M., and Amorosi, A.: Late Quaternary paleovalley systems detections through mHVSR technique: two case studies from the Adriatic coastal plain of Italy, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3874,, 2023.

Liquefaction hazard analysis is critical to the safety and cost-effectiveness of structures. Ramsar, the westernmost city of northern Iran's Mazandaran province, borders the Caspian Sea to the north. Since the soil strata of the Ramsar region are predominantly composed of low-grade sand and the groundwater is at low depths, it is highly vulnerable to liquefaction. Understanding how sedimentary basins react to seismic energy generated by earthquakes is a major concern for seismic hazard assessment and risk analysis. The primary purpose of this study is to determine the distribution of the natural frequency value, the amplification factor value and the soil vulnerability index. These were carried out as indicators for potential liquefaction sites in the city of Ramsar based on measurements of seismic ambient noise or microtremors. In this regard, ambient seismic noise was collected at 100 stations in the Ramsar region by Nanometrics Trillium40s intermediate sensors. Data are processed using the horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio (HVSR) method provided by Nakamura (1989). Based on the results, the vulnerability index Kg is determined, which can be used as a parameter for calculating the region's liquefaction potential. Huang and Tseng (2002) suggested that the HVSR of microtremor data can be a good alternative indicator of the liquefaction potential of an area. It is revealed by previous researchers that improving the accuracy of geology and geomorphology-based liquefaction susceptibility map is accomplished by supplementing it with subsurface data (e.g., SPT, CPT, shear wave velocity data). The results of this study show that with the use of seismic ambient noise, the accuracy of the assessment of liquefaction susceptibility and zonation improves substantially.

How to cite: Shabani, E.: Site response and liquefaction hazard analysis in Ramsar city, North of Iran, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4084,, 2023.

EGU23-4093 | Orals | NH4.4

Nonlinear site-response of vertical ground motions 

Ronnie Kamai and Michael Frid

The importance of vertical ground motions for design continues to gain recognition, as more evidence shows that vertical ground motions can significantly exceed their horizontal counterparts on very soft soils, at short source-site distances, and at short spectral periods. Assuming that the vertical component is largely comprised of compressional P-waves, new approaches and models are required to constrain the expected linear and nonlinear site response of the vertical component.

In this study, we combine empirical analysis with laboratory experiments, to study and define the nonlinear behavior of the vertical component. We use 27 Kik-net stations to analyze nonlinearity of dry sandy deposits, comparing the full vertical component with the P-wave window, to help define the partial contribution of P-waves to the entire vertical component. We develop modulus degradation and damping (MRD) curves for the case of uncoupled and coupled shear-compression response. In addition, we compare the empirical MRD curves with experimental MRD curves, describing the response of sandy soil to cyclic compressional loading under Ko conditions. We show that vertical ground motions are less nonlinear than their horizontal counterpart, for the same incoming ground motion. We also show that pure P-waves are less nonlinear than the full vertical motion, suggesting that the vertical component is comprised of a combination of P and SV waves, thus implying that vertical site-response analysis should include both shear and compression-related properties and procedures.

How to cite: Kamai, R. and Frid, M.: Nonlinear site-response of vertical ground motions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4093,, 2023.

Assessment of seismic risk should include estimation of site response variability, especially in densely populated cities situated in soft sedimentary basins. Earthquake recordings can be used to derive empirical amplification functions (EAF), e.g. based on empirical spectral modelling or the standard spectral ratio (SSR) method. However, due to the high background noise in urban areas, a seismic monitoring network can take several years to record a statistically sufficient number of events, particularly those that are situated in low-to-moderate seismicity zones. Meanwhile, ambient vibrations can be recorded everywhere quickly and at a low cost. However, evaluating the site amplification using approaches that merely take into account background noise, such as noise-based spectral ratios (SSRn) or horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratios (HVSR), is still very challenging. Therefore, we tested and compared two different approaches based mainly on ambient vibration recordings. However, in both techniques, a number of sites with earthquake-derived amplification functions are needed for the calibration of the amplification models.

In the frame of the Horizon 2020 ITN-funded URBASIS-EU project, which focuses on urban seismology, the Swiss city of Lucerne, located on soft soil deposits, is used as a test site to obtain local amplification models. Although the seismicity in the region is low to moderate, there have been a few significant earthquakes in the area (including one with a magnitude of 5.9 in 1601). Therefore, the long-term seismic hazard cannot be ignored. For our purpose, the hybrid standard spectral ratio approach (SSRh) is used, in which spectral ratios based on ambient vibrations at 100 sites are adjusted with spectral ratios based on weak-ground motion records from small earthquakes at 10 temporary seismic stations. Another approach uses the statistical method of canonical correlation (CC) to correlate the amplitudes of HVSR and EAF, allowing for the reconstruction of the amplification from HVSR. CC derives the correlation from a large number of sites, where both EAF and HVSR are available. Using this method, the amplification functions are estimated for 320 sites from HVSR in the Lucerne area.

Both approaches are compared separately to EAF, mainly the SSR method -  where available - showing a good agreement, hence, they can be used to predict EAF from ambient vibration data. Both models indicate high amplification factors in some parts of the city reaching 10 at about 1 Hz. However, the results from SSRh and CC are not identical. We thoroughly analyzed the spatial and frequency distribution of the differences between models to assess the reliability and limitations of both methods. Generally, the SSRh approach provides higher amplification factors in the deep basin while CC gives higher estimates at the basin borders. We test also how several factors affecting the models, for example, the length and time of the recordings, influence the model differences.

How to cite: Janusz, P., Panzera, F., Perron, V., Bergamo, P., and Fäh, D.: Using ambient vibration data for predicting site amplification for the city of Lucerne (Switzerland): comparison between canonical correlation and hybrid standard spectral ratio methods, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6137,, 2023.

It is widely recognized that a significant part of the variability of earthquake ground motion is related to local geological conditions, which can strongly modify the ground-motion amplitude, duration and frequency. This is commonly referred to as seismic response of a site. In the case of sedimentary basins, the characteristics of the soil deposits and the buried geometry of the basin can strongly influence the nature of the surface shaking, which may be amplified or reduced. Therefore, the knowledge of the 3D structure of the subsoil is crucial for seismic hazard studies and seismic risk management. 

To this end, 3D geological modeling allows the combination of multidisciplinary data in the shaping and visualization of the current knowledge of the subsoil and allows integration with new data or interpretations, as they become available (Calcagno, 2015). Moreover, 3D geological models represent the basis for physics-based numerical simulations, provided that a reliable scientific procedure is defined to convert the different types and levels of the available complex geological information (Klin et a., 2019).

The aim of this study is to create a 3D seismo-stratigraphic model of the central-western portion of the Po Plain, one of the deepest and widest sedimentary basins worldwide that can reach about 8 km in the Apennine foredeep (Pieri and Groppi, 1981). Although its topography is mostly flat, the buried geometry is quite complex, with north-verging thrust systems of the Apennines and south-verging thrust systems of the Alps. The 3D geological model was implemented through the integration of geological cross sections (Pieri and Groppi 1981, Casero 2004, Fantoni and Franciosi 2010, Maesano et al., 2015), deep drill holes (VIDEPI project) and geophysical surveys (sonic logs, microtremor single-station and array measurements; MASW and downhole surveys). We relied on the commercial GeoModeller software by Intrepid Geophysics for merging and interpolating the geological and geophysical data to create a 3D digital model, that is initially used to simulate 1D wave propagation and represents the basis for further improvements and 2D / 3D modelling.

How to cite: Luzi, L., Grignaschi, A., and Mascandola, C.: Three-dimensional geological modelling of the western sector of the Po Plain (Italy) for seismic site response evaluation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6675,, 2023.

EGU23-6904 | Orals | NH4.4

A database for the empirical observation and characterization of earthquake site effects in alpine valleys 

Paolo Bergamo, Dario Chieppa, Francesco Panzera, Vincent Perron, and Donat Fäh

The alpine valleys are peculiar geological environments, as the thickness of their sedimentary infill increases from few meters at the valley borders to several hundred meters at its centre. This setting determines distinctive earthquake response effects. A number of works have examined such effects, which can be summarized as: i) 2D/3D resonance phenomena; ii) edge-generated surface waves; iii) trapped seismic waves (i.e. waves remaining trapped in the valleys’ basin due to the impedance contrast with the surrounding bedrock). Although several studies have tackled one or more of such effects, only recently attempts have been made to systematically identify – in numerical modelling studies – which subsurface parameters control these phenomena and to quantify their effect on local site response.

In the framework of the “Alpine valleys” project, we have compiled a database to empirically observe and systematically characterize earthquake site effects in alpine valleys at the national scale of Switzerland; this work builds on the data and results of the national amplification model developed in the framework of the project Earthquake Risk Model for Switzerland. The “Alpine valleys” database comprises earthquake observations, geophysical measurements and morphological, topographic parameters. In particular, the database includes:

  • A dataset of empirical amplification functions estimated (by means of spectral modelling technique) at about 275 (urban) free-field seismic stations of the Swiss networks. These instrumented sites cover a variety of geological and morphological settings (alpine valley beds and flanks, as well as sites in the plains of the Swiss Plateau for comparison with the former).
  • A dataset of waveforms recorded by the seismic stations mentioned above, collecting local and regional earthquake records from the period 2000-2022.
  • A dataset of measured S-wave velocity profiles, derived from geophysical measurements performed at a portion (~120 sites) of the set of considered seismic stations.
  • A dataset of 1750 single-station noise recordings, processed in terms of horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio. 160 of such measurements coincide with a seismic station with measured site amplification function.
  • A map of the unconsolidated sediments-bedrock interface, covering all Switzerland. The map allows to quantify the geometry of the valleys’ sedimentary infill (e.g. depth, width, shape ratio), one of the key elements determining the peculiar site effects observed in valley beds.
  • Maps of multi-scale topographical parameters. Maps of planform, profile and standard curvature were derived for the entire Swiss territory, at 7 spatial scales between 75 and 7800 m.
  • A classified map of the Swiss alpine valley beds, obtained with a GIS algorithm combining topographical and morphological data.

The ambition of our work is cross-referencing the empirical earthquake observations (waveforms, local amplification functions) with geophysical measurements and geological, topographic and morphological parameters, in order to single out the site effects proper of deeply incised valleys, identify the frequencies of ground motions where these appear, and map the morphological and geological settings where they become significant. The implications for the soil classification of the Swiss seismic building code will also be assessed.

How to cite: Bergamo, P., Chieppa, D., Panzera, F., Perron, V., and Fäh, D.: A database for the empirical observation and characterization of earthquake site effects in alpine valleys, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6904,, 2023.

The time averaged shear wave velocity of the top 30 meters (Vs30) is the most widely used parameter for the geotechnical characterization of site conditions. However, the spatial availability of Vs30 observations are rather limited except specific areas where conducted micro-zonation studies include closely spaced measurements suitable for assessment of earthquake site effects. In order to infer Vs30, global models use slope or morphological terrain classes as proxies. In a regional scale, these proxies are commonly combined with geologic and geotechnical data to improve the accuracy of Vs30 predictions. So far, a region specific Vs30 model that would aid seismic hazard assessments is not yet constructed for Türkiye and its near vicinity. In this study, a new Vs30 prediction strategy is developed using data from Türkiye and California, and its performance is compared with others.

At first, Vs30 measurements are classified into 4 sedimentary rock classes according to their ages (Quaternary-Pliocene, Miocene, Paleogene, Pre-Paleogene) and 3 non-sedimentary rock classes (Intrusive, Extrusive, Metamorphic). Observations from Quaternary-Pliocene rocks are most abundant and characterized by large data scatter, thus further divided into 2 major terrain classes. Since the reduction in Vs30 due to fluid saturation is pronounced, especially in unconsolidated young units, Quaternary-Pliocene rocks are also differentiated as saturated if the water table depth is less than 30 meters and unsaturated otherwise. In California, saturation is determined by using available groundwater measurements. Throughout Türkiye, flat areas with elevation differences less than 30 meters from water bodies (sea, lake, and major rivers) are mapped out as saturated zones. After the elimination of outliers, slope and elevation based Vs30 prediction equations are developed separately for sub-classes of Quaternary-Pliocene, Miocene, and Paleocene aged sedimentary rocks using multi-variable linear regression while Vs30 is fixed to class average in others. Resultant model misfits and comparisons with results of micro-zonation study conducted across İstanbul, clearly indicate that our proposed Vs30 prediction strategy is performing better, especially in younger sedimentary units and thus provide a new, more accurate Vs30 model of Türkiye. 

How to cite: Okay, H. B. and Özacar, A. A.: A New Vs30 Prediction Strategy Taking Topography, Geology, Terrain and Water Saturation into Account: Application to Türkiye and California, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7445,, 2023.

EGU23-8633 | Posters on site | NH4.4

Reconnaissance of landslide-prone slope response to seismic shaking from ambient noise analysis (SE Apennines, Italy) 

Vincenzo Del Gaudio, Janusz Wasowski, Flaviana Fredella, and Rita Paudice

Earthquakes and slope instabilities represent two major geohazards for many small hilltop towns of Italy. Here we report on how the susceptibility of urban/peri-urban slopes to earthquake-induced failure is being addressed within the ongoing seismic microzonation project of the Apulia region (SE Italy). We focus on the towns built on marginally stable slopes formed in tectonically disrupted flysch units, which are common in the Daunia Mountains, located along the SE front of the Apennine chain. Historical records show that this area has been repeatedly hit by moderate-large magnitude earthquakes generated by active seismogenic sources frequently activated in the Apennine chain and, less frequently but with comparable energy, in the foredeep-foreland zone of northern Apulia. The reconnaissance studies conducted in the initial stage of the seismic microzonation project produced a large amount of in-situ acquired data. These included over 600 recordings in more than 300 sites of 18 municipalities. Overall, about 40% measurements were made on landslides or at their margins. Ambient noise recordings were analysed through techniques based on the calculation of the ratios between the amplitude of horizontal and vertical components of non-seismic ground vibrations. Evidence of resonance phenomena was observed at over 90% of the landslide sites, most of which had a main resonance frequency below 3 Hz. H/V peak amplitudes were generally low (< 3), likely because the flysch substratum is intensely fractured and may not cause a strong impedance contrast with the overlying surficial materials. However, about 10% of sites showed evidence of greater amplification effects (H/V peak > 5). This information interpreted in the context of local geological conditions helps defining the areas that will be subjected to more comprehensive investigations in the subsequent stages of the seismic microzonation project.



Study conducted with the financial support of the National Department of Civil Protection and of the Civil Protection Office of the Apulian Regional Administration.

How to cite: Del Gaudio, V., Wasowski, J., Fredella, F., and Paudice, R.: Reconnaissance of landslide-prone slope response to seismic shaking from ambient noise analysis (SE Apennines, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8633,, 2023.

EGU23-9389 | ECS | Posters virtual | NH4.4

A new database of historical earthquake-induced landslides in Italy 

Caterina Zei, Gabriele Tarabusi, Cecilia Ciuccarelli, Dante Mariotti, Sofia Baranello, Giulia Sgattoni, and Pierfrancesco Burrato

The study of the incidence of coseismic phenomena is becoming an increasingly demanding and fundamental need in terms of civil protection agencies. Especially landslides triggered by earthquakes can cause significant impacts and losses across wide areas affected by earthquake shaking.

In this context, we present a new database of historical earthquake-induced landslides (HEILs) created within the project “Multi-scale, integrated approach for the definition of earthquake-induced landslide hazard in Italy”, funded by the Italian Ministry for the Environment. The goal of this project was to develop a multidisciplinary approach for assessing the earthquake-induced landslide hazard at national, regional and local scales, and integrating existing databases with the results from previous projects and research activities.

The Catalogue of Strong Earthquakes in Italy (CFTI) database holds a central role in this research. It collects the results of over three decades of research on historical seismicity in Italy. What makes CFTI different from other earthquake catalogues is that its database does contain not only parametric data and macroseismic intensities assigned to individual localities but also synthetic descriptions of the seismic scenario for each investigated earthquake sequence. It provides a complete account of the effects on the built and natural environment. In addition, for every investigated earthquake sequence, CFTI supplies the relevant bibliography in an organized form, allowing to navigate upstream from the parameters of a specific earthquake to the original sources used to investigate that event.

​​CFTI also provides descriptions of the effects induced by earthquakes on the natural environment, such as ground cracks, chasms, landslides, rockfalls, changes in the discharge rate of rivers and springs, tsunami effects, overflowing of lakes, etc. Specifically, its latest version, CFTI5Med, documents about 600 landslides associated with strong historical earthquakes.

We thus reviewed and integrated data relating to HEILs, already included in the CFTI database, by identifying new landslides. We focused on the review of historical sources, newly found or already archived in the CFTI database, the analysis of recent scientific articles and technical reports. Moreover, we carried out a comparison with other digital archives such as the CEDIT ( and the EEE catalogue ( The goal was reaching a more accurate localization and definition of the slope movement types of the HEILs, when the descriptions of the historical sources allowed it, through the geographical comparison with data of different origins, such as aerial photographs, geomorphological and instability maps. These effects were associated, where possible, with the individual landslides registered in the IFFI database (

The final result is a dataset with about 1,000 landslides divided into classes of location accuracy. The dataset is addressed to a large audience of potential users: researchers and scholars, administrators and technicians of local institutions, and civil protection authorities.

The results are collected in a new independent database, CFTI Landslides, connected to the CFTI5Med, which is publicly accessible online through a dedicated open-source geographic interface, designed to be interoperable with both INGV and external databases.


How to cite: Zei, C., Tarabusi, G., Ciuccarelli, C., Mariotti, D., Baranello, S., Sgattoni, G., and Burrato, P.: A new database of historical earthquake-induced landslides in Italy, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9389,, 2023.

EGU23-15165 | Orals | NH4.4

Direct field evidence for polyphase active faulting and associated coseismic landslides in the accretionary wedge of the Outer Western Carpathians 

Ivo Baroň, Rostislav Melichar, Filip Hartvich, Michal Bíl, Jan Klimeš, Jan Černý, Martin Šutjak, Lenka Kociánová, Tomáš Pánek, Jiří Janál, Régis Braucher, Jia-Jyun Dong, Jyr-Ching Hu, Chia-Han Tseng, Yichin Chen, and Thanh-Tùng Nguyễn

The Outer Western Carpathians represent an accretionary wedge of the Alpine-Himalayan orogenic zone in central Europe, where the Mesozoic and Cenozoic sedimentary (flysch) rocks were deformed and thrust over the European foreland during the Paleogene and Neogene. The thrusting processes terminated in the Upper Miocene, and the contemporary instrumental earthquake distribution records suggest that OWC are already stabilized and belong to the European Plate. This hilly to mountainous region has been intensively affected by various types of shallow slides, debris flows as well as deep-seated slope failures of different magnitudes. Due to the lack of direct evidence of intense seismicity, the permafrost thawing on a turn of the Pleistocene and intense rainfalls in the Holocene have been considered as their principal triggers. However, our current research revealed landforms attributed to the coseismic Holocene polyphase strike-slip faults´ surface ruptures. The associated coseismic sedimentary structures include injected sand and flame structures of fluviolacustrine sediments, large angular boulders in riverbed fluvial sediments, etc. Alongside with those structures and landforms, we documented also evidence for coseismic slope failures in the close surrounding of the faults near Lidečko Village and in the summit area of the Javorníky Mts. in the E part of the Czech Republic and north-western Slovakia, respectively. Several distinct faulting phases with offsets up to a few meters were dated from ca. 10.000 14C ka up to 1240 14C ka BP. Morphological analysis of LiDAR digital elevation models with a 1 m resolution revealed clustered populations of prehistoric presumably coseismic landslides that accompany the fault traces at both sites for a distance up to a couple of kilometres. Field inspections allowed description of their source zones, which were usually several meters up to first tens of meters deep and up to 500 m long. The landslide masses travelled for a distance up to 1-2 km, while being often transformed to debris flows and rock avalanches. They are characteristic with their distinctly depleted source zones at generally gentle slopes ranging from 8 to 20°. The contribution presents the faulting styles, particular events and associated coseismic landslide characteristics in detail and broader regional context, providing the first comprehensive evidence for possible coseismic origin of the deep-seated slope failures in the Outer Western Carpathians.

The research was supported by the international bi-lateral project “Earthquake-triggered landslides in recently active and stabilized accretionary wedges” of the Czech Science Foundation (GAČR 22-24206J) and the Taiwanese Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST 111-2923-M-008-006-MY3).

How to cite: Baroň, I., Melichar, R., Hartvich, F., Bíl, M., Klimeš, J., Černý, J., Šutjak, M., Kociánová, L., Pánek, T., Janál, J., Braucher, R., Dong, J.-J., Hu, J.-C., Tseng, C.-H., Chen, Y., and Nguyễn, T.-T.: Direct field evidence for polyphase active faulting and associated coseismic landslides in the accretionary wedge of the Outer Western Carpathians, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15165,, 2023.

Kashmir Valley is one of the two administrative divisions of the Jammu and Kashmir region, lying within the Himalayan belt at the confluence of the Indian and Eurasian tectonic plates. It is an elongated basin filled with deep sedimentary deposits in the central portion, bounded by the Himalayan Mountain ranges at the periphery. The Pleistocene Karewa deposits overlain by the Recent Alluvium form the major types of sediments in the valley, showing a thickness of over 1300m (Burbank and Johnson, 1982). To evaluate the seismic response of these geological deposits, we recorded microtremors and performed multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW) testing at ~190 sites using TROMINO® equipment. Horizontal-to-vertical-spectral ratio (HVSR) curves and dispersion curves were respectively developed from the raw data, which were further used to estimate the site fundamental frequency (f0) and H/V amplitude (A) as well as average shear wave velocity over 30m depth (VS,30). A comparison of f0 and A with VS at each site was conducted to assess the suitability of codal provisions (NEHRP, EC8, etc.) and the specified amplification factors.

We found certain issues with the use of VS,30 as the sole parameter for estimating the expected amplification at a site for seismic design. A direct correlation between amplification and stiffness (Vs30) at the sites was not attained, as opposed to the most common assumption in the prevalent code-based site classifications. Low amplification can be expected even at soft soil sites (NEHRP E) in the absence of an impedance contrast, and vice versa in stiff deposits. Observations in the deep sedimentary deposits in the valley show the importance of the contribution of deeper stratigraphy beyond the assumed 30m depth in the codes. Moreover, the notion of f0 being directly proportional to Vs30 irrespective of the geological conditions is not true. Besides, rock sites (NEHRP A and B) may not always present the conventional flat HVSR response, instead, significant high frequency amplifications can occur due to weathered or fractured material. Test results also revealed unusually high amplitudes within the fractured portion of a fault zone, signifying that the assumption of all rock sites being safe in terms of negligible amplifications may not be entirely correct. Topographic amplifications near basin edges, hill slopes, and within small valleys resulted in broad peaks over wide frequency range in the HVSR curves, which cannot be explained through the limited information contained in the Vs30 parameter.

These incongruities observed at various sites in the Kashmir region point out the inadequacy of the site classifications based on the single-parameter (Vs30)approach, which do not always explain the actual amplifications observed during earthquakes in different geological conditions. The results obtained in the Kashmir Valley, backed by the similar arguments provided in literature (e.g., Lombardo and Rigano, 2006; Castellaro et al., 2008; Rovelli et al., 2009; Panzera et al., 2014; etc.), clearly indicate the need for adopting alternate site classification schemes (Di Alessandro et al., 2012; Pitilakis et al., 2019; Paolucci et al., 2021).


How to cite: Zahoor, F., Ansari, A., Rao, K. S., and Satyam, N.: Atypical Site Effects and Insufficiency of the Conventional Seismic Site Classification Methods: Experimental observations in the Geological Deposits of the Kashmir Valley (NW Himalayas), Jammu and Kashmir, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15497,, 2023.

EGU23-16475 | Posters on site | NH4.4

Compilation of Seismotectonic hazard map of Hungary based on geomorphology, structural analyses and seismology 

Gábor Kovács, Balázs Koroknai, Erzsébet Győri, Viktor Németh, László Balázs, Barbara Czecze, Géza Wórum, Gergely Szabó, Orsolya Kegyes-Brassai, and Tamás Tóth

Our team has compiled Seismotectonic hazard map of Hungary. One of the main contents of the map are Eurocode 8 categories whose production steps are described here in detail. In engineering, site response to earthquakes has been classified to national and international standards. Eurocode 8 standard is partly based on Vs30 that is the time averaged shear-wave velocity in the uppermost 30 m sediment. We have compiled 67 Vs30 measurements and collected 103 Vs30 values from PhD theses and industrial reports. The values could be divided to soil class A–D of Eurocode 8 which are defined by Vs30 thresholds. The special soil class E (hard rock beneath 5–20 m thick loose sediment) needed a deeper investigation. The Vs trend was plotted and plots with obvious knickpoint has been analysed further. In case of one knickpoint in Vs trend two-layered model was used. We were defined the thickness and the theoretical Vs30 of the upper and the lower strata. In case if the site fit to class E, original Eurocode 8 class have been overwritten. Other advantage of the extrapolation of Vs trend of the uppermost strata is to derive the theoretical Vs30 of the given geomorphological feature if its sediment would fill up the whole 30 m.

In Hungary only the youngest and lowest level of alluvial and lacustrine features fall into the most critical class D. Therefore that features have been mapped. In case of the youngest sediment’s thickness was not exceeded 20 m in each places, that site would classified as „shallow D” which is not a Eurocode 8 soil class. This process could be done using the borehole database of Geomega Ltd. Classification of soil class E have derived using the same method: thousands of borehole data have been checked to delineate the margin of the categories around the rock outcrops. For soil classes A–D topographical slope – Vs30 relation has established. For Hungary, we recommend to use 0.3%, 3% and 11% as topographical slope barriers between soil classes D-C-B-A (in advance).

Secondly, active faults were mapped using the methodology described by the European Facilities for Earthquake Hazard and Risk. Third, earthquake database was use to present area affected by frequent ground motions. We have divided the database to historical and to instrumental detections due to their differences in the accuracy and reliability of magnitude and epicentre location.

Historically Komárom-Oroszlány-Balatonfő line was most affected by earthquakes. Our map revealed that in the Middle Hungarian Shear Zone consists of still active fault lines. Some spots are affected by densely located small earthquakes such as the neighbourhood of Zalaszengrót, Répcelak, Nagyigmánd, the DIósjenő fault, Heves, Csepel, Jászberény, Nagykanizsa, Nagyatád, Pincehely, Szabadszállás, Kecskemét, and Miskolc. In almost all cases the most critical soil class D can be found in the neighbourhood of mentioned sites, while class E appears only in some locations.

The research project was supported by the National Research, Development and Innovation Office of Hungary (2018-1.2.1-NKP-2018-00007). Map can be downloaded among others and vector data can be requested at Geomega website (

How to cite: Kovács, G., Koroknai, B., Győri, E., Németh, V., Balázs, L., Czecze, B., Wórum, G., Szabó, G., Kegyes-Brassai, O., and Tóth, T.: Compilation of Seismotectonic hazard map of Hungary based on geomorphology, structural analyses and seismology, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16475,, 2023.

EGU23-1250 | Orals | TS3.8

Active segments along the North Anatolian Fault system in the Sea of Marmara 

Luca Gasperini and Alina Polonia

High-resolution multibeam and seismic reflection data collected during several oceanographic expeditions allowed us to compile an updated morphotectonic map of the North Anatolian Fault below the Sea of Marmara. We reconstructed kinematics and geometries of active fault segments at 10 ka time-scale, an interval that includes several earthquake cycles, taking the base of the latest marine transgression as a stratigraphic marker. Given the high deformation rates relative to sediment supply, most active tectonic structures have a morphological expression at the seafloor, even in the presence of composite fault geometries and/or overprinting due to mass-wasting or turbidite deposits. In the frame of the right-lateral strike-slip domain characterizing the North Anatolian fault system, three types of deformation are observed: almost pure strike-slip faults, mainly oriented E-W; NE/SW-aligned axes of transpressive structures; NW/SE-oriented trans-tensional depressions. Fault segmentation occurs at different scales, but main segments develop along three major right-lateral oversteps, which delimit main fault branches, from east to west: i) the transtensive Cinarcik segment; ii) the Central (East and West) segments; iii) the westernmost Tekirdag segment. We performed a quantitative morphometric analysis of the shallow deformation patterns observed by seafloor morphology maps and high-resolution seismic reflection profiles along the entire basin, to determine the nature and cumulative lengths of individual fault segments. These data were used as inputs for empirical relationships, to estimate maximum expected Moment Magnitudes, obtaining values in the range of 6.8 to 7.4 for the Central, and 6.8 to 7.1 for the Cinarcik and Tekirdag segments, respectively. We discuss such findings considering analyses of inherited geological structures, historical catalogs, and available paleoseismological studies for the Sea of ​​Marmara region, to formulate reliable seismic hazard scenarios.


How to cite: Gasperini, L. and Polonia, A.: Active segments along the North Anatolian Fault system in the Sea of Marmara, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1250,, 2023.

EGU23-2295 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.8

Brittle tectonics and paleostress analysis of the Strzegom – Sobótka granite massif 

Mariusz Fiałkiewicz, Bartłomiej Grochmal, Marcin Olkowicz, Kamil Bulcewicz, and Marcin Dąbrowski

The Strzegom – Sobótka Massif has been subject of brittle tectonics studies for more than a century. Due to an ongoing extensive mining activity, numerous good exposures occur in a relatively small area, especially in the western part of the massif. A pioneering tectonic model of jointing in granite was established by Cloos (1922) for the study area, in which the NW-SE striking joint set is the dominant one (Q) and the perpendicular set (S), striking NE-SW, is longitudinal to mineral fabric. Also, there are two sets of the so-called diagonal joints, which are supposedly younger and strike N-S and W-E.

The effects of field work conducted in 20 quarries in the Strzegom – Sobótka Massiff are presented in the form of a tectonic map. In addition to direct measurements in the field, photogrammetric models were produced using aerial photographs to allow structural analysis within hardly accessible walls. For inaccessible quarries joint orientations were extracted using orthophoto maps. Several examples of fault related structures were identified and documented during field work in the studied granite quarries. Faults with slickensides and kinematic indicators were scarce but paleostress analyses were conducted whenever possible.

We discuss our field measurements of joint and fault orientations in relation to different petrographic types of granites and their lateral extent to address the effects of petrographic differentiation on the evolution of brittle tectonic structures in granites. We compare our new measurements to the results of previous tectonic studies of the Strzegom – Sobótka Massiff and paleostress analyses conducted for several other parts of the Sudetes. We also discuss our new results in terms of the Alpine reactivation of the Sudetes Mountains.

How to cite: Fiałkiewicz, M., Grochmal, B., Olkowicz, M., Bulcewicz, K., and Dąbrowski, M.: Brittle tectonics and paleostress analysis of the Strzegom – Sobótka granite massif, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2295,, 2023.

EGU23-4713 | Posters on site | TS3.8

Structure and evolution of the active Ulsan Fault Zone, SE Korea: New insights from geophysical studies 

Youngbeom Cheon, Young Hong Shin, Samgyu Park, Jin-Hyuck Choi, Dong-Eun Kim, Kyungtae Ko, Chung-Ryeol Ryoo, and Moon Son

Integration of geophysical and geological data is essential to illuminate the configuration and geometry of surface and subsurface structures as well as their long-term evolution history. The NNW–SSE-striking incised valley and parallel mountain range in southeastern margin of the Korean peninsula, extended from Gyeongju to Ulsan cities (~50-km-long on land), have been regarded as the most active geographical feature in Korea, which was named as the Ulsan Fault zone (or system). This study presents a new insight of the structural architecture and its deformation history during the Cenozoic based on a combined data of gravity and electronic survey results with previous field observations. Our major results based on integrated data are as follows. First, the incised fault valley is divided into (1) the northern part of several distributed, buried and exposed fault strands and (2) the southern part of a concentrated deformation zone. Different deformation features between the two parts are controlled by the distribution pattern of the pre-existing Miocene structures (i.e., Yeonil Tectonic Line, YTL). Second, the Ulsan Fault is only constrained as a NNW–SSE-striking Quaternary fault zone within the incised valley-mountain range. The fault zone is composed of several interconnected and disconnected strands forming an imbricate thrust zone located along the western front of the mountain range (or eastern margin of the >2-km-wide incised valley). The constituent fault strands mainly exhibit an east-side-up geometry with moderate to low dip angles and reverse-dominant kinematics in near-surface. These strands are interpreted as reactivated ones of the pre-existing subvertical structures, such as the YTL. In here, we newly designate ‘the Ulsan–Yeonil Fault system’, composed of all NNW–SSE to N–S-striking buried and exposed faults on the incised valley-mountain range, regardless of tectonically controlled sequence of movement stages. Third, movements of the NNW–SSE-striking fault system during the Miocene to Quaternary were arrested by the NNE–SSW-striking Yangsan Fault, which is pre-formed prominent mature structure. Our results highlight the spatiotemporal structural characteristics in SE Korea, emphasizing that the configuration of pre-formed structures have strongly controlled the distribution and characteristics (i.e., geometry and kinematics) of the subsequent deformation during the Cenozoic crustal deformation.

How to cite: Cheon, Y., Shin, Y. H., Park, S., Choi, J.-H., Kim, D.-E., Ko, K., Ryoo, C.-R., and Son, M.: Structure and evolution of the active Ulsan Fault Zone, SE Korea: New insights from geophysical studies, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4713,, 2023.

EGU23-4753 | Orals | TS3.8

Combining faulting and ductile deformation in long-term models of continental deformation 

Gregory Houseman, Philip England, and Lynn Evans

The spatial variation of strain rate in broad regions of continental collision, extension, or shear can often be well represented by the deformation of a thin viscous shell representing the lithosphere. The simplest explanation of this observation is that the deformation of the lithosphere is to first order a ductile process, even though shallow focus earthquakes imply slip on faults and release of elastic strain. In the thin-viscous-shell concept the strain of the upper brittle layer is assumed to simply follow the ductile strain of the stronger layers beneath, at least in the inter-seismic period. If the faults extend only to depths of 10 or 20 km, the brittle upper layer is not sufficiently thick or strong to do otherwise, and the concept of the brittle upper layer controlled by the ductile substrate is consistent with ductile models of the displacement-rate field constrained by GNSS observations. However, some large-scale faults do not comply with this concept and, rather than following the deformation of the ductile layer beneath, the strain localization on these structures appears to constrain the ductile deformation field of the adjoining regions. There are multiple lines of evidence from seismology and geodesy that great continental strike-slip faults, such as the San Andreas fault of California, the Alpine Fault of New Zealand, or the Altyn Tagh fault of China, extend through the crust and at least the upper part of the mantle lithosphere, even though earthquakes on these structures occur only in the upper 20 km. Taken together, the strain-localization and the lack of deep earthquakes suggest that these fault systems might be represented for the purpose of long-term continental deformation models as narrow ductile shear zones. A simple mechanical representation of localized strain on a ductile shear zone is defined by assuming traction is proportional to slip rate, with the proportionality constant described as a fault resistance coefficient. At the cost of ignoring the complexity of the earthquake cycle in such a model, we obtain a simple mechanical representation which we suggest is valid in the representation of long-term (and inter-seismic) continental deformation. In conceptual terms the fault resistance coefficient would be proportional to the effective viscosity of a ductile shear zone and inversely proportional to its width. However, an effective numerical implementation in a two-dimensional finite-element model is obtained by collapsing the narrow ductile shear zone to a one-dimensional structure characterised locally by the fault resistance coefficient. We illustrate the application of this conceptual model to the deformation field around the Alpine Fault in New Zealand, as constrained by an extensive array of GNSS displacement rates. The region as a whole is represented by a thin viscous shell that obeys a non-Newtonian viscous constitutive law, but we enable slip on model faults where there are steep local gradients in the geodetic displacement rates. The magnitude of the fault resistance coefficient is constrained by the requirement to fit the displacement rates and balance the stress.

How to cite: Houseman, G., England, P., and Evans, L.: Combining faulting and ductile deformation in long-term models of continental deformation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4753,, 2023.

EGU23-6973 | Posters on site | TS3.8 | Highlight

3D geological modeling of the blind thrust system activated during the November 2022 Pesaro offshore seismic sequence (Adriatic sea, Italy). 

Francesco Emanuele Maesano, Mauro Buttinelli, Roberta Maffucci, Giovanni Toscani, Roberto Basili, Lorenzo Bonini, Pierfrancesco Burrato, Jakub Fedorik, Umberto Fracassi, Yuri Panara, Gabriele Tarabusi, Mara Monica Tiberti, Gianluca Valensise, Roberto Vallone, and Paola Vannoli

The undersea portion of the Northern Apennines is characterized by blind thrust faults running parallel to the Adriatic Sea coastline in northeastern peninsular Italy. These thrusts are buried below a thick cover of syntectonic Quaternary deposits. Their elusive geological signature at shallow depths and the low seismicity associated with them gave rise to diverging interpretations and views concerning the current activity of these thrusts and their earthquake potential.

On 9 November 2022, a seismic sequence started with an Mw 5.5 earthquake in the Pesaro Offshore. Hypocentral depth, focal mechanism, and aftershocks location all suggest that the earthquake was generated by one of the outermost thrusts of the Northern Apennines front that was already mapped as a potential seismogenic source in the DISS database (

We present a 3D reconstruction of the thrust system that caused the Pesaro Offshore seismic sequence obtained through the reinterpretation of publicly available seismic reflection profiles and well logs. The 3D geometry and size of the thrust activated during the seismic sequence suggest that it can also host larger earthquakes. We also present the application of a well-established workflow for calculating the slip rates of this buried thrust already tested in nearby structures. The outcomes of this study represent a step forward for earthquake and tsunami hazard models, the study of the seismic source, the enhancement of earthquake location by mix and match of seismological and geological independent data, and the expected kinematics of future potential earthquake ruptures.

These results are particularly relevant in offshore areas, where neither surface co-seismic ruptures nor GPS/InSAR deformation data are available in the aftermath of a significant earthquake. In these cases, multichannel seismic reflection profiles represent the only tool to appraise the subsurface structural setting. 

How to cite: Maesano, F. E., Buttinelli, M., Maffucci, R., Toscani, G., Basili, R., Bonini, L., Burrato, P., Fedorik, J., Fracassi, U., Panara, Y., Tarabusi, G., Tiberti, M. M., Valensise, G., Vallone, R., and Vannoli, P.: 3D geological modeling of the blind thrust system activated during the November 2022 Pesaro offshore seismic sequence (Adriatic sea, Italy)., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6973,, 2023.

EGU23-8291 | Orals | TS3.8 | Highlight

A Tsunami Generated by a Strike-Slip Event: Constraints From GPS and SAR Data on the 2018 Palu Earthquake 

Wim Simons, Taco Broerse, Lin Shen, Nicolai Nijholt, Olga Kleptsova, Andrew Hooper, Julie Pietrzak, Yu Morishita, Marc Naeije, Stef Lhermitte, Rob Govers, Christophe Vigny, Pieter Visser, and Riccardo Riva

A devastating tsunami struck Palu Bay in the wake of the 28 September 2018 Mw = 7.5 Palu earthquake (Sulawesi, Indonesia). With a predominantly strike-slip mechanism, the question remains whether this unexpected tsunami was generated by the earthquake itself, or rather by earthquake-induced landslides. In this study we examine the tsunami potential of the co-seismic deformation. To this end, we present a novel geodetic data set of Global Positioning System and multiple Synthetic Aperture Radar-derived displacement fields to estimate a 3D co-seismic surface deformation field. The data reveal a number of fault bends, conforming to our interpretation of the tectonic setting as a transtensional basin. Using a Bayesian framework, we provide robust finite fault solutions of the co-seismic slip distribution, incorporating several scenarios of tectonically feasible fault orientations below the bay. These finite fault scenarios involve large co-seismic uplift (>2 m) below the bay due to thrusting on a restraining fault bend that connects the offshore continuation of two parallel onshore fault segments. With the co-seismic displacement estimates as input we simulate a number of tsunami cases. For most locations for which video-derived tsunami waveforms are available our models provide a qualitative fit to leading wave arrival times and polarity. The modeled tsunamis explain most of the observed runup. We conclude that co-seismic deformation was the main driver behind the tsunami that followed the Palu earthquake. Our unique geodetic data set constrains vertical motions of the sea floor, and sheds new light on the tsunamigenesis of strike-slip faults in transtensional basins.

How to cite: Simons, W., Broerse, T., Shen, L., Nijholt, N., Kleptsova, O., Hooper, A., Pietrzak, J., Morishita, Y., Naeije, M., Lhermitte, S., Govers, R., Vigny, C., Visser, P., and Riva, R.: A Tsunami Generated by a Strike-Slip Event: Constraints From GPS and SAR Data on the 2018 Palu Earthquake, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8291,, 2023.

The Coefficient of Complexity (CoCo) is a metric that quantifies the relative structural complexity of the fault system surrounding a specific study site on a primary fault extending through the system. Specifically, the CoCo metric has been used successfully to correlate the relative constancy or non-constancy of incremental slip rates on major strike-slip faults with the proximity, number, and slip rates of other neighboring active faults within a given radius of observation. Interestingly, our analysis shows that faults that extend through more structurally complex plate-boundary fault systems are characterized by more temporally variable slip behavior than faults that are embedded within simpler settings. Complex stress interactions within structurally complicated tectonic networks, as well as possible temporal changes in fault strength and kinematic interactions amongst mechanically complementary faults, likely explain these different behaviors. The CoCo metric thus not only provides a potential means for better evaluating the future behavior of large plate-boundary faults in the absence of well-documented incremental slip-rate behavior, but also can be used to differentiate faults that typically slip at a constant rate from the ones which do not. Using these results, we explore the relationship between incremental fault slip rates averaged over both short and large displacements on major strike-slip faults and geodetic estimates of strain accumulation rate on faults with different CoCo values. As might be anticipated, our analysis shows that the relatively constant slip rates on faults embedded within structurally simple strike-slip tectonic networks (i.e., low-CoCo faults) generally match rates of elastic strain accumulation of the faults’ shear zones, as measured by geodetic slip-deficit rates. In marked contrast, geodetic slip-deficit rates for faults embedded within structurally complex fault systems (high-CoCo faults) are less consistent with geological rates, whether averaged over short or large displacement scales, indicating significant variations in strain-accumulation rate on high-CoCo faults. We use these data to suggest possible patterns of geodetic-to-geologic rate ratios that may be indicative of the likely near-future behavior of the fault in question.

How to cite: Gauriau, J. and Dolan, J.: Using the CoCo metric of relative structural complexity of major plate-boundary fault networks to explore potentially time-variable fault loading rates on major strike-slip faults, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8544,, 2023.

EGU23-9009 | ECS | Orals | TS3.8

The long-term evolution of Monte Marine and Monte Pettino seismogenic faults: tectono-stratigraphic, isotopic, and chronological constraints 

Giorgio Arriga, Marta Marchegiano, Valentina Argante, Junjie Zhang, Paola Cipollari, Domenico Cosentino, Michele Soligo, Marion Peral, Hsun-Ming Hu, Chuan-Chou Shen, Mauro Brilli, Philippe Claeys, and Federico Rossetti

The central Apennines are a Cenozoic fold-and-thrust belt that has been affected by post-orogenic extension in its axial region since the end of the early Pliocene (ca. 4 Ma). Post-orogenic extension generated several intermontane basins bounded by high-angle normal faults, striking NW-SE, subparallel to the backbone of the chain. The Monte Pettino and the Monte Marine seismogenic faults (MPF, MMF) are the boundary faults of the western portion of the late Pliocene-Quaternary L’Aquila intermontane basin. Their long-term activity is typified by exhumed fault cores that coexist with active fault strands localised at the fault hanging walls, providing evidence of a polyphase tectonic activity. The fault cores are decorated by diffuse dolomitization, which indicates structurally controlled fluid-flow and metasomatism. To constrain the long-term (space-time) evolution of the MPF-MMF faults, we integrated fieldwork, stable isotope systematics (δ18O, δ13C and Δ47), carbonate thermoluminescence and U-Th dating. Our results highlight two main tectonic phases, with different structural evolution and fluid-rock interaction. The first phase corresponds to the development of a major cataclastic zone, defined by meter-thick, SW-dipping (65-70°), fault cores exposed at the piedmont of the MPF-MMF ridges. The C-O systematics of the cataclasite and of the associated calcite slickenfibers, which are in the range of the carbonate bedrock, indicate a "closed" system behaviour during fault nucleation and development. Preliminary results from Δ47 thermometry of syn-kinematic carbonate structures indicate temperatures of 34 ± 2 °C. Thermoluminescence dating of dolomite clasts in the fault zone indicates age in the range of 3.0 – 3.4 Ma, whilst the cataclastic fault core is younger (< 800 ka). The second phase is mainly recorded in upper Pleistocene sedimentary Breccias (ca. 350 ka) which unconformably cover the bedrock and the exhumed fault cores at the SE termination of the MPF. It consists of anastomosed, high-angle WNW-ESE striking fault strands, spaced meters apart and with cm-m displacements, associated with carbonate veining and travertines. Stable isotopes measured from the fault slickenfibers, carbonate veins and travertines show negative δ13C and δ18O values, suggesting a depositional system dominated by meteoric fluid ("open" system) with an important contribution of organic carbon. Travertines and veins precipitated at colder temperatures (12 ± 4 °C), in the range of the average local air temperatures, thus excluding precipitation from a hydrothermal circuit. Moreover, their U-Th ages range between 182 and 331 ka, compatible with the temporal constraints from stratigraphic data. Structural and isotopic results do not support tectonic reactivation of the cataclastic core of the MPF during the middle-late Pleistocene, confirming the stratigraphic evidence. Our results provide the first absolute age constraint on the post-orogenic extensional faulting in the L’Aquila basin, demonstrating a two-stage fault activity, characterised by a change from localised (from ca. 3 to ca. 0.8 Ma) to delocalised faulting (200-300 ka to present). We infer that this change in the style of extensional faulting was consequence of the evolving rheological structure of the fault zones, primarily regulated by the feedback and interactions involving structurally-controlled fluid flow, rock metasomatism and cataclastic processes in space and time.

How to cite: Arriga, G., Marchegiano, M., Argante, V., Zhang, J., Cipollari, P., Cosentino, D., Soligo, M., Peral, M., Hu, H.-M., Shen, C.-C., Brilli, M., Claeys, P., and Rossetti, F.: The long-term evolution of Monte Marine and Monte Pettino seismogenic faults: tectono-stratigraphic, isotopic, and chronological constraints, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9009,, 2023.

EGU23-9272 | Posters on site | TS3.8

Ultra-high resolution (micro-bathymetric mapping and sub-bottom profiling) imaging of an active strike-slip fault, the North Alfeo Fault, offshore Catania, Eastern Sicily (Ionian Sea, Central Mediterranean) 

Barreca Giovanni, Gaillot Arnaud, Klingelhoefer Frauke, Dupont Pauline, Lenhof Edgar, Coussin Vincent, Dominguez Stèphane, and Gutscher Marc-Andrè

The goal of the ERC funded FOCUS project is to study an active fault offshore Catania using fiber optics, sea-floor geodesy, seismological stations (onshore and OBS on the seafloor) and detailed in-situ observations using an ROV and an AUV. Here, we report on the latter. In October 2020 using the ROV Victor6000 and in January 2022 using the AUV IdefX, we performed micro-bathymetric mapping (at an altitude of 50 m above the seafloor) of a 15-km-long segment of the North Alfeo Fault, covering water depths of about 1600 m to 2300 m. A prominent lozenge-shaped transpressive ridge or “pop-up” type structure is one of the primary features of this portion of the fault zone. It forms a flat-topped plateau culminating at about 1700 m water depth. It is cross-cut by a network of N-S striking faults resembling domino blocks or books in a book-shelf.

Sub-bottom profiling (using a chirp system on the AUV IdefX at an altitude of 70 m above the seafloor) crossed the transpressive ridge and imaged the network of narrowly spaced (typically 100 - 200 m spacing) N-S striking faults, which are steeply W dipping normal faults. This suggests the transpressive ridge is currently collapsing. Indeed, the eastern part of the plateau is marked by a small (600 m long from headscarp to toe) submarine landslide. The overall pattern in the northern portion of the mapped area (west of the plateau) is a series of oblique secondary faults, crossing the primary fault at an angle of about 30°. Using a very simple analog model of a thin layer of cohesive granular material above two rigid plates, with a slightly curved fault track, it was possible to produce a primary strike-slip fault directly above the cut between the two plates, and several distinct transpressional ridges (pop-ups) as well as transtensional fissures or gashes. Secondary faults form obliquely to the primary fault and are oriented at about a 30° angle clockwise from the trend of the primary fault. This pattern reproduces the large-scale features observed in the micro-bathymetry from the NW prolongation of the North Alfeo fault. A series of analog experiments using different rheologies in the sediment layer is planned in the future to test the likely detachment (nucleation) depth for the strike-slip fault in the basement.


How to cite: Giovanni, B., Arnaud, G., Frauke, K., Pauline, D., Edgar, L., Vincent, C., Stèphane, D., and Marc-Andrè, G.: Ultra-high resolution (micro-bathymetric mapping and sub-bottom profiling) imaging of an active strike-slip fault, the North Alfeo Fault, offshore Catania, Eastern Sicily (Ionian Sea, Central Mediterranean), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9272,, 2023.

The northward migration of the Mendocino Triple Junction (MTJ) drives a fundamental plate boundary transformation from convergence to translation; producing a series of strike-slip faults, that become the San Andreas plate boundary. How and why these faults develop where they do is enigmatic. We find that the 3-D structure of the Pacific plate lithosphere in the vicinity of the MTJ controls the location of San Andreas plate boundary formation. Recently developed, high-resolution seismic-tomographic imagery of northern California indicates that (1) the Pioneer Fragment, and extension of the Pacific plate beneath the western margin of North America occupies the western half of the slab window, immediately south of the MTJ; (2) the eastern edge of the Pioneer Fragment lies beneath the newly forming Maacama Fault system, which develops to become the locus for the primary plate boundary structure after approximately 6-10 Ma (eg. the present-day East Bay faults in the SF Bay region); and (3) the placement of the translating Pioneer Fragment adjacent to the asthenosphere of the slab window, and its coupling to the overlying North American crust generate a shear zone within and below the crust that develops into the  plate boundary faults. This plate boundary configuration has been operable since the initial formation of the transform plate boundary. As a result, the San Andreas plate boundary forms within the western margin of North America, approximately 100 km inboard of the western edge of North America, rather than at its western edge. One additional result of this is that blocks of North America lithosphere are detached and become terranes (such as the Salinian and Nacimiento (Franciscan) blocks) that are captured by and translate with the Pacific plate, producing the complex crustal architecture of coastal California.

How to cite: Furlong, K. P.: The Development of the Northern San Andreas Plate Boundary Fault System - Importance of Lower-crustal Ductile Shear in Producing Primary Plate Boundary Structure, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10059,, 2023.

EGU23-10111 | Orals | TS3.8

Frictional-viscous flow and the aseismic-seismic transition at shallow depths 

Carolyn Boulton, André Niemeijer, Marcel Mizera, Timothy Little, Inigo Müller, Martin Ziegler, and Maartje Hamers

During the interseismic period of an earthquake cycle, creeping patches and locked asperities on crustal faults control the distribution of accumulated elastic strain and thus their seismic potential. Yet the frictional and frictional-viscous processes that facilitate creep on shallow crustal faults, such as near-trench subduction zone décollements, remain poorly understood. At mid-to-low latitudes, calcareous sediments are important subduction zone input materials. Compared with siliciclastic lithologies, calcareous rocks more readily accommodate strain aseismically via crystal plasticity and diffusive mass transfer processes at low temperatures and pressures in the upper crust. Along the Hikurangi Subduction Margin of New Zealand, accretionary prism uplift has exposed the Hungaroa fault zone, an inactive thrust fault developed within fine-grained, calcareous sedimentary rocks.

In this research, we present observational and theoretical evidence that the Hungaroa fault zone accommodated deformation primarily by distributed aseismic creep within a ~33 m-wide fault core.  Syntectonic calcite vein clumped isotope thermometry and maximum differential stress estimates indicate that deformation took place at 2 to 4 km depth. We model the fault zone rheology assuming diffusion-controlled frictional-viscous flow, with deformation at strain rates ≤10-9 s-1 able to have taken place at low shear stresses (τ <10 MPa) given sufficiently short diffusion distances (d <0.1 mm), even in the absence of pore fluid overpressures. Critically, fault zones with diffusion-controlled frictional-viscous flow rheology can exhibit spatially and temporally variable strain rates if grain-scale and fracture-scale processes change the diffusion distance. Thus, the shallow (up-dip) limit of the seismogenic zone is not a simple function of temperature in fault zones governed by a frictional-viscous flow rheology.

How to cite: Boulton, C., Niemeijer, A., Mizera, M., Little, T., Müller, I., Ziegler, M., and Hamers, M.: Frictional-viscous flow and the aseismic-seismic transition at shallow depths, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10111,, 2023.

EGU23-11050 | Orals | TS3.8 | Highlight

Normal fault network evolution in 3D numerical models 

Sascha Brune, Thilo Wrona, Derek Neuharth, Anne Glerum, John Naliboff, and Esther Heckenbach

Understanding how normal fault networks initiate and evolve is important for quantifying plate boundary deformation, assessing seismic hazard and finding natural resources. In recent years, 3D numerical models have been developed that can simulate the entire process of normal fault formation, from the start of rifting to the creation of new ocean floor. However, state-of-the-art methods treat faults as finite-width shear zones not as discrete entities, so additional work is needed to isolate individual faults and their characteristics in order to better understand fault system dynamics over geological scales.

We present 3D numerical rift models of moderately oblique extension using the ASPECT software. These models reproduce the thermo-mechanical behavior of Earth's lithosphere and simulate fault system dynamics from inception to breakup accounting for visco-plastic rheology, strain softening and surface processes. We use a method that extracts surficial fault systems as 2D networks of nodes and edges to study the evolution of normal faulting. By applying data analysis techniques, we group nodes and edges into components that represent individual faults and track their geometry and movement over time.

We find that the initial fault network forms through rapid fault growth and linkage, followed by competition between neighboring faults that leads to their coalescence into a stable network. At this point, modelled normal faults continue to accumulate displacement but do not grow any longer. As deformation localizes towards the center of the rift, the initial border faults shrink and disintegrate, being replaced by new faults in the center of the rift. During that transition, we document strain partitioning between predominantly dip-slip border faults and oblique-slip or strike-slip intra-basin faults. The longevity of faulting is thereby controlled by crustal rheology and surface process efficiency. Quantitative analysis of fault evolution allows us to deduce fault growth and linkage as well as fault tip retreat and disintegration in unprecedented detail.

How to cite: Brune, S., Wrona, T., Neuharth, D., Glerum, A., Naliboff, J., and Heckenbach, E.: Normal fault network evolution in 3D numerical models, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11050,, 2023.

EGU23-11843 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.8

Multidisciplinary approach to the study of a crustal tectonic discontinuity: an example from the Central Mediterranean offshore (Sicily channel) 

Simona Bongiovanni, Mariagiada Maiorana, Antonino D'Alessandro, Raffaele Martorana, and Attilio Sulli

The central Mediterranean is a geodynamically very complex area included in the convergence zone between the European plate and the African plate. We investigated the western sector of the Sicily Channel , which shows, according to literature data, different deep and shallow tectonic structures than the eastern sector.  Structural data show the presence of a crustal-scale discontinuity that has generated major seismic events such as the Belice earthquake of 1968. This structure has been identified as a wideband roughly oriented N-S from the San Vito Lo Capo to the Sciacca area (SVCS band, San Vito Lo Capo - Sciacca band) (Di Stefano et al., 2015) and continuing offshore to the Pantelleria area. In this work, through multidisciplinary data analysis, we aim to investigate the correlation between the surface structures highlighted onshore and the offshore continuation. For this purpose, we considered offshore data from the Sicily Channel including: gravimetric data, which show negative anomalies in the Pantelleria graben (Palano et al., 2020) and in the Sciacca offshore and velocity models showing the lateral variation of the Moho with values ranging from 30 to 33 km depth and values ranging from 20 to 23 km depth respectively west and est of the Pantelleria graben (Finetti, 2005). These data were compared with our interpretation of crustal reflection seismic profiles and seismic events (since 2005 with M≥2). The results show an alignment of seismic events with roughly N-S direction from offshore Sciacca to Lampedusa. Moreover, the seismic profiles show a lateral variation of the Moho depth deepening estward. From the joint analysis of these data we obtained a geological model of the investigated sector defining the offshore prosecution of the SVCS band present onshore. The present work may be useful for understanding the geodynamic evolution and for studying the seismic hazard of this area.



Di Stefano P., Favara R., Luzio D., Renda P., Cacciatore M. S., Calò M., Napoli G., Parisi L., Todaro S., Zarcone G. (2015). A regional-scale discontinuity in western Sicily revealed by a multidisciplinary approach: A new piece for understanding the geodynamic puzzle of the southern Mediterranean, Tectonics, 34, 2067–2085, doi:10.1002/2014TC003759.

Finetti I. R. (Ed.). (2005). CROP project: deep seismic exploration of the central Mediterranean and Italy. Elsevier.

Palano M., Ursino A., Spampinato S., Sparacino F., Polonia A., Gasperini L. (2020). Crustal deformation, active tectonics and seismic potential in the Sicily Channel (Central Mediterranean), along the Nubia–Eurasia plate boundary. Scientific reports, 10(1), 1-14.

How to cite: Bongiovanni, S., Maiorana, M., D'Alessandro, A., Martorana, R., and Sulli, A.: Multidisciplinary approach to the study of a crustal tectonic discontinuity: an example from the Central Mediterranean offshore (Sicily channel), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11843,, 2023.

EGU23-12583 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.8

Influence of mechanical stratigraphy and structural inheritance on the geometrical evolution of normal faults in the German Molasse Basin 

Vladimir Shipilin, David Tanner, Jennifer Ziesch, and Hermann Buness

Lithospheric flexure is the primary mechanism for the development of normal faults in foreland basins. While the tectonic regime defines the overall fabric of such flexure-induced faults, mechanical heterogeneity of the sedimentary sequence and pre-existing faults exert a major control on the geometry of the individual faults. Interpretation of 3-D seismic reflection data in the central part of the German Molasse Basin, a northern Alpine foreland basin, reveals a normal fault network that exhibits varying degrees of vertical segmentation. Two major faults oriented parallel to the strike of the Alpine orogen are characterised by geometrically coherent displacement of deeper Mesozoic strata and shallower Cenozoic strata. In contrast, another major fault system, oriented obliquely to the orogenic strike, shows an along-strike variation in geometric coupling between deeper and shallower structural levels. Although a thoroughgoing fault in the northeast, it bifurcates laterally to the southwest, with the deep and shallow segments decoupling across a southeastwardly-thickening, mechanically-weak layer. To establish the geometric evolution of these faults and understand to what extent it was governed by mechanical stratigraphy and structural inheritance, we here analyse throw distribution on the faults and variations in stratal thicknesses across the faults. High-resolution throw mapping indicates a general updip decrease in throw for the orogen-parallel faults, whereas the obliquely-oriented fault, in its coupled portion, has two throw maxima separated by a throw minimum at the mechanically incompetent interval. These results, together with syn-kinematic strata observations, show that the former faults initiated with the onset of the Cenozoic foreland flexure and grew upward by radial propagation, whereas the latter fault formed by an oblique reactivation of precursory Mesozoic faults and developed in the Cenozoic as a segmented structure. We hypothesise that the coupling of its deep and shallow segments to the northeast was established by a dip-linkage mechanism, which was inhibited further to the southeast as the mechanical barrier thickens. The reactivation of the pre-existing structures explains the non-optimal orientation of the younger fault segments at a shallower level, with the former acting as kinematic attractors for the latter faults. This study demonstrates how a detailed fault kinematic analysis can help to decipher the effect of multi-layered mechanical stratigraphy and structural inheritance on the spatial evolution of individual flexure-induced faults.

How to cite: Shipilin, V., Tanner, D., Ziesch, J., and Buness, H.: Influence of mechanical stratigraphy and structural inheritance on the geometrical evolution of normal faults in the German Molasse Basin, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12583,, 2023.

EGU23-13053 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.8

Mirror-like fault surfaces in bituminous dolostones (Central Apennines, Italy) 

Miriana Chinello, Michele Fondriest, Telemaco Tesei, Elena Spagnuolo, Andrea Schito, Stephen A. Bowden, Luigi Germinario, Claudio Mazzoli, Chiara Cornelio, and Giulio Di Toro

Mirror-like surfaces (MSs) are ultra-polished fault surfaces that reflect visible light thanks to their low surface roughness (nm-scale). These ultra-polished surfaces are often found in seismogenic fault zones cutting limestones and dolostones (e.g., Siman-Tov et al., 2013; Fondriest et al., 2013; Ohl et al., 2020). Both natural and experimentally-produced fault-related MSs were described in spatial association with ultrafine matrix (grain size <10µm), nanograins (<100nm in size), amorphous carbon, decomposition products of calcite/dolomite (i.e., portlandite, periclase) and larger in size but “truncated” clasts (Verberne et al., 2019). However, the mechanism of formation of MSs is still a matter of debate. Indeed, experimental evidence shows that MSs can develop both under seismic (slip rate ≈1 m/s; Fondriest et al., 2013; Siman-Tov et al., 2013; Pozzi et al., 2018; Ohl et al., 2020), and aseismic (slip rate ≈0.1-10 µm/s; Verberne et al., 2013; Tesei et al., 2017) deformation conditions, involving various physical-chemical processes operating over a broad range of P-T conditions, strain and strain rates.

To understand how MSs form and their role in the seismic cycle, 10 samples were collected and analysed from normal faults cutting bituminous dolostones (Central Apennines, Italy). The MSs samples were from faults with increasing cumulated slip (from < 1 mm to few meters) and different resolved stress.

Ultra-high resolution scanning electron microstructural investigations of the MSs and the associated slip zones, show that the mirrors consist of exposed surfaces of ultra-flat dolostone grains and dolomite nanoparticles cemented by a <1-2 μm thick matrix of smeared bitumen. Cataclastic flow and pressure solution aided by the presence of bitumen are the main deformation mechanisms, probably associated with aseismic creep and fault healing/sealing during the seismic cycle.

Surface microroughness measurements (White Light Profilometry) reveal that (1) the RMS microroughness is < 500 nm over a lateral distance < 1 mm and (2) both the profile and the areal RMS show a weak inverse correlation with increasing displacement. Power Spectral Density (PSD) analysis shows that only in the sample with a displacement less than 1 mm is there a dependence of roughness on slip direction (that is, striae are observed).

Finally, Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry analysis of bitumen from a fault MS which accommodated 86 cm of slip displacement has less quantities of larger molecular weight biomarkers and enrichment in lower molecular weight homologues relative to unfaulted rock. A difference that can be explained by frictional heating during seismic slip causing the destruction of higher molecular weight homologues.

This multidisciplinary study, by investigating the mechanism of formation of MSs, show that these ultra-polished features record the main phases of the seismic cycle, including coseismic slip (changes in the biomarkers structure), aseismic creep (viscous flow of bitumen) and inter-seismic fault sealing/healing (pressure-solution and cold sintering).

How to cite: Chinello, M., Fondriest, M., Tesei, T., Spagnuolo, E., Schito, A., Bowden, S. A., Germinario, L., Mazzoli, C., Cornelio, C., and Di Toro, G.: Mirror-like fault surfaces in bituminous dolostones (Central Apennines, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13053,, 2023.

EGU23-13787 | Orals | TS3.8

Postglacial strike-slip faulting within the Skjálfandi Bay, N-Iceland 

Bryndís Brandsdóttir, Robert Detrick, Neal Driscoll, Jeffrey Karson, and Gunnar Guðmundsson

The Tjörnes Fracture Zone (TFZ) is a complex transform fault zone linking the Northern Volcanic Zone (NVZ) on land Iceland, with the offshore Kolbeinsey Ridge. The TFZ is roughly 150 km long (E-W) by 50-75 km wide (N-S) incorporating three major N-S trending pull-apart basins bounded by a complex array of normal and oblique-slip faults. The Skjálfandi Bay is the southern extension of the central basin. Seismicity within the Skjálfandi Bay is mostly confined to its western margin and the Húsavík-Flatey fault system (HFFS) across the southern part of the bay, extending eastwards into the NVZ and westwards into the westernmost basin. The main strands of the HFFS can be traced offshore across the Skjálfandi Bay in both CHIRP and multibeam data, as two WNW-trending, south-facing fault scarps. Several smaller WNW-trending faults are located sub-parallel of the main HFFS, many of which are delineated by pockmarks on the seafloor. Pockmark lineaments in northeastern Skjálfandi are elongated NE-SW, and WNW-ESE in the western part of the bay. The NE-SW pockmarks appear to be aligned along sediment covered marginal faults of the Skjálfandi basin whereas the northwestern pockmark field seems to be linked to WNW-ESE –trending strike-slip faults with little or no vertical displacement. The inferred pattern of WNW-ESE strike-slip faults and NE-SW basin-bounding faults matches results from adjacent areas of the Tjörnes Peninsula and Flateyjarskagi. Paleoearthquake records can be derived from highresolution seismic reflection profiles of active fault-growth sequences where long-term rate of sedimentation exceeds the rate of vertical fault displacement. Dense profiles across strike-slip faults within Skjálfandi exhibit vertical slip of up to 15 m during several earthquake sequences during the last ~12000 years.

How to cite: Brandsdóttir, B., Detrick, R., Driscoll, N., Karson, J., and Guðmundsson, G.: Postglacial strike-slip faulting within the Skjálfandi Bay, N-Iceland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13787,, 2023.

EGU23-13935 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.8

From Lake Iznik to the Marmara Sea (NW Turkey): new insights in marine and lacustrine paleoseismology. 

Renaldo Gastineau, Pierre Sabatier, Stefano C. Fabbri, Flavio S. Anselmetti, Patricia Roeser, Mustafa Şahin, Serkan Gündüz, A. Catalina Gebhardt, Sven O. Franz, Frank Niessen, and Julia De Sigoyer

The North Anatolian Fault (NAF), located in Turkey, is one of the world's most active faults and accommodates Anatolia's westward motion relative to Eurasia. Over the last century, several earthquakes (M>6.8) have migrated from east to west. It is in the Marmara region, south of Istanbul, that the subsequent rupture is expected. However, this is where the geometry of the fault becomes more complex. It divides into three branches, one of which borders Lake Iznik and the southern Marmara Sea. As there is now very little seismic activity along this portion of the NAF (MNAF), and GPS only detects small displacements (Reilinger et al., 2006), it is thought to be inactive. However, the city of Iznik, the cradle of Christianity, has preserved valuable historical evidence in contrast to its observations. Therefore, to better understand the seismic hazard in this area, it is necessary to catalogue the seismic activity and locate past ruptures.

Two active faults were discovered in Lake Iznik thanks to our geophysical and coring campaigns (Gastineau et al., 2021). The study of short (<4m) sediment cores sampled on both sides of the E-W fault running close to Iznik city reveals that the previous rupture (1065 CE) coincides with a highly destructive historical earthquake recorded in the city's archaeological structures (Benjelloun et al., 2020). In addition to this localised rupture, numerous other event deposits are present in the sediments (laterally and temporally). We demonstrated that the same earthquake in 1065 CE is associated with various deposit types. One type of deposition is only observed for the 1065 CE earthquake, which takes place in the lake, unlike the others, suggesting that this type of deposition may depend on ground motion parameters besides the source-core distance.

A compilation of marine and lacustrine palaeoseismological studies was carried out at the scale of the western part of the NAF. We show that the relationship between sedimentation rate and the presence of earthquake-induced slope destabilisation doesn't work in the marine environment, unlike in the lacustrine environment. We also show that Lake Iznik records earthquakes from the NNAF and the MNAF, whereas the Sea of Marmara records only NNAF earthquakes. These observations open new perspectives and demonstrate the need to consider seismology and site effects in marine and lacustrine paleoseismology.


Benjelloun, Y., De Sigoyer, J., Dessales, H., Baillet, L., Guéguen, P., Şahin, M., 2020. Historical earthquake scenarios for the middle strand of the North Anatolian Fault deduced from archeo-damage inventory and building deformation modeling. Seismol. Res. Lett.

Gastineau, R., De Sigoyer, J., Sabatier, P., Fabbri, S.C., Anselmetti, F.S., Develle, A.L., Şahin, M., Gündüz, S., Niessen, F., Gebhardt, A.C., 2021. Active Subaquatic Fault Segments in Lake Iznik Along the Middle Strand of the North Anatolian Fault, NW Turkey. Tectonics 40, e2020TC006404.

Reilinger, R., McClusky, S., Vernant, P., Lawrence, S., Ergintav, S., Cakmak, R., Ozener, H., Kadirov, F., Guliev, I., Stepanyan, R., others, 2006. GPS constraints on continental deformation in the Africa-Arabia-Eurasia continental collision zone and implications for the dynamics of plate interactions. J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth 111.

How to cite: Gastineau, R., Sabatier, P., Fabbri, S. C., Anselmetti, F. S., Roeser, P., Şahin, M., Gündüz, S., Gebhardt, A. C., Franz, S. O., Niessen, F., and De Sigoyer, J.: From Lake Iznik to the Marmara Sea (NW Turkey): new insights in marine and lacustrine paleoseismology., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13935,, 2023.

EGU23-14121 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.8

The impact of human factors and measurement obliquity when extracting geological slip-rate from seismically imaged normal faults. 

Billy Andrews, Zoë Mildon, and Christopher Jackson

Seismic reflection datasets can help unpick the long term (i.e., 100 kyr to Ma) slip history of active normal faults (e.g., Nicol et al., 2005). To constrain slip-rate from seismically imaged normal faults you measure the across-fault offset of stratigraphic markers of known age.  Ideally, this is undertaken parallel to the slip-vector, i.e., orthogonal to fault-strike. In many active systems this is not possible with only non-optimally orientated 2D surveys available. Here we assess how obliquity effects continuous and discontinuous fault properties (throw, heave, dip, displacement) extracted from normal faults imaged in a 3D seismic cube. We targeted ‘straight’ faults and extracted cut off data from sequentially oblique sample lines ranging from ±50˚, comparing oblique data to that extracted from optimally orientated lines. Additionally, repeat picks were undertaken on two horizons to investigate the relative importance of measurement obliquity and human error.

Oblique measurements showed different along-fault profiles compared to orientated sample lines. This causes some datasets to be statistically different, with >100 % difference occasionally observed. Continuous deformation is more prone to obliquity errors, with the measurement of an apparent dip causing heave, and therefore displacement and dip, to display large differences at high obliquity. The dip of horizons close to the fault and localised complexity at the sample location (e.g., nearby faults) are also important factors. Differences regularly exceed 20% at high obliquity and we therefore suggest obliquity should not exceed 15˚ and were this is not possible measurements are corrected using fault cut offs and local fault strike.

For repeats picks, the shape of along-fault profiles is similar; however, subtle differences exist. Variability depends on the fault and fault parameter, with greater differences observed for faults with low displacement. Several locations along the fault exceeded the population difference. This was locally associated with a particular dataset; however, trends rarely persisted along the whole fault. Factors influencing this include a) shallow folding close to the fault, b) localised complexity at the sample location, and/or c) poor imaging near the fault plane. Unexpectedly, no correlation between variability and obliquity was found. Overall, we suggest errors due to human factors could be ~10-15% for throw and 20-25% for heave, with higher errors possible.

If we consider the fault data extracted using 2D seismic lines across the Cape Egmont Fault by Nicol et al., 2005, >50% of the measurement points exceed our recommended maximum obliquity. Nicol et al. (2005) report that the maximum throw between the 3.2 and 3.7 Ma horizons as 1364 m, giving a throw rate of 0.0028 mm/yr. However, the 2D survey at this location has a measurement obliquity of 21˚. Considering our findings throw rate could range from 0.0022 to 0.0033 mm/yr due to obliquity and human factors. It is therefore important users are aware that spatio-temporal variations in slip-rate may be caused by geological controls, human errors, and measurement obliquity.

Nicol et al., 2005. Growth of a normal fault by the accumulation of slip over millions of years. J. Struct. Geol. 27 (2), 327-342.

How to cite: Andrews, B., Mildon, Z., and Jackson, C.: The impact of human factors and measurement obliquity when extracting geological slip-rate from seismically imaged normal faults., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14121,, 2023.

EGU23-14659 | ECS | Orals | TS3.8

New insights into the deformation history of the Brenner Fault by the application of ESR thermochronometry 

Valentina Argante, Sumiko Tsukamoto, David Colin Tanner, Christoph von Hagke, and Christian Brandes

The Brenner Fault (BF) is an extensional low-angle fault in the eastern Alps that borders the western edge of the Tauern Window. The BF was instrumental in the exhumation of the latter, allowing the formation of the tectonic window by the uplift of the footwall. It consists of a wide shear zone, dipping to the west by an angle of 25-30°, overprinted by a brittle and steeper fault zone with a few metres thickness.  Exhumation and cooling history of its footwall has been investigated by several low temperature thermochronometry approaches, which have defined the Neogenic deformation history, using the zircon and apatite U-Th/He dating methods (Wolff et al. 2021). Because of the lack of thermochronological methods able to date the thermal history of the rocks during Quaternary, the most-recent knowledge of this fault activity has not yet been defined. New studies have shown the possible application of ESR dating on quartz as an ultralow-temperature thermochronometer, characterized by a closure temperature of 30°-90°C, and dating range of 103-107 years that is therefore a useful tool to reconstruct the tectonic deformation of the upper crust during the Quaternary. In this work, we show new structural data and the first results of ESR thermochronometry on quartz applied to rocks of BF collected across both the shear and fault zones. An en-echelon system of normal faults can be distinguished within the continuous N-S striking main fault, suggesting the probable start of brittle deformation or a following deformation phase overprinted the previous one. Moreover, ESR measurements of ten samples collected across the BF show that the ESR ages of quartz get younger toward the Tauern Window, in accordance with fission track and (U-Th)/He ages. The ESR ages indicate the Quaternary exhumation of the BF, i.e. the youngest activity of the BF. Our results promise the successful application of ESR thermochronometry in defining the youngest deformation histories of Neogenic faults in the Alpine chain.

How to cite: Argante, V., Tsukamoto, S., Tanner, D. C., von Hagke, C., and Brandes, C.: New insights into the deformation history of the Brenner Fault by the application of ESR thermochronometry, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14659,, 2023.

EGU23-15260 | ECS | Orals | TS3.8

Linking surface deformation with lower crustal shear zones: insights into drivers of millennial-scale earthquake clustering and time-dependent seismic hazard 

Zoe Mildon, Gerald Roberts, Joanna Faure Walker, Joakim Beck, Ioannis Papanikolaou, Alessandro Michetti, Shinji Toda, Francesco Iezzi, Lucy Campbell, Ken McCaffrey, Richard Shanks, Claudia Sgambato, Jenni Robertson, Marco Meschis, and Eutizio Vittori

Surface faulting earthquakes are known to cluster in time from historical and palaeoseismic studies in multiple active tectonic settings, including central Greece, southern California and central Italy. However, the mechanism(s) responsible for clustering, such as fault interaction, strain-storage, and evolving dynamic topography, are poorly quantified and hence not well understood. We combine surface dating of active normal fault scarps in central Italy with stress modelling and quartz flow laws, to produce a quantified replication of observed earthquake clustering.

We study six active normal faults (including the Mt Vettore fault which ruptured during the 2016 central Italy earthquake sequence) using 36Cl cosmogenic dating. This reveals periods of high and low slip rate, which we interpret to be earthquake clusters/anti-clusters. Interestingly, these changes in slip rate (or clustering) are out-of-phase between neighbouring faults, i.e. when one fault slows down, nearby faults speed up at the same time. To explore the underlying processes driving this out-of-phase clustering behaviour, we link stress transfer caused by slip over clusters/anti-clusters on coupled fault/shear-zone structures with viscous quartz flow laws derived from laboratory experiments.

We show that differential stress fluctuates due to fault/shear-zone interactions, and that the magnitude of these fluctuations are sufficient to induce changes in strain-rate and associated slip-rate on neighbouring faults and shear zones. Our results suggest that fault/shear-zone interactions are a plausible and quantifiable explanation for earthquake clustering, thus opening possibilities for process-led and time-dependent seismic hazard assessments.

How to cite: Mildon, Z., Roberts, G., Faure Walker, J., Beck, J., Papanikolaou, I., Michetti, A., Toda, S., Iezzi, F., Campbell, L., McCaffrey, K., Shanks, R., Sgambato, C., Robertson, J., Meschis, M., and Vittori, E.: Linking surface deformation with lower crustal shear zones: insights into drivers of millennial-scale earthquake clustering and time-dependent seismic hazard, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15260,, 2023.

EGU23-680 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.3

3D crustal structure of the Irpinia region (Southern Apennines): constraints from the integration of subsurface data and local earthquake tomography 

Fabio Feriozzi, Luigi Improta, Francesco Emanuele Maesano, Pasquale De Gori, and Roberto Basili

The Irpinia region in the Southern Apennines is one of the areas with the highest seismic hazard in Italy, as also testified by several recent and historical earthquakes ranging between Mw 6.6-6.9 (1694, 1732, 1930, 1980). The shallow crust structural setting of this area is characterized by multiple deformational stages, which caused the tectonic stacking of Meso-Cenozoic sedimentary sequences deposited in different paleogeographic domains. The overall structure of the chain still contends between the thin-skinned and thick-skinned models.
We present a 3D geological model of key stratigraphic and tectonic elements based on the analysis of 2D seismic reflection profiles, integrated with well data and surface geology information. We also computed a 3D velocity model of the upper crust (Vp and Vp/Vs) through a local earthquake tomography (LET) to provide inferences on the structure and rock properties of the deep Apulian tectonic stack, especially where this is poorly imaged by seismic reflection imaging. We propose an integrated interpretation of the deep structure based on the analysis of the CROP-04 deep seismic profile and Vp and Vp/Vs patterns.
Our results highlight the presence of a regional thrust separating a shallow domain, characterized by relatively low-angle thrust surfaces (Allochthonous domain), from a deeper domain characterized by high-angle buried thrusts that affect the Apulian carbonate platform. The Plio-Pleistocene Apulian compressional architecture seems to control the rock physical properties in the upper crust and the seismotectonic of the area related to NE-SW regional extension active since the Middle Pleistocene. We observed that background seismicity concentrates in high-V, high-Vp/Vs regions that follow the Apulian structural trends and strictly correlate with the main crustal ramp anticlines. Furthermore, our structural model provides new geological insight regarding the destructive 1980 Irpinia earthquake (Mw=6.9), which ruptured three main fault segments.
From a methodological point of view, the integration of 3D geological model and LET is suitable for future earthquake relocations based on a data-driven velocity model reconstruction that considers the 3D geological complexities.

How to cite: Feriozzi, F., Improta, L., Maesano, F. E., De Gori, P., and Basili, R.: 3D crustal structure of the Irpinia region (Southern Apennines): constraints from the integration of subsurface data and local earthquake tomography, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-680,, 2023.

EGU23-1228 | Posters on site | TS3.3

On the several shearing evidences developed in the Yangsan Fault, Korea 

Chung-Ryul Ryoo

In large fault zone, various contractional and extensional structures accommodate horizontal shortening and extension in response to differential plate movements related to the Earth’s rotation. In this study, it was conducted a structural analysis of the Yangsan Fault, developed in the southeast Korea. The fault is about 200 Km long in land and has a general NNE-trend, cutting not only the Cretaceous rocks but also the Quaternary layers. We studied several main fault zones along Yangsan Fault. Here, we discuss some kinematic evidences and characteristics developed in the main fault zones of the Yangsan Fault, Korea. In the core of the Yangsan Fault Zone, fault-bounded sheets or blocks are horizontally rotated, duplexed and folded. From the kinematics of the sheet-bounding faults and intra-sheet minor folds, we suggest some evolutionary models of the Yangsan Fault Zone in which repeated fault-related rotation, dragging and folding are occurred.

How to cite: Ryoo, C.-R.: On the several shearing evidences developed in the Yangsan Fault, Korea, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1228,, 2023.

EGU23-1465 | Posters on site | TS3.3

Morphostructural and geophysical surveys of the late Pleistocene-Holocene Broni-Sarmato Fault (Emilia Arc, northern Italy) 

Alessandro Tibaldi, Rita De Nardis, Patrizio Torrese, Sofia Bressan, Martina Pedicini, Donato Talone, Fabio Luca Bonali, Noemi Corti, Elena Russo, and Giusy Lavecchia

We present new morphostructural and geophysical data to discuss the recent activity of the Broni-Sarmato structure, an 18 km-long outcropping section of the north-verging Stradella thrust, located 50 km south of Milan, along the pede-Apennine compressional front in the rear of the Emilia Arc. An accurate seismic hazard assessment of this structure is necessary due to the presence in the area of widespread housing settlements, industries, lifeline infrastructures and large towns. Along the fault scarp we quantified the offset of recent river deposits by GPS, DTM and drone surveys; the scarp height values range from 6 to 23 m. Respect to previous works, we also better defined the geometry in plan view of the scarp; it is not continuous along the area, being characterized by several left- and right-stepping segments. We also performed new geoelectrical surveys across the scarp that suggest the presence of a wide zone of shallow deformation along the Broni-Sarmato fault trace. These deformations could correspond to fractures that act as preferential flow path for deep saline waters and facilitate the flow towards the surface. Horizontal interruption and vertical dislocation of a shallow, high resistivity layer also revealed by geoelectrical surveys, suggest that the Broni-Sarmato fault possibly produced shallow deformation along vertical and inclined zones. These data, supported by seismic activity, although quite sparse,  can be interpreted as evidence of late Pleistocene-Holocene tectonic activity of this section of the Stradella thrust.

How to cite: Tibaldi, A., De Nardis, R., Torrese, P., Bressan, S., Pedicini, M., Talone, D., Bonali, F. L., Corti, N., Russo, E., and Lavecchia, G.: Morphostructural and geophysical surveys of the late Pleistocene-Holocene Broni-Sarmato Fault (Emilia Arc, northern Italy), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1465,, 2023.

EGU23-2420 | Posters on site | TS3.3

Exploration and recognition of active basement thrust sheet and crustal-scale duplex in the central Lesser Caucasus orogen using seismic reflection profile, Georgia 

Victor Alania, Tamar Beridze, Onise Enukidze, Thomas Gusmeo, Demur Merkviladze, Tamar Shikhashvili, and Niko Tevzadze

The Lesser Caucasus (LC) double-wedge orogen accommodates the crustal shortening due to far-field effects of the collision between the Arabian and Eurasian plates. Subsequent convergence of Arabia and Eurasian plates during the late Alpine time caused extensive intracontinental deformation in the LC. Herein we introduce the active deformation structural style of the Georgian part of the LC orogen based on seismic reflection profile, several oil-well, and surface geology data. Seismic reflection data reveals the presence of a Khrami basement thrust sheet, fault-related folds, triangle zone, and duplexes. The rocks involved in the deformation range from Paleozoic basement rocks to Pliocene-Quaternary basaltic lava flows.

Pliocene-Quaternary lava flows are involved in compressional deformation and are related to an out-of-thrust sequence of the Khrami basement thrust sheet. Based on the interpreted seismic reflection profile, the crustal-scale duplex was recognized under the basement thrust sheet which propagates northward along the Early Jurassic shale layers.

The structural architecture and tectonic evolution will be briefly presented and discussed in the new regional balanced and reconstructed cross-section across the axial zone and retro-wedge of the LC and published fission-track data (Gusmeo et al., 2021, 2022), as well as detailed examples of active tectonics, and seismicity (e.g., Tsereteli et al., 2016).


Gusmeo, T., et al. (2022). Tectono-thermal evolution of central Transcaucasia: Thermal modelling, seismic interpretation, and low-temperature thermochronology of the eastern Adjara-Trialeti and western Kura sedimentary basins (Georgia). J. As. Earth Sci. 238, 105355.

Gusmeo, T., et al. (2021). Structural inversion of back-arc basins-The Neogene Adjara-Trialeti fold-and-thrust belt (SW Georgia) as a far-field effect of the Arabia-Eurasia collision. Tectonophysics 803, 228702.

Tsereteli, N. et al. (2016). Active tectonics of central-western Caucasus, Georgia. Tectonophysics 691, 328-344.




How to cite: Alania, V., Beridze, T., Enukidze, O., Gusmeo, T., Merkviladze, D., Shikhashvili, T., and Tevzadze, N.: Exploration and recognition of active basement thrust sheet and crustal-scale duplex in the central Lesser Caucasus orogen using seismic reflection profile, Georgia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2420,, 2023.

EGU23-3365 | Posters on site | TS3.3

New high-resolution relocation of the seismicity in the Southwestern Alps (France, Italy) to improve active faults imaging: Preliminary results 

Maxime Godano, Laeticia Jacquemond, Frederic Cappa, and Christophe Larroque

The geodynamic complexity of the Southwestern Alps (France, Italy) comes from its strong tectonic inheritage due to the European-African plates convergence. The motion being currently mainly accommodated along the Maghrebides, this region of the Alps only registers small to moderate seismicity linked to low-deformation rates (convergence rates of 0.3-0.9 mm/yr). Hence until now, the geometry of the active faults in the Southwestern Alps remains unclear and imprecise. Yet, a better knowledge of these faults is a prerequisite for the establishment of a regional deformation model and the improvement of the seismic hazard assessment.
Taking advantages of a nine-year seismicity catalog (7659 earthquakes of local magnitudes ranging between -0.73 and 5.03), recorded by the French and Italian permanent national networks presenting no major evolution since 2014, a high-resolution relocation is currently ongoing. The purposes are to (1) understand how the seismic events are linked to the mapped faults, (2) highlight unknown deep seismogenic structures and (3) finally improve the overall picture of the 3D geometry of active faults in the Southwestern Alps.
We present here the preliminary analysis of the relocated catalog. The seismicity is relocated using the double-difference relative method HYPODD with both cross-correlation and catalog times. As a result, the relocation is achieved for 5828 earthquakes. The uncertainties are reduced to less than 120m in horizontal and less than 600m in vertical compared to the initial average uncertainties of less than 2 kilometers for both values, referred by previous papers.
We assess the reliability of our results by comparing, at regional scale, our new relocations with those obtained by similar methods in Ubaye region. We illustrate how the double-difference relocation refines active zones imaging at multiple scales, particularly in the swarms. In Isola region located around 60 kilometers from Nice, a swarm, active since summer 2021, initially detected by the national network as a 3-kilometerlong/1-kilometer-large shape, has been precised into a 1-kilometer-long/100-meterlarge spatial activity. This relocation improvement enabled us to detect progressive activation of fault segments. On larger scale, relation between faults that may play a key role in the present-day general dynamics of the Alpine chain and deep seismogenic structures is clarified. It is the case for the High-Durance valley (France), where the precise geometry at depth of the Crustal penninic Front and High-Durance fault is determined.

How to cite: Godano, M., Jacquemond, L., Cappa, F., and Larroque, C.: New high-resolution relocation of the seismicity in the Southwestern Alps (France, Italy) to improve active faults imaging: Preliminary results, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3365,, 2023.


 The megacity of Tehran, the capital of Iran, is located on the southern slope of the central part of the Alborz Mountain range. The earthquake risk assessment studies in the Tehran metropolis have been focused mainly on earthquake data and technical aspects of buildings and structures. In the meantime, the data on the fault that can cause earthquakes and the related triggered fracture system, like the potential of direct surface rupture that can be developed or occur as the result of an earthquake faulting, have not been significantly updated during the last two decades for mountain front foothills. The land use changes and the growth of the metropolis of Tehran during the last two decades, especially in the city's northern half, with the lack of any regulatory action on the fault zone, are escalating the risk of surface rupture. In this regard, the need to update the fault map and establish a fault zone regulatory act is paramount to importance. By reviewing the existing information and combining it with new satellite data, an updated map of the faults in the northern zone of Tehran city has been presented. The vital point in this map is to recognize the continuation of the fault trends that were introduced before, but their end was unknown. Also, a vast network of fractures or subsidiary faults belonging to the North Tehran fault system has been mapped, especially in its hanging wall part, which has not been published before. The result of the overlapping faults with urban structures and building areas shows that in the lack of regulation, the fault zone's ignoring continues in the new constructions of the Tehran metropolis. It is estimated that more than twenty hospitals, many of which are newly built, along with other strategic and sensitive structures, are in danger of surface rupture, and it is indispensable to think of a solution for them.

Additionally, many important buildings are in danger of fault rupture. We recently found that large ancient mega-landslides exist in the northern foothills of Tehran that are under more investigation. In the end, this research emphasizes the special attention to the lateral investigation of thrusts located in the north of Tehran between the North Tehran fault and the Masha fault, especially the Imamzadeh Dawood, Kigah and Pourkan faults.

Keywords: fault surface rupture, fault setback, earthquake, seismic hazard, Tehran, North Tehran Fault

How to cite: Ehteshami-Moinabadi, M. and Nasiri, S.: A critique review and update of the earthquake surface fault rupture hazard in the northern zone of Tehran metropolis, Iran, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3749,, 2023.

EGU23-4282 | ECS | Orals | TS3.3

Application of photogrammetry to reconstruct the architecture of the Fremrinamar rift, Northern Volcanic Zone, Iceland 

Martina Pedicini, Fabio Luca Bonali, Alessandro Tibaldi, Noemi Corti, Federico Pasquaré Mariotto, and Kyriaki Drymoni

The Northern Volcanic Zone is a tectonically and volcanically active area, of approximately 220 x 97 km, that accommodates the plate spreading in Northern Iceland. Given its extension, it is clear the need to enhance remote-sensing methodologies that give the possibility to obtain a reliable depiction of the main structures that characterize the area. 

Here we present the study of the Fremrinamar rift, which has a length of 13 km and a width between 8 to 9 km. To cover its entire extension we used a set of  983 historical aerial photos, freely available through the National Land Survey of Iceland. These images were acquired in 3 different years (1983, 1990, 1991), at the same flight elevation (5486 m a.s.l.), and are characterized by 60% of overlap.  Using Agisoft Metashape (v. 1.7.1) we obtain 3 Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) and 3 orthomosaics with a maximum resolution of 2.14 and 0.52 m/pixel respectively. We tested different quality combinations for both photo alignment and dense cloud processing, identifying a medium one as the best compromise between good-quality results (similar resolution levels as the one obtained with high-quality parameters) and relatively short-processing times (4-79 min. to reconstruct orthomosaics, 2-5 min. for DEMs). 

We then outline the geometry of the rift zone through mapping in a GIS environment at a 1:2500 scale. We identified 2528 extension fractures, 1785 normal fault scarps, and 207 eruptive fissures and distinguished between W- and E-dipping normal faults. The recognised structures show an overall strike of N-S to NNE-SSW, with minor values between NE-SW, and length values ranging from 4 to 7000 m. The highest length values are associated with normal faults, while extension fractures are characterized by shorter segments. Both normal faults and extension fractures show the highest length values in association with N-S strikes. E-dipping normal fault scarps show predominant dip-direction towards E-ESE, with minor ENE; W-dipping normal fault scarps dip mostly towards W-WNW, with minor WSW values. The Fremrinamar rift is characterised by a higher frequency of structures, especially eruptive fissures, in its southern and central portions (where volcanic centres are mainly located), while the northern one is defined by a decreased number of structures which also show a rotation in their strike values toward NNW-SSE. These results were finally integrated with field surveys over key areas, allowing us to evaluate and confirm the integrity and consistency of the data collected on the models.

This methodology gave us the possibility to reconstruct the geometry of an entire rift in high detail, without going to the field and with few costs (since the images are freely accessible the only costs derive from the selected software). Moreover, the presence of different sets of aerial photos, taken during different years, provides the opportunity to evaluate the temporal evolution of some key areas of the rift.

How to cite: Pedicini, M., Bonali, F. L., Tibaldi, A., Corti, N., Pasquaré Mariotto, F., and Drymoni, K.: Application of photogrammetry to reconstruct the architecture of the Fremrinamar rift, Northern Volcanic Zone, Iceland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4282,, 2023.

EGU23-4966 | ECS | Orals | TS3.3

Coseismic slip of the 2020 Mw 6.4 Petrinja earthquake (Croatia) from dense geodetic benchmarks, optical image correlation and InSAR data 

Maxime Henriquet, Branko Kordić, Marianne Métois, James Hollingsworth, Cécile Lasserre, Olivier Cavalié, Lucilla Benedetti, Stéphane Baize, Marko Špelić, Matija Vukovski, and Ryan Gold

The Mw 6.4 Petrinja earthquake (2020, Croatia) is among the strongest continental earthquakes that occurred in Eastern Europe for decades. In such low-strain contexts, the sparse terrestrial-monitoring (few seismic and geodetic stations) of rare but strong earthquakes often prevents a detailed analysis of their seismic source. Here, we take advantage of > 160 geodetic benchmarks and optical image correlation to obtain a dense near-field coverage of the coseismic surface displacements. The geodetic dataset is obtained by repeated measurements of benchmark networks designed for civilian purposes and constitutes a unique dataset of coseismic displacements in the near-field of the fault. The optical image correlation is based on pre-earthquake (December 2017) WorldView and post-earthquake (February 2021) Pleiades satellite images with a 50 cm resolution. We also complete these displacement fields with unwrapped coseismic interferograms based on Sentinel-1 products, except in the near field affected by decorrelation. These displacement fields are consistent and thus suitable for modeling the slip distribution of the Petrinja earthquake. The elastic inversion of the geodetic benchmarks revealed interesting characteristics of this event: the rupture occurred on a near-vertical strike-slip fault, at a shallow depth (< 10 km), with significant slip reaching the surface. It also suggests that the deformation was partly accommodated by a subparallel strand 2.5 km from the main source northward. The aim of this research is to improve the source model of Petrinja 2020earthquake sequence, with a joint inversion of the geodetic benchmarks, optical image correlation, and InSAR data. Nevertheless, the comparison of the geodetic and coseismic offsets measurement on the field, shows that > 70% of the slip is likely distributed at the surface. Moreover, the coseismic strain maps derived from the unique benchmark data set helped us to identify zones where deformation appears distributed. Finally, the new data raises questions about whether such moderate earthquakes are accompanied by subsurface off-fault deformation or residual elastic strain.

How to cite: Henriquet, M., Kordić, B., Métois, M., Hollingsworth, J., Lasserre, C., Cavalié, O., Benedetti, L., Baize, S., Špelić, M., Vukovski, M., and Gold, R.: Coseismic slip of the 2020 Mw 6.4 Petrinja earthquake (Croatia) from dense geodetic benchmarks, optical image correlation and InSAR data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4966,, 2023.

EGU23-5012 | ECS | Orals | TS3.3

Seismic Hazard Assessment along the Northern Apennines front (Italy): Deterministic inputs from the mapping of active and capable faults 

Thomas Gusmeo, Giacomo Carloni, Gianluca Vignaroli, Luca Martelli, and Giulio Viola

Understanding how the brittle deformation pattern at the surface relates to active seismogenic sources at depth is one key element for accurate Seismic Hazard Assessment procedures based on deterministic inputs. Establishing a relationship between surface faulting and deep sources can, however, be very challenging, especially in areas where seismogenic structures lack obvious and readily interpretable geological evidence at the surface. Here, we present results of detailed structural and geological investigations from a field-based study of active and capable faults along the Northern Apennines front (Pedeapenninic margin) between Reggio Emilia and Bologna, in northern Italy. Those results are then implemented into a Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment model (PSHA) that also relies on an accurate surface acceleration model computed by considering site effects from the local stratigraphic amplification factors.

In the study area, the geological framework is characterized by two lithotectonic units: the Eocene-to-Miocene Epiligurian Units and the Pliocene-to-Present successions cropping out along the frontal Pedeapenninic margin. A compressive tectonic regime is currently dominant, with a regional-scale, NE-verging thrust system shaping the first-order architecture of the Pedeappenninic front. This thrust system is complex and is dissected by transverse normal and transpressive/transtensive faults. The architecture of the studied margin reflects exposed NE-verging thrusts within the Epiligurian Units in the more internal domains, and mostly blind thrusts below the Pliocene-to-Present units in the external domains. The Pliocene-to-Present units are also faulted and folded, indicating that tectonic activity is still in full swing, hence with significant seismogenic potential (as also documented by seismic archives). Top-to-NE and -SW normal faults are common in the area and deform the Pliocene-to-Present successions together with mostly NE-SW striking strike-slip and transpressional/transtensional faults.

Based on these structural/stratigraphical constraints we produced a geological model that represents the deterministic input to improve our current knowledge of seismogenic sources in the study area.

Regarding the seismic response at the surface in terms of the maximum expected acceleration, we computed the mean equivalent value of shear wave velocities in the uppermost 30 m of subsoil (VSeq) by using the available geognostic database of the area. The VSeq value allowed to calculate a specific stratigraphic amplification factor at each measurement point. In the study area, amplification varies, on average, from a 1.2 factor within the more rigid substrate to a 2 factor within the less consolidated, Pleistocene-Holocene in age, intra-valley deposits and in the Apennines foothills. This classification will be used as input to the Ground Motion Prediction Equations (GMPEs), as well as the Earthquake Source Model built through the combination of geological information about the sources (width, depth, slip rate, kinematics...) and historical/instrumental seismicity.

How to cite: Gusmeo, T., Carloni, G., Vignaroli, G., Martelli, L., and Viola, G.: Seismic Hazard Assessment along the Northern Apennines front (Italy): Deterministic inputs from the mapping of active and capable faults, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5012,, 2023.

EGU23-5098 | Orals | TS3.3

Structural model of the two orogens convergence zone: A case study from western Kura foreland fold-and-thrust belt, Georgia 

Onise Enukidze, Victor Alania, Tamar Beridze, Paolo Pace, Alexandre Razmadze, Demur Merkviladze, and Tamar Shikhashvili

Collision and subsequent convergence of Arabia and Eurasian plates during the late Alpine time caused extensive intracontinental deformation in the Caucasus region. Inversion of back-arc basins, exhumation and crustal thickening took place in the far-field zone, forming two orogens, and leading to a convergence between the Lesser Caucasus (LC) and Greater Caucasus (GC). Continuous convergence between the LC and GC caused incremental deformation of the Rioni and Kura foreland basins. Recent GPS, earthquakes, and paleoseismic data indicate that the Kura foreland fold-and-thrust belt (KFFTB) is tectonically fairly active (e.g., Sokhadze et al., 2018; Tibaldi et al., 2020; Tsereteli et al., 2016; Stahl et al., 2022).

In this study, we have integrated the post-stack depth-migrated 2D seismic profiles, borehole, and outcrop data to explore the structural geometry and kinematic features of the western KFFTB. Here we show the structural style of deformation of the convergence zone between the frontal part of the LC retro-wedge and the GC pro-wedge based on seismic reflection profiles. The seismic reflection profiles reveal the presence of a triangle zone and south-and north-vergent fault-related fold and south-vergent thrusts.

In combination with surface geology and borehole data, we have analyzed along-strike variations of the south-vergent passive-back thrust and transition from the fault-propagation fold to wedge structure by using 2D seismic profiles in the western KFFTB.

Based on the 2D seismic profiles and field data interpretations as well as our sequential kinematic modeling results, we have established the geometry and structural evolution of the LC-GC convergence zone in the western KFFTB since the Late Miocene.

Acknowledgement: This research was supported by Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia (SRNSFG) [grant # YS-21-612. Geometry and kinematic evolution of frontal part of the Eastern Achara-Trialeti fold-and-thrust belt]

How to cite: Enukidze, O., Alania, V., Beridze, T., Pace, P., Razmadze, A., Merkviladze, D., and Shikhashvili, T.: Structural model of the two orogens convergence zone: A case study from western Kura foreland fold-and-thrust belt, Georgia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5098,, 2023.

EGU23-5102 | ECS | Orals | TS3.3

Active tectonics and Fault behavior analysis based on deformation of mud layer on Wuhe Tableland, Eastern Taiwan 

Suman Panday, Jia-Jyun Dong, Jiun-Yee Yen, Chih-Heng Lu, and Che-Ming Yang

The fragile geology, tectonically and active seismic mountain belt like Taiwan are exposed to numerous geological controls on development of landforms. Especially North-South elongated suture zone between Eurasian and Philippine sea plate formed a Longitudinal valley remarks very active seismic behaviors and bounded by west dipping Central Range Fault (CRF) and east dipping Longitudinal Valley Fault (LVF). Wuhe table land lies on the western side of central part of valley and approximately 200 meters elevated from Xiuguluan River bed. The unconsolidated Mud layers (>50 ka) with few carbonaceous materials of about ten meters’ thicknesses lies in thick conglomerates of tableland could be the lacustrine deposits based on sedimentary environment, which suggest that there was a short-term damming event which is inclined approximate 30 degrees towards northwest. Deformation of mud layer is further studied to analysis the active tectonics and structural controls on tableland. Numerous boreholes, geophysical prospecting, InSAR data, GPS data and past earthquake information are processed on this study as preparation of 3- dimensional geological model and deformation characteristics. Past earthquake behavior shows that CRF acts as blind strike slip movement and very less surface deformation or ruptures but small-scale fissuring on south along Yuli ruptures (Yuli fault trace from 1951 earthquake) from the tableland and the upliftment rate of tableland is slow approximately about   >1mm/year.  While there are debatable issues regarding to CRF mechanism but this research tries to correlate the active deformation behavior and preservation of Wuhe Tableland on the basis of fault characteristics in this region.

How to cite: Panday, S., Dong, J.-J., Yen, J.-Y., Lu, C.-H., and Yang, C.-M.: Active tectonics and Fault behavior analysis based on deformation of mud layer on Wuhe Tableland, Eastern Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5102,, 2023.

EGU23-5530 | Posters on site | TS3.3

A multidisciplinary approach gives new insights into the shallow structural setting of the Val d’Agri oilfield (Basilicata, southern Apennines, Italy) 

Roberta Maffucci, Marco Caciagli, Thomas Braun, Mauro Buttinelli, Francesca Cinti, Stefania Danesi, Paolo Marco De Martini, Maddalena Errico, Daniela Famiani, Valerio Materni, Daniela Pantosti, Stefano Pucci, Simone Salimbeni, and Vincenzo Sapia

The Val d’Agri (VA) oilfield in the Lucanian Apennines (southern Italy), represents the largest onshore in Europe. Since the 1990's, hydrocarbons are produced from a fractured carbonate reservoir with an average extraction rate of 7*104 barrels/day of oil and 3*106 Smc/day of gas. Part of the wastewater has been re-injected since 2006 into a marginal portion of the reservoir by a high-rate well (Costa Molina 2, CM2). Charged by the Italian oil and gas safety authority, the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) monitors the VA industrial hydrocarbon operations through the research activity of a dedicated working group (CMS, Centro di Monitoraggio del Sottosuolo) and according to the governmental monitoring guidelines. The CMS operates the real-time acquisition and offline analyses of seismic data recorded at 56 seismic stations associated with public and private local seismic networks. The principal aim of the CMS is to investigate the risk associated with industrial activities that can induce or trigger seismic events by producing stress changes within the upper crustal volume. Previous works have highlighted a spatio-temporal relationship between micro-seismicity (ML ≤ 2.2) and wastewater injection, delineating a NE-dipping back-thrust near the CM2. Part of the microseismicity recorded in the southwestern portion of the VA has also been associated with the water level changes of the Pertusillo lake. One of the main challenges is to define an accurate structural setting of the VA to understand the potential of earthquakes in the area and investigate the presence of active faults. The VA consists of a Quaternary extensional tectonic basin and it is one of the areas of highest seismic hazard in Italy (Basilicata, 1857, M7 earthquake). The basin is bounded by two parallel and oppositely dipping normal fault systems: the Monti della Maddalena Fault System (MMFS) on its western side and the Eastern Agri Fault System (EAFS) on the eastern one. The characterization of the ongoing tectonic activity of the MMFS and EAFS, and their hierarchical relationship is still generating debate among the scientific community. We adopt a multidisciplinary approach based on detailed geological-structural, geophysical and seismic analyses, and electrical resistivity tomography, aimed at reconstructing the subsurface geology of the area and recognizing and characterizing the active and capable faults, and the associated potential for local seismic hazard. We present and discuss the results of this work, focusing on the relative location of seismic events that occurred between March and June 2022. The outcomes allow inferring interesting geologic constraints, highlighting the relationships between the distribution of local seismicity and the structural setting of the area in the uppermost crust (depth < 6 km).

How to cite: Maffucci, R., Caciagli, M., Braun, T., Buttinelli, M., Cinti, F., Danesi, S., De Martini, P. M., Errico, M., Famiani, D., Materni, V., Pantosti, D., Pucci, S., Salimbeni, S., and Sapia, V.: A multidisciplinary approach gives new insights into the shallow structural setting of the Val d’Agri oilfield (Basilicata, southern Apennines, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5530,, 2023.

EGU23-5836 | Posters on site | TS3.3

Reviewing the 1997 Umbria-Marche seismic sequence: a fresh look from the integration of new seismological and subsurface data 

Mario Anselmi, Mauro Buttinelli, and Francesco Emanuele Maesano

The central-northern Apennines represent a high seismic hazard area characterized in the last decades by multiple seismic sequences (1997 Umbria-Marche, 2009 L’Aquila, 2016-2017 Amatrice-Visso-Norcia) related to the post-orogenic extension.

After the recent Amatrice-Visso-Norcia seismic sequence, the large availability of subsurface geological data and the dense seismological and geodetic networks allowed for better imaging of the shallow crust structural setting and the relationship with the occurred seismic sequences. 

Recent advances in those areas focused on comprehending the role of inherited structures (namely the large thrust faults related to the building up of the Apennines orogen) in compartmentalizing both horizontally and vertically the seismic sequences. Also, they suggested that major compressive structures may play an active role in seismogenesis through their kinematic inversion into the current extensional regime.

Such behavior was already debated after the 1997 Umbria-Marche seismic sequence, characterized by six main shocks with 5 < Mw < 6. All the large shocks originated on adjacent and parallel NW trending normal faults whose extent varies between 5 and 10 km at a hypocentral depth of 5 –6 km.

Our work presents a review of the data available for the 1997 Umbria-Marche seismic sequence. Using a combined dataset of seismic reflection profiles and deep boreholes, as well as detailed data from geological surveys, we present a new 3D geological and velocity model of the area. We also re-analyzed the passive seismic data recorded by both the temporary and permanent seismic networks. As a result, we computed a new 1-D relocation catalog based on the 3-D geological and geophysical imaging of the shallow portion of the crust in the target area.

The comparison of the geological model and the relocated seismicity shows a substantially vertical and horizontal compartmentation of the shallow crust due to the action of the thrusts. The seismicity distribution is strictly conditioned by the organization of crustal volumes separated by major thrusts and is concentrated within the same structural and stratigraphic levels, both on normal faults and pre-existing thrusts, possibly reactivated during the sequences.

The integrated analysis of seismological and geological subsurface data shed light on the open questions related to the interference between Quaternary normal faults and Tertiary thrusts and on the geometry of the causative faults of the 1997 seismic sequence. In addition, they help to define a more robust seismotectonic behavior and to assess the seismic hazard of those areas.

How to cite: Anselmi, M., Buttinelli, M., and Maesano, F. E.: Reviewing the 1997 Umbria-Marche seismic sequence: a fresh look from the integration of new seismological and subsurface data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5836,, 2023.

EGU23-6140 | Posters on site | TS3.3

Data from depth to surface to define the 3D anatomy of an active fault-propagation fold: a key example from the western Caucasus (Georgia) 

Fabio Luca Bonali, Alessandro Tibaldi, Elena Russo, Victor Alania, Aleksandre Chabukiani, Onise Enukidze, and Nino Tsereteli

In the present work we showcase a multidisciplinary study aimed at defining the ongoing deformation processes due to fault propagation and folding at the Tsaishi fold, western Caucasus (Georgia).

Our approach consists in the integration of geomorphological observations, field geological-structural data and seismic reflection sections, allowing us to reconstruct a 3D model of this active fold, from depth to surface.

The Tsaishi fold is an anticline located at the southwestern tip of the Rioni Basin uplifted area, at the foothill of the Greater Caucasus. The folding process that has been recognized started at the beginning of the Middle Miocene, although preliminary data suggest the possibility of an initial local uplift in the Oligocene. Considering field observations, we suggest that the folding process continues nowadays, giving rise to a south-verging anticline, as shown by upwarped late Quaternary river deposits.

Integrating seismic reflection sections and field observations, we show that the fold backlimb is affected by three main back-thrusts, whereas, based on seismic sections, at the foot of the forelimb a main north-dipping thrust is very close to the surface. Where the thrust reaches the surface, we recognized the presence of a 13-km-long fault scarp (or fold scarp), where historical seismological data locate the epicenter of the strongest earthquake of the area, with Ms 6.0, the so-called Tsaishi earthquake of 1614 CE.

How to cite: Bonali, F. L., Tibaldi, A., Russo, E., Alania, V., Chabukiani, A., Enukidze, O., and Tsereteli, N.: Data from depth to surface to define the 3D anatomy of an active fault-propagation fold: a key example from the western Caucasus (Georgia), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6140,, 2023.

EGU23-7228 | ECS | Orals | TS3.3

Evidence of Late Cenozoic transpressive reactivation of an inherited strike-slip fault system and its influence in drainage reorganization in the Longitudinal Valley of Northernmost Chile 

Ambrosio Vega Ruiz, Pia Victor, Sara Pena-Castellnou, Klaus Reicherter, Ariane Binnie, and Steven Binnie

The Longitudinal Valley in Northernmost Chile was the main depocenter of widespread fluvial-alluvial systems active through the Neogene. These formed extensive lacustrine systems located at the eastern slope of the Coastal Cordillera until exorheic drainages developed between Arica and Pisagua (~18°30’S – 19°30’S) ca. 3 Ma ago. The top surfaces of the continental deposits form a regional scale pediplain (Pacific Paleosurface), where run-off is focused in present-day perennial streams draining to the Pacific Ocean through deeply incised quebradas. Some geomorphic and climatic constraints and suggestions exist regarding how the uplift of the Coastal Cordillera and the western Andes influence the shift in drainage regimes. However, little is known about how tectonic activity across this region affected landscape evolution since the structural architecture is difficult to unravel in this area of high sedimentation but low displacement rates.

We performed an exhaustive regional mapping of structural and geomorphic evidences of fault activity and drainage patterns based on high-resolution DEMs, satellite, and UAV imagery data, as the long-term hyperaridity of this area leads to well-preserved landforms and lack of vegetation cover. Our investigations reveal evidence of a reactivated complex inherited strike-slip system across the Longitudinal Valley, deforming Miocene to Quaternary surfaces. Local growth strata, angular unconformities, and flower structures within the Late Miocene to Early Pliocene lacustrine deposits suggest syn-sedimentary and dextral transpressional faulting near the boundary between the Longitudinal Valley and Coastal Cordillera. Importantly, we observe that large drainage reorganization patterns can be triggered by only little displacement along often blind fault structures, creating sufficient topography that cannot be surpassed by drainage incision in this hyperarid setting.

The interpretation of a reprocessed ENAP seismic section at ~19°20’S, suggests that this fault system consists of inherited Mesozoic inverted structures deforming Oligocene to Late Miocene strata. Furthermore, progressive abandonment and deformed terraces of low-incised rivers crossing compressive structures suggest that these were active during the Quaternary, most probably ongoing until the recent past. New dating of deformed marker horizons will bring further insights regarding key parameters of fault activity for the Late Cenozoic and Quaternary.

How to cite: Vega Ruiz, A., Victor, P., Pena-Castellnou, S., Reicherter, K., Binnie, A., and Binnie, S.: Evidence of Late Cenozoic transpressive reactivation of an inherited strike-slip fault system and its influence in drainage reorganization in the Longitudinal Valley of Northernmost Chile, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7228,, 2023.

EGU23-7386 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.3

A multidisciplinary workflow to assess seismic hazard by active and capable faults when planning railway lines 

Selina Bonini, Giulio Viola, Giulia Tartaglia, Stefano Rodani, Massimo Comedini, and Gianluca Vignaroli

The planning phase of a railway line has to carefully consider the potential impact of several geohazards, including the seismic hazard associated with active faults capable to cause significant offset (dm to m) of the ground surface. Italian authorities are investing large resources in the construction of new railway lines in Italy, which is a territory that stands out as high-risk due to the presence of active faults, including those accommodating extension within the Apennines belt. Numerous seismogenic sources have been recognized therein by the geophysical and geological community over the last few years. Their identification and characterization represent the foundation of the seismic hazard map of Italy, which is regularly used to assess the seismic hazard of any given area of the country. Active and Capable Faults (ACFs) may contribute to increasing the seismic hazard of an area, though, and may interfere with railway lines. Following the Italian guidelines for the seismic microzonation procedures, an ACF is capable of producing, within a time interval of concern the society, macro-earthquakes and deformation/displacement at or near the ground surface and should have done so during the last 40 ka (upper Late Pleistocene – Holocene).

We propose a multidisciplinary workflow for improving and standardizing the use of the existing Italian geohazard databases. As the area covered by a railway line may extend for tens or hundreds of kilometers, it is crucial to define systematic criteria that make it possible for the intersected ACFs to be sorted into classes of varying hazard, each requiring different approaches and study levels. The seismicity associated with the ACF’s, the fault geometric and kinematic compatibility with the current regional tectonic setting and stress field, the involvement of < 40 ka old rocks and sediments, the proximity to the ground surface of the historical hypocenters, the geometrical relationships between the ACF’s and the orientation of the railway line are just a few of the aspects to be considered by such an approach.

We aim to define and constrain all the input parameters necessary to perform site-specific fault displacement and seismic hazard analysis, since the currently available Italian seismic hazard map is still too coarse in its resolution (with PGA values every 10 km). Our new approach will allow us to include the detection of near-field effects (e.g., the increasing of the vertical component due to seismic acceleration, forward-directivity phenomena, co-seismic rotation) if the trailway line runs within a 15 km zone from the main fault plane.

Knowing ACFs behavior will make it possible, during the planning, to choose the best railroad options, in order to reduce the vulnerability of the planned infrastructure.

How to cite: Bonini, S., Viola, G., Tartaglia, G., Rodani, S., Comedini, M., and Vignaroli, G.: A multidisciplinary workflow to assess seismic hazard by active and capable faults when planning railway lines, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7386,, 2023.

EGU23-7834 | ECS | Orals | TS3.3

Distributed right-lateral faults accommodating strain at the northern boundary of the Quito-Latacunga microblock of the Northern Andean Sliver 

Nicolas Harrichhausen, Léo Marconato, Laurence Audin, Stephane Baize, Hervé Jomard, Pierre Lacan, Diana Saqui, Alexandra Alvarado, Patricia Mothes, Frédérique Rolandone, Iván Ortiz, and Mónica Arcila

We present initial remote sensing and field data that suggest active distributed right-lateral faulting at the northern edge of the Quito-Latacunga tectonic block in northern Ecuador and southern Colombia. In this region, oblique subduction of the Nazca Plate beneath the South America plate induces northward migration of the Northern Andean Sliver (NAS), with respect to stable South America. Recent geodetic studies now suggest that this sliver is composed of several independent tectonic blocks, and the boundaries of these blocks are locations where we hypothesize crustal strain is accommodated. One of these blocks, the Quito-Latacunga block, is located in the densely populated Interandean valley of northern Ecuador and southern Colombia, and geodetic modelling predicts approximately 3 mm/yr of right-lateral strain at its northern boundary. A shallow July 25, 2022, MW 5.6 earthquake and damaging historical earthquakes along the northern boundary have illustrated the importance of understanding where this strain is being accommodated. We use available digital surface models (DSMs), local DSMs derived from Pleiades and SPOT satellite stereo-imagery, Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR), Google Earth imagery, and a field survey to show that this boundary is distributed across several parallel northeast striking right-lateral faults. InSAR shows the July 25 event resulted in right-lateral surface displacement of > 20 cm along an east-northeast striking, steeply dipping fault. Offset volcanic soils and glacial moraines indicate recent earthquakes on two faults north of and subparallel with this rupture. Both faults overlap with the proposed area for the August 15, 1868, M 6.4–6.8 El Angel earthquake, suggesting either fault could be associated with this event. As the DSMs reveal a number of parallel strike-slip faults to the north in Colombia, further paleoseismic studies are needed in this region to delineate active faults and help define regional seismic hazard.

How to cite: Harrichhausen, N., Marconato, L., Audin, L., Baize, S., Jomard, H., Lacan, P., Saqui, D., Alvarado, A., Mothes, P., Rolandone, F., Ortiz, I., and Arcila, M.: Distributed right-lateral faults accommodating strain at the northern boundary of the Quito-Latacunga microblock of the Northern Andean Sliver, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7834,, 2023.

EGU23-8823 | Posters on site | TS3.3

Geometry and stress interaction of a complex lithospheric-scale thrust system as unveiled by background seismicity and moderate seismic sequences - the Marche-Adriatic case (eastern Central Italy) 

Rita De Nardis, Federico Pietrolungo, Claudia Pandolfi, Simone Bello, Donato Talone, and Giusy Lavecchia

A recent paper showed the evidence of two well-distinct low-angle and SW-dipping individual reverse shear zones of the Italian Outer Thrust System in Central Italy (de Nardis et al., 2022). One, referred to as Thrust 1 (T1),  corresponds to the down-dip prosecution of the Adriatic Basal Thrust with its major splay; the other, referred to as Thrust 2 (T2), corresponds to a hidden independent structure, illuminated at a depth between 25 and 60 km, for an along-strike extent of ~150 km. Combining geological information with high-quality hypocentral locations and focal mechanisms, a detailed 3D geometric and kinematic fault model of the compressional system, active at upper crust to upper mantle depths, is built. In addition, evidence of coexisting deformation volumes undergoing a co-axial stress field at different lithospheric depths is reported.

November 9, 2022, seismic sequence principally activated T1  at upper crustal depth with pure compressional kinematics. Two significant events (Mw 5.5 and 5.2) enucleated within 1 minute, at depths of about 5 km and 7.5 km, respectively, and ~8 km away in map view. The sequence also released a cluster of microseismic events at mid-crust depths along the up-dip prolongation of the T2, thus opening the questions on the possible stress interaction during an ongoing seismic sequence.

In this paper, we further constrain and detail the T1 upper-crust geometry and investigate the likelihood of static stress interactions between T1 and T2. Considering that in historical and instrumental times, T1 has been responsible for earthquakes with Mw 6-6.5  at upper- and lower-crust depths, we create possible Coulomb stress transfer scenarios using the Coulomb code 3.4 (Lin and Stein, 2004; Toda et al., 2005).

We build three seismic sources (C1, C2, C3) assuming an Mw 6.2 thrust event enucleated on T1 at variable depths (8 km, 15 km, 22 km). The section-view and map-view distribution of the positive lobes of the modeled Coulomb stress scenarios show that a hypothetical T1 earthquake of the above magnitude may well determine, although marginally, stress increase along the underlying T2 segment.




How to cite: De Nardis, R., Pietrolungo, F., Pandolfi, C., Bello, S., Talone, D., and Lavecchia, G.: Geometry and stress interaction of a complex lithospheric-scale thrust system as unveiled by background seismicity and moderate seismic sequences - the Marche-Adriatic case (eastern Central Italy), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8823,, 2023.

The left-lateral Altyn Tagh Fault (ATF) is one of the longest active strike-slip faults in the world. Investigating the present-day state of the ATF is critical for our broader understanding of the India-Asia collision zone and the current motion of the Tibetan Plateau. Previous geodetic studies of the ATF using InSAR focused on relatively small areas, which is insufficient for a whole-fault understanding, but with the launch of the Sentinel-1 SAR constellation and the development of InSAR techniques, we can measure the crustal deformation and stress fields associated with interseismic motion along the fault more systematically as Sentinel-1 has provided high spatial coverage, better spatial resolution compared to GNSS, and shorter repeat times compared to previous SAR satellites. The large spatial coverage from such research could not only allow a better understanding of along-strike variations of fault slip rate and locking depth, but provide an opportunity to see how fault bends influence the deformation and strain fields, both of which are important for synthetic evaluation of future seismic risk along the fault. In this research, we use interferograms, which are produced by LiCSAR processing system, on 7 ascending tracks and 6 descending tracks to map surface velocities for a total area of ~ 600,000 km2 (~ 1,300 km × 450 km) around the central and eastern segment of ATF. Each track uses nearly 180 epochs between October 2014 and July 2022. To reduce the impact of phase biases and nontectonic seasonal signals, we combine both short temporal (< 4 months) and 1-year to 7-year long summer-to-summer baseline interferograms in the network, which generates an average of nearly 2000 interferograms in each LiCSAR frame (a track includes 1 or 2 frames). We use the Generic Atmospheric Correction Online Service (GACOS) to reduce the tropospheric delay in the unwrapped phase. Time-series analysis was applied using LiCSBAS. We estimate 83 3D GPS velocities using the data measured during 1998-2021 from the Crustal Movement Observation Network of China-I/II and then solve for the best-fit model of surface velocities and strain rates for the central-eastern Altyn Tagh fault zone based on both InSAR and GNSS velocities. Our results suggests that deformation and strain in the study area is concentrated along the ATF and show an along-strike variation from west to east. Using a screw dislocation model, we constrain best fit values for the slip-rate, locking depth, creep rate, and fault dip, for 12 fault-perpendicular velocity profiles along the length of the ATF using a Bayesian inversion and the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampler. Our results provide an important constraint on the present-day motion and structure of the Eastern and Central ATF. Additionally, by comparing with previous geodetic and geological investigation results, our study could bring some new thoughts and directions for future research about the ATF and other active faults.

How to cite: Wang, D., Elliott, J., Zheng, G., Wright, T., and Watson, A.: Large-scale crustal deformation and strain rate distribution along the central-eastern Altyn Tagh fault (NW Tibet) from Sentinel-1 InSAR and GNSS data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10516,, 2023.

EGU23-10577 | ECS | Orals | TS3.3

The scaling properties of fault networks and their relationship with the size distribution of orogen-internal seismicity 

Sandro Truttmann, Marco Herwegh, Tobias Diehl, and Stefan Wiemer

Understanding orogen-internal seismic deformation in regions with diffuse spatial earthquake occurrence is challenging. To gain deeper insights into the processes driving seismic fault reactivation, it is crucial to obtain information on the ubiquitous pre-existing fracture patterns. In orogens with long tectonic histories – such as the Alps – such patterns can be complex, and information on their appearance is mainly limited to observations of faults at the surface, while the detailed patterns at depth remain mostly unknown. Moreover, the link between such surface-based fault observations and active seismicity is often ambiguous. However, it has been shown that both earthquake magnitudes (Gutenberg-Richter law) and various fault properties (e.g., length, displacement) follow power-law distributions.

In this work, we aim to investigate the potential relationship between the scaling properties of faults and earthquakes, which has been little explored. To this end, we use statistical tools based on field data collected with remote sensing techniques at different scales to quantitatively characterize the length distributions of exposed fault networks at different study sites in the southwestern Swiss Alps. Due to the good outcrop conditions at high elevations, the dense seismic monitoring network, and the enhanced earthquake activity, this region provides an ideal natural laboratory for the study of orogen-internal seismicity. By combining fault trace maps from three different scales, we are able to derive power law parameters and decipher similarities in scaling exponents for the different sites studied. Assuming that the fault networks exist in a similar form at depth and form the pre-existing discontinuities along which recent earthquakes develop, we compare the derived scaling laws with the frequency-magnitude distribution of local seismicity over the past 15 years. Here we find similar scaling properties between the seismicity and fracture networks only at depths below 3 km. However, in shallower regions, the large discrepancy between the scaling laws suggests that partial seismic ruptures of individual fault segments are more common than at greater depths. Such a statistical comparison of fault and earthquake scaling laws provides interesting insights into orogen-internal seismic deformation and fault reactivation processes that also have implications for regional seismic hazard.

How to cite: Truttmann, S., Herwegh, M., Diehl, T., and Wiemer, S.: The scaling properties of fault networks and their relationship with the size distribution of orogen-internal seismicity, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10577,, 2023.

EGU23-10900 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.3

The geometrical characteristics of causative faults related to clustered earthquakes in the southeastern Korean Peninsula 

Dabeen Heo, Tae-Seob Kang, Jin-Han Ree, Kwang-Hee Kim, Junkee Rhie, and YoungHee Kim

The southeastern part of the Korean Peninsula is known to have high seismic activity and many Quaternary faults. Nonetheless, there have been uncertainties in estimating seismic hazards due to insufficient information on potential seismic sources. We investigated the geometrical characteristics of causative faults related to clustered earthquakes in the southeastern Korean Peninsula by detecting microearthquakes and determining their source parameters. We used the seismic data recorded at the Gyeongju hi-density broadband seismic network, the temporary seismic networks operated to monitor the aftershocks of two moderate earthquakes (the 2016 ML 5.8 Gyeongju and 2017 ML 5.4 Pohang earthquakes), and the national seismic network of South Korea. An earthquake catalog for the southeastern Korean Peninsula was built using automatic earthquake detection methods based on measurements of energy ratio. We identified the five clustered earthquake regions via the microearthquake distribution: the 2016 Gyeongju earthquake region (GJ), the 2017 Pohang earthquake region (PH), the eastern part of the Ulsan Fault (UF), eastern offshore Gyeongju (EG), and the western part along the Miryang Fault (MF). We determined the relative location and focal mechanisms of the earthquakes occurring in those regions using the double-difference location method and the P-wave first motion polarity method, respectively. Finally, the geometry of the earthquake causative faults was inferred using the spatial distribution of the relative locations and the focal mechanisms. It was found that there are at least two NNE-SSW trending fault segments and multiple NE-SW trending fault segments in the GJ and PH, respectively. In the case of MF, UF, and EG, it is difficult to relate directly to the surface faults, but the strikes of the causative faults, which are confirmed by the spatial distribution of earthquakes, are similar to those of the surface faults.

How to cite: Heo, D., Kang, T.-S., Ree, J.-H., Kim, K.-H., Rhie, J., and Kim, Y.: The geometrical characteristics of causative faults related to clustered earthquakes in the southeastern Korean Peninsula, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10900,, 2023.

EGU23-11644 | Orals | TS3.3

The influence of lithology on the Magnitude–Frequency-Distribution of earthquakes 

Cristiano Collettini and Elisa Tinti

The earthquake Magnitude-Frequency-Distribution, FMD, is usually modelled with the Gutenberg-Richter relation law, where the b-value controls the relative rate of small and large earthquakes. b-value has been documented to show an inverse dependence on differential stress, it increases with the fault roughness or during fluid-induced earthquakes. For some seismic sequences a near real-time characterization of the b-value has been used to discriminate between foreshocks and aftershocks. Here we examine the influence on b-values of different lithologies hosting earthquakes.

In general, seismicity not only localizes along the major structures where mainshocks nucleate, but it can be also distributed within volumes of the seismogenic layer characterized by different lithologies. For the Mw 6.5 2016–2017 Central Italy seismic sequence, the lithology can be properly defined by seismic reflection profiles. Here the fractured carbonate of the Apennines, located at almost 1-2 km and 4-6 km of depth, are characterized by b-values ranging between 1.3 and 1.4 that can be diagnostic of brittle dominated deformation. At 2-4 km and 6-10 km of depth, the Triassic Evaporites showing a bimodal brittle-ductile deformation and compartmentalized fluid overpressure (documented in deep boreholes) are linked to high b-values, in the range of 1.5-1.65 reaching 1.80 for clustered swarms. Between 10-12 km of depth the phyllosilicate rich basement, with its predominant velocity strengthening behaviour, is hosting small magnitude earthquakes with b-values around 1.4. Our results indicate that away from the large earthquake faults, characterized by a stress dependent elasto-frictional rheology, FMD are strongly controlled by rock lithology and style of deformation.

How to cite: Collettini, C. and Tinti, E.: The influence of lithology on the Magnitude–Frequency-Distribution of earthquakes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11644,, 2023.

EGU23-11810 | ECS | Orals | TS3.3

A conceptual 3D fold-and-thrust database for seismic hazard, seismotectonic and geodynamic purposes - a first release from eastern Central Italy 

Claudia Pandolfi, Rita de Nardis, Andrea Carducci, Aybige Akinci, and Giusy Lavecchia

We present SEISC-3D, an ArcGIS geodatabase for 3D SEIsmic Source Characterization. It integrates multi-scale and multi-depth geological and seismological information in a compressional environment to build a detailed regional-scale, geometric and kinematic, 3D curvilinear fault model suitable for seismic hazard modelers and seismotectonic purposes and geodynamic modeling. This first release focuses on the late Pliocene-to-Quaternary arcuate and eastward convex fold-and-thrust belt still active along the Outer front of the Italian Apennines in eastern Central Italy. The near-surfaces, onshore, and offshore thrust faults represent the hanging-wall structures of a potentially seismogenic regional shear zone, known as Adriatic Basal Thrust, which develops from near-surface to MOHO depths (about 35 km).

Three hierarchic levels of structural maps are provided with decreasing details moving from fold-and-thrusts traces, enveloping thrust, and regional thrust alignments.

Different datasets (points, lines, surfaces) are unified, compiled, and held in a common ArcGIS file system folder and linked on the basis of relational models.

SEISC is composed of:

  • one dataset consisting of fold hinges traces (syncline and anticlines)
  • one dataset consisting of individual fold-related thrust
  • one dataset consisting of enveloping thrusts organized in hierarchic orders
  • one dataset consisting of interconnected curvilinear fault surfaces built along the down-dip projection of the enveloping thrusts, segmented along-strike and along-dip
  • one structural data set containing geometric and kinematic point data (attitude, dip-angle, slip-vector, rake, sense of movement) for the node of each triangulated mesh of each fault surface.

A crucial point when dealing with compressional structures is the difficulty in adopting segmentation criteria suitable for a realistic earthquake-fault association. In our methodological approach, the along-strike segmentation is strongly driven by the en-echelon distribution of the fold-related thrusts and by sharp variation in strikes and bending of the enveloping thrusts. On the other hand, the down-dip segmentation is controlled by the mechanical crustal layering derived from earthquake distributions and the rheological investigation.

How to cite: Pandolfi, C., de Nardis, R., Carducci, A., Akinci, A., and Lavecchia, G.: A conceptual 3D fold-and-thrust database for seismic hazard, seismotectonic and geodynamic purposes - a first release from eastern Central Italy, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11810,, 2023.

EGU23-13060 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.3

Application of photogrammetric approaches to studying the 1971 dike-induced surface structures on Mt Etna, Italy 

Sofia Bressan, Fabio Luca Bonali, Noemi Corti, Federico Pasquaré Mariotto, Emanuela De Beni, Massimo Cantarero, Marco Neri, Elena Russo, Kyriaki Drymoni, and Alessandro Tibaldi

Mt Etna, located on the east coast of Sicily, Italy, is a basaltic stratovolcano with a volcanotectonic evolution of 500 ka, characterized by a wide horse-shoe-shaped depression on its eastern flank, called Valle del Bove. The study area is located near the northern escarpment of this depression, where it is possible to recognize the 1971 eruptive fissure system, generated by the lateral propagation of a feeder dike. The purpose of this research is to thoroughly examine the area affected by dike-induced surface deformation, which is marked by a textbook example of a graben structure produced by dike propagation. Due to the presence of meters-thick, recent pyroclastic deposits covering the study area and the difficult logistics, the main outcrops are inaccessible for classical field data collection. To overcome this limitation, we used the following methodology based on the analysis of photogrammetry-derived models.

We first designed a structural map related to the development of the 1971 dike-induced structures, using two sets of historical aerial photos characterized by a 2400 DPI resolution. Particularly, the 20 selected images, equally divided between 1954 and 1983, have been processed using the software Agisoft Metashape to produce two referenced orthomosaics with a resolution of 29 and 19.5 cm/pixel, respectively. By comparing the obtained orthomosaics, we identified and mapped all the normal faults associated with the 1971 dike intrusion. This structural map has been used to organize the subsequent drone surveys, performed by a DJI Phantom 4 Pro equipped with RTK high-precision technology, which allowed us to collect 656 pictures with an overlap and a side lap of 85% and 80% respectively. Afterward, we processed the drone-collected photos by using Structure-from-Motion photogrammetry techniques, so as to obtain a Digital Surface Model (DSM) and a 3D Tiled Model, with a resolution of 11 and 5.48 cm/pixel, respectively. Such models have been used to analyze in detail the graben faults, especially the ones along the Valle del Bove steep wall.

The analysis of photogrammetry-derived models over different time windows enabled us to individuate 14 lineaments within the study area, 2 eruptive fissures with a NE-SW strike, and 13 fault scarps associated with the dip-slip faults of the graben. Finally, thanks to the 3D Tiled Model obtained from drone-captured pictures, we were able to quantify the dip direction and dip angles of the graben faults, their vertical offsets, and the graben width related to the elevation.

How to cite: Bressan, S., Bonali, F. L., Corti, N., Pasquaré Mariotto, F., De Beni, E., Cantarero, M., Neri, M., Russo, E., Drymoni, K., and Tibaldi, A.: Application of photogrammetric approaches to studying the 1971 dike-induced surface structures on Mt Etna, Italy, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13060,, 2023.

EGU23-13989 | Posters on site | TS3.3

Reconstruction of the evolution of the Osning Lineament in northern Germany using 2-D retrodeformation 

David C. Tanner and Sonja H. Wadas

Neotectonic movements can cause severe geohazards and thus require examination for seismic hazard assessment, and utilisation of the subsurface for e.g. nuclear-waste disposal sites and geothermal exploitation. In northern Germany, very little is known about these processes and the associated structures, despite proven neotectonic activity, because many faults are hidden beneath sediments.

The Osning Lineament (OL) in North Rhine-Westphalia is a recently-active fault zones. Three major earthquakes and seven other macro-seismic earthquakes occurred at the OL during the last 400 years. The strongest earthquakes occurred in 1612, 1767, and 1770, with an estimated intensity of VI to VII on the MSK scale. The OL is a unique fault system compared to other faults in northern Germany. The faults of the OL reach the basement, whereas in the north of the Lower Saxony Basin, most faults are decoupled from the basement by salt. Furthermore, the OL dips to the northeast and therefore the vector of the fault plane points towards the former iceload from Scandinavia, enabling glacial isostatic adjustment to occur on the faults. Additionally, the OL has had a history of multiphase reactivation in the geological past.

To better understand the neotectonic evolution of the OL on a regional scale, we carried out a 2D retrodeformation using already existing large-scale cross sections along the lineament, which are based on surface geological maps and sparse drilling information. Balancing of these cross-sections verifies whether the fault geometry and kinematics derived from surface data are justified or need to be revised. Retrodeformation is also used to suggest the path of the fault(s) at greater (seismogenic) depth. Later on, retrodeformation will also be performed including new, highly-detailed seismic profiles and a joint interpretation will be carried out to improve the understanding of the past evolution of the Osning Lineament.

How to cite: Tanner, D. C. and Wadas, S. H.: Reconstruction of the evolution of the Osning Lineament in northern Germany using 2-D retrodeformation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13989,, 2023.

EGU23-15747 | ECS | Posters on site | TS3.3

A multidisciplinary approach for 3D modelling of the Serre and Cittanova Faults, the responsible of the 1783 seismic sequence in Southern Calabria, Italy. 

Salvatore Giuffrida, Fabio Brighenti, Francesco Carnemolla, Salvatore Gambino, Giorgio De Guidi, Giovanni Barreca, Flavio Cannavò, Luciano Scarfì, and Carmelo Monaco

Since the Late Pliocene - Early Pleistocene, the Calabrian Arc (southern Italy) is affected by extensional and transcurrent tectonic superimposed on the previous collisional context. Various seismogenic sources have been proposed over time to explain such a complex structural framework, but the topic is still matter of debate. 

In this work we apply a multidisciplinary approach, concerning Geology, Geomorphology, Seismology and Geodesy, to develop a reliable 3D model of the Cittanova and Serre faults. These faults are considered the causative faults for the 1783 seismic sequence (M 6.5-7) as proposed by Jacques et alii (2001). We used CROP data to investigate the crustal architecture of the area and to constrain the geometry at depth of the major structures. through two schematic geological sections orthogonal to these two faults. The shallow geometric patterns of the Cittanova and Serre faults, were verified trough geological, geomorphological and structural field data. Earthquakes hypocentres were analysed and relocated in order to recognize possible cluster alignments useful to constrain the faults geometry at depth. The high-density level of crustal seismicity attests that this domain is seismically active, between 0 km and 23 km and it concentrates along the main faults. To compute the strain and velocity field of the area (time span of the last 20 years) we measured the IGM95  (Instituto Geografico Militare) benchmarks and processed several GNSS permanent stations belonging to the RING Network ( and TopNETlive Italy Network ( using GipsyX 1.5 Strain inversion (performed through grid_strain 2D software) allowed us to define a predominant WNW-ESE extensional deformation, in agreement with previous studies). Combining all previous data, we built for the first time a reliable 3D model of the Cittanova and Serre fault planes, that are consistent with:  i) fault magnitude/size empirical relations (Magnitude vs rupture Area, Magnitude vs fault length; ii) geological and geomorphological field observation (fault attitude and kinematic), iii) seismological and geodetic data. Results show that our model is compatible with the seismogenic sources of the 1783 seismic sequence.

How to cite: Giuffrida, S., Brighenti, F., Carnemolla, F., Gambino, S., De Guidi, G., Barreca, G., Cannavò, F., Scarfì, L., and Monaco, C.: A multidisciplinary approach for 3D modelling of the Serre and Cittanova Faults, the responsible of the 1783 seismic sequence in Southern Calabria, Italy., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15747,, 2023.

EGU23-15827 | Orals | TS3.3

Pre-conditioned seismic attributes applied to deep vintage seismic reflection line: enhancing fault patterns on the Italian CROP-04 . 

Maurizio Ercoli, Filippo Carboni, Assel Akimbekova A, Ramon B. Carbonell, and Massimiliano R. Barchi

Reflection seismic is the best active geophysical method to constrain the geometry and kinematics of faults at depth. In some specific areas, seismic profiles derived from industry or from past research programs can be nowadays still used in seismotectonic studies to link the surface faults traces with hypocentral earthquake sources. Deep reflection seismic profiles such as the ones recorded in the framework of  the Italian “CROP” aimed shed light on the deep subsurface structures, despite the high levels of random noise hampering the seismic interpretation. Also the CROP-04 “Agropoli-Barletta”, seismic transect acquired from the Tyrrhenian to the Adriatic Sea across the Southern Apennines fold-and-thrust belt and the foreland system, is strongly affected by random noise. Various geological interpretations based on this data are available in literature, as this seismic profile crosses important active faults such as the Irpinia fault, which produced the destructive 1980 Mw 6.9 earthquake. Aiming to improve the data quality, by reducing the noise, to perform a structural interpretation of its shallower sector, we applied a dedicated workflow encompassing pre-conditioning filters, selected seismic attributes and co-rendered views. Following this workflow we have considerably enhanced the reflection patterns and the overall data interpretability, unveil a dense and complex sets of normal faults, thus imaging tectonic structures which were invisible in the original CROP-04. In addition, the master faults mapped at surface well matches the seismic signature. The reprocessed profile displays also clear low-angle W-dipping thrusts and deep regional features, contributing to better understanding the complex subsurface geology of the Southern Apennines. Our advances interpretation strategy is able to efficiently revive deep legacy data like the CROP, which are unique and nowadays hardly to repeat. New important insights across seismically active areas worldwide can be obtained reproposing this workflow in other contexts, extending to depth the surface evidences of outcropping faults as well as revealing unknown structures to survey with targeted fieldwork mapping.

How to cite: Ercoli, M., Carboni, F., Akimbekova A, A., Carbonell, R. B., and Barchi, M. R.: Pre-conditioned seismic attributes applied to deep vintage seismic reflection line: enhancing fault patterns on the Italian CROP-04 ., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15827,, 2023.

EGU23-16336 | Posters on site | TS3.3

Integrated structural-seismological constraints for a 3D multi-depth fault model of the Stradella and  Emilia Arcs (northern Italy) 

Giusy Lavecchia, Rita de Nardis, Donato Talone, Sofia Bressan, Martina Pedicini, Fabio Luca Bonali, Noemi Corti, Elena Russo, Patrizio Torrese, and Alessandro Tibaldi

Investigating active tectonics and the structural style of potentially-seismogenic structures at the outer front of active orogenic belts is particularly challenging when the frontal structures are buried and slowly deforming. This is the case of the blind fold-and-thrust belts surrounding the Padanian foreland of Northern Italy and developing across one of the most populated and industrialized Italian territories. In this paper, we focus on the seismogenic role of the Stradella thrust and its possible involvement in the activity of the buried Emilia arc, through a 3D geometric, kinematic, and seismotectonic reconstruction of the overall system. The integrated multi-scale analysis of structural and seismological data, inclusive of new focal mechanisms, highlights two seismological thrust volumes dipping at low-angle southwest-ward, at upper (<12 km) and lower crustal depths (~20-30 km). However, the shallow seismicity only partially illuminates the down-dip prosecution of the Stradella structure. In contrast, the deeper earthquake volume, at the hanging wall of the along-strike southeastward prosecution of the Stradella fault, well highlights the lower crust portion of the Emilia Arc basal thrust.

We interpret the above multi-scale data as evidence of ongoing tectonic activity of the outer fronts of the Emilia arc under a regional NNE-directed compressional stress field, with some minor evidence of involvement of the Stradella thrust along the pede-Apennine front. In our 3D reconstruction, both thrust systems are expressions of a thick-skinned deformation that controls earthquake release at different structural depths.

How to cite: Lavecchia, G., de Nardis, R., Talone, D., Bressan, S., Pedicini, M., Bonali, F. L., Corti, N., Russo, E., Torrese, P., and Tibaldi, A.: Integrated structural-seismological constraints for a 3D multi-depth fault model of the Stradella and  Emilia Arcs (northern Italy), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16336,, 2023.

Recent seismic hazard models are increasingly relying on fault slip rates as the fundamental quantity for translating the activity of a fault source model into earthquake rates. In this conversion, modelers are often tasked with selecting different estimates and alternative methods to assess the fault slip rates and related uncertainties and incorporate them into the seismic hazard analysis. In the central Apennines, several techniques, such as paleoseismic trenching, mapping of offset geomorphic markers, and dating of scarp profiles have been used to determine slip rates of normal faults. Recently geodetic data have also been used to determine the first estimates of the slip rate (loading) rate on active faults.

Combining measurements obtained with different methods remains challenging because non tectonic processes can introduce noise or spurious signals that are elusive to quantify, and these influence slip rate estimates. After careful and planned data collection, we argue that a rigorous meta-analysis is required to quantify erratic fluctuations and method-related variances. In this case, throw rates are overdispersed with respect to nominal uncertainties in throw and age; therefore, they are commonly affected by unmodeled noise processes to be rigorously quantified for seismic hazard assessment.

Geodetic data can provide slip-rate estimates with a model of elastically unloading seismogenic faults within a viscously deforming lithosphere. However, short-term transients can also infect geodetic data in the central Apennines. Such transients can be isolated and subtracted by time series or included as noise in the long-term covariance matrix; otherwise, the resulting spatial distribution of deformation rates locally fits short-term transients. In some cases, strain rate peaks represent the currently unclear signal of tectonic processes like crustal visco-elasto-plastic deformation and aseismic slip or indicate missing faults in the adopted database. In the central Apennines, we have proved that reasonable estimates of long-term fault slip rates can be extracted even at signal-to-noise ratios of order unity using a more sophisticated modeling approach, including the stress orientations. For well-sampled faults, the slip rate estimates fit the corresponding geological estimates, leading us to conclude that they can be considered for seismic hazard models in regions such as the Apennines.

We remark that geodetic and geological data can be used together to highlight (and possibly model) both the likely occurrence of short-term transients in GPS time series and the existence of non-tectonic processes contributing to the progressive surface exposure of active faults. Given the current understanding of temporal and spatial fault throw rate variability in the central Apennines, producing complex input models for seismic hazard assessment is still not feasible. A base model with a uniform throw rate along the trace (tapering to zero at unconnected fault tips) and merging information from offset features of different ages to constrain a single time-independent rate is still the most reasonable.

How to cite: Carafa, M.: Meta-analysis of fault slip rates across the central Apennines for seismic hazard assessment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17153,, 2023.

EGU23-896 | ECS | Posters on site | SM4.2

Spatiotemporal Variation in Low Frequency Earthquake Recurrence Along the San Andreas Fault 

Jessica Allen and Ting Wang

    Episodic tremor sequences comprised of overlapping low frequency earthquakes (LFEs) occur frequently along the San Andreas Fault. Accompanying slow slip activity has been detected from Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data, confirming occurrence of the episodic tremor and slip (ETS) phenomenon here.        
    The characteristics of slow slip events (SSEs) impede comprehensive detection, making it challenging to study their occurrence patterns. We utilise extensive LFE data from a long running high resolution seismic network to gain insights into this more frequent and easily detectable aspect of the ETS process, with the aim to have a detailed understanding of the occurrence patterns and properties of LFEs. This will strengthen methods for the detection and modelling of SSEs.    
    Hidden Markov models were used to study the occurrence patterns of LFE events. Based on these models, LFE events along the San Andreas Fault can be classified into different states. Each state is a proxy for changes in the generating mechanisms that give rise to LFE events, with potential contributors including pore pressure and fault stress. We use the classification to illustrate a detailed picture of temporal changes in LFE activity - including the effects of events such as the 2004 Parkfield earthquake, and to highlight the diverse behaviours displayed across generating locations. 
    The evolution of LFE activity over space and time gives additional insights into how slow slip may propagate. We use clustering methods to reveal patterns in the migration of activity between spatially distinct generating locations, and identify locations with similar characteristics that are likely influenced by the same generating circumstances. 

How to cite: Allen, J. and Wang, T.: Spatiotemporal Variation in Low Frequency Earthquake Recurrence Along the San Andreas Fault, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-896,, 2023.

EGU23-2181 | Posters on site | SM4.2

Estimation of broadband source time functions of seismic slow earthquakes 

Shunsuke Takemura, Kentaro Emoto, and Suguru Yabe

We propose a method for estimating broadband source time functions of seismic slow earthquakes, which can reproduce observed seismograms at both bands of very low frequency earthquake and tectonic tremor. In our method, we assume the broadband characteristics of seismic slow earthquakes (e.g., Ide et al., 2008; Masuda et al., 2020).

In our method, first, we estimated source time functions of very low frequency earthquakes using filtered seismograms at frequencies below 0.1 Hz via the simulated annealing method (e.g., Takemura et al., 2022ab). To achieve broadband source time function, we added random temporal fluctuations into obtained smooth source time function of very low frequency earthquakes. This approach is similar to previous studies for regular earthquakes (e.g., Koyama, 1985; Hisada, 2000). We assumed that fluctuations of source time function can be characterized by a von-Kármán autocorrelation function. A decay rate parameter of a von-Kármán autocorrelation function can model various decay rates at high-frequency ranges.

We confirmed the validity of our method using synthetic seismograms, which were made from Green’s function datasets using a 1D velocity model and the Brownian-walk source time function model (e.g., Ide, 2008; Ide & Maury, 2018). Our estimation well reproduced target seismograms of synthetic seismic slow earthquakes.

In our presentation, we will introduce our methodology and applications at shallow plate boundary in Nankai.

How to cite: Takemura, S., Emoto, K., and Yabe, S.: Estimation of broadband source time functions of seismic slow earthquakes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2181,, 2023.

Slow slip and tremor (SST) has now been observed along many subduction margins worldwide, and the phenomenon is commonly linked to fluid and/or fluid pressure variations and migration. Crucial to understanding and modeling how fluids and seismicity might interact are estimates of porosity (Φ) and permeability (k) in and around the deforming subduction megathrust shear zone. Constraints on k from deeply buried metamorphic rocks are difficult to obtain, however. Experiments and some small-scale field observations indicate very low k for subduction-related lithologies, on the order of 10-18m2 or less. However, thus far no attempts have been made to quantify the large-scale (or transient) permeability of subduction shear zones at deep metamorphic conditions.

Here we use structural, microstructural and geochemical observations on an exhumed sliver of metamafic rocks, with thermal conditions comparable to the Cascadia subduction zone, to quantify the hydrological properties of the deep SST source region. The study locality (Megas Gialos, Syros Island, Greece) records structures consistent with ductile deformation during subduction, underplating, and subsequent partial exhumation under high pressure greenschist facies conditions within the subduction shear zone. 

The 100-m-length outcrop we studied consists of mafic greenschists with a strong ductile foliation and several generations of syn- to late-kinematic dilational faults and veins. Evidence for both along- and across-dip fluid flow is preserved in the form of metasomatic selvages parallel to the foliation, foliation-parallel quartz veins with foliation-perpendicular growth fibers, and dilational faults oriented at high angles to the foliation. The orientations and cross-cutting relationships between the foliation and multiple vein generations indicate the veins acted as transient fluid-flow conduits opened cyclically during background distributed viscous flow under extremely low differential stresses. In thin section, most of the veins exhibit crack-seal textures, consistent with episodic hydrofracturing. 

To estimate the porosity and 2D permeability tensor from outcrops, we mapped the youngest generation of veins using high resolution drone models, then used Matlab-based software FracPaq to calculate permeability. Our assumptions include a) the latest generation of veins were at some stages opened simultaneously or in close succession (consistent with evidence for very low differential stress magnitudes), and b) the characteristic opening aperture was assumed to be an average of measured crack-seal widths in thin section. This approach yields an estimate of Φ of ~0.8 to 8% and an anisotropic k of 6.0x10-15 to 1.4x10-14 m2 in the along-dip and across-dip orientations, respectively. These values are 3+ orders of magnitude greater than would be inferred for the background unfractured rock. They are broadly consistent with estimates of k from geophysical observations of tremor migration patterns, and with models of the permeability contrasts (background/transient) required for viscous compaction of fluid pressure to lead to unstable slip. The method we demonstrate can be applied to other outcrops with subduction contexts and can provide essential ‘ground-truthed’ data to test assumptions of fluid flow in the deep tremor source region.

How to cite: Muñoz-Montecinos, J. and Behr, W.: Quantifying paleo-permeability on the deep subduction interface from exhumed rocks: a case study from Syros Island, Greece, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2888,, 2023.

EGU23-3294 | Posters on site | SM4.2 | Highlight

Characteristics of shallow tremor waveforms observed by distributed acoustic sensing using offshore fiber-optic cable at the Nankai Trough, southwest Japan 

Satoru Baba, Eiichiro Araki, Yojiro Yamamoto, Takane Hori, Gou Fujie, Yasuyuki Nakamura, Takashi Yokobiki, and Hiroyuki Matsumoto

Distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) measurement, which uses a fiber-optic cable as a strain sensor, allows us spatially high-density observation than seismometers; therefore, DAS has been widely used for seismic observations recently. We conduct DAS measurement with an offshore fiber-optic cable off the Cape Muroto, along the Nankai Trough in southwest Japan. This area is a typical area with adjacent occurrences of slow and megathrust earthquakes. As the relationship between slow and megathrust earthquakes is pointed out (e.g., Obara and Kato, 2016), monitoring of slow earthquakes with a high resolution is necessary to understand tectonic conditions in subduction zones. Although many studies have observed regular earthquakes by DAS measurement recently, there are few studies which observed slow earthquakes with DAS. We observed shallow tremors, a type of slow earthquake in a frequency range of 2–10 Hz, by DAS measurement.

We detected 28 shallow tremor signals off Cape Muroto by using DAS from January 30 to February 8, 2022. The signals of these tremors were also observed in broadband seismograms of the Dense Oceanfloor Network system for Earthquake and Tsunami (DONET) data. We manually picked the arrivals of the tremor signals in root-mean-square envelopes of DAS and DONET waveforms and located the tremor events at the point where the residual between synthetic and observed arrival times is the least by the grid search. Synthetic travel times were calculated based on a one-dimensional S-wave velocity structure model representing the area near the Nankai Trough (Nakano et al., 2013). The tremors were located mainly around 135.7ºE and 33.8ºN, which corresponds to a subducted seamount peak indicated by Nakamura et al. (2022).

The amplitude of tremor signals in the frequency range of 2–10 Hz observed in a DAS channel is 1–2 nstrain. Assuming a plane wave, the velocity waveforms can be calculated by multiplying the apparent velocity by the strain waveform (e.g., Daley et al., 2016). The apparent velocity of the tremor signal propagation was estimated to be ~4 km/s in DAS data; therefore, the amplitudes of the velocities were estimated to be 4000–8000 nm/s, which is similar to or one order larger than that in broadband seismometers of the nearest DONET stations. In detail, tremor signals in DAS data are composed of several phases with variable apparent velocities, and these phases are coherent within only 50–100 m. Generally, the duration of tremors observed in the DAS channels (40–60 s) is longer than that observed in velocity waveforms of DONET broadband seismometers (30–50 s). Comparing the waveforms of regular earthquakes in DAS and ocean bottom seismometers (OBSs) at the same location in December 2019, we found that the duration of the regular earthquakes in the DAS strain waveform is also longer than that in the OBS velocity waveform. The difference in waveform characteristics may be caused by that in the sensitivity of the incident angle between DAS and OBS.

How to cite: Baba, S., Araki, E., Yamamoto, Y., Hori, T., Fujie, G., Nakamura, Y., Yokobiki, T., and Matsumoto, H.: Characteristics of shallow tremor waveforms observed by distributed acoustic sensing using offshore fiber-optic cable at the Nankai Trough, southwest Japan, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3294,, 2023.

EGU23-3766 | ECS | Posters on site | SM4.2

Stress change and fault interaction of adjacent dip-slip, creeping faults in Taiwan 

Wei Peng and Kate Huihsuan Chen

Understanding the aseismic slip and its interplay with seismic slip is central to seismogenesis as it ultimately controls the space-time patterns of seismicity. The aseismic slip has mostly been documented on subduction zones, where the aseismic slip occurs close to the plate rate during the interseismic period and accelerates after/preceding a nearby mainshocks. In tectonically-active continental regions, the intensive efforts of mapping and characterizing aseismic slip have been made to strike-slip faults. Due to lack of recognized creep on dip-slip faults, the nature of fault creep and its role in large earthquake generation in dip-slip creeping fault remains unclear. Whether the spatial and temporal distribution of earthquakes?

The two segmented, ~150-km-long, creeping fault systems in Taiwan are characterized by fast deep slip rate (4-5 cm/yr), large damaging earthquakes, repeating earthquakes, and swarm activities. They provide a rare opportunity for studying the nature of fault creep in the dip-slip faults. As a boundary between the Philippine Sea plate and the Eurasian plate, the Longitudinal Valley on the eastern Taiwan is composed of two parallel structures with opposite dipping direction: the east-dipping Longitudinal Valley fault (LVF) to the east and the west-dipping Central Range fault (CRF) to the west, with the surface separation of shorter than 10 km. Since 1990, thirteen M6 earthquakes have occurred along the two faults. To understand the characteristics and mechanisms of earthquake interaction between the two adjacent active faults, three major works are conducted: (1) Identifying earthquakes that are responsible for the LVF and CRF activities based on relocated seismicity (2) Identifying earthquake clusters using a statistics-based algorithm (3) Quantifying the interaction between seismicity on two separate faults using the spatiotemporal distribution of earthquake clusters (3) computing the static stress change to verify the stress triggering relationship between the two adjacent faults.

Each of the two adjacent faults can be both divided into three segments. We found that only the southern segments exhibit strong interaction in earthquake clusters. On December 10, 2003, a M6.4 earthquake in the southern LVF likely triggered a M5.3 earthquake in southern CRF that occurred 8 days later, as promoted by 0.8 bar stress change. On April 1, 2006, a M6.2 earthquake in southern CRF on the other hand, is capable of triggering a M6.0 earthquake in the south segment of LVF two weeks later, imported by 0.6 bar stress change. Given that the southern segment of the LVF is characterized by the creep rate of 2-3 cm/yr on the surface and ~4 cm/yr at greater depth below 10 km, while the other segments reveal stronger fault coupling, we argue that the nature of fault creep may control the triggering potential in the adjacent fault. 

How to cite: Peng, W. and Chen, K. H.: Stress change and fault interaction of adjacent dip-slip, creeping faults in Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3766,, 2023.

EGU23-3900 | Posters on site | SM4.2

Spontaneous Earthquake generation Experiments by Controlling Shear Stress in a Rotating Shear Apparatus 

Yohei Hamada, Takehiro Hirose, Wataru Tanikawa, and Takahiro Suzuki

Earthquake faults are stationary in a critical state where they either slip or not.

The fluid pressure fluctuation in the fault zone at this critical state is thought to be one of the factors that cause a variety of earthquakes that progress from slow to fast. This process of earthquake generation has been studied using the conventional "slip displacement - rate control" method, however, this does not reproduce the process of initiation and acceleration of slip as natural earthquake generation. In this study, we conducted experiments to induce spontaneous fault slip using a rotating friction apparatus that can control torque and fluid pressure rather than slip rate.

First, as a simple experiment, a sample (standard SiO2) whose frictional behavior was measured at low and constant velocity was used to continuously and gradually increase torque (0.3 N-m/s) under normal stress of 5 MPa. Slip started when the torque reached 200 N-m (corresponding to a shear stress of 4 MPa and a coefficient of friction of 0.8) and gradually accelerated to 170 microns/sec, at an acceleration of 20 micron/s/s. We also conducted an experiment in which the fluid pressure was increased in steps after the axial pressure and torque were applied at fixed values in advance, and similar acceleration behavior was obtained here as well. For both experiments, the termination velocity was 170 microns/sec and did not accelerate to the cm/sec order, which was set as the limit. These could have reproduced the onset of the slow earthquake, but it is also possible that the result may have been due to experimental problems that the torque was not controlled and decreased with the onset of the slip. The presentation will include this and other experimental results, as well as the interpretation of the torque-controlled experimental results and initiation of slow earthquake.

How to cite: Hamada, Y., Hirose, T., Tanikawa, W., and Suzuki, T.: Spontaneous Earthquake generation Experiments by Controlling Shear Stress in a Rotating Shear Apparatus, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3900,, 2023.

EGU23-4600 | Posters on site | SM4.2 | Highlight

The role of afterslip in the stress interaction between repeating earthquakes and microseismicity in Parkfield 

Kate Huihsuan Chen, Kaj Johnson, Roland Burgmann, and Robert Nadeau

Earthquake can be triggered by small stress changes from local to distant earthquakes, seasonal forcing, and human activities. While the calculated magnitude and sign of stress change greatly varies with the assumption of source stress drop, receiver fault geometry, and consideration of aseismic slip, the near-field stress triggering can be easily misinterpreted. With a large number of repetitive occurrence times, small repeating earthquakes provides a unique opportunity to examine and model the extent to which fault interaction in the form of static stress changes and transient postseismic fault creep produces the observed aperiodicity in the occurrence of these events. Using the 655 repeating earthquakes (repeater) and M>1 4499 earthquakes during the period of 1984 – 2004 (before the M6 Parkfield event), the significant triggering between small earthquakes were previously documented as the increased rate of events producing(incurring) higher stress changes during the days preceding(following) a repeater. However, how to describe the stress in the vicinity of earthquakes has been a challenge especially that (1) the negative static shear stresses could be mistakenly resolved on the closely-located receiver and (2) the role of afterslip induced by very small earthquakes on the stress interactions could be largely underestimated. In this study, we propose the stress model that properly represents the relative three-dimensional location of the events and determine the instantaneous static stress fields associated with each event as well as the time-dependent contributions from afterslip. We hope to provide a better interpretation of the short-term triggering between the closely-spaced small earthquakes on the creeping strands of the SAF.

How to cite: Chen, K. H., Johnson, K., Burgmann, R., and Nadeau, R.: The role of afterslip in the stress interaction between repeating earthquakes and microseismicity in Parkfield, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4600,, 2023.

EGU23-4667 | ECS | Orals | SM4.2 | Highlight

An ongoing triggered slow slip event after the 2006 Pingtung offshore earthquake in Hengchun Peninsula, Taiwan 

Shih-Han Hsiao, Kuo-En Ching, Wu-Lung Chang, Pei-Ching Tsai, Slawomir Giletycz, and Chien-Liang Chen

    An ongoing triggered slow slip event (SSE) on the inland Hengchun fault after the 2006 ML 7.0 Pingtung offshore earthquake in Taiwan is proposed in this study by analyzing the coordinate time series of 13 continuous GNSS stations, 37 campaign-mode GNSS stations and 3 precise leveling routes in Hengchun Peninsula from 2002 to 2022. Four surface velocity patterns have been determined based on these geodetic data: (1) the interseismic period from 2002 to the 2006 Pingtung offshore earthquake; (2) the 2nd period after the earthquake to April 2010; (3) the 3rd period from April 2010 to 2016; (4) the 4th period from 2016 till 2022. In general, a velocity discontinuity is discovered approximately located at 1-2 km east of the currently known Hengchun fault trace. Then we evaluate the slip deficit rate and slip rate distributions of the Hengchun fault through baseline inversion model and coseismic fault model, respectively. The modeling results shows that Hengchun fault is a reverse fault with a minor left-lateral component. Two asperities are shown in the southern and northern segments, respectively. Furthermore, the energy on the asperities has been gradually released from south to north after the 2006 earthquake, even though the postseismic deformation has faded. On the other hand, the geological investigation results also indicate that surface ruptures were generated on the Hengchun fault until 2017. Therefore, we infer that (1) the temporal pattern changes of surface velocity in Hengchun Peninsula are driven by the 2006 ML 7.0 Pingtung offshore earthquake; (2) the Hengchun fault ought to be relocated at 1-2 km to the east; (3) a SSE occurs on the Hengchun fault after the 2006 ML 7.0 Pingtung offshore earthquake. (4) the energy keeps releasing through the SSE after the earthquake and decrease the earthquake potential in Hengchun Peninsula.

How to cite: Hsiao, S.-H., Ching, K.-E., Chang, W.-L., Tsai, P.-C., Giletycz, S., and Chen, C.-L.: An ongoing triggered slow slip event after the 2006 Pingtung offshore earthquake in Hengchun Peninsula, Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4667,, 2023.

A central goal of this work is to understand the extent to which fault friction vs. pore fluids and other factors is the cause of slow earthquakes and the spectrum of fault slip behaviors. Slow earthquakes and quasi-dynamic modes of fault slip such as tremor and LFEs have now been observed in essentially every tectonic setting, which suggests that the underlying mechanism(s) are generic rather than specific to a particular fault setting, rock type, or tectonic regime. Here, I discuss lab data that illuminate the mechanics of slow slip. I focus on frictional stick-slip failure events, the lab equivalent of earthquakes, that reproduce slow slip and the full range of slip behaviors observed on tectonic faults.  These studies document repetitive slip events and the complete lab seismic cycle for the full spectrum of slip behaviors from aseismic creep to slow slip and aperiodic elastodynamic failure. Working with data for repetitive slip events is critical for understanding the underlying mechanics. In the lab, we also document the rate of frictional weakening with slip kc = σn (b-a)/Dc  ––the so-called critical stiffness–– where σn is fault normal stress, (b-a) is the friction rate parameter and Dc is the critical slip distance. We measure kc for the same conditions of the slow slip events by altering the machine loading stiffness. These works assess directly frictional instability theory, which predicts the slip stability transition when the elastic stiffness of the fault zone k equals the frictional weakening rate kc. The lab work confirms friction theory in relation to the transition from stable to unstable slip but it also reveals additional complexity showing that kc varies with slip rate. Several works now document the velocity dependence of kc(V) and its role in dictating slow slip in the lab. These works show complex behavior near k/kc ≈ 1 including slow slip, aperiodic failure and chaotic motion. I discuss these results in the context of basic questions that remain regarding how slow ruptures can propagate quasi-dynamically, at speeds far below the Rayleigh wave speed, and how tectonic faults can host both slow slip and dynamic earthquake rupture.

How to cite: Marone, C.: Slow Earthquakes and the Spectrum of Fault Slip Modes: A View From the Lab, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5886,, 2023.

EGU23-6369 | ECS | Posters on site | SM4.2

Detecting low-frequency earthquakes with deep learning 

Jannes Münchmeyer, Sophie Giffard-Roisin, Marielle Malfante, David Marsan, and Anne Socquet

Subduction megathrusts are the largest earthquakes occuring worldwide. Yet the generation of large subduction earthquakes is still poorly understood. Recent research revealed that aseismic deformation in the form of slow slip events (SSEs) might play a key rule in the build-up of these events. However, SSEs are hard to observe directly, due to there slow nature. One way to identify and study aseismic deformation is through co-occuring signals, for example, low-frequency earthquakes (LFEs). Yet these events are again difficult to observe due to their low signal-to-noise ratio and emergent onsets.

In this project, we build machine learning models to identify low-frequency earthquakes. These models are more flexible and transferable than the commonly employed template matching techniques for LFE detection. We focus on deep learning based models, building upon their excellent performance for the picking and detection of regular seismicity. To train and evaluate these models we have compiled a collection of LFE datasets from multiple world region in a format tailored for machine learning. We integrate our LFE detector into the SeisBench library to allow easy application of the model in future studies.

How to cite: Münchmeyer, J., Giffard-Roisin, S., Malfante, M., Marsan, D., and Socquet, A.: Detecting low-frequency earthquakes with deep learning, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6369,, 2023.

EGU23-6821 | ECS | Orals | SM4.2

Hydroacoustic Monitoring of Earthquake Sequences on the Blanco Oceanic Transform Fault 

Hui Liu, Yen Joe Tan, and Robert Dziak

Understanding how earthquakes initiate lies at the heart of earthquake physics and analyzing foreshock sequences is one way to probe the initiation process of large earthquakes. A few oceanic transform fault (OTF) earthquakes have been observed to have more foreshocks compared to continental earthquakes. It has also been proposed that OTFs accommodate plate motion primarily by slow creep instead of rapid seismic slip, though with significant along-fault variability. These characteristics make OTFs unique laboratories for probing the physical processes underlying foreshocks and their relations with slow slip events. However, in the past, detailed studies at OTFs have been limited due to their distance from land-based seismic stations. Since 2015, small arrays of ocean-bottom seismometers and hydrophones have been permanently deployed on cabled seafloor observatories in the northeast Pacific Ocean, allowing for monitoring of seismicity on the Blanco Transform Fault (BTF) using the earthquake’s radiated hydroacoustic energy (T-phase). T-phases propagate through the SOFAR channel in the world’s oceans with little attenuation, allowing for the detection of low-magnitude earthquakes at large distances. In this study, we apply a suite of techniques to detect, associate, and locate foreshocks and aftershocks of large mainshocks occurring along the BTF since 2015. We define a mainshock as the largest event occurring within two weeks and a radius of 50 km. 19 Mw  5.0 mainshocks are selected from the GCMT catalogue. However, we are only able to analyze 12 mainshocks due to data availability issues. We use the STA/LTA algorithm to detect T-phase arrivals one week before and after each mainshock through the continuous waveforms recorded on both OBSs and hydrophones. For each detection, we then use the relative station arrival times compared to the mainshock to make sure we only retain events close to the mainshock, i.e., its foreshocks and aftershocks. We then employ the GLOBAL mode Non-Linear Location (NLLoc) program for event localization using a 3D ocean sound velocity model. Compared to the IRIS catalogue which only has a minimum detection level of magnitude 3, lower-magnitude T-phase events are successfully detected by our method. Using our T-phase catalogue, we quantify how the BTF sequences compare with earthquake sequences observed at continental transform faults and test the various proposed models to explain foreshock spatiotemporal behavior and the partitioning of seismic and slow slips along the BTF.



How to cite: Liu, H., Tan, Y. J., and Dziak, R.: Hydroacoustic Monitoring of Earthquake Sequences on the Blanco Oceanic Transform Fault, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6821,, 2023.

EGU23-7998 | ECS | Orals | SM4.2 | Highlight

How is geometrical complexity in fault zone recorded by geodesy and seismology? 

Michelle Almakari, Harsha S. Bhat, Navid Kheirdast, Carlos Villafuerte, and Marion Y. Thomas

Over the last decades, new observations of complex slip dynamics have emerged. We now observe a continuum of transients energy release happening on fault systems, such as slow slip events, LFEs and tremors. Present quasi-dynamic numerical models are capable of producing such complex slip events on fault planes by considering more realistic complex fault geometries. We aim in this study to bridge the gap between source modeling and observations by generating synthetic surface records. 

For this, we consider a fault system which consists of a main self-similar rough fault, surrounded by a dense network of off-fault fractures. We embed our 2D quasi-dynamic fault zone in a 3D elastic half-space and cover the free surface with a wide array of colocated broadband accelerometers and high rate GPS stations. Over multiple seismic cycles, we record broadband signals at 50 Hz and high rate GPS at 1 Hz. We aim to understand how the different sequences of complex behavior that we observe on the fault plane are recorded on the stations. What are the different contributions of the main fault and off-fault fractures to the radiated signals recorded on the stations? 

How to cite: Almakari, M., Bhat, H. S., Kheirdast, N., Villafuerte, C., and Thomas, M. Y.: How is geometrical complexity in fault zone recorded by geodesy and seismology?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7998,, 2023.

EGU23-9067 | ECS | Posters on site | SM4.2

What makes low-frequency earthquakes low frequency? 

Qing-Yu Wang, William Frank, Rachel Abercrombie, Kazushige Obara, and Aitaro Kato

Low-frequency earthquakes are repetitive seismic events that occur downdip of the seismogenic megathrust where slow aseismic fault slip dominates the tectonic budget. These tiny events, distinct from regular earthquakes, have the potential to provide in-situ constraints on the fault rheology where slow slip occurs, but are hard to study due to their small signal amplitudes. We take advantage of the unique geometry of seismicity in the Nankai subduction zone, where low-frequency earthquake sandwich regular earthquakes, to study the source signature of low-frequency earthquakes and the local seismic structure. We isolate two 10 km-radius depth columns, one where low-frequency earthquakes periodically occur and one where they do not. Taking the collocated regular earthquakes below and above the subducting plate interface, we develop a three-step cluster-based approach to correct for local site effects, extract the accurate Empirical Attenuation functions, and apply them to the correction of Low-frequency earthquakes. The falloff of corrected displacement spectra inversely obeys the 𝝎-square hypothesis with a maximum possible corner frequency of fc at ~2 - 3Hz. The local 1-D vertical structure inverted from earthquake travel times suggests a distinct difference in the ratios of seismic attenuation and velocity. Assuming seismic waves go through similar paths within depth column, the local attenuation is insufficient to generate specific low-frequency spectral content that differs from fast earthquakes. Instead, our results support a relative contrast of Q over depth with a higher Q at shallow depth above the zone of low-frequency earthquakes. This high Q layer may serve as an impermeable layer and produce an environment with enhanced pore-fluid pressure and heterogeneous frictional characteristics different from the zone with regular earthquakes. This particular condition favors low-frequency earthquakes and generates distinct nucleation procedures or/and rupture processes of low-frequency earthquakes from regular earthquakes.

How to cite: Wang, Q.-Y., Frank, W., Abercrombie, R., Obara, K., and Kato, A.: What makes low-frequency earthquakes low frequency?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9067,, 2023.

EGU23-15859 | ECS | Orals | SM4.2

The slip deficit rate, slow and fast earthquake at the Nankai subduction zone. 

Raymundo Omar Plata Martinez, Takeshi Iinuma, Fumiaki Tomita, Takuya Nishimura3, and Takane Hori

The Nankai subduction zone is considered as a region with a high seismic risk. Large earthquakes with magnitudes larger than 8 have occurred and will recur in the future. Additionally, several observations of slow earthquakes at the shallow and deep plate interface have continuously been being happening. Large and slow earthquakes originate from different types of frictional characteristics, mostly driven by an accumulation of interplate slip deficit. Here, we present results from geodetic observations to estimate the slip deficit rate at the Nankai subduction zone based on displacement rate data of the dense onshore GNSS array as well as that of the offshore GNSS-Acoustic stations during the period 2002 to 2016 (Nishimura et al. 2018). After removing co-seismic and post-seismic deformations due to earthquakes in other regions, we estimated the slip deficit rate at the plate interface by using a trans-dimensional reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm (Tomita et al. 2021). To obtain a smooth slip distribution without imposing smoothing constraints we used a Voronoi partitioning for slip parameters, in which the number of cells is automatically set during the inversion, based on the spatial resolution of data. In contrast to previous slip deficit inversions at the Nankai region, we included scaling weight factors for different types of data. The scaling factors were parameterized to be adjusted in the inversion procedure. Furthermore, we used elastic Green Functions estimated from a three-dimensional heterogeneous structure of the Nankai regions (Hori et al. 2021), instead of a homogeneous medium as previously done. We accomplished a new model of slip deficit rate for the Nankai subduction zone that complements previous models. Regions with high slip deficits agree with the rupture areas of historic large earthquakes. Lastly, the location of deep and shallow slow earthquakes agrees with estimated intermediate values of slip deficit. The slow earthquake region defines the transition between a locked and unlocked plate interface, while shallow slow earthquakes can also be generated by shallow heterogeneous patches or subsurface structures at the subducting plate.

How to cite: Plata Martinez, R. O., Iinuma, T., Tomita, F., Nishimura3, T., and Hori, T.: The slip deficit rate, slow and fast earthquake at the Nankai subduction zone., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15859,, 2023.

EGU23-16838 | ECS | Orals | SM4.2

Detection and characterization of slow deformation from GNSS data by deep learning in the Cascadia subduction zone 

Giuseppe Costantino, Sophie Giffard-Roisin, Mauro Dalla Mura, Mathilde Radiguet, David Marsan, and Anne Socquet

The stress that accumulates on faults due to tectonic plate motion can be released seismically and aseismically. The seismic release of stress takes place during earthquakes at short time scales (seconds to minutes), and can be identified on seismic records. The aseismic part of this stress release occurs during Slow Slip Events (SSEs), that last from days to years and do not radiate energetic seismic waves. SSEs are monitored with dense Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) networks that record the deformation induced at the surface. A precise identification of slow slip events is key to better understand the mechanics of active faults and to better describe the role of aseismic slip in the seismic cycle. Yet, the characterization of SSEs of various sizes from existing GNSS networks is challenging, and extensive SSEs catalogs remains sparse and incomplete: for example, 64 events for SSEs in Cascadia (Michel et al., 2018), 24 long-term SSEs (Takagi et al., 2019) and 284 short-term SSEs (Okada et al., 2022) in Nankai, Japan. Traditional SSE characterization either focus on specific events, identified visually with high signal to noise ratio (e.g. Radiguet et al., 2016), use time series decomposition approaches such as ICAIM (independent Component analysis inversion method) (Michel et al., 2018; Radiguet et al., 2020), or, for small events, geodetic template matching (Okada et al., 2022; Rousset et al., 2017).

We focus on the Cascadia subduction zone, where a link between slow slip and bursts of tremors has been established (Rogers & Dragert, 2003). In this direction, tremor catalogues can be used to validate potential SSEs detections against the spatiotemporal distribution of tremors. Moreover, a catalogue of SSEs has been recently assessed by (Michel et al., 2019), providing additional benchmark to our analyses. We generate synthetic SSEs from synthetic dislocations (Okada, 1985) using the slab2 model (Hayes et al., 2018). Each SSE template, assumed as a sigmoidal-shaped transient, is further added to a window of noise obtained from real GNSS data (Costantino et al., in prep.).

We develop a deep learning-based method for the systematic detection and characterization of SSEs using a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) in combination with a Graph Neural Network (GNN). We test our method both on synthetic and real position time series. Results on synthetic data are consistent and show a detection trade-off between the SSEs location, magnitude and the density of the GNSS network. Results on real GNSS positional time series show a good agreement with existing catalogues (cf. Michel et al., 2019). Moreover, new detections have been carried out, which correlate well with the temporal distribution of tremors, suggesting that those events could be new SSE detections, which will be further validated by assessing their spatial-temporal consistency through scaling laws output by the deep learning model.

How to cite: Costantino, G., Giffard-Roisin, S., Dalla Mura, M., Radiguet, M., Marsan, D., and Socquet, A.: Detection and characterization of slow deformation from GNSS data by deep learning in the Cascadia subduction zone, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16838,, 2023.

EGU23-16875 | ECS | Orals | SM4.2 | Highlight

The environment surrounding the subduction zone plate interface 

Michael Everett Mann, Geoffrey Abers, and Patrick Fulton

The interface between a subducting and overriding plate usually exhibits low seismic velocities within a thin (<6 km thick) layer. The hydrologic and petrologic conditions surrounding this layer control the behavior of the plate interface fault, which shows a wide range of rupture behavior from the megathrust through the down-dip transition to tremor and slow-slip. Many analyses of the properties of this plate interface low-velocity layer (LVL) use receiver functions (RFs), which sample sharp seismic velocity gradients and depend primarily on the time separation between RF phases from the top and bottom of the layer, to provide diagnostic estimates of thickness and Vp/Vs. Previous hypotheses for plate interface rupture behavior have invoked high pore-fluid pressure to explain inferences of apparently high Vp/Vs (exceeding 2.2) along the seismogenic zone and the adjacent down-dip slow-slip region determined from RF analyses. However, new higher-resolution analyses of scattered teleseismic P-wave coda that sample this region in two different subduction zones reveal Vp/Vs within the range of normal lithologies (1.6-2.0) and remove the observational requirement for a thick region of high pore-fluid pressure. These results agree with recent laboratory analyses of the properties of exhumed megathrust rocks. Instead, the mechanical properties of a thick damage zone surrounding the interface or entrained sediments explain both the scattered-wave observations and observed fault rupture behavior in the seismogenic zone and deeper. Pore pressure could play a role, but it may operate more locally or intermittently than conventionally thought. Additionally, from this analysis we find that the frequency content of the scattered phases generated at the delimiting boundaries of the LVL are limited and do not provide enough resolution to include direct (up-going P-to-S converted waves) conversions in LVL RF analyses without biasing the results to high values of Vp/Vs and thickness.

How to cite: Mann, M. E., Abers, G., and Fulton, P.: The environment surrounding the subduction zone plate interface, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16875,, 2023.

EGU23-242 | ECS | Orals | SM4.1

Rupture-mode preferences of crustal earthquakes in Japan 

Ritsuya Shibata and Naofumi Aso

Fault rupture has various complexity in space and time. The temporal complexity could be expressed by the radiated energy enhancement factor (Ye et al., 2018), which is the ratio of the radiated energy to its theoretical minimum value. Regarding the spatial complexity, the rupture directivity has been well investigated from small scales (Boatwright 2007; Kane et al., 2013; Ross and Ben-Zion, 2016) to large scales (e.g. Ide and Takeo, 1997; Ruiz et al., 2016) by investigating the azimuthal dependency of dominant frequency or estimating the source process. While these studies focus on the spatiotemporal complexity of the entire fault rupture, the mesoscopic scale rupture complexity also exists through the rupture propagation, which is an important perspective of the rupture mechanics. Specifically, we can classify the rupture propagation into two endmembers: mode-II and -III ruptures. In this regard, we focused on the rupture propagations at the scale of subfault extracted from the waveform inversion.

In this study, we analyzed multiple M6-class inland earthquakes in Japan using waveform inversion with the radiation-corrected empirical Green’s functions (Shibata et al., 2022), which enable us to estimate slip distributions with slip directions by synthesizing the EGF waveforms for any focal mechanisms. Then, we introduced rupture-mode intensity to evaluate the rupture-mode preferences by comparing the rupture propagation direction with the slip direction for each earthquake. As a result, we confirmed that the rupture preferentially propagated parallel (mode II) or perpendicular (mode III) to the slip direction, which is expected from the fracture mechanics. In addition, the characteristic of rupture propagation at the early stage was similar to that during the entire rupture, implying that most rupture characteristics are determined at the early stage.

How to cite: Shibata, R. and Aso, N.: Rupture-mode preferences of crustal earthquakes in Japan, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-242,, 2023.

Frictional sliding at bi-material interfaces (when contacting bodies possess different elastic properties) is important in context of earthquake dynamics. Dissimilarity in elastic materials across the interface give rises to complex rupture propagation phenomena and instabilities, compared to the case when the material is similar across the interface. This is due to the coupling between the normal stress and interfacial slip, which is absent in the homogenous case. In the literature, various numerical schemes have been proposed but still many aspects of bi-material ruptures are not well-understood such as the rupture mode, velocity selection and stability. The present work proposes a new numerical scheme to study frictional rupture at a bi-material interface governed by a rate- and state-dependent friction law. It uses a spectral form of the boundary integral equation method (BIEM) as derived in Ranjith (2015, 2022), to evaluate the field quantities at the interface. The BIEM approach computes elastodynamic convolution of traction over its temporal history at the interface only, without need to calculate in regions away from interface, making it numerically efficient, compared to other conventional approaches. In prior work, an alternative spectral form of BIEM was used by Breitenfeld and Geubelle (1998) for 2D in-plane elasticity and Morrissey and Geubelle (1997) for 2D antiplane elasticity. In their approach, time-convolution is performed of the displacement history at the interface. An advantage of Ranjith’s approach is that the convolution kernels for a bi-material interface can be expressed in closed form, whereas Breitenfeld and Geubelle (1998) had to obtain their convolution kernels numerically. Conversion between real space and spectral domain is done by the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). Rupture propagation is studied for both in-plane and antiplane frictional sliding at a bi-material interface by coupling the BIEM with a rate- and state-dependent friction law. Such a friction law is known to be suitable for a bi-material interface because it gives rise to well-posed problems (Rice et al., 2001). In earlier studies, an alternative numerical scheme for rate- and state-dependent friction was proposed by Lapusta et al. (2001) to study earthquake sequences on a fault. The disadvantage of their approach is that convolution kernels need to be evaluated multiple times for higher order accuracy. In the present work, a simpler numerical scheme is proposed for bi-material interfaces following a rate- and state-dependent friction law which is computationally more efficient.

How to cite: Gupta, A. and Kunnath, R.: A numerical methodology for rupture propagation at bi-material interfaces with rate- and state-dependent friction, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-379,, 2023.

EGU23-1165 | Posters on site | SM4.1

Contemporary publications in Europe on the Spanish earthquake of 1884  

Elisa Buforn, Agustín Udías, and Maurizio Mattesini

On 25th December 1884, a damaging earthquake shocked the Granada-Malaga (Spain) region, followed by a large number of aftershocks. This is the largest earthquake (Imax= IX-X, EMS-98, estimated magnitude 6.7) in southern Spain, with 750 persons killed and 1500 injured, and 4400 houses destroyed. After the occurrence of the main shock, a considerable number of reports on the damage caused by the catastrophic Andalusian earthquake were published mainly during the following year (1885) in several European journals, as well as in bulletins of scientific societies and books. A few of them were anonymous notes while others were signed by the most important geologists and seismologists from different European countries. Exceptional cases are the publications from the members of the three commissions (Spanish, French and Italian) that were specifically appointed to study this Andalusian earthquake, with the participation of prestigious seismologists, such as Macpherson, Mercalli, Taramelli, Fouqué, and Barrois. We present detailed information about the publications that appeared mainly during the following year (1885) of the occurrence of this earthquake. The prompt study of the Andalusian earthquake provided an opportunity for the scientific community at that time to present and disseminate new modern ideas about the nature of earthquakes and their relationship with the geodynamic processes and geology of the region abandoning the traditional explosive source.

How to cite: Buforn, E., Udías, A., and Mattesini, M.: Contemporary publications in Europe on the Spanish earthquake of 1884 , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1165,, 2023.

EGU23-1344 | ECS | Posters virtual | SM4.1

Physics Informed Deep Learning for Modeling Coseismic Crustal Deformation 

Tomohisa Okazaki, Takeo Ito, Kazuro Hirahara, and Naonori Ueda

Crustal deformation, which can be modeled by dislocation models, provides critical insights into the evolution of earthquake processes and future earthquake potentials. In this presentation, we introduce our recent work on a novel physics-informed deep learning approach for modeling coseismic crustal deformation (Okazaki et al. 2022). Physics-informed neural networks were proposed to solve both the forward and inverse problems by incorporating partial differential equations into loss functions (Raissi et al. 2019). The use of neural networks enables to represent continuous displacement fields in arbitrary geometrical structures and mechanical properties of rocks without discretization. To accurately model the displacement discontinuity on a fault, which cannot be directly approximated by neural networks composed of continuous functions, the polar coordinate system is introduced. We illustrate the validity and usefulness of the proposed approach through forward modeling of antiplane dislocations, which are used to model strike-slip faults. This approach would have considerable potential for extension to high-dimensional, anelastic, nonlinear, and inverse problems in a straightforward way.


Okazaki T, Ito T, Hirahara K, Ueda N, Physics-informed deep learning approach for modeling crustal deformation. Nature Communications, 13, 7092 (2022).

How to cite: Okazaki, T., Ito, T., Hirahara, K., and Ueda, N.: Physics Informed Deep Learning for Modeling Coseismic Crustal Deformation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1344,, 2023.

EGU23-1726 | ECS | Orals | SM4.1

Stochastic Source Modelling of the 2002 Denali Earthquake for Fault Displacement Hazard Assessment 

Parva Shoaeifar and Katsuichiro Goda

The Denali Fault earthquake was one of the largest strike-slip earthquakes with significant surface ruptures that occurred in 2002 in Alaska, United States. Probabilistic fault displacement hazard assessment (PFDHA) plays an important role in post-earthquake disaster management. This is because critical facilities and infrastructures in the vicinity of active faults are prone to major damage, leading to suspension of service due to fault displacement. Hence, in the present study, a PFDHA due to the Denali earthquake is conducted using a new methodology of stochastic source-based fault displacement hazard analysis. In this method, the surface rupture can be evaluated by applying Okada equations to simulated earthquake source models. The main differences between the methodology of the present study with conventional fault displacement assessment practices are to utilize the stochastic source models instead of the empirical predictive relationship of surface fault displacement and to calculate the distribution for surface fault displacement at a site of interest using the Okada equations. The new methodology is more versatile than the existing methods in several characteristics. First, it is applicable to all faulting mechanisms (e.g., strike-slip, normal, and reverse) by specifying different rake angles of the ruptured fault. Second, it has the ability to consider multi-segment fault rupture. Third, the calculation of three translational displacements by the Okada equations for a given location is available. Lastly, it provides physically consistent fault displacement modelling at two locations for a given earthquake scenario, allowing estimating of the differential fault displacement at two sites. Then the capability of the method is evaluated by applying it to the historical case of the 2002 Denali Fault earthquake. The satisfactory match of the modelled fault displacement and the observations, such as surface offset, Global Positioning System (GPS), and Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) data, is achieved based on calculating a performance metric. Therefore, more realistic ground deformation assessments can be carried out. Importantly, the obtained results significantly contribute to the hazard in earthquake-prone areas and reduce potential fatality and casualty risks as well as the post-earthquake damage repair costs of the built environment.

How to cite: Shoaeifar, P. and Goda, K.: Stochastic Source Modelling of the 2002 Denali Earthquake for Fault Displacement Hazard Assessment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1726,, 2023.

Earthquake prediction relies on identification of distinctive patterns of precursory parameters that might precede a large earthquake. However, these patterns are typically not reliably observed in the field. Laboratory stick-slip experiments provide an analog of seismic cycle observed in nature in fully controlled conditions with the associated Acoustic Emission (AE) activity reproducing basic characteristics of seismicity preceding and following the large lab earthquake. Recent laboratory studies showed that the deployment of Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence techniques has lead to new state of the art results in lab earthquake prediction on smooth faults while using simple statistical features derived from raw AE signals and AE-derived catalogs. However, not enough work has been done on explainability of earthquakes preparatory process on rough faults by leveraging deep learning techniques. In this work we attempt to mitigate this gap and analyze/grade a pool of  explainable seismo-mechanical features through the eyes of neural networks.

We used AE data from three laboratory stick-slip experiments performed in triaxial pressure vessel on Westerly Granite samples. Samples were first fractured at 75MPa confining pressure creating rough fault surfaces. The following stick-slip experiments were performed at constant displacement rate. The experimental procedure led to an extremely complex slip pattern composed of large and small slips of the whole surface, as well as the confined slips highlighted only with AE data and no externally measured slip. The AE catalog was used to extract temporal evolution of 16 seismo-mechanical and statistical features characterizing evolution of stress and damage in response to the axial stress change. The feature pool included clearly physically interpretable parameters such as AE rates, b-value, fractal dimension, AE localization, clustering and triggering properties, and features characterizing the variability of local stress field. 

We apply explainable AI techniques to identify what features are more important to forecast  axial stress and stress drop.  Our feature ranking and importance evaluation with the help of neural networks can serve as an indicator as to what research directions are more promising to take for further feature engineering efforts with an emphasis on explainability of earthquake phenomena.

How to cite: Caus, D., Grover, H., H. Goebel, T., Kwiatek, G., and Weigel, T.: Predicting fault stress level and stress drop using seismo-mechanical and statistical features derived from acoustic signals in laboratory stick-slip friction experiments and assesing feature importance via the derived models., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1967,, 2023.

Predicting earthquakes has been a long-standing challenge. Recently, machine learning (ML) approaches have been employed to predict laboratory earthquakes using stick-slip dynamics data obtained from shear experiments. However, the data utilized are often acquired from only a few sensor points, thus insufficient in feature dimension and may limit the predictive power of ML. To address this issue, we adopt the combined finite-discrete element method (FDEM) to simulate a two-dimensional sheared granular fault system, from which abundant fault dynamics data (i.e., displacement and velocity) during stick-slip cycles are collected at 2203 “sensor” points densely placed in the numerical model. We then use the simulated data to train the LightGBM (Light Gradient Boosting Machine) models and predict the normalized gouge-plate shear stress (an indicator of stick-slips). Meanwhile, to optimize features, we build the importance ranking of input features and select those with top importance for prediction. We iteratively optimize and adjust the feature data, and finally reach a LightGBM model with an acceptable prediction accuracy (R2 = 0.91). The SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanations) values of input features are also calculated to quantify their contributions to prediction. We show that when sufficient fault dynamics data are available, LightGBM, together with the SHAP value approach, is capable of accurately predicting the occurrence time and magnitude of laboratory earthquakes, and also has the potential to uncover the relationship between microscopic fault dynamics and macroscopic stick-slip behaviors. This work may shed light on natural earthquake prediction and open new possibilities to explore useful earthquake precursors using ML.

How to cite: Gao, K.: Predicting stick-slips in FDEM simulated sheared granular faults using machine learning, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2516,, 2023.

EGU23-4934 | ECS | Orals | SM4.1

Slow rupture propagation and large stress drop during the 2020 Mw6.4 Petrinja earthquake 

Iva Lončar, Mathieu Causse, Martin Vallée, and Snježana Markušić

Seismological data from almost 100 broadband stations (70 < Δ < 420 km) from Croatia, Slovenia, Hungary, Italy, Austria, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Montenegro, and Slovakia have been used in the rupture analysis of the Petrinja (Croatia) MW6.4 earthquake, that occurred on the 29th of December 2020. Several foreshocks and aftershocks have been used as empirical Green’s function (EGF) to isolate source effects from propagation and local soil effects. First, P-wave mainshock seismograms are deconvolved from the EGF seismograms in the frequency domain to obtain the corner frequency (fc). Assuming Brune’s source model, the spectral analysis results in a large stress drop of 25 MPa. Second, using time-domain deconvolution of the Love wave time windows, apparent source time functions (ASTFs) have been computed and indicate an average source duration of 5 seconds. No significant directivity effects can be seen in both the fc values and source durations, whose weak variability suggests a bilateral rupture. Lastly, physical rupture parameters, such as rupture velocity, rupture dimensions, slip model and rise time, have been extracted from the ASTFs by two different techniques: (1) the Bayesian inversion method (Causse et al. 2017) and (2) the backprojection of the ASTFs on the isochrones (Király‐Proag et al. 2019). Both techniques indicate a slow rupture velocity (about 50% of the shear-wave velocity) and a rather short rupture length for an MW6.4 event (about 8 km), consistent with the obtained large seismological stress drop. Such features may be explained by the relatively complex and segmented fault system, typical of immature fault contexts.



Causse, M., Cultrera, G., Moreau, L., Herrero, A., Schiappapietra, E. and Courboulex, F., 2017. Bayesian rupture imaging in a complex medium: The 29 May 2012 Emilia, Northern Italy, earthquake. Geophysical Research Letters44(15), pp.7783-7792.

Király‐Proag, E., Satriano, C., Bernard, P. and Wiemer, S., 2019. Rupture process of the M w 3.3 earthquake in the St. Gallen 2013 geothermal reservoir, Switzerland. Geophysical Research Letters46(14), pp.7990-7999.

How to cite: Lončar, I., Causse, M., Vallée, M., and Markušić, S.: Slow rupture propagation and large stress drop during the 2020 Mw6.4 Petrinja earthquake, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4934,, 2023.

EGU23-5398 | ECS | Orals | SM4.1

Detecting the preparatory phase of induced earthquakes at The Geysers (California) using K-means clustering 

Antonio Giovanni Iaccarino and Matteo Picozzi

The generation of strong earthquakes is a long-debated problem in seismology, and its importance is increased by the possible implications for earthquake forecasting. It is hypothesized that the earthquake generation processes are anticipated by several phenomena occurring within a nucleation region. These phenomena, also defined as preparatory processes, load stress on the fault leading it to reach a critical state. In this paper, we investigate the seismicity preceding 19 moderate (Mw≥3.5) earthquakes at The Geysers, Northern California, aiming to verify the existence of a preparatory phase before their occurrence. We apply an unsupervised K-means clustering technique to analyze time-series of physics-related features extracted from catalog information and estimated for events occurred before the mainshocks. Specifically, we study the temporal evolution of the b-value from the Gutenberg-Richter (b), the magnitude of completeness (Mc), the fractal dimension (Dc), the inter-event time (dt), and the moment rate (Mr). Our analysis shows the existence of a common preparatory phase for 11 events, plus other 5 events for which we can guess a preparatory phase but with different characteristics of previous ones, indicating different possible activation behavior. The duration of the preparatory process ranges between about 16 hours and 4 days. We find that the retrieved preparatory process involves a decrease of b, Mc, and Dc, and an increase of Mr, as found by many authors. Finally, we show a clear correlation between events showing a preparation phase and the location of injection’s wells, suggesting an important role of fluids in the preparatory process.

How to cite: Iaccarino, A. G. and Picozzi, M.: Detecting the preparatory phase of induced earthquakes at The Geysers (California) using K-means clustering, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5398,, 2023.

EGU23-5810 | ECS | Orals | SM4.1

Using Deep Learning to understand variations in fault zone properties: distinguishing foreshocks from aftershocks 

Laura Laurenti, Gabriele Paoletti, Elisa Tinti, Fabio Galasso, Luca Franco, Cristiano Collettini, and Chris Marone

Fault zone properties can change significantly during the seismic cycle in response to stress changes, microcracking and wall rock damage. Lab experiments show consistent changes in elastic properties prior to and after lab earthquakes (EQ) and previous works show that machine learning/deep learning (ML/DL) techniques are successful for capturing such changes. Here, we apply DL techniques to assess whether similar changes occur during the seismic cycle of tectonic EQ. The main motivation is to generalize lab-based findings to tectonic faulting, to predict failure and identify precursors. The novelty is that we use EQ traces as probing signals to estimate the fault state.

We train DL model to distinguish foreshocks, aftershocks and time to failure of the Mw 6.5 2016 Norcia EQ in central Italy, October 30th 2016. We analyze a 25-second window of 3-component data around the P- and S-wave arrivals for events near the Norcia fault with M>0.5 and ±2 months before/after the Norcia mainshock. Normalized waveforms are used to train a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). As a first task we divide events into two classes (foreshocks/aftershocks), and then refine the classification as a function of time-to-failure (TTF) for the mainshock. Our DL model perform very well for TTF classification into 2, 4, 8, or 9-classes for the 2 months before/after the mainshock. We explore a range of seismic ray paths near, through, and away from the Norcia mainshock fault zone. Model performance exceeds 90% for most stations. Waveform investigations show that wave amplitude is not the key factor; other waveform properties dictate model performance. Models derived from seismic spectra, rather than time-domain data, are equally good. We challenged the model in several ways to confirm the results. We found reduced performance in training the model with the wrong mainshock time and by omitting data immediately before/after the mainshock. Foreshock/aftershock identification is significantly degraded also by removing high frequencies (filtering seismic data above 25 Hz). We tested data from different years to understand seasonality at individual stations for the time period September to December and removed these effects. Comparing these seasonality effects defined from noise with our EQ results shows that foreshocks/aftershocks for the 2016 Norcia mainshock are well resolved. Training with data containing EQ offers a huge increase in classification performance over noise only, proving that EQ signals are the sole that enable assessing timing as a function of the fault status. To confirm our results and understand which stations are able to detect changes of fault properties we perform a further test cleaning the signals from the seasonality by confounding the DL with a shuffled noise (adversarial training).

We conclude that DL is able to recognize variations in the stress state and fracture during the seismic cycle. The model uses EQ-induced changes in seismic attenuation to distinguish foreshocks from aftershocks and time to failure. This is an important step in ongoing efforts to improve EQ prediction and precursor identification through the use of ML and DL.

How to cite: Laurenti, L., Paoletti, G., Tinti, E., Galasso, F., Franco, L., Collettini, C., and Marone, C.: Using Deep Learning to understand variations in fault zone properties: distinguishing foreshocks from aftershocks, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5810,, 2023.

EGU23-6521 | ECS | Posters on site | SM4.1

A further explore the source features of the 2016 Mw 5.9 Menyuan earthquake by empirical Green's functions and dynamic simulations 

Duyuan Xu, Wenzheng Gong, Zhenguo Zhang, Houyun Yu, and Xiaofei Chen

A quantitative understanding of the factors that control earthquake rupture propagation is critical because it is helpful to estimate the eventual magnitude of an earthquake, which has significant implications for seismic hazard assessment. Previous studies suggest that the complex fault geometry and the heterogeneous material properties of the fault zone can slow and/or stop the rupture propagation. The 2016 Mw 5.9 Menyuan earthquake occurred near the Haiyuan fault system on the northeastern Tibetan plateau. Although some of the kinematic rupture properties of this earthquake have been known, the rupture process and some in-depth source properties remain to be understood. In this study, we first use the empirical Green's functions approach to reveal that the apparent source time functions (ASTFs) of this event display an approximately equal bell shape and have a total duration of about 3 s, which suggests that the rupture process of this earthquake is simple and exhibits no rupture directivity. Moreover, the spectra of ASTFs are very smooth and have no spectral holes. Then, we conduct two end-member spontaneous rupture models, namely the runaway rupture and the self-arresting rupture, to further explain the observed features of the ASTFs. We use the curved grid finite difference method (CG-FDM) to simulate the spontaneous rupture process with a linear slip-weakening friction law. Our results show that the synthetic data from the dynamic source fits well with the InSAR observations and strong ground motions, which indicates that the dynamic source captures the main features of this event. Significantly, the observed smooth spectra of ASTFs can be well explained by the self-arresting rupture process, which implies that this earthquake might be a self-arresting event. In other words, this earthquake may spontaneously stop before reaching the barriers. This finding suggests that some earthquake rupture processes may be deterministic by the initial stress state in which they nucleated. This work increases our understanding of what controls earthquake rupture propagation.



How to cite: Xu, D., Gong, W., Zhang, Z., Yu, H., and Chen, X.: A further explore the source features of the 2016 Mw 5.9 Menyuan earthquake by empirical Green's functions and dynamic simulations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6521,, 2023.

EGU23-6666 | Orals | SM4.1

Revisiting the 2015 Mw=8.3 Illapel earthquake: Unveiling complex fault slip properties using Bayesian inversion. 

Zacharie Duputel, Emmanuel Caballero, Cédric Twardzik, Luis Rivera, Emilie Klein, Junle Jiang, Cunren Liang, Lijun Zhu, Romain Jolivet, Eric Fielding, and Mark Simons

The 2015 Mw=8.3 Illapel earthquake is one of the largest megathrust earthquakes that has been recorded along the Chilean subduction zone. Given its magnitude, different rupture scenarios have been obtained. Previous studies show different amounts of shallow slip with some results showing almost no slip at the trench and others showing significant slip at shallow depths, up to 14 meters. In this work, we revisit this event by assembling a comprehensive data set including continuous and survey GNSS measurements corrected for post-seismic and aftershock signals, ascending and descending InSAR images of the Sentinel-1A satellite, tsunami data along with high-rate GPS, and doubly integrated strong-motion waveforms. We follow a Bayesian approach using the AlTar algorithm, in which we aim to obtain the posterior PDF of the joint inversion problem. In addition, we explore a new approach to account for forward problem uncertainties using a second-order perturbation approach. 

Results show a rupture with two main slip regions, and with significant slip at shallow depth that correlates with outer-rise aftershocks. Furthermore, kinematic models indicate that the rupture is encircling two regions updip of the hypocenter that remain unbroken during the mainshock and its aftershocks. These encircling patterns have been previously suggested by back-projection results but have not been observed in finite-fault slip models. We propose that the encircled regions correspond to barriers that can potentially be related to secondary fracture zones in the Chilean subduction zone.

How to cite: Duputel, Z., Caballero, E., Twardzik, C., Rivera, L., Klein, E., Jiang, J., Liang, C., Zhu, L., Jolivet, R., Fielding, E., and Simons, M.: Revisiting the 2015 Mw=8.3 Illapel earthquake: Unveiling complex fault slip properties using Bayesian inversion., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6666,, 2023.

EGU23-7112 | ECS | Orals | SM4.1

Deep Learning-based earthquake catalog and tomography reveal the rupture process of the 2022 Mw 6.9 Chihshang earthquake sequence 

Wei-Fang Sun, Sheng-Yan Pan, Chun-Ming Huang, Zhuo-Kang Guan, I-Chin Yen, and Hao Kuo-Chen

The Longitudinal Valley in eastern Taiwan, the arc-collision boundary between the Eurasian and Philippine Sea plates, is one the most seismic active areas in the world. On September 18, 2022, the Mw 6.9 Chihshang earthquake struck the south half of the valley and caused severe damage. Since November 2021, we have installed a five-station permanent broadband seismic array with station spacings of 10-20 km around the Chihshang area, and right after the Mw 6.5 foreshock occurred, we further installed a 46-station temporary dense array of nodal seismometers with station spacings of 2-5 km for 35 days. We use SeisBlue, a deep-learning platform/package, to extract the whole earthquake sequence including the Mw 6.5 foreshock, the Mw 6.9 main shock, and over 5,000 aftershocks from the broadband array, and to obtain over 40,000 aftershocks from the dense nodal array. With the high quality and quantity of P- and S-wave arrival times, we apply the finite difference travel time tomography, developed by Roecker et al. (2006). The improved resolution at the shallow part of the crust (at depth < 10 km) provides new constraints to get detailed (with grid spacing 1 km) and reliable Vp, Vs, and Vp/Vs velocity models at the local scale for the first time. Combined with the high-resolution velocity models and the much more complete seismicity, our results clearly depict not only the Central Range fault and the Longitudinal fault but also several local, shallow tectonic structures that have not been observed along the southern Longitudinal Valley.

How to cite: Sun, W.-F., Pan, S.-Y., Huang, C.-M., Guan, Z.-K., Yen, I.-C., and Kuo-Chen, H.: Deep Learning-based earthquake catalog and tomography reveal the rupture process of the 2022 Mw 6.9 Chihshang earthquake sequence, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7112,, 2023.

EGU23-7571 | ECS | Orals | SM4.1

Can deep learning help understand and characterize earthquakes? An example with deep learning optical satellite image correlation. 

Sophie Giffard-Roisin, Tristan Montagnon, Erwan Pathier, Mauro Dalla Mura, Mathilde Marchandon, and James Hollingsworth

Recent advances in machine learning are having a revolutionizing effect on our understanding of the Solid Earth, in particular in the automatic detection of geophysical events and objects (such as volcano movements in InSAR [Anantrasirichai et al. 2018], landslides in optical satellite imaging [Mohan et al. 2021], and earthquakes in seismic recordings [Zhu et al. 2019]). Yet, the understanding of geophysical phenomena requires us to be able to accurately characterize them: automatizing such tasks by machine learning is the new challenge for future years. One main difficulty resides in the availability of a high quality labeled database, that is a database with both input data (such as remote sensing acquisitions) together with their ground truth (what we are looking for). In this context, the problem of ground deformation estimation by sub-pixel optical satellite image registration (or correlation) is a good example.

Precise estimation of ground displacement at regional scales from optical satellite imagery is fundamental for the understanding of earthquake ruptures. Current methods make use of correlation techniques between two image acquisitions in order to retrieve a fractional pixel shift [Rosu et al. 2014, Leprince et al. 2007]. However, the precision and accuracy of image correlation can be limited by various problems, such as differences in local lighting conditions between acquisitions, seasonal changes in image reflectance, stereoscopic and resampling artifacts, which can all bias the displacement estimate, especially in the sub-pixel domain.

Image correlation is a valuable and unique source of information on the coseismic strain particularly in the near-field of earthquake ruptures, where InSAR can often decorrelate. However, the correlation process can be limited by the underlying assumption of a locally homogenous displacement within the correlation window (typically 3x3 to 32x32 pixels wide), leading to a bias when the correlation window crosses a fault discontinuity. Data-driven methods may provide a way to overcome these errors. Yet, no ground truth displacement field exists in real world datasets. From the generation of a realistic simulated database based on Landsat-8 satellite image pairs, with added simulated sub-pixel shifts, we developed a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) able to retrieve sub-pixel displacements. In particular, we show how to specifically design discontinuities in the training set in order to reduce the near-field bias where the correlation window crosses the fault. Comparisions are made with state-of-the-art correlations methods both on synthetic (and realistic) data, and on real images from the Ridgequest area.
This preliminary study provides an example of how to use realistic synthetic data generation (combining real data with synthetic numerical approaches) for training a machine learning model able to estimate fault displacement fields. Such an approach could be applied to other characterization tasks, e.g. when realistic numerical simulation data is available, while sufficient ground truth data is not.

How to cite: Giffard-Roisin, S., Montagnon, T., Pathier, E., Dalla Mura, M., Marchandon, M., and Hollingsworth, J.: Can deep learning help understand and characterize earthquakes? An example with deep learning optical satellite image correlation., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7571,, 2023.

EGU23-7939 | ECS | Posters on site | SM4.1

Towards Bayesian Full-Waveform Source Inversion using Simulation-Based Inference 

Alex Saoulis, Ana Ferreira, Benjamin Joachimi, Alessio Spurio Mancini, and Davide Piras

Bayesian inference provides a pathway toward accurate predictions of source parameters (e.g., location and moment tensor), along with principled, well-calibrated uncertainty estimates. Unfortunately, standard Bayesian inference techniques can often require O(105) simulations per full waveform inversion, making the method infeasible when studying large numbers of events due to the high computational cost of seismological forward modelling. Machine Learning (ML) has emerged as a promising solution to this issue, with recent work demonstrating that ML-based emulators of the physics simulation can be used as rapid-executing surrogates of the forward model in the Bayesian inference workflow. It has been demonstrated that such models, in conjunction with an assumed likelihood model (e.g. Gaussian), can be used to efficiently perform Bayesian posterior inference over seismological source parameters.


This work explores an extension to the above method, often referred to as “likelihood-free” or “simulation-based” inference, which removes any assumptions about the likelihood model. This approach leverages a class of neural networks known as Neural Density Estimators (NDEs) to estimate the likelihood density directly given some representation of the observables. To simplify training of these NDEs, a compression technique that can reduce the observables (i.e., full seismograms) into a small set of parameters is required. This work investigates “classical” and ML-based compression techniques for creating a reduced dimension representation. It then demonstrates simulation-based inference on the problem of source location inversion applied to synthetic examples based on a recent seismic swarm on the São Jorge island in the Azores. Comparisons between the proposed approach and other inversion techniques are also presented.

How to cite: Saoulis, A., Ferreira, A., Joachimi, B., Spurio Mancini, A., and Piras, D.: Towards Bayesian Full-Waveform Source Inversion using Simulation-Based Inference, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7939,, 2023.

EGU23-8901 | ECS | Orals | SM4.1

Stress Drop Segmentation in the Northern Chilean Subduction Zone: from Interface to Deep Seismicity. 

Jonas Folesky, Rens Hofman, and Jörn Kummerow

We produced a comprehensive stress drop catalog for northern Chile. To improve reliability, we applied a combination of two different stress drop estimation approaches. The result is a mapped stress drop distribution for more than 30,000 events covering the subduction zone from the trench to a depth of about 150 km. The stress drops were computed on the basis of a recently updated version of the IPOC seismic catalog, now spanning the years 2007 to 2021, using the spectral stacking technique as well as the spectral ratio technique.
The resulting distribution reveals a segmentation of median stress drop values for different seismogenic parts of the subduction zone: We find the lowest stress drops for interface events and slightly increased values for the two parallel bands of seismicity below, which lie inside the subducting plate. The upper plate events, show higher stress drops and the intermediate depth events bear the highest median stress drop. The variation of the median stress drops between classes is small: from 1.3 MPa for interface events to about 3.2 MPa for intermediate depth events. This being the values of the spectral ratio results. Using spectral ratios we find the exact same order of median stress drops between the classes with a range of 2.0 MPa to 5.8 MPa for interface and intermediate depth events, respectively. Interestingly, there is no stress drop increase with dept in the uppermost ~80 km, i.e. within each of the classes except for the intermediate depth events.
Additionally, we observe spatial stress drop variability, a noticeable increase with distance from the plate interface, and temporal variability connected with the two megathrust events in the study region, the Mw7.6 2007 Tocopilla event and the Mw 8.1 Iquique event. 

How to cite: Folesky, J., Hofman, R., and Kummerow, J.: Stress Drop Segmentation in the Northern Chilean Subduction Zone: from Interface to Deep Seismicity., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8901,, 2023.

The 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence is an exceptionally well-studied event, captured in nearly unprecedented geophysical detail. Three horizontal tensor borehole strainmeters (BSMs), ranging from ~2 to 30 kms near the trace of the rupture, offer a less-conventional and more sensitive measure of coseismic and postseismic deformation for the event. Historically, these instruments are noted as unreliable for measurements of coseismic strain because they are sensitive to small-scale, near-instrument heterogeneities, such as additional offsets triggered by dynamic strains or pore pressure effects. However, many studies compare the strains with pre-constrained forward models of slip. Our preliminary investigations show that we can better match the observed strains if we include BSM measurements in a joint inversion with GPS displacements for coseismic slip. Postseismically, the strainmeters record rapid, non-monotonic deformation that likewise does not match existing afterslip models with a single decay time. We present a new interpretation of co- and post-seismic deformation using BSM strains and GPS displacements at discrete time intervals marked by a change in sign or rate of strain accumulation. Our joint analysis resolves details of the co- and post-seismic slip history that remain otherwise hidden with more common satellite-based inversions from GPS and InSAR alone. 

How to cite: Hanagan, C. and Bennett, R.: Co- and post-seismic deformation resolved from joint inversion of GPS and borehole strainmeter measurements during the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9037,, 2023.

EGU23-9150 | Orals | SM4.1

Free surface effects and rupture dynamics : insights from the 2019 Mw=8 northern Peru intraslab earthquake 

Martin Vallée, Yuqing Xie, Raphaël Grandin, Juan Carlos Villegas-Lanza, Jean-Mathieu Nocquet, Sandro Vaca, Lingsen Meng, Jean Paul Ampuero, Patricia Mothes, Paul Jarrin, Ciro Sierra Farfan, and Frédérique Rolandone

The 2019/05/26 Northern Peru earthquake (Mw=8) is a major intermediate-depth earthquake that occurred close to the eastern edge of the Nazca slab flat area. We analyze its rupture process using high-frequency back-projection and seismo-geodetic broadband inversion. Both imaging techniques provide a very consistent image of the peculiar space-time rupture process of this earthquake : its 60-second long rupture is characterized both by a main northward propagation (resulting in a rupture extent of almost 200km in this direction) and by a reactivation phase of the hypocentral area, particularly active 35s to 50s after origin time.

Given the depth of this earthquake (125-140km), the reactivation time window coincides with the arrival time of the surface-reflected elastic wavefield. Computed values of the dynamic Coulomb stresses associated with this wavefield are of the order of ten to several tens of kPa, in a range of values where dynamic triggering has already been observed. The reactivation phase of the Peru earthquake may thus originate from fault areas that were brought close to rupture by the initial rupture front before being triggered by stress increments provided by the reflected wavefield. Source time function complexity observed for other large intermediate-depth earthquakes further suggests that such a mechanism is not an isolated case. 

How to cite: Vallée, M., Xie, Y., Grandin, R., Villegas-Lanza, J. C., Nocquet, J.-M., Vaca, S., Meng, L., Ampuero, J. P., Mothes, P., Jarrin, P., Sierra Farfan, C., and Rolandone, F.: Free surface effects and rupture dynamics : insights from the 2019 Mw=8 northern Peru intraslab earthquake, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9150,, 2023.

EGU23-12170 | Orals | SM4.1

Data-driven slow earthquake dynamics 

Gianmarco Mengaldo, Adriano Gualandi, and Chris Marone

Friction is a complex phenomenon. This can be seen, for example, in laboratory experiments where stick-slip motion of various kind (i.e., slow and fast instabilities) can be produced when adapting the normal stress applied to the system. Similarly, natural earthquakes also produce
complex stick-slip behaviour. A first challenge in the description of friction comes from the potentially high number of degrees of freedom (dofs) involved in the description of the dynamics of the sliding surfaces. Nonetheless, it was shown that friction can be described with a reduced number of dofs or variables of the dynamics. These may include the shear stress, the relative sliding slip rate, and one or more variables that describe the state of the contact of the sliding surfaces. We investigate the possibility to extract directly from the data the governing equations of friction starting from a simplified synthetic example. We further study the laboratory data with the Hankel Alternative View Of Koopman (HAVOK) theory, a method rooted in dynamical system theory that leverages data driven techniques and produces a Reduced Order Model (ROM) to reconstruct a shadow of the attractor of a system from observational data. We finally compare the results obtained for the laboratory experiments with Cascadia slow earthquakes.

How to cite: Mengaldo, G., Gualandi, A., and Marone, C.: Data-driven slow earthquake dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12170,, 2023.

EGU23-12392 | ECS | Orals | SM4.1

Modeling dynamic ruptures on extended faults for microearthquakes induced by fluid injection 

Francesco Mosconi, Elisa Tinti, Emanuele Casarotti, Alice Gabriel, Ravil Dorozhinskii, Luca Dal Zilio, Antonio Pio Rinaldi, and Massimo Cocco

Understanding the dynamics of microearthquakes is a timely challenge to solve current paradoxes in earthquake mechanics, such as the stress drop and fracture energy scaling with seismic moment. Dynamic modeling of microearthquakes induced by fluid injection is also relevant for studying rupture propagation following a stimulated nucleation. We study the main features of unstable dynamic ruptures caused by fluid injection on a target preexisting fault (50m x 50m) generating a Mw=1 event. The selected fault is located in the Bedretto Underground Laboratory (Swiss Alps) at ≈1000m depth. We perform fully dynamic rupture simulations and model seismic wave propagation in 3D by adopting a linear slip-weakening law. We use the distributed multi-GPU implementation of SeisSol on the supercomputer Marconi100.

 Stress field and fault geometry are well constrained by in-situ observations, allowing us to minimize the a priori imposed parameters. We investigate the scaling relations of stress drop, slip-weakening distance (Dc) and fracture energy (Gc) focusing on their role in governing dynamics of rupture propagation and arrest for a target Mw=1 induced earthquake. We explore different homogenous conditions of frictional parameters, and we show that the spontaneous arrest of the rupture is possible in the modeled stress regime, by assuming a high ratio between stress excess and dynamic stress drop (the fault strength parameter S), characterizing the fault before the fluid pressure change. The rupture arrest of modeled induced earthquakes depends on the heterogeneity of dynamic parameters due to the spatially variable effective normal stress. Moreover, for a fault with high S values (not ready to slip), small variations of Dc (0.5÷1.2 mm) can drive the rupture from self-arrested to run-away. Studying dynamic interactions (stress transfer) among slipping points on the rupturing fault provides insight on the breakdown process zone and shear stress evolution at the crack tip leading to failure. The inferred spatial dimension of the cohesive zone in our models is nearly ~0.3-0.4m, with a maximum slip of ~0.6 cm. Finally, we compare stress drop and fracture energy estimated from synthetic waveforms with assumed dynamic parameters. Our results suggest that meso-scale processes near the crack-tip affect rupture dynamics of micro-earthquakes.

How to cite: Mosconi, F., Tinti, E., Casarotti, E., Gabriel, A., Dorozhinskii, R., Dal Zilio, L., Rinaldi, A. P., and Cocco, M.: Modeling dynamic ruptures on extended faults for microearthquakes induced by fluid injection, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12392,, 2023.

EGU23-12453 | ECS | Posters on site | SM4.1

The Petrinja earthquake series located and visualised using machine learning 

Dinko Sindija, Jean-Baptiste Ammirati, Marija Mustac Brcic, Josip Stipcevic, and Gyorgy Hetenyi

Earthquake detection and phase picking are crucial steps in the analysis of earthquakes. With the increasing number of seismic instruments available, large amounts of seismic data are generated, requiring the use of automatic algorithms to process earthquake series and to include events that would not be discovered with manual approaches.

The Petrinja earthquake series started with local magnitude ML5.0 earthquake on December 28, 2020, followed by ML6.4 earthquake one day later. In the two years of this earthquake series, human analysts picked a total of 16,000 earthquakes smaller than M2.0, 1528 with magnitudes M2.0-2.9, 156 with magnitudes M3.0-3.9, 17 with magnitudes M4.0-4.9, 2 with magnitudes M5.0-5.9 and one earthquake with magnitude greater than M6.0. While the seismic network at the onset of this sequence counted only a few instruments in the epicentral area, the rapid aftershock deployment of 5 stations in the near vicinity of the fault zone, and the further gradual yet still remarkable growth of the seismic network to more than 50 instruments, produced an extraordinary amount of data, which are perfectly suited for employing machine learning (ML) methods for seismic phase picking and earthquake detection.

In this study we present application of various ML methods to the Petrinja earthquake series. We also compare how the results change when we train a model using a subset of data from this earthquake series. Our results show that these machine learning methods are promising approaches for accurately detecting and picking phases in such earthquake series, and also delineate tectonic features responsible for generating them.

How to cite: Sindija, D., Ammirati, J.-B., Mustac Brcic, M., Stipcevic, J., and Hetenyi, G.: The Petrinja earthquake series located and visualised using machine learning, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12453,, 2023.

EGU23-13506 | Posters on site | SM4.1

Fracture energy and breakdown work scaling with coseismic slip 

Elisa Tinti, Massimo Cocco, Stefano Aretusini, Chiara Cornelio, Stefan B. Nielsen, Elena Spagnuolo, Paul Selvadurai, and Giulio Di Toro

Geological observations reveal that earthquakes nucleate, propagate, and arrest in complex fault zones whose structural heterogeneity depends on the tectonic loading, geometry, lithology, rheology, presence of fluids, and strain localization processes. These fault zones can host a wide range of fault slip behaviors (e.g., creep, aseismic- and slow-slip events, afterslip, and earthquakes). This implies that the environment in which earthquakes occur is diverse, and that different physical and chemical processes can be involved during the coseismic dynamic rupture.

Earthquakes are generated by rupture propagation and slip within fault cores and dissipate the stored elastic and gravitational strain energy in fracture and frictional processes in the fault zone (from microscale - less than a millimeter - to macroscale - centimeters to kilometers) and in radiated seismic waves. Understanding this energy partitioning is fundamental in earthquake mechanics to describe dynamic fault weakening and causative rupture processes operating over different spatial and temporal scales.

The energy dissipated in earthquake rupture propagation is commonly called fracture energy (G) or breakdown work (Wb). Here we discuss these two parameters, and we review fracture energy estimates from seismological, modeling, geological, and experimental studies and show that fracture energy scales with fault slip and earthquake size. Our analysis confirms that seismological estimates of fracture energy and breakdown work are comparable and scale with seismic slip. The inferred scaling laws show modest deviations explained in terms of epistemic uncertainties. The original collection of fracture energy estimates from laboratory experiments confirms the scaling with slip over a slip range of more than 10 decades. Fracture energy associated with breaking of intact rocks is larger than for precut specimens and might suggest differences between the role of fracture and friction, or a different size of the rupture front zone. It is important to recall that fault products after deformation in the laboratory correspond to fault products observed in nature, and acoustic emissions recorded in the laboratory can be processed as seismic waves on a natural fault. We conclude that although material-dependent constant fracture energies are important at the microscale for fracturing grains of the fault zone, they are negligible with respect to the macroscale processes governing rupture propagation on natural faults.

In this study we discuss the scaling of fracture energy and breakdown work with slip, and we propose different interpretations relying on different processes characterizing complex fault zones. Our results suggest that, for earthquake ruptures in natural faults, the estimates of G and Wb are consistent with a macroscale description of the causative processes.

Reconciling observations and results from laboratory experiments and numerical modeling with geological observations can be done, provided that we accept the evidence that earthquakes can occur in a variety of geological settings and fault zone structures governed by different physical and chemical processes.

How to cite: Tinti, E., Cocco, M., Aretusini, S., Cornelio, C., Nielsen, S. B., Spagnuolo, E., Selvadurai, P., and Di Toro, G.: Fracture energy and breakdown work scaling with coseismic slip, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13506,, 2023.

EGU23-13811 | ECS | Orals | SM4.1

DiffSD: Diffusion models for seismic denoising 

Daniele Trappolini, Laura Laurenti, Elisa Tinti, Fabio Galasso, Chris Marone, and Alberto Michelini

Seismic waves contain information about the earthquake (EQ) source and many forms of noise deriving from the seismometer, anthropogenic effects, background noise associated with ocean waves, and microseismic noise. Separating the noise from the EQ signal is a critical first step in EQ physics and seismic waveform analysis. However, this is difficult because optimal parameters for filtering noise typically vary with time and may strongly alter the shape of the waveform. A few recent works have employed Deep Learning (DL) model for seismic denoising, among which we have taken as a benchmark Deep Denoiser and SEDENOSS. These models turn the noisy trace into a  2D signal (spectrograms) within the model to denoise the traces, making the process pretty heavy. We propose a novel DL-powered seismic denoising algorithm based on Diffusion Models (DMs), keeping the signal in 1D. DMs are the latest trend in Machine Learning (ML), having revolutionized the application fields of audio and image processing for denoising (DiffWave), synthesis (Stable Diffusion), and sequence modeling (STARS). The training of DMs proceeds by polluting a signal with noise until the signal has completely vanished into noise, then reversing the process by iterative denoising, conditioned on the latent signal representation. This makes DMs the ideal tool for seismic traces cleaning, as the model naturally learns from seismic sequences by denoising, which aligns the ML training procedure and the final task objective. In a preliminary evaluation, we used the Stanford Earthquake Dataset (STEAD); our proposed Diffusion-based Seismic Denoiser (DiffSD) outperforms the state-of-the-art DL methods on the Signal Noise Ratio (SNR),  Scale-Invariant Source to Distortion Ratio (SI-SDR), and Source to Distortion Ratio (SDR) metrics. DiffSD also yields qualitatively pleasing EQ traces out of visual inspection in time and frequency. Finally, DiffSD proceeds from regenerating clean EQ signals from noise, which opens the way to data-driven EQ sequence generations, potentially instrumental to further study and dataset augmentations.

How to cite: Trappolini, D., Laurenti, L., Tinti, E., Galasso, F., Marone, C., and Michelini, A.: DiffSD: Diffusion models for seismic denoising, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13811,, 2023.

EGU23-14611 | Posters on site | SM4.1

Inversion for Eigenvalues of Focal Region’s Elasticity Tensor from a Moment Tensor 

Çağrı Diner, Feyza Öztürk, and Mustafa Aktar

In this talk, a new geometric inversion method is proposed for obtaining the elastic parameters of an anisotropic focal region. More precisely, the eigenvalues of a vertical transversely isotropic (VTI) elasticity tensor of a focal region are obtained, up to a constant, for a given only one moment tensor, with an accuracy depending on the strength of anisotropy. The reason of using only one moment tensor is that although there occurs a lot of earthquakes in the same focal region, the orientation of the sources are similar. Hence one do not obtain independent equations from each earthquake, in order to use it in the inversion of elastic parameters of the focal region. Moreover, this method can be applied for real-time inversion once the moment tensor of an earthquake is evaluated.

The inversion method relies on the geometric fact that a moment tensor can be written as a linear combination of the eigenvectors of the anisotropic focal region's elasticity tensor. Then, in the inversion, we use the fact that each coefficient of this unique decomposition is proportional to the eigenvalues of the focal region's elasticity tensor. Two approximations are used in this inversion method; in particular for the potency and for the source orientations.

The strength of anisotropy of the focal region determines how accurate these approximations are and hence it also determines the resolutions of the inverted eigenvalues. Because of the anisotropy of the focal region, the errors in the inversion do depend on the orientations of the dip and rakes angles, but not the strike angle since the focal region is VTI. The accuracy of the inversion for the five parameters of VTI are shown on the steographic projection. The results are very promising along some orientations as shown in the figures. The last section of the talk deals with the inversion of eigenvalues, up to a constant, for a given set of moment tensors; not only one moment tensor. It turns out that the best fit corresponds to the average of inversion results obtained for different orientations of the sources.

How to cite: Diner, Ç., Öztürk, F., and Aktar, M.: Inversion for Eigenvalues of Focal Region’s Elasticity Tensor from a Moment Tensor, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14611,, 2023.

EGU23-15105 | Posters on site | SM4.1

Seismological Oriented Machine lEarning (SOME) project 

Carlo Giunchi, Matteo Bagagli, Spina Cianetti, Sonja Gaviano, Dario Jozinović, Valentino Lauciani, Anthony Lomax, Alberto Michelini, Léonard Seydoux, Luisa Valoroso, and Christopher Zerafa

Recent developments of machine learning (ML) algorithms and software-platforms (e.g. Keras, TensorFlow, PyTorch) have opened new frontiers for Earth sciences. In seismology, these advances have affected different aspects of the earthquake physics studies, such as ground motion prediction, seismic phase detection and identification, and seismic big-data analysis.

Within the project Pianeta Dinamico (Working Earth) of Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research, in 2021 we applied to an internal call with the aim of developing and using existing state-of-the-art machine learning techniques, and delivering useful benchmarking dataset for earthquake analysis. The project is named SOME (Seismological Oriented Machine lEarning).

This multidisciplinary project tackles different tasks that highlight the potential and possible pitfalls of ML applications:

  • Earthquake monitoring: testing and applying Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Graph Neural Network (GNN) architectures to predict the intensity measurements (IM) of medium-size seismic events (2.9 < M ≤ 5.1) recorded from a regional network.
  • Seismic waveforms characterization: development of an unsupervised framework for hierarchical clustering of continuous data based on a deep scattering network (scatseisnet). A first application is aimed to detect and classify seismic data from a mainly aseismic region in NE Sardinia (Sos Enattos mining site) to assess the anthropogenic and natural noise levels.
  • Development of a new picking algorithm: implementation of U-NET model architecture of PhaseNet algorithm by using characteristic functions derived from FilterPicker software. This newly developed software is called Domain Knowledge PhaseNet (DKPN).
  • Creation of 2 ML dataset for earthquake studies: 1) INSTANCE dataset, containing the seismicity recorded between January 2005 and January 2020 by the national seismic network of INGV (~1.2 million three-component waveform traces), 2) AQUILA-2009 dataset containing the aftershock sequence of the 2009 Mw6.1  L’Aquila earthquake collected by a dense array of the permanent and temporary network deployed after the mainshock (>63,704 events, nearly >1.2 million 3C three-component traces).

The INSTANCE and AQUILA-2009 dataset are already used as training sets for new picking algorithms, and will be employed for additional statistical analysis in the near future (e.g. hazard assessment, shakemaps) and transfer-learning approaches. The GNN for IM shows promising results for future developments for ground-shaking forecasting applications. The unsupervised learning clusterization algorithm clearly detects signals that differ from purely seismic ones, proving to be a great tool for seeking new patterns and features in time-series records. The DKPN algorithm achieves better results compared  to the original PhaseNet architecture, even if trained with a small dataset (<15.000 3C traces), and shows improved performance for cross-domain application.

Overall, the SOME project has produced many deliverables, some of which have already been released. We also aimed to provide reproducibility of ML experiments, creating Docker applications suitable for ML-picking algorithms (e.g. EQ-Transformer, PhaseNet, GPD) and contributing to the improvement of existing libraries, like SeisBench, for benchmarking purposes. Indeed, reproducibility is an additional yet paramount issue that must be addressed by the seismological community when dealing with ML applications.

How to cite: Giunchi, C., Bagagli, M., Cianetti, S., Gaviano, S., Jozinović, D., Lauciani, V., Lomax, A., Michelini, A., Seydoux, L., Valoroso, L., and Zerafa, C.: Seismological Oriented Machine lEarning (SOME) project, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15105,, 2023.

EGU23-15437 | Orals | SM4.1

Physics-guided machine learning for laboratory earthquake prediction 

Parisa Shokouhi, Prabhav Borate, Jacques Riviere, Ankur Mali, and Dan Kifer

Recent laboratory studies of fault friction have shown that deep learning can accurately predict the magnitude and timing of stick-slip sliding events, the laboratory equivalent of earthquakes, from the preceding acoustic emissions (AE) events or time-lapse active-source ultrasonic signals. While there are observations that provide insight into the physics of these predictions, the underlying precursory mechanisms are not fully understood. Furthermore, these purely data-driven models require a large amount of training data and may not generalize well outside their training domain. Here, we present a physics-guided machine learning approach - by incorporating the relevant physics directly in the prediction model architecture - with the objectives of enhancing model predictions and generalizability as well as reducing the amount of required training data. We use data from well-controlled double-direct shear laboratory friction experiments on Westerly granite blocks exhibiting numerous regular and irregular stick-slip cycles. Simultaneously, AEs are recorded while the faults are also regularly probed by ultrasonic waves transmitted through the fault zone to monitor the evolution of the contact stiffness during shearing. Our physics-guided ML models take features extracted from AE time series or time-lapse active source ultrasonic signals and predict the shear stress history, which gives both the timing and size of the laboratory earthquakes. The models are constrained by friction laws as well as simplified physical laws governing ultrasonic transmission and AE generation. Our findings indicate that physics-guided ML models outperform purely data-driven models in important ways; they provide accurate predictions even with little training data and transfer learning is greatly enhanced when physics constraints are incorporated. These findings have important implications for earthquake predictions in the field, where training data are scarce.  

How to cite: Shokouhi, P., Borate, P., Riviere, J., Mali, A., and Kifer, D.: Physics-guided machine learning for laboratory earthquake prediction, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15437,, 2023.

EGU23-15640 | Posters on site | SM4.1

A neural network based approach to classify VLF signals as rock rupture precursors 

Alessandro Pignatelli, Adriano Nardi, and Elena Spagnuolo

Electromagnetic signals have been increasingly investigated in the last decade in association to natural earthquakes and laboratory rock fractures. Studies on this type of signals are hampered by  the lack of continuous recordings and, when data are available, the sampling rates (> kHz) is such to require an efficient and systematic processing of large data sets. Despite this limitation, previous studies performed under controlled conditions in the laboratory seem to suggest that electromagnetic signals exhibit characteristic patterns, called OIS - Ordered Impulsive Sequences, on a specific frequency band (the very low frequency, VLF) that correlate uniquely with the paroxistic rupture of rocks specimens under uniaxial tests. Importantly, these characteristic patterns were also detected in the atmosphere in association to moderate magnitude earthquakes occurring within a few days (up to 5) from their detection. The similarity of laboratory and atmospheric VLF offers a unique opportunity to study the relation between VLF and rock deformation on at least two different scales and to enlarge the dataset by combining laboratory and atmospheric data. Here, we deployed tools for a systematic monitoring of electromagnetic signals in the atmosphere and we show that the enlarged VLF dataset, which comprises both laboratory and natural electromagnetic signals, can be successfully processed using a neural network approach. Our neural network architecture was designed to deal with time series and is structured using a recurrent neural networks (RNN) and a Long Short Term memory (LSTM) as a state variable. After a careful data collection, signal sequences were classified as rock rupture precursors (“RUPTURE”) and some of them, including those composing the background noise, as no rupture precursors (“QUIET”). A deep BI-LSTM neural network with 1000 hidden units has been trained in order to fit the known classification and to implicitly acquire the most important features and cut offs to split the potential events to not events. Our main results are 1. laboratory and atmospheric OIS signals are similar and scalable; 2. the similarity is such that it can be successfully used to train a neural network for signal detection in the atmosphere; 3. the neural network is capable of detecting OIS from the huge data set which is made of all the atmospheric background; 4. the extracted signals are those which were typically recorded in association to earthquakes in a temporal window of a few days. The above results show that LSTM neural networks are effective “automatic detectors” for characteristic spectral patterns revealed in the VLF both in the laboratory and in atmospheric signals recorded in association with transient natural events involving fracturing of rock volumes (e.g. earthquakes). The above results suggest that the electromagnetic radiation in the very low frequency band is a promising and valuable signal to probe the deformation of the seismically active Earth crust.

How to cite: Pignatelli, A., Nardi, A., and Spagnuolo, E.: A neural network based approach to classify VLF signals as rock rupture precursors, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15640,, 2023.

Mechanical models of slip development on geological faults and basal slip development in landslide or ice-sheets generally consider interfacial strength to be frictional and deformation of the surrounding medium to be elastic. The frictional strength is usually considered as sliding rate- and state-dependent. Their combination, elastic deformation due to differential slip and rate-state frictional strength, leads to nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs) that govern the spatio-temporal evolution of slip. Here, we investigate how (synthetic) data on fault slip rate and traction can find the system of PDEs that governs fault slip development during the aseismic rupture phase and the slip instability phase. We first prepare (synthetic) data sets by numerically solving the forward problem of slip rate and fault shear stress evolution during a seismic cycle. We now identify the physical variables, for example, slip rate or frictional state variable, and apply nonlinearity identification algorithms within different time durations. We show that the nonlinearity identification algorithms can find the terms of the PDE that governs the slip rate evolution during the aseismic rupture phase and subsequent instability phase.

In particular, we use nonlinear dynamics identification algorithms (e.g., SINDy, Brunton et al., 2016) where we solve a regression problem, Ax=y. Here, y is the time derivative of the variable of interest, for example, slip rate. A is a large matrix (library) with all possible candidate functions that may appear in the slip rate evolution PDE. The entries in x, to be solved for, are coefficients corresponding to each library function in matrix A. We update A according to the solutions so that A's column space can span the dynamics we seek to find. To find the suitable column space for A, we encourage sparse solutions for x, suggesting that only a few columns in matrix are dominant, leading to a parsimonious representation of the governing PDE. 

We show that the algorithm successfully recovers the PDE governing quasi-static fault slip and basal slip evolution. Additionally, we could also find the frictional parameter, for example, a/b, where a and b, respectively, are the magnitudes that control direct and evolution effects. Moreover, the algorithm can also determine whether the associated state variable evolves as aging- or slip-law types or their combination. Further, with the data set prepared from distinct initial conditions, we show that the nonlinear dynamics identification algorithm can also determine the problem parameters’ spatial distributions (heterogeneities) from fault slip rate and shear stress data. 

How to cite: Biswas, P. and Ray, S.: Finding governing PDEs of quasistatic fault slip and basal slip evolution from (synthetic) slip rate and shear traction data., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16374,, 2023.

EGU23-16782 | ECS | Orals | SM4.1

A Preliminary Green Function Database for Global 3-D Centroid Moment Tensor Inversions 

Lucas Sawade, Liang Ding, Daniel Peter, Hom Nath Gharti, Qinya Liu, Meredith Nettles, Göran Ekström, and Jeroen Tromp

Currently, the accuracy of synthetic seismograms used for Global CMT inversion, which are based on modern 3D Earth models, is limited by the validity of the path-average approximation for mode summation and surface-wave ray theory. Inaccurate computation of the ground motion’s amplitude and polarization as well as other effects that are not modeled may bias inverted earthquake parameters. Synthetic seismograms of higher accuracy will improve the determination of seismic sources in the CMT analysis, and remove concerns about this source of uncertainty. Strain tensors, and databases thereof, have recently been implemented for the spectral-element solver SPECFEM3D (Ding et al., 2020) based on the theory of previous work (Zhao et al., 2006) for regional inversion of seismograms for earthquake parameters. The main barriers to a global database of Green functions have been storage, I/O, and computation. But, compression tricks and smart selection of spectral elements, fast I/O data formats for high-performance computing, such as ADIOS, and wave-equation solution on GPUs, have dramatically decreased the cost of storage, I/O, and computation, respectively. Additionally, the global spectral-element grid matches the accuracy of a full forward calculation by virtue of Lagrange interpolation. Here, we present our first preliminary database of stored Green functions for 17 seismic stations of the global seismic networks to be used in future 3-D centroid moment tensor inversions. We demonstrate the fast retrieval and computation of seismograms from the database.

How to cite: Sawade, L., Ding, L., Peter, D., Gharti, H. N., Liu, Q., Nettles, M., Ekström, G., and Tromp, J.: A Preliminary Green Function Database for Global 3-D Centroid Moment Tensor Inversions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16782,, 2023.

EGU23-19 | ECS | Posters on site | SM7.2

Pattern identification of strong earthquakes in North American- Puerto Rico region through Correlation fractal dimension and Coulomb stress 

Haritha Chandriyan, Ramakrushna Reddy, Tejaswini Mangalagiri, and Paresh Nath Singha Roy

This study attempts to investigate the patterns of correlation fractal dimension (Dc) prior to the occurrence of strong earthquakes by implementing modified Grassberger and Procaccia (1983) algorithm.  The primary input for current research is earthquake epicentre locations. Through this method, dispersed and clustered seismicity can be distinguished by analysing spatiotemporal distribution of earthquake clusters. The low Dc values suggest dense clusters while high Dc values imply a scattered distribution of occurrences. In other words, low Dc represents a highly stressed region. Therefore, by monitoring the variations in Dc, we get valuable insights regarding spatiotemporal clustering of events as well as state of stress. To confirm the high stress brought on by dense clusters prior to the mainshock, we make use of the coulomb failure criterion to measure the Coulomb stress. For testing this hypothesis we have done analysis in southern California (SC), Baja California (BaC), and Puerto Rico Island (PRI).

Major plate movement between the North American plate and the Pacific plate is accommodated by the San Andreas Fault (SAF) and the remaining is by Eastern California Shear Zone (ECSZ). However, the ECSZ has experienced three strong earthquakes in the last thirty years. This indicates an anomalous pattern of seismicity developing in ECSZ. The recent rupture of 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake has caused stress perturbation along Garlock Fault (dormant fault, capable of producing M >7 earthquakes) throws light on the probable future event. We did fractal analysis on 30 years (1990-2020) of data considering 50 earthquakes per each window. Four strong earthquakes have chosen for studying; 2019 Ridgecrest (Mw7.1), 2010 El-Mayor Cucapah (Mw7.2), 1999 Hectormine (Mw7.1), and 1992 Landers (Mw7.3).In general, a relative decrease in Dc before each of the events is observed.

The commencement of 2019 Puerto Rico sequence trailed by the incidence of Mw6.4, 07 January 2020, earthquake highlights the importance of studying seismicity patterns in the PRI. Tectonic setting of the PRI is highly complex; characterized by dynamic seismicity. We have analysed ~32 years of seismicity data (M≥ 2.8). The fractal study of the Puerto Rico earthquake suggests a relative decline in Dc during 2019. It should be noted that the emergence of spatially closed clusters occurred at the same time in the southwestern PRI. When the static stress is calculated, the southwestern clusters indicate a highly stressed crust. This validates the relationship between the stress and low Dc observed prior to the occurrence of Mw6.4 January 2020 event.

Based on our study, it is possible to conclude that a significant drop in the Dc proceeds the mainshock. This pattern is explicit in the five major earthquakes in the study area. So we propose that our approach based on the patterns of correlation fractal dimension is a novel method to identify numerical precursors of strong earthquakes before the rupture.

How to cite: Chandriyan, H., Reddy, R., Mangalagiri, T., and Roy, P. N. S.: Pattern identification of strong earthquakes in North American- Puerto Rico region through Correlation fractal dimension and Coulomb stress, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-19,, 2023.

Two moderate-sized earthquakes occurred recently in Nepal on 8th November 2022 (Mw=6.1) and on 12th November 2022 (Mw=6.0). The location of these earthquakes falls at 384km and 329km respectively NW of the 25th April 2015 Gorkha earthquake. Both these earthquakes have been studied to understand the source rupture process employing Moment Tensor analysis by estimating the focal mechanism, and source parameters and relocating their hypocentral parameters using their regional waveforms recorded by the 18-stations broadband seismograph network deployed around Tehri dam in the Garhwal Himalaya Uttarakhand.

The epicentral distance of all the stations was less than 10◦. We employ the Moment Tensor Inversion approach to invert the broadband waveforms for the mechanism and depths and assume a one-dimensional velocity model developed for the adjacent Himalayan Region. Moment tensor solutions of the events were calculated along with the simultaneous calculation of the centroid position. Joint analysis of the hypocenter position, centroid position, and nodal planes produced clear outlines of Himalayan Fault lines. The epicenter of these earthquakes is located south of the MCT.

The obtained source mechanisms are consistent with those reported in the USGS centroid moment tensor (CMT) and NEIC solutions. We evaluated the performance of waveform inversion with just two broadband stations, and the result seems extremely reliable.

Inversion results indicate that the focal mechanism of the 8th Nov 2022 earthquake is a thrust fault type, and the obtained strike (283◦), dip (43◦), and rake (83◦) from the Present study are in accordance with CMT results of the USGS (strike (286◦), dip (58◦), and rake (97◦)) and NEIC (strike (285◦), dip (37◦), and rake (82◦)). The seismic moment is 1.583e+19 and the obtained DC% is 93% hence, the mechanism is considered to be Double-Couple. The identification of the source parameters is significant to the investigation of seismic hazards in this region.

How to cite: Mahto, P. and Gupta, S. C.: Source-Characterisation of two moderate-sized earthquakes in Nepal employing detailed Moment Tensor Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1428,, 2023.

EGU23-1957 | Posters on site | SM7.2

Building Vulnerability Assessment using Artificial Intelligence forLandslide Susceptibility Zone in Champawat District, India 

Yaggesh Sharma, Arun Tyagi, Mukat Lal Sharma, Priyanka Sharma, and Ashish Aggarwal

The evaluation of the vulnerability of society aroused to landslide-related tragedy is an enlarged
topic. Few studies talk about this issue and limited research has been carried out on the
relationship between landslides and their potential impact on buildings and infrastructure.
Uttarakhand Province in India is a highly landslide-prone area in the Himalayan region. The
present study focused on assessing the building vulnerability for the landslide susceptibility zone
in the Champawat district of Uttarakhand state. The building footprint areas are identified by
using an image segmentation algorithm in artificial intelligence. Moreover, the landslide-prone
zone was identified based on the historical and recent information collected from various
authenticated sources and the field investigations made on the recent landslides whereas, more
than ten landslide causative parameters/landslide conditioning factors (LCF) have been used to
generate a susceptibility map. The frequency ratio method has been applied to carry out the
susceptibility zone in the entire study area. Most buildings are found in dangerous areas that are
highly correlated by using published and in-situ datasets.
Keywords: Landslide Susceptibility Zone, Artificial Intelligence, Vulnerability, Building Footprints

How to cite: Sharma, Y., Tyagi, A., Sharma, M. L., Sharma, P., and Aggarwal, A.: Building Vulnerability Assessment using Artificial Intelligence forLandslide Susceptibility Zone in Champawat District, India, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1957,, 2023.

A critical part of planning and managing road infrastructures in mountainous regions is the
pragmatic assessment of the prevailing and credible landslides hazard. Such assessments assume
greater significance for the Himalayan region, where seismically induced landslides present a
greater threat than commonly recognized, and require a robust comprehension of two hazards:
earthquake and the landslides induced by the former. However, the traditional practice of
landslide hazard assessment often neglects seismic factor due to paucity of pertinent data, which
may further be ascribed to the rarity of an extreme event. In this context, an endeavor has been
made in this study to evaluate the seismically induced landslide hazard for a scenario earthquake
of 10% exceedance probability in 50 years for an important road corridor in the lower Indian
Himalayas using Fuzzy algorithms. Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment (PSHA) has been
carried out for the study area to calculate the Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) of the scenario
earthquake, which is then used as a landslide triggering factor. PGA is integrated with eight
different landslide controlling factors viz. lithology, slope angle, aspect, elevation profile,
distance form fault, distance from drainage, distance from road, and land-use-land-cover patterns
in a Geographical Information System (GIS). 232 numbers of landslides are mapped for the
study area using high resolution Google earth imagery platform. The Fuzzy Cosine Amplitude
method is used to define the degree of similarity (strength of correlation) between the observed
landslides (dependent variable) and the landslide causative factors (independent variable(s)).
Expectedly, the probability of landslide occurrence correlates (degree of similarity) to the PGA
in a linear pattern (goodness of fit = 0.9954). The result of the study is discussed in terms of a
seismically induced Landslide Hazard Zonation (LHZ) map for the study, which is generated
using three Fuzzy operators (AND, OR and GAMMA). The prepared LHZ map demarcates more
than 40% of the study area as the zones of high to very high landslide hazard under the scenario
earthquake, with a prediction accuracy of 80%. The study shows that probabilistically generated
PGA can be included as seismic parameter for a more comprehensive assessment of the landslide
hazard in seismically active regions.

Keywords: Fuzzy Cosine Amplitude, Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment (PSHA), Peak
Ground Acceleration (PGA), Landslide Hazard Zonation (LHZ), the Himalayas

How to cite: Tyagi, A., Nath, R. R., and Chaurasia, S.: Application of Fuzzy Algorithm for Assessing Seismically Induced Landslide Hazard for an Important Road Corridor in the Lower Indian Himalayas, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3041,, 2023.

EGU23-3077 | ECS | Posters virtual | SM7.2

Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment of Assam, North-East India with the Incorporation of Topography Based VS30 Values 

Mayuri Borah, Ramanand Dubey, and Josodhir Das

In this study, Probabilistic seismic hazard assessment (PSHA) is performed for Assam, North-East (NE) India. NE India being bounded by latitude 200-300 N and longitude 870-980 E, is considered as one of the most earthquake-prone areas in the world. As per seismic zoning map of India (IS 1893 (2016), Part 1), most of the states in NE region have been placed in seismic zone V, which has the highest zone factor in the country. Among the eight north-eastern states, Assam serves as the gateway to the other seven states. As this region lies on one of the most vigorous tectonic plates in the world, it has experienced several devastating earthquakes in the past. Considering the seismicity of this region, seismic hazard assessment plays a significant role to assess the seismic risk for the future. The NE India region is broadly divided into four seismogenic sources, and further sub-divided into nine seismogenic sources based on the tectonic features and seismicity characteristics. For the study of hazard assessment, a unified moment magnitude catalogue has been used, where the events are assembled from various databases (ISC, IMD, USGS-NEIC). The catalogue has been declustered and the seismicity parameters are calculated for each source zone. The hazard maps have been presented at the bedrock level, in terms of peak ground acceleration (PGA) and spectral acceleration (Sa) values. The PGA values vary in between 0.16-0.57 g, while the Sa values are obtained in the range of 0.12-0.77 g. Further, topography based VS30 values have been considered for all the source zones and hazard maps are prepared with the incorporation of the site-specific VS30 values. These hazard maps are expected to give insight to the local site-specific seismic hazard variation for the Assam region and would be useful for the preparedness of risk and disaster mitigation measures.

Keywords: PSHA, NE India, Assam, PGA, Hazard Map

How to cite: Borah, M., Dubey, R., and Das, J.: Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment of Assam, North-East India with the Incorporation of Topography Based VS30 Values, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3077,, 2023.

Time-averaged shear-wave velocity in the topmost 30 meters of soil (Vs30) is a broadly accepted tool employed for site characterization. Adoption of Vs30 in the development of region-specific ground motion prediction equations and seismic design provisions marked it as a global parameter for local-site effect studies. Challenges arise in tectonically complex regions where an evaluation of Vs30 requires great exertion including mobility of equipment and manpower. Over the period, where researchers are still engaged in studying the effects and limitations of Vs30 at a location of interest, during the years various proxies have arrived for Vs30 estimation. Also, the selection of proxy depends upon the existing prior information about the region and its relationship with measured Vs30 values. Data scarce region requires interpolation techniques to address extensive geographical area with limited attainable datasets. Various deterministic (Inverse distance weighing, spline, etc.)  and probabilistic (kriging formats) interpolation techniques are widely used for robust estimation. In this study, an attempt has been made for a reliable region-specific selection of interpolation techniques. 35 Vs30 measurements are used as primary data and the topographic-slope proxy-based Vs30 model by U.S. Geological Survey is used as secondary data. Quantitative assessment acknowledges the existence, and validity which provides an understanding of the merits and flaws of interpolation techniques. The applicability of IDW, kriging and Bayesian scheme for sturdy estimation of Vs30 with focus on Southern Bihar region is examined for seismic response studies providing paramount importance to hazard and risk mitigation.

Keywords: Vs30, Topographic-slope Proxy, IDW, Kriging, Bayesian Scheme.

How to cite: Srivastava, M. and Sharma, M. L.: Comparison of Deterministic and Probabilistic framework for Vs30 estimation in data scarce region: a case study for Southern Bihar, India., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4108,, 2023.

The 9.12 Gyeongju earthquake(Sep. 12, 2016, Ml 5.8) and the Pohang earthquake(Nov. 15, 2017, Ml 5.4) have occurred in the Korean Penisula, resulting in emphasizing the stability of nuclear power plants. For safety evaluation, it is necessary to study the earthquake vulnerability caused by input ground motion. The input ground motion can be obtained from the earthquakes, and it is essential to acquire good quality and many samples input ground motion database for accurate evaluation. In this study, we tried to develop a platform that can automatically generate a ground motion database from past or real-time waveforms. To determine the detailed time window for data processing, deep learning-based earthquake detection, and phase-picking models were used. A voting method was conducted on these models to increase reliability in various environments. The platform produces a RotD50 5% damped pseudo-spectral acceleration, peak ground acceleration, and meta information related to site, hypocenter, and path. It also provides a web service to confirm generated data and meta information. The database generated by the platform could be used as input ground motion data to evaluate the safety of operating power plants and could be applied as fundamental data for the seismic design of planned nuclear power plants.

How to cite: Lee, J. K. and Seo, J.: A study on input ground motion processing platform for evaluating seismic fragilities using Deep Learning Phase Determination Model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4709,, 2023.

EGU23-4810 | ECS | Posters virtual | SM7.2 | Highlight

Lithospheric imaging beneath North India using surface wave tomography 

Deepak Kumar, Suresh Gaddale, Satish Maurya, and Subhash Chandra Gupta

We provide a shear wave velocity model of the Indo-Gangetic plain (IGP) that extends down to a depth of 100 km.  Using vertical component seismograms of 108 broadband (BB) stations (50 and 58) of IRIS-DMC and National Centre for Seismological (NCS) respectively, located in and around the Northern Indian plate. The group velocity dispersion of the Rayleigh wave has been picked along  ~3000 paths across the study region over a period range of 8 to 80s. To construct the 3D shear wave velocity structure, we employ a two-step surface wave tomography procedure. In the first step, regionalized dispersion maps are prepared for each period of correlation length of 60km, and subsequently, we employ the Markov chain Monte Carlo (McMC) trans-dimensional Bayesian inversion algorithm to obtain the shear wave velocity structure. In regionalized dispersion maps, at short periods (~8s) we see slow velocity in northern IGP and region reported thick basement (~6km) from previous studies. For moving towards increasing periods map indicate slow velocity anomalies in the Himalayan and Tibetan plateau region are associated with a thick crust (>50) in contrast to the typical crust (~40km) of IGP. The fast and slow velocities areas are identified which are associated with the Indian shield and thick crust in the Himalayas. Further, we inverted regionalized geographical locations to get shear wave velocity at each point to make a 3D lithospheric model. We have used 20 chains with 600k burn-in phase and 300k in the main phase for sampling the posterior distribution and from the final posterior distribution best 500k models with of 5% deviation has been selected after removing those model that has outlier chains with unrealistic models.

Keywords:  Surface waves, Bayesian inversion, Seismic tomography, Northwestern Himalayas.

How to cite: Kumar, D., Gaddale, S., Maurya, S., and Gupta, S. C.: Lithospheric imaging beneath North India using surface wave tomography, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4810,, 2023.

EGU23-5710 | ECS | Posters on site | SM7.2 | Highlight

Rapid source characterization of the Maule earthquake using Prompt Elasto-Gravity Signals 

Gabriela Arias, Quentin Bletery, Andrea Licciardi, Kevin Juhel, Jean-Paul Ampuero, and Bertrand Rouet-Leduc

The recently identified Prompt Elasto-Gravity Signals (PEGS), generated by large earthquakes, propagate at the speed of light and are sensitive to the earthquake magnitude and focal mechanism. These characteristics make PEGS potentially more accurate than P-wave based early warning algorithms (which produce saturated magnitude estimations) and faster than Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS)-based systems. We use a deep learning model called PEGSNet, originally developed for application in Japan, to track the temporal evolution of the magnitude of the 2010 Mw 8.8 Maule earthquake. The model is a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), trained on a database of synthetic PEGS -- simulated for an exhaustive set of possible earthquakes distributed along the Chilean subduction zone -- augmented with empirical noise. The approach is multi-station and leverages the information recorded on all the available stations to estimate as fast as possible the magnitude and location of an on-going earthquake. Our results indicate that PEGSNet could have estimated an  Mw > 8.7 earthquake after 100 seconds in the Maule case. Our synthetic tests using real data and noise recordings further support the instantaneous tracking of the source time function of the earthquake.

How to cite: Arias, G., Bletery, Q., Licciardi, A., Juhel, K., Ampuero, J.-P., and Rouet-Leduc, B.: Rapid source characterization of the Maule earthquake using Prompt Elasto-Gravity Signals, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5710,, 2023.

EGU23-6433 | Orals | SM7.2 | Highlight

Earthquake Early Warning with 3 seconds of records on a single station 

Pablo Lara, Quentin Bletery, Jean-Paul Ampuero, and Inza Adolfo

We introduce the Ensemble Earthquake Early Warning System (E3WS), a set of Machine Learning algorithms designed to detect, locate and estimate the magnitude of an earthquake using 3 seconds (or more) of P waves recorded by a single station. The system is made of 6 Ensemble Machine Learning algorithms trained on attributes computed from ground acceleration time series in the temporal, spectral and cepstral domains. The training set comprises datasets from Peru, Chile, Japan, and the STEAD global dataset. E3WS consists of three sequential stages: detection, P-phase picking and source characterization. The latter involves magnitude, epicentral distance, depth and back-azimuth estimation. E3WS achieves an overall success rate in the discrimination between earthquakes and noise of 99.9%. For P-phase picking, the Mean Absolute Error (MAE) is 0.14s. For source characterization, the MAEs for magnitude, distance, depth and back-azimuth are 0.34 magnitude units, 27 km, 15.7 km and 45.2°, respectively. By updating estimates every second, the approach gives time-dependent magnitude estimates that follow the earthquake source time function. E3WS gives faster estimates than present alert systems, providing additional valuable seconds for potential protective actions.

How to cite: Lara, P., Bletery, Q., Ampuero, J.-P., and Adolfo, I.: Earthquake Early Warning with 3 seconds of records on a single station, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6433,, 2023.

EGU23-8376 | ECS | Orals | SM7.2

Understanding dynamics of ground movement based on seismic monitoring 

Deepak rawat and Mukat lal sharma

Given the unique geology, topography, and hydrology of the Himalayas, it is imperative that a long-term strategy be developed to reduce the destructive potential of landslides in the region. Monitoring and an early warning system for landslides are the best non-structural measures for preventing landslide disasters. The study's overarching objective is to highlight why it's crucial to keep an eye out for landslides and how seismic sensor arrays can be used to issue early warnings. The implications of large mass flows in the study area must be carefully considered for sustainable hydropower and other socio-economic development projects. Seismic data, satellite imagery data, Time-Frequency analysis (TFA), and videos and photos taken by eyewitnesses form the basis of our investigation.

First, we gather precise event data, and then we collect signals from the seismology observatory at the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee for that time frame. The signals from the collection have been processed with signal processing methods like STA/LTA, Filtering, and TFA. One synthetic signal, two landslide events, and two local earthquakes were analyzed to better comprehend the dynamics and behavior of a natural distractive event.

Seismic records reveal that various types of events have distinctive dynamic properties. There are three distinct stages to a landslide event: (1) the detachment of slope-forming materials, (2) the debris flow, and (3) the flood flow. The P and S waves, the onset and end times, and the duration of an earthquake have all been determined. We have used synthetic signals to learn about TFA and have found the method that works best for interpreting seismic signals. We use the classification method developed by Provost et al. in 2017. Time-domain amplitude levels are a feature that can be easily extracted and classified, but they are also vulnerable to noise. Energy concentration in the time-frequency domain is one such method that, while requiring more complex operations, can lead to more trustworthy feature extraction and accurate classification. The absence of the distinct P- and S-wave arrival time, as is typical of earthquakes, is another feature of the seismic waveform that is indicative of a landslide. The results of the seismic record analysis also shed light on the breadth of monitoring for slope-moving disaster events in the North-West Himalayas.

How to cite: rawat, D. and sharma, M. L.: Understanding dynamics of ground movement based on seismic monitoring, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8376,, 2023.

EGU23-9036 | ECS | Orals | SM7.2

Simulation of ground motions with high frequency components obtained from Fourier neural operators 

Tariq Anwar Aquib and Paul Martin Mai

Seismic hazards analysis relies on accurate knowledge of ground motions arising from potential earthquakes to assess the risk of damage to buildings and infrastructure. It is necessary to perform ground motion simulations because recorded strong-motion data from specific combinations of earthquake magnitudes, epicentral distances, and site conditions are still limited. Physics-based simulations provide reliable ground motion estimates, but their application in practice is limited to frequency ranges f < 1Hz, largely due to limited computational resources and lack of information regarding earthquake sources and medium. While hybrid ground-motion computations combining deterministic low frequency components with stochastic high frequency components are often used,  their stochastic high frequency components fail to correctly account for source and path effects and lead to inconsistent building responses.

The large database of ground motion records from Japan lends itself to develop machine learning approaches to estimate high frequency ground motions. Applying state-of-the-art machine learning techniques, like Fourier neural operators (FNOs) and Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), we estimate seismograms at higher frequencies from their low frequency counterparts. In our approach, the time and frequency properties of ground motions are estimated using two different FNO models. In the time domain, a relationship is established between normalised low pass filtered and broadband waveforms. Frequency domain analysis involves the learning of high frequency spectrum from low frequency spectrum. Finally, the time and frequency properties are combined to produce broadband ground motions. Source, site, and path aspects are naturally incorporated into the training process.

We use ground motion data collected between 1996 and 2020 at 18 stations in the Ibaraki province of Japan to train our models and validate them on different events (Mw 4 to 7) around Japan. Using goodness of fit measures (GOFs), we show that the resulting ground motions match the recorded observations with good to acceptable GOF values for most of the predictions. To enhance our predictions, we include uncertainty estimation by utilizing a conditioned GAN approach. Lastly, to demonstrate the practicality of the approach, we compute high frequency components for a physics based simulated hypothetical Mw 5.0 earthquake in Japan.

How to cite: Aquib, T. A. and Mai, P. M.: Simulation of ground motions with high frequency components obtained from Fourier neural operators, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9036,, 2023.

Recently, various attempts for earthquake detection and seismic observation using low-cost vibration sensors are being actively conducted, and among them, MEMS and Geophone are the most frequently attempted sensors. MEMS and Geophone sensors have different characteristics and strengths and weaknesses, and it is necessary to understand them to select a sensor suitable for the purpose. In this study, MEMS and Geophone sensors were compared and tested for P-wave detection for earthquake early warning and ground and structure earthquake motion observation. For this purpose, the two types of sensors were mounted together on one aluminum plate, vibration table tests were conducted, and earthquake detection results were compared through real-time earthquake detection over several months. Through this, only for the tested sensor models, we could conclude that Geophone is suitable for P-wave detection and pattern extraction for noise classification, and MEMS is suitable for strong vibration measurement.

How to cite: Seo, J. B.: Comparison of Characteristics of MEMS and Geophone Sensors for Earthquake Detection, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10532,, 2023.

EGU23-10932 | ECS | Posters virtual | SM7.2

Scenario Seismic Risk assessment of 1934 Bihar-Nepal Earthquake 

CLal lawmawma and Mukat Lal Sharma

This paper presents seismic risk assessment of Bihar considering a hypothetical earthquake event similar to 1934 Bihar-Nepal earthquake. Assessment of risk has been carried out for all districts of Bihar and risk is presented in terms of economic loss. The loss estimation is performed through the combination of seismic hazard, structural vulnerability, and exposure data. Regarding the seismic input, a non-linear probabilistic approach is used to estimate the hypocenters of 1934 Bihar-Nepal earthquake and other source parameters are taken from literature. Abrahamson and Silva (2014) ground motion prediction equation is used to generate the strong ground motion at the surface level. Building exposure data are based on national census survey of India 2011. The census data provides common building typologies for each district and their relative distribution. On the basis of wall material used for construction all the buildings are grouped into four class, and seismic vulnerability functions (Martin and Silva,2011) are assigned to each building class. For each districts, total number of buildings are aggregated at the location of the maximum ground motion.  The area per building class has been assumed and reconstruction costs per square metre for each districts have been assigned based on local expert input and values identified in the literature. Finally, the district level distribution of economic loss for this earthquake scenario is obtained using the OpenQuake-engine. From this study, the expected economic loss is highest in Madhubani district followed by Muzzafarpur, Dharbanga and Sitamarhi district. Un-reinforced masonry buildings type construction, most prevalent in the rural region would experience maximum loss. A repeat of 1934 Bihar-Nepal earthquake in present day would have devastating consequences, although this scenario addresses a hypothetical event, the seismic risk assessment constitute important tools for framing public policies toward land-use planning, building regulations, insurance, emergency preparedness and could eventually minimizes economic disruption caused by earthquake.

How to cite: lawmawma, C. and Sharma, M. L.: Scenario Seismic Risk assessment of 1934 Bihar-Nepal Earthquake, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10932,, 2023.

EGU23-11549 | ECS | Orals | SM7.2

Ground Motion Model For Data Sparse Regions: Machine Learning Approach 

Vemula Sreenath, Jahnabi Basu, and Raghukanth stg

Ground motion models (GMMs) to the recorded ground motion time histories are essential input to the hazard analysis. With recent vast array of strong motion instruments to seismically active regions such as Japan, California, and Mexico, large amounts resulted in abundant recorded data huge metadata. Several global and regional GMMs are developed with these strong motion datasets. However, many active regions (e.g., The Himalayas) are in dearth of recorded strong motion data and metadata to develop predictive models. Despite recent instrumentations by different networks to the Himalayan region, the problem of near-field strong-motion records resulting from sparse instrumentation is the key concern. Traditionally, stochastic models are used in developing GMMs, as developing empirical models with limited data is challenging. Additionally, GMMs developed to other data-rich regions with similar tectonics are used in the hazard estimations. Thus, developing predictive models to these data-poor regions is a key concern which needs to be addressed. In the current work, we address this problem from the data-driven approach such as neural network. Neural networks learn the functional form from the data during training making it suitable for our present problem. Magnitude, epicentre distance, hypocentre depth, and shear wave velocity flag are used as inputs to estimate both the horizontal and vertical response spectra. In this regard, we attempt several approaches in developing the GMM using shallow neural network. Initially we develop model with seven neurons in the hidden layer using the available regional Western Himalayan crustal data and as one expects the model scaled poorly at the near-field. The obtained mean squared error (MSE) mean absolute error (MAE), and coefficient of determination (R2) are 0.6858, 0.6504, and 0.7592, respectively. To address this lack of near-field data, we supplement our regional data with records from global near-field strong motion and in developing GMM. This model has seven neurons in the hidden layer and performed better than the previous model but still had scaling issues at the large magnitude near-field. Further, supplementing data from other regions would influence the predictions. The obtained MSE, MAE, and R2 of the combined database are 0.5690, 0.5830, and 0.8659, respectively. However, the MSE, MAE, and R2 of the Western Himalaya data are 0.8006, 0.7057, and 0.7216, respectively. Finally, we use transfer learning technique: we develop GMM to the global crustal data and global near-field data and use it as a base model to develop GMM with six neurons in the hidden layer using the Western Himalayan data. The obtained MSE, MAE, and R2 of the Western Himalayan database are 0.8688, 0.7282, and 0.6970, respectively. Despite large error compared to previous two models, this model could capture large magnitude near-field effects and distance scaling effects and performed better than the previous two models. We conclude that transfer learning could be used to regions with limited strong motion data in developing GMM.

How to cite: Sreenath, V., Basu, J., and stg, R.: Ground Motion Model For Data Sparse Regions: Machine Learning Approach, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11549,, 2023.

EGU23-11563 | ECS | Posters virtual | SM7.2

Deterministic Seismic Hazard Assessment by revisiting 1991 Uttarkashi and 1999 Chamoli Earthquake for Uttarakhand, India 

Yaggesh Sharma, Mudit Srivastava, Priyanka Sharma, and Deepak Kumar

Deterministic Seismic Hazard Assessment is a quantitative site-specific evaluation of ground response for a particular region. Destructive effects caused due to occurrence of natural seismic hazards can be minimized by accounting mindful mitigation measures. One of the fundamental phases in risk assessment is the précised determination of the risk over a certain period. Considering the earthquake rupture model and a couple of defined region-specific ground motion models as input, earthquake scenarios to determine peak ground acceleration (PGA) and spectral periods (SA) are examined. In the present study, the Topographic slope as a proxy for shear wave velocity in upper soil of 30-meter (Vs30) estimation is assessed for rapid prediction and first-order studies. Further, two distinct major earthquake scenarios, the 1991 Uttarkashi and 1999 Chamoli earthquakes are revisited to estimate the distribution of PGA and SA at 0.2 sec and 1 sec for the area of interest. Thus, obtained results for Uttarakhand are presented in terms of Vs30, PGA, 0.2 sec, and 1-sec spectral values respectively.

Keywords: Deterministic seismic hazard, Vs30, 1991 Uttarkashi, 1999 Chamoli, scenario earthquakes, PGA, SA.

How to cite: Sharma, Y., Srivastava, M., Sharma, P., and Kumar, D.: Deterministic Seismic Hazard Assessment by revisiting 1991 Uttarkashi and 1999 Chamoli Earthquake for Uttarakhand, India, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11563,, 2023.

EGU23-15028 | Orals | SM7.2 | Highlight

Temporal variation of Qc and its implications in medium characterization 

Subhash Chandra Gupta, Mukat Lal Sharma, Sanjay Kumar Jain, and Arup Sen

The heterogeneities in the medium play important role not only in earthquake genesis but also strong ground motion simulation due to its bearing on attenuation characteristics. Observational data is one of the prerequisites for such studies which are acquired through deployment of seismological networks in active seismic regions. The Himalaya is considered as one of the most seismically active region in the world. It is also source of many river valley projects, like Tehri dam and others. The Tehri dam with 260.5 meter height is highest dam in India, located in the Lesser Himalaya of the Garhwal Himalaya that lies in seismic zone IV as per the seismic zoning map of India. Besides this, a number of development activity such as road and railway infrastructures are in progress. Thus, there is need to understand the effect of physical state of media on propagation of seismic waves in the Himalayas. The medium/path characteristics of this  region has been measured by determining the seismic wave attenuation of high frequency waves of local earthquakes which is accomplished by estimating the quality factor of coda waves (Qc). In the present study, Qc, has been determined using local earthquakes recorded during last fourteen years from 2008 to 2021. The local earthquakes used in the study have been obtained through deployment of 12 to 18 stations local seismological network around Tehri dam reservoir. The results showed in the study that there is no significant change in Qc is observed in the region during this period after dam impoundment. These results found in agreement with the findings that no reservoir trigger seismicity is observed in the region associated with Tehri dam reservoir during last sixteen years.

How to cite: Gupta, S. C., Sharma, M. L., Jain, S. K., and Sen, A.: Temporal variation of Qc and its implications in medium characterization, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15028,, 2023.

EGU23-15719 | Orals | SM7.2

Development of an hybrid GMPE-less ShakeMap implementation for real-time ground shaking  maps reconstruction 

Simone Francesco Fornasari, Veronica Pazzi, and Giovanni Costa

Ground shaking maps are an essential tool for seismic monitoring and civil defence operations as they provide information about the area and amplitude of the ground motion relative to a seismic event.

Such maps are developed integrating spatially sparse data recorded by the stations, which also provide a constraint to the process, and theoretical values obtained from ground motion prediction equations (GMPEs), given the magnitude and location of the earthquake, also accounting for local site effects.

One of the problems arising during the development of a real-time implementation of these techniques is the lack of information in real-time needed to compute the GMPE.

One possible solution to the problem is to develop algorithms that can constrain the interpolation process using only the ground motion parameters recorded at the stations (Fornasari et al., 2022).

We propose a hybrid model combining the conditioned multivariate normal distribution (MVN; Worden et al., 2018) technique adopted by ShakeMap and a neural network replacing the GMPE.

The neural network provides a purely data-driven approximation of the GMPE results based only on the spatially sparse data from the stations, with possible correction for the site effects. 

The network is trained using a supervised approach with labelled data obtained from GMPEs used for the Italian territory. Moreover, by limiting the use of a neural network to a specific task we improve its explainability with respect to end-to-end models.

This approach is easily integrable into the existing workflow, combines the well-studied interpolation techniques and neural networks in a clearly explainable structure, and provides high-resolution estimates of the ground-shaking fields in real-time with potential relevance in the context of early warning.



Simone Francesco Fornasari, Veronica Pazzi, Giovanni Costa; A Machine‐Learning Approach for the Reconstruction of Ground‐Shaking Fields in Real Time. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 2022; 112 (5): 2642–2652. doi:

C. Bruce Worden, Eric M. Thompson, Jack W. Baker, Brendon A. Bradley, Nicolas Luco, David J. Wald; Spatial and Spectral Interpolation of Ground‐Motion Intensity Measure Observations. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 2018; 108 (2): 866–875. doi:

How to cite: Fornasari, S. F., Pazzi, V., and Costa, G.: Development of an hybrid GMPE-less ShakeMap implementation for real-time ground shaking  maps reconstruction, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15719,, 2023.

EGU23-16903 | Posters virtual | SM7.2

Evaluating Seismic Hazard based on Simulated Earthquake Strong Ground Motions in Himalaya 

Dinesh Kumar, Anjali Sharma, and Renu Yadav

The importance of site-specific earthquake strong ground motions for the proper evaluation of seismic hazard of a region has now been well recognized.  It is useful to generate site-specific ground motions required for the designing of earthquake resistant buildings in seismic active regions as required number of observed records are not available at all the sites of interest.  The simulated time histories enhance the sparse data base of observed accelerograms which is useful for improving seismological understanding of an earthquake process.  Most of the earthquakes in Indian region occur in Himalaya which is the result of collision of northward drifting Indian plate with Eurasian plate.  The seismic hazard is severe in the region of Himalaya.  The first step to mitigate the seismic hazard is to evaluate the same.

In the present study, the seismic hazard has been estimated in the regions of Himalaya using simulated strong ground motions from earthquakes.  A modified hybrid technique has been used for the simulation of earthquake strong ground motions. In this technique a composite source model (Zeng et al, 1994) has been combined with semi-empirical envelope technique (Midorikawa, 1993).  In the technique, the envelope function of target earthquake is computed by summation of envelope functions that are generated from small size earthquakes distributed randomly on the fault plane. In order to simulate the ground motions at surface level, the high frequency decay parameter and site amplification functions have been taken into account.

The strong ground motions have been simulated at large number of points distributed spatially in the region.  The scenario hazard maps in the form of spatial distribution of peak ground acceleration values have been presented due to a great earthquake (M 8.5) in Central Seismic Gap of Himalaya and a major earthquake (M 6.9) in NE Himalaya.  The scenario hazard maps prepared in the present study may be useful to the local administrators for the mitigation of the earthquake hazard in the region.  These maps give the idea about the possible scenario in case of similar size future earthquake occurs in the region. The maps presented here are useful to mitigate the seismic hazard from the region.

How to cite: Kumar, D., Sharma, A., and Yadav, R.: Evaluating Seismic Hazard based on Simulated Earthquake Strong Ground Motions in Himalaya, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16903,, 2023.

EGU23-945 | ECS | Orals | SM8.1

The Influence of Fluids on Earthquakes: Insights from Mechanical Modelling 

Valentin Marguin and Guy Simpson

The strength and sliding behavior of faults in the upper crust are largely controlled by friction and effective stress, which is itself modulated by the fluid pressure. However, while many studies have investigated the role of friction on the earthquake cycle, relatively little effort has gone into understanding the effects linked to dynamic changes in fluid pressure. Here, we explore coupled interactions between slow tectonic loading and fluid pressure generation during the interseismic period with rapid sliding and elastic stress transfer during earthquakes on a plane strain thrust fault in two dimensions. Our models incorporate rate- and state-dependent friction along with dramatic changes in the fault permeability during sliding. In these modes, earthquakes are nucleated where fluid pressures are locally high and then propagated as slip pulses onto stronger parts of the fault. For the model without overpressure, the ruptures are more crack-like. Our model produces a wide range of sliding velocities from rapid to slow earthquakes, which occur due to the presence of high pore pressures prior to rupture. The models also show evidence for aftershocks that are driven by fluid transfer along the fault plane after the mainshock. Overall, we find that the presence of relatively modest fluid overpressures tends to reduce coseismic slip, stress drop, maximum sliding velocity, rupture velocity, and the earthquake recurrence time relative to ruptures in a dry crust. This study shows that fluids can exert an important influence on earthquakes in the crust, which is mostly due to modulation of the effective stress and variations in permeability, and to a lesser extent to poroelastic coupling.

How to cite: Marguin, V. and Simpson, G.: The Influence of Fluids on Earthquakes: Insights from Mechanical Modelling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-945,, 2023.

EGU23-1678 | ECS | Orals | SM8.1

A synthetic ambient-noise data set fortime-lapsed monitoring 

Sérgio Nunes, Hamzeh Mohammadigheymasi, Nasrin Tavakolizadeh, and Nuno Garcia
Synthetic simulation of seismic wave propagation is a fundamental way to evaluate the accuracy and performance of signal processing methods developed for application to real seismic datasets. Various research papers have introduced state-of-the-art synthetic active and passive seismic datasets to implement this critical step. However, a versatile seismic data set for ambient noise is still missing in the literature. In this study, we conducted synthetic simulations by leveraging the noise simulation modules of SPECFEM3D Cartesian open-source codes. The simulation is carried out for the geometries of station pairs of the YB Cavola Broadband Dense Array temporary network installed in 2004 through the village of Cavola, northern Apennine, Italy. This is a dense array (8m separation one way and
10m the other way) installed on an active landslide through the village of Cavola, northern Apennines, Italy. By considering a fixed crustal velocity model reported for this region, a noise correlation seismogram is computed for each station pair by implementing three processing steps: 1) simulation for generating wavefields, 2) simulation for ensemble forward wavefields, and 3) simulation for ensemble adjoint wavefields and sensitivity kernels. The generated cross-correlation seismograms are post-processed, detrended, and decimated by a factor of 2 to obtain a dataset with a sampling rate of 0.01sec. Then the traces are rotated to the transverse-radial-vertical coordinate system making 3-component data for each station pair. To make the simulation more realistic, the data is contaminated by Gaussian noise (bandpass-filtered in the range of [0.02, 100] Hz) to give a Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) of 10. The generated dataset provides one epoch of a synthetic time-lapsed ambient noise dataset as a reference for evaluating time-lapsed processing algorithms. This research contributes to the ALLAB project.
The authors would like to thank the support of the Instituto de Telecomunicaçõe. This work is funded by FCT/MCTES through national funds.

How to cite: Nunes, S., Mohammadigheymasi, H., Tavakolizadeh, N., and Garcia, N.: A synthetic ambient-noise data set fortime-lapsed monitoring, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1678,, 2023.

EGU23-2497 | ECS | Posters virtual | SM8.1

Scalar wave equation modeling with dispersion relation based on finite difference method 

Vanga Mounika and Maheswar Ojha

The finite-difference method(FDM) is widely used in the numerical modeling of wave equations. Conventional FDM stencils for spatial derivatives are usually designed in the space domain, which creates difficulty in satisfying the dispersion relations exactly while solving the wave equations. We use an automated and optimized FDM using a genetic algorithm to optimally compute second-order spatial derivatives. In our method, the explicit finite-difference stencils are calculated using the genetic algorithm to minimize the dispersion (phase velocity) for all wavenumbers without using any specific window function. The amplitudes of the pseudo-spectral window are optimized by making the phase velocity close to the analytical solution at each wavenumber, where the stability is close to that of the conventional FDM. Although finite difference coefficients in this method depend on velocity, grid spacing and time step, less dispersive solutions can be achieved by computing suitable finite-difference coefficients for varying cases. We compare our results with the solutions of an existing pseudo-spectral method (with Kaiser window function), conventional FDM, joint time-space optimization method, and the least square method. The normalized phase velocity and the absolute error of our method show very promising results.

How to cite: Mounika, V. and Ojha, M.: Scalar wave equation modeling with dispersion relation based on finite difference method, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2497,, 2023.

A central problem in earthquake physics and fault mechanics is understanding the coupling of fluid and solid phases during fault slip. This coupling is mostly treated as a one-way coupled problem where the pore pressure is imposed as a perturbation in effective normal stress. However, more recent work indicates that the two-way coupling of a porous fluid-filled bulk and pressure changes in the shear zone significantly alters rupture properties. Further, a qualitative analysis of this problem in a poroelastic medium reveals that pore pressure inside an mm to micron thick frictional shear zone cannot be constant as slip dynamically evolves. This analysis calls into question the practice of imposing pore pressure as a perturbation to effective normal stress at an infinitesimal interface and raises fundamental questions regarding the interpretation of the effective stress principle. Here we explore two ways to couple shear zone processes on a mm-micron scale to the meter-kilometer scale bulk processes. Efficient coupling across these scales is achieved with a spectral boundary integral representation of a poroelastic bulk. Furthermore, the boundary integral representation reduces the dimension of the computational problem that needs to be discretized by one. In other words, it allows us to simulate 3D physics by only discretizing in 2D. We develop boundary integral solutions in 2D and 3D medium that are appropriate for modeling shear zone that can undergo pressure changes, expansion/contraction, and shear localization. First, we explore an efficient approach where shear zone properties are averaged and dimensionally reduced, thus with finite shear zone effects built into the boundary conditions of the bulk in 2D and 3D. Second, we show how a shear zone can be explicitly modeled, but the coupling to the surrounding bulk is done with a boundary integral representation. Thus, offering relatively efficient modeling of processes such as shear localization, dilatancy, thermal pressurization, and how such processes interact with the bulk. We suggest that such use of boundary integrals may be applied more generally to achieve two-way fluid-solid coupling at lower computation expense.

How to cite: Heimisson, E. R. and Wang, Y.: Linking fluid flow in a shear zone to the surrounding bulk with poroelastic boundary integral solutions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4283,, 2023.

The instantaneous weakening of rocks during the passage of seismic waves has first been observed in laboratory experiments. The change of elastic rock moduli during and after the dynamic perturbations typically includes three phases – a gradual drop of moduli, a dynamically steady state and the recovery over a time scale that is larger than that of the perturbations. Such changes have been referred to as slow dynamics (Johnson and Sutin, 2005). With the development of the long-term continuous monitoring of the velocity field inside the Earth using methods such as ambient noise interferometry, coseismic rock weakening and post-seismic recovery of rock strength have also been recorded in the field over the past two decades. The question that we want to answer is: how relevant is the non-classical nonlinearity observed in the lab to the coseismic velocity drop in the field? To this end, we aim to adapt an analytical model that explains the lab observations and apply it to field observations using numerical simulations. Our first step is to identify the appropriate nonlinear model(s). Most of the proposed physical models that explain the phenomenon contain many parameters and are hard to constrain. Moreover, most of the existing physical models are restricted to 1D analysis and are difficult to generalize to 2D or 3D modeling.


We apply two models within the framework of the continuum damage mechanics: (i) the internal variable model (Berjamin et al., 2017) and (ii) the continuum damage model that accounts for parallel micro-cracks oriented perpendicular to the maximum tension or compression (Lyakhovsky et al., 1997). Both models can generalize to 2D and 3D. We formulate both models as nonlinear hyperbolic partial differential equations (PDEs) and solve them with the arbitrary high-order discontinuous Galerkin method using ExaHyPE (Reinarz et al., 2020) in 2D and 3D. We show that both models successfully reproduce the three phases during and after dynamic perturbations observed in the laboratory. We find that the continuum damage model can explain the amplitude- and frequency-dependent damage with a good match against the lab measurements. We also compare the simulation results using both models quantitatively with the observations in a 2D copropagating acousto-elastic testing (Feng et al., 2018). Our sensitivity analysis of the model parameters using the Markov chain Monte Carlo method quantitatively estimates the uncertainties and correlations among the parameters of both models. We believe our work paves the way towards a model of nonlinear rock deformation with slow dynamics that can be used in large scale 2D and 3D seismic wave propagation simulations for direct analysis of field observations, such as the Tohoku earthquake, 2011 (Brenguier et al., 2014).

How to cite: Niu, Z., Gabriel, A.-A., and Igel, H.: Numerical Simulation and Uncertainty Quantification of Models for Coseismic Damage and Healing of Rocks in 1D, 2D and 3D, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4450,, 2023.

EGU23-4960 | ECS | Orals | SM8.1

An efficient poroelastic wave simulation based on discontinuous grid and nonuniform time step 

Heng Zhang, Hengxin Ren, Yao-Chong Sun, Mingbo Li, Tao Wang, and Changjiang Fang

The existence of slow P wave, in addition to fast P wave and S wave, makes it tricky for grid-based numerical simulation methods to conduct poroelastic wave modeling. The grid spacing has to be fine enough to capture the slow P wave since the velocity of slow P wave is much smaller than that of the other two waves. Dense space and time steps significantly increase the computation cost. In this study, we propose a poroelastic finite-difference simulation method that combines discontinuous curvilinear collocated-grid and non-uniform time step Runge-Kutta scheme. Only the space and time steps for the areas near interfaces, where the contribution of slow P wave is non-negligible, are refined in an effort to speed up the computation. The refined space step is determined by the velocity of slow P wave, while the coarse space step is determined by the velocity of shear wave. The coarse and refined time steps are set according to the non-uniform time step Runge-Kutta scheme, which is derived with Taylor expansion and avoids interpolation or extrapolation for communication between different time levels. This scheme helps maintain fourth-order accuracy in the whole domain. The accuracy and efficiency of the proposed method are verified by numerical tests. Compared with the conventional curvilinear collocated-grid finite-difference method that uses a uniform space grid as well as a uniform time step, the computation efficiency is improved significantly and the computation time can be saved by more than 80%.

How to cite: Zhang, H., Ren, H., Sun, Y.-C., Li, M., Wang, T., and Fang, C.: An efficient poroelastic wave simulation based on discontinuous grid and nonuniform time step, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4960,, 2023.

EGU23-5365 | ECS | Posters on site | SM8.1

Ground motion simulation of the 2021 Mw 5.2 Central Adriatic earthquake 

Helena Latečki, Irene Molinari, and Josip Stipčević

In the last few decades, several series of earthquakes in the Central Adriatic Sea have been detected and analyzed, indicating the complexity of the tectonics within the Adriatic microplate. The most recent earthquake series suggests higher seismic potential than what was previously assumed and opens questions regarding present-day tectonic stress distribution within the Adria microplate in general. Therefore, studying seismic activity and identifying active faults is crucial when it comes to better understanding of the seismotectonics of this area, and consequently, improvement of the seismic hazard estimation. In this work we focus on the Mw 5.2 March 27, 2021 earthquake which occurred in the Central Adriatic Sea close to the island of Vis (Croatia). To evaluate the expected ground motion parameters of the event, we make use of physics-based waveform modelling. We simulate the earthquake using a newly defined 3D crustal model which honors surface topography, reflects main geological features and is embedded within the existing regional crustal model EPCrust. We compute broadband seismograms by making use of the hybrid approach where low-frequency and high-frequency parts are obtained separately and then combined into a single time series. We compare simulated waveforms against the recorded data and validate our results by assessing the goodness of fit for different ground-motion metrics. We then focus on simulating the waveforms using different descriptions of the source in order to investigate how its parametrization affects final results. This allows us to get a better understanding about the physical properties of the driving forces and mechanisms responsible for the seismicity in this region.

How to cite: Latečki, H., Molinari, I., and Stipčević, J.: Ground motion simulation of the 2021 Mw 5.2 Central Adriatic earthquake, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5365,, 2023.

EGU23-5411 | Posters on site | SM8.1

How asperity size and neighboring segments can change the frictional response and fault slip behavior: insights from laboratory experiments and numerical models 

Fabio Corbi, Giacomo Mastella, Elisa Tinti, Matthias Rosenau, Laura Sandri, Silvio Pardo, and Francesca Funiciello

Accurate assessment of rate and state friction parameters is essential for producing realistic rupture scenarios and, in turn, for seismic hazard analysis. Those parameters can be directly measured in the laboratory, with experimental apparati that reproduce fault conditions in nature. Alternatively, indirect estimates (i.e., inversion) of rate and state parameters are based on postseismic slip evolution studies and numerical modeling. Both direct and indirect approaches require a series of assumptions that might bias the results.

Here we take advantage of a downscaled analog model reproducing experimentally megathrust earthquakes. The analog model shares many characteristics of real subduction zones, although being intentionally oversimplified with respect to nature. This allows reducing the number of potential sources of bias (e.g., fault geometry and asperity size). 

We perform five analog models with a single, rectangular asperity of different lengths embedded in a nearly velocity neutral matrix. We focus on two different physical conditions, namely the along-strike asperity length and the asperity to neighboring segments length ratio, and study systematically how they tune the model seismic behavior. Then, by coupling quasi-dynamic numerical models with the simulated annealing algorithm, we retrieve rate and state parameters that allow reproducing both the recurrence time, rupture duration and slip amplitude of the analog model, in ensemble. 

We identify a tradeoff between (a-b) of the asperity and (a-b) of neighboring creeping segments, with multiple combinations that allow mimicking the analog model behavior and variability. We also identify a negative correlation between (a-b) of the asperity and asperity size, with Dc remaining relatively constant within the investigated asperity size range. When estimating (a-b), poorly constrained properties of neighboring segments are responsible for uncertainties in the order of per mille. Roughly one order of magnitude larger uncertainties derive from asperity size. Those results provide a first order assessment of the variability that rate and state friction estimates retrieved for nature conditions might have when used as constraint to model fault slip behavior.

How to cite: Corbi, F., Mastella, G., Tinti, E., Rosenau, M., Sandri, L., Pardo, S., and Funiciello, F.: How asperity size and neighboring segments can change the frictional response and fault slip behavior: insights from laboratory experiments and numerical models, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5411,, 2023.

EGU23-5539 | ECS | Posters virtual | SM8.1

Critical nucleation length for frictional slipping of an elastic layer over an elastic half-space 

Abhishek Painuly and Ranjith Kunnath

The interplay of geological forces and shear resistance of slipping surfaces leads to the expansion of earthquake ruptures, which nucleate in creeping zone patches. Once the dimension of the nucleating creeping zone exceeds a critical length, ruptures accelerate dynamically. The present work provides an analytic model to determine the critical nucleation length of a slip rupture. It is determined by performing a linear stability analysis of steady-state sliding of an elastic layer (having a finite height) over an elastic half-space in the quasi-static regime. Interfacial frictional behaviour is modelled using a rate- and state-dependent friction law with velocity weakening behaviour in the steady state, mimicking the experimental observations of interfacial friction. Results for critical nucleation length at the interface with similar and dissimilar materials across the interface are presented and the effect of layer height on the critical nucleation length is explored numerically.

How to cite: Painuly, A. and Kunnath, R.: Critical nucleation length for frictional slipping of an elastic layer over an elastic half-space, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5539,, 2023.

EGU23-6056 | Posters on site | SM8.1

Seismic hazard assessment of the Lebanese Restraining Bend: A neo-deterministic approach 

Tony Nemer, Franco Vaccari, and Mustapha Meghraoui

The Lebanese Restraining Bend is an active bend along the Dead Sea Transform Fault in the eastern Mediterranean region where several destructive earthquakes happened throughout history. In this paper, we assess the gross features of seismic hazard of the Lebanese Restraining Bend by applying a neo-deterministic method that involves the generation of synthetic seismograms distributed on a regular grid over the study area. We use the regional seismicity, seismic source zones, focal mechanism solutions, and velocity structural models. We present maps of ground displacement, velocity, and acceleration. This is the first study that generates neo-deterministic seismic hazard maps for the Lebanese Restraining Bend using representative ground motion modelling. Our results show that displacement values of 15-30 cm and velocity values of 30-60 cm/s can be expected along most of Lebanon. In addition, 0.15-0.30 g acceleration values can dominate most of the Lebanese territory and surrounding areas. It is evident from these results that the study area in general and Lebanon in particular constitute a high seismic hazard area, which necessitates further attention from the authorities regarding the precaution measures needed to mitigate the effects of potential catastrophic seismic events; in addition, more detailed investigations are needed at local scale for specific sites of interest.

How to cite: Nemer, T., Vaccari, F., and Meghraoui, M.: Seismic hazard assessment of the Lebanese Restraining Bend: A neo-deterministic approach, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6056,, 2023.

EGU23-6471 | ECS | Orals | SM8.1

SPHY3D: A hybrid seismic computational framework for box-tomography of spherical Earth 

Foivos Karakostas, Andrea Morelli, Irene Molinari, Brandon VanderBeek, and Manuele Faccenda

Computational seismology encountered a dramatic advance during the past decades with the development of SEM codes that use the simultaneous increase of the available computational power. Meanwhile, the use of teleseismic events for regional seismic tomography is suggested with the application of the box-tomography methodology (Masson and Romanowicz, 2017). In this work we use these advances in order to suggest a package for box-tomography, using AxiSEM for 1-D global wavefield simulations (Nissen-Meyer et al., 2014) and SPECFEM3D for 3-D regional seismic simulations (Komatitsch and Tromp, 1999). These codes have been previously used and validated for such hybrid simulations (Monteiller et al., 2021), however with the limitation on the dimensions of the examined region, where 3-D full waveform topography is applied, due to the Cartesian setting that does not honour the curvature of the Earth. Although recent advances solved this limitation for SPECFEM3D Global, by permitting the use of a small Earth chunk, the Cartesian description of the regional model allows computing the injection of the 1-D computed wavefield from the global model to the regional box. Therefore, we developed and present comparative results of a package that transforms the geometry of the Cartesian simulation in a "spherical Earth" setting and allows the performance of hybrid simulations for box tomography in regions larger than a couple of degrees. The code changes the shape of a Cartesian rectangular mesh into a curved one and through a series of interpolations adjusts the geometry of any given structure model, the topography of the surface and the interfaces, and the position of the receivers. The simulations are tested against real data, as we perform our computations on a dynamically interesting area, with the presence of a subduction slab in the central Mediterranean. We test the methodology on seismological inverse models for the local structure (Rappisi et al., 2021).


Komatitsch, D. and Tromp, J., 1999. Introduction to the spectral element method for three-dimensional seismic wave propagation. Geophysical journal international, 139(3), pp.806-822.

Masson, Y. and Romanowicz, B., 2017. Box tomography: localized imaging of remote targets buried in an unknown medium, a step forward for understanding key structures in the deep Earth. Geophysical Journal International, 211(1), pp.141-163.

Monteiller, V., Beller, S., Plazolles, B. and Chevrot, S., 2021. On the validity of the planar wave approximation to compute synthetic seismograms of teleseismic body waves in a 3-D regional model. Geophysical Journal International, 224(3), pp.2060-2076.

Nissen-Meyer, T., van Driel, M., Stähler, S.C., Hosseini, K., Hempel, S., Auer, L., Colombi, A. and Fournier, A., 2014. AxiSEM: broadband 3-D seismic wavefields in axisymmetric media. Solid Earth, 5(1), pp.425-445.

Rappisi, F., VanderBeek, B.P., Faccenda, M., Morelli, A. and Molinari, I., 2022. Slab geometry and upper mantle flow patterns in the Central Mediterranean from 3D anisotropic P-wave tomography. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, p.e2021JB023488.

How to cite: Karakostas, F., Morelli, A., Molinari, I., VanderBeek, B., and Faccenda, M.: SPHY3D: A hybrid seismic computational framework for box-tomography of spherical Earth, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6471,, 2023.

EGU23-6708 | ECS | Orals | SM8.1

On the importance of 3D stress state in 2D earthquake rupture simulations with off-fault deformation 

Marion Thomas, Louise Jeandet, and Harsha Bhat

During the last decades, many numerical models have been developed to explore the conditions for seismic and aseismic slip. Those models explore the behavior of frictional faults, embedded in either elastic or inelastic mediums, and submitted to a far field loading (seismic cycle models), or initial stresses (single dynamic rupture models). Those initial conditions impact both fault and off-fault dynamics. Because of the sparsity of direct measurements of fault stresses, modelers have to make assumptions about the initial conditions. To these days, Anderson theory is the only framework that can be used to link fault generation and reactivation to the three-dimensional stress field.  In this study, we focus on the initial stresses in 2D plane strain models developed to compute off-fault deformation. It has been demonstrated that initial conditions, in particular the angle between fault and the greatest compressive stress, is of crucial importance for the localization and intensity of off-fault inelastic deformation. However, because those models are performed on a 2D plane, the importance of the out-of-plane stress have never been investigated. We show that it can lead to set up a stress field that is not in agreement with Anderson theory (i.e., modelling a strike-slip fault in a three-dimensional stress field appropriate for reverse faulting). We investigate the influence of initial stresses by comparing equivalent models with “correct” and “incorrect” initial stress fields, keeping constant rupture-related parameters (stress drop, seismic ratio), angle between fault and greatest principal stress, and depth. We first use purely elastic models to study the influence of initial stresses on the assessment of two plastic criteria (Drucker-Prager and Coulomb stress change). We show that setting up the incorrect initial stress field can lead to underestimating the different yield criteria. The error is of the order of magnitude of the dynamic stress drop. Moreover, setting up the incorrect pre-stresses leads to errors in the estimation of potential off-fault failure modes. Then, we explore the influence of pre-stresses conditions on off-fault inelastic deformation. Using two different modelling strategies (a plastic deformation model and a micromechanics model computing dynamic damage), we show that setting up the incorrect stress field can lead to underestimate the size of the damage zone by a factor of 3 to 6 for the studied cases.  Moreover, because of the interactions between fault slip and off-fault deformation, we show that initial stress field influences the rupture propagation. Setting up the correct stress field can significantly slow the rupture, because of the more important quantity of damage induced.

How to cite: Thomas, M., Jeandet, L., and Bhat, H.: On the importance of 3D stress state in 2D earthquake rupture simulations with off-fault deformation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6708,, 2023.

EGU23-7207 | Orals | SM8.1

Deciphering earthquake source observations to motivate questions for physics-based models of earthquake simulation 

Rebecca M. Harrington, Yajing Liu, Hongyu Yu, Alessandro Verdecchia, Kilian B. Kemna, Gian Maria Bocchini, Armin Dielforder, Marco P. Roth, James Kirkpatrick, Elizabeth S. Cochran, Hilary Chang, and Rachel E. Abercrombie

Earthquake stress drop values estimated from ground-motion spectra commonly vary by several orders of magnitude, particularly for small earthquakes (~M < 3). Stress-drop values have been found to vary with faulting style, faulting type (intraplate, interplate), depth, and to exhibit differences between natural and induced earthquakes. Nevertheless, distinguishing uncertainties from real trends across data sets is challenging, in part due to the variation in methodological approaches and observational constraints. However, the proliferation of high-quality, dense seismic data in recent years has shown that at least some of the variability in stress drop values almost certainly reflects diversity in fault strength and geological conditions. Coupling well-constrained observations to a variety of modeling approaches will help uncover what controls earthquake rupture processes, but deconvolving observational constraints from real variation in rupture behavior is key.

We present our stress drop estimates from data sets representing a wide range of fault loading conditions and geological environments, from interplate, intraslab and forearc subduction faults, to volcanic, intraplate, and human induced events. Stress-drop values range primarily between 1 – 100 MPa for events that meet the criteria for spectral-ratio analysis.  We present correlations of low relative stress drop values in areas of high seismic attenuation indicative of lower rock strength, and a slight correlation with depth that corresponds to modeled deviatoric stress values. We also show one notable subset of induced events near active injection wells that exhibit stress drop values of ~0.1 MPa and have distinctive low-frequency content. Their spatial distribution, waveform, and source spectral characteristics suggest either slower rupture, lower stress drop values, or a combination of both, and may represent part of the transition between aseismic and seismic slip. We show using a Large-n array that while stress drop values are roughly constant (within 2 orders of magnitude), estimates can vary by roughly 25% when station coverage is limited to 15 stations or less with a maximum azimuthal gap of 90°.  Our findings highlight the importance of using modeling approaches to explore relative influence of fault strength and methodological approaches in stress drop variation. In particular, models that incorporate both frictional and thermoelastic approaches may provide clues to the variability of conditions that can activate faults, both within stable sliding and seismic rupture conditions.


How to cite: Harrington, R. M., Liu, Y., Yu, H., Verdecchia, A., Kemna, K. B., Bocchini, G. M., Dielforder, A., Roth, M. P., Kirkpatrick, J., Cochran, E. S., Chang, H., and Abercrombie, R. E.: Deciphering earthquake source observations to motivate questions for physics-based models of earthquake simulation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7207,, 2023.

EGU23-7795 | ECS | Posters on site | SM8.1

Testing sedimentary basin models for ground motion simulation: the case of the Fucino intramountain basin in the Apennines (Italy) 

Giulia Sgattoni, Irene Molinari, and Giuseppe Di Giulio

Sedimentary basins are of great interest for ground motion simulations, because of their power to amplify seismic motion and because urban areas are often built on sediment covers. Realistic and detailed 3D basin models have shown to significantly improve the physics-based ground motion modeling in terms of fit between recorded and synthetic seismograms. However, discerning between the uncertainties due to source, path or site effects is not simple.

A good proxy of the seismic response of small- to moderate-scale sedimentary basins is their resonance frequencies, often investigated by experimental measurement of the Horizontal to Vertical spectral ratio (H/V) computed on ambient seismic vibrations or earthquake records. Since these parameters strongly depend on the geometry and mechanical properties of the sediment fill, a wavefield numerical simulation in a realistic 3D media should ideally reproduce them. The comparison of resonance frequencies obtained from real and simulated waveforms can help in discerning inconsistencies in the 3D models, and may help in evaluating the goodness of the model and highlighting areas where it may be improved

We apply this approach in the Fucino intermountain sedimentary basin (Central Apennines, Italy) for which several stratigraphic models, exploration and geophysical data are available in the literature. We critically combine the stratigraphic models of the basin with regional crustal models available in the literature and build an appropriate 3D velocity model. We then perform 3D seismic wave propagation simulations using a spectral-element code; and we compare simulated and experimental seismograms and resonance frequencies for different basin models observing similarities and discrepancies.

How to cite: Sgattoni, G., Molinari, I., and Di Giulio, G.: Testing sedimentary basin models for ground motion simulation: the case of the Fucino intramountain basin in the Apennines (Italy), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7795,, 2023.

EGU23-8199 | ECS | Posters on site | SM8.1

Grid-based Ray Theory Amplitude Calculation for Teleseismic Moment Tensor Sources 

Anne Mohr and Wolfgang Friederich

Direct numerical modeling of seismic wave propagation at high frequencies remains a computational challenge despite ever-increasing processing capabilities. Ray theory, which is based on a high-frequency solution of the seismic wave equation, provides an alternative to direct numerical modeling for sufficiently smooth velocity models. Here, we present a hybrid 1D-3D approach to model grids of seismic amplitudes of P-phases based on ray theory and dynamic ray tracing. They may serve to construct P-phase synthetic seismograms to be used in high-frequency teleseismic full waveform inversion or the interpretation of scattered and converted waves as done, for example, in receiver function analysis.

The modeling domain is split into two parts: 1D bulk earth and a box encompassing a regional study area for which a 3D model is used. 1D dynamic ray tracing and amplitude calculation for a moment tensor source is performed using ray paths calculated with Obspy TauP and the resulting transformation matrices and amplitudes are stored at the box boundaries. In the regional box ray paths from the box boundary to each grid point are calculated using the FM3D software by Rawlinson and Sambridge (2005) and de Kool, Rawlinson and Sambridge (2006). Subsequently, 3D dynamic ray tracing along all calculated rays is initialized from the box boundaries yielding amplitudes at each grid point.

The 1D method is tested by comparing amplitude ratios with those calculated using the software Gemini (Friederich and Dalkolmo 1995). The 3D method is tested using a 1D model and comparing amplitudes calculated using the hybrid 1D-3D method with amplitudes calculated using only the 1D method. Additionally, a 3D spherical velocity anomaly is inserted into a 1D background model to test the plausibility of the resulting amplitude grid for this model. The calculated amplitude grid clearly shows the expected focusing effects caused by the anomaly.

How to cite: Mohr, A. and Friederich, W.: Grid-based Ray Theory Amplitude Calculation for Teleseismic Moment Tensor Sources, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8199,, 2023.

EGU23-8447 | ECS | Posters on site | SM8.1

The effects of 3D normal fault interactions in seismic cycles 

Constanza Rodriguez Piceda, Zoë Mildon, Martijn van den Ende, and Jean Paul Ampuero

Numerical earthquake simulators are valuable tools for investigating the causal dynamics between seismic events and improving our understanding of seismic sequences. This approach has been widely applied to single strike-slip faults, but physics-based simulations of earthquake cycles for normal fault(s) and networks are still limited. This is partly due to the focus on studying the California fault system and the computational cost of modelling dip-slip faults, which involve additional computations related to normal stress changes during the earthquake cycle. We aim to address this gap by focusing on the effect of normal fault interaction in the generation of complex seismic sequences. Using the open-source boundary-element method QDYN, we model two 3D normal faults incorporating rate-and-state friction and elastic interactions. We examine the impact of variable spatial offsets between the faults on different properties of the earthquake cycle, including slip, slip rate, magnitude distribution, and recurrence intervals within and between faults. By doing so, we aim to provide a physical explanation for the spatial and temporal variability observed in the geological record of natural normal fault networks, such as those found in the Central and Southern Apennines in Italy. Our results will shed light on the behaviour of normal fault networks and contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of earthquake cycles in these systems.  

How to cite: Rodriguez Piceda, C., Mildon, Z., van den Ende, M., and Ampuero, J. P.: The effects of 3D normal fault interactions in seismic cycles, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8447,, 2023.

EGU23-9857 | ECS | Posters on site | SM8.1

Propagation of SH waves in 2-D random media: from ballistic to diffusive behavior 

Malcon Celorio, Emmanuel Chaljub, Ludovic Margerin, and Laurent Stehly

Random inhomogeneities in the earth can highly influence the characteristics of propagating seismic waves. They exist at all scales and can become an important source of epistemic uncertainty in the ground motion estimation. Despite several works have evaluated these effects, few of them have verified the accuracy of their numerical solutions or controlled the propagation regime they were simulating. In this work we present a comprehensive study of SH wave propagation in 2D random media, which covers from ballistic to diffusive behaviors. In order to understand and identify the interaction of these regimes, we analyzed the coherent and incoherent components of the wavefield. The random media consist in correlated density and velocity fluctuations described by von Kármán autocorrelation function with a Hurst coefficient of 0.25 and a correlation length a=500 m. The Birch correlation coefficient which relates density to velocity fluctuations takes 4 possible values between 0.5 and 1, and the standard deviation of the perturbations is either 5% or 10%. Spectral element simulations of SH wave propagation excited by a plane wave are performed for normalized wavenumbers (ka) up to 5. By measuring the amplitude decay of the coherent wave we obtain the scattering attenuation, which is then compared with theoretical predictions from the mean field theory. Similarly, mean intensities from synthetic waveforms are also compared with those from radiative transfer theory. Both sets of comparisons show excellent agreement between numerical and theoretical predictions. Addionally, we perform statistical analyses on the fluctuations of the ballistic peak which exhibits a transition from log-normal to exponential distribution. These two types of distribution characterize the ballistic and diffusive behaviors, respectively, which means that after certain propagation distances the quasi-ballistic peak is composed mainly by multiply-diffused components. Such critical distance is of the order of the scattering mean free path and offers an alternative method to measure this parameter. Finally, we pay particular attention on the attenuation of the quasi-ballistic peak, which in the forward scattering regime appears to decay exponentially over a length scale known as the transport mean free path.

How to cite: Celorio, M., Chaljub, E., Margerin, L., and Stehly, L.: Propagation of SH waves in 2-D random media: from ballistic to diffusive behavior, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9857,, 2023.

EGU23-10800 | ECS | Orals | SM8.1

The 1934 Bihar-Nepal Earthquake – Simulation of Broadband Ground Motions and Estimation of Site Amplification 

Jahnabi Basu, Sreejaya kp, and Raghukanth stg

The 1934 Bihar-Nepal earthquake, one of the most catastrophic events ever to occur in the Himalayas, inflicted extensive devastation with reported MMI of IX-VI in the Kathmandu valley and the Indo-Gangetic (IG) basin. The earthquake triggered significant ground liquefaction and landslides as it occurred in the proximity of densely populated river basins causing a huge economic loss and over 15700 fatalities. However, it is unfortunate that there are no ground motion data available for the event, as it remained unrecorded due to a lack of instrumentation. Therefore, simulating ground motions for the 1934 Bihar-Nepal earthquake would provide new insights into the influence of regional characteristics on Himalayan earthquakes. However, incorporating the Himalayan topography and the IG basin in the ground motion simulation is very challenging. In contrast, proper validation of modeling of ground motions is difficult due to the unavailability of recorded data. To circumvent these challenges, we simulated broadband ground motions for the 2015 Nepal earthquake, another significant catastrophe that occurred in the same seismo-tectonic region in the Himalayas which provides a well-recorded database. For the 2015 Nepal earthquake, a thorough comparison of the recorded and simulated ground motion spectra reveals that the simulated ground motions are consistent with the recorded data in terms of amplitude, strong motion duration, and spectral ordinates. Therefore, we considered the same medium characteristics to simulate broadband seismograms for the 1934 Bihar-Nepal earthquake by combining deterministically generated low-frequency (LF) and stochastically simulated high-frequency (HF) ground motions. The HF accelerograms are generated by considering incident and azimuthal angles obtained from rays of P and S waves traced from the finite fault slip model to the station, passing through the regional layered stratified velocity model, free surface factors and energy partition factors (Otarola and Ruiz, 2016). For deterministic simulation, a 3D computational model (Sreejaya et al., 2022) for the study region of approximately 9°×7° (between 80°–89°E longitude and 23°-30°N latitude), incorporated with basin geometry, material properties, and topography of the region is embedded with the finite fault rupture model of the event to generate LF ground motions. For the finite fault source model, five samples with various spatial variability of the slip on the rupture plane are simulated as a random field (Mai and Beroza, 2000; 2002) using the seismic moment and fault dimensions provided by Pettanati et al. (2017). Ultimately, the broadband (0.01–25 Hz) ground motions are obtained at 6461 hypothetically gridded stations with a 0.1°×0.1° spacing by combining the suitably filtered LF and HF ground motions in the frequency domain with the target frequency of 0.3 Hz with a bandwidth up to 0.05 Hz. A systematic comparison of estimated MMI values (Iyengar and Raghukanth, 2003) and the observed MMI values at 459 sites revealed that the PGA between 0.25-0.6g is significant within 200 km of the epicentral distance. Thus, the results can be used for addressing the ground failure and liquefaction caused due to the earthquake and also find applications in seismic hazard assessment of the cities in the basin.

How to cite: Basu, J., kp, S., and stg, R.: The 1934 Bihar-Nepal Earthquake – Simulation of Broadband Ground Motions and Estimation of Site Amplification, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10800,, 2023.

EGU23-10831 | ECS | Orals | SM8.1

Do the statistical properties of aftershocks change in fluid-induced settings? 

Omid Khajehdehi and Joern Davidsen

Fluid-induced earthquakes are an adverse effect of industrial operations like hydraulic fracturing (e.g., 4.7 Mw in Alberta, Canada), and enhanced geothermal systems (e.g., 5.5 Mw in Pohang, South Korea). Identifying all underlying physical processes contributing to fluid-induced seismicity presents an open challenge. Recent work reports signatures of event-event triggering or aftershocks --- common for tectonic settings --- within the context of fluid-induced seismicity. In particular, the statistical properties including the productivity relation and the Omori-Utsu relation appear to hold for fluid-induced seismicity as well. Here, we investigate the underlying potential cause of these field observations from a modelling perspective. By extending a novel conceptual model by integrating (non-)linear viscoelastic effects with a combination of fluid diffusion and invasion percolation associated with a point source, we are able to capture the essential characteristics of crustal rheology and stress interactions in a porous medium. We show that this gives rise to realistic aftershock behaviour with statistical properties indistinguishable from the case of seismicity resulting from tectonic loading. This is even true if the loading due to fluid injections occurs at time scales much faster than the tectonic loading. In our model framework, such tectonic loading can be mimicked by a spatially uniform drive replacing the point source of the fluid injection and its propagation to initiate slips and earthquakes. This indicates that the emergence of the Omori-Utsu relation is independent of how the system is loaded or driven and it is indeed only controlled by the viscoelasticity of the medium. Similarly, the scaling exponent of the productivity relation --- which quantifies how the number of aftershocks increases with the magnitude of the main shock --- is independent of how the system is driven. At the same time, the spatial footprint of fluid-induced events and its dependence on the permeability field are primarily unaltered by the presence of aftershocks. Finally, within our model framework, we systematically investigate the impact of varying fluid injection rates during the viscoelastic stress redistribution on the detection of aftershocks and event-event triggering sequences. When the injection rate is sufficiently high, the aftershock detection and recovery of the Omori-Utsu and productivity relations is only feasible when the internal stress redistribution is directly accessible. 

How to cite: Khajehdehi, O. and Davidsen, J.: Do the statistical properties of aftershocks change in fluid-induced settings?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10831,, 2023.

Both numerical simulations and observational pieces of evidence suggest that the earthquake triggering mechanism depends non-linearly on time. The rate and state friction (RSF) demonstrate these dependencies with a changing weight of healing and weakening terms during its state's evolution. A clock advance due to a nearby rupture using the RSF models either agrees well with the Coulomb's static failure during the fault healing stage or becomes highly susceptible to velocity changes when the failure is imminent. Here we aim to formulate an analytical relation for earthquake triggering effects on nearby faults using transient signals. The dynamic mechanical weakening on the fault interface is quantified as a function of a transient oscillatory signal's peak ground velocity (PGV) and peak spectral frequency (PSF), elastic properties of the fault, and different state weakening terms. So far, the tested numerical simulations show a good agreement with our proposed analytical approach. As a case study, nearby seismic waveforms recorded during the M6.4 (04.07.2019) event that preceded the larger  M7.1 (06.07.2019) Ridgecrest earthquake are used to calculate mechanical weakening, which correlates well with the computed PGV values attenuating with distance. The results support that if inadequate instrumentation exists, those dynamic weakening effects can be approximated empirically using the source parameter of the triggering event as a function of distance and directivity. Derivation of this analytical relation with additional verifications from numerical simulations will contribute to simultaneously including dynamic and static effects. This may lead to a more realistic estimation of increased seismic risk on nearby faults after an earthquake.  

How to cite: Sopacı, E. and Özacar, A. A.: Transient signal-based quantification of earthquake triggering effects on nearby faults using rate and state friction, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11198,, 2023.

An M6.8 earthquake occurred in Luding, Sichuan province, China on September 5, 2022. Since towns and villages in the earthquake-stricken area are densely populated, the earthquake caused severe fatalities and economic losses. Rapid estimation of earthquake intensity and disaster losses is significantly important for post-earthquake emergency rescue, scientific anti-seismic deployment, and the reduction of casualties and financial losses. Therefore, we make a preliminary rapid estimation of the earthquake intensity and disaster losses in the aftermath of the Luding earthquake. The seismic intensity represents the distribution of earthquake disasters and the degree of ground damages and can be directly converted from the peak acceleration velocity (PGV) map. To obtain a reliable PGV distribution map of this earthquake, we combined the finite-fault model constrained by seismic observations, with the complex three-dimensional (3D) geological environment and topographical features to perform strong ground motion simulation. Then, we compared the consistency between the simulated ground motion waveforms and observations, indicating the plausibility and reliability of simulations. In addition, we transformed the PGV simulation results into intensity and obtained a physics-based map of the intensity distribution of the Luding earthquake. The maximum simulated intensity of this earthquake is IX, which is consistent with the maximum intensity determined from the post-earthquake field survey. Based on the simulated seismic intensity map of the Luding earthquake and the earthquake disaster loss estimation model, we rapidly estimated the death and economic losses caused by this earthquake. The estimation results show that the death toll caused by this earthquake is most probably in the range of 50-300, with a mathematic expectation of 89 The government should launch a Level II earthquake emergency response plan. The economic losses are likely to be in the range of 10-100 billion RMB, with a mathematical expectation of 23.205 billion RMB. Such seismic intensity simulations and rapid estimation of disaster losses are expected to provide a preliminary scientific reference for governments to carry out the targeted deployment of emergency rescue and post-disaster reconstruction.

How to cite: Wang, W. and Zhang, Z.: Rapid Estimation of Disaster Losses by Physics-based Simulation for the M6.8 Luding Earthquake on September 5, 2022, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11250,, 2023.

EGU23-11710 | Orals | SM8.1

Deterministic and Stochastic Chaos characterise Laboratory Earthquakes 

Adriano Gualandi, Davide Faranda, Chris Marone, Massimo Cocco, and Gianmarco Mengaldo

We analyze frictional motion for a laboratory fault as it passes through the stability transition from stable sliding to unstable motion. We study frictional stick-slip events, which are the lab equivalent of earthquakes, via dynamical system tools in order to retrieve information on the underlying dynamics and to assess whether there are dynamical changes associated with the transition from stable to unstable motion. We find that the lab seismic cycles exhibit characteristics of a low-dimensional system with average dimension similar to that of natural slow earthquakes (<5). We also investigate local properties of the attractor and find maximum instantaneous dimension >10, indicating that some regions of the phase space require a high number of degrees of freedom (dofs). Our analysis does not preclude deterministic chaos, but the lab seismic cycle is best explained by a random attractor based on rate- and state-dependent friction whose dynamics is stochastically perturbed. We find that minimal variations of 0.05% of the shear and normal stresses applied to the experimental fault influence the large-scale dynamics and the recurrence time of labquakes. While complicated motion including period doubling is observed near the stability transition, even in the fully unstable regime we do not observe truly periodic behavior. Friction's nonlinear nature amplifies small scale perturbations, reducing the predictability of the otherwise periodic macroscopic dynamics. As applied to tectonic faults, our results imply that even small stress field fluctuations (less or about 150 kPa) can induce coefficient of variations in earthquake repeat time of a few percent. Moreover, these perturbations can drive an otherwise fast-slipping fault, close to the critical stability condition, into a mixed behavior involving slow and fast ruptures.

How to cite: Gualandi, A., Faranda, D., Marone, C., Cocco, M., and Mengaldo, G.: Deterministic and Stochastic Chaos characterise Laboratory Earthquakes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11710,, 2023.

EGU23-11827 | ECS | Posters on site | SM8.1

The role of frictional heterogeneities, stress-state and fluid flow on fault slip behavior during fluid pressure perturbations. 

Silvio Pardo, Elisa Tinti, Martijn van den Ende, Jean-Paul Ampuero, and Cristiano Collettini

In the last 15 years, activities for geo-energy production are associated to subsurface fluid injection in enhanced geothermal systems,  for enhanced oil recovery, for the disposal of wastewater or for carbon dioxide capture and storage. In several regions, M>3 earthquakes occurred following fluid injection, and some of these earthquakes have caused extensive damage, putting geo-energy production projects at risk of being discontinued. Evaluating the conditions under which fluid injection can induce earthquakes is therefore important to safeguard local infrastructures and to ensure continuity of geo-energy projects.  

To shed light on the effect of fluid injection on a fault located in the proximity of a reservoir, we implemented into the Q-DYN seismic cycle simulator the fluid diffusion equation (one-way coupling). We ran models of seismic cycles on a rate-and-state-dependent fault under a quasi-dynamic approximation, and we developed a systematic study to assess how fault frictional heterogeneities, the stress state of the fault upon injection, the timing of injection relative to the phase of the seismic cycle and factors controlling fluid flow, i.e. permeability, porosity, flow-rate, influence fault slip behavior and earthquake magnitude. 

Our results show that localized pore-pressure perturbations allow us to gain deeper physical insight into the propagation and arrest of earthquake ruptures and that changes in the fault physical properties can promote a spectrum of fault slip behavior and recorded magnitudes.

How to cite: Pardo, S., Tinti, E., van den Ende, M., Ampuero, J.-P., and Collettini, C.: The role of frictional heterogeneities, stress-state and fluid flow on fault slip behavior during fluid pressure perturbations., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11827,, 2023.

EGU23-11928 | ECS | Orals | SM8.1

Moment vs local magnitude scaling of small-to-moderate earthquakes from seismic moment estimation of 10 years (2009-2018) of Italian seismicity 

Mariano Supino, Lauro Chiaraluce, Raffaele Di Stefano, Barbara Castello, and Maddalena Michele

We computed moment (Mw) and local magnitude (ML) of about 250,000 earthquakes occurred in Italy from 2009 to 2018 and recorded at seismic stations of the Italian National Network managed by INGV.

For moment magnitude computation, we start from raw velocity waveforms and invert the displacement spectra of more than 2,000,000 S-waves manually picked. We use the probabilistic method of Supino et al. [2019] to estimate the a-posteriori joint probability density function of the source parameters: seismic moment M0, corner frequency fc and high-frequency decay γ. Mw is obtained from M0 using the Kanamori [1977] equation.

We start from the same waveforms to compute local magnitude using two designed on purpose codes, PyAmp and PyML [Di Stefano et al., 2023], and an attenuation law specific for the Italian region, Di Bona et al. [2016], obtaining ML values characterized by quality and homogeneity.

Both magnitude catalogs can be reproduced due to the availability in open databases of all the input and output parameters used for processing.

We observe a self-similar scaling between fc and M0 for Mw larger than ~2.0. For smaller magnitudes, S-wave spectra show an almost constant corner frequency (~10 Hz), which does not scale with the earthquake source (seismic moment). We interpret this as the constant cut-off frequency of the anelastic attenuation, which acts as a low-pass filter and produces an apparent corner frequency. The latter is lower than expected, and corresponds to an apparent larger source duration.

Because of the conservation of total displacement integral after a low-pass filtering, signals must exhibit a maximum amplitude lower than expected to “compensate” the apparent larger source duration. ML values are therefore expected to be underestimated while moment magnitudes, by definition, are not affected by this as they are proportional to the displacement integral.

Coherently, the comparison of our Mw and ML estimates shows the systematic underestimation of ML with respect to Mw for small magnitude events. The deviation from a 1:1 scaling relationship between ML and Mw overlaps the magnitude range where the constant apparent corner frequency arises in the M0-fc scaling (ML <~ 2).

Regarding the upcoming of a new generation of earthquake catalogs characterized by very low completeness magnitudes (MC << 2), our results suggest that a robust analysis of the statistical features of these catalogs (e.g., event size distribution) should consider the use of a precise magnitude estimate such as Mw instead of ML.

How to cite: Supino, M., Chiaraluce, L., Di Stefano, R., Castello, B., and Michele, M.: Moment vs local magnitude scaling of small-to-moderate earthquakes from seismic moment estimation of 10 years (2009-2018) of Italian seismicity, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11928,, 2023.

Ground motion prediction equations (GMPE) are traditionally used in site specific seismic hazard analysis to obtain design response spectra. These equations are obtained by regression analysis on the available strong motion data in a given tectonic and geological region. Assuming ergodicity regional GMPE are routinely used in site-specific probabilistic seismic hazard analysis. Since these empirical equations are region specific, However the obtained seismic hazard curves are not specific to the site. Due to lack of data for all possible combinations of magnitude and distances, development of site-specific GMPE is not possible in the near future. The only way to develop a site-specific GMPE is through numerical models. Given a 3D velocity structure, topography and source information these models can simulate site-specific ground motion. Once calibrated with the recorded strong motion data, numerical models can be used to simulate ensemble of ground motions by including the uncertainty in the slip models. In regions lacking strong motion data, these models have an additional advantage compared to GMPE. In the present study, an broad band simulation model is developed for a typical site in peninsular India. Spectral finite element method (SPECFEM) is used to simulate the low frequency ground motion by incorporating the 3D velocity structure in the medium. The high frequency ground motion is simulated from the stochastic seismological model (Otarola and Ruiz, 2016). Statistical kinematic rupture model is used to represent the earthquake source (Dhanya and Raghukanth 2018). The rupture length, width and correlation lengths of the random field are estimated from magnitude. Assuming the phase as random, a total of 30 rupture models are simulated for each magnitude. An ensemble of ground motions is simulated at the site for various possible combination of faults and magnitudes in a region around 500 km from the site. The simulated low-frequency and high-frequency ground motions are combined in the frequency domain to obtained broad band ground motions (0-100 Hz). The mean and standard deviation of the response spectra are estimated from these simulated motions for all possible combinations of magnitudes and distances at the given site. Further, probabilistic seismic hazard analysis is carried out using the simulated data to obtain hazard curves for spectral accelerations at various natural periods. Uniform hazard response spectra (UHRS) for 475yr and 2475 yr is obtained from the hazard analysis. A comparison with traditional hazard analysis using region specific GMPE is also presented. It is observed GMPE based UHRS show a smooth trend compared with site-specific UHRS obtained from broad band models. The PGA values obtained from physics based model are slightly higher than that obtained from GMPE based PSHA.

How to cite: Stg, R.: Physics based ground motion model in seismic hazard assessment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12317,, 2023.

EGU23-12897 | ECS | Posters on site | SM8.1

Resolving Hydro-Mechanical Earthquake Cycles with a GPU-based Accelerated Pseudo-Transient Solver 

You Wu, Luca Dal Zilio, Albert De Monserrat, and the Bedretto Team

Modeling earthquake source processes is a multi-physics and multi-scale endeavor that tightly links several disciplines, including seismology, numerical computing, continuum mechanics, materials science, and engineering. In particular, incorporating the full range of coupled mechanisms, including complex fault geometries, off-fault inelastic processes, realistic shear-layer response, and fluid effects, brings significant programming and computational challenges. Furthermore, the development of highly efficient, robust and scalable numerical algorithms lags behind the rapid increase in massive parallelism of modern hardware. To address this challenge, we present a physically motivated derivation of coupled solid-fluid interactions on faults using an innovative accelerated pseudo-transient (PT) iterative method. The general approach involves transforming a time-independent problem into an evolution problem, which allows us to utilize the benefits of the Method-of-Lines (MOL) approach with the accelerated PT method. Additionally, we provide an efficient numerical implementation of PT solvers on graphics processing units (GPUs) using the Julia programming language. Julia solves the “two-language problem”, where developers who write scientific software can achieve desired performance, without sacrificing productivity. As a result, this enables us to develop high-performance code for massively parallel hardware with modern GPU-accelerated supercomputers, without requiring architecture-specific code. We aim to unveil preliminary results on the application of PT solvers to fully compressible poro-visco-elasto-plastic media, wave-mediated fully dynamic effects, rate-and-state dependent friction, and an adaptive time stepping to resolve both long- and short-time scales, ranging from years to milliseconds during the dynamic propagation of dynamic rupture. Our work can contribute to a better understanding of the accelerated PT method and its potential for facilitating the implementation of various numerical models in the field of computational earthquake physics. 

How to cite: Wu, Y., Dal Zilio, L., De Monserrat, A., and Team, T. B.: Resolving Hydro-Mechanical Earthquake Cycles with a GPU-based Accelerated Pseudo-Transient Solver, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12897,, 2023.

EGU23-13098 | ECS | Orals | SM8.1

Simulations of ground motion in the Tehran basin based on newly developed 3D velocity model 

Saeed Soltani, Cecile Cornou, Bertrand Guillier, and Ebrahim Haghshenas

Tehran urban area serves as the main hub for economic and social activities in Iran. The city is located on a sedimentary basin including faults and folds, and thus it is vulnerable to large site effects. Analysis of earthquakes recorded by a temporary seismological network has approved a large amplification of seismic ground motion (about 4 to 8) over a broad frequency range.

In order to better understand and predict the effects of the geometry and mechanical properties on surface ground motions, we developed a 3D shear-wave velocity model of Tehran by integrating extensive geophysical surveys including almost 600 single station measurements and 33 ambient vibrations arrays, with geotechnical and geological data. This 3D model shows that the bedrock depth varies between 100 and 900 meters with a general increasing depth from N-NE toward the S-SW. Also, there are two main velocity layers in the basin. A surface layer, which drops from 950 m/s to 600 m/s from NE to SW and a deeper layer with Vs up to 1300 m/s.

We then used the open-source spectral-element code, EfiSpec3D (DiMartin et al., 2011), to simulate ground motion by this new sedimentary basin model at the defined 50*50 kilometers tilted square simulation block up to the maximum target frequency of 2 Hz. The source time function is a 2-Hz lowpass filtered Dirac impulse injected from the defined z-plane at 5 km depth.

The results reveal a good correlation between real and simulated earthquake ground motion by the comparison between experimental and synthetic standard spectral ratios (SSR). The results also reproduced the experimental H/V frequency peaks over the basin relatively well and suggest that 3D geometry always should be considered for an accurate estimation of realistic basin response.

How to cite: Soltani, S., Cornou, C., Guillier, B., and Haghshenas, E.: Simulations of ground motion in the Tehran basin based on newly developed 3D velocity model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13098,, 2023.

The model discretization by the grid points has a great influence on the accuracy of the finite-difference seismic waveform simulation. Discretizing the discontinuous velocity model by the medium parameters of local points will lead to artefacts diffraction from stair-step representation and the inaccuracy of the calculated waveforms due to the interface error. To accurately represent layered models and reduce the interface error of finite-difference calculation, many equivalent medium parametrization methods have been developed in recent years. Most of these methods are developed for the fourth-order staggered-grid scheme and may not be accurate enough for coarse grids when applying higher-order and optimized schemes.

In this work, we develop a tilted transversely isotropic equivalent medium parametrization method to suppress the interface error and the artefact diffraction caused by the staircase approximation under the application of coarse grids. We also present an efficient algorithm for implementing equivalent medium parameterization methods for complex layered models.

How to cite: Jiang, L. and Zhang, W.: A discrete representation and the implementation for the finite-difference seismic waveform simulation with coarse grid, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13217,, 2023.

EGU23-13574 | ECS | Orals | SM8.1

Evidence of frequency-dependent directivity effects from non-ergodic ground motion modelling of Spectral Acceleration in Central Italy 

Leonardo Colavitti, Giovanni Lanzano, Sara Sgobba, Francesca Pacor, and František Gallovič

Rupture directivity and its potential frequency dependence is an open issue in the seismological community, especially for small-to-moderate earthquake. Directivity itself is the focusing of the radiated seismic wave energy due to the rupture propagation along the direction of the fault.

In this research, we calibrate a non-ergodic ground motion model for the ordinates of the 5% acceleration response spectra (computation interval 0.04-2 sec) and we analyse, earthquake by earthquake, the azimuthal dependence of the aleatory component, i.e. the residual terms corrected for systematic source, site and path contributions. The final aim is the calibration of a prediction model including directivity effects that can be used for engineering purposes such as seismic hazard assessment and shaking scenarios generation.

The study area is the Central Italy, which was affected by several seismic sequences in the last 20 years, occurred on normal fault systems. The dataset we used is composed by almost 300,000 seismic recordings of 456 earthquakes in the magnitude range from 3.4 to 6.5 within the time frame 2008-2018. We find that about one-third of the analysed events are directive, characterized by unilateral ruptures along the Apennine faults direction.

Directivity effects occur over a wide frequency band and can be described by spectral curves peaked in different frequency ranges according to the event magnitude: the stronger the earthquake, the lower the frequency at which these effects are visible. Vice versa, we find no correlation between the amplitude of such peaks and the events magnitude. When normalized to the peak, the directivity curves can be grouped into families characterized by similar amplification trends variable with frequency, with the exception of 16 events, which we classify as "super-directive", that differ markedly from the others generating broadband amplifications.

Preliminary results suggest that is possible to obtain similar shapes of directivity curves for defined frequency families and that they can consequently be modeled for non-ergodic ground motion model and predictive shaking scenarios.

How to cite: Colavitti, L., Lanzano, G., Sgobba, S., Pacor, F., and Gallovič, F.: Evidence of frequency-dependent directivity effects from non-ergodic ground motion modelling of Spectral Acceleration in Central Italy, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13574,, 2023.

EGU23-13815 | ECS | Posters on site | SM8.1

Numerical modeling of fault and rupture co-evolution using a damage-breakage rheology with granular rate-and-state friction 

Casper Pranger, Dave May, Ludovic Raess, Yehuda Ben-Zion, and Alice-Agnes Gabriel

A recently developed continuum formulation of rate and state friction (Pranger et al., 2022) treats fault friction as an internal flow process in a granular medium, instead of its conventional treatment as a sliding process on a surface between juxtaposed rocks. The spurious mesh dependency that is typically associated with strain softening rheologies is avoided by including a diffusion process with an associated diffusion length scale.

We show that this granular rate and state friction law can be understood as a flow involving the breakage component of the damage-breakage rheology (DBR) of Lyakhovsky and Ben Zion (2014a,b). Modeling the episodic transitions from local damage accumulation in the solid to the fluid-like granular flow phase during larger collective failure events, the DBR is both significantly broader in scope and better grounded in the thermodynamic theory of irreversible processes than the phenomenological rate and state friction law.

A promising next step is to consider the damage and breakage components simultaneously in coupled continuum models of fault and rupture co-evolution. Doing so at sufficient resolution requires highly performant algorithms and a specialized numerical treatment of the coupled non-linear partial differential equations, including a robust time integration scheme with adaptive step size control and a flexible implicit-explicit split. We aim to discuss our numerical methods and computing paradigms supported by proof-of-concept modeling results of interacting damage and breakage pulses in 2D.

Pranger et al. (2022), Rate and state friction as a spatially regularized transient viscous flow law. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 127, e2021JB023511.
Lyakhovsky and Ben-Zion (2014a), Damage–breakage rheology model and solid-granular transition near brittle instability. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 64, 184-197.
Lyakhovsky and Ben-Zion (2014b), A Continuum Damage–Breakage Faulting Model and Solid-Granular Transitions. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 171, 3099–3123

How to cite: Pranger, C., May, D., Raess, L., Ben-Zion, Y., and Gabriel, A.-A.: Numerical modeling of fault and rupture co-evolution using a damage-breakage rheology with granular rate-and-state friction, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13815,, 2023.

EGU23-13982 | Posters virtual | SM8.1

Effect of 3D Topography on Physics-Based Earthquake Ground Motion characteristics. 

Vishal Vats, Lav Joshi, and Jay Prakash Narayan

This paper presents the effects of 3D conical topography on the pseudo-dynamically simulated ground motion characteristics. The simulation of pseudo-dynamic ground motion has been carried out using a fourth-order accurate staggered-grid time-domain 3D finite-difference method. In the case of numerical simulations, the radiation of seismic energy from the rupture plane as per Brune’s model as well as avoiding the coherency effects is a challenging job for the simulators. The randomization of slip, rise-time, and peak-time of the source time function and the rupture arrival time, as well as the incorporation of fault-roughness and damage zone, play important roles in seismic energy release from the rupture plane as well as in the reduction of currency effects on the high-frequency seismic radiations. Firstly, the ground motions have been simulated for a hypothetical strike-slip Mw 6.0 earthquake. The efficacy of the presented code has been validated with a good match of the computed average pseudo-spectral acceleration (PSA) using the simulated ground motion with that obtained using NGA-West2 GMPEs in the frequency range 0.1–5.0 Hz. The code has been able to correctly incorporate the rupture directivity effect. Further, the effect of 3D conical topography has been estimated with azimuthal coverage of receivers. The effect of the direction of the source on the topographic amplification has also been estimated. It has been observed that topography plays an important role in the amplification of earthquake ground motion. Also, the direction of the source plays an important role in estimating the pattern of topographic amplification.

How to cite: Vats, V., Joshi, L., and Narayan, J. P.: Effect of 3D Topography on Physics-Based Earthquake Ground Motion characteristics., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13982,, 2023.

EGU23-14252 | ECS | Posters on site | SM8.1

Hamiltonian Monte Carlo Method and Symplectic Geometry 

Feyza Öztürk, Çağrı Diner, and Tevfik Mustafa Aktar

Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) method is an application of non-Euclidean geometry to inverse problems. It is a probabilistic sampling method with the basis of Hamiltonian dynamics. One of the main advantages of the HMC algorithm is to draw independent samples from the state space with a higher acceptance rate than other MCMC methods. In order to understand how a higher acceptance rate is achieved, I have studied HMC in the light of symplectic geometry. Hamiltonian dynamics is defined on the phase space (cotangent bundle), which has a natural symplectic structure, i.e. a differential two-form that is non-degenerate and closed.

Symplectic geometry lies at the very foundations of physics: Geometry is the method of abstracting the solutions of physical phenomena. Once the use of phase space in the solutions of mechanical systems (e.g. simple harmonic motion, or ray-tracing) is abstracted via geometry, then it can be used in other branches such as optimization problems (e.g. Hamiltonian Monte Carlo). I present two different applications of symplectic geometry: Ray-tracing and Hamiltonian Monte Carlo.

First, the Hamiltonian function is defined on the phase space, which corresponds to an invariant of the system (e.g. total energy for the HMC method and wavefront normal for ray-tracing problem), and then by using the non-degeneracy property, a vector field can be found in which Hamiltonian function is invariant along the integral curves of the field. The invariance of the Hamiltonian function results in a high acceptance rate, where we apply the accept-reject test to satisfy the detailed-balance property.

After describing the concept of phase space for both mechanical systems and optimization problems, I am going to show different applications of HMC, including 2-dimensional travel-time tomography on a synthetic complex velocity structure. 

How to cite: Öztürk, F., Diner, Ç., and Aktar, T. M.: Hamiltonian Monte Carlo Method and Symplectic Geometry, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14252,, 2023.

EGU23-14727 | Orals | SM8.1

Fast Boundary Element Methods for fault mechanics and earthquake control 

Laura Bagur, Stéphanie Chaillat, Jean-François Semblat, Ioannis Stefanou, and Pierre Romanet

Earthquakes due to either natural or anthropogenic sources cause important human and material damage. In both cases, the presence of pore fluid influence the triggering of seismic instabilities. Preliminary results, done in the context of the European Research Council CoQuake’s project (, show that the earthquake instability could be avoided by active control of the fluid pressure [Stefanou, (2019)].
In this contribution, we propose to study the ability of Fast Boundary Element Methods (Fast BEMs) [Chaillat and Bonnet (2013)] to provide a multi-physic large-scale robust model required for modeling earthquake processes, pore-fluid-induced seismicity and their control.
The main challenges concern:

  •  the modelling of a realistic on-fault behaviour as well as hydro-mechanical couplings;
  • the extension of Fast Boundary Element methods to fault mechanic problems incorporating the effect of fluid injection of the on-fault behaviour;
  • the simulation of both small and large time scales corresponding to earthquakes and fluid diffusion respectively by using a single advance in time algorithm.

The main methods used for numerical modeling of earthquake ruptures at a planar interface between two elastic half-spaces are spectral BEMs as in [Lapusta and al. (2000)]. As a first step, we consider this method for a simple problem in crustal faulting. A rate-and-state friction law is considered and different adaptive time stepping algorithms inspired from the literature are tested to take into account both small and large time scales with the correct resolution in time. These solving methods are compared on different benchmarks and convergence studies are conducted on each of them.
Then, poroelastodynamic effects are considered. To this aim, a dimensional analysis of generic poroelastodynamic equations [Schanz (2009)] is performed. It allows determining which of the poroelastodynamics effects are predominant depending on the observation time of the fault. The obtained equations corroborate and justify simplified multiphysics models from the literature, for example [Heimisson and al. (2021)]. A first multi-physics test using Fast BEMs to solve a simplified crustal faulting problem with fluid injection is considered. The objective of this project is to provide a viable efficient tool to explore the advantages and limitations of novel strategies of earthquake control using fluid injection to drive the fault from an unstable state of high potential energy to a stable state of lower potential energy.


S. Chaillat, M. Bonnet. Recent advances on the fast multipole accelerated boundary element method for 3D time-harmonic elastodynamics, Wave Motion, 1090-1104, 2013
E. R. Heimisson, J. Rudnicki, N. Lapusta. Dilatancy and Compaction of a Rate-and-State Fault in a Poroelastic Medium: Linearized Stability Analysis., Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126(8), 2021
N. Lapusta, J. Rice and al.. Elastodynamic analysis for slow tectonic loading with spontaneous rupture episodes on faults with rate- and state-dependent friction, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 23765-23789, 2000.
M. Schanz. Poroelastodynamics: Linear Models, Analytical Solutions, and Numerical Methods., Applied Mechanics Reviews, 62(3)., 2009.
I. Stefanou. Controlling Anthropogenic and Natural Seismicity: Insights From Active Stabilization of the Spring‐Slider Model, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 8786-8802, 2019.

How to cite: Bagur, L., Chaillat, S., Semblat, J.-F., Stefanou, I., and Romanet, P.: Fast Boundary Element Methods for fault mechanics and earthquake control, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14727,, 2023.

Large-scale and high-resolution earthquake simulations are very significant to earthquake hazard evaluation and exploration seismology. However, high-resolution earthquake simulations require large computing and storage resources, which increase the economic cost of computing. Compared with single-precision floating-point numbers (FP32), half-precision floating-point numbers (FP16) have faster calculation speed and lower storage requirements, which have been applied to computing platforms such as Nvidia GPUs, Sunway series supercomputers, and Ascend processors. However, the stored range of FP16 is very narrow, and numerical overflow or underflow may occur during the calculations. Therefore, in order to solve the wave equations stably, we introduce two scaling factors Cv and Cs, and rescale physical quantities to the range of the stored values of FP16. Thus, we derive new equations, which can be calculated with FP16. Based on half-precision floating-point arithmetic operations, we develop a multi-GPU earthquake simulation solver using the curved grid finite-difference method (CGFDM). Moreover, we perform several simulations and compare the seismograms with the standard CGFDM to verify the solver. Consequently, the calculation efficiency is remarkably improved, and the memory usage is reduced to 1/2.

How to cite: Wan, J., Wang, W., and Zhang, Z.: The optimization with half-precision floating-point numbers for 3-D seismic simulation based on the curved grid finite-difference method, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15141,, 2023.

EGU23-17013 | ECS | Posters on site | SM8.1

Physics-Based Ground Motion Simulations Using Kinematic and Dynamic Sources: A Case Study of the 2020 Mw 6.8 Elaziğ, Turkey Earthquake 

Zhongqiu He, Wenqiang Wang, Zhenguo Zhang, Zijia Wang, and Yuhao Gu

Physics-based 3D numerical simulations for earthquake rupture dynamics and ground motion simulations capable of incorporating complex non-planar fault systems, rough surface topography and the heterogeneous structure of the media are playing an increasingly role in the study of the earthquake physics and earthquake engineering. Recent advances in high-performance computing allow deterministic 3D regional-scale broadband ground motion simulations to resolve frequencies up to 10 Hz (e.g., Heinecke et al., 2014; Zhang et al., 2019; Rodgers et al., 2020; Pitarka et al., 2021). Such simulations commonly assume kinematic or dynamic rupture sources. However, systematic analysis of the effects of kinematic and dynamic rupture sources on simulations is lacking. In this work, we first resolve the kinematic rupture model of the 2020 Mw 6.8 Elaziğ, Turkey earthquake from near-field seismic and InSAR observations. We then conduct dynamic rupture scenarios that aim to reproduce the slip characteristics of the preferred kinematic model and to assess its mechanical viability. The curved grid finite-difference method (CG-FDM) is adopted to implement dynamic rupture simulations on complex non-planar fault (Zhang Z. et al., 2014; Zhang W. et al., 2020). The heterogeneous initial stresses are generate from the projection of regional tectonic stress field and the modification of static stress drop calculated from the kinematic model. Ground motion using physics-based numerical methods that consider 3D complexities in topography, medium and source is simulated on the CGFDM3D-EQR platform (Wang et al., 2022). Our result indicates that dynamic source with heterogeneity is an important factor for physics-based seismic hazard assessment.



Heinecke, A., Breuer, A., Rettenberger, S., Bader, M., Gabriel, A. A., Pelties, C., ... & Dubey, P. (2014, November). Petascale high order dynamic rupture earthquake simulations on heterogeneous supercomputers. In SC'14: Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (pp. 3-14). IEEE.

Pitarka, A., Akinci, A., De Gori, P., & Buttinelli, M. (2022). Deterministic 3D Ground‐Motion Simulations (0–5 Hz) and Surface Topography Effects of the 30 October 2016 M w 6.5 Norcia, Italy, Earthquake. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 112(1), 262-286.

Rodgers, A. J., Pitarka, A., Pankajakshan, R., Sjögreen, B., & Petersson, N. A. (2020). Regional‐Scale 3D ground‐motion simulations of Mw 7 earthquakes on the Hayward fault, northern California resolving frequencies 0–10 Hz and including site‐response corrections. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 110(6), 2862-2881.

Wang, W., Zhang, Z., Zhang, W., Yu, H., Liu, Q., Zhang, W., & Chen, X. (2022). CGFDM3D‐EQR: A Platform for Rapid Response to Earthquake Disasters in 3D Complex Media. Seismological Research Letters, 93 (4): 2320-2334.

Zhang, W., Zhang, Z., Fu, H., Li, Z., & Chen, X. (2019). Importance of spatial resolution in ground motion simulations with 3‐D basins: An example using the Tangshan earthquake. Geophysical Research Letters, 46(21), 11915-11924.

Zhang, W., Zhang, Z., Li, M., & Chen, X. (2020). GPU implementation of curved-grid finite-difference modelling for non-planar rupture dynamics. Geophysical Journal International, 222(3), 2121-2135.

Zhang, Z., Zhang, W., & Chen, X. (2014). Three-dimensional curved grid finite-difference modelling for non-planar rupture dynamics. Geophysical Journal International, 199(2), 860-879.

How to cite: He, Z., Wang, W., Zhang, Z., Wang, Z., and Gu, Y.: Physics-Based Ground Motion Simulations Using Kinematic and Dynamic Sources: A Case Study of the 2020 Mw 6.8 Elaziğ, Turkey Earthquake, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17013,, 2023.

NH5 – Sea & Ocean Hazards

EGU23-189 | ECS | Posters on site | NH5.1

How are Singapore and the rest of Southeast Asia affected by tsunami from the Manila Trench? 

Elaine Tan, Linlin Li, Qiang Qiu, Constance Ting Chua, Masashi Watanabe, and Adam Switzer

The 2004 Indian Ocean, 2010 Chile and 2011 Tohoku-Oki tsunami events have demonstrated the destructiveness of tsunami to both near and far-field communities. Globally, many coastal cities have started to place more emphasis on preparing for these rare but potentially catastrophic events by developing probabilistic tsunami hazard assessments (PTHAs). Previous work in the region has identified the Manila Trench to be a potential tsunami source within the South China Sea. Here we model the wave propagations from heterogeneous fault slips, for magnitudes ranging from 7.4 to 8.4, along the southern segment of the Manila Trench, and develop hazard curves for 52 sites in equatorial Southeast Asia. Our results show that the hazard, based on wave heights and arrival times, is variable on both the regional and local scales. Amongst the Southeast Asian countries studied, the Philippines and Vietnam are identified to be most at risk, with high mean peak nearshore amplitudes and short wave travel times. The least impacted countries include Singapore, western Malaysia, Indonesia (excluding the Natuna Islands), Thailand and Cambodia. Although the hazard for Singapore appears to be low, tides and wave run-up are not accounted for in this regional study. To address this we re-model the worst-case scenario adjusting for the highest astronomical tides and bottom friction. Our preliminary results show that Singapore can experience maximum wave heights up to 0.15 m. The relatively low wave heights yield low maximum inundation distances and suggest that the tsunamigenic hazard in Singapore is low. Hazard from tsunami currents, however, remains undetermined at this stage.

How to cite: Tan, E., Li, L., Qiu, Q., Chua, C. T., Watanabe, M., and Switzer, A.: How are Singapore and the rest of Southeast Asia affected by tsunami from the Manila Trench?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-189,, 2023.

EGU23-506 | ECS | Orals | NH5.1

A meteotsunami in the north Indian Ocean triggered by Hunga Tonga volcanic eruption. 

Anup Nambiathody, Vijith Vijayakumaran, Rohith Balakrishnan, Sreeraj Puthiyadath, Linta Rose, Arjun Sabu, Sudeep Kumar B L, Krishnamohan Krishnapillai Sukumarapillai, Sunil Anakuzhikkal Sudarsanan, and Sunil Poikayil Sukumaran

The Hunga Tonga Volcano in the southwest Pacific islands of Tonga erupted in January 2022. The massive explosion resulted in the generation of Lamb waves that propagated globally with a speed of ~ 300m/s and generated a tsunami that has affected numerous Pacific countries. In this study, we use observations and a numerical model to show the impact of this volcanic eruption on the Indian coastline. The Lamb wave took roughly 10 to 11 hours to reach the Indian coast, as observed in atmospheric pressure at mean sea level. Further, the signatures of high-frequency sea-level perturbations were observed from coastal tide-gauge networks along the Indian coastline. Our analysis shows that sea-level oscillations with considerable amplitude (10-20 cm) were observed along the Indian coastline during this period. The predominant frequency and amplitude, and oscillation were different at different locations. Further, an asymmetry between east and west coast stations was observed in the nature of high-frequency oscillations forced by the Hunga Tonga volcanic eruption. Finally, a numerical model was utilised to demonstrate how topography contributes to the observed sea-level disturbances. The model simulations imply that bathymetry is crucial to the observed sea-level variability. Thus, a 12000 km away event has significantly impacted the sea level along the Indian coastline. This work paves the way for understanding the importance of high-frequency variabilities along the Indian coastline and discusses the necessity to enhance the capability of our early warning systems by incorporating these variabilities.

How to cite: Nambiathody, A., Vijayakumaran, V., Balakrishnan, R., Puthiyadath, S., Rose, L., Sabu, A., Kumar B L, S., Krishnapillai Sukumarapillai, K., Anakuzhikkal Sudarsanan, S., and Poikayil Sukumaran, S.: A meteotsunami in the north Indian Ocean triggered by Hunga Tonga volcanic eruption., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-506,, 2023.

EGU23-5215 | ECS | Posters on site | NH5.1

Analysis of tsunami signals from tide gauges and ocean-bottom pressure gauges through Iterative Filtering 

Cesare Angeli, Alberto Armigliato, Stefano Lorito, Fabrizio Romano, Martina Zanetti, and Filippo Zaniboni

Time-series from coastal tide gauges and ocean-bottom pressure gauges play a fundamental role in the study and monitoring of tsunami. A typical tsunami record is the result of the superposition with the tsunami itself of different physical phenomena, such as tides, and seismic waves that relatively close to the earthquake source may overlap with the tsunami. In the case of coastal gauges, nonlinear interactions with local bathymetric and coastal morphology features characterize the tsunami evolution. In this study, we apply the recently developed Iterative Filtering (IF) technique, specifically tailored to non-stationary and non-linear signals, to tsunami time-series. IF is a data-driven algorithm that decomposes signals into elementary oscillatory components, called Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMFs), each containing distinct frequency bands. This technique attempts to separate different physical phenomena present in the time-series into different IMF.

To complement the decomposition, a time-frequency analysis technique called IMFogram is used. The IMFogram relies on computing for each IMF the local frequency, computed based on the distribution of zero-crossings, and local amplitude, computed interpolating the absolute values of relative maxima. Despite their simplicity, these definitions produce a time-frequency representation that generalizes the traditional spectrogram. The output of the IMFogram algorithm, given in matrix form, can be used to pinpoint time and amplitude of special features of the signal both graphically and quantitatively.

The ability to separate the different components of a measured record into different IMFs and analyze their spectral properties is shown by applying the technique to available real-world data, for tsunami of different “intensity” and frequency content. The results are compared to other techniques, such as classical filtering techniques and the Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD). It is shown that IF results, unlike classical linear filters, do not depend on experts’ choice and, unlike the EMD, are stable w.r.t. to noise. Special attention is given to recent events in the Mediterranean Sea, where robust analysis of each signal is needed to remedy the  absence of deep sea tsunami sensors, the sparsity of coastal tide gauges, and the morphological complexity. At last, the possibility of real-time application in early warning system is considered.

How to cite: Angeli, C., Armigliato, A., Lorito, S., Romano, F., Zanetti, M., and Zaniboni, F.: Analysis of tsunami signals from tide gauges and ocean-bottom pressure gauges through Iterative Filtering, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5215,, 2023.

The estimation of expected damage and losses from natural hazards requires that uncertainties in the modelling and knowledge of future events be quantified and taken into consideration. This is true not only in a fully probabilistic context but also in future scenario calculations, particularly when looking at two or more cascading hazards in which the link between them is not univocal. An offshore earthquake that triggers a tsunami would be one such case. Even if the moment magnitude and rupture size and location of the earthquake were fully defined, it is not possible to know a priori the slip distribution along the rupture and the subsequent co-seismic topographic displacements. Many feasible slip distributions can be associated with the same moment magnitude and dimensions of the rupture, and these lead to a distribution of subsequent topographic displacements and, with that, a diversity of tsunami outcomes. Exactly how much variety exists in the resulting tsunamis, in terms, for example, of maximum wave height or maximum flow velocity at points of interest, and, ultimately, damage to buildings and losses, is the question driving the present study, which is part of the “risk workflow for CAScading and COmpounding hazards in COastal urban areas” (CASCO) project. The ultimate objective is to understand the relevance of this uncertainty and whether it needs to be modelled in the whole damage/loss calculation chain.

To investigate this, 500 realisations of stochastically generated rupture slip have been produced for the 1908 Mw 7.1 Messina earthquake, whose rupture source is taken from the Italian Database of Individual Seismogenic Sources (DISS). The subsequent realisations of ground surface deformation (at the bottom of the sea and on land) were used as input to run realisations of the resulting tsunami in the Strait of Messina, eastern Sicily and western Calabria with the TsunAWI software. Maximum wave heights, maximum absolute velocities and maximum flux can vary significantly for selected observation points along the coast and within the Messina Strait. While a weak correlation has been identified between these tsunami outputs and inputs such as the maximum initial co-seismic vertical displacement, a stronger correlation has been observed with respect to the distance to the centroid of rupture slip. So far, results indicate that the uncertainty in the co-seismic slip along the rupture and the subsequent vertical displacements has a relevant impact on the resulting tsunami, suggesting that this source of uncertainty should not be entirely neglected in models. Using these tsunami outputs to estimate damage to buildings in the area allows us to understand the ultimate final impact on damage and loss calculations, and to develop and test strategies to reduce the resulting computational demand.

How to cite: Nievas, C. I., Androsov, A., and Weatherill, G.: Earthquake-Triggered Tsunamis: Impact of the Uncertainty in the Rupture Slip Distribution on the Resulting Tsunami Wave Heights and Flow Velocities, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6291,, 2023.

EGU23-6414 | Posters on site | NH5.1

Nonlinear processes in tsunami simulations for the Peruvian coast with a focus on Lima/Callao 

Alexey Androsov, Sven Harig, and Natalia Zamora

Numerical simulations of the tsunami inundation processes require a highly nonlinear scheme. The main inundation properties, such as the
flow depth and velocity depend critically on topographical imprints and bottom friction parameters. Here, we investigate the tsunami inundation in Lima and Callao resulting from the extensive 1746 (Mw 9.0) earthquake that ruptured along the Peruvian coast.

Two numerical tsunami codes have been used in this analysis based on shallow water equations. We determine the relative importance of different parts in these equations with a focus on nonlinear terms. Particular focus is put on the momentum advection, bottom friction, and volume conservation in different mesh (triangular meshes and nested grids). We determine the influence on large-scale quantities like inundation extent and volume, flow velocities, and small-scale fluctuations. In that respect, also sensitivities regarding the bottom friction parameters are investigated.

How to cite: Androsov, A., Harig, S., and Zamora, N.: Nonlinear processes in tsunami simulations for the Peruvian coast with a focus on Lima/Callao, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6414,, 2023.

EGU23-6878 | Orals | NH5.1

Energy transfer optimum in subaerial landslide impulse waves 

AmirHossein Parvinashtiani, Stephane Abadie, Kamal El Omari, and Yves Le Guer

Subaerial landslides can generate impulsive waves which, in turn, may cause significant damages to the facilities and people on the surrounding coasts. In spite of the numerous studies related to this complex phenomenon in the last decades, there is still a lot to understand, especially physically speaking.

The present work aims at better understanding the energy transformation process from the slide initial potential energy to the final wave train energy. In particular, we would like to emphasize the existence of an optimum energy rate of transformation and investigate the reason for this existence.

To do so, we rely on a Navier-Stokes two or three phases model (OpenFoam) and perform numerical experiments, fixing a few parameters (slope, density, rheology) and studying the effect of the others. The physics of the phenomenon is highly complex, involving liquid phases interaction, transient wave formation, nonlinear wave processes, dispersion, wave breaking, etc. Such a numerical model, despite its inherent uncertainty, is anyway able to provide a rich information, which may be later completed with experimental results. In particular, the model gives access to all the flow variables which allows to characterize in depth the energy processes. The free surface signal analysis is also valuable for wave celerity, and hence generation zone extent and dispersion analysis.

In terms of research strategy, in order to restrict the complexity and allow a better understanding of the phenomenon, the idea is to start with a very simple rheology, the inviscid case, and progressively increase the numbers of rheological parameters (i.e., viscous flows, Bingham and finally Herschell Bulkley).

During the conference, we will first illustrate the existence of an optimum in the rate of energy transformation for the inviscid slide by progressively increasing the slide volume. We will try to relate this optimum with the physical processes at stake (liquid mass interaction, wave breaking types, dispersion, etc.). Next, we will show the influence of the slide rheology in the process of energy transfer and in particular how the energy optimum varies with respect to the rheological parameters.  

How to cite: Parvinashtiani, A., Abadie, S., El Omari, K., and Le Guer, Y.: Energy transfer optimum in subaerial landslide impulse waves, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6878,, 2023.

EGU23-7313 | ECS | Orals | NH5.1

Wave generation due to the collapse of partially and fully submerged granular columns in large-scale laboratory experiments 

Erica Treflik-Body, Elisabeth Steel, Andy Take, and Ryan Mulligan

Under changing climate, coastal regions are increasingly vulnerable to a variety of hazards, including rapid subaerial and submarine landslides. These hazards can generate tsunamis and dense turbidity currents, which threaten both onshore and offshore infrastructure. Due to the complex geomechanics of failure, limited physical modelling has been conducted that encompasses both the triggering of granular landslides and subsequent waves associated with partially and fully submerged mass failures. Further, experimental modelling of submerged failures has primarily focused on the waves generated in the direction of failure (seaward) and not on the waves formed above and behind the failure (shoreward). To this effect, a series of large-scale granular collapse experiments were conducted by releasing 0.75 m and 0.5 m tall columns of 9.25 mm nominal diameter river stone into reservoir depths ranging from 0.20 m to 1.10 m to explore the wave generation and runup processes in both seaward and shoreward directions. The columns were released by a pneumatically-actuated vertically rising gate designed for the 2.10 m wide and 1.20 m high glass-walled flume. The gate lifts rapidly in 0.7 s, which enables the instantaneous loss of support of the source volumes and results in granular collapse. The wave amplitude is measured using wave capacitance gauges and the failure mechanics are captured with high speed cameras. Overall, the wave amplitudes measured in these highly instrumented large-scale physical models are in good agreement with empirical relationships developed in a previous study using smaller-scale models. The large-scale experimental results provide insight and opportunity to develop relationships between the initial column submergence depth and the magnitude of the shoreward propagating waves, which has previously not been explored. Connecting the amplitude of the waves with the tsunamigenic potential for partially to fully submerged granular materials will assist in understanding risk to offshore infrastructure and communities in coastal regions.



How to cite: Treflik-Body, E., Steel, E., Take, A., and Mulligan, R.: Wave generation due to the collapse of partially and fully submerged granular columns in large-scale laboratory experiments, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7313,, 2023.

In the framework of operational conditions, the real time coastal modeling in near field is challenging to obtain accurate and reliable tsunami warning products for flooding hazard. Maps of inundation and impacts for planning community response can be produced through coastal predictions with run-up computation by solving numerically high-resolution forecast models in real time, taking into account all local effects. However, these runs are too time consuming in near field and operational context. An alternative approach is based on early prediction tools of the coastal wave amplitude calculated from empirical laws or transfer functions derived from these laws. Such tools are suitable in near field context (almost ten times faster than the high-resolution runs), but all local effects are not well taken into account and the assessment of run-up is missing. The linear approximations of coastal tsunami heights are provided very quickly using the maximum wave heights from a computationally cheap regional forecast, with global and conservative estimates.

Within the French Tsunami Warning Center (CENALT), a forecasting tool based on a transfer function method is being implemented. This fast prediction technique is based upon a recently extended version of the usual Green's Law (Giles et al., 2022[1]), which introduces local amplification parameters with the aim of capturing the neglected localized effects. The method includes an automated approach which optimizes for these local amplification parameters by minimizing a cost function.

Local amplification parameters are calculated for the entire French Mediterranean coastline at 25 m resolution from a data set of 12 scenarios (high-resolution simulations). The forecasting results capabilities are analyzed, and shown for several coastal sites. The local tsunami wave heights modeled from the transfer function present a good agreement with the time-consuming high resolution models. The linear approximation is obtained within 1 min and provides globally estimates within a factor of two in amplitude. Although the resonance effects in harbors and bays are not reproduced and the horizontal inundation calculation needs to be studied further, this tool is well suited for an early first estimate of the coastal tsunami threat forecast.

[1] Giles, D., Gailler, A., & Dias, F. (2022). Automated Approaches for Capturing Localized Tsunami Response—Application to the French Coastlines. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 127(6), e2022JC018467.

How to cite: Gailler, A. and Hébert, H.: Fast coastal tsunami amplitude forecasting along the French Mediterranean shoreline based on a transfer function method, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7359,, 2023.

EGU23-7459 | ECS | Orals | NH5.1

Site specific emulators for tsunami run-up simulations 

Erlend Storrøsten, Steven Gibbons, and Finn Løvholt

Local Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Analysis (PTHA) aims to quantify the probability distribution of inundation intensity parameters, such as maximum flow-depth, at a given location over a specified period of time. In a Monte Carlo framework such an analysis is dependent on the simulation of a large number of scenarios. A particularly expensive step, from a computational point of view, is the solving of the nonlinear shallow water equations associated with the tsunami run-up. This problem is even more pronounced in the context of Tsunami Early Warning and Probabilistic Tsunami Forecasting (PTF). A site specific (local) tsunami run-up emulator, trained on precalculated simulation results, enables rapid estimation of inundation maps allowing an assessment of a large number of scenarios with limited computational resources. While high dimensional input and output, dependence on topography and nonlinear dynamics has made the problem intractable for traditional statistical methods, the problem has recently been approached using new techniques developed within the field of Machine Learning. In this work we consider the problem of predicting onshore maximal flow-depth based on timeseries associated with simulated offshore gauge measurements. The site of study is the town of Catania in eastern Sicily. The dataset comprises more than 32,000 tsunami simulations for different earthquake sources in the Mediterranean Sea. Promising results have been obtained using only a small fraction of the total number of simulations as training data. The ML-based inundation predictions for locations close to the water's edge, which are flooded in many of the scenarios, show excellent correspondence with the numerical simulation results. Predicting inundation at locations further inland, which are flooded in only a small number of the simulations, is more challenging.

How to cite: Storrøsten, E., Gibbons, S., and Løvholt, F.: Site specific emulators for tsunami run-up simulations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7459,, 2023.

EGU23-7763 | ECS | Orals | NH5.1

Deep learning approach for real-time tsunami impact forecasting in near field context – application to the French Mediterranean coastline 

Pierre Andraud, Audrey Gailler, Frédéric Dias, and Nicolas Vayatis

Tsunami warning systems currently focus on the first parameters of the earthquake, based on a 24-hour monitoring of earthquakes, seismic data processing (Magnitude, location), and tsunami risk modelling at basin scale.

The French Tsunami Warning Center (CENALT) runs actually two tsunami modelling tools where the water height at the coast is not calculated (i.e., Cassiopee based on a pre-computed database, and Calypso based on real time simulations at basin scale). A complete calculation up to the coastal impact all along the French Mediterranean or coastline is incompatible with real time near field or regional forecast, as nonlinear models require fine topo-bathymetric data nearshore and indeed a considerable computation time (> 45 min). Predicting coastal flooding in real time is then a major challenge in such context. To overcome these limitations, non conventional approches such as machine learning methods are being explored. Among the huge number of actual models, deep learning techniques are becoming increasingly popular. Severals studies have shown the interest of using MLPs (Multilayer perceptrons) and CNNs (Convolutional neural networks) to quickly transform a deep ocean simulation result into a coastal flooding model. Once trained on a specific output area with a large dataset, the networks are able to predict in seconds the tsunami inundation map from any earthquake scenario drawn from a seismic source database representative of the seismotectonic context of the region of interest.

A first study training neural networks to predict the maximum water height maps was performed on three specific French cities (Nice, Antibes and Cannes) to evaluate the capacity of the models to reproduce the ground truth. The objective here is to extend the method to predict, in addition to maximum wave heights and runups, maximum retreats and currents along the entire French Mediterranean coastline. The spatial resolution of the finer bathymetric grids is set to 25 meters. To be representative of reality, the training dataset is fed with seismic scenarios derived from the CENALT fault database and taking into account a stochastic slip distribution. The method provides promising early results.

How to cite: Andraud, P., Gailler, A., Dias, F., and Vayatis, N.: Deep learning approach for real-time tsunami impact forecasting in near field context – application to the French Mediterranean coastline, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7763,, 2023.

EGU23-9530 | Orals | NH5.1

Comparison between the uncertainty in the tsunami forecast from slip models obtained from geophysical data inversion and by a Phase Variation Method 

Fabrizio Romano, Patricio Catalan, Stefano Lorito, Escalante Sanchez Cipriano, Simone Atzori, Thorne Lay, Roberto Tonini, Manuela Volpe, Alessio Piatanesi, Macias Sanchez Jorge, and Castro Diaz Manuel J

Subduction zones are the most seismically active regions in the world and hosted many great tsunamigenic earthquakes in the past, often with destructive coastal consequences. Hence, an accurate estimate of the tsunami forecast is crucial in Tsunami Early Warning Systems (TEWS) framework. However, the inherent uncertainties associated with the tsunami source estimation in real-time make tsunami forecasting challenging. 

In this study, we consider the South American subduction zone, where in the last 15 years occurred, three M8+ tsunamigenic earthquakes; in particular, we focus on the 2014 Mw 8.1 Iquique event.

Here, we evaluate the variability of the tsunami forecasting for the Chilean coast as resulting i) from the coseismic slip model obtained by geophysical data inversion and ii) from an expeditious method for the tsunami source estimation, based on an extension of the well-known spectral approach. 

In the former method, we estimate the slip distribution of the 2014 Iquique earthquake by jointly inverting tsunami (DARTs and tide-gauges) and GPS data; we adopt a 3D fault geometry and Green’s functions approach.

On the other hand, a set of stochastic slip models in the latter is generated through a Phase Variation Method (PVM), where realizations are obtained from both the wavenumber and phase spectra of the source.

In the analysis, we also evaluate how the different physics complexity included in the tsunami modelling (e.g. by including dispersion or not) can be mapped into the tsunami forecasting uncertainty. Finally, as an independent check, we compare the predicted deformation field from the slip models (inverted or by PVM) with the RADARSAT-2 InSAR data.


How to cite: Romano, F., Catalan, P., Lorito, S., Cipriano, E. S., Atzori, S., Lay, T., Tonini, R., Volpe, M., Piatanesi, A., Jorge, M. S., and Manuel J, C. D.: Comparison between the uncertainty in the tsunami forecast from slip models obtained from geophysical data inversion and by a Phase Variation Method, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9530,, 2023.

EGU23-10851 | ECS | Posters on site | NH5.1

Sensitivity analysis of tsunami heights to shallow bathymetric resolution 

Raquel Felix, Judith Hubbard, and Adam Switzer

Both retrospective tsunami analyses and assessments of future tsunami hazards depend on accurate modeling of how tsunami waves generated offshore propagate through shallow waters near the coast. Accurate models of tsunami propagation in shallow water require high-resolution bathymetric maps, but these are often inaccessible because of the time and cost required to acquire them. In addition, tsunami models based on high resolution bathymetry have high computational processing requirements. Hence, it has been common to use globally available datasets with coarser resolutions, such as the GEBCO dataset, in modeling.

Here, we examine how variations in bathymetric resolution, from 5 m to ∼455 m (GEBCO), affect simulated coastal tsunamis. Our case study includes four study sites with available LiDAR bathymetry datasets (1 m resolution). At each site 30 sets of points were randomly extracted from the LiDAR bathymetry datasets and used to generate bathymetric grids with resolutions of 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 200, and 300 m at each site. These were also compared to a bathymetry based purely on the GEBCO dataset for that region (∼455 m resolution), that we modified to match the coastlines of the other bathymetry models. Tsunami waves offshore were generated by setting up an instantaneous rupture sourced from a hypothetical fault model and we used the commonly used COMCOT software to model tsunami propagation towards the coast.

Using the model run with 5 m resolution bathymetry as a high resolution reference model, we observed that bathymetric grids with resolutions of 10 – 50 m can reproduce coastal wave heights reasonably well, with the maximum wave height overestimated by ≤5% or underestimated by ≤10%. For coarser bathymetric grids, however (≥100 m resolution), there is an increasing trend of underestimation. Wave heights are underestimated by at least 10% and with up to 30%, 40% and 60% underestimation for bathymetric resolutions of 100, 200, and 300 m, respectively. Notably, the commonly used GEBCO model underestimated coastal tsunami heights by as much as 70%. We also examined the impact on tsunami arrival time: and found that resolutions of 10 – 50 m exhibited a first wave arriving ∼10% earlier than expected, while coarser resolutions showed more variability, with the first wave arriving either ≤20% later or ≤10% earlier. For GEBCO-based models, the  arrival time estimate tends to be underestimated by 10 – 30% or overestimated by 20 – 50%. Our study demonstrates that using GEBCO bathymetry in numerical modeling of tsunami wave propagation in the coastal region likely leads to a significant underestimation of the wave height, with the wave also predicted to arrive too early. However, a reasonably accurate result can be achieved using a bathymetric resolution in the 10 m – 50 m range, and is achievable with reasonable computational efficiency. This study highlights the importance of shallow bathymetry in the numerical modeling of tsunami propagation.

How to cite: Felix, R., Hubbard, J., and Switzer, A.: Sensitivity analysis of tsunami heights to shallow bathymetric resolution, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10851,, 2023.

EGU23-11090 | Orals | NH5.1 | Highlight

Two major near-field tsunamis (2017 and 2022) on the coast of Mexico: Observations, spectral properties and numerical modelling 

Alexander B. Rabinovich, Oleg Zaytsev, Elizaveta Tsukanova, and Richard E. Thomson

Two prominent near-field tsunamis impacted the nearby coasts of Mexico. The first tsunami was   generated by a major (Mw 8.2) intraplate normal-fault earthquake on 8 September 2017 in the Gulf of Tehuantepec (Chiapas, Mexico). Tsunami waves from this event were measured by a large number of high-resolution coastal tide gauges located along the coasts of California, Mexico and Central America, by three open-ocean DART stations anchored offshore from the affected region and by several distant DARTs. The second tsunami was produced by a thrust fault Mw 7.6 earthquake on 19 September 2022 within the coastal zone of Michoacán, Mexico. The 2022 tsunami was recorded by six coastal tide gauges and a single offshore DART station. All seven instruments were located within 250 km of the source. No tsunami was detected at larger distances along the coasts of North and Central America, but the tsunami signal was detected at the Hawaii and Samoa islands. All available coastal and open-ocean data were used for comprehensive analyses of these two events. Maximum trough-to-crest wave heights for the 2017 tsunami were recorded at Puerto Chiapas (351 cm), Salina Cruz (209 cm), Acapulco (160 cm) and Huatulco (137 cm), while for the 2022 tsunami they were observed at Manzanillo (172 cm) and Zihuatanejo (102 cm). For both events, the “strengths” of the recorded tsunami waves were mostly determined by distance from the source rather than by the specific resonant characteristics of individual sites. Estimates of the frequency content (“colour”) of the two tsunami events revealed that the 2017 tsunami was mostly long-period (“reddish”), with 87% of the total tsunami energy at periods >35 min, while the 2022 tsunami was short-period (“bluish”) with 91% of energy at periods <35 min. A noteworthy feature of the 2022 event was the seismically generated 7 min period seiche observed at Puerto Vallarta that began immediately after the main earthquake shock and persisted for about one hour. Numerical modelling of the events closely reproduced the coastal and offshore tsunami records and demonstrated the markedly different character of the tsunami energy radiation patterns: the 2017 tsunami spread energy widely in a semicircular pattern emanating from the source whereas  the main beam of offshore energy radiating outward from the 2022 event was directed like a “searchlight” oriented normally to the mainland coast.

How to cite: Rabinovich, A. B., Zaytsev, O., Tsukanova, E., and Thomson, R. E.: Two major near-field tsunamis (2017 and 2022) on the coast of Mexico: Observations, spectral properties and numerical modelling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11090,, 2023.

EGU23-11328 | ECS | Orals | NH5.1

A Conditional Probability based Tsunami Prediction for the Pacific Ring of Fire 

Nazeel Sabah and Daya Shanker

The Pacific Ring of Fire, stretching over 15 countries, is one of the earth's most Tsunami-prone regions. 80 Percent of the Tsunami Occurrences could be directly or indirectly associated with this region. This study deals with the development of Conditional Probability and Total Probability based approaches for estimating the probability of Tsunami Occurrence in the study area. This study suggests ten regions with a high probability of tsunami occurrence in the region. The prediction results are validated by computing the occurrence probabilities of the known tsunami events in the region. The study reveals that East Asian Countries like Japan, North and South Korea and Parts of China have a probability, more than 75 per cent, of experiencing a strong tsunami (Mw > 7.5) in the next three years from now. Also, certain South American countries like Peru, Chile and Ecuador, Southeast Asian Counties like Indonesia and South Pacific Countries like Papua New Guinea, Australia, and the Solomon Islands have a high probability of tsunami occurrence (90 Percent and above) in the next five years.  Based on this methodology, it has been possible to predict the Indonesian Tsunami of December 14th, 2021, with a probability of 83 Percent.

How to cite: Sabah, N. and Shanker, D.: A Conditional Probability based Tsunami Prediction for the Pacific Ring of Fire, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11328,, 2023.

EGU23-11461 | Orals | NH5.1

Simulation of submarine landslides and generated tsunamis in Mayotte : comparison  of different models 

Pablo Poulain, Anne Le Friant, Anne Mangeney, Rodrigo Pedreros, Gilles Grandjean, Anne Lemoine, Enrique Fernandez-Nieto, Manuel Castro-Diaz, and Marc Peruzzetto

Since May 2018, Mayotte island has experienced an important seismic activity linked to the on-going sismo-volcanic crisis. Although variations in the number of earthquakes and in their distribution have been observed since the start of the eruption in early July 2018, a continuous seismicity persists. It could weaken the steep submarine slopes of Mayotte, as highlighted by the high-resolution bathymetry data collected during the MAYOBS cruise in May 2019. This could trigger submarine landslides with associated tsunamis.

To address the hazards associated with such events, we analyzed geomorphological data to define 8 scenarios of potential submarine landslides with volumes ranging from 11,25.106 to 800.106 m3. We simulated the resulting landslide dynamics as well as generated waves (Poulain et al. 2022). In order to estimate the uncertainty associated to the modeling approach, a hierarchy of different model approximations was tested, spanning hydrostatic, non-hydrostatic and multilayer approaches. A sensitivity analysis was also performed by varying the initial released mass, the rheological parameters describing the landslide, its interaction with the water column, the Manning friction coefficient as well as the resolution of the bathymetry description. The combination of all these elements provides an estimate of the uncertainty on simulation results. We show that, in the context of Mayotte, non-hydrostatic effects have the most prominent influence on simulated water elevation and waves velocity. Other key factors include the friction coefficient within the landslide and the resolution of the bathymetry. These results show that landslide-tsunami models should still be improved as well as the estimates of the parameters involved to reduce the related uncertainties on the water wave calculation (water elevation, velocity) that can exceed a factor two.

Poulain, P., et al. (2022). Numerical simulation of submarine landslides and generated tsunamis: application to the on-going Mayotte seismo-volcanic crisis. Comptes Rendus. Géoscience354(S2), 1-30.


How to cite: Poulain, P., Le Friant, A., Mangeney, A., Pedreros, R., Grandjean, G., Lemoine, A., Fernandez-Nieto, E., Castro-Diaz, M., and Peruzzetto, M.: Simulation of submarine landslides and generated tsunamis in Mayotte : comparison  of different models, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11461,, 2023.

EGU23-11778 | Orals | NH5.1 | Highlight

Triple jeopardy: The Tonga tsunami, a storm surge, and a meteotsunami simultaneously hit the US East Coast on 16-17 January 2022 

Jadranka Sepic, Alexander B. Rabinovich, Igor Medvedev, and Richard E. Thomson

The eruption of the Tonga–Hunga underwater volcano in the Central Pacific on 15 January 2022 generated pronounced atmospheric pressure waves that circumvented the globe several times during the next five days. Propagating with a sound speed of ~10 spherical degrees/hour, the pressure waves forced substantial tsunami waves in the Atlantic Ocean that impacted the East Coast of the United States. Almost simultaneously, on 16-17 January 2022, a deep midlatitude cyclone crossed the East Coast. The cyclone, which formed over the northern part of the Gulf of Mexico, began to rapidly intensify as it moved northward. When it reached 40° N, the system produced a pressure change of 36 hPa/24 hours, classifying the cyclone as a “bomb cyclone”. Strong high-frequency (period <4 h) atmospheric pressure disturbances accompanied the cyclone. Both the large-scale atmospheric low and the markedly enhanced pressure disturbance reached their full strengths during the early morning of 17 January 2022 in the proximity of Atlantic City. As a consequence, three hazardous events - storm surge caused by the midlatitude cyclone, a tsunami caused by the Tonga air pressure waves and a meteotsunami caused by the HF atmospheric pressure disturbance struck the US East Coast on 16-17 January 2022, producing cumulative devastating effects in the coastal zone. Severe coastal flooding affected the Atlantic City region, where sea level heights were increased by as much as 150 cm. This unique joint event is examined in detail and the properties of the atmospheric processes and associated sea level response are thoroughly analysed. The contributions from the various sea level components are assessed and their interaction evaluated.

How to cite: Sepic, J., Rabinovich, A. B., Medvedev, I., and Thomson, R. E.: Triple jeopardy: The Tonga tsunami, a storm surge, and a meteotsunami simultaneously hit the US East Coast on 16-17 January 2022, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11778,, 2023.

Tsunami urgent computing procedures quantify the potential hazard due to an earthquake right after its occurrence, that is within a few hours. The hazard is quantified by simulating the propagation of the tsunami waves in the sea, accounting for the uncertainty due to the scarce knowledge of the source parameters and wave modelling uncertainty.

In the context of the European project eflows4HPC, a workflow is currently in development for tsunamis hazard urgent computing, which consists of the following steps: 1) Retrieval of information about the tsunamigenic seismic event (magnitude, hypocentre and their uncertainties); 2) Definition of an ensemble of seismic sources; 3) Simulation of seismic/tsunamigenic waves propagation for each scenario in the ensemble; 4) Results aggregation to produce an estimate of seismic and tsunami hazard, which also incorporates a basic treatment of modelling uncertainty. The ensembles cover the uncertainty on source characteristics and may consequently be very large (generally 10,000 to 100,000 of scenarios; Selva et al., Nat. Comm.), requiring very high computational resources for the urgent computing context. It is thus necessary to reduce the size of these ensembles to limit the number of simulations and to converge faster towards stable results of hazard calculation.

We developed and tested several sampling procedures aiming to reduce the number of scenarios in the ensemble and, at the same time, to integrate the new incoming information as they become available (e.g. solutions for focal mechanisms, seismic or tsunami records). When applied to several past earthquakes and tsunamis (e.g., the 2003 Boumerdes and the 2017 Kos-Bodrum earthquakes), our novel sampling strategies yielded a reduction of 1 or 2 order of magnitudes of the ensemble size, allowing a drastic reduction of the computational effort. Also, the update of the ensemble based on the incoming of new data, which strongly reduce the uncertainty, yields to an update of the probabilistic forecasts without compromising its accuracy. This may result very important for mitigating the risk far from the seismic source, as well as improving the risk management by better informing decision making in a frame of urgency.

How to cite: Cordrie, L., Selva, J., Bernardi, F., and Tonini, R.: Using available and incoming data for reducing and updating seismic source ensembles for probabilistic tsunami forecasting (PTF) in early-warning and urgent computing, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12363,, 2023.

EGU23-12935 | ECS | Orals | NH5.1

Use of Neural Networks for Tsunami Maximum Height and Arrival Time Predictions 

Juan Francisco Rodríguez Gálvez, Jorge Macías Sáncez, Manuel Jesús Castro Díaz, Marc de la Asunción, and Carlos Sánchez-Linares

Operational Tsunami Early Warning Systems (TEWS) are crucial for mitigation and highly reducing the impact of tsunamis on coastal communities worldwide. In the North-East Atlantic, the Mediterranean, and connected Seas (NEAM) region, these systems have historically utilized Decision Matrices for this purpose. The very short time between tsunami generation and landfall in this region makes it extremely challenging to use real-time simulations to produce more precise alert levels and the only way to include a computational component in the alert was to use precomputed databases. Nevertheless, in recent years, computing times for a single scenario have been progressively reduced to a few minutes or even seconds depending on the computational resources available. In particular, the EDANYA group at the University of Málaga, Spain, has focused on this topic and developed the GPU code Tsunami-HySEA for Faster Than Real Time (FTRT) tsunami simulations. This code has been implemented and tested in TEWS of several countries (such as Spain, Italy, and Chile) and has undergone extensive testing, verification and validation.

In this study, we propose the use of neural networks (NN) to predict the maximum height and arrival time of tsunamis in the context of TEWS. The advantage of this approach is that the inference time required is negligible (less than one second) and that this can be done in a simple laptop. This allows to consider uncertain input information in the data and still providing the results in some seconds. As tsunamis are rare events, numerical simulations using the Tsunami-HySEA are used to train the NN model. This part of the workflow requires producing a large amount of simulations and large HPC computational resources must be used.

Machine learning (ML) techniques have gained widespread adoption and are being applied in all areas of research, including tsunami modeling. In this work, we employ Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) neural networks to forecast the maximum height and arrival time of tsunamis at specific locations along the Chipiona-Cádiz coast in Southwestern Spain. In the present work, initially several individual models are trained and we show that they provide accurate results. Then ensemble techniques, which combine multiple single models in order to reduce variance, are explored. The ensemble models often produce improved predictions.

The proposed methodology is tested for tsunamis generated by earthquakes on the Horseshoe fault. The goal is to develop a neural network (NN) model for predicting the maximum height and arrival time of such tsunamis at multiple coastal locations simultaneously. The results of our analysis show that deep learning is a promising approach for this task. The proposed NN models produce errors of less than 6 cm for the maximum wave height and less then 212 s for the arrival time for tsunamis generated on the Horseshoe fault in the Northeastern Atlantic.

How to cite: Rodríguez Gálvez, J. F., Macías Sáncez, J., Castro Díaz, M. J., de la Asunción, M., and Sánchez-Linares, C.: Use of Neural Networks for Tsunami Maximum Height and Arrival Time Predictions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12935,, 2023.

EGU23-12944 | ECS | Orals | NH5.1

Estimation of the economic impact of tsunamis on the Spanish coasts 

Alex Gonzalez del Pino, Jorge Macías, Marta Fernández, Miguel Llorente, Carlos Sánchez-Linares, Julián García-Mayordomo, and Carlos Paredes

Tsunamis are low-probability phenomena with high-risk potential. Lack of field data emphasizes the need of using simulation software to model the potential devastating effects of a tsunami and use this information to develop safety, sustainable actions and social resilience for the future. These measures may include, among many others, spatial planning; designing of evacuation routes; or the allocation of economic resources through insurance or other instruments to mitigate tsunami impacts. Our work introduces a Monte Carlo-like method for simulating the potential impact of tsunamis on the Spanish coastlines, specifically in the provinces of Huelva and Cádiz for the Atlantic region, and Balearic Islands, Ceuta, Melilla and eastern Iberian coast for the Mediterranean region. The method introduces a pseudo-probabilistic seismic-triggered tsunami simulation approach, by considering a particular selection of active faults with associated probabilistic distributions for some of the source parameters, and a Sobol’s sequences-based sampling strategy to generate a synthetic seismic catalogue. All roughly 4000 crafted seismic events are simulated along the areas of interest in high-resolution grids (five meters pixel resolution) using a two-way nested mesh approach, retrieving maximum water height, maximum mass flow and maximum modulus of the velocity at each grid cell. These numerical simulations are computed in a GPU environment, harnessing resources allocated in several high-performance computing (HPC) centres. The numerical database of retrieved variables generated throughout this study offers an excellent foundation for evaluating various tsunami-related hazards and risks.

The final resulting product focuses on generating frequency distributions for the economic impacts for the Spanish insurance sector (Consorcio de Compensación de Seguros, CCS). The CCS is a public-private entity insuring most natural catastrophic events in Spain. A consistent spatially-distributed economic database regarding insurance building-related values has been constructed and aggregated in conjunction with the numerical tsunami simulations. The proposed procedure allows to associate an economic impact indicator to each source. Further statistical analysis of the economic impact estimators yields to varied conclusions such as an improved definition of worst-case scenario (effect-based rather than worst-triggered), most and least likely economic impact, highest hazardous fault sources overall and locally and many others.

How to cite: Gonzalez del Pino, A., Macías, J., Fernández, M., Llorente, M., Sánchez-Linares, C., García-Mayordomo, J., and Paredes, C.: Estimation of the economic impact of tsunamis on the Spanish coasts, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12944,, 2023.

EGU23-13511 | ECS | Orals | NH5.1

On the relation between seismic source dynamics, tsunami generation and propagation, and numerical modelling complexity in subduction zones 

Antonio Scala, Stefano Lorito, Fabrizio Romano, Alice Abbate, Gaetano Festa, Manuel J. Castro Diaz, Cipriano Escalante Sanchez, and Jorge Macias Sanchez

The features of the seismic ruptures, such as the duration of shallow earthquakes in subduction zones, may affect the tsunami generation and the inundation intensity. Numerical and experimental results have shown how the interaction between the shallow part of the fault and the seismic radiation trapped in the hanging wall, can lead to enhanced up-dip rupture propagation. This in turn may result in shallow slip amplification producing larger vertical displacement, and even transient ground motion that is larger than the final static displacement. On the other hand, tsunami modelling for hazard assessment and early warning is generally based on static sea-floor displacement obtained with an instantaneous elastic dislocation (without shallow slip amplification) on a simplified hydrostatic model for tsunami generation and propagation. Here, we aim to analyze the relative importance of these effects and the optimal modelling strategy for the tsunami generation. Using a Tohoku-like setting, we impose time dependent initial conditions as computed from 1-D dynamic rupture simulations, by varying the rupture extent and duration over a wide range of stress-drop, rigidity and average slip values (corresponding to earthquake magnitudes between 7.5 and 9, approximately). We performed 1-D numerical tsunami simulations using both the hydrostatic and the multi-layer non-hydrostatic versions of Tsunami-HySEA. We also account for different coastal morphologies, modelling the presence of shelf and/or fjords and variable slope bathymetry. We address, first, how the time-dependent sea-floor displacement characteristics effects may affect (enhancing or reducing) the tsunamigenic potential. To do this, we investigated the resulting tsunami features, in terms of maximum wave height above sea level (also seaward) and maximum run-up, in relation to the spatial and temporal characteristic scales of the transient sea floor displacement. We also compare the simulations with a time-dependent initial condition against those where a static sea-floor displacement is used. We show that the use of a static source systematically overestimates the tsunami effects on the mainland, with the more realistic tsunami reduced due to the seaward seismic rupture (up-dip) directivity, opposite to the direction of the tsunami propagation. Moreover, the slower the rupture, the larger the overestimation. Conversely, as the rupture slows down, the seismic rupture propagating in the same direction of the tsunami increases the tsunami amplitude toward the open ocean. Second, we wish to assess in which conditions and to what extent it is enough to use a shallow-water tsunami model and when, instead, a more complex tsunami modelling scheme is required. The hydrostatic simulations lead to overestimate the inundation, although less significantly with respect to the static/dynamic comparison. We finally investigate how the discrepancy between simplified and complex modelling is controlled by different trench, shelf, and coastal morphologies.

How to cite: Scala, A., Lorito, S., Romano, F., Abbate, A., Festa, G., Castro Diaz, M. J., Escalante Sanchez, C., and Macias Sanchez, J.: On the relation between seismic source dynamics, tsunami generation and propagation, and numerical modelling complexity in subduction zones, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13511,, 2023.

EGU23-15864 | Orals | NH5.1 | Highlight

Tsunami Ready in Italy: towards the UNESCO recognition 

Alessandro Amato, Cecilia Valbonesi, Lorenzo Cugliari, Laura Graziani, and Fabrizio Romano

It is well known that an efficient end-to-end tsunami warning system must not only be fast and robust in delivering alert messages to the authorities, but also ensure that these messages reach the residents and the tourists, and that they are aware of the risk and of the right behavior in case of an alert. One of the most effective tools to reach this goal is through the Tsunami Ready programme, promoted by UNESCO IOC since 2015, and a key contribution to achieving the societal outcome ‘A Safe Ocean’ of the Ocean Decade. The NEAMTWS ICG has solicited Member States efforts towards Tsunami Ready since 2020.

Italy has started to join the Tsunami Ready initiative in 2020. The main steps undertaken in these two years include:

1) The identification of three pilot municipalities that decided enthusiastically to join the programme: Minturno (Lazio), Palmi (Calabria), Marzamemi/Pachino (Sicily) (September 2020)

2) The formal deliberations of the three Local Tsunami Ready Committees ((between December 2020 and April 2021)

3) The establishment of the Italian National Tsunami Ready Board - NTRB (May 4, 2021) and the acknowledgment by IOC Executive Secretary (May 18, 2021).

Since then, several achievements have been reached in all three municipalities, including updating the civil protection plans, improving the local alerting systems, organizing outreach and educational activities in schools and with citizens, also during the World Tsunami Awareness Day (WTAD). At the same time, some criticalities have emerged, due to financial and bureaucratic reasons, that have delayed a full accomplishment until now.

In this contribution, we report on the state of the art in the three municipalities, and discuss the achievements and the criticalities of the programme. We envisage that the first one or two formal candidatures will be advanced later this year to the NTRB.

Finally, we will discuss a proposal to extend the results of this pilot project to all the coastal municipalities in Italy, also based on the analysis of the liability aspects of such recognition in the Italian legal system.

How to cite: Amato, A., Valbonesi, C., Cugliari, L., Graziani, L., and Romano, F.: Tsunami Ready in Italy: towards the UNESCO recognition, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15864,, 2023.

EGU23-15923 | ECS | Posters on site | NH5.1

Longitudinal assessment of tsunami knowledge in an Italian school. 

Lorenzo Cugliari, Massimo Crescimbene, and Alessandro Amato

Italy is at tsunami risk, a phenomenon characterized by low frequency of occurrence that can cause widespread and destructive impact on coastlines.

The activities carried out by the INGV's Tsunami Alert Center (CAT-INGV), in concert with Italian Department of Civil Protection, include tsunami risk mitigation through: i) the study of tsunami risk perception, ii) the Tsunami Ready program, and iii) educational and dissemination activities with different methodologies.

In this work we analyze the effectiveness and durability of learning about knowledge and tsunami risk with Lazzaro Spallanzani Scientific High School students, in Tivoli (Rome province).

The assessment involved the administration of an online questionnaire composed of selected items from the tsunami risk perception survey carried out by CAT for the tsunami risk perception study (Cerase et al., 2019, Cugliari et al., 2022).

The survey sample consists of 90 students identified by age group (16-19 y.o.) and study address (high school scientific address).

The assessment was made administering the questionnaire in two stages, two months apart (March 2022 and May 2022) before and after a tsunami scientific lesson with the support of multimedia tools (photos, videos, animations and infographics).

A third survey is planned for March 2023, respecting the statistical-methodological survey criteria.

Data analysis shows an evident increase in tsunami risk knowledge. Student educational needs also emerge that can be used as leverage to structure targeted and effective interventions and increase young people's awareness of tsunami risk in other areas. There is also evidence that fieldwork, with the aid of multimedia and possibly interactive or assisted media, provides successful maintenance of attention and facilitates assimilation

How to cite: Cugliari, L., Crescimbene, M., and Amato, A.: Longitudinal assessment of tsunami knowledge in an Italian school., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15923,, 2023.

EGU23-15937 | ECS | Orals | NH5.1

Simulation of the hydro-acoustic and gravity waves generated by a landslide 

Juliette Dubois, Sébastien Impériale, Anne Mangeney, and Jacques Sainte-Marie

In this work we propose a linear model describing the propagation of acoustic waves and gravity waves in the ocean. This model can be used for describing the propagation of a tsunami and the acoustic waves generated by an underwater earthquake or a landslide.

The acoustic-gravity waves are considered as first order perturbation of an equilibrium state for the ocean. The equilibrium state is as follow: there is no mean current and the pressure, temperature and density are vertically stratified. The model is obtained from a linearization around this equilibrium state of the compressible Euler equations. Unlike several other works on acoustic-gravity waves, the two types of waves are not decoupled during the linearization. The complete derivation of the model and the comparison with the other models of the literature are presented in [1].

As a first application we present the simulation of a simplified landslide. We aim at a better understanding of the acoustic wavefield generation process. The equations are discretized with the finite element method in space and a finite difference scheme in time. In-field data on the acoustic waves generated by a landslide are already available in the literature [2] and provide the relevant scales for the simulation.

[1] Juliette Dubois, J., Imperiale, S., Mangeney, A., Bouchut, F., Sainte-Marie J. (2022), Acoustic and gravity waves in the ocean: a new derivation of a linear model from the compressible Euler equation, Submitted.

[2] Caplan-Auerbach, J., Dziak, R. P., Bohnenstiehl, D. R., Chadwick, W. W., and Lau, T.- K. (2014), Hydroacoustic investigation of submarine landslides at West Mata volcano, Lau Basin, Geophys. Res. Lett., 41, 5927– 5934, doi:10.1002/2014GL060964.

How to cite: Dubois, J., Impériale, S., Mangeney, A., and Sainte-Marie, J.: Simulation of the hydro-acoustic and gravity waves generated by a landslide, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15937,, 2023.

We explored the capability of forecasting meteotsunamis using machine learning (ML) approaches. We selected meteotsunami events along the coast of Portugal where the atmospheric pressure jumps propagate from the south and southwest. Since this type of meteotsunamis is usually observed along the entire coast of Portugal (Kim & Omira, 2021; Kim et al., 2022), the southern tide gauges can act as a meteotsunami precursor for forecasting the northern coastal areas. For training and testing sets of ML, we started with the atmospheric pressure records (18 cases) which induced meteotsunamis, and then performed 1296 numerical simulation by varying the pressure inputs with different strength (jump magnitude), speed and direction. Then, the tidal gauge data from numerical simulations were used to apply neural networks (variational autoencoders and ARIMA) and to demonstrate the capability of meteotsunamis forecast based on one or more tide gauge observations. We observed that the ML models are capable of providing good predictions from short duration observations from the southern tide gauges. This work is supported by the project FAST—Development of new forecast skills for meteotsunamis on the Iberian shelf—ref. PTDC/CTAMET/32004/2017-funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), Portugal.



Kim J, Omira R (2021) The 6–7 July 2010 meteotsunami along the coast of Portugal: insights from data analysis and numerical modelling. Nat Hazards 106:1397–1419.

Kim J, Omira R, Dutsch C (2022) Meteotsunamis along the Portugal coast from 2010 to 2019. 2nd World Conference of Meteotsunamis

Liu CM, Rim D, Baraldi R, LeVeque RJ (2021) Comparison of Machine Learning Approaches for Tsunami Forecasting from Sparse Observations. Pure Appl Geophys 178:5129–5153.

Omira R, Ramalho RS, Kim J, et al (2022) Global Tonga tsunami explained by a fast-moving atmospheric source. Nature 609:734–740.

How to cite: Kim, J. and Omira, R.: Machine Learning Approaches for Meteotsunami Forecasting on the Coast of Portugal, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16620,, 2023.

EGU23-16705 | Orals | NH5.1

Significant tsunami hazards in Indonesia from landslide and volcanic sources 

Mohammad Heidarzadeh, Danny Hilmann Natawidjaja, Marina C. G. Frederik, Mudrik R. Daryono, Purna Putra, Adi Patria, Aditya Riadi Gusman, and Iyan E. Mulia

Tsunamis from landslide and volcanic sources have been responsible for significant destruction and fatalities worldwide as evidenced most recently during the January 2022 Tonga volcanic tsunami (Heidarzadeh et al., 2022: Indonesia is a hot spot for such tsunamis from landslide and volcanic sources as the region suffered from destructive events in the past, such as the 1883 tsunami following the Krakatau eruption which costed at least 36,000 lives. More recently the region was struck by the 2018 Anak Krakatau volcanic tsunami with approximately 450 deaths, and the 2018 Palu (Sulawesi) tsunami with more than 4,000 casualties. Therefore, it is vital to further study the generation potential and mechanisms of such tsunamis and to improve hazard knowledge base.

Here, we study three recent tsunamis in Indonesia, two of which occurred following an earthquake while the other one occurred following a volcanic eruption. All three have a landslide component in their sources: the June 2021 Seram Island tsunami (earthquake), the December 2018 Palu tsunami (earthquake), and the December 2018 Anak Krakatau tsunami (volcanic eruption).

A tsunami was observed on 16th June 2021 in Seram Island following an Mw 5.9 earthquake. The tsunami amplitude was approximately 50 cm at Tehoru tide gauge whereas two other stations showed amplitudes of less than 4 cm. Such a relatively large tsunami (50 cm) is unexpected from a normal-faulting Mw 5.9 earthquake. We hypothesize that that a secondary source (i.e., a landslide) was involved. We applied tsunami modelling and source analysis to examine this hypothesis. Tsunami simulations confirmed that that the earthquake could only have contributed to a few centimeters of the tsunami and thus cannot reproduce the 50 cm waves. However, we could reproduce the tsunami observations using a landslide source. For more information see here:   

Regarding the September 2018 Palu tsunami, it is now commonly accepted that a submarine landslide should have most likely contributed to the tsunami generation in addition to the earthquake. However, the nature of the landslide whether submarine or subaerial, and the contribution of the two sources are not clear. We propose a novel dual landslide-earthquake source that explains most of the observation of the 2018 Palu event. Our dual model comprises the USGS earthquake model (length = 264 km, width = 37 km, slip = 0 – 8.5 m) combined with a submarine landslide with a length of 1.0 km, a width of 2.0 km, and a thickness of 80.0 m. For more information see here:         

For the December 2018 Anak Krakatau tsunami, we present the results of our field surveys. We surveyed 29 locations and measured tsunami runups from 0.9 m to 5.2 m, tsunami heights from 1.4 to 6.3 m, and inundation distances from 18 to 212 m. For more information, see here:

We also discuss future directions towards expanding our limited understanding of tsunamis from landslide and volcanic sources in Indonesia which are often unpredictable and deadly. This research is funded by The Royal Society (UK), grant number CHL/R1/180173.   

How to cite: Heidarzadeh, M., Hilmann Natawidjaja, D., Frederik, M. C. G., Daryono, M. R., Putra, P., Patria, A., Gusman, A. R., and Mulia, I. E.: Significant tsunami hazards in Indonesia from landslide and volcanic sources, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16705,, 2023.

EGU23-17571 | ECS | Orals | NH5.1

Fault Based Tsunami Generation and Hazard Analysis: A Probabilistic Study for Aegean Coasts of Türkiye 

Gozde Guney Dogan, Ahmet Cevdet Yalciner, Arda Ozacar, Zeynep Gulerce, Duygu Tufekci-Enginar, Mehmet Lutfi Suzen, Onur Kanun, Onur Pekcan, and Semih Yucemen

The coasts of Türkiye are vulnerable to tsunami hazards due to the intensive use of coastal areas and the activity of faults in the surrounding seas. The Samos-İzmir earthquake occurred on October 30, 2020, followed by a tsunami that affected the Sığacık Bay revealed this fact once again, demonstrating the importance of accurately modeling the tsunami hazard across the country. Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment (PTHA) results for various coastal engineering parameters (i.e., tsunami wave height, tsunami inundation distance) constitute one of the essential inputs of performance-based tsunami risk analysis. The TSUMAPS-NEAM project that ended in 2018 was one of the studies following the probabilistic approach for the Northeast Atlantic, Mediterranean, and connected seas (Basili et al. 2021). The primary objective of this study which is constructed within the TUBITAK (Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) funded 121M750 project, is to develop a comprehensive probabilistic tsunami hazard analysis framework in which the uncertainties regarding active faults that can generate tsunamis for our country's Aegean Sea coasts are addressed fully. For this purpose, a holistic seismotectonic database has been created by compiling catalogs of active faults that can generate tsunamis in the Aegean Sea and its surroundings, important fault parameters, earthquake and focal mechanism solutions from national and international sources. The compiled database is utilized to determine possible tsunami source scenarios and model the epistemic and aleatory uncertainties in these scenarios. In this regard, a complete probabilistic set of tsunami source scenarios that have not been included in previous studies is being developed, and the near-shore tsunami wave height estimations will be determined by performing high-resolution tsunami simulations for each scenario. Considering the lack of hazard-based tsunami assessment for the coasts of the Aegean Sea, the near-shore tsunami wave height hazard curves to be obtained as a result of the project are of great importance in determining the effects of possible tsunamis and assessing the tsunami risk.

Acknowledgement: This study is supported by TUBITAK 1001-Grant Project No: 121M750.

How to cite: Dogan, G. G., Yalciner, A. C., Ozacar, A., Gulerce, Z., Tufekci-Enginar, D., Lutfi Suzen, M., Kanun, O., Pekcan, O., and Yucemen, S.: Fault Based Tsunami Generation and Hazard Analysis: A Probabilistic Study for Aegean Coasts of Türkiye, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17571,, 2023.

EGU23-3253 | ECS | PICO | NH5.2

Are outstanding spectral solitons indicators for rogue waves in JONSWAP seas? 

Yu-Chen Lee and Sander Wahls

Rogue waves are large individual waves whose height is more than twice of the significant wave height. They have the potential to severely damage offshore structures. For this reason, there is a large interest in characteristing rogue waves. A recent study of rogue waves at a shallow water site in the southern North Sea by Teutsch et al. (2022) has revealed that, at this site, the presence of a large outstanding soliton in the nonlinear Fourier spectrum indicates a high probability of rogue wave occurrence.

We are interested to see if this indicator is site specific. Here, we will analyse time series obtained from JONSWAP spectra by the nonlinear Fourier transform (NFT). The NFT enables to decompose a signal into components based on their governing nonlinear evolution equations, i.e. the Korteveg-de Vries (KdV) equation for shallow water waves and the nonlinear Schrödinger (NLS) equation for deep water waves. We will investigate if the outstanding soliton indicator also applies to simulated data in shallow and deep water. We will furthermore propagate time series using the KdV and NLS equations, respectively, in order to check how many non-rogue waves with large outstanding soliton in nonlinear spectrum become rogue waves after propagation.

How to cite: Lee, Y.-C. and Wahls, S.: Are outstanding spectral solitons indicators for rogue waves in JONSWAP seas?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3253,, 2023.

EGU23-4273 | ECS | PICO | NH5.2

Wave impact force and dynamic pressure on a monopile under different scenarios of focused breaking waves 

Ting Cui, Lihao Yuan, Duanfeng Han, Guanghua He, Weizhi Wang, and Hans Bihs

Cylindrical slender members are typical compositions of many offshore and harbor structures. Extreme wave impact loading on such monopile structure is a very important problem as the slamming force acts for a very short period of time and the magnitude of the load is high. This study aims to estimate the breaking impact dynamic force on a monopile based on the numerical simulational results to analyze the loading characteristics in finite water depth. The simulation of the interaction between the focused breaking waves and monopile is carried out in a numerical wave tank established based on the two-phase flow model in REEF3D, the open-source computational fluid dynamics program. The fluid field is governed by the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equation. Two equation k-w turbulence models are adopted to model the turbulence structures during the complicated chaotic interaction process between the focused breaking wave and a single vertical cylinder. Four different locations of typical breaking scenarios are chosen to investigate the breaking loading variation during the breaking process. The situation when the wave breaks after the structure is selected in a wave-breaking process to evaluate the quasi-static force. Based on this method, the dynamic loading due to wave breaking can be evaluated. The harmonic structure of the dynamic force is analyzed using the FFT method. The slamming force on the cylinder is different as wave-breaking intensities change during the breaking process. The dynamic pressure and wave run-up on the cylinder are also investigated under four typical breaking situation.

How to cite: Cui, T., Yuan, L., Han, D., He, G., Wang, W., and Bihs, H.: Wave impact force and dynamic pressure on a monopile under different scenarios of focused breaking waves, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4273,, 2023.

EGU23-6206 | PICO | NH5.2 | Highlight

Safety aspects of floating ice sheets under moving loads 

Henrik Kalisch, Kristoffer Johnsen, Evgueni Dinvay, and Emilian Parau

Winter roads on frozen lakes are an important part of the transportation infrastructure in several Northern countries. Authorities follow various plans for opening and closing roads, maintaining safety by checking ice thickness and instructing drivers. Many of these plans are based on Gold’s formula which relates the thickness of the ice cover to the allowable load based largely on empirical observations of ice failure or non-failure under various loading conditions.

In the case of moving loads such as motorized vehicles, the speed of the load is an important factor in addition to ice strength considerations. Indeed, experience has shown that under certain conditions of speed, ice thickness and water depth, the deflection under a vehicle travelling on a floating ice sheet may be amplified considerably.

Indeed, it was shown in [1] that a decelerating load can lead to constructive interference of waves which could exceed the critical stress for crack formation. Ice roads are particularly treacherous near the shore as the critical speed gets smaller due to decreasing depth. In addition, due to existing blowouts, traffic may have to be rerouted to avoid broken ice. In the present contribution, we consider the waves created by a load moving in a circular path. Following [2], we show that curved paths may also lead to constructive interference which may be more severe than the waves created by a decelerating load.

[1] Dinvay, E., Kalisch, H. & Părău, E.I. Fully dispersive models for moving loads on ice sheets. J. Fluid Mech. 876, 122–149 (2019).

[2] Johnsen, K., Kalisch, H. and Părău, E.I. Ship wave patterns on floating ice sheets. Scientific Reports, 12, 1-10 (2022).


How to cite: Kalisch, H., Johnsen, K., Dinvay, E., and Parau, E.: Safety aspects of floating ice sheets under moving loads, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6206,, 2023.

EGU23-7460 | ECS | PICO | NH5.2

Development of a phase-resolving nearshore wave model for run-up assessment 

Fatima-Zahra Mihami and Volker Roeber

Quantitative assessments of wave-driven run-up and inundation scenarios have been of high interest to coastal residents, engineers, emergency managers, and scientists. Though it is possible to obtain general estimates of wave run-up based on empirical formulae, such approximations are often of limited applicability, especially in areas with complex shorelines and bathymetries. Due to the substantial increase in computing power, numerical models have emerged as reliable and cost-effective tools for nearshore wave assessment. Accurate computation of wave run-up requires the numerical models to account for phase-dependent processes that can pose challenges to the quality and computational complexity of the numerical solution. 

We present the strategic development of a new Boussinesq-type model with the objective of building a reliable tool for operational run-up forecasting systems.  The effort has led to a computer code where multiple fundamental features are optimized for both computational efficiency and accuracy to achieve fast and reliable solutions of nearshore waves. This requires the model to answer several challenges including wave breaking, numerical diffusion, moving boundaries, and computational complexity. To solve for these contradicting requirements, the model relies on a lean numerical structure that supports mass and momentum conservation across discontinuities and long-distance propagation of irregular waves. An eddy viscosity closure approach based on temporally and spatially varying turbulent kinetic energy alleviates the chronic limitation of depth-integrated dispersive solutions to wave breaking. In an attempt to achieve real-time run-up computations over large domains, the new model efficiently uses commodity graphics cards hardware, and targeted grid refinement through locally nested domains.

Finally, the new model has been verified and validated with standard benchmark tests for problems involving commonly encountered nearshore wave processes that are crucial for accurate run-up computations.


How to cite: Mihami, F.-Z. and Roeber, V.: Development of a phase-resolving nearshore wave model for run-up assessment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7460,, 2023.

EGU23-8408 | ECS | PICO | NH5.2

Slope effect on rogue wave occurrence: saturation at steep shoals and unifying picture 

Saulo Mendes and Jérôme Kasparian

Shoaling surface gravity waves is a process that still calls for a thorough understanding of how it enhances rogue wave formation. Though commonly reduced to water waves passing over a step, the influence of the slope steepness on rogue wave enhancement over a shoal has been demonstrated in numerical simulations. We analytically tackle this with non-equilibrium physics of a spatially varying energy density. While the shoal causes an energy density redistribution and enhances rogue wave occurrence due to a decrease in water depth, the slope effect on the exceedance probability can be interpreted as a second redistribution of the wave statistics. In the presence of a strong departure from a zero-mean water level due to a set-down/set-up the potential energy density is affected by a slope-induced correction. In the case of a shoal, such energy disturbance decreases the total potential energy due to a set-down as compared to linear homogeneous waves, thereby increasing the effect of the energy redistribution. Conversely, a set-up induced by wave-breaking would cause the potential energy density to increase, and so we would observe a decrease in the exceedance probability.


Increasing the slope increases the amplification of rogue wave probability until this amplification saturates at steep slopes. The response of the set-down to the steep slope transition past the saturation point is slower than the depth transition itself, because the effect of lowering the mean water level over the slope balances the pace of the depth transition itself. In contrast, a larger down slope of a subsequent de-shoal zone leads to a stronger decrease in the rogue wave probability. This is because the faster increase of the set-up due to steeper slopes is not balanced by the depth transition, as the mean depth will increase rather than decrease. Thus, a strong asymmetry between shoaling and de-shoaling zones develops. We show that models based on a step can effectively describe the physics of steep finite slopes owing to the saturation of the rogue wave amplification at steep slopes.


Our framework poses a clear unifying picture for wave statistics and energetics transitioning from deep to shallow waters. Waves propagating in deep water will not have their energy affected by the slope and tend to keep a constant rogue wave probability, while in intermediate water the wave energy density will be redistributed due to depth effects on the steepness, vertical asymmetry, and mean water level, ultimately increasing rogue wave likelihoods. Finally, in shallow water the effects on steepness and vertical asymmetry still exist, but the quick divergence of the super-harmonics halts the energy redistribution while the set-up inverts the effect of the latter. Therefore, in the absence of any ocean process besides shoaling, we unify within a single physical mechanism the seemingly contradictory observations of Gaussian statistics in deep water, super-Gaussian (i.e. above) in intermediate water and sub-Gaussian (i.e. below) in shallow waters. 

How to cite: Mendes, S. and Kasparian, J.: Slope effect on rogue wave occurrence: saturation at steep shoals and unifying picture, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8408,, 2023.

EGU23-9054 | ECS | PICO | NH5.2

Mean flow in high-order wave evolution equations at arbitrary depth 

Alexis Gomel, Corentin Montessuit, Andrea Armaroli, Debbie Eeltink, Amin Chabchoub, Jérôme Kasparian, and Maura Brunetti

Fluid motion under water waves includes an Eulerian return flow in the direction opposite to wave propagation that is of importance for accurately modelling the transport of tracers in the ocean like sediments, plastic pollution, oil, etc. The return flow is related to the mean flow, that is to the derivative in space of the zero-harmonic component of the velocity potential φ0. It turns out that this component is not consistently taken into account in some derivations of the high-order nonlinear Schrödinger equation (HONLS) using the multiscale development at arbitrary depth, which therefore do not correctly reproduce experimental results in the deep-water limit.

We show how to formulate a Neumann problem for φ0 that can be solved at fourth order in steepness for arbitrary depth. The derivative of such term is thus included in the HONLS in both cases of propagation in time and in space. We compare the results of the simulations obtained using our model to those obtained with previously published fourth-order models without the mean-flow term, to observations and to accurate simulations performed with the high-order spectral method. While our model is equivalent to alternative formulations in intermediate water, it is more accurate in deep water.  Our model therefore provides the first fourth-order NLS relevant for depths ranging from intermediate to deep water.

How to cite: Gomel, A., Montessuit, C., Armaroli, A., Eeltink, D., Chabchoub, A., Kasparian, J., and Brunetti, M.: Mean flow in high-order wave evolution equations at arbitrary depth, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9054,, 2023.

In this talk we consider the impact of viscosity on the stabilization of spatially periodic breathers (SPBs), related rogue wave activity, and permanent downshift in the framework of a higher order nonlinear Schrodinger (HONLS) model. The Floquet spectral theory of the NLS  equation is used to characterize
the perturbed dynamics in terms of nearby solutions of the NLS equation.
Bands of complex spectrum in the Floquet decomposition of the viscous HONLS data shrink almost to complex points indicating the breakup of the SPB into a
soliton-like structure. Rogue waves in the viscous HONLS flow are found to
typically occur when the spectrum is in a one or more soliton-like  configuration. 
Rogue wave activity in the viscous HONLS is compared with  results  on the emergence of soliton-like rogue waves in a nonlinear damped HONLS model.
Although permanent frequency downshift is observed in both the viscous and nonlinear damped HONLS models, there are important differences in their respective impact on the growth of instabilities.

How to cite: Schober, C.: Viscosity, rogue waves, and permanent downshift in nonlinear Schrodinger models, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10891,, 2023.

EGU23-11024 | PICO | NH5.2 | Highlight

Long-term wave measurements and rogue wave events near Sakhalin Island 

Ira Didenkulova, Anna Kokorina, Alexey Slunyaev, Andrey Zaytsev, Ekaterina Didenkulova, Aleksandr Moskvitin, Oleg Didenkulov, and Efim Pelinovsky

Long-term measurements of bottom pressure variations obtained in four experimental campaigns near Sakhalin Island (Cape Svobodny) are analyzed. The statistical characteristics of 20-minute records of sea surface displacements reconstructed in the hydrostatic approximation, as well as individual wave parameters, such as wave height, period, and wave asymmetry, are studied. Records with similar meteorological conditions are sorted according to the significant wave height and the average wave period with the purpose to obtain statistically homogeneous data. The probability distributions of wave heights are constructed and compared with the Rayleigh and Glukhovsky distributions. A significant deviation from the theoretical curves in the range of anomalously high waves is demonstrated, which is associated with the records of intense wave groups in the winter season of 2014–2015.

The research is supported by the Russian Science Foundation (Grant No. 22–17-00153).

How to cite: Didenkulova, I., Kokorina, A., Slunyaev, A., Zaytsev, A., Didenkulova, E., Moskvitin, A., Didenkulov, O., and Pelinovsky, E.: Long-term wave measurements and rogue wave events near Sakhalin Island, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11024,, 2023.

EGU23-11963 | ECS | PICO | NH5.2

Extreme waves induced by localized frequency and amplitude modulations in a random sea: an experimental study 

Yuchen He, Stefano Trillo, Amin Chabchoub, Andy Witt, and Norbert Hoffmann

It is known that the modulation instability (MI) is a focusing mechanism responsible for the formation of rogue waves (RWs). Such dynamics are initiated from the injection of sidebands, which translates into an amplitude modulation (AM) of the wave field. The nonlinear stage of unstable wave evolution can be described by exact breather solutions of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLSE). In fact, the amplitude modulation of such coherent RW structures is connected to a particular phase-shift seeded in the carrier wave, i.e. a particular form of localized frequency modulation (FM). By seeding only the local FM information of a deterministic breather to a regular wave train, our experiments show that such an FM localization can indeed trigger pure breather-type RW dynamics. Results of an experimental study on identifying spontaneous RWs in a random wave field by isolating the respective FM and AM dynamics will also be discussed. 

How to cite: He, Y., Trillo, S., Chabchoub, A., Witt, A., and Hoffmann, N.: Extreme waves induced by localized frequency and amplitude modulations in a random sea: an experimental study, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11963,, 2023.

EGU23-12796 | ECS | PICO | NH5.2 | Highlight

Investigation of Measured Non-Rogue Wave Time Series With Large Outstanding Spectral Solitons 

Ina Teutsch, Sander Wahls, and Ralf Weisse

We consider measurement data from a surface-following wave buoy in the southern North Sea. The data were collected in a water depth that lies within the range of applicability of the Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation. We intend to increase the understanding of nonlinear processes that might be responsible for the increased rogue wave occurrence observed at this site (Teutsch et al., 2020). More specifically, we investigate the role of (potentially “spectral”) solitons identified by the nonlinear Fourier transform (NLFT) for the KdV equation for the occurrence of rogue waves. In a previous study, we identified a connection between the spectral solitons and rogue waves at the considered station. Teutsch et al. (2022) showed that KdV-NLFT spectra containing one exceptionally large outstanding soliton often corresponded to measured time series including a rogue wave. Some of the time series with a large outstanding soliton however did not contain rogue waves. In this study, we investigate if these outliers might correspond to rogue waves at a different location. This is motivated by the fact that the NLFT soliton spectrum does not change under the KdV equation. We therefore propagate the time series without rogue waves, but with an outstanding soliton in the KdV-NLFT spectrum, according to the KdV equation, to investigate the occurrence of rogue waves shortly upstream or downstream of the recorded time series.


Teutsch, I., Weisse, R., Moeller, J., and Krueger, O. (2020): A statistical analysis of rogue waves in the southern North Sea, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 20, 2665–2680.

Teutsch, I., Brühl, M., Weisse, R., and Wahls, S (2022): Contribution of solitons to enhanced rogue wave occurrence in shallow water: a case study in the southern North Sea. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences Discussions, under review.

How to cite: Teutsch, I., Wahls, S., and Weisse, R.: Investigation of Measured Non-Rogue Wave Time Series With Large Outstanding Spectral Solitons, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12796,, 2023.

EGU23-13773 | ECS | PICO | NH5.2

Weakly nonlinear focused wave group on arbitrary shear based on second-order theory 

Zibo Zheng, Yan Li, and Simen Ellingsen

Using a recently developed second-order theory of  irregular waves on a current varying arbitrarily with depth [1], we study dispersive focussing of wave groups and their dependence on the current profile.  Long-crested wave groups are presumed to propagate obliquely on a flow with non-linear dependence on depth. We investigate the wave surface elevation and wave kinematics of a focused wave group. Nonlinear wave surface elevations vary with the angle between the wave propagation and flow, and it is found that they increase to a maximum where the current increases adversely for larger depth. For wave kinematics, the horizontal wave-induced velocity shows significantly different behaviours due to the presence of shear current.

The development of the highest crest as a function of propagation time is studied for a wave group which linearly focusses at a particular position and time in the absence of shear. The adverse shear causes an increase in maximum height. Exponential and linear depth dependence is compared, and a real, measured shear current [2] is used showing the practical importance of the results.

The results complement our recent study of weakly nonlinear wave statistics in the presence of arbitrary vertical shear, which showed among other observations, a strongly increased probability of rogue waves in the presence of an adverse vertical shear, in accordance with field observations by Zippel and Thomson [2].


[1] Zheng, Z, Li, Y and Ellingsen, S Å 2023 “Statistics of weakly nonlinear waves on currents with strong vertical shear” Phys. Rev. Fluids (accepted, in press)
[2] Zippel, S and Thomson, J 2017 “Surface wave breaking over sheared currents: Observations from the Mouth of the Columbia River J. Geophys. Res.: Oceans 24 127102.

How to cite: Zheng, Z., Li, Y., and Ellingsen, S.: Weakly nonlinear focused wave group on arbitrary shear based on second-order theory, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13773,, 2023.

A mathematical model of Coupled Envelope Evolution Equations (CEEEs) has been derived by Li (2022) for the propagation of nonlinear surface gravity waves. Different from the High-Order Spectral Method (HOSM) (see, e.g., Dommermuth & Yue 1987; West 1987), this newly derived model proposes to use a new pair of canonical variables introduced in the work as the main unknown parameters in the approximate Hamiltonian dynamic equations for surface gravity waves. The canonical conjugates are the envelope of the velocity potential at the free water surface and the surface displacement. They are parameters which are slowly varying in both space and time, similar to the envelope used in a nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLSE)-based model (see, Li 2021 among others). In the limiting cases of weakly nonlinear monochromatic and irregular waves, it is shown in Li (2022) that the CEEEs can recover the analytical results of the Stokes wave theory (Fenton 1985) and the semi-analytical framework by Li & Li (2021).  Similar to the HOSM, the new model is based on a perturbation expansion and can account for the physics up to arbitrary order in wave steepness. In contrast, it has a semi-analytical feature as it is analytical for the evolution of linear waves but requires additional numerical implementations when wave nonlinearity is accounted for. The new model is especially suitable for the extremely long-term evolution of surface waves in a very large domain in space, which is more so for waves with a narrower bandwidth. In this work, the CEEEs are explored for the nonlinear evolution of gravity-capillary waves on a finite water depth. The finite water waves in the neighborhood of kh ≈ 1.363 are investigated, where k and h denote the characteristic wavenumber and constant water depth, respectively. The roles of the nonlinear forcing of mean flows due to a moderately steep wave group in extremely large wave events are examined.

Key words: waves/free-surface flow, gravity-capillary waves



Dommermuth, D. G & Yue, D. K. P. 1987 A high-order spectral method for the study of nonlinear gravity waves. J. Fluid Mech. 184, 267–288.

Fenton, J.D. 1985 A fifth-order Stokes theory for steady waves. J. Waterway, Port, Coast. & Ocean Eng. 111 (2), 216–234.

Li, Y. 2022 On coupled envelope evolution equations in the Hamiltonian theory of nonlinear surface gravity waves. submitted to J. Fluid Mech (under review).

Li, Y. & Li, X. 2021 Weakly nonlinear broadband and multidirectional surface waves on an arbitrary depth: A framework, Stokes drift, and particle trajectories. Phys. Fluids 33 (7), 076609.

Li, Y. 2021 Three-dimensional surface gravity waves of a broad bandwidth on deep water. J. Fluid Mech. 926, 1–43.

West, B. J., Brueckner, K A, Janda, R. S., Milder, D M & Milton, R. L. 1987 A new numerical method for surface hydrodynamics. J. Geophys. Res.: Oceans 92 (C11), 11803–11824.

How to cite: Li, Y.: A mathematical model for nonlinear gravity-capillary waves in a large temporal-spatial domain, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13972,, 2023.

There is a growing interest in adoption of Engineering with Nature or Nature Based Solutions for coastal protection including large mega-nourishment interventions. However, there are still many unknowns on the variables and design features influencing their functionalities. There are also challenges in the optimization of coastal modelling outputs or information usage in support of decision-making. Artificial Intelligence, especially deep learning, is a powerful technology that has been rapidly evolving over the last couple of decades and can offer new means of analysis for the coastal science field. Yet, the potential of these technologies for coastal geomorphology remains relatively unexplored with respect to other scientific fields. In the current study, application of Artificial Neural Network is tested in combination with fully coupled hydrodynamics and morphological model (Delft3D) for predicting morphological changes and understanding the behaviour of large mega-nourishment intervention (Sand Engine).

For prediction of morphological change, two sets of deep learning models were tested, one set relying on localized modelling outputs or localized data sources and one set having reduced dependency from modeling outputs and, once trained, solely relying on boundary conditions and coastline geometry. The first set of models provides regression values greater than 0.95 and 0.86 for training and testing. The second set of reduced-dependency models provides regression values greater than 0.84 and 0.76 for training and testing.

For understanding the behavior of sand engines, a holistic framework is proposed which supports the choice of coastal protection schemes through the synthesis of numerical modelling outputs into an Artificial Neural Networking model whose computational efficiency allows the creation of a standalone computer application (Sand Engine App) illustrating the effectiveness of different users’ defined sand engines. In support of this app, twelve Artificial Neural Networking ensemble models structures were trained to predict the influence of different sand engines on water depth, wave height and sediment transports in its vicinity. The ensemble models were trained on simulated data obtained from more than five hundred numerical simulations with different sand-engine designs and different locations along Morecambe Bay conducted in Delft3D. These ensemble models provided good performance with majority of the models having testing regression greater than 0.90. These ensemble models were then packed into a Sand Engine App developed in MATLAB and designed to calculate the impact of different sand engine features on the above variables based on users’ inputs of sand engine designs.

How to cite: Kumar, P. and Leonardi, N.: A holistic framework for coastal forecast and evaluation of coastal protection schemes through Integration of hydro-morphodynamic modelling and Artificial Intelligence into the Sand Engine App, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-183,, 2023.

EGU23-1719 | Posters virtual | NH5.4 | Highlight

Advancements in a Global Statistical Coastal Flood Modeling Framework   

Tarandeep Kalra, Justin Rogers, Rahul Dhakal, Hannah Hampson, Hillary Scannell, and Scott Eilerman

An accurate and efficient prediction of global coastal flooding is required to analyze the risk associated with future climate scenarios. In this work, we improve upon the existing statistical framework of Jupiter’s Climate Score Global (CSG) coastal flooding product (90 m resolution) that provides flood depths based on future total water levels (TWL) obtained at coastal boundary points. The TWL obtained at coastal boundary points drives the inland inundation to get flood depth information. We upgrade the TWL projections by incorporating the latest IPCC sea level rise datasets while adding the impact of waves and updating our historical datasets of tide and storm surge. We improve the inland inundation predictions by including the effects of storm surge dissipation. This is achieved through the calculation of hydraulic flow distance from coastal boundary points and by using empirical dissipation rates for different return periods. The flow distances are modified by land use coverage information to obtain more realistic flood paths. We further integrate the presence of levees in the US and parts of Europe to improve the fidelity of our coastal flooding product. The outcome of these improvements is demonstrated by comparing the flooding predictions with the output of deterministic high resolution numerical models available at two different geographical locations (Boston and Rotterdam). This advanced coastal flooding framework improves the skill level of Jupiter’s flood predictions at a significantly reduced cost of computation for modeling future risk scenarios.

How to cite: Kalra, T., Rogers, J., Dhakal, R., Hampson, H., Scannell, H., and Eilerman, S.: Advancements in a Global Statistical Coastal Flood Modeling Framework  , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1719,, 2023.

EGU23-1829 | ECS | Orals | NH5.4

Greater flood risks in response to decreasing tropical cyclone translation speed over the coast of China 

Yangchen Lai, Jianfeng Li, Xihui Gu, Yongqin David Chen, Dongdong Kong, Thian Yew Gan, Maofeng Liu, Qingquan Li, and Guofeng Wu

Torrential rains induced by tropical cyclones (TCs) are a major trigger of flood hazards in many coastal regions of the world. Devastating TCs causing unprecedented floods in recent years were usually characterized by low translation speeds. For example, Hurricane Harvey in 2017 lingered over Texas for 4 days, leading to the unprecedented flood and enormous socio-economic losses. The total amount of rainfall associated with TCs over a given region is proportional to rainfall intensity and the inverse of TC translation speed. Although the contributions of increase in rainfall intensity to higher total rainfall amounts have been extensively examined, observational evidence on impacts of the long-term slowdown of TCs on local total rainfall amounts is limited. This study, based on observations and Global Climate Models, found a significant decreasing trend in TCs translation speed (11% in observations and 10% in simulations, respectively) during 1961-2017 over the coast of China. The analyses of long-term observations showed a significant increase in the 90th percentile of TC-induced local rainfall totals and significant negative correlations between TC translation speeds and local rainfall totals over the study period. This study also showed that TCs with lower translation speed and higher rainfall totals occurred more frequently in recent years in the Pearl River Delta in southern China. That is, 10 out of 14 recorded TCs with translation speed ≤ 15 km/h and rainfall intensity ≥ 30 mm/d occurred after 1990, and 3 of them produced rainfall totals of more than 200 mm in the Pearl River Delta. The probability analysis indicated that slow-moving TCs (translation speed ≤ 15 km/h) are more likely to generate higher total rainfall amounts than fast-moving TCs (translation speed ≥ 25 km/h). On average, the local rainfall total of slow-moving TCs is 99.1 mm, which is 20% higher than that of the fast-moving TCs (i.e., 80.5 mm). This study provided observational evidence that the slowdown of TCs tends to elevate local rainfall totals and thus impose greater flood risks at the regional scale.

How to cite: Lai, Y., Li, J., Gu, X., Chen, Y. D., Kong, D., Gan, T. Y., Liu, M., Li, Q., and Wu, G.: Greater flood risks in response to decreasing tropical cyclone translation speed over the coast of China, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1829,, 2023.

To document the spatial and temporal variation of typhoon-induced coarse-grained sediments on the muddy inner continental shelf of the southeast Korea, we analyzed the sedimentary facies, ichnofacies, and 14C dating of 8-m-long six cores obtained from the continental shelf at water depths of 35–55 m. The mud deposits on the inner continental shelf represent the Nakdong subaqueous delta accumulation during the Holocene sea-level highstand. Typhoon-induced deposits consist of coarse-grained sandy and shelly sediments with a sharp lower contact. The upper contact is slightly deformed. Sedimentary records of the typhoon-induced coarse-grained sediments are well preserved on the shallower depocenter with high sedimentation rate in the Nakdong subaqueous delta. Grain size and thickness of the typhoon-induced deposits are increased from mid to late Holocene due to the different typhoon intensity and pathway based on the 14C dating and grain size analysis results. In addition, the Skolithos ichnofacies are dominated by high turbidity settings related to the typhoon-generated high turbulent conditions and differ from Planolites ichnofaices under fair-weather conditions. Historical records of typhoon-driven energetic conditions provide to analyze essential information of wind speeds, wave heights, coastal currents, and atmospheric pressure for predicting for future energetic conditions in the continental shelf.

How to cite: Chun, J.-H. and Um, I.-K.: Spatial and temporal variation of typhoon-induced coarse-grained sediments in the muddy inner continental shelf, SE Korea, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3047,, 2023.

EGU23-3336 | Orals | NH5.4

Large concrete block displaced by a rogue wave : analysis of an event incidentally captured by a photographer 

Stephane Abadie, Edgar Pierre Burkhart, and Amirhossein Parvin

Large boulders lying at abnormally high levels are common proxies to determine the occurrence of extreme past geophysical events such as storm or tsunami. Empirical formulas are derived to reconstruct the event conditions associated to the boulder displacement (e.g., Nott, 2003). Up to now, to the best of our knowledge, no one directly identified the individual wave responsible for the movement of a large boulder. In this paper, we report such an observation and analyze the associated hydrodynamic conditions.

On the 2/28/2017, a large concrete block of about 50T, protecting the Artha breakwater in Saint Jean de Luz (south west of France) was displaced from the block armor unit to the crest of the structure during a large storm event. The vertical displacement of the block is assessed to a minimum of 5.3m. This type of event is quite rare (last known date is 1951), nevertheless, this time, the scene was by chance captured by a photographer taking pictures of the storm at the same moment. This allowed assessing the approximate time at which the event occurred and analyze the corresponding data available locally at this time namely : waves (integrated parameters and free surface signal 1 km off-shore), water level and the associated photographs.

First, the water level is found to be close to its maximum (high tide with high tidal coefficients). During the storm, the significant wave height evolved between 5.61 to 7.47m, and the maximum wave height from 8.53 to 11.11m. Surprisingly, at the time of the block displacement, these parameters were not maximum (i.e., 6.8m and 8.53m, respectively). Nevertheless, the investigation of the free surface signal shows the existence of a large wave of more than 14m high and about 25s long approximately 1min30 before the block displacement, not detected by the zero-crossing wave buoy algorithm. This individual wave satisfies the definition criterion of a rogue wave (i.e., Hwave/Hs>2.2).

With 1D phase resolving wave simulations, we first validated the wave propagation time from buoy to breakwater (i.e., 1min30) and assessed the reflection component at the buoy. The latter was considered as sufficiently moderate at the time of observation to consider the 14m recorded wave as an incident one. Next, we used a combination of two models nested : SWASH (1D) and the Navier-Stokes OLA-FLOW (2DV), to simulate the event considering the free surface signal as input. The hydrodynamical conditions obtained with the computations were finally compared to the existing empirical formulas and discussed.

The simulations show that the long rogue wave keeps its coherence up to the breakwater and generates a strong and abnormally long duration flow above and within the blocks (i.e. the porous medium). This result strengthens the idea that the force duration (along with force magnitude), is an important factor to consider to predict large boulder or concrete block displacement. This study also shows a possible original effect of rogue waves in the nearshore area.

How to cite: Abadie, S., Burkhart, E. P., and Parvin, A.: Large concrete block displaced by a rogue wave : analysis of an event incidentally captured by a photographer, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3336,, 2023.

EGU23-3668 | Orals | NH5.4

Comparison of a reduced-complexity model to a full model for storm surge predictions 

Jay Veeramony, Maarten van Ormondt, Edwards Kacey, and Penko Allison

The ability to anticipate the changes in water levels, waves and current velocities associated with storms is critical to determining the storm damages including morphological changes and coastal structure interaction. Typically, storm surge forecasts are generated using complex modeling systems such as ADCIRC, COAWST or Delft3D which solve the Navier-Stokes equations driven by the wind and wave forcing. These models often take time and effort to set up and needs significant computational resource to produce results at the required resolutions. The advantages are obvious – all the relevant physics are represented with a high degree of accuracy in these models. However, the accuracy of the models is often overshadowed by the uncertainties in the forecast of the storm itself. To capture the effects of these uncertainties, we need to resort to ensemble simulations, which brings us to the main disadvantage of these systems – they require significant computational effort to execute even one of the scenarios. Thus, to get timely information about the surge, it is necessary to either reduce the number of members in the ensemble or reduce the resolution at which the model simulates the event, thereby reducing the confidence in the model results. Here we investigate an alternative approach to storm surge predictions – use a reduced complexity model to compute the surge and compare the results to a full model as well as to data to assess the effectiveness of the models. As a case study, we will compare the two approaches using the forecasts from Hurricane Ida (2021) which impacted Louisiana. We will use the Delft3D FM system as representative of the full physics model and compare the results to that produced by SFINCS, which is a reduced complexity model. Comparisons of water levels at available NOAA tide stations are used to validate the model and quantify errors in the system. Wave statistics are compared against available buoys.

How to cite: Veeramony, J., van Ormondt, M., Kacey, E., and Allison, P.: Comparison of a reduced-complexity model to a full model for storm surge predictions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3668,, 2023.

EGU23-3954 | ECS | Posters on site | NH5.4

What is driving coastline migration in the Wadden Sea? Quantifying the coastal geometry with geodetic and Earth observation techniques 

Bene Aschenneller, Roelof Rietbroek, and Daphne van der Wal

Higher sea levels can affect the position of a coastline by increased inundation and more erosion through higher wave energy. Other morphological processes like sediment transport by currents or river discharge and sediment accumulation by plants or coastal engineering structures may enhance or counteract coastline retreat. Additionally, vertical land motions caused e.g. by extraction of gas, water or oil change the relative sea level with similar effects on the coastline as absolute sea level changes. In order to be able to assess the severity of future sea level rise and the effects on coastlines for local populations and industries, we first need to separate the effect of sea level changes on the coastline positions from the effects of vertical land motions and of morphodynamics. Here, we approach this problem by combining vertical sea surface heights from satellite altimetry measurements with horizontal coastline positions extracted from optical remote sensing images.

In this case study for the barrier island of Terschelling in the Dutch part of the Wadden Sea, we quantify the different parts of the coastal geometry using geodetic and Earth observations covering a maximum time span of 30 years. For the vertical part, we show timeseries of sea surface height anomalies derived from satellite radar altimetry and compare them to recordings of two nearby tide gauges combined with vertical land motions from the available GNSS station. For the horizontal part, we show tidally corrected timeseries of cross-shore changes extracted from Landsat and Sentinel-2 imagery. A yearly Digital Elevation Model for the Netherlands from LiDAR and bathymetry observations (JARKUS) is used to test the sensitivity of the coastline position to sea level height and beach slope. In the future, the combined evaluation of sea surface and topographic heights together with the horizontal coastline positions will increase our understanding of climate change impacts on the coast. The methods designed in this case study serve as the basis for studies at other coasts.

How to cite: Aschenneller, B., Rietbroek, R., and van der Wal, D.: What is driving coastline migration in the Wadden Sea? Quantifying the coastal geometry with geodetic and Earth observation techniques, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3954,, 2023.

EGU23-5531 | ECS | Orals | NH5.4 | Highlight

Predicting coastline changes under human and climate drivers : GLOB-COAST MODEL 

Arias Amélie, Almar Rafael, Regard Vincent, Carretier Sebastien, Boucharel Julien, Papa Fabrice, and Graffin Marcan

A major challenge facing climate change and sea level rise is to predict coastal evolution and in particular coastal erosion, which seems likely to increase in the next century. Coastal erosion affects many regions of the world, often highly populated. In addition to natural processes, coastal erosion is closely interrelated with anthropic activities such as sea defence building or the modification of river sediment supply (e.g. river dam sediment trapping and land use changes). Several studies have already focused on predicting coastal change using more or less complex models on local scales. However, the majority of these models don't take into account one of the main components: the input of sediment from rivers. There are also difficulties in adequately representing the shoreline evolution by a partial understanding of processes and the difficulty of obtaining detailed and long-term data. We present simplified dynamic model on a global scale fed with new satellite observations of coastal ocean hydrology and morphology. The main objective of this study is to explore, thanks to this new model, future scenarios of shoreline change with the identification of potentially vulnerable hotspots. It will help in improving sustainable coastal management strategies.

How to cite: Amélie, A., Rafael, A., Vincent, R., Sebastien, C., Julien, B., Fabrice, P., and Marcan, G.: Predicting coastline changes under human and climate drivers : GLOB-COAST MODEL, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5531,, 2023.

EGU23-6123 | ECS | Posters on site | NH5.4

Storegga and beyond – North Sea tsunami deposits offshore Shetland Islands (NORSEAT) 

Rikza Nahar, Pedro Costa, Sue Dawson, Max Engel, Juliane Scheder, Vanessa Heyvaert, and Marc De Batist and the NORSEAT Belgica 2022-31 Shipboard Party

Evidence of past tsunamis is relatively rare in the regions around the North Sea basin. This may reflect a real low recurrence rate of tsunami events in an area far away from active continental margins. It may also be an observational bias, caused by limited accommodation space onshore or by poor preservation of event deposits due to erosion or anthropogenic reworking, which results in an underestimation of the tsunami hazard of the entire basin. However, on the Shetland Islands, there are good stratigraphic evidence for three Holocene events at 8200 yrs BP, 5500 yrs BP and 1550 yrs BP. In contrast to these observed onshore tsunami deposits, offshore tsunami deposits have received little attention, although they are much more likely to be preserved in the sedimentary record and to contain pristine tsunami depositional signatures, especially those deposited in sufficiently marine environments, well below the storm wave base. To identify such offshore sedimentary tsunami archives is  of vital importance to improve our understanding of the tsunami record and potential geohazard around the North Sea region.

We present the first results from a research cruise with RV Belgica to the Shetland Islands, conducted in the framework of the Storegga and beyond – North Sea tsunami deposits offshore Shetland Islands (NORSEAT)  project. The aim of this project is to couple onshore and offshore tsunami deposits in the Shetland Islands and to provide a robust chronological framework by reconstructing, for the first time, a Holocene relative sea-level (RSL) curve for the area. To achieve this, the project will:

- Trace the tsunami deposits that are well documented onshore in the Shetland Islands towards the offshore realm, study their extent and characteristics in detail, and verify whether the offshore record possibly holds evidence of more events, providing new insights into recurrence intervals;

- To couple onshore and offshore archives to produce full reconstruction of major tsunami event dynamics, contributing to an improved coastal hazard assessment in the wider region;

- To reconstruct a RSL curve for the Holocene, which is poorly constrained thus far for the Shetland Islands, allowing a more accurate assessment of run-up heights for the identified palaeo-tsunamis.

During the first RV Belgica research cruise, which took place in December 2022, new geophysical data (multibeam bathymetry and backscatter, sub-bottom profiler) were collected from selected areas around the Shetlands IslandsPreliminary interpretation of the sub-bottom data shows a predominantly parallel-stratified seismic facies, indicating an open marine sedimentary environment, but with occasional local wavy boundaries between parallel-stratified and obliquely-stratified units. These promising different facies and stratigraphic relations will be investigated further with an additional coring and sampling campaign in September 2023.

How to cite: Nahar, R., Costa, P., Dawson, S., Engel, M., Scheder, J., Heyvaert, V., and De Batist, M. and the NORSEAT Belgica 2022-31 Shipboard Party: Storegga and beyond – North Sea tsunami deposits offshore Shetland Islands (NORSEAT), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6123,, 2023.

EGU23-7400 | ECS | Posters on site | NH5.4

Analyse of the largest ever-described coastal mega boulder in Cuba (Bucanero Resort site, Juragua, Oriente) 

Pedro Luis Dunán Avila, Kevin Pedoja, Christine Authemayou, Arelis Nuñez Labañino, Leandro Luis Peñalver Hernández, Denovan Chauveau, Gino de Gelder, Pedro de Jesus Benitez Frometa, Julius Jara Muñoz, Denyse Izquierdo Martin, Kalil Traore, Enrique Arango Arias, Enrique Castellanos, Vincent Regard, and Ángel Raúl Rodríguez Valdés


Coastal boulders or mega-clasts, named huracanolitos in Cuba, are found along many rocky shores. They result from storms/hurricanes or tsunamis, but despite being potentially important indicators for hazard assessment, their mode of emplacement is typically unknown. We studied a coastal boulder that is probably the largest one ever described on Cuba Island. Located on a low-lying coral reef terrace on the SE Cuban shore, the reefal limestone boulder is emplaced seaward of the ruins of the Bucanero resort. The latter was built in 1989, suffered from Hurricanes Ivan (2004) and Dennis (2005), and, in October 2012, was totally destroyed by Hurricane Sandy. Despite these extreme climatic events, satellite images obtained since 1962 show no movement of the block. In order to analyse the boulder and its morphological context, we have analysed its position, shape and its morphological environment. To determine its volume, we developed a low-cost, open-source Structure from Motion photogrammetry (SfM) procedure using a simple 3D spherical target (diameter 30 ± 0.2 x 10-3 m). Using various hydrodynamic equations, we calculated the breaking wave height and associated energy responsible for the dislocation of the coral reef terrace and transport of the boulder. To determine the exposure time of the block on the terrace, we performed 36Cl analysis and U/Th dating on post-depositional secondary calcite. From these data, the climatic or tsunamigenic (by earthquake or gravity event) origin is discussed. Notably, mapping and dating of a neighboring coastal landslide were made in order to correlate or not its effect on the setting up of the boulder.

Keywords: coastal boulder; extreme-wave deposit; tsunami; hurricane; Cuba

How to cite: Dunán Avila, P. L., Pedoja, K., Authemayou, C., Nuñez Labañino, A., Peñalver Hernández, L. L., Chauveau, D., de Gelder, G., Benitez Frometa, P. D. J., Jara Muñoz, J., Izquierdo Martin, D., Traore, K., Arango Arias, E., Castellanos, E., Regard, V., and Rodríguez Valdés, Á. R.: Analyse of the largest ever-described coastal mega boulder in Cuba (Bucanero Resort site, Juragua, Oriente), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7400,, 2023.

EGU23-7510 | ECS | Orals | NH5.4 | Highlight

Raising dikes and the large-scale implementation of managed realignment are not sufficient to mitigate increasing flood risk along the German Baltic Sea coast 

Joshua Kiesel, Lars Honsel, Marvin Lorenz, Ulf Gräwe, and Athanasios Vafeidis

Across Europe, the North- and the Baltic Sea coasts are expected to experience the highest increase in extreme sea levels until the end of the century, mostly due to rising sea levels. This increase will have serious implications for coastal flooding and adaptation planning, which is particularly true for Germany. Without adjusted and/or upgraded adaptation, Germany is projected to be among those European countries that suffer largest absolute flood damages in 2100.

Here we use a fully validated modelling framework to explore the effectiveness of raised dike crest elevations and managed realignment as a nature-based adaptation option in reducing flood extent and exposed population during a 200-year surge event, also accounting for two sea-level rise scenarios (1 m and 1.5 m). We explore the potential for managed realignment in the study region by introducing a fully automated modelling approach that considers elevation, land use and infrastructure.

We find that managed realignment is more effective in reducing the population exposed to coastal flooding compared to increasing dike crest elevations. However, maximum reduction in population exposure amounts to 26 %, suggesting that redesigning existing dikes by managed realignment is not enough for maintaining flood risk at today´s levels. Our results show that the greatest potential for protecting people and property from coastal flooding in the future lies in developing adaptation strategies for those coastal sections, where currently no dikes are present. Here we argue that more landward dike lines, as created by managed realignment, allow for a wider buffer zone between land and sea, and constitute a promising option to complement conventional coastal defense schemes.

How to cite: Kiesel, J., Honsel, L., Lorenz, M., Gräwe, U., and Vafeidis, A.: Raising dikes and the large-scale implementation of managed realignment are not sufficient to mitigate increasing flood risk along the German Baltic Sea coast, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7510,, 2023.

EGU23-7827 | Orals | NH5.4 | Highlight

Geological record of megatsunamis in Mediterranean deep sea sediments 

Alina Polonia, Hans C. Nelson, Stefano C. Vaiani, Ester Colizza, Giorgio Gasparotto, Giulia Giorgetti, Carla Bonetti, and Luca Gasperini

The Mediterranean Sea hosts two subduction systems along the convergent Africa-Eurasia plate boundary that have produced strong ground shaking and generated tsunamis.  Based on historical descriptions and sedimentary records, one of these events, in 365 CE, impacted a broad geographical area qualifying it as a ‘megatsunami’. Understanding how megatsunamis are produced, and where they are more likely, requires a better understanding of the different secondary processes linked to these events such as massive slope failures, multiple turbidity current generation, and basin seiching.

An extensive collection of cores located in distal and disconnected deep basins, identified turbidites which were analyzed using granulometry, elemental (XRF), micropaleontological, and geochemical data in order to define sedimentary processes during the propagation of the CE 365 Crete megatsunami. The deposit contains a volume of detrital siliciclastic and biogenic components as large as 800 km3. The sediment from the European and African margins was remobilized and transported by tsunamis to abyssal depositional sites and isolated basins during the catastrophic event. The resedimented deposits, when viewed across multiple geomorphological locations of the marine depositional sites (canyon mouth, abyssal, isolated higher basin), demonstrate a complex sequence of processes triggered by the megatsunami wave propagation.

The tsunamis produced multiple far-field slope failures that resulted in stacked basal turbidites. It also caused transport of continent-derived organic carbon and deposition over basal turbidites and into isolated basins of the deep ocean. The composition of sediment in isolated basins suggests their deposition by large-scale sheet like flows similar to what has been caused by the Tohoku earthquake associated tsunamis. A local turbidite bed at the base of the deposit in isolated basins on the accretionary wedge indicates that sediment remobilization from basin walls was possibly related to the passage of the tsunami in deep water. When the tsunami wave hit the continental margins in Italy and Africa, it triggered turbidity currents on the slopes, which resulted in the stacked basal sand and silt units of the resedimented deposit. The analyses of geophysical data shows the presence of additional deposits of a similar nature from older layers with an age of about 14 and 40-50 Ka. This is significant for rectifying and resolving where risk is greatest and how cross-basin tsunamis are generated.

How to cite: Polonia, A., Nelson, H. C., Vaiani, S. C., Colizza, E., Gasparotto, G., Giorgetti, G., Bonetti, C., and Gasperini, L.: Geological record of megatsunamis in Mediterranean deep sea sediments, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7827,, 2023.

EGU23-8522 | ECS | Orals | NH5.4

Quantifying the effects of coastal erosion on flooding projections at the climate change scale 

Moisés Álvarez-Cuesta, Alexandra Toimil, and Iñigo Losada

Coastal flooding and erosion threaten coastal communities and climate change boosts their effects to unprecedented levels. Even if coastal erosion has a direct effect on coastal flooding, their effects are normally studied in isolation due to the complex interplays among them, leading to potentially erroneous flood risk estimates (Toimil et al., 2022). To handle this challenge, an advanced shoreline evolution model enriched with observations (Álvarez-Cuesta et al., 2022) is coupled with a profile translation model to provide the boundary condition over which to run a 2D flood model. This suite of process and physics-based models enriched with observations is applied to a 40-km coastal stretch in the Spanish Mediterranean to develop erosion-enhanced flooding projections. In this study, the effects of neglecting erosion are studied at the storm scale and in the long term on two key flood magnitudes: the total water level and the flooded area. Additionally, the most relevant climate-related uncertainty sources are identified and their relative importance evaluated. At this particular coastal site where the suite is illustrated, results reveal that neglecting erosion has a more important effect on the flooded extent than the choice of the climate model and the sea level rise trajectory by the end of the century.  This application sets the basis for establishing general behavioural rules that may come to question the conclusions of erosion-uncoupled flooding studies.


Toimil, A., Álvarez-Cuesta, M., & Losada, I. J. (2023). Neglecting the effect of long-and short-term erosion can lead to spurious coastal flood risk projections and maladaptation. Coastal Engineering179, 104248.


Álvarez-Cuesta, M., Toimil, A., Losada, I.J. (2022). Modelling long-term shoreline evolution in highly anthropized coastal areas. Part 1: Model description and validation. Coastal Engineering, 169, 103960.

How to cite: Álvarez-Cuesta, M., Toimil, A., and Losada, I.: Quantifying the effects of coastal erosion on flooding projections at the climate change scale, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8522,, 2023.

EGU23-8686 | ECS | Orals | NH5.4

Effects of Nonstationarity on Flooding of Coastal Infrastructure 

Cassandra Everett, Julia Zimmerman, Grace Maze, Sukhwan Chung, Gaurav Savant, and Margaret Kurth

Urban flooding continues to be one of the most damaging natural hazards globally. Despite efforts to mitigate flood risk, it continues to increasingly cause damage and disruption; in the US, tropical cyclones, severe storms, and inland flooding events are the first, third, and fourth most costly billion-dollar disaster events, respectively (NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information, 2022). Flood events in the US, including those caused by tropical cyclones and severe storms, cost an average of 40.6 billion USD each year and 1.7 trillion USD since 1980 (NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information, 2022). Beyond physical damages, flooding impacts local transportation networks, disrupting mobility necessary for day-to-day functions as well as for recovery.

In response, the US Department of Defense has increased efforts to evaluate and improve the resilience of the missions that are carried out at coastal military installations. Under a changing climate, many of the factors that contribute to flooding at installation locations are nonstationary in nature, such as sea level rise, river discharge trends, land subsidence, and storm severity and frequency. Hazard modeling and subsequent resilience analytics should take nonstationarity trends into account, which in turn may lead to plans and designs that deviate from historical status quo to better cope with new realities.

In this study, Adaptive Hydraulics 2D Shallow Water (AdH-SW2D), a high fidelity, finite-element model, is used to simulate hydrodynamic conditions under nonstationary conditions in sea level and river discharge over one hundred years. Two locations are identified as case studies – Camp Lejeune, NC, USA and NAS Gulfport, MS, USA. Simulations are carried out under low, intermediate, and high sea level rise for nine annual exceedance probabilities in river discharge. Maps of flood depth and extent are generated to examine the effects of nonstationarity on urban flood conditions in each location over time. Inundation conditions form the basis for various inquiries including road network connectivity, installation mission resilience, and the compounding impact of multiple threats.

Reference: NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) U.S. Billion-Dollar Weather and Climate Disasters (2022)., DOI: 10.25921/stkw-7w73

How to cite: Everett, C., Zimmerman, J., Maze, G., Chung, S., Savant, G., and Kurth, M.: Effects of Nonstationarity on Flooding of Coastal Infrastructure, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8686,, 2023.

EGU23-9204 | Orals | NH5.4 | Highlight

High-tide flooding in French Guiana due to sea-level rise 

François Longueville, Remi Thieblemont, Déborah Idier, Maurizio D'anna, Ali Bel madani, and Gonéri Le Cozannet

Many flat coastal plains are already subject to recurrent high-tide flooding events under calm meteorological conditions. As a consequence of sea level rise (SLR), the frequency of such harmful flooding events is expected to increase. Although not catastrophic, the coastal flooding may become a major adaptation challenge as they could cause substantial transportation and economic disruption. In many low-lying coastal zones in the world, an increasing occurrence of high-tide flooding has indeed been recorded. This is often accompanied by land subsidence. The French Guiana coast, located in northern South America, is a coastal plain where nuisance flooding has been recently observed (Cayenne city). In this study, we first performed a hindcast analysis of this recently observed chronic flooding to better understand the associated drivers. Then, we developed projections over the 21st century for three cities of this French territory: Cayenne, Kourou and Mana.

Hindcasts and projections of relative SLR (i.e., accounting for vertical land motion) relied on CMIP5 climate model results and IPCC/SROCC estimates for the region, together with records from permanent GNSS stations in French Guiana. The daily maximum tide level was determined from hourly tide gauge observations and tide predictions. SLR and tide water levels combined with digital terrain models have allowed mapping of low-lying areas exposed to coastal flooding, and the associated flooding frequencies.

The hindcast analysis revealed the absence of significant land subsidence/uplift and suggested that the recently observed high-tide flooding in Cayenne have been fostered by climate change-induced SLR. Over the 21st century, our results showed that urban zones exposed to high-tide flooding will progressively expand in the three cities, although at different rates. The sectors most exposed to flooding are located along urban channels and within swamps. Conversely, sandy coastlines are less exposed to chronic flooding due to their fast and dynamic evolution in response to changing hydrodynamic forcing factors. The results of this study provide the first scientific basis in French Guiana available for decision-makers and stakeholders in order to develop coastal management and adaptation strategies.

How to cite: Longueville, F., Thieblemont, R., Idier, D., D'anna, M., Bel madani, A., and Le Cozannet, G.: High-tide flooding in French Guiana due to sea-level rise, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9204,, 2023.

EGU23-9845 | Orals | NH5.4

Into uncharted territories – subsidence along Africa’s Gulf of Guinea coast? 

Pietro Teatini, Philip Minderhoud, Leon Hauser, Roberta Bonì, Selasi Yao Avornyo, Femi Emmanel Ikuemonisan, Leonard Ohenhen, Cheikh Tidiane Wade, Claudia Zoccarato, Kwasi Appeaning Addo, Vitalis Chidi Ozebo, Manoochehr Shirzaei, Fatou Diop Ngom, and Marie-Noëlle Woillez

The coastline of the African Gulf of Guinea hosts large river deltas, coastal wetlands and mangrove ecosystems. It is in places densely populated, with many capital megacities with millions of inhabitants such as Lagos, Abidjan and Accra situated at the coast. And population projections for these cities suggest a continued staggering increase in the coming decades. Also, many of the economic activities are located along the coastline. For example, Nigerian coastal areas are home to 85% of the nation industry and to more than 100 million people. On the other hand, the coastland retains pristine transitional environments formed during the Holocene, well recognized for the great biological richness and the high level of endemism. These pressures and foreseen growth make these lowly elevated coastal areas particularly vulnerable to relative sea-level rise (SLR).

Regional or local impact studies of climate-change induced global sea-level rise are scarce and, when available, do not account for vertical land motion, i.e. land subsidence. Coastal land subsidence is critically under-quantified at global scale and the Gulf of Guinea region is no exception to this. Meanwhile, examples elsewhere in the World show coastal economic development and population growth can accelerate land subsidence to rates that are magnitudes larger than global SLR. With the fast-paced developments taking place along the Gulf of Guinea’s coastline, land subsidence poses an unknown but potentially large hazard to this region.

Here, we present the first findings in our work to assess coastal subsidence in this fast-changing region of the World, through regional and local case studies and satellite assessments. By building on the recent advancements in global elevation data, we aim to update coastal elevation estimates and identify low lying hotspots with high vulnerability to relative SLR. Ultimately, we aim to project coastal elevation change for this important region and, in case of human-induced land subsidence, show how much relative SLR can potentially be avoided by changing to sustainable use of natural resources. Hence, we may be able to alter the fate of deltas, wetlands and coastal cities by quantifying and addressing land subsidence as early as in this fast growing region of the world.

How to cite: Teatini, P., Minderhoud, P., Hauser, L., Bonì, R., Avornyo, S. Y., Ikuemonisan, F. E., Ohenhen, L., Wade, C. T., Zoccarato, C., Addo, K. A., Ozebo, V. C., Shirzaei, M., Ngom, F. D., and Woillez, M.-N.: Into uncharted territories – subsidence along Africa’s Gulf of Guinea coast?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9845,, 2023.

EGU23-10416 | ECS | Posters on site | NH5.4

Sensitivity Analysis on Sea Surface Drag Parameterization in Storm Surge Modeling 

Feyza Nur Özkan, Martin Verlaan, Sanne Muis, and Firmijn Zijl

Storm surges can be described as nonperiodic fluctuations in sea levels associated with variations in wind stress and atmospheric pressure, caused by the approach of cyclones or extratropical storms. They can have catastrophic results on coastal communities, particularly in combination with high tides and large waves. Therefore, for the efficiency of storm surge modeling, the accuracy and resolution of meteorological data as well as hydrodynamic processes, which are essentially governed by the atmospheric flow under such strong wind conditions, are particularly crucial. In addition to the accurate forecasts of wind speed, there is uncertainty in translating wind speed to the wind shear stress, which is an essential contributor to storm surges that quantify the driving force of wind to ocean flow using a sea-surface drag in the numerical models.

The main purpose of this study is to improve our understanding of the role of sea surface drag parametrization in storm surge dynamics and reproduction within the Global Tide and Surge Model (GTSM). The depth-averaged hydrodynamic model GTSM, which has global coverage and spatially varying resolution increasing towards the coast, can be used to simulate changes in water levels and currents caused by tides and storm surges. In this study, the GTSM is used to compute tide and surge combined to provide accurate tide-surge interactions, and we conduct a sensitivity study of the storm surges to evaluate the performance of various sea surface drag parameterization in predicting storm surge behavior to determine the most suitable one. The model's performance is assessed based on a comparison of modeled and observed storm surges, both being estimated based on tidal analysis of total water levels. We investigate the performance from 2006 to 2022 and analyze 20 specific extreme weather events, such as extra-tropical storm Xaver that occurred over the North Sea and post-tropical cyclone Fiona hit Canada. The results of this study will provide valuable insights into the most suitable sea surface drag parameterization for the prediction of tide-surge interactions, surge signal's mean behavior, and storm surge dynamics within the GTSM under storm conditions.

How to cite: Özkan, F. N., Verlaan, M., Muis, S., and Zijl, F.: Sensitivity Analysis on Sea Surface Drag Parameterization in Storm Surge Modeling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10416,, 2023.

Coastal boulder deposits of western Ireland include over 1200 boulders and megagravel documented to have moved during storms in the winter of 2013 - 2014. The data come from seven areas on the mainland and outlying islands. The mass spectrum for the transported clasts ranges from 0.1 tonnes for the lightest boulder to 620 tonnes for the heaviest megagravel. This is a unique dataset that provides the opportunity for detailed quantitative analysis of dislodgement criteria.

We employ the Boulder Dislodgement and Sliding Model of Weiss et al (2022) to calculate dislodgement flow velocities for each boulder. In each of the seven areas, we derive the dislodgement flow velocity to mass (DV-M) relationships for each area and perform hypothesis tests to decern if the DV-M relationships in the different areas are governed by (a) the characteristics of the geological formation and topography from which the boulders are quarried, (b) the characteristics of the storm events, such as significant wave heights and period, or (c) a interactsions/combined influence of (a) and (b).

Interrogating the boulder data and model results objectively, with statistical and other quantitative methods, will help to shed light on the question of whether coastal boulder deposits are useful event records in the context of non-linear wave-wave interactions nearshore that may result in significant under- and overestimations of the causative event if nonlinear wave-wave interactions are ignored. For example, constructive wave-wave interactions can result in a wave condition that is much larger and dislodges a significantly heavier boulder than the individual waves could. Similarly, destructive wave-wave interaction can also cause much smaller wave conditions than the individual waves indicate and cause only the dislodgment of much lighter boulders than the individual waves would.

The wide range in boulder masses and topographic settings n the dataset can help to establish a better understanding of potential uncertainties for dislodgement velocities in general; and this approach should be valuable for application in other situations, for example, for isolated boulders in coastal settings or for cases in the stratigraphic record. 

How to cite: Weiss, R. and Cox, R.: Boulder Dislodgement By Storms: What can we learn from the boulder fields Central-Western Ireland?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10562,, 2023.

EGU23-10790 | Orals | NH5.4 | Highlight

Assessing the Compound Flooding Risk and Impacts across the Coastal Areas of the United States 

Mahjabeen Fatema Mitu, Giulia Sofia, Xinyi Shen, and Emmanouil N. Anagnostou

Compound floods, particularly in estuaries and coastal areas, are gaining increasing attention among the recent extreme climatic events. Understanding which driver dominates inundation depth (ID) is still an open question. In this study, a detailed and extended assessment of flood damages from 2009 to 2022 is conducted across the USA coast, based on the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) insurance claims records and historical storm events that occurred during the corresponding period.

To identify the relative importance of the driving mechanisms (inland vs. coastal flows) for a particular location, we propose an index [hereafter named D-Index] that identifies the topology of the local draining potentials to either the closest river, or to the coast. The D-Index captures the topographic control over ID, and it considers the vertical hydrologic distance between a location and its nearest water body, either a river stream, or the coastline.

The D-index was initially developed and validated considering 1051 simulations of historical flood events covering a time span of 40 years in Connecticut (CT), USA, and several simulated storms associated with future climate scenarios. For the analysis, we simulated river discharge time series for each event using a physically based distributed hydrological model and retrieved the storm surge from tidal stations. These time series are used as upstream and downstream boundary conditions for 2D hydrodynamic simulations. We focused the analysis on seven locations along the coast of CT for which we had available LIDAR-derived 1m DEM. To capture the variability of inundation characteristics over the full-scale gradient from river to coast, we highlight the correlation of ID to different drivers in distinct categories of the D-Index. We identified thresholds of standard deviation of the D-Index to identify areas where ID strongly correlates with either of the flood drivers. For validation, we demonstrated that it is possible to use the results obtained from the 1 m analysis to generalize the findings using coarser (still high quality) resolution DEM for the entire CT coast to derive zones dominated by surge, river flow, or the compound effect of both. The areas mapped as surge dominated based on the D-index overlap well with the SLOSH ranking.

We demonstrated the actual impacts of major events, e.g., Irene (2011) and Sandy (2012), to analyze the differences in the corresponding claims data by detecting the underlying flood drivers. To date, the claim records have been investigated based on individual drivers, for example flood caused either by excessive river flow or by coastal flooding. Hence, it is crucial to assess how compound flooding reflect on insurance flood claim records. The results obtained in this study demonstrate the potential of integrating a flood type-specific mapping system into a compound flood impact estimation. The outcome of this study will be helpful for the coastal communities to better understand their risk to the compounding impacts of various environmental forcings (heavy precipitation, surge, and the effect of sea level rise), which is important for increasing their resilience to future compound flooding events.

How to cite: Mitu, M. F., Sofia, G., Shen, X., and Anagnostou, E. N.: Assessing the Compound Flooding Risk and Impacts across the Coastal Areas of the United States, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10790,, 2023.

EGU23-11758 | ECS | Orals | NH5.4

A new dataset of external surges in the German Bight and its application to potential high impact scenarios 

Alexander Müller, Birgit Gerkensmeier, and Gabriele Gönnert

External surges are a key component of extreme water levels in the North Sea. Caused by low pressure cells over the North Atlantic and amplified at the continental shelf, they can drive water level changes of more than one metre at the British, Dutch and German North Sea coast. To extend the knowledge on external surges, an automated approach to detect external surges was developed, using high resolution tide gauge data. The newly collected dataset of 101 external surges spanning from 1995 to 2020 revealed the phenomenon of series of external surges, whereat two or more external surges follow each other less than 72 h apart. This phenomenon accounts for 33% of the detected external surges. Serial events tend to occur more often during wind–induced storm surges. While the inclusion of external surges in design water levels is already applied in a few design level approaches, the effects of serial external surges on storm surges have not been studied. This presentation highlights past events of combined storm surges and serial external surges and analyses the corresponding storm tracks. Based on these events, modifications for further study are proposed, creating potential high impact events, which consist of storm surges combined with serial external surges.

How to cite: Müller, A., Gerkensmeier, B., and Gönnert, G.: A new dataset of external surges in the German Bight and its application to potential high impact scenarios, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11758,, 2023.

EGU23-13847 | ECS | Orals | NH5.4

Presenting the International Panel on Land Subsidence (IPLS) - Combat relative sea-level rise at global scale 

Philip S.J. Minderhoud, Manoochehr Shirzaei, and Pietro Teatini

Accelerated relative sea-level rise (SLR) rate is driven by by changing climate and vertical land motion (VLM) at the world's coastlines. Today, many coastal environments and communities, such as river deltas, wetlands, and cities experience accelerated land subsidence rates due to human-induced processes such as groundwater extraction and coastal populations ( >500M people worldwide) experience, on average, a four times higher relative sea-level rate than the global mean average.

Although subsidence is the dominant force driving relative SLR worldwide, its effect is often still overlooked and/or not fully integrated into global and regional sea-level rise projections. As a result, SLR impact assessments underlying coastal adaptation plans for many governments around the world underestimate future relative SLR rates and consequent flood risks. It is more important than ever for the global scientific community on coastal land subsidence to unite, in a similar fashion as the IPCC has come into existence in the 80's, to combat the growing global challenge of land subsidence.

For this purpose the International Panel on Land Subsidence (IPLS) ( was recently launched. The IPLS initiative welcomes all experts from disciplines related to coastal land subsidence, elevation dynamics and relative sea-level rise. The IPLS is envisioned to grow in the coming years connecting the different research communities working on coastal VLM, to become a global focal point of scientific knowledge on coastal land subsidence and create consistent contemporary rate and projections of coastal VLM for the world’s coastlines.

The IPLS aims to connect the different research communities working on VLM and elevation change in the coastal zone, consolidate knowledge and identify gaps. The IPLS’s first milestones are to 1) present the First Global Assessment Report on Land Subsidence, including 21st-century projections of land elevation, to inform governments, scientific communities and the public worldwide and 2) propose a consistent framework to combine VLM and sedimentation dynamics across scales and disciplines, 3) properly integrate contemporary and projected VLM and coastal elevation change into IPCC's AR7.

The IPLS welcomes experts from all related disciplines to join the initiative and become part of this global effort.

How to cite: Minderhoud, P. S. J., Shirzaei, M., and Teatini, P.: Presenting the International Panel on Land Subsidence (IPLS) - Combat relative sea-level rise at global scale, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13847,, 2023.

EGU23-14074 | ECS | Orals | NH5.4

Monitoring the 2020 storm Gloria in the Ebro Delta (Western Mediterranean) using Earth Observation data 

Mar Roca Mora, Gabriel Navarro Almendros, Martha Bonnet Dunbar, and Isabel Caballero de Frutos

Coastal hazards and extreme events are increasing in frequency and severity due to climate change, making the littoral zone even more vulnerable and requiring continuous monitoring for its optimized management. The Ebro Delta ecosystem, located in the NW Mediterranean, was subject to storm “Gloria” in the winter of 2020, the most severe coastal storm registered in the area in decades. In this study, Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 satellites were used to monitor flooding impact and water quality status, including chlorophyll-a, suspended particulate matter, and turbidity in different time slots to evaluate pre-, syn-, and post-storm scenarios. Image processing was carried out using the ACOLITE software and the on-the-cloud Google Earth Engine platform for water quality and flood mapping, respectively, showing a consistent performance for both satellites. This cost-effective methodology allowed us to characterize the main water quality variation in the coastal environment during the storm, as well as to detect a higher flooding impact (7311 ha) compared to the one registered 3 days later by the Copernicus Emergency Service (3672 ha) regarding the same area. Moreover, the time series revealed how the detrimental impact on water quality and turbidity conditions was restored two weeks after the extreme weather event, and no phytoplankton blooms appeared during the study period neither in the Ebro Delta nor in adjacent regions. These results, obtained within the EuroSea project (H2020 grant agreement No 862626), demonstrate that the used workflow is suitable for monitoring extreme coastal events in the Ebro Delta using open satellite imagery at 10-30 m spatial resolution and four-day revisit time, thus providing valuable information for early-warning to facilitate timely assistance and hazard impact evaluation. The integration of high-resolution remote sensing tools into ecological disaster management can significantly improve current monitoring strategies, supporting decision-makers from the local to national level especially in prevention, adaptation measures, and damage compensation.

Keywords: Remote Sensing; Water Quality; Flooding; Coastal Management; Sentinel-2; Landsat-8.

How to cite: Roca Mora, M., Navarro Almendros, G., Bonnet Dunbar, M., and Caballero de Frutos, I.: Monitoring the 2020 storm Gloria in the Ebro Delta (Western Mediterranean) using Earth Observation data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14074,, 2023.

Water level at the coast integrates several components from different genesis. This study focuses on the climate-related component of extreme coastal water levels, i.e. the variations in water level over time due to the atmospheric and oceanic circulation variability and their interaction. The extreme climatic component of coastal water levels mostly integrates the storm surge, which represents the sea level variations due to atmospheric wind and pressure drivers, and the wave set-up, which represents the coastal water level variations induced by wind waves. Extreme events of the climatic component of coastal water levels under storm conditions are a major hazard in coastal impacts. These extreme events significantly increase coastal total water levels, which may result in coastal damage through catastrophic flooding episodes.

This study assesses the atmospheric storm conditions in the North Atlantic Ocean linked to extreme climate-induced water levels along the Atlantic coast of Europe. A coastal water level indicator that integrates the storm surge and wind wave set-up components is computed first. North Atlantic atmospheric wind-pressure synoptic patterns are classified, identifying the storm-related patterns most probable to cause extreme water level events along the Western European coast. In addition, the track of the storms causing coastal water level extremes are identified and its main characteristics are analyzed (e.g., track orientation, storm intensity, landfall latitude). Results allow to unravel the differences between coastal regions regarding the characteristics of the storms potentially responsible for coastal impacts. For completeness, the projected changes in the storm conditions causing coastal climate-induced water level extremes by the end of the century due to climate change are explored.

How to cite: Lobeto, H. and Menendez, M.: On the understanding of the North Atlantic storm conditions responsible for coastal flooding along the Western European coast, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14474,, 2023.

With a total coast length of approximately 30,000 km, UK coastlines experience significant coastal erosion annually and therefore substantial resources are allocated for their maintenance and rehabilitation. According to various sources, approximately 18% of UK coastlines are protected with defense works. This shows the enormous size of the sector and highlights the importance of introducing innovations to reduce the costs of coastal defense. Traditionally, various ways were applied for coastal erosion and flooding control including rock/concrete/wood revetments, sea walls, dykes, breakwaters, groynes, beach nourishment and recycling, and sand dunes/bags. Among these methods, revetment is possibly the most popular solution that can be constructed by various materials such as rock, concrete, gabions, and wood. While concrete revetments offer convenient access to the coast and require minimum maintenance relative to rock revetments, they are more expensive and are less effective in controlling wave runup and overtopping. On the other hand, rock revetments are a more cost-effective option and provide significant wave disputation, but they occupy large spaces at the coast, require continuous maintenance and undermine the aesthetic value of beaches.

An alternate middle approach is to apply steel-wire mesh pebble/rock cells that carry the advantages of both concrete and rock revetments and minimize their drawbacks. The diamond mesh has an 8.3 cm unit width and 14.3 cm unit height, and are composed of relatively uniform rock/pebble units with diameters in the range of 20 – 25 cm. The cells are normally made to the thickness of 75 cm, but can be altered to withstand the different coastal conditions. Unlike gabions, the cells are more porous resulting in higher wave energy absorption and minimizing wave runup and overtopping. The inclusion of strong tension cables between each cell compartment when tensioned do not allow any movement in the rocks within the cells, enforcing the structure, providing stability and structural integrity making it robust for the most critical conditions.

The purpose of this research is to test the hydrodynamic performance of the system through physical modelling. In this study, we focus on a particular type of cell called the TECCO CELL®manufactured by Geobrugg Inc. which offers marine grade stainless wire with high tensile strength steel. Such wire materials would ensure long-term durability of the system. This innovative coastal defense system was applied in Beesands (southwest England) in 2016 and yielded satisfactory performance in the past few years by the environmental bodies and the townsfolks for stopping the coastal erosion. We make 1/10 scaled models of the steel-wire mesh pebble/rock cells in the laboratory and study the interaction between the cells and incident waves by measuring various hydrodynamic performance criteria such as wave runup, transmission, overtopping and reflection. Based on our findings, we make recommendation on maximizing the hydrodynamic performance of steel-wire mesh pebble/rock cell revetments.  

How to cite: Heidarzadeh, M. and Sheibani, M.: Performance of steel-wire mesh pebble/rock cells in coastal erosion and flooding control: a physical modelling study, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14732,, 2023.

Coastal cities and settlements play a key role in moving toward higher climate resilient development. But as urbanization trends in exposed areas continue, this will exacerbate the associated flood risk affecting climate change, including sea level rise. Understanding future sea level rise and future urban growth is essential for urban adaptation to flood risk. Here, we combined a future land use simulation (GeoSOS) model and floodplain inundation model (LISFLOOD-FP) to simulate and evaluate the impacts of future socioeconomic development scenarios under different representative concentration pathways and proposed possible adaptations measures for the coastal city Mumbai, India. The results showed that flood inundation under different scenarios showed differences. Our results confirm that sea level rise will significantly affect the coastal Mumbai urban area.

How to cite: Fang, Y.: Coastal exposure and adaptability under the sea-level rise in coastal cities: a case study in Mumbai, India, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16022,, 2023.

EGU23-16808 | ECS | Posters virtual | NH5.4 | Highlight

Coastal adaptation dynamics under future shoreline changes 

Lars Tierolf, Toon Haer, Wouter Botzen, and Jeroen Aerts

Coastal adaptation dynamics under future shoreline changes

Currently 24% of the worlds sandy beaches are eroding with rates exceeding 0.5m/ year, and future climate conditions of increased storm wave action and sea level rise (SLR) are likely to increase the rate of shoreline recession in a large part of the world. The loss of sandy beaches affects coastal communities by degrading natural flood protection and coastal amenities. People experiencing these changes may choose to adapt by implementing flood protection measures, or by migrating towards safer areas. To maintain beach width, a growing number of coastal managers is investing in beach renourishment projects. Beach renourishment restores coastal amenity value and flood protection, allowing further coastal development. Current assessments of coastal adaptation in face of SLR often do not account for the interactions of household adaptation and coastal management decisions on coastal flood risk. In this study we aim provide a better representation of coastal adaptation dynamics by simulating the interactions between coastal management decisions and household adaptation behavior under sea level rise. Therefor we develop an agent-based model grounded in expected utility theory, that simulates household and government agents adapting to shoreline change and increasing coastal flood risk. The model is calibrated using empirical survey data on household adaptation and household characteristics are derived from local census data. We then apply the model in France to simulate coastal adaptation dynamics for 2020-2080 under different Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSP) and climate change scenarios. By explicitly simulating coastal adaptation decisions and we provide a more realistic model of coastal adaptation dynamics under future development.

How to cite: Tierolf, L., Haer, T., Botzen, W., and Aerts, J.: Coastal adaptation dynamics under future shoreline changes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16808,, 2023.

The presence of boulders and coarse clasts on rocky coasts has been the subject of numerous studies worldwide, exploring a wide range of meteo-marine settings and site-specific geological contingency. Such coastal boulder deposits (CBD) are considered to be geomorphological signatures of erosional and depositional processes by wave action and hence, considered as important indicators in reconstructing historic impacts of wave climates and other extreme events. The scope of this paper is to review the breadth and depth of scholarly works in geomorphology (but not only), carried out on boulder deposits within the coastal regions surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. Extreme wave events are a source of hazard that may have major negative impact on human life and a vast spectrum of economic activities across many coastal Mediterranean states. Population demographics indicate an increase in the number of people living in coastal cities around the Mediterranean region, from 100 million in 1980 to 150 million in 2015 and is expected to exceed 200 million by 2030. Although population density varies across countries the highest densities are found in port cities, mainly due to higher economic opportunities associated with these areas. The aims are to analyse how the focus of studies has evolved over time in response to new findings, observations and technological advances. Understanding how such mechanisms function in terms of wave dynamics and boulder detachment and transportation may assist in the prediction of hazards and erosion. This can be done both in the short term by combining data from weather forecast and wave models and for longer timeframes by considering the cumulative effect of yearly storms, the stronger fifty year or hundred-year storm and other exceptional events.

How to cite: Gauci, R., Causon Deguara, J., and Inkpen, R.: Geomorphological signatures of extreme wave events: a literature review of studies on coastal boulder deposits within the Mediterranean Region, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17479,, 2023.

NH6 – Remote Sensing & Hazards

EGU23-1936 | Orals | NH6.1

A multitemporal and multisensor study of land displacement due to 5.6M earthquake in Cianjur, West Java, Indonesia 

Fatwa Ramdani, Adi Wibowo, Supriatna Supriatna, and Putri Setiani

Indonesia is located in the so-called "Ring of Fire," a region of high seismic activity surrounding the Pacific Ocean. The country is particularly vulnerable to earthquakes due to its location on the Sunda megathrust, a major boundary between the Eurasian and Indo-Australian tectonic plates. On November 21, 2022, a magnitude 5.6 earthquake struck the Indonesian island of Java, with its epicentre located in Cianjur, West Java. The earthquake caused significant damage to the region's buildings and infrastructure, and several reports of injuries and fatalities were reported. In this study, we used multisensor and multitemporal data to investigate land deformation in the study area. We used three pairs of Sentinel-1 datasets, acquired before and after the earthquake and used the InSAR algorithm to produce land displacement maps. Furthermore, we acquired aerial photogrammetry to produce very high-resolution images of the affected areas. We also classified the Planet imagery using a random forest classifier to extract the landslide events in the study area. Our results show that the earthquake caused significant land deformation in the area, with surface displacements up to 9.8 cm and 11 cm for land uplift and land subsidence, respectively. We found that the deformation was primarily concentrated in the southeastern and northwestern parts of the study area. The earthquake led to secondary disasters such as landslides and collapsed residential buildings. It’s due to the combination of geological factors and the building structures. Where the buildings structures that were not built to be earthquake-resistant stood on the old volcano products have experienced weathering. Our findings highlight the usefulness of radar dan optical remotely-sensed data in studying the effects of earthquakes and can be used to inform future disaster response and recovery efforts.

How to cite: Ramdani, F., Wibowo, A., Supriatna, S., and Setiani, P.: A multitemporal and multisensor study of land displacement due to 5.6M earthquake in Cianjur, West Java, Indonesia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1936,, 2023.

Modern satellites produce massive datasets. So, handling and processing bulk Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery often represents a high entry level for researchers to tackle scientific challenges at regional or global scale. SAR imaging has been used as a remote sensing tool for studying Earth’s surface, such as measuring topography, terrain discrimination, forestry, and differential interferometry (InSAR) for monitoring the Earth’s surface deformation at millimetre scale. Due to the growing application of SAR imaging and the advancement of InSAR technique, more SAR satellites have been launched over the years. Moreover, those satellites have increased its temporal and spatial sampling rate, which contributes to the current rapid and massive data volume available for InSAR processing. Storage (on-line and off-line hardisks) requirements for InSAR processing is therefore constantly growing - over the past 7 years, Sentinel-1 SAR data downloaded by users has been increased by 620% (Serco, 2022). In the future, more SAR satellites with higher resolutions will be launched, not only increasing the carbon footprint by storing massive data in energy-intensive data centre, but also putting higher pressure on the computing resources of both the platforms and individual users for its scientific exploitation.


In this study, we explored compression algorithms to downsize Sentinel-1 single look complex (SLC) images by 2 to 4 times. 162 ascending SLC images covering an area of around 19,335 km2 over the Pearl River Delta Region in the southern China were used in the test. In order to evaluate the performances of these compressed images for ground deformation monitoring, we compressed SLCs  generated by ISCE, calculate interferograms from compressed SLCs, and then compute time series of surface displacements using StaMPS InSAR processing software. Bulk SLC images can be compressed using the Julia package developed in this study and only decompress during calculation of interferograms, therefore images will not be saved in their expanded format.


Our error analysis for signal reconstruction and the processed time-series results suggests that original 32-bit complex images can be can be optimally compressed using different quantization methods, reducing the storage required to handle large processing InSAR tasks. We confirmed that complex radar images retrieved from SAR satellites to be compressed up to a factor of 4 times, and achieving data reduction without sacrificing significant ground displacement precision.

How to cite: Yip, M. W., Webb, A. A. G., and González, P. J.: Making InSAR processing hardisks small again: Estimating the impact of Quantized Compressed SAR images on the precision of PS InSAR time series, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3519,, 2023.

Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) measurements suffer from undesirable errors caused by tropospheric delays. Generally, two classes of methods are used to reduce InSAR tropospheric errors: Methods based on independent external information and methods using directly the InSAR data themselves (i.e., data-driven methods). External information methods use GNSS data, meteorological data, atmospheric model outputs, etc., and can be reliable but the external information is usually of significantly lower spatial resolution than needed to correct InSAR data. Data-driven methods, on the other hand, are based on the InSAR data directly and thus do not require any external data. Given that tropospheric delays are usually divided into two components, i.e., the stratified and turbulent components, and that these two components have different spatiotemporal characteristics, they are usually treated separately in data-driven correction methods. However, during such separated error reduction, the existence of one component affects the mitigation performance of the other component, which results in somewhat biased reduction of the tropospheric delays.

Therefore, in this study we propose a new method to simultaneously model and mitigate the InSAR turbulent and stratified delays by taking their spatiotemporal characteristics as a priori information. In this method, which we call DetrendInSAR, the turbulent delay is regarded as a spatially slow-changing process and can therefore be fitted by position-related polynomials within a small area (e.g., 1 km x 1 km); the stratified delay can be linearly fitted with the local terrain height; and these a priori information is combined to establish a solvable mathematical model with respect to the tropospheric delay based on a novel pixel-by-pixel window-based modeling strategy. Besides, the displacement signals in the InSAR observations are assumed to be a temporally smooth process and therefore providing additional constraints for distinguishing between the displacements and turbulent delays in the DetrendInSAR modeling process. We validate the DetrendInSAR method using simulated datasets and a 16-month-long Sentinel-1 SAR data sequence of the postseismic deformation after the 22 May 2021 Maduo earthquake, China. We compare our results with the traditional data-driven strategy that fits a ramp and a terrain-related linear function over the whole image based on far-field signals and suppresses the turbulent delay by temporally averaging adjacent SAR-image acquisitions. The results obtained from ascending and descending orbits illuminate the logarithmic decay of the postseismic deformation after this earthquake. We also calculated the one-year postseismic east-west and vertical displacements of this earthquake, indicating that poroelastic rebound contributed to the postseismic deformation, rather than only the afterslip considered in previous studies.

How to cite: Liu, J., Jónsson, S., Hu, J., and Burgmann, R.: Modeling InSAR tropospheric delay based on their spatiotemporal characteristics: Application to postseismic displacements of the 2021 Maduo earthquake, China, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4643,, 2023.

EGU23-5076 | ECS | Posters on site | NH6.1

Detecting and Monitoring the Activities of Multiple Slow-moving Landslide Areas by the Multitemporal Interferometric SAR (MTInSAR) Technique 

Chiao-Yin Lu, Yu-Chang Chan, Jyr-Ching Hu, Chun-Ying Chiu, Chung-Ray Chu, Chia-Han Tseng, and Chih-Hsin Chang

Slow-moving landslides can transform into catastrophic landslides at certain conditions. In recent decades, catastrophic landslides around the world have caused widespread damage to buildings and threatened human lives. Thus, the detection of surface displacement variation and the definition of precursory motion for extensive slow-moving landslides become a primary goal of current researches. This study dedicates to detect and monitor surface displacement of multiple slow-moving landslide areas in Taiwan by the multitemporal interferometric SAR (MTInSAR) technique. A new package was established to generate interferograms of multiple slow-moving landslide areas at the same time. Thus, the surface displacement information in large spatial coverage and a long period of time can be obtained efficiently. The landslide characteristics in space and time domain of those slow-moving landslides were investigated and analyzed. Especially, the significant acceleration movements of certain slow-moving landslides were observed and agreed with the in situ monitoring data. The results of this study provide important information of landslide hazard assessment and show the opportunity of detecting the landslide precursory motions by the MTInSAR technique in the future.

How to cite: Lu, C.-Y., Chan, Y.-C., Hu, J.-C., Chiu, C.-Y., Chu, C.-R., Tseng, C.-H., and Chang, C.-H.: Detecting and Monitoring the Activities of Multiple Slow-moving Landslide Areas by the Multitemporal Interferometric SAR (MTInSAR) Technique, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5076,, 2023.

EGU23-5336 | ECS | Orals | NH6.1

Multi-temporal satellite interferometric technique for structures 3D rigid motion assessment with uncertainty estimation 

Francesca Grassi, Francesco Mancini, Elisa Bassoli, and Loris Vincenzi

In the last decade, with the launch of high-resolution and short revisit time Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellite missions new possibilities arose in the structure and infrastructure monitoring field. In particular, with the use of multi-temporal interferometric techniques applied to high-resolution SAR data, the displacement time series of stable ground targets (the Persistent Scatterers or PS) can be reconstructed with an accuracy of 1-2 mm/yr and a spatial resolution of few meters. The information extracted from SAR products could be relevant both for the preventive conservation and maintenance and for the health assessment of the existing built heritage, in particular when exposed to ground deformation phenomena. Some issues related to the use of multi-temporal satellite interferometric techniques in structural applications need to be carefully investigated; in particular, the reliability of SAR-derived data in these applications needs to be assessed due to the small displacements affecting a damaged structure.

The proposed work investigates the potentialities of multi-temporal satellite interferometric techniques in the structural monitoring field. In particular, the 3D rigid motion of isolated buildings is reconstructed computing the motion parameters from a dual-orbit set of Persistent Scatterers. The uncertainties affecting the estimated parameters are also assessed on the basis of an error model taking into account the uncertainties related to the displacement measurements from the interferometric technique and the expected errors in the positioning of the scatterers.

The method has been tested on COSMO-SkyMed SAR data processed with a SNAP-StaMPS open-source procedure complemented by in-house procedures for the calibration of SAR products with velocities from GNSS observations. Moreover, the topographic error affecting the elevation of the Persistent Scatterers was estimated and the planimetric coordinates of the scatterers were corrected accordingly, since an accurate 3D positioning of the scatters is fundamental when dealing with structural investigations.

The obtained results show that 3D rigid motions can be estimated in the order of few mm/yr for the displacements and mrad/yr for the rotations with corresponding precision at one order of magnitude smaller than the associated parameters.


The methodology adopted in the present research was developed in the frame of the FAR Mission Oriented 2021 Project (Satellite Methods for Structural Monitoring, SM4SM, contract E95F21002900007) with the financial support of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia and Fondazione di Modena.

How to cite: Grassi, F., Mancini, F., Bassoli, E., and Vincenzi, L.: Multi-temporal satellite interferometric technique for structures 3D rigid motion assessment with uncertainty estimation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5336,, 2023.

Groundwater has been over-pumped and excessive use during the past decades due to the lack of sufficient surface water caused by rapid economic developments and growing population, especially in the central part of Taiwan. The alluvial fan of the Cho-Shui River in Western Taiwan suffers the most serious land subsidence hazard with a maximum subsidence rate in excess of 3 cm/yr which is affecting the transportation infrastructures across the land subsidence area. The long-term spatial land subsidence variation from 1995 to 2020 reveals that the center of land subsidence area changed significantly with time from the coastal area to inland area. The decreasing of land subsidence could obviously be detected by the velocity profile along the Taiwan High Speed Rail during different time periods from geodetic measurements. Not only the vertical displacement increases the risk on potential damage on transportation infrastructures across the land subsidence bowls but also the induced additional horizontal displacement owing to the vertical subsidence could result in the unexpected risk for the infrastructure. In this study, we used the technique of multi-temporal InSAR to calculate the vertical deformation and the east-west deformation combined with the velocity field of the ascending and descending orbits. Three large-scale subsidence bowls are detected and accompanied by maximum additional horizontal deformation of ~8 mm/yr than that predicted by tectonic movement outside of the subsidence bowl. This additional E-W displacement is the major risk concerns of the N-S trending Taiwan High Speed Rail.

How to cite: Hu, J.-C. and Chiu, C.-Y.: Additional horizontal displacement across the transportation infrastructures induced by land subsidence revealed by SAR interferometry, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5681,, 2023.

EGU23-5966 | ECS | Orals | NH6.1

Interferometric synthetic aperture radar and numerical collapse simulation for residual service life prediction of bridges affected by slow deformation phenomena 

Elisabetta Farneti, Nicola Cavalagli, Ilaria Venanzi, Walter Salvatore, and Filippo Ubertini

The authors present an innovative approach for structural assessment of bridges undergoing slow deformation phenomena induced by hazard sources such as landslides, ground consolidation, subsidence or foundation scouring. The methodology is multidisciplinary in nature and is based on the combination of displacement measurements derived from Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (InSAR), applied to satellite images, with structural and collapse analyses performed through advanced numerical modelling with Applied Element Method (AEM). InSAR allows to follow the temporal evolution of slow deformations affecting the structure and, exploiting observations from two different viewing geometries of the satellite radar antenna, it is possible reconstructing the two-dimensional movements of a bridge over time, with proper defined error bounds on the estimated displacements. AEM instead is capable of reproducing with a high degree of accuracy the structural behavior from the elastic stage to crack initiation and propagation, steel yielding, up to element separation and collision, therefore is particularly suitable for collapse simulations, allowing to improve the comprehension of the structural behavior and identify the most critical structural elements. The combination of these two powerful tools is aimed at detecting anomalies in the deformation trends, identifying potential critical conditions and evaluating the time to failure of the bridge in the event that the slow movements progress with a trend consistent with the measurements in the monitored period. The application of the methodology to the case study of the Albiano-Magra Bridge, in Italy, which collapsed on April 8th, 2020, is discussed. The integration of InSAR displacement measurement and collapse simulations with AEM has allowed identifying the most probable triggering cause of the collapse and estimating the residual service life of the bridge, whose reliability increases with the extent of the available satellite monitoring period.

How to cite: Farneti, E., Cavalagli, N., Venanzi, I., Salvatore, W., and Ubertini, F.: Interferometric synthetic aperture radar and numerical collapse simulation for residual service life prediction of bridges affected by slow deformation phenomena, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5966,, 2023.

EGU23-6436 | Posters on site | NH6.1

Open-source Performance of DInSAR Technique for the Detection of Ground Deformation induced by Large Earthquakes using Sentinel-1 and SNAP operators in Python 

Martina Occhipinti, Shaila Amorini, Claudio De Luca, and Massimiliano Porreca


Satellite Differential Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (DInSAR) is a well-known technique that allows investigation surface displacements affecting large areas (km-scale) on the Earth, in both natural and anthropogenic hazard scenarios, with rather limited costs and a centimeter accuracy. In particular, in the last two decades, the effectiveness of the satellite DInSAR technology for ground deformation analysis induced by seismic events, and its crucial role in the emergency, have been largely demonstrated. In this context, we present a complete open-source tool of DInSAR technique, starting from the dataset download up to the data processing and interpretation of the deformation field. SAR imageries from Sentinel-1 satellite of the Copernicus are collected. Data processing is executed thanks to SNAP software from ESA (, and using snappy module in Python that allows interacting with the Java API of SNAP to avoid eventual bugs and to automatize the process. The workflow will include not only the work chain to obtain the displacement map along the satellite Line of Sight (LOS), but also several modules that the operator can exploit to retrieve the vertical and horizontal (east-west) displacement field when, obviously, on the same seismic event, at least two independent acquisitions geometries (at least one ascending and one descending orbit), are available. The workflow is applied to three case studies characterized by compressional and strike-slip tectonics: Bandar-Abbas seismic sequence, Iran (November 2021); Petrinya earthquake, Croatia (December 2020) and Menuyan earthquake, China (January 2022). The final scope of this research is to provide a single, automatic and repeatable product to create a two-dimensional deformation map with only open-source tools. This method is helpful not only for its simplicity as it can be adopted also by beginning users in the very first stage of approaching DInSAR technique, but also for the extension of studies related to seismic areas as a combination with the on-field observation in order to mitigate their seismic risk.

How to cite: Occhipinti, M., Amorini, S., De Luca, C., and Porreca, M.: Open-source Performance of DInSAR Technique for the Detection of Ground Deformation induced by Large Earthquakes using Sentinel-1 and SNAP operators in Python, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6436,, 2023.

EGU23-7005 | Orals | NH6.1

On the exploitation of L-band DInSAR products retrieved through the SAOCOM-1 constellation for the investigation of natural and anthropogenic hazards. 

Claudio De Luca, Yenni Lorena Belen Roa, Manuela Bonano, Francesco Casu, Marianna Franzese, Michele Manunta, Yasir Muhammad, Giovanni Onorato, Pasquale Striano, Ivana Zinno, and Riccardo Lanari

Differential Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (DInSAR) is a well-known technique that allows the investigation of surface displacements affecting large areas on the Earth, in both natural and anthropogenic hazard scenarios, with limited costs and with a centimeter to millimiter accuracy. In the last decades the effectiveness of the satellite DInSAR technology for ground deformation analyses, and its crucial role in emergency scenarios, have been largely demonstrated, thus pushing the space agencies to develop new space-borne SAR systems. In particular, important investments on the development of L-band SAR systems are ongoing, with the forthcoming missions of ESA (ROSE-L), JAXA (PALSAR-3) and NASA-ISRO (NISAR), as well as the already operating SAOCOM-1 and PALSAR-2 systems clearly showing the relevance of these sensors, particularly for what attains their DInSAR applications. Indeed, it is worth to remark that the L-band DInSAR interferograms are effective in maintaining coherence for a long period over rather vegetated areas and in various cases of snow/ice covered zones, thus allowing to overcome the typical limitations of higher frequency systems, operating at C- and/or X-band, which, in the above scenarios, typically guarantee sufficient coherence only for a few weeks.

In this work, we present the first results achieved by processing stripmap L-band SAR images acquired by the Argentinian SAOCOM-1 constellation. In particular, we show some algorithmic developments made for an efficient DInSAR exploitation of stripmap SAOCOM-1 images. These improvements can play a significant role in different scenarios as for creating a national scale L-band ground motion service and for civil protection purposes, thanks to the potential capability to provide, in several portions of Earth, systematic space-borne L-band products with a revisit time, typically, of 24 days that can be reduced down to 8 days. Finally, we present the surface displacement maps and time-series retrieved through the Parallel Small BAseline Subset (P-SBAS) processing chain, properly adapted to process the SAOCOM-1 images, over some selected areas of interest, which involve both volcanic hazard contexts (Campi Flegrei caldera and Etna and Stromboli volcano in Italy), and fast-/slow-moving hydrogeological phenomena (Zeri, Tuscany region and Garessio, Piemonte region, in Italy).

The activities of this work were carried out within the project referred to as DInSAR-3M, funded by the Italian Space Agency (ASI), which is aimed at generating, through advanced DInSAR methodologies, surface deformation time series and mean velocity maps, spatially and temporally dense, for the multi-scale analysis of natural and anthropogenic phenomena.

How to cite: De Luca, C., Roa, Y. L. B., Bonano, M., Casu, F., Franzese, M., Manunta, M., Muhammad, Y., Onorato, G., Striano, P., Zinno, I., and Lanari, R.: On the exploitation of L-band DInSAR products retrieved through the SAOCOM-1 constellation for the investigation of natural and anthropogenic hazards., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7005,, 2023.

EGU23-7731 | Orals | NH6.1

Exploiting SAR interferometry for assessing rock glacier activity 

Fabio Bovenga, Ilenia Argentiero, Antonella Belmonte, Alberto Refice, Davide Nitti, and Raffaele Nutricato

Rock glaciers are characterised by a mix of ice and rock, which is related to the presence of permafrost in mountainous areas.  The external temperature is considered one of the most important factors controlling rock glacier flow variation at both inter-annual and seasonal time scales, showing mean velocities ranging from centimetres to meters per year. Hence, the temperature rising due to climate change leads to changes in kinematics of rock glaciers that increase hazards for mountainous settlements and infrastructures.

Despite differential SAR interferometry (DInSAR) is a very effective tool for measuring ground stability, its application to rock glacier monitoring poses critical issues relate to signal decorrelation due to changeable snow cover conditions, as well as to displacement kinematics characterised by both linear and non-linear components and high displacement rates leading to measurements corrupted by aliasing.

This work investigates the rock glacier stability in Val Senales (Italian Alps) by processing a dataset of 345 Sentinel-1 SAR images acquired between 2015 and 2022. Multi-temporal DInSAR processing has been performed by exploiting both persistent and distributed scatterers through SPINUA algorithm. Ad hoc processing strategies have been adopted in order to overcome both signal decorrelation due to changeable snow cover conditions, and aliasing due to very high displacement rates. The algorithm has been run by selecting spring-summer acquisitions, and forced to search for solutions corresponding to phase changes behind the aliasing limit.

The resulting mean velocity map shows several areas affected by ground displacements, that have been further analysed for investigating the rock glacier activity in the area of interest. To this aim, the DInSAR results (both mean velocity and displacement time series) have been ingested into a GIS environment together with other informative layers such as rock glacier classes (according to [1]) optical orthoimages, multi-temporal mean SAR amplitude, DInSAR coherence maps, permafrost index map, and  Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI).

Then, the rock glacier activity has reclassified by adopting the more recent procedure proposed in [2], which is based on the DInSAR products too. This new classification has been compared to that derived according to [1] showing several differences.

An further interesting issue is related to the lacking of DInSAR coherent targes just within the rock glacier borders that could be related to the presence of very high displacement rates. This has been investigated by exploring changes in orthoimages from different years as well as maps of DInSAR phase and coherence.


[1] Bollmann, L. Rieg, L., M. Spross, R. Sailer, k. Bucher, M. Maukisch, M. Monreal, A. Zischg, V. Mair, K. Lang, and J. Stötter, “Blockgletscherkataster in Südtirol-Erstellung und Analyse,” Permafrost in Südtirol, Innsbrucker Geographische Studien. J. Stötter & R. Sailer Eds., pp. 147–171, 2012.

[2] IPA Action Group - Rock glacier inventories and kinematics. Towards standard guidelines for inventorying rock glaciers: practical concepts (version 2.0), pp. 1–10, 2022. 


This work was carried out in the framework of the project “CRIOSAR: Applicazioni SAR multifrequenza alla criosfera”, funded by ASI under grant agreement n. ASI N. 2021-12-U.0. 

How to cite: Bovenga, F., Argentiero, I., Belmonte, A., Refice, A., Nitti, D., and Nutricato, R.: Exploiting SAR interferometry for assessing rock glacier activity, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7731,, 2023.

EGU23-8032 | Orals | NH6.1

30 years of ground motions in the UK: lessons learnt to produce a national interpreted ground deformation map. 

Luke Bateson, Alessandro Novellino, Ekbal Hussain, Davide Festa, and Camilla Medici

To extract the most information from a national InSAR dataset it is imperative to understand the mechanisms leading to motion and how these manifest in an InSAR dataset such as the EGMS. The British Geological Survey (BGS) have been at the forefront of UK InSAR ground motion interpretation for the past 22 years; in projects such as ESA’s Terrafirma, thematic FP7 projects e.g. PanGeo and SubCoast, and provide expert advice to the UK government surrounding potential fracking sites and CCS sites along with a sustained research programme. BGS also produce national hazard susceptibility mapping, known as GeoSure, which is routinely used by insurance companies to assess ground motion hazards.

The study of many epochs of InSAR data for many study sites provide the opportunity to examine how patterns of subsidence have evolved with time and how this relates to the processes taking place. This presentation will illustrate the evolution of ground motions within the UK over the last 30 years, case studies will highlight the lessons learnt especially with respect to how the change in geological process manifests in the InSAR signal. For example, a striking change in ground motion patterns over a time period occurred in the Newcastle and Durham Coalfield (Gee et al., 2017) where a dramatic change in the pattern of motion was observed between subsidence in the 1990’s ERS data and uplift in the 2000’s ENVISAT data. This was found to relate to change in minewater pumping. Therefore, to create a national interpreted ground motion product it is important to not only understand the mechanism of motion but also understand how that process changes over time. 

Recent research has focused on the prediction of which UK hazards will be visible and measurable by InSAR (Novellino et al., 2023), and on the prediction of likely natural motion rates for the natural geological subsidence processes (Jones et al., 2013). BGS have developed automatic AI and ML tools which examine not only the InSAR average velocity but also the time series to group areas of similar motion characteristics and to then detect when changes occur (Festa et al., 2023, Hussain et al., 2021.). The application of such tools to the EGMS time series and integration of results with BGS GeoSure national hazard susceptibility datasets provide a pathway to the ongoing interpretation of national GB wide InSAR datasets.

The above experience puts the BGS in a unique position for the exploitation of the new Copernicus European Ground Motion Service which represents the first freely available national UK InSAR dataset. Over the coming years it is BGS’ ambition is to apply our experience of UK hazard susceptibility, how these hazards manifest in InSAR data, our fledgling automated interpretation tools and visibility mapping to produce the first dynamic country-wide interpreted ground motion information layer; a value added product which not only tells the user what the motion is but also identifies the likely reason for the motion along with forecasts of how such motion might evolve in the coming years. 

How to cite: Bateson, L., Novellino, A., Hussain, E., Festa, D., and Medici, C.: 30 years of ground motions in the UK: lessons learnt to produce a national interpreted ground deformation map., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8032,, 2023.

EGU23-9863 | ECS | Orals | NH6.1

Subsidence Evolution of Antwerp Region, Belgium over 77 Years, Using Historical Levelling and GNSS Data and Recent Persistent Scatterers Interferometry Observations  

Atefe Choopani, Pierre-Yves Declercq, Jeffrey Verbeurgt, Filip De Doncker, Philippe Orban, Xavier Devleeschouwer, and Alain Dassargues

A combination of historical levelling surveys, recent Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) campaign, and Persistent Scatterers Interferometry (PSI) measurements reveal that the harbour of Antwerp in Belgium has been sinking for the last 77 years. By integrating recently acquired data using PSI and historic databases, this study aims to provide the longest possible time series of data coverage for ground deformation in Antwerp. All data on subsidence in the area is assessed using multiple techniques and has been coherently included in a Geographic Information System (GIS). The long-term impact of ground subsidence on the harbour potentially has both natural and human-caused sources.

The oldest dataset is a map of altitude changes in Belgium, based on a comparison of two first-order levelling surveys conducted in 1946-1948 and between 1976-1980 (Pissart and Lambot, 1989). The iso-displacement map for the entire country was calculated by subtracting the elevation map of the second levelling network from the first. The harbour of Antwerp was crossed by two iso-displacement lines of -20 and -10 mm, representing the overall displacement values over 31 years. This historical data demonstrates that there was a minor sinking in the region likely linked to natural consolidation when the anthropogenic changes in the harbour had not been made.

As the second dataset, three PSI datasets including ERS1/2, Envisat, and Sentinel-1A spanning the area in the periods 1991-2005, 2003-2010, and 2016-2019 respectively were collected and post-processed. The rate of subsidence in the Antwerp harbor and its city centre differs noticeably from one another, based on this data set. The average velocity of PS data in the city centre is 0.002, -0.06, and -0.6 mm/year and in the harbour is -0.83, -2.71, and -1.62 mm/year during the three time spans (Declercq et al., 2021). This study extends Sentinel-1A processing until 2022.

Among the 33 permanent Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) GNSS stations, there are three available stations to monitor the deformation of the region. ANTW (ANTWerp) and ATWR (AnTWeRp) are 70 meters away from each other and both are located within the city centre, and BEZA (BErendrecht-ZAndvliet-Lillo) is in the northeast of harbour. The vertical velocities at the locations of ANTW, ATWR, and BEZA during the periods 2003-2018, 2018-present, and 2010-present, are measured as -0.5, -1.9, and –2.2 mm/year respectively.

First, occurring at a rate of a sub-millimetre per year between 1946 and 1980 as measured in the levelling survey, land subsidence has recently increased substantially, reaching a maximum rate of -7 mm/year observed by the PSI technique. The previous low rate of subsidence as measured by the levelling shows that the natural consolidation of Holocene sediments probably occurred from the beginning. However, this sinking has increased recently, as shown by the most recent PSI and GNSS data. This is probably mostly a man-induced process linked to the consolidation of the constructed backfill and its underlying layer due to its overpressure, together with the consolidation of the most compressible and less permeable layers (aquitards) due to pore pressure decrease induced by groundwater pumping in the aquifers.


How to cite: Choopani, A., Declercq, P.-Y., Verbeurgt, J., De Doncker, F., Orban, P., Devleeschouwer, X., and Dassargues, A.: Subsidence Evolution of Antwerp Region, Belgium over 77 Years, Using Historical Levelling and GNSS Data and Recent Persistent Scatterers Interferometry Observations , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9863,, 2023.

EGU23-10185 | ECS | Orals | NH6.1

Over one million displacement products from ARIA and counting: Enabling open-science and disaster response for everyone 

Simran Sangha, M. Grace Bato, Nicholas Arenas, David Bekaert, Brett Buzzanga, Rudiger Gens, Marin Govorcin, Joseph Kennedy, Andrew Johnston, Emre Havazli, Kirk Hogenson, Zhong Lu, Charlie Marshak, Franz Meyer, Greg Short, Kristy Tiampo, Jiahui Wang, and Robert Zinke

Major geological hazards can devastate essential infrastructure and result in widespread injury and death. Understanding the underlying processes that can lead to these hazards and providing analysis-ready datasets in a timely fashion is crucial for hazard monitoring and disaster response and recovery efforts. In support of NASA's vision, we are committed to an open-source science initiative enabling the transparency, inclusivity and accessibility, and reproducibility of  Earth observation data – all fundamental to the pace and quality of scientific progress. Under a NASA ACCESS effort, we have: 1) significantly lowered the latency of delivering displacement products, i.e. the Sentinel-1 Geocoded Unwrapped (S1-GUNW) products, and 2) enabled the expansion of the displacement data archive to over one million S1-GUNW products, currently making ARIA one of the largest open InSAR archives spanning continental scales across most major active tectonic and volcanic regions (Sangha et al., 2022). The scientific analysis of these products is streamlined via the open-source ARIA-tools, which simplifies the download and preparation of S1-GUNWs for time-series analysis through the open-source MintPy software (Yunjun et al., 2019). The derived datasets can support science applications as well as timely science-driven decision-making efforts, particularly, after or during disaster and recovery periods.

Here we demonstrate how our updated infrastructure, driven by an open-source Hybrid Pluggable Processing Pipeline (HyP3) cloud architecture, can be leveraged to support open science and disaster response applications ranging from analysis of volcanic unrest and earthquakes, to characterizing broader-scale tectonic processes.

How to cite: Sangha, S., Bato, M. G., Arenas, N., Bekaert, D., Buzzanga, B., Gens, R., Govorcin, M., Kennedy, J., Johnston, A., Havazli, E., Hogenson, K., Lu, Z., Marshak, C., Meyer, F., Short, G., Tiampo, K., Wang, J., and Zinke, R.: Over one million displacement products from ARIA and counting: Enabling open-science and disaster response for everyone, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10185,, 2023.

EGU23-10865 | Posters on site | NH6.1

Infrastructure stability diagnosis via postseismic deformation: A case study of 2016 Meinong earthquake in southwestern Taiwan using multitemporal Sentinel-1 satellite 

Chih-Heng Lu, Ray Chuang, Ping-Chen Chiang, Jiun-Yee Yen, Kuo-En Ching, and Yue-Gua Chen

Compared with obvious records of coseismic surface ruptures and displacements, the postseismic surface deformation is often to be omitted. On the other hand, the deformation rate of the postseismic deformation is much faster than of the interseismic surface deformation. Therefore, how to efficiently assess the hazard potential of the infrastructures induced by postseismic displacements is of practical to the societal security. In this study, we processed multi-temporal images taken by Sentinel-1 satellite via using the persistent scatterer InSAR (PSI) technique. With the constraints of continuous GNSS data, we estimated 2D (E-W and vertical) postseismic deformation rates for 3 years after the 2016 Meinong earthquake. An annual deformation tolerance ratio (ADTR), converted by the 2D displacement rates based on the maximum deformation tolerance of public infrastructure , was proposed for the assessment on public transportation systems, to highlight the segment with high hazard potential. We picked up each pixel on the high-hazard potential segments of high-speed railway (HSR) with time-series variation analysis to characterize spatiotemporal behaviors of the fault systems after the seismic event. The 2D postseismc deformation rate in E-W direction and vertical direction are 1.5 and 2-3 times respectively higher than of the interseismic duration, respectively. The ADTR results indicated that the high-hazard potential segment of HSR in the vertical direction was located on Tainan City with 22–33‰, and that in the E-W direction was located on Kaohsiung City with 5–7.5‰. The time-series variation results presented that the hazard potential gradually decreased after mid-2017. Our observations combined the geological settings and the environmental conditions that can effectively assess the degrees of hazard potential of infrastructures during the postseismic period. The postsesimic deformation should be included into the seismic hazard assessment of urban area where high seismic risk exists, and the results of ADTR and time-series variation could be considered into the seismic hazard assessment in the engineering scale for the public transportation system.

How to cite: Lu, C.-H., Chuang, R., Chiang, P.-C., Yen, J.-Y., Ching, K.-E., and Chen, Y.-G.: Infrastructure stability diagnosis via postseismic deformation: A case study of 2016 Meinong earthquake in southwestern Taiwan using multitemporal Sentinel-1 satellite, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10865,, 2023.

EGU23-10984 | ECS | Posters on site | NH6.1

Web Based Tectonic Hazard Monitoring: A case study of 2020 Elazig Earthquake 

Mahyat Shafapourtehrany, Egehan vardar, Emre Havazli, Gokalp Ozturk, and Haluk Ozener

The 1500km long, EW directional North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ), and the 700km long, SSW directional East Anatolian Fault Zone (EAFZ) are the major geophysical features in Turkey. They are formed where the Eurasian, Anatolian, and Arabian plates meet. Both faults have produced devastating earthquakes (M>6) throughout history and are still actively deforming and threatening populous areas. Even though individual studies focus on the NAFZ and EAFZ, none of them offer a method for continuous monitoring. In this study, we are taking advantage of the Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) method and adopting the Small BAseline Subset (SBAS) time series approach to map deformation over large swaths (hundreds of km). We developed a web-based, automated system that takes publicly available Sentinel-1 SAR images and generates deformation maps. We chose the Elazig region as our pilot study area because of the destructive M6.7 earthquake that occurred in January 2020. Our initial results capture the co-seismic deformation coherently and also provide insights into pre-seismic and post-seismic deformation characteristics. Our goal is to provide the scientific community with accurate and easy-to-interpret deformation maps, without needing advanced remote sensing knowledge.

How to cite: Shafapourtehrany, M., vardar, E., Havazli, E., Ozturk, G., and Ozener, H.: Web Based Tectonic Hazard Monitoring: A case study of 2020 Elazig Earthquake, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10984,, 2023.

EGU23-13046 | ECS | Orals | NH6.1

Detection and classification of large-scale ground motion from remote sensing data: A case study in Hesse, Germany 

Michael Rudolf, Katrin Krzepek, Torben Treffeisen, Benjamin Homuth, Dorota Iwaszczuk, and Andreas Henk

Large-scale subsidence and uplift pose a significant risk to buildings and infrastructure. While subsidence due to groundwater removal or construction activities can easily be constrained on a local scale, regional changes caused by climate change are more difficult to detect. These phenomena are investigated within the „Umwelt 4.0, Cluster I - Use of digital terrain models and Copernicus data" project, which is carried out by the Hessian Agency for Nature Conservation, Environment and Geology in cooperation with the TU Darmstadt and funded by the Hessian Minister for Digital Strategy and Development. Within the framework of this project, we are creating a systematic workflow to detect ground motion over a period of several years. We focus on the state of Hessen, Germany, where several regions are known for landslide activity, e.g., Hoher Meissner, or for widespread subsidence, e.g., in the industrial areas surrounding Frankfurt a.M.. In this way, occurring ground movements and even mass movements could be detected at an early stage and, if necessary, measures can be initiated. Based on these results, future decisions on regulations or even information for the general public on risk areas can be created.

We utilize two major datasets based on remote sensing. High-resolution digital elevation and surface models (DGM 1 and DSM 1) from airborne LiDAR surveys by the Hessian Administration for Land Management and Geoinformation. For the most parts of Hessen, it was possible to calculate differences in elevation between the years 2014, 2019 and 2021. The second dataset are persistent scatterer interferometry points (PSIs) from the BodenBewegungsdienst Deutschland with a temporal resolution of 6 days since 2015. Both datasets are integrated and linked with other data sources, such as geological maps, known subsidence-sensitive layers, hydrogeological and climatic data. For the InSAR data a toolbox has been developed that automatically detects regions with strong movement (Ground Motion Analyzer). A major challenge for integrating both datasets is the large difference in spatial coverage and temporal resolution. Advantages of LiDAR data are the high spatial resolution and the possibility to detect even small-scale movements (<5 x 5 m) below vegetation cover, for example the re-tracing of forest roads or the creation of logging trails. A disadvantage is the low temporal resolution of several years between flights in comparison with the 6 days of the PSI data. From the latter, even seasonal variations can be detected and measured. However, the spatial distribution of the points is highly heterogeneous, so in cities the point density is very high, whereas in rural areas hardly any measurements exist. Other problems are the strong fluctuations both within a time series of a single PSI point and between neighbouring points.

With our contribution we want to highlight a typical use case of both data sets and their implementation into regulatory decision-making processes. Furthermore, we want to show a possible integrative method combining remote sensing data with ground based geoinformation and future use of advanced classification schemes to automatically detect affected regions in big datasets.

How to cite: Rudolf, M., Krzepek, K., Treffeisen, T., Homuth, B., Iwaszczuk, D., and Henk, A.: Detection and classification of large-scale ground motion from remote sensing data: A case study in Hesse, Germany, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13046,, 2023.

EGU23-13790 | ECS | Orals | NH6.1

Correlation of multi-platform SAR data for multi-temporal slope instability analysis of the Benevento Province 

Chiara Spagnolo, Mariano Focareta, Francesco Maria Guadagno, and Paola Revellino

A-DInSAR techniques allow to identify and map new deformation processes and to update inventories of existing landslide phenomena over large time periods and at different spatial scales. Multi-temporal data derived from both PSInSAR and ISBAS techniques were combined to map the state of activity of slow-moving landslides affecting several urban areas of the Benevento Province (Campania region, south Italy). The proposed method was performed at two different scale, provincial and local, and it was structured into three phases: (i) grid-based approach; (ii) multi-platform approach; (iii) state of activity matrix approach. Two vector grids with uniform reference cell size were generated at two different resolutions, 20x20 m and 100x100 m. These grids allowed the homogenization of ERS 1/2 (1992-2000), ENVISAT (2002-2010) and RADARSAT (2003-2007) PS and Sentinel-1 (2017-2020) ISBAS data in the same vector format. A statistic value calculation was executed from the velocity along LOS of each dataset first on the 20 m cell grid and then from this to the 100 m cell grid. In order not to overestimate the deformation velocity, for the 100 m cell grid a Weighted Average Velocity (VWA) was computed, which takes into account both the statistically calculated mean value and the area actually covered by the cells. With the multi-platform approach the resulting VWA maps were analysed individually and also compared to each other. This step leads to a single scale velocity representation, which allows a better multi-temporal observation of the movements affecting the Benevento Province. From the results obtained an activity threshold of ± 3 mm/y was also established and a preliminary stability code was executed for each cell to discriminate stable, unstable and no data areas. These classes were used to construct four two-factor matrices by combining pairs of temporally consecutive satellite data (e.g. ERS-ENVISAT); four activity maps were then obtained. Although this step already provided results for the identification of potential hotspots, in order to achieve a complete deformation overview of the province, two three-factor matrices were processed. Two “historical” state of activity maps for the entire time-span considered (1992-2020) were thus generated. The examination of both VWA and state of activity maps at 100 m cell grid and their comparison with pre-existing landslide maps available for the Benevento Province allowed to identify specific hotspots interested by currently active deformation processes, corresponding to built-up areas and infrastructures. For representative case studies a detailed analysis of the PS distribution and deformation trends was carried out, also including their correlation with rainfall events. The VWA and state of activity maps were produced at 20x20 m resolution and made it possible to reconstruct the deformation history of each case.

The methodology applied demonstrates how the availability of multi-temporal satellite data allows interpretation at different spatial scale. The results achieved can be conceived as proper management tool for the assessment of slow-moving landslides, enabling the study of deformation processes, in terms of state and distribution of activity.

How to cite: Spagnolo, C., Focareta, M., Guadagno, F. M., and Revellino, P.: Correlation of multi-platform SAR data for multi-temporal slope instability analysis of the Benevento Province, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13790,, 2023.

EGU23-14022 | ECS | Orals | NH6.1

Spatial and temporal screening of slope motion patterns in alpine environment via unsupervised analysis of large InSAR datasets 

Davide Festa, Alessandro Novellino, Ekbal Hussain, Luke Bateson, Nicola Casagli, Pierluigi Confuorto, Matteo Del Soldato, and Federico Raspini

The use of SAR interferometry is globally regarded as a powerful tool able to evaluate spatial and temporal patterns of slope motion in alpine areas. Accordingly, the availability of large multi-temporal interferometric datasets compels the scientific community to find efficient value-adding tools to boost the interpretation and management of radar-based information via automated routines in the framework of multi-hazard mapping and analysis. Here it is presented an unsupervised and automated approach based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and K-means clustering to detect patterns of natural or human-induced ground deformation from InSAR Time Series. For our proof-of-concept, the focus is placed on Valle d’Aosta region (Northwest Italy) where different landslide types, deep-seated gravitational slope deformations and permafrost creep interact with human activities and infrastructures. The large volumes of Sentinel-1 data produced allows for retrieving horizontal and vertical Time Series from multi-geometry data fusion of LOS InSAR measurements. Therefore, the added benefit of combining ascending/descending InSAR data and interpolating displacements in time at different time steps is here explored prior to data dimensionality reduction and feature extraction through PCA. The retrieved principal components serve as a continuous solution for cluster membership indicators in the K-means clustering method, allowing to define spatially and temporally coherent displacement phenomena. The signal of the ground deformation clusters is deconstructed into the underlying trend and seasonality components to enhance the interpretability of the classified satellite InSAR features. Using InSAR Time series data spanning 2014-2020, the proposed framework detects several mass wasting processes and anthropogenic deformations with both linear and seasonal displacement behaviours. The results demonstrate the potential applicability of the proposed transferable approach to the development of automated ground motion analysis systems.

How to cite: Festa, D., Novellino, A., Hussain, E., Bateson, L., Casagli, N., Confuorto, P., Del Soldato, M., and Raspini, F.: Spatial and temporal screening of slope motion patterns in alpine environment via unsupervised analysis of large InSAR datasets, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14022,, 2023.

EGU23-14963 | Orals | NH6.1 | Highlight

Large-Scale InSAR Monitoring: Status and Challenges 

Alessio Rucci, Alessandro Ferretti, Alfio Fumagalli, and Emanuele Passera

After a slow uptake, spaceborne radar interferometry techniques are becoming a key tool for wide area ground deformation mapping and for frequent, local, monitoring programs. Wide area processing (WAP) allows users to obtain synoptic views of displacement phenomena over thousands - or even millions - of square km, paving the way for new environmental monitoring programs providing invaluable information on a variety of natural and anthropogenic hazards. In this paper, we argue that the growing number of projects at national or even continental scale (such as the European Ground Motion Service - EGMS) is the result of three factors: (1) a proper space segment, allowing systematic SAR acquisitions at global scale suitable for InSAR analyses; (2) increased computational resources, typically via cloud computing, allowing scalable processing chains; (3) new visualization platforms for 4D data, where the temporal dimension can be easily displayed and interrogated. In WAP projects, several aspects - having limited impact at local scale - become extremely important, e.g.: careful estimation and compensation of atmospheric artifacts (exhibiting a variance increasing with the distance from the reference point); proper data calibration via GNSS measurements (important to make the data more easily interpreted and integrated with other information sources and to better estimate vertical and east-west displacement components from ascending and descending satellite passes); data mosaicking (in fact, the final result is usually the merge of the results of different data stacks of SAR images). Although significant advances have been made in recent years in all these processing steps, some challenges remain. Another topic which is becoming increasingly important is the size of InSAR databases. In fact, data screening tools are becoming a must to take advantage of the huge amount of information associated with a typical WAP project. Which points are exhibiting a change in trend over the last few months? What areas are accelerating? Which points suffered an abrupt change in location after the last seismic event? These are typical questions users want to answer in a few seconds and not after hours or even days spent on a GIS platform. After a gallery of examples of different WAP projects at regional, national, and continental scale, the paper reports some suggestions and recommendations to improve the quality, the effectiveness and the usability of future WAP InSAR projects.

How to cite: Rucci, A., Ferretti, A., Fumagalli, A., and Passera, E.: Large-Scale InSAR Monitoring: Status and Challenges, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14963,, 2023.

EGU23-15347 | ECS | Orals | NH6.1

A multivariate time series analysis of ground deformation using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry 

Serena Rigamonti, Francesca Colombo, Giovanni Battista Crosta, Giuseppe Dattola, Paolo Frattini, Alberto Presta Asciutto, and Alberto Previati

Usually, ground deformations are the result of complex interactions of multiple triggering factors due to natural processes and anthropogenic causes. For this reason, areas affected by ground deformations require appropriate monitoring systems, analyses, and methodologies to implement the necessary risk mitigation strategies. In this context, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) sensors enable the monitoring of displacements of the Earth's surface, providing time series with high spatial resolution and wide temporal coverage.

In this contribution, we present a new multi-method approach for analysing main trends and seasonal signals in the time series of ground displacements in order to correlate ground deformation phenomena with triggering factors (e.g. rainfall, snow, temperature, piezometric level, pumping/injection) and to recognize specific footprints and patterns of the different phenomena.

We analysed large datasets of ground displacement data in different areas of Italy, spanning in total the period from 1992 to 2021, acquired from C-band radar sensors on board ERS-1/2 and ENVISAT platforms of the European Space Agency (ESA), as well as from X-band sensors of COSMO-SkyMed (CSK) constellation, TerraSAR-X (TSX) and Sentinel-1 satellites processed with the PSInSAR (Permanent Scatterer Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar) technique by TRE Altamira.

In the first step, we applied and optimized T-mode PCA, ICA and MSSA to perform a spatial-temporal separation of the data into a set of components/functions. Then, hierarchical clustering (HC) approach was implemented to group the PSInSAR time series of characteristic deformation patterns and, finally, wavelet transforms were applied to analyse the time series in the time-frequency domain, detecting localised non-stationary periodicities and identifying possible causal relationships in time-frequency space.

The approach has been validated on different surface phenomena at local and regional scale, including subsidence, uplift and sinkholes in urban areas, landslides, rock glaciers and slope creep movements, which differ in dynamics, exposure, land cover, triggers, and evolutionary behaviour. As result, we were able to recognize and separate a limited number of main components/functions that occur systematically in the time series, describing, in particular, the long-term displacement, the seasonal periodicity, and changes in the displacement rate. The weight and ranking of these components may provide a footprint for the different phenomena (e.g., seasonal periodicity for rock glaciers, change of displacements for active landslides, etc.), potentially allowing to recognize the phenomena based on the time series analysis. Finally, the application of the wavelet transforms to the components/functions separated from the times series seems to optimize the analysis of the correlation between the displacements and the natural/anthropogenic triggers.

In conclusion, interpreting the results obtained from the multi-method approach, considering geological geotechnical, hydrogeological and environmental factors, allows a deeper understanding and characterisation of the phenomena and their triggers, overcoming the limitations due to the application of single techniques.

How to cite: Rigamonti, S., Colombo, F., Crosta, G. B., Dattola, G., Frattini, P., Presta Asciutto, A., and Previati, A.: A multivariate time series analysis of ground deformation using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15347,, 2023.

EGU23-15348 | Orals | NH6.1

Recent Updates on Alpine-Himalayan Belt High Resolution Surface Velocities with Sentinel-1 InSAR and GNSS Observations 

Yasser Maghsoudi, Tim Wright, Milan Lazecký, Qi Ou, John Elliott, Andrew Watson, Chris Rollins, Andrew Hooper, Jin Fang, Lin Shen, Scott Watson, and Barry Parsons

The Alpine-Himalayan Belt (AHB) includes 75 percent of all earthquakes that have killed more than 10,000 people in the past century. Geodetic measurements of crustal deformation provide important information for studying earthquake hazards, indicating how the strain is accumulating and illuminating the mechanics of large-scale continental deformation.  

The COMET-LiCSAR InSAR processor was designed to automatically produce InSAR products on a global scale [1]. Processed data are made freely available to the community ( With the recent expansion of the system, we aim at generating high-resolution velocity field for the entire AHB. The area is covered by 644 ascending and descending frames. We have processed 130,000 Sentinel-1 epochs in this region and generated more than half a million interferograms. The average length of the connected small baseline network is 6 years. In some sub-regions such as the Anatolia, Caucuses, Iran, Tibet and Tianshan, more than 80 percent of all Sentinel-1 acquisitions are processed.  

In this study, we first used the LiCBSAS approach [2] to invert for the LOS displacement time-series and velocities. Next, following the VELMAP approach [3], we used the LOS velocities and the GNSS data to solve for the velocities in nodes of a spherical triangle mesh as well as the InSAR reference frame adjustment parameters. This results in the InSAR LOS velocities in a Eurasian reference frame. We finally decomposed these referenced LOS velocities into the east-west and vertical velocities. While the vertical velocities are mainly dominated by the anthropogenic displacements such as water pumping, or any other environmental parameters such as permafrost, the east-west velocity field exhibits the features of the long-wavelength deformation along the major faults in central, east and west of the AHB. 



[1] Lacecky et al., 2020  

[2] Morishita et al., 2020  

[3] Wang and Wright, 2012 




How to cite: Maghsoudi, Y., Wright, T., Lazecký, M., Ou, Q., Elliott, J., Watson, A., Rollins, C., Hooper, A., Fang, J., Shen, L., Watson, S., and Parsons, B.: Recent Updates on Alpine-Himalayan Belt High Resolution Surface Velocities with Sentinel-1 InSAR and GNSS Observations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15348,, 2023.

EGU23-16428 | Posters on site | NH6.1

Active and passive radar corner reflectors co-located with permanent GNSS stations in Sweden: Installation and performance 

Faramarz Nilfouroushan, Nureldin Ahmed Adam Gido, Per-Anders Olsson, and Chrishan Puwakpitiya Gedara

Artificial corner reflectors (CRs), passive (which have no electronic parts), or active ones, so called electronic CR (ECR) or compact transponders (CAT), are devices which reflect the radar signal back to the SAR satellites and provide measurement points at desired locations. Using, such devices we can measure temporal Line of sight (LOS) changes of the CRs using the InSAR technique and for example monitor the ground movements precisely.

Since January 2020, Lantmäteriet, the Swedish mapping, cadastral and land registration authority, has installed three ECRs and several types of passive reflectors (different shape and size, planned for C-band Sentinel-1 satellites) in different locations in Sweden. So far, ECRs are still functioning with no electronic failure. However, from the ESA Geodetic SAR project ( we experienced that the ECRs electronic characteristics are different, so individual calibrations maybe required by the manufacturer. In addition, thermal effects may also cause problems for measurements with ECRs. Therefore, instead of installing more ECRs, we switched to passive ones which have no electronics and have already shown their high-quality performance in different studies. So far, we have installed ten CRs in different locations and the goal is to continue and complement the national geodetic infrastructure of Sweden with at least twenty passive reflectors which are co-located with permanent GNSS stations. Among others, these co-located corner reflectors can potentially contribute to the development of the national and European ground motion services in future updates. Moreover, the co-location helps to map the relative ground motions estimated with InSAR to an absolute geodetic reference frame

Among different tests and performance analysis of such reflectors, we did multipath analysis to investigate if our corner reflectors cause any multipath error on nearby GNSS stations.  We looked at the coordinate time series of the twin GNSS stations at two locations, Visby and Sveg. The installed corner reflector, double back-flipped squared, in Sveg is about 6 m away from the GNSS stations whereas, in Visby, the twin corner reflectors, ascending and descending, are about 20 meters away and have a trihedral squared trimmed shape. The daily GNSS coordinate time series for three components before and after installation of the corner reflectors didn’t show any significant jump in the time series and the coordinate variations are in the range of expected mm-level variations for all stations.

How to cite: Nilfouroushan, F., Gido, N. A. A., Olsson, P.-A., and Puwakpitiya Gedara, C.: Active and passive radar corner reflectors co-located with permanent GNSS stations in Sweden: Installation and performance, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16428,, 2023.

Landslide inventories (geomorphological, seasonal, and event-based) are crucial for susceptibility, vulnerability, and risk assessments. Despite the high frequency of landslides in Brazil, no guidelines, or common procedures for the creation of inventories exist. Object-based image analysis (OBIA) is a well-established method for mapping natural hazards. However, the application of this technique for landslide mapping in Brazil is still incipient. The use of OBIA could improve the creation of landslide inventories in the country. Thus, this study aims to identify rainfall-induced shallow landslides using the OBIA method and compare the parameters used in the classification rule set in two study areas in Brazil: Itaóca (São Paulo state), and Nova Friburgo (Rio de Janeiro state). Both study areas were strongly affected by high-magnitude mass movements in 2014 (Itaóca) and 2011 (Nova Friburgo). The analysis was performed using RapidEye satellite images (5 m resolution), dated 2014/01/30 (Itaóca) and 2011/01/20 (Nova Friburgo), in the eCognition 10.0 (Trimble) software. The classification considered spectral, spatial, and contextual information. The mapping accuracy was assessed by comparison to a shallow landslide inventory created through expert interpretation. The results indicate the good applicability of the OBIA method in the tropical environments of Brazil. In Itaóca, shallow landslides of varied sizes occurred, whereas in Nova Friburgo large landslides were more common, with a medium size of 1.900 m² and 3.200 m² and a median of 725 m² and 950 m², respectively. The rule set applied for both study areas included the same processes but with slightly modified parameters, for example, the mean NDVI and slope were adapted according to the local environmental and geomorphological conditions. The results confirm the transferability of the approach in Brazil, although minor adaptations in the main rule set are required for better results.

How to cite: Dias, H. C., Hölbling, D., and Grohmann, C. H.: An object-based approach for semi-automated shallow landslide mapping: suitability and comparison in Itaóca (SP) and Nova Friburgo (RJ), southeastern Brazil, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-158,, 2023.

EGU23-161 | ECS | PICO | NH6.2 | Highlight

Remote sensing approaches for land use/land cover change detection in coastal areas and oceanic islands: a systematic review 

Rafaela Tiengo, Alicia Palacios-Orueta, Jéssica Uchôa, and Artur Gil

Insular ecosystems are natural laboratories in which evolution processes may be isolated and examined before being connected and expanded to the more complicated patterns displayed by more extensive systems. Similarly, islands can provide insights into effective land/costal management techniques. In the current climate change context, and with most of these territories being highly vulnerable to natural hazards (e.g., landslides, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, etc.), it is critical to detect and monitor relevant land surface, and land use/land cover (LULC) changes as soon as they occur, to identify and address their drivers and triggers through effective land/coastal planning and management policies. This research aims to evaluate the current state-of-the-art in remote sensing-based multi-sensor land surface and LULC change detection in terms data availability/complementarity, methodological approaches, data processing strategies, and parameters. A systematic literature review was undertaken using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses declaration (PRISMA) as a guideline to reach this goal. A search was run by applying nine combinations of relevant keywords and Boolean operators to the title, abstract, and keywords of pre-selected works. Review papers, conference papers, publications authored in languages other than English and  those that were not open access were not included. The search period was between January 2010 and June 2022 (the last access was done on 30 June 2022). As a result, a database including  167 journal articles from the Web of Science was created. The main results revealed an increasing number of published papers using remote sensing to map and quantify LULC change areas. Multispectral data were the most relevant source for identifying and analyzing surface changes (e.g., Landsat mission). The results revealed also that the highest number of studies was published in 2020 and 2021. The continent with more case studies was Asia, with China being the more productive country in this field. Most articles (26%) analyzed in this study were published in the Remote Sensing journal (MDPI). Moreover, this analysis showed that the combination of different parameters studied in this paper, namely the data source, data type, sensors, approaches, algorithms, software, platforms, spatial resolution and temporal resolution, might foster new opportunities for improved remote sensing-based LULC monitoring in oceanic islands and coastal areas.

How to cite: Tiengo, R., Palacios-Orueta, A., Uchôa, J., and Gil, A.: Remote sensing approaches for land use/land cover change detection in coastal areas and oceanic islands: a systematic review, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-161,, 2023.

EGU23-932 | ECS | PICO | NH6.2

Characterising the impact of tropical cyclones on mangroves using a multi-decadal Landsat archive 

Emma Asbridge, Richard Lucas, Kerrylee Rogers, Claire Phillips, Claire Krause, and Leo Lymburner

Tropical cyclones exert a strong driving force for change in mangrove systems. The potential increase in cyclone intensity globally is concerning as this may lead to significant changes in species composition, forest complexity and loss of ecosystem services, including important climate mitigation services. This has implications for the efficacy of blue carbon offsetting in the tropics. There is an urgent need to understand and quantify the effects of cyclones on mangrove ecosystems and the services they provide. The Landsat archive within Digital Earth Australia provides an unprecedented opportunity to quantify cyclone impacts at a national scale and beyond. The aim of this study was to quantify the short- and long-term impacts of Category 3-5 cyclones on mangroves in Australia. This was achieved using wind-field modelling (Geoscience Australia’s Tropical Cyclone Risk Model) and the Landsat archive to a)  establish the degree of recovery in canopy cover of mangroves following cyclones of different category strength; b) quantify the differential response on mangroves, accounting for varying cyclone intensity, mangrove composition, and recovery time since cyclone; and c) conceptualise the likely impacts of future cyclones given predictions of future change, including that associated with anthropogenic driven climatic fluctuation. Windspeeds > 165-224 km/hr, typical of category 3 cyclones, caused the most widespread damage, suggesting a critical windspeed threshold was exceeded. Patterns of short-term damage reflected location and exposure, with the greatest damage observed along open coastlines and fringing forests. Assessments indicated persistent loss of forests when the impact was high over the short-term. Areas experiencing a minor reduction in cover, and to a lesser extent major reduction in cover, exhibited signs of recovery, but the duration of recovery may be prolonged (>10 years). Where cyclones were frequent recovery was impeded by subsequent cyclones, and this may lead to a shift in ecosystem type. The approach used Geoscience Australia’s Open Data Cube and Jupyter Notebooks, which have been published online as open-source code to allow users to repeat the assessments for future cyclones in their area of interest. This is an important feature as Data Cubes are developed and operationalised globally. This analysis demonstrates the utility of Data Cubes for assessing impacts of coastal natural hazards and provides crucial information regarding the long-term resilience of mangroves and their ecosystem services, particularly in the context of a changing climate and variation in cyclone intensity and frequency.

How to cite: Asbridge, E., Lucas, R., Rogers, K., Phillips, C., Krause, C., and Lymburner, L.: Characterising the impact of tropical cyclones on mangroves using a multi-decadal Landsat archive, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-932,, 2023.

EGU23-1125 | ECS | PICO | NH6.2

Non-contact rock mass survey by means of airborne photogrammetry and Infrared Thermography 

Simone Mineo, Davide Caliò, and Giovanna Pappalardo

The application of non-contact technologies is herein presented as a test for a scientific procedure aimed at providing a technological solution for the rock mass survey in areas affected by poor logistics for field campaigns. Either high cliff sectors, or sub-vertical coastal cliffs or, more simply, areas that cannot be reached for a field rock mass survey, represent a challenge to retrieve geostructural data in the perspective of a geomechanical characterization or stability analysis. For this study, two technologies were coupled to achieve a reliable model of rock masses. In particular, applied technologies are the aerial photogrammetric survey by Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and the Infrared Thermography (IRT). The first represents a reference for applications aimed at rockfall stability studies, while the second is a relatively pioneering methodology exploiting the thermal radiation emitted by the rock mass and falling within the infrared portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. A three-dimensional model of the surveyed rock masses was built starting from the definition of dense point clouds and related elaborations. Thanks to the preliminary georeferencing of the UAV survey, discontinuity spatial orientation could be extracted by employing different algorithms, thus achieving their dip-dip direction values to be plotted on stereograms and statistically grouped. IRT surveys allowed the study of the distribution of the surface temperatures along the framed rock face. This is linked both to the different rock mass conditions (wet or weathered rock, presence of vegetation) and to the main geomechanical features of discontinuities such as persistence and aperture. Based on IRT outcomes, the innovative geomechanical parameters of Thermal spacing and Thermal RQD (Rock Quality Designation) were estimated with the aim of finding a potential, non-contact, alternative to the conventional procedures for the evaluation of the loose rock volumes. By matching the information achieved by the two surveying methodologies, a geomechanical model of the remotely surveyed rock mass was achieved proving the good adherence of the remote data to reality. Such outcome represents the implementation of the scientific experience on a key geomechanical topic, as well as a step forward in the integration of methodologies based on different principles but well matching if focused on a common scope.

How to cite: Mineo, S., Caliò, D., and Pappalardo, G.: Non-contact rock mass survey by means of airborne photogrammetry and Infrared Thermography, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1125,, 2023.

On November 4th, 2020 a deadly civil war broke out in Tigray, Ethiopia displacing close to 2 million people internally and more than 48,000 refugees in neighboring Sudan by August 2021[1]. Given agriculture is the livelihood of millions of people in Tigray, evaluation of the conflict’s impact on cultivated land and the consequent crop production is critical for government and non-government disaster relief institutions. Unfortunately, such evaluation is extremely challenging as the conflict is characterized by communication blackout leaving the region without access to cellphone or internet.

In this study, we used Sentinel-2 and Planet satellite imagery data to map loss of well cultivated land in 2021 due to the war. We developed multiple cultivation detection criteria based on the peak and falling limb characteristics of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) time series, validated using limited field observations of fallow and cultivated plots from the wet season in 2021 and 2022. We employed object detection machine learning model to identify harvest piles as an additional parameter to detect farming activity.

Our predicted change in cultivation map from 2019/20 to 2021 showed that the density of conflict incidents was positively correlated to the mean net loss of well cultivated land with R2 of 0.7 in Tigray highlands (elevation > 1200 m). Sub-regions with high estimated net loss of cultivated land due to abandonment of reported internally displaced people also resulted in high predicted loss of well cultivated land using NDVI based criteria in our study. In the absence of extensive in situ data, we demonstrate how satellite imagery along with good understanding of local farming practices can provide timely and useful information to assist humanitarian management efforts in times of crisis and recovery phase.

[1] Annys, Sofie, Tim Vanden Bempt, Emnet Negash, Lars De Sloover, Robin Ghekiere, Kiara Haegeman, Daan Temmerman, and Jan Nyssen. Tigray: Atlas of the Humanitarian Situation (version 2.2). Zenodo, 2021.

How to cite: Weldegebriel, L., Lobell, D., Negash, E., and Nyssen, J.: Eyes in the sky to the rescue - Monitoring the impact of armed conflict on cultivated land using satellite imagery in Tigray, Ethiopia., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1561,, 2023.

EGU23-2080 | PICO | NH6.2 | Highlight

A multi‐source remote sensing technical framework for wide-area landslide detection 

Zhenhong Li, Chenglong Zhang, Bo Chen, Jiantao Du, Mingtao Ding, Wu Zhu, Chuang Song, Chen Yu, Jiewei Zhan, and Jianbing Peng

Landslides pose a destructive geohazard to people and infrastructure that results in hundreds of deaths and billions of dollars in damages every year. China is one of the countries worst affected by landslides in the world, and great efforts have been made to detect potential landslides over wide regions. However, a recent government work report shows that 80% of the newly formed landslides occurred outside the areas labelled as potential landslides, and 80% of them occurred in remote rural areas with limited capability of disaster prevention and mitigation. In this presentation, a multi‐source remote sensing technical framework is demonstrated to detect potential landslides over wide regions.

How to cite: Li, Z., Zhang, C., Chen, B., Du, J., Ding, M., Zhu, W., Song, C., Yu, C., Zhan, J., and Peng, J.: A multi‐source remote sensing technical framework for wide-area landslide detection, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2080,, 2023.

EGU23-3464 | ECS | PICO | NH6.2 | Highlight

Rapid assessment of earthquake-induced building damage using remote sensing LiDAR data 

Fatemeh Foroughnia, Valentina Macchiarulo, Luis Berg, Matthew DeJong, Pietro Milillo, Kenneth W. Hudnut, Kenneth Gavin, and Giorgia Giardina

Earthquakes are natural hazards leading to the greatest human and economic losses, which are mostly due to structural collapses. Rapid identification and assessment of earthquake-induced damage to structures is therefore an essential component of the emergency response, and instrumental to effective reconstruction plans. Typically, structural damage assessment is conducted through building-by-building inspections during post-earthquake field reconnaissance missions. These missions are expensive and time-consuming, especially if large areas need to be investigated. Remote sensing techniques provide a relatively low-cost, wide-area alternative to in-situ monitoring. Classification and change detection based on pre- and post-event optical and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellite images are the most used approaches to detect damaged structures after earthquakes. However, these techniques only provide qualitative observations of collapsed or severely damaged structures. In this work, we present a new approach for the quantitative assessment of earthquake-induced structural damage based on displacement measurements acquired by Airborne Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR). The approach is based on the integration between LiDAR-based observations and structural indicators of damage. The application to the analysis of 684 buildings affected by the 2014 Napa earthquake, in California, demonstrates a good agreement between the LiDAR-based results and independent in-situ observations. This work sets the basis for the innovative exploitation of remote sensing data in disaster management.  

How to cite: Foroughnia, F., Macchiarulo, V., Berg, L., DeJong, M., Milillo, P., Hudnut, K. W., Gavin, K., and Giardina, G.: Rapid assessment of earthquake-induced building damage using remote sensing LiDAR data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3464,, 2023.

In the last 50 years, drastic change in the spatio-temporal variation of climate patterns have been observed over the Indian Himalayan Region (IHR) resulting increase in the frequency of Extreme Weather Events (EWE) such as cloud burst, flash flooding, land slide etc. Change in climate parameters has direct impact and consequence on the Himalayan ecosystem, which in turn adversely affects livelihood of people living in the high altitude area. Also, alteration in Land Use Land Cover (LULC) have occurred rapidly in the already vulnerable IHR for the last few decades. Few studies have carried out to analyse the impact of land cover changes and regional climate variability on mountain hazard susceptibility in different parts of the world. But there’s a lack of such type of study in high altitude areas of IHR. Here, we have made an attempt to assess the impact of regional climate variability (Precipitation, Air Temperature, Soil Moisture, Relative Humidity) as well as spatio-temporal variations in LULC on the increasing frequency of EWE in Beas river basin of Kullu district, India. For this purpose, using multi-temporal LANDSAT data and high resolution Terra Climate monthly data, temporal Land Cover Changes as well as climate variability over the period of 21 years, i.e., from the year 2000 to 2020 for Beas valley of Kullu district, India have been assessed. Disaster data highlights a drastic increase of 378% in the average occurrence of EWE during present years (i.e., 2016 to 2020) than that of last 16 years (2000 to 2015). Socio-economic survey have been carried out in the disaster prone villages of Beas basin to study people perception.  68.6% respondents believe that the increase in EWE is due to change in climate pattern. It is observed from LULC change detection that a massive increase in Agricultural land, including orchard expansion, of 123 % occurred during the year 2020 than that of 2000 in Beas Valley. Also, there’s a sharp increase of 40.63 % in settlement areas which includes the tourism activities such as hotels, restaurants, etc. during the year 2020 than that of 2000. The average rise in average air temperature is observed as 0.53° Celsius in study area over the period of 21 years. Annual precipitation shows a decrease of 76 mm to 325 mm during the year 2020 than that of year 2000 whereas the number of extreme rainfall days increases by 33.3% within the same interval. Outcome of the paper will be helpful in better understanding the impact of land cover dynamics and regional climate variability on the frequency of EWE in the Beas Valley of Kullu district, Himachal Pradesh, India.


Indian Himalayan Region, Extreme Weather Events, LULC, Climate Variability, Livelihood Security

How to cite: Ghosh, S., Lata, R., and Gouda, K. C.: Monitoring the Role of Temporal Land Cover Changes on Mountain Hazard Susceptibility in Beas Valley, Himachal Pradesh, India, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3919,, 2023.

EGU23-4344 | PICO | NH6.2

Environmental evolution and landslide hazard assessment in high mountainous areas based on UAV multi-sensors 

Kuo-Jen Chang, Mei-Jen Huang, Chun-Wei Tseng, and Ayusari Wahyuni

The vigorous development of geospatial information technology has not only achieved good results in land monitoring, but has also been gradually extended to other application fields. Hazards monitoring is one of the important applications. Geospatial information can be obtained through surveying and mapping technology, and through multi-temporal geospatial data, the production, migration and migration of debris deposits can be quantitatively evaluated in a reasonable time and space in catchment scale. In recent years, the development and integration of MEMS technology has contributed to the rapid development of UAV measurement. This goal can be achieved due to the advantages of UAVs, such as efficiency, timeliness, low cost, and easy operation in severe weather conditions. The real-time, clear and comprehensive low- and middle-altitude photos of the area can be used as the most basic and important spatial information for research and analysis. Based on the aforementioned technologies, we selected two specific landslide-prone areas for UAV photogrammetry data acquisition. The two sites of forestry road and nursery situated in the high mountainous forestry in southern Taiwan. In order to evaluate potential hazards and hazard monitoring, the multi-temporal high precision terrain geomorphology in different periods is essential, so as to assessment the hazards and for early warring. For these purposes, we try to integrate several technologies, especially by unmanned aircraft system imageries and existed airphotos, to acquire and to establish the geoinfomatic datasets. The methods, including, (1) Remote-sensing images gathered by UAS and by aerial photos taken in different periods; (2) field in-situ ground control points and check points installation and geomatic measurement; (3) 3D geomorphological virtual reality model construction; (4) Geologic, morphotectonic and landslide micro-geomorphologic analysis; (5) DTM of difference from multi-temporal dataset to evaluate the topographic and environment changes. The main achievements are four: a) UAV photogrammetry and accuracy analysis in the study area; b) Construction of a 3D terrain model in the study area; c) Geological survey of collapsed areas; d) Multi-year spatial information variation analysis. According to the findings, landslides activated continuously in different periods and different areas. In different sections of the riverbeds, different degrees of siltation or erosion have been identified, so regular monitoring and potential hazard assessment are still necessary.

How to cite: Chang, K.-J., Huang, M.-J., Tseng, C.-W., and Wahyuni, A.: Environmental evolution and landslide hazard assessment in high mountainous areas based on UAV multi-sensors, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4344,, 2023.

EGU23-5139 | PICO | NH6.2

Quantitative comparison between DInSar-derived surface displacements on slow-moving landslides and ground-based rainfall series 

Francesca Ardizzone, Stefano Luigi Gariano, Evelina Volpe, Loredana Antronico, Roberto Coscarelli, Michele Manunta, and Alessandro Cesare Mondini

Earth observation data are helpful in analyzing how climate-related variables affect geomorphological processes. This work aims at evaluating the influence of rainfall on slow-moving landslides, by means of a quantitative procedure for (i) identifying clusters of pixels measuring satellite-based surface displacements indicating landslide activity, (ii) comparing them with rainfall series, and (iii) applying statistical tests to assess their relationships at the regional scale. The methodology was developed within the framework of the OT4CLIMA project (Development of Innovative Earth Observation Technologies for the Study of Climate Change and Its Impacts on the Environment), funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research. The project aimed to develop advanced Earth observation technologies and methodologies for improving the capabilities to understand the effects of climate change at regional and sub-regional scale.

The procedure presented here was applied in the Basento river basin, within the Basilicata region, southern Italy.  The Basento catchment, with an area of 1535 km2 and a NW-SE trend, falls within the domain of the Apennine chain in the western part, and within the Bradanic Trough in the eastern part. The stratigraphic and structural setting of the basin plays a significant role in determining landslide occurrence and distribution.

Rainfall series were gathered from rain gauges ( and analyzed to evaluate the presence of temporal trends. Ground displacements were obtained by applying the P-SBAS (Parallel Small BAseline Subset) technique to three datasets of Sentinel-1 images: T146 ascending orbit, and T51 and T124 descending orbits, for the period 2015–2020. The displacement series of the pixels located in areas mapped as landslides by the Italian Landslide Inventory (IFFI database, and sited within rain gauge influence regions (defined as 10 km circular buffers) were studied.

Two slow-moving landslides were selected and investigated in detail. The average displacement series of the landslides were analyzed and compared to the rainfall series to search for relations, by employing statistical and non-parametric tests. More in detail, the Kendall rank correlation coefficient and the Maximal Information Coefficient were adopted in the analysis. Significant results were obtained for the T124 descending orbit for both landslides, for a 3-day cumulative rainfall and a 7-day delay of the slope response. Given the procedure’s replicability it can be applied to study areas with different physiographic and climatic features. Other applications might involve satellite- or radar-based rainfall estimates.

How to cite: Ardizzone, F., Gariano, S. L., Volpe, E., Antronico, L., Coscarelli, R., Manunta, M., and Mondini, A. C.: Quantitative comparison between DInSar-derived surface displacements on slow-moving landslides and ground-based rainfall series, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5139,, 2023.

InSAR  time-series analysis is a powerful remote sensing technique that can measure ground deformation with high spatial and temporal resolution. It has been widely used in various applications, such as the detection and monitoring of land subsidence, earthquakes, landslides, and other geohazards. In recent years, there has been significant development in InSAR time-series analysis, including the development of new algorithms and techniques, the availability of new and improved satellite data, and the application of InSAR in new and innovative ways. In this research, we propose the use of improved combined scatterers interferometry with optimized point scatterers (ICOPS) time-series analysis for InSAR application in the continuous monitoring of surface deformation. The key features of ICOPS include the optimization of point scatterers, the use of combined scatterers, and the optimization based on machine learning. These features enable ICOPS to effectively handle non-linear deformation, slow rate deformations, and to provide more accurate and reliable deformation estimates. The ICOPS method can be briefly explained by optimizing the measurement points obtained based on combined scatterers interferometry of persistent scatterers (PS) and distributed scatterers (DS) using machine learning and statistical based approaches. Distributed scatterers (DS) are used as a complement to persistent scatterers which provide increased spatial coverage with an assessment of pixel quality. After the measurement points are obtained, then the optimization process begins with support vector regression (SVR) which can handle non-linear cases and is capable of processing large data. Then, optimization results using machine learning will then be maximized using the optimized hot-spot analysis (OHSA) method to obtain spatially clustered deformation maps. In practically, we applied ICOPS to InSAR data of a surface deformation case study in the several regions and compared the results with those obtained using other InSAR methods. For the application, we applied the ICOPS in the Yellowstone National Park, USA, for detecting surface deformation around Yellowstone caldera related with volcanic activity. Then, the application for ICOPS was used in land subsidence in coastal city in Semarang, Indonesia. We also try the ICOPS for measure the surface deformation related with the construction activity in reclaimed area in Dangjin, South Korea. The results showed that ICOPS can accurately and reliably monitor surface deformation, even in complex and challenging scenarios. In summary, our study demonstrates the potential of ICOPS time-series analysis for InSAR application in the continuous monitoring of surface deformation and highlights its advantages over other methods. This work can contribute to the development of more effective and robust InSAR-based monitoring systems for surface deformation and support the sustainable and resilient management of our built and natural environments.

How to cite: Lee, C., Muhammad, F. F., and Wahyu, L. H.: Analysis of land surface changes based on time-series data interferometric synthetic aperture radar with the application of improved combined scatterers interferometry with optimized point scatterers, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6349,, 2023.

EGU23-6765 | ECS | PICO | NH6.2 | Highlight

One century of pasture dynamics in a hilly area of Eastern Europe, as revealed by the land-use change approach 

Georgiana Văculișteanu, Silviu Costel Doru, Nicușor Necula, Mihai Niculiță, and Mihai Ciprian Mărgărint

Land use is paramount to sustainable development, and in the past, important changes happened under the influence of various factors. Revealing these changes in a meaningful manner, not just as total statistics but also as fluxes and at a spatial level, allows us to detect and associate them with the factors involved. We show a study case in Iași County, Romania, using a raster approach to change detection for a land-use-type database that extends to the 1920s. The database was created from topographic, remote sensing, and field data collected between 1920 and 2006, with five intervals between 1960, 1980, 1990, and 2000, starting from CORINE Land Cover data. These periods mark the socio-political and natural changes in the study area. The change detection results are well matched with the identified drivers and their spatial distribution. The fluctuations between land-use types provide a good way to create drivers’ associations. Our analysis can be easily applied to any other concerned areas and could be used as base references for any legislative intention to determine land-use-type changes because it can be learned from past conversions with regard to failures or examples of good practice.

How to cite: Văculișteanu, G., Doru, S. C., Necula, N., Niculiță, M., and Mărgărint, M. C.: One century of pasture dynamics in a hilly area of Eastern Europe, as revealed by the land-use change approach, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6765,, 2023.

EGU23-7008 | PICO | NH6.2

Statistical validation of the Magnetospheric–Ionospheric–Lithospheric Coupling model on occasion of the Marche Earthquake (Mw 4.2) main shock occurred on November 20th 2022 

Mirko Piersanti, Giulia D'Angelo, Roberto Battiston, Igor Bertello, Antonio Cicone, Piero Diego, Emanuele Papini, Alexandra Parmentier, Dario Recchiuti, and Pietro Ubertini

In the last few decades, the efforts of the scientific community to search earthquake signatures in the Earth atmosphere, ionosphere and magnetosphere have grown rapidly. The increasing amount of good quality data from ground stations and satellites allowed the detection of specific signatures with high statistical significance such as ionospheric plasma density perturbations and/or atmospheric temperature and pressure changes. In addition, the recent development of a magnetospheric–ionospheric–lithospheric coupling (M.I.L.C.) analytical model has provided promising results in the identification of causal links between the observed anomalies and their possible seismic origin. With the aim of statistical validating such a model, we have performed a multi-instrument analysis of a mid-latitude seismic event, including also the investigation of atmospheric activity, in order to validate the identification of confounders and possibly explain any observed anomalous signal. Specifically, we have investigated the earthquake (Mw 4.2) occurred in Italy (Marche) on November 20th 2022 by using high-quality data from both ground-based detectors and satellites, preserving their statistical significance, that we have compared with the predictions of the M.I.L.C. model.

How to cite: Piersanti, M., D'Angelo, G., Battiston, R., Bertello, I., Cicone, A., Diego, P., Papini, E., Parmentier, A., Recchiuti, D., and Ubertini, P.: Statistical validation of the Magnetospheric–Ionospheric–Lithospheric Coupling model on occasion of the Marche Earthquake (Mw 4.2) main shock occurred on November 20th 2022, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7008,, 2023.

EGU23-7832 | ECS | PICO | NH6.2 | Highlight

Regional Detection of Landslide and Flash Flood Events in the East African Rift 

Axel Deijns, Aline Deprez, David Michéa, Olivier Dewitte, François Kervyn, Wim Thiery, and Jean-Philippe Malet

Satellite remote sensing is frequently used for spatial and temporal detection of geomorphic hazards (GH) such as landslides and flash floods. Establishing regional-scale inventories of GH events is crucial to understanding their behavior in both space and time, particularly in the tropics, where GH are under-researched, and impact is disproportionally high. Recently, an increased focus is seen on the use of machine- (ML) and deep learning (DL) methodologies for accurate detection of GH. These methodologies however, have in common that they rely on accurate information on either the GH location (training samples) or the GH timing (pre- and post-event imagery), making them practically unusable in unseen areas without any information on GH occurrences. Here, we aim to develop a methodology that allows for regional multitemporal GH event detection, providing both location and (semi-accurate) timing of GH events without any prior knowledge on GH event occurrence. We additionally test the suitability of our results as input for a more conventional ML-based classifier – ALADIM. We develop a pixel-based methodology using the open-access, high spatial resolution (10m) Copernicus Sentinel-2 time series from 2016 to 2021. Our methodology uses the peak of the cumulative difference from the mean for a multitude of spectral indices (NDVI, NBR, BI, SAVI, etc.) and allows us to create a map per Sentinel-2 tile that identifies impacted pixels and their related timing. We applied our methodology on six Sentinel-2 tiles in the tropical East African Rift and were able to successfully identify 29 GH events. From these, we chose 12 GH events, with a total of ~ 3900 landslide and flash flood features that occurred in different parts of the time series, in different landscapes and contained different GH event compositions (e.g. GH size, landslide to flash flood ratio). For these GH events, we validated the automatically derived GH event timing, and we used our results to automatically create training samples that served as input for the ALADIM classifier. Estimated GH event timing has on average a ~2-weeks difference from the last available cloud-free pre-event image and a ~ 6-weeks difference from the first available cloud-free post-event image. A general increase in pixel-by-pixel detection accuracy is seen when implementing our output in the ALADIM classifier, with some exceptions for GH event inventories that contain a large amount of small-sized GH features. The detection accuracies are influenced by the amount of cloud cover (less impacted pixels identified in highly cloudy regions), differences in landscapes (low noise levels in pristine forests, and high noise levels in densely cultivated landscapes) and the size distribution of GH events (lower accuracies for GH events that contained a lot of small sized features). Our methodology is working in varying landscapes, shows potential for transferability and in combination with ML-based classifiers allows to better automatize the GH event detection process. Additionally, it is highly optimized in terms of computation time allowing to process large regions of interest, within a relative short time span.

How to cite: Deijns, A., Deprez, A., Michéa, D., Dewitte, O., Kervyn, F., Thiery, W., and Malet, J.-P.: Regional Detection of Landslide and Flash Flood Events in the East African Rift, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7832,, 2023.

EGU23-8367 | PICO | NH6.2

Synergy of accelerometer, GNSS, InSAR and TLS measurements in the light of PROION Project 

Konstantinos Nikolakopoulos, Aggeliki Kyriou, Efthimios Sokos, Stathis Bousias, Elias Strepelias, Peter Groumpos, Vassiliki Mpelogianni, Zafeiria Roumelioti, Anna Serpetsidaki, Dimitrios Paliatsas, Athanassios Ganas, Vassiliki (Betty) Charalampoulou, and Theodoros Athanasopoulos

As infrastructure faces the consequences of climate change there is an urgent need for monitoring methodologies that can provide accurate and timely information to the stakeholders and decision makers in order to mitigate the risk and ensure the safety. According to the World Meteorological Organization the last decade has been recorded as the warmest period in human history. As a consequence, particularly high temperatures and frequent weather extremes (drought, floods, etc.) jeopardize the infrastructure safety. At the same time, the need for reliable, cost-efficient and globally applied infrastructure monitoring methodologies is even more crucial in areas with high seismicity and or volcanic activity.

In this framework the current project, named “PROION”, focuses on the infrastructure monitoring in the “Enceladus” Hellenic supersite. Τhis very active tectonic and seismic area includes geographically:

  • the urban centers of Athens, Corinth and Patras (> 50% of the country's population),
  • some of the most important archaeological monuments (Ancient Olympia and Mycenae) and
  • some very important infrastructures such as Mornos and Evinos dams, Rio-Antirrio Bridge etc.

The Enceladus Supersite area presents the highest seismicity in Europe, the highest recorded ground acceleration in Greece(0.77g) and a very high frequency of landslides.

The aim of the project is the development of a platform for the continuous monitoring of high importance infrastructures such as public buildings and dams. The methodology combines instrumental and remote sensing measurements along with fuzzy logic networks methods and machine learning algorithms. Specifically, measurements obtained by three-axis accelerometers, low cost GNSS receivers and Persistent Scatterer Interferometry are fused and validated with high-precision 3D reference data derived from TLS surveys and UAV campaigns. The processing is based on soft computing algorithms while very accurate deformation maps are utilized for making decision about the current and the future state of each infrastructure. “PROION” project is financially supported by the European Union and the Hellenic government. 

«Acknowledgment:  This research has been cofinanced  by the European Union and Greek  national funds  through the Operational Program Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, under the call  RESEARCH – CREATE – INNOVATE (project code: T2EΔK-02396 Μultiparametric monitoring platform with micro-sensors of eNceladus hellenIc supersite)».

How to cite: Nikolakopoulos, K., Kyriou, A., Sokos, E., Bousias, S., Strepelias, E., Groumpos, P., Mpelogianni, V., Roumelioti, Z., Serpetsidaki, A., Paliatsas, D., Ganas, A., Charalampoulou, V. (., and Athanasopoulos, T.: Synergy of accelerometer, GNSS, InSAR and TLS measurements in the light of PROION Project, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8367,, 2023.

EGU23-8655 | ECS | PICO | NH6.2

Predicting agricultural drought in the Greater Horn of Africa using the new generation of vegetation and precipitation products 

Riccardo D'Ercole, Daniele Casella, Giulia Panegrossi, and Paolo Sanò

Drought events are projected to become more frequent and intense globally as a result of climate change. This weather hazard is particularly severe in the Horn of Africa, were it often produces damages to livestock, crop losses and food security emergencies. In order to reduce the severe impacts of this phenomenon and to promptly respond to humanitarian needs, it is essential to integrate the advances of the new generation satellite products to the current early warning systems. A study by West et al. (2019, 10.1016/j.rse.2019.111291) pointed-out how current drought monitoring systems require better spatial, temporal and spectral resolution to understand the complex nature of such events.

For what concerns vegetation drought monitoring, current real-time systems (e.g. FEWS NET, GLDAS, NHyFAS) for emergency services  do not take advantage of the benefits of  geostationary satellite data and rather rely on Polar Operational Environmental Satellite data (POES) (Fensholt et al., 2011, 10.1016/j.jag.2011.05.009). Given their temporal resolution and considering that POES products present important data gaps problems due to the presence of clouds, they usually generate 10 or 16 days non-cloud contaminated vegetation composites. Consequently, this might affect timely response to natural hazards such droughts or floods. If on the one hand this data have been not fully accessible due to the requirements of considerable computational resources, the introduction of more powerful computers and distributed computing can narrow the gap.

Precipitation deficits are a good indicator of meteorological drought. However, precise rainfall estimates are difficult to obtain given their large spatial variability. In Africa, convective storms can generate localized precipitation phenomena which can be difficult to measure. Additionally, weather stations data is limited and stations number have been decreasing. When using satellite products, studies on the African continent have shown how precipitation remote sensing products can present wet or dry biases (McNally et al., 2017, 10.1038/sdata.2017.12), which can in turn affect the outcomes of precipitation-derived meteorological indices (e.g. Standard Precipitation Index, SPI). Overall, the existence of different rain gauge, satellite or reanalysis products makes it non-trivial the identification of an optimal precipitation series (Le Coz & van de Giesen, 2020, 10.1175/JHM-D-18-0256.1) that can describe extreme events.

The aim of this study is to show the benefits that the last generation of satellite products can offer to drought monitoring, in particular for those areas that lack reliable and dense in situ precipitation data. For this purpose, we will explore the relationships between meteorological and agricultural droughts for a subset of countries in the Greater Horn of Africa (Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya), studying the relationships between vegetation health indexes (NDVI, VCI) and precipitation anomalies (e.g. SPI). The indexes related to the vegetation health have been calculated at daily time scale using the Meteosat SEVIRI radiometer, while the precipitation anomalies have been estimated using several precipitation products (e.g. rain gauge, satellite, reanalysis) at different short-term scales (30, 60, 90 and 180 days). A comprehensive intercomparison of the different precipitation products in the study area and their importance for the detection and forecast of agricultural droughts will be discussed.

How to cite: D'Ercole, R., Casella, D., Panegrossi, G., and Sanò, P.: Predicting agricultural drought in the Greater Horn of Africa using the new generation of vegetation and precipitation products, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8655,, 2023.

EGU23-9834 | ECS | PICO | NH6.2

EGMS data for national-scale landslides zonation 

Nicușor Necula and Mihai Niculiță

European Ground Motion Service (EGMS) products are ground motion velocity and displacement measurements over the EU countries provided by the ambitious project of the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service. The products consist of processed Sentinel-1 SAR images with the Multi-temporal Differential SAR Interferometry algorithms and are available for visualization and download. They include different measurements, velocity and displacement time series for both orbits, ascending and descending, the derived displacement vectors for the vertical and horizontal E-W components, and the projected vector along the slope. In this ongoing work, we aim to use these products in the R.stat environment to identify the active landslide deformations for the national scale of Romania. Preliminary results are promising as the identified areas in the eastern part of the country reveal critical landslide hot spots interacting with the urbanized built-up area and the transport infrastructure.

How to cite: Necula, N. and Niculiță, M.: EGMS data for national-scale landslides zonation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9834,, 2023.

EGU23-9995 | PICO | NH6.2

Exploiting ERA-5 data for the atmospheric filtering of DInSAR deformation products in volcanic areas 

Riccardo Lanari, Ivana Zinno, Federica Casamento, Francesco Casu, and Claudio De Luca

One of the main sources of noise affecting the Differential Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (DInSAR) products is represented by the Atmospheric Phase Screen (APS) signals which are caused by the temporal and spatial variability of atmospheric conditions between the interferometric radar image pairs. Accordingly, it can be challenging to discriminate atmospheric phase delay signals from the deformation ones, and this is particularly difficult in volcanic areas which are often characterized by the presence of both significant topography and displacements.

In this work we present an extensive analysis based on the exploitation of the ECMWF ERA-5 data [1] to filter out the APS contribution from DInSAR products. In particular, we focus on the impact of the ERA-5 corrections on DInSAR deformation time series, as well as on single interferograms. The generation of the exploited DInSAR products is performed through the P-SBAS advanced DInSAR approach [2]. To filter out the APS signal component from the retrieved deformations we have developed an automating processing chain that exploits:

  • the PyAPS Python software implementing the approach described in [3], for the APS evaluation;
  • an ad-hoc developed IDL code, for correcting the generated interferograms and deformation time series.

The presented experimental analysis has been carried out by taking into account large Sentinel-1 (S-1) datasets acquired both from ascending and descending orbits over several volcanic areas, which are of particular interest for the presence of both significant atmospheric phenomena and remarkable deformations:

  • Etna (Sicily, Italy);
  • La Palma island (Canary, Spain);
  • Stromboli (Sicily, Italy);
  • Mauna Loa (Hawaii, United States).

In these sites, the lateral variation of pressure, temperature and humidity, jointly with a topography-correlated component due to the variation of the atmospheric parameters with height, makes the APS interferometric component difficult to be distinguished from the deformation one. This makes the exploitation of auxiliary data crucial.

Moreover, an additional analysis has been carried out by considering the first DInSAR results obtained by exploiting the L-band SAR images acquired by the SAOCOM-1 satellites, over the Ischia island (Campania, Italy).

Our results show that the ERA-5 based APS correction is capable to effectively filter out, for the considered sites, the atmospheric phase contributions relevant to the typical seasonal oscillations as well as those correlated with topography. As expected, because of the coarse spatial resolution of the input ERA-5 data (30 km on the horizontal grid), it is indeed less effective for removing the small spatial scales (turbulent) component of the atmospheric phase signals, which requires different filtering approaches to be corrected.



[2]     Manunta, M. et al., The Parallel SBAS Approach for Sentinel-1 Interferometric Wide Swath Deformation Time-Series Generation: Algorithm Description and Products Quality Assessment, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 2019.

[3]       R. Jolivet et al, "Systematic InSAR tropospheric phase delay corrections from global meteorological reanalysis data," Geophysical Research Letters, vol. 38, no. 17, 2011.

How to cite: Lanari, R., Zinno, I., Casamento, F., Casu, F., and De Luca, C.: Exploiting ERA-5 data for the atmospheric filtering of DInSAR deformation products in volcanic areas, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9995,, 2023.

Copernicus DEM is the new global dataset with the desired coverage and resolution to become the standard elevation dataset to replace SRTM. SRTM represents the Earth’s terrain at the level of February 2000, with a spatial resolution of 1’ and a feature resolution that can cover medium-scale landform features. The GLO-30 Copernicus DEM is based on the WorldDEM topographic data, which has an original resolution of 0.4”, obtained from TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X SAR interferometry data. The WorldDEM sources were acquired between December 2010 and January 2015, and every surface was acquired twice. GLO-30 dataset is resampled from 0.4” to 1”. The global validation against ICEsat data revealed a RMSE of 1.68 m, a standard deviation of 1.68 m, and an absolute vertical accuracy linear error at 90% confidence interval of 2.17 m.

In the present approach, LiDAR data at 0.5 and 1 m spatial resolution covering two regions over Eastern and Western Romania were used to evaluate the accuracy in landform representation of the GLO-30 Copernicus DEM. The results show that the deformations due to the RADAR acquisition (shortening and layover) are lower than for the SRTM dataset, but the number of voids is bigger, especially in the mountainous areas. The resolution of the geomorphic landforms is superior to SRTM data, with river channels, gullies, and landslides features being very often recognizable in non-forested areas.

In conclusion, GLO-30 Copernicus DEM outperforms SRTM and can be used as a new source of global elevation data, but care is needed when certain types of landforms are targeted by the analysis, especially in forested areas. The most affected by the inconsistencies due to the RADAR acquisition technology is the hydrological features, especially in mountainous areas with forest cover.

How to cite: Niculita, M.: Copernicus DEM vs. LiDAR: assessment of landform accuracy representation at regional scale, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10090,, 2023.

EGU23-10116 | ECS | PICO | NH6.2

Lifecycle of the 21 July, 2020 Shaziba landslide investigated using multi-source remote sensing observation 

Wandi Wang, Mahdi Motagh, Sara Mirzaee, Tao Li, Chao Zhou, Hui Tang, and Sigrid Roessner

Shallow landslides and debris flows triggered by high-intensity continuous precipitation are widespread in the  western part of Hubei province, China. Studies have also shown that most of the landslides in western Hubei belong to the category of  slow-moving landslides that impact infrastructures and can eventually turn into catastrophic failures. Although many landslides cannot be prevented, some possible scientific early warning detection and landslide evolution analysis before and after the failure can help in risk management practices. Under favorable conditions, optical and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellite remote sensing data  play a key role in robust characterization of life cycles of slow moving landslides. In this study, we utilized various SAR and optical sensors to investigate kinematic evolution and volumetric change related to the 21 July, 2020, the Shaziba landslide that occurred in Mazhe County, Hubei Province, China (N 30° 36′ 5′′, E 109° 29′ 85′′). The catastrophic failure happened  following a record precipitation that reached a historical peak of 442.3 mm in the month of failure, exceeding the previous historical peaks in the same month. This landslide caused the collapse of more than 60 homes, the destruction of village roads, the destruction of electrical infrastructure and agriculture, the evacuation of more than 1000 individuals, and the pollution of Enshi City's water supply source with silt. Fortunately, there were no fatalities. The pre-failure ground deformation using Sentinel-1 data from June 2016 to July 2020 indicates ground motions at average rates of 30 mm/yr. The co-failure estimation from Planet and Sentinel-2 shows that horizontal displacements in the eastern part of the landslide up to 30 m. The landslide eroded to 4.93 million m3 meters, with DEMs generated from TanDEM-X data before and after the failure. The post-failure ground deformation analysis performed using Sentinel-1 and TerraSAR-X data between August 2020 to July 2021 indicated the instability of the marginal scarps above the crown of landslide and eastern, with an LOS displacement rate of approximately -30 - -10 mm/year. 

How to cite: Wang, W., Motagh, M., Mirzaee, S., Li, T., Zhou, C., Tang, H., and Roessner, S.: Lifecycle of the 21 July, 2020 Shaziba landslide investigated using multi-source remote sensing observation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10116,, 2023.

EGU23-10200 | ECS | PICO | NH6.2

A first look at the OPERA Surface Water eXtent and Land Surface Disturbance products and their applications 

M. Grace Bato, Kelly Devlin, Rubie Dhillon, Matthew Bonnema, Simran Sangha, Samantha Niemoeller, Amy Pickens, Gustavo H. X. Shiroma, Alexander L. Handwerger, John W. Jones, Matthew Hansen, Batuhan Osmanoglu, Karthik Venkataramani, Heresh Fattahi, David Bekaert, Zhen Song, and Steven Chan

Satellite remote sensing data provide key information needed to understand the dynamic behavior of our planet as well as to prepare for, respond to, and recover from disasters. The Observational Products for End-Users from Remote Sensing Analysis (OPERA) project at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, in partnership with the US Geological Survey and the University of Maryland, starts releasing near-global products that are based on Harmonized Landsat-8 Sentinel-2 A/B (HLS) optical datasets in February 2023: (1) Dynamic Surface Water eXtent (DSWx-HLS) and (2) Land Surface Disturbance (DIST-HLS) product suites. These derived products have applications including  monitoring and guiding future hazard management and recovery efforts. While OPERA does not have an urgent response requirement for disasters, the project will process and deliver the data to end-users as soon as possible. HLS has 2-3 day revisit frequency at the equator allowing the potential for OPERA products to help provide analysis ready data from before, during, and after some events to aid disaster response and recovery efforts. All the DSWx and DIST products will be freely available to the public through various Distributed Active Archive Centers (PO.DAAC for DSWx,; LPDAAC for DIST, and NASA’s Earthdata Search platform based on their scheduled operational release.

Here, we present applications of the first provisional products from the DSWx-HLS and DIST-HLS suites to monitor changes in water bodies and vegetation cover due to droughts, floods, and wildfires. In particular, we focus our analysis on: (a) drastic extent changes in reservoirs,  such as for Lake Mead from 2014-present, (b) mapping flood extents such as the 2020 dam failures in Midland, Michigan, and (c) mapping burned areas due to wildfires such as the 2022 wildfires in New Mexico and in California. We develop open-source tutorials using GIS software and Jupyter Notebooks to visualize and showcase these applications. Both the provisional data and the tutorials are available on the OPERA website ( to ensure broad access and reproducibility. 

How to cite: Bato, M. G., Devlin, K., Dhillon, R., Bonnema, M., Sangha, S., Niemoeller, S., Pickens, A., Shiroma, G. H. X., Handwerger, A. L., Jones, J. W., Hansen, M., Osmanoglu, B., Venkataramani, K., Fattahi, H., Bekaert, D., Song, Z., and Chan, S.: A first look at the OPERA Surface Water eXtent and Land Surface Disturbance products and their applications, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10200,, 2023.

EGU23-10935 | ECS | PICO | NH6.2

Mapping of Mexico City's susceptibility to sinkhole formation using the weights of evidence method 

Sergio García Cruzado, Nelly Ramírez Serrato, and Graciela Herrera Zamarrón

Sinkholes are a geological risk that happens all over the world, emerging unexpectedly as a result of several natural and/or anthropogenic conditioning factors that may be interconnected. The study of these conditioning factors is particularly valuable for the prevention and mitigation of the hazards caused by sinkholes to civil works and roads in a region because it allows identifying the spatial distribution of the different factors that generate the phenomena and with which maps can be generated to highlight the places with the highest potential of sinkhole formation, thereby assisting in the minimization of infrastructure damage. In Mexico City, a serious situation is presented by the formation of sinkholes, between the years of 2017 and 2019 more than 500 sinkholes have been recorded throughout the city, so this work has as its aim to identify areas with greater susceptibility to the formation of sinkholes, using the probabilistic method of weights of evidence, with which it will be possible to identify areas that need further monitoring and with which future damage associated with the phenomenon can be prevented. For the identification of susceptible areas, a geographic information system database was created with information on distance to faults, fractures, subway lines, subsidence zones, hydrographic network, geology, land use, land elevation, slope, roads, location of water leaks, waterlogging sites, water wells, mines and groundwater depletion. The result of this study shows that most of Mexico City has a high susceptibility to sinkhole formation, however, the central-northern and eastern parts of the city show the highest potential for sinkhole formation.

How to cite: García Cruzado, S., Ramírez Serrato, N., and Herrera Zamarrón, G.: Mapping of Mexico City's susceptibility to sinkhole formation using the weights of evidence method, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10935,, 2023.

EGU23-12538 | ECS | PICO | NH6.2

Detection of slope deformation at the Tröllaskagi peninsula, N-Iceland, using Sentinel-1 D-InSAR time series (2016-2022) 

Ása Dögg Adalsteinsdottir, Þorsteinn Sæmundsson, Sebastian Buchelt, and Tobias Ullmann

Following last deglaciation, glacially eroded hillslopes of the Tröllaskagi peninsula in N-Iceland experienced intensive rockslide activity. In the Almenningar site, located on the outermost part of the peninsula, several rockslide features show active surface displacement, which have repeatedly caused major damages and hazardous conditions to a road crossing the area. Since 1977 the Icelandic Road and Coastal Administration (IRCA) has maintained regular measurements and in 2022, GNSS stations were installed for real time monitoring. These measurements indicate deformation rates up to 70 cm per year. Monitoring results further suggest a relationship between deformation and hydroclimatological factors. Furthermore, the front of the deformation area reaches the coast forming up to 60 m high cliffs where clear indications of extensive coastal erosion can be found. Whereas traditional landslide monitoring and field measurements can be expensive and time consuming, remote sensing methods such as Differential satellite Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (D-InSAR) time series analysis has proven to be a valuable tool for large-scale slope deformation detection. In our study, we implement multitemporal D-InSAR methods, which decrease limiting factors like atmospheric delay, orbital errors and decorrelation. We use the Copernicus Sentinel-1 SAR satellite constellation with its 6 day (since 2022: 12 day) revisit time over Iceland. Besides the monitored Almenningar site, two additional sites in Tröllaskagi, Stífla and Siglufjarðarfjall, were selected for slope deformation detection due to their landform similarity and possible threat to infrastructure. The displacement time series was generated for the summers of 2016 through 2022 to (i) detect the spatio-temporal slope deformation patterns in Almenningar, Stífla and Siglufjarðarfjall, (ii) analyse if these landforms have similar deformation response to hydroclimatological conditions and/or seismic episodes and (iii) if there is noticeable difference in deformation rates at the coast or inland. The results of this research will be presented here. In conclusion, D-DInSAR provides useful information to analyse other rockslide features in Tröllaskagi and correlate detected deformation to hydroclimatological conditions and seismic episodes. Results will serve as an important support for hazard and risk assessment and contribute to further research on triggering factors.

How to cite: Adalsteinsdottir, Á. D., Sæmundsson, Þ., Buchelt, S., and Ullmann, T.: Detection of slope deformation at the Tröllaskagi peninsula, N-Iceland, using Sentinel-1 D-InSAR time series (2016-2022), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12538,, 2023.

EGU23-12543 | PICO | NH6.2

Active tectonics from UAS-HR-DSM combined with PSInSAR: Case example along the Longitudinal Valley - Eastern Taiwan 

Benoit Deffontaines, Kuo-Jen Chang, Ren-Fan Li, Chii-Wen Lin, Paolo Pasquali, samuel Magalhaes, and Gerardo Fortunato

Taiwan result in the active collision of both Eurasian and Philippine Sea Plates characterized by an annual average convergence rate close to 10 cm.y-1. The Longitudinal Valley is parallel and eastward of the Central (Backbone) Range which is made of metamorphic rocks, and is also situated to the west of the Coastal Range (of volcanic affinity). In between both, lay the Longitudinal Valley (125km long and N020°E trending) which behave as the active crustal suture zone. The latter presents both inter-seismic creeping displacement (Champenois et al., 2013, Deffontaines et al., 2018) and was hit by 7 major earthquakes of magnitudes larger than 5 during the last 70 years which highlights its high seismic hazards.

We combine herein a preseismic UAS survey (May 20, 2015) with one done immediately after the last large earthquake on the eastern Central Range (Oct 07, 2022). We therefore study both (1) the differences from a quantitative point of view; and (2) from a morpho-structural qualitative analysis point of view.

We acquired so many high-resolution photographs using several drones flying at 350 meters above the ground. After photogrammetric processing, we calculate both (1) a high-resolution Digital Elevation Model (UAS-HR-DSM) that takes into account buildings and vegetations, and deduce (2) a Digital Terrain Model (UAS-HR-DSM) corresponding to the ground. Our ground validation (GCP’s) leads us to get a 7cm planimetric resolution (X, Y) and below 40cm vertical accuracy.

This UAS-HR-DSM combined with field work and the preliminary PSInSAR (PALSAR-JAXA) processing led us to better characterize the active tectonic features through a detailed morphostructural analysis. It also permit us to map into much details the active structures and consequently to up-date the pre-existing geological mappings (e.g. CGS geological maps, Lin et al., 2009; Shyu et al., 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008). Then we up-date and combined our new structural scheme with geodetic data (levelings, GPS…) and PALSAR PSInSAR results acquired during the same monitoring time period to locate, characterize and quantify the active tectonic structures, taking into account previous works (e.g. Yu et al., 1997; Lee et al., 2008; Hsu et al., 2009; Huang et al., 2010…). We then precise structural geometries and some geological processes as well as the location of active folds and active faults during the PSInSAR monitoring time-period.

This may lead us to better constrain the seismic hazards and the earthquake cycles of the place.

How to cite: Deffontaines, B., Chang, K.-J., Li, R.-F., Lin, C.-W., Pasquali, P., Magalhaes, S., and Fortunato, G.: Active tectonics from UAS-HR-DSM combined with PSInSAR: Case example along the Longitudinal Valley - Eastern Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12543,, 2023.

EGU23-12623 | PICO | NH6.2

Windthrow detection with moderate to high resolution optical imageries across the European forests 

Luiz Galizia, Ali Nasrallah, Charbel Elkhoury, Sylvain Coutu, Christelle Castet, and Quentin Voituron

Windthrow is one of the major disturbances for forests and can affect large areas, causing extensive economic and ecological impacts across the different types of forests. Remote sensing is an effective tool with potential to cost-efficiently map large wind-affected regions, with a specific revisit time and spatial resolution, depending on the sensors used. Windthrow detection relies mostly on spatiotemporal changes of forest reflectance. However, one of the main drawbacks in using optical images is the cloud cover, and thus the availability of cloud-free images, especially during the cool season, when most of the windthrow events occur. For this reason, relying solely on the twin satellite Sentinel-2 may not be enough as data with 5-day revisit time are only available since 2016. On the other hand, different approaches have been developed to deploy radar images for scene changes detection, nonetheless, for forests, both L- and C-bands shall be integrated to capture the changes in the different layers of the forest, rendering the process very complicated. In this study, we developed two different approaches for windthrow detection based on the difference between the surface reflectance composite of the image’s (Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8/9) bands, before and after a windthrow event. First, a global machine learning model was developed using multiple windthrow events across Europe in order to classify windthrow events at continental scale. Then, a local machine learning model was developed using samples of damaged areas and non damaged areas of the same forest type in order to classify windthrow events within the same satellite image. Overall, our preliminary results showed that the global model presented relatively lower accuracy and F1 score. This finding is most probably due to the different types of forests, which present different spectral signatures and hamper the correct classification of the affected areas. Conversely, the local model presented higher accuracy and F1 score due to the homogeneity in the selected forest type. Our preliminary results thus indicate that windthrow detection at large scales is still challenging and local models may be a reliable alternative for assessing the wind-affected forests.

How to cite: Galizia, L., Nasrallah, A., Elkhoury, C., Coutu, S., Castet, C., and Voituron, Q.: Windthrow detection with moderate to high resolution optical imageries across the European forests, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12623,, 2023.

EGU23-12787 | PICO | NH6.2

Deformation monitoring of the Alpine Lazaun rock glacier using offset tracking and multi-source SAR data 

Giovanni Cuozzo, Melisa Soledad Heredia, Ludovica De Gregorio, Mattia Callegari, Abraham Mejia-Aguilar, Aldo Bertone, and Claudia Notarnicola

Rock glaciers represent a typical landform characterizing high mountain periglacial terrains. They are composed by a mixture of frozen debris and interstitial ice and when are affected by downslope displacement related to the permafrost deformation or melting, they are called active rock glaciers. The observation of their changes over time is a critical indicator of the state of water resources and permafrost distribution and is therefore of great importance for risk scenario definition and related natural hazards management, as well as can be related to the climate change. 

Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data have proven to be a useful tool to estimate surface displacement phenomena in mountainous areas that can be difficult to access. In particular, Differential Interferometry can measure displacement in the line of site direction with high accuracy. However, sometimes the characteristics of the areas in terms of displacement rate and number of available images lead to some limitations, which can be overcome by using other complementary tools such as SAR offset-tracking (OT) or by integrating both techniques together.

In the OT case, the estimation of the deformation in azimuth and range directions is obtained maximizing the normalized cross-correlation between pairs of images and the minimum detectable displacement depends on the spatial resolution of SAR images, in the sense that a finer spatial resolution allows estimating a lower minimum detectable displacement. Consequently, these techniques can be profitably used for medium- or long-term displacement measurements [1].

In this work, OT is used to monitor the active alpine Lazaun rock glacier, located in the Ötztal in South Tyrol (Italy). Lazaun has a snow cover free period limited typically to 3 months per year, covers an area of about 0.12 km², and its altitude is between 2480 and 2700 m a.s.l.. Previous measurements performed by using GPS have detected displacements reaching ca. 1.5 m per year [2]. Different kind of data (TerraSAR-X, Cosmo-Skymed First and Second generation, Sentinel-1 and SAOCOM) characterized by different wavelengths, exposure and resolutions have been tested to estimate the rock glacier displacements and the results have been compared with GPS measurements executed in 2016-2018 and 2022. The results show that considering the limited size of the area of interest and the displacement rate, the spatial resolution of the data is of fundamental importance and only using spotlight SAR data is possible to estimate the displacement on both seasonal and inter-annual temporal scale.

This research is part of the 2021-2023 project ‘CRIOSAR: Applicazioni SAR multifrequenza alla criosfera’, funded by ASI under grant agreement n. 2018-12-U.0. TerraSAR-X data were provided by the European Space Agency, Project Proposal id 34722, © DLR, distribution Airbus DS Geo GmbH, all rights reserved.


[1] Strozzi, Tazio, et al. "Glacier motion estimation using SAR offset-tracking procedures." IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 40.11 (2002): 2384-2391.


[2] Krainer, Karl, et al. "A 10,300-year-old permafrost core from the active rock glacier Lazaun, southern Ötztal Alps (South Tyrol, northern Italy)." Quaternary Research 83.2 (2015): 324-335.

How to cite: Cuozzo, G., Heredia, M. S., De Gregorio, L., Callegari, M., Mejia-Aguilar, A., Bertone, A., and Notarnicola, C.: Deformation monitoring of the Alpine Lazaun rock glacier using offset tracking and multi-source SAR data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12787,, 2023.

Drylands cover approximately 40% of the Earth’s land surface and are home to over a quarter of the global population. Despite the deficit of surface water, rare but strong precipitation events are the fundamental driver for geomorphic activity in arid regions. A quantification of the frequency and magnitude of episodic river discharge is essential for a robust characterization of flood hazards and, thus, better understanding of the poorly studied hydromorphodynamics in deserts. However, observation data from gauges are sparsely distributed and, if existent, often do not cover a sufficiently long seamless time series or feature extensive gaps. This applies, for instance, to the remote Northwest Namibia, where more than a dozen ephemeral rivers drain the Kunene Highlands towards the Skeleton Coast, yet daily river flow data for a period of several decades is only available from the Hoanib.

Hence, we propose a workflow based on the Landsat multispectral satellite imagery archive to detect flood events and their spatial impact since 1984 in a high resolution (30 m) for the entire Kunene Region (~144 km²). To cater for the limitations related to a revisit time of 16 days and potential impracticality of scenes due to cloud cover, we calculated spectral indices allowing for the detection of both inundated areas during flooding (e.g., Normalized Difference Water Index) and effects sustained after flood recession (e.g., Tasseled Cap Wetness to detect increased soil moisture). The large remote sensing dataset is processed via cloud computing using the Google Earth Engine. As a novel approach, we try to implement a frequency analysis directly in the Google Earth Engine environment after attributing the spectral imprints of floods to their magnitudes. For this purpose, a statistical relationship is developed between the daily record of the gauging station at the Hoanib and the spatiotemporal multispectral surface characteristics along the river course and floodplains. By transferring this relationship to the other ephemeral streams, spatially highly resolved recurrence intervals for areas affected by floods of different magnitudes can be derived for the entire Kunene Region.

How to cite: Walk, J., Boemke, B., and Ullmann, T.: Spatial flood frequency analysis of ephemeral rivers in Northwest Namibia based on cloud computing of Landsat time series, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12947,, 2023.

EGU23-13676 | PICO | NH6.2 | Highlight

Use of UAVs for geological risk management and analysis: The case study of the mud volcano of Villaggio Santa Barbara, Caltanissetta (Sicily). 

Giorgio De Guidi, Fabio Brighenti, Francesco Carnemolla, Salvatore Giuffrida, Danilo Messina, and Carmelo Monaco

Deformation effects on surface due to active geological processes are several (e.g., uplift, subsidence and shear discontinuities), these are strictly related to the source parameters and to the geomechanical properties of the surrounding rocks. In the last 20 years, remote sensing represents a key tool for the evaluation and monitoring of the natural hazards. Disasters occur when hazard and vulnerability match.

The risk is proportional to the magnitude of the hazards and the vulnerability of the involved population. Among the deformation monitoring systems, photogrammetry technique from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) is spreading thanks to the high efficiency in data acquisition (time span, resource, and operators), low cost and the capability to acquire high-resolution images. The use of UAVs in contexts of natural hazard presents three main steps for risk assessment: pre-post event data acquisition, emergency support and monitoring. The mud volcano of Santa Barbara (Municipality of Caltanissetta, Sicily, Italy) represents a potentially dangerous site. On 11th August 2008 a paroxysmal event caused serious damage to infrastructures for a range of about 2 km. The main clues of mud volcano paroxysmal events are the uplift and the development of structural features with dimensions ranging from centimetre to decimetre. Here we present a methodology for monitoring of deformation processes that may be precursors of the mud volcano unrest period. This methodology is based on: i) the data collection, ii) the Structure from Motion (SfM) processing chain and iii) the M3C2-PM algorithm for the comparison between point clouds and uncertainty analysis with a statistical approach. This methodology is useful to detect hazard precursors by monitoring of deformation processes with centimetre precision and a temporal frequency of 1 - 2 months. Precision maps and the M3C2-PM algorithm are used to determine surface variations. The statistical analysis allows us to verify i) the uncertainty between the different surveys ii) the spatial variability of the accuracy; iii) the quality of the georeferencing of the surveys based on the number of GCPs (ground control points).

How to cite: De Guidi, G., Brighenti, F., Carnemolla, F., Giuffrida, S., Messina, D., and Monaco, C.: Use of UAVs for geological risk management and analysis: The case study of the mud volcano of Villaggio Santa Barbara, Caltanissetta (Sicily)., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13676,, 2023.

EGU23-14140 | PICO | NH6.2 | Highlight

Spaceborne and airborne DInSAR products generation and analysis to support Civil Protection activities in volcanic and seismic regions 

Fernando Monterroso and Francesco Casu and the IREA CNR Team

In the last decades, Differential Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (DInSAR) has demonstrated to be an effective tool to detect and follow Earth surface deformations with a centimeter to millimeter accuracy in different hazard scenarios. In particular, the DInSAR techniques are nowadays playing an important role to study ground deformation phenomena, such as volcanic eruptions and seismic events, thanks to their capability to provide dense measurements over wide areas and at relatively low cost.

The increasing diffusion of the use of DInSAR is also due to the large availability of huge and easily accessible SAR data archives, as those acquired, since late 2014, by the Copernicus Sentinel-1 constellation, which is routinely providing C-band SAR data with a defined repeat-pass frequency at a rather global scale. Therefore, such a constant and reliable availability of data allowed us to move from single event analysis to monitoring tasks, particularly in natural hazard prone areas.

In this work we present the DInSAR related activities that are carried out at the Institute of Electromagnetic Sensing of Environment of National Research Council of Italy (IREA-CNR) to support the Italian Department of Civil Protection (DPC) for volcanoes and seismic areas studying and monitoring.

First, by exploiting the Sentinel-1 data archives and the publicly accessible earthquake catalogues, we implemented an automatic service that generates the DInSAR co-seismic displacement maps, once an earthquake that likely produces ground deformation occurs. Although originally developed to monitor the Italian territory, the service has been extended to operate at global scale and the generated products are made freely available to the scientific community through the European Plate Observing System Research Infrastructure (EPOS-RI).

Furthermore, by also exploiting Sentinel-1 data, we developed a second service which is devoted to volcano ground displacement monitoring. The designed system is fully automatic and the process is triggered by the availability of a new SAR data in the Sentinel-1 catalogues acquired from both ascending and descending passes, for every monitored volcano site. The data, per each orbit, are automatically ingested and then processed through the well-known Parallel Small BAseline Subset (P-SBAS) DInSAR technique that allows generating the displacement time series and the corresponding mean displacement velocity maps relevant to the overall observation period. The so-retrieved Line of Sight (LOS) measurements are then combined to compute the Vertical and East-West components of the retrieved deformation, which are straightforward understandable by most of the end users. This service is currently operative for the main active Italian volcanoes (Campi Flegrei caldera, Mt. Vesuvius, Ischia, Mt. Etna, Stromboli and Vulcano), but it can be easily extended to include other volcanic areas on Earth.

Finally, thanks to the availability of an airborne platform which is equipped with a X-band and L-band SAR sensor, we implemented a pre-operative infrastructure that, in conjunction with the already mentioned spaceborne systems, allows us to provide further information on the areas under study, particularly during emergency scenarios.

This work is supported by the CNR-IREA and Italian DPC agreement, the CNR-IREA/MiTE-DGISSEG agreement, the H2020 EPOS-SP (GA 871121), the ASI DInSAR-3M project.

How to cite: Monterroso, F. and Casu, F. and the IREA CNR Team: Spaceborne and airborne DInSAR products generation and analysis to support Civil Protection activities in volcanic and seismic regions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14140,, 2023.

EGU23-14143 | PICO | NH6.2

Cutting-edge developments in rapid mapping 

Rémi Braun, Ari Jeannin, and Maxime Azzoni

The provision of geospatial information covering an ongoing catastrophic event can be crucial for crisis managers to locate and measure the scale of a disaster, especially for widespread disasters. Of course, the faster the response, the better the service is for the end users who are managing the emergency activities. Satellite imagery is part of an overall response in providing crisis geo-information. These systems are greatly expanding their capacities and capabilities, often leading to the major challenge of mapping many disasters, frequently and over vast areas with high- to very-high- resolution acquisitions. This means handling huge volumes of heterogeneous satellite data.

Also, rapidity must not come at the expense of quality. Hence, ICube-SERTIT’s Rapid Mapping Service (RMS), specialized in the rapid delivery of crisis information since the early 2000s, implements its user-oriented Quality Management System and invests much energy in continuously improving the service. Here, ICube-SERTIT presents a number of cutting edge processes that have been developed to address this paradigm of working faster, better with increasing data volumes.

ExtractEO is a software developed by ICube-SERTIT to harbor automated flood and fire extraction pipelines dedicated to disaster mapping. It makes it possible to take full advantage of advanced algorithms in short timeframes, and leave enough time for an expert operator to validate the results and correct any unmanaged thematic errors. Although automated algorithms aren’t flawless, they greatly facilitate and accelerate the detection and mapping of crisis information, especially for floods and fires. New modules and technologies are upgrading existing modules some of which are briefly presented below.

Flooding often occurs during cloudy weather leading to the use of all-weather SAR data. However, a major drawback can be that extracting urban floods with SAR data is more complicated if not impossible. It has been found that flood inference can be attained by combining InSAR with AI technologies to map flooded urban areas. In a post-processing this information can then become an input with other sources for hydro-geomorphological modelling in urban areas thanks to very high resolution Digital Elevation Models (DEM), for example derived from LiDAR. Additional model inputs can be derived from gauges, social networks, and other external sources.

Ground movements can have a major impact on man-made structures linked to earthquakes, landslides or volcanic activities. ICube-SERTIT has developed time-efficient inSAR pipelines, aiming to provide quick answers concerning the main ground movements with an idea of the z-direction and magnitude. In parallel, after a few days processing, using a SAR image-stack over the same area, slight changes can be measured, down to a few millimetres, thanks to Persistent Scatterer Interferometric (PSI) technology.

This work is not scientifically ground-breaking except for the focus on their integration into fast rapid mapping workflows with the aim of improving the information available to users during or immediately after disasters. Like all of these implementations and endeavours, they require further specification and validation with users. Furthermore, choices need to made on what can be profitably integrated into ExtractEO.

How to cite: Braun, R., Jeannin, A., and Azzoni, M.: Cutting-edge developments in rapid mapping, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14143,, 2023.

EGU23-14288 | ECS | PICO | NH6.2 | Highlight

An Integrated Observatory System utilizing EO data to prevent and manage the Risk of Coastal Erosion due to the Impact of Climate Change in the Region of Central Macedonia, Greece 

Anastasia I. Triantafyllou, Alexandra Michailidou, Eleni A. Tzanou, Georgios S. Vergos, and Georgios M. Tsakoumis

Due to the combined effects of climate change and human activities, hazards and natural disasters are becoming more frequent and severe, with impacts on the environment, the economy and human lives. In this sense, an increasing number of institutions and political and organizational structures shift away from emergency response towards disaster risk reduction and planning. Such is the case of the Manging Authority of the Region of Central Macedonia (RCM) who funded the project “Monitoring climate change induced coastal erosion in the region of Central Macedonia with satellite and in-situ data” project, in which collocated Earth Observation and in situ data have been used to develop algorithms and models to assess hazard exposure and vulnerability to erosion for the entire coastal area of RCM.

The methodology applied included three main phases, referring to the design of the web GIS application that hosts the observatory, its services, and derived datasets (Phase A), the creation of the algorithms and tools for the calculation of all the necessary indicators (Phase B) and the evaluation of the current state and the proposal of alternatives for risk management (Phase C). The spatial databases, being re-evaluated throughout the project, host digital products created by applying specialized algorithms that processed optical images from the Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 satellites to create timeseries of mulitiple indicators such as Chl-a and coastline alterations, Sentinel-1 SAR acquisitions to extract a low resolution Surface Deformation Rate model and OCN Component Extractor Speed and Direction; satellite altimetry observations from the Cryosat-2, Jason1/2/3, SARAL and Sentinel-3a/3b missions for monitoring Sea Level Anomalis and the variations of the Sea Surface Temperature. Over areas with high vulnerability, in-situ geodetic and bahtymetric observations of the coastal area have been collected to calculate high resolution models of the topography and bathymetry employing GNSS, UAV mapping and echo sounding.

The developed databases and indicators were not only used to estimate the correlation between the gradual change of the derived indicators with the human activity, but also to calculate 50- and 100-year simulation indicators of the vulnerability of the coastal areas of RCM to erosion under the pressure of tidal waves. Moreover, a tool for determining passive flood mapping in the case of four different sea level rise scenarios using the bathtub approach has been carried out. All the information was integrated in a web GIS application, conventionally named “Integrated Observatory System for Preventing and Managing the Risk of Coastal Erosion due to the Impact of Climate Change through the Utilization of Earth Observation Data”, designed to ensure interactivity, interoperability and exchange of information, support decision making and evaluate alternative coastal zone development strategies, fully compatible with the national Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM). The observatory is used by the Department of Environment and Industry, Energy & Natural Resources of the Region of Central Macedonia since 2021. Networking activities between stakeholders and public authorities have already been carried out, regarding erosion problems highlighted from the project’s results while alternative and sustainable prevention measures have been presented to local stakeholders.

How to cite: Triantafyllou, A. I., Michailidou, A., Tzanou, E. A., Vergos, G. S., and Tsakoumis, G. M.: An Integrated Observatory System utilizing EO data to prevent and manage the Risk of Coastal Erosion due to the Impact of Climate Change in the Region of Central Macedonia, Greece, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14288,, 2023.

EGU23-14633 | ECS | PICO | NH6.2

Geohazards of Szent Mihály Hill, Danube Bend, North Hungary: UAV monitoring to prevent landslide caused accidents 

Fanni Kondacs, Gábor Rozman, Fanni Vörös, Béla Kovács, and Balázs Székely

In the last decade the area of the Szent-Mihály Hill at the Danube Bend (North Hungary) has become widely known for geohazards, e.g., due to landslide risk of the slope, etc. Numerous mass movement-related accidents have taken place, risking human life and making significant damages and interruption in railway and car traffic. The continuous formation of hillslope debris is due to the geodynamic setting: active uplift of the study area and the incision of the Danube River contribute to increasing slope angles. The near-surface debris is prone to produce voluminous gravitational movements. Due to the uninterrupted soil creep, the vegetation is also sparse, having a little role in stabilizing the slopes. Consequently, monitoring and continuous modeling of hazardous slopes is indispensable. From regular drone-borne and multispectral data acquisition, we can investigate the drainage networks and its temporal changes in order to map the high-risk areas of the slopes.

To model where sediment volume can be accumulated developing potentially dangerous hot spots for landsliding, runoff modeling has been performed. To obtain high resolution, and up-to-date DTMs of the area several UAV measurement campaigns have been made in various (leaf-on and leaf-off) seasons taken in similar acquisition angle, with 60-70% overlapping. The relative high relief of the area represents a challenge to achieve an approximately identical image resolution. The quasi-circular shape of the study area introduces the effects of different styles of shading even in one acquisition. Data processing has been made with Agisoft Metashape Professional® software package, with digital photogrammetry techniques resulting a dense point cloud for each acquisition date. Ground Control Points (GCP) were fixed on the field at various elevations, to reduce error due to uncertainty of camera locations. Using these processed data, a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) have been carried out. The obtained DEMs were filtered to get DTMs. Since part of the material flow follows the drainage network, with the processed DEM, we could investigate these features using the of flow modeling via SAGA. After creating the drainage system, we located the main pourpoints and the catchment areas, belonging to each one. By picking the biggest drainage areas, which also have the biggest risk of landslide events, potential accident causing features could be located.

Due to the huge computer capacity requirement of the applied software, we have run the processing in medium resolution for optimal procession time. To find the ideal resource-quality ratio, the same dataset has been processed multiple times, each with different quality. This way a medium and high-resolution model have been created. To compare the results, runoff modeling also has been computed with both qualities. The results show, that at least high, or ultra-high quality processing method is required to reach the necessary level of details. With this method we were able to locate the most hazardous section of the hill and numerous methods for accident prevention has been suggested.

Funding: F.V. is supported by Project TKP2021-NVA-29, support provided by the Ministry of Innovation and Technology, Hungary, National Research, Development and Innovation Fund (TKP2021-NVA funding scheme).

How to cite: Kondacs, F., Rozman, G., Vörös, F., Kovács, B., and Székely, B.: Geohazards of Szent Mihály Hill, Danube Bend, North Hungary: UAV monitoring to prevent landslide caused accidents, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14633,, 2023.

EGU23-15076 | PICO | NH6.2 | Highlight

Monitoring the Calderone glacierets in Central Italy using Digital Elevation Models generated from COSMO-Skymed X band synthetic aperture radar 

Nancy Alvan Romero, Gianluca Palermo, Edoardo Raparelli, Paolo Tuccella, Pino D'Aquila, Tiziano Caira, and Massimo Pecci

In recent decades, snowfalls, snow cover and duration over Central Italy have decreased and there have been some extreme snowfall events followed by extreme avalanche activities. In this regard, the Calderone Glacier (hereinafter Calderone) represents a geographical and geomorphological element of great interest and is defined as a sentinel of climate change in central Italy, as it is going through a strong phase of reduction: fragmented into 2 glacierets since the end of the last century, it is the only glacial area in the Apennines, and the southernmost in Europe, and for its position on the summit of the Italian Gran Sasso (2912 m asl), a mountain group located in the center of the Apennine belt in the Mediterranean area.

The Italian Glaciological Committee (Comitato Glaciologico Italiano (CGI) every year with ad hoc in-situ inspections in early autumn monitor the Calderone mass balance. The mass balance of a glacier depends on the interplay between the mass gains and losses promoted by climate and those associated by the inherent flux; its monitoring is essential because it can contribute to the knowledge of the current ongoing evolution of glaciers.

Continuation of the traditional type of monitoring, like the one performed by CGI, based on direct measurements of accumulation and ablation by means of a network of stakes, appears to be an unlikely prospect, because in-situ data gathering usually implies expensive field campaigns and with difficult access to the sites, resulting in limited spatial and temporal resolution. In contrast, techniques based on remotely sensed data, among several techniques, those relying on Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) demonstrated to be very effective due to the instrument’s capability of operating day and night independently of the weather conditions.

Differential interferometry or DInSAR can be used to estimate displacements, but due the slow-changing nature of glacier masses and the consequent temporal distance necessary to appreciate changes between two dates, DInSAR technique, in such evaluation conditions, suffers from generally low coherence values, which generally prevent accurate estimates. 

For such a reason, in this work we propose to estimate the mass balance for the Calderone through the displacement maps obtained from the difference between two Digital Elevation Models (DEM) obtained from the processing of COSMO-Skymed X band data. Each DEM is obtained from adjacent dates (w.r.t. products availability), and their generation is less subject to the low-coherence problem. In this way two DEMs, whose temporal distance is about 12 months, can be subtracted to obtain displacement maps that are subsequently compared with CGI in-situ measurements for the winter periods from 2010 to 2022. The data used in this study consist of COSMO-SkyMed satellite X-band single-look complex images in slant geometry (level 1A), Stripmap Himage mode (HH polarization) at 3m of spatial resolution. Processing includes, in addition to a canonical DEM generation process, a specific part focused on obtaining the average values, active area and total area for the calculation of the mass balance.

Preliminary results will be illustrated and discussed, pointing out potential developments and critical issues.

How to cite: Alvan Romero, N., Palermo, G., Raparelli, E., Tuccella, P., D'Aquila, P., Caira, T., and Pecci, M.: Monitoring the Calderone glacierets in Central Italy using Digital Elevation Models generated from COSMO-Skymed X band synthetic aperture radar, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15076,, 2023.

EGU23-15507 | ECS | PICO | NH6.2

A TS-InSAR clustering approach to detect spatio-temporal changes inground deformation 

Michelle Rygus, Ekbal Hussain, Alessandro Novellino, Luke Bateson, and Claudia Meisina

SAR images can be used to measure changes in the surface of the Earth over time using Time Series Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (TS-InSAR) techniques. TS-InSAR enables the detection and measurement of very small changes in surface deformation, often on the order of millimetres or less. This makes it a powerful tool for monitoring a wide range of natural and man-made phenomena, such as tectonic activity, subsidence, ground water extraction, and the behaviour of engineered structures like buildings and bridges. While TS-InSAR provides deformation measurements, further analysis must be taken to understand the underlying cause of the deformation. In this study, a novel framework has been developed to extract the vast amount of information embedded within the large number of ground deformation Measurement Points (MPs) derived from the Small BAseline Subset (SBAS; Berardino et al., 2002) TS-InSAR technique. The proposed automatic data-mining approach begins with clusterization the TS-InSAR MPs by applying a nonlinear dimensionality-reduction technique, Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP; McInnes et al., 2018), prior to performing clustering with Hierarchical Density based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (HDBSCAN; Campello et al. 2013) in order to group together MPs exhibiting similar deformation behaviour on a large scale. Next, every extracted cluster time series is further investigated by applying a piecewise linear function as a method to detect and quantify accelerations and decelerations of deforming areas.

A test of the method has been conducted over the Bandung Basin (Indonesia) using Sentinel-1 data from October 2015 to December 2020. Application of the method provides an objective way to identify changes in displacement rates over time and provides a wealth of information on the dynamics of surface displacement over a large area. The displacement rates, their spatial variation, and the timing and location of accelerations and decelerations can be used to investigate the physical behaviour of the deforming ground by linking the timing and location of changes in displacement rates to causal and triggering factors.

Berardino, P., Fornaro, G., Lanari, R., Sansosti E. A new algorithm for surface deformation monitoring based on small baseline differential SAR interferograms. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 40 (11) (2002), pp. 2375-2383.
Campello, R.J., Moulavi, D., Sander, J. Density-based Clustering Based on Hierarchical Density Estimates. In Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Proceedings of the Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining; Pei, J., Tseng, V.S., Cao, L., Motoda, H., Xu,
G., Eds.; Springer: Berlin, Germany, 2013; pp. 160–172 McInnes, L. and Healy, J. UMAP: uniform manifold approximation and projection for dimension
reduction. Preprint at (2018).

How to cite: Rygus, M., Hussain, E., Novellino, A., Bateson, L., and Meisina, C.: A TS-InSAR clustering approach to detect spatio-temporal changes inground deformation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15507,, 2023.

EGU23-15780 | PICO | NH6.2

Morpho-structural domains characterization by spaceborne SAR data: application on two deep-seated phenomena in Aosta Valley (north-western Italy). 

Davide Cardone, Martina Cignetti, Davide Notti, Danilo Godone, Daniele Giordan, Simona Verde, Fabiana Calò, Diego Reale, Eugenio Sansosti, and Gianfranco Fornaro

Deep-seated Gravitational Slope Deformations (DsGSDs) are widespread phenomena across alpine arch. Despite the slow evolution, long-lasting deformation trend of these huge phenomena can represent a relevant geo-hazard, variably affecting human settlements and infrastructures. Given the complexity and spatial heterogeneity of these phenomena, DsGSDs behavior can feature distinct deformation sectors, highlighted by distinctive morpho-structural lineaments. To assess the internal variability in terms of kinematics, deformation trends and style of activity of a deep-seated phenomenon, a local scale analysis is needed. Notoriously, spaceborne radar interferometry have proven to be suitable to characterize ground deformation displacement of very-slow phenomena as DsGSDs, although DInSAR techniques application remain challenging, especially in mountain areas due to complex topography, abundant vegetation and snow cover. In this study, a methodology for the characterization of DsGSDs, exploiting Sentinel-1 dataset on both ascending and descending orbits, is proposed. The Sentinel-1 images are processed with the multi-resolution Component extrAction and sElection SAR- Detector (CAESAR -D), which allows increasing the monitored area density via a spatially variable multilook. Subsequently, operating in a GIS environment, a post-processing and a dedicated analysis of the obtained measured points is implemented. Morpho-structural domains were mainly defined on the basis of geomorphological criteria, leveraging on DEM derivative products (e.g., slope, aspect and hillshade), orthophoto analysis and taking in account the information available in the Italian Landslide Inventory (IFFI). For each recognized domain, firstly, an analysis on the PSs coverage was performed in order to identify the proper distribution and density of the SAR-derived measurement points for a correct definition of the state of activity. Then, we operated filtering the available SAR datasets from possible anomalous values mainly related to the slope orientation to the satellite line of sight (LOS), in order to obtain suitable dataset for the ground deformation analysis. Finally, the filtered measured points were interpolated with the Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) technique, with the aim of produce diverse ground deformation maps depending on the orientation of the analyzed phenomenon. The combination of ascending and descending geometries allowed to obtain east-west and vertical components of velocity. The projection on the VLOS along the slope allowed to partially reduce the limitation of the topography on SAR sensitivity. This allowed us to analyze the displacement pattern of DsGSDs in more reliable way. We tested the procedure on two variably oriented DsGSDs phenomena, located in the alpine region Aosta Valley, the Croix de Fana DsGSD, mainly north-south oriented, and the Valtournenche DsGSD, mainly east-west oriented. The variations of the kinematic behavior between the morpho-structural sectors is detected, also considering any other phenomenon as secondary landslide or talus, superimposed on the DsGSD. Overall, the implemented methodology allows to a rapid and low-cost generation of ground deformation maps able to spatially analyze and characterize the morpho-structural domains of DsGSDs, providing an effective tool suitable for the definition of DsGSDs impact on the diverse anthropic elements and a proper land use planning in mountainous territories.


This research was carried out in the framework of the ASI contract n. 2021-10-U.0 CUP F65F21000630005 MEFISTO

How to cite: Cardone, D., Cignetti, M., Notti, D., Godone, D., Giordan, D., Verde, S., Calò, F., Reale, D., Sansosti, E., and Fornaro, G.: Morpho-structural domains characterization by spaceborne SAR data: application on two deep-seated phenomena in Aosta Valley (north-western Italy)., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15780,, 2023.

EGU23-15882 | PICO | NH6.2

WASDI, a cloud platform for Earth Observation and Natural Hazards 

Cristiano Nattero, Roberto Rudari, Marco Chini, Paolo Campanella, and Marco Menapace

We present WASDI, an open-source, federated multi-cloud platform for Earth Observation (EO) data that has been used successfully in several impactful international projects in the field of Natural Hazards (NH), in particular with floods and wildfires. 

WASDI helps EO developers turn their algorithms into operational services in the cloud. These can also be published in a marketplace where end users can exploit them. The platform automatically interoperates with several data providers. The accessible data includes observations (such as those from the Copernicus and Landsat programmes), derived products (such as the Copernicus DEM and the ESA World Cover), and the output of simulations (such as ECMWF ERA5 reanalysis). A single interface simplifies the access and thus the development of algorithms that operate data fusion using different sources.

Thanks to these capabilities, WASDI is used to daily monitor floods in several South East Asian countries, in the context of a World Bank initiative to promote parametric reinsurance of the financial risks associated with floods. The extent of the floods on bare soil are mapped mainly using an algorithm developed by the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), using Sentinel-1 data, and integrated by an algorithm that uses Sentinel-2 data developed by the CIMA Foundation. Urban floods are mapped with great accuracy using Sentinel-1 thanks to an innovative algorithm developed by LIST. These algorithms have been deployed to the platform and are now available in its marketplace.

Recently, these technologies have been used to perform an extensive assessment of the effects caused by the very large floods in Pakistan in 2022 to support the Asian Development Bank (ADB) recovery efforts in the framework of ESA’s Global Development Assistance (GDA) Disaster Resilience program.

The platform features also other algorithms, such as those for the detection of active fires based on Sentinel-3 data, which have been used for the assessment of wildfires in the Greek island of Evia in 2022, and for mapping burned areas using couples of Sentinel-2 images, developed by CIMA Foundation and used by the Civil Protection Department of Italy and other countries. This algorithm was also  used to help assess the impact of the wildfires of 2020 in Ukraine, close to the Chernobyl power plant.

These cases demonstrate the effectiveness of Earth Observation data, algorithms and cloud technology in case of natural hazards for prevention, response and assessment.

How to cite: Nattero, C., Rudari, R., Chini, M., Campanella, P., and Menapace, M.: WASDI, a cloud platform for Earth Observation and Natural Hazards, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15882,, 2023.

EGU23-16315 | PICO | NH6.2

SAR polarimetry to monitor offshore oil rigs 

Maurizio Migliaccio, Giovanna Inserra, Andrea Buono, and Ferdinando Nunziata

Human environmental impact mitigation is strongly associated to the sustainability philosophy, i.e., a new economy that emphasizes the value of common goods along with a change in temporal perspectives of human activities on the Planet [1], [2]. A sustainable economy is not only good for the environment but even for the economy itself although the path of innovation is clearly crippled by contrasting interests. For example, the transition from an oil society to a green society is quite hard to be fully accomplished. According to the Oil Market report provided by the International Energy Agency (IEA) for 2022 [3], oil demand growth has been increased to 2.3 mb/d (+140 kb/d) for 2022 as a whole and in 2023 it is expected to grow further.

Within such a framework, even Italy has increased oil production in latest years to 63 TWh. Worldwide, 30% of oil production relies on offshore oil rigs making at risk the ocean environment. Hence, oil-related marine pollution induced by offshore oil field activities is a serious threat for ocean ecosystem and the whole marine environment.

In such a contradictory world, it is of paramount importance to contribute with new non-cooperative technologies to monitor the impact of such high-risk oil production infrastructures in order to both prevent oil spills and to support remediation and mitigation operations in case of accidents. In this study, two alternative approaches based on fine-resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) polarimetric satellite images are presented and analyzed to observe offshore oil rigs. The latter allow a non-cooperative large-scale continuous monitoring of both the critical infrastructures and the related oil discharges. The presented approaches are physically-based, i.e., they rely on the extraction of the different scattering properties characterizing the oil rig and the surrounding sea surface, and result in effective near real-time processing.




[1] Nicholas Stern, Why Are We Waiting? -The Logic, Urgency, and Promise of Tackling Climate Change, MIT press, 2015.

[2] Maurizio Migliaccio, Andrea Buono and Matteo Alparone, “Microwave satellite remote sensing for a sustainable sea”, European Journal of Remote Sensing, vol. 55, no. 1, pp. 507–519, 2022.

[3] IEA (2022), Oil Market Report - December 2022, IEA, Paris, available at:

How to cite: Migliaccio, M., Inserra, G., Buono, A., and Nunziata, F.: SAR polarimetry to monitor offshore oil rigs, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16315,, 2023.

EGU23-16344 | ECS | PICO | NH6.2 | Highlight

FireRisk: A Web Platform for next day fire forecasting 

Stella Girtsou, Alex Apostolakis, Giorgos Giannopoulos, and Harris Kontoes

Introduction. This abstract presents FireRisk (, a web platform that produces and visualizes timely, highly granular and accurate next day fire risk predictions on a country scale. FireRisk deploys a thorough data fusion process, and a state of the art machine learning (ML) pipeline, considering a large set of fire driving factors, in order to train scalable and accurate models for next day fire prediction. On top of them, it implements a web service that supports the visualization of fire risk predictions and metadata on a user friendly, map-based web application. 

The FireRisk platform. The high-level architecture is depicted in the following figure. It comprises three major components.

(a) Data fusion: This component implements the collection, preprocessing, curation and harmonization of data, leading to the generation of a rich feature set of factors that affect fire occurrence and spread. 25 fire influencing factors were considered, including topography-related, meteorology-related, Earth Observation (EO) derived variables, and historical fire occurrence information. These have been extensively documented in [1].

(b) ML model learning: This component implements a complete ML pipeline, that includes training and comparison of various ML algorithms, hyperparameter tuning and model (cross-)validation and selection. This pipeline allows the configurable production of robust ML models for fire risk prediction. It is extensively documented in [2].

(c) Web platform: This component provides an interactive daily fire risk map to users through a web interface. The user is able to view the next day fire risk predictions for the current, as well as for historical days. The predictions are depicted in a five-grade scale (from very low to very high) adopting a five-grade coloring (blue to red). The user is also able to seamlessly change the zoom level, from the whole country level, to individual fine grained areas (grid cells 500m wide), for which individual predictions are provided. Finally, the web interface can be displayed on mobile devices, where the user can additionally view their position on the map.

The risk map visualization functionality is implemented through a Web Map Service (WMS) that is configured on a GeoServer back-end installation. The daily map is stored in PostgreSQL as a raster image, using the geospatial extension PostGIS. For implementing we engage the WMS GeoServer’s capability to convert PostGIS geospatial tables to WMS.

Ongoing work. Our ongoing work focuses on two directions: (a) We are adapting Deep Learning algorithms (Siamese Neural Networks and Semantic Segmentation CNNS), to better handle the extreme imbalance and the strong spatio-temporal correlations in the data. (b) We are incorporating explainability mechanisms that will allow the end user of the web application to receive simple and intuitive explanations on each individual prediction visualized on the map, based on the underlying fire driving factors.

1. Girtsou, S. et al.. A Machine Learning methodology for next day wildfire prediction. In IGARSS, 2021.

2. Apostolakis, A.; et al. Estimating Next Day’s Forest Fire Risk via a Complete Machine Learning Methodology. In Remote Sens. 2022.

Acknowledgement: Co-funded by Greece and the European Union through the Regional Operational Programme of Attiki, under the call "Research and Innovation Synergies in the Region of Attica” (Project code: ΑΤΤΡ4-0340489).

How to cite: Girtsou, S., Apostolakis, A., Giannopoulos, G., and Kontoes, H.: FireRisk: A Web Platform for next day fire forecasting, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16344,, 2023.

Mongolia has a continental climate with a topography that decreases in altitude from north to south and west to east, forming a forest area - grassland area - desert area from north to south. Due to Mongolia's unique climatic and topographical characteristics, Mongolia's ecosystem has spatial features in which water necessary for living things supplies from northwest to southeast. The alpine forests in northern Mongolia, which occupy less than 10% of the total land area, serve as an essential water source for the southern grasslands and deserts. In particular, permafrost, sporadically distributed in alpine forests, exists mainly in forested areas and is an important water source in the southern deserts. However, as the intensity and frequency of fires increase due to the decrease in precipitation and increase in temperature due to climate change, forest damage is increasing, and the consequent loss of permafrost is accelerating drought and desertification in the southern region. Therefore, the ultimate goal of this study is to preserve the permafrost layer by restoring areas damaged by forest fires in Mongolia. The study period includes the entire territory of Mongolia spatially and temporally from 2014 to 2021. We qualitatively studied the effects of fire-induced damage in forests on permafrost loss and drought. Through qualitative research, we performed a theoretical logic analysis of each phenomenon's interrelationship. Based on this logic, we derived forest areas damaged by fire using satellite image-based spatial data and analyzed it in Google Earth Engine. Hansen Global Forest Change v1.9 dataset, MCD64A1.061 MODIS Burned Area Monthly Global 500m dataset, WWF HydroATLAS Basins Level 12 dataset, and Sentinel-2 image collection dataset were used as spatial data used in the study. In addition, we used forest field survey data conducted during the period from May to September 2014. All the derived damaged areas were forest areas with permafrost, and we classified damaged areas into three types according to restoration priority. In the last step, we proposed a restoration plan for each kind of damage caused by fire through a literature review. 


Acknowledgement :

This work was supported by Korea Environment Industry &Technology Institute (KEITI) through "Climate Change R&D Project for New Climate Regime.", funded by Korea Ministry of Environment (MOE) (2022003570003)

How to cite: Bayarmagnai, E. and Jeon, S. W.: Proposal of Forest Restoration Plan for Forest Fire Damage for Preservation of Permafrost in Alpine Region of Mongolia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16477,, 2023.

EGU23-16651 | PICO | NH6.2 | Highlight

The San Bartolo lava flow field, Stromboli volcano, Italy: Reconstruction of the most recent historic flank eruption (2 kyr) affecting the inhabited area by photogrammetric and LIDAR from UASs aimed at hazard assessment 

Annamaria Vicari, Nicola Famiglietti, Sonia Calvari, Enrica Marotta, Rosario Avino, Pasquale Belviso, Andrew Harris, Giovanni De Luca, Antonino Memmolo, Felice Minichiello, and Rosario Peluso

The San Bartolo lava flow field is the most recent flank eruption occurred at Stromboli volcano about 2 ka ago on the NE flank of the island. Despite its importance in being the most recent example of flank activity outside the barren Sciara del Fuoco slope, where the recent activity concentrated, the eruption duration, its volume, and the sequence of events has not yet been reconstructed. In this paper, we present a new survey of the lava flow field, carried out both on the field and photogrammetric and LIDAR surveys from UASs, in order to estimate the erupted lava volume and to reconstruct the sequence of events and infer a possible duration and impact of the eruption. The analysis of the surveys allowed us to verify the contact with previous lava flow fields, allowing a more precise lateral extension of the lava delta along the coast, as well as an estimation of the thickness and volume, at least for the subaerial portion of the lava flow field. The morphology analysis of the lava flow field allowed us to recognize structures suggesting inflation and then stationing of the lava flow fronts, features indicating a long-lasting eruption and a complex interaction with the sea. Our results can provide a useful scenario should a flank eruption occur in the future, a possibility that was close to happening in 1998, when the ground deformation stations revealed a lateral intrusion in the shallow supply system of the volcano.



How to cite: Vicari, A., Famiglietti, N., Calvari, S., Marotta, E., Avino, R., Belviso, P., Harris, A., De Luca, G., Memmolo, A., Minichiello, F., and Peluso, R.: The San Bartolo lava flow field, Stromboli volcano, Italy: Reconstruction of the most recent historic flank eruption (2 kyr) affecting the inhabited area by photogrammetric and LIDAR from UASs aimed at hazard assessment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16651,, 2023.

EGU23-16834 | PICO | NH6.2

A Rapid Assessment Framework to monitor harvest progress in Ukraine 

Shabarinath S Nair, Inbal Becker Reshef, Josef Wagner, Yuval Sadeh, Mehdi Hosseini, Saeed Khabbazan, Sergii Skakun, Blake Munshell, Sheila Baber, Erik Duncan, Fangjie Li, Ritvik Sahajpal, Natacha Kalecinski, Brian Baker, and Michael Humber

The Russian forces invaded Ukraine on 24th February 2022 leading  to widespread disruption of Ukraine's agricultural system. Ukraine is a major exporter of crops , the invasion therefore poses a significant risk to global food security. Quantifying the extent of this impact is critical, and requires monitoring of Ukraine’s agricultural lands. Total production is one of the prime indicators in this regard. Production in turn is directly proportional to the total harvested area. 


Harvested areas at regional scales have previously been estimated from satellite data. The majority of these studies use a complete satellite derived phenological time series and make the assumption that senescence leads to harvest. Both these conditions are not applicable in this case, as harvest estimates are required in-season and all planted fields would not necessarily be harvested due to the conflict . A delayed harvest also results in a long browning phase prior to harvest, making it particularly difficult to differentiate from post-harvest signatures. 


Given these constraints and challenges, we developed a method to monitor crop harvest near-real time using high resolution Planet satellite imagery. Our method includes training a model to cluster change patterns on historic data and then identify harvest patterns in the current season. Samples used to train the model consist of information from two consecutive images. Such samples are collected across the season and spatially across four  agro-climatic zones, ensuring we capture a complete representation of change patterns that exist. Clusters are assigned as ‘harvested’ or ‘non-harvested’ by visually inspecting imagery at a higher temporal resolution, using which,  harvest can be seen as a clear change event. On clusters which are not fully separable, we apply a hierarchical approach to further separate them. Our method works in the absence of extensive training labels and does not use predefined thresholds or assumptions. We applied the method across the harvesting period for winter crops in Ukraine. 


Contrary to initial reports and expectations we found a higher percentage of harvested fields in Ukraine. In free Ukraine we found 94% of planted winter crops to be harvested and in occupied Ukraine it was 88% as of 19th September 2022. Strong visual patterns of non-harvested crops were observed along the occupation borders in eastern and southern Ukraine. Harvesting trends in the north and south were largely unaffected by the conflict. With no possibility to collect ground samples, we visually interpreted satellite imagery at a higher temporal frequency to generate statistically significant validation data for model accuracy calculation. We obtained an overall accuracy of 85% with an f1-score of 90% for the harvested class and 73% for the non-harvested class. Our assessments and analysis were directed to different organizations and agencies dealing with the Ukraine crisis and led to several key insights and derived interpretations.

Following NASA EarthObservatory article was published based on this work:



How to cite: S Nair, S., Becker Reshef, I., Wagner, J., Sadeh, Y., Hosseini, M., Khabbazan, S., Skakun, S., Munshell, B., Baber, S., Duncan, E., Li, F., Sahajpal, R., Kalecinski, N., Baker, B., and Humber, M.: A Rapid Assessment Framework to monitor harvest progress in Ukraine, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16834,, 2023.

EGU23-17049 | PICO | NH6.2

The possible association of high energy electron precipitations and South Pacific tectonic events 

Maurizio Soldani, Cristiano Fidani, Serena D'Arcangelo, Angelo De Santis, Loredana Perrone, Martina Orlando, and Gianfranco Cianchini

An M7.3 seismic event occurred on the Kermadec Islands (New Zealand) on June 15, 2019. It was investigated by the high-energy electron detectors of the NOAA and METOP satellites since its destructive energy could interact with the ionosphere and the Inner Van Allen Belts. Moreover, the Tonga subduction area was affected on November 11, 2022, by a strong superficial M7.3 earthquake, near the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai volcano, whose last eruption at the beginning of 2022 represented an exceptional lithosphere-ionosphere coupling. For all the events, particle precipitation phenomena were observed. Concerning the earthquakes, the electron bursts were measured from a few hours to some days before the events while for the eruption the electron bursts were observed subsequent to the paroxysmal phase. Since the subduction area and its neighbouring regions are intensely active, we are searching for a possible connection between ionospheric events and these tectonic events to forecast the consequent natural hazards. After the recent discovery of the connections between electron bursts and successive earthquakes in the Western and Eastern Pacific (Fidani, 2021;; Fidani. 2022;, we focus on the statistical correlation between Southern Pacific earthquakes and high-energy electrons. Due to this statistical correlation, we are able to find a conditional probability of a strong earthquake given an ionospheric observation to mitigate the associated risk.

How to cite: Soldani, M., Fidani, C., D'Arcangelo, S., De Santis, A., Perrone, L., Orlando, M., and Cianchini, G.: The possible association of high energy electron precipitations and South Pacific tectonic events, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17049,, 2023.

EGU23-17390 | PICO | NH6.2

How the global eco-environmental patterns change due to COVID-19 

Yuei-An Liou and Kim-Anh Nguyen

The coronavirus diseases-2019 (COVID-19) has impacted many parts of the world in various ways, in particular human activities such as recreation, living, manufacturing, and interaction with the nature, since its outbreak in early 2020. As lockdown measures are the only solution to reduce and even cease the spread of virus, their implementation is a must and, thus, stops most of the human activities. It has been demonstrated that the natural environment has been much improved with the implementation of the lockdown measures for both regions and nations, lacking investigation on the global environment. In this study, we aim to examine the influence of the lockdown measures on the global environmental vulnerability and risk by comparing the global eco-environmental vulnerability in years 2016 and 2020. The findings of the global eco-environmental vulnerability in the year 2016 by Nguyen et al. (2019) serve as a reference. The year 2020 global earth observation dataset and satellite remote sensing data derived variables are used for the assessment of eco-environmental vulnerability and risk with aid of GIS modelling and spatial analysis. The accumulated impacts of the natural and human stressors on the world’s eco-environment are presented. The outcomes are validated by using PM2.5 data with dust removal.  Results reveal that COVID-19 pandemic with lockdown situation has significantly contributed to the overall improved eco-environmental condition. A decreasing trend in the global eco-environmental vulnerability is observed approximately by 4.72% and 2.78% for the high and very high vulnerability and risk levels, respectively, as a result of reduced human activities likely associated with the implementation of lockdown measures in response to COVID-19 pandemic.

Keywords: Global eco-environment; vulnerability and risk; spatiotemporal changes; human activities; COVID-19

How to cite: Liou, Y.-A. and Nguyen, K.-A.: How the global eco-environmental patterns change due to COVID-19, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17390,, 2023.

EGU23-599 | ECS | Orals | NH6.3

Subsidence Due To Groundwater Exploitation Using InSAR Technique Over Chandigarh-Mohali Regions Of Northern India 

Shivam Chawla, Chandrakanta Ojha, and Manoochehr Shirzaei

The Indo-Gangetic plain (IGP) in Northern India is one of the crucial aquifer systems, which depicts a declining trend of groundwater levels due to anthropogenic activities over a period from 2000 to 2012 (Mcdonald et al., 2016). The Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellite have already illustrated a substantial decline in total water storage from 2000 to 2008 over in the northwestern part of India (Rodell et al., 2009). However, this study focused on Mohali and Chandigarh study areas, one of the emerging metropolitan planned cities of East Punjab and the union territory of India, for understanding groundwater dynamics using an advanced satellite radar interferometry technique (InSAR). Here, we explored Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) datasets with ascending and descending orbital tracks of Sentinel-1A/B sensors of the European Space Agency (ESA) to compute vertical land motion (VLM) during the study period from November 2015 to August 2022. 175 acquisitions of ascending and 170 imageries of descending orbital paths were used for generating the InSAR data processing. For ascending datasets, 638 suitable interferograms were generated with suitable temporal-spatial baseline thresholds of 75 days and 80 meters, respectively. Similarly, 574 interferograms were considered for descending datasets with temporal-spatial baseline thresholds of 80 days and 100 meters, respectively. The data processing has been carried out using Multi-temporal Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (MT-InSAR) technique using the Small BAseline Subset (SBAS) algorithm on GMTSAR software for generating a Line of Sight (LOS) velocity map (Sandwell et al., 2011). Further, the InSAR-derived results from both tracks were combined to compute the VLM of the study area (Fuhrmann et al., 2019). The observation shows a significant deformation signal in the Mohali and Chandigarh regions. In particular, about 18 cm/yr of VLM rate was noticed in Mohali, 16cm/yr in Kharar, 17cm/yr in Dera Bassi, 12 cm/yr in Lalru of SAS Nagar districts, and 8cm/yr in the south-eastern part of Chandigarh during the study period. However, the water level shows a total 6.45 meters below ground level (mbgl) with a declining trend of 0.645 mbgl/yr in Mohali compared to surrounding regions, whereas Chandigarh city exhibits 0.593 mbgl/yr GW rate with a total head level change of 5.93 mbgl during the observation period of 2011 to 2021, which demonstrates a good correlation with the InSAR VLM. Our ongoing investigation is carried out to understand further the groundwater dynamics of the aquifer system and local scale subsidence over different parts of the cities.


  •  MacDonald, A. M., et al. "Groundwater quality and depletion in the Indo-Gangetic Basin mapped from in situ observations." Nature Geoscience 9.10 (2016): 762-766.
  • Rodell, I. Velicogna, and J. S. Famiglietti, "Satellite-based estimates of groundwater depletion in India," Nature, vol. 460, no. 7258, pp. 999-1002, Aug 20, 2009.
  • Sandwell, David, et al. "Gmtsar: An InSAR processing system based on generic mapping tools." (2011).
  • Fuhrmann, Thomas, and Matthew C. Garthwaite. "Resolving three-dimensional surface motion with InSAR: Constraints from multi-geometry data fusion." Remote Sensing 11.3 (2019): 241.

How to cite: Chawla, S., Ojha, C., and Shirzaei, M.: Subsidence Due To Groundwater Exploitation Using InSAR Technique Over Chandigarh-Mohali Regions Of Northern India, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-599,, 2023.

In India, around 80% of the population uses groundwater (GW) for their basic needs, out of which more than 60% are for agricultural activities and 85% for drinking water usage(H Kulkarni et al. 2015). The continuous depletion of groundwater levels(GWL) is becoming a significant concern in many agrarian regions of northwest India such as Delhi, Punjab and Rajasthan.This study focused on a few metropolitans and historical cities of Rajasthan, mainly in Sikar, Jaipur, and Jodhpur districts, where the Central Groundwater Board (CGWB) report shows groundwater depletion has been significant over the last two decades. The study areas in the eastern and western parts of Rajasthan are most susceptible to frequent droughts and dense populations and have much less than the average national rainfall.This research consists of twofold objectives to investigate the groundwater dynamics of the aquifer systems in those regions. First, we focus on understanding GW situations over the study areas using rainfall and suitable water-level data. Second, we investigate local scale surface deformation maps exploring Sentinel-1(S1) data of the European Space Agency (ESA) using an advanced multi-temporal Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (MT-InSAR) technique. From 2000 to 2021,the precipitation data over Sikar, Jaipur, and Jodhpur districts show an average rainfall of 519.1 mm, 572.6 mm, and 337.81 mm, respectively, which are less than India’s national average, that is 1180 mm. Further, we analyzed 21 years of CGWB’s GW-level data from 2000 to 2021 over the three districts. We noticed a declining trend in water levels for all three regions during the study periods. The head-level data in Jaipur, such as Harmara, Astikalan, and Bhankrota, illustrate average GWL of 83.9 m, 71.59 m, and 70.35 m, respectively. In the Sikar district, Dhod, Ghana, and Rashidpura wellstations display an average GWL of 76.59 m, 69.3 m, and 83.1 m, respectively. In Jodhpur district, GWstations like Balarwa, Kapuria, and Khara have an average GWL of 116.13m, 77.31m, and 104.2 m, respectively. Analyzing further the local scale land motion, firstly, we carried out InSAR processing over the Sikar District, where 132 SAR acquisition of S1 with P34 descending orbital track considered from Sep 2016 to Dec 2021. We followed the Small BAseline Subset (SBAS) technique using the GMTSAR-InSAR tool by Sandell et al., 2011 for our data processing. The results exhibit 50 or 60 mm of land subsidence in the western and central parts of the Sikar district, whose displacement time series correlates well with the head-level decline. However, the ongoing investigation is being carried out by processing the S1 descending data from 2016 to 2021 over the Jaipur and Jodhpur districts and correlating InSAR results with the water-level change to understand the response of aquifer systems.

How to cite: Dhayal, P. and Ojha, C.: Sentinel-1 data monitoring Land Subsidence and Groundwater dynamics in the populous cities of Rajasthan, India, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-603,, 2023.

EGU23-1179 | Posters on site | NH6.3

Enriching radar scatterer annotation towards SAR benchmark data creation 

Ling Chang, Anurag Kulshrestha, Bin Zhang, and Xu Zhang

SAR imagery has been successfully employed for various machine/deep learning applications. CNN based land use land cover classification, and RNN based time series modelling are two examples. It is reported that the unavailability of extensive SAR benchmark data limits the applicability of using SAR data for machine/deep learning applications and the quality of the result. To address this, we attempt to develop methods to enrich the annotation of radar scatterers in SAR images. Particularly, when SAR images have information on multi-polarimetric channels, and additional topographic measurements are available, the annotation can include not only geometric features, but also physical and land-use features of radar scatterers. This study 1) uses a standard time series InSAR approach to obtain geometric features such as geo-position dynamics of radar scatterers; 2) utilizes a Random Forest classifier to categorize physical features of radar scatterers including surface, low, high volume and double bounce scattering mechanisms; and 3) assigns land-use features to radar scatterers with the help of external topographic measurements. We demonstrated our methods by using thirty co-polarimetric SAR PAZ data, and TOP10NL topographic base map, covering the province of Friesland, the Netherlands. In the end these annotated radar scatterers can be in the registry of SAR benchmark dataset.




How to cite: Chang, L., Kulshrestha, A., Zhang, B., and Zhang, X.: Enriching radar scatterer annotation towards SAR benchmark data creation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1179,, 2023.

EGU23-1495 | ECS | Posters virtual | NH6.3

Building Earthquake Damage Mapping from Post-event PolSAR Data Based on Polarimetric Decomposition and Texture Features 

Wei Zhai, Yaxin Bi, Guiyu Zhu, and Jianqing Du

Buildings are the main places for people to live and work as well as the most important economic entities in urban areas. The collapse of buildings caused by destructive earthquakes often caused severe casualties and economic losses. After an earthquake, the assessment of building damage is one of the most important tasks in earthquake emergency response. Accurate assessment of building damage will be essential in making plans of emergency responses. Four-Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (PolSAR) data has the advantages of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imaging that is not occluded by sunlight and clouds, it also contains the most abundant information of four polarimetric channels. Due to the large amount of information in PolSAR data, only a single post-earthquake PolSAR image can be used to identify building damage of post-earthquake. It is easy to overestimate the number of collapsed buildings and the damage degree of earthquakes only using a traditional polarimetric decomposition method for PolSAR data. The layout of urban buildings can be diverse. Buildings can stand in parallel in typical SAR imaging with strong scattering features, there are also some oriented standing buildings with lower scattering intensity and with similar scattering characteristics of collapsed buildings, thus these oriented buildings are often misconstrued as collapsed buildings. In this study, we propose a new texture feature, namely mean standard deviation (MSD) index of texture feature based on Gray-level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM), to solve the overestimate of damage of buildings, which are caused by earthquakes. The MSD index can be defined as follows:


where ISAR is the intensity image of PolSAR data, and mean (•) and variance (•) represent the calculation of mean values and variance values based on GLCM for (•), respectively. Meanwhile, based on the improved Yamaguchi four-component decomposition method and the MSD index parameter, we develop a solution to identify the damage of buildings only using a single post-earthquake PolSAR image. The Ms7.1 Yushu earthquake, which occurred in Yushu County of China on 14th April, 2010, is used as a study case to carry out the experiment with 75000 undamaged and damaged building samples. With the proposed method, the experimental results show 82.43% identification accuracy for damaged buildings and 80.30% identification accuracy for undamaged buildings. Compared with the traditional polarimetric decomposition method, 66.89% standing buildings are successfully isolated from the mixture of collapsed buildings. Therefore this new method has greatly improved the accuracy and reliability of extracting damage information of buildings.

How to cite: Zhai, W., Bi, Y., Zhu, G., and Du, J.: Building Earthquake Damage Mapping from Post-event PolSAR Data Based on Polarimetric Decomposition and Texture Features, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1495,, 2023.

EGU23-1654 | Posters on site | NH6.3

Using the PS-InSAR technique based on amplitude time series analysis for late-appearing persistent targets in potential sliding areas 

Yu-Ching Lin, Che-Ming Wang, Ming-Da Tsai, Shih-Yuan Lin, and Ching-Fang Lee

Potential large-scale landslides and earth-rock flow potential streams are located in remote mountainous areas, most of which overlap with aboriginal tribes. Since the Morakot typhoon disaster, the government has invested many resources in the potential soil and sand disasters. However, the number of such potential areas is too large to fully cover and monitor. After the Wulai District of New Taipei City, Taiwan, was severely damaged by the Sudil typhoon disaster in 2015, many significant landslides happened, and the Central Geological Survey, Taiwan, announced a total of 17 potential large-scale landslides. The area of potentially large-scale landslides in Xiluoan is the largest, about 6.5 km2, and covers the central residential area of the Wulai tribe. 

MT-InSAR (Multi-temporal Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar) is a powerful remote sensing technique for ground movement detection. The most popular method is the Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PS-InSAR) in early 2000. The concept of PS-InSAR is to look for steady, point-like scatterers whose phases are consistent across entire time series SAR data. However, for those scatters are considered temporary targets or late-appearing persistent targets during an entire period; they are often ignored and not estimated. In order to overcome such limitation, an amplitude On-Off model, which uses a rectangular function to estimate temporary targets, was applied to the amplitude time series. Then, we used the On-Off model result as a weight in the InSAR time series processing frames. Two rectangular corner reflectors (CRs) were placed in the Wulai sites, potentially large landslide areas. 83 Sentinel-1 SLC ascending images acquired from Jan 2020 to Dec 2022 were used to estimate ground movement. It is evident that with the weight based on the amplitude on-off model, the late-appearing persistent targets are successfully identified. For example, the two CR locations can be readily found, and the velocity of the movement can be estimated. The amplitude of the pixel at the CR locations becomes significantly strong and stable after the date of setting up the CR targets. One CR covers a period of 20 images; the other covers a period of 31 images. The movement of one CR reveals an ongoing sliding trend. Such estimation is consistent with those typical PS targets located at the same slope sliding area.

How to cite: Lin, Y.-C., Wang, C.-M., Tsai, M.-D., Lin, S.-Y., and Lee, C.-F.: Using the PS-InSAR technique based on amplitude time series analysis for late-appearing persistent targets in potential sliding areas, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1654,, 2023.

Rainfall induced landslides have been the No.1 geohazards in Hong Kong (HK). In coastal subtropical monsoon regions, air temperature and humidity vary substantially and frequently. Tropospheric delays (TDs) limit the accurate detection of slow slope motion (which is the common case in HK) using interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR).  In this presentation, we introduce a new TD correction method for InSAR line-of-sight (LOS) measurements at individual slope scale. The TD signal was estimated from LOS time series through a blind source separation (i.e., independent component analysis). The stratified TD was isolated according to a spatially elevation-linked and temporally periodic independent-component (IC), which was determined via a correlation test and power spectrum analysis. Therefore, the TD correction was not relying on any external weather products/meteorological data and had unprecedented spatiotemporal details equivalent to the SAR images.

A case study in Tai O, HK was conducted to verify the proposed method using 63 descending CosmoSkyMed (CSK) and 143 ascending Sentinel-1 (SNT-1) images. We used meteorological data of air temperature, humidity and weather products of ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts) ERA-5 and GACOS (Generic Atmospheric Correction Online Service) to validate the estimated TD. We estimated up to 3-4 cm spatiotemporally relative TD in the LOS directions of CSK and SNT-1, corresponding to a slope elevation change of ~ 400 m. The estimated TD was largely affected by specific air conditions (e.g., temperature and humidity) on the SAR image-acquisition days. In addition, we found the relative TD exhibited a slower increment rate than that of the slope elevation, suggesting the TD was not linearly related to the elevation. Ground deformation measurements from prisms and records of rainfall and tide were used to validate and interpret the InSAR deformation time series. It is interesting to find different hydrological forcings regulate the seasonal deformations in the slope (~ 10mm) and the reclamation (~ 15mm) in Tai O. Downslope movement (due to increase in pore-water pressure) occurred when rainfall accumulated from a dry season to a wet season, whereas upslope rebound (due to soil shrinkage) occurred when rainfall decreased from a wet season to a dry season. However, the periodic deformation of the reclamation substrate seemed to be more related to the sea level, instead of rainfall. The TD correction has reduced the root-mean-square error (RMSE) by 42.3%, such that InSAR LOS time series with millimeter-level accuracy (potentially 1-3 mm) were obtained in the Tai O case.

How to cite: Shi, G.: Millimeter slope seasonal deformation from multitemporal InSAR with a tropospheric delay correction: a case in Hong Kong, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1732,, 2023.

EGU23-2152 | Orals | NH6.3 | Highlight

Human-induced geohazards in Permian Basin, USA revealed by InSAR and numerical modeling 

Zhong Lu, Weiyu Zheng, Vamshi Karanam, and Jinwoo Kim

The Permian Basin, encompassing ~170,000 km2 of southeastern New Mexico and west Texas, consists of ancient marine rocks underlain by water-soluble rocks and multiple hydrocarbon-rich formations. Densely populated oil and gas producing facilities have impacted the stability of the solid-Earth, inducing long-lasting surface subsidence and uplift and the formation of sinkholes and fissures. The ground instability and the associated geohazards threaten the safe operation of key infrastructure such as roads, hydrocarbon facilities, pipelines, and water management facilities. Using multi-temporal and multi-band interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) datasets, we have mapped temporal behaviors of the geohazards on a weekly to monthly basis. The time-lapse InSAR measurements are compared to collected human activity data to reveal and correlate the causality of the geohazards with the type of anthropogenic perturbation (e.g., wastewater injection, CO2 flooding, abandoned well, salt dissolution, mining, etc.). We have quantified the impacts of human activities on the stability of the solid-Earth through numerical poroelastic modeling, which simulates the induced stress/pressure distribution in the strata and the resulting surface subsidence/uplift. By identifying the triggering factor(s) behind human-induced geohazards that have already occurred, our in-depth study provides insights for the mitigation of environmental impacts and assists the decision-making of public authorities and private oil and gas companies as they strive to minimize negative environmental impact and financial risk while supporting the sustainable growth of the Permian Basin’s petroleum industry.

How to cite: Lu, Z., Zheng, W., Karanam, V., and Kim, J.: Human-induced geohazards in Permian Basin, USA revealed by InSAR and numerical modeling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2152,, 2023.

Determining the satellite orbit vector is necessary when constructing the geometric positioning model for a Synthetic Aperture Radar image from the Gaofen-3 satellite (GF-3), as it greatly impacts the geometric positioning accuracy. Therefore, it is vital to obtain accurate orbit vector data regarding the satellite imaging time. Here, GF-3’s orbit was interpolated using the Lagrange interpolation, Chebyshev polynomial, and ordinary polynomial methods, with each method’s influence on the substitution accuracy of the Rational Polynomial Coefficient (RPC) model being analyzed for GF-3’s various imaging modes. The results show that based on Lagrange interpolation orbit, the accuracy of RPC substitution is greatly affected by the length of the orbit, and the stability of RPC substitution accuracy is limited by the position of the interpolation orbit segment. In general, this method shows low RPC substitution accuracy and large fluctuations. The Chebyshev polynomial method and the ordinary polynomial method are less affected by the orbital length and can obtain high substitution accuracy. The RPC substitution accuracy of the two methods was higher than 0.08 % and 0.02 %, respectively. In addition, the results of RPC substitution accuracy are more stable and reliable when ordinary polynomial interpolation orbit is used. 

How to cite: Xin, L., Mingjun, D., Yin, Y., Yan, Z., and Zhengpeng, Z.: Influences of different orbit interpolation methods on substitution accuracy of rational polynomial coefficient model for multi-mode images from Gaofen-3 Satellite, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2481,, 2023.

In recent years, land subsidence has been intensively studied due to its severe impacts on urban communities and the environment. Amongst others, groundwater withdrawal is suspected to be the main trigger for such land subsidence. A prominent example is the Red River Delta in Northeastern Vietnam, where Hanoi is located. Radar remote sensing for mapping ground movement has been successfully applied for Hanoi City to quantify the land subsidence. Specifically, SAR data at the X, C, and L bands have been used, mainly based on the small baseline subset (SBAS) and Persistent Scatterer InSAR (PSInSAR) methods for extracting deformation in the urban setting of Hanoi from 1995 to the present. In these previous studies, line-of-sight land deformation was converted into the vertical direction with the assumption that horizontal movement is insignificant. However, a detailed analysis of the hydro-mechanical processes triggering the subsidence would strongly benefit from more complete InSAR deformation data, accounting also for horizontal movement. Therefore, the study applies PSInSAR to process both ascending and descending Sentinel-1 data acquired from 2017 to the end of 2019 to extract both vertical and horizontal (along the east-west direction) deformation in the study area. Our results show that in some areas, total displacement adds up to 32 mm/y in the vertical (subsidence) and 17 mm/y in the horizontal direction, indicating that horizontal movements are not negligible when it comes to interpreting deformation and relating it to hydro-mechanical processes in a heterogeneous subsurface. An interdisciplinary workflow is introduced that illustrates how remotely sensed subsidence data can be interpreted with the help of a geological subsurface model and coupled hydro-mechanical simulations conducted with numerical multi-physics software. We present the data basis and model set-up for the planned modeling study with the open-source software platform OpenGeoSys.

How to cite: Tran, H. H., Busch, W., and Butscher, C.: A workflow to study land subsidence based on InSAR analysis and hydro-mechanical modeling: A case study of Hanoi, Vietnam, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2633,, 2023.

EGU23-3767 | Orals | NH6.3

Study on the earth and rock-filled dam settlement monitoring in multi-SAR interferometry 

Jie Liu, Tao Li, Sijie Ma, Qiang Dan, and Weiping Jiang

In China, there are nearly 100,000 earth and rock-filled dams, which are essential water conservancy facilities for agricultural irrigation, food security, flood controlling, and power generation and so on. The periodically deformation monitoring for those dams are the key criterion to evaluate their safety. However, traditional surveying technologies such as levelling, total station and GNSS and some inner sensors (like fibers) for continuous real-time monitoring are costly and require large amounts of human resources.

In this paper, we evaluate the ability of the currently operating X-band and C-band SAR sensors on dam deformation monitoring and propose a conversion parameter to retrieve the dam consolidation settlement. According to the earth and rock-filled dam post-construction settlement mechanism, a dam settles due to the compaction effect of filling earth in the dam. While in SAR geometry, only the line-of-sight projection of the slope surface deformation is visible along the radar beam. In order to convert the deformation from SAR geometry to real 3D geometry, we proposed a method for converting the dam post-construction deformation from SAR light of sight to vertical direction, based on the geometrical parameters of the dam and the SAR sensor.

The experiments by both simulated and real cases in the Gongming reservoir of Shenzhen city in china are utilized to compare the deformation monitoring capability of various SAR sensors with different resolutions and to demonstrate the applicability of deformation conversion method. The simulation results show that the foreshortening of the slope greatly affects the slope deformation retrieval, for the small earth-rock filled dams with axis being parallel to the SAR heading direction, the conversion parameter between two slopes of dam maybe differ than 2~3 times. The real experiments, by both the differential interferogram and time series analysis, based on TSX, CSK and Sentinel-1 data in Shenzhen Gongming reservoir show that the high-resolution data have more precise results. The time series analysis of multi-SAR data from 2017 to 2021 are used to show full processing of the dam post-construction settlement. For the small dam which is nearly 30 meters high and 200 meters long, With the 1~3 meters resolution of TSX and CSK data, we can retrieve the dam  settlement from both the cross-section profile and the axis section profile. The Sentinel TOPS data sets with low resolution cannot fully retrieve the dam settlement and the results are underestimated.

How to cite: Liu, J., Li, T., Ma, S., Dan, Q., and Jiang, W.: Study on the earth and rock-filled dam settlement monitoring in multi-SAR interferometry, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3767,, 2023.

EGU23-3892 | Posters virtual | NH6.3

Ground Deformation Monitoring in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Metropolitan Region Using Time Series InSAR Method 

Yongxuan Ran, Xie Hu, and Qiuhong Tang

To accommodate the acceleration and expansion of urbanization, it is necessary to monitor urban geological disasters such as land subsidence. The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei metropolitan region, as a national strategic supersite in China to promote the innovation of regional development systems and mechanisms, has constantly struck by major disasters. Using satellite images provided by the European Space Agency's Copernicus Sentinel-1 mission, this study applies time-series Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) analysis to measure and cross-validate the ground deformation in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region based on ascending and descending orbital results. In Beijing, the eastern part is subject to faster sinking rate than other areas. There are three evident areas with high subsidence rates, and the maximum cumulative sinking rate reaches -60 mm/yr during 2017-2022. The exploitation of groundwater and underground space are the primary drivers for ground deformation in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei. The land subsidence has been recently mitigated by the replenishment of groundwater from the South-to-North Water Diversion Project. Our study shows that time-series InSAR analysis is an effective tool to assess the hazard exposure in metropolitan areas for an ultimate goal of urban resilience.

How to cite: Ran, Y., Hu, X., and Tang, Q.: Ground Deformation Monitoring in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Metropolitan Region Using Time Series InSAR Method, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3892,, 2023.

EGU23-4267 | ECS | Orals | NH6.3 | Highlight

Generalized Image Segmentation Model for Multi-annual Retrogressive Thaw Slumps Mapping 

Yiling Lin, Sayyed Mohammad Javad Mirzadeh, Xie Hu, and Jifu Liu

The railways and highways along the Qinghai Tibet Engineering Corridor (QTEC) were established on the frozen ground. Intensive engineering construction and human activities have significantly disturbed the permafrost environment. The melting of ice-rich permafrost closely relates to the carbon release. Beyond that, elevated pore fluid pressures may initiate or enlarge retrogressive thaw slumps (RTSs), which may further damage the foundation of critical transportation lifelines. However, the precise locations and margins of hundreds of RTSs around QTEC have not been systematically identified and delineated due to their remote locations and divergent surface features. The development of deep learning makes it possible to automatically and accurately identify and delineate the margins of RTSs. However, inventorying multi-temporal and large-scale RTS is challenged by the low generalization of deep learning model. Here we will apply the DeepLabv3+ segmentation algorithm to decipher 3-meter resolution PlanetScope optical images for a RTSs detection model. Fine-tuning, CycleGAN, and domain adversarial training will be used to improve the model's generalization ability. The time-dependent metric changes of RTSs will be investigated based on 2018-2022 multi-temporal RTS inventories. We will further extract the ground displacements over the mapped RTS using European Space Agency’s Copernicus Sentinel-1 satellite images and time-series Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) analysis. Our study leverages remote sensing big data and deep learning methods for hazard mitigation over the frozen ground in high environmental vulnerability.

How to cite: Lin, Y., Mirzadeh, S. M. J., Hu, X., and Liu, J.: Generalized Image Segmentation Model for Multi-annual Retrogressive Thaw Slumps Mapping, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4267,, 2023.

EGU23-4838 | ECS | Posters on site | NH6.3

The application of the SBAS-PSInSAR method in monitoring surface deformation in Choushui River Fluvial Plain, Taiwan 

Thai Vinh Truong Nguyen, Chuen Fa Ni, and Gumilar Utamas Nugraha

Natural processes like tectonic activities and soil consolidation can induce land subsidence, as can human activities such as groundwater or oil extraction, mining, and construction. Among the issues stated, groundwater extraction substantially contributes to global subsidence. In the long term, land subsidence can cause unanticipated building and infrastructure damage, resulting in significant financial consequences for governments. Therefore, it is critical to monitor subsidence regularly to inform policy decisions and control the factors contributing to land subsidence.

The research area for this study is the Choushui River Fluvial Plain (CRFP), located in Taiwan's central region. The CRFP is a major agricultural zone and includes a Taiwan High-speed Rail system (THSR) segment. Monitoring and analyzing land subsidence patterns in the CRFP is critical for local governments to reduce the impact of subsidence on civilian life and public transportation.

This study utilized the SBAS-PSInSAR technique to process multiple Sentinel-1’s SAR images and assess the surface deformation in the CRFP. The results indicated three sinking locations in the northern half that could not be previously recorded by point-wise measurement interpolation, indicating the possibility of identifying local deformation of this InSAR-based method. Furthermore, it also detected a massive subsidence funnel with a sinking rate of up to -60 mm/year in the vicinity of the THSR railway in the south, which might potentially threaten railway safety. Last but not least, the obtained results demonstrated the compatibility of the SBAS-PSInSAR and conventional geodetic approaches in monitoring large-scale surface deformation.


How to cite: Nguyen, T. V. T., Ni, C. F., and Nugraha, G. U.: The application of the SBAS-PSInSAR method in monitoring surface deformation in Choushui River Fluvial Plain, Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4838,, 2023.

EGU23-4886 | ECS | Orals | NH6.3 | Highlight

Detection and characterization of earthquake accelerated landslides (EALs) using InSAR observations 

Chuang Song, Chen Yu, Zhenhong Li, Stefano Utili, Paolo Frattini, Giovanni Crosta, and Jianbing Peng

Earthquake-induced landslides often pose a great threat to the safety of human life and property, especially in seismic active regions. This has motivated plentiful studies with a focus on coseismic landslides that collapsed during or shortly after an earthquake. However, long-term seismic effects that activated unstable landslides but without causing failures/collapse even after a long period since the earthquake (months to years) are typically ignored due to the minor ground changes caused compared to collapsed slopes. These landslides respond to seismic stress disturbances differently from failed coseismic/post-seismic landslides and their movements are typically accelerated with increased sliding velocity after earthquakes. The acceleration phenomenon of these earthquake accelerated landslides (EALs) could be maintained for a long time and they may generate continuous damage to the ground and develop into catastrophic failures in the future.


As a new type of landslides associated with earthquakes, EALs have been largely neglected by the emerging research. In our study, we used satellite radar (Sentinel-1) observations from October 2014 to August 2020 to detect and investigate EALs in Central Italy. Distinguished from previous studies based on single or discrete landslides, we established a large EAL inventory and statistically quantified as a whole their spatial clustering features against a set of landslide conditioning factors. Results show that EALs did not rely on strong seismic shaking or hanging wall effects to occur and larger landslides were more likely to accelerate after earthquakes than smaller ones. We also discovered their accelerating-to-recovering sliding dynamics, and how they differed from the collapsed coseismic landslides. These investigations serve as an important supplement to the complete picture of the landslide inducing mechanism by earthquakes and contribute to a more comprehensive long-term assessment of landslide risk.

How to cite: Song, C., Yu, C., Li, Z., Utili, S., Frattini, P., Crosta, G., and Peng, J.: Detection and characterization of earthquake accelerated landslides (EALs) using InSAR observations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4886,, 2023.

EGU23-5131 | ECS | Orals | NH6.3

Integration of topographic and InSAR surveys for studying the long-term evolution of the land subsidence process in an urban area 

Alessandro Zuccarini, Gianluigi Di Paola, Serena Giacomelli, Alberto Martini, Paolo Severi, and Matteo Berti

Since the beginning of the 1960s, the urban area of Bologna has experienced land subsidence due to excessive groundwater withdrawals. Ground deformation reached its peak during the 70s of the last century when maximum displacement rates of about 10 cm/year were documented, and significant damage to structures and infrastructures occurred. This process has been intensively monitored over the years, and extensive ground displacement measurements were collected employing increasingly sophisticated techniques, ranging from topographic levelling to GNSS surveys and, since 1992, satellite interferometry. Satellite data, in particular, has given a substantial contribution to the reconstruction of the subsidence process in more recent times, with a progressively higher spatial and temporal resolution towards the newer surveys. The available interferometric data are the results of four consecutive SAR campaigns undertaken by local authorities: 1992 – 2000 (ERS), 2002 – 2006 (ENVISAT), 2006 – 2011 (RADARSAT), 2011 – 2016 (RADARSAT and COSMO-SkyMed), and a fifth survey performed by the UniBo spin-off “Fragile” from the free SENTINEL1 2014 – 2020 data. As long-term data are essential to comprehensively understand the ongoing subsidence process evolution, within this work, a methodology was developed to integrate ground-based and remotely sensed monitoring data collected over the years, and produce continuous cumulative ground displacement time series and maps, depicting the long-term temporal evolution and spatial distribution of the subsidence process, respectively. The results obtained through the adopted processing chain highlight that the long-term ground displacement field well agrees with the 3D geological model of the area and that the cumulative subsidence and displacement rates temporal evolution nicely matches the pluriannual trend of the piezometric and groundwater pumping time series.

How to cite: Zuccarini, A., Di Paola, G., Giacomelli, S., Martini, A., Severi, P., and Berti, M.: Integration of topographic and InSAR surveys for studying the long-term evolution of the land subsidence process in an urban area, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5131,, 2023.

EGU23-6316 | ECS | Orals | NH6.3

Landslide expression in C-band SAR backscatter change images: a physically- and empirically-based conceptual model 

Erin Lindsay, Graziella Devoli, Johannes Reiche, Steinar Nordal, and Regula Frauenfelder

Using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) backscatter imagery can enable faster detection of landslides compared to optical images, particularly where there is persistent cloud cover or shadows. However, SAR images are underutilised for this purpose. This is partly due to the more complicated pre-processing requirements, and also due to the less intuitive interpretation of landslide signatures in SAR, relative to optical images. The problem of landslide identification in SAR backscatter imagery is complex. Landslides can occur in almost any land cover type and their expression in the environment can vary significantly depending on the material type and failure mechanisms. How this affects the expression of landslides in SAR backscatter data has so far not been well understood. In this study, we attempt to reduce this knowledge gap by investigating the physical basis for the expression of landslides in SAR backscatter data.

This involved identifying trends in the spatial and temporal signatures of landslides in 30 case studies around the world, representing diverse physiographical and landslide types. Morphometric features of landslides (scarp, transport and deposition zone) were mapped separately, and quantitative analysis of their pixel values in multi-temporal Sentinel-1 SAR backscatter images was performed. The role of environmental factors including the orientation of the landslide with respect to the sensor (local incidence angle), land cover, seasonal variations, and water content were also analysed.

The terrain influenced whether or not landslides were detectable, while the presence or absence of woody vegetation determined if there would be an increase or decrease in backscatter intensity. Landslides in non-forested areas that produce an increase in surface roughness, are best observed using VV polarisation and show increased backscatter intensity. Deposit zones also tend to show increased backscatter intensity, unless very fine material was deposited as a smooth flat surface (e.g. from non-turbulent mudflows). Removal of the forest is best viewed in VH polarisation, and produces a recognisable pattern of both decreased (due to radar shadow, and change from volumetric to surface scattering) and increased (due to direct and double bounce reflection from vertical tree trunks and scarp surface) backscatter intensity. Landslides that occur in mixed vegetation types, and those that do not significantly change the scattering properties of the ground surface, did not produce a detectable change in the C-band SAR images.  

The findings were summarised in a conceptual model, based on SAR theory and empirical evidence. This can be used to help interpret landslides in SAR backscatter change images, and to design representative or synthetic datasets for training automatic landslide detection models. 

How to cite: Lindsay, E., Devoli, G., Reiche, J., Nordal, S., and Frauenfelder, R.: Landslide expression in C-band SAR backscatter change images: a physically- and empirically-based conceptual model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6316,, 2023.

EGU23-6485 | Orals | NH6.3 | Highlight

Widespread Slope Movements in Countrywide InSAR Mapping of Iceland 

Sigurjón Jónsson and Yunmeng Cao

We report on countrywide InSAR deformation mapping of Iceland using all the available Sentinel-1 radar data (Summer/Fall 2015-2021) from three parallel and overlapping descending and three ascending orbit tracks, yielding a complete countrywide coverage for both look directions. The total number of satellite passes for each of the six orbit tracks is about 170, meaning that over 1000 data sets were used, from which we processed around 8700 interferograms (multilooked to 100 m x 100 m pixels). Atmospheric signals in the data were reduced using a two-step correction approach based on global atmospheric model outputs and information about the stochastic characteristics of atmospheric noise. We then solved for the time-series of each of the six data sets and inverted for near-east and near-vertical time-series, assuming that north ground displacements are small. Large-scale displacements in Iceland are dominated by the plate motion and by glacio-isostatic adjustment. The results show how the width of the plate-boundary zone varies from being relatively narrow in Reykjanes to more distributed deformation in the Eastern Volcanic Zone. The glacio-isostatic uplift reaches a maximum of ~3 cm/year in central Iceland and appears to accelerate during the observation period. These large-scale horizontal and vertical displacements can be removed with a model of the plate motion, plate-boundary deformation and glacio-isostatic adjustment, leaving only local deformation signals in the residual displacement rate map, e.g., at central volcanoes and areas of geothermal exploitation. Widespread slope movements are also evident in the residual deformation map. Almost all east-facing slopes are moving eastward and west-facing slopes westward. This deformation is seen all over Iceland and amounts to a few mm/year, with faster rates at some known landslides. Example areas include northwestern and central-north Iceland where 5-10 mm/year movement rate is found on many of slopes, as well as the Western Fjords and Snæfellsnes peninsula. Recent slope failures in North Iceland in 2021 and 2022, which resulted in mudslides with road closures and some structural damage, occurred on slopes that can be seen moving during the years before the failures. However, no anomalous motion is detected at these slopes in the months before the failures; they are just slowly creeping like many other slopes in this area. In Summary, our results show that InSAR data are effective to map country-wide ground velocities and velocity changes as well as local deformation signals and transients at volcanoes and geothermal areas.  The results also show that slopes all over Iceland are subject to steady gravitational soil creep amounting to several mm/year, with higher rates observed in many areas where geomorphologically landslides can be identified in the landscape.

How to cite: Jónsson, S. and Cao, Y.: Widespread Slope Movements in Countrywide InSAR Mapping of Iceland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6485,, 2023.

EGU23-7469 | Orals | NH6.3 | Highlight

Automatic generation of seismic source models using Sentinel-1 DInSAR coseismic maps obtained through the EPOSAR service 

Simone Atzori, Andrea Antonioli, Fernando Monterroso, Claudio De Luca, Nikos Svigkas, Riccardo Lanari, Michele Manunta, and Francesco Casu

In this work we present a processing chain we implemented to calculate, in a completely automatic way, the seismic source with distributed slip starting from the Differential Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (DInSAR) coseismic displacement maps generated through the EPOSAR service.

EPOSAR is a scientific service of EPOS (European Plate Observing System) Research Infrastructure, developed by CNR-IREA, that provides coseismic displacement maps at global scale. In particular, following the occurrence of an earthquake of a) magnitude greater and b) depth smaller than selected thresholds, EPOSAR automatically retrieves and process all the Copernicus Sentinel-1 data necessary to generate all the possible DInSAR coseismic maps within a monthly time window, so that the earthquake can be analyzed from different satellite paths. We further remark that the EPOSAR service is currently operative and the generated DInSAR products are freely available to the scientific community through the EPOS infrastructure.

In this work we present the implementation of an automatic new modeling chain, by acting in cascade to the EPOSAR service, with a twofold aim: revealing the seismic source at the occurrence of every new event detectable through DInSAR and providing a complete database of sources that includes all the earthquakes occurred since the launch of Sentinel-1 satellites.

The procedure starts from DInSAR data, produced by the EPOSAR service, and a focal mechanism automatically retrieved from several catalogs (USGS, Global CMT, INGV-TDMT). The non-linear inversion is implemented with two stages, coarse and refined, to get a robust and well centered, uniform slip solution; this source is then extended and subdivided into small elements to get the slip distribution via linear inversion. For every single step, a number of algorithms, based on two decades of experience in modeling at INGV, were implemented to face the large number of options and conditions usually handled by an expert user: image selection, setup and iterative update of the input parameters, definition of the regularization strength,  detection of specific conditions (point-source, poorly constraining data, etc.). The model is also automatically updated with the availability of new DInSAR data, always balancing the contribution from ascending and descending acquisitions.

The developed tool is designed to deploy a service aimed at providing a quick and reliable automatic fault model solution and it has been tested and validated on hundred up to date events, characterized by different magnitudes, rupture mechanisms and locations. In this work, we present the main algorithm aspects and performances, addressing also the potentialities arising with the availability of a complete and homogeneous database of DInSAR-based source models: definition of updated scaling factors, systematic bias, etc.

We finally remark that our tool will be soon operative and integrated within the EPOS infrastructure, thus allowing the user community to access the generated results and benefit from quick and reliable products on the source mechanisms of the more significant seismic events.

How to cite: Atzori, S., Antonioli, A., Monterroso, F., De Luca, C., Svigkas, N., Lanari, R., Manunta, M., and Casu, F.: Automatic generation of seismic source models using Sentinel-1 DInSAR coseismic maps obtained through the EPOSAR service, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7469,, 2023.

EGU23-7576 | ECS | Orals | NH6.3 | Highlight

RASTOOL project, tools for the Copernicus European Ground Motion Service exploitation 

Anna Barra, María Cuevas-González, Riccardo Palamà, Qi Gao, Saeedeh Shahbazi, Marta Béjar Pizarro, Pablo Ezquerro, Guadalupe Bru Cruz, Michele Crosetto, and Oriol Monserrat

The aim of this work is to present RASTOOL (EGMS RASTOOL: European ground motion risk assessment tool), a project co-financed by the EU-Union Civil Protection Mechanism. The Copernicus European Ground Motion Service (EGMS) represents a remarkable source of knowledge for the geohazard community. It provides consistent, regular, and reliable information on natural and anthropogenic ground motion phenomena over Europe, with millimetric accuracy ( The EGMS provides satellite interferometric products, with an annual updating, and a free and open policy. The availability of this vast amount of data is valuable for the scientific community but difficult to be exploited in the regular activities of territorial managers or Civil Protection Authorities. In fact, interferometric data interpretation might be challenging and time consuming, demanding a high level of expertise and a specific background. In this context, RASTOOL aims to develop a set of tools for simplifying the usage of the EGMS products, to automatically analyse them and to generate maps to support hazard, exposure, and risk-assessment against geohazards (both natural and anthropogenic). The tools developed in the frame of previous projects (Safety, U-Geohaz, Momit) will be improved to be easily applied to the EGMS products and integrated with new ones.

How to cite: Barra, A., Cuevas-González, M., Palamà, R., Gao, Q., Shahbazi, S., Béjar Pizarro, M., Ezquerro, P., Bru Cruz, G., Crosetto, M., and Monserrat, O.: RASTOOL project, tools for the Copernicus European Ground Motion Service exploitation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7576,, 2023.

EGU23-8774 | ECS | Orals | NH6.3 | Highlight

A likelihood analysis of the Global Flood Monitoring ensemble product 

Christian Krullikowski, Candace Chow, Marc Wieland, Sandro Martinis, Marco Chinni, Patrick Matgen, Bernhard Bauer-Marschallinger, Florian Roth, Wolfgang Wagner, Tobias Stachl, Christoph Reimer, Christian Briese, and Peter Salamon

Flooding is a natural disaster that can have devastating impacts on communities and individuals, causing significant damage to infrastructure, loss of life, and economic disruption. The Global Flood Monitoring (GFM) system of the Copernicus Emergency Management Service (CEMS) addresses these challenges and provides global, near-real time flood extent masks for each newly acquired Sentinel-1 Interferometric Wide Swath Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) image, as well as archive data from 2015 on, and therefore supports decision makers and disaster relief actions. The GFM flood extent is an ensemble product based on a combination of three independently developed flood mapping algorithms that individually derive the flood information from Sentinel-1 data. Each flood algorithm also provides classification uncertainty information as flood classification likelihood that is aggregated in the same ensemble process. All three algorithms utilize different methods both for flood detection and the derivation of uncertainty information.
The first algorithm applies a threshold-based flood detection approach and provides uncertainty information through fuzzy memberships. The second algorithm applies a change detection approach where the classification uncertainty is expressed through classification probabilities. The third algorithm applies the Bayes decision theorem and derives uncertainty information through the posterior probability of the less probable class. The final GFM ensemble likelihood layer is computed with the mean likelihood on pixel level. As the flood detection algorithms derive uncertainty information with different methods, the value range of the three input likelihoods must be harmonized to a range from low [0] to high [100] flood likelihood.
The ensemble likelihood is evaluated on two test sites in Myanmar and Somalia showcasing the performance during an actual flood event and an area with challenging conditions for SAR-based flood detection. The findings further elaborate on the statistical robustness when aggregating multiple likelihood layers.
The final GFM ensemble likelihood layer serves as a simplified appraisal of trust in the ensemble flood extent detection approach. As an ensemble likelihood, it provides more robust and reliable uncertainty information for the flood detection compared to the usage of a single algorithm only. It can therefore help interpreting the satellite data and consequently to mitigate the effects of flooding and accompanied damages on communities and individuals.

How to cite: Krullikowski, C., Chow, C., Wieland, M., Martinis, S., Chinni, M., Matgen, P., Bauer-Marschallinger, B., Roth, F., Wagner, W., Stachl, T., Reimer, C., Briese, C., and Salamon, P.: A likelihood analysis of the Global Flood Monitoring ensemble product, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8774,, 2023.

EGU23-9638 | ECS | Orals | NH6.3

Land Subsidence in Wuhan Revealed Using a Multi-Sensor InSAR Time Series Fusion Approach 

Haonan Jiang, Timo Balz, Francesca Cigna, Deodato Tapete, and Jianan Li

Satellite Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) is widely used for topographic, geological and natural resource investigations. However, most of the existing InSAR studies of ground deformation are based on relatively short periods and single sensors. This paper introduces a new multi-sensor InSAR time series data fusion method for time-overlapping and time-interval datasets, to address cases when partial overlaps and/or temporal gaps exist. A new Power Exponential Knothe Model (PEKM) fits and fuses overlaps in the deformation curves, while a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) neural network predicts and fuses any temporal gaps in the series. Taking the city of Wuhan (China) as experiment area, COSMO-SkyMed (2011-2015), TerraSAR-X (2015-2019) and Sentinel-1 (2019-2021) SAR datasets were fused to map long-term surface deformation over the last decade. An independent 2011-2020 InSAR time series analysis based on 230 COSMO-SkyMed scenes was also used as reference for comparison. The correlation coefficient between the results of the fusion algorithm and the reference data is 0.87 in the time overlapping region and 0.97 in the time-interval dataset. The correlation coefficient of the overall results is 0.78, which fully demonstrates that the algorithm proposed achieves a similar trend as the reference deformation curve. Based on the long time series settlement results obtained by fusion, we analyze the causes of settlement in detail for several subsidence zones. The subsidence in Houhu is caused by soft soil consolidation and compression. Soil mechanics are therefore used to estimate when the subsidence is expected to finish and to calculate the degree of consolidation for each year. The COSMO-SkyMed PSInSAR results indicate that the area has entered the late stage of consolidation and compression and is gradually stabilizing. The subsidence curve found for the area around Xinrong shows that the construction of an underground tract of subway Line 21 caused large-scale settlement in this area. The temporal granularity of the PSInSAR time series also allows precise detection of a rebound phase following a major flooding event in 2016. The experimental results demonstrate the accuracy of the proposed new fusion method to provide robust time series for the analysis of long-term land subsidence mechanisms and unveil previously unknown characters of land subsidence in Wuhan, thus clarifying the relationship with the urban causative factors.

How to cite: Jiang, H., Balz, T., Cigna, F., Tapete, D., and Li, J.: Land Subsidence in Wuhan Revealed Using a Multi-Sensor InSAR Time Series Fusion Approach, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9638,, 2023.

Flood hazards result in enormous casualties and huge food losses worldwide every year. Therefore, monitoring floods in flood-prone areas is crucial to better understand the flooding patterns and characteristics. Previous studies utilizing hydrological data were unsuccessful in identifying flooding patterns in the regions where the hydrological stations are sparse. In addition, studies based on optical satellite images did not successfully monitor floods in cloudy areas. To improve flood monitoring methods, Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging was proposed to monitor floods. The Sentinel-1 SAR sensor, with a spatial resolution of 10 m and a swath of up to 400 km, has free access and a short revisit period. This study will use multi-temporal Sentinel-1 SAR data to monitor flood dynamics in large-scale flood-prone areas with a focus on croplands to identify the inundated duration of flooded croplands, which would be valuable to assess the flood damage on crops and flood impact on food security.

How to cite: Qiu, J. and Tarolli, P.: High-resolution mapping of flood dynamics in cropland areas using multi-temporal Sentinel-1 SAR, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9702,, 2023.

EGU23-10338 | ECS | Posters virtual | NH6.3

Application of Interferometry Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) in the study of the subsidence of Mexico City and its relationship with the abatement of the static level of groundwater. 

Francisco Javier Ramos Organillo, José Iván Morales Arredondo, Nelly Lucero Ramírez Serrato, and Graciela del Socorro Herrera Zamarrón

Mexico City has suffered for many years from the phenomenon of land subsidence because the city is located within the limits of the old Lake Texcoco. The lithological materials that constitute the lake area are deposits, mainly clayey, of low consolidation, that compose the upper aquitard of the city, from which volumes of water have been extracted that have caused the clayey materials to rearrange causing the subsidence of the land, thus leading to visible affectations in buildings and communication routes. The subsidence of the city is not presented homogeneously as there are regions of the city that present greater settlement than others, since previous studies have shown that studying the phenomenon regionally leaves more doubts than certainties due to the complexity of the sedimentary material of the lake plain since this deposit is mainly composed of clays of various origins, in addition to being interbedded with volcanic materials.

This study aims to identify areas within the city, with similar characteristics that allow us to understand the behavior of land subsidence and its relationship with the reduction of the static groundwater level. To do this, data on the vertical displacement of the terrain were obtained using the InSAR technique and associated with the drawdown values ​​of the static level to verify if there is a direct relationship between the extraction of groundwater and the descent of the terrain. It was considered that in the old Lake of Texcoco, there was a presence of salty and sweet waters, which would be decisive in forming different clay minerals in the lake plain. For this reason, it was decided to divide the city according to the environment that governed the site when Lake Texcoco existed. Four study areas were proposed: Lake Texcoco area, which is located northeast of the city where brackish waters predominated; the Northeast area of ​​the town, where the ancient city of Tenochtitlán was located and where fresh waters dominated; the Xochimilco Lake Zone, which had fresh waters and a higher elevation than the Tenochtitlán zone; and the Lake Chalco Zone, which presents characteristics similar to those of Lake Xochimilco.

The results of the study show that zoning the lake plain into 4 regions allows for a linear relationship of the variables of vertical displacement of the terrain and dejection (decrease) of the static level of groundwater, showing that there is a direct relationship between both variables, contrary to what recent studies showed since when studying the phenomenon regionally, the results showed little or no linear relationship between land settlement and the drop in the static level.

How to cite: Ramos Organillo, F. J., Morales Arredondo, J. I., Ramírez Serrato, N. L., and Herrera Zamarrón, G. S.: Application of Interferometry Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) in the study of the subsidence of Mexico City and its relationship with the abatement of the static level of groundwater., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10338,, 2023.

Detecting, characterizing and monitoring ground deformation are relevant tasks for natural risk assessments. The Synthetic Aperture Radar-SAR Interferometry (InSAR) technique stands out as a widely applied method to survey ground movements due its ability to resolve small-magnitude displacements. However, uncertainties associated with atmospheric delays prevent the detection of very small deformation signals that may be overprinted by noise. Common corrections applied either to single interferograms or time series analysis do not completely mitigate the influence of delayed signals, but they allow to distinguish between causes of delay , i.e. tropospheric or ionospheric.

In this study, we explore options to minimize the impact of any delay signal in time series analysis by using subsets of available SAR scenes. We analyzed 5 years, from 2018 to 2022, of Sentinel 1 A/B data in ascending (Track 76) and descending (Track 10) orbits. The scenes cover the Eastern Cordillera in the Northwestern Argentina, the easternmost range of the Central Andes. For each date, atmospheric delays are estimated using modern processing techniques: (i) tropospheric delays are investigated from global atmospheric models and, (ii) ionospheric delays are estimated from Split Range-Spectrum technique. Then we carefully remove noisy scenes and perform InSAR time series analysis. We evaluate our method by comparing displacements from the 5.8Mw earthquake that occurred on 29-Nov-2020 with an epicenter near Quebrada de Humahuaca. The analysis is expanded to the time-motion history retrieved from landslides in this area, which also serves to study the relationship between displacements rates and the earthquake. Finally, we explore how the quality of InSAR pairs precipitates into coherence, errors of phase unwrapping, and estimation of topographic residuals. Our results suggest that image quality assessment and subsequent SAR-scene removal is an effective tool for improving the quality of the time series.

How to cite: Viotto, S., Bookhagen, B., Torrusio, S., and Toyos, G.: Mitigating tropospheric and ionospheric uncertainties in InSAR Time Series Analysis: the 5.8Mw Earthquake in the Eastern Cordillera (Central Andes), Northwestern Argentina, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10451,, 2023.

The 5.4 Pohang earthquake occurred on November 15, 2017. It was the second-largest earthquake in South Korea since instrumental earthquake observations began. In this study, the PSInSAR method using Sentinel-1 satellite ascending and descending data were used to analyze the time-series surface displacement of the Pohang area before and after the earthquake. As a result, in the case of PSInSAR result using the descending pass data, surface uplift displacement up to 45 mm in the LOS direction was observed immediately after the earthquake near the epicenter. In addition, to identify the horizontal movement of the co-seismic uplift displacement, it was derived into the vertical component and horizontal component using the results of two different orbital data. And it shows the surface was spreading out into both sides, not just east or west. Besides, continuous subsidence with a velocity of up to 80 mm/year was found in a specific area of the footwall, which was continued before the earthquake. To identify the origin of the subsidence we compared it with the past optical images, and subsidence areas were consistent with the past river topography.

How to cite: Jung, D. and Lee, H.: Analysis of Surface Displacement Before and After the 2017 Pohang Earthquake using Sentinel-1 PSInSAR Technique, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11034,, 2023.

EGU23-11058 | Posters on site | NH6.3

Monitoring of ground subsidence in Orlando coal ash landfills using Sentinel-1 PSInSAR 

youngnam shin and hoonyol lee

Globally, coal is a major mineral used in energy production, and Coal ash is produced in energy production. Coal ash pollutes the environment and causes health problems for humans. Therefore, it is important to store coal ash, most of the coal ash is stored in landfills. Landfills ground subside over time, and ground subsidence is one of the main factors in landfills stability. Therefore, it is important to understand the stability of coal ash landfills, so we would like to monitor coal ash landfills through remote sensing methods. In this study, the Stanton Energy Center, a coal-fired power plant in Orlando, Florida, in the southeastern United States, was selected as a research area. The Stanton energy center stored coal ash in a landfill next to the power plant and installed solar panels on top of the coal ash landfill in 2017. In this study, the Sentinel-1 satellite provided by the European Space Agency (ESA) was used, and ascending data was obtained between June 2018 and 2022. Digital Elevation Model (DEM) used for image processing used LIDAR DEM images with 1 m spatial resolution provided by the United States Geological Survey (USGS). PSInSAR image preprocessing used SNAP software provided by European Space Agency (ESA), and PSInSAR process used Standard Method of Persistent Scatterers (StaMPS). The PSInSAR result using Copernicus 30 DEM in the coal landfill area confirmed about 50 mm subsidence for 5  years in the LOS direction, and the PSInSAR result using Lidar DEM confirmed about 45 mm subsidence for 5 years in the LOS direction. In addition, the PSInSAR results in a stable area located near the landfill confirmed that there was little subsidence in the LOS direction for 5 years.

How to cite: shin, Y. and lee, H.: Monitoring of ground subsidence in Orlando coal ash landfills using Sentinel-1 PSInSAR, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11058,, 2023.

 The Himalayan region is prone to natural disasters, including land deformation caused by tectonic activity, earthquakes, landslides, and human activities such as construction of large infrastructural projects. In the Joshimath region, located at the base of Middle Himalayas, there has been a significant number of reported cases of visible deformation in roads and buildings over the past six months i.e. between July 2022 to December 2022, with 610 buildings, including houses and hotels etc., showing cracks in their walls and foundations. This poses a danger to both the community and infrastructure in the area. To study this deformation, time-series synthetic aperture radar interferometry was used to monitor land subsidence in the region. An analysis of land subsidence in the entire Joshimath region was conducted using Time-Series Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry, and the land deformation velocity for was calculated using a PsInSAR approach, which measured the displacement velocity in mm/year. The results indicated that the rate of displacement, measured in Line of Sight (LOS) deformation velocity, was in the range of +187.55 mm/year to -84.65 mm/year. A positive sign indicates movement away from the SAR sensor, while a negative sign represents movement towards the sensor. The highest rate of subsidence was observed in the northwest region of the Joshimath that is in the range +103.22 mm/year to +187.55 mm/year, while areas in the north and central region also experienced high to moderate subsidence of +63.73 mm/year to +103.22 mm/year. In contrast, the southwest region was found to have experienced expansion measuring −84.65 mm/year to -13.13 mm/year. Additionally, the southeast region of the town had a rapid land subsidence ranging from -13.13 mm/year to -5 mm/year towards the lower part of the town. The potential causes of deformation in the Joshimath region are believed to include an inadequate drainage system in the town, high levels of erosion caused by the Alaknanada river, which is impacting the stability of the slope on which the town is situated, and recent development of large infrastructure projects in this disaster-prone area, that include construction of a hydropower project tunnel by NTPC and the expansion of the Chardham Highway. The fact that the ridge on which the town sits is composed of debris from past landslides further exacerbates these issues, as the terrain formed by such debris has a lower bearing capacity, making it a poor foundation for heavy infrastructure development.

How to cite: Awasthi, S. and Jain, K.: Analyzing the Land Subsidence activity in the Joshimath Region of Indian Himalayas Using Persistent Scatterer Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (PSInSAR), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11307,, 2023.

EGU23-11528 | ECS | Orals | NH6.3

Using InSAR time series to characterize landslide deformation dynamics in the south-central Andes 

Mohammad M.Aref, Bodo Bookhagen, and Manfred R. Strecker

Slow-moving landslides are an important erosional geomorphic process that shape hillslopes and transport large amounts of sediment material to river channels. They may have potentially catastrophic consequences for infrastructure and human life. Identifying the spatiotemporal pattern of hillslope deformation is essential for understanding the kinematic evolution of hillslope failure and mitigating associated hazards. InSAR (Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar) is an effective geodetic method for mapping landslide deformation with high spatiotemporal resolution and precision, especially where direct access to the hillslope areas is difficult.
The study area in the south-central Andes is characterized by steep climatic and topographic gradients. The low-elevation eastern foreland areas with dense vegetation cover change to semi-arid and arid, near-vegetation-free high-elevation areas. InSAR phase estimation and landslide mapping in such a complex region can be affected by spatial and temporal variations of soil moisture, vegetation cover, and atmospheric regime.  
In this study, we extract InSAR time series from the C-band ascending and descending track of Sentinel-1A/B data acquired between 2014 and 2022 and the L-band ascending track of ALOS1 PALSAR data acquired between 2006 and 2011 in the south-central Andes of northwest Argentina. We compare Sentinel deformation time series and maps derived from the linear small baseline subset technique with different numbers of connections in sequential interferogram formation with non-linear phase inversion techniques. We assess the phase bias contribution of short-temporal baseline interferograms for the time series analysis and propose several correction techniques tailored to this study area. Statistical and weather based models are used to reduce the impact of tropospheric delay on the deformation signal, especially during convective events controlled by the South American Monsoon and the large fluctuation of topographic relief effects on the tropospheric phase delay. We investigate the difference between tropospheric correction methods. We further implement a double-difference filter with different local and regional spatial filters to reduce the tropospheric delay on the InSAR time series. After additional filtering steps to remove further ionospheric noise in the time series, we identify the landslide spatial extent and their dynamic through spatial analyses. 
 Our results reveal multiple landslides, including three transitional bodies with downslope velocities of 5-10 cm/yr that demonstrate the importance of carefully filtering InSAR time series for slow-moving landslide detection.



How to cite: M.Aref, M., Bookhagen, B., and R. Strecker, M.: Using InSAR time series to characterize landslide deformation dynamics in the south-central Andes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11528,, 2023.

Cerro Azul and Sierra Negra are two of the most active volcanoes in the Galápagos Archipelago, the eastern Pacific Ocean, with recent eruptions occurring in May-June 2008 and June-August 2018, respectively. In this study, surface displacements on the summit caldera of Cerro Azul and Sierra Negra volcanoes were investigated by applying the Small BAseline Subset (SBAS) technique to 13 ALOS-1 PALSAR images acquired from March 2007 to October 2009 and 94 Sentinel-1 SAR images acquired from April 2018 to April 2021. A subsidence of ~28 cm was observed outside the northern caldera rim of Cerro Azul from March to September 2008. Except for this period, the surface displacement of Cerro Azul was rarely observed from the ALOS-1 observations. Uplift on the summit caldera of Sierra Negra was observed during 2007–2009 and its velocity was varied by the eruptive phases of Cerro Azul. During the year preceding the eruption of Cerro Azul (March 2007 to March 2008), the summit caldera of Sierra Negra was uplifted at a velocity of 0.37 m/yr. However, the uplift velocity slowed to 0.14 m/yr between March 2008 and September 2008, when Cerro Azul erupted. For one year after the Cerro Azul eruption (September 2008 to October 2009), the uplift velocity of the Sierra Negra summit increased to 0.29 m/yr. The summit caldera of Sierra Negra was uplifted ~260 cm from April 2018 to April 2021, except for its eruptive phase when the surface displacement could not be observed from the SBAS result due to low interferometric coherence. The northern caldera rim of Cerro Azul subsided ~3 cm during the 2018 eruptions of Sierra Negra, then was uplifted by ~13 cm over the next 3 years. 

How to cite: Kim, S., Kim, T., and Han, H.: Displacement of Cerro Azul and Sierra Negra volcanoes, Galápagos Archipelago, during 2007–2009 and 2018–2021 measured from SBAS InSAR, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11701,, 2023.

EGU23-12338 | ECS | Posters on site | NH6.3

Analysis of land subsidence caused by groundwater overexploitation in the Gediz River Basin based on Sentinel-1 observations 

María Navarro-Hernández, Roberto Tomás, Javier Valdes-Abellan, Guadalupe Bru, Pablo Ezquerro, Carolina Guardiola-Albert, Alper Elçi, Elif Aysu Batkan, Baris Caylak, Ören Ali Hakan, Claudia Meisina, Laura Pedretti, and Michelle Rygus

Land subsidence induced by groundwater withdrawal affects many regions around the world and is considered one of the most extensive phenomena caused by human activity nowadays. The Gediz River Basin is located in the western part of Türkiye, and develops along a regional extension of a horst-graben system. This basin has an agricultural and industrial importance in the region, increasing the water demand and positioning the Gediz Basin as one of the most stressed basins in the country. The main aims of this study are to evaluate the role of tectonics and groundwater withdrawal on land subsidence and on the evolution of faults in the Gediz River Basin. Additionally, other conditioning factors such as soft soil thickness layers are also studied. For this purpose, we processed 123 SAR images in descending orbit and 98 in ascending orbit acquired from Sentinel-1 between 2016 and 2021 by the parallel solution of the Small BAseline Subset (SBAS) algorithm (P-SBAS), allocated in the Geohazard Exploitation Platform (GEP). Secondly, we applied an Independent Component Analysis (ICA) to the InSAR time series in order to separate spatiotemporal patterns of long-term deformation and seasonal variations. P-SBAS results reveal that the maximum subsidence rates measured along the line of sight (-6.40 cm/year) are mainly concentrated in agricultural and urban areas. The results also suggest that there is a direct relationship between InSAR deformation and soft soil thickness, indicating that land subsidence is induced by the compaction of aquitard layers due to the groundwater withdrawal and piezometric head depletion. The analysis of the time series through the ICA shows two types of spatiotemporal deformation trends, one of them corresponds to long term and quasi-linear deformation due to the compaction of the aquitard, and the other represents the long-term deformations with seasonal rebounds produced by the seasonal loading and unloading cycles due to water level fluctuations.



This research was funded by the PRIMA programme supported by the European Union under grant agreement No 1924, project RESERVOIR and by ESA-MOST China DRAGON-5 project (ref. 59339)

How to cite: Navarro-Hernández, M., Tomás, R., Valdes-Abellan, J., Bru, G., Ezquerro, P., Guardiola-Albert, C., Elçi, A., Batkan, E. A., Caylak, B., Hakan, Ö. A., Meisina, C., Pedretti, L., and Rygus, M.: Analysis of land subsidence caused by groundwater overexploitation in the Gediz River Basin based on Sentinel-1 observations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12338,, 2023.

The Kenyan Rift system hosts various forms of land use, including residential, commercial, and agricultural. In addition, the geology of the Kenyan Rift, the geodynamic setting of the quaternary volcanoes along the rift axis, and the high temperatures associated with the hot asthenosphere along the Kenyan Rift system are favourable for the occurrence of geothermal fields, some of which have already been harnessed for the generation of electricity. The interplay of human activities along the Kenyan Rift system can cause deformation, which is also prone to deformation due to geophysical activities such as volcanism and magmatism. In our study, we utilized both conventional and optimized multitemporal InSAR analyses based on the SBAS method to quantify human-induced deformation along the Kenyan Rift. By directly estimating the tropospheric delay from Sentinel-1 SAR data, the optimized approach can reduce errors in InSAR derived displacement measurements. Nairobi, located on the eastern flank of the Kenyan Rift, has experienced significant deformation caused by urbanization and the overexploitation of groundwater. A maximum subsidence rate of approximately 55 mm/yr. was observed in one of the eight deformation units that are mainly located in residential areas. Njoro town and Nakuru town industrial zone have also been shown to be undergoing land subsidence of approximately 20 mm/yr. and 10 mm/yr., respectively, both of which are associated with the overexploitation of groundwater resources. In addition, land subsidence in the range of 20 mm/yr was observed at several flower farms in Naivasha, which can also be attributed to the overexploitation of groundwater. At Olkaria, we observed land subsidence in the seven geothermal fields in the range of 22-50 mm/yr., we also observed at Menengai Crater Land subsidence and uplift of approximately 8 mm/yr. and 6 mm/yr. respectively. There is a significant deformation in the Kenyan Rift as a result of human activities, and these results indicate that InSAR can be used to monitor deformation in regions that were previously unmonitored due to the associated costs of using other geodetic monitoring techniques. Similarly, correct estimation of tropospheric delay in InSAR not only leads to better time-series displacement estimation with a more apparent temporal trend but also reveals subtle deforming regions that are otherwise obscured by tropospheric delay in the conventional method.

How to cite: Kirui, P. K., Riedel, B., and Gerke, M.: Determination of anthropologically induced deformation along the Kenyan Rift system using Multitemporal InSAR analysis with Sentinel-1 data. , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12996,, 2023.

EGU23-13494 | ECS | Posters on site | NH6.3

Spatial and temporal analysis of ground deformation data for the characterization of natural and anthropogenic sources 

Giulia Areggi, Francesca Silverii, Federica Sparacino, Letizia Anderlini, and Giuseppe Pezzo

Ground displacement measurements are fundamental for investigating the surface effects of numerous natural and anthropogenic processes acting within the same region. Spatial geodesy measures the displacement of the ground due to the sum of multi-scale processes, i.e. processes that occur at different spatial and temporal scales. The joint action of these phenomena can generate surface deformations characterized by constant trends or transients over time or even by cyclical variations that generate seasonal signals in the displacement time series, with an annual or multi-annual period. Separating the contribution of each phenomenon in the displacement measurements is a complicated objective to achieve because it is necessary to identify within the GNSS and InSAR time series the signals associated with the various processes and to have a large amount of information relating to the geological, geophysical and hydrological characteristics.

The target area of this work (coastal area of the Po Plain, Italy) is affected by various processes of natural and anthropogenic origin, such as the subsoil water pumping, the compaction of sediments throughout the plain area, the hydrocarbon cultivation at the numerous onshore and offshore active concessions, and also the active tectonic process linked to the convergence between the Northern Apennines and the Adriatic plate.

Aim of this work is to develop a systematic method of analysis both at regional and local scales of the GNSS and InSAR displacement time series using signal decomposition techniques to identify the main ongoing deformation processes. Extracted signals are compared with the time series of all available physical, hydrological, geophysical and geological parameters to identify the main deformation sources causing the observed displacements. 

In particular, considering the differences in lengths and temporal samplings among the datasets, all the measurements have been standardized in the same formats through an open-source code, allowing for the comparison among the different types of data to investigate any associations and correlations, and executing also a data quality analysis. Furthermore, a Matlab-based code has been developed to quickly and automatically analyze the InSAR displacement time series. The code provides information on linear, non-linear, cyclic and/or seasonal components, by using frequency analysis (spectral analysis via Lomb-Scargle periodogram to evaluate most significant components and their periodicity), and by means of the estimate the Non-Linearity Index (INL), defined as the ratio between the long-term signal variability and the high-frequency noise variability. Such a code is general and could be applied to several areas of interest.

How to cite: Areggi, G., Silverii, F., Sparacino, F., Anderlini, L., and Pezzo, G.: Spatial and temporal analysis of ground deformation data for the characterization of natural and anthropogenic sources, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13494,, 2023.

EGU23-13764 | ECS | Orals | NH6.3 | Highlight

Impacts of Ocean Tide Loading displacement on Large-scale InSAR Time-series analysis 

Zhou Wu, Mi Jiang, and Ruya Xiao

With the rapid development of modern Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) missions, SAR images with wider geographic coverage can be used to monitor ground deformation from local to continental scale. In such a large-scale application scenario, the ocean tide loading displacement introduces a long-wavelength error, which increases with distance, from millimetre to decimetre-level in InSAR interferograms over coastal areas. Despite great efforts being made to investigate the impacts of OTL on InSAR, these works are limited to individual interferograms and seldomly used in time-series analysis. In this study, we fully explore the OTL effects on Sentinel-1 InSAR time-series data along the western coast of the UK. We adopted wavelet analysis to indicate that the OTL displacement creates periodic signals with major cycles of 15 and 64 days under the 6- and 12-day Sentinel-1 sampling rates, respectively. These periodic signals are responsible for high noise magnitude of time-series displacement up to ~1cm and ~1 cm/yr bias on estimated velocities. An example is shown in Figure 1, where large velocity bias (a1-a3) and time-series standard deviation (b1-b3) can be seen along the western coastline of non-OTL corrected deformation fields, which are considerably eliminated after OTL correction. Our further validation against GNSS observations reveals that OTL correction improves the accuracy of large-scale InSAR time-series analysis by 25%.

How to cite: Wu, Z., Jiang, M., and Xiao, R.: Impacts of Ocean Tide Loading displacement on Large-scale InSAR Time-series analysis, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13764,, 2023.

EGU23-13954 | Orals | NH6.3

Ground-based Radar baseline correction based on the DEM model 

Zeyu Zhang, Xiaoli Ding, Songbo Wu, and Junhong Zhao

In recent years, ground-based radar has been widely used as an emerging deformation monitoring technology. Compared with traditional satellite-based radar, ground-based radar has many unique advantages, such as high temporal resolution and independence from atmospheric and ionospheric influences. Scholars usually assume that the radar's position is fixed every day when making continuous observations of the target area for multiple days. However, when experimental conditions do not allow us to temporarily fix the radar on the ground, a baseline error arises between two days of measurements, which causes the attitude of the radar to change. Based on the upper and lower dual antenna design adopted by the GAMMA portable Radar, this paper proposes a DEM model generated using the upper and lower antennas to back-calculate the baseline difference between the two measurements and eliminate the baseline difference by the model to ensure the accuracy of the experimental results. The results of the measured data processing demonstrate the effectiveness of the method mentioned in this paper in eliminating baseline errors

How to cite: Zhang, Z., Ding, X., Wu, S., and Zhao, J.: Ground-based Radar baseline correction based on the DEM model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13954,, 2023.

EGU23-15568 | ECS | Posters on site | NH6.3

A data fusion approach for retrieving 3D slope displacements from satellite InSAR and UAV-based orthoimagery correlation data: application to a reclaimed coal mining area 

Juan López-Vinielles, Juan Carlos García-Davalillo, Roberto Sarro, Mónica Martínez-Corbella, Mario Hernández, Pablo Ezquerro, Guadalupe Bru, Anna Barra, Cristina Reyes‑Carmona, Joaquín Mulas, Gerardo Herrera, José Antonio Fernández-Merodo, and Rosa María Mateos

Detecting and monitoring slope movements in mining areas is essential to better understand their causes and mitigate their adverse consequences. Satellite radar interferometry (InSAR) techniques allow to generate deformation maps at high resolution (both spatial and temporal), especially since 2014, when the European Space Agency's Sentinel-1 mission (6-day revisit frequency) became operational. The application of InSAR is, however, constrained by a number of limitations. One of the most important of them relates to its ability to measure only one component (or, at best, two components, provided that ascending and descending data are available) of the surface displacement (i.e., the line-of-sight component). In addition to this, InSAR offers a very low sensitivity in the north-south (NS) direction, which makes it difficult to study, solely on the basis of InSAR data, phenomena characterized by a strong NS component. In this context, this work discusses the potential role of UAV-based SfM image correlation as a possible data source to resolve the NS component of the motion, which in turn allows resolving, in the strict sense of the term, the three components of the motion from (at least) one ascending and one descending InSAR dataset.

In this work we present the results of a local-scale study carried out in El Feixolín (León), a former open-pit and underground mining area affected by a rapid (1.67 m/year according to in situ measurements), large slope movement. Results include ground displacement velocity data obtained using (i) FASTVEL (and Sentinel-1 ascending and descending imagery), an on-demand, unsupervised InSAR processing service available on the Geohazards Exploitation Platform (GEP) (, (ii) image correlation techniques (applied on UAV-based SfM orthoimagery) and (iii) DGNSS techniques. Further, this study provides as final result a dataset of 3D displacement velocity values (InSAR 3D dataset) derived by integrating the InSAR data obtained in ascending (InSAR ASC dataset) and descending (InSAR DES dataset) geometry, with the data obtained in NS direction through image correlation (SfM NS dataset). Comparison of the results with the data acquired in situ through DGNSS surveying revealed Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) values of 0.05, 0.23, 0.16 and 0.03 m/year (and relative RMSE values of 34, 67, 13 and 19%), respectively for the InSAR ASC, InSAR DES, SfM NS and InSAR 3D datasets, highlighting the effectiveness of UAV-based SfM image correlation for deriving NS ground deformation data to support InSAR processing and obtain 3D ground deformation vectors.

How to cite: López-Vinielles, J., García-Davalillo, J. C., Sarro, R., Martínez-Corbella, M., Hernández, M., Ezquerro, P., Bru, G., Barra, A., Reyes‑Carmona, C., Mulas, J., Herrera, G., Fernández-Merodo, J. A., and Mateos, R. M.: A data fusion approach for retrieving 3D slope displacements from satellite InSAR and UAV-based orthoimagery correlation data: application to a reclaimed coal mining area, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15568,, 2023.

The change in ice thickness plays a primary role in measuring the glacier mass balance. Remote sensing techniques, such as optical and SAR instruments are regarded as powerful tools to monitor glacier thickness with different resolutions at a multi-scale. Despite great interesting, the temporal resolution becomes a main limitation to provide the continuous monitoring. In this paper, we for the first time integrate Sentinel-1/2 and GF-3 time-series dataset to enhance the temporal resolution. Also, the increased degrees of freedom from multi-source integration allow the full evaluation of three-dimensional glacier motion. Using data set ranging from January 2018 to December 2020, we use this methodology to explore the change in Siachen glacier thickness over the eastern Himalayas. More concretely, after estimating pixel offsets from individual sensors, the full three-dimensional flow velocity of glacier is first estimated by L1-norm minimization, followed by least-squares. The vertical velocity is then decomposed into Surface-Parallel Flow (SPF) of the glacier's movement along the glacier surface slope and non-Surface-Parallel Flow (nSPF) of the internal ice deformation and glacier thickness change. The seasonal and interannual variation of the flow velocity is also observed. We found a maximum thickness thinning velocity up to 23 cm/day in the lower middle portion of the glacier. The extracted time series demonstrate a remarkable temporal variability in flow velocities. Compared with the results estimated from the individual sensors, the integration improves the three-dimensional flow velocity by 26%, 19% and 4% in the east-west, north-south and vertical direction respectively. This study is of great significance for obtaining high temporal resolution and high accuracy glacier thickness changes using multi-source remote sensing data, and mitigating the disasters caused by glaciers.

How to cite: Zhang, R., Jiang, M., and Li, G.: Exploring Siachen glacier thickness change over eastern Himalayas by integrating multispectral and SAR time-series dataset, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15654,, 2023.

EGU23-15690 | ECS | Orals | NH6.3 | Highlight

Monitoring and Interpreting Shanghai Maglev Deformation Using Deep Clustering on MT-InSAR Analyses 

Ru Wang, Andy Hooper, Matthew Gaddes, and Mingsheng Liao

Multi-temporal InSAR (MT-InSAR) technique has been widely used in the earth observation field. However, there are still challenges in the high-resolution monitoring and interpreting of urban infrastructures, especially for long-term time series analysis. We develop a data-driven post-processing method to provide a new solution to using MT-InSAR analyses in urban infrastructure health monitoring. We use a deep learning-based clustering method to classify different displacement temporal evolution patterns along Shanghai maglev from 7 years of TerraSAR-X observations (2013 to 2020). Our study region is observed by the satellite with alternating viewing angles between consecutive passes. We jointly estimate the orbital error per epoch to combine the two interweaving time series with different viewing geometries. We include spatial information of observation points for more reliable clustering. We then interpret the cluster results with maglev structural knowledge and surrounding groundwater level change. Different from previous classification methods, the deep learning-based clustering method is independent of predefined deformation models, allowing the identification of previously unknown types of deformation signals. Our preliminary results highlight the potential of applying deep clustering for MT-InSAR time series analyses for future automated structural health monitoring.

How to cite: Wang, R., Hooper, A., Gaddes, M., and Liao, M.: Monitoring and Interpreting Shanghai Maglev Deformation Using Deep Clustering on MT-InSAR Analyses, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15690,, 2023.

EGU23-15702 | Posters on site | NH6.3

Mapping and assessing the spatial extent of floods using Sentinel 1 SAR Data – An approach based on Flood Index Estimation 

Suresh Devaraj, Kasiviswanathan Kasiapillai Sudalaimuthu, Venkatesh Budamala, Balasundaram Pattabiraman, and Kalel Ahamed

Water alone accounts for more than 70% of global fatalities, mainly the floods and droughts, among other natural disasters. In a highly populated country like India, accurate rapid flood mapping plays a vital role in disaster response activities. Brahmaputra is one of the perennial rivers in India that experiences frequent floods, and the present study aims at developing a flood index for the identification of the flooded regions using Sentinel 1 SAR datasets over middle Brahmaputra River basin. Images acquired before and during the flood will be used to develop the flood index. Flood extent identified using the index will be used to classify the vulnerable zones, that can be utilized by the concerned government authorities for various mitigation and management purposes.

How to cite: Devaraj, S., Kasiapillai Sudalaimuthu, K., Budamala, V., Pattabiraman, B., and Ahamed, K.: Mapping and assessing the spatial extent of floods using Sentinel 1 SAR Data – An approach based on Flood Index Estimation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15702,, 2023.

EGU23-15915 | ECS | Posters on site | NH6.3 | Highlight


Jhonatan Steven Rivera Rivera, Héctor Aguilera Alonso, Juliana Arias Patiño, Carolina Guardiola Albert, and Marta Béjar Pizarro

Ground deformation caused by groundwater exploitation leads to significant socio-economic losses worldwide. Driving factors such as population growth and climate change will increase these losses, especially in arid regions where droughts are becoming more intense, longer lasting, and frequent. Therefore, there is a need to generate models capable of forecasting ground deformation. However, few studies have analyzed deformation time series (DTS) to identify and characterize subsidence phenomena.

Our research aims to predict the ground deformation associated with groundwater abstractions in 18 wells of the Madrid Detrital Aquifer (ATDM) using statistical models and shallow and deep Machine Learning (ML) algorithms. We generated a database with 18 monthly time series (one for each well) between 1992 and 2010, with data for two variables: a binary variable indicating extraction-recovery cycles of the aquifer and a continuous variable representing the average deformation for the area of influence of each well. DTS generated from Persistent Scatter Interferometry (PSI) of ERS-1/2 and ENVISAT radar images were used to calculate the average deformation. Finally, we applied six different methods for forecasting DTS: two statistical models, Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) and Prophet (P), one ensemble shallow ML algorithm, Random Forest (RF), one hybrid method, Neural Prophet (NP), and two Deep Learning (DL) techniques 1D Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN1D), and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM).

The analysis of DTS allowed us to differentiate two zones with different hydrological behavior: a zone of higher permeability (north zone) and another of lower permeability (south zone). We found that establishing the architectures of ML and DL algorithms based on hydrological zones improves the prediction of ground deformation. ML and DL algorithms provide better forecasts compared to statistical and hybrid models. Specifically, LSTM and RF offer the best results. Our results show the potential of LSTM algorithms and the previous grouping of DTS in predicting ground deformation associated with groundwater exploitation.

This work has been developed thanks to the pre-doctoral grant for the Training of Research Personnel (PRE2021-100044) funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by "FSE invests in your future" within the framework of the SARAI project "Towards a smart exploitation of land displacement data for the prevention and mitigation of geological-geotechnical risks" PID2020-116540RB-C22 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033.

How to cite: Rivera Rivera, J. S., Aguilera Alonso, H., Arias Patiño, J., Guardiola Albert, C., and Béjar Pizarro, M.: FORECASTING DEFORMATION TRIGGERED BY GROUNDWATER EXTRACTION USING PS-InSAR TIME SERIES. APPLYING MACHINE LEARNING AND STATISTICAL MODELS IN THE MADRID AQUIFER (SPAIN)., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15915,, 2023.

Geomorphological mapping is one of the primary research methods used to collect data on glacial landforms and reconstruct glaciological processes. The most common approach is a combination of field-based and remote mapping using data obtained from various sensors. However, one of the crucial methodical problems is collecting remote sensing data in the appropriate spatial resolution for the analyzed landform, which directly affects the data collection time and costs. This study aims to find the optimal resolution of digital elevation models (DEMs) to map subtle glacial landforms: kame terraces, eskers, flutes, and push moraine. Such landforms contain valuable information about the glacial process–form relationships, however, are often too subtle to be recognized on satellite data, and therefore more detailed data (e.g., UAV-based) are required. By “optimal”, we mean the resolution high enough to enable recognition of the landforms mentioned above, and at the same time, as low as possible to minimize the time spent on data collection during the fieldwork.

To find out the optimal resolution, we used detailed (0.02 – 0.04 m ground sampling distance [GSD]) DEMs of the glacier forelands in Iceland (Kvíárjökull, Fjallsjökull and Svinafellsjökull), created based high-resolution images from an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). The DEMs were resampled to 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20, 0.30, 0.40, 0.50, 1.00 and 2.00 m GSD and selected glacial landforms were mapped independently by two operators and cross-checked. The results indicate that 2.0 m resolution is insufficient to properly recognize landforms such as pushed moraines or flutes; however, it can be sufficient to detect kame terraces and major glacifluvial channels. For general mapping of locations of forms such as annual pushed moraines or fluting, the 0.5 m resolution is required. However, to obtain geomorphometric characteristics of the landforms (e.g., height, width, volume) resolution between 0.1 and 0.2 m is necessary. Finer resolution (better than 0.05 m GSD) does not increase the ability to detect landforms or better characterize their geometric properties; however, in some cases might be useful to obtain information about clast characteristics. The experiment proved that decimeter-scale spatial resolution is sufficient for mapping of some geomorphological forms (annual pushed moraines, flutes), which allows for planning UAV missions at a higher elevation above the ground and, therefore, minmizing the duration of field surveys. Moreover, some of the more prominent landforms (e.g., kame terraces, larger moraines) can be successfully detected from aerial or satellite-based DEMs (e.g. freely available ArcticDEM) with a resolution of 2.00 m, the use of which reduces the costs of field research to a minimum.

This research was funded by the National Science Centre, Poland, Grant Number 2019/35/B/ST10/03928.

How to cite: Śledź, S. and Ewertowski, M.: Optimal resolution of UAV-based digital elevation models (DEMs) for mapping of selected subtle glacial landforms, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-151,, 2023.

EGU23-3292 | Posters on site | GI6.1

CO2 concentration and stable isotope surveys in the ambient air of populated areas of La Palma (Canary Islands) by means of mobile Delta Ray measurements using an electrical car 

Nemesio M. Pérez, María Asensio-Ramos, José Barrancos, Eleazar Padrón, Gladys V. Melián, Fátima Rodríguez, Germán D. Padilla, Violeta T. Albertos, Pedro A. Hernández, Antonio J. Álvarez Díaz, Héctor de los Ríos Díaz, David Afonso Falcón, and Juan Cutillas

Anomalous CO2 degassing of volcanic origin was observed by the end of November 2021 in the neighborhoods of La Bombilla and Puerto Naos, located in the western flank of La Palma, about 5 km distance southwestern of the 2021 Tajogaite eruption vents (Hernández et al., 2021). In this study zone, continuous monitoring of CO2 concentration in the outdoors ambient air at 200 cm from the surface has reached a daily average of maximum and mean values about 28,000 and 10,000 ppm, respectively. We started recently to perform CO2 concentration and stable isotope surveys in the outdoors ambient air of Puerto Naos at 140 cm from the surface by means of a Delta Ray analyzer installed in an electrical car which was driving through the streets of Puerto Naos. This instrument is a high performance, mid-infrared laser-based, isotope ratio infrared spectrometer (IRIS) which offers the possibility of performing simultaneous determination of δ13C and δ18O in CO2 at ambient concentrations with a precision as low as 0.05‰. One major advantage of IRIS techniques with respect to more traditional ones (e.g., isotopic ratio mass spectrometry -IRMS-) is the possibility to perform (semi)continuous measurements at high temporal resolution. Since October 2022, seven surveys have been performed at Puerto Naos making up a total of about 600 measurements. The observed CO2 concentrations and the δ13C-CO2 values in the outdoors ambient air ranged from 420 to 3,500 ppm and from -9.0 to -3.2 ‰ vs. VPDB, respectively. Survey data analysis showed a good spatial correlation between relatively high CO2 concentrations with δ13C-CO2 values less 13C-depleted (i.e., volcanic CO2). These observations highlight that stable isotope surveys allow to evaluate the impact of volcanic degassing on the air CO2 concentration and provide valuable results to identify the volcanic CO2 gas hazard zones.

Hernández, P. A., Padrón, E., Melián, G. V., Pérez, N. M., Padilla, G., Asensio-Ramos, M., Di Nardo, D., Barrancos, J., Pacheco, J. M., and Smit, M.: Gas hazard assessment at Puerto Naos and La Bombilla inhabited areas, Cumbre Vieja volcano, La Palma, Canary Islands, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-7705,, 2022.

How to cite: Pérez, N. M., Asensio-Ramos, M., Barrancos, J., Padrón, E., Melián, G. V., Rodríguez, F., Padilla, G. D., Albertos, V. T., Hernández, P. A., Álvarez Díaz, A. J., de los Ríos Díaz, H., Afonso Falcón, D., and Cutillas, J.: CO2 concentration and stable isotope surveys in the ambient air of populated areas of La Palma (Canary Islands) by means of mobile Delta Ray measurements using an electrical car, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3292,, 2023.

EGU23-3620 | ECS | Posters on site | GI6.1

SO2 emissions during the post-eruptive phase of the Tajogaite eruption (La Palma, Canary Islands) by means of ground-based miniDOAS measurements in transverse mode using a car and UAV 

Oscar Rodríguez, José Barrancos, Juan Cutillas, Victor Ortega, Pedro A. Hernández, Iván Cabrera, and Nemesio M. Pérez

Throughout the 85 days that lasted the Tajogaite eruption at Cumbre Vieja volcano (La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain), observations of SO2 emissions were made using ground-based instruments, in transverse mode, static scanners and on-board drones, as well as by numerous satellite instruments. The initial estimates of the total SO2 emission from the eruption were 2.4 Mt from TROPOMI and 1.2 Mt from the traverse data. These measurements formed part of the official monitoring effort, providing insights into the eruption’s evolution and informing the civil defence response throughout the eruption (Hayer C. et al., 2022; Albertos V. T. et al., 2022). Once the Tajogaite eruption was over, we continued performing a SO2 monitoring release to the atmosphere by the Tajogaite volcanic vent since the low ambient concentrations of SO2 make it an ideal volcanic gas monitoring candidate even during the post-eruptive phase. SO2 measurements had been carried out a using a car-mounted and UAV-mounted ground-based miniDOAS measurements throughout this post-eruptive phase. About 80 measurements of SO2 emission rates were performed from December 15, 2021 to December 17, 2022. The standard deviation of the estimated values obtained daily was ~ 20%. The range of estimated SO2 emission values has been from 670 to 17 tons per day, observing a clear decreasing trend of SO2 emissions during the post-eruptive phase. During the first month of the post-eruptive phase, it was observed that the average value of the estimated SO2 emission was about 219 tons/day, while it dropped to 107 tons/day during the second and third month after the end of the Tajogaite eruption. This average value continued decreasing during the fourth month of the post-eruptive phase, about 67 tons/day, and recently measurements provide an average SO2 emission value of 13 tons/day. These relatively low observed SO2 emissions during the post eruptive of the Tajogaite eruption phase seems to be clearly related to shallow magma cooling processes within the Tajogaite volcanic edificie.

Hayer, C., Barrancos, J., Burton, M., Rodríguez, F., Esse, B., Hernández, P., Melián, G., Padrón, E., Asensio-Ramos, M., and Pérez, N.: From up above to down below: Comparison of satellite- and ground-based observations of SO2 emissions from the 2021 eruption of Cumbre Vieja, La Palma, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-12201,, 2022.

Albertos, V. T., Recio, G., Alonso, M., Amonte, C., Rodríguez, F., Rodríguez, C., Pitti, L., Leal, V., Cervigón, G., González, J., Przeor, M., Santana-León, J. M., Barrancos, J., Hernández, P. A., Padilla, G. D., Melián, G. V., Padrón, E., Asensio-Ramos, M., and Pérez, N. M.: Sulphur dioxide (SO2) emissions by means of miniDOAS measurements during the 2021 eruption of Cumbre Vieja volcano, La Palma, Canary Islands, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-5603,, 2022.

How to cite: Rodríguez, O., Barrancos, J., Cutillas, J., Ortega, V., Hernández, P. A., Cabrera, I., and Pérez, N. M.: SO2 emissions during the post-eruptive phase of the Tajogaite eruption (La Palma, Canary Islands) by means of ground-based miniDOAS measurements in transverse mode using a car and UAV, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3620,, 2023.

EGU23-3819 | Posters virtual | GI6.1

Using tunable diode laser (TDL) system in urban environments to measure anomalous CO2 concentrations: the case of Puerto Naos, La Palma, Canary Islands 

José Barrancos, Germán D. Padilla, Gladys V. Melián, Fátima Rodríguez, María Asensio-Ramos, Eleazar Padrón, Pedro A. Hernández, Jon Vilches Sarasate, and Nemesio M. Pérez

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a colourless and odourless gas. It is non-flammable, chemically non-reactive and 1.5 times as heavy as air; therefore, may accumulate at low elevations. CO2 is a toxic gas at high concentration, as well as an asphyxiant gas (due to reduction in oxygen). Irritation of the eyes, nose and throat occurs only at high concentrations. Since the Tajogaite eruption ended on December 13, 2021, high concentrations of CO2 up to 20% (200.000 ppmv) have been observed inside of buildings of the neighborhoods of La Bombilla and Puerto Naos (La Palma, Canary Islands), which are located about 5 km distance from the Tajogaite eruption vent. Anomalous concentrations of CO2 are manily detected in the ground-floor and basement of the buildings in Puerto Naos, and the distribution of relatively high CO2 concentrations  is not homogeneous or uniform throughout the Puerto Naos area (Hernández P.A. et al, 2022).

The purpose of this study was to use the Tunable Laser Diode (TDL) absorption spectroscopy method to monitor the indoor CO2 concentration of the ground-floor of one of the buildings of Puerto Naos. A CO2-TDL was installed on 9 January 2022 and continues measuring the CO2 concentration along an optical path of about 6 meters. During the period January-March 2022, daily averages of CO2 concentrations from fifteen-minute data ranged from 5000 to 25000 ppmv reaching values up to 40000 ppmv (4%). Over time, a clear decreasing trend of the indoor CO2 concentration has been observed at this observation site and the daily CO2 averages from fifteen-minute data during the last 3 months (October-December 2022) ranged from 1000 to 2500 ppmv. This clear decreasing trend over time has not been observed at other observation sites where the concentration of CO2 inside buildings is being monitored. This observation indicates the complexity of the problem and the need to install a dense network of sensors to monitor CO2 for civil protection purposes.


Hernández, P. A., Padrón, E., Melián, G. V., Pérez, N. M., Padilla, G., Asensio-Ramos, M., Di Nardo, D., Barrancos, J., Pacheco, J. M., and Smit, M.: Gas hazard assessment at Puerto Naos and La Bombilla inhabited areas, Cumbre Vieja volcano, La Palma, Canary Islands, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-7705,, 2022.

How to cite: Barrancos, J., Padilla, G. D., Melián, G. V., Rodríguez, F., Asensio-Ramos, M., Padrón, E., Hernández, P. A., Vilches Sarasate, J., and Pérez, N. M.: Using tunable diode laser (TDL) system in urban environments to measure anomalous CO2 concentrations: the case of Puerto Naos, La Palma, Canary Islands, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3819,, 2023.

EGU23-3834 | Posters on site | GI6.1

Modeling outdoor dispersion of CO2 at Puerto Naos (La Palma, Canary Islands) 

Luca D Auria, Alba Santos, Pedro A. Hernández, Gladys V. Melián, Antonio J. Álvarez Díaz, María Asensio-Ramos, Alexis M. González Pérez, and Nemesio M. Pérez

The 2021 Tajogaite eruption in Cumbre Vieja volcano (La Palma, Canary Islands), which started on Sep. 19, 2021, and lasted 85 days, caused extensive damages because of the lava flows and ash fall. However, since the middle of Nov. 2021, some areas located about 5 km SW of the eruptive center started to be affected by intense diffuse CO2 emission. Among them are the urban centers of La Bombilla and Puerto Naos (Hernández et al., 2022). These emissions prevented the population of these two centers from returning to their houses because of high  concentrations of CO2 in indoor and outdoor environments.

In this work, we model the CO2 dispersion process in Puerto Naos to obtain hazard maps with the maximum CO2 concentrations which can be reached in the town in the outdoor environment. To achieve these results, we combined field observations with numerical modelling. Field surveys were realized in low wind conditions, measuring the CO2 concentration with portable sensors  at 15 and 150 cm from the ground at measurement points spaced approximately 10 m from each other along the streets of Puerto Naos.

We realized numerical modelling using the software TWODEE-2, a code for modeling the dispersion of heavy gases based on the solution of shallow water equations (Folch et al., 2009). For this purpose, we used a detailed digital topographic model, including the edifices of Puerto Naos. Using a trial-and-error approach, we determined the gas emission rates from a set of discrete source points in no-wind conditions. Subsequently, we repeated the numerical modelling, keeping the same sources and simulating all the realistic wind conditions in terms of direction and intensity. For each simulation, we determined the maximum CO2 concentration at different elevations from the ground. This allowed obtaining a hazard map with the maximum CO2 outdoor concentrations for each part of the town

The main results highlight that the outdoor environment is affected by a dense layer of CO2, whose flow is strongly conditioned by the urban infrastructures. Furthermore, we evidenced how even light winds can change the gas concentration pattern radically in a few minutes, evidencing the possibility of sudden changes in the CO2 concentration outdoors with no warning.

Folch A., Costa A., Hankin R.K.S., 2009. TWODEE-2: A shallow layer model for dense gas dispersion on complex topography, Comput. Geosci., doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2007.12.017

Hernández, P. A., Padrón, E., Melián, G. V., Pérez, N. M., Padilla, G., Asensio-Ramos, M., Di Nardo, D., Barrancos, J., Pacheco, J. M., and Smit, M.: Gas hazard assessment at Puerto Naos and La Bombilla inhabited areas, Cumbre Vieja volcano, La Palma, Canary Islands, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-7705,, 2022.

How to cite: D Auria, L., Santos, A., Hernández, P. A., Melián, G. V., Álvarez Díaz, A. J., Asensio-Ramos, M., González Pérez, A. M., and Pérez, N. M.: Modeling outdoor dispersion of CO2 at Puerto Naos (La Palma, Canary Islands), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3834,, 2023.

EGU23-5223 | Orals | GI6.1

Event-oriented observation across scales and environmental systems: MOSES started operation. 

Ute Weber and Claudia Schuetze and the MOSES-Team

The novel observing system „Modular Observation Solutions for Earth Systems (MOSES)“, is an initiative of the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centers that aims at investigating the interactions of short-term events and long-term trends across environmental systems. MOSES is a mobile and modular infrastructure and its component measuring systems are managed by the participating research centers. By quantifying energy, water, nutrient and greenhouse gas states and fluxes during events such as heat waves, droughts, heavy precipitation, floods, rapid thaw of permafrost or of ocean eddies, and subsequently along the related event chains, the system delivers data to examine potential long-term impacts of these events and to gain a better understanding of extreme events that are expected to increase in frequency and intensity in a changing climate. In order to obtain comprehensive data sets, a cross-system approach is followed, covering the atmosphere, land surface and hydrosphere. These event-related data sets complement long-term and/or large scale data sets of established national and international monitoring programs and satellite data such as TERENO, ICOS, eLTER, SENTINEL, etc. After a 5-year setup period, MOSES was successfully put into operation in 2022 (Weber et al., 2022,

While long-term trends are typically assessed with stationary observation networks and platforms specifically designed for long-term monitoring, proven event-oriented observation systems and strategies are still missing. Event-oriented observation campaigns require a combination of a) measuring systems that can be rapidly deployed at “hot spots” and in “hot moments”, b) mobile equipment to monitor spatial dynamics in high-resolution, c) in situ measuring systems to record temporal dynamics in high-resolution, and d) interoperable measuring systems to monitor the interactions between atmosphere, land surface and hydrosphere. We will present the observation system and the observing strategy on examples from two past test campaigns: 1) The “Swabian MOSES campaign” of 2021 that captured the formation and evolution of supercells, hail and heavy precipitation and the resulting local flash floods (Kunz et al., 2022, 2) The MOSES campaign of 2019 that captured the historical low flow situation along the Elbe River and into the German Bight (e.g., Kamjunke et al., 2021, As an outlook, upcoming national and international campaigns and potential future deployments will be presented.

How to cite: Weber, U. and Schuetze, C. and the MOSES-Team: Event-oriented observation across scales and environmental systems: MOSES started operation., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5223,, 2023.

EGU23-5684 | ECS | Posters on site | GI6.1

Random Forest Classification of Proterozoic and Paleozoic rock types of Tsagaan-uul area, Mongolia 

Munkhsuren Badrakh, Narantsetseg Tserendash, Erdenejargal Choindonjamts, and Gáspár Albert

The Tsagaan-uul area of the Khatanbulag ancient massif in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt is located in the southern part of Mongolia, which belongs to the Gobi Desert. It has a low vegetation cover, and because of this, remotely sensed data can be used without difficulty for geological investigations. Factors such as sparse population and underdeveloped infrastructure in the region further create a need for combining traditional geological mapping with remote sensing technologies. In existing geology maps of the area, the formations are lithologically very diverse and their boundaries were mapped variously, so a need for a more precise lithology-based map arouse.

This study investigated combinations of fieldwork, multispectral data, and petrography for the rock type classification. A random forest classification method using multispectral Sentinel-2A data was employed in order to distinguish different rocks within Proterozoic Khulstai (NP1hl) metamorphic complex, which is dominated by gneiss, andesite, sandstone, limestone, amphibolite, as well as the Silurian terrigenous-carbonate Khukh morit (S1hm) formation, Tsagaan-uul area. Based on the ground samples collected from field surveys, ten kinds of rock units plus Quaternary sediments were chosen as training areas. In addition, morphometric parameters derived from SRTM data and band ratios used for iron-bearing minerals from Sentinel 2 bands are selected as variables in the accuracy of classification. The result showed that gneisses were recognized with the highest accuracy in the Khulstai complex, and limestones and Quaternary sediments were also well predicted. Moreover, the tectonic pattern was also well recognized from the results and compared to the existing maps provided a more detailed geological image of the area. This study emphasized the need for samples as baseline data to improve the machine learning methods, and the method provides an appropriate basis for fieldwork.


How to cite: Badrakh, M., Tserendash, N., Choindonjamts, E., and Albert, G.: Random Forest Classification of Proterozoic and Paleozoic rock types of Tsagaan-uul area, Mongolia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5684,, 2023.

EGU23-5689 | Posters on site | GI6.1

Post-earthquake geoenvironmental changes in landslide-affected watersheds in Atsuma, Hokkaido (Japan) 

Yuichi S. Hayakawa, Tennyson Lo, Azim Zulhilmi, Xinyue Yu, and Xiaoxiao Wang

Following drastic changes in geoenvironmental components by coseismic landslides in mountainous watersheds, more gradual changes can be observed in the elements, including bare-land surface conditions, sediment connectivity, and vegetation recovery on sloping terrains. Such geoenvironmental changes may continue for years to decades, with complex interrelationships among various geomorphological and ecological factors. Their assessments are also crucial for local to regional environmental management. After the occurrence of numerous coseismic landslides triggered by the 2018 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi Earthquake in northern Japan, geomorphological and geoecological changes were explored using optical and laser sensors on uncrewed aerial systems. Morphological characteristics of the landslide-affected slopes in the watersheds were assessed with structure-from-motion multi-view stereo photogrammetry and light detection and ranging topographic datasets, while vegetation recovery on the slopes was examined with visible-light and near-infrared images. Although spatial relationships among morphological developments, sediment mobility, and vegetation recovery were not clearly observed, their general temporal trends may be correspondent. Dominant processes affecting the morphological developments are supposed to be frost heave in the cold climate and non-frequent high-intensity rainfalls, and these can be conditioning vegetation growth. Such local changes will be further examined on a wider, regional scale. 

How to cite: Hayakawa, Y. S., Lo, T., Zulhilmi, A., Yu, X., and Wang, X.: Post-earthquake geoenvironmental changes in landslide-affected watersheds in Atsuma, Hokkaido (Japan), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5689,, 2023.

EGU23-5750 | Posters on site | GI6.1

Aseismic creep and coseismic dislocation at an active fault in volcanic area: the case of Ischia Island 

Stefano Carlino, Nicola Alessandro Pino, Lisa Beccaro, and Prospero De Martino

Understanding the fault dynamics in volcanic areas is not a simple task, mainly due to both the heterogeneity of volcanic structures and the local stress distribution. The presence of high temperature-high pressure geothermal fluids and relative high strain rates, and the occurrence of viscous processes in the deeper part of the volcano further contribute to generate complex patterns of strain load and release, possibly with aseismic creep and differential movements along the faults.

We present the case of an active fault located Casamicciola Terme town – in northern area of the volcanic caldera of Ischia Island (Southern Italy) – where repeated destructive earthquakes occurred at least since 1769, even causing thousands of victims in a single event, with the last one striking in 2017. To assess a possible mechanism leading to the activation of the Ischia main seismogenic fault, its cyclic nature and the related hazard, we performed a joined analysis of the ground vertical movements, obtained from cGPS (2001-present), DInSAR (2015-2018) time-series, and levelling data of the island (1987-2010). The geodetic data indicate that Casamicciola seismogenic fault is characterized by a complex dynamic, with some pre- and post-seismic aseismic dislocation, along sectors that move differentially, in response to the long-term subsidence of the island. Based on the ground deformation rate and on the distribution of degassing areas, we speculate that fluid pressure variations may have a major role in modulating the apparent non-stationarity of the Ischia stronger earthquakes. Furthermore, we suggest that a punctual monitoring of the distribution in space and time of the aseismic creep could provide clues on the state of strain of the seismogenic fault.

How to cite: Carlino, S., Pino, N. A., Beccaro, L., and De Martino, P.: Aseismic creep and coseismic dislocation at an active fault in volcanic area: the case of Ischia Island, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5750,, 2023.

EGU23-6832 | ECS | Orals | GI6.1

Quantifying karstic geomorphologies using Minkowski tensors and graph theory: Applications to SLAM Lidar data from carbonate caves in Northern Bavaria (Germany) 

Rahul Prabhakaran, Ruaridh Smith, Daniel Koehn, Pierre-Olivier Bruna, and Giovanni Bertotti

Karstification is a ubiquitous feature in carbonate rocks. The origins can be hypogenic or epigenic based on the source of the reacting fluids. The presence of karstified lithologies and their spatial heterogeneity poses a major risk in subsurface energy utilization goals (hydrocarbons, geothermal etc). Such dissolution features tend to organize as spatial networks, with their evolution controlled by a complex interplay of several factors, including natural mineralogical variations in host rocks, effects of pre-existing structures, directional history of palaeo-flow paths, and competition between convective transport and dissolution. Accurate quantification of the spatial distribution of karst is difficult owing to resolution issues in 3D data such as seismic and ground penetrating radar. Recent advances in Simultaneous Location and Mapping (SLAM) Lidar technology have made possible to acquire karst cave passage geometries at very high-resolution with relative ease compared to conventional terrestrial lidar. In this contribution, we present a unique dataset of more than 80 caves, scanned using SLAM lidar, in Jurassic carbonates from northern Bavaria, Germany. We introduce a methodology for robustly deriving morphometrics of karstic caves using Minkowski tensors and spatial graph theory. The method is based on a combination representation of cave passage skeletons as spatial graphs and 2D passage cross-sections using Minkowski functionals. The enriched topological representation enables detailed analysis of internal spatial variation within a single cave and also comparison with cave geometries from other caves. We derive a typology of cave systems based on the degree of structural control on karstification using the database.

How to cite: Prabhakaran, R., Smith, R., Koehn, D., Bruna, P.-O., and Bertotti, G.: Quantifying karstic geomorphologies using Minkowski tensors and graph theory: Applications to SLAM Lidar data from carbonate caves in Northern Bavaria (Germany), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6832,, 2023.

EGU23-7265 | Posters on site | GI6.1

Low Power, Rugged Edge Computing provides a low cost, powerful solution for on the ground remote sensing in extreme environments 

Nicholas Frearson, Terry Plank, Einat Lev, LingLing Dong, and Conor Bacon

Ground based remote sensing devices increasingly incorporate low cost single board computers such as a Raspberry Pi to capture and analyze images and data from the environment. Useful and cheap as these devices are, they are not designed for use in extreme conditions and as a consequence often suffer from early failure. Here we describe a system that incorporates a commercially available rugged Edge Computer running embedded Linux that is designed to operate in remote and extreme environments. The AVERT system  (Anticipating Volcanic Eruptions in  Real Time) developed at Columbia University in New York and funded by the Moore Foundation uses solar and wind powered Sensor nodes configured in a spoke and hub architecture currently operating on two volcanoes overseen by the Alaska Volcano Observatory in the Aleutian Islands, Alaska. Multiple Nodes distributed around the volcanoes are each controlled by an Edge Computer which manages and monitors local sensors, processes and parses their data via radio link to a central Hub and schedules system components to wake and sleep to conserve power. The Hub Edge Computer collects and assembles data from multiple Nodes and passes it via satellite, cellular modem or radio links to servers located elsewhere in the world or cloud for near real-time analysis. The local computer enables us to minimize local power demand to just a few watts in part due to the extremely low power sleep modes that are incorporated into these devices. For instance, a Node incorporating a webcam, IRCam, weather station, Edge Computer, network switch, communications radio and power management relays draws only 4.5W on average. In addition, this level of local computing power and a mature Linux operating environment enables us to run AI algorithms at source that process image and other data to flag precursory indicators of an impending eruption. This also helps to reduce data volume passed across the network at times of low network connectivity. We can also remotely interrogate any part of the system and implement new data schemes to best monitor and react to ongoing events. Future work on the AI algorithm development will incorporate local multisensor data analytics to enhance our anticipatory capability.

How to cite: Frearson, N., Plank, T., Lev, E., Dong, L., and Bacon, C.: Low Power, Rugged Edge Computing provides a low cost, powerful solution for on the ground remote sensing in extreme environments, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7265,, 2023.

EGU23-8673 | Orals | GI6.1

Are they radon or random signals? Analysis of time series of 222Rn activity concentrations in populated areas of La Palma (Canary Islands, Spain) 

Antonio Eff-Darwich, Germán D. Padilla, José Barrancos, José A. Rodríguez-Losada, Pedro A. Hernández, Nemesio M. Pérez, Antonio J. Álvarez Díaz, Alexis M. González Pérez, Jesús García, José M. Santana, and Eleazar Padrón

Radon, 222Rn, is a radioactive constituent of the surface layer of the atmosphere. The analysis of the temporal and spatial variations in the flux of radon across the soil–air interface is a promising tool to study geo-dynamical processes. However, many of these variations are induced by external variables, such as temperature, barometric pressure, rainfall, or the location of the instrumentation, among others.

Anomalous CO2 degassing has been observed since the end of November 2021 in the neighborhoods of La Bombilla and Puerto Naos, located in the western flank of La Palma, about 5 km distance southwestern of the 2021 Tajogaite eruption vents (Hernández et al. 2022). In order to complement these observations with other independent parameters, a set of radon monitoring stations have been deployed in that area. In an attempt to filter out non-endogenous variations in the radon signal, we have implemented time-series numerical filtering techniques based on multi-variate and frequency domain analysis. A background level for radon emissions at various locations could therefore be defined, by which correlations between radon concentration, gaseous emissions and dynamical processes could be carried out. Some preliminary results corresponding to the first 3 months of data (october-december 2022) are presented.

Hernández, P. A., Padrón, E., Melián, G. V., Pérez, N. M., Padilla, G., Asensio-Ramos, M., Di Nardo, D., Barrancos, J., Pacheco, J. M., and Smit, M.: Gas hazard assessment at Puerto Naos and La Bombilla inhabited areas, Cumbre Vieja volcano, La Palma, Canary Islands, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-7705,, 2022.

How to cite: Eff-Darwich, A., Padilla, G. D., Barrancos, J., Rodríguez-Losada, J. A., Hernández, P. A., Pérez, N. M., Álvarez Díaz, A. J., González Pérez, A. M., García, J., Santana, J. M., and Padrón, E.: Are they radon or random signals? Analysis of time series of 222Rn activity concentrations in populated areas of La Palma (Canary Islands, Spain), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8673,, 2023.

EGU23-8795 | ECS | Orals | GI6.1

Integration of Seismic and Quasi-Static Signals for Improved Volcanic Monitoring 

Joe Carthy, Alejandra Vásquez Castillo, Manuel Titos, Luciano Zuccarello, Flavio Cannavò, and M. Carmen Benitez

The time scale of ground displacement at volcanoes varies between short, sub second seismic events, to days, months or even years. This study is focused on data from seismic and GNSS stations located around Mount Etna. The GNSS and seismic stations operate at different time scales. Data from these different time scales is extracted and combined in order to better understand the subsurface dynamics. The overall aim of this research is to improve volcanic forecasting and monitoring. It does this in a novel way by applying signal processing and machine learning techniques to the rich dataset.

Mount Etna offers an interesting case study as it is a widely monitored volcano with a variety of sensors and with a rich pool of data to analyse. Additionally the volcanic dynamics at Mount Etna are complex. This is a volcano where there is a variety of different sub-surface dynamics due to the movement of both deep and shallow magma. This allows for rich insights to be drawn through the combination of different signal types.

This study looks at combining the information obtained from the seismic array at Mount Etna, with the information obtained from various GNSS stations on the volcano. The seismic array has been able to capture ground velocity data in the frequency range 0.025 Hz to 50 Hz from a range of stations at different locations across the volcano. The GNSS stations measure ground displacement with a sampling frequency of 1 Hz, and they allow for longer term ground dynamic analysis.

We analyse different seismic events, and relate the type and number of the seismic events to the long term ground deformation that we see in the recorded GNSS data. Where links between the two signal types have been identified, research is ongoing to establish a direct connection with known volcanic activity on Mount Etna. This will help establish what the relationship that we are seeing signifies. This integration of data from different types of sensors is a significant step into bridging the gap between seismic and quasi-static ground displacement at active volcanoes and should open the path toward more in depth volcanic monitoring and forecasting.

How to cite: Carthy, J., Vásquez Castillo, A., Titos, M., Zuccarello, L., Cannavò, F., and Benitez, M. C.: Integration of Seismic and Quasi-Static Signals for Improved Volcanic Monitoring, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8795,, 2023.

EGU23-10069 | ECS | Orals | GI6.1

Vredefort impact site modelling through inhomogeneous depth weighted inversion. 

Andrea Vitale and Maurizio Fedi

We are showing an application of the 3D self-constrained depth weighted inversion of the inhomogeneous gravity field (Vitale and Fedi, 2020) of the Vredefort impact site.

This method is based on two steps, the first being the search in the 3D domain of the homogenous degree of the field, and the second being the inversion of the data using a power-law weighting function with a 3D variable exponent. It does not involve directly data at different altitudes, but it is heavily conditioned by a multiscale search of the homogeneity degree.

The main difference between this inversion approach and the one proposed by Li and Oldenburg algorithm (1996) and Cella and Fedi (2012) is therefore about the depth weighting function, whose exponent is a constant through the whole space in the original Li and Oldenburg and Cella and Fedi approaches, while it is a 3D function in the method which we will discuss here.

The model volume of the area reaches 20 km in depth, while along x and y its extension is respectively 41 by 63 km. The trend at low and middle altitudes of the estimated β related to the main structures is fitting the expectations because the results relate to two main structures, which are geometrically different: the core is like a spheroid body (β ≈ 3) and the distal rings are like horizontal pipes or dykes (1 < β < 2).

With a homogeneous depth weighting function, we recover a smooth solution and both the main sources, the main core and the rings of the impact, are still visible at the bottom of the model (20 km). This is not in agreement with the result by Henkel and Reimold (1996, 1998), which, based on gravity and magnetic inversion supported by seismic data, proposed a model where the bottom of the rings is around 10 km and the density contrast effect due to the core structure loses its effectiveness around 15 km.

Instead, using an inhomogeneous depth weighting function (figure 28) we can retrieve information regarding the position at depth of both core and distal ring structures that better fits the above model. In fact, the bottom of the distal ring structure, that should be around 10 km according to Henkel and Reimold (1996, 1998), is recovered very well using an inhomogeneous depth weighting function, while in the homogeneous case we saw that the interpreted structure was still visible at large depths.

In addition, also the core structure is shallower compared to the homogeneous approach and seems more reliable if we compare it with the model of Henkel and Reimold (1996, 1998).

Instead, the inhomogeneous approach presented in this paper leads naturally us to a better solution because it takes into account during the same inversion process of the inhomogeneous nature of the structural index within the entire domain.

How to cite: Vitale, A. and Fedi, M.: Vredefort impact site modelling through inhomogeneous depth weighted inversion., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10069,, 2023.

EGU23-11065 | ECS | Posters on site | GI6.1

The Dynamics of Climate Change Science and Policy in Panama: A Review 

Gustavo Cárdenas-Castillero, Steve Paton, Rodrigo Noriega, and Adriana Calderón

The local studies and reports indicate that the temperature of Panama has increased by approximately 1°C since the 1970s. More evidence shows a constantly rising sea level in the Guna Yala archipelago, coral bleaching on both coasts, and increasingly more frequent and extreme precipitation events throughout Panama. This study includes an analysis of over 400 scientific publications made by researchers from multiple centres and more than 20 Panamanian official reports due to Panama's mandate and duties under the international climate accords. To summarise the results, the studies were gathered according to the climate change effects by Panamanian locations and analysed posteriorly using Rstudio and ArcMAP. The results indicate a significant increase in climate change research beginning in 2007.

This study identified and examined the essential findings per hydroclimatic region, showing the trends, limitations, collaborations, and international contributions. Climate change research in Panama includes some of the longest-term meteorological, hydrological, oceanographic, and biological studies in the neotropics. The most significant number of identified climate change-related studies were conducted, at least in part, in the Barro Colorado Natural Monument located in central Panama. Other frequently used sites include Metropolitan Natural Park, Soberania Park, the Panama Canal Watershed and the Caribbean coast of Colón and Bocas del Toro, primarily due to research conducted by Smithsonian Tropical Research-affiliated investigators. The tropical forests of Panama are some of the bests studied in the world; however, research has been concentrated in a relatively small number of locations and should be expanded to include additional areas to achieve a more complete and comprehensive understanding of climate change will impact Panama in the future.

How to cite: Cárdenas-Castillero, G., Paton, S., Noriega, R., and Calderón, A.: The Dynamics of Climate Change Science and Policy in Panama: A Review, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11065,, 2023.

EGU23-12050 | Orals | GI6.1

Stress field analysis from induced earthquakes caused by deep fluid injection: the 2013 St. Gallen (Switzerland) seismic sequence. 

Bruno Massa, Guido Maria Adinolfi, Vincenzo Convertito, and Raffaella De Matteis

The city of St. Gallen is located in the Molasse Basin of northeast Switzerland. Mesozoic units of the substratum are affected by a fault system hosting a hydrothermal reservoir. In 2013 a deep geothermal drilling project started in an area close to the city. During a phase of reservoir stimulation, a sequence of more than 340 earthquakes was induced with a maximum magnitude ML 3.5. Stress inversion of seismological datasets became an essential tool to retrieve the stress field of active tectonics areas. With this aim, a dataset of the best constrained Fault Plane Solutions (FPSs) was processed in order to qualitatively retrieve stress-fields active in the investigated volume. FPSs were obtained by jointly inverting the long-period spectral-level P/S ratios and the P-wave polarities following a Bayesian approach (BISTROP). Data were preliminarily processed by the Multiple Inverse Method to evaluate the possible dataset heterogeneity and separate homogeneous FPS populations. The resulting dataset was then processed using the Bayesian Right Trihedra Method (BRTM). Considering that hypocentral depths range between 4.1 and 4.6 km b.s.l., in order to emphasize depth-related stresses, we performed a first step of raw stress inversion procedure splitting the data into five subsets, grouping events located inside 100-m depth ranges. Once the presence of stress variations with depth has been excluded, the second step of fine stress inversion procedure was performed on the entire dataset. The stress-inversion procedure highlights an active stress field dominated by a well-constrained NE low-plunging σ3 and a corresponding NW low-plunging σ1. The corresponding Bishop ratio confirms the stability of the retrieved attitudes. Results are in good accordance with the regional stress field derived from regional natural seismicity. Additionally, the retrieved, dominant, stress field is coherent with the regional tectonic setting.

This research has been supported by PRIN-2017 MATISSE project (No. 20177EPPN2).

How to cite: Massa, B., Adinolfi, G. M., Convertito, V., and De Matteis, R.: Stress field analysis from induced earthquakes caused by deep fluid injection: the 2013 St. Gallen (Switzerland) seismic sequence., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12050,, 2023.

EGU23-13693 | ECS | Orals | GI6.1

Assessing the transfer factors (TFs) of contaminants from soil to plants: the case study of Campania region (Southern Italy) 

Lucia Rita Pacifico, Annalise Guarino, Gianfranco Brambilla, Antonio Pizzolante, and Stefano Albanese

The presence of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) derived from anthropogenic sources in soil represents a serious issue for animal and human health. These elements can easily move from the geological compartment to the biological compartment through to the food chain. (Jarup, 2003).

The geochemical knowledge of a territory allows to assess the degree of contamination of the environment, to locate the sources of environmental hazard and, possibly, to manage the anomalous concentrations of the PTEs in environmental matrices with the purpose of eliminating or minimizing their negative impact on the health of living beings. (Reimann et al. 2005).

Several studies have been already carried out to determine the distribution patterns of PTEs in the soil of Campania region (Southern Italy) (De Vivo et al., 2022) but little is known about the transfer processes of contaminants from soils to agricultural products.

In light of above, we present the results of a new study whose purpose was to determine the Transfer Factors (TFs) of PTEs from soil to a series of agricultural products commonly grown in Campania.

Considering the complex geological and geomorphological settings of the region and the diffuse presence of an historical anthropization related to the industry, agriculture, and urbanization, TFs were calculated for a relevant number of fruit and vegetable samples (3731 specimens). They were collected across the whole regional territory to detect differences between analysed species and to highlight the spatial changes in TFs occurring for individual species.

The TFs were calculated starting from the quasi-total (based on Aqua Regia leaching) and bioavailable (based on Ammonium Nitrate leaching) concentrations of PTEs in 7000 and 1500 soil samples, respectively.

Preliminary results show that TFs determined for the various agricultural species vary in space and in amount independently from the original elemental concentrations in soils. High values of TFs are found in areas where PTE concentrations in soil are low and vice versa, thus suggesting that multiple regression and multivariate analyses could be performed to investigate if some additional chemical and physical characteristics of soil (pH, grainsize, OM, etc.) could have a relevant weight on the transfer processes of contaminant from the soil to the plant life.



Järup L. 2003. Hazards of heavy metal contamination. Br. Med. Bull. 68, 167–182.

Reimann C., de Caritat P. 2005. Distinguishing between natural and anthropogenic sources for elements in the environment: regional geochemical surveys versus enrichment factors. Science of The Total Environment, Volume 337, Issues 1–3, pages 91-107.

De Vivo B. et al. 2022. Monitoraggio geochimico-ambientale dei suoli e dell'aria della Regione Campania. Piano Campania trasparente. Volume 4. Aracne Editore, Genzano di Roma.

How to cite: Pacifico, L. R., Guarino, A., Brambilla, G., Pizzolante, A., and Albanese, S.: Assessing the transfer factors (TFs) of contaminants from soil to plants: the case study of Campania region (Southern Italy), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13693,, 2023.

EGU23-13853 | Posters on site | GI6.1

Analysis and Modelling of 2009-2013 vs. 2019-2022 Unrest Episodes at Campi Flegrei Caldera 

Raffaele Castaldo, Andrea Barone, De Novellis Vincenzo, Pepe Antonio, Pepe Susi, Solaro Giuseppe, Tizzani Pietro, and Tramelli Anna

Geodetic modelling is a significant procedure for detecting and characterizing unrest and eruption episodes and it represents a valuable tool to infer volume and geometry of volcanic source system.

In this study, we analyse the 2009–2013 and the ongoing 2019-2022 uplift phenomena at Campi Flegrei (CF) caldera in terms of spatial and temporal variations of the stress/strain field. In particular, we investigate the characteristics of the inflating sources responsible of these main deformation unrests occurred in the last twenty years. We separately perform for the two considered periods a 3D stationary Finite Element (FE) modelling of geodetic datasets to retrieve the geometry and location of the deformation sources. The geometry of FE domain takes into account both the topography and the bathymetry of the whole caldera. For what concern the definition of domain elastic parameters, we take into account the Vp/Vs distribution from seismic tomography. In order to optimize the nine model parameters (center coordinates, sferoid axes, dip, strike and over-pressure), we use the statistical random sampling Monte Carlo method by exploiting both geodetic datasets: the DInSAR measurements obtained from the processing of COSMO-SkyMed and Sentinel-1 satellite images. The modelling results for the two analysed period are compared revealing that the best-fit source is a three-axis oblate spheroid ~3.5 km deep, similar to a sill-like body. Furthermore, in order to verify the reliability of the geometry model results, we calculate the Total Horizontal Derivative (THD) of the vertical velocity component and compare it with those performed directly on the two DInSAR dataset.

Finally, we compare the modelled shear stress with the natural seismicity recorded during the 2000-2022 period, highlighting high values of modelled shear stress at depths of about 3.5 km, where high-magnitude earthquakes nucleate.

How to cite: Castaldo, R., Barone, A., Vincenzo, D. N., Antonio, P., Susi, P., Giuseppe, S., Pietro, T., and Anna, T.: Analysis and Modelling of 2009-2013 vs. 2019-2022 Unrest Episodes at Campi Flegrei Caldera, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13853,, 2023.

EGU23-15127 | ECS | Orals | GI6.1

Multiscale magnetic modelling in the ancient abbey of San Pietro in Crapolla 

Luigi Bianco, Maurizio Fedi, and Mauro La Manna

We present a multiscale analysis of magnetic data in the archaeological site of San Pietro in Crapolla (Massa Lubrense, near Naples, Italy). The site consists of the ruins of an ancient abbey. We computed the Wavelet Transform of the Gradiometric measurements and decomposed the data at different scales and positions by a multiresolution analysis, allowing an effective extraction of local anomalies. Modelling of the filtered anomalies was performed by multiscale methods known as “Multiridge analysis” and “DEpth from eXtreme Points (DEXP)”.  The first method analyses a multiscale dataset at the zeroes of the first horizontal and vertical derivatives besides the potential field data themselves (ridges).  The Wavelet Transform Modulus Maxima  lines converged to buried remains. The field, scaled by a power law of the altitude (DEXP transformation) allowed estimates of source depths at its extreme points. The depth estimations for the buried structures obtained from the two methods are very close each other and fairly agree with those from the modelling of GPR anomalies. On the basis of these results, an archaeological excavation followed our indications and brought to light ancient walls.

How to cite: Bianco, L., Fedi, M., and La Manna, M.: Multiscale magnetic modelling in the ancient abbey of San Pietro in Crapolla, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15127,, 2023.

EGU23-15190 | Orals | GI6.1

Synthetic aperture radar burst overlapped interferometry for the analysis of large ground instabilities: Experiments in volcanic regions. 

Antonio Pepe, Andrea Barone, Pietro Mastro, Pietro Tizzani, and Raffaele Castaldo

This work presents an overview of some applications of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferometry technology for the detection and analysis of large ground displacements occurring in volcanic areas, with the aim to retrieve the three-dimensional (3-D) ground displacement field (up-down, east-west, north-south). Specifically, the work summarizes and investigates the potential of Bursted Overlapped Interferometry (BOI) that properly combined can allow the retrieval, at different scales of resolution and accuracies, of the north-south components of the ground deformations, which are usually not available considering conventional SAR interferometry techniques. In this context, the almost global coverage and the weekly revisit times of the European Copernicus Sentinel-1 SAR sensors permit nowadays to perform extensive analyses with the aim to assess the accuracy of the BOI techniques. More recently, Spectral Diversity (SD) methods have been exploited for the fine co-registration of SAR data acquired with the Terrain Observation with Progressive Scans (TOPS) mode. In this case, considering that TOPS acquires images in a burst mode, there is an overlap region between consecutive bursts where the Doppler frequency variations is large enough to allow estimating and compensating for, with great accuracy, potential bursts co-registration errors. Additionally, and more importantly, in the case of non-stationary scenarios, it allows detecting the ground displacements occurring along the azimuthal directions (almost aligned along north-south) with centimeter accuracy. This is done by computing the difference between the right and left interferograms, i.e., the burst overlapped interferogram, and relating it to the ongoing deformation signals.

This work aims to apply the BOI technique in selected volcanic and seismic areas to evaluate the impact of this novel technology for the analysis of quantifying, over small, covered regions, the accumulated ground displacements in volcanic areas. In such regions, the interest is on quantifying the accuracy of integrated BOI systems for the retrieval of 3-D displacements. To this aim, we selected as a test site the Galapagos Island and we analyze with BOI the north-south ground displacements. At the next EGU symposium, the results of the BOI analyses will be presented, thus also providing comparative analyses with the results obtained from the use of potential field method applied on the ground displacements in volcanic areas. More specifically, by adopting this technique, we are able to estimate independently the north-south components of the ground displacement by exploiting the harmonic properties of the elasticity field.

How to cite: Pepe, A., Barone, A., Mastro, P., Tizzani, P., and Castaldo, R.: Synthetic aperture radar burst overlapped interferometry for the analysis of large ground instabilities: Experiments in volcanic regions., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15190,, 2023.

EGU23-16132 | ECS | Orals | GI6.1

Multiscale imaging of low-enthalpy geothermal reservoir of the Phlegraean Fields caldera from gravity and resistivity data. 

Maurizio Milano, Giuseppe Cavuoto, Alfonso Corniello, Vincenzo Di Fiore, Maurizio Fedi, Nicola Massarotti, Nicola Pelosi, Michele Punzo, Daniela Tarallo, Gian Paolo Donnarumma, and Marina Iorio

The central‐eastern sector of the Phlegraean Fields caldera, southern Italy, is one of the most intensely studied and monitored volcanic active area of the word. This area reveals typical characters of a high‐ enthalpy geothermal systems. However, recently the presence of two different geothermal reservoirs has been outlined: one located in the central sector dominated by highly active vapours generated by episodic arrival of CO2‐rich magmatic fluids and the other one located in the eastern sector (Agnano zone) characterized by a shallow (400-500 m b.s.l.) still hot reservoir, heated by the upward circulation of deep no magmatic hot vapor.

In this study we present preliminary results deriving from the integration of different geophysical surveys carried out in the Agnano plain area, in the frame of the GEOGRID research project. We acquired high-resolution gravity data along two parallel profiles and we investigated the depth, shape and density contrast of the subsurface structures by the CompactDEXP (CDEXP) method, a multiscale iterative imaging technique based on the DEXP method. The resulting density models, together with DC resistivity and stratigraphic data, outlines the presence of a complex morphology of the Agnano subsoil characterized by a horst-graben structure. The importance of the structural lines identified by geophysical data, is also confirmed by the alignment of correlate outcropping thermal waters.

How to cite: Milano, M., Cavuoto, G., Corniello, A., Di Fiore, V., Fedi, M., Massarotti, N., Pelosi, N., Punzo, M., Tarallo, D., Donnarumma, G. P., and Iorio, M.: Multiscale imaging of low-enthalpy geothermal reservoir of the Phlegraean Fields caldera from gravity and resistivity data., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16132,, 2023.

EGU23-439 | ECS | Posters on site | HS6.3

Expressive fluxes over Amazon floodplain units revealed by high resolution 2D modelling 

Alice Cesar Fassoni-Andrade, Rodrigo Paiva, Sly Wongchuig, Cláudio Barbosa, and Fabien Durand

Water fluxes in the Amazon River floodplain affect hydrodynamic and ecological processes from local to global scales. These fluxes remain poorly understood due to difficult access and limited data in the Amazon basin. In this study, we characterize the hydrodynamics of eight floodplain units of the central Amazon River (40'000 km2) using the 2D hydraulic model HEC-RAS. Remote sensing data, such as floodplain topography estimated by Landsat images, water surface elevation from altimetry, and surface water extent products, were used for model validation. High resolution modeling improved the representation of river and floodplain discharge, water surface elevation (77 cm accuracy) and flood extent (~80% - high water period, ~52% -low water period). The floodplain is organized in units of about 80 km with upstream inflow and downstream outflow. These gross flows are much larger than the net flows with values of up to 20% of the Amazon River discharge and a residence time around 6 days during floods (several months during low water period). Water extent does not a have strong interannual variability during floods as the volume stored in the floodplain, possibly due to topographic constrains. Significant flood extent and volume hysteresis, as well as active flow and storage zones on the floodplain, highlight the complexity of floodplain hydrodynamics. Extreme floods strongly impact the onset and duration of the flood of up to 2 months and, consequently, on the period of high connectivity with the river. These findings are important for understanding carbon and sediment fluxes, and the effects of climate change on water fluxes and riparian communities.

How to cite: Fassoni-Andrade, A. C., Paiva, R., Wongchuig, S., Barbosa, C., and Durand, F.: Expressive fluxes over Amazon floodplain units revealed by high resolution 2D modelling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-439,, 2023.

EGU23-576 | ECS | Posters on site | HS6.3

Flood Risk Mapping in Southern Brazil using a terrain descriptor and socio-economic indices 

Deborah Dotta Correa, Pedro Luiz Borges Chaffe, and José Vinícius Boing de Souza

Floods are the most frequent natural disaster impacting society and all inhabited continents. Accurately mapping the extent of flooding is challenging as it requires a detailed, computationally demanding and data-limited representation of hydrological processes. This study focused on mapping the flood risk of the Itajaí River Basin, an important basin with an extensive history of flooding in Southern Brazil, using the HAND terrain descriptor and socio-economic indices.  A combination of three factors was used to define the flood risk: hazard, exposure and vulnerability. In order to characterize hazard, we use a parallel implementation in GPU of the HAND terrain descriptor combined with flood frequency analysis. Vulnerability was determined by combining the Human Development Index and population spatial distribution. Finally, the exposure was determined by using nightlights. Floods observed extent maps of the September 2011 50-year event in different municipalities of the Itajaí River Basin were used to determine the performance of the HAND terrain descriptor as a flood mapping tool. The best performance of the model was obtained for Rio do Sul municipality, with a correctness index of 86% and a fit index of 75%. Most of the Itajaí River Basin (93%) was classified as low risk. Of the remaining 7%, 90% was classified as medium risk, 8% as high risk and 2% as severe risk. By using the HAND terrain descriptor and socio-economic indices, a flood risk map of the Itajaí River Basin in Southern Brazil was developed which can be used as a valuable resource in urban planning, including the development of flood mitigation and response measures.

How to cite: Dotta Correa, D., Borges Chaffe, P. L., and Boing de Souza, J. V.: Flood Risk Mapping in Southern Brazil using a terrain descriptor and socio-economic indices, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-576,, 2023.

EGU23-1061 | ECS | Posters on site | HS6.3

Multi-scenario flood risk assessment: A case of Sagar Island, West Bengal, India 

Praneta Nadupalli, Aishwarya Narendr, and Bharath H. Aithal

Coastal landscapes are the major source of income and resources. Despite their high vulnerability to
coastal hazards, they are the homes of millions worldwide. Coastal floods are one of the most life-threatening
incidents affecting the coastal living. Bound by water on three sides, the flood sensitivity of coastal India largely
depends on the spatial exposure of under-equipped population groups. This spatial impact of the coastal flood
is likely to rise with the changing climate and exponential rise in the coastal population. The local governments
and stakeholders rely on spontaneous methods of coastal flood mitigation, that are temporary, and do not help
in long-term resilience.
Disaster resilience using spatial planning has been an intensely researched topic by many in this domain for
the past few decades. The development and availability of high-resolution remote sensing data and free and
open source spatial models have further facilitated the development of down-to-earth interventions for
resource-crunched developing nations. The research presents a comparative assessment of Business as Usual
Scenario (BAU) and Flood resilient scenario modelling (FResMO), emphasizing the role of spatial
planning in reducing coastal flood risk during cyclone YAAS (2021) on Sagar Island, West Bengal. In this
analysis, the flood hazard scenario of Sagar Island is developed and validated using a connected bathtub
model. The flood risk in the region is estimated as the product of various vulnerability and exposure
parameters. The vulnerability is dependent on socio-economic parameters, and exposure is related to the
spatial proximity of the region to coastal floods. The vulnerability and exposure parameters are ranked using
a multi-criteria decision using Analytical Hierarchical Process and finally integrated for estimating present
and future flood risk. The future flood risk scenario for 2030 is developed based on the built-up prediction
model ‘FUTURES’ that integrates the temporal landuse map, demography and socio-economic factors using
a multi-level logistic patch growing algorithm.
Keywords: Coastal flood risk, Flood risk modelling, FUTURES, Spatial adaptation, Vulnerability

How to cite: Nadupalli, P., Narendr, A., and Aithal, B. H.: Multi-scenario flood risk assessment: A case of Sagar Island, West Bengal, India, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1061,, 2023.

EGU23-1358 | ECS | Posters on site | HS6.3

A sustainable approach to evaluate the impact of urban sprawl on coastal flooding in Oshiwara watershed, Mumbai, India 

Shray Pathak, Audithan Sivaraman, and Geetha Sambandam

Urban sprawl has emerged to be the most important and expensive part of the ecosystem with so many hazardous effects on the natural environment. Flooding has a tremendous impact on the cities, encompassing the water cycle management by collective disciplines of engineering, environmental, social, and economic sciences. This study focuses on analysing urban flooding and incorporating site-specific sub-catchment spatial strategies and management techniques considering human interactions. The Oshiwara watershed in Mumbai, India was delineated which is responsible for urban flooding along with the storm surges in the study region. The flood inundation mapping was obtained for different return periods by implementing hydrologic-hydraulic modeling and further, spatial hazard zones were identified concerning non-heuristic drivers for the 100-year return period. Subsequently, four impact maps namely infrastructural, social, economic, and environmental were identified along with the overall risk. Management interventions involving flood risk mitigation, stormwater harvesting, and water reuse were analyzed to mitigate these impacts. This provides a sustainable approach to spatially mitigate effects at vulnerable zones, instead of adopting a lumped approach for decision-making. Further, it assists the water planners to deploy planning and management interventions at specific risk locations. Thus, this study provides a suitable platform for urban planners to incorporate decisions by focusing on spatial high-risk locations.  

How to cite: Pathak, S., Sivaraman, A., and Sambandam, G.: A sustainable approach to evaluate the impact of urban sprawl on coastal flooding in Oshiwara watershed, Mumbai, India, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1358,, 2023.

EGU23-1374 | Posters on site | HS6.3 | Highlight

The FluViSat project: Measuring streamflow from space with very high resolution Planet satellite video 

Nick Everard, Harry Dixon, Sunita Sarkar, Mark Randall, and Guy Schumann

The measurement of streamflow in the world’s rivers is critical to the management of water as a resource and to predicting and managing the impacts of potentially damaging hydrological events such as major floods. The European Space Agency sponsored FluViSat (Fluvial Video from Satellite) project has successfully demonstrated the potential of very high resolution satellite imagery for the determination of water flow speeds, and hence streamflow rates, using established surface velocimetry techniques.

Video imagery kindly provided by Planet Labs PBC from the 21 satellites in their SkySat constellation was pre-processed to stabilise and georectify it, and then analysed using Space Time Imaging Velocimetry (STIV) techniques to provide water speed vectors across the river’s surface. The method was successfully demonstrated on rivers in Australia, the UK and Africa, with field based validation undertaken where possible. Additionally, a series of six videos was obtained and analysed to provide near a sequence of observations of flood flows on the Indus River in Pakistan during the devastating flooding of 2022.

Benefits of the FluViSat innovation include the ability to observe water flow rates almost anywhere on the planet, the potential for multiple daily repeat observations and largely eliminating the need for locally based people, equipment and infrastructure.

This presentation presents results from the research, explains the methods employed to derive and validate flow speeds, and explores opportunities to further enhance the FluViSat methodology.

How to cite: Everard, N., Dixon, H., Sarkar, S., Randall, M., and Schumann, G.: The FluViSat project: Measuring streamflow from space with very high resolution Planet satellite video, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1374,, 2023.

Floods are among the most disruptive and widespread natural disaster that kill and displace millions of people every year. To cope with the impacts associated with ongoing floods, it is fundamental to acquire a rapid, accurate and comprehensive overview of inundated areas. Imageries sensed by satellites are becoming indispensable for this purpose, especially those acquired in the radar frequencies (SAR), as they can detect floods during the night and with cloudy skies. However, SAR-based remote sensing has serious limitations when it comes to flood mapping in urban and/or vegetated areas (because of low sensitivity or over-detection issues). Furthermore, satellite-based flood delineation does not provide any information on flood depths, which are critical for emergency response planning and for post-event impact evaluation. This contribution introduces a new framework to estimate water depth and to augment flood mapping where satellites cannot sense floodwater. As input, the method simply requires flood delineation (including the areas excluded from mapping because of the aforementioned limitations) and land surface topography. Although the framework is designed to be coupled with the recently release Global Flood Monitoring system of the Copernicus Emergency Management Service, its range of applicability is wide, provided that the basic input needs are met. The approach is especially suited to enhance flood mapping in systematic large-scale applications that require minimum supervision. 

How to cite: Betterle, A. and Salamon, P.: A parsimonious approach to estimate flood depths — also in urban areas — for satellite-based flood maps, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1603,, 2023.

EGU23-2284 | ECS | Orals | HS6.3

Random forest models based on Sentinel-2 multispectral indices for flood mapping 

Cinzia Albertini, George P. Petropoulos, Andrea Gioia, Vito Iacobellis, and Salvatore Manfreda

Optical satellite sensors represent a reference for Earth imaging applications, including land monitoring and flood management, directly allowing the visual interpretation of acquired scenes or the exploitation of surfaces’ spectral signatures. An extensive literature exists that proves the ability of multispectral satellite sensors in mapping flooded areas and water bodies (Albertini et al., 2022). Several multispectral indices have been developed for water segmentation in different contexts of varying degrees of landscape complexity. Simultaneously, the advancements in Machine Learning (ML) methods led to a proliferation of supervised and unsupervised algorithms applied to classification problems in the field of flood hazard and risk mapping. In the present study, four random forest (RF) models were used in combination with three spectral indices, namely the Modified Normalized Difference Water Index (MNDWI), the Normalized Difference Moisture Index (NDMI) and the Red and Short Wave Infra-Red (RSWIR) index, to map the extent of the flood event occurred along the Sesia River (Vercelli, Italy) in October 2020. A Sentinel-2 scene was acquired soon after the flooding event and spectral bands at 20m resolution were used in the analyses. The performances of the RF methods implemented with the use of the mentioned spectral indices were evaluated and compared using as reference map the delineation product delivered by the Rapid Mapping service of the Copernicus Emergency Management Service (CEMS). Results revealed some very interesting findings regarding the performances of the examined methods, which can become a well-established operational technique. Last but not least, the validation framework itself underlined the added value of Sentinel-2 and the Copernicus platform as a robust, rapid and cost-effective solution in flood mapping.

Keywords: floods mapping, spectral indices, machine learning, Sentinel-2, Italy


Albertini, C.; Gioia, A.; Iacobellis, V.; Manfreda, S. Detection of Surface Water and Floods with Multispectral Satellites. Remote Sens., 14, 6005, 2022. (doi:

How to cite: Albertini, C., Petropoulos, G. P., Gioia, A., Iacobellis, V., and Manfreda, S.: Random forest models based on Sentinel-2 multispectral indices for flood mapping, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2284,, 2023.

EGU23-4918 | Posters virtual | HS6.3

Flood Occurrences in Tropical Coastal Intensified by Exacerbating Extreme Weather Events 

Wenxin Zhang, Edward Park, and Xiankun Ynag

Extreme weather events attributed to global climate change brought disasters into view, the 2021-2022 Malaysian Flash Flood that crushed eight states across the peninsula astonished the world. With a death toll of 56 and total damage of $14,600,000, western Peninsular Malaysia, which has withstood acute and large amounts of precipitation in a short time, suffered the worst flood since the one that occurred in 2014. This study combined recorded sociological statistics with remote sensing data, specified the historical extreme rainfall and flash flood events since 1981 in Peninsular Malaysia, including the 2021-2022 Malaysian Flash Flood, to explicit and compare the temporal and spatial characteristics of these events. Study found since 2000s flood events occurred frequency has significantly increased, including flash floods. In addition, precipitation ditribution in Peninsular Malaysia expreienced a spread to western from concentrating in east coast. A series of factors might have exacerbated flood vulnerability of this tropical peninsular coast under the intensified extreme rainfall events in the 40 years are disscussed. 

How to cite: Zhang, W., Park, E., and Ynag, X.: Flood Occurrences in Tropical Coastal Intensified by Exacerbating Extreme Weather Events, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4918,, 2023.

EGU23-5858 | ECS | Posters on site | HS6.3

Development and validation of flood inundation models for estuaries 

Grigorios Vasilopoulos, Tom Coulthard, Peter Robins, Charlotte Lyddon, Andrew Barkwith, Nguyen Chien, and Matt Lewis

Estuaries, at the interface between catchment and coast, are vulnerable to flooding from the combination of riverine and marine inputs. High river flows generated from intense precipitation can occur synchronously with high tides and storm surges, amplifying flood hazard. In the United Kingdom 20 million people are estimated to live near estuaries, with estuarine flooding regarded as the costliest impact to these areas and second highest hazard to civil emergency. On-going global warming increases sea-levels and modifies hydroclimate variability, thus affecting river fluxes, tidal maxima and the intensify of storm surges. There is therefore a need for improved methods and tools to understand compound flooding events, their impacts and how they may change into the future. In the present paper we developed a validated flood inundation model for the Conwy estuary in North Wales, one of the flashiest catchments in Britain where flooding makes headline news at least once every year. The Caesar-Lisflood 2D hydrodynamic flow model was combined with a range of publicly available datasets to represent channel bathymetry, land elevation, location and heights of flood defences and the hydraulic roughness across the model domain. The model was forced with recorded time-series (15-minute resolution) of tidal oscillations and river discharge data and validated by comparing simulated water levels against observations from existing water level gauges within the estuarine channel. Flood predictions were validated against observed flood extents extracted from SAR imagery using the Google Earth Engine. Calibrated, ortho-corrected (GRD) C-band interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images captured by the Sentinel-1 constellation of satellites using a dual-band cross-polarization (VH) was used. SAR images were filtered to remove speckle noise and Otsu’s method of thresholding was adopted to automatically extract inundated areas from each available image. Comparison of model-based simulated flood extents against their SAR-derived equivalents was used as a means to validate the flood inundation model.

How to cite: Vasilopoulos, G., Coulthard, T., Robins, P., Lyddon, C., Barkwith, A., Chien, N., and Lewis, M.: Development and validation of flood inundation models for estuaries, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5858,, 2023.

EGU23-7558 | Orals | HS6.3

Rapid Flood inundation mapping using SAR data with Google Earth Engine cloud platform 

Qin Wang, Lu Zhuo, Chen Li, Miguel Rico-Ramirez, Zitong Wen, and Dawei Han

Flood events are becoming increasingly common with the increase in the frequency of extreme weather driven by climate change. The present state of the technologies for flood risk mapping is typically tested on small geographical regions due to limitation of flood inundation observations, which hinders the implementation of flood risk management activities. Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) measurements represent an indispensable data source for flood disaster planners and managers, given their ability to scan the Earth's surface nearly independently of weather conditions and the time of day. The decision by the European Space Agency (ESA) Copernicus program to open data from its Sentinel-1 SAR satellites to the public marks the first time of global, operational SAR data freely available. Combined with the emergence of cloud computing platforms like the Google Earth Engine (GEE), this development presents a tremendous opportunity to the disaster response community, for whom rapid access to analysis-ready data is needed to inform effective flood disaster response interventions and management plans. Here, we present an algorithm that exploits available Sentinel-1 SAR images in combination with historical Landsat and other auxiliary data sources hosted on the GEE to rapidly map surface inundation during flood events. Our algorithm relies on multi-temporal SAR statistics to identify historical floods. Additionally, historical Landsat-based surface water class probabilities are used to distinguish floods from permanent or seasonally occurring surface water. Using this algorithm, we can get a flood inundation map of the region of interest in less than 10 seconds. We tested the algorithm over Houston, Texas following the Hurricane Harvey in late August 2017 and the results showed an accuracy of 89.9%. The flexibility of our algorithm will allow for the rapid processing of future open-access SAR data, including data from future Sentinel-1 missions.

How to cite: Wang, Q., Zhuo, L., Li, C., Rico-Ramirez, M., Wen, Z., and Han, D.: Rapid Flood inundation mapping using SAR data with Google Earth Engine cloud platform, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7558,, 2023.

EGU23-7672 | ECS | Orals | HS6.3

Imagery and Terrain Data Fusion with the Flood Inundation Surface Topology (FIST) Model 

Kevin Dobbs and James Phillips

Satellite imagery provides a unique reference for estimating flood inundation extent that can help characterize flood magnitudes and impacts in support of scientific studies and for operational disaster response. All imagery modalities (multispectral/hyperspectral, panchromatic, synthetic aperture radar (SAR)) suffer from factors that confound accurate spatial representation of flood extent, whether using traditional image classification methods or machine learning-based approaches. Clouds, cloud shadows, tree canopy, tall vegetation, and other factors either obscure the water surface or confuse the classifiers. These can yield results that vary widely when compared to actual flood extents, whether referencing observed data like high-water marks or high-quality hydrodynamic models. In addition, opportunities for imagery collection often do not coincide with maximum flood extent due to satellite access windows, cloud cover impacting optical sensors, or a combination of both. That said, the proliferation of existing and planned commercial and civil sensors across all modalities presents increasing opportunities for timely collection.

In recent years, the quality of terrain data at regional, country, continental, and global scales has continued to rapidly improve. The data include WorldDEM, NASADEM, MERIT DEM, EarthDEM, among others, and many regional to country-scale lidar-derived datasets. The availability of this high-quality data allows for new methods that integrate terrain data with remotely sensed imagery data, to yield accurate and timely representations of flood extent in new ways to support both scientific investigations and disaster response.

However, few methods have been developed that integrate satellite and/or aerial imagery data with terrain data to improve imagery-derived flood products. This paper will present new methods, based on the novel Flood Inundation Surface Topology (FIST) Model, for integration of terrain data with the limited data derived from imagery to provide a more accurate representation of maximum flood extents that overcomes many of the aforementioned limitations of using imagery alone. In addition, The FIST model also produces flood depth grids at the resolution of the native terrain data, which represents a major advance in imagery-derived flood products. We present the fundamental directed graph algorithm that is unique to the FIST model; the data architectures that support a range of applications; and case studies for the use of active flood and post-peak flood imagery to generate inundation extents and depth grids for peak-flood conditions.

How to cite: Dobbs, K. and Phillips, J.: Imagery and Terrain Data Fusion with the Flood Inundation Surface Topology (FIST) Model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7672,, 2023.

EGU23-8520 | Orals | HS6.3 | Highlight

A framework for improved near real-time flood mapping 

Tapio Friberg, Ambika Khadka, and Arnaud Dupeyrat

ICEYE has been a leader in the mapping and monitoring of global floods for the insurance sector and governments over the last two years. Current operational flood monitoring is based on the large-scale and systematic availability of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data from the small satellite constellation deployed and operated by ICEYE. The main advantages of SAR images are that they provide synoptic views over wide areas, day and night and in all-weather conditions. However, SAR can be less suitable for providing flood extent information in dense urban areas and under tree canopy cover. In addition, SAR-based flood depth generation methods struggle to provide accurate depth estimations in steep terrain. There is currently a demand to aid observational flood models with physically-based flood modeling in urban areas.

Most operational real-time flood estimates are based on predictions of discharges at river flow monitoring stations using 1D hydrological models. 2D inundation models are computationally expensive and thus require special tooling for creating rapid flood maps. In this presentation, ICEYE will describe a framework that can be used for improving the robustness and accuracy of near real-time flood predictions.

How to cite: Friberg, T., Khadka, A., and Dupeyrat, A.: A framework for improved near real-time flood mapping, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8520,, 2023.

EGU23-9120 | Orals | HS6.3

Bank Height Estimates and Flood Models - Challenges, current practices and recent developments 

Laurence Hawker, Jeffrey Neal, and Richard Boothroyd

Estimating river bank heights is crucial for the accuracy of global flood models. Bank heights determine river-floodplain connectivity, and are used to parametrise channel capacity. Poor bank height estimates can lead to incorrect timings and locations of flood overtopping and erroneous channel capacity, resulting in unsatisfactory flood predictions.

In the current implementation of global flood models, bank heights are estimated by extracting elevations from global Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) at river edges. These elevations, even with the latest DEMs, are often noisy and thus need to be heavily filtered and smoothed. Additionally, the surface water masks used to define river edges often do not match the time of acquisition on the DEMs, leading to inconsistencies. These simple methods for estimating bank heights were introduced during the early stages of global flood model development and have not been revisited in depth. With the emergence of new global DEMs (ALOS AW3D, Coperncius, FABDEM), improved surface water masks from multi-temporal, multi-sensor satellite data and novel image processing techniques, we revisit this problem. We present a new method to estimate bank height across scales, comparing estimates derived from global DEMs with high-quality LiDAR. We map the bank height estimates onto a new FABDEM based river network. Using examples from the UK and USA, we demonstrate the impact of bank height estimates on flood inundation.

How to cite: Hawker, L., Neal, J., and Boothroyd, R.: Bank Height Estimates and Flood Models - Challenges, current practices and recent developments, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9120,, 2023.

The 2017 flash flood affecting Storelva in Utvik (West Norway), with an average slope of >10% in the ungauged reach, was reconstructed using visual observations during the event, as well as post-event field data and remote sensing. The dataset was then used for i) roughness calibration and sensitivity analysis, ii) validation of a 2D hydrodynamic model (morphodynamic data was insufficient) and reconstruction of the maximum flood extent, critical locations, and preferential flow paths, and its comparison to other modelling studies, and iii) analysis of the impact of mesh refinement on model precision for optimal model design in IberPlus.

Water levels and flow discharge were measured after the flood. The observations were used to calibrate the model in the 400m-long most downstream reach. Similarly, visual flood documentation during the event was used to model the event and validate it in the 800m-long most downstream reach.

To calibrate the model, GIS-classified wet and dry areas in the computational domain were compared with wet and dry areas observed along both banks, calculating the BIAS and RMSE for each calibration Manning. According to the sensitivity analysis, the model with Manning’s roughness coefficient of 0.065 in the upper and middle reach and 0.075 downstream showed the lowest global errors (i.e. RMSE= 1.1cm), although the numerical models generally underestimated the observed water levels (i.e. -8cm <BIAS< -1cm).

Two of the critical locations are located near bridges and the other two near a bank with very fine material, easy to erode. The preferential flow paths indicate that the erosion occurred mainly in the left floodplain. IberPlus simulated satisfactorily the observed maximum flood extent, i.e. F and C indices of 60%–87%. The results for the 2017 flood using IberPlus were compared to the (non-calibrated) hydraulics from literature using TELEMAC-MASCARET and FINEL2D. The IberPlus hydrodynamic model had the highest roughness coefficients from all the modelling studies. This might explain the significantly higher hydraulic values observed, in agreement with those obtained by the morphodynamic models. The paths preferred by the flow during the flood and the flood extent are resembling in all three models.

The F and C indices and the incremental precision between scenarios were estimated for 44,000–11.6 million cells models with uniform and variable mesh sizes. The optimal precision-gain was at model size <150,000 cells for variable mesh (R2 =0.65) versus >700,000 cells for uniform mesh (R2 >0.94), with a precision gain limited to 5–7% at best when using a finer grid. Uncertainties in the flood mapping used for validation, the hydrodynamic model set-up and input data contributed to the offset. The model precision is limited by the on-site flood protections implemented to protect private property during the flood event. These protections were effective and reduced the flood damage by 43%, yet they could not be implemented in the numerical model. Also, the model validation was carried out against a fully water-covered area, where some local dry cells were considered wet. Remotely sensed data helps understand flood dynamics and monitor flood risk in data-scarce regions.

How to cite: Moraru, A.: Reconstruction and optimal modelling of a flash flood in a steep Norwegian river using remotely sensed- and in-situ data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9709,, 2023.

EGU23-11021 | ECS | Orals | HS6.3

Inundation and water quality assessment of the Karun river before and after flooding using remote sensing 

Kiana Yahyazadeh Shourabi, Mohammad Hossein Niksokhan, and Soroosh Roozitalab

Natural hydrological phenomena such as floods are among the most crucial hazards, damaging both urban and rural areas. River floods not only result in human and financial losses, but also alter the quality parameters and biological diversity of the river. Karun is one of the largest and wettest rivers in Iran, and its basin experiences numerous floods every year. In this work, satellite data are used to examine how floods affect the Karun River's quality. Specifically, we use NDWI (Normalized Difference Water Index), NDCI (Normalized Difference Chlorophyll Index), and NDTI (Normalized Difference Turbidity Index) data from Sentinel-2 Optical satellite to assess the water quality before and immediately after flooding. Additionally, Sentinel-1 Synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) satellite data are used to observe changes in the river bed and its inundation. This study demonstrates how Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-1 satellites could be effectively used to study variations in water quality and waterbodies at various periods. The results also show how the waterbody and water quality change before and after the flood.

How to cite: Yahyazadeh Shourabi, K., Niksokhan, M. H., and Roozitalab, S.: Inundation and water quality assessment of the Karun river before and after flooding using remote sensing, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11021,, 2023.

EGU23-11185 | ECS | Posters on site | HS6.3

Analysis of compound flooding in the Tapi River Basin 

Zafar Beg and Kumar Gaurav

We coupled a hydrologic model Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) with the Hydrologic Engineering Center River Analysis System (HEC-RAS-2D) to model the compound impact of flood drivers in the Tapi River basin, India. Our modelling framework consists of two distinct phases; firstly, we calibrate and validate the VIC simulated daily stream flow of the Tapi River using the data observed at the Sarangkheda gauge (upstream of Ukai Reservoir) during the 2005-2012 and 2013-2016, respectively. Secondly, to simulate the high and low flow events, a separate HEC-RAS 2D model is forced with flood hydrograph (Ukai dam release) and stage hydrograph (Tidal level at Hazira) as upstream and downstream boundary conditions, respectively. We calibrated this hydrodynamic model for the 2012 flood event and validated it for the 2006 and 2014 flood events with the observed discharge and water level at the five gauges (Kakrapar Weir, Ghala, Kathor, Singanpur Weir and Nehru Bridge) located along the Tapi River in the Lower Tapi Basin (LTB). We observed that the VIC simulated daily stream flow accords well with the observed in-situ measurements. The Kling-Gupta and Nash Sutcliffe Efficiency values for calibration are 0.84 and 0.86, while, for validation, the values are 0.78 and 0.71, respectively. Furthermore, the hydrodynamic model analysis indicates satisfactory performance with the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) for discharge and water levels in the range of 300-325 m3s-1 and 0.12–0.43 m, respectively. Finally, we prepare the flood hazard maps to provide critical insights for effective flood management and to enhance the flood resilience of the flood-prone regions of the LTB.

How to cite: Beg, Z. and Gaurav, K.: Analysis of compound flooding in the Tapi River Basin, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11185,, 2023.

EGU23-11794 | ECS | Orals | HS6.3

Observing with Sentinel-1 widespread flood crises of 2022 in Pakistan and Nigeria 

Florian Roth, Mark Edwin Tupas, Bernhard Bauer-Marschallinger, and Wolfgang Wagner

Flood events are a major threat to human lives and are often responsible for a substantial destruction of infrastructure. Unfortunately, the obstruction of transport links often prevents the accessibility of certain regions and the impact cannot be estimated, especially during large scale flood events. In such crises, earth observation data provide the most valuable information. Due to their cloud-independent observations, microwave satellites are well-suited for observing the flood extent in these situations. In 2022, millions of people were affected when large flood events hit Pakistan and Nigeria. Both events were covered by images taken by the European Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellite Sentinel-1, whereby the event in Pakistan was captured more frequently compared to the one in Nigeria.

The Global Flood Monitoring (GFM) component of the Copernicus Emergency Management Service (CEMS) utilises Sentinel-1 to automatically map floods on a global scale. The service relies on three independent flood mapping algorithms combined to an ensemble solution, and one of them was developed by the Technische Universität Wien (TU Wien). The algorithm (Bauer-Marschallinger et al., 2022) performs a pixel-wise Bayesian decision between flood and no-flood situation. For this, a local no-flood backscatter signature is provided based on a time-series-based harmonic model. The flood backscatter signature is defined by a linear model for water surfaces. Thanks to this setup, the algorithm provides its results without the need for any manual intervention and allows fast and lightweight computation.

This contribution analyses results of the TU Wien algorithm for the two large scale events in Pakistan and Nigeria, and will include the presentation of the affected areas, as well as the temporal progression of the flood crises. The performance evaluation of events of such magnitude generally lacks comprehensive ground-truth data and is commonly performed based on other satellite-derived data. Expanding the scope of a previous study of the Pakistan flood (Roth et al., 2022), we compare the results to other datasets being retrieved from multi-temporal data and cover the larger area of the event. The required reference data were received from a local and global flood mapping service, namely Sentinel Asia and the United Nations, respectively. Finally, the varying Sentinel-1 coverage density in respect to flood progression will be discussed to obtain insights into the impact of the satellite overpass frequency on the flood mapping quality.


Bauer-Marschallinger, B., Cao, S., Tupas, M. E., Roth, F., Navacchi, C., Melzer, T., ... & Wagner, W.: Satellite-Based Flood Mapping through Bayesian Inference from a Sentinel-1 SAR Datacube, Remote Sensing, 14(15), 3673, 2022.

Roth, F., Bauer-Marschallinger, B., Tupas, M. E., Reimer, C., Salamon, P., and Wagner, W.: Sentinel-1 based analysis of the Pakistan Flood in 2022, EGUsphere [preprint],, 2022.

How to cite: Roth, F., Tupas, M. E., Bauer-Marschallinger, B., and Wagner, W.: Observing with Sentinel-1 widespread flood crises of 2022 in Pakistan and Nigeria, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11794,, 2023.

EGU23-11838 | Posters on site | HS6.3

Surface runoff estimation in urban areas via remotely sensed greenery and composite curve number 

Guy J.-P. Schumann, Paolo Tamagnone, and Ben Suttor

Traditionally, flood risk maps used by city officials and water resource managers for urban planning, by engineers for adequate flood defence infrastructure design, or by insurers and re-insurers for estimating financial risk exposure are the result of modelling flood hazard of rivers and their associated floodplain lands at different return periods. Often, any of these stakeholders would use the 1:100 return period of fluvial hazard to plan accordingly. 

However, with the climate crises signals clearly present during recent flood disasters, and especially with the 2021 Europe floods, water managers, cities and the financial risk sector are now starting to plan differently and are recognizing the need not only for better and more frequently updated flood risk analysis, particularly in urban areas, but also need to consider pluvial and flash floods that can happen in any part of a river basin and oftentimes take place in headwater areas or off the main river floodplains. Flash flooding greatly impacts urban areas where the storm drainage infrastructure is becoming largely insufficient due to the increasing duration and higher frequency of extreme intense rainstorms. Therefore, model simulations of flood hazard that account for these rather unprecedented types of extremely destructive events are required, and those need to be integrating the newest data from all types of sensors. At the same time, we observe that sustainable, nature-based solutions are now sought after because these solutions offer an inviting alternative to ever changing flood risk, particularly under the present and future climate crisis.  

It is stipulated that increasing healthy urban vegetation cover could reduce this risk and is a form of a nature-based solution for urban areas. Here we combine existing methods from the literature and develop a methodology relating  time-series of satellite-based vegetation maps, topography and soil permeability to estimate excess runoff from intense precipitation. The runoff coefficient is mapped through the use of a composite curve number method.. The method of looking at  the partition between rainfall and runoff is highly correlated to change in land use, and thus changes in vegetation cover. Relying on the NDVI index for green vegetation mapping, the methodology is able to capture the differences in the hydrological response even for seasonal or canopy integrity changes. Looking at different vegetation cover scenarios therefore allows the creation of different runoff responses, and therefore a possible reduction in flood risk.In this paper, we present initial results of this flood risk analysis, the goal of which is to produce runoff change maps at city, urban neighbourhood or city post code level using different scenarios in rainfall amounts from design storms coupled with existing or planned urban vegetation cover scenarios.

How to cite: Schumann, G. J.-P., Tamagnone, P., and Suttor, B.: Surface runoff estimation in urban areas via remotely sensed greenery and composite curve number, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11838,, 2023.

EGU23-12183 | ECS | Orals | HS6.3

Flooded area monitoring using SAR image-based water body detection technique 

Wanyub Kim, Seulchan Lee, and Minha Choi

Flood is one of main water disasters and causes damage to human life and property. The spatial and temporal disproportion of precipitation due to recent climate change causes flood worldwide every year. As the severity of flood rises, accurate monitoring of flooded areas is being essential for preparation and adaptation. Due to the wide area-occurring characteristics of flood, the use of remote sensing is effective for detecting of flooded areas. In a SAR image, surface of water body appears smooth, so the backscattering coefficient value is generally low. Conversely, surface of non-water body is rough, so the backscattering coefficient value is high. It is possible to divide water body and non-water body by using the characteristics of the backscattering coefficient and specific threshold value. However, the histogram of the backscattering coefficients around rivers where flood occurs most often has a multi-modal distribution, so there is a limit in detecting water bodies using a threshold value only. In this study, a histogram-based multi-threshold method, an AI-based K-means clustering method, and an object segmentation-based Chan-Vese method were used to detect water bodies before and after floods in Sentinel-1 SAR images. The water/non-water body classification image from the Sentinel-2 optical image was used for validation. If SAR images with high spatial and temporal resolution will be available, it is expected that efficient water disaster management will be possible through near real-time detection of flooded areas. 

How to cite: Kim, W., Lee, S., and Choi, M.: Flooded area monitoring using SAR image-based water body detection technique, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12183,, 2023.

In recent years, heavy rainfall events and resulting flash floods have increasingly caused widespread damage to public and private technical infrastructures in Germany. Flood events occurred often at smaller water bodies or as hillslope surface runoff far from the actual watercourses. During extreme events technical measures are often overloaded, so that in addition to local property protection planned emergency runoff pathways can be designated as an essential element of water-sensitive urban development.

The research project ‘Urban Flood Resilience - Smart Tools’ (FloReST), funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), is exploring those measures to increase the resilience of infrastructures after flash floods.

The aim of this study is the development and demonstration of an experimental setup to improve high-resolution digital mapping of existing surface flow pathways in urban areas using UAV-based thermal imaging in combination with flooding experiments. For this purpose, already known critical points, i.e., dysfunctional emergency drainage sections in the urban infrastructure within the City of Trier, Germany were identified.

Within this setting, during relatively warmer or colder days, respectively, we use artificial water releases as a thermal marker of the potentially emerging surface flow pathways. Combining UAV-based visual (RGB) and thermal (infrared) imaging, high-resolution mapping of the potential surface flow paths and their Thalweg is then possible.

Using a hydrological model allows for determining extreme discharges potentially generated in the connected catchment areas. Based on a digital terrain model the locally surveyed water levels and flow paths are then scaled up to potentially occurring water levels during extreme discharges. Depending on the occurrence probability of the extreme discharges a set of high-resolution GIS-datasets of the emergency surface flow pathways around objects at risk of flooding can be generated.

How to cite: Bartsch, J. and Schuetz, T.: Mapping surface flow pathways in urban areas using UAV-based thermal imaging in combination with flooding experiments, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13431,, 2023.

EGU23-16793 | Orals | HS6.3

Flood rapid mapping for immediate response: from semi-automatized delineation to AI-derived estimations 

Sébastien Delbour, Christophe Fatras, and Vera Gastal

In the frame of the Copernicus Emergency Management Service - Rapid Mapping, reliable flood maps must be delivered to users within six hours from the availability of remote sensing data. This data can be of different types, either from optical or SAR datasets, which all present different properties (wavelengths, band availability, resolution, etc.). This production is currently performed using semi-automatic methods and processes, to avoid misclassification and provide flood maps as accurate as possible. In order to improve service delivery performances including for covering very large areas, there is a need of an accurate automatically produced first guess, to eventually be modified manually. This is the main reason why the use of AI to learn and detect flooded areas is explored here for both optical and SAR data. The FloodML project used a random forest approach mixed with an in-house learning database to assess flood maps from both optical and SAR datasets. It showed good results, and can cover automatically a 10,000 km² area in a few minutes only. The success of this first approach led to both FloodDAM and FloodDAM-DT projects. These follow-ons now focus on the detection of water height level irregularities in local river gauges, to then produce flood maps if needed, to potentially lead to a modelling of the flood event evolution through data assimilation.

How to cite: Delbour, S., Fatras, C., and Gastal, V.: Flood rapid mapping for immediate response: from semi-automatized delineation to AI-derived estimations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16793,, 2023.

EGU23-17379 | ECS | Posters on site | HS6.3

Flood twin experiment for estimating the potential of satellite observations in shallow-water simulations 

Jean-Paul Travert, Cedric Goeury, Vito Bacchi, Fabrice Zaoui, and Sebastien Boyaval

With more than one billion people exposed to floods throughout the world, this natural hazard is the most common and devastating one, resulting in loss of lives and damaging personal properties or sensitive infrastructures. Numerical models have become essential to forecast and to mitigate their consequences, but they remain uncertain mainly due to the lack of high-resolution data and the inherent uncertainties related to the simplified representation of natural phenomena.

The growing availability of satellite observations distributed in time and space is a valuable source of information for improving flood modelling. Additional data like water level or flood extent can be extracted and used to calibrate numerical models.

This study proposes to analyse the potential of remote sensing data as a complement to in-situ observations (from hydrometric stations) in the calibration process of shallow-water flood numerical models. A two-dimensional twin experiment of an extreme flood event overflowing into the floodplains is carried out on a 50 km reach on the Garonne River in France between Tonneins and La Réole. The roughness coefficients are computed as solutions to an inverse problem mixing both in-situ (pointwise and high-frequency) and satellite observations (spatially distributed but low-frequency) data. Data assimilation combining uncertain model simulations and observations has proven efficient for improving hydraulic models. However, an open question is the choice of the best information to assimilate (water level or/and flood extent maps) into the hydraulic models. We study this problem by testing different assimilation configurations. The satellite observations are not considered perfect, so the numerical solutions are compared with different noise levels.

How to cite: Travert, J.-P., Goeury, C., Bacchi, V., Zaoui, F., and Boyaval, S.: Flood twin experiment for estimating the potential of satellite observations in shallow-water simulations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17379,, 2023.

EGU23-17400 | Posters on site | HS6.3

Innovating global flood alerting with an ensemble of models and remotely sensed observations 

Bandana Kar, Prativa Sharma, Doug Bausch, Jun Wang, Guy Schumann, and Margaret Glasscoe

At the global level, several flood related tools are available for free, ranging from observations to modeling and forecasting, using field data, remotely sensed observations as well as hydrologic and hydrodynamic models (for more details of available tools, see EOTEC DevNet’s tool tracking capacity building resources for flooding at In this context, the Global Flood Awareness System (GloFAS) managed by Copernicus, for instance, aims to facilitate response to flooding, particularly in countries that cannot forecast these events on their own.

However, having an EWS available to all globally, with consistent accuracy and reliability, for alerting at different severity levels, will not only aid with reduction of flood impacts, but also assist with improving resilience of these counties. 

In this paper, we present the model of models (MoM), which is an ensembled model that forecasts flood severity daily, globally at sub-watershed level. MoM integrates the outputs of GloFAS, GFMS, and HWRF models to forecast severity and uses MODIS and VIIRS outputs for calibration and validation of severity scores.

The flood severity risk score is used to obtain and process high-resolution Earth observation data to assess flood depth and extent at granular level and estimate flood impact on critical infrastructure.

The flood severity score is used to trigger dissemination of alerts using PDC’s DisasterAWARE® platform.

We present a number of real event cases where MoM has been activated to alert and assist with event response activities, including performance validation with high-resolution satellite flood maps.

How to cite: Kar, B., Sharma, P., Bausch, D., Wang, J., Schumann, G., and Glasscoe, M.: Innovating global flood alerting with an ensemble of models and remotely sensed observations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17400,, 2023.

EGU23-2574 | ECS | Posters virtual | GI6.7

2D mineral prospectivity mapping of hand specimen and outcrop walls using AHS and pXRF data in Bockau 

Martin Köhler, Nailia Rizatdinova, Andreas Knobloch, and Roberto de la Rosa

The Goldeneye project combines different sensing technologies with proximal sensing to produce reference calibrated mineralogical maps through data fusion. In order to develop mineral detection applications, rock specimens, taken from an outcrop in Bockau (Erzgebirge, Germany), are analyzed with active hyperspectral scanning (AHS) as well as portable X-ray fluorescence (pXRF) devices. The received data is analyzed by means of artificial intelligence in order to develop an approach to automatically map the minerals with the samples. The analysis is carried out in advangeo® 2D Prediction, developed by Beak Consultants GmbH. Tin concentrations derived from pXRF measurements and AHS data from 2/3 of the specimen surface serve as training and validation data of the artificial intelligence algorithm (artificial neural networks). As a result, we developed a prediction model for the distribution of tin and its associated mineral cassiterite throughout the rock specimen, which allows to detect the mineral potential of hand specimens and larger outcrops in a fast and reliable manner.

The paper has been prepared in the frame of the Horizon 2020 co-funded project GOLDENEYE, which has received funds through the Grant Agreement 869398.

How to cite: Köhler, M., Rizatdinova, N., Knobloch, A., and de la Rosa, R.: 2D mineral prospectivity mapping of hand specimen and outcrop walls using AHS and pXRF data in Bockau, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2574,, 2023.

EGU23-2597 | Orals | GI6.7

AMD Monitoring using multispectral imaging from Worldview-3, Sentinel-2 and drone-based data 

Delira Hanelli, Andreas Knobloch, Jari Joutsenvaara, Julia Puputti, Ossi Kotavaara, Korab Tmava, Azem Rexhaj, and Ana Bautista Gascuena

The sulfidic sulfur contained in the host rocks and mining waste leads to strong acid mine drainage processes in the mining landscapes of Trepca, Kosovo and Pyhasalmi, Finnland. In the present, the water quality is usually monitored by discrete sampling and analysis of dissolved metal particles and other chemical parameters. Not only is this a cost- and time-consuming process, but the assessment takes place only on discrete locations.

The main aim of this application is to elaborate the suitability of multispectral remote sensing (R/S) data from different sensors for area-wide identification and quantitative mapping of Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) constituents such as dissolved iron concentration (Fe3+), pH value etc. in water bodies. The potential for mining waste to be subject to AMD processes is also being investigated through area-wide quantitative mapping of the sulfate content (SO₄2-) in solid ground.

In this framework, water and solid ground samples were collected to calibrate and validate the supervised machine learning algorithm of Artificial Neural networks (ANN), used for the identification of dependencies between the multispectral R/S data and the ground measurements. The ANNs of multilayer perceptron type (MLP) is implemented in the advangeo® 2D Prediction software from Beak Consultants GmbH ( The modelling and prediction software analyses complex non-linear relationships between a wide variety of spatial controlling parameters and natural complex processes or occurrences, by using methods of artificial intelligence within a Geographic Information System (GIS) environment.

In the mining landscapes of Artana 1 & 2 and Kelmend, AKG has allocated and analysed about 20 water samples and 15 soil samples between May – August 2022 in two field campaigns, whereas low pH values (3 – 4), dissolved iron concentrations up to 25 mg/L and sulfate contents up to 28474 mg/kg have been recorded. Because of the small-scale features in the mining landscapes, high-resolution multispectral images from Worldview-3 and time-series of drone-based acquisitions are used as controlling parameters for the modelling process.

In the tailing pond of Pyhasalmi and the surrounding water environment, the Oulu University has allocated and analysed about 60 water samples between June – October 2022 in two field campaigns. Low pH values (3 – 4), dissolved iron concentrations up to 1800 mg/L and sulfate contents up to 2200 mg/l have been recorded. In this case, medium-resolution multispectral images from Sentinel-2 (Level-1C TOA and Level-2A BOA products) and high-resolution images from Worldview-3 are used as controlling parameters for the modelling process.

In all scenarios, the imagery was acquired during similar time frames as the sampling, to ensure that the measured water / soil grounds parameters correspond to the surface reflectance information.

In the study, advantages and limitations of different multispectral imaging sensors are elaborated. The newly established dependencies from the ANN models can be used to perform area-wide monitoring of AMD processes in time-series, drastically reducing the need for terrestrial measurements in the future.

The paper has been prepared in the frame of the Horizon 2020 co-funded project GOLDENEYE, which has received funds through the Grant Agreement 869398.

How to cite: Hanelli, D., Knobloch, A., Joutsenvaara, J., Puputti, J., Kotavaara, O., Tmava, K., Rexhaj, A., and Bautista Gascuena, A.: AMD Monitoring using multispectral imaging from Worldview-3, Sentinel-2 and drone-based data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2597,, 2023.

EGU23-2625 | Posters virtual | GI6.7

Detection of mining relics (Pingen) using LiDAR technology 

Enis Sterjo, Andreas Knobloch, Martin Köhler, and Andreas Brosig

From the middle of the 17th to the beginning of the 19th century, tin mining was carried out near Bockau and Aue in the Westerzgebirge. The object of the mining was stratiform mineralization. Near Bockau, (underground) tin mining was first mentioned in documents in 1663 and was active, with interruptions, until the beginning of the 19th century. On an area of more than 2 km², hundreds of dumps and pits, numerous abandoned mines, and historically very remarkable underground objects are known. Mining was preferably carried out near the surface. Despite favourable morphological conditions, hardly any deep adits were built and depths of more than 20 m were rarely reached. In this context, Pingen are abandoned ore pits or prospecting sites, where ores and other mineral resources were mined. Geometrically Pingen resemble round depressions created by the collapse of a mine workings (shaft, adit, underground drift), collapsed due to its age, leaving this relic usually funnel-shaped (down-facing cone), often surrounded by an annular dump (0.5 to 3 m) caused by the lowered surface.

The main aim of this application is to identify mining relics (Pingen) using a UAV equipped with LiDAR technology. The LiDAR technology allows to obtain a high-resolution Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and Point cloud of the surveyed area. The DEM is the digital representation of topographic and manmade features located on the surface of the earth.

In this framework, a LiDAR survey was conducted in a flight area of about 1,6 km² within the “Bockau” area during August 2022. The surveyed features include the elevations, colorized Point Cloud (RGB values), transparency levels, reflectance values, and number of returns (significant for the penetration of the vegetation). This information was used to derive the final products: DEM and classified Point cloud. Various spatial analyses were conducted and tested on the DEM and Point Cloud to automatically identify the mining relics. Hydrogeological analysis showed to be the best approach for the automatic identification of Pingen. As a result, the ground depressions were identified and nested surfaces were delineated.

The automatically identified features were validated by examination of randomly selected samples on the surveyed point cloud, comparison to identified features based on the National dataset of the LiDAR Database and field verification. The validation revealed, that around 90% of the Pingen in the study area were successfully identified with the developed workflow. Other features of interests couldn’t be identified due to the similarity of geometric properties with other topographical features, dense vegetation, erosion etc.

The paper has been prepared in the frame of the Horizon 2020 co-funded project GOLDENEYE, which has received funds through the Grant Agreement 869398.

How to cite: Sterjo, E., Knobloch, A., Köhler, M., and Brosig, A.: Detection of mining relics (Pingen) using LiDAR technology, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2625,, 2023.

Remote sensing UAV based technology combined with modern alteration mapping tools (SWIR, XRD Raman and XRF) for mineral detection has experienced great advances in the Cu-Au epithermal exploration targeting. We demonstrate quick and cost-efficient approach for epithermal gold exploration mapping and evaluation on examples of high-sulphidation epithermal Cu-Au deposits and prospects in the Panagyurishte ore district, Bulgaria.

The Panagyurishte ore district is part of the global Tethyan-Eurasian Cu-Au belt that developed during the Mesozoic as a copper-rich, andesite-dominated magmatic arc system characterized by obvious affiliation of porphyry-copper (PCD) and epithermal Cu-Au ore deposits with granodiorite and andesite dominated magmatic complexes. The target mapping has lacked high-resolution data to identify and prove the geometry of the alteration mineral assemblages and ore controlling fault structures. When distal sensing is combined with field mapping and proximal modern mineral detection methods such as SWIR (1300-2500nm) and Raman spectroscopy, XRD and ore petrography is more efficient tool for detection of hydrothermally altered minerals and zones by their diagnostic spectral signatures.

Drone based photogrammetry approach was applied for hydrothermal alterations mapping and targeting for Cu-Au epithermal deposits exploration in the Panagyurishte ore district, Bulgaria. Mineral alterations maps for Pesovets, Petelovo and Krassen Au-epithermal deposits was assembled using orthophoto model and TIR- 3D mapping to utilize the time and cost efficiency of the subsequent geological exploration field work. For classification and verification of drone orthophoto mosaic geological mapping and rock sampling was carried out in addition to XRF and XRD mapping and stream sediments sampling. UAV- based mapping with selected light bands was used to recognize different hydrothermal alterations styles such as advanced argillic (AAA), argillic (AA) propylitic (Prop) and phyllic (Phy) alteration styles that are overprinting andesitic volcanic sequences in the central part of Panagyurishte ore district. Radial and concentric fault structures and regional strike-slip fault zones have also been proved by UAV-based mapping. Domains of proximal hypogene AAA and AA and more distal propylitic halo as possible host of HS gold mineralization were clearly outlined. XRF mapping of the Pesovets lithocap indicate increasing of As (20-50ppm) and Ti (570-2400ppm) concentrations when approaching AA and AAA alteration domains and could also provide effective vectoring tool for targeting of epithermal Cu-Au mineralization.

 The recent study demonstrates UAV-based mineral mapping approach that will help to improve the exploration targeting and decision making in and eestimation of the Cu-Au mineral potential in cost-efficient manner.

The study is supported by the Horizon 2020 co-funded GOLDENEYE project, which has received funds through the Grant Agreement 869398.

How to cite: Bogdanov, K., Velev, S., and Krumov, I.: Remote-sensing applications for Au-epithermal deposits mapping and exploration targeting in Panagyurishte ore district, Bulgaria, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2669,, 2023.

EGU23-2781 | ECS | Posters on site | GI6.7

3D mineral prospectivity mapping of the Bockau tin deposit 

Paul Bohlender, Andreas Brosig, Roberto De La Rosa, Andreas Knobloch, and Andreas Barth

To ensure Europe increases its domestic production of high quality and responsibly produced raw materials, the development of innovative technologies for 3D geological modeling in mineral exploration is paramount. The Erzgebirge in Germany provides an excellent framework to showcase the application of artificial intelligence and in particular Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) for 3D mineral prospectivity mapping. The Erzgebirge belongs to the Variscan Belt, withholding 800 years of mining history and it is also famous for Ag, Sn, W, Fe, Cu, Li mineralizations among others. The Bockau deposit is located at the western section of the Erzgebirge. The target area is a Paleozoic metasediment body that was formed during the Variscan orogeny. The metasediment body consists primarily of alternating micaschist, phyllite and quartzite and dips mostly 25° to 240° SW. The metasediment is surrounded by Late Variscan plutons which partly led to contact metamorphic zones. In addition there is a large Quartzite body which was mined near to the surface in the 17th century for Sn, following a stratiform tin anomaly which can reach up to 4000 ppm Sn.

Thanks to the long mining history, the Bockau deposit condenses a large amount of geological, geochemical, geophysical and mineral data. To increase mineralogical knowledge of the deposit and to help identify drilling targets, a hybrid approach for 3D mineral predictivity mapping is implemented. Potentially mineralisation-controlling factors are identified in knowledge-driven genetic exploration models, taking into account the borehole data, major faults, electromagnetic data, intrusive bodies, contact metamorphic zones and lithological borders, followed by data-driven weighted ANN predictive modelling implemented in the in-house developed advangeo® 3D Prediction Software. The predictive model is guided by structural variables such as the euclidean distance to fault planes, lithological surfaces and to metamorphic contact zones. The model is also constrained by geophysical data by a magnetic susceptibility model obtained from an airborne magnetic data inversion. Finally, Sn anomaly data from boreholes is implemented as training data for the prediction.

The results show the probability distribution of Sn mineralisation occurrence in 3D over a voxel model formed by blocks of approximately 684 m3 13(x), 13.5(y) and 4(z), increasing the mineralogical knowledge of the deposit and guiding exploration efforts complementing the decision making process for drilling new targets. The results are validated by iteratively implementing the jackknife method, splitting the training data into validation and training subsets. The first prediction iteration is performed with a subset containing 77 % of the Sn content data from boreholes as training data, followed by 50 and 30 % subsets. Thus, allowing at each iteration to perform a quantitative evaluation of the prediction by comparing the validation subset with the Sn content of the borehole that was not used for the prediction.

The paper has been prepared in the frame of the Horizon 2020 co-funded project GOLDENEYE, which has received funds through the Grant Agreement 869398.

How to cite: Bohlender, P., Brosig, A., De La Rosa, R., Knobloch, A., and Barth, A.: 3D mineral prospectivity mapping of the Bockau tin deposit, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2781,, 2023.

The Panagyurishte ore district, Bulgaria is situated in the Srednogorie zone situated in the western part of the global Cu-Au dominant Tethyan-Eurasian Cu-Au metallogenic belt. Significant examples of Late Cretaceous volcano-plutonic structures with porphyry-copper deposits (Elatsite, Medet, Asarel, Tsar Assen, Vlaykov Vruh), connected to subvolcanic granodiorite porphyry intrusions occur in the Panagyurishte ore region, Bulgaria. The PSD are closely associated with high-sulphidation type Cu-Au epithermal deposits (Chelopech, Krasen, Radka, Elshitsa) that are related to andesite - dacite magmatic activity. 3D UAV-supported alteration mapping of Vlaykov Vruh and Tsar Assen PCD have been performed to identify and prove the geometry of the alteration mineral assemblages and ore controlling structures. Domains consisting of phyllic, argillic, propylitic and K-silicate alteration zones associated with and porphyry-copper style of mineralization in Vlaykov Vruh and Tsar Assen deposits were outlined. 3D modelling of Popovo Dere PCD by means of Leapfrog Geo and mineral alteration mapping study outlined fault controlled proximal K-silicate domain and more distal propylitic domain as a potential Cu-porphyry deposit target for further mineral exploration and evaluation

Two types of K-silicate alterations, one with magnetite and another without magnetite that hosted Cu-porphyry mineralization have been distinguished within the proximal Cu-rich zone. More distal propylitic domain has also been outlined by 3D modelling. Strike-slip fault control within the K-silicate alteration domain outlined the cone shaped Cu-porphyry ore body. The UAV-Multispectral and TIR mapping in addition to XRD study confirmed the geometry of phyllic alteration domain hosted in andesitic and dacitic volcanic rocks. The propylitic alteration zone is developed in the granodiorite porphyry intrusion in Vlaykov Vruh PCD and with K-silicate domains hosts Cu-Mo mineralization. Fe-oxide and malachite rich domains have been traced in Tsar Assen PCD in addition to Cu-rich zone in the western part of the open pit.

The recent study demonstrates that combined UAV-supported remote sensing and mineral alteration field and XRD mapping could provide an effective vectoring and exploration targeting tool toward PCD mineralization

This study is supported by the Horizon 2020 co-funded GOLDENEYE project through the Grant Agreement 869398.

How to cite: Velev, S., Bogdanov, K., and Krumov, I.: 3D alteration mapping and remote-sensing applications for porphyry -copper deposits (PCD) exploration, in Panagyurishte ore district, Bulgaria, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3168,, 2023.

EGU23-4901 | ECS | Orals | GI6.7

Development of time-gated Raman proximal sensing for an earth observation platform 

Jari Havisto, Martin Köhler, Sanna Uusitalo, Marko Paavola, Andreas Knobloch, and Katariina Rahkamaa-Tolonen

The Goldeneye project combines remote sensing and positioning technologies with proximal sensing to produce reference calibrated mineralogical maps through data fusion. The project brings together optical satellite sensor data, drone sensor aerial data both optical and electromagnetic as well as spectral ground sensor data. Satellite data can offer spectral signatures of large areas but suffers from limited spatial resolution and blind spots where the higher resolution satellite data is not available. Drone data can offer more variety in spectral wavelengths with higher resolution but there are some drawbacks as well. Namely, NIR vibrational spectroscopy requires background information for successful mineralogical analysis. In addition, the most interesting SWIR range is challenging due to large and very expensive sensors. To cope with these challenges of aerial data, proximal sensing can be applied in locations where satellite imagery is not available, and it can also produce reference information for the calibration of the spaceborne and airborne instruments. The conventionally used analyses for producing mineralogical information from field collected samples are the mineral liberation analysis (MLA) and X-Ray diffraction (XRD) which require extensive sample preparations and are laborious and slow. Goldeneye-project has studied the use of time-gated Raman for easier and more practical production of reference data at the field sites as well as from field collected rock samples. The benefit of Raman is an accurate characteristic spectral fingerprint and an ability to distinguish small mineralogical features as the detection spot is in the range of hundreds of microns. There are continuous wave Raman spectrometers, which are already field deployable. However, conventional Raman suffers from the auto-fluorescence emission triggered by the laser illumination, especially in light-colored rock samples. Time-gated (TG) Raman has the benefit of time-resolved sensing, where the Raman scattering is recorded before the fluorescence signal is over-powering the weaker scattered signal. TG-Raman can thus offer information from a wider variety of geological specimen than the conventional Raman. In Goldeneye-project, TG-Raman spectra were collected with custom sampling solution from mineral samples and drill cores from Erzgebirge exploration site in Germany. The data was analysed together with pXRF reference data to assess the benefit of the data fusion.

The paper has been prepared in the frame of the Horizon 2020 co-funded project GOLDENEYE, which has received funds through the Grant Agreement 869398.

How to cite: Havisto, J., Köhler, M., Uusitalo, S., Paavola, M., Knobloch, A., and Rahkamaa-Tolonen, K.: Development of time-gated Raman proximal sensing for an earth observation platform, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4901,, 2023.

EGU23-5181 | Posters on site | GI6.7

Monitoring Active Mining Areas in Operation using Sentinel-1 Coherence Time Series 

Kateryna Sergieieva, Olena Kavats, and Dmitriy Khramov

Monitoring and mapping open-pit mining activity is essential to identify operation sites and unaffected surfaces of mining areas. Vertical displacements of the earth's surface associated with open pit mining can be detected using high spatial resolution Digital Surface Model (DSM) data or based on all-weather Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Single Look Complex (SLC) satellite images using Differential Interferometry Synthetic Aperture Radar (DInSAR) technique. In some cases, activity in an open pit may not be accompanied by changes in terrain heights but cause violations of land cover integrity accompanied by earth's surface texture changes (for example, deforestation or recultivation, violation of quarries and dump slope integrity, changes in surface conditions, hydrological disturbances, etc.) and can be detected using coherence maps generated from SAR SLC data.

Coherence is the modulus of the complex correlation coefficient between two SLC images containing information about the amplitude and phase of the radar signal. If there is no surface change between the two survey dates, the coherence values are close to 1. Mining activities change the surface texture, so the coherence decreases to values close to 0. The frequency approach estimates the total changes in coherence over the season. For example, the Temporal Activity Index (TAI) is a relative coherence frequency below a given threshold across the time series of SAR images. In the case of monitoring open pit mining, activity areas with consistently low coherence over a time series of observations are of primary interest.

The study area is an open-pit mining area of the Pyhäsalmi Mine located in the Pohjois-Pohjanmaa region, Finland. It includes an old open pit, a backfill open pit, and several waste dumps [1]. Time series of Sentinel-1 SLC Interferometric Wide (IW) images were used to detect active areas in operation for the study area. Images were collected every 12 days from May to  September 2020-2022 and provided by the GOLDEN-AI platform [2].

For each observation year, a time series of Sentinel-1 SLC coherence was generated for the Pyhäsalmi mine. Active areas in operation were identified for open pits and waste dumps based on TAI maps (Fig. 1), providing information about the intensity of surface changes during the observation periods.

Figure 1. Temporal Activity Index maps for the Pyhäsalmi Mine area.

Funding. This work was funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 869398 “Earth observation and Earth GNSS data acquisition and processing platform for safe, sustainable and cost-efficient mining operations” (Goldeneye).

Acknowledgments. The authors gratefully acknowledge Maria Hänninen, Environmental Manager at Pyhäsalmi Mine Oy for specification locations for measurements and study planning, and the OPT/NET BV company ( and GOLDEN-AI platform for supplying Sentinel-1 data. The authors would like to thank the European Commission, the European Space Agency, and the Copernicus Program for providing Sentinel-1 data.


[1] Siikanen, S., Savolainen, M., Karinen, A., Puputti, J., Kauppinen, T., Uusitalo, S., & Paavola, M., 2022. Drone-based near-infrared multispectral and hyperspectral imaging in monitoring structural changes in mine tailing ponds. Thermal Infrared Applications XLIV, Vol. 12109, pp. 58-64).

[2] Havisto, J., Matselyukh, T., Paavola, M., Uusitalo, S., Savolainen, M., González, A. S., Knobloch, A. & Bogdanov, K., 2021. Golden AI Data Acquisition and Processing Platform for Safe, Sustainable and Cost-Efficient Mining Operations. 2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS, pp. 5775-5778.


How to cite: Sergieieva, K., Kavats, O., and Khramov, D.: Monitoring Active Mining Areas in Operation using Sentinel-1 Coherence Time Series, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5181,, 2023.

EGU23-6208 | Posters on site | GI6.7

Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR)-based measurements of displacements due to geomorphologic changes in northern mining environments – testing and validating InSAR in open pit and tailings of Pyhäsalmi Mine, Finland 

Ossi Kotavaara, Guillem Domenech, Sandra Mingot, Jari Joutsenvaara, Julia Puputti, Daniel Nieto Yll, Zarina Acero, and Terhi Ala-Hulkko

Monitoring the stability of mine structures, such as tailing ponds and open-pits, is crucial for ensuring the safety of personnel on-site and for preventing environmental accidents. This must be done, not only during the active operation of a mine, but also during possible reuse phases, and even after closure. Currently, monitoring the structural stability of the mining area relies heavily on manually conducted RTK-GNSS-based measurements of established control points. While this is a precise and relatively simple technique, it does pose a limit to how many control points can feasibly be monitored, as using tens or even hundreds of control points is time-intensive and laborious. Consequently, monitoring larger areas and areas requiring frequent measuring can be challenging. A remote monitoring option would also remove the element of danger that comes from having to reach control points in possibly unstable areas. InSAR appears to be an alternative for measuring terrain displacements in large, mining areas. Some limitations remain, as terrain coverage and weather conditions in northern latitudes can hinder InSAR analysis. 


The Callio Lab research centre at the Pyhäsalmi mine in Finland has been chosen as a test site for InSAR measurements conducted during the EU H2020-funded GoldenEye project. InSAR is used to measure terrain displacement as a result of geomorphologic changes during the summer and autumn of 2022. Additionally, InSAR analysis will be carried out using a network of corner reflectors during winter 2023. InSAR measurements will be evaluated and compared to drone imagery-based photogrammetric Digital Elevation Models (DEM) and field observations. Supplementary RTK-GNSS measurements are planned to be used to control the stability of selected control points. Results will provide valuable insight about InSAR usability for long-term monitoring in northern latitudes in mine environments, as well as, knowledge related to weather and terrain conditions required for obtaining reliable InSAR. Results will also touch on the main challenges faced when using InSAR in such an environment.


This work has been supported by project Earth observation and Earth GNSS data acquisition and processing platform for safe, sustainable and cost-efficient mining operations (Goldeneye) ID: 869398, Horizon 2020.

How to cite: Kotavaara, O., Domenech, G., Mingot, S., Joutsenvaara, J., Puputti, J., Nieto Yll, D., Acero, Z., and Ala-Hulkko, T.: Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR)-based measurements of displacements due to geomorphologic changes in northern mining environments – testing and validating InSAR in open pit and tailings of Pyhäsalmi Mine, Finland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6208,, 2023.

EGU23-8355 | ECS | Posters on site | GI6.7

Callio Lab – a GoldenEye field trial site at the Pyhäsalmi mine in Finland 

Julia Puputti, Marko Holma, Ossi Kotavaara, Jari Joutsenvaara, and Marton Magyar

Callio Lab is a multidisciplinary research centre operating at the Pyhäsalmi mine in Finland and it is coordinated by the Kerttu Saalasti Institute of the University of Oulu.  The Callio Lab team is responsible for hosting, facilitating, and supporting field trials conducted at the Pyhäsalmi site during the EU funded H2020 project GoldenEye. They are also involved in evaluating the piloted techniques, which includes providing ground truths and other comparative data that can be used for validation. The field trials include pilots such as monitoring the stability of tailing ponds and the deployment of an underground simulated GNSS system. 

The Pyhäsalmi mine is a prime location for testing remote sensing and positioning technologies in a real-world mining setting, as the environment encompasses many key elements that can be found in mines around the world: active and closed open pits of various steepness, ore and waste rock piles, tailing ponds in various states of use, and a multifaceted landscape. Callio Lab and its predecessor CUPP (the Centre for Underground Physics in Pyhäsalmi) have a long-standing history of cooperation with the mining company, which affords easy access to the area and the possibility of using historical datasets spanning decades. We will be presenting how the Callio Lab environment at the Pyhäsalmi mine can serve as a field trial site in projects such as GoldenEye.  

This work has been supported by the project Earth observation and Earth GNSS data acquisition and processing platform for safe, sustainable and cost-efficient mining operations (Goldeneye) ID: 869398, Horizon 2020.

How to cite: Puputti, J., Holma, M., Kotavaara, O., Joutsenvaara, J., and Magyar, M.: Callio Lab – a GoldenEye field trial site at the Pyhäsalmi mine in Finland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8355,, 2023.

Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) has been applied using SAR images from the European Space Agency (ESA) Sentinel-1 constellation, in descending orbit, to obtain the terrain displacement by means of the Coherent Pixel Technique (CPT). This Persistent Scatter Interferometry (PSI) technique was developed in 2002 by the Remote Sensing Laboratory (RSLab) of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, UPC (Lanari et al., 2004; Mora et al. 2002), and recently updated by the Dares Technology team.

ESA Sentinel-1 satellite constellation images were used with Single Look Complex (SLC) images and Interferometric Wide Swath (IW) acquisition mode to detect terrain displacements at Vlaykov Vruh and Tsar Assen porphyry-copper deposits (PCD) in the southern part of Panagyurishte ore district in Bulgaria.

The detected displacement magnitude in Vlaykov Vruh was from 500 to 4,000 m2 while for Tsar Assen PCD it ranges from 500 to 2,500 m2 where several spots of displacement were detected.

We conclude that in the waste pile area east of the Vlaykov Vruh slope instabilities occurred with a displacement of 3.5 cm. Due to a landslide along the fault structure, a slope displacement of about 4.0 cm for Tsar Assen PCD was detected.

The study is supported by the Horizon 2020 co-funded GOLDENEYE project, which has received funds through Grant Agreement 869398.



Lanari, R.; Mora, O.; Manunta, M.; Mallorqui, J.J.; Berardino, P.; Sansosti, E. 2004. A small-baseline approach for investigating deformations on full-resolution differential SAR interferograms.’ IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 42, 1377–1386.

Mora, O.; Mallorqui, J.J.; Duro, J. 2002.Generation of deformation maps at low resolution using differential interferometric SAR data.’ Proceedings of 2002 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS ’02, Toronto, ON, Canada.


How to cite: Domenech, G., Bogdanov, K., Nieto-Yll, D., and Faridi, A.: Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) mapping in Vlaykov Vruh and Tsar Assen Cu-porphyry deposits, Panagyurishte ore region, Bulgaria, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8364,, 2023.

To accomplish strategic objectives on zero-pollution, the entire mining life cycle (exploration, extraction, closure, mine- site rehabilitation) needs to develop minimal impact exploration and monitoring technologies and applications which are open to the broadest groups of stakeholders. In this respect Earth Observation (EO), Drone & Proximal Sensing and relevant in-situ data bring significant contribution for both, sustainable management of mineral resources and efficient multi-scale monitoring of mining impacts. In this sense, the purpose of the GEOMIN activity, part of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) Work Programme [1] [2], is to increase awareness and use of state-of-the-art EO data and methods which represent a novel means for sustainable monitoring and management of mineral resources and efficient multi-scale monitoring mining impacts. 

How is GoldenEye project through AI-driven tools and applications enhances the GEOMIN community?

In the scope of the GoldenEye project, OPT/NET delivered the next generation of AI exploitation system: a hybrid platform which combines the processing & automation capabilities of AI with the natural problem-solving abilities of humans. We have developed dedicated applications with our novel approach based on the Artificial Intelligence Knowledge Packs (AI KPs), integrated in GOLDENAI Engine, to rapidly interpret the geographical patterns and environmental impacts caused by the mining activity.

What is the role of the GEO Knowledge Hub (GKH) as the Digital portal in promoting the replicability and re-usability of AI KP in the mining sector and how it relates to Goldeneye ?

The GEO Knowledge Hub (GKH) is a central cloud-based digital library providing access to Earth Observations applications developed by GEO. The GEO Knowledge Hub is part of the GEOSS Infrastructure and helps the  GEO to advance Open Knowledge. The scope of the GKH is to promote the replicability and re-usability of EO Applications by sharing with the end users, all the Knowledge Resources essential to fully understand and re-use them. All the Knowledge Resources are directly shared, curated and organized by the Knowledge Provider to ensure replicability with proper documentation.

Therefore, several Knowledge Packages (KPs) related to the technological solutions of the GoldenEye project can be found in the GKH. In this paper, the KP related to the GOLDENAI platform will be presented, including the description of the integrated AIKPs, such as:

  • AI KP for mineral mapping - Band-ratios based on WorldView-3 
  • AI KP for mineral mapping - SPCA based on WorldView-3
  • AI KP for UML clustering based on Copernicus Satellite imagery (Sentinel-1 SLC)

The paper has been prepared in the frame of the Horizon 2020 co-funded project GOLDENEYE, which has received funds through the GA 869398.



[1] GEO (2023a). GEO Work Programme 2023-2025. Access 09 Jan. 2023. url: 

[2] GEO (2023b). GEO WEEK 2022. Access 09 Jan. 2023. url: 

How to cite: Gutierres, F., Matselyukh, T., Paavola, M., Franziskakis, F., De Salvo, P., and Carlos, F.: Discover the new approach to applications development with ‘Artificial Intelligence Knowledge Packs (AI KPs)’ in the GEO Knowledge Hub: Towards the Open and Reproducible Knowledge application for mine site monitoring, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9595,, 2023.

EGU23-11469 | Orals | GI6.7

Drone-based electromagnetic survey system for environmental applications 

Markku Pirttijärvi and Pekka Korkeakangas

During the last few years, the number of applications utilizing unoccupied aerial vehicles (UAVs), or drones, has increased rapidly in geophysics. The main benefits of airborne surveys are the ability to avoid terrain obstacles such as lakes, rivers, swamps, and ravines and the ability to collect evenly sampled data over large areas quickly. Drone surveys are safer and more cost-effective than ground surveys, especially in rough terrain. Compared to manned aircrafts, drones are cheaper to acquire and to operate. Drones are also versatile, fast to deploy, and ecologically more friendly.

Presently, drones are commonly used for magnetic surveying, and in addition to normal photogrammetry, drones are also used for multispectral and thermal imaging. Electromagnetic (EM), radiometric and gravity applications have been scarce, because the instruments are heavy compared to the modest payload of reasonable priced drones. Special adaptation or completely new instrumentation is needed to enable more drone applications.

Radai is a private Finnish company specialized in drone-based geophysical and environmental surveys. For the last five years Radai have been developing Louhi – a frequency-domain electro­magnetic (EM) system that is lightweight enough to be operated by drones. Presently, Louhi is operated using a large (Ø 100 m) ground loop as the EM source and a standalone 3-component EM receiver is towed by a VTOL (vertical take-off and landing) drone. Radai also develops a fully airborne system where a smaller transmitter loop (Ø 1 m) is fixed to the drone and receiver is towed either by the same drone or by a second drone that flies in tandem with the first one. The applications of the new EM system include geological mapping, mineral exploration, groundwater and geotechnical investigations and environmental monitoring. This paper gives details of the drone-based Louhi EM system and shows results from the first environmental survey made over a tailings pond dam of closed Pyhäsalmi Zn-Cu mine in Finland. The work is made as a part of EU Horizon 2020 funded Goldeneye project.

How to cite: Pirttijärvi, M. and Korkeakangas, P.: Drone-based electromagnetic survey system for environmental applications, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11469,, 2023.

EGU23-11816 | ECS | Orals | GI6.7

Piloting Simulated GNSS in Underground Spaces 

Marton Magyar, Julia Puputti, Ossi Kotavaara, Jari Joutsenvaara, Eli Ariel, and Tuomas Koivurova

Global navigation satellite systems (GNSS)-based navigation services are widely used above ground in open-pit mining operations for safety management, process optimalization and fleet management. Extending these location-based services (LBS) to underground operations may increase efficiency and safety in mining, underground research and development, as well as, in mine reuse projects. Numerous different methods and technologies have been proposed and utilized for positioning and navigation in indoor areas and underground tunnels. Depending on the detection technology, there have been four main categories of LBS with varying levels of complexity and accuracy: 1) inertial navigation systems, 2) radio frequency (RF) based positioning, 3) multi-sensor (hybrid) navigation and 4) pseudolite-based positioning. The main motivation for deploying GNSS technology in underground conditions is to utilize the already existing, robust infrastructure, with simple off-the-shelf receiver devices. The tested system has high potential to enable high accuracy positioning in traditional GNSS-denied areas. 

The simulated underground GNSS approach is tested in a 400-meter-deep tunnel section in the Pyhäsalmi mine located in Northern Finland. At the test site, 17 signal emulators have been installed in a 200-meter-long mine tunnel to provide GNSS access. The goal is to test the simulated underground GNSS and its ability to support a wide range of common above-ground GNSS end-user devices and services. These may include applications for worker safety, mine environment monitoring and operational efficiency. The accuracy, reliability and coverage of the tested system will affect its usability significantly. In this paper, we measure positioning accuracy in different underground conditions and environments, assess applicability of a hybrid positioning approach using WLAN supported services, and test functionality of the system with common GNSS devices. The collected positioning data is analyzed with spatial analyses and statistics in geographic information systems. Results of the study will indicate how GNSS emulation techniques could be adopted to deep underground spaces and what are the possible development needs of the technology. 

This project received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 innovation programme under grant agreement number: 839398.

How to cite: Magyar, M., Puputti, J., Kotavaara, O., Joutsenvaara, J., Ariel, E., and Koivurova, T.: Piloting Simulated GNSS in Underground Spaces, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11816,, 2023.

The Goldeneye project has implemented a unique combination of remote sensing and positioning technologies, exploiting Earth observation and Earth GNSS data, together with data fusion and processing powered by data analytics and machine-learning algorithms. The platform allows satellites, drones and in-situ sensors to collect high-resolution data, which can be processed and converted into actionable intelligence for safety, environmental monitoring and overall productivity, allowing more efficient exploration, extraction and closure. These tools have been demonstrated in 5 field trials in Germany, Bulgaria, Romania, Kosovo and Finland, and the initial results show significant time and cost savings, even up to 80%, for example, in exploration and mine safety, environmental and operations reporting. The project has a duration of 3,5 years and an EC funding of €8.36M. The multidisciplinary consortium includes industrial partners, SMEs, academic/research centres and end-users.

The project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No [869398].

How to cite: Paavola, M.: Goldeneye –a multisource AI-enabled earth observation platform for mining applications, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17075,, 2023.

NH7 – Wildfire Hazards

EGU23-405 | ECS | Orals | NH7.1

Large bushfires under drought and extreme temperature conditions in southeastern Australia: a probabilistic assessment using copulas 

Patrícia Páscoa, Célia Gouveia, Ana Russo, and Andreia Ribeiro

The occurrence of large bushfires in southeastern Australia has been linked to the occurrence of extreme climate conditions, such as droughts and extreme temperatures. Several extreme bushfires have occurred following or during severe droughts and heatwaves, namely the Black Saturday bushfires in 2009 and the Black Summer of 2019-2020. Fire-prone weather conditions have become more severe in this region during the past years and are expected to worsen as the frequency of compound drought and extreme temperature events is expected to increase in the future, even under lower emission scenarios. This is particularly important as the impacts of compound climate events are usually larger when compared to the impacts resulting from an individual event. Therefore, compound drought and temperature extremes are likely to increase the probability of large bushfires, compared to the occurrence of an individual event.

In this work, the trivariate relationship between burned area in the months of December to February, drought conditions, and temperature extremes was analyzed using copulas for the period 2001-2020. Burned area across forests were computed using the GlobFire dataset. Drought conditions were assessed using the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI), computed with monthly precipitation and temperature data from the CRU TS4.05 dataset. The indices Number of Hot Days (NHD) and Number of Hot Nights (NHN) were used to identify conditions of extreme temperature and were computed using hourly temperature data from ERA5. The influence of concurrent and previous climate conditions on the burned area was assessed, for up to 3 months before the beginning of the fire event.

The results show a clear influence on the probability of occurrence of large fires under conditions of drought and extreme temperature. Drought conditions in the months before the fire event had a larger effect than temperature extremes. Moreover, the probability of occurrence of large fires is higher when compound drought and hot events are present than given only one individual extreme event.


Acknowledgements: This study was supported by the H2020 FirEUrisk project (EU H2020, Grant Agreement 101003890) and by FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Portugal) through national funds (PIDDAC) – UIDB/50019/2020 and project Floresta Limpa (PCIF/MOG/0161/2019).

How to cite: Páscoa, P., Gouveia, C., Russo, A., and Ribeiro, A.: Large bushfires under drought and extreme temperature conditions in southeastern Australia: a probabilistic assessment using copulas, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-405,, 2023.

EGU23-804 | ECS | Posters virtual | NH7.1

Assessment of the impact of the forest fire pollutants on vegetation and crop health in Northeast India 

Mira Shivani Sankar, Alka Singh, Nagesh K Subbanna, and Raian V Maretto

Wildfires are increasing tremendously in Northeast India mostly due to anthropogenic intervention. Indian states are prone to high-intensity fire events resulting in long-term impact on the forest ecosystem such as changes in the vegetation pattern and life cycle of species, decrease in certain species population, and quality of vegetation. Also, forest fires are known to influence the air pollution rate, and the pollutants generated through forest fire are way more complex when compared with urban air pollutants as the composition of forest fire pollutants (FFP) depend on the type of vegetation in the region. Additionally, volatile organic compounds (VOC’s), soot, ozone and black carbon which are few of the products from forest fire has the ability to travel far away from the source fire affecting different ecosystem at various ways and intensity.

As FFP can cause a decline in local, regional and global terrestrial productivity, a deep learning model will be useful in understanding and assessing the impact on vegetation health. Consequently, it is necessary to model the effects of the forest fires, so that their effects in both nearby and far off areas is understood.  In order to accomplish this, we employ Bi-directional Long Short-Term Memory (BiLSTM). The advantages of using a LSTM model are its ability to learn from Spatio-temporal series of data, avoid vanishing and exploding gradient problem, while being tractable to train. The inputs consist of concentrations of, aerosol, carbon monoxide, ozone, black carbon density, evapotranspiration, leaf area index, soil moisture, temperature and relative humidity obtained from MERRA – 2, MODIS and Sentinel – 5P satellite datasets accessed using google earth engine portal. Utilizing these datasets, the normalized vegetation index can be predicted. Standard techniques (mean squared error, root mean squared error, mean absolute error and mean absolute percentage error) are employed to determine the performance of the algorithm.

Keywords: forest fire, pollutants, BiLSTM, google earth engine, deep learning

How to cite: Sankar, M. S., Singh, A., Subbanna, N. K., and Maretto, R. V.: Assessment of the impact of the forest fire pollutants on vegetation and crop health in Northeast India, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-804,, 2023.

EGU23-1317 | Orals | NH7.1

Global and continental burned area detection from remote sensing: the FireCCI products 

M. Lucrecia Pettinari, Joshua Lizundia-Loiola, Amin Khairoun, Ekhi Roteta, Thomas Storm, Martin Boettcher, Olaf Danne, Carsten Brockmann, and Emilio Chuvieco

The FireCCI project, as part of the ESA Climate Change Initiative (CCI), has developed and validated burned area (BA) algorithms and products with the objective to meet, as far as possible, GCOS (Global Climate Observing System) Essential Climate Variable requirements for global satellite data products from multi-sensor data archives.

The current suite of global products include FireCCI51, whose algorithm uses as input MODIS NIR surface reflectance at 250 m and 1-km-resolution active fires, and currently covers a 20-year time series. An evolution of this algorithm uses the SWIR bands of the Sentinel-3 SLSTR sensor, provided at 300 m resolution by the Synergy products developed by ESA. This input is complemented by VIIRS active fire information at 375 m resolution. The resulting BA product, called FireCCIS310, takes advantage of the improved BA detection capacity of the SWIR bands and the higher resolution of the VIIRS thermal information, apart from upgrades in the algorithm itself. This product is currently available for 2019, and it is being further processed for the subsequent years. FireCCIS310 is capable of detecting 28% more BA than FireCCI51 for the same year.

Complementary, a specific dataset has been created for sub-Saharan Africa, where more than 70% of the total global burned area occurs. This product, called FireCCISFD (SFD standing for Small Fire Dataset), uses surface reflectance from the Sentinel-2 MSI sensor at 20 m spatial resolution, supplemented by active fire information. Version 1.1 of this dataset (FireCCISFD11) covers the year 2016 and is based on Sentinel-2A data plus MODIS active fires, while the newer version (FireCCISFD20) has been processed for the year 2019, and takes advantage of the additional data provided by Sentinel-2B, duplicating the input data amount and temporal resolution, and the improved spatial resolution of VIIRS active fires. Due to the much higher spatial resolution of the input data, this product detected 58% more BA than FireCCI51 in 2016, and 82% more in 2019, mostly due to the enhanced detection of small burned patches, not detectable with coarser resolution sensors.

All these datasets provide very valuable information regarding land cover change dynamics due to fires, and their associated aerosol and greenhouse gasses emitted to the atmosphere. Particularly, the SFD datasets show that current estimations of fire emissions have been underestimated, and that they should be re-assessed taking into account the capabilities of the information provided by medium to high-resolution sensors.

How to cite: Pettinari, M. L., Lizundia-Loiola, J., Khairoun, A., Roteta, E., Storm, T., Boettcher, M., Danne, O., Brockmann, C., and Chuvieco, E.: Global and continental burned area detection from remote sensing: the FireCCI products, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1317,, 2023.

EGU23-1758 | ECS | Orals | NH7.1

Spatio-temporal analysis in high resolution of curated tweets associated with the November 2016 wildfire in Haifa (Israel) 

Motti Zohar, Bar Gennosar, Ronnen Avny, Naama Tessler, and Avigdor Gal

For the past decade, Twitter has become a robust platform for distributing messages (tweets) among numerous subscribers worldwide. During and around the occurrence of natural hazards, tweet volumes increase significantly. While Twitter is used for near real-time alerts, processes for extracting reported damage from tweets and resolving their geographical spread in high resolution are still under development. In this study we examine the spatio-temporal distribution of tweets associated with the November 2016 fire, which lasted in Haifa (Isreal) for nearly two days. The acquired tweets were classified and filtered using topic modeling procedure, a portion of them were accurately georeferenced by the Open Street Map and GeoNames gazetteers, and their hyperlocal spatio-temporal patterns were examined. It was found that the tweets’ sentiment (peaks and lows) corresponds to the fire’s occurring cascading events while their spatial distribution can be aligned with most of the actual (true) reports. Despite large uncertainties in the process, results show Twitter can serve in the future as another layer of information to assist decision makers and emergency agencies during and after cascading catastrophes.

How to cite: Zohar, M., Gennosar, B., Avny, R., Tessler, N., and Gal, A.: Spatio-temporal analysis in high resolution of curated tweets associated with the November 2016 wildfire in Haifa (Israel), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1758,, 2023.

EGU23-4619 | ECS | Orals | NH7.1

Efficiently Estimating Patterns in Wildfire Burn Probability 

Douglas Radford, Holger Maier, Hedwig van Delden, Aaron Zecchin, and Amelie Jeanneau

Wildfires can be dangerous phenomena, creating risks for communities that are likely to be exposed to wildfire. The likelihood of community exposure to a wildfire is influenced by the interaction of fire behaviour factors (weather, fuel and topography) across multiple spatial scales.

Our objective is to develop an index that measures the connectivity of our communities to the multi-scaled interactions of fire behaviour factors in a computationally efficient manner. The index serves as a proxy for relative wildfire likelihood and represents temporally and spatially variable patterns in wildfire likelihood. The index will support wildfire risk assessments, including exploring problems such as optimising landscape treatment placements.

Here, we introduce the connectivity index as a multi-scaled, process-informed spatial aggregation of wildfire hazard properties across a landscape. We use a case study landscape to compare the connectivity index against simulated burn probability and historical burnt areas. Using a historically-informed parameterisation, we find a high correlation (0.83) to simulated burn probability with a fraction of the computational effort (0.3% of the runtime). The connectivity index also demonstrates an improved ability to explain historical burnt areas. We identify opportunities to further improve performance by incorporating the index into data-driven model structures.

Our findings demonstrate that the connectivity index captures structural patterns in wildfire likelihood, as influenced by the interaction of fire behaviour factors across multiple scales. By achieving this in a computationally efficient manner, we believe that the connectivity index can work alongside other measures of wildfire likelihood to inform and plan wildfire risk reduction activities, including in large-scale analysis.

How to cite: Radford, D., Maier, H., van Delden, H., Zecchin, A., and Jeanneau, A.: Efficiently Estimating Patterns in Wildfire Burn Probability, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4619,, 2023.

EGU23-4815 | Posters on site | NH7.1

Development of real-time forest fire spread prediction model based on big data 

Inseon Suh, Sungmin Kim, Youngmi Lee, Kyewon Jun, and Byungsik Kim

Spatiotemporal prediction of wildfire spread is very important to minimize damage and respond urgently to these urban forest fires since forest fire damages caused by strong winds such as the Foehn wind are increasing every year, especially along the eastern coastal cities in Korea. Because forest fires spread under the influence of environmental factors such as fuel, topography, and weather, the values of these factors are known as important variables for accurate forest fire spread prediction models. In this study, we developed a forest fire spread prediction model that considers wind speed, wind direction, fuel information, and slope as main factors by analyzing past forest fire damage data in Gangwon-do such as meteorological factors, fuel and terrain characteristics. The wildfire spread prediction model (hereinafter referred to as WINS, Wind field Network for Fire Spread Simulation) produces meteorological information of a numerical forecasting model calibrated with MOS (Model output statistics) as 1km x 1km grid values, and the slope and fuel information between each grid are configured. Land use information in the Gangwon area is divided into artificial grassland, mixed forest, natural measures, coniferous forest, and broad-leaved forest, and the depth of the surface fuel layer and the amount of water removal surface fuel are layered by grid according to Anderson fuel type. As soon as the ignition point information is obtained, the predicted wind speed and wind direction values of the grid are layered by time and GIS-based predicted spatiotemporal information is produced. The WINS model for forest fire cases in the Gangwon region occurred from 2019 to 2021 was verified, and real-time map-based forest fire spread prediction information was utilized by local governments and related stakeholders in the urban forest fire response task and decision-making stage according to the simulated scenario.


"This research was supported by the program of Research Program to Solve Urgent Safety Issues (2022M3E9A1095664), through the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF), funded by the Korean government. (Ministry of Science and ICT(MSIT), Ministry of the Interior and Safety(MOIS))."

How to cite: Suh, I., Kim, S., Lee, Y., Jun, K., and Kim, B.: Development of real-time forest fire spread prediction model based on big data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4815,, 2023.

Due to the irregular and sporadic nature of wildfires, continuous monitoring of large areas is required. Since geostationary satellite sensors can observe large areas with high temporal resolution, they are suitable for monitoring wildfires in real time. However, the threshold algorithm currently employed for satellite-based active fire detection has poor performance in sensors with low spatial resolution. In addition, the algorithm does not account for environmental conditions that affect wildfire detection, resulting in poor generalization performance for large areas. This study examines the viability of an adaptive active fire detection model by combining satellite and numerical model data with deep learning. A model for active fire detection was developed using commonly employed brightness temperature-related variables (key variables) and local environmental variables (sub variables). Key variables are the cross spectral and spatial differences between the MIR (central wavelength of 3.85 m) and 2 TIR (central wavelengths of 9.63 and 11.20 m) channels of the Advanced Himawari Imager (AHI). Sub variables include Solar zenith angle (SOZ) and satellite zenith angle (SAZ) of AHI, skin temperature (ST) and relative humidity (RH) of European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Reanalysis v5 (ERA5)-land data. Four processes (confidence, frequency, land cover, and continuity tests) were used to extract reference fire samples from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) active fire products. To consider the different properties of key and sub variables, a 2-way convolutional neural network (CNN) structure was developed. To evaluate the influence of environmental variables, a CNN model without sub variables was adopted as a control model. The 2-way CNN (recall of 0.86, precision of 0.96, and standard deviation of recall of 0.13) was more robust at five focus sites than the control CNN (recall of 0.82, precision of 0.97, and standard deviation of recall of 0.163). Despite having a lower spatial resolution than MODIS/VIIRS, 2-way CNN outperformed other satellite-based active fire products (MODIS, VIIRS, AHI, and Advanced Meteorological Imager) in terms of detection capacity. The control CNN demonstrated poor performance under certain environmental conditions (high RH, high SAZ, and transition time between day and night), but 2-way CNN mitigates this tendency. In particular, the use of RH improved detection sensitivity, and SAZ contributed to the spatial robustness. This study demonstrated the significance of environmental conditions in active fire detection and proposed a suitable CNN structure for this intent. Based on the findings of this study, higher-level adaptive active fire monitoring under diverse environmental conditions will be possible together with explainable artificial intelligence.

How to cite: Sung, T., Kang, Y., and Im, J.: A robust deep learning-based active fire detection model in diverse environments by fusion of satellite and numerical model data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4969,, 2023.

EGU23-5159 | Posters on site | NH7.1

Transitions between use/land cover classes and burnt areas in Europe  

Marj Tonini, Joana Parente, Nikos Koutsias, and Mário Pereira

Wildfires play a fundamental role in Land Use/Land Cover (LULC) change dynamics by burning vegetation in forested and rural areas and by affecting human infrastructures. Conversely, LULC can disturb fire regime by altering vegetation cover, conditioning subsequent transitions, and acting on fuel loads and continuity. Though there is an evident mutual influence between wildfires and LULC changes, a rigorous quantification of their reciprocal effects in Europe has never been performed before. To fill this gap, in the present study we developed a methodology allowing the evaluation of different indicators for the quantitative assessment and a better understanding of the transitions among LULC classes and Burnt Areas (BA) that occurred in Europe within the last two decades (2000 – 2020).

Our analyses revealed that the two LULC classes which had experienced major changes were Forests (44%), and Scrubs and/or herbaceous vegetation associations (32%). As a general trend, within the five European Mediterranean Countries more prone to wildfires (Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, and Greece) we found a decrease in the classes Forests and Arable land, and an increase in Scrubs and/or herbaceous vegetation associations, suggesting the impact of wildfires in shaping the natural and rural landscape. This assumption was better evaluated and confirmed by the following analyses, performed at both the European and national levels. Results showed that most of the BA have occurred in Forests (42% for the entire Europe), with a predominance in Coniferous forests; the subsequent transitions from BA were generally to Transitional woodland/shrub or again to BA. This last indicates a high frequency of wildfires in a given area, while the first transition can be partially due to the regeneration/recolonization of the vegetation after a wildfire event. Outcomes for the single countries followed almost the same trend.

Overall, our results confirm the existence of a strong relationship between wildfires and LULC changes in Europe, which have been quantified in the present study. These findings are in line with previous research and provide a deep insight into the process at the global and local levels, paving the way for further analyses on fire intensity and frequency with coupled environmental elements of land cover and climate changes.

How to cite: Tonini, M., Parente, J., Koutsias, N., and Pereira, M.: Transitions between use/land cover classes and burnt areas in Europe , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5159,, 2023.

EGU23-6457 | Posters on site | NH7.1

A wildfire vulnerability index for buildings in Austria 

Maria Papathoma-Koehle, David Hausharter, Matthias Schlögl, and Sven Fuchs

Recent events have clearly shown that wildfires may occur in areas that until now have not experienced large wildfires and the associated consequences (e.g. Scandinavia, Siberia, Austria, etc.). There is a need to understand the risk posed by wildfires and develop tools for the assessment of the vulnerability of assets such as buildings and infrastructure. Building quality and design standards are important not only because building loss is costly but also because robust buildings may offer shelter when evacuation is not possible. Studies aiming at the analysis of wildfire vulnerability for the built environment are limited.  We present a new wildfire vulnerability index for buildings in Austria based on a choice of vulnerability indicators and expert judgement. Vulnerability indicators express characteristics of the buildings and their surroundings that influence their vulnerability to a hazardous process. A list of indicators based on the existing literature has been used together with an expert panel to decide which indicators may be relevant and what is their importance in controlling vulnerability. The indicators and their weights are aggregated into a wildfire vulnerability index which can be assigned for each building located in the wildland urban interface (WUI) zone. This index is related to information such as the structural building type, the roof type, material and shape of the roof, the inclination of the ground, the surrounding vegetation, the material of the shutters and the ground covering. The resulting vulnerability and its spatial pattern may guide decisions, strategies and vulnerability reduction activities that will increase the resilience of communities to this emerging risk. The index may be used by decision-makers, emergency services, homeowners and insurance companies to visualise physical vulnerability to wildfire.

How to cite: Papathoma-Koehle, M., Hausharter, D., Schlögl, M., and Fuchs, S.: A wildfire vulnerability index for buildings in Austria, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6457,, 2023.

EGU23-7392 | ECS | Orals | NH7.1

Investigating the Impact of Wildfires on Surface Albedo in Africa Using MODIS Data 

Michaela Flegrova and Helen Brindley

Wildfires can have significant impacts on the Earth's surface albedo, with effects that can be long-lasting. In Africa, the frequency and severity of wildfires are changing due to a combination of factors including drought, land use change, and human activity. However, the impact of wildfires on surface albedo in Africa is not well understood and previous research has produced conflicting results.

In this study, we are using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data to investigate the potential changes in surface albedo following wildfires in Africa. Our preliminary results suggest that wildfires may have a complex and variable impact on albedo, with some regions potentially experiencing a decrease in albedo and others an increase or no significant change following a wildfire.

We are also exploring the use of different approaches to analyse the MODIS data to better understand how the choice of method may impact the results and looking how the effect varies for different land cover types. In addition, we are using Fire Radiative Power data from the Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI) to examine the role of fire intensity in driving albedo changes.

This research aims to provide new insights into the impact of wildfires on surface albedo in Africa, the underlying mechanisms driving these changes and how different analysis methods affect the conclusions. These results may have important implications for land management strategies in the region, and for understanding the impact of wildfires on local climate and ecosystem processes.

How to cite: Flegrova, M. and Brindley, H.: Investigating the Impact of Wildfires on Surface Albedo in Africa Using MODIS Data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7392,, 2023.

EGU23-8114 | Orals | NH7.1 | Highlight

Assessing and managing the risk of water quality contamination after wildfires: an example approach for Portugal 

Joao Pedro Nunes, Joana Parente, Akli Benali, and Luis Filipe Dias

Wildfires can change vegetation cover and soil properties, often enhancing surface runoff and sediment transport processes. The ash produced by these fires can also be mobilized and contaminate downstream water bodies with fine sediments, heavy metals, nutrients and organic carbons. Urban water supplies are usually taken from watersheds with natural vegetation cover to limit agricultural contamination; this makes these supply sources vulnerable to disruption after wildfires, an occurrence which might be infrequent but carry large consequences such as supply disruptions. Moreover, mobilized ashes can deposit in stream and reservoir beds and be resuspended for years after the fire, prolonging the disruption in time.

Forest and water managers can take some steps to manage these risks, including preventive forest management planning and contingency planning for emergency interventions in the burnt areas themselves and at the treatment plants. However, the elements to quantify these risks are generally poorly quantified in most fire-prone watersheds. Fire regimes might be known, but the relationships between fire characteristics and impacts on water quality are difficult to assess without good datasets; and the costs and benefits of different mitigation approaches are usually not well understood. To further complicate matters, the impacts of wildfires on hydrology and sediment processes tend to vary significantly across climatic regions, making it difficult to transfer knowledge.

This presentation will provide an overview of the issues surrounding the assessment of the risk of water quality contamination after wildfires. It will also provide an example on how this is being done in Portugal, through project FRISCO: Managing Fire-Induced Risks of Water Quality Contamination (FCT, ref. PCIF/MPG/0044/2018). The project, now in its fourth and final year, has (i) determined the most important fire and post-fire conditions leading to fire-induced contamination events, through a detailed analysis of a 20-year water quality database for over a hundred water supply reservoirs, linked with a concurrent atlas of fire severity; (ii) developed, together with water managers, a risk assessment index that can be used after a fire to inform managers on the need for further action; and (iii) is assessing multiple post-fire intervention options, from the biophysical and socioeconomic perspectives, to help inform managers on which actions they can take to address the issue. This project provides a blueprint on how these issues might be addressed by water managers in other fire-prone watersheds.

How to cite: Nunes, J. P., Parente, J., Benali, A., and Dias, L. F.: Assessing and managing the risk of water quality contamination after wildfires: an example approach for Portugal, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8114,, 2023.

EGU23-8151 | ECS | Orals | NH7.1

Assessment of fire contribution to forest loss in sub-Saharan Africa using medium-resolution BA 

Amin Khairoun, Florent Mouillot, Wentao Chen, Philippe Ciais, and Emilio Chuvieco

Deforestation represents one of the major challenges of the current era as it constitutes an imminent threat to the forest carbon sink offsetting the different sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Fire is highly contributing to forest loss and degradation as a driver (i.e. wildfires) and a clearing tool (e.g. slash-and-burn agriculture). However, fire impacts were mainly analysed at coarse spatial resolutions, and therefore estimations are deemed to be very conservative because of the high omission errors in global BA products. In this study, we focus on sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), which represents the region most affected by fires globally. We analysed fire-related forest loss at 20 m resolution based on FireCCISFD datasets available for 2016 and 2019, in combination with the Global Forest Cover (GFC) maps derived from medium-resolution sensors (Sentinel 2 and Landsat, respectively). These estimations were compared to the ones of two global BA products derived from the MODIS sensor, namely MCD64A1 (Collection 6) and FireCCI51. We found that fires are a precursor of forest loss, as burned areas had more than twice the chance to be lost than unburned ones during the two study years, and that on average, fires were directly involved in almost half of forest losses in SSA (46 ± 3.80% in 2019 and 47 ± 4.21% in 2016). Depending on biomes and the year of study, fire-related forest cover loss ranged from 32 ± 1.83% to 75 ± 3.65%. In general, the subtropics dominated by Tropical Savanna and Dry Tropical Forest exhibit the highest contributions of fire, whereas the tropical zone, where Moist Tropical Forest is prevailing, showed lower contributions due to the lower fire activity. Fragmentation, as well as fire season, were found to be drivers of forest loss as the majority of these losses occur in fragmented areas close to forest edge (< 320 m) and in late fire season. We conclude that the use of medium-resolution BA products to assess fire impacts in tropical ecosystems is crucial.

How to cite: Khairoun, A., Mouillot, F., Chen, W., Ciais, P., and Chuvieco, E.: Assessment of fire contribution to forest loss in sub-Saharan Africa using medium-resolution BA, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8151,, 2023.

EGU23-8373 | ECS | Orals | NH7.1

Preliminary assessment of burned area products in the detection of small fires: A case study of China 

Shuhan Lou, Magí Franquesa, Yuqi Bai, and Emilio Chuvieco

Previous studies have found that global burned area products based on coarse resolution sensors tend to miss small fires (<100 ha), particularly in those regions where burnings tend to be human-controlled.

We aimed to analyse the accuracy of small fire detection of current global burned area products in China. Most regions in China tend to have small fires due to strict forest and grassland fire suppression policies, as well as straw burning ban policies. According to Chinese government statistics from 2010 to 2019, there are more than 2000 forest fires every year, with an average size of 10.9 ha per fire. However, most of the studies on fire regimes and fire impacts in China used global burned area products with relatively coarser spatial resolutions, most likely leading to considerable uncertainty in the results.

Our assessment included burned area products with coarse spatial resolution sensors (MODIS, Sentinel-3) with relatively high temporal resolution (1 day) and those with medium resolution sensors (Landsat, Sentinel-2) with relatively low temporal resolution (> 5 days). A burned area reference dataset from Sentinel-2 (S2) images was built to validate those burned area products in China. The extent to which the difference in the spatial and temporal resolutions affecting the total burned area was measured based on the spatial and temporal intercomparison of burned area products.

Accuracy metrics, including both omission (undetected burned pixels) and commission errors (unburned pixels classified as burned), were used in this study. The preliminary results indicate that the ability of global burned area products to detect small fires needs to be improved. This work imposes the essential requirement of relatively high spatial and temporal resolution burned area products for small fires.

How to cite: Lou, S., Franquesa, M., Bai, Y., and Chuvieco, E.: Preliminary assessment of burned area products in the detection of small fires: A case study of China, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8373,, 2023.

EGU23-8650 | ECS | Orals | NH7.1

Is global burned area declining due to cropland expansion? How much do we know based on remotely sensed data? 

Maria Zubkova, Michael Humber, and Louis Giglio

Globally, the amount of fire activity detected by satellite observations seems to have changed substantially in the last two decades. Discussions regarding the main force behind the current trends have dominated research in recent years, with several studies attributing the global decline in wildfires to the expansion of agricultural areas. Nevertheless, most studies have failed to acknowledge that the regions where these changing patterns have been observed are known to be data-poor.

Here we discuss the uncertainties and limitations of remotely sensed data used to determine global trends in burned area and changes in their potential drivers. Specifically, we i) quantify changes in the amount of burned area and cropland area and illustrate discrepancies between commonly used datasets, ii) state the limitations of remote-sensed fire and land cover products, and iii) highlight recent fire-trend studies and hypothesize likely effects of the choice of datasets on their conclusions. We argue that to legitimately conclude that the reported global decline in fire activity is driven by cropland expansion, three conditions must be met. First, negative trends should be global in scope, not localized to a specific continent or region. Second, the trends in both fire activity and agricultural areas must be supported by data that definitively demonstrate such trends over time. And third, the decline in the amount of burned area must be documented within or proximal to the areas of cropland expansion.

We demonstrate that a drastic decline in fire activity in the last 20 years was only observed within regions highly sensitive to coarse resolution fire product biases, while most regions/continents did not experience significant changes in the amount of burned area. Additionally, the analysis of several global land cover products reveals the lack of consistency in the direction and magnitude of the trend in cropland land cover type. And finally, based on the available data, no clear spatial relationship can be detected between areas experiencing cropland expansion and areas where the amount of burned area is declining.

Therefore, our knowledge of anthropogenic effects on fire, while growing, remains incomplete, particularly the effects of cropland expansion on wildfires, due to the low confidence in estimated fire trends within human-managed land and lack of understanding of the spatial distribution of cropland expansion/loss.

How to cite: Zubkova, M., Humber, M., and Giglio, L.: Is global burned area declining due to cropland expansion? How much do we know based on remotely sensed data?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8650,, 2023.

EGU23-8876 | ECS | Orals | NH7.1

Using satellite, airborne laser scanning and socio-economic data in a machine learning framework for improved fire danger modelling in the Alps 

Ruxandra Zotta, Stefan Schlaffer, Markus Hollaus, Alena Dostalova, Harald Vacik, Mortimer Müller, Clement Atzberger, Markus Immitzer, Gergö Dioszegi, and Wouter Dorigo

The frequency and severity of wildfires in the Alpine region will likely increase due to climate change. Most fire danger forecasts currently adopted in this region are based on meteorological data, such as the Canadian Fire Weather Index (FWI). They are typically only available at relatively coarse spatial resolutions (up to ca. 1 km) and, therefore, are of limited use in mountain regions with complex topography. Other factors, such as vegetation type and structure and the role of humans causing ignitions, are typically not considered.  

We address this gap by presenting a novel, high-resolution, satellite-supported integrated forest fire danger system (IFDS) for Austria. For this purpose, we use radar and optical satellite data from the Copernicus Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 missions, airborne laser scanning (ALS), socio-economic data, and topographic properties next to meteorological data. Two independent methods were investigated: (i) an expert-based approach that allows combining various data layers with different weightings assigned by experts and (ii) a machine-learning approach. Here, we focus on the results of the machine learning approach for a study area covering the federal state of Styria in Austria (ca. 16 400 km²). We use several data layers computed within our study as predictors in random forest models. Moisture indicators and tree species maps were derived from satellite data from the Copernicus Earth observation programme. Vegetation structure parameters, solar potential and a digital surface model (DSM) were derived from ALS data. In addition to the remote sensing data, we used meteorological variables, fire weather indices (FWI) and socio-economic data. We trained the model using forest fire events from the Austrian fire database.  

The cross-validation showed that the best-performing model predicts high fire danger for most fire events (87%). By integrating all the information layers compared to a baseline model using only FWI, the overall accuracy improved from 68% to 87%. The feature importance showed that the vegetation structure parameters, tree species, socio-economic parameters and DSM are essential for the model in addition to the meteorological predictors. Using this data-driven approach allowed us to learn from past fire occurrences and improved the spatial representation of fire ignition drivers, their importance and interactions. Also, this method permitted the identification of areas with higher danger risk, typically located in the vicinity of densely populated settlements. 

This study has been performed within the CONFIRM project with funding from the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG). 

How to cite: Zotta, R., Schlaffer, S., Hollaus, M., Dostalova, A., Vacik, H., Müller, M., Atzberger, C., Immitzer, M., Dioszegi, G., and Dorigo, W.: Using satellite, airborne laser scanning and socio-economic data in a machine learning framework for improved fire danger modelling in the Alps, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8876,, 2023.

EGU23-9137 | Orals | NH7.1 | Highlight

The ONFIRE project - on the response of fires to climate variability and change 

Marco Turco, Andrina Gincheva-Norcheva, Miguel Ángel Torres-Vázquez, and Sonia Jerez

As societal exposure to large fires increases, there is a growing concern about possible shifts in the fire regimes due to climate change. Understanding the response of fires to climatic variations is essential to adapt fire management systems and to design future prevention strategies. However, many aspects on this topic remain to be revealed.

ONFIRE, a Spanish national research project supported by the State Investigation Agency and by Ministry of Ministry of Science and Innovation, aims to push the state-of-the-art knowledge of climate impacts on fires beyond its current limitations and applications. Moreover, this project is open to any contributions. Specifically, we encourage any researcher/fire agency to joint this initiative.

In this contribution we show some preliminary results related to the main objectives of the ONFIRE project:

  • The creation of a first-of-its-kind unified, open-access and user-friendly database comprised of all available burned area records from national inventories.
  • A better understanding of past trends in fire series and their attribution to the anthropogenic component of climate change.
  • An assessment of the spatio-temporal synchronicity of fire danger.
  • The design and implementation of a public operational prototype system to perform global seasonal predictions of climate-driven fire risk for decision-making applications.

We acknowledge funding through the project ONFIRE, grant PID2021-123193OB-I00, funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033. A.G. thanks the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades of Spain for PhD contract FPU19/06536.

How to cite: Turco, M., Gincheva-Norcheva, A., Torres-Vázquez, M. Á., and Jerez, S.: The ONFIRE project - on the response of fires to climate variability and change, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9137,, 2023.

EGU23-9310 | ECS | Orals | NH7.1

Assessing fire danger synchronicity in Europe 

Andrina Gincheva, Alberto Moreno, Sonia Jerez, Juan Pedro Montávez, and Marco Turco

This contribution seeks to better understand recent changes in synchronous fire danger across Europe that can overwhelm fire suppression capacity. We analyze the spatio-temporal synchronicity of fire danger in Europe over the period 1979-2021 based on the Canadian Fire Weather Index, one of the most commonly used fire indices globally (FWI; Vitolo et al. 2020). The daily synchronicity index indicates the total area with a level of FWI above 50, that represents the extreme fire danger threshold as classified by the European Forest Fire Information System (EFFIS). The annual mean surface affected by synchronicity extreme fire danger increased by about 100000 km2 over the 42-year-long study period (i.e. 57% of the mean historical value). The expansion of synchronized fire potential can compromise fire management efforts.


Vitolo, C., Di Giuseppe, F., Barnard, C., Coughlan, R., San-Miguel-Ayanz, J., Libertá, G., & Krzeminski, B. (2020). ERA5-based global meteorological wildfire danger maps. Scientific data, 7(1), 1-11.


We acknowledge funding through the project ONFIRE, grant PID2021-123193OB-I00, funded by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033. A.G. thanks the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades of Spain for PhD contract FPU19/06536.

How to cite: Gincheva, A., Moreno, A., Jerez, S., Montávez, J. P., and Turco, M.: Assessing fire danger synchronicity in Europe, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9310,, 2023.

EGU23-9608 | Posters virtual | NH7.1

Global wildfire synchronicity patterns as revealed by complex network analysis 

Joaquin Bedia, Catharina Elisabeth Graafland, Andrina Gincheva, and Marco Turco

In light of the ongoing global climate change, a better understanding of global wildfire activity is the key to anticipate future impacts and minimize, as much as possible, their negative consequences on natural ecosystems and human economy. In this work we present a global-scale analysis of the inter-annual synchronicity of wildfires using two types of probabilistic networks, able to capture the underlying structures in the burned area data from two different approaches: correlation-based and bayesian networks. By studying their properties through centrality measures and community detection for the complex network, and inference from the Bayesian network, we seek to gain a better understanding of the interrelationships between fire activity in different regions of the planet, highlighting the most important teleconnection patterns. We expect this exploratory analysis to aid in the development and testing of plausible hypotheses about the underlying mechanisms supporting these relationships.

How to cite: Bedia, J., Graafland, C. E., Gincheva, A., and Turco, M.: Global wildfire synchronicity patterns as revealed by complex network analysis, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9608,, 2023.

EGU23-9681 | ECS | Posters on site | NH7.1 | Highlight

Comparison of Different Algorithms and Vegetation Classes’ Importance Ranking in Wildfire Susceptibility Maps. 

Andrea Trucchia, Hamed Izadgoshasb, Giorgio Meschi, Paolo Fiorucci, and Marj Tonini

Comparison of Different Algorithms and Vegetation Classes’ Importance Ranking in Wildfire Susceptibility Maps. 
Wildfire Susceptibility Maps (WSM) and the analysis of the explanatory variables affecting the model’s predictions are innovative tools to support forest protection and management plans. Namely, WSM identify areas subject to wildfire, in terms of relative spatial likelihood, on the base of the observed past events, stored in spatio-temporal inventories, and on the local environmental and anthropogenic properties of an area. Approaches based on Machine Learning (ML) are particularly suited for WSM since they are capable to make predictions on data by modelling the hidden and non-linear relationships between a set of input variables and the output observations.
In the present work, Authors continue a research framework developed at local scale for Liguria Region, and lately improved at national scale (Italy), consisting in the implementation of a ML-approach, based on the algorithm Random Forest, allowing to assess the susceptibility to wildfires under the influence of different variables (e.g., land cover, vegetation classes, altitude and its derivatives, nearby infrastructures). In the present study the following improvements are introduced: (i) to evaluate which ML-algorithm performs better in terms of prediction capabilities we compared Random Forest (RF), Multi-layer Perceptron (MLP), and Support Vector Machine (SVM); (ii) to evaluate the impact of different classes of local and neighbouring vegetation on wildfires occurrence we used of a more accurate map of vegetation as input local explanatory variable; (iii) to consider both the spatial and the temporal variability of the burning seasons (summer and winter) we improved the selection of the testing dataset, based on a clustering approach. 
The output probabilistic predicted values resulting from the different ML-algorithms (RF, MLP, and SVM) allowed to elaborate the seasonal WSMs. Finally, the spatial distribution of the more susceptible areas will be presented. The performance of the three ML-algorithms was assessed by means of the AUC (Area Under the Curve) ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristics), evaluated over the testing dataset. In addition, the variable importance ranking was estimated as by-product of RF, which can handle both the typical numerical variables and native categorical variables (as for the classes of vegetation at pixel level). Vegetation resulted by far to be the most important explanatory variables; the marginal effect of each single class of vegetation was also assessed and the results will be discussed. 
Trucchia, A.; Izadgoshasb, H.; Isnardi, S.; Fiorucci, P.; Tonini, M. Machine-Learning Applications in Geosciences: Comparison of Different Algorithms and Vegetation Classes’ Importance Ranking in Wildfire Susceptibility. Geosciences 2022, 12, 424.

How to cite: Trucchia, A., Izadgoshasb, H., Meschi, G., Fiorucci, P., and Tonini, M.: Comparison of Different Algorithms and Vegetation Classes’ Importance Ranking in Wildfire Susceptibility Maps., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9681,, 2023.

EGU23-10656 | Posters on site | NH7.1

Wildfire burned area detection using with Sentinel-2 and UNet 

So Ryeon Park, Sanghun Son, Jaegu Bae, Doi Lee, Minji Ryu, Jeong Min Seo, and Jinsoo Kim

Air pollutants, such as large amounts of carbon dioxide produced by fire, are at risk of promoting global warming, causing more frequent and more wildfires all over the world. Large-scale wildfires cause air pollutants to spread, resulting in a significant increase in fine dust concentration. And human damage, property damage, and natural ecosystem damage are increasing. Rapid and accurate information of fire damaged the forest areas using high-resolution satellite imagery is effective in preparing wildfire prevention measures and monitoring burned areas. In this regard, the many research is underway to estimate fire burn damage using the difference spectral feature between healthy forests and burned forests. There are many spectral indices including well-known indices such as NDVI(Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) and NBR(Normalized Burn Ratio). It is possible to estimate burned area by computing a difference image representing a change in the spectral wavelength of the image between pre- and post-fire. In the case of South Korea, it is difficult to estimate wildfires because the spectral characteristics of vegetation vary from each season according to climate. And Compared to other countries, Forest fires are occurring small scale of forest fires less than 2,000ha. In our study, the accuracy was compared by applying various spectral indices to the estimation and evaluation of burned area in South Korea, using one of the deep learning models U-Net. As a result of the IoU value of 0.80 or more, it was confirmed that it was possible to calculate the forest fire damage site.


This research was supported by a grant (2021-MOIS37-002) of "Intelligent Technology Development Program on Disaster Response and Emergency Management" funded by Ministry of Interior and Safety (MOIS, Korea).
This work was supported by the "Graduate school of Particulate matter specialization" of Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute grant funded by the Ministry of Environment, Republic of Korea.

How to cite: Park, S. R., Son, S., Bae, J., Lee, D., Ryu, M., Seo, J. M., and Kim, J.: Wildfire burned area detection using with Sentinel-2 and UNet, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10656,, 2023.

EGU23-11882 | ECS | Orals | NH7.1

The structure of the forest landscape - a potential determinant of forest fires? 

Aleksandra Kolanek and Mariusz Szymanowski

Forest fires in Poland are a serious disturbance of forest ecosystems, generating large natural, social and economic losses. For this reason, it is very important to identify and quantify the factors that may affect the occurrence of fires in the forest environment.

In this paper, it was hypothesized that the structure of the forest landscape significantly affects the occurrence of forest fire. In order to verify this thesis, basic landscape metrics were calculated, reflecting the features of the structure of forest areas in Poland (number of patches, average and median area of patches, length and density of patch edges, patch shape) in relation to three characteristics of forest stands: age class, moisture type and trophic type (data from Poland National State Forest). The analyzes were carried out both at the landscape level and at the level of selected classes. Two approaches were tested to statistically test the impact of landscape structure on forest fires:

1. The metrics were calculated with reference to the test set (A), which was the areas of buffer zones with a radius of 1000 m established around the occurrences of fires from 2015 in one of the Polish voivodeships (Lubelskie voivodeship), registered by the National Forest Fire Information System (NFFIS). The control sets were buffer zones of the same radius, established around randomly placed points: allowing (set B) and not allowing (set C) the overlapping of buffer zones. It was assumed that finding a statistically significant difference between set A and sets B or C allows the acceptance of a research hypothesis in relation to the features of the landscape structure expressed by the analyzed metrics. Therefore, statistical analysis was performed using the Kruskal-Wallis test and the Wilcoxon test for paired observations.

2. The indicators were calculated in relation to the test set (A), which was the areas of buffer zones with a radius of 1000 m established around the occurrences of fires from 2007-2017 in Poland registered by the National Forest Fire Information System (NFFIS). The control set consisted of buffer zones of identical radius established around randomly selected points (selected by stratified random sampling). It was assumed that finding a statistically significant difference between the two groups allows for the positive verification of a research hypothesis in relation to the feature of the landscape structure expressed by the analyzed indicator. For this purpose, statistical analysis was performed using the Mann-Whitney U test.

Preliminary results allowed to identify statistically significant differences between the features of the forest structure in the vicinity of fire sites and the surroundings of control groups, regardless of the method of selection of control groups. This may indicate the important role of the forest structure in shaping the fire risk. Further studies are planned to confirm this conclusion. The research is carried out as part of the PRELUDIUM project no. 2019/35/N/ST10/00279, funding by the National Science Centre Poland.

How to cite: Kolanek, A. and Szymanowski, M.: The structure of the forest landscape - a potential determinant of forest fires?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11882,, 2023.

EGU23-11914 | ECS | Orals | NH7.1

Wildfire mapping with Interferometric ICEYE SAR data 

Angel Caroline Johnsy, Roberto Llop Cardenal, Penelope Kourkouli, and Qiaoping Zhang

There has been a significant increase in wildfires in recent years due to climate change, which is having an increasing impact on human settlements, infrastructure, buildings and the environment [1]. The statistics published by the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection states that the area affected by fires in 2021 (2.6 million acres) is approximately 47% higher than the average over the last five years of 1.6 million acres [2].  Mitigating and preventing wildland fires is a crucial task that involves strategic planning and detailed monitoring of fire activity.

Many remote sensing techniques have been established to aid emergency responders  with the immediate planning and actions to be taken in the event of wildfire. Synthetic Aperture Radar’s (SAR) capability of penetrating the clouds and smoke offers a unique advantage for monitoring the progression of wildfire, which can be quite challenging to contain [3]. The capability of coherent change detection applied to interferometric SAR images for describing changes associated with wildfire is presented here. The coherence from interferometric SAR has been shown in many case studies to be an effective tool for monitoring deforestation and forest fires [4].  An increase in time interval between images leads to increased variation in the scatterer’s distribution which results in lower coherence values, which can reduce the usefulness of this method. The value of coherence is much more evident in forest areas when a shorter interval between subsequent images can be utilized. .

The Rum Creek fire burned 21,347 acres in southwest Oregon, USA, which was ignited by lightning strikes on August 17, 2022 and continued for nearly a month. Two ICEYE stripmap SAR images (August 26, 2022 and August 28, 2022) captured the scene during the fire event and demonstrated the effectiveness of using interferometric SAR methods in detecting the burn scars. The results show good agreement with the fire perimeter released by the Wildland Fire Interagency Geospatial Services (WFIGS) Group [5].



   [1] A. Borunda, “The science connecting wildfires to climate change”,

   [2] California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection  [online]

  [3] A. Moreira, P. Prats-Iraola, M. Younis, G. Krieger, I. Hajnsek and K. P. Papathanassiou, "A tutorial on synthetic aperture radar," in IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 6-43, March 2013, doi: 10.1109/MGRS.2013.2248301.

  [4] S. Takeuchi and S. Yamada, "Monitoring of forest fire damage by using JERS-1 InSAR," IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2002, pp. 3290-3292 vol.6, doi: 10.1109/IGARSS.2002.1027159.

 [5] The Wildland Fire Interagency Geospatial Services [online]

How to cite: Johnsy, A. C., Cardenal, R. L., Kourkouli, P., and Zhang, Q.: Wildfire mapping with Interferometric ICEYE SAR data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11914,, 2023.

EGU23-12233 | ECS | Posters on site | NH7.1

Assessment of fire weather index calculations in Europe 

Stephanie Bohlmann and Marko Laine
Wildfires caused by extreme weather conditions e.g high temperatures and drought have been increasing both in frequency and magnitude in the recent years. Due to the changing climate also regions with few recorded forest fires in the past are likely to be more frequently affected by wildfires. These wildfires have many social, economic, and environmental impacts. The EU funded SAFERS project, Structured Approaches for Forest Fire Emergencies in Resilient Societies, is creating an open and integrated platform featuring a forest fire decision support system in order to support societies becoming more resilient when acting against forests fires. The platform will, among other information, provide weather forecasts and forest fire indices to assess the risk of forest fires. Using the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index (FWI) system [Van Wagner, 1974], fuel moisture (FFMC, DMC, DC) and fire behaviour indices (ISI, BUI, FWI) can be calculated using solely meteorological parameters (temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, and 24-hour precipitation). The Canadian FWI has been proved useful for forest fire risk assessment in different regions and has been adapted by multiple meteorological agencies worldwide. In our study, we use high resolution deterministic weather forecasts, as well as medium-range and extended-range weather forecasts provided by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts to calculate the FWI indices for up to 3, 15 and 46 days ahead, respectively. In our contribution we will present preliminary results of FWI verification and calibration methods.

Van Wagner, C. E.: Structure of the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index, Departmental Publication 1333, Environment Canada, Canadian Forestry Service, Petawawa Forest Experiment Station, Chalk River, Ontario, p. 49, 1974.

How to cite: Bohlmann, S. and Laine, M.: Assessment of fire weather index calculations in Europe, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12233,, 2023.

EGU23-13976 | ECS | Posters on site | NH7.1

Effect of socioeconomic variables in predicting global wildfire ignition occurrence 

Tichaona Mukunga, Matthias Forkel, Matthew Forrest, Ruxandra-Maria Zotta, Stefan Schlaffer, and Wouter Dorigo

Wildfires are a pervasive feature of the terrestrial biosphere and contribute large carbon emissions within the Earth system. Humans are responsible for the majority of wildfire ignitions. Physical and empirical models are used to estimate the effects of fires on vegetation dynamics and the Earth system. However, there is no consensus on how human-caused fire ignitions should be represented in such models. 

 We aim to identify which globally available predictors of human activity explain global fire ignitions as observed by satellites. We apply a random forest machine learning framework to state-of-the-art global climate, vegetation, and land cover datasets to predict global fire ignition density remote sensing data. We establish a baseline against which influences of socioeconomic data (cropland fraction, gross domestic product (GDP), road density, livestock density, and grazed lands) are evaluated to determine their effects on fire ignition occurrence predictions. Our results show that a baseline random forest without human predictors captures the spatial patterns of fire ignitions globally but overestimates ignition occurrence, with the highest predictions over Sub-Saharan Africa and South East Asia. Adding human predictors one by one to the baseline model reveals that human variables vary in their effects on fire ignitions, and GDP is the most vital driver of fire ignitions. We also find that high road density leads to decreased ignitions globally despite improved environmental access, mainly because these regions are primarily human settlements and will have fewer fires. A combined model with all human predictors shows that the human variables improve the ignition predictions in most areas of the world; still, some regions, e.g., East Africa, have worse predictions than the baseline model.  

We conclude that an ensemble of human predictors can add value to physical and empirical models. There are complex relationships between the variables, as evidenced by the improvement in bias in the combined model compared to the individual models. 

Furthermore, the variables tested have complex relationships that random forests may struggle to disentangle.  Further work is needed to reach concrete conclusions at a global scale, but rather introduce the need for additional work to detangle the complex regional relationships between these variables, particularly across Central and Eastern Africa, where the full model performs poorly despite the high availability of fire ignition data. 

How to cite: Mukunga, T., Forkel, M., Forrest, M., Zotta, R.-M., Schlaffer, S., and Dorigo, W.: Effect of socioeconomic variables in predicting global wildfire ignition occurrence, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13976,, 2023.

EGU23-14472 | ECS | Orals | NH7.1 | Highlight

CeaseFire: from scientific knowledge to operational tools for fire combat and management 

Sílvia A. Nunes, Carlos C. DaCamara, Ricardo M. Trigo, Isabel F. Trigo, Célia M. Gouveia, Renata Libonati, and Liz B. C. Belém

Forest fires are a global phenomenon with severe and destructive impacts at the ecological, environmental, socio-economic and health levels. Portugal, like all Mediterranean Europe, is recurrently affected by large wildfires, particularly intensive during the summers of 2003, 2005 and 2017. The latter is remembered because of the 500 000 hectares of burned area and the at least 116 deaths in the fire season.

CeaseFire is a website that aims at converting the scientific knowledge produced at universities and research institutes into useful and user-friendly tools that provide information on fire activity and meteorological fire danger tailored to the needs of the fire community in Portugal and assist in decision making on fire management and combat and on fire damage mitigation. The website, relying on information from the LSA SAF project, provides maps and data of (1) components of the Fire Weather Index System;(2) Fire Radiative Power (FRP) released by wildfires (3) classes of meteorological fire danger, ignition potential and aftermath; (4) outlooks of the fire season severity; and (5) prescribed burned classes. The site has been sponsored by The Navigator Company, a leading force in the global pulp and paper market since the operational start of the website in 2016. The number of registered users has increased up to more than 1 600 within the fire community, comprising firemen, civil protection officers, municipalities, academic researchers and private owners. In recent years E-Redes, a national electricity distribution utility service, has also been supporting the development of the website.

CeaseFire is sufficiently flexible to include other tools and be implemented in other regions. In this context, the feedback provided by users and companies has been decisive to improve the tools and products, and extend the site to other geographical areas, namely the Zambezia province in Mozambique and, more recently, the Brazilian Pantanal.

Research work was funded by the Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) I.P./MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC) IDL (UIDB/50019/2020), project FIRECAST (PCIF/GRF/0204/2017) and by EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on Land Surface Analysis (LSA SAF).

How to cite: Nunes, S. A., DaCamara, C. C., Trigo, R. M., Trigo, I. F., Gouveia, C. M., Libonati, R., and Belém, L. B. C.: CeaseFire: from scientific knowledge to operational tools for fire combat and management, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14472,, 2023.

EGU23-14932 | ECS | Orals | NH7.1

Correcting errors in the SPITFIRE fire model that result in excessively large and intense fires 

Luke Oberhagemann, Maik Billing, Markus Drüke, Boris Sakschewski, and Kirsten Thonicke

The SPITFIRE fire model is used with several Dynamic Global Vegetation Models to model fire-vegetation interactions on a global scale. Since its development in 2010 it has been used for multiple studies in this field. The model consists of components that calculate ignitions, fire spread, post-fire mortality, and emissions. We find that the fire spread component of this model contains errors that introduce significant biases to its results. In particular, errors in the application of the Rothermel equation result in fires that are significantly too large and intense. Further, unphysically low live grass moistures in the model result in excessively fire-prone grasslands, and therefore a strong link between the presence of grasslands and the presence of fire. This combination results in areas where the SPITFIRE model calculates excessive tree mortality and consequent grassland formation. We perform a detailed analysis of these errors and examine the impact that corrections to them have on SPITFIRE model results.

How to cite: Oberhagemann, L., Billing, M., Drüke, M., Sakschewski, B., and Thonicke, K.: Correcting errors in the SPITFIRE fire model that result in excessively large and intense fires, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14932,, 2023.

EGU23-15247 | Orals | NH7.1

Exploring the influence of heat waves on wildfire occurrence in Mediterranean countries of southern Europe 

José Maria Costa-Saura, Valentina Bacciu, Donatella Spano, Pierpaolo Duce, Giovanni Sanesi, and Mario Elia

Heat waves (HWs) and wildfires are potentially considered highly correlated hazards with dramatic impacts on ecosystems and society. However, previous studies focused only on one single hazard leaving out potential compounding and cascading effects. The aim of this work is thus to investigate spatio-temporal patterns for both hazards in Mediterranean Europe and assess the potential influence of HWs on fire regime.

The historical wildfire dataset was derived from the Global Wildfire Information System (GWIS). This dataset corresponds to georeferenced polygons detected between 2000 and 2021 by MODIS. To understand the relationship between fires and HWs, we extracted several fire regime metrics accounting for density, seasonality and severity. All the metrics were computed at the scale of 12 km square grid.

Then, we characterised the HWs in terms of frequency, duration, seasonality and intensity for the same period based on a high resolution meteorological dataset (ERA5-land from Copernicus Climate Data Store). A HW was defined as a period of at least 6 days with temperatures greater than the 90th percentile whereas intensity was calculated as the total amount of degrees exceeding that percentile during the HW. Finally, we compared HWs occurrence with information about fire events. Compound and cascading events were analysed through hazard maps to identify simultaneous occurrences of the two hazards and look at different combinations of hazard sequences. Finally, multiple linear regression models were applied to explore the complex influence of HWs characteristics on fire metrics.

The results highlighted the hotspot areas in Mediterranean countries where the common hazard occurrences were identified, and the role of HWs in the compound and cascading fire hazard events. The findings of this study could support the assessment of hazard patterns and, in turn, prevention and monitoring activities to support disaster risk reduction.

How to cite: Costa-Saura, J. M., Bacciu, V., Spano, D., Duce, P., Sanesi, G., and Elia, M.: Exploring the influence of heat waves on wildfire occurrence in Mediterranean countries of southern Europe, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15247,, 2023.

EGU23-15341 | ECS | Posters on site | NH7.1

A model weighting scheme for fire weather projections simulated by CMIP6 climate model ensembles 

Carolina Gallo, Jonathan Eden, Bastien Dieppois, Igor Drobyshev, Peter Fulé, Jesús San-Miguel-Ayanz, and Matthew Blackett

Weather and climate play an important role in shaping global fire regimes and geographical distributions of burnable areas. At the global scale, fire danger is likely to increase in the near future due to warmer temperatures and changes in precipitation patterns, as projected by the Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). There is a need to develop the most reliable projections of future climate-driven fire danger to enable decision makers and forest managers to respond to future fire events.

Climate change projections generated by general circulation models, especially those that contribute to the 6th Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6), are the most important basis in understanding future changes in fire-conducive weather and climate associated with a warming world. However, errors and biases inherent to such models are rarely taken into account when generating climate change projections. For fire weather in particular, projections have typically been expressed by a single model or through a multi-model mean. This approach can be misleading, as it explains little about the consensus among different models and their uncertainties. Here, following a comprehensive evaluation of the performance of 16 different CMIP6 climate model ensembles, we present new scenarios for detecting changes in fire-prone conditions based on a statistical weighting approach that accounts for both model skill and independence. We demonstrate the value of a weighted approach in accounting for and reducing model uncertainties, and more generally in the development of fire weather scenarios that ultimately as useful as possible. In conclusion, we make recommendations for how the new set of scenarios can benefit end users in decision-making and forest management.

How to cite: Gallo, C., Eden, J., Dieppois, B., Drobyshev, I., Fulé, P., San-Miguel-Ayanz, J., and Blackett, M.: A model weighting scheme for fire weather projections simulated by CMIP6 climate model ensembles, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15341,, 2023.

EGU23-15418 | ECS | Orals | NH7.1 | Highlight

Assessing the implementation of the “Safe Villages” program for wildfire mitigation, in three regions of Portugal 

Ana Gonçalves, Bruno Barbosa, Sandra Oliveira, and José Luís Zêzere

After the extreme wildfire events occurred in Portugal in 2017, which burned about 500.000 hectares of land and killed more than 100 people, several initiatives were established aiming to improve the resilience and safety of communities, among which the programs "Safe Villages” (SV) and “Safe People" (SP), coordinated by the Portuguese Civil Protection (ANEPC). The present study aimed to identify the territorial and social characteristics of the villages where the SV program is being implemented. For this study, a database was built with the location of the SV already implemented in three different regions: i) Algarve, the municipalities of Alcoutim, Monchique, São Brás de Alportel; ii) Pinhal Interior, the municipalities of Alvaiázere, Figueiró dos Vinhos and Oliveira do Hospital; iii) Caramulo mountain region, the municipalities of Tondela and Mortágua. The location of the villages where the SV program is implemented was obtained via the overlap of a point representing each SV with the corresponding built-up area. The analysis was focused on the surrounding area of each village and a buffer of 100 m was drawn, as defined by law (DL 82/2021). For each protective buffer, the following parameters were calculated: percentage of critical area (high and very high structural hazard); percentage of wildland area (forest-shrubland-herbaceous); percentage of slopes above 20°; the number of times burned between 1975 and 2021; and the population density within the built-up area. Preliminary results show that, in total, 166 SV were implemented in 6 municipalities, while 2 municipalities do not have any SV implemented, showing that the implementation of the program differs largely between municipalities and regions. The characteristics of the surrounding area of the SV also vary; in Algarve, 97% of SV have 75% of the buffer with critical area, whereas in Pinhal Interior and Caramulo, there are 89% and 78%, respectively. The SV with the highest population density is in the Caramulo region with 58.6 hab/ha, then the Pinhal Interior with 56.9 hab/ha and lastly the Algarve region with 44.9 hab/ha. The municipality of Alcoutim has the highest implementation of SV (84 villages), although the maximum critical area found in their surroundings is only 18%, in one village, and in 19% of the villages, no critical area is found. These results indicate that the implementation of the SV program does not depend only on the physical factors of the territory, but also on the involvement of the population, namely the existence of a volunteer Safety Officer. This person must know the local context, existing structures at the local level and the actions required in case a wildfire is expected. The efficiency of this program and the protection of local communities can be improved by combining different criteria in selecting the villages, such as the proportion of critical area and population density.

This work was funded by FCT, I.P.: JLZ in the framework of the project People&Fire [PCIF/AGT/0136/2017], AG and BB in the scope of PhD projects [2020.07651.BD], [2022.12095.BD], SO under the contract ‘2020.03873.CEECIND′. 

How to cite: Gonçalves, A., Barbosa, B., Oliveira, S., and Zêzere, J. L.: Assessing the implementation of the “Safe Villages” program for wildfire mitigation, in three regions of Portugal, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15418,, 2023.

EGU23-16160 | ECS | Orals | NH7.1

Identifying pyroregions in mainland Portugal with clustering methods using GIS 

Bruno Barbosa, Ana Gonçalves, Sandra Oliveira, Jorge Rocha, and Mario Caetano

Wildfires occur unevenly in the territory, driven by different biophysical and social factors. Understanding the spatial and temporal distribution of wildfires can help identifying common characteristics and/or dissimilarities between regions. In this research, we use specific fire metrics, from historical fire data, to explore the possibility to identify groups of municipalities based on their pyrosimilarities. We apply a clustering model based on the method k means to identify and compare groups of municipalities (defining pyroregions) of mainland Portugal (n=277), using fire data from the last 22 years (between 2000 and 2021). The fire metrics used were: (a) cumulative percentage of total burned area, (b) cumulative percentage of burned area in the summer months, (c) mean annual number of fires and (d) GINI index applied for burned area over time. We used tools available in Geographic Information Systems (ArcGIS Pro) linked with python programming, to apply the cluster method and map the results. Our preliminary results divided the mainland in 5 clusters. CL1 (n=66) is seen in the west coast and is characterised by a burned area concentrated in a few years (high Gini index), but the fires occur mainly outside the summer months; CL2 (n=50) cover municipalities in the northeast and is characterised by a high mean number of fires dispersed over the years (low GINI index); CL3 (n=26) located in the central Portugal has a high percentage of cumulative burned area throughout the years, but with low number of fires, concentrated in time; CL4 (n=63) covers the municipalities in the southwest and south and shows a low mean number of fires but  these occur mainly in the summer season and, CL5 (n=55) appears throughout the country, but is more concentrated in the west and is characterised by intermediate values in all analysed metrics. The extreme wildfires that occurred in 2017 in Portugal influence the clustering; for example, CL1 occurs on the west central coast, where the consolidated maritime pine forest has burned in October 2017, outside the summer months. The next steps of this analysis are: (i) apply other clustering methods to compare with these clusters identified with k means and their characteristics and (ii) analyse the explanatory variables that influence these fire patterns.


This work was funded by FCT, I.P.: BB and AG in the scope of PhD projects [2022.12095.BD], [2020.07651.BD], SO under the contract ‘2020.03873.CEECIND′, Centre for Geographical Studies—University of Lisbon and FCT under Grant number [UIDB/00295/2020 + UIDP/ 00295/2020].

How to cite: Barbosa, B., Gonçalves, A., Oliveira, S., Rocha, J., and Caetano, M.: Identifying pyroregions in mainland Portugal with clustering methods using GIS, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16160,, 2023.

EGU23-17073 | Orals | NH7.1

Properties of smoke plumes and associated clouds from the Australian 2019/2022 wildfiresidentified using dual polarisation weather radar observations 

Adrien Guyot, Kathryn Turner, Jordan Brook, Joshua Soderholm, Alain Protat, and Hamish McGowan

The 2020 worldwide bushfire activity was the most intense and widespread since the existence of satellite-based observational capabilities. The economic, societal, and ecological consequences have been immense: in Australia alone, the 2019-2020 Black Summer bushfires resulted in an economic cost of more than $100 billion, a burnt area of more than 18 M ha, 10,000 destroyed buildings, 34 direct deaths and more than 400 deaths due to smoke exposure. On the Australian East Coast, these intense wildfires lasting for almost two months produced very large smoke plumes and often fire-triggered thunderstorms - pyrocumulonimbus. These plumes and storms were predominantly within the range of operational weather radars, enabling observations of the plume thermodynamics, kinetics, and their composition. Here, we present two months of observations from a dual pol weather radar located near Sydney: a newly developed texture- and machine learning-based method enables us to extract smoke plumes and associated clouds from complex weather radar scenes including clear air and sea clutter. The characteristics of these smoke plumes are quantified including cloud top heights, volumes, projected areas, horizontal extends and daily dynamics. Using dual polarisation data, in-depth insights can be gained on the plumes’ microphysics and the transition zone from smoke to pyrocumulus and pyrocumulonimbus. These high-resolution observations contribute to a better understanding of smoke plume dynamics and provide the foundations to develop nowcasting tools to predict associated hazards such as fire-triggered storms such as downbursts, plume collapse, and ember transport.

How to cite: Guyot, A., Turner, K., Brook, J., Soderholm, J., Protat, A., and McGowan, H.: Properties of smoke plumes and associated clouds from the Australian 2019/2022 wildfiresidentified using dual polarisation weather radar observations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17073,, 2023.

EGU23-271 | ECS | Orals | NH7.2 | Highlight

Impacts of climate variability and change on regional fire weather in heterogeneous landscapes of Central Europe 

Julia Miller, Andrea Böhnisch, Ralf Ludwig, and Manuela Brunner

Wildfires have reached an unprecedented scale in recent fire seasons of the Northern Hemisphere as demonstrated by the summers of 2021 and 2022. Severe fire seasons, characterized by heat, drought and windy conditions, might become even more frequent and will extend to more temperate regions in northern latitudes under global warming. Still, quantifying the effects of climate change on future fire danger is challenging because natural variability hides trends of increasing fire danger in climate model simulations in future potentially fire-prone areas. Single Model Initial-Condition Large Ensembles (SMILEs) help scientists to distinguish climate trends from natural variability. Here, we leverage the capabilities of SMILEs to assess future changes in fire weather conditions in a currently non-fire-prone area in Central Europe. The study area covers four heterogeneous landscapes, namely the Alps, the Alpine Foreland (southern parts), the lowlands of the Southern German Escarpment, and the eastern mountain ranges of the Bavarian Forest (northern parts). We use a SMILE of the Canadian regional climate model version 5 (CRCM5-LE) under the RCP 8.5 scenario from 1980 to 2099 to analyze trends in fire danger quantified by the globally applicable Canadian Fire Weather Index (FWI).

Our results show the strongest increases for the median (50th percentile) and extreme (90th percentile) FWI in the northern parts of the study area during the late summer months July, August and September. The southern, more alpine parts are affected less strongly and show high fire danger mostly in August by the end of the 21st century for the median FWI. Over the whole study area, we find that the extreme FWI in the present climate period will become much more frequent at the end of the century. In the South German Escarpment and Eastern Mountain Ranges, the climate change trend exceeds natural variability in the late 2040’s. Due to weaker variability, the time of emergence is reached in the Alps and Alpine Foreland in the early 2040's.

These results demonstrate that the CRCM5-LE is a suitable dataset to disentangle climate trends from natural variability in a multivariate fire danger metric. Our study emphasizes that regions with a low fire danger under current climate conditions will experience weather conditions facilitating the development of potentially uncontrollable wildfires in a warming climate.

How to cite: Miller, J., Böhnisch, A., Ludwig, R., and Brunner, M.: Impacts of climate variability and change on regional fire weather in heterogeneous landscapes of Central Europe, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-271,, 2023.

EGU23-1004 | ECS | Posters virtual | NH7.2

Atmospheric Conditions Conducive to Forest Fire Events in the Greater Himalayan Region 

Anandu Prabhakaran, Piyush Srivastava, and Anand Pai

​​During the last decade, there has been a dramatic rise in Forest Fire incidents over the Indian Himalayan region, leading to a considerable loss of life and property. To mitigate and manage the impact of forest fires through a Forest Fire Early Warning System, a better understanding of both small and large-scale atmospheric processes conducive to the spread of forest fires is required. Although significant progress has been made in disseminating forest fire danger information, most of the operational methodologies in the Indian sub-continent still do not consider real-time weather forecasts from atmospheric numerical models as input to the fire module. The objective of this work is to systematically analyze the meteorological conditions during two major forest fire events that occurred over the Uttarakhand region in 2016 and 2020. Forest fire events in 2016 and 2020 coincide with El Nino, La-Nina and cycles of Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD). A detailed analysis of the 2016 and 2020 fire events shows an increased frequency of fire events and burnt areas in 2016, whereas the area burnt was considerably low in the 2020 event. A typical year without significant influences from ENSO and IOD shows relatively low spread of fires and burnt areas. Such an impenetrable correlation between atmospheric oscillations and fire events results in vast damage over the Indian Himalayan region. The inculcation of real-time weather forecasts with numerical weather prediction models could tackle this existing gap in the Forest Fire Early Warning System and possibly mitigate the further casualties caused by the increased acceleration of fire spread induced by atmospheric oscillation over the Indian Himalayan region.

How to cite: Prabhakaran, A., Srivastava, P., and Pai, A.: Atmospheric Conditions Conducive to Forest Fire Events in the Greater Himalayan Region, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1004,, 2023.

EGU23-1415 | ECS | Orals | NH7.2

Modelling of a wildfire in Portugal using a fully coupled atmosphere-fire spread modelling system 

Ricardo Vaz, Rui Silva, Susana Cardoso Pereira, Ana Carvalho, David Carvalho, and Alfredo Rocha

This work investigates the physical interactions and feedback between wildfires and the atmosphere using the coupled atmosphere-fire spread modelling system, WRF-SFIRE. The Figueira da Foz forest fire, occurred in Portugal in October 2017, which ocurred in association with hurricane Ophelia, was simulated under two different scenarios of fuel moisture settings, one static and one dynamic. Results show an underestimation of burnt area in the dynamic case, while static fuel moisture has shown a very high agreement. Pyrocumulus formed during late afternoon with a very dry base and more humid top, creating conditions favourable for the occurrence of downbursts, with very high Convective Available Potential Energy values. Lifted Condensation Level increased above the fire front as moisture was transported upwards, increasing surface temperature. Official reports show an overestimation of fuel moisture near the surface, leading to high CAPE values, compared to near zero values reported by vertical soundings. Relative Humidity values were higher by 30% when compared to weather station observations, and temperatures approximately 4ºC lower. Further model testing is needed to provide more accurate surface temperature and moisture simulations, to allow a more accurate fire progression representation and energy exchange, and improve the modelling of potential convective events. 

How to cite: Vaz, R., Silva, R., Cardoso Pereira, S., Carvalho, A., Carvalho, D., and Rocha, A.: Modelling of a wildfire in Portugal using a fully coupled atmosphere-fire spread modelling system, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1415,, 2023.

EGU23-3274 | ECS | Posters on site | NH7.2

Meteorological variables controlling the forest fire over the Himalayas 

Leena Khadke and Subimal Ghosh

Forest fire is the main disturbance for the Himalayan ecosystems, which impacts the regional and global carbon cycle, climate, forest succession, and tree density. Forest fires can occur due to both natural processes and anthropogenic factors. The fires over the Himalayas are mostly observed in the summer and pre-monsoon season, with large interannual variability. The primary objective of the present study is to identify the main meteorological drivers controlling forest fires over the Himalayas from March to June. The study performed statistical analysis on the daily and monthly observed/reanalysis climate data between 2001-2016. We used precipitation (P), temperature (T), and soil moisture (SM) from the climate prediction center and Vapor Pressure Deficient (VPD) from ECMWF-ERA5. The three satellite-based datasets for the Burned Area (BA) are accessed from Global Fire Emissions Database version 4 (GFEDs), Collection 6 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS C6), and the European Space Agency Fire Climate Change Initiative version 5.1 (FireCCI51 – CEDA archive). The preliminary results show that all three BA has significant spatial and temporal/interannual variability. Meteorological variables such as P, T, SM, and VPD indicate strong interannual variability with rising slopes throughout the study period. Among these, P and SM indicate a significant trend over the central and northeast parts of the Himalayas. The VPD has a maximum significant positive correlation with BA for all three datasets (highest for GFED). The daily climatology suggests that VPD drops with an increase in P and follows the peaks of increasing T. The VPD rises until the end of April and starts falling from May due to pre-monsoon showers. The study observed that the varying amount of BA follows the peaks of high VPD, high temperature, and dry days (PThreshold < 1mm). The northeast part of the Himalayas experiences major fires in March-April because of the substantial number of dry days and reduces in May-June due to pre-monsoon showers. In the northwest part, the amount of BA is high in May-June, despite having a smaller number of high VPD and dry days over the region. In the future, the study will focus on the impact of Himalayas forest fires on the atmospheric dust loading at a high temporal scale which can potentially trigger forest fires in adjacent regions.

How to cite: Khadke, L. and Ghosh, S.: Meteorological variables controlling the forest fire over the Himalayas, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3274,, 2023.

EGU23-4547 | Posters on site | NH7.2

High-resolution modeling of historical forest fires in the Canton of Bern 

Renuka Prakash Shastri, Stefan Brönniman, and Daniel steinfeld

Forest fires are considered an important hazard in forested areas and a serious threat to forest ecosystem and buildings. The combination of drought, high temperatures, and wind increases the risk of forest fires. To better understand the fundamental causes and consequences of fire, we need to study the historical fire regimes. In this study, the meteorological conditions were simulated with the WRF model (Weather Research and Forecasting; Skamarock et al. 2008) for three historical forest fires, in the Canton of Bern, Switzerland (La Neuveville, April 1893, Simmenflueh, August 1911, Kirchberg, April 1915). In terms of area, these are the largest fires in the canton of Bern in the Swiss fire database. The "Twentieth Century Reanalysis" version 3 (20CRv3, Slivinski et al. 2019) was used as a boundary condition. 20CRv3 has a spatial resolution of about 75 km and a temporal resolution of three hours. Using WRF version 4.1.2 20CRv3 has now been gradually downscaled to a resolution of 1x1 km^2. Simulations suggest that the soil had dried out in the previous week and soil moisture had reached low values on the day the fire broke out. High-resolution fire weather indices are also calculated. A lack of precipitation and high temperatures led to high forest fire index values and a high to very high risk of forest fires.


[1] Slivinski, L. al. (2019), Towards a more reliable historical reanalysis: Improvements to the
Twentieth Century Reanalysis system. , Q. J. Roy. Meteorol. Soc. 145, 2876-2908.
[2] Pfister, L. , S. Brönnimann, M. Schwander , FA Isotta , P. Horton, and C. Rohr, (2020) Statistical
Reconstruction of Daily Precipitation and Temperature Fields in Switzerland back to 1864, Clim.
past 16, 663-678.
[3] Skamarock, WC, et al. (2008) A Description of The Advanced Research WRF Version 3. NCAR
Technical Note.
[4] Van Wagner, C.E. (1987): Development and Structure of the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index
System, Forestry Technical Report, Canadian Forestry Service Headquarters, Ottawa.

How to cite: Shastri, R. P., Brönniman, S., and steinfeld, D.: High-resolution modeling of historical forest fires in the Canton of Bern, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4547,, 2023.

EGU23-8082 | Orals | NH7.2

Towards global prediction of fire risk in a changing climate 

James Brennan, Claire Burke, Graham Reveley, Sally Woodhouse, Hamish Mitchell, Nick Leach, and Laura Ramsamy

The identification of areas susceptible to fire is critical for planners, managers, and decision makers in developing effective mitigation strategies. At Climate X we are producing risk estimates to help businesses and communities mitigate and adapt for climate change related losses. Climate X provides risk scores and expected financial losses from a range of physical hazards.  The risks posed by wildfire are increasing in many regions and especially within the wildland–urban interface. We developed a machine learning model to predict changes in fire risk at 90m that can be applied globally. The approach combines meteorological drivers of fire weather utilising CORDEX regional climate models with local fire susceptibility modelling trained from Earth observation records of fire occurrence.  By 2100, we find an average 7% increase in fire risk across the US and western Europe under the rcp8.5 scenario. Our results demonstrate how the combined application of machine learning, climate and Earth observation data can provide time sensitive assessments of fire risk at global scale.

How to cite: Brennan, J., Burke, C., Reveley, G., Woodhouse, S., Mitchell, H., Leach, N., and Ramsamy, L.: Towards global prediction of fire risk in a changing climate, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8082,, 2023.

EGU23-8967 | ECS | Orals | NH7.2

Modelling pyro-convective activity and the meteorological conditions leading to mega-fires 

Cátia Campos, Flavio T. Couto, Carolina Purificação, Jean-Baptiste Filippi, Roberta Baggio, and Rui Salgado

Mega-fires are wildfires that burn an area greater than 10.000 hectares. Despite being a minority in relation to the total number of fires, they are the one with the greatest negative impact on society and the environment. Associated with this wildfire type, the phenomenon of pyro-convection has been reported in several cases. Strong pyro-convective activity can lead to the formation of clouds within the smoke plume, also known as pyro-cumulus (PyroCu) or pyro-cumulonimbus (PyroCb). In 2017, Portugal recorded 11 mega-fires, of which 8 occurred on the 15th October. Since the photographic evidence of the formation of a PyroCu cloud, the chosen case study was the Quiaios mega-fire. The study aims to simulate the impact of a fire in the atmosphere, as well as the large-scale meteorological conditions that were affecting Portugal during the mega-fires. For this purpose, two numerical simulations were performed using the MesoNH atmospheric model: a coupled simulation with the ForeFire fire propagation model, with 3 nested domains with resolution of 2000m, 400m and 80m (300 by 300 grid points), and a large-scale non-coupled simulation, with a 15km resolution (300 by 250 grid points) to study the large-scale conditions. The coupled simulation allowed identifying the formation of a PyroCu cloud composed by different species of hydrometeors, namely graupel and rain droplets. The pyro-cloud developed inside the plume due the vertical transport of water vapor to higher levels. In the context of large scale, the simulation well represented the evolution of hurricane Ophelia, showing the change in wind direction from Southeast to Southwest in Portuguese territory, which created a favourable condition to the intensification of the active fires and the development of PyroCb clouds during the late afternoon. This study was funded by national funds through FCT-Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P. under the project (Ref. PCIF/MPG/0175/2019).


How to cite: Campos, C., Couto, F. T., Purificação, C., Filippi, J.-B., Baggio, R., and Salgado, R.: Modelling pyro-convective activity and the meteorological conditions leading to mega-fires, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8967,, 2023.

EGU23-9394 | Orals | NH7.2

Health impacts of wildfire smoke in the Arctic 

Ben Silver, Steve Arnold, Louisa Emmons, Carly Reddington, and Luke Conibear

Climate change has increased the vulnerability of boreal forests and grasslands to wildfires. An increase in high-latitude wildfires has resulted in the deterioration of air quality, particularly in Western Siberia, where PM2.5 levels have increased at >1 µg m-3 year-1 during 1998−2020. Arctic wildfire carbon emissions have doubled during the last 20 years, and in Siberia they have shifted northwards. Using fire air pollutant emissions data from the Quick Fire Emissions Dataset (QFED), we create two emissions scenarios for Arctic Council member nations, with and without wildfires. PM2.5 is simulated for the two scenarios using the Community Earth System Model, which we evaluate using in-situ measurement data, finding a large negative bias in wildfire plumes. To correct this underestimation we use a high resolution PM2.5 reanalysis dataset, improving agreement with observations. Bias-corrected scenarios are used to estimate air quality degradation and resulting health impacts due to Arctic Council nation wildfires across the Northern Hemisphere high- and mid-latitudes for the period 2001-2020. We use the Global Exposure Mortality Model to estimate the health impacts of chronic exposure to Arctic wildfire-attributed PM2.5­. We find that health impacts are highly variable, with 25,000−55,000 premature deaths yearly, with most of the health burden falling on nations outside the Arctic Council, particularly China, due to transboundary transport of Siberian wildfire PM2.5. Health impacts have decreased during our study period partly due to the northwards shift in wildfires.

How to cite: Silver, B., Arnold, S., Emmons, L., Reddington, C., and Conibear, L.: Health impacts of wildfire smoke in the Arctic, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9394,, 2023.

EGU23-10286 | Posters on site | NH7.2

Atmosphere and fire interactions from the New Zealand experimental burn campaigns 

Marwan Katurji, Jiawei Zhang, Andres Valencia, Dongqi Lin, Tara Strand, Grant Pearce, Mark Finney, Craig Clements, and Shana Gross

Wildfires are increasing in intensity, frequency, and occurring earlier and later than normal on the seasonal timeline. Coupled atmosphere-flame-fuel dynamics makes wildfire a difficult phenomenon to understand and predict across its temporal and spatial spectrum of scales. This is especially true at the turbulence scale where rapid fluctuations of near-surface wind velocity and temperature within the atmosphere-fire boundary layer can control fire spread rates and extreme fire behavior. Appropriate observations from wildfires suitable for process-based investigations of coupled atmosphere-fire boundary layer dynamics do not exist, instead experimentally controlled fire burns are usually carried out. These experiments rely on repeated short-term wind driven fires that are usually restricted to certain meteorological regimes. Experimental design remains a challenging endeavor, which still lacks spatially coherent ambient and fire-induced atmospheric observations for understanding coupled dynamics. We have carried out several experimental fire burns in New Zealand for short stubble wheat and more dense and higher gorse shrubs. Our observations covered fuel properties, atmospheric turbulence, and flaming zone behavior. We have used uncrewed aerial vehicles carrying high speed infrared and visible video cameras, along with in-situ eddy covariance towers for ambient and fire-induced turbulence heat and momentum measurements. Some methodological highlights include the combination of image processing techniques, fuel density maps from aerial Lidar, and atmospheric turbulence structure analysis. We present a synthesis of research findings over the last two observational campaigns and introduce our new objectives for the upcoming crown fire forest canopy fire experiments. In addition, we discuss large eddy simulations of carefully designed numerical experiments allowing for a better understanding of the fire-atmosphere energetics at the atmospheric boundary layer scales.

How to cite: Katurji, M., Zhang, J., Valencia, A., Lin, D., Strand, T., Pearce, G., Finney, M., Clements, C., and Gross, S.: Atmosphere and fire interactions from the New Zealand experimental burn campaigns, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10286,, 2023.

EGU23-10618 | ECS | Orals | NH7.2

Impact of climate change on the fire weather in Indian forests 

Anasuya Barik and Somnath Baidya Roy

Forest fires strongly depend on local weather conditions. Weather conditions conducive for occurrence and growth of fires is known as “fire weather”. This work investigates how climate change can affect the future fire weather in Indian forests using the Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System – Fire Weather Index (CFFDRS-FWI), a well-known fire danger assessment system. To drive this model, we used a high-resolution dynamically downscaled climate projection DSCESM for a baseline (2006-2015) and an end-century (2091-2100) period to compute the metric ‘Fire Weather Index (FWI)’. We divided the forest areas of the country into 5 zones based on climate and forest types viz., Himalayan (HIM), Northeast (NE), Central India (CEN), Deccan (DEC) and Western Ghats (WG) zones. Then, we developed thresholds for five fire weather danger classes using the baseline FWI in conjunction with observed fire count from MODIS active fire data. The baseline and future FWI, fire weather danger, Seasonal Severity Ratings (SSR) and characteristics of the fire weather season were compared to estimate the effect of climate change on forest fire danger.

Results show that there is considerable heterogeneity in the baseline as well as future fire weather danger across, and even within, the different forest zones of India. Climate change is likely to have a strong effect on fire weather. Days exceeding the Very High FWI threshold are likely to increase by about 30-40 days by the end-century despite a modest increase of about 5% in annual FWI values. SSR analysis suggests a maximum increase in fire disturbances during the pre-monsoon months of March-April-May.  About 55% of forest area over India will experience increased fire danger in this season. The least effect will be in the post monsoon season in September-October-November. The fire season is also expected to lengthen up to 59 days depending upon the forest type. The forests which are most likely to be affected by fire disturbances by end-century are moist deciduous and evergreen forests in the northern WG, mixed dry deciduous forests in central and southern CEN, Pine and Sal forests in the HIM and the scrub forests in the DEC zone. Climate change is unlikely to affect the fire weather danger in the NE.

This study is one of the first attempts to quantify the effects of climate change on forest fire hazard in India. It has significant policy implications and can be valuable for fire management authorities for designing appropriate fire suppression and mitigating measures.


How to cite: Barik, A. and Baidya Roy, S.: Impact of climate change on the fire weather in Indian forests, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10618,, 2023.

EGU23-10736 | ECS | Orals | NH7.2

Flammable Futures – A storyline of climatic and land-use change impacts on wildfire extremes in Indonesia 

Shelby Corning, Esther Boere, Andrey Krasovskiy, Andrey Lessa-Derci-Augustynczik, and Florian Kraxner

Wildfire events are driven by complex interactions of the climate and anthropogenic interventions. Predictions of future wildfire events, their extremity, and their impact on the environment and economy must account for the interactions between these drivers. Economic policy and land use decisions influence the susceptibility of an area to climate extremes, the probability of burning, and future decision making. To better understand how climate-driven drought events and adaptation efforts affect burned area, agricultural production losses, and land use decisions, we developed a storyline approach centered on Indonesia’s 2015 fire events, which saw significant production losses of palm oil – a product imported by the EU chiefly as a biofuel – surpassing 7%. We explored analogous events under three warming conditions and two palm oil sector adaptation scenarios using two storylines: ensemble mean climate and high aridity conditions. We employed a model chain consisting of IIASA's wildfire climate impacts and adaptation model (FLAM) and the partial equilibrium global biosphere management model (GLOBIOM) to predict burned area and assess resultant production losses in the oil palm sector in Indonesia. To quantify the changes in burned area, we applied a delta approach based on the different degrees of global warming that can be expected. To define fire-induced oil palm losses and associated economic impacts, we combined the burned areas from FLAM with land-use change and productivity estimates from GLOBIOM. We found that the total burned area and production loss increased across the projections and climate warming by up to 25%, with only minor differences between storylines. By varying characteristics of regional climate change features, we found that these results are spatially explicit and robust across projections. Our results highlight the importance of including future warming and drought conditions in predicting oil palm losses and land use decision making. They leave room to explore how climatic and economic impacts could be mitigated through economic and land use management policies affecting Indonesia and the EU.

How to cite: Corning, S., Boere, E., Krasovskiy, A., Lessa-Derci-Augustynczik, A., and Kraxner, F.: Flammable Futures – A storyline of climatic and land-use change impacts on wildfire extremes in Indonesia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10736,, 2023.

EGU23-10866 | Posters on site | NH7.2

Wildfires in Warming Siberia: Trends, Transportation and Implications on Arctic Climate 

Sang-Woo Kim, Yeonsoo Cho, Jin-Ho Yoon, Baek-Min Kim, and Jee-Hoon Jeong

Wildfires in carbon-rich northern high latitudes, especially Siberia, is an important phenomenon because it can worsen the air quality and accelerate warming over the Pan-Arctic regions. We investigate the shift of wildfire regimes in northern high latitudes over the recent decades using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) active fire data. Northeast Siberia has experienced a significant increase in the number of wildfires (+11.04 % year-1) and the mean period of events (+0.16 days year-1). Strengthened anomalous anti-cyclonic circulation from the surface to the upper troposphere over Northeast Siberia under the Pan-Arctic warming is responsible for more active wildfires over the last decades. This causes strong and long-lasting warm and dry conditions conducive to the ignition and persistence of wildfire. Additionally, extreme wildfire events in Northeast Siberia show that biomass-burning aerosols and gases are transported into the Arctic Ocean, contributing to the rapid melting of sea ice and snow by altering the surface radiation budget. These results suggest that extended wildfire activities in Northeast Siberia are critical to predicting the future Arctic climate.

How to cite: Kim, S.-W., Cho, Y., Yoon, J.-H., Kim, B.-M., and Jeong, J.-H.: Wildfires in Warming Siberia: Trends, Transportation and Implications on Arctic Climate, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10866,, 2023.

EGU23-10923 | ECS | Posters on site | NH7.2

Fire-atmosphere dynamics at a rural-urban interface using turbulence-resolving meteorological simulations 

Dongqi Lin, Marwan Katurji, Andres Valencia, and Fearghal Gill

Human settlements in many regions have suffered great damage due to the escalating impacts of wildfires in recent decades. Most human activities have taken place over urban areas and/or Rural-Urban Interfaces (RUI). These areas have their unique vegetative and built fuels and structures, microclimates, and local wind flow dynamics. Despite the significant impacts of wildfires in RUI, only a small number of studies have been done to investigate fire-atmosphere dynamics and wildfire risk at RUI. The parallelized large eddy simulation model (PALM) system 6.0 was used to conduct simulations for a real RUI at Bottle Lake Forest, Christchurch, New Zealand. The simulations contain over 3000 residential buildings spreading around a large pine forest with an area of over 7 km2. Fine-scale simulations (Δx = 9 m and Δz = 2 m) were run for the complex rural-urban environment by using initial conditions obtained from larger-scale weather simulations using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. A novel experimental-based method allowing for realisation of forest fire heat forcing was developed and implemented into PALM. Heat sources to simulate a forest fire were prescribed at two separate locations for the assessment of the impact of fire locations on wildfire risk on the RUI. In addition, the simulations were performed with two weather scenarios for daytime and night-time conditions, respectively. We aim to investigate the sensitivity of fire-atmosphere dynamic behaviour to different fire ignition locations and weather conditions. Our work specifically focuses on the resulting development of wind gusts and implications for potential firebrand transport paths within the surrounding urban canopy. 

How to cite: Lin, D., Katurji, M., Valencia, A., and Gill, F.: Fire-atmosphere dynamics at a rural-urban interface using turbulence-resolving meteorological simulations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10923,, 2023.

EGU23-11003 | ECS | Orals | NH7.2

Studying air pollution and weather feedbacks from wildfires over Greece using WRF-Chem 

Anastasios Rovithakis and Apostolos Voulgarakis

Wildfires are a major source of atmospheric aerosols and can have significant impacts on air quality and radiative forcing. In our work, we have utilized the Weather Research and Forecasting model coupled with Chemistry (WRF-Chem) to study the impact of wildfires on aerosol pollution and meteorological feedbacks, focusing on the geographical area of Greece as a test case. We focus on the summer season of 2021, during which intense wildfire activity occurred in the country. We have performed sensitivity experiments with and without emissions from fires as a way to quantify the impact of such emissions on atmospheric pollutants, AOD, radiative forcing and weather variables (temperature, humidity, winds). Our results show that wildfires can have a significant impact on AOD, with the magnitude of the effect depending on the size and intensity of the wildfire and the meteorological conditions. Our recent work has shown that fire prone areas determined using the FWI index seem to link closely with the areas in Greece with the highest burnt area. Since the emitted aerosols are an important parameter, we test how well the emissions correlate to the FWI. Overall, our work demonstrates the potential role of wildfires in the evolution of short-term weather conditions via fire pollution radiative forcing, and provides new insights into the mechanisms leading to such effects.

How to cite: Rovithakis, A. and Voulgarakis, A.: Studying air pollution and weather feedbacks from wildfires over Greece using WRF-Chem, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11003,, 2023.

EGU23-11045 | Posters on site | NH7.2

Wildfire Effects on Air Quality: A Case Study of Wildfires in Korea in 2022 

Dong Yeong Chang and Sujong Jeong

In March 2022, an unprecedented largest forest fire occurred in South Korea, burning 22,477 ha of forest for two weeks. In this study, we studied the causes of these fires based on an analysis of all meteorological data available over 100 years and also investigated their effects on air quality data obtained from ground-based observations (AirKorea and Asian Initiative for Clean Air Networks (AICAN)) and satellite data. Analysis results of meteorological data reveal changes in the climate regime from cold and wet winter conditions to hot and dry conditions. The temperature has been increased by 4 °C and precipitation has decreased by 17 mm over 100 years. The resistance level of forest fires is drastically reduced in the past few years and eventually lead to large-scale wildfires. These devastating wildfires emitted large amounts of ultrafine biomass-burning aerosols that were composed mainly of small particle sizes with diameters less than 1.0 mm. It elevated the air pollution level by more than 20 folds than usual condition. Carbon monoxide (CO) was also emitted from biomass burning that was detected as smoke paths (from 373 ppb to 1181 ppb) by the Tropospheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI). This study highlights that climate change can make forests more vulnerable to fires and their effects on air quality could be more severe than expected.

This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT) (No. RS-2022-00155875).

How to cite: Chang, D. Y. and Jeong, S.: Wildfire Effects on Air Quality: A Case Study of Wildfires in Korea in 2022, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11045,, 2023.

EGU23-11112 | Posters virtual | NH7.2

Hydrological impacts of wildfires at a global scale 

Manolis Grillakis and Apostolos Voulgarakis

Wildfires can affect the hydrological regime of a watershed until vegetation is reestablished and the hydrological cycle returns to its previous state. Wildfire induced changes can lead to increased high flows due to vegetation destruction that affects rainfall interception, evapotranspiration, but also fire induced soil imperviousness. Floods or water cycle changes after wildfire events have been extensively studied at a fire event and basin level, or at regional scale, yet changes at a global scale have not been studied systematically. Based on a wide discharge observation inventory from 651 basins globally and MODIS burned area data between 2001 and 2018, we show that the average annual discharge tends to increase in the first two years after the wildfire event, but gradually tends to return to its previous state. Furthermore, it is also found that high flow events tend to increase with wildfire size. This work focuses to a better understanding of the hydrological impacts of wildfires, and hence contribute to the improved modeling representation of fire – hydrology processes.

How to cite: Grillakis, M. and Voulgarakis, A.: Hydrological impacts of wildfires at a global scale, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11112,, 2023.

EGU23-12974 | ECS | Posters virtual | NH7.2

Unravelling wildland fire morphology and structure using image velocimetry 

Andres Valencia, Marwan Katurji, Dongqi Lin, Shana Gross, Jiawei Zhang, Grant Pearce, Mark Finney, and Tara Strand

Wildland fires have been increasing in size, frequency and intensity during recent decades, affecting entire ecosystems and societies even in regions historically not considered fire prone. Some of those fires display dynamics of extreme fire behaviour, which chaotic and large-scale nature make them challenging to study. Thus, there is a need of new methodologies for wildland fire analysis, capable of capturing spatiotemporal characteristics suitable for this application. This work presents two applications of the image velocimetry technique applied to wildland fires, offering new details on the morphology and structure of large-scale medium-intensity prescribed shrubland fires, as well as an outlook on new applications in more complex scenarios. Fire flow displacement vectors and streamlines were calculated and mapped from a high-resolution overhead visible-spectrum (RGB) video acquired during a four-hectare prescribed gorse fire. This method allowed for identification of spatially interleaved flow convergence and divergence regions, providing insight on the high-level structure of the fire front and flaming zone. The method was further expanded to identify what we refer to as “fire sweeps”, via the application of a 2D convolution operation on the displacement vector based upon a kernel carefully designed to highlight the characteristics highly divergent fire flows.

How to cite: Valencia, A., Katurji, M., Lin, D., Gross, S., Zhang, J., Pearce, G., Finney, M., and Strand, T.: Unravelling wildland fire morphology and structure using image velocimetry, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12974,, 2023.

EGU23-13877 | ECS | Posters on site | NH7.2 | Highlight

The 2022 fire season over Europe 

Mafalda Canelas da Silva, Rita Durão, Ana Russo, and Célia Gouveia

Over the summer of 2022, Europe experienced exceptional wildfire activity, with fires occurring more frequently and intensively, mainly in Spain, France, and Portugal. Together these countries registered more than 470 000 hectares of the total 786 000 burnt area in the European Union, accordingly to the estimates of the European Forest Fire Information System (EFFIS) for this fire season. 

Southern Europe is a widely known climate change hotspot resulting in heatwaves, droughts, and wildfire activity (increase in the number and severity of fires, burnt area, and longer fire seasons) although severe droughts and heatwaves have been expanding and worsening in central and northern Europe, increasing fire risk.

This work aims to evaluate how extreme the 2022 fire season was when compared with the period 1979-2021 over Europe. The proposed methods comprise the analysis of fire-related products and atmospheric variables to evidence the fire-prone weather conditions. The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF) ERA5 reanalysis dataset of Fire Weather Index (FWI) and air temperature, relative humidity and wind products are used. FWI is part of a dataset from the Canadian Fire Weather Index System, and is defined as a numerical rating of the potential frontal fire intensity, that indicates fire intensity by combining the rate of fire spread with the amount of fuel being consumed. The Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) at time-scales of 1 to 6 months was used to assess drought conditions.

Results highlight the new fire dynamics in Europe since climate change effects are leading to new emergent hot spots (central and northern Europe), not so well known as the Mediterranean Basin. This is extremely important to allow the assessment of fire danger activity as well as the characteristics of wildfires and improve the monitoring, planning, and mitigation activities.

How to cite: Canelas da Silva, M., Durão, R., Russo, A., and Gouveia, C.: The 2022 fire season over Europe, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13877,, 2023.

EGU23-14223 | ECS | Orals | NH7.2

Modelling the atmospheric factors determining the evolution of the boundary layer during a wildfire event 

Carolina Purificação, Cátia Campos, Alice Henkes, and Flavio T. Couto

Over mountainous terrain, the atmospheric structure becomes much more complex than homogeneous terrain in terms of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL). In the context of interaction between fire and atmosphere, abrupt changes in the ABL wind often lead to erratic and turbulent flow in the fire environment and expose firefighters to dangerous conditions. The study aims to characterize the ABL conditions associated with the largest forest fire that occurred in Portugal in 2019. The fire event took place in Vila de Rei county, which is surrounded by hills and valleys with large differences in altitudes. In order to study the regional scale, a numerical simulation was performed using the Meso-NH atmospheric model, configured with 500 × 500 grid points at 2500 m horizontal resolution, between 19 July at 0000 UTC and 25 July 2019 at 0000 UTC. The simulation covered the Iberian Peninsula and corresponds to the period when the fire burned more than 9,000 hectares in Vila de Rei. Such a simulation helped to characterize the lower troposphere, which contributed to the evolution of the ABL height over the days. Results indicate that the simulated ABL evolution is characterized by the presence of a coastal low-level jet with a maximum wind speed of 10 meters per second at ~ 600 meters’ altitude (1800 UTC of 20 July).  ABL height calculated from Richardson number method depicted a growing in the morning that reached a peak height by mid-afternoon. The ABL height ranged from 500 to 900 m throughout the afternoon and evening during the entire study period. Besides the identification of the fire weather conditions, this study also highlights the factors that contributed to the lower values of the ABL height in the wildfire event. This study was funded by national funds through FCT-Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P. under the project (Ref. PCIF/MPG/0175/2019).

How to cite: Purificação, C., Campos, C., Henkes, A., and Couto, F. T.: Modelling the atmospheric factors determining the evolution of the boundary layer during a wildfire event, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14223,, 2023.

EGU23-15493 | ECS | Posters on site | NH7.2

Measuring the Carbon Footprint from Wildfires and Crop Burning Using Satellite Data 

Raunaq Jain, Mitchell Odhiambo, Nikita Kaushal, Abhilash Mishra, and Yash Gorana

Climate change and altered land use patterns have increased the risk and frequency of wildfires over the last decade. Today's estimates of the carbon impact of wildfires deploy a bottom-up approach to estimate the amount of carbon released into the atmosphere. Various parameters and variability in this approach make it difficult to make quick and accurate estimations of the carbon emissions from wildfires. We propose using satellite data from NASA’s OCO-2 and MODIS satellites to directly estimate the amount of CO2 released into the atmosphere from wildfires. A similar approach can be used to measure carbon emissions from crop-burning activities in the Gangetic plains- another significant source of carbon emissions. Direct measurements of carbon emissions can help policymakers and researchers make data-based decisions to prevent forests from becoming carbon sources instead of carbon sinks. 

In our presentation, we will present a new data platform to estimate carbon emissions from localized wildfires and crop-burning instances using publicly available satellite data. The platform has pre-built functions and pipelines, allowing researchers to perform data analysis without the need to write cumbersome code. The underlying data lake combines NASA’s Orbiting Carbon Observatory (OCO-2 and OCO-3) data with other data sources (e.g., MODIS-based fire data) that facilitate more accurate and complete modeling of the dynamics of biomass burning and the impact they have on their immediate geography and the planet’s climate system at large.

How to cite: Jain, R., Odhiambo, M., Kaushal, N., Mishra, A., and Gorana, Y.: Measuring the Carbon Footprint from Wildfires and Crop Burning Using Satellite Data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15493,, 2023.

EGU23-16190 | Orals | NH7.2

Modeling wildfire dynamics and future projections under climate change scenarios: the FLAM approach 

Andrey Krasovskiy, Shelby Corning, Esther Boere, Nikolay Khabarov, Reinis Cimdins, and Florian Kraxner

We will present approaches to modeling wildfire dynamics using the IIASA’s wildFire cLimate impacts and Adaptation Model (FLAM). FLAM operates with a daily time step and uses mechanistic algorithms to parametrize the impacts of climate, human activities, and fuel availability on wildfire probabilities, frequencies, and burned areas. Validation on historical data and future projections under climate change scenarios will be discussed at various scales and resolutions.  We will present results for the following case-studies: (i) projections of global burned areas driven by climate change scenarios until 2100; (ii) modeling burned areas and adaptation options in Europe; (iii) modeling burned areas and their feedback to land-use change in Indonesia with a particular emphasis on extreme fires due the impacts of El Niño southern oscillation using historical data and the delta approach for future scenarios; (iv) regional variability and driving forces behind forest fires in Sweden. Our results support international analyses that, irrespective of changes in management, it is evident that climate change is very likely to increase the frequency and impact of wildland fires in the coming decades.

How to cite: Krasovskiy, A., Corning, S., Boere, E., Khabarov, N., Cimdins, R., and Kraxner, F.: Modeling wildfire dynamics and future projections under climate change scenarios: the FLAM approach, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16190,, 2023.

EGU23-412 | ECS | Orals | BG1.2

Assessing changes in post-fire vegetation resilience in Mediterranean basin over the past 22 years 

Tiago Ermitão, Célia Gouveia, Ana Bastos, and Ana Russo

Fire is an integral component of ecological dynamics, playing an important role in biome distribution and biomass variability. Nonetheless, fires can also pose a  threat to both ecosystems and humans, by imposing severe economic and social consequences, and potentially contributing to biodiversity loss, carbon loss and soil erosion, whose effects can last from months to years.

The Mediterranean basin is a fire-prone region where vegetation is in general well adapted to fire, with several species showing resistance to fire itself or being able to recover quickly following fire events. However, as a consequence of climate change, more intense and frequent summer hot and dry conditions are expected to occur, which can promote more frequent and severe wildfires, with return periods potentially outpacing recovery times. Understanding recovery dynamics is therefore crucial to assess the impact of changing fire regimes in ecological dynamics and stability of ecosystems. 

In our study, we use the “Enhanced Vegetation Index” (EVI), remotely-sensed by MODIS sensor with a temporal span of 22 years, to evaluate vegetation dynamics before, during and following large fire seasons. We use a mono-parametric recovery model to assess recovery times in different burn scars across the Mediterranean basin, covering different fire regimes and land cover types. We find a tendency for slower recovery in areas that burned more often, which may indicate a decrease in ecosystems’ resilience in the past 22 years.

This study was performed under the frameworks of the 2021 FirEUrisk project (funded by European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Grant Agreement no. 101003890) and of the PhD MIT Portugal MPP2030-FCT programme (Grant no.22405886350).

How to cite: Ermitão, T., Gouveia, C., Bastos, A., and Russo, A.: Assessing changes in post-fire vegetation resilience in Mediterranean basin over the past 22 years, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-412,, 2023.

EGU23-1406 | ECS | Orals | BG1.2 | Highlight

Large-scale fire events substantially impact plant-soil water relations across ecosystem types 

Martin J. Baur, Andrew D. Friend, and Adam F. A. Pellegrini

Wildfire is a global scale ecosystem phenomenon with substantial impact on the carbon cycle, climate warming, and ecosystem resilience. Fire and the hydrological cycle are strongly interlinked, with water availability determining the amount and combustibility of fuel, and fire influencing infiltration, runoff rates and evapotranspiration. Consequently, understanding soil moisture (SM) and vegetation water content (VWC) dynamics pre- and post-fire is fundamental for predicting fire occurrence, fire severity, and ecosystem recovery. Fire can modulate SM and VWC dynamics by influencing interception of rainfall, soil porosity, plant water uptake, and runoff; however, much evidence for fire effects on the hydrological cycle is obtained at the field- to watershed-scale. Therefore, we ask the following research question: What are the effects of large-scale fire events on SM and VWC dynamics across biomes globally?

Here we use over six years of global SM, VWC and vapor pressure deficit (VPD) derived from different remote sensing datasets to investigate the effects of large-scale fires on SM and VWC dynamics. We apply a dry down framework, only analyzing consecutive observations of decreasing soil moisture, to describe post-fire response rates for SM, VWC and VPD relative to a pre-fire reference state.

We find large scale evidence that the post-fire rate of change of SM over time is more negative, indicating faster water loss. Vegetation recovery, indicated by a positive change in VWC over time, exceeds the pre-fire reference state, which suggests that post-fire recovery is predominantly faster than undisturbed seasonal vegetation growth, likely due to succession of fast-growing plant species. Furthermore, fire affects ecosystem hydrology on shorter timescales as well, reducing diurnal VWC variation over a wide range of SM and VWC conditions. Our findings confirm several trends previously only observed at smaller scales and suggest global remote sensing of SM and VWC can substantially contribute to understanding the dynamics of post-fire plant and soil water status.

How to cite: Baur, M. J., Friend, A. D., and Pellegrini, A. F. A.: Large-scale fire events substantially impact plant-soil water relations across ecosystem types, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1406,, 2023.

EGU23-1412 | Posters on site | BG1.2

PyroCbs from Australia Fires and its Impact Study Using Satellite Observations from CrIS and TROPOMI and Reanalysis Data 

Xiaozhen Xiong, Xu Liu, Wan Wu, Liqiao Lei, Qiguang Yang, Daniel Zhou, and Allen Laura

Australia’s unprecedented fire disasters at the end of 2019 to early 2020 emitted huge amounts of carbon monoxide (CO) and fire aerosol particles to the atmosphere, particularly during the Pyrocumulonimbus (pyroCb) outbreak that occurred in southeast Australia between 29 December 2019 and 4 January 2020. It was estimated that at least 18 pyroCbs were generated during this episode, and some of them injected ice, smoke, and biomass burning gases above the local tropopause.  An unprecedented abundance of H2O and CO in the stratosphere, and the displacement of background ozone (O3) and N2O from rapid ascent of air from the troposphere and lower stratosphere were found from satellite observations. Some other studies also found that the fire emissions and their long-range transport resulted in stratospheric aerosol, temperature, and O3 anomalies after the 2020 Australian bushfires and altered the Antarctic ozone and vortex, posing great impact to local air qality and climate change.

            This study will focus on the thermodynamic state of atmosphere associated with these pyroCbs, and its impact on the change of the cloud properties and trace gases during this unprecedented Australia fires, mainly based on a new single Field of View (SFOV) Sounder Atmospheric Products (SiFSAP) and TROPOMI. SiFSAP was developed by NASA using the Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CrIS) and Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder (ATMS) onboard SNPP and JPSS-1, and will soon be available to the public at NASA DAAC. Since this product has a spatial resolution of 15 km at nadir, which is better than most global weather and climate models and other current operational sounding products, a process-oriented analysis of the dynamic transport of CO and fire plumes during this unprecedented fire disasters will be made in this study.  Based on a Principal Component Radiative Transfer Model (PCRTM) and an optimized estimation retrieval algorithm, a simultaneously retrieval is made using the whole spectral information measured by CrIS,  and the derived SiFSAP include temperature, water vapor, trace gases (such as O3, CO2, CO, CH4 and N2O), cloud properties and surface properties. Use of ATMS together with CrIS allows SiFSAP to get accurate retrieval products under thick pyroCb conditions. An algorithm to detect pyroCb based on the hyperspectral infrared sounder spectrum from CrIS will be developed and verified. In addition to SiFSAP sounding products,  CO, O3, NO2 from TROPOMI and O3 from OMPS will be used. The wind fields from the NASA’s Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications Version-2 (MERRA-2) and ERA5 will be used to characterize the transport, and the SiFSAP temperature and water vapor profiles within and around pyroCbs will be compared with MERRA-2 and ERA5 products.     

How to cite: Xiong, X., Liu, X., Wu, W., Lei, L., Yang, Q., Zhou, D., and Laura, A.: PyroCbs from Australia Fires and its Impact Study Using Satellite Observations from CrIS and TROPOMI and Reanalysis Data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1412,, 2023.

EGU23-1975 | ECS | Orals | BG1.2

Drivers of spatial and temporal variability in savanna fire emission factors 

Roland Vernooij, Tom Eames, Jeremy Russel-Smith, Cameron Yates, Robin Beatty, Jay Evans, Andrew Edwards, Natasha Ribeiro, Martin wooster, Tercia Strydom, Marcos Giongo, Marco Borges, Carol Barradas, Maximo Menezes, Dave van Wees, and Guido van der Werf

Roughly half of global fire emissions originate from savannas, and emission factors (EF) are used to quantify the amount of trace gases and aerosols emitted per unit dry matter burned. It is well known that these EFs vary substantially even within a single biome but so far quantifying their dynamics has been hampered by a lack of EF measurements. Therefore, global emission inventories currently use a static averaged EF for the entire savanna biome. To increase the spatiotemporal coverage of EF measurements, we collected over 4500 EF bag measurements of CO2, CO, CH4 and N2O using an unmanned aerial system (UAS) and measured fuel parameters and fire severity proxies during 129 individual landscape fires. These measurements spanned various widespread savanna ecosystems in Africa, South America and Australia, with early and late dry season campaigns. We trained random forest (RF) regressors to estimate daily dynamic EFs for CO2, CO, CH4 and N2O at 500×500-meter resolution based on satellite and reanalysis data. The RF models reduced the difference between measured and modelled EFs by 60-85% compared to static biome averages. The introduction of EF dynamics resulted in a spatial redistribution of CO, CH4 and N2O emissions compared to the Global Fire Emissions Database version 4 (GFED4s) with higher emissions in higher rainfall savanna regions. While the impact from using dynamic EFs on the global annual emission estimates from savannas was relatively modest (+2% CO, -5% CH4 and -18% N2O), the impact on local EFs may exceed 60% under dry seasonal conditions.

How to cite: Vernooij, R., Eames, T., Russel-Smith, J., Yates, C., Beatty, R., Evans, J., Edwards, A., Ribeiro, N., wooster, M., Strydom, T., Giongo, M., Borges, M., Barradas, C., Menezes, M., van Wees, D., and van der Werf, G.: Drivers of spatial and temporal variability in savanna fire emission factors, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1975,, 2023.

EGU23-2097 | Orals | BG1.2

Linked fire activity and climate whiplash in California during the early Holocene 

Jessica Oster, Julia Homann, Cameron de Wet, Sebastian Breitenbach, and Thorsten Hoffmann

Recent wildfire activity in semi-arid regions like western North America exceeds the range of historical records. High-resolution paleoclimate archives such as stalagmites could illuminate the link between hydroclimate, vegetation change, and fire activity in pre-anthropogenic climate states beyond the timescale of existing tree-ring records. Here we present an analysis of levoglucosan, a combustion-sensitive anhydrosugar, and lignin oxidation products (LOPs) in a stalagmite from White Moon Cave in the California Coast Range in order to reconstruct fire activity and vegetation composition across the 8.2 kyr event. Elevated levoglucosan concentrations suggest increased fire activity while altered LOP compositions indicate a shift toward more woody vegetation during the event, with the shift in vegetation preceding the increase in fire activity. These changes are concurrent with increased hydroclimate volatility as shown by carbon and calcium isotope proxies. Together, these records suggest that climate whiplash (oscillations between extreme wetness and aridity) and fire activity in California, both projected to increase with anthropogenic climate change, were tightly coupled during the early Holocene.

How to cite: Oster, J., Homann, J., de Wet, C., Breitenbach, S., and Hoffmann, T.: Linked fire activity and climate whiplash in California during the early Holocene, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2097,, 2023.

EGU23-2233 | ECS | Orals | BG1.2

Fire impacts on soil carbon in a non-fire adapted alpine forest 

Melissa Torres, Caroline Poyntner, Sampriti Chaudhuri, Marc Pignitter, Hannes Schmidt, Thilo Hofmann, and Gabriel Sigmund

An increase in fire-prone conditions in non-fire adapted regions is rooted in climatic and anthropogenic changes. Such pyrogeographical shifts are observable, for example, in alpine regions. In 2021, Austria, experienced a fire larger than 100 ha for the first time in a century in the Schneeberg-Rax mountain region. In depth understanding of post-fire effects on carbon cycling at such non-fire adapted sites is still scarce. To help close this knowledge gap, post-fire changes were investigated at the abovementioned site, including soil organic matter composition and soil chemical conditions. 

Samples were taken immediately after the fire, 3 months, 6 months and 12 months thereafter from four sampling sites. Selected sites consisted of 1. a pine forest affected by a crown fire, 2. a pine and beech mixed forest affected by a surface fire, and two non-fire affected controls with similar site conditions (vegetation, slope, altitude, and exposition). Samples were analyzed for pH, carbon content, elemental composition, leachable dissolved organic carbon and trace elements, organic matter composition, and environmentally persistent free radical concentrations. 

pH increased after the fire at both sites investigated. This increase was the strongest (up to 1.5 units) immediately after the fire but was still substantial 1 year after the fire. Carbon contents decreased approximately 2fold in the crown fire affected soil compared to the control soil, but remained similar between surface fire affected soil and the respective control. However, aromaticity of bulk carbon and the leachable fraction increased in both fire-affected soils, which can be related to the formation of pyrogenic carbon during the fire. Pyrogenic carbon is a highly aromatic and recalcitrant carbon pool produced during incomplete combustion of biomass. Pyrogenic carbon can also contain substantial amounts of environmentally persistent free radicals (EPFR), which can form reactive oxygen species, which can induce oxidative stress on microbiota. Our EPFR measurements showed an increase by at least 1.5 orders of magnitude of EPFR in fire affected soils. This study suggests that changes in soil carbon cycling can be expected following fires in non-adapted alpine forests. 

How to cite: Torres, M., Poyntner, C., Chaudhuri, S., Pignitter, M., Schmidt, H., Hofmann, T., and Sigmund, G.: Fire impacts on soil carbon in a non-fire adapted alpine forest, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2233,, 2023.

EGU23-2932 | Posters on site | BG1.2

Hydrological conceptual model for reconstructing fire history from cave stalagmites 

Pauline Treble, Campbell Micheline, Andy Baker, McDonough Liza, and Kosarac Nevena

Cave stalagmites (speleothems) are highly-valued archives of environmental information owing to their preservation of climate sensitive proxies and well-defined chronologies.  Yet the reconstruction of fire history from stalagmites is a relatively unexplored approach, with some advantages over traditional fire proxy archives.  For example, stalagmites may contain annual laminae (visible or chemical) which can be exploited for seasonal to annual proxy information with precise chronologies.  Thus stalagmites have the potential to yield annually-resolved records of fire and climate that could be used to (1) better understand the fire-climate relationship, (2) fire recurrence interval information, (3) understand ecosystem resilience and (4) inform land management policy.

The development of fire proxies from stalagmites is still in its infancy. Robust interpretations of any proxy information relies on an understanding of the environmental processes that lead to the preservation of proxies in the archive.  Cave stalagmites may record fire history via dripwater, or via the cave entrance as aerosols.  The focus here is on the transportable constituents in dripwater such as solutes, colloids and suspended matter.  A fire event produces ash (a source of leachates) and can alter soil properties (hydrophobicity, pH, organic matter etc) producing temporary enrichments (or depletions) in transported constituents via dripwater.  The resulting signal may be detected in stalagmites using high-resolution methods such as laser ablation mass spectrometry, fluorescence and infrared microscopy techniques.  Cave depth is an important factor in the preservation process with the detection of a fire signal more likely to be observed in dripwater from shallow caves (e.g. 5-10 m) owing to the potential for attenuation and mixing that may occur in deeper caves (Campbell et al., 2022).  However, owing to the karstification of carbonate rocks which host caves, there commonly exists different flow types: diffuse/slow flow through the matrix, preferential/fast flow through fractures and conduits.  Fracture (or conduit) influenced flowpaths have higher permeability and enhance rapid and deep percolation of water from the surface towards the cave.  Several studies have shown that stalagmites fed by dripwater with a fracture-flow component contain higher concentrations of soil-derived trace metals and organics indicating a stronger hydrological connection with the surface.  It logically follows that fracture-influenced flowpaths are more likely to transmit proxies for fire.  Furthermore, flowpaths may be a more important factor than cave depth in some settings, e.g., Campbell et al. (2022) presented a case study of a historical fire event recorded in a stalagmite that was located ~40 m below the surface.  

Understanding the hydrological setting of a cave system including rainfall recharge and flowpaths is valuable in the interpretation of speleothem records in general.  This contribution presents a conceptual model illustrating how these factors influence the preservation of fire proxies in stalagmites and makes recommendations for ideal sample selection for fire proxy records based on cave characteristics as well as stalagmite attributes such as morphology and colour.

Campbell. M. et al., Speleothems as Archives for Palaeofire Proxies. ESS Open Archive. July 24, 2022. DOI:10.1002/essoar.10511989.1

How to cite: Treble, P., Micheline, C., Baker, A., Liza, M., and Nevena, K.: Hydrological conceptual model for reconstructing fire history from cave stalagmites, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2932,, 2023.

EGU23-3238 | ECS | Orals | BG1.2

Feeding the flames: how colonialism led to unprecedented wildfires across SE Australia 

Michela Mariani, Simon Connor, Michael-Shawn Fletcher, Simon Haberle, Janelle Stevenson, Peter Kershaw, Annika Herbert, Martin Theuerkauf, and David Bowman

The Black Summer bushfires (2019-2020) cost the Australian economy over 100 billion dollars and burnt a total of 18 million hectares. In just one season, around 20% of Australia's Eucalyptus forests burnt down and billions of animals perished. Recent catastrophic fires in Australia and North America have made scientists and policymakers question how the disruption of First Nations' burning practices has impacted fuel loads. For instance, we have learnt from modern Australian Indigenous communities, historical literature, and art works that Indigenous peoples have used cultural burning to rejuvenate patches of land and preserve open vegetation for hunting and cultural purposes. The advent of British invasion brought a change in the type of fire regimes and landscape management across much of the continent, which may have led to an increase in flammable fuels in forest settings. However, the actual degree of land-cover modification by early settlers has only been often debated in the academic literature and within management stakeholders.

The quantification of past land cover is needed to address such debates. Pollen is the key proxy to track past vegetation changes, but pollen spectra suffer from some important biases e.g. taphonomy, pollen productivity, dispersal capability. Estimating past vegetation cover from sedimentary pollen composition requires to correct for productivity and dispersal biases using empirical-based models of the pollen-vegetation relationship. Such models for quantitative vegetation reconstruction (e.g. REVEALS) have yet been mostly applied in the Northern Hemisphere in the last 15 years - here we present recent applications of this methodology from Australia. We show the quantification of land cover changes through pre- and post- British invasion on multiple records (n=51) across the southeastern Australian region. This represents the first regional application of REVEALS within the Australian continent.

We provide the first empirical evidence that the regional landscape before British invasion was a cultural landscape with limited tree cover as it was maintained by Indigenous Australians through cultural burning. Our findings suggest that the removal of Indigenous vegetation management has altered woodland fuel structure and that much of the region was predominantly open before colonial invasion. The post-colonial land modification has resonance in wildfire occurrence and management under the pressing challenges posed by climate change.

How to cite: Mariani, M., Connor, S., Fletcher, M.-S., Haberle, S., Stevenson, J., Kershaw, P., Herbert, A., Theuerkauf, M., and Bowman, D.: Feeding the flames: how colonialism led to unprecedented wildfires across SE Australia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3238,, 2023.

EGU23-3310 | ECS | Orals | BG1.2

PEAT-FWI: Improving the Fire Weather Index for peatlands with Hydrological Modeling and L-band Microwave Observations 

Jonas Mortelmans, Anne Felsberg, Gabriëlle De Lannoy, Sander Veraverbeke, Robert Field, Niels Andela, and Michel Bechtold

The Fire Weather Index (FWI) is used worldwide to estimate the danger of wildfires. The FWI system integrates meteorological parameters and empirically combines them into several moisture codes, each representing a different fuel type. These moisture codes are then used in combination with wind speed to estimate a fire danger. Originally, the FWI system was developed for a standard jack pine forest, however, it is widely used by fire managers to assess the fire danger in different environments as well. Furthermore, it is often also used to assess the vulnerability of organic soils, such as peatlands, to ignition and depth of burn. The utility of which is often questioned.


This research aims at improving the original FWI for northern peatlands by replacing parts of the original, purely weather-based FWI system with satellite-informed model estimates of peat moisture and water level. These come from a data assimilation output combining the NASA catchment model, including the peat modules PEATCLSM, and Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) L-band brightness temperature observations. The predictive power of the new, peat-specific FWI (PEAT-FWI) is evaluated against the original FWI against fire data of the global fire atlas from 2010 through 2018 over the major northern peatlands areas. For the evaluation, the fires are split up in early and late season fires, as it is hypothesized that late fires are more hydrological driven, and the predictive power of the PEAT-FWI will thus differ between the two types of fires. Our results indeed indicate that the PEAT-FWI improves the predictive capability of estimating fire risk over northern peatlands in particular for late fires. By using a receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve to evaluate the predictive power of the FWI against a random estimate, the area under the curve increases by up to 10% for the PEAT-FWI compared to the original FWI. The recent version 7 release of the operational Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Level-4 Soil Moisture Data Assimilation Product now includes PEATCLSM, thus, the proposed PEAT-FWI is straightforward to include in operational FWI products.

How to cite: Mortelmans, J., Felsberg, A., De Lannoy, G., Veraverbeke, S., Field, R., Andela, N., and Bechtold, M.: PEAT-FWI: Improving the Fire Weather Index for peatlands with Hydrological Modeling and L-band Microwave Observations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3310,, 2023.

EGU23-3332 | ECS | Orals | BG1.2

How changes in ignition sources influence fire probability in the Amazon and Cerrado biomes: a perspective based on frontier age 

Andreia F. S. Ribeiro, Lucas Santos, Maria R. Uribe, Rafaella A. Silvestrini, Ludmila Rattis, Marcia N. Macedo, Douglas C. Morton, James T. Randerson, Sonia I. Seneviratne, Jakob Zscheischler, and Paulo M. Brando

Agricultural expansion and ongoing climate change are rapidly altering the fire regime of natural ecosystems along the Cerrado-Amazon biome boundary. While agricultural intensification has driven a decrease in fire ignitions in some regions, agricultural expansion has increased fire usage in other landscapes for deforestation and managing pasturelands. These contrasting patterns of fire activity across different land-use frontiers limits our ability to accurately predict where and when fires may occur, particularly under the context of climate change.

To predict fire activity with land-use transitions, we modelled fire probability as a function of the age of different land-use transitions across the Amazon and Cerrado. We investigated annual land-use and associated burned areas based on the MapBiomas Collection 6.0 and MapBiomas Fire Collection 1.0 data, respectively, from 1986 to 2020. This allowed us to quantify how the time-since conversion of native vegetation (forest, savanna, and grassland) to pasture and farming influence fire occurrence. Additionally, we explored the joint impact of land-use change and climate extremes in fire activity in terms of estimated vapor pressure deficit (VPD) and maximum cumulative water deficit (MCWD), two common measures of flammability and drought impact. 

Our results confirm that transition age is a strong predictor of fire probability. They also suggest that fire probability increases (decreases) at different rates before (after) clearing in Amazon and Cerrado. The role of climate extremes in modulating burning activity associated with land-use transitions varied by biome, post-fire land use, and the size of the burned area associated with the conversion. These findings provide insight into incorporating the effect of land-use transition age on ignition probability for fire modelling in combination with climate drivers. From an operational point of view, our results aim to contribute to environmental policies capable of sustaining ecosystem integrity at the ecotone between the Amazon and Cerrado biomes.

How to cite: Ribeiro, A. F. S., Santos, L., Uribe, M. R., Silvestrini, R. A., Rattis, L., Macedo, M. N., Morton, D. C., Randerson, J. T., Seneviratne, S. I., Zscheischler, J., and Brando, P. M.: How changes in ignition sources influence fire probability in the Amazon and Cerrado biomes: a perspective based on frontier age, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3332,, 2023.

EGU23-3632 | ECS | Posters virtual | BG1.2

BPCA-derived PyC may reflect fire signals over regional scales from the western Amazon Basin fire record 

Jing Lyu, Andrew Zimmerman, Mark Bush, and Crystal McMichael

Fire alters the biogeochemical cycling of important elements, plays a role in climate change, and shapes the composition of global biological communities. Detection of past fires has long been used to reconstruct human settlement and climate records. Charcoal and phytolith abundance has been the most commonly used paleofire proxies but may only represent evidence of local fires. Chemical analyses of pyrogenic carbon (PyC) have been more recently used, but are also not without controversy. Thus far, very few intercomparisons of these proxies have been conducted. Here, the fire records contained in soil and lake sediments of Western Amazon (at lakes Ayauchi, Parker, Gentry, and surrounding regions) were determined by charcoal microscopy, chemical thermal oxidation (CTO), and benzene polycarboxylic acids (BPCA) molecular biomarkers. Charcoal represented a smaller portion of PyC and, with its patchy distribution, likely indicated local or larger regional fire events. With a median value of about 15% of organic carbon, PyC via CTO oxidation was of the highest concentrations, which suggests a larger PyC detection window and lower sensitivity of reflecting regional fire. With a median value of about 3% of organic carbon, the BPCA-derived PyC distributions bore the closest resemblance to both spatial and temporal regional fire variations, established via archeological, pollen and phytolith records, thus may be a more sensitive indicator of fire over larger regional scales. Molecular ratios of BPCA molecules in Lake Ayauchi soils indicated higher temperature fires (> 600°C) and suggested a history of more human occupation and human-caused fire in the Lake Ayauchi region compared with the Lake Gentry & Parker region. However, our findings suggest that the use of a combination of fire proxy methods provides a fuller picture of the fire history of a region than any single approach. Establishing a better understanding the differences in the information provided by various paleofire proxies will allow a more complete understanding of the drivers, history and ecological and biogeochemical effects of fire, both regionally and globally.

How to cite: Lyu, J., Zimmerman, A., Bush, M., and McMichael, C.: BPCA-derived PyC may reflect fire signals over regional scales from the western Amazon Basin fire record, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3632,, 2023.

EGU23-3695 | ECS | Orals | BG1.2

Wildfires alter nitrifier communities and increase soil emissions of NOx but not N2O in California chaparral 

Elizah Stephens, Aral Greene, Alexander Krichels, and Peter Homyak


Fires burn roughly 3% of Earth’s land surface each year and are predicted to become more frequent and severe as human-caused climate change progresses. Fires can drive ecosystem N loss by volatilizing N bound in plant biomass to the atmosphere and by leaving behind ash rich in ammonium (NH4+) and organic N that can run off when it rains. While N volatilization and runoff account for a large fraction of N loss after fires, budget imbalances suggest soil emissions of nitric oxide (NO) and nitrous oxide (N2O) may also be significant N loss pathways after fire. Identifying sources of NO and N2O is important because NO is a precursor for tropospheric O3 which causes high rates of asthma hospitalizations,and N2O is a powerful greenhouse gas with 300× the warming potential of CO2. Soil emissions of NO and N2O are largely governed by the microbial processes of nitrification and denitrification. Under aerobic conditions typical of dry soils, nitrifying organisms such as ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) oxidize NH4+ to nitrate (NO3-) and release NO and N2O as byproducts. AOA and AOB process N with different efficiencies, suggesting shifts in AOA:AOB ratios may change N emissions. Specifically, AOB are dominant in soils with high NH4+and pH and produce higher NO and N2O emissions. Since such soil conditions are frequently observed after fires, we hypothesize NO and N2O emissions will increase as AOB communities become dominant. To test this, we collected soil cores from 5 plots in the Sequoia National Park, CA over a time series starting two weeks after a high severity chaparral fire. We selectively inhibited AOA and AOB communities to measure their contributions to NO and N2O emissions. We also measured the isotopic composition of N2O emissions from these soils using an LGR isotopic N2O analyzer to better understand the processes responsible for post-fire N2O production.


One month after the fire, soil bulk emissions of NO over 72hrs were 1.5 times higher in the burned plots (101.4 ± 22.4 µg N-NO/g soil burned; 67.1 ± 19.3 µg N-NO/g soil unburned; ±SE). Bulk soil emissions of N2O over 72hrs were 7.5 times lower in burned plots compared to before the fire (0.0616 ± 0.04 ng N-N2O/g soil burned; 0.463 ± 0.19 ng N-N2O/g soil unburned; ±SE). Although the effects of fire on nitrifier communities were not significant at one month post-fire (Control: p=0.14, AOA: p=0.09, AOB: p=0.162), both AOA and AOB contributions to NO emissions increased in response to fire. Results for nitrifier contributions to N2O emissions were highly variable and non-significant with no clear trends as all N2O emissions were near zero. Further analysis over the time series may yield clearer results as microbial communities have more time to recover. Pairing these data with isotopic information (in progress) may yield one of the most in-depth understandings of post-fire NO and N2O emissions to date.

How to cite: Stephens, E., Greene, A., Krichels, A., and Homyak, P.: Wildfires alter nitrifier communities and increase soil emissions of NOx but not N2O in California chaparral, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3695,, 2023.

EGU23-4520 | ECS | Orals | BG1.2

Examining the response of different wildfire properties to changes in climate and CO2 levels at the Last Glacial Maximum 

Olivia Haas, Iain Colin Prentice, and Sandy P. Harrison

Climate change and atmospheric CO2 levels can influence wildfire properties through separate and potentially contrasting impacts on vegetation and climate. One way to examine the sensitivity of global wildfire properties to changes in climate and CO2 levels is using an out-of-sample experiment, such as the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM; 21 ka BP). Charcoal records show reduced burning at the LGM, when CO2 levels were ~ 185 ppm and the climate was cooler and drier. In this analysis, we isolated out the potential effects of LGM CO2 levels and LGM climate on the spatial patterns of global wildfire properties.

Using three statistical models, we conducted simulations of the spatial distribution of global burnt area, fire size and fire intensity under four scenarios: modern climate/modern CO2 levels, LGM climate/LGM CO2 levels, modern climate/LGM CO2 levels and LGM/ modern CO2 levels. We used outputs from three coupled ocean–atmosphere models representative of the range of simulated LGM climates. The ecophysiological effect of CO2 levels was explicitly accounted for through vegetation inputs. Gross primary productivity (GPP) and land cover were derived for the LGM and modern climate keeping either CO2 levels at 395 ppm (modern), or setting them to 185 ppm, using the P Model, a first-principles model of GPP which allows continuous acclimation of photosynthetic parameters to environmental variations, and the BIOME4 equilibrium global vegetation model.

Our results show a reduction in burnt area under LGM CO2 levels, both with modern and LGM climate inputs. In the case of the warmest of the LGM climate scenarios, this reduction was of the same magnitude as the combined LGM climate/LGM CO2 levels scenario. However, the driest and coldest LGM climate scenario produced a reduction in burnt area even with modern CO2 levels, and the largest reduction in burnt area with LGM CO2.  The reduction was primarily driven by changes in vapour pressure deficit (VPD). Fire size increased under LGM climates, due to changes in wind and VPD. The lower CO2 values at the LGM had no impact on fire size. Fire intensity increased under LGM climates and LGM CO2 levels, with both effects of similar amplitude and changes driven primarily by VPD, GPP and diurnal temperature range. 

We compared our outputs with sedimentary charcoal records from the Reading Palaeofire Database (RPD). Overall, the burnt area LGM CO2 levels/LGM climate scenario showed the greatest agreement, though depending on how cold and dry the LGM climate was, this agreement was either equal to LGM CO2 levels or LGM climate alone. These results suggest that whilst there was reduced global burning at the LGM, there may have been larger and more intense fires. They also highlight the importance of the ecophysiological effect of CO2 levels on fuels, a major control of burnt area and fire intensity regardless of climate. They point to the importance of including this effect in process-based fire models, as well as the importance of accurately estimating the amplitude of projected change for different climate variables in order to increase the reliability of future projections.

How to cite: Haas, O., Prentice, I. C., and Harrison, S. P.: Examining the response of different wildfire properties to changes in climate and CO2 levels at the Last Glacial Maximum, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4520,, 2023.

EGU23-5113 | ECS | Orals | BG1.2

Speleothem organic biomarkers trace last millennium fire history at near-annual resolution in northwestern Australia 

Elena Argiriadis, Rhawn F. Denniston, Stefania Ondei, and David Bowman

Recent developments in speleothem science are showing their potential for paleofire reconstruction through a variety of inorganic and organic proxies including trace metals (1) and the pyrogenic organic compound levoglucosan (2). Previous work by Argiriadis et al. (2019) presented a method for the analysis of trace polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and n-alkanes in stalagmites (3). These compounds reflect biogeochemical processes occurring at the land surface, in the soil, and in the cave. PAHs are primarily related to combustion of biomass while n-alkanes, with their potential for vegetation reconstruction (4), provide information on fuel availability and composition, as well as fire activity. These organic molecules are carried downward by infiltrating water and incorporated into speleothems (5), thereby creating the potential to serve as novel paleofire archives.

Using this approach, we developed a high-resolution stalagmite record of paleofire activity from cave KNI-51 in tropical northwestern Australia. This site is well suited for high resolution paleofire reconstruction as bushfire activity in this tropical savanna is some of the highest on the continent, the cave is shallow and overlain by extremely thin soils, and the stalagmites are fast-growing (1-2 mm yr-1) and precisely dated. We analyzed three stalagmites which grew continuously in different time intervals through the last millennium - KNI-51-F (CE ~1100-1620), KNI-51-G (CE ~1320-1640), and KNI-51-11 (CE ~1750-2009). Samples were drilled continuously at 1-3 mm resolution from stalagmite slabs, processed in a stainless-steel cleanroom to prevent contamination.

Despite a difference in resolution between stalagmites KNI-51-F and -G, peaks in the target compounds show good replication in the overlapping time interval of the two stalagmites, and PAH abundances in a portion of stalagmite KNI-51-11 that grew from CE 2000-2009 are well correlated with satellite-mapped fires occurring proximally to the cave.

Our results suggest an increase in the frequency of low intensity fire in the 20th century relative to much of the previous millennium. The timing of this shift is broadly coincident with the arrival of European pastoralists in the late 19th century and the subsequent displacement of Aboriginal peoples from the land. Aboriginal peoples had previously utilized “fire stick farming”, a method of prescribed, low intensity burning, that was an important influence of ecology, biomass, and fire.  Prior to the late 1800s, the period with the most frequent low intensity fire activity was the 13th century, the wettest interval of the entire record. Peak high intensity fire activity occurred during the 12th century.

Controlled burn and irrigation experiments capable of examining the transmission of pyrogenic compounds from the land surface to cave dripwater represent the next step in this analysis. Given that karst is present in many fire-prone environments, and that stalagmites can be precisely dated and grow continuously for millennia, the potential utility of a stalagmite-based paleofire proxy is high.



(1) L.K. McDonough et al., Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 325, 258–277 (2022).

(2) J. Homann et al., Nat. Commun., 13:7175 (2022).

(3) E. Argiriadis et al., Anal. Chem. 91, 7007–7011 (2019).

(4) R.T. Bush, F. A. McInerney, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 117, 161–179 (2013).

(5) Y. Sun et al., Chemosphere. 230, 616–627 (2019).

How to cite: Argiriadis, E., Denniston, R. F., Ondei, S., and Bowman, D.: Speleothem organic biomarkers trace last millennium fire history at near-annual resolution in northwestern Australia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5113,, 2023.

EGU23-5429 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.2

Smoke self-lofting towards the lower stratosphere: an alternative process to pyroCb-lofting 

Kevin Ohneiser, Albert Ansmann, Jonas Witthuhn, Hartwig Deneke, Alexandra Chudnovsky, Gregor Walter, and Fabian Senf

Wildfire smoke is known as a highly absorptive aerosol type in the shortwave wavelength range. The absorption of Sun light by optically thick smoke layers results in heating of the ambient air. This heating is translated into self-lofting of the smoke up to more than 1 km in altitude per day. The main goal is to demonstrate that radiative heating of intense smoke plumes is capable of lofting them from the lower and middle free troposphere (injection heights) up to the tropopause without the need of pyrocumulonimbus (pyroCb) convection. The further subsequent ascent within the lower stratosphere (caused by self-lofting) is already well documented in the literature. Simulations of heating rates which are then converted into lofting rates are conducted by using the ECRAD (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts Radiation) scheme. As input parameters thermodynamic profiles from CAMS (Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service) reanalysis data, aerosol profiles from ground-based lidar observations, radiosonde potential temperature profiles, CALIOP (Cloud Aerosol Lidar with Orthogonal Polarization) aerosol measurements, and MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) aerosol optical depth retrievals were used. 

The sensitivity analysis revealed that the lofting rate strongly depends on aerosol optical thickness (AOT), layer thickness, layer height, and black carbon (BC) fraction. We also looked at the influence of different meteorological parameters such as cloudiness, relative humidity, and potential temperature gradient. Lofting processes in the stratosphere observed with CALIOP after major pyroCb events (Canadian fires, 2017, Australian fires 2019-2020) are compared with simulations to demonstrate the applicability of our self-lofting model. We analyzed long-term CALIOP observations of Siberian smoke layers and plumes evolving in the troposphere and UTLS (upper troposphere and lower stratosphere) region over Siberia and the adjacent Arctic during the summer season of 2019 and found several indications (fingerprints) that self-lofting contributed to the vertical transport of smoke. We hypothesize that the formation of a near-tropopause aerosol layer, observed with CALIOP over several months, was the result of self-lofting processes because this is in line with the self-lofting simulations. 

We will show a detailed analysis of tropospheric and stratospheric smoke lofting rates based on simulations and observations.

How to cite: Ohneiser, K., Ansmann, A., Witthuhn, J., Deneke, H., Chudnovsky, A., Walter, G., and Senf, F.: Smoke self-lofting towards the lower stratosphere: an alternative process to pyroCb-lofting, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5429,, 2023.

EGU23-5803 | ECS | Orals | BG1.2 | Highlight

Which is the role of post-fire SOC erosion in the C cycle? 

Antonio Girona-García, Cristina Santín, Diana Vieira, and Stefan Doerr

Wildfires burn on average 448 million hectares globally every year, releasing around 2.2 Pg of carbon (C) into the atmosphere [1, 2]. The net effect of wildfires in the C cycle goes, however, beyond emissions and involves many other interacting processes. Among those, there is a significant knowledge gap on the role of post-fire soil organic carbon (SOC) erosion as a carbon sink mechanism.

Post-fire erosive response is greatly enhanced by the direct and indirect effects of wildfires on soil and vegetation, such as the loss of protective cover and soil structure or the development of a water-repellent layer [3]. In addition, biomass and soil organic matter undergo quantitative and qualitative changes during wildfires, such as the formation of pyrogenic carbon, highly resistant to degradation. The resulting PyC and non-PyC carbon fractions, with contrasting physical properties and chemical stability, will be differently redistributed and mineralized during the erosion process [4]. Ultimately, post-fire SOC erosion will act as a carbon sink when the post-fire burial and stabilization of eroded carbon, together with the recovery of net primary production and soil organic carbon content, exceed the SOC losses during its post-fire transport [5]. All these processes have been scarcely investigated and poorly quantified to the date. In this presentation, we will provide new insights into this potential C sink mechanism, critically reviewing the state of the art and highlighting key research gaps.


[1] Boschetti et al., 2021. Global Wildfire Information System (GWIS).

[2] Randerson et al., 2012. J Geophys Res.

[3] Shakesby & Doerr, 2006. Earth-Sci Revs.

[4] Doetterl et al., 2016. Earth-Sci Revs.

[5] Santín et al., 2015. Glob Change Biol.

How to cite: Girona-García, A., Santín, C., Vieira, D., and Doerr, S.: Which is the role of post-fire SOC erosion in the C cycle?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5803,, 2023.

EGU23-6083 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.2

Representing Northern High Latitude Peat Fires in the JULES-INFERNO Fire Model 

Katie Blackford, Apostolos Voulgarakis, Colin Prentice, Chantelle Burton, and Matthew Kasoar

Anthropogenic activities and climate change are increasing the vulnerability of carbon rich peatlands to wildfires. Peat fires, which are dominated by smouldering combustion, are some of the largest and most persistent wildfires on Earth. Across the northern high latitudes, peat fires have the potential to release vast amounts of long term stored carbon and other greenhouse gases and aerosols. Consequently, peat fires can have huge implications on the carbon cycle and result in a positive feedback effect on the climate system. Peat fires also impact air quality and can lead to haze events, with major impacts on human health. Despite the importance of peat fires they are currently not represented in most fire models, leading to large underestimations of burnt area and carbon emissions in the high latitudes. Here, I present a representation of peat fires in the JULES-INFERNO fire model (INFERNO-peat). INFERNO-peat improves the representation of burnt area across the high latitudes, with notable areas of improvement in Canada and Siberia. INFERNO-peat also highlights a large amount of interannual variability in carbon emissions from peat fires. The inclusion of peat fires into JULES-INFERNO demonstrates the importance of representing peat fires in models, and not doing so may heavily restrict our ability to model present and future fires and their impacts across the northern high latitudes.

How to cite: Blackford, K., Voulgarakis, A., Prentice, C., Burton, C., and Kasoar, M.: Representing Northern High Latitude Peat Fires in the JULES-INFERNO Fire Model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6083,, 2023.

EGU23-6184 | ECS | Orals | BG1.2 | Highlight

A global model for estimating fuel consumption and fire carbon emissions at 500-m spatial resolution 

Dave van Wees, Guido R. van der Werf, James T. Randerson, Brendan M. Rogers, Yang Chen, Sander Veraverbeke, Louis Giglio, and Douglas C. Morton

Fires constitute a key source of emissions of greenhouse gasses and aerosols. Fire emissions can be quantified using models, and these estimates are influenced by the spatial resolution of the model and its input data. Here we present a novel global model based on the Global Fire Emissions Database (GFED) modelling framework for the estimation of fuel consumption and fire carbon emissions at a spatial resolution of 500 m. The model was primarily based on observation-derived data products from MODIS, reanalysis data for meteorology, and an updated field measurement synthesis database for constraining fuel load and fuel consumption. Compared to coarser models, typically with a resolution of 0.25°, the 500-m spatial resolution allowed for increased spatially resolved emissions and a better representation of local-scale variability in fire types. The model includes a separate module for the calculation of emissions from fire-related forest loss, using 30-m Landsat-based forest loss data. We estimated annual carbon emissions of 2.1 Pg C yr-1, of which around 24% was from fire-related forest loss. Fuel consumption was on average a factor 10 higher in case of fire-related forest loss compared to fires without forest loss. Up to now, emission estimates from our new model are based on MODIS burned area with a 500-m resolution, leading to global emissions similar to GFED4s. However, novel high-resolution burned area datasets based on the Landsat and Sentinel-2 missions reveal substantially more global burned area. Our 500-m global fire model provides a suitable framework for converting these burned area products to emissions, with the prospect of substantially higher global emissions.

How to cite: van Wees, D., van der Werf, G. R., Randerson, J. T., Rogers, B. M., Chen, Y., Veraverbeke, S., Giglio, L., and Morton, D. C.: A global model for estimating fuel consumption and fire carbon emissions at 500-m spatial resolution, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6184,, 2023.

EGU23-6286 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.2

Hysteresis of fire-prone weather to CO2 forcing 

Jin-Soo Kim, Hyo-Jeong Kim, and Soon-Il An

CO2 emission from biomass burning (BB) is one of the essential elements of the global carbon budget, with its annual mean of about 2.0 PgC/year equivalent to 15 % of 2020 fossil fuel emissions. However, while a global increase in fire-prone weather is projected alongside climate change, a quantitative understanding of how much carbon will further be released due to increased fires is highly limited, which could result in large uncertainty in meeting the net zero target. Thus, in this study, we evaluate future changes in fire-prone weather based on the fire weather index (FWI) and estimate the potential fire-induced emissions on a global scale that could be induced by climate change. To this end, 28 ensembles of idealized CO2 reduction simulations with the CESM climate model were analyzed. The results show that when CO2 in the atmosphere is doubled (2xCO2) from 367 ppm by 1 % per year, the additional emission due to increased fire weather could reach about 1.7 PgC/year, which corresponds to 82% of the current BB emission. Moreover, even if the atmospheric CO2 concentration further peaks and is reduced back to 2xCO2, the lagged response of the climate system can cause fire-prone weather and its resulting C emissions to remain higher than its previous state in many countries. These results highlight that more focus is required on the climate-fire-carbon feedback not only for more accurate future predictions but also for achieving net zero emissions in each country through a proper wildfire management strategy.

How to cite: Kim, J.-S., Kim, H.-J., and An, S.-I.: Hysteresis of fire-prone weather to CO2 forcing, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6286,, 2023.

EGU23-6777 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.2

Characterisation of large-scale urban fire emissions by inverse modelling 

Emilie Launay, Virginie Hergault, Marc Bocquet, Joffrey Dumont Le Brazidec, and Yelva Roustan

Large-scale fires such as warehouse fires that have occurred in recent years or dramatic accidents like the Paris Notre-Dame Cathedral fire in 2019 have stressed the need to develop means of assessing the toxicity risks to the population and the environment of smoke plumes. A key challenge is to quickly provide the authorities with information on the areas impacted by the plume and the pollutant concentration levels to which the population is likely to be or to have been exposed. The Laboratoire Central de la Préfecture de Police (LCPP) aims to deploy a number of devices for measuring pollutants and tracers of smoke combustion during a fire. Subsequently, the application of an atmospheric dispersion model within the framework of a data assimilation approach should provide a source characterisation and a finer estimate of the concentration levels at points of interest.

To characterise the source, noticeably the released mass of pollutants and the emission height linked to a plume rise, an inverse problem method has been implemented. It is based on a Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) technique meant to quantify the uncertainties associated with the emission estimation. Since the emission height strongly influences the atmospheric dispersion in the vicinity of the source, two approaches are used to estimate it. The first one consists in finding the emission time rate for each considered height and the second one consists in focussing on a single emission height and its associated emission time rate using a discrete distribution to describe the vertical profile. We use the Lagrangian Parallel Micro Swift Spray (PMSS) model developed by AriaTechnologies fed with meteorological fields provided by Météo-France to represent the atmospheric dispersion of smoke.

Our inverse method is applied to a large warehouse fire that occurred in Aubervilliers near Paris in 2021 using real observations. Abnormal concentrations of particulate matter were recorded, with a peak at 160 µg.m-3, located in the centre of Paris about 6 km from the source. They were collected by the LCPP and AirParif, the local air quality agency, and are used to retrieve the emission with a quantification of uncertainties and a sensitivity analysis of model error. The resulting emission height of the source, mainly between 200 and 300 m, coincides with the terrain observation for an emission rate of less than 1000 kg/h throughout the duration of the fire. A sensitivity analysis to the initial approximation of the source (the prior) shows its importance. It suggests to improve our method by incorporating the statistical parameters of the observation error into the MCMC method.

How to cite: Launay, E., Hergault, V., Bocquet, M., Dumont Le Brazidec, J., and Roustan, Y.: Characterisation of large-scale urban fire emissions by inverse modelling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6777,, 2023.

EGU23-6797 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.2

Variability of CO and aerosols plumes from wildfires in the Northern Hemisphere in 2008-2022 using satellite observations. 

Antoine Ehret, Solène Turquety, Maya George, and Cathy Clerbaux

Wildfires are responsible for significant emissions of greenhouse gases, pollutants and aerosols. In addition to being a large source of carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2), they alone account for more than half of black carbon emissions and the majority of primary organic aerosol emissions.

Despite proactive fire suppression policies in the Northern Hemisphere (NH), allowing a decrease in fires, especially in Europe, an increase in the number of extreme fires can be noted in recent years. In the NH, this increase is mainly in Western America and boreal regions. The pollution plumes produced during extreme fires can be transported over thousands of kilometers, impacting background pollutant levels on a hemispheric scale. Thus, variability in fire intensity may explain a large part of the spatial and temporal variability of many atmospheric pollutants. For longer lived pollutants, wildfires may significantly increase background levels.

In this study, the link between extreme fire weather (high temperature), large fires and background pollution in the Northern Hemisphere is analyzed based on satellite observations. The impact of large wildfires on background levels of CO and aerosols above Europe is studied more specifically. We present the variability of fire frequency in the NH, their intensity and the related emissions using 20 years (2003-2022) of MODIS fire observations analyzed with the APIFLAME model. The link between large events and fire weather is studied using the ERA5 reanalyses and the Canadian Fire Weather Index (FWI). The related impact on the variability of total CO and AOD in the NH is analyzed using 15 years (2008-2022) of satellite observations from IASI/Metop and MODIS/Terra and Aqua, respectively. Finally, plume retro trajectories are computed in order to assess the contribution of the different geographical areas of the NH on the CO and AOD variability.

How to cite: Ehret, A., Turquety, S., George, M., and Clerbaux, C.: Variability of CO and aerosols plumes from wildfires in the Northern Hemisphere in 2008-2022 using satellite observations., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6797,, 2023.

EGU23-7379 | Orals | BG1.2 | Highlight

Changes in global fire regimes under idealized overshoot scenarios 

Lars Nieradzik, Hanna Lee, Paul Miller, Jörg Schwinger, and David Wårlind

Within the framework of the project IMPOSE (Emit now, mitigate later? IMPlications of temperature OverShoots for the Earth system) six idealized emission-overshoot simulations have been performed with the Earth System Model NorESM2-LM2 and used as forcing for the 2nd generation dynamic global vegetation model LPJ-GUESS with its fire-model SIMFIRE-BLAZE to investigate the impact of different CO2 overshoots on global wildfire regimes.

The simulations describe a set of scenarios with high, medium, and low accumulative CO2 emissions and each of which has a short (immediate) and a long (100 years) peak of accumulative CO2 emissions before declining towards a baseline simulation of 1500 PgC accumulatively emitted within the first 100 years.

The results show that the height of the overshoot has an impact on global fire regimes while its duration does not seem to play a significant role 200 years after peak CO2. Overall, we can see that changes in vegetation composition following the temperature anomaly are the main driver for changes in global wildfire frequency. While in the low overshoot scenarios burnt area has almost converged towards the baseline simulation, the extremest scenarios show the lowest burnt area at the end of the simulation period, indicating that vegetation changes, especially in low latitudes, have been most significant and/or are still ongoing.

How to cite: Nieradzik, L., Lee, H., Miller, P., Schwinger, J., and Wårlind, D.: Changes in global fire regimes under idealized overshoot scenarios, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7379,, 2023.

EGU23-7449 | ECS | Orals | BG1.2

The role of vegetation in UK upland wildfires: Risk, Resilience, and Remote Sensing 

Kirsten Lees and Tim Lenton

Wildfires are becoming a growing concern in the UK, as climate change increases the occurrence and persistence of periods of hot, dry weather. Vegetation type and management play an important but contested role in UK fire risk and resilience, and questions remain over the best ways to prevent large fires developing. Remote sensing can provide vital data on fire size, severity, and recovery times, but method effectiveness is dependent on understanding specific ecosystems. This research uses ground validation of four wildfires in the UK Peak District National Park to deliver insights which improve interpretation of satellite data in wildfire monitoring. These insights are then applied to a three-year remote sensing database of large wildfires in England and Wales, to give novel results on the links between vegetation type and management, and fire size and severity. Ecosystem resilience and recovery is further explored through analysing the vegetation growth post-fire at three of the four Peak District study sites. This project therefore develops and validates remote sensing methodology in wildfire research by combining field data with satellite imagery to yield new understandings of the relationships between vegetation and fire. 

How to cite: Lees, K. and Lenton, T.: The role of vegetation in UK upland wildfires: Risk, Resilience, and Remote Sensing, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7449,, 2023.

EGU23-7853 | Posters on site | BG1.2

Current Operational Implementation of the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index System in the Republic of Ireland 

Klara Finkele, Padraig Flattery, Ciaran Nugent, and Paul Downes

Since 2006 the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index System (FWI) has been employed operationally at Met Éireann to predict the risk of forest fires in Ireland (Walsh, S, 2006). Around 11% or 770,000 ha of the total land area of Ireland is afforested, but there are also large areas of open mountain and peatlands covered in grasses, dwarf-shrub and larger woody shrub type vegetation which can provide fuel for spring wildfires under suitable conditions. Following winter, vegetation can be dead or have a very low live moisture content, and the flammability of this vegetation can be readily influenced by prevailing weather, especially following prolonged dry periods.

The Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine is the Forest Protection authority in Ireland responsible for issuing Fire Danger Notices. These notices improve preparedness for fire responses and are based on information provided by Met Éireann who calculate the FWI and FWI components using observation data at synoptic stations, and the predicted FWI for the next five days ahead based on numerical weather prediction data.

The FWI is determined based on the types of forest fuel and how quickly they dry out/get rewetted, and components of fire behaviour. The FWI represents the fire intensity as the rate of energy per unit length of fire front (kW/m). The components which provide the most accurate indication of risk under Irish conditions are the Fine Fuel Moisture Code and Initial Spread Index, based on the fuels involved and ignition patterns observed to date. Since 2022 Met Eireann provide the FWI as well as the individual components Fine Fuel Moisture Content and Initial Spread Index via the public website for synoptic stations. These indices are based on observations and a seven-day forecast into the future using ECMWF predictions. This allows all county councils responsible for wildfire preparedness to access this information swiftly and directly.

Met Éireann also use the ANYWHERE multi-hazard warning tool which allows for visualisation of multiple fire-related risk factors and warning indices to be viewed simultaneously. The ANYWHERE system, in combination with our station-based forecast and antecedent conditions, provide fire managers and response teams with excellent information with which to make decisions. 

How to cite: Finkele, K., Flattery, P., Nugent, C., and Downes, P.: Current Operational Implementation of the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index System in the Republic of Ireland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7853,, 2023.

EGU23-7913 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.2

Fate of Fire altered Organic Carbon in the arctic river-to-ocean continuum: Resolving Mackenzie River Black Carbon in the Beaufort Sea 

Linn G. Speidel, Lisa Bröder, Julie Lattaud, Negar Haghipour, Timothy I. Eglinton, and Alysha I. Coppola

Keywords: Black carbon, Dissolved organic carbon, BPCAs, Mackenzie River, Beaufort Sea, Climate change

Climate change is amplified in the arctic and boreal regions. This causes higher average temperatures and less precipitation in the summer months and is resulting in longer wildfire seasons, severity, frequency and extent. This increases the relies of carbon into the atmosphere as greenhouse gases and aerosols, amplifying climate change even further. Black carbon (BC) is a fraction of organic carbon, resulting from the incomplete combustion of biomass and fossil fuels. BC may be inaccessible for biodegradation, because of its highly condensed aromatic molecular structure and therefore stores carbon on long timescales on land and in the ocean. BC is produced on land, but is transported as dissolved BC (DBC) by the rivers to the oceans, where it cycles on millennial timescales, sequestering BC. Thus, it is important to understand the significance of BC in the context of increased fires in this vulnerable region in the face of climate change.

The Mackenzie River is a major source of terrestrial dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and the largest source of sediments to the Arctic Ocean. Here, we resolve the cycling of riverine DBC from the Mackenzie River to its fate in the Beaufort Sea, and the influence of mixing with Pacific water masses entering from the Chukchi Sea. We present DBC concentration data in ocean water, which was collected on two cruises in the Beaufort Sea in 2021 and 2022 covering the outflow of the Mackenzie River.

For DBC concentrations, we digested solid phase extracts of DOC with nitric acid to oxidize BC molecules into benzenepolycarboxylic acids (BPCAs), which were then quantified on High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). We compare the concentrations of the DBC and DOC to trace the mixing of DBC river outflow with the ocean water. Since DBC originates on land and is relatively stable to biodegradation we can resolve the pathways of DBC from the Mackenzie River to the Arctic Ocean.



How to cite: Speidel, L. G., Bröder, L., Lattaud, J., Haghipour, N., Eglinton, T. I., and Coppola, A. I.: Fate of Fire altered Organic Carbon in the arctic river-to-ocean continuum: Resolving Mackenzie River Black Carbon in the Beaufort Sea, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7913,, 2023.

EGU23-7937 | ECS | Orals | BG1.2

A New Method for Nowcasting Wildfire Risk 

Theodore Keeping, Sandy Harrison, and Iain Prentice

Wildfire risk prediction relies on the often-heuristic assessment of diverse fire potential indices, fuel maps, fire weather indices and prior fire activity data. Here we present a model nowcasting daily wildfire genesis probability and expected wildfire sizes in the contiguous US.

Predictors were selected and developed to account for climate, vegetation, topographic and human effects on wildfire genesis. Climate factors are represented by multiple fuel wetting and drying processes at daily to seasonal-scale antecedences, snowpack, and wind. We use GPP to predict fuel mass and recent growth, and dominant vegetation type. Human factors include population, landscape accessibility and ignition sources such as powerlines.

The first stage of the model predicts wildfire genesis probability as a zero-inflated process with an explicit probability of fire preclusion, whilst the second stage models fire sizes according to a generalised extreme value distribution. Nonlinear effects are accounted for via global optimisation for the domain for which each variable drives changes in fire genesis behaviour and the appropriate variable transform.

The model has good predictive and explanatory power, as shown by various performance metrics and the meaningful nonlinear relationships identified in the optimisation process. We show that this method can resolve seasonal wildfire risk dynamics well over smaller ecoregions than the observational record permits, allowing us to quantify the extent to which fire risk is determined by seasonal-scale versus daily-scale effects.

How to cite: Keeping, T., Harrison, S., and Prentice, I.: A New Method for Nowcasting Wildfire Risk, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7937,, 2023.

EGU23-8075 | Posters on site | BG1.2

Impact of socio-economic factors in burnt area for future climate scenarios 

João Teixeira, Chantelle Burton, Douglas I. Kelley, Gerd Folberth, Fiona M. O'Connor, Richard Betts, and Apostolos Voulgarakis

Fire processes are a complex component of the Earth System processes and their full representation has proven to be difficult to represent Earth System Models (ESM). Because of this, these processes are often simplified in fire enabled ESMs, for instance ignitions are usually modelled to increase at low population densities up to a threshold, and reduce thereafter, as suppression effects become dominant with the increase of population density. However, socio-economic, and cultural factors can play a significant role in shaping the behaviour of fire ignitions. This study aims to address this by implementing a socio-economic factor in the fire ignition and suppression parametrisation in the INteractive Fire and Emission algoRithm for Natural envirOnments (INFERNO) based on the Human Development Index (HDI). The inclusion of this factor reduced a large long-standing positive bias found in regions of Temperate North America, Central America, Europe, and Southern Hemisphere South America. This change also leads to improvements in the model representation of fire weather and anthropogenic drivers in tropical regions, by reducing the influence of population density changes. Therefore, this framework can be used to improve understanding of the anthropogenic impacts of fire in future scenarios based on different Shared Socioeconomic Pathways.

How to cite: Teixeira, J., Burton, C., Kelley, D. I., Folberth, G., O'Connor, F. M., Betts, R., and Voulgarakis, A.: Impact of socio-economic factors in burnt area for future climate scenarios, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8075,, 2023.

EGU23-9361 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.2

Investigating Emergency Room Visits for Cardiorespiratory Diseases in Alberta and Ontario, Canada in Relation to Wildfires 

Victoria Flood, Kimberly Strong, Rebecca Buchholz, Sheryl Magzamen, and Grace Kuiper

Carbon monoxide (CO) is released during biomass burning events, resulting in decreased air quality and leading to the formation of climate forcing pollutants. An increase in wildfires has resulted in a change to the CO seasonal cycle of the North American Pacific Northwest, when comparing 2012-2018 to 2002-2011. This trend was reported using data from the Measurements of Pollution in the Troposphere (MOPITT) instrument on NASA’s Terra satellite. Similarly, an increase in summertime CO values was identified with the Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectrometer at the University of Toronto Atmospheric Observatory (TAO), over the same time period. Studies have shown correlations between wildfire smoke exposure and healthcare utilization for cardiovascular and respiratory conditions. Monthly counts of Emergency Department admissions for cardiovascular and respiratory diseases for Alberta and Ontario are investigated in relation to wildfire events in Canada and the USA. MOPITT and TAO FTIR CO columns, the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) burned area product, and provincial burned areas from Natural Resources Canada are assessed to estimate wildfire smoke exposure in the study region. This work aims to evaluate if CO can be used as a complementary tracer for health impacts from wildfire smoke exposure. 


How to cite: Flood, V., Strong, K., Buchholz, R., Magzamen, S., and Kuiper, G.: Investigating Emergency Room Visits for Cardiorespiratory Diseases in Alberta and Ontario, Canada in Relation to Wildfires, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9361,, 2023.

EGU23-9575 | Orals | BG1.2

FRYv2.0 : a global fire patch morphology database from FireCCI51 and MCD64A1 

Florent Mouillot, Wentao Chen, Manuel Campagnolo, and Philippe Ciais

The assessment of global burned area from remote sensing is an essential climate variable driving land surface GHG emissions and energy/water budget. Gridded 0.25° or 0.5° monthly burned area have been largely used for biosphere/atmosphere interactions modelling, while recent fire/weather analysis or model developments increasingly request fire events, defined as a fire patch with intrinsic fire spread properties. Pixel level information, the finest resolution from global burned area, defined by their burn date, can be aggregated within a spatio-temporal threshold and delineate these fire events. Uncertainties in burn date, the coarse resolution of pixel resolution, multiple ignition points, or the specified values in spatio-temporal thresholds can however lead to various final fire event delineation. Currently, three major global fire event database exist (FRY, Fire Atlas, GlobFire), mostly derived from MCD64A1 pixel level 500m-resolution burned area. We propose here a new version of FRY, based on MCD64A1 and FireCCI51 at 250m, with an updated pixel aggregation method allowing for single ignition fire patches. Fire patch morphology indicators as elongation, direction, complexity have been conserved from v1.0, with additional information as ignition points from minimum burn date from burned area and more timely-accurate hotspots (VIIRS and MCD14ML), rate of spread, fire Radiative power and burn severity, as well as fraction of land cover affected, based on user requirements. The dataset is delivered as a yearly shapefile, with an attribute table referencing all information on ignition, spread and final shape. Global comparison of major information from FRYv2.0 (fire size distribution, fire number, ROS) will illustrate the effects of increasing spatial resolution and better timing from hotspots provided in this new version, freely available for the scientific community for the period 2001-2020.

How to cite: Mouillot, F., Chen, W., Campagnolo, M., and Ciais, P.: FRYv2.0 : a global fire patch morphology database from FireCCI51 and MCD64A1, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9575,, 2023.

EGU23-9791 | Orals | BG1.2 | Highlight

Lightning in a changing climate and its impacts on fire area burned 

Cynthia Whaley, Courtney Schumacher, Montana Etten-Bohm, Vivek Arora, David Plummer, Jason Cole, Michael Lazare, and Ayodeji Akingunola

Lightning is an important atmospheric process for igniting forest fires – often in remote locations where they are not easily suppressed – which results in potentially large emissions of many pollutants and short-lived climate forcers. Lightning also generates reactive nitrogen, resulting in the production of tropospheric ozone, the third most important greenhouse gas. Furthermore, the changing climate is expected to change the frequency and location of lightning. As such, lightning is an important component of climate models. The Canadian Atmospheric Model, CanAM, is one such climate model that did not contain an 'online' lightning parameterization. Fire ignition in CanAM was done via an unchanging climatological lightning input. In this study, we have added a new logistical regression lightning model (Etten-Bohm et al, 2021) into CanAM, creating the capacity for future lightning predictions with CanAM under different climate scenarios. The modelled lightning and fire area burned were evaluated against measurements in a historical period with good results. Then we simulate lightning and fire area burned in a future climate scenario in order to provide an estimate on how lightning and its impacts will change in the future. This study also presents the first time that CanAM’s land fire model was used online with its atmosphere to fully simulate fires in the global earth system.


Etten-Bohm, M., J. Yang, C. Schumacher, and M. Jun : Evaluating the relationship between lightning and the large-scale environment and its use for lightning prediction in global climate models, JGR-atmospheres, 126, e2020JD033990, 2021.

How to cite: Whaley, C., Schumacher, C., Etten-Bohm, M., Arora, V., Plummer, D., Cole, J., Lazare, M., and Akingunola, A.: Lightning in a changing climate and its impacts on fire area burned, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9791,, 2023.

EGU23-10336 | Posters on site | BG1.2

A hybrid deep learning framework for predicting point-level Alaskan fires 

Hocheol Seo and Yeonjoo Kim

Fires in high latitudes are becoming more critical in terrestrial ecosystem modeling. With climate warming and dry weather condition, the fires have spread more, and widespread burning has severely damaged the ecosystem. As the fire dynamics cannot be described with the mass or energy balance equations, the fire models have been developed with different input variables, linked with different vegetation models, and widely coupled with the earth system models (ESMs) or land surface models (LSMs) with different complexities of parameterization. Here, we designed a new approach using hybrid deep learning [Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) - Artificial Neural Network (ANN)] for predicting Alaskan natural fires and aimed to understand the impacts of fires with from the NCAR community land model 5 – biogeochemistry (CLM5-BGC). This study was conducted based on fire information provided by Alaska Interagency Coordination Center (AICC), which provides the data for each fire point, start date, end date, and total burned area from 2016-2020. As the fire duration was identified as the most important in predicting the burned area, we first trained the LSTM for predicting fire duration (i.e., fire ignition and fire persistence period) with ERA5 atmospheric forcings. Also, we trained ANN to predict the burned area with both ERA5 atmospheric forcings and fire duration. Then, we combined two models (LSTM and ANN) to simultaneously predict the fire days and burned area with climate and vegetation datasets. This hybrid model has the strength to capture large fires (>10000ha), comparing the burned area from CLM5-BGC (Correlation: 0.79). When this hybrid model is coupled with CLM5-BGC, we found that the carbon fluxes changed over Alaska. In particular, total net ecosystem exchange (NEE) increased by more than two times that of only CLM5-BGC, which could primarily affect terrestrial carbon exchanges.


This work was supported by the Korea Polar Research Institute (KOPRI, PE22900) funded by the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries and the Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea, which was funded by the Ministry of Science, ICT & Future Planning (grant no. 2020R1A2C2007670) and by the Ministry of Education (2022R1A6A3A13073233).

How to cite: Seo, H. and Kim, Y.: A hybrid deep learning framework for predicting point-level Alaskan fires, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10336,, 2023.

EGU23-10389 | Orals | BG1.2

Towards mechanistic representation of wildfire effects on soil – downscaling to quantify subsurface heat fluxes 

Dani Or, Hamid Vahdat-Aboueshagh, Eden Furtak-Cole, and Sean A. McKenna

Advances in wildfire modeling have focused on refining atmospheric interactions for obvious links between local airflows, combustion dynamics, fire line advance and smoke plume transport. Yet, lasting impacts of wildfires on landscapes are linked primarily with changes in soil characteristics and alteration of ecological and hydrologic processes. Quantitative assessment of wildfire impacts requires metrics for fire-surface thermal interactions beyond qualitative surrogates such as burn severity used for ecological assessment. The highly transient and localized nature of wildfire intensity and its coarse spatial and temporal representation hinder quantitative translation of wildfire dynamics to soil heat fluxes even with the most advanced wildfire models (e.g., QuicFire, WRF-Fire, WFDS). Inspired by the pioneering works of Byram, Rothermel and Albini, we seek to derive high resolution information on fire line intensities from highly resolved fuel maps informed by fire line dynamics derived from numerical wildfire model representation. This hybrid downscaling approach (limited by the quality and resolution of fuel maps) offers a means for constraining soil surface heat fluxes at resolutions relevant to quantifying critical temperatures and duration at depth to estimate pyrolysis of soil organic carbon and the degree of soil structure alteration. Examples will be presented and discussed. 

How to cite: Or, D., Vahdat-Aboueshagh, H., Furtak-Cole, E., and A. McKenna, S.: Towards mechanistic representation of wildfire effects on soil – downscaling to quantify subsurface heat fluxes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10389,, 2023.

EGU23-10651 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.2

An annually resolved stalagmite record of fire frequency for the last 250 years in south west Australia 

Liza McDonough, Pauline Treble, Andy Baker, Andrea Borsato, Silvia Frisia, Micheline Campbell, Gurinder Nagra, Katie Coleborn, Michael Gagan, Jian-xin Zhao, and David Paterson

Stalagmites provide records of past changes in climate, vegetation, and surface events, which can be identified through variability in their chemical composition over time. This variability is the result of changes in surface environmental properties, which are reflected in the physical and chemical properties of the water that percolates into the cave, ultimately affecting the composition of the speleothem calcite. Wildfires have the potential to alter soil properties and soluble element concentrations. Consequently, stalagmite compositions have been shown to respond to increases in soil nutrients, trace metal concentrations, and changes in soil/karst bedrock hydraulic conductivity. It is, therefore, likely that stalagmites, and particularly those grown in shallow caves for which transmission of the surface signal is rapid, capture the environmental effects of wildfires in their chemical and physical properties.

We analysed a stalagmite from a shallow cave in a region known to be affected by wildfires in south-west Western Australia. Fire proxies were assessed using a multi-proxy approach. This includes water isotopes via stable-isotope ratio mass spectrometry and trace element analyses via synchrotron X-ray fluorescence microscopy and laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. This approach shows that the timing of known fire events coincided with a multi-proxy response in stalagmite chemistry, including increased concentrations of phosphorus, copper, aluminium, lead, and zinc, which are interpreted to be derived from leaching of ash from burned vegetation above the cave. We also identified lower and less variable peaks in phosphorus concentrations during the pre-colonisation period, suggesting that Indigenous land management resulted in more frequent but low intensity burning. This contrasted with less frequent but more intense fires associated with post-colonisation land-management. A particularly large paleo-fire identified in 1897 appears to coincide with a peak in 𝛿18O, interpreted to have resulted from evaporation of sub-surface water during the heat of the fire. This large fire was preceded by a multi-decadal dry period identified by trace element proxies. The intensity of the 1897 fire was then exacerbated by the combination of a multi-decadal drought and a transition away from cultural burning practices by Indigenous Australians, which resulted in build-up of vegetation and dry combustible material on the forest floor.

This research is a world-first demonstration of fire events recorded in stalagmites and shows their potential to provide accurate records of both fire frequency intervals and changes in climate. Further records of past fire events from stalagmites will help to understand how past fire regimes have varied with climate, land-use change and colonisation, and will help to better guide land management practices in the future.

How to cite: McDonough, L., Treble, P., Baker, A., Borsato, A., Frisia, S., Campbell, M., Nagra, G., Coleborn, K., Gagan, M., Zhao, J., and Paterson, D.: An annually resolved stalagmite record of fire frequency for the last 250 years in south west Australia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10651,, 2023.

EGU23-11016 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.2

Speleothems as archives for palaeofire proxies 

Micheline Campbell, Liza McDonough, Pauline Treble, Andy Baker, Nevena Kosarac, Katie Coleborn, Peter Wynn, and Axel Schmitt

Environmental proxy archives such as tree rings, sediment cores, and ice cores are commonly used to investigate past fire regimes. Speleothems, naturally forming cave decorations mainly comprising of stalagmites, stalactites, and flowstones, have been extensively used as palaeoenvironmental archives as their physical attributes and chemical composition change with changed environment. Research has shown that cave drip water chemistry responds to fire events, and more recently, that speleothems can record past fire events due to physical and chemical processes which alter speleothem composition. These processes include changes to water stores due to evaporation, fracturing of the host rock, changed soil hydrophobicity, production of highly soluble lime, changes in soil CO2 production, destruction of vegetation and deposition of ash above the cave. These changes can result in shifts in δ18O and δ13C, altered concentrations of vegetation, soil and bedrock-derived elements, and incorporation of soluble ash derived elements (including phosphorus, aluminium, copper, zinc, and lead) in speleothems (McDonough et al., 2022; Campbell et al., 2022).

Changes in speleothem chemistry are typically determined using micro-analytical techniques (such as Synchrotron X-ray Fluorescence Microscopy and laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry) and isotope ratio mass spectrometry. These changes can be precisely and absolutely dated via uranium-series and carbon dating, and can often be resolved at high resolution via manual counting of seasonal fluctuations in organic matter and trace element concentration. This makes speleothems, particularly those grown in shallow caves in highly seasonal climates, ideal for identifying both short-lived events such as wildfires, and longer-term changes such as shifts in climate. This novel application of speleothems as archives for coupled climate and palaeofire proxies is still in its infancy but holds great potential.

Here, we present a review of this new sub-discipline. We cover its origins in cave dripwater monitoring, discuss site and sample selection, and describe the current analytical and statistical approaches used to extract fire information from speleothems. Such records will enable land managers to develop improved methods for managing fire regimes.

McDonough, L.K., Treble, P.C., Baker, A., Borsato, A., Frisia, S., Nagra, G., Coleborn, K., Gagan, M.K., Zhao, J., Paterson, D., 2022. Past fires and post-fire impacts reconstructed from a southwest Australian stalagmite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
Campbell, M., McDonough, L., Treble, P., Baker, A., Kosarac, N., Coleborn, K., Wynn, P.M., Schmitt, A., 2022. Speleothems as Archives for Palaeofire Proxies [preprint],

How to cite: Campbell, M., McDonough, L., Treble, P., Baker, A., Kosarac, N., Coleborn, K., Wynn, P., and Schmitt, A.: Speleothems as archives for palaeofire proxies, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11016,, 2023.

EGU23-11297 | Orals | BG1.2

Effects of land use, fuel loads and fuel moisture on fire intensity and fire emissions in South America derived by reconciling bottom-up and top-down satellite observations 

Matthias Forkel, Niels Andela, Vincent Huijnen, Christine Wessollek, Alfred Awotwi, Daniel Kinalczyk, Christopher Marrs, and Jos de Laat

Emissions from vegetation fires in tropical forests have the potential to turn the global land carbon sink into a source, affect atmospheric chemistry, and hence air quality. While natural forest fires are a rare phenomenon in tropical forests of South America and are usually of rather low intensity, deforestation fires and small land clearings in systems with high fuel loads can cause intense fires and high emissions. However, the high moisture content in tropical forests causes incomplete combustion and higher emissions of carbon monoxide (CO) than of carbon dioxide. The interacting effects of land use change, fuel load and moisture on fire intensity and emissions is, however, difficult to quantify at large scales because not all of those components are readily available from Earth observations in a consistent way. 

Here, we make use of several satellite products on vegetation, fire activity and atmospheric composition to quantify the effects of land use, fuel loads, fuel moisture on fuel consumption, emission factors and hence on emissions and atmospheric trace gas concentration. First, we use observations of active fires and fire radiative power from the VIIRS and Sentinel-3 SLSTR sensors to map different fire types (forest fires, deforestation fires, small land clearing and agricultural fires, savannah fires). Second, we integrate satellite products of canopy height, above-ground biomass, leaf area index, land cover and soil moisture in a novel data-model fusion framework to estimate fuel loads and moisture in vegetation, surface litter and woody debris. We then combine in a bottom-up approach the fire types with fuel loads and moisture to estimate fuel consumption and fire emissions using default emission factors. Third, we use observations from Sentinel-5p TROPOMI and the Integrated Forecast Systems (IFS) of the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service to compare the bottom-up estimates with distributions of CO and NOx in the atmosphere, which allows optimising emissions and associated emission factors.

Our reconciled estimates of fire emissions outperform previous CO estimates e.g. from the Global Fire Assimilation System, which demonstrates an improved estimation of fire carbon emissions. The results show that the high fire intensity and emissions in tropical deforestation fires originate from the burning of high loads of woody biomass and coarse woody debris. The high fuel moisture content causes higher emission factors of CO in tropical forests than in savannah fires and hence higher absolute emissions of CO. Our new model approaches and satellite products allow to provide an integrated assessments on the effects of fuel and fire behaviour on fire emissions.

How to cite: Forkel, M., Andela, N., Huijnen, V., Wessollek, C., Awotwi, A., Kinalczyk, D., Marrs, C., and de Laat, J.: Effects of land use, fuel loads and fuel moisture on fire intensity and fire emissions in South America derived by reconciling bottom-up and top-down satellite observations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11297,, 2023.

EGU23-11559 | ECS | Orals | BG1.2

Identifying the limits to fire growth in Eastern Siberia 

Thomas Janssen and Sander Veraverbeke

Boreal forests store about one third of the world’s forest carbon and may store even more carbon in the future because of the positive effects of rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations on photosynthesis and plant growth. However, fire frequency and severity have also been increasing in boreal forests in the last decades, which might offset their carbon sink potential. In Eastern Siberia, the dry and hot summers of 2020 and 2021 showed exceptionally high fire activity. However, even large fires that can spread for several months, eventually come to an end. This can be because of a change in the weather or because fires run out of fuels. Here, we aim to quantify the controls of fire growth in Eastern Siberia using high resolution landscape variables and hourly ERA-5 meteorological variables. We harmonized the burned area product from the Fire Climate Change Initiative and active fire product from the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite, and derived fire perimeters from them for the period between 2012 and 2021. Along these fire perimeters, we then identified spatial changes in landscape variables (i.e. a decline in tree cover or increase in surface water) and temporal changes in hourly vapor pressure deficit and wind. By doing so, we could attribute causes of why fires stopped spreading.

How to cite: Janssen, T. and Veraverbeke, S.: Identifying the limits to fire growth in Eastern Siberia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11559,, 2023.

EGU23-11992 | Orals | BG1.2

Assessing the feasibility of prescribed burning as a fire risk reduction tool for The Netherlands 

Niels van Manen, Albert Buxó, Linde Egberts, Laura Houwaard, Lennard Jacobsen, Jip Keesom, Martijn Reijners, David van Slooten, Anneloes Teunisse, and Anoek van Tilburg

Climate change is expected to cause prolonged and more severe droughts in Europe, increasing landscape fire occurrence. Since The Netherlands has a high population density in areas typified as ‘Wildland-Urban Interface’, a genuine risk for Dutch society arises. Landscape management, such as prescribed burning, can reduce fire risk. Prescribed burning is executed by intentionally burning the low and understory vegetation, limiting fuel for a landscape fire, under controlled conditions. In this interdisciplinary research, conducted by a team of (early career) researchers from climate science, cultural studies, hydrology, mathematics and spatial economics, we aim to assess whether prescribed burning can be used in The Netherlands as a fire risk reduction tool in natural areas with a high fire risk.


The Netherlands has a well-developed flood management system. However, it lacks such holistic approaches to landscape fire management. Landscape managers and researchers can learn from Dutch flood management by applying the secondary objective, improvement of spatial quality, to prescribed burning. In this research we assess the potential for improving spatial quality through prescribed burning, by adapting the spatial quality framework of the Dutch Room for the River project. Our framework looks at the three pillars burning effectiveness, ecological robustness, and cultural meaning at the potential prescribed burning sites. Burning effectiveness is highest in natural areas (Natura 2000 sites), with high fire risk and the presence of low vegetation. Ecological robustness measures the disturbance prescribed burning could cause in a landscape. Disturbance depends on the burning frequency and intensity, as well as on the type of vegetation that is burned and the usage of the area. In groundwater protection areas, seepage of harmful elements could cause more disturbance. These areas are therefore excluded from the analysis. From the perspective of cultural meaning, social perceptions influence the measure’s performance. Cultural significance and landscape identification provide various perspectives on fires and prescribed burning. Categorizing the different levels of engagement, based on an engagement pyramid, can deliver a basis for implementing prescribed burning.


Preliminary analyses result in a selection of 15 Natura 2000 sites in The Netherlands where prescribed burning could be feasible, varying from the Voornes Duin (14 km2) to the Veluwe (885 km2). These areas are mostly vegetated with coniferous and mixed forests. Prescribed burning potentially causes more disturbance in grasslands. However, since none of the 15 areas contain more than 24% grassland, prescribed burning could still be feasible at all locations. In the area of the Veluwe, qualitative interviews with the local population indicate support for fire management, such as prescribed burning, as they are aware of the risks imposed by landscape fires.


The final research results can contribute to the improvement of fire management in both The Netherlands and other North-Western European countries with similar vegetation and climate change effects.

How to cite: van Manen, N., Buxó, A., Egberts, L., Houwaard, L., Jacobsen, L., Keesom, J., Reijners, M., van Slooten, D., Teunisse, A., and van Tilburg, A.: Assessing the feasibility of prescribed burning as a fire risk reduction tool for The Netherlands, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11992,, 2023.

EGU23-12559 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.2

High-latitude wildfires, atmospheric composition, and climate 

Eirini Boleti, Katie Blackford, Stelios Myriokefalitakis, and Apostolos Voulgarakis

In high-latitude regions, larger and more frequent fires have been occurring over recent years, a tendency that is expected to continue in the coming decades due to warmer temperatures and regionally decreased precipitation imposed by climate change (IPCC,2019). Boreal wildfires in general are a significant source of CO2 emissions, as well as other greenhouse gases and aerosols (Akagi et al. 2011; Van Der Werf et al. 2010), e.g. emissions from boreal forests between 1997 and 2016 accounted for 7.4% of the global emissions (van der Werf et al. 2017). The effects of boreal fires on future climate have not been investigated and are potentially of great importance since climate change is occurring more rapidly in those high-latitude areas. More flammable forests in addition to the large carbon-rich peatlands, will potentially lead to devastating consequences.

The overall goal of our project is to quantify the effects of high-latitude wildfire emissions on atmospheric composition as well as climate. For this purpose, simulations with the EC Earth Earth System Model (ESM) are being employed to characterize the past, present and future variability and changes of wildfires especially in high latitudes. In the results presented here, we demonstrate how the EC Earth model performs when forced with prescribed fire emissions (GFED4) and with a more detailed peat fire module developed by our team. The mean state, seasonality, and interannual variability of fire emissions and key atmospheric constituent abundances (black carbon, organic carbon, NOx, CO, ozone, amongst others) are validated in the model, using a range of observational datasets. This validation exercise is a key step before employing the EC-Earth model for quantifying future impacts of high-latitude fires on atmospheric composition and climate.


IPCC,2019: Jia, G., E. Shevliakova, P. Artaxo, N. De Noblet-Ducoudré, R. Houghton, J. House, K. Kitajima, C. Lennard, A. Popp, A. Sirin, R. Sukumar, L. Verchot, 2019: Land–climate interactions. In: Climate Change and Land: an IPCC special report on climate change, desertification, land degradation, sustainable land management, food security, and greenhouse gas fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems [P.R. Shukla, J. Skea, E. Calvo Buendia, V. Masson-Delmotte, H.-O. Pörtner, D.C. Roberts, P. Zhai, R. Slade, S. Connors, R. van Diemen, M. Ferrat, E. Haughey, S. Luz, S. Neogi, M. Pathak, J. Petzold, J. Portugal Pereira, P. Vyas, E. Huntley, K. Kissick, M, Belkacemi, J. Malley, (eds.)]. In press.

Akagi, S.K. et al., 2011: Emission factors for open and domestic biomass burning for use in atmospheric models. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11, 4039–4072, doi:10.5194/acp-11-4039-2011.

Van Der Werf, G.R. et al., 2010: Global fire emissions and the contribution of deforestation, savanna, forest, agricultural, and peat fires (1997–2009). Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 11707–11735, doi:10.5194/acp-10-11707-2010.

Van Der Werf, G.R. et al., 2010: Global fire emissions and the contribution of deforestation, savanna, forest, agricultural, and peat fires (1997–2009). Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 11707–11735, doi:10.5194/acp-10-11707-2010.

How to cite: Boleti, E., Blackford, K., Myriokefalitakis, S., and Voulgarakis, A.: High-latitude wildfires, atmospheric composition, and climate, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12559,, 2023.

EGU23-12604 | Orals | BG1.2

Causes of uncertainty in simulated burnt area by fire-enabled DGVMs 

Matthew Forrest, Chantelle Burton, Markus Drüke, Stijn Hantson, Fang Li, Joe Melton, Lars Nieradzik, Sam Rabin, Stephen Sitch, Chao Yue, and Thomas Hickler

Fire-enabled dynamic global vegetation models (DGVMs) can be used to study how fire activity responds to its main drivers, including climate/weather, vegetation and human activities, at coarse spatial scales. Such models can also be used to examine the effects of fire on vegetation, and, when embedded in Earth system models, investigate the feedback of fire on the climate system. Thus they are valuable tools for studying wildfires. Accordingly, the Fire Model Intercomparison Project (FireMIP) was established to evaluate and utilise these models using consistent protocols.

Here we present the second round of FireMIP simulations to focus historic wildfire drivers (1901 to present). A six-member ensemble of simulations from fire-enabled DGVMs was compared to remotely-sensed burnt area observations and to the previous round of historical FireMIP simulations. We found that the model skill when simulating spatial patterns of burnt area shows modest improvements compared to the previous FireMIP round, and that the simulations mostly reproduce the decreasing trend in global burnt area found over the last two decades. However, whilst the broad global patterns are reasonable, there are considerable discrepancies with regards to regional agreement and timing of burnt area. Furthermore, the models show diverging trends in the pre-satellite era.

To investigate further and inform future model development, we explored the residuals between simulated burnt area from the FireMIP models and remotely-sensed burnt area as a function of climate, vegetation, anthropogenic and topographic variables using generalised additive models (GAMs). We found some common responses across the models, with many over-predicting fire activity in arid/low productivity areas and all models under-predicting at low road density. However, with respect to other variables, such as wind speed and cropland fraction, the models residuals showed divergent responses. It is anticipated that these results should aid further development of global fire models in terms of driving variables, process representations and model structure.

How to cite: Forrest, M., Burton, C., Drüke, M., Hantson, S., Li, F., Melton, J., Nieradzik, L., Rabin, S., Sitch, S., Yue, C., and Hickler, T.: Causes of uncertainty in simulated burnt area by fire-enabled DGVMs, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12604,, 2023.

EGU23-12731 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.2

Quantifying the direct influence of climate change on the rate of spread of wildfires in the Iberian Peninsula 

Martín Senande-Rivera, Damián Insua-Costa, and Gonzalo Míguez-Macho

Due to its strong connection with meteorological conditions and vegetation structure, fire activity is affected by anthropogenic climate change. As a direct effect, climate regulates fuel moisture, so warmer and drier conditions are linked to higher fuel flammability, increasing fire risk. We use data from ERA5 and different CMIP6 models to build a database of fuel moisture (for both live and dead fuels) under real conditions (factual) and modified conditions without the influence of global warming (counterfactual). We then calculate the rate of spread of some observed wildfires in the Iberian Peninsula from 2001 to 2021, from both factual and counterfactual data. We find that climate change influence is already noticeable and significant. We also identify the areas most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and the time of the year when these impacts are strongest. 

How to cite: Senande-Rivera, M., Insua-Costa, D., and Míguez-Macho, G.: Quantifying the direct influence of climate change on the rate of spread of wildfires in the Iberian Peninsula, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12731,, 2023.

Tropospheric ozone (O3) is a key greenhouse gas and pollutant that is receiving increasing attention globally.  While there are many sources of tropospheric O3, precursors from human activity (Anthro) and open biomass burning (BB) are the only ones that can be controlled. As such, it is crucial for policymakers to understand the relative contributions of the two. However, determining the contribution of O3 can be challenging as it cannot be directly observed. It must be calculated by chemical transportation model (CTM) simulation which could be biased for unreal emission inventory, or estimated by real observations that assumes too simple chemical and transportation processes.

In this paper, we propose a solution by developing a deep learning (DL) model that combines both CTM simulations and observations. The DL model is able to learn a generalized relationship between unobservable O3 contribution from Anthro or BB sectors and observable mixing ratio of tracers simulated by CTM with full chemistry and transportation processes. The DL model then, when applied to observed tracers, could avoid the bias from model to provide an accurate estimation of the contributions in reality.

Our results indicate the contribution from BB to tropospheric remote ozone mixing ratio is no larger than that from Anthro emission from a global perspective, even when uncertainties are deliberately tuned to bias BB. Therefore, the reduction of anthropogenic emissions should be the top priority for controlling global background O3 levels, at least for the time period of 2016-2018 studied.

How to cite: Ma, C., Cheng, Y., and Su, H.: Biomass Burning Contributes Less to Remote Tropospheric Ozone than Human Activity, Indicated by a Deep Learning Approach, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13307,, 2023.

EGU23-13544 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.2

Seasonal skew of tropical savanna fires 

Tom Eames, Jeremy Russell-smith, Cameron Yates, Roland Vernooij, and Guido van der Werf

Tropical savannas and grasslands are the most frequently burned biome in the world, and fire constitutes an important part of the ecosystem. In this ecosystem it can have both rejuvenating and destructive effects, depending on several factors including fuel conditions, weather conditions, and time of year. For centuries humanity has used fire in these landscapes for hunting, land clearance, agriculture, and most recently carbon offsetting. Land managers in locations with a monsoonal climate and frequent fire regimes such as tropical savannas use prescribed burning as a management tool in the ‘early dry season’ (EDS) shortly after the last rains of the year. Fires at this time tend to be cooler, restricted to surface level and less severe, meaning they can be controlled more easily and tend to go out at night without external input. Commonly a specific, fixed date is used to indicate when this window of safe burning has expired, set based on experience of the local or regional authority. In this work, we have defined a method of determining when this window expires on the basis of active fire hotspot data from the twin MODIS instruments from 2001 through to 2021. By using the relationship between day and night-time active fire detections, we set a flexible date for the transition between the early and late dry seasons in fire-prone savannas globally in the five major tropical savanna regions - Northern & Southern hemisphere South America (NHSA & SHSA), Northern & Southern hemisphere Africa (NHAF & SHAF), and Australia (AUST). The variability across each region was high (lowest mean standard deviation annually was 24 days in NHAF and highest was 56 in AUST). The fraction of area burned in the late dry season ranged from 15% (SHSA) to as high as 85% (AUST) on average, with many parts of Africa and Australia especially showing a significant skew towards the late dry season. This suggests potential for implementation of prescribed burning programmes to increase the amount of desirable fire in the global savanna ecosystems.

How to cite: Eames, T., Russell-smith, J., Yates, C., Vernooij, R., and van der Werf, G.: Seasonal skew of tropical savanna fires, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13544,, 2023.

EGU23-13603 | ECS | Orals | BG1.2

Simulating wildfire impacts on boreal forest structure over the past 20,000 years since the Last Glacial Maximum in Central Yakutia, Siberia 

Ramesh Glückler, Josias Gloy, Elisabeth Dietze, Ulrike Herzschuh, and Stefan Kruse

Even though wildfires are an important ecological component of larch-dominated boreal forests in eastern Siberia, intensifying fire regimes may induce large-scale shifts in forest structure and composition. Recent paleoecological research suggests that such a state change, apart from threatening human livelihoods, may result in a positive feedback on intensifying wildfires and increased permafrost degradation [1]. Common fire-vegetation models mostly do not explicitly include detailed individual-based tree population dynamics. However, setting a focus on patterns of forest structure emerging from interactions among individual trees in the unique forest system of eastern Siberia may provide beneficial perspectives on the impacts of changing fire regimes. LAVESI (Larix Vegetation Simulator) has been previously introduced as an individual-based, spatially explicit vegetation model for simulating fine-scale tree population dynamics [2]. It has since been expanded with wind-driven pollen dispersal, landscape topography, and the inclusion of multiple tree species. However, until now, it could not be used to simulate effects of changing fire regimes on those detailed tree population dynamics.

We present simulations of annually computed tree populations during the past c. 20,000 years in LAVESI, while applying a newly implemented fire module. Wildfire ignitions can stochastically occur depending on the monthly fire weather. Within the affected area, fire intensity is mediated by surface moisture. Fire severity depends on the intensity, with scaled impacts on trees, seeds and the litter layer. Each tree has a chance to survive wildfires based on a resistivity estimated from its height and species-specific traits of bark thickness, crown height, and their ability to resprout. The modelled annual fire probability compares well with a local reconstruction of charcoal influx in lake sediments. Simulation results at a study site in Central Yakutia, Siberia, indicate that the inclusion of wildfires leads to a higher number of tree individuals and increased population size variability compared to simulations without fires. In the Late Pleistocene forests establish earlier when wildfires can occur. The new fire component enables LAVESI to serve as a tool to analyze effects of varying fire return intervals and fire intensities on long-term tree population dynamics, improving our understanding of potential state transitions in the Siberian boreal forest.


[1] Glückler R. et al.: Holocene wildfire and vegetation dynamics in Central Yakutia, Siberia, reconstructed from lake-sediment proxies, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10, 2022.

[2] Kruse S. et al.: Treeline dynamics in Siberia under changing climates as inferred from an individual-based model for Larix, Ecological Modelling 338, 101–121, 2016.

How to cite: Glückler, R., Gloy, J., Dietze, E., Herzschuh, U., and Kruse, S.: Simulating wildfire impacts on boreal forest structure over the past 20,000 years since the Last Glacial Maximum in Central Yakutia, Siberia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13603,, 2023.

EGU23-13941 | Orals | BG1.2 | Highlight

Wildfires, chromium and freshwater quality at tropical ultramafic catchments : A prospective study on laboratory-heated soils from New Caledonia 

Farid Juillot, Gael Thery, Cecile Quantin, Quentin Bollaert, Michael Meyer, Thomas Quiniou, Philippe Jourand, Marc Ducousso, Emmanuel Fritsch, and Guillaume Morin

During the last decade, the world faced record-breaking giant fires as observed in Australia and California, a trend that is expected to increase in the forthcoming years due to climate change (Palinkas, 2020; Sharples et al., 2016; van Oldenborgh et al., 2021). In addition to their large ecological impacts, wildfires are more and more regarded for their potential threat to human health through air pollution (Xu et al., 2020). However, water pollution resulting from wildfires represents an underestimated pathway for wildfires-induced health risk (Abraham et al., 2017). This latter impact is related to the heat generated by wildfires that can propagate towards several centimeters in the soil and transform/destroy soil components. In addition to weakening soil physical stability, such transformation/destruction can change the speciation of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) that are associated with these soil components, leading to enhanced mobility towards waterways (Abraham et al., 2017; Terzano et al., 2021). One notable PTE is chromium, which is naturally present in soils mostly as trivalent Cr(III), but can represent an environmental and health issue when occurring as hexavalent Cr(VI). Recent studies reported Cr(III) oxidation to Cr(VI) upon laboratory-heating of Cr(III)-doped Fe-oxyhydroxides (Burton et al., 2019a; 2019b). Besides, Cr(III) oxidation to Cr(VI) upon controlled heating was also demonstrated for different types of soils (Burton et al., 2019b; Rascio et al., 2022; Thery et al., 2023). All these considerations suggest a significant effect of wildfires on Cr(III) oxidation to Cr(VI) in soils, with a possible influence on Cr mobility that could further impact freshwater quality. This risk of freshwater Cr(VI) pollution is expected to particularly concern ultramafic catchments because of the related occurrence of Cr-rich soils.

We have tried to address this question by performing laboratory-heating of several soils types (Ferralsols, Cambisols and Vertisols) developed on various geological settings (ultramafic, mafic and volcano-sedimentary) in New Caledonia, a French overseas territory which is a good representative of wildfires-threatened tropical ultramafic catchments (Toussaint, 2020). The results obtained revealed a significant influence of soil heating on Cr(III) oxidation to Cr(VI), followed by an enhanced Cr(VI) mobility, in all soil types. However, the magnitude of Cr(III) to Cr(VI) oxidation and Cr mobility depended on the actual nature of the soil, Ferralsols showing the highest Cr(VI) release compared to Cambisols and Vertisols. These differences were further interpreted on the basis of the changes in Cr speciation (including redox) induced by laboratory-heating of the investigated soils, as revealed by synchrotron-based X-ray absorption spectroscopy analyses. Finally, a simple risk assessment relying on the hypothesized concentration of suspended particulate matter (SPM) issued from burned soils in the related waterways allowed to emphasize a risk of wildfires-induced freshwater Cr(VI) pollution for ultramafic catchments composed of Ferralsols (Thery et al., 2023). Beyond the single case of New Caledonia, the results of this study point to the need to foster collaborative studies in order to further evaluate this risk of wildfires-induced freshwater Cr(VI) pollution at tropical ultramafic catchments on a global scale.

How to cite: Juillot, F., Thery, G., Quantin, C., Bollaert, Q., Meyer, M., Quiniou, T., Jourand, P., Ducousso, M., Fritsch, E., and Morin, G.: Wildfires, chromium and freshwater quality at tropical ultramafic catchments : A prospective study on laboratory-heated soils from New Caledonia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13941,, 2023.

EGU23-14211 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.2

Impact of biomass burning on the chemical composition of Arctic aerosols using mass spectrometry 

Yvette Gramlich, Karolina Siegel, Sophie L. Haslett, Radovan Krejci, Paul Zieger, and Claudia Mohr

Biomass burning releases numerous aerosol particles into the air, influencing the radiative budget by scattering or absorbing solar radiation and by influencing cloud properties through acting as cloud condensation nuclei. These aerosol particles contain black and organic carbon and can be transported over large distances, reaching also pristine environments such as the Arctic. Due to the rising global temperature the fire activity has increased, and record-breaking black carbon concentrations have been observed in the Arctic (Stohl et al., 2007). Biomass burning events reaching the Arctic have been observed to increase the aerosol number concentration by about one to two orders of magnitude (Lathem et al., 2013). Although a lot of attention has been drawn to the physical characteristics of fire plumes, changes in chemical composition, specifically in the Arctic, are studied to a lesser extent. In this study we report molecular-level information on the chemical characteristics of biomass burning aerosol particles measured during different plumes reaching the island of Svalbard during 2020. These measurements were part of the year-long NASCENT (Ny-Ålesund aerosol cloud experiment; Pasquier et al., 2022) campaign, and were conducted using a filter inlet for gases and aerosols coupled to a high-resolution time-of-flight mass spectrometer (FIGAERO-CIMS) using iodide as reagent ion. We use the particle-phase levoglucosan, a well-known tracer for biomass burning released from cellulose combustion, obtained from the FIGAERO-CIMS to identify biomass burning events, and will discuss the chemical characteristics of the properties of the events compared to non-events and implications for aerosol radiative and hygroscopic properties. In addition to a better understanding of the chemical composition of aged fire plumes reaching the Arctic, our study will also give insights on the time scales on which the background Arctic air can be disturbed by fire activity. 

Stohl et al., Atmospheric Chem. Phys., 7, 511–534, 2007
Lathem et al., Atmospheric Chem. Phys., 13, 2735–2756, 2013
Pasquier et al., Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc., 103, E2533–E2558, 2022

How to cite: Gramlich, Y., Siegel, K., Haslett, S. L., Krejci, R., Zieger, P., and Mohr, C.: Impact of biomass burning on the chemical composition of Arctic aerosols using mass spectrometry, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14211,, 2023.

EGU23-15549 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.2

Regional precipitation variability modulates Holocene fire history of Iceland 

Nicolò Ardenghi, Gifford H Miller, Áslaug Geirsdóttir, David J Harning, Jonathan H Raberg, Thor Thordarson, and Julio Sepúlveda

We present the first continuous Holocene fire record of Iceland from a lacustrine archive in the northeast region. We use pyrogenic PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) to trace shifts in fire regimes, paired to a continuous record of n-alkanes, faecal sterols, perylene, biogenic silica, and 13C, as proxies for soil erosion, lake productivity, and human presence.

Paleoclimate research across Iceland provides a template for changes in climate across the northern North Atlantic. The role of orbitally driven cooling, volcanism, and human impact as triggers of local environmental changes, such as fire and soil erosion, is debated. While there are indications that human impact could have reduced environmental resilience in a context of deteriorating climatic conditions, it is still difficult to resolve to what extent human and natural factors affected Iceland landscape instability, due also to a lack of data on natural fire regime prior and during human colonisation.

Pyrogenic PAHs can be formed during the incomplete combustion of biomass initiated by humans or natural wildfires. Factors such as fire temperature, biomass typology, and source distance can strongly affect pyrogenic PAH molecular weight and spatial distribution.
Faecal sterols/stanols and their ratios have been used in archaeological and paleoclimate studies to detect human and/or livestock/herbivore waste. The absence of large herbivorous mammals and humans in Iceland prior to settlement means that increases in the occurrence of faecal sterols and bile acids over natural background values should mark the arrival of humans and associated livestock in the catchment, which could be traced regionally.

Our results indicate that the Icelandic fire regime during the Holocene followed four main phases. Among these, a very long period centred around the Holocene climatic optimum (ca 9.5 – 4.5 ka BP) was characterised by a generally low frequency fire regime, both in the lake catchment as in the whole north-eastern Iceland. This same period was also marked by relatively low background levels of faecal sterols/stanols. At 4.5 ka BP a new phase started, with a general increase of all PAHs values. According to both our PAH and sterol data, there is no apparent human signal around the 9th century C.E., where an increase in man-made fires would likely be expected in connection to the historical data of Viking colonisation of Iceland (870s C.E.), suggesting that fire regimes have primarily been controlled by natural factors.
In addition, the pyrogenic PAHs record also differs from the trend of a general stepwise climatic “deterioration” previously highlighted by other lake proxies throughout Iceland, linked to decreasing summer insolation and related cooling, as highlighted also by our other proxies.

A comparison to recent palynological data from a nearby site and to δD data from the NW region suggest shifts in NAO regimes as the main forcing behind shifting fire regimes in Iceland. Changes in precipitation regimes would have determined shifts in the composition of the regional vegetational community, increasing fuel availability and flammability with decreasing precipitation, leading to widespread low temperature fires, easily trigged by frequent volcanic episodes.

How to cite: Ardenghi, N., Miller, G. H., Geirsdóttir, Á., Harning, D. J., Raberg, J. H., Thordarson, T., and Sepúlveda, J.: Regional precipitation variability modulates Holocene fire history of Iceland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15549,, 2023.

EGU23-15670 | ECS | Orals | BG1.2 | Highlight

Identifying tipping points and threshold values for ecosystem functioning in northern peatlands during the climate crisis (PEATFLAMES) 

Luke Andrews, Michał Słowiński, Harry Roberts, Katarzyna Marcisz, Piotr Kołaczek, Agnieszka Halaś, Dominika Łuców, and Mariusz Lamentowicz

Peatlands are globally important carbon sinks and stores. Climate change threatens to alter carbon cycling in some regions of the Northern Hemisphere, causing them to become net sources of atmospheric carbon, exerting a positive feedback upon global climate. Furthermore, enhanced drying, increased human activity and vegetation succession in response to a warming climate have increased the frequency of wildfires in some peat-bearing regions, including areas underlain by permafrost. Such events can cause thousands of years’ worth of formerly stable carbon to be rapidly released into the atmosphere, imparting further climate warming.


The future response of peatlands to climate warming and wildfire remains uncertain, and as a result peatlands are rarely included in Earth System Models, despite their importance in the global carbon system. Understanding how changes in climate and anthropogenic activity in the past affected peatland ecosystem functioning will improve our understanding of how these sensitive ecosystems may respond to future projected changes and thus reduce this uncertainty.


Our project aims to assess how warming, drought and wildfire have impacted the resilience of peatlands and permafrost in the Northern Hemisphere over the past c. 2000 years. Several peat cores spanning a latitudinal gradient covering several regions including Russia, Poland, the Baltic states and Scandinavia will be analysed using multiple palaeoecological proxies at high resolution to reconstruct past changes in wildfire frequency, hydrology and vegetation. This will allow us to define baselines and threshold values for ecosystem shifts relevant to future projected changes in climate.


How to cite: Andrews, L., Słowiński, M., Roberts, H., Marcisz, K., Kołaczek, P., Halaś, A., Łuców, D., and Lamentowicz, M.: Identifying tipping points and threshold values for ecosystem functioning in northern peatlands during the climate crisis (PEATFLAMES), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15670,, 2023.

EGU23-16152 | Posters on site | BG1.2

Temporal analysis of wildfire emissions in the Northwest of Spain using ESA CCI data 

Patricia Oliva and César Quishpe

The Northwest of the Iberian Peninsula is one of the European regions with the highest frequency of forest fires. However, in the last decade fires in this region have burned larger areas and later in the fire season. Assessing the damage caused by fire and the pollutants released in the burning process is important to understand the effects on ecosystems and the carbon cycle, the recurrence of fires, and the effect on human health. In this work, we performed the estimation of emissions released in Galicia (Northwest Spain) in the last six years combining existing ESA CCI products. To quantify the area burned, we used the products from the Burned Area Algorithm developed within the Fire Climate Change Initiative (FireCCI) project. Then, the characterization and quantification of the total biomass were obtained from the Biomass CCI project at 100 m resolution by extracting the mean biomass by vegetation type from CORINE Land cover 2018. The burning efficiency factor was fitted using burn severity estimates from the dNBR calculation on the Sentinel-2 data. The emissions factors were selected from the literature. Our results show that during the last few years, there is a positive trend of annual emissions in Galicia. The sporadic maximums were registered in the years 2017 and 2022 when the climatic conditions aggravated the fire behaviour. In addition, Galicia is the region of Spain that registers the highest average estimates of emissions from fires since a high percentage of the affected area is occupied by pine and eucalyptus forests. These emissions contribute to a drastic decrease in air quality influencing the climate and affecting public health. Finally, we verified that adapting the burning efficiency factors to the specific conditions of the affected ecosystem generates more precise emission estimates.

How to cite: Oliva, P. and Quishpe, C.: Temporal analysis of wildfire emissions in the Northwest of Spain using ESA CCI data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16152,, 2023.

EGU23-16241 | ECS | Posters virtual | BG1.2

Characterizing the fire regime evolution and land-use change in the Dry and Wet Chaco between 2001 and 2019 

Rodrigo San Martin, Catherine Ottle, and Anna Sörensson

Wildfires play an essential role in the biogeophysical cycles of different world ecosystems, from dry savannas to humid wetlands. During the last decades, fire regimes of several global regions began to present significant alterations due to climate change and human land-use pressure. The South American Gran Chaco ecoregion contains one of the most important reservoirs of native forests and biodiversity in the world, including the largest continuous dry tropical forest and some of the most extensive wetlands. The area presents a marked precipitation gradient from the East (wet) to the West (dry), which is manifested in vegetation (from wetlands to dry forests and shrublands). In this work, we mapped natural vegetation with the European Space Agency (ESA) Climate Change Initiative (CCI) medium-resolution land cover maps (MRLC v2.0.7; annual - 300m) and fires with the ESA CCI Fire product (FireCCI51; monthly - 250m) in the Gran Chaco between 2001 and 2019 to establish the past and current effects and dynamics of fires in the area (which are primarily human ignited). To assess the region’s climatology, we used the ERA5 bias-corrected reanalysis dataset (WFDE5; daily - 0.5º). Our results highlight the distinct dynamics of fires in the wet and dry areas of the Gran Chaco, showing two fire seasons - summer and winter - in the wet areas (where grasses predominate) and one fire season - winter - in the dry areas (where shrubs and trees are more abundant). Examining the correlations between annual rain anomalies and burnt area, we find that precipitation anomalies have different effects in dry and wet areas throughout the region’s precipitation gradient. Correlations change from positive in the drier areas to negative in the wetter areas. These results may reflect that summer and winter fires do not have the same drivers and the key role of the available biomass limiting the fire expansion. Since biomass is more dependent on precipitation in dry areas compared to wetter ones, the correlation of winter fires with precipitation is positive in the drier regions. The negative correlations obtained in the summer season could be explained by the fact that summer fires essentially occurred in the wetter part of the Chaco and are intended (through human ignition) to increase the grasslands’ productivity; this practice could be more frequent during negative precipitation anomalies compared to positive ones. Further analysis will try to confirm these findings with biomass satellite data.   

How to cite: San Martin, R., Ottle, C., and Sörensson, A.: Characterizing the fire regime evolution and land-use change in the Dry and Wet Chaco between 2001 and 2019, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16241,, 2023.

EGU23-16504 | Posters on site | BG1.2

History of fire regime shifts during the last 1000 years in Northeastern Mongolia 

Michał Słowiński, Milena Obremska, Dashtseren Avirmed, Michał Woszczyk, Saruulzaya Adiya, Dominika Łuców, Agnieszka Mroczkowska, Agnieszka Halaś, Witold Szczuciński, Andrzej Kruk, Mariusz Lamentowicz, Joanna Stańczak, and Natalia Rudaya

Recent years have seen rapid climatic changes in Central Asia, particularly Mongolia. An increase in the thickness of the active layer above permafrost and considerable changes to the vegetation structure are likely outcomes of the long-term temperature rise and precipitation changes. The management of future habitats or the biodiversity of northern Mongolia faces significant difficulties from rising temperatures, prolonged and frequent droughts, and gradual permafrost degradation. Our knowledge of the historical processes involved in permafrost degradation and the ensuing ecological effects is still mostly incomplete. These connections may be used to explain changes in the fire regime, permafrost melting, and plant distribution in the Khentii mountains region. Therefore, based on a multiproxy study of peat archive data, we provide the first high-resolution fire history from northeastern Mongolia over the last 1000 years (micro- and macroscopic charcoals, charcoal size classes and morphotypes, peat geochemistry). We examined microscopic and macroscopic charcoal particles as a proxy for fire activity. We also tracked changes in regional and local plant composition using pollen data. To investigate how changes in fire regimes and the climate affect the functioning of the peatland ecosystem, we also conducted a geochemical analysis.

Additionally, to better comprehend the changes in earlier fire regimes and fire-vegetation connections, we employed the morphotypes of macrocharcoal to pinpoint vegetation burning. This study's primary objective is to evaluate the impact of human behavior, vegetation, and prolonged droughts on the incidence of fire regime transitions during the past 1000 years in Central Asia permafrost marginal zone (Mongolia). The findings showed that most of the fires in the area were probably started by natural causes, presumably connected to heatwaves that resulted in prolonged droughts. We have established a connection between increased fires and the local weather phenomena known as "dzud", a catastrophic confluence of winter snowfall and droughts that impacts fire intensity.

The study is the result of research project No. 2017/01/X/ST10/01216 and 2018/31/B/ST10/02498 funded by the Polish National Science Centre.

How to cite: Słowiński, M., Obremska, M., Avirmed, D., Woszczyk, M., Adiya, S., Łuców, D., Mroczkowska, A., Halaś, A., Szczuciński, W., Kruk, A., Lamentowicz, M., Stańczak, J., and Rudaya, N.: History of fire regime shifts during the last 1000 years in Northeastern Mongolia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16504,, 2023.

EGU23-16912 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.2

Fire, Work with Me: A PAH record from a Southwestern US speleothem 

Jonathan Smolen, Isabel Montañez, and Michael Hren

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are molecules produced during incomplete combustion of organic matter and have been increasingly utilized as paleo-proxies for wildfires. More recently, their incorporation from drip water into speleothems has been utilized in conjunction with the stable isotopic and trace elemental measurements of host carbonate and fluid inclusions in order to assess a coupled record of fire and hydroclimate. Numerous studies have focused on cave systems in the Southwestern U.S., which has experienced highly variable hydroclimate and massive wildfires with past climate changes. Here, we present a PAH record covering ~19-11.5 ka obtained from a precisely dated and well-studied ML-1 stalagmite obtained from McLean’s Cave in the central Sierran foothills, CA. Total concentrations of four-ring PAHs reach maximum values from ~16.8-15 ka, associated with the first stage (1a) of Heinrich Stadial 1 (HS1) interval – this is interpreted as increased levels of soil PAHs produced from regional wildfires. Covariance of isomeric diagnostic ratios with total concentration indicates a shift in the nature of the associated fires, separating effects of PAH mobility in altered soils as well as shifts in soil water transport, stalagmite growth rates, and precipitation amounts. Paired climate signals from independent regional proxies are discussed, as well as factors affecting the interpretation of PAH signals in speleothems. Considerations and methods using small (~1g) speleothem samples are presented, with a focus on simultaneous extraction of useful paleoenvironmental information from other molecular biomarkers entombed within speleothems.

How to cite: Smolen, J., Montañez, I., and Hren, M.: Fire, Work with Me: A PAH record from a Southwestern US speleothem, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16912,, 2023.

EGU23-17450 | ECS | Orals | BG1.2 | Highlight

First results of a field campaign focused on overwintering zombie fires 

Thomas D. Hessilt, Sander Veraverbeke, Emily Ogden, Jason Paul, Merritt Turetsky, Max van Gerrevink, Raquel Alfaro-Sanchez, Oleg Melnik, Rebecca C. Scholten, and Jennifer Baltzer

Fire is a major disturbance in the boreal forests of the high northern latitude. Fire extent and severity have been increasing in recent decades, and the occurrence of overwintering ‘zombie’ fires has been linked to recent fire extremes. Overwintering fires are fires which were seemingly extinguished at the end of the boreal fire season yet smolder during winter to re-emerge as a flaming fire in the subsequent spring. So far, overwintering fires have only been investigated using satellite imagery. Here, for the first time, we show preliminary results from a field campaign that measured in situ impacts of fires that overwintered from 2014 to 2015 in the Canadian Northwest Territories. We measured among other the burn depth in organic soils, and characterized micro-topography. We also qualitatively assessed how fires may have overwintered. We compared nine overwintering fire sites, which burned during both 2014 and 2015, with six sites that only burned in 2014 and five nearby unburned sites. The average burn depth (±SD) of the overwintering fires was 6.8 ± 1.6 cm and significantly deeper compared to 6.1 ± 1.2 cm in the single fire sites (P < 0.01). Somewhat surprisingly, the majority of overwintering fires occurred in mesic sites with large productive trees. Only two overwintering sites were sampled in mesic-subhygric to subhygric sites dominated by black spruce (Picea mariana). The unburned control sites often featured a micro-topography of hummocks and hollows. This micro-topography was leveled in overwintering fires sites because of severe burning in organic soils. In overwintering sites, most of the organic layer was consumed. This may have led to prolonged smoldering in the root systems of trees. Our results are the first to quantify the burn depth of overwintering fires, and also show that overwintering does not only happen through deep smoldering in organic soils, yet can also occur from smoldering in tree boles and root systems of burned and fallen trees.

How to cite: Hessilt, T. D., Veraverbeke, S., Ogden, E., Paul, J., Turetsky, M., van Gerrevink, M., Alfaro-Sanchez, R., Melnik, O., Scholten, R. C., and Baltzer, J.: First results of a field campaign focused on overwintering zombie fires, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17450,, 2023.

EGU23-2742 | Orals | GMPV8.7 | Highlight

Years of deep magmatic upheaval preceding the 2021 eruption at Fagradalsfjall, Iceland 

Maren Kahl, Euan J.F. Mutch, John Maclennan, Dan Morgan, Fiona Couperthwaite, Enikő Bali, Thor Thordarson, Guðmundur H. Guðfinnsson, Richard Walshaw, Iris Buisman, Stephan Buhre, Quinten H. A. van der Meer, Alberto Caracciolo, Edward W. Marshall, Maja B. Rasmussen, Catherine R. Gallagher, William M. Moreland, Ármann Höskuldsson, and Robert A. Askew

Effective eruption forecasting and volcanic hazard management depend heavily on our ability to detect when a volcanic system switches from a state of unrest into a state of eruption. The 2021 eruption at Fagradalsfjall in SW Iceland, the first deep-sourced eruption on a mid-ocean ridge system monitored with modern instrumentation, presents an ideal opportunity to compare geophysical and petrological datasets to explore processes of deep magma mobilisation and eruption priming. Here we use diffusion chronometry to show that deep magmatic unrest in the roots of volcanic systems can precede apparent geophysical eruption precursors by a few years.  Early phases of magma accumulation and reorganisation in the near-Moho plumbing system, part of the priming for eruption, can occur in the absence of significant increases in shallow seismicity (<7 km depth) or rapid geodetic changes. In contrast, geophysical signals of unrest and crystal records of changing magmatic conditions both show significant increases in intensity in the months and days prior to eruption. This correlation may signal a rapid transition from a state of priming to full scale mobilisation in which magma begins to traverse the upper/ brittle crust. Our findings provide new insights into the dynamics of near-Moho magma storage and mobilisation. 

How to cite: Kahl, M., Mutch, E. J. F., Maclennan, J., Morgan, D., Couperthwaite, F., Bali, E., Thordarson, T., Guðfinnsson, G. H., Walshaw, R., Buisman, I., Buhre, S., van der Meer, Q. H. A., Caracciolo, A., Marshall, E. W., Rasmussen, M. B., Gallagher, C. R., Moreland, W. M., Höskuldsson, Á., and Askew, R. A.: Years of deep magmatic upheaval preceding the 2021 eruption at Fagradalsfjall, Iceland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2742,, 2023.

EGU23-3542 | ECS | Orals | GMPV8.7

Crustal context of the Fagradalsfjall eruption: shear-wave velocity structure of the Reykjanes Peninsular from receiver function analysis 

Jennifer Jenkins, Tim Greenfield, Nicholas Rawlinson, Thorbjorg Agustdottir, Gylfi Páll Hersir, Egill Árni Gudnason, Josef Horálek, Anne Obermann, Torsten Dahm, and Claus Milkerei

Detailed investigation into local seismicity and geochemical analysis of erupted products from the 2021-22 Fagradalsfjall eruption has already provided new insights into the deep magma plumbing system beneath the Reykjanes Peninsular. Here we focus on producing a detailed regional-scale shear wave velocity model of the Reykjanes to provide wider scale crustal context for these results. Utilising seismic data from 105 stations operated by numerous groups on the peninsular from 2013 to present day, we use recordings of distant teleseismic earthquakes to observe P to s converted phases that provide insight into crustal structure through receiver function (RF) analysis. The total data set of nearly 3000 RFs is computed in several frequency bands. Small subsets of RFs from common backazimuths and epicentral distances displaying high waveform similarity are jointly inverted with surface wave dispersion measurements to produce approximately 300 individual velocity models across the area. These are migrated to depth within a 3D volume to define a single regional velocity model. Major interfaces such as the Moho and base of the upper crust are extracted to produce maps of peninsular wide variation. Computed velocity model inversion results are compared to  RF waveforms combined in multi-phase common conversion point stacks. We compare the velocity structure and interface depths extracted beneath Fagradalsfjall to magma depth estimates from geochemistry and potential structural changes hypothesised from local seismicity linked to the 2021-22 eruption.

How to cite: Jenkins, J., Greenfield, T., Rawlinson, N., Agustdottir, T., Hersir, G. P., Gudnason, E. Á., Horálek, J., Obermann, A., Dahm, T., and Milkerei, C.: Crustal context of the Fagradalsfjall eruption: shear-wave velocity structure of the Reykjanes Peninsular from receiver function analysis, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3542,, 2023.

EGU23-3678 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV8.7 | Highlight

Eruption Parameters Measured In-flight during the 2022 Icelandic Meradalir Eruption 

Caroline Tisdale, Bruce Houghton, Jóna Sigurlína Pálmadóttir, and Thorvaldur Thordarson

The 2022 Icelandic eruption of Meradalir along the Reykjanes Peninsula, was captured via videography in exceptional detail over much of its 18-day duration. This eruption, like the 2021 Fagradalsfjall eruption, did not pose significant threat to human life or infrastructure. However, many lava-fountaining eruptions elsewhere of similar character (2018 Lower East Rift Zone, Hawaii & 2021 Cumbre Vieja, La Palma, Spain) have caused substantial destruction. Understanding eruption dynamics at these volcanoes is critical for fine-tuning of hazard and risk assessment. With the increasing use of high-speed/resolution cameras in field settings, we are able to quantify in-flight parameters such as particle size and particle exit velocities, rather than having to solely rely on deposit characteristics from samples collected once an eruption has ceased. This is an important development because ground samples can be rapidly buried or reworked and are subject to additional fragmentation during transport and when hitting the ground. The abundance of quantitative information we can obtain from this, coupled with qualitative observations, has allowed us to deepen our understanding of processes of weak explosive eruptions.

How to cite: Tisdale, C., Houghton, B., Sigurlína Pálmadóttir, J., and Thordarson, T.: Eruption Parameters Measured In-flight during the 2022 Icelandic Meradalir Eruption, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3678,, 2023.

EGU23-4209 | ECS | Orals | GMPV8.7

Multi-analytical characterization of a Reykjanes Peninsula (Iceland) basalt 

Daniel Stoicescu, Delia Dumitras, Octavian Duliu, Cristian Panaiotu, Gelu Costin, Inga Zinicovscaia, George Dinca, Cristian Necula, Ioana Porosnicu, and Otilia Culicov

To get more data concerning de geochemistry and volcanology of Reykjanes Peninsula (Iceland) lavas, more high-precision analytical methods such as Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA), Electron Microprobe Analysis (EMPA), X-ray Fluorescence (XRF), X-ray Diffraction (XRD), ICP-MS, X-ray microtomography (XRMT) and magnetism, coupled with mineralogical investigations were used. INAA, EPMA, XRF and ICP-MS were used to determine both major and trace element mass fractions. In the case of major elements, despite some differences inherent utilization of different analytical techniques, all analysis suggested a tholeiitic composition. Several discriminating diagrams clearly emphasize the subalkaline and tholeiitic trend, while the tectonic discrimination diagram assigned a “continental affinity”, as well as the existence of a minor crustal contamination. At their turn, the distribution of incompatible trace elements, represented into several discriminating diagrams, in agreement with PetDB database on Reykjanes Peninsula, as well as Hawaii and St Helen volcanic rocks, confirming the previous hypothesis based on major elements distribution on the tholeiitic and evolved character of the Reykjanes Peninsula lava, with an affinity towards ocean island basalts with traces crustal contamination. The results of mineralogical as well as BSE images analysis evidenced an abundance of plagioclase (albite), pyroxene (augite and pigeonite), as well as Fe-Ti oxides, while minerals such as olivine and spinel were less present. XRMT images revealed the presence of a multitude of vesicles showing preferred orientations, most probable due to lava flow, as the XRMT images loaded into stacks and analyzed by appropriate image analyzing software suggested. This particular features could suggest the existence of an important amount of volatiles, which lowering lava viscosity make them visible among larger vesicles. Raman spectroscopy results concerning the phases of each mineral, compared with literature and RRUFFTM database confirmed previuous finding concerning the geochemistry of investigated Reykjaned Peninsula basalt sample. A magnetic analysis, performed by means of FORC diagrams as well as magnetic susceptibility dependence on temperature and the magnetic field, evidenced the presence of titanomagnetite as a main magnetic present in the sample.Therefore, all analyses suggested that the investigated basaltic lava present a tholeiitic composition, with an evolved continental affinity, but not related to rifting. The structural features suggests the presence of an important amount of volatiles existed prior the eruption.

How to cite: Stoicescu, D., Dumitras, D., Duliu, O., Panaiotu, C., Costin, G., Zinicovscaia, I., Dinca, G., Necula, C., Porosnicu, I., and Culicov, O.: Multi-analytical characterization of a Reykjanes Peninsula (Iceland) basalt, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4209,, 2023.

EGU23-5120 | ECS | Orals | GMPV8.7

Primary versus secondary degassing during basaltic eruptions 

Nicolas Levillayer and Olgeir Sigmarsson

Volcanic gases are a major concern, especially when eruptions take place in inhabited or touristic areas. Several studies have revealed that during basaltic eruptions, toxic metals such as Pb, Cd, As and Zn are efficiently outgassed, carried by the major gas species, mainly sulfur and halogens. However, part of the degassing occurs after the eruption, while the lava flow is solidifying, and the composition of this secondary gas is virtually unknown.

After the primary (syn-eruptive) degassing, the lava is depleted in sulfur, leading to relative enrichment in halogens in secondary (post-eruptive) gas emission. This change in major species concentration could impact the volatility of metals and thus the toxicity of the gas emitted.

To investigate this subject, we collected, using filter packs, gas samples of both the primary and the secondary gas phases of the Geldingadalir and Meradalir eruptions. The filters were then leached in diluted acid and the resulting solution analyzed for trace element composition.

Results show syn-eruptive gas samples with very homogeneous trace volatile element composition and distinct from all the post-eruptive gas. Conversely, the secondary gas is more diverse, with distinct composition in samples collected around the main Geldingadalir crater and those collected on the lava flow.

To compare our gas samples (having different air dilution factors), we normalized each element to Cu (well measured and moderately volatile). Overall, the lava flow post-eruptive gas appears enriched in Zn, Sb and Pb with respect to syn-eruptive (10-100 times higher normalized enrichment factor). These elements are known to form chloride species and could thus have an enhanced volatility due to higher Cl concentration in the secondary gas phase. The Sulfur-loving (chalcophile) element Te has, on the other hand, a 10 times lower normalized enrichment factor in the lava flow gas, which is consistent with a sulfur depletion.

It thus seems that volcanic gas emission changes radically between primary and secondary degassing. Increase volatility of some metals such as Lead or Zinc might lead to higher toxicity, with important hazard for the local population and environment.

How to cite: Levillayer, N. and Sigmarsson, O.: Primary versus secondary degassing during basaltic eruptions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5120,, 2023.

EGU23-6814 | Posters on site | GMPV8.7

Correlation of volcanic activity and S-wave attenuation anomalies in the Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland 

Jiri Malek and Lucia Fojtikova and the NASPMON WP7

Increased attenuation of seismic S-waves propagating beneath a volcano is one of the most important seismic indicators of magma or partially melted rocks. We studied the attenuation in the Reykjanes peninsula, Southwest Iceland and its local anomalies in relation to the Fagradalsfjall eruption in March 2021.  

The Reykjanes Peninsula (situated on the rift between Eurasian and North American tectonic plates) is characterized by intensive volcanism that forms its unique geological structure and generates seismic swarm activity. Since 2013, it has been monitored by the REYKJANET network. Seismic activity intensified from December 2019 and lasted until the eruption of Fagradalsfjall volcano in March 2021. Seismicity during this period was distributed along the whole peninsula, not only in the vicinity of the eruption site. These data give us a unique opportunity to study the attenuation of seismic S-waves waves and their frequency dependence and to identify anomalies of attenuation.

The formula for mean attenuation is derived by estimating maximum seismic amplitudes as a function of earthquake magnitude accounting for hypocentral distance and station constants that reflect local conditions beneath the stations. It was derived for the vertical and horizontal components of S waves using the ground displacement, velocity and acceleration. Significant frequency dependence of attenuation was found with the attenuation coefficient proportional to the logarithm of the frequency. This explains different attenuation of the maximum amplitudes for stronger and weaker earthquakes, which have different prevailing frequencies. It was also found that the attenuation is not homogeneous in the entire area covered by REYKJANET (approximately 35 km x 15 km). The attenuation showed significant changes in time. Strong S-wave attenuation was detected for rays passing through the Krýsuvík volcanic system during the year 2020. This may indicate the presence of partially melted rocks at shallow depth. The attenuation beneath the eruption site at Fagradalsfjall was not anomalous during the year 2020; the anomalous values were only detected at the time of eruption.

 This study was supported by the NASPMON project.

How to cite: Malek, J. and Fojtikova, L. and the NASPMON WP7: Correlation of volcanic activity and S-wave attenuation anomalies in the Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6814,, 2023.

Fagradalsfjall eruption showed a remarkable pulsatory magma discharge activity in Jul-Aug 2021, with a characteristic timescale of ~36 hours (with cycles varying from 17 to 76 hours) and a duration of lava outflow from the crater of 10 to 70 hours. Active lava discharge coincides with the presence of both shallow and deep volcanic tremors that stops abruptly as soon as the active phase of the cycle finishes. The initial phase of each eruption cycle is characterized by some shifts of the tremor source between a depth of ~ 5 km and a shallow level, active degassing, and appearance of fresh lava at the top of the crater. Deep tremor source might be continuously active.

We propose that the pulsatory activity is caused by the dynamics of magma flow in a feeding dike. The model assumes purely elastic wall-rocks rheology and Newtonian temperature-dependent magma viscosity. Elastic displacement of host rocks is calculated by means of the analytical solution for an elliptic cavity subject to fluid overpressure. We assume that surrounding rocks temperature is linearly increasing with depth and the heat transfer from the magma following Newton’s law. The influx of the magma at the base of the dike is controlled by the dike overpressure. For reasonable values of governing parameters, the system shows pulsatory activity in accordance with the observed timescales. During low discharge rate magma viscosity in the upper part of the dike increases dramatically, magma flow stops, and the dike starts to inflate at depth storing large amounts of magma. As the pressure increases the flow of the fresh hot magma destroys the plug and discharge episode occurs. The dike deflates and the flow rate decreases leading to consequent cooling of the magma and blockage of the dike.

Parametric study reveals the influence of controlling parameters (magma influx rate, elastic modulus of rocks, heat exchange coefficient end others) on the period of discharge and the presence of pulsatory activity.

How to cite: Melnik, O., Soubestre, J., Shapiro, N., and Caudron, C.: Dynamics of pulsatory magma discharge at Fagradalsfjall volcano during Jul-Aug 2021: insights from observations, tremor locations and numerical models., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7505,, 2023.

EGU23-8196 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV8.7

Relatively relocated seismicity during the 2021 Fagradalsfjall dyke intrusion, Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland: Detailed evolution of a lateral dyke, and comparison to Bárðarbunga-Holuhraun 

Esme Glastonbury-Southern, Tom Winder, Tim Greenfield, Thorbjörg Ágústsdóttir, Nick Rawlinson, Robert White, Bryndís Brandsdóttir, Tomas Fischer, Josef Horálek, Jana Doubravová, Conor Bacon, Egill Árni Gudnason, Gylfi Páll Hersir, Pavla Hrubcova, and Eva P. S. Eibl

The 2021 Fagradalsfjall eruption on Iceland’s Reykjanes Peninsula was preceded by more than 12 months of elevated seismic and inflationary activity, beginning around December 2019. On 24th February 2021, an exceptionally intense episode of seismicity covering the length of the Peninsula marked the initiation of a dyke intrusion, which continued to develop until the 19th of March 2021, when melt first erupted at the surface. During the intrusion, more than 80,000 microearthquakes marked the propagation of melt, first northeast towards Mt Keilir, then to the southwest, eventually forming a 10 km-long dyke. These events were recorded by a dense local seismic network and detected and located using QuakeMigrate[1].

We present relative relocations of the seismicity, and tightly constrained focal mechanisms for earthquakes from the dyke intrusion period. The high precision of the relative relocations reveals fine scale structure in the region, which is studied in relation to the orientation of fault planes rupturing in individual earthquakes, thus providing insight into the mechanism of dyke propagation and the controls on faulting in the region. We find that the strikes of the fault planes of individual earthquakes differ from the overall trend of dyke propagation across several propagating seismic swarms.

We compare our findings for the Fagradalsfjall seismicity to the 2014-2015 Bárðarbunga-Holuhraun intrusion and eruption seismicity [2], in the context of the contrasting tectonic settings, and markedly different precursory activity.

1: Tom Winder, Conor Bacon, Jonathan D. Smith, Thomas S. Hudson, Julian Drew, & Robert S. White. (2021). QuakeMigrate v1.0.0 (v1.0.0). Zenodo.

2: Woods, J., Winder, T., White, R. S., and Brandsdóttir, B., 2019. Evolution of a lateral dike intrusion revealed by relatively-relocated dike-induced earthquakes: The 2014–15 Bárðarbunga–Holuhraun rifting event, Iceland.

How to cite: Glastonbury-Southern, E., Winder, T., Greenfield, T., Ágústsdóttir, T., Rawlinson, N., White, R., Brandsdóttir, B., Fischer, T., Horálek, J., Doubravová, J., Bacon, C., Gudnason, E. Á., Hersir, G. P., Hrubcova, P., and Eibl, E. P. S.: Relatively relocated seismicity during the 2021 Fagradalsfjall dyke intrusion, Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland: Detailed evolution of a lateral dyke, and comparison to Bárðarbunga-Holuhraun, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8196,, 2023.

EGU23-9413 | ECS | Orals | GMPV8.7

Seismic Tremor Reveals Changes in Episode Duration throughout the 2021 Geldingadalir Eruption, Iceland 

Eva P. S. Eibl, Oliver Lamb, Thorvaldur Thordarson, Ármann Höskuldsson, Egill Á. Gudnason, Gylfi Páll Hersir, and Thorbjörg Ágústsdóttir

The Geldingadalir eruption on the Reykjanes peninsula, Iceland, lasted from 19 March to 18 September 2021. While it continuously effused lava in March and April, it transitioned to an episodic pattern from 2 May onwards. We based our analysis on seismometer data from stations NUPH and LHR located 5.5 and 2 km SE of the active vent, respectively.

From 2 May to 14 June the eruption featured minute-long episodes that were classified into 6 different periods based on the duration of the tremor, the repose time, and the seismic amplitude (Eibl et al. 2022, Bulletin of Volcanology).

Here we focus on the timespan from 14 June to 18 September and define another three periods with distinct patterns: (i) For most of June the tremor was continuous and transitioned on 6 July to a period with hour long effusion followed by minute-long episodic effusion, (ii) 19 July to 3 September which featured only hour-long lava effusion episodes, and (iii) from 11 September, a 2-day-long effusion was followed by several days of minute-long episodes.

We discuss these changes in the context of acoustic data, video camera data, geomorphological changes of the crater and the shallow subsurface. Overall, we find further indications for an evolving shallow magma compartment in July.

How to cite: Eibl, E. P. S., Lamb, O., Thordarson, T., Höskuldsson, Á., Gudnason, E. Á., Hersir, G. P., and Ágústsdóttir, T.: Seismic Tremor Reveals Changes in Episode Duration throughout the 2021 Geldingadalir Eruption, Iceland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9413,, 2023.

EGU23-10209 | Posters on site | GMPV8.7

Volcanic degassing during the recent Fagradalsfjall and Merardalir eruptions, Iceland 

Samuel Scott, Melissa Pfeffer, Clive Oppenheimer, and Andri Stefánsson

The recent eruptions of Fagradalsfjall and Meradalir (Iceland) marks the first eruptive episode on the Reykjanes Peninsula in nearly 800 years. Open-path Fourier Transform Infrared (OP-FTIR) measurements of major and minor gas molecular species (including H2O, CO2, SO2, HCl, HF and CO) in the gas emissions have been performed on more than twenty occasions throughout the eruptions in 2021 and 2022. Generally, the gas emissions are water-rich (60-95 mol % H2O) and show CO2/SO2 molar ratios of ~4, consistent with magma generation at >15 km depth. Comparison of measured gas emissions with geochemical models of degassing of the Fagradalsfjall basaltic melt suggest that fractional degassing is necessary to explain the high-water contents of the fountaining gas at Fagradalsfjall, implying that a significant fraction of the CO2 that has exsolved from the magma is lost at depth prior to eruption. The measured vent gas emissions display enigmatic changes as a function of time, with lowest H2O/CO2 and H2O/SO2 ratios measured early in the eruption at Fagradalsfjall in 2021 and higher ratios during later stages and during the Meradalir eruption in 2022. The chemistry of the gas emissions is significantly affected by the style of degassing, with gas emitted by surface lava flows characterized by higher H2O/CO2 and H2O/SO2 and lower SO2/HCl and SO2/HF ratios compared to gas emitted at actively erupting vents. Moreover, the data record significant short-term temporal changes in chemistry on the timescales of minutes associated with intermittent fountaining and cooling/solidification of lava flows. This study highlights the utility of OP-FTIR techniques for tracing basaltic magma degassing in space and time. 

How to cite: Scott, S., Pfeffer, M., Oppenheimer, C., and Stefánsson, A.: Volcanic degassing during the recent Fagradalsfjall and Merardalir eruptions, Iceland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10209,, 2023.

EGU23-10732 | ECS | Orals | GMPV8.7

Widespread fracture movements during the 2019–2021 volcano-tectonic unrest on the Reykjanes Peninsula from TerraSAR-X interferometry 

Cécile Ducrocq, Thóra Árnadóttir, Páll Einarsson, Sigurjón Jónsson, Vincent Drouin, Halldór Geirsson, and Ásta Rut Hjartardóttir

Fractures and tectonic structures have been related to dyke emplacements, eruption location or dynamics in several volcanic areas around the world. Mapping of active faults is therefore key for assessing the potential tectonic and volcanic hazard within a region. The 2021 eruption in the Fagradalsfjall volcanic area (Reykjanes Peninsula, SW Iceland) was preceded by two years of volcanic unrest, including four non-eruptive unrests in the Svartsengi and Krýsuvík volcanic areas and a dyke intrusion in the Fagradalsfjall volcanic segment. Nine earthquakes of magnitudes M 5–5.6 were recorded during this time period and were widely felt by the surrounding population. Using interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) applied to TerraSAR-X data collected over 2019–2021, we mapped fracture movements over the Reykjanes Peninsula. We identified ~1250 active structures across 54 interferograms during this time period, complementing previously mapped structures. Our study reveals extensive fracture movements across most of the Peninsula, extending from Reykjanes to NE Krýsuvík volcanic areas. We particularly highlight previously undetected structures beneath the town of Grindavík as well as a N45°E striking structure in the Fagradalsfjall volcanic area, active during summer-autumn 2020, prior to the 2021 dyke intrusion. We propose that this structure influenced the location of the longest lasting vent of the 2021 eruption. The observations presented in this study have important implications for improving our understanding of volcano-tectonic interactions and hazard assessments in Iceland and worldwide.

How to cite: Ducrocq, C., Árnadóttir, T., Einarsson, P., Jónsson, S., Drouin, V., Geirsson, H., and Hjartardóttir, Á. R.: Widespread fracture movements during the 2019–2021 volcano-tectonic unrest on the Reykjanes Peninsula from TerraSAR-X interferometry, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10732,, 2023.

EGU23-13310 | ECS | Orals | GMPV8.7 | Highlight

Relative earthquake relocations and detailed evolution of failed and successful lateral dyke intrusions during the 2021-2022 Fagradalsfjall volcano-tectonic rifting event 

Thorbjörg Ágústsdóttir, Egill Árni Gudnason, Rögnvaldur Líndal Magnússon, Tomáš Fischer, Tom Winder, Eva P. S. Eibl, Esme Glastonbury-Southern, Gylfi Páll Hersir, Josef Horálek, Jana Doubravová, Josef Vlček, Pavla Hrubcová, Jiri Málek, Lucia Fojtíková, and Bryndís Brandsdóttir

The 6-month long fissure eruption that started in Geldingadalir valley within Mt. Fagradalsfjall, Reykjanes Peninsula, SW Iceland, on 19March 2021 was preceded by three weeks of intense seismic activity associated with a ~10 km long NE-SW oriented dyke intrusion, along the Fagradalsfjall volcanic system. This was the first eruption in over 800 years on the Peninsula. A multi-institutional seismic network, installed prior to the dyke intrusion, comprises 27, 3-component instruments (25 broadband and 2 short-period instruments) covering the whole Reykjanes Peninsula. Here we focus on the Fagradalsfjall area (~12x10 km) with 4 instruments located within a 2.5 km radius of the observed dyke seismicity. Accurate automatic earthquake locations using a new detection and location algorithm QuakeMigrate[1] obtain an order of magnitude higher number of earthquakes than conventional location methods. For high precision locations, events are cross-correlated and then relatively relocated using GrowClust[2]. Here we present detailed earthquake location results from 18 September 2021 to 30 September 2022. This period comprises i) the 2021 post-eruptive seismicity along the 10 km long 2021 dyke path; ii) an earthquake swarm about 5 km NE of the eruption site at 5-7 km depth in October; iii) a 5 day-long dyke intrusion in December 2021 that failed to breach the surface; iv) a 5-day-long dyke intrusion that breached the surface on 3 August 2022, and led to a 6 week-long fissure eruption in Meradalir, located about 0.5 km NE of the 2021 eruption site.

We find that the failed dyke in December 2021 and the 2022 dyke that successfully breached the surface share many of the same features. They both propagated at similar depths of 3-6 km, in the pathway of the initial 2021 dyke and both show some sparser seismicity closer to the surface. The time span of their propagation is almost identical; both are propagating for around 5 days, with similar lengths of about 6 km, which is considerably shorter than the 10 km long 3-week 2021 dyke propagation. They differ, however, in their location with respect to the 2021 eruption site. The failed 2021 dyke intrusion propagated mainly SW of the 2021 eruption site, whereas the successful 2022 dyke propagated NE of it. Interestingly, our results suggest that during the initial phases of the 2022 dyke intrusion, two dykelets propagate in opposite directions simultaneously.

How to cite: Ágústsdóttir, T., Gudnason, E. Á., Magnússon, R. L., Fischer, T., Winder, T., Eibl, E. P. S., Glastonbury-Southern, E., Hersir, G. P., Horálek, J., Doubravová, J., Vlček, J., Hrubcová, P., Málek, J., Fojtíková, L., and Brandsdóttir, B.: Relative earthquake relocations and detailed evolution of failed and successful lateral dyke intrusions during the 2021-2022 Fagradalsfjall volcano-tectonic rifting event, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13310,, 2023.

The Reykjanes Peninsula in SW Iceland is a part of the Mid-Atlantic plate boundary. It forms its transtensional segment with several volcanic and faulting systems. We focus on the 2017 seismicity that occurred in the central part of Reykjanes at the place of Fagradalsfjall volcano prior to its eruption on March 19, 2021. We invert well-determined focal mechanisms of the 2017 seismicity and provide mapping of tectonic stress in space and time. Our results disclose heterogeneous stress field manifested by mix of shear, tensile and compressive fracturing.  Although the fracturing was diverse, directions of the principal stress axes were stable and consistent with the processes at the transtensional divergent plate boundary. The prominent stress direction was in the azimuth of 120°±8°, which represents the overall extension related to rifting in the Reykjanes Peninsula. The activity initiated on the transform fault segment with predominantly shear strike-slip events. The non-shear fractures occurred later being associated with normal dip-slips and corresponding to the opening of volcanic fissures trending in the azimuth of 30-35°, perpendicular to the extension. The dip-slips were mainly located above an aseismic dike detected in the centre of the 2017 swarm. This dike represents a zone of crustal weakening during a preparatory phase of future 2021 Fagradalsfjall volcanic eruption located at the same place. Moreover, we detected local variation of stress when the stress axes abruptly interchanged their directions in the individual stress domains. These stress changes are interpreted in a consequence of plate spreading and upcoming fluid flow during a preparatory phase of a rifting episode.

How to cite: Hrubcová, P. and Vavryčuk, V.: Tectonic stress changes related to plate spreading prior to the 2021 Fagradalsfjall eruption in SW Iceland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13373,, 2023.

EGU23-14037 | ECS | Posters virtual | GMPV8.7

Evolution of temporal seismic velocity changes and earthquake source mechanisms during the 2021 Fagradalsfall dyke intrusion 

Yesim Cubuk Sabuncu, Felix Rodríguez Cardozo, Halldór Geirsson, Kristín Jónsdóttir, Vala Hjörleifsdóttir, Thomas Lecocq, Corentin Caudron, and Aurelien Mordret

Late February 2021, the Reykjanes Peninsula in southwest Iceland experienced severe seismicity associated with the development of a 9 km long dyke. Eight earthquakes of magnitude M≥5  were registered in the vicinity of Fagradalsfjall from February 24 until the onset of the Fagradalsfjall eruption in mid-March, which lasted for six months. Here, we analyze the temporal variations in crustal seismic wave velocities and the source characteristics of earthquakes during the dyke formation phase (February-March 2021).

We apply ambient-noise seismic interferometry and compute seismic noise cross-correlations using the MSNoise software. Cross-wavelet analysis, a powerful technique that allows us to obtain frequency-dependence of velocity change, is used to investigate relative variations in seismic wave velocities (dv/v). Along with our wavelet-based dv/v results, we also present the stretching-based dv/v time-series that were calculated in real-time for volcano monitoring during the unrest. 

The Fagradalsfjall dyke intrusion induced temporal variations in seismic velocities and strong decorrelation that were picked up by the entire network across the peninsula. Beginning abruptly with the increased seismic activity, velocities at nearby seismic stations decreased by 1.5 percent. The amount of dv/v change was noticeably less than 1 percent at distant stations (15-30 km). 

The regional time-domain moment tensor inversion method (TDMT_INVC) was also applied to obtain earthquake mechanism solutions. Source parameters of 50 moderate-sized events with magnitudes Mw≥4.0 revealed predominantly normal and strike-slip faulting. We compare these to the deformation, dv/v and modeled Coulomb stress changes and present a joint interpretation.

We provide a summary of the complex spatial and temporal evolution of crustal seismic velocity changes in the weeks preceding the effusive eruption. The understanding of the pre-eruptive geophysical signatures of the Fagradalsfjall volcano will contribute to better predict future volcanic activity in the area.

How to cite: Cubuk Sabuncu, Y., Rodríguez Cardozo, F., Geirsson, H., Jónsdóttir, K., Hjörleifsdóttir, V., Lecocq, T., Caudron, C., and Mordret, A.: Evolution of temporal seismic velocity changes and earthquake source mechanisms during the 2021 Fagradalsfall dyke intrusion, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14037,, 2023.

EGU23-17131 | ECS | Posters on site | GMPV8.7

Cooling of the 2021 & 2022 Fagradalsfjall lavas: surface deformation and magnetic signatures 

Jóhanna Malen Skúladóttir, Elisa Johanna Piispa, Joaquin Munoz Cobo Belart, Halldór Geirsson, Vincent Drouin, and Kimberley Jean Hutchinson

Lavas are known to cool and contract following their emplacement, resulting in measurable subsidence at their surface. Magnetic surveying of the cooling lava can also provide insight into the causation of such subsidence, whether it be due to for example lava tunnel collapse and/or cooling of the lava. Repeated geodetic, photogrammetric, and magnetic measurements can be used to monitor the subsidence and can help determine the cooling rate of the lava. Here, we present initial results on subsidence and total magnetic field of the Fagradalsfjall lavas (Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland), which were emplaced in March-September 2021 and August 2022. The post-emplacement deformation of the lavas is measured from comparison of Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) in 2x2 m derived from aerial photogrammetric surveys, in-situ Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) surveys of benchmarks in the lava flow, and Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR). The DEM differences show subsidence of up to 7 m in the first year since the end of the 2021 eruption. Magnetic measurements were performed using drone surveys (MagArrow magnetometer suspended on DJI Matrice 600) and hiking profiles (GEM Systems GSM-19 Overhauser magnetometer). Our preliminary results show quite variable magnetization of the lavas. We suggest that the low magnetic anomalies are either associated with internal structures or show evidence of hot lava still above its Curie temperature and possibly even in liquid form and coincide roughly with the higher subsidence rates. During the August 2022 eruption, when the new lava was partly emplaced on top of the 2021 lava field, some of the older lava squeezed out from the western border of the 2021 flow, demonstrating that the 2021 lavas were still partly in liquid form. We expect the 2021-2022 lavas to continue to subside as the lava cools down and contracts, and plan further studies to provide insight into the cooling processes.

How to cite: Skúladóttir, J. M., Piispa, E. J., Belart, J. M. C., Geirsson, H., Drouin, V., and Hutchinson, K. J.: Cooling of the 2021 & 2022 Fagradalsfjall lavas: surface deformation and magnetic signatures, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17131,, 2023.

EGU23-2268 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.11

Estimating and mapping forest canopy fuel parameters from GEDI LiDAR data in Europe 

Elena Aragoneses, Mariano García, and Emilio Chuvieco

Spatially-explicit information on canopy fuel parameters is key for wildfire propagation modelling, emission estimations and risk assessment. This work aims to develop easily-replicable methods to estimate critical fuel canopy parameters from spaceborne LiDAR observations acquired by the Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) sensor onboard the International Space Station. GEDI-like pseudowaveforms were modelled from discrete Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) data and used to select the best GEDI predictor metrics to derive European wall-to-wall forest height and canopy cover maps. Then, GEDI spaceborne footprints were used to generate continental maps of canopy parameters through a two-steps approach: 1) Spatial interpolation of GEDI footprints inside homogeneous forest fuel type polygons, and 2) Modelling machine learning algorithms for the forest fuel type polygons without GEDI footprints inside, using auxiliary multispectral and RADAR imagery and biophysical variables. Our results show the capabilities of remote sensing and GEDI to estimate and map the spatial patterns of critical forest canopy fuel parameters in fire risk prevention and contribute to generating the necessary tools to develop an integrated risk-wise strategy that reduces fire vulnerability of ecosystems across Europe.

How to cite: Aragoneses, E., García, M., and Chuvieco, E.: Estimating and mapping forest canopy fuel parameters from GEDI LiDAR data in Europe, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2268,, 2023.

EGU23-4580 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.11

How wildfires can impact nickel concentration and biogeochemistry at ultramafic drinking water catchments: An example study in New Caledonia 

Gaël Thery, Farid Juillot, Julie Jeanpert, Damien Calmels, Guillaume Morin, Emmanuelle Montarges-Pelletier, Elora Bourbon, Isabelle Kieffer, Pierre Genthon, and Cécile Quantin

In New Caledonia, a significant fraction of soils developed on the Peridotite Nappe are naturally enriched in trace metals, such as nickel and chromium, that can be remobilized upon wildfires (Thery et al., 2022). In this Pacific archipelago, the average annual burnt vegetation surface is estimated to be 30,000 ha, representing 2% of the total land surface (Dumas et al., 2013). However, much larger surfaces can burn during strong El Nino years. This was notably the case in 2016 at Ile des Pins, in the South part of the archipelago, where the burnt surface reached 1000 ha compared to an average annual value of 300 ha. Concomitantly, a dramatic increase in nickel concentrations could be observed in some water supply catchments, with some values reaching up to 4000 µg/L compared to the WHO and European guidelines of 70 µg/L and 20 µg/L, respectively. This situation led the authorities to order some investigations to better understand the link between these increased wildfires and the degradation of freshwater quality.

In this presentation, we will discuss the results of these investigations performed for two years on the dynamics and biogeochemistry of nickel across a drinking water catchment supplied by both surface and groundwater. The surface water originates from a doline, which is a characteristic feature of karstic landscapes frequently observed in the lateritic landscapes on ultramafic rocks from New Caledonia (Jeanpert et al., 2016). Geochemical analyses of the surface water collected in the burnt doline showed very high nickel concentration (i.e. up to 300,000 µg/L) compared to groundwaters (i.e below 30 µg/L). These surface waters were also found enriched in sulfate (i.e. up to 3200 mg/L) compared to groundwaters (i.e. below 8 mg/L). Water isotopes analyses allowed to propose a simple mixing model between these two end-members to reconstitute the water supply at the drinking water catchment. In addition, mineralogical characterization of the doline sediments and XAS-derived analysis of nickel speciation allowed to evidence a mixed Mg/Ni-sulfate and Ni/Fe-sulfides as the two major Ni-bearing mineral species. Although the sulfides are common species in sedimentary settings, the occurrence of a mixed Mg/Ni sulfate was considered to result from the large 2016 wildfires that impacted the nickel biogeochemistry in the sediments. The high solubility of this latter mineral species is probably playing a major control on nickel concentration in the water that is supplied to the downstream drinking water catchment.

This study brings further understanding on how wildfires can impact drinking water catchments quality by modifying the biogeochemical cycling of trace metals across their related watersheds. In the case of New Caledonia where most of drinking water catchments are supplied by surface water (a significant fraction of them being related to ultramafic watersheds), it spreads awareness to local policy-makers about the vulnerability of the water resource relative to wildfires. At a larger scale, it also put some warning on the possible impact of wildfires on drinking water catchments related to ultramafic watersheds worldwide.


How to cite: Thery, G., Juillot, F., Jeanpert, J., Calmels, D., Morin, G., Montarges-Pelletier, E., Bourbon, E., Kieffer, I., Genthon, P., and Quantin, C.: How wildfires can impact nickel concentration and biogeochemistry at ultramafic drinking water catchments: An example study in New Caledonia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4580,, 2023.

Abiotic and biotic factors in forest ecosystems can all be significantly and immediately impacted by forest fires. Additionally, fires pose a long-term concern because they release greenhouse gases (GHGs) into the atmosphere, damage habitat, cause soil erosion, and affect local and global temperatures. In the absence of sufficient information on the damaged forests, such as location, area, and burn severity, issues in policy decisions for restoration inevitably arise. In this study, burned areas and severity were mapped using eight spectral indices derived from Sentinel 2 MSI images using machine learning approaches (Random Forest (RF) and Support Vector Machine (SVM)). The dataset from Copernicus Emergency Management Service (CEMS) was employed as the reference truth for burned area and severity. Our approaches were tested for two study sites that had a similar meteorological environment (dry season) and species (coniferous vegetation).  This study presents a novel methodology for mapping burned areas and severity using Sentinel-2 MSI data and CEMS data, aiming at achieving mapping accuracy and transferability. RF performed better than SVM when classifying pixels within heterogeneous regions. The Normalized Burn Ratio (NBR) and Green Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (GNDVI) were quite significant in determining the severity of a fire, indicating that they might be useful in identifying senescent plants. The findings also demonstrated that the CEMS dataset can be used as a reference for classifying fire damage in other regions. The use of this approach makes it possible to quickly and accurately map the extent of the damage caused by forest fires and has applicability for other disasters.

How to cite: Park, S. and Lee, K.: Satellite-based burn severity mapping and evaluating the transferability of Copernicus EMS data using machine learning approaches, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7609,, 2023.

EGU23-7744 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.11

Detecting Forest Fires by Using Remotely Sensed Data in Riau, Indonesia 

Agustiyara Agustiyara and Balázs Székely

This research aims to shed light on remote sensing data, focusing on remote sensing for forest fires which still largely separates these expertise techniques. In this situation, the use of sentinel data makes it possible to make assessments related to land and forest fires by assessing the land cover function of land fires. The first specific location shows that land fires are clearly visible, especially on the Rupat island which is part of Bengkalis Regency, Riau Province, Indonesia. In a general sense, Rupat Island is a small island with a peatland ecosystem. This becomes complex when various land functions and activities, such as the development of the oil palm plantation industry, protected forest areas, industrial plantation forest (HTI) company areas, peat land, and other land uses activities are found on this island. Forest fires cause extreme long-term damage to the environment, wildlife, flora, and property including forestry and agricultural holdings every year. Along with improving the detection of and response times to such fires, there is also a need to improve post-event delineation, assessment, and monitoring of the affected areas. Such post-event analysis can then feed back into strategies and policies for wildfire prevention, prediction, mitigation, and response. However, the detection of such fires by these tools considers the accuracy in terms of the exact location and extent of land classification and burnt areas. The use of statistically significant remote sensing, the research process two products between 2019 and 2020. The research use data equation through the Sentinel-3 data, where the detection of land fires that are clearly visible in the "fire detection" image by performing a data algorithm to ensure that the fire point is no cloud cover. Sentinel-2 data was also used to explain the loss of vegetation on peatlands in the area of land fires, which clearly shows changes in burnt areas. With the same combination of analyses, sentinel-1 data was also used to clarify the land cover in the fire area, where the classification algorithms (forest) and other functions in sentinel-1 data were identified. Therefore, the use of remote sensing primarily aims to highlight the importance of data fusion and integrate it into the multiple factors and motives for forest and land fires.

How to cite: Agustiyara, A. and Székely, B.: Detecting Forest Fires by Using Remotely Sensed Data in Riau, Indonesia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7744,, 2023.

EGU23-8043 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.11

An analysis of 100 years of post-fire streamflow responses of British Columbia watersheds 

Karen Abogadil and Usman Khan

Wildfires are becoming larger and more severe due to climate change. This trend affects the forest ecosystem and disrupts many eco-hydrologic processes in forested watersheds. Effects can include rapid runoff responses, increased surface runoff, and elevated erosion, leading to lower water quality and long-lasting effects on hydrologic ecosystem services (drinking water supply or flood regulation). However, post-fire hydrology studies often have variable and contrasting results, making cross-study comparisons difficult. Studies are typically short-term and focused on single wildfire events. Additionally, hydrologic ecosystem services are not always considered. This research has two objectives: to determine accurate indicators for post-fire flow responses; and to develop a flood risk map that considers wildfire history and the hydrologic ecosystem services. The study area includes 336 drainage basins (grouped into five ecozones) in British Columbia, Canada, known for its susceptibility to wildfires and floods. The study analyzes 110 years of wildfire data from 1910 to 2020. Of the 824 wildfires in the study period, over 400 fires were identified with five years of continuous streamflow and precipitation daily flow records. Percent changes in low, high, and peak flows were calculated using pre-fire and post-fire values. Using streamflow, precipitation, wildfire perimeters, land cover and topographic data, statistical analyses were done to determine the most influential watershed characteristic in post-fire streamflow responses. To develop the flood risk map, the same data will be combined with socio-economic and demographic data. Preliminary results suggest differing trends for low, high, and peak flows for the five ecozones in BC, demonstrating the importance of geophysical variables on streamflow response. Results will aid in understanding the effects of climate change over 110 years, specifically the wildfire effects on hydrology in forested watersheds and on the hydrologic ecosystem services provided to nearby communities. The determination of accurate post-fire streamflow indicators will also help water resource managers, urban planners, and other decision-makers allocate resources appropriately for long-term water management and reduce post-fire flood vulnerability.

How to cite: Abogadil, K. and Khan, U.: An analysis of 100 years of post-fire streamflow responses of British Columbia watersheds, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8043,, 2023.

EGU23-9015 | Posters on site | SSS9.11

Tree Root Decay in Soils Following Tree Death after a Crown Wildfire, Canadian Rockies: A Field Investigation  

Edward Johnson, Yvonne Martin, and Olga Chaikina

Wildfire disturbances due to lighting strikes are a relatively common occurrence in subalpine forests of the Canadian Rockies. Tree roots found within forest soils are known to undergo decomposition after crown wildfires. As decay progress, this results in changes to tree root characteristics, including the number of remaining tree roots, distribution of tree root diameters and tensile force at failure of remaining roots. These changes, in turn, may impact soil hydrology and the likelihood of geomorphic process occurrence, including debris slides and debris flows. Herein, we present results of an intensive, annual field measurement program covering a period of about one decade that provides information about tree root decay following a crown wildfire in the Canadian Rockies. The crown wildfire burned a total of 17 000 hectares in Kootenay National Park and provided an opportunity to undertake this field measurement program. Hawk Creek drainage basin was the location in which field sampling of tree root data occurred. A total of 15 soil pits over a range of hillslope gradients were dug and key characteristics of all tree roots emerging from walls of soil pits were measured. Numerical analysis of tree root measurements in each year includes the frequency of tree roots in different diameter classes, frequency of tree roots at different depths below the ground surface and lateral root cohesion. One key finding is that tree roots having a smaller diameter fully disintegrate before larger tree roots. In addition, tree roots situated higher in the soil profile (i.e., closer to the surface) decay preferentially compared to tree roots located lower in the soil profile. Results also show that for a given tree root diameter class, the tensile force at failure decreased very rapidly in the first two years after wildfire occurrence. Similarly, the lateral root cohesion decreased rapidly in the first several years following the wildfire, although some root strength was documented even one decade after wildfire occurrence.

How to cite: Johnson, E., Martin, Y., and Chaikina, O.: Tree Root Decay in Soils Following Tree Death after a Crown Wildfire, Canadian Rockies: A Field Investigation , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9015,, 2023.

EGU23-9283 | Orals | SSS9.11

Long-term management actions of fire-prone Mediterranean ecosystems under climate change using fuel reduction and post-fire restoration 

Mara Baudena, V Ramon Vallejo, Jaime Baeza, Aymen Moghli, Alejandro Valdecantos, and Victor M Santana

Forest fires and extreme droughts will continue to be main disturbances in Mediterranean ecosystems, given the ongoing and projected climatic changes. In fact, an exacerbation of some aspects of their regime is expected. In this perspective, it is fundamental to design adaptive management strategies that can reduce the impact of disturbances and increase ecosystem resilience. To achieve this, it is necessary to develop an integrated management, able to select the best combination of restoration actions for different scenarios. Here, we address the effectiveness of the combination of several actions related to fuel reduction and restoration after fire in the long term, to increase the presence of resprouting species and mitigate fire occurrence, for different future climate change scenarios. Fuel reduction treatments include the application of shrub clearing at different intensities and frequencies. Restoration actions comprise the plantation of resprouting species, aiming to increase ecosystem resilience. We used a simple, ecological, published model, specifically developed for Mediterranean ecosystems and including species competition and post-fire responses, which we calibrated using the recorded vegetation response to treatments. Our results point out that, if we look for more resilient ecosystems in the next decades, we will need an intensification of fuel reduction treatments. Noticeably, including resprouting species has an important effect in the ecosystem. However, the success of these actions will be variable depending on the climate scenario.

How to cite: Baudena, M., Vallejo, V. R., Baeza, J., Moghli, A., Valdecantos, A., and Santana, V. M.: Long-term management actions of fire-prone Mediterranean ecosystems under climate change using fuel reduction and post-fire restoration, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9283,, 2023.

EGU23-9805 | Posters on site | SSS9.11

Wildfire Hot Spot Mapping - Austria Fire Futures 

Florian Kraxner, Andrey Krasovskiy, Charlotte Kottusch, Shelby Corning, Dmitry Schepaschenko, Harald Vacik, Mathias Neumann, Mortimer Mueller, Arne Arnberger, Herbert Formayer, David Leidinger, Tobias Schadauer, Susanne Karel, and Christoph Bauerhansl

The main objective of this Austria Fire Futures study is to develop a unique and innovative concept containing new sets of fire risk hotspot maps at highest spatial resolution under various climate change scenarios and integrate novel insights on local fuel types into forest and forest fire risk models, including new variables such as morphology and recreational activities. To generate such maps on a local scale, fire hazard modeling is necessary to identify endangered forest types in combination with topographic effects. Furthermore, recent fire events in the Austrian Alps show that social aspects, particularly the hiking tourism, are paid too little attention to.
Based on the above motivation, we believe that an innovative and improved fire risk hotspot mapping is the fundament for all further forest- and wildfire prevention and hence needs to be seen as an indispensable tool for an integrated fire management (prevention, suppression, post fire measures) while substantially contributing to mitigating climate change as well as minimizing damage to ecosystems, their services, and people.
The study will improve our understanding of fire-vulnerable forest areas that may shift over time and space given the underlying climate and fuel assumptions. This will allow experts, practitioners, and the interested public to take a look into the future in order to comprehend and derive solid short-/medium-/and long-term recommendations for fire resilient and sustainable forest management and fire emergency planning.

How to cite: Kraxner, F., Krasovskiy, A., Kottusch, C., Corning, S., Schepaschenko, D., Vacik, H., Neumann, M., Mueller, M., Arnberger, A., Formayer, H., Leidinger, D., Schadauer, T., Karel, S., and Bauerhansl, C.: Wildfire Hot Spot Mapping - Austria Fire Futures, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9805,, 2023.

EGU23-9836 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.11

Post-wildfire monitoring for hazard mitigation in Alpine area 

Monica Corti, Laura Corti, Andrea Abbate, Monica Papini, and Laura Longoni

In a climate change scenario, natural disasters and their consequences are expected to increase. In particular, it is proven that the raise of global temperature will drive a higher occurrence of wildfires, leading to a wide range of problems in the mountain areas, such as slope instabilities. As confirmed by many authors, in addition to the disruption of vegetation, wildfires have indeed severe effects over the natural slopes, linked to the hydrological changes provoked by burning, which may cause further economic losses and casualties.

The risen probability of flash flooding and debris flows after wildfires is recognized to depend on an alteration of the soil hydrological properties, and in particular of the soil infiltration capacity. Many studies in literature focused on the trends of soil infiltration recovery after fire, but none of them regards Alpine case studies and only a few are European, even if wildfire phenomenon is relatively common nowadays in the Alps. Furthermore, rainfall thresholds for possible landslide triggering have not been defined for wildfire-affected areas yet.

This work investigates the impact of a wildfire occurred in 2019 in the Southern Alps, starting from the data collected during three years of monitoring activity at different spatial scales and after laboratory rainfall simulations. The investigation of the burnt area was conducted both remotely, by the analysis of Copernicus Sentinel-2 imagery, and throughout field surveys, by performing falling-head infiltration tests. The monitoring activity was distributed over three different sub-areas, taking into account the different fire severity (burnt or unburned sub-area) and the original vegetation type (pine woods or grassland). Moreover, soil samples were collected inside those sub-areas for further laboratory permeability tests and rainfall simulations.

Results were used to retrieve recovery trends for the calibration of a simple 1D hydrogeological model.

In particular, the remote sensing analysis helped to evaluate a recovery time of seven years of the site to pre-fire conditions. On the other hand, field monitoring suggested the recovery to depend mostly on the restoration of the canopy protection, as preventing factor for direct responses to rainfall and soil erosion.

How to cite: Corti, M., Corti, L., Abbate, A., Papini, M., and Longoni, L.: Post-wildfire monitoring for hazard mitigation in Alpine area, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9836,, 2023.

EGU23-10798 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.11

Shifting fire season: who has it worse resprouters, or obligate seeders? 

Alexandria Thomsen and Mark Ooi

Fire is a major factor shaping plant communities, and plant species have evolved to persist through a fire regime, broadly characterised by the frequency, intensity, and season of burns typical of their region. However, historical fire regimes are shifting with changing climate and other factors, including increased ignition sources, and implemented fires, producing more frequent burns of varying intensity. As such, seasonality of fire is shifting and despite the effects of fire on plant persistence being well studied, there is still little understanding on the effects of fire season. In this study, we set up two sites with five treatment areas, an early autumn burn, late autumn burn, early spring burn, late spring burn and a control. We surveyed multiple shrub species for impacts of seasonal burns on resprouting vigour and post-fire flowering in the mediterranean region of South Australia. Fire severity was also measured using soil temperatures, canopy cover consumption and minimum twig diameter. We found that fire response to fire season varied between trait type included seed storage type and seed dormancy type. This study highlights the impact of season of fire and that it should be considered when making species management decisions for plant species persistence.

How to cite: Thomsen, A. and Ooi, M.: Shifting fire season: who has it worse resprouters, or obligate seeders?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10798,, 2023.

EGU23-11387 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.11

Gradient boosting for socio-economic wildfire risk assessment 

Carmen B. Steinmann, Jonathan Koh, Samuel Lüthi, Samuel Gübeli, Benoît P. Guillod, and David N. Bresch

Wildfires are devastating events destroying large parts of physical assets exposed to them in many regions of the world. Therefore, a high-resolution hazard model is needed to accurately assess socio-economic impacts caused by wildfires. Moreover, a probabilistic representation of the hazard covering the range and likelihood of possible wildfire events under certain conditions allows for a more comprehensive risk assessment. This is crucial for many applications, among others the prioritization of adaptation measures and the pricing of insurance.

We determine burning probabilities based on MODIS hotspots and a set of predictors (weather variables, geography, land use) by using a country-specific machine learning model based on the efficient tree boosting system XGBoost. Subsequently, stochastic wildfire events are generated on the basis of these burning probabilities.

Lastly, the open-source climate risk assessment platform CLIMADA is used to compute socio-economic impacts as the combination of the newly developed hazard, an exposure and a vulnerability. The used exposure LitPop spatially distributes macroeconomic indicators (e.g. produced capital) as a function of night light intensity and population density. The vulnerability is represented by an impact function that was calibrated on historic fire damage data. Combining the stochastic impacts with their respective probabilities results in a globally consistent country-specific model of wildfire risk to physical assets.

How to cite: Steinmann, C. B., Koh, J., Lüthi, S., Gübeli, S., Guillod, B. P., and Bresch, D. N.: Gradient boosting for socio-economic wildfire risk assessment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11387,, 2023.

EGU23-11995 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.11

Effects of fire intensity on CO2 exchange in an arctic tundra ecosystem 

Wenyi Xu, Bo Elberling, and Per Lennart Ambus

Recently, the frequency and intensity of wildfires has been increasing in the Arctic as a result of climate change. However, there is still little knowledge on the effects of fire intensity on carbon dioxide (CO2) exchange in arctic tundra ecosystems. We conducted an experimental fire of different burn intensity (i.e., low intensity, high intensity and unburned control) to investigate effects of fire intensity on soil biogeochemical cycles and surface CO2 fluxes over four growing seasons in an arctic heath tundra, West Greenland. Post-fire soil temperatures and soil moisture increased with increasing fire intensity by up to 2.2 ℃ and 18 vol%, respectively. The high-intensity fire also significantly increased soil nitrate concentrations 1 day post fire, but this effect disappeared 1 year post fire. There were no significant effect of fire intensity on soil carbon and phosphorus availability or microbial biomass. The ecosystem shifted from a net CO2 sink to a net CO2 source immediately after the fire, because of the reductions in photosynthetic activity. 1 year post fire the low-intensity burned plots have turned into a net CO2 sink, while the high-intensity burned plots were a net CO2 source for the entire study period. This suggests that the time needed for the burned ecosystem to turn into a net CO2 sink increases with increasing fire intensity. Fire intensity had no effect on ecosystem respiration (ER) immediately after the fire, likely because the increases in microbial respiration caused by elevated soil temperatures and moisture and soil nitrogen availability have offset the decreases in plant respiration. However, 1-3 years after the fire, the high-intensity fire significantly reduced ER rates, suggesting that the moderate increases in microbial respiration only caused by elevated soil temperatures and moisture could not balance out the decreases in plant respiration. Overall, compared with low-intensity fire, high-intensity fire not only combusts more biomass or soil organic matter and releases more CO2 during the fire, but also prolongs the duration of the burned areas as a net CO2 source and consequently enhances post-fire CO2 losses.

How to cite: Xu, W., Elberling, B., and Ambus, P. L.: Effects of fire intensity on CO2 exchange in an arctic tundra ecosystem, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11995,, 2023.

EGU23-13012 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.11

Exploring the fire danger and exposition of settlements at the wildland urban interface: a case study in Graz, Austria 

Mariana Silva Andrade, Mortimer M. Müller, Gergo Dioszegi, and Harald Vacik

Changing climate is likely to increase the intensity of forest fires in Austria. Consequently, the investigation of the fire danger situation at the wildland-urban interface is crucial for the planning of prevention measures against future damages. Hence, a comprehensive fire risk assessment study was performed for Austria, in which five components were considered (natural cause for ignition of forest fires, socioeconomic causes for ignition, vegetation structure, meteorological factors and exposition of important infrastructures). The approach for the fire danger assessment determined for the city of Graz, the second largest city in Austria, as high danger level for fire occurrences. Therefore, the present work introduces a case study for this city, focusing on the exposure of settlements and infrastructure to fire events. The relevant infrastructure features were selected, such as residential buildings, power lines, radio stations, railways, highways and traffic and communication buildings, as well as three types of forests with different management objectives (production forest, site protection forest and object protection forest). In order to analyze the interaction between settlements and vegetation in case of forest fires, buffers were used (i.e. buffer sizes for buildings are 10m, 50m and 150m and other settlements are 60m, 100m and 200m). Infrastructure and forest cover were also classified due to their importance: high, medium and low risk of exposition. For example, production forest was considered to bear a lower risk of exposition due to their economic importance compared to protection forests, that have to protect the city from natural hazards like rock falls or mudflows. On the other hand, radio stations carry a high risk of exposition because of their importance for facilitating the communication of the community. In combing the results of the fire danger assessment for the city of Graz with final exposition map the results indicate that areas around radio stations situated in the northwestern area of the city have a higher risk of exposition. As a result, firefighters must pay particular attention to this region for management and evacuation plans.

How to cite: Silva Andrade, M., M. Müller, M., Dioszegi, G., and Vacik, H.: Exploring the fire danger and exposition of settlements at the wildland urban interface: a case study in Graz, Austria, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13012,, 2023.

EGU23-13669 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.11

Heating response patterns of Alpine soils: from a plot-scale to lab experiments. 

Sara Negri, Beatrice Giannetta, Giulia Mantero, Silvia Stanchi, Raffaella Marzano, Matteo Garbarino, Luisella Celi, and Eleonora Bonifacio

Wildfires play the role of ecosystem shapers in the majority of terrestrial biomes. Nowadays, their regimes are changing as a consequence of land abandonment and climate change. After-fire dynamics are widely studied in North America and Mediterranean environments. However, soils developed in different biomes might not unequivocally respond to fire-induced heating, and forests of the Western Italian Alps are not unfamiliar to fire occurrence.

For these reasons, we conducted several experiments (at plot and lab scale) at environmentally realistic conditions to systematically assess the impacts of fire on the physico-chemical properties of soils belonging to the Italian Alpine ecological region.

A homogenous pine forest (Pinus sylvestris L.) located in a mountain region near Torino experienced the passage of a severe and large wildfire in fall 2017. The field survey carried out in 2020 revealed that lower organic carbon (OC) contents and higher bulk density (BD) values were associated to a greater fire severity. Abundance of pyrogenic carbon was related to the steepness degree, as a consequence of erosion. In the superficial horizons, the naturally high WR expected from soils developed under a conifer stand was not present.

To elucidate mechanisms regulating WR occurrence and evolution, the thermal transformations borne by Alpine soils were investigated at controlled laboratory conditions. Topsoil samples displayed extremely different wettable behaviors upon increasing temperatures (Ts), with or without WR build-up. This occurred mainly in relation to content and composition of organic matter (OM), particle size distribution and abundance of iron (Fe) oxides. Notwithstanding the initial sample hydrophobicity, WR was dramatically lost above 200 °C due to increasing pH values, inducing OM de-sorption from the negatively charged mineral surfaces.

In the same T range, the thermal transformation of soil Fe oxides were found to be primarily directed towards oxidative processes (hematite formation). Ts up to 300 °C could have potentially promoted the stabilization of the remaining (non-combusted) OM, with the synthesis of defect-rich Fe oxides and enrichment in condensed and aromatic compounds, and yet OM was highly dispersible at the high pH values resulting from the thermal treatment, such that OC might be weakly retained on mineral phases in an after-fire scenario.

How to cite: Negri, S., Giannetta, B., Mantero, G., Stanchi, S., Marzano, R., Garbarino, M., Celi, L., and Bonifacio, E.: Heating response patterns of Alpine soils: from a plot-scale to lab experiments., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13669,, 2023.

EGU23-13680 | Posters on site | SSS9.11

Mapping fire susceptibility in Portugal 

Célia Gouveia, Tiago Ermitão, Isabel F. Trigo, and Patrícia Páscoa

Southern Europe is considered a fire-prone region, and fire events occur here every summer. In this context, large fires have hit Portugal over the last 20 years, due to frequent hot and dry summer conditions, and also to high fuel availability in ecosystems. Moreover, climate change in the Mediterranean basin is expected to increase the severity of fire weather conditions and therefore to increase the occurrence of extreme fire seasons.

Recent catastrophic fire seasons have led to the implementation of a set of policies during the months before the fire-season, aiming at fire prevention and suppression, which can in turn increase the combat efficiency of fires during the fire season. Therefore, this work intends to contribute to fire prevention by identifying regions with a high likelihood to burn.

A Principal Components Analysis (PCA) was applied to several climatological, ecological, and biophysical variables, related to fire weather, fuel availability, and elevation covering the period from 2001 to 2021. Results allowed to assess the areas where large fires were more likely to occur in 2022. The central and southernmost regions of Portugal showed a stronger signal in the PCA, indicating a likely high susceptibility to future fire events. The association of fuel accumulation since the last fire event with elevation and favourable fire weather conditions explains most of the variability of the first six PCs. These results were compared with the fires that occurred in 2022, and a match between larger burned areas and high signals in the PCA was found, highlighting the usefulness of this methodology.

This study was supported by FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Portugal) through national funds (PIDDAC) – UIDB/50019/2020, and under the projects FlorestaLimpa (PCIF/MOG/0161/2019).

How to cite: Gouveia, C., Ermitão, T., Trigo, I. F., and Páscoa, P.: Mapping fire susceptibility in Portugal, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13680,, 2023.

EGU23-14313 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.11

A Tailored Fine Fuel Moisture Content Model for Improving Wildfire Danger Rating Systems 

Nicolò Perello, Andrea Trucchia, Mirko D'Andrea, Giorgio Meschi, Silvia degli Esposti, and Paolo Fiorucci

A change in wildfire regimes in several regions around the Earth has been acknowledged in recent decades, with an increase in the frequency of particularly severe events. Consequently, many wildfires management systems have been challenged, renewing interest in Forest Fire Danger Rating (FFDR) models to support preparedness and response phases. The Liguria Region (Italy) and the Italian Civil Protection supported independent research programs that led in 2003 to the development of the FFDR model RISICO. Nowadays the model is used as a decision-support tool by Italian civil protection systems at national and regional levels. RISICO model integrates weather conditions with vegetation types, topography, vegetation indices from satellite and ML-based wildfires susceptibility maps, in order to provide all information available.

One of the main component of RISICO is the Fine Fuel Moisture Content (FFMC) model. Indeed, fine fuel moisture conditions influence the ignition and spread of wildfires, and particularly low FFMC values are often associated with the occurrence of severe events. A new formulation of the FFMC model has therefore been performed to increase its forecasting capabilities and the abilities to discriminate severe wildfire conditions. The FFMC model depends on vegetation types, differentiating the fine fuel moisture behavior through a different response time to weather conditions. This aspect makes it possible to consider the structural peculiarities of each vegetation type, differentiating then forest fire fire risk behavior. The model is also able to simulate fine fuel moisture content at different temporal resolution, ranging from hours to minutes. This makes it possible to describe in detail the fast dynamics of FFMC, which is of particular interest in environments characterized by a rapidly changing forest fire risk such as the Mediterranean environment. A reformulation and parameters calibration of the FFMC model has then been performed, to increase the reliability of the model. The use of the revised FFMC model to simulate moisture conditions in case of wildfires occurred in Italy in the last 15 years shows an increase in the model's ability to discriminate against severe events, characterized by particularly low fine fuel moisture values.


How to cite: Perello, N., Trucchia, A., D'Andrea, M., Meschi, G., degli Esposti, S., and Fiorucci, P.: A Tailored Fine Fuel Moisture Content Model for Improving Wildfire Danger Rating Systems, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14313,, 2023.

EGU23-14379 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.11

Mediterranean catchments post-fire hydrogeological behavior and water quality: insights from the Pisano Mount area (Tuscany, Italy) 

Matteo Nigro, Roberto Giannecchini, Marco Doveri, Matia Menichini, and Ilaria Baneschi

Wildfires are recognized as one of the most affecting ecological agents, altering geomorphological processes, hydrologic cycles, and water quality. On average from 50,000 to 65,000 fires occur in Europe every year, burning approximately 500,000 ha of forested areas. Between September 2018 and February 2019 two large wildfires burnt nearly 1,400 ha of forests and farmlands in the Pisano Mount area (northwestern Tuscany). The mountainous morphology of the area linked to the proximity to the sea causes high precipitation variability and intensity. This, joined with low permeability bedrock (mainly quartzites, schists, and phyllites) and with the extensive vegetation coverage, make the study site a hot spot for surface waters analysis. Moreover, burnt catchments are of primary importance in the recharge processes of the groundwater resources of the costal plain, which are exploited by a large number of inhabitants and agricultural facility. Consequently, the present study is aimed at understanding and quantifying the wildfire impacts on the hydrogeological dynamics and water quality in the studied catchments. Such impacts are being evaluated by comparing burnt and unburnt catchments, which were selected to be as similar as possible from geological, morphological, and vegetational perspectives. The multi-parameter selection method involved Principal Component Analysis and Distance analysis on many potentially feasible catchments. A network of automatic monitoring instruments was deployed on site. Five hydraulic sections of the main streams draining the area were monitored for hydraulic level and physico-chemical parameters. Hydrographs analysis was performed to infer differences in hydrogeological dynamics between burnt and unburnt basins. Monthly samples were collected for stream water and groundwater chemical analysis. In addition, four plate lysimeters were installed to sample soil water for its chemical characterization. The chemical analysis involved major anions and cations, trace elements, water isotopes, and organic compounds, to search for chemical perturbation potentially arising from the wildfire. The investigation highlighted various differences between the burnt and unburnt basin, mainly for the surface waters. The streams draining the burnt areas present different hydraulic behaviour and changes in physiochemical parameters in response to rainfall events. Moreover, the yearly variation of physiochemical parameters and chemical characteristics present an higher variance for those streams draining wildfire affected catchments.

How to cite: Nigro, M., Giannecchini, R., Doveri, M., Menichini, M., and Baneschi, I.: Mediterranean catchments post-fire hydrogeological behavior and water quality: insights from the Pisano Mount area (Tuscany, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14379,, 2023.

EGU23-15243 | Posters virtual | SSS9.11

Forest Monitoring: Fires and Recovery in Alta Murgia: the MOIRA Project 

Sabino Maggi, Maria Patrizia Adamo, Silvana Fuina, Cristina Tarantino, and Saverio Vicario

The risk of wildfires has risen significantly in recent years, not just in Europe but around the world. In Italy alone, hundreds of thousands of hectares are burned each year, resulting in deaths, the destruction of forests and loss of biodiversity, and damage to infrastructure and farms. One way to address this issue is through satellite remote sensing, which is a valuable tool for monitoring and managing fires, assessing risks, surveying and evaluating the damage caused by fires and preparing recovery actions.The objective that the Alta Murgia National Park is pursuing with this project is to gather information on fires that have occurred within the Park area, in order to quickly identify affected areas and aid in their perimeter, characterization and control, and to support the preliminary and timely design of forest restoration efforts, as well as the updating of AIB plans according to legal requirements.

The project aims to develop automated satellite monitoring procedures using Landsat and Sentinel2 imagery to assess the health of forested areas and identify and characterize degradation caused by negative events such as forest fires, illegal logging, conversion of forest land to agriculture, and improper use of areas historically affected by fire. A module based on difference in the Normalized Burn Ratio (NBR) index would allow to define the effective perimeter of damage caused by a fire within the larger perimeter defined by firefighting crews. Additionally, a module using various vegetation indices, such as those related to chlorophyll and carotenoids, will be employed to compare vegetation changes across the landscape and over time.

The project also involves using a time series analysis to retrospectively monitor the recovery of vegetation following a critical event, and a Bayesian approach previously developed by the group will be used to estimate expected phenological statistics with associated error. To further understand the recovery process, a single forested site burned in 2020 will be closely monitored with an eddy covariance tower and through repeated floristic surveys.

Lastly, the project aims to establish a pilot low-cost ground-based monitoring and video surveillance system to supplement the existing video surveillance network. This system will focus on monitoring remote or less frequented areas of the park, where installing high-end monitoring stations would not be cost-effective. The system proposed is self-sufficient in terms of power and is capable of performing real-time image analysis over the study area. In the event of a fire or the emission of harmful gases, the system will immediately alert relevant law enforcement agencies.
The current work summarizes the current state of the project and the scientific results obtained so far.

How to cite: Maggi, S., Adamo, M. P., Fuina, S., Tarantino, C., and Vicario, S.: Forest Monitoring: Fires and Recovery in Alta Murgia: the MOIRA Project, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15243,, 2023.

EGU23-15531 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.11

Using stakeholder-developed forest management maps to model fire reduction treatment effects on forest fire 

Bushra Sanira Asif, Paolo Fiorucci, and Nicolò Perello

Over the past century, severe wildfire events have been recorded globally due to climate change. Changes in climatic conditions may change forest landscape by modifying rates of vegetation formation, shifts in temperature and tree species shift. There was a near-complete loss of native tree species in some affected areas and loss of these species were most strongly linked to burn frequency. Many questions remain regarding how these changes will occur across landscapes and how disturbances such as wildfires may interact with changes to climate and vegetation. Forest management is used to proactively modify forest structure and composition to improve fire resilience. Yet, research is needed to assess how to best utilize the resources to reduce damages due to forest fires. Human communities also exist within these landscapes, and decision regarding how to manage forests must carefully consider how management will affect such communities.

The scientific literature recognizes the importance of incorporating stakeholders' knowledge and the active role of local communities to enhance and strengthen adaptive capacities to fire risk management. However, the research in this area seems to be still at the initial stage, and this gap needs to be addressed through actions that value the knowledge and voices of stakeholders and local communities. This research aims to contribute to this gap by sharing the process with the application of participatory mapping GIS involving forest stakeholders in a forest fire risk area in Liguria, Italy. To investigate local community preferences for forest management, public participation geographic information systems (PPGIS) mapping exercise is a good tool for local residents to express their views on fire reduction treatments (for example, commercial harvest, non-commercial harvest and prescribed fire). Emergent themes from the mapping exercise can be used to inform alternative management scenarios to explore the usefulness of using PPGIS to generate modelling inputs. Scenarios will be ranged from restoration-only treatments to short-rotation commercial harvest. The use of PPGIS is useful for outlining the range of forest management preferences within the local community, for identifying areas of agreement among residents who have otherwise polarized views, and for generating modelling inputs that reflect views that may not be obtained through existing official channels for public participation. Involving forest stakeholders in the decision-making process may increase public acceptance of the forest fire treatments needed to modify wildfire trajectories under future climate conditions and to improve forest resilience.

How to cite: Asif, B. S., Fiorucci, P., and Perello, N.: Using stakeholder-developed forest management maps to model fire reduction treatment effects on forest fire, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15531,, 2023.

EGU23-16785 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.11

Circumpolar patterns of arctic-boreal fire activity 

Rebecca Scholten, Yang Chen, Sander Veraverbeke, and James Randerson

Intensifying wildfires in high-latitude forest and tundra ecosystems are a major source of greenhouse gas emissions, releasing carbon through direct combustion and long-term degradation of permafrost soils and peatlands. Several remotely sensed burned area and active fire products have been developed, yet these do not provide information about the ignitions, growth and size of individual fires. Such object-based fire data is urgently needed to disentangle different anthropogenic and bioclimatic drivers of fire ignition, spread and extinction.

We developed an object-based fire tracking method to map the evolution of fires at a sub-daily scale using Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) active fire detections. The dataset includes ignitions and sub-daily perimeters of individual fires between 2012 and 2021, which are corrected using finer-scale information on waterbodies. Here, we present first results of this circumpolar arctic-boreal fire atlas. We show circumpolar patterns of arctic-boreal fire activity and disentangle the spatially varying influence of drivers of fires. Most fires, as well as the largest fires, occur on the Eurasian continent. Latitudinal differences in fire characteristics and drivers are important, yet regional and continental differences emerge. Knowledge about regional differences in fire regimes and their drivers is required to better understand contemporary arctic-boreal fire regimes and to constrain models that predict changes in future arctic-boreal fire regimes.

How to cite: Scholten, R., Chen, Y., Veraverbeke, S., and Randerson, J.: Circumpolar patterns of arctic-boreal fire activity, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16785,, 2023.

NH8 – Environmental, Biological & Natech Hazards

EGU23-1831 | ECS | Orals | NH8.1

Regional phase picking on single stations using deep learning 

Erik Myklebust and Andreas Köhler

Automatic detection of seismic events in processing pipelines at the IDC and many NDCs is mostly done using beamforming on arrays; however, extensive use of single stations can improve the detection capability and accuracy of event location. Advances in deep learning methods enable faster and more accurate processing of large quantities of single station data not seen previously. We use event catalogues including phase picks on a range of arrays in Scandinavia at regional distances (200-2000km), i.e., up to 3min separation between P and S arrivals, to train several deep learning models (PhaseNet and EQTransformer variants) using single stations within the arrays. The models are trained on clips of 324s to capture the multiple arrivals. The models are then applied to various single stations in Norway to assess their generalization. We can detect events at a variety of back-azimuths and distances.  

Furthermore, we expand the existing deep learning models to provide predictions for back-azimuth and distance. This imposes physical restrictions on the models, leading to increased picking accuracy for the predicted phase arrivals. Moreover, this enables us to use the vast number of single stations available to efficiently detect and locate distant events.  

How to cite: Myklebust, E. and Köhler, A.: Regional phase picking on single stations using deep learning, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1831,, 2023.

This presentation summarizes the currently best available estimates of radioxenon emissions from all nuclear facilities for a specific year. It is a unique data set to be used in studies to enhance data analysis from the noble gas component of the International Monitoring System (IMS). Global radioactivity monitoring for the verification of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) includes the four xenon isotopes 131mXe, 133Xe, 133mXe and 135Xe. These four isotopes are serving as important indicators of nuclear explosions. The state-of-the-art radioxenon emission inventory uses generic release estimates for each known nuclear facility. However, the release amount can vary by several orders of magnitude from year to year. The year 2014 was selected for a single year radioxenon emission inventory with minimized uncertainty. Whenever 2014 emissions reported by the facility operator are available these are incorporated into the 2014 emission inventory.

This presentation summarizes this newly updated radioxenon emission inventory. It comprises all relevant nuclear facilities. For the three strong sources ANSTO (Australia), CNL (Canada), and IRE (Belgium), stack release data with a high time resolution are available. Annual emissions are provided for all other medial isotope production facilities, including new updates for the NIIAR facility (Russia) and the Karpov Institute (Russia). For nuclear power plants (NPP) in Europe and the USA the reported release for the whole year is applied in combination with information about their operational schedule. For all other NPPs the best estimates are used. The estimated releases of nuclear research reactor sources are included as well. For the first time, estimates were made for radioxenon releases from spallation neutron sources and from spent nuclear fuel reprocessing plants. The new emission data are compared with previous studies highlighting discrepancies which in many cases are as large as several orders of magnitude.

The global radioxenon emission inventory for 2014 can be used for studies to estimate the contribution of this anthropogenic source to the observed ambient concentrations at IMS noble gas sensors to support CTBT monitoring activities, including calibration and performance assessment of the verification system as described in the Treaty as well as developing and validating methods for enhanced detection capabilities of signals that may indicate a nuclear test. One specific application is the 1st Nuclear Explosion Signal Screening Open Inter-Comparison Exercise that was announced end of 2021 and conducted in 2022. The emission inventory in combination with radioxenon observations at IMS stations may as well be used for global or regional atmospheric tracer studies and for the validation of atmospheric transport simulation methods.

How to cite: Kalinowski, M.: Updated global radioxenon emission inventory from all types of nuclear facilities specific for the year 2014, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3411,, 2023.

EGU23-5497 | Orals | NH8.1

Integrating IMS data in the analysis of the Nord Stream underwater blasts in the Baltic Sea 

Tine B. Larsen, Peter H. Voss, Trine Dahl-Jensen, Nicolai Rinds, Björn Lund, Peter Schmidt, Michael Roth, Gunnar Eggertsson, Andreas Köhler, Bettina Goertz-Allmann, Celso Alvizuri, Johannes Schweitzer, Volker Oye, and Christian Weidle

On September 26, 2022 the International Monitoring System (IMS) of the CTBTO detected two seismic events near the Danish island of Bornholm as reported in the Reviewed Event Bulletin (REB). In the REB phases include both seismic and infrasound data up to 1600 km away and the events are located near the positions where large gas leaks from the Nord Stream pipelines were also observed. The events were recorded clearly by the Danish seismograph network with the closest two seismographs located on Bornholm at distances of 40 – and 70 km. Furthermore, seismographs in the surrounding countries picked up the signals and data were analysed at the national data centers. The waveforms exhibited clear properties of underwater blasts with significant P-energy and much smaller S-energy, as well as other characteristics not associated with natural earthquakes. Further analysis revealed that the second event may consist of multiple blasts close in time and space. Analysis of the events included integration between IMS data and regional data from Denmark, Sweden, Germany and Norway, communication with CTBTO experts, and served as an exercise in collaboration during an international crisis.

How to cite: Larsen, T. B., Voss, P. H., Dahl-Jensen, T., Rinds, N., Lund, B., Schmidt, P., Roth, M., Eggertsson, G., Köhler, A., Goertz-Allmann, B., Alvizuri, C., Schweitzer, J., Oye, V., and Weidle, C.: Integrating IMS data in the analysis of the Nord Stream underwater blasts in the Baltic Sea, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5497,, 2023.

EGU23-5603 | ECS | Orals | NH8.1

Advantages and issues of applying Machine learning based denosing on inversions of the DPRK nuclear tests 

Andreas Steinberg, Peter Gaebler, and Christoph Pilger

We apply a current state-of-the-art machine learning based denoising algorithm on the seismological and hydroacoustic waveform records of the selected DPRK nuclear tests. We use the DeepDenoiser algorithm to reduce the noise present in the waveform records of the larger DPRK nuclear tests. The denosing of waveform records using machine learning has obvious advantages on the picking of phases and signal detection but the question is if the currently available techniques can be used beyond that. We investigate the impact the denoising has on the source mechanism inferences by comparing the seismic moment tensor inversion results of original and denoised data. Because of the good signal to noise ratio and as the source type is well known we can in this cases establish if the so denoised waveforms can be used for further source analysis. We find that care needs to be taken using the modified waveform data but also find promising results hinting at possible further use the technique in the future for standard analyses. We further investigate if the application of the chosen denoising algorithm allows for the better resolution of the seismic moment tensor of the smaller DPRK nuclear tests.

How to cite: Steinberg, A., Gaebler, P., and Pilger, C.: Advantages and issues of applying Machine learning based denosing on inversions of the DPRK nuclear tests, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5603,, 2023.

EGU23-5620 | ECS | Posters on site | NH8.1

Low-frequency standards for hydroacoustics in the Infra-AUV project 

Freya Malcher, Ben Ford, Richard Barham, Can Çorakçi, Alper Biber, Stephen Robinson, Sei-Him Cheong, Justin Ablitt, and Lian Wang

Low frequency Acoustics, Underwater Acoustics and Vibration (AUV) phenomena in water are used to detect major natural events such as earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic activity, and are also used by the International Monitoring System (IMS) of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organisation (CTBTO) to check compliance with the treaty. Low frequency sound and vibration monitoring technologies are well established; however the lowest frequencies of interest are not sufficiently well covered by current measurement standards, limiting the reliability of data obtained. In addition, monitoring stations are also often located in extreme environments posing additional challenges for assuring the accuracy of measurements recorded by hydrophones. In this poster we describe the work that NPL, TUBITAK and ASN are doing in the Infra-AUV project to develop calibration methods for hydroacoustics in the frequency range from 0.5 Hz to 100 Hz.

The project is establishing both primary standards (based on absolute realisations of the acoustic pascal), and secondary comparison methods to provide routes for effective dissemination and traceability. Two independent primary calibration methods are under development. The first uses a laser pistonphone (NPL and ASN) which uses optical interferometry to determine the motion (and therefore the generated pressure) of a piston driving a small chamber containing the hydrophone under test. The second is the coupler reciprocity method (TUBITAK and NPL) which allows hydrophones to be calibrated in more realistic ocean conditions (increased static pressure). Secondary calibration methods have been developed based on comparison of two devices in a small coupler (NPL and TUBITAK). The resulting calibration capability will underpin new measurement services and improve traceability in low frequency sound measurement and monitoring applications.

How to cite: Malcher, F., Ford, B., Barham, R., Çorakçi, C., Biber, A., Robinson, S., Cheong, S.-H., Ablitt, J., and Wang, L.: Low-frequency standards for hydroacoustics in the Infra-AUV project, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5620,, 2023.

EGU23-6393 | Posters on site | NH8.1

Application of controlled vibration sources for traceable on-site calibration of seismometers 

Christoph Pilger and Michaela Schwardt

In the context of the joint research project "Metrology for low-frequency sound and vibration - 19ENV03 Infra-AUV" we evaluated natural, anthropogenic and controlled sources of seismic, infrasonic, and hydroacoustic waves with respect to their potential use as excitation signals for on-site calibration of the respective sensors in the range of 0.01 to 20 Hz. In that context, man-made controlled sources such as drop weights, hammer blows or vibrator sources exhibit properties such as broad frequency content and high repeatability that make them an interesting source signal for the calibration of seismometers.

At IMS station PS19 in Germany we conducted an excitation experiment using both a portable electrodynamic seismic vibrator source and simple hammer blows on the ground for the purpose of covering the higher frequencies of interest from 8 to 20 Hz and above for on-site seismometer calibration. As previous on-site calibration experiments have shown, insufficient coherent natural excitation signals within the relevant high frequency range have been recorded, leading to missing information in the frequency response estimation. Using the seismic vibrator source either P- or S-waves could be excited for example as monofrequent (18 Hz) or sweep (10-100 Hz) signals of 10 s time duration. The distance between excitation source and station/reference sensors as well as the direction of signal arrival at the sensors was varied.

We present calibration results for the conducted excitation experiment using a comparison between station and laboratory-calibrated instruments, showing that the frequency response can be determined for the higher frequencies of interest using the different signals from the excitation experiment.

How to cite: Pilger, C. and Schwardt, M.: Application of controlled vibration sources for traceable on-site calibration of seismometers, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6393,, 2023.

EGU23-6775 | Orals | NH8.1

The Nord Stream underwater explosions: location, classification and yield estimation 

Björn Lund, Gunnar Eggertsson, Ari Tryggvason, Peter Schmidt, Michael Roth, Tine Larsen, Peter Voss, Trine Dahl-Jensen, Nicolai Rinds, Andreas Köhler, Bettina Goertz-Allmann, Celso Alvizuri, Johannes Schweitzer, Volker Oye, Christian Weidle, and Eric M. Dunham

Soon after midnight on 26 September 2022 the Swedish National Seismic Network, using data from Sweden, Denmark and Germany, automatically detected a seismic event in the Baltic southeast of the Danish island of Bornholm. The event was followed 17 hours later by a second, more complex, event northeast of Bornholm. The automatic locations of the events were within 6-9 km of later reported gas leaks in the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines. Using recently developed, machine learning based, classifiers both events were automatically classified as explosions. Subsequent analysis of the second event revealed that it was in fact two blasts, separated by about 7 seconds. As the events occurred in the transition zone between the Fennoscandian Shield and the younger terranes of Denmark and northern Germany, 3D tomographic P- and S-velocity models were developed to improve locations and assess uncertainties, bringing the locations closer to the pipelines. Spectral analysis of the blast data show clear reverberations consistent with underwater explosions and a blast depth of approximately 75 m. The conclusion that the events are underwater blasts are further supported by data on known underwater explosions and a few earthquakes in the area. The magnitude of the first event was estimated at ML 1.9 and the combined second and third event had ML 2.3. Estimating the equivalent yield in the explosions is, however, non-trivial. Comparison to ground truth underwater explosions suggests yields of one to a few hundred kilos of equivalent TNT. The contribution to the seismic energy from suddenly outflowing methane gas is under investigation and results will be included in the presentation.

How to cite: Lund, B., Eggertsson, G., Tryggvason, A., Schmidt, P., Roth, M., Larsen, T., Voss, P., Dahl-Jensen, T., Rinds, N., Köhler, A., Goertz-Allmann, B., Alvizuri, C., Schweitzer, J., Oye, V., Weidle, C., and Dunham, E. M.: The Nord Stream underwater explosions: location, classification and yield estimation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6775,, 2023.

EGU23-7019 | Orals | NH8.1

Relative locations and moment tensors of the Nord Stream pipeline events 

Andreas Köhler, Celso Alvizuri, Ben Dando, Bettina Goertz-Allmann, Johannes Schweitzer, Volker Oye, Björn Lund, Peter Schmidt, Michael Roth, Gunnar Eggertsson, Tine B. Larsen, Peter H. Voss, Trine Dahl-Jensen, Nicolai Rinds, and Christian Weidle

Two clear seismic events were observed on 26th September 2022 associated with the reported leaks from the Nord Stream 1 (Event 1, NE of Bornholm) and Nord Stream 2 pipelines (Event 2, SE of Bornholm). Arrivals of both events were detected and associated using data from several arrays in Norway and Finland, including the IMS stations NOA, FINES and ARCES. Additional signal analysis with data from the Swedish National Seismic Network and the Danish station on Bornholm enabled a third event to be identified. Auto-correlation analysis of the Event 2 revealed the third event (Event 2B) about 7 seconds after the main amplitude of the P onset (Event 2A). In contrast, for Event 1 SE of Bornholm no additional events could be identified from auto-correlation analysis, which increases confidence that these additional arrivals are not caused by interaction with geological structures. We also observe an arrival 7 s after the Pn phase before the Pg arrival on the NORES array. However, we cannot exclude that this onset interferes with the arrival of the PnPn phase. We then use the time differences between Event 2A and 2B measured by auto-correlation analysis on the Swedish and Danish network stations to determine relative epicentre locations. The results suggest that the two overlapping events occurred just about 220 m apart from each other. The relative locations fit very well with the distance between both pipelines of Nord Stream 1 at the Westernmost gas plume location (NE of Bornholm). We also estimated preliminary full moment tensors for Event 1 and 2 using seismic waveform data and analysed them on a source-type diagram. The results show positive isotropic parameters consistent with explosion-type mechanisms.

How to cite: Köhler, A., Alvizuri, C., Dando, B., Goertz-Allmann, B., Schweitzer, J., Oye, V., Lund, B., Schmidt, P., Roth, M., Eggertsson, G., Larsen, T. B., Voss, P. H., Dahl-Jensen, T., Rinds, N., and Weidle, C.: Relative locations and moment tensors of the Nord Stream pipeline events, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7019,, 2023.

EGU23-7053 | Orals | NH8.1

T-waves triggered by Chilean earthquakes recorded at CTBT-IMS station HA03 

Tiago Oliveira, Mario Zampolli, Dirk Metz, Georgios Haralabus, and Sergio Barrientos

In addition to monitoring the oceans for signs of nuclear explosions, the International Monitoring System (IMS) hydroacoustic data have been used for a broad range of civil and scientific applications, including the study of submarine earthquakes. This presentation analyzes T-wave signals recorded at CTBT-IMS hydrophone station HA03 triggered by Chilean earthquakes between 2014 and 2022. HA03 is located in the Juan Fernández Islands (Chile, South-East Pacific Ocean); in particular, the hydrophone arrays are located approximately 15 km north (H03N) and 15 km south (H03S) of Robinson Crusoe Island to account for the acoustic shadow produced by the islands. Arrival time and back azimuth of the recorded T-waves were estimated using the Dase ToolKit - Graphical Progressive Multi-Channel Correlation (DTK-GPMCC) program. Different arrivals within the duration of the earthquake signals were identified. However, discrepancies between expected and measured back azimuths can be observed for H03N and H03S. A three-dimensional underwater acoustic model was utilized to determine the cause of these differences. Based on the hydroacoustic arrivals identified for the analyzed earthquakes, a discussion is provided on the conversion from seismic to acoustic waves (T-waves generation zone). Moreover, reflected propagation paths induced by bathymetric features along the path from the T-waves generation zone to H03N and H03S are discussed.

How to cite: Oliveira, T., Zampolli, M., Metz, D., Haralabus, G., and Barrientos, S.: T-waves triggered by Chilean earthquakes recorded at CTBT-IMS station HA03, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7053,, 2023.

EGU23-7517 | Orals | NH8.1

Advances in development of OSI geophysical techniques for mountainous environments 

Emilia Koivisto, Luis R. Gaya-Pique, Aled Rowlands, Remi Colbalchini, Samuel Toon, and Peter Labak

On-site inspection (OSI) is the final verification measure of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT). According to paragraphs 69(e), 69(f) and 69(g) of Part II of the Protocol to the CTBT, an OSI may involve the following seismic and non-seismic geophysical techniques to search for, locate and characterize underground anomalies associated with a nuclear explosion: passive seismological monitoring for aftershocks; resonance seismometry and active seismic surveys; magnetic and gravitational field mapping; ground penetrating radar; and electrical conductivity measurements. In this presentation we review recent advances in development of OSI geophysical techniques, with a focus on the application of techniques in challenging mountainous environments. Previously, techniques were primarily tested in relatively flat or gently undulating terrain conditions.

Most recent advances in passive seismological monitoring include the upgrade of the telemetry system for data transmission and development of the data processing software to accommodate topographically challenging environments. To assess current OSI geophysical imaging capabilities for the other geophysical techniques and for deep site characterization applications in an integrated manner, an extensive OSI field test was conducted in the Austrian Ybbstaler Alps in September 2022. This was the first OSI field test in a challenging mountainous environment. Therefore, a number of operational, logistical and technical challenges had to be addressed. The implemented OSI geophysical techniques included resonance seismometry (passive seismic imaging) and active seismic surveys, magnetic and gravitational field mapping, as well as electrical conductivity measurements along three profiles over a cave system at 40-350 m depths mimicking underground cavities produced by an underground nuclear explosion. A newly acquired active seismic data recording system was tested for the first time, with the aim to mature OSI methods for active seismic surveys. Prior to this field test active seismic surveys have only been applied in a limited capacity. A recently developed concept of operations for resonance seismometry was also tested. Furthermore, based on the results of the field test, a new OSI workflow for gravitational field mapping is being developed. During the field test, full OSI data workflow for geophysical techniques was implemented using current functionalities within the Geospatial Information Management system for OSI (GIMO).

Overall, these recent advances in development of OSI geophysical techniques demonstrate the applicability of the full range of OSI geophysical techniques in mountainous terrain, and results of these projects will be used to further develop the geophysical techniques for challenging environments.

How to cite: Koivisto, E., Gaya-Pique, L. R., Rowlands, A., Colbalchini, R., Toon, S., and Labak, P.: Advances in development of OSI geophysical techniques for mountainous environments, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7517,, 2023.

EGU23-7525 | Posters on site | NH8.1

A study of defects on infrasound Wind-Noise-Reduction Systems (WNRS) using in-situ calibration 

Paul Vincent, Samuel Kristoffersen, Alexis Le Pichon, and Benoit Alcoverro

Infrasound stations, including those of the International Monitoring System (IMS) as part of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO), are used to determine the location of infrasound sources (such as earthquakes, volcanoes, explosions etc.). The triangulation of these sources is done by considering the delay of the arrival times of the signal using several detectors at precisely known locations in an array with an aperture of typically a few kilometers. It is, therefore, of great importance that the amplitude and, especially, the phase of the signal at each sensor in the array is precisely known. Although the calibration of microbarometers can be performed in a laboratory setting, it is much more difficult to determine the transfer function of the wind noise reduction systems (WNRS), designed to reduce the wind associated noise. In-situ calibration of these WNRS’s can be performed using a co-located reference sensor, and comparing the response to that of the array sensor (considering only highly coherent signals) to determine the relative response of the WNRS. System defects, such as flooded pipes or blocked inlets, have significant impacts on the response of the WNRS, and are therefore of interest for the infrasound community. Comparisons between models of these defective WNRS’s and experimental results will allow for the characterization of these effects on the measurements and improvements of the models and WNRS designs. The results of these calibration and WNRS defect experiments will be presented, and compared with models.

How to cite: Vincent, P., Kristoffersen, S., Le Pichon, A., and Alcoverro, B.: A study of defects on infrasound Wind-Noise-Reduction Systems (WNRS) using in-situ calibration, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7525,, 2023.

EGU23-7953 | Posters on site | NH8.1

A laser pistonphone designed for absolute calibration of infrasound sensors from 10 mHz up to 20 Hz 

Dominique Rodrigues, Paul Vincent, Richard Barham, and Franck Larsonnier

Demand for calibration at infrasonic frequencies has emerged. It is supported by earth monitoring issues and particularly by the Comprehensive nuclear Test Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO), which provides a global international coverage for nuclear testing ban, and requires for the IMS (International Monitoring System). In the presentation, a new laser pistonphone design is presented with the objective of establishing primary standards for sound pressure at very low frequencies down to 10 mHz. The piston is a modified accessorized loudspeaker driver whose diameter is equal to the diameter of the front pistonphone cavity. The volume velocity of the piston is measured through a laser interferometer and it was designed to have an upper frequency limit of 20 Hz, to overlap with the reciprocity method of calibration. Particular attention has been given with the-sealing to avoid the pressure leakage loss. The dimensions of the front cavity were designed to allow the calibration of a large variety of sensors, including microphones, barometers, manometers and microbarometers. Examples of calibrations for several sensors are presented with the uncertainty. Finally, the metrological performance of the laser pistonphone is demonstrated by comparing the calibration results with those obtained with alternative methods.

How to cite: Rodrigues, D., Vincent, P., Barham, R., and Larsonnier, F.: A laser pistonphone designed for absolute calibration of infrasound sensors from 10 mHz up to 20 Hz, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7953,, 2023.

EGU23-8100 | Posters on site | NH8.1

Transfer standard sensors for disseminating traceable calibrations to the field 

Richard Barham, Dominque Rodrigues, Franck Larsonnier, Michaela Schwardt, Ben Ford, and Freya Malcher

Transfer standards have an important role in calibration, in enabling traceability to be transferred across calibration facilities or physical locations. It is often the case in laboratory calibration, that the sensors best suited to achieving the optimum calibration accuracy, or measurement uncertainty, have different characteristics to those that need to be deployed in the field. Laboratory calibration techniques are often tailored to work with sensors of a specific type or form factor, and requirements on ruggedness and tolerance of a wide range of environmental conditions are usually of lesser importance under laboratory conditions. Conversely, a transfer standard is ideally suited to both laboratory and field environments. The Infra-AUV project is developing a complete calibration-chain solution to establish measurement traceability for IMS measurements, and consideration has therefore been given to the specification of suitable transfer standard sensors. The thought process behind this, and the infrasound sensors, hydrophones and seismometers ultimately proposed for designation as transfer standards will be presented, together with some characteristic calibration data.

How to cite: Barham, R., Rodrigues, D., Larsonnier, F., Schwardt, M., Ford, B., and Malcher, F.: Transfer standard sensors for disseminating traceable calibrations to the field, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8100,, 2023.

EGU23-8287 | ECS | Posters virtual | NH8.1

“Zero Point” Background Screening of 137Cs and Pu isotopic composition for radiation environment in Eastern Lithuania 

Andrius Puzas, Christian Bernhardsson, Guillaume Pédehontaa-Hiaa, Mattias Jönsson, Sören Mattsson, Nikolaj Tarasiuk, Marina Konstantinova, Rasa Gvozdaite, Ruta Druteikiene, Vida Juzikiene, and Vidmantas Remeikis

Detection of environmental concentrations of radionuclides is the next step to complement data on abnormal events recorded by seismic, hydro-acoustic and infrasound station networks prior to asking for the approval of the on-site inspection. Radionuclides can travel hundreds of kilometres away from their source and under favourable meteorological conditions, be detectable in the air and when deposited on the ground. In order to determine and assess contributions to the anthropogenic radionuclides in the environment and to firmly distinguish it from previous global nuclear tests or emissions from nuclear facilities, it is essential to screen the background “zero point” of the anthropogenic radionuclides. This is especially important around existing sources e.g. nuclear power plants. In this work the radiochemical separation of radionuclides, alpha-, gamma- and mass-spectrometry measurement techniques were combined to determine concentrations and compositions of anthropogenic radionuclides in soil samples within 70 km radius around the Belarussian nuclear power plant in Astravec, on the territory of Lithuania. Gamma spectrometric measurements were performed with state-of-the-art alpha spectrometers and gamma spectra were acquired using an HPGe coaxial detector. Radionuclide isotopic ratios were measured by a sector field mass spectrometer combined with a high-sensitivity APEX sample introduction system. In this work 137Cs/239,240Pu, 238Pu/239,240Pu, 240Pu/239Pu isotopic “fingerprint” values revealed that previous nuclear weapon tests in the Northern hemisphere are prevailing in most of the sampling sites within a 70 km radius around Astravec NPP on the Lithuania territory.

How to cite: Puzas, A., Bernhardsson, C., Pédehontaa-Hiaa, G., Jönsson, M., Mattsson, S., Tarasiuk, N., Konstantinova, M., Gvozdaite, R., Druteikiene, R., Juzikiene, V., and Remeikis, V.: “Zero Point” Background Screening of 137Cs and Pu isotopic composition for radiation environment in Eastern Lithuania, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8287,, 2023.

Metrology – the science of measurement – has an important role in all fields of science and technology. Core concepts of measurement traceability and measurement uncertainty are vital for measurements to be physically meaningful and for data to be quantified with known levels of confidence. Metrology considerations begin with primary measurement standards; the definitive realisation of a particular quantity that underpins all subsequent measurements of that quantity. Primary standards for sound pressure and acceleration have long been established but historically, have not extend to the relevant frequency ranges in many geophysical applications utilizing seismic, infrasonic, and hydroacoustic technologies, including IMS applications. A European research project called Infra-AUV has recently developed new primary measurement standards for infrasound and for low-frequency seismic measurements, as well as the means to transfer these to enable the calibration of sensors in the field, as required at stations in the IMS network. New calibration capabilities and application-focussed case studies emerging from the Infra-AUV project will therefore be presented, together with the potential consequences and benefits for users of such sensor systems. 

How to cite: Ceranna, L. and the InfraAUV-Project-Team: Infra-AUV Project – Provision of measurement traceability for sound and vibration measurements in the very low frequency range., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8763,, 2023.

EGU23-10471 | ECS | Posters virtual | NH8.1

Noble Gas Adsorption onto Zeolitic Materials in Atmospheric Conditions 

Matthew Paul, Guangping Xu, Matthew Powell, Gavin Hearne, and Jeffery Greathouse

Detection of radioisotopes of noble gases produced by nuclear detonations is one of the methodologies employed by the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty. Whereas noble gases are chemically inert, adsorption of pure noble gases has been reported to exhibit non-conservative behavior in naturally occurring nanoporous minerals, albeit under idealized single-component laboratory conditions. Extrapolation of single-component gas adsorption measurements to the multi-component ambient environment that is predominately nitrogen and oxygen, but importantly water, requires numerous assumptions and introduces uncertainty.

This work aims to experimentally examine multicomponent adsorption of Ar, Kr, and Xe on zeolitic materials using an adaptation of the volumetric method. In the most generic sense, the volumetric method measures porosity and gas adsorption by expanding a reference volume of gas to a sample material and the change on the resulting pressure of the system. To apply this method to a multicomponent system where different species are different in the amount of adsorption and speed, it is necessary to monitor the composition of the gas phase in addition to total pressure. In this work, gas composition is monitored using a quadrupole mass spectrometer continuously, enabling Ar, Kr, and Xe to be measured concurrently.

Tests were first conducted on natural clinoptilolite samples which were vacuum-dried and then were exposed to dry air. Relatively little Ar is adsorbed under all conditions tested. However, the heavier noble gases Kr and Xe continue to exhibit significant adsorption effects in vacuum-dried clinoptilolite, despite the overwhelming abundance of nitrogen and oxygen. When the samples were additionally exposed to wet air with different humidity levels, the quantity of Kr and Xe adsorbed was significantly reduced. However, while the quantity of Xe adsorbing was most significantly reduced between 0% to 8 % relative humidity, non-negligible Kr adsorption persisted up to at least 55% relative humidity, the highest humidity level tested. As Kr continued to adsorb, albeit to a lesser degree, but Xe did not, this indicates the reduction in noble gas adsorption is not simply a function of surface coverage. To further explore this phenomenon, additional zeolitic materials, both pure mineral phases and heterogenous rock samples, will be examined.

As this work shows that water can not only to decrease the total adsorption significantly but also can potentially differentiate gas compositions. Consequently, the scenarios where radioactive noble gases can be modeled as being conservative tracer gases may vary with both environmental conditions as well as subsurface geology. In systems where there is appreciable noble gas adsorption occurring, the timing and magnitude of radioactive noble gas signatures may be altered as observed by the International Monitoring System or during a potential On-Site Inspection.

Sandia National Laboratories is a multimission laboratory managed and operated by National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Honeywell International Inc., for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-NA0003525.

How to cite: Paul, M., Xu, G., Powell, M., Hearne, G., and Greathouse, J.: Noble Gas Adsorption onto Zeolitic Materials in Atmospheric Conditions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10471,, 2023.

A seismic moment tensor (MT, a 3x3 matrix) is a general source representation of various seismic events under the point source assumption, which is generally valid for small-to-medium size earthquakes. A full MT can be decomposed into isotropic (ISO), compensated linear vector dipole (CLVD), and double-couple (DC) components. The ISO represents the explosion/collapse source process that involves volumetric changes. Therefore, the relative significance of the ISO component, which can be learned from inverting seismic waveforms, is an essential indicator to discriminate between earthquakes and explosive events. However, an intrinsic ISO-CLVD tradeoff impedes resolving shallow explosive sources due to the high similarity of long-period waveforms at regional distances. Even though this tradeoff can be mitigated by extra constraints such as teleseismic P-waves, there is still an urgent need for advanced inversion algorithms to explore the solution space thoroughly. Apart from that, a rigorous uncertainty estimate is required to constrain the source better. Firstly, the inversion should consider the data noise. Secondly, the theory error primarily due to imperfect knowledge of Earth's structure is also significant but proven difficult to treat. Here, we propose a new Bayesian MT inversion scheme with affine-invariant ensemble samplers to explore the MT parameter space accounting for data and theory errors. Carefully designed synthetic experiments indicate the advantage of the newly developed method in resolving the isotropic components of a shallow seismic source. Our application to DPRK tests reveals a similar source mechanism dominated by a high ISO and significant CLVD components, including a small DC component. This study aims to characterize shallow explosive sources' physics better, thus helping verify compliance with the CTBT.  

How to cite: Hu, J., Phạm, T.-S., and Tkalčić, H.: Characterizing Isotropic Source Component of DPRK Nuclear Tests by Affine-invariant Bayesian Samplers with Uncertainty Estimate for Data Noise and Theory Error, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10667,, 2023.

EGU23-11059 | ECS | Posters on site | NH8.1

Determination of the frequency response of seismic and infrasonic IMS station sensors using a traceable on-site calibration approach 

Michaela Schwardt, Christoph Pilger, Samuel Kristoffersen, Franck Larsonnier, Leonard Klaus, Thomas Bruns, and Lars Ceranna

As part of the joint research project "Metrology for low-frequency sound and vibration - 19ENV03 Infra-AUV" laboratory calibration methods for seismometers and microbarometers in the low frequency range down to 0.01 Hz have been developed. These procedures provide the possibility of traceable on-site calibration during operation for field sensors of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization’s (CTBTO) International Monitoring System (IMS). The traceable calibration allows for accurate amplitude and phase information as well as for an assignment of uncertainties in amplitude and phase. Thereby, data quality and the identification of treaty-relevant events is improved. The on-site calibration procedure requires a reference sensor with a precise and traceable response function which is provided by the newly developed laboratory calibration methods, as well as the record of sufficient coherent excitation signals within the relevant frequency range. The reference sensors can be installed as transfer standards co-located to the operational IMS station sensors without disturbing their regular measurements for treaty validation purposes.

At IMS stations PS19 and IS26 in Germany we performed on-site calibration tests with both seismometers and microbarometers calibrated in the laboratories at PTB and CEA, respectively, using signals from different natural and anthropogenic excitation sources. Following the approach of Gabrielson (2011) with modifications from Charbit et al. (2015) and Green et al. (2021), the gain ratio between the station sensor under test and the reference sensor is calculated. By multiplying the gain ratio with the precise frequency response of the reference, the frequency response function for both magnitude and phase of the station sensors including site-specific factors such as the wind noise reduction system or possible effects of pre-amplifiers and data loggers are determined.

We present calibration results derived from the comparison of IMS station sensors with the laboratory-calibrated instruments along with the nominal responses. The results show agreement with deviations of less than 5% from the nominal response function for frequencies below 10 Hz for all components. The traceable determination of the response for the individual components in detail improves the sensor quality; subsequently waveform amplitudes can be estimated correctly.

How to cite: Schwardt, M., Pilger, C., Kristoffersen, S., Larsonnier, F., Klaus, L., Bruns, T., and Ceranna, L.: Determination of the frequency response of seismic and infrasonic IMS station sensors using a traceable on-site calibration approach, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11059,, 2023.

EGU23-12220 | Orals | NH8.1

Advancing the Support to the Radionuclide Monitoring Verification Technology of the CTBT with the 1st Nuclear Explosion Signal Screening Open Intercomparison Exercise 2021 

Robin Schoemaker, Jolanta Kusmierczyk-Michulec, Boxue Liu, Anne Tipka, Yuichi Kijima, Jonathan Bare, Martin Kalinowski, Christian Maurer, Paul Skomorowski, Alexander Hieden, Delia Arnold-Arias, Ramesh Sarathi, Brian Schrom, Jennifer Mendez, and Jerome Brioude

Radionuclide monitoring is one of the verification technologies of the global verification system of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT). This global network of sampling stations senses the air 24/7 for suspect noble gases and/or particulates. For noble gases this task is non-trivial due to the ever-present and highly variable background levels of the four radioxenon isotopes that are relevant for CTBT monitoring. An extensive, global effort was initiated to better estimate the civil radioxenon background based on known sources and end up with a more reliable event screening. This challenge, called “1st Nuclear Explosion Signal Screening Open Inter-Comparison Exercise 2021,” provided an assessment of a chain of multilevel, multidisciplinary scientific analyses and built on three previous atmospheric transport modelling (ATM) Challenges. It’s a first since it explored integrating both ATM and radionuclide statistical expertise to characterize the detection, time, location, and source strength of an anomalous event. The exercise ran through 2022 and was a collaboration between participants from around the world who utilized a comprehensive pre-developed test data set based on explosion release scenarios, xenon measurements and emission inventories, and atmospheric transport data provided by the ATM software FLEXPART. The data set was composed of synthetic activity concentrations of the simulated nuclear explosion signals added to the radioxenon measurements at the International Monitoring Station (IMS). Three levels of participation were offered, requiring different areas of expertise: 1) ATM expertise only, where participants simulated radioxenon background time series at the 23 IMS stations to be used as input for screening synthetic radioxenon measurements based on a set of predefined statistical methods; 2) radionuclide expertise, where participants provided their own methods and results for detection, screening, and timing powers; and 3) higher-level ATM and statistical expertise, where, in addition to Level 2, results were provided for location and magnitude estimates for a few selected test cases. This paper gives a general overview of the exercise and provides highlights and discusses the key results.

How to cite: Schoemaker, R., Kusmierczyk-Michulec, J., Liu, B., Tipka, A., Kijima, Y., Bare, J., Kalinowski, M., Maurer, C., Skomorowski, P., Hieden, A., Arnold-Arias, D., Sarathi, R., Schrom, B., Mendez, J., and Brioude, J.: Advancing the Support to the Radionuclide Monitoring Verification Technology of the CTBT with the 1st Nuclear Explosion Signal Screening Open Intercomparison Exercise 2021, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12220,, 2023.

Various techniques of Atmospheric Transport Modelling were applied after the announced nuclear tests conducted by the DPRK in order to support the analysis of potentially connected radionuclide detections. Forward dispersion forecasts from the test-site predicted potentially affected IMS stations; forward ATM for known background sources assessed their potential contribution to measured concentrations.

In case of detections, backward ATM has shown consistency with certain emitter locations and identified coincident source regions for multiple detections.

The presentation gives a comprehensive overview how ATM supported the analysis within the German NDC for all six nuclear test explosions announced by the DPRK.  It is particularly in focus how potential interference with known background sources had an impact on the assessment. In several cases, measurements of releases from nuclear facilities caused ambiguous radioxenon detections in the aftermath of DPRK tests.    

Finally, for two DPRK tests (2009 and 2016-Sep) it was not possible to identify potentially related radioxenon detections, for two tests there were consistent but not conclusive detections of Xe-133 only  (2016-Jan, 2017) and for two tests there were matching isotopic ratios and fitting atmospheric conditions (2006, 2013) indicating strong evidence for the actual nuclear fission event.

How to cite: Ross, J. O., Gaebler, P., and Ceranna, L.: Atmospheric Transport Modelling for potential releases and detections of radioxenon possibly connected with nuclear test explosions conducted in North Korea, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13272,, 2023.

EGU23-13404 | Posters on site | NH8.1

Traceable Calibration of Seismometers 

Leonard Klaus, Franck Larsonnier, Jacob Holm Winther, Michaela Schwardt, Michael Kobusch, and Thomas Bruns

At present, seismometers are not traceably calibrated. This means that their output sensitivity is not determined in a way that is traceable to the International Systems of Units (SI). The European research project 19ENV03 Infra-AUV, which is part of the EMPIR programme, develops methods and procedures to enable such traceable calibrations.

In contrast to many other sensors, seismometers are operated stationary in their typical measurement application, i.e., they must not be moved after their deployment. Conventional calibration approaches which involve a laboratory calibration of the seismometer to be calibrated are therefore not feasible. For this reason, a new concept currently developed by different European partners within the Infra-AUV project proposes an on-site calibration scheme.

For the on-site calibration, a reference seismometer is traceably calibrated to the SI in a laboratory. This reference is then used on-site to provide a secondary calibration of other seismometers, e.g. in a seismic station, using natural excitation sources [Schwardt et al., 2022, DOI: 10.1007/s10712-022-09713-4].

The calibration of reference seismometers in the laboratory is carried out as a primary calibration. This means that the measured quantity (the velocity-proportional voltage output) is compared to a different quantity, in this case to a dynamic displacement measurement traced back to the units length and time, which can be measured very precisely by laser interferometry. In this calibration, the seismometer is excited with low-frequency mechanical vibrations generated by electrodynamic exciters. These calibrations must be performed for the horizontal and vertical axes. The frequency range of interest is from 20 Hz down to 0.01 Hz, depending on the seismometer under test. Either mono-frequency sinusoidal excitations of different frequencies are applied subsequently, or multiple frequencies are excited simultaneously using a multi-sine approach. The magnitudes and phases of both measured signals, the interferometric reference and the seismometer under test, are determined by using sine approximation algorithms or by applying a discrete Fourier transform (DFT).

The results of the laboratory calibration, the transfer function of the reference seismometer, can then be derived from the ratios of the measured magnitudes and the differences of the phase angles for the different excitation frequencies. In addition, the associated measurement uncertainties are estimated and are part of the calibration result. Influences that may change the sensitivity of a seismometer, e.g., temperature effects, electromagnetic sensitivity, or ground stiffness need to be analysed and additionally taken into account for the uncertainty estimation.

For the uncertainty of the on-site calibration, differences between the laboratory and the on-site environment also need to be taken into account. This includes, for example, aspects like typically different temperatures or different ground materials.

How to cite: Klaus, L., Larsonnier, F., Winther, J. H., Schwardt, M., Kobusch, M., and Bruns, T.: Traceable Calibration of Seismometers, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13404,, 2023.

EGU23-13437 | Posters on site | NH8.1

Calibration of sensors for airborne infrasound utilizing the hydrostatic pressure gradient 

Christoph Kling, Marvin Rust, and Christian Koch

The reliable and comparable assessment of any physical quantity requires traceability to the international system of units (SI). Sound pressure is traditionally quantified using measurement microphones as transfer standards, for which the established primary calibration methods are currently limited to frequencies of 2 Hz and higher. These frequencies do not fully cover the range of interest for the International Monitoring System (IMS). For this reason, multiple calibration methods for airborne infrasound based on different physical principles are currently in development.

In this poster, a primary calibration method for the realization of the unit Pascal and a secondary calibration method for the transfer of the unit to field devices are presented. The primary calibration method utilizes the vertical gradient of the ambient pressure as stimulus. Moving a microphone periodically up and down subjects it to an alternating pressure with calculable amplitude. The secondary calibration, which transfers the unit to field devices such as microbarometers, is conducted as a comparison calibration in a closed chamber. Both the reference microphone and a device under test are placed in a closed chamber and subjected to a low-frequency alternating pressure. The sensitivity of the device under test is determined by comparison to the reference.

These methods extend the frequency range for the calibration of sensors for airborne infrasound to lower frequencies and improve the reliability of the assessment of airborne infrasound. In this contribution, the capabilities and limitations of both measurement setups are discussed.

How to cite: Kling, C., Rust, M., and Koch, C.: Calibration of sensors for airborne infrasound utilizing the hydrostatic pressure gradient, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13437,, 2023.

EGU23-13793 | Posters on site | NH8.1

Extension of reciprocity calibration of microphones to frequencies below 1 Hz 

Erling Sandermann Olsen

For many years, primary measurement standards of sound pressure have been realized by calibration of laboratory standard, LS, microphones with the reciprocity calibration technique specified in international standard IEC 61094-2. Recent BIPM key comparisons, CCAUV.A-K5 and CCAUV.A-K6, have extended the lower frequency limit of the method from 20 Hz to 2 Hz, but with known uncertainty on the standard’s models of thermos-viscous effects and acoustic impedance of the microphones, which in practice prevented further excursion to lower frequencies. This uncertainty has now been minimized with improved calculation methods that have been included in an amendment to the standard, IEC 61094-2 AMD1. These developments have opened the possibility of reducing significantly the lower frequency limit of the method, subject to practical considerations.

A significant advantage of extending the frequency range of the reciprocity technique to the low frequencies targeted in the Infra-AUV project is that it will enable one primary method to cover the entire frequency range of pressure sensitivity from quasi-static pressure variations at 40 mHz, or lower, to 10 kHz for LS1 (one-inch LS) microphones.

With the reliable calculations of the acoustic properties of air in cylindrical cavities at low frequencies now available, the dominating challenge of extending the reciprocity technique to frequencies below 2 Hz has been to ensure a very low, and at the same time highly reproducible, cut-off frequency of the necessary static pressure equalization of the cylindrical cavities, couplers, used in the calibrations. Prototype couplers have been developed in the project that solves this challenge. The achieved reproducibility of reciprocity calibrations at frequencies down to 25 mHz and some independent verification of the results will be presented.

How to cite: Olsen, E. S.: Extension of reciprocity calibration of microphones to frequencies below 1 Hz, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13793,, 2023.

EGU23-14132 | Posters on site | NH8.1

Monitoring and Data Quality Issues of Mining Activites Around BRTR, Turkiye 

Cem Destici, Korhan Şemin, Serdar Koçak, and Haluk Özener

Bogazici University-Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute (KOERI) is operating IMS Primary Seismic Station (PS-43) under Belbasi Nuclear Tests Monitoring Center for the verification of compliance with the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) since February 2000. PS-43 is composed of two seismic arrays (Ankara and Keskin). The medium-period array equipped with Guralp CMG-3TB instruments is located in the capital city of Ankara whereas the short-period array with Geotech 23900 sensors is located in Keskin. The data quality of the some of the array elements are degraded by the quarry blasts especially if there is an earthquake occurred at the same time with the explosion. There are more than 10 operational stone quarries spread across the city and there are more applications for new quarries each year. In this study, we show the importance of monitoring the quarry activities for the operation of the Turkish NDC. For this purpose, each blast is detected by automatically using cross-correlation and confirmed manually by the analyst.

How to cite: Destici, C., Şemin, K., Koçak, S., and Özener, H.: Monitoring and Data Quality Issues of Mining Activites Around BRTR, Turkiye, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14132,, 2023.

EGU23-16259 | Posters on site | NH8.1

Twenty years of IDC Reviewed Event Bulletin (REB) statistics using data from a sparse IMS network to one reaching near completion 

Haijun Wang, Gerard Rambolamanana, Gerhard Graham, Ronan Le Bras, Paulina Bittner, Tea Mumladze, Ali Kasmi, Ali Sherif Mohamed, Ehsan Chegeni Ehsan, Marcela Villarroel, David Applbaum, Mariia Makhonina, and Jimenez Aaron Joseph Gutierrez

As of 14 December 2020, almost 90% of the IMS facilities (including radionuclide laboratories) were built and certified, data is transmitted in either real-time or on request from IMS stations to IDC for processing and analyzing. IDC analysts review automatic bulletins generated continuously and release the Reviewed Event Bulletin (REB) on a daily basis since February 2000. We present the statistics of mostly natural seismicity waveform events processed and analyzed over the past 20 years, as the network grew in size and became established. Multiple parameters including magnitude for those events associated with detections from seismic, hydroacoustic and infrasonic stations are analyzed. Techniques and rules related to waveform data analysis and the need to correct the automatic bulletin are discussed. This discussion should be beneficial for analysts work and data processing system optimization.

How to cite: Wang, H., Rambolamanana, G., Graham, G., Le Bras, R., Bittner, P., Mumladze, T., Kasmi, A., Mohamed, A. S., Chegeni Ehsan, E., Villarroel, M., Applbaum, D., Makhonina, M., and Joseph Gutierrez, J. A.: Twenty years of IDC Reviewed Event Bulletin (REB) statistics using data from a sparse IMS network to one reaching near completion, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16259,, 2023.

EGU23-1593 | Posters on site | NH8.2

Indoor Radon Measurements in public and private buildings in the Ciampino municipality and its risk perception assessment 

Alessandra Sciarra, Luca Pizzino, Livio Ruggiero, Gianfranco Galli, Tullio Ricci, Giancarlo Ciotoli, Rosella Nave, Stefano Graziani, Stanley E. Beaubien, and Sabina Bigi

Radon is a natural radioactive gas produced by the decay of its parent nuclide in bearing rocks and soils. Inhalation of radon gas poses a serious risk for human health and the World Health Organization stated the doubtless correlation between long exposure to radon gas and lung cancer. In this context, 76 indoor radon measurements in private and public buildings were performed in the Ciampino municipality. This study was carried out within the framework of the LIFE-Respire project. Indoor radon concentration was measured by using passive nuclear track detectors (CR-39) and analysed using RADOSYS system at INGV Radionuclides laboratory. Measurements were carried out in winter and summer seasons to assess the range of seasonal fluctuations, as recognised elsewhere. Results show a substantial increase of maximum indoor values in winter (up to 1575 Bq/m3) that are two times higher than those measured in the summer period (up to 764 Bq/m3). The annual mean and median values (283 and 203 Bq/m3, respectively) are both below the EU recommended limit of 300 Bq/m3.

Moreover, a questionnaire on radon risk perception was designed for the specific context of the LIFE-Respire project and distributed in a sample of residents and students in the Municipality of Ciampino to measure, among many other aspects, the salience of the hazard, knowledge of the hazard and of hazard mitigation strategies, perceived preparedness of and trust in officials, sources of received information and preferred methods of receiving information, and the level of interest in the project approach (including remediation measures).

How to cite: Sciarra, A., Pizzino, L., Ruggiero, L., Galli, G., Ricci, T., Ciotoli, G., Nave, R., Graziani, S., Beaubien, S. E., and Bigi, S.: Indoor Radon Measurements in public and private buildings in the Ciampino municipality and its risk perception assessment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1593,, 2023.

EGU23-1604 | Posters on site | NH8.2

Study of the origin of soil 222Rn and 220Rn activities in Taylor Valley, Antarctica. 

Livio Ruggiero, Alessandra Sciarra, Paola Tuccimei, Gianfranco Galli, Adriano Mazzini, Claudio Mazzoli, Maria Chiara Tartarello, Fabio Florindo, Gary Wilson, Martina Mattia, Laura Tositti, Pietro Morozzi, Eleonora Benà, Sabina Bigi, Raffaele Sassi, Jacob Anderson, and Giancarlo Ciotoli

Warming global climate threatens the stability of the polar regions and may result in cascading broad impacts. Studies conducted on permafrost in the Arctic regions indicate that these areas may store almost twice the carbon currently present in the atmosphere. Therefore, permafrost thawing has the potential to magnify the warming effect by doubling the more direct anthropogenic impact from burning of fossil fuels, agriculture and changes in land use. Permafrost thawing may also intensify the Rn transport due to the increase of fluid saturation and permeability of the soil. A detailed study of 222Rn and 220Rn activity levels in polar soils constitutes a starting point to investigate gas migration processes as a function of the thawing permafrost. Although several studies have been carried out in the Arctic regions, there is little data available from the Southern Hemisphere. The Italian – New Zealand “SENECA” project aims to fill this gap and to provide the first evaluations of gas concentrations and emissions from permafrost and/or thawed shallow strata of the Taylor Valley, Antarctica. Taylor Valley is one of the few Antarctic regions that are not covered by ice and therefore is an ideal target for permafrost investigations. Results from our field measurements highlight very low values for 222Rn and higher values for 220Rn, suggesting a shallow source. Usually the measured 222Rn activity values are controlled by the radionuclide content in the soil, the temperature of the soil, the porosity of the soil, and the water content. We applied the Akerblom formula to calculate the radon at equilibrium with the activity concentration of the 226Ra on the collected soil samples, and the presence of 222Rn amounts higher than those naturally produced by the outcropping sediments is detected. These results demonstrate the presence of preferential gas pathways through the permafrost from a deep source. It is the first time that this type of study has been performed in Antarctica and can make a significant contribution to understanding the melting permafrost processes and its implications for the environment. This dataset also represents an important benchmark for future measurements to track the melt progress of Antarctic permafrost.

How to cite: Ruggiero, L., Sciarra, A., Tuccimei, P., Galli, G., Mazzini, A., Mazzoli, C., Tartarello, M. C., Florindo, F., Wilson, G., Mattia, M., Tositti, L., Morozzi, P., Benà, E., Bigi, S., Sassi, R., Anderson, J., and Ciotoli, G.: Study of the origin of soil 222Rn and 220Rn activities in Taylor Valley, Antarctica., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1604,, 2023.

EGU23-2319 | Orals | NH8.2

Using outdoor radon and radon flux to predict areas with high radon risk 

Sebastian Baumann, Valeria Gruber, Eric Peterman, and Giorgia Cinelli

Radon is a radioactive noble gas built in the uranium – radium decay chain. Accumulated indoor radon concentrations can cause lung cancer. The reduction of indoor radon concentrations is a health political topic, noticing indoor radon is a large source of radiation exposure. The delineation of areas with high radon risk is an essential task to effective implement radon protection measures. The methods for delineation range from aggregate statistics of indoor radon concentrations to data driven machine-learning techniques with multiple predictors.

The main factors determining indoor radon concentrations are geogenic parameters (e.g. uranium content, permeability of the soil), building characteristics (e.g. sealing against the underground) and using habits (e.g. air exchange rate). Radon is not only a radiation protection topic. Outdoor radon and radon flux is used in atmospheric sciences as tracer for greenhouse gases and as input variable for atmospheric modelling.

We investigate the possibility using outdoor radon and radon flux to predict areas with high radon risk, by comparing these parameters with other parameters used for radon risk prediction as geological information, uranium content of the soil or weather data. We use the gridded indoor radon concentrations of the European Atlas of Natural Radiation as basis to define if an area shows high indoor radon concentrations. We perform a correlation analysis of the above-mentioned parameters. Further, we predict the gridded indoor radon concentrations with a random forest model and calculate feature importance for the selected model to investigate which parameters have the most impact on the prediction.

This research is part of project 19ENV01 traceRadon.  The project 19ENV01 traceRadon has received funding from the EMPIR programme co-financed by the Participating States and from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.

How to cite: Baumann, S., Gruber, V., Peterman, E., and Cinelli, G.: Using outdoor radon and radon flux to predict areas with high radon risk, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2319,, 2023.

The Irish population receives most of its annual average radiation dose from radon (including thoron), but there is considerable spatial variation in parameters that affect these concentrations. An assessment of natural radioactivity levels and radon and thoron exhalation rates was conducted in County Carlow and Kilkenny, where evidence of "high indoor radon" concentrations was found. Background data used in this study include airborne radiometric data and stream sediment geochemistry from the TELLUS project, and indoor radon concentrations as supplied by Ireland’s Environmental Protection Agency. Based on the analysis of these datasets, a set of soil samples was taken from the study area in the first phase of the project. The exhalation rates of radon and thoron for collected samples were determined in the laboratory. The resultant data were classified based on geological and soil type parameters. Geological boundaries were found to be robust classifiers for radon exhalation rates and radon-related variables, whilst soil type classification better differentiates thoron exhalation rates and correlated variables. In the second part of the project, a detailed investigation of geogenic radon potential (GRP) was carried out in an identified hotspot area near Graiguenamanagh town (County Kilkenny, Ireland) by using spatial regression analysis of radon-related variables to evaluate the exposure of people to natural radiation (radon, thoron and gamma radiation). To model radon release potential at different points, an ordinary least squared (OLS) regression model was developed in which soil gas radon (SGR) concentrations were considered as the response value. Proxy variables such as radionuclide concentrations obtained from airborne radiometric surveys, soil gas permeability, distance from major faults, and a digital terrain model were used as input predictors. ArcGIS and QGIS software together with XLSTAT statistical software were used to visualise, analyse and validate the data and models. The proposed GRP models were validated through diagnostic tests. Empirical Bayesian kriging (EBK) was used to produce a map of the spatial distribution of predicted GRP values and to estimate the prediction uncertainty. The methodology described here can be extended for larger areas and the models could be utilised to estimate the GRPs of other areas where radon-related proxy values are available.

How to cite: M. Aghdam, M., Rocha, C., and Crowley, Q.: A Detailed Investigation and Modeling of Natural Radioactivity Levels and Radon/Thoron Release Potentials in Southeastern Ireland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2821,, 2023.

EGU23-4528 * | Orals | NH8.2 | Highlight

Can citizen science ambient dose rate data (Safecast) be used for predicting indoor radon? 

Peter Bossew, Giorgia Cinelli, Javier Elío, and Eric Petermann

Radium-226, part of the 238U decay chain, which is ubiquitous in the ground, generates a terrestrial gamma ray field which can be detected above ground, through its strongly gamma radiating progeny 214Bi and 214Pb and to minor degree through 226Ra itself. The measurand is ambient dose equivalent rate, ADER, nSv/h, that also includes contribution from cosmic rays and other terrestrial radionuclides (i.e. 40K and 232Th decay chain). On the other hand, its decay produces 222Rn (here shortly Rn) which can migrate through the ground and lead to measurable Rn concentration (Bq/m³) in ambient media, namely soil, ground water and the indoor and outdoor atmosphere. One can therefore expect that originating from the same source, ADER and Rn are statistically related and ADER may serve as predictor of Rn related quantities, such as mean Rn concentration over an area, its probability to exceed a level or the status of an area as radon priority area. However, as the pathway from Ra in the ground to ambient Rn is complex, and as measured ADER has also other contributions than Ra, the relation must be expected to be blurred by nuisance factors, which pose a challenge to analysis.

A large and ever increasing dataset of ADER is freely available from the Citizen Science project Safecast [1], founded in Japan after the Fukushima accident 2011. It has since spread over the entire world (with measurements in regionally very different density, though) and by late 2022, the dataset comprised 180M measurements, of which about 50M in Europe. The measurements were performed with a standard instrument called bGeigie nano, of which several 1000 circulate around the globe, used by voluntary citizen scientists who send their data to Safecast. On the other hand, in Europe a good indoor Rn concentration (IRC) database is available, based on about 1.2M individual measurements [2], as well as an interpolated European IRC map [3].

Thus, we relate ADER (Safecast) with IRC and derived quantities, both aggregated on a common 10 km × 10 km grid. Raw ADER is reduced by cosmic dose rate (related to altitude a.s.l., accessible from digital elevation database) and mean internal detector background. Since it can be assumed that ADER on a point depends on its urbanization status (due to the influence of building materials which also contain gamma radiating nuclides), this factor is also investigated. 

First results are promising and will be shown in the presentation.



[2] European Commission, Joint Research Centre – Cinelli, G., De Cort, M. & Tollefsen, T. (Eds.), European Atlas of Natural Radiation,

[3] Elío J., et al. (2019): The first version of the Pan-European Indoor Radon Map. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 19, 2451–2464,

How to cite: Bossew, P., Cinelli, G., Elío, J., and Petermann, E.: Can citizen science ambient dose rate data (Safecast) be used for predicting indoor radon?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4528,, 2023.

EGU23-4985 | Posters on site | NH8.2

Radon dynamic and air quality in the Rull cave (southeast Spain) 

David Benavente, Concepción Pla, María Candela Ruiz, Sara Gil-Oncina, Noé García-Martínez, Juan Carlos Cañaveras, Soledad Cuezva, Angel Fernández-Cortés, and Sergio Sánchez-Moral

In poor-ventilated caves, indoor gases can seasonally reach concentrations much higher than normal atmospheric values, which may become a critical health risk. In this study, we investigate the cave atmosphere of the Rull cave in terms of assessing the cave air quality and understanding the cave dynamics. Rull cave is located in Vall d’Ebo (Alicante, southeast Spain). It is a karstic cave developed in massive Miocene conglomerates and Cretaceous limestones. Above the cave, the silty-silty loam soil profile has a thickness below 1 m. Inside the cave, calcite speleothems and cave sediments are widely present. The uranium and thorium concentrations are higher for the soil and cave sediments, and minor for host-rock, and lower for speleothems. Moreover, both soil and cave sediments are powder materials, and the emanation is enhanced in comparison to host-rock and speleothems, although their volume in the cave is higher than soil and cave sediments.

At the cave location and for a decade-long monitoring period (November 2012 - July 2022), the prevailing meteorological conditions in terms of temperature and relative humidity were 16.1 ºC and 69.9%, respectively, on daily average values. The average annual precipitation is 553 mm. In the cave interior and besides the presence of visitors (15000 visitors/year), mean temperature (16.2 °C) and relative humidity (97.6%) maintain stable values.

In an annual cycle, the cave presents two different gaseous stages (stagnation and ventilation). Maximum average values of CO2 and 222Rn concentration (3966 ppm and 4185 Bq/m3) are reached within the stagnation stage (April/May to September). On the contrary, in the ventilation stage (October to March/April) the cave reaches the lowest concentrations in its inner atmosphere (478 ppm and 404 Bq/m3).

The spatial distribution of gases in the cave is dependent on the air density gradient between the cave and the outer atmosphere and controls the seasonal variations of both gases. The emanation of 222Rn from cave sediments, host-rock, and speleothems, contributes to increasing and maintaining a nearly 222Rn cave concentration during the stagnation stage. Dripping water degassing might also contribute to raising gas concentrations in caves. However, in Rull cave dripping waters are not abundant and thus the contribution of CO2 or 222Rn degassing from seepage waters to increase cave gaseous concentration might be low.

The continuous monitoring of Rull cave provides substantial information about the environmental situation of the cave atmosphere in terms of air quality for visitors and cave guides. The maximum average concentrations of CO2 and 222Rn in Rull cave and exposition times and doses comply with the recommendations of the legislation. Considering 222Rn, accurate planning of the cave guides and visitors during the stagnation stage is recommended to be less exposed to ionizing radiation due to the presence of radon gas.

How to cite: Benavente, D., Pla, C., Ruiz, M. C., Gil-Oncina, S., García-Martínez, N., Cañaveras, J. C., Cuezva, S., Fernández-Cortés, A., and Sánchez-Moral, S.: Radon dynamic and air quality in the Rull cave (southeast Spain), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4985,, 2023.

EGU23-5816 * | Orals | NH8.2 | Highlight

Reliable radon flux observations for supporting Radiation Protection and GreenHouse Gase reduction strategies 

Claudia Grossi, Scott Chambers, Daniel Rabago, Luis Quindos, Roger Curcoll, Viacheslav Morosh, Stefan Röttger, Alessandro Rizzo, Marta Fuente, and Arturo Vargas

The noble and radioactive gas radon is well known to be the most important source of public exposure to natural environmental radioactivity in indoor environments (workplaces, homes, etc.). Consequently, it is important to identify radon-prone areas, where radon fluxes are high, and also to develop and apply mitigation measures when radon activity concentrations of indoor areas exceed guideline values.

However, radon is also known by the climate and atmospheric research communities to be a useful environmental tracer and it is nowadays being used in several studies such as the improvement of atmospheric transport models or the indirect estimation of GHG fluxes by the Radon Tracer Method. These previous applications will benefit from the availability of radon flux maps.

Stakeholders and scientists involved in radiation protection and climate analysis may benefit from reliable continuous radon flux measurements to validate and improve existing and future radon flux maps. In the framework of the project traceRadon (EMPIR reference 19ENV01) a full metrology chain has been designed and built for radon flux measurements.

The work and the challenges related to this type of measurement will be presented here together with possible guidelines for carrying out continuous radon flux measurements in the field.

How to cite: Grossi, C., Chambers, S., Rabago, D., Quindos, L., Curcoll, R., Morosh, V., Röttger, S., Rizzo, A., Fuente, M., and Vargas, A.: Reliable radon flux observations for supporting Radiation Protection and GreenHouse Gase reduction strategies, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5816,, 2023.

EGU23-6245 | ECS | Orals | NH8.2

Radioactivity and volcanic areas: radon concentrations in waters from the unresting Campi Flegrei caldera and other volcanoes in Southern Italy using a RAD7 radon detector 

Raffaella Silvia Iovine, Rosario Avino, Emilio Cuoco, Carmine Minopoli, Alessandro Santi, Stefano Caliro, Antonio Piersanti, Gianfranco Galli, and Monica Piochi

This study, conducted in the frame of the Pianeta Dinamico project funded by Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, aims to improve the knowledge of radon concentration dissolved in several different waters from some of the Italian volcanic areas and its relationships with lithological and structural settings, fluid chemistry and circulation, volcano dynamics.

The study mainly focuses on 222Rn variations over time in thermal waters of the Campi Flegrei caldera at NW of Naples, an active volcanic field hosting an important geothermal system and one of the most dangerous calderas in the world. The caldera, part of the SW-NE trending fissure-like feeding system of the Phlegraean Volcanic District including also Ischia island, lastly erupted in 1538 and, since 2000, has been under a permanent unrest with up 1 metres of uplift, thousands of earthquakes and tons of CO2 emissions.

25 sites were sampled and analysed for dissolved 222Rn levels at least twice per year since October 2021; starting from October 2022, 5 waters were then selected for monthly monitoring with the goal of unravelling exogenous (e.g., temperature or rainfall) versus endogenous processes relationships.

In order to compare radon concentrations in the caldera with those in the volcanic context of southern Italy, we sampled and analysed as follows: a) 23 cold waters at Somma-Vesuvius, the stratovolcano placed at the intersection of regional NW–SE and NE–SW fault systems east of Naples, showing mild gaseous emissions after the 1944 eruption; b) 8 cold waters from the north of Campi Flegrei caldera, i.e. 7 from a multi-layer aquifer at the base of the extinct Roccamonfina stratovolcano and 1 water at Minturno (northern edge of Roccamonfina); c) 1 thermal water belonging to Ischia at the NW corner of the Gulf of Naples; d) 3 thermal waters of the Vulcano island from the Sicilian Aeolian Arc, characterised by vigorous seismic and fumarolic degassing activities that has shown an abrupt increase on August 2021.

The waters are springs, lakes, pools, and groundwater; two are from Le Fumose (Campi Flegrei) and Porto Ponente (Vulcano) submerged emissions.

Measurements have been performed by a Radon-in-air detector (RAD7®, Durridge Co.) equipped with Big Bottle RAD H2O and DRYSTIK accessories and processed using the CAPTURE program.

Campi Flegrei reaches the highest radon concentrations, varying from 0.20 ± 0.03 to ~1887 ± 13 Bq/L. Somma-Vesuvius shows from almost no radon to 24 ± 1 Bq/L, and Ischia is at 54 ± 2 Bq/L.

Roccamonfina area has a discrete variability from 0.2 ± 0.1 to ~ 71 ± 7 Bq/L at SE, being 9.0 ± 0.4 Bq/L at Minturno.

Vulcano island attains the lowest detected concentrations, less than 2.4 ± 1.0 Bq/L.

Dealing with different areas, the presented results lay the groundwork for better understanding radon behaviour and evaluating the implications on environmental and volcanic hazards assessment. At Campi Flegrei where, in 2012, the alert level was raised from base to warning, radon should be useful to investigate processes from which volcanic dynamics originates and to corroborate the monitoring outcomes.

How to cite: Iovine, R. S., Avino, R., Cuoco, E., Minopoli, C., Santi, A., Caliro, S., Piersanti, A., Galli, G., and Piochi, M.: Radioactivity and volcanic areas: radon concentrations in waters from the unresting Campi Flegrei caldera and other volcanoes in Southern Italy using a RAD7 radon detector, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6245,, 2023.

EGU23-6423 | ECS | Posters on site | NH8.2 | Highlight

Estimating national indoor radon exposure at a high spatial resolution – improvements by a machine learning based probabilistic approach 

Eric Petermann, Peter Bossew, Nils Suhr, and Bernd Hoffmann

Accurate knowledge of indoor radon exposure is vital information for assessing radon-induced health effects, identifying radon prone areas or estimating the number of people affected by the exceedance of a specific radon concentration in a given area.

Large-scale measurement campaigns are usually the tool of choice for determining regional or national indoor radon exposure. These campaigns need to be representative in terms of all relevant factors governing indoor radon exposure (e.g., geogenic radon availability, distribution of people across floor levels, building types) for providing an unbiased estimate. In practice, creating a fully representative sample of the population is hardly achievable due to the multitude of relevant factors which cannot be fully controlled by sampling design. Further, estimating indoor radon exposure at a high spatial resolution (district or municipality scale) requires a large number of measurements which increases the financial and logistic effort dramatically. Therefore, predictive models are widely applied as a complementary tool for exposure assessment by utilizing available information on the relevant variables that determine indoor radon. However, these models are usually only able to explain a certain amount of the observed variability due to the absence of some relevant information (building-specific data on air tightness, ventilation rates etc.). As a consequence, model-based assessments tend to underestimate the true variability of indoor radon. 

In this study, we present a probabilistic approach that overcomes this shortcoming and intends to give a more realistic estimate of the true indoor radon distribution at several spatial resolutions. Our approach consists of the following steps:

1) fitting a random forest model utilizing 12 predictors to ~14,000 full-year indoor radon measurements in residential buildings in Germany;

2) predicting a range of quantiles of the expected indoor radon distribution for each floor level of each German residential building;

3) fitting a lognormal distribution to the estimated quantile data to approximate the building and floor level specific probability density function (PDF);

4) random sampling from this PDF with a sample size proportional to the population distribution;

5) aggregating results on several spatial scales. 

The benefits of this approach are 1) to allow an accurate exposure assessment even if surveys were not fully representative concerning the main controlling factors by utilizing high-resolution information on the spatial distribution of these factors via predictive models. 2) with a given amount of measurements, exposure distribution can be estimated at a much higher spatial resolution compared to basic aggregate statistics.  

How to cite: Petermann, E., Bossew, P., Suhr, N., and Hoffmann, B.: Estimating national indoor radon exposure at a high spatial resolution – improvements by a machine learning based probabilistic approach, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6423,, 2023.

EGU23-6710 | ECS | Orals | NH8.2

First radon dataset from the seismic area of north-eastern Sicily, Italy 

Davide Romano, Salvatore Magazù, Giuseppe Sabatino, Marcella Di Bella, and Francesco Italiano

North-eastern Sicily can be considered a radon-prone area due to the presence of a Variscan crystalline basement, that includes high-radionuclides content rocks such as low to high-grade metamorphites and felsic plutonic rocks. The area is also characterized by intense seismic activity: the Mw 7.1 seismic event that struck this area on 28th December 1908 is still the deadliest earthquake recorded in Europe, having caused more than 120,000 casualties. Despite the proven link between high radon concentrations and some geogenic and tectonic settings (e.g. seismogenic areas and volcanic and crystalline rock environments), no radiological data had been collected for north-eastern Sicily. In order to fill this gap, a series of radiological surveys were performed in a sector of this vulnerable area with the aim of determining the radon concentration in soil gases and groundwaters.

Radon dissolved in groundwater was derived in the range of 1.6–57.5 Bq L-1, well below the limit of 100 Bq L-1 set by the Italian Legislation (D. Lgs. 28/2016). Concerning soil gases, radon and thoron levels range from <1 to 81 kBq m-3 and from 3 to 123 kBq m-3, respectively. All those values are quite similar to those recorded in the adjacent Region of Calabria by previous studies.

Although the health risk due to ingestion and inhalation of groundwater can be neglected, the presence of several soil radon anomalies testifies a potentially harmful effect on the population. Radon index maps, built based on the measured radon concentration and the permeability of the soil, highlight that parts of the investigated area are characterized by an enhanced hazard. Those maps might have a useful role in preliminary screening activities related to the identification of the so-called Radon Priority Areas (EURATOM 59/2013 and Italian legislative decree 101/2020).

Soil-radon anomalous values seem to have a tectonic origin and are presumably associated with the presence of fault segments probably representing the on-land continuation of a transtensional fault zone located in the southern Tyrrhenian Sea between the Aeolian Island and the northern margin of Sicily. In this context, the seismic and radiological hazards are strictly connected, further complicating the mitigation strategies against those geological processes. Since this study illustrates the first radiological data collected in this sector of the southern Apennines of Italy, a lot of work has to be done in the near future. The main goals are to extend radon investigation in other sectors of north-eastern Sicily as well as to perform a series of indoor radon measurements to determine if a clear correlation exists between high soil radon areas and high indoor radon levels.  

How to cite: Romano, D., Magazù, S., Sabatino, G., Di Bella, M., and Italiano, F.: First radon dataset from the seismic area of north-eastern Sicily, Italy, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6710,, 2023.

Radon (222Rn) is a radioactive gas of the uranium-radium decay chain and occurs naturally in soil air. Primarily by diffusion, radon migrates to the surface and can accumulate in buildings, where it is harmful to human health because of its radioactivity. To tackle this particular health hazard, radon mitigation was recently introduced into national law. Among other things, the law demanded the designation of radon priority areas by the end of 2020. These areas are defined as administrative areas with a large proportion of land affected by high radon concentrations inside buildings. In the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg these areas were selected at municipality level based on a 10x10 km national map of geogenic radon potential (GRP) provided by the German Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) accompanied by a state-specific map of uranium concentrations. With the prospect of future designations, this work aims at replacing the national GRP map used in 2020 by a more sophisticated state-specific version. In doing so, we improve spatial resolution, focus on covariates that only represent the state-relevant features of geology and soil and move away from a kriging-based mapping approach towards machine learning.

This ongoing study is currently based on 580 radon measurements in soil gas at 1 m depth from different surveys spread irregularly over Baden-Wuerttemberg in southeast Germany. This point dataset is combined with a set of covariates from factors that influence radon concentrations such as soil parameters, geology, relief, climate and a map of uranium concentrations created from over 4000 heavy metal measurements. Modelling is done using a random forest (RF) approach as implemented in the R packages ranger and mlr3. Preliminary results indicate that the new GRP map with a spatial resolution of 250 m is highly useful in classifying communities as vulnerable areas, which were previously not called due to uncertain underlying data. In addition, model output confirms up to 80 % of already identified radon priority areas.

Machine learning algorithms such as RF with its precise learning progressions can be used to create GRP maps at regional scale at high resolution. Besides further improving the RF model, next steps will focus on explainable machine learning, i.e. to produce features that support policy makers in finding acceptance by the public in sight of a sensitive topic. This includes variable importance plots, uncertainty measures and maps representing areas of applicability. The latter will also be used to help guiding the ongoing radon measurement programme of Baden-Wuerttemberg, which currently comprises approximately 100 new locations per year.

How to cite: Kölbl, A. and Blaschek, M.: Identifying radon priority areas by mapping geogenic radon potential of soils in Baden-Wuerttemberg (Germany) using machine learning algorithms, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7114,, 2023.

EGU23-7476 | ECS | Posters on site | NH8.2

Mapping the Geogenic Radon Potential as a first step to define the Radon Priority Areas 

Eleonora Benà, Giancarlo Ciotoli, Livio Ruggiero, Eric Petermann, Peter Bossew, Claudio Mazzoli, Luca Verdi, and Raffaele Sassi

Radon (222Rn) is a radioactive gas considered the major source of ionizing radiation exposure for the population and several epidemiological studies provided evidence of its detrimental effects on human health. As a consequence, the World Health Organization classified this gas as the second cause of lung cancer after cigarettes smoking. A significant fraction of lung cancer can be attributed to the indoor Rn exposure, i.e. houses and workplace. In particular, Indoor Radon Concentration (IRC) is the product of the Geogenic Radon Potential (GRP), conceptualised as the contribution of Rn released by the Earth. Therefore, in the characterisation of the potential risk over an area is fundamental considering the geological constraints under the dwellings, the building styles and living habits. In Europe, the Basic Safety Standards Directive 2013/59/EURATOM aims to reduce the human exposure to Rn in houses and workplace, on the one hand fixing some reference values, on the other hand requiring to the European states to delineate the Radon Priority Areas (RPA), i.e. that areas where IRC exceed the European Directive reference value. In particular, mapping the GRP as an indicator of the Rn related hazard is fundamental for: (i) delineate the RPAs through the quantification of geogenic Rn, that can potentially influx within buildings; (ii) understand how GRP can affect the vulnerability over an area thus contributing to the Rn risk. In this study, we focused on mapping the GRP of a specific study area located in the Pusteria Valley (Bolzano province, eastern Italy). This area is well-known from a geological and structural point of view and it is characterised by a wide non-seismically active fault zone showing a very high gas permeability.  In particular, we have applied a machine learning technique (i.e. Forest Regression), to construct a high resolution (50 m*50 m) GRP map of the study area considering several proxy variables related to the Rn sources (e.g., radionuclide content in rocks), to the Tectonically Enhanced Radon (TER) quantity and to the exhalation process towards the atmosphere. Furthermore, we have assessed the vulnerability of the area by introducing the location of inhabited areas to provide a preliminary map of RPAs. Results show that dwellings characterised by high vulnerability are located in the area with the highest GRP. This work represents the first attempt in Italy to define the RPAs.

How to cite: Benà, E., Ciotoli, G., Ruggiero, L., Petermann, E., Bossew, P., Mazzoli, C., Verdi, L., and Sassi, R.: Mapping the Geogenic Radon Potential as a first step to define the Radon Priority Areas, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7476,, 2023.

EGU23-10265 | Orals | NH8.2

Effect of Temperature and Environmental Radioactivity on Respiratory Diseases 

Maria Meirelles and Vasconcelos Helena

Radon is a radioactive gas that has no smell, colour or taste and them its half-life are approximately 3.825 days. It is produced from the natural radioactive decay of uranium, which is found in all rocks and soils. Is the heaviest of all noble gases and has a total of 36 isotopes ranging from 193Rn to 228Rn. Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas which may be found in high concentrations in indoor environments, such as homes and workplaces. Radon signals at shallow depths are mainly influenced by environmental parameters, such as atmospheric pressure, temperature, groundwater level, and precipitation. The values observed by several researchers for the seasonal and diurnal oscillations of subsurface radon concentrations, show correlations between this gas and atmospheric temperature. Radon concentrations were highest during heatwaves lasting several days and exhibited seasonal trends (winter and summer). Since 1900, radon has been widely studied including for its impact on human health, because inhalation of radon is the largest source of exposure to ionizing radiation for the world's population, contributing more than 40% to the effective dose of environmental radioativity.

However, the literature is poor in the correlation between environmental radioativity and respiratory diseases. This work is assumed in the insular context of the Azores - Portugal. The base information (epidemiological and environmental radioativity) used in this work corresponds to daily data from 2010 to 2020 and provided by the Statistics Service of the Hospital da Horta (Açores) and The Network for the Continuous Surveillance of Radioactivity in the Environment, with a fixed station in Ponta Delgada (São Miguel_Azores), whose management being the responsibility of the Portuguese Environment Agency.

With the selected data, monthly averages were calculated and a statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS software (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) version 28 for Windows. The null hypothesis (H0)_ “there is no correlation between environmental radioativity levels and the number of hospitalized individuals by respiratory diseases”. The alternative hypothesis (Ha)_”there is a correlation between environmental radioativity levels and the number of hospitalized individuals by respiratory diseases” was formulated. The level of significance (α) to accept or reject the null hypothesis was fixed a α ≤ 0.05. Pearson's correlation coefficient was used for inferential statistics. It was obtained, r =0.486 and p < 0.001, being r the Pearson correlation coefficient and p the p_value. It was found that p < α, therefore, the null hypothesis was rejected with a confidence level of 95%.

The correlation between environmental radioativity levels and the value of the monthly averages of respiratory pathologies is statistically significant, positive and moderate (r = 0.486, p < 0.001). Thus, as environmental levels of environmental radioativity increase, also the number of pacients with respiratory pathologies increase. The practical study’s conclusions show an interesting relationship between hospitalization patterns and environmental radioativity levels.

How to cite: Meirelles, M. and Helena, V.: Effect of Temperature and Environmental Radioactivity on Respiratory Diseases, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10265,, 2023.

EGU23-11677 | ECS | Orals | NH8.2

Efficient indoor radon reduction by over pressure ventilation 

Diana Altendorf, Hannes Grünewald, Jörg Dehnert, Michal Duzynski, Ralf Trabitzsch, and Holger Weiß

Since new radon risk maps for Germany were published in 2021, in Saxony the highest spatial accumulation of precautionary areas can be found. Reasons are the geological subsoil like the Ore Mountains, as well as a historical mining industry and intensive uranium mining from 1946 to 1990.

Close to a heap, various ventilation experiments for indoor radon reduction were performed in a two-room flat (ground floor) in Bad Schlema (Germany). As an innovative approach to eliminate indoor radon and prevent new radon from entering, the focus is on creating an over pressure within the flat. This developed ventilation mode, which aims to ensure that more fresh air enters the room than leaves it, is called differential pressure mode with a forced over pressure.

Therefore, a decentralised ventilation system with heat-recovery from inVENTer (Germany) was installed. Throughout numerous different ventilation experiments, radon activity concentrations [Rn] were continuously measured in all rooms (including basement and balcony) using Radon Scout Plus devices from SARAD (Germany). Thereby, room-specific radon behaviour with and without ventilation was found.

Despite a strong seasonal trend with significantly higher indoor radon levels in Sep.-Nov. and Dec.-Feb. than in June-Aug., an overall reduction of indoor radon of up to 80 % was achieved. Important to mention is that different ventilation modes in combination with different fan performance levels resulted in different indoor radon reductions.

Here, in particular, the experiments with forced over pressure (up to +5 Pa) led to significant results in summer and winter, even in rooms with higher [Rn]. For example, measured [Rn] of 7.000 Bq/m3 within the kitchen could be reduced to 300 Bq/m3 and maintained for the entire duration of the respective ventilation experiment.

In this work, the performed experiments as well as the room-specific ventilation effect will be presented. Furthermore, this work analyses the dependencies between the reduction of indoor radon activity concentration and the corresponding environmental parameters.

How to cite: Altendorf, D., Grünewald, H., Dehnert, J., Duzynski, M., Trabitzsch, R., and Weiß, H.: Efficient indoor radon reduction by over pressure ventilation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11677,, 2023.

EGU23-12456 | Posters on site | NH8.2

Radon risk mitigation in urban environments: experiences from active monitoring 

Gaia Soldati, Maria Grazia Ciaccio, Antonio Piersanti, Valentina Cannelli, and Gianfranco Galli

The primary stone building material of ancient Rome from its initial settlement until recent times is constituted by the tuff; easy to cut, resistant to weathering, and an effective thermal insulator, with the disadvantage of a significant radionuclide content. An accurate monitoring of indoor radon in workplaces and residential dwellings constitutes a first step towards mitigating the exposure to the population. Since radon diffusion dynamics involves complex interactions among many environmental parameters on different time scales, a proper assessment of radon concentration variations can be better achieved by means of active monitoring approaches. We present here the results of continuous measurements conducted in 35 residential dwellings located in the municipality of Rome and its suburban area, and in a public building and workplace: the geophysical museum of Rocca di Papa.
The use of active devices makes it possible to discriminate between average indoor radon measured during the day, when workers and visitors are more likely present, and overnight, more relevant for the exposure of residents. Collecting long time series of radon concentration enables us to identify fluctuations over seasonal scales, with radon generally decreasing in the warm season. The simultaneous tracking of different floors of the same building shows an inversion of the dynamics of gas convection during the warm season compared to the cold one, likely depending on the chimney effect. Monitoring different rooms of the same dwelling reveals that values of gas concentration may greatly differ, indicating the importance of ventilation and/or heating system. Considering several dwellings allows us to question the general belief of a constantly higher exposure of the lowest floors to the indoor radon risk with respect to elevated floors (radon would enter mainly through foundation walls). Finally, the clustering of houses with high indoor radon levels in the historic center of Rome indicates the influence of geogenic radon and of building characteristics like age, typology, and construction materials.
With so many endogenous and exogenous factors affecting the healthiness of indoor environments in terms of radon concentration, a proper assessment of health hazard requires the knowledge of the dynamics of the gas generation and transport inside the buildings, and of its temporal fluctuations; our analysis provides the instruments to disclose the characteristics of such dynamics, with the final goal to select the most suitable preventive measures to reduce radon exposure. 

How to cite: Soldati, G., Ciaccio, M. G., Piersanti, A., Cannelli, V., and Galli, G.: Radon risk mitigation in urban environments: experiences from active monitoring, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12456,, 2023.

EGU23-12769 | ECS | Posters virtual | NH8.2

An approach to relate uranium to indoor radon: a case study from the western Ligurian Alps (Italy) 

Linda Bonorino, Gianluca Beccaris, Paola Bisi, Paolo Chiozzi, Andrea Cogorno, Elga Filippi, Riccardo Narizzano, Sonja Prandi, and Massimo Verdoya

Radiometric surveys are used to investigate different scientific and practical issues in Earth’s science studies, ranging from basic geophysics to mineral exploration and natural radiation monitoring. The latter is a topic of growing interest. 238U, 232Th and 40K, which occur in variable quantities in the Earth’s crust rocks, are the primary cause of natural, potentially hazardous, gamma-ray exposure. Another important environmental aspect of natural radioactivity regards the effects of  222Rn resulting from the 238U decay. This paper proposes an experimental approach to investigate the relationship between uranium and indoor radon concentration. We combined ground gamma-spectrometry with alpha-track detector measurements. We tested this methodology in the Alpine geological units of western Liguria (Italy). This area is densely populated and characterised by various lithotypes, spanning from sedimentary to metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks. The latter are known for their abundance of natural radionuclides. Due to the width of the surveyed area (408 km2), we carried out about 300 gamma-ray determinations on the more extensive geological formations, with particular reference to those hosting the main residential areas, together with about 130 measurements of indoor radon. By considering the nineteenth percentile of the recorded specific activity, the largest value of 238U was 93 Bq/kg. It was found in the more acid metamorphic rocks (metarhyolites and porphyric schists) where we carried out also the largest number of gamma-ray spectrometry measurements. In the metasedimentary rocks, the largest activities of 238U were observed in quartzschists and micaschists (89 Bq/kg). In the sedimentary lithotypes, specific activities are generally lower than 40 Bq/kg. We found that the number of buildings with 222Rn exceeding 200 Bq/m3 increases where the specific activity of 238U is larger. About 40% of dwellings and public buildings with 222Rn>200 Bq/m3 occurs in the lithotypes (metarhyolites and micaschists) with 238U>60 Bq/kg. A comparison between the indoor 222Rn concentration and the 238U specific activity measured on the same geological formation showed a linear correlation. Using the records of 238U specific activity, we developed a map of the expected radon concentration on the different geological formations of the surveyed area. Despite the limitations and uncertainties, mainly related to the uneven data coverage and the complex interaction between the building and the bedrock, the proposed approach showed that gamma-ray spectrometry can be a valuable tool to identify areas of more significant potential risk of radon emanation.

How to cite: Bonorino, L., Beccaris, G., Bisi, P., Chiozzi, P., Cogorno, A., Filippi, E., Narizzano, R., Prandi, S., and Verdoya, M.: An approach to relate uranium to indoor radon: a case study from the western Ligurian Alps (Italy), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12769,, 2023.

Within the framework of the project Neotectonics in the Northern Upper Rhine Graben (NeoNORG), the relationship between fault zones in a sedimentary basin and associated radon anomalies is investigated. The area of interest is located west of Darmstadt near the village Wolfskehlen. Radon levels in the Quaternary strata of the Upper Rhine Graben are generally low or moderate. However, tectonic fault zones could represent pathways of increased gas permeability and advective gas transport which would result locally in elevated soil radon concentrations. 

A multi-method geophysical approach was chosen to visualise the subsurface structure. Each method has different advantages in terms of penetration depth and resolution (i.e., electrical resistivity tomography, ground penetrating radar and seismics of different wave types). The combination of these different geophysical investigation methods allows to trace the fault zones from the crystalline basement of the sedimentary basin at a depth of 2 km to several metres below the earth's surface.

To investigate the relationship between radon concentration and fault zones, soil gas measurements were carried out at the surface along several profiles. In total 800 soil gas measurements were conducted, in which 600 active short-term measurements were conducted by soil gas sampling and 200 passive long-term measurements (three-week exposure period) were conducted using exposimeters. In addition, parameters such as soil material, weather conditions and soil permeabilities were recorded.

The evaluation of the measurements indicates no direct influence of the fault zones on the measured radon levels. Instead, there are very distinct correlations with the soil substrate and weather conditions. The preliminary results suggest that the migration of radon or the accumulation of primordial radionuclides along fault zones is superimposed by stronger signals such as weather and soil material in the study area of the Northern Upper Rhine Graben.

How to cite: Mair, J., Henk, A., and Lehné, R.: Soil properties and weather conditions mask a potential tectonic contribution to radon concentrations measured in soil air – a case study from the northern Upper Rhine Graben, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13566,, 2023.

EGU23-2917 | ECS | PICO | NH8.3

New data on the geology and characteristics of erionite in New Zealand 

Janki P. Patel, Martin Brook, Alessandro F. Gualtieri, Melanie Kah, and Ayrton Hamilton

Erionite is a naturally occurring zeolite originating from hydrothermal alteration or diagenesis of volcanic rocks. Typically, the two main types of rock in which erionite occurs are basalt and tuff. Erionite generally displays a fibrous morphology, and as with asbestos fibre exposure, respirable fibrous erionite has been linked to cases of malignant mesothelioma. Notably, fibrous erionite appears to be comparable or even more carcinogenic than the six regulated asbestos minerals. The first health issues regarding erionite exposure were observed in Cappadocia (Turkey), and more recently, occupational exposure issues have emerged in the USA. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified erionite as a Group 1 carcinogen. Nevertheless, undisturbed erionite fibres are not thought to pose a risk to human health. In New Zealand, erionite has been found in surface rock exposures at numerous locations throughout both the North and South Islands, including (from north to south) Kaipara, Auckland, Taupo Volcanic Zone, Banks Peninsula, and the Moeraki coast. Due to the carcinogenic nature of erionite, understanding the distribution and character of the mineral fibres in New Zealand is pivotal. This investigation into erionite in New Zealand is being undertaken using optical and electron microscopy, X-ray powder diffraction and Raman spectroscopy to identify erionite and other zeolites occurring alongside the mineral. Notable examples identified so far include woolly erionite in vesicles within rhyolitic rock in the Canterbury region of the South Island, and asbestiform erionite in the Waitakere Group Volcanics in the Auckland region, of the North Island. Further research is currently ongoing to further delineate the geological occurrence and characterise the mineralogy and chemistry of all erionite samples from New Zealand in an attempt to outline the crystal chemistry of erionite from New Zealand and the related environmental risk hazards.

How to cite: Patel, J. P., Brook, M., Gualtieri, A. F., Kah, M., and Hamilton, A.: New data on the geology and characteristics of erionite in New Zealand, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2917,, 2023.

EGU23-3609 | PICO | NH8.3

Multi-method characterization of Asbestiform Antigorite from South Australia 

Alessandro Menini, Bao Han Truong, and Sean Fitzgerald

Antigorite occurs in several locations worldwide and is defined as the simple serpentine Mg3Si205(OH)4 polymorph that compensates for the silica tetrahedral layer (Si2O5 sheet) misfit with the octahedral brucite Mg(OH)2 layer by regular structural undulation down the “b” crystalline axis. The chrysotile polymorph of the same chemistry compensates for the misfit in full rolls or scrolls along “b” axis, which can form fine fibres, and is the most common mineral in commercial asbestos. Chrysotile is therefore always asbestiform, but antigorite can exhibit a variety of crystalline habits in hand sample and the microscope, from massive, to platy, to bladed, and (occasionally) fibrous, but is not regulated as asbestos.

Here, we performed a multi-method study in order to characterize a highly fibrous asbestiform occurrence of antigorite from Rowland Flat, South Australia. In comparison to HSE Canadian chrysotile, we show that optical (PLM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) allows to distinguish this antigorite from chrysotile. Based on PLM analysis with CS dispersion staining, chrysotile is magenta parallel (ǁ) to the polarizer and exhibits blue perpendicular (Ʇ) colours while this antigorite exhibits gold to golden magenta ǁ and blue-magenta Ʇ colours (1.550 HD RI at 25C). Also, we demonstrate SAED-TEM patterns for the two specimens to distinguish chrysotile “enrolled” crystal structure from the undulating antigorite structure, focusing on the highly characteristic [110] zone rel-rod streaking versus systematic repeats.

Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images were collected to further investigate the asbestiform nature of the antigorite from Rowland Flat. We show that the dominant morphology of Rowland Flat antigorite is of microscopic laths that split into very thin needles. In order to further investigate the morphometric parameters of this fibrous antigorite, individual fibres were measured at 20,000-25,000x by TEM. We show that the majority of these structures meet or exceed WHO fibres criteria, display high mean aspect ratios, ranging from 20:1 up to more than 100:1, and display widths lower than 1 µm, which in the literature is definition for asbestos fibres.

Finally, our data indicate that the antigorite from Rowland Flat exhibits all characteristics of the asbestiform habit as defined in international standards (i.e., EPA/600/R-93/116), supporting the need for regulation of asbestiform antigorite as asbestos.

How to cite: Menini, A., Truong, B. H., and Fitzgerald, S.: Multi-method characterization of Asbestiform Antigorite from South Australia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3609,, 2023.

EGU23-8091 | PICO | NH8.3 | Highlight

Rapid minero-chemical classification of volcanic ash and inorganic dust at PM10 level: the longer-term effects of short-term hazards in the Canary Islands. 

Beverley Coldwell, David Wertheim, Lisa Myashita, Ian Gill, Simon Crust, Richard Giddens, Jonathon Grigg, Nemesio Pérez, and Nick Petford

Environmental exposomes in the natural environment include silicate ash from volcanic eruptions and wind-blown mineral dust, both of which may promote lung disease if subjected to prolonged exposure. In order to develop strategies for risk mitigation in populations subjected to hazardous minerals in the environment, it may be useful to integrate mineral chemical composition with the three-dimensional particle characteristics (e.g. shape and surface characteristics) as a means to fully assess potential mechanisms of toxicity. In this contribution we show how a combination of confocal laser microscopy, a non-destructive technique capable of resolving true 3D geometry of PM10 and PM2.5 particles, with spectroscopic analysis, provides a novel and rapid way to assess the minero-chemical properties of potentially hazardous airborne material (Wertheim et al. 2017).

Initial results using samples from the 2021 La Palma volcanic eruption (volcanic silicate ash) show that volcanic particles (angular forms) increased pneumococcal adherence to A549 lung epithelial cells in vitro (Miyashita et al. 2022). Preliminary confocal images of airborne mineral dust originating in Saharan Africa and deposited on Tenerife during a sandstorm (Calima event, February 2020), show more rounded, mature particle shapes than volcanic ash, yet with clear variations in surface features. Hence we are investigating whether Calima particles could also affect pneumococcal adherence to lung cells in vitro.

Applying such a multidisciplinary approach combining results from different techniques may help to raise awareness of and prevent longer-term occupational hazards in populations such as the Canary Islands, where residents are at risk of multiple sources of exposure to both volcanic ash and inorganic dust.


Wertheim D, Gillmore G, Gill I, Petford N. High resolution 3D confocal microscope imaging of volcanic ash particles. Sci Total Environ. 2017 Jul 15;590-591:838-842. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.02.230.

Miyashita L, Coldwell B, Wertheim D, Giddens R, Gill I, Petford N, Pérez N and Grigg J. La Palma Volcanic Ash Particles Increase Susceptibility to Pneumococcal Infection In Vitro. European Respiratory Journal 2022 60: 3163; DOI: 10.1183/13993003.congress-2022.3163

How to cite: Coldwell, B., Wertheim, D., Myashita, L., Gill, I., Crust, S., Giddens, R., Grigg, J., Pérez, N., and Petford, N.: Rapid minero-chemical classification of volcanic ash and inorganic dust at PM10 level: the longer-term effects of short-term hazards in the Canary Islands., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8091,, 2023.

EGU23-8141 | ECS | PICO | NH8.3

Crystalline silica polymorph surfaces and nearly free silanols: occurrence and possible role in toxicity mechanisms 

Chiara Bellomo, Guillermo Escolano-Casado, Stefania Cananà, Maura Tomatis, Riccardo Leinardi, Lorenzo Mino, Francesco Turci, and Cristina Pavan

Crystalline silica (CS) is a well-known toxic particle that may cause severe pathologies including silicosis, lung cancer, and several autoimmune diseases. [1a,b] The hazard associated to crystalline silica is extremely variable and depends on some specific characteristics, including crystal structure and surface chemistry.[1c] In particular, a specific family of surface silanols, called nearly free silanols (NFS), has been recently related to the interaction mechanisms occurring between quartz particles and cell membrane components, which initiate the lung inflammatory reaction. [2] Even though this phenomenon has been studied for decades on quartz,  the research on other silica polymorphs was limited, also because of the relative low abundance of some polymorphs. The CS polymorphs, i.e., quartz, cristobalite, tridymite, coesite, and stishovite, share the SiO2 stoichiometry and differentiate for crystal structure. [3] Thus, the different crystal lattices expose differently ordered hydroxyl group patterns at the crystal surface. We proved that the NFS occur and take part in the molecular bio-interactions, not only on quartz, but also on the other CS polymorphs. Five high-purity samples representative of the five CS polymorphs were fully characterized by XRPD, Scanning Electron Microscopy, and IR spectroscopy. When CS polymorphs were contacted with model membranes (red blood cells), all of them were able to disrupt cell membranes, except stishovite, which was the only polymorph without NFS. By thermally modulating the topochemistry of surface silanols, it was possible to show that the membranolytic activity of the CS polymorphs quantitatively paralleled the occurrence of NFS. This observations confirmed the central role of NFS in regulating the interaction of silica with biomembranes. In conclusion, these results put the surface characteristics of CS particles in the foreground with respect to the crystal habit and provide a comprehensive understanding of the molecular mechanisms associated with silica hazard and bio-minero-chemical interfacial phenomena. [4]

[1] a) KAWASAKI, H. 2015, Inhal Toxicol, 27, 363-77; b) IARC 2012, IARC monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risks to humans, Lyon, World Health 543 Organisation c). BORM, P. J. A., et al. 2018, Part. Fibre. Toxicol., 15, 23;

[2] PAVAN, C., et al., 2020, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 117, 27836-27846.

[3] GUTHRIE, G. D. & HEANEY, P. J. 1995, Scand J Work Environ Health, 21 Suppl 2, 5-8.

[4] PAVAN. C., et al., 2023, accepted on Frontiers in Chemistry, DOI: 10.3389/fchem.2022.1092221.

How to cite: Bellomo, C., Escolano-Casado, G., Cananà, S., Tomatis, M., Leinardi, R., Mino, L., Turci, F., and Pavan, C.: Crystalline silica polymorph surfaces and nearly free silanols: occurrence and possible role in toxicity mechanisms, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8141,, 2023.

The relationship between the asbestos-forming minerals and talc has been well recognized in the mineralogic community for over 150 years. Concern over the potential for asbestos in talc products rose close on the heels of the first testing proving negative human health effects of asbestos exposure, with asbestos being found in consumer talcum products in the 60s, 70s, and sporadically throughout the last 50 years, generally ignored as an inconvenient truth. Unfortunately, we were never able to codify a method to assure that asbestos fibers, that causation experts inform us poses a real danger, are absent from talc and talc-based products. Although slowed through the pandemic, reactions to relatively recent findings of asbestos in talc and talcum-based products have blossomed into an apparent blitz of new information and political saber-rattling, including special meetings sponsored by regulatory bodies such as the FDA, congressional sub-committee meetings in Washington, DC, and even international government meetings and forums throughout Europe and beyond. Partly as a result of the USA pushing forward with thousands of legal actions, testing in the United States of talc-containing cosmetics has led the charge through public outcry toward revision of analytical standards. This paper will outline this historical trail, which has recently come to a significant milestone. In a new law signed by President Biden that went into effect January: The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023, mandates that the US FDA must promulgate regulations that establish and require standardized testing methods to be used to detect asbestos in talc -containing cosmetics, no later than one year after enactment (by end of calendar year 2023). How we have historically tested talc for asbestos and latest methods will be discussed. Along with more familiar air, dust, water, and bulk methods, more arcane techniques such as Addison-Davies reduction and Blount liquid separation (HLS) shall be discussed as to their effectiveness to accurately determine tremolite-actinolite, anthophyllite, other amphiboles, and serpentine asbestos occurrence in sheet silicate mineral resources such as talc.

How to cite: Fitzgerald, S.: The Long Road to Updating Asbestos in Talc Analytical Testing Protocols, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9572,, 2023.

EGU23-9589 | ECS | PICO | NH8.3 | Highlight

An integrated general approach to assess the potential risk of outcrops contaminated by asbestos and asbestos-like minerals 

Jasmine Rita Petriglieri, Alessandro Pacella, Luca Barale, Riccardo Leinardi, Maura Tomatis, Paolo Ballirano, Fabrizio Piana, François Huaux, Antonella Campopiano, and Francesco Turci

The natural occurrence of asbestos and asbestos-like minerals (NOA) poses a risk to the environment and human health, notably when natural processes and anthropic activities promote fibre dispersion. Hundreds of potentially hazardous elongate mineral particles (EMPs, NIOSH 2011 definition) exist, and their toxicological profile is often unknown. We aim here to define a general approach, from field analysis to nano-structural investigation, to assess whether a fibrous mineral occurring in a specific site could pose a risk to human health. To evaluate the hazard associated with NOA, a multi-scale and multi-analytical integrated approach was adopted. Specifically, the geological factors that control the occurrence and distribution of NOA on site, and the mechanisms of formation and liberation of airborne fibres were investigated. In parallel, we explored the key bulk and surface properties of several natural mineral fibres and defined crystallographic, chemical, and morphological aspects that should be considered during hazard assessment. Also, the effect of standardized mechanical stress was used to quantitatively evaluate the potency of NOA-bearing exposed rock to generate inhalable fibres. This property was connected with the mineral characteristic, the rock fabric, and the rock erosion rate. Isolated fibre specimens were used to assess solubility in simulated body fluids, surface reactivity, and toxicological endpoints in vitro and in vivo. Taken together, these findings allowed us to build a multidimensional description of the hazard parameters of mineral fibre and paved the way for a science-based risk assessment in an unexplored NOA site.

How to cite: Petriglieri, J. R., Pacella, A., Barale, L., Leinardi, R., Tomatis, M., Ballirano, P., Piana, F., Huaux, F., Campopiano, A., and Turci, F.: An integrated general approach to assess the potential risk of outcrops contaminated by asbestos and asbestos-like minerals, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9589,, 2023.

EGU23-14620 | PICO | NH8.3

The composition of asbestos bodies in human lungs 

Fabrizio Bardelli, Alessandro Pacella, Carlotta Giacobbe, Francesco Di Benedetto, Giordano Montegrossi, Violetta Borelli, and Paolo Ballirano

The asbestos bodies (AB) form in the lungs as the result of an in vivo biomineralization process started by the alveolar macrophages in the attempt to isolate asbestos and become the actual interface between asbestos and the host organism. The AB are believed to be mainly composed of the Fe-proteins and mucopolyssaccharides. However, the presence of hydroxyapatite and Fe-oxy(hydro)oxides, other than ferrihydrite (the mineral core of ferritin), has also been proposed. We performed synchrotron X-ray diffraction (XRD) and absorption (XAS) measurements to unravel the Fe form in the AB and to check the crystallinity of the inner fiber. XRD results revealed the presence of goethite and that the inner fiber (crocidolite) maintained a high degree of crystallinity despite the prolonged stay in the lungs (>10y). XAS results, on the other hand, revealed the co-existence of ferrihydrite and goethite. The results are discussed in terms of the higher toxicity of goethite with respect to ferrihydrite.

How to cite: Bardelli, F., Pacella, A., Giacobbe, C., Di Benedetto, F., Montegrossi, G., Borelli, V., and Ballirano, P.: The composition of asbestos bodies in human lungs, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14620,, 2023.

EGU23-17134 * | PICO | NH8.3 | Highlight

Naturally Occurring Asbestos in the asbestos-free European Union approach. Is asbestos exposure prevention being understood correctly? 

Ambra Hyskaj, Éva Schimek, Tamás Weiszburg, and Erzsebet Harman-Tóth

The recent European Green deal is bringing up issues on occupational health mostly related to the hazardous material exposure. Due to the implementation of the Renovation Wave Strategy, increased asbestos exposure is expected. Following this, the European Commission has come with acts proposed to better protect people from asbestos exposure, focusing on occupational exposure.

We have analyzed the European Parliament activity related to asbestos from 1995 to 2022 focusing on the questions, proposals and debates brought by the Members of the European Parliament and the European Commission. There were 425 questions raised by the MEPs to the European Commission. While most of the question subjects were related to built-in asbestos and asbestos containing material waste management, only 4 questions were brought up for the natural environmental exposure from asbestos. Naturally Occurring Asbestos (NOA) is currently a case out of any legislative scope in the European Union.

Even though NOA is now being recognized in the impact assessment accompanying the proposal to amend the Asbestos Work Directive (Directive 2009/148/EC), it is once more left in national level focus and responsibility to pay attention to. All kinds of asbestos, being already considered carcinogen agents of group 1, have the possibility to be a source of natural hazardous material exposure to the general population, not only to the workers (during construction, renovation, demolition, waste management activities). European Union is reflecting the ambition to be an international leader in fighting asbestos exposure while is under evaluating the natural source of asbestos minerals risk to general population health. Identifying and registering the presence of asbestos in buildings is simply not enough to protect human health or aiming to accomplish Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan. A database with NOA presence in Europe is needed, together with proper guidelines to manage the natural occurrence in order to support appropriate land use, urban planning, risk management (natural disasters such as erosion), and mining activities in the geologic setting where asbestos fibers are possible to be encountered.

How to cite: Hyskaj, A., Schimek, É., Weiszburg, T., and Harman-Tóth, E.: Naturally Occurring Asbestos in the asbestos-free European Union approach. Is asbestos exposure prevention being understood correctly?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17134,, 2023.

EGU23-17540 | ECS | PICO | NH8.3

Physico-chemical, mineralogical and toxicological assessment of inorganic dusts from tile-cutting operations 

Verónica Moreno, Cristian Roldan, David Bou, Ana López-Lilao, Vicenta Sanfélix, Mar Viana, and Eliseo Montfort

The literature indicates that jobs which involve cutting and rectifying or edge-grinding of ceramic tiles are potential sources of particulate matter (PM) and respirable crystalline silica (RCS) emissions. The European Union has recently included “jobs that involve exposure to respirable crystalline silica dust generated in a work process” as a carcinogen in the Directive that regulates exposure to carcinogens or mutagens at work (Directive 2004/37/EC and amendments). In general, ceramic tile production facilities have implemented different preventive and/or corrective measures (air extraction protocols, personal protective measures, etc.) to reduce workers exposure to PM. However, this activity may also be carried out in smaller-sized facilities, where sometimes the mitigation measures applied could have less efficiency, as well as by individuals applying tile floorings in residential areas, not always using the adequate personal protective equipment. The literature regarding this kind of exposures and their impact on the human health is scarce, a gap which this work aims to fill.

The objective of this work was to characterise the number and mass concentrations, RCS, chemical composition, morphology and in vitro toxicity of particles released during different ceramic tile-cutting operations. Experiments were carried out in a chamber with controlled ventilation and no infiltration from outside air, using on-line and offline aerosol instrumentation. Aerosol chemical composition was characterised using SKC PCIS impactors (PM0.25, PM0.5, PM1, PM2.5, PM10) and ELPI+ (0.006 μm to 10 μm). PM2 aerosols were sampled in liquid suspension using a Biosampler, and in vitro assessments were performed with a commercial A549 lung-cell line. Particle morphology was determined by SEM. The dust emitted during cutting operations was also analysed by ICP-OES and ICP-MS.


Release of coarse, fine and ultrafine particles, including nanoparticles, was evidenced during the experiments. Particle number concentrations were comparable during cutting of both types of materials, reaching on average 20.000-45.000/cm3 (1-min concentrations) of which 87% were smaller than 100nm. Peak respirable mass concentrations typically reached 30-50 mg/m3. The dust deposited during the cutting operations showed a similar baseline composition in terms of major components (e.g., SiO2, Al2O3), while it differed regarding tracer elements (e.g., Zn) which could be due to the different body, glaze and decoration composition of the products studied. The chemical composition of aerosols released was consistent with that of the deposited dust. The content of crystalline silica in respirable dust was 10-20%, indicating that cutting operations may also produce high RCS levels. In vitro assessments (MTT assay) showed statistically significant differences between tiles, ranging between non-significant toxicity to moderate cytotoxicity for aerosols generated during the different cutting operations. Similar results were obtained for the generation of reactive-oxygen species (ROS).

Overall, it was concluded that tile cutting has potential to impact human health if exposures are not controlled. The experimental setup used in this work could be useful to characterise dust generation when different ceramic products are processed under controlled conditions.

How to cite: Moreno, V., Roldan, C., Bou, D., López-Lilao, A., Sanfélix, V., Viana, M., and Montfort, E.: Physico-chemical, mineralogical and toxicological assessment of inorganic dusts from tile-cutting operations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17540,, 2023.

Elongate Mineral Particles of interest (EMPi) are asbestiform and non-asbestiform varieties of the six regulated asbestos minerals (actinolite, tremolite, anthophyllite, grunerite, riebeckite, chrysotile) and of four other mineral fibers (winchite, richterite, edenite, erionite) known as carcinogen for human. Material and airborne EMPi measurement protocols have been tested and used for a national exploratory campaign entitled Carto PMAi (EMPi Map). The aim of this French national project is to give relevant data on potential exposure of worker and public populations to EMPi and recommendations to the Ministries of Health, of Labor and of Environment. Therefore, they would be able to set up legal provisions proportionally to the risk,
in case of population exposure to EMPi. The “Carto” process that is also used for other campaigns, as for example for crystalline silica measurements, is based on single operating procedures, measurement monitoring and validation by scientific institutes. Here, are presented the measurement protocols that have been used to assess workers and public population to EMPi during the most emissive and the most frequent situations of the construction sector activities, i.e. in quarries producing aggregates for bituminous pavement and during earthworks.

How to cite: Léocat, E. and Deneuvillers, C.: Measurement protocols to assess exposure risk of workers and public population to Elongate Mineral Particle of Interest, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17574,, 2023.

EGU23-17589 | PICO | NH8.3

Naturally Occurring Asbestos (NOA) in sedimentary rocks: state of the art and perspectives 

Luca Barale, Anna d'Atri, Jasmine Petriglieri, Fabrizio Piana, and Francesco Turci

Studies on naturally occurring asbestos (NOA) and on the relevant geo-environmental problems have been traditionally focused on metamorphic rocks (and, more recently, on magmatic rocks). Besides these 'primary' occurrences (i.e., those related to the in situ growth of NOA minerals), 'secondary', detrital NOA may occur in sediments, sedimentary rocks and soils derived from the erosion of 'primary' NOA bearing rocks.

The occurrence of detrital NOA in sediments and soils is increasingly recognized worldwide. However, a few studies exist that investigate the 'sedimentology of NOA', i.e., the mechanisms underlying the genesis, transport, deposition and post-depositional modifications of detrital NOA particles in the different sedimentary environments. A better understanding of these mechanisms would give us the tools to predict the presence and possible concentration of detrital NOA in sediments and sedimentary rocks.

The occurrence and distribution of detrital NOA within the Oligocene-Miocene succession of the southern Tertiary Piemonte Basin (NW Italy), will be investigated as a scientific development in the frame of the CARG project (Geological Mapping at 1:50,000 scale - sheet 195 Novi Ligure). This succession consists of stratigraphic units rich in ophiolite clasts and deposited in a variety of sedimentary environments, from continental to deep marine, thus representing an ideal study case.

How to cite: Barale, L., d'Atri, A., Petriglieri, J., Piana, F., and Turci, F.: Naturally Occurring Asbestos (NOA) in sedimentary rocks: state of the art and perspectives, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17589,, 2023.

In the wake of Chernobyl and Fukushima accidents radiocesium has become a radionuclide of most environmental concern. The ease with which this radionuclide moves through the environment and is taken up by plants and animals is governed by its chemical forms and site-specific environmental characteristics. Distinctions in climate and geomorphology, as well as 137Cs speciation in the fallout result in differences in migration rates of 137Cs in the environment and rates of its natural attenuation. In Fukushima areas 137Cs was found to be strongly bound to soil and sediment particles, its bioavailability being reduced as a result.  Up to 80% of the deposited 137Cs on the soil were reported to be incorporated in hot glassy particles (CsMPs) insoluble in water. Disintegration of these particles in the environment is much slower than of Chernobyl-derived fuel particles. The higher annual precipitation and steep slopes in Fukushima contaminated areas are conducive to higher erosion and higher total radiocesium wash-off. Typhoons Etou in 2015 and Hagibis in 2019 demonstrated the pronounced redistribution of 137Cs on river watersheds and floodplains, and in some cases natural self-decontamination occurred. Among the common features in 137Cs behavior in Chernobyl and Fukushima is a slow decrease in 137Cs activity concentration in small, closed, and semi-closed lakes and its particular seasonal variations: increase in summer and decrease in winter.

How to cite: Konoplev, A.: Fukushima and Chernobyl: similarities and differences of radiocesium behavior in the soil-water environment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1081,, 2023.

After the Fukushima nuclear accident, atmospheric 134Cs and 137Cs measurements were taken in Fukushima city for 8 years, from March 2011 to March 2019. The airborne surface concentrations and deposition of radiocesium (radio-Cs) were high in winter and low in summer; these trends are the opposite of those observed in a contaminated forest area. The effective half-lives of 137Cs in the concentrations and deposition before 2015 (0.754 and 1.30 years, respectively) were significantly shorter than those after 2015 (2.07 and 4.69 years, respectively), which was likely because the dissolved radio-Cs was discharged from the local terrestrial ecosystems more rapidly than the particulate radio-Cs. In fact, the dissolved fractions of precipitation were larger than the particulate fractions before 2015, but the particulate fractions were larger after 2016. X-ray fluorescence analysis suggested that biotite may have played a key role in the environmental behavior of particulate forms of radio-Cs after 2014. 

Resuspension of 137Cs from the contaminated ground surface to the atmosphere is essential for understanding the long-term environmental behaviors of 137Cs. We assessed the 137Cs resuspension flux from bare soil and forest ecosystems in eastern Japan in 2013 using a numerical simulation constrained by surface air concentration and deposition measurements. In the estimation, the total areal annual resuspension of 137Cs is 25.7 TBq, which is equivalent to 0.96% of the initial deposition (2.68 PBq). The current simulation underestimated the 137Cs deposition in Fukushima city in winter by more than an order of magnitude, indicating the presence of additional resuspension sources. The site of Fukushima city is surrounded by major roads. Heavy traffic on wet and muddy roads after snow removal operations could generate superlarge (approximately 100 μm in diameter) road dust or road salt particles, which are not included in the model but might contribute to the observed 137Cs at the site.

The current presentation based on the two published papers: Watanabe et al., ACP, (2022) and Kajino et al., ACP, (2022). The presenters would like to thank all of the co-authors of the two papers for their significant contributions.

How to cite: Kajino, M. and Watanabe, A.: Eight-year variations in atmospheric radiocesium in Fukushima city and simulated resuspension from contaminated ground surfaces in eastern Japan, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1607,, 2023.

EGU23-2540 | Posters on site | GI2.2

Hydrological setting control 137Cs and 90Sr concentration at headwater catchments in the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone 

Yasunori Igarashi, Yuichi Onda, Koki Matsushita, Hikaru Sato, Yoshifumi Wakiyama, Hlib Lisovyi, Gennady Laptev, Dmitry Samoilov, Serhii Kirieiev, and Alexei Konoplev

Concentration-discharge relationships are widely used to understand the hydrologic processes controlling river water chemistry. We investigated how hydrological processes affect radionuclide concentrations (137Cs and 90Sr) in surface water in the headwater catchment at the Chornobyl exclusion zone in Ukraine. In flat wetland catchment, the depth of saturated soil layer changed little throughout the year, but changes in saturated soil surface area during snowmelt and immediately after rainfall affected water chemistry by changing the opportunities for contact between suface water and the soil surface. On the other hand, slope catchments with little wetlands, the water chemistry in river water is formed by changes in the contribution of "shallow water" and "deep water" due to changes in the water pathways supplied to the river. Dissolved and suspended 137Cs concentrations did not correlate with discharge rate or competitive cations, but the solid/liquid ratio of 137Cs showed a significant negative relationship with water temperature, and further studies are needed in terms of sorption/desorption reactions. 90Sr concentrations in surface water were strongly related to water pathways for each the catchments. The contact between surface water and the soil surface and the change in the contribution of shallow and deep water to stream water could changes 90Sr concentrations in surface water for in wetland and slope catchments, respectively. In this study, we revealed that the radionuclide concentrations in rivers in Chornobyl is strongly affected by the water pathways at headwater catchments.

How to cite: Igarashi, Y., Onda, Y., Matsushita, K., Sato, H., Wakiyama, Y., Lisovyi, H., Laptev, G., Samoilov, D., Kirieiev, S., and Konoplev, A.: Hydrological setting control 137Cs and 90Sr concentration at headwater catchments in the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2540,, 2023.

EGU23-2561 | Posters on site | GI2.2

Dispersion of particle-reactive elements caused by the phase transitions in scavenging 

Kyeong Ok Kim, Vladimir Maderich, Igor Brovchenko, Kyung Tae Jung, Sergey Kivva, Katherine Kovalets, and Haejin Kim

A generalized model of scavenging of the reactive radionuclide 239,240Pu was developed, in which the sorption-desorption processes of oxidized and reduced forms on multifraction suspended particulate matter are described by first-order kinetics. One-dimensional transport-diffusion-reaction equations were solved analytically and numerically. In the idealized case of instantaneous release of 239,240Pu on the ocean surface, the profile of concentrations asymptotically tends to the symmetric spreading bulge in the form of a Gaussian moving downward with constant velocity. The corresponding diffusion coefficient is the sum of the physical diffusivity and the apparent diffusivity caused by the reversible phase transitions between the dissolved and particulate states. Using the method of moments, we analytically obtained formulas for both the velocity of the center mass and apparent diffusivity. It was found that in ocean waters that have oxygen present at great depths, we can consider in the first approximation a simplified problem for a mixture of forms with a single effective distribution coefficient, as opposed to considering the complete problem. This conclusion was confirmed by the modeling results for the well-ventilated Eastern Mediterranean. In agreement with the measurements, the calculations demonstrate the presence of a maximum that is slowly descending for all forms of concentration. The ratio of the reduced form to the oxidized form was approximately 0.22-0.24. At the same time, 239,240Pu scavenging calculations for the anoxic Black Sea deep water reproduced the transition from the oxidized to reduced form of 239,240Pu with depth in accordance with the measurement data.

How to cite: Kim, K. O., Maderich, ., Brovchenko, ., Jung, . T., Kivva, ., Kovalets, ., and Kim, .: Dispersion of particle-reactive elements caused by the phase transitions in scavenging, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2561,, 2023.

EGU23-3049 | ECS | Posters on site | GI2.2

Changes in Air Dose Rates due to Soil Water Content in Forests in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan 

Miyu Nakanishi, Yuichi Onda, Hiroaki Kato, Junko Takahashi, Hikaru Iida, and Momo Takada

Radionuclides released and deposited by the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident caused an increase in air dose rates in forests in Fukushima Prefecture. It has been reported that air dose rates increase during rainfall, but we found that air dose rates decreased during rainfall in forests in Fukushima. This is said to be due to the shielding effect of soil moisture. This study aimed to develop a method for estimating changes in air dose rates due to rainfall even in the absence of soil moisture data. Therefore, we used the preceding rainfall (Rw), an indicator that also takes into account past rainfall; we calculated Rw in Namie-Town, Futaba-gun, Fukushima Prefecture from May to July 2020, and estimated air dose rates. In this area, air dose rates decreased with increasing soil moisture. Furthermore, air dose rates could be estimated by combining Rw with a half-life of 2 hours and 7 days, and by considering hysteresis in the absorption and drainage processes. The coefficient of determination (R2) exceeded 0.70 for the estimation of soil water content at this time. Furthermore, good agreement was also observed in the estimation of air dose rates from Rw (R2 > 0.65). The same method was used to estimate air dose rates at the Kawauchi site from May to July 2019. Due to the high water repellency of the Kawauchi site, the increase in soil water content was very small and the change in air dose rate was almost negligible when soil water content was less than 15% and rainfall was less than 10 mm. This study enabled the estimation of soil water content and air dose rate from rainfall and captured the effect of rainfall on the decreasing trend of air dose rate. Therefore, in the future, This study can be used as an indicator to determine whether temporary changes in air dose rates are caused by influences other than rainfall. This study also contributes to the improvement of methods for estimating external dose rates for humans and terrestrial animals and plants in forests.

How to cite: Nakanishi, M., Onda, Y., Kato, H., Takahashi, J., Iida, H., and Takada, M.: Changes in Air Dose Rates due to Soil Water Content in Forests in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3049,, 2023.

Wet scavenging modeling remains a challenge of the atmospheric transport of 137Cs following the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident, which significantly influences the detailed spatiotemporal 137Cs distribution. Till now, numerous wet deposition schemes have been proposed for 137Cs, but it is often difficult to evaluate them consistently, due to the limited resolution of meteorological field data and detailed differences in model implementations. This study evaluated the detailed behavior of 25 combinations of in- and below-cloud wet scavenging models in the framework of the Weather Research and Forecasting-Chemistry model, using high-resolution (1 km × 1 km) meteorological input. The above implementation enables consistent evaluation with great details, revealing complex local behaviors of these combinations. The 1-km-resolution simulations were compared with simulations obtained previously using 3-km-resolution meteorological field data, with respect to the rainfall pattern of the east Japan during the accident, atmospheric concentrations acquired at the regional SPM monitoring sites and the total ground deposition. The capability of these models in reproducing local-scale observations were also investigated with a local-scale observations at the Naraha site, which his only 17.5 km from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. The performance of the ensemble mean was also evaluated. Results revealed that the 1-km simulations better reproduce the cumulative rainfall pattern during the Fukushima accident than those revealed by the 3-km simulations, but showing with spatiotemporal variability in accuracy. And rainfall below 1 mm/h is critical for the simulation accuracy. Those single-parameter wet deposition models that rely solely on the rainfall showed improvements in performance in the 1-km simulations relative to that in the 3-km simulations, because of the improved rainfall simulation in the 1-km results. Those multiparameter models that rely on both cloud and rainfall showed more robust performance in both the 3-km and -1km simulations, and the Roselle–Mircea model presented the best performance among the 25 models considered. Besides rainfall, wind transport showed substantial influence on the removal process of atmospheric 137Cs, and it was nonnegligible even during periods in which wet deposition was dominant. The ensemble mean of the 1-km simulations better reproduces the high deposition area and the total deposition amount is closer to the observations than the 3-km simulation. At the local scale, the 1-km-resolution simulations effectively reproduced the 137Cs concentrations observed at the Naraha site, but with deviations in peak timing, mainly because of biased wind direction. These findings indicate the necessity of a multi-parameter model for robust regional-scale wet deposition simulation and a refined wind and dispersion model for local-scale simulation of 137Cs concentration.

How to cite: Zhuang, S., Dong, X., Xu, Y., and Fang, S.: Modeling and sensitivity study of wet scavenging models for the Fukushima accident using 1-km-resolution meteorological field data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4152,, 2023.

EGU23-4697 | ECS | Orals | GI2.2

Quantifying the riverine sources of sediment and associated radiocaesium deposited off the coast of Fukushima Prefecture 

Pierre-Alexis Chaboche, Wakiyama Yoshifumi, Hyoe Takata, Toshihiro Wada, Olivier Evrard, Toshiharu Misonou, Takehiko Shiribiki, and Hironori Funaki

The Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP) accident trigged by the Great East Japan Earthquake and subsequent tsunami in March 2011 released large quantities of radionuclides in terrestrial and marine environments of Fukushima Prefecture. Although radiocaesium (i.e. 134Cs and 137Cs) activity in these environments has decreased since the accident, the secondary inputs via the rivers draining and eroding the main terrestrial radioactive plume were shown to sustain high levels of 137Cs in riverine and coastal sediments, which are likely deposited off the coast of the Prefecture. Accordingly, identifying the sources of sediment is required to elucidate the links between terrestrial and marine radiocaesium dynamics and to anticipate the fate of persistent radionuclides in the environment.

The objective of this study is to develop an original sediment source tracing technique to quantify the riverine sources of sediment and associated radionuclides accumulated in the Pacific Ocean. Target coastal sediment cores (n=6) with a length comprised between 20 and 60cm depth were collected during cruise campaigns between July and September 2022 at the Ota (n=2), Niida (n=1) and Ukedo (n=3) river mouths. Prior to gamma spectrometry measurements, sediment cores were opened and cut into 2 cm increments, oven-dried at 50°C for at least 48 hours, ground and passed through a 2-mm sieve.

Preliminary results regarding the spatial and depth distribution of radiocaesium in these samples show a strong heterogeneity, with highest radiocaesium levels (up to 134 ± 2 and 4882 ± 11 Bq kg-1 for 134Cs and 137Cs, respectively) found in coastal sediment cores located at the Ukedo river mouth. On the opposite, no trace or low levels of Fukushima-derived radiocaesium were found in the Niida and in one sediment core of the Ota River mouths. Additional measurements will be conducted to determine the physico-chemical properties of this sediment, in order to select the optimal combination of tracers, which will then be introduced into un-mixing models. This increase knowledge will undoubtedly be useful for watershed and coastal management in the FDNPP post-accidental context.

How to cite: Chaboche, P.-A., Yoshifumi, W., Takata, H., Wada, T., Evrard, O., Misonou, T., Shiribiki, T., and Funaki, H.: Quantifying the riverine sources of sediment and associated radiocaesium deposited off the coast of Fukushima Prefecture, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4697,, 2023.

EGU23-4925 | Posters on site | GI2.2

Verification of reproductivity of 137Cs activity concentration in the database by an ocean general circulation model 

Daisuke Tsumune, Frank Bryan, Keith Lindsay, Kazuhiro Misumi, Takaki Tsubono, and Michio Aoyama

Radioactive cesium (137Cs) is distributed in the global ocean due to global fallout from atmospheric nuclear tests, release from reprocessing plants in Europe, and supply to the ocean due to the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. In order to detect future contamination by radionuclides, it is necessary to understand the global distribution of radionuclides such as 137Cs. For this purpose, the IAEA is compiling a database of observation results (MARIS). However, since the spatio-temporal densities of observed data vary widely, it is difficult to obtain a complete picture from the database alone. Comparative validation using ocean general circulation model (OGCM) simulations is useful in interpreting these observations, and global ocean general circulation model (CESM2, POP2) simulations were conducted to clarify the behavior of 137Cs in the ocean. The horizontal resolution is 1.125° longitude and 0.28° to 0.54° latitude. The minimum spacing near the sea surface is 10 m, and the spacing increases with depth to a maximum of 250 m with 60 vertical levels. Climatic values were used for driving force. As a source term for 137Cs to the ocean, atmospheric fallout from atmospheric nuclear tests was newly established based on rainfall data and other data, and was confirmed to be more reproducible than before. Furthermore, the release from reprocessing plants in Europe and the leakage due to the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant were taken into account. 2020 input conditions were assumed to continue after 2020, and calculations were performed from 1945 to 2030. The simulated 137Cs activities were found to be in good agreement, especially in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, where the observed densities are large. On the other hand, they were underestimated in the Southern Hemisphere, suggesting the need for further improvement of the fallout data. 137Cs concentrations from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident in March 2011 were generally in good agreement, although the reproducibility remained somewhat problematic due to insufficient model resolution. In other basins, the concentration characteristics were able to be determined, although the observed values were insufficient. Radioactivity concentrations of atmospheric nuclear test-derived 137Cs may continue to be detected in the global ocean after 2030. The results of this simulation are useful for planning future observations to fill the gaps in the database.

How to cite: Tsumune, D., Bryan, F., Lindsay, K., Misumi, K., Tsubono, T., and Aoyama, M.: Verification of reproductivity of 137Cs activity concentration in the database by an ocean general circulation model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4925,, 2023.

EGU23-4947 | ECS | Posters on site | GI2.2

Vertical distribution of radioactive cesium-rich microparticles in forest soil of Hamadori area, Fukushima Prefecture 

Takahiro Tatsuno, Hiromichi Waki, Naoto Nihei, and Nobuhito Ohte

A lot of radionuclides were scattered after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP) accident. Previous studies showed that there were FDNPP-derived radioactive cesium-rich microparticles (CsMPs) with the size of a few μm in the soil and river water around Fukushima Prefecture[1]. CsMPs have high radioactive cesium (Cs) concentration per unit mass, therefore they can be one of the factor in overestimating the Cs concentration in samples. Because Cs in CsMPs may not react directly with clay particles unlike the Cs ion in liquid phase, it is considered that CsMPs work as Cs carrier in soils[2]. However, unlike ionic Cs and Cs adsorbed onto clay particles, the distribution and dynamics of CsMPs in soils have not been clarified. In this study, we investigated vertical distribution of CsMPs in the forest soil and the soil properties in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan.

Soil samples were collected from the forest in the difficult-to-return zone, approximately 10 km away from the FDNPP. The undisturbed soil samples were collected from 0-35 cm soil depth at 5 cm intervals using core sampler to investigate soil properties. Furthermore, litter samples on the surface soil layer were collected. Using these samples, the vertical distribution of Cs concentration in the soil and Cs derived from CsMPs were investigated. Cs concentration in samples placed in 100 mL of U8 container was measured using a germanium semiconductor detector. Cs derived from CsMPs was evaluated using an Imaging plate with reference to the method ffor quantification of CsMPs[3].

Like Cs adsorbed on the soil, CsMPs were also mostly distributed in the soil surface layer between o and 5 cm of soil depth. We considered that straining may be one of the mechanism of CsMPs retention on the soil surface. Bradford et al. (2006) [4] showed that straining might be a significant mechanism for colloid retention when the average particle size in the porous medium is less than 200 times larger than the colloidal particle size. In this study, assuming the CsMPs size of approximately 1 µm, the average particle size of the soil collected from surface layer 0-5 cm was less than 200 times that of CsMPs. However, the average particle size decreased in deeper layer than 5 cm, therefore, it was considered that straining mechanism could be stronger.

This work was supported by FY2022 Sumitomo Foundation and FY2022 Internal Project of Institute of Environmental Radioactivity, Fukushima University.



[1] Igarashi, Y. et al., 2019. J. Environ. Radioact. 205–206, 101–118.

[2]  Tatsuno, T et al., 2022. J. Environ. Manage. 329, 116983.

[3] Ikehara et al., 2018. Environ. Sci. Technol. 52, 6390–6398.

[4] Bradford et al., 2003. Environ. Sci. Technol. 37, 2242–2250.

How to cite: Tatsuno, T., Waki, H., Nihei, N., and Ohte, N.: Vertical distribution of radioactive cesium-rich microparticles in forest soil of Hamadori area, Fukushima Prefecture, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4947,, 2023.

EGU23-5042 | ECS | Posters on site | GI2.2

Changes in 90Sr transport dynamics in groundwater after large-scale groundwater drawdown in the vicinity of the cooling pond at the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant 

Hikaru Sato, Naoaki Shibasaki, Maksym Gusyev, Yuichi Onda, and Dmytro Veremenko

Migration of long-lived radioactive 90Sr introduced by nuclear accidents and radioactive waste requires long-term monitoring and protection management due to its half-life of 28.8 years and high mobility in water. Presently, 37 years have passed since the largest worldwide 90Sr contamination was released and deposited around the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant (ChNPP). In the vicinity of the ChNPP, the water level of the cooling pond (CP) has declined since May 2014 following the decommissioning phase of the Unit 3 reactor. The drawdown of the CP lowered the groundwater level in a massive vicinity (about 70 km2), and the change in the groundwater system due to the drawdown has caused concerns about possible changes in 90Sr concentrations in water and transport dynamics to the Pripyat River. Therefore, this study evaluated how 90Sr transport dynamics were influenced due to changes in the groundwater flow system from 2011 to 2020 based on observed data and results of the groundwater flow simulation in the CP vicinity.

The numerical simulation was conducted from 2011 to 2020 on monthly time-step using USGS MODFLOW with PM11 GUI and calibrated to groundwater heads measured at monitoring wells. In the location between the CP and the Pripyat River, estimated pore velocities near the river were reduced compared to velocities before the CP drawdown due to the decrease in the hydraulic gradient between the CP and the river. Decrease in groundwater velocity results decrease in groundwater discharge and delay of 90Sr transport. Therefore, the amount of 90Sr transported from the CP to the river is smaller than the period prior to the CP drawdown. The reduced 90Sr transport is expected to have less impact on the radioactivity in the river water even in the Pripyat River floodplain northwest of the CP where 90Sr concentrations significantly increased after the CP drawdown. In addition, the measured and simulated changes in groundwater flow direction and velocity suggested the possibility of 90Sr accumulation at the floodplain caused by stagnant groundwater from reduced velocity and additional 90Sr infiltration from surrounding ponds located at the Pripyat River floodplain. Therefore, enhancing the current monitoring of 90Sr concentrations near the floodplain would be needed for long-term monitoring and protection management to prevent the risk.

How to cite: Sato, H., Shibasaki, N., Gusyev, M., Onda, Y., and Veremenko, D.: Changes in 90Sr transport dynamics in groundwater after large-scale groundwater drawdown in the vicinity of the cooling pond at the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5042,, 2023.

The 3D model THREETOX was applied for the long-term simulation of the planned release of radioactively contaminated water from Fukushima storage tanks to marine environment. Two radionuclides were considered: 3H that has the largest activity in tanks and 129I that can caused the largest dose of radiation to human. The constant release rate of 3H equal to 22 TBq/y according to TEPCO estimations and the constant release rate of 129I equal to 361 MBq/y according to estimations from the current study were used in the simulations.

The THREETOX model used monthly averaged currents from the KIOST-MOM model. A dynamic food web model was included in the THREETOX model. In the model, organisms uptake the activity directly from water and through the food chain. The food chain consists of phytoplankton, zooplankton, non-piscivorous (prey) fish, and piscivorous (predatory) fish. In case of 129I, macro-algae was also considered. The modelling area covers Fukushima coastal waters and extends for 1600 km from the coast to the East. From North to South this area extends for 1300 km.

From model results, we can see how contamination will spread along the coast in different seasons. For example, in summer time the currents near the coast are directed to the North that leads to contamination of the Sendai Bay. This means that at different points along the coast, the concentration of radionuclides can periodically change according to currents that change during the year. Calculated concentrations of activity at several points along the coast of Japan, which correspond to largest cities in the area of interest, were extracted from model results. For example, calculated concentration of 3H in water in Tomioka point, which is quite close to FDNPP, sometimes can exceed 200 Bq/m3. In Soma point, the concentration will exceed 50 Bq/m3, while in point Iwaki-Onahama – 20 Bq/m3 at some moments of time. In other points, the calculated concentration of 3H in water will not exceed 10 Bq/m3 that is less than background concentration 50 Bq/m3. Concerning 129I, its maximum concentration in water will be around 10-3 – 10-2 Bq/m3 in points close to FDNPP and around 10-4 Bq/m3 in points further from the NPP that is around 100 000 times less than the calculated concentrations of 3H.

Calculated concentrations of OBT (organically bounded tritium) in predatory and prey fish are less than 0.01 Bq/kg in all points except FDNPP point where it is around 0.02 Bq/kg. This value is 10 times less than measured concentration of OBT in fish (0.2 Bq/kg) that was made in 2014 in the coastal area near the damaged NPP. Calculated concentrations of 129I in predatory and prey fish are in the range 10-6 – 10-4 Bq/kg in all considered points. Concentrations of 129I in macro-algae are about 100 times higher due to ability of iodine to accumulate in macro-algae. 

How to cite: Bezhenar, R., Takata, H., and Maderich, V.: Transport of H-3 and I-129 in water and their uptake by marine organisms due to the planned release of Fukushima storage water, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6019,, 2023.

EGU23-6026 | Orals | GI2.2

Dynamic change of dissolved Cs-137 from headwaters to downstream in the Kuchibuto River catchment 

Yuichi Onda, Taichi Kawano, Keisuke Taniguchi, and Junko Takahashi

The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP) accident on March 11, 2011 resulted in the release of large amounts of radioactive cesium-137 (137Cs) into the environment. It is important to characterize the Cs-137 dynamics throughout the river from the headwaters to the downstream. Previous studies have suggested the importance of dissolved forms of Cs-137 in organic matter in small watersheds and dissolved forms in suspended solids in large watersheds. Since the concentration of suspended-form Cs has been shown to decrease significantly after decontamination in evacuated areas (Feng et al. 2022), this rapid decrease in suspended-form Cs-137 concentration can be used to determine the cause of dissolved-form Cs. Therefore, we attempted to evaluate whether the dissolved Cs-137 was derived from organic matter or suspended solids by comparing data before and after decontamination.

 The objective of this study is to compare the decreasing trends of Cs-137 concentrations in decontaminated and undecontaminated areas based on long-term monitoring of suspended solids, dissolved solids, and coarse organic matter Cs-137 concentrations since 2011. The study area includes four headwater basins and four river basins (eight sites in total) in the Kuchibuto River watershed in the Yamakiya district of Fukushima Prefecture, located approximately 35 km northwest of the FDNPP.

In the Kuchibuto River watershed, a large inflow of decontaminated soil with low Cs-137 concentrations due to an increase in the amount of bare land caused by decontamination resulted in a rapid decrease in the concentration of suspended-form 137Cs in the decontaminated area in the headwaters and in the upper reaches of the river. However, no clear effect of decontamination was observed in the concentrations of dissolved Cs-137 and Cs-137 in coarse organic matter. Comparison of the slopes of Cs-137 concentrations in the suspended, dissolved, and coarse organic matter showed that the slope of the dissolved form was similar to that of the coarse organic matter in the source watersheds, and similar to that of the SS in the downstream watersheds. These results suggest that the contribution of dissolved Cs-137 from organic matter in small watersheds and that from suspended solids in large watersheds is significant.

How to cite: Onda, Y., Kawano, T., Taniguchi, K., and Takahashi, J.: Dynamic change of dissolved Cs-137 from headwaters to downstream in the Kuchibuto River catchment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6026,, 2023.

EGU23-10093 | Posters on site | GI2.2

Riverine 137Cs dynamics and remoralization in coastal waters during high flow events 

Yoshifumi Wakiyama, Hyoe Takata, Keisuke Taniguchi, Takuya Niida, Yasunori Igarashi, and Alexei Konoplev

Understanding riverine 137Cs dynamics during high-flow events is crucial for improving predictability of 137Cs transportation and relevant hydrological responses. It is frequently documented that the majority of 137Cs is exported during high-flow events triggered by intensive rainfall. Studies on 137Cs in coastal seawater suggested that a huge high-flow events resulted in high dissolved 137Cs concentration in seawater. Different temporal patterns of 137Cs concentrations in river water are found in the existing literature on 137Cs dynamics during high-flow events. Although such differences may reflect catchment characteristics, there is no comprehensive analysis for the relationships. This study explores catchment characteristics affecting 137Cs transport via river to ocean based on datasets obtained by sampling campaigns during high-flow events. 137Cs datasets obtained at 13 points in 6 river water systems were subject to the analysis. The analyses intended to explore relationship between catchment characteristics (scale and land use composition) and 137Cs dynamics in terms of variations in concentration, fluxes, and potential remobilization in seawater. We could not find any significant correlations between the parameters of catchment characteristics and mean values of normalized concentrations of 137Cs and apparent Kd. However, when approximating 137Cs concentrations and Kd value as a power function of suspended solid concentration (Y=α X^β), the power of β in the equations for dissolved 137Cs concentration and Kd showed negative and positive correlations with the logarithm of the watershed area, respectively, and the positive β was found when the catchment area was on the order of 100 km2 or larger and vice versa. This indicates that the concentration of dissolved 137Cs tends to decrease with increased water discharge in larger catchments for smaller catchments. These results suggest that the temporal pattern of dissolved 137Cs concentrations depends on watershed scale. 137Cs flux during a single event ranged from 1.9 GBq to 1.1 TBq and accounted for 0.00074% to 0.22% of total 137Cs deposited in relevant catchments. Particulate 137Cs flux accounted for more than 92% of total 137Cs flux, except for Ukedo River basin with a large dam reservoir. R-factor, an erosivity index in the Universal Soil Loss Equation model family, is a good parameter for reproducing sediment discharge and particulate 137Cs flux. Efficiency of particulate 137Cs flux, calculated by dividing the flux by R-factor of event, tended to be high in catchments with relatively low forest cover. Desorption ratio of 137Cs, obtained by 1-day shaking experiment of SS in seawater, ranged from 2.8 to 6.6%. The ratio was almost proportional of ratio of exchangeable 137Cs. The estimated amounts of desorbed 137Cs, obtained by multiplying particulate 137Cs and the desorption ratios, were greater than direct flux of dissolved 137Cs. Reanalysis of riverine 137Cs dataset in high flow events is revealing relationship between catchment characteristics and 137Cs dynamics. Further analyses, such as evaluation of decontamination impacts and inter-catchment comparisons of 137Cs fluxes, are required for better understanding.

How to cite: Wakiyama, Y., Takata, H., Taniguchi, K., Niida, T., Igarashi, Y., and Konoplev, A.: Riverine 137Cs dynamics and remoralization in coastal waters during high flow events, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10093,, 2023.

EGU23-10539 | Posters on site | GI2.2 | Highlight

Long-term dynamics of 137Cs accumulation at an urban pond 

Honoka Kurosawa, Kenji Nanba, Toshihiro Wada, and Yoshifumi Wakiyama

It is known that the semi-enclosed water area such as pond and dam reservoir is readily subject to 137Cs accumulation because of the secondary inflow from the catchment area. We present the long-term monitoring data of the 137Cs concentration in bottom sediment and pond water in an urban pond located in the central area of Koriyama City, Fukushima Prefecture to discuss the 137Cs dynamics of the urban pond. The pond was decontaminated by the bottom sediment removal in 2017. The bottom sediment core and pond water were collected in 2015 and 2018-2021. The inflow and outflow water were collected in 2020-2021. The river water around the pond was collected in 2021. The bottom sediment and water samples were measured for 137Cs concentration, particulate size distribution, and N and C stable isotopes. Compared between 2015 and 2018, the 137Cs inventory and 0-10 cm depth of 137Cs concentration in the bottom sediment at 7 points were decreased by 81 % (mean 1.50 to 0.28 MBq/m2) and 85 % (mean 31.5 to 4.8 kBq/kgDW), respectively. Although mean 137Cs inventory in bottom sediment did not drastically change during 2018-2021, its variability became wider. Points with increased 137Cs inventory in bottom sediment showed year-by-year increase in thickness of layer with concentrations higher than 8 kBq/kgDW, a criterion for considered decontamination. The 137Cs concentration in suspended solids (SS) in pond water was lowered after decontamination, although it still remained above 8 kBq/kgDW. The 137Cs concentrations in SS of inflow water were also high, exceeding 8 kBq/kgDW. The 137Cs concentration in SS of the river water around the pond was higher when it passed through the urban area, suggesting that the inflow of particles from urban origin maintained high 137Cs level in the pond. 

How to cite: Kurosawa, H., Nanba, K., Wada, T., and Wakiyama, Y.: Long-term dynamics of 137Cs accumulation at an urban pond, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10539,, 2023.

EGU23-10868 | Posters on site | GI2.2

Estimation of annual Cesium-137 influx from the FDNPP to the coastal water 

Shun Satoh and Hyoe Takata

Due to the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (1F) in March 2011, radionuclides were introduced into the environment, and one of the release pathways to the ocean is the direct discharge from the 1F (on-going release). This was mainly caused immediately after the accident, but even now, the on-going release is continuing. In this study, firstly we estimated the on-going release of 137Cs from 1F over 10 years after the accident, using the TEPCO’s 137Cs monitoring results in the coastal area around 1F. Secondly, change in the monitoring data related to countermeasures by TEPCO (e.g. construction of iced walls) to reduce the introduction of contaminated water into the ocean or detect 137Cs in nearby seawater, so their effects on the on-going release estimation were also discussed. A box model including inside and outside of the port was assumed for the area around 1F, and the amount of 137Cs in the box was estimated (estimated value: modeled data). Then, the difference between the estimated value and the amount of 137Cs obtained from actual observed concentrations (measured value: monitoring data) was calculated. The result showed that the measured value was higher than the estimated value, suggesting the on-going release from 1F. As for decrease in monitoring data after the countermeasures, it is implied that the estimation of rate of on-going release has been reduced by the countermeasures.

How to cite: Satoh, S. and Takata, H.: Estimation of annual Cesium-137 influx from the FDNPP to the coastal water, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10868,, 2023.

EGU23-11671 | Posters on site | GI2.2

Changes in Cs-137 concentrations in river-bottom sediments and their factors in Fukushima Prefecture rivers 

Naoyuki Wada, Yuichi Onda, Xiang Gao, and Chen Tang

The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident (FDNPP) in 2011 resulted in the release of large amounts of Cs-137 into the atmosphere. Cs-137 deposited on land was mainly distributed in forests, but some of it has been discharged to the sea through rivers. The dissolved and suspended forms of Cs-137 in rivers have been focused on, and it is known that the discharge mechanism and concentration formation of Cs-137 differ depending on the land use in the river basin. On the other hand, there are few cases that focus on the dynamics of Cs-137 in river bottom sediments. River-bottom sediment is less likely to flow downstream than suspended sediments, so contamination in the downstream area may be long-term.
We will clarify the migration mechanism of Cs-137 in rivers including river-bottom sediment.Therefore, we will analyze data collected from 2011 to 2018 in 89 watersheds in Fukushima prefecture. In analyzing the data, we removed sampling points with brackish water using electrical conductivity and corrected for particle size to standardize the surface area of particles that absorb Cs-137.As a result, it was found that unlike dissolved and suspended forms, the Cs concentration in river-bottom sediments can increase within the initial year. This is related to the average initial deposition in the watershed and the amount of initial deposition at the river-bottom sediment sampling sites, with a tendency to increase with relatively higher initial deposition in the upstream area. It was also known that the decrease in suspended Cs concentration was more pronounced when anthropogenic activities in the watershed were more active, but there was no clear relationship between land use in the watershed and changes in river-bottom sediment Cs concentration. This indicates that suspended sediment Cs concentrations are controlled by initial deposition to suspended sediment production sources, whereas river-bottom Cs concentrations are controlled by multiple factors such as sediment traction and Cs supply from river water.

How to cite: Wada, N., Onda, Y., Gao, X., and Tang, C.: Changes in Cs-137 concentrations in river-bottom sediments and their factors in Fukushima Prefecture rivers, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11671,, 2023.

EGU23-12670 | ECS | Orals | GI2.2

Minimizing the loss of radioactively contaminated sediment from the Niida watershed (Fukushima, Japan) through spatially targeted afforestation. 

Floris Abrams, Lieve Sweeck, Johan Camps, Grethell Castillo-Reyes, Bin Feng, Yuichi Onda, and Jos Van Orshoven

Government-led decontamination of agricultural land in the Fukushima accident (2011) region has lowered the on-site radiation risk considerably. From 2013 to early 2017, 11.9% of the land in the Fukushima disaster affected Niida watershed in Japan was remediated through topsoil removal. However, this resulted in a 237.1% increase in suspended sediment loads in the river for 2016 compared to 2013.  In contrast, sediment loads decreased by 41% from 2016 to 2017; this can be attributed to the effect of natural vegetation restoration on sediment yield and transfer patterns (Bin et al., 2022). Since radiocaesium firmly binds to the clay minerals in the soil, it is inevitably transported along with the sediments downstream to the river systems. These observations confirm that rapid, spatially targeted interventions, such as revegetation, e.g., through afforestation, have the potential to decrease the magnitude and period of increased exports of contaminated sediments. The CAMF tool (Cellular Automata-based Heuristic for Minimizing Flow) (Vanegas et al., 2012) was originally designed to find the cells in a raster representation of a watershed for which afforestation would lead to a maximal reduction of sediment exports with minimal effort or cost while taking sediment flow from cell to cell into account. In our research, we adapted the CAMF tool to account for the radiocaesium budgets associated with the transported sediments. We applied the approach to the Niida catchment, where land-cover changes in upstream decontaminated regions are detected using drone imagery and linked to increased sediment loads in the Niida river using long-term river monitoring systems. For example In 2014, agricultural land (18.02 km2) was one of the major land uses in the regions where decontamination was ordered, resulting in increased sediment loads from 2014 to 2016. By recognizing both the on- and off-site impacts of the remediation interventions and their temporal dynamics, the modified CAMF tool offers scope for supporting the formulation of spatio-temporal schemes for the remediation of agricultural land. These schemes aim to decrease the radiation risk for downstream communities and minimize the potential recontamination of already decontaminated sites.

How to cite: Abrams, F., Sweeck, L., Camps, J., Castillo-Reyes, G., Feng, B., Onda, Y., and Van Orshoven, J.: Minimizing the loss of radioactively contaminated sediment from the Niida watershed (Fukushima, Japan) through spatially targeted afforestation., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12670,, 2023.

EGU23-13366 | Orals | GI2.2

Similarity of long-term temporal decrease in atmospheric Cs-137 between Chernobyl and Fukushima 

Kentaro Akasaki, Shu Mori, Eiichi Suetomi, and Yuko Hatano

We compare the atmospheric concentrations of Cs-137 after a decade between Chernobyl and Fukushima cases. We plotted 8 datasets on log-log axes (5 cases in Chernobyl and 3 cases Fukushima) and found that they appear to follow a single function.

There have been measured the atmospheric concentration after the Chernobyl accident for more than 30 years [1]. On the other hand, several teams of Japanese researchers have been measured in Fukushima and its vicinity for almost 10 years. [2][3] In this study, we compare 5 sites in Chernobyl (Pripyat, Chernobyl, Baryshevka, Kiev, and Polesskoe) and 3 sites in Fukushima (FDNPP O-6 and O-7, Univ. Fukushima).

We adjust the magnitude of the data because it depends on the amount of the initial deposition. After the adjustment, we plot the 8 cases on a log-log plot. We found that the 8 cases collapse together, with the power index of -1.6. Namely,

C(t) ~ t^{-1.6}.               …(1)

Incidentally, we have been proposed a formula which reproduce the long-term behavior of atmospheric concentration at a fixed location as

C(t) = A exp(-bt) t^{-4/3}    …(2)

where A is a parameter which relates to the amount of the initial deposition and b as the reaction rate of all the first-order reactions (including the radioactive decay rate, the vegetation uptake rate, the runoff rate, etc). We will investigate the difference in the power-law index in Eq. (1) and (2). The parameter b is highly dependent on the environment. When we take a proper value of b, the apparent decrease of the concentration will change from t^{-4/3}. We may make the apparent power-index close to -1.6.


[1] E. K. Garger, et al., J. Env. Radioact., 110 (2012) 53-58.

[2] A. Watanabe, et al., Atmos. Chem. Phys. 22 (2022) 675-692.

[3] T. Abe, K. Yoshimura, Y. Sanada, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 21 (2021) 200636.

How to cite: Akasaki, K., Mori, S., Suetomi, E., and Hatano, Y.: Similarity of long-term temporal decrease in atmospheric Cs-137 between Chernobyl and Fukushima, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13366,, 2023.

EGU23-13486 | ECS | Posters virtual | GI2.2

Distributions of tritium in the marine water and biota around Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant 

Satoru Ohtsuki, Yuhei Shirotani, and Hyoe Takata

For decommissioning of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (FDNPS), it is one of the biggest problems to treat the radioactive contaminated stagnant water in the building. It is difficult to remove H-3 from the contaminated water by only Advanced Liquid Processing System (ALPS) treatment. Thus, the Japanese Government announced to release the ALPS treated water containing H-3. To predict the alteration of the dose rate of the marine biota by the change of H-3 concentration in marine water after the release of ALPS water, it is necessary to understand the dynamics of H-3 in marine ecosystem. In this study, we studied the behavior of H-3 in the marine environment (water and biota) off Aomori and Iwate prefectures from FY2003 to FY2012, as the background data of the Pacific Ocean along the coast of the North East Japan. To clarify the dynamics of H-3 in marine biota, we compared H-3 and Cs-137. Excluding the period of the intermittent test operation of the Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant (FY2006-FY2008), the concentration of H-3 in seawater, tissue free water tritium (TFWT) and organically bound tritium (OBT) were 0.052-0.20 Bq/L with a mean of 0.12±0.031 Bq/L, 0.050-0.34 Bq/kg-wet with a mean of 1.1±0.039 Bq/kg-wet and 0.0070-0.099 Bq/kg-wet with a mean of 0.042±0.019 Bq/kg-wet, respectively. Before the FDNPS accident (FY2003-FY2010), Cs-137 concentration in seawater and marine biota were 0.00054-0.0027 Bq/L with a mean of 0.0016±0.00041 Bq/L and 0.022-1.8 Bq/kg-wet with a mean of 0.090±0.037 Bq/kg-wet, respectively. Concentration Ratio (CR), the ratio of the concentration of marine biota and seawater for TFWT, was to be 0.34-2.37 with a mean of 0.97±0.31 in all spices, meaning the concentration of marine biota was almost equal to seawater. For Cs-137, CR were 46-78 with a mean of 56±22. We compared CRs for TFWT of Gadus macrocephalus, Lophius litulon and Oncorhynchus keta with those of Cs-137. Comparing CR-TFWT and CR-Cs-137 for these three species, Spearman-R was <0.4 and p was >0.05, indicating that the dynamics of TFWT and Cs-137 in marine ecology is decoupled.

How to cite: Ohtsuki, S., Shirotani, Y., and Takata, H.: Distributions of tritium in the marine water and biota around Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13486,, 2023.

EGU23-15515 | Posters on site | GI2.2

137Cs transport flux to surface water due to shallow groundwater discharge from forest hillslope 

Yuma Niwano, Hiroaki Kato, Satoru Akaiwa, Donovan Anderson, Hikaru Iida, Miyu Nakanishi, Yuichi Onda, Hikaru Sato, and Tadafumi Niizato

Groundwater systems and surface water can interact in a complex manner that influences catchment discharge, which then becomes more complex in forest slopes. A large amount of Radioactive cesium (137Cs) deposited on forests due to the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident remains in terrestrial environments and is transported downstream as suspended or dissolved forms by surface water. Generally, the concentration of dissolved 137Cs in surface water increases especially during runoff. While the leaching behavior of 137Cs from contaminated forest materials and soils to surface water has been heavily studied, the influence of 137Cs concentration in shallow groundwater systems in forest slopes have not been investigated. Therefore, detailed hydrological observations of groundwater on a forest hillslope will enable quantitative analysis of the influence of groundwater flow on the formation of dissolved 137Cs concentrations in surface water during base flow and during runoff. Our results showed that the dissolved 137Cs concentration in surface water increases during water discharge. The average concentration of dissolved 137Cs in shallow groundwater was 0.64 Bq/L, which was higher than that in surface water (average 0.10 Bq/L). Furthermore, it was also observed that a part of the shallow groundwater on the slope moves toward the river channel at the time of water runoff. This suggests that shallow groundwater may have flowed into the surface water during the outflow and contributed to the increase of 137Cs in the surface water. In this study, the contribution of groundwater in forest slopes to the dissolved 137Cs concentration in surface water was estimated using the hydrodynamic gradient distribution of groundwater in forest slopes and the measured dissolved 137Cs concentration in groundwater.

How to cite: Niwano, Y., Kato, H., Akaiwa, S., Anderson, D., Iida, H., Nakanishi, M., Onda, Y., Sato, H., and Niizato, T.: 137Cs transport flux to surface water due to shallow groundwater discharge from forest hillslope, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15515,, 2023.

EGU23-393 | ECS | Orals | GI6.5

Using environmental radioactivity to create a national scale peatlands map: a case study from Ireland 

David O Leary, John Connolly, Louis Gilet, Jim Hodgson, Colin Brown, and Eve Daly

Historically, peatlands have acted as globally important carbon sequestration habitats via the storage of organic material. Modern degraded/drained peatlands emit this carbon as CO2 via decomposition of the stored organic material. Through restoration projects, in which the water table is raised, peatlands may become carbon neutral or possibly carbon negative. National restoration plans require a knowledge of peatland extent and spatial distribution across large geographic areas.

Globally, current peatland maps are created in a variety of ways including the use of optical satellite remote sensing or combinations of legacy soil/quaternary maps. However, optical remote sensing cannot detect peatlands under landcover such as forest or grassland. Legacy maps are often created from sparse in-situ augur, borehole, or trial pit data. These types of measurements do not allow for accurate measurement of peatland boundaries.

Radiometrics, a geophysical method that measures radiation emitted from geological materials, is particularly suited to peatland studies. Modelling of radiometric attenuation shows that a statistical difference is present in recorded potassium, equivalent uranium and equivalent thorium counts acquired over peat, compared to those acquired over a non-peat/mineral soil. Mineral soils contain geological material which acts as a source of gamma radiation. Peat, being a mostly organic material, is generally not considered a source of radiation. Peat also tends to be saturated and water acts to attenuate the recorded gamma signature. These effects combined means that peatlands are represented as a “low” radiometric signal in the landscape.

In Ireland, the Tellus survey, acquired by the Geological Survey, Ireland (GSI) aims to acquire airborne data including electromagnetic, magnetic, and radiometric data, consistently across the country (flight line spacing of 200m). This study uses Tellus airborne radiometric data in combination with machine learning classification techniques, to identify peatlands under modified landcover, such as forestry and grasslands and to increase the spatial resolution of existing peatland map to 50 x 50 m. The methodology is robust and can be applied in all areas where these data exist. The results may update national and international carbon inventories of peatlands area and geographic distribution and inform European policy.

How to cite: O Leary, D., Connolly, J., Gilet, L., Hodgson, J., Brown, C., and Daly, E.: Using environmental radioactivity to create a national scale peatlands map: a case study from Ireland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-393,, 2023.

EGU23-537 | ECS | Posters virtual | GI6.5

Impact of radon exposures on non cancer outcomes and future perspectives  

Carolina L Zilli Vieira and Petros Koutrakis

Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas formed from the decay of primordial radionuclides (Uranium and Thorium) in the Earth's crust. It infiltrates into homes from soil, water, and construction materials. Indoor radon is one of the leading cause of lung cancer. Our recent studies have showed short- and middle-term exposures to indoor radon are also related to increased risk of cardiovascular, pregnancy and respiratory morbidity and mortality. These findings bring a new direction for radon exposures and health outcomes studies.  In this overview, we will present our most recent studies on radon exposures and non-cancer outcomes, describing from biological mechanisms to future directions for public health policies.

How to cite: Zilli Vieira, C. L. and Koutrakis, P.: Impact of radon exposures on non cancer outcomes and future perspectives , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-537,, 2023.

EGU23-549 | ECS | Posters on site | GI6.5 | Highlight

Mapping of radioactivity levels in and around the gold mine tailing dams of Gauteng Province, South Africa 

Paballo Moshupya, Seeke Mohuba, Tamiru Abiye, and Ian Korir

Naturally occurring radionuclides arises mainly from natural sources and anthropogenic activities such as mining. In South Africa, gold mining in the goldfields of the Witwatersrand Basin has resulted in numerous tailing dams that have high concentrations of NORM bearing residue. The aim of this study was to evaluate the surface radioactivity levels in and around the gold tailing dams of Gauteng Province in South Africa and further determine the consequential radiological exposure to the public. The portable BGO SUPER-SPEC (RS-230) spectrometer, with a 6.3 cubic inches Bismuth Germanate Oxide (BGO) detector was used to measure the activity concentrations for 238U, 232Th and 40K in mine tailings, soils and underlying rocks. This work was conducted on a regional scale and covered the West Rand, East Rand and Central Rand Districts of the Gauteng Province, which are dominated by the abandoned gold tailings dams. Of the three radionuclides that were studied, 238U was found to be the most significant radioactive contaminant of radiological concern. High 238U concentrations (209.95 to 2578.68 Bq/kg) were found in the mine tailings than in the surrounding soils (9.88 to 941.07 Bq/kg) and rocks (11.12 to 71.63 Bq/kg). In surface soil, the radionuclides show significant spatial variability with high activities recorded in soils located in close proximity to tailings thus signifying the adverse environmental impacts of mining in the study area. The annual effective dose estimations indicate that the mine tailings found in the area and soils impacted by tailings significantly contribute to the external gamma radiation received by members of the public. This therefore highlight the need for further monitoring and regulatory control measures targeting these affected areas, in order to ensure the protection of persons and the environment within the areas.

Keywords: activity concentration; gold mine tailings; in situ gamma ray spectrometry; radiological

exposures; South Africa


How to cite: Moshupya, P., Mohuba, S., Abiye, T., and Korir, I.: Mapping of radioactivity levels in and around the gold mine tailing dams of Gauteng Province, South Africa, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-549,, 2023.

EGU23-2800 | ECS | Posters on site | GI6.5

BlueSky: a system for in-situ identification of 137Cs in industrial waste 

Virginia Strati, Matteo Albéri, Enrico Chiarelli, Tommaso Colonna, Enrico Guastaldi, Andrea Iannarone, Nicola Lopane, Alice Magnoni, Andrea Maino, Fabio Mantovani, Dario Petrone, Kassandra Giulia Cristina Raptis, Filippo Semenza, Mattia Taroni, and Giacomo Zambelli

In industrial waste management the on-site and real-time automatic radiological characterization represents a significant improvement in disposal procedures, minimizing processing times and operators exposure. In a steel mill the accidental fusion of radioactive sources in contaminated metals is an event with a non-negligible extent. In these radiological emergency situations, significant issues arise for the environment protection with negative consequences on the mill’s production. The contamination of the separate structures (e.g., furnaces, filtering systems) force a stop on the production and a complex management of the storage and disposal of the contaminated materials. In these situations, a representative sampling is an extremely time-consuming and expensive operation which increases the risks of further radiological contamination both to the environment and the involved personnel.

BlueSky is an innovative measurement system developed and validated in a steel mill for the in-situ characterization of filtering and dust suppression systems contaminated with Cs-137 which were stocked in about 400 containers with an approximate mass of 100 kg each. BlueSky was conceived with the goal of identifying, in-situ and with a 95% confidence level, the containers with an activity concentration lower than 100 Bq/kg, the clearance level which determines their disposal without radiological relevance. A single 20-minute measurement, realized positioning the detector on the top of each container, permits to achieve this objective with a Minimum Detection Activity of 22 Bq/kg.

The BlueSky system includes a 2 x 2 inches cerium bromide (CeBr3) detector partially collimated with a lead shielding to decrease by 60% the signal contribution from the surrounding environment. The in-situ measurement process has been streamlined by the development of an Android App that, thanks to the Bluetooth module coupled to the detector, manages the data taking process, analyzes the acquired spectrum, displays the results and sends them to the Cloud Storage Platform.

How to cite: Strati, V., Albéri, M., Chiarelli, E., Colonna, T., Guastaldi, E., Iannarone, A., Lopane, N., Magnoni, A., Maino, A., Mantovani, F., Petrone, D., Raptis, K. G. C., Semenza, F., Taroni, M., and Zambelli, G.: BlueSky: a system for in-situ identification of 137Cs in industrial waste, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2800,, 2023.

EGU23-3353 | Posters virtual | GI6.5

Temporal variability of gamma radiation and aerosol concentration over the North Atlantic ocean 

Nuno Dias, Guilherme Amaral, Carlos Almeida, António Ferreira, António Camilo, Eduardo Silva, and Susana Barbosa

Gamma radiation measured over the ocean is mainly due to airborne radionuclides, as gamma emission by radon degassing from the ocean is negligible. Airborne gamma-emitting elements include radon progeny (Pb-2114, Bi-214, Pb-210) and cosmogenic radionuclides such as Be-7. Radon progeny attaches readily to aerosols, thus the fate of gamma-emitting radon progeny, after its formation by radioactive decay from radon, is expected to be closely linked to that of aerosols.

Gamma radiation measurements over the Atlantic Ocean were made on board the ship-rigged sailing ship NRP Sagres in the framework of project SAIL (Space-Atmosphere-Ocean Interactions in the marine boundary Layer). The measurements were performed continuously with a NaI(Tl) scintillator counting all gamma rays from 475 keV to 3 MeV.  

The counts from the sensor were recorded every 1 second into a computer system which had his time reference corrected by a GNSS pulse per second (PPS) signal. The GNSS was also used to precisely position the ship. The measurements were performed over the Atlantic ocean from January to May 2020, along the ship’s round trip from Lisboa - Cape Verde – Rio de Janeiro – Buenos Aires – Cape Town – Cape Verde - Lisboa.

The results show that the gamma radiation time series displays considerable higher counts and larger variability in January compared to the remaining period. Reanalysis data also indicate higher aerosol concentration. This work investigates in detail the association between the temporal evolution of the gamma radiation measurements obtained from the SAIL campaign over the Atlantic Ocean and co-located total aerosol concentration at 550 nm obtained every 3 hours from EAC4(ECMWF Atmospheric Composition Reanalysis 4) data.

How to cite: Dias, N., Amaral, G., Almeida, C., Ferreira, A., Camilo, A., Silva, E., and Barbosa, S.: Temporal variability of gamma radiation and aerosol concentration over the North Atlantic ocean, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3353,, 2023.

The characterization of NORM/TENORM materials must be performed using different nuclear techniques, able to show the complete scheme of the equilibrium of the radionuclides in the different natural chains. The characterization must be done in order to be able to determine the levels of radionuclides present in them, in order to verify the clearance levels for the correct management of the material, of the area management in which they are located and determine any breakage of the natural chains to identify NORM/TENORM pollution phenomena in the environment where these materials are stored. All this is particularly important in order to organize the remediation of polluted sites.

In the site of national interest of Tito Scalo (South Italy), "ex Liquichimica" Area, following specific samplings, characterizations were carried out for the determination of Uranium, 226Ra, 210Pb and 210Po as well as the gamma emitters with various analytical techniques and through specific radiochemical procedures.

The above determinations were performed on various matrices, including surface and groundwater, soils, silt-sediments and plants, for a total of 257 soil samples, 47 groundwater samples, 8 surface water samples, 8 silt-sediment and 10 plant samples.

The analyzes were conducted using radiochemical procedures, such as the IAEA/AQ/34:2014 procedure, accredited according to the UNI EN ISO 17025 standard, specific for the determination of U, Ra, Pb and Po in phosphogypsum.

The analytical techniques used are complex and involve multiple steps for the treatment of the sample and the sequential separation of the radionuclides for their determination: in particular, the above procedure involves the use of liquid scintillation, alpha and gamma spectrometry after radiochemical treatment of the starting matrix. Processes of this type require, in addition to specific skills, a qualitative process that guarantees the goodness of the entire process.

This work shows in detail the IAEA/AQ/34 procedure for the radiological characterization of the phosphogypsum basin of the "ex Liquichimica" area of Tito Scalo, as well as analytical data for each group of analyzed matrices.


How to cite: Taroni, M., Iannarone, A., and Zambelli, G.: NORM-TENORM: Characterization of Uranium, Radium, Lead and Polonium levels in the area of the phosphogypsum basin in South Italy. Radiochemical measurement techniques, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3918,, 2023.

EGU23-4703 | Posters on site | GI6.5

A refined chronology and spatial distribution of artificial radionuclide fallout (239,240Pu, 137Cs) in South America 

Pierre-Alexis Chaboche, Olivier Evrard, Anthony Foucher, Pierre Sabatier, and Marcos Tassano

Sedimentary sequences have received a growing interest as a support for conducting climatic and environmental reconstructions covering the 20th century period, which has been highly impacted by socio-environmental changes. South-America is one of the regions of the world the most impacted by these changes (e.g. agricultural expansion, extreme climatic events) which induce many deleterious consequences (e.g. increase of soil erosion, transfer of contaminants). However, quantitative information regarding soil erosion and sediment accumulation processes at the catchment scale is currently lacking to determine the magnitude of these phenomena and promote effective policies to mitigate their environmental and economic impacts.

Fallout of anthropogenic radionuclides (137Cs, 239Pu and 240Pu) emitted by atmospheric nuclear weapon tests conducted between 1945 and 1980 provides an opportunity to overcome this lack of information. Indeed, artificial radionuclides bound to fine-grained sediment have been increasingly recognized as powerful tools to conduct environmental, climatic and soil redistribution rate reconstructions during the Anthropocene. Although spatial and temporal reconstructions of this fallout have been conducted worldwide, this information remains scarce in South America. In addition, scientific controversies emerged regarding the contribution of French atmospheric nuclear tests to the deposition of artificial radionuclides in this region of the world, requiring further investigation.

Based on a compilation of 137Cs inventories in undisturbed soil profiles (n=96) and a digital soil mapping approach, an open-access baseline map of 137Cs fallout at the subcontinental scale of South America was created. The results showed that the 137Cs inventory technique should be appropriate to reconstruct soil erosion in intensive agricultural landscapes of Chile, Argentina, Uruguay and southern Brazil and theoretically applicable in Paraguay, Bolivia and Peru. Compared to previous estimations, higher levels of 137Cs fallout were observed between 20 and 60° South latitude. Additional measurements were therefore conducted in undisturbed soils and lake sediment cores collected at these latitudes by analyzing the 240Pu/239Pu atomic ratios, which is a powerful tool to determine the sources and their respective contributions to the deposition of anthropogenic radionuclides. Significantly lower plutonium atom ratios were found and attributed to the higher contribution (up to 60% in Uruguay) of the fallout following French atmospheric nuclear tests between 1966 and 1974.

This refined chronology and spatial distribution of bomb-derived fallout will undoubtedly be useful to avoid misinterpretations of sediment core dating and reconstruct soil redistribution rates during the Anthropocene in South America.

How to cite: Chaboche, P.-A., Evrard, O., Foucher, A., Sabatier, P., and Tassano, M.: A refined chronology and spatial distribution of artificial radionuclide fallout (239,240Pu, 137Cs) in South America, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4703,, 2023.

EGU23-5501 | ECS | Posters virtual | GI6.5

Prediction of caesium dynamics in soil using Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy (MIRS) 

Ayane Kan, Maria Heiling, Arsenio Toloza, Franck Albinet, Takuro Shinano, and Gerd Dercon

The release of radiocaesium radionuclides (RCs) has affected food safety after the accidents at Chernobyl and Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plants. 137Cs, in particular, is of major concern in terms of agriculture due to its relatively long half-life (30.2 years for 137Cs), its strong fixation by the soil, and easy absorption by plants. Therefore, several countermeasures have been undertaken. For instance, topsoil removal and potassium fertilizer successfully reduced the level of RCs contamination in agricultural products. However, the relation between the transfer factor and exchangeable potassium (Kex) differs depending on the soil, meaning that there are several parameters including Kex that influences caesium (Cs) uptake by plants. The reason remains unclear, but a previous studies suggested that exchangeable 137Cs could be a crucial factor in explaining the variation. Also, some factors such as solid/liquid distribution coefficient (Kd) of Cs, or the ratio of exchangeable 137Cs versus total 137Cs (137Csex / 137Cstotal) in the soil could be involved in the determination of the risk of 137Cs uptake by plants. Furthermore, a rapid risk assessment is needed while these parameters can take a huge amount of time to be determined. Hence, Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy (MIRS), being faster, more cost-effective, and non-destructive, may be utilized for the determination of these parameters. However, the prediction of these parameters using MIRS has yet to be assessed. In this study, we aimed to assess whether MIRS can predict Cs-related parameters in the soil such as Kd, 137Csex / 137Cstotal, Kex and other parameters that may be of influence on the behaviour of RCs in the soil, such as CEC, pH, and soil organic carbon.

In total about 1700 soil samples were collected from agricultural fields in the Fukushima Prefecture in Japan. The soil samples were air-dried and ground. The MIRS data were obtained using a Thermo Scientific Nicolet iS20 spectrometer. Using Partial Least Squares Regression as a baseline, the spectra data and the wet chemistry data including Kd, 137Csex / 137Cstotal, and Kex, among other soil parameters, were used for modelling and prediction. Even though until present (at submission of this abstract) only 176 samples have been measured, we found that balancing the range of values between training and validation sets enabled Partial Least Regression Estimation methods to provide a relatively high R2 valid score for the prediction of each wet chemistry data, especially soil organic carbon, CEC, Mgex and Caex, ranging between 0.73 and 0.88. Using less than 200 samples, however, the validation scores of Cs -related parameters were less than 0.5. Further MIRS data are expected for up to about 1600 soil samples, for 137Csex / 137Cstotal in the soil. Additional processing and modelling techniques will be tested aiming at further improving the validation scores, and results will be shown at EGU.

How to cite: Kan, A., Heiling, M., Toloza, A., Albinet, F., Shinano, T., and Dercon, G.: Prediction of caesium dynamics in soil using Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy (MIRS), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5501,, 2023.

EGU23-6130 | ECS | Orals | GI6.5

Validation of a High-Fidelity Monte Carlo Model for Airborne Gamma-Ray Spectrometry with Field Measurements 

David Breitenmoser, Gernot Butterweck, Malgorzata M. Kasprzak, and Sabine Mayer

The objective of the present study is to simulate the spectral gamma-ray response of the Swiss Airborne Gamma-Ray Spectrometry system (SAGRS) using Monte Carlo radiation transport codes. The SAGRS is mounted in the cargo bay of a AS-332M1 Super Puma helicopter from the Swiss Air Force and consists of four prismatic NaI(Tl) scintillation crystals with a total volume of 16.8 l. We developed a high-fidelity Monte Carlo model of the SAGRS including the detector system and the helicopter using the multi-purpose radiation transport code FLUKA. As part of the measurement campaign ARM22c organized by the National Emergency Operations Centre (NEOC), we performed hover and line flights in combination with ground measurements using certified 133Ba and 137Cs point sources to validate our model. The performed measurements revealed a significant impact of the helicopter fuel on the detector response for various solid angles. In general, we found an excellent agreement between the measured and simulated detector response with relative errors in the full energy peak <10%. The validated model presented herein offers a novel way to simulate the spectral detector response of the SAGRS for the generation of fundamental spectra in a full spectrum analysis framework.

How to cite: Breitenmoser, D., Butterweck, G., Kasprzak, M. M., and Mayer, S.: Validation of a High-Fidelity Monte Carlo Model for Airborne Gamma-Ray Spectrometry with Field Measurements, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6130,, 2023.

EGU23-6207 | ECS | Posters virtual | GI6.5


María López Pérez, Elisa Gordo, Francisco Javier Hernández Suárez, Gabriel Castelló, Pedro Ángel Salazar Carballo, Cristina González, Francisco Javier Expósito, Juan Pedro Díaz, and Esperanza Liger

Understanding the mechanisms for transport and deposition of pollutants in the atmosphere is essential for the modelling of air quality. Air quality Radio-indicators (or radio-tracers) such as 40K and 137Cs may be useful to identify and differentiate natural and anthropogenic inputs of pollutants as well as forcing mechanisms (such as dust plumes, nuclear accidents, etc…).  

Spain, due to its proximity to the African continent, is especially affected by African dust plumes which have a remarkable impact on air quality. These events, in addition to large amounts of aerosols, bacteria, virus, seeds, etc.., are usually accompanied by relatively high concentration of 40K (t1/2 = 1.25·109 years) and 137Cs, a fission product with a half-live of 30.2 years. The deterioration of the air quality during such events often has large socio-economical and medical implications to the population.

In this work we analyse and discuss the variations of these two radio-indicators in aerosol samples collected at 7 different monitoring stations over a period of 10 years (2009-2018). The monitoring stations were all located in Spain and operated by the Spanish Nuclear Safety Council. These stations were: Tenerife (28º27′18′′N; 16º17′29′′W), Málaga (36º43’40’’N; 4º28’80’’W), Sevilla (37°22′51″N; 5°59′28″O), Cáceres (39°28'36"N; 6°22'06"O), Madrid (40°27′16″N; 3°43′42″W), Barcelona (41°23′12″N; 2°09′50″E) and Bilbao (43°16′07″N; 2°56′16″O).

40K and 137Cs activity concentrations in atmospheric aerosols were recorded from January 2006 to July 2018. Sampling was carried out weekly using high-flow collectors that operate at about 600 m3/h.  Polypropylene square filters were used to collect atmospheric aerosols. These filters have an efficiency of approximately 96% for the collection of radionuclides.

40K activity concentrations were detected between 39% (Tenerife) and 100% (Bilbao and Madrid) of the samples measured. However, 137Cs activity concentrations appeared in between 3% (Sevilla) and 19% (Bilbao) of the aerosol samples. The simultaneous detection of both radio-indicators in the monitoring stations located in the south of Spain were mostly linked to African dust plumes.

During the weeks after the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident in 2011, 137Cs was detected between 70% (Málaga) and 100% (Madrid, Barcelona and Bilbao) of the samples analyzed. Other fission products such as 131I and 134Cs were also recorded in the same samples during this period.

This work highlights the proper functioning of the Spanish environmental radiological monitoring network but also its usefulness for the study of atmospheric processes impacting air quality such as African dust plumes.


This study was supported by the Spanish Nuclear Safety Council (CSN).

How to cite: López Pérez, M., Gordo, E., Hernández Suárez, F. J., Castelló, G., Salazar Carballo, P. Á., González, C., Expósito, F. J., Díaz, J. P., and Liger, E.: VARIATIONS OF AIR QUALITY RADIO-INDICATORS 40K AND 137Cs IN ATMOSPHERIC AEROSOLS IN SEVERAL LOCATIONS IN SPAIN., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6207,, 2023.

EGU23-6491 | Posters virtual | GI6.5 | Highlight

Radon gas emissions during the 2021 Tajogaite eruption at Cumbre Vieja Volcano (La Palma, Canary Islands) 

M. Candelaria Martin-Luis, Pedro A. Salazar-Carballo, María López-Pérez, Xiomara Duarte-Rodríguez, José L. Rodríguez-Marrero, José M. Lorenzo-Salazar, and Antonio Catalán-Acosta

On 19 September 2021, the largest historic eruption of La Palma began, named the Tajogaite volcano. It was active for 85 days, ending on 13 December 2021. During eruptions, the exposure to natural pollutants rises above background levels due to gas emissions and particulate matter (ash and aerosols) into the atmosphere. Moreover, rock fracturing due to magma injection and seismic activity associated with the eruptive phenomena can increase the ground permeability, having a potential effect on radon (222Rn) emissions. During the eruptive and post-eruptive period of the Tajogaite volcano, 222Rn measurements were performed across the affected areas to assess the possible radiological impact of this volcanic episode on La Palma inhabitants.

During the first weeks of the eruption, 88 Solid State Nuclear Track (CR-39-SSNT) detectors were deployed at workplaces and dwellings, mainly located in the vicinity of the eruption, though several detectors were also placed in more distant areas for comparison. These detectors were exposed for ca. 90 days, from September 2021 to January 2022, though only 77 detectors could be retrieved as the rest were buried by the lavas. In addition, 3 portable RadonScout devices (SARAD GmbH) were used for continuous monitoring (1 h integration time) of radon and environmental parameters (air temperature, humidity and barometric pressure). They were installed inside 3 buildings located 2.8-5 km from the volcano.

Eighty percent of the CR-39-SSNT radon data were below the reference level of 300 Bq/m3 (Directive 2013/59/Euratom). Of the remaining detectors, a large percentage of radon levels were above 300 Bq/m3 in the Aridane valley, an area close to the volcano, and with a clear spatial pattern showing higher levels of 222Rn at shorter distances to the eruptive centre. Continuous monitoring of radon showed low 222Rn levels (< 300 Bq/m3) at the two sites furthest from the volcano, with fluctuations highly correlated with environmental variables. Several anomalies of 222Rn reaching up to 4000 Bq/m3 were detected during the eruptive period in the monitoring station located closer to the eruptive centre, unrelated to the observed environmental variables. These anomalies were synchronous with the occurrence of large explosive events and phreatomagmatic pulses during the eruption.

The computed effective dose due to the contribution of 222Rn during the 3 months of eruption was 0.3 mSv, which, extrapolated to the annual reference value, provides an estimated effective dose of 0.9 mSv/year. This value is 50% lower than the estimated worldwide annual average dose from natural and artificial radiation sources (2.4 mSv/year) (UNSCEAR 2000). Thus, radon levels during the Tajogaite eruption did not lead to a significant increase in exposure level to this radioactive gas. However, transient radon bursts have been recorded associated with several phases of the volcanic activity.


This study was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (BOE-A-2021-20262).


Council Directive 2013/59/Euratom laying down basic safety standards for protection against the dangers arising from exposure to ionising radiation, and repealing Directives 89/618/Euratom, 90/641/Euratom, 96/29/Euratom, 97/43/Euratom and 2003/122/Euratom.

UNSCEAR (2000), Sources and effects of ionizing radiation. UNITED NATIONS, New York.

How to cite: Martin-Luis, M. C., Salazar-Carballo, P. A., López-Pérez, M., Duarte-Rodríguez, X., Rodríguez-Marrero, J. L., Lorenzo-Salazar, J. M., and Catalán-Acosta, A.: Radon gas emissions during the 2021 Tajogaite eruption at Cumbre Vieja Volcano (La Palma, Canary Islands), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6491,, 2023.

EGU23-7900 | ECS | Orals | GI6.5

A fast algorithm for real-time monitoring of artificial radioisotopes in presence of variable natural radioactivity 

Agustín Cerezo, Elena Prieto, Ignasi Reichardt, Ramón Casanovas, and Marçal Salvadó

The Catalan Environmental Radiological Surveillance Network consists of different types of scintillation gamma spectrometry detectors for the continuous and real-time automatic measurement of environmental radiation. The Network has a total of 35 monitors that obtain spectra every 10 minutes: 23 direct measurement monitors (13 with LaBr3(Ce), 5 SrI2(Eu) and 5 NaI (Tl) detectors), 10 particulate filter monitors (9 with LaBr3(Ce) detectors and 1 with SrI2(Eu)) and 2 river water monitors.

A method for the automatic and real-time quantification of the activity concentration of artificial, natural and NORM isotopes was developed and tested in the laboratory. The uncertainties in the activity concentrations, as well as the corresponding detection limits, were calculated applying the ISO-11929 standard. The developed and validated method that is exposed in the present study will be implemented shortly in all the stations of the Network.

The method is based on the analysis by spectral regions or ROIs (Regions of Interest). The method eliminates from the ROIs of the artificial (or NORM) isotopes of study the contributions due to emissions of natural isotopes (overlapping and Compton radiation), the ambient background, the possible intrinsic background of the detector and the contributions of other possible isotopes. As a result, an equation is generated for each isotope that allows us to obtain its net activity concentration (Bq/m3). This procedure is applied to determine the activity concentration of isotopes of natural origin (212Pb, 214Pb and 214Bi), artificial (131I, 137Cs and 60Co) and NORM (234Th).

The method successfully eliminates the contribution of natural elements, intrinsic background and Compton contribution, both in situations with high and low activity of natural isotopes. Therefore, it allows obtaining the net activity concentration of the artificial isotopes of interest and eliminates the presence of false positives that could be produced by the presence of natural isotopes.

How to cite: Cerezo, A., Prieto, E., Reichardt, I., Casanovas, R., and Salvadó, M.: A fast algorithm for real-time monitoring of artificial radioisotopes in presence of variable natural radioactivity, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7900,, 2023.

Detection of gamma-rays emitted by K-40 decay demonstrates potential for reliable soil moisture estimation for agricultural and hydrological applications. With a circular footprint of roughly 20 m radius, gamma-ray spectroscopy (GRS) provides a continuous, non-invasive average measurement that fills the scale gap between point and satellite data. GRS sensors have also been successfully integrated with Unmanned Aerial Systems opening the potential for soil moisture mapping.  Current theoretical models of gamma-ray spectra and soil moisture have not been extensively tested with empirical data. An existing soil moisture model for NaI gamma-ray spectra includes a method for biomass water content correction and was tested with five sampling campaigns in a tomato field, while another soil moisture model was tested with a single sampling campaign in a sugar beet field using CsI gamma-ray spectra. We hypothesize that testing existing theoretical models with thorough empirical data over a range of soil moisture and vegetative conditions will increase our understanding of the relationship between gamma-ray spectra, soil moisture, and biomass, and will allow us to validate and/or improve the soil moisture calibration function.

In this study we conduct a robust calibration of a stationary CsI gamma-ray soil moisture sensor (gSMS, Medusa Radiometrics) against gravimetric water content samples at a long term agricultural experimental field in eastern Nebraska, United States. Additional measurements include an Eddy Covariance tower, a Cosmic-Ray Neutron Sensor, in-situ soil moisture sensors, and destructive vegetation sampling every 10 days during the growing season. In total, 18 sampling campaigns were conducted between June 2021 and October 2022 under bare soil, maize, and soybean conditions. Soil samples were collected in a radial pattern at 0, 2, 5, and 12 m from the sensor, every 60 degrees following the expected spatial sensitivity of the gSMS. Samples from the 19 locations surrounding the sensor were aggregated in 5 cm intervals from 0 to 35 cm depth. Both a depth-weighting function and the arithmetic mean were used to calculate the average gravimetric water content within the sensing volume.

We then leverage the relatively large experimental data set of gravimetric water content and K-40 counts to test current theoretical approaches to soil moisture estimation with GRS. Data from both bare soil and vegetated conditions allow us to investigate and potentially remove the biomass water content signal from the soil moisture estimation. Comparison with the existing theoretical calibration functions shows large deviations with the empirical data.  Cosmic-ray Neutron Sensor data recorded at the site shows a high degree of correlation (R > 0.7 for hourly data) between the K-40 counts and neutron counts under changing biomass conditions. Lastly, comparison of the GRS derived soil moisture data with the in-situ soil moisture sensors, rainfall, and evapotranspiration result in good correspondence with soil moisture state and water fluxes at the study site.

How to cite: Becker, S. M. and Franz, T. E.: Theoretical vs experimental relationship between K-40 counts and gravimetric water content at a well instrumented agricultural research station in Nebraska, USA, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7988,, 2023.

EGU23-12074 | Orals | GI6.5

Atmospheric radon measurements to assess the relative representativeness of radon flux models 

Dafina Kikaj, Edward Chung, Mareya Saba, Ute Karstens, Alistair Manning, Chris Rennick, Anita Ganesan, Grant Foster, Simon O’Doherty, Angelina Wenger, and Tim Arnold

The unique physical and chemical characteristics of radon make it an excellent tracer of atmospheric mixing and transport processes. As such, it has long been a species of interest to the climate change research communities. However, reliable, high resolution radon flux maps are essential for the use of atmospheric radon in climate studies.

Validation of the existing radon flux maps and inventories is currently limited by the availability of systematic measurements of radon fluxes and other process-relevant parameters (e.g., physical characteristics and moisture content of soil). Localised measurements of radon flux, soil moisture and soil physical properties can provide some information to validate and improve flux maps.  On the other hand, high sensitivity atmospheric radon measurements in conjunction with atmospheric transport models would determine the relative representativeness of radon flux models over larger scales.

To tackle the validation of radon flux maps, atmospheric radon measurements were compared to the results of modelled radon concentrations calculated using the Lagrangian particle model, the Met Office Numerical Atmospheric Modelling Environment (NAME) and two available versions of European radon flux maps1. For this purpose, radon data from three UK greenhouse gases atmospheric monitoring stations located in Heathfield (an inland, 100 m tall tower), Tacolneston (an inland, 185 m tall tower), and Weybourne (a coastal site, 10 m tower) were used. The differences between measured and modelled radon concentrations on diurnal and monthly scales will be presented and discussed. The ratio of measured-modelled radon concentrations shows the potential to objectively assess the reliability of radon flux maps under different wind directions and atmospheric mixing conditions.



1 2015: doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.854715 and 2022: ICOS data search (

How to cite: Kikaj, D., Chung, E., Saba, M., Karstens, U., Manning, A., Rennick, C., Ganesan, A., Foster, G., O’Doherty, S., Wenger, A., and Arnold, T.: Atmospheric radon measurements to assess the relative representativeness of radon flux models, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12074,, 2023.

EGU23-12151 | ECS | Orals | GI6.5

Can radon measurements at tall towers provide information on atmospheric vertical mixing states? 

Mareya Saba, Dafina Kikaj, Edward Chung, Alistair Manning, Ute Karstens, Chris Rennick, Anita Ganesan, Grant Forster, Simon O'Doherty, Angelina Wenger, and Tim Arnold

The vertical mixing state of the atmosphere, as well as the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) height, are important atmospheric transport model parameters for the accurate simulation of greenhouse gas concentrations. In order to use tall tower greenhouse gas measurements to quantify regional scale emissions (top-down, inverse estimates) an estimate of the atmospheric transport model uncertainty across the time series of study is needed. Several methods have been used to estimate this, often relying on arbitrary thresholds or a combination of parameters (such as vertical gradients if a gas is measured at multiple points). Here we study if radon has potential as an independent measurement to assess model uncertainty.

Radon is a radioactive noble gas present in our atmosphere and is a good tracer of mixing processes in the ABL due to its properties. Hence, measurements of atmospheric radon concentration can provide useful insights into the vertical mixing state of the atmosphere, and in turn may help to calibrate and validate atmospheric dispersion models.

In this study, we use high temporal resolution atmospheric measurements of radon and CH4 from four tall tower sites in the UK, which are part of the Deriving Emissions linked to Climate Change (DECC) network: Heathfield (HFD), Ridge Hill (RGH), Tacolneston (TAC) and Weybourne (WAO). At each site, CH4 is measured at two or three different heights, while radon is measured at one height.

To determine a metric whereby single-height measurements of radon can provide a proxy for vertical mixing states, we compare the diurnal cycle of the measured radon concentration with the modelled radon (calculated by the Met Office Numerical Atmospheric Modelling Environment (NAME) dispersion model and radon flux maps). The largest uncertainties are shown to be before sunrise and after sunset right before the inversion layer was formed/destroyed. The diurnal CH4 vertical gradient at these times is also compared with the modelled CH4 vertical gradient.

How to cite: Saba, M., Kikaj, D., Chung, E., Manning, A., Karstens, U., Rennick, C., Ganesan, A., Forster, G., O'Doherty, S., Wenger, A., and Arnold, T.: Can radon measurements at tall towers provide information on atmospheric vertical mixing states?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12151,, 2023.

EGU23-12190 | ECS | Orals | GI6.5

Mapping the environmental radioactivity in Catalonia using a mobile unit with LaBr3 scintillation detectors. 

Elena Prieto, Agustin Cerezo, Ignasi Reichardt, and Marçal Salvadó

This study describes the equipment implementation of a mobile gamma spectrometry unit using LaBr3 detectors and the process followed to obtain a radiological map of Catalonia (Spain). The mobile unit consists of two 2”x2” LaBr3 scintillation detectors mounted on the top of a 4x4 car. To obtain the preliminary map, the extension of Catalonia was divided in 1425 cells of 5x5 km2. Before starting the measurements, we planned a route to ensure a proper distribution and a minimum quantity of spectra within each cell. The car is equipped with a portable computer to control spectra acquisition and a GPS system that associates a position to each spectrum. Each spectrum is stabilised and calibrated. During the acquisition, the computer placed inside the car shows, in real-time, the value of the ambient dose equivalent and the exact location. Therefore, when the software obtains an unexpected high value, the driver of the car can modify the route to acquire more spectra of the area. The first data set of measurements included 70000 spectra obtained during stable weather conditions and represent the preliminary results of the radiological map, as other data campaigns are currently under preparation. In this study, we present the ambient dose equivalent map of Catalonia and isotopic information of interest, such as punctual detections of 137Cs and 131I and other radionuclides. The origin of these detections is analysed and explained in detail.

How to cite: Prieto, E., Cerezo, A., Reichardt, I., and Salvadó, M.: Mapping the environmental radioactivity in Catalonia using a mobile unit with LaBr3 scintillation detectors., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12190,, 2023.

EGU23-14656 | Orals | GI6.5

Atmospheric transport modelling of radon-222 at European scale: description and validation against ICOS observations. 

Arnaud Quérel, Tanina Hached, Denis Quélo, Michel Ramonet, Camille Yver Kwok, and Ute Karstens

Atmospheric transport models used for nuclear emergency purposes are dedicated to simulating the atmospheric transport of radionuclides released from a damaged nuclear facility. The quality of this response is crucial and must be constantly improved. However, long-range measurement campaigns for validation are scarce, especially for radioactive pollutants. An effective way to do so is by simulating the radon-222 which is a non-reacting atmospheric tracer species with quite well-known exhalation rate and well-known nuclear transitions.

Radon-222 is naturally emitted. Its flux spatial variation is mainly due to the type of soil and rocks, rather than the vegetation or land use. Temporal variations are mainly led by soil humidity, leading to a monthly variation. The monthly surface radon flux map of Karstens and Levin, 2022 is used in this study.

The availability of the observations at suitable temporal and spatial scales is achieved in this study thanks to the Integrated Carbon Observation System, ICOS (Heiskanen et al. 2021). ICOS provides standardized and open data from more than 39 atmosphere stations that measures greenhouse gases concentrations in the atmosphere. Some stations also provide radon-222 concentrations measurements. Among them, some also include measurements at different heights - from ground level up to 200 meters – which is valuable to validate the vertical atmospheric transport modelling. The limited set of radon-222 stations is not a substitute for performing the comprehensive validation against a large variety of observations but gives valuable information on the performance of air concentration predictions. A previous study using the dose rate measurements network (Quérel et al. 2022), required in addition the need of an accurate deposition modelling to assess gamma dose rates at ground level due to wet deposition of radon-222 decay products.

We evaluate here the overall performance of an air concentration modelling chain: Karstens radon-222 fluxes, Météo-France ARPEGE numerical weather predictions and IRSN LdX operational atmospheric transport model. Simulated radon-222 air concentrations are compared with observations from the ICOS monitoring network over Europe, on an hourly frequency basis over one year. On initial examination, the model appears to under-predict radon-222 concentrations and some possible explanations and sources of improvement are identified.



Heiskanen, J., C. Brümmer, N. Buchmann, C. Calfapietra, H. Chen, B. Gielen, T. Gkritzalis, S. Hammer, S. Hartman, M. Herbst, et al. (2021), The Integrated Carbon Observation System in Europe, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 1 - 54, doi:10.1175/bams-d-19-0364.1.

Karstens, U. and Levin, I. (2022). traceRadon monthly radon flux map for Europe 2006-2022 (based on GLDAS-Noah v2.1 soil moisture),

Quérel, A., Meddouni, K., Quélo, D., Doursout, T., and Chuzel, S. (2022). Statistical approach to assess radon-222 long-range atmospheric transport modelling and its associated gamma dose rate peaks. Advances in Geosciences. 57. 109-124. 10.5194/adgeo-57-109-2022.

How to cite: Quérel, A., Hached, T., Quélo, D., Ramonet, M., Yver Kwok, C., and Karstens, U.: Atmospheric transport modelling of radon-222 at European scale: description and validation against ICOS observations., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14656,, 2023.

EGU23-15199 | Posters on site | GI6.5

Water preparation methods of dissolved organic fraction determination for C-14 AMS measurements 

Anita Molnár, Róbert Janovics, Mihály Veres, and Mihály Molnár

The determination of 14C in dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) fraction has important task in nuclear environmental monitoring and water base protection. The aim of my research is to develop a preparation method for the 14C determination of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and to develop sample preparation of total carbon containing both organic and inorganic fractions. In practice, the measurement of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) 14C is of essencial importance for example in environmental studies, as the amount of DIC is usually more than 100 times the amount of DOC and there is an easy, rapid preparation method. However, it is often difficult to interpret water dating and water residence time by measurement of dissolved inorganic fraction, because DIC dissolved in water can come from several sources: deep CO2 uptake and bedrock dissolution, not only from the surface biogenic environment at the time of seepage. Therefore, the measurement of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) component gets more importance around nuclear facilities because of its efficiency in detection of anthropogenic effect. To this aim, preparation methods have been developed that are suitable to determine the specific 14C activity concentration of the total dissolved carbon (TD14C) as well as of the dissolved organic form (non-purgeable organic fraction). The measurement of 14C in organic form is a difficult task, the amount of material is usually very small (only a few µg) and samples are difficult to handle furthermore the necessary sample volume usually is more than 500 mL. One of the solutions for DO14C sample preparation is an application of wet oxidation method. In this case the organic components are oxidized by acid and CO2 is extracted. This type of sample preparation technique is basically very sensitive about modern and fossil carbon contamination. However, the method has the additional disadvantage of high chemical demand (hence the contamination introduced) and a complicated and long sample preparation process. These disadvantages can be overcome by testing the total dissolved fraction 14C, which contains both fraction: inorganic and organic forms. Sample preparation can be performed in a significantly shorter time and at lower cost and can be used effectively alongside DI14C for the detection and monitoring of organic forms, for example in environmental monitoring of nuclear facilities. By determining DI14C and TD14C and carbon concentrations, DO14C can be estimated with a good approximation (±10% rel. error).


,,Prepared with the professional support of the Doctoral Student Scholarship Program of the Co-operative Doctoral Program of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology financed from the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund.”

The research was supported by the European Union and the State of Hungary, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund in the project of GINOP-2.3.4-15-2020-00007 “INTERACT”.

How to cite: Molnár, A., Janovics, R., Veres, M., and Molnár, M.: Water preparation methods of dissolved organic fraction determination for C-14 AMS measurements, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15199,, 2023.

EGU23-15860 | Orals | GI6.5

On the trail of Cs-137 and Sr-90 – Trace analysis to monitor radioactivity in air 

Sandra Baur, Sabine Schmid, Jacqueline Bieringer, and Andreas Bollhöfer

The German Federal Office for Radiation Protection (Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz, BfS) is legally obliged to continuously monitor radioactivity in the environment in Germany. The Atmospheric Radioactivity and Trace Analysis Section of the BfS is operating four different measurement facilities/laboratories in Southern Germany: gamma spectrometry, radiochemistry and noble gas laboratories in Freiburg i.Br. and the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organisation (CTBTO) monitoring station RN33 on Mt. Schauinsland. The three laboratories provide data of radioactive aerosol bound particulates such as Cs, U, Pu or Sr and noble gases (Kr and Xe) for the German Integrated Measurement and Information System (IMIS). The radionuclide station RN33 is monitoring radioactive particulates and Xe for the International Monitoring System (IMS) of the CTBTO. The variation of radioactivity on aerosol bound particles over time and the analysis of their origin, distribution and transport in the environment will be presented.

To collect aerosol bound particles, ground-level air sampling is carried out by high volume air samplers located in Freiburg i.Br. and on Mt. Schauinsland. The high volume air sampler is operated with two filter layers: an upper polypropylene layer with a collection efficiency of about 85% to 95% and a bottom fibre glass layer with a collection efficiency of almost 100%. The fibre glass filter is used as a control for collection efficiency of the polypropylene filter. As required by the German IMIS monitoring programmes, the routine sampling period is seven days, which can be reduced to daily cycles in case of (un)expected enhanced activity concentrations. The filters are separately pressed to pellets and analysed by high resolution γ-spectrometry. In addition, the polypropylene-filters are processed radioanalytically and analysed with a low level α/β-counting system and α-spectrometry.

The applied methods together with atmospheric transport modelling allow to detect smallest amounts of radioactive substances as well as to investigate their origin, distribution and transport in the environment. In addition, the Cs-137/Sr-90 ratios can be used as a geochemical fingerprint for source identification. Current (2022) median activity concentrations in ground-level air for Cs-137 and Sr-90 (2021) are 0.42 µBq m-³ and 0.06 µBq m-³, respectively. Detection limit (LOD) for Cs-137 is on average 0.14 µBq m-³ in weekly samples and 0.01 µBq m-³ in monthly samples for Sr-90. In March 2022 dust blown in from the Sahara towards Southern Germany resulted in slightly higher airborne Cs-137 activity concentrations while Sr-90 did not markedly change. Other sources for increased Cs-137 activity concentrations include past above ground nuclear weapons tests or resuspension of fallout from the Chernobyl accident. Thus, trace analysis is used to track short- and long-term changes in radioactivity in the environment at lowest activity levels.

How to cite: Baur, S., Schmid, S., Bieringer, J., and Bollhöfer, A.: On the trail of Cs-137 and Sr-90 – Trace analysis to monitor radioactivity in air, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15860,, 2023.

EGU23-16827 | Orals | GI6.5

Testing mobile ground-based gamma-ray spectroscopy for measuring 40K in an agricultural field (Spain) 

Leticia Gaspar, Iván Lizaga, Arturo Catalá, and Ana Navas

Proximal gamma-ray spectroscopy is an effective technique for monitoring the spatial and temporal distribution of terrestrial radioelements like 40K, which is inversely proportional to the volumetric soil water content SWC (m3/m3). In recent years, PGRS has become a promising sensor to infer topsoil water content at an intermediate field scale supported by adequate calibration and corrections, but to date, it has not yet been used in Spain. The aim of this contribution is to test the response of mobile ground-based gamma measurements conducted while walking over an agricultural plot of 400 m2 of bare soil. Two surveys were conducted, a day before and a day after a 16-liter rain episode, allowing us to i) evaluate the information obtained when using the mobile mode, ii) test the response of the PGRS to dry and wet soil conditions, and iii) compare mobile measurements with stationary records taken during one hour at the 4 vertices of the study plot. A scintillator detector of 0.3 L sodium iodide (NaI) crystal was used to evaluate the region of interest for total counts of 40Potassium (1461 KeV). The mobile measurements were conducted 0.5 m above the soil surface and taken in stop-and-go mode (instead on-the-go mode) with two sets of 5 transects spaced 5 m apart placed in a perpendicular direction to cover the study plot. While walking we stopped every 1m for 10 sec. to collect a total of 21 measurements per transect, obtaining 210 data for geostatistical interpolation. These preliminary results show higher content of 40K (cps) during the dry compared to the wet survey, and some differences in the spatial distribution of 40K for both surveys. Similarities and parallel trends were observed when comparing mobile and stationary measurements, supporting the promising use of PGRS technique.

How to cite: Gaspar, L., Lizaga, I., Catalá, A., and Navas, A.: Testing mobile ground-based gamma-ray spectroscopy for measuring 40K in an agricultural field (Spain), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16827,, 2023.

Underground coal fire (UCF) is a disaster associated with coal mining activities which occurs in almost all main coal-producing countries. UCF not only burns up massive coal resource, but also causes damages and pollutions to local eco-environment, such as the land subsidence, the contamination to soil and nearby water resource, the pollution to air, and so on. In this presentation, the author attempts to illustrate a comprehensive understanding to UCF from micro and macro perspectives, including the mechanism of UCF occurrence and propagation, the monitoring and early warning of UCF, the efficient advanced materials depressed the UCF and the UCF’s impact on local eco-environment, which is helpful to understanding well of UCF. Methods and technologies which were employed in this study include analyses of the remote sensing data, the TG data, the C13- NMR data, the HRTEM data, the FTIR data, the XRD and XPS data, etc. Necessary models for quantifying UCF occurrence and propagation were established by analyzing the process of UCF. And a novel method was proposed by analyzing the distribution of surface temperature coupled with the NDVI data and InSar data. Some inhibitors were used in this study to depress the proceeds of coal oxidation which is useful to control the UCF. In addition, considering the UCF’s impacts on local eco-environment, coal-fire-induced heavy metal contamination to soil also were investigated which show that the heat effect is a major factor influences the distribution of heavy metal. Finally, strategies were suggested to carry out the restoration of UCF sites after it was extinguished.

Keywords: Underground Coal Fire; Mechanism of Occurring and Propagating; Remote Sensing; Inhibitor; Eco-environment Impact

How to cite: Zeng, Q.: Causes, Monitoring, Extinction, and Eco-environmental Impacts of Underground Coal Fires: A Comprehensive Perspective, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-914,, 2023.

EGU23-1643 | Orals | ERE1.12

Underground coal fires – A global post-mining catastrophe 

Robert Finkelman and Henry Dodds

Uncontrolled coal fires are a universal coal mining and post-mining concern. Efforts to extinguish these fires are often unsuccessful and these fires can result in major catastrophes such as the abandonment of the town of Centralia Pennsylvania in the U.S. and displacement of many thousands of villagers in India. The physical threat of these fires, often a result of coal mining, is a serious issue that has taken the lives of people in the U.S., Asia, and Africa. However, an equally though more insidious issue is the long-term health impacts of the emissions of these uncontrolled coal fires. Recent studies in the Jharia region of India has shown that villagers living about one mile from active coal fires reported twice as many health concerns as villagers living about five miles away. Yet, there are many villages in this region and elsewhere where people are living in immediate proximity to these fires. Studies of the gases emitted from these fires and condensates formed from the escaping gases document the mobilization of potentially toxic gases such as benzene, xylene, toluene, methane, carbon monoxide and elements such as As, Se, Hg, F, Pb, Sb. An SEM/EDX study of a small (30mm X 20mm) piece of condensate collected from an active underground coal fire just meters from a village revealed several generations of deposition with at least 30 phases containing ammonia, B, F, Al, Si, S, Cl, Fe, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Br, Mo, Cd, I, Ba, Pb, and Bi. Clearly, more attention should be paid to this post mining catastrophe to minimize the health problems and deaths resulting from these uncontrolled coal fires.

How to cite: Finkelman, R. and Dodds, H.: Underground coal fires – A global post-mining catastrophe, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1643,, 2023.

EGU23-1693 | Posters on site | ERE1.12

Spatial Assessment of Asbestos Mine Remediation Effect Using Airborne Hyperspectral Imaging System 

Yongsik Jeong, Jaehyung Yu, Lei Wang, and Hyun-Cheol Kim

This work investigated an abandoned asbestos mine (AAM) remediation project in CA, US. Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) hyperspectral data were used to assess the mine treatment effect. The distribution of AAM and restored area were evaluated before and after remediating based on the spectral analysis and model for indicating naturally occurring asbestos (NOA) and encapsulation (remediation). We developed NOA, host rock, and encapsulation indices by binary logistic regression modeling using hyperspectral bands. The detection models statistically selected visible-near infrared (VNIR) regions rather than shortwave infrared (SWIR) ranges. The models-based classification accuracy was approximately 84%. Notably, the detection accuracy of non-treated and treated areas was increased to about 90% excluding the host rock index. The NOA and encapsulation indices showed that they can be efficiently applied to asbestos occurrence/remediation. The remote sensing data revealed that the whole AAM area was increased by ~5% by the remediation process, and the restoration activity reduced asbestos exposure by ~32%. This work would be contributed to providing an intuitive and realistic-spatial understanding of the planning and managing remediation project.

How to cite: Jeong, Y., Yu, J., Wang, L., and Kim, H.-C.: Spatial Assessment of Asbestos Mine Remediation Effect Using Airborne Hyperspectral Imaging System, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1693,, 2023.

Modelling oxygen-limited and self-sustained smoldering propagation is of significance for prevention of underground coal fire hazards. However, coupling oxidative reaction and oxygen transport in multi-scale porous media has been still a challenging issue and the conventional models have been questioned by inadequacy of TG-scale kinetic parameters applied to bed-scale propagation. In this work, an analytic expression of oxidative reaction rates limited by oxygen transport was derived from the conservation equations of oxygen species transport in gas and solid. Along with the Darcy air flow driven by thermal buoyancy, the oxygen-limited and self-sustained smoldering propagation of underground coal fires was modeled in this work. The model was compared with laboratory experiments and the conventional model. Results show that the proposed model well predicts the oxygen-limited and self-sustained smoldering propagations of underground bituminous and anthracite coal fires. The predictability of the proposed model is better than the conventional model in spite of great effort to modify kinetic parameters best fitting with experimental data. It is validated that the proposed model addresses the two puzzled issues in the conventional model with respect to buoyancy-driven, oxygen-limited, and self-sustained smoldering propagation of underground coal fires. This work may help to develop green countermeasures to mitigate underground coal smoldering fires.

How to cite: Song, Z.: Modelling oxygen-limited and self-sustained smoldering propagation of underground coal fires driven by thermal buoyancy, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1959,, 2023.

In the coal fire control project, the multiple water injections used to extinguish coal fires and the coal fires that reignite can cause many forms of ground collapse to occur, threatening project safety. Therefore, studying the thermal damage and capturing disaster signals of sandstone, a main weight bearer in coal measure strata, exposed to heating-cooling, cycles is critical to ensure the engineering safety. In this work, the coal-measure sandstones from Urumqi, Xinjiang and Yulin, Shaanxi, China, were collected. For the sandstones from Urumqi, China (Type A sandstone), the samples were first heated to 800 °C, and cooled using water, heated to a setting temperature (100 °C, 200 °C, 300 °C, 400 °C, 500 °C, 600 °C, 700 °C and 800 °C), and cooled using water again. The ultrasonic p-wave velocity, density and water absorption of the sandstones were tested. Uniaxial compression tests and shear tests were conducted on the sandstones. The thermal damage in sandstones were analysed using rock energy theory. For the sandstones from Yulin, China (Type B sandstone), the X-ray diffraction test, scanning electron microscope test and uniaxial compression experiment with AE monitoring were carried out for the raw sandstone and the sandstone exposed to 800 °C and water cooling twice (cooling shock sandstone), respectively. The results show that, for the type A sandstone, compared with the mechanical strength of the sandstone at room temperature, the mechanical strength of the sandstone exposed to 800 °C for the first time is decreased by less than 20%. When the sandstone is exposed to high temperature again, the critical threshold temperature is 400 °C. When the temperature exceeds 400 °C, the thermal damage aggravated again and the mechanical strength rapidly degraded. For the type B sandstone, the results showed that the crack density and volume of cooling shock sandstone increased by 8.79% and 2.69%, respectively, and p-wave velocity decreased by 51.83%, compared with those of the raw sandstone. The mechanical strength of cooling shock sandstone decreased, including a 50.68% reduction in elastic modulus. The AE attenuation coefficient α=(1-Ec/E0) /kc, related to the elastic modulus and the crack change rate, was derived, which providing an approach to count the attenuation of AE signal caused by thermal damage for cooling shock sandstone. Increasing the preamplifier amplification factor is feasible to improve the accuracy for monitoring the fracture of cooling shock sandstone in coal-fire control project.

How to cite: Ge, S., Shi, B., Zhang, S., Deng, J., and Wu, C.: Effect of thermal damage on capturing fracture signal of high temperature sandstone subjected to cooling shock from the coal fire control project, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3848,, 2023.

EGU23-4239 | Orals | ERE1.12

residual space distribution law in long-wall old mining  area 

Zhi Guo, Wei Lu, Yongqiang Zhou, Meng Zhang, Changlong Liao, and Changxiang wang

Grouting treatment in old goafs is an effective method to achieve sustainable development of mining areas after coal seam mining. Due to the concealment of the old goaf and the lack of historical information, it is difficult to directly obtain the distribution of the residual void in the old goaf. In this study, the residual void distribution law of the longwall old goaf area was studied through similar material simulation test, gangue compression test and stress arch theory. The results showed that the collapse zone can be divided into regular collapse zone and irregular collapse zone. Fissure zone and regular collapse zone have few grouting voids due to the closing effect. Due to the different forms of crushing, the irregular collapse zone has large voids and was difficult to completely close with the passage of time, which is the key area of grouting treatment. For the longwall old goaf area that has reached full mining, the stress relief zone was formed at both ends of the open-off cut and the stop-mining line, and the stress recovery zone and the stress stabilization zone were formed in turn close to the middle of the goaf area. The evolution process of stress arch and fracture arch in the stope can be divided into two stages and three periods. The first stage: the development stage of fracture arch and stress arch, that is, the stress relief and stress recovery period of broken gangue in the goaf. The second stage: the fracture arch and stress arch formation stage, that is, the stress stabilization period of broken gangue in the goaf area. On the basis of the above research, the concept of residual void equivalent height was proposed, and its calculation formula was given, and furthermore, the formula for the estimation of grouting volume was given. The height of the irregular collapse zone was 0.915~0.975 times of the coal seam mining thickness, the residual void equivalent height was about 0.3 times the mining thickness (take its upper limit value), and the residual void equivalent height in insufficiently collapsed area was 0.5 times the mining thickness.

How to cite: Guo, Z., Lu, W., Zhou, Y., Zhang, M., Liao, C., and wang, C.: residual space distribution law in long-wall old mining  area, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4239,, 2023.

Abstract: Atmospheric pressure fluctuation is one of the most important factors affecting the climate environment and gas emission in the fire area. In order to obtain the influence rule of the surface atmospheric pressure change on the gas sampling and abnormal emission in the mine closed goaf, the No. 1 coal mine in Dananhu, Xinjiang was taken as the research object. Using Fourier transform and Fisher harmonic analysis and other methods, the influence of the periodic variation of atmospheric pressure on the gas leakage and outflow in the closed goaf was studied. The results showed that there were three atmospheric pressure periods of 15.2d, 1d and 182.2d, and the probability was greater than 95%. The time period with the highest number of atmospheric pressure peaks was 7:00-8:00, which accounted for 20.2% of total occurrence number in a day. And the time periods with the highest number of atmospheric pressure trough were 2:00, 15:00 and 16:00, accounting for 27.4%. The peak-to-trough transition time was mainly concentrated around 6h, and the diurnal variation curve of atmospheric pressure was mainly bimodal. The atmospheric pressure change rate was mostly concentrated in 10~50 Pa/h. It was determined that the distance that the gas sampling pipe was pre-laid into the inner side of the closed wall should be greater than 44.4m, and the CO concentration and atmospheric pressure in the closed goaf were both periodic and negative with atmospheric pressure. The research results have important guiding significance for the disaster warning and environmental protection of the goaf.

How to cite: Shao, Z. and Tan, B.: Research on the effect of periodic wide atmospheric pressure change on CO emission in closed goaf, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4676,, 2023.

The coal-fire gases are the main actors in terms of element and heat transfer within burning post-mining waste heaps (BPWHs). Although they mainly comprise CO2 and water, they can locally be enriched in dimethyl (di)sulfide (as much as 15000 ppm, Bytom site), thiophene, SO2, H2S; 1,1- and 1,2-dichloroethane, dichloromethane and other halocarbons; chlorobenzene, ammonia, pyridine, HCN, numerous NOx, (iso)cyanogen halides, and triazine-based and imine-type compounds, AsH3, PH3, SiF4, and SF6, to mention some. Metals are most likely transported as neutral hydroxides, and/or carbonyl, nitrosyl, and hydride complexes, while iodine - as I2, iodosomethane, iodocyanoacetylene, and - alongside with Br and Cl - as halocarbons. Occurrence of exotic gases is possible considering their transient nature. The most recent proposal compounds include HNC, formaldoxime isocyanate, peroxyethyl nitrate; tetrafluoro-p-xylylene, perfluorinated p-benzyne, CHClF, HCFBr, 1,2,4-trixolane, thioacetaldehyde, thiocarbonyl fluoride, bromomethane, dithio-p-benzoquinone, monomethylsilane, and titanacyclopropene (e.g., Kruszewski, 2021). Still, the image of the coal-fire exhalative processes is not full. Here, crystal chemistry of some major minerals deposited within exhalative vents of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin heaps is presented. Chemistry of godovikovite - the major component of the Czerwionka-Leszczyny sulfate crust - is [(NH4)0.94K0.04Ca0.01Mg0.01]Σ1.00(Al0.90Fe0.09Ti0.01)Σ1.00[(SO4)1.99 (n=24); it thus bears 8 mol% sabieite and 3% steklite end-members. The local sabieite's formula is [(NH4)0.96K0.03Mg0.01]Σ1.00(Fe0.58Al0.40Ti0.02)Σ1.00(SO4)2.00. Chemistry of millosevichite from sulfate crust of Radlin is expressed as  (Al1.73Fe0.19Ca0.07K0.02Na0.01Mg0.01Ti0.01)Σ2.04[(SO4)2.97(PO4)0.01]Σ2.98 (n=16), while that for its minor Fe-analogue mikasaite is (Fe1.38Al0.51K0.04Ca0.03Ti0.02Na0.02)Σ2.00[(SO4)2.90(PO4)0.02]Σ2.92 (n=3). The local dolerophanite is likely stabilized by iron: (Cu1.96Fe0.03)Σ1.99O1.03(SO4)0.98 (n=15). Locally, a Fe-rich variety is observed, its chemistry being, possibly, (Cu1.26Fe0.65Na0.04K0.03Al0.02)Σ2.00[(SO4)0.95(SiO4)0.01]Σ0.96(O0.99Cl0.01)Σ1.00 (n=5). Dolerophanite is associated with honey-yellow crystals with the (Cu3.85Fe0.15)Σ3.00O1.33(SeO3)0.96(SO4)1.93 (n=6) formula, likely representing a new mineral species. So is true for a Cu-I-S species and a iodobismuthate (known both at Radlin and Rydułtowy), the forming abundant inclusions in extremely (Br,I)-enriched salammoniac. The wealth of the heap's exhalative zones is "completed" by (NH4)3XCl5 (X = Zn, Fe, Mg, Mn, Cu), a sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate, a potassium sodium dithionate chloride, an ammonium sulfate nitrate, and a phosphimate (tetra-μ-imidocyclotetraphosphate). Both the above halogen-bearing gaseous species and minerals result from transformation of the pore-contained post-mining brines.

Kruszewski, Ł., 2021. Burning Coal-Mining Heaps as an Organochemical Laboratory: Interesting Trace Compounds and Their Potential Sources.  Chapter 3, in: Organic Compounds, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, ISBN: 978-93-87500-41-9, 38 pp.,

How to cite: Kruszewski, Ł.: Gas-phase element transfer, rare mineral deposition, and other exhalative phenomena associated with coal fires in heaps: the state of art based on the data from the Upper Silesian Coal Basin, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6008,, 2023.

EGU23-6557 | ECS | Posters virtual | ERE1.12

Semi-enclosed experimental system for coal spontaneous combustion for determining regional distribution of high-temperature zone of coal fire. 

Jingyu zhao, Hanqi Ming, Shiping Lu, Xiaocheng Yang, Yueyan Xiao, Xinrong Jiang, and Rui Li

Temperature variation and gas generation at different depths and positions in the coal combustion process were studied to determine the propagation and evolution of high temperature regions in the process of coal spontaneous combustion. This study selected coal samples from Mengcun, Shaanxi Province, People’s Republic of China, and developed a semi-enclosed experimental system (furnace) for simulating coal combustion. The thermal mass loss of coal samples under various heating rates (5, 10, and 15 °C/min) was analyzed through thermogravimetric analysis, and the dynamic characteristics of the coal samples were analyzed; the reliability of the semi-enclosed experimental system was verified through the equal proportional method of fuzzy response. The results revealed that the high-temperature zone was distributed nonlinearly from the middle to the front end of the furnace, and the temperatures of points in this zone decreased gradually as the layer depth increased. The apparent activation energy of the coal samples during combustion first increased and then decreased as the conversion degree increased. Furthermore, the proportion of mass loss and the mass loss rate in the coal samples observed in the thermogravimetric experiment was consistent with that observed in the first and second stages of the experiment conducted using the semi-enclosed system. The research findings can provide a theoretical basis for the prevention and control of high-temperature zones in coal combustion.

How to cite: zhao, J., Ming, H., Lu, S., Yang, X., Xiao, Y., Jiang, X., and Li, R.: Semi-enclosed experimental system for coal spontaneous combustion for determining regional distribution of high-temperature zone of coal fire., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6557,, 2023.

Exploitation of coal mining is an important part for economic development, but the exploitation of coal mining will bring a serious impact on the local ecological environment. Ecological restoration is an effective method to improve the ecological environment in the mining areas. The first step of ecological restoration in post-mine is  to rebuild a sustainable mine-soil system. Fine soil overburden is often used in reconstructing soil profiles to provide habitat for vegetation restoration. Fine soil overburden will change the infiltration and evaporation of soil water. However, the understanding of the infiltration and evaporation of soil water is still an ongoing challenge. In this study, four groups of clay soil thicknesses (25 cm, 20 cm, 15 cm and 10 cm) were set up to simulate the overburden fine soil in post-mine ecological restoration, to study the influence of cover fine soil thickness on soil water infiltration and evaporation. The results showed that: a) the correlation between cover clay soil thickness and wetting front migration velocity was negative, namely, the thicker the cover clay soil thickness, the slower the wetting front migration velocity, and the smaller the average infiltration velocity is. However, the amount of water holding in thick overburden clay soil was more than the thin overburden clay soil. b) The overlying clay soil would improve soil water evaporation, but it wasn’t significant(p>0.1) with the thickness. The amount of soil water evaporation was low than the amount of water infiltration in thick overburden clay soil, so, the thick overburden soil could hold more water for the vegetation utilization. c) With the progress of soil water evaporation, the rate of evaporation was decreased with the increase of clay soil cover thickness. The greater the soil cover thickness, the stronger the soil water retention capacity. From the experimental result, the thick clay soil cover could remain more water, and is more suitable for vegetation establishment in post-mining restoration.

How to cite: chengzhi, L.: Influence of soil overburden thickness on water infiltration and evaporation characteristic in post-mine restoration, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7056,, 2023.

EGU23-7139 | Posters virtual | ERE1.12

Correlation analysis of the change law of index gas and active functional groups in the process of high-temperature spontaneous combustion of minerals in the Fushun West Mine. 

Jia-Ming Chang, Jing-Yu Zhao, Jia-Jia Song, Ting-Hao Zhang, Gai Hang, Zhao-Long Chi, and Chen Wang

The spontaneous combustion of underground minerals causes huge property losses and ecological damage. Coal and oil shale are co associated minerals in the Fushun West Mine, and both have the ability of oxidative spontaneous combustion. To study the effect of microstructure changes on the macroscopic gas product concentration during the mineral oxidation spontaneous combustion process in the Fushun West Mine, this study used a high-temperature temperature-programmed test to obtain the change trend of gas product concentration in different oxidation stages of minerals. Using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) technology, the changes in active functional groups of surface molecules during the process of mineral oxidation and spontaneous combustion were identified. Finally, using the gray correlation degree, correlation analysis between the concentration of gas products and the concentration of active functional groups in different oxidation stages was carried out. The key reactive functional groups affecting mineral spontaneous combustion were identified. The essential reason for the change in the gas product was revealed.

How to cite: Chang, J.-M., Zhao, J.-Y., Song, J.-J., Zhang, T.-H., Hang, G., Chi, Z.-L., and Wang, C.: Correlation analysis of the change law of index gas and active functional groups in the process of high-temperature spontaneous combustion of minerals in the Fushun West Mine., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7139,, 2023.

EGU23-7247 | ECS | Orals | ERE1.12

PostMinQuake: analysis of post-mining induced micro-seismicity in former European hard coal regions. 

Paloma Primo Doncel, Tobias Rudolph, and Stefan Möllerherm

Underground mining operations, in which large amounts of rock are extracted, can induce seismic events. Furthermore, draining the water to prevent it from flowing into the mining works is necessary for hard coal mines. Once mining stops, the pumping rates of groundwater decrease or is no longer necessary, allowing the water level to return to its state prior to the construction of such mines. During the post-mining phase in hard coal regions, induced micro-seismicity represents a risk for future land use. The EU-PostMinQuake project, funded by the Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS), aims to study the dependency of such events and the rising water table in hard coal basins to detect and manage the risks of post-mining seismicity. This contribution shows the relation between water and seismicity in four former underground hard coal mines located in Czech Republic, France, Germany and Poland.

How to cite: Primo Doncel, P., Rudolph, T., and Möllerherm, S.: PostMinQuake: analysis of post-mining induced micro-seismicity in former European hard coal regions., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7247,, 2023.

Accurate identification of high temperature area of coal fire is the premise of coal fire control, coal fire monitoring is the test of coal fire control effect, coal fire detection and monitoring are the key and difficult points of coal field fire fighting engineering. This report first introduces the characteristics of high temperature anomalies in coal fire areas, Abnormal characteristics include: abnormal temperature, spontaneous potential, magnetic field intensity, resistivity, gas content. and then proposes targeted detection and monitoring methods on this basis. Commonly used methods include: Temperature measurement method, thermal infrared remote sensing method, natural electric field method, magnetic method, high density resistivity method, transient electromagnetic method, gas component measurement method, radon gas measurement method, and so on. Finally, comprehensive comparative analysis is adopted to achieve the purpose of identifying and monitoring the fire area.

How to cite: Yuan, Y.: Introduction of detection and monitoring methods in coal field fire, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7322,, 2023.

EGU23-8255 | Posters virtual | ERE1.12

Study on the Flow Field Variation in Fracture Channel of Coalfield Fire 

Qing-Wei Li, Hui-Pan Fan, Li-Feng Ren, Yang Xiao, and Qiang Zeng

The coalfield fire area is widespread in the world. Numerous coal resources have been destroyed because of the large-scale coalfield fires. Meanwhile, toxic and harmful substances, such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, methane, sulfide, and nitrogen oxide, etc., are numerously generated. All of them threat the local ecological environment and the economic development. The occurrence and evolution processes are complex, challenging the scientific prevention and control for coalfield fire. Gas transport mechanism is one of the key points that influence coalfield fire evolution and its efficient prevention and control. This investigation mainly pays attention to the flow filed in underground coalfield fire area. Combining physical test and numerical simulation, the transition law of the main air supply channel in underground coalfield fire area is studied, and the distribution characteristics of flow field in the channels are revealed. These are of great significance for revealing the evolution process of coalfield fire.

How to cite: Li, Q.-W., Fan, H.-P., Ren, L.-F., Xiao, Y., and Zeng, Q.: Study on the Flow Field Variation in Fracture Channel of Coalfield Fire, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8255,, 2023.

EGU23-10406 | ECS | Posters virtual | ERE1.12

Intelligent coordinated control technology of dust-gas in underground excavation face in highly gas mine, China 

Yong Cao, Yang Xiao, Zhenping Wang, and Qingwei Li

As a chronic hazard, coal mine dust is widely distributed in mines around the world, especially in China, and the number of cases of pneumoconiosis caused by coal mine dust remains high every year. In highly gas mines, excavation work is at risk of exceeding gas concentrations, which could cause gas-coal explosions under certain conditions. The underground excavation face of the high gas mine urgently needs to solve the gas overrun problem caused by dust prevention and control work. In this work, gas-coal dust monitoring and early warning technology was used, to establish a treatment concept combining intelligent wind control and dust removal and gas overrun prevention and control. Via numerical simulation with FLUENT, to determine the air volume ratio of gas over limit prevention and control, the optimal dust removal air volume ratio, and applied in the field. The results indicated that the intelligent wind control technology had a excellent prevention effect on the problem of dust-gas coexistence.

How to cite: Cao, Y., Xiao, Y., Wang, Z., and Li, Q.: Intelligent coordinated control technology of dust-gas in underground excavation face in highly gas mine, China, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10406,, 2023.

As a new green chemical inhibitor, ionic liquids can inhibit spontaneous combustion of coal by dissolving and destroying the active structure in coal. In order to investigate the influence of ionic liquids with different concentrations on the molecular structure and the characteristics of low temperature oxidation kinetics of coal at oxygen-poor environment, taking Wucaiwan coal sample in Zhundong mining area as the research object, the molecular structure model of Wucaiwan coal in Zhundong mining area is constructed, and 1-(2-hydroxyethyl)-3-methylimidazole tetrafluoroborate [HOEtMIm] [BF4] ionic liquid is selected. The effect of ionic liquid on coal is investigated from macroscopic and microscopic levels by means of NMR carbon spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron energy, infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetry and X-ray diffraction. The results show that different concentrations of [HOEtMIm] [BF4] ionic liquids increase the ignition temperature point and the maximum weight loss rate temperature point of coal samples. The percentage of weight loss in the rapid oxidation stage and the whole combustion process of spontaneous combustion decreases with the increase of ionic liquid concentration. Compared with coal samples treated with other concentrations, the coal samples treated with 15% ionic liquids show good stability, and the fluctuation range of combustion characteristics parameters is small, which shows that high concentration ionic liquids can effectively reduce the influence of temperature on coal samples. Different stages of coal spontaneous combustion oxidation follow different reaction mechanism. The activation energy of the coal samples treated with different concentrations of [HOEtMIm] [BF4] ionic liquids did not change obviously in the evaporation and desorption stages of water, and the flame retardant effect was mainly shown in the oxygen absorption and weight gain stages and thermal decomposition stages. Higher concentration of ionic liquids can make aliphatic, oxygen-containing functional groups and side chains in coal structure fall off , so that the macromolecules of coal are arranged more closely, and the arrangement of organic carbon atoms tends to be oriented and regular gradually. The concentration of ionic liquids changed the polymerization degree of coal macromolecules, and the concentration of ionic liquids was proportional to the polymerization degree of coal macromolecules.

How to cite: Hao, R. and Zeng, Q.: Effect of Ionic Liquids with Different Concentrations on Molecular Structure and Combustion Performance of Coal, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10504,, 2023.

Dust suppressant is an important way to improve the efficiency of wet dust removal,but the dust suppressant currently used in mine is generally chemical dust suppressant,which faces challenging problems of low interfacial activity, high cost, poor degradation,as well as environmental pollution and other issues. To synthesis biological dust suppressant (BDS), a new idea of microbial fermentation technology is proposed. Response surface optimization method was used to explore optimal fermentation conditions. These results show that BDS can be produced to the maximum capacity under the conditions of temperature =37.56℃, pH =7.99, rotating speed =220 r/min, inoculant =2.17%, and liquid loading =59.89 ml.XRD, FTIR and HPLC-MS/MS were adopted to explore the structural features of BDS. Its molecular structure shows a cyclic lipopeptide. The wettability was tested with interface rheometer and we found its good wetting ability under the concentration of 0.06wt‰ compared with chemical dust suppressant. At the same time, dust reduction performance was studied with self-developed test system and BDS showed good performance in dust reduction efficiency. Its application prospects are broad, which may open a new situation for green and efficient control of mine dust.

How to cite: Wang, H. and Zhang, Q.: Basic research on application of green dust suppression materials in mines, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10676,, 2023.

EGU23-16711 | Orals | ERE1.12

Utilization of coal wastes in municipal waste landfill reclamation – a Katowice-Wełnowiec case study, Poland 

Justyna Ciesielczuk, Monika J. Fabiańska, Magdalena Misz-Kennan, Jolanta Pierwoła, and Anna Abramowicz

Coal mining produces a huge amount of waste which is stored in dumps located in close vicinity of coal mines and settlements. As organic matter is still present in deposited claystones, mudstones, sandstones, carbonates, and conglomerates, they are susceptible to self-heating, causing environmental problems. However, these wastes can also be utilized to reduce the amount of waste and the number of dumps.

The municipal waste landfill, operating from 1991 to 1996 for the Katowice town in Wełnowiec district, in Upper Silesia Coal Basin, Poland, was reclaimed with coal wastes. In total, a rubbish dump collected about 1.6 million tonnes of urban waste, composed of ca. 22.5% of coal waste, ca. 21.5% of municipal waste, ca. 40% of building waste and the remainder of composting plant waste. The residents living next to the dump complained about unpleasant odours. This is why it was decided to reclaim the municipal waste landfill and form a multi-barrier system composed of 0.3 m of compacted coal mine wastes, 0.5 m of clays, 0.1 m of sand, 0.3 m of gravel, 0.6 m of uncompacted coal mine waste mixed with soil, and 0.4 m of humus on the top. In 2001, it was decided to exploit biogas (methane) from the dump, and a total of 39 boreholes were drilled. Unfortunately, the rehabilitation caused self-heating and self-ignition to occur, and the first intense fire broke out in the eastern part of the northern slope in November/December 2008, emanating harmful components to the soil, air, and groundwater.

We proved geophysically, that properly planned reclamation has never been performed. Much more coal wastes with much higher organic matter content were deposited on the dump without any packing and fire-preventing measures. The most intensive fire expanded at the northern slope and appeared as hot spots in the eastern and southern parts. The temperature was elevated exceeding 80oC in these places preventing plants from growing. The highest measured temperature reached 770oC at 0.3 m subsurface. Vents and fissures which emit hot exhalations containing water vapour, carbon mono- and dioxide, methane, and other light hydrocarbons were encrusted by exhalating minerals. There the dump surface was permeated with water and bitumen formed in pyrolytical conditions in a self-heating zone located deeper within the dump.

Geophysical methods revealed up to 26 m of municipal waste covered by the irregularly distributed material of varying thickness and composition instead of a designed 2.2-m-thick multi-barrier system. The real thickness of coal wastes used for reclamation of the municipal Wełnowiec dump was documented and amounts from 1 to 8 m. The consequence is intensive burning and the necessity of prevention. Where the volume of coal waste is not adequate for thermal activity, no thermal activity was noticed. Where the volume is only just sufficient, small hot spots (< ~20m in diameter) appear and wane. Where the volume of coal waste used in rehabilitation was much greater than planned, as on the northern slope of the dump, burning could spread for many years and require professional firefighting to stop it.

How to cite: Ciesielczuk, J., Fabiańska, M. J., Misz-Kennan, M., Pierwoła, J., and Abramowicz, A.: Utilization of coal wastes in municipal waste landfill reclamation – a Katowice-Wełnowiec case study, Poland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16711,, 2023.

Of all the natural resources available to humankind, water holds a prominent place, particularly because of its importance for human livelihood. Savelugu district in northern Ghana is characterized by unpredictable rainfall patterns with periodic and perennial water shortages. The distance people travel to fetch water and the person-hours spent in search for water affect productivity, economic livelihood, and health and education benefits. Provision of potable water supply to these communities is expected to bring not only health, education benefits but also increase in sanitation and hygiene practices. Static water levels (SWLs) of 19 wells in the study area were collected, analyzed and compared to the initial SWLs measured when the wells were immediately drilled and constructed. The SWL data was subjected to paired samples T-test (with α = 0.05). From the results, there was significant difference in the SWL immediately after drilling and construction (µ = 12.15, σ = 7.50) and SWL after at least 10 years (µ = 17.81, σ = 10.29); t (18) = -3.7, P = 0.002. Lowered groundwater levels were recorded in all wells measured. This can lead to drying up of some of the wells whose difference between the current SWL and well depth is close. There must be strong advocacy, development and implementation of IWRM plans to help address the problem of inadequate WASH in the study area.

How to cite: Acheampong, A.: Lowering of groundwater levels and their effect on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene services in the Savelugu District, Northern Region of Ghana, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-139,, 2023.

Agriculture, in general, has a long production cycle and is affected by many endogenous and exogenous uncertainty factors. Changes in rainfall patterns, maximum or minimum temperature, types and amounts of fertilizer input, timing, availability of irrigation water, and soil quality can drastically change the agricultural yield. In developing countries such as India, where more than half of countries population is engaged in agriculture, and the whims of nature may affect the agricultural output, it is essential to check how the entire agricultural system reacts to the changes in climatic parameters and anthropogenic practices. This study analyses agricultural trends in four primary staple crops, trends in climatic parameters, and anthropogenic inputs in Indian districts. Significant trends were detected and quantified using the non-parametric Mann-Kendall (MK) test, modified MK test, and Theil-Sen estimator at a 5% significance level. Spearman’s correlation test is used to determine the contributing factors to the changes in agricultural yield. Rice, Wheat, Pearl Millet, and Maize yields have shown significant increasing trends in a large number of the districts. Despite decreases in the gross cropped area in the majority of the districts, the trends in production are mostly positive. According to Spearman’s Rho correlation test, the increase in fertilizer consumption in most districts and the increase in crop-wise irrigated land in many districts are the significant reasons for the increase in yields. The rainfall did not change much compared to maximum and minimum temperatures at both the annual and seasonal levels. Although there were significant climatic changes in the last three decades, the correlation with agricultural yield is mostly insignificant.

How to cite: Sarkar, N. and Ray, S.: Analysis of Agricultural and Climatic trends in Indian Districts and finding the contributing factors in recent Indian Agricultural Outputs, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-653,, 2023.

EGU23-1916 | ECS | PICO | HS7.3

Modeling the potential of management options to reduce irrigation demand in Western Switzerland 

Malve Heinz, Christoph Raible, Bettina Schaefli, and Annelie Holzkämper

European Agriculture is experiencing the consequences of summer droughts and heatwaves in form of quality and quantity losses for numerous crops and feed production. Water availability for irrigation in the vital summer and fall months is decreasing and therefore, irrigation will most likely not be able to sufficiently mitigate the effects of droughts and heat in the future. Thus, approaches that reduce the need for irrigation are required. We investigate potential water-use reduction strategies based on a modelling framework applied to a selected case study in Western Switzerland, the Broye catchment. The region is characterized by intensive agricultural use and drought-related irrigation bans in summer. In the first step of our project, we quantify the total irrigation demand under current and future climate conditions using the soil-water-atmosphere-plant model SWAP. SWAP mainly simulates water and solute flow in soil as well as vegetation growth by solving a set of equations such as the Richards equations. Irrigation demand is quantified by applying this 1D model to the full range of climatic, soil and land use conditions prevailing in the selected catchment. The model calculates both the irrigation requirements and the yield of various irrigation-intensive crops currently grown in the region, such as potatoes, maize, or sugar beet. In a second step, we use the model to assess the efficiency of different management options to reduce the water demand, such as mulching, organic amendments, biochar application, different tillage methods or the cultivation of better-adapted crops. In future work, we will couple the field-scale model to a catchment-scale rainfall-runoff model to assess the impact of a large-scale application of such measures on the water balance of the catchment.

How to cite: Heinz, M., Raible, C., Schaefli, B., and Holzkämper, A.: Modeling the potential of management options to reduce irrigation demand in Western Switzerland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1916,, 2023.

EGU23-2603 | PICO | HS7.3

Rainwater harvesting as climate change adaptation strategy for durum wheat production in Sardinia 

Francesco Viola, Roberto Deidda, Salvatore Urru, and Elena Cristiano

The Mediterranean region is widely recognized as a climate change hotspot, where, mainly due to the increase of CO2 concentration, both historical records and future climate models’ projections reveal an increase of the daily average temperature and a reduction of the mean annual precipitation, with less frequent but more intense rainfall events. These changes could have strong impacts on the durum wheat production, and consequently to the food chain that derives from it. Water availability is expected to be the main limiting factor in the durum wheat growth, which is usually rainfed in Mediterranean region. On the other hand, CO2 increase may act as a counterbalance factor, by increasing the water use efficiency. In this work, within the framework of the H2020 European Union project ARSINOE (“Climate-resilient regions through systemic solutions and innovations”), we investigated the possibility to adapt durum wheat production to climate changes, compensating the rainfall reduction with emergency irrigation derived from a rainwater harvesting system, with the aim to keep constant the durum wheat production or alleviate the yield reduction. The Aquacrop model, a crop growth model developed by FAO’s Land and Water Division, has been calibrated to reproduce the actual durum wheat production in the Campidano region in Sardinia (Italy), implementing the local climate and soil characteristics. The model has been then used to simulate the crop production in correspondence of different bias corrected future climate scenarios, which foreseen an average rainfall reduction and increase of average temperature and CO2 concentration in the atmosphere. A rainwater harvesting system to collect rainfall from the rooftops or impervious surface within the cultivated area (100m2/ha) has been designed and the volume for potential emergency irrigation has been estimated year by year. Preliminary results show the importance of implementing rainwater harvesting systems to provide emergency irrigation and sustain durum wheat production in a context of climate changes.


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon H2020 innovation action programme under grant agreement 101037424.

How to cite: Viola, F., Deidda, R., Urru, S., and Cristiano, E.: Rainwater harvesting as climate change adaptation strategy for durum wheat production in Sardinia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2603,, 2023.

With the impact of climate change and the main rainfall seasons in Taiwan are concentrated in the plum rain season from May to June and the typhoon season from July to September each year.There are significant differences in rainfall and spatial and temporal distribution between the wet season and the dry season,the droughts will occur and even lead to severe water shortages, such as the worst drought in half a century in 2021.From a macroscopic spatial scale, for example, the El Niño phenomenon and solar activity may have a certain impact on the overall climate and water resources of the earth.Therefore, this study analyzes the correlation between rainfall and large-scale influencing factors such as sunspots, El Niño-Southern Oscillation,and uses machine learning models to predict and classify rainfall under different conditions,the prediction accuracy rate through historical data can reach 89.9% , with sunspots as the most significant factor. It is hoped that relevant units can provide reference for water resources management and planning.

How to cite: Weng, Z.-H. and Lin, Y.-C.: Establishing a macroscopic-scale rainfall climate and water resources estimation model by machine learning method, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3008,, 2023.

EGU23-3528 | ECS | PICO | HS7.3

Effects of heat and drought stress and their co-occurrence on winter wheat yields in Germany under climate change 

Rike Becker, Bernhard Schauberger, Ralf Merz, Stephan Schulz, and Christoph Gornott

In our changing climate, heatwaves and droughts and their spatio-temporal co-occurrences are likely to intensify. This will inevitably challenge future agricultural production and calls for adaptation strategies to protect future yields. To find suitable climate adaptation strategies for Germany’s major staple crop - winter wheat - it is important to know how heat stress, drought stress or their compound effects drive wheat yield failures. The principal aim of this study is, therefore, to quantify the impacts of heat, drought, and their compound effects on winter wheat yields in Germany, in a spatially and temporally discrete manner.

To address our aim, we develop a statistical crop-climate model for the time period 1991-2019 at the county level. We first create agroclimatic proxies for heat stress, drought stress and their compound effects and use these to construct a separate time series model with the addition of time-dependent interaction terms. Our approach constructs separate regression models for each county, based on common elements that allow for comparing and jointly interpreting individual models.

Preliminary results show that more than 50% of Germany’s wheat yield variability can be explained by climate effects. Compound effects of heat and drought stresses are responsible for approx. 42% of the variability in Germany’s winter wheat yields. Drought stress alone explains approx. 7%, with higher impacts in the east of the country, and heat stress alone explains approx. 3% of the year-to-year yield variability, with higher impacts in the north-west of Germany. The results confirm the importance of compound effects and underline their dominating impacts on winter wheat yields, when compared to individual heat and water stress impacts – a finding which should guide future adaptation strategies. Furthermore, our study shows that heat stress is becoming increasingly important for wheat yield failure in Germany – alone and in conjunction with moisture stress.

In conclusion, we suggest that climate change adaptation strategies for winter wheat in Germany should focus on combined measures against drought and heat extremes. While the increase of multi-stress resilience should be the main goal for entire Germany, north-western areas should prioritize strategies to increase heat resilience and eastern areas should prioritize strategies to increase drought resilience.

How to cite: Becker, R., Schauberger, B., Merz, R., Schulz, S., and Gornott, C.: Effects of heat and drought stress and their co-occurrence on winter wheat yields in Germany under climate change, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3528,, 2023.

current legislation requires the inspection and calibration of operational survey radiation monitoring instruments used in nuclear medicine and radiotherapy departments as well as in any field that uses ionizing radiation sources. As a result, Morocco's national secondary standard dosimetry laboratory provides reliable calibration results with high accuracy while adhering to national and international radiation protection standards and covering the various measurement ranges, using the attenuators offered by the automated Gamma G10 irradiator or the validated beam qualities produced by the X-ray irradiator type X80-320kV as required. The measurements’ reliability was demonstrated by participation in a comparison program launched by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

This work aims to develop a digital graphical user interface designed for the calibration of measuring instruments in radiation protection through the programming language Python, which serves to facilitate the establishment of all operations and calculations related to the determination of calibration factors and measurement uncertainties according to the ISO 4037 standard in a minimum time that allows to process several instruments during the day with high accuracy, while minimizing the sources of errors, this interface allows the recording of calculations as well as the establishment and electronic archiving of the calibration certificate in pdf format ported from PHP FPDF.

How to cite: Belhaj, O. E., Boukhal, H., and Belhaj, S.: Digital graphical user interface as a facilitator for the calibration of radiation monitoring instruments according to ISO 4037:2019 at the national secondary standard dosimetry laboratory of morocco, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4503,, 2023.

Groundwater is an essential source of water in Taiwan, and its long-term overuse has resulted in water resource problems that have become a potential crisis in the Zhuoshui River Basin. This overuse of groundwater may also lead to subsidence, which can have significant consequences for the area and its infrastructure. The lack of complete observations of groundwater extraction in Taiwan due to historical factors has made it difficult to accurately understand and manage the amount of water being taken, particularly for agricultural purposes.In view of this, this study uses time series data from 87 agricultural groundwater wells in Huwei Town, Yunlin County from January 2016 to July 2017, and time series data on agricultural well electricity usage in the Changshui River Basin, combined with other attribute data, to understand farmers' water pumping behavior using data mining methods and to estimate the amount of water taken in the Huwei area using machine learning.This study obtained the spatial and temporal distribution of groundwater withdrawals in the Huwei area in 2018.

How to cite: Tseng, Y. K. and Yu, H. L.: Using Time Series Data and Machine Learning Estimating Agricultural Groundwater Extraction in Huwei Town, Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5173,, 2023.

EGU23-5551 | ECS | PICO | HS7.3

Probabilistic modelling of water distribution networks and resilient reduction of leakages: Large scale application to the city of Patras in western Greece 

Athanasios V. Serafeim, George Kokosalakis, Roberto Deidda, Nikolaos Th. Fourniotis, Irene Karathanasi, and Andreas Langousis

Modeling of leakages in Water Distribution Networks (WDNs) is a vital task for all water related professionals and experts towards the development of management practices and strategies, which aim at the reduction of water losses (leakages) and the associated financial cost and environmental footprint. In the current work we develop an integrated, theoretically founded, and easily applicable probabilistic framework for resilient reduction of leakages in WDNs, which combines: a) a set of conceptually and methodologically different probabilistic approaches for minimum night flow (MNF) estimation in WDNs based on statistical metrics (Serafeim et al., 2021 and 2022a), and b) a combination of statistical clustering and hydraulic modeling techniques for the rigorous and user unbiased partitioning of WDNs into pressure management areas (PMAs) or district metered areas (DMAs), which seeks for minimization of leakages while maintaining an acceptable level of the network’s hydraulic resilience (Serafeim et al., 2022b). The efficiency of the introduced framework is tested via a large-scale real-world application to the water distribution network of the City of Patras, the largest smart water network (SWN) in Greece, which covers an area of approximately 27 km2 and serves more than 213000 consumers (based on data from the Hellenic Statistical Authority and the Municipality of Patras), with more than 700 km of pipeline grid (mainly HDPE and PVC pipes).


The research work was supported by the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (H.F.R.I.) under the “First Call for H.F.R.I. Research Projects to support Faculty members and Researchers and the procurement of high-cost research equipment grant” (Project Number: 1162).


Serafeim, A.V., Kokosalakis, G., Deidda, R., Karathanasi I. and Langousis A (2021) Probabilistic estimation of minimum night flow in water distribution networks: large-scale application to the city of Patras in western Greece, Stoch. Environ. Res. Risk. Assess.,

Serafeim, A.V., G. Kokosalakis, R. Deidda, I. Karathanasi and A. Langousis (2022) Probabilistic Minimum Night Flow Estimation in Water Distribution Networks and Comparison with the Water Balance Approach: Large-Scale Application to the City Center of Patras in Western Greece, Water, 14, 98,

Serafeim, A.V., G. Kokosalakis, R. Deidda, N. Th. Fourniotis and A. Langousis (2022) Combining statistical clustering with hydraulic modeling for resilient reduction of water loses in water distribution networks: Large scale application to the city of Patras in Western Greece, Water, 14(21), 3493.


How to cite: Serafeim, A. V., Kokosalakis, G., Deidda, R., Fourniotis, N. Th., Karathanasi, I., and Langousis, A.: Probabilistic modelling of water distribution networks and resilient reduction of leakages: Large scale application to the city of Patras in western Greece, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5551,, 2023.

EGU23-5567 | PICO | HS7.3

A probabilistic approach for detection and classification of PRV malfunctions in the water distribution network of the city of Patras in western Greece 

Anastasios Perdios, George Kokosalakis, Nikolaos Th. Fourniotis, Demetris Pantzalis, and Andreas Langousis

Effective management of water losses in water distribution networks (WDNs) still remains a demanding task, as the temporal and spatial variability of water resources under changing climatic conditions and the increasing needs for drinking water may lead to freshwater shortages. In this context, pressure management strategies are widely adopted in an effort to reduce the water losses in the supply and distribution parts of water networks and, consequently, deescalate their environmental footprint. Installation of pressure reducing valves (PRVs) at critical locations of WDNs plays a central role in pressure regulation strategies, as PRVs reduce the upstream pressure to a set outlet pressure (i.e., downstream of the PRV), usually referred to as set point. Perdios et al. (2022) developed a novel statistical framework and applied it to an existing pressure management area (PMA) of the city of Patras in western Greece, aiming at early detection of PRV malfunctions that may significantly influence network’s operation and the corresponding lifetime of related infrastructure. The results showed that the suggested methodology allows reliable detection of critical malfunctions at least 2 days prior to flow disruptions. Ιn this study, we calibrate and implement Perdios et al. (2022) statistical framework, using pressure data for a 4-year period from 01/Jan./2017 to 26/Nov./2020 from several important PMAs of the WDN of the city of Patras, aiming towards better understanding of the causes of the malfunctions, by decomposing the observed pressure deviations from the set point to systematic and random error components.


The research work has been conducted within the project PerManeNt, which has been co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union and Greek national funds through the Operational Program Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation under the call RESEARCH – CREATE – INNOVATE (project code: T2EDK-04177).


Perdios A., G. Kokosalakis, N. Th. Fourniotis, I. Karathanasi and A. Langousis (2022) Statistical framework for the detection of pressure regulation malfunctions and issuance of alerts in water distribution networks, Stoch. Env. Res. Risk Asses.,

How to cite: Perdios, A., Kokosalakis, G., Fourniotis, N. Th., Pantzalis, D., and Langousis, A.: A probabilistic approach for detection and classification of PRV malfunctions in the water distribution network of the city of Patras in western Greece, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5567,, 2023.

EGU23-10057 | ECS | PICO | HS7.3

Building a smart green system to control water leakage and monitor drinking water quality in the water supply system of Paramythia city, Greece: the case of SMASH project 

Angelos Chasiotis, Stavroula Tsitsifli, Konstantinos Panytsidis, Vegard Nilsen, Nikolaos Mantas, Dimitrios Theodorou, Thomas Kyriakidis, Stefanos Chasiotis, Maria Bousdeki, Elissavet Feloni, Harsha Ratnaweera, Panagiotis Nastos, and Malamati Louta

Water leakage is acknowledged as one of the most important issues that drinking water supply systems are facing worldwide. Non-Revenue Water is estimated to 346 million m3 per day and its cost/value is estimated to 39 billion USD per year. At the same time drinking water quality is jeopardized from the water intake points to the consumer’s tap, even during normal operating conditions.

ICT support water utility operators to improve the operational capacity of their water supply system. A smart green system to control water leakage and monitor drinking water quality in the water supply system of Paramythia city will be built in the context of SMASH project. It consists of: (a) IoT system comprising three local control stations, installed in selected parts of the water supply network, monitoring water quantity&quality parameters in real time; (b) the hydraulic simulation model of the water supply system of Paramythia; (c) a virtual sensors system, which will be used for water quality prediction; (d) a Decision Support System (DSS) for leakage detection and optimal management of water supply system parameters in an automated manner.

The DSS will detect and locate water leakages within the DMA zone and inform the operators for excessive values in drinking water quality parameters. The DSS will use as inputs the data from the IoT system, will interact with the hydraulic simulation model, and obtain the water quality data from the virtual sensors. All these data will be processed by the DSS logic in the backend subsystem. The IoT and the hydraulic simulation data, based on the digital twin of the water supply system, are used for the calculation of specific performance indicators related to water leakage, such as well-known IWA indicators: water losses, ILI, etc. Calculating the divergences between the PI values observed & the ones representing the optimal operation of the water network without leakages and setting appropriate thresholds, the DSS will detect the leakage, while several different scenarios will run in hydraulic simulation. The frontend subsystem of the DSS will be able to visualize the water distribution network, statistical values of water quantitative & qualitative parameters. It will provide alarms in case of leakage or exceedance of water quality parameters’ values and it will show the leakage location in a map. The architecture of the smart green system, currently under development, is depicted in Fig.1.

Figure 1. The DSS for the water parameters management in the water supply system

Keywords: Drinking water; water quality; leakage; virtual sensors; smart system; decision support.

Acknowledgement: This work is co-financed by EEA Grants 2014 – 2021 and Greek Public Investments Program.

  • Liemberger, R., & Wyatt, A. (2019). Quantifying the global non-revenue water problem. Water Supply19(3), 831-837.
  • Antzoulatos G., Mourtzios C., et al (2020), Making urban water smart: the SMART-WATER solution. Water Science & Technology, 82(12), 2691–2710.
  • Alegre, H., Baptista, et al (2016). Performance indicators for water supply services. 3rd IWA publishing.

How to cite: Chasiotis, A., Tsitsifli, S., Panytsidis, K., Nilsen, V., Mantas, N., Theodorou, D., Kyriakidis, T., Chasiotis, S., Bousdeki, M., Feloni, E., Ratnaweera, H., Nastos, P., and Louta, M.: Building a smart green system to control water leakage and monitor drinking water quality in the water supply system of Paramythia city, Greece: the case of SMASH project, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10057,, 2023.

By calculating the water demand and programming a fine irrigation project, the management and cultivating efficiency of traditional agriculture can be greatly improved. Taking rotational irrigation for example, the efficiency of irrigation can be maximized by adjusting water distribution routes, irrigation area allocation, and irrigation schedule planning. However, in actual operation, some problems are often encountered, such as how to persuade farmers and promote the designed irrigation project, and the negotiation of various stakeholders. Generally, due to the complexity of the irrigation design model, it is impossible to have an effective and immediate communication or presentation. Therefore, this study introduces the Bayesian network to presents the key points of the irrigation project after simplifying the relationship. In addition to being simpler for stakeholders to understand, it is also possible to adjust various parameters in time to obtain rough estimation results.

The research area of this study is a 100-hectare farmland, which is located in Kinmen County, Taiwan. For many years, local farmers have only relied on precipitation to cultivate sorghum, wheat and other crops. However, the precipitation in Kinmen is semiarid and unstable. In the past five years, the annual rainfall has been lower than the average in previous years, which directly led to a very bleak crop harvest. Therefore, we hope to establish an irrigation project in Kinmen, using recycled water as the water source to provide local farmers with a reliable water source.

The Bayesian network used in this study is a directed acyclic graphical (DAG) model based on conditional probability and Bayesian theorem to express the possible relationship between variables. In terms of operation, the different influencing factors in the research topic are converted into nodes, and the relationship between nodes is given by different conditional probabilities. This study uses GeNIe to establish a Bayesian network that can be used to estimate water profit and loss and other results. This Bayesian network can be divided into four sub-blocks, which are the relevant data of the irrigation area, the water demand, the water supply, and the final result calculation. Therefore, when the stakeholders are negotiating the irrigation project, they can discuss the different estimation results by adjusting each node of the first three sub-blocks.

How to cite: Su, Y. and Yu, H.-L.: Application of Bayesian Network in Analysis and Management of Agricultural Water - Taking Kinmen for Example, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10515,, 2023.

Assessing the Sustainability in Water Use under
Different Agricultural Management Planning
in Yeongsan-River Basin, South Korea


Yujong Jeong1, Hyun-woo Jo1, YanYan1, Minwoo Noh1, Woo-Kyun Lee1*


1 Department of Environmental Science and Ecological Engineering, Korea University, Seoul 02841, Republic of Korea


(Address: Korea University, Anamro 145, Seongbukgu, Seoul 02841, Republic of Korea)



From the past, South Korea has been experiencing high level of water stress as reported by WRI, in 2013, and chronically imbalanced spatiotemporal water allocation. Yeongsan-river basin, where the biggest national breadbasket is located, is facing unequal water allocation among different water uses and inefficient water management under episodic water shortage conditions. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to analyse current water management and allocation scheme, and to evaluate 3 different agricultural management plans in terms of efficiency and equity. The Soil and Water Assessment Tool(SWAT) was applied to simulate the hydrological process and crop yield in the basin. The model was calibrated and validated using observed outflows to set adequate system parameters for the entire watershed. Crop water productivity and spatial-temporal-sectoral water distribution are utilized as the indices to evaluate different agricultural strategies. The results suggested that there was potential to improve both crop productivity and water allocation at the same time with the suggested plannings. Crop water productivity increased in all three strategies in order of on-farm management measures (precise agriculture), crop diversification (replacing rice to beans) and agroforestry (mixing trees and crops). The crop water productivity of on-farm measurement ranges from 5t/L to 13t/L and rises about 20% on average. In addition, it is found that applying the combination of different agricultural management measures could achieve better water allocation in terms of space and time, and between agriculture and ecosystem. The outcomes of this study can serve scientific-evidence policy and decision-making systems for sustainable agricultural society and ecosystem.

KeywordsHydrological Modelling, SWAT, Crop water productivity, Water allocation, Agricultural Management Planning, Yeongsan-River Basin

Acknowledgements: This work was supported under the framework of international cooperation program managed by the National Research Foundation of Korea (No. 2021K2A9A1A02101519).



How to cite: Jeong, Y.: Assessing the Sustainability in Water Use under Different Agricultural Management Planning in Yeongsan-River Basin, South Korea, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10943,, 2023.

EGU23-10953 | ECS | PICO | HS7.3

Leveraging Hydroclimate and Earth Observation to Predict Grain Production in Sub-Saharan Africa 

Donghoon Lee, Frank Davenport, Shraddhanand Shukla, Laura Harrison, Greg Husak, Chris Funk, Michael Budde, James Rowland, Amy McNally, and James Verdin

The importance of forecasting agricultural production in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is increasing for the management of agricultural supply chains, market forecasting, and targeting of food aid. In particular, agricultural forecasts enable governments and humanitarian organizations to respond more effectively to shocks in food production and price spikes resulting from extreme droughts. In this study, we use hydroclimate, earth observations (EO) and machine learning to develop an operational, sub-national grain production forecast system for a number of SSA countries, including food-insecure regions where rapid response is critical. Before creating the forecast, we collect and organize crop production data from the Famine Early Warning Systems Network in order to identify trends and variability in agricultural technology, climate, and vegetation. In addition, we demonstrate the capability of hydroclimate and EO data to capture favorable or unfavorable crop development conditions during the growing season. In addition, we demonstrate a unique capability that explains how EO characteristics influence current grain production forecasts, thereby enhancing the forecasts' reliability and efficacy. This research lays the groundwork for the development of a large-scale, operational crop yield forecasting system that will provide actionable predictions of food shocks for famine early warning and guide advanced preparedness and response strategies.

How to cite: Lee, D., Davenport, F., Shukla, S., Harrison, L., Husak, G., Funk, C., Budde, M., Rowland, J., McNally, A., and Verdin, J.: Leveraging Hydroclimate and Earth Observation to Predict Grain Production in Sub-Saharan Africa, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10953,, 2023.

EGU23-11183 | ECS | PICO | HS7.3

Implications of 1.50C global warming for agricultural productivity over a global rice exporting region in Central India 

Shoobhangi Tyagi, Sandeep Sahany, Dharmendra Saraswat, Saroj Kanta Mishra, Amlendu Dubey, and Dev Niyogi

Water, food, and energy security are the major climate risks of global warming. The Paris Agreement proposed an ambitious target of limiting the rise in global mean surface temperature to well below 20C, and preferably to 1.50C, compared to the pre-industrial era. However, the implication of this policy discourse on the agricultural system is imperative for ensuring food security in the face of global warming. This research focuses on understanding the changes in water availability and rice productivity under 1.50C global warming over a global rice-exporting semi-arid watershed in Central India. Towards this goal, the mean climate under 1.50C of global warming was computed for 21 Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) Global Climate models (GCMs). For each GCM, the corresponding changes in blue-green water availability and rice productivity at 1.50C warming period were estimated under two global warming scenarios (SSP2-4.5 and SSP5-8.5) based on the semi-distributed Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). Results suggest that the green and blue water is projected to change by ~ -20% to 10 and ~ -50 to 20%, respectively. The rice yield is projected to reduce in the range of 5% to 50%, with an increase in local temperature (~10C) and a decrease in local precipitation (~20%) being the limiting factor. This study provides useful information on when the 1.50C global warming could reach and how it can affect the agricultural productivity of semi-arid watersheds across different global warming scenarios. This study will help develop appropriate strategies to reduce/alleviate the impacts of global warming and foster food security at the watershed-scale.   

How to cite: Tyagi, S., Sahany, S., Saraswat, D., Mishra, S. K., Dubey, A., and Niyogi, D.: Implications of 1.50C global warming for agricultural productivity over a global rice exporting region in Central India, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11183,, 2023.

        Due to climate change, Taiwan's rainfall has become unstable in recent years, leading to short rainy seasons and low rainfall. In 2021, a severe drought occurred due to the lowest rainfall on record. Groundwater is essential for agricultural development, but less than 10% of wells are legal. Improper or excessive use of groundwater resources can cause serious disasters, such as sea intrusion and land subsidence. However, if the government and farmers extract groundwater effectively and sustainably, it will bring more flexibility to water management.

        In this study, a land subsidence model was conducted based on geological conditions and groundwater level. This study analyzes multi layer compaction monitoring well profiles, and further finds the correlation among the two main factors and subsidence. The goal of this study is to visualize which areas are more suitable for using groundwater and assist the government in water resource management. This study focuses on the Choshui river alluvial fan in Taiwan. A risk map of land subsidence for this area is made by evaluating two main factors, geological conditions and groundwater level.

How to cite: Su, S.-H. and Yu, H.-L.: Assessment of Land Subsidence based on Geological Conditions, Groundwater Levels in the Choshui River Alluvial Fan, Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11879,, 2023.

EGU23-12693 | ECS | PICO | HS7.3

Photo-driven processes for the removal of biotoxins derived from Harmful Microalgal Blooms 

Javier Moreno-Andrés, Sandra Lage, Ana Catarina Braga, Leonardo Romero-Martínez, Asunción Acevedo-Merino, Enrique Nebot, and Pedro R Costa

Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) are increasing in frequency and magnitude globally. These episodes are associated with the generation of biotoxins, which pose a potential risk to human and animal health. Biotoxins notably affect aquaculture activities and shellfish production, which has a clear impact on food and human health. Consequently, it is sometimes necessary to close the harvesting areas until the organisms are decontaminated. These natural detoxification mechanisms depend largely on the type of toxin and physiology of the organism, resulting in lengthy processes that can cause severe economic losses to aquaculture activities. As the main goal of this communication, we propose a technological alternative for the degradation of marine biotoxins through the implementation of UV technology as a treatment for agricultural, environmental, and health-related purposes. Therefore, advanced photochemical processes should be evaluated for the efficient degradation of marine biotoxins. The toxin selected was okadaic acid (OA), which is a very stable diarrheal toxin (DSP) and has a great impact on shellfish production areas, e.g. on the Portuguese coast. First, irradiation experiments were performed under UV-A, UV-B, and UV-C irradiation. In general, the concentration remained similar after different UV exposures, indicating that there was no observable photodegradation of OA after 3 h of UV irradiation, detecting a maximum degradation of 19.5% (± 0.95) in the UV-C region, suggesting that OA is clearly resistant to UV photodegradation. Second, the combined UV/H2O2, UV/HSO5, and UV/S2O82 − processes were tested. Two different UV sources were evaluated: LED and low-pressure lamps (LP), performing OA exposure in distilled water and seawater, with a maximum UV exposure of 3 h. In general, a clear degradation of OA is observed in photochemical processes in distilled water, with a slight decrease in efficiency in the UV/H2O2 process with an LED irradiation source. In the case of UV/S2O82 − and UV/HSO5, both the LP lamp and LED achieved a total degradation of OA. In the case of the marine matrix, the effect is clearly inhibited for the UV/H2O2 process; however, for UV/ HSO5, salinity does not seem to affect OA degradation, obtaining practically 100% removal. The study of new UV-LEDs would favor aquaculture activities by increasing sustainability and health safety. Likewise, the results obtained might provide the basis for a possible scale-up of technological processes specifically designed for the minimization of marine biotoxins.

How to cite: Moreno-Andrés, J., Lage, S., Braga, A. C., Romero-Martínez, L., Acevedo-Merino, A., Nebot, E., and Costa, P. R.: Photo-driven processes for the removal of biotoxins derived from Harmful Microalgal Blooms, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12693,, 2023.

EGU23-15429 | ECS | PICO | HS7.3

Effect of distance of crop canopy temperature observations on Crop Water Stress Index 

Aditi Yadav, Hitesh Upreti, and Gopal Singhal

The need for water management in the agriculture sector, which is a 70% consumer of global water resources, is imperative. For the same, a plant-based index called crop water stress index (CWSI) is widely being adopted for irrigation scheduling. An empirically derived CWSI is dependent on three parameters of canopy temperature (Tc), air temperature (Ta), and relative humidity (RH).This study was conducted by performing controlled crop experiments in the arid region of Uttar Pradesh state of India, which aims to evaluate the significance of height of Tc observations, taken from March to April 2022, on CWSI calculations for the wheat crop.This has been done by observing theTc by aiming the wheat crop from the top of the crown at two distances of 10 cm and 100 cm, respectively. Handheld remote sensingdevice known as infrared thermometeris used for the observation of canopy temperature. Variation in the height from 10 cm to 100 cm leads to a variation in the field of view from 51.28 sq. cm to 5128 sq. cm. The effect of enhanced area and the involvement of extra soiland vegetation pixels can be understood by this work. Five different irrigation regimes have been provided to study the effect of change in height for Tc observations. The regimes consist of five plots 1,2,3,4, and 5 with soil moisture depletion by the following percentage respectively: 50% in drip irrigation, 25% in drip irrigation, unregulated flood irrigation, 50% in flood irrigation, and no irrigation plot.Plot 2 has been used to formulatea lower baselinefor CWSI calculations. A lower baseline represents a non-water-stressed condition of the crop where the crop is provided with sufficient irrigation treatment leading towards negligible stress conditions. The lower baseline equations used for CWSI assessment for 10 cm and 100 cm height are -1.287(VPD) -2.19 and -1.214(VPD)-1.738, respectively. VPD represents vapor pressure deficit which is a function of Ta and RH. Upon increasing the height from 10 cm to 100 cm, Tc increased by 2.1%, 2.7%, 0.6%, 0.9%, and 1.3% for plots 1,2,3,4, and 5, respectively. This change in temperature led to a decrease in CWSI by 21.8%,36.4 %,9.2%, and 12.2% in plots 1, 2, 3, and 4 respectively. An increase in CWSI by 5.8% for a rise of 1.3% in Tc for plot 5 was also noted. Further coefficient of determination R2 was observed between CWSI at 10 cm height and CWSI at 100 cm height for all plots. It was observed to be 0.65, 0.50, 0.93, 0.93, and 0.87 for plots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, respectively. This study shows the effect of observation distance of crop canopy temperature on CWSI that can lead to the development of sampling procedures meant for CWSI studies.

How to cite: Yadav, A., Upreti, H., and Singhal, G.: Effect of distance of crop canopy temperature observations on Crop Water Stress Index, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15429,, 2023.

Agricultural water use comprises the major part of the total water consumption in many countries, and Taiwan is no exception. However, urbanization and industrialization have triggered the competition for water among different sectors. Water is transferred to satisfy the daily need and industrial need, especially the need of high-tech industries, from the agricultural sector. Groundwater hence becomes an alternative water resource for agriculture, but the over-exploitation of groundwater resources also leads to some problems such as environmental degradation and land subsidence, and climate change has worsened the situation in the recent years.

In Taiwan, groundwater is one of the vital water resources for irrigation, especially when the first crop rice begins being cultivated in the late dry season in central Taiwan. Yunlin County located in central Taiwan is chosen as the study area, which is now facing severe issues about groundwater over-exploitation and suffering from land subsidence threatening the safety of Taiwan High Speed Rail. Because of the high water consumption, groundwater extraction from agriculture is deemed to be the major cause of the land subsidence and should be well monitored and reduced. However, farmers’ pumping behaviors are highly related to the national water allocation policy, food policy and the socioeconomic factors in the rural area. The top-down agricultural water management might not be sufficient and sustainable. Hence, in this study, we propose a participatory framework for agricultural water management using a Bayesian network. The framework tries to incorporate the main factors that affect decision making among different stakeholders, including the Water Resources Agency, Irrigation Agency, Agriculture and Food Agency, farmers, etc., and represent the causal relationship among factors through Bayes’ theorem, or the conditional probability tables (CPTs). The CPTs are constructed based on data, literature reviews and interviews with stakeholders. The key issues concerning different stakeholders are considered in the framework as well, such as surface water shortage for agriculture, land subsidence, and sustainability of agriculture in Yunlin. The network can be used to hold discussions with stakeholders and show the interactions of their decisions among others. The aim of this framework is to facilitate the discussions and formulate the strategies for sustainable agricultural water management with the aid of the intuitive and transparent structure of the Bayesian network.

How to cite: Lee, S.-Y. and Yu, H.-L.: Using Bayesian network to build a participatory framework for sustainable agriculture water management in Yunlin, Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15459,, 2023.

Irrigation plays a crucial role in alleviating the negative effects of drought on crop production. However, increasing competition for water by other sectors, such as industry and domestic use, increases the pressure on available water supplies. Under these circumstances, agricultural producers must be able to manage their available supplies efficiently to optimize irrigation water use. The objective of this research is to develop a decision support system (DSS) for optimizing irrigation scheduling for cotton production using Deep Reinforcement learning (DRL). Our approach uses multiple DRL algorithms that enable an intelligent agent to learn cotton irrigation needs in an interactive environment by trial and error using feedback from its past actions and experiences. Aquacrop is used as an environment (cotton field) simulator and is coupled with a DRL model to simulate crop yield for different actions taken by the agent. Our proposed software estimates the daily irrigation needs of a 7-acre crop field irrigated by a center pivot system located at Clemson University's Edisto Research and Education Center (REC), near Blackville, South Carolina. This new system enables a closed-loop control scheme to adapt the DSS to local perturbations such as soil moisture and rainfall variabilities.

How to cite: Umutoni, L.: An Intelligent Irrigation Decision Support System for Optimizing Cotton Water Use, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16787,, 2023.

NH9 – Natural Hazards & Society

EGU23-544 | ECS | Orals | NH9.1

Stochastic coastal flood risk modelling in the east coast of Africa 

Irene Benito Lazaro, Jeroen C.J.H. Aerts, Philip J. Ward, Dirk Eilander, and Sanne Muis

Extreme coastal flood events can have devastating impacts in densely populated and low-lying coastal areas, affecting societies, economies, and the environment. Flood risk assessments play a key role in reducing the potential impacts of these events. At global scale, coastal flood risk assessments allow determining the prime price definition of (re-)insurance companies, establishing of climate adaptation and risk reduction measures and understanding flood hazard and risk in data-scarce regions.

Flood risk assessments at large to global scales, however, have generally been based on extreme sea levels estimated for specific return periods, combined with static flood modelling approaches. These traditional approaches are computationally efficient but at large scales they neglect the spatial patterns of flood events, leading to miss-estimation of the risk. Stochastic flood modelling approaches, instead, can become an alternative to capture the spatiotemporal dependency of events.

In this study we analyse the added value of a stochastic coastal flood modelling approach over a traditional return period-based approach for 1000 years of synthetic tropical cyclone events in the east coast of Africa. Synthetic tropical cyclone events from the Synthetic Tropical cyclOne geneRation Model (STORM) combined with the Global Tide and Surge Model (GTSM) will be used to simulate water level timeseries. The Super Fast INundation of CoastS (SFINCS) hydrodynamic flood model together with an impact model will be used to derive the flood risk.

How to cite: Benito Lazaro, I., Aerts, J. C. J. H., Ward, P. J., Eilander, D., and Muis, S.: Stochastic coastal flood risk modelling in the east coast of Africa, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-544,, 2023.

EGU23-2584 | Posters on site | NH9.1

A Continental Stochastic Precipitation Generator 

Hugo Rakotoarimanga, Rémi Meynadier, Anna Weisman, Oliver Wing, and Hessel Winsemius

AXA proposes a novel continental-scale generator of synthetic gridded rainfall daily timeseries (10km resolution) with applications to cross-country risk assessment under current and future climate scenarios. Europe serves as a case-study to demonstrate and assess its performance in terms of hazard modelling and extrapolation to unobserved extreme local and regional events. This generator belongs to the class of time and space reshuffling Stochastic Weather Generators (SWGs) and generates unobserved events by re-sequencing historical multisite timeseries (E-OBS). Consistency at continental scale is ensured by relying on weather regimes and atmospheric situations characterized from the ERA5 reanalysis over Europe. The use of atmospheric drivers and dry-wet alternating cycles allows for the determination of both precipitation-prone situations or on the contrary drier spells, while preserving the physics of the atmospheric water cycle. Spatial reshuffling is introduced by regional differentiation. Transitions between regimes can be either calibrated from the historical data or extrapolated to represent future states of the climate along with an appropriate uplifting of the humidity-related variables. This generator is operationally used at AXA as part of a European flood risk model and serves as the main input to an hydrological and hydraulic model.

How to cite: Rakotoarimanga, H., Meynadier, R., Weisman, A., Wing, O., and Winsemius, H.: A Continental Stochastic Precipitation Generator, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2584,, 2023.

EGU23-3372 | Orals | NH9.1

A catastrophe risk model for current and future flooding in the UK 

Paul Bates, James Savage, Ollie Wing, Niall Quinn, Christopher Sampson, Andrew Smith, and Jeff Neal

We present a climate-conditioned catastrophe flood model for the UK that simulates pluvial, fluvial and coastal flood risks at 1 arc second spatial resolution (~20-25m). Hazard layers for ten different return periods are produced over the whole UK for historic, 2020, 2030, 2050 and 2070 conditions using the UKCP18 climate simulations. From these, monetary losses are computed for Great Britain only for five specific global warming levels (0.6, 1.1, 1.8, 2.5 and 3.3°C). The analysis contains a greater level of detail and nuance compared to previous work and represents our current best understanding of the UK’s changing flood risk landscape. Validation against national return period flood maps yielded Critical Success Index values in the range 0.6 to 0.78, and maximum water levels for the Carlisle 2005 flood were replicated to an RMSE of 0.41m without calibration. This level of skill is similar to local modelling with site specific data. Expected Annual Damage in 2020 was £730M, which compares favourably to the observed value of £714M reported by the Association of British Insurers. Previous UK flood loss estimates based on government data are ~3x higher and lie ~6-7 standard deviations away from the mean of our modelled loss distribution, which is plausibly centred on the observations. We estimate that UK 1% annual probability flood losses were ~6% greater in the average climate conditions of 2020 than for the period of historical river flow and rainfall observations (centred approximately on 1995) and can be kept to around ~8% if all countries’ COP26 2030 carbon emission reduction pledges and ‘net zero’ commitments are implemented in full. Implementing only the COP26 pledges increases UK 1% annual probability flood losses by ~23% above recent historical values, and potentially ~37% if climate sensitivity turns out to be higher than currently thought.

How to cite: Bates, P., Savage, J., Wing, O., Quinn, N., Sampson, C., Smith, A., and Neal, J.: A catastrophe risk model for current and future flooding in the UK, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3372,, 2023.

EGU23-3836 | ECS | Orals | NH9.1

What controls uncertainty in flood risk estimates? An analysis across the Rhine River basin. 

Georgios Sarailidis, Francesca Pianosi, Thorsten Wagener, Kirsty Styles, Rob Lamb, and Stephen Hutchings

Floods are among the costliest and deadliest natural hazards. Flood risk assessments are required to better manage risk associated with floods. Nowadays, numerous flood risk models are available at various scales, from catchment to regional or even global scale. These models estimate risk (usually expressed in terms of the probability of flood loss) as the product of the hazard, exposure and vulnerability. Flood risk models are affected by numerous uncertainties that propagate through the model and contribute to the final uncertainty in risk estimates. Knowing which uncertainty sources mostly control risk estimates is essential to guide efforts for model improvement, as well as to help risk managers make better decisions. Past efforts to quantify and attribute the output uncertainty of risk models have reached conflicting conclusions. This may be because these studies used different risk models and different uncertainty and sensitivity analysis approaches; or, that they were conducted at relatively small (catchment and/or city) scale, in places with different climatic, hydrological, and socio-economic characteristics.

In this project, we investigate dominant uncertainties of a flood risk model across a much larger scale, namely the entire Rhine River basin, and explore whether dominant uncertainties at specific places can be linked to their physical or socio-economic characteristics. In particular, we analyse two model outputs: the Average Annual Losses (AAL) and Loss Exceedance Curves (LECs). For each output, we first identify the dominant input uncertainties (among uncertainty in the flood depth estimates, vulnerability curves and exposure dataset) in each spatial unit of the modelled domain; and second, we link those dominant input uncertainties to the characteristics of the spatial units.

We find that uncertainties in the vulnerability component dominate the AAL. The dominant uncertainties for the LECs change with the return period of loss, with vulnerability becoming increasingly important with increasing return period. Topography (flat versus steep terrains), degree of urbanization and economic value of the buildings are key characteristics for determining how dominant uncertainties change spatially within our study domain.

How to cite: Sarailidis, G., Pianosi, F., Wagener, T., Styles, K., Lamb, R., and Hutchings, S.: What controls uncertainty in flood risk estimates? An analysis across the Rhine River basin., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3836,, 2023.

EGU23-5005 | Orals | NH9.1

Extreme high daily maximum temperature in the USA by the 2050 and 2100 horizons 

Sylvie Parey, Lila Collet, and Kristen Griffin

Electricity generation assets need to withstand climatological hazards all along their operating period. With the ongoing climate change, high temperature extremes are expected to increase, therefore, climate change needs to be accounted for in the estimations of extreme temperature levels at the design stage.

This study showcases a methodology designed to compute maps of daily maximum temperature return levels in summer over the continental USA by 2050 and the end of the century. The methodology first consists in building a variable whose extremes can be considered as stationary in order to then apply the statistical Extreme Value Theory to compute return levels. Previous studies (Parey et al., 2013) had shown that once the trends in mean and standard deviation are removed, the extremes of the reduced variable can be considered as stationary. The reduced variable is thus computed for daily maximum temperatures at each grid point across the continental USA in summer using the ERA5 reanalysis over the 1950-2014 period. Then, once the desired return level is estimated for this variable, temperature levels are obtained by re-introducing the removed information about the mean and the standard deviation of summer temperature at the desired horizon (Parey et al., 2013). To do so, a set of 9 CMIP6 climate models with 3 emission scenarios, SSP1-2.6, SSP2-4.5 and SSP3-7.0, is considered. For each time horizon, 27 extreme summer temperature maps are produced. Then, a criterium is designed to sum up the information and decide whether two different maps give significantly different results. Finally, once the criterium is applied to each pair of maps, either scenario by scenario or all scenarios together, a classification is applied to identify groups of statistically different maps.




Parey S., Hoang TTH, Dacunha-Castelle D.: The importance of mean and variance in predicting changes in temperature extremes, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, Vol 118, 1-12, 2013, doi:10.1002/jgrd.50629

Parey S., Hoang T.T.H., Dacunha-Castelle D.: Future high temperature extremes and stationarity, Natural Hazards, 2019,

How to cite: Parey, S., Collet, L., and Griffin, K.: Extreme high daily maximum temperature in the USA by the 2050 and 2100 horizons, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5005,, 2023.

EGU23-5998 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.1

Population Exposure to Rainfall-Driven Flooding from Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico 

Leanne Archer, Jeffrey Neal, Paul Bates, Dereka Carroll, and Scott Weaver

Climate change is making rainfall associated with tropical cyclones more extreme. Some of the places most affected by tropical cyclones are small islands, such as Puerto Rico in the Caribbean which was severely impacted by Hurricane Maria in 2017. However, we know very little about how sensitive flooding in small islands is to changing rainfall characteristics, or how population exposure to flooding might change in the future. This is due to the limited data availability necessary to produce high-resolution flood hazard and population exposure estimates for a wide range of possible scenarios. Using an island-scale (~9000km2) event-based rainfall-driven hydrodynamic flood model at 20m resolution for the island of Puerto Rico, we simulate a range of observed rainfall grids from Hurricane Maria across time and space (such as IMERG and NCEP Stage IV). We assess how the current population exposure to rainfall-driven flooding changes across the range of observation rainfall footprints to determine how sensitive the flood extent and population exposure is to different rainfall inputs. We also compare these outputs to flood extents produced using an event set of synthetic hurricane rainfall events that share similar rainfall and track characteristics to Hurricane Maria under current and future climate scenarios (1.5°C and 2°C). Additionally, we utilise high-resolution (90m) gridded estimates of future population in Puerto Rico (FuturePop), to determine how an event with the same extreme magnitude as Hurricane Maria would impact population exposure to flooding under different future Shared Socioeconomic Pathway scenarios. The results of this analysis aim to improve understanding regarding the range of plausible estimates of current and future population exposure to flooding in Puerto Rico. These results will help inform adaptation to more extreme flood risk in Puerto Rico under current and future climate change.

How to cite: Archer, L., Neal, J., Bates, P., Carroll, D., and Weaver, S.: Population Exposure to Rainfall-Driven Flooding from Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5998,, 2023.

EGU23-6341 | Orals | NH9.1

Population at Water Risk in World’s International River Basins 

Olli Varis and Marko Keskinen

Slightly over half of the world’s human population lives in a river system shared by two or more countries. This transboundary aspect – caused by the utterly differing geographies of administrative country borders and river basins – adds to the intricacy of the global and continental-scale assessment of water-related risks. Whereas such assessments have started to evolve towards the inclusion of multiple hazards and stressors, vulnerabilities, exposures, and consequent risks, they have thus far been largely immune to the transboundary aspects of hydrology and water resources management. At the same time, the research on transboundary waters has its strongholds in matters such as risks related to conflicts or potential sources of conflicts, transboundary water agreements, and their diplomatic aspects, and other aspects related to water diplomacy, typically aiming at reducing political risks related to potential tensions and their mitigation between riparian countries. Bridges between these two strong research traditions are needed as international river systems are not immune to conventional water risks such as those related to hydrometeorology, contamination, or infrastructure deficiencies. We analyze spatially the exposure of the human population to ten major such water risks (due to interannual and seasonal variability; overuse; groundwater; coastal eutrophication; riverine and coastal floods; droughts, and water and sanitation services) in the major 310 international river systems of the planet. Our study approach (risk = stressor/hazard x exposure x vulnerability) aligns with that of the United Nations Sendai Framework and Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Our results indicate that the lack of appropriate sanitation had globally the largest headcount, followed by riverine floods and lack of appropriate water supply. Each risk shows a specific pattern across the river systems, though. The largest human population at water risk was by far in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna system, followed by the Indus, Nile, Niger, Congo/Zaire, Rann of Kutsch, and Lake Chad Basin. Yet, many of these river systems have limited transboundary cooperation arrangements. The analysis outlines the importance of the transboundary aspect of water risks and their improved quantification in the pursuit of building up international cooperation and security through environmental management policies.

How to cite: Varis, O. and Keskinen, M.: Population at Water Risk in World’s International River Basins, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6341,, 2023.

EGU23-6383 | ECS | Orals | NH9.1

A 30 m resolution global fluvial–pluvial–coastal flood inundation model for any climate scenario 

Oliver Wing, Niall Quinn, Pete Uhe, James Savage, Chris Sampson, Nans Addor, Natalie Lord, Tom Collings, Simbi Hatchard, Jannis Hoch, Andy Smith, Anthony Cooper, Joe Bates, Hamish Wilkinson, Sam Himsworth, Izzy Probyn, Ivan Haigh, Jeff Neal, and Paul Bates

The past decade has seen considerable advances in the field of global flood modelling. In the 2010s, it began as a niche academic endeavour building models of the order 103 m horizontal resolution. In the 2020s, it is maturing into an established scientific discipline and yields profitable commercial ventures, with global models emerging of the order 101 m resolution.

Building on the original 102 resolution global inland flood model of Sampson et al. (2015) – with a hydraulic engine based on the sub-grid version of the LISFLOOD-FP local inertial formulation of the shallow water equations (Bates et al., 2010; Neal et al., 2012) – we present the critical advances required to create a ~30 m resolution model of considerably greater fidelity and functionality:

  • Using FABDEM as the underlying elevation grid, a machine-learning correction of the Copernicus global digital surface model to a digital terrain model (Hawker et al., 2022).
  • Representing river hydrography with MERIT-Hydro (Yamazaki et al., 2019), ensuring the correct alignment of river channels with valley bottoms.
  • Estimating river bathymetry prior to inundation modelling with a gradually varied flow solver (Neal et al., 2021).
  • Updating boundary condition generation models with new hydrometric datasets and machine-learning hydrologic regionalization techniques (e.g. Zhao et al., 2021).
  • Driving a global coastal flood model with a tide–surge–wave regional frequency analysis using tide gauges and reanalyses (Sweet et al., 2020).
  • Implementing known and estimated flood protection measures as a rapid and adaptable post-process.
  • Generating global climate change factors for fluvial, pluvial, and coastal floods for any plausible 21st century climate state.
  • Applying climate change factors as a tractable post-process to a set of multi-frequency flood maps.

These updates form the third version of Fathom's global flood maps. We show that these herald a new era of global flood modelling precision and accuracy, with additional utility wrought from linking climate projections to high-resolution true hydrodynamic models at the global scale for the first time. We also chart the road ahead for global flood modelling: outlining the significant data and modelling challenges our community must address to continue on this unprecedented development trajectory.
Bates, P., et al. (2010)
Hawker, L. & Uhe, P., et al. (2022)
Neal, J., et al. (2012)
Neal, J., et al. (2021)
Sampson, C., et al. (2015)
Sweet, W., et al. (2020)
Yamazaki, D., et al. (2019)
Zhao, G., et al. (2021)

How to cite: Wing, O., Quinn, N., Uhe, P., Savage, J., Sampson, C., Addor, N., Lord, N., Collings, T., Hatchard, S., Hoch, J., Smith, A., Cooper, A., Bates, J., Wilkinson, H., Himsworth, S., Probyn, I., Haigh, I., Neal, J., and Bates, P.: A 30 m resolution global fluvial–pluvial–coastal flood inundation model for any climate scenario, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6383,, 2023.

EGU23-8017 | ECS | Orals | NH9.1

Globally consistent, open-source river flood impact model using open data 

Lukas Riedel, Thomas Röösli, Pamela Probst, Isabelle Bey, and David N. Bresch
River floods are amongst the most devastating natural hazards. Reliable information on impeding hydrometeorological events enables humanitarian agencies to take action and to support the efforts of authorities and affected residents. Forecasting the socioeconomic impacts of such events improves focused measures to protect livelihoods. At the Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss, we develop a globally consistent river flood impact model based on river discharge forecasts by the Global Flood Awareness System (GloFAS) and river flood hazard maps to support the humanitarian community.
Daily probabilistic river discharge forecasts of GloFAS are released by the Copernicus Emergency Management Service and can be downloaded from the Copernicus Climate Data Store. Global river flood hazard maps for flood events of different magnitude are available from the Joint Research Centre Data Catalogue of the European Commission. Additionally, the global database of flood protection standards FLOPROS is freely accessible. These open data collections enable the computation of forecasted, globally consistent river flood hazard footprints considering regional protection standards. With these footprints, we compute timely socioeconomic impact forecasts using the open-source, probabilistic impact model CLIMADA.
In this presentation, we demonstrate the new river flood module implemented in CLIMADA, which automatically downloads GloFAS data, computes flood footprints, and calculates flood impacts. We further discuss the benefits of impact forecasts for anticipatory action and disaster relief efforts compared to forecasts based on physical hazards alone.

How to cite: Riedel, L., Röösli, T., Probst, P., Bey, I., and Bresch, D. N.: Globally consistent, open-source river flood impact model using open data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8017,, 2023.

EGU23-8280 | ECS | Orals | NH9.1

An extended stochastic and probabilistic hazard event set for Europe for use in multi-hazard studies 

Andreas Schaefer, James Daniell, Judith Claassen, Marleen de Ruiter, and Johannes Brand

There are a number of European level datasets which have been produced over the last decade for natural perils to provide stochastic and probabilistic results at sites, or across the whole of Europe. As part of the MYRIAD-EU project, a key review of historical individual and multiple peril datasets has been made in order to create a compendium of useable results for regional level analysis in MYRIAD.

It uses datasets from SERA-EU, SHARE and ECA for earthquake, RAIN and PRIMAVERA for weather-related disasters such as storms, tornadoes and other events, historical volcanic eruption data from LAMEVE and VOGRIPA, hydrological data and past flood events from databases such as the work of DFO, MODIS, datasets from VU Amsterdam and other research institutions, and bushfire data from EFFIS and other local databases as well as heat wave and cold wave data from multiple datasets.

Where possible, stochastic event sets have been created in order to allow for concurrent and coinciding events to be identified. In many cases, stochastic event sets have not yet been able to be implemented and should be considered as a first step towards a fully event based process. As part of the scenario studies within MYRIAD-EU, probabilistic results will be turned into specific events in order to examine the risk and feedback loops associated with the different event combinations.

This effort has been placed on the MYRIAD-EU Zenodo, and provides the basis for studies into risk in terms of concurrent disasters.

How to cite: Schaefer, A., Daniell, J., Claassen, J., de Ruiter, M., and Brand, J.: An extended stochastic and probabilistic hazard event set for Europe for use in multi-hazard studies, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8280,, 2023.

EGU23-8307 | ECS | Orals | NH9.1

Disaster risk factors and spatiotemporal trends in Africa 

Emmanuel Eze and Alexander Siegmund

Africa’s disaster risk is fueled by vulnerability and lack of coping capacity factors, with specific components mostly missing in the literature. Having exceeded the midterm of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (2015 to 2030), assessing the trend of disaster risk in Africa is necessary. This study answers two core questions: what are the disaster risk factors (and their interactions) in Africa? What trends and patterns have been observed in the last decade? Thus, this study determines the factors of disaster risk in Africa using random forest machine learning models and a Spatial Stratified Heterogeneity (SSH) technique using Geodetector software. Both analytical procedures gave rise to important factors (>10) of disaster risk in Africa. The interaction between these factors is also explored. Among the 22 variables included in the analyses, only one natural hazard (i.e., flood) is a significant factor, while current and projected violent conflicts are human-hazard factors of disaster risk in Africa. Additional results show the trend, pattern, and hotspots of African countries’ disaster risk in the last decade, based on the Index for Risk Management (INFORM) data. This study provides a broader understanding of disaster risk factors in Africa and their interactions, contributing to the foremost priority of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. Furthermore, the trends, patterns and hotspots identified in this study show countries that should be prioritised for urgent actions.

Keywords: Africa, disaster risk factors, disaster risk reduction, Random Forest, Sendai framework, Spatial Stratified Heterogeneity

How to cite: Eze, E. and Siegmund, A.: Disaster risk factors and spatiotemporal trends in Africa, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8307,, 2023.

EGU23-8361 | Posters on site | NH9.1

Towards large-scale compound flood risk modeling 

Dirk Eilander, Anaïs Couasnon, Frederiek Sperna Weilander, Hessel Winsemius, and Philip Ward

In low-lying coastal areas floods occur from (combinations of) fluvial, pluvial, and coastal drivers. If these drivers co-occur, they can cause or exacerbate flooding, and are referred to as compound flood events. Furthermore, if these flood drivers are statistically dependent, their joint likelihood might be misrepresented if dependence is not accounted for. However, most large-scale flood risk models do not account for the hydrodynamic interactions and statistical dependence between flood drivers. We present a globally-applicable framework for compound flood risk assessments using combined hydrodynamic, impact and statistical modeling. The framework broadly consists of three steps. First, a large stochastic event set is derived from reanalysis data, taking into account co-occurrence of, and dependence between all annual maxima flood drivers. Then, both flood hazard and impact are simulated for different combinations of drivers at non-flood and flood conditions. Finally, the impact of each stochastic event is interpolated from the simulated events to derive a complete flood risk profile. The framework has been applied to a case study in Mozambique where we found that if dependence between flood drivers is not accounted for, the impact of especially rare events is underestimated. In this contribution we discuss findings from the case study as well as challenges faced when upscaling the framework to for large-scale compound flood risk assessments.

How to cite: Eilander, D., Couasnon, A., Sperna Weilander, F., Winsemius, H., and Ward, P.: Towards large-scale compound flood risk modeling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8361,, 2023.

EGU23-8604 | ECS | Orals | NH9.1

Application of a global coastal regional frequency analysis 

Thomas Collings, Niall Quinn, Ivan Haigh, Joshua Green, Izzy Probyn, and Hamish Wilkinson

Inundation from storm tides and ocean waves is one of the greatest threats coastal communities endure; a threat that is increasing with sea-level rise and changes in storminess. Stakeholders require high resolution hazard data to make informed decisions on how best to mitigate and adapt to coastal flooding. Using a synthesis of observational, hindcast and modelled data, we apply a regional frequency analysis (RFA) approach to characterise extreme water level exceedance probabilities across all global coastlines. This is the first time an RFA has been applied to coastal water levels on a global scale. Wave setup is included in regions which are considered exposed to onshore wave action. The RFA is shown to increase return levels in areas prone to tropical cyclones.  Using Cyclone Yasi as a case-study, we detail the RFA methodology and demonstrate how it uses information from rare, extreme events to better characterise return period water levels in areas which haven’t yet been impacted in the observational record, simply due to chance. The results are output at approximate 1km resolution along the entire global coastline (excluding Antarctica) and have been corrected for use with digital elevation models, for applications such as inundation modelling.

How to cite: Collings, T., Quinn, N., Haigh, I., Green, J., Probyn, I., and Wilkinson, H.: Application of a global coastal regional frequency analysis, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8604,, 2023.

EGU23-8728 | ECS | Orals | NH9.1

Assessing urban gully occurrence at the scale of Africa 

Elise Dujardin, Guy Ilombe Mawe, Eric Lutete Landu, Arno Amery, Fils Makanzu Imwangana, Aurélia Hubert, Olivier Dewitte, and Matthias Vanmaercke

The rapid and typically uncontrolled growth of many African cities leads to a plethora of problems and challenges. One of these is the formation and expansion of large urban gullies (UGs) in many (sub)tropical cities. UGs typically lead to the destruction of houses and other infrastructures, displace large numbers of people and often claim casualties. As the formation of such gullies is strongly linked to land use and rainfall intensity, the problems associated with UGs are likely to aggravate in the near future as a result of continued urban expansion and climate change. However, this newly emerging geo-hydrological hazard hitherto received very little research attention. Several studies report on the occurrence and impacts of UGs. Yet, they remain limited to specific local case studies. A clear understanding of the patterns, impacts and driving factors of UGs at larger scales is currently lacking. To address this gap, we aim to better understand the spatial patterns and UG occurrence at the scale of Africa.

In order to achieve this, we are documenting cases of UG occurrence across Africa through the visual analysis of very high spatial resolution satellite imagery. This mapping already allowed us to identify more than 3,500 UGs in 11 countries (mainly across D.R. Congo, Angola, Republic of the Congo, Nigeria and Mozambique). Using on this database, we develop a logistic regression model that accurately simulates the likelihood that UGs occur within (peri-)urban areas across Africa. Our preliminary results show that a combination of rainfall characteristics, topography, soil type and variables describing the land use/urban context can already robustly explain why certain cities are extremely susceptible to the problem and others not. Overall, our dataset and model are first crucial steps to better understand the current and future risks of UGs across Africa.

How to cite: Dujardin, E., Ilombe Mawe, G., Lutete Landu, E., Amery, A., Makanzu Imwangana, F., Hubert, A., Dewitte, O., and Vanmaercke, M.: Assessing urban gully occurrence at the scale of Africa, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8728,, 2023.

EGU23-8874 | Posters on site | NH9.1

A global synthetic multi-peril flood event set 

Niall Quinn, Callum Murphy-Barltrop, and Izzy Probyn

Floods are one of the most common, costly, and deadly natural disasters in many regions of the world. Billions of dollars of damages are caused annually, while most studies predict a further worsening of impacts under a warming climate over the next century. To help mitigate the impacts it is important to understand where, when and the likely severity of flooding that might take place. Recently, the emergence of efficient hydraulic modeling frameworks, able to produce flood hazard maps over the entire world, have provided a vital tool that helps to provide this information to end users. However, these maps are typically ‘static’, offering no information about what a real flood event could look like. This is problematic to, for example, emergency planners who may need to know how large the worst case event might be, or those in the insurance sector who may be interested in estimating tail losses across asset portfolios spanning large spatial regions. To meet these requirements, it is important to consider the spatial dependencies in flood events, i.e., given there is flooding in one region, what is the likelihood we see flooding simultaneously in another. 

In this work we attempt to meet this need through the development of a modeling framework that enables the automated creation of thousands of years of synthetic flood footprints, representing pluvial, fluvial and coastal processes, anywhere in the world. We do this by obtaining global, freely available reanalysis products to use as training data to characterize the flood dependence structures within a multivariate extreme value model at selected locations. The dependence structures are then used to derive synthetic events, interpolated to create event surfaces, which are then used to sample from existing global static hazard layers. The output is a dataset containing thousands of years of synthetic multi-peril (pluvial, fluvial, coastal) flood event footprints around the world. This presentation outlines the key input datasets, methodological steps, and validation procedures implemented. We also highlight important limitations and plans for future development. 

How to cite: Quinn, N., Murphy-Barltrop, C., and Probyn, I.: A global synthetic multi-peril flood event set, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8874,, 2023.

EGU23-11336 | ECS | Orals | NH9.1

A global 30m bifurcating river network 

Michel Wortmann, Louise Slater, Laurence Hawker, and Jeffrey Neal

River bifurcations, multi-thread rivers and artificial channels are not commonly included in global river networks, as they defy the gravity flow assumption elevation-derived networks are based on (e.g. HydroSheds, MERIT Hydro). Yet, these natural and artificial river divergences are important features of the global river drainage system and matter greatly at local to regional scales for various riverine risk assessments. For example, large river deltas are often highly populated regions, in part because of the rivers’ many distributaries. Representing these diverging flows in global river networks will greatly improve the accuracy of many river-based geoscience applications, such as flood forecasting, water availability and quality simulations, or riverine habitat mapping. We developed a vector-based, global river network that not only represents the tributary components of the global drainage network but also the distributary ones, including multi-thread rivers, canals and delta distributaries. We achieve this by merging a 30m, Landsat-based river mask with elevation-generated streams to ensure a homogeneous drainage density outside of the river mask (rivers narrower than approx. 30m). Crucially, this is the first global hydrography derived from a global 30m digital terrain model (FABDEM, based on Copernicus DEM) that shows greater accuracy over the traditionally used SRTM derivatives. OpenStreetMap river centrelines are used to increase the accuracy of the network outside of the river mask. After vectorisation and pruning, directionality is assigned by a combination of elevation, flow angle and continuity approaches. The new global network and its attributes are validated using gauging stations, reference river networks and randomised manual checks. The new network represents ~18 million km of streams and rivers with drainage areas greater than 50km2 and includes ~58 thousand. bifurcations in rivers wider than 30m. The hydrography includes vector river segments, sub-1km reaches and catchments as well as 30m flow direction and accumulation rasters. With the advent of hyper-resolution modelling in the geosciences at the regional and global scale, we expect this river network to be relevant to a broad range of applications in flood protection, hydrology, ecology, fluvial geomorphology and others. The network has been developed as part of the NERC-funded EvoFlood project and will be used to improve global flood models.

How to cite: Wortmann, M., Slater, L., Hawker, L., and Neal, J.: A global 30m bifurcating river network, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11336,, 2023.

EGU23-12804 | Posters on site | NH9.1

AXA probabilistic Severe Convective Storm model in western Europe 

Julien Cardinal and Rémi Meynadier

Severe convective storms are a common occurrence during spring and summer season in European countries. The damages caused by hail and wind gusts can be substantial to properties, especially on motor. The development of a convective storms hazard stochastic catalog is an important step for AXA to assess and mitigate this peril.
We propose a method to build a catalog of synthetic events based on multiple meteorological drivers from ECMWF-ERA5 and EUMETSAT-CMSAF. New atmospheric temporal sequences are created by reshuffling historical data, with constraints to keep physical consistency (identification of weather patterns and historical transition probabilities between them). The probability of hail occurrences is then assessed for each meteorological configuration, learning from in-situ reports (ESWD and Keraunos), with historical validation to ensure accuracy of the hail prediction. A catalog of new plausible scenarios for convective storm hazard is produced and crossed with exposure and vulnerability data to assess the subsequent risk.

How to cite: Cardinal, J. and Meynadier, R.: AXA probabilistic Severe Convective Storm model in western Europe, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12804,, 2023.

EGU23-13548 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.1

Assessing global trends in lava flow impact events 

Elinor Meredith, Susanna Jenkins, Josh Hayes, David Lallemant, Natalia Deligne, and Rui Xue Natalie Teng

The destruction of thousands of homes by lava flows of Nyiragongo volcano, Democratic Republic of Congo, and La Palma, Canary Islands, in 2021 serve as a reminder of the devastating impact of lava flows. However, studies on lava flow impacts on the built environment are relatively rare. We reviewed literature to compile a global dataset of lava flow impacts to buildings and infrastructure from ~3500 BCE to 2022 CE, and use this to assess temporal and spatial trends of events. Our findings show a recent increase in recorded events, and that these occur more frequently than previously thought, with almost four impact events per decade in the past 100 years. This is likely from population expansion and reflecting a recent increase in recording. The majority of recorded events were in Italy, USA, and Réunion Island, France, with a rise in records in Africa since 1800 and the most impacted structures at Nyiragongo volcano, DRC. Impact records have developed from qualitative eruption reports to quantitative impact assessments, and the majority of studies report a binary impact on structures; with towns and/or structures stated as either destroyed or unaffected. However, several reports give specific details of damage indicating that lava flow impacts may not be binary. The dataset provides a baseline to assess past impacts, and be updated as future studies reveal past lava flow impact events, or when future lava impact events occur.

How to cite: Meredith, E., Jenkins, S., Hayes, J., Lallemant, D., Deligne, N., and Teng, R. X. N.: Assessing global trends in lava flow impact events, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13548,, 2023.

EGU23-13658 | ECS | Orals | NH9.1

A Simplified Conceptual Model Using Global Open-Source Datasets to Provide Continental and Global Scale Fluvial Flood Risk. 

Laura Ramsamy, James Brennan, Claire Burke, Graham Reveley, and Sally Woodhouse

Hydraulic modelling is used to accurately model extreme flood events but comes with high computational costs, significant data requirements, and long simulation times. Increasing computational resources and higher-resolution data with more spatial coverage means that global-scale flood risk modelling capabilities are constantly evolving. Taking a nested approach, we used the HAND-SRC methodology to develop flood risk data at a continent-scale level and identify areas that would benefit from hydraulic modelling at a more granular level.

Height Above Nearest Drainage (HAND) is a simplified method used for flood zoning and identifying areas at risk of flooding using a Digital Elevation Model (DEM), and drainage network – which can be derived from the DEM. The HAND-SRC method uses channel geometry estimates, obtained from the DEM, and the Manning’s equation, to develop synthetic rating curves (SRC) which allow the conversion of flood discharges to a water height. The flood height can then be combined with a HAND model to produce a flood map. Existing applications of HAND SRC include Central and Eastern Canada (Scriven et al. 2021), and rivers in Texas and North Carolina (Zheng et al. 2018), using national datasets.

 We applied the HAND-SRC methodology using Python and open-source global datasets, to create continental-scale flood risk maps for Europe and the US.  The use of open-source global datasets and Python means the method has the potential to be applied anywhere globally.  

How to cite: Ramsamy, L., Brennan, J., Burke, C., Reveley, G., and Woodhouse, S.: A Simplified Conceptual Model Using Global Open-Source Datasets to Provide Continental and Global Scale Fluvial Flood Risk., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13658,, 2023.

EGU23-15002 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.1

Use of hydrological models in global stochastic flood modelling 

Gaia Olcese, Paul Bates, Jeffrey Neal, Christopher Sampson, Oliver Wing, and Niall Quinn

Stochastic flood models can simulate synthetic flood events with a realistic spatial structure, unlike traditional flood models, which do not take into consideration the spatial dependency of flood events. This is particularly relevant to loss calculations at regional to continental scales. The development of large-scale stochastic flood models has been limited so far by the availability of gauge data, needed as a model input. Global hydrological models can provide simulated discharge hindcasts that have been used to drive stochastic flood modelling in data-rich areas. This research evaluates the use of discharge hindcasts from global hydrological models in building stochastic river flood models globally by simulating synthetic flood events in different regions of the world. The results (published in a recent paper in WRR) show a promising performance of the model-based approach, with errors comparable to those obtained over data-rich sites. This suggests that a network of synthetic gauge data derived from global hydrological models would allow the development of a stochastic flood model with detailed spatial dependency, generating realistic event sets in data-scarce regions and loss exceedance curves where exposure data are available. As part of this research, we are currently working on the development of a stochastic flood model of Southeast Asia using discharge data from global hydrological models. 

How to cite: Olcese, G., Bates, P., Neal, J., Sampson, C., Wing, O., and Quinn, N.: Use of hydrological models in global stochastic flood modelling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15002,, 2023.

EGU23-15051 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.1

A new framework for building global flood models for the present day and future climates 

James Savage, Pete Uhe, Ollie Wing, Chris Sampson, Andy Smith, Natalie Lord, Nans Addor, Simbi Hatchard, Jannis Hoch, Joe Bates, Niall Quinn, Tom Collings, Izzy Probyn, Ivan Haigh, Joshua Green, Anthony Cooper, Hamish Wilkinson, and Sam Himsworth

In recent years there have been many new global datasets and methodological advancements that could be utilised by hydraulic models to help better understand global flood risk both in the present day and in the future. A major challenge facing modellers is how to incorporate these new datasets to improve the understanding of flood risk in both well, and less well, developed countries using a consistent approach, particularly as the latter of these contain increasingly larger exposures to floods.

This new framework presents a computationally efficient yet flexible approach that seeks to utilise new global datasets and allows flood hazard maps to be calculated anywhere in the world, for any event severity (within a pre-defined range) and for any future climate scenario. The framework can be applied to all three of the major flood perils; fluvial, pluvial and coastal.

At the heart of the framework is an efficient post-processing methodology that incorporates outputs from leading climate models, flood defence datasets and a baseline set of simulations spanning a range of evert severities. Furthermore, the flexible approach allows users to modify assumptions of flood defences and incorporate new climate simulations as and when they become available to quickly re-calculate flood hazard.

We present here the full modelling chain, from input data through to flood hazard outputs covering all aspects of modelling, from determining model boundary conditions and estimating channel bathymetry, to post-processing the presence of flood defences and interpolation to future climate scenarios. We show that such an approach is able to replicate explicitly modelling the scenarios required at a fraction of the computation cost and demonstrate how this is crucial to anyone wanting to understand how exposure to floods may change into the future.

How to cite: Savage, J., Uhe, P., Wing, O., Sampson, C., Smith, A., Lord, N., Addor, N., Hatchard, S., Hoch, J., Bates, J., Quinn, N., Collings, T., Probyn, I., Haigh, I., Green, J., Cooper, A., Wilkinson, H., and Himsworth, S.: A new framework for building global flood models for the present day and future climates, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15051,, 2023.

EGU23-15337 | Posters on site | NH9.1

Developing a natural catastrophe model for European winter windstorms, an insurer’s perspective 

Anyssa Diouf, Tristan Perotin, Hugo Rakotoarimanga, and Madeleine-Sophie Déroche

European windstorms are powerful extratropical cyclones mostly taking place during the winter months, and are one of Europe’s costliest natural disasters. The close study and assessment of this risk has therefore been essential for the insurance industry concerned. Typically, insurers resort to physical natural catastrophe models developed by third-party companies to analyze the risk, as they capture its components of hazard (events frequency and severity), exposure (insured assets values), and vulnerability (assets' damageability to given hazard intensities). AXA proposes a modeling methodology to produce a hazard catalog of synthetic windstorm events, and a vulnerability module, built around publicly available, purchased, or internal data. The hazard catalog is created using a meteorological feature tracking algorithm to extract trajectories and footprints of European windstorms in CMIP6 and ECMWF-ERA5 data. The catalog is then enriched to become a 10,000-year stochastic catalog by physically resampling original events with a perturbation technique, and statistically downscaling them to a 4-km resolution. The vulnerability, that yields damage ratios from local windspeed intensities, predicts the expected probability of claim occurrence and a distribution of conditional damage ratios based on wind gust value and exposure risk drivers. The model shows good backtesting performances at continental scale on market and AXA exposure. It is fully integrated within AXA's modelling ecosytem and is operationnally used to assess one of the major risks faced by the Group. 

How to cite: Diouf, A., Perotin, T., Rakotoarimanga, H., and Déroche, M.-S.: Developing a natural catastrophe model for European winter windstorms, an insurer’s perspective, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15337,, 2023.

EGU23-16648 | Orals | NH9.1

Pan-European earthquake risk modelling – leveraging the latest science in catastrophe modelling and implications for (re)insurance decision-making 

Myrto Papaspiliou, Crescenzo Petrone, Umberto Tomassetti, Pratim Kalita, and Bhaskara Panchireddi

Catastrophe models are fundamental tools in the quantification of risk for the (re)insurance industry. When it comes to European earthquake risk modelling, the most widely used vendor models available in the industry have not been updated since 2011 and are largely out of date with respect to the latest scientific findings and data from the recently released pan-European earthquake hazard (ESHM20) and risk (ESRM20) models (e.g. Danciu et al., 2021, Crowley et al., 2021). This presentation aims to showcase our work to incorporate the latest pan-European hazard and risk research within the catastrophe modelling framework, using a largely consistent methodology across the continent. We will focus on the type of datasets that have been leveraged across hazard, exposure and vulnerability and present how these have been utilized for the validation of each component of the catastrophe model, from hazard to vulnerability and loss. We will subsequently demonstrate how we have adjusted the existing catastrophe models, as well as the challenges faced. Finally, we will then proceed to highlight the impact of incorporating such pan-European studies in our View of Risk for loss modelling across 12 different countries in Europe and what are the implications for reinsurance pricing and decision-making.  

How to cite: Papaspiliou, M., Petrone, C., Tomassetti, U., Kalita, P., and Panchireddi, B.: Pan-European earthquake risk modelling – leveraging the latest science in catastrophe modelling and implications for (re)insurance decision-making, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16648,, 2023.

EGU23-17430 | ECS | Orals | NH9.1

Towards holistic global coastal flood risk assessments including Nature-based Solutions 

Timothy Tiggeloven, Hans de Moel, and Philip Ward

In the coming century, people in low-lying coastal urban areas are projected to face an increase in coastal flood risk due to increases in, for example, urban development, sea-level rise, subsidence, and degradation of foreshore vegetation. To implement and raise awareness of coastal climate change adaptation, it is important to better understand the effectiveness of coastal flood risk adaptation strategies, such as Nature-based Solutions and hybrid strategies. Nature-based adaptation in coastal areas, such as vegetation on the foreshore, is showing potential to mitigate the impacts of climate change. Unlike previous studies of Nature-based Solutions, we provide a quantitative assessment of the benefits of combining Nature-based Solutions and structural measures, so-called hybrid solutions, in terms of reduced economic damage, exposed population, and social vulnerability indicators such as poverty dynamics. We show that including hybrid solutions in coastal management strategies benefits people living in poverty more than other people, because the former group are often more prone to coastal flooding. As such, Nature-based and hybrid solutions in lower and middle income countries could contribute to the resilience of people in poverty.

How to cite: Tiggeloven, T., de Moel, H., and Ward, P.: Towards holistic global coastal flood risk assessments including Nature-based Solutions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17430,, 2023.

EGU23-17431 | Posters on site | NH9.1

MYRIAD-EU: multi-hazard risk assessmnet and management 

Philip Ward and the The MYRIAD-EU team

The MYRIAD-EU project sets out to catalyse a paradigm shift in how risks are currently assessed and managed. Instead of addressing risks and hazards one by one, we are co-developing the first harmonised framework for multi-hazard, multi-sector, and systemic risk management. The interlinkages between the different hazards, economic sectors, and regions are being studied in 5 pilots around the EU. In this presentation, highlights from across the project will be presented. These includes the first version of the overall framework, insights from its testing in practice, progress towards a first global multi-hazard dataset, and methods for developing multi-risk adaptive pathways.

How to cite: Ward, P. and the The MYRIAD-EU team: MYRIAD-EU: multi-hazard risk assessmnet and management, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17431,, 2023.

EGU23-286 | ECS | Orals | NH9.2

Drought impact profiles: Analyzing multivariate socio-economic drought impacts using nonlinear dimensionality reduction 

Jan Sodoge, Christian Kuhlicke, Miguel Mahecha, and Mariana de Brito

Socio-economic drought impacts often occur concomitantly across multiple sectors, leading to more severe consequences than if they affected single sectors. Improved management of such disasters requires cross-sectoral impact assessments and analyses. As such, analyzing how regions are affected by multiple impacts can provide crucial information for mitigating their consequences. Here, we characterize the multivariate distributions of socio-economic drought impacts. Our aim is to understand patterns by which diverse drought impacts co-occur. We introduce the concept of drought impact profiles, which describe characteristic distributions of co-occurring impacts. To this end, we use a unique spatio-temporal dataset generated with text mining and machine learning applied to newspaper articles. This dataset describes reported socio-economic drought impacts along seven categories (agriculture, forestry, fires,  social, aquaculture, livestock, waterways) in Germany between 2000-2022. We combine several dimensionality reduction algorithms (PCA, ISOmap, self-organizing maps) to generate robust and interpretable representations of the drought impacts. Our results show characteristic patterns for both particular drought events and regions. Also, the applied methods provide a low-dimensional representation of the multivariate socio-economic drought impacts. This research provides a methodological contribution to the holistic, empirical investigation of co-occurring drought impacts. The proposed methods can inform risk models, and policy-makers on the urgency of cross-sectoral governance approaches. Also, the proposed method could apply to other hazards or compound events.

How to cite: Sodoge, J., Kuhlicke, C., Mahecha, M., and de Brito, M.: Drought impact profiles: Analyzing multivariate socio-economic drought impacts using nonlinear dimensionality reduction, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-286,, 2023.

EGU23-567 | ECS | Orals | NH9.2

Managing the co-occurrence of natural hazards and pandemics with a new parallel phases DRM model 

Silvia De Angeli, Stefano Terzi, Davide Miozzo, Lorenzo Stefano Massucchielli, Joerg Szarzynski, Fabio Carturan, and Giorgio Boni

The Disaster Risk Management Cycle (DRMC) is a common reference for the international Disaster Risk Management (DRM) community to describe the management of catastrophic anthropogenic and natural events worldwide. Implementing this approach, disaster management is described by a series of separate and consecutive phases (e.g., preparedness, response, and recovery). However, the current DRMC is not able to successfully cover the dynamics of multi-hazard risk scenarios, particularly those involving both sudden- (e.g., earthquakes or flash floods) and slow-onset hazards (e.g., pandemics or  droughts).

Starting from such a complex scenario we propose a ‘parallel phases’ DRM model accounting for the management of interacting sudden- and slow-onset hazards. The framed ‘parallel phases’ model allows to overcome the limitations of the existing models when dealing with complex multi-hazard risk conditions. We supported the identified limitations analysing Italian Red Cross data dealing with past and ongoing emergencies including the COVID-19 pandemic. Key findings from the analysis involve: (i) the spatial-temporal differences between sudden-onset events and pandemic disaster management; (ii) the high demand for emergency response resources during pandemics in comparison to other emergencies; (iii) the need for the DRM system to adjust the response to cope with the pandemic seasonality; (iv) the system over-exposure to pandemic response activities reducing the number of resources for preparedness and entering the system into an unpreparedness negative loop.

Overall, the combination of the key findings that emerged from the management of the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy brought out three main guidelines for advancing multi-hazard DRM by applying our ‘parallel phases’ model:

  • Managing the system with parallel phases. A ‘parallel phases’ DRM allows the system to exploit the low emergency intensity of the slow-onset hazards seasonality for preparedness actions while also preparing for any other hazard that can have relevant impacts on the system. Such an approach allows the DRM system to escape from an unpreparedness negative loop. 
  • Keeping the DRM system capacity far from depletion. The DRM system can learn how to efficiently deploy the available resources keeping its capacity far from total depletion. If the DRM system is able to save part of its capacity, it can continue with the increase of internal resources while also making them available for international mutual support in case of multi-hazard risk. Such a condition triggers a positive loop in the increase of the DRM capacity.
  • Impact-based forecasting for multi-hazard disaster risk management. The implementation of multi-hazard seasonal impact-based forecasts fosters the planning of appropriate anticipatory actions, combining the prediction of slow-onsets waves with the seasonality of sudden-onsets.

Overall, the proposed ‘parallel phases’ model is able to capture the complex management dynamics to deal with the increasingly frequent slow-onset and multi-hazard events, introducing a change of perspective from the cyclic, consecutive-phases, and single-hazard DRM approach. For this reason, the ‘parallel phases’ model can strengthen and boost current and future international policies on multi-hazard DRM towards an effective implementation at a local scale.

How to cite: De Angeli, S., Terzi, S., Miozzo, D., Massucchielli, L. S., Szarzynski, J., Carturan, F., and Boni, G.: Managing the co-occurrence of natural hazards and pandemics with a new parallel phases DRM model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-567,, 2023.

Between 2020 and 2022, when South Korea experienced Covid-19, it suffered from multiple natural disasters, including typhoons, forest fires, and earthquakes, as well as infectious diseases. Recently, not only in Korea but also worldwide due to climate change, the number and scale of natural disasters are increasing every year, and the damage caused by them is becoming more and more serious. We analyzed big data on disasters in South Korea to identify trends in disasters caused by climate change. So, between 2012 and 2022, we downloaded over 100,000 open data on emergency disaster alert messages (by mobile network Cell Broadcasting Service) provided by the central government and local governments to the general public through Public data portal ( open API(Application Programming Interface). And we visualized the collected raw big data based on GIS after refinement, classification((Natural and social disasters, disaster type, disaster level, CBS msg type, emergency disaster message sending agency, etc.), and subdivision by city (we call it Si, Gun, Gu) unit area. Then, it was displayed based on GIS according to the type of disaster. We performed visualization work to derive the results of climate change trends in South Korea by disaster type and by region(Si, Gun, Gu).
Through this, it was possible to identify the types of disasters that are becoming more severe in South Korea according to climate change. Also, based on these results, we were able to identify which disasters each region would be vulnerable to. In addition, based on these results, we were able to identify which disasters are particularly vulnerable according to the characteristics of each region and which disasters it is best to strengthen preparation for in the future.
The results of analyzing the past history big data of our emergency disaster messages can be usefully used to present preventive and prepared plans for future disasters by central and local governments.
This research was supported by a grant (20008820) of Disaster-Safety Inter-Miniterial Cooperation Program funded by Ministry of Interior and Safety (MOIS, Korea)

How to cite: Oh, S.-H., Kang, H., and Ju, S.-L.: Analysis of natural disaster vulnerability by region through the use of big data of emergency disaster message history, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3031,, 2023.

EGU23-3422 | Orals | NH9.2

Feedbacks between City Development and Coastal Flood Risk Management: A Systems Thinking Approach 

Anna Lea Eggert, Karsten Arnbjerg-Nielsen, and Roland Löwe

Human activities have a profound impact on climate and hydrological processes, contributing to changes in the frequency and severity of hydrological extremes and, consequently, growing socioeconomic vulnerability [1]. Rising sea levels, continuous urban development in low-lying coastal areas, and corresponding changes in flood risk have resulted in devastating flood impacts. Different Flood Risk Management (FRM) strategies have been adopted in various socioeconomic contexts and spatiotemporal scales, the most prevalent being structural protection. In recent years, numerous scholars have raised concerns about this approach, as studies have shown that increasing protection levels can increase socioeconomic vulnerabilities e.g., [2]. FRM strategies alter the dynamics of risk manifested in sociohydrological systems, which must be disentangled to avoid unintended consequences.
In the “Cities and rising sea levels” project, scientists from different research disciplines, including hydrology, architecture, landscape architecture, and urban planning, collaborate to tackle these challenges. Combining multidisciplinary knowledge has been central to exploring the cross-sectoral processes involved in FRM. In the present study, we focused on (1) uncovering the cascading effects, including unintended consequences of FRM, as well as (2) highlighting the potentials for holistic assessments of FRM strategies.
Our methods include the development of a Causal Loop Diagram (CLD) model describing critical sociohydrological processes of coastal cities operating at different spatial and temporal scales. We identified dynamic feedbacks between (1) flood risk, urban development and economic wealth, (2) flood risk, urban development and social equity, and (3) flood risk, trust in authorities, and institutional capacity, among others. . Based on the CLD, we analyzed key feedback mechanisms and their manifestation in theory and practice. Further, we explored the impacts of different FRM strategies on these feedback mechanisms to uncover differences in impacts on socioeconomic vulnerabilities and wider cross-sectoral impacts. The presentation will present and explore the conceptual model through semiquantitative analyses (Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (FCMs)) and spatiotemporal assessments using a specific case study. We aim at (1) getting case-specific insights into the dynamics produced by the local interplay of flooding events and socioeconomic processes influencing vulnerabilities, and (2) suggesting pathways for new integrated ways of FRM.

[1] IPCC, Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press. In Press., 2022.
[2] R. W. Kates, C. E. Colten, S. Laska, and S. P. Leatherman, “Reconstruction of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina: A research perspective,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A., vol. 103, no. 40, pp. 14653–14660, Oct. 2006, doi: 10.1073/PNAS.0605726103/ASSET/C486E9DB-5923-43C0-9881-2B57734F2A7C/ASSETS/GRAPHIC/ZPQ0410637570002.JPEG.

How to cite: Eggert, A. L., Arnbjerg-Nielsen, K., and Löwe, R.: Feedbacks between City Development and Coastal Flood Risk Management: A Systems Thinking Approach, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3422,, 2023.

EGU23-4821 | ECS | Orals | NH9.2

A Study on the Monitoring of Complex Disaster Using Crowd Source Data 

Jeongha Lee and Seokhwan Hwang

As industrialization and urbanization progress around the world, more complex and large-scale complex disasters are occurring, causing numerous casualties and property damage every year. As climate change gradually accelerates and its impact grows, such as recent cold waves and heavy snow in the United States and abnormal temperatures in Europe, it is difficult to predict with existing physical modeling alone. Recently, disasters are gradually expanding in the form of covering not only natural disasters but also various social disasters. Social disasters cover disasters such as fires, infectious diseases, and fine dust caused by human activities. Unlike natural disasters, it is difficult to measure numerical values and predict occurrence patterns in real time, so it is very important to respond quickly through information sharing. There is a limit to establishing the same response system globally to respond to disasters that may occur worldwide, so it is necessary to develop a platform that can quickly share cases while being economical. With the recent development of communication technology, about 70% of the world's population uses smartphones, and various unstructured data are being generated in real time through various social media channels. Individuals act as a sensor and can share their location or current situation in real time. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to develop crowd sourcing technology using social media, analyze the collected data, and present ways to use it in the event of a disaster. In this study, a platform was established to collect and analyze disaster-related SNS data such as floods, fine dust, and forest fires, and it was designed so that users could receive information through websites and apps. As a result of application to various disaster cases in Korea, the temporal and spatial correlation between disaster occurrence patterns and social media data was high, and the possibility of using initial monitoring methods was proved. This result can be applied to all disaster disasters or crimes, and it is expected to be highly useful as it can quickly verify disaster thoughts and share cases in real time.


How to cite: Lee, J. and Hwang, S.: A Study on the Monitoring of Complex Disaster Using Crowd Source Data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4821,, 2023.

EGU23-5148 | Orals | NH9.2

Bridge the gap: Linking social vulnerability and adaptive behaviour 

Sungju Han, Torsten Masson, Sabrina Köhler, and Christian Kuhlicke

Individual adaptation is essential for achieving community resilience as well as coping with residual risks that have not been addressed by current structural schemes for reducing flood risks. At the same time, it also implies that individuals should have the resources and capacity to protect themselves. So far, this has been interpreted in the social vulnerability concept as accounting only for income, wealth, or other materially relevant factors, showing how much vulnerable people are exposed to more risk. However, individual behavioural adaptability has hardly been included in the current vulnerability assessment.

In light of this, this study proposes a novel way to expand and link social classes using well-established social vulnerability indicators (i.e. income, education, and job status) with socio-psychological and lifestyle elements theoretically and empirically known to influence individual protective behaviour. We conducted a bias-adjusted three-step Latent Class Analysis (LCA) with covariates (socio-psychological and lifestyle elements) and distal outcomes (adaptive behaviour). A household survey (n = 1,753) conducted between June and July 2020 in 11 cities in Saxony, Germany, was used.

The preliminary result shows that socio-psychological and cultural factors that influence individual decision-making on proactive adaptive behaviour co-vary with social classes based on their resource endowment. It also revealed that the lower class tends to have less implementation of costly adaptation methods, for example, structural measures on housing, while less costly measures did not make a significant difference. As a result, we recommend that, in addition to the lack of material endowment, which can be associated with an increased risk of exposure, individual inaction of protective behaviour motivated by socio-psychological traits be considered for social vulnerability.

How to cite: Han, S., Masson, T., Köhler, S., and Kuhlicke, C.: Bridge the gap: Linking social vulnerability and adaptive behaviour, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5148,, 2023.

EGU23-5611 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.2

A traffic prediction framework under extreme weather combined disaster knowledge and deep learning 

Jiting Tang and Saini Yang

Studying the spatiotemporal patterns of urban road traffic under extreme weather is a key step to building a climate-resilient city. Although existing researches model and simulate traffic states from different perspectives, the traffic forecasting of the urban road networks under extreme weather is seldom addressed. In this paper, a novel Knowledge-driven Attribute-augmented Attention Spatiotemporal Graph Convolutional Network framework is proposed to predict urban road traffic under wind and rain especially in tropical cyclone disasters. Considering the disaster conditions, we model the external dynamic hazard attributes and static environment attributes, and designed an attribute-augmented unit to encode and integrate these factors into the deep learning model. The model is combined with the graph convolutional network (GCN), the gated recurrent unit (GRU), and the attention mechanism. Experiments demonstrate that the predictability of traffic speed can be greatly increased by supplementing the disaster-related factors, the prediction accuracy reaches 0.79. The proposed approach outperforms baselines by 12.16%-31.67% on real-world Shenzhen’s traffic datasets. The model also performs robustly on different road vulnerabilities and hazard intensities. The model errors are mainly occurred in the early peak with extreme wind and rain and the coastal area in the southeast of Shenzhen because of the greater uncertainty. The framework and findings provide a valuable reference for the decision-making of traffic management and control prior to a disaster to alleviate traffic congestion and reduce the negative impact of disasters.

How to cite: Tang, J. and Yang, S.: A traffic prediction framework under extreme weather combined disaster knowledge and deep learning, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5611,, 2023.

EGU23-6810 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.2

Conceptualizing the long-term interactions between climate services and adaptation to hydrometeorological extremes 

Riccardo Biella, Sina Khatami, Luigia Brandimarte, Maurizio Mazzoleni, and Giuliano Di Baldassarre

Climate services are expected to deliver better climate adaptation by providing decision-makers with timely, salient, credible, legitimate, and accessible climate information. Nonetheless, climate services’ impact on long-term adaptation remains poorly understood due to their ambiguous protocols, quality standards, and inadequate monitoring and evaluation processes.

The aim of this study is to present the underpinnings of a framework representing the causal mechanisms and feedback interactions between adaptation to hydrometeorological extremes, i.e. floods and droughts, and climate services among the partner living labs of the I-CISK project ( To this end, a qualitative investigation based on interviews and surveys of the living labs’ stakeholders is performed. Following, the findings from the qualitative analysis are iteratively discussed with the stakeholders and presented as a causal loop diagram, highlighting feedback loops in the coupled human-climate system. Finally, the emerging dynamics are described using system archetypes.

This research offers a systemic tool for evaluating the long-term dynamics of adaptation to hydrometeorological extremes while building the bases for further research in the living labs. Moreover, it shows the efficacy of system dynamics tools for informing adaptive policy-making.

How to cite: Biella, R., Khatami, S., Brandimarte, L., Mazzoleni, M., and Di Baldassarre, G.: Conceptualizing the long-term interactions between climate services and adaptation to hydrometeorological extremes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6810,, 2023.

EGU23-7967 | Posters on site | NH9.2

Social media, vulnerability, and risk perception: three main points for geological disaster management 

Olga Nardini, Stefano Morelli, Veronica Pazzi, and Sara Bonati

Social media have the potential to significantly influence the disaster risk understanding of natural events of climatic and geological origin, e.g., earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and landslides. Given their considerable diffusion, nowadays they represent a valid support during emergency management processes thanks to their multiple uses in all the different phases of the disaster cycle. The presented results have been achieved carrying out a literature review in the framework of the European H2020 project LINKS ('Strengthening links between technologies and society for European disaster resilience') which aims to strengthen the link between technology and society to improve resilience in four European countries associated with five different risk scenarios. The aim of this research was to investigate how social media influence and impact vulnerability and risk perception and how the increased use of social media as a communication tool during a disaster is shaped by the way the two concepts interact and are conceptualised. The main results are that through social media, it is possible to raise people's awareness of the disaster, also by working on each individual's trust in those who provide information, but also to disseminate useful information and alerts to the population to keep abreast of real-time events, to connect citizens with each other in order to reduce distances and provide psychological support, and to create a social network for those in need. Additionally, social media can be used to manage an emergency and coordinate volunteer actions. The concepts of vulnerability and risk perception are extremely important to be considered when talking about geological hazards and disasters. They are two interconnected concepts that need to be pursued hand in hand in emergency management. The main challenges and factors impacting the use of social media concern access, quality and reliability of information, trust, and awareness of the news being provided, but also personal experience and geographical, social and demographic factors that may influence the way information is perceived and understood. The perception of geological risks directly influences people's preparedness and the way they act, helping anyone to understand the scope of the event and the potential risks that could occur, in order to make informed decisions on how to react. Furthermore, a real understanding of vulnerability influences the resilience of local communities in relation to disasters and can in turn be influenced using social media. Social media can also amplify public fear and concern about the disaster, especially if there is a lot of misinformation or sensationalism about the event. This can lead to an overestimation of risks and an increased sense of vulnerability among the population. These results could be helpful in identifying possible methods and approaches to study these issues in the future.  

How to cite: Nardini, O., Morelli, S., Pazzi, V., and Bonati, S.: Social media, vulnerability, and risk perception: three main points for geological disaster management, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7967,, 2023.

Despite major advancements in climate modeling, weather forecasting, and emergency preparedness, deadly floods continue to have a global reach, impacting Eastern Kentucky, USA (July 2022), Assam, India (2022), Cape Town, South Africa (2022), and Insul, Germany (July 2021) to name just a few. The goal of this work is to quantify and forecast in near-real time a flood’s impact at high spatial resolution by estimating how a household’s accessibility to critical infrastructure changes during and immediately after a storm. Our approach consists of a static transportation assignment cost function that solves for the user equilibrium traffic solution. By overlaying the road network with a near-real-time pluvial and fluvial inundation estimate, we estimate the degree to which flooding impacts households’ likely travel patterns to critical resources. The output consists of demand information on both the road and resource infrastructure networks, which we translate into resiliency and redundancy metrics. Our goal for this model is for it to be able to be rapidly deployed across the USA and potentially abroad to better serve communities who would otherwise not have access to such research and information tools. We present a case-study for Austin, Texas as a proof of concept and to highlight the critical decision-making information our approach can provide to those who need it most including emergency responders, flood managers, and residents themselves. Through this network approach, we can estimate who loses access to critical resources completely, whose access has diminished, how resource distribution is or isn’t equitable, hot spot nodes to prioritize remediation, and more. Our approach uses only open-source information including infrastructure, Earth observation, and point measurement data in our multilayer network. This data requirement allows our model to potentially be applicable in numerous regions across the globe. Our future work will explore using the network insights from this model in a dynamic model of adaptive capacity and human infrastructure. This will provide further insights on socio-hydrological interactions and how varying emergency response policies, government interventions, and human trends might impact the recovery trajectories of different communities.

How to cite: Preisser, M., Passalacqua, P., and Bixler, R. P.: A network-based disaster resilience metric for estimating individuals’ loss of access to critical resources during flooding, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9923,, 2023.

EGU23-10110 | Posters on site | NH9.2

Testing Spatial Out-of-Sample Area of Influence for Grain Forecasting Models:  How does out of Spatial Out-of-Sample AoI Change through the Season?  

Frank Davenport, Shrad Shukla, Donghoon Lee, Patrese Anderson, Greg Husak, and Chris Funk

The potential for predictive models based on earth observations (EO) and survey data to assist in famine early warning and other development applications is rapidly growing. However, while the spatial-temporal extent of EO data is complete, high quality survey data is generally limited in spatial and temporal scope. The perennial question in all predictive analysis, and especially when trying to move from research to operational application in the developing world is: If we create a forecast model from region A (based on observed outcomes) can we apply the same model in region B, where we do not observe or have limited observations of those outcomes? Prior research has proposed examining the Area of Influence (AoI) based on structurally similar characteristics in the EO predictors. We expand on and evaluate this approach in the context of grain yield forecasting in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Specifically, we evaluate an AoI methodology established for generating raster surfaces and apply it to vector supported grain data.  We ask the following questions: What are the key characteristics that make a forecast fit for one country work in another country? Can pooling models across multiple countries provide more accurate out-of-sample estimates than a model fit to one country or district? Does AoI change through the season? Does a model fit for in early season have the same AoI as a model fit late in the season.


How to cite: Davenport, F., Shukla, S., Lee, D., Anderson, P., Husak, G., and Funk, C.: Testing Spatial Out-of-Sample Area of Influence for Grain Forecasting Models:  How does out of Spatial Out-of-Sample AoI Change through the Season? , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10110,, 2023.

EGU23-14314 | ECS | Orals | NH9.2

Current and future evolution of drought risk in Ethiopia: A framework to inform disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation policies 

Domenico Bovienzo, Sepehr Marzi, Letizia Monteleone, Jaroslav Mysiak, and Jeremy Pal

Climate change is projected to increase the frequency and intensity of future droughts particularly affecting the most low-income countries directly dependent on local rainfed food security and livelihoods. Drought risk and its related impacts depend on the drought hazard, the exposure and the vulnerability of the different socioeconomic sectors and/or ecosystems as well as the adaptive capacity of affected locations. The Horn of Africa, which includes Ethiopia, is currently experiencing one of the most severe droughts in the last 40 years. This study applies a storyline approach to investigate changes in drought risk for Ethiopia combining vulnerability, hazard and adaptive capacity information for current and future projected climatic and socio-economic conditions using a subnational level composite indicator. For our analysis, we define drought based on the Standardised Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) which characterises the deficits in local water availability based on the precipitation and potential evapotranspiration. SPEI is computed using bias corrected Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP) project based on the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6). The Drought vulnerability assessment is carried out combining exposure, adaptive capacity and sensitivity indicators, using INFORM index developed by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission to support humanitarian crisis and disaster decision-making. The analysis shows that future drought will increase people in need of food assistance both under current population and future population projections. If humanitarian aid and assistance are maintained at recent historical levels, these findings show a substantial increase in the required amounts. These conditions are exasperated when humanitarian access is impeded by local conditions such as the current conflict in Ethiopia, when imports are reduced by crises such as those associated with the Russian invasion of the Ukraine, and by pandemics such as COVID-19. Climate change mitigation is shown to reduce the vulnerability of Ethiopia through a reduction in drought hazard frequency and intensity. The framework presented in this study can be used as a policymaking tool to provide information on how to better prioritize future loss and damage funds and adaptation and mitigation investments to reduce population vulnerability and exposure.

How to cite: Bovienzo, D., Marzi, S., Monteleone, L., Mysiak, J., and Pal, J.: Current and future evolution of drought risk in Ethiopia: A framework to inform disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation policies, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14314,, 2023.

EGU23-16045 | Posters on site | NH9.2

Compound events from the databases 

Carlo De Michele, Fabiola Banfi, and Viola Meroni

Compound climate-related (or weather-related) events are complex events characterized by the interactions between various physical processes across multiple spatial and temporal scales, generated by meteorological variables, and provoking extreme impacts. Compound climate-related events often include the joint occurrence of multi-hazards like landslides and floods, or heatwaves, droughts and wildfires.

In literature, databases of natural hazards are in general single hazard, like databases of floods (European Flood Database, AVI database), landslides (Global Fatal Landslide Database , AVI database), droughts (European Drought Observatory).

The assessment and understanding of compound events requires an integrated perspective, with the integration of data from multiple variables, combining multiple databases.

In this presentation, we try to address this emerging need, illustrating a possibility of building a compound events database, and presenting some examples.

How to cite: De Michele, C., Banfi, F., and Meroni, V.: Compound events from the databases, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16045,, 2023.

EGU23-16481 | ECS | Orals | NH9.2

Limits of adaptation to climate-related risks in the Peruvian Andes: A case study in the Río Santa and Salkantay catchments 

Isabel Hagen, Sanne Schnyder, Inés Yanac León, Sirkku Juhola, Veruska Muccione, and Christian Huggel

The highly populated Peruvian Andes is impacted by a multitude of climate-related risks. Comprehensive climate risk management and adaptation measures can bring risks down to an acceptable level, as determined by the local population. However, increased magnitude and frequency of risks, together with the possibility of reaching adaptation limits, are hindering risk reduction. Adaptation limits are reached due to a complex interplay between socio-economic, cultural, political, institutional, technical and bio-physical factors. Whilst there is an emerging conceptual understanding of adaptation limits, there is little empirical research investigating limits in real-world settings.

The aim of this study is to identify and define the limits of adaptation on a local scale, which limits are approaching and which have already been reached. We investigate the limits of adaptation in two catchments in the Peruvian Andes. The most prevalent climate-related risks in these two regions are from glacial lake outburst floods, landslides, shifts in precipitation patterns, and glacier retreat. We use a conceptual framework developed by Juhola et al. (unpublished), and determine adaptation limits and the intolerable risks space through investigating human wellbeing, governance systems, ecosystem functions and climate hazards in the two localities. The data was collected through a thorough literature review, together with 50 semi-structured interviews conducted in May-July 2022; 28 with local residents in the Río Santa and Salkantay catchments, and 22 interviews with experts from 14 different local and national institutions and NGOs. The interviews were analysed in Atlas.ti using a content analysis approach. We emphasize the focus on basic needs and wellbeing, to encompass not only what are obvious losses from climate impacts, such as loss of life or livelihood, but also more intangible losses, such as limited mobility, loss of a social network, or loss of local knowledge. The conclusions of this study can help decision makers and practitioners improve the positive impact of future risk management and adaptation projects in the two regions.

How to cite: Hagen, I., Schnyder, S., Yanac León, I., Juhola, S., Muccione, V., and Huggel, C.: Limits of adaptation to climate-related risks in the Peruvian Andes: A case study in the Río Santa and Salkantay catchments, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16481,, 2023.

Societal resilience is built upon effective risk transfer strategies. For most developed countries in the world, insurance and reinsurance continues to be the most effective method of sharing this burden and reducing the need for state intervention. However, it’s becoming increasingly clear that the probabilistic (CAT) models used to price natural hazard risk are struggling to capture the increasingly dynamic changes of the climate and our level of interconnection.

The Gallagher Research Centre (GRC) was established recently to support reinsurance stakeholders navigate an increasingly complex risk management landscape. Though probabilistic and deterministic natural catastrophe models were first pioneered in the early 1960’s (Friedman, 1984) it wasn’t until the 1990’s, and the combined losses from Hurricane Andrew ($27.3 billion USD) and the Northridge Earthquake ($25 billion USD) that such models began to be fully embraced by the mainstream reinsurance industry (Reinsurance News, 2023).

While significant and continued progress has been made in the precision and scalability of these models in the last 30 years, climate change and an increasingly globalized world mean the relative impacts of natural hazards are becoming far more complex and diverse than most models successfully capture. This leads to an increasing basis risk and potentially less utility of the models. This session will outline the growing research concerns of focus for the GRC, including how can stochastic models built around historical periods truly capture the non-stationarity of risk we see occurring for wind and flood perils? Should models capture the seasonal dependencies between perils to more accurately price aggregate insurance risk? Should future model development focus on the compounded scenarios? 


Friedman, D. G. (1984). Natural hazard risk assessment for an insurance program. Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance, 57-128.

Reinsurance News (2023). Last accessed 10/01/2023.

How to cite: Willis, I. and Papaspiliou, M.: The urgency for (re)insurance probabilistic (CAT) models to capture the dynamics of an increasingly interconnected world, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17449,, 2023.

The main purpose of this study was to assess the level of knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) of flood-affected communities toward volunteerism. The study focused on a gender perspective to show the level of differences. The study followed a quantitative approach to collect, analyze, and present the data. A total of 410 samples were randomly selected for the study. A structured questionnaire with bivariate and multivariate indicators was used to collect data. Chi-square test, t-test, central tendency analysis, and variance analysis were performed to assess the differences between female and male responses. Results showed that there is a significant difference between female and male community members in terms of knowledge and attitude toward flood volunteerism. Female members were more aware of flood-related impacts (p<0.05) and were more knowledgeable of the importance of flood volunteers (p<0.05). On the other hand, male members were more interested to become flood volunteers (p<0.05) and had skills to share with others (p<0.001). The study didn’t find any significant differences in practices related to flood volunteerism between men and women. The study is conducted to show the importance of communities in flood risk management. A community with a higher level of knowledge, attitude, and practice toward flood volunteerism can be a great resource. The research indicated some policy-level implications which are implementable and attainable for ensuring a resilient country. 

How to cite: Chisty, M. A.: Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice Toward Flood Volunteerism in Bangladesh: A Gender-based Analysis with Policy Implications, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-213,, 2023.

EGU23-644 | ECS | Orals | NH9.3

Assessing Multi-Hazard Livelihood Security and Resilience of Lower Mekong Basin Communities 

Ayush Baskota, Indrajit Pal, Ganesh Dhungana, Parmeshwar Udmale, Mayuri Gadhawe, Puvadol Doydee, Tanh Nguyen, and Sophat Seak

The Lower Mekong Basin (LMB) is a subsidiary region of the Mekong River, with approximately 10 million people directly dependent on the river for livelihood and economic activities. However, communities in the region are increasingly exposed to multiple hazards that have significant direct and indirect impacts on their livelihoods. The Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research, Japan supported project aims to develop a multi-stakeholder Livelihood Security and Resilience Assessment (LiSeRA) framework by studying the dimensions and factors influencing livelihood security and resilience in communities living in the LMB region.

This paper studies the multi-hazard scenario and impacts in the LMB region, the interlinkages between livelihood and resilience, and proposes a localized assessment framework that can be used by stakeholders in decision-making process. Floods, droughts and tropical storms were identified as primary natural hazards, while a multi-hazard assessment highlighted a wide spatial variation in the hazard levels across the region. The proposed framework provides a tool to measure the multi-hazard livelihood security and resilience in LMB communities, and can be used by government authorities and development partners in planning and implementing mitigation and preparedness activities to manage and reduce the risk of hazards.

How to cite: Baskota, A., Pal, I., Dhungana, G., Udmale, P., Gadhawe, M., Doydee, P., Nguyen, T., and Seak, S.: Assessing Multi-Hazard Livelihood Security and Resilience of Lower Mekong Basin Communities, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-644,, 2023.

EGU23-1308 | ECS | Orals | NH9.3

A systematic review of the use of theories in social vulnerability, resilience, and adaptation research 

Mariana Madruga de Brito, Christian Kuhlicke, Bartosz Bartkowski, Wouter Botzen, Canay Doğulu, Sungju Han, Paul Hudson, Ayse Nuray Karanci, Christian Klassert, Danny Otto, Anna Scolobig, Thais Moreno Soares, and Samuel Rufat

There is an increasing rise in the number of publications addressing social vulnerability, resilience, and adaptation (SVRA) aspects of natural hazards and climate change. Despite the abundance of research in this field, a systematic understanding of how these studies are theoretically grounded is lacking.

In this study, we conducted a systematic review of 4432 articles that address SVRA across a range of disciplinary fields (e.g. psychology, sociology, geography, mathematics) and natural hazards (e.g. floods, droughts, landslides, storm surges, wildfires, tsunamis, earthquakes, and volcano eruptions). We investigate the extent to which these studies explicate the frameworks, theoretical constructs or theories they rely on.

Our findings indicate that about 90% of the studies under consideration do not explicitly refer to a theoretical underpinning. Overall, theories focusing on individuals' SVRA were more frequent than those focusing on systems, society, groups, and networks. Furthermore, the uptake of theories varied according to the hazard investigated and field of knowledge, being more frequent in wildfire and flood studies and articles published in social science journals.

We argue that the abundance of empirical material in SVRA research that lacks explicit theoretical grounding is objectionable. As a result, SVRA research seems to spin in circles: researchers repeatedly conduct similar analyses in different geographical settings with inconsistent or incommensurable findings. Thus, we recommend making theoretical considerations salient to foster more transparent, comparable, and robust empirical research on SVRA.

How to cite: Madruga de Brito, M., Kuhlicke, C., Bartkowski, B., Botzen, W., Doğulu, C., Han, S., Hudson, P., Karanci, A. N., Klassert, C., Otto, D., Scolobig, A., Moreno Soares, T., and Rufat, S.: A systematic review of the use of theories in social vulnerability, resilience, and adaptation research, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1308,, 2023.

EGU23-1614 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.3

GeNHs: the first natural hazard event database  for the Republic of Georgia 

George Gaprindashvili, Otar Varazanashvili, Elizbar Elizbarashvili, Tsisana Basilashvili, Avtandil Amiranashvili, and Sven Fuchs

In this contribution we present a new natural hazard database for the Republic of Georgia (GeNHs). This database includes a parametric catalogs of five types of natural hazard events (landslide, debris flow, flash flood, windstorm, and hail) causing significant economic loss and casualties in Georgia over the last decades and centuries, respectively. The compilation of these events is innovative as the entire country is covered, and it is timely and may be used by civil protection, risk managers, and other stakeholders in order to provide information for natural hazard and risk management as well as decision-making with respect to effective and efficient mitigation measures.

The data included in the database was collected based on the minimum requirements of data quality. Data quality included information on the order of magnitude for each hazard type and the related frequencies, a magnitude classification and harmonization of the corresponding data was carried out to obtain magnitude classifications. For each natural hazard type and event, the most reliable values of the main parameters were collected and determined from the set of available information. These included date of occurrence (year, month, day), time of occurrence (hour), location of occurrence (geographical coordinates), magnitude and intensity where appropriate, affected area, and associated loss (number of fatalities; losses in terms of economic values).

The database contains the following information. Landslides were collected for the period between 1900 and 2022, with more than 1,500 events. The magnitude of landslides (MLL) was taken as the logarithm of its volume (in m^3), with a resulting range between 3.0 and 9.0. Debris flows were collected for the period between 1776 and 2022, with more than 800 events. Debris flow magnitudes (MDF) were taken as the logarithm of the maximum volume (in m^3) of debris material discharged during a single event, with a resulting range between 3.5 and 7.5. Flash floods were collected for the period between 735 and 2022, with more than 950 events. Flash flood magnitudes (MFF) were taken as the logarithm of the water peak discharge (in m^3/sec), with a range between 1.5 and 4.0. Windstorms were collected for the period between 1946 and 2022, with more than 1,550 events. Windstorm magnitudes (MHR) were taken as wind speed (in m/s) divided by ten, with a range between 3.0 and 6.0. Hail storms were collected for the period between 1973 and 2022, with more than 1,500 events. Hail storm magnitudes (MHL) were taken as the hail grain size (in mm) divided by ten, with a range between 0.4 and 11.0.

This database will provide key input for further improvements of hazard and risk assessment, for the assessment of human and economic losses resulting from such hazards, for assessing possible effects of climate change as well as for evaluating new forecasting and early-warning efforts. The GeNHs database will be accessible online and will be kept updated in the future.

How to cite: Gaprindashvili, G., Varazanashvili, O., Elizbarashvili, E., Basilashvili, T., Amiranashvili, A., and Fuchs, S.: GeNHs: the first natural hazard event database  for the Republic of Georgia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1614,, 2023.

EGU23-1950 | Posters on site | NH9.3

Urban planning, development, and determinants of local COVID-19 transmission among older adults 

Hung-Chih Hung and Yi-Hsuan Ho


Cities are home to most of the world’s population and are centres of socioeconomic activity and innovation. Furthermore, the proportion of older adults in the world is projected to reach nearly 16% in 2050 and nearly 23% by 2100. Ageing and high concentration of people and development in cities make them vulnerable to various disasters and pandemics. Particularly, public health threats may disproportionately increase health and disaster risk for older people. However, prior to the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, limited literature has paid attention to the relationship between urban planning, design, management and epidemic transmission. This study aims to propose a novel approach to characterize the spatial distribution and dynamics of pandemic transmission, and to examine their relationship to urban physical, socioeconomic, health environments, and planning with a focus on the COVID-19 pandemic transmission among metropolitan older adults.

2.Methods and data

The methodology was built by combing SEIR (susceptible-exposed-infective-recovered) model with concepts of pandemic transmission and ageing resilience. Using a case study in Taipei metropolis, Taiwan, the analysis comprises four steps: (1) We established an analytical framework based on the pre-pandemic, during-pandemic, and post-pandemic phases through the SEIR model and resilience concept. (2) Applying a geographical information system (GIS)-based spatial statistical analysis (G-statistic and LISA (local indicators of spatial autocorrelation)), we investigated the spatial distribution patterns of COVID-19 spread among older adults and their changes over time. (3) Poisson and Panel-Poisson regression models were created to examine the relationship between land-use planning, public transportation, socioeconomic environment, population mobility, and the dynamics of COVID-19 transmission among older adults. (4) We applied geographically weighted models (GWR) to scrutinize the spatial distribution patterns of the key factors affecting COVID-19 transmission. To illustrate the proposed methodology, the data were collected from the Ministry of Health and Welfare, National Land Surveying and Mapping Center, Taiwan, and city official census statistics.

3.Results and policy implications

Results of spatial statistical analysis showed heterogeneous patterns of epidemic spread and highlighted their changes over time. The hotspots of COVID-19 infection unfolded as cross-regional aggregation and spatial analogy, concentrated in some densely populated and old downtown areas, rather than randomly distributed. The findings of Poisson analysis showed that the density of population, land use, and public transportation services were significantly positively related to older adults’ COVID-19 infection, while health service density was significantly negatively associated. However, vulnerability factors, such as low-income and population mobility had strongly positive impacts only during the peak of outbreak and in the post-pandemic periods. Moreover, GWR analysis revealed significant differences in the spatial distribution patterns between the key determinants of pandemic transmission. Results showed that the impacts of various land use types and public transportation density were inconsistent, but the effects increased with proximity to the city center. Our findings provide some policy implications for decision-making in metropolitan land use, transportation planning, design, and management. In the post-COVID era, planners need to re-evaluate the existing compact city and public transportation policies and move towards more age-friendly, resilient, and integrated governance measures. 

How to cite: Hung, H.-C. and Ho, Y.-H.: Urban planning, development, and determinants of local COVID-19 transmission among older adults, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1950,, 2023.

EGU23-2102 | ECS | Orals | NH9.3

Historic changes in river course and morphodynamics of the Ahr river within geological and anthropogenic boundaries 

Stefanie Wolf, Lisa Burghardt, Nina Stark, Michael Gardner, Anne Lemnitzer, Jeremias Müller, Elena Klopries, and Holger Schüttrumpf

The narrow valley parts of the Ahr river are located in a low mountain region on the edge of the Volcanic Eifel. In July 2021, a flash flood formed, and energetic water masses with high flow velocities drove significant morphodynamic change and sediment displacements along the Ahr river. The riverbed and the banks experienced erosion, and floodplains showed slope erosion by surface runoff. In other locations, we observed floodplain sedimentation and riverbed infill. Large sediment lenses formed on floodplains, and gravel bank deposits, partly high in organic content, changed the local morphology of the Ahr river. Sorting of the grain size of deposited sediments from coarse to fine was observed providing clues to the complex flow conditions. The change of the river-course was overall limited due to the high urban development and man-made riverbank constraints by infrastructure. In this context, the prediction of future morphological changes in the Ahr river is essential for sustainable water resource management, especially in the context of reaching the goals set by the European Water Framework Directive (EU-WFD). If not properly accounted for, future maintenance and engineering measures affecting the river-course may not only be costly but also introduce new hazards. This study investigates morphological changes in different sections of the Ahr river as a result of the July 2021 mega-event at different spatial scales. Those changes were evaluated in a historic context to compare the observations to theoretical morphological developments of the river unaffected by anthropogenic development. The Lateral Mobility Index (LMI) is used to evaluate stream bed changes. In the upper reaches of the Ahr river, confining bedrock limits morphological riverbed changes as a natural geological boundary. Thus, most morphological changes in the Ahr river occurred in the lower reaches. The LMI caused by the mega-event in the 2.7 km long lower river reach up to the Rhine confluence is 1.2, which indicates severe changes in the river course. However, the LMI between the early 19th century and the mid-19th century is 2.2, which could result from an increase of confining anthropogenic boundaries within the last 200 years, which further caused reduced river structures and a reduced alluvial corridor. Anastomosis structures with a total channel width of up to 250 meters in the early 19th century are non-existent anymore, and the total channel width was reduced to 20 meters on average before the flood event. Although the total channel widened up to 90 meters after the flood event, the structural diversity only slightly increased. Concluding, morphological changes by the flood event in mid-July 2021 did not generally develop towards near-natural river structure, likely resulting from the anthropogenic hard boundaries constraining flow. River engineering actions in the course of rehabilitation after the flood event need to be evaluated on different spatial scales to assess sustainable water resource management for the future.

How to cite: Wolf, S., Burghardt, L., Stark, N., Gardner, M., Lemnitzer, A., Müller, J., Klopries, E., and Schüttrumpf, H.: Historic changes in river course and morphodynamics of the Ahr river within geological and anthropogenic boundaries, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2102,, 2023.

EGU23-2219 | Posters on site | NH9.3

Smart Management of Emergency Shelter and Resilient Community 

Kai-Yuan Ke, Meng-Han Tsai, Yih-Chi Tan, Ming-Chia Lai, Guan-Han Jhou, and Tzu-Ling Chang

Volunteers are very important workforce during disaster events. In Taiwan, there are mainly two types of volunteers in terms of disaster management. One is the affiliated volunteer trained by the local government sectors, such as the police department, fire department, public affairs department, and social welfare department. The other is the spontaneous volunteer joining resilient community. Whether affiliated or spontaneous, those volunteers could provide services in two aspects, such as disaster information collections and emergency shelter operation. Therefore, the Disaster Information Volunteer Collection Platform (DIVCP) and Smart Sheltering System (SSS) were developed to assist volunteers on those tasks. DIVCP is composed of 4 main modules, such as early-warning module, disaster information collection module, disaster information confirmation module, and visualization module. SSS is composed of 5 key functions, including shelter opening, ID generation, registration, supplies management, and digital billboard of refugees and supplies. Both DIVCP and SSS have its unique Line Bot functions to be friendly used by the volunteers. All the developed functions are practiced and validated through drills in the local government level and community level. It is expected that, with the technical tools, local government would have multiple access to disaster information and the demand of supplies and workforce during disaster be acquired more efficiently.

How to cite: Ke, K.-Y., Tsai, M.-H., Tan, Y.-C., Lai, M.-C., Jhou, G.-H., and Chang, T.-L.: Smart Management of Emergency Shelter and Resilient Community, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2219,, 2023.

EGU23-3319 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.3 | Highlight

Better prepared but less resilient: the paradoxical impact of flood experience on adaptive behavior and social resilience 

Lisa Köhler, Torsten Masson, Sabrina Köhler, and Christian Kuhlicke

In natural hazards research, social resilience is becoming a topic of high scientific interest. Due to global climate change, most natural hazards are occurring more often and put individuals' mental and physical health, economic endowments, and the existence of their valued objects at risk. One way to decrease the impacts of these hazards is to increase individual's resilience. Consequently, the knowledge of the drivers behind it becomes more desirable as it is necessary to design strategies to prepare households for future hazards. The central question of the research project is if flood experience impacts adaptive behavior and self-perceived social resilience and, if so, in what ways. The applied empirical method is an ordered logistic regression model using data from a panel dataset (2020-2021), including 1750 residents (Germany, state of Saxony). Four main conclusions from the investigations can be drawn. First, more experienced individuals are statistically significantly more likely to have taken precautionary measures in the past. Second, flood experience has a statistically significant negative impact on self-perceived social resilience. Third, the impact of flood experience on the capacity to resist is not linear. Fourth, putting together these results reveals the paradox that more flood-experienced people are better prepared but feel less resilient at the same time. It can be concluded that more research is needed to obtain deeper insights into the drivers behind social resilience and that this study can be seen as a piece of the puzzle, taking flood experience as the primary target point. While this study contributes with more profound knowledge of what role experiences play in building social resilience, it connects theories from social and natural sciences. Consequently, it enriches the existing knowledge with more interdisciplinarity.

How to cite: Köhler, L., Masson, T., Köhler, S., and Kuhlicke, C.: Better prepared but less resilient: the paradoxical impact of flood experience on adaptive behavior and social resilience, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3319,, 2023.

Risk management for natural disasters is an important issue, especially in a rainy country like Taiwan where extreme rainfall can lead to significant economic losses. However, the availability of financial tools to diversify catastrophic risk is limited in the local insurance market. Therefore, this study aims to explore the effectiveness of financial tools used by some countries in the past to hedge against natural disaster risk. These financial tools were based on the concept of alternative risk transfer (ART).


The goal of this study is to create a financial module within a natural disaster model to calculate the financial losses caused by Taiwan's monsoon, typhoon, and convectional rainfall, and produce expected losses table (ETL Table). The study then use the statistical framework of extreme value theory (EVT) to simulate the loss caused by these three types of rainfall in the form of extreme events. This will provide a more accurate assessment of the potential economic impact of these types of natural disasters on Taiwan.


Furthermore, the study uses the CIR (Cox-Ingersoll-Ross) stochastic process to simulate Taiwan’s overnight interbank lending rate (Taiwan LIBOR). This is important because changes in the interbank lending rate affects the cost of borrowing for businesses and individuals, which in turn can impact the overall economy. By understanding how the interbank lending rate changes in the event of a natural disaster, financial institutions and policymakers can make more informed decisions about how to respond to such events.


Finally, the study uses the Monte Carlo method to price catastrophe bonds, insurance, and futures. This provides a more accurate assessment of the potential financial value of these instruments, which can be used to hedge against natural disasters. By understanding the value of these financial tools, investors can therefore make more informed decisions about how to allocate their resources to protect against potential losses caused by natural disasters.


Overall, this study strives to gain a deeper understanding of the financial tools that can be used to hedge against natural disaster risk, and how these tools can be applied to reduce the economic losses caused by extreme rainfall in Taiwan. By understanding the successes and challenges of these tools in other countries, Taiwan can better design and implement its own risk management strategies to protect against the financial impacts of natural disasters.


The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the National Science and Technology Council of Taiwan ( Grant Number: 111-2124-M-002-006) 

How to cite: Hsu, Y., Ho, S.-P., and Hou, Y.-A.: Exploring the Effectiveness of Using Risk Reduction Instruments to Hedge against Extreme Rainfall Events in the Framework of Extreme Value Theory, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4107,, 2023.

Systems such as green roofs, constructed wetlands and green open spaces can play important roles in adapting to climate change. While it is generally accepted that these systems increase our resilience to heatwaves and floods, more research is necessary to identify context-appropriate indicators to monitor the short- and long-term benefits of nature-based solutions. This is particularly important in the context of informal settlements, areas characterised by a reduced access to infrastructure and resources, and often more vulnerable and exposed to environmental hazards. In order to assess the effects of nature-based solutions in informal settlements, we review and select indicators of resilience from the literature of ecosystem services and apply them to two case studies of climate resilience-building projects in Bangkok (Thailand) and in Honiara (Solomon Islands). The projects include community gardens, tree planting and riverine vegetation restoration initiatives. Based on interviews with the implementers, we interrogate how each project selected and implemented nature-based solutions and infer a series of indicators that can be used to measure the process of using nature-based solutions to strengthen resilience. We identify, for each of the cases, indicators that assess (i) the physical extent of nature-based solutions, (ii) the provision of resilience-related ecosystem services and (iii) the benefits of these services to the community. Based on the indicators, we propose a monitoring framework for each of the projects to evaluate if and how the interventions improved climate resilience in the long term. Drawing on the lessons from these two case studies, we stress the importance of monitoring and assessing the effects of nature-based solutions using context-appropriate indicators of ecosystem services and resilience. Furthermore, we highlight challenges for monitoring of community gardens and riparian revegetation initiatives, given that such systems often affect multiple social, economic and environmental aspects of resilience. These findings contribute to a growing body of knowledge of examples of how nature-based solutions can be assessed, monitored and modified to better respond to the effects of climate change in the Asia-Pacific region.

How to cite: Wolff, E. and Hamel, P.: Measuring the Effects of Nature-based Solutions for Climate Resilience in Informal Settlements in the Asia-Pacific, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4594,, 2023.

Tools for measuring the resilience of infrastructure systems are necessary for engineering the increase in the resilience of communities to natural hazards. Such tools can also inform early and effective disaster risk mitigation actions that lead to rapid post-disaster recovery of the built environment, providing the foundation for a swift restoration of economic and social activities in the affected communities. We present iRe-CoDeS, a framework that measures the resilience of infrastructure systems by dynamically simulating their post-disaster changes in the ability to supply resources to users as well as the change in users demands during the post-disaster recovery period. The iRe-CoDeS framework builds on top of well-established regional hazard and risk assessment tools and extends them by simulating the post-disaster recovery of the built environment and its interdependent infrastructure systems. The interdependencies among different systems are captured at the component level. Apart from providing resource supply, each component of an infrastructure system can have a demand for resources provided by other systems (e.g., a cellular tower providing communication services requires electric power). The iRe-CoDeS framework simulates the flow of resources among components at every time step of the recovery simulation and constrains the component’s ability to supply resources based on its demand fulfillment. Lack of Resilience (LoR) of an infrastructure system is used as its resilience metric: it represents the unmet demand of the community for a resource that the considered infrastructure system is providing. Such a resilience metric is particularly suited for assessing the impact of component interdependencies on community resilience and evaluating community resilience goals. The application of the iRe-CoDeS framework will be briefly illustrated in a case study that addresses the recovery of housing in North-East San Francisco after a hypothetical earthquake. Our recent work on applying the iRe-CoDeS framework for measuring and operationalizing seismic resilience in Switzerland will also be presented.

How to cite: Blagojević, N. and Stojadinović, B.: iRe-CoDeS: A framework for demand/supply-based resilience assessment of interdependent civil infrastructure systems, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6443,, 2023.

EGU23-7552 | ECS | Orals | NH9.3 | Highlight

Perspective of flood-affected households on flood prevention: The case of the Ahr Valley after the July 2021 flood disaster 

Alessa Truedinger, Holger Sauter, and Joern Birkmann

Heavy rainfall and flooding hit central Europe in July 2021 - with the Ahr Valley in Rhineland-Palatinate attaining sad notoriety. More than 130 people died there, and more than 9,000 buildings were damaged or even destroyed [1]. As part of the BMBF-funded KAHR project, we conducted a comprehensive household survey in the county of Ahrweiler in the aftermath of the flood disaster, in which 516 affected persons participated. One focus of this survey was on prevention and precautionary measures.

It is striking that the majority of respondents rated all prevention fields as (very) important, from private building precautions, technical and natural flood protection and planning precautions to early warning and precautions by the insurance industry. In an earlier survey by Weißer et al. on preparedness for heavy rain events, the pattern was much more mixed [2]. It is also interesting to note that in our study private building precautions are ranked lowest (mean value), whereas in the study by Weißer et al. they are considered most important. 

Various aspects play an important role when deciding to implement precautionary measures. Respondents rated existence/availability of information on the effectiveness of the measure (mv = 4.99) as most important, followed by existence/availability of counseling and assistance services (mv = 4.85). Low financial expenditure (mv = 4.46) and acceptance of the measure in the household (mv = 4.43) are also considered very important by many. Slightly less important, on the other hand, appear the feasibility of the measure without external help (mv = 3.97), the low time expenditure (mv = 3.92), the acceptance in the community (mv = 3.83) and the joint implementation with other neighbors (mv = 3.31) - nevertheless, almost 30%, e.g., perceive the latter reason as (very) important in the decision for or against a precautionary measure. Neither age nor gender nor household income have a major influence on the rating of importance. Only household income has a weak effect on the reason of joint implementation with other neighbors (the lower the income, the more important the reason), as does gender on the reasons of feasibility without external help, availability of information on effectiveness, and availability of counseling and assistance services (these aspects tend to be more important for female respondents).

Furthermore, 71.2% of respondents disagree (at all) with the statement that flood prevention is primarily a task of private households. Yet, according to the German Water Resources Act, sec. 5 para. 2, every person who may be affected by floods is obliged to take flood precautions within their means.

The findings from such a survey can help to strengthen resilience building in the reconstruction after such a devastating disaster as well as likewise in the pre-disaster phase.



1. Die Landesregierung Rheinland-Pfalz. Ein Jahr Wiederaufbau in Rheinland-Pfalz nach der Naturkatastrophe vom 14./15. Juli 2021, Mainz, 2022. Available online: (accessed on 6 December 2022).

2. Weißer, B.V.; Jamshed, A.; Birkmann, J.; McMillan, J.M. Building Resilience After Climate-Related Extreme Events: Lessons Learned from Extreme Precipitation in Schwäbisch Gmünd. J. of Extr. Even. 2020, 07, 2050010, doi:10.1142/S2345737620500104.

How to cite: Truedinger, A., Sauter, H., and Birkmann, J.: Perspective of flood-affected households on flood prevention: The case of the Ahr Valley after the July 2021 flood disaster, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7552,, 2023.

EGU23-7826 | Orals | NH9.3 | Highlight

Dealing with extreme floods in densely populated areas 

Georg Johann, Angela Pfister, and Burkhard Teichgräber

Extreme floods are increasing in times of climate change. Flood prevention must consistently take this into account, especially in densely populated areas. The flood event in 2021 in western Germany and also extreme floods in many other regions of the world have shown how necessary this is.

In the densely populated Emscher region with 2.7 million inhabitants, between Dortmund and Duisburg, this problem must be addressed just as urgently. By building efficient flood protection systems, the Emschergenossenschaft has enabled one of Germany's largest metropolitan regions to emerge. In accordance with legal requirements, the flood protection systems in the Emscher region are designed up to an HQ200. Nevertheless, extreme precipitation events can lead to extreme floods that exceed the capacity of the flood protection systems. Here, more far-reaching measures must be initiated, which are brought together in the program "Roadmap Crisis Flood". It was set up in March 2022 with an investment volume of around €500 million over 15 years. To strengthen flood resilience in a changing climate, five action areas have been identified:

1. The creation of additional retention areas requires a different approach to undeveloped land than in the past. This applies in particular to the realization of easements to enable the flooding of emergency polders. Also, more space must be made available for the river in order to be able to slow down the flood wave through larger floodplain areas.

2. An essential field of action is adaptation. This applies to flood protection facilities in order to avoid total failure during extreme events with major damage. Bridges must also be adapted in terms of their performance in order to make backwater effects as manageable as possible. Last but not least, the buildings of the Emschergenossenschaft must be protected against heavy rain and flood damage in accordance with the floodlabel.

3. The increase of heavy rainfall events is causing flood events with faster flood waves. For this reason, flood forecasting must be more highly resolved in its temporal and spatial discretization. The flood forecasts currently available for the Emscher will be extended to more tributaries. The gauging network will have to be expanded and made more flood-resilient for this purpose. A high frequency of forecasts must be available, especially for small catchments.

4. Flood risk management is joint tasks with distributed responsibilities. Here, functioning communication and cooperation are essential. In order to support this, relevant information on the flood situation is made available via a portal for public agencies and the population. This information must be understood and lead to adequate actions. Dealing with uncertainties of the flood forecast is of particular importance here.

5. The question arises whether the preparation for extreme events above the design limit can be handled sufficiently well with the legal framework available today. Ideas for improving further legal and political frameworks at federal and state level are discussed.

It is obvious that the deliberate handling of extreme events leads to actions that need to go beyond the existing FRM. These are presented for discussion.

How to cite: Johann, G., Pfister, A., and Teichgräber, B.: Dealing with extreme floods in densely populated areas, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7826,, 2023.

EGU23-8809 | ECS | Orals | NH9.3 | Highlight

Analysing Emergency Response with an Online Survey of Local Residents following the July 2021 Flood Event in Western Germany 

Heather Murdock, Anna Heidenreich, Philip Bubeck, and Annegret H. Thieken

In July 2021 an intense and rapid onset rainfall event resulted in severe flooding for several watersheds in Western regions of Germany as well as Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg. In the two German federal states of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) and Rhineland-Palatinate (RLP) the impacts of flooding were severe, with damage to buildings and infrastructure as well as more than 180 fatalities. This event was highly publicized in the German and international media with a focus on the performance of the early warning system. 

We analyse the warning situation for this flood event based on the results of an online survey with responses from 1348 participants from affected areas in the two federal states NRW and RLP. Following the severe flood event in mid-July 2021 the online survey for local residents was prepared and made available online for 8 weeks starting at the end of August 2021. Among other topics, the survey addressed whether residents received a flood warning, when they received a warning, and whether they knew what to do in response to a flood. 

Results show that 35% of the survey respondents in NRW did not receive any warning, while the same was true for 29% of respondents in RLP. Of those that did receive a flood warning 85% underestimated the severity of the event and 46% did not know what to do. In addition, many respondents reported that they experienced personal loss, shared life-threatening experiences, and problems with warning apps as well as message format. Multiple regression analyses identify factors that are linked to higher levels of situational knowledge on protective behavior in response to the flood event including demographics, warning elements, personal experience and risk perception. 

This presentation will discuss these results and potential conclusions to improve risk management for this type of flood event. 

How to cite: Murdock, H., Heidenreich, A., Bubeck, P., and Thieken, A. H.: Analysing Emergency Response with an Online Survey of Local Residents following the July 2021 Flood Event in Western Germany, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8809,, 2023.

The coastal region is confronted with increasing risk due to multiple factors such as climate change, urbanization, and the concentration of infrastructure. Under climate change, coastal hazards such as hurricanes and floods are expected to increase in intensity and frequency. This project first presents a conceptual framework of assessing coastal resilience by linking hazards, social vulnerability, and risk decision making in the coastal setting. It then presents two studies conducted in two coastal cities from the United States to illustrate this framework. Houston in Texas is selected as the location for the first study. Houston has experienced a few devastating floods in recent history. It is thus imperative to assess flood risk in this city through a comprehensive approach by considering both flood susceptibility and social vulnerability. This study first assesses flood susceptibility by applying Random Forest (RF) algorithm on remotely sensed data. It then combines flood susceptibility with social vulnerability to generate a comprehensive assessment of flood risk in Houston. New Orleans in Louisiana is selected as the location for the second study. This study first proposes a framework to study urban disaster resilience by closing the gap between municipal hazard mitigation plans and residents’ risk perceptions. Through survey research and policy analysis, this study identifies a gap between the municipal approach to climate change mitigation and the concern and expectation of actions the residents hold regarding the future effects of climate change. The study ends with recommending municipal hazard mitigation plans to reconsider risks of climate change and providing small-scale incentives to coastal residents in order to maximize resilience toward coastal hazards in the future.

How to cite: Shao, W., Cass, E., and Dey, H.: Towards a comprehensive assessment of coastal resilience: research at the intersection of hazards, vulnerability and risk decision making, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9074,, 2023.

EGU23-9134 | Orals | NH9.3

Reconfigurating hydro-social territories after the 2021 flood in Germany. Pathways towards resilience? 

Christian Kuhlicke, Zora Reckhaus, de Brito Mariana, and Otto Danny

With the loss of 180 lives, the 2021 flood was not only one of the most devastating natural disasters in Germany history, it can also be seen as another missed opportunity to use the reconstruction phase to rebuild more resilient and sustainable settlement structures. This paper presents first results of a study aiming at identify key contextual factors driving the reconstruction process. Therefore it relies on the concept of hydro-social territories. With this analytical framework we focus on social practice and narratives and how they interact with multiple human and non-human factors. By doing so, we attempt to move away from an external mechanistic perspective on reconstruction efforts towards an endemic perspective that is interested in social practices and the associated diversity of perspectives of different actors. The analysis is based on 30+ qualitative interviews conducted with representatives of the civil society, planning agency, municipalities as well as water management authorities. Based on the interviews we identify some of the key cultural, political, institutional and social contextual factors shaping how hydro-social territories are reconfigurated.

How to cite: Kuhlicke, C., Reckhaus, Z., Mariana, D. B., and Danny, O.: Reconfigurating hydro-social territories after the 2021 flood in Germany. Pathways towards resilience?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9134,, 2023.

EGU23-9211 | ECS | Orals | NH9.3

Changes of Electric Distribution Network Storm Outages in Future Climate Scenarios: Evaluation for a Service Territory in Northeastern United States 

Xinxuan Zhang, Emmanouil Anagnostou, Stergios Emmanouil, Feifei Yang, and Diego Cerrai

The resilience of electric power system is critical to economic prosperity, as well as public health and safety. In the Northeastern United States, where severe weather events occur throughout the year, it is important to quantify the weather-induced power outages and understand the impact of climate change on power system resilience in the future. This study focuses on assessing the future resilience of the power grid for a service territory in the Northeastern United States, by developing a holistic framework that employs high-resolution climate data along with the power outage prediction models (OPMs). The OPMs are a group of machine-learning based models designed to predict the amount of power outages for different types of weather events. The climate data used in this study are based on selected General Circulation Model (GCM) products that follow two Representative Concentration Pathways (namely RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5), which are statistically bias-corrected over an 18-km grid. The climate data are, then, used to identify and classify the possible weather-related outage events and quantify associated number of power outages by OPMs. The results aim to, i) quantify the severity and frequency of the occurrence of weather-induced power outages in the next 40 years (2020-2060); and ii) provide a basis for a comparison of the difference of power outages under the two RCP scenarios and the current climate conditions. This information can be useful for making decisions on power grid strengthening plans that accommodate potential future climate change impacts on the power grid resilience. 

How to cite: Zhang, X., Anagnostou, E., Emmanouil, S., Yang, F., and Cerrai, D.: Changes of Electric Distribution Network Storm Outages in Future Climate Scenarios: Evaluation for a Service Territory in Northeastern United States, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9211,, 2023.

EGU23-9564 | Orals | NH9.3 | Highlight

Systems-based framework for measuing heatwave resilience 

Naomi Rubenstein and Adriana Keating

The question of how to live in a rapidly urbanising, climate change impacted world with more frequent and intense heatwaves is more urgent than ever. While recent heatwaves have increased awareness of the immediacy and seriousness of the heatwave threat in some regions, significant questions remain about if and how better awareness will translate into effective resilience building actions that target the underlying drivers of heat risk. Many challenges remain in improving heatwave resilience including an absence of data and understanding about the direct and indirect linkages between heat impacts which have been problematic for the governance of anticipatory planning and action to mitigate risks.

This presentation outlines the key findings from our experience of adapting the approach of the Zurich Flood Resilience Alliance for measuring community flood resilience, to heatwaves. It is widely recognized that operationalising and measuring progress in building resilience is extremely challenging, yet measurement is critical for more accurate and nuanced tracking of key indicators to inform prioritisation, policy, and planning. Using examples of indicators – called ‘sources of resilience’ - from the heatwave framework we will illustrate the way in which we have responded to key themes, specifically the resilience of heatwave for critical urban systems; heatwave vulnerability and equity; and heatwave governance and capacity. It is hoped that this approach can help lead to more anticipatory and integrated heatwave responses that are community specific, and which can help enable transformational change. We also show how we have attempted to integrate climate change adaptation planning into the resilience measurement. The framework we present here is, to our knowledge, the only standardized and holistic, yet globally applicable, heatwave resilience measurement framework available.

How to cite: Rubenstein, N. and Keating, A.: Systems-based framework for measuing heatwave resilience, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9564,, 2023.

Although DRR (disaster risk reduction) policies have been proved effective in some regions, policy implementation lacks a sufficient evidence-based evaluation process. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of DRR policies, including setting up early warning systems, constructing disaster shelters, and incentive mechanisms. By using the agent-based modeling (ABM) approach, a policy evaluation model was developed to integrate human individual differences during disaster events. The model was calibrated to simulate the DRR policy implementation in a debris flow event at Longchi town, China. The main findings are: 1) setting up an early warning system was the most effective measures and fundamental of community-based disaster risk management as the system had contributed to a 30.06% casualties reduction in the case of Longchi town; 2) individual perception on DRR policies was at large variance which influenced the policy effectiveness; 3) marginal benefits of policies to raise public willingness might decrease quickly. Therefore, individual perception and behaviors have a significant impact on the effectiveness of DRR. This study provided an evidence-based approach to the policy-makers to formulate the most cost-effective DRR policies.

How to cite: Lei, Y. and Wu, S.: Integrate human dynamics in disaster risk management: An agent-based approach to evaluate policy effectiveness, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11182,, 2023.

EGU23-11498 | ECS | Orals | NH9.3

Sensitivity analysis of post-event recovery stage: a new dynamic approach 

Alessandro Borre, Eva Trasforini, Tatiana Ghizzoni, and Daria Ottonelli

According to Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction [GAR, 2022], under current climate conditions, the world number of disasters per year will increase by 40% by 2030. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [IPCC, 2021] highlights that human-induced climate change is already affecting the frequency of extreme weather and climate events, such as floods, heat waves, droughts, and cyclones. For this reason, in the coming years, impacts caused by natural disasters will become central in economic, social, and ecological domains. In this interdisciplinary and dynamic context where compound events will no longer be extraordinary phenomena, it appears essential to understand and investigate how a close natural disaster can occur in altered and dynamic conditions dissimilar from the standard ones and how this can influence and modify the consequences of such natural disasters.

In this context, resilience is a key element. White1 explored community resilience as the capability to anticipate risk, limit impact, and recover rapidly from a natural disaster. According to the latter definition, resilience might become a valuable parameter to analyse post-event restoration. Several researchers have focused on introducing quantitative metrics to assess resilience (Bruneau2, Cimellaro3, and Reed4 ). The main priority is comparing quantitative resilience measures to obtain a first step towards analysing the recovery phase of a flood event.

In our context,  resilience is defined according to the residual functionality of infrastructure or community, where functionality only refers to physical damage and not to a possible failure or interruption of service facilities. Therefore, the post-event recovery stage strongly affects residual functionality and resilience. A quantitative evaluation relies on calculating characteristic metrics such as the area under the restoration curve. Damage ratio, interarrival time, and recovery curve shape are the core of sensitivity analysis. The aim is to investigate how the interaction between these factors influences and modifies the system's resilience. Including the post-disaster restoration phase, by introducing dynamic vulnerability, allows to improve risk assessment and to provide decision-makers with a complete overview of impacts induced by compound events.

[1] White, R. K., Edwards, W. C., Farrar, A., & Plodinec, M. J. (2015). A Practical Approach to Building Resilience in America’s Communities. American Behavioral Scientist, 59(2), 200-219.

[2] Bruneau, M.; Chang, S.E.; Eguchi, R.T.; Lee, G.C.; O’Rourke, T.D.; Reinhorn, A.M.; Shinozuka, M.; Tierney, K.; Wallace, W.A.; von Winterfeldti, D. A Framework to Quantitatively Assess and Enhance the Seismic Resilience of Communities. Earthq. Spectra 2003, 19, 733–752.

[3] Cimellaro G, Reinhorn A, Bruneau M. Framework for analytical quantification of disaster resilience. Eng Struct 2010;32:3639–49.

[4] Reed, D.A.; Kapur, K.C.; Christie, R.D. Methodology for Assessing the Resilience of Networked Infrastructure. IEEE Syst. J. 2009, 3, 174–180.

How to cite: Borre, A., Trasforini, E., Ghizzoni, T., and Ottonelli, D.: Sensitivity analysis of post-event recovery stage: a new dynamic approach, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11498,, 2023.

EGU23-11964 | ECS | Orals | NH9.3

Ex-ante recognition of the basic minimum urban system to improve the ex-post recovery process  

Soheil Mohammadi, Serena Cattari, Francesca Pirlone, Giorgio Boni, and Silvia De Angeli

The occurrence of a disaster can significantly affect the functionality of an urban system, by causing a series of direct and indirect impacts on different sectors and infrastructures. UNDRR, in its definition of ‘resilience’, stresses the significance of preserving and restoring the basic structures and functions of a system through risk management, to support it in recovering from the effects of a hazard in a timely and efficient manner. Indeed, after the occurrence of a disaster, a minimum set of structures and functions have to be in place to guarantee the system's adequate operation and allow the urban system to begin the recovery process.

This research develops and applies the concept of the ‘basic minimum urban system’ (BMUS), as the subset of physical assets of the urban system to be preserved in order to ensure continuing recovery efforts after a disaster. The BMUS must be determined in accordance with some defined criteria that indicate the relative socio-economic worth of the various assets and the significance of their contribution to the urban system's performance. When the urban system is exposed to multiple and potentially interacting (such as cascading, consecutive, compound, etc.) risks, the assets' contribution to the system's ability to deal with these complex multi-risk conditions needs to be considered and integrated into the BMUS determination. 

In light of this, the goal of this work is to establish a methodological framework that combines participatory planning techniques (such as Delphi, fuzzy cognitive mapping, etc.) with quantitative data (like GDP, demography, etc.) analysis to model the urban system and ultimately identify its most crucial components and their interdependencies as the BMUS. 

Since an urban area's characteristics and identity have a significant impact on the determination of its important physical assets, the relevance of a certain physical asset to be included in the BMUS may differ from one urban system to another. As a result, the final suggested approach must be able to provide a broad framework that takes into account the unique characteristics and requirements of the urban system and its inhabitants. In this study, incorporating local knowledge for recognizing and representing distinctive characteristics of the urban area in the analysis is accomplished through stakeholders' involvement through a participatory method.

As a result, several indicators are developed to assess the significance of urban system components in a multi-risk environment exposed to earthquakes and floods, with a focus on improving the urban system's ability to recover from disasters. These indicators are designed to evaluate the relative socio-economic importance of various buildings and urban forms. Indicators are generated in two complementary approaches: 1) participatory with involving stakeholders to illustrate the various interdependencies (physical, functional, etc.) among urban system functions and 2) analysis of quantitative physical and socio-economic data that characterize the urban system and its constituent parts at three different spatial scales (e.g., macro, meso, micro). 

The developed indicators are tentatively tested for the Sanremo municipality of the Liguria region (Italy). With the aim of increasing ex-post recoverability, decision-makers could use these indicators as a basis to optimize their ex-ante investment. 


How to cite: Mohammadi, S., Cattari, S., Pirlone, F., Boni, G., and De Angeli, S.: Ex-ante recognition of the basic minimum urban system to improve the ex-post recovery process , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11964,, 2023.

EGU23-12821 | ECS | Orals | NH9.3

How citizens perceived the flooding in Germany in 2021 and which actions they took 

Joy Ommer, Milan Kalas, Jessica Neumann, and Hannah L. Cloke

The flooding event in Germany in 2021 caused fatal and devastating consequences for the citizens, economy, infrastructure, and more. Research has been focusing on analyzing the meteorological and hydrological aspects of the flooding, the early warning system and warning dissemination, and the flood impact. However, research is lacking a deeper understanding of the perspective of the affected citizens. To give a voice to the affected people, a survey with open and closed questions was disseminated receiving around 430 responses. The survey captured the citizens' perceptions of the high impact flood event and their actions before, during, and after the event. The gained knowledge on lessons learnt and best practices shall support the enhancement of future strategies for citizens' self-preparedness and response, overall situational awareness, and emergency communication.

How to cite: Ommer, J., Kalas, M., Neumann, J., and Cloke, H. L.: How citizens perceived the flooding in Germany in 2021 and which actions they took, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12821,, 2023.

EGU23-12828 | ECS | Orals | NH9.3

Evaluation of building damage during the July 2021 flash-flood in the Ahr Valley (Germany) 

Harish Selvam, Jan Oetjen, Davide Wüthrich, Paul A. Korswagen, and Holger Schüttrumpf

Heavy flash floods in Germany, which occurred in the aftermath of intense and long-lasting rainfalls (up to 150-200 l/m² within 48 h; CEDIM, 2021) in July 2021, led to serious damage to people, buildings and infrastructure. According to CEDIM (2021), the flash-flood caused at least 170 fatalities and 820 injuries. It is expected that it will take several years for buildings and infrastructure to recover from this catastrophic event.

The Ahr valley on the border between North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate (Germany) was particularly affected by the flood and was therefore selected as study area for in-situ investigations. These were conducted approximately one month after the event (August 17-19, 2021), and served to systematically assess the flood-induced building damage in nine villages. Damage was recorded on the basis of photos, flood measurements and personal conversations with affected residents (Korswagen et al., 2022).

In the aftermath of the survey, the information collected was used for describing the flood-induced damage in detail and to assess the processes that led to the structural failures. As key-findings, three main processes were identified as significantly accountable for flood induced damage to buidings:

  • Hydraulic loads: The survey revealed that the water that penetrated the interior of the building neutralized the hydrostatic pressure acting from the outside. Nevertheless, hydrodynamic forces were present, leading first to damage to the facade and then to structural failure. Further damage was caused by different water levels around the buildings, which led to structural stresses due to an uneven distribution of the load.
  • Scour and bank erosion exposed and undermined building foundations. Shallow-founded buildings adjacent to the river banks were the most vulnerable. Buildings on the outside and inside of river bends in particular need further attention in this regard.
  • Debris: The effects of water-borne debris played a significant role during the flood, not only due to direct impact damage, but also because debris accumulated and became entangled, forming debris-dams upstream of buildings. Accumulations at building openings resulted in increased impact areas and higher water-level gradients inside and outside of buildings, leading to significantly higher structural loads on buildings. In particular, it was noted that buildings located on the upstream part of the villages were more affected by debris accumulation.

Overall, the in-situ study highlights the importance of improving land use planning rules and guidelines, considering lessons learned from the July 2021 flash flood. Examples may include the need to reinforce buildings near river bends or in flood-prone areas with deep foundations, develop debris management plans that take into account the additional effects of debris during flash floods, and review, and if necessary, expand no-build zone regulations currently in place.


CEDIM (2021). Hochwasser Mitteleuropa, Juli 2021 (Deutschland). CEDIM Forensic Disaster Analysis (FDA) Group – Bericht 1 "Nordrhein-Westfalen & Rheinland-Pfalz". Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Karlsruhe, Germany. DOI: 10.5445/IR/1000135730

Korswagen, P.A., Harish, S., Oetjen, J., Wüthrich, D. (2022). Post-flood field survey of the Ahr Valley (Germany): Building damages and hydraulic aspects. 4TU Research Data, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands. DOI: 10.4233/uuid:3cafd772-facd-4e3a-8b1a-cee978562ff1

How to cite: Selvam, H., Oetjen, J., Wüthrich, D., Korswagen, P. A., and Schüttrumpf, H.: Evaluation of building damage during the July 2021 flash-flood in the Ahr Valley (Germany), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12828,, 2023.

EGU23-13586 | ECS | Orals | NH9.3

ICRED: A multi-stakeholder approach for assessing the resilience to disaster of small island communities 

Joan Pauline Talubo, Stephen Morse, and Devendra Saroj

Despite the ongoing challenge of the operationalization of the concept of resilience, it has become a significant global political agenda. However, the lack of integration among the sectors involved – academia, politicians, civil society, and local practitioners, has resulted in problems in the usefulness and efficacy in the operationalisation of the concept in the grassroots.  The lack of participation at the grassroots and the local practitioners’ level in developing indicators that has caused gaps in the definition, assessment, and operationalisation of the concept. The measurement of community resilience is considered a significant step towards reducing risk to disasters and increasing disaster preparedness and the capacity to adapt to various kinds of disaster. Assessment tools for resilience that were developed without the consideration of the insights, perspectives, knowledge, and experience of the stakeholders are in the danger of serving a different purpose which they were originally built for.

This paper introduces the Island Community Resilience to Disasters (ICRED) approach. An approach that is integrated, taking into account the different facets of a small island community’s resilience to disasters and aggregating the various indicators under the themes of small island disaster resilience. This approach is also multi-stakeholder, considering all the perspectives of the various stakeholders that play a role in the disaster resilience of a small island community – from the communities on ground, to the local decision-makers to the experts who work in the disaster risk management field.

How to cite: Talubo, J. P., Morse, S., and Saroj, D.: ICRED: A multi-stakeholder approach for assessing the resilience to disaster of small island communities, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13586,, 2023.

EGU23-15176 | ECS | Orals | NH9.3

Evaluation of resilience-building interventions according to resilience measurement frameworks: Empirical findings from the Flood Resilience Alliance communities 

Jung Hee Hyun, Stefan Velev, Naomi Rubenstein, Magdalena Richter, Dong Kun Lee, and Reinhard Mechler

The Flood Resilience Measurement for Communities (FRMC) framework and tool was developed with the aim to measure community level resilience to flooding in a reliable and useful way when “no general measurement framework for disaster resilience had been empirically verified yet.” (Winderl, 2014) Since its inception in 2013, the framework and tool has been implemented in more than 226 flood prone communities across the world and has been used as an evaluation metric to measure progress and helps to identify the possible areas for intervention. Discussing the results of the FRMC with the community can ideally empower them to take ownership of their flood resilience path by identifying goals and actions.

This study uses an inventory of more than 140 unique interventions implemented in the Flood Resilience Alliance communities to assess whether the FRMC was indeed informative in selecting and evaluating resilience-building interventions. We first conduct a ground truthing analysis of whether interventions correspond to each communities’ needs (lower grades of different sources of resilience). We further align and cross-check our empirical findings to field interview results. Second, we assess FRMC’s applicability to measure interventions using correlation analysis and applying scenario analysis to project flood resilience paths. Our study will contribute to developing resilience measurement frameworks that intentionally provide self-assessment information for decision-making.

How to cite: Hyun, J. H., Velev, S., Rubenstein, N., Richter, M., Lee, D. K., and Mechler, R.: Evaluation of resilience-building interventions according to resilience measurement frameworks: Empirical findings from the Flood Resilience Alliance communities, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15176,, 2023.

EGU23-15302 | ECS | Orals | NH9.3

Recovery Pathways from Extreme Flood Events: Lessons and Experiences of Flooding in Lagos, Nigeria 

Olasunkanmi Okunola and Saskia Werners

The recent increase in the frequency of flood episodes in cities of sub-Saharan Africa reveals the extent to which these cities are ill-equipped and prepared to reduce, adapt, learn and transform from future risks. One of such cities is Lagos, the foremost manufacturing and port city in West Africa. In recent years, the city has experienced frequent unprecedented flood events with devastating direct and indirect impacts on health, social, economic, and financial systems, notably for the vulnerable. Previous efforts by the state government to manage flood impacts have been towards distributing relief materials and relocating flood victims to temporary shelters. The repercussions of frequent extreme flood events necessitate the city to refocus efforts on climate-resilient recovery and not just response. Climate-resilient recovery entails taking a step back, and systemically reviewing all hazards and impacts to be expected, drivers of vulnerability and how to recover in an inclusive, equitable and resilient manner. This study therefore aim to understand the recovery process after previous flood events to build resilient equitable futures in this low-lying city. A multi-methods approach, which includes in-depth interviews, grey materials, and policy document analysis, was adopted to assess the impacts of flood risks, recovery experiences, as well as conceptualize and identify recovery indicators and governance strategies in the study area. Of particular interest is the exploration of the extent to which the current existing institutions and policy frameworks have been a barrier or enabler for climate-resilient recovery and what we can learn from this about how institutions and policy frameworks can build resilience after extreme events. We argue that institutions and the associated policy frameworks and political will play an essential role in building holistic and comprehensive climate-resilient recovery to extreme weather events. These themes have been explored within the broader scope of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015 - 2030.

How to cite: Okunola, O. and Werners, S.: Recovery Pathways from Extreme Flood Events: Lessons and Experiences of Flooding in Lagos, Nigeria, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15302,, 2023.

Residents are increasingly expected to take adaptive actions to reduce risks and to strengthen resilience in the case of extreme events, like floods (e.g. Begg et al., 2017). In recent years, the focus of flood risk management (FRM) has shifted from structural, mainly government-led interventions, to more integrated approaches which stress the responsibility of households to protect themselves from flood damages (Kuhlicke et al., 2020). However, especially in the case of pluvial flooding, the uptake of measures at the household level is still low. To appraise the adaptive behaviour of households, research typically uses adaptive capacity as the main proxy (Grothmann & Reusswig, 2006; Mortreux et al. 2020). However, it is increasingly clear that high levels of adaptive capacity do not necessarily lead to high levels of private adaptation (Mortreux et al. 2020). A better theoretical and empirical understanding of the gap between adaptive capacity and action is therefore urgently needed.

This paper, therefore, addresses the following questions:

(1) What kinds of measures are (not) taken by what kind of households?

(2) What are the most decisive factors explaining why households become active to protect themselves?

(3) How are the taken measures related to the adaptive capacity of households?

Our study is based on a survey conducted in early 2022 with 1,615 households in a region in Upper Bavaria (Oberland region), Germany, which is heavily affected by increasing floods. Being one of the most affluent and dynamically growing regions in Germany, the adaptive capacity of households and communities is comparatively high. Yet, adaptation action remains at a rather low level. Therefore, the study region forms an excellent test case to investigate a possible “capacity-action gap”.


By means of descriptive statistics and regression analysis, different sets of private measures (building measures and insurance uptake) are linked to household profiles. Thereby, exposure, vulnerability, and different dimensions of the adaptive capacity of the household are taken into account. Our results indicate a “capacity-action-gap” (Schubert et al., forthcoming). In fact, variables such as property ownership, risk awareness and previous flood experience have far more explanatory power whereas classical adaptive capacity indicators such as education and income only serve as proxies for a few related variables (e.g., property ownership and coping capacity).

With these insights into households’ practices and perceptions, we want to contribute to a more nuanced and critical discussion on the trend of individualizing responsibilities in FRM. Thus, the question is how to achieve a resilient society in the coming years, if even those households which are endowed with sufficient resources cannot be expected to adapt out of their own free choice and on their own.

How to cite: Schubert, A., von Streit, A., and Garschagen, M.: Unravelling the „capacity-action-gap”: An exploration of the difficult role of adaptive capacity in explaining the uptake of private flood risk adaptation measures, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15522,, 2023.

EGU23-15551 | ECS | Orals | NH9.3 | Highlight

Strategies and evaluation criteria for retention areas in reconstruction processes – new perspectives and open research questions based on the case study Ahr Valley 

Holger Sauter, Alessa Trüdinger, Jörn Birkmann, Stefanie Wolf, and Martha Wingen

Strategies and evaluation criteria for retention areas in reconstruction processes – new perspectives and open research questions based on the case study Ahr Valley

In summer 2021 parts of Western Germany, especially North-Rhine Westphalia and Rhineland Palatinate was hit severely by devastating floods resulting from  the cyclone "Bernd" with almost stationary and high precipitation of 115 mm rain in 72 h (Kreienkamp et al. 2021). The resulting damage of the flood event was the highest since decades in Germany with a high number of damaged buildings and infrastructure and around 189 fatalities (DKKV 2022). The Ahr-Valley in the federal state of Rhineland-Palatinate was the most severely affected region.

After one and a half years, the region and affected municipalities are still in the process of reconstruction and facing enormous challenges. Anyway, in order to better cope with future events the responsible planning authorities strive to develop strategies for flood prevention and flood risk reduction. In this regard, the identification of areas for effective water-retention measures and the designation of open corridors for runoff with reduced damage potential plays a crucial role. Possible measures range from adaptations in land use and cultivation patterns or nature based solutions to technical retention systems. Due to this variety of possible measures, which can have different resource requirements and different legal or financial dependencies, a systematic evaluation of potential measures is necessary.

Against this background, this study aims at answering the questions on how to systematize and prioritize measures for potential water-retention areas and lowering flood damage potential while considering constraints and challenges during the reconstruction process after a major flood. In addition to common planning criteria, aspects of land allocation need to be taken into account and different levels of feasibility of a certain measure need to be considered. Therefore, we analyze and systematize the multitude of possible retention measures. Based on this research and on expert discussions with relevant actors in the Ahr-Valley we present and discuss a set of criteria for evaluation.

The results of this study can help to inform political decision makers and planning authorities for land use and urban planning and support decisions on allocation of areas. Furthermore, the paper discusses which measures and strategies should be prepared long before a flood disaster for successful preparedness and improvement of flood prevention.



DKKV (Hrsg.,2022): Die Flutkatastrophe im Juli 2021. Ein Jahr danach: Aufarbeitung und erste Lehren für die Zukunft.DKKV-Schriftenreihe Nr. 62, Bonn

Kreienkamp F, Philip SY, Tradowsky JS, Kew SF, Lorenz P, Arrighi J, Belleflamme A, Bettmann T, Caluwaerts S, Chan SC (2021) Rapid attribution of heavy rainfall events leading to the severe flooding in Western Europe during July 2021

How to cite: Sauter, H., Trüdinger, A., Birkmann, J., Wolf, S., and Wingen, M.: Strategies and evaluation criteria for retention areas in reconstruction processes – new perspectives and open research questions based on the case study Ahr Valley, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15551,, 2023.

EGU23-15855 | ECS | Orals | NH9.3 | Highlight

Resilience analysis in tourism destinations: Reflections from a development cooperation project 

Elena Eckert, Eva Posch, and Benni Thiebes

Cross-cutting industries such as tourism face many risks due to an increase of hazards as well as underlying socio-economic drivers. These developments have reinforced the necessity to build resilience and include risk-informed management in tourism. While these approaches have evolved as key concepts in research, development practice, and in the private sector, tourism destinations in the Global South often lack data, financial resources, or institutional capacities for analysing and managing risks and build resilience. The project ‘Destination Resilience’ examined how disaster resilience in tourism destinations in the Global South can be best analysed and strengthened. We developed a 5-step approach that supports the analysis and management of different risks in tourism destinations and involves a wide set of tourism actors from private and public sectors to enhance the overall resilience of their destinations. The 5-step approach consists of a variety of participatory methods including focus groups, gallery walks, workshop discussions and questionnaires and was implemented in Sri Lanka, the Dominican Republic, and Namibia. Following the 5-step approach, we analysed the tourism system, identified key risks for tourism in the given destinations (e.g., floods, landslides, hurricanes, and droughts) and explored options for action to build disaster resilience. Based on an evaluation workshop, content analysis and expert interviews, we explored and tested the approach in terms of its social functionality, technical applicability, and cultural transferability as well as its ability to improve risk awareness among tourism actors. Our findings indicate that addressing risks in tourism destinations is complex due to the systemic character and complex interplay of risks and the tourism industry. The findings also highlight the importance (a) to engage a wide range of stakeholders to overcome issues such as data availability or lack of feeling of responsibility; (b) to address tourism destinations as systems consisting of a wide set of actors; (c) to use common terminology across sectors and countries; and (d) to proactively address risk in tourism destinations. The described research activities have been implemented by DKKV and Futouris with support of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

How to cite: Eckert, E., Posch, E., and Thiebes, B.: Resilience analysis in tourism destinations: Reflections from a development cooperation project, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15855,, 2023.

Against the backdrop of the unpreventable impacts of climate change and ongoing debates about how manifested losses and damages from climate related disasters could be addressed , it is important to not only make progress in climate change mitigation and adaptation, but to also engage with the topic of post-disaster recovery. The guiding principle of recovery as defined in the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030 is “Building Back Better”, and involves systematically incorporating disaster risk reduction measures into the recovery process. Under this framing, research to date has focused primarily on how to implement Building Back Better as a top-down process. Offering an alternative approach to understanding recovery, I investigate how values, rules, and knowledge shape the recovery pathways of winegrowers after the 2021 floods in the Ahr valley.

We derive from conducted interviews, that most affected winegrowers plan to continue winegrowing at their former location. The decision is partly driven by the perception that winegrowing is generally a profitable business opportunity and by values like achievement and self-direction.. Along the wine production chain, the most fundamental change is observable in the marketing and sales section. As technical rules inherent in existing sales infrastructure like restaurants and hotels are broken, while the digital infrastructure improved significantly in response to COVID-19, a long-lasting shift towards online markets and wholesale is discussed among winegrowers. Knowledge of the threat of a flood recurrence or other climate change-related impacts does not fundamentally influence first recovery decisions.

To better understand ‘building back better’ in recovery, we analyse how affected actors envision their recovery, along with the interaction of values, rules, and knowledge. We reveal dilemmas that prevent the implementation of Building Back Better in recovery and stories of hope, which enable it. On this basis, we argue that recovery on the ground must be understood as part of ongoing political struggles.. Furthermore, establishing a plan to adapt to climate change before a disaster strikes can serve as a guiding vision for recovery. Measuring the recovery success as the time passed until the disaster site is physically reconstructed, as often done,  falls short of considering aspects of recovery like building a shared memory of the disaster as a basis for risk awareness. Lastly, the co-occurrence of COVID-19 and the flood showed how winegrowers were better equipped to respond to the flood due to recovery and adaptation measures previously set up in response to COVID-19. Building on this observation, we suggest moving forward with the idea of “systemic recovery”, propagating the success of interventions from one hazard to another.

How to cite: Hassel, J. and Werners, S.: Understanding recovery: The role of values, rules, and knowledge in recovery of winegrowers after the 2021 floods in the Ahr valley, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16026,, 2023.

EGU23-16327 | ECS | Orals | NH9.3

A systematic screening for potential retention areas in the Ahr valley  

Martha Wingen, Stefanie Wolf, Maybelle Kroll, Holger Sauter, Elena Klopries, Björn Guse, and Holger Schüttrumpf

The flood event in the Ahr valley in mid-July 2021 surpassed all previous events since the installation of gauging stations on the river (Szymczak et al. 2022) between 1952 and 1991 (Land NRW 2022; LfU 2013a, 2013b). The high-energy flash flood caused severe damage (Kahle et al. 2022; Schüttrumpf et al. 2022), and several gauging stations were either destroyed or malfunctioned (Berkler et al. 2022).

As a part of flood prevention efforts, the systematic evaluation of potential retention areas supports the development of recommended measures. Depending on the availability of land and the type of flood event, technical measures can provide different retention volumes. These systems are effective for floods with different annual frequencies. If the flood of mid-July 2021 is used as a benchmark and if retention potentials should be activated for events of HQ100 or higher, then approximately 20-35 million cubic meters of retention space would need to be kept available according to initial estimates. Natural measures, such as floodplain restoration and adapted land use practices, can provide additional retention potential.

The Ahr valley is very steep, with narrow forelands shaped by past floods. These conditions limit the potential for technical retention measures such as large dams. Additionally, the largest tributary only accounts for around 12 % of the total catchment area, thus no obvious location for a single universal retention measure exists. Around 55 % of the Ahr catchment is covered by forest, while around 7 % is urban or sealed, and vineyards only make up 1 %. However, improvements in land use practices and retention measures should still be considered. In the Ahr valley, there are approximately 31 square kilometres (~3 % of the catchment) of areas with a surface slope below 10 degrees outside of urban and industrial areas where the feasibility of retention measures can be examined. Promising areas must be balanced with a multitude of conflicting interests, such as nature conservation, regional and urban planning, or the interests of land owners.

Berkler SB, Bettmann T, Böhm M, Thomas N, Gerlach N, Hengst A, Henrichs Y, Heppelmann T, Iber C, Johst M, Lehmann H, Stickel S, van der Heijden S, Wallisch S (2022) Bericht: Hochwasser im Juli 2021, Mainz.

Kahle M, Kempf M, Martin B, Glaser R (2022) Classifying the 2021 ‘Ahrtal’ flood event using hermeneutic interpretation, natural language processing, and instrumental data analyses. Environ. Res. Commun. 4:51002.

Land NRW (2022) ELWAS-WEB: dl-de/by-2-0 (

LfU (2013a) Messdaten: Pegel Bad Bodendorf / Gewässer: Ahr. Messdaten: Pegel Bad Bodendorf / Gewässer

LfU (2013b) Messdaten: Pegel Müsch / Gewässer: Ahr

Schüttrumpf H, Brüll C, Klopries E-M, Lehmkuhl F, Wolf SS (2022) Das Hochwasser 2021 in Nordrhein-Westfalen und Rheinland-Pfalz : Beobachtungen und Erfahrungen. In: Wasserwirtschaft im Klimawandel": digitale 55. Essener Tagung für Wasserwirtschaft, Institut für Siedlungswasserwirtschaft der RWTH Aachen University

Szymczak S, Backendorf F, Bott F, Fricke K, Junghänel T, Walawender E (2022) Impacts of Heavy and Persistent Precipitation on Railroad Infrastructure in July 2021: A Case Study from the Ahr Valley, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. Atmosphere 13:1118.

How to cite: Wingen, M., Wolf, S., Kroll, M., Sauter, H., Klopries, E., Guse, B., and Schüttrumpf, H.: A systematic screening for potential retention areas in the Ahr valley , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16327,, 2023.

EGU23-16900 | ECS | Posters virtual | NH9.3

Appraisal of Freeboard for a Single-family Residence in United States 

Rubayet Bin Mostafiz, Ayat Al Assi, Md Adilur Rahim, and Carol Friedland

Valuation of hazard-resistant construction, including the economic benefits of elevation for homes in Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA), is essential to increase consumer, builder, and government actions to incentivize flood mitigation measures. Previous studies have documented the economic benefits of elevated homes for flood mitigation using a benefit cost ratio (BCR) and the annual flood risk reduction (i.e., avoided average annual losses). Although these studies have shown economic benefits from elevating homes, consumer behavior and the market value of homes do not consistently reflect these benefits. This study evaluates the appraisal value of adding elevation within the standard 30-year mortgage period by considering a home’s net operating income (NOI), the difference between effective gross income (EGI) and operating expenses (OpEx). The proposed method determines a homeowner’s annual EGI by treating a home purchase as an income-producing property. The cost of elevation, flood insurance premium, homeowner’s insurance, property tax, and flood risk (i.e., average annual loss) are amortized over the 30-year mortgage period and considered as the main parameters of the annual OpEx for an owner-occupied home. To demonstrate the methodology, the EGI and OpEx are evaluated at elevation increments of +1, +2, +3, and +4 feet (e.g., freeboard).  A case study for a hypothetical single-family, one-story home in Jefferson Parish, Louisiana, reveals that cumulative appraised value increase for each foot of freeboard is $4,828, $10,186, $15,591, and $20,998 for a 30-year mortgage period. The results of this study demonstrate the economic benefit and cost effectiveness of elevation and document a critical gap in appraisal valuation.

How to cite: Mostafiz, R. B., Al Assi, A., Rahim, M. A., and Friedland, C.: Appraisal of Freeboard for a Single-family Residence in United States, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16900,, 2023.

For the Stuttgart region, as a polycentric, highly dense area with strong economic growth, adapting to the effects of climate change is a key prerequisite for maintaining the quality of life and living in the region’s 179 towns and communities, as well as the security and competitiveness of the region as a whole. The region is already characterized by serious summer heat stress and air quality problems. Heavy rain events, such as the one most recently in July 2021, have repeatedly hit important infrastructure facilities. Adapting to such events and their impact is a priority for the region, as is creating more housing for the growing population and space for the growing economy. In order to avoid conflicts between these and other goals, an integrative strategic spatial planning approach at the city-regional level is required. This not requires up-to-date information on the probability and spatial distribution of heat stress and heavy rain events and spatially differentiated information on the vulnerability of society and the physical urban and regional structures. In order to reduce damage from extreme precipitation events and reduce the health effects of heat stress, regional and local planners need to know where the greatest need for adaptation lies while considering future processes of social change and changes in land use. Reliable methods for surveying and spatially representing vulnerabilities and adaptation needs and for integrating this with information about climate hazards and physical structures are lacking. In this talk, we illustrate this problem using the example of the Stuttgart region. We present an approach to record and evaluate the current and future vulnerability in the Stuttgart region using socio-economic and settlement-structural parameters.

How to cite: McMillan, J. and Göttsche, F.: An integrative spatial approach to reducing risk posed by heat and heavy rainfall for the growing polycentric region of Stuttgart, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17087,, 2023.

Successful operationalisations for sustainable and resilient climate risk- (CRM), disaster risk- (DRM) and crisis management (CM) in general is not easy for affected disaster-damaged regions. In case, different regions are concurrently impacted, co-benefiting communication, assessment, planning and management, decision-making as well as benchmarking in kinds of well working solutions for similar needs or risks in each region are not effortless. If regions are not lying within same administrative coordination responsibility, the more complex coordination is getting. The chance for well adjusted planning, data and communication channels within a Transboundary Systems Provision (TSP) must be critically evaluated in case of aiming to strengthen sustainability and resilience. Especially in case of a combined, region-overarching (benchmarking) perspective and planning for a sustainable CRM, DRM and CM, the to be implemented topics of sustainability, land- and environmental systems thinking, and transformative science for enhancing an optimized land resilience are aggravating a fluent, transparent and on the ground processing way.
Catalyst of this research was the flood disaster in mid-July 2021 and simultaneously threatening COVID-19 pandemics in Ahr valley in the states of Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia, surrounding regions in Germany, and in Belgium. Topical entrance into this case study was a (short-termed) initiative field and action research about sustainable development, resilience and general planning combined land- and environmental systems processing, leading to constructive solution transferors against devastating natural hazards for CRM, DRM and post-catastrophic CM.
A by the author for Lusatia, implied Spree Forest Region, possibly for worldwide regions developed, applied innovative theoretical approach, and verbal-argumentative model was approved for operationalizing into the flood-destroyed Ahr Valley Region. Spatially determining different sustainable and resilient aspects through the regional planning level, landscape scale with the planning instrument of landscape units, and by the help of the operationally implanting „Climate Adaptive Land Use within Landscape Units and Drought and Water Management” (CA(LU)²WA) proactive landscape meta-model should guide into a chance for TSP.
The first results of the short-termed field research being based on past, long-termed theoretical combined applied research pillars show that the framework with its applied instrumentations such as the landscape units and the transboundary river basin areas is not only specialized on ideal „prototype region“ of Lusatia and inhabited Spree Forest. Instead, it is able to overbridge risks and needs parallelly in different, and diverse regions while being a transmitter to enable TSP, transformative research for more (land) resilience, sustainability and practice processes in the Ahr Valley and surrounding regions.
Gaining regional (land) resilience in the flood disaster-, COVID-19-impacted Ahr valley together with the further affected regions require greatest amounts of data availability and transferability and in the same time communication, courage, and hope. TSP and the CA(LU)²WA framework is coupled with innovative and well-known assessment methodologies to rebuild simultaneously several destroyed regions, reconstructing them together in a high-ranged, sustainable, resilient future-saving, capacity-building flagship way. This research supports processes around the four pillars in sustainable development and resilience transformations on regional level and landscape scale for buffering future climate change-, disaster-, crisis-related pressures.

How to cite: Reinstädtler, S.: Transboundary systems provision for sustainable and resilient climate risk-, disaster risk- and crisis management in the flood disaster-damaged Ahr Valley in Germany - Implementing Spree Forest and Lusatia Regions Land and Environmental Systems Model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17119,, 2023.

EGU23-27 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.4

Flood vulnerability curves and household flood damage mitigation measures: an econometric analysis of survey data 

Thijs Endendijk, Wouter Botzen, Hans de Moel, Jeroen Aerts, Kymo Slager, and Matthijs Kok

Natural disasters, such as flood events, are expected to increase in their frequency and severity, which results in higher flood risk without additional adaptation measures. The information gained from flood risk models is essential in flood risk management. However, vulnerability model components in the form of depth-damage curves are often a large driver of uncertainty and empirical vulnerability curves are rarely estimated due to a lack of damage data from flood events. This study uses a unique dataset with experienced damages and the implementation of flood damage mitigation (FDM) measures on the household level, collected after the flood event in the Netherlands in 2021. Two main findings emerge from an analysis of this dataset. First, depth-damage curves that control for several hazard, exposure and vulnerability indicators are estimated. These curves serve as an update to current input in flood risk models, where previous vulnerability estimates from the Netherlands are based from a flood event in the 1950s. Second, it is found that previous studies on the effectiveness of FDM measures are prone to a selection bias, as households that do and do not take FDM measures systematically differ in their risk profiles. By using an Instrumental Variable (IV)-estimation, this study overcomes this selection bias and finds significant reductions in flood damage to both buildings and household contents due to FDM measures.

How to cite: Endendijk, T., Botzen, W., de Moel, H., Aerts, J., Slager, K., and Kok, M.: Flood vulnerability curves and household flood damage mitigation measures: an econometric analysis of survey data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-27,, 2023.

A prototype tool (DynEcon) for dynamic societal cost benefit analyses was used to produce simple estimates of future costs of traffic disruption caused by one or more rail and road bridge failures from 100-year flooding(s) in the Santarem Region. The focus was on quantification of different types of consequences. A project period until year 2100 was chosen to include adverse events in the far future. Future private and professional vehicle flows before and after disruptions were calculated for 36 scenarios considering declining rural and semi-rural populations destinations and increasing GDP over time. Potential cascading effects from detours and mode transfer at future time points were estimated. The additional fuel and vehicle costs for personal cars and trucks, time losses for professional and private drivers, and external costs for rural and semi-rural population subjected to increased traffic were estimated. The sizes of these costs, depend on the size and composition of the vehicle fleets at time of each disruption. Local and global emissions from fossil fuels the next twenty years will be reduced as the older most polluting vehicles in the vehicle fleets are phased out and newer vehicles must satisfy even more stringent emission and design standards. In addition, EC greening policies and electrification will reduce the amounts of combustion related pollutants dramatically. Prices of Diesel and Petrol were assumed to increase over time. The costs of accidents have decreased due to improved protection from the vehicles and is predicted to continue to decrease due to more intelligent vehicles and smart road infra-structure. Noise, air-pollution due to road wear, and road maintenance costs per km were assumed to remain stable. Costs of CO2-emissions and time delay costs of private and professional drivers were modelled as increasing over time. The additional disability-adjusted life years(DALYs) from local air pollution and noise, were estimated using exposure effect relationships and DALY impact estimates from WHO. A monetary DALY-value was assigned, and the sum costs calculated. To harmonize cost estimates for Portugal having a lower GDP than Norway, costs were scaled down.

The dynamic cost benefit tool applies Monte Carlo simulations in a two-step procedure. In the first step a population of e.g. 1000 sets of 100-year flooding events occurring between 2021 and 2100 are generated using knowledge on climate change, flooding characteristics, scour etc. Future annual costs until 2100 are generated using growth models. Since all parameters and growth models are associated with uncertainties, the second step derives the uncertainty distribution of economic result indicators and confidence intervals. An online web-based Monte Carlo framework such as DynEcon could enable researchers to cooperate on different parts of the patchwork necessary for analyses of resilience policies that include hazards occurring late century.

How to cite: Klæboe, R. and Eidsvig, U.: Using a Monte Carlo framework for assessing future costs of major transport disruptions from seldom occurring natural hazards, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2832,, 2023.

EGU23-3020 | ECS | Posters virtual | NH9.4

Flood Risk Assessment for Single-Family Home in A Zone 

Ayat Al Assi, Rubayet Bin Mostafiz, Carol J. Friedland, Robert V Rohli, and Md Adilur Rahim

In the United States, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) delineates 100-year flood zones (special flood hazard area (SFHA) in the U.S.A.) to define flood risks and insurance rates. Quantifying flood risk in the SFHA which is the area of high risk of flooding is vital for individual, communities, and decision makers to minimize flood consequences. Flood risk is assessed as the product of the probability of flooding and the consequences associated with its occurrence. The unavailability of the modeled flood depth data for 100- year return period or for all return periods in most of SFHA’s areas make quantifying flood risk is challenging. This research develops a systematic approach that generates a synthetic flood parameter to quantify flood risk in A Zone- portion of the SFHA in which the potential base flood wave height is between 0.0 and 3.0 feet. The synthetic flood hazard parameters are generated in 100-year floodplain considering different flooding scenarios, and the flood risk is quantified in terms of average annual loss (AAL) at 100-year flood elevation (E100), and with an additional elevation above E100 for single-family home with different attribute located in A Zone. The results reveal that the AAL for single-family home (i.e., one vs. two-plus stories, with vs. without basement), at E100  and located in A Zone ranging of 0.27–0.98 percent of replacement cost value. The methodology and results generated in this research will benefit homeowners, engineers, surveyors, and community planners in enhancing resilience to the flood hazard in A Zone.

How to cite: Al Assi, A., Mostafiz, R. B., Friedland, C. J., Rohli, R. V., and Rahim, M. A.: Flood Risk Assessment for Single-Family Home in A Zone, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3020,, 2023.

EGU23-3034 | ECS | Orals | NH9.4 | Highlight

Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Seismic Reinforcement Plans 

Szu-Yun Lin and Chia-Hung Wang

Owing to the aging of built environment, many cities are facing the increasing of disasters impact and risk. Reinforcing the existing buildings is one common strategy. This study aims to provide a reference for the reinforcement plan of private buildings through life cycle cost and benefit analysis from the perspective of the society as a whole. First, the seismic reinforcement strategies in different countries are reviewed for identifying suitable target buildings. The total annual earthquake loss related to the characteristics of building is assessed through the capacity spectrum method, fragility curves, and probabilistic seismic hazard analysis. The construction cost and reinforcement cost are estimated by historical data, and then the equivalent uniform annual cost method is used to analyze the life cycle cost of a certain reinforcement strategy. The privately owned buildings in Taipei City, Taiwan were analyzed to demonstrate the proposed method. The priority of reinforcement was determined by different vulnerability and risk measures of each building, and four different reinforcement strategies were compared in the case study. The results show that the proposed method can provide an objective reference for arranging the reinforcement order and economic-effectively reducing the impact of earthquakes on the whole community.

How to cite: Lin, S.-Y. and Wang, C.-H.: Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Seismic Reinforcement Plans, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3034,, 2023.

EGU23-3322 | Posters on site | NH9.4

How to deal with uncertain data for property loss assesment due to Natural Hazards ? 

Florent Lobligeois and Guillaume Magnan
Natural hazards are a systemic risk for the insurance industry and the assesment of the stochastic losses covered by the underwritten policies is fundamental to ensure the insurance company solvability and the protection of its customers. AXA Group develops and operationnaly uses complex sophisticated modeling platorms to quantify the impact of natural events in terms of insured losses: from hazard physical-modeling to risk vulnerability and financial computations. Unfortunately, in practice, the loss assesments are strongly impacted by the model uncertainties (theoretically challenging and computationally expensive) and the quality of the input data.
A basic framework to quantify the impact of data quality on modeled loss results has been developed within AXA Group to produce pragmatic and operational loss best-estimates taking into account low-quality or unknown input data. This Data Quality Risk (DQR) framework which relies on four pillars, (i) availibility (ii) granularity (iii) completeness and (iv) reliability, is applied on a list of predefined risk drivers (risk characteristics, geocoding ...) and then loads the model results. The DQR methodology is operationally used for a financial solvability model and serves as an essential input to natural event loss assesment and (re)insurance protection purposes.

How to cite: Lobligeois, F. and Magnan, G.: How to deal with uncertain data for property loss assesment due to Natural Hazards ?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3322,, 2023.

EGU23-5795 | ECS | Orals | NH9.4 | Highlight

Learning Scenarios: A New Method for the Economic Appraisal of Adaptation Decisions 

Vanessa Völz and Jochen Hinkel

There is wide consensus that many adaptation decisions are multi-stage decisions shaped by future learning through observations, as the growing literature of adaptation pathways shows [1]. However, most methods for economic appraisal of adaptation decisions (e.g. cost-benefit analysis) do not consider future learning through observations. Methods that do consider future learning through observations (e.g. real-option analysis [2] and optimal control studies [3]) require specific projections of critical variables (e.g. sea level rise or precipitation), which we will call learning scenarios [4]. Learning scenarios are a generalisation of static projections (used by cost-benefit analysis) in that they do not only provide trajectories of values of future critical variables as seen from today, but also as seen from future moments in time (e.g., sea level trajectories from 2050 onwards assuming that, e.g., 40 cm of sea level rise has been experienced until 2050). Such learning scenarios are not publicly available, instead, scientists independently generate them based on static projections. The consideration of learning scenarios in adaptation decision-making results in adaptive adaptation strategies, which plan future adaptation decisions conditional on actual future observations. The crucial benefit of such methods, in contrast to traditional cost-benefit analysis, is that they quantify the value of future learning in combination with flexible adaptation options and thereby justify whether implementing flexible adaptation options today are worth the extra costs, or if waiting for further knowledge is beneficial [5]. This can lead to reduced adaptation costs compared to traditional methods that ignore future learning through observations. This contribution i) presents a novel method to generate learning scenarios; ii) applies this method to generate learning scenarios for sea level rise based on AR6 and iii) applies this learning scenario within a case study in Lübeck at the Baltic sea to evaluate adaptation and flood damage costs.



[1] Werners, S., Wise, R., Butler, J., Totin, E. and Vincent, K. (2021). Adaptation pathways: A review of approaches and a learning framework. Environmental Science & Policy, Volume 116, Pages 266-275.

[2] Ginbo, T., Corato, L.D. & Hoffmann, R. (2020). Investing in climate change adaptation and mitigation: A methodological review of real-options studies. Ambio, 50(1):229–241.

[3] Herman, J.D., Quinn, J.D., Steinschneider, S., Giuliani, M., Fletcher, S. (2020). Climate adaptation as a control problem: Review and perspectives on dynamic water resources planning under uncertainty. Water Resources Research, 56. doi:10.1029/2019wr025502.

[4] Hinkel, J., Church, J.A., Gregory, J.M., Lambert, E., Cozannet, G.L., Lowe, J., McInnes, K.L., Nicholls, R.J., Pol, T.D., Wal, R. (2019). Meeting user needs for sea level rise information: A decision analysis perspective. Earth's Future 7, 320–337. doi:10.1029/2018ef001071.

[5] Kind, J. M., Baayen, J. H., & Botzen, W. J. W. (2018). Benefits and limitations of real options analysis for the practice of river flood risk management. Water Resources Research, 54 (4), 3018–3036. doi:10.1002/2017wr022402.

How to cite: Völz, V. and Hinkel, J.: Learning Scenarios: A New Method for the Economic Appraisal of Adaptation Decisions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5795,, 2023.

EGU23-6308 | Posters on site | NH9.4 | Highlight

LiveCat : Development of an internal global real-time disaster loss estimation tool 

Morgane Terrier
LiveCat is a disaster response tool operationally used at AXA to provide impact assessment at group level within 24 hours of a natural event occurrence. It covers several natural catastrophe perils at a global scale: earthquakes, floods, cyclones, European windstorms, etc. Providing a rapid loss estimation is essential for operational purposes such as claims management and communication to key stakeholders, to quickly deliver a response proportional to the event’s magnitude and likely impact.
The overall methodology consists of (1) recovering or generating an alert according to a predefined threshold, (2) defining the event spatial characteristics and intensity, (3) identifying AXA customers and insured value within the event footprint, (4) modeling destruction rates and applying contractual terms (co-insurance, deductibles, limits, etc.), (5) estimating the claims number and associated losses and (6) generating the appropriate reporting and communication supports.
LiveCat is directly integrated within the modelling ecosystem deployed at AXA and its internal R&D and expertise on natural hazards. Several internal AXA tools are supporting this impact assessment platform: a global insurance contract database gathering 40m+ insured risks (with detailed physical, financial and coverage descriptions), an internal hazard and financial modeling platform (running internal cat models at event scale and producing loss estimates per risk), and our internal geospatial solution for Nat Cat underwriting.
Finally, LiveCat estimates are refined post-event and archived to consolidate the assessment of model backtesting and modelling methodology by matching actual collected claims and field feedback.

How to cite: Terrier, M.: LiveCat : Development of an internal global real-time disaster loss estimation tool, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6308,, 2023.

EGU23-7473 | Posters on site | NH9.4

Impacts of successive climatic events on a wine cooperative system 

Pauline Bremond, Frédéric Grelot, Maxime Modjeska, David Nortes Martinez, and Justine Panégos
The analysis of impacts of climatic events on socioeconomic systems is based on the collection of post-event data. However, this method rarely describes the processes and the decisions that generated the impacts. Yet, counting on thorough descriptions of those processes and decisions, although very time-consuming, takes on its full meaning when several climatic phenomena follow one another on complex economic systems.

In the Mediterranean context, and moreover in the context of climate change, it is not uncommon for several climatic hazards to follow one another. For agricultural activities, whose harvests and thus added value are produced over several months, this implies that a production campaign can be affected by different events (e.g. frost, hail, drought, flooding, etc.), causing the strategy of the various actors involved to be readjusted.

We propose to address the problem of the analysis of the succession of two climatic events for the estimation of the impacts on a complex economic system through the case study of a wine cooperative located in the department of Aude in the South-West of France which was affected during the 2021 production campaign by a frost in March and a flood in September at the time of the harvest.

We are interested in three questions: (i) are there impacts resulting specifically from the succession of both climatic events?; (ii) are there impacts resulting from the organisational links between the winegrowers (individual level) and the wine-making cooperative (collective level)?; (iii) which indicators are relevant to highlight them?

In our case study, the cooperative winery brings together 128 winegrowers representing 1100 ha and has three vinification sites. 65 winegrowers out of the 128 were impacted by at least one of the events. To analyse the impacts of both events on the cooperative, we carried out a questionnaire-type survey among the affected winegrowers. We obtained 57 responses to the preliminary questionnaire and 33 exhaustive interviews. Three interviews were also conducted with the managers in charge of the winery during this campaign. After an initial analysis of the results, we presented and discussed these results with the representatives and some of the winegrowers surveyed.

The consolidation of the analyses is still in progress. However, this work already shows that there are cross-effects resulting from the succession of both events. For instance, our surveys enable us to discern the loss of quality or yield due to biophysical processes (e.g. frost, berries' rotting or bursting) from loss of quality due to organizational impacts at the winegrower level (e.g. inaccessibility of the plots at the time of harvesting due to flooding that aggravates the loss of quality). We also show that the succession of events generated specific impacts linked to collective readjustment decisions taken at the winery level. We will discuss the scope of this analysis and the interest of this approach to consider possible adaptations to be implemented.


How to cite: Bremond, P., Grelot, F., Modjeska, M., Nortes Martinez, D., and Panégos, J.: Impacts of successive climatic events on a wine cooperative system, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7473,, 2023.

EGU23-7503 | ECS | Orals | NH9.4

Integrating green and grey measures for rockfall protection: technical and economic aspects 

Stefano Bruzzese, Simone Blanc, Filippo Brun, Battista Taboni, Gessica Umili, and Anna Maria Ferrero

Forests can effectively mitigate rockfall risk in mountainous contexts, acting as “nature-based solutions” (NBS). However, the use of artificial structures, for example, rockfall barriers, is usually necessary and complementary to ensure continuous and effective protection of specific elements at risk. In this work, we evaluate the forest protection service and the complementary effectiveness between NBS and rockfall barriers. The case study analysed, known as Alpe di Bazena, is located in the Italian Alps (municipality of Breno); it is a coniferous forest of about 8 hectares that, together with existing flexible barriers, protect from recurrent rockfall phenomena the underlying provincial road SP 345. At present, the forest partly fulfils its protective role, having been damaged by storm Vaia in 2018. Results from recent studies focused on the identification of rockfall source areas and block volume distribution were used for characterizing rockfall phenomena. For the economic evaluation of the forest protection service, the ASFORESEE model was used and a scenario analysis was carried out with four different levels of protection desired by stakeholders: 25, 50, 75 and 100%. The results show the effectiveness of the forest protection for all scenarios, with an estimated annual unit value of approximately 7,000 € ha-1 y -1 for both the first three scenarios, where the role played by the forest is sufficient, and in the last scenario, where an undersized rockfall barrier is required to complement the forest's action. This study proves quantitatively that the integration of green and grey measures could represent an optimization strategy in terms of costs and environmental benefits when dealing with rockfall phenomena.

How to cite: Bruzzese, S., Blanc, S., Brun, F., Taboni, B., Umili, G., and Ferrero, A. M.: Integrating green and grey measures for rockfall protection: technical and economic aspects, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7503,, 2023.

EGU23-8379 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.4

Systematic extraction of urban poor-centred multi-hazard impacts from DesInventar Sendai: a case study of Kathmandu Valley, Nepal 

Harriet E. Thompson, Bruce D. Malamud, Faith E. Taylor, Joel C. Gill, Robert Šakić Trogrlić, and Melanie J. Duncan

Reporting of hazard impacts in international disaster databases predominantly focuses on single hazard events and their direct impacts. Moreover, impacts on the urban poor are often excluded from these databases despite the disproportionate burden experienced by these communities. Here we describe a systematic approach to extract multi-hazard impact information from DesInventar Sendai. The study focuses on urban poor-centred impacts, in this case impacts on slums and squatter settlements, of past multi-hazard events that have affected Kathmandu Valley, Nepal.

First, we identified the main primary natural hazards of study: earthquake, fire, flood, and landslide. These hazards represent four of the five main hazard types (the fifth being epidemic which is categorised as a biohazard and is therefore omitted from this study) that could occur in Nepal as defined in the Nepal Ministry of Home Affairs Disaster Report 2017. The choice of these hazard types was affirmed by seven scoping interviews conducted in October and November 2022 with Kathmandu-based stakeholders working in academia, NGOs and the private sector. We then searched DesInventar Sendai for Nepal case study examples of past hazard events. We selected the region as “central region” and the districts as those comprising the Kathmandu Valley (“Bhaktapur”, “Lalitpur” and “Kathmandu”).

We created a database of single hazard and multi-hazard events divided into the following categories: earthquake, fire, flood and landslide. The location was supplemented by quantitative (e.g., indirectly affected, missing) and qualitative (e.g., comments about the event) impacts. Where available, the cause(s) and description of cause(s) were listed and categorised by group to enable an assessment of whether the event was multi-hazard and had cascading impacts.

Our results illustrate which impacts are associated with different single and multi-hazard types within slums and squatter settlements in Kathmandu Valley. Reporting of hazard impacts in DesInventar Sendai are focused on quantitative direct impacts, such as fatalities and losses in $USD, rather than indirect, intangible and/or qualitative descriptions of impacts which are limited to brief comments. Recorded hazard events are often limited to single hazards, or simple multi-hazard events (e.g., primary hazard triggering secondary hazard). This is reflected in a lack of reporting of interconnected or cascading impacts. Equally as important is the missing or incomplete data, and what this suggests about bias within the Nepal region database.

Our ongoing research will compare these DesInventar Sendai results with secondary loss and damage datasets documenting earthquake, fire, flood, and landslide events and their impacts on urban poor communities in Kathmandu Valley. These loss and damage datasets, collected by Kathmandu-based organisations, will be analysed using a systematic approach such as content analysis in NVivo. The comparison between the DesInventar Sendai and loss and damage datasets will assess to what extent it is possible to disaggregate these data by social groups within the urban poor, and whether these data sources can present a nuanced account of multi-hazard impacts.

How to cite: Thompson, H. E., Malamud, B. D., Taylor, F. E., Gill, J. C., Šakić Trogrlić, R., and Duncan, M. J.: Systematic extraction of urban poor-centred multi-hazard impacts from DesInventar Sendai: a case study of Kathmandu Valley, Nepal, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8379,, 2023.

EGU23-8868 | Orals | NH9.4

A Multi-Hazard Resilience Framework for Residential Building Stocks subjected to Floods and Debris Flows 

Derya Deniz, Ahmet Buğra Ceyhan, Yasamin Moaiyedfar, and Ramin Sheikhi Garjan

Floodings and debris flows (mudflows) are the most frequent natural disasters provoked by heavy rainfalls, leading to significant physical damage to the built environment, severe economic losses, and social disruptions in communities. To promote disaster resilience of communities, sophisticated models are needed to support citizens in assessment of potential hazard losses and taking proper disaster mitigation actions. This study thus develops a framework to support the "multi-hazard resilience" of EU residential building stocks under rainfall-triggered floods and mudflows. It considers two levels of resolution for resilience assessment: at the local level of individual buildings versus at the level of building portfolios in a community. First, a typical EU residential building set was created and disassembled into components. The damage potential of each structural, nonstructural, and content component of the buildings was examined for various hazard depths and velocities of flooding and mudflow actions. Repair cost and time for each damaged component were obtained considering the individual failure limit of the components. Then, all components and associated variabilities were probabilistically assembled to estimate the total losses and repair times on residential buildings. Next, the developed impact models for individual buildings were extended into models for building portfolios, considering a virtual EU community under multi-hazard scenarios of flooding and mudflow. The effects of uncertainties associated with building and hazard properties were considered, and spatial correlations in hazard demand and common building configurations and practices were reflected in an aggregated impact and resilience assessment of building portfolios. Lastly, several retrofit actions were explored to understand their effects on flood or mudflow impacts for residential buildings. The "optimum retrofit strategies" were investigated for both individual buildings and building portfolios by performing benefit analyses on repair costs and times.

Results show that, while water/mud contact can cause severe damage to the interior building and content items, physical flood and mudflow load actions may cause significant damage to the exposed exterior building components. They may lead to high hazard losses and long repair times, especially for buildings with finished basements. The impact models developed for building portfolios show that neglecting spatial correlation in losses and repair times due to commonality in hazard demand and building performance may underestimate the overall loss and recovery time assessments for the lower probabilities of exceedance, the region of significance for public safety and insurance underwriting purposes. Moreover, benefit analyses on retrofit actions to reduce hazard impacts show that most of these actions cannot perform adequately on their own, but if grouped together as a package, they may be more effective and useful solutions. To conclude, this study brings an innovative resilience framework that greatly contributes to different stakeholders, including building owners seeking to mitigate their homes, reinsurance companies seeking to improve insurance portfolio risk policy, and government or research agencies seeking to improve disaster response and management plans.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: One of the authors, Dr. Derya Deniz, acknowledges the support provided by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 893147.

How to cite: Deniz, D., Ceyhan, A. B., Moaiyedfar, Y., and Sheikhi Garjan, R.: A Multi-Hazard Resilience Framework for Residential Building Stocks subjected to Floods and Debris Flows, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8868,, 2023.

EGU23-12202 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.4

Development, application and validation of a flood damage model for multi-year crops (vineyards and orchards). 

Natasha Petruccelli, Alessio Domeneghetti, Ludovica Marinelli, Maria Chiara Molino, and Armando Brath

Floods are one of the most frequent and widespread natural hazards globally. Over the past 20 years, the number of floods has more than doubled from the previous two decades, resulting in annual losses of around $40 billion worldwide. Among the various sectors exposed, agriculture is certainly the most vulnerable to events of this type, given its close dependence on weather conditions. However, although floods constitute the second most serious threat to agricultural areas, causing total production losses of up to 20%, their impacts are still difficult to assess. The perceived minor importance of agricultural losses compared to those of other assets (e.g. infrastructures, residential and industrial buildings, cultural assets), together with a lack of observations, have led to development of few approaches for crop damage assessment in case of floods, in most of the cases also characterized by considerable imprecisions.In compliance with the requests of the Floods Directive (Directive 2007/60/EC), a model has been developed to quantify the direct and tangible flood-related damages to the multi-year crops (such as vineyards and orchards). The loss of perennial plant material in the years following the flood and thus, the expected damage, is evaluated based on hazardous variables (e.g., water depth, inundation duration, season of occurrence, etc.), crop (e.g., typology, technological solutions, yield, etc.) and economic conditions (product price, production costs, etc.). The model relies on several damage curves, by means of which it is possible to estimate the total absolute damage for each flooded agricultural portion.The expert-based model has been developed referring to the Emilia-Romagna region (Northern Italy) and validated using real damage records collected after the flood of the Secchia river (2014). Results are convincing, reproducing the damage suffered by farmers with a good approximation (errors of about 12-20%).

How to cite: Petruccelli, N., Domeneghetti, A., Marinelli, L., Molino, M. C., and Brath, A.: Development, application and validation of a flood damage model for multi-year crops (vineyards and orchards)., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12202,, 2023.

EGU23-13001 | ECS | Orals | NH9.4

‘risk-calculator’: a tool for multi-hazard risk assessments 

Tara Evaz Zadeh, Laurens Jozef Nicolaas Oostwegel, Lars Lingner, Simantini Shinde, Fabrice Cotton, and Danijel Schorlemmer

Effects of a hazard can be expressed in terms of the losses and damages caused by it. These risk assessments help decision makers and disaster managers to better prepare for and cope with the disasters arising from hazards in all three phases (preparation, response and recovery) of disaster risk reduction and resilience. With the growth of disaster risk globally (GAR, 2022), and also the related research on different components of risk (hazard, exposure, vulnerability), there is a rising demand to compute risk for multi-hazard events, for which an integrated tool is very beneficial, but most of the tools used for multi-hazard risk assessment purposes are not available for public use (Cees J. van Westen and Stefan Greiving, 2017).

The ‘risk-calculator’ is an open-source Python program that enables users to do multi-hazard scenario risk assessments. This program is  capable of assessing loss and damage for different sets of discrete or continuous vulnerability or fragility functions for different concurrent hazards, such as floods, earthquakes and tsunamis.

The three main inputs are: (1) hazard, expressed as an intensity field (e.g ShakeMap for earthquakes or inundation field for tsunamis and floods), (2) the exposure model provided in a geospatial database or as CSV files to be imported, and (3) vulnerability/fragility functions describing the level of loss or damage at different intensity measure levels dependent on the asset taxonomy and the hazard type. The tool works on basis of the standard taxonomy as defined by the Global Earthquake Model. This taxonomy can also be expanded to include damage states of previous events for a loss computation of cascading events such an earthquake followed by a tsunami.

Apart from using the program directly, users can connect to the API designed for this program to run loss assessments. The resulting losses and damages are provided in a geospatial database (SpatiaLite or GeoPackage), for sake of easier handling and plotting. This user-friendly program provides database views, connecting data in a meaningful way from different tables to allow for various ways of analyzing and visualizing the loss and damage assessments.

How to cite: Evaz Zadeh, T., Oostwegel, L. J. N., Lingner, L., Shinde, S., Cotton, F., and Schorlemmer, D.: ‘risk-calculator’: a tool for multi-hazard risk assessments, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13001,, 2023.

Since the early 90s, natural catastrophe models have been mainly used by the re/insurance industry for pricing and risk management purposes.
These rely on a catalogue of plausible yet so far unseen events called the “stochastic events catalogue”. For each of these events a loss and a frequency is calculated leading to an industry standard output called YLT (Year Loss Table).
Based on the YLT, insurers can calculate a wide range of risk measures such as the Value at Risk or the annual average loss. They also can modify the YLT to incorporate impacts by Climate Change.
This poster sets out to:
(i) Explain the concept of Year Loss Table (YLT)
(ii) Show the derivation of key risk measures.
(iii) Describe how the YLT can be modified to take into account the impacts by climate change, with a focus on the North Atlantic hurricane wind risk.
(iv) Present the results obtained by the approach in (iv).

How to cite: Joffrain, M.: An industry framework to estimate changes in hurricanes wind risk due to climate change, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13295,, 2023.

EGU23-13584 | Orals | NH9.4

Data Review for Assessing Vulnerability to Abnormal Cold Wave in Industrial Sector due to Climate Change 

Jiwon Son, Eunbeen Park, Jiwon Kim, and Woo-Kyun Lee

Climate change is becoming a serious global problem every year as it intensifies, and increasing uncertainty and frequency of extreme weather is part of the problem that is getting worse. The Earth is getting warmer overall, but the frequency of extreme cold waves is not decreasing, which can be a risk in many sectors. On February 2021, the worst cold outbreak in the United States has stopped the electricity supply to 5.5 million households in 18 states including factories as Samsung Austin Semiconductor. Factories, especially semiconductor-chip-factories, are sensitive to stabilized power supply, and unstable power supply might cause huge financial losses. Those unexpected extreme climate events hinder the estimation of future electricity demand, which can lower the accuracy of expected demand and interfere with secure power supply. Also, sudden snowfall and cold temperature can cause roads to freeze, disturbing the smooth transportation of materials and products. In this study, the unpredictability of cold waves was assumed as a hazard, and evaluating the adequacy of data to assess vulnerability to abnormal cold wave in industrial sector was done. The study was conducted in South Korea.

This study was done by first defining the abnormal cold wave using the difference between normal and observed temperatures during winter season in Korea (November to April). Then, the relations between the power supply reserve ratio and the degree of abnormal cold wave was identified using regression models. The degree was decided as distance of observed from normal temperature data. Also, chronically frozen section of roads provided by Ministry of the Interior and Safety(ROK), was also included as data for assessing vulnerability. Categorizing an assessment was approached by following the IPCC risk assessment methodology, which classified chronically frozen sections of roads as ‘exposure’, the degree of abnormal cold wave as ‘vulnerability’ from stable power supply, and cold weather itself as ‘climate.’ As a result, compared to SSP1-2.6 scenario, frequency and degree of abnormal cold wave has slightly increased overall in the scenario SSP5-8.5. Also, chip factories in Cheongju, Yongin and Icheon for example, has at least three chronically frozen sections within 5 kilometers from the factories, average 7 sections within 10 kilometers. This study has a point in focusing on the non-decreasing, unusual cold waves despite the increasing temperature and reviewing data before assessing vulnerability of cold wave in industry. The result may be useful by offering additional methods and categories in evaluating vulnerabilities and risks to the party concerned, which can be used by working groups in making climate change adaptation plans in industrial sectors.


Keywords: climate change, cold wave, IPCC risk assessment, vulnerability, industrial sector, stable power supply, SSP scenario

Acknowledgements: This work was supported by Korea Environment Industry & Technology Institute (KEITI) through “Climate Change R&D Project for New Climate Regime (RE202201934)”, Funded by Korea Ministry of Environment (MOE).

How to cite: Son, J., Park, E., Kim, J., and Lee, W.-K.: Data Review for Assessing Vulnerability to Abnormal Cold Wave in Industrial Sector due to Climate Change, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13584,, 2023.

EGU23-13743 | Orals | NH9.4

The record-breaking flood in Central Italy in September 2022: preliminary impacts analysis from a field survey campaign 

Daniela Molinari, Chiara Arrighi, Francesca Da Porto, Alessio Domeneghetti, and Annarita Scorzini

Floods are growing phenomena both in terms of intensity and frequency, due to climate change and rapid urbanization. In fact, several extreme flood events hit populations and assets around the Globe in recent years; one example is the exceptional flood that it the Marche region (Central Italy) between the 15th and 16th of September 2022, with rainfall reaching local cumulated peaks of 400mm. The intense precipitation triggered widespread landslides, as well as the flooding of several rivers; the short warning that characterized the event prevented the implementation of mitigation measures, causing 12 fatalities and severe damages to activities and buildings.

In the aftermath of the event, several Italian universities and private companies mobilized to conduct an intensive field survey, to collect data enabling a better understanding of the causes of the event, the involved physical phenomena as well as factors leading to damage ( This contribution describes the activity carried out by 6 of them (i.e., 5 universities and an engineering company) aimed at the survey of the damage occurred to the various exposed assets (such as residential buildings, economic and agricultural activities, infrastructure, and cultural heritage). The survey campaign was carried out between October and December 2022 in the municipalities of Senigallia, Ostra and Tre Castelli, where 126 residential buildings, 135 economic activities (manufacturing and commercial), 12 cultural heritage sites and a little number of agricultural activities were investigated. A preliminary descriptive analysis of collected data shows that the water depths recorded in correspondence of the exposed elements frequently exceeded 1 m and, in some cases, reached 3 m, causing severe damage. The most affected buildings are, almost 3 months after the event, still uninhabited and damaged; while some economic activities are not able to reopen. Most of them suffered widespread damage to buildings, stock, and equipment and were not insured. With respect to agriculture, mainly fruit and vegetable companies suffered damage, while fields of cereal and oleaginous plants production were bare, limiting the damage to the soil. For what concern the cultural heritage, the damage was concentrated in assets such as churches, Roman bridges, and examples of industrial archaeology. However, more quantitative results will be available at the time of the conference. Data collected in this project will be used in future analyses both for understanding the main vulnerabilities of the affected area and for developing and improving damage models for more effective risk management, in planning and emergency phases.

Acknowledgement: authors acknowledge with gratitude all the researcher involved in the field survey campaign and data analysis that were not nominated due to space issues.

How to cite: Molinari, D., Arrighi, C., Da Porto, F., Domeneghetti, A., and Scorzini, A.: The record-breaking flood in Central Italy in September 2022: preliminary impacts analysis from a field survey campaign, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13743,, 2023.

EGU23-15018 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.4

Developing a unified and consistent database for historical natural events, and subsequent losses, within a catastrophe modeling framework 

Lucile Bruhat, Hugo Rakotoarimanga, and Maxime Hersent

The insurance industry faces highly complex P&C challenges, among which natural catastrophe risk, also labeled as “CAT” risk. Among disasters, climatic and seismic events show large variability in size and frequency, with devastating consequences; not to mention climate change which brings added uncertainty for the future. Global insurance groups, such as AXA, must develop a sound understanding of the frequency, intensity, and impacts of natural hazard events, to protect their economic capital and ensure their solvency.

At the AXA Group Risk Management, the CAT modeling process consists in 1) collecting CAT exposure data (geographical, physical, and financial information) on a per-entity (AXA France, AXA Mexico…) and per-location basis (houses, factories, vehicles…) and 2) assessing the risk on a per-entity per-peril per-geography basis (cyclones, earthquakes, floods, hailstorms...) to finally aggregate it at Group level. This process constitutes a technical challenge through the data collection of 50 million of policies, the combination of multiple modeling solutions, and the production of millions of stochastic event losses. Alongside this process, the collection and analysis of “scenarios”, either historical events, or potential future disasters, improves the robustness and understanding of risk assessment. However, there is currently no unified and consistent database recording the characteristics of natural events (a unique identifier, their spatial and temporal extent, their intensities, and the location affected) and their actualized economic and industry impacts. This work aims at developing a database for that would first gather an exhaustive inventory of historical natural events (cyclones, storms, floods, earthquakes…) and, throughout the integration within the existing CAT modeling ecosystem, automatize model validation, back-testing, and risk analysis with respect to market and as-if losses. 

How to cite: Bruhat, L., Rakotoarimanga, H., and Hersent, M.: Developing a unified and consistent database for historical natural events, and subsequent losses, within a catastrophe modeling framework, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15018,, 2023.

EGU23-15423 | ECS | Orals | NH9.4

Income-Specific Vulnerability in Event-Based Models for the Impact Assessment of Tropical Cyclones 

Jan Hassel, Thomas Vogt, and Christian Otto

Tropical cyclones are among the meteorological and climatological extreme events with the largest economic impact worldwide, although they only affect coastal areas in certain geographical latitudes. At the same time, anthropogenic climate change affects the characteristics of tropical cyclones: they move more slowly, achieve greater intensities and reach higher latitudes more frequently.

In view of these complex changes, there is great demand for models assessing the economic impact of tropical cyclones that are not based on simple macroscopic indicators. In a so-called event-based approach, a spatially and temporally resolved representation of a single tropical cyclone is blended with spatially resolved data on the distribution of economic capital. Thus, even complex changes in storm characteristics can be included in the impact assessment.

The vulnerability of affected regions is expressed through impact functions that relate loss of economic capital to a storm’s local wind speed. These impact functions are calibrated against historic damage databases and then applied to hypothetical storm scenarios for risk analysis or climate change forecasting.

This research aims at the calibration of impact functions that explicitly depend on the per capita income of the affected region. For this purpose, a United States damage database identifying impacts at the county level is introduced, allowing the investigation of the statistical relationship between vulnerability and per capita income of affected counties.

A quantitative formulation of the income dependence of vulnerability will not only improve the overall predictive quality of event-based models, but also enhance the understanding of the impact of tropical cyclones on social inequality.

We find that vulnerability is highest in the poorest affected regions, indicating the extraordinary relevance of tropical cyclones on low-income coastal communities. Furthermore, we can show that vulnerability mostly declines with per capita income.

How to cite: Hassel, J., Vogt, T., and Otto, C.: Income-Specific Vulnerability in Event-Based Models for the Impact Assessment of Tropical Cyclones, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15423,, 2023.

EGU23-17207 | ECS | Orals | NH9.4

Decision-related sensitivity analysis of a flood risk model assessing the benefit-cost ratio of a flood polder at the Bavarian Danube 

Mara Ruf, Amelie Hoffmann, Daniel Koutas, and Daniel Straub

Floods are one of the most hazardous natural phenomena in Germany, which calls for thorough and comprehensive flood risk mitigation strategies. Considering this, a series of controlled flood detention basins, so-called flood polders, are planned along the Danube as one part of the Bavarian flood protection program 2020plus. By means of a reduction of the peak discharge of large flood events, flood polders can reduce the load on downstream located flood protection structures and therewith lower the probability of dike breaches.

A cost-benefit analysis is used to evaluate the economic efficiency of a flood polder location. Therein, the costs of construction and maintenance of the polder are compared with the expected monetarized flood risk reduction over the lifetime of the polder. However, assessing the economic consequences of flood risk on a trans-regional level to quantify the benefit of the flood protection measure is challenging and subject to significant uncertainties. These include uncertainties on the characteristics of the hydrological inputs and their occurrence probability in the future, on the material characteristics and resistances of the dike structures, on population and asset developments, on the economic impacts of flooding, on the discount rate as well as on model choices and simplifications.

This highlights the necessity of conducting a thorough uncertainty and sensitivity analysis. Since our model serves to support decision-making, it seems natural that the sensitivity of the benefit-cost ratio to input and model uncertainties should be measured in the context of this decision. Decision sensitivity measures have been proposed [1], however, to our knowledge they have not been applied to the assessment and management of natural hazards. In this contribution, we utilize the expected value of information for sensitivity analysis on the cost-benefit analysis of a flood polder at theDanube River in Bavaria.

[1] Felli, J. C., & Hazen, G. B. (1998). Sensitivity Analysis and the Expected Value of PerfectInformation. Medical Decision Making, 18(1), 95–109.

How to cite: Ruf, M., Hoffmann, A., Koutas, D., and Straub, D.: Decision-related sensitivity analysis of a flood risk model assessing the benefit-cost ratio of a flood polder at the Bavarian Danube, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17207,, 2023.

EGU23-60 | ECS | Orals | NH9.5

Urban effects on the Extreme Precipitation: Advanced Statistical Analysis and Numerical Weather Prediction Model at Convective Scales 

Pulipati Yaswanth, Balaji Narasimhan, and Chakravarthy Balaji

Chennai is the fourth largest metropolitan city in India and being a coastal city, this region receives extreme precipitation events, especially during the North-East monsoon season. Rapid urbanization has led to profound changes in the city's land-use land cover, which has the potential to impact the local microclimate. The 2015 December Chennai flood resulted in the loss of lives and an economy of 2.5 billion $. Hence a reliable forecast system for the city helps for better preparedness. It is well acknowledged that urbanization affects rainfall distribution, but several limitations exist in past studies. The discrepancies between climatological and numerical investigations have not been addressed. To understand the impact of urbanization on the rainfall space-time distribution, it is also essential to choose rainfall events that originated from distinct synoptic conditions. Hence in this study, the Weather Research Forecast (WRF) model and advanced statistical analysis are used to examine the effects of urbanization on rainfall modification over Chennai city. The present investigation considers satellite estimations and observed station data due to the absence of a dense rain-gauge network. From ECMWF reanalysis ERA5 data, large-scale weather predictors are selected to create weather patterns using a fuzzy clustering method, with Chennai as the domain center. Subsequently dividing the observational rainfall data into two equal periods, the changes in the rainfall quantiles (80th to 99.9th) are obtained for each cluster.  Since large-scale circulation patterns are similar, these shifts show the likely impact of urbanization on rainfall.  Extreme value theory combined with regional frequency analysis is implemented to understand the changing rainfall statistics in the past 50 years. Numerous WRF simulations are performed at convection-permitting scales with varied domain and physics configurations for three extreme precipitation events from different synoptic conditions. The study also investigates the ability of scale-aware convective schemes to describe precipitation processes in high-resolution simulations for the study domain. Then, the WRF simulations are conducted with optimal physics combinations with default USGS land cover data (1991-1992) and high-resolution land-use data (2017) with Local Climatic Zone (LCZ) classifications, that represents the present urbanization. The simulations with recent land cover data coupling with Building Energy Parameterization (BEP) in the WRF model significantly improved the rainfall prediction skill in the spatial-temporal domain minimizing the bias. Interestingly, an intense convective rainfall event which was neither detected by the regional meteorological department nor WRF simulations with the default LULC map has been forecasted by representing the current urbanization scenario in the model. Further, this study also explains the dynamic and thermodynamic responses influencing rainfall distribution due to urbanization. The study advances the role of urbanization in a coastal city and provides pathways for better urban planning and design. The improved ensemble forecasts help for better preparedness during extreme rainfall events.

How to cite: Yaswanth, P., Narasimhan, B., and Balaji, C.: Urban effects on the Extreme Precipitation: Advanced Statistical Analysis and Numerical Weather Prediction Model at Convective Scales, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-60,, 2023.

Land surface changes resulting from human activities have emerged as a factor of equal, if not greater importance than climate change in affecting landslide occurrence. Gisborne is a remote city on the northeast North Island of New Zealand, close to the Hikurangi Subduction Zone, and is vulnerable to natural hazards, such as tsunami, earthquakes, coastal erosion, flooding, and particularly landslides. Vulnerability is also characterised by a suite of social, economic, and infrastructural issues which uniquely culminate in Gisborne. Gisborne has the highest percentage of indigenous Māori people for a New Zealand city and experiences a high degree of socio-economic disadvantage. The city is remote from other urban centres, taking >3 hours to reach the nearest adjacent city via rural roads that are vulnerable to closure during and following natural hazard events.  In particular, landslide risk in recent years has been exacerbated by urban and suburban expansion of residential development into sub-optimal terrain, on steep hill slopes surrounding the city. The hills are underlain by weak Neogene sediments and uplifted Pleistocene estuarine deposits. Gisborne District Council has previously attempted to delineate landslide risk areas but has been hampered by the lack of detailed empirical data. Based on observational data from Sentinel-1 imagery, this study used interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) to reveal the pattern of slope deformation across Gisborne’s steepland periphery from January 2016 to December 2021. Velocities in the line of sight were obtained from the stack of interferograms and projected along the direction of maximum slope, to extract the true displacement on the slopes. The ascending and descending data sets were combined to reveal the vertical and horizontal components of the deformation. The results were combined with a regional LiDAR dataset, aerial imagery and field observations to delineate areas of slope deformation. Finally, slope deformation time series data was compared with rainfall records to identify seasonal changes, as well as shrink-swell of expansive soils. Results identified 132 unstable slopes within the study area, affected by soil creep, slumping and earthflows. Despite clear evidence of the effects of tree removal, loading of slopes by construction activity, and installation of unconsented, inadequate retaining walls contributing to slope failure, such practises unfortunately continue.

How to cite: Brook, M., Cook, M., and Cave, M.: City expansion, land-use change and slope failures in Gisborne, New Zealand: déjà vu all over again, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-153,, 2023.

EGU23-781 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.5

Moisture transport associated with multi-day precipitation events in India 

Hariom Gupta, Akash Singh Raghuvanshi, and Ankit Agarwal

Variations in precipitation characteristics have an impact not only on human society but also on the natural environment. In addition, precipitation events may have detrimental effects on human health and cause severe socioeconomic losses, as well as, in the worst situation, the loss of human life. Therefore, it becomes essential to characterize extreme events and understand the atmospheric dynamics driving them. In this study, we ranked multi-day precipitation events using 63 years (1959 to 2021) of daily precipitation data. The ranking was done based on the intensity as well as the spatial extent of the event. Further, we used integrated vapor transport (IVT) to quantify moisture transport during identified top-ranked precipitation events. Our preliminary analysis showed that the IVT variability is significant during these events, indicating substantial moisture accumulation before these events. Indeed, quantifying the connection of extreme to moisture movement might help in the early prediction of extreme events and lower the associated risks.

How to cite: Gupta, H., Singh Raghuvanshi, A., and Agarwal, A.: Moisture transport associated with multi-day precipitation events in India, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-781,, 2023.

EGU23-1072 | ECS | Orals | NH9.5

Drivers of present and future residential flood risk in Britain 

Conor Lamb, Maria Pregnolato, Francesca Pianosi, and Paul Bates

In previous assessments of UK flood risk, flood hazard has often been poorly represented by low skill models. Meanwhile, assessments of future flood risk have lacked a detailed representation of future flood exposure. This study represents a significant step forward in both flood hazard and future exposure representation. Using a state-of-the-art climate-conditioned hydrodynamic model for fluvial, pluvial and coastal flooding paired with the latest UK shared socioeconomic projections of population (UK-SSP), we explore how climate-induced changes in flood hazard interact with increasing exposure due to population changes. Using a detailed exposure dataset, we are also able to explore discrepancies in current and future flood risk between residential property types.

Our model values current yearly residential economic floods losses at £894 million, with fluvial flooding accounting for approximately 75% of these. This flood risk is not borne equally between the devolved British nations, however. In Scotland and Wales approximately 30% of local authorities have over £100 of annual flood losses per property, whereas only 4% of local authorities in England experience such levels. There are also significant discrepancies in flood risk by property type. Flats and terraced housing experience almost twice the rate of yearly inundations than detached and semi-detached housing. Under a high emissions climate scenario (RCP 8.5), by 2070 we estimate flood risk will increase by 29% whilst under a low emissions scenario (RCP 4.5) flood risk will increase by 10%. Similarly to current flood risk, these increases too are not borne equally across regions and property types.

Whilst climate change is set to drive an increase in flood risk over the next 50 years, our study suggests that population dynamics may have potential for offsetting relative flood risk rises. In all SSP projections studied here (SSP1, SSP2 and SSP5), an increase in population drives an increase in the yearly rate of property inundations. As such, the highest increases in flood risk due to population change are seen in SSP5 (+50%). However, due to population growth predominantly occurring in low flood risk areas, relative flood risk decreases most in SSP5 (-10%). Similar changes, although smaller in magnitude, are seen under SSP1 and SSP2. Despite these decreases in relative flood risk due to population change, when paired to climate change, we still see significant increase in flood risk over the next 50 years. Consequently, low emissions scenarios, such as SSP1/RCP2.6, see the lowest increases in flood risk by 2070 (+5%). These results show a clear need for climate change mitigation actions in order to limit flood risk increases. However, this study presents a promising signal where population growth may limit the burden of increased flood risk, due to climate change.

How to cite: Lamb, C., Pregnolato, M., Pianosi, F., and Bates, P.: Drivers of present and future residential flood risk in Britain, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1072,, 2023.

EGU23-2524 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.5

Development of Mitigation Device to Wind Risk on Urban Region 

Jeong Ah Um, Sungsu Lee, Byungjo Kim, Seunghun Shin, and Jongyeol Woo

As urbanization progresses worldwide, the number of high-rise buildings is rapidly increasing, especially in large cities, and the damages from building wind are expected to increase further. In particular, strong winds in urban canyon frequently damage doors, windows and signboards, etc. There also is a risk of building exterior materials scattering due to delamination at the edges of buildings, vortex generation, and gust. Among the damage caused by the building wind, the damage by the exterior material that has been removed due to strong wind can cause not only property damage but also personal damage. Recently, concerns about the damage of building winds in urban areas on pedestrian safety and living environment are increasing, but there is very little consideration in domestic architecture and urban planning procedures. Therefore, it is very essential to reduce the possibility of delamination of exterior materials by strong wind and consequent low pressure. The purpose of this study is to develop mitigation device attached to the edges of the buildings to lower the maximum peak pressure to reduce the potential detachment of building envelope. Using CFD and experimental approach, it was found that developed device can reduce the maximum peak pressure up to 20%.

This research was supported by a grant (RS-2022-00155691) of Disaster-Safety Industry Technology Commercialization R&D Program, funded by Ministry of Interior and Safety (MOIS, Korea).

How to cite: Um, J. A., Lee, S., Kim, B., Shin, S., and Woo, J.: Development of Mitigation Device to Wind Risk on Urban Region, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2524,, 2023.

EGU23-2663 | ECS | Posters virtual | NH9.5

Urban Landscape Change in the Trans-Himalayan Town of Kargil, Ladakh, India 

Altaf Hussain, Susanne Schmidt, and Marcus Nüsser

Small and medium-sized towns in the high mountain regions of South Asia are characterized by rapid and mostly unplanned urbanisation processes resulting in increased risk to natural hazards, such as flash floods, landslides and earthquakes. Due to rapid urban expansion, the case study of Kargil, the second largest city of the Union Territory of Ladakh is chosen to identify risk-prone areas. Based on multi-temporal approach using high resolution satellite imagery (Corona, ASTER and PlanetScope), statistical data and repeated field surveys, urban landscape changes are analysed since the 1960s. The population of Kargil town increased from 1,681 in 1961 to 16,338 in 2011, while total population of the entire Kargil district multiplied from 45,064 to 140,802 over the same period. The built-up area of Kargil town has grown from 0.25 km² to 2.30 km² between 1965 and 2020. The mountain region of Kargil is particularly vulnerable to natural disasters such as landslides, cloudbursts, and flash floods. The main highways (NH-1D and NH-301) connecting Kargil with adjacent regions are prone to landslides. Recurring flash floods in the surrounding of Kargil town was observed in the years 2006, 2010, 2013, 2014, 2016 and 2018, which caused massive damages to roads, buildings, and agricultural area. Most recent flash floods occurred in Kargil town (Baroo and Titichumik) and in different rural villages of Chiktan, Suru and Drass in 2022. These settlements are either located along the streams or on low lying banks of the main rivers, Suru, Drass and Wakha; examples include hazard prone areas such as the new bus stand, and Kabadi Nallah on the banks of Suru river and several other new settlements like Silmo colony or Andoo colony in Kargil town. Urban expansion does not only cover the most suitable areas but increasingly sprawls across steep slopes; examples include the new residential areas of Silmo colony, Andoo colony, and Haidery Mohalla. These new urban settlements are extremely prone to natural hazards and question the sustainability of town planning in this mountain region. The central old town, Baroo colony and Poyen colony are already saturated due to unplanned buildings and infrastructural development. The drivers of the urbanization include increasing of urban population, rural-urban migration to the administrative capital of Kargil district, and an increasing mountain tourism sector which led to new constructions of hotels, guesthouses, and arrival of tourists.

How to cite: Hussain, A., Schmidt, S., and Nüsser, M.: Urban Landscape Change in the Trans-Himalayan Town of Kargil, Ladakh, India, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2663,, 2023.

EGU23-5489 | ECS | Orals | NH9.5

Tracking a decade of hydro-geological emergencies in Italy and their interplay with urban expansion 

Alessio Gatto, Federico Martellozzo, Stefano Clo', and Samuele Segoni

Climate change and urban expansion are contributing to a considerable increase in catastrophic atmospheric and hydro-geological events, which cause significant damage to the urban and social fabric.

This work takes Italy as a nation-wide case of study with a twofold objective: first, we compiled a dataset of recent hydro-geological disasters for which a state of emergency was declared; second, we focused on the interconnections between urban expansion and occurrence of disasters at the municipality level.

The dataset was built thanks to the collaboration with the Italian National Civil Protection Department, from which the data relating to national states of emergency and the surveys carried out were obtained. We discovered that in Italy, during the last ten years, there had been more than one hundred events that have required the intervention of national Civil Protection, with the declaration of the national state of emergency and the funding of interventions for first aid and restoration. The dataset consists of sets of municipalities and provinces that were included in the national state of emergency that suffered damage and obtained subsidies for reconstruction. Furthermore, information was collected regarding the beginning and end of the state of emergency, the days on which the event occurred, and the funds disbursed for recovery.

This database was the basis for subsequent analyses (at the municipality level and at the province level) aimed at quantifying the correlations between the occurrence of disasters and state-of-the-art indicators like soil consumption, extension of mapped hazardous zones, and buildings in areas at risk.

How to cite: Gatto, A., Martellozzo, F., Clo', S., and Segoni, S.: Tracking a decade of hydro-geological emergencies in Italy and their interplay with urban expansion, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5489,, 2023.

EGU23-5580 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.5 | Highlight

Rapid urbanisation and flash flood risk in desert regions: the example of Kuwait 

Viktor Rözer, Mohammad Alsahli, and Sara Mehryar

The discovery of oil in the middle of the 20th century has triggered an unprecedented economic boom and urban expansion in countries of the Gulf region such as Kuwait, Qatar, or the UAE. Kuwait’s population has increased 7-fold since the 1950s – mostly driven by immigration - creating the need for large scale housing and urban development projects. With a strong focus on the provision of housing and a car-centric planning approach the environmental consequences of these large developments were often not fully evaluated. In combination with changing rainfall patterns in the region as a result of climate change, severe flash floods have caused significant damage in recent years.

Based on data from previous flash flood events and a high-resolution digital elevation model, a new flash flood susceptibility map for Kuwait has been developed. In combination with a detailed property level reconstruction of Kuwait’s urban expansion since the 1950s, we analyse how flash flood risk has developed in the Gulf state over time and which urban planning decisions have led to the recent jump in flash flood occurrences. Together with information about recent flash flood risk management plans, the study explores how Kuwait’s projected urban expansion until 2040 will contribute to its future flash flood risk.

How to cite: Rözer, V., Alsahli, M., and Mehryar, S.: Rapid urbanisation and flash flood risk in desert regions: the example of Kuwait, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5580,, 2023.

EGU23-10235 | ECS | Orals | NH9.5

The inclusion of intraurban inequalities in urban growth models 

Cassiano Bastos Moroz, Tobias Sieg, and Annegret Thieken

The last IPCC report highlighted that the urban expansion to areas exposed to climate-driven natural hazards might significantly increase disaster risk in the near future. Understanding risk as the combination of hazard, exposure and vulnerability, these increased trends will be more expressive among the economically and socially marginalized urban residents, particularly in informal settlements. A major cause of this process is spatial intraurban inequalities. The urban poor are not only more vulnerable to natural hazards, e.g., due to a lack of resources; they are also often driven towards the less valuable areas, including hazardous locations such as flood plains and steeper hillslopes, which likely increase their exposure. However, disaster risk research still lacks more holistic tools to simulate and better understand the interrelations among urban expansion, intraurban inequalities, and exposure to natural hazards. We aim to develop an urban growth model that incorporates different socioeconomic groups to investigate the impact of these inequalities on their hazard exposure. We developed our model following the multilevel modeling framework for urban growth. First, a demand module quantifies the amount of urban growth that is expected for each socioeconomic group. Then, a spatial allocation module determines where this growth will take place to fulfill these demands. In the allocation, the most probable locations of future urban areas are individually determined for each group as a function of driving forces. These include biophysical and socioeconomic factors such as terrain slope, elevation, and distance to infrastructure. We applied the model in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, while accounting for three different income groups. Preliminary results indicate that the characteristics of new urban areas change significantly as a function of the income class, with a strong pattern of spatial segregation. Low-income households were found to have a higher probability of being located on steeper terrain than middle- and high-income households. In addition, new low-income urban areas were also found to be more distant from the city center, the coastline, and the main city infrastructure including subway and train stations. These results demonstrate the relevance of incorporating existing inequalities into urban growth models, especially in developing spatial planning policies in accordance with existing risks to natural hazards.

How to cite: Bastos Moroz, C., Sieg, T., and Thieken, A.: The inclusion of intraurban inequalities in urban growth models, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10235,, 2023.

EGU23-10252 | ECS | Posters virtual | NH9.5

Slope-unit-based assessment of landslide susceptibility in Central Nepal 

Badal Pokharel, Massimiliano Alvioli, and Samsung Lim

Slope units, defined by the portions of terrain bounded by drainage and divide lines, are specific mapping units that can be used to prepare landslide susceptibility maps, as they have better geomorphological content than grid cells. Researchers have progressed in delineating and optimizing slope unit maps in the past decades [1, 2], and in landslide susceptibility and hazard assessment [3,4]. We present a slope unit map delineated and published for the first time in the Himalayas [5], containing 112,674 polygons in a geographic extent that cover central Nepal and some sections of Tibet, China. We used this map to (i) compare landslide inventories, and their corresponding landslide susceptibility [6] and (ii) generate a rockfall susceptibility map along a highway [7]. We compared five inventories from different authors after the Gorkha earthquake in 2015, adopting statistical and geospatial techniques. The outcome shows differences in the geospatial clustering of the susceptibility maps corresponding to different inventories. We prepared a potential source map of earthquake-triggered rockfall along a highway in Rasuwa district, Nepal. Then, we ran STONE [8,9], a physically based application, to a grid map with a rockfall trajectory map based on which we generated a segment-wise rockfall susceptibility map. Results helped to identify areas with high susceptibilities, such as Dandagaun and Syaprubesi. The findings could be helpful for rockfall hazard and risk assessment and land use planning. Through these studies, we stress that slope-unit-based studies are an excellent alternative to grid cells for large-scale studies as they help select specific slopes for further hazard assessment. 
[1]    M. Alvioli, F. Guzzetti, and I. Marchesini, “Parameter-free delineation of slope units and terrain subdivision of Italy”. Geomorphology 358, 107124 (2020). DOI: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2020.107124
[2]    M. Alvioli et al., “Automatic delineation of geomorphological slope units with r.slopeunits v1.0 and their optimization for landslide susceptibility modeling”. Geosci Model Dev, 9, 3975–3991 (2016). DOI: 10.5194/gmd-9-3975-2016
[3]    M. Alvioli et al., “Rockfall susceptibility and network-ranked susceptibility along the Italian railway”. Engineering Geology 293, 106301 (2021). DOI: 10.1016/j.enggeo.2021.106301
[4]    M. Alvioli et al., “Seismically Induced Rockfall Hazard from Ground Motion Scenarios in Italy”. SSRN Electronic Journal (2022). DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.4156514
[5]    M. Alvioli, I. Marchesini, B. Pokharel, K. Gnyawali, and S. Lim, “Geomorphological slope units of the Himalayas”. J. Maps (2022). DOI: 10.1080/17445647.2022.2052768
[6]    B. Pokharel, M. Alvioli, and S. Lim, “Assessment of earthquake-induced landslide inventories and susceptibility maps using slope unit-based logistic regression and geospatial statistics,” Sci Rep 11, 21333 (2021). DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-00780-y
[7]         B. Pokharel, S. Lim, T.N. Bhattarai, and M. Alvioli, “Rockfall susceptibility along Pasang Lhamu and Galchhi-Rasuwagadhi highways, Rasuwa, Central Nepal”. (under review)
[8]    F. Guzzetti, G. Crosta, R. Detti, F. Agliardi, “STONE: a computer program for the three-dimensional simulation of rock-falls”. Computers & Geosciences 28, 1079-1093 (2002). DOI: 10.1016/S0098-3004(02)00025-0
[9]     M. Alvioli, A. De Matteo, R. Castaldo, P. Tizzani, P. Reichenbach, “Three-dimensional simulations of rockfalls in Ischia, Southern Italy, and preliminary susceptibility zonation”. Geom Nat Haz and Risk, 2712-2736 (2022). DOI: 10.1080/19475705.2022.2131472 



How to cite: Pokharel, B., Alvioli, M., and Lim, S.: Slope-unit-based assessment of landslide susceptibility in Central Nepal, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10252,, 2023.

EGU23-11038 | Posters on site | NH9.5

Analysis Of Glacial Lake And Basinal Topographic Dynamics And Associated Hazards In Brahmaputra Basin, The Water Tower Of India 

Ajanta Goswami, Tapas Nahak, and Shashi Gaurav Kumar

India has 20 river basins, 12 major and 8 medium and small, with 1869 b.c.m of annual water resource potential. River basins have unequal water resources. Brahmaputra and Barak rivers provide 586 bcm of India's 1869 bcm annual water resource potential (which is roughly 32% of the total potential). These 'Water Tower of India' contains one-third of India's water. Brahmaputra basin, which covers India's NE, has the most water per person. The region has over 13000 cu.m./year per capita, well above Falkenmark's 1700 cu.m. Above the national average of 1544 cu. m.

Region has most hydropower potential. Only 3% of the NER's 31,857 MW hydropower potential has been used for human purposes (Brahmaputra Board, 2000), compared to 16% nationally. The NE's hydropower potential is 80% in Arunachal Pradesh (32 percent of the national potential).

The Indian government proposed 162 new hydroelectric projects in 16 states, 62 of which are in the Northeast. Most rivers are interstate. This water resource's sustainability is important for population and biodiversity. High-altitude glacial lakes can unleash fury downstream.

These Indian water bodies pose many dangers to the region's ethnic tribes. Between 1990 and 2009, climate change increased glacial lake area in the eastern Himalaya. Only China, Nepal, Pakistan, and Bhutan have recorded more than 50 glacial lake outbursts in the HKH.

Arunachal Pradesh has 1600 high-altitude lakes. 60 hydropower projects downstream of glacial lakes have been commissioned or proposed.

This study maps the glacial lakes of Arunachal Himalaya from the 1980s to the present and examines their dynamism. Morphometric and morphotectonic analysis is used to study the basin's response to flash floods and other hydrometeorological hazards. The interesting results obtained out of glacial lakes dynamics study and the morphometry/morphotectonic analysis of the Brahmaputra basins will be presented in the conference, which is completed new and unreported.


How to cite: Goswami, A., Nahak, T., and Kumar, S. G.: Analysis Of Glacial Lake And Basinal Topographic Dynamics And Associated Hazards In Brahmaputra Basin, The Water Tower Of India, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11038,, 2023.

EGU23-11871 | Orals | NH9.5 | Highlight

Emerging ecological and environmental hazards in the Himalayas 

Jagdish Krishnaswamy, Denzil Daniel, Sumit Sen, and Jaya Khanna

The Himalayas are at the forefront of hazards related to climate change as well as other global change drivers such as land-use and land-cover change including complex interactions between diverse drivers.

Scientists, civil society organizations and local communities have identified key issues related to how specific Himalayan ecosystems are responding to these drivers including episodes of greening and browning of vegetation as well spread of Pine and the retreat of Oak forests, higher incidence of forest fire due to changes in winter rainfall and summer heat.

Using evidence from multi-decadal time-series of remotely sensed data on state of vegetation combined with climate data and measurements and observations from instrumented catchments we now have insights on the greening and browning of vegetation at larger scales and the comparative ecohydrological response of Pine and Oak dominated catchments at finer scales.   The Himalayas show elevation specific patterns of greening and browning trends that differ across the Himalayas from west to east.  Pine dominated catchments seem to have lower levels and temporally homogeneous soil moisture profiles as well as higher evapotranspiration and lower discharge regimes compared to Oak dominated catchments.  We discuss the implications of the evidence for biodiversity and ecosystem services under emerging and future climate change.


How to cite: Krishnaswamy, J., Daniel, D., Sen, S., and Khanna, J.: Emerging ecological and environmental hazards in the Himalayas, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11871,, 2023.

EGU23-14078 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.5

Preliminary Assessment: 2021 Debris Flow Impact on River Incision and Land Subsidence in Joshimath Town, Garhwal Himalayas, India 

Shobhana Lakhera, Michel Jaboyedoff, Marc-Henri Derron, Ajanta Goswami, and Anil Kumar Maletha

Joshimath lies in the Chamoli district of Indian Himalayas, at an elevation of around 2000 m. It is reportedly located on old landslide debris with a very high slope of 60º, which marginally stabilized during the geologic past. Positioned in the vicinity of active Vaikrita thrust, Joshimath has been intermittently sinking for quite many decades and records incidences of slope failures even during the dry seasons (Valdiya et al., 2014). The lithology of the area is characterized by banded gneiss with interbedded schists and localized calc-silicate gneiss lenses with plunging folds and many minor faults (Valdiya et al., 1983). Topographically it is influenced by long-term river incision with Dhauliganga and Alaknanda, sharply incising the toes of the hill slopes in Joshimath, draining along NW direction, and cutting sharply around the curvatures mainly near Vishnuprayag and Maarwadi village. The 2021 debris flow and 2013 flash floods, resulted in noticeable increase in river undercutting and sediment load with changes in the river flow regimes resulting from deposition of mid-channel and side-channel bars, from the flow sediments and landslides along the toe region, respectively. Thus, this increase in fluvial undercutting may cause the large-scale destabilization of mountain slopes and induce deep-seated gravitational slope deformation (DGSD) that can eventually lead to catastrophic failures (Tsou et al., 2015).

A study on the impacts of 2013 flash flood by the Geological Survey of India (GSI) revealed, reactivated and newly activated landslides mainly occurred, either in river terraces or in slope debris material on steep slopes. The main causative factor responsible for triggering these landslides was toe-erosion by the river, accompanied by increased overburden due to heavy rainfall, during the 2013 flash flood (Sharma et al., 2014). Similarly, reactivated landslides can be spotted on google earth images post 2021 event, these are in and around the Joshimath town at the hill toe, thus implying high incision. Currently, land subsidence is being reported in almost 561 buildings across the Joshimath town, with severe cracks along with some muck water seepage. Many news reports have pointed on the breached and blocked natural drainage systems, from rapid urbanization which may be a reason for water seepage in the subsiding buildings. The maximum damage has been so far reported at the JP colony which lies in the rim area of the hill slope, thus being more susceptible to undercutting (Tsou et al., 2015). Many speculations on probable reasons, from the impact of tunneling for the Tapovan-Vishnugad project, blasting and mountain cutting for road construction, increased urbanization, improper drainage, and increased toe erosion have been listed. In this study, we try to analyze if any, the impacts of increased toe-incision induced by the 2021 flash floods, using geological and remote sensing techniques under the changing climate regimes, on the subsidence in Joshimath town. 

Keywords: Deep-Seated Gravitational Slope Deformation (DGSD), Subsidence, Incision, Undercutting, Landslides

How to cite: Lakhera, S., Jaboyedoff, M., Derron, M.-H., Goswami, A., and Kumar Maletha, A.: Preliminary Assessment: 2021 Debris Flow Impact on River Incision and Land Subsidence in Joshimath Town, Garhwal Himalayas, India, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14078,, 2023.

EGU23-14640 | ECS | Posters virtual | NH9.5

Demystifying urbanization and migration interaction pathways – Evidences from 80 cities of India. 

Ratan Kumar, Deepika Mann, and Roopam Shukla

Rapid rate of urban growth are being reported, urbanization is recommended, but at what environmental, health, and equity costs? Phenomena such as the  Urban heat island are resulting in  increased risk of heat-related mortality and morbidity, unequal benefits, and exclusionary planning. It is becoming increasing critical that we understand and address the challenges arising due to unplanned and rampant urbanization. The current study aims to characterize SUHII in 80 cities of India and correlate its impacts on migration using Google Earth Engine. 4 different pathways in which migration and urbanization are summarized based on the evidences gathered from the remote sensing based analysis. The results of the study will assist in deriving quantitative evidence will notably support the design of urban risk reduction practices at a pan- India level.

How to cite: Kumar, R., Mann, D., and Shukla, R.: Demystifying urbanization and migration interaction pathways – Evidences from 80 cities of India., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14640,, 2023.

EGU23-15196 | Orals | NH9.5 | Highlight

Assessing Risk and Resilience in Urban Low-Income Neighbourhoods 

Faith Taylor

This presentation aims to set the scene for the session and promote debate about how we as a scientific community can better address the issue of risk in low-income neighbourhoods (also referred to as ‘slums’ and ‘informal settlements’).

Low- and middle-income countries are experiencing rapid urbanisation, often with limited capacity to manage the rapid growth and associated accumulation of risk. One billion people currently live in low-income neighbourhoods. For many cities in the Global South, this means that large proportions (up to 60%) of the urban population live in very small proportions of the urban land which are not formally planned/monitored and are often exposed to a range of single and multi-hazards. This creates challenges in compiling records of hazards, their impacts and feedbacks as many methods are not of sufficient resolution to record high-frequency low-magnitude hazard events that chronically affect these settlements and erode capacity to cope. Additionally, although low-income neighbourhoods often appear as one homogeneous unit on maps, this masks the fact that these areas often act as urban centres within their own right, with high levels of heterogeneity in terms of infrastructure, land use and demographics. This creates challenges in understanding exposure and vulnerability. Overall, these issues mean that our ability to understand single and multi-hazards in low-income neighbourhoods is limited, and resultantly we may miss large proportions of the population in city-wide risk assessments.

Based on my work on a number of projects in low-income neighbourhoods, I will discuss some ways of addressing these challenges and their associated strengths and weaknesses. This includes: (a) Whatsapp focus groups to map social networks of resilience, (b) low-cost smartphone GPS mapping to document the bottom-up response to shocks and stresses within low-income neighbourhoods, (c) exploration of novel ‘big’ and 'medium' data sources. These techniques are participatory and designed to support both residents and city-level stakeholders in better understanding the complexities of risk in slums. The results of this work document that residents of low-income neighbourhoods are not passive but often the first or only responders in dealing with risk in these areas.

How to cite: Taylor, F.: Assessing Risk and Resilience in Urban Low-Income Neighbourhoods, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15196,, 2023.

EGU23-15281 | Orals | NH9.5

Vulnerability of key urban infrastructures to geo-hydrological hazards: how endangered is the city of Bujumbura? 

Jean Nsabimana, Sabine Henry, Aloys Ndayisenga, François Kervyn, Olivier Dewitte, and Caroline Michellier

In urban areas, networks and life-support systems, such as roads, power lines and drinking water pipes, are key infrastructures which contribute to the functioning of the city. Their damaging or destruction can lead to harmful consequences for the population. Such situation has already occurred in several African cities following the impact of a hazard of natural or human-induced origin. Bujumbura, the economic capital of Burundi, is no exception to such scenario, particularly as a result of geo-hydrological hazards which regularly affect various neighborhoods of the city: floods, flash-floods, river bank collapse, large urban gullies. For instance, the February 2014 flash flood damaged several key infrastructures in the north of Bujumbura, including the National Road number 1, a medium-voltage line and drinking water pipes.

The goal of this study is to show how, in an urban system like the city of Bujumbura, the vulnerability of these key infrastructures to geo-hydrological hazards can lead to the fragility of a large territory. This vulnerability is influenced by weaknesses related to their wear or age, their construction technique, and their dependence on external systems for their effective functioning. In addition to their own weaknesses, these key infrastructures are exposed to several natural hazards that can lead to their damage or destruction. In Bujumbura, the geo-hydrological hazards that regularly impact the city are accentuated by the lack or outdated rainwater drainage facilities and the inadequacy of the urban development plan.

After listing, locating and characterizing all the infrastructures that play a role in the life of the population in the urban environment, a classification, based on a participatory approach, was developed to select those on which the vulnerability assessment focused. Six forms of vulnerability (intrinsic, dependency, hazard exposure, control capacity, alternative operation, and crisis management) were assessed for each key infrastructure. To assess each form of vulnerability, interviews were conducted with facility managers (28) to supplement the data from the literature and field collection. Geometric weighting was performed to highlight the most vulnerable infrastructure that could disrupt the functioning of others and, by extension, that of the city.

The results of this study show that several road sections in the center and at the exit points of Bujumbura, as well as the drinking water treatment plant and the pumping stations, stand out among the most vulnerable infrastructures. Continued efforts are required to maintain, protect, and strengthen these networks and life-support systems in the face of geo-hydrological hazards, as their damage or destruction due to cascading effects caused by dependence on, or wear and tear of, infrastructure can affect a much wider area than just the hazard impact zone.

How to cite: Nsabimana, J., Henry, S., Ndayisenga, A., Kervyn, F., Dewitte, O., and Michellier, C.: Vulnerability of key urban infrastructures to geo-hydrological hazards: how endangered is the city of Bujumbura?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15281,, 2023.

EGU23-15976 | ECS | Posters virtual | NH9.5

Monitoring and Understanding Land Subsidence in Joshimath: An InSAR and Ground-based Study 

Shagun Garg, Vamshi Karanam, and Mahdi Motagh

Joshimath - a small hilly village in Uttarakhand, India is facing severe land subsidence. More than 600 houses and roads and roads have developed cracks, and the government has ordered the immediate evacuation of families in the area.

Joshimath has seen significant urbanization in recent years due to its strategic location and the increasing popularity of tourism and adventure sports in the region. There has been a growing demand for infrastructure and services to accommodate the influx of tourists, leading to the development of new hotels, resorts, and other facilities. Over the years, several hydroelectric, road, and tunnel construction projects have also been undertaken in the region. 

In order to better understand and mitigate the risk of landslides in this area, it is important to implement a robust monitoring system. Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) is a remote sensing technique that has been used successfully in the past to monitor landslides and other ground deformation events. In this study, we used InSAR to monitor land subsidence in Joshimath over a period of 20 months (May 2021 - Jan 2023). We collected radar data from Sentinel-1 and performed PSInSAR analysis. Our preliminary analysis revealed continuous deformation of the order of 4cm/year in the region. Specific locations are selected for further detailed analysis, and field work is being carried out to provide additional information such as effects of subsidence and vulnerability of the area. This information can be used to develop a comprehensive understanding of the subsidence problem in Joshimath. 

How to cite: Garg, S., Karanam, V., and Motagh, M.: Monitoring and Understanding Land Subsidence in Joshimath: An InSAR and Ground-based Study, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15976,, 2023.

EGU23-16148 | ECS | Orals | NH9.5

Bayesian belief network modelling for landslide hazard assessment using probabilistic estimates from experts 

Shreyasi Choudhury, Bruce D. Malamud, and Amy Donovan

This study applies a belief-based probabilistic approach to find the relative influence of environmental conditions and human actions on the probability of occurrence of landslides in the Darjeeling Himalayas, India. Subjective (belief-based) probabilistic methods are an approach to model complex relationships in regions with low or no data. Here, we use two subjective probabilistic methods: expert elicitation and Bayesian belief network. Expert elicitation (EE) is a technique to quantify the knowledge of experts based on their theoretical or practical experience on a topic of interest. A Bayesian belief network (BBN) takes into consideration and represents the experts’ knowledge (and other data, if available) to give a probabilistic, rational outcome under the influence of uncertainty. BBNs are represented as a graph consisting of a set of random variables (called ‘nodes’) that are interconnected via edges (called ‘arcs’). BBN follow the Bayes’ theorem.

We first use expert judgement and secondary literature to determine 20 prominent variables that influence landsliding, divided into 2 triggering variables (earthquake, rainfall), 11 geomorphic variables (e.g., soil type, flood depth, elevation), and 6 anthropogenic variables (e.g., infrastructure development, machinery vibration). We then conduct EE with ten landslide experts, to find the prior and conditional probabilities of each of these 20 landslide-related variables. Prior probability is the probability of occurrence of the variables (A) that influence or trigger landslides (P(A)) and conditional probability is the probability of occurrence of landslide(s) given P(A)). Using BBN modelling, we then provide a comparison of answers across all ten experts per variable and across all variables per expert. Finally, we examine single and multiple combinations of variables and their relative influence on landsliding in the study area. We finally list suggestions, challenges faced, and limitations on designing and carrying out belief-based probabilistic procedures.

How to cite: Choudhury, S., Malamud, B. D., and Donovan, A.: Bayesian belief network modelling for landslide hazard assessment using probabilistic estimates from experts, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16148,, 2023.

EGU23-16763 | ECS | Posters virtual | NH9.5

Applicability of complex rainfall thresholds for Territorial Landslide Early Warning Systems (Te-LEWS) in the Himalayas 

Srikrishnan Siva Subramanian, Sumit Sen, and Ali. P Yunus

Increasing occurrences of landslides as compound events under extreme-rainfall demand the development of landslide early warning systems at the territorial scale. Traditionally, rainfall Intensity-Duration (ID) thresholds are adopted in these Territorial Landslide Early Warning Systems (Te-LEWS). However, the usage of complex rainfall thresholds in Te-LEWS has proven successful across the globe since these thresholds account for the terrain conditions in direct or indirect ways, unlike the ID thresholds which consider only the rainfall characteristics. In Japan, the Soil Water Index (SWI), a complex rainfall threshold, is implemented successfully to predict rainfall-induced sediment disasters. Implementing such complex thresholds in new geological settings is very challenging. Here, we present a framework to test the SWI threshold to predict shallow landslides and debris flows in the Himalayas. By analysing the landslides' historical occurrences and their corresponding triggering rainfall intensities from satellite-derived hourly precipitation data, we determine the critical threshold of SWI. The framework considers the SWI calculation within the desired region at every 5 km * 5 km grid. The approach is found applicable for selected rainfall-induced landslides and debris flows in the Himalayas, especially in Uttarakhand, India. This framework may be useful for establishing complex rainfall threshold-based Te-LEWS in new geological settings. 

How to cite: Siva Subramanian, S., Sen, S., and Yunus, Ali. P.: Applicability of complex rainfall thresholds for Territorial Landslide Early Warning Systems (Te-LEWS) in the Himalayas, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16763,, 2023.

EGU23-16849 | ECS | Posters virtual | NH9.5

Evaluation of different Precipitation Products with IMD dataset emphasizing on Hydrological Modelling. 

Alka Kumari, Akash Singh Raghuvanshi, and Ankit Agarwal

Numerous reanalysis products have been released worldwide. Indeed, the latest generation of reanalysis exhibit less bias and inaccuracy due to significant advancements in model physics and data assimilation methodologies. The applicability of these data sets for various parts of the world must be carefully examined. Therefore, numerous initiatives have been conducted to investigate the validity of reanalysis on a global and regional basis. Reanalysis products have been used to examine a range of hydrological concerns, such as floods, droughts, and the balance of energy and water, among others. In this study, we investigate how well various reanalysis products simulate the spatiotemporal precipitation patterns over India. We have collected precipitation data from 1980 to 2021 for pan India using different reanalysis precipitation products such as ERA5 (Fifth generation of ECMWF global atmospheric reanalysis), CFSR (Climate Forecast System Reanalysis), MERRA2 (Modern Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Application, version-2), JRA55 (Japanese global atmospheric reanalysis project), MSWX (Multi-Source Weather) and IMD (India Meteorological Department) dataset. Comparison of different precipitation reanalysis products with the IMD dataset using various descriptive and categorial indices showed that ERA5 was a better representative of IMD data than other reanalysis products. We infer that ERA5 can be utilized in various climatic studies and hydrological modelling for those areas or river basins having no or missing data.

How to cite: Kumari, A., Singh Raghuvanshi, A., and Agarwal, A.: Evaluation of different Precipitation Products with IMD dataset emphasizing on Hydrological Modelling., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16849,, 2023.

EGU23-319 | ECS | Orals | NH9.7

Urban Vulnerability: Requirements and Data Availability on the Global Scale 

Tristian Stolte, Elco Koks, Hans de Moel, Lena Reimann, Marleen de Ruiter, Jasper van Vliet, and Philip Ward

In this study, we compile and review the required and available data to do a global-scale urban vulnerability assessment for different hazards. Over the past decades, cities around the globe have rapidly increased in size. A larger concentration of people, assets, and economic activities in cities also mean that more elements are potentially located directly in harm’s way if a hazard occurs. The impacts of natural hazards are often expressed within the disaster risk framework, which describes disaster risk as a probabilistic function of hazard (i.e. the natural hazard event that potentially causes harm), exposure (i.e. those elements that are potentially in harm’s way), and vulnerability (i.e. the characteristics of the exposed elements that make them more or less susceptible to harm). Thus far, urban vulnerability has been investigated primarily on the local scale and is often led by data availability rather than suitability. To enable a more informed decision making process in vulnerability assessments, we aim to provide an overview of both relevant and available vulnerability indicators for six different hazards (pluvial flooding, coastal flooding, drought, earthquakes, heatwaves, and waterborne diseases). Our methodology is threefold: (1) An exhaustive overview of relevant urban vulnerability characteristics through a semi-systematic review of the peer-reviewed scientific literature (3000+ papers). Our focus is on empirically derived vulnerability characteristics, but we supplement this with information from modelled, theorized, adopted, or unknown derived sources. (2) An overview of available urban vulnerability indicators from supra-national urban datasets in a data review (100+ datasets). (3) A comparison of the relevant vulnerability information from the literature review with the available vulnerability data from the data review in order to explore what data acquisition activities are most needed in the context of urban vulnerability assessments. Lastly, we also discuss the outlook of a temporally dynamic (i.e. with values for different moments in time) vulnerability dataset with full global coverage in the urban context. The results can be used to inform researchers and urban decision makers tasked with disaster risk reduction on viable vulnerability indicators.

How to cite: Stolte, T., Koks, E., de Moel, H., Reimann, L., de Ruiter, M., van Vliet, J., and Ward, P.: Urban Vulnerability: Requirements and Data Availability on the Global Scale, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-319,, 2023.

EGU23-482 | ECS | Orals | NH9.7

Heat-related excess mortality in Brazilian urban areas: regional, demographic and social disparities 

Djacinto Monteiro dos Santos, Renata Libonati, Beatriz Garcia, João Geirinhas, Barbara Salvi, Eliane Silva, Julia Rodrigues, Leonardo Peres, Ana Russo, Renata Gracie, Helen Gurgel, and Ricardo Trigo

Climate Change has increased population exposure to more frequent, more intense, and longer heat waves (HWs) worldwide. South America and particularly Brazil is highly vulnerable to rising temperatures, with limited adaptation resources and a growing and aging urban population. However still lacks research on the direct and indirect impacts of extreme heat on health in these regions, in particular on the role of social and demographic factors, as well as regional disparities in heat-related mortality. This work presents a comprehensive analysis of the occurrence of HW in the 14 most populous metropolitan regions (MRs) in Brazil, comprising circa 35% of the country's population, based on the Excess Heat Factor index. The impact of HWs on mortality was accessed employing the ratio between observed and expected deaths (O/E), which reveals a burden of 48,075 excess heat-related excess deaths over the 2000–2018 period, in line with the recent and significant increase observed in the annual number of days under extreme heat. Diseases of the circulatory and respiratory systems and neoplasms are the dominant causes of death (COD), although other COD little explored in the literature have also presented large O/E values in some MRs, such as diseases of the skin, nervous and genitourinary system, and mental and behavioral disorders. In addition, the vulnerability population profile was investigated considering the splits in terms of gender, age, race, and educational level subgroups. Overall, females, older, low-educational level, and black/brown are the most sensitive groups in most MRs, with significantly larger O/E values. Nonetheless, significant regional disparities were observed, mainly due to North-South socio-economic inequalities existing in Brazil, and differences in health indicators between these regions, such as life expectancy. Our findings are expected to guide the implementation of public mitigation and adaptation strategies in some of the most populated regions of South America.

This work was supported by FIOCRUZ [grant VPPCB-003-FIO-19] and FAPERJ [grant E26/202.714/2019]. D.M.S. was supported by FIOCRUZ [grant VPPCB-003-FIO-19].

How to cite: Monteiro dos Santos, D., Libonati, R., Garcia, B., Geirinhas, J., Salvi, B., Silva, E., Rodrigues, J., Peres, L., Russo, A., Gracie, R., Gurgel, H., and Trigo, R.: Heat-related excess mortality in Brazilian urban areas: regional, demographic and social disparities, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-482,, 2023.

EGU23-3427 | Orals | NH9.7 | Highlight

Climate and health in the UK: Thinking across hazards and timescales 

Dann Mitchell, Rosa Barciela, Gareth Griffith, Antonio Gasparrini, Eunice Lo, and Charles Simpson

Weather and climate variability and trends impact health in a range of different ways. In this work I will cover five hazards, heat/drought, cold, storms/flooding, wildfire, and ‘other’ (e.g. hazards related to infectious diseases). I will give a summary of an expert judgment regarding how much various health outcomes associated with these hazards currently impact the UK population, and how this might change in the future. I will discuss how long exposure needs to be to the hazard before the health outcome is detectable. I will finish with highlighting where there are significant gaps in the literature, and where research groups and funding agencies should focus more, not just in the UK context, but the world. 


This work was done through the Met Office academic partnership “temperature and health” group, and involves a group of 50+ experts in climate and/or health. 

How to cite: Mitchell, D., Barciela, R., Griffith, G., Gasparrini, A., Lo, E., and Simpson, C.: Climate and health in the UK: Thinking across hazards and timescales, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3427,, 2023.

EGU23-3570 | Orals | NH9.7

A vulnerability-adjusted approach to global flood risk mapping 

Sean Fox, Felix Agyemang, Laurence Hawker, and Jeff Neal

Global flood risk maps combine data from hydrodynamic models with gridded population or GDP data to estimate the amount of people or wealth likely to be exposed to future flood events. These estimates rarely incorporate measures of social vulnerability, which is a key source of variation in outcomes for exposed populations. They also use arbitrary return period thresholds, which can disguise potentially catastrophic hazards. To address these limitations, we integrate annual average exceedance probability estimates from a high-resolution (~90m) flood model with gridded population and economic data to create a global vulnerability-adjusted risk index for flooding (VARI Flood). This human welfare-centred approach radically alters how we perceive the geography of risk and could be used as a complement to traditional population or asset-centred approaches. We present global results for both unadjusted and vulnerability-adjusted risk at the subnational (Admin 2) level; country case studies illustrate how accounting for vulnerability changes the perceived subnational geography of risk. Globally, adjusting for vulnerability significantly reduces the total number of people estimated to be at ‘high risk’ from  over 575 million to about 117 million. However, this latter estimate is likely an underestimate given the relatively coarse resolution of the economic data available, which disguises variation in vulnerability between communities within large cities and urban regions. Given the increasing concentration of the global human population in cities, there is an urgent need to improve the resolution of vulnerability mapping within large human settlements to inform mitigation measures. 

How to cite: Fox, S., Agyemang, F., Hawker, L., and Neal, J.: A vulnerability-adjusted approach to global flood risk mapping, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3570,, 2023.

EGU23-4320 | Posters on site | NH9.7

Choosing the appropriate spatial scale for flash flood risk assessments in Mediterranean mountain watersheds 

Ioannis Kougkoulos, Yuke Xie, Myriam Merad, Stella Apostolaki, and Simon J. Cook

In the Mediterranean, substantial economic losses are incurred each year due to flash floods; their rapid onset and unpredictability is a significant challenge for regional and national government responses. To help communities foresee and prevent some flood-related impacts, researchers often provide flood risk prevention models that rank different sub-basins within a single watershed from highest to lowest risk. Nevertheless, in countries within the EU, decisions to act against flooding (and other disasters, such as wildfires and storms) are often taken after interaction with the concerned municipality or regional government. We argue here that attempting to act across multiple scales simultaneously adds confusion and limits the capacity for effective disaster operations management. In order to address those complexities and suggest an ideal scale for future modelling of flash flooding in similar areas we focus on Storm Alex which formed on the 30th of September and dissipated on the 3rd of October 2020 producing the worst rainfall in 120 years in the French Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur (PACA) region, causing 16 fatalities. The most heavily impacted community was that of Saint-Martin de Vésubie in the Vésubie river watershed. Past research on this event has focused mainly on a) describing how the event unfolded and b) illustrating issues in French Flood Risk Governance (FRG) providing useful data surrounding the event but neglecting the decision-making issue of watershed vs. municipality scales mentioned above. We use Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) that draws information from satellite imagery, GIS and web resources to create a desk-based flash flood risk assessment and then use it to analyze the impacted area in two different scales; a) the watershed scale, dividing the Vésubie watershed into 10 sub-basins following terrain topography, and b) the municipality scale, using the limits of the 11 municipalities covering the Vésubie watershed. MCDA helps decision-makers structure multi-faceted decisions and evaluate alternatives (e.g. sub-basins, municipalities) according to a set of criteria. Here, criteria include building density, average elevation, average river slope, vegetated area, distance from the main river, land cover, past wildfires and past landslides. Our analysis results in two separate rankings (one of sub-basins and one of municipalities) from lowest to highest risk of flash flooding. Depending on the scale chosen, the resulting risk ranking of some areas changes, leading to a new debate on how we should approach flash flood risk in Mediterranean mountain basins in order to take better decisions and limit economic impacts and loss of life in a changing climate.

How to cite: Kougkoulos, I., Xie, Y., Merad, M., Apostolaki, S., and Cook, S. J.: Choosing the appropriate spatial scale for flash flood risk assessments in Mediterranean mountain watersheds, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4320,, 2023.

EGU23-5616 | ECS | Orals | NH9.7 | Highlight

Flood risk assessment of educational and health critical facilities 

Gabriele Bertoli and Chiara Arrighi

Critical facilities are crucial buildings for the community and in case of natural hazards their functionality must be guaranteed. Specific building codes and up-to date studies are commonly available for facing earthquakes, but it is not the same for other natural hazards, such as floods. The older facilities might stand in flood prone areas, but from the recent years such structures are usually built far from the major river network and outside the known inundation areas. Probably this is the most common and, sometimes, the only, mitigation measure adopted against floods. Also, moving critical facilities far from the main river network, means that they are settled near and over the secondary river network, which is often not known in-detail and characterized by small basins with sudden responses, high urbanization, and with heavy modifications to the natural existing drainage system. Moreover, critical facilities are seldom included in flood risk analyses, especially regarding the indirect impacts. The work is based on a case study area located in Florence (Italy), where one major hospital of the central Italy and one relevant learning center of University of Florence are built over a culverted stream, surrounded by the secondary hydrograph network, inside a set of small sub-basins. A hydrological analysis was carried out, and the hydraulic modeling of the stream was implemented with the help of geophysical prospecting. Particular attention was dedicated to the assessment of direct and indirect impacts of the hazard. The direct impacts were studied starting from a collection of all the building-specific installations and systems, then formulating a damage curve in function of the water height. The indirect and intangible impacts, which can worsen the impacts of the flood, were carefully researched and investigated taking in account factors, among others, as the building accessibility during and after the flood event, the expected service disruption time, the possibility of the structure to be used as shelter, the fluctuation of the number of people expected to be in the building during the event, the consequences on people and on the community of the service disruption, the seasonality impact. Eventually, a comprehensive damage (impact) evaluation technique was developed.

How to cite: Bertoli, G. and Arrighi, C.: Flood risk assessment of educational and health critical facilities, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5616,, 2023.

EGU23-5666 | ECS | Orals | NH9.7

Dengue in India: association with weather and socioeconomic variables 

Avik Kumar Sam, Siuli Mukhopadhyay, and Harish C. Phuleria

Dengue, the most prevalent arthropod-borne viral infection, is endemic to 100+ countries. Dengue transmission is highly sensitive to climatic and meteorological conditions such as temperature, rainfall and relative humidity, as indicated by the association between increased climatic suitability and expansion of regions at risk. In India, dengue is endemic to all 28 states and eight union territories, with a gradual shift historically observed in their spatial distributions from urban to rural areas. The rising burden due to its frequent outbreaks causes an unprecedented burden on the economy and the health system. Thus, in order to formulate adequate strategies for mitigating dengue risks in future, it is essential to study the patterns in dengue transmission and the influence of meteorological/climatic variables. The present study aims to understand the spatiotemporal variations in dengue cases and the effect of weather parameters on dengue outcomes across India over the past 15 years. State-wise annual data on dengue cases and deaths during 2007 - 2022 was collected from the National Vector-borne Disease Control Programme. India reported more than one million dengue cases and 2,712 deaths for the period, with the highest cases observed in 2021. 73% of the total cases occurred between 2016 and 2022, indicating increased dengue outbreaks across the country. Overall, the case fatality was 2.1 (per 1000 cases), the highest seen in 2007 (12.5). The northern region, with eight states and UTs, reported the highest case count contributing 28% of the country’s caseload. Positive anomalies in the maximum temperature (against a 15-year annual average) were observed from 2012 to 2019, while minimum temperature had negative anomalies – the effect of the same on dengue cases and mortality is being examined along with the effect of socioeconomic differences across the states.

Figure 1 Spatial distribution in dengue cases and deaths across India between 2007-2022. The red dots indicate the deaths. 

How to cite: Sam, A. K., Mukhopadhyay, S., and Phuleria, H. C.: Dengue in India: association with weather and socioeconomic variables, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5666,, 2023.

Italy is a country seriously affected by landslides and floods: these hydro-geological hazards persistently cause fatalities and severe economic losses, but to date little is known on the indirect effects that such hazards exert on the local and national economy.

In this nation-wide study, the indirect effects of hydro-geological phenomena on Italian firms are assessed by coupling some indicators of the performance of Italian firms, and a dataset of flood and landslide events.

Econometric indicators were defined starting from data provided by organizations such as INPS, ISTAT, CERVED, Tax Registry and Bank of Italy. A geodatabase providing the timing and location of harmful hydro-geological events was compiled by an automated web datamining procedure based on a semantic algorithm scanning internet news. These datasets, with a spatial detail at the municipality level, cover the period from 2010 to 2020 and a statistical analysis was carried out to assess to which extent hydro-geological disasters affected the competitiveness of local economies.

The results showed that firms located in municipalities hit by a relevant event face on average a 4.8% increase in the probability of exiting the market with respect to non-impaired firms. Moreover, surviving firms seem to be slightly affected by natural disasters, in particular on the revenue side (-3.5%) and, to a lesser extent, on employment (-1.7%). We also explored the heterogeneity of these effects, discovering that indirect impacts seem more relevant for micro and small businesses, for those active in services and those located in rural and suburban areas.

How to cite: Clò, S. and Segoni, S.: Assessing the indirect impacts of hydro-geological hazards on Italian firms: a nation-wide assessment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5964,, 2023.

EGU23-6997 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.7

Flood indirect impacts assessment: A systematic review of models and empirical literature 

Elisa Nobile, Marcello Arosio, Mario Martina, and Alessandro Caiani

Floods are among the most frequent and costliest natural hazards worldwide and the associated human and economic losses are expected to increase due to climate change, urbanization and population growth. Therefore, it is crucial to develop a comprehensive understanding of the economic impacts of these disasters on our interconnected society. This should include the indirect impacts (e.g. business interruption, service disruption, cascading effects), which have been very often overlooked, especially in engineering works.

For this reason, this study reviews the recent scientific literature in the fields of economy and engineering on the socio-economic impacts of floods to derive the current state-of-the-art of the indirect impacts estimation. Given the complexity of the problem, it is necessary to integrate economic theory studies, which in general tend to focus on flow losses, and civil engineering studies, which, on the other hand, have centred their attention mainly on stock losses.

The different frameworks, methodologies and empirical studies are analysed through a systematic qualitative and quantitative review. The published articles are derived from well-known scientific database by setting indicators and keywords.

The results highlight the different sectors (e.g. economic sectors, firms, transportation system) and the different metrics (e.g. monetary values, time, space), adopted to quantify the indirect impacts, as well as the different purposes (e.g. risk assessment, risk management) of each study.

This work derives the current knowledge on the estimation of indirect impacts of flooding to provide clarity on the different perspectives of indirect impacts. Moreover, the findings can help to underline key gaps in the existing scientific literature and to indicate future research work.

How to cite: Nobile, E., Arosio, M., Martina, M., and Caiani, A.: Flood indirect impacts assessment: A systematic review of models and empirical literature, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6997,, 2023.

EGU23-7305 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.7

Modelling Climate Migration in Southeast Asia due to Sea-Level Rise 

Sonali Manimaran and David Lallemant

Southeast Asia (SEA) is among the regions that are most at risk of experiencing climate change-induced human migration. It is home to more than 675 million people, many of whom reside in lower-middle income countries, with pre-existing social vulnerabilities and poverty, largely in low-lying coastal cities. SEA regularly experiences natural hazards, including floods and typhoons, whose impacts are expected to be magnified by climate change, and compounded by newer hazards, such as sea-level rise (SLR). Some level of climate migration is inevitable in this region, but with appropriate management, the scale of migration can be reduced and can serve as an effective adaptation strategy.

To better understand the scale of SLR-induced migration, as well as to identify the areas and population groups most at risk, this study employs a radiation model, which has previously been shown to be successful in predicting internal migration flows. In this study, the radiation model is used to predict the migration flows in SEA due to SLR, and to identify hotspots of sending and receiving regions of migrants. Specifically, future migration flows in Indonesia and Philippines are modelled from 2050 to 2100, looking at baseline non-climate migration, as well as SLR-induced climate migration, for a range of Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) and population growth projections. Preliminary results show a ~25% increase in migrant outflows under SLR scenarios relative to baselines, and a ~50% increase in inter-provincial migration rates. This indicates that SLR-driven migration will be significant for these countries and needs to be managed in a way that does not exacerbate existing vulnerabilities. This entails implementing in-situ adaptation measures in locations where it is still feasible, and facilitating relocation where in-situ adaptation would not be feasible. The radiation model is an effective way to predict migration flows at sub-national and national scales, and can be applied to other countries in SEA, given that the data inputs for the model are readily available.

How to cite: Manimaran, S. and Lallemant, D.: Modelling Climate Migration in Southeast Asia due to Sea-Level Rise, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7305,, 2023.

EGU23-8792 | ECS | Orals | NH9.7

A Framework for Multi- and Systemic-Risk Analysis: Focusing on Indirect Risks Based on Dependencies 

Robert Sakic Trogrlic, Stefan Hochrainer-Stigler, and Karina Reiter

Despite the rising importance of both systemic and multi-risks caused by interrelated natural hazards (e.g., compound, cascading, consecutive), there is still an apparent lack of unifying frameworks that allow for harmonized assessment and management of these risks. This paper presents a six-step framework developed as part of the HORIZON 2020 MYRIAD-EU project, with the framework flexible enough to cover single, multi- and systemic risk analysis, including measurement, modelling and management dimensions. The six steps are: i) finding a system’s definition, ii) characterization of direct risk, iii) characterization of indirect risk, iv) evaluation of direct and indirect risk, v) defining risk management options, and vi) accounting for future systems state. The framework is developed based on systemic risk ideas, drawing a need to delineate clear system boundaries and identify interdependencies of system elements, ultimately enabling system of systems approach that can incorporate complexities in a manageable level for a diverse set of risk bearers. As done traditionally, in the process of risk assessment, we first propose an assessment of direct risks, emerging due to direct contact of system elements with a hazard(s). However, we suggest to move forward and then focus on indirect risks emerging due to interdependencies in the system and in response to direct risk realization, especially within a co-produced selection of indirect risk metrics with relevant stakeholders. Risk management options, including indirect risk management, are then considered, with a special emphasis on synergies and asynergies of risk management options between hazards, sectors, and impact types and between top down and bottom-up related risk management instruments. While the paper is focused on a detailed presentation and discussion of the conceptual framework, given that the framework is currently applied in five pilots across Europe (Danube, Canary Islands, Scandinavia, North Sea, and Veneto Region), it also brings initial results from practical implementation, including initial tools and methods, challenges, and opportunities.

How to cite: Sakic Trogrlic, R., Hochrainer-Stigler, S., and Reiter, K.: A Framework for Multi- and Systemic-Risk Analysis: Focusing on Indirect Risks Based on Dependencies, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8792,, 2023.

EGU23-9618 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.7

The role of social inequalities in heat-related cardiovascular morbidity in adults in Madrid 

Coral Salvador, Pedro Gullón, Manuel Franco, and Ana M. Vicedo-Cabrera

Heat poses a great environmental health concern, especially in densely populated urban areas. However, evidence of heat-related cause-specific morbidity is still uncertain. Further evidence on the role of socioeconomic context and individual characteristics as potential risk modifiers is also needed, especially considering the expected increase of exposure and vulnerability to extreme heat events in the future due to climate change.

This study aims 1) to analyse the short-term association between heat exposure and the first acute cardiovascular disease event (CVE) in adult residents in the city of Madrid during the summer months (June-September) between 2015 and 2018, and 2) to conduct a vulnerability assessment based on five social and health indicators: sex, age, area-level deprivation, country of origin, and presence of comorbidities.

The analysis was conducted using the dataset collected by the Heart Healthy Hoods project ( from 2015 to 2018. Information of CVEs was based on electronic medical records of adults aged 40-75 who were registered in any primary health centre of Madrid from 2015. Daily maximum temperature was the exposure variable (°C, 5km grid), which was provided by the State Meteorological Agency of Spain. We conducted a case-crossover design using a conditional logistic regression model with a distributed non-lineal model to flexibly account for the non-linear and delayed effect (2 days of lag) of temperature on CVE. Odds ratios were estimated for extreme heat (97th temperature percentile in Madrid) compared to the minimum risk temperature. We conducted a stratified analysis by categories of social indicators and sub-diagnosis groups.

Overall, extreme heat increased the risk of CVE by 15.3% (95%CI: 1.010-1.317) in adult residents in Madrid. Larger risks were found in males (risk increased by 24.8%), non-Spanish (risk increased by 86.9%), and deprived populations, where a clear dose-response was observed by deprivation levels (risk increased by 6.2% for low deprivation to 22.8% for high deprivation). A positive but not robust association was observed in the rest of the population groups, with similar effects between age groups. Our results also suggest that underlying diabetes, hypertension, or dyslipidaemia did not substantially increase the heat-related CVE risk.

Heat increased the risk of CVE among adults in Madrid. Social conditions such as sex, country of origin and deprivation level were important predictors of inequality in heat-related cardiovascular disease. Public health policies should pay special attention to vulnerable individuals since climate change is expected to increase social inequalities and continue disproportionately affecting disadvantaged populations.

How to cite: Salvador, C., Gullón, P., Franco, M., and Vicedo-Cabrera, A. M.: The role of social inequalities in heat-related cardiovascular morbidity in adults in Madrid, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9618,, 2023.

EGU23-9978 | ECS | Orals | NH9.7

The European alpine transport corridor – investigating the systemic impact of compounding disasters within the PARATUS project 

Philipp Marr, Thomas Glade, Alejandra Jiménez Donato, Klaus Gspan, Astrid Preissler, Marc Adams, Massimiliano Pittore, Silvia Cocuccioni, and Marcel Hürlimann

The Covid-19 pandemic as well as the climate crisis, to name two examples only, have taught us the importance of the systemic impact of compounding disasters. Stakeholders in disaster risk management are faced with the challenge to adapt their risk reduction policies and emergency plans but lack the tools to account for the cross-sectoral impacts and dynamic nature of the risks involved. The EU Horizon project PARATUS (Promoting disaster preparedness and resilience by co-developing stakeholder support tools for managing the systemic risk of compounding disasters – CL3-2021-DRS-01) aims to develop an open and online, user-centred platform for systemic risk assessment with the possibility for analysing and evaluating multi-hazard impact chains, risk reduction measures and disaster response scenarios incorporating systemic vulnerabilities and uncertainties. This platform is co-developed with stakeholders and addressing the dynamic physical, socio-economic, and environmental aspects. 

The development of this platform will be achieved by learning from past events to understand their dynamic and interactive behaviour of hazards and related risks. Disaster histories will be collected through the analysis of representative past events in so-called learning case studies. From the gained knowledge a generic methodology will be developed for a systemic multi-sectoral and multi-hazard risk assessment which will be applied within the PARATUS project in four application case study areas. The application case study in the European Alps will be introduced in this contribution and refers to the stretch between Innsbruck (Austria) and Bozen (Italy). Here, we focus on the impact of the interruption of cross-border transportation of the Brenner highway caused by extreme events in a mountainous environment, such as extreme wind, floods and flash floods, landslides including rockfall, debris- and mudflow, snow avalanches, and heat. Besides the experiences of the responsible stakeholder ASFiNAG, another focus will be on local communities.  For instance, the future regional economic impact will be projected for various climate and hazard scenarios related to the interruption of cross-border transportation due to compounding events. Additionally, the involvement of Austrian and Italian local and regional stakeholders in the above-mentioned activities will foster the co-development of the project platform with their experiences. The final platform will allow the access to additional information in order to support and foster the local and regional developments to achieve a safer environment. 

How to cite: Marr, P., Glade, T., Donato, A. J., Gspan, K., Preissler, A., Adams, M., Pittore, M., Cocuccioni, S., and Hürlimann, M.: The European alpine transport corridor – investigating the systemic impact of compounding disasters within the PARATUS project, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9978,, 2023.

EGU23-10357 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.7

How non-asset-based disaster loss models better quantify risk: A case study of coastal flooding in the Philippines. 

Jeanette Choong, Dennis Wagenaar, and David Lallemant

Conventional disaster loss models measure risk and impact solely based on the volume of assets potentially lost to a disaster. While asset-based metrics are useful in providing an overview of the immediate physical losses, they neither fully capture the disparate impacts on different social groups nor the knock-on impacts that people continue to experience post-disaster. The problem with relying on asset-based metrics alone is that it leads to decisions that gravitate towards the protection of asset-rich areas as they seemingly have more to at risk. In doing so, it obscures the protection needs of asset-poor regions, and in extreme cases, could further exacerbate impacts and issues of inequity. Since one of the main goals in disaster risk modelling is to effectively inform disaster risk reduction strategies, the approach decision makers use to quantify risk matters. This is especially important in geographies that experience both high levels of disaster risk and inequity. In this study, we highlight the utility of ‘non-asset-based’ disaster loss models for equitable planning outcomes through the following contributions: (1) A literature review comparing the types of existing non-asset-based disaster loss approaches; (2) An applied comparison of the conventional asset-based approach and select non-asset-based approach(es) for the case of coastal flooding in the Philippines. We use this comparison to emphasize the need for better risk and loss metrics for planning and decision-making by demonstrating that moving from asset-based to non-asset-based approaches leads to a shift in municipalities prioritised for protection.

How to cite: Choong, J., Wagenaar, D., and Lallemant, D.: How non-asset-based disaster loss models better quantify risk: A case study of coastal flooding in the Philippines., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10357,, 2023.

Outdoor thermal comfort is important to city dwellers' well-being and health. Pedestrians are especially sensitive to thermal environments, and their thermal comfort is expected to be at risk due to the urban heat island effect combined with climate change. Pedestrian thermal comfort assessment is crucial to comprise sustainable climate change adaptation strategy. However, pedestrian thermal comfort has been simply evaluated using the survey asking pedestrians about their comfort levels via oral or paper interviews. The survey's shortcoming is that it does not reflect the dynamics of the ever-changing environment and the resultant responder's physiology. The development of wearable sensors overcame the survey's limitation and allowed to detect human physiological responses reflecting the changes in the surrounding environment more objectively. Among several physiological parameters, heart rate(HR) is a representative proxy for physiological thermal stress reflecting environmental heat load. It can be easily monitored by a smartwatch wearing an optical blood flow sensor. Therefore, we aim to investigate the applicability of physiological thermal comfort evaluation based on pedestrians' HRs monitored using a smartwatch in real-walking settings. The experiment was conducted on four streets with an east-west orientation in Suwon, Gyeonggi-do, Korea. The four streets were selected with high or low effects of grey and green infrastructure on the streets' thermal environment based on a building-height-to-street-width(H/W) ratio of 2 and the percentage of tree canopy cover(%TCC) of 50, respectively. The 32 voluntary pedestrians walked one street a day for an hour(14:00-15:00) with a smartwatch(Mi-band4) to record HR of each pedestrian. During walking, microclimates (air and globe temperature, relative humidity, wind velocity) were monitored using a portable meteorological station. After walking, the survey was conducted by asking about their feelings while walking as thermal comfort level. We defined the thermal environment created by grey and green infrastructures as the difference between the street's mean radiant temperature(Tmrt) calculated by the street's microclimates and the official air temperature from the automatic weather station. We also suggested the physiological thermal comfort index(PTCI) to quantify physiological thermal comfort including the cardiovascular risk based on HRs. Consequently, we found the tree's effect was contradictory according to the H/W ratio. The increment of 10%TCC reduced Tmrt by 1.1℃ on the low H/W ratio street but rose Tmrt up to 0.1℃ on the high building street. The TCC's heat dissipation hindrance might cause this result because TCC could block the wind path and interfere with air circulation rather than having the cooling effect of the tree-formed shades on streets where high buildings already form sufficient shade. The PTCI results reflected the thermal environment of each street well because a 10%TCC rise decreased the cardiovascular risk by 8% on the low building street but increased the risk up to 7% on the high building street. However, pedestrians could not perceive the thermal environments' distinctions among streets due to interruption of aesthetic quality other than microclimates. Therefore, we identified that physiological thermal comfort based on HR is more appropriate to be used as a basis for establishing adaptation strategies for pedestrians.

How to cite: Kim, A. and Yoo, G.: Warable sensor-based thermal comfort assessment for pedestrianconsidering the ever-changing thermal environment and physiological response, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11102,, 2023.

EGU23-11639 | Posters on site | NH9.7 | Highlight

Flood impacts beyond the direct and physical ones: the case of the Po catchment in Italy 

Mario Lloyd Virgilio Martina, Marcello Arosio, Chiara Arrighi, Alessio Domeneghetti, Gabriele Farina, Riccardo Giusti, Daniela Molinari, Marco Pilotti, and Annarita Scorzini

Flooding is among the leading climatic threats to people’s livelihoods, affecting development prospects worldwide. While the danger is already substantial, climate change and rapid urbanization in flood zones will likely further drive-up flood risks.  

The support from flood risk assessment studies, which quantify the impacts of hazardous events on the built environment, economy and society, is fundamental for defining and implementing strategies to manage and reduce flood risk effectively. However, according to the typology of considered assets, there are different methodologies for flood risk assessment. While for direct physical and monetary dimensions, the scientific community offers a variety of widely used models, the application of models beyond these dimensions is much less frequent, and the selection and implementation of a model for estimating indirect losses or impacts for a given application case are not straightforward.

This work presents the lesson learnt from the recent updating process of the Flood Risk Management Plan of Po River District Authority carried out in the context of the MOVIDA project ((, 2022), in compliance with the European Floods Directive (2007/60/EC). The analysis spread across the following assets: residential buildings, crops, dairy farms, commercial and industrial sectors, strategic facilities, roads and railways, cultural heritage, environment and population. In particular, this study critically examines and discusses the needs and challenges faced by the research consortium to implement a comprehensive impact. Furthermore, the major bottlenecks for the different assets are explored across the standard dimensions: state of art, data availability and openness, spatial/temporal resolution and scale, methodology framework and implementation.

How to cite: Martina, M. L. V., Arosio, M., Arrighi, C., Domeneghetti, A., Farina, G., Giusti, R., Molinari, D., Pilotti, M., and Scorzini, A.: Flood impacts beyond the direct and physical ones: the case of the Po catchment in Italy, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11639,, 2023.

EGU23-12419 | Orals | NH9.7

The effect of weather and simulated climate parameters on three gastro-intestinal infections in the Republic of Ireland 

Martin Boudou, Shivam Khandelwal, Coilin Óhaiseada, Patricia Garvey, Jean O'dwyer, and Paul Hynds

Latest IPCC projections (2022) suggest significantly  increased future incidence of infectious disease due to global warming and shifting climate patterns. Due to increasing global mean temperatures and extreme weather event frequency, assessing the potential impacts of climate change on infectious disease represents a critical challenge for public health authorities. This is particularly significant for environmentally-acquired infections which are directly or indirectly driven by local weather conditions. The current study sought to explore the relationship between antecedent weather and three gastrointestinal infections in the Republic of Ireland, namely cryptosporidiosis, Verotoxigenic E. Coli (VTEC) and campylobacteriosis.

Irreversibly anonymised cases of infection were acquired from the national Computerised Infectious Disease Reporting (CIDR) database. Overall, 4,509 cases of cryptosporidiosis (2007 - 2017), 2,755 cases of VTEC enteritis (2013 - 2017) and 20,274 cases of campylobacteriosis (2011 - 2018) were employed. Individual cases were geographically linked to a Census Small Area (SA).

Weekly seasonal adjustment of developed time series (trend & residuals of seasonally decomposed time-series) were undertaken for both climate and infection variables (incidence rate per 100k population). Climate variables were lagged from 1 to 20 weeks to account for likely delayed associations. A series of Spearman’s correlation matrices were subsequently developed. Infections hotspots were identified and used to construct space-time cluster frequency maps (Boudou et al., 2021, Cleary et al. 2021), with Monte-Carlo simulations used to simulate the effects of weekly mean temperature and rainfall changes on space-time cluster frequency. Analyses were delineated (restricted) based on season and settlement type (i.e., rural, urban, commuter areas).

Spearman’s correlation matrices confirmed the presence of ranked associations between rainfall, temperature and all three infections. Weekly VTEC and campylobacteriosis incidence were positively associated with the non-lagged mean temperature (Rho >0.6). Maximum positive associations were obtained between non-lagged rainfall (mm) for VTEC (Rho=0.68) and campylobacteriosis (Rho= 0.6), while a delayed positive association was found for cryptosporidiosis with a maximum Rho of 0.21 (Week 19). Findings from Monte-Carlo simulation provided strong insights on the direct impacts of temperature and rainfall changes on infection cluster frequency. An increase of 1oC in weekly temperature was simulated to result in an 25% increase in the number of Small Areas reporting a space-time cluster of campylobacteriosis. Similarly, a 5mm increase in weekly rainfall was shown to increase the number of rural SAs reporting a space-time cluster of cryptosporidiosis by ≈4%.

Study findings leave little doubt as to the significance of climate patterns for all three infections, with all shown to increase (incidence rates and/or cluster occurrence) in concurrence with increasing temperatures and rainfall volumes. Accordingly, there is a pressing need for development of adapted health strategies within the context of predicted climate change (i.e., increased testing/surveillance and treatment capacity, improved risk communication during extreme weather events,…). This result points out the need to promote multidisciplinary researches by including meteorologists, hydrologists and engineer in public health planning strategies.

How to cite: Boudou, M., Khandelwal, S., Óhaiseada, C., Garvey, P., O'dwyer, J., and Hynds, P.: The effect of weather and simulated climate parameters on three gastro-intestinal infections in the Republic of Ireland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12419,, 2023.

EGU23-12544 | ECS | Orals | NH9.7

Comparing hierarchical and inductive methods to characterize social vulnerability. – A Burkina Faso  case study 

Lotte Savelberg, Marc van den Homberg, Jazmin Zatarain Salazar, Ylenia Casali, and Tina Comes

Social vulnerability is a key concept that guides the design, evaluation, and targeting of humanitarian and development programs worldwide. However, vulnerability remains an abstract concept, and many methodologies and assessment tools exist to characterize vulnerability. What is missing is a standardized framework to determine which method is most useful to assess social vulnerability and to determine the sensitivity of different methodologies.

In this paper, we make a headway in addressing this gap by comparing two methods for assessing social vulnerability and their sensitivity in a case study for Burkina Faso: 1) the inductive principal component approach (SoVI) and 2) the hierarchical equal weighting approach (INFORM).  Our hypothesis is that the spatio-temporal characterization of social vulnerability is highly sensitive to different methods and the quality of the input data.

To test the impact of the different methods, this paper presents a case study of Burkina Faso. Burkina Faso, is one of the most vulnerable countries in the world ranking 161th on the ND-Gain Index, highly vulnerable to natural hazards and man-made disasters. While many vulnerability assessment methods focus on natural hazards, our case study assesses a combination of conflicts and floods by calculating the social vulnerability for all 351 communes of Burkina Faso. Given the limited availability of data with high spatial and temporal resolution, we rely on a variety of data from mostly open global data repositories. We focus on characterizing the spatial characteristics for one year (2020).

Our results show a considerable difference in the spatial social vulnerability rankings of communes for the different methods. The hierarchical approach shows a larger standard deviation within the social vulnerability scores, and at least 50% of the communes have a rank differentiation of 50 positions compared to the inductive approach.

When comparing the performance of the methods with the challenges present in the quantification of social vulnerability, we argue that equal weighting approaches perform better in data scare areas. However, the inductive approach provides better insights in temporal dynamics and the relations between different indicators that are represented by the index.  

The substantial differences in outcomes of the methods, implies that different methodologies may lead to different policy decisions in humanitarian and development programs. It is therefore crucial to better understand the methodological differences and to understand which methodologies can quantify social vulnerability both spatially and temporally when facing a lack of high-quality data. This study is a call for action to be very careful in relying entirely on one method and the need to develop a deeper understanding of the different methods available and which characteristics are required to satisfy the needs of humanitarian and development programs.

How to cite: Savelberg, L., van den Homberg, M., Zatarain Salazar, J., Casali, Y., and Comes, T.: Comparing hierarchical and inductive methods to characterize social vulnerability. – A Burkina Faso  case study, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12544,, 2023.

EGU23-13044 | ECS | Orals | NH9.7

Multi-scale analysis of exposure to heat in Southeast England 

Charles Simpson, Oscar Brousse, and Clare Heaviside

Outdoor temperatures experienced by people in urban areas are typically higher than those in rural areas due to the urban heat island, but indoor temperatures also vary as a result of differences between buildings. We combined modelling of temperature at city and building scales, to determine the most important sources of variation in exposure to heat stress across London and Southeast England. 

We modelled outdoor temperatures using the WRF model with BEP-BEM for the hot summer of 2018, and used the output to force the EnergyPlus building model to estimate indoor temperatures of residential buildings.

We investigated variations in the residential building stock across the region, as well as demographics. The latter is important because health risks posed by heat also vary with the population’s age, health, and socioeconomic status.

Within the study region, we found large differences in exposure to heat between the urban population of London and the general population of Southeast England, and that as a result outdoor heat exposure is highest for ethnic minority groups, younger people, and the more socioeconomically deprived. However, variations in outdoor temperature within the urban areas of London were much smaller than the variations between London and the rest of the southeast.

We compared the variation in the outdoor temperature with the variation in indoor temperature, building on evidence that flats (apartments) are more likely to overheat, and are more often located in hotter parts of the city than houses. This has implications for interventions on the built environment designed to reduce the health impacts of heat.

By combining thermal modelling at different scales with demographic data, we aim to improve understanding of the sources of personal variations in heat-hazard within the population.


How to cite: Simpson, C., Brousse, O., and Heaviside, C.: Multi-scale analysis of exposure to heat in Southeast England, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13044,, 2023.

EGU23-13075 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.7

Does the rate of warming matter for heat-mortality? 

Samuel Lüthi, David N. Bresch, and Ana M. Vicedo-Cabrera

The risk of extreme heat mortality is ever increasing with the rapidly changing climate. However, several studies that project future levels of heat mortality have been criticized to be over-pessimistic, as these studies don’t reflect on communities’ ability to adapt to heat. Adaptation to heat is highly complex and not only complicated by the changing climate but also by other mega-trends such as ageing societies or urbanization. In this work, we therefore model future levels of heat-related mortality whilst incorporating location-specific empirical adaptation as a function of mean summer temperature and time.

Concretely, we model the relationship between daily temperature and mortality by using quasi-Poisson regression time series analyses with distributed lag nonlinear models, which is a well-established approach in climate change epidemiology. The relationship expresses the change in mortality risk at specific temperature values against an optimum temperature (the so-called temperature of minimum mortality, MMT). We first model this relationship for continuous five-year intervals for several locations. Next, we express the change in MMT as a linear function of mean summer temperature and time. Adaptation is thus incorporated by shifting the MMTs according to future temperature levels and by when they are reached.

This modelling approach allows us to assess heat mortality levels for different climate scenarios at the same level of global warming but at different points in time in the future. Potential findings of this approach are relevant, as the public debate and climate policy focuses largely on warming levels (1.5, 2°C) and to a lesser extent on how fast these levels are reached.

How to cite: Lüthi, S., Bresch, D. N., and Vicedo-Cabrera, A. M.: Does the rate of warming matter for heat-mortality?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13075,, 2023.

EGU23-13206 | Orals | NH9.7

Risk modelling for human displacement: what we’ve learnt and what’s next? 

Pui Man Kam, Sylvain Ponserre, Chahan M. Kropf, and David N. Bresch

Weather-related events were responsible for nearly 95 per cent of all disaster displacement recorded over the last decade. An average of 21.5 million internal displacements were triggered per year by weather related hazards. Although displacement can be a “short-term” pre-emptive evacuation measure that effectively prevent injuries or loss of lives, people whose home or livelihoods are destroyed or threatened might be forced into medium to long-term displacement.

Risk assessment for displacement could help inform anticipatory action that protects people from the harmful impacts of being displaced. Past studies used CLIMADA (CLIMate ADAptation), an open-source probabilistic natural catastrophe risk assessment platform, to estimate the displacement risk in future for weather related hazards taking in account climate change variation in intensity and frequency and population growth. The platform also enables the implementation of impact forecasting for displacement for impending tropical cyclone events, with the possibility to transfer the implementation to other hazards and impact types.

However, displacement is much more complex and context-dependent. The modelling assumptions may not be able to represent all the drivers and complex processes of displacement. From our modelling experience we will shed some light on the potential of probabilistic risk assessment for displacement, and the importance of uncertainty and sensitivity analysis that quantify the confidence of model outputs. We will identify and discuss the current scientific gaps of displacement risk modelling, and the way forward to support decision making process in mitigating displacement risk.

How to cite: Kam, P. M., Ponserre, S., Kropf, C. M., and Bresch, D. N.: Risk modelling for human displacement: what we’ve learnt and what’s next?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13206,, 2023.

EGU23-13565 | ECS | Orals | NH9.7 | Highlight

Towards a climate-resilient healthy future: the Lancet Countdown in Europe 

Kim van Daalen, Marina Romanello, Joacim Rocklöv, Jan C. Semenza, Cathryn Tonne, Anil Markandya, Niheer Dasandi, Slava Jankin, Vladimir Kendrovski, Oliver Schmoll, Josep M. Anto, Maria Nilsson, and Rachel Lowe and the the Lancet Countdown in Europe consortium.

Introduction: As one of the major contributors to global greenhouse gas emissions and the world’s third largest economy, Europe is a key stakeholder in the world’s response to climate change and has a global responsibility and opportunity to transition towards a low-carbon economy for healthier, more resilient societies with clean air and liveable cities.  The Lancet Countdown in Europe is the first comprehensive assessment that monitors health and climate change over space and time in Europe reporting on 33 indicators focusing on (section 1) impact, exposure, and vulnerability; (section 2) adaption, planning and resilience; (section 3) mitigation actions and health co-benefits; (section 4) economics and finance; and (section 5) politics and governance.


Results: Health risks (section 1) for almost all indicators tracked have been increasing. Illustratively, clinically relevant pollen seasons are starting 10-20 days earlier each year (1981-2020), the climatic suitability for water-borne and vector-borne diseases (e.g., malaria, dengue, Vibrio) have been rapidly increasing (1951-2020), and - assuming no adaptation - heat exposure is estimated to have increased by 57% between the first and second half of the 21st century. However, some encouraging trends for adaptation (section 2) could be observed - with countries adopting adaptation plans for health (15/22 assessed in 2021), cities recognising the threat of climate change to public health (118/197 assessed in 2021), or countries implementing early warning systems. Despite some progress in the reduction of the carbon intensity of energy systems and phasing out coal for electricity generation, European mitigations efforts remain inadequate to meet 2030 and 2050 reduction targets (section 3); European energy systems should decarbonise five times the current pace to reach net-zero CO2 emissions by 2050. Likewise, despite improvements in air pollution levels due to stringent air pollution emission controls, 94% of the European population is still estimated to live at PM2·5 concentrations higher than the WHO guideline (5 μg/m3 annual mean). Indicators in section 4 illustrate several substantial economic losses due to climate-related health impacts, including losses to due extreme events or reduced labour supply. Yet, European countries still provide overall subsidies to fossil fuels (total of €70·7 billion in 2019), providing further financial strains to meeting decarbonisation targets. Lastly, whilst strengthening the response to climate change requires key actors and institutions to engage with the health dimensions of climate change political, corporate, scientific, and individual engagement remains low (section 5) in the past decades.


Conclusion: This data highlights the accelerating trends in health-related hazards, exposures, vulnerabilities and risk from climate change, and the insufficiently ambitious adaptation and mitigation actions in Europe. However, with health, wellbeing, and equity at its core, accelerated action in line with climate targets could support a healthy, climate-resilient future for all.


How to cite: van Daalen, K., Romanello, M., Rocklöv, J., Semenza, J. C., Tonne, C., Markandya, A., Dasandi, N., Jankin, S., Kendrovski, V., Schmoll, O., Anto, J. M., Nilsson, M., and Lowe, R. and the the Lancet Countdown in Europe consortium.: Towards a climate-resilient healthy future: the Lancet Countdown in Europe, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13565,, 2023.

EGU23-13633 | ECS | Orals | NH9.7

The impact of heatwave characteristics on the mortality in Spanish cities 

Laura Paredes-Fortuny, Coral Salvador, Ana M. Vicedo-Cabrera, and Samira Khodayar

The Iberian Peninsula is known as a hotspot of climate change where heatwaves (HW) have become more frequent and severe over the last decades. These extreme temperature events are associated with devastating socioeconomic consequences.


Here we address the relationship between HW characteristics and impact on health at 12 Spanish cities over the last 45 years. The findings will contribute to developing accurate proxies to monitor mortality and to develop mitigation strategies at local scale. 


This study aims to explore how different HW characteristics, namely duration, intensity and frequency, influence mortality in 12 different cities of Spain. The ensemble of cities reflects a diversity of climates in Spain, with for example coastal and inland, Mediterranean and Atlantic and lower and higher population density cities. Besides, the performance of two health indices, the recovery factor (RF) and the excess heat factor (EHF), as proxies of HW health impact is investigated to assess which type HWs are potentially more harmful for society and which is its dependence with the city characteristics. The RF measures the capacity to recover at night from daytime heat exposure, while the EHF measures the impact of a sudden heat income. 


We used the high resolution (5km) observations of daily maximum and minimum temperatures (AEMET, in English Spanish MetService) to identify HW events, defined as at least 3 consecutive days with daily maximum temperatures above percentile 95th of the reference period, and daily time series of mortality information (INE, in English National Institute of Statistics) for the 12 different Spanish cities. In this study HWs are identified at each gridpoint and then the HWs affecting each city are analysed.


Here we study how HWs and its characteristics have evolved during the extended summers (May to September) of the 1975-2019 period across cities. Afterwards, we analyse the relationship between HWs and mortality using a quasi-Poisson regression model and distributed lag non-linear models. Models were adjusted by daily mean temperature to obtain the independent effect of HWs from the risk associated with temperature effect. We additionally tested for potential interactive effects by fitting interaction models between temperature and HW typologies (i.e., using different indices). 


Results show that despite a general HW magnification affecting the whole study area, there are significant differences in the characteristics of the HWs at local scale, which could affect the relationship between HW and mortality. Preliminary results for the 3 most populated cities show a significant added risk of mortality during a HW compared to a day without a HW in Mediterranean cities (up to 1.5% in Barcelona and up to 1.2% in Valencia) while non significant results are obtained in Madrid, in central Spain (less than 1.1%). No substantial differences in mortality risk were found in the other cities when comparing a day with a HW and without a HW. 


Our findings support the need for local analysis of the synergies between HW and mortality. 

How to cite: Paredes-Fortuny, L., Salvador, C., Vicedo-Cabrera, A. M., and Khodayar, S.: The impact of heatwave characteristics on the mortality in Spanish cities, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13633,, 2023.

EGU23-14503 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.7

Flood mortality and political changes on the Spanish Mediterranean coast of the Iberian peninsula (1950-2022). 

Ester García Fernández, Salvador Gil-Guirado, Alfredo Pérez-Morales, Eloisa Raluy-López, Leandro Segado-Moreno, Francisco Sánchez-Jiménez, Pedro Jiménez-Guerrero, and Juan Pedro Montávez

The global climate system undergoes climatic oscillations due to natural factors. However, there are scientific evidences proving that, currently, human activity appears as the main accelerating factor of this process of change (Cuartas & Méndez, 2016). There is sufficient evidence linking the effects of climate change with the increase of premature deaths and diseases worldwide. More alarming are the forecasts of an increase in these negative impacts on human health, especially threatened by extreme weather events, which are also expected to increase in frequency and intensity (Pörtner et al., 2022). Another additional problem arises when verifying the relationship between social conflicts and extreme weather events (Burke, Hsiang & Miguel, 2015). The Spanish Mediterranean coast is an area highly exposed to flood risk as a consequence of the combination of its natural and social conditions. For this reason, the Mediterranean society has suffered, and continues to suffer, enormous material and human losses during heavy rain events. Therefore, it is really important to analyses the social, economic and demographic elements that explain the space-time differences of mortality according to floods, as well as the sociopolitical impact that these events have been able to cause. On this matter, the use of primary media sources emerges as a fundamental search engine for analyzing the social factors underlying flooding processes (Gil-Guirado et al., 2019). Their main strength is the great capacity of these sources to directly associate information on a flood with the socio-demographic profile of the victims.

This work, thanks to newspaper sources, reconstructs the socio-demographic profile of flood victims in the municipalities of the Mediterranean coast of the Iberian Peninsula between 1950-2022. With the resulting database, a statistical and cartographic analysis has been carried out, highlighting the spatio-temporal changes produced. Analysis of the data shows a high figure of flood casualties in the study area (1.368 victims). Among the main findings were that, despite of the fact that the number of victims presents a negative trend, the number of flood events resulting in casualties is increasing. Regarding the socio-demographic profiles of higher vulnerability, a new temporal variability consistent with the economic changes that have occurred in the study area has been detected. A worrying increase in mortality has been detected among two distinct population groups: tourists and the elderly. However, in the opposite way, it is observing a negative trend in infant mortality. Additionally, we carry out a Superposed Epoch Analysis (SEA) to detect possible correlation between floods with fatalities and changes in municipalities in the elections following the event in question. We conclude that floods have not been a factor of political change in the study area, except in the case of catastrophic events close to an electoral process.

How to cite: García Fernández, E., Gil-Guirado, S., Pérez-Morales, A., Raluy-López, E., Segado-Moreno, L., Sánchez-Jiménez, F., Jiménez-Guerrero, P., and Montávez, J. P.: Flood mortality and political changes on the Spanish Mediterranean coast of the Iberian peninsula (1950-2022)., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14503,, 2023.

EGU23-15442 | Orals | NH9.7

Valuing environmental assets for flood exposure assessment 

Enrica Caporali, Gabriele Bertoli, and Chiara Arrighi

Environmental assets are critical to human well-being, ecosystem vitality and the equilibrium of natural processes. Despite their recognized importance in providing numerous ecosystem services, their value remains essentially intangible and difficult to monetize. For this reason, environmental assets are rarely included in flood exposure and impact assessments, despite being required by Directive 60/2006/EC. A common thinking is that floods are a natural phenomenon and as such they should not be detrimental for environmental assets. However, the literature identifies impacts on fish fauna, habitats, tree survival and plant reproduction. This work has the objectives of (i) identifying which environmental assets are to be included in the exposure analysis, (ii) analysing the environmental value based on objective parameters and based on the social value recognized by a group of users to whom an online test is administered. The developed methodology is based on three levels with increasing of detail (from regional/national to local analysis). In the first level, exposed environmental areas are evaluated based on the level of regulatory constraint. In the second, environmental areas are assigned their main ecosystem services, and in the third, the ecosystem service subcategory is further detailed. The level 1 and 2 methods are applied to the entire Tuscany Region (Italy) for low hydraulic hazard areas mapped by the Hydrographic District of the Northern Apennine, the level 3 methodology is applied to the Val d'Orcia and Val di Chiana catchments. The results particularly highlight at the regional level the exposure of wetlands of recognized international value, lakes and all water resources that provide numerous ecosystem services for supply and regulation, and UNESCO-recognized cultural landscapes.

How to cite: Caporali, E., Bertoli, G., and Arrighi, C.: Valuing environmental assets for flood exposure assessment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15442,, 2023.

EGU23-15593 | Orals | NH9.7

Scenarios for adaptive flood protection alongside the SSPs for improved climate risk assessment 

Nicole van Maanen, Tessa Möller, Tabea Lissner, Carl-Friedrich Schleussner, and Upmanu Lall

Floods are one of many climate change extremes causing massive economic and non-economic losses and damages. The recent 6th Assessment Report of the IPCC highlights that flooding will be more widespread at 2°C compared to 1.5°C and even more pronounced at higher levels of global warming. To prevent or reduce impacts from flooding, structural measures for flood protection through hard infrastructure are the most common intervention, as they directly manage flood hazards by controlling flow through streams and prevent water overflow. Adaptation options specifically include dikes, flood control gates, weirs, dams, storage and proper waste management.


While flood protection could substantially reduce the economic costs of flood events and counts as the most effective adaptation strategy in the water sector to climate change, scenarios for future flood protection are still in their infancy. Consequently, quantitative assessments of climate change (i.e., impact models), which themselves include numerous uncertainties, cannot adequately account for adaptative flood protection in current risk assessments. We propose a Flood Protection Index (FPI) that captures the current level of flood protection across the globe using various data sources. By identifying adaptation-relevant quantitative socioeconomic variables within the framework of the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) and accounting for future climatic risk, we will be able to project five scenarios for flood protection alongside the SSPs. For the first time, we will show how different socioeconomic trajectories could modulate future flood impacts. These scenarios can be included in quantitative assessments of climate change and improve risk assessments in the 21st century.

How to cite: van Maanen, N., Möller, T., Lissner, T., Schleussner, C.-F., and Lall, U.: Scenarios for adaptive flood protection alongside the SSPs for improved climate risk assessment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15593,, 2023.

EGU23-17387 | Orals | NH9.7

Evaluation of CORDEX-CORE RCMs in representing BioClim variables for mosquito distribution models in Mediterranean regions 

Freddy Bangelesa, Christian Merkenschlager, Elke Hertig, and Heiko Paeth

An adequate representation of the distribution of mosquitoes transmitting vector-based diseases under future climate change conditions is essential to estimate the occurrence of those diseases in areas such as the Mediterranean. For this purpose, species distribution models are used to establish a statistical relationship between recent and future environmental conditions and the spread of species. The 19 BioClim variables have been widely used to drive these models because they represent key features (e.g. hot, cold, dry, humid) of different temporal dimensions (quarter or month). The scientific community has paid less attention to the difficulties that arise when using BioClim variables, including how well the climate model can reproduce them. This study intended to assess the skill of 10 different high-resolution regional climate models (RCMs) of the Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment’s CORE initiative that represent BioClim variables in Mediterranean regions. The skill analysis was implemented using the metrics of spatial correlation, spatial standard deviation and the mean absolute percentage error. The result reveals that REGCM4 and REMO15 are the best-performing RCMs in terms of standard deviation and the mean absolute percentage error, and RACMO and CCLM4 are the best-performing RCMs in terms of spatial correlation. The result shows that temperature-based BioClim variables are better represented by the majority of RCMs compared to precipitation models. A huge uncertainty remains when it comes to the representation of quarter-based variables. Hence, future studies should be focused on improving the representation of BioClim variables, especially those related to precipitation, by applying appropriate bias correction techniques. The best-performing RCMs of this study will be used to derive different species distribution models of Anopheles mosquitoes over the Mediterranean regions to estimate the future distribution of vector-based diseases.

How to cite: Bangelesa, F., Merkenschlager, C., Hertig, E., and Paeth, H.: Evaluation of CORDEX-CORE RCMs in representing BioClim variables for mosquito distribution models in Mediterranean regions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17387,, 2023.

EGU23-370 | PICO | NH9.9

A climate based dengue early warning system for Pune, India 

Sophia Yacob and Roxy Mathew Koll

Dengue incidence has grown dramatically in recent decades, with about half of the world’s population now at risk. Climate plays a significant role in the incidence of dengue. However, the climate-dengue association needs to be clearly understood at regional levels due to the high spatial variability in weather conditions and the non-linear relationship between climate and dengue. The current study evaluates the impacts of weather on dengue mortality in the Pune district of India, for a 15-year period, from 2001 to 2015. To effectively resolve the complexity involved in the weather-dengue association, a new dengue metric is defined that includes temperature, relative humidity, and rainfall-dependent variables such as intraseasonal variability of monsoon (wet and dry spells), wet-week counts, flushing events, and weekly cumulative rains. We find that high dengue mortality years in Pune are comparatively dry, with fewer monsoon rains and flush events (rainfall > 150 mm), but they have more wet weeks and optimal humid days (days with relative humidity between 60–78%) than low dengue mortality years. These years also do not have heavy rains during the early monsoon days of June, and the temperatures mostly range between 27–35°C during the summer monsoon season (June–September).  Further, our analysis shows that dengue mortality over Pune occurs with a 2-5 months lag following the occurrence of favourable climatic conditions. Based on these weather-dengue associations, an early warning prediction model is built using the machine learning algorithm random forest regression. It provides a reasonable forecast accuracy with root mean square error (RMSE) = 1.01. To assess the future of dengue mortality over Pune under a global warming scenario, the dengue model is used in conjunction with climate change simulations from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 6 (CMIP6). Future projections show that dengue mortality over Pune will increase in the future by up to 86 percent (relative to the reference period 1980–2014) by the end of the 21st century under the high emission scenario SSP5-8.5, primarily due to an increase in mean temperature (3°C increase relative to the reference period). The projected increase in dengue mortality due to climate change is a serious concern that necessitates effective prevention strategies and policy-making to control the disease spread.

How to cite: Yacob, S. and Mathew Koll, R.: A climate based dengue early warning system for Pune, India, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-370,, 2023.

EGU23-570 | ECS | PICO | NH9.9

Human health as an indicator of climate change. 

Moiz Usmani, Kyle Brumfield, Yusuf Jamal, Mayank Gangwar, Rita Colwell, and Antarpreet Jutla

The association of climatic conditions with human health outcomes has been known for ages; however, the impact of climate on infectious agents in disease transmission is still evolving. Climate change alters the regional weather impacting the emergence, distribution, and prevalence of infectious (vector-, water- or air-borne) diseases. Since the last few decades, the world has experienced an apparent increase in the emergence and re-emergence of infectious diseases, such as Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV); severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV); Ebola virus; Zika virus; and recently SARS-CoV-2. With many health agencies recommending handwashing, clean water access, and household cleaning as prevention measures, the threat to water security looms over the world population resulting in a significant public health burden under the lens of the emergence of infectious diseases. Under-resourced regions that lack adequate water supplies are on the verge of an enormous additional burden from such outbreaks. Thus, studying anthropogenic and naturogenic factors involved in the emergence of infectious diseases is crucial to managing and mitigating inequalities. This study aims to determine the impacts of climate variability on infectious diseases, namely water-, air-, and vector-borne diseases, and their association with the distribution and transmission of infectious agents. We also discuss the advancement of built infrastructure globally and its role as a mitigation or adaptation tool when coupled with an early warning system. Our study, therefore, will provide a climate-based platform to adapt and mitigate the impact of climatic variability on the transmission of infectious diseases and water insecurity.

How to cite: Usmani, M., Brumfield, K., Jamal, Y., Gangwar, M., Colwell, R., and Jutla, A.: Human health as an indicator of climate change., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-570,, 2023.

EGU23-593 | ECS | PICO | NH9.9

Variability and the odds of Total and Pathogenic Vibrio abundance in Chesapeake Bay 

Mayank Gangwar, Kyle Brumfield, Moiz Usmani, Yusuf Jamal, Antar Jutla, Anwar Huq, and Rita Colwell

Vibrio spp. is typically found in salty waters and is indigenous to coastal environments.  V. vulnificus and V. parahaemolyticus frequently causes food-borne and non-food-borne infections in the United States. Vibrio spp. is sensitive to changes in environmental conditions and various studies have explored their relationship with the environment and have identified water temperature as the strongest environmental predictor with salinity also affecting the abundance in some cases. It is unclear how additional environmental factors will affect intra-seasonal variance as well as the seasonal cycle. This study investigated the intra-seasonal variations in total and pathogenic V. parahaemolyticus and V. vulnificus organisms in oysters and surrounding waters from 2009 to 2012 at a few locations in the Chesapeake Bay. V. Vulnificus is always pathogenic, but it has been observed that there was greater sample-to-sample variability in pathogenic V. parahaemolyticus than in total V. parahaemolyticus. To determine the increase in the likelihood of vibrio presence when the value of a certain environmental parameter has changed, the odds ratio is examined for various values of environmental factors. The odds ratio that we employed measures the likelihood that the desired outcome would occur in samples with the vibrio in comparison to the likelihood that the desired outcome will occur in samples without the vibrio. This technique will give us the threshold value of the environmental variable above which the likelihood of vibrio spp. presence has increased drastically. With changing climate and environmental conditions, vibrio is posing increasing risks to human health. The findings of this study will demonstrate the effectiveness of the odds ratio technique in estimating the likelihood that vibrio abundance would increase when environmental conditions change, which can then be incorporated into prediction models to reduce the danger to the public's health.

How to cite: Gangwar, M., Brumfield, K., Usmani, M., Jamal, Y., Jutla, A., Huq, A., and Colwell, R.: Variability and the odds of Total and Pathogenic Vibrio abundance in Chesapeake Bay, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-593,, 2023.

Some studies suggest atmospheric particulate matter with diameters 2.5 micron and smaller (PM2.5) may possibly play a role in the transmission of influenza and influenza-like illness (ILI) symptoms.  Those studies were predominantly conducted under moderately to highly polluted outdoor atmospheres.  We conducted our study to extend the understanding to include a less polluted atmospheric environment.  A relationship between PM2.5 and ILI activity extended to include lightly to moderately polluted atmospheres could imply a comparatively more complicated transmission mechanism.  We obtained concurrent PM2.5 mass concentration data, meteorological data and reported Influenza and influenza-like illness (ILI) activity for the light to moderately polluted atmospheres over the Tucson, AZ region. We found no relation between PM2.5 mass concentration and ILI activity. There was an expected relation between ILI, activity, temperature, and relative humidity.  There was a possible relation between PM2.5 mass concentration anomalies and ILI activity. These results might be due to the small dataset size and to the technological limitations of the PM measurements. Further study is recommended since it would improve the understanding of ILI transmission and thereby improve ILI activity/outbreak forecasts and transmission model accuracies.

How to cite: DeFelice, PhD, T.: On the Understanding of the transmission route tied to Reported Influenza/Influenza-Like Illness Activity, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2467,, 2023.

EGU23-5923 | ECS | PICO | NH9.9

Impact of global warming and Greenland ice sheet melting on malaria and Rift Valley Fever 

Alizée Chemison, Dimitri Defrance, Gilles Ramstein, and Cyril Caminade

Mosquitoes are climate-sensitive disease vectors. They need an aquatic environment for the development of their immature stages (egg-larva-nymph). The presence and maintenance of these egg-laying sites depends on rainfall. The development period of mosquitoes is reduced when temperature increases, up to a lethal threshold. Global warming will impact vector’s distribution and the diseases they transmit. The last deglaciation taught us that the melting of the ice sheet is highly non-linear and can include acceleration phases corresponding to sea level rise of more than 4 m per century. In addition, glacial instabilities such as iceberg break-ups (Heinrich events) had significant impacts on the North Atlantic Ocean circulation, causing major global climate changes. These melting processes and their feedbacks on climate are not considered in current climate models and their detailed impacts on health have not yet been studied.

To simulate an accelerated partial melting of the Greenland ice sheet, a freshwater flux corresponding to a sea level rise of +1 and +3 m over a 50-year period is superimposed on the standard RCP8.5 radiative forcing scenario. These scenarios are then used as inputs for the IPSL-CM5A climate model to simulate global climate change for the 21st century. These simulations allow to explore the consequences of such melting on the distribution of two vector-borne diseases which affect the African continent: malaria and Rift Valley Fever (RVF).  Malaria is a parasitic disease that causes more than 200 million cases and more than 600,000 deaths annually worldwide. RVF causes deaths and high abortion rates in herds and poses health risks to humans through contact with infected blood. Former studies have already characterised the evolution of the global distribution of malaria according to standard RCPs. Using the same malaria mathematical models, we study the impact of an accelerated Greenland melting on simulated malaria transmission risk in Africa. Future malaria transmission risk decreases over the Sahel and increases over East African highlands. The decrease over the Sahel is stronger in our simulations with respect to the standard RCP8.5 scenario, while the increase over east Africa is more moderate. Malaria risk strongly increases over southern Africa due to a southern shift of the rain belt which is induced by Greenland ice sheet melting.,. For RVF, the disease model correctly simulates historical epidemics over Somalia, Kenya, Mauritania, Zambia and Senegal.  However, our results show the difficulty to validate continental scale models with available health data. It is essential to develop climate scenarios that consider climate tipping points. Assessing the impact of these tipping point scenarios and the associated uncertainties on critical sectors, such as public health, should be a future research priority.


How to cite: Chemison, A., Defrance, D., Ramstein, G., and Caminade, C.: Impact of global warming and Greenland ice sheet melting on malaria and Rift Valley Fever, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5923,, 2023.

EGU23-6855 | PICO | NH9.9

An early warning decision support system for disease outbreaks in the livestock sector 

Paola Nassisi, Alessandro D'anca, Marco Mancini, Monia Santini, Marco Milanesi, Cinzia Caroli, Giovanni Aloisio, Giovanni Chillemi, Riccardo Valentini, Riccardo Negrini, and Paolo Ajmone Marsan

New climate regimes, variability and extreme events affect the livestock sector in many aspects, ranging from animal welfare, production, reproduction, diseases and their spread, feed quality and availability. Heat stress, especially when combined with excess or low humidity, exacerbates the perceived temperature or the drought conditions, respectively, increasing hazards for animals. Also, cold extremes, extraordinary windy conditions and altered radiation regimes are detrimental to both animals and fodder.

In this context, the EU-funded SEBASTIEN project aims to provide stakeholders with a Decision Support System (DSS) for more efficient and sustainable management, and consequent valuation, of the livestock sector in Italy. SEBASTIEN DSS will integrate GIS, environmental and biological variables to generate updated risk maps for livestock diseases and zoonoses and their spread, alerting about the expected occurrence of stressing conditions for animals due to abiotic and biotic factors.

The presence of parasites, vectors, and outbreaks will be combined with environmental data, gathered by spatially distributed meteorological and satellite monitoring, to detect conditions that can potentially favor or trigger the spread of related diseases. Sensor-based monitoring data will be integrated with the above information to determine ranges in animal parameters potentially associated with a higher risk of critical pathogen load or density of vectors potential carriers of diseases. Medium to long-term climate forecasts will support predicting possible shifts of favorable conditions that will open up new areas for parasites and pathogens. The vast amounts of data will be integrated and summarized into user-tailored information through a range of techniques, from empirical/statistical indicators to Machine Learning algorithms.

How to cite: Nassisi, P., D'anca, A., Mancini, M., Santini, M., Milanesi, M., Caroli, C., Aloisio, G., Chillemi, G., Valentini, R., Negrini, R., and Ajmone Marsan, P.: An early warning decision support system for disease outbreaks in the livestock sector, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6855,, 2023.

EGU23-7652 | PICO | NH9.9

Forecasting the risk of vector-borne diseases at different time scales: an overview of the CLIMate SEnsitive DISease (CLIMSEDIS) Forecasting Tool project for the Horn of Africa 

Cyril Caminade, Andrew P. Morse, Eric M. Fevre, Siobhan Mor, Mathew Baylis, and Louise Kelly-Hope

Vector-borne diseases are transmitted by a range of arthropod insects that are climate sensitive. Arthropods are ectothermic; hence air temperature has a significant impact on their biting and development rates. In addition, higher temperatures shorten the extrinsic incubation period of pathogens, namely the time required for an insect vector to become infectious once it has been infected. Rainfall also creates suitable conditions for breeding sites. The latest IPCC-AR6 report unequivocally concluded that recent climate change already had an impact on the distribution of important human and animal diseases and their vectors. For example, dengue is now transmitted in temperate regions of Europe, and malaria vectors are now found at higher altitudes and latitudes in the Tropics. Different streams of climate forecasts, ranging from short range numerical weather prediction (NWP) models to seasonal forecasting systems, to future climate change ensembles can be used to forecast the risk posed by key vector-borne diseases at different time scales.  

This work will first introduce vector-borne disease forecasting system prototypes developed for different time scales and applications. Three examples will be presented; first a NWP driven model to forecast the risk of the animal disease Bluetongue in the UK, second the skill of the Liverpool malaria model simulations driven by seasonal forecasts in Botswana, and third the impact of RCP-SSP climate change scenarios on the risk posed by dengue and malaria at global scale. In addition, the use of mathematical disease models in anticipating disease risk will be presented, highlighting the limited uptake by policy makers. To bridge the academic/policy making gap, novel participatory approaches which include all actors need to be developed.

The CLIMate SEnsitive DISease Forecasting Tool (CLIMSEDIS) project aims to bridge that gap. The overall aim of CLIMSEDIS is to develop and build capacity in the use of an innovative user-friendly digital tool. CLIMSEDIS will allow end-user stakeholders to utilise forecasts and delineate sub-national risk of multiple climate sensitive diseases to inform timely and targeted intervention strategies in eight countries across the Horn of Africa. Disease prioritization exercise, scoping reviews and interactive workshops with stakeholders will be carried out. The final deliverable will consist in a web-based portal and a phone application that will be used, maintained, and developed further by key African regional partners. A presentation of the CLIMSEDIS project phases and its overall strategy will be presented. 

How to cite: Caminade, C., Morse, A. P., Fevre, E. M., Mor, S., Baylis, M., and Kelly-Hope, L.: Forecasting the risk of vector-borne diseases at different time scales: an overview of the CLIMate SEnsitive DISease (CLIMSEDIS) Forecasting Tool project for the Horn of Africa, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7652,, 2023.

EGU23-9509 | PICO | NH9.9 | Highlight

The first continental population dynamics model of the Asian tiger mosquito driven by climate and environment 

Kamil Erguler, Cedric Marsboom, George Zittis, Yiannis Proestos, George Christophides, Jos Lelieveld, and William Wint

The Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus, is an invasive vector species. It is capable of transmitting more than 20 arboviruses, and is responsible for chikungunya, dengue, and zika transmission. Urbanisation, globalisation, and climate change are expected to expand its habitable range and increase the global vector-borne disease burden in the coming decades. To plan effective control strategies, early-warning and decision support systems are urgently needed.

We developed a climate- and environment-driven population dynamics model of Aedes albopictus with extensive geospatial applicability. The foundation of the model is the age- and stage-structured population dynamics model of Erguler et al. (2016)1. We replaced its rainfall- and human population density-dependent breeding site component with a large-scale mechanistic ecological model. The extension effectively created an ecological-dynamic model hybrid capable of representing niche dependence and response to changing environmental and meteorological conditions over time and under various land characteristics. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first spatiotemporal mechanistic model developed with a capacity to learn from both vector presence and longitudinal abundance data.

We calibrated the model with an extensive field surveillance dataset by combining the data collected through the AIMSurv project, the first pan-European harmonized surveillance of Aedes invasive mosquito species of relevance for human vector-borne diseases, and the global surveillance records available from VectorBase MapVEu. By deriving the model structure and environmental dependencies from the literature and allowing a complete re-configuration of the entire parameter set, we asserted the biological relevance and geospatial applicability, which extends over Europe and North America.

We corroborate that temperate northern territories are becoming increasingly suitable for Aedes albopictus establishment, while neighbouring southern territories become less suitable, as climate continues to change. We identify potential hotspots over Europe and North America by employing the combination of vector abundance and activity as a proxy to pathogen transmission risk.  By investigating routes of introduction to new territories, we demonstrate the significant role of dynamic environmental suitability in the highly efficient spread of this invasive mosquito.

The model is scheduled for integration into the "Climate-driven vector-borne disease risk assessment platform", to predict habitat suitability and dynamic abundance of important disease vectors and the risk of diseases transmitted by them at any location and time up to the end of the century. With the continental model of Aedes albopictus, the platform will reliably inform public health professionals and policy makers and contribute to the global strategies of integrated vector management.

1 Erguler K, Smith-Unna SE, Waldock J, Proestos Y, Christophides GK, Lelieveld J, Parham PE. Large-scale modelling of the environmentally-driven population dynamics of temperate Aedes albopictus (Skuse). PloS one. 2016 Feb 12;11(2):e0149282.

How to cite: Erguler, K., Marsboom, C., Zittis, G., Proestos, Y., Christophides, G., Lelieveld, J., and Wint, W.: The first continental population dynamics model of the Asian tiger mosquito driven by climate and environment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9509,, 2023.

Vesicular stomatitis (VS) is a multi-vector arboviral disease that affects livestock and has a significant impact on agriculture in both the US and Mexico. Biting midges (Culicoides species) are known vectors of VS. Presence-only species distribution models (SDMs) provide a powerful and versatile tool for estimating both the habitat suitability of biting midges and the distribution of VS, the disease they spread. Such models can improve our understanding of Culicoides ecology, provide opportunities for more efficient VS surveillance and mitigation, and help determine geographical areas where VS is endemic or vulnerable to potential future transmission.

Here, we discuss two case studies related to modeling the distribution of VS and its insect vector. The first focused on predicting the habitat suitability of biting midges, including C. sonorensis and its close relatives (C. variipennis, C. albertensis, and C. occidentalis), based on species presence records collected in the past hundred years from various sources. The second study involved directly estimating the distribution of VS in Mexico, where we used occurrence data in the form of confirmed VS cases in livestock from 2005-2020 in historically endemic regions of Mexico.

SDMs are typically generated using temporally static input data. However, we improved the accuracy of our predictions by applying the Maxent algorithm to time-specific input data, creating dynamic species distribution models and habitat suitability maps. For both case studies, a robust dynamic Maxent distribution modeling workflow was implemented using temporally matched occurrence and environmental data that were carefully selected in collaboration with domain experts.

How to cite: Veron, M.: Dynamic distribution modeling of arboviral vesicular stomatitis and its vector, the biting midge (Culicoides spp.): two case studies, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10475,, 2023.

EGU23-12513 | PICO | NH9.9 | Highlight

Links between weather and seasonal influenza epidemics 

Jan Kyselý, Hana Hanzlíková, Aleš Urban, Eva Plavcová, and Jan Kynčl

Links between weather variability, influenza/acute respiratory infections (ARI), and human health are extremely complex in the cold season, and their explanation remains uncertain. It is not clear whether the winter mortality peak is related rather to low ambient temperatures or ARI, and how weather variability may modify transmission patterns of ARI and related mortality. This study investigates links between weather characteristics, influenza/ARI epidemics and all-cause mortality in the population of the Czech Republic (Central Europe), by employing long-term epidemiological and meteorological datasets over the 1982/83 to 2019/20 epidemics seasons. The links are analysed with respect to the predominant type of influenza virus in each season (A/H3N2 and A/H1N1 subtypes, and B lineages). We focus on i) identification of meteorological conditions associated with epidemics, ii) how timing of the epidemics and their magnitude are linked to weather characteristics, and iii) whether there are synergetic effects of cold weather and epidemics on the mortality impacts. Preliminary results suggest that high excess mortality during influenza epidemics was associated with low temperatures while above-average temperatures were linked to lower morbidity and mortality impacts. The role of other meteorological characteristics is less clear. Understanding weather conditions that increase the transmission and survival of influenza and respiratory viruses could help to better inform at-risk populations, implement preventive measures, and mitigate the negative impacts of influenza and ARI.

How to cite: Kyselý, J., Hanzlíková, H., Urban, A., Plavcová, E., and Kynčl, J.: Links between weather and seasonal influenza epidemics, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12513,, 2023.

EGU23-13298 | ECS | PICO | NH9.9

Prognostic epidemiological indices and the fate of ongoing infectious disease outbreaks 

Cristiano Trevisin and Andrea Rinaldo

Prognostic indices, such as the reproduction number or the epidemicity index, help assess the fate of ongoing infectious disease epidemics. While the first is of established importance, the latter focuses on the instantaneous reactivity of the infective compartment to new flare-ups. When subthreshold values of such indices apply (respectively, below the unity for the first and below zero for the latter), they warrant long-term disease-free and unreactive epidemiological conditions. 

These prognostic indicators benefit policymakers during the assessment and implementation of containment measures to reduce the disease burden. They may depend on an array of factors, including environmental forcings and the effect of containment measures on disease transmission.

We showcase a possible implementation of such prognostic indices with reference to the disastrous 2010-2019 Haiti cholera outbreak. To this end, we use a compartmental model that considers rainfalls as an environmental forcing and societal actions tackling the disease's spread. We thus test several scenarios considering a different deployment of intervention measures and we evaluate the outcome of the evolution of the prognostic indices and the epidemiological trajectory in the Haitian regions. We find that subthreshold values of these indices lead to faster waning-disease conditions.
As these indices can recap diverse epidemiological signatures induced by the spatial and temporal deployment of containment measures and potentially by evolving environmental forcings, their implementation could enable policymakers to strategically adopt containment measures in response to both evolving epidemiological and climate forcings.

How to cite: Trevisin, C. and Rinaldo, A.: Prognostic epidemiological indices and the fate of ongoing infectious disease outbreaks, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13298,, 2023.

EGU23-14214 | ECS | PICO | NH9.9

A Deep Early Warning System of Mosquito Borne Diseases using Earth Observational Data 

Argyro Tsantalidou, Konstantinos Tsaprailis, George Arvanitakis, Diletta Fornasiero, Daniel Wohlgemuth, Dusan Petric, and Charalampos Kontoes

Mosquito-borne diseases (MBDs) have been spreading across many countries including Europe over the past two decades, causing thousands of deaths annually. They are transmitted through the bites of infectious mosquitoes. Environmental, meteorological and other spatio-temporally variables affect the mosquito abundance (MA), and thus affect the circulation of the MBDs in the community. So an early warning system of MA based on these parameters could serve as a warning for the upcoming MBDs incidence. 

We propose Deep-MAMOTH, a data driven, generic and accurate early warning system for predicting MA in the upcoming period, based on earth observational (EO) environmental data and optionally in-situ entomological data. Deep-MAMOTH can be easily replicated and applied to multiple areas of interest without any special parametrization.

The Deep-MAMOTH pipeline collects EO information from various data sources (temperature, rainfall, vegetation, distance from coast, elevation, etc.) and in-situ entomological data for each area of interest. Then, there is a feature extraction phase that combines the previous collected information to more complex features, and finally this data is fed into a Deep Neural Network responsible to capture the relationship between the above mentioned features and the MA, delivering a MA risk class ordered from 0 to 9 for the upcoming period (e.g. 15 days). The pipeline provides a standardized way to predict MA without depending on the area of interest or the mosquito genus and can be modified to predict the actual MA instead of a risk class. However, risk classes help to better propagate the severity of the situation.

Two versions of Deep-MAMOTH were implemented, the first one is using recently collected entomological information in order to produce predictions (i.e. mosquitoes collected 1 week ago). The other version works when there is no recently collected entomological information for the area of interest. The latter version is expected to perform worse than the first one, but gives us the capability to produce predictions anywhere on earth without the need of recently collected entomological data. 

We applied Deep-MAMOTH in Veneto (Italy), in Upper Rhine region (Germany), and the Vojvodina region (Serbia) regarding the Culex spp. genus mosquito. The results are promising as Deep-MAMOTH in Italy achieves a mean absolute error (MAE) of 1.27 classes with the percentage of predictions that deviate at most 3 classes (e3) from the actual one reaching up to 95%. In Serbia MAE is 1.77 classes, with e3 equal to 88% and finally for Germany MAE is 0.92 classes and e3 equal to 94%.  

It’s worth mentioning that prediction performance in the version of Deep-MAMOTH without using entomological information remains promising. MAE in Italy was increased only by 0.02 and in Germany by 0.1, with e3 remaining at the same level in both cases, while in Serbia MAE increased by 0.2 with e3 decreasing by 8%. We conclude that the prediction of MA from EO data can be accurate with or without recently collected entomological data.

Acknowledgment:This research has been co-financed by the ERD Fund of the EU and Greek national funds through the Operational Program Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, RESEARCH-CREATE-INNOVATE(project code:T2EDK-02070)

How to cite: Tsantalidou, A., Tsaprailis, K., Arvanitakis, G., Fornasiero, D., Wohlgemuth, D., Petric, D., and Kontoes, C.: A Deep Early Warning System of Mosquito Borne Diseases using Earth Observational Data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14214,, 2023.

EGU23-15398 | PICO | NH9.9

Understanding the Area of Applicability of Data Driven Mosquito Abundance Prediction Models 

Theoktisti Makridou, George Arvanitakis, Konstantinos Tsaprailis, Diletta Fornasiero, and Charalampos Kontoes

An Early Warning System for mosquito abundance is a valuable tool that can alert authorities for potential outbreaks of mosquito populations in a given area for the upcoming period. This information is used to take mitigation actions in order to avoid spread of vector borne diseases such as West-Nile Virus, Malaria, Zika etc. A promising direction of those systems today aims to predict the upcoming mosquito population by following a data driven approach and taking advantage of machine learning (ML) algorithms. The ML algorithms are trained on a limited set of point level data that include the environmental, geomorphological, climatic information and historical in-situ measurements of mosquito population for specific latitude and longitude coordinates. Goal of the ML algorithms is to learn the patents that connect the characteristics (features) of a given area (temperature, humidity, NDVI, rainfall, latitude, longitude, etc) with the upcoming mosquito population.


Once the in-situ entomological data are expensive to be collected and limited, one of the key challenge of the aforementioned approach is to understand where those models can generalize with an acceptable accuracy in order to be re-used in areas that prior entomological information do not exist or in other words to understand the area of applicability of those models.


In this study we analyze the performance of ML algorithms that have been trained in specific areas and applied to “unseen” areas. Our analysis aims to understand the characteristics of the cases where the algorithms manage to generalize compared with the ones where the performance is poor. Our scope is to establish a systematic approach for determining the area of applicability of the models, thus, to obtain a prior knowledge regarding the areas that we expect models to generalize properly and the areas the predictions of the models are not trustworthy.


Our work relied on historical data of Culex pipiens mosquitoes (West Nile virus) collected in the Veneto region of Italy for the decade 2011-2021 and satellite Earth Observation data. For ML regressor we used a feedforward Neural Network with typical mean square error cost function. Initially we conclude that the typical euclidian distance between the coordinates of the trained area and the unseen data is not an informative metric about the model’s area of applicability. Instead, we propose a metric that calculates the distance between the known and the unknown points in the feature space (environmental, geomorphological etc.) and also takes into account the feature importance of trained Neural Network using the SHAP values.


The results showed that our proposed metric is informative regarding where the model is expected to have more accurate predictions and manage to capture the cases where the generalization will be poor. This information is useful both to judge if the predictions of a model are trustworthy and also to understand for which areas our prior information is not sufficient and to take actions in future network planning.

How to cite: Makridou, T., Arvanitakis, G., Tsaprailis, K., Fornasiero, D., and Kontoes, C.: Understanding the Area of Applicability of Data Driven Mosquito Abundance Prediction Models, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15398,, 2023.

EGU23-17226 | ECS | PICO | NH9.9 | Highlight

Identification of thresholds on Sea surface temperature and coastal chlorophyll for understanding environmental suitability of V. vulnificus incidence 

Yusuf Jamal, Moiz Usmani, Mayank Gangwar, and Antarpreet Jutla

Vibrio spp. are pathogenic bacteria native to warm and brackish water. Vibriosis- the disease caused by these pathogens in humans accounts for around 80000 illnesses and 100 deaths annually in the United States. Of all the species, V. vulnificus has the highest mortality rate of all seafood-borne pathogens in the United States. In this context, understanding the environmental conditions that lead to increased V. vulnificus growth and spread can aid in the development of early warning systems and targeted prevention strategies. Besides sea surface temperature (SST), biotic parameters like coastal chlorophyll are also determined to affect V. vulnificus incidence in humans locally. However, the precise role of coastal chlorophyll as a potential confounding variable is understudied. Moreover, the spatial scale to which the data for environmental variables could be obtained also poses characterization constraints for researchers since the commonly employed in-situ sampling-based methods usually work with discrete locations covering a small area. The present study uses the odds ratio analysis to determine SST and chlorophyll-a threshold values critical to V. vulnificus incidence. The analysis reveals a definite positive relationship between remotely derived environmental variables and the odds of V. vulnificus incidence, where a specific statistical value of SST and chlorophyll-a marks a clear distinction between low and high odds of V. vulnificus incidence. This finding translates into a consistent pattern when checked for counties of coastal Florida. We anticipate our methodology to help distinguish between high and low-risk conditions, enabling public health workers to take proactive measures to protect the health and well-being of the public.

How to cite: Jamal, Y., Usmani, M., Gangwar, M., and Jutla, A.: Identification of thresholds on Sea surface temperature and coastal chlorophyll for understanding environmental suitability of V. vulnificus incidence, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17226,, 2023.

EGU23-468 | ECS | Orals | NH9.10

A comparative vulnerability assessment of reinforced concrete buildings using rapid visual screening methods and pushover analysis 

Nurullah Bektaş, Kevin Karanja Kuria, and Orsolya Kegyes-Brassai

One of the critical research areas of engineering science is the assessment of existing buildings' seismic vulnerability. Since the existing building stock is made up of structures that were built before design codes were developed, taking into account low or moderate design codes may make them vulnerable to an upcoming earthquake. To this end, rapid visual screening (RVS) methods can be used to identify building vulnerability before or after an earthquake. A number of RVS methods have been developed; however, it's critical to assess their accuracy in terms of their ability to reliably classify the state of building vulnerability. Therefore, this study offers an application of conventional RVS methods (FEMA P-154, RISK-UE Project, JBDPA), as well as a comparison of the results of the building safety level classification of 20 existing reinforced concrete buildings from Győr, Hungary. Pushover analysis was used as a detailed vulnerability assessment technique in addition to the RVS methods to evaluate one more reinforced concrete building. The findings of pushover analysis and RVS methods are contrasted to demonstrate how effectively RVS methods can be utilized to determine building vulnerability. Additionally, the findings of this study can be used to select an RVS method for commencing a pre-earthquake building assessment of the existing reinforced concrete building stock in the investigation area.

Keywords: earthquake; existing buildings; vulnerability assessment; rapid visual screening; machine learning; building damage state

How to cite: Bektaş, N., Kuria, K. K., and Kegyes-Brassai, O.: A comparative vulnerability assessment of reinforced concrete buildings using rapid visual screening methods and pushover analysis, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-468,, 2023.

EGU23-745 | Posters on site | NH9.10

Geo-Hazardous of AlUla Ancient City, Saudi Arabia 

Saad AlHumidan

AlUla, is a city in the Medina Region in north-western Saudi Arabia. The city lies within the governorate of Ula, one of seven in the Medina Region, covering an area of 29,261 square kilometres. The city is 110 km southwest of Tayma and 300 km north of Medina. The city (municipality) covers 2,391 square kilometres. The population of the city is 5,426.

The walled city of AlUla was founded in the 6th century BC.It was located along "Incense Road", the network of routes that facilitated the trading luxury items through Arabia, Egypt and India. AlUla stands on the site of the Biblical city of Dedan but was founded with the ancient North Arabian Kingdom of Lihyan, which ruled from the 5th to 2nd century BC. The older history of the oasis has been divided into several phases. The Dedanite kingdom spans the seventh and sixth centuries BC. It is thought that around the turn of the fifth century BC the kingdom became hereditary. In the 20th century the new town centre was established beside the old town and eventually the people left the old buildings. The last family left in 1983. Both the ruins of the town and the site of the Liyhanite settlement now lie within the limits of the modern town. AlUla has the potential to be one of the most important archaeological destinations for tourists from around the world. AlUla’s Hegra archaeological site (Al-Hijr / Mada’in Salih) was the first world heritage property to be inscribed in Saudi Arabia. A major integrated archaeological survey of AlUla valley and beyond was launched by the royal commission for AlUla (RCU). AlUla is a unique and extraordinary landscape because of the distinct geological eras packed together in one region. The earliest of the geologic ages which formed the rocks during the Precambrian Arabian shield rocks, marked by different layers of sedimentary rock. Second, the area’s underlying sandstone created during the Cambrian period and tectonic activity has helped further shape its dramatic geology, creating volcanic landscapes, basalt plateaus and sandstone massifs. These geological features enable the area to act as a water catchment basin allowing the valley to flow southwards towards AlUla’s settlements. Trilobite trace fossils discovered in sandstone date to at least 252 million years ago. The soft and porous rock, perfect for carving, also acts as an aquifer that can store the vital fresh water resources required to sustain life in an arid environment. Following that the black basalt layer formed by volcanic eruptions creates the dramatic plateaus called the Harrat. The desert of AlUla is famous for its several geological rock formations, formed over millions of years by wind and water, to form natural shapes untouched by human hands. geological and geophysical studies show that Geohazards in the area may include weathering and erosion processes, rock falling or sliding, and collapse of the carved architectonic structures.

How to cite: AlHumidan, S.: Geo-Hazardous of AlUla Ancient City, Saudi Arabia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-745,, 2023.

EGU23-806 | ECS | Orals | NH9.10

Coastal flood pathways driven by extreme storm surge and dike failure in the Northern Adriatic 

Paulo Cabrita, Enrico Duo, Juan Montes Pérez, Riccardo Brunetta, and Paolo Ciavola

Extreme events can cause damage to coastal defences resulting in overtopping, breaching, or their total destruction. The resulting flood can impact the population and assets, causing short- to long-term losses to the economy. Two examples of extreme coastal storms are the Katrina Hurricane (2005) in the USA, and the Xynthia storm (2010), in France. The Northern Adriatic Sea is often impacted by coastal storms, impacting residential and commercial areas. The region of Emilia-Romagna (Italy) is so often affected that it is common practice to create an artificial dune on the beach during winter to protect the properties.
On 22 November 2022, a coastal storm developed in the Northern Adriatic Sea, impacting the coasts of Veneto and Emilia-Romagna Italian regions. This storm, coming from ESE, was characterised by non-extreme waves, but coincided with spring tides, producing an extreme surge, reaching a total water level of 1.48 m above MSL, recorded for the first time by tide gauge at Porto Garibaldi (Comacchio), which corresponds to a return period greater than 100 years. The Saint Agatha storm that hit the same areas in 2015, reached a TWL of 1.2 m at the same location. The event of November 2022, caused damages on the coast, erosion of beaches, artificial and natural dunes, damage to coastal infrastructures, and flooding of residential buildings and local business activities. 
While this storm represented a success for the MOSE, which succeeded in protecting the lagoon of Venice against one of the most hazardous events of the last decades, its effects on the Ferrara coasts were, in some cases, devastating. The most affected area was the Lido di Volano (Comacchio), where the extreme event caused a dike breach in the inner part of the Po di Volano mouth, leading to the recurring flooding of the town, due to the high spring tides that followed the storm. Indeed, the breach remained open for several days after the event. The event required the heavy involvement of first responders.
The site was surveyed on 23 and 25 November 2022. The research team measured flood extension and flood markers with the use of DGPS and aerial images, while UAV aerial surveys were implemented on the emerged beach to assess the morphologic impacts.
The flood associated with the extreme event was simulated using a hydrodynamic model (LISFLOOD-FP) to verify the causes and evolution of the flood event. The model was set up using topo-bathymetric data from 2019, water levels from the tide gauge of Porto Garibaldi.  A thorough calibration was implemented using the fieldwork data. The model was used to simulate scenarios considering different dike-breach configurations and/or forcing it with other recent events (e.g. Saint Agatha, 2015). 
The model was able to properly simulate the flooding event of November 2022. The tested scenarios highlighted the role of the magnitude of the event and the effects that a breaching dike can have on the associated areas. This is a contribution to the ECFAS project (EU H2020 GA 101004211).

How to cite: Cabrita, P., Duo, E., Montes Pérez, J., Brunetta, R., and Ciavola, P.: Coastal flood pathways driven by extreme storm surge and dike failure in the Northern Adriatic, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-806,, 2023.

The past literatures regarding hazard risk cases and theories generally lack of risk-oriented spatial planning and dialogue, which induce so called “weakness policy” phenomena. The research contents and objectives of this study are to construct an all-hazards river basin governance index system under the impact of COVID-19 pandemic as the mean of research methodology, and applying AHP and GIS overlays as the analysis tools, to assess the disaster social-economic vulnerability and mitigation response on the case study site of Da-an river basin townships in central Taiwan. This study has found: 1) the noise and environmental pollutions caused by religion activities has decreased owing to the pandemic impact; 2) the Central Government’s "Stimulus Voucher" policy and tourists’ “retaliatory consumption” are benefiting local tourism industry under the pandemic.

How to cite: Hung, C.-T., Lin, W.-Y., and Lu, S.-H.: The All-Hazards River Basin Governance Risk Assessment Strategy Under Covid-19 Pandemic Impact: A Social-Economic Vulnerability Case Study of Da-an River Basin Area in Central Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1805,, 2023.

EGU23-2184 | Posters on site | NH9.10

Determination of Mean Reattachment Length for Roof-Separation Bubbles using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition 

Hee Jung Ham, Sungsu Lee, and Ho-Jeong Kim

Investigations of flow separation regions on building roof surfaces in turbulent wind flows are important because of the large aerodynamic loads that the flows cause (Fig. 1). The extreme pressure occurred in separation bubbles makes roof components of buildings vulnerable (Fig. 2).


Various methods have been applied to determine the mean size of roof separation bubbles by evaluating the reattachment length through wind tunnel experiments. Among them, the mean reattachment length evaluated using Particle Image Velocimetry shows high accuracy (Fang and Tachie, 2019). However, there are limits to the method of estimating the mean reattachment length only with the measured pressure data without flow measurement. Recently, a methodology for estimating mean reattachment length using a database of previously evaluated pressure coefficients and mean reattachment lengths has been proposed (Akon, 2017). However, with this method, it is difficult to evaluate the mean reattachment length for cases with different geometries of building model or flow characteristics that are not in the database.
The Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) can decompose physical fields according to the variables they affect. If the variables decomposed by the POD have physical meanings, separation and reattachment phenomena occurring on the roof can be identified using these variables. 

In this study, the eigenmode of the roof pressure measured in the wind tunnel experiment is identified using the POD, and based on this, the mean reattachment length of roof-separation bubbles is evaluated (Figs. 3 and 4). The POD results are also validated by comparing mean reattachment lengths evaluated using the POD and aerodynamic database.


In the case of the roof centreline, it can be seen that the mean reattachment length based on the POD is in good agreement with that using the aerodynamic database with a difference of within 5%. It can be concluded that the application of the POD proposed in this study is useful when the mean reattachment length needs to be evaluated using pressure data.

This research was supported by a grant (RS-2022-00155691) of Disaster-Safety Industry Technology Commercialization R&D Program, funded by Ministry of Interior and Safety (MOIS, Korea).

1.  Akon, F. A., 2017. Effects of turbulence on the separating-reattaching flow above surface-mounted, three-dimensional bluff bodies. Ph.D. Dissertation, Western University.
2. Fang, X. and Tachie, M. F., 2019. Flows over surface-mounted bluff bodies with different spanwise widths submerged in a deep turbulent boundary layer. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 877, 717-758.
3. Simiu, E., 2011. Design of Buildings for wind: a guide for ASCE 7–10 standard users and designers of special structures. Wiley.
4. Stevenson, S. A., Kopp, G. A., and El Ansary, A. M., 2018. Framing failures in wood-frame hip roofs under extreme wind loads. Front. Built Environ.

How to cite: Ham, H. J., Lee, S., and Kim, H.-J.: Determination of Mean Reattachment Length for Roof-Separation Bubbles using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2184,, 2023.

EGU23-3953 | Posters virtual | NH9.10

Geotechnical zoning of the new lava field of 2021 Tajogaite volcano (La Palma, Canary Islands) and its application in the recovery of the territory for new urbanization 

Luis Hernández-Gutiérrez, José A. Rodríguez-Losada, Ana Miranda-Hardisson, Luis González de Vallejo, Germán Cervigón-Tomico, Héctor de los Ríos Díaz, Ernaud de Villepreux, Aarón Álvarez-Hernández, and David Afonso-Falcón

The eruption of the Tajogaite volcano occurred between September and December 2021 in the westside of the island of La Palma (Canary Islands) buried an area of 12,19  km2, and destroyed about 1700 buildings. The need of recovering the territory, led the regional authorities to commission a work to the Volcanological Institute of the Canary Islands (INVOLCAN), consisting on the elaboration of a geotechnical map with a classification for the aptitude of the terrain in terms of bearing capacity of buildings foundations and other structures, summarized in this work. The results were applied to 3 pre-selected areas called reconstruction sectors: La Laguna, La Asomada and Las Norias-La Majada. These sectors were divided into 250 x 250 m grids on which the classification was carried out.

From the field reconnaissance, and the support of photogrammetric tools, 5 geotechnical units were identified with similar geomechanical and geotechnical behavior: Unit 1, very scoriaceous "aa" lava flows with channels and levees of moderate unevenness; Unit 2, very scoriaceous "aa" lava flows with channels and levees of steep slopes; Unit 3, "pahoehoe" surfaces with cracks and cavities; Unit 4, pyroclastic cone of the Tajogaite volcano and proximal ash deposits; Unit 5, Scattered and distal ash deposits of the main cone. Based on the geomechanical quality of the materials, they were classified into four categories according to the value of the RMR index (Rock Mass Ratio): bad (RMR 0-25); moderate (RMR 26-50); good (RMR 51-75); very good (RMR 76-100).

Within the La Laguna sector, of the 19 grids analyzed, 17 were classified as "moderate" and 2 as “good”. In the La Asomada sector, 6 grids that compose it were classified as “moderate” and in Las Norias-La Majada sector, made up of 17 grids, 15 of them were classified as “moderate” and 2 as “bad”.

How to cite: Hernández-Gutiérrez, L., Rodríguez-Losada, J. A., Miranda-Hardisson, A., González de Vallejo, L., Cervigón-Tomico, G., de los Ríos Díaz, H., de Villepreux, E., Álvarez-Hernández, A., and Afonso-Falcón, D.: Geotechnical zoning of the new lava field of 2021 Tajogaite volcano (La Palma, Canary Islands) and its application in the recovery of the territory for new urbanization, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3953,, 2023.

EGU23-6703 | ECS | Posters virtual | NH9.10

Strategic decisions for retrofit of heritage buildings in different geographic areas of Europe 

Maria Bostenaru Dan, Adrian Ibric, and Mara Popescu

Following the current digital transition pillar of societal transformation, there is an opportunity in using new technological developments and large-scaling up of digitization instruments in the field of heritage assessment. Such tools may include digital humanities methods of image annotation and mapping, architectural volumetric analysis and collecting and analyzing heritage databases. At the same time, urban and landscape heritage is also facing increasing threats from climate changes and there is immediate need of built heritage protection from natural hazards. In this context, from a higher education institutional point of view, it is advisable to align both the tertiary education curriculum and the strategic research activity in order to increase and adapt the expertise of future graduates, of the academic community, teachers and researchers.

In 2021, revisions for strategic research pillars were conducted at the University of Architecture and Urban Planning in Bucharest. As part of this revision process, five draft strategic framework documents were developed, as final results of short research projects that received funding through either internal or national grant competitions. These constitute the basis for formulating and updating the research policies of the university, for the 2021-2027 timeframe. Of the five documents, two analyze research in the field of the protection of built heritage and research dealing with protection of general built environment from disasters - investigating national, european and international policies, the institutional expertise and human capital, and also the funding potential for future projects. 
In 2022, new projects in these fields were awarded grants and started to be implemented, including one of fundamental research about which this presentation will be. The project proposes to transform the collection of photographs of early 20th century architecture (Art Nouveau and Modernism across Europe), into a database by answering the research question on how threats from the hazards of earthquake, flood and fire can be answered taking into account the local culture in the European countries covered. Answering this research question will help defining criteria which underpin decisions in order to prioritise the retrofit interventions depending on the geographic positions of the buildings, at different scales, from the neighbourhood to the region. In particular the project looks at the Mediterranean region for Modernism, as the simple vernacular shapes inspired this current and at the national romantic and similar styles at the time of the so-called Art Nouveau in particular in Eastern Europe. Areas with buildings of these styles experienced at least historic earthquakes and it will be investigated in how far the national "other Modernisms" and Art Nouveau variations were adapted to this or not by following the local seismic culture. Further research will investigate the same for flood and fire. For this purpose digital humanities methods of image annotation (including architectural volumetric analysis) and mapping are employed. The subject is innovative as only recently the role of humanities in the fields of history and art history started to deal with the subject of catastrophes, following social sciences which entered this field of engineering and natural sciences, including in this session block.

How to cite: Bostenaru Dan, M., Ibric, A., and Popescu, M.: Strategic decisions for retrofit of heritage buildings in different geographic areas of Europe, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6703,, 2023.

EGU23-6926 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.10

Stability analysis of the Tajogaite volcano slopes and lahar hazards for reconstruction and land planning in the affected areas, La Palma, Canary Islands 

Ana Miranda-Hardisson, Luis González de Vallejo, José A. Rodríguez-Losada, Luis Hernández-Gutiérrez, Ernaud de Villepreux, Aarón Álvarez-Hernández, Germán Cervigón-Tomico, Héctor de los Ríos Díaz, David Afonso-Falcón, and Nemesio M. Pérez

Between September and December 2021, a Strombolian fissure eruption with phreatomagmatic pulses occurred in the Westside of the Island of La Palma (Canary Islands, Spain), giving rise to a volcanic edifice called Tajogaite and whose cone reached a height of 1121 m. above sea level (200 m above the pre-eruption topography) with a volume of 34 Mm3 consisting of the alignment of 6 different craters of 557 meters in length, direction N130ºE.

In order to analyze the stability of the volcanic edifice and estimate the possible risk of lahars from pyroclastic materials lying on the slopes of the volcano and the surrounding areas, a series of investigations have been carried out consisting on historical series of rainfall data, thickness estimation  of the ashes deposits, laboratory tests on in situ samples, density, friction angle and cohesion of the soils determinations, as well as a geophysical survey using MASW seismic technique geotechnical properties of the slope layers in the first 30 meters of the volcano slopes. Based on these investigations, a stability analysis of the slopes of the volcanic edifice has been carried out considering different rainfall scenarios. Slope stability calculations were carried out using the Slide V6 program, from geotechnical data obtained in laboratory and from limit equilibrium back analysis conditions. Two main scenarios were analyzed including the most probable and the least probable rainfall, corresponding to the return period of  10 years and 50 years respectably.

Risk of lahars had been indentify as possible for the 50 years return period, as a consequence of both the instability of the cone slopes and the surrounding ash deposits, associated with very intense rains. These data has been incorporated to the land planning of reconstruction development, particularly the adoption of preventive measures in case of intense rainfall, as well as for the design of drainage infrastructures.

How to cite: Miranda-Hardisson, A., González de Vallejo, L., Rodríguez-Losada, J. A., Hernández-Gutiérrez, L., de Villepreux, E., Álvarez-Hernández, A., Cervigón-Tomico, G., de los Ríos Díaz, H., Afonso-Falcón, D., and Pérez, N. M.: Stability analysis of the Tajogaite volcano slopes and lahar hazards for reconstruction and land planning in the affected areas, La Palma, Canary Islands, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6926,, 2023.

EGU23-11418 | ECS | Orals | NH9.10 | Highlight

Impact of historical landslides on natural landscape and human settlements in the core of the Alps: the Piuro 1618 disaster in the Bregaglia Valley. 

Enrico Pigazzi, Riccardo Bersezio, Federica Marotta, Cristiana Achille, and Tiziana Apuani

Natural disasters, such as postglacial landslides in Alpine valleys, recurrently reshape the natural and human landscape, impacting on settlements, land-use and architecture. Historical catastrophes were sometimes narrated and painted, so that in these cases chronicles and artistic representations can be integrated to geological, geomorphological, geophysical and archaeological data to describe the co-evolution of the natural and cultural landscape. This is the case of the Piuro landslide that in 1618 almost completely buried this renown and rich trading town in the Bregaglia Valley (Italy), on the way to the relevant alpine Maloja pass. Since it totally modified the valley floor, the catastrophe represents a turning point that permits to i) attempt the 3D reconstruction of the natural and archaeological landscape before and immediately after the disaster, ii) unravel the post-1618 increments of evolution of the natural landscape and settlements, iii) retrieve the memory of the area that underwent the disaster. To accomplish these aims we integrated: a new detailed DTM; a reconstruction of the relative chronology of burial, erosion and stabilization of the landforms after natural and anthropic processes pre- and post-dating the 1618 landslide; some subsurface stratigraphic logs and images based on new boreholes and geophysical surveys; age determinations based on radiocarbon and archeological/historical data; chronicles and paintings depicting the Piuro area before and after the disaster. The images we could draw show how human settlements were continuously controlled by the occurrence of landslides and other catastrophic processes like debris flows, before and after the 1618 landscape turning point. In the valley center we could detect a pre-1618 landslide body, whose mega-boulder reliefs were settled at least since the 4th – 5th century AD, at present buried below the Middle-ages and Renaissance Piuro villages. These landslide bodies provided also favorable settings for food preservation, whose memory and usage survived and reached the present-day under the vernacular denomination of “crotti”. At the millennial time scale no stable geomorphological surfaces do exist on the valley floor and lower slopes, since we could map the chronology of building of the debris flow-fan lobes, demonstrating how they evolved before and after the 1618 landslide, burying and/or being buried by the two major landslide bodies and interfingering with the trunk river alluvial sediments. Radiocarbon age determinations, archeological findings and the known ages of historical buildings permitted to recognize the geomorphological surfaces that remained stable on a shorter, secular, time scale, where the settlements could resume still competing with catastrophic processes that led to repetitive burial of several buildings during the last three centuries. Based on these results we could draw the 3D models of the Piuro area predating and immediately postdating the 1618 catastrophe. Historical paintings and chronicles largely confirm the relative chronology of landscape changes that we propose.

The present work was co-funded through the EU, Regional Development European Fund, by Italian State, Helvetic Confederation and Cantons under the Interreg V-A IT-CH 2014-2020 Cooperation Program - A.M.AL.PI.2018 “Alpi in Movimento, Movimento nelle Alpi. Piuro 1618-2018", ID 594274 – Axis 2 “Cultural and natural enhancement”.

How to cite: Pigazzi, E., Bersezio, R., Marotta, F., Achille, C., and Apuani, T.: Impact of historical landslides on natural landscape and human settlements in the core of the Alps: the Piuro 1618 disaster in the Bregaglia Valley., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11418,, 2023.

EGU23-11765 | Posters on site | NH9.10

Application of Urban Inundation Model in Flood Mitigation of Detention Pond 

Meng-Hsuan Wu and Wei-Cheng Lo

The causes of inundation in urban areas were numerous and complex. Even though there were flood mitigation facilities, once the rainfall intensity and the downstream tidal level were exceedingly high, the flood in drainage could not be drained in time or even overflow. Detention pond was an important flood mitigation facility in recent years. However, the detention efficiency might be affected by the timing of the operation. The harmful runoff that cannot be drained caused flooding in the urban areas. In order to avoid the problem of flooding in the local area caused by the superposition of runoff, it was necessary to analyze the surface runoff of the urban areas caused by the storm events on the basis of the current flood mitigation facilities.

The establishment of the PHD model was carried out to test the calculus of Typhoon Nesat in 2017, extremely heavy rainfall events 0823 in 2018 and 0813 in 2019 as a verification case. The water level between the simulated and measured results of the typhoon and rainfall events was compared. These results shows a good agreement in the peak value of water level, and the PHD model can reasonably calculate the runoff.

Analyze the optimal conditions of the detention facilities. Based on two consecutive 10-year heavy rain events (with an interval of 12 hours), and start pumping at different delays, calculate the water depth to analyze the flood reduction effect of the detention facilities. Analysis of the flood reduction effect based on the average reduction of water depth, the results show that when the pumping is started about 4 hours after the flood peak, the effect of lowering the water level of the detention pond can be better.

How to cite: Wu, M.-H. and Lo, W.-C.: Application of Urban Inundation Model in Flood Mitigation of Detention Pond, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11765,, 2023.

EGU23-11862 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.10

A comparison between investment in hydraulic infrastructures and the consequent risk reduction: a case study in Italy 

Margherita D Ayala, Marcello Arosio, and Mario Martina

Flooding constitutes the most frequent and one of the most destructive natural disasters, and every year it affects millions of people worldwide causing loss of life, disruption of many essential services. Even in Italy, floods represent one of the most widespread extreme events, increasingly common and hazardous.

Due to the big discrepancy, highlighted in an Italian recent report, between funds spent before and after the occurrence of a flood event, respectively for risk prevention and for recovery, it is of major interest understanding where money is spent both from a geographical perspective and from a risk level area point of view.

Through a deep analysis on the economic and technical criteria used to design infrastructures for flood risk protection, based on the Italian ReNDiS database (Repertorio Nazionale degli interventi per la Difesa del Suolo – National Database of soil protection measures) a comparison between type of hydraulic infrastructures and their cost, and official risk maps produced in accordance with the EU flood Directive (2007/60/EC) have been done.

Moreover, this work also aims to understand if the current criteria with which flood risk maps are produced catch the effects in terms of benefit of the flood risk mitigation measures.

The authors want to prove the importance of a risk-based design for mitigation measures instead of a simple application of the current legislation that does not catch all the components of the risk.

How to cite: D Ayala, M., Arosio, M., and Martina, M.: A comparison between investment in hydraulic infrastructures and the consequent risk reduction: a case study in Italy, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11862,, 2023.

EGU23-12737 | ECS | Orals | NH9.10

What is the real impact of instabilities and ageing infrastructure along roads and railways ? Analysis of an event inventory in the Western Alps, Switzerland 

Amalia Gutierrez, Marc-Henri Derron, Li Fei, Christian Gerber, and Michel Jaboyedoff

The effects of climate change on ageing infrastructures, due to temperature variations, insolation, and especially increased runoff due to extreme precipitations, are not insignificant. In addition,  expected changes in land use and increased impact of anthropic activity, as well as  the degradation of infrastructures due to age, will potentially impact the utility lifespan of a great variety of works. Whether it be retention walls for vineyards, near roads or next to railroad tracks, it is important to determine to what extent climate change and anthropic activity will accentuate the hazard of failure of protective or retaining infrastructures and their backfills. Especially when these are located along busy routes (pedestrian, automobile, railroad, etc.) and can potentially impact moving objects (for example trains with passengers). Even though these events are not so rare, and  the damages caused are easily repaired or managed, their global costs and impacts are very seldom quantified. In order to gain a better overview on the global cost of these types of events and the associated impacts, in particular in areas where maintenance is not so frequent, an inventory of events for the Western Alpine Switzerland was carried out. The associated costs were ascertained either in prevention and maintenance work or in emergency measures and reparation. Examples of events having a significant impact, include those of La Conversion (2021), Châtillens Ecublens-Rue (2013), Col de la Croix (2021), L’Etivaz (2018), La Forclaz (2018, 2022), Col des Mosses (2015), route d'Oron (2014, 2021), Ollon (2021), and Belmont-sur-Lausanne (2021); which were studied in more detail. Information on these events were gathered from various sources including newspaper articles, official reports, and interviews with witnesses and experts. And the conditions leading to such events, such as antecedent precipitation, age of the structure and structural condition, were investigated and analyzed. The results of the analysis were then used to identify a few sites susceptible to this kind rupture in the future, via reports, aerial images, and fieldwork, and subsequently mapped and communicated to the corresponding authorities.

How to cite: Gutierrez, A., Derron, M.-H., Fei, L., Gerber, C., and Jaboyedoff, M.: What is the real impact of instabilities and ageing infrastructure along roads and railways ? Analysis of an event inventory in the Western Alps, Switzerland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12737,, 2023.

EGU23-13809 | Posters on site | NH9.10

Evaluation of the slopes stability in the lava field of the 2021 Tajogaite eruption (La Palma, Canary Islands) in order to recover the territory for the development of new infrastructures 

Jose Antonio Rodríguez-Losada, Luis E. Hernández-Gutiérrez, Ana Miranda-Hardisson, Luis I. González de Vallejo, Germán Cervigón-Tomico, Héctor de los Ríos Díaz, Ernaud de Villepreux, Aarón Álvarez-Hernández, and David Afonso-Falcón

The Tajogaite volcanic eruption took place at the west side of La Palma (Canary Archipelago) from september 19 to december 13 of 2021. Around 200 million cubic meters of lava emitted by the volcano ended up burying an area of 12.2 km2, destroying around 1,700 buildings and causing the displacement of roughly 7,000 people. In order to promote the recovery of the affected territory, the regional authorities commissioned to the Volcanological Institute of the Canary Islands (INVOLCAN), a report consisting on a Evaluation of the slopes stability in the new lava field and nearby areas which is summarized in this work. The results were applied to a three selected areas called reconstruction sectors with the following names: 1) La Laguna, 2) La Asomada and 3) Las Norias-La Majada. These sectors were divided into 250 x 250 m grids on which a susceptibility estimation was carried out.

The field reconnaissance and aerial photography, allowed the identification of a series of surfaces and slopes within those sectors whose stability was valued based on the Slope Susceptibility Index in Volcanic Terrains (ISTV). The stability was scaled into four main categories according to the ISTV value: very high (ISTV ≥80); high (ISTV 60-79); moderate (ISTV 35-59) and low (ISTV <35).

In La Laguna sector, of four study points, two of them were classified as moderate, one as low and another one as high. In La Asomada sector, only one study point could have been evaluated as high and finally, in Las Norias-La Majada sector, of twelve study points, eight of them were classified as moderate, two as low, one as high and another one as very high, being the moderate ISTV the most dominant in this sector.

How to cite: Rodríguez-Losada, J. A., Hernández-Gutiérrez, L. E., Miranda-Hardisson, A., González de Vallejo, L. I., Cervigón-Tomico, G., de los Ríos Díaz, H., de Villepreux, E., Álvarez-Hernández, A., and Afonso-Falcón, D.: Evaluation of the slopes stability in the lava field of the 2021 Tajogaite eruption (La Palma, Canary Islands) in order to recover the territory for the development of new infrastructures, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13809,, 2023.

Being part of the expert team sent by Hungarian National Directorate General for Disaster Management to Tirana after the 6.4 magnitude earthquake in 2019, and experienced the fear of residents living in slightly or heavily cracked buildings raised the question of preparedness to against seismic events in other moderate seismic regions such as Hungary. Recent earthquakes within the moderate range have proved that moderate seismicity does not necessarily equate to moderate damage suffered.

Vulnerability to earthquakes has increased due to extending urban areas. This paper presents lessons learnt after medium-sized earthquakes and examines the adaptability of measures taken afterwards and the possibility to apply these methods to other regions in Hungary and throughout Europe where the seismic hazard is not great, but cannot be ignored. To reduce the potential damage, a comprehensive assessment of the seismic risk followed by a package of relevant remedial measures is needed. Methods developed for Hungary is presented compared to methods applied in other regions to determine local site effects, vulnerability, and preparedness, being the main components responsible to risks. Based on the results, engineers can better plan to make improvements to infrastructure, and authorities can better plan for emergency activities in case of a seismic event.

How to cite: Kegyes-Brassai, O. and Shah, M. F.: Adaptability of lessons learnt from recent medium-sized earthquakes to moderate seismic zones – disaster management perspectives for unprepared societies, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16953,, 2023.

EGU23-1441 | ECS | Orals | NH9.11

Coastal setback zones can lessen Europe's future exposure to sea level rise. 

Claudia Wolff, Hedda Bonatz, and Athanasios T. Vafeidis

Future coastal risk will largely depend on where people build and settle, and not only on increases in extreme events or sea level rise as a result of global warming. In the past, hard engineering has been used to protect settlements in coastal lowlands. However, as this option becomes less viable and more expensive due to rapidly rising sea levels, coastal managers are increasingly turning to landuse planning interventions, such as setback zones or managed retreat. Although various studies show that one of the most effective approaches is to prevent urban expansion inside the coastal floodplain, limited research has been done to assess the potential of setback zones in minimizing future coastal exposure in Europe. This study enhances our understanding of the potential of coastal setback zones of different shapes in the EU by (1) assessing the avoided urban exposure resulting from the implementation of setback zones/retreat under different socioeconomic futures and (2) providing country-specific information on which type of setback zones is most beneficial in reducing urban exposure. For this purpose, we created spatially explicit projections of urban extent that consider different socio-economic futures and different types of setback zones to examine the effectiveness of these planning strategies in decreasing future urban exposure in Europe’s coastal lowlands. Our results show that by the year 2100, the majority of EU coastal countries can reduce the exposure of new urban land by at least 50% if coastal setback zones are established; and highlight that how we plan, build, and develop urban space in the EU coastal lowlands will be the defining factor on how exposed future urban areas are to sea-level rise.


How to cite: Wolff, C., Bonatz, H., and Vafeidis, A. T.: Coastal setback zones can lessen Europe's future exposure to sea level rise., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1441,, 2023.

EGU23-2370 | ECS | Orals | NH9.11 | Highlight

A Probabilistic Flood Loss Model for Adaptation Planning in Ho Chi Minh City 

Kasra Rafiezadeh Shahi, Nivedita Sairam, Lukas Schoppa, Le Thanh Sang, Do Ly Hoai Tan, and Heidi Kreibich

Transforming rural-urban-systems such as Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, are facing exacerbating flood risk due to climatic and socio-economic changes, necessitating effective adaptation solutions. Risk-based adaptation planning requires plausible and accurate flood loss estimation. However, state-of-the-art flood loss models for the region that take into account the multi-causality of flood damage and convey information about predictive uncertainty are lacking.

This study presents a Bayesian network for flood loss estimation for the residential sector in Ho Chi Minh City. We developed the graphical probabilistic model based on new object-level survey data with flood-affected households (n=1530), which cover the topics of flood intensity, household characteristics, warning and emergency, private precaution, and damages. An analysis of the survey data concerning the explanatory power for flood damage revealed a subset of relevant variables, which we used for model elicitation. Using a systematic learning procedure, we identified a robust Bayesian network structure that reflects the local circumstances of flood damage processes at the study site. That is, the resulting model takes into account flood intensity variables such as water depth but also vulnerability variables such as households’ flood experience or adaptive behavior. We confirmed the identified damage influencing variables by comparisons to other established statistical and machine learning methods (i.e., random forest and grid search cross-validation with multivariable regression). A prediction exercise with repeated cross-validation demonstrated that the developed Bayesians network model is capable of estimating building loss accurately. However, similar to previous studies in the field, we observed considerable predictive errors for severe loss cases for which data records are scarce. In addition, we show that the predictive skill of the Bayesian network is competitive to non-parametric modeling alternatives such as random forest.

Our validated Bayesian network loss model exhibits high practical value for applications at the city-scale since it enables loss estimation even when information about the predictor variables is only partially available. Moreover, the inclusion of vulnerability variables as predictors in the loss model facilitates the consideration of adaptive behavior in loss and risk assessment. Ultimately, the fully probabilistic model design inherently quantifies predictive uncertainty, which fosters the uncertainty propagation to subsequent elements of flood risk assessment and well-informed decision-making.

How to cite: Rafiezadeh Shahi, K., Sairam, N., Schoppa, L., Sang, L. T., Tan, D. L. H., and Kreibich, H.: A Probabilistic Flood Loss Model for Adaptation Planning in Ho Chi Minh City, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2370,, 2023.

Like many other coastal megacities, Ho Chi Minh City in Southern Vietnam is regularly affected by flooding from torrential rainfalls and storm surges. Global climate heating will exacerbate these natural hazards, but rapid urbanization has a share in the intensification of urban disaster risk as well. Proceeding surface sealing, uncontrolled land subsidence and the urban heat island effect are only a few of the factors increasing exposure to flooding, which often hits the most vulnerable parts of the population. To defend local residents and reduce flood-induced losses, classic protection measures like embankments, flood gates and large-scale pumping stations are implemented across Ho Chi Minh City. But as low-level inundations continue to cause frequent disruptions to the local economy, ecosystem-based solutions or so-called blue-green infrastructure are more and more seen as promising means to complement existing management strategies and ensure sustainable flood resilience.

In our study, we investigate whether the role of coastal ecosystems in mitigating floods in Ho Chi Minh City is already reflected in recent urban developments. Specifically, we use multi-spectral Sentinel-2 imagery to calculate the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), a dimensionless indicator to describe terrestrial vegetation. The obtained annual NDVI maps have a spatial resolution of ca. 1 arc second and cover the years 2016 to 2022; special attention was given to the composition of cloud-free images. On this basis, temporal trends were determined that specify the (qualitative) development of bio-activity across the urban and suburban districts of the province. These local trends are complemented by annual histograms, which describe the relative frequency of specific NDVI ranges and thus allow estimations of ecosystem density. Unsurprisingly, preliminary results suggest constant ecosystem density for the Can Gio biosphere reserve in the South of the HCMC province, except for slight changes along its boundaries. For the urban districts of HCMC, however, ongoing urbanization can be traced by decreasing ecosystem density according to our assessment of NDVI values. The employed method provides promising results, yet currently still lacks a decent validation through ground truth data.

How to cite: Scheiber, L. and Schlurmann, T.: Tracing the development of coastal ecosystems through satellite imagery: a case study from Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5546,, 2023.

EGU23-5691 | Posters on site | NH9.11

Micro business participation in collective flood adaptation. Lessons from scenario-based analysis in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam 

Javier Revilla Diez, Matthias Garschagen, Van Tran, and Roxana Leitold

Although research on the impacts of climate change on small- and medium-sized firms (SMEs) and their adaptive behavior against climate change risks recently have received more attention, the focus on micro and household businesses is still very limited. Micro and household businesses are adversely impacted by compound flooding events – a situation that will become even more acute in the future – but there is little attention in scientific literature on their possibilities of adaptation and actual implementation.
Against this backdrop, the paper will analyse the following research questions: How do micro firms already respond to flooding? Are micro firms willing to invest jointly into future proactive adaptation efforts in their neighborhood? What are key drivers and barriers for adaptation? Specifically, we evaluate a set of adaptation measures at the neighborhood scale, and then examine key driver and barriers at different spheres for collective adaptation of micro businesses. We offer an empirical analysis on micro businesses in Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC), a city increasingly threathened by flooding and where climate change hazards are on the rise. In HCMC formal – and informal – micro businesses make up a large majority of SMEs.

How to cite: Revilla Diez, J., Garschagen, M., Tran, V., and Leitold, R.: Micro business participation in collective flood adaptation. Lessons from scenario-based analysis in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5691,, 2023.

EGU23-6022 | Posters on site | NH9.11 | Highlight

Flood Risk in Vietnamese Coastal Cities – Remote Sensing Based Urban Structure Types as a Planning Relevant Tool 

Volker Hochschild, Andreas Braun, Michael Schultz, and Gebhard Warth

Coastal and delta cities in Vietnam like Ho Chi Minh City, Da Nang, or Hué are exposed to multi-hydrometeorological hazards caused by heavy rainfall, typhoons, tsunamis, rising sea levels, land subsidence as well as river flooding, intensified by global climate warming. Being exposed to these regular events, different degrees of spatial vulnerabilities are resulting for the citizens in relation to their distance to water ways or height above sea level, but also their capabilities to recover from possible hazards.

Since development of many Southeast Asian cities is extremely dynamic, city planners are lacking relevant planning information on population numbers and material flows (waste, drinking water demand, wastewater disposal, energy consumption, etc.), which are usually not provided by outdated masterplans. For that reason, so called Urban Structure Types (USTs) can be defined and derived from high-resolution remote sensing data. They are basic urban spatial units with homogeneous functional and morphological structure, delineated by shape, form, height, material, and density parameters. USTs are independent, quantifiable, and generic and thereby providing a surplus information to urban land cover classes. Their final classification is achieved by machine learning approaches applied to high and very high resolution imagery. A discrimination is made between globally applicable parameters like building height, size, or density and locally adjusted parameters like e. g. distance to water way or street width which are additionally required to cover the character of the individual cities.   

Urban Structure Types are a crucial input for hydrological modelling as well as damage modelling approaches, but they are also correlated with socio-economic data collected by questionnaires and interviews in several sampled quarters of the cities. As a conclusion, the USTs might indicate different ways of living within the city and give hints to consumption patterns but also topics of environmental justice.

How to cite: Hochschild, V., Braun, A., Schultz, M., and Warth, G.: Flood Risk in Vietnamese Coastal Cities – Remote Sensing Based Urban Structure Types as a Planning Relevant Tool, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6022,, 2023.

EGU23-8345 | ECS | Orals | NH9.11

Mapping 21st Century global coastal land reclamation 

Dhritiraj Sengupta, Young Rae Choi, Bo Bo Tian, Sally Brown, Michael Meadows, Christopher R Hackney, Abhishek Banerjee, Yingjie Li, Ruishan Chen, and Yunxuan Zhou

Increasing population size and economic dependence on the coastal zone, coupled with the growing need for residential, agricultural, industrial, commercial, and green space infrastructure, are key drivers of land reclamation. Until now, there has been no comprehensive assessment of the global distribution of land use on reclaimed space at the coast. Here, we analyse Landsat satellite imagery from 2000 to 2020 to quantify the spatial extent, scale, and land use of urban coastal reclamation for 135 cities with popultions in excess of one million.  Findings indicate that 78% (106/135) of these major coastal cities have resorted to reclamation as a source of new ground, contributing a total of 253,000 ha of additional land to the Earth’s surface in the 21st century, equivalent to an area the size of Luxembourg. Reclamation is especially prominent in East Asia, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia, followed by Western Europe and West Africa. The most common land uses on reclaimed spaces are port extension (>70 cities), followed by residential/commercial (30 cities) and industrial (19 cities). While increased global trade and rapid urbanization have driven these uses, we argue that a city’s prestigious place-making effort to gain global reputation is emerging as another major driver underlying recent reclamation projects to create tourist and green spaces Meanwhile, the study suggests that 70% of recent reclamation has occurred in areas identified as potentially exposed to extreme sea level rise (SLR) by 2100 and this presents a significant challenge to sustainable development at the coast.  

How to cite: Sengupta, D., Rae Choi, Y., Bo Tian, B., Brown, S., Meadows, M., R Hackney, C., Banerjee, A., Li, Y., Chen, R., and Zhou, Y.: Mapping 21st Century global coastal land reclamation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8345,, 2023.

Flood events have been generating great risks and intensifying the challenges of water management in coastal megacities. Instead mitigating the impact of climate change, improving the resilience has an expanding scope of application in environmental science, covering climate change, risk and disaster management [1]. In the past decades, metrological and hydrological causes have been the main drivers of disasters [2], which makes vulnerability assessment methods such as Flood vulnerability index (FVI) clear development pathways [3].

This study is built on the household survey data in HCMC (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam) in the framework of the DECIDER project (DECisions for Adaptive Pathway Design and the Integrative Development, Evaluation and Governance of Flood Risk Reduction Measures in Transforming Urban-Rural-Systems). It aimed at creating a framework to interpret social-economic attributes of flood vulnerability with physical features of household. As an essential part of the influencing factor for social vulnerability, the data is regionally intrinsic and mostly accessible only by field survey. Proxy variables were obtained to conduct contextual analysis based on remote sensing images, environmental risk estimates, as well as elevation data, in which study concludes that this method can contribute to identifying the key indicators and optimize the social vulnerability assessment to be more efficient [4]. In this study, 17 socioeconomic indicators only accessible from survey data were weighted using the Principal Component Analysis (PCA), and further aggregated into the FVI. Then 11 physical proxy indicators were collected from field inspection, remote sensing data and environmental flood risk estimates, and trained machine learning models to predict FVI. The AdaBoost model identified the most important physical indicators and the model was able to predict the test data with a MAE of 0.089 but small R2. Another decision tree model, however, was overfitted and yielded a moderate accuracy (~0.4) and further machine learning classification models were also applied on both eleven indicators and selected indicators for each case but no obvious difference showed among these models. Therefore, the socioeconomic FVI could be predicted with physical proxy variables with AdaBoost accurately, but more featured data should be acquired and model rendering can be done in the future for a better prediction model, especially for regional prediction with the scale of households and community.




[1] O’Brien, K. Global environmental change II. Progress in Human Geography 2012, 36, 667–676, doi:10.1177/0309132511425767.

[2] Birkmann, J.; Teichman, K. von. Integrating disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation: key challenges—scales, knowledge, and norms. Sustain Sci 2010, 5, 171–184, doi:10.1007/s11625-010-0108-y.

[3] Balica, S.F.; Wright, N.G.; van der Meulen, F. A flood vulnerability index for coastal cities and its use in assessing climate change impacts. Nat Hazards 2012, 64, 73–105, doi:10.1007/s11069-012-0234-1.

[4] Ebert, A.; Kerle, N.; Stein, A. Urban social vulnerability assessment with physical proxies and spatial metrics derived from air- and spaceborne imagery and GIS data. Nat Hazards 2009, 48, 275–294, doi:10.1007/s11069-008-9264-0.

How to cite: Song, Z., Yang, E., and Tuo, Y.: Piloting a physical-metric-based Index bench-marked by a social-economical Index measuring Flood Resilience in Ho Chi Minh City, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9192,, 2023.

EGU23-9259 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.11

Simulation and assessment of compound flooding in coastal cities under climate change 

Qinke Sun, Jiayi Fang, and Min Liu

Low-lying coastal areas are highly vulnerable to flood hazards, especially under the influence of global warming, and the possibility of compound floods is often much greater than that of individual floods. Understanding the probability of these compound events and the processes that drive them is essential for mitigating the impacts of coastal high-risk areas. Here we use a new simplified physical solver SFINCS model (Super-Fast INundation of CoastS), to computationally efficiently calculate compound floods in coastal areas due to fluvial, pluvial and storm surge driven processes. At the same time, a variety of climate scenarios are considered for the prediction of potential future compound flood patterns. We demonstrated in our application case in Shanghai, China, that the model can simulate a combination of fluvial, pluvial, and storm surge driven floods well. Our results show that the combined effects of future climate change on coastal compound flood hazards will significantly increase the extent of flood hazards, obviously increasing the level of risk at low-risk areas and requiring an integrated response to the consequences of future compound floods. This research has important implications for the assessment of compound flood risk in coastal areas and for climate-resilient flood management.

How to cite: Sun, Q., Fang, J., and Liu, M.: Simulation and assessment of compound flooding in coastal cities under climate change, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9259,, 2023.

EGU23-9909 | Posters on site | NH9.11

Profiling households with their flood response measures in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam 

Liang Emlyn Yang and Matthias Garschagen

Diverse flood response measures and adaptation actions have been carried out worldwide by various stakeholders, especially the various kinds of responses at household level. However, there is a lack of substantial understanding on the profiles of different households regarding their flood response measures, the driving factors, particularly with regards to dynamically changing socio-economic groups and the question of individual vs. collective action for flood risk reduction. Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) with characterizations of rapid urbanization, socio-economic transitions and significant climate/environment influences at a low lying flood prone area, is increasingly suffering from more frequent and intense floods. Based on a large scale household survey conducted in September and October 2020, the study classifies different flood coping/adaptation measures in HCMC.

A cluster analysis of multiple factors is carried out to clarify the major factors and to identify the features of households and their networks in each cluster. Specific data analysis indicates: 1) Majority of local people don’t receive external supports, due to the fact of moderate flood events and that they subjectively don’t concern much to the impacts (have got used to floods). 2) The most vulnerable groups did receive various supports, which indicates the existence of a basic flood-safe system in HCMC. 3) Long-term adaptation measures are not often applied, because vulnerable groups are not able to while rich people don’t need to. Findings of the study help to better understand the local status of flood responses against the backdrop of underlying socio-economic transformations. 

How to cite: Yang, L. E. and Garschagen, M.: Profiling households with their flood response measures in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9909,, 2023.

EGU23-10482 | Posters on site | NH9.11

Analysis of Private Sector Interest in Blue Green Infrastructure by the Motivation and Abilities (MOTA) framework: A case study in Ho Chi Minh City 

Hong Quan Nguyen, Kayla Tift, William Veerbeek, Thu Thuy Nguyen, and Bao Thanh Nguyen

Blue-Green Infrastructure is an emerging approach to storm water management in Ho Chi Minh City, helping to mitigate negative effects of excess storm water while providing multiple benefits. While several top-down initiatives for better storm water management practices have been proposed, many initiatives fail to implement or do not perform as expected. There is also a lack of private sector participation in storm water management, where policy and clear regulation are lacking.

This paper identifies the primary factors contributing to private sector participation in Blue-Green Infrastructure projects in Ho Chi Minh City and validates them through a survey of construction specialists, local authority, and residents. A Motivation and Abilities (MOTA) framework analysis reveals primary risk factors being a lack of perceived economic and financial benefits, as well as maintenance concerns. The primary motivational factors are improved public relations, improved selling value, and increased Floor-Area Ratio. Final remarks include incentive recommendations, addressing corruption, and improved education for private developers and local officials.

How to cite: Nguyen, H. Q., Tift, K., Veerbeek, W., Nguyen, T. T., and Nguyen, B. T.: Analysis of Private Sector Interest in Blue Green Infrastructure by the Motivation and Abilities (MOTA) framework: A case study in Ho Chi Minh City, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10482,, 2023.

Coastal communities around the world are facing increasing risks of sea level rise and extreme weather events, including storm surges, coastal flooding, and erosion. These risks have the potential to devastate infrastructure, disrupt economies, and displace vulnerable populations. In order to protect these communities and reduce their vulnerability to these impacts, it is essential to understand the potential impacts of sea level rise and extreme weather events and to develop and implement effective adaptation and risk reduction measures. In this study, we aim to assess and mitigate coastal vulnerability to sea level rise and extreme weather events by exploring the use of tools such as sea level rise projections, storm surge modeling, and coastal erosion analysis to understand the potential impacts of climate change on coastal communities. We will evaluate the effectiveness of various adaptation and risk reduction measures, such as beach nourishment, sea walls, and managed retreats, in different coastal settings. Through this research, we hope to provide valuable insights and recommendations for policymakers, practitioners, and other stakeholders working to reduce the vulnerability of coastal communities to sea level rise and extreme weather events.

How to cite: Okutan, P. and Otay, E.: Protecting Coastal Communities from Sea Level Rise and Extreme Weather Events: An Analysis of Adaptation and Risk Reduction Measures, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11548,, 2023.

EGU23-13148 | ECS | Orals | NH9.11 | Highlight

Assessing flood situations and technical adaptation measures in the context of climate change in Ho Chi Minh City 

Lam Vu Thanh Noi, Nguyen Phu Quynh, and Do Dac Hai

There is typically limited knowledge on the key factors causing critical flood situations in the context of climate change in many regions, including in large cities like Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC), Vietnam. It is important to improve our understanding of the causes of flood and how to incorporate flood adaptation measures, especially the integration of technical measures into local climate change adaptation plans. This presentation describes the results and experiences of applying a hydraulic model (MIKE 11, 21 and Flood) for simulating flood situations under different climate change scenarios and integration into the master plan for flood prevention (2008) in HCMC. It was found that the water level in Sai Gon River will not increase under the current climate following completion of Phase 1 of constructing flood prevention infrastructure according to the master plan of 2008. However, under the same flood infrastructure prevention condition, the water level at Phu An station will increase from 1.74 m to 2.28 m under the most extreme scenario of Dau Tieng discharge and climate change without land subsidence. Flood prevention infrastructure was identified as a key factor reducing flooding in HCMC. Further studies are recommended to simulate alternative flood situations by applying the same hydraulic model under the new master plan for flood prevention (2021) in HCMC to support flood adaptation measures and strategies.

Key words: Flooding, hydraulic model, flood prevention, climate change   

How to cite: Vu Thanh Noi, L., Phu Quynh, N., and Dac Hai, D.: Assessing flood situations and technical adaptation measures in the context of climate change in Ho Chi Minh City, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13148,, 2023.

EGU23-13799 | ECS | Orals | NH9.11

Assessing perceived probability and damage of flood risk across the globe 

Moongyeom Kim, Wouter Botzen, Toon Haer, Jens de Bruijn, and Jeroen Aerts

In this study we aim to improve our understanding of household adaptation and migration responses to coastal hazards induced by sea level rise, such as coastal flooding. We apply a global ABM (agent-based model; DYNAMO-M), which simulates all ~200 million individual people and households in coastal flood zones around the world. The model simulates in yearly timesteps flood events and changing flood risk and whether residents migrate or adapt (e.g. flood proof their house) to lower their risk. Agents’ migration and adaptation decisions are based on the Subjective Expected Utility Theory (SEUT). Here, agents maximize their utility based on subjective risk assessments, such as their subjective perception of flood risk. However, the current risk perception parameter in the SEUT equation in DYNAMO-M is based on a single empirical study in France. Additional data is needed to address the heterogeneity of risk perceptions across different global coastal households. In order to assess the differences in risk perceptions in different areas around the world, we combine different data sets: (1) we conducted unique surveys on perceptions of flood risk and their determinants as well as people’s intention to adapt or migrate under future SLR scenarios in 6 countries with varying socio-economic backgrounds (Argentina, France, Mozambique, the Netherlands, the US, and Vietnam). Using these survey data, we identify the generic decision rule for the determinants of risk perception parameters such as the perceived probability and damage of flooding through regression analysis. (2) Next, we use additional global datasets on individual characteristics such as the World Value Survey (demographic and residential information data) and Cloud2Street (flood experience data) and use these data as explanatory variables for transferring risk perception parameters to countries where no primary survey data is available. This analysis may aid the understanding of global patterns in risk perceptions of people/agents. We believe our study serves as a basis for research on individual behavior under risk, the role of risk perception, and the use of the data in global ABMs.

How to cite: Kim, M., Botzen, W., Haer, T., de Bruijn, J., and Aerts, J.: Assessing perceived probability and damage of flood risk across the globe, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13799,, 2023.

EGU23-14451 | Orals | NH9.11 | Highlight

Improved Terrain Modelling to aid flood mapping in coastal cities 

Anne Vallette, Anne-Laure Beck, Martin Jones, Harry Cook, and Mohamed Amine Taji

Coastal areas are recognized as the most at risk due to climate change. They exhibit low-lying elevation, very high urban density and valuable economical assets. Sea level rise, storm events and coastal floods that are increasingly frequent and more powerful will increase damage to fragile coasts. Human activities (especially the reduction in natural defences), sediment balance and natural phenomenon are disrupted and increase the coast’s vulnerability.

As part of the GDA-DR initiative, we aim to produce some new indicators derived from EO to better understand the coastal system. As part of these new indicators, improved flooding maps are being developed using corrected elevation data and additional layers to better represent water behaviour in coastal cities. 

  • The Copernicus DEM GLO-30m is proving too crude to provide suitable flood modelling. It offers an accuracy of 4m, leading to an accuracy of earth features’ localization of less than 2.6 m. By using LIDAR measurements from the ISS-borne GEDI sensor and additional altimeter missions such as ATLAS on-board the ICESAT-2 satellite, we provide an improved and corrected DSM and DTM
  • Additional layers produced for DEMs correction are used to improve floods modeling such as land cover maps to extract drag coefficients and 3D settlement layers to take into account channelling effects.

This new approach can provide improved flood maps to better support flood mitigation planning. We propose to present DSM and DTM, for Dili in Timor Leste, based on the most recent space-lidar data, GEDI (2019-2021) and of IceSAT-2/ATLAS (2019- on going) and hoe those new DEMs can impact flood risk assessment.

How to cite: Vallette, A., Beck, A.-L., Jones, M., Cook, H., and Taji, M. A.: Improved Terrain Modelling to aid flood mapping in coastal cities, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14451,, 2023.

Socio-hydrological approach is a new science that is aimed at understanding the dynamics and co-evolution of coupled human-water systems. We use this concept to analyze how flood risk related to social resilience in Can Tho city, one of the biggest urban area located in the Vietnamese Mekong delta. The study employed both secondary and primary data collected in two inner districts of Ninh Kieu and Cai Rang. Key informant interview with related stakeholders and focus group discussion with local community were conducted in the reserach sites. The results showed that urban flood tends to rise up year by year because of various drivers such as increase of rainfall in a short time combined with the blockage of sewers due to garbage or/and lack of green areas. In term of hydrological aspect, rainfall, river water level and discharge are key factors. In addition, the social drivers like ineffective urban planning and inappropriate human behaviour also play an important role causing serious inundation. We also found that flood risk contributes to reduce social resilience by different ways including infrastructure damages, transportation disruption, livelihood decline, social network discontinuance, landscape degradation, environmental poluttion, human health and fatality. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account both social and hydrological drivers to mitigate the flood risk on one hand and enhance social resilience on the other. Green urban development which has the greatest potential for improving the quality of ecosystem services and providing opportunities for urban dwellers to reconnect with nature should be a good strategy for disaster risk reduction in this situation.

How to cite: Nguyen, T. B. and Tien, L. V. T.: Studying flood risk and social resilience at city level by socio-hydrological approach in Can Tho City of Vietnam, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17568,, 2023.

EGU23-198 | ECS | Orals | NH9.15

Over-reliance on water infrastructure can erode resilience of drylands pastoralists 

Luigi Piemontese, Stefano Terzi, Giuliano Di Baldassarre, Giulio Castelli, and Elena Bresci

Climate change is increasing the frequency and intensity of droughts across drylands, with negative consequences on local communities. Small water infrastructure (e.g. wells, ponds and small dams) are increasingly supported by many NGOs and national governments to increase water availability and help pastoralists cope with the effects of climate change. However, as opposed to large dams, very little is known about the potential cumulative impact of small water infrastructures and their cascading effects on the resilience of pastoral communities. Pastoralists of drylands across the world, who constitute large, marginalized groups in many low-income countries, practice mobility as one of the main adaptation strategies to water variability and uncertainty. Here we show that while developing fixed water points in dryland can provide additional water to pastoral communities, these short-term benefits can be offset by counterintuitive long-term effects such as the erosion of mobility practices and over-reliance on agriculture, thus decreasing resilience to climate change. Combining system dynamics and resilience thinking approaches, we explain the complex consequences of different water resource development strategies and their long-term cascading effects on the resilience of pastoral communities. We then show how our model can capture early signals of resilience loss in Angolan drylands, where water infrastructures are being planned at a large-scale in the pursuit of increasing climate resilience, with unclear long-term understanding of the effects of socio-hydrological dynamics on communities’ resilience.

How to cite: Piemontese, L., Terzi, S., Di Baldassarre, G., Castelli, G., and Bresci, E.: Over-reliance on water infrastructure can erode resilience of drylands pastoralists, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-198,, 2023.

EGU23-476 | ECS | Orals | NH9.15

Drivers and barriers of drought risk adaptation decisions by agro-pastoralists in Kenya 

Teun Schrieks, Wouter Botzen, Toon Haer, Oliver Wasonga, and Jeroen Aerts

The Horn of Africa Drylands are increasingly experiencing severe droughts, which imposes a thread on traditional livelihood strategies of pastoralist communities. Understanding adaptation behaviour in rural communities is essential to help reducing the impact of these droughts. In this study, we identify drivers and barriers of drought risk adaptation decisions in pastoralist communities, by analysing household survey data from 502 Kenyan households. To provide theoretically sound insights into adaptive behaviour, we have grounded our empirical research in four established economic and psychological theories on decision-making under risk: Expected Utility Theory (EUT), Rank Dependent Utility Theory (RDU), Protection Motivation Theory (PMT) and Theory of Planned Behaviour (PMT). The variables of all theories are measured by multiple survey questions and we have included an economic experiment in the survey to measure the risk aversion parameters of Expected Utility Theory and Rank Dependent Utility theory. With regression models, we analyse the relation between the theory variables and adaptation behaviour. To measure adaptation behaviour, we have selected 15 different adaptation measures for which we asked about current uptake and the intention to adopt these measures in the future. Regression analyses show that important factors in adaptation decisions are risk attitudes, financial constraints, perceives self-efficacy and adaptation by family and friends.  An analysis of adaptation intention for each adaptation measure separately shows that drivers and barriers of adaptation are different for different types of adaptation measures. Risk-averse pastoralists are more likely to implement adaptation measures that are adjustments to current pastoral practices, and less likely to implement adaptation measures that require a (partial) shift to other livelihood activities. A person’s belief in their own ability to implement an adaptation measure (perceived self-efficacy) is an important factor in explaining which measure people are going to adopt. Furthermore, we find that some measures are more likely to be taken by women and others more likely to be taken by men and we find significant effects for differences in education levels. Our analysis can help to gain more knowledge on the drivers of individual adaptation decisions of pastoralists, which can enhance policies promoting adaptation of dryland communities. Our results indicate that drivers and barriers of adaptation can be quite different for different groups, which suggests that policies should be carefully targeted at specific groups.

How to cite: Schrieks, T., Botzen, W., Haer, T., Wasonga, O., and Aerts, J.: Drivers and barriers of drought risk adaptation decisions by agro-pastoralists in Kenya, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-476,, 2023.

EGU23-484 | ECS | Orals | NH9.15

Human intervention against drought in Seyhan River Basin, Turkey 

Yonca Cavus, Hafzullah Aksoy, and Kerstin Stahl

Impacts of a drought on society and hydrological processes cover a wide range of issues such as environment, economy, management and water structures. Here we present a case study addressing challenges in water management under drought conditions and human influence by focusing on developing a storyline for future reflections. With rich and fertile lands, the Seyhan River Basin in Turkey has an international importance for agricultural production as large quantities of vegetables are exported globally. The basin was exposed to an extreme drought at various intensities in the year 2008 when the river basin received the lowest precipitation ever recorded. The drought reduced total water availability throughout the river basin by triggering a series of cascading impacts such as reducing agricultural yield, increasing food prices, adversely affecting farmers’ income, leading a migration of regional farmers from rural regions toward urban centers. The migration caused population growth in big cities, alterations in water consumption habits by increasing socioeconomic development, and growth in urbanization and water-dependent sectors. These cascading impacts of the drought showed that the event indirectly fed back to affect the river basin hydrology as well. In order to avoid or minimize drought impacts, decision-makers and water managers implemented a number of water supply techniques and adopted temporary management policies, which resulted in increasing and unsustainable water demand under drought conditions. The paradoxical intervention can only mitigate negative effects of drought at short term but we need long-term drought mitigation measures. In addition, we understood that such short-term interventions should be avoided in the absence of an effective water management plan under drought conditions. An effective management plan requires that water managers, city planners, and all related governance levels interpret solutions together without challenging the entire system.

How to cite: Cavus, Y., Aksoy, H., and Stahl, K.: Human intervention against drought in Seyhan River Basin, Turkey, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-484,, 2023.

EGU23-521 | ECS | Orals | NH9.15

Characterization of Indian Summer Monsoon Drought and its Elevation Dependance over Indus River Basin, India 

Amit Dubey, Deepak Swami, Vivek Gupta, and Nitin Joshi

Drought, a natural disaster, possess a great threat to a nation as well as to human society by stressing the water availability, agricultural production and economy of the country. As per the studies, India is highly vulnerable to droughts, occurring once in every three years from the past three decades. India receives 70-80% of its annual mean precipitation brought by south-west summer monsoon. Monsoon failure leads to the acute deficiency of available water that ultimately causes droughts and water scarce conditions. This study is an attempt to analyse the spatio-temporal variations of meteorological drought and to investigate the effect of topographical variable (elevation) on Indian summer monsoon drought characteristics over Indus River Basin. Indian extent of Indus River basin has been considered as a case. Heterogeneity of the elevation spread over the basin makes it suitable for the study. Therefore, to serve the purpose, daily gridded precipitation and temperature data at a spatial resolution of 0.120 x 0.120 for a time period of 42 years (1979-2020) is utilized to analyse the drought characterization. Modified Mann-Kendall method and Sen’s slope estimator have been used to detect significant trends in the study region. Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) has been employed to identify the dry events on the basis of climatic water-balance. Indian summer monsoon lasts for four months (June-September), thus SPEI-4 has been computed to characterize the summer monsoon droughts. Results revealed that around 18% (5%) of the stations shows wetting (drying) trends for the monsoon time series analysis. Additionally, in relation to SPEI trends, larger area (25%) of the basin depicts increasing precipitation and decreasing Potential Evapotranspiration (PET) trends. Moreover, the study region experiences 1-10% and 1-5% severe and extreme drought frequency (percentage) respectively over the time period 1979-2020. Further, the relationship of SPEI trend with respect to elevation is explored because highlands are more vulnerable to climate change as compared to low altitude regions. In case of altitude up-to 2000 m, Sen’s slope exhibits positive magnitude thus, wetting trend is observed. A very minimalistic drying trend is seen between 2000-3000 m elevation and beyond that almost no trend pattern is followed. The possible causes of this certain behaviour of SPEI trend with elevation is determined by further analysis of trend of meteorological parameters (precipitation and PET) that were used to calculate SPEI. Both precipitation and PET trends are found to be responsible for the SPEI trends.

How to cite: Dubey, A., Swami, D., Gupta, V., and Joshi, N.: Characterization of Indian Summer Monsoon Drought and its Elevation Dependance over Indus River Basin, India, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-521,, 2023.

EGU23-2122 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.15

Global drought impact monitoring system based on online media mining and participative data collection 

Monika Bláhová, Markéta Poděbradská, Ondřej Janoušek, Anna Machátová, Filip Hlavinka, and Miroslav Trnka

Drought events are becoming one of the costliest phenomena under changing climate conditions, affecting almost every field of human activity and many ecosystems. Increasing severity and frequency of drought occurrence have led to the development of drought monitoring and predicting tools on both regional and global scales. Together with monitoring and analyzing drought risk and occurrence comes the necessity to monitor and evaluate single and multisectoral drought impacts. Aiming for early detection and a detailed description of drought impacts, we decided to design a system combining semi-automated online media scraping with a participative questionnaire accessible through Each week we perform an automatic search of media through automated scripts that are then read, evaluated, and sorted into impact categories and assigned geographic regions. The questionnaire allows users from around the world to describe drought impacts currently observed on the local scale. This method is unique in its combination of both regional impacts from media with direct inputs from volunteers worldwide, using a straightforward online questionnaire. The information from both sources is organized into seven impact categories (e.g., Agriculture, Wildfires, Business), and together they form an up-to-date global drought impact database that is visualized into drought impact maps. The spatiotemporal distribution of global drought impacts can then be compared with various drought indices and tools that characterize drought distribution and severity. After more than a year of active data collection in the system, we achieved a very good spatiotemporal match of reported impacts with drought events occurrence and severity (as observed by the SoilClim model). Compared to methods depending only on automated media analysis, our approach can get more detailed information from possibly underrepresented regions and create a comprehensive drought impact database.

Acknowledgement: This study was conducted with support of SustES - Adaptation strategies for sustainable ecosystem services and food security under adverse environmental conditions (CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/0000797).

How to cite: Bláhová, M., Poděbradská, M., Janoušek, O., Machátová, A., Hlavinka, F., and Trnka, M.: Global drought impact monitoring system based on online media mining and participative data collection, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2122,, 2023.

While droughts pose notable socio-economic impacts on societies, most of the related research has focused on droughts as a hazard. It is imperative to think beyond the in-practice approaches to provide more integrated tools and solutions for effective drought risk management. In connection with this, the present study introduces an integrated drought risk assessment framework to evaluate multi-dimensional high-resolution drought risk.  A Drought Risk Index (DRI) is computed at the tehsil level in Pakistan — a sub-administrative division under the district government where localized planning and decision-making take place. The DRI is based on Drought Hazard (DHI), Drought Vulnerability (DVI), and Drought Resilience (DReI) indices, which are systematically computed using a diverse range of data (i.e., the standardized precipitation evapotranspiration, soil, land-use land-cover, night-time light, population, and socio-economic variables among others). Furthermore, spatial modelling techniques (i.e., spatial autocorrelation and the Local Indicators of Spatial Association) are applied to locate and highlight statistically significant risk regions. In addition, this preliminary effort engages the state-of-the-art space-time pattern mining technique for the simultaneous spatial-temporal dynamics investigation of droughts. Pakistan exhibits a large geographical heterogeneity in terms of drought risk. Comparatively, the regions from Balochistan province are at the highest risk followed by Sindh. Notably, approximately one-third of Pakistan is identified as the hot spot with the highest drought risk (95% confidence). To an agrarian nation with ~220 million people and among the top 10 most vulnerable countries to climate change impacts, this situation ascertains grave threats under global warming. The comprehensive results from this study are expected to provide important and useful insights to prepare for drought mitigation, adaptation, and systematic impact evaluation in the face of environmental changes.

How to cite: Sajjad, M.: Towards hazard, vulnerability, and resilience-based assessment of spatial-temporal trends, patterns, and disparities in drought risk, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2168,, 2023.

EGU23-2286 | Posters on site | NH9.15

Changes of drought vulnerability in the 21st century - the case study of the Vistula catchment in Poland 

Emilia Karamuz, Tesfaye Senbeta, Ewa Bogdanowicz, and Jarosław Napiórkowski

The ongoing climate change disrupts the water cycle and alters the hydrometeorological patterns at global and regional scales. The alarming intensification of droughts in Europe in recent decades may become the future new norm.

This study aims to assess the future spatio-temporal drought variability in the River Vistula basin, the largest river in Poland. This basin’s vulnerability to drought is also investigated. Two drought indices, namely the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) and Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) are evaluated using the observed climatic data and meteorological projections for the 21st century. These projections of climatic variables are obtained from the EURO-CORDEX initiative based on fourteen climate models for the period 1971–2100 for the RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 emission scenarios. Drought vulnerability analysis is carried out by combining exposure, adaptive capacity and sensitivity metrics, using the vulnerability scoping diagram (VSD) method.

Preliminary results show that projected changes in precipitation and air temperature result in significant variations in temporal drought patterns in the River Vistula basin. The divergent results were obtained for the two analysed drought indices. The SPEI projections indicate drier conditions in the basin to be expected in the far-future period, whereas the SPI indicates wetter conditions. The analysis shows that areas in the central and southern parts of the basin are more vulnerable to drought.


This work was supported by the project HUMDROUGHT, carried out in the Institute of Geophysics Polish Academy of Sciences and funded by National Science Centre (contract 2018/30/Q/ST10/00654).

How to cite: Karamuz, E., Senbeta, T., Bogdanowicz, E., and Napiórkowski, J.: Changes of drought vulnerability in the 21st century - the case study of the Vistula catchment in Poland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2286,, 2023.

EGU23-5915 | Posters on site | NH9.15 | Highlight

Impacts of the 2018–2019 Central European drought in North-Eastern Germany 

Tobias Conradt

The 2018–2019 drought was probably the most severe in Central Europe since the first half of the 16th century. What effects were caused in North-Eastern Germany including the capital city region and the driest part of the country where sandy soils predominate? This is illustrated using both observations from the environment and data from statistical offices.

A couple of indicators – SPEI (meteorological drought), SMI (soil moisture), GGI (groundwater), SSI (streamflow), and PPI (plant physiology) – show the drought propagation from meteorology into the eco-hydrological system. Soil moisture and plant physiology showed decreasing tendencies already before 2018 when the study region was challenged by massive crop yield losses (−40% for maize compared to the 2012–2017 yield average). Forest trees suffered with delay – drought-triggered bark beetle attacks caused emergency logging and forest diebacks especially in spruce trees still in 2021.

Agriculture and forestry represent only about 1% of the regional economy (measured by gross value added), and drought effects were hardly noticeable in industry and service sectors, though. This is in remarkable contrast to the economic shocks caused by the 2008–2009 global financial crisis and the recent pandemic which left their marks in the economic time series. The question remains whether the apparent stability of the regional socio-economic system against extreme drought can still be maintained in the next decades with higher probabilities for extreme events.

How to cite: Conradt, T.: Impacts of the 2018–2019 Central European drought in North-Eastern Germany, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5915,, 2023.

EGU23-6451 | Posters on site | NH9.15

Hydrological basis of possible water management measures for enhancing drought resilience 

Ewa Bogdanowicz, Emilia Karamuz, Jarosław Napiórkowski, and Tesafaye Senbeta

Global warming and resulting climatic changes have altered the hydrological regime of Polish rivers, especially in winter season. Precipitation in the winter period may increase, but warming causes a greater share of rain in the total precipitation amounts, much shorter duration of snow cover and a disappearance of spring thaws, which are an important source of water at the beginning of the vegetation of plants. In Poland two types of low flows of different origin were observed. The summer low flows, preceded by atmospheric and soil drought, begin with a depletion of the catchment retention resources. Summer low flows are generally long-lasting, large-scale and dominant in the lowland part of the country. They often extend into the autumn period and are then called summer-autumn low flows. Winter low flows are characteristic mainly of mountain rivers, although they can also occur in lowland rivers. Their occurrence is associated with longer periods of negative air temperature. In those conditions the surface runoff is stopped, and inflows of groundwater to the riverbeds are severely limited. Ice phenomena in rivers - frazil, pans ice cover, frazil hanging dam, shore ice and anchor ice as well as ice cover and ice jam can block the flow. Winter low flows are usually short-lived and end with a thaw. Nowadays winter low flows rarely occur. Due to the changes in winter runoff processes a soil drought is frequently observed at the end of winter and the beginning of summer season which seriously threatens plants and yields. Summer or summer-autumn droughts do not change their character.

Enhancing drought resilience is a complex multidisciplinary task involving legal, organizational, technical, financial, research and methodological aspects, although the main measure to cope with drought is to increase basin retention. The use of various forms of retention allows for multifaceted effects because each method of collecting water allows for a different scope of its use. We focus here on micro- and small, soil and landscape retention with its main role to retain water in the environment and slow down its outflow from the catchment area. An equally important role of these forms of retention is to restore small water cycles when water that falls there sticks around and comes back to earth in the form of rain, dew, mist and fog.

In this study, we carry out the assessment and analysis of the amount of water that should be stored in vernal ponds to imitate to some extent the former winter runoff regime. Water deficits for the most severe summer-autumn hydrological droughts are calculated and analysed along the course of the River Vistula.

In Poland, there is no coherent policy for counteracting the effects of drought and building retention. Competences are blurred, and drought as a natural disaster is not defined in Polish legislation.

Keywords: drought resilience, climate change

Acknowledgements: This work was supported by the project HUMDROUGHT, carried out in the Institute of Geophysics Polish Academy of Sciences, funded by National Science Centre (contract 2018/30/Q/ST10/00654). 


How to cite: Bogdanowicz, E., Karamuz, E., Napiórkowski, J., and Senbeta, T.: Hydrological basis of possible water management measures for enhancing drought resilience, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6451,, 2023.

EGU23-7991 | ECS | Orals | NH9.15

Conceptual models of drought risks for Europe: a step towards a systemic perspective on drought 

Davide Cotti, Anne-Sophie Sabino Siemons, Gustavo Naumann, Marthe Wens, Hans de Moel, Veit Blauhut, Kerstin Stahl, Lauro Rossi, Willem Maetens, Andrea Toreti, and Michael Hagenlocher

In recent years, research on drought risk has expanded to include multiple types of drought hazards, various exposed elements and a multitude of factors that determine the vulnerability of a given system or sector. This has resulted in a call from the scientific community to adopt a systemic risk perspective on drought. However, a thorough understanding of how drought risks manifest, cascade and interact across different systems and sectors is still lacking, and methodological guidance on how to analyse and represent these interdependencies does not yet exist.  In order to explore these gaps, we have developed conceptual models of drought risks for key selected systems and sectors in the European Union. 

For each system and sector considered (rain fed and irrigated agricultural systems, forest ecosystems, freshwater ecosystems, public water supply, inland water transport and the energy sector), a conceptual model was constructed to depict how drivers and root causes interact to create drought risk. The models are based on the impact chains methodology and are informed by literature review and multiple expert consultations (including a series of validation workshops). Subsequently, the system-specific models were used to build an overarching conceptual model of the critical interdependencies that exist between all the systems and sectors considered. 

The analysis has revealed that, in each system, drought risks manifest through a complex web of interactions between drivers of risk, which are in part system-specific and in part shared across the systems considered. From this, multiple considerations for drought risk assessment and management can be derived. In particular, special attention should be placed in defining and representing what drought risk is in each system, as the underlying characteristics might greatly differ. Additionally, the use of conceptual models can constitute an important first step for risk assessment, as they contribute to addressing the complexity of drought risks. Finally, the existence of commonalities and interdependencies between systems implies that interventions can and must be designed so as to consider multiple systems at once, thus avoiding maladaptive solutions. In this sense, the conceptual models can serve as entry points for the identification of risk reduction and adaptation measures which go beyond the single-risk and single-sector perspective, thus contributing to a more systemic view on drought risk management and adaptation, as well as highlighting persisting knowledge gaps.

How to cite: Cotti, D., Sabino Siemons, A.-S., Naumann, G., Wens, M., de Moel, H., Blauhut, V., Stahl, K., Rossi, L., Maetens, W., Toreti, A., and Hagenlocher, M.: Conceptual models of drought risks for Europe: a step towards a systemic perspective on drought, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7991,, 2023.

EGU23-9711 | ECS | Orals | NH9.15

Emergent pattern analysis of multiple-phase droughts cascade in Central Asia from a dynamic perspective 

Lu Tian, Jingshui Huang, and Markus Disse

Drought is typically induced by the extreme water deficit stress that cascades through the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere. However, identifying individual cascade connections remains challenging due to the nonlinear interactive loops within drought cascades initiated by numerous physical elements, which hinder the emergent patterns of droughts cascade from being explored further.

In this study, we establish a statistical framework for characterizing the dynamic space-time behaviour of droughts to track the droughts cascade. We investigate four typical droughts: precipitation (PCP), evapotranspiration (ET), Runoff, and root-zone soil moisture (SM) throughout Central Asia, the typical arid and semi-arid area of the world. Then, this method extracts 15 emergent patterns of droughts cascading corresponding to the different temporal orders. Moreover, the 15 emergent patterns of droughts cascade are categorized further as two-phase, three-phase, and four-phase drought cascading patterns in keeping with the appearance of hydrological parameters.

The result shows the highest occurrence in the four-phase cascading pattern, manifesting that the drought in PCP, ET, Runoff, and SM are expected predominantly to occur consecutively across the study area. Additionally, we find that four variations coefficients of duration, intensity, severity, and area reveal a positive linear relationship during cascading processes. Furthermore, the distribution range and magnitude of four metrics (duration, intensity, severity, and area) of PCP droughts increase with the rising of phase number in all cascading patterns.

Traits of the drought cascade provide another perspective for the drought early-warning and impact forecast in Central Asia, which could support the decision-making on drought mitigation in the arid region under exacerbated water deficit stress from global warming.

Keywords: group behaviour of droughts, cross-temporospatial scale, arid region, water management

How to cite: Tian, L., Huang, J., and Disse, M.: Emergent pattern analysis of multiple-phase droughts cascade in Central Asia from a dynamic perspective, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9711,, 2023.

EGU23-11974 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.15

Incorporating socio-hydrological contexts for systemic drought vulnerability in forested cold climates - a conceptual framework. 

Elin Stenfors, Malgorzata Blicharska, Thomas Grabs, and Claudia Teutschbein

In a changing climate, drought risk and vulnerability assessments are becoming increasingly important. Following the global call for proactive drought risk management, drought vulnerability assessments are progressively taking its stage in the drought research community. As the manifestation of drought vulnerability is dependent on the social, ecological and hydroclimatic context in which it occurs, identifying vulnerability factors relevant for specific climatological and ecological regions may improve the quality of vulnerability assessments. Meanwhile, a holistic overview of factors affecting vulnerability in polar and cold climates is currently lacking, although recent events (such as the 2018 European drought affecting large parts of Scandinavia) have reminded us that droughts are a prevalent risk even in colder climate zones. These regions are home to large socio-hydrological systems including urban areas, energy systems, agricultural practices, and the boreal forest. By conducting an interdisciplinary systematic literature review, the manifestation and conceptualization of drought vulnerability was identified for forested ecoregions in the Köppen-Geiger D and E climates. Vulnerability factors, as described by several scientific disciplines, were identified and combined into a conceptual framework for drought vulnerability in the study region. The results demonstrate the wide range of conceptualizations that exist for assessing drought vulnerability, the key sectors studied in the region, as well as the thematic differences between sectors such as forestry, water supply and agriculture. The developed conceptual framework adopts a novel approach, categorising vulnerability factors by their location in a socio-hydrological system, and their relation to blue or green water sources. This allows for identification of systemic vulnerability patterns for different drought types as well as vulnerability factors that may be universal for these socio-hydrological systems independent of the drought type they are exposed to. The results provide new insights into regional differences in drought vulnerability and a base for stakeholders performing proactive drought risk assessments in the study region.

How to cite: Stenfors, E., Blicharska, M., Grabs, T., and Teutschbein, C.: Incorporating socio-hydrological contexts for systemic drought vulnerability in forested cold climates - a conceptual framework., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11974,, 2023.

EGU23-13020 | ECS | Orals | NH9.15 | Highlight

It’s not all about drought: what “drought impacts” monitoring reveals about semiarid northeast Brazil 

David W. Walker, Juliana Lima Oliveira, Louise Cavalcante, Sarra Kchouk, Germano Ribeiro Neto, Lieke A. Melsen, Francisco Bergson P. Fernandes, Veronica Mitroi, Rubens S. Gondim, Eduardo Sávio Passos Rodrigues Martins, and Pieter R. van Oel

Drought impacts monitoring is conducted on the ground in much of Brazil by local observers at monthly and municipality scale. The monitoring was established to contribute towards the Brazilian Drought Monitor (, established in 2014) with a multichoice questionnaire principally aimed at ground truthing the monthly map of drought condition, but with additional questions, including an open question, about drought impacts.

Our research focussed on Ceará State in drought-prone semiarid northeast Brazil. In Ceará, over 3600 questionnaires were completed by agricultural extension officers since February 2019 based on their visits to a wide area of the municipalities. These local reports about drought impacts have been under-exploited by the Drought Monitor yet represent a rich resource of impact information. We aimed to understand what drought impacts were reported and if there were differences between these local reports and the Drought Monitor maps.

We manually coded all the reports to deductively identify impacts and other useful information. Despite some spatial and temporal gaps, the data reveal: a catalogue of the most significant impacts experienced on the ground per municipality per month, impact drivers (including non-climatic drivers), and areas of greater/lesser vulnerability (i.e. where more/less impacts were reported despite matching drought condition).

Analysis shows that impacts still occur, and are often normalised during non-drought periods. The impact drivers are either non-extreme hydrometeorological conditions or socially constructed vulnerability such as a lack of water infrastructure or poverty. The normalisation of “impacts” includes, in particular: a level of crop losses that is considered usual (up to 50% losses are acceptable) and consistently low reservoir levels (around 10% of capacity) around which the agricultural and domestic systems are adapted. The frequent non-correspondence of Drought Monitor drought severity and experienced drought severity suggests the Drought Monitor, and other Drought Monitors around the world based on traditional hydroclimatic indices, are not optimal for triggering emergency response, which they are often (mis)used for, though are relevant for triggering discussion and action on drought preparation, as is usually their principal aim.

How to cite: Walker, D. W., Oliveira, J. L., Cavalcante, L., Kchouk, S., Ribeiro Neto, G., Melsen, L. A., Fernandes, F. B. P., Mitroi, V., Gondim, R. S., Martins, E. S. P. R., and van Oel, P. R.: It’s not all about drought: what “drought impacts” monitoring reveals about semiarid northeast Brazil, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13020,, 2023.

EGU23-13372 | Orals | NH9.15

Simulating economic impacts of droughts on agriculture using DroughtMAS 

Mansi Nagpal, Christian Klassert, Bernd Klauer, and Erik Gawel

In Central Europe and Germany, climate change increases the risk of temperature anomalies, heat waves, and droughts. The most profound and direct impacts of such risk will be on agriculture and food systems. Climate change will adversely impact crop yields and jeopardize harvests, resulting in substantial crop production and economic losses. The expected increase in the frequency and severity of droughts in the future due to climate change can lead to significantly higher annual economic losses. To mitigate these impacts, cultivation regimes, crop rotation, and even the entire production patterns would need to be adapted. Hence, it is imperative to understand the management of risk in crop production and its role in drought adaptation in light of predicted impacts and contribute to evidence for adaptation policies.

To achieve this objective, we develop a spatial multi-agent system (MAS) model, DroughtMAS, using an Econometric Mathematical Programming (EMP) approach. The model simulates land-use adaptation to drought conditions, estimate the damages of droughts, and assesses risk management tools and strategies. The MAS model captures the biophysical and agro-economic heterogeneity of German agriculture through individually parameterized 401 land-user agents at a sub-national scale. Cropping behavior is calibrated with land-use data from high-resolution remote sensing analyses and public records. The economic parameters ground the model in a policy-relevant context while the statistical functions capture the impacts of biophysical factors on crop production. These yield functions enable the model to respond to soil moisture changes from observed data or projections from hydrological models.

The current modeling efforts are focused on extending the model to better reflect a farmer’s cropping decision at the time of planting. Specifically, using empirical data, we estimate the farmer’s expected yield factor at the planning/planting stage expressed as a function of previous drought-year yields for major agricultural crops in Germany. The aim is to explore how the dynamic interplay between the loss of income in previous droughts and resultant farmer cropping decisions affects adaptation to droughts in agriculture.  

We present the first analysis of the extension to demonstrate the ability of the model to capture farmer cropping decisions during drought and quantify their economic impacts on agriculture in Germany. The results provide bottom-up estimates of the economic damages of droughts accounting for much-needed short-run behavioral dynamics of adaptation. This provides a versatile validated cropping simulation model that can be used for realistic projections of future drought impacts of farm-specific changes aggregated at a national scale. The model also presents a spatiotemporal pattern of these impacts, showing the potential for this model to inform targeted policy interventions. The DroughtMAS provides a platform to capture additional adaptation behaviors (e.g. drought-resilient crops, irrigation systems) and integrate with other models that require empirically validated inputs about various agricultural decision-making conditions.

How to cite: Nagpal, M., Klassert, C., Klauer, B., and Gawel, E.: Simulating economic impacts of droughts on agriculture using DroughtMAS, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13372,, 2023.

EGU23-13476 | Orals | NH9.15

Developing drought resilience through Early Warning System with knowledge for action in multi-level governance 

Jacek Stankiewicz, Ariane König, and Stefan Weiss

Since the turn of the 21st century, the capacity of many terrestrial ecosystems to withstand pressures is being eroded, with severe water stress in summer being one of the significant causes and consequences. With droughts projected to become more frequent, and to have more severe impacts, coping strategies must be in place. Some effects of droughts on human water and food systems and from ill-adapted human use of water can be mitigated through the implementation of early warning systems (EWS), which can predict the severity and duration of a drought. However, these systems should also elicit a response, delivering timely information to decision makers, including all involved in land and water management. This will allow for proactive risk management measures and appropriate emergency response programs. To comprehensively deal with such complex problems, innovative and integrated governance approaches are necessary. An approach put forward to manage complex social-environmental problems such as droughts is adaptive governance, which calls for more flexible and learning-based collaborations and decision-making processes involving all relevant actors and stakeholders across different governance levels.

Here we present the concept for an integrated drought EWS that provides prestructured accessible data and actionable knowledge across actors at different levels of governance. We propose the development of an accessible multiple-source-design web platform with a structure to cater for different user groups. The monitoring and associated EWS would allow data and scenario visualisation, along with ongoing networked and collaborative experimentation with adaptation and mitigation measures. The platform would also include an interactive blogging domain. In co-designing the EWS with stakeholders the project aims to create a sense of co-ownership to encourage active engagement, bringing together interest groups in agriculture and water to prioritize future challenges concerning resilience of ecosystems involving water, soil and agriculture.

The concept is developed based on the case of Luxembourg as a small country, but the innovative approach to co-creating knowledge for action across different scales is relevant in diverse contexts. The proposed EWS would function across scales, offering access to different spatial and temporal scales of representations of circumstances relating to drought risks, accessible to various actors across different levels of governance. For contiguous spatial representations relating to the entire territory of the nation state (and surroundings), remote sensing data from satellites would be used, such as EU and national data on land cover and land use and satellite based soil moisture. Official measurement stations and monitoring programmes on river levels and precipitation levels provide additional information at the spatial scale of individual larger rivers at the catchment level. With decreased spatial scales, municipalities or individual plots of land of farmers become the focus. The remote sensing and modelled data would need to be supplemented with ground truthing to increase the levels of accuracy, precision, and geographic scale, to reflect the real drought impacts on the ground. Citizen science can provide these data sets necessary to complement the official ones. The various levels are not intended to be discrete, but to form elements of a complete system.

How to cite: Stankiewicz, J., König, A., and Weiss, S.: Developing drought resilience through Early Warning System with knowledge for action in multi-level governance, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13476,, 2023.

EGU23-13632 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.15

Impacts of drought on European inland transportation – insights from the European Drought Impact Inventory 2.0 

Veit Blauhut, Ruth Stephan, and Kerstin Stahl

Drought is one of the most disastrous natural hazards in Europe, affecting a broad range of systems directly and indirectly, tangible and intangible. The complex nature of the hazard drought, its associated and cascading risks and the occurrence of compound hazards often hinder a precise assignment and quantification of drought impacts. Especially for the case of inland transportation, where different types of drought affect the strongly interconnected modes of transport, only little is known on the effects of drought. This contribution presents an analysis of the effects of drought on European inland navigation, road, and rail transport based on the European Drought Impact report Inventory 2.0 (EDII). The EDII is a standardised collection of drought impact information from a variety of sources. Impact information is classified to one of >100 drought impact types, referenced in space and time and complemented with additional reported impact information such as secondary impacts and response measures where applicable. The second public version of the EDII extends the initial database until 2021. The results show strong effects on inland navigation, in particular along major navigable European rivers. Especially cargo transport is impacted by drought, but impacts on public transport via ferries (rivers and lakes) have also been reported. For road and rail traffic, drought induced land degradation and soil shrinkage are reported as causes for damaged roads and deformation of rail tracks. Furthermore, heat waves associated with drought can lead to “melting of road surfaces” and road blow-ups, as well as track deformation and buckling. Moreover, forest and embankment fires are reported as short-term impacts on rail traffic, whereas information on secondary impacts and compound effects are generally scarce. Drought impacts on inland navigation (reduced cargo) are reported to raise market costs of goods and increase traffic on roads and rails. The results also highlight strong spatial disparity in the occurrence of drought impacts on inland transport, which either are a results of strong differences in national drought risks, reporting behaviour or information collection practice. In order to increase the resilience of transport systems to drought, a comprehensive overview on the direct and indirect impacts of the past is essential. Thus, there is a need for a common pan-European investigation of impacts on inland transportation to inform a central database.

How to cite: Blauhut, V., Stephan, R., and Stahl, K.: Impacts of drought on European inland transportation – insights from the European Drought Impact Inventory 2.0, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13632,, 2023.

EGU23-443 | ECS | PICO | NH9.16

Space and Time Characteristics of Flash Drought Over the Central Europe 

Akif Rahim, Yannis Markonis, and Blöcher Johanna Ruth

Flash drought is a unique natural hazard due to its rapid rate of intensification with potentially detrimental effects on agriculture production. So far few work has been done to investigate the space and time behavior of flash droughts across Central Europe. In this study, we examine the space and time characteristics (Frequency, Rate of intensification, Severity, and Extent) of flash drought events in Central Europe between 1970 and 2020. The weekly averaged top layer (1-10cm) soil moisture (SM) data set of the Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLDAS) has been used as an indicator for identifying flash drought events. Here, we adopted a new definition for flash droughts by considering the intensity, duration, and persistence of flash drought. The results of this study reveal that the occurrence of flash droughts over Central Europe increased rapidly in the last two decades. The intensification rate and severity of flash drought show positive correlation. Moreover, the areal extent of flash drought events increased since 1970 and their centroid shifted towards the southern part of Central Europe. This study provides a better understanding of flash drought process and its dynamics over Central Europe.

How to cite: Rahim, A., Markonis, Y., and Ruth, B. J.: Space and Time Characteristics of Flash Drought Over the Central Europe, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-443,, 2023.

EGU23-1474 | ECS | PICO | NH9.16

A Comparison of Agriculture-related Characteristics of Flash and Traditional Drought 

Sarah Ho, Allan Buras, and Ye Tuo

Despite rapid progress in the burgeoning field of flash drought research, few studies directly compare the differences in characteristics between flash drought (commonly understood as quick, rapid-onset drought) and traditional, slow-moving drought, particularly over agricultural regions where the effects may be the most disastrous. In this study, flash and traditional (normal) drought events are identified using reanalysis soil moisture in the data-rich agricultural region of the California Central Valley for investigation of characteristics related to agriculture, namely the relative duration of drought events, the correlation with vegetation condition, the impact of aridity, and the differences in them between rainfed and irrigated agriculture. Overall, there are considerable differences between flash and normal drought, particularly in their spatial distributions and trends due to aridity. Flash droughts even indicate a counterintuitive improvement in vegetation condition in the northern, more humid regions. Results also indicate improvements in vegetation conditions during drought for irrigated land over rainfed, highlighting the importance of irrigation as a drought protection strategy in agriculture.

How to cite: Ho, S., Buras, A., and Tuo, Y.: A Comparison of Agriculture-related Characteristics of Flash and Traditional Drought, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1474,, 2023.

A mega drought occurred in the summer of 2022 over the Yangtze River basin in southern China, and affected 2.85 million hectares of crops and water supply for 4.73 million people. With the strongest rainfall deficit and hottest temperature since 1961, the drought developed from less than 20% of the basin at the beginning of July to more than 80% of the basin in the mid-August, which is an unprecedent flash drought in the Yangtze River basin. Here, we investigate multi-scale causes of the mega-flash drought including the land-atmospheric dry coupling at sub-seasonal time scale, the link with La Niña and PDO at interannual to decadal scales, and the effect of anthropogenic climate change. The subseasonal-to-seasonal (S2S) climate forecast models and the NMME seasonal prediction models will be used to assess the forecast skill of the drought onset, and a copula-based method will be implemented to predict the probability of drought recovery. Lastly, the future risk of the mega-flash drought will also be investigated by using CMIP6 models.

How to cite: Yuan, X. and Wang, Y.: Causes and predictability of the 2022 mega-flash drought over the Yangtze River basin, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2169,, 2023.

EGU23-2880 | ECS | PICO | NH9.16 | Highlight

Global Projections of Flash Drought in a Warming Climate 

Jordan Christian, Elinor Martin, Jeffrey Basara, Jason Furtado, Jason Otkin, Lauren Lowman, Eric Hunt, Vimal Mishra, and Xiangming Xiao

As global population continues to rise, the associated demand for agriculture is expected to significantly increase over the next several decades. Furthermore, projected increases in climate variability due to global climate change will impact the cropland expansion and agricultural intensification required to meet the demand in the coming decades. Flash drought presents a unique challenge within the realm of weather and climate extremes. Given their rapid development, drought mitigation strategies are challenging to implement during flash drought because these events often develop with limited warning, while leading to wide-ranging impacts across the land surface. As such, this study seeks to address two key questions on flash drought: 1) What are the trends in flash drought frequency across the globe in a warming climate and 2) how does the risk to cropland from flash drought change in the future? These questions are addressed by identifying flash drought events from six CMIP6 models using the standardized evaporative stress ratio (SESR) and soil moisture. Historical simulations capture the period spanning 1850-2014, while three scenarios are used to project flash drought development under different socioeconomic pathways and radiative forcing levels for the years 2015-2100 (SSP126, SSP245, and SSP585). We find that flash drought occurrence is expected to increase globally among all scenarios, with the sharpest increases seen in scenarios with higher radiative forcing and greater fossil fuel usage. Regionally, the largest projected increases in flash drought occurrence are in Europe and the Amazon. Flash drought risk over cropland is expected to increase globally, with the largest increases projected across North America (change in annual risk from 32% in 2015 to 49% in 2100) and Europe (32% to 53%) in the most extreme SSP585 scenario. Following conservative and medium scenarios compared to high end scenarios indicates a notable reduction in annual flash drought risk over cropland.

How to cite: Christian, J., Martin, E., Basara, J., Furtado, J., Otkin, J., Lowman, L., Hunt, E., Mishra, V., and Xiao, X.: Global Projections of Flash Drought in a Warming Climate, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2880,, 2023.

EGU23-4530 | ECS | PICO | NH9.16

Abrupt Agricultural Flash Drought: Investigating Flash Drought Events over Agricultural Regions of the United States 

Benjamin Fellman, Jeffrey Basara, Jordan Christian, and Mari Tye

Flash droughts are a highly impactful, subseasonal to seasonal phenomenon that pose serious risk to several groups of stakeholders, including agricultural producers. One major example includes the 2012 flash drought event over the United States, which resulted in tens of billions of dollars of crop loss and caused longer-lasting effects to the overall US economy. This study aims to quantify impactful flash drought events that have occurred over two agricultural regions of the central United States over a 40 year period from 1981 to 2020. These two regions, referred to as the Southern Great Plains and Midwest, were selected as they are agriculturally-dense areas that are located spatially close to one another, yet are in distinctively unique climate regions. 

Using the standardized evaporative stress ratio (SESR) for flash drought identification, events are selected based on several factors, including spatial coverage and spontaneous nature of onset and spread across the region. Given the sudden nature of rapid drought intensification with these events, there is less time for farmers to implement mitigation strategies and remain resilient to the droughts. We define these events as abrupt agricultural flash droughts (AAFDs). Initial results show changes to the timing and frequency of AAFD events over the Southern Great Plains and Midwest. More specifically, over the last 20 years, AAFDs have increased in frequency by 100-200% across critical regions of agricultural growth, suggesting these events are likely to pose increased risk to agricultural producers in the near future.

How to cite: Fellman, B., Basara, J., Christian, J., and Tye, M.: Abrupt Agricultural Flash Drought: Investigating Flash Drought Events over Agricultural Regions of the United States, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4530,, 2023.

EGU23-5488 | PICO | NH9.16 | Highlight

FD-VIEWS: A new operational global flash drought early-warning system based on evaporative stress forecasts 

Diego G. Miralles, Qiqi Gou, Akash Koppa, Hylke E. Beck, Yonghua Zhu, Haishen Lü, and Hao Li

Early warning of flash droughts is crucial to mitigate their adverse impacts on agriculture, ecosystems, and water resources. In recent years, advances in weather forecasting have been significant, paving the way for the development of reliable flash drought early-warning systems. Based on these recent developments, we present the operational, global-scale Flash Drought Viewer, Index, and Early Warning System (FD-VIEWS), which combines a deep learning hybrid version of the Global Land Evaporation Amsterdam Model (GLEAM, Koppa et al. 2022) with high-resolution ensemble meteorological forecasts from the Multi-Source Weather product (MSWX, Beck et al. 2022). Based on probabilistic forecasts of evaporative stress, FD-VIEWS diagnoses flash droughts using the Standardized Evaporation Stress Ratio (SESR) proposed by Christian et al. (2019) and further developed by Gou et al. (2022). The early-warning system predicts not only onset, continuation, and termination, but also estimates intensification rate and drought severity. FD-VIEWS is evaluated on its ability to predict flash droughts globally over a 10-day forecast horizon. The evaluation of FD-VIEWS reveals a high skill in predicting flash drought onset and termination; the onset forecast skill is higher in arid regions, whereas the termination forecast skill is higher in humid areas. Overall, FD-VIEWS shows potential in improving our understanding of flash drought predictability and its drivers, and enables more effective water management.


Beck, H. E., van Dijk, A. I., Larraondo, P. R., McVicar, T. R., Pan, M., Dutra, E., Miralles, D. G., 2022: MSWX: Global 3-Hourly 0.1° Bias-Corrected Meteorological Data Including Near-Real-Time Updates and Forecast Ensembles. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 103 (3), E710-E732.

Christian, J. I., Basara, J. B., Otkin, J. A., Hunt, E. D., Wakefield, R. A., Flanagan, P. X., Xiao, X., 2019: A Methodology for Flash Drought Identification: Application of Flash Drought Frequency across the United States. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 20 (5), 833-846.

Gou, Q., Zhu, Y., Lü, H., Horton, R., Yu, X., Zhang, H., Wang, X., Su, J., Liu, E., Ding, Z., Wang, Z., Yuan, F., 2022: Application of an improved spatio-temporal identification method of flash droughts. Journal of Hydrology, 604, 127224.

Koppa, A., Rains, D., Hulsman, P., Poyatos, R., Miralles, D. G., 2022: A deep learning-based hybrid model of global terrestrial evaporation. Nature Communications, 13 (1), 1912.

How to cite: G. Miralles, D., Gou, Q., Koppa, A., E. Beck, H., Zhu, Y., Lü, H., and Li, H.: FD-VIEWS: A new operational global flash drought early-warning system based on evaporative stress forecasts, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5488,, 2023.

EGU23-10623 | ECS | PICO | NH9.16

A new indicator reveals frequent flash droughts with a common physical evolution in different agricultural regions worldwide 

Miguel A. Lovino, Ernesto H. Berbery, M. Josefina Pierrestegui, Omar V. Müller, and Gabriela V. Müller

Flash droughts negatively impact agriculture and natural ecosystems worldwide. However, there is still no flash drought indicator that can couple rapid soil moisture depletion and its impacts on vegetation health. Moreover, the literature describes several indicators that may not reliably represent flash drought evolution or its drivers in varying climatic regimes. Our study introduces a robust and straightforward approach to identify flash droughts based on ERA5 root-zone soil moisture along with soil properties (field capacity and wilting point) to reflect the soil moisture deficit and plant water stress conditions across different climate regions. Using this approach, we identify the regions in the world prone to flash droughts, and their seasonal frequency. This study also analyzes the processes involving atmospheric and surface drivers during the drought lifecycle.

The proposed indicator captures the rapid soil moisture depletion by assessing the decline in the soil water deficit index (SWDI) from an upper threshold to a lower threshold over a period of 20 days (4 pentads). The upper threshold (SWDI=-3) ensures an increase in evaporative stress as it is close to or at the critical soil moisture value, which differentiates energy- and soil moisture-limited evapotranspiration regimes. The lower threshold (SWDI=-5) is the readily available soil water limit for vegetation growth. Below this point, plants begin to experience water stress. Although soil water is theoretically available for plants before reaching the wilting point, the plant water uptake is reduced well before that value.

Our findings show that the main flash drought hotspots are found to be located in southeastern South America, southern China, India, central-eastern Europe and southern Russia, and the central-eastern United States. Most flash drought occurrence hotspots are found in agricultural regions. Additionally, the analysis of the seasonal flash drought frequency indicates that most flash drought events impact the critical growth periods of crops.

Our results reveal that all flash drought hotspots exhibit similar evolution of key atmospheric and surface variables regardless of the location or climatic regime. Thus, the physical processes involved in flash droughts appear to be similar worldwide. As expected, a precipitation deficit is the main driver for rapid soil moisture depletion. Temperature also plays an important role in the persistence of flash drought events. The evolution of evapotranspiration during flash droughts modulates the precipitation effects: evapotranspiration increases until the onset of the flash drought (energy-limited regime) and then decreases during the intensification period due to water stress (soil moisture-limited regime).

How to cite: Lovino, M. A., Berbery, E. H., Pierrestegui, M. J., Müller, O. V., and Müller, G. V.: A new indicator reveals frequent flash droughts with a common physical evolution in different agricultural regions worldwide, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10623,, 2023.

EGU23-11197 | ECS | PICO | NH9.16

Inter-seasonal terrestrial-atmospheric drivers of flash drought over Europe 

Daniel Mesheske, Jordan Christian, and Jeff Basara

Anthropogenic climate change is expected to increase the frequency and intensity of climactic extremes across Europe. With rising temperatures, the impacts of a severe or prolonged agricultural drought could yield devastating financial costs. As such, indicators that predict future drought could mitigate risk and damage. This study explores the seasonal and inter-seasonal relationships between land surface variables using linear regression and correlation analysis. Data from MERRA-2, between 1980 and 2020, were used for temperature, ET, PET, and soil moisture. ET and PET were used to derive the Standardized Evaporative Stress Ratio (SESR), which is a metric that incorporates several near-surface state variables to represent evaporative stress on the environment. It is shown through regression modeling that higher mean temperatures lead to increased evaporative stress and reduced root zone soil moisture throughout much of Europe during spring, summer, and fall. Correlation values yielded a strong negative relationship consistent with the known characteristics between temperature, evaporative stress, and soil moisture. Further, lag-regression analysis between subsequent seasons demonstrated strong negative correlations for mean temperature and mean SESR ratio for both a spring-summer and summer-fall seasonal lag across much of the European continent. In addition, many of these correlations show statistical significance above 90%. Finally, this study identified a similar relationship between root zone soil moisture with temperature and SESR yielding correlation at elevated levels of statistical significance indicating that springtime temperature may be a critical precursor to growing season flash drought development.  

How to cite: Mesheske, D., Christian, J., and Basara, J.: Inter-seasonal terrestrial-atmospheric drivers of flash drought over Europe, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11197,, 2023.

EGU23-13360 | ECS | PICO | NH9.16

Run analysis of potential evapotranspiration and soil moisture  for investigating flash droughts in Sicily 

Tagele Mossie Aschale, David J. Peres, Nunziarita Palazzolo, Guido Sciuto, and Antonino Cancelliere

Flash droughts develop and intensify rapidly under the influence of abnormally high temperatures, wind speed, radiation and declining of the normal precipitation rate. The changing of Potential evapotranspiration (PET) and soil moisture is considered as key early warning and development of flash drought indicators.

In this study, we first analyse spatio-temporal trends of the PET at monthly, seasonal, and annual temporal scales in Sicily.  PET is estimated by the Penman-Monteith method based on a network of 46 meteorological stations, at daily metrological data. The Mann Kendall test and Sen’s slope analysis are applied to identify the significance of PET trends in the region. Result showed increasing trends for most of the months and the region. For instance, August had the highest increasing PET monthly trend, with a maximum of 1.73 mm per year and the highest increasing annual trend was 10.68 mm per year. Findings of this analysis provide preliminary insights on how climate change can influence PET.

Then, we carry out a preliminary investigation of flash droughts based on a joint analysis of potential evapotranspiration and soil moisture. In particular, based both on the network of meteorological stations and reanalysis data  of soil moisture at hourly resolution, daily  potential evapotranspiration (PET) and soil estimations at different soil depths are analysed with the method of runs. Considering different thresholds, the runs of PET and soil moisture are compared to characterize flash drought periods and to understand the relation between the two variables. Results indicate a significant link between the variables, and thus a potential for developing flash drought monitoring tools.



Keywords: Flash drought, Potential evapotranspiration (PET), Spatiotemporal, Trend, Sicily


How to cite: Aschale, T. M., Peres, D. J., Palazzolo, N., Sciuto, G., and Cancelliere, A.: Run analysis of potential evapotranspiration and soil moisture  for investigating flash droughts in Sicily, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13360,, 2023.

EGU23-16260 | PICO | NH9.16 | Highlight

On the role of antecedent meteorological conditions on soil moisture flash drought initialization in Europe 

Jignesh Shah, Rohini Kumar, and Oldrich Rakovec

Flash-droughts events are characterized by the fast depletion of soil moisture in the top soil layers. Given their rapid onset and intensification, flash droughts entail severe impacts on ecosystem productivity. Thus understanding their initialization mechanisms is important for improving the skill of drought forecasting systems. Here, we examined the role of antecedent meteorological conditions that lead to flash droughts across Europe over the last 70 years (1950--2020). We found two major flash-drought types based on sequence of development of antecedent hydro-meteorological conditions. The first one is characterized by a joint occurrence of two mechanisms, a continuous decline of precipitation in conjunction with an increase of the evaporative demand, both occurring before the onset of a flash drought event. The second type, on the contrary, is characterized by high precipitation preceding the start of the event followed by a sudden precipitation deficit combined with an increase in evaporative demand at the onset of the drought. Both drought types showed increased occurrence and higher spatial coverage over the last 70 years, the second drought type have increased at a much faster rate compared to the first one specifically over the Central Europe and the Mediterranean region. Overall our study highlights the differences between the two types of flash droughts, related to varying antecedent meteorological conditions, and their changes under recent climate warming. 

How to cite: Shah, J., Kumar, R., and Rakovec, O.: On the role of antecedent meteorological conditions on soil moisture flash drought initialization in Europe, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16260,, 2023.

EGU23-16659 | PICO | NH9.16 | Highlight

A Framework for Flash Drought Progression 

Jeffrey Basara and Jordan Christian

Not all droughts are the same.  In some cases, drought rapidly intensifies at subseasonal to seasonal scales with significant impacts to agriculture and water resources along with the increased propensity for heatwaves and wildfires.  Soil moisture is a critical drought variable, and the desiccation of the terrestrial surface is an effective resource for monitoring drought development and associated impacts.  During flash drought, soil moisture can play two critical roles: (1) drought enhancement via dry soils, enhanced sensible heat flux, reduced evaporation, and enhanced vapor pressure deficit and, (2) drought resistance via moist soils that cool the surface via evaporation and decreased vapor pressure deficit.  Thus, a fundamental question is at what point during flash drought development does the environment transition from drought resistance (a negative feedback) to drought enhancement (a positive feedback) and vice versa? Further, how do surface-layer processes impact the development of the planetary boundary layer (PBL) during this transition?  Finally, what is the overall relationship between atmospheric demand, evaporative stress, terrestrial desiccation, and precipitation in the progression of flash drought.  This study provides a conceptual framework that captures the critical processes that drive flash drought progression (and moderation) through a relative parameter space approach. Using this framework, the onset, development, intensification, moderation, and termination of flash drought can be diagnosed by the complex interactions between terrestrial and atmospheric variables.

How to cite: Basara, J. and Christian, J.: A Framework for Flash Drought Progression, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16659,, 2023.

EGU23-17391 | PICO | NH9.16

Effectiveness of a Mobile Chlorine Gas Generator as a Treatment for Biofouling in Relief Wells 

Clint Smith, Edith Martinez-Guerra, Catherine Thomas, Fahmi Atwain, Andmorgan Fisher, Ilea Diaz Lluberes, Kie Simrall, Jillian Dees, James Goodrich, and Kurtis Daniels

Dams and levees are a critical component of the contingency plans required to provide sufficient potable water to support the population during episode of droughts. However, microbial growth and subsequent encrustation that builds on the relief wells have been shown to build unwanted pressure within dams and levees when left untreated. This biofouling can lead to malfunctions of the wells, especially in dams that are under stress from drought-induced low water levels. Oxalic acid has been used as the most common alternative to alleviate hydrostatic pressures when encrusted biofouling occurs. The Water on Wheels (WOW) Cart Relief Well Sustainment (RWS) system was designed to function as a more cost-efficient and targeted alternative by allowing the use of a portable chlorine generator. It electrochemically converts sodium chloride to sodium hypochlorite, in a controlled and monitored manner, allowing for the use of either chlorine gas or chlorine gas dissolved in water. The Grenada Dam is a man-made dam that supplies Mississippi, as well as a habitat to various local species. A previous study in the area showed how the effects of drought and biofouling altered the coastline and performance of the dam, affecting the local ecosystem and water supply. Scheduled treatments in this area are conducted to upkeep the dam, as well as monitor the water levels that might indicate a rapidly emerging drought event. Various relief wells in the Grenada Dam region were treated using either oxalic acid or the chlorine produced by the WOW Cart RWS system alternatively. Initial field test results have shown that the WOW cart system reduces the microbial growth just as effectively as current conventional methods of treatment, while minimizing the associated costs. When tested against oxalic acid, it was found that the relief wells treated with the cart reported no detected level of growth for a lesser cost and adequately relieved the pressure on the relief wells to allow proper water-flow and usage. Therefore, the WOW cart provides an easier and more efficient alternative to maintain the functionality and ecosystem of the dam, making it readily prepared for any dry spell that might affect the area. Future studies will be developed to determine Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) that will focus on treatment time and condition.

How to cite: Smith, C., Martinez-Guerra, E., Thomas, C., Atwain, F., Fisher, A., Diaz Lluberes, I., Simrall, K., Dees, J., Goodrich, J., and Daniels, K.: Effectiveness of a Mobile Chlorine Gas Generator as a Treatment for Biofouling in Relief Wells, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17391,, 2023.

Hail is a severe meteorological hazard that can cause significant damage to both buildings and cars. Here, we present the first-ever open-source risk model for hail damages, provided within the CLIMADA framework. The availability of high-resolution radar-based hail intensity measures and detailed damage and exposure data from local insurance companies in Switzerland allows for a spatially explicit calibration of vulnerability functions for buildings and cars. The model is able to provide climatological evaluations of hail risk and real-time hail damage estimates based on any user-provided exposure data. Furthermore, combined with crowd-sourced hail reports, the detailed damage data allows for an evaluation and uncertainty quantification of different radar-based hail intensity measures. In a second step, the model will be expanded to use high-resolution convection-resolving simulations with the hail growth module HAILCAST as hazard variable. This enables the assessment of hail risk under climate change, as well as the prototyping of an impact-based warning system based on ensemble weather forecasts. The open-source nature of the model allows for easy access and modification by any interested party, including insurance companies, government agencies, and the general public, making it a valuable tool for assessing hail risk and implementing effective mitigation strategies.

How to cite: Schmid, T. and Bresch, D. N.: Open-source Risk Model for Hail Damages to Buildings and Cars: From Climatological Evaluation to Impact-based Warnings, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3264,, 2023.

EGU23-4659 | ECS | Orals | NH9.17

Beyond agriculture? A review of cross-sectoral drought risk and impacts research in Europe over the past two decades 

Davide Cotti, Anne-Sophie Sabino Siemons, Gustavo Naumann, Marthe Wens, Hans de Moel, Veit Blauhut, Kerstin Stahl, Lauro Rossi, Willem Maetens, Andrea Toreti, and Michael Hagenlocher

The impacts of drought events can be diverse, far-reaching and encompass multiple sectors and systems. This became particularly evident in recent droughts in Europe (e.g. 2018 and 2022), when, together with extensive damages to agriculture across the whole continent, severe impacts on public water supply, energy production and riverine transportation were also registered. However, while the scientific community has called for the study of these events in their multi-sectoral complexity, research on drought risk and impacts still tends to be conducted in sectoral and disciplinary silos, with different conceptualizations, terminology and methodologies evolving in relative isolation. In order to assess the state of multi-sectoral drought risk research in the European Union, we have completed a systematic literature review (n=168) aimed at understanding how different sectors and systems are represented in drought impacts and risk assessment research in the 27 countries of the European Union (EU27). The analysis focused on peer-reviewed publications and conference proceedings from 2000 to 2022, sourced through the Scopus database, and returned a research landscape where agricultural applications are predominant across the period considered, but in which the representation of other sectors and systems (e.g. energy, ecosystems) is steadily increasing throughout the years. However, only a minority of the studies tackle more than one sector or system (e.g. agriculture and ecosystems), and in most cases the multi-sectoral perspective is not accompanied by a fully integrated assessment of risk in its hazard, exposure and vulnerability components. Another trend of interest is the progressive, albeit still limited, increase in the representation of different geographical clusters among the studies analysed: in particular, while Southern European countries (e.g. Spain, Italy, Portugal) lead in number of case studies, applications to Western European countries (e.g. Germany, France, Austria) have become more frequent. These results can be interpreted as a general improvement towards a more unified understanding and characterization of drought events, but also point at a still high compartmentalization across sectoral fields. Because of the complexity of droughts, this persisting separation may hinder progress towards a common conceptualization of drought events as systemic and multi-sectoral events with multiple direct, indirect and cascading impacts. In particular, a stronger focus on multi-sectoral risk analysis could provide actionable information to support the identification of solutions capable of tackling multiple issues, thus expanding the policy space into which drought risk management can operate.

How to cite: Cotti, D., Sabino Siemons, A.-S., Naumann, G., Wens, M., de Moel, H., Blauhut, V., Stahl, K., Rossi, L., Maetens, W., Toreti, A., and Hagenlocher, M.: Beyond agriculture? A review of cross-sectoral drought risk and impacts research in Europe over the past two decades, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4659,, 2023.

EGU23-4936 | Orals | NH9.17 | Highlight

Droughts in a human-dominated world: Feedbacks, legacies and inequalities 

Giuliano Di Baldassarre

Societies have increasingly influenced the frequency and severity of hydrological drought over the past centuries by: i) building dams and reservoirs to secure water supply; ii) diverting water flows to supply cities, industries and agriculture; and iii) changing river basin characteristics through deforestation, urbanization and drainage of wetlands. While societies influence hydrological droughts, drought occurrences (and risks) influence societies. Adaptive responses include migration from drought-affected areas or changes in water allocation and governance. In this talk, I present case studies, global analyses and models to show how these sociohydrological feedbacks can generate legacy risks or social inequalities and thus challenge the development of sustainable policies of disaster risk reduction and water management.


How to cite: Di Baldassarre, G.: Droughts in a human-dominated world: Feedbacks, legacies and inequalities, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4936,, 2023.

EGU23-5634 | ECS | Orals | NH9.17

Snow droughts as a precursor of water conflicts 

Francesca Munerol, Francesco Avanzi, Marina Morando, Marco Altamura, Simone Gabellani, Marta Galvagno, Edoardo Cremonese, and Luca Ferraris

Water conflicts generally stem from an imbalance between water demand and availability; as such, they are often studied as a result of meteorological droughts – that is, a lack of precipitation or streamflow. By shifting water availability from wet winters to dry summers, when demand peaks, we hypothesized that snow water resources represent a crucial precursor of this imbalance, and thus play an important, but unexplored role in escalating drought-related water crises and conflict. To shed light on the nexus between snow droughts and increased water challenges, we draw lessons from the extraordinarily warm, dry, and prolonged 2021-2022 snow drought in the Italian Alps, from the consequent spring-to-summer water deficit, and from the relative seeds of conflict. To this end, we compared the spatial distribution of snow water resources deficit with the distribution and type of municipal mandatory water restrictions, under the assumption that the former are proxies of a future deficit in availability, while the latter are proxies of an imbalance between this availability and needs. We found initial evidence that the location and magnitude of the deficit in snow water resources observed across the Italian Alps in winter 2022 (-60% or more at peak accumulation) did result in seeds of institutional conflicts later in spring and summer. These findings can aid institutions and policymakers in understanding the mechanisms behind emerging water conflicts and their implications, and so design ad-hoc water policies, especially in a warming climate.


How to cite: Munerol, F., Avanzi, F., Morando, M., Altamura, M., Gabellani, S., Galvagno, M., Cremonese, E., and Ferraris, L.: Snow droughts as a precursor of water conflicts, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5634,, 2023.

EGU23-5948 | Orals | NH9.17

The EDORA project: Towards a multi-sectoral drought risk assessment in Europe 

Lauro Rossi, Monika Bláhová, Veit Blauhut, Hans De Moel, Davide Cotti, Michael Hagenlocher, Irene Kohn, Anne Van Loon, Willem Maetens, Dario Masante, Roberto Rudari, Anne-Sophie Sabino Siemons, Kerstin Stahl, Ruth Stephan, Kathrin Szillat, Andrea Toreti, Marthe Wens, and Gustavo Naumann

Drought affects almost every aspect of the environment and society. However, specific sectoral drought impact and risk assessments are often excluded from loss estimates because they are difficult to quantify and/or model. Effectively assessing and managing drought risk requires a multi-scale and multi-sectoral approach to understand the different dimensions of drought. 

The European Drought Observatory for Resilience and Adaptation (EDORA) project addresses the study of drought risk in a multi-system perspective in the European Union. The sectors and systems included in the assessment are agriculture, energy production, water supply, water transport and ecosystems. 

A proper collection and classification of past drought impact data is essential for risk assessment. To this end, we are developing a database of recorded impacts for each system, which can be fed by semi-automated media monitoring, official reports and manual data entries from potential observers. The collection and systematisation of sector specific impacts of drought aims at filling an important gap at the European scale.

Drought risk is assessed in two complementary ways. Risk drivers, root causes of risk and cascading effects are identified and mapped through system-specific impact chains informed by a systematic literature review and expert consultation (including validation workshops). An integrated, cross-system model unveils the interconnections and complexity of drought risk. Also, a modelling tool to quantitatively assess drought risk  was developed for different systems and different regions using machine learning techniques. This data-driven technique uncovers the vulnerability-specific interactions between hazard and impact under present and projected climate conditions. The outcomes of the risk assessments are collected into an atlas showing European multisectoral drought risk at subnational level.

How to cite: Rossi, L., Bláhová, M., Blauhut, V., De Moel, H., Cotti, D., Hagenlocher, M., Kohn, I., Van Loon, A., Maetens, W., Masante, D., Rudari, R., Sabino Siemons, A.-S., Stahl, K., Stephan, R., Szillat, K., Toreti, A., Wens, M., and Naumann, G.: The EDORA project: Towards a multi-sectoral drought risk assessment in Europe, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5948,, 2023.

EGU23-6038 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.17 | Highlight

A Transformer-Based Analysis of Tweets in Germany to Investigate the Appearance and Evolution of the 2021 Eifel Flood in Social Media 

Nadja Veigel, Heidi Kreibich, Jens A. de Bruijn, Jeroen C.J.H. Aerts, and Andrea Cominola

In July 2021 several European countries were hit by severe floods. Estimates by SwissRe indicate that a flood event caused by the low-pressure area “Bernd” caused 227 deaths and economic losses of 41 billion USD in Central and Western Europe, with hotspots in Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands. An increasing number of studies focus on understanding and modelling the causes and evolution of this event, developing reliable estimates of the losses it caused, and recommending improved disaster management strategies. However, risk communication and flood-related citizens’ behaviors, attitudes, and perceptions before, during, and after the flood are currently understudied.

Here, we develop an analytical framework to extract information on these human-related elements based on social media data. We ultimately aim to understand how flood warnings, intensity and impact are reflected in social media topics. To this extent, we analyze differences between topics arising on social media for an event like the 2021 flood compared to less devastating floods that occurred in the past. This requires homogeneous automatic assessment of Twitter data over time. We analyse the content of 42,000 tweets containing selected keywords related to flooding posted in Germany since 2014. Keywords refer to both fluvial and flash floods. Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) in combination with unsupervised clustering techniques are implemented to classify the tweets in different topic groups (BERTopic). Further, we extract the temporal evolution of topic patterns for different flood types and phases of flooding. Our analysis contributes to understanding the patterns of key topics, reflecting behaviors before, during and after the flooding event - thus how these topics change over time. Using the new framework and understanding these dynamics supports (i) modelling risk communication, behavioral drivers, and social interactions in relation to different types of floods with different intensities, and (ii) identifying indirect flood impacts that are not reported in traditional flood documentation. Finally, our approach can be extended for analysis of other natural hazards as well as compound events.

How to cite: Veigel, N., Kreibich, H., de Bruijn, J. A., Aerts, J. C. J. H., and Cominola, A.: A Transformer-Based Analysis of Tweets in Germany to Investigate the Appearance and Evolution of the 2021 Eifel Flood in Social Media, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6038,, 2023.

EGU23-6201 | Posters on site | NH9.17

Pluvial flood depth mapping in urban areas using data fusion 

Kai Schröter, Max Steinhausen, Lars Salgmann, Henning Müller, Levente Huszti, and Martin Drews

Inundations of urban areas induced by extreme rainfall are an increasingly important driver of loss and damage. With climate change, locally heavy precipitation will occur more frequently and with greater intensity. For efficiently reducing flood impacts and informing precautionary measures rapid and reliable information on affected areas is essential. Increasing amounts of data are available from a growing diversity of sensors and data sources. The Increasing volume and velocity of data are auspicious but require improved capabilities of extracting and integrating knowledge from this wide variety of data. Using recent pluvial flood events in Budapest (Hungary), Dresden (Germany), and Braunschweig (Germany) we investigate whether the combination of data from multiple sources (remote sensing, simulation models, online media, VGI) provides more reliable and more accurate inundation depths maps to better inform the assessment and management of pluvial floods. We combine data with geospatial analysis methods and fuse the different datasets using statistical and ML-based approaches. The results indicate that the combined data sources help to close gaps in individual data sources. Further, we note a compensatory effect, which results in more reliable and accurate inundation maps.

How to cite: Schröter, K., Steinhausen, M., Salgmann, L., Müller, H., Huszti, L., and Drews, M.: Pluvial flood depth mapping in urban areas using data fusion, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6201,, 2023.

EGU23-8349 | ECS | Orals | NH9.17

Water management assessment with text mining 

Taís Maria Nunes Carvalho, Francisco de Assis de Souza Filho, and Mariana Madruga de Brito

Water allocation during droughts is a challenge for policymakers, often addressed through participatory approaches. The implications of this governance mode are understudied as long-term records of the decision-making processes are often unavailable. We use natural language processing (NLP) and network analysis to extract information on water allocation decisions and climate-related issues from meeting minutes of river basin stakeholders. To test this approach, we considered the minutes of 1100 meetings held between 1997 and 2021 in the twelve basin committees of Ceará, Brazil. This region has a long history of droughts, which have strongly influenced water policies and politics. The river basin committee is currently composed of representatives of governmental and non-governmental institutions and deliberates on the water management process. To identify conflicts and relevant issues discussed during the meetings, we created a topic modeling approach consisting of: (1) sentence embedding using SBERT, (2) dimensionality reduction using UMAP, and (3) sentence clustering using K-means. Based on this, we calculated the topic frequency in each committee over time and normalized it by the number of documents registered each year. We also detected the topics mentioned in the same document to build network graphs of co-occurring topics. By using named entity recognition and dependency parsing, we identified the main actors involved during these meetings. Findings indicate that the most common topics were related to 'organic farming', 'fish mortality in reservoirs' and 'structural problems in water infrastructure'. The enhancement of water use monitoring - to identify potential water right violations - seems to be the preferred strategy to cope with droughts. During droughts, stakeholders appear to be more concerned about urban water supply than agriculture demand. We use historical data on water permit granting and water use charging to validate this finding. We also see an increase in climate-informed decisions over time, which became more frequent as new droughts affected the region. In summary, the proposed approach allows exploiting existing text data in order to identify the spatio-temporal patterns of topics related to water allocation. These data are often underexplored due to difficulties in analysing large amounts of text using conventional tools. Hence, text analysis offer exciting new opportunities for research in the field of water management.

How to cite: Nunes Carvalho, T. M., de Souza Filho, F. D. A., and Madruga de Brito, M.: Water management assessment with text mining, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8349,, 2023.

EGU23-8511 | Posters on site | NH9.17

Combination of crop models and machine learning techniques for agricultural parametric insurance 

Beatrice Monteleone, Luigi Cesarini, Marcello Arosio, and Mario Martina

Agriculture is highly exposed to the effects of weather and extreme events play a crucial role in lowering crop yields. Low crop production has devastating effects on farmers from the economic point of view and undermines food security. Thus, crop insurance constitutes an ex-ante formal tool adopted in many countries to secure farmers’ income.

The interest in index-based (or parametric) insurance in the agricultural sector has grown in recent years and many different parametric products are nowadays available for farmers both in high and low-income countries. While traditional insurance evaluates the claims assessing crop losses in the field after an event, index-based insurance calculates indemnities based on an independent proxy for yield losses, as for example a weather index.

Index-based insurance exhibits many advantages with respect to traditional; it overcomes the issues of moral hazard and adverse selection, farmers receive payouts quickly since there is no need of in-situ inspections, administrative costs are lower with respect of the ones of traditional insurance, etc.

However, parametric products are subjected to high basis risk since the relationship between the weather index and farmers losses is imperfect and affected by high uncertainty. The minimization of basis risk is the main challenge of parametric products and could be obtained by developing indices that reproduce as accurately as possible the relationship between climate and yield.

Nowadays, in parametric insurance products the use of rainfall and temperature-based indices is prevalent with respect to the application of drought, floods, or soil moisture-based indices, even if the latter are more accurate in reproducing farmers losses. The reason behind this choice is that farmers prefer products based on variables easy to understand and measure.

In addition, the major part of parametric insurance products estimates the yield-index relationship through the use of statistical methods, such as regression, correlation, copulas or probability distribution. The use of mechanistic methods as crop modelling, and machine learning techniques deserves to be further explored since preliminary studies have demonstrated their potential in producing accurate yield-index relationships, even if a huge amount of data is required to successfully set up the models.

This study explores the use of a combination of crop models and machine learning methods to establish an accurate yield-index relationship. At the same time the proposed index should be directly related to a simple weather variable (such as rainfall or temperature) through tables or functions easy to understand for farmers.

Various crop models, such as APSIM, WOFOST and AquaCrop were tested, together with different machine learning techniques, namely CNN and random forest, explaining the outcome with the aid of SHAP values, creating an output transparent and easier to understand for farmers.

The case study area is Northern Italy, given the availability of observed yield data Weather data have been retrieved from various sources, such as satellite products (CHIRPS), reanalysis (ERA-5, SPHERA, etc.) and weather stations, while soil data (soil texture and water content) derive from the SoilGrids database and the FAO harmonized soil database.

Preliminary results have shown good correlations between maize and wheat yields simulated with crop models and observed yields.  

How to cite: Monteleone, B., Cesarini, L., Arosio, M., and Martina, M.: Combination of crop models and machine learning techniques for agricultural parametric insurance, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8511,, 2023.

EGU23-11984 | Orals | NH9.17

Using automated web data mining for natural hazard assessment 

Ascanio Rosi, Rachele Franceschini, Nicola Casagli, and Filippo Catani

Landslides and floods in Italy are the most frequent and diffuse natural hazards causing fatalities and damages to urban areas. Traditional methods as photo-interpretation, remote sensing or retrieval data from technical reports are the most common to set up event inventories. These systems rarely rely on automated or real-time updates. The retrieval of data, using specific data mining algorithms, from newspapers allows continuous feedback from real world and can further extend the exploitable data. Exploiting the data from mass media allows to get information about disaster situations with a relatively high temporal and spatial resolution to map natural hazards across various locations. Several techniques have been developed to mine data for different natural hazard, but rarely applied about landslide and flood news. The algorithm Semantic Engine to Classification and Geotagging News (SECaGN), based on a semantic engine, automatically retrieves information from online newspaper. 184.322 newspaper articles have been harvested from 2010 to 2019, referred to 32.525 landslide news and to 34.560 floods news in Italy. In this work, the data harvested by SECaGN underwent to a manual classification based on news relevance, localization accuracy and time of publication. Most of the news referred to recent events or are generically referred to landslide or floods (remediation work, hazard scenarios) and only a minimum part it was made up by wrong news. This classification allowed to identify the “true news” and to reject the data not appropriate, reducing the uncertainties.

The harvested data have been used to identify the media impact of the events (both landslides or floods), their temporal distribution and those areas where more events happened, allowing a fast hazard estimation of the Country.

The retrieved news data have been then compared with traditional sensors (e.g. rain gauges) and official reports about victims, damages, funds for soil protection and risk maps. Results did not show any clear correlation between the distribution of news and the other parameters, but it resulted that the regions that experienced a relevant number of events recorded lower funds for soil protection and vice versa.

In conclusion, this work allowed to demonstrate the possibility of using automatically retrieved data from newspaper to create a reliable landslide (and flood) inventory, to be used as a proxy for hazard assessment over wide areas and to investigate the distribution of the phenomena and their correlation with other parameters, providing a powerful tool for a rapid hazard assessment in support of public authorities and decision makers.

How to cite: Rosi, A., Franceschini, R., Casagli, N., and Catani, F.: Using automated web data mining for natural hazard assessment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11984,, 2023.

EGU23-11993 | Orals | NH9.17

Sinkhole risk assessment by using machine learning model: the case study of Guidonia-Bagni di Tivoli plain (Rome), Italy 

Silvia Bianchini, Pierluigi Confuorto, Emanuele Intrieri, Paolo Sbarra, Diego Di Martire, Domenico Calcaterra, and Riccardo Fanti

Sinkholes that occur in settled carbonate lands can be a critical source of risk for human properties and activities since they can abruptly produce serious damage to property and people in densely populated flat areas. This work presents a sinkhole susceptibility and risk assessment mapping in Guidonia-Bagni di Tivoli plain (Central Italy), which is a carbonate sinkhole-prone study area where sudden occurrences of sinkholes have happened in past and recent times. We consider a point-like sinkhole inventory and a series of environmental sinkhole-controlling factors on the study area, related to its geo-litho-hydrological asset, i.e. travertine thickness, and to its terrain deformational scenario, i.e. ground motion rates derived from InSAR COSMO-SkyMed imagery. A sinkhole susceptibility map was generated by means of maximum entropy algorithm  - MaxEnt model – and it was then combined with data on vulnerability and elements-at-risk economic exposure derived from cadastral inventories and market and income values, in order to provide a final sinkhole risk map of the Guidonia-Bagni di Tivoli area. The results show that areas at higher risk covers about 2% of the total study area and primarily relies on the zoning of the main urban fabric. In particular, it is worth to highlight that 5% of the whole road-network pavement and 27% of all the residential buildings fall into higher risk classes. Outcomes of this work reveal the potential of MaxEnt model to assess sinkhole susceptibility for predicting sinkhole areas, either provide a sinkhole risk map as a useful tool for geohazard risk and urban planning management strategies.

How to cite: Bianchini, S., Confuorto, P., Intrieri, E., Sbarra, P., Di Martire, D., Calcaterra, D., and Fanti, R.: Sinkhole risk assessment by using machine learning model: the case study of Guidonia-Bagni di Tivoli plain (Rome), Italy, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11993,, 2023.

EGU23-12036 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.17

Projection of Snow droughts under climate change scenarios in the Urmia Lake basin 

Maral Habibi, Iman Babaeian, and Wolfgang Schöner


Mountains are a crucial water source, especially for the mountainous catchments in arid and semiarid regions. Climate Change is a severe hazard to mountain regions as global temperatures rise and snowpack melt. Snowmelt more effectively infiltrates the subsurface than rainfall. So, more rain, less snow, and early snow melting could significantly impact the groundwater levels in mountainous systems. In arid and semiarid mountainous regions, surface water resources are generally limited, and groundwater is critical for water supply due to local accessibility and high reliability during drought.

Urmia lake as a mountainous catchment has recently faced extreme droughts, and since snow is a significant part of the precipitation in this region, understanding the impact of climate change on snow changes and spatiotemporal projection of the snow-covered surface and the impact of these changes is vital.

For this purpose, in our study, snow drought index of SMRI (Snow-Melt Runoff Index) over ULB were projected using the statistically downscaled runoff output of CMIP6 global climate models under the SSPs scenarios of SSP1-2.6, SSP2-4.5, SSP5-8.5. To remove model bias over the catchment, historical runoff retrieved from CMIP6 models have been compared with ERA5 runoff Output. Based on our results, more frequent, longer lasting, and stronger drought events are projected in the catchment. The findings of this study could be further used for future water management in the catchment.

Keywords: Urmia Lake, Mountainous catchments, CMIP6, SSP scenarios, Snow drought projection

How to cite: Habibi, M., Babaeian, I., and Schöner, W.: Projection of Snow droughts under climate change scenarios in the Urmia Lake basin, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12036,, 2023.

For several seismic-prone countries, current earthquake insurance solutions cover only a small part of the economic loss. Innovative insurance products like parametric insurance are emerging for which the compensation is calculated upon a trigger instead of a claim amount, covering more people but with drawbacks due to probable difference between the insurance compensation and the actual loss. In this paper, new insurance model is proposed, covering earthquake risk for residential houses. Its main characteristics are: (1) the compensation is to rebuild the insured house, instead of paying a financial amount; (2) the model leverages both on long-term financial investment and seismic retrofitting of the insured buildings to make the premium amount affordable; and (3) joint participation of the public authorities and the homebuilder companies in this insurance model are expected since the first ones are the key player in risk prevention plans and the second ones are the beneficiary of this new market (incentivizing repairs/reconstruction and retrofitting works). Results show that in most cases the price (i.e. premium amount and retrofitting costs) for this earthquake insurance model is lower than the premium amount considering the traditional earthquake insurance. For the optimal deductible amount, the decrease can even be three times lower than for classical model, by assuming a contribution from both the public authorities and the homebuilder companies. Such a decrease could raise the rate of California homeowners insured against earthquake risk from 15% up to 50%.


How to cite: pothon, A.: A long-term property earthquake insurance: illustration with the housing sector in California, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13009,, 2023.

EGU23-13541 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.17

DIRECTED – Disaster Resilience for Extreme Climate Events providing Interoperable Data, Models, Communication and Governance 

Max Steinhausen, Kai Schröter, Martin Drews, Lydia Cumiskey, Heiko Apel, Stefano Bagli, Sukaina Bharwani, Julian Struck, Daniel Bittner, Tobias Conradt, Benedikt Gräler, Christopher Genillard, Stefan Hochrainer-Stigler, Levente Huszti, Tracy Irvine, Chahan M. Kropf, Emilie Rønde Nielsen, Pia-Johanna Schweizer, Valeria Pancioli, and Analia Rutili and the DIRECTED project team

The recent droughts and unprecedented floods in Central Europe have revealed our vulnerability to extreme weather events. Besides climate change as a driver of more frequent and intensifying extreme events, demographic change and socio-economic development exacerbate severe impacts. International frameworks for disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (e.g. Sendai framework for DRR, EU Strategy on adaptation to climate change) acknowledge the critical need for integrating risk governance, communication and operational mechanisms for coping with extreme climate events throughout the entire Disaster Risk Management cycle.

DIRECTED aspires to foster disaster-resilient European societies by expanding our capabilities to communicate, utilise and exchange state-of-the-art data, information and knowledge between different actors. The project strives to boost the integration, accessibility and interoperability of models, facilitating knowledge sharing and improving dialogue and cooperation on all levels of Disaster Risk Management cycle. Four regional and municipal Real World Labs in the Capital Region of Denmark, the Danube Region, Emilia Romagna Region, Italy and the Rhine-Erft District, Germany, are at the centre of the bottom-up, value-driven co-development approach. The Real World Labs ensure the project continuously and actively involves key stakeholders in the development process and address topical problems of multi-hazard risk management and climate change adaptation to maximise the impacts of the DIRECTED project. Key to supporting interoperability will be the establishment of the DATA-FABRIC, an innovative, federated cloud platform that enables secure, flexible, discovery and sharing of all structured and unstructured data. DIRECTED is committed to promote the power of open data and open science in all of its research efforts.

Through an interdisciplinary approach that brings together natural and social scientists, with data experts, local stakeholders as well as first and second responders DIRECTED builds lasting real world partnerships and leverages synergies for Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation efforts in Europe.

How to cite: Steinhausen, M., Schröter, K., Drews, M., Cumiskey, L., Apel, H., Bagli, S., Bharwani, S., Struck, J., Bittner, D., Conradt, T., Gräler, B., Genillard, C., Hochrainer-Stigler, S., Huszti, L., Irvine, T., Kropf, C. M., Rønde Nielsen, E., Schweizer, P.-J., Pancioli, V., and Rutili, A. and the DIRECTED project team: DIRECTED – Disaster Resilience for Extreme Climate Events providing Interoperable Data, Models, Communication and Governance, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13541,, 2023.

EGU23-15402 | Posters on site | NH9.17

Drought hazards and stakeholder perception: Unraveling the interlinkages between drought severity, perceived impacts, preparedness and management 

Claudia Teutschbein, Frederike Albrecht, Malgorzata Blicharska, Faranak Tootoonchi, Elin Stenfors, and Thomas Grabs

The future risk for droughts and water shortages calls for substantial efforts by authorities to adapt at local levels. Understanding their perception of drought hazards, risk and vulnerability can help to identify drivers of and barriers to drought risk planning and management in a changing climate at the local level. We present a novel interdisciplinary drought case study in a Nordic country that integrates soft data from a nation-wide survey among more than 100 local practitioners and hard data based on hydrological measurements to provide a holistic assessment of the links between drought severity and the perceived levels of drought severity, impacts, preparedness and management for two consecutive drought events. We highlight challenges for drought risk planning and management in a changing climate at the local level and elaborate on how improved understanding of local practitioners to plan for climate change adaptation can be achieved.

How to cite: Teutschbein, C., Albrecht, F., Blicharska, M., Tootoonchi, F., Stenfors, E., and Grabs, T.: Drought hazards and stakeholder perception: Unraveling the interlinkages between drought severity, perceived impacts, preparedness and management, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15402,, 2023.

EGU23-17566 | ECS | Orals | NH9.17

Drought effects on inland water transport and impacts on local communities of the Amazon Basin 

Leticia Santos De Lima, Evandro Landulfo Teixeira Paradela Cunha, Paula Rossana Dório Anastácio, Mariane Stéfany Resende Menezes, Ana Carolina Pires Pereira, Marina Marcela de Paula Kolanski, and Marcia Nunes Macedo

Keywords: Hydrological drought; inland water transport; sensitivity; local communities; climate extremes; climate change

The Amazon River Basin has long been under threat due to climate change. Hydroclimatic records show an increase in both the duration and intensity of recent droughts (e.g., 2005 and 2010) and projections indicate a higher frequency of weather extremes such as droughts and floods in the future. Droughts change river conditions, hence impacting navigation via small and mid-size vessels. Impacts include the total or partial isolation of entire rural communities for weeks or months. With this work we aim to partially answer the following research questions: how have hydrological droughts affected inland water transport in the Amazon basin in recent decades? What were the impacts on local communities associated with constrained accessibility in the region? For that, we used a collection of articles for the period of 2000-2020 from digital media outlets, that is: magazines, newspapers, and other news sources that regularly public their content on the web. The digital media data collection was performed using Google Search engine. To collect the results, we employed the software platform Apify. We set the scraper to return search results for the queries “Amazon”, “drought”, “navigability”; and “Amazon”, “drought”, “isolated” (in Portuguese). News collected from digital media outlets were listed in a spreadsheet and manually processed. We adopted a sequency of exclusion criteria to filter results and produced a table of results with each statement, that is, a text extract from the media items. One digital media news piece can have more than one statement, and whenever that was the case, they were treated separately. We adopted a categorization scheme based on the economic activities/sectors affected by the droughts.

After applying exclusion criteria, the digital media database returned 145 unique entries of statements reporting effects of droughts and/or direct impact on communities from a total of 71 digital media items. Among the 145 unique entries, 119 statements reported impacts of droughts on the lives of local communities. The years of 2005, 2009-2010, 2015-2016 were the most expressive in terms of the number of media pieces reporting effects of droughts according to our analysis. However, localized drier conditions were also registered via media outlets in other years such as 2013, 2018, 2019 and 2020. October was the month with the highest number of news pieces reporting droughts (n = 19), followed by September (n = 15), and August (n = 11). Inland water transport became deeply affected, as reflected by the 97 statements (66.9%). In total, there were 31 statements (21.4%) mentioning impacts on the food supply chain, including wholesale food trade, food retail, grain trade. Logistic issues due to low water levels increased food prices. Impacts on fuel supply were mentioned in 21 statements (14.5%), including impacts on wholesale trade and automotive fuel retail market. Electric power generation and/or distribution were mentioned 6 times in the statements. Due to isolation of communities, many services became affected, such as medical care, access to schools, leisure activities, post service, immunization and pest control.

How to cite: Santos De Lima, L., Teixeira Paradela Cunha, E. L., Dório Anastácio, P. R., Resende Menezes, M. S., Pires Pereira, A. C., de Paula Kolanski, M. M., and Nunes Macedo, M.: Drought effects on inland water transport and impacts on local communities of the Amazon Basin, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17566,, 2023.

EGU23-270 | ECS | Posters virtual | NH9.19

Resilience Analysis of Power System for Seismic Disaster Mitigation 

I-Yun Chen and Szu-Yun Lin

Natural disasters may severely impact critical infrastructure and lifelines and even cause the shutdown of essential facilities. This research proposes a novel assessment framework for earthquake risk and resilience of the power system. It aims to find the most feasible disaster prevention and emergency strategies to improve community resilience by comprehensively considering the 4R (Robustness, Rapidity, Redundancy, Resourcefulness) indicators. In this study, the power system in Taipei City was adopted as the case study. Graph Analysis was first conducted to analyze the centrality of each station and the influence after its breakdown for determining the critical nodes. Then, Monte Carlo simulations were carried out to simulate the damage and recovery of the power system under the considered earthquake scenario. Also, the quantitative measurements for Robustness, Rapidity, Redundancy, and Resourcefulness of the power system have been well-defined individually. The high-risk and vulnerable areas in the case study are recognized. Afterward, based on the results of multi-objective optimization, the optimal disaster prevention and emergency strategies from 4R perspectives can be investigated. The result indicates that the critical power plants and substations can be served as the priority protection targets. However, with limited resources, there is a trade-off between 4R, such as enhancing resisting capacity in advance, providing alternatives during a disaster, or accelerating the restoration of the power system in the aftermath of earthquakes. By comparing the obtained optimal resilience strategies with the government's current policies, the feasibility of the strategies can be discussed. The goal of the research is to enhance the resilience performance of cities when facing disasters. The assessment framework can be applied to other lifeline systems, and the interdependencies between different critical infrastructures should be taken into account in future studies.

How to cite: Chen, I.-Y. and Lin, S.-Y.: Resilience Analysis of Power System for Seismic Disaster Mitigation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-270,, 2023.

EGU23-1383 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.19 | Highlight

Resilience of emergency infrastructure networks after flooding events 

Jonas Wassmer, Bruno Merz, and Norbert Marwan

Extreme weather events can drastically influence the dynamics and stability of networked infrastructure systems like transportation networks or power grids. Climate change is increasing the frequency of such events, making their impact on human society and ecosystems increasingly relevant. Prominent examples include damage of critical infrastructure caused by heavy rainfalls and landslides. The devastating floods that struck Germany’s Ahr valley in 2021 are yet another reminder of the threat posed by such extreme events. Due to washed-out roads and further severe infrastructure damages, critical bottlenecks effectively cut off a substantial share of the population from assistance, hampering or even impeding their rescue.

In this study, we investigate the impact of flood events on transportation networks where stability is particularly important in order to ensure the accessibility of emergency services. Local changes in the underlying network dynamics can affect the whole road network and, in the worst case, cause a total collapse of the system through cascading failures. Because of the severe consequences of cascading events, we aim to recognise such spreading processes at an early stage and, in a further step, be able to prevent them. To this end, we set up a gravity model of travel to simulate the changes of the traffic load after flooding events to identify vulnerabilities in the system. We further analyse how the accessibility of emergency services is affected and if the population can be effectively reached in time.

How to cite: Wassmer, J., Merz, B., and Marwan, N.: Resilience of emergency infrastructure networks after flooding events, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1383,, 2023.

Recent urbanization around globe shows tendency of high-rise buildings along the shoreline for many reasons, and South Korea is no exception. In spite of socio-economical gains from these development, the downside is so-called building wind, in particular, during the extreme wind in typhoon season, which often threats the livelihood during The realization of hazard has been damage to the structural integrity of the buildings, the threats to the pedestrian safety, and even higher risk due to the wind-borne debris. Another serious impacts are imposed on the existing and aged structures surrounding the newly developed region. Because those structures were built without consideration of additional building wind, they are seriously vulnerable to the newly emerged hazard. Since the urbanization near shoreline will be further accelerating, the problems at hand will be even worse in the future considering climate change. As a proactive measure to reduce and cope with the risk incurred by the building winds, it is important to improve the wind environment in the urban area by evaluating the local climate around buildings. One of recent development of the measures is the utilization of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method to evaluate wind environment around buildings. With these computational approach, it would be possible to produce the engineered solution to the problems in the future. This research was supported by a grant (RS-2022-00155691) of Disaster-Safety Industry Technology Commercialization R&D Program, funded by Ministry of Interior and Safety (MOIS, Korea).

How to cite: Lee, S. and Ham, H. J.: How do we cope with extreme wind incurred by buildings along shoreline in typhoon prone region ?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2153,, 2023.

EGU23-2848 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.19 | Highlight

Analysis of the organization in place to manage flood resilience in Tahiti urban area (French Polynesia), as a framework for risk observatory 

Bastien Bourlier, Charlotte Heinzlef, Franck Taillandier, Corinne Curt, and Damien Serre

There are real needs to innovate in risk management approaches to address issues of vulnerable territories such as French overseas territories identified as particularly exposed to natural hazards. This communication focusses on the Tahiti urban environment in French Polynesia, a dense urban area, subject to coastal and river flooding hazards. French Polynesia is a semi-autonomous territory with a specific institutional context. The distribution of competences, the main development perspectives, or the management plans are specific to this territory. In addition, significant gaps and weaknesses in risk management have been identified in a governmental report in 2018 (isolation, lack of management plans). Our objective is to define the conditions for a resilient territorial organization for flood risk management, to highlight structure, issues and weaknesses.

The method is based on a qualitative analysis of the current organization for the management of flood in Tahiti. For this purpose, we interviewed fifteen local actors in charge of flood risk management on the urban area (semi-directive interviews of about 45min). These actors belong to the different territorial levels (municipality, country and state). The aim was to collect information about their intervention capacity, the spatial inequalities of these interventions, but also the processes of communication and exchange between actors as well as questions inherent to competences share and local governance autonomy.

The results highlight more precisely the gaps in risk management, better identify the specificities of the actions articulations, and finally to suggest ways of fostering the resilience of organizations. More precisely, they highlight the concentration of resources for crisis management phases, while other activities, such as prevention and urban planning, remain largely undeveloped. This research also emphasizes the adaptation capacities of the territory by solidarity processes and the existence of a significant risk culture. Furthermore, this study makes it possible to establish a framework, identify strengths and weaknesses as well as the role and methods of each stakeholder. Taking into consideration the bicephalous dimension of local governance (between French Polynesia and the French state) is a major issue implying the improvement of coordination and consultation processes.

This approach provides a comprehensive view of the territory's organization to flood management and allows us to frame the operational conditions for the implementation of a resilience observatory helping long-term thinking and collaboration and, consequently, improving the effectiveness of the processes in place. This observatory will facilitate sharing and co-construction of data, cooperation, and also communication with decision makers.

How to cite: Bourlier, B., Heinzlef, C., Taillandier, F., Curt, C., and Serre, D.: Analysis of the organization in place to manage flood resilience in Tahiti urban area (French Polynesia), as a framework for risk observatory, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2848,, 2023.

EGU23-3724 | Orals | NH9.19

Applying causal loop diagram to localize the Disaster Resilience Scorecard of UNDRR - a case study of Taipei City 

Tsung-Yi Pan, Jing-Ting Wang, Cheng-Chi Cheng, and Jihn-Sung Lai

In recent years, the impact of climate change and extreme weather has not only expanded the scale of disasters, but also increased the frequency of disasters. In order to reduce the impact of natural disasters on cities, Making Cities Resilient (MCR) 2030 promoted by the international community has become an important issue. This study uses the "Ten Essentials" Toolkit for Resistant City constructed by the UNDRR to evaluate the disaster prevention and resilience capabilities of cities. However, the key to quantifying urban resilience is to link the indicators of the Disaster Resilience Scorecard with the operations of local government departments to strengthen urban resilience. Taking Taipei City as an example, this study uses the causal loop diagram (CLD) method to explore the business relationship between "Ten Essentials" and various bureaus, and builds a localized disaster resistance scorecard through expert meetings. CLD provides a visual map of the links between resilience indicators and local government operations, providing a clear conceptual model of operating resilient systems.

It can be seen from the analysis results that through the questionnaire survey, Taipei City's disaster prevention and resilience capabilities have achieved satisfied results in various Essentials. Among them, "Organizational Resilience", "Enhancing Organizational Resilience and Disaster Resilience", "Increasing Infrastructure Resilience", and "Ensuring Effective Disaster Response" performed best. At the same time, it is necessary to continue to strengthen the actuarial calculation of disaster risks, enhance financial resilience through catastrophe funds, and implement various measures such as community disaster prevention and business continuity plans, so as to continue to strengthen Taipei's urban resilience in the future.

How to cite: Pan, T.-Y., Wang, J.-T., Cheng, C.-C., and Lai, J.-S.: Applying causal loop diagram to localize the Disaster Resilience Scorecard of UNDRR - a case study of Taipei City, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3724,, 2023.

EGU23-9442 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.19

Resilience-oriented Strategies for Planning and Design of Road Infrastructures in Considering Cascading Effects on Emergency Medical Service 

Zhuyu Yang, Maria Fabrizia Clemente, and Bruno Brarroca

Road Infrastructures (RIs) support a wide variety of activities ranging in modern societies and play a critical role in economic competitiveness and quality of life. However, RIs are vulnerable to congestion, accidents, weather conditions, special events, and natural disasters. Therefore, the concept of “resilience”, which means the ability of a system exposed to hazards to absorb change and disturbance, and maintain and improve its state, gain more and more popularity in the field of RIs management. Moreover, many studies investigate the issue of cascading effects of infrastructure disruption, which could cause functional disruptions to other urban components.

The relationship between RIs and the Emergency Medical Services (EMSs) is evident; even though modern emergency medical transports can partly rely on helicopters, their operation and implementation are still largely dependent on RIs. The disruption of road transport is highly probable to delay ambulances and prevent patients from receiving timely treatment. Thus, a resilience-oriented strategy for RIs should not only make the road infrastructure able to respond to hazards but should also avoid the cascading effects of RIs dysfunction on medical services.

A resilient infrastructure should have different aspects of capabilities and involve actions to improve its capabilities. The management strategies for RIs, facing potential risks, require preparedness for both immediate and medium-long-term actions. This study, taking Nantes city with possible flood hazards as an example, firstly aims at assessing the impacts of RIs interruption on Nantes EMS facing different levels of flooding (low, medium, strong, and very strong). The studied impacts focus on the delay of ambulances and the reduction of the survival rate of patients with heart attacks.

Furthermore, this study, presents a resilience-oriented strategy for Nantes RIs management, including potential actions such as installations of temporary dykes or footbridges, the elevation of RIs, the use of sustainable materials, planting soil, and structural growing medium for green space and permeable pavement to implement groundwater drainage.

How to cite: Yang, Z., Clemente, M. F., and Brarroca, B.: Resilience-oriented Strategies for Planning and Design of Road Infrastructures in Considering Cascading Effects on Emergency Medical Service, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9442,, 2023.

Recent climate, health and economic emergencies have put a strain on sustainable transition national and supranational systems and it has been showed how much human beings depend on the environment. In this context, it is relevant to address which role public law should embody in climate change adaptation. It is of course a complex question and it has at least two sides: public law could be an essential vehicle for implementing adaptation policy across a range of sector and a source for providing policies aimed at changing behaviour.

For instance, in the field of climate change, the regulatory problem arises in terms of good administration/governance. Public law could also, however, be interpreted as a tool for communicative action that may enhance co-operation in the municipal organization. In fact, the local government and private actors play an important role in the implementation of climate change adaptation. It follows that law-making is one of the key institutions providing the means to set priorities for climate action.

Being more specific, policy intervention sets objectives; the law (or regulation) tells how to reach them, determining the procedures that must be respected. Thus, policies are more widespread internationally, while laws at the domestic level.

Using the words of the HRH Sultan Azlam Shah, former Chief Justice of Malaysia, «legal principles and rules help convert our knowledge of what needs to be done into binding rules that govern human behaviour. Law is the bridge between scientific knowledge and political action» (23 August 1997). In order to catch the characteristics of the two tools in question it will be measured the effectiveness of non-binding solutions, such as the Glasgow Climate Pact (COP26), and legislative tools as the European regulation n. 2021/1119 on green deal. The expected results of the study are a lack of effectiveness of planning tools at an international level, while local legislation keeps exceptional leeway for local administrators, free not to proactively involve stakeholders.

It will also address the relationship between national and supranational level’s planning: for these purposes, it will be relevant to analyse, in a comparative perspective, the impact of the Italian Piano per la Transizione energetica and Spanish legislation 2021/7, on Cambio Climático y Transición Energética.

How to cite: Bevilacqua, M.: Roles of law and planning for a sustainable approach: institutional profiles, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9444,, 2023.

EGU23-9793 | ECS | Posters virtual | NH9.19

Cocreation of a Living Lab as a tool to deal with extreme events and improve Climate Change mitigation and adaptation: The Barcelona Living Lab on extreme events 

Laura Esbrí, Montserrat Llasat-Botija, Raul Marcos, Erika Pardo, Sandra Racionero, and Maria Carmen Llasat

The impacts of Climate Change in extensive metropolitan areas have been one of the hot topics of the last years. To deal with these impacts and comply with European Green Deal, a transformation process that simultaneously encompasses mitigation and adaptation needs to be achieved. For this transformation to take place, there is the need to mobilize social commitment: citizens must be engaged to change their habits. To this aim, in the context of I-CHANGE project, the Barcelona Living Lab on Extreme Events (BLLEE) has been created. The Metropolitan area of Barcelona, composed of 36 municipalities and over 3,239,337 inhabitants in 636 km2, is a good example of a Mediterranean coastal region that can be severely affected by climate change impacts. As is extensively documented, meteorological extreme events occur with a high frequency in this region, being heavy rainfalls and extreme temperatures the most common ones (Gilabert et al. 2021, Llasat et al. 2021), and the frequency trends of both these events are expected to increase with Climate Change. Consequently, the challenges of the Barcelona Living lab are multiple and related to the urban floods and flash floods, the increase in vulnerability and exposure to high temperatures and the unequally distributed impacts and damages associated with Climate Change.

This contribution will present the methodology followed in the development of the BLLEE. The process is divided into four stages: mapping of stakeholders, identification of needs and research questions through online meetings and surveys, a first workshop with stakeholders to select the main challenges, and the creation of a steering committee to supervise the implementation. In the Stakeholders Mapping potential stakeholders from different sectors (Academia, civil society, public sector and industry) were selected according to the BLLEE interests (a total of 122 persons/teams). In the second stage, the stakeholders were contacted and individual online meetings were organized according to their different backgrounds. The third step, consisted on the first in-person stakeholder workshop, with the successful participation of 33 representatives from the different identified entities from the first and second steps. A mix of presentations, participative dynamics, and a design thinking activity were used to co-define and improve the challenges of the BLLEE, to identify the barriers and drivers to the implementation of already defined adaptation routes and to propose new adaptation solutions. Finally, the implementation of some measures and citizen science activities that were previously agreed with the stakeholders. This step has recently started and has a double objective: to acquire more information about extreme events in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona and to modify habits, improving the resilience to face those extremes and reducing the GHG footprint. Periodic meetings with the stakeholders are going to be held to keep the discussion on the course of action. In this communication, the key aspects identified through the participatory activities and workshops in these first stages will be shown.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement 101037193.

How to cite: Esbrí, L., Llasat-Botija, M., Marcos, R., Pardo, E., Racionero, S., and Llasat, M. C.: Cocreation of a Living Lab as a tool to deal with extreme events and improve Climate Change mitigation and adaptation: The Barcelona Living Lab on extreme events, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9793,, 2023.

EGU23-10071 | ECS | Orals | NH9.19 | Highlight

A Network Analysis Approach to Infrastructure Resiliency to Compounding and Nonstationary Threats 

Julia Zimmerman, Sukhwan Chung, Cassandra Everett, Grace Maze, Gaurav Savant, and Margaret Kurth

Urban infrastructure systems are vulnerable to both anthropogenic and natural threats that have inherent uncertainty in scale, impact, directness, and timing. Traditional risk management approaches neglect to prepare for both compound disturbance that are not well defined or are novel and for non-stationary threats including future coastal scenarios impacted by sea level rise. Thus, a framework for evaluating the resilience of an infrastructure system rather than its’ risk tolerance is required.

In this work, resilience is defined as the ability of a system to prepare for, withstand, recover from, and adapt to future unknown disruptions. New York City NY, Gulfport MS, and Camp Lejeune NC were chosen as case study locations to evaluate a framework combining threat data and network analysis. For the current case studies threat data principally consists of flood depths from hydrologic models and the transportation network was used for analysis. Compound disturbances, consisting of GSSHA flood model output during Super Storm Sandy and randomized bridge failures were applied to the New York City roadway network. The impacts of this were analyzed using 10-minute travel time ego-nets around critical points in the city including hospitals, fire stations, and FEMA shelters. Compound disturbances near Camp Lejeune were represented on a regional level including NC-DOT regions one, two, and three with flooding data provided by FIMAN-T. For this location both the transportation network and the power grid were considered. In Gulfport, sea level rise was projected out to 2100 and used to drive an Adaptive Hydraulics 2D Shallow Water (AdH-SW2D) model of the area. This nonstationarity was added to with the inclusion of different river flow scenarios retrieved from StreamStats, a USGS tool. A similar effort was undertaken for Camp Lejeune, North Carolina.

This work aims to take knowledge and developed processes from the case studies described above to create a framework for resilience quantification. This framework will be able to take in threat data from a variety of sources and disciplines and apply this data any infrastructure network. The framework would enable forecasted or near-real time emergency response to natural hazards. Additionally planned infrastructure improvements and new construction could be efficiently evaluated for resilience during the design phase.

How to cite: Zimmerman, J., Chung, S., Everett, C., Maze, G., Savant, G., and Kurth, M.: A Network Analysis Approach to Infrastructure Resiliency to Compounding and Nonstationary Threats, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10071,, 2023.

EGU23-11885 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.19

The Digital Twin, a tool for dynamic planning of an urban resilience 

Fanny Josse, Katia Laffrechine, and Jeffrey Raven

In an era where the resilient planning of cities is mainly done by a multitude of digital tools for thinking, predicting, building, and observing, the data used remains globally in a static condition[1], however the city and its environment are in a perpetual state of change and must include dynamic data for being as close to reality as possible[2].
Coming from the industrial world, the emerging concept of the "Digital Twin" (DT) is positioned as a tool linking the 3D digital model and the implementation of continuous and dynamic information (from sensors among others), allowing to introduce the notion of piloting and maintenance of doubled physical objects[3]. Applied at different scales and functions the "DT" becomes a unique database allowing both the simulation of different climate risk scenarios and the real-time assessment of the existing environment[4].

Based on the existing literature[5] and on experimental projects such as European or National "DT" projects designed for resilient planning such as LEAD, DUET or DIAMS[6], this communication will first focus on the analysis of different dynamic and static environmental indicators used (definitions and management of the data). In a second step, we will concentrate on the different actors of these "DT" by questioning their expectations and needs (visualizations and simulations of the different impacts due to climate change as well as the maintenance of real subjects). But also by analyzing their processes of use to understand the advantages and the limits noticed during their experimentations. Finally, we will ask ourselves how this tool could evolve thanks to the feedback from these tests.
The aim is to evaluate the role that the "DT" can have on the dynamic and resilient planning of territories and conversely the impacts of programming on the use of this tool.


Keywords: Digital Twin, dynamic planning, urban resiliency

Références :

[1] Ramalho, Cristina E., et Richard J. Hobbs. “Time for a Change: Dynamic Urban Ecology” Trends in Ecology & Evolution 27, no 3 (2012): 179‑88.

[2] Chunyang He et al., “Alternative Future Analysis for Assessing the Potential Impact of Climate Change on Urban Landscape Dynamics ”, Science of The Total Environment 532 (1 novembre 2015): 48‑60,

[3] A. Fuller, Z. Fan, C. Day and C. Barlow, "Digital Twin: Enabling Technologies, Challenges and Open Research," in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 108952-108971, (2020), doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2998358.

[4] Guillaud, M., & Chéreau, M. (2022). "3. Des outils techniques accessibles et des données ouvertes ". In Inventer les villes durables (p. 119‑133). Dunod.

[5] Shahat, Ehab, Chang T. Hyun, et Chunho Yeom. « City Digital Twin Potentials: A Review and Research Agenda ». Sustainability 13, no 6 (janvier 2021): 3386.

[6]    Objectives Lead Project. (2023).  
About digital urban european twins. (s. d.). DUET.  
Planification urbaine pour les collectivités pilotes DIAMS. (s. d.).

How to cite: Josse, F., Laffrechine, K., and Raven, J.: The Digital Twin, a tool for dynamic planning of an urban resilience, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11885,, 2023.

Critical infrastructures (CIs) have a priority role for society, the interruption or partial operation of such infrastructures can compromise the functioning of the entire city, limiting the safety and well-being of the population. In recent years, the increasing number of natural hazards, combined with the growing intensity of such phenomena, have led to long interruptions and malfunctions of CIs. These infrastructures are also interdependent and, therefore, the failure of one can cause domino effects on others.

In coastal areas, CIs are subject to multiple natural hazards such as flooding, landslides, or storm surge; among them the maritime transport system represents a fundamental element of global and local economies, around 90% of international trade in goods are carried out by sea. Ports are therefore strategic nodes of this complex network; their operability must be guaranteed to not compromise the entire logistics chain.

Keeping ports operational means ensuring their functional resilience also during critical climate events. To support decision-makers in planning and design, innovative models need to be developed in order to read city-port systems as complex systems and to integrate natural hazards within the projects.

The contribution proposes an approach to analyze the dependencies and the interdependencies between and within the city-port systems, also in relation to other CIs (such as the energy system, road transport system or railway transport system). This approach can help decision-makers to plan measures, design uses and spaces, taking into account natural hazards considering long terms climate scenarios.

The city of Le Havre, in France, will be examined as case study. A special focus will be made on the coastal areas where is located the Grand Port Maritime du Havre (GPMH), the first port in France and one of the most important ports in Europe. As indicated in the PPRL (Plans de Prévention des Risques Littoraux), the GPMH will be, in fact, at risk due to the sea level rise scenarios by 2100, so it will be necessary to implement disaster risk prevention, preparedness and reduction measures, or even relocation of infrastructures.

How to cite: Clemente, M. F. and Barroca, B.: Integrating Natural Hazards into the Planning and Design of Critical Infrastructures in Urban Coastal Areas. A Case Study in Le Havre, France, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12732,, 2023.

EGU23-13418 | ECS | Orals | NH9.19 | Highlight

The role of urban forests in compound urban crises: focusing on floods, air pollution, and human thermal comfort 

Kihong Park, Hyeon-Joon Kim, and Changhyun Jun

The crisis in cities with high vulnerability are interlinked and cannot be addressed in isolation. The consideration of integrated approach to disaster management is essential to urban for resilience. This study aims to investigate the role of urban forests on reducing any potential risks from compound disasters in urban areas, represented by floods, air pollution, and human thermal comfort. At first, types of urban forests are investigated in a perspective of nature-based solutions (NbS) with various design criteria appropriate for urban rivers, potentially threatened by river flooding. Here, different kinds of scenarios are considered to figure out optimal design conditions as one of mitigating measures for individual disaster in urban areas adjacent to the river. From comparative analysis on hydrodynamic modelling with microclimate analysis and prediction, this study also evaluates main differences of changes in critical indicators for compound urban crises, such as water level, runoff, PM10, predicted mean vote (PMV), etc. Finally, it suggests how to maximize major functions of urban forests in the multi-criteria decision making context, towards a greener and more resilient city.


This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) grant funded by the Korea government(MSIT) (2020R1G1A1013624) and in part by the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) grant funded by the Korea government(MSIT) (No. NRF-2022R1A4A3032838).

How to cite: Park, K., Kim, H.-J., and Jun, C.: The role of urban forests in compound urban crises: focusing on floods, air pollution, and human thermal comfort, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13418,, 2023.

In the book “Puissances de la norme 1, Catherine Thibierge talks about “standards’ densification”: both an increase in the number of existing technical standards, and an extension of the field of standardization. Technical standards were, in fact, initially developed to provide a common framework in the product's market; their application by enterprises, although voluntary, ensures greater interoperability and dissemination 2. In the 2000s, standardization started to turn to new fields such as the management of cities and territories, and, to date, almost 600 environmental standards have been produced by ISO (1). This interest in environmental issues eventually led to the creation of a technical committee (2), the ISO/TC 268 “Sustainable cities and communities”. This committee published, in 2016, the standard ISO 37101, which provides territories with recommendations for adopting a methodological approach to sustainable development. This standard belongs to the category of Management System Standards (MSS), standards that provide all types of organizations with a continuous improvement process model, the Plan-Do-Control-Act process.

The ISO 37101 represents an innovative document compared to other MSS, adding an element to the classic process: a 6x12 matrix that outlines 6 long-term goals and 12 areas of action for sustainable development. Through an iterative cross-analysis of this grid, organizations can assess their contribution to the goals and how the different areas of action are taken into account. Therefore, ISO 37101 aims to give territories a “management tool” capable of “conveying a common language”, enough flexible to be used in conjunction with other existing policies and to be territorialized in different local conditions.

The French government recognized the potential of this standard and so the French Ministry of Ecological Transition engaged in the dissemination of this standard through an experimental action 3 with about 25 territories. These territories are appropriating the standard in different ways, mainly using the matrix and not the entire proposed process. Indeed, the implementation of a management system with the Plan-Do-Control-Act process could require times that don’t necessarily fit with a political mandate. On the other hand, the matrix allows territories to “not omit anything” from public policies and to then add up their ambitions.

One of the first territories to implement ISO 37101 was Grenoble, within the Presqu'Île development project. Here, the matrix has been used to review the project’s main goals and to couple them with the existing local and national regulations, allowing the evolution and prioritization of these goals. Furthermore, demonstrating the matrix’s flexibility, the grid was filled with the project’s requirements to compare and choose between different project managers’ offers.

The French experimental action shows how this methodological framework allows the implementation of larger objectives even at smaller scales. Therefore, this contribution wishes to open a reflection on the role that ISO 37101, and standards in general, could have as a bridge between planning policies and urban plans and projects.



1. International Organization for Standardization;

2. Thematic groups that elaborate standards;


1 [Joan Le Goff et al, 2017] Joan Le Goff, Stéphane Onnee, Puissances de la norme. Défis juridiques et managériaux des systèmes normatifs contemporains, EMS, 2017.



How to cite: Ruggiero, A.: Grenoble’s Presqu’île project: ISO 37101 as a bridge between planning policies and urban projects, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13585,, 2023.

EGU23-14213 | ECS | Posters on site | NH9.19

Organising disaster waste management as a critical infrastructure 

Gaïa Marchesini, Bruno Barroca, and Hélène Beraud

Disasters produce huge amounts of waste, for instance, ten years of landfills were used for the Great Hanshi-Awaji earthquake waste in 1995 in Kobe (Japan) (Lauritzen, 1998). If poorly managed, disaster waste can slow down the rescue and reconstruction activities, spread diseases, affect the environment or reduce the long-term resiliency of the waste system (Brown et al., 2011). Thus, academics acknowledge the need of planning for disaster waste (Crowley, 2017; Gabrielli et al., 2018; Poudel et al., 2018).

Many countries have specific management policies for critical infrastructures. Critical infrastructures are activities that contribute to the production and distribution of goods or services essential to the exercise of State authority, the functioning of the economy, the maintenance of defence potential or the security of the Nation. These activities are, by nature, difficult to substitute or replace. Operators identified as “operators of vital importance” have been long included in national security strategies in terms of protection against malicious acts and natural, technological and health risks. They have to identify the risk they face, apply prevention measures and be ready to respond in case of an event. Therefore, operators of urban systems are generally used to planning for natural disasters.

Most urban systems, such as water management, energy and transportation, are considered critical infrastructures. It is generally not the case for waste management, as we can see in France, but also in New Zealand (Brown et al., 2010), Japan and the United-State (Aung and Watanabe, 2009).

Yet, waste system has many similarities with other urban systems in terms of management, functioning and modelling. We therefore argue that disaster waste management could benefit from learning from the emergency planning organisation of urban systems of vital importance.

This presentation will present the organisational obligations of urban lifeline systems to discuss whether or not the waste system should become an activity of vital importance and what it would change in its organisation and planning.



Aung, Z.Z., Watanabe, K., 2009. A framework for modeling interdependencies in Japan’s critical infrastructures. IFIP Adv. Inf. Commun. Technol. 311, 243–257.

Brown, C., Milke, M., Seville, E., 2011. Disaster waste management: A review article. Waste Manag.

Brown, C., Milke, M., Seville, E., 2010. Waste Management as a “Lifeline”? A New Zealand Case Study Analysis. Int. J. Disaster Resil. Built Environ. 1, 192–206.

Crowley, J., 2017. A measurement of the effectiveness and efficiency of pre-disaster debris management plans. Waste Manag.

Gabrielli, F., Amato, A., Balducci, S., Magi Galluzzi, L., Beolchini, F., 2018. Disaster waste management in Italy: Analysis of recent case studies. Waste Manag. 71, 542–555.

Lauritzen, E.K., 1998. Emergency construction waste management. Saf. Sci. 30, 45–53.

Poudel, R., Hirai, Y., Asari, M., Sakai, S. ichi, 2018. Establishment of unit generation rates of building debris in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal, after the Gorkha earthquake. J. Mater. Cycles Waste Manag. 20, 1663–1675.

How to cite: Marchesini, G., Barroca, B., and Beraud, H.: Organising disaster waste management as a critical infrastructure, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14213,, 2023.

EGU23-14548 | ECS | Orals | NH9.19 | Highlight

Modeling and Simulation for Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Design. A Case Study in Northern Naples District 

Sara Verde, Federica Dell'Acqua, and Mario Losasso

Keywords: climate vulnerability, digital modelling, Key Enabling Technologies

According to the IPCC, climate risks on a global scale will intensify with every tenth of a degree and therefore climate adaptation and mitigation must be at the core of the global response to climate change. 
According to European Green Deal on the transition to climate neutrality, strategies and actions on the built environment through sustainable building renovation become a priority for reducing climate vulnerability in the urban context. These actions require the development of knowledge processes and methodological workflows supported by ICT tools, able to define new operational environments and procedures for appropriate climate-resilient strategies.

The study reported in the paper aims to test a methodological workflow, based on digital simulation tools, for the evaluation of the effectiveness of climate mitigation and adaptation measures on the building-open space system.
The paper reports the results of the project experimentation on the application case of the PRIN 2017 Research "Tech-Start_key enabling TECHnologies and Smart environmenT in the Age of gReen economy Convergent innovations in the open space/building system for climaTe mitigation". The application case is the former Polifunzionale building in Piscinola district in northern Naples.

The methodological approach is based on the combination and integration of digital tools for assessing the effectiveness of design solutions for the mitigation and climate adaptation of indoor and outdoor spaces. The study focuses on the modelling and simulation of environmental performances before and after the building renovation. To this end, the following software was used: ENVI-met for 3D microclimatic and thermodynamic modelling, Dragonfly for district-scale modelling, Grasshopper for parametric modelling, and i-Tree software for ecosystem services provided by greening.
In the 3D modelling, some geometric simplifications were carried out for speeding up the simulation. The dimensional limits due to the ENVI-met open-source enforced a double simulation scale, referring first to the full area and then to detailed zones, producing synthetic and specific data.
The following indicators were selected to assess the performance of design solutions for the renovation of the Polifunzionale building: Predicted Mean Vote, Mean Radiant Temperature, Surface Temperature, Potential Air Temperature, and CO2 concentration (through ENVI-met). In addition, the benefits in terms of CO2 sequestration and air quality were quantified using i-Tree as well as the provision of certain ecosystem services.

Results showed that, due to the increase of design solutions such as greening and porous pavements, there is an average reduction of 3% in the Predicted Mean Vote value, 0.5 °C in the Potential Air Temperature, 1°C in the Surface Temperature and Mean Radiant Temperature and 0.4 ppm in the CO2 concentration. 

The results demonstrate that the methodological approach is effective in evaluating mitigation and adaptation actions to tackle climate change through the definition of a set of indicators for monitoring the physical, functional and environmental aspects of the climate-resilient design solutions. The open-source versions of digital tools and database packages in the modelling and simulation allow for effective replicability of the process.

How to cite: Verde, S., Dell'Acqua, F., and Losasso, M.: Modeling and Simulation for Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Design. A Case Study in Northern Naples District, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14548,, 2023.

Urban and sub-urban systems are increasingly exposed to high vulnerability to climate risks with a long-term cascading impact on communities, the physical environment and ecosystems.Cities represent the areas where the world's population is most concentrated (UN World Urbanization Prospects,2018) with major impacts on land use change and reduction of permeable surfaces. This condition increases the level of climate risk for urban areas as it increases the exposure of assets and individuals but also affects the ability of urban systems to respond to extreme weather phenomena.

In this framework, Urban Green Infrastructure (UGI) is recognised by international literature and policy as a strategic factor in reducing the vulnerability of urban systems to climate change impacts such as heat island, heat canyon, flooding, runoff. I.G.U., in fact, produce ecosystem services capable of mitigating climate stress phenomena in cities by cooling (shading and evapotranspiration) and controlling runoff.
The scientific literature shows that interest in the U.G.I. project has shifted from a predominantly empirical and qualitative approach to an approach that sees the analytical implementation of information as an indispensable support of the project in terms of simulation, monitoring and control of the climate efficiency of infrastructures.

In particular, the analytical approach is functional to the "site-specific" and "hazard-specific" condition that characterises the U.G.Is. project. Among the main objects of investigation, the scientific community has long identified ecosystem services as a discriminating factor in assessing the climate efficiency of urban green areas. Recent studies have also made explicit the need to develop methods for the analytical measurement of ecosystem services in order to guide design towards appropriate climate performance thresholds.Starting from the assumption that information is the opposite of uncertainty (Ciribini, 1984), the U.G.I. design process must necessarily take advantage of new knowledge methods aimed at reducing the risk of failure and error, according to a predictive logic that aims to identify the most appropriate solution for a given urban context.

Remote sensing is an essential source of information on ecosystems and the state of natural capital for large-scale applications, but in the last two decades, the availability and advent of optical remote sensing and Earth observation data with various spectral, radiometric, spatial and temporal resolutions have increased significantly and constitute a very useful source of data even at the urban and site scale.

The paper presents a methodology for using remote sensing in the context of the U.G.I. project and in particular for mapping ecosystem services at the urban district scale.The methodology is tested on a case study chosen in the context of the metropolitan city of Naples and specifically in the eastern area, characterised by a peri-urban condition with strong environmental criticality.



How to cite: Di Palma, M. and Rigillo, M.: Remote Sensing for Urban Green Infrastructure. The analytical approach to meta-design process for climate risk reduction., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16347,, 2023.

EGU23-16484 | ECS | Orals | NH9.19 | Highlight

Local governance and collaborative tools in climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction strategies 

Marion Perney and Mattia Leone

Key words: governance, collaborative tools, environmental design, resilience, Climate change adaptation, Disaster risk reduction

In the last decades, two specific themes are at the centre of contemporary debate on climate change or disaster risk issues in urban areas: the “sustainable city”, that integrates a balanced economic, social, and environmental development, and the “resilient city”, that includes the capacity of urban systems to anticipate and face extreme events. Those principles are emerging as innovation and experimentation hubs in which challenges related to climate change and natural hazards are tackled as opportunities for the social, economic, and environmental transition, in line with imperatives of global agendas as the Paris Agreement, the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, and the New Urban Agenda, but also European agendas as European GreenDeal, European Adaptation Strategy, and NextGenerationEU. Therefore, urban planners and decision-makers need to integrate efforts to mitigate the causes of climate change (mitigation) and adapt to changing climatic conditions (adaptation).


To support this transition, the central challenge is to bring evidence-based concepts in action and consider the complexity of dynamic interdependencies in terms of climate benefits and co-benefits for the community and at the same time provide consistent decision-making support for stakeholders. To implement integrated climate mitigation and adaptation strategies in cities, a transdisciplinary, trans-sectoral and transnational process is needed, to bring science into practice and to identify and implement transformations at local scale. Community and institutional coordination have a central place in this domain. In order to keep an interdisciplinarity and connections between policy experts, technical services, and urban designers, resilient cities need a strong an effective risk governance framework, based on the promotion of knowledge-based decision-making processes. Such processes are aimed at evolving traditional approaches to environmental and spatial planning in orded to develop effective responses at local scale, raising questions over both technical solutions and appropriate governance structures in place. The development of a collaborative, socio-technical process appears vital to meet contemporary city challenges. This multi-dimensionality requires tools and methods of analysis to streamline links between research advancements and practice. Soft tools enabling stakeholder and community engagement, co-production of knowledge, collaborative mapping of priorities and co-design of solutions are crucial to support the needed radical shift in governance, planning and design practice.


The contribution will present methods and tools developed withing ongoing EU collaborative research projects: Erasmus+ KA220 “UCCRN_edu - Urban Climate Change Research Network for Higher Education: Climate-Resilient Design, Planning and Governance of Cities” ( and Horizon Europe “KNOWING - Framework for defining climate mitigation pathways based on understanding and integrated assessment of climate impacts, adaptation strategies and societal transformation”. In these experiences local authorities, stakeholders, and community are engaged to collaboratively envision city transformation pathways, to identify common goals and divergence elements, to evaluate climate benefits and social, economic and environmental co-benefits of possible technical solutions.

How to cite: Perney, M. and Leone, M.: Local governance and collaborative tools in climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction strategies, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16484,, 2023.

EGU23-17319 | ECS | Orals | NH9.19

Estimation of road vulnerability criteria for vehicle overturning hazard impact assessment 

KyungSu Choo, JungRyel Choi, DongHo Kang, and ByungSik Kim

Impact forecasting means providing information on potential socioeconomic risks according to weather conditions, away from the existing weather factor-oriented forecast. The importance of impact information-based forecasting services that can support decision-making to reduce damage from weather disasters is being emphasized by the World Meteorological Organization. In countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom are investing manpower and finance in technology development to provide and spread impact information, but awareness of impact forecasts has not spread in Korea. In addition, the focus is on disasters such as floods and typhoons, which cause a lot of damage to the impact forecast, and research on vehicle risk impact assessment due to strong winds in the transportation sector, which is relatively less damaged, is insufficient. In Korea, there are not many cases of damage to vehicle conduction due to strong winds, but there are cases of damage, the need for research is increasing, and it is insufficient compared to advanced countries. In order to assessment the risk of a vehicle due to strong winds, road vulnerability, high wind strength, and vehicle exposure are required, and the purpose of this study is to calculate the criteria for road vulnerability, which is a risk assessment factor of a vehicle. Road vulnerabilities were presented by dividing them into minimal, minor, significant, and severe through density analysis, and verification was conducted by substituting them for past damage cases. It is judged that the results of this study can be used as a criterion for preparing an objective evaluation of potential risks for vehicle drivers.

Acknowledgments This research was support by a (2022-MOIS63-002) of Cooperative Research Method and Safety Management Technology in National Disaster funded by Ministry of Interior and Safety(MOIS, Korea).

How to cite: Choo, K., Choi, J., Kang, D., and Kim, B.: Estimation of road vulnerability criteria for vehicle overturning hazard impact assessment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17319,, 2023.

The PARADeS project uses participatory approaches to contribute towards enhancing Ghana’s national flood disaster risk reduction and management strategy. The project was initiated by practitioners from Ghana and the problem setting was developed during a definition phase of the project. When the project started, commitment and strong partnership and involvement of partners were already established - a prerequisite for collaborative and non-extractive research.

Multiple workshops and focus group discussions were ‘successfully’ conducted in collaboration with our local partners. Despite the sound basis of the project (e.g. shared goal(s), strong and committed partnership), we experienced challenges before, during and post fieldwork. In this contribution, we particularly reflect and focus on including and managing different types of participants. On the one hand, we engaged with representatives from different governmental institutions and non-governmental organizations with mostly academic background during the workshops. On the other hand, flood-affected urban and rural citizens with strongly differing educational backgrounds and socio-economic assets elaborated on their flood experiences during the focus group discussions. Here, three main themes and challenges arose:

  • Selection of participants: Identifying blind spots of researchers and local partners, e.g. the risk of missing out marginalized voices,
  • Expectations management: Coping with expectations of participants and communicating own room of action, and
  • Feedback processes: Preventing extractive research by feedbacking information relevant to the participants

During the session, these themes are discussed using the guiding principles for fieldwork with participants (see Rangecroft et al. 2020) by highlighting ethics, communication, power dynamics and positionality. For this, we share our experiences and lessons learned e.g. how we deal with the problem of getting a gender balanced participant list or how we manage unexpected structures of focus groups. Furthermore, we would like to share our uneasiness when, for example, a focus group discussion turned into a community talk or unrealistic though understandable expectations were raised. By sharing our successes and pitfalls, we would like to contribute to a broader discussion on how to improve fieldwork, prepare for surprise and, especially, to meet expectations of participants, partners and researchers without compromising each other’s needs and integrity. 


Rangecroft, S., M. Rohse, E. W. Banks, R. Day, G. Di Baldassarre, T. Frommen, Y. Hayashi, B. Höllermann, K. Lebek, E. Mondino, M. Rusca, M. Wens and A. F. Van Loon (2020). "Guiding principles for hydrologists conducting interdisciplinary research and fieldwork with participants." Hydrological Sciences Journal: 1-12.

How to cite: Höllermann, B. and Ntajal, J.: Managing participants, expectations and surprises during fieldwork – Experiences from collaborative flood risk management in Ghana, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-207,, 2023.

EGU23-851 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.1

Organisational preparedness for the physical risks of climate change in the UK 

Denyse S. Dookie, Declan Conway, and Suraje Dessai

Understanding local perceptions of preparedness, risk and response to climate change is important for effective adaptation-focused actions and policy design. While there have been national surveys of the public’s concern, organisational perspectives are less studied. This research presents findings of a national survey of UK-based organisations’ perceptions about adapting to a changing climate. The survey covers awareness among organisations of climate change, its physical risks and how organisations are taking action to prepare for perceived risks. Administered in spring 2021, our survey summarises the insights of 2,400 respondents in roles related to organisational planning. The majority of respondents (69%) were from the private sector, while others came from public health authorities, local authorities, public educational establishments, and third sector or charitable organisations. 58% of respondents identified the effects of climate change as a concern. While the survey results support a picture of UK organisations taking steps to prepare for similar extreme weather events in the future, action is strongly informed by dealing with the effects of extremes already experienced. There is a much lower proportion of organisations taking measures to deal with the physical risks of future climate change. In terms of future action, organisations perceived a strong role for leadership from government and collective responsibilities for adaptation, signalling a need to recognise this in efforts to promote adaptation. These findings, though UK-centric, provide insight to societal responses, options and pathways, especially at the organisational level for the less widely studied private sector, as noted in IPCC AR6 WGII Chapter 13: Europe. 

How to cite: Dookie, D. S., Conway, D., and Dessai, S.: Organisational preparedness for the physical risks of climate change in the UK, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-851,, 2023.

Professional experiences led geoscientists initially to put together epistemic-moral hybrids [1], e.g. The Cape Town Statement on Geoethics  [2]. Then, combining geosciences and political philosophies more comprehensively, geo-philosophical assessments of human practices as part of the Earth System emerged [3] [4]. These assessments describe the Human-Earth Nexus amalgamating insights into (i) the dynamics of the Earth System; (ii) socio-historical features of human societies; (iii) philosophical appraisals of socio-political choices.

Scholars of the history of science recently developed a theory of the evolution of knowledge [5] [6] [7]. Applied to societies experiencing anthropogenic global change, they discern the concept of an ergosphere to depict the essence of the Human-Earth Nexus. “With their rapidly evolving culture, humans have introduced an “ergosphere” (a sphere of work, as well as of technological and energetic transformations) as a new global component of the Earth system, in addition to the lithosphere, the hydrosphere, the atmosphere, and the biosphere, thus changing the overall dynamics of the system.“ [6, p. 7].

The historians’ theory of evolution of knowledge offers geoscientists notions (e.g. borderline problem, economy of knowledge, and external representation) for assessing human practices, e.g. (i) a ‘borderline problem’ defined as: “problems that belong to multiple distinct systems of knowledge. Borderline problems put these systems into contact… (and sometimes into direct conflict) with each other, potentially triggering their integration and reorganisation” [7, p427]; (ii) an ‘economy of knowledge’ defined as: “societal processes pertaining to the production, preservation, accumulation, circulation, and appropriation of knowledge mediated by its external representation” [7, p.429]; (iii) an ‘external representation’ defined as: “any aspect of the material culture or environment of a society that may serve as an encoding of knowledge” [7, p. 224].

Concluding: (i) taking a geo-philosophical perspective means, per se, specifying a borderline problem, an economy of knowledge, and an external representation; (ii) the theoretical findings of the history of science offer a standardised methodology for geo-philosophical studies, namely asking: What borderline problem? What economy of knowledge? What external representation? Responses will discern sharper the socio-historical features of geo-philosophical topics, be it geoheritage or the Human-Earth-Nexus.

[1] Potthast T (2015) Toward an Inclusive Geoethics—Commonalities of Ethics in Technology, Science, Business, and Environment. In: Peppoloni MW (ed) Geoethics. Elsevier, pp 49–56

[2] Di Capua G, Peppoloni S, Bobrowsky P (2017) The Cape Town Statement on Geoethics. Ann Geophys 60:1–6.

[3] Di Capua G, Bobrowsky PT, Kieffer SW, Palinkas C (2021) Introduction: geoethics goes beyond the geoscience profession. Geol Soc London, Spec Publ SP508-2020–191.

[4] Bohle M, Marone E (2022) Phronesis at the Human-Earth Nexus: Managed Retreat. Front Polit Sci 4:1–13.

[5] Rosol C, Nelson S, Renn J (2017) Introduction: In the machine room of the Anthropocene. Anthr Rev 4:2–8.

[6] Renn J (2018) The Evolution of Knowledge: Rethinking Science in the Anthropocene. HoST - J Hist Sci Technol 12:1–22.

[7] Renn J (2020) The Evolution of Knowledge - Rethinking Science for the Anthropocene. Princeton University Press, Oxford, UK

How to cite: Bohle, M.: Takings from the History of Science for Geo-philosophical Studies, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1204,, 2023.

EGU23-1385 | Posters on site | EOS4.1 | Highlight

An expanded definition of geoethics 

Giuseppe Di Capua and Silvia Peppoloni

Geoethics incorporates instances, categories, concepts, principles, and values already present in the cultural debate, and develops an original theoretical and interdisciplinary framework that merges reflections and considerations that animate philosophical, political, sociological, economic, and (geo)scientific discussions. Geoethics analyses critically and rationally theoretical and practical issues of local and global importance (from climate change, to defense against geohazards and the use of geo-resources), in order to guide social stakeholders towards more inclusive, sustainable, and ecologically-oriented choices.

Geoethics can be qualified as:

  • universal and pluralist (it defines an ethical framework for humanity, in the awareness that the respect of the plurality of visions, approaches, tools is essential to assure dignity to all agents and to guarantee a wide range of opportunities for developing more effective actions to face common threats).
  • wide (its issues and reflections cover an extensive variety of themes);
  • multidisciplinary (its approach favors cooperation and overcoming the sectoral languages of the individual disciplines, to reach the intersection and integration of knowledge);
  • synthetic (it expresses a position of synthesis, definable as ecological humanism, between various existential concepts and different conceptions regarding the nexus between human being and Earth system);
  • local and global (its topics of interest concern both local and regional dimensions, as well as the global one related to the entire Earth system);
  • pedagogical (it proposes a reference model to cultivate one's ethical dimension, to reach a greater awareness of the value of human identity, not in terms of exercisable power over the other by oneself, but of respect of the dignity of what exists);
  • political (it criticizes the materialism, egoism, and consumerism of capitalism, prefiguring a profound cultural change of economic paradigms, and supports the right to knowledge as the foundation of society).

By contributing to change the perception of the nexus between the human being and the Earth system and consequently the social and legal structures of the organization of human communities, geoethics defines educational and political horizons for reaching a global reform of society (Peppoloni and Di Capua 2021:

Based on these considerations, the definition of geoethics, as included in the Cape Town Statement on Geoethics (Di Capua et al. 2017: and internationally adopted, can find a new, broader formulation, which also describes better its theoretical structure and operational logic:

Geoethics is a field of theoretical and applied ethics focused on studies related to human-Earth system nexus. Geoethics is the research and reflection on principles and values which underpin appropriate behaviors and practices, wherever human activities interact with the Earth system. Geoethics deals with ways of creating a global ethics framework for guiding individual and social human behaviors, while considering human relational domains, plurality of human needs and visions, planetary boundaries, and geo-ecological tipping points. Geoethics deals with the ethical, social, and cultural implications of geoscience knowledge, education, research, practice, and communication and with the social role and responsibilities of geoscientists.

How to cite: Di Capua, G. and Peppoloni, S.: An expanded definition of geoethics, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1385,, 2023.

EGU23-1391 | Posters on site | EOS4.1

Proposal of ethical guidelines for the European Research Infrastructure EPOS 

Silvia Peppoloni and Giuseppe Di Capua

In the science and technology domain, common methods, procedures, and protocols (rules allowing to make science) guarantee the quality and reliability of scientists’ and technicians’ work. When those rules are adequately followed, there should not arise any problems in deciding what is the best action to take while carrying out research and technological activities. But this is not enough to ensure that activities are conducted ethically.

Ethics influences personal and collective conduct and thereby shapes relationships and resulting outcomes. Research institutions/networks/organizations and their operators have societal responsibilities since their activities may have an impact on stakeholders, partners, and general end users with consequential effects on the economy, society, culture, public policy or services, health, the environment, or quality of life that goes way beyond a purely academic impact. Science, technology, and ethics are closely interconnected and they mutually influence the subject of their analyses and reflections. Thus, research and technological activities have to consider ethics to develop their full potential.

The mission of EPOS is “To establish and underpin a sustainable and long-term access to solid Earth science data and services integrating diverse European Research Infrastructures under a common federated framework.” This mission encapsulates ethical aspects that must be considered by the EPOS community (scientists, technicians, and data providers, who have different roles and therewith responsibilities within the EPOS community) and that are reflected in EPOS’ goals (

In the EU H2020 EPOS-SP project, we developed first draft of the ethical guidelines for the EPOS community, that considers the following EPOS key-concepts:

  • multidisciplinary research;
  • integrated use of data, models, and facilities;
  • appropriate legal solutions;
  • common and shared data policy;
  • open access policy;
  • transparent use of data;
  • mutual respect of intellectual property rights.

The ethical guidelines are essential for establishing an informal “contract” between all members of the EPOS community for managing the relationships within the research infrastructure and with partners by defining principles and values to be shared for building a community of purposes, that is a set of individual and institutional subjects who share an organization, a language, a mission, goals to be achieved, a working method and operational tools.

These guidelines shall ensure that the research conducted within EPOS and services operated in this context are done in an ethical way.

The ethical guidelines are an orienting document for the implementation of the EPOS ERIC’s (European Research Infrastructure Consortium) tasks towards its reference community and stakeholders and are preparatory to the drafting of the final version of the EPOS ERIC ethical guidelines on which to develop subsequent ethical codes for managing specific activities or issues concerning EPOS activities.

How to cite: Peppoloni, S. and Di Capua, G.: Proposal of ethical guidelines for the European Research Infrastructure EPOS, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1391,, 2023.

EGU23-2805 | Posters on site | EOS4.1

Study on the effective disaster risk management and communication for resilient community 

Mo-Hsiung Chuang, Kuo-Chen Ma, and Yih-Chi Tan

This 27th United Nations Climate Change Conference clearly pointed out that global warming is progressing. The threat of climate change and extreme disasters will increase rapidly, and the risk of community disasters will increase significantly. Therefore, effective disaster risk management and risk communication can enable community residents in disaster potential areas to understand disaster risks and build disaster prevention organizations, which has become a Practitioner in Disaster Risk Management. This study aims to explore training methods for resilient Communities. These include community environment diagnosis map making, including natural disaster risk and vulnerability discussion and disaster prevention map drawing, and secondly, how to train resilient community to conduct disaster risk control and disaster management measures before or during disaster events and recovery periods. Finally, combine the geographic information of the public sector and volunteers to conduct public-private cooperation to build disaster risk management and practice with resilient communities as the key players.

How to cite: Chuang, M.-H., Ma, K.-C., and Tan, Y.-C.: Study on the effective disaster risk management and communication for resilient community, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2805,, 2023.

EGU23-3462 | Posters on site | EOS4.1 | Highlight

How to collectively engage in reducing the carbon footprint of a research lab? 

Jean-Philippe Vidal, Céline Berni, Marina Coquery, Alexandre Devers, Leslie Gauthier, Claire Lauvernet, Matthieu Masson, Louise Mimeau, and Martin Turlan and the RiverLy Downstream team

This communication aims at testifying how individual commitments of researchers can be combined to engage a whole research lab – in this case INRAE RiverLy – in a carbon transition path. INRAE RiverLy is an interdsciplinary research unit for the management and restoration of river systems and their catchments. In 2020, a group of RiverLy people started questioning the downstream impacts of their research practices. An official internal action called RiverLy Downstream was thus launched to address these issues. A first lab-scale carbon accounting for the year 2019 was performed thanks to the GES 1point5 tool ( It showed a large contribution of air travel to the total carbon footprint. Further carbon accounting for 2020 and 2021 however highlighted the even larger impact of purchases (equipment, consumables, etc.) thanks to newly implemented features in GES 1point5. An open “climate day” was organized in the lab in September 2022 for (1) raising awareness through a general-public-oriented tool, (2) provide live feedback from other research labs engaged in a carbon transition, and (3) collectively identify propositions of local actions on different themes: purchases, travels, premises, computing, food, and research activities. These propositions fed a lab-wide survey that will help defining a few carbon footprint reduction scenarios based on their social acceptability. These scenarios will then be submitted to the lab board for implementation. The whole process benefited from rich interactions with INRAE national to regional strategy for reducing its environmental footprint (, and with the French national initiative Labos1point5 (

How to cite: Vidal, J.-P., Berni, C., Coquery, M., Devers, A., Gauthier, L., Lauvernet, C., Masson, M., Mimeau, L., and Turlan, M. and the RiverLy Downstream team: How to collectively engage in reducing the carbon footprint of a research lab?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3462,, 2023.

EGU23-4066 | Posters on site | EOS4.1

Supradisciplinary approach: a (geo)ethical way of producing knowledge and guiding human actions in the XXI Century. 

Eduardo Marone, Martin Bohle, and Rika Prieser

Once upon a time, super-specialization and intra-disciplinary approaches were highly rated, although implying divisions of knowledge1. How to challenge such epistemic boundaries? The disciplinary methodology for creating knowledge is important, particularly when subject to solid quality control. However, it is often faulty when handling broad complex systems, such as Natural or Social ones, despite scholars building elaborated methodologies, such as multi-, inter, trans-, and cross-disciplinary practices2. They provided insights and knowledge generation, although showing limitations3,4,5 (epistemic, field domination, egos, etc.).

Geoethics, looking into appropriate behaviours and practices wherever human activities interact with the Earth system6, is an example of the above, which requires overcoming limitations of disciplinary approaches by aiming at supradisciplinary7: engaging with a subject matter across a range of discourses/fields without giving rise to an interdisciplinary hybrid or sui generis discipline.

Exploring what a supradisciplinary practice means, a networkn of scholars proposes a tactic to assemble fellows from the People Sciences and the Natural Sciences: (i) A respectful epistemic trespassing8 allows crossing traditional disciplinary boundaries, and applying proper supradisciplinary collaboration seems more ethical than other methodologies. (ii) Organizing the team under a rhizomatic structure9 does not allow any scientific field hierarchy, avoiding the dilemma of preferring transdisciplinary approaches versus interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary ones and vice versa. Epistemic trespassing is a powerful tool for creating new supradisciplinary knowledge, avoiding the usual hyper-protection (and egos) related to any disciplinary epistemic backyards. It must be considered that supradisciplinary collaboration depends strongly on the quality of the given scientific problem and the proper promotion of the needed epistemic metamorphosis, which seems a more ethical and efficient way of producing knowledge.


1 Klein, J. T., & Miller, R. C. (1983). The Dialectic and Rhetoric of Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary. Issues in Interdisciplinary Studies.

2 Van den Besselaar, P., & Heimeriks, G. (2001). Disciplinary, multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary: Concepts and indicators. In ISSI (pp. 705-716).

3 Okamura, K. Interdisciplinarity revisited: evidence for research impact and dynamism. Palgrave Commun 5, 141 (2019).

4 Editorial. How to avoid glib interdisciplinarity. Nature 552, 148 (2017). DOI:

5 Kotter, R., Balsiger, P. W., Bailis, S., & Wentworth, J. (1999). Interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity: a constant challenge to the sciences. Issues in Interdisciplinary Studies.

6 Peppoloni, S., Bilham, N., & Di Capua, G. (2019) Contemporary Geoethics Within the Geosciences. In: Exploring Geoethics. Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp 25–70

7 Balsiger, P. W. (2004). Supradisciplinary research practices: history, objectives and rationale. Futures, 36(4), 407-421.

8 Ballantyne, N. (2019). Epistemic trespassing. Mind, 128(510).

9 Deleuze, G., & Guattari, F. (1987) [1980]. A Thousand Plateaus. Translated by Massumi, Brian. University of Minnesota Press. p. 21. ISBN 0-8166-1402-4.

n The Network: Alexandra Aragão, Alessia Rochira, Anamaria Richardson, Antony Milligan, Bruno Costelini, Carlos A.S. Batista, Carlos Murillo, Carsten Herrmann-Pillath, Claire A. Nelson, Cornelia E. Nauen, Eduardo Marone, Francesc Bellaubi, Jas Chambers, Javier Valladares, Luis Marone, Martin Bohle, Nic Bilham, Paul Hubley, Rika Preiser, Sharon Stein, Silvia Peppoloni, Vincent Blok, Will Steffen.

How to cite: Marone, E., Bohle, M., and Prieser, R.: Supradisciplinary approach: a (geo)ethical way of producing knowledge and guiding human actions in the XXI Century., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4066,, 2023.

EGU23-4384 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.1

Social safety in the field – preparing the students, our future colleagues 

Kalijn Peters, Steye Verhoeve, and Wiebe Nijland

Watching the documentary ‘The Leadership’ led to a consentient discussion amongst colleagues. In this documentary a group of female scientists set off on a cruise to learn about and experience leadership. Personal experiences, what happens on board and statistics about social safety, show that feeling socially safe and included is still an issue amongst (female) scientists, especially when working in the field. The significantly high numbers of female field scientists in STEM research having experienced discrimination, gender inequality and (sexual) harassment cannot be ignored, so we decided this subject has to be embedded in our bachelor curriculum.

In order to enhance social safety in our earth sciences program, we set up a workshop on this subject for our bachelor students as part of a 15ECTS fieldwork course. In the field, students are physically and mentally challenged, while operating in an often unfamiliar environment, working in bigger and smaller groups, for longer periods of time and integrating all they have learned over the past year(s). With the many challenges this encompasses, they will likely face the boundaries of their comfort zone. This makes them more vulnerable and increases the risk of creating an unsafe working, studying/living environment. However, when treated with care, these experiences can have a significant positive impact on the students personal growth and become beneficial to their professional skills and learning.

The workshop we designed starts with discussing daily practicalities and individual responsibilities, including sanitary hygiene and proper field-equipment, and continues with professional attitude, an exercise on group dynamics, how to function in a team that is not your own choice, and getting to know your teammates in a playful manner. We finish with the discussion of (sexual) harassment, providing tools to become an active bystander, and giving the students case studies of socially (un)safe settings in the field. They present these case studies to each other on how they would react, reflecting on their own capabilities and responsibilities.

After this first year, student evaluations and discussions with field staff point out that this is a valuable part of the fieldwork. For example the staff could more easily refer to some manners discussed in the workshop, and the students could recognize the case studies and use this to tackle unsafe situations at an earlier stage. We now continue with optimizing the existing workshop, and would like to exchange experiences about this subject with colleagues to enhance improvement of social safety and personal growth in the field for both students and teaching staff.

How to cite: Peters, K., Verhoeve, S., and Nijland, W.: Social safety in the field – preparing the students, our future colleagues, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4384,, 2023.

The unprecedented acceleration of human extractions of living and mineral resources particularly after WWII and their wasteful transformation in an expanding technosphere is now estimated to exceed living matter[1]. This fossil fuel driven acceleration has led to exceeding planetary boundaries in several dimensions [2], including the on-going mass extinction of species particularly in the warming and overfished ocean. Catch reconstructions since the beginnings of global statistics in 1950 are revealing the extent of unsustainable extractions from the ocean[3]. Two decisions at global negotiations in 2022, one on harmful fishing subsidies and the landmark target 3 on the protection of 30% of ocean and land by 2030, have potential to slow down the excesses and gradually rebuild fully functional ecosystems. How can scientists enhance their contribution towards shifting the emphasis to implementation? We know from cognitive science, e.g. that excessive car speed and other forms of sensory overload stress humans and reduce quality of life while also harming the environment[4]. Yet even in the face of evidence, it has often been impossible to act decisively on this evidence. Similarly, it has so far been been difficult to overcome widespread cognitive dissonance about climate change and species extinctions in the ocean. Contrary to widely held beliefs, here it is postulated that different attitudes are not impervious to scientific information and learning. Historically these judgemental processes are not fixed, even when reinforced by social norms[5]. However, the accumulation of facts and their presentation in the scientific literature is not enough to bring about what may be considered desirable behavioural change. This is reflected in considerable effort put into policy briefs and other dissemination formats in recent years, including video and social media e.g. by the IPCC. Art of hosting and collective leadership are other proven approaches for building understanding and trust necessary to develop robust solutions through enabling collective action. In their various context-adapted formats they have been successfully deployed for joint learning and action in settings as diverse as largely illiterate small-scale fishing communities and government organisations. They could benefit research and academic institutions in their search for promoting more stakeholder engagement and fostering greater inter- and transdisciplinarity.

[1] Elhacham, E., Ben-Uri, L., Grozovski, J. et al. Global human-made mass exceeds all living biomass. Nature 588, 442–444 (2020).

[2] Steffen, E., Richardson, K., Rockstroem, J. et al. Planetary boundaries: Guiding human development on a changing planet. Science 347(6223) (2015). DOI: 10.1126/science.1259855

[3] Pauly, D. & Zeller, D. Catch reconstructions reveal that global marine fisheries catches are higher than reported and declining. Nature Commun. 7, 10244 (2016). doi: 10.1038/ncomms10244

[4] Knoflacher, H. Zurück zur Mobilität! Anstöße zum Umdenken. Ueberreuter, Wien (2013)

[5] Sparkman, G., Howe, L., Walton, G. How social norms are often a barrier to addressing climate change but can be part of the solution. Behavioural Public Policy 5(4), 528-555 (2021). DOI:

How to cite: Nauen, C. E.: Art of hosting approaches with greater participation of scientists can support robust solutions for increased societal resilience, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4421,, 2023.

EGU23-4443 | Posters on site | EOS4.1

Minerals as lenses to illustrate the relationships between Geology and colonialism 

Selby Hearth and Carrie Robbins

When the core ideas of Geology were being developed in the 19th century, geologists used colonial expeditions for transport, access, data, and -- critically -- specimens. Mineral specimens were sent from colonized and mined localities around the world to centralized collections in Europe and European settler states, forming diverse repositories of minerals, rocks, and fossils that geologists could then draw on without having to leave their home country. The accumulation of these specimens contemporaneously spurred the growth of museums and formed the collections at the heart of object-based pedagogy. As curators of these collections today, how can we use these specimens and their histories to illustrate these connections? This presentation will examine how the Bryn Mawr Mineral Collection is using mineral specimens in cataloging, display, and teaching to provoke reflection on this critical social dimension of our science. One of these strategies has been to recruit student research into mine sites and the provenance and provenience of individual specimens. Activating historical collections in this way helps make them relevant to today’s students. It also helps students recognize that geo-colonialism is not restricted to the past. Lithium, cobalt, and other rare minerals will be central to the production of batteries and anti-carbon technologies for the new “green economy” in the coming decades. It is important that mineral collections begin to use specimens to teach broader social histories of mining, extraction, and Western colonial relationships so that differential distributions of power are taken into account.

How to cite: Hearth, S. and Robbins, C.: Minerals as lenses to illustrate the relationships between Geology and colonialism, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4443,, 2023.

Scientists remain citizens and human beings. As so, they keep their critical mind and have visions for society and opinions on related crucial issues. The climate and ecological crisis makes no exception and has become the subject of more and more discussions among scientific communities. The bond between scientific research and societal issues can be seen in the common practice of national funding agencies asking scientists to explicitly define the societal values of their research activities (the so-called “knowledge utilization”). On such occasions, scientists need to prove that their findings will bring parts of technical, scientific, social, or even political solutions to a range of stakeholders, including decision-makers. Such a peculiar position raises many issues. In democracies, scientists and other experts are usually asked to remain neutral and only provide scientific and technical knowledge to support decision-makers (i.e., governments) who will make the decision.

The question of neutrality has particularly animated scientific communities for decades. May we, as scientists, activate only the rational part of our brains when doing science and activate the emotional one when we return to our daily personal and civic life? Should we remain neutral at all costs? When "business as usual" means making the ecological and social crisis more profound, does the concept of neutrality even exist? Is that ethical if doing nothing means supporting "business as usual"? Or should we admit that this is neither doable nor desirable?

In this paper, we suggest that being neutral and inactive is neither doable nor desirable for the sake of science and society. First of all, scientists are people, and their actions cannot remain completely value-free or independent from societal influences. Instead, the notions of objectivity, scientific rigor, and transparency, which all make part of scientific integrity, may be much more relevant to define good research practices. As long as these practices are followed, many ways of communicating with peers, stakeholders, and the public sphere may be considered, from appeased recommendations to stakeholders all the way down to (illegal) civil disobedience, as those may only differ by their degree of engagement in reporting the same facts. To which the ethics of responsibility should be added: we must say what we know (Resnik and Elliot, 2016).

We collected several testimonies from scientists from the earth and climate sciences engaged in activism and civil disobedience. The description of the several types of intellectual trajectories will help us understand how scientists connect their values to science and how, at their scale, their vision helps them disseminate science to improve societies and reduce their impacts on global changes.

Resnik, D. B. and Elliott, K. C.: The Ethical Challenges of Socially Responsible Science, Accountability in Research, 23, 31–46,, 2016.

How to cite: Lassabatere, L., Kuppel, S., and Vitón, Í.: Engaged scientists and the question of neutrality and integrity: illustrative intellectual trajectories of geoscientists, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5456,, 2023.

EGU23-5570 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.1

Decarbonising conference travel: testing a multi-hub approach 

Sabrina Zechlau, Stefanie Kremser, Andrew Charlton-Perez, Jadwiga Richter, Jose Santos, Julia Danzer, and Stefanie Hölbling

As the global research enterprise grapples with the challenge of a low carbon future, a key challenge is the future of international conferences. An emerging initiative which combines elements of the traditional in-person and virtual conference is a multi-hub approach. Here we report on one of the first real-world trials of a multi-hub approach, the World Climate Research Programme/Stratosphere-troposphere Processes And their Role in Climate (WCRP/SPARC) General Assembly held in Qingdao-Reading-Boulder during the last week of October 2022. Based on travel surveys of participants, we estimate that the multi-hub approach reduced the carbon footprint from travel of between a factor of 2.3 and 4.1 times the footprint when hosting the conference in a single location. This resulted in a saving of at least 288 tCO2eq and perhaps as much as 683 tCO2eq, compared to having the conference in one location only. Feedback from participants, collected immediately after the conference, showed that the majority (85%) would again attend another conference in a similar format. There are many ways that the format of the SPARC General Assembly could have been improved, but this proof-of-concept provides an inspiration to other groups to give the multi-hub format a try.

How to cite: Zechlau, S., Kremser, S., Charlton-Perez, A., Richter, J., Santos, J., Danzer, J., and Hölbling, S.: Decarbonising conference travel: testing a multi-hub approach, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5570,, 2023.

Paul Crutzen’s concept of the Anthropocene in Nature in 2002 stressed that “a daunting task [lay] ahead for scientists and engineers to guide society towards environmentally sustainable management” and that “this will require appropriate human behaviour at all scales”. The proposal by the Anthropocene Working Group of the International Commission on Stratigraphy’s Subcommission on Quaternary Stratigraphy for an ‘Anthropocene Epoch’ with an isochronous mid-20th century start has been recently challenged by another group of researchers. Mindful of the diachronous impacts of human evolution, they favor a much longer and still ongoing ‘Anthropocene Event’.

In sync with IUGS goals to promote public understanding of the Earth and contribute to international policy decisions, the Anthropocene debate offers an unprecedented opportunity for the geoscience profession to become proactively relevant to the UN’s next-step vision for Planet Earth. Arguably, its 2015-2030 agenda of 17 Sustainable Development Goals each focused on a facet of society and the environment needs a more holistic successor with realistic thinking about sustainability, “one of the most overused and ill-defined words in conversations about the environment” in the view of Andrew Revkin at Columbia University’s Earth Institute. Ideally, the UN’s successor plan would be aligned with the interdependent subsystems of the Earth-Human System and propelled by transdisciplinary involvement of the sciences and humanities.

Echoing an observation by Stanley Finney and Lucy Edwards in GSA Today in 2016 that the terms Anthropocene and Renaissance have similar characteristics as “richly documented, revolutionary human activities”, an ‘Anthropocene Renaissance’ would highlight the need for greater harmony among and between environmental and societal movements. In this vision, the past-framed ‘Anthropocene Event’ underpins the future-framed ‘Anthropocene Renaissance’ as a boldly integrated effort to ‘protect our planet’, one of twelve commitments made by world leaders in 2020 at the UN’s 75th Anniversary Meeting. In a profile of the Anthropocene debate in The New York Times on 18 December 2022, the conclusion featured my interview: “I always saw it not as an internal geological undertaking but rather one that could be greatly beneficial to the world at large”. The UN’s ‘Summit of the Future: Multilateral Solutions for a Better Tomorrow’ will take place in New York City on 22-23 September 2024.





How to cite: Koster, E.: Defining the Anthropocene for the greatest good as an Event-based Renaissance, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6182,, 2023.

EGU23-6356 | Posters on site | EOS4.1

Ma Terre en 180 Minutes: a transition support system to build decarbonization scenarios in the academic community. 

Nicolas Champollion and the Ma Terre en 180 Minutes team

A growing portion of scientists realized the need to not only alert about climate change, but also change their professional practices. A range of tools have emerged to promote more sustainable activities, yet many scientists struggle to go beyond simple awareness-raising to create concrete transition actions. This study proposed the use of a new game-based transition support system called " Ma Terre en 180 Minutes ", which is, to our knowledge, the first tool developed by and for the academic community. It has been designed to build scenarios of greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions reduction in the academic community, and present its deployment during the year 2021, including six hundred participants from 9 countries and 50 cities.


After the phase 1, called awareness, that aims to build a common scientific background about the context (global warming, its causes and consequences, planetary boundaries) and challenge (50% reduction of our carbon budget by 2030), the participants, with the phase 2 called role-playing, immerse themselves into fictional characters, to simulate the behavior of real research groups. Phase 1 and 2 are separated by a few days interphase helping participants to embody their fictional characters and be comfortable with the virtual research group they will simulate, as well as having time to perform their personal carbon footprint. Finally, an important final phase after the game-playing phase 2 take place to discuss, analyze and assess the results of phase 2.


Results show clear pathways for GHG reductions between 25 and 60%, and a median reduction of 46%. The alternatives allowing the greatest reduction are video communication tools (36%), followed by mutualization of professional activities and voluntary cancellation or reduction, thatrepresents 22 and 14% of reduction, respectively. The remaining 28% of reduction is composed by the use of trains as a transport alternative, the relocation of professional activities, the duration extension of some missions, etc… In addition, the analyses pointed out the importance of guided negotiations to bring out some alternatives such as relocation, local partners and computing optimization. An added value of this transition support system is that the information it collects (anonymously) will be used to answer pressing research questions in climate change science and environmental psychology regarding the use of serious games for promoting changes in attitudes and behaviors towards sustainability, and including broader questions on how network structures influence “climate behavior”, knowledge, and the governance of the commons.

How to cite: Champollion, N. and the Ma Terre en 180 Minutes team: Ma Terre en 180 Minutes: a transition support system to build decarbonization scenarios in the academic community., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6356,, 2023.

EGU23-7063 | Posters virtual | EOS4.1

The evolving Code of Conduct at the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology of Italy: a participatory process to combine law compliance and geoethics principles 

Giuliana Rubbia, Daniele Bravi, Valeria De Paola, Sergio Gurrieri, Maria Valeria Intini, and Silvia Peppoloni

According to the current legislation of Italy (e.g., Law No. 165/2001) public organizations must have a code of conduct in place, which specifies and complements the General Code of Conduct for public employees, embedding issues that are typical for the specific context. 

The Authority aimed at disseminating a culture of integrity and legality, the Italian National Anti-Corruption Authority (ANAC), provided a set of directives over time that specifies key actors and procedures, drafting methods, and fundamental principles that the Code must contain.

In this framework, public research institutes are no exception. At the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology of Italy (INGV) an interdisciplinary working group with diverse experiences and profiles has been created and committed to reviewing the current code of conduct and proposing a new one.

The drafting process progressed through a thorough examination of fundamental principles and compliance with laws, on the one hand, and with an in-depth analysis of areas of application in the context of the institute and its activities. 

Once drafted, the first version has been proposed for provisional approval by the Board of Administrators (CdA), and submitted for stakeholder consultation.  INGV personnel commented on the first version, expressed their concerns, and proposed various amendments. These comments have all been addressed, partially or completely accepted, or refused; an updated version has been created and submitted for a further round of approval by the Independent Evaluation Body (OIV), a body assessing the performance, clearness, and integrity of the administrative action.

The values on which the Code is structured refer to four geoethical domains: 1) the individual dimension, which concerns the ethical action of each individual recipient of the Code in the context of his/her specific work activity; 2) the interpersonal/professional dimension, which refers to relationships with colleagues; 3) the societal dimension, which includes relations with all the various components of society; and d) the relationship with the natural environment, which includes actions aimed at minimizing negative impacts on ecosystems and promoting eco-sustainable behaviors. Moreover, the code benefits from the principles expressed in the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity and the European Charter for Researchers.

At present, the Code contains both ethical and legal norms, i.e. both principles underpinning appropriate behaviors and rules, which if violated give rise to sanctions.  Code recipients are called to observe them in order to ensure workplace well-being, quality of research and services, prevention of corruption phenomena, compliance with the constitutional duties of diligence, loyalty, impartiality, care of the public interest, and achievement of INGV institutional goals. The Code will be updated according to the structure of a new General Code of Conduct to be issued by the Italian Government.

How to cite: Rubbia, G., Bravi, D., De Paola, V., Gurrieri, S., Intini, M. V., and Peppoloni, S.: The evolving Code of Conduct at the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology of Italy: a participatory process to combine law compliance and geoethics principles, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7063,, 2023.

EGU23-7377 | Posters on site | EOS4.1

For a sustainable future: a survey about geoethics and 2030 Agenda among the Italian geosciences community 

Elena Egidio, Andrea Gerbaudo, Manuela Lasagna, Francesca Lozar, and Marco Davide Tonon

The annual Congress of the Società Geologica Italiana (SGI) and Società Italiana di MIneralogia e Petrologia (SIMP), held in Turin in September 2022 and dedicated to Geosciences for a sustainable future, has been the occasion to critically think on the role of the Geosciences for our society and planet, on the position geoscientists deserve and the role they must take in the formation of citizens, protection from natural hazards and preservation of cultural and natural heritage. In continuation of our previously published work Are we ready for a sustainable development? A survey among young geoscientists in Italy , the present study broadens the sample analyzed to include the entire Italian community of geoscientists and aims to highlight: 1) The relevance of the ethical aspects connected to the work of professionals and scholars, in accordance with the values of geoethics; 2) the most widely held views about the connections between the Earth Sciences and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda; 3) which initiatives have been put in place by Italian Earth Sciences departments on education for sustainability and which can be the best strategies for developing sustainability education related to geoscience issues. Based on 230 answers to a questionnaire with open and closed questions sent to the participants at the Congress, the results show that the Italian geocommunity has great awareness of the ethical implications of its work and research, in particular of the responsibility towards the environment; despite this consciousness, the average level of knowledge about the 2030 Agenda and its goals is still scarce. To fill this gap, the need for sustainability education initiatives in departments is recognized as urgent, as well as the use of inter- and transdisciplinary educational approaches that can train scholars and professionals capable of addressing the complex challenges of our time.

How to cite: Egidio, E., Gerbaudo, A., Lasagna, M., Lozar, F., and Tonon, M. D.: For a sustainable future: a survey about geoethics and 2030 Agenda among the Italian geosciences community, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7377,, 2023.

This communication aims at presenting how transitions are being made at different organizational scales at INRAE (French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment): (1) at the scale of a research lab through the perspective of a sustainable development contact person, (2) at the scale of a regional research centre through the perspective of the sustainable development regional manager, and (3) at the national and institutional level with the view of the sustainable development director of INRAE. The overall institutional context is first introduced to further develop viewpoints of the three persons involved on the on-going transitions, the strengths of the implemented approach, but also the points of attention. This communication aims at triggering exchanges on how to make sustainable development reach all organizational levels while ensuring a global coherence, and notably across all professions including administration staff, scientists, engineers, etc.

How to cite: Gauthier, L., Vidal, J.-P., and Carnet, A.: How to make a sustainable development approach successful across all scales of a research institute? Crossed views at INRAE, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7600,, 2023.

EGU23-7601 | Orals | EOS4.1

Reducing environmental impact at NERSC (Bergen, Norway). 

Julien Brajard and Christine Due Sivertsen

NERSC is a non-profit research foundation established in Bergen (Norway) in 1986. Besides cutting-edge research in climate science, the NERSC has for a long time been very attentive to the working conditions, diversity, inclusion, and environmental impact of its activities.

In this poster, we will present the different efforts taken at the NERSC initiative to take the path of reducing its environmental impact, especially the GHG footprint, of its activities. We have divided the analysis into big compartments including the travels, the numerical computations, the field campaigns, and the premises. For each compartment, we are in the process to assess the GHG emissions, and some actions have already been taken to already minimize the impacts, for example, a travel policy, and opportunity campaigns.

In addition to the details of the work done by NERSC for reducing GHG emissions, we will reflect on challenges and problems encountered while taking those actions, some being general to the scientific or geoscience field (e.g., travel injunction), others being specific to NERSC (fundings, geographic location, low-carbon electricity).

Finally, we will draw perspective to the experience, and try to bring recommendations into the debate, such as a better inclusion of climate impact in the European research calls.

How to cite: Brajard, J. and Sivertsen, C. D.: Reducing environmental impact at NERSC (Bergen, Norway)., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7601,, 2023.

EGU23-7612 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.1

My earth in 180 minutes: A transition support system for reducing the carbon footprint in Academia. Experimental design for evaluating its impact on academic practices 

Claudia Teran-Escobar, Nicolas Becu, Nicolas Champollion, Nicolas Gratiot, Benoit Hingray, Géremy Panthou, and Isabelle Ruin

Some practices embedded in academic culture (international conferences, scientific instruments...) are  important sources of greenhouse gases (e.g., van Ewijk & Hoekman, 2021). Although the scientific community have started to propose ways to reduce the impact of international conferences (e.g., Warner et al., 2022), collective efforts should be pursued to reduce the carbon footprint of the entire academic world. Serious games have been used in the encourage climate change attenuation practices (Fernández Galeote et al., 2021). Nevertheless, to our knowledge, the deployed evaluations have only measured the changes on knowledge and not on actual practices.

My Earth in 180 Minutes (ME180, is a collaborative role-playing game aiming at raising awareness, stimulating interactions in groups and constructing scenarios of professional carbon footprint reductions with multiple stakeholders. The game sessions place staff (researchers, technical and administrative staff, etc.) in a situation of social interaction in which each person plays two characters (inspired from real life observations) of a research team needing to reduce its carbon footprint by 50%. The game allows to build scenarios to reproduce as much as possible the complexity of interactions and the level of inequality existing within academic world. With 85 games played between November 2020 and June 2021, My Earth in 180 Minutes collaborative workshop has shown robust results, in particular Academia’s capacity to reduce its own carbon footprint and propose concrete alternatives: video communication, mutualization and reduction of professional activities (Gratiot et al., 2022).

This communication will describe the methods designed to a) evaluate the effectiveness of the serious game “My Earth in 180 Minutes” in academic practices and b) investigate the factors (e.g., career status, family engagements) that enable or constrain changes in academic practices.

The protocol for a future study is described. Participants working in French research centres (N = 970) will be recruited and randomly split in two groups: a) a group who will participate to the ME180 workshop, or b) control group using another approach for discussing about Academic carbon footprint. Participants will complete online surveys about their professional practices (air travelling, commuting ...) and about the psychological, institutional and, sociodemographic factors related to these practices (intention towards reducing professional air travelling, number of children). The surveys will be repeated six times over the 2 years of the study: before the experiment, one, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months after the beginning of the study. Data will be analysed by using mixed linear methods.

We expect that carbon footprint reduction and related practices would be more important in the ME180 group. Mediation and moderation analysis will be used to identify psychological, institutional and, sociodemographic factors (career status, intention to change practices) that may facilitate or block the transition of professional practices.

The previous deployments of “My earth in 180 minutes” help in identifying Academic transition paths (Gratiot et al., in revision). The present study will allow to assess the effects of ME180 in Academic carbon footprint reduction to provide insights about the obstacles and levers of carbon footprint reduction in academia.

How to cite: Teran-Escobar, C., Becu, N., Champollion, N., Gratiot, N., Hingray, B., Panthou, G., and Ruin, I.: My earth in 180 minutes: A transition support system for reducing the carbon footprint in Academia. Experimental design for evaluating its impact on academic practices, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7612,, 2023.

EGU23-8072 | Orals | EOS4.1 | Highlight

Hydrogeoethical questions related to urban groundwater management: the case of Kabul city, Afghanistan 

Mohammad Salem Hussaini, Asadullah Farahmand, and Manuel Abrunhosa

Groundwater resources are largely invisible and unknown to most people. Hence, unauthorized appropriation of groundwater is not obvious, and its impacts are less evident. It can be said that it is an invisible geo-resource but its impacts and problems are visible to mankind, even if often its source is not recognized. Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, is the fifth fastest-growing city in the world and rapid population growth and urbanization have created huge pressure on groundwater resources. As a result of a lack of surface water storage and the seasonal variability of river flows, Kabul is among the world's most water-stressed cities as it depends almost entirely on groundwater. The findings of scientific studies reveal that extensive groundwater depletion and degradation of groundwater quality in Kabul city is largely due to anthropogenic factors and it is likely to rapidly continue in the future, particularly in densely populated areas of the city. Here, ethics can play an important role because human behavior is among the main factors creating the problems. So, hydrogeoethical concepts can be assessed and discussed, especially for urban groundwater where human needs (social ethics) and environmental dynamics (environmental ethics) both should be respected. In this study, the most vital questions related to ethical aspects of groundwater management in Kabul city are extracted. To achieve the questions, the water ethics principles and ethical criteria were evaluated concerning the condition of groundwater and the society of Kabul city, as an exercise of applied hydrogeoethics. Finally, six questions are obtained as the result of this study. The response to these critical questions could be a key to solving many dilemmas related to groundwater management in an urban concept. It is recommended to groundwater managers and policymakers explore the answer to these questions and consider the findings in the policies, strategies, and regulations, particularly in urban regions.

The questions are as follows:

1) What is the level of contribution, obligation, responsibility, honesty, trust, and respect among geoscientists, and engineers related to groundwater management?

2) What kind of regulation is adequate for the management of over-abstraction urban groundwater; top-down or self-regulation or a mix of both?

3) How education and communication can shape moral motivation for city residents to better groundwater management?

4) What is the level of participation of public media (TV, radio, newspapers, etc.) in awareness-raising campaigns related to groundwater conditions?

5) Can groundwater abstraction from the deep aquifer (groundwater mining) be an ethical and sustainable policy concerning future generations and environmental ethics?

6) How consideration of gender equity and women's participation can be effective in the management of groundwater?

How to cite: Hussaini, M. S., Farahmand, A., and Abrunhosa, M.: Hydrogeoethical questions related to urban groundwater management: the case of Kabul city, Afghanistan, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8072,, 2023.

EGU23-8173 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.1 | Highlight

The specific responsibility of geoscientists in the midst the climate and ecological crises: a need to address personal and institutional dissonances 

Odin Marc, Elodie Duyck, Laurent Lassabatère, Iñigo Viton, and Marthe Wens

The climate and ecological crises question the role and responsibility of scientists and scientific institutions as producers and conveyers of knowledge. Decades of thorough reporting, efforts at communication towards policy makers, and strong-worded scientific warnings, have not yet lead to policy changes significant enough to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and halt environmental degradation. This questions whether geoscientists and scientific institutions should remain distanced from the political and societal implications of their research work, or if on the contrary they have a responsibility to lead by example and to use their position to press for urgent action on the climate and ecological crisis. 

We argue that the failure of governments and international institutions to address these crises at the appropriate scale gives scientists and scientific institutions a responsibility to be more than mere producers of knowledge.  Indeed, doing “science as usual” while warning of the ever growing urgency to act on the climate and ecological crisis risks is widening the already-existing dissonance between, on the one hand, our stated raison d’être and discourses and on the other hand, our everyday practice and institutional mechanisms ; effectively undermining our impact on the broader society.

We first discuss the issue of scientific institutions and the scientific community at large not yet leveling with the urgency to address the climate and ecological crises. A prominent example is that despite repeated campaigns for universities to severe ties with the fossil industry, most  are still accepting sponsoring and research funding from fossil companies, which contributes to the legitimization of companies that have been and are still actively opposing effective climate action. While some universities are taking initiatives to limit carbon intensive behavior such as flying, serve plant-based food as a standard, stop accepting polluting companies on campuses, or include climate education in all curriculums, these are still individual initiatives, dependent on the voluntary mobilization from student and staff.

 We then argue that we, as geoscientists, can not only lead by example with individual changes to our lives, but can also have a strong impact when engaging in collective action, pressing our universities and governments to enact strong climate and environmental policies. Public engagement of universities, of other scientific institutions, and of scientists can amplify and legitimize the voice of the climate and environmental movements in a mutually beneficial science-society approach, notably because the former produce the very scientific knowledge empowering these movements.  We propose to discuss recent examples, including from our own experience, of the impact of scientists engaging in demonstrations and civil disobedience as part of environmental groups, at the ethical level, but also regarding consequences within and outside of academic circles.

How to cite: Marc, O., Duyck, E., Lassabatère, L., Viton, I., and Wens, M.: The specific responsibility of geoscientists in the midst the climate and ecological crises: a need to address personal and institutional dissonances, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8173,, 2023.

EGU23-8259 | Posters on site | EOS4.1

Geoethics values clarification: A playable poster 

David Crookall and Pimnutcha Promduangsri

Values underlie geoethics and geoscience, especially climatology.  Can we understand or build geoethics without reference to values?  Are values and geoethics driven by beliefs, or should values remain unchanged despite changing beliefs?  Those are some of the questions that we may ask when considering ethics in life, in the geosciences and in climate change and action.  Values include honesty, compassion, quality, patience, objectivity, truth, respect, individualism, justice, power, peace and beauty.  How are these related to geoethics?  Often an ethical dilemma stems from two or more underlying value conflicts, such as individual identity and social value.  It is not easy to understand the principles and dynamics of such relations.

One way into this quagmire is by using a values clarification exercise or game (VCE or VCG).  A VCE can be a useful geoethics literacy tool to help people explore the complexities of such relationships, to allow them to express their own ideas, to confront their ideas with those of others and to gain a rich understanding of their own values that underlie geoethics.  Undorf and colleagues (eg,, have adopted a philosophical approach.  We take an easier approach, that of interactive, participatory gaming.

We have designed and used VCEs and VCGs in a variety of cultural and social settings and with encouraging results.  Our poster will outline our prior experience and allow you to participate, albeit superficially, in a VCE.  Please come to see us during the poster session, and be sure to bring along one or two friends so that you can play; three players is better than two.  Also bring some paper and a pen.

How to cite: Crookall, D. and Promduangsri, P.: Geoethics values clarification: A playable poster, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8259,, 2023.

EGU23-8402 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.1

The share of research infrastructure in comprehensive greenhouse gas budget for five French Earth and Space Science laboratories 

Odin Marc, Sylvain Biancamaria, Solene Derrien, François Gheusi, Jürgen Knödleser, Sylvain Kuppel, Marion Maisonobe, Arnaud Mialon, Pierrick Martin, Florian Pantillon, Luigi Tibaldo, and Florence Toublanc

To maintain global warming below 1.5°C the last IPCC report indicates global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions should be reduced by 45% and 80% before 2030 and 2050, respectively, reaching an average of 2 tCO2e.pers-1.yr-1 on Earth. Although responsibilities vary, substantial reductions must be implemented across all aspects of society including academia. It can even be argued that, given its role in informing and alerting the public about climate and ecological change, the scientific community should have a leading role and demonstrate exemplarity in terms of reducing its environmental impact.

Here, we present a broad-scope GHG budget of five laboratories of the Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées in France, in 2019. The studied laboratories comprise 90 to 260 staff members each, with study fields encompassing the solid Earth and the environment, the superficial biosphere, oceanography and glaciology, atmospheric physics and chemistry, as well as astronomy and astrophysics.

To assess GHG emissions, we follow standard procedure (see Mariette et al., Environ. Res.: Infrastruct. Sustain., 2022) in which anyactivity data’ quantifying the usage of a given resource (e.g., in kWh of electricity, or km travelled by aircraft) is multiplied with an appropriate emission factor’ quantifying the unitary carbon footprint of the resource (e.g., electricity production or air-travel). The quantified budget thus includes infrastructures usage, professional travel and expenses and an estimation of the GHG footprint of research infrastructures, in particular scientific satellites. For the latter, we adapted the methodology of Knödleser et al. (Nature Astronomy, 2022), in which the GHG footprint is estimated based on the launch mass or cost of the mission and the share attributable to a given lab depends on the fraction of world author affiliated with the lab who have published articles referring to the satellite, as extracted from the Web of Science database.

We find that emissions related to the lab facilities (electricity, heating, air conditioning and waste) and to individual habits (commuting and lunch meals) both reach about 1 tCO2e.pers-1.yr-1. Unsurprisingly, professional trips significantly contribute to the overall budget (2-6 tCO2e.pers-1.yr-1) and are largely dominated by long-haul air travel. However, services and equipment equally contribute with more than 3-5 tCO2e.pers-1.yr-1. These numbers vary between the studied labs but higher (lower) values for services and equipment tends to compensate for lower (higher) values for professional trips. Furthermore, for three out of five laboratories observational data from research infrastructures represents the largest share of the emissions, with about 5-10 tCO2e.pers-1.yr-1. Although this last estimate is subject to large uncertainty and shows discrepancies between research fields, it suggests that current GHG budget should include at least a first order estimate of the footprint of research infrastructures and adapt reduction strategies accordingly.

How to cite: Marc, O., Biancamaria, S., Derrien, S., Gheusi, F., Knödleser, J., Kuppel, S., Maisonobe, M., Mialon, A., Martin, P., Pantillon, F., Tibaldo, L., and Toublanc, F.: The share of research infrastructure in comprehensive greenhouse gas budget for five French Earth and Space Science laboratories, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8402,, 2023.

EGU23-8683 | Orals | EOS4.1 | Highlight

The Knowledge Hub on Sea Level Rise and the science-based European Seas assessment reporting 

Nadia Pinardi, Bart van den Hurk, Jose A. Jimenez, Gundula Winter, Giulia Galluccio, Sandy Bisaro, Angelique Melet, Roderick van de Wal, Kristin Richter, Jan-Bart Calewaert, Bernd Bruegge, Lavinia G. Pomarico, Michael Depuydt, Thorsten Kiefer, and Petra Manderscheid

Nine European countries under the umbrella of the Joint Programming Initiatives on Climate (JPI Climate) and on Oceans (JPI Oceans) have set up a joint Knowledge Hub on Sea Level Rise. The ambition is to provide easy access to usable knowledge on regional-local sea level change in Europe, regularly updated as a series of periodic assessments. It will complement existing global and national assessments by providing additional geographical and contextual detail, tailored to regional, national and European policy development and implementation.

As its key product, it will deliver by the end of 2023 its first European Assessment Report on Sea level rise hazards and impacts, co-designed with European Sea stakeholders. The co-design framework is based on consultation workshops, questionnaires and a final Conference in Venice that enabled to discuss at large the regional and local end-user needs.

Based on the latest available science provided by  the IPCC AR6 WGI and II reports and using the most advanced knowledge on sea level rise from European services and research done at the national level, the Assessment report will allow to downscale to the European Seas the SLR impacts and devise adaptation strategies. We will present the user needs that were revealed by the stakeholder consultations and plan to provide a peek into the content of the first draft of this first Assessment Report.

How to cite: Pinardi, N., van den Hurk, B., Jimenez, J. A., Winter, G., Galluccio, G., Bisaro, S., Melet, A., van de Wal, R., Richter, K., Calewaert, J.-B., Bruegge, B., Pomarico, L. G., Depuydt, M., Kiefer, T., and Manderscheid, P.: The Knowledge Hub on Sea Level Rise and the science-based European Seas assessment reporting, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8683,, 2023.

Local climate change risk assessments and climate resilient adaptation are best supported by a quantitative integration of physical hazards, exposures and vulnerabilities that includes the characterization of uncertainties. However, it is challenging to take into account the complex information of climate change projections and uncertainties in participatory risk assessments with decision-makers. We propose to use Bayesian Networks (BNs) for this task. Bayesian Networks are a cutting-edge integrated modelling approach for combining qualitative and quantitative knowledge in uncertain and complex domains, such as climate change impacts on water. To quantify potential future hazards of climate change on water, it is state-of-the-art to rely on multi-model ensembles to integrate the uncertainties of both climate and impact modelling. At the same time, local expert knowledge needs to be integrated in local climate change risk assessments. We show how to integrate freely-available output of multiple global hydrological models into BNs, in order to probabilistically assess risks for water supply. To this end, a roadmap to set up BNs and apply probability distributions of risk levels under historic and future climate and water use in a participatory manner was co-developed with water experts from Spain and the Maghreb. Multi-model information on hydrological variables was computed by three global hydrological models driven by the output of four global climate models for four greenhouse gas emissions scenarios. The output of projected relative changes of hydrological hazards was pre-processed using MATLAB, taking into account local information on water availability and use, to set up the BN. Results show that the method is useful for probabilistically computing climate change impacts on water stress and to assess potential adaptation measures in a participative process with stakeholders and decision-makers. Local water experts positively evaluated the BN application for local climate change risk assessments. While requiring certain training, the presented approach is suitable for application in the many local risk assessments necessary to deliver efficient and successful climate resilient adaptation.

How to cite: Kneier, F., Woltersdorf, L., and Döll, P.: Participatory Bayesian Network modelling to assess climate change risks and adaptation regarding water supply: integrating multi-model ensemble hazard information and local expert knowledge, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8861,, 2023.

EGU23-8882 | Posters on site | EOS4.1

How to reduce the carbon footprint of Earth and Space Science? Potential strategies based on a comprehensive greenhouse gas budget for five French labs 

Florian Pantillon, Sylvain Kuppel, Sylvain Biancamaria, Solene Derrien, François Gheusi, Jürgen Knödlseder, Marion Maisonobe, Odin Marc, Arnaud Mialon, Pierrick Martin, Luigi Tibaldo, and Florence Toublanc

To maintain global warming below 1.5°C the last IPCC report indicates global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions should be reduced by 45% and 80% before 2030 and 2050, respectively, reaching an average of 2tCO2e.pers-1.yr-1 on Earth. Recent estimates of the carbon footprint of universities and research centers accounting for indirect emissions often exceed 10tCO2e.pers-1.yr-1.

Here we find similar or higher values (10-30tCO2e.pers-1.yr-1) for the year 2019 for five research labs encompassing the solid Earth and the environment, the superficial biosphere, oceanography and glaciology, atmospheric physics and chemistry, and astronomy and astrophysics. These values are derived through a common procedure (see Mariette et al., 2022) in which any activity data quantifying the usage of a given resource (e.g., in kWh or km) is multiplied by an appropriate emission factor quantifying the unitary carbon footprint of the resource (e.g., electricity production or air travel). Our budget quantifies the share of emissions from local facilities (about 1tCO2e.pers-1.yr-1), lunch meals and commuting (about 1tCO2e.pers-1.yr-1), professional trips (2-6tCO2e.pers-1.yr-1), services and equipment (3-5tCO2e.pers-1.yr-1), and the use of observational data from research infrastructures, in particular scientific satellites (up to 10tCO2e.pers-1.yr-1; derived similarly to Knödlseder et al., 2022).

These numbers imply radical changes to make scientific activity sustainable and have strong implications on potential strategies to reduce GHG emissions. For example, a predominant discussion in the literature in the past years focused on avoiding air travel. However, in our case, shifting all national travels to train or halving the number of plane trips would reduce the total emissions by a fraction only. Similarly, any strategy targeting local building efficiency or individual habits will little influence the budget. In contrast, reducing or changing practice for services and equipment may have stronger impact but requires collective thinking, especially for research infrastructures that are planned and managed at national and international levels.

The sheer magnitude of our GHG emissions questions the degree of reduction that can be achieved without redirection of scientific activity. We present and discuss examples of changes such as shifting to interdisciplinary research including social sciences, focusing on archived data, relocating field work, or engaging more with students and society.

How to cite: Pantillon, F., Kuppel, S., Biancamaria, S., Derrien, S., Gheusi, F., Knödlseder, J., Maisonobe, M., Marc, O., Mialon, A., Martin, P., Tibaldo, L., and Toublanc, F.: How to reduce the carbon footprint of Earth and Space Science? Potential strategies based on a comprehensive greenhouse gas budget for five French labs, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8882,, 2023.

EGU23-9299 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.1

From informal to institutional science-society-policy interactions: Introducing a climate advisory board in Frankfurt, Germany 

Georg Sebastian Voelker, Ralf Becherer, Carmen Junge, and Thomas Seifert

Climate change may be the most severe crisis humanity has faced to date. Both the social and natural sciences have well understood the causes and effects of climate change as well as the possible mitigation and adaptation measures. However, implementations of both mitigation and adaptation measures generally fall behind the goals defined by the Paris agreement.

With increasing political awareness and progressing federal climate protection legislation in Germany communal politics is facing the challenge of charting explicit paths to net carbon neutrality. Due to diverse social and geographic settings as well as different existing infrastructures solutions have to be tailored to the local conditions. Local climate advisory panels are a common and if well constructed an effective way to support the local administration in the necessary transformation.

Here we report on the successful efforts lead by the local group of the Scientists for Future in Frankfurt, Germany, to aid the city hall in establishing a communal climate advisory panel. Early stakeholder communication, broad alliances with local climate protection initiatives and the shared experience of the Scientists for Future network were key to successfully establish an institutionalized science-society-policy interface to permanently support local climate action activities.

How to cite: Voelker, G. S., Becherer, R., Junge, C., and Seifert, T.: From informal to institutional science-society-policy interactions: Introducing a climate advisory board in Frankfurt, Germany, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9299,, 2023.

EGU23-10073 | Posters virtual | EOS4.1

Teaching Geosciences through practical activities to enhance global citizenship education in schools with a high dropout rate 

Ester Piegari, Giovanni Camanni, Daniela Flocco, Maurizio Milano, Nicola Mondillo, and Umberto Riccardi

Most students living in disadvantaged areas do not trust that their school education will have much bearing on their future and become disaffected from school as early as in lower secondary school.

We here report the results of teaching Geosciences through several practical activities carried out in suburban schools characterized by a high dropout rate. The lectures were given in the framework of the STEM project Next Land, which has the overarching goal of instilling interest towards scientific topics into young students and promoting the role of scientific education for sustainable development.

We propose a sequence of four laboratory activities on the subject of natural calamities (e.g. earthquakes and tsunamis), which are based on the use of both manual and IT skills.

The didactical experimentation has been conducted on 21 seventh-grade classes (age ~12) involving about 350 students from the area of Naples (Southern Italy). The final aim of the teaching is to test the potential of the Geosciences in generating attitudes and behaviours of solidarity and responsible global citizenship.

All the proposed activities try to make students aware that they are part of a connected global system, therefore through these lectures we attempt to help these young students to put in perspective their local reality in a larger one.

How to cite: Piegari, E., Camanni, G., Flocco, D., Milano, M., Mondillo, N., and Riccardi, U.: Teaching Geosciences through practical activities to enhance global citizenship education in schools with a high dropout rate, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10073,, 2023.

Existential and Global Catastrophic Risk, defined by Beard et al 2020 as risk that may result in the very worst catastrophes “encompassing human extinction, civilizational collapse and any major catastrophe commonly associated with these things.” As such, it has been the topic of work by many philosophers as we move into a world where humans have more and more power over the world around us.

However, geoscientists have typically neglected the study of these risks, and have in turn been neglected in the field of existential risk studies. I will discuss the ethical importance of reducing existential risk from a variety of different ethical frameworks, and how this links to the concepts in geoethics. I will then discuss some of the opportunities for geoscientists to contribute to the reduction of these risks, including some of the work that has been done by geoscientists to identify and reduce existential risk and increase civilisational resilience, as well as how methodological expertise of different geoscience disciplines can contribute to the growing corpus of theoretical work around existential risk.

How to cite: Futerman, G.: The Ethics and Role of Geoscientists in Existential Risk Studies, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10097,, 2023.

Minerals occupy a unique position as specimens yielding scientific information, objects with aesthetic and monetary value, and substances necessary for modern society. Aside from minerals in industrial use, a broad range of people are interested in minerals such as geologists, gemologists and jewelers, and people involved in minerals as collectors’ items including miners, dealers, private and institutional collectors, curators -- even art collectors and anthropologists. Traditionally, we have taken the extractive nature of these minerals for granted with little discussion of where and how they are obtained.

Adherence to legalities, disclosure of information, and personal and institutions responsibility are among ethical considerations. Legal considerations include how a mineral specimen is obtained in its initial extraction, its movement through opaque supply chains, export and import requirements, and ownership transfer. Disclosure issues range from curators and institutions maintaining and relaying accurate information about a mineral’s authenticity, sourcing, and history. What ethical responsibilities do individuals and institutions possess to ensure acquisition policies that address these issues? And, finally, as mineral extraction becomes a more pressing issue in the world’s move from a fossil-fuel economy, where does ethics lie in educating the public in the role minerals play in the environment and society?

Some of these questions raise issues which, in their complexity, have no apparent or easy solution. This paper presents the results of a literature survey on ethics of mineral specimens and raises questions for geoscientists.

How to cite: Eriksson, S.: Things we just don't talk about:  ethics in mineral collection, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10191,, 2023.

EGU23-10946 | Posters on site | EOS4.1

Research in Volcanology: where, when, and by whom? A global bibliometric analysis 

Susanna F. Jenkins, Geoffrey A. Lerner, George T. Williams, Elinor S. Meredith, and Jenni Barclay

The global and transdisciplinary nature of volcanology means that research takes place across institutions in a wide variety of locations around the world. The concentration of volcanic activity within certain regions means that researchers frequently conduct research outside their own borders. Collaboration between international and local researchers has the potential to produce mutual benefit and improve research. For local scientists, international collaboration can provide niche expertise that may not be currently available in the region where the volcano is located, in addition to resources, analyses, or equipment. For international researchers, in addition to different scientific perspectives, collaboration with local scientists can provide vital knowledge of local and regional information, access to field sites, and greater research relevance to the communities and organizations the research is often intended to benefit.

Despite these noted benefits, there is often a lack of inclusivity of local scientists in international research. In this study we use a bibliometric approach to understand who is doing and leading volcanic research, and in which countries the research is taking place. We assessed the metadata of ~24,000 volcanological works from 1901-2021 with 768 volcanoes identified across 68 countries. Our evaluation of affiliations shows that 40% of articles that name a volcano do not include any authors affiliated with the volcano’s country. We also look at case studies of island territories to explore to what extent local scientists are involved in doing research compared to the mainland or foreign countries. We find that only 23% of studies on volcanoes located on island territories have an author affiliated with the territory. Our assessment of bibliometric data provides insights and support for ongoing conversations on the inclusiveness of international research, both spatially and temporally, and can be used to identify geographical areas for improvement, as well as trends in inclusion and leadership.

How to cite: Jenkins, S. F., Lerner, G. A., Williams, G. T., Meredith, E. S., and Barclay, J.: Research in Volcanology: where, when, and by whom? A global bibliometric analysis, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10946,, 2023.

EGU23-11580 | Orals | EOS4.1

Geoethics: hammering out an interdisciplinary conversation 

Bethany Fox, Kate Dawson, Vicki Trowler, Sophie Briggs, Ruth Massey, Alexandra Fitzsimmons, Tania Marshall, Christina Riesselman, and Anna Davidson

Geoethics is not just a matter of geoscience, but involves complex transdisciplinary concerns with social, economic and cultural implications. Because of this, both geoethicists within geosciences and those working in social sciences and humanities are increasingly calling for dialogue across disciplinary silos. Drawing from our work on the British Academy funded interdisciplinary project, ‘Mining for Meaning: the Geoethics of Extractive Industries,’ we trace out what an interdisciplinary engagement with Geoethics might look like. As an earthly ethics that necessarily stretches beyond geological considerations to consider the socio-natural, cultural-spiritual and political-economic, any engagement with Geoethics demands conversations that bring geoscientific understandings into more explicit dialogue with ideas from the social sciences and the geohumanities (though not exclusively). Acknowledging the very real challenges of doing interdisciplinary work - from distinct understandings about research, knowledge and results, to disciplinary-specific technical terminology - we set out the core ideas underpinning Geoethical approaches in these domains. This lays important groundwork for crafting meaningful and indeed ethical conversations that stretch across these disciplines, but crucially, avoids the mining of other disciplines for useful concepts and metaphors, without due regard for their context, history and technical meaning – a form of disciplinary extractivism in itself. Animated by this anti-extractivism, the paper presents a reading of how the earth, ethics, knowledge and practices are understood from within the geosciences, social sciences and geohumanities respectively, charting out what we hope to be a useful frame of reference for working across these disciplines. We then use this analysis as the bedrock for discussing the potential of cross-disciplinary conversation. By critically responding to the relative strengths, limitations and offerings of each discipline’s conceptualisation of geoethics, we bring to the fore important interdisciplinary frictions, overlaps and potential collaborative directions. Taken together, we suggest that this two-part analysis offers scope for crafting meaningful conversations necessary for an interdisciplinary Geoethics. 

How to cite: Fox, B., Dawson, K., Trowler, V., Briggs, S., Massey, R., Fitzsimmons, A., Marshall, T., Riesselman, C., and Davidson, A.: Geoethics: hammering out an interdisciplinary conversation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11580,, 2023.

EGU23-11656 | Orals | EOS4.1

Traveling for academic research : patterns, determinants and mitigation options 

Olivier Aumont, Tamara Ben Ari, Jérôme Mariette, Laurent Jeanneau, Aymeric Spiga, Gaelle Lefort, Philippe-e Roche, Alexandre Santerne, and André Estevez-Torres

In the midst of climate change, academic travels - one salient aspect of the carbon footprint of research activities - are at the center of a growing concern. Mitigation options often focus on two dimensions : (i) decreasing the frequency of attendance to conferences and (ii) modal shift in transport. Here, we analyze professional travel in academia from a unique database compiling about 100 000 travels from about 150 research labs across a large array of disciplines and localities in France to detail the structure, patterns and heterogeneity of national and international research travels for research purposes. We estimate the mitigation potential of a series of options encompassing but not limited to institutional options. We show that, if short distance traveling (typically below 1000 km) are largely dominant in number, their relative mitigation potential via modal shift is small (i.e., below 15%). On the other hand, long distance traveling, which is often associated with international collaborations or field work hold a much larger mitigation potential but question the very nature of research activities. We propose ambitious sobriety options to robustly decrease travel-induced GHG emissions in academia and discuss their acceptability in the context of the French public research system.

How to cite: Aumont, O., Ben Ari, T., Mariette, J., Jeanneau, L., Spiga, A., Lefort, G., Roche, P.-E., Santerne, A., and Estevez-Torres, A.: Traveling for academic research : patterns, determinants and mitigation options, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11656,, 2023.

EGU23-12019 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.1

Development of a Web Based Decision Support System to Provide Relevant Climate Indicators for Climate Change Adaption 

Lorenz König, Mike Teucher, Katrin Ziegler, Daniel Abel, Torsten Weber, Heiko Paeth, and Christopher Conrad

The African continent faces various challenges and numerous risks due to current and future climate change. To strengthen the resilience of West African societies in the sectors of agriculture, food security, water and risk management, adaption measures need to be implemented in time. In the WASCAL-LANDSURF project, an earth system model for West Africa is developed to enable high-resolution regional climate change information. The obtained data must be accessible to the public so that interested stakeholders and smallholders can incorporate them into their decision-making processes.
To realize this, a web based spatial decision support system (SDSS) is developed with state-of-the-art open-source technologies to give information on climate change as well as relevant cross-sector indicators. For successful co-development, stakeholder workshops were held to identify important key functionalities and indicators that need to be implemented. The SDSS will be multilingual and easy to use to ensure an extensive range of applications. Users will have the possibility to familiarize themselves with the Web Portal by means of different guides in order to ease the entry into the SDSS. The current prototype supports map and diagram visualization and selection of various indicators and climate data, as well as query functionalities for different West African regions. Many other functionalities, such as the possibility to download data and statistical outputs of selected indicators, will be integrated soon. The final web portal will give users the opportunity to include climate indices in a simple and clear way into their decision-making process to strengthen their resilience towards climate change.

How to cite: König, L., Teucher, M., Ziegler, K., Abel, D., Weber, T., Paeth, H., and Conrad, C.: Development of a Web Based Decision Support System to Provide Relevant Climate Indicators for Climate Change Adaption, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12019,, 2023.

EGU23-12106 | Orals | EOS4.1

Taking Stock of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Geosciences: an Example from GFZ Potsdam 

Christoph Sens-Schönfelder, Friedhelm von Blanckenburg, and Knut Kaiser

The basis of all serious efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is an inventory of the emissions caused by the various activities of an organisation. The Greenhouse Gas Protocol provides the guideline for establishing such an inventory. The German Research Centre of Geosciences GFZ Potsdam used these guidelines to estimate its greenhouse gas emissions for 2019. Besides the estimation of quantities (e.g. travel distances or hotel nights) which is an administrative challenge, the specific emissions per unit of quantity -- the Global Warming Potential -- play a crucial role. Unequivocal accounting of emissions from construction work is another task of great complexity.  A compilation and standardisation of these values within the research community would greatly simplify the compilation of GHG inventories and help to improve their comparability. Controversy inevitably will arise regarding the design of mitigating measures, like purchase of electricity and heat from renewable sources (which generates extra costs) the compensation of emissions (of which the effectiveness is contested), and even to shifting scientific activities away from those with high greenhouse gas footprints (which may conflict with scientific needs). Building awareness for emissions caused by academic activities and careful communication of mitigation options comprise the first necessary steps en route to low (or net-zero)-emission science.

How to cite: Sens-Schönfelder, C., von Blanckenburg, F., and Kaiser, K.: Taking Stock of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Geosciences: an Example from GFZ Potsdam, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12106,, 2023.

EGU23-12452 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.1 | Highlight

The ethics of volcano geoengineering 

Lara Mani, Mike Cassidy, and Anders Sandberg

Volcano engineering is the practice of altering the state of volcanic systems and/or volcanic eruptions to exploit them or mitigate their risk. Past and current examples of volcano engineering are limited but include drilling crater walls to drain volcanic lakes, channeling and bombing lava flows, siphoning off CO2 rich volcanic lakes, and cooling lava flows with seawater. There have also been several incidental examples of drilling into magma reservoirs in search for geothermal resources in Hawaii, Iceland, and Kenya. While not causing anything more damaging than the loss of drill bits or forcing the use of alternative holes, this demonstrates that humans are increasingly able to reach volcanic plumbing systems. As the pursuit of high temperature and enhanced geothermal energy increases as the world strives for renewable energy and critical metal resources, it is also likely that such contacts will become more common. We must accept, therefore, that despite the controversial nature of this topic, geoengineering of volcanic systems is an inevitable consequence of such exploration in the coming century. Since we possess the technological and engineering potential to perturb volcanic systems, the question we ask here is, should we? Do we have the scientific knowledge to do so? What are the potential benefits to future humanity? And, what are the ways it could do more harm than good? We highlight that while volcano geoengineering has significant potential benefits, the risks and uncertainties are too great to justify its use in the short term. Even if we do not decide to conduct volcano geoengineering, we believe there is a strong ethical case to support research into the efficacy and safety of volcano geoengineering going forwards. In this work, we lay out a series of protocols and practices based on the ethical arguments to be followed should humanity decide to conduct volcano geoengineering in the future.

How to cite: Mani, L., Cassidy, M., and Sandberg, A.: The ethics of volcano geoengineering, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12452,, 2023.

EGU23-13681 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.1

Engaging stakeholders for the co-creation of Climate Services. Beyond ERA4CS INDECIS project  

Jon Xavier Olano Pozo, Anna Boqué Ciurana, and Enric Aguilar

INDECIS (Integrated approach for the development across Europe of user-oriented climate indicators for GFCS high-priority sectors: agriculture, disaster risk reduction, energy, health, water, and tourism) was a project part ERA4CS, an ERA-NET initiated by JPI Climate, and funded by FORMAS (SE), DLR (DE), BMWFW (AT), IFD (DK), MINECO (ES), ANR (FR) with co-funding by the European Union Grant 690462). INDECIS main produced different outcomes, such as software packages, improved datasets and a large number of scientific papers (see 


Even though INDECIS formally ended in July 2021, the knowledge gained continues to pay off. This communication will synthetically show how we took advantage of the methodology for the engagement of stakeholders developed in INDECIS (Font et al. 2021). The co-creation methodology developed in the frame of INDECIS has served as a starting point for the development of further research, transfer, and empowerment actions of stakeholders for decision-making related to climate change in four main axes: in research, in leading international research and transfer projects in collaboration with industry, in local projects developed in partnership with industry, users and administration and, knowledge transference to high schools, bachelor degree and technical training to professionals. 


The research has continued through a doctoral dissertation based on co-creating a climate service for surfing (see Boqué Ciurana, 2022). It is also continued by developing more indices for tourism and tourism sites to face climate change effects through mitigation measures in the TURLIT-ODS project (see: This project is a local scale project where with users, private actors, and administration, we try to define the optimal conditions to develop sport water activities in Calafell, Costa Daurada, Spain. 


With the industry, in collaboration with a private organization, we engage stakeholders in the infrastructure sector to co-define climate risk indices to manage risk and investments. In this project, through co-creation workshops developed with local agents from both the company (technical) and the administration and other sectorial actors, indices are being computed to assess the climate risk of mobility infrastructures (railways and highways). 


The co-creation methodology has been adapted to develop high school co-creation processes to empower young people with tools to fight climate change and misinformation (see EMPOCLIM project: ). In the same way, the Geography, Sustainability, and Territorial Analysis bachelor at the Rovira i Virgili University, offers a subject (6 ECTS) to develop essential skills and competences for developing climate services based on the engagement of local stakeholders and co-creation. 


Last but not least. Updating the quality control and data homogenization software has allowed the development of training for NMHs in Colombia, Peru, and Chile in the frame of the ENANDES project. In this training, we added lectures and practices to capacity-building staff in co-creating climate services with local users. 


How to cite: Olano Pozo, J. X., Boqué Ciurana, A., and Aguilar, E.: Engaging stakeholders for the co-creation of Climate Services. Beyond ERA4CS INDECIS project , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13681,, 2023.

EGU23-13694 | Orals | EOS4.1

Reducing the carbon footprint of a public research laboratory in Geosciences. Assessing a reduction strategy built with laboratory members after a 3-year experimentation 

Thierry Pellarin, Nicolas Champollion, Nicolas Gratiot, Claudia Teran-Escobar, Isabelle Ruin, Geremy Panthou, Benoit Hingray, Gilles Delaygue, Eliot Jager, Alexis Lamothe, Guillaume Piton, Guillaume Evin, Juliette Blanchet, Nathalie Philippon, Armelle Philip, Patricia Martinerie, and Ghislain Picard

The Institute of Environmental Geosciences (IGE) is a public research laboratory in Earth and Environmental Sciences with a staff of about 300 people, which conducts research on climate, the anthropisation of our planet and environmental risks, combining glaciology, hydrology, oceanography, mechanics, atmospheric sciences and human sciences. An important part of its activity consists of field experiments in remote sites (Antarctica, Asia, South America, Africa), numerical simulations using significant computer resources (several million CPU hours/year), using expensive and sometimes energy intensive scientific equipment (e.g. 170 m² of cold rooms).

In 2019, the laboratory collectively decided to adopt a strategy to reduce its Carbon Footprint (CFP) by 7% per year in order to achieve a 50% reduction by 2030 and thus to comply with the objectives of the Paris Agreement. The first CFP budget (2018 and 2019, using the GES1point5 tool) showed a predominance of emissions from professional travels (~640 tCO2e out of 1850 tCO2e, i.e. 2.6 tCO2e/person). In this context, the strategy consisted in defining CO2 budgets for each of the 8 research teams of the IGE on the basis of the 2018/2019 emissions, imposing a 10% reduction per year from 2020. Given the pandemic in 2020 and 2021, the reduction targets for professional travel were easily achieved (-81% and -64%) and the reduction in 2022 was -39% compared to 2018/2019 instead of the targeted -27%.

For all emission items (commuting, professional travel, heating, electricity, digital computing, purchasing, refrigerants), the reduction was -45% in 2020, -30% in 2021 and -15% in 2022. To consider the evolution of the number of people in the laboratory (and in the teams), the mean individual CFP has been defined as the ratio between the CO2 emissions and the number of people in the laboratory. The IGE's mean individual CFP was 7.22 tCO2e/person in 2018/2019 and 5.45 tCO2e/person in 2022 (for a target of 6.0 tCO2/person). It should be 3.61 tCO2e/person in 2030.

The strategy (the long-term reduction trajectory and the team-based reduction objectives) is well received by the IGE laboratory staff, even if some staff are still reluctant to any form of reduction. To ease its implementation and check whether it is being kept, a bimonthly monitoring of the teams’ emissions and the mean personal CFP was set up. The IGE also proposes participation in awareness-raising tools (La Fresque du Climat, Ma Terre en 180'). Significant changes in travel habits have followed. For instance, out of the 30 members of the IGE who come to the EGU in Vienna each year, 90% came by plane and 10% by train (a 20-hour long journey) in 2018/2019, and this ratio was 25% by plane and 75% by train in 2022.

To achieve our objective, further actions need to be identified to reduce the "purchase" and "digital computing" emission posts. What will help is that the insulation of the buildings was initiated in 2022, and the cold rooms which emitted a very strong greenhouse gas (refrigerant gas R508b) were changed in 2022 for a model operating with CO2.

How to cite: Pellarin, T., Champollion, N., Gratiot, N., Teran-Escobar, C., Ruin, I., Panthou, G., Hingray, B., Delaygue, G., Jager, E., Lamothe, A., Piton, G., Evin, G., Blanchet, J., Philippon, N., Philip, A., Martinerie, P., and Picard, G.: Reducing the carbon footprint of a public research laboratory in Geosciences. Assessing a reduction strategy built with laboratory members after a 3-year experimentation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13694,, 2023.

EGU23-13910 | Orals | EOS4.1 | Highlight

Social production of ignorance – the role for geoscientists in addressing “undone science” 

Fiona Johnson, Philippa Higgins, Martin Andersen, Kirsty Howey, Matthew Kearnes, Stuart Khan, and Greg Leslie

In this presentation we discuss the role of geoscientists and engineers in advocating for improved civic science that can minimise the impacts of industrial and mining activities on the environment and downstream communities, with a particular focus on water-related impacts. We argue that, if not carefully designed, data collection, analyses and communication by geoscientists does not always contribute to the wider public good because the issues that communities care about are not addressed – so called “undone science”. A case study, focusing on the environmental impacts of the McArthur River mine (MRM) in a remote part of the Northern Territory, Australia, is used to highlight key issues that should inform civic science and lead to better outcomes for communities and the environment.

Despite thousands of pages of “data” about the MRM project and its impacts, we argue that this project is an example of the social production of ignorance – because the knowledge of the communities most impacted by the mine’s activities is not improved by the reporting and impact assessments associated with the project. Based on a temporal synthesis of independent monitoring reports of the McArthur River Mine which covered the period from 2007 to 2018, we identify three main lessons for improving civic science. Firstly, without adequate baseline monitoring prior to development, data collection during a project cannot satisfactorily assess impacts of a development. Baseline data is particularly important when seasonal and interannual variability is high. Baseline and ongoing monitoring programs should be co-designed with the community, so that what matters to the community is monitored (e.g. culturally important sites, contamination in animal species relevant to the community). Secondly, geoscientists and engineers need to partner with social scientists and local community organisations to ensure that communities are effectively informed about the impacts of development, focusing on the impacts that matter to communities, not just the impacts that are conveniently measured. Finally regulatory processes need to be improved to ensure that problems identified by geoscientists and engineers are addressed.

How to cite: Johnson, F., Higgins, P., Andersen, M., Howey, K., Kearnes, M., Khan, S., and Leslie, G.: Social production of ignorance – the role for geoscientists in addressing “undone science”, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13910,, 2023.

EGU23-14085 | Posters virtual | EOS4.1

Carbon footprint and reduction initiatives in a French geosciences laboratory 

Laurent Jeanneau, Emilie Jardé, Anne-Laure Argentin, Annick Battais, Thomas Bernard, Alexandre Coche, Marion Fournereau, Frédérique Moreau, and Laure Guerit

The impact of our productivist societies on our environment is now clearly demonstrated. It is illustrated in particular by the alteration of biogeochemical flows, the erosion of biodiversity, the chemical pollution of environments, the anthropisation of soils, the alteration of the water cycle, the acidification of the oceans and climate change.

As higher education and research staff working at the interface between science and society, we are aware of the need for an environmental transition that can only be achieved by reducing our greenhouse gas emissions and our environmental impact. We do not believe that the content of our research justifies any form of exemption and are aware of the benefits of being exemplary. As a research lab, we are committed to participating in limiting the increase in the Earth's average temperature, ideally targeted at less than 1.5°C compared to the pre-industrial period. This objective requires achieving carbon neutrality by 2050.

From 2021 the Sustainable Development & Social Responsibility working group of the research laboratory “Géosciences Rennes” has been created (i) to determine the C footprint by using GES1.5 (Research Consortium labo1.5), (ii) to communicate and raising staff awareness of the climate emergency, (iii) to propose indicators for reducing the carbon footprint, (iv) to convey a message to the supervisory authorities to work on the various reduction items.

The calculated C footprint includes heating of buildings, electricity, purchase of goods and services, scientific missions and commutes. Between 2019 and 2021, the C footprint was 879, 520 and 708 T CO2eq, which corresponds to 5.8, 3.6 and 5.1 T CO2eq/person. The purchase of goods and services was the main item, representing 48 ± 8 % (mean ± SD) of the C footprint. Scientific missions represented 14 ± 9 % of the C footprint. Sanitary restrictions due to the covid pandemy induced a drastic decrease of the C footprint of scientific missions from 220 T CO2eq in 2019 to 43 T CO2eq in 2020.

Thanks to the GES1.5 toolkit, it is possible to identify the main emission items for a given laboratory and to design and quantify specific actions to collectively reduce the C footprint. These data were the corner stone of collaborative workshops to invent our low-carbon laboratory. This presentation will feature the data and the process of collective decision in “Géosciences Rennes” laboratory. These results highlight that achieving the European Union targets will require a rethinking of the way we do science. 

How to cite: Jeanneau, L., Jardé, E., Argentin, A.-L., Battais, A., Bernard, T., Coche, A., Fournereau, M., Moreau, F., and Guerit, L.: Carbon footprint and reduction initiatives in a French geosciences laboratory, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14085,, 2023.

EGU23-14481 | Orals | EOS4.1

Project VECTOR – researching challenges to mining in Europe through a robust ethics structure. 

Chris Stockey, Sarah Gordon, Rose Clarke, and Emily Lewis and the VECTOR Partnership

VECTOR (Vectors to Accessible Critical Raw Material Resources in Sedimentary Basins) is an EU Horizon and UKRI co-funded research project assessing the social, technical, and environmental challenges to mining critical raw materials in Europe. Our commitment to geoethics is informed by the diverse partnership’s research expertise and our social science research. We will incorporate these learnings into all subsequent research and outreach programmes to promote good practice. Our dedicated ethics structure ensures that we put this commitment into practice. This approach to project ethics is a first for a Horizon Europe project.

Plans for decarbonisation presented in the EU Green Deal include achieving Net Zero by 2050 and reducing net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030 (compared to 1990 levels). Meeting the supply of renewable energy needed to achieve these goals requires a sharp increase in production, and a more responsible use, of critical raw materials. Recycling alone cannot meet the projected demand. Sourcing raw materials from inside the EU, where suitable environmental, social, and political regulations could be implemented, may be instrumental in securing an ethical provision of metals. However, mineral projects face complex social, environmental, and technical challenges in the EU. VECTOR will explore these challenges through social- and geoscience research, integrating the results of both research streams into easy-to-understand resources.

The VECTOR consortium is committed to ensuring the highest level of ethical standards during the project, with respect to both conduct and outputs. To put this commitment into practice, the VECTOR consortium has appointed an Ethics Advisor, responsible for advising the project on ethical matters and Chairing an Independent Ethics Committee, which will bring subject matter expertise to ethical deliberations. The Ethics Advisor and the Independent Ethics Committee sit within an ethics governance framework that interacts with, but is independent of, the Project governance framework. This ensures that ethical matters arising during the course of the Project are considered by expert, neutral third parties who are not otherwise directly invested in the Project, and that their advice is given due weight in Project decision making processes and practically implemented. This approach is a first for a Horizon Europe project, and one we hope will set the bar for strong ethical project management across the Horizon universe.

This will also be informed by our social science research to understand how stakeholders balance the ethical, social, economic, political, and environmental consequences of sourcing critical raw materials. The aim is to understand how levels of social acceptance influence attitudes, decisions and policy acceptance. Insights gained from this will inform good practice standards in our other research and be used to develop outreach tools targeting all stakeholder groups, informing their future decision making. These include policy makers and the much-overlooked public, as well as continued professional development pathways for geoscientists.

Taken together, our ethics structure and social science research provide a robust geoethics framework that will evolve with our new understandings and inform our work to investigate a socio-environmentally sustainable supply of raw materials.

How to cite: Stockey, C., Gordon, S., Clarke, R., and Lewis, E. and the VECTOR Partnership: Project VECTOR – researching challenges to mining in Europe through a robust ethics structure., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14481,, 2023.

EGU23-14915 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.1

Is maximizing spatial resolution worth the computational cost? 

Yomna Eid and Edzer Pebesma


The core of the modern data revolution is data centers: “the central nervous system of the 21st century,” [1] housing networking and storage equipment, and servers that enable services such as cloud computing. They consume increasing quantities of energy not only to run their operations, but also to cool down their servers. With advances in cloud computing and the growth of Internet services use, data centres are estimated to have the fastest growing carbon footprint from across the whole ICT sector.

Although the opportunities and risks of Big Data are often discussed in the geosciences, most of the literature and initiatives surprisingly neglect a crucial risk for sustainable development: the fact that the data revolution hampers sustainable development because of its environmental footprint. Therefore, the ability to quantify and project data centre energy use is a key energy and climate policy priority.

Remote sensing products present one of the highest storage-capacity demands, with imagery archives spanning petabytes. High- and very high-resolution remote sensing imagery has emerged as an important source of data for various geoscientific analysis, most of which are highly computationally taxing. With this trend in increasing spatial and temporal resolution, a crucial question remains - is the accuracy and overall quality of analysis results significantly impacted by substituting the standard high-resolution product with a less computationally-intensive, coarser-resolution one?

Emerging products such as the World Settlement Footprint [2] and Dynamic World [3] land use land cover maps, which are produced at very high temporal resolution (5 day) and spatial resolution (10 m). A generally accepted attitude is that developing products at higher resolutions is a legitimate scientific goal. However, the interest is often not which 10 m pixel changes land use and when exactly this happens, but rather how many pixels change land use over a larger area (a country, or basin) and over a larger time period (e.g. by year over a decade). For a few high resolution products we evaluate and report how such aggregated target quantities computed from lower spatial and temporal resolution data change the quality (accuracy) of the final product, and which resolutions still seem acceptable.

[1] Lucivero, F. Big Data, Big Waste? A Reflection on the Environmental Sustainability of Big Data Initiatives. Sci Eng Ethics 26, 1009–1030 (2020).

[2] Marconcini, M., Metz-Marconcini, A., Üreyen, S. et al. Outlining where humans live, the World Settlement Footprint 2015. Sci Data 7, 242 (2020).

[3] Brown, C.F., Brumby, S.P., Guzder-Williams, B. et al. Dynamic World, Near real-time global 10 m land use land cover mapping. Sci Data 9, 251 (2022).

How to cite: Eid, Y. and Pebesma, E.: Is maximizing spatial resolution worth the computational cost?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14915,, 2023.

EGU23-15941 | Orals | EOS4.1 | Highlight

The UK Climate Resilience Programme (2019-2023) 

Suraje Dessai, Kate Lonsdale, Jason Lowe, Rachel Harcourt, and Peter Walton

Even with the successful implementation of the Paris agreement, a certain amount of climate change is now unavoidable over the next few decades and high warming levels by the end of the century cannot be ruled out. Therefore, urgent action is needed to build resilience and accelerate adaptation to climate variability and change. Informing the extensive range of actions needed to manage climate risks, reduce damage without exacerbating existing inequalities, and realise emerging opportunities, is a critical scientific and societal challenge. The UK has been at the forefront of climate adaptation policy with the Climate Change Act 2008 requiring the UK Government to conduct a five-yearly Climate Change Risk Assessment (CCRA) and National Adaptation Programme. Another important recent driver amongst UK organisations has been compliance with the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures. The UK Climate Resilience (UKCR) Programme emerged as a response to these policy and societal needs. It aims to enhance the UK’s resilience to climate variability and change through frontier interdisciplinary research and innovation on climate risk, adaptation and services, working with stakeholders and end-users to ensure the research is useful and usable.

The UK Climate Resilience Programme, led by UK Research and Innovation and the UK Met Office and running from 2019 to 2023, has funded over 50 projects worth £19 million. It is part of the Strategic Priorities Fund initiative which provides research funding to develop strategically important research for the national government. Topics central to the programme’s research agenda have included improved characterisation and quantification of climate risks, enhanced understanding of the management of climate risks, and the development and delivery of climate services. Amongst its achievements, the programme has: developed a set of future UK socio-economic scenarios to be used alongside climate scenarios, delivered a step change in climate change risk assessment capability, and produced a roadmap for the development and implementation of UK climate services. It has funded arts and community based projects and pioneered an embedded researchers scheme in which the researcher collaborates with a host organisation to address their real world needs. The programme has also developed a more coherent community of climate resilience researchers and practitioners in the UK.

In this talk we will provide an overview of the programme, focusing on the nexus between UKCR–funded research, and UK policy and practice. For example, we will consider how the national CCRA process shaped the programme’s research agenda while at the same time the availability of research sets the parameters of risk assessments. We will also provide examples of co-production undertaken by researchers and practitioners and comment on what can be achieved in terms of societal resilience when there is collaboration on shared objectives. This programme is unique in dedicating significant time, funding and other resources to researching national resilience while working in close partnership with the national government. We anticipate that our learnings from this process will be of interest to other researchers, as well as policy makers and practitioners who work with researchers on climate resilience issues.

How to cite: Dessai, S., Lonsdale, K., Lowe, J., Harcourt, R., and Walton, P.: The UK Climate Resilience Programme (2019-2023), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15941,, 2023.

EGU23-15959 | Posters on site | EOS4.1 | Highlight

Changing the narrative: the hidden histories of British colonial mineral exploitation in Africa 

Dr Munira Raji, Dr Rebecca Williams, Dr Anya Lawrence, Dr Nicholas Evans, Professor Trevor Burnard, Dr M. Satish Kumar, Keely Mills, Steven Rogers, Catharine Souch, George Jameson, Jacqui Houghton, and Natasha Dowey

At the height of colonial Europe, during the late 18th century, many of the principles, theories, laws and practices that shape the (Western) academic discipline of Earth Science were established. However, during this imperial production of knowledge, there was little reference to or acknowledgement of any pre-existing geological knowledge. The legacy of colonialism is perpetuated through many modern Earth Science practices and education activities, and the influence of this legacy adds to the perception of Earth Science as a white, western-dominated subject and the erasure and dismissal of other geological knowledge. This project explores the unacknowledged local geological knowledge and labour upon which the foundational institutions of Earth Science are built and how this legacy creates modern-day exploitation, unethical behaviour and inequity in our discipline. 


We uncover some of the hidden histories of colonial mineral exploitation, including the role of British geologists and geological institutions in expanding colonial rule in Africa and how local geological knowledge and local guides underpinned the activities of the colonial geological surveys. British mineral exploitation in Africa started in the seventeenth century with a series of expeditions by pioneer British geologists and prospectors into South Africa's interior to make preliminary observations and geological surveys for minerals. More expeditions to other parts of Africa followed in the eighteenth century. During the late eighteenth century, many of the principles, theories, laws and practices that shaped the academic discipline of Earth Science were established in parallel to colonial expansion. The British Empire sustained a programme of exploratory geological surveys and activities directly linked with mapping the geological features to locate and discover economic mineral resources to fuel the British economy and industrialise the British Empire. Exploitable deposits of coal, copper, iron and limestone's essential smelting flux were vital for the long-term development of steamship lines, railways, and industry. 


At the end of the First World War, the British government promoted and intensified geological surveys in several British Empire territories – Uganda, Sierra Leone and Nigeria in 1918, Tanzania in 1925 and Kenya in 1933. Some pioneer British geologists were heralded for their pioneering work and credited with the discovery of economically significant minerals in Africa. Our archival investigation reveals many of these mineral resources were already used and mined locally and that local knowledge underpinned these resource 'discoveries' and local people were used as field assistants, guides, carriers, labourers, and camp guides. These pioneer geologists relied on the colonial structure to obtain information from natives central to fieldwork, mineral investigation, and discoveries. Still, history has omitted the contributions of the natives involved in these mineral discoveries and the acknowledgement of any local geological knowledge. Perhaps it is time to change the narrative from one of discovery to one of exploitation. As a discipline, by reckoning with the colonial legacy of our past, we can seek to normalise working with local knowledge and knowledge outside the boundaries of (western) Earth Science, leading to ethical,  equitable, interdisciplinary work, better preparing the discipline for current global challenges.

How to cite: Raji, D. M., Williams, D. R., Lawrence, D. A., Evans, D. N., Burnard, P. T., Kumar, D. M. S., Mills, K., Rogers, S., Souch, C., Jameson, G., Houghton, J., and Dowey, N.: Changing the narrative: the hidden histories of British colonial mineral exploitation in Africa, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15959,, 2023.

EGU23-16302 | Orals | EOS4.1 | Highlight

An Ethical Framework for Climate Intervention Research and Potential Scaling 

Billy Williams, Brooks Hanson, Raj Pandya, Janice LaChance, and Mark Shimamoto

Climate change is a global threat. As such, scientific and technology organizations and funders are increasingly devoting attention and resources to climate intervention research and, in some cases, already pursuing large-scale testing. Climate intervention measures include carbon dioxide removal and solar radiation management. The U.S. National Academy of Sciences and many other authoritative bodies have called for "a code of conduct" and governance structure to guide the research, potential scaling and possible deployment of these intervention measures.  This presentation will discuss a global initiative facilitated by AGU to help establish and gain support for an ethical framework to help guide such efforts, and to include various practical, ethical and governance considerations of potential climate intervention technologies to be considered before deciding potential scaled deployment of such measures – including climate justice considerations and representation.  Preliminary ethical framework modules and global engagement processes currently underway will be discussed.

How to cite: Williams, B., Hanson, B., Pandya, R., LaChance, J., and Shimamoto, M.: An Ethical Framework for Climate Intervention Research and Potential Scaling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16302,, 2023.

EGU23-16734 | Orals | EOS4.1

Impact of the COVID19 crisis on changes in business travel and the associated carbon footprint. Case study of a French scientific research institute. 

Christophe Peugeot, Grolleau Dany, Play Caroline, Sultan Benjamin, Hernandez Valeria, Janicot Serge, and Tramblay Yves

The French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development (IRD) is a multidisciplinary academic organisation working in partnership with countries in the Mediterranean and intertropical zone. Through sustainability science, IRD is committed to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Because of its missions, the IRD has a particular footprint linked to the activities of its agents (2100 employees in 2020) and partners, who travel between France and the rest of the world.

The COVID19 health crisis has forced changes in work habits. This study aims to analyze the impact of these changes on carbon emissions. All business trips of IRD employees and partners in the period 2017-2022 were collected in an anonymized database (aboout 67,000 entries), which describes trips, mode of transportation, reasons for travel, and traveler status.

The annual number of trips dropped sharply during the health crisis, from an average of 14,000/year in 2017-2019 to less than 6,000 in 2022 (-60%). Associated carbon emissions dropped by 70%. Starting in 2021, the number of trips increased to about 90% of pre-covid levels in 2022. However, while the share of air travel in total travel has decreased slightly in 2022 compared to 2017-2019, the share of car travel has increased sharply over the past three years, at the expense of train travel, which remains less used than before COVID. On a finer scale, the share of each mode of transport (and therefore the associated footprint) differs markedly according to the regions in which the research teams work, depending on the type of activity and the modes of transport available (e.g. rail travel mainly in Europe, field campaigns mainly by car).

The analysis highlights that the few trips authorized in 2020 and 2021 were primarily for overseas field activities or mobilities, to and from France. These activities, which cannot be replaced by videoconferencing and which constitute the core of IRD's activity, have been prioritized. The widespread use of videoconferencing has reduced the need for travel, especially for meetings and conferences. This is likely accompanied by an increase in virtual meetings, the associated footprint of which is not assessed here.

Traveling less, using videoconferencing when possible, or pooling several objectives for a single trip are trends that seem to emerge from our analysis. It is interesting to note that they are consistent with the actions proposed by research teams engaged in footprint reduction strategies, as highlighted for example by the serious game "Ma Terre en 180'" or the national survey of the Labo1point5 group.

Our analysis, with only one year without travel restrictions (2022), must be consolidated over a longer period (at least 3 years) to assess the sustainability of practice changes and their impact on IRD's carbon footprint. These results will serve as guidelines to define the necessary actions to reduce the environmental footprint of IRD research activities.

How to cite: Peugeot, C., Dany, G., Caroline, P., Benjamin, S., Valeria, H., Serge, J., and Yves, T.: Impact of the COVID19 crisis on changes in business travel and the associated carbon footprint. Case study of a French scientific research institute., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16734,, 2023.

We desire to know out of different motivations. According to Aristotle, scientists can feel happy or eudaimon when they fulfill the final cause of humans, reasoning, by providing knowledge. Freud argued that infants start to learn in order to distinguish between conditions that cause them pain or pleasure. We want to increase chances of achieving desired outcomes and avoiding undesired outcomes of our decisions by understanding causalities between events and predicting future events. In Geoscientific contexts, we may want to understand nature in order to satisfy different desires such as physical and psychological comforts, ethical dignity and continuation of existence, which are inseparable from but also conflict often against each other. We seek optimal decisions by means of the Geoscientific knowledge amidst the conflicting desires and natural conditions that hamper the desires.

All formations in the universe and all our perceptions are impermanent. Buddhism views that the course of life in which one is born, ages, gets ill and dies is suffering, if one clings to satisfactions, existence or non-existence as they are impermanent. A human being is seen in Buddhism as an ever-changing flux comprised of body (rupa in Pali language), senses (vedana), perceptions (sanna), volitions (sankhara) and consciousness (vinnana), or the five aggregates (khandha). Lasting peacefulness can be experienced when one understands the impermanence of its five aggregates, or selflessness (sunnata), which is a goal of Buddhist practices.

From this Buddhist perspective, satisfactions of material needs provided by Geoscience do not last permanently. Geoscience may help humans satisfy their basic needs, but the standards of basic needs seem to be ever-growing, influenced often by materialism which overlooks spiritual sources of happiness and technocentric hopes for sustainability in the future. According to Buddhism, our experiences and actions (kamma) condition our perceptions, volitions and habits, and reifying them as constant or substantial leads us to assume that certain desires ‘ought’ to be met as basic living standards. However, such standards are subjective judgements that cannot be justified by factual propositions in ‘is’ forms.

It can be satisfying for scientists to perform their professional tasks of providing knowledge required for fulfilling the human needs. However, epistemic and aleatory uncertainties in Geoscience can frustrate their desire to know. Geoscientists may suffer from the frustration, if they cling to their tasks and desires, failing to see satisfactions as impermanent and uncertainties as natural processes.

It is important to note that Buddhism does not compel dogmatically ascetic life styles or nihilistic worldviews but suggests ways to cease suffering. The Threefold Training (ethics, mindfulness and wisdom), the practice methods of Buddhism, can be applied in pursuing Geoscience as opportunities to experience lasting peacefulness. Scientists can create peaceful conditions by helping others with their knowledge, and let go of their reification and desires through mindfulness and the Buddhist ontology. Studying human desires and providing honest information about uncertainties and physical boundaries of satisfying the desires would be also parts of the practice.

How to cite: Jung, H.: Buddhist thoughts on frustration of the desire the know in Geoscience, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17116,, 2023.

EGU23-17583 | Orals | EOS4.1

Inform international institutions for interdisciplinary development strategies linking nutrition enhancement and climate change adaptation 

Giulia Galluccio, Chiara Trozzo, Monia Santini, Marta Antonelli, and Océane Espin

Climate change and malnutrition, that includes undernutrition as well as micronutrient deficiency and overweight, are among the greatest issues in the 21st century. Acting in synergy, each of these dynamics aggravates the effects of the other, creating complex and compounding impacts that increase particularly the vulnerability of the poorest people. This so-called climate and nutrition nexus can be broadly described as the fact that climate change poses a serious threat to global nutrition security, while current food systems are contributing significantly to this warming dynamic and malnutrition is reducing people’s ability to cope with the induced changes. Therefore, climate information and science are crucial to inform both international funding institutions (especially their investment portfolios) and local decision-makers in the design and selection of comprehensive, effective and innovative strategies and actions to adapt and cope with climate change and therefore advance sustainable development at all scales.

Regarding this topic, we carried out a consultancy project funded by the ASAP II programme of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) to inform its investment portfolio on the design and implementation of interdisciplinary development strategies linking nutrition enhancement and climate change adaptation. We reviewed and analysed 7 selected IFAD ‘climate related and nutrition-sensitive projects’ in Latin America and the Caribbean. The identification of best practices and lessons learned to be cultivated, scaled-up and even mainstreamed in future projects will encourage the sustainable transformation of the food systems, increase the climate resilience of the population and fight inequalities in the region.

Our work was articulated in three stages. Firstly, a wide literature review of scientific articles and other relevant documents published to date on the climate and nutrition nexus has been carried out, as well as a review of all related project documentation. This primary data collection and analysis has been complemented by conducting semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders from the projects. As part of this study, a two-day peer-to-peer sharing event was organised to assess the know-how accumulated by the participants and aimed to create an environment conducive to the exchange of knowledge and experiences, as well as to present and validate preliminary research results.

Our results are compiled in a practical guidebook that focuses on 9 main themes. The analysis allowed us to identify adaptation knowledge and solutions coming directly from the field and tested during the projects. The added value of considering the climate and nutrition nexus is to point out the numerous co-benefits of actions and practices which can both contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation, and to the promotion of sustainable agricultural systems and healthy diets. The majority of the solutions identified concern: the consideration of the most vulnerable communities and populations, and in particular the empowerment of women, youth and indigenous people; governance and organisation from the global scale with South-South cooperation to the household level; and finally, the use of information from both traditional knowledge and more technical studies, as well as the implementation of climate-smart and nutrition-sensitive agriculture practices.

How to cite: Galluccio, G., Trozzo, C., Santini, M., Antonelli, M., and Espin, O.: Inform international institutions for interdisciplinary development strategies linking nutrition enhancement and climate change adaptation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17583,, 2023.

NH10 – Multi-Hazards

EGU23-154 | ECS | Posters virtual | NH10.1

Challenges for assessing the risk of compound extremes 

Ravi Kumar Guntu, Bruno Merz, and Ankit Agarwal

The effects of compound extremes (for example, Compound dry hot extremes (CDHE)) in a region simultaneously are more adverse than those of individual dry or hot events. The likelihood of such events depends on the marginal distribution of drivers and their dependence. An approach to assess CDHE probability is urgent because of their frequent occurrence caused by global warming. This study shows how CDHE probability changes with the selection of reference period. We considered the WMO recommended period 1961-1990 and a recent climate normal 1991-2020 to show the effect of the reference period on the likelihood. We applied the framework to homogenous regions of India during the monsoon season. Insights show that CDHE is more likely to occur in arid regions than in other climatic regions. The results of this study are useful for further exploration and provide new insights into the emerging changes in CDHE.


How to cite: Guntu, R. K., Merz, B., and Agarwal, A.: Challenges for assessing the risk of compound extremes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-154,, 2023.

EGU23-717 * | ECS | Posters on site | NH10.1 | Highlight

A continental-scale multi-hazard analysis of economic recovery using nighttime light satellite data 

Sophie L. Buijs, Marleen C. de Ruiter, and Philip J. Ward

Risk assessments and disaster management are generally approached from a single-hazard perspective, ignoring the spatial and temporal connections and feedback loops that are involved when consecutive disasters occur. Not only can the total impact of a multi-hazard event differ from the sum of the impacts of the individual events, but the response and recovery process can also be more challenging for multi-hazard events when compared to a single-hazard disaster. Depletion of financial and human resources after a first hazard may for instance increase people’s vulnerability at the time of a second event. This was demonstrated in northern Mozambique, where tropical cyclones Idai and Kenneth made landfall only six weeks apart, early 2019. Despite continued high needs and dependence on humanitarian aid after the second event, UN agencies and partners struggled to provide additional support, due to exhausted stocks and funds after their initial response efforts to Idai. 

This study (that is part of the MYRIAD-EU project), focuses on post-disaster recovery, which is an often overlooked and misunderstood component of the disaster management cycle. A single-hazard approach to understanding recovery does not sufficiently reflect the complexity that is involved in multi-hazard events due to the potential feedbacks and interactions between hazards and their effects. While several recent studies have made efforts to improve our understanding of the relationships between single natural hazards and the recovery thereafter, recovery dynamics after multi-hazard events are still poorly understood. Additionally, the studies that have looked into recovery after natural disasters are often focussed on a single hazard type or limited set of extreme events in a specific region. To address this knowledge gap, this study sets out to compare economic recovery after multi-hazard events and single-hazard events on a continental scale.

Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite Nighttime Light (VIIRS NTL) data (2013-2022) are used as a proxy for economic recovery. To characterize recovery after different single- and consecutive events, accounting for geological, meteorological, and hydrological hazards, monthly changes in night light intensity are computed. A comparison of the recovery profiles of single- and multi-hazard events will then result in an improved understanding of the different trends and dynamics that are involved with economic recovery after multi-hazard events. The results of this study can be used by policy-makers and aid organizations to improve their disaster management strategies. Moreover, the resulting characterisation of economic recovery after single- and multi-hazard events will support future research into the identification of socio-economic factors that affect the recovery in a multi-hazard context.

How to cite: Buijs, S. L., de Ruiter, M. C., and Ward, P. J.: A continental-scale multi-hazard analysis of economic recovery using nighttime light satellite data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-717,, 2023.

EGU23-800 | ECS | Orals | NH10.1

A Novel Method to Generate Global Multi-Hazard Event Sets 

Judith Claassen, Philip Ward, Elco Koks, James Daniell, Timothy Tiggeloven, and Marleen De Ruiter

While the last decade saw substantial scientific advances in studies aimed at improving our understanding of natural hazard risk, research and policy commonly address risk from a single-hazard, single-sector perspective. Thus, not considering the spatial and temporal interconnections of these events. Single-hazards risk analyses are often inaccurate and incomplete when multi-hazard disasters occur, as the interaction between them may lead to a different impact than summing the impacts of single events.

A key first step to reduce this inaccuracy is to create greater understanding of realistic multi-hazard event sets that better examines statistical dependencies between hazard types. Therefore, it is important to understand the spatial and temporal aspects of each individual hazard in order to evaluate when multiple coinciding hazards are a multi-hazard event. To do so, single hazards datasets for meteorological, geological, hydrological and climatological events are explored with the use of a decision tree. The decision tree accounts for varying intensities and time-lags between hazards to better address the dynamics of vulnerability. This paper provides a decision tree that enables realistic multi-hazard event sets to be created based on varying assumptions (such as, the time-lag, the time between two individual hazards). By generating a, first of its kind, global multi-hazard event set database, spanning from 2004 to 2016, we achieve a greater knowledge of the different types of multi-hazards, such as triggering, amplifying, compound and consecutive events, as well as their interconnections. This global dataset provides practitioners and other stakeholders with insights on the frequency of different multi-hazard events and their hotspots. The methods provided in this paper is opensource and can be used by other researchers to conduct a more comprehensive multi-risk assessment.

How to cite: Claassen, J., Ward, P., Koks, E., Daniell, J., Tiggeloven, T., and De Ruiter, M.: A Novel Method to Generate Global Multi-Hazard Event Sets, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-800,, 2023.

EGU23-892 | ECS | Posters on site | NH10.1

A spatiotemporal indicator-based method to assess the drought and heat risks for urban green infrastructure 

Raghid Shehayeb, Regine Ortlepp, and Jochen Schanze

Given the significance of urban green infrastructure (UGI) and their ecosystem services (ES) towards urban climate resilience and sustainable development, a practical method to assess the drought and heat risks for UGI is needed for understanding the risks, selecting reduction alternatives and protecting the benefits of UGI. Hence, this study develops a spatiotemporal indicator-based method, based on a conceptual drought and heat risk assessment framework, which supports decision makers in analyzing and evaluating risks under changing conditions, and selecting risk-reduction alternatives. The UGI types of parks, creeks, and lakes are selected as representative UGI for this study for developing the assessment method. Subsequently, endpoints as variables of the biophysical risk system are derived considering the processes of drought and heat hazards, exposed UGI entities, ecosystem functions and ES. The biophysical endpoints such as biota, soil-water dynamics, and UGI’s cultural uses, are then translated into information with descriptors explaining their vulnerability aspects following a multi-layer approach and interpreted over three dimensions of provisioning, regulating, and cultural. The multi-layer approach states that the layers of descriptors are accompanied with layers of indicators as a mean to operationalize these characteristics. A two-stage literature review is applied to identify vulnerability indicators for the defined descriptors, whereas a lane-based approach is followed to interrelate these indicators based on their qualities we refer to as attributes. Using the attributes of the drought and heat hazards, the vulnerability indicators are linked with the hazards to derive risk indicators. By introducing these vulnerability and risk indicators, we pave the road for the analysis and evaluation of compound risks to support the decision makers in planning and managing UGI and protecting their ES under these risks. 

How to cite: Shehayeb, R., Ortlepp, R., and Schanze, J.: A spatiotemporal indicator-based method to assess the drought and heat risks for urban green infrastructure, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-892,, 2023.

EGU23-1658 | ECS | Orals | NH10.1

Exploring disaster risk management pathways in complex, multi-risk systems using DAPP-MR 

Julius Schlumberger, Marjolijn Haasnoot, Jeroen Aerts, and Marleen de Ruiter

Climate change and socioeconomic developments are driving risks from natural hazards and thus determine the effectiveness and efficiency for disaster risk management strategies. With DAPP-MR, an approach to apply a decision-focused lens, and a longer-term planning perspective in multi-risk systems has been recently developed. DAPP-MR  guides the exploration of disaster risk management pathways under uncertainty while explicitly accounting for trade-offs and synergies of policy measures across (interconnected) sectors, hazards, and time.

This work provides a first insight into the utility of the DAPP-MR framework to support disaster risk management decision making in the complex context of multi-hazard, multi-stakeholder settings. We used an integrated impact assessment modelling environment to assess (multi-)hazard impacts in a synthetic river basin, capturing interests and dynamics of three sectors (agriculture, inland shipping, residential housing) exposed to interacting flood and drought-hazards. We showcase (interactive) methods and metrics for the analysis and evaluation of potential risk management pathways. They were selected to deal with the increasingly multi-objective set-up in multi-risk systems  explicitly capturing and explore effects from integrating measures directed towards different hazards and sectors.

How to cite: Schlumberger, J., Haasnoot, M., Aerts, J., and de Ruiter, M.: Exploring disaster risk management pathways in complex, multi-risk systems using DAPP-MR, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1658,, 2023.

EGU23-2155 | ECS | Posters on site | NH10.1

EroCA: a new tool for simulating constructed landform erosion 

Shahla Yavari, Neil McIntyre, Qi Shao, and Thomas Baumgartl

Extensive disturbances during the mining and rehabilitation process can include removal of vegetation, removal and storage of soils hence their modification, changes in topography, and planting of new vegetation. A main goal of mine rehabilitation is to produce a post-mining landscape that is resistant to geotechnical failure and to surface erosion processes. To achieve this, hydrology and erosion models are required to determine erosion rates under alternative landscape designs, including landscape form and cover options.

By critical review of the relevant literature, it was found that most previous erosion modelling studies have concentrated on surface hydrology in agricultural, forestry, and other natural systems, while disturbed ecosystems like mining regions have received little attention. Landscape evolution models have been developed for mined landform applications but modelling over long time-scales compromises the temporal and spatial resolution.

The main objectives of this research therefore were:

  • Extend an existing plot-scale hydrological model to plot-scale erosion model.
  • To improve knowledge of the errors and uncertainty in applying a high-resolution erosion model to mined landforms and to conclude on the potential applicability and limitations of EroCA.

The experimental data used in the research were from a 30 m × 30 m field plot on a mine waste rock dump in the wet tropical environment of the Ranger mine (north-east Australia) from the period 2009 to 2014. The new EroCA model is an extension to the RunCA model, which was developed to provide high resolution simulation of runoff and infiltration in constructed landforms. The extended model uses mass balance principles and established erosion and sediment transport models, covering both suspended and bedload, and solves the equations using the cellular automata approach. Code verification against analytical solutions of runoff and sediment illustrated small errors, which were partly due to approximations used in the analytical solutions. The EroCA model was then applied to the Ranger experimental plot data to assess the suspended and bedload erosion performance. EroCA was able to reasonably represent the observed flows and turbidity profiles. Although an arbitrary reduction in the erodibility parameter value of 20% per year was needed to simulate the bedload depletion.

How to cite: Yavari, S., McIntyre, N., Shao, Q., and Baumgartl, T.: EroCA: a new tool for simulating constructed landform erosion, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2155,, 2023.

EGU23-2413 | Posters on site | NH10.1

An operational tool for geo-hydrological scenario risk assessment and cascading effects evaluation 

Daniela Biondi, Graziella Emanuela Scarcella, and Pasquale Versace

Building multiple, complex risk scenarios is a priority for the improvement of the effectiveness of early warning systems and technical countermeasure designs to detect phenomena associated with severe weather events, such as floods and landslides.

This study introduces CERCA (Cascading Effects in Risk Consequences Assessment), a methodology for the characterisation of event scenarios that is consistent with the current Italian Civil Protection Guidelines on the national warning system for weather-related geo-hydrological and hydraulic risks.

The aim is to propose a simple, effective, multiscale operational tool that can be adapted to multiple purposes. Specifically, the methodology frames the problem as a typical scenario analysis through the assessment of possible cascading effects and consequences characterised by a cause/effect relationship produced by a triggering event. The proposed conceptual framework for ‘cascade scenario’ assessment consists of four stages, referring to the characterization of:

  • Triggering Events,
  • cascading effects in terms of Representative Elementary Phenomena,
  • cascading effects in terms of Damaged Elements at Risk,
  • Fatalities Circumstances.

The CERCA approach can be effective:

  • in processing post-disaster information at the local level to identify site-specific dependencies based on local hazard proneness and exposure and vulnerability conditions as well as to prioritize countermeasures;
  • in supporting efficient surveillance of the real-time evolution of critical situations, helping operative structures of civil protection to update the picture of occurring phenomena;
  • in providing general dependency matrices to be used in the ‘ex-ante’ definition of scenarios and recurring cascading event trees, through analysis of several past events.

The methodology was assessed using a case study concerning a local event occurred in 2015 in the north-east of Calabria (Italy) and a back-analysis on 152 events in warning zones of the Italian territory that occurred during the period 2004–2021.

The first application aimed at illustrating CERCA functionality in describing cascading effects based on a post-disaster survey at a local level for a heavy rainfall event that caused flooding of various streams and widespread shallow landslides.

The national-scale back-analysis offered an overview of the chains generated by triggering events. The analysis showed that in over 50% of investigated cases, more than one triggering event was observed (most of the time floods accompanied by landslides), confirming the necessity for multi-risk analysis. ‘Pluvial flood’, particularly affecting urban areas, was the most frequent triggering event with 30%, mainly causing damage to basement or ground floor/yards of public and private buildings and to transport infrastructure. A detailed characterisation of the circumstances of death for 52 fatalities, further specified that the majority were flood-related fatalities (82%). Numerous people were affected outdoors along roads (35%) and travelling in vehicles (37%). Dependency matrices based on a frequency analysis, provided an overall picture of relations between different elements of the chain that, although limited to the number and type of investigated events, offers a preliminary assessment for further studies that could explore also the dependency from the severity of the forcing rainfall.

How to cite: Biondi, D., Scarcella, G. E., and Versace, P.: An operational tool for geo-hydrological scenario risk assessment and cascading effects evaluation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2413,, 2023.

EGU23-2514 | Posters on site | NH10.1

The multi-hazard risk perception of young professionals and students in Geography and Tourism amid the Covid-19 pandemic 

Mihai Ciprian Margarint, Sanja Kovačić, Andra-Cosmina Albulescu, and Đurđa Miljković

Multi-hazard risk perception represents a research subject that has been gaining momentum in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, based on the interaction between management practices aiming to reduce infection rates and to reduce the impact of other co-occurring natural hazards. The concurrent hazards proved to be the source of many hurtful, high-cost, but still invaluable lessons that should be capitalised on by the new generations to progress towards improved multi-hazard management strategies, and to a more sustainable, resilient and equitable society, as proposed by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. However, such high-level orders cannot be obtained without an adequate understanding of the new challenges posed by multi-hazard risks.

This paper aims to investigate the multi-hazard risk perception of young professionals or students who follow education programmes that aim to develop knowledge and skills related to the very subject of perception (i.e., natural hazards and risks). Zooming in, the paper focuses on the specialization and study level-dependent differences concerning multi-hazard risk perception and hazard-related education insights of future potential specialists in natural hazard-induced risk management and tourism reconstruction. The most prominent research questions (What is the perception of the students and graduates regarding the extent to which the Covid-19 pandemic has amplified the impact of other risks ?, Are there differences in the perception of Geography/ Tourism students and graduates about the impact of different natural hazards on social and economic activities?), as well as secondary aspects of the inquiry were addressed by applying a multi-level questionnaire on 547 students and graduates of Geography and Tourism specializations from two universities in Iași City (Romania) and Novi Sad (Serbia).

The implementation of the t-test pointed out that the main specialization-dependent differences concerned the perception level of certain natural hazards at different sales, the estimation of the impact of different hazards on socio-economic activities (including tourism), and the estimation of the positive effects of hazard-related education. These differences are complemented by the ones that depend on the level of study, which were analyzed through ANOVA and referred the scale of the impact specific to biophysical hazards, the amplification effect of the pandemic on different hazard and vulnerability types, and the different education cycles that the Curriculum upgrade should be performed at. It should be noted that no statistically significant differences emerged between Geography and Tourism students and graduates regarding the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on training / career. On the other hand, Bachelor and Master level participants reported to be more affected by the pandemic than respondents from the highest tire of university education.

This study represents the first of its type, as it offers valuable insights on the multi-hazard risk perception of students and graduates that may acquire future decision-making, hazard-related research or teaching jobs. Understanding the opinions formed in their training years or in early-career stages provides important cues about tomorrow’s hazard management, and tourism reconstruction practices.

How to cite: Margarint, M. C., Kovačić, S., Albulescu, A.-C., and Miljković, Đ.: The multi-hazard risk perception of young professionals and students in Geography and Tourism amid the Covid-19 pandemic, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2514,, 2023.

The third decade of the century started with a major epidemiological disturbance that favoured the increase in the co-occurrence of hazards in both developed and developing countries. This translated into a multi-hazard research boost, aiming to explore the interactions between concurrent or cascading hazards, but also to propose improved multi-hazard management strategies.

Since floods represent frequent and impactful natural hazards, their spatial and temporal overlap with the Covid-19 pandemic resulted in compounded negative effects that are difficult to mitigate applying classical flood management plans. In return, the efforts of curbing SARS-CoV-2 infection rates become even more of a tall order during flood events. Therefore, both flood and pandemic management practices need to be amended considering each other’s aims, priorities, limitations, and strengths; which cannot be achieved without a proper understanding of the ways the two hazards interact.

This study questions whether the river flood events that occurred during the Covid-19 pandemic in Romania, and the way that they were managed, had an impact on the infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus at county scale. The challenge of data scarcity was addressed by identifying the flood events of 2020-August 2022 based on the hydrological warnings issued by the National Institute of Hydrology and Water Management. In addition, hazard management data were extracted from autochthonous online press. Only flood events that were severe enough to impose the evacuation of population were corroborated with the Covid-19 confirmed cases dataset, and also with milestones of the Covid-19 preventive legal framework.

The flood events under analysis were followed by an increase in the total confirmed cases at the end of the Covid-19 incubation time range at county level, with only one exception. Infection rates varied in size, most of the counties registering under 50 new Covid-19 confirmed cases after 2 weeks since flood events. The viral load increased by a maximum of 208 new cases of Covid-19. These increases correspond to the late spring and summer months, defined by climatic conditions that hinder the spread of the virus, simultaneously allowing the relaxation of Covid-19 preventive measures. Consequently, low-level local and national viral loads prevented a post-flood spike in the Covid-19 positive cases, which explains the prevalence of increases under 50 new cases. In counties where the infection rate exceeded 150 additional cases, local-scale particularities should be considered. Thus, it is difficult to establish a definite link between flood events and the dynamics of the Covid-19 infection rates recorded in the selected counties.

This research work contributes to the multi-hazard research field by adding important insights on i) the impact of flood events on the number of Covid-19 confirmed cases in a country with high flood risk, and ii) the interactions between the Covid-19 and flood management practices, also providing an example on how to tackle the data scarcity problem through an adapted data collection procedure. The findings may be used to ground decision-making aiming to address the present-day multi-hazard riddle: natural hazard management requires collaboration, while Covid-19 management practices hold social distancing to the core.

How to cite: Albulescu, C. and Larion, D.: Unfolding multi-hazard interactions: Zooming in on the links between flood events and the Covid-19 infection rate in Romania, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2797,, 2023.

EGU23-2811 | ECS | Posters virtual | NH10.1

Assessment of flooding impact on water supply systems: a comprehensive approach based on DSS 

Bianca Bonaccorsi, Silvia Barbetta, Stavroula Tsitsifli, Ivana Boljat, Papakonstantinou Argiris, Jasmina Lukač Reberski, Christian Massari, and Emanuele Romano

The assessment of flood impact on a Water Supply System (WSS) requires a comprehensive approach including several scales of analysis and models and should be managed in the Water Safety Plans (WSP), as recommended in the EU Water Directive 2020/2184. Flooding can affect the quality of groundwater and surface water resources and can cause supply service interruption due to damaged infrastructures. A complete approach to address flood impact on WSS is required but is not yet available, while only specific aspects were investigated in details.

In this context, the MUHA project, funded by the European INTERREG V-B Adriatic-Ionian ADRION Programme 2014-2020, developed a comprehensive tool named WAter Safety Planning Procedures Decision Support System (WASPP–DSS). The tool is mainly addressed to small water utilities (WU) for supporting WSP development and is based on two main premises: 1) a correct approach for WSS risk analysis requires a multi-hazard perspective encompassing all the system components and different hazards; 2) other institutions in addition to WUs have to be involved in WSS risk analyses to harmonize monitoring and response procedures.

The tool was tested on six pilot areas of the ADRION region considering four hazards: drought, flooding, accidental pollution and damage to infrastructure due to earthquakes. In this work, the tool is demonstrated for flooding impact analysis in three pilot areas: the Ridracoli reservoir in Italy and two municipalities, Larissa in Greece and Zadar in Croatia. The WASPP–DSS, tested by eight WUs, was found a potentially valid support for small WUs that must start drafting the WSP in a comprehensive way and can provide a common shared scheme.

Improvements are desirable, as including a specific section to consider the issue of loss of water resources from reservoirs due to overflow.

How to cite: Bonaccorsi, B., Barbetta, S., Tsitsifli, S., Boljat, I., Argiris, P., Lukač Reberski, J., Massari, C., and Romano, E.: Assessment of flooding impact on water supply systems: a comprehensive approach based on DSS, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2811,, 2023.

EGU23-3461 | Orals | NH10.1

Impact webs: a novel approach for characterising and assessing multi-risk in complex systems 

Edward Sparkes, Davide Cotti, Himanshu Shekhar, Saskia E. Werners, Angel A. Valdiviezo-Ajila, Sumana Banerjee, Gusti Ayu Ketut Surtiari, Anthony J. Masys, and Michael Hagenlocher

Characterising and assessing multi-risk in complex systems is vital to realise the expected outcome of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. As sectors and systems are increasingly interconnected, the space in which impacts cascade is expanding. This became apparent throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, but can also be seen in the compounding and cross-border effects of climate change and connected extreme events, or from global ripple effects of armed conflicts such as the aggression committed by Russia against Ukraine. Single-hazard and single-risk approaches, while useful in certain contexts, are becoming increasingly insufficient for comprehensively managing risk due to cross-sector and cross-system interactions. There is therefore a need to develop tools that can account for how multiple hazards interact with multiple vulnerabilities of interdependent systems and sectors, which requires a systemic perspective for assessing risks.

To this aim, we developed a novel analytical tool to characterise the interconnections between risks, their underlying hazards, risk drivers, root causes and responses to risks and impacts across different systems. The tool draws on the impact chains approach (i.e. conceptual models for climate risk assessment), expanding its linear and sectoral focus towards a system-oriented view. We follow the recommendation of Zebisch et al (2021) and name this tool ‘Impact Webs'. 

We applied the tool to five case studies in Bangladesh, Ecuador, India, Indonesia and Togo to characterise and assess cascading risks linked to COVID-19, responses to it (e.g. restriction measures) and other hazards that co-occurred during the pandemic (e.g. hydrological, geophysical, climatological). The participatory co-development of the Impact Webs was led by local case study experts and involved desk research, stakeholder workshops and expert/community consultations.

These diverse applications at multiple scales showed that Impact Webs are useful to conceptualise and visualise networks of interconnected elements across sectors. Because of the tools suitability to simultaneously analyse the interactions of multiple hazards with multiple pre-existing vulnerabilities, it provided a representation of the multi-risk space in the case studies. This is promising to identify critical elements for further investigation, such as feedback effects, trade-offs and key agents that can influence risks in systems. To this aim, the tool not only accounts for negative impacts, but also how policy responses and societal reactions to policies can lead to additional positive outcomes, as well as unintended consequences, i.e. risks arising from responses. However, given the complexity of systems and system boundaries, it is not possible to characterise all interconnections using Impact Webs. While this simplification of reality is useful for communication purposes, only the most prominent outcomes of the tool are derivable, and although the participatory approach aims to reduce this, results can be influenced by inherent biases. Despite these challenges, we find that Impact Webs are a promising new approach to characterise and assess multi-risk, thereby supporting comprehensive disaster risk management. 

How to cite: Sparkes, E., Cotti, D., Shekhar, H., Werners, S. E., Valdiviezo-Ajila, A. A., Banerjee, S., Surtiari, G. A. K., Masys, A. J., and Hagenlocher, M.: Impact webs: a novel approach for characterising and assessing multi-risk in complex systems, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3461,, 2023.

EGU23-4277 | ECS | Orals | NH10.1

Systems-level geohazard risk assessment in southwestern British Columbia, Canada 

Jack Park and D. Jean Hutchinson

In Western Canada, geohazards can be related to tectonic events, such as earthquakes and volcanoes, but many are weather-driven events, such as floods, landslides, rockfalls, and snow avalanches. Anthropogenic activities, such as residential development, infrastructure, and climate change also contribute to and increase the overall risk from, geohazards. A recent example is the atmospheric river event that devastated much of the southern British Columbia (BC) province in November 2021. Between November 14 and 15, 2021, a 2,500 km long plume of moisture (atmospheric river) hit the west coast of BC and accumulated significant rainfall breaking 20 rainfall records across the province. This intense rainfall event resulted in regional flooding and triggered numerous landslides across the southern province. The impact included closures of all major transportation corridors, severed rail lines, with no rail connections between Kamloops and Vancouver, and evacuation of close to 15,000 residents.

In Western Canada, many geohazards risk assessments are performed within the risk management framework outlined by the Canadian Standards Association. Though guidelines exist, such as the Canadian Technical Guidelines on Landslides, there is no national or provincial standard for managing risk associated with geohazards. Furthermore, BC’s Municipalities Act, which allows individual municipality jurisdictions to manage their own risk, results in uneven distribution of funding and almost always results in emergency response. The insured losses from the November 2021 atmospheric river event are estimated to be $500 million CAD ($370 million USD) and uninsured losses are $9 billion CAD ($6.7 billion USD) and counting. These losses do not account for economic losses due to the closure of major transportation infrastructure networks.

Immediate efforts following the November 2021 atmospheric river event focused on opening the major highway routes. However, the rebuilding of failed bridge and highway embankments is considered a temporary solution and further upgrades in designs are needed to account for the increasing frequency and magnitude of future atmospheric river events. With limited resources at all levels of government, the risk associated with regional-level geohazard triggers needs to be better understood in order to prioritize road infrastructure capacity. Keeping the critical highway arteries open is important not only for economic benefits but to allow for emergency access for communities.

This research looks to help prioritize road infrastructure capacity based on its vulnerability to atmospheric river-triggered geohazard events. Information related to road closures, geohazard events, and infrastructure damages is compiled and related to preconditions of weather trends and infrastructure capacity leading up to the November 2021 event. Road network analysis is performed by defining consequence assessment parameters, such as average daily traffic, associated economic revenue, availability of safety stopping zones, and infrastructure redundancy. Then the risk is assessed based on the vulnerability assignment of different segments of the road network which is presented in a criticality map.

How to cite: Park, J. and Hutchinson, D. J.: Systems-level geohazard risk assessment in southwestern British Columbia, Canada, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4277,, 2023.

EGU23-4825 | Posters on site | NH10.1

Compound Vulnerabilities in an Urban Setting: Impact of Floods on the Transportation Network in Istanbul 

Irem Daloglu Cetinkaya and Özge Naz Pala

Urban areas, the core of socio-economic activity with high population density, are considered highly vulnerable to flood hazards. Istanbul, Turkey's most populated city with around 16 million inhabitants, and at the same time commercial, cultural, and social capital, was chosen as the study area. Istanbul is a metropolis that has grown under unplanned growth, particularly with rural to urban migration in the 1950s. A significant portion of the city's natural areas, stream basins and valleys have been replaced by concrete surfaces. This transformation not only brought societal challenges, but increased urban vulnerability to extreme events and hazards. As a coastal city that consists of two peninsulas, Istanbul is highly prone to flash floods from heavy rainfalls. Flood events intensely impair the municipal services (e.g., public transportation, water and sanitation, electricity distribution), consequently affect the operation of businesses and public services, and cause high economic losses as well as even deaths and casualties. Many of the highly vulnerable zones for floods already endure inadequate housing and transport access. This study aims to build a flood vulnerability index to identify the districts vulnerable to floods in the metropolitan area and assess the impacts of floods on households and transportation infrastructure. The developed vulnerability index incorporates socioeconomic and physical vulnerability components, while also closely examining key transportation infrastructure in highly vulnerable locations. Using the multi-criteria decision making approach, 9 different indicators of flood vulnerability were evaluated, then weighted by stakeholders and experts using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. This methodology is implemented to 100 year flood zones and 500 year flood zones to represent the potential impact of future climate change. The proposed assessment disclosed that 22% of the basin has low urban flood vulnerability while the extremely vulnerable and vulnerable zones together constituted approximately 40% of the total area.  Approximately 75% of the road length (i.e., highways, main arteries, boulevards) and 20% of the public transportation lines (i.e., stations, railways, bus lines) across the basin are located in the vulnerable areas. The findings of the study have the potential to provide policymakers with up-to-date and detailed flood vulnerability assessments to serve as the foundation for their decision-making processes under flooding hazards.

How to cite: Daloglu Cetinkaya, I. and Pala, Ö. N.: Compound Vulnerabilities in an Urban Setting: Impact of Floods on the Transportation Network in Istanbul, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4825,, 2023.

EGU23-5301 | ECS | Posters on site | NH10.1

Multi-risk assessment due to global warming under the SSP climate scenario in the Republic of Korea 

Insang Yu, Huicheul Jung, Dong-Kun Lee, Sung-Hun Lee, and Sung-Il Hong

Assuming that greenhouse gas emissions continue to increase as the current trend, the global average temperature is expected to rise by about 5.7°C by the end of the 21st century. High temperatures and heat waves will increase across East Asia, including in Republic of Korea, and extreme weather events, such as heavy rains and floods, will intensify and become more frequent. Even if carbon neutrality is achieved, losses may still occur due to the limited ability of humans and natural systems to adapt to higher global average temperatures. According to CMIP6 (Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6), the global average temperature is projected to rise by 2℃ in 2036 (2022-2051, SSP126), by 3℃ in 2065 (2051-2080, SSP245), and it is forecasted to rise by 5.38℃ from 2070 to 2099 (SSP585). When the global average temperature rises by 1.5℃, Republic of Korea's average temperature rises by 0.34℃~0.75℃, a 2℃ increase by 0.82℃~1.01℃, and a 3℃ increase by 1.08℃~1.42℃. As global warming continues, it is analyzed that the difference between Korea and the global average temperature will become larger. Global warming in Republic of Korea is progressing faster than global warming, this will have serious repercussions in various sectors. It is necessary to comprehensively assess risks in various sectors and use the results to establish adaptation policy in order to prepare for damage caused by climate change in advance. This study provides information for comprehensive decision-making support by assessing and integrating climate change risks under the 2℃, 3℃, and end of the 21st century (Bau) scenario in health, energy, traffic, agriculture, forest, and water sectors. Key findings show the current (1985–2014) average annual number of days with heat wave warnings issued by the Korean Meteorological Administration is 6 days. This number is expected to increase to 29 days (+23 days) under 2℃ global warming and to 47 days (+41 days) under 3℃ global warming; it is expected to increase by a factor of 5-15 to 92 days (+85 days) by the end of the 21st century (BaU). The current average period of severe agricultural drought is 0.38 months per year. It will increase to 1.0 month (+0.64 months) under 2℃ global warming and to 0.8 months (+0.43 months) under 3℃ global warming; it is expected to increase to 1.6 months (+1.24 months) by the end of the 21st century (BaU), for a 1.1-4.3-fold increase. The results of the study is expected to contribute to the revitalization of global warming impact and risk assessment research by presenting the global warming period for each SSP scenario. It contributes to the establishment of scientific countermeasures linked to climate risks by predicting the risks of local governments due to global warming and analyzing the current status and characteristics of local governments' adaptation measures.

 [Acknowledgement] This paper is based on the findings of the environmental technology development project for the new climate regime conducted by the Korea Environment Institute (2022-070(R)) and funded by the Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute (2022003570004).

How to cite: Yu, I., Jung, H., Lee, D.-K., Lee, S.-H., and Hong, S.-I.: Multi-risk assessment due to global warming under the SSP climate scenario in the Republic of Korea, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5301,, 2023.

EGU23-5815 | Orals | NH10.1

Promoting disaster preparedness and resilience by co-developing stakeholder support tools for managing the systemic risk of compounding disasters 

Cees van Westen, Funda Atun, Silvia Cocuccioni, Marcel Hurlimann, Bettina Koelle, Philipp Marr, Iuliana Armas, Seda Kundak, Elske de Zeeuw-van Dalfsen, Marc van den Homberg, and Jon Hall

Stakeholders in disaster risk management are faced with the challenge to adapt their risk reduction policies and emergency plans to cascading and compounding events, but often lack the tools to account for the cross-sectoral impacts and dynamic nature of the risks involved. The EU Horizon Europe PARATUS project, which started in October 2022 and will run to October 2026, aims to fill this gap by developing an open-source online platform for dynamic risk assessment that allows to analyze and evaluate multi-hazard impact chains, dynamic risk reduction measures, and disaster response scenarios in the light of systemic vulnerabilities and uncertainties. These services will be co-developed within a transdisciplinary consortium of 19 partners, consisting of research organizations, NGOs, SMEs, first and second responders, and local and regional authorities. To gain a deeper understanding of multi-hazard impact chains, PARATUS conducts forensic analysis of historical disaster events, based on a database of learning case studies, augments historical disaster databases with hazard interactions and sectorial impacts, and exploits remote sensing data with artificial intelligence methods. Building on these insights, PARATUS will then develop new exposure and vulnerability analysis methods that enable systemic risk assessment across sectors (e.g. humanitarian, transportation, communication) and geographic settings (e.g. islands, mountains, megacities). These methods will be used to analyze risk changes across space and time and to develop new scenarios and risk mitigation options together with stakeholders, using innovative serious games and social simulations.
The methods developed in PARATUS have been applied in four application case studies. The first one is related to Small Island Developing States (SIDS) in the Caribbean. This case study considers the cross-border impacts of tropical storms, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, and space weather, and focuses on the development of impact-based forecasting, directed at humanitarian response planning, the telecommunication sector, and tourism. The second case study deals with the local and regional economic impact of hazardous events such as extreme wind, floods, rockfall, mudflow, landslides, and snow avalanches on cross-border transportation in the Alps. The third case study relates to the multi-hazard impact of large earthquakes in the Bucharest Metropolitan Region and focuses on systemic vulnerabilities of the city and emergency response. The fourth application case study is the Megacity of Istanbul which is prone to earthquake hazard chains, such as liquefaction, landslides, and tsunami, as well as to hydrometeorological hazards (extreme temperatures, fires, and flooding). Population growth rates, urban expansion speed, composition, and integration of new migrants (native, foreign, and refugees from countries like Syria and Afghanistan) contribute to the increasing disaster risk. 
The project results will be hosted on two stakeholder hubs related to crisis management and humanitarian relief, and provide stakeholders with a set of tools for risk reduction planning in dynamic multi-hazard environments. The service-oriented approach with active stakeholder involvement will maximize the uptake and impact of the project, and help to increase Europe’s resilience to compounding disasters.

How to cite: van Westen, C., Atun, F., Cocuccioni, S., Hurlimann, M., Koelle, B., Marr, P., Armas, I., Kundak, S., de Zeeuw-van Dalfsen, E., van den Homberg, M., and Hall, J.: Promoting disaster preparedness and resilience by co-developing stakeholder support tools for managing the systemic risk of compounding disasters, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5815,, 2023.

EGU23-6275 | Posters on site | NH10.1

Multi-hazard system of a high Alpine valley: construction of an event chronology from different sources 

Louise Dallons, Florie Giacona, Nicolas Eckert, and Philippe Frey

Mountain regions are subject to highly damaging hydrological and gravitational hazards. This exposure is due to their biophysical and societal characteristics. It is essential for a sustainable management of these risks to consider the natural risk as the result of complex interactions within the risk system, which is composed of a natural and a societal subsystem. In this way, it is possible to adopt a dynamic approach to the risk system by placing the phenomenon in an evolutionary context. We can therefore consider its trajectory according to the socio-environmental dynamics that influence it.

Studying these risk systems over the long term is necessary to understand their evolution and to anticipate future ones in order to guarantee the sustainability of mountain socio-ecosystems, and requires an interdisciplinary approach between geography and history.

The study of the trajectory of a multi-hazard system is being carried out in the Commune of Vallouise-Pelvoux, a high Alpine valley in the Écrins massif, France. This territory was chosen because it is subject to various risks that occur over a wide range of altitudes, its recent socio-economic development is mainly based on tourism, and it is marked by glacial recession, but also because we were aware of the availability of several sources allowing the production of event and multirisk chronologies.

The first stage of the research consisted in the production of a multi-hazard event chronology over 420 years (1600-2020). This database was built from various resources. On the one hand, from existing databases produced by public services and organizations such as the French Forest Office (ONF) specifically the mountain land restoration service (RTM) or the departmental councils. On the other hand, archival research was carried out in the municipal archives of Vallouise-Pelvoux and the departmental archives of the Hautes-Alpes.

After analysis of all available sources, the data collected was processed in various ways. Indeed, sources of different forms and origins requires standardization of the information to make it comparable and usable. The chronology was also subjected to a critical analysis : are the sources authentic? Reliable? What factors might influence them? 

Once this chronology of events in Vallouise-Pelvoux has been contextualized (changes in the natural and societal systems of the Commune), a first statistical analysis of the risks identified and the damage caused will be presented. In the future the data will be used to analyze the trajectory of the system.

How to cite: Dallons, L., Giacona, F., Eckert, N., and Frey, P.: Multi-hazard system of a high Alpine valley: construction of an event chronology from different sources, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6275,, 2023.

EGU23-7106 | ECS | Posters on site | NH10.1

Training risk managers in the climate change and energy transition narrative to avoid maladaptation to the emerging 21st century paradigm. 

Jonathan Mille, Danielle Charlton, Marleen De Ruiter, Muki Haklay, and Stephen Edwards

As the effects of climate change intensify and energy supply issues become more prominent (ie: tackling the rise of CO2 emissions, conflict in Ukraine), the potential impacts of climate and energy variability on anthropogenic systems and question the ability of organisations to maintain their vital services and supply chains in the future.

However, there are many uncertainties surrounding climate change and the energy transition. As risk management is directly dependent on environmental conditions and energy supplies, it is necessary for risk managers to understand how these intertwined phenomena may alter current risk management strategies.

Although climate change is discussed and highlighted amongst the Disaster Risk Reduction community, the issue around the functioning of the energy system is not yet widely discussed and integrated into risk reduction strategies. This research focuses on assessing the perception of risk managers on environmental and energy risks in order to help them integrate climate change and the energy transition into risk management strategies. Our objective is to paint a picture of the global energy system and to integrate its future developments and limitations in order to prepare risk managers for the systemic changes of the 21st century.

How to cite: Mille, J., Charlton, D., De Ruiter, M., Haklay, M., and Edwards, S.: Training risk managers in the climate change and energy transition narrative to avoid maladaptation to the emerging 21st century paradigm., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7106,, 2023.

EGU23-7499 | Posters on site | NH10.1

SIGALE: An online early warning system for gravitational hazard (Savoie, France) 

Héloïse Cadet, David Rouquet, and Anne Lescurier

The SIGALE (System of Information Geographic for grAvitational hazard vigiLancE assessment) project aims at developing an experimental early-warning system of gravitational hazard (landslides and rockfalls) over the road infrastructure network of Savoie (France). This network is about 3 300 km long.

We propose a new approach based on machine learning to predict a vigilance  degree. The vigilance degree is a combination of susceptibility model and trigger model.

The landslide susceptibility model is based on topographical data, landcover and lithology. The rockfall susceptibility model is based on statistical results of propagation using Flow-R.

The trigger models have been trained on an event database of 863 landslides and 481 rockfalls events from 2008 to 2020. The database covers 13 years, so about 4 745 days, over about 6 000 sectors. The thousand events are spread over 28 millions of spatio-temporal sectors. The dataset is thus highly unbalanced and specific machine learning has been deployed. The trigger models features are based on rainfalls and temperatures.

Our results show that, in spite of the high class imbalance issues of such database, the trigger models provide recall values of about 75%, with about 60% of precision.

Our prototype is a web-service showing vigilance degree model for both landslide and rockfall with different zooming information for decision support.

How to cite: Cadet, H., Rouquet, D., and Lescurier, A.: SIGALE: An online early warning system for gravitational hazard (Savoie, France), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7499,, 2023.

EGU23-7782 | ECS | Posters on site | NH10.1

Multi-hazard risk assessment of extreme weather events in a changing climate 

Zélie Stalhandske, Carmen Steinmann, David N. Bresch, and Chahan Kropf

Extreme weather events are among the most destructive natural hazards, affecting a large number of people and causing significant monetary damage globally each year. The impact of these events is increasing due to climate change and socio-economic development. While traditional approaches to risk assessment have focused on the impacts of single hazards, the combined risk of multiple hazards may be different from their sum. Their spatial and temporal co-occurrence may also be influenced by climate change. In this study, we develop a framework for modelling the combined risk of multiple climatic hazards, where risk is defined as the combination of hazard, exposure and vulnerability. We illustrate this method based on globally consistent river floods and tropical cyclones and their impacts on both population and assets. Both hazards are driven by global climate models to investigate their risk at current and future levels of warming. The combined impacts are evaluated by aggregating single hazard models on an event basis, where events are driven by the same climate model outputs. This allows us to not only consider the average annual impact, but also for example to assess combined extreme events or return periods. Additionally, spatially and temporally compounding events can be analysed. This framework is implemented in the open-source climate risk platform CLIMADA and can be applied to different climate risks, providing a more comprehensive approach to understanding and managing the risks posed by extreme weather events in a changing climate.

How to cite: Stalhandske, Z., Steinmann, C., Bresch, D. N., and Kropf, C.: Multi-hazard risk assessment of extreme weather events in a changing climate, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7782,, 2023.

EGU23-8120 | ECS | Orals | NH10.1

A Machine Learning approach to support multi-risk assessment and climate adaptation planning in the Veneto region 

Maria Katherina Dal Barco, Davide Mauro Ferrario, Margherita Maraschini, Ngoc Diep Nguyen, Remi Harris, Stefania Gottardo, Emma Tosarin, Sebastiano Vascon, Silvia Torresan, and Andrea Critto

The analysis of extreme events that occurred in the last decades shows that these are often generated by multiple hazards, whose interactions are still to be fully understood. Moreover, the observation of their temporal trend suggests that their frequency and entity may be related to climate change. The growing impact that natural disasters and climate change have on people and ecosystems makes the ability to model and predict the relationships between multiple risks and their evolution over time a critical expertise.

The use of Artificial Intelligence for climate change adaptation can leverage advanced understanding of multi-risk dynamics, in order to support forward looking disaster risk management and system resilience thinking. Specifically, Machine Learning (ML) algorithms offer a new path to address the analysis of multiple risks due to their ability to model complex and non-linear interactions between different factors, without the need for an explicit modelling.

Here we present the design and development of a ML approach called INTELLIGENT multi-risk (i.e., InNovaTive machinE Learning methodoLogy to assess multi-rIsk dynamics under climate chanGe futurE coNdiTions), aimed at evaluating the impacts of multi-risk events at the regional (sub-national) scale, and predicting risk scenarios based on future climate change projections.

Taking as input hazard, exposure and vulnerability features from both historical observations and future projections, the INTELLIGENT multi-risk allows to: analyse the multi-hazard footprint at different spatio-temporal scales; identify the most influencing factors triggering multiple risks; estimate the effect of climate change on risks scenarios.

An initial application was developed in the frame of the Interreg ITA-CRO AdriaClim project to assess the risks of extreme weather events along the coastal municipalities of the Veneto region. The ML algorithm was trained, validated and tested with local impact records over the 2009-2020 baseline timeframe, and then used to project future climate risk for the timeframe 2021-2050, under the high-emission RCP8.5 climate change scenario. The results of the analysis for the training dataset show a F1-score value of 74% on balanced data, identifying sea surface height, temperature, precipitation, and wind parameters as the most important factors triggering risks in the Veneto coastal area. Nevertheless, the model has the potential to identify which are the coastal municipalities more exposed to multi-hazard events, both in the baseline and future scenarios, in order to support the definition of coastal adaptation strategies.

Future developments of the INTELLIGENT multi-risk approach are foreseen within the H2020 MYRIAD-EU project, where the analysis will be extended to the whole Veneto region, in order to consider additional hazards (e.g., heat waves, drought, wildfires), and analyze multi-risk dynamics across different landscapes (mountains, plains and coastal area), and sectors (finance, tourism, natural ecosystems). At the same time, the ML-based methodology will be used to better identify spatial and temporal footprints of the multi-hazard events and to model the impact of natural hazards and climate change on environmental quality indicators (i.e., water, air, and soil quality).

How to cite: Dal Barco, M. K., Ferrario, D. M., Maraschini, M., Nguyen, N. D., Harris, R., Gottardo, S., Tosarin, E., Vascon, S., Torresan, S., and Critto, A.: A Machine Learning approach to support multi-risk assessment and climate adaptation planning in the Veneto region, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8120,, 2023.

EGU23-11160 | ECS | Posters on site | NH10.1

Can we be precautionary with respect to all risks? A natural and health hazards perspective 

Elena Raffetti and Giuliano Di Baldassarre

Understanding how individuals perceive risk of natural and health hazards can help policymakers, scientists, and clinicians to communicate risks. We show that individuals (as well as communities and institutions) cannot apply the precautionary principle to all threats, and thus we challenge the binary categorizations of risk takers vs. risk avoidersTo illustrate, we compared how people perceive the risk associated with natural and biological hazards in relation to the main preventable health-related risk factor – i.e. tobacco smoking by analyzing the results of nationwide surveys carried out in Italy and Sweden in August 2021. In particular, we compared smokers and non-smokers considering two domains of risk perception (likelihood and individual impact) for seven threats (epidemic, climate change, floods, droughts, wildfires, earthquakes and air pollution). Preliminary results show that: i) the risk perception of some threats is higher in smokers compared to non-smokers; and ii) this difference is mainly observed in a permissive tobacco environment. These results and their implications show the importance of integrating multi-risk components into risk communication, along with promoting policies that simultaneously address health and natural risks.

How to cite: Raffetti, E. and Di Baldassarre, G.: Can we be precautionary with respect to all risks? A natural and health hazards perspective, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11160,, 2023.

EGU23-11291 | ECS | Posters on site | NH10.1

Evaluating Environmental Impacts of Flood-Induced Tank Failures: A Risk Chain Model for Soil and Groundwater Contamination in NaTech context 

Riccardo Giusti, Marcello Arosio, Roberto Nascimbene, and Mario Martina

The European "Floods Directive" requires European River district authorities to create flood damage and risk maps, but the process of assessing flood damage is complex and lacks established methods. Flood risk assessment also requires an understanding of how industrial equipment is vulnerable to flood events and the potential for toxic releases in such scenarios. In this study a practical case is presented regarding multicomponent flood risks in the Secchia River catchment, a tributary of the Po River, and proposes a new risk chain model for evaluating the environmental impact of soil and groundwater contamination in the event of a flood caused by the failure of storage tanks containing hazardous materials. The model is demonstrated using an illustrative case and shown to be a useful tool for managing the risk of such events. Our methodology presents a multi-component model for assessing environmental risk resulting from technological accidents triggered by natural disasters. In particular, we focus on the failure of storage tanks containing hazardous materials due to flooding. The proposed method first evaluates the probability of tank failure under defined flood conditions, including flood height, velocity, and probability of occurrence. To simplify the analysis, we consider all tanks to be unanchored atmospheric storage tanks. The final output of the method for each tank is a monetary estimation of the hypothetical costs for environmental remediation after tank failure, including the contamination of soil and groundwater by the spilled liquid. Our methodology proposed a conservative approach by assuming that all stored liquids are contaminants and by using a fixed value for the density of the stored liquid.

To evaluate the probability of tank failure, it has been considered four types of failure dynamics: buckling, displacement, floating and overturning. The tank failure assessment is based on our recent study that developed vulnerability different dynamic models for unanchored steel atmospheric tanks. Our methodology not only evaluates the probability of tank failure during flood events, but also analyses the potential consequences of failure, including direct damages to the tank and costs associated with recovering the spilled product and mitigating contamination in the affected area. The results of this study can be used to develop strategies for minimizing the risks of tank collapse during flood events and to increase awareness of potential NaTech risks. The ultimate goal of this study is to create a comprehensive procedure for evaluating and comparing the dynamics of tank collapse during flood events, including the potential environmental consequences, and providing risk managers with a full understanding of the risks associated with tank failure during flooding, including potential NaTech risks.


How to cite: Giusti, R., Arosio, M., Nascimbene, R., and Martina, M.: Evaluating Environmental Impacts of Flood-Induced Tank Failures: A Risk Chain Model for Soil and Groundwater Contamination in NaTech context, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11291,, 2023.

EGU23-12813 | ECS | Posters on site | NH10.1

Compound events of drought and salt intrusion in the Greater Bay Area and adaptation countermeasures 

Xudong Li, Fang Yang, Huazhi Zou, and Sen Wang

Dongjiang River drains into the Pearl River Delta in China and waterworks near the delta serves as the main water supply source for cities in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, including Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Hongkong. The basin experienced a severe drought in 2021, with the average streamflow in the downstream gauge reaching its lowest value since 1956. Meanwhile, the most important upstream reservoir, Xinfengjiang Reservoir, experienced a low water level operation period, with the water level declined below its dead water level in Jan. 2022. Coupling with weak river discharge, astronomical tides led to severe salt intrusion in the delta area. The compound events of drought and salt intrusion threatened the urban domestic water supply. According to scenario analysis, the water supply for about 20 million people would have been affected during Nov. 2021 and Jan. 2022 if no countermeasures had been adopted. Comprehensive countermeasures were carried out to prevent the extreme impacts from the compound events, which include engineering and non-engineering ones. The engineering ones include blocking the salt water with temporary batardeau and soft purdah into the water. And non-engineering ones include chlorinity monitoring and forecasting on the strength of in-situ gauges measurements and a three-dimensional baroclinic saltwater intrusion model. The model provided real-time chlorinity forecasting for the waterworks. The bias of peak chlorinity was less than 20%, and the bias of the peaking time was less than 2 h. The forecasting results supported decision making on timing of water intaking for the waterworks and other local water storage infrastructure. In addition, the water authorities carried out tiered prices and imposed limitations to high water use of some industrial water users. With all these strategies, the domestic water supply was well maintained across the compound events, which ended in Mar. 2022. The river basin authority played an important role in communicating the necessary information and coordinating all the countermeasures among associated stakeholders.

How to cite: Li, X., Yang, F., Zou, H., and Wang, S.: Compound events of drought and salt intrusion in the Greater Bay Area and adaptation countermeasures, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12813,, 2023.

EGU23-13325 | Posters virtual | NH10.1

Multi-hazard analysis of abandoned coal-mines 

AL Heib Marwan

Nowadays, most of the coal mines in Europe are already closed or are in a state of liquidation. However, the problem of abandoned coal mines and their influence on the environment remains central for the mining industry and coal regions in transition. After the end of the exploitation, many disturbances can occur. Mines operators, local authorities and decision makers are confronted with multi-hazard and risks related to mine closure. Land use planning and adequate site rehabilitation requires better tools to deal with the multiple hazards and constraints.

The objective of the study is to improve risk assessment by establishing a new methodology to assess the interaction between hazards related to old mines, and no longer treat them separately.

Mining hazards concern: ground movements, hydrological hazards, self-heating, soil and water pollution. One hazard can trigger another one. Different tools are presented such as a global matrix, a fault tree, etc. for identifying the hazards interaction. The hazard interaction matrix has been constructed, figure 1 shows in particular the interactions that the phenomena in the columns (source phenomenon) can have with the phenomena in the rows (target phenomenon). The matrix also provides information on the levels of interaction: no known case of interaction between phenomena (white colour), Low (yellow), Medium (green) and High (red). These assessments are based on feedback and in-depth discussion between experts. This approach is a first tool to help mining and development actors to understand these interactions and improve mitigation and management measures.


How to cite: Marwan, A. H.: Multi-hazard analysis of abandoned coal-mines, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13325,, 2023.

EGU23-13897 | Orals | NH10.1

Development and use of an integrated modelling approach to simulate dynamic risk profiles and support risk reduction strategies 

Hedwig van Delden, Roel Vanhout, Amelie Jeanneau, Douglas Radford, Holger R. Maier, and Aaron C. Zecchin

Natural hazards pose a significant risk to societies across the world. This risk will likely increase in the future, due to climate change, urban development and changing demographics. Understanding the range of potential future conditions, and the associated key uncertainties, is essential in designing disaster risk management strategies that holistically account for these drivers.

For this purpose, we have developed a spatially explicit, dynamic, multi-hazard decision support system called UNHaRMED, which calculates dynamic risk profiles as a combination of hazard, exposure and vulnerability. The aim of UNHaRMED is to better understand current and future risk, and assess the impact of (a combination) of risk reduction options under various  future conditions. In order to do so, UNHaRMED consists of coupled models integrated into a policy support system. It allows the user to understand the impact of climate change, socio-economic developments and risk reduction options on the future evolution of exposure, hazard and vulnerability and hence the resulting risk.

Use of the system will be illustrated through an application to a region in Australia for wildfire and flood risk, for which we simulated a range of futures using different climate and socio-economic scenarios. We found that in a rapidly growing area, the impact of socio-economic development exceeds the impact of climate change, and well thought out spatial planning strategies can substantially reduce future wildfire and flood risk.

The application of UNHaRMED showcases its potential in better understanding future uncertainties and leveraging this information to assess the impact of risk reduction options under a range of conditions. Lessons learned from this can then be incorporated in the design of robust and/or adaptive risk management strategies.

How to cite: van Delden, H., Vanhout, R., Jeanneau, A., Radford, D., Maier, H. R., and Zecchin, A. C.: Development and use of an integrated modelling approach to simulate dynamic risk profiles and support risk reduction strategies, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13897,, 2023.

EGU23-13915 | Orals | NH10.1

An impact-based extreme event catalogue on southwest Germany: Overview, Clustering and Triggers 

Katharina Küpfer, Susanna Mohr, and Michael Kunz

Multiple hazards of different types, such as heat waves, floods, or storms, occurring either simultaneously or in serial clusters can significantly enhance adverse effects on society, economy, and the environment compared to single events. The disastrous flood in Western Europe in 2021 once again showed that natural hazards can lead to severe building damage and thus pointed to the importance of insurance coverage against such events.

To better understand how multiple hazards translate into impact, we propose an economic approach using a unique residential building insurance dataset for southwest Germany ranging from 1986 to 2020. This dataset includes both the number of damage claims reported to a building insurance company and insured losses on a daily resolution, aggregated over the federal state of Baden-Wuerttemberg. This study area is chosen because of the high insurance coverage and therefore high reliability of the data to capture the most important events compared to other states in Germany. In the first step, an event catalogue regarding serially clustered events was elaborated using different methods and statistics. Only convective storms, winter storms and floods are taken into account as these events cause most of the economic damage compared to other events, such as heat waves. To filter smaller events with limited impact and to remove high-frequency clustering, various methods to aggregate the loss events over several days are applied and compared, such as runs declustering using the Peak-Over-Threshold method and an aggregation method considering a fixed number of days, which is common in the insurance industry. After further separating the events according to the relevant seasons, we apply and compare three different clustering methods to the filtered economic dataset: (a) the Poisson regression method, (b) Ripley’s K, and (c) the counting method.

Results show that a high percentile (e.g., 95th or 99th) is needed to analyse the dataset with regard to the most damaging events. This is because the dataset shows a strongly right-skewed distribution. Furthermore, it is found that a small number of high-impact events dominate the overall damage. We show that different hazard types exhibit different behaviours regarding economic metrics (e.g., average loss or correlation between damage claims and insured loss). It is also found and discussed that the degree of clustering depends on the method chosen. For this reason, we performed sensitivity tests and applied different methods to estimate the reliability of the results. To better differentiate between the meteorological event types (e.g., pluvial vs. fluvial floods and convective gusts vs. windstorms), the dataset is further filtered with precipitation data and a dataset on turbulent wind gusts. Building on the final event set with the different event types, the time frames identified by the analyses above are combined with large-scale weather patterns that were dominant at the times when the loss events occurred. This is done to identify relevant relationships of extreme events and their clusters to large-scale processes and mechanisms (e.g., weather regimes or teleconnection patterns).

How to cite: Küpfer, K., Mohr, S., and Kunz, M.: An impact-based extreme event catalogue on southwest Germany: Overview, Clustering and Triggers, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13915,, 2023.

EGU23-14233 | Posters on site | NH10.1

Mapping and characterisation of compound events in Sweden 

Johanna Mård, Örjan Bodin, and Daniel Nohrstedt

Compound events have significant environmental and societal impacts and bring new challenges to decision-making, planning, and management. Meanwhile, knowledge about compound events and their impacts are limited. Sweden, while being prone to various climate-related natural hazards (e.g., storms, floods, wildfires) have no coherent information on where these events and their impacts have occurred in the past, and less so on compound events. Here we present a new cohesive natural hazards impact database for Sweden, including compound events, to advance our understanding of how these events have unfold during the last 50 years. The impact database consists of available data from multiple sources on past climate-related natural hazard events (e.g., databases and reports from governmental organizations, county boards, and scientific reports). These data have further been geocoded using a Geographic Information System (GIS) to generate an integrated natural hazards map. These two products will help provide knowledge on the spatiotemporal distribution of natural hazard events, including compound events in Sweden, and further advance our understanding of their underlying drivers, and aid ongoing work to effectively plan and prepare for these events.

How to cite: Mård, J., Bodin, Ö., and Nohrstedt, D.: Mapping and characterisation of compound events in Sweden, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14233,, 2023.

EGU23-14325 | Posters on site | NH10.1

Operational assessment of landslide risks in the sprawling city of Bukavu (DR Congo) 

Olivier Dewitte, Caroline Michellier, Toussaint Mugaruka Bibentyo, Sylvain Kulimushi Matabaro, Innocent Kadekere, Charles Nzolang, and François Kervyn

The expansion of informal and uncontrolled urban landscapes commonly overlooks the natural constraints from the environment. This is particularly true for urban environments affected by landslides. Landslide risk assessment relevant for urban planning and disaster risk reduction (DRR) strategy requires highly spatially-resolved datasets and approaches. It also requires that both physical and social local aspects of risk are studied in an interdisciplinary manner. Such assessment of hazard risk remains challenging and under-researched in many regions, especially in low- and lower-middle-income countries in the tropics, as it usually requires large and diverse datasets that are frequently unavailable or unreliable. In addition, specifically in urban contexts, human-induced environmental change impacts slope stability. Under these conditions of data-scarcity and land transformation, reliable and detailed landslide risk assessment encompassing the physical and societal aspects in an operational approach strongly relies on expert knowledge.

In this research, we assess the risks associated with landslides in Bukavu, a city located in the eastern DR Congo where urban sprawling is high and the problem of landsliding is particularly acute. Firstly, we compiled a comprehensive multi-temporal landslide inventory covering several decades using remote sensing, archives, field survey and interviews with key informants. From this inventory, we derived three hazard zonations with multiple scenarios that allow to consider the interactions between various landslide processes and the role of human activities. Secondly, we obtained detailed socio-economic data from a sample population survey in morphological areas determined by remote sensing. Within two months, 10 specifically-trained local interviewers counted and located nearly 44,000 inhabitants living in about 6,580 households, and collected socio-economic baseline data over 10,880 people from 1,614 households. These demographic data were used to determine the variations in population density (exposure) in the city. These data were also key for the vulnerability assessment. For this, we designed a contextualised vulnerability index capturing the various dimensions of vulnerability with a set of selected indicators aimed at facilitating understanding, replicability and updating of the data collection. By combining hazard, exposure and vulnerability, we produced three risk zonation maps at a very high spatial resolution with the potential to be used operationally: one for shallow landslides, another for deformation within landslides and one for reactivation of deep-seated landslides. The development of these maps, as well as the collection of field-based information were carried out in close interaction with the city authorities and various stakeholders (e.g. civil protection, local community leaders) involved in DRR. A specific effort of awareness raising was also made through the organisation of dedicated workshops and radio programmes, and the implementation of a disaster risk information centre in Bukavu.

How to cite: Dewitte, O., Michellier, C., Mugaruka Bibentyo, T., Kulimushi Matabaro, S., Kadekere, I., Nzolang, C., and Kervyn, F.: Operational assessment of landslide risks in the sprawling city of Bukavu (DR Congo), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14325,, 2023.

EGU23-16226 | Posters on site | NH10.1

Multihazard Analysis: Istanbul Microzonation Projects 

Sema Kara, Kemal Duran, Deniz Yılmaz, Evrens Rıza Yapar, Muhammed Emin Karasu, and Betül Ergün Konukcu

Istanbul is located one of the most seismically active regions of the earth. For this reason the city has suffered damage due to earthquakes in its historical process. Three of them, occurring in 1509, 1766, 1894 respectively,    seriously affected Istanbul and caused great loses around the city during the Ottoman period. 1509 Earthquake caused extensive damage to many mosques, buildings and some part of the city walls in Istanbul. 1509 Earthquake caused extensive damage to many mosques, buildings and some part of the city walls in Istanbul. Another destructive earthquake occured in the east part of the Sea of Marmara in 1766. Not only many houses and public buildings collapsed but also The Ayvad Dam located north of the Istanbul were damaged in İstanbul because of the 1766 Earthquake. Third major earthquakes took place in the Gulf of Izmit in 1894 and had adverse impact on Istanbul. On Augsut 17, 1999 The Kocaeli Earthquake with a magnitude 7.6 was the not only devastating but also deadly earthquake for Istanbul in recent years. Despite the approximately 110 km epicenter distance, 3,073 buildings suffered extensive damage, 11,339 buildings had moderate damage and 454 people died and 1880 people injured in Istanbul. Damages in Istanbul especially Avcılar and Büyükçekmece during Kocaeli Earthquake in 1999 raised and improved the awareness on disaster risk management since then several scientific and institutional studies has been conducted for the potential earthquake of Istanbul. Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IMM) carried out two major geo-scientific studies called “microzonation studies” covering more than 700 km2 of Istanbul’s urbanized areas between 2006 and 2009.     And then IMM has just started new microzonation project in order to complete remainder urbanization area of Istanbul consists of districts of Büyükçekmece, Beylikdüzü, Çatalca, Esenyurt, Küçükçekmece, Beşiktaş, Şişli, Sarıyer covering approximately 257 km2. Esenyurt is the most populated district of Istanbul and the other districts host many Istanbulites. This project supports substantial hazard knowledges after the evaluation of geological, geotechnical and geophysical measurements in order comprehend these districts risk against the potential Istanbul earthquake,.  In the end “Land Suitability Maps” are derived from the combination of inputs using multi-hazard approach. Microzonation results could be used in land development/use plans, hazard identification in urban transformation, determination of the routes and characteristics of various types of engineering structures for making city resilient.

How to cite: Kara, S., Duran, K., Yılmaz, D., Yapar, E. R., Karasu, M. E., and Ergün Konukcu, B.: Multihazard Analysis: Istanbul Microzonation Projects, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16226,, 2023.

EGU23-16521 | ECS | Posters on site | NH10.1

Resilient Istanbul against the evolving challenges 

Betül Ergün Konukcu, Sema Kara, Deniz Yılmaz, and Kemal Duran

Cities are increasingly faced with the complexities, the uncertainties, local and global challenges. These problems make pressures on the life of cities and cause direct, indirect, tangible and intangible damages on physical structure, natural environment, social fabric, cultural heritage and economic situation of the cities. In order to make cities resilient against these pressures, it is substantial to improve skills to cope with these difficulties and strengthen coping capacity of urban elements. Istanbul is one of the oldest cities in the world. The city, hosted many civilizations with its 8500 year history, has dealt with the earthquakes, epidemics, floods, fires, water shortages, economic crises throughout its historical process. Istanbul with more than 16 million population is still trying to struggle against the challenges based on natural events and climate change, the consequences of irresponsible urbanization, socio-economic and cultural stresses and environmental problems. This study reveals Sustainable Resilence Strategy of Istanbul with Sustainable Development Goals against to current and evolving acute shocks and chronical stresses by taking lessons from the past, forecasting future challenges, risk reduction, supra disciplinary and interdisciplinary studies,  holistic approach, shared decision making with multiple criteria ,  competent planning, manageable systems, resource management, funding capability, alternative strategy formation capability, reserve capacity, ensuring coordination between systems, increasing adaptive, absorbing and transformation capacity, providing continuity, developing national and international cooperation.

How to cite: Ergün Konukcu, B., Kara, S., Yılmaz, D., and Duran, K.: Resilient Istanbul against the evolving challenges, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16521,, 2023.

EGU23-16828 | Posters on site | NH10.1

Modelling compound flooding events for multiple hazards mapping: an example from Sweden. 

Faisal Bin Ashraf, Marlon Vieira Passos, and Karina Barquet

Globally climate change has increased exposure to multiple hazards. In Sweden, 10-year events of precipitation and streamflow have started to cluster around the summer months for most of the country. However, Sweden's south and west coasts are especially vulnerable to river flooding events caused by extreme sea surges during the winter. This national-level analysis needs to be combined with detailed local assessments to quantify the hazard properly, its potential impacts and cascading effects. In response to this need, we explore the impacts of multiple hydrometeorological (i.e., weather and water) events that happen simultaneously or close together in Halmstad. Furthermore, we investigate the effects of climate change on the intensity and frequency of these hazards by focusing on extreme – low likelihood but high impact – events. Due to its geographical location, Halmstad is particularly vulnerable to flooding risks. Wind and waves combine to make the city vulnerable to flooding and storm surges. That confluence triggers extreme local sea level rise, resulting in high sea levels in Halmstad compared to nearby coastal towns. These compound flooding events in Halmstad are expected to increase in future climate scenarios. We will simulate multiple scenarios of compound flooding events with a two-dimensional hydrodynamic model. The model's values used as boundary conditions will be based on computed joint return intervals for fluvial flooding and extreme sea surge. This study can not only be used to support local adaptation strategies but will also contribute to the body of knowledge on the issue of compound flooding events in a changing climate. Local-scale assessments like this one are necessary for a nuanced understanding of the possible impacts of multiple hazards on society. At the same time, societies' dependency on critical infrastructure and vital societal services is increasing due to growing system complexity and interconnectedness. Together, these shifts will likely increase societal vulnerability and impact adaptive capacity.

How to cite: Ashraf, F. B., Passos, M. V., and Barquet, K.: Modelling compound flooding events for multiple hazards mapping: an example from Sweden., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16828,, 2023.

EGU23-16861 | Posters on site | NH10.1

A spatial analysis of the relevance of community organizations as an insurance against the economic and environmental vulnerability of Colombian cacao producers. 

Sonia Quiroga, Cristina Suárez, Virginia Hernanz, and Jose Evelio Aguiño

The future of replacing illicit crops with cocoa in the South-Pacific region of Colombia goes far beyond the economic viability of these plantations. The process of social and ecological restoration (SER) that this process implies is intrinsically linked to the role of local organisations and the support of international non-governmental organisations, which are introducing the main technical improvements conditional on the achievement of social improvements. Here we analyse the situation in the South-Pacific region of Colombia, a territory traditionally dominated by illicit crops, inhabited by vulnerable Afro-American communities, and where post-conflict agreements are having a special relevance due to the high level of violence. This paper analyses the determinants of differences in the selling price of cocoa, assuming that the decision to be able to sell cocoa dry and access international markets is directly related to the support received by farmers. To be able to obtain a sustainable production of quality dry cocoa, the main requirement for accessing international market prices, is conditioned by access to adequate infrastructures. And, without access to this higher quality production, the substitution of illicit crops does not seem viable, and with it the environmental sustainability and social cohesion of the territory. Therefore, we analyse the determinants of farmers' ability to sell dry cocoa: percentage of cocoa damaged by pests, the pressure of violence. To do so, we use spatial econometric models, as these have been found to be more appropriate than other types of models. And we show that increasing the participation of producers in community councils supported by international NGOs is fundamental to achieving a better cocoa price.

How to cite: Quiroga, S., Suárez, C., Hernanz, V., and Aguiño, J. E.: A spatial analysis of the relevance of community organizations as an insurance against the economic and environmental vulnerability of Colombian cacao producers., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16861,, 2023.

EGU23-17552 | Orals | NH10.1

Diagnosing multi-hazard risk research, practice, and policy in a European context - lessons learnt from the first year of research in MYRIAD-EU 

Roxana Liliana Ciurean, Melanie Duncan, Joel Gill, Lara Smale, Julia Crummy, Dana Stuparu, and Julius Schlumberger

The first priority of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction is Understanding Disaster Risk. To achieve this goal, it is essential that research and practice draw upon previous disaster risk work. What can the use of terminology and concepts tell us about the barriers and opportunities to further our understanding of disaster risks? How can we build more effectively upon existing tools, methods, and approaches to inform future multi-hazard risk solutions? And what is the current multi-risk governance landscape in Europe? To answer these questions, we present the results of the first work package (WP1) of MYRIAD-EU – a multi-disciplinary, multi-sector project on systemic risk assessment and management in the E.U., funded by the Horizon 2020 Programme. WP1 aimed at undertaking a common baseline development to ensure that all MYRIAD-EU work packages are underpinned by a common understanding of terminology, concepts, and current academic, policy, and industry perspectives on multi-hazard, multi-risk assessment and management.

In this presentation, we briefly introduce the methods, outputs, and outcomes of the first year of Diagnosis research in MYRIAD-EU. We look closer at two outputs, namely the Handbook of multi-hazard, multi-risk definitions and concepts, and the Disaster Risk Gateway wiki platform, aimed at promoting interdisciplinary research and engagement between different actors involved in disaster risk assessment and management. Finally, we reflect on lessons learnt and highlight upcoming work in this project.

How to cite: Ciurean, R. L., Duncan, M., Gill, J., Smale, L., Crummy, J., Stuparu, D., and Schlumberger, J.: Diagnosing multi-hazard risk research, practice, and policy in a European context - lessons learnt from the first year of research in MYRIAD-EU, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17552,, 2023.

EGU23-376 | ECS | Posters on site | NH10.2

Graph-based method for analysis of multiple pipe failures in water distribution networks 

Rahul Satish, Thomas Lindenthale, Aun Dastgir, Mohsen Hajibabaei, Martin Oberascher, and Robert Sitzenfrei

Critical infrastructures such as water, power, telecommunications, and transportation systems are an important part of human life in an urban environment, which are vulnerable to disasters, failures, asset forfeiture, and sabotage. The focus of this work is on water distribution networks (WDNs) including different hydraulic elements such as pipes, tanks, valves, and reservoirs to transport drinking water from central treatment plants or sources to consumers. Thereby, efficient identification of system parts in a WDN that are vulnerable to failures is important for efficient management and to provide high reliability. Therefore, often hydraulic simulations are applied, which are computationally intensive and impractical for large networks and multiple pipe failures.

In this study, a graph theory-based analysis is used to identify the critical elements (pipes) in a WDN based on "demand edge betweenness centrality (EBCQ)". Therefore, the connectivity of the network based on spatial layout is modelled using a mathematical graph-based approach that represents the topology of the WDN and incorporates hydraulic factors to imitate hydraulic behavior. The mathematical graph consists of #N (vertices) connected by a set of #E (edges) corresponding to nodes and pipes respectively. The ratio of length and diameter is used as edge weight to determine the shortest path, and adds the demands of the nodes to obtain EBCQ values for all edges in that path. In case of pipe failures, the corresponding edge is removed, and the EBCQ of the new graph is calculated and compared with the maximum possible flow to find overloaded and affected edges. Thereby, single and multiple pipe failures are investigated with this method.

The method is applied to a benchmark case study and to a real network of an Alpine municipality in Austria. Furthermore, the results of the graph-based method are compared with the results from hydraulic modelling in terms of accuracy and computational time. The first results show only slight differences in the results of the graph-based method compared to those from hydraulic modeling.  Further, the graph-based method is able to identify the same order of critical pipes with low deviation compared to those from the hydraulic model. Additionally, the computational time and data requirements, in the calculation of pipe criticality by graph-based approach is significantly less compared to the hydraulic modelling method. This method is useful in disaster or contamination scenarios where many scenarios or combinations are required.

Funding: The project “RESIST” is funded by the Austrian security research programme KIRAS of the Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF).

How to cite: Satish, R., Lindenthale, T., Dastgir, A., Hajibabaei, M., Oberascher, M., and Sitzenfrei, R.: Graph-based method for analysis of multiple pipe failures in water distribution networks, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-376,, 2023.

EGU23-895 | ECS | Posters on site | NH10.2

Risk analysis of natural hazards to power grids in Southeast and East Asia 

Mengqi Ye, Elco Koks, Philip Ward, Nadia Bloemendaal, and Sadhana Nirandjan

Electricity infrastructure is one of the most essential infrastructure systems for the functioning of our society. It forms the “lifeline” for a prosperous modern economy by supporting the delivery of health, education, and many other services in its day-to-day functioning (Rentschler et al. 2019; Arderne et al. 2020). Weather-related hazards are the leading cause of major power outages, resulting in significant damage (Alemazkoor et al. 2020; Shield et al. 2021).

The power grid is a highly intricate system with varying degrees of (inter)connectivity and redundancy over a wide geographic extent. The complexity of the power grid topology may create system-wide failures, more specifically, the power outages may escalate from local problems to broad interruptions, thereby resulting in widespread, catastrophic impacts that may seriously disrupt socioeconomic activities (Pescaroli and Alexander 2018; Suppasri et al. 2021). Transmission and distribution networks are most vulnerable to storm events and are responsible for most power outages (Nicolas et al. 2019). Another main factor behind the increasing damage from power outages is of socio-economic origin — more and more people and physical assets are located in harm's way due to the rapid development of the economy — climate change is also expected to exacerbate impacts from weather-related outages and then alter the landscape of natural hazard risk to power systems (Forzieri et al. 2018).

Understanding the potential damage caused by natural hazards requires information on their intensity and frequency, as well as how these natural hazards interact with the exposure and vulnerability of assets. In recent years, a great number of studies highlight that ongoing sea-level rise will expose the coastal area to greater risk (Hinkel et al. 2014); while more frequent extreme weather events will enhance the impact of sea-level rise on the coast. However, the risk modelling of natural hazards to power grid assets is mainly studied on a local scale, with little attention has been paid to the exposure of electricity infrastructure at the detailed asset level (Dawson et al. 2018; Arrighi et al. 2021); while many existing studies make generalized assumptions on infrastructure density when modelling the infrastructure risk (Koks et al. 2019).

To fill these gaps, we present the first estimate of exposure and risk of power grids in South-eastern and Eastern Asia to tropical cyclones (wind speed only) and coastal floodings. In this paper, we introduce detailed electricity infrastructure asset maps from collaborative community map – OpenStreetMap (OSM) and broadly-collected government power grid maps, state-of-the-art global hazard maps, and various vulnerability curves of wind and flooding for different types of electricity infrastructure into risk modelling. Strengthening the electricity infrastructure to withstand natural hazards takes priority, it is also important to customers and operators of other infrastructure systems, who rely heavily on electricity. The assessment provides better risk information – the annual repairing costs of electricity infrastructure damaged by natural hazards – which will help to improve power grid design and planning against natural hazards, and further make power grids resilient and sustainable.

How to cite: Ye, M., Koks, E., Ward, P., Bloemendaal, N., and Nirandjan, S.: Risk analysis of natural hazards to power grids in Southeast and East Asia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-895,, 2023.

EGU23-4238 | Posters on site | NH10.2

Evaluation of the Geographical Accessibility to Medical Services, Taking into Account the Environmental and Infrastructural Factors 

Bela Kvirkvelia, Shalva Elizbarashvili, Maia Kimeridze, Tamar Khuntselia, and Nino Chikhradze

In this study we present what environment and infrastructure factors should be considered when evaluating geographical accessibility to medical services in developing countries.

Access to medical services is a versatile and complex concept and includes geographical, temporal, financial and other factors. Geographical factors are considered as the basis for access to medical services. Geographical access to medical services means deployment of medical institutions within certain radius or time required for travel to the medical institution and the number of services compared to the number of potential customers. The World Health Organization gives preference to the travel time needed to reach the service compared to the distance to evaluate geographical accessibility.

As a rule, while researching the geographical access to medical services in the world, it is generally accepted that every person is in the same average travel conditions and has appropriate transportation means. A change in the travel time, such as weather conditions, road and transport availability and other variable factors, are not taken into consideration.

However, under the global warming conditions, the frequency and intensity of extreme hydrometeorological events are significantly increased and are likely to be increased further in future. Rain, snowfall, extreme temperature, hurricanes, etc. create emergencies, affect travel time and, thus, hamper geographical access. Moreover, in high mountainous regions, there are frequent landslides, mudflows, rockfalls, avalanches, etc. Developed countries are more willing to respond to such challenges and are quick to react. However, it is a significant problem in developing countries and often the rural areas are torn apart and isolated for many hours and even whole winter.

Thus, when evaluating geographical accessibility to medical service in developing countries it is crucial to take into account the risks of extreme geological and hydrometeorological phenomena on the roads, availability of road infrastructure, transport system. This approach will enable detailed modelling of real problems and their inclusion in the health care development plan. This can bring significant social-economic benefits.

This work was supported by Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia (SRNSFG), Grant № FR-19-14993.

How to cite: Kvirkvelia, B., Elizbarashvili, S., Kimeridze, M., Khuntselia, T., and Chikhradze, N.: Evaluation of the Geographical Accessibility to Medical Services, Taking into Account the Environmental and Infrastructural Factors, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4238,, 2023.

EGU23-5573 | ECS | Posters on site | NH10.2

Flood and Wind-Induced Basic Service Disruptions across the Globe - A Modelling Approach 

Evelyn Mühlhofer, David N. Bresch, and Elco E. Koks

In the aftermath of extreme weather events, disruptions to basic services, such as access to healthcare, electricity, and mobility, may severely impact the functioning of society.  As both infrastructure investments and occurrence of extreme weather and climate events are at an all-time high, critical infrastructures are more exposed than ever to such adverse phenomena. While societal impacts of basic service disruptions can be substantial and widely felt, this aspect of risk is rarely captured in classic risk assessments. In this contribution, we are shedding light on this wider, socio-technical dimension of natural hazard-induced risks, in a globally consistent manner.

For a selection of countries differing in size, world region, population density and income group, we compute spatially explicit patterns of basic service disruptions (access to power, healthcare, education, mobility and telecommunications) caused by historically observed tropical cyclone and flood events, and repeat the assessment with events commensurate with climate chance projections. To this end, we use the open-source risk assessment platform CLIMADA [1] and a bespoke network modelling approach relying on real-world infrastructure and population data [2]. We highlight geographic risk hotspots and demonstrate the importance of considering system interdependencies and cascading failures as opposed to static damage estimates to capture infrastructure risks from a human-centric perspective. Further, we study the influence of (country-specific) infrastructure network characteristics to develop heuristics (“rules of thumb”) of determinants which either perpetuate failure cascades or contribute to resilience.

First results indicate, among others, that i) basic services which heavily rely on supporting infrastructure (such as healthcare and education access) are more likely to be disrupted, ii) floods cause different service disruption patterns than strong winds, iii) locations where service disruptions are experienced may diverge from locations with highest hazard intensities.


[1] Aznar-Siguan, G. and D.N. Bresch (2019) CLIMADA v1: A Global Weather and Climate Risk Assessment Platform. Geoscientific Model Development 2 (7): 3085–9. 12-3085-2019 

[2] Mühlhofer, E., E. E. Koks, C. M. Kropf, G.  Sansavini and D. N. Bresch. (in review). “A Generalized Natural Hazard Risk Modelling Framework for Infrastructure Failure Cascades.” 

How to cite: Mühlhofer, E., Bresch, D. N., and Koks, E. E.: Flood and Wind-Induced Basic Service Disruptions across the Globe - A Modelling Approach, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5573,, 2023.

Current effects of emergencies on human be amplified as extreme weather and outbreaks of epidemic disease increasing. The transport system is crucial for daily life and threatened heavily by these emergencies. Despite advances in emergency management for transportation, we still lack an integrated framework to examine the impact of transport system under different types of extreme event.

First, we develop a failure model to study the effect of floods on road networks; the result covers 90.6% of road closures and 94.1% of flooded streets resulting from Hurricane Harvey. We study the effects of floods on road networks in China and the United States, showing a discontinuous phase transition, indicating that a small local disturbance may lead to a large-scale systematic malfunction of the entire road network at a critical point.

Second, we propose an integrated approach to quantitatively assess how floods impact the functioning of a highway system. This approach is illustrated with a case study of the Chinese highway network. The results show that or different global climate models, the associated flood damage to a highway system is not linearly correlated with the forcing levels of RCPs, or with future years.

Finally, we propose an analysis framework combining with Simulation of Urban Mobility (SUMO) simulator to evaluate the impact of the road transport system within an urban agglomeration from the views of structure and function under four types of emergencies: natural disaster, traffic accident, public health event and social security incident. Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) is one of the regions with the highest degree of openness and the strongest economic vitality in China, with convenient transportation conditions. This method is applied to a case study of the GBA urban agglomeration in China. These results have critical implications for transport sector policies and can be used to guide highway design and infrastructure protection. These approaches can be extended to analyze other networks with spatial vulnerability, and it is an effective quantitative tool for reducing systemic disaster risk.

How to cite: Wang, W.: Modelling of emergencies on transportation system in the context of climate change, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7083,, 2023.

EGU23-7588 | ECS | Posters on site | NH10.2

Power System Resiliency: Weather Patterns Linked to Transmission and Distribution Outages 

Isabelle Ariail, David Brayshaw, Paul Williams, and Claire Burke

Weather hazards are the leading cause of power outages in the U.S. and a major contributor in Europe. Transmission lines are commonly impacted by wind and winter storms, and substations, which regulate voltage levels across the grid, are susceptible to outages caused by flooding. Recent research has begun to quantify the failure probability of power infrastructure against different weather hazards. Building on these established relationships, we seek to understand how future weather patterns will impact transmission and distribution outages in the United States. We do this by examining the weather patterns that have historically caused large-scale outages and determining how these will evolve under different climate scenarios. Additionally, forecasted outages will be compared to predicted demand to determine if there will be sufficient transmission and distribution capacity. Our results highlight locations particularly susceptible to weather-driven outages, which can help drive resilience planning as U.S. power infrastructure begins to reach the end of its lifespan.

How to cite: Ariail, I., Brayshaw, D., Williams, P., and Burke, C.: Power System Resiliency: Weather Patterns Linked to Transmission and Distribution Outages, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7588,, 2023.

EGU23-15868 | ECS | Posters on site | NH10.2

Data Scarcity in Critical Infrastructure Network Modelling: Impacts on Model Performances and Mitigation Strategies 

Roman Schotten, Evelyn Mühlhofer, and Georgios Alexandros Chatzistefanou

Natural hazards impact the closely webbed infrastructure networks that keep a modern society functional in its current form. A variety of critical infrastructure network (CIN) modelling methods is available to represent functions and purposes of CI networks on different levels of boundaries. A recurring challenge for all modelling approaches is the availability and accessibility of input and validation data. Those gaps constrain modellers to make assumptions for specific technical parameters. In other cases insular expert knowledge from one sector is extrapolated to other sectoral structures or even cross-sectorally applied to fill data gaps. Those assumptions lead to uncertainty and can potentially devalue a per se valuable CIN modelling method.

In the presented work, a schematized workflow for a CIN model generation is defined and the potentially needed input datasets are highlighted and categorised. This categorization features obvious CI data like infrastructure component locations, quantitative measures of the services they are supporting and the relation between natural hazard impacts, functionality thresholds and the degree of disruption to a CI structure. It also tackles less straight-forward relations such as  recovery times after disruptions, interdependencies among CIN and the redundancy of those interdependencies. Invariably, the availability of those datasets is tied to a CIN model’s performance, aptness for answering specific problems, and quality. A range of performance indicators are hence compiled including granularity, fidelity, accuracy, sensitivity and the ability to resemble cascading effects. The relation of these performance indicators and data availability are outlined. Finally, it is suggested to overcome the challenges of data scarcity with participatory methods, anonymized data sharing platforms for CI operators and event based datasets.

With this contribution, we aim to provide systematised orientation to fellow critical infrastructure network modellers on the diverse data needs throughout the modelling chain, from setting up a model to results validation, explore implications of data scarcity, and suggest mitigation strategies.

How to cite: Schotten, R., Mühlhofer, E., and Chatzistefanou, G. A.: Data Scarcity in Critical Infrastructure Network Modelling: Impacts on Model Performances and Mitigation Strategies, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15868,, 2023.

EGU23-1089 | Orals | CR6.1

Glacial hot spots for sediment supply during global warming: a case study from the Eastern Italian Alps 

Sara Savi, Francesco Comiti, and Manfred Strecker

Glacial and proglacial zones of high-mountain regions are among the areas most affected by the ongoing climate warming. Rising temperatures accelerate glacial retreat and the degradation of permafrost, with a consequent increase of instability of steep rock walls, moraines, and slopes. This may increase sediment production that could either contribute to the debris cover of the retreating glaciers, or to an increase in the amount of sediment being transported through the proglacial zone and the more distant fluvial system. The contribution of a proglacial area to the total amount of sediment that exits a basin, however, depends on many factors and it is not yet clear, if sediment supply from such areas will continue to increase or decrease in future. Filling this knowledge-gap is crucial to be able to predict the transport capacity of glacial-fed fluvial systems, especially in relation to possible related hydrogeological hazards.

By analyzing aerial photographs and high-resolution digital surface models from a proglacial area in the Eastern Italian Alps, we demonstrate that these sources of sediment are intimately coupled with the position of the glacier through time; this also applies to the newly formed channel reaches that have evolved following glacial retreat. It follows that sediment sources can be “switched on” or “switched off” in relative short time periods, which are primarily influenced by climate-driven environmental change. Such a pulsed sediment production thus generates waves of sediment that may be entrained by the fluvial system depending on water availability and transport capacity. As such, a detailed and robust forecast of sediment yield for future scenarios may be possible if the spatial and environmental changes associated with glacier retreat and newly formed channel network are monitored and assessed.

How to cite: Savi, S., Comiti, F., and Strecker, M.: Glacial hot spots for sediment supply during global warming: a case study from the Eastern Italian Alps, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1089,, 2023.

EGU23-1630 | ECS | Posters on site | CR6.1

Quantification of water flow in permafrost rock walls 

Riccardo Scandroglio, Samuel Weber, Till Rehm, and Michael Krautblatter

Here we present the first multi-annual study in periglacial environments quantifying and characterizing water accumulation in bedrock joints with the help of lysimeters, weather data, snowmelt modeling and gravimetric monitoring.

Continuous measurements allow to detect the timing and to estimate the quantity of water accumulations. These can easily generate significant hydrostatic pressures in sealed clefts and are one of the most important but less understood contributors to slope destabilization. Due to the recent increase of temperatures and the consequent deepening of active layers, it is expected that the influence of water will increase and potentially lead to bigger instabilities, dangerous for people and expensive for infrastructures.

Measurements have been conducted at Mount Zugspitze (Germany/Austria, 2962 m a.s.l.). Hourly cleft water discharge was recorded in a tunnel by two lysimeters-like loggers, high frequency weather data from the summit were provided by the German Meteorological Service and snow measurements from the plateau were obtained from the Bavarian Avalanche Service. Monthly measurements with a relative spring gravimeter Scintrex CG-5 were conducted in the tunnel together with the TUM Institute of Astronomical and Physical Geodesy to monitor water mass changes. Additionally, our temperature loggers and electrical resistivity tomographies recorded permafrost degradation, while a geological mapping provided a detailed cleft structure of the location.

Water flowing in the tunnel comes predominantly from clefts as the Wetterstein limestone exhibits very low porosity and permeability. Over the complete time of investigation, two repeating phases can be clearly distinguished. (i) Snowmelt from April to July provides the highest discharge rates, up to 800 l/d. These measures are well in agreement with the hourly melting rates obtained by the model Snowpack (SLF). Saturation of bedrock and clefts is at its maximum during this period and temperatures are constantly around 0°C, so that water-ice processes are expected to dominate slope stability. (ii) Rainfall events, normally present only from June to September, deliver smaller quantities of water since they mainly have high intensity but short duration. Nevertheless, due to a clear separation between events, it is possible to detect water flow continuing several days after the end of the rainfall, a clear evidence of water accumulation.

Although direct measure of hydrostatic pressures in single clefts remains an open challenge, this benchmark study provides measures on fluid flow and quantitative estimate on water accumulation leading to hydrostatic pressure in bedrock permafrost. Improving the knowledge of slope internal thermal-hydrological dynamics in periglacial environments can help understanding disastrous slope failures.

How to cite: Scandroglio, R., Weber, S., Rehm, T., and Krautblatter, M.: Quantification of water flow in permafrost rock walls, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1630,, 2023.

EGU23-2549 | ECS | Orals | CR6.1

Increasing cryospheric hazards and sediment supply threaten water quality and hydropower systems in high mountain areas 

Dongfeng Li, Xixi Lu, Desmond Walling, Ting Zhang, Jakob Steiner, Robert Wasson, Harrison Stephan, Santosh Nepal, Yong Nie, Walter Immerzeel, Dan Shugar, Michèle Koppes, Stuart Lane, and Tobias Bolch

Global warming-induced melting and thawing of the cryosphere are rapidly changing hydrogeomorphic processes and cryospheric hazards in high mountain areas worldwide. These processes and hazards include glacial retreat and collapses, permafrost thaw and associated landslides, rock-ice avalanches, debris flows, and outburst floods from glacier lakes and landslide-dammed lakes. The changing slope instability and extreme flood have accelerated landscape erosion and increased fluvial sediment loads. For example, the rivers in High Mountain Asia are becoming muddier due to increased suspended particulate matters from melting glaciers and thawing permafrost, likely degrading water quality as fine-grained sediment are easily bonded with organic carbon, phosphorus and most heavy metals (e.g., mercury, chromium, arsenic and lead). Importantly, numerous hydropower dams and reservoirs are under construction or planning in high-mountain areas worldwide such as in the Himalaya and Andes. The increasing amounts of mobilized sediment can fill up reservoirs, cause dam failure, and degrade power turbines, threatening the short-term safety and longer-term sustainability of these hydropower systems.

In the future, we recommend forward-looking design and maintenance solutions that can help transition towards climate change-resilient high-quality water supply and hydropower systems in high-mountain areas. The specific suggestions include: (i) monitor the climate, glaciers and permafrost, glacial lakes, unstable slopes, discharge and sediment yields to better understand the cascading links between climate change, glacier retreat and hazards; (ii) predict future fluvial sediment loads, water quality and reservoir sedimentation in a changing climate and develop sustainable sediment management solutions; (iii) establish real-time early warning systems and enhance social awareness and drills, especially for in-construction dams to minimize human and infrastructure losses; (iv) enhance transboundary cooperation by establishing data-sharing schemes and adopting joint-operation strategies to better cope with hazards and optimise sediment flushing; and (v) promote the inclusion of indigenous and local knowledge in policy, governance, and management for water quality assessment and dam and reservoir construction.

The major results of this study have been published online: Li, D., Lu, X., Walling, D. E., Zhang, T., Steiner, J. F., Wasson, R. J., ... & Bolch, T. (2022). High Mountain Asia hydropower systems threatened by climate-driven landscape instability. Nature Geoscience15(7), 520-530.

How to cite: Li, D., Lu, X., Walling, D., Zhang, T., Steiner, J., Wasson, R., Stephan, H., Nepal, S., Nie, Y., Immerzeel, W., Shugar, D., Koppes, M., Lane, S., and Bolch, T.: Increasing cryospheric hazards and sediment supply threaten water quality and hydropower systems in high mountain areas, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2549,, 2023.

EGU23-3046 | ECS | Orals | CR6.1

Hydrological implications of pervasive permafrost thaw across the Tibetan Plateau 

Taihua Wang and Dawen Yang

Rivers originating from the Tibetan Plateau (TP) provide water to more than one billion people living downstream. Almost 40% of the TP is currently underlain by permafrost, which serves as both an ice reserve and a flow barrier and is expected to degrade drastically in a warming climate. The hydrological impacts of permafrost thaw across the TP, however, remain poorly understood. Here we quantify the permafrost change on the TP over 1980-2100 and evaluate its hydrological impacts using a physically-based cryospheric-hydrological model. Our results indicate widespread permafrost thaw and prominent ground ice losses under warming. The declining ground ice reserve provides locally important but unsustainable meltwater runoff. In addition, the lowering of the permafrost table and removal of permafrost as a flow barrier would enhance infiltration and raise subsurface storage capacity. The diminished water supply from ground ice melt and enhanced subsurface storage capacity could jointly reduce annual runoff and exacerbate the risk of regional water shortage when facing future droughts. Our findings highlight the important role of permafrost thaw in future water resources management and drought risk assessment across the TP.

How to cite: Wang, T. and Yang, D.: Hydrological implications of pervasive permafrost thaw across the Tibetan Plateau, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3046,, 2023.

EGU23-5464 | Posters on site | CR6.1

Detection and localization of ice cavitiy using ambient seismic noise 

Laurent Baillet, Daniela Teodor, Antoine Guillemot, Sylvain Faller, Eric Larose, and Stephane Garambois

Subglacial cavities may trap a considerable quantity of liquid water, causing devastating outburst floods in densely populated mountain areas. Dedicated studies aimed at identifying such intraglacial cavities at an early stage of their formation (1-2) to prevent and mitigate potential subsequent hazards. Both active and passive geophysical methods are employed for the glacier-bedrock interface and intra-glacial characterization e.g., (3), including Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), refraction seismic, borehole measurements, and surface nuclear magnetic resonance (SNMR). 

Ambient seismic noise can be collected by light surveys at a relatively moderate cost, and allows to access some mechanical properties of the glacier, including the detection and localization of ice cavities. The horizontal-to-vertical-spectral ratio (HVSR) technique is highly sensitive to impedance contrasts at interfaces, especially the ice/bedrock interface, thus allowing to estimate the glacier thickness (but with limited resolution compared to GPR).

In contrast to the classical Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR), Saenger et al. (4) proposed analyzing the (opposite) V/H spectral ratio (VHSR) for spectral anomalies characterization. Specifically, a peak in the VHSR indicates a low impedance volume beneath the surface. As a simple picture, we can refer to the “bridge” vibrating mode, where the vertical displacement in the middle of the bridge largely dominates other components of the movement.  Antunes et al. (5) furthermore noticed that the VHSR gives information about seismic energy anomalies generated by fluids in reservoirs since the wavefield is polarized mainly in the vertical direction.

In this work, we apply the HVSR and VHSR techniques to characterize the Tête Rousse glacier (Mont Blanc area, French Alps) and a subglacial water-filled cavity. We analyze the HVSR and VHSR results from 60 temporary dense seismic array installed on the glacier for 15 days (May 2022). Mapping the VHSR over the free surface evidences areas where the main cavity (or secondary cavities) is (are) expected. We perform an elastic modal analysis based on numerical simulations obtained with Comsol Multiphysics finite element numerical scheme to reproduce the observed field data and confirm some geometrical and physical features of the cavity(ties).


  • (1) Haeberli, W. et al: Prevention of outburst floods from periglacial lakes at Grubengletscher, Valais, Swiss Alps. Glaciol., 47 (156), 111–122 (2001).
  • (2) Vincent, C. et al : Origin of the outburst flood from Glacier de Tête Rousse in 1892 (Mont Blanc area, France), Journal of Glaciology, 56 (198), pp 688–698 (2010).
  • (3) Petrenko, V. F, and R.W. Whitworth: Physics of ice. Oxford University Press, New York, 373 (2002).
  • (4) Saenger, E-H. et al: A passive seismic survey over a gas field: Analysis of low-frequency anomalies, Geophysics, 74 (2), O29–O40 (2009).
  • (5) Antunes V. et al: Insights into the dynamics of the Nirano Mud Volcano through seismic characterization of drumbeat signals and V/H analysis. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 431 (2022).

How to cite: Baillet, L., Teodor, D., Guillemot, A., Faller, S., Larose, E., and Garambois, S.: Detection and localization of ice cavitiy using ambient seismic noise, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5464,, 2023.

Following the 130 106 m3 detachment of the Sedongpu Glacier (south-eastern Tibet) in 2018, the Sedongpu valley underwent drastic and rapid large-volume landscape changes. Between 2018 and 2022, and in particular during summer 2021, an enormous volume of in total ~335 106 m3 was eroded from the former glacier bed, forming a new canyon of up to 300 m depth, 1 km width and almost 4 km length. The mass was transported into the Yarlung Tsangpo (Brahmaputra) River and further. Several rock-ice avalanches of in total ~150 106 m3 added to the total rock, sediment and ice volume of over 0.6 km3 that were exported from the basin since around 2017. The recent events at Sedongpu Glacier represent a rapid and irreversible process of landscape transformation from a sediment-filled glacier valley to a glacier-free one with a deeply incised canyon, impressively confirming that glaciers are able to protect their soft beds against massive erosion. Once uncovered, the erosion potential of soft glacier beds is here demonstrated to be possibly enormous for some glaciers in terms of volumes and rates. Such erosion could be particularly extreme for fine-grained subglacial sediments and for elevated glacier beds where large amounts of subglacial sediments are stored. The 2018–2022 landscape development at Sedongpu represents an extreme example of rapid paraglacial slope response highlighting extreme glacier erosion potentials and related hazards from debris flows and impacts on rivers. Such consequences of climate change in glacierized mountains have so far not been considered at this magnitude.

How to cite: Kääb, A. and Girod, L.: Rapid and massive 335 million m3 glacier bed erosion after detachment of the Sedongpu Glacier (Tibet), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6052,, 2023.

EGU23-8183 | ECS | Orals | CR6.1

Mapping release and propagation areas of permafrost-related rock slope failures to identify hot spots for hazard assessment; French Alps 

Maëva Cathala, Florence Magnin, Ludovic Ravanel, Dorren Luuk, Nicolas Zuanon, Frédéric Berger, Franck Bourrier, and Deline Philip

Permafrost-affected rockwalls are increasingly impacted by the effects of climate change and rising air temperature leading to rock slope failures. These events pose a threat for human lives and infrastructure, which underlines the need of better knowledge about their triggering mechanism and propagation.  The aim of this study was to propose a mapping approach of susceptible release areas of rock slope failures and resulting runout distances at a regional scale. This information helps identifying hotspots for subsequent hazard assessment.

To do so, we used an inventory of 1389 rock slope failures (volume > 102 m3)recorded in the Mont-Blanc massif from 2007 to 2019 and determined the topographical and permafrost conditions that are most prone to their triggering using a digital terrain model and a permafrost map. These conditions are used in a multi-criteria GIS approach to identify potential unstable slopes at the French Alps scale. Then, the potential release area map is used as input to map the runout of potential events, using a propagation model based on a normalised area dependant energy line principle. The resulting maps of release and propagation areas will be used to point out human assets (mountaineering routes, high mountain infrastructure, tourism areas) and lakes (that can provoke cascading hazards) which could be impacted by rock slope failure hazards.

This work is a first step to identify hot spots for a regional hazard assessment where more detailed analyses will be required to evaluate potential risks at a local scale.

How to cite: Cathala, M., Magnin, F., Ravanel, L., Luuk, D., Zuanon, N., Berger, F., Bourrier, F., and Philip, D.: Mapping release and propagation areas of permafrost-related rock slope failures to identify hot spots for hazard assessment; French Alps, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8183,, 2023.

EGU23-10799 | ECS | Orals | CR6.1

Regional decrease in hazards from ice-dammed lakes in Alaska since the 1960s 

Brianna Rick, Daniel McGrath, Scott McCoy, and William Armstrong

As ice thins and retreats due to climate change, glacial lakes can form and grow. Rapid lake drainage can produce devastating outburst floods leading many to propose that hazards from glacial lakes are increasing. Outburst flood compilations do show an increase in the number of events documented over time, however, recent studies attribute such trends to observational bias. This leaves large uncertainty about current and future glacial-lake hazards. Here, we focus on ice-dammed lake drainages in Alaska, as a third of documented events globally occurred in this region. Using multitemporal satellite imagery (Landsat and Sentinel-2), we documented 1150 drainages from 106 lakes over 1985–2020. Accounting for the increase in satellite imagery availability over time, we find no temporal trend in drainage frequency. Furthermore, 70% of lakes decreased in estimated volume and peak discharge since the 1960s, and nearly a third of lakes released earlier through time. These results suggest a decrease in overall regional flood hazard from ice-dammed lakes and motivates an unbiased look at other regions.

How to cite: Rick, B., McGrath, D., McCoy, S., and Armstrong, W.: Regional decrease in hazards from ice-dammed lakes in Alaska since the 1960s, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10799,, 2023.

EGU23-11207 | ECS | Posters virtual | CR6.1

Monitoring GLOFs via deep learning-based remote sensing and transfer learning 

Thomas Y. Chen

As glacial melting and permafrost melting increase in intensity, regions with glaciers experience higher rates of flooding, which can cause immense economic loss and hundreds of lives lost in glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs). By training a convolutional neural network (CNN) for this problem on multitemporal satellite imagery, we propose enabling deployable technologies that predict GLOF events and impacts on surrounding areas. In particular, we collect high-resolution satellite imagery data from previous GLOFs around the world, such as in Iceland, Alaska (United States), Pakistan, and Tibet, utilizing repositories provided by ESA and NASA. We curate a dataset based on paired images (pre- and post-GLOF). In this way, we can train the CNN on the change detected between these two instances, which can further aid in predictions in the form of an output from 0 to 10 indicating the severity of damage caused. However, because machine learning algorithms require a large quantity of data, we must also employ transfer learning. We propose a Markov logic network framework to achieve this, incorporating data from events that were not necessarily GLOFs but included glacial movement and/or flooding. When deployed, models like the one we propose can allow for both the monitoring of GLOFs in action as well as predict GLOFs in the near future by assessing changes using data collected from satellites in real time. 

How to cite: Chen, T. Y.: Monitoring GLOFs via deep learning-based remote sensing and transfer learning, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11207,, 2023.

EGU23-12531 | Orals | CR6.1

Connection between thermal stress and frost quakes 

Jarkko Okkonen, Nikita Afonin, Emma-Riikka Kokko, Elena Kozlovskaya, Kari Moisio, and Roseanna Neupauer

Global warming is affecting the Arctic more significantly as it is warming faster than other places on Earth. The consequences for Arctic as well as sub-Arctic environment are not well understood. Observations in the past decades and climate change impact analysis predicts clear changes in snow cover and snow melt but consequences to frozen soil and related phenomena such as frost quakes are unclear. Frost quakes are non-tectonic seismic events that occur when freezing of water in saturated soils or rocks results in sudden release of seismic energy. Compared to traditional tectonic earthquakes in seismology, frost quakes are much less studied, as they usually occur at random, or less predictable, rarely instrumented locations. Reports and news of frost quakes, resulting in mechanical damage to the pavements, roads and buildings have been received recently from different locations in Finland, Canada and USA and connections between air temperature and frost quakes have been found. The conceptual model of frost quakes is well known but a methodology to predict the occurrence of frost quakes have been missing. In our study, we present a methodology to investigate the connection between thermal stress and frost quakes. Thermal stress is a function of temperature, which can be measured or calculated. We used a hydrological model to calculate snow depth, snow melt rate and soil temperature at different depths in soil. We show that rapid decrease in temperature can cause a thermal stress that is higher than fracture toughness and strength of the soil‐ice mixture. A swarm of frost quakes occurred on 6 January 2016, in in the city of Oulu in Central Finland (sub-Arctic environment). Some of the frost quakes created ruptures in soil, building foundations, and roads. We show that origin of frost quakes was related to rapid decrease in air temperature from -12 °C to –29 °C that created thermal stress in frozen soil and roads which could not withstand the stress.

How to cite: Okkonen, J., Afonin, N., Kokko, E.-R., Kozlovskaya, E., Moisio, K., and Neupauer, R.: Connection between thermal stress and frost quakes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12531,, 2023.

EGU23-13137 | Orals | CR6.1

Emerging threats: Cryosphere-related hazards in the Trans-Himalaya of Ladakh 

Susanne Schmidt, Mohd Soheb, and Marcus Nüsser

Cryosphere-related hazards are a growing but largely neglected threat for rural settlements, agrarian land use and local livelihoods in the cold-arid Trans-Himalayan region of Ladakh. Despite the growing number of studies on cryosphere-related hazards across High Mountain Asia and other glacierized mountain regions, the occurrence, frequency and magnitude of glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs) are almost entirely overlooked for the region of Ladakh. Due to the small size and high elevational location of glaciers above 5200 m a.s.l. also the glacial lakes are of small size and some of them are almost permanently ice-covered. In the recent past several GLOF events occurred which destroyed infrastructure and agricultural area. It becomes obvious that even these small glacial lakes might be a permanent threat for local livelihoods and socioeconomic development. This is even more problematic as the number and size of lakes has significantly increased over the past decades. Many of these lakes are dammed by ice-cored moraines which tend to become instable due to climate warming. A comprehensive inventory of glacial lakes for the entire Trans-Himalayan region of Ladakh was carried out. This includes several almost permanently ice-covered high altitude lakes, which have to be detected by visual image interpretation. Changes in the extent and number of glacial lakes have been quantified for the years 1969, 1993, 2000/02 and 2018 in order to assess the potential threat of future GLOFs in the region. A total of 192 glacial lakes cover an area of 5.93 ± 0.70 km2 with an estimated water volume of about 61.11 ± 8.5 million m3, including 127 proglacial (PG) and 56 lakes located on recent moraines (RM) were mapped in 2018. The change detection analyses also indicated the disappearance of 22 glacial lakes (decrease by more than 90%) between 1969 and 2018. The lake development of selected former reported GLOF events were analysed in detail to reconstruct lake level changes which possibly indicate earlier GLOF events. Based on high temporal resolution remote sensing data, a sophisticated monitoring concept needs to be realized to indicate the development of short-lived lakes on glaciers or on debris landforms with buried ice or fast glacial lake growth.

How to cite: Schmidt, S., Soheb, M., and Nüsser, M.: Emerging threats: Cryosphere-related hazards in the Trans-Himalaya of Ladakh, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13137,, 2023.

EGU23-13286 | Posters on site | CR6.1

Hazard assessment of the potential outburst flood of the Ikhnach Lakes, Uzbekistan 

Gulomjon Umirzakov, Eleonora Semakova, Dilmurad Junsaliev, Timur Sabitov, Halimjon Mamirov, and Alessandro Cicoira

Glacier lakes outburst floods (GLOFs) study in the Central Asian region is a very important task in terms of global warming and glacier shrinking. It is expected that ongoing climate changes will lead to an increase in the magnitude and frequency of glacial hazards with profound implications for risks. The appearance and expansion of naturally-dammed lakes in the mountain regions of Uzbekistan poses a threat to downstream communities through the potential for sudden drainage.

In this study, we considered a possible flood from failures of natural dams of the two well-known Ikhnach lakes located in the Pskem River basin at an altitude of 2400 m. We simulated the GLOF using the RAMMS: DebrisFlow software. In our scenario the potential debris flow from the Ikhnach Lakes can reach a constructed dam of the Pskem new reservoir located at the altitude of 1020 m. The total length of the analyzed flow path is 34 km. It is known that accurate and up-to-date digital elevation models (DEMs) are important tools for studying mountain hazards. We used such global DEMs as input as ALOS PALSAR, and TanDEM-X DEMs. According to the simulation results of possible floods from the Ikhnach lakes in the Debris Flow module of the software, the following results were obtained: (i) the time of the flood to reach the hydropower station (HPP) area - 14800±700 sec ~ 4.11 hours; (ii) maximum water discharge of flood water at the HPP area – 410±20 m3 s-1; (iii) height of the flood in the HPP area - 1.2 m.

The obtained results show that there is no potential disastrous effect of the possible flood from the lakes to the residential area as the lowest settlement along the river bed is located considerably higher than flood risk area. However, possible floods in the lakes potentially can reach and have an effect on day to day dam operation of newly constructed Pskem HPP and its engineering infrastructures. Therefore, flood parameters modeled in the RAMMS can be useful information for designing flood damage prevention structures and reservoir operation.

How to cite: Umirzakov, G., Semakova, E., Junsaliev, D., Sabitov, T., Mamirov, H., and Cicoira, A.: Hazard assessment of the potential outburst flood of the Ikhnach Lakes, Uzbekistan, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13286,, 2023.

EGU23-13819 | ECS | Posters on site | CR6.1

Climate change impacts on large scale avalanche risk in mountainous regions 

Gregor Ortner, Adrien Michel, Matthias B.A. Spieler, Chahan M. Kropf, Marc Christen, Yves Bühler, Michael Bründl, and David N. Bresch

The effect of climate change on snow avalanches is widely unknown. 
Various studies indicate that a rise of temperature  and extreme precipitation events will influence the release and the flow regime of snow avalanches. To compare the consequences of these potential changes on snow avalanche hazard and risk with the current situation, we have developed a framework to model avalanche risk at a regional scale. In a first step, we combined an algorithm to delineate potential release areas using a high-resolution terrain model and a forest layer and modeled three hazard scenarios for the current climate situation in a region in central Switzerland. The runout modelling was carried out with the RAMMS::LSHIM Large Scale Hazard Indication Mapping algorithm implemented in the recently released high parameterised version RAMMS::Extended.

For modelling climate change effects on snowfall intensity and snow pack temperature, we used down-scaled data from the Swiss climate change scenarios CH2018 as input for the snow- and surface model "SNOWPACK''. The results of six different model chains within the RCP8.5 emission scenario and a hundred year (from year 2000 to 2100) long data set provided the input to simulate the course of over 600 future winters. For these hypothetical  future winters, we applied extreme value statistics to determine the future changes of the three-day maxima of snowfall. This maxima were used to derive the potential future avalanche fracture depth. We used the output of SNOWPACK for various snow layers to take the effect of changing snow temperatures on the flow regime into account. Furthermore, we considered the rise of the zero degree line to restrict potential future avalanche release zones.

The so-derived changing avalanche hazard disposition maps were used as input for the probabilistic, Python-based risk assessment platform CLIMADA to quantitatively assess the risk to buildings. The resulting maps depict the impacts of climate change on snow avalanche risk by highlighting areas where adaptation measures might be needed and thereby provide a basis for risk appraisal options and risk management strategies considering climate change.


How to cite: Ortner, G., Michel, A., Spieler, M. B. A., Kropf, C. M., Christen, M., Bühler, Y., Bründl, M., and Bresch, D. N.: Climate change impacts on large scale avalanche risk in mountainous regions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13819,, 2023.

EGU23-14598 | ECS | Orals | CR6.1

Future proglacial lake evolution and outburst flood hazard in south Iceland 

Greta H. Wells, Þorsteinn Sæmundsson, Snævarr Guðmundsson, Finnur Pálsson, Eyjólfur Magnússon, Reginald L. Hermanns, and Guðfinna Aðalgeirsdóttir

Arctic regions are warming at more than double the global average rate with significant impacts on glaciers and hydrologic systems. Iceland is on the front line of this rapid climate change, with a predicted loss of ~20% of its current ice cap volume by 2100. Much of this meltwater is stored in proglacial lakes at outlet glaciers, which are at risk of draining in glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs). Most contemporary outburst floods in Iceland have been triggered by subglacial eruptions and geothermal activity; however, GLOFs resulting from mass movement events into lakes are an emerging—yet understudied—hazard. Many of Iceland’s proglacial lakes form in overdeepened basins, storing large volumes of meltwater; expanding lake extent creates more surface area for mass movements to enter; and retreating glaciers remove support from valley walls, increasing rockfall and landslide risk. Several large rockfalls have fallen onto glaciers in the past decades; however, these events may enter lakes as glacier retreat progresses and lakes expand.

We investigate this emerging hazard by predicting proglacial lake evolution and assessing GLOF risk under a future warming climate at three sites in south Iceland. This presentation focuses on the proglacial lake at Fjallsjökull, an outlet glacier of the Vatnajökull ice cap. We present lake volume changes since 1980, derived from bathymetric surveys and mapped lake surface areas. We then estimate future lake volume and extent changes from the present until 2100 based on: 1) local topography derived from bathymetric mapping, ArcticDEM, and subglacial topography from radio-echo sounding surveys; and 2) projected glacier retreat under different climate warming scenarios. Next, we identify potential hazards from mass movement events entering the lake at its current and future extents based on field mapping and remote sensing imagery. Finally, we discuss implications of a glacial outburst flood on downstream communities, infrastructure, and tourism, laying the foundation for future work on hazard assessment and flood modeling. This site is an excellent pilot study for this emerging hazard in Iceland and has significant potential for application to other Icelandic and Arctic glacial lakes.

How to cite: Wells, G. H., Sæmundsson, Þ., Guðmundsson, S., Pálsson, F., Magnússon, E., Hermanns, R. L., and Aðalgeirsdóttir, G.: Future proglacial lake evolution and outburst flood hazard in south Iceland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14598,, 2023.

EGU23-15227 | ECS | Posters on site | CR6.1

Thermokarst processes as triggers of debris flows: A case study at Hüttekar Rock Glacier (Austrian Alps) 

Simon Seelig, Thomas Wagner, Karl Krainer, Michael Avian, Marc Olefs, Klaus Haslinger, and Gerfried Winkler

A cascading process including thermokarst lake outburst, debris flow initiation, and river blockage, hit a high mountain valley in the Austrian Alps during summer 2019. The rapid development of thermokarst features on an active rock glacier, including a lake with a water volume of approximately 166,000 m³ as well as a 350 m long drainage channel, most likely triggered the failure of ice-cemented debris within its front, with subsequent mobilization of roughly 50,000 m³ of sediment. This study explores the drivers of thermokarst evolution by tracking the lake development using satellite imagery and modeling its energy budget. We employ a simple balance model, assuming that the atmospheric energy input was efficiently transferred to the frozen rock glacier core through convection of lake water. This process provided sufficient melting energy to establish the thermokarst channel draining the lake within several hours. Our results highlight the need to account for thermokarst processes in hazard assessment studies involving permafrost-affected terrain.

How to cite: Seelig, S., Wagner, T., Krainer, K., Avian, M., Olefs, M., Haslinger, K., and Winkler, G.: Thermokarst processes as triggers of debris flows: A case study at Hüttekar Rock Glacier (Austrian Alps), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15227,, 2023.

EGU23-15703 * | Orals | CR6.1 | Highlight

Mapping Himalayan glacial lake outburst flood hazard through time and space 

Scott McCoy, Jonathan Jacquet, Daniel McGrath, and Sajid Ghuffar

When glacial dams fail catastrophically, the ensuing glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs) can cause devastating impacts to downstream environments and infrastructure. Large-impact GLOFs imprint distinct geomorphic features in the landscape that can remain diagnostic for hundreds of years, particularly for GLOFs sourced from moraine-dammed lakes. In this work, we used multi-temporal very-high-resolution-satellite imagery to systematically map the occurrence of impactful GLOFs from moraine-dammed lakes along the Himalayan arc between the Indus and the Salween rivers. Additionally, we binned mapped events by approximate date of occurrence to quantify changes in GLOF frequency through time. This new data set adds over 200 newly mapped GLOFs from ~200 lakes to the 108 events documented in published compilations. We find notable spatial heterogeneity in GLOF hazard along the Himalayan arc. Furthermore, we find that GLOF frequency from moraine-dammed lakes in the last 20 years is markedly lower than earlier time periods from 1970-2000 or from the end of the Little Ice Age to 1970. This decrease in GLOF frequency in recent time is despite continued growth of glacial lakes, likely increases in the frequency of mass movements that commonly trigger GLOFs from moraine-dammed lakes, and mapping bias that likely underestimates GLOF occurrence from earlier time periods.

How to cite: McCoy, S., Jacquet, J., McGrath, D., and Ghuffar, S.: Mapping Himalayan glacial lake outburst flood hazard through time and space, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15703,, 2023.

In criminal cases of clandestine homicide graves, the criminal behavior and mental map of an offender may be influenced by several geographical, botanical, and geological features. Among these factors, diggability assumes for a concealer a predominating role in the concealment act because an easy and efficient digging of a hole requires that the ground is diggable. The diggability (the ease and efficiency with which soils and sediments may be dug and reinstated in a grave) may vary from very easy to difficult, and forensic geologists may qualitatively and relatively evaluate it by using a T-metal bar for offensive and defensive search purposes. Results of a diggability survey were processed in the GIS platform, reconstructing contour maps, Inverse Distance Weighting, Kriging, and Thin Plate Spline with Tension maps of a crime scene. The interpolation of the data by Thin Plate Spline with Tension rendered the best results. The diggability survey demonstrated that the pit fell in a suitable area for concealment, being one of the easiest diggable and thick sectors of the search area.

How to cite: Somma, R.: Diggability field survey for the assessment of the most suitable site for a clandestine homicide grave, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-20,, 2023.

EGU23-70 | Posters virtual | ITS4.2/BG1.12

Procedures for the documentation and collection of physical evidence from human and animal envenomization cases. 

Jason Byrd, Daniela Sapienza, Michael Schaer, Adam Stern, Roberta Somma, Lerah Sutton, and Domenico Trombetta

Legal cases involving human and animal envenomizations may be encountered by the medicolegal investigator.  Such cases are often difficult due to lack of physical evidence and analytical difficulty.  The development and use of an interdisciplinary approach and standardized protocol involving experts in environmental and life sciences (toxicology, legal medicine, entomology, veterinary forensic science, biology, geography, geology, and meteorology) may improve the documentation, collection, and presentation of physical evidence in court.  This information can be utilized to develop and optimize new protocols for toxicological screenings for application in human and animal cases.  In such cases, the scientific background of coroners and police experts may not be sufficient to correctively delineate the environmental features of the territory that may be typical of certain species of venomous fauna present in the scene of the events. Therefore, protocols providing complete information concerning the environment of the scene and detail of the events together with exam protocols, sample collection, tissue preservation, and testing/analysis are needed. This holistic approach could enhance the ability to detect toxins involved in envenomizations to better manage forensic science and legal cases. 


How to cite: Byrd, J., Sapienza, D., Schaer, M., Stern, A., Somma, R., Sutton, L., and Trombetta, D.: Procedures for the documentation and collection of physical evidence from human and animal envenomization cases., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-70,, 2023.

EGU23-145 | ECS | Posters virtual | ITS4.2/BG1.12

The unique contextual situation of the Ca’ Granda burial ground: from taphonomic observations towards a new type of anthropogenic soil 

Giulia Tagliabue, Anna Masseroli, Mirko Mattia, Carlotta Sala, Elena Belgiovine, Daniele Capuzzo, Gaia Giordano, Paolo Maria Galimberti, Fabrizio Slavazzi, Cristina Cattaneo, and Luca Trombino

Soil is a dynamic matrix that can rapidly respond to disturbance events, such as the death and the subsequent deposition of an organism. Concurrently, it can be considered an archive of evidence due to its ability to record the signals of disturbance events. Such a condition turns the biogeochemical analysis of geopedological samples into a valuable tool for the study of decomposition processes, especially when they are flanked with the examination of the remains. The aim of the present research is to present the unique contextual situation of the Sepolcreto (i.e., burial ground) under the crypt of the ancient Ospedale Maggiore of Milan Ca’ Granda (Italy). The sepulchre hosted an estimated amount of 150000 buried individuals, 10000 of which are still buried in one of the underground chambers, named “chamber O”, and whose remains underwent various type of post-mortem transformative processes, both disruptive and preservative. In this study microscopic and ultramicroscopic analysis have been carried out in order to detect any evidence of material exchange between the bone tissue, from three skeletal remains collected from the “chamber O” of the Sepolcreto, and the surrounding pedosedimentary matrix. The specimens were analysed by the mean of a polarizing microscope and a SEM-EDS, which pointed out the presence of a mutual exchange of material between the two substrates, underlying the intensity of the interaction between organisms (even after their death) and the environment. Finally, this burial context permitted to observe an inedited type of soil, mainly composed of organic matter transformed by thanatological processes, bone tissue fragments and some other evidence of anthropic origin and/or activity. Therefore, it has been considered a new type of anthropogenic soil named “Thanatogenic soil”.

How to cite: Tagliabue, G., Masseroli, A., Mattia, M., Sala, C., Belgiovine, E., Capuzzo, D., Giordano, G., Galimberti, P. M., Slavazzi, F., Cattaneo, C., and Trombino, L.: The unique contextual situation of the Ca’ Granda burial ground: from taphonomic observations towards a new type of anthropogenic soil, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-145,, 2023.

Contrarily to land plants, which display complex anatomical features useful in diagnostics, algae are problematic to identify at the species level. Taxonomic identifications classically are focused on morphological observations at the light microscopy, but current research showed extensive phenotypic plasticity and cryptic diversity resulting in different phylogenetic assemblages. Modern taxonomic approaches also include ultrastructural (SEM and/or TEM), phylogenetic and phylogenomics information, all methodologies that may be expensive and need the involvement of skilled experts. In criminal investigations, such methodologies may not be always applicable by the judicial system because of the costs, and morphological identification of algae at the light microscope is usually the standard method. Consequently, scientific data coming from algae are often neglected in forensic investigations, with the notable exceptions of the diatoms in drowning victims.

This research deals with a traditional morphological investigation on the detection and identification of soil microalgae in a case of disappearance. The method was useful in forensic investigations to associate control samples from the scene of the events to detected traces of unknown origin found on the victims.

Morphological characteristics (shape, size, color, taking into consideration the different state of conservation of the algae) and cellular characteristics (wall, unicellular, colonial, multicellular organization) were observed at the light microscopy.  Where species identification was not achievable with certainty, the smallest identifiable taxonomic level was recorded. A comparison of identified morphotypes as well as of the peculiar associations of taxonomic entities was made between sample of unknown origin to those of known origin and was used to evaluate similarity degree.

Observations of microalgae, in association with other geological (shape, size, color, composition of mineral grains) and botanical (shape, size, color of leaves and seeds) analyses, allowed investigators to: i) associate the walking of a person under investigation in specific sites of the scene of the events; ii) exclude that the bodies of two victims were submerged under water; iii) exclude the contact of any surface of the persons’ belongings, other than the soles of their shoes, with water basins of any kind.

The present investigation proved how a traditional light microscopic approach could be decisive to associate field samples to detected traces, basing on the identification of associations of morpho-types of microalgae.

How to cite: Morabito, M. and Somma, R.: May light microscopy observations of algae play a significative role in forensic investigations of soils?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1336,, 2023.

EGU23-2692 | Orals | ITS4.2/BG1.12 | Highlight

Pesticide use under the influence of socio-economic and climate change: Pest-Agri-SSPs 

Stefan Dekker, Poornima Nagesh, Oreane Edelenbosch, Hugo de Boer, Hermine Mitter, and Detlef P. van Vuuren

Pesticide use is a crucial human-driven change in the Anthropocene that negatively impacts the environment and ecosystems. While pesticides are essential to agriculture to sustain crop production and ensure global food security, they also lead to significant environmental impacts. The export of pesticides after application from the agricultural fields threatens the soil, groundwater and surface water quality in many world regions. Pesticide use is constantly increasing globally, driven mainly by agricultural intensification, despite stricter regulations and higher pesticide effectiveness. To enhance the understanding of future pesticide use and emissions and make informed farm-to-policy decisions, we developed Pesticide Agricultural Shared Socio-Economic Pathways (Pest-Agri-SSPs) in six steps. The Pest-Agri-SSPs are based on an extensive literature review and expert knowledge, considering significant climate and socio-economic drivers from farm to continental scale in combination with multiple actors impacting them. In the literature, pesticide use is associated with farmer behaviour and agricultural practices, pest damage, technique and efficiency of pesticide application, agricultural policy and demand for agricultural products. Here, we developed Pest-Agri-SSPs upon this understanding of pesticide use drivers and relating them to plausible sectoral developments, as described by the Shared Socio-economic Pathways for European agriculture and food systems (Eur-Agri-SSPs).

The Pest-Agri-SSPs present European pesticide use in five scenarios with low to high challenges to climate change adaptation and mitigation up to 2050. The most sustainable scenario (Pest-Agri-SSP1) shows a decrease in pesticide use owing to sustainable agricultural practices, technological advances and a pro-environmental orientation of agricultural policies. On the contrary, the Pest-Agri-SSP3 and Pest-Agri-SSP4 show an increase in pesticide use resulting from high challenges from pest pressure, resource depletion and relaxed agricultural policies. Pest-Agri-SSP2 presents a stabilised pesticide use resulting from strict policies and slow transitions by farmers to sustainable agricultural practices. Pest-Agri-SSP5 shows a decrease in pesticide use for most drivers, influenced mainly by rapid technological development and the application of sustainable agricultural practices. However, Pest-Agri-SSP5 also shows a relatively low rise in pesticide use driven by agricultural demand, production, and climate change. Our results highlight the need for a holistic approach to tackle pesticide use and emissions, considering the identified drivers and future developments. The storylines and qualitative assessment provide a platform to make quantitative assumptions for numerical modelling and evaluating policy targets.

Keywords: Farm characteristics, pest damage, technology, policy, socioeconomic, agriculture and food systems

Adapted version of this work has been submitted to Journal of Environmental Management: Nagesh P, Edelenbosch OY , Dekker SC, de Boer HJ, Mitter H, van Vuuren DP. Pesticide use under the influence of socio-economic and climate change: Pest-Agri-SSPs



How to cite: Dekker, S., Nagesh, P., Edelenbosch, O., de Boer, H., Mitter, H., and van Vuuren, D. P.: Pesticide use under the influence of socio-economic and climate change: Pest-Agri-SSPs, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2692,, 2023.

EGU23-3869 | Posters virtual | ITS4.2/BG1.12

Overview in forensic purpose and application of plant DNA 

Daniela Sapienza, Gennaro Baldino, Irene Lo Piccolo, Roberta Somma, Elvira Ventura Spagnolo, Cristina Mondello, Patrizia Gualniera, and Alessio Asmundo

The multidisciplinary approach in forensic science led to the development of geology and botany as predictive forensic applications (forensic geology – forensic botany) aimed at analyzing and studying the crime scene for the "solving" of the criminal hypothesis. Over the past fifteen years, the study of plant DNA has been used in forensics science to discriminate the place of origin of plant material found at a crime scene, to identify poisonous vegetable species, as a forensic marker in all cases where determining geographic origin is essential to investigative leads, missing person cases, and intelligence application (Bell et al., 2015), in the identification of Cannabis as support of law authorities in fighting drug abuse and global trafficking. These specific topics to date made it possible to: distinguish a primary crime scene from a secondary one, link a suspect to the crime scene, and determine the date of death. Findings of plant material can be examined through chemical analysis, morphological analysis, DNA analysis, PCR and electrophoresis. Comparative studies may be carried out among the plant remains collected from the victim and suspect and plant sampled on the event scene in order to trace the place where the plant transfer occurred. The analysis of the international literature presented through this review shows the importance of further developments in plant DNA analysis, growing and expanding a global database containing the plant DNA barcode, and implementing specific guidelines for the collection and sampling procedures of forensic samples.

How to cite: Sapienza, D., Baldino, G., Lo Piccolo, I., Somma, R., Ventura Spagnolo, E., Mondello, C., Gualniera, P., and Asmundo, A.: Overview in forensic purpose and application of plant DNA, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3869,, 2023.

One pillar of the protection of groundwater established by the EU legislation is the “polluter pays principle”. Following this principle, the costs for the remediation of contaminated sites must be in charge of the responsible of the environmental crime. Compound Specific Isotope Analysis (CSIA), also known as “isotopic fingerprinting”, is a robust tool to apportion the source of groundwater contamination and eventually the polluter. The isotopic composition of the contaminant molecule may reflect the production process of a compound or the origin of the raw materials used in the production. Here we present the effective and decisive application of isotopic fingerprinting of carbon stable isotopes in the molecule of chlorinated hydrocarbons (chlorinated ethenes PCE-Perchloroethylene and TCE-Trichloroethylene) for the source apportionment in two contaminated sites in Italy, namely Ferrara (Emilia-Romagna region, Northern Italy) and Bussi sul Tirino (Abruzzo region, Central Italy). In both cases, industrial wastes from a production of chloromethanes, using methane and chlorine, were disposed illegally in unlined dumps resulting in a severe contamination of groundwater. The companies responsible for the contamination are different in the two sites but the production process is the same, resulting in a similar isotopic signature of the wastes. In both cases, the isotopic fingerprinting was critical to identify the chlorometane production as the source of contamination among other possible sources, despite two different hydrogeological settings (a large alluvial plain in the Ferrara site and a narrow valley with macroclastic alluvial deposits and travertines in the Bussi site). In both cases, PCE and TCE showed strongly depleted values of δ13C (isotopic ratio of the fraction of 13C respect to 12C isotopes of carbon) ranging between  -87 and -65‰ for PCE and between -79 and -64‰ for TCE. The very depleted isotopic values are related to the use of methane in the production process instead of coal, this last one being commonly adopted in the synthesis of PCE and TCE for commercial use (e.g. for laundry of textiles or metal degreasing). The groundwater contamination in the two sites had serious implications in terms of sanitary risk due to vapour intrusion into residential buildings (Ferrara site) or water ingestion by local citizens (Bussi site) from a public water supply well field site serving about 300.000 inhabitants and affected for more than 20 years by the contamination (from the opening in 1984 to the decomissioning in 2007). In both cases, complex legal issues arose either below penal or civil jurisdiction and the isotopic fingerprinting was used as the most relevant proof in order to identify the polluters.

How to cite: Gargini, A. and Filippini, M.: Isotopic fingerprinting as an effective tool for polluter apportionment in environmental crimes involving groundwater, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4120,, 2023.

EGU23-4457 | ECS | Posters virtual | ITS4.2/BG1.12

No chance for doubts: a multidisciplinary approach for solving a criminal case. 

Gennaro Baldino, Elvira Ventura Spagnolo, Stefano Vanin, Roberta Somma, Filippo Cucinotta, Cristina Mondello, Patrizia Gualniera, Michele Gaeta, Alessio Asmundo, and Daniela Sapienza

In a forensic context, the criminal case evaluation is often challenging, and the only autopsy may not be exhaustive to determine the cause and the time of death, mainly when the corpse is dismembered, charred, or putrefied. Moreover, the conditions of an altered corpse and the recovered places of the cadaver (countryside, forests, rivers, beaches, etc.), outdoors, or in burnt buildings and ruins, can raise challenges not only in terms of victim identification but also in terms of acquisition of additional information aimed at elucidating the dynamics of death, like the detection of the corpse transfer after the death, especially in cases of suspected homicides. In such complex cases, it is, therefore, of paramount importance to provide a multidisciplinary approach involving the collaboration of ultra-specialized forensic experts. In this context, experts in criminalistic disciplines, such as forensic geology, botany, and entomology, may provide their contribution, as well as the engineers applying to medicine new technologies for the 2D and 3D reconstructions of crime scenes and evidence. We consider helpful to report a court case that came to our attention, involving forensic pathology experts together with forensic biologists, geologists, botanists, naturalists, entomologists, veterinarians, physicists, computer scientists, and engineers whose collaboration based on a multidisciplinary approach contributed to the management and the solving of a suspect crime.

How to cite: Baldino, G., Ventura Spagnolo, E., Vanin, S., Somma, R., Cucinotta, F., Mondello, C., Gualniera, P., Gaeta, M., Asmundo, A., and Sapienza, D.: No chance for doubts: a multidisciplinary approach for solving a criminal case., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4457,, 2023.

EGU23-5269 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.2/BG1.12 | Highlight

Environmental issues of self-heating coal waste dumps in Poland 

Ádám Nádudvari, Mariola Jabłońska, and Monika Fabiańska

During coal mining, an enormous amount of economically not used humic or sapropelic coals, coal shales are deposited as wastes nearby the coal mines in urbanised areas, e.g. Upper Silesia, Katowice – Rybnik Industrial Region, in Upper Silesian Coal Basin, Poland. These wastes start to oxidise or lose out weathering immediately; in the worst cases, they will undergo self-heating. During exothermic reactions, the heavy metals contained in these rocks, especially sulfur compounds of  Pb, Cd, Cr, Cu, Zn, Ni, Hg, As are mobilised to the environment due to their high volatility at elevated temperatures and due to low pH levels (2 – 4) occurring on the dumps (Nádudvari et al., 2021, 2022). Amongst them, the Hg mobilisation and enrichment make such coal waste dumps more dangerous. Nádudvari et al. (2021, 2022) reported >1000 mg/kg enrichment of Hg in crusts of expelled bitumen and in gases from thermally affected wastes Hg concentration reached ~100 times higher than in polluted urban air from Upper Silesia. Additionally, the MeHg formation - Methylmercury (10 – 30 μg/kg) was also significant and probably formed via chemical reactions. Furthermore, other toxic gases emitted from the vents like benzene, formaldehyde, NH3, HCl, H2S, CO, Cl2, NH3, SO2, and NO were detected, and many of their average annual concentrations exceeded numerous times the permissible Polish norms limits (Nádudvari et al., 2022). The formation of PAHs – Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons is also very common due to the burning processes, therefore, the lifetime cancer risks due to PAHs and heavy metals accumulations in the dumps are significant. Thus access to these dumps should be prohibited (Nádudvari et al., 2021). Abundant phenols are typical products of self-heating dumps, and their occurrence shows the coking conditions inside the dumps (Nádudvari et al., 2020). The potential ecological and human health risks of these dumps are moderate to very high due to the significant influence of the high Hg concentrations (Nádudvari et al., 2022).

How to cite: Nádudvari, Á., Jabłońska, M., and Fabiańska, M.: Environmental issues of self-heating coal waste dumps in Poland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5269,, 2023.

Land reclamation is a significant environmental and economic issue. Nowadays, there is a need to restore industrial areas to a state as close to nature as possible. Therefore, it is essential to monitor the condition of soils in a quick and non-invasive way. In southern Poland, the mining industry led to the creation of diverse waste dumps like post-mining waste, tailings from flotation, or Zn-Pb wash waste dumps. The research area covers the industrial waste dumps in Olkusz, Bytom and Piekary Śląskie. For the study, soil samples were taken from 1 m soil pits to determine the migration of pollutants into the soil profile. Additionally, waste dumps contacting the soils were sampled (from 0.5 m deep pits). The total organic carbon and sulphur were determined using Eltra Elemental Analyser CS530, while the composition of the total extracts was analyzed using Agilent gas chromatograph 7890A, with a DB-5 column coupled with a mass spectrometer 5975 C XL MDS. The total concentration of trace elements was determined using atomic absorption spectrometry in an acetylene-air flame (Analyst 400, Perkin Elmer). The ERT measurements were performed using LUND electrical imaging system with SAS 4000 Terrameter produced by ABEM Malå (Guideline Geo).

The samples contain av. 3.7 wt. % TOC and 0.4 wt. % TS. In GC-MS chromatograms, the Bytom and Piekary Śląskie samples show a higher PAHs abundance than the Olkusz samples. In soil profiles near waste dumps, a higher abundance of PAHs was found not only in the surface layer but also in samples to 0.75 m depth. In soil profiles away from the landfill, a higher abundance of PAHs was found only to 0.5 m depth. The PAHs abundance was decreased below 0.5 m depth, and even some of the PAHs weren't found. The high PAHs abundance even at a depth of up to 1m was observed in soil profiles under a waste layer. In samples, the concentrations of trace elements are higher than the limit values (Cd 1.1 to 135.7, Pb 17 to 12407 and Zn 19 to 28903 mg/kg). Soil contamination and its spatial diversity with trace elements in the mining area can be successfully located and studied using ERT measurements. The impact of soil pollution was observed on the geoelectric cross-sections in the form of reduced electrical resistivity associated with an elevated trace element content compared to the unpolluted area. The differentiation of the electrical resistivity was related in particular to the sites of surface runoff from the waste dump. The sediment washed out from the waste dump changed the physical characteristics of the soil and lowered the electrical resistivity of the native geology. The results suggest that the trace elements and toxic organic compounds in wastes are mobilised by surface runoff and the infiltration of rainwater into the ground.


The financial support of the National Science Centre, grant No 2017/27/B/ST10/00680 is gratefully acknowledged.

Presentation preference: poster on-site in Vienna



How to cite: Szram, E., Kondracka, M., Fabiańska, M., and Marynowski, L.: Soil degradation caused by post-mining and post-metallurgical waste - detection using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and electrical resistivity tomography (ERT), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5477,, 2023.

EGU23-5500 | Posters virtual | ITS4.2/BG1.12

Find the culprit 

Francesco Crea, Chiara Alessandrello, Francesco Parello, Roberta Somma, and Sebastiano Ettore Spoto

In Forensic Geology, Environmental Forensics is devoted to ascertaining contaminants in the soil/subsoil, surface waters, and groundwaters. In such cases, forensic geologists usually accomplish activities concerning geological, hydrogeological, geochemical, and geophysical research to individuate the source of the contaminant substance and discover if this latter depends on anthropogenic or natural origins.

Preliminary chemical data on groundwaters from some areas of the Peloritani Mountains showed anomalous high contents of fluoride F-, a halogen element in the atmosphere, sea, fresh waters, and minerals. Natural sources of fluoride in the groundwaters are volcanic gas, the sea, and minerals. Fluoride is an essential component in around 300 minerals, among which the most diffused are fluorite and fluorapatite. A significant chemical feature of the ions of fluoride is that they have the same charge as the hydroxyl group OH- and present an ionic radius very similar to OH-. These chemical characteristics make it possible that F- may readily substitute the hydroxyl group in minerals such as micas, X2Y4-6Z8O20(OH,F)4.

Most of the collected groundwaters in the present research were hosted in aquifers formed by Variscan high-grade metamorphic rocks provided with fracture permeability and in aquifers made up of Tertiary to Quaternary siliciclastic deposits with porosity permeability. These aquifers have a silicate composition and are rich in biotite. Among micas, biotite is the most diffused mafic mineral in the high-medium grade metamorphic rocks (augen gneiss, gneiss, mica schists) of the Peloritani Mountains. This mineral is also widespread in weathered monomineralic lithoclasts of siliciclastic deposits (Miocene, middle to upper Pleistocene, Holocene to Actual clastic deposits) deriving from dismantling the chain's metamorphic rocks.

Previous studies on biotite from acid plutonic rocks of India demonstrated that fluoride contents might reach a concentration up to 7 wt%. Biotite mica may be likely responsible for the natural fluoride contamination of some of the studied groundwaters, in some cases also commercially exploited in the past.

WHO suggests that the F- concentration in the drinking waters must range between 700 and 1500 µg/l depending on the different climatic zones. Concentrations over 1500 µg/l in Italian drinking waters are prohibited and dangerous for public health.

The present research carried out in the Peloritani Mountains is devoted to: i) defining the actual geographical extent of the identified F- anomaly; ii) studying the water/rock interactions to ascertain if the leaching of F- from biotite mica, present in the high-grade metamorphic rocks and siliciclastic deposits, may be the natural phenomenon responsible for the ascertained fluoride contamination; iii) search for possible other causes of F- contamination as the salt wedge intrusion in the groundwaters of the coastal areas.

How to cite: Crea, F., Alessandrello, C., Parello, F., Somma, R., and Spoto, S. E.: Find the culprit, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5500,, 2023.

EGU23-5737 | Orals | ITS4.2/BG1.12

Self-heating-generated compounds release to water phase simulated by hydrous pyrolysis 

Monika Fabiańska, Ewa Szram, Dariusz Więcław, Magdalena Misz-Kennan, and Justyna Ciesielczuk

            Spontaneous heating of coal waste rocks stored within the dumps is the worldwide phenomenon. It occurs in oxygen-deficient conditions that can be well simulated by hydrous pyrolysis. The process leads to production of new, relatively well water soluble compounds. They should be considered a hazard to the aquatic systems, both to the surface and groundwater since many older coal waste dumps are not isolated from below. However, the amounts of water soluble compounds produced and their fingerprint are not well recognized. In this project we aimed to identify types of compounds produced using hydrous pyrolysis as laboratory simulation of self-heating carried out in controlled conditions. This will allow for identification of distribution patterns of self-heating-produced compounds also in natural waters.

            Four mudstones from two coal mines, the Janina (subbituminous) and Marcel (bituminous) (Upper Silesia Coal Basin, Poland) were selected for hydrous pyrolysis. The experiments were conducted in 1-liter reactors (Parr Co.) in temperatures 250, 360, and 400oC during 72 h. the procedure details are presented by Lewan et al. (2008). Amount of water added ranged from 200-380 mL. Dissolved organic compounds were isolated using solid phase extraction on C18 PolarPlus columns (BAKERBOND, 3g). Compounds were eluted with dichloromethane (HPLC grade). The compositions of SPE extracts was investigated with an Agilent 6890 gas chromatograph coupled with an Agilent Technology 5973 mass spectrometer.

            Hydrous pyrolysis released compounds such as phenols, carboxylic acids, aldehydes, and ketones, including numerous aromatic ketones and quinones, and S-heterocyclic compounds such as dibenzothiophenes. Phenolic derivatives, dominating in pyrolytic water phase (up to 60% of the total extract composition), comprised compounds from phenol (C0) to C4 phenols. The minimal temperature of phenol release, caused by the macromolecule cracking, was 360oC. Water phase from 250oC pyrolysis contained phenols in minor amounts only, and vitrinite, the main source of them, was not changed. The general composition of organic phase at this temperature corresponds to water leachates of Upper Silesia coal.

            Thus the major hazard to the aquatic environment is sites in coal waste dumps with self-heating temperature exceeding 250oC and compounds indicating this pollution origin are phenols with cresols and xylenols domination in the distribution.



The financial support of the National Science Centre, grant No 2017/27/B/ST10/00680 is gratefully acknowledged.

Lewan, M.D., Kotarba, M.J., Więcław, D., Piestrzyński, A., 2008. Evaluating transition-metal catalysis in gas generation from the Permian Kupferschiefer by hydrous pyrolysis. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 72, 4069-4093.

How to cite: Fabiańska, M., Szram, E., Więcław, D., Misz-Kennan, M., and Ciesielczuk, J.: Self-heating-generated compounds release to water phase simulated by hydrous pyrolysis, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5737,, 2023.

In the 1978, Gianni Lombardi and Valerio Giacomini, two Italian experts in forensic geology and botany, respectively, were involved by the judicial authority for analysing the sands and plant remains found in the clothing and moccasins of the honorable Aldo Moro, kidnapped and killed by terrorists. Experts had to determine the site where this material transfer occurred.

As demonstrated by the analyses carried out by these experts, plant taxonomists can give useful information in forensic analyses especially for events occurring outdoor. Small plant traces spread in quantity, like pollens, spores, thorns, seeds and small fruits, may easily transfer to the clothing and footwear of people or to the same human body, moving outdoor in the countryside.

In 2020, 42 years later, the authors of this research were involved by the judicial systems to reconstruct the events related to the disappearance of two persons, in the Sicilian countryside, found cadavers a few days after in a site near the last sighting of them.

The research focused on the morphological description of thorns, other pointed structures, and seeds produced by plants thriving in the scene of events. For simplicity, it was chosen to use the generic term "thorns" to indicate pointed plant structures, although aware that the term "prickle" should have been used for epidermal structures, “thorns” strictly for stem-derived structures, and "spines" for other structures derived from leaves, petioles or stipules.

A photographic atlas of thorns and seeds was produced with the species found in the scene of the events. A comprehensive description of plants as they appeared in situ as well as of their thorny appendices was made, and explanatory pictures were captured, both in situ and under the stereoscopic microscope in the laboratory. The extensive biometric analysis made on thorns and seeds of all collected species in the scene of events was recorded.

Soil traces and microtraces of forensic samples of unknown origin (from the victims’ bodies and their belongings) were investigated for the presence of thorns or thorn fragments and seeds, which were then compared with those recorded in the atlas.

The organic component (vegetal elements) of the forensic geological traces from victims and their belongings was predominant in quantity over the inorganic one.

Comparative observations allowed to identify hundreds of thorns and thorn fragments and several hundreds of seeds found on the clothes and footwear of both victims, as plants thriving in the area under investigations. Basing on the punctual distribution of individual plants, the analysis of thorn traces and seeds was useful, together with geological analyses on sands and clay minerals, in reconstructing the path of the victims in the hours immediately preceding their death and, therefore, provided valuable information to the investigating authorities.

How to cite: Mondello, F., Morabito, M., and Somma, R.: Holistic approach in the forensic analysis of geological trace evidence: as Forensic Botanists and Geologists may help judicial investigations , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6304,, 2023.

EGU23-6763 | Orals | ITS4.2/BG1.12

Contaminants in continental shelf sediments, a way to reconstruct a source to sink pathway (Naples Bay, Italy) 

francesco paolo buonocunto, alfonsa milia, matilda mali, santina giandomenico, antonella di leo, lucia spada, luciana ferraro, and laura giordano

In areas characterized by geologic variability and high demographic pressure, seafloor sediment characteristics and the study of contaminants are important to reconstruct the origin and pathway of both contaminants and the sediments from source to sink.

The area off-shore the alluvial Sarno plain (Naples Bay, Eastern Tyrrhenian Sea) is bounded by the Vesuvius volcano in the northern part and by the carbonates relief of the Sorrento Peninsula in the southern part, and it is affected by metals contamination due the outflow of industrial vast.

A Geochemical and physical parameters of the sediments were analysed along a transect moving from the coast until the 100 m of water depth with the aim to explore how the onshore documented contamination affect the offshore counterpart. Surface sediment samples collected from the offshore Sarno plain, were analysed for grain size, nutrients (TOC, TN, TP) and heavy metals (Hg, Cd, As, Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, and Pb) to evaluate the contamination status, and processed using multivariate statistical analysis. A sediment survey along the transect has been used to evaluate: 1) the relative influences of parent lithology and anthropogenic effects offshore the Sarno river; and 2) the extension of the influence of the river in the submarine area.

Four clusters are identified through PCA analysis: 1) the first resulted associated to the presence of As and Fe, low TOC content and prevalence of sandy fraction reflecting a geogenic contribution from Vesuvius Plan; 2) the second mainly include Cr, Cu, Zn, Pb and partially Cd and Hg, high TOC content and finest granulometry, reflecting the influence of the Sarno River discharges in the marine area; 3) the third include a variability in the Mn, Fe and TOC content. This area might reflect the Sorrento-Peninsula influence; 4) the forth include samples of the distal area in which a low contamination rate is displayed and irregular Hg and Cd pattern are verified, probably due to diffuse contamination origin and other coupling factors

Results indicate that 1) the area offshore Vesuvius displays physical and geochemical association mainly related to the natural origin of volcanoclastic sediments; 2) in the central area, the association of contaminants suggests their anthropogenic origin from the Sarno Plain, whereas the distal area, characterized by low rate of contamination, are mainly influenced by sediment from Sorrento Peninsula. Finally based on the contaminant and nutrient distribution it is possible to individuate the distribution of terrigenous sediments and organic matter of the Sarno delta deposits. The results show that the river should account as one of the main contribution sources of anthropogenic contaminants.  Some metals contamination anthropogenic in origin and TOC in general decreased gradually with distance from the coast and in particular is limited to the area of deposition of the river discharge.

Individuation of several marine sector with different geochemical associations permitted the reconstruction of source to sink contaminants pathway on the continental shelf.

How to cite: buonocunto, F. P., milia, A., mali, M., giandomenico, S., di leo, A., spada, L., ferraro, L., and giordano, L.: Contaminants in continental shelf sediments, a way to reconstruct a source to sink pathway (Naples Bay, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6763,, 2023.

EGU23-8174 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.2/BG1.12 | Highlight

Searching for the bomb spike in Danube river sediments: Extracting the anthropogenic impact of Vienna 

Diana Hatzenbühler, Michael Weißl, Christian Baumgartner, and Michael Wagreich

The Anthropocene, the strongly debated potential new unit of the Geological Time Scale, describes the intensified anthropogenic influence on the environment and geological processes, and its traces in geological archives. Regional studies characterizing the growth of human impact, the Anthropocene transformation, are scarce, especially for urban or per-urban environments.

In this project, we investigate the anthropogenic impact of the metropolis Vienna on its peri-urban environment and the proposed beginning of the Anthropocene epoch in the 1950s CE by applying sedimentological and geochemical methods. In previous studies (Wagreich et al. 2022), the authors were able to successfully detect the human influence in urban sedimentary archives of Vienna (anthropogenic coarse sediments) using artificial isotopes and anthropogenic trace metals. For our project, we extend the study area from Vienna to the city of Hainburg to investigate Vienna’s anthropogenic impact in both anthropogenic and natural sediments downstream the Danube river. In this area, direct human intervention in the environment, such as ground excavations, backfill and damming, is highly variable, from locally strong (e.g., hydro-power dams, airport constructions), to not existing (National Park Donau-Auen), thus offering a suitable location to trace and quantify the extent of anthropogenic impact.

Within petrographic facies, sedimentological and geochemical markers are applied to characterize the anthropogenic strata in this area: The archive of fine-grained natural Danube deposits, i.e. erosional profiles and sediment cores, is analysed for trace metals, artificial radiogenic isotopes, and microplastics with the aim (i) to disentangle the anthropogenic fingerprint of Vienna from the sediment, (ii) to identify and evaluate the proposed Anthropocene geological boundary around 1950 CE, and (iii) to evaluate a potential correlative stratigraphic reference section section/ point for the Anthropocene downstream of Vienna. Finally, the Carnuntum-Vienna Anthropocene field lab offers the opportunity to integrate environmental systems modelling with an Anthropocene equation approach for the temporal and spatial growth of the anthropogenic layers (iv).           

How to cite: Hatzenbühler, D., Weißl, M., Baumgartner, C., and Wagreich, M.: Searching for the bomb spike in Danube river sediments: Extracting the anthropogenic impact of Vienna, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8174,, 2023.

EGU23-8685 | ECS | Posters virtual | ITS4.2/BG1.12

The application of soil analysis in forensic taphonomy: using pigs as analogues for human corpses 

Giulia Tagliabue, Cristina Cattaneo, and Luca Trombino

Many studies have shown how Environmental Sciences can contribute to the forensic and medico-legal investigations on murder and body concealment dynamics. Nonetheless, most of the research is generally limited to botanical, entomological and anthropological fields leaving out the observation of the active interaction between a decomposing body and the surrounding environment, such as soil. Indeed, a clandestine grave can destroy the valuable forensic evidence as well as prevent the identification of the offender or the victim itself and even the determination of the post-mortem interval (PMI), post-burial interval (PBI) and, overall, the dynamics of the crime act. Therefore, the present experiment, built on the basis of a previous pioneer project carried out in the same area between 2009 and 2011, will be based on the re-enactment of real cases of body disposal, consisting in a combination of multiple methods of concealment, all of them including the inhumation of the remains in a woodland setting. It will consist of the excavation of 32 burials, all dug on the same day, at a depth between 40 and 60 cm involving just as many piglet cadavers (Sus scrofa) weighing between 3 and 5 kg. They will be divided into four different groups, each of which will undergo peculiar treatments: eight will be buried naked; eight clothed; eight will be buried in quicklime and the last eight will be previously hurt. The experiment will be conducted for a total of 730 days and the exhumations of the specimens will be performed in eight increasing time intervals, to achieve different PBIs for each group of subjects (15, 30, 60, 120, 240, 365, 545 and 730 days). At the time of each exhumation biological material, commodities and soil will be sampled and investigated from a geochemical, microscopic (polarizing microscope) and ultramicroscopic (SEM-EDS) point of view, aiming to underline any evidence of mutual exchange of material between the different substrates, as well as any symptom of disturbance, both biochemical and mechanical. As focusing on a multidisciplinary approach, not only this study will allow to reach a standardization for the right reading of trace evidence in real cases of clandestine burials inquiry, but it also will contribute to draw up some guidelines for the exploitation of the parameters registered by the geopedological analytical techniques, which have been neglected for years in the forensic and medico-legal context.

How to cite: Tagliabue, G., Cattaneo, C., and Trombino, L.: The application of soil analysis in forensic taphonomy: using pigs as analogues for human corpses, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8685,, 2023.

EGU23-8782 | Posters on site | ITS4.2/BG1.12

Forensic geosciences investigations on experimental fields 

Sebastiano D’Amico, Jason H Byrd, Emanuele Colica, Saviour Formosa, Roberta Somma, Giulia Tagliabue, and Luca Trombino

The search for homicide graves is a very strenuous activity that may lead to the identification of the burial site if it is planned based on articulated scientific approaches considering several aspects of forensic sciences. Moreover, another difficult task in such criminal cases may be the estimation of the Post-Mortem Interval (PMI) of the victim. Discrepancies between PMI estimation through entomological studies and other evaluations may be. This inconsistency is at the base of the necessity to examine and well understand the human decay process of human beings and the decay consequences in the surrounding environmental context. It is noteworthy that several processes may occur on the surrounding site the burial. Phenomena as a depression, a different growth of plants, or the occurrence of peculiar insect associations may be observed on the grave, due to the body’s decay, and the body fluids release in the underground. These aspects may be analysed in experimental fields where pig carcasses, usually used as analogues for the human cadavers, are inhumated in holes dug by means of hand instruments (pick and shovel) or mechanical excavators. These sites may be monitored by applying geological, geophysical, geochemical, and geomatic methods, as well as entomological and botanical characterization of the insects and flora, respectively. The present research is devoted to plan, analyse and monitoring of a simulated experimental field in Malta, where a simulated grave containing a pig carcass will be prepared. The research project is dedicated to geophysical and geomatic surveys to be realized before the excavations and during the project for monitoring the depression development and the shape and dimensions of the leachate plume. Geophysical methods consist of ERT tomographies, seismic and georadar profiles, parallel and orthogonal to the graves. Geological investigations are focused on characterizing the pedogenic profile and the composition, texture, and structure of the soil/sediment. Entomological research is devoted to identifying insect species typically related to body decay. Ideally and in addition to the above, botanical surveys are aimed at defining the main species and differences in the plant growth. The reconstructed evolution of the burial environment may be investigated to better assist criminal investigations into the definition of the PMI in recognition of a burial site and other significative criminological and criminalistic data.

How to cite: D’Amico, S., Byrd, J. H., Colica, E., Formosa, S., Somma, R., Tagliabue, G., and Trombino, L.: Forensic geosciences investigations on experimental fields, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8782,, 2023.

EGU23-13026 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.2/BG1.12 | Highlight

Old and modern challenges of Forensic Gemmology 

Sebastiano Ettore Spoto

Forensic Gemmology is a branch of Forensic Science where the analysis of gemstones has legal implications, which cannot be set aside, improvised, or, even worse, done with approximation. Local and world markets and archaeological sites can currently encounter a wide range of gemmological objects that are incorrectly declared, treated, or classified. Materials in question are made by also using the latest technologies. Occasionally, cases are brought to court regarding the value of a precious gem in addition to its "authenticity," which often, to be resolved, require complex preparation. Therefore, keeping in mind the significance of gemstone identification, here are specific methodologies discussed to test the authenticity of the gemstones and to find out whether the gemstones are authentic or not. Modern challenges also concern determining whether gemstones were extracted under ethical conditions and determining whether gemstones are of synthetic or natural origins. Thus, forensic examination of gemstones becomes very difficult if proper procedures are not outlaid. The problems that need to be addressed at the international level remain relevant, for instance, creating a standard scheme for determining the ethical origin of colored gemstones, similar to the one existing in the diamond market.

How to cite: Spoto, S. E.: Old and modern challenges of Forensic Gemmology, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13026,, 2023.

NH11 – Climate Hazards

EGU23-1323 | ECS | Orals | NH11.2

Unraveling the unknowns of global tropical cyclone risk in the future 

Simona Meiler, Kerry Emanuel, and David N. Bresch

Tropical cyclones (TCs) are among the most devastating natural hazards putting populations and assets at risk. This risk is expected to increase further in a warming climate and with socio-economic development. It is, therefore, of great importance and the aim of our study to assess the drivers and uncertainties of global TC risk in the future. We use a large set of synthetic TCs downscaled from various general circulation models (GCMs) and different warming scenarios of the CMIP6 generation to simulate TC activity at the middle and end of this century. In parallel, we derive economic growth factors from different Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) to approximate socio-economic development. We combine these future representations of hazard and exposure data with vulnerability functions to estimate the TC risk increase in the future, using an open-source probabilistic impact model (CLIMADA). Furthermore, we perform a systematic uncertainty and sensitivity analysis to understand which of the model input factors contribute most to the uncertainty in the future TC risk increase. First, we find a non-linear effect between climate change and socio-economic development that drives the total future risk. Second, we show that the choice of GCM affects the output uncertainty most among all varied input factors. However, we note that exposure and vulnerability data are notoriously sparse and that advances in future TC risk assessment also depend on a better representation of these components. Ultimately, unraveling these unknowns of global TC risk in the future may help focus future research efforts and enables better-informed adaptation decisions and mitigation strategies.

How to cite: Meiler, S., Emanuel, K., and Bresch, D. N.: Unraveling the unknowns of global tropical cyclone risk in the future, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1323,, 2023.

EGU23-1339 | ECS | Posters virtual | NH11.2

Changes in frequency of occurrence of dry/wet years and its implications on the Spanish agro-food system sustainability 

Alfredo Rodríguez, Margarita Ruiz-Ramos, Alberto Sanz-Cobena, and Luis Lassaletta

Agrofood systems can be described with several interconnected compartments, namely cropland, grassland, livestock and people. For any attempt of optimising or improving the system it is essential to understand each one of them and how they are interrelated.

The analysis of these connections improves the general understanding of the full system, helping to identify potential hot spots of production and system leakages in pursuit of sustainability. It is also useful to measure the degree of external dependency or independency, and therefore contributing to assess potential hazards for food security. The GRAFS methodology (General Representation of Agro-food Systems) (Le Noë et al., 2017) allows to represent the mentioned compartments and their connections through material flows.

This study starts from the representation of the nitrogen (N) flows of the Spanish agro-food system for the years 1990 to 2015 (Rodríguez et al., 2022). N is considered an adequate component for the analysis because it is essential for crops, livestock and people as part of life-essential molecules, and if not embedded in food and feed, is a potential pollutant.

In addition, N, together with water, is the main limiting factor of crop production. But the relationship between N and water goes beyond crop production. Water availability through rain and irrigation significantly affects fertilizer use and nitrogen use efficiency of cropping systems. It also influences N deposition, N fixation, and finally, the net import/export of feed and food due to more demand or excess.

Climate change affects precipitation patterns (IPCC, 2022) and the frequency of dry/wet years, even if this variable exhibit higher uncertainty in comparison to other atmospheric variables. The N flows in the systems are expected to be different for dry and wet years, and therefore, different GRAFS can be depicted.

The mean accumulated precipitation (PP) in Spain was calculated from the E-OBS database (Cornes et al., 2018) for the 1990-2015 period. Then, dry (PP lower than 85% of mean P) and wet (PP larger than 115% of mean PP) years were identified. The hydrological years were considered (starting on October 1st of the previous year until September 30th).

Here, the projections from an ensemble of RCM climate models from the CORDEX project were selected for calculating the frequencies in dry/wet years for both near (around 2050) and far (around 2100) future periods.

Then, the frequency in dry, wet and normal years will be used for weighting the GRAFS from the present period to obtain the projected results, which will be analysed in terms of the impacts (e.g., production, external dependency, socioeconomic consequences). The discussion aims to provide insight of possible measures for adapting the Spanish agro-food system to future risks in response to the projected changes.


Cornes et al., 2018. Atmospheres, 123(17): 9391-9409.

IPCC, 2022. Climate Change 2022. Sixth Assessment. Cambridge University Press

Le Noë et al., 2017. Sci. Total Environ.,586:42-55.

Rodríguez et al., 2022. Proc. XXI International N Workshop. ISBN:978-84-122114-6-7


How to cite: Rodríguez, A., Ruiz-Ramos, M., Sanz-Cobena, A., and Lassaletta, L.: Changes in frequency of occurrence of dry/wet years and its implications on the Spanish agro-food system sustainability, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1339,, 2023.

EGU23-2399 | ECS | Posters on site | NH11.2

Multi-annual predictions of daily temperature and precipitation extremes: forecast quality and impact of model initialisation 

Carlos Delgado-Torres, Markus G. Donat, Albert Soret, Nube González-Reviriego, Pierre-Antoine Bretonnière, An-Chi Ho, Núria Pérez-Zanón, Margarida Samsó Cabré, and Francisco J. Doblas-Reyes

Both global warming and internal climate variability modulate changes in the intensity and frequency of extreme climate events. Anticipating such variations years in advance may help minimise the impact on climate-vulnerable sectors and society, as well as enable short-term adaptation strategies and early-warning systems in a changing climate. Decadal climate predictions are a source of climate information for multi-annual timescales. They are provided by climate forecast systems similar to the models used for long-term climate projections but that have been initialised with the best estimate of the contemporaneous conditions of the climate system. However, before using the predictions, the forecast quality should be assessed. This is an essential step to evaluate the accuracy of the predictions and find windows of opportunity (variables/indices, regions and forecast times) to provide climate services with data of sufficient quality to satisfy the user requirements.

We evaluate the deterministic and probabilistic forecast quality of the multi-model ensemble built with all the available decadal hindcasts (i.e., retrospective decadal predictions) contributing to CMIP6, which consists of a total of 133 ensemble members from 13 forecast systems. The forecast quality assessment has been performed for predictions of seasonal and annual indices of daily temperature and precipitation extremes for the forecast years 1-5. These indices measure the intensity and frequency of hot and cold temperature extremes, and the intensity and rainfall accumulation related to heavy precipitation extremes. The prediction skill for the temperature and precipitation extreme indices is further compared to the skill for mean temperature and precipitation, respectively. In order to assess the impact of the model initialisation, the predictions are compared against historical forcing simulations (i.e., retrospective climate projections) created with the same models, consisting of a total of 134 ensemble members from the same forecast systems as the decadal hindcasts.

We find that the decadal hindcasts skillfully predict both mean and extreme temperature indices over most of the globe for multi-annual periods. The forecast quality for mean precipitation and extreme precipitation indices is generally low, and significant skill is found only over some limited regions. The reduced quality of the precipitation predictions with respect to temperature is due to the relatively smaller effect of human-induced warming for this variable. The comparison between the skill for mean variables and extreme indices shows that the extreme indices are generally predicted with lower skill, especially those related to the intensity of extreme events. We find generally small and region-dependent improvements from model initialisation compared to historical forcing simulations. The added value due to initialisation is higher for the mean variables than for the extreme indices. Besides, such skill differences differ between indices, especially those representing extreme temperature. This systematic evaluation of decadal hindcasts is essential when providing a climate service based on decadal predictions so that the user is informed about the trustworthiness of the forecasts for each specific region and extreme event. Also, comparing decadal hindcast and historical simulations may help climate services providers select the highest-quality information from these different data sources.

How to cite: Delgado-Torres, C., Donat, M. G., Soret, A., González-Reviriego, N., Bretonnière, P.-A., Ho, A.-C., Pérez-Zanón, N., Samsó Cabré, M., and Doblas-Reyes, F. J.: Multi-annual predictions of daily temperature and precipitation extremes: forecast quality and impact of model initialisation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2399,, 2023.

EGU23-2808 | ECS | Orals | NH11.2

Assessing the influence of dynamical factors on seasonal skill of severe winter windstorm predictions 

Lisa Degenhardt, Gregor C Leckebusch, and Adam A Scaife

It is known from previous studies that the winter windstorm season is significantly predictable on a seasonal timescale, especially over the British Isles and southern Scandinavia. Winter windstorms are one of the most damaging extreme events for the European continent. Hence, it is important to know that this skill exists as well as to understand how the forecast model reaches this performance to increase the usability of such forecasts.

Here, we link these extreme events to the three most dominant large-scale weather patterns over Europe. A combination of the three leading patterns explains up to 80% of the variability in windstorm frequency and ~60% of storm intensity. A statistical multi-linear model based on these patterns shows similar areas of skill but with lower skill over Europe.

This new investigation uses multiple dynamical atmospheric factors known to be related to windstorms, cyclones, their intensification and genesis. Among the factors examined are jet stream strength and location, Rossby wave source, Eady growth rate and potential vorticity. To understand the influence of these factors on windstorm forecast skill, we apply a three step conceptual approach: first to understand the link between windstorms in observations and hindcasts. Second, we analyse the forecast skill of the factors themselves. In the last step we diagnose significant changes in forecast skill of the dynamical factors between well and poorly predicted windstorm years.

Factors like MSLP, tropical Atlantic rainfall, jet location, PV in 350K, or Eady Growth Rate all show significant results in individual steps but none of the dynamical factors show significant results in all 3 steps. This could mean that an improved representation of factors and their link to windstorms could improve windstorm seasonal forecast skill.

How to cite: Degenhardt, L., Leckebusch, G. C., and Scaife, A. A.: Assessing the influence of dynamical factors on seasonal skill of severe winter windstorm predictions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2808,, 2023.

EGU23-2889 | ECS | Posters on site | NH11.2

Understanding climate drivers of drought and fire multi-hazards in Indonesian Borneo using climate model and seasonal hindcast ensembles 

Timothy Lam, Jennifer Catto, Rosa Barciela, Anna Harper, Peter Challenor, and Alberto Arribas

Fires occurring over the peatlands in Indonesian Borneo accompanied by droughts have posed devastating impacts on human health, livelihoods, economy and the natural environment, and their prevention requires a comprehensive understanding of climate-associated risk. We want to strengthen the possibility of early warning triggers of drought, which is a strong predictor of the prevalence of fires, and evaluate the climate risk relevant to the formulation of long-term policies to eliminate fires. Although it is widely known that the droughts are often associated with El Niño events, the onset process of El Niño and thus the drought precursors and their possible changes under the future climate are not clearly understood. Here we use a causal network approach to quantify the strength of teleconnections to droughts at a seasonal timescale shown in (1) observational and reanalysis data (2) CMIP6 models and (3) seasonal hindcasts. We consider two drivers of JJA droughts identified through literature review and causal analysis, namely Niño 3.4 SST in JJA (abbreviated as ENSO) and SST anomaly over the eastern North Pacific to the east of the Hawaiian Islands (abbreviated as Pacific SST) in MAM. The observational and reanalysis data proves that the droughts are strongly linked to ENSO variability, with drier years corresponding to El Niño conditions, and droughts can be predicted with a lead time of three months based on their associations with Pacific SST, with higher SST preceding drier conditions. We find that some CMIP6 models are showing unrealistic amounts of JJA rainfall and underestimate drought risks in Indonesian Borneo and their teleconnections, owing to the underestimation of ENSO amplitude and overestimation of local convections. Under the SSP585 scenario, the CMIP6 multi-model ensembles show significant increase in both the maximum number of consecutive dry days in the Indonesian Borneo region in JJA (p = 0.006) and its linear association with Pacific SST in MAM (p = 0.001) from year 2061 – 2100 compared with the historical baseline. On the other hand, seasonal hindcast models are (1) overestimating the variability of maximum number of consecutive dry days, (2) showing varied skills in simulating the mean rainfall and drought indicators, and (3) underestimating the teleconnections to Borneo droughts, making it difficult to assess the likelihood of unprecedented drought and fire risk under El Niño conditions. Our study agrees with previous studies regarding the limited skill of fire risk prediction by state-of-the-art seasonal forecasting models, with their shortfalls caused by a lack of proper representation of relevant teleconnections.

How to cite: Lam, T., Catto, J., Barciela, R., Harper, A., Challenor, P., and Arribas, A.: Understanding climate drivers of drought and fire multi-hazards in Indonesian Borneo using climate model and seasonal hindcast ensembles, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2889,, 2023.

EGU23-2904 | ECS | Orals | NH11.2

ENSO and extra-tropical ocean variability drives summer drought extremes in the United States 

Brandi Gamelin, Julie Bessac, Vishwas Rao, and Mustafa Altinakar

Understanding large-scale drought patterns and the mechanisms producing extreme drought events is vital to understanding future drought risks. Here we investigate the influence of teleconnections originating in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans on regional drought variability in the United States. For this work, the Standardized VPD Drought Index (SVDI) is calculated with Vapor Pressure Deficit (VPD), a method of drought detection based on air temperature and relative humidity, rather than precipitation deficit. This work focuses on summer months between 1980 – 2021, and SVDI was calculated with NASAs North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS) data. Initially, the spatial drought characteristics were extracted from SVDI with EOF analysis. To identify extreme events, a k-means clustering technique was applied to primary principal components, multivariate ENSO index (MEI), and northern hemisphere sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTA). Additionally, to identify mechanisms driving drought variability, statistics from individual clusters (i.e. drought events) are retained for analyses using atmospheric variables (e.g. wind, HGT, and MSLP). Results show large-scale drought in the Central and Southern U.S. stem from mechanisms originating in the northern Pacific Ocean (e.g. PDO and SSTA trends) and northern Atlantic Ocean (e.g. NAO), modulating the variability in the onshore flow along the Gulf of Mexico. However, mechanisms influencing summer drought patterns in the southwestern U.S., especially the recent long-term drought patterns, originate in the equatorial Pacific Ocean and are driven by ENSO related processes.

How to cite: Gamelin, B., Bessac, J., Rao, V., and Altinakar, M.: ENSO and extra-tropical ocean variability drives summer drought extremes in the United States, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2904,, 2023.

EGU23-3200 | ECS | Posters on site | NH11.2

Climate Analogs Analysis over Europe: Accounting for dependencies between variables 

Burak Bulut, Mathieu Vrac, and Nathalie de Noblet-Ducoudré

Increasing the awareness of society about climate change by using a simplified way for the explanation of its impacts might be one of the key elements to adaptation and mitigation of its possible effects. This study investigates climate analogs, which allow a comparison between current and future climate conditions. The grid-based calculation of analogs over the selected European domain was carried out using a newly proposed distance between multivariate distributions, the Wasserstein Distance (WD), never been used so far for climate analog calculations. By working on the whole multivariate distributions, WD allows us to account for dependencies between the variables of interest. Its features are compared with the Euclidean Distance which is currently the most used method. Multi-model climate analogs analysis is achieved between the reference period 1981-2010 and three future periods 2011-2040, 2041-2070, and 2071-2100, respectively by using 15 different datasets in total obtained from five different CMIP6 climate models and three different emission scenarios. The multi-model analysis also enables the comparison of models from a climate analogs perspective. The model comparison results show that consistency between models decreases as the time approaches the end of the century or when scenarios worsen. Our analysis suggests that Europe’s future analogs are located today south of our regions, except for the Balkans that need to look east to find their analogs. In addition, towards the end of the century, the similarity between future and current climatic conditions will gradually decrease and the spatial distance between each reference grid and its best analog location will increase. This means that the warmer the climate, the more difficult it will be to find an analog and therefore the more difficult it will be for us to think about adaptation.

How to cite: Bulut, B., Vrac, M., and de Noblet-Ducoudré, N.: Climate Analogs Analysis over Europe: Accounting for dependencies between variables, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3200,, 2023.

Climate change is causing a range of weather phenomena to move outside the range to which people and ecosystems are adapted. Much attention has been given to absolute changes, such as average temperatures or changes to the return values of extreme events, with global warming. However, the rate of change, and how that compares to the rates of change experienced in the preindustrial climate, i.e. the amount of change we have previously experienced over a short time period, is also an important determinant of impacts, and yet has not been given as much attention. In particular, as climate extremes are responsible for a disproportionate share of impacts, society can be expected to be particularly vulnerable to high rates of change of extremes – especially when multiple hazards increase at once.

Using large ensembles of climate model simulations, we examine rates of change of temperature and precipitation extremes, both separately and combined, over the next twenty years (2021-2040) and compare with 20-year rates of change in the pre-industrial (PI) period. We consider regional scales, due to their increased relevance to the experience of people and ecosystems compared to global mean changes. We find that for many sub-continental-scale regions, the rates of change over the next twenty years will shift substantially away from the distribution of trends simulated in the preindustrial period. In more than a third of the regions studied, ensemble mean combined rates for both extremes types are at least two standard deviations greater than PI variability of trends, and more than one standard deviation greater in almost all regions under a high emissions scenario (SSP5-8.5). Substantial changes are also seen in a scenario with drastically reduced emissions (SSP1-2.6). Low latitude regions are particularly affected due to their small internal variability in temperature extremes trends. These tend to be low-income countries that are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Changes in rates are most obvious for temperature extremes, but a number of regions also experience substantial simultaneous changes in rates for precipitation extremes.  In low emission scenarios, the rates of change tend to flatten out in subsequent 20-year periods, but accelerate in the highest emissions scenarios.

Notably, we find that rapid reductions of anthropogenic aerosols over the next twenty years in low emissions scenarios lead to accelerated increases of both hot and wet extremes over India and parts of China, due to the compound effects of surface warming from greenhouse gas warming and loss of cooling from atmospheric aerosols

These findings have important implications for climate policy, decision making and near-term adaptation strategies. However, despite the emerging signal of rapid 20-year rates of change, spread amongst ensemble members is nevertheless large, particularly in the mid to high latitudes, meaning that trends of the opposite sign are not impossible in the near term, even if not that probable. This is also an important consideration to take into account when communicating these, and other, results on near-term decadal rates of change.

How to cite: Iles, C., Samset, B., and Sandstad, M.: Locked into an extreme tomorrow: Multi-hazard analysis reveals unprecedented regional rates of change of extreme weather events until 2040, even for drastically reduced emissions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3392,, 2023.

EGU23-3459 | ECS | Posters on site | NH11.2

Intensification of Global Hydrological Droughts Under Anthropogenic Climate Warming 

Lei Gu, Jiabo Yin, Louise Slater, and Hong Xuan Do

Anthropogenic climate warming is expected to accelerate the hydrological cycle with significant consequences for hydrological droughts. However, a systematic understanding of climate warming impacts on the global hydrological droughts and their driving mechanisms is still lacking. Here, we integrate bias-corrected climate experiments, multiple hydrological models (HYs), and a multivariate analysis of variance (ANOVA) with a machine learning modeling framework, to examine the evolving frequency and multivariate characteristics of hydrological droughts and their mechanisms under climate warming for 6,688 catchments in the five principal Köppen-Geiger climate zones. Results show that the total frequency of hydrological droughts is likely to stay unchanged while extreme hydrological droughts (e.g., events with a 30 yr joint return period, JRP) are projected to occur more frequently across the 21st century. The historical 30 yr JRP events assessed during the historical baseline period of 1985–2014 could become twice as frequent over ∼60% of global catchments by 2071–2100 under the middle and high emission scenarios (ESs). Climate uncertainty (i.e., from global climate models and ESs) is the major source of uncertainty over temperate and tropical catchments, versus HY uncertainty in arid catchments with locally complex runoff regimes. Our machine learning framework indicates that precipitation stress controls the development of historical droughts over ∼87% of global catchments. However, with climate warming, air temperature variations are expected to become the new primary driver of droughts in high-latitude cold catchments. This study highlights an increasing risk of global extreme hydrological droughts with warming and suggests that rising temperatures in high latitudes may lead to more extreme hydrological droughts.

How to cite: Gu, L., Yin, J., Slater, L., and Do, H. X.: Intensification of Global Hydrological Droughts Under Anthropogenic Climate Warming, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3459,, 2023.

EGU23-5169 | Orals | NH11.2 | Highlight

Heat mortality during summer 2022 in Switzerland attributable to human-induced climate change 

Ana Maria Vicedo Cabrera, Evan De Schrijver, Martina S. Ragettli, Dominik Shumacher, Erich Fischer, and Sonia Seneviratne

Fuelled by our changing climate, the summer of 2022 was one of the warmest on record, with numerous heatwaves and other weather extremes occurring around the globe. However, there is limited quantitative evidence on the contribution of human-induced warming to the weather-related health impacts observed in recent extreme weather events. We present a health attribution analysis of heat-related mortality attributable to human-induced climate change in the past summer of 2022 in Switzerland. We combined state-of-the-art methods in climate science and epidemiology with high-resolution mortality and temperature data to estimate the number and fraction of all-cause deaths that could be attributed to heat between June and August 2022. We, thus, estimated that 623 [95% CI: 151 - 1,068] all-cause deaths can be attributed to heat between June and August 2022, representing 3.5% [95% CI: 0.9-6.1] of total all-cause mortality during the same period. In a second step, we modelled counterfactual daily temperatures representing summer 2022 in absence of anthropogenic climate change. Specifically, four counterfactual daily mean temperature series were derived by subtracting the anthropogenic signal from the observed series which ranged between 1.19 and 2.75 ºC. Then, we quantified the hypothetical heat mortality burden in absence of climate change, and finally, estimate the contribution of climate change by subtracting it from the observed heat mortality impacts. We estimated that, in absence of an anthropogenic signal, the heat-related burden would have amounted to 1.4% [95% CI: -0.2 - 3.4] of all-cause mortality, corresponding to 253 deaths [95% CI: -27;594]. Thus, 2.1% [95% CI: 0.8 - 3.7] of the all-cause mortality in summer 2022 would have been avoided in absence of anthropogenic warming. This corresponds to 370 [95% CI: 133-644] deaths and 60% of the observed heat-mortality burden between June-August 2022. Females and the oldest age group were the most affected. Specifically, 60% of heat-related deaths attributed to climate change were in females (220 [69 - 393] vs. 150 [62 - 250] in males), and 90% in older adults (330 [129-565] vs. 39 [-5 - 84]). Our findings confirm that climate change is already affecting the health of the population in Switzerland by amplifying the heat-related mortality burden, with a stronger impact on females and older adults.

How to cite: Vicedo Cabrera, A. M., De Schrijver, E., Ragettli, M. S., Shumacher, D., Fischer, E., and Seneviratne, S.: Heat mortality during summer 2022 in Switzerland attributable to human-induced climate change, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5169,, 2023.

EGU23-5198 | ECS | Orals | NH11.2

Compound dry–hot seasons in Europe – climate change scenarios and uncertainties 

Ondřej Lhotka, Zuzana Bešťáková, and Jan Kyselý

Compound effects of drought and heat are regarded as one of the largest hazards in relation to climate change. Characteristics of dry–hot seasons in Europe are studied in an ensemble of CORDEX regional climate models (RCMs). Evaluation against the E–OBS gridded dataset for 1976–2005 shows that the RCMs are able to reproduce the spatial pattern of the dry–hot season length but the seasons tend to start later and interannual variability of their length is often underestimated. Changes in the median length of dry–hot seasons (compared to the 1976–2005 simulated climate) are analysed for three future time slices (2006–2035, 2036–2065, and 2066–2095) and low and high greenhouse gas concentration pathways. Preliminary results show distinct prolongations of dry–hot seasons for 2036–2065 in the Mediterranean and Western Europe (+10–30 days), regardless the concentration pathway. The lengths of dry–hot seasons are projected to be similar in the 2036–2065 and 2066–2095 time slices under the low concentration pathway but the RCMs simulate major prolongations of dry–hot seasons in the high concentration scenario over large parts of Europe (+20–50 days), indicating substantial changes in future European hydroclimate.  

How to cite: Lhotka, O., Bešťáková, Z., and Kyselý, J.: Compound dry–hot seasons in Europe – climate change scenarios and uncertainties, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5198,, 2023.

EGU23-5927 | Posters on site | NH11.2

Assessing future climate risks in a forward-looking approach. 

Remi Meynadier, Hugo Rakotoarimanga, Bastien Frobert, Anna Weisman, Florent Lobligeois, and Madeleine-Sophie Deroche
Climate change is increasingly recognized as a top global threat impacting human, environmental, and economic systems.
When it comes to property & casualty insurance risk, AXA considers every aspect of the risk equation.  As far as natural catastrophes risks are concerned, climate risk is a function of (i) the physical hazard (the severity and frequency of events); (ii) the exposure (the monetary value of insured asset(s)) and (iii) the vulnerability (the susceptibility or damageability of the insured asset(s) to a given hazard intensity). Each of these elements plays a unique role in driving climate risk both now and into the future. The changes AXA see in its year-on-year losses from climate-linked hazards are a function of all risks components and not just the hazard, which is a common misconception.
AXA is developing internally Natural Hazard models (or Natural Catastrophe models) to estimate the climate risk damages and losses to individual risks or (re)insured portfolios.
To perform forward looking analysis, AXA identified different complementary approaches that could be envisaged to assess the future of natural hazards risks according to both the peril and region combinations AXA has exposure to as the availability and quality of data for the three drivers of the risk. Those approaches have been notably used for several regulatory climate stress tests AXA was involved in.
One of them is a global proportional approach simple to implement to consider at a large scale the evolution of hazard, exposure, vulnerability impacts on climate risk for long term time horizons and several warming scenarios. The model is built on current science knowledge related to climate change.
A more sophisticated approach for local-scale assessment is currently being developed. It consists in integrating in the Natural Hazard models a modified view of hazard (stochastic events catalogue) / exposure / vulnerability capturing forward-looking scenarios. AXA is currently upgrading all its Natural Hazard models in that direction. AXA Europe Flood risk model is for instance assessing future of fluvial and pluvial risks from modified precipitation datasets representative of future warming scenarios. Future precipitation are made of baseline current precipitation from which a “delta” precipitation is added, based on CMIP6 temperature anomalies and Clausius-Clapeyron scaling. Hydrological and hydraulic models are then run using this new future precipitation datasets to generate stochastic flood events catalogue for future warming scenarios risks assessment.

How to cite: Meynadier, R., Rakotoarimanga, H., Frobert, B., Weisman, A., Lobligeois, F., and Deroche, M.-S.: Assessing future climate risks in a forward-looking approach., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5927,, 2023.

EGU23-6223 | ECS | Orals | NH11.2

Changes in the Probability of temporally compound wet and dry events in a warmer world 

Rubina Ansari, Ana Casanueva, and Giovanna Grossi

The temporal compounding of two contrasting extremes of the hydrological spectrum (droughts and floods) reflects a volatile hydrological cycle and makes water resources management more challenging. To this end, the present study examines extreme wet-dry events and their temporal compounding over the Upper Jhelum Basin (UJB) in the future climate context based on simulations of climate models from three modeling initiatives (CMIP6, CORDEX - WAS-44 domain and CORDEX-CORE - WAS-22 domain) under low, medium and high emission scenarios for two-time segments i.e., near future (2040-2059) and far future (2080-2099). Wet and dry events are characterized by using a multivariate drought index (namely the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index, SPEI), which is derived from daily precipitation and maximum and minimum temperatures. The temporally compound event (hereafter referred as compound event-CE), which is defined as a successive transition from one powerful state to another, includes dry to wet (D-to-W) events and wet to dry (W-to-D) events in the adjacent month. Therefore, the minimum duration of a compound event is 2 months. A D-to-W compound event is defined as a dry spell (SPEIi ≤−1) abruptly changing into a wet spell (SPEIi+1 ≥1) in the next month. Conversely, a W-to-D compound event is defined as a wet spell (SPEIi ≥1) abruptly changing into a dry spell (SPEIi+1 ≤−1) in the next month. The statistical interdependency of temporally compound wet and dry events (CEs) and their statistical significance are investigated using event coincidence analysis (ECA). The significance test is performed based on the assumption of a Poisson process with the null hypothesis that the successive occurrence of wet and dry event is randomly distributed. Results show that the probability of D-to-W CEs is much higher than the W-to-D CEs under both retrospective (i.e., past) or prospective (i.e., future) climate contexts. Specifically, the probability of D-to-W events is high in the southwest of the basin (up to 80 %, statistically significant at 5% level) both in the historical and projections. In contrast, the W-to-D CEs are found to be statistically non-significant for a 95% confidence level (up to 40 %) with no clear pattern of occurrence. There are some differences depending on the climate model ensembles used. CORDEX models (WAS44 and WAS22) show decreasing probability of D-to-W CEs in the southwest part of the basin by the end of the century whereas the CMIP6 ensemble shows a negligible increase from near to far future especially under the highest emission scenario. Overall, the CMIP6 ensemble presents higher probability of CEs under all scenarios and time segments. Climate projections of this kind of extreme events, spanning different scenarios and all sources of uncertainty are essential to fully characterize their impacts on water-related sectors and to plan possible adaptation strategies, such as developing more efficient reservoir operation rules or agricultural planning.

How to cite: Ansari, R., Casanueva, A., and Grossi, G.: Changes in the Probability of temporally compound wet and dry events in a warmer world, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6223,, 2023.

EGU23-7756 | ECS | Posters on site | NH11.2

On the present and future changes in heat waves over India in coupled climate models 

Marc Norgate, Pushp Raj Tiwari, Sushant Das, and Dhirendra Kumar

It is evident that climate is changing however, there have been not many regional scale systematic efforts to quantify the climate extremes (e.g., heatwave) under various emission scenarios. South Asia has a population of over 1.4 billion, with most of this population located in India and is vulnerable to future changes in high temperature conditions e.g., heat waves and its duration. Here, we use 13 state-of-the-art coupled climate models from CMIP6 experiments along with their ensembles to estimate their fidelity and associated uncertainties in predicting heat waves over the Indian temperature homogenous regions that have resulted from human-induced warming, during the period 1984–2014. We applied various skill metrices for model performance evaluation and found that ensemble of all the 13 CMIP6 models is close to the observation whereas individual model performance varied geographically. This is because individual models have their own interannual variability which affects the overall performance. Further we computed the temperature changes for near future (2030-2060) and far future (2070-2100) at 95% significance level using SSP1, 2 and 5. The maximum temperature during the northern hemisphere summer is projected to increase by 1.3°C, 2.1°C and 3.7°C for SSP1, SSP2 and SSP5 respectively. The frequency of heat waves is also projected to increase, with the most affected areas showing 3+ more heat waves per summer season when compared to historical values. The Indo-Gangetic plain is found in the most affected regions, where weeklong heat wave duration is expected at higher emission scenario affecting larger portion of. population (~ 40% of India’s population). Our findings support the urgent need for more ambitious mitigation and adaptation strategies to minimize the public health impacts of climate change.

Keywords: Climate change, Extremes, CMIP6

How to cite: Norgate, M., Tiwari, P. R., Das, S., and Kumar, D.: On the present and future changes in heat waves over India in coupled climate models, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7756,, 2023.

EGU23-7799 | Orals | NH11.2 | Highlight

Windows of opportunity for predicting seasonal climate extremes: Pakistan floods of 2022 

Nick Dunstone, Doug Smith, Steven Hardiman, Sarah Ineson, Shipra Jain, Gill Martin, and Adam Scaife

Skilful predictions of near-term climate extremes are key to a resilient society. However, standard methods of analysing seasonal forecasts are not optimised to identify the rarer and most impactful extremes. For example, standard tercile probability maps, used in real-time regional climate outlooks, failed to convey the extreme magnitude of summer 2022 Pakistan rainfall that was widely predicted by seasonal forecasts. We argue that in this case, a strong summer La Niña provided a window of opportunity to issue a much more confident forecast for extreme rainfall than average skill estimates would suggest. We explore ways of building forecast confidence via physical understanding of dynamical mechanisms, perturbation experiments to isolate drivers, and simple empirical relationships. We highlight the need for more detailed routine monitoring of forecasts, with improved tools, to identify regional climate extremes and hence exploit windows of opportunity to issue trustworthy and actionable early warnings.

How to cite: Dunstone, N., Smith, D., Hardiman, S., Ineson, S., Jain, S., Martin, G., and Scaife, A.: Windows of opportunity for predicting seasonal climate extremes: Pakistan floods of 2022, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7799,, 2023.

EGU23-8169 | Posters on site | NH11.2

Multi-annual prediction of drought and heat stress to support decision making in the wheat sector 

Balakrishnan Solaraju-Murali, Nube Gonzalez-Reviriego, Louis-Philippe Caron, Andrej Ceglar, Andrea Toreti, Matteo Zampieri, Pierre-Antoine Bretonnière, Margarita Samsó Cabré, and Francisco J. Doblas-Reyes

Unfavourable and extreme climate events such as drought and heat stress heavily impact the agriculture sector and food security globally, and the impact of these climate hazards is expected to increase over the upcoming years due to anthropogenic climate change. Decadal climate predictions have been made available to stakeholders in the agriculture sector as a potential source of near-term climate information that provides forecasts for the following 10 years, thus providing an important source of information for increasing preparedness and for adaptation. In this study, the ability of such forecasts to predict climate extremes on a multi-annual timescale is explored. In particular, the skill and reliability of decadal probability forecasts to estimate user-relevant agro-climatic indices, such as the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI), for the months preceding the wheat harvest on a global spatial scale, will be presented. Following this, the added value of such climate information with respect to using past observed climatology or standard (uninitialized) climate projections will be shown. The applicability of decadal forecasts to enhance the adaptation and mitigation activities in the agricultural sector will be illustrated.

How to cite: Solaraju-Murali, B., Gonzalez-Reviriego, N., Caron, L.-P., Ceglar, A., Toreti, A., Zampieri, M., Bretonnière, P.-A., Samsó Cabré, M., and Doblas-Reyes, F. J.: Multi-annual prediction of drought and heat stress to support decision making in the wheat sector, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8169,, 2023.

EGU23-8325 | Orals | NH11.2

Deep learning for downscaling tropical cyclone rainfall 

Emily Vosper, Peter Watson, Lucy Harris, Andrew McRae, Raul Santos-Rodriguez, Laurence Aitchison, and Dann Mitchell

Flood hazards from Tropical cyclones (TCs) are frequently the leading cause of mortality and damages. Current research indicates that TC rainfall will increase by 7 % per degree of ocean warming with a greater proportion of them being extreme . It is vital to understand how this increase in rainfall will translate to flood risk from tropical cyclones by first accurately modelling TC rainfall under present climatic conditions.

General circulation models struggle to reproduce TC rainfall fields so downscaling models are often used to generate more realistic TC rainfall data. Increasingly, rainfall downscaling studies have adopted deep learning techniques from the Computer Vision field to achieve comparable results to traditional methods at a fraction of the computational cost. Initially, convolutional neural networks (CNNs), specifically U-NETs, showed promise in precipitation downscaling. But more recently, the use of Generative models has been explored following the success of GANs in classical image super-resolution problems compared to CNNs. Generative approaches have shown potential at reproducing the fine spatial detail and stochastic nature of precipitation.

Here, we develop upon the WGAN and Variational Autoencoder GAN (VAEGAN) from Harris et al. (2022) and apply it to rainfall data from TCs to increase the resolution of rainfall measurements from 100 km resolution to 10 km resolution.

Overall, the Wasserstein GAN, performed better than other methods, the variational autoencoder GAN, U-Net and bilinear interpolation, across all diagnostics explored. We showed that for regular TCs the WGAN had the most realistic power spectra for all wave numbers, closely followed by the VAEGAN which only deviated for scales of around 5 pixels or fewer. The U-Net and Bilinear Interpolation methods both reproduced power spectra poorly compared to observations, with significant differences present from wave numbers greater than 3. We found that the WGAN had the lowest mean bias overall with errors around the core of the TC within 5 % error, while the VAEGAN had a dry bias of over 5 % outside of the inner core region. Both models had a low negative bias in standard deviation of between 0-5 %.

When looking at the 100 most extreme samples, beyond the intensity of storms used in training the models, the WGAN is able to produce results of similar quality to those for TCs of intensities used in training, except for predictions having too low spread. This indicates that if the WGAN were trained on the full observational dataset, it could perform well for storms more intense than those previously observed, which is important for judging the model's robustness. Conversely, the power spectra of the VAEGAN became more unrealistic and predictions more artificial. There were some very large errors present in VAEGAN at the upper end of the extreme test set which demonstrates the importance of evaluating models on the most extreme, unseen, cases.  Overall, these results show that generative approaches have the potential to generate TC rainfall fields with a high degree of accuracy.

How to cite: Vosper, E., Watson, P., Harris, L., McRae, A., Santos-Rodriguez, R., Aitchison, L., and Mitchell, D.: Deep learning for downscaling tropical cyclone rainfall, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8325,, 2023.

EGU23-8779 | ECS | Posters on site | NH11.2

Projected heat- and cold-related mortality impacts under various climate change scenarios in Switzerland: the role of population development 

Evan De Schrijver, Sidharth Sivaraj, Christoph Raible, Oscar Franco, Kai Chen, and Ana Vicedo-Cabrera

Climate change and progressive ageing of the population is amplifying the heat-related mortality burden in Switzerland. However, limited quantitative evidence exist as to how future trends in heat- and cold-related mortality impacts will develop under various scenarios of warming and population demographics, as well as the contribution of each these two drivers combined. Therefore, we aim to project heat- and cold-related mortality under various climate change scenarios (RCPs) and scenarios of population development defined by Shared Socio-economic Pathways (SSPs), and to disentangle the contribution of each of these two drivers using high-resolution mortality and temperature data in Switzerland.

To project future heat- and cold-related mortality impacts under RCP4.5/SSP2 and RCP8.5/SSP5, we estimated the temperature-mortality association using a two-stage time series analysis for each district and age group (<75 and ³75years) between 1990-2010 in Switzerland. Subsequently, we estimated the corresponding future cold- and heat-related mortality impacts for different warming levels (1.5°C, 2.0°C and 3.0°C) for RCP4.5/SSP2 and RCP8.5/SSP5 and disentangled the contribution of population development and change in climate (i.e., temperature). 

We estimated that heat-related mortality will increase from 312 (95%CI:116; 510) annual deaths to 1,274 (95%CI:537; 2,284) deaths for RCP4.5/SSP2 under 2.0°C warming. This will further increase up to 1,871 (95%CI: 791; 3,284) for RCP8.5/SSP5 under 3.0°C warming, which is mostly driven by population ageing (53%) rather than temperature (47%). As a result of changes in population development, also cold-related mortality will substantially increase from 4,069 (95%CI:1,898; 6,016) annual deaths to 6,558 (95%CI:3,223; 9,589) annual deaths under 2.0°C of warming and to 5,997 (95%CI: 2,951; 8,759) annual deaths under 3.0°C of warming in RCP8.5/SSP5.

In conclusion, both heat- and cold-related mortality will substantially increase under all scenarios of climate change and population development under all degrees of warming in Switzerland. Moreover, population development will reverse the reduction in cold-related mortality despite a warming climate, and further exacerbate heat-related mortality, leading to a substantial net-increase of non-optimal temperature impacts in Switzerland.

How to cite: De Schrijver, E., Sivaraj, S., Raible, C., Franco, O., Chen, K., and Vicedo-Cabrera, A.: Projected heat- and cold-related mortality impacts under various climate change scenarios in Switzerland: the role of population development, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8779,, 2023.

EGU23-8830 | ECS | Orals | NH11.2 | NH Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award Lecture

Disentangling the Characteristics and Drivers of Compound Drought and Hot Extremes 

Ankit Agarwal

Compound drought and hot extremes (CDHE) are periods of prolonged dry and hot weather exhibiting adverse impacts on nature and humankind than their counterparts. Understanding compound extremes is in its infancy due to complex dynamical climate systems involving interactions and feedback with the different processes at different scales. Our detailed investigation of the last seven decades of CDHE during the Indian Summer Monsoon has shown alarming observations. Our results confirmed a threefold increase in CDHE frequency for the recent period (1977–2019) relative to the base period (1951–1976), exhibiting a strong spatial pattern. Further investigation revealed CDHE likelihood, and spatial diversity in the CDHE occurrence is a function of the strong negative association between precipitation and temperature and soil moisture-temperature coupling, respectively. Investigation into the temporal evolution of CDHE confirms the strengthening of the negative association between precipitation and temperature, indicating a higher number of CDHE in future.

How to cite: Agarwal, A.: Disentangling the Characteristics and Drivers of Compound Drought and Hot Extremes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8830,, 2023.

EGU23-9461 | Orals | NH11.2

End-of-century heat and drought stress is approaching Europe swiftly 

Laura Suarez-Gutierrez, Wolfgang A. Müller, and Jochem Marotzke

Extreme heat and drought levels typical of an end-of-century climate could occur soon, and repeatedly. Despite the European climate being potentially prone to multi-year successive extremes due to the influence of the North Atlantic variability on multi-year timescales, it remains unclear how the likelihood of such successive extremes changes under warming, how early could they reach end-of-century levels, and how this is affected by internal climate variability. We use the MPI Grand Ensemble to perform a systematic assessment of how soon different forms of highly impactful, end-of-century single and compound heat and drought stress could occur over Europe, and the role that the decadal variability in the North Atlantic plays in this outcome. Our ultimate goal is to determine how worst-case successive and compounding heat and drought stress accumulates to produce the most extreme decades, and how soon into the near future such heat and drought loaded decades could bring a taste of the end-of-the-century reality.

We find that even under moderate warming, end-of-century heat and drought levels virtually impossible 20 years ago reach 1-in-10 likelihoods as early as by the 2030s. By 2050-2075, single and compound end-of-century extremes occurring unprecedentedly for two successive years exceed 1-in-10 likelihoods; while Europe-wide 5-year megadroughts reach non-negligble odds. Moreover, our results show that the range of all plausible conditions that we may come to experience under the same global warming levels is growing wider by the decade. The range of potential heat and drought stress accumulated over a whole decade increases to the point that experiencing heat and drought loaded decades typical of an end-of-century climate could become a reality in Europe as early as 2040, and this is highly influenced by the state of the North Atlantic. Under a concurrent warm North Atlantic state, exceeding end-of-century single and compound heat and drought stress during decades starting as early as in 2030 becomes twice as likely.




How to cite: Suarez-Gutierrez, L., Müller, W. A., and Marotzke, J.: End-of-century heat and drought stress is approaching Europe swiftly, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9461,, 2023.

EGU23-10321 | Orals | NH11.2

Linkage between the summer hot extremes in Taiwan and Pacific Meridional Mode 

Chieh-Ting Tsai, Yi-Chi Wang, and Wan-Ling Tseng

The temperature observed in Taiwan has been on the rise for the past 100 years. At the same time, the number of summer days in the 2020s has increased significantly compared with that in the 1960s, while the frequency and intensity of heatwave events are also increasing. Extremely high-temperature (EHT) and heat wave events will cause huge effects on human activities, therefore, pre-warning of EHT and heat wave events is essential.

This research investigates the association between the Taiwan summer temperature and the Pacific Meridional Mode (the PMM), an anomalous north-south sea surface temperature gradient over the northeastern subtropical Pacific. Because of the PMM's 5-6 years cycle, it is a good predictability source on a decadal timescale. It was found that when the PMM was in a positive (negative) state, the summer temperature in Taiwan significantly increased (decreased) on a decadal timescale. The zonal circulation in the sub-tropical north Pacific and the subsidence in Taiwan were considered to be the physical mechanism in the linkage.

Besides, the calendar day 90th percentile of max temperature (CTX) and heatwave magnitude scale (HWMS) were used in this research to trace the extremely high-temperature and heat wave events. The research results indicate that during the PMM-positive state, the frequency and duration of EHT and heat wave events become higher and longer than they are during the negative state.

This linkage found in research could help to improve the decadal prediction of summer temperature as well as EHT and heat wave events in Taiwan and provide climate information for the decision-makers to formulate adaptation strategies.

How to cite: Tsai, C.-T., Wang, Y.-C., and Tseng, W.-L.: Linkage between the summer hot extremes in Taiwan and Pacific Meridional Mode, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10321,, 2023.

To date most natural hazard risk assessments in Australasia do not incorporate long-term and/or prehistoric records of extreme events and coastal development continues to rely on short historical records as a reflection of the long-term behaviour of a hazard. In some locations such as southern China or the Philippines historical records may be appropriate as consistent records have been kept for several centuries or even a millennium. However, for much of the Asia-Pacific this is rare as the historical archives rarely stretch beyond World War II. Clearly such short records are inadequate for determining the natural variability of a hazard at multi-decadal timescales and for the extrapolation of extreme events.  While it is well known that the historical record is fragmentary, incomplete and limited in spatial balance, the historical record does provide a key link between instrumental datasets and the prehistoric record that allows for the detailed reconstruction of past events. Here, we compare known historical tropical cyclone events to recent ones in Western Australia (UC1921 and cyclone Herbie) and the central Philippines (Typhoon Haiyan and Ty1897) as examples of integrated studies. The two examples demonstrate the utility of the integrated approach and allow an examination of the similarities and differences between the events. Such efforts must become familiar to those outside of academia, as familiarity breeds awareness and it is through awareness and adoption that the true potential of integrating across disciplines will be recognized.

How to cite: Switzer, A. D., Christensen, J., and Soria, L.: Comparing modern and historical records of cyclone induced extreme sea level events : examples from Australia and the Philippines., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10428,, 2023.

EGU23-11143 | Orals | NH11.2 | Highlight

Forecast quality of climate extreme predictions and its relevance for climate services 

Francisco J. Doblas-Reyes, Victoria Agudetse, Carlos Delgado-Torres, Markus G. Donat, Nube González-Reviriego, Paolo De Luca, Nadia Milders, Angel G. Muñoz, Lluis Palma, Núria Pérez-Zanón, Jaume Ramon, Balakrishnan Solaraju-Murali, Albert Soret, and Verónica Torralba

The forecast quality of multi-model seasonal-to-decadal climate predictions, as measured by metrics of, among others, accuracy and reliability, has been traditionally estimated considering time-average products and products for event thresholds that do not target the occurrence of unusual events of either monthly or seasonal duration. However, there is an increasing interest in some user communities for products that represent extreme and unusual events. This presentation will discuss the differences in forecast quality between traditional forecast products, like mean seasonal temperature, and products for intraseasonal extremes (e.g., those measured with the 95th percentile of high-frequency temperature over periods like a month or a season) and monthly and seasonal unusual events (such as the frequency of exceeding the 90th percentile of the daily climatological distribution of temperature at a given time of the year). The results will be discussed in the context of their implications to address a number of user requirements from different sectors. The relevance of the forecast quality estimated from hindcast sets and the role of the observational uncertainty will be discussed when delivering forecast products in a climate service context. The implications of this work for the standardisation of climate services based on climate predictions will also be discussed.

How to cite: Doblas-Reyes, F. J., Agudetse, V., Delgado-Torres, C., Donat, M. G., González-Reviriego, N., De Luca, P., Milders, N., G. Muñoz, A., Palma, L., Pérez-Zanón, N., Ramon, J., Solaraju-Murali, B., Soret, A., and Torralba, V.: Forecast quality of climate extreme predictions and its relevance for climate services, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11143,, 2023.

EGU23-12122 | ECS | Orals | NH11.2

Urban deadly heat and global inequality 

Steffen Lohrey and Felix Creutzig

Anthropogenic climate change leads to more extreme heat in most regions around the world, in greater magnitude and longer durations. With a global perspective in mind, we explore equity impacts of physiologically deadly heat in cities. In a warming climate, heat extremes reaching a physiological threshold is a phenomena predominantly affecting regions closer to the equator, in contrast to heatwaves defined as a deviation from the mean which appear more frequently in all parts of the world. Many of the regions hit by deadly heat are also vulnerable from factors such as economic challenges, or other climate hazards posing fundamental threats to societal stability and livability.
We here quantitatively explore the intersection of socio-economic variables with previously described occurence of deadly heat in urban environments. These variables include current and future GDP estimates, Gini coefficients and population dynamics. We use metrics of inequality borrowed from economics. We intersect global deadly heat in future climate scenarios with urbanization dynamics. Sub-Saharan Africa stands out as a region where both trends are pronounced. We also demonstrate that countries with responsibility for high historic emissions are overall less affected by the extreme heat.
The insights provided by this research contribute to an improved general understanding of global inequality and climate change as a driver of these. They further contribute to the loss and damage discussion.

How to cite: Lohrey, S. and Creutzig, F.: Urban deadly heat and global inequality, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12122,, 2023.

EGU23-12718 | Orals | NH11.2

Inter-annual and multi-decadal climate variability in hazard forecasting can exacerbate coastal impacts 

Itxaso Odériz, Iñigo J. Losada, Rodolfo Silva, and Nobuhito Mori

It has been demonstrated that modes of climate variability influence ocean wave and wind climate variability at inter-annual and multi-decadal scales (Odériz et al., 2021), trigger local impacts modifying coastal erosion patterns (Barnard et al., 2015) and disturbing seasonal coastal risk (Wahl & Plant, 2015). Besides, extreme events and modes of variability that have occurred simultaneously have above-normal struck coastlines around the world (Barnard et al., 2017) and have evidenced that omitting them in hazard forecasting can lead to underestimating coastal impacts. Moreover, in long-term analysis, the internal natural variability that modes of variability cause on wave climate can mask global warming trends in areas with vast natural fluctuations, such as the Southern Ocean (Odériz et al., 2021).
The complexity of spatiotemporal scales, in addition to a misconception of teleconnections, have led modes of variability to not integrate into coastal management and underestimate their impact on physical and biological hazards. This study identifies energetic and calm teleconnections induced by the leading polar (Arctic Oscillation-AO and Antarctic Oscillation-AAO) and tropical (El Niño Southern Oscillation-ENSO) modes of variability on the world’s coasts. Teleconnections are comprehensively characterized by (1) sign, (2) duration, (3) amplitude, and (4) spatial patterns. Global spatial-temporal fluctuations are analysed by season, parameter (near-surface wind velocity, total-wave power, swell-wave power, and wind sea-wave power), and planetary systems (winds and wave climates).
As an example of the results, we found that wind velocity increases up to ~+1m/s around Tuvalu Island, induced by La Niña (the negative phase of ENSO); in Chile induced by the positive phase of AO; while in Guinea, Indonesia, and Papua New Guinea this increase is triggered by El Niño (the positive phase of ENSO). In addition, the wave power of westerly swells increases up to ~+10 kW/m over an average season, induced by the positive phase of AO in Ireland, Norway, and the UK; in the USA induced by El Niño; and in Australia, New Zealand, and Chile influenced by the positive phase of AAO. This framework can serve as a source of predictability and provide a basis for a proactive response to coastal impacts in anomalous seasons and be transferred to financial risk and insurance instruments.

How to cite: Odériz, I., Losada, I. J., Silva, R., and Mori, N.: Inter-annual and multi-decadal climate variability in hazard forecasting can exacerbate coastal impacts, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12718,, 2023.

EGU23-15385 | ECS | Orals | NH11.2

Global Warming Level of Emergence and related population exposure to temperature and precipitation extremes 

Raul R. Wood, David Gampe, Andrea Böhnisch, Magdalena Mittermeier, and Clemens Schwingshackl

Communicating the uncertainty of natural climate variability to the public and researchers from other fields remains challenging. In this context, the concept of time of emergence (ToE) i.e., the year or decade when the climate signal emerges from the natural climate variability, has been well established over the past years. In addition, global warming levels (GWLs) are used more and more frequently to define the future projection horizon. However, only a few studies combined these two approaches. In this study, we utilize multiple initial condition large ensembles from CMIP6, to more robustly sample extreme events and account for natural climate variability, to estimate the global warming level of emergence (GWLoE) of various ETCCDI indicators. These indicators were selected to represent both precipitation and temperature extremes. Further, we analyze the impact of incremental temperature changes on the emergence of these indicators. Additionally, the GWLs are analyzed in relation to changes in the probability risk ratio to highlight that every degree of additional warming counts. Different scenarios for population changes are applied to estimate the population affected by the emergence of indicators as well as for a doubling in probability risk ratio. The combined GWLoE of all large ensembles highlights considerable regional differences among the individual ensembles. Similarly, regional differences arise for the GWL related to a doubling in probability risk ratio. The changes in population affected by these changes in risk ratio highlight the need to limit global warming as much as possible.

How to cite: Wood, R. R., Gampe, D., Böhnisch, A., Mittermeier, M., and Schwingshackl, C.: Global Warming Level of Emergence and related population exposure to temperature and precipitation extremes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15385,, 2023.

The residents of Sundarbans remain spirited in restoring their socio-economic conditions in a sustainable way facing the odds of climate change. Irrespective of religion, be it Hindu or Muslim, the residents, especially the forest goers, worship goddess Bonbibi, who is revered as the forest's guardian spirit. According to the myth, Bonbibi saves every individual from tigers, snakes, and crocodile attacks. The name "Bonbibi" is unique for any Bengali deity because the term "bibi" is frequently used by Muslim women as their surname. Such a location-based religious framing focuses on an original viewpoint that emphasizes ecological resilience as well as sustainable activities. Forest workers abstain from fish catching during specific breeding seasons and they do not obtain honey from the small flowering trees. The worship of the goddess Bonbibi promotes the benefits of protecting forests. It has been noted that Bonbibi, the personification of strong traits rather than spirituality, is worshipped for security rather than salvation. The people, especially the fishermen, Bauli (woodcutters), and Mouli (honey gatherers) pray, sing hymns, recite poetry, and seek the blessing of Goddess Bonbibi before entering the dense forest. The most astonishing thing about this is that Muslims still pray to Bonbibi like Hindus do, despite not believing in idol worship! Even after their husbands' deaths, the 'tiger widows' have unwavering faith in Bonbibi. In the Sundarbans, where death is largely unpredictable, it is clear how fear and vulnerability outweigh the differing perspectives of different religious communities and thus embody the humane principle of unity in diversity. In this way, the cultural ideals about the goddess Bonbibi are a fundamental component of the Sundarbans and may help address contemporary issues and reconstruct a resilient society. Since isolated set of scientific environmental protection policies would be insufficient to solve the issues raised by the vulnerable ecology, conservation guidelines protecting this largest coastal mangrove forest should acknowledge these location-based customary conventions.

How to cite: Basu, D.: Socio-cultural aspects foster resilience and religious unity in the Sundarbans, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-240,, 2023.

EGU23-328 | ECS | Posters virtual | NH11.3

Drought risk assessment under climate change impacts utilizing CMIP6 climate models in the coastal zone of the Mekong Delta 

Nghia Bui, Indrajit Pal, and Nuwong Chollacoop

Drought is a natural hazard that occurs every year in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam (MDV). In recent years, drought has become more severe, increasing socio-economic risk. Climate change is one of the primary reasons aggravating the level of drought. Therefore, giving a drought risk assessment that integrates climate change impacts is crucial. This study contributes to a proof-of-concept comprehensive drought risk assessment under the impacts of climate change in the coastal provinces of the MDV. The risk of MDV for climate hazards has been assessed considering three key elements - hazards, exposure, and vulnerability. Three CMIP6 global climate model datasets – MIROC6, CESM2, and CNRM-CM6-1 – and two Shared Socioeconomic Pathways of SSP2-4.5 and SSP5-8.5 are selected to project climate change from 2025 to 2100. The Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) has been used to assess the future drought hazard. Drought exposure and vulnerability are derived using statistical data on natural and socioeconomic characteristics from provincial statistical yearbooks. The results of this study will benefit policymakers to develop risk management strategies in minimizing the drought risks in the coastal estuarine deltas under the long-term impacts of climate change.

How to cite: Bui, N., Pal, I., and Chollacoop, N.: Drought risk assessment under climate change impacts utilizing CMIP6 climate models in the coastal zone of the Mekong Delta, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-328,, 2023.

EGU23-637 | ECS | Orals | NH11.3

Assessment of Urban Vulnerability using GIS based Fuzzy MCDA in the Metropolitan Region of Chao Phraya River Delta, Thailand. 

Kazi Hamidul Islam, Patama Sinhruck, Sujaree Bureekul, Penjai Sompongchaiyakul, and Reshmi Das

The United Nation’s World Cities Report 2020 shows that the global urban population has increased from about 28 percent to 56 percent in-between 1950 to 2020. More than half of the cities worldwide having a population above 1 million are located on coastal plains or deltas and are home to 60 percent of the global urban population. The major issue of urban management is urban vulnerability. To improve the quality of urbanization and sustainable development, assessment of urban vulnerability has a great significance. This study investigates the urban vulnerability assessment in the megacity (population >10 million) of Chao Phraya River Delta, Bangkok, Thailand. Due to the complexity of cities and vulnerability concepts, the present research focuses on different aspects of urban vulnerability. A total of fifteen vulnerability criteria are identified according to the multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA). Finally, the ordered weighted averaging (OWA) technique is applied to generate vulnerability map of different risk conditions. The sensitivity analysis is applied to strengthen the obtained results. The study reveal that about 25-30 percent people of the megacity are living in the area of high vulnerability zone of the lower Chao Phraya river delta. The overall result reveals that essential remedial measures should be taken in the high vulnerable zones to achieve urban sustainability.

How to cite: Islam, K. H., Sinhruck, P., Bureekul, S., Sompongchaiyakul, P., and Das, R.: Assessment of Urban Vulnerability using GIS based Fuzzy MCDA in the Metropolitan Region of Chao Phraya River Delta, Thailand., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-637,, 2023.

Abstract : Sea-level rise and coastal subsidence are two of the most significant impacts of climate change in the Bangladesh Delta Region. Bangladesh is one of the most vulnerable countries to the effects of climate change due to its low-lying topography, making it sensitive to sea-level rise, and its dependence on the Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers, making it vulnerable to flooding, land degradation as well as the salinization of freshwater sources. Landcover in the uplands of Bangladesh are largely regulating water flows and sedimentation to the delta. However, deforestation and land-use change in the uplands can also have a negative impact on the delta.

This study attempts to analyze the impacts of climate variables, and changes in upland landcover in deliberation with regional sea-level rise, erosion, and subsidence at a regional scale., This study aims to find a distinctive correlation between these phenomena in a GIS environment. Trend analysis of regional and local sea level rise on Bangladesh coast was taken from  Department of Environment, Ministry of Environment and Forests from 1992 to 2012. GMSL reference  was from AR4 and AR5 from 1901 to 2012. The study would help to anticipate the risk and  planning required on long run to restore coastal ecosystems, and  livelihood security.

How to cite: Srivastava, N. and Nghia, B.: “The impacts of climate variability and upland land cover on shoreline erosion, and coastal subsidence in the Bangladesh Delta Region”, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-777,, 2023.

EGU23-877 | ECS | Orals | NH11.3 | Highlight

Impact Chain Assessment for Vulnerability of the School Education System to Climate Hazards in the Sundarbans Delta, India 

Anushree Pal, Takuji W. Tsusaka, Mohana Sundaram, Mokbul Morshed Ahmad, and Thi Phuoc Lai Nguyen


The education sector experiences catastrophic effects of hazards in the form of life losses and school infrastructure damage. Safety of children at school is a global priority, which has also been stressed in the Hyogo Framework for Action (2005-2015) as well as Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR, 2015-2030). Involvement of school children in disaster risk reduction (DRR) initiatives at the local, regional, and global levels is of paramount importance for resilience development in school education. This research aims to explore the impacts of multiple hazards and associated disruptions in school education, and attempts to identify determinants of resilience of school education to multiple hazards. The various stressors of school education vulnerability will be highlighted through impact chain modeling, which will help in identification of gaps in preparedness of school communities and hence will contribute as a reference for disaster management teams and school communities for better response strategies. The impact chain assessment will be performed through the VenSim model to estimate the degree of cascading impacts on other infrastructure and interdependent systems. The input variables will be defined through the outputs of assessment of climate and anthropogenic stressors for school education vulnerability as well as the evaluation of relationships between social vulnerability and school education.    


Keywords: Sundarbans Delta, Climate Hazard, Education System Vulnerability, Impact Chain.

How to cite: Pal, A., Tsusaka, T. W., Sundaram, M., Ahmad, M. M., and Nguyen, T. P. L.: Impact Chain Assessment for Vulnerability of the School Education System to Climate Hazards in the Sundarbans Delta, India, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-877,, 2023.

EGU23-881 | ECS | Orals | NH11.3 | Highlight

Assessing vulnerability and risk to livelihoods in river deltas socio-ecological systems: alignment of the GDRI with global frameworks’ indicators 

Emilie Cremin, Sumana Banerjee, Sonia Murshed, Jack O'Connor, Hieu Hong Hua, Da Van Huynh, Thanh Son Vo, Hue Thi Van Le, Salehin Mashfiqus, Zita Sebesvari, Andy Large, and Fabrice Renaud

Disasters have significant impacts on the progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, the interlinkage between sustainable development and disaster risk reduction is not considered enough in risk assessment tools. A greater alignment with global frameworks would ease the monitoring while increasing the capacity to address data availability issues for indicator-based assessments.

To bridge this gap, we use the Global Delta Risk Index (GDRI), which is composed of multiple components to assess risks to livelihoods: hazards, vulnerability, and exposure of social-ecological systems. The modular library of indicators of the GDRI has been further aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and the Sendai Framework for Disaster and Risk Reduction (SFDRR). To improve the accuracy of the risk assessment, the list of indicators has been weighted and scored through consultation with stakeholders.

This research presents the initial results of a multi-hazard risk assessment that encompasses SDG and SFDRR indicators in three Asian river deltas: Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna, Mekong and Red River. This work aims at better informing risk management and supporting delta-level interventions to influence progress towards sustainability and resilience of river deltas.

How to cite: Cremin, E., Banerjee, S., Murshed, S., O'Connor, J., Hong Hua, H., Van Huynh, D., Vo, T. S., Thi Van Le, H., Mashfiqus, S., Sebesvari, Z., Large, A., and Renaud, F.: Assessing vulnerability and risk to livelihoods in river deltas socio-ecological systems: alignment of the GDRI with global frameworks’ indicators, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-881,, 2023.

EGU23-885 | ECS | Orals | NH11.3

Coastal Hazards and the Challenges for Planning Fishing Communities in the Philippines 

Annlouise Genevieve Castro and Dina Magnaye

The Philippines has one of the longest coastlines in the world, spanning 36,289 kilometers in its over 7,100 islands. Of that length, around 60 kilometers is inhabited by fishing communities whose socio-economic activities depend primarily on the coastal areas. Over two million registered fishing communities engage in the fishery and other aquaculture-related activities. The country's fishing industry continues to contribute positively to the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). With its rich biodiversity, the Philippines produced around 1.21 MT of fisheries products from commercial and municipal fishing and aquaculture activities, amounting to PhP92.59 billion in the second quarter of 2022.


Despite the significant contribution of the fishing industry to the country’s economic growth, the fishing communities that form the very backbone of industry are considered part of the vulnerable population. With the country plagued by an average of 20 typhoons annually and roughly 8 or 9 making landfall, fishing communities are perpetually displaced, and their livelihood disrupted. This, alongside unsustainable coastal development practices in the fishing sector, has aggravated the growing problem. Through a comprehensive review of literature, the study will assess the vulnerability of fishing communities to coastal hazards and recommend development planning interventions to increase their resilience.


Key words: coastal hazards, fishing community, planning, livelihood, sustainability  

How to cite: Castro, A. G. and Magnaye, D.: Coastal Hazards and the Challenges for Planning Fishing Communities in the Philippines, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-885,, 2023.

EGU23-1213 | Orals | NH11.3

Restoration of estuary hydrological state with freshwater inflows: Non-linear processes, values-led decisions and multiple world views 

Shari L. Gallop, Karin R. Bryan, David P. Hamilton, Melissa Foley, and John L. Largier

The quantity, quality and timing of freshwater inflow into estuaries is critical for ecosystem health. Coinciding with the United Nations Decade of Restoration (2021–2030), there is great interest in re-creating functional estuarine ecosystems by modifying the physio-chemical characteristics, with the premise that a functional ecosystem will follow (ecoengineering). To restore estuarine ecology, the physical processes of the system must be conductive to the re-establishment and sustenance of biota. These physical processes are generally under-monitored and often not used as a measure of restoration success. We explore ecoengineering to restore freshwater inflows to estuaries, focused on hydrological state. We use a Pressure—State—Response (PSR) framework where Pressure refers to anthropogenic pressures on freshwater inflows into estuaries such as dams and dredging. Pressure affects State the physical estuarine condition (hydrological state), such as salinity structure, flushing time, water level and energy. A degraded state may result in information flow, such as from monitoring, and lead to a societal Response – a decision or action that attempts to prevent or reduce these pressures. Such responses may include dam removal, river rediversion, reconnection of tidal channels, dam release combined with mechanical mouth breaching and estuarine dredging. Judging restoration success remains difficult and is often a quality judgement with inherent observer bias. Most targets for improved state focus on ecological expectations and metrics, rather than hydrological state. Moreover, often the reference condition for estuaries is poorly defined, compared to rivers and lakes.  

As an example of values-led decision making, we focus on Aotearoa New Zealand, where Māori are the Indigenous people. Here, it is becoming more common to identify values to set environmental outcomes, including based on Te Ao Māori (Māori world view) that are holistic, and inherently include a wealth of Indigenous knowledge. Te Ao Māori is underpinned by core values engrained in an intergenerational perspective, from whakapapa (connections, genealogy between humans, ecosystems, and all flora and fauna), a theme shared by many other Indigenous Peoples, through to the concept of mauri, the life force or internal energy in living and non-living things that can be damaged when plants, water, soils and ecosystems are degraded. Mauri has been used to guide efforts to maintain/ restore mahinga kai (traditional areas for gathering kaimoana/ sea food). For example, in restoration works in Te Awa o Ngātoroirangi (the Maketū Estuary), one of the major drivers is to restore the mauri of the river and estuary. There are many other examples from around the world where Indigenous and Local Knowledge (ILK) and world views have been applied in environmental restoration, such as to provide baseline ecosystem information to inform restoration targets and give motivation for restoration. As values are increasingly used as a tool to frame management protocols, a more holistic approach is gradually gaining momentum. However, connecting the less quantifiable values to attributes which can be engineered is an ongoing challenge. 

How to cite: Gallop, S. L., Bryan, K. R., Hamilton, D. P., Foley, M., and Largier, J. L.: Restoration of estuary hydrological state with freshwater inflows: Non-linear processes, values-led decisions and multiple world views, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1213,, 2023.

Chilika Lake on Odisha coast, India is the largest brackish water lagoon in Asia and the second largest world-wide. Spread over an area that varies from 906 sq. km. during the summer to 1165 sq. km in the rainy season, the lake is connected to the Bay of Bengal through a 32 km long and 1.5 km wide channel. A hotspot for biodiversity, it is one of the largest site for congregation of migratory birds, designated as the first Ramsar Site in India in 1981 and a Bird Sanctuary under India’s Wildlife Protection Act. However ecological degradation over the years has resulted in decline across several parameters including average area, water depth, and heavy siltation, imbalances in saline and freshwater combination (salinity gradient) with debilitating effect. The conditions are further worsened by mushrooming shrimp culture from the period of 1990’s which have threatened the ecological sustenance of the region including livelihood of over three lakh local community members who are directly or indirectly dependent on its eco-system (Sekhar, 2004; Pattnaik, 2007.

Odisha Government has launched several policy measures towards ecological conservation and a development strategy under Integrated Coastal Zone Management Plan (ICZMP) and using eco-tourism as a vehicle for growth.  As part of this, four tourism clusters are identified, and a master plan is under preparation for two of them; Rambha and Satapada-Sipakuda. The plan envisages significant investment from the private and public sectors to develop the region through eco-friendly hotels, resorts, camps, tourism infrastructure, water sports, recreational facilities etc.  Chilika region experiencing the combined effects of climate change and human induced alteration such as encroachment; its conditions are likely to further deteriorate with future projected climatic effects such as sea level rise.  The region was severely affected by two recent cyclonic storms; Cyclone Fani in 2019 and Phailin in 2013. Fani made a landfall over Chilika itself and in addition to causing massive damage and losses, opened up four more inlet mouths raising serious ecological concerns.

This study explores the extent to which the proposed tourism development of Chilika incorporates Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) measures for an estuary carrying considerable ecological significance. It uses field data from Chilika region to highlight compartmentalized approaches and in the process overlooking scope for synergies. This approach of synthesizing DRR and CCA with Sustainable Development at a local level will be extremely useful to formulate appropriate development strategies not only for Chilika but also for similar social-ecological contexts for long term sustainability.    

Author: Biswanath Dash, Ph.D.


Assistant Professor, K 131, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences,

BITS Pilani Hyderabad Campus, Hyderabad, Telengana-500078. India


Tel. 91-7036026393

N.U. Sekhar (2004) Fisheries in Chilika Lake: how community access and control impacts their management, Journal of Environmental Management, 73:257-266. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2004.07.006

Sarmistha Pattanaik (2007) Conservation of Environment and Protection of Marginalized Fishing communities of Lake Chilika in Orissa, India, Journal of Human Ecology, 22:4, 291-302, DOI: 10.1080/09709274.2007.11906037


How to cite: Dash, B.: Integration of DRR, CCA and Sustainable Development: Eco-Tourism for Chilika Lake, Odisha , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1666,, 2023.

EGU23-4672 | ECS | Orals | NH11.3

A novel coastal wave model with improved nonhydrostatic equations 

Hang Wang, Gang Wang, and Qiuhua Liang

Waves are one of the essential factors triggering disastrous hazards in coastal and estuary areas. Simulation and understanding of their propagation process from deep water to nearshore are important for management and protection of coastal regions. Development of nonhydrostatic models has received increased attention in recent years and depth-integrated nonhydrostatic models have been widely used in large-scale applications. However, most existing depth-integrated nonhydrostatic models neglect the vertical advection and dissipation terms in the vertical momentum equation and assume linear distribution of pressure and flow velocities. These simplified equations are therefore not able to depict the physical details of certain wave dynamics,  prohibiting the application in wave prediction in relative deep water.

This paper adopts the quadratic polynomials to describe both the pressure and velocity terms to improve the linearity and nonlinearity accuracy of the formulation. As the derived nonhydrostatic wave equations involve only the first- and second-order spatial derivatives and are formulated at a similar frame to the previous depth-integrated models, they can be numerically solved using the standard numerical schemes adopted in the previous models. Specifically, a fractional step method is adopted to divide the numerical solution procedure into the hydrostatic and nonhydrostatic steps. A second-order MUSCL-Hancock Godunov-type scheme is employed in the hydrostatic step to obtain the temporary solution; then a finite difference method is used in the nonhydrostatic step to calculate the hydrodynamic pressure by solving the Poisson's equation to achieve the final numerical solution over a full time step. The proposed model is validated against a series of experiment tests. Higher solution accuracy is confirmed by comparing the simulation results with those produced by existing depth-integrated nonhydrostatic models.

Keywords: Nonhydrostatic Model; Coastal Hazards; Finite-Volume Method; Finite-Difference Method; Wave Propagation

How to cite: Wang, H., Wang, G., and Liang, Q.: A novel coastal wave model with improved nonhydrostatic equations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4672,, 2023.

EGU23-5931 | ECS | Posters virtual | NH11.3

Modelling the Dynamics of Multiple Floating Vehicles Driven by Transient Flood Waves 

Yan Xiong, Qiuihua Liang, and Gang Wang

Many post-event field investigations of water-related hazards suggest that debris-enriched flow is much more destructive than water flow alone. However, the role of floating objects is rarely considered in the modelling or risk assessment approaches in practice. Existing modelling approaches are mostly focused on a single or limited pieces of debris. The interactions between the flow and multiple floating objects are not well explored and understood, and few modelling tools have been developed with the capability to simulate and predict these complex interactive processes.

This work aims to present a two-way coupling numerical model for simulating the full-process dynamics of floating debris driven by flood waves, based on a finite volume shock-capturing hydrodynamic model solving the 2D shallow water equations and a 3D discrete element method (DEM) model. A multi-sphere method (MSM) is introduced to the DEM model to better capture the shape and size of floating objects. The coupled model estimates the hydrostatic and dynamic forces acting on debris directly using the high-resolution water depth and velocity predicted by the hydrodynamic model, efficiently and automatically capturing the interactive dynamics between transient water flow and floating debris. The model is able to simulate the full-process dynamics of floating debris, including vertical displacement, initiation, horizontal transport, depositing, interaction with and impact on structures.

After being validated against experiment tests, the model is applied to reproduce a flash flood event in the coastal village of Boscastle, UK, in 2004. During the event, over 100 vehicles were carried by extreme water flow, which blocked and damaged a couple of downstream bridges, changed the pathway and extent of flooding, and finally moved with the flood water to the river mouth. The coupled model well predicts the flood dynamics, transport processes of floating vehicles, and their final locations. Further numerical experiments are caried out to discover and understand the process of floating debris blocking a bridge and the transport process and spatial distribution of different number of floating vehicles during the flood event. This model potentially provides a new and robust tool to more realistically assess flash flood risk and inform planning and design or urban buildings and infrastructure.

How to cite: Xiong, Y., Liang, Q., and Wang, G.: Modelling the Dynamics of Multiple Floating Vehicles Driven by Transient Flood Waves, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5931,, 2023.

EGU23-6312 | Orals | NH11.3

Stakeholders’ Perception on Mangrove Ecosystem Services and Marine Plastic Waste Management in Cebu Islands, Philippines 

Gaynor Jones, Evelyn Taboada, Maria Kristina Paler, Pearl Balanay, Shaira Tagalog, and Jeanie Orate

Marine plastic litter has become a serious global concern, which continuously plagues vulnerable countries and communities.  The Philippines has found itself as one of the top plastic polluters in the marine environment.  Its plastic waste problem has been documented in several studies; however, its implications are still unclear though a call for serious action is certain.  The existence of waste management practices adapted from a legal basis such as The Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 (known as the Republic Act No. 9003 or RA 9003) has greatly contributed to its call for action.  However, data from studies conducted to date suggests that the plastic waste problem is far from being addressed and is potentially starting to affect other environmental ecosystems such as mangrove ecosystems.  This study aims to assess the perception of the stakeholders on what ecosystem services the mangroves can offer and how this can benefit them.  Similarly, this seeks to examine what the community needs in order to mitigate improper plastic waste disposal especially in mangrove ecosystems.  A series of focus group discussions (FGDs) was conducted in 4 municipalities and 3 cities around the province of Cebu, Philippines. A total of 142 participants and representatives from the Academic, Business, Community, and Government (ABCG) sectors joined the activity. (ABCG model).  The results show that the people of Cebu province are more cognisant of the provisioning and regulating ecosystem services of mangroves than its support and cultural services.  One notable misconception among them is their view of mangroves as a filtering area where plastic wastes get trapped before going to the sea. Analysis on the behavioural factors influencing the people of Cebu province in the context of plastic waste management practices also show that Self-regulation>Risk influences them to manage their waste but Ability>Attitude>Norm has more weight in hindering them from practicing proper waste management.  This suggests a need for capability and capacity building interventions integrated in sound policy implementation that would encourage and empower the people to practice good plastic waste management on a more serious and consistent level especially in marine ecosystems. This study champions the ABCG model in this regard.

How to cite: Jones, G., Taboada, E., Paler, M. K., Balanay, P., Tagalog, S., and Orate, J.: Stakeholders’ Perception on Mangrove Ecosystem Services and Marine Plastic Waste Management in Cebu Islands, Philippines, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6312,, 2023.

EGU23-7606 | ECS | Orals | NH11.3

Hydrodynamic analysis of the impact of changes from precipitation extremes to surface water flooding in future climates 

Xiaodong Ming, Qiuhua Liang, Hayley Fowler, and Emma Raven

Climate change has resulted in significantly more frequent precipitation extremes in many parts of the world. Latest research based on UK Climate Projections has suggested that short-term precipitation is projected to increase by 20% to 45% across the UK, providing more specific information compared to previous official guidance that used a single value for the whole UK. The impact of precipitation increase to surface water flooding has been evaluated based on statistical methods to some extent. However, most existing studies are not able to capture the physical process of flood dynamics although it is critical to understand the flooding process interacting complex built-environment during those highly transient extreme events to quantify the actual risk. This work investigates and quantifies impact of the change of rainfall on the spatial pattern of surface water flooding using a 2D hydrodynamic model to simulate designed rainfall events with climate change uplifts.  Flood depth and extent maps are produced in six cities/catchments across the UK against rainfall of different return periods to demonstrate potential change of surface water flood risk in future climate. The results translate the latest UK Climate Projections into intuitional flood risk changes and can be valuable to policy-makers and stakeholders to update policy and practice on surface water flood risk management, as well as providing new methodologies and tools.

How to cite: Ming, X., Liang, Q., Fowler, H., and Raven, E.: Hydrodynamic analysis of the impact of changes from precipitation extremes to surface water flooding in future climates, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7606,, 2023.

This work has implemented An Integrated Disaster Risk Management IDRiM approach on the disaster events of Indian Sundarbans, a world heritage site where the ecosystem and livelihood are threatened by frequent cyclonic disasters originating in Bay-of-Bengal. The inhabitants encounter tremendous economic losses as well as losses of lives due to direct cyclonic storms and the storm surge water flooding. In recent past, the forestry and aquaculture dependent economically backward inhabitants of Sundarbans experienced the devastating hit of Sidr (2007), Aila (2009), Phailin (2013), Hudhud (2014), Bulbul (2019), Amphan (2020), Yaas (2021), Sitrang (2022) which left them with severe losses.  The habitants started to change their work pattern and intended to migrate toward the mainland. Land use / land cover also changed with some changing scenario of the mangrove ecosystem.

All these adverse effects of the coastal cyclonic events claim the need for a proper and effective disaster damage reduction plan. Here, the proposal has been given to formulate a web-enabled platform for near real-time cyclonic path and surge height prediction and rescue and rehabilitation planning with the stakeholders to make the execution effective and successful. This is a platform where; various government departments will update the cyclone related earth observation and hydro-meteorological data on near real-time basis during the emergency period. Ground information and infrastructural spatial database are to be regularly updated by the concerned departments. The access to the platform will be secured to the planners and stakeholders whereas a selective accessibility can be allowed for the community people for community awareness and live situation tracking. The purpose is to minimize the loss as much as possible by taking prompt actions by the administration. The platform also helps to monitor the disaster preventive measures with the hand-to-hand cooperation of local people and administration. In some cases, administration needs the authentication of the relief claims which can increase the transparency of the government strategies and schemes. Rehabilitation management can be more effective where the temporal high resolution remote sensing optical data as well as high resolution surface elevation data with the predicted flood risk zones can be accessed. Pre and post event temporal dataset are to be incorporated in the platform for recovery and reconstruction management. Thus, this platform can effectively minimize the adverse impact of coastal cyclonic disaster by the participation of community, stake holders and the planners.

Key-words: community-based capacity, Integrated Disaster Risk Management, storm surge water flooding, web-enabled platform, participation of community.



EGU23-8422 | ECS | Posters on site | NH11.3

Evaluating the feasibility and performance of Nature-based Solutions in Can Tho, Vietnam 

Jinghua Jiang and Qiuhua Liang

Can Tho, the largest city in the Mekong River Delta, is experiencing rapid urbanisation that is causing many typical urbanisation-related issues, including the increasing flood risk. The flooding area has expanded from 30% to 50% of the total city area due to urbanisation and climate change. Due to the low topography and poor capacity of drainage systems, the city may sometimes remain inundated for up to three hours after the rain event has ended. It is essential to develop effective and also sustainable management strategies for the city to mitigate risk of flooding, especially surface water flooding caused by extreme heavy rainfall.

Nature-based Solutions (NbS) are proposed and widely promoted globally as a sustainable strategy for managing flood risk and creating other benefits. For flood risk management, NbS can help a city reduce surface runoff and subsequently release pressure on drainage systems through infiltration and interception, thus mitigating flood risk. Numerical modelling has been widely used to support the design and assessment of NbS. Conventionally, NbS modelling is achieved by integrating a hydrological model with NbS simulation modules though a one-way coupling method. Such models are incapable of fully describing the rainfall-runoff-flooding processes dynamically interacting with NbS measures, and therefore can only provide limited information such as temporal and spatial variation of runoff removal rate for NbS design and evaluation.

In this work, a 2D hydrodynamic flood model is adopted and further developed by coupling with compatible NbS simulation approaches to overcome the existing NbS restrictions. The new modelling framework is applied in Can Tho city to evaluate the feasibility and performance of different NbS against various evaluating metrics. The simulation results indicate that green roofs, rain gardens, and bio-retention cells can effectively reduce inundation area, flow rate, and runoff volume to protect localised infrastructure and key buildings under certain rainfall scenarios. However, dramatic change of flow velocities is observed near the key infrastructure and structures following the implementation of a rain garden, posing higher risk to pedestrians and vehicles. In-depth analysis of the hydrological performance of bio-retention cells further indicates that their designed capacity is not sufficiently exploited due to the inappropriate installation location, further demonstrating the advantage of the proposed model for better planning and design of NbS to achieve optimised performance.

How to cite: Jiang, J. and Liang, Q.: Evaluating the feasibility and performance of Nature-based Solutions in Can Tho, Vietnam, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8422,, 2023.

EGU23-8865 | ECS | Orals | NH11.3

Consecutive hazards and adaptive capacity of individuals – a gender-sensitive study in the Indian Sundarban delta 

Sumana Banerjee, Katharine Vincent, Abhra Chanda, and Tuhin Ghosh

The Indian Sundarban has witnessed consecutive major cyclones (Cyclone Bulbul, Super Cyclone Amphan and Cyclone Yaas) in the 18 months between November 2019 and May 2021. Following Cyclone Yaas, the region also faced an extreme rainfall event. These extreme events have been compounded by the Covid-19 pandemic. This consecutive (and compound) hazard occurrence caused differential impacts based on varying levels of exposures and adaptive capacity of individuals. Examining the adaptive capacity of individuals within the context of consecutive hazards presents an opportunity to understand the ways in which adaptive capacity is drawn upon in disaster preparedness, response, and recovery actions, and how consecutive hazards with reduced return time affect the capacity of adaptive capacity to regenerate, with implications for risk levels. Since climate change is predicted to increase the intensity and frequency of cyclones, understanding where, when and with whom adaptive capacity needs to be supported is essential to reduce disaster risk in the Indian Sundarban delta. In-depth interviews were conducted with six men and six women of different socio-economic backgrounds from two community development blocks with different levels of exposure to cyclones (Sagar and Gosaba). Using the Local Adaptive Capacity Framework, this study reveals that adaptive capacities differ by gender and socio-economic background.  These different adaptive capacities were manifest in differential natures of preparedness, response, and recovery as undertaken by the respondents – and thus different levels of impact from cyclone and indirect Covid exposure. The increasing frequency and intensity of cyclones reduced the amount of time for adaptive capacity to replenish itself, hence there is an aggregated erosion of adaptive capacity, meaning that people are less able to absorb the impacts of cyclones that occur in quick succession relative to those that occur with a greater lag time. This study also includes co-produced adaptation measures which the respondents and the authors felt were needed for effective disaster risk reduction. These include structural interventions like raised concrete housing and resilient embankments, ecosystem-based adaptations like mangrove plantation and restoration especially in mudflats of fringe areas, livelihood-based adaptations like cultivation of saline-resistant crops, community based interventions like operation of community kitchens in the aftermath of disasters, importance of evacuation for all residents, and judicious relief distribution, and institutional adaptation including fair compensation. These findings add empirical weight to the concept of adaptation pathways, and highlight how the adaptation options available at any point in time are at least in part contingent on past circumstances. They also highlight the intersectional nature of adaptive capacity, which is important to inform policy and practice that equitably supports capacity to adapt. 

How to cite: Banerjee, S., Vincent, K., Chanda, A., and Ghosh, T.: Consecutive hazards and adaptive capacity of individuals – a gender-sensitive study in the Indian Sundarban delta, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8865,, 2023.

EGU23-9170 | ECS | Orals | NH11.3

Quantile regression of satellite-derived CDOM for river plume dispersion in southern Hudson Bay   

Atreya Basu, Greg McCullough, Simon Bélanger, David Doxaran, Kevin Sydor, and David Barber

Physical and biogeochemical processes in coastal waters are shaped by salinity variation induced by river water mixing. As salinity is intrinsic to any aquatic ecosystem, any change will challenge the ecological framework. Thus, space-based monitoring of salinity in regions susceptible to salinity changes, such as estuaries and nearshore waters, is the need of the moment and supports Sustainable Development Goal 14 of the United Nations. Therefore, the salinity monitoring process addresses salinization/de-salinization issues of transitional waters. Current sea surface salinity products from satellites, such as Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) and Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP), exclude shallow waters, creating a salinity data gap in the land-ocean continuum. Such a gap in salinity considerably prevents continuous and synoptic river plume monitoring using satellite observations. Light absorption properties were studied in the coastal waters of Hudson Bay and James Bay, the shallow inland seas of Canada, to overcome the problem. River water carries terrestrial signals into the estuarine and coastal seas through dissolved organic matter (DOM) and inorganic sediments. DOM and sediments in seawater interact with the visible spectrum of solar radiation that can be mapped using ocean color remote sensing. Colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM), the optically active portion of DOM, dominates the light absorption budget at 412 nm in the coastal waters of Hudson Bay and James Bay, followed by the suspended inorganic solids. Hudson Bay waters were clearer relative to James Bay, with a higher content of river-sourced CDOM. The concentration of these river-derived optical tracers decayed offshore. CDOM underwent conservative dilution with increasing salinity, while suspended sediments were non-conservative. Therefore, based on the conservative CDOM and salinity relationship, a quantile regression approach was developed to quantify the Nelson River water dispersion in Hudson Bay using CDOM concentrations retrieved from moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) images. This novel method permits the mapping of surface river water mixing with sea waters in terms of the distance from the river mouth corresponding to different percentages of diluted river water and the direction of river water transport. Such a strategy assists in coastal management, such as identifying the marine conservation area's geographic boundaries and conducting water quality tests to assess the health of coastal waters.

How to cite: Basu, A., McCullough, G., Bélanger, S., Doxaran, D., Sydor, K., and Barber, D.: Quantile regression of satellite-derived CDOM for river plume dispersion in southern Hudson Bay  , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9170,, 2023.

This study investigates how both climatological and geophysical factors impact and have changed the landfast sea ice (LFI) regime in Hudson Bay and James Bay (HJB), Canada. LFI plays an important role in coastal land use practices, traditional livelihood and the formation of wetland ecosystems. Stability and extent of LFI platform is crucial to coastal communities as they use it for travel, fishing and hunting. The most vital concern raised in the Hudson Bay Summit 2022, was regarding the unpredictability of the LFI in terms of presence and thickness, which endangers the ecosystem services and livelihood of these coastal communities. The investigation relied on three sub-objectives: 1) trends of fast ice persistence and extent across HJB from 2001-2018; 2) impact of climatological factors on the landfast ice cycle, and 3) how coastal topography impacts the fast ice cycle. For this study we utilised an array of remote sensing and reanalysis products to study variables such as the landfast ice cycle (freeze-up, break-up) and persistence (CIS Ice charts, MODIS), air temperature (ERA5 reanalysis product), snow melt on land (MOD10A2 snow cover product), coastline orientation (Landsat) and coastal bathymetry (GEBCO). In addition to notable east-west contrast of the LFI climatology in HJB, the observations reveal how coastal topography impacts ice stability and extent, and eventually influences ice persistence, and how a positive feedback is created between the LFI and local air temperature. An understanding of these interlinkages are of critical importance to improve the prediction of LFI breakup in face of rapid climate warming and increased variability. The trends revealed through this study were unique compared to other Sub-Arctic regions with seasonal ice cover. Hence, a focused investigation of the factors that works as precursors of ice freeze-up and triggers break-up is proven to be vital to the continued safe use of the LFI platform.

How to cite: Gupta, K.: Role of climatological and geophysical controls on the landfast sea ice regime in the Hudson Bay region, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9355,, 2023.

EGU23-9446 | ECS | Posters on site | NH11.3 | Highlight

Development of a Coupled Human And Natural Systems (CHANS) Modelling Approach for flood risk assessment and management 

Haoyang Qin and Qiuhua Liang

Keywords: CHANS modelling, inundation model, agent-based model, risk assessment, flood risk management

Flooding is the most wide-spreading natural hazard threatening people’s lives and properties worldwide. In recent years, rapid urbanisation and more frequent weather extremes have led to increased risk of flooding, evidenced by the costly summer floods occurred in Europe and China in July 2021 and, most recently, the deadly event affecting most areas across Pakistan. Effective flood risk management is essentially needed to protect people’s lives and properties.

Human activities may significantly influence flooding processes and the subsequent risk. However, few flood risk assessment and management practices directly consider human activities and social dynamics. This study aims to develop a Coupled Human And Natural System (CHANS) model to simulate the human-nature interacting processes during a flood event, which is subsequently applied to assess flood impact and evaluate the effectiveness of different disaster management options. The CHANS modelling framework is implemented by coupling the in-house High-Performance Integrated hydrodynamic Modelling System (HiPIMS) and an agent-based model built on the Flexible Large-scale Agent Modelling Environment of the Graphics Processing Unit (FLAMEGPU). The agent-based model simulates the complex behaviours of individuals and households reacting to the dynamic flooding process predicted by HiPIMS. The new CHANS modelling framework is tested by simulating the household damage caused by the 2015 Desmond flood in the 2500 km2 Eden Catchment in England, and the simulation results are consistent with the data released in government reports. The model is further applied to explore the role of early warning and sandbagging in mitigating flood impacts. The validated CHANS flood risk modelling and assessment framework is further applied to the City of Can Tho in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta to assess compound flood risk taking into account dynamic household vulnerability and explore different risk mitigation measures.

How to cite: Qin, H. and Liang, Q.: Development of a Coupled Human And Natural Systems (CHANS) Modelling Approach for flood risk assessment and management, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9446,, 2023.

EGU23-9670 | Orals | NH11.3

Nutrient pollution impact reduction assessment in a deep estuary, euphotic zone avoidance/bypass considerations 

Tarang Khangaonkar, Su Kyong Yun, and Lakshitha Premathilake

The feasibility of reducing nutrient pollution impacts by redirecting excess nutrient flux away from the photic zone is investigated. Alternate effluent discharge strategies to avoid or bypass the euphotic zone were tested under the hypothesis that in deep estuaries, depth of the surface exchange outflow layer may be greater than euphotic zone depth, providing opportunity for a fraction of the nutrient pollution to be exported out passively. We used the Salish Sea region in the Pacific Northwest as a test bed for this assessment. Euphotic zone depth in the Puget Sound basin of Salish Sea in U.S waters varies from 8 m to 25 m while the depth of outflow layer is approximately 60m. Sensitivity of biological response and water quality impact were quantified using an established biophysical model of the system, using exposure to low DO levels as the metric (< 2 mg/L hypoxia and < 5 mg/L impairment). Opportunity to reduce nutrient pollution impact was tested through outfall relocation strategies, applied to 99% of the anthropogenic loads currently delivered to the Puget Sound. The results show that relative to natural impairment levels, marine wastewater outfalls are responsible for 36% of increase, while loads from upstream watersheds that enter Puget Sound via river flows, are responsible for 70% of increase in impairment. Results were consistent with the hypothesis in that moving the outfalls to deeper waters resulted in reduced primary production. However, in some basins, the benefits of lower water column respiration were offset by reduced DO production and were accompanied by some loss in the strength of circulation. Puget Sound basin results indicate worsening of DO impairment hours (average +3.0%), while Whidbey Basin showed improvement in DO impairment hours (-6.8%) relative to existing conditions. The results indicate that presence of multiple sills and the associated reflux flows / circulation obstruct the export of nutrients out of the system. The efforts to relocate outfalls to achieve euphotic zone bypass and improve DO impairment were therefore not as effective as hypothesized.

How to cite: Khangaonkar, T., Yun, S. K., and Premathilake, L.: Nutrient pollution impact reduction assessment in a deep estuary, euphotic zone avoidance/bypass considerations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9670,, 2023.

EGU23-10507 | ECS | Posters virtual | NH11.3

The role that radar forecasting and hydrodynamic modelling may play in predicting flooding in coastal areas 

Yun Xing, Qiaoqian Liang, Xin Yu, and Yu Sun

Flooding is one of the most common and destructive natural disasters in coastal areas, involving considerable deaths, losses, and other severe consequences in many low-lying regions across the globe. Because of their highly developed economies and dense populations, coastal cities are especially vulnerable to flooding. In recent years and beyond, climate change is anticipated to considerably increase the flood risk in coastal areas. Consequently, it is of ultimate importance to develop efficient flood risk mitigating measures based on numerical models that properly capture the dynamic processes of coastal flooding based on reliable rainfall measurements and forecasts.

Radar rainfall measurements have been viewed as potential model input for flood modelling as it is able to provide better representative of rainfall patterns with their variations at high spatial and temporal resolution. Radar forecasts at short lead times are also found to be the most skilled method for producing QPE (Quantitative Precipitation Estimation) and QPF (Quantitative Precipitation Forecast) at high spatiotemporal resolutions. For urbanized catchments in coastal areas, hydrodynamic models driven by high resolution rainfall data provided by radar observation and forecasting may present efficient tool for simulating and predicting the rainfall–runoff responses.

This study, therefore, aims to develop a robust way to assess the impact of spatial and temporal variability of floods using radar rainfall data against rain gauge ones over Guangzhou, a typical city in the Pearl River Delta of the Greater Bay Area in the southern China, which is frequently suffered from pluvial flooding. A 2D High-Performance Integrated hydrodynamic Modelling System (HiPIMS) was employed to support the flood modelling, especially for simulating highly transient flooding process in intensely urbanized part of Guangzhou. With the objective of exploring the spatial and temporal heterogeneity of flooding in coastal areas induced by complex rainfall patterns, comparisons were made between the simulations driven by rain gauge measurements and radar QPE and QPF, in terms of maximum inundation conditions and spatiotemporal evolutions. Results of this study may potentially help improve the accuracy of coastal flood forecasts and thus provide information for developing more reliable flood mitigation measures.

How to cite: Xing, Y., Liang, Q., Yu, X., and Sun, Y.: The role that radar forecasting and hydrodynamic modelling may play in predicting flooding in coastal areas, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10507,, 2023.

EGU23-11351 | ECS | Posters virtual | NH11.3

Disasters And Development Nexus: A Review of Vulnerability Assessment on The East Coast of India 

Ganni Satya Venkata Sai Aditya Bharadwaz

Planned and unplanned developments are increasing hugely in coastal areas all over the world. Changing climate and associated coastal hazards are also increasing. In this study, a systematic literature review has been adopted to understand the Disasters and Development Nexus on the east coast of India. Vulnerability scenarios have been assessed from the existing literature. Indian coast also experiencing massive constructional developments in the last few decades. The intensity and recurrence of coastal hazards are increasing at an enormous rate. Which is causing massive economic as well as life and livelihood losses. Particularly Cyclonic storms and associated coastal flooding has become yearly events on the east coast of India. As a community's exposure to potential hazards depends on its socioeconomic condition, the poor coastal communities on the eastern coast are defenseless and exposed to potential hazards. Considering the importance of planning measures, some long-term mitigation measures, such as embankment restructuring and realignment, restoration of mangrove forests, and salinity reduction by adopting scientific land use planning, may reduce the impact of hazards. Similarly, some short-term management strategies like an early warning system, 24 h digital monitoring system, and the construction of adequate flood and cyclone shelters can improve the effectiveness of the disaster response system.

How to cite: Aditya Bharadwaz, G. S. V. S.: Disasters And Development Nexus: A Review of Vulnerability Assessment on The East Coast of India, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11351,, 2023.

EGU23-12753 | ECS | Orals | NH11.3

See Seagrass from Space: From Analysis-Ready PlanetScope Satellite Imagery to Nationwide Seagrass Maps for the Nationally Determined Contributions of Seychelles 

Chengfa Benjamin Lee, Lucy Martin, Dimosthenis Traganos, Gwilym Rowlands, and Peter Reinartz

Seagrass meadows provide many valuable global ecosystem services including blue carbon sequestration, and habitat and nursery ground provisioning for commercial fish. Yet, the conservation, research and monitoring of these highly productive habitats are hampered by a notable lack of spatially-explicit knowledge in many parts of the world, including the Seychelles. As an archipelagic state, a sizeable portion of the Seychellois Nationally Determined Contributions and thus carbon stocks are “blue”, owing to the therein intertidal and subtidal seagrasses.

Due to the subtidal seagrass living on the seabed, the dominant spaceborne remote sensing approach is optical. However, owing to the atmospheric conditions and persistent cloud cover over tropical regions, it is sometimes difficult to find a suitable, cloud-free and glint-free image. In order to maximise use of every relevant and useful pixel without discarding them due to a partial cloud cover, we employ a multitemporal image composition approach, which concurrently reduces some of the effects of sunglint and cloud shadows. However, a multitemporal approach on a national scale is computationally expensive and requires much resources.

Here we present the Global Seagrass Watch coastal Ecosystem Accounting framework, which harnesses the powerful cloud computing Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform to process the satellite images across a large spatial and temporal scale. Furthermore, with the addition of the Planet & Norway’s International Climate and Forests Initiative (NICFI) onto GEE, anyone can have free access to the 4.77 m high spatial resolution PlanetScope image composites between 2015 to present. Although terrestrially-focused, the presence of shallow waters within the buffered coastline in these composites allows the exploitation of NICFI for coastal aquatic remote sensing, as well. Consequently, a potentially high-resolution, large-scale seagrass map could be produced with savings in time and cost.

In this study, we implement our multitemporal composition approach on GEE onto the PlanetScope composite archive in order to map and estimate the area of the seagrass meadows of Seychelles on a national level.

The results will contribute to the development of a national seagrass mapping and monitoring blueprint monitoring system, which is important for the assessment of national seagrass blue carbon stocks for the Nationally Determined Contributions for Seychelles, as well as beyond.

How to cite: Lee, C. B., Martin, L., Traganos, D., Rowlands, G., and Reinartz, P.: See Seagrass from Space: From Analysis-Ready PlanetScope Satellite Imagery to Nationwide Seagrass Maps for the Nationally Determined Contributions of Seychelles, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12753,, 2023.

EGU23-12801 | ECS | Orals | NH11.3 | Highlight

The Landscape of Marine Ecosystem Challenges and the Role of Insurance in Climate Change Adaptation 

Abhijit Basu and Manoj Kumar Yadav

Marine and coastal ecosystems are home to numerous plant and animal species, which all produce various valuable services for humans. The ocean has warmed unabated since 2005, continuing the clear multi-decadal ocean warming trends documented in the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (AR5). Over the past decades, all scientific studies suggest that the oceans will continue to grow warmer and more acidic in the following decades. Even more alarming is the possibility that major ocean circulation patterns may disrupt the highly productive regions where upwelling brings nutrients from the deep waters of the ocean. The most key change in marine ecosystems associated with ocean warming has been coral-bleaching events. Often called “rainforests of the sea,” coral reefs are biodiversity “hotspots” and support an incredible array of flora and fauna. From 2016 that 31 per cent of tropical corals worldwide were already bleached.

Quantifying the value of natural capital and associated ecosystems, and representing the value of ecosystems in monetary terms, is crucial to envisage coastal management strategy. It is the first step toward coastal protection, enabling any meaningful cost-benefit analysis. Thus, effective mechanisms to translate these values into ecosystem protection strategies are essential, which are discussed in this paper.

Insurance, as a market-based financial instrument, has the potential to address some of the adaptation challenges related to safeguarding coastal and marine ecosystems. Designing an insurance product, for instance, to protect a coral reef system necessitates examining complex and dynamic interactions between exposure, hazard, and vulnerability.

With an 8,000-km long coastline, India has around 28 million workers in the fishing sector. The government, in 2020, introduced a draft National Fisheries Policy that offers insurance coverage but with several challenges and limitations. In India, the availability of quality marine data and enhancing the scope of marine and coastal insurance have the potential to address some of the challenges outlined above. This policy paper, with a focus on the global as well as Indian marine landscape, explores challenges around marine ecosystems and how insurance can play a role in adaptation to climate change and identify further areas of research.

How to cite: Basu, A. and Yadav, M. K.: The Landscape of Marine Ecosystem Challenges and the Role of Insurance in Climate Change Adaptation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12801,, 2023.

Deltas and estuaries concurrently represent some of the most delicate natural environments and highly populated regions of the world. Due to climate change, among other global and local variables (e.g., urbanization, land subsidence, etc.), these areas face unprecedented increases to flood risk over the next several decades. A large portion of total future coastal flood risk is found in the world's deltas and estuaries, while overall global riverine flood risk exhibits more expansive spatial distribution. Still, the presence of high levels of potential human and monetary impacts due to these two types of flooding presents a unique challenge for decision makers worldwide. For these areas of the world to survive, disaster risk reduction action is needed in the form of adaptation. Our work shows the adaptations options for a selection of critical deltas and estuaries throughout the world. We model dykes and levees (structural hazard reduction), saltmarsh preservation and mangrove restoration (nature-based hazard reduction), dry-proofing of urban assets (vulnerability reduction), and zoning restrictions on future urban development (exposure reduction), and quantify the costs and benefits of these adaptation measures. Certain adaptation measures are better suited for some cases depending on the income level, environmental characteristics, and spatial population distribution of the region in question. For example, in the Ganges delta, expanding mangrove forests proves to be the most cost beneficial adaptation strategy. Meanwhile, restricting future urban development away from floodplains in the Congo estuary shows the most potential for flood risk reduction due to large amounts of projected population growth. And highly urbanized deltas and estuaries, such as the Mekong and the Hudson, demonstrate potential risk reductions via widespread dry-proofing. With this work, we are able to identify specific adaptation pathways forward into the future for these crucial areas of the world, while also opening the dialogue for related topics, such as compound flood risk and adaptation hybridization.

How to cite: Mortensen, E. and Ward, P.: Adapting with future increases to coastal and riverine flood risk in deltas and estuaries: a global perspective, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14131,, 2023.

EGU23-15113 | Posters on site | NH11.3

A high-performance integrated hydrodynamic modelling framework for large-scale multi-process simulation 

Xue Tong, Qiuhua Liang, and Jiaheng Zhao

Coastal cities are prone to the risks from multiple hazards, e.g., compound floods driven simultaneously by interactive fluvial, pluvial and coastal processes. The overland flow and flooding process of a compound event may further erode soil, move and carry along debris of different size, and pick up and transport pollutants to create secondary hazards to exacerbate the flood impact on assets and environment. When assessing and managing multi-hazard risk, it is essential to have a modelling tool that can depict in detail the flooding and associated processes. However, the traditional flood models seldomly consider and simulate the interactive rainfall-runoff-flooding and associated secondary hazard processes.

This work aims to develop and test a high-performance portable modelling framework to simulate the flooding dynamics triggered by multiple drivers, as well as the relevant cascading processes, to support more comprehensive multi-hazard risk assessment and management. To simulate the complex flooding dynamics from multiple sources, the High-Performance Integrated hydrodynamic Modelling System (HiPIMS) developed at Loughborough University is adopted. HiPIMS solves the full 2D shallow water equations (SWEs) using a Godunov-type finite volume method, implemented with novel variable reconstruction and source term discretisation schemes to handle complex domain topography and wetting and drying to achieve stable and accurate prediction. HiPIMS is further implemented on multiple GPUs to achieve high-performance computing to support large-scale high-resolution simulations. In this work, a new version of more compatible and portable HiPIMS is developed by adopting PyTorch ( to distribute GPU threads and reconstruct input data and internal variables, making it easier for interfacing with GIS tools and data pre- and post-processing. To ensure the new HiPIMS is extendable to incorporate new modelling components to achieve multi-hazard and multi-process modelling, the main model code is encapsulated to provide interfaces with easy access to hydrodynamic information, i.e., water depths and velocities, for model coupling. Git (a distributed version control system for programmers to collaboratively develop source codes) is further employed to support long-term flexible model development and maintenance.

The capability of the new HiPIMS is demonstrated and confirmed by application to 1) reproduce a surface water flood event driven by fluvial and pluvial processes across the 2500km2 Eden catchment in England; 2) initiation and propagating process of floating debris driven by highly transient flood waves; and 3) wash-off, transport and deposition of non-point-source pollutants driven by rainfall induced overland and flood flows over urban surfaces.

How to cite: Tong, X., Liang, Q., and Zhao, J.: A high-performance integrated hydrodynamic modelling framework for large-scale multi-process simulation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15113,, 2023.

EGU23-16380 | ECS | Posters on site | NH11.3

Calibrating a 2D high-performance hydrodynamic model for fluvial process modelling along the Mekong River 

Xiaoli Su, Qiuhua Liang, and Jinghua Jiang

The Vietnamese Mekong Delta (VMD), representing a highly complex hydrodynamic system, plays a major role in food security and socio-economic development in Vietnam. With ongoing climate change and rapid urbanization, the VMD is increasingly vulnerable to flood risk from multiple sources, e.g. driven simultaneously by fluvial, pluvial and coastal processes. It is essential to develop reliable modelling tools to simulate such compound flooding processes to support hazard risk assessment and management to inform the development of policies and effective strategies to sustain the delta development.

To support reliable compound flood modelling and risk assessment in VMD, it is important to accurately predict the fluvial processes along the Mekong River. For large river and river network modelling, one-dimensional (1D) and quasi two-dimensional (2D) hydrodynamic models are commonly used. However, modelling overbank flow and flooding process over floodplains is out of the capability of these 1D or even quasi 2D models. These 1D or quasi 2D models are then integrated with a 2D inundation model through one-way coupling to predict the flooding processes in floodplains. The resulting one-way coupled models neglect the dynamic interactions between the flows in the river and floodplain as well as upstream and downstream domains, inevitable introducing model uncertainties that are difficult to quantified and controlled. Ideally, we can use a full 2D hydrodynamic model to simulate the entirely fluvial flooding process spreading from the river channels over to the floodplains. However, this approach has not been widely reported for large-scale application due to the prohibited computational cost of a 2D hydrodynamic model.

In this work, we explore the possibility of calibrating a fully 2D hydrodynamic model, the High-Performance Integrated hydrodynamic Modelling System (HiPIMS), to reproduce high, medium and low flood conditions along the middle and lower reaches of Mekong River of 55 km, starting from the Kratie gauge in Cambodia to avoid tidal influence. The model is driven by inflow at Kratie and calibrated using the measurements of both water level and discharge available at 4 gauge stations (Can Tho, My Thuan, Chau Doc, Tan Chau). The Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) is used to quantify prediction errors to support the model calibration process.

How to cite: Su, X., Liang, Q., and Jiang, J.: Calibrating a 2D high-performance hydrodynamic model for fluvial process modelling along the Mekong River, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16380,, 2023.

EGU23-16646 | ECS | Orals | NH11.3

Laboratory study on wave attenuation by submerged mangrove canopies 

Rong Zhang, Jiaxin Lei, and Yongping Chen

With global climate change and sea level rise, the frequency and strength of coastal hazards are increasing. Nature-based solutions have been recognized as a kind of sustainable approach to coastal protection. Among them, mangroves play a crucial role in attenuating coastal waves, tides, and storm surges. From top to bottom, mangrove trees have a typical three-layered structure, consisting of leafy canopies, thick trunks, and intertwined roots. Most previous studies investigating mangrove-wave interaction oversimplified mangroves as rigid cylinders. In this way, the effects of the vertical morphology structure of mangroves on wave decay are ignored and have not been fully understood. To bridge this knowledge gap, we carried out a series of flume tests to compare the differences in the wave attenuation ability of artificial near-natural mangrove models and rigid cylinder models. The wave damping factor was calculated based on fitting the measured wave height evolution through the mangrove zone to the wave decay formula proposed by Dalrymple et al. (1984). It has been observed that the submerged mangrove canopies significantly enhanced the wave attenuation rate. To unify the correlations between the wave decay parameter and the varying submerged mangrove volumes under different waves and water depths, we proposed a new parameter, the hydraulic submerged volume index (HSVI), to quantify the wave damping contributions by mangrove canopies, stems, and roots respectively. A fitted linear correlation between the HSVI and wave damping factor was induced. Then the bulk drag coefficient versus nondimensional hydraulic parameters, i.e. Reynolds number Re, Keulegan-Carpenter number KC, and Ursel number Ur, were discussed in detail, and modified correlations considering the effects of varying characteristic length scales of nondimensional hydraulic parameters were proposed.

How to cite: Zhang, R., Lei, J., and Chen, Y.: Laboratory study on wave attenuation by submerged mangrove canopies, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16646,, 2023.

EGU23-428 | ECS | Posters on site | CL3.2.8

Is Argentina hotter? Understanding heatwaves temporal and spatial behavior using the ERA5-LAND dataset (1950-2022)  

Caterina Cimolai, Enric Aguilar, Benito Zaragozí, Jon Olano Pozo, and Anna Boqué Ciurana

Climate strongly impacts socio-ecologic systems. Increasing the intensity and frequency of heatwaves is one of its major consequences. Heatwaves are periods of consecutive days when temperatures are much hotter than normal. Cities are especially affected because their impact is usually aggravated by the Urban Heat Island (UHI), an intrinsic phenomenon that increases urban temperatures compared to surrounding rural areas. Extreme hot temperatures affect urban areas causing health problems, increasing energy requirements, and altering water supplies, among others.  

Heatwaves have been studied in Argentina but this has not been updated for the whole country recently. Due to these impacts on people’s well-being, infrastructure, and ecosystem functioning, this work proposes to study changes in spatial distribution and frequency of heatwaves in Argentina.  

We use the ERA5 LAND dataset and the HeatWaver R package to identify heatwaves over mainland Argentina. For the purpose of this study, we define heatwaves as periods where maximum and/or minimum temperatures are above the 90th percentile of the WMO standard reference period (1961-1990) during five or more consecutive days. We inspect the temporal and spatial extent of the phenome and monitor its changes over time. In agreement with global warming tendencies, heatwaves are more frequent, and a larger portion of the country has been under stress in recent years. We also inspect the heterogeneous impact over the territory and large cities.  

To understand the impact of heatwaves in cities, it is crucial to evaluate the risk, which is the conjunction of hazards, exposure and vulnerability. As a first step, this work studies heatwaves as hazards while those other aspects will be incorporated into future research. Our final objective is to reach an urban heatwave risk index, combining meteorological, environmental, urban, and social aspects. This indicator would liaise climate science with local and regional policies and offer information for adaptation and mitigation policies to face climate variability and change.  

Keywords: heatwaves, cities, climate change, Argentina. 

How to cite: Cimolai, C., Aguilar, E., Zaragozí, B., Olano Pozo, J., and Boqué Ciurana, A.: Is Argentina hotter? Understanding heatwaves temporal and spatial behavior using the ERA5-LAND dataset (1950-2022) , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-428,, 2023.

EGU23-862 | Posters on site | CL3.2.8

The hunter-gatherers of Abra del Toro rock shelter, northwestern Argentina, suffered the effects of the large 4.2 ka Cerro Blanco eruption 

Jose-Luis Fernandez-Turiel, Juan Pablo Carbonelli, and Carlos Belotti López de Medina

There is a dearth of information regarding prehistoric foraging societies from the intermontane longitudinal valleys of the South-Central Andes. Due to the intense anthropization of the landscape or the scarce research efforts on prehistoric populations of hunter-gatherers in the intermontane valleys of the Andes, occupation sites have been found on very few occasions. However, new perspectives in the Abra del Toro rock shelter in the Yocavil Valley (Catamarca province, Argentina) have opened up from recent and ongoing excavations. This rock shelter is the first archaeological case in which it is possible to analyze the relationship between a large-scale natural catastrophe and the prehistoric populations living in the Andean intermontane valleys of the southern Central Andes. This rock shelter's stratigraphy and archaeological remains contain the record of interactions between human communities and volcanism. The stratigraphic record of the rock shelter shows a 1-m-thick volcanic ash deposit formed by aeolian transport from primary outer ashfall deposits. Geomorphological and sedimentological context, texture, glass and mineral content, whole-rock chemical composition, and radiocarbon dating prove that the tephra was derived from the 4.2 ka BP eruption of the Cerro Blanco Volcanic Complex in southern Puna (NW Argentina). This volcanic eruption is the largest documented in the world in the last five thousand years and covered the surroundings of the archaeological site with an ash layer of approximately 1 meter thick. The stratigraphic sequence of the Abra del Toro rock shelter allows us to hypothesize that there were three main occupational moments: two hunter-gatherer moments, separated by the record of the large volcanic eruption, and a subsequent agro-pottery period (Carbonelli et al. 2022. J. Archaeol. Sci. Rep. 45, 103629). The rock shelter after the eruption remained in the memory of the hunter-gatherer groups. Good visibility, accessibility, and proximity to water were attributes of this space that made it possible for it to be re-occupied after the eruptive event. Our next objective is to reconstruct, using proxy analysis, how the paleoenvironment was in the intermontane valleys before and after the eruption. The evidence of this Mid-Holocene catastrophic volcanic event in the Abra del Toro rock shelter opens the possibility of knowing its impact on the contemporary hunter-gatherer community and drawing conclusions for similar future volcanic crises.

This work was supported by the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (Grant PIP 112-201301-00178), the University of Buenos Aires (Grant UBACyt 20020170100318BA) (University of Buenos Aires), the National Agency for the Promotion of Research, Technological Development and Innovation (Grant 2019-01229) and the QUECA Project (MINECO, Grant CGL2011-23307).

How to cite: Fernandez-Turiel, J.-L., Carbonelli, J. P., and Belotti López de Medina, C.: The hunter-gatherers of Abra del Toro rock shelter, northwestern Argentina, suffered the effects of the large 4.2 ka Cerro Blanco eruption, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-862,, 2023.

EGU23-1212 | Orals | CL3.2.8 | Highlight

Storylines of the impacts in the Netherlands of alternative realizations of the Western Europe July 2021 floods 

Bart Van Den Hurk, Karin de Bruijn, Kymo Slager, mark Hegnauer, and Guus Rongen

The 2021 summer flooding was an extremely rare event, driven by precipitation extremes that exceed Dutch design levels for flood protection in regions away from the main rivers and coastline. However, similar events in neighboring locations cannot be ruled out even in the near future. The implications of such extreme rainfall amounts will vary by region, subject to local topography, hydraulic flow patterns, water management, and societal exposure. We explore the geographic distribution of potential flood impacts induced by a similar event by constructing impact-oriented event storylines for different subregions in the Netherlands. The plausibility of the storylines is underlined by using physical evidence, proven impact-modelling concepts, and expert judgment successfully assessing the (sometimes unexpected) outcomes. The approach supports impact assessment for extraordinary events.

The presentation will illustrate the development of the storylines, and its uptake and interpretation by governing authorities responsible for water safety, civil protection and water management.

How to cite: Van Den Hurk, B., de Bruijn, K., Slager, K., Hegnauer, M., and Rongen, G.: Storylines of the impacts in the Netherlands of alternative realizations of the Western Europe July 2021 floods, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1212,, 2023.

EGU23-2330 | ECS | Orals | CL3.2.8 | Highlight

Increasing chances of summer wildfires in the UK? 

Vikki Thompson, Dann Mitchell, Hannah Bloomfield, Nick Dunstone, and Gillian Kay

In the summer of 2022 unprecedented weather conditions in the UK lead to wildfires in many regions. Record breaking temperatures – above 40 °C for the first time - and prolonged dry conditions led to exceptional fire weather severity. On July 19th London Fire Brigade declared a major incident as firefighters battled several significant wildfires across the city. We investigate if climate change is enhancing summertime wildfire risk in the UK. 

We use reanalysis data from 1960 to the present day to analysis trends in the climatic indicators that influence the fire weather index. A large ensemble of initialised climate model simulations from the same time period are used to support the findings and identify as-yet-unrealised possible fire weather index situations in the UK. 

In the UK the term ‘wildfire’ is not limited to fires in wildland, but to any uncontrolled vegetation fire which requires action regarding suppression. Wildfires in the UK are considered a semi-natural hazard due to their close link with human activity. Though we investigate only meteorological influences, these are not the sole cause of wildfires – for example fuel availability plays a large role. 

Better understanding of the trends in the fire weather severity and chance of exceptional conditions for the UK will enable improved understanding of the risks. This information can feed into relevant policy and contingency planning, allowing society to become better prepared for the future as the planet continues to warm. 

How to cite: Thompson, V., Mitchell, D., Bloomfield, H., Dunstone, N., and Kay, G.: Increasing chances of summer wildfires in the UK?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2330,, 2023.

EGU23-2376 | ECS | Orals | CL3.2.8

Advancing research on compound weather and climate events via large ensemble model simulations 

Emanuele Bevacqua, Laura Suarez-Gutierrez, Aglae Jezequel, Flavio Lehner, Mathieu Vrac, Pascal Yiou, Giuseppe Zappa, and Jakob Zscheischler

Societally relevant weather impacts typically result from compound events, which are rare combinations of weather and climate drivers. For example, compound hot-dry events frequently cause damage to human and natural systems, often exceeding separate impacts from heatwaves and droughts. Focussing on four event types arising from different combinations of climate variables across space and time, we illustrate that robust analyses of compound events – such as frequency and uncertainty analysis under present-day and future conditions, event attribution, and exploration of low-probability-high-impact events – require very large sample sizes. In particular, the required sample is much larger than that needed for routinely considered univariate extremes. We demonstrate how large ensemble simulations from multiple climate models are crucial for advancing our assessments of compound events and for constructing robust model projections. For example, among the case studies, we focus on compound hot-dry events and show that large ensemble model simulations allow for identifying plausible extremely dry climates that, if occurring in a warmer world, would be associated with high risk from compound hot-dry events. Overall, combining large ensemble simulations with an improved physical understanding of compound events will ultimately provide practitioners and stakeholders with the best available information on climate risks.

How to cite: Bevacqua, E., Suarez-Gutierrez, L., Jezequel, A., Lehner, F., Vrac, M., Yiou, P., Zappa, G., and Zscheischler, J.: Advancing research on compound weather and climate events via large ensemble model simulations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2376,, 2023.

Historical extreme flooding events in Central European river catchments caused high socioeconomic impacts. Previous studies investigated single events in detail but did not focus on an analysis of the underlying extreme precipitation events in general as historical events are too rare for a robust assessment of their generic dynamical causes. This study attempts to fill this gap by analyzing a set of realistic daily 100-year large-scale precipitation events over five major European river catchments with the help of operational ensemble prediction data from the ECMWF. The dynamical conditions during such extreme events are investigated and compared to those of more moderate extreme events (20- to 50-year). 100-year precipitation events are generally associated with an upper-level cut-off low over Central Europe in combination with a surface cyclone southeast of the specific river catchment. The 24 hours before the event are decisive for the exact location of this surface cyclone, depending on the location and velocity of the upper-level low over Western Europe. The differences between 100-year and more moderate extreme events vary from catchment to catchment. Dynamical mechanisms such as an intensified upper-level cut-off low and surface cyclone are the main drivers distinguishing 100-year events in the Oder and Danube catchments, whereas thermodynamic mechanisms such as a higher moisture supply in the lower troposphere east of the specific river catchment are more relevant in the Elbe and Rhine catchments. For the Weser/Ems catchment, differences appear in both dynamical and thermodynamic mechanisms.

How to cite: Pfahl, S. and Ruff, F.: What distinguishes 100-year precipitation extremes over Central European river catchments from more moderate extreme events?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2390,, 2023.

EGU23-3277 | ECS | Posters on site | CL3.2.8

Future socio-ecosystem productivity threatened by compound drought-heatwave events 

Jiabo Yin, Pierre Gentine, Louise Slater, Lei Gu, Yadu Pokhrel, and Shenglian Guo

Compound drought-heatwave (CDHW) events are one of the worst climatic stressors for global sustainable development. However, the physical mechanisms behind CDHW and their impacts on socio-ecosystem productivity remain poorly understood. Here, by combining satellite observations, field measurements and reanalysis, we show that terrestrial water storage and temperature are negatively coupled, likely driven by similar atmospheric conditions (e.g., water vapor deficit and energy demand). Using simulations from a large climate-hydrology model ensemble of 111 members, we demonstrate that the frequency of extreme CDHWs is projected to increase by ten-fold globally under the highest emissions scenario, along with a disproportionate negative impact on vegetation and socioeconomic productivity by the late 21st century. Limits on water availability are likely to play a more important role in constraining the terrestrial carbon sink than temperature extremes, and over 90% of the global population and GDP could be exposed to increasing CDHW risks in the future, with more severe impacts in poorer or rural areas. Our results provide crucial insights towards assessing and mitigating adverse effects of compound hazards on ecosystems and human well-being.

How to cite: Yin, J., Gentine, P., Slater, L., Gu, L., Pokhrel, Y., and Guo, S.: Future socio-ecosystem productivity threatened by compound drought-heatwave events, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3277,, 2023.

EGU23-3832 | ECS | Posters on site | CL3.2.8

Understanding the origins of climate anomalies during low-yield years in Australia’s largest breadbasket 

Hao Li, Jessica Keune, Qiqi Gou, Chiara Holgate, and Diego Miralles

Wheat yield in Australia is highly dependent on year-to-year climate variability. Prolonged droughts and anomalously high temperatures have been considered as causes of agricultural failures in recent years. However, the origins of these climate extremes and their impacts on yield remain under study. Here, we use a Lagrangian trajectory model driven by atmospheric reanalysis data to delineate the source regions of moisture and heat over Australia’s largest rainfed agricultural region. In particular, we focus on extreme crop failure years (1994, 2002, 2006) and analyze the impact of upwind droughts on heat and moisture imports into the region. Our results indicate that low-yield years are often associated with stable high-pressure systems that lead to a decreased import of moisture from the surrounding oceans. Within the breadbasket, however, this caused higher-than-usual surface sensible heating. Moreover, the analyzed low-yield years coincide with widespread droughts over the Australian continent. We find that upwind droughts can further influence moisture and heat imports to the region. During the initial phase of the Millennium Drought in 2002, crop failure over the breadbasket exceeded 50% and only around 9% of the precipitation over the region originated from (upwind) land — this constitutes a decrease of 5.0% compared to the climatological average. Simultaneously, the heat import from remote land regions increased from an average of 22.8% to 24.7% in 2002. While our findings suggest that upwind droughts played only a minor role for Australia's largest breadbasket due to the influence of oceanic contributions in the region, other agricultural areas that show a larger dependency on moisture and heat imports from the land would be more susceptible to upwind climate anomalies. 

How to cite: Li, H., Keune, J., Gou, Q., Holgate, C., and Miralles, D.: Understanding the origins of climate anomalies during low-yield years in Australia’s largest breadbasket, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3832,, 2023.

The intensity and frequency of extreme storms have been increasing over time due to climate change, challenging sustainable stormwater management. This study examines the impacts of climate change on the precipitation patterns and extremes across the Cedar River Watershed in the Pacific Northwest under the Shared Socio-economic Scenario (SSP-585) obtained from CMIP6 models. Two global climate models (GCMs), namely MIROC6 and CMCC-ESM2, are considered in this study. Prior to generating future extreme storms for the selected GCMs and scenarios, the GCM simulated precipitation data was bias corrected relative to in-situ daily precipitation data. Precipitation data was bias corrected using three different statistical methods (please Named three method); among those Equidistant Quantile Mapping performed best. Bias corrected precipitation from the MIROC6 showed better performance compared to the CMCC-ESM2 in reproducing the observed precipitation statistics. Finally, the bias-corrected precipitation data from MIROC6 was used to develop non-stationary Intensity-Duration-Frequency curves (IDF) to identify the extreme storm events and their return periods. The results indicate that the storm intensities increase (ranging from 2.5% to 30%) over the future periods for all selected return periods, with relatively larger increase for higher return periods i.e., 50-year and 100-year storms. Further, we use the bias corrected precipitation projections and generate mean monthly perception maps of the Cedar River Watershed for the periods of 2020–2039 and 2040–2059.


How to cite: Salem, A. and Abduljaleel, Y.: Assessing the impact of climate change scenario for simulating nonstationary rainfall intensity and duration, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4309,, 2023.

EGU23-4544 | Orals | CL3.2.8 | Highlight

Climate change contributes to the record-shattering 2022 Pakistan rainfall 

Yujia You and Mingfang Ting

From mid-June until the end of August 2022, a sequence of torrential rains and deluges pummeled Pakistan, displacing more than 30 million residents with a death toll of near 2000. The accumulated amount exceeds the centennial average of 126 mm by about 7 standard deviations (50 mm), reaching a value of 487 mm and breaking its record over a century. The extraordinary extremity underscores the urgency for understanding the physical drivers of the event and the relations with human-induced climate change.

Here, we find that distinctive from the historical floods which tend to occur over the relatively wet northern mountains, the 2022 rainfall took place over arid southern Pakistan. Unlike the floods over northern mountains which had closer associations with extratropical westerly troughs, the heavy downpours in 2022 were primarily initiated by the synoptic low-pressure systems (LPS). The longevity and intensity of LPS were sustained and enhanced by the cross-equatorial monsoon flow, which has trended upward since the 1970s and is at a historical high. In combination with the zonal inflow of moisture induced by La Niña, a corridor of heavy rainfall extending from the Bay of Bengal toward southern Pakistan formed.

The signal of greenhouse-gas-forced changes in the heavy rainfall over Pakistan and the cross-equatorial monsoon flow is detectable in climate models, confirming that the likelihood of such extreme events would increase under future warming.

How to cite: You, Y. and Ting, M.: Climate change contributes to the record-shattering 2022 Pakistan rainfall, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4544,, 2023.

EGU23-4681 | Orals | CL3.2.8

Reduced moisture sources contributed to the 2017-2019 southeast Australian drought 

Andréa S. Taschetto, Milica Stojanovic, Chiara Holgate, Anita Drumond, Jason Evans, Luis Gimeno, and Raquel Nieto

The Murray Darling Basin, located in southeast Australia, is an agriculturally rich area, providing one-third of the country’ food supply. In 2017-2019 the region experienced one of its worst droughts since 1900. Rainfall in the Murray Darling Basin was consistently below average for three consecutive cool seasons, an unprecedented event on record. The drought set the extreme conditions that led later to the 2019-2020 Black Summer Bushfires. Previous studies suggest that the strong 2019 positive Indian Ocean Dipole intensified the conditions of the drought, however the state of the climate drivers cannot fully explain the onset and development of the Murray Darling Basin drought. In this study, we investigate processes other than remote climate drivers that may have triggered the drought. Using a Lagrangian model to backtrack moisture sources to southeast Australia, we show that local processes were crucial in explaining the onset and development of the drought. We identify the sources of moisture to the cool season precipitation over the Murray Darling Basin and show for the first time that the moisture supply from the Tasman Sea declined in 2017 and 2018. We further show that the expected moisture was instead transported northward by an anomalous anticyclonic circulation. Our results provide an explanation for the moisture and rainfall deficit that caused the 2017-19 drought. Understanding the processes that led to the 2017-2019 Murray Darling Basin drought is important for predicting and planning future multi-year droughts in Australia.

How to cite: Taschetto, A. S., Stojanovic, M., Holgate, C., Drumond, A., Evans, J., Gimeno, L., and Nieto, R.: Reduced moisture sources contributed to the 2017-2019 southeast Australian drought, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4681,, 2023.

Under the context of global warming, climate and weather extremes (e.g., droughts, high temperature extremes) take a heavy toll on natural and human systems. It has been reported that the concurrence of droughts and hot extremes (CDHEs) in summer 2022 in the Northern Hemisphere (NH) have led to reduced water resources/crop yield and increased health risks. While assessments of droughts and heatwaves in summer 2022 have been noted, the assessment of these extremes from a compound event perspective is still limited. In this study, we analyzed the rarity of CDHEs in summer 2022 across the NH, detected anthropogenic influence on CDHEs area, and projected the likelihood under different warming levels based on observations from ERA5 and simulations from the Sixth Phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6). Our results illustrate that severe CDHEs in summer 2022 across the NH mainly occur in central North America, Europe, and south China. Event attribution analysis shows that CDHEs area in summer 2022 in the NH would not have occurred without anthropogenic global warming. The CDHEs area like 2022 is projected to occur more likely, particularly under SSP585 in a 4°C warming world. This study provides useful insights for advancing our understanding of compound extremes during summer 2022 across the NH.

How to cite: Meng, Y. and Hao, Z.: Attribution and projection of the summer 2022 compound dry and hot extreme in the Northern Hemisphere, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4705,, 2023.

EGU23-7134 | ECS | Posters on site | CL3.2.8

Developing storylines for unprecedented extreme events using ensemble boosting 

Luna Bloin-Wibe, Erich Fischer, and Reto Knutti

Recent extreme temperature and precipitation events such as the dry and heat events in summer 2022 in Europe and China, the New Year’s warm spell 2022/23 across Europe, the 2021 heavy rainfall extremes in northwestern Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands and the 2021 Pacific Northwest heatwave broke previous observed record levels by large margins. The probability of such unprecedented record-shattering extremes increases with the rapid rate of warming. Thus, there is a crucial need for analyzing the underlying processes leading to these events and quantifying potential intensities of events possible in the coming decades.

Here, we evaluate how ensemble boosting (Gessner et al. 2021 and Gessner et al. 2022) can help assess the tail of climate distributions and generate climate model-based storylines more resource-efficiently. In ensemble boosting the most extreme simulated events in an intermediate-size initial condition ensembles are re-initialized in targeted experiments in order to efficiently sample very extreme states of the model climatology. Here, we evaluate different ensemble design choices including lead time, ensemble size and potential iteration choices to most efficiently allocate computational resources to simulate events of very extreme intensity.

The resulting boosted events are analyzed through a storyline approach, thus helping to interpret the underlying mechanisms of each physically consistent unfolding extreme event and its consequences. The Pacific Northwest heatwave in June 2021 will be used as a starting point; but ensemble boosting and storylines can be powerful tools for understanding extremes beyond heat. We further discuss how ensemble boosting can also be applied to compound extremes and future climate scenarios.

How to cite: Bloin-Wibe, L., Fischer, E., and Knutti, R.: Developing storylines for unprecedented extreme events using ensemble boosting, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7134,, 2023.

EGU23-7329 | ECS | Posters on site | CL3.2.8

Increases in Extreme Precipitation over the Northeast United States using High-resolution Climate Model Simulations 

Bor-Ting Jong, Thomas Delworth, and Hiroyuki Murakami

The Northeast United States (NEUS) has faced the most rapidly increasing occurrences of extreme precipitation within the US in the past few decades. Understanding the physics leading to long-term trends in regional extreme precipitation is essential to adaptation and mitigation planning. Simulating regional extreme precipitation, however, remains challenging, partially limited by climate models’ horizontal resolution. Our recent work shows that a model with 25 km horizontal resolution facilitates a much more realistic simulation of extreme precipitation than comparable models with 50 or 100 km resolution, including frequency, amplitude, and temporal variability, based on ensembles generated by GFDL (Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory) SPEAR (Seamless System for Prediction and EArth System Research) models. The 25-km GFDL-SPEAR ensemble also simulates the trend of NEUS extreme precipitation quantitatively consistent with observed trend over recent decades, as the observed trend is within the ensemble spread. We therefore leverage multiple ensembles and various simulations (with historical radiative forcing and projected forcing following the SSP2-4.5 and SSP5-8.5 scenarios) to detect and project the trend of extreme precipitation. The 10-ensemble member GFDL-SPEAR 25-km simulations project unprecedented rainfall events over the NEUS, driven by increasing anthropogenic radiative forcing and distinguishable from natural variability, by the mid-21st century. Furthermore, very extreme events (99.9th percentile events) may be six times more likely by 2100 than in the early 21st century.


We further conduct a process-oriented study, assessing the physical factors that have contributed to the increasing extreme precipitation over the NEUS. We categorize September to November extreme precipitation days based on daily cumulative precipitation over the NEUS into weather types, including atmospheric river (AR), tropical cyclone (TC), and others. In observations, the most precipitation days were AR days or/and TC days. The number of extreme precipitation days related to pure AR events (without any TC-related event in the vicinity) had increased slightly from 1959 to 2020. The greater contribution to the increasing extreme precipitation was caused by TC-related events, especially the influences from extratropical transitions. The extreme precipitation days related to extratropical transitions were 2.5 times more frequent for the 1990 to 2020 period compared to the 1959 to 1989 period. We apply the same analysis to the GFDL-SPEAR 25-km simulations. Similar to observations, the increasing extreme precipitation days were mainly caused by TC-related events, with a smaller influence from pure AR events. However, the increasing number of TC-related days was dominated by hurricane and tropical storm events, while the number of extratropical transitions near the NEUS changed very little from 1959 to 2020. These results are different from the observational results. Ongoing work focuses on the discrepancy between observations and SPEAR simulations. For example, we are assessing whether the prominent increasing extratropical transitions since the 1990s in observations were the results of limited sample size or caused by decadal variability.

How to cite: Jong, B.-T., Delworth, T., and Murakami, H.: Increases in Extreme Precipitation over the Northeast United States using High-resolution Climate Model Simulations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7329,, 2023.

EGU23-9277 | Posters on site | CL3.2.8

Estimating compounding heat waves and rainfall extremes under projected climate change over the island of Sicily, Italy 

Armelle Remedio, Jeewanthi Sirisena, and Laurens Bouwer

According to the IPCC AR6 report, the frequency and intensity of high temperatures and precipitation extremes, such as heat waves, and extreme rainfall events that can lead to flash floods have increased in recent decades and are projected to keep increasing. These extreme events, which can occur in separate or as compound events can lead to droughts and flooding, causing severe economic and health impacts including loss of lives. Especially when such events occur shortly or directly in sequence, they can cause more severe impacts than in isolation. Understanding their compound behavior and timing in current and future climates can help to better estimate associated risks and require protection and adaptation planning.

In this study, the frequency and intensity of the compound events of heat waves and extreme precipitation over Sicily, Italy were analyzed and characterized for the present (1980-2010) and near future (2030-2050) periods. We used high resolution gridded datasets from observations (E-OBS) and from the EURO-CORDEX ensemble of regional climate change simulations. Heat waves were defined using a daily maximum temperature threshold persistent for at least three consecutive days while the extreme precipitation events were defined using the 95th percentile threshold of daily data. Results showed that the highest frequency of heat waves occured near the coastal regions of Sicily, while the extreme rainfalls were located in the west of Sicily.  We identified the areas where heat waves and extreme rainfall events have occurred in the past and we demonstrate how they are expected to change in the future, separately and as compound events. The results of this study will be used to develop a workflow for estimating climate risks in the region, which is part of the “risk workflow for CAScading and COmpounding hazards in COastal urban areas” (CASCO) project, and can be combined with other workflows on geophysical risks (earthquakes and tsunamis) to characterize overall natural hazard risks for the island of Sicily.

How to cite: Remedio, A., Sirisena, J., and Bouwer, L.: Estimating compounding heat waves and rainfall extremes under projected climate change over the island of Sicily, Italy, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9277,, 2023.

EGU23-9290 | Orals | CL3.2.8 | Highlight

Quantifying windstorm risks by translating historical extreme events into the future 

Ed Hawkins, Philip Brohan, Samantha Burgess, Stephen Burt, Gilbert Compo, Suzanne Gray, Ivan Haigh, Hans Hersbach, Kiki Kuijjer, Oscar Martinez-Alvarado, Chesley McColl, Andrew Schurer, Laura Slivinski, and Joanne Williams

Extreme wind events are among the costliest natural disasters in Europe. Significant effort is dedicated to understanding the risk of such events, usually analysing observed storms in the modern era. However, it is likely that some historical windstorms were more extreme and/or followed different tracks from those in the modern era. Producing plausible reanalyses of such events would improve the quantification of current and future windstorm risks.

Billions of historical climatological observations remain unavailable to science as they exist only on paper, stored in numerous archives around the world. We demonstrate how the rescue of such paper observations has improved our understanding of an extreme windstorm that occurred in February 1903 and its significant impacts. By assimilating newly rescued atmospheric pressure observations into the 20th Century Reanalysis system, the storm is now credibly represented in an improved reanalysis of the event. In some locations this storm produced stronger winds than any event during the modern era. As a result, estimates of risk from severe storms, based on modern period data, may need to be revised. Simulations of the storm surge resulting from this storm show a large coastal surge of around 2.5m, comparing favourably with newly rescued tide gauge observations and increasing our confidence in the quality of the reconstruction.

In addition, we use novel reanalysis experiments to translate this windstorm into a warmer world to quantify how it might be different both in the present and in the future. We find that the same storm produces more intense rainfall and stronger winds in a warmer climate, providing a new approach to quantifying how extreme weather events will change as the world is warming.

How to cite: Hawkins, E., Brohan, P., Burgess, S., Burt, S., Compo, G., Gray, S., Haigh, I., Hersbach, H., Kuijjer, K., Martinez-Alvarado, O., McColl, C., Schurer, A., Slivinski, L., and Williams, J.: Quantifying windstorm risks by translating historical extreme events into the future, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9290,, 2023.

EGU23-10709 | Orals | CL3.2.8

The Unprecedented Pacific Northwest Heatwave of June 2021: Causes and Impacts 

Rachel White, Sam Anderson, James F. Booth, Ginni Braich, Christina Draeger, Cuiyi Fei, Christopher D. G. Harley, Sarah B. Henderson, Matthias Jakob, Carie-Ann Lau, Lualawi Mareshet Admasu, Veeshan Narinesingh, Christopher Rodell, Eliott Roocroft, Kate R. Weinberger, and Greg West

In late June 2021 a heatwave of unprecedented magnitude impacted the Pacific Northwest (PNW) region of Canada and the United States. Many locations broke all-time maximum temperature records by more than 5°C, and the Canadian national temperature record was broken by 4.6°C, with the highest recorded temperature 49.6°C. Local records were broken by large margins, even when compared to local records broken during the infamous heatwaves in Europe 2003, and Russian in 2010. A region of high pressure that became stationary over the region (an atmospheric block) was the dominant cause of this heatwave; however, trajectory analysis finds that upstream diabatic heating played a key role in the magnitude of the temperature anomalies. Weather forecasts provided advanced notice of the event, while sub-seasonal forecasts showed an increased likelihood of a heat extreme with 10-20 day lead times, with an increased likelihood of a blocking event seen in forecasts initialized 3 weeks prior to the heatwave peak. The impacts of this event were catastrophic. We provide a summary of some of these impacts, including estimates of hundreds of attributable deaths across the PNW, mass-mortalities of marine life, reduced crop and fruit yields, river flooding from rapid snow and glacier melt, and a substantial increase in wildfires—the latter contributing to devastating landslides in the months following. These impacts provide examples we can learn from, and a vivid depiction of how climate change can be so devastating.

How to cite: White, R., Anderson, S., Booth, J. F., Braich, G., Draeger, C., Fei, C., Harley, C. D. G., Henderson, S. B., Jakob, M., Lau, C.-A., Mareshet Admasu, L., Narinesingh, V., Rodell, C., Roocroft, E., Weinberger, K. R., and West, G.: The Unprecedented Pacific Northwest Heatwave of June 2021: Causes and Impacts, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10709,, 2023.

EGU23-11435 | Posters on site | CL3.2.8 | Highlight

How to prepare for record-shattering hot events 

Lisette Klok, Timo Kelder, Elske van Vessem, and Laurens Severijn Hondema

The heat dome that Portland experienced in 2021 with temperatures up to 46 °C was unprecedented and unexpectedly severe, leading to the death of dozens of people. What if such an exceptional event were to occur somewhere else?  

The Netherlands seems to be sensitive to such 'record-shattering' hot events, but luckily has not yet experienced them. Here, we show how to qualitatively connect the increasing scientific understanding of plausible record-shattering hot events with potential impacts and necessary responses for the city of Amsterdam. The expected impacts and potential responses of record-shattering hot events are identified through expert judgement with professionals from various disciplines. 

We asked what could possibly happen in Amsterdam if the temperature rises to 45 degrees, in particular what kind of problems and bottlenecks are expected and what possible solutions are. The results of this exercise provided additional insights to heat plans based on lived experiences. As such, this case study may prove a useful example for governments and private sectors wishing to prepare for future exceptional heat waves.

How to cite: Klok, L., Kelder, T., van Vessem, E., and Hondema, L. S.: How to prepare for record-shattering hot events, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11435,, 2023.

EGU23-13309 | Orals | CL3.2.8

Variability in North Sea wind energy and the potential for prolonged winter wind drought 

Gillian Kay, Nick Dunstone, Anna Maidens, Adam Scaife, Doug Smith, Hazel Thornton, Laura Dawkins, and Stephen Belcher

The UK is committed to substantially increasing offshore wind capacity in its drive to decarbonise electricity production and achieve net zero. If low wind episodes – or “wind drought” events – occur during high energy demand periods, energy security may be threatened without alternative supply. To ensure resilience of the power system now and in the coming years as offshore wind generation grows, better understanding of the severity, frequency and duration of low wind episodes would be useful. Variability in winds is likely to dominate over trends in the next few decades, and hence having improved information on present day characteristics of wind drought is valuable.

Here we focus our attention on the North Sea as a centre of current and planned offshore wind resource for the UK and a number of other European countries, and on the winter season, given the occurrence of weather patterns that risk security of supply. We use a large ensemble of initialised climate model simulations to provide a synthetic but realistic event set that greatly increases the sample size of extreme events compared with that available from reanalysis data, and gives more robust information about their likelihood and properties. Using the basic unit of a week of low winds as the timescale of analysis, we report on the frequency and duration of wind drought events. In addition, we examine the wider conditions associated with wind drought events to investigate what remote factors may contribute to prolonged wind drought.

How to cite: Kay, G., Dunstone, N., Maidens, A., Scaife, A., Smith, D., Thornton, H., Dawkins, L., and Belcher, S.: Variability in North Sea wind energy and the potential for prolonged winter wind drought, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13309,, 2023.

EGU23-14539 | ECS | Orals | CL3.2.8

Increasing probability of extreme records in heavy precipitation 

Iris de Vries, Sebastian Sippel, Erich Fischer, Joel Zeder, Vincent Humphrey, and Reto Knutti

It comes as no surprise that the future holds record-breaking weather and climate events. As global warming continues, temperature records will continue to be broken. Also heavy precipitation records are likely to be broken due to the increased water holding capacity of the atmosphere, in combination with changing atmospheric stability and circulation patterns. Improved estimates on the range of possible record-breaking precipitation events – now and in the future – are a first step to inform adequate adaptation policies for heavy precipitation. Of particular interest are events that break records by large margins – record-shattering events –, since these are likely to incur most damage and losses. 

In order to improve estimates of record shattering precipitation events in the present and future climate we use initial condition large ensemble simulation data (CESM2, SSP370) and statistical models. We evaluate record-shattering events in Rx1d (day with most precipitation per chosen time period (year or season)). In a stationary climate, the probability of Rx1d record-breaking is known to decrease with the number of data points since the start of measurements (inversely proportional). We find, however, that in our nonstationary climate, the decay in Rx1d record breaking and shattering probability is slowed down and even reversed in most world regions. Regional changes in record shattering probability are attributable to a changing underlying probability distribution of Rx1d, which also is region specific. We elucidate the contributions of changes in mean (distribution shift), and in variability (distribution widening/narrowing) to increasing record shattering probability by using a statistical model to create counterfactual realities representative of the regions of interest.

We focus on regions of a size relevant for national and cross-border policy that show differently driven changes in record shattering precipitation probabilities. For example, the annual probability of a record shattering precipitation event somewhere in the Benelux-Germany region which was hit by severe floods in summer 2021 increases from ~2% now to ~4.5% at the end of the century in CESM2. This increase results from a non-linear interaction between mean and variability increases, and is primarily driven by increasing variability. At lower latitudes, for example in Central America, the effect of variability is even stronger, where we find increasing record shattering probability despite a negative long-term trend in Rx1d levels.

Very unlikely events are, paradoxically, arguably the most important to know about, since their unimaginability often means that critical infrastructure is not sized to withstand these events. Our results may thus prove invaluable for regional policy. 

How to cite: de Vries, I., Sippel, S., Fischer, E., Zeder, J., Humphrey, V., and Knutti, R.: Increasing probability of extreme records in heavy precipitation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14539,, 2023.

EGU23-14556 | ECS | Posters on site | CL3.2.8

A new Max Planck Institute-Grand Ensemble with CMIP6 forcing and high-frequency model output 

Dirk Olonscheck, Sebastian Brune, Laura Suarez-Gutierrez, Goratz Beobide-Arsuaga, Johanna Baehr, Friederike Fröb, Lara Hellmich, Tatiana Ilyina, Christopher Kadow, Daniel Krieger, Hongmei Li, Jochem Marotzke, Étienne Plésiat, Martin Schupfner, Fabian Wachsmann, Karl-Hermann Wieners, and Sebastian Milinski

We present the CMIP6 version of the Max Planck Institute-Grand Ensemble (MPI-GE CMIP6) with 30 realisations for the historical period and five emission scenarios. The power of MPI-GE CMIP6 goes beyond its predecessor ensemble MPI-GE by providing high-frequency model output, the full range of emission scenarios including the highly policy relevant scenarios SSP1-1.9 and SSP1-2.6, and the opportunity to compare the ensemble to high resolution simulations of the same model version. We demonstrate with six novel application examples how to use the power of MPI-GE CMIP6 to better quantify and understand present and future extreme events in the Earth system, to inform about uncertainty in approaching Paris Agreement global warming limits, and to combine large ensembles and artificial intelligence. For instance, MPI-GE CMIP6 allows us to show that the recently observed Siberian and Pacific North American heat waves are projected to occur every year in 2071-2100 in high-emission scenarios, that the storm activity in most tropical to mid-latitude oceans is projected to decrease, and that the ensemble is sufficiently large to be used for infilling surface temperature observations with artificial intelligence.

How to cite: Olonscheck, D., Brune, S., Suarez-Gutierrez, L., Beobide-Arsuaga, G., Baehr, J., Fröb, F., Hellmich, L., Ilyina, T., Kadow, C., Krieger, D., Li, H., Marotzke, J., Plésiat, É., Schupfner, M., Wachsmann, F., Wieners, K.-H., and Milinski, S.: A new Max Planck Institute-Grand Ensemble with CMIP6 forcing and high-frequency model output, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14556,, 2023.

Managing extreme weather events of unprecedented magnitude is one of the main challenges facing climate risk management and climate adaptation. Because of the unprecedented nature of these events, some authors have questioned the use of probabilistic approaches in this context. As an alternative, they introduced the so-called climate storylines approach. Climate storylines do not aim at predicting system states; rather, their focus is on revealing plausible chains of events whose impact might undermine the performance of the system.

Conceptually, climate storylines relate to - but are separate from – downward counterfactual histories. Downward counterfactual histories are plausible alternative realizations of historical events that could have turned to the worse. By constructing downward counterfactual histories in a disaster risk reduction context, some authors showed that many disasters that took societies by surprise could have in fact been anticipated.

This talk will introduce a decision-support framework to build climate storylines based on downward counterfactual histories. The framework is event-oriented, it focuses on impact and it is designed to be applied in a participatory fashion. By following the framework, the user first constructs climate storylines based on an iterative analysis of what (combinations of) counterfactuals are deemed critical (i.e., downward). Then, the user analyzes the future impact of the constructed storylines under climatic and socio-economic scenarios. Finally, the user explores the effects on the estimated impacts of the value-laden choices involved in the construction of the storylines.

The framework is applied to study the impact of tropical cyclones hitting the European Union’s outermost regions on the stability of the European Union Solidarity Fund (EUSF), a public fund that provides financial relief to Member States affected by large disasters. Contrary to what historic evidence would suggest, it is found that extreme - yet plausible - tropical cyclones might deplete the EUSF capital if they happen concurrently with large events in mainland Europe, and that a substantial recapitalization of the fund might be required to cope with future climatic and socio-economic changes.

How to cite: Ciullo, A.: A decision-support framework to construct climate impact storylines using downward counterfactuals, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15450,, 2023.

EGU23-16457 | Posters on site | CL3.2.8

Emulator-enhanced extreme event attribution for data scarce developing countries 

Fahad Saeed, Shruti Nath, Pierre Candela, Quentin Lejeune, Lukas Gudmundsson, Mathias Hauser, Dominik Schumacher, Sonia Seneviratne, and Carl Schleussner

Attribution of extreme events in developing countries poses a significant challenge. A primary hindrance is the lack of historical observations, which not only limits the appraisal of the extent of an extreme event, but also restricts benchmarking of climate models for the region. A secondary hindrance is that tropical climates, characteristic of developing countries, contain large uncertainties due to natural climate variability, which many climate models struggle to represent. As it is those countries and world regions where some of the most severe consequences of climate impacts emerge, addressing these challenges to robust climate attribution is critical to improve prospects of climate litigation in developing countries. In this study, we present a novel method for attribution using the Earth System Model (ESM) emulator for spatially resolved monthly temperatures, MESMER-M (Nath et al. 2022). We use a bootstrap method in calibrating MESMER-M, so as to also characterize its intrinsic parametric uncertainty. Attribution using MESMER-M is then demonstrated on the prolonged heat conditions of March/April 2022 over the Indo-Pakistani region. The outcomes of this study are twofold. Firstly, by calibrating MESMER-M on the BEST observational dataset, we are able to inflate observational records with observationally consistent natural climate variability estimates, enabling exploration of “possible pasts” and insofar characterization of the event and its likelihood under rising Global Mean Temperatures (GMTs). Secondly, by exploring the parametric uncertainty space of MESMER-M calibrated on both BEST and ESM data, we systematically disentangle the uncertainty surrounding the mean response of monthly temperatures to GMT from that surrounding the natural climate variability. Such allows robust appraisal of the uncertainty surrounding natural climate variability as present within ESMs/Observations for the region, so as to not over/understate the event’s likelihood under rising GMTs.


Nath, S., Lejeune, Q., Beusch, L., Seneviratne, S. I., & Schleussner, C. F. (2022) MESMER-M: an Earth system model emulator for spatially resolved monthly temperature. Earth System Dynamics, 13 (2), 851–877. doi: 10.5194/esd-13-851-2022

How to cite: Saeed, F., Nath, S., Candela, P., Lejeune, Q., Gudmundsson, L., Hauser, M., Schumacher, D., Seneviratne, S., and Schleussner, C.: Emulator-enhanced extreme event attribution for data scarce developing countries, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16457,, 2023.

EGU23-17463 | ECS | Posters on site | CL3.2.8

Future Extreme Weather: a Data and AI driven approach to Understand Future Coastal Flooding 

Tudor Suciu, Emily Shuckburgh, and Nicholas Lane

Coastal flooding can be regarded as the most damaging extreme weather event. Careful
planning of mitigation and adaptation strategies requires a deep understanding of the event’s
likelihood and intensity.
This project provides a framework for assessing those changing statistics of coastal floods in
the future. We use historical records of coastal floods on the coasts of the UK historical
weather variables data (sea surface temperature, sea-level pressure, zonal and meridional
wind speeds and daily precipitations) from remote sensing sources, reanalysis data and
global climate models and future predictions of those weather variables from global climate
models. The method consists of using machine learning models to classify days as being
either ‘flooded’ (i.e. containing a coastal flood event) or ‘non-flooded’, at tide gauge
locations in the past 2 decades; both ‘out-of-the-box’ and more complex machine learning
models are trained on historical data. The models are then further used to assess the future
statistics of coastal flooding, by classifying days with or without flooding in the future
decades, from global climate models data. Currently, the method is showing promising
results on predicting the future number of ‘flooding days’, while the models used and trained
still show gradual improvement.
Using the same intensity scale as in the dataset of historical records of floods, it can be
assessed whether those events are becoming stronger or not. As well, the frequency, or the
return period, for the upcoming decades can be inferred from this project. This framework
produces an actionable set of information, that can be used by policy-makers, businesses,
governments and people, to plan accordingly for future floods.

How to cite: Suciu, T., Shuckburgh, E., and Lane, N.: Future Extreme Weather: a Data and AI driven approach to Understand Future Coastal Flooding, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17463,, 2023.

Flux partitions between surface water and energy terms are essentially important to the climate system. They can potentially affect assessments of climate risk projections in the future. However, the characterization of surface flux partitioning in numerical models is rarely evaluated due to the absence of large-scale observational evidence. Here, we use long-term satellite datasets and observational meteorological records to evaluate the flux partitioning regime presented in four widely-used Land surface models (LSMs) over two study regions (i.e., China and Continental U.S.). We show that the regime in LSMs differs significantly from satellite-based estimations, which can be due to unrealistic representations of land surface characteristics. The biases in models’ flux partitioning regime may lead to the underestimated potential for climate risks, especially over regions with typical land surface characteristics. The results highlight that particular attention should be paid to the calibration of surface flux partitioning regimes in LSMs. Large model spreads in surface flux partitioning strength and climate risk maps are also reported.

How to cite: He, Q., Lu, H., and Yang, K.: Observation-based assessments of surface flux partitioning regimes in 4 commonly-used land surface models, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-333,, 2023.

In recent years, drought has become an increasing problem in agricultural production in many places where these problems did not exist in the past. The frequency and intensity of agricultural droughts are increasing, so it is very important to detect temporal and spatial variability of drought. This study analyzed the properties of agricultural drought (duration and intensity) in Bărăgan region (Romania) and Prekmurje region (Slovenia) between 1991-2020 based on the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) and the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) at different time scales. The reasons for comparing the two regions are similar climatic conditions, the importance of maize cultivation for food security, and repeated droughts in the recent period in these regions. The meteorological data for Romania were provided from ROCADA database, and for Slovenia from SLOCLIM database. Furthermore, relationships between drought-sensitive phenological stages of maize (germination, formation of the first 2 leaves, and flowering), growing season length, thermal time above threshold 10 °C, standardized yields, and calculated drought indicators were calculated. Based on our analysis, we expect to be able to evaluate whether SPI and SPEI can be used to monitor conditions on a variety of time scales and to provide indicators at regional scales on the likely occurrence of drought during critical phenological phases of maize, as well as the differences and similarities between the two regions will be discussed.

How to cite: Kobulniczky, B., Holobâcă, I.-H., Črepinšek, Z., Pogačar, T., Jiman, A.-M., and Žnidaršič, Z.: Comparison of Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) and Standardized Potential Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) applicability for drought assessment during the maize growing period between Bărăgan (Romania) and Prekmurje (Slovenia) regions (1991, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-499,, 2023.

The surface-air temperature difference (Ts-Ta) is the main contributor to the sensible heat flux, and also an important indicator for land degradation. However, as the main influencing factor, the effect of soil moisture (SM) on Ts-Ta at the global scale has not been well articulated. Here, based on the ERA5-land reanalysis data from 1981 to 2019, the impacts of SM on Ts-Ta were studied. It was found that Ts-Ta over 54% of the global land increased, and SM across 70.7% of the world land decreased. In the increased SM areas, the increased soil evaporation weakened the increasing trend of Ts resulting in smaller Ts-Ta. In the decreased SM areas, the latent heat flux increased with soil evaporation and Ts-Ta decreased when SM was relatively high, and the larger sensible heat flux due to decreased soil evaporation aggravated Ts-Ta when SM was relatively low. The effect of SM on Ts-Ta presented nonlinear relationship due to the different background value of SM and temperature. The variation of SM at low SM or low temperature areas had an amplification effect on Ts-Ta. These findings will provide new insights into the different regional characteristics of global changing climate and the improvement of land degradation assessment indicators.

How to cite: jiang, K.: Influence patterns of soil moisture change on surface-air temperaturedifference under different climatic background, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-557,, 2023.

EGU23-799 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.1

The role of atmospheric humidity in controlling land-atmosphere feedbacks over forest: regional and global-scale analyses 

Shulin Zhang, Weiguang Wang, and Adriaan J. Teuling


The interaction of land cover and atmosphere can affect the climate patterns via biogeochemical and biogeophysical process. The afforestation contributes to increase the biogeochemical cycles like carbon sequestration. Meanwhile, the landcover change modify the biogeophysical parameters perturbs the energy and water fluxes. The latter will be the most direct process to affect the atmosphere and its effects from landcover change outweigh radiative forcing triggered off by CO2 emissions.

After the “Grain to Green Program”, the Loess Plateau (LP) has experienced a widespread forest expansion. Up to 2012, the extension of forest area in the central LP (Ningxia, Shanxi, and Shaanxi) accounted for 11.2 % of the area of the three provinces. The greening trend has changed the energy and water cycle, hence to a climate variability. The moist heat stress (a combined climate metric) has been recently investigated because it is directly related to human health. However, the affection of afforestation to moist heat stress is still unclear in LP.

In a recent study, we used the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model to simulate the modulation of moist heat in LP caused by the afforestation. The result demonstrates that the intensive revegetation in LP shows a cooling effect on regional average near surface air temperature, especially in central LP. In addition, an increase of relative humidity caused by afforestation is detected. Driving by the near-surface temperature, sensible heat flux, and the subsidence of the planetary boundary layer the moist heat stress has obvious change after afforestation. The average moist heat stress decreases in central LP. While the decrease rate of moist heat stress is slower than near-surface temperature. It is worth noting that, an increased signal occurs in the maximum moist heat stress which might expose humans to the risk of moist heat stress. Our sensitivity results imply that the moist heat stress should be accounted for in climate change adaptation.

In ongoing work, we study the role of atmospheric VPD on mitigating land-atmosphere feedbacks over forest and non-forest land cover based on a global analysis of FLUXNET data. Preliminary results show a strong climate control on the effect of VPD on land-atmosphere exchange, in particular during heatwaves.

Reference: Zhang, S., Wang, W., Teuling, A. J., Liu, G., Ayantobo, O. O., Fu, J., & Dong, Q. (2022). The effect of afforestation on moist heat stress in Loess Plateau, China. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 44, 101209

How to cite: Zhang, S., Wang, W., and Teuling, A. J.: The role of atmospheric humidity in controlling land-atmosphere feedbacks over forest: regional and global-scale analyses, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-799,, 2023.

The EC-Earth earth system model is characterized by biases in various aspects of the simulated climate. Biases in precipitation result in biases in soil moisture, while biases in temperature and precipitation contribute to biases in vegetation. In this study, the extent to which the biases in soil moisture and vegetation contribute to the biases in the surface energy fluxes (which, in turn, lead to near-surface climate biases) in EC-Earth through interactions with the atmosphere is investigated.

The study is based on two simulations for the recent period 19719-2017: an offline simulation with the land-surface component of EC-Earth, combining the HTESSEL land surface model and the LPJ-GUESS dynamical vegetation model forced, by the meteorological conditions from the ERA5 re-analyses, and a simulation with the atmospheric version of EC-Earth, where the land-surface conditions, i.e., soil moisture and vegetation, are prescribed from the offline simulation.

The purpose of the study is twofold: By comparing the offline simulation with the land-surface component of EC-Earth with observational estimates of the surface energy fluxes, it is investigated to which extent the land-surface component, combing HTESSEL and LPJ-GUESS, is capable to simulate the surface energy fluxes under “perfect” climate conditions. And by comparing the simulation with the atmospheric component of EC-Earth with the offline simulation, the effects of the land-surface atmosphere interactions on the biases of the surface energy fluxes in EC-Earth are assessed. These effects are, to a large extent, related to climate biases in the atmospheric component of EC-Earth, e.g., the radiative fluxes, precipitation or the near-surface climate conditions.

How to cite: May, W.: The role of land-surface interactions for the surface energy fluxes in the EC-Earth earth system model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1067,, 2023.

EGU23-1689 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.1

Contrasting influences of biogeophysical and biogeochemical impacts of historical land use on global economic inequality 

Shu Liu, Yong Wang, Guang Zhang, Linyi Wei, Bin Wang, and Le Yu

Climate change has significant implications for macro-economic growth. The impacts of greenhouse gases and anthropogenic aerosols on economies via altered annual mean temperature (AMT) have been studied. However, the economic impact of land-use and land-cover change (LULCC) is still unknown because it has both biogeochemical and biogeophysical impacts on temperature and the latter differs in latitudes and disturbed land surface types. In this work, based on multi-model simulations from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6, contrasting influences of biogeochemical and biogeophysical impacts of historical (1850–2014) LULCC on economies are found. Their combined effects on AMT result in warming in most countries, which harms developing economies in warm climates but benefits developed economies in cold climates. Thus, global economic inequality is increased. Besides the increased AMT by the combined effects, day-to-day temperature variability is enhanced in developing economies but reduced in developed economies, which further deteriorates global economic inequality.

How to cite: Liu, S., Wang, Y., Zhang, G., Wei, L., Wang, B., and Yu, L.: Contrasting influences of biogeophysical and biogeochemical impacts of historical land use on global economic inequality, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1689,, 2023.

Heavy precipitation (HP) events can be preceded by moist heatwaves (HWs; i.e., hot and humid weather), and both can be intensified by urbanization. However, the effect of moist HWs on increasing urban HP remains unknown. Based on statistical analyses of daily weather observations and ERA5 reanalysis data, we investigate the effect of moist HWs on urban-intensified HP by dividing summer HP events into NoHW- and HW-preceded events in the Yangtze River delta (YRD) urban agglomeration of China. During the period 1961–2019, the YRD has experienced more frequent, longer-lasting, and stronger intense HP events in the summer season (i.e., June–August), and urbanization has contributed to these increases (by 22.66%–37.50%). In contrast, urban effects on HP are almost absent if we remove HW-preceded HP events from all HP events. Our results show that urbanization-induced increases in HP are associated with, and magnified by, moist HWs in urban areas of the YRD region. Moist HWs are conducive to an unstable atmosphere and stormy weather, and they also enhance urban heat island intensity, driving increases in HP over urban areas.

How to cite: Gu, X., Li, C., and Slater, L.: Urbanization-Induced Increases in Heavy Precipitation are Magnified by Moist Heatwaves in an Urban Agglomeration of East China, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1814,, 2023.

EGU23-2064 | ECS | Posters virtual | CL4.1

Hot weather amplifies the urban dry island effect, especially in wetter climates 

Sijia Luo and Xihui Gu

Atmospheric humidity is usually drier in cities than the surrounding rural areas, a phenomenon known as the urban dry island (UDI) effect. However, the response of atmospheric humidity to hot weather in urban versus rural settings remains unknown. Using long-term summer (June-August) observations at 1658 stations over 1961-2020, we find that China is dominated by drying trends in atmospheric humidity (i.e., increasing vapor pressure deficit [VPD]). These drying trends are aggravated on hot days and amplified by urbanization, i.e., the UDI effect is stronger in hot weather. This amplification of the UDI effect on hot days is more prominent in humid than in arid regions. Attributions show that the stronger VPD-based UDI effect on hot days is explained by increased contribution of air temperature in southeastern China, and specific humidity in North China. We suggest that adaptations are required to mitigate adverse combined effects of urban heatwaves and UDIs.

How to cite: Luo, S. and Gu, X.: Hot weather amplifies the urban dry island effect, especially in wetter climates, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2064,, 2023.

EGU23-2078 | Posters on site | CL4.1

A new satellite-based product for studying land-atmosphere interactions 

Jian Peng and Almudena García-García

Information about the energy and water exchanges between the land surface and the lower atmosphere (i.e. land-atmosphere interactions) is necessary for example to improve our understanding of the effect of land-atmosphere interactions on the exacerbation of temperature and precipitation extremes. Observations of energy and water fluxes at the land surface usually rely on the eddy covariance method. There is a wide network of these measurements providing data over all continents but with large spatial gaps in Africa, Asia, South America and Oceania. Additionally, other problems are associated with these observational methods such as the energy and water balance non-closure. To improve the spatial coverage of land-atmosphere interactions data considering the energy and water balance closure, we explore the combination of remote sensing data and a physical-based model. The High resOlution Land Atmosphere Parameters from Space (HOLAPS) framework is a one dimensional modelling framework that solves the energy and water balance at the land surface using remote sensing data and reanalysis products as forcings. Preliminary results from the evaluation ofHOLAPS outputs over Europe at 5 km resolution show an improvement in the simulation of latent heat flux when using remote sensing data in comparison with results using only reanalysis data as forcing. Additionally, we see a moderate improvement in HOLAPS latent heat flux estimates against energy-balance corrected eddy covariance measurements in comparison with other products that solve the energy and water balance equations, such as the ERA5Land product. The new HOLAPS product is available at hourly resolution for the period 2001 to 2016 and these estimates can be useful for agriculture and forest management activities and to evaluate the representation of land-atmosphere feedbacks in weather and climate models.

How to cite: Peng, J. and García-García, A.: A new satellite-based product for studying land-atmosphere interactions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2078,, 2023.

EGU23-3211 | ECS | Orals | CL4.1

Characterisation and interpretation of local climate evolution in the South-West of France 

Marine Lanet, Laurent Li, and Hervé Le Treut

Summer 2022 has been the second hottest summer after 2003 in France since 1900, with 33 cumulative days of heatwaves. It has also been one of the 10 driest summers in France since 1959. The average precipitation deficit reached 20% compared to the 1991-2020 period, exceeding 60% in some regions, even though June 2022 broke the monthly record of storm occurrences.

These extreme climate conditions led to water restrictions and fostered the development of many wildfires. In particular, so called “megafires” burnt more than 28,000 hectares of the Landes forest in the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region, in the South-West of France.

Starting from the 18th century, this swampy region has been dried out by planting maritime pines and digging ditches to drain away excess water. Due to recent events, these land management practices are questioned : the record-breaking soil dryness of summer 2022 enabled fire to propagate underground and resurface further away, making firemen’s work extremely difficult.

By controlling ditch drainage, is it possible to reduce soil dryness and thus fire risk in summer, as well as mitigate heavy precipitation impacts in this flood prone area ? To answer this question, this work first aims at characterizing and interpreting local climate evolution during the last decades, in terms of trends, changes in the seasonal cycle and extreme events, using  ERA 5 reanalysis, the E-Obs dataset, and MODIS satellite observations. CORDEX regional climate projections are also analysed. Nouvelle-Aquitaine will experience both more frequent and intense heatwaves and droughts and an increase in heavy precipitations. Landes forest management thus has to be adapted.

The perspective of this work is to develop a conceptual ditch drainage model and quantify the drought and flood risk reduction potential using storylines based on plausible short and long term climate conditions in Nouvelle-Aquitaine.

In a broader perspective, the objective of this work is to develop a methodology replicable in other regions of the world to analyse the impacts of climate change at a local scale and explore how climate science can provide quantitative information to help decision making.

How to cite: Lanet, M., Li, L., and Le Treut, H.: Characterisation and interpretation of local climate evolution in the South-West of France, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3211,, 2023.

EGU23-3549 | ECS | Posters virtual | CL4.1

The incorporation of 250 m soil grid textural layers in the NOAH-MP land surface models and its effects on soil hydrothermal regimes 

Kazeem Ishola, Ankur Sati, Matthias Demuzere, Gerald Mills, and Rowan Fealy

Effective representation of soil heterogeneity in land surface models is crucial for accurate weather and climate simulations. The NOAH-MP land surface model uses dominant soil texture from State Soil Geographic (STATSGO)/Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) datasets, considerably introducing uncertainty in the simulation of soil hydrothermal changes and terrestrial water and energy fluxes, at a fine scale. This study investigates the likely added value of incorporating an alternative high resolution soil grid data at different depths, for a better representation of soil hydrothermal dynamics in NOAH-MP v4.3. The model is set up at 1 km grid space over all Ireland domain and soil layer thicknesses of 0.07, 0.21, 0.72 and 1.55 m, with a cummulative soil depth of 2.55 m. The thicknesses are selected to match the layers of initial soil input fields. Model experiments are carried out based on two soil data options namely, (1) the STATSGO/FAO dominant soil texture and (2) the 250 m global soil grid textural compositions from the International Soil Reference and Information Centre (ISRIC), in combination with PedoTransfer Functions (PTFs). The current model integration is applied within the high resolution land data assimilation (HRLDAS) framework to simulate soil temperature and soil liquid water, and evaluated for wet and dry periods using observations from the newly established Terrain-AI data platforms ( Ultimately, the study highlights the importance of using realistic dynamic soil information, which could provide insightful scientific contributions to better monitor surface climate and the influences on land use and land management under climate change.

How to cite: Ishola, K., Sati, A., Demuzere, M., Mills, G., and Fealy, R.: The incorporation of 250 m soil grid textural layers in the NOAH-MP land surface models and its effects on soil hydrothermal regimes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3549,, 2023.

EGU23-3780 | ECS | Orals | CL4.1

Greening vegetation alleviates hot extremes in the semiarid region of China 

Yipeng Cao, Weidong Guo, Jun Ge, Yu Liu, Chaorong Chen, Xing Luo, and Limei Yang

China has shown a world-leading vegetation greening trend since 2000, which may exert biophysical effects on near-surface air temperature (SAT). However, such effects remain largely unknown because prior studies either focus on land surface temperature, which differs from SAT, or rely on simulations, which are limited by model uncertainties. As a widely used metric in climate and extremes research, SAT is more relevant to human health and terrestrial ecosystem functions. Therefore, it is necessary to explore impacts of greening on SAT and extremes based on observations. Here, we investigate the greening effects on SAT and subsequent extremes over 2003–2014 in China based on high-resolution SAT observations combined with satellite datasets. We find that greening can cause cooling effects on the mean SAT and more pronounced cooling effects on SAT extremes over semiarid regions. Such cooling effects are attributed to enhanced evapotranspiration caused by greening and strong coupling between evapotranspiration and SAT in semiarid regions. Semiarid regions in China are the transitional zone of both climate and ecosystem and deeply influenced by human agricultural and pastoral activities. These factors make the ecosystem of these regions fragile and extremely vulnerable to climate change. Our results reveal a considerable climate benefit of greening to natural and human systems in semiarid regions, and have significant implications for on-going revegetation programs implemented in these regions of China.

How to cite: Cao, Y., Guo, W., Ge, J., Liu, Y., Chen, C., Luo, X., and Yang, L.: Greening vegetation alleviates hot extremes in the semiarid region of China, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3780,, 2023.

EGU23-4818 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.1

Simulating regional inter-annual crop yield variability over multiple decades with the Community Land Model (CLM5) 

Theresa Boas, Heye Bogena, Dongryeol Ryu, Harry Vereecken, Andrew Western, and Harrie-Jan Hendricks-Franssen

Global climate change with a predicted increase in weather extremes entails vulnerability and new challenges to regional agriculture. While the general impacts of climate change on global food security are a much studied topic, the implications for regional inter-annual yield variability remain unclear. In this study, we analysed the effects of weather trends on regional crop productivity within two agriculturally managed regions in different climate zones, simulated with the latest version of the Community Land Model (version 5.0) over two decades (1999-2019). We evaluated the models’ potential to represent the inter-annual variability of crop yield in comparison to recorded yield variability and different weather indicators, e.g., drought index and growing season length and evaluated which variables (i.e., temperature, precipitation, initial soil moisture content) dominantly drive changes in CLM5-predicted yield variability. The simulation results were able to reproduce the sign of crop yield anomalies, and thus provide a basis on which to study the effects of different weather patterns on inter-annual yield variability. However, the simulations showed limitations in correctly capturing inter-annual differences of crop yield in terms of total magnitudes (up to 10 times lower than in official records). Our results indicate that these limitation arise mainly from uncertainties in the representation of the subsurface soil moisture regime and a corresponding lack of sensitivity towards drought stress. Insights from this work were used to summarize implications for future analysis of CLM5-BGC simulation results over agriculturally managed land and allowed us to discuss and investigate possible technical model improvements.

How to cite: Boas, T., Bogena, H., Ryu, D., Vereecken, H., Western, A., and Hendricks-Franssen, H.-J.: Simulating regional inter-annual crop yield variability over multiple decades with the Community Land Model (CLM5), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4818,, 2023.

EGU23-5624 | ECS | Orals | CL4.1

Abrupt late 1980s surface climate warming effects on drought risk over main french crop production basins 

Léa Laurent, Albin Ullmann, and Thierry Castel

Since late 1980s, warming trend intensifies strongly over Western Europe, resulting in an abrupt shift in air surface temperature over France (Sutton & Dong 2012; Reid et al., 2016). This rapid warming has modified the hydrological cycle with especially a significant decrease in runoff between January and July (Brulebois et al., 2015). As cumulative annual liquid precipitation didn’t significantly evolve after 1987/1988, evapotranspiration might be the main driver of the water cycle evolution.

Along with this abrupt warming, stagnation of crop yields is observed since the 1990s over France, especially for bread wheat (Schauberger et al., 2018). In addition to maize and grapevine, the impact of climate hazard and agro-climatic risk linked to water cycle on the evolution of bread wheat yields is a major issue for agricultural insurance companies (Fusco et al., 2018). In this context, two major concerns need to be assessed: what are the patterns of water balance responses to abrupt changes in temperature? How did this abrupt warming impact drought risk over crops of interest main production basins?

SIM (Safran-Isba-Modcou) dataset of reanalyzed surface meteorological observations offers the opportunity to address the complexity of processes leading to changes in local water cycle (Soubeyroux et al., 2008). Daily liquid precipitation and potential evapotranspiration on an 8km spatial resolution from 1959 to 2021 are used to quantify the evolution of climate hazard linked to water cycle on a continuous time-scale and over the entire French territory. A simplified two reservoirs water balance model is also used to compute daily water balance using agronomic parameters of crops of interest, taking into account crop cover stage (Jacquart & Choisnel, 1995). The evolution of frequency and intensity of drought risk is analyzed using Tweedie distributions (Dunn, 2004).

Our results suggest that the abrupt warming in air temperature in 1987/1988 had strong influence on water balance evolution. Potential evapotranspiration significantly increases after 1987/1988 over the whole French territory especially in spring and summer. The evolution of annual and seasonal cumulative liquid precipitation differs in space and time and is less pronounced, leading to an intensification of water cycle. Water balance displays various evolutions depending on the crop and the production basin studied. The exceeding of water stress threshold is more frequent or more pronounced, leading to modifications of intensity and/or duration of drought events that significantly modify the risk. Risk evolution depends on the crop cover and main production basin.

Evolving climate hazard linked to water cycle impacts agro-climatic risks, identified as one of the main factor affecting the evolution of crop yields. Both mean conditions changes and modifications of the spatio-temporal variability of water balance affect the probability to overcome risk threshold. This is of major concern for the agricultural sector, especially insurance companies, and may lead to adaptation process from managers.

How to cite: Laurent, L., Ullmann, A., and Castel, T.: Abrupt late 1980s surface climate warming effects on drought risk over main french crop production basins, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5624,, 2023.

EGU23-5726 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.1

Ground surface temperature linked to remote sensing land surface temperature in mountain environments 

Raul-David Șerban, Paulina Bartkowiak, Mariapina Castelli, and Giacomo Bertoldi

Ground surface temperature (GST), measured at approximately 5 cm into the ground is a key parameter controlling all the subsurface biophysical processes at the land-atmosphere boundary. Despite the GST significant importance, the current observational network for GST is sparse, particularly in mountain regions. This work exploits the relationship between the GST and satellite-based land surface temperature (LST) derived from MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). The GST and LST were compared at 14 weather stations in Mazia Valley, North-eastern Italian Alps. The 1-km MODIS LST was downscaled to a spatial resolution of 250-m using the random forest algorithm. The LST dataset covers the years 2014-2017 during the phenological cycle, between April and October. The in-situ GST measurements were recorded using Campbell Scientific CS655 data loggers. LSTs were usually larger than GSTs with temperature differences ranging from 0.1 to 22 °C and an average of 7.9 °C. The lowest and largest average difference was 4.49 °C (1823 m, pasture, south slope) and 10.27 °C (1778 m, forest, north slope), respectively. GST was positively correlated with LST with an R2 ranging from 0.24 to 0.52 and was above 0.45 for 57 % of the stations. The RMSE ranged between 6.05 and 11.05 °C, while for 71 % of the stations was below 9.3 °C. The statistics were influenced by the number of available pairwise for comparison that were ranging from 110 to 377 due to cloud contamination or logger malfunction. Although the RMSE was relatively high, the LST closely followed the pattern of the GST variability suggesting the possibility of linking GST to LST products.

How to cite: Șerban, R.-D., Bartkowiak, P., Castelli, M., and Bertoldi, G.: Ground surface temperature linked to remote sensing land surface temperature in mountain environments, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5726,, 2023.

EGU23-5961 | ECS | Orals | CL4.1 | Highlight

Soil Hot Extremes are Increasing Faster than Air Hot Extremes Regionally 

Almudena García-García, Francisco José Cuesta-Valero, Diego G. Miralles, Miguel D. Mahecha, Johannes Quaas, Markus Reichstein, Jakob Zscheischler, and Jian Peng

Hot temperature extremes are changing in intensity and frequency. Quantifying these changes is key for developing adaptation and mitigation strategies. The conventional approach to study changes in hot extremes is based on air temperatures. However, many biogeochemical processes, i.e. decomposition of organic material and release of CO2, are triggered by soil temperature and it remains unclear whether it changes as does air temperature. Here, we demonstrate that soil hot extremes are intensifying and becoming even more frequent faster than air hot extremes over central eastern and western Europe. Based on existing model simulations, we also show that the increase in hot soil extremes could amplify or spread future heat waves by releasing sensible heat during hot days. We find an increase of 3 (7) % in the number of hot days with a contribution of heat from the soil under a warming level of 2.0 (3.0) °C than under a warming level of 1.5 °C. Furthermore, defining intensity and frequency extreme indices based on soil and air temperatures leads to a difference of more than 1 °C in intensity and 10% in frequency regionally during the last decades of the 21st century under the SPP5 8.5 emission scenario. In light of these results, maximum soil temperatures should be included in ecological risk studies as a complementary perspective to the conventional approach using extreme indices based on air temperatures.


How to cite: García-García, A., Cuesta-Valero, F. J., Miralles, D. G., Mahecha, M. D., Quaas, J., Reichstein, M., Zscheischler, J., and Peng, J.: Soil Hot Extremes are Increasing Faster than Air Hot Extremes Regionally, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5961,, 2023.

EGU23-6528 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.1

Improving the temporal and spatial vegetation variability in land surface models based on satellite observations  

Fransje van Oorschot, Ruud van der Ent, Markus Hrachowitz, Emanuele di Carlo, Franco Catalano, Souhail Boussetta, Gianpaolo Balsamo, and Andrea Alessandri

Land-atmosphere interactions are largely controlled by vegetation, which is dynamic across spatial and temporal scales. Most state-of-the-art land surface models do not adequately represent the temporal and spatial variability of vegetation, which results in weaknesses in the associated variability of modelled surface water and energy states and fluxes. The objective of this work is to evaluate the effects of integrating spatially and temporally varying vegetation characteristics derived from satellite observations on modelled evaporation and soil moisture in the land surface model HTESSEL. Specifically, model fixed land cover was replaced by annually varying land cover, and model seasonally varying Leaf Area Index (LAI) was replaced by seasonally and inter-annually varying LAI. Additionally, satellite data of Fraction of green vegetation Cover (FCover) was used to formulate and integrate a spatially and temporally varying model effective vegetation cover parameterization. The effects of these three implementations on model evaporation and soil moisture were analysed using historical offline (land-only) model experiments at a global scale, and compared to reference datasets.

The enhanced vegetation variability lead to considerable improvements in correlation of anomaly evaporation and surface soil moisture in semiarid regions during the dry season. These improvements are related to the adequate representation of vegetation-evaporation-soil moisture feedback mechanisms during water-stress periods in the model, when integrating spatially and temporally varying vegetation. These findings emphasize the importance of vegetation variability for modelling land surface-atmosphere interactions, and specifically droughts. This research contributes to the understanding and development of land surface models, and shows that satellite observational products are a powerful tool to represent vegetation variability.

How to cite: van Oorschot, F., van der Ent, R., Hrachowitz, M., di Carlo, E., Catalano, F., Boussetta, S., Balsamo, G., and Alessandri, A.: Improving the temporal and spatial vegetation variability in land surface models based on satellite observations , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6528,, 2023.

The diurnal air temperature range (DTR) is strongly shaped by solar radiation but is modulated by hydrologic cycling through changes in atmospheric (clouds) and land-surface (evaporation) characteristics. Here, we aim to determine the distinct patterns in DTR over dry and wet periods and identify their respective controls. To do this, we develop a simple energy balance model that constrains the land-atmosphere exchange using the thermodynamic limit of maximum power. In this framework, we explicitly account for changes in radiative conditions due to clouds and changes in boundary layer heat storage associated with surface water limitation, both of which affect the maximum power limit. Using observations of radiative forcings and surface evaporation, our model predicts DTR reasonably well across 81 FLUXNET sites in North America, Europe, and Australia. We show that DTR is primarily shaped by the trade-off between the heat gain due to solar absorption and heat lost at the surface due to evaporation. Radiation remains a primary control on DTR over very dry and wet conditions where evaporation is either close to zero or limited by available energy. Over these regions, changes in DTR are strongly modulated by clouds which alters the radiative conditions. DTR becomes coupled to the land surface during the transition regime where changes in surface water availability directly control the evaporation rates. Over these regions, increased soil moisture results in more evaporation and reduced DTR. These responses were consistent in both, observations and maximum power estimates. We then apply our framework to quantify the response of DTR to global warming. Our model projects a decrease in DTR by 0.18K for a 1K rise in global temperature, which is consistent with the current observed response. Our findings imply that the predominant controls on DTR are set by clouds and evaporation as they directly modulate the diurnal heating of the lower atmosphere and can be further altered by increased greenhouse forcing.

How to cite: Ghausi, S. A., McColl, K., and Kleidon, A.: Determining the radiative and hydrologic controls on the diurnal air-temperature range using the thermodynamic limit of maximum power, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7721,, 2023.

EGU23-9421 | ECS | Orals | CL4.1

An emergent constraint exposes widespread underestimation of drought impacts by Earth System Models 

Julia K. Green, Yao Zhang, Xiangzhong Luo, and Trevor Keenan

The response of vegetation canopy conductance (gc) to changes in moisture availability gc) during drought is a major source of uncertainty in climate projections. Representing ϒgc accurately in Earth System Models (ESMs) is particularly problematic because no regional scale gc observations exist with which to evaluate it. Here, we overcome this challenge by deriving an emergent constraint on ϒgc across ESMs from Phase 6 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6). We leverage an ensemble of satellite, reanalysis and station-based estimates of surface temperatures, which are physically and statistically linked to ϒgc due to the local cooling effect of gc. We find that models systemically underestimate ϒgc by ~50%, particularly in semi-arid grasslands, croplands, and savannas. Based on the mediating effect of gc on carbon, water and energy fluxes through land-atmosphere interactions, the underestimation of modeled ϒgc in these regions contributes to biases in temperature, transpiration and gross primary production. Our results provide a novel benchmark to improve model representation of vegetation dynamics and land-atmosphere feedbacks in these regions, thus improving forecasting ability of climate extremes under future climate change scenarios.

How to cite: Green, J. K., Zhang, Y., Luo, X., and Keenan, T.: An emergent constraint exposes widespread underestimation of drought impacts by Earth System Models, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9421,, 2023.

EGU23-9767 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.1

Diagnosing above- and below-canopy temperature impacts of forest in the Netherlands during heatwaves 

Jingwei Zhou, Adriaan J. Teuling, and Michiel K. van der Molen

Heatwaves have significant effects on ecosystems and human populations. Human habitability is impacted severely as human exposure to heatwaves is projected to increase. Future risk of heatwaves has demonstrated the need of effective measures for adaptation to persistent hot temperature extremes and ambitious mitigation to limit further increases in heatwave severity.

At local scales, forest management could be a potential approach of modifying surface energy budget and in this way alleviating heatwave impacts. In this study,  open-site, below-canopy, and above-canopy climatic conditions from 4 different sites during the time period 1997-2020 in the Netherlands were compared to investigate canopy functions of affecting above-canopy macroclimate and as a thermal insulator to regulate understory microclimate and land surface ecology. Using high-resolution sub-daily data sets from Loobos, in which water vapor and heat fluxes were measured every half an hour by a combination of eddy covariance flux measurements and a profile system, we analysed temperatures at three levels of Loobos (23.5m, 7.5m, and soil litter layer) of the same profile and compared them with those measured at open sites in De bilt and Deleen.

Heatwave periods are defined as a sequence of at least five days during which the daily maximum temperature exceeds the climatological mean over the reference period 1997-2010 by at least 5 °C. During heatwave periods, the cooling effects of the canopy on surface temperatures are stronger compared to normal periods while the canopy may aggravate the temperature above it during certain hours. By contrast, temperature differences are higher during normal times than heatwave periods when considering temperature buffer effects of canopy on understory climate (7.5m).

Further study on heat fluxes, Bowen ratio, and canopy effects on heat stress during normal conditions and heatwaves will be conducted as well. Relative humidity will be incorporated in measuring heat stress to reflect real conditions living bodies experience.

How to cite: Zhou, J., Teuling, A. J., and van der Molen, M. K.: Diagnosing above- and below-canopy temperature impacts of forest in the Netherlands during heatwaves, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9767,, 2023.

EGU23-9777 | Orals | CL4.1

Leaves, land-atmosphere interactions and extremes 

Gregory Duveiller

Leaves are the main interface between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere. They govern the exchange of carbon, water and energy between vegetation and the atmospheric boundary layer. They are the surface designed to capture light and transform it to sugars via photosynthesis, but they also regulate how much water they transpire through their stomata. Their colour, density and orientation will affect their albedo, which determines how much energy is reflected back to the atmosphere, while their overall configuration within the canopy structure can affect the roughness length of the surface.

When we manage landscapes, be it by planting crops or cutting down forests, we are typically changing the quantity and type of leaves covering the surface of the land. By doing so, we can modify the land-atmosphere interactions and thereby have an effect on the climate. For instance, a substantial local cooling effect could be attained by using cover crops in winter, especially with highly reflective chlorophyll deficient mutants. Increasing forest cover appears to lead to more cloud cover, which itself could affect albedo at the top of the atmosphere. But the amount of leaves in the landscape can further affect extremes.

Here I will illustrate how leaves affect land-atmosphere interactions in the context of extreme events with two studies. The first study looks at the known biophysical effect of land use change on local surface temperature, but extends it to explore its sensitivity across the globe during the extremes observed in 20 years of satellite remote sensing records. The second study shows how much getting leaves right matters within the reanalysis records of ERA5 and ERA5-Land, where prescribed seasonal cycles of leaf area index (LAI) lead to biases in modelling land surface temperature (LST), thereby underestimating the intensity of heat waves over Europe.

How to cite: Duveiller, G.: Leaves, land-atmosphere interactions and extremes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9777,, 2023.

EGU23-9838 | ECS | Orals | CL4.1

Vegetation-climate coupling and vegetation sensitivity to climate extremes in growing seasons 

Minchao Wu, Gabriele Messori, Giulia Vico, Stefano Manzoni, Zhanzhang Cai, Jing Tang, Torbern Tagesson, and Zheng Duan

Terrestrial vegetation is largely mediated by vegetation-climate coupling. Growing conditions control vegetation growth, which in turn feeds back to climate through changes in biophysical and biogeochemical properties and processes, such as canopy structure and carbon and water exchanges. The vegetation-climate coupling is thus highly variable in space and time. However, little is known on how the large-scale vegetation-climate coupling varies within growing season, and how vegetation responds to climate extremes. In this contribution, we present some recent findings on seasonal and intra-seasonal vegetation-climate coupling and vegetation sensitivity to droughts using multiple remote sensing products including MODIS EVI, GIMMS3g NDVI and VIP EVI2. We account for the differences in phenological stages of growing seasons affected by both climate and landscape heterogeneity. Based on a novel analytical framework incorporating meteorological and vegetation conditions to locally defined vegetation growing seasons, we analyse vegetation-climate couplings using both local climate conditions and teleconnection indices (e.g., Jet Latitude Index). In addition, vegetation sensitivity to droughts and post-drought vegetation changes are assessed. Our results highlight the importance of considering vegetation phenology in understanding sub-seasonal land-atmosphere interaction and vegetation dynamics. The developed analytical framework is suggested to be an effective approach for evaluating vegetation and climate dynamics simulated by Earth System Models.

How to cite: Wu, M., Messori, G., Vico, G., Manzoni, S., Cai, Z., Tang, J., Tagesson, T., and Duan, Z.: Vegetation-climate coupling and vegetation sensitivity to climate extremes in growing seasons, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9838,, 2023.

EGU23-9920 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.1

Diurnal to interannual variability in Cabauw simulated by the ECLand land surface model 

Luís Fróis, Pedro M. A. Miranda, and Emanuel Dutra

Land surface plays a fundamental role in the earth system, mediating the water, energy and carbon fluxes between the land and the atmosphere. The land surface physical and biophysical processes act on time scales ranging from sub-daily to decades with relevant impacts from weather forecasts to climate change. However, there are very few available in-situ observations of land surface state and fluxes extending for several years to decades, limiting an integrated validation of the models on the different time scales. The long time series of Cabauw (Netherlands) observations provides a unique opportunity to evaluate land surface processes and their representation in land surface model at time scales ranging from sub-diurnal to interannual. In this study, we take advantage of the uniqueness of Cabauw observational record to investigate the performance of the ECMWF land surface model ECLand for the period 2001-2020 (20 years). Emphasis is given to the summer season and to evaporation and evaporative fraction. An idealized simulation without canopy resistance is performed along with other model configurations with changes to the constraints of canopy resistance (soil moisture availability and atmospheric humidity deficit) and the vertical discretization of the soil layers.

Observational uncertainties impact the surface energy budget closure. For example, the model shows a large overestimation of the ground heat flux diurnal cycle. However, part of this can be attributed to observational uncertainties associated with the sinking of the temperature sensors.  The default configuration of ECLand shows an underestimation of latent heat and evaporative fraction, which can be partially attributed to the model’s representation of canopy resistance. The increased vertical discretization of the soil layers has a neutral impact on the simulated turbulent fluxes, showing an improved representation of near-surface soil temperature. Our results show limitations in the representation of the summer interannual variability of the turbulent fluxes. These are associated with the representation of extreme events (droughts) and are not fully addressed in any of the model configurations tested. These results suggest that other processes relevant to the representation of evaporation in dryness stress conditions need to be further investigated.

This work was developed in the framework of the project NextGEMS funded through the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the grant agreement number 101003470. Luis Frois was funded by the FCT Grant 2020.08478.BD. The authors also acknowledge the financial support of the Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) I.P./MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC) – UIDB/50019/2020- IDL.

How to cite: Fróis, L., Miranda, P. M. A., and Dutra, E.: Diurnal to interannual variability in Cabauw simulated by the ECLand land surface model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9920,, 2023.

EGU23-10118 | ECS | Orals | CL4.1

Mechanistic patterns of land hydroclimate changes in a changing climate 

Suqin Duan, Kirsten Findell, and Stephan Fueglistaler

Climate model predictions of land hydroclimate changes show large geographic heterogeneity, and differences between models are large. We introduce a new process-oriented phase space that reduces the dimensionality of the problem but preserves (and emphasizes) the mechanistic relations between variables. This transform from geographical space to climatological aridity index (AI) and daily soil moisture (SM) percentiles allows for interpretation of local, daily mechanistic relations between the key hydroclimatic variables in the context of time-mean and/or global-mean energetic constraints and the wet-get-wetter/dry-get-drier paradigm. Focusing on the tropics (30S-30N), we show that simulations from 16 different CMIP models exhibit coherent patterns of change in the AI/SM phase space that are aligned with the established soil-moisture/evapotranspiration regimes. Results indicate the need to introduce an active-rain regime as a special case of the energy-limited regime. In response to CO2-induced warming, rainfall only increases in this regime, and this temporal rainfall repartitioning is reflected in an overall decrease in soil moisture. Consequently, the regimes where SM constrains evapotranspiration become more frequently occupied, and hydroclimatic changes align with the position of the critical soil moisture value in the AI/SM phase space. Analysis of land hydroclimate changes in CMIP6 historical simulations in the AI/SM phase space reveal the very different impact of CO2 forcing and aerosol forcing. CESM2 Single Forcing Large Ensemble Experiments are used to understand their roles.

How to cite: Duan, S., Findell, K., and Fueglistaler, S.: Mechanistic patterns of land hydroclimate changes in a changing climate, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10118,, 2023.

EGU23-11343 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.1

The relevance of coupled climate model WRF-CTSM for land-atmosphere interactions analysis 

Iris Mužić, Øivind Hodnebrog, Terje Koren Berntsen, Yeliz Yilmaz, Jana Sillmann, David Lawrence, Sean Swenson, and Negin Sobhani

A credible assessment of spatial and temporal variability of the water and energy budget is of viable importance for the quantification of the observed changes and prediction of extremes in a changing climate. However, an accurate representation of feedback mechanisms between the land surface and the atmosphere is a key source of uncertainty in climate models.

WRF-CTSM (Weather Research and Forecasting model, WRF, and Community Terrestrial Systems Model, CTSM) is a state-of-the-art modelling tool that represents the forefront in the climate modelling community and unifies the recent model development activities across weather, climate, water and ecosystem research. This study is the first to provide a systematic regional scale assessment of the WRF-CTSM coupled climate model performance in the European context - in the high-latitude region encompassing Norway, Sweden and Finland.

A 10-year-long regional WRF-CTSM simulation (2010-2020) using meteorological boundary conditions from the ERA5 reanalysis is performed on a 10.5 km horizontal resolution to evaluate the representation of hydroclimatic variables through comparison against ERA5 and a range of observational datasets. Changes in boundary layer variables such as soil and near-surface air temperature, soil moisture and snowpack are essential for the assessment of the land-atmosphere feedbacks in this region and are thus selected as central for the analysis of the model skill. Besides the WRF-CTSM simulations using default CTSM settings, this study investigates the added value of including the recently developed Hillslope Hydrology model in WRF-CTSM runs that has the potential to improve the understanding of the role of topography and hydrology on the soil moisture and snowpack variability.

Preliminary results indicate the capacity of WRF-CTSM to identify the high-temperature susceptible areas in Norway, Sweden and Finland and reproduce the interannual variability and spatial patterns of hydroclimatic variables in the respective region.

How to cite: Mužić, I., Hodnebrog, Ø., Berntsen, T. K., Yilmaz, Y., Sillmann, J., Lawrence, D., Swenson, S., and Sobhani, N.: The relevance of coupled climate model WRF-CTSM for land-atmosphere interactions analysis, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11343,, 2023.

EGU23-11538 | Orals | CL4.1

Mesoscale Gradients in Soil Moisture over South America Lead to Enhanced Convection 

Francina Dominguez, Divyansh Chug, Christopher Taylor, Cornelia Klein, and Stephen Nesbitt

This work presents the first observationally-based study over subtropical South America linking the spatial location of convection and drier soil patches of the order of tens of kilometers, as well as observational evidence of the control of background flow on the sign of SM-PPT feedbacks at convective scales. Using satellite data from multiple infrared and microwave radiometers, we track nascent, daytime convective clouds over subtropical South America and quantify the underlying, antecedent (morning), SM heterogeneity. We find that convection initiates preferentially on the dry side of strong dry-wet SM boundaries that are associated with spatially drier and warmer patches of tens of kilometers scale consistent with findings in other parts of the world. This preference maximizes during weak background low-level wind, high convective available potential energy, low convective inhibition and low vegetation density when analyzing surface gradients of 30 km length scale. On the other hand, surface gradients of 100 km length scale are significantly associated with afternoon convection during convectively unfavorable synoptic conditions and strong background flow, unlike previous studies. The location of the precipitation maxima following CI onset is most sensitive to the lower tropospheric background flow at the time of CI. The wind profile during weak background flow does not support propagation of convective features away from the dry regions and rainfall accumulates over the dry patch. Convection during strong background flow leads to greater rainfall hundreds of kilometers away from the CI location. 



How to cite: Dominguez, F., Chug, D., Taylor, C., Klein, C., and Nesbitt, S.: Mesoscale Gradients in Soil Moisture over South America Lead to Enhanced Convection, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11538,, 2023.

EGU23-12925 | ECS | Orals | CL4.1

Interannual Variation of Land-Atmosphere Interactions and their Connection with Extremes over Europe 

Lisa Jach, Thomas Schwitalla, Volker Wulfmeyer, and Kirsten Warrach-Sagi

The land surface supplies heat and moisture to the atmosphere influencing the regional climate during the convective season. Availability of soil moisture for evapotranspiration, vegetation phenology and atmospheric conditions influence the strength of the land surface impact on the atmosphere, and the mechanisms predominating the heat and moisture exchange. As both the synoptic conditions as well as the vegetation state vary on sub-seasonal to interannual time scales, the strength of land-atmosphere (L-A) interaction is expected to fluctuate on these time scales.

Up to now, research typically either focuses on case studies to understand the mechanisms of how land surface and atmosphere interact, or on climatic time scales to quantify co-variances in the climate system based on a sufficient sample size. Timescales in between remain rarely considered in land-atmosphere feedback studies.

In our study, we applied various L-A coupling measures to evaluate land surface impacts on the atmosphere and quantify interactions associated with the triggering of convective precipitation and droughts for all summers between 1991 and 2022 over Europe based on ERA5 data.

Our results highlight that differently strong L-A interactions evolve in dependence of atmospheric wetness, temperature, and the circulation pattern, as well as the root zone soil moisture and vegetation cover. Under warm and dry conditions such as in 2003, 2018 and 2022, soil moisture availability imposed limits for evapotranspiration not only in Southern Europe, but also in Central and Eastern Europe, interfering with vegetation growth and atmospheric moisture supply. Limited moisture and excessive heat supply amplified the already high temperatures and low near-surface moisture, which finally aggravated the unfavorable conditions for local precipitation and caused extreme drought conditions. On the contrary, warm and wet conditions such as in 2021 provided well-suited conditions for vegetation growth, which enhanced the moisture supply to the atmosphere. Together with stronger atmospheric instability, this provided more favorable preconditions for convective precipitation. Generally, most L-A interactions perform as an intensifier of persisting anomalies, particularly under warm and dry atmospheric conditions over Europe.

How to cite: Jach, L., Schwitalla, T., Wulfmeyer, V., and Warrach-Sagi, K.: Interannual Variation of Land-Atmosphere Interactions and their Connection with Extremes over Europe, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12925,, 2023.

EGU23-13277 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.1

Earth observation time series for the monitoring of droughts in Cyprus: Patterns and drivers of vegetation dynamics 

Soner Uereyen, Christina Eisfelder, Ursula Gessner, Sophie Reinermann, Sarah Asam, Constantinos F. Panagiotou, Marinos Eliades, Ioannis Varvaris, Eleni Loulli, Zampela Pittaki, Diofantos Hadjimitsis, Claudia Kuenzer, and Felix Bachofer

With amplified climate warming, climate extremes over Europe become more frequent. Since the 2000’s, many years have been characterized by extreme events such as droughts and heat waves. For example, in Central Europe, extreme droughts and heat waves took place in the years 2003 and 2018. In comparison, Cyprus experienced strong droughts during 2003 and 2016-2018. Such extreme climate events can have severe impacts on agricultural yields, the productivity of natural vegetation, and on water resources. In this regard, long-term Earth observation (EO) time series are essential to quantitatively assess and analyse changes on the land surface, including vegetation condition. In this study, a joint analysis of geoscientific time series over the last two decades, including EO-based MODIS vegetation indices and meteorological variables is performed to assess drought events and analyse trends as well as potential drivers of vegetation dynamics in Cyprus. The analysis of drought events and vegetation trends is based on the full archive of MODIS imagery at 250 m spatial resolution covering the period 2000-2022. In detail, climate-related effects on vegetation were analysed by means of the deviations of MODIS 16-day vegetation index composites from their long-term mean. Next, trends of the MODIS vegetation index were calculated to evaluate spatial patterns of vegetation change over the investigated period. These analyses were additionally performed for geographically stratified regions, including diverse vegetation classes such as cropland and grassland. Furthermore, the application of a causal discovery algorithm reveals linkages within a multivariate feature space, in particular between vegetation greenness and climatic drivers. Preliminary analyses showed that drought patterns differ with respect to seasons and the investigated vegetation class. For example, the strong drought year 2008 is clearly reflected in the results, whereas forest areas appear to be least affected by the drought during the spring months. Moreover, considering the significant trends over the last two decades, an increase in vegetation greenness could be observed.

How to cite: Uereyen, S., Eisfelder, C., Gessner, U., Reinermann, S., Asam, S., Panagiotou, C. F., Eliades, M., Varvaris, I., Loulli, E., Pittaki, Z., Hadjimitsis, D., Kuenzer, C., and Bachofer, F.: Earth observation time series for the monitoring of droughts in Cyprus: Patterns and drivers of vegetation dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13277,, 2023.

EGU23-13932 | Posters on site | CL4.1

The Impact of Recent European Droughts and Heatwaves on Trace Gas Surface Fluxes: Insights from Land Surface Data Assimilation 

Paul Hamer, Heidi Trimmel, Jean-Christophe Calvet, Bertrand Bonan, Catherine Meurey, Islen Vallejo, Sabine Eckhardt, Gabriela Sousa-Santos, Virginie Marecal, and Leonor Tarrason

Heatwave and drought extremes can have significant impacts on vegetation, which can in turn lead to important effects on reactive trace gas fluxes at the land-atmosphere interface that can ultimately alter atmospheric composition. We present results from the EU-funded Sentinel EO-based Emission and Deposition Service (SEEDS) project, which aimed at developing upgrades to the existing Copernicus Atmospheric Monitoring Service (CAMS) component on European air quality. In this work, we used land surface modelling (SURFEX – Surface Externalisée) combined with data assimilation (Extended Kalman Filter - EKF) of satellite leaf area index (LAI) to deliver improved estimation of the land surface state. The land surface model is coupled with an online model for dry deposition and an offline model (MEGANv3.1) for biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) to estimate trace gas losses and emissions, respectively. This approach exploits methods at the forefront of land surface modelling (dynamic vegetation simulation and data assimilation) and combines them with the latest algorithms to estimate trace gas fluxes at the surface. We present findings from two extreme events in Europe: the 2018 drought and the 2019 June/July heat waves. SURFEX was forced using ECMWF meteorology at 0.1° × 0.1° resolution that captured both events. Both extreme events provoked strong responses in the models for dry deposition velocity and BVOC emissions. The 2018 drought began in spring and endured through summer, during which dry deposition velocities declined steadily beyond seasonal norms due to increased stomatal resistance forced by the vegetation response to drought. Over continental Europe, BVOCs initially increased in the early phase of the drought, but then sharply declined into July in the worst-affected regions in Germany, Denmark, and Poland. Meanwhile, BVOCs increased in Scandinavia relative to seasonal norms due to the warmer-than-average conditions. The first episode of severe heat in 2019 arrived in late June, which initially caused a large increase in BVOC emissions compared to seasonal norms. Then drought set in during July and despite a second large heat wave BVOC emissions were lower overall compared to seasonal norms. In fact, the European-wide BVOC emissions were higher in June compared to July due to the drought effects that commenced later in the heat wave cycle. This reverses the normal seasonal cycle in BVOC emissions, and drought impacts on vegetation were the primary driver behind this. Dry deposition velocities are reduced during both heat waves, but we see a larger decline in the second heat wave in July when drought conditions are more severe.

Our findings suggest that these impacts on trace gas surface fluxes would have a strong effect on atmospheric composition, and on photochemical ozone formation. We, therefore, conclude that these effects likely played a contributory role to the ozone pollution episodes that occurred coincidentally in time with the heat wave events in both 2018 and 2019. The project aim within SEEDS is to eventually test the BVOC emissions and dry deposition velocities within a chemical transport model participating within the CAMS regional ensemble (MOCAGE) and to therefore evaluate the impact on ozone.

How to cite: Hamer, P., Trimmel, H., Calvet, J.-C., Bonan, B., Meurey, C., Vallejo, I., Eckhardt, S., Sousa-Santos, G., Marecal, V., and Tarrason, L.: The Impact of Recent European Droughts and Heatwaves on Trace Gas Surface Fluxes: Insights from Land Surface Data Assimilation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13932,, 2023.

EGU23-14104 | ECS | Orals | CL4.1

Transpiration in forest ecosystems based on deep learning and sap flow observations 

Marco Hannemann, Almudena García-García, and Jian Peng

Transpiration (T), the component of evaporation (E) controlled by vegetation, dominates terrestrial Evaporation, but measurements are highly uncertain. In the light of the importance of evaporation for studying the terrestrial water cycle, hydro-climatic extremes such as droughts and heatwaves and land-atmospheric interactions, there is a strong demand on novel approaches to reliably estimate T. Currently available approaches to estimate T mostly rely on its relationship with photosynthesis, but parameterizing this relationship is difficult and estimates of T strongly disagree among each other in terms of magnitude. Moreover, in-situ measurements are scarce and and evaporation cannot be measured directly from space.

We developed a hybrid Priestley-Taylor (PT) model using Deep Learning to learn the relationship between T and state variables such as soil moisture, vapor pressure deficit and the fraction of photosynthetic active radiation for different plant functional types (PFTs). We use globally available variables from reanalysis and remote sensing data as forcing to train an artificial neural network on the PT-coefficient α obtained by inverting the PT model on sap flow based ecosystem T. In this way, we can predict Transpiration at local scales independently from hard-to-obtain fluxes like E or vegetation parameters such as stomatal conductance. We evaluate our algorithm against T estimates from flux partitioning methods based on water use efficiency at eddy covariance sites for different PFTs and regions. Also, we compare our estimates with other available products of transpiration like GLEAM, PML-V2 and ERA5-Land. Preliminary results of this research showed that the developed model can learn the relationship between T and few influencing variables, without incorporating variables such as net radiation or GPP. Our findings contribute to dissolving the scarcity of T estimates in forest ecosystems based on actual observations. Future work is needed to apply our method to the larger scale for studying spatial patterns of T, e.g. across the European continent.

How to cite: Hannemann, M., García-García, A., and Peng, J.: Transpiration in forest ecosystems based on deep learning and sap flow observations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14104,, 2023.

EGU23-14158 | Posters on site | CL4.1

Continuous observations of CO2 and CH4 exchange from East-African rangelands 

Lutz Merbold, Vincent Odongo, Thomas Dowling, Francesco Fava, Ilona Glücks, Anton Vrieling, Martin Wooster, and Sonja Leitner

Semi-arid rangelands in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) are an important source of food security and nutrition but are under increased anthropogenic pressure by a growing population. These rangelands are characterized by nutrient poor soils and distinct wet and dry season(s). Due to the soil and climate combination, conventional crop agriculture is rarely feasible without irrigation and mineral fertilizer amendments, which in turn are limited by prohibitively high fertilizer prices and lack of water. Instead, pastoral livestock keeping is a valuable option to use these marginal lands and – under the right management – can be a sustainable form of food production and biodiversity protection given that most of these landscapes have co-evolved with megafauna over millennia. Despite the global role of livestock systems on climate change, there is still limited understanding on the role of SSA rangelands. At the same time, livestock systems emit greenhouse gases (GHG) and can promote global warming. But despite the impact of livestock systems on climate change, our understanding of the role of SSA rangelands is limited. To date, a thorough assessment that includes continuous GHG exchange measurement in combined wildlife-livestock systems on the African continent has not been undertaken. Here we provide the first eddy covariance (EC) measurements of CO2/CH4/H2O fluxes from the ILRI Kapiti Wildlife Conservancy - a benchmark rangeland site in East Africa that is grazed by livestock and wildlife. Our results show continuous ecosystem CO2 uptake from the wet to dry seasons with considerable CO2 emission pulses following precipitation events after long dry periods that turn the landscape into short-term net CO2 emitters. In contrast to CO2, CH4 fluxes are highly variable and depend particularly on wildlife and/or livestock being present in the fetch of the EC tower. In addition to EC measurements and given the need for scaling of our results, we relate CO2 and CH4 fluxes to simple remote sensing measurements of vegetation greenness derived from phenological cameras. Our results show good agreement between the two approaches. Yet, more observations across a climatic gradient and along varying management intensities are needed to reduce existing uncertainties in the effect of SSA rangelands on climate change. To build a complete GHG budget, hot spots of greenhouse gas emissions such as from livestock enclosures or water bodies as well as soil carbon sequestration have yet to be accounted for.

How to cite: Merbold, L., Odongo, V., Dowling, T., Fava, F., Glücks, I., Vrieling, A., Wooster, M., and Leitner, S.: Continuous observations of CO2 and CH4 exchange from East-African rangelands, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14158,, 2023.

EGU23-14377 | Posters on site | CL4.1

Sensitivity to soil moisture initialization in the simulation of Indian pre-monsoon season, using a regional climate numerical model 

Arjun Vasukuttan, Lorenzo Sangelantoni, Ka Shateesan, and Gianluca Redaelli

Soil moisture content is crucial for the representation and predictability of hydroclimatic extremes of different spatial/temporal scales such as heavy rainfall, droughts and heatwaves. In order to include these effects and the relevant feedback with the atmosphere in a regional climate model, the soil moisture initialization has to be adequate.

This study explores the soil moisture precipitation (SM-P) feedback, the soil moisture temperature (SM-T) feedback and the heat fluxes over the entire domain and 3 smaller regions of interest. A hydrostatic version of the Regional Climate Model  4.7 (RegCM4.7) with Arakawa B grid is used to run the simulations. The simulations  are performed for the months February to May during the years 2008, 2009 and 2010 with a spatial resolution of 12 km and temporal resolution of 3 hours. The initial and boundary conditions(ICBC)  are derived from the ERA5 data.  We examine results from simulations initiated using three different soil moisture datasets, namely, the control, dry and wet datasets. The soil moisture data from the ERA5-Land reanalysis is used for the control simulation. A dry/wet simulation is run using dry/wet datasets derived from the ERA5-Land data. This is done by halving/doubling the soil moisture values from ERA5-Land data, giving rise to new soil moisture values with lower/higher soil moisture as compared to the control dataset (ERA5-Land). CMORPH (Climate Prediction Center (CPC) Morphing Technique (MORPH)) and CRU (Climate Research Unit) datasets are used as reference to evaluate the precipitation and temperature values resulting from the control simulation.

The results display the mean changes in the dry/wet simulation results with respect to the control simulation. Plots showing the vertical profile changes in relative humidity and air temperature, and changes in lower tropospheric wind and specific humidity, indicates the build-up of the observed precipitation events and temperature patterns induced by the initial soil moisture perturbation. Interestingly the simulation results show negative SM-P feedback.  In other words, the average precipitation seemed to increase/decrease for the dry/wet cases with respect to the control simulation. This is contrary to the general expectation that dry/wet soil moisture decreases/increases precipitation. The possible reasons for the negative SM-P feedback and its distribution over the region include the proximity to the ocean, topography, and the pre-monsoon dryline. The SM-T and the heat fluxes on the other hand display expected behaviour with few exceptions in some regions in the dry simulation case.

How to cite: Vasukuttan, A., Sangelantoni, L., Shateesan, K., and Redaelli, G.: Sensitivity to soil moisture initialization in the simulation of Indian pre-monsoon season, using a regional climate numerical model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14377,, 2023.

Numerous cyclones develop in the Bay of Bengal during the pre-monsoon and post-monsoon seasons. The heavy rain associated with these cyclones causes devastating damage to life and property during landfall. The modern numerical weather prediction models and high temporal satellite observation data have significantly increased the accuracy of cyclone prediction in recent years. However, accurately predicting rainfall intensity and its dissipation after landfall is still challenging. Previous studies have indicated that land-based evapotranspiration plays an essential role in determining the intensity and decay of cyclones post-landfall. In this study, we quantify the contribution of land-based evapotranspiration to the rainfall associated with cyclones and the impact of land conditions on the speed and track of cyclones originating in the Bay of Bengal. For this purpose, we employed the Weather Research Forecasting (WRF) model upgraded with Eulerian water tagging capabilities to track evapotranspiration from land. The tagging model will tag the evapotranspiration originating on land and track it throughout the atmosphere till it precipitates or moves out of the domain. We simulated six cyclones of varying intensities, with three during the pre and three during the post-monsoon seasons. We conducted sensitivity experiments with dry and wet initial soil moisture conditions to determine the impact of perturbed soil moisture on TC. To account for the model's internal variability, we simulated an ensemble with four members for the control simulation. The ensemble is created by changing each member's model initialization time by six hours. This ensemble helped identify the magnitude of the model's internal variability, which was less than the variability due to soil moisture changes. The study revealed that soil moisture conditions prior to TC formation have an impact on its evolution. By analyzing the latent heat, temperature, and wind pattern, we found that the initial soil moisture during the pre and post-monsoon seasons alters the synoptic features over the Indian subcontinent, resulting in variations in the TC evolution. The relatively low-intensity TC tracks are more sensitive to the initial soil moisture conditions. The rainfall originating from land-based evapotranspiration is more significant as the cyclone approaches land. Therefore, land-based evapotranspiration plays a crucial role in the end phase of the cyclone (from just before landfall till its decay). For post-monsoon cyclones, the rainfall from land-based evapotranspiration is as high as 20% to 30% after landfall, whereas, for pre-monsoon cyclones, the land contribution is around 5% to 10%. In addition to soil moisture, factors such as proximity to land, track length over land, and TC intensity also have a role in determining the quantity of precipitation originating from the land for a TC.

How to cite: Lanka, K. and Navale, A.: Influence of Soil Moisture on the Evolution of Landfalling Tropical Cyclones during pre and post-monsoon seasons, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15299,, 2023.

EGU23-15403 | Orals | CL4.1 | Highlight

Global observations highlight regions where vegetation can enhance S2S predictability 

Christopher Taylor and Bethan Harris

The land surface is a key source of predictability for forecasts at the subseasonal-to-seasonal (S2S; 2 weeks to 2 months) timescale, since variables such as root zone soil moisture and leaf area vary more slowly than the atmospheric state. Previous work has mostly focused on the predictability gained from realistic soil moisture initialisations. Considering observable land surface variables, vegetation shows more persistent changes than surface soil moisture following subseasonal rainfall events, and therefore has the potential to provide predictability at longer lead times. We therefore perform the first investigation of vegetation feedbacks onto near-surface air temperatures using global daily data, to ascertain in which regions and seasons these feedbacks can provide S2S predictability. We use daily datasets of Vegetation Optical Depth (VOD, from the VODCA X-band product) and 2m temperature (from ERA5) at 0.25° horizontal resolution, and compute lagged correlations to identify where spatial structures in VOD anomalies are associated with similar structure in 2m temperature anomalies. Using daily data allows us to investigate how the correlations decay as a function of lead time within the S2S timescale. At zero lag, water-limited regions exhibit negative correlations, indicating that an increase in vegetation water content is associated with increased evapotranspiration and reduced sensible heat, leading to cooler near-surface air temperatures. We find extensive regions in the semi-arid tropics and sub-tropics where at certain times of year VOD anomaly patterns are anti-correlated with temperature patterns 2 weeks ahead. These periods tend to occur outside of the wettest time of year. In some regions, e.g. southern Africa in MAM,  predictability of temperature from VOD anomalies extends to lags of 30 days, suggesting that incorporating vegetation variability can improve S2S forecasting. We develop a model for the strength and persistence of vegetation feedbacks to near-surface temperatures based on seasonal cycles of rainfall and vegetation.

How to cite: Taylor, C. and Harris, B.: Global observations highlight regions where vegetation can enhance S2S predictability, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15403,, 2023.

EGU23-16444 | ECS | Orals | CL4.1

Exploring deep root water uptake, soil moisture, and land surface fluxes in the Amazon 

Carolina Bieri, Francina Dominguez, Gonzalo Miguez-Macho, and Ying Fan

Plant roots act as critical pathways of moisture from subsurface sources to the atmosphere. Moreover, deep plant roots allow vegetation to meet water demand during seasonally dry periods by taking up moisture from accessible groundwater. This is an important resilience mechanism in the Amazon, a hydrologically and ecologically significant region. However, most regional land-atmosphere computational models do not adequately capture the link between deep roots and groundwater. This study details the implementation of a dynamic rooting scheme in the Noah-Multiparameterization (Noah-MP) land surface model, a widely used tool for studying the exchange of energy and moisture between the land and atmosphere. The rooting scheme is a first-order representation of dynamic rooting depth based on the soil water profile and includes quantification of deep root water uptake (RWU). The scheme is easily scalable and ideal for regional or continental-scale climate simulations. It is used in conjunction with a groundwater scheme which captures high-resolution spatial groundwater variations, allowing us to capture the critical link between deep roots and groundwater. We perform 10-year simulations with and without the root scheme for a test region in the Amazon to validate the enhanced model. We analyze time series of soil moisture, RWU, and evapotranspiration for points with differing vegetation cover and elevation. This allows us to demonstrate functionality of the root scheme and ensure it behaves properly for varying conditions. Representation of deep RWU is critical for realistic simulation of the soil-plant-atmosphere system. As the land surface is an important component of atmospheric predictability, inclusion of deep RWU can contribute to improved prediction of atmospheric variables such as precipitation.


How to cite: Bieri, C., Dominguez, F., Miguez-Macho, G., and Fan, Y.: Exploring deep root water uptake, soil moisture, and land surface fluxes in the Amazon, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16444,, 2023.

In this study, the contribution of external forcings on global ocean wave height change during 1961-2020 is investigated. Historical significant wave height (SWH) produced at Ifremer for different CMIP6 external forcing and preindustrial control conditions following the framework of Detection and Attribution Model Intercomparison Project (DAMIP) and other available multi-model simulations are employed. The linear trends (with statistical significance) in SWH computed over regional ocean basins could be mostly associated with greenhouse gas-only (GHG) and aerosol-only (AER) forcing. The SWH in Arctic and Antarctic Ocean shows remarkable trends and GHG induced change could explain most of it. Moreover, this can be attributed to clear decline in sea-ice extent with GHG induced wind speed change. The SWH weakening over North Pacific is majorly influenced by AER forcing rather than GHG, in contrast to SWH weakening over North Atlantic and North Indian Ocean. In addition to the anthropogenic forcings, internal variability estimated from control simulation has important contribution to the total change.

How to cite: Patra, A. and Dodet, G.: Contributions of Anthropogenic Forcing and Internal Variability on Global Wave Height Trend during 1961-2020 - CMIP6/DAMIP Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1550,, 2023.

EGU23-7740 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.10

Variability of atmospheric CO2 in Earth System model large-ensemble simulations with an interactive carbon cycle 

Kelli Johnson, Hongmei Li, and Tatiana Ilyina

Atmospheric CO2 concentrations have increased from around 280 parts per million (ppm) in 1800 to over 416 ppm in 2020. This is a direct result of increasing anthropogenic emissions of CO2 since the industrial era. Nearly half of the emitted anthropogenic CO2 is taken up by the ocean and terrestrial ecosystems, while the remaining half remains in the atmosphere, where it is a heat-trapping greenhouse gas. The growth of atmospheric CO2 varies from year to year with inhomogeneous spatial distribution depending on the CO2 uptake by the ocean and land. The CO2 uptake by the natural sinks and atmospheric growth are affected by the climate variations and the long-term changes; in turn, the variations of the carbon cycle also modulate global climate change. The state-of-the-art large ensemble simulations based on Earth System Models (ESMs) prescribe the concentration of atmospheric CO2, but the missing interactive response of atmospheric CO2 changes to the CO2 fluxes into the ocean and the land hinders the investigation of the variability in atmospheric CO2. Furthermore, such simulations will be insufficient to represent the changes in the efficiency of the land and ocean carbon sinks once emissions start to decline. Based on the low-resolution version of the Max Planck Earth System Model v1.2 (MPI-ESM-1.2-LR), we have done a novel set of 30-member ensemble simulations driven by anthropogenic CO2 emissions. In such simulations, atmospheric CO2 concentrations are computed prognostically, modulated by the strength of CO2 fluxes to the land and the ocean. While general trends in atmospheric CO2 concentrations for different Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSP) are well known, trends in its global dispersion and variations within the seasons of each year have not been investigated in ESMs with an interactive carbon cycle. In this project, we use MPI-ESM-1.2-LR large ensemble simulations under four SSP scenarios, i.e., SSP1-2.6, SSP2-4.5, SSP3-7.0, SSP5-8.5, together with historical runs to analyze changes of atmospheric CO2 concentrations. We focus on seasonal variability and spatial distribution of atmospheric CO2 changes in the presence of internal climate variability. We address two questions: first, what is the temporal evolution of atmospheric CO2 in regard to its seasonal variability by the end of the century following different emission pathways; and second, how does atmospheric CO2 evolve spatially (horizontally across the globe and vertically into the stratosphere) in the historical period and future projections until 2100? This study aims to refine our understanding of the spatial and temporal variations of CO2 in support of activities to monitor and verify decarbonization measures.

How to cite: Johnson, K., Li, H., and Ilyina, T.: Variability of atmospheric CO2 in Earth System model large-ensemble simulations with an interactive carbon cycle, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7740,, 2023.

EGU23-9611 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.10 | Highlight

Assessing the occurrence of compound hot and dry events from pre-industrial conditions to present-day extremes 

Elizaveta Felsche, Andrea Böhnisch, and Ralf Ludwig

Heatwaves and dry spells are major climate hazards that severely impact human health, economy, agriculture, and natural ecosystems. Compound hot and dry summers have become more frequent and intense in recent years in Europe. What remains unclear is, however, to which extent the observed trend can be explained by climate change or as a feature of internal climate variability. In this study, we assess the frequency and intensity of compound hot and dry events in Europe by analyzing recent historical events from reanalysis data 1960-2022 and comparing it to i) a counterfactual reference (corresponding to pre-industrial climate conditions), and ii) model data derived from a Single Model Initial-condition Large Ensemble (SMILE).

We use data from the fifth generation of the European Reanalysis (ERA5) to assess the current frequency of the compound hot and dry summers like 2003, 2015, 2018, and 2022 and analyze the intensity of the events. We use the data from the 50-member SMILE Canadian Regional Climate Model Large Ensemble (CRCM5-LE) and calculate the probability of event occurrence for those events in Europe’s current climate. Employing the ensemble allows us to assess the influence of internal climate variability vs. climate change for those events. Additionally, we use pre-industrial conditions (pi-control runs) simulated with CRCM5 to compare the probability of recent hot and dry compound events to a counterfactual world without climate change. 

Our analysis shows that climate change increases the frequency and intensity of compound hot and dry events. We see a substantial increase in occurrence probabilities compared to a pre-industrial world and draw to emerging hotspots of new compound extremes in several European regions. We illustrate the added value of using pi-control runs in a regional SMILE as a novel approach for impact quantification. It provides the means to understand better the already prominent role of climate change on the occurrence, frequency, and intensity of extreme events in a world of still limited warming.

How to cite: Felsche, E., Böhnisch, A., and Ludwig, R.: Assessing the occurrence of compound hot and dry events from pre-industrial conditions to present-day extremes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9611,, 2023.

EGU23-9617 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.10

Enhanced sensitivity of atmospheric CO2 growth rate variations to tropical mean temperature anomalies is driven by internal climate variability in a large climate model ensemble 

Na Li, Sebastian Sippel, Nora Linscheid, Christian Rödenbeck, Alexander Winkler, Markus Reichstein, Miguel Mahecha, and Ana Bastos

The atmospheric CO2 growth rate (AGR) shows large year-to-year variations, which are mainly driven by land and ocean carbon uptake variations. Recent studies suggested an approximate doubling of the AGR regressed onto tropical mean temperature anomalies (“sensitivity of AGR to tropical mean temperature anomalies”; Wang et al., 2014; Luo et al., 2022), which was attributed to increasing drought in tropical land vegetation areas in a warming climate (Wang et al., 2014). We hypothesise that at least part of this apparent sensitivity change may instead be explained by extratropical areas and by internal climate variability.

Here, we study the apparent sensitivity changes of AGR to tropical mean temperature in observations, atmospheric inversions, and a large climate model ensemble of historical simulations. First, we identify the main regional drivers of the apparent sensitivity change, including the ocean and extratropical regions in all datasets. Then, we evaluate whether these sensitivity changes can be attributed to anthropogenic forcing in a large climate model ensemble, or whether they are mostly driven by internal climate variability. Our results show that other regions beyond the land tropics contribute to the change in apparent sensitivity of AGR to tropical mean temperature anomalies in atmospheric inversions and in the period 1960 to 2006. Furthermore, the climate model large ensemble shows that such "doubling sensitivity" events can occur due to internal climate variability only. This points to the importance of distinguishing internal climate variability from forced signals when attributing causes to observed changes in the carbon cycle.

Wang, X., Piao, S., Ciais, P. et al. A two-fold increase of carbon cycle sensitivity to tropical temperature variations. Nature 506, 212–215 (2014).

Luo, X., Keenan, T. F. Tropical extreme droughts drive long-term increase in atmospheric CO2 growth rate variability. Nat Commun 13, 1193 (2022).

How to cite: Li, N., Sippel, S., Linscheid, N., Rödenbeck, C., Winkler, A., Reichstein, M., Mahecha, M., and Bastos, A.: Enhanced sensitivity of atmospheric CO2 growth rate variations to tropical mean temperature anomalies is driven by internal climate variability in a large climate model ensemble, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9617,, 2023.

EGU23-10531 | Posters on site | CL4.10

Constraining temperature variability projections using SMILEs that best represent observed variability 

Nicola Maher, Laura Suarez-Gutierrez, and Sebastian Milinski

Projecting how temperature variability is likely to change in the future is important for understanding future extreme events. This comes from the fact that such extremes can change due to both changes in the mean climate and its variability. The recent IPCC report found large regions of low model agreement in the change of temperature variability in both December, January, February (DJF) and June, July, August (JJA) when considering 7 Single Model Initial-Condition Large Ensembles (SMILEs). In this study we use the framework described by Suarez-Gutierrez et al, (2021) to constrain future projections of temperature variability by selecting the SMILEs that best represent observed variability. We use 11 SMILEs with CMIP5 and CMIP6 forcing and consider 9 ocean regions and 24 land regions. We then assess, for both DJF and JJA, whether temperature variability projections are constrained by selecting for models capture observed variability in individual regions and seasons. We consider projected changes at various warming levels to account for differences in warming between models and the use of different future scenarios across CMIP5 and 6. We identify MPI-GE and CESM2 as the SMILEs that capture observed variability sufficiently. across most regions (29 & 30 out of 33 in DJF and 28 and 26 in JJA respectively). Whether temperature variability projections are constrained depends on both season and region. For example, in DJF over South East Asia the constraint does not change the already large spread of projections. Conversely, over the Amazon the constraint tells us temperature variability will increase in DJF whereas the entire model archive does not agree on the sign of the change. This method can be used to better constrain our uncertainty in temperature variability projections by selecting SMILEs that best represent observed variability.

How to cite: Maher, N., Suarez-Gutierrez, L., and Milinski, S.: Constraining temperature variability projections using SMILEs that best represent observed variability, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10531,, 2023.

EGU23-12849 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.10 | Highlight

Interpreting extreme climate impacts from large ensemble simulations — are they unseen or unrealistic? 

Timo Kelder, Tim Marjoribanks, Louise Slater, Niko Wanders, Rob Wilby, and Christel Prudhomme

Large ensemble simulations may be exploited to appreciate plausible extreme climate impacts that we may not yet have seen. Such information can be vital for decision makers to anticipate otherwise unforeseen impacts. Large ensemble simulations can generate larger data samples than the observed record but biases are likely to exist, which may occasionally produce unrealistic extreme events. Interpreting simulated 'unseen' events that are more extreme than those seen in historical records is therefore crucial, but adequate evaluation is complicated by observational uncertainties and natural variability. In this talk, we introduce a three-step procedure to assess the realism of simulated extreme events based on the model properties (step 1), statistical features (step 2), and physical credibility of the extreme events (step 3). We use the global climate model EC-Earth and global hydrological model PCR-GLOBWB to demonstrate these steps for a 2000 year Amazon monthly flood ensemble. The spatial model resolution of 1x1° and daily temporal resolution is coarse, but no reason to dismiss monthly flood simulations over the Amazon a priori. We find that the simulations are statistically inconsistent with the observations, but we cannot determine whether simulations outside observed variability are inconsistent for the right physical reasons. For example, there could be legitimate discrepancies between simulations and observations resulting from infrequent temporal compounding of multiple flood peaks, rarely seen in observations. Physical credibility checks are crucial to assessing their realism and show that the unseen Amazon monthly floods were generated by an unrealistic bias correction of precipitation. Based on this case study, we discuss the takeaway challenges when evaluating extreme climate impacts from large ensemble simulations. Understanding the drivers of simulations outside observed variability helps to gain trust in unseen simulations. Uncovering the characteristics of events in the models may reveal the most important model deficiencies or improve our scientific understanding of unseen events.

How to cite: Kelder, T., Marjoribanks, T., Slater, L., Wanders, N., Wilby, R., and Prudhomme, C.: Interpreting extreme climate impacts from large ensemble simulations — are they unseen or unrealistic?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12849,, 2023.

EGU23-14112 | Posters on site | CL4.10

First results from ModE-Sim - A medium size AGCM ensemble to study climate variability during the past 600 years 

Ralf Hand, Laura Hövel, Eric Samakinwa, and Stefan Brönnimann

ModE-Sim is a medium size ensemble that can be used to study climate variability of the past 600 years. It was created using the atmospheric general circulation model ECHAM6 in its LR version (T63L47). With 60 ensemble members between 1420 and 1850 and 36 ensemble members from 1850 to 2009 ModE-Sim consists of 31620 simulated years in total. The dataset was designed as an input for a data assimilation procedure that combines historical climate informations with additional constraints from a climate model to produce a novel gridded 3-dimensional dataset of the modern era. Additionally, ModE-Sim on its own is also suitable for many other applications as its various subsets can be used as initial condition ensemble to study climate variability. We show that the ensemble has a realistic response to external forcings and that it is capable of capturing internal variability on monthly to annual time scales. At the example of heat waves we show that ModE-Sim can even be useful to study extreme events.

How to cite: Hand, R., Hövel, L., Samakinwa, E., and Brönnimann, S.: First results from ModE-Sim - A medium size AGCM ensemble to study climate variability during the past 600 years, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14112,, 2023.

EGU23-14461 | Posters on site | CL4.10 | Highlight

Differences in physical drivers of diurnal and nocturnal summer heat waves 

Laura Muntjewerf, Siem Rothengatter, Richard Bintanja, and Karin Van der Wiel

Heat waves place a large burden on society. There are differences in the societal impact between diurnal heatwaves and nocturnal heatwaves. The latter in particular places stress on humans and animals, where exceeding the thermal comfort level may lead to heat-related deaths. Climate change affects not just the mean temperature, but also occurrences of exceptional warmth. We postulate that climate change has a different effect on the occurrence of diurnal and nocturnal heatwaves.

Heat waves are extreme events that, by definition, don’t occur frequently. To study extreme events and to be able to robustly do statistical analyses, we use the large ensemble KNMI-LENTIS. This way, we don’t have to rely on statistical interpolation to have enough events to study. KNMI-LENTIS is a time-slice large ensemble generated with the global climate model EC-Earth3. It consists of 2 time slices: the present-day climate and a future climate that is +2K warmer than the present-day. Each time slice consists of 1600 years.

We investigate the formation and ending of different types of summer heat waves in north-western Europe. Making the distinction between nocturnal, diurnal and compound heat waves allows us to disentangle the physical processes that drive the different types. Particularly we focus on advection and large-scale processes on the one hand, and local processes based on land-atmosphere coupling feedback mechanisms on the other hand.  

How to cite: Muntjewerf, L., Rothengatter, S., Bintanja, R., and Van der Wiel, K.: Differences in physical drivers of diurnal and nocturnal summer heat waves, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14461,, 2023.

EGU23-16537 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.10

Greater rate of climate zone change in CMIP6 Earth System Models due to stronger warming rates 

Ali Serkan Bayar, M. Tuğrul Yılmaz, İsmail Yücel, and Paul Dirmeyer

Köppen-Geiger climate classification is a valuable tool to define climate zones based on the annual cycles of temperature and precipitation. In this study, we use the high-emission scenario global climate models from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 6 (CMIP6) and phase 5 (CMIP5) along with observations and apply the Köppen-Geiger climate classification. We aim to address the ecological consequences of climate change and compare the two generations of models. Compared to their predecessors, CMIP6 models show slightly improved performance in representing the reference period (1976-2005) observed climate zones. CMIP6 models project a 42-48% change in climate zones by the end of the century, depending on which ensemble subset is used. The projected change rates based on CMIP6 are above the global average for Europe (81-88%) and North America (57-66%). The reductions in the areas of cold and polar climate zones are more pronounced in CMIP6 models compared to CMIP5. Using an ensemble subset of CMIP6 models that are consistent with the latest evidence for equilibrium climate sensitivity limits the changes in climate zones, and their results converge towards the results based on CMIP5. CMIP6 models also project a greater rate of climate zone change throughout the century than CMIP5. The greater change rate observed in CMIP6 is essentially dominated by the stronger projected warming rates of these models, whose plausibility is a matter of concern.

How to cite: Bayar, A. S., Yılmaz, M. T., Yücel, İ., and Dirmeyer, P.: Greater rate of climate zone change in CMIP6 Earth System Models due to stronger warming rates, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16537,, 2023.

The appraisal of climate change impacts on river hydrology using different Global Climate Models (GCM) and emission scenarios is incomplete, without quantifying the uncertainty associated with it. It is critical to quantify those uncertainties in order to develop beneficial managerial capabilities. The objective of the present study is to model the GCM and scenario uncertainty in Western Ghats (WG) river basins of South India using Reliability Ensemble Average (REA) for the estimation of stream flows. The analysis is carried out grid wise, for monsoon (JJAS) rainfall in near future (2011-2040). The statistically downscaled (kernel regression) rainfall data at 0.25o resolution for three CMIP-6 GCMs CNRM, CCCMA and MPILR for SSP2 4.5 and SSP5 8.5 are used in the present study. The river basins Netravati, (upper region), Kadalundi (middle region) and Manimala (lower region) in different elevation profile (lowland, midland and ghats) of WG are chosen as a criterion for quantifying the uncertainty associated with GCM models and emission scenarios. The uncertainty associated with GCM is found to be more significant than the scenario uncertainty in this region. The GCM model shows good correlation with the latitude profile in WG. The GCM MPILR have higher weightage in lower and middle region as compared to the others while the GCM CNRM is less pronounced in the high elevation zones along the basin.

Keywords: Climate Change, Variable Infiltration Capacity Model, Uncertainty, REA approach.

How to cite: Chandu, N. and Eldho, T. I.: Analysis of  Uncertainty Due to Climate Change Using REA Approach in Different Rivers of Western Ghats, South India, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17597,, 2023.

EGU23-604 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.3

Boreal Spring Southern Hemisphere Climate Mode and Global Monsoon 

Shikhar Srivastava, Arindam Chakraborty, and Raghu Murtugudde

The global climatic pattern is governed by the dominant mode of variability in the tropics and the extratropic and their interaction. The extratropical atmosphere is much more vigorous than the tropics owing to sharp meridional temperature gradients in the mid-latitude. Especially on the decadal timescales, large signals are seen over the extratropical region than in the tropics. Here, we propose that during boreal spring, the second leading mode of climate variability in the Southern Hemisphere, has a decadal pattern. This mode is independent of the Southern Annular Mode (SAM), which represents the most dominant mode of climate variability in the Southern Hemisphere. The boreal spring climate of the Southern Hemisphere interacts with the tropics and significantly impacts the global climate, which is reflected in the global Monsoon rainfall. During the positive phase of the decadal mode, the global Monsoon rainfall is coherently suppressed. We propose a new finding highlighting that the Southern Hemisphere's extratropical forcing can significantly impact the tropical Pacific through subtropical pathways on the decadal to multidecadal timescale. The impact of such decadal climate variability is enormous and global and can add a new paradigm to the pursuit of improving decadal predictions of the global climate.

How to cite: Srivastava, S., Chakraborty, A., and Murtugudde, R.: Boreal Spring Southern Hemisphere Climate Mode and Global Monsoon, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-604,, 2023.

As a dominant pattern of the North Pacific sea surface temperature decadal variability, the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) has remarkable influences on the marine and terrestrial ecosystems. However, the PDO is highly unpredictable. Here, we assess the performance of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) models in simulating the PDO, with an emphasis on the evaluation of CMIP6 models in reproducing a recently detected early warning signal based on climate network analysis for the PDO regime shift. Results show that the skill of CMIP6 historical simulations remains at a low level, with a skill limited in reproducing PDO’s spatial pattern and nearly no skill in reproducing the PDO index. However, if the warning signal for the PDO regime shift by climate network analysis is considered as a test-bed, we find that even in historical simulations, a few models can represent the corresponding relationship between the warning signal and the PDO regime shift, regardless of the chronological accuracy. By further conducting initialization, the performance of the model simulations is improved according to the evaluation of the hindcasts from two ensemble members of the Decadal Climate Prediction Project (NorCPM1 and BCC-CSM2-MR). Particularly, we find that the NorCPM1 model can capture the early warning signals for the late-1970s and late-1990s regime shifts 5–7 years in advance, indicating that the early warning sig- nal somewhat can be captured by some CMIP6 models. A further investigation on the underlying mechanisms of the early warning signal would be crucial for the improvement of model simulations in the North Pacific.

How to cite: Ma, Y.: On the Pacific Decadal Oscillation Simulations in CMIP6 Models: A New Test‐Bed from Climate Network Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5325,, 2023.

Climate extremes can impact societies in various ways: from nuances in daily lives to full humanitarian crises. Droughts  are usually slow onset extremes but can be highly disruptive and affect millions of people every year. Warm temperature extremes (e.g. heat waves) can exacerbate droughts and their impacts and trigger a faster drought evolution. Combined drought and heat waves can lead to devastating consequences. For example, 2022 was a very active year in terms of drought or combined drought and heat waves, affecting particularly hard several regions of the world (e.g. Europe, China, southern South America and East Africa). In a context of risk management and civil protection, the use of operationally available seasonal climate forecasts can provide actionable information to reduce the risks and the impacts of these events on societies with different levels of development and adaptive capacities. 


Within the Copernicus Emergency Management Service (CEMS), the European and Global Drought Observatories (EDO and GDO, respectively) provide real time drought and temperature extreme monitoring products freely available and displayed through two dedicated web services. Recent efforts have been targeting the optimal integration and use of multi-system forecasting products to enhance the early warning component of the service. This contribution provides an overview of first results in terms of  initial multi-model skill assessment of forecasts available through the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S). It also discusses future avenues to improve skill in regions with limited predictability, for example by applying physically-based sampling techniques.    

How to cite: Acosta Navarro, J. C. and Toreti, A.: Seasonal forecasting of drought and temperature extremes as part of the Copernicus Emergency Management Service (CEMS), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5602,, 2023.

EGU23-6000 | ECS | Orals | CL4.3

Seasonal forecasting of the European North West Shelf: Quantifying the persistence of the physical marine environment 

Jamie Atkins, Jonathan Tinker, Jennifer Graham, Adam Scaife, and Paul Halloran

The European North West shelf seas (NWS) support economic and environmental interests of several adjacent populous countries. Forecasts of physical marine variables on the NWS for upcoming months – an important decision-making timescale – would be useful for many industries. However, currently there is no operational seasonal forecasting product deemed sufficient for capturing the high variability associated with shallow, dynamic shelf waters. Here, we identify the dominant sources of seasonal predictability on the shelf and quantify the extent to which empirical persistence relationships can produce skilful seasonal forecasts of the NWS at the lowest level complexity. We find that relatively skilful forecasts of the typically well-mixed Winter and Spring seasons are achievable via persistence methods at a one-month lead time. In addition, incorporating observed climate modes of variability, such as the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), can significantly boost persistence for some locations and seasons, but this is dependent on the strength of the climate mode index. However, even where high persistence skill is demonstrated, there are sizeable regions exhibiting poor predictability and skilful persistence forecasts are typically limited to ≈ one-month lead times. Summer and Autumn forecasts are generally less skilful owing largely to the effects of seasonal stratification which emphasises the influence of atmospheric variability on sea surface conditions. As such, we also begin incorporating knowledge of future atmospheric conditions to forecasting strategies. We assess the ability of an existing global coupled ocean-atmosphere seasonal forecasting system to exceed persistence skill and highlight areas where additional downscaling efforts may be needed.

How to cite: Atkins, J., Tinker, J., Graham, J., Scaife, A., and Halloran, P.: Seasonal forecasting of the European North West Shelf: Quantifying the persistence of the physical marine environment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6000,, 2023.

EGU23-7676 | Orals | CL4.3

Decadal Climate Variability and Predictability with a High-resolution Eddy-resolving Model 

Wei Zhang, Ben Kirtman, Leo Siqueira, and Amy Clement

Current global climate models typically fail to fully resolve mesoscale ocean features (with length scales on the order of 10 km), such as the western boundary currents, potentially limiting climate predictability over decadal timescales. This study incorporates high-resolution eddy-resolving ocean (HR: 0.1°) in a suite of CESM model experiments that capture these important mesoscale ocean features with increased fidelity. Compared with eddy-parametrized ocean (LR: 1°) experiments, HR experiments show more realistic climatology and variability of sea surface temperature (SST) over the western boundary currents and eddy-rich regions. In the North Atlantic, the inclusion of mesoscale ocean processes produces a more realistic Gulf Stream and improves both localized rainfall patterns and large-scale teleconnections. We identify enhanced decadal SST predictability in HR over the western North Atlantic, which can be explained by the strong vertical connectivity between SST and sub-surface ocean temperature. SST is better connected with slower processes deep down in HR, making SST more persistent (and predictable). Moreover, we detect a better representation of the air-sea interactions between SST and low-level atmosphere over the Gulf Stream, thus improving low-frequency rainfall variations and extremes over the Southeast US. The results further imply that high-resolution GCMs with increased ocean model resolution may be needed in future climate prediction systems.

How to cite: Zhang, W., Kirtman, B., Siqueira, L., and Clement, A.: Decadal Climate Variability and Predictability with a High-resolution Eddy-resolving Model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7676,, 2023.

Earth system predictability on decadal timescales can arise from both low frequency internal variability as well as from anthropogenically forced long-term changes. However, on these timescales, the chaotic nature of the climate system makes skillful predictions difficult to achieve even if we include information from climate change projections. Furthermore, it is difficult to separate the contributions from internal variability and external forcing to predictability. One way to improve skill is through identifying and harnessing initial conditions with more predictable evolution, so-called state-dependent predictability. We explore a neural network approach to identify these opportunistic initial states in the CESM2 large ensemble and subsequently explore how predictability may manifest in a future climate, influenced by both forced warming and internal variability. We use an interpretable neural network to demonstrate that internal variability will continue to play an important role in future climate predictions, especially for states of increased predictability.

How to cite: Gordon, E. and Barnes, E.: An interpretable neural network approach to identifying sources of predictability in the future climate, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8000,, 2023.

EGU23-8296 | ECS | Orals | CL4.3 | Highlight

Better late than never: arrival of decadal predictions to the climate services arena 

Balakrishnan Solaraju-Murali, Dragana Bojovic, Nube Gonzalez-Reviriego, Andria Nicodemou, Marta Terrado, Louis-Philippe Caron, and Francisco J. Doblas-Reyes

Decadal prediction represents a source of near-term climate information that has the potential to support climate-related decisions in key socio-economic sectors that are influenced by climate variability and change. While the research to illustrate the ability of decadal predictions in forecasting the varying climate conditions on a multi-annual timescale is rapidly evolving, the development of climate services based on such forecasts is still in its early stages. This study showcases the potential value of decadal predictions in the development of climate services. We summarize the lessons learnt from coproducing a forecast product that provides tailored and user-friendly information about multi-year drought conditions for the coming five years over global wheat harvesting regions. The interaction between the user and climate service provider that was established at an early stage and lasted throughout the forecast product development process proved fundamental to provide useful and ultimately actionable information to the stakeholders concerned with food production and security. This study also provides insights on the potential reasons behind the delayed entry of decadal predictions in the climate services discourse and practice, which were obtained from surveying climate scientists and discussing with decadal prediction experts.

How to cite: Solaraju-Murali, B., Bojovic, D., Gonzalez-Reviriego, N., Nicodemou, A., Terrado, M., Caron, L.-P., and Doblas-Reyes, F. J.: Better late than never: arrival of decadal predictions to the climate services arena, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8296,, 2023.

EGU23-8750 | Orals | CL4.3

A simple coupled assimilation approach for improved initialization of decadal climate predictions 

Tim Kruschke, Mehdi Pasha Karami, David Docquier, Frederik Schenk, Ramon Fuentes Franco, Ulrika Willén, Shiyu Wang, Klaus Wyser, Uwe Fladrich, and Torben Koenigk

We introduce a simple data assimilation approach applied to the coupled global climate model EC-Earth3.3.1, aiming at producing initial conditions for decadal climate hindcasts and forecasts. We rely on a small selection of assimilated variables, which are available in a consistent manner for a long period, providing good spatial coverage for large parts of the globe, that is sea-surface temperatures (SST) and near-surface winds.

Given that these variables play a role directly at or very close to the ocean-atmosphere interface, we assume a comparably strong cross-component impact of the data assimilation. Starting from five different free-running CMIP6-historical simulations in 1900, we first apply surface restoring in the model’s ocean component towards monthly means of HadISST1. After integrating this five-member ensemble with only assimilating SST for the period 1900-1949, we start additionally assimilating (nudging) 6-hourly near-surface winds (vorticity and divergence) taken from the ERA5 reanalysis from 1950 onwards. To mitigate the risk of model drifts after initializing the decadal predictions and to account for known instationary biases of the model, we assimilate anomalies of all variables that are calculated based on a 30-year running mean.

By assimilating near-surface data over several decades before entering the actual period targeted by the decadal hindcasts/forecasts for CMIP6-DCPP, we expect the coupled model to be able to ingest a significant share of observed climate evolution also in deeper ocean layers. This would then potentially serve as a source of predictive skill on interannual-to-decadal timescales.

We show that the presented assimilation approach is able to force the coupled model’s evolution well in phase with observed climate variability, positively affecting not only near-surface levels of the atmosphere and ocean but also deeper layers of the ocean and higher levels of the atmosphere as well as Arctic sea-ice variability. However, we also present certain problematic features of our approach. Two examples are significantly strengthened low-frequency variability of the AMOC and a wind bias resulting into generally reduced evaporation over ocean areas.

How to cite: Kruschke, T., Karami, M. P., Docquier, D., Schenk, F., Fuentes Franco, R., Willén, U., Wang, S., Wyser, K., Fladrich, U., and Koenigk, T.: A simple coupled assimilation approach for improved initialization of decadal climate predictions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8750,, 2023.

The interdisciplinary research project "BayTreeNet" examines the reactions of forest ecosystems to climate dynamics. To establish a relationship between tree growth and climate, it is important to know that in the mid-latitudes, local climate phenomena often show a strong dependence on the large-scale climate weather types (WT), which significantly determine the climate of a region through frequency and intensity. Different WT show various weather conditions at different locations, especially in the topographically diverse region of Bavaria. The meaning of every WT is the physical basis for the climate-growth relationships established in the dendroecology sub-project to investigate the response of forests to individual WT at different forest sites. Complementary steps allow interpretation of results for the past (20th century) and projection into the future (21st century). One hypothesis is that forest sites in Bavaria are affected by a significant influence of climate change in the 21st century and the associated change in WT.

The automated classification of large-scale weather patterns is presented by Self-Organizing-Maps (SOM) developed by Kohonen, which enables visualization and reduction of high-dimensional data. The poster presents the SOM-setting which was used to classify the WT and the results of past environmental conditions (1990-2019) for different WT in Europe based on ERA5 data. Morover, it shows a future projection until 2100 for European WT and their respective environmental conditions. The projections are based on a novel GCM selection technique for two scenarios (ssp1-2.6 and ssp5-8.5) to obtain a range of the most likely conditions.

How to cite: Wehrmann, S. and Mölg, T.: GCM-based future projections of European weather types obtained by Self‑Organizing-Maps and a novel GCM selection technique, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8934,, 2023.

EGU23-9520 | Orals | CL4.3

Estimating the significance of the added skill from initializations: The case of decadal predictions 

Bo Christiansen, Shuting Yang, and Dominic Matte

A considerable part of the skill in decadal forecasts often come from the forcings which are present in both initialized and un-initialized model experiments. This makes the added value from initialization difficult to assess. We investigate statistical tests to quantify if initialized forecasts provide skill over the un-initialized experiments. We consider three correlation based statistics previous used in the literature. The distributions of these statistics under the null-hypothesis that initialization has no added values are calculated by a surrogate data method. We present some simple examples and study the statistical power of the tests. We find that there can be large differences in both the values and the power for the different statistics. In general the simple statistic defined as the difference between the skill of the initialized and uninitialized experiments behaves best. However, for all statistics the risk of rejecting the true null-hypothesis is too high compared to the nominal value.

We compare the three tests on initialized decadal predictions (hindcasts) of near-surface temperature performed with a climate model and find evidence for a significant effect of initializations for small lead-times. In contrast, we find only little evidence for a significant effect of initializations for lead-times larger than 3 years when the experience from the simple experiments is included in the estimation.

How to cite: Christiansen, B., Yang, S., and Matte, D.: Estimating the significance of the added skill from initializations: The case of decadal predictions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9520,, 2023.

EGU23-9986 | Posters on site | CL4.3

Probabilistic nonlinear lagged teleconnections of the sea surface temperature field 

Carlos Pires and Abdel Hannachi

The monthly anomaly sea surface temperature field over the global ocean exhibit probabilistic dependencies between remote points and lagged times, which are explained eventually by some oceanic or atmospheric bridge of information transfer. Despite much of the bivariate SST dependencies appear to be linear, others are characterized by robust and statistically significant nonlinear correlations. In order to enhance that, we present a general method of extracting bivariate (X,Y) dependencies, seeking for pairs of polynomials P(X) and Q(Y) which are maximally correlated. The method relies on a Canonical correlation Analysis (CCA) between sets of standardized monomials of X and Y, up to a certain (low) degree (e.g. 4). Polynomial coefficients are obtained from the leading CCA eigenvector. Polynomials are calibrated and validated over independent periods, being afterwards subjected to marginal Gaussian anamorphoses. The bivariate non-Gaussianity in the space of marginally Gaussianized polynomials remains residual because of the correlation concentration and maximization. Consequently, the bivariate Gaussian pdf or in alternative, a copula pdf in the space of maximally correlated polynomials can accurately approximate the bivariate dependency. That probabilistic model is then used to determine conditional pdfs, cdfs and probabilities of extremes.

The method is applied to various (X,Y) pairs. In the first example, X is an optimized polynomial of the El-Niño 3.4 index while Y is that index lagged to the future. For lags between 6 and 18 months, the nonlinear El-Niño forecast clearly surpasses the linear one, contributing to lower the El-Niño seasonal predictability barrier. In the second example, we relate El-Niño (X) with the lagged Atlantic multidecadal oscillation index (Y). Nonlinear, robust correlations appear, both for positive and negative lags up to 5 years putting in evidence Pacific-Atlantic basin oceanic teleconnections.

The above probabilistic (polynomial based) model appears to be a good candidate tool for the statistical (seasonal up to decadal) forecast of regime probabilities (e.g. dry/wet) and extremes, given certain antecedent precursors.

This work was funded by the Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) I.P./MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC) – UIDB/50019/2020- IDL and the project JPIOCEANS/0001/2019 (ROADMAP: ’The Role of ocean dynamics and Ocean–Atmosphere interactions in Driving cliMAte variations and future Projections of impact–relevant extreme events’). Acknowledgements are also due to the International Meteorological Institute (IMI) at Stockholm University.

How to cite: Pires, C. and Hannachi, A.: Probabilistic nonlinear lagged teleconnections of the sea surface temperature field, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9986,, 2023.

EGU23-13375 | ECS | Orals | CL4.3

Role of the subpolar North Atlantic region in skillful climate predictions for high northern latitudes: A pacemaker experiment 

Annika Drews, Torben Schmith, Shuting Yang, Steffen Olsen, Tian Tian, Marion Devilliers, Yiguo Wang, and Noel Keenlyside
Recent studies have suggested that the Atlantic water pathway connecting the subpolar North Atlantic (SPNA) with the Nordic Seas and Arctic Ocean may lead to skillful predictions of sea surface temperature and salinity anomalies in the eastern Nordic Seas. To investigate the role of the SPNA for such anomalies downstream, we designed a pacemaker experiment, using two decadal climate prediction systems based on EC-Earth3 and NorCPM. We focus on the subpolar extreme cold anomaly in 2015 and its subsequent development, a feature not well captured and predicted. The pacemaker experiment follows the protocol of the CMIP6 DCPP-A retrospective forecasts or hindcasts initialized November 1, 2014, but the models are forced to follow the observed ocean temperature and salinity anomalies in the SPNA from ocean reanalysis from November 2014 through to December 2019. Two sets of 10-year hindcasts are performed with 10 members for EC-Earth3 and 30 members for NorCPM. We here detail and discuss the design of this pacemaker experiment and present results, comparing with the initialized CMIP6 DCPP-A experiment assessing differences in decadal prediction skill outside the SPNA. We conclude that the pacemaker experiments show improved skill compared to the standard decadal predictions for the eastern Norwegian Sea, and therefore the SPNA is key for successful decadal predictions in the region.

How to cite: Drews, A., Schmith, T., Yang, S., Olsen, S., Tian, T., Devilliers, M., Wang, Y., and Keenlyside, N.: Role of the subpolar North Atlantic region in skillful climate predictions for high northern latitudes: A pacemaker experiment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13375,, 2023.

EGU23-13639 | Orals | CL4.3

Seasonal prediction of UK mean and extreme winds 

Julia Lockwood, Nicky Stringer, Katie Hodge, Philip Bett, Jeff Knight, Doug Smith, Adam Scaife, Matthew Patterson, Nick Dunstone, and Hazel Thornton

For several years the Met Office has produced a seasonal outlook for the UK every month, which is issued to the UK Government and contingency planners.  The outlook gives predictions of the probability of having average, low, or high seasonal mean UK temperature and precipitation for the coming three-months.  In recent years, there has been increasing demand from sectors such as energy and insurance to include similar probabilistic predictions of UK wind speed: both for the seasonal mean and for measures of extreme winds such as storm numbers.  In this presentation we show the skill of the Met Office’s GloSea system in predicting seasonal (three-month average) UK mean wind and a measure of UK storminess throughout the year, and discuss the drivers of predictability.  Skill in predicting the UK mean wind speed and storminess peaks in winter (December–February), owing to predictability of the North Atlantic oscillation.  In summer (June–August), there is evidence that a significant proportion of variability in UK winds is driven by a Rossby wave train which the model has little skill in predicting. Nevertheless there are signs that the wave is potentially predictable and skill may be improved by reducing model errors.

How to cite: Lockwood, J., Stringer, N., Hodge, K., Bett, P., Knight, J., Smith, D., Scaife, A., Patterson, M., Dunstone, N., and Thornton, H.: Seasonal prediction of UK mean and extreme winds, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13639,, 2023.

EGU23-13736 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.3

Decadal predictability of European temperature extremes. 

Eirini Tsartsali, Panos Athanasiadis, Stefano Tibaldi, and Silvio Gualdi

Accurate predictions of climate variations at the decadal timescale are of great interest for decision-making, planning and adaptation strategies for different socio-economic sectors. Notably, decadal predictions have rapidly evolved during the last 15 years and are now produced operationally worldwide. The majority of the studies assessing the skill of decadal prediction systems focus on time-mean anomalies of standard meteorological variables, such as annual mean near-surface air temperature and precipitation. However, the predictability of extreme events frequency may differ substantially from the predictability of multi-year annual or seasonal means. Predicting the frequency of extreme events at different timescales is of major importance, since they are associated with severe impacts on various natural and human systems. In the current study we evaluate the capability of state-of-the-art decadal prediction systems to predict the frequency of temperature extremes in Europe. More specifically, we assess the skill of a multi-model ensemble from the Decadal Climate Prediction Project (DCPP, 163 ensemble members from 12 models in total) to forecast the number of days belonging to heatwaves episodes during summer (June–August). We find statistically significant predictive skill over Europe, except for the United Kingdom and a large part of the Scandinavian Peninsula, most of which is associated with the long-term warming trend. We are progressing with the evaluation of other statistical aspects of extreme events, including warm and cold episodes during winter, and we are also investigating whether there is predictive skill beyond that stemming from the external forcing.  

How to cite: Tsartsali, E., Athanasiadis, P., Tibaldi, S., and Gualdi, S.: Decadal predictability of European temperature extremes., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13736,, 2023.

EGU23-13789 | Posters on site | CL4.3

Do oceanic observations (still) matter in initializing decadal climate predictions over the North Atlantic ocean? 

Sebastian Brune, Vimal Koul, and Johanna Baehr

Earth system models are now regularly being used in inter-annual to decadal climate prediction. Such prediction systems based on CMIP5-generation Earth system models had demonstrated an overall positive impact of initialization, i.e. deriving initial conditions of retrospective forecasts from a separate data assimilation experiment, on decadal prediction skill. This view is now being increasingly challenged in the context of improvements both in CMIP6-generation Earth system models and CMIP6-evaluation of external forcing as well as in the context of ongoing transient climate change. In this study we re-evaluate the impact of atmospheric and oceanic initialization on decadal prediction skill of North Atlantic upper ocean heat content (0-700m) in a CMIP6-generation decadal prediction system based on the Max Planck Institute Earth system model (MPI-ESM). We compare the impact of initial conditions derived through full-field atmospheric nudging with those derived through an additional assimilation of observed oceanic temperature and salinity profiles using an ensemble Kalman filter. Our experiments suggest that assimilation of observed oceanic temperature and salinity profiles into the model reduces the warm bias in the subpolar North Atlantic heat content, and improves the modelled variability of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation and ocean heat transport. These improvements enable a proper initialization of model variables which leads to an improved decadal prediction of surface temperatures. Our results reveal an important role of subsurface oceanic observations in decadal prediction of surface temperatures in the subpolar North Atlantic even in CMIP6-generation decadal prediction system.

How to cite: Brune, S., Koul, V., and Baehr, J.: Do oceanic observations (still) matter in initializing decadal climate predictions over the North Atlantic ocean?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13789,, 2023.

EGU23-14755 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.3

A low-dimensional dynamical systems approach to climate ensemble design and interpretation 

Francisco de Melo Viríssimo and David Stainforth

Earth System Models (ESMs) are complex, highly nonlinear, multi-component systems described by large number of differential equations. They are used to study the evolution of climate and its dynamics, and to make projection of future climate at both regional and global levels – which underpins climate change impact assessments such as the IPCC report. These projections are subject to several sorts of uncertainty due to high internal variability in the system dynamics, which are usually quantified via ensembles of simulations.

Due to their multi component nature of such ESMs, the emerging dynamics also contain different temporal scales, meaning that climate ensembles come in a variety of shapes and sizes. However, our ability to run such ensembles is usually constrained by the computational resources available, as they are very expensive to run. Hence, choices on the ensemble design must be made, which conciliate the computational capability with the sort of information one is looking for.

One alternative to gain information is to use low-dimensional climate-like systems, which consists of simplified, coupled versions of atmosphere, ocean, and other components, and hence capture some of the different time scales present in ESMs. This approach allows one to run very large ensembles, and hence to explore all sorts of model uncertainty with only modest computational usage.

In this talk, we discuss this approach in detail, and illustrate its applicability with a few results. Particular attention will be given to the issues of micro and macro initial condition uncertainty, and parametric uncertainty – including external, anthropogenic-like forcing. The ability of large ensembles to constrain decadal to centennial projections will be also explored.

How to cite: de Melo Viríssimo, F. and Stainforth, D.: A low-dimensional dynamical systems approach to climate ensemble design and interpretation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14755,, 2023.

EGU23-15829 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.3

Near term climate change in Emilia-Romagna (Italy) using CMIP6 decadal climate predictions 

Valeria Todaro, Marco D'Oria, Daniele Secci, Andrea Zanini, and Maria Giovanna Tanda

Ongoing climate change makes both short- and long-term adaptation and mitigation strategies urgently needed. While many long-term climate models have been developed and investigated in recent years, little attention has been paid to short-term simulations. The first attempts to perform multi-model initialized decadal forecasts were presented in the fifth Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 5 (CMIP5). Near-term climate prediction models are new socially relevant tools to support the decision makers delivering climate adaptation solutions on an annual or decadal scale. Recent improvements in decadal models were coordinated in CMIP6 and the World Climate Research Program (WCRP) Grand Challenge on Near Term Climate Prediction, as part of the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (AR6, IPCC). The Decadal Climate Prediction Project (DCPP) provides decadal climate forecasts based on advanced techniques for the reanalysis of climate data, initialization methods, ensemble generation and data analysis. The initialization allows to consider the predictability of the internal climate variability reducing the prediction errors compared to those of the long-term projections, whose simulations do not take into account the phasing between the internal variability of the model and the observations. The aim of this work is to assess the near-future climate change in the Emilia-Romagna region in northern Italy until 2031. The hydrological variables analyzed are the daily precipitation and maximum and minimum temperature. An ensemble of models, with the highest resolution available, is used to handle the uncertainty in the predictions. Initially, to assess the reliability of the selected climate models, the hindcast data of the DCPP are checked against observations. Then, the DCPP predictions are used to investigate the variability of precipitation and temperature in the near future over the investigated area. Some climate features that are referenced to have an important impact on human health and activities are evaluated, such as drought indices and heat waves.

How to cite: Todaro, V., D'Oria, M., Secci, D., Zanini, A., and Tanda, M. G.: Near term climate change in Emilia-Romagna (Italy) using CMIP6 decadal climate predictions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15829,, 2023.

EGU23-16034 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.3

Seasonal forecast of the Sudden Stratospheric Warming occurrence 

Mikhail Vokhmyanin, Timo Asikainen, Antti Salminen, and Kalevi Mursula

The polar vortex in the wintertime Northern Hemisphere can sometimes experience a dramatic breakdown after an associated warming of the stratosphere during so-called Sudden Stratospheric Warmings (SSWs). These events are known to influence the ground weather in Northern Eurasia and large parts of North America. SSWs are primarily generated by enhanced planetary waves propagating from the troposphere to the stratosphere where they decelerate the vortex and lead to its breakdown. According to the Holton-Tan mechanism, the easterly direction of equatorial stratospheric QBO (Quasi-Biennial Oscillation) winds weakens the northern polar vortex by guiding more waves poleward. Recently, we found that during easterly QBO the occurrence rate of SSWs is modulated by the geomagnetic activity. We used the aa-index which is a good proxy for the energetic electron precipitations (EEP) responsible for the indirect effect on ozone. Our model shows that the breaking of the polar vortex is very likely to occur if the geomagnetic activity is weak. On the other hand, during westerly QBO, solar irradiance modulates the SSW occurrence: more SSWs happen under high solar activity.

How to cite: Vokhmyanin, M., Asikainen, T., Salminen, A., and Mursula, K.: Seasonal forecast of the Sudden Stratospheric Warming occurrence, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16034,, 2023.

The state-of-the-art climate models suffer from significant sea surface temperature (SST) biases in the tropical Indian Ocean (TIO), greatly damaging the climate prediction and projection. In this study, we investigate the multidecadal atmospheric bias teleconnections caused by the TIO SST biases and their impacts on the simulated atmospheric variability. A set of century long simulations forced with idealized SST perturbations, resembling various persistent TIO SST biases in coupled climate models, are conducted with an intermediate complexity climate model. Bias analysis is performed using the normal-mode function decomposition which can differentiate between balanced and unbalanced flow regimes across spatial scales. The results show that the long-term atmospheric circulation biases caused by the TIO SST biases have the Matsuno-Gill-type pattern in the tropics and Rossby wavetrain distribution in the extratropics, similar to the steady state response to tropical heating. The teleconnection between the tropical and extratropical biases is set up by the Rossby wavetrain emanating from the subtropics. Over 90% of the total bias energy is stored in the zonal modes k≤6, and the Kelvin modes take 50-65% of the total unbalanced bias energy. The spatial and temporal variabilities have different responses to positive SST biases. In the unbalanced regime, variability changes are confined in the tropics, but the spatial variability increases whereas the temporal variability decreases. In the balanced regime, the spatial variability generally increases in the tropics and decreases in the extratropics, whereas the temporal variability decreases globally. Variability responses in the tropics are confined in the Indo-west Pacific region, and those in the extratropics are strong in the Pacific-North America region and the Europe. In the experiment with only negative SST biases, spatial and temporal variabilities increase in both regimes. In addition, the comparison between experiments indicates that the responses of the circulation and its variability are not sensitive to the structure and location of the TIO SST biases.

How to cite: Zhao, Y.-B., Žagar, N., Lunkeit, F., and Blender, R.: Long-term atmospheric bias teleconnection and the associated spatio-temporal variability originating from the tropical Indian Ocean sea surface temperature errors, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16899,, 2023.

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