Presentation type:
SSS – Soil System Sciences

EGU23-2801 | ECS | Orals | MAL10 | SSS Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award Lecture

Sustainable management of agricultural soils: Balancing multiple perspectives and tradeoffs 

Gina Garland

As the global population expands, the demand for food, fuel and fiber rises steadily. Meeting these needs in a sustainable manner, without depleting natural resources or polluting the environment remains one of the greatest challenges of our time. What is more, anticipating changes in these systems as a result of climate change, and across a multitude of environmental and socioeconomic contexts adds yet even further complexity to this already convoluted issue. 

At the heart of this matter lies agricultural soils, and how management practices are used to modify and adapt their capacity to sequester carbon and provide nutrients and water to growing plants. While soils are notoriously heterogenous on their own, this is further enhanced by their role as an important environmental reservoir linking plants and residues to soil microbial communities and soil fauna, the atmosphere, and water. Understanding how management practices influence these interactive aspects of the soil environment is key to developing agricultural management systems in a sustainable, effective and site-specific manner.

In this presentation I will highlight how it is vital for future studies to consider a) how management practices will simultaneously impact a variety of different soil functions or services, not just one or two, in order to assess environmental tradeoffs within a given system, b) how these are impacted across different spatial scales, and c) the importance of developing management practices that are adapted to local, site-specific conditions. It is clear that the complexity of modifying agricultural systems to survive in a rapidly changing climate demands interdisciplinary approaches. It is thus my hope that this presentation will foster open discussion and meaningful collaborations to address such challenging societal questions.

How to cite: Garland, G.: Sustainable management of agricultural soils: Balancing multiple perspectives and tradeoffs, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2801,, 2023.

EGU23-17578 | Orals | MAL10 | Alina Kabata-Pendias Medal Lecture

Can we clean up the earth? 

Ravi Naidu

Introduction: Contamination causes undue risks to society, ecosystems, water and soil resources, and threatens the viability of many industries1,2. As well as affecting soil, surface water and groundwater, air pollution has been recognised as one of the planet’s most challenging problems. This contamination of the living environment has been linked to 13.7 million deaths a year by the World Health Organisation, almost a quarter of all human fatalities Even more concerning are the nonlethal side effects of global contamination, e.g. the decline in human IQ, the collapse of male fertility, the increase in child developmental and mental disorders etc. which, on a daily basis, adds millions of dollars to medical costs and indeed impacts the quality of human life. Describing contamination’s impact by deaths alone understates the problem. It is the lifelong disabilities and suffering of a growing percentage of the population which is also a core issue. There are hardly any measures in place to minimise these impacts other than some regulatory measures that rarely include all toxins in circulation around the planet.

The extent and severity of air pollution depends on many factors – including population, industrial activities, and measures in place to minimise contamination – and thus varies considerably among and within countries. Although more than $US$2 billion is spent annually to manage or remediate contaminated land and water bodies in Australia, limited funds have been allocated towards the management or remediation of air. Globally, environmental management costs exceed $US750 billion per annum with US $65 to $85 billion of this used for clean-up costs. However, these costs do not include the medical costs linked to many debilitating human health issues confronted in most if not all countries globally.

Globally, it is estimated that there are more than 10 million potentially contaminated sites. Despite growing awareness of the risks of exposure to contaminants, activities that contribute to contamination of our environment are on the increase in many countries as populations grow and industrialisation increases. One reason for this is a lack of adherence to regulatory policies, especially in developing countries, many of which are chronically under-resourced. What is needed are global protocols for restricting the use of toxic chemicals and a global 'contamination IPCC' to oversee and reduce universal contamination. Take a metaphor of IPCC that the climate talk and action has been much visible as a result of forming Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 1988.

The proportion of contaminated sites that are successfully remediated is disconcertingly small. Uncertainties about the nature and extent of contamination can be a major constraint to sustainable development in both urban and rural areas, thereby increasing pressure on the use of limited uncontaminated land. Moreover, many techniques available for in situ or ex situ remediation are prohibitively expensive and thus poorly adopted.1

Unlike point source contamination associated with industrial activities, diffuse pollution, such as that encountered in broadacre or agricultural farmlands, poses a different challenge. Although the risk of direct exposure from soil to person is low, the bioaccumulation of contaminants into crops and subsequent exposure via food consumption poses a major risk to humans and also damages local and international trade. Added to these are the inherent dangers of chemical mixtures, even from innocuous substances. The dangers of chemical mixtures are rarely considered by regulatory jurisdictions and indeed industries linked to contaminants. Also, the absence of information about the toxicity of new and existing chemicals further constrains management of environmental contamination.

Although generally present in low concentrations, diffuse contamination is often difficult and expensive to remediate because it can be spread over very large areas.

Exposure risks: The risks associated with exposure to contaminants vary considerably depending on the source and pollutant matrix. While 4 million deaths per year are linked to soil, water or food contamination, a recent World Health Organization report estimates air pollution poses a much higher risk than other forms of pollution, killing an estimated 6 million people every year. UK estimates suggest that air pollution will make 2.4 million people ill in England between now and 2035 and the healthcare and social costs of air pollution could reach US $23 billion by 2035.3 Air pollution is now seen as the invisible killer. Air pollution is caused almost entirely due to the use of fossil fuels and is expected to decline as they are phased out. Furthermore, environmental management is constrained by the highly leachable nature of soils in countries with sub-humid to humid tropical conditions (compared to soils in USA and Europe), and this limits application of technologies developed elsewhere. To make sound risk and remediation decisions, we need to refine the way we assess risks from contaminants. We need improved data and protocols that provide reliable prediction of exposures and the associated human/eco-impacts. We also need improved monitoring and assessment procedures and instrumentation for contaminants to deliver reliable, accurate data on contaminant presence and fate.

Clean up: The cost of clean-up continues to rise given the challenges of remediating both surface and subsurface contamination. Soil is now seen as a complex heterogeneous system that, once contaminated (especially when coupled with groundwater), is not easily remediated. Furthermore, drastic risk control (e.g. cleaning up sites to background concentrations or to the levels suitable for sensitive land use) is rarely technically or economically feasible. It is thus desirable to apply remedial approaches that reduce the risk of contamination while allowing the soil to remain on site. This approach to site remediation, which is gaining increasing acceptance, is commonly known as risk-based land management.

While clean-up is desirable it does not address and will never solve the overall contamination problem. It treats only one of the symptoms. What is needed is a global treaty to reduce Earth system contamination at source – i.e. to prevent pollution occurring in the first place by not releasing any more untested chemicals, maintaining a global inventory of what is released, and pinpointing major sources of toxicity (e.g. plastics in the home).

While the act of contaminating the environment may itself expend low energy and cost, the complex nature of contaminants – coupled with the heterogeneity of media in which contamination resides, risks and multiple receptors – means that the act of cleaning up is complex and cost- and energy-intensive. Given our planet’s large number of contaminated sites, the fragmented approach along national lines and the slow pace of remediation, it will take many generations to clean up the Earth, and we will never achieve the pristine conditions that existed prior to human civilisation.

Can we clean up the earth? This paper has provided an overview of the extent of global contamination, its risks and impacts, the challenges to remediation, and why a clean Earth is humanity’s next great challenge. The paper has also proposed that an international ‘contamination IPCC’ is necessary to meet this challenge. An international body of this type could champion a coordinated approach to the following issues.

Global issues that need to be considered:
(a)    The development of a comprehensive database and international chemical inventory and improved exposure pathway models that would assist with risk assessment of contaminated sites and air pollution.
(b)    The prioritisation of action for target contaminants/circumstances, especially for recalcitrant contaminants and mixtures in complex environments or where high risks are posed.
(c)    The development of specific remediation techniques relevant to region- or country-specific conditions, and demonstration of those techniques at national scale to encourage uptake.
(d)    The development of a database that provides the basis for a decision-support system on techniques for remediation or management of contaminated sites.
(e)    The availability of highly qualified environmental management and risk assessment graduates.
(f)    Environmental legislators with expertise in assessment and management of site contamination.
(g)    Trained professionals who can assist with the social implications of contaminants.
(h)    A global industry training program to raise industry awareness of the effects of global poisoning (which they ignore) and build a culture of stewardship for dangerous products.

Capacity building: Addressing the issues outlined above will also require a significant effort to build sufficient skilled capacity around the globe. There is strong demand for trained graduates with expertise in not only environmental management but also legal and social issues relating to contaminated soils.

Conclusion: The large number of contaminated sites together with increasing evidence of health effects from the consumption of foods grown on contaminated sites or farms with low level of contamination suggests that there would be considerable benefit in assembling a focussed group of international leaders in the field – through mechanisms such as the globalCARE™ initiative – to tackle these problems on a global scale. Members of this group should have skills to develop technology for (a) assessment of risks, and (b) management or remediation of degraded environments contaminated from both point and dispersed sources. A well-resourced international group such as this, together with a global treaty to reduce contamination at its source, may be able to reverse the trend and in time may well be able clean up the earth.


1.    Naidu, R. (2013). Recent Advances in Contaminated Site Remediation. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 224(12), 1705.
2.    Naidu, R. et al. (2021). Chemical pollution: A growing peril and potential catastrophic risk to humanity. Environment International. 156, 106616.
3.    Kass, D. (2018). Air pollution kills six million people every year: it's time for us to wake up to this grave threat. The Telegraph, 27 September 2018. 









How to cite: Naidu, R.: Can we clean up the earth?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17578,, 2023.

Growth and death of microorganisms is central to the understanding of almost all global element cycles. To grow, heterotrophic microorganisms need to assimilate organic carbon, and to sustain a flux of readily available organic carbon, they need to depolymerize and deconstruct soil organic matter. When soil organisms die, their remnants become part of the soil organic matter. Thus, the processes that lead to both the decomposition and the accumulation of organic matter in terrestrial environments, are driven by the growth, activity and turnover of heterotrophic microbial communities in soil. Yet, little is known about how microbial growth, turnover, and activity is controlled in the current and in a future climate. In this lecture, I will share insights from a range of experiments that aimed at understanding the effects of soil warming, elevated CO2, and drought, alone or in combination on microbial growth, turnover, and carbon use efficiency. I will draw on examples not only from my own work, but those of others, covering different levels of resolution, from the growth of microbial communities to that of individual bacterial taxa. I will argue that activity, growth, and turnover of microorganisms are the fundamental units of biogeochemical functioning in soils and that we need to move beyond the commonly reported metrices in soil ecology, and even beyond measuring rates of decomposition and mineralization themselves, if we are to understand the effects of climate changes on soil processes.

How to cite: Richter, A.: What controls carbon and nutrient cycling in soil? Microbial growth as the fundamental driver of soil biogeochemistry., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10907,, 2023.

SSS0 – Inter- and Transdisciplinary Sessions

High urbanization rate and climate change are the main drivers of urban floods in developing countries. The increase in urban flooding incidents has become a significant threat to cities, which also result into considerable losses of life and the economy. Adapting to the risks of a changing climate and ill-effects of urbanization is imperative for national and local governments. This calls for a functionally and structurally resilient urban drainage infrastructure. Functional resilience is the coping capacity of system against external threats such as urbanization and climate change, whereas structural resilience is the resilience against internal failures such as blockage of inlets or sewers, structural damage of a pipe, bed load sediment deposition, asset aging/decay, and sewer collapse. This work aims to understand the impact of nature-based solutions on urban drainage resilience. Various researchers have identified Low Impact development (LID) practices as a potential solution to enhance drainage systems' resilience. LID can be defined as a land development and retrofit strategy that emphasizes the protection and use of distributed interventions to reduce the volume and rate of stormwater runoff from a developed landscape. In the present study, the green roofs and rain gardens are simulated in a part of Gurugram city of India using the Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) 5.2. Sensitivity analysis is conducted to overcome the problem of a lack of in-depth data to perform model calibration and validation. The simulations were carried out by developing various scenarios for functional and structural resilience assessment. The results indicate that if 25% of potential subcatchments are deployed with LIDs, functional resiliency of the system enhances by 25%, and structural resilience of vulnerable nodes decreases by 17%.  The study reveals that introduction of LIDs aids into enhancing the functional resilience of the system rather than structural resilience. This research provides evidence of LIDs' positive influence on the resilience performance of drainage systems. Overall, the study can help urban planners and drainage management engineers to develop understanding on LIDs role vis-à-vis city's resilience to urban flood problems.

How to cite: Mehta, O., Kansal, M. L., and Bisht, D. S.: Integrating Green and Grey Infrastructure for Resilience Enhancement of Conventional Urban Drainage System and its Evaluation through Modeling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-137,, 2023.

EGU23-569 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.4/SSS0.1

The positive effect of Nature-based Solutions for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in Mediterranean agroecosystems: a meta-analysis  

Miguel Rodrigues, Luís Filipe Antunes Dias, and João Pedro Carvalho Nunes

The increasingly frequent impacts of climate change in the Mediterranean region challenge the resilience and sustainability of the region's agroecosystems. In this context, Nature-based Solutions (NbS) emerge as a sustainable strategy to address climate change adaptation and mitigation. Extensive literature focuses on the analysis of NbS to address this problem, although no analysis discriminates against the individual and combined effect of NbS in agroecosystems. In this work, we capitalize on state-of-the-art results and present a random-effects meta-analysis of NbS. Our analysis focuses on a cohort of 80 NbS for agricultural land management, such as conservation tillage practices, soil-improving cropping systems, organic amendments and fertilizers, and landscape solutions. We used response ratios as effect sizes to determine the most suitable NbS for improving soil health. We built a database with field-scale data from 70 published case studies comparing NbS and conventional agricultural management practices in agroecosystems in 12 countries with a Mediterranean climate. Our analysis results from a literature selection of 988 scientific articles published from 2019 to 2022. We have analyzed the combined effect that NbS have on soil's ability to retain water, organic matter, and carbon and to reduce soil loss. To further understand the influence of abiotic factors, we also analyze the impact of precipitation, soil texture, and irrigation systems on the effects of NbS. These results shall contribute to leveraging climate change adaptation in Mediterranean agroecosystems, addressing land and water-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

How to cite: Rodrigues, M., Antunes Dias, L. F., and Carvalho Nunes, J. P.: The positive effect of Nature-based Solutions for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in Mediterranean agroecosystems: a meta-analysis , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-569,, 2023.

EGU23-934 | Posters on site | ITS3.4/SSS0.1 | Highlight

Towards implementation of hybrid solutions for flood risk management under climate change 

Nejc Bezak, Mojca Šraj, Pavel Raška, Lenka Slavikova, and Jiri Jakubínský

Climate change is expected to affect the frequency, magnitude, and seasonality of several rainfall-related hazards, including flooding as one of the costliest hazards in Europe. Recent studies have shown that flood risk in Europe is both increasing and decreasing, with increases in most eastern and southern European countries, including Slovenia and Czechia. In addition, significant changes in the seasonal occurrence of floods have also been observed in Europe, thus challenging conventional approaches to flood risk management.

As natural hazards have major impacts on infrastructure, human lives, and habitats, and cause large social and economic damages, it is clear that adaptation measures aimed at both prevention and mitigation of impacts must be considered to cope with climate change. To deal with the changing occurrence and characteristics of floods, different types of measures need to be adopted, including green, blue, and grey measures or combinations of these. Although their application is currently emphasized, purely green or blue-green measures in some cases may not be insufficient to cope with predicted future climate hazards. Additionally, implementation of such measures often encounter resistance in planning departments and among decision makers due to institutional path dependency related to the history of utilizing grey infrastructure measures. This is especially the case for some Central-Eastern European countries. An alternative are hybrid solutions that combine parts of grey and green infrastructure, since these kinds of measures can reflect the variety of environmental conditions. However, not much attention has been given to the documentation and evaluation of hybrid infrastructure in comparison to purely green measures. Hence, there are still several open questions related to the implementation and functioning of solutions combining elements of green and grey measures, so called hybrid solutions.

The main objective of this contribution is to present the theoretical framework, research design and initial research steps of a newly launched international project focusing on: (i) enhancement of documentation and standardization related to hybrid solutions, (ii) development and testing of applicability and social acceptability of specific hybrid infrastructure in different environments and climate change scenarios, and (iii) environmental modelling and evaluation of effectiveness of different measures from the perspective of the flood risk management. Within the project, the effects of hybrid solutions on flood hazard and hydrological regime of the landscape will be modelled for selected small catchments in Slovenia and Czechia, but the standardization of hybrid solutions will enable to extrapolate our results beyond Central and Eastern Europe.  

Acknowledgment: The research was conducted within the project [Evaluation of hazard-mitigating hybrid infrastructure under climate change scenarios] co-granted by Slovenian Research Agency (J6-4628) and Czech Science Foundation (22-04520L). 

How to cite: Bezak, N., Šraj, M., Raška, P., Slavikova, L., and Jakubínský, J.: Towards implementation of hybrid solutions for flood risk management under climate change, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-934,, 2023.

Recent disasters have demonstrated the challenges faced by our global society because of the increasing complexity of disasters caused by natural hazards. For example, a community hit by a natural hazard while still recovering from the impacts of an earlier hazard faces many different challenges than when it is hit by a single hazard that occurs in isolation. With growing awareness of this complexity and its impact on disaster risk, there has been a push, from scientists as well as international organizations such as the UNDRR, for disaster risk research to account for these complexities. This research has aimed to take an increasingly integrated approach, often bridging across individual hazard types to accomplish a more comprehensive understanding of overall risk.


Incorporating spatiotemporal dynamics of all risk components (i.e., hazards, exposure, and vulnerability) is key to accurately modelling compound and multi-hazard risk events. There is great potential to better capturedynamics between and within risk components by learning from common approaches and methods used in different research communities. For example, recent years have seen a growing attention for research into compound hazards and hazard drivers using methods such as storylines, agent-based models, and system dynamics, all novelties for this field of research. An important, less studied aspect is that of the dynamics of vulnerability. Many of these once-novel methods now applied in compound hazard research have the potential to improve modelling capabilities of other compound risk aspects, such as vulnerability dynamics. This talk will highlight recent developments in assessing the complexities of disaster risk and discuss potential opportunities to further advance our modelling capabilities through multidisciplinary exchanges.

How to cite: de Ruiter, M.: The challenges of risk dynamics and how to assess them, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1243,, 2023.

In Mediterranean areas, rainfall is one of the main variables affecting the control of eco-geomorphological processes. Water erosion processes, sealing and degradation of soils, reduction of the amount of water available for vegetation, modification of hydrological regimes can be cited among the most remarkable. Thus, the modifications in climatic variables resulting from Global Change are having an impact on the Mediterranean eco-geomorphological system, especially issues associated with water risks. Specifically, a dual pattern can be observed: on the one hand, a notable increase in the recurrence of the number of torrential events and an increase in the risk of water erosion, and on the other hand, an increase in the intensity or frequency of droughts, determining productivity and ecological and economic values due to the reduction in the availability of water in the soil. In this context, the research has focused on a traditionally agricultural territory that is highly fragile to these processes, namely GIAHS (Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems) dedicated to the raisin production in the Axarquia (Malaga, Spain). The main objective has been to (i) assess the impact of the most important water risks and (ii) identify the main Nature-based Solutions (NbS) implemented as adaptive mechanisms that have been implemented to ensure food security and the sustainability of these areas. To achieve these objectives, the rainfall dynamics have been statistically analysed with the data downloaded from nine meteorological stations of the SAIH Hidrosur Network located in the region (1997-2021). In addition, a total of 60 soil samples have been collected and analysed for the estimation of soil water erosion rates, based on the RUSLE model, and for the evaluation of its hydrological dynamics in recent decades. Finally, the NbS identified in the study area have been qualitatively assessed and analysed from an ecosystemic and agricultural approach. The results show an increased water stress in this GIAHS area according to the projections published by the latest IPCC report for the Mediterranean region. A slight tendency to concentration and increased rainfall erosivity is detected, as well as a lower water availability in soil for crop phenology. Similarly, soil erosion rates show very high values, with slopes exceeding 250 t ha-1 year-1) However, agricultural practices and the different structures identified have been determinant in the control of these natural risks, being considered as sustainable adaptation strategies and conforming as NbS.

How to cite: Sillero-Medina, J. A. and Ruiz-Sinoga, J. D.: Nature-based solutions to address water threats in the Mediterranean region. A characterisation of the GIAHS area of Axarquia (Málaga, Spain), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1521,, 2023.

EGU23-1871 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.4/SSS0.1

Seaweed as a resilient food solution in nuclear winter 

Florian Ulrich Jehn, Farrah Jasmine Dingal, Aron Mill, Ekaterina Ilin, Cheryl Harrison, Michael Y. Roleda, and David Denkenberger

Abrupt sunlight reduction scenarios such as a nuclear winter, an asteroid impact or an eruption of a supervolcano would decimate agriculture as it is practised today. We therefore need resilient food sources for such an event. One promising candidate is seaweed, as it can grow quickly in a wide range of environmental conditions. To explore the feasibility of seaweed in a nuclear winter, we simulate the growth of seaweed on a global scale using an empirical model based on Gracilaria tikvahiae forced by nuclear winter climate simulations. We assess how quickly global seaweed production could be scaled to provide a significant fraction of global food demand. We find seaweed can be grown in tropical oceans, even in nuclear winter. The simulated growth is high enough to allow a scale up to an equivalent of 70 % of the global human caloric demand, while only using a small fraction of the global ocean area. The results also show that the growth of seaweed increases with the severity of the nuclear war, as more nutrients become available due to upwelling. This means that seaweed has the potential to be a viable resilient food source for abrupt sunlight reduction scenarios. 

How to cite: Jehn, F. U., Dingal, F. J., Mill, A., Ilin, E., Harrison, C., Roleda, M. Y., and Denkenberger, D.: Seaweed as a resilient food solution in nuclear winter, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1871,, 2023.

EGU23-2659 | Posters on site | ITS3.4/SSS0.1

Sustainability of Pastoralism: Climate Change Risk to Rangelands in Eurasia 

Banzragch Nandintsetseg, Jinfeng Chang, and Omer L. Sen

Climate change is projected to increase the aridity of semi-arid ecosystems, including Eurasian rangelands (EAR), which provide ecosystem services that support food supply and pastoralist lifestyles. Climate hazards are expected to become more frequent and intense, leading to the most significant risk to pastoralists and impacting their future sustainability. There is an urgent need for research-based interventions that can help herder communities adapt to future risks. However, rigorous impact assessments of climate change on pastoralism-based livelihoods considering region-specific socioeconomic changes in the Eurasian Drylands are relatively neglected research areas with limited knowledge. Thus, we assess the climate change risk to rangelands in Eurasia under regional grazing patterns and intensity across EAR spatial domain (34−56◦ N, 20−130◦ E: West Asia, Central Asia and East Asia) during 1971–2100. We conducted a grid-scale (0.5 °× 0.5°) probabilistic risk assessment of EAR in the context of climate change based on probability theory. Risk is quantified as the product of the probability of a hazardous drought and vulnerability of the ecosystem. The probability of hazardous drought is defined by the Standardized Precipitation–Evapotranspiration Index. Vulnerability is defined as the expected difference in key ecosystem variables between years with and without hazardous conditions. The ecosystem variables were productivity (aboveground biomass, net primary productivity, soil carbon, and leaf area index) and plant-available soil moisture in the root zone, simulated with a process-based ecosystem model ORCHIDEE-GM (Organizing Carbon and Hydrology in Dynamic Ecosystems-Grassland Management) validated with field observations of biomass and soil moisture. Climate data were based on gridded observations and projections of CMIP6 the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6) using scenarios ssp1-2.6, ssp3-7.0, and ssp5-8.5. Historical land-use data were based on the number of province-based livestock during 1971–2019. The constant value of 2019 is used to simulate the future impact of grazing on EAR. The results revealed that EAR experienced more frequent hazardous droughts with rapid warming and slight drying during 1971−2020, aggravated by increasing grazing intensity, which resulted in a reduction in soil water availability and grassland productivity, particularly in northeastern areas. In the future, climate change will lead to increased droughts in the EAR under these three scenarios. These great drought hazards increase the risk of rangeland productivity in the EAR, particularly in the western and southern parts of Central and Eastern Asia.

How to cite: Nandintsetseg, B., Chang, J., and Sen, O. L.: Sustainability of Pastoralism: Climate Change Risk to Rangelands in Eurasia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2659,, 2023.

As a vital element of public spaces, trees in urban settings are acclaimed to offer numerous social and environmental benefits, making them a quintessential nature-based solution for a more sustainable city. While carbon sequestration, air quality, and urban heat island mitigation benefits have long been acknowledged, less emphasis is directed to utilizing the hydrologic function of trees in terms of stormwater runoff reduction in the urban environment and this benefit is often underutilized. For urban areas with high proportions of impervious surfaces, increasing the percentage of tree canopy cover and green spaces is crucial in restoring the natural functioning of the ecosystem and water cycle. Within the framework of our ongoing research, we are investigating the positive impacts of trees (i.e., single tree elements, forests) as nature-based solutions on the urban water cycle using field measurements of rainfall partitioning, runoff, soil moisture, and infiltration from experimental catchments in the city of Ljubljana, Slovenia which started on August of 2021. Preliminary results revealed that open-grown birch (deciduous) and pine (coniferous) tree canopies intercepted a relative amount of gross rainfall with pine trees having a greater interception capacity. The following trees also modified the drop size distribution (e.g., drop number, diameter, fall velocity) of below-canopy rainfall before reaching the ground, thus attenuating the mean and maximum 10-minute rainfall intensities by 42-50% and 40-44%, respectively, depending on canopy phenoseasons. Such reduction in the intensity of rainfall has a significant effect on the peak water level of event runoff which could provide important information for understanding the runoff generation process. Moreover, this benefit with the root system of trees has a positive impact on the condition and structure of soils in urban areas promoting infiltration, preferential flow, and soil water recharge. In addition to this, tree canopies also dampen the average kinetic energies of rainfall to cause soil erosion by 34%. These initial findings suggest that the hydrological benefits of trees in the urban environment are adequate to warrant a further investigation into their potential to regulate the flow mechanisms of stormwater runoff and reduce urban pluvial flooding. Thus, it is also imperative to explore how the integration of trees interacts with other stormwater control measures and how this interaction could leverage their functions. This will deliver invaluable information to urban planners, landscape designers, stormwater management experts, and decision-makers on the need to expand the efforts of urban greening to address the associated adverse impacts of rapid urbanization and various environmental challenges.


Acknowledgments: Results are part of the CELSA project entitled “Interception experimentation and modelling for enhanced impact analysis of nature-based solution” and research programmes and projects P2-0180, J6-4629, and N2-0313 financed by the Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS).

How to cite: Alivio, M. B. and Bezak, N.: Role of trees as part of the nature-based solutions in cities and their effects on stormwater runoff generation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3140,, 2023.

EGU23-3378 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.4/SSS0.1

Negative year-to-year agricultural yield extremes projected to occur more frequently under global warming 

Leonard Borchert, Anton Orlov, Jonas Jägermeyer, Christoph Müller, and Jana Sillmann

Studies on projected agricultural yields focus on end-of-century scenarios. Simulations from the Global Gridded Crop Model Intercomparison (GGCMI) Project phase 3b show conflicting results for global and regional changes of different crops by the end of the century. Here, we interrogate the same simulations, focusing on year-to-year variations of agricultural yields in the important staple crops maize, rice, soybean and wheat.

An ensemble of GGCMI models shows a larger agreement on the variations of crop yields than for the long-term trend. Year-to-year variations of projected crop yields become more pronounced over time, especially so for negative crop yield anomalies. As a result, the frequency of negative global crop yield extremes increases with global warming. We show that these negative yield extremes may occur for individual or multiple crops at the same time, and may originate from individual or multiple regions. North America dominates global maize and soybean yield extremes (57% and 44% of all significant global extremes, respectively), and South East Asia and South Asia are important for rice extremes (24% and 22%, respectively), while regional results are inconclusive for wheat. Multi-crop extremes occur most commonly for the combination of maize and soybean, and are dominated by the North America region. Based on these findings, we show that depending on the region and crop, persistent spring or summer drought, cold or heat can be associated with years of global and regional negative agricultural yield extremes.

Our results show how specific climatic boundary conditions can lead to year-to-year extremes in important staple crops, highlighting the potential to anticipate such events in the future.

How to cite: Borchert, L., Orlov, A., Jägermeyer, J., Müller, C., and Sillmann, J.: Negative year-to-year agricultural yield extremes projected to occur more frequently under global warming, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3378,, 2023.

In light of the hysteresis and acceleration of the climate crisis, climate overshoot has only recently been acknowledged as inevitable. As the IPCC belatedly reports, current pledges are not even remotely on track to limit global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels (Anderson 2015, IPCC 2018). Further, no amount of future emissions reductions can suffice to avert climate overshoot. Hence, this presentation critically analyses the proposition that a climate change technofix – namely Negative Emission Technologies (NETs) – is the only potentially efficacious means to avert runaway climate change (Carton 2020, Reynolds 2015).

However, not only is the efficacy of NETs to reduce sufficient greenhouse gas concentrations highly dubious, but any such technofix requires gambling on a host of unknown unknowns – namely, the inexorable complexity of the Earth System, coupled with planetary-scale interventions in the crisis. Therein, this presentation explores the linkages between extreme climate and societal dynamics surrounding risk, offering a theoretical study from the fields of social sciences and humanities as to the non-linearity of cascades and feedbacks between the biosphere and society.

To do so, I put forth a critique of how normative ethics remains anchored in rigid positions of anachronistic risk aversion, given how any attempted climate technofix entails unprecedented realms of risk and uncertainty. Using the frameworks of the Environmental Humanities, and Science & Technology Studies, I critically engage with the risk ethics of imminent climate overshoot, in relation to the interventionist gambles proposed by NETs through Synthetic Biology and Climate Engineering. Given the scale of the unknown unknowns unleashed by the Anthropocene, I present gambling as the most apt analogy for both the absurdity (and denied imminence) of the existential predicament, as well as the sheer improbability that any technofix can be invented in a sufficiently short time and implemented on a sufficiently large scale.

Given the profound social, cultural and ethical dimensions that this entails, discussion will include an overview of outreach activities I have undertaken as a Chief Investigator at the Australian Research Council Centre for Excellence in Synthetic Biology, including the At Risk in the Climate Crisis symposium and podcast series that I co-produced in 2021-22. Overall, in the context of the rapidly diminishing prospect for any efficacious environmental action, the presentation contemplates the unthinkable questions that our current situation demands we ask, and perhaps even try to answer.

How to cite: Wodak, J.: The Non-Linearity of Cascades and Feedbacks Between The Biosphere and Society: Risk Ethics for a Climate Change Technofix, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3746,, 2023.

EGU23-4088 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.4/SSS0.1

Analysing Trade-Offs between Safety from Tsunamis Risk and Views of Ocean Water Using an Optimal Residential Area Model 

Fuko Nakai, Tatsuya Uchiuzo, Kazuaki Okubo, and Eizo Hideshima

Disaster risk reduction has become an increasingly prominent concern in urban planning due to recent catastrophic disasters such as the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011. Building levees or relocating to higher ground are measures used to reduce the risk of tsunamis. However, if those measures are implemented too extensively, they may obstruct views of coastal water that benefit residents. Environments where residents can visually access the waterfront are crucial for promoting awareness of river and disaster risk reduction and repairing the way we interact with nature. However, in Japan, safety has frequently been prioritized by ignoring the views of coastal water that may be lost.

This study developed an optimal residential area model for analysing the trade-offs between safety from tsunamis and views of coastal water (hereafter, ocean views), which will be able to support detailed urban planning. The model comprises weighted multicriteria, that is, the total tsunami risk and ocean views with controlling optimal allocations of population. Here we optimized “Improved Potential Achievement (IPA).” This indicated the extent to which the respective optimal value achieved has been achieved against the value (improved potential) of the two objectives being optimized alone as a baseline. 

We used the viewshed analysis to quantify ocean views. The analysis used the elevation value of each cell of the digital elevation model (DEM) to determine the visibility of a particular point of the ocean from a specific residential mesh. Using the visibility between specific locations, we conceptualized the index of “the ocean view presence” and “the width of the ocean view”. The ocean view presence expresses how many locations in a particular residential mesh have an ocean view. Meanwhile, the width of the ocean view expresses whether people have a panoramic view of the open ocean or whether they can only see a small area of ocean. We quantified ocean views using these indices.

We applied the model to Kuroshio, a tsunami-prone area along the Nankai Trough in Japan and the optimal residential area is calculated for each 500-meter mesh. The results of the sensitivity analysis that changed the weight β (0<β<1) of the safety from tsunami criteria showed trade-offs in which the more safety from tsunami risk is weighted, the more the view of ocean water in the target area is reduced. If weight β is larger than 0.7, ocean views decreases steadily. This is a case study of a specific area and such results are not spatially consistent in all areas. However, similar trade-offs are likely to be obtained in areas with the ocean and mountains in close proximity. This analytical technique is likely to be useful in pre-disaster recovery planning that explores induction-encouraged residential areas that benefit safety from tsunamis and ocean views.

How to cite: Nakai, F., Uchiuzo, T., Okubo, K., and Hideshima, E.: Analysing Trade-Offs between Safety from Tsunamis Risk and Views of Ocean Water Using an Optimal Residential Area Model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4088,, 2023.

EGU23-4262 | Posters virtual | ITS3.4/SSS0.1

Governance Innovations for Nature-based Solutions from Translocal Networks 

Rui Shi and Haozhi Pan

Environmental governance innovation, especially nature-based solutions (NbS), is gaining scholarly attention over the past years due to issues including urban expansion and climate change. Most existing studies of such innovation focus on national, provincial or single city level, while few explore the translocal interactions among urban agglomeration levels. This paper illustrates the process of emergence and adoption of environmental governance innovations in the context of NbS. Furthermore, this paper analyzes the contributing factors of the innovation processes with particular focus on the role of translocal governance networks that involves the center and local governments, urban agglomeration networks and non-governmental actors.

Event history analysis is used to understand the sources and processes of environmental innovation generation and adoption. Environmental innovation event history is established via obtaining policy documents published on government portals across the country and case reports published by mainstream media from 2011 to 2021. Then, we use the pooled regression model to explain the probability of innovation being generated or adopted to analyze the contributing factors of environmental governance innovation in urban agglomeration. Vertical, horizontal, internal and external interactions are measured and used to explain the processes with other explanatory variables including political factors, economic factors, and other socioeconomic covariates. The following results are expected. First, environmental governance innovations mostly originate from external factors, such as breakthrough of environmental technology and global environmental alliances, and are generated from both central and provincial government. Second, the probability of innovation adoption is positively correlated with interactions across and within urban agglomeration, and the frequencies of vertical, internal and external interactions, and significantly negatively correlated with horizontal interaction factors. Third, economic and educational factors are expected to have the most significant influence on the probability of innovation generation; among social factors, population density could be negatively correlated with the probability of innovation generation. The findings of this study can further optimize relationship between local actors and governance structure to promote environmental governance innovation.

How to cite: Shi, R. and Pan, H.: Governance Innovations for Nature-based Solutions from Translocal Networks, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4262,, 2023.

EGU23-4599 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.4/SSS0.1

A multiple-benefit framework for implementing nature-based solutions using conservation finance 

Tessa Maurer, Kimberly Seipp, Micah Elias, and Phil Saksa

Sitting at the intersection of knowledge production and project implementation, our work as conservation finance project developers leverages economic and other benefits of environmental restoration to attract new and diverse funding sources for nature-based solutions (NBS). Our work supports project activities ranging from variable density thinning and prescribed burning to low-tech and process-based riparian restoration. In our experience, NBS presents a powerful, cost-effective opportunity to create scaled improvements in ecosystem function. However, funding NBS projects can be challenging, as some NBS outcomes are only achieved through large-scale landscape restoration, which is expensive, or are realized gradually over a period of time following restoration activities. Conservation finance is one tool that can catalyze meaningful NBS work at scale by providing the necessary upfront capital for projects while contracting funding commitments based on outcomes over time. Using several examples of successful NBS projects, we present a process-based, multiple-benefit framework to demonstrate how NBS can be leveraged to increase funds and enable financing. This framework is grounded in western U.S. forest management to address catastrophic wildfire, but can be applied in other regions and for other types of restoration activities. This approach addresses the logistical, governance, and sociocultural challenges we have encountered to leveraging NBS within a conservation finance framework. We also propose future avenues of research to help increase investment based on NBS. These include formalizing metrics for measuring and monitoring of different NBS activities, managing the uncertainty and expectations around outcomes of NBS projects, and incorporating the future impacts of climate change into NBS models and planning. By describing this work in a U.S. context, we hope to catalyze a discussion about how the needs and opportunities identified in our projects can inform work in Europe and vice versa.

How to cite: Maurer, T., Seipp, K., Elias, M., and Saksa, P.: A multiple-benefit framework for implementing nature-based solutions using conservation finance, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4599,, 2023.

EGU23-4835 | Orals | ITS3.4/SSS0.1

Extreme rainfall reduces one-twelfth of China’s rice yield 

Yiwei Jian, Jin Fu, Xuhui Wang, and Feng Zhou

Extreme climate events constitute a major risk to global food production. Among these, the extreme rainfall is often dismissed from historical analyses and future projections, whose impacts and mechanisms remain poorly understood. Here, we find that rice yield reductions due to extreme rainfall in China were comparable to those induced by extreme heat over the last two decades, reaching 7.6 ± 0.9% (one standard error) according to nationwide observations and 8.1 ± 1.1% according to the crop model incorporating the mechanisms revealed from manipulative experiments. Extreme rainfall reduces rice yield mainly by limiting nitrogen availability for tillering that lowers per-area effective panicles and by exerting physical disturbance on pollination that declines per-panicle filled grains. Considering these mechanisms, we projected ~8% additional yield reduction due to extreme rainfall under warmer climate by the end of the century. These findings demonstrate the critical importance to account for extreme rainfall in food security assessments, posing greater challenges to climate change adaptation.

How to cite: Jian, Y., Fu, J., Wang, X., and Zhou, F.: Extreme rainfall reduces one-twelfth of China’s rice yield, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4835,, 2023.

Given observed and predicted increases in the frequency and intensity of many climate extremes, researchers have shown an increased interest in the climate extremes and their impacts on ecosystems because of the profound effects. However, most previous studies on the responses of ecosystems to climate extremes focus on droughts and summer heatwaves, and relatively little is known about the effects of other kinds of extremes, such as winter heatwaves, extreme wet periods, and cold waves.

In this study, we identify four types of extremes (two temperature (heatwaves and cold waves) and two precipitation ones (droughts and extreme wet periods)) and present 4 alternatives to identify compound extreme events. We demonstrate the relevance of the different types of year-round (compound) events for ecological studies by demonstrating their impact on the abundance of 34 UK butterfly species across each species' life stages (hibernation, egg, larval, pupal, and adult) over a 45-year period. We chose this example as these species are expected to respond rapidly to climates due to their ectothermic nature and short life cycles.

The results show that considering different types of year-round (compound) extreme events is relevant from an ecological point of view as at different stages, other extremes have more impact on the survival of individuals. For instance, statistics show that heatwaves and droughts during the pupal and adult stages appear beneficial for butterflies in England, with around 30% of univoltine species showing significant positive influences, whereas extreme wet periods during the pupal life stage cause negative population change for 26% of univoltine species. Our study demonstrates that considering different forms of extremes during all seasons of a year may bring interesting new insights for ecologists. However, we did not seek any eco(fysio)logical explanations of the obtained results.

How to cite: Shan, B., De Baets, B., and E.C. Verhoest, N.: Four alternative ways to identify compound climate extremes and their relevance to ecological impacts: a case study of UK butterflies, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5001,, 2023.

EGU23-5017 | Orals | ITS3.4/SSS0.1

Accounting for systemic complexity in the assessment of climate risk 

Jakob Zscheischler and Seth Westra

Widespread changes to climate-sensitive systems are placing increased demands on risk assessments as a key for managing climate risk, enabling adaptive responses and enhancing system resilience. Although the complex, uncertain and ambiguous nature of climate-sensitive systems has been long recognised, recent attention on concepts such as compounding and cascading risks, deep uncertainty and ‘bottom-up’ risk assessment frameworks have stressed the need to more explicitly confront the overarching theme of systemic complexity. Drawing on insights from the field of systems thinking, we provide a theoretical foundation for addressing systemic complexity when assessing climate risks. We first describe the sources of systemic complexity as they pertain to climate risk, and highlight the role of climate risk assessment as a formal sense-making device that enables learning and the organisation of knowledge of the interplay between the climate-sensitive system and its (climatological) environment. We then highlight boundary judgements as one of the core concerns of risk assessment, acting as a filter of both information and value judgements, and thereby creating islands of analytical and cognitive tractability in a complex, uncertain and ambiguous world. Yet boundary judgements necessarily result in partiality, leading to the need for boundary critique, which emphasises the need of multi-methodologies and second-order learning processes as part of standard risk assessment practice. We build these concepts into a framework that divides climate risk assessments into five distinct but interrelated concerns or ‘problematics’ that collectively can be used as a starting point for managing systemic complexity in the assessment of climate risk. 

How to cite: Zscheischler, J. and Westra, S.: Accounting for systemic complexity in the assessment of climate risk, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5017,, 2023.

EGU23-5754 | Orals | ITS3.4/SSS0.1

NBS implemented in the Pyrenees during the PHUSICOS project 

Anders Solheim, Didier Vergès, Santiago Fabregas, Laurent Lespine, Carles Räimät, Eva Garcia, Amy Oen, Bjørn Kalsnes, and Vittoria Capobianco

The H2020 project PHUSICOS designs and implements NBS for DRR at demonstrator case sites in rural areas of Norway, Italy, and in the French and Spanish Pyrenees. This presentation covers four locations in the Pyrenees, where NBS to reduce risk from snow avalanches, rockfall and debris flows are implemented. Snow avalanches from the steep slopes of the Capet Forest threaten the French village of Barèges. The NBS here consist of afforestation in the release areas. 5000 trees have been planted in groups of 30-50, protected behind wooden tripods, which also act as protection structures until the trees are large enough to stabilize the snowpack. Rockfall poses a severe hazard at two locations along the important road A-136 / RD-934 between France and Spain. At St. Elena, Spain, the rocks are released by erosion of a slope in a thick till deposit. The implemented NBS consists of vegetated terraces, built up by a dry masonry wall and gabions constructed from wood and filled with the local till. At the location in Artouste, France, rockfalls in the steep slope are released from exposed ledges and from loose blocks in the till surface. The measures here consist of wooden stabilising and retaining structures for each individual ledge or block. These solutions are also tested at newly established laboratory and full-scale test facilities in Spain and France, respectively. The fourth location is near the Spanish village Erill-la-Vall, where debris flows from a >50m thick till deposit pose the threat. Several gullies feed the main debris flow path towards the village during periods of extreme precipitation. The implemented solution is a series of terraces, built up by local rocks and whole-log gabions in the lower parts of the gullies. These will prevent deepening of the erosional base and form increased rugosity in the debris flow paths. The site has been monitored during the last 15 years. In-situ borehole (piezometer) data shows two processes: a deep-seated (15-20 m) failure level, which reacts up to two weeks after a period of heavy rain, and shallow erosion, which reacts almost immediately as a direct response to heavy precipitation. The implemented NBS are primarily to mitigate against the latter process.

The NBS described here all have large upscaling potential, as there are numerous locations in the Pyrenees and elsewhere with similar problems. Terracing and afforestation for slope stabilization is not a new concept but is here re-vitalized in cooperation with stakeholders through Living-Lab processes. These processes have also helped overcoming challenges related to land ownership issues and permissions to operate, e.g., in national parks, which have caused implementation delays. Monitoring of the implemented measures, focused on both the resilience aspect and, not the least, the NBS' co-benefits will be important for building up an evidence-base for the functionality of NBS for DRR.

How to cite: Solheim, A., Vergès, D., Fabregas, S., Lespine, L., Räimät, C., Garcia, E., Oen, A., Kalsnes, B., and Capobianco, V.: NBS implemented in the Pyrenees during the PHUSICOS project, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5754,, 2023.

EGU23-6712 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.4/SSS0.1

Deriving targeted intervention packages for ecosystem-based adaptation: A geospatial multi-criteria approach for building climate resilience in the Puna region, Peru. 

Oscar Higuera Roa, Davide Cotti, Natalia Aste, Alicia Bustillos-Ardaya, Stefan Schneiderbauer, Ignacio Tourino-Soto, Francisco Roman-Dañobeytia, and Yvonne Walz

Emergent dynamic climate risks challenge conventional approaches for climate adaptation and disaster risk reduction. This situation demands new ways of addressing climate risks with integrated solutions. However, little attention has been paid to exploring methodological approaches for combining adaptation measures to reduce climate risks. Still, selecting the appropriate and effective combination of adaptation measures is a challenging task. This research results in a geospatial multi-criteria approach for developing ecosystem-based adaptation packages to face climate change effects and applies this innovative methodology to a case study area in the Puna region in Peru. We started with an in-depth literature analysis combined with a participatory process with local experts to identify and select locally valid adaptation measures for the specific context of the case study area. Building upon that, we developed the overall multi-criteria approach consisting of a matrix-based procedure to evaluate the applicability of relevant adaptation measures and their feasibility of being combined in adaptation packages. We then integrated the multi-criteria analysis into a Geographic Information System using a spatial analysis model to map suitable intervention areas. Next to the methodological innovation, we applied this multi-criteria approach in the case study area to generate a place-based adaptation package for addressing the risk of reduced water provision, with its respective potential intervention sites differentiated by adaptation measure. This methodological approach is novel and considered an affordable support tool that helps practitioners design more robust and effective adaptative interventions. Furthermore, this methodological approach involves shifting the perspective from activities focused on "single adaptations" to "multi-solution" strategic interventions that address climate risks more comprehensively, recognizing the dynamics and complexities of the social-ecological systems. We encourage researchers and practitioners to transfer the methodological approach to other contexts and, with that, accelerate the efficient and targeted implementation of nature-based solutions for climate resilience.

How to cite: Higuera Roa, O., Cotti, D., Aste, N., Bustillos-Ardaya, A., Schneiderbauer, S., Tourino-Soto, I., Roman-Dañobeytia, F., and Walz, Y.: Deriving targeted intervention packages for ecosystem-based adaptation: A geospatial multi-criteria approach for building climate resilience in the Puna region, Peru., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6712,, 2023.

EGU23-7906 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.4/SSS0.1

Connected urban green spaces for pluvial flood risk reduction in the Metropolitan area of Milan 

Andrea Staccione, Arthur Hrast Essenfelder, Stefano Bagli, and Jaroslav Mysiak

Rethinking cities in a more sustainable and integrated way is a key opportunity for successful climate change adaptation and mitigation. Nature-based solutions and green infrastructures can help to safeguard urban nature and biodiversity while providing multiple benefits to reduce climate risks and improving human well-being. Nature-based solutions help to mitigate flood risk by regulating storm-water runoff and peak-flow. This paper investigates the effects of nature-based solutions and green infrastructure networks on pluvial flood risk in Milan metropolitan area in terms of direct economic damage to buildings and population exposed. Results show that extended urban green networks can reduce pluvial flood damages (by up to 60%) and the population exposed (up to 50%). For all analysed rainfall intensities, damages to buildings and share of population exposed decrease as green area coverage increases, with slightly higher risk reduction for lower-intensity events. 25% of additional urban green coverage can halve the expected annual damage and reduce by 40% the expected annual population exposed. The applied methodological framework makes it possible to identify priority-action urban areas and hence inform decision-making processes as for where green solutions are most efficient.

How to cite: Staccione, A., Hrast Essenfelder, A., Bagli, S., and Mysiak, J.: Connected urban green spaces for pluvial flood risk reduction in the Metropolitan area of Milan, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7906,, 2023.

EGU23-8181 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.4/SSS0.1

Impact of global change on the protective effect of forests in mountain areas 

Christine Moos, Alessandra Bottero, Ana Stritih, and Michaela Teich

Forests in mountain regions provide an indispensable ecosystem service by protecting people and infrastructure against natural hazards. Thanks to this Nature-based Solution (NbS), costs of engineered technical protection measures can be reduced or even avoided. Numerous studies have proven the high effectiveness of forests in mitigating the negative impacts of natural hazards. However, open questions remain about the long-term and sustainable provision of protective service by mountain forests, which are expected to be increasingly affected by global change. Natural forest dynamics and disturbances can result in temporary or irreversible loss of protective effects of forests, potentially accelerated by climate change. At the same time, rising temperatures and more frequent and severe droughts will lead to shifts in tree species distribution and forest composition, which may in turn impact their protective effect depending on the type of natural hazard. Furthermore, socio-economic changes, such as land-use change or the expansion of settlements, may affect the protective function of forests. The uncertainties related to these changes pose great challenges for the quantification and sustainable management of this key ecosystem service in mountain areas. To improve our understanding of the various effects global change has on protective forests, we summarized current knowledge based on a quantitative review. We conducted a systematic literature search using predefined terms in different databases. We focused on forests in mountain regions protecting against gravitational hazards (i.e., snow avalanches, landslides, rockfall, torrential floods and debris flow). This resulted in 70 peer-reviewed articles, books or book chapters that we systematically assessed. Most studies focused on anthropogenic forest change (i.e., management, de-/afforestation), followed by natural disturbances, whereas climatically induced changes (e.g., clearly linked to drought or rising temperatures) were less often addressed in the literature. The analyzed studies mainly examined the protection against floods, followed by avalanches, landslides and rockfall. Preliminary results indicate that global change had a predominantly negative impact on the protective effect of forests in mountain areas. In a next step, the types of impacts and potential interacting and compound effects will be analyzed in more detail.

How to cite: Moos, C., Bottero, A., Stritih, A., and Teich, M.: Impact of global change on the protective effect of forests in mountain areas, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8181,, 2023.

EGU23-9392 | Orals | ITS3.4/SSS0.1

Nature-based solutions for wildfire risk management: the role of insurance 

JoAnne Bayer, Valentina Bacciu, Eduard Plana, Luis Sousa, Swenja Surminski, and teresa Deubelli-Hwang

A consensus is emerging that restoring the fire-adapted forest ecology through nature-based solutions (NBS), such as prioritizing fire-resistant vegetation, promoting less fire-prone forests, enabling grazing by herbivores in areas facing land abandonment, prescribed burns, and restricted or risk-adapted development in wildlands, can reduce the risk of extreme wildfires. This paradigm shift away from fire suppression towards a fire loss-prevention strategy is urgently needed. The question is whether risk financing strategies, especially insurance, can untap the potential for promoting NBS, for example, by providing protection in case of damages from livestock grazing or prescribed burns, or by giving discounts to forest owners and homeowners that pursue ecological fire-prevention measures. Additionally, insurers can provide (parametric) policies that repair ecological damage, for example, for coral reefs after extreme storms, or policies that transfer the construction or liability risk of NBS. Since wildfire mitigation is to a large extent collective, another potential policy option to support NBS is community-based insurance strategies. This presentation will explore the opportunities and constraints for public and private insurers to support NBS for wildfire risk management. It reflects on-going research in three recently funded Horizon Europe projects: (Cross sector dialogue for wildfire risk management (FireLogue), Building a safe haven for climate extremes (The HuT), and Nature for insurance and insurance for nature (NATURANCE).

How to cite: Bayer, J., Bacciu, V., Plana, E., Sousa, L., Surminski, S., and Deubelli-Hwang, T.: Nature-based solutions for wildfire risk management: the role of insurance, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9392,, 2023.

EGU23-9646 | Orals | ITS3.4/SSS0.1

Economic benefits of ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and ecosystem-based climate change adaptation: a global review 

Marta Vicarelli, Karen Sudmeier-Rieux, Ali Alsadadi, Michael Kang, Madeline Leue, Simon Schütze, Aryen Shrestha, Ella Steciuk, David Wasielewski, Jaroslav Mysiak, Shannon McAndrew, Michael Marr, and Miranda Vance

Ecosystems and ecosystem services may contribute to reduction in disaster risk, sustainable development and climate change adaptation. The potential of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) is now recognized by major national policies and international framework agreements. However, to date there is limited scientific evidence about their economic viability and equity impacts. In this study we developed a global database of 406 observations from 87 peer-reviewed studies published between 2000 and 2020, completing economic evaluations of NbS for Ecosystem-based Climate Adaptation (EbA) and Ecosystem-based Disaster Risk Reduction (Eco-DRR). We examine available scientific knowledge on the economic viability and performance of NbS for Eco-DRR and EbA, both in terms of efficiency and equity. More than 40% of the studies analyze the role of coastal ecosystems, coral reefs, wetlands, and mangroves in attenuating disaster risk, with a special focus on floods, storms and erosion. Abundant are also studies examining forest ecosystems (30%), followed by urban (25%) and riparian ecosystems (23%). A smaller number of studies analyzes agro-ecosystems. The number of studies per region suggests that Europe, Asia, and North America are the regions where most Eco-DRR research was undertaken. Based on our results, 71% of studies found that the ecosystems studied were effective NbS in mitigating hazards. 24% of studies found that the ecosystems were occasionally effective in mitigating hazards. None of the studies found NbS ineffective in mitigating hazards. The ecosystems most frequently effective in mitigating hazards included mangroves (80%), forests (77%), and coastal ecosystems (73%). A subset of studies compared the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of NbS and engineering-based solutions in mitigating certain hazards (39%). Among these studies, 65% found that NbS are always more effective in attenuating hazards compared to engineering-based solutions, and 26% found that NbS are partially more effective. No study found that NbS are less effective than engineering-based solutions. 

How to cite: Vicarelli, M., Sudmeier-Rieux, K., Alsadadi, A., Kang, M., Leue, M., Schütze, S., Shrestha, A., Steciuk, E., Wasielewski, D., Mysiak, J., McAndrew, S., Marr, M., and Vance, M.: Economic benefits of ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and ecosystem-based climate change adaptation: a global review, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9646,, 2023.

EGU23-12053 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.4/SSS0.1

Nice weather or burning heat? Sentiment analysis of temperature-related media reports. 

Ekaterina Bogdanovich, Alexander Brenning, Lars Guenther, Markus Reichstein, Dorothea Frank, Mike S. Schäfer, Georg Ruhrmann, and René Orth

The frequency, duration, and intensity of heat waves are expected to increase in the coming decades. This could lead to elevated heat stress and consequently an increase in excess mortality, caused by hyperthermia, dehydration, respiratory disease, cerebrovascular disease, or heat stroke. Public awareness of such impacts is key to mitigate heat-related consequences of hot temperatures. For example, the sentiment of heat-related media coverage can affect the perceived risk and the motivation of people to implement risk mitigation such as avoiding outside activities and ensuring sufficient water intake.  

In this study, we analyze the sentiment of temperature-related newspaper reports from multiple countries in an automated way. In particular, we investigate (i) how newspapers in different countries respond to hot temperatures in terms of the number of on-topic articles and their sentiment, and (ii) to what extent socioeconomic and climatic characteristics can explain differences between countries.
For this purpose, we employ data on minimum, mean, maximum, and apparent temperature from the ERA5 reanalysis. We obtain country-specific relationships between the sentiment of temperature-related newspaper articles and the respective temperatures. We hypothesize that these relationships differ, for example, between cold and warm countries, and that heat waves are generally perceived more positively in cold regions.

In summary, this work reveals the links between the sentiment of newspaper articles and hot temperatures across countries. Linking these results with observed heat-related health impacts can guide public health agencies, newspapers, and journalists in particular to ensure public awareness of the detrimental impacts of heat waves, which are expected to further aggravate in a warming world.

How to cite: Bogdanovich, E., Brenning, A., Guenther, L., Reichstein, M., Frank, D., Schäfer, M. S., Ruhrmann, G., and Orth, R.: Nice weather or burning heat? Sentiment analysis of temperature-related media reports., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12053,, 2023.

EGU23-12929 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.4/SSS0.1

Global societal vulnerability to volcanic eruptions 

Lara Mani, Mike Cassidy, Asaf Tzachor, and Paul Cole

The climatic cooling effects associated with large magnitude volcanic eruptions – the so-called ‘volcanic winter’ scenario – have long been identified as an extreme risk that may impact the continued flourishing of humanity. Such eruptions are relatively rare, but perhaps not as rare as we might think. A greater understanding of this mechanism and increased resolution of our geological records through the study of ice core records demonstrate that the recurrence of an eruption capable of this impact may be as frequent as 1 in 6 per century. These large magnitude volcanic eruptions (VEI 7 and above), could cause a global cooling event for up to a decade, if not longer, with more severe effects felt in the northern hemisphere, presenting a unique challenge for global food security.

Further, viewed through the lens of vulnerability, human society now closely intersects with regions of volcanic activity, potentially forging new pathways for volcanic eruptions to cause global disruption. Our research identified regions of intersection, or ‘pinch points’, where a compounding of global critical systems and infrastructure, such as submarine cables, global shipping lanes, and transportation networks, are proximal to regions of volcanic activity. These pinch points present locations in our interconnected world where volcanic eruptions may disrupt our systems, cascading us toward global catastrophe. With climate change increasing the frequency and intensity of volcanic eruptions globally and enhancing their impacts, more must be done to accelerate our preparedness for such events.

How to cite: Mani, L., Cassidy, M., Tzachor, A., and Cole, P.: Global societal vulnerability to volcanic eruptions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12929,, 2023.

Extreme weather and climate events (EWCEs) have jeopardized crop yields globally. The evidenced increasing trends of EWCEs would amplify their impacts if they co-occurred. This would bring additional shocks to global food markets, and result in severe risks to food security. A systemical analysis of the risk of crop yield failure under EWCEs and their changes in a warming future is essential to guide adaptations adequately and ensure food security. In this study, we compared the relations between maize yield anomalies and 14 climatic indices over the growing season in the breadbasket (10 provinces) in China during 1981-2018 to identify the main EWCEs determining maize yield anomalies. We then compared the probabilities of crop yield failure under current climatic conditions and its projected changes under 1.5 and 2.0 oC global warming using 28 climate models from CMIP6. The result shows that the maize yield anomalies can be mainly explained by extreme temperate-related indices, despite the various indices for individual provinces. The probability of synchronous yield failure in 1981-2018 was below 7.5% when we randomly summed up seven maize provinces among ten. The probability may reach 2.45% and 7.73% on average under 1.5 and 2.0 oC global warming conditions for all ten provinces, respectively. The transferred risk of crop yield failure revealed that more current maize land would be outstripping its climate-safe space under warmer conditions. Our results highlighted the benefits of limiting global temperature rise within 1.5 oC. Furthermore, enhancing crop resistance to adverse climate situations through appropriate adaptations would be a promising solution to stabilize crop productivity.

How to cite: Liu, S. and Xiao, L.: Limit global warming to 1.5 oC will alleviate the synchronous failure of maize yield in China, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13890,, 2023.

EGU23-15116 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.4/SSS0.1

The WOODPDLAKE project. Lakes, wood and sediment: Natural and Cultural Heritage affected by climate changes 

Swati Tamantini, Giancarlo Sidoti, Federica Antonelli, Giulia Galotta, Maria Cristina Moscatelli, Davor Kržišnik, Vittorio Vinciguerra, Rosita Marabottini, Natalia Macro, and Manuela Romagnoli

Wooden pile dwellings (WPD) are an inexhaustible and precious source of information on landscape evolution and contingent cultural activities. There have been significant investigations on WPD submerged in Alpine areas, but important knowledge gaps are evident regarding Mediterranean volcanic and karstic lakes. The conservation of the latter archaeological remnants is endangered by the climatic change impacts and anthropogenic pressure, further exacerbated by the sensitive and circumscribed lake environments. Wood from pile dwellings is waterlogged, and its conservation mostly depends on the surrounding environment i.e. sediments and water quality. This project aims to study all the aspects of WPD in volcanic and karstic lakes through studies ranging from their potential exploitation, the investigation into their conservation and restoration, monitoring lake environment and forecasting scenarios through an aquarium reproducing the most significant abiotic conditions occurring in the lake. This last study will be achieved by means of an aquarium model. Three case studies have been selected in which agricultural practices influence climatic stress and pollution impact: Lake Banyoles in Spain and Lakes Bolsena and Mezzano in Italy. The foreseen investigations will employ an extraordinarily wide spectrum of skills and disciplines (palynology, dendrochronology, micromorphology, soil science and innovative tools like isotopic analysis). The characterization of wooden materials will involve gravimetric measurements, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS) and thermogravimetry. Samples will derive from different sources to include immersed, reburied finds and restored wood, lake water and lake sediment samples. The main activities will be devoted to fields campaigns and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), high-resolution methods for monitoring environmental conditions (for example the installed probe will measure water lake temperature, pH and so on), capitalization of results (network of big data about lake sites), involvement of local actors and population on the historical, cultural and environmental value of WPDs to establish decision-making processes and to foster high-quality tourism.

How to cite: Tamantini, S., Sidoti, G., Antonelli, F., Galotta, G., Moscatelli, M. C., Kržišnik, D., Vinciguerra, V., Marabottini, R., Macro, N., and Romagnoli, M.: The WOODPDLAKE project. Lakes, wood and sediment: Natural and Cultural Heritage affected by climate changes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15116,, 2023.

EGU23-16961 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.4/SSS0.1

Effect of weather extremes on climate change media coverage - Evidence from 57 000 newspaper articles 

Jakob H. Lochner, Annika Stechemesser, and Leonie Wenz

Climate change media coverage shapes climate-related societal and political debates and decisions [1, 2]. Yet it is unclear what drives media attention for climate change. More frequent and more intense weather extremes are a clear consequence of climate change and have a large impact on society. Extreme weather events might hence be an important factor for climate coverage. Here, we investigate whether weather extremes lead to more climate change coverage in the media. Further, we analyse how this changes over time and whether it differs between different types of extreme weather events such as heat waves or floods. Finally, we examine how the influence on climate coverage varies between weather extremes and other climate-related events such as climate protests, IPCC report publications and world climate summits.

To this end, we analyse approximately nine million articles from nine German newspapers over the last three decades (1991 - 2021). The selection of newspapers is diverse and includes regional and national media, daily and weekly publication rhythms, as well as various political leanings. Currently, the nine newspapers have a cumulative readership of more than 12 million people. Within all nine million articles, we identify approximately 57 000 climate-related articles, using a bag-of-word machine learning approach. Changes in the share of climate-related articles are evaluated against the background of the occurrence of weather extremes and other climate-related events, while controlling for potential confounders using fixed effects panel regressions. Information about extreme weather events are derived from the meteorological ERA5 reanalysis data as well as from the international disasters' database EM-DAT. In addition, we use data on activists’ protest, scientific publications and political climate-related conferences, derived from press releases of the corresponding organizations. 

Our study provides evidence that weather extremes increase climate change coverage. Separate analyses for the three decades (1991 - 2000, 2001 - 2010, 2011 - 2021) show that the influence of weather extremes on climate coverage increases over time. Differences in the influence on climate coverage are found for different weather extreme types. The influence of floods in Germany on climate coverage is about twice as large as that of heat waves. Comparing the effect of weather extremes with that of other climate-related events shows that the influence of social events on climate coverage is much stronger than the influence of weather extremes. We find evidence that protests exceed the influence of heat waves by a factor of four, and world climate summits even exceed the influence of heat waves by a factor of ten. These trends apply to all newspapers studied and are preserved under different controls and alternative climate coverage measures.

[1] Brulle, R. J., Carmichael, J. & Jenkins, J. C. Shifting public opinion on climate change: An empirical assessment of factors influencing concern over climate change in the U.S., 2002-2010. Climatic Change 114, 169–188 (2012).

[2] Sampei, Y. & Aoyagi-Usui, M. Mass-media coverage, its influence on public awareness of climate-change issues, and implications for Japan’s national campaign to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Global Environmental Change 19, 203–212 (2009).

How to cite: Lochner, J. H., Stechemesser, A., and Wenz, L.: Effect of weather extremes on climate change media coverage - Evidence from 57 000 newspaper articles, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16961,, 2023.

EGU23-17016 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.4/SSS0.1

Constructing multi-functional Technosols for storm-water management: mixing high-carbon organic amendments, a microcosm experiment 

Lauren Porter, Franziska Bucka, Maha Deeb, Natalie Paez-Curtidor, Monika Egerer, and Ingrid Kögel-Knabner

As the global water cycle intensifies – with it’s increased variability projected to cause greater storm-events, more extensive flooding and more severe droughts – the obsolescence of current urban infrastructure is made clear, particularly in the face of an ever increasing urban population. To combat these challenges, concepts have been developed across the globe in order to better manage and utilize stormwater run-off; many leaning on the larger concept of green infrastructure, implementing solutions replicative of a more natural water cycle. The simplistic design, low capital costs and flexible application and incorporation into urban spaces has made bio-infiltration swales an excellent choice for urban planners and a center point of recent research. As the base of these systems, the soil substrate lends significantly to a swale’s services of dewatering, pollutant processing, biodiversity promotion and carbon accumulation. By combining urban mineral and organic wastes, we attempt to optimize the synergies between these services. In a microcosm incubation experiment, an extracted deep soil horizon was mixed with green waste compost to form a fertile constructed Technosol. Subsequently, biochars of varying feedstock and pyrolysis processing temperatures were added individually and in combination to determine their impact on water processing properties and nutrient availability. We hypothesized the combinations of biochars will create a structure that maximizes water-substrate interactions while also retaining a larger variety of pollutants due to their differences in chemical composition. The addition of biochar will also minimize run-off of nutrients introduced by the green waste compost, increasing their availability to potential vegetation.

How to cite: Porter, L., Bucka, F., Deeb, M., Paez-Curtidor, N., Egerer, M., and Kögel-Knabner, I.: Constructing multi-functional Technosols for storm-water management: mixing high-carbon organic amendments, a microcosm experiment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17016,, 2023.

EGU23-17315 | Posters on site | ITS3.4/SSS0.1

Connecting COVID-19 and climate change in the anthropocene: evidence from urban vulnerability in São Paulo 

Alexandre Pereira Santos, Miguel Rodriguez Lopez, and Jürgen Scheffran

Global crises such as climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic do not affect cities uniformly. These crises converge in urban areas and often interact through their primary and secondary impacts with the vulnerability of urban populations. This paper investigates urban development dynamics and socio-environmental vulnerability in a megalopolis in the Global South, São Paulo (Brasil). Our goal is to assess the connections between urbanisation and risk exposure, a gap in vulnerability research when considering climate and health hazards. We implement an innovative mixed methods research design using thematic, hot spots, and survival analysis techniques. Two focus groups at the central and peripheral regions of the city provide qualitative data, while open data sets and COVID-19 case microdata (n= 1,948,601) support the quantitative methods. We find a complex system of relationships between urbanisation and risk exposure. Socioeconomic vulnerability characteristics of the population do not explain exposure entirely but significantly contribute to risk-prone location choices. Additionally, social vulnerability factors such as low income and social segregation are highly concentrated in São Paulo, coinciding with substantial COVID-19 fatality rates during 25 months of the pandemic. Finally, qualitative analysis helps us overcome the limitations of quantitative methods on the intraurban scale, indicating contrasting experiences of resilience and resistance during the health crisis. While the low-income group faced mental health and food security issues, the upper-middle-income sample took advantage of opportunities arising during the pandemic to improve work and well-being. We argue that these results demonstrate potential synergies for climate adaptation and health policies in combating socio-environmental vulnerability at the community scale. Environmental justice is thus paramount for global development agendas such as the Sustainable Development Goals, Sendai Framework, and the Paris Agreement.

How to cite: Pereira Santos, A., Lopez, M. R., and Scheffran, J.: Connecting COVID-19 and climate change in the anthropocene: evidence from urban vulnerability in São Paulo, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17315,, 2023.

Small island states and jurisdictions face enormous sustainability challenges such as isolation from global markets, tenuous resource availability, heavy reliance on imports to meet basic needs, coastal squeeze, and reduced waste absorption capacity. At the same time, the adverse effects of global environmental change such as global warming, extreme events, and outbreaks of pandemics significantly hinder island economies’ progress towards sustainability, and consistently rank them high on various vulnerability indices. This talk introduces the concept of socio-metabolic risk, defined as systemic risk associated with the availability of critical resources, the integrity of material circulation, and the (in)equitable distribution of derived products and societal services in a socio-ecological system. Drawing on years of socio-metabolic research on islands, I will argue that specific configurations and combinations of material stocks and flows and their ‘resistance to change’ contribute to the system’s proliferation of socio-metabolic risk (SMR). For better or for worse, these influence the system’s ability to consistently and effectively deliver societal services necessary for human survival. Governing SMR would mean governing socio-metabolic flows, and easing resource requirements through green(-blue) infrastructure and nature-based solutions (NBS) to provide crucial societal services. Such interventions will need strategies to reconfigure resource-use patterns and associated services that are sustainable as well as socially equitable.

How to cite: Singh, S.: Socio-metabolic Risks and Tipping Points on Islands, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17529,, 2023.

EGU23-172 * | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.1/SSS0.2 | Highlight

Open Science as the new normal, Citizen Science as the new component of research infrastructure 

Kaori Otsu and Joan Masó

The increasing involvement of citizens in scientific projects over the last decade is another critical factor that has encouraged Open and FAIR data. Citizen science is in fact one of the eight priorities of the European Open Science Agenda (2018), along with the establishment of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) enabling a federation of multidisciplinary research infrastructures.

Until now, citizen science projects and platforms, also known as Citizen Observatories (COs) in Europe, are yet to be considered among the research sector in the EOSC ecosystem. With the ambition of overcoming this challenge, the Cos4Cloud (Co-designed Citizen Observatories Services for the EOS-Cloud) project was the first ‘Enabling an operational, open and FAIR EOSC ecosystem (INFRAEOSC)’ project to include citizen science as a core part of research infrastructure.

Specifically, the Cos4Cloud aimed to integrate citizen science in the EOSC through co-designing innovative services to support widely used COs in biodiversity and environmental monitoring. To make COs interoperable, the services adopted internationally recognized standards such as SensorThings API and Darwin Core. As a result, over 30 interoperability experiments have been reported in various combinations among the new services and existing COs during the project period; some of which are now offered in the EOSC Marketplace following open and FAIR principles. The Cos4Colud has also demonstrated that the services combined with AI technologies and robust algorithms could improve COs by leveraging the data quality to the research grade.

We thus expect more resources and services derived from COs to be reused in the EOSC ecosystem, eventually enabling to establish its own thematic cluster for citizen science in the research infrastructure as well as facilitate the reuse of data by other researchers. We conclude with the key role of such diverse scientific communities enriched in the EOSC that may create a bridge among researchers, citizens and decision-makers.

 (This work has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 863463.)

How to cite: Otsu, K. and Masó, J.: Open Science as the new normal, Citizen Science as the new component of research infrastructure, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-172,, 2023.

Motivation. Recent research shows promising results in gridding methods that aim to fuse official and citizen weather observations to produce high-resolution weather maps. These high-resolution weather maps are essential to verify weather models at finer spatial resolutions and are crucial for Early Warning Centres to provide measures of risk at neighborhood scale. In this way, citizen weather observations may be the key to better inform communities and decision makers about the local weather and important for future generation’s climate adaptation research. Citizen science weather collections like WOW-NL ( offer dense monitoring networks, potentially providing sheer volumes of observations. Continuous growth is a desired characteristic of these alternative networks overall. However, a “guided growth” could prove a more robust strategy in the long term. For this purpose, in this research we focus on quantifying the insights of some questions: How important is it to keep increasing the volume of observations? When should we do so? And at which locations in a region should these stations be located? 

Approach. In this work we apply multi-fidelity adaptative sampling (MF-AS) to daily interpolations of WOW-NL air temperature and wind speed observations. MF-AS is a method developed in the discipline of simulation-based engineering, where it is used to efficiently optimise the design of vehicles. The questions that we try to answer are: what would be the best locations for a sequence of new stations? Should they be official stations or (clusters of) citizen stations? And how much improvement by the network can we expect? We apply and develop MF-AS for the Netherlands: 

We identify typical weather patterns and define some important focus areas for gridded weather products. In this example, we focus on three user areas for the accuracy for our weather products: accuracy over the entire country, accuracy in populated areas and accuracy for road traffic. We then develop and apply MF-AS. The performance for the different user areas, evaluated for different candidate station locations, defines the cost function for our MF-AS strategy. Then, during this MF-AS approach – again borrowing heavily from vehicle design optimisation – in each iteration we do not only quantify the expected improvement in accuracy, but we also determine whether the next station should be an official station or a cluster of citizen stations, as well as where in the country it should ideally be located. In this way, we aim to develop a strategy for efficient growth of the combined official / citizen station network. 

Results. This study acts a proof-of-concept for the use of quantitative methods to optimally design future multi-fidelity weather observation networks. The results will illustrate why, when and where, ideally, we should attract people to engage in citizen weather observation. We are convinced that these quantitative results can contribute to the broader effort to engage people in citizen weather science. 

How to cite: de Baar, J. and Garcia-Marti, I.: Towards quantifying why, when and where to engage citizens to participate in weather observation networks, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2655,, 2023.

EGU23-2698 | Orals | ITS4.1/SSS0.2

UndercoverEisAgenten - Monitoring Permafrost Thaw in the Arctic using Local Knowledge and UAVs 

Marlin M. Mueller, Christian Thiel, Soraya Kaiser, Josefine Lenz, Moritz Langer, Hugues Lantuit, Sabrina Marx, Oliver Fritz, and Alexander Zipf

The Arctic is experiencing severe changes to its landscapes due to the thawing of permafrost influenced by the twofold increase of temperature across the Arctic due to global warming compared to the global average. This process, which affects the livelihoods of indigenous people, is also associated with the further release of greenhouse gases and also connected to ecological impacts on the arctic flora and fauna. These small-scale changes and disturbances to the land surface caused by permafrost thaw have been inadequately documented.

To better understand and monitor land surface changes, the project "UndercoverEisAgenten" is using a combination of local knowledge, satellite remote sensing, and data from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to study permafrost thaw impacts in Northwest Canada. The high-resolution UAV data will serve as a baseline for further analysis of optical and radar remote sensing time series data. The project aims to achieve two main goals: 1) to demonstrate the value of using unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) data in remote regions of the global north, and 2) to involve young citizen scientists from schools in Canada and Germany in the process. By involving students in the project, the project aims to not only expand the use of remote sensing in these regions, but also provides educational opportunities for the participating students. By using UAVs and satellite imagery, the project aims to develop a comprehensive archive of observable surface features that indicate the degree of permafrost degradation. This will be accomplished through the use of automatic image enhancement techniques, as well as classical image processing approaches and machine learning-based classification methods. The data is being prepared to be shared and analyzed through a web-based crowd mapping application. The project aims to involve the students in independently acquiring data and developing their own scientific questions through the use of this application.

In September 2022, a first expedition was conducted in the Northwest Territories, Canada and UAV data was collected with the assistance of students from Moose Kerr School in Aklavik. The data consists of approximately 30,000 individual photos taken over an area of around 13 km². The expedition also provided an opportunity for the students to learn about the basics of data collection and the goals of the collaborative permafrost survey, which included the incorporation of local knowledge to address the questions of the local community.

By involving school students in the data acquisition, classification and evaluation process, the project also seeks to transfer knowledge and raise awareness about global warming, permafrost, and related regional and global challenges. Additionally, a connection through the shared research experience between students in Germany and Canada is established to enable the exchange of knowledge. The resulting scientific data will provide new insights into biophysical processes in Arctic regions and contribute to a better understanding of the state and change of permafrost in the Arctic. This project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and was initiated in 2021.

How to cite: Mueller, M. M., Thiel, C., Kaiser, S., Lenz, J., Langer, M., Lantuit, H., Marx, S., Fritz, O., and Zipf, A.: UndercoverEisAgenten - Monitoring Permafrost Thaw in the Arctic using Local Knowledge and UAVs, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2698,, 2023.

EGU23-4538 | Orals | ITS4.1/SSS0.2

How do roots restructure water and carbon dynamics in the critical zone? 

Pamela L. Sullivan and the SitS, FRES, and CZCN teams

Roots are physical and chemical engineers of the subsurface that are sensitive to changes in climate, and whose power to reshape the subsurface differs with land cover. Roots create and destroy porosity through enmeshment of particles, lateral and vertical boring through regolith, and cleaving of rocks from parent material. Their ability to translocate water, exude sugars and acids, and take up solutes influences hydrologic connectivity, water residence times, carbon transport and transformation, microbial access to resources, and chemical equilibrium conditions. Analysis of land-cover datasets suggest that root depth distributions are changing globally, shallowing in agricultural environments and deepening with woody encroachment. Yet where, when, and how changes in root distributions alter water and carbon dynamics in the critical zone is not well known. Using data generated at environmental observatories across the U.S. Long-Term Ecological Research program, the Critical Zone Collaborative Network, National Ecological Observatory Network, and the Department of Energy Watershed Focus Areas in combination with the Pedogenic and Environmental Dataset (PEDS), we ask: How do roots shape regolith hydrology and carbon dynamics? 

A clear signal is emerging from grassland, forest, and agricultural sites across the U.S. that indicates changes in rooting dynamics have measurable and meaningful impacts on critical zone functions. Evidence shows that changes from forest to crop and back to forest impacts soil structure deep beneath the plow line in systematic ways. Losses of rooting abundance upon conversion of grasslands to agriculture affects the propensity of organic carbon to form and protect aggregates throughout the subsoil. Reduced fire frequency at tallgrass prairie sites in the Midwest have led to rapid woody expansion in recent decades. Where woody encroachment persists, coarse roots, smaller mean soil aggregate diameters, and more readily destabilized carbon pools proliferate. Encroachment of woody plants increases the infiltration of soil water rich in  CO2 into deep rocks and enhances carbonate weathering as predicted by models. These woody plants rely on deeper water sources, draw soil moisture down to a greater degree at depth, and are likely responsible for reducing streamflow and changing the timing of groundwater contributions to the stream. At Rocky Mountains sites dominated by conifers and aspen, coarse- and fine-root abundances are elevated under aspen in the upper 75 cm of the soil profile compared to conifer sites. Elevated soil organic carbon, lower extractable organic carbon, lower C:N values and elevated enzyme activity indicate soil carbon under aspen is likely more stable as a result of more microbial processing. Finally, in a predominantly Douglas-fir forest in the Pacific Northwest, second-growth forests exhibit substantially fewer fine roots at depths <50 cm, which appears to exert control on nitrogen availability in this nutrient-limited system and thus potentially limits carbon stability as more extractable organic carbon is generated from second-growth forests at depth. Data from these sites demonstrate how alterations to rooting distributions change the physical structure and moisture status of soil, and may be linked to carbon stability as the proportion of fine and coarse roots dictate overall access to carbon pools.     

How to cite: Sullivan, P. L. and the SitS, FRES, and CZCN teams: How do roots restructure water and carbon dynamics in the critical zone?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4538,, 2023.

EGU23-7238 | Posters on site | ITS4.1/SSS0.2

Improving efficiency of citizen science projects by targeted activation of selected stakeholder groups 

Christine Liang, Claudia Schütze, Uta Ködel, Thora Herrmann, Felix Schmidt, Fabian Schütze, Sophia Schütze, and Peter Dietrich

As citizen science is becoming a widely accepted research approach across multiple disciplines, it is essential to explore methods for effective recruitment, involvement, and retention of participants for these programs. An effective recruitment strategy results in motivated and engaged contributors, longer-term participation, and better communication exchange.

In this research, we present two marketing approaches adapted from best practice in customer-facing fields in order to identify appropriate stakeholder groups for citizen science and keep motivation and retention of the participants high. Firstly, stakeholder analysis is a major tool within the frame of stakeholder management and includes the systematic identification of stakeholders and their relevance and influence on a project. Thus, efficiency of citizen science projects can be improved significantly by targeted identification and selection of participants and groups through stakeholder analysis, which are suited to generate the data needed to reach the project and research goals. Secondly, the value proposition canvas approach is based on business strategies to match products and services to the market or customer. The value proposition canvas can be adapted to scientific processes and the data generated can help citizen science groups to build a communication strategy that can clearly communicate the value of their message and shared goals to the participants.

The application of stakeholder analysis and value proposition canvas is demonstrated using the case study of the project "Next Generation City Climate Services Using Advanced Weather Models and Emerging Data Sources" (CityCLIM, a European Union Horizon 2020 funded project), where the focus is to develop next-generation City Climate Services based on advanced weather forecast models enhanced with data from emerging data sources such as Citizen Science approaches for urban climate monitoring. Before meetings with citizens in pilot cities, stakeholder groups involved in the CityCLIM project were examined and their profiles were analysed using the value proposition canvas. Lessons learned from the use of these tools for engagement with citizens in pilot cities will be presented. Findings also provide an approach that can be used by citizen science groups in environmental observation to strategically target participants and tailor key communication messages, towards the goal of a focused and sustained monitoring of environmental processes.

How to cite: Liang, C., Schütze, C., Ködel, U., Herrmann, T., Schmidt, F., Schütze, F., Schütze, S., and Dietrich, P.: Improving efficiency of citizen science projects by targeted activation of selected stakeholder groups, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7238,, 2023.

EGU23-7615 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.1/SSS0.2

PrESENCE : a participative citizen seismic network. 

Mathieu Turlure, Marc Grunberg, Hélène Jund, Fabien Engels, Antoine Schlupp, Philippe Chavot, and Jean Schmittbuhl

The SeismoCitizen (SismoCitoyen) project presents and tests a new paradigm of collaborative monitoring of geohazards in urban and peri-urban environments. Seismological observations are obtained using a large number of low cost internet-connected equipment (Raspberry Shake seismic sensors and associated open access data). The breakthrough strategy of the project relies on the deployment of the sensors in residences or administrative buildings of non-seismologist voluntary citizens or authorities. The aim is to use those stations to densify the french permanent seismic network, and to improve the detection and location of seismic events, in particularly small ones. The volunteers take part in a sociological survey to estimate the impact of that participative project on their perception of science. Candidates are primarily chosen according to the seismic interest of their location and for some of them to represent the social variability of the population. 


Since the “Sismocitoyen” project was launched in 2018 by BCSF-Rénass and EOST (CNRS and Strasbourg University), sixty sensors have been deployed and are currently hosted by voluntary citizens in the region of the Upper Rhine Graben, in the area of Strasbourg, Mulhouse and alongside Vosges mountains. They were able to strongly improve our monitoring of the seismic events induced by a deep geothermal project close to Strasbourg where several events have been largely felt (2019-2022). The topic is becoming a major issue in the development of renewable energies that involve the subsurface as seismic hazards are of significant public concern and can have major socio-economic impacts. 


With the new PrESENCE ANR project (2022-2025) we focus on seismic hazards induced by deep geothermal operations in northern Alsace and their associated societal perception.  Seventy Raspberry Shake seismic stations are being deployed since the end of 2022 and installations will continue in 2023. We will use our previous experience to improve, refine and develop all aspects such as site selection, protection of privacy and confidentiality of volunteers data and information, station calibration before deployment, data transmission and protocol to minimize data losses, stations monitoring and data analysis.


During the project, interactions with the station hosts will be reinforced, in particular with convivial meetings (Stammtisch) to answer questions, present the use of the data and the results obtained.

How to cite: Turlure, M., Grunberg, M., Jund, H., Engels, F., Schlupp, A., Chavot, P., and Schmittbuhl, J.: PrESENCE : a participative citizen seismic network., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7615,, 2023.

EGU23-7816 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.1/SSS0.2

Darwinian approaches for the Urban Critical Zone — A case study in the city of Braunschweig, Lower Saxony, Germany 

Mikael Gillefalk, Franziska Neumann, Matthias Bücker, and Ilhan Özgen-Xian

The ecohydrology of the Urban Critical Zone is characterised by strong heterogeneity and the entangling of hydrological and human time scales (Sivapalan & Blöschl, 2015). This not only poses a challenge to field measurements and the transfer of insights to other urban systems, but consequently limits the development of universal theoretical approaches for urban systems. In this contribution, we propose an interdisciplinary methodology to approach this challenge. Following the school of Darwinian hydrology (Harman & Troch, 2014), we hypothesise that analog to the co-evolution of natural systems, the history of a city and its neighbourhoods is a strong control on current ecohydrological patterns and processes. Thus, we argue that field measurements must be complemented by research into the historical evolution of the urban area to provide a full description and explanation of any observations made. While we need to be careful to avoid a too deterministic or simplistic view of history, research into the historical evolution of an urban area can strengthen explanation of current urban ecohydrological behaviour and potentially enable knowledge transfer and prediction capabilities in “ungauged” cities with similar historical development, as well as to help guide measurement campaigns. Hence, we search for historical and environmental patterns that correlate to provide a testable explanation of current ecohydrological function of urban space. Similar to the "uniqueness of place" in hydrology, every society and city has a unique history that is shaped by the complex interaction among culture, environment, and political events (Berking & Löw, 2008). Thus, we want to formulate a framework for determining similarities in historical development at relevant temporal scales. This requires a strictly interdisciplinary approach, because the application of historical sciences and the interpretation of results is non-trivial and should not be attempted separately. 
We discuss our current progress in developing such an interdisciplinary framework in a case study of the city of Braunschweig, Germany. Braunschweig has 250,000 inhabitants, a medieval city centre with Gründerzeit–era neighbourhoods surrounding it. The former fortifications of the city have been converted into urban green spaces during the 18th century. The Oker river that surrounds the medieval city centre has been heavily modified. The built areas of the city centre show very little green space with few trees, especially compared to the surrounding neighbourhoods, where we find a multitude of street trees, smaller green spaces scattered throughout, and large parks adjacent to the built-up area. This works as an example of how the policy regarding green spaces has changed over time. In this heterogeneous environment, we hunt for urban ecohydrological units. In particular, we are interested in whether similar historical development is an indicator of similar ecohydrological function in an urban context.

Berking, H. & Löw, M. (2008). Die Eigenlogik der Städte, Campus Verlag, Frankfurt, Germany.
Harman, C. & Troch, P. (2014), Hydrology & Earth System Science, 18, 417–433.
Sivapalan, M. & Blöschl, G. (2015), Water Resources Research, 51, 6988–7022.

How to cite: Gillefalk, M., Neumann, F., Bücker, M., and Özgen-Xian, I.: Darwinian approaches for the Urban Critical Zone — A case study in the city of Braunschweig, Lower Saxony, Germany, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7816,, 2023.

EGU23-8059 | Posters on site | ITS4.1/SSS0.2

Evaluation and correction of precipitation data obtained with different measurement methods using data from precision lysimeter network 

Thomas Puetz, Tobias Schnepper, Horst H. Gerke, Barbara Reichert, and Jannis Groh

Accurate precipitation measurements are essential for various applications such as determining the water balance of ecosystems and modelling soil-water fluxes in the earth critical zone. Gauge based point precipitation measurements are affected by wind, gauge design, and maintenance of the device. Ground-level gauges, like high precision weighing lysimeters, are less affected by environmental factors and thus provide more accurate data if well managed and the data are post-processed with filters. However, studies evaluating precipitation measuring methods with lysimeter references at multiple sites with high temporal resolution and detailed weather data are rare.

In the present study, high-precision weighing lysimeter precipitation data from four years of measurement with an hourly resolution were used as references to evaluate data from four different precipitation measurement methods at three sites under different climatic conditions. The methods were tipping bucket gauges (TB), weighing gauges (WG), acoustic sensors (AS), and laser disdrometers (LD). Different sites and climatic conditions were chosen to be able to draw conclusions as to whether deviations between the measurement and comparison data were environment-dependent or unit-specific. Methodically, the evaluation included correlation analyses, comparison of catch ratios, x-y scatter plots, and the application of correction schemes.

For the total period, all measurement methods recorded less precipitation than the lysimeters, with catch ratios between 33 to 92 % depending on the measuring method. Non-rainfall water inputs, like dew and fog, have been excluded for this study, therefore the measuring differences are attributed to the precipitation gauges. The bias of the hourly measurements varied between -0.69 to -0.01 mm h-1 based on the measuring method and no site-specific influence on the data was detected. Correction algorithms reduced the bias and improved the catching ratios of hourly precipitation data with similar improvements at all sites for the same gauge models, thus one adequate correction scheme may be sufficient to be used for the same model under different climatic conditions and environments. The findings suggest that a correction of the data by empirical or mathematical models appears to be necessary to ensure the quality of the precipitation data and to reduce over- and underestimations, which is the prerequisite for environmental studies in the critical zone.

How to cite: Puetz, T., Schnepper, T., Gerke, H. H., Reichert, B., and Groh, J.: Evaluation and correction of precipitation data obtained with different measurement methods using data from precision lysimeter network, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8059,, 2023.

EGU23-8411 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.1/SSS0.2 | Highlight

What does it mean to be a data researcher and platform facilitator of crowdsourced weather observations? 

Irene Garcia-Marti and Jan Willem Noteboom

In 2011 the UK Met Office established the Weather Observations Website (WOW) initiative, a global-coverage project in which users of personal weather stations (PWS) can contribute their weather observations to a central repository. In this decade, more than 10,000 PWS around the world have contributed 2 billion measurements to this project, with a remarkable presence of WOW users in Europe. The Dutch Met Office (KNMI) joined this initiative as partner in 2015. In the past 8 years, 1,000+ PWS located in the Netherlands have collected 250+ million observations of the most relevant weather variables, and the interest of the Dutch public in this network continues growing. 

In this context, the KNMI has two main roles with respect to WOW-NL observations: Platform Facilitator and Data Researcher. The KNMI facilitates WOW-NL to the public via the portal, which enables visualizing the latest observations in a map, allows querying to inspect the historical data contributed by each station, and provides a space for news. As platform facilitator, the KNMI aims for a measurement system of PWS that provides optimal added value to our science and services. The Data Research teams at KNMI have dedicated continuous efforts to develop quality controls (QC) enabling a full quality assessment of the WOW-NL observations. The latest results show that the application of QC methods yields promising results for air temperature, rainfall, and wind speed measurements. This means that WOW-NL observations may have sufficient quality to be incorporated into successive research or operational workflows and become part of the ‘daily business’ of the organization. 

These two roles are designed to work independently, but we believe that bringing them together would positively and effectively impact quality of data for the organization’s science and services. Hence, how can we interlace them most optimally in a feedback loop and take them to the next level? How can we expand the Platform Facilitator role, to stimulate and provide guidance for citizens to obtain quality of crowd sourced data most optimal for our science and services? How to enable the Data Researcher role to deliver peer-reviewed scientific content to a broader audience and in a real-world set up? Last but not least, how to establish a dialogue with the users to create a community ensuring long-term data provision for national meteorological services?

In this work we investigate the relationship between the Platform Facilitator and the Data Researcher roles to balance investment in actions “upstream” (e.g. network design, PWS location) vs “downstream” (e.g. metadata, statistical QC procedures). We also elaborate on how the inclusion of WOW-NL in operational workflows might require revisiting or creating new policies for crowdsourced data or assessing the readiness of the digital infrastructure of the organization.

How to cite: Garcia-Marti, I. and Noteboom, J. W.: What does it mean to be a data researcher and platform facilitator of crowdsourced weather observations?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8411,, 2023.

In the context of a double democratic and environmental crisis, participatory/collaborative action-research has multiplied in recent years with increased attention from institutions. Over the last ten years, many participatory research projects have taken up the democratic and environmental crises by proposing an emancipatory normative scheme to improve public participation and the effectiveness of environmental action.

Our paper presents the first results of a participatory science project, BREATHE, funded by the ANR. It aims to articulate two components : (1) a participatory measurement of fine particulate matter (PM) concentration (PM 10 - PM 2.5 - PM 1 - PM 0.1) and an identification of pollution sources) from passive filters (plants and sensors) and micro-sensors subject to standardization (2) a component of accompaniment and support of public policies based.

The project is based on a participatory science protocol (Chevalier and Buckles, 2009) based on participation engineering (Dosias-Perla et al., 2020). Our fieldwork covers three targets: (a) the incinerator (waste recovery center) - (b) a highways around a small town; (c) a street canyon, city of Montpellier, south of France. On the metrological level, the project aims at analyzing the implication and the effects of the Citizen Science device aiming at "co-constructing" at micro-scales a fine cartography of fine particles concentrations while discriminating the source and modeling the dispersion phenomena. On the political level, the project aims on the one hand to analyze the institutionalization process of the device and on the other hand to analyze its effects on the "co-production" of public policies and strategies through different regulatory frameworks (EPZ, PCAET, Mobility Plan, etc.).

We will also discuss the limits and contributions of this type of interdisciplinary and participatory approach aiming at acting on pollution with and for society. We will present current results and first analyses concerning the complex intertwining of technical and political issues related to air quality metrology, the importance and difficulties of standardizing measurement and of truly developing metrology at relevant scale levels when it comes to supporting public action and addressing health issues

How to cite: Dosias-Perla, D., Lefevre, M., and Camps, P.: Observing, measuring and tackling air pollution with citizens and elected officials: the case of public policy and technical democracy about particulates matter issue in Montpellier, France., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9605,, 2023.

EGU23-9749 | Posters virtual | ITS4.1/SSS0.2 | Highlight

A synthesis of the use of citizen science on soils and agroecosystems across Europe 

Chantal Gascuel-Odoux, Ulrike Aldrian, Sophia Goetzinger, Eloise Masson, Julia Miloczki, and Taru Sandén

Along with the development of citizen science, more and more citizen science initiatives on soils are emerging. Soils are key components of ecosystems and from where 95% of our food originates. Because soils integrate multiple impacts of human activities, they are increasingly taken into account in public policies (agroecology, biodiversity, food, climate). This presentation will share the results of an online survey on agricultural soil citizen science across Europe. Most reported citizen science projects were at the national level (56%, n=40), limited in time (64.9%, n=40) because of funding (82.6%, n=23), with a budget less than 50.000 € (41.7%, n=36) and funded by a national research funding agency (47.2%, n=36). Regarding agricultural soil systems, half of citizen science projects studied urban or urban-countering gardening and 39% studied cropping systems, 29% fruit-vegetables and grassland systems, 18% arboriculture and vineyards. Over 57% of the reported projects have generated soil biodiversity data, 46% and 35% vegetation cover and soil organic carbon data, respectively. According to citizen science coordinators (n=33), the benefits for the scientists taking part in citizen science were ranging from publication of research outputs (69.7%) and learning opportunities (63.6%) to the potential to influence policy (45.5%). The reported benefits for the citizen scientists (n=33) ranged from learning opportunities (81.8%) and satisfaction through contributing to scientific evidence (72.7%) to publication of research outputs (24.2%). ‘Project very time consuming’ and ‘funding temporary’ were identified as the main research challenges for citizen science projects (n=31). ‘More staff resources’ was reported as the most important prerequisites for citizen science work followed by ‘more financial resources’ and ‘more recognition from academia for citizen science’ (n=28). This synthesis shows the state of the art in agricultural soil citizen science, but also the main lockers for citizen science development on soils.

How to cite: Gascuel-Odoux, C., Aldrian, U., Goetzinger, S., Masson, E., Miloczki, J., and Sandén, T.: A synthesis of the use of citizen science on soils and agroecosystems across Europe, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9749,, 2023.

EGU23-11150 | Posters on site | ITS4.1/SSS0.2

Marsh migration in the coastal critical zone: Drivers and impacts of hydrological, biogeochemical, and ecological change 

Holly Michael, Dannielle Pratt, Yu-Ping Chin, Sergio Fagherazzi, Keryn Gedan, Matthew Kirwan, Angelia Seyfferth, Lee Slater, Stotts Stephanie, and Katherine Tully

Ghost forests and abandoned farms are stark indicators of ecological change along world coastlines, caused by sea level rise (SLR). These changes adversely affect terrestrial ecosystems and economies, but expanding coastal marshes resulting from SLR also provide crucial ecosystem services such as carbon sequestration and mediate material fluxes to the ocean. We introduce a US-NSF Critical Zone Network project designed to untangle the hydrological, ecological, geomorphological, and biogeochemical processes that are altering the functioning of the marsh-upland transition in the coastal critical zone. We have instrumented six sites in the mid-Atlantic region of the US, along the coastlines of the Atlantic Ocean, Delaware Bay, and Chesapeake Bay where marshes are rapidly encroaching into forests and farmland. We have installed field sensors to observe the effects of slow hydrologic change (i.e. SLR) and fast episodic events such as high tides and storm surges on water levels, land surface elevation, salinity, redox conditions, and sap flow. We are coupling these measurements to laboratory experiments and analyses, as well as modeling to elucidate drivers and feedbacks in these complex and highly transient critical zone systems.

How to cite: Michael, H., Pratt, D., Chin, Y.-P., Fagherazzi, S., Gedan, K., Kirwan, M., Seyfferth, A., Slater, L., Stephanie, S., and Tully, K.: Marsh migration in the coastal critical zone: Drivers and impacts of hydrological, biogeochemical, and ecological change, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11150,, 2023.

EGU23-11691 | Orals | ITS4.1/SSS0.2

Environmental and social drivers behind spatial variability of soil carbon in urban green infrastructures of Wageningen 

Slava Vasenev, Mirabel Vlaming, Josca Breeman, Olga Romzaykina, and Jetse Stoorvogel

Recent IPCC reports claim carbon neutrality as the key strategy for climate mitigation, therefore compensating greenhouse gases’ emissions by carbon (С) sequestration become the core of climate mitigation measures taken by cities. Developing urban green infrastructures is considered an efficient measure for C sequestration and climate mitigation in cities. However, most of these solutions consider C sequestration in aboveground biomass and ignore the role of urban soil-C stocks. Urban soils’ contribution to C balance in urban ecosystems remains overlooked so far, but gets increasingly important with ongoing climate change. Urban soils are exposed to direct and indirect anthropogenic influences, they are very heterogeneous and dynamic. This variability is driven by both environmental (e.g., vegetation, geomorphology, and parent material) and social (e.g., decisions on maintenance and management) factors. Traditional soil surveys focus on the environmental factor and barely ignore the social drivers, that might be appropriate for natural or agricultural areas, but can hardly be implemented to study soil C stocks in cities.  In the Netherlands, urban areas cover at least 15% of the territory and are projected to expand with more than 1000 km2 by 2040, however urban soils remain overlooked and sustainable urban development strategies are not supported by soil data. this study we aimed to explore the effect of natural and social factors on the spatial variability in soil C on Wageningen – a middle-size university town in the Netherlands.

Wageningen is a perfect case study to investigate factors influencing spatial variability of urban soil C. A long history and unique landscape diversity create conditions for high spatial variation in soil-forming factors. Based on the parent materials, the residential blocks outside the center can be subdivided into strata dominated by sandy and clayey soils. Urban expansion and building up new residential blocks, public and private green areas coincided with development and management of urban soils. A random stratified soil survey (n=56) allowed capturing the effect of parent materials, land cover and land-use history. The effect of the social factor was studied by expert interviews with the owners of the green areas (key plots, n=10), where detailed soil survey was done. Expert interviews included information on soil management as well as personal questions. In result, typical ‘portraits’ of landowners/ green-keepers were developed and related to soil C-stocks assessment. It was concluded that land-cover and land-use history/ historical zoning distinguished spatial patterns in soil C at the city level, whereas at the local scale social factors dominated. Moreover, local spatial variability distinguished by differences in maintenance/ management practices (e.g., minimal management in a student house in comparison to an intensive maintenance with irrigation and adding composts in a high-price cottage) was comparable or even higher than total variance at the city level.  This is an important message for urban planners and landscape designers, claiming that the social factors and personal decisions shall not be ignored in climate-resilient strategies and practices to develop and maintain urban green infrastructures.

How to cite: Vasenev, S., Vlaming, M., Breeman, J., Romzaykina, O., and Stoorvogel, J.: Environmental and social drivers behind spatial variability of soil carbon in urban green infrastructures of Wageningen, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11691,, 2023.

EGU23-12067 | Orals | ITS4.1/SSS0.2

Groundwater flow patterns and subsurface heterogeneity drive critical zone geochemical reactions 

Camille Bouchez, Ivan Osorio, Charlotte Le Traon, and Tanguy Le Borgne

In continental subsurface environments, biogeochemical reactions drive nutrient delivery, deep microbial life and mineral weathering, with crucial importance in the critical zone. Current models often simplify groundwater transport, using the residence time approach or hillslope models. However, increasing observations suggest that the nature, location and efficiency of reactions are strongly affected by groundwater 3D flow patterns, chemical gradients and subsurface heterogeneity. Here, we investigate how hydrological and geological structures control where and when biogeochemical reactions occur in the deep critical zone. For this purpose, our approach integrates long-term and widespread local observations in a catchment-scale framework and is based on data from two critical zone observatories of the French OZCAR national network. The first study took place in Guadeloupe (Obsera), where we integrated geophysical, hydrological and geochemical data in a reactive-hydrogeological model to simulate the 3D structure of groundwater flow paths and weathering. We found that the downstream evolution of the river chemistry is controlled by the pattern of hydrogeological circulations and by the depth of the weathering front. Furthermore, the calibrated 3D model allowed the delimitation of areas where weathering occurs and we showed that active weathering is restricted to catchment-areas where downward groundwater flows are deep. The second study focused on the dynamics of dissolved oxygen (DO) in a fractured aquifer at the Ploemeur catchment (Bretagne, France). Deep and intermittent inputs of DO in groundwater were observed, enabling the reaction of DO with dissolved Fe2+, in turn sustaining the development of deep microbial communities. In this study, we designed a simple model to simulate jointly the depth-distribution of DO and Fe2+ and to investigate the hydrological and geological factors controlling the DO depth-distribution. We found that the reducing capacity of the bedrock and the mean fluid transit time are the main parameters to explain and predict the depth of the oxic-anoxic transition in crystalline environments. In this presentation, we will provide new perspectives to observe and understand the origin of subsurface biogeochemical reactions and we will illustrate key processes that breakdown classical assumptions of reactive groundwater models.

How to cite: Bouchez, C., Osorio, I., Le Traon, C., and Le Borgne, T.: Groundwater flow patterns and subsurface heterogeneity drive critical zone geochemical reactions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12067,, 2023.

EGU23-12542 | Orals | ITS4.1/SSS0.2

Comparison of Mobile Environmental Sensors for Citizen Science Based Climate Monitoring 

Felix Schmidt, Claudia Schütze, Uta Ködel, Fabian Schütze, Christine Liang, David Schäfer, and Peter Dietrich

The possibilities of citizen science-based approaches to environmental research and especially climate monitoring have recently expanded. This is among other things due to the availability of diverse measuring equipment at low costs, so that citizen science-based measuring missions can be implemented with a large number of participants. The advantages of high data density and spatial coverage are obvious. These advantages have been exploited for years by platforms such as or and many others. With the help of mobile monitoring systems, the spatial coverage can now be extended even further. This means that the variability of climate values such as air temperature and relative humidity in cities can be investigated and more accurate forecasting models can be used.

A crucial aspect here is the reliability and comparability of the data collected with different devices. Therefore, we tested and compared within the EU project CityCLIM ( different measurement equipment. Important characteristics of these devices are their low cost, ease of use and data access, data security and protection and the reliability of the measurement data. In the experiments presented here, 4 mobile systems were used: Meteotracker, senseBox, CHEAL5, PAM-AS520. All of these devices can determine air temperature, relative humidity, GPS-location and time and partly also particulate matter. In order to compare these systems, several measurement trips were made in the city of Leipzig in Saxony/Germany at different times of the year.

Surprisingly, there are considerable deviations between the devices in all measured values. This starts with the time and the GPS position. Here, there are sometimes shifts of several minutes and several metres. These errors could certainly be corrected with the help of calibration. However, this must also be practicable for the citizen scientist. In general, this example shows that quality control and backup of the data is necessary. In this sense, it is advantageous if there is a possibility to check the data live from the measurement operator or citizen. For this purpose, a direct upload of the data into the online portal/dashboard is very helpful. This direct data transfer also allows a simple and automated evaluation and storage of the large amounts of data.

Also the measurements of the air parameters show larger differences. Here, air flow at the sensor during the journey, protection from direct sunlight and the sensors used influence the measurement results. In any case, it is necessary to provide the users with detailed guidelines for the use of the sensors in order to increase the data quality. In summary, it turned out that the mobile measuring systems are suitable for citizen science-based climate observation with some limitations. Through the experiments, clear requirements for the devices could be worked out, which is helpful for the planning of future projects. The investigation of further devices and especially of quality control tools for the data are important next steps.

How to cite: Schmidt, F., Schütze, C., Ködel, U., Schütze, F., Liang, C., Schäfer, D., and Dietrich, P.: Comparison of Mobile Environmental Sensors for Citizen Science Based Climate Monitoring, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12542,, 2023.

EGU23-12615 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.1/SSS0.2 | Highlight

Exploring practical citizen science in China 

Xudong Zhou, Luwen Wan, Jingyu Lin, Manqing Shao, Sifang Feng, Beichen Zhang, Yuanhao Xu, Yuxin Li, Yuan Liu, Ming Liu, Libo Wang, and Xingyan Tan

The development of citizen science is still at a very early stage in China. There are three primary reasons: 1. The government has strict data collection and sharing regulations. 2. There are very limited official leading groups, guidelines, and financial support on citizen science. 3. The public still lacks enthusiasm and basic training in citizen science. However, given the large population, increasing educational level of the society, and the help of new technologies, we can see a bright future for citizen science in China. We need to be prepared for that.

Hydro90 is a bottom-to-top established scientific community within the field of hydrology and earth science. It shares the latest academic research, broadcasts latest news, and organizes lectures, webinars, and workshops. It aims to enhance the communication among scholars, and between scholars and the public, especially among the young ages. It has been run for almost three years, with around 20,000 followers on the social media platform. However, we are still exploring how to promote citizen science in China. We want to share our recent experiences and efforts to overcome the current barriers in citizen science in the EGU. We are also looking forward to the great suggestions from European communities.

How to cite: Zhou, X., Wan, L., Lin, J., Shao, M., Feng, S., Zhang, B., Xu, Y., Li, Y., Liu, Y., Liu, M., Wang, L., and Tan, X.: Exploring practical citizen science in China, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12615,, 2023.

EGU23-12709 | Posters virtual | ITS4.1/SSS0.2

The influence of deep groundwater flow systems on the Earth’s critical zone  

Brigitta Czauner, Szilvia Szkolnikovics-Simon, and Judit Mádl-Szőnyi

The depth of the Earth’s critical zone can be questionable especially in thousands meter deep sedimentary basins. Therefore, extension of the critical zone’s usually studied 10s of meters depth considering groundwater flow systems has critical importance. Growing demand for groundwater resources (water, geothermal energy), economic services of the groundwater flow related surface and subsurface processes and phenomena (e.g., groundwater dependent ecosystems, surface salinization), and the potential role of groundwater in the adaptation to and mitigation of the effects of human activities and climate change represent the significance and functions of groundwater flow systems in the critical zone.

Regarding the complexity of these flow systems, the primary goal could be the determination of their relative significance in the shallower parts of the critical zone. To this end, the present study proposes a methodology based on the hydrodynamic analysis of measured data to separate flow systems with different driving forces (topography, vertical compaction) and pore pressure regimes (normal or  close to hydrostatic, overpressured, underpressured). These characteristics define the renewability of groundwater resources, the near-surface conditions (e.g., distribution of nutrients, salts and heat, type of vegetation and soils, slope stability, etc.), and the exposure of flow systems to the effects of global and climate change.

As a case study, groundwater flow systems of the Great Hungarian Plain (Pannonian Basin, Hungary) were evaluated and characterized by analyzing about 5,800 measured hydraulic data (pre-production static water levels and static formation pressures) in hydraulic head vs. elevation and pressure vs. elevation profiles, tomographic maps, and hydraulic cross sections in combination with the geologic build-up and some surface phenomena (distribution of saline soils and vegetation). As a result, spatial extension and distinct functions in the critical zone were defined for three flow regimes, namely i) the near-surface topography-driven groundwater flow systems, ii) an underlying overpressured regime, and iii) the transition zone of i) and ii). For instance, outstanding significance of the upward flows of saline water from the transition zone was revealed in the generation of saline soils and vegetation.

The research was funded by the National Multidisciplinary Laboratory for Climate Change, RRF-2.3.1-21-2022-00014 project.

How to cite: Czauner, B., Szkolnikovics-Simon, S., and Mádl-Szőnyi, J.: The influence of deep groundwater flow systems on the Earth’s critical zone , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12709,, 2023.

Academia is more and more under the demand to create both scientific and societally relevant research with beneficial effects for society. There is a strong consensus that the engagement of non-academic actors in research activities is associated with greater societal relevance and usability of science for society. Involving non-academic actors within natural hazards and disaster risk research has seen a rise in popularity with the advent of participatory and transdisciplinary research approaches. Particularly in countries of the Global South, the participation, engagement, or involvement of non-academic actors in research on natural hazards and disaster risk is seen as promising strategy for solving data issues, raising awareness and generating knowledge. However, besides beneficial consequences, the participation, engagement, or involvement in scientific research may also have negative side-effects for non-academic actors (e.g., causing mistrust, anxiety, or research-fatigue). Against this background, the aim of the ImSE-R project is to assess how the participation, engagement, or involvement in scientific research on natural hazards and disaster risk may have consequences – ranging from intended impacts to unintended implications and negative side-effects for non-academic actors. This contribution presents the results of a systematic review of studies on hazards and disaster risk in the Himalayan region (2000-2022) to better understand how academic actors negotiate and manage research relationships with non-academic actors in the context of natural hazards and disaster risk research. The contribution derives insights on how non-academic actors were involved in natural hazard and disaster risk research activities (actively, passively); underlying motivations and goals of academic actors for involving non-academic actors in natural hazard and disaster risk research; and perceived impacts and implications of involving non-academic actors in research. The results of the review feed into the development of a conceptual framework on research impacts and implications in the context of natural hazard and disaster risk research.

How to cite: Posch, E.: Side-effects of doing research? Potential consequences of involving non-academic actors in natural hazard research, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14528,, 2023.

EGU23-14567 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS4.1/SSS0.2

The impact of landscape and land use changes on the critical zone and society: the Belmont Forum ABRESO project 

Chiara Richiardi, Maria Adamo, Andrea Scartazza, Lisa Sella, Ilaria Baneschi, Serena Botteghi, Enrico Brugnoli, Silvana Fuina, Olga Gavrichkova, Michael Maerker, Michele Mattioni, Elena Ragazzi, Valentina Rossi, Francesca Silvia Rota, Matteo Salvadori, Cristina Tarantino, Saverio Vicario, Alberto Zanetti, and Maddalena Pennisi

The stable presence of humans in the Alps dates back to the Bronze Age and peaked in the mid-19th century, deeply shaping the landscape and allowing the co-evolution of numerous plant and animal species. Since the 1950s, socio-economic changes have led to the gradual depopulation of mountain areas, and the consequent abandonment of traditional agro-pastoral activities. The rupture of the long-established balance between man and nature has triggered a process of transition, further exacerbated and accelerated by climate change. The Belmont Forum project ABRESO (Abandonment and rebound: Societal views on landscape and land-use change and their impacts on water and soils) started in 2021 and aims at advancing the understanding of mitigation and adaptation strategies to environmental change, through an international partnership involving five countries (the United States, France, Italy, Japan and Taiwan). Italy contributes to the project with three case studies: Gran Paradiso National Park, Val Grande National Park and the Tesino highlands are investigated in the Italian Alps. Using an interdisciplinary approach, the project aims to study the impact of the abandonment of traditional activities on ecosystem services provisioning, such as biodiversity conservation and soil sustainability, as well as the actual perception of the ongoing environmental changes by different stakeholders and its subsequent integration into local land management practices and policies. The land use and land cover change occurring due to land abandonment can have profound implications in the critical zone (CZ), inducing changes in soil, vegetation, carbon fluxes and water resources. This project integrates the natural and social sciences approaches to study the evolution of ecosystems in response to these factors. More specifically, advanced techniques that integrate Earth Observation, biogeochemical analyses and socio-economic investigation are used in the Italian sites to understand in which extent geo-biophysical and social landscapes reciprocally interact. The environmental variables collected for ecosystem monitoring and to study and upscale the ongoing dynamics in the CZ include snow cover and phenology parameters, soil organic carbon, and land use change maps extracted from time series of satellite imagery, validated via in situ measurements. Then, the observed processes will be compared to the perception of different stakeholders (local population, policy makers, tourists, business keepers, etc.) to unveil new insights into the way land use change in the mountain areas influence and is influenced by the local land management practices and policies.

How to cite: Richiardi, C., Adamo, M., Scartazza, A., Sella, L., Baneschi, I., Botteghi, S., Brugnoli, E., Fuina, S., Gavrichkova, O., Maerker, M., Mattioni, M., Ragazzi, E., Rossi, V., Rota, F. S., Salvadori, M., Tarantino, C., Vicario, S., Zanetti, A., and Pennisi, M.: The impact of landscape and land use changes on the critical zone and society: the Belmont Forum ABRESO project, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14567,, 2023.

EGU23-15940 | ECS | Orals | ITS4.1/SSS0.2

Tracking natural hazard disasters in non-surveyed regions: the “citizen” observer network of the Kivu in DR Congo 

Caroline Michellier, Théo Mana Ngotuly, Jean-Claude Maki Mateso, Joseph Kambale Makundi, Jean-Marie Bwishe, Olivier Dewitte, and François Kervyn

In the Tropics, disasters associated with natural hazards (intense convective rainfalls, floods, landslides) occur regularly. However, the general scarcity of reliable and accurate data collected on these events does not allow for a complete picture of their frequency and magnitude, thus hindering effective Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR). Such situation is observed in the Kivu region, in the eastern part of the DR Congo. Recurrent insecurity, long distances to travel, poor communication networks and the lack of financial resources to reach the affected areas are the main challenges faced by the Congolese Civil Protection in building a database that would allow for a better knowledge of these phenomena, in view of an appropriate disaster response and, in the long term, efficient DRR.

Based on this observation, a group of 20 citizen observers was set up to collect data on six different types of natural hazard disasters (floods, landslides, wind storms, hail storms, lightning, and earthquakes) using smartphone technology connected to an online platform. This new approach, based on citizen science, makes it possible to significantly improve the documenting and understanding of the spatial and temporal occurrence of these disasters that affect the provinces of North and South Kivu. Since the establishment of this network in December 2019, more than 700 events have been recorded.

If the data collected by this network of citizen observers constitute above all an unprecedented amount of information on the disasters occurring in such a tropical environment, they also allow for the compilation of a WebGIS and quarterly reports illustrated with maps and graphs, disseminated by Civil Protection to key DRR stakeholders active in the region, for a more tailored response, its planification, and, to some extent, the anticipation of such events. Scientists from universities and research centers in Bukavu and Goma are associated to that data collection and analysis. Moreover, citizen observers position themselves within their communities as key actors in raising awareness about disaster risks. However, although this type of approach has proven to be effective in the short term, the motivation on the long term of citizen observers, as volunteers, has been identified as a weakness to be addressed.

How to cite: Michellier, C., Mana Ngotuly, T., Maki Mateso, J.-C., Kambale Makundi, J., Bwishe, J.-M., Dewitte, O., and Kervyn, F.: Tracking natural hazard disasters in non-surveyed regions: the “citizen” observer network of the Kivu in DR Congo, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15940,, 2023.

Processes linking lower and upper parts of the Critical Zone (CZ) are crucial for sustaining life on continents and ecosystem services provided by eco- or agro-systems. Rock weathering at depth is expected to be an essential source of nutrients and deep-rooted trees are believed to induce water and nutrient ‘lift’, benefiting the whole community. However, quantifying this nutrient lift remains a challenge linked on the one hand to the hidden nature of the roots and on the other hand to the complexity of the rhizosphere dynamics. The Nutrilift project aims at quantifying the role of deep critical zone in the supply of nutrients to eco- and agrosystems, based on the hypothesis that while in natural forests, deep-rooted species can derive part of their nutrient resources from increased mineral weathering at depth, the relative importance of this process in shallow-rooted agrosystems is much less - and agroforestry systems represent an intermediate situation. Conducted within the framework of the Indo-French Cell for Water Sciences (IRD - CNRS - INRAE - UPS - Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India), the project is based on long-term monitoring in the Mule Hole (diversified forest) and Berambadi (irrigated agriculture and agroforestry) watersheds of the M-TROPICS Observatory in Peninsular India. For this purpose, we study the vertical evolution of soil properties and associated pedological processes as a function of plant cover/land-use. Weathering processes and/or plant uptake will be studied in the vicinity of the roots using micro-characterization techniques, which will allow to calibrate combined hydro-geochemical models. The deep contribution to the nutrient budgets of each site will be quantified by intra-plant isotopic balances as well as by the identification of specific geochemical signatures to the deep contribution of the critical zone. An originality of the project is the observation of the deep critical zone (up to 10m) via instrumented pits with continuous pCO2 and moisture measurements, scanners (root dynamics) imaging and pore water collection. The effects of future changes -associated with climate and land uses- on the dynamics of the deep critical zone will be explored from scenarios co-constructed with local stakeholders.

How to cite: Riotte, J. and the Nutrilift team: Deep roots versus pumps: comparison of deep nutrient removal in dry tropical eco- and agrosystems (ANR project Nutrilift), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17441,, 2023.

While developed nations are assumed to provide high groundwater quality security, populations reliant on (typically rural, unregulated) private domestic groundwater wells are often uniquely vulnerable to supply contamination. The potential health ramifications of exposure to contaminated groundwater may be especially grave for immunosuppressed populations residing in service-deprived and climate-vulnerable areas, necessitating concerted government (educational) and household-level (behavioural) action. In response, a growing number of studies (spanning quantitative contamination risk assessments, policy strategies, communicative interventions and householder surveys) have emerged within the last several decades. To date, few investigations have sought to synthesise this literature and ascertain the potential generality of drivers of both private groundwater contamination and preventive responses in high-income countries.


The developed regions of the Republic of Ireland (ROI) and Ontario represent an appropriate point of comparison to establish research transferability. Both regions are characterised by high private groundwater reliance (> 10% of their respective populations), pervasive microbial groundwater contamination and significant associations between acute gastrointestinal illness (AGI) and private well use. Consumption of private well water contributes to approximately 4,800 annual cases of AGI in Ontario and as many as 80% of annual cases of verotoxigenic E.coli (VTEC) in the ROI. However, despite similarities, regional discrepancies exist with respect to policy landscapes (e.g., monetary requirements for private water quality testing) and contamination risk profiles (e.g., frequency of extreme weather event concurrence). In efforts to elucidate the potential implications of these phenomena, a scoping review of literature (1990-2022) in the ROI and Ontario outlining risk management measures to prevent private groundwater contamination in the was undertaken. The SPICE (Setting, Population/Phenomenon, Intervention, Setting, Perspective) methodology was utilised to inform literature search terms, with Scopus and Web of Science selected as primary databases for article searches. Following removal of duplicate studies and article screening, 92 articles (Canada = 70, ROI = 22) were retained for analysis.


Articles were predominantly comprised of quantitative contamination risk assessment studies (n = 68), with qualitative and quantitative questionnaire investigations (n = 16), interventions (n = 2) and policy studies (n = 6) noticeably less frequent. Quantitative risk assessments published after the year 2000 demonstrated an overwhelming focus on microbial supply contamination, identifying well type and proximity of agricultural activity as significant determinants of supply contamination. Survey studies in both regions also consistently highlighted gender, perceived confidence in maintaining supply and economic and convenience barriers as significant determinants of well user knowledge and behaviour. However, well users in Ontario demonstrated markedly higher rates of prior well testing (irrespective of adherence to regional guidelines), suggesting that incentivised (or free) well testing may lead to significant increases in uptake of well water quality testing. The paucity of identified intervention studies suggests that increased research investigating methods of well user outreach and groundwater risk communication will be necessary in the future to determine the broad efficacy of risk communication in developed nations.

How to cite: Mooney, S., O’Neill, E., and Hynds, P.: Top-down and bottom-up management of private groundwater contamination risk: A comparative scoping review of similarities, drivers and challenges in two developed regions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17513,, 2023.

SSS2 – Soil Erosion and Conservation

EGU23-149 | ECS | Orals | SSS2.1

Predicting badland occurrence in Catalonia by applying random forest techniques and a multi-scale approach 

Ona Torra, Marcel Hürlimann, Càrol Puig-Polo, and Mariano Moreno-de las Heras

Badlands are highly erosive landforms of dissected morphology, which can be found on soft rocks and unconsolidated sediments, with little or no vegetation, that are useless for agriculture. The erosion rates of these areas are high, causing important environmental and economic problems. For that reason, detecting the main conditioning factors that control badland occurrence and identifying susceptible areas is higly important to prevent soil erosion phenomena and their negative consequences.
This work attempts to assess badland susceptibility and their governing factors at a multi-scale level, using a random forest (RF) modelling approach. Previous RF-based research have demonstrated that RF modelling is a powerful tool for making predictions in the same spatial context and scale where the model has been trained. However, upscaling RF-modelling results to obtain accurate predictions in other, more extensive spatial contexts than that used for model training, remains an important challenge.
For that, the Upper Llobregat River Basin (ULRB, 504.8 km2) and Catalonia region (CAT, 32000 km2) have been selected as study areas. We have evaluated the viability of training a RF model for the analysis of badland suceptibility in the small spatial context of the ULRB, and further testing it to the more extensive spatial context of CAT. Revealing the most important factors that control badland distribution in the territory has been another goal in the present study. Eleven governing factors and two badland inventories developed for these study areas have been used for model training and testing. Model performance has been analyzed through validation tests and three different evaluation metrics: AUC, Kappa coefficient and accuracy. The outcomes of this work manifest that the two variables that have the most important relevance for badland occurrence are lithology and NDVI. In addition, our results showed that upscaling RF model results defined in the ULRB to the more extensive spatial context of CAT in order to predict badland occurrence, it’s possible but not ideal. Last, badland susceptibility maps of ULRB and Catalonia have been obtained with a very high accuracy (96% and 97% respectively), confirming the feasibility and uselfuness of RF approach for badland susceptibility assessment.


How to cite: Torra, O., Hürlimann, M., Puig-Polo, C., and Moreno-de las Heras, M.: Predicting badland occurrence in Catalonia by applying random forest techniques and a multi-scale approach, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-149,, 2023.

EGU23-261 | Orals | SSS2.1

Testing simple approaches to map sediment mobilization hotspots after wildfires 

Joana Parente, João Nunes, Jantiene Baartman, and Dante Föllmi

The models currently used to predict post-fire soil erosion risks are limited by high data demands and long computation times. An alternative is to map the potential hydrological and sediment connectivity using indices to express the general properties of the landscape under evaluation and map the possible connectivity between the different parts of a catchment.

In this study, we aim to answer the question: Do these alternative approaches identify post-fire sediment mobilization hotspots?  To achieve this, we assess the spatial variability distribution of the location of soil erosion hotspots using the Index of Connectivity (IC), Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE model) and the Sediment Export (SE) and compare it to the simulation results of a more complex Landscape Evolution Model (LAPSUS model). Additionally, we evaluate statistical measures of association between the four tools. Furthermore, IC, RUSLE model and SE are used due to their simplistic representation of erosion and ease of application, and the LAPSUS model is used as the best representation of erosion and sediment transport in the study area.

Our results show that the three tools (IC, RUSLE model and SE) tested in this study are suitable for identifying sediment mobilization hotspots, i.e., areas where the erosion rates are above the 90th percentile, in recently burnt areas, and differences between their performance are minor. These findings can be considered for post-fire and water contamination risk management, especially for fast prioritization of areas needing emergency post-fire intervention.

How to cite: Parente, J., Nunes, J., Baartman, J., and Föllmi, D.: Testing simple approaches to map sediment mobilization hotspots after wildfires, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-261,, 2023.

EGU23-477 | ECS | Orals | SSS2.1

Trapping efficiency of vegetative barriers in agricultural landscapes. An operational model from a review of available information 

Jose Antonio Muñoz, Gema Guzmán, María Auxiliadora Soriano, and Jose Alfonso Gómez

Vegetative barriers have proven their effectiveness in controlling erosion and promoting other ecosystem services in agricultural areas. This has led to their conservation and promotion as landscape elements by the Common Agricultural Policy and other policy initiatives. However, predicting their efficiency in reducing hydrologic connectivity presents a large uncertainty (Gumiere et al., 2011).

This communication presents an analysis of trapping efficiency of sediment, runoff, and nutrients (P and N) by vegetative barriers aimed to provide a statistical approach to efficiency, based on a review of available studies, considering two climates: humid and arid/semi-arid (Muñoz et al, 2022). For this, different independent variables were grouped and identified to explore its influence: i) those defining the vegetative barrier dimension (width, slope of the plot, and area ratio buffer/plot) and ii) those related to experimental conditions (type of vegetation, soil protection of the non-buffered area, type of climate, type of experimental measurement and origin of the rainfall). A more detailed analysis was performed with the studies which reproduce similar situations to the ones occurring naturally (natural rainfall and paired plots).

In general, average trapping efficiencies for runoff and sediment are 40.1 and 62.6% and ranging between -81.0 to 99.9% and -109 to 100%, respectively. For nutrients, values of trapping efficiencies had an average of 44.9 and 38.4% for phosphorus and nitrogen, respectively. The lack of data and the large variability among and within the measurements from the studies considered in our review only allowed to detect slight trends and statistically significant differences in some cases for the different variables analysed.

In order to provide guidelines to farmers and technicians, a probabilistic model was developed for sediment trapping efficiency regarding the width of the vegetative barrier and the climatic region. The model showed that in 92% of the cases, a vegetative barrier will reduce erosion in humid climates while this trapping efficiency will be 100% in semi-arid/arid conditions. Grouping the vegetative barriers’ width in different intervals, it was observed that the maximum trapping efficiency is ~80 % for a width of 2.75 to 3-m in arid/semi-arid climate and 5 to 6-m in humid regions.


Acknowledgement: This work supported by the project PID2019-105793RB-I00 financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, and project TUdi, GA 101000224, of the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme


Gumiere, S. J., Le Bissonnais, Y., Raclot, D., & Cheviron, B. (2011). Vegetated filter effects on sedimentological connectivity of agricultural catchments in erosion modelling: A review. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 36(1), 3–19.

Muñoz, J. A., Guzmán G., Soriano M.A., & Gómez J. A. (2022). Trapping efficiency of vegetative barriers in agricultural landscapes. An operational model from a review of available information. Manuscript submitted for publication.

How to cite: Muñoz, J. A., Guzmán, G., Soriano, M. A., and Gómez, J. A.: Trapping efficiency of vegetative barriers in agricultural landscapes. An operational model from a review of available information, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-477,, 2023.

EGU23-646 | ECS | Orals | SSS2.1

Topographic signature of badlands landscapes 

Aydogan Avcioglu, Wolfgang Schwanghart, Tolga Görüm, Ömer Yetemen, Mariano Moreno-de las Heras, and Ci Jian Yang


As part of the earth's dynamic systems, badland landscapes are chiefly generated by the interaction between bedrock weathering, climate seasonality, and the controversial contribution of the hillslope and fluvial erosion processes. Although contemporary definitions clearly point out that badland initiation is a function of overland-flow-dominated gully channels, gravitational processes-dominated mass movements, and subsurface processes-driven piping, the following related questions remain to be tackled regarding their topographic position in the landscape: (1) Are the badland landforms signature of hillslope or fluvial erosion domain? (2) How do climate and regional settings (i.e., macro landforms, homogenous or heterogenous lithologies, etc.) influence the topographic position of badlands? To address these questions, we have selected climatically distinct badlands from different continents where; digital elevation models are available: Utah and South Dakota (USA), Upper Llobregat and Murcia (Spain), Northern Apennines and Basilicata (Italy), Mediterranean and Plateau – Margin Transition Badlands (Turkey), and Southern Taiwan. The badland boundaries were visually inspected and manually digitized based on diagnostic morphologic indicators. We have utilized the slope and drainage area relationship by using a 5m digital terrain model to identify topographic thresholds at TopoToolbox, a MATLAB-based software for topographic analysis. Preliminary results show that most badland areas occupy a maximum of 104 to 105 m2 contribution area in the landscapes. Although contribution areas relatively represent uniform thresholds in the sites, the local gradient (S), which is proportional to the contribution area, tends to be higher in the sub-humid mountainous badlands (Upper Llobregat, Northern Apennines) and wet tropical SW Taiwan than in semi-arid badlands (Basilicata, Murcia). We conclude that the topographic signature of badlands in the context of the sub-catchment scale may depict an appropriate instance of a transitional domain from a diffusive erosional process to a fluvial erosion process. Our findings may serve as a foundation for a better understanding of the classification and automatic detection of badland landscapes, also known as erosional hot spots.

This study has been produced benefiting from the 2232 International Fellowship for Outstanding Researchers Program of the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) through grant 118C329 and TUBITAK 2214-A International Research Fellowship Programme.



How to cite: Avcioglu, A., Schwanghart, W., Görüm, T., Yetemen, Ö., Moreno-de las Heras, M., and Yang, C. J.: Topographic signature of badlands landscapes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-646,, 2023.

EGU23-883 | ECS | Orals | SSS2.1

National Scale Soil Erosion and Sediment Yield Assessment over India 

Ravi Raj, Manabendra Saharia, and Sumedha Chakma

Soil erosion has always been a threat to the environment and agricultural practices throughout the world. For a country like India, where agriculture contributes primarily to its economy, it becomes a major problem. Identifying these vulnerable regions and planning for mitigation is crucial for sustainable soil resource management. For this, mapping or modeling soil erosion at a national scale is required to understand the variability of soil losses throughout the country. Performing field-based experiments to estimate soil losses over a large country is always expensive and tedious. Revised Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE), an empirical model, has been more prominent worldwide due to its simplicity and less forcing data requirements. In this study, average annual Potential Soil Erosion (PSE) was estimated over India using IRED (Indian Rainfall Erosivity Dataset), ISED (Indian Soil Erodibility Dataset), SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission), DEM (Digital Elevation Model), and LULC (Land-use/Land-cover) obtained from NRSC (National Remote Sensing Institute) India. PSE was further analyzed using LULC categories and soil types to visualize the impact of soil erosion in each class. As erosion significantly affected agricultural activities, financial losses over the nation were also estimated, considering the severity of soil erosion. Further, Sediment Delivery Ratio (SDR) and Specific Sediment Yield (SSY) were also mapped over the national boundary to visualize the actual soil displacement at a grid scale of 250 m. Using the SSY map, the incoming sediment load to reservoirs/dams/lakes was also estimated considering its watershed areas. This study will be helpful for the experts in the field of sustainable soil resources management for planning mitigation measurements against soil losses in India.

Keywords: Soil Erosion, Sediment Yield, Sediment Delivery Ratio, India, RUSLE, LULC

How to cite: Raj, R., Saharia, M., and Chakma, S.: National Scale Soil Erosion and Sediment Yield Assessment over India, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-883,, 2023.

EGU23-1467 | ECS | Orals | SSS2.1

A European database of soil piping-related features: a major step towards producing a piping erosion susceptibility map of Europe 

Anita Bernatek-Jakiel, Matthias Vanmaercke, Jean Poesen, Anna Biernacka, Pasquale Borrelli, Anastasiia Derii, Joanna Hałys, Joseph Holden, Gergely Jakab, Panos Panagos, Dawid Piątek, Taco H. Regensburg, Jan Rodzik, Estela Nadal-Romero, Mateusz Stolarczyk, Patryk Wacławczyk, and Wojciech Zgłobicki

A better understanding of soil erosion is not possible without including subsurface erosion. Soil piping may significantly contribute to the overall erosion problem in a given area and may therefore change the conditions and methods for controlling soil degradation. Therefore, there is an urgent need to identify regionally and globally sites where soil piping occurs which then may require a change of the strategies to control soil erosion. In this project, we are constructing the very first data-driven piping erosion susceptibility map of Europe. The crucial point is to identify piping-affected areas by mapping the soil piping-related features, i.e. pipe roof collapses (PCs) and pipe outlets in the European Union and the UK. Mapping is based on an in-depth literature review in combination with detailed mapping using Google Earth imagery, and LiDAR data (if available). The database currently consists of 6841 piping-related features (6171 PCs, and 670 outlets), among which the location of 88% features is certain (within a resolution of 25 m). Almost 28% (1889 features) were located based on detailed fieldwork, 25% (1726) were extracted from published papers, and 47% based on a detailed analysis of Google Earth imagery and LiDAR data (19% and 28%, respectively). This database is currently used to construct the very first data-driven piping erosion susceptibility map of Europe.


This research is part of the project “Building excellence in research of human-environmental systems with geospatial and Earth observation technologies” that received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 952327.

How to cite: Bernatek-Jakiel, A., Vanmaercke, M., Poesen, J., Biernacka, A., Borrelli, P., Derii, A., Hałys, J., Holden, J., Jakab, G., Panagos, P., Piątek, D., Regensburg, T. H., Rodzik, J., Nadal-Romero, E., Stolarczyk, M., Wacławczyk, P., and Zgłobicki, W.: A European database of soil piping-related features: a major step towards producing a piping erosion susceptibility map of Europe, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1467,, 2023.

EGU23-1468 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS2.1

Gully and cliff erosion feature detection in the Wairoa catchment in Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand 

Lorena Abad, Daniel Hölbling, Hugh Smith, Andrew Neverman, Harley Betts, and Raphael Spiekermann

Gullies and cliff erosion are significant indicators of land degradation. Knowledge of the spatial distribution and dimensions of these erosion features is needed to effectively quantify sediment budgets and to implement erosion mitigation measures. Expert delineation can help identify features at a local sale, however, mapping larger extents becomes time consuming. Object detection techniques based on aerial photographs and LiDAR elevation data can improve the automated delineation of such features. In this study, we tested a region-based convolutional neural network (Mask-RCNN) deep learning approach to identify gully and cliff features. 

An expert-based delineation of gully and cliff features was performed in the Wairoa catchment in Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand based on aerial photographs obtained between 2017 and 2020. These delineations served as reference data to create labelled chips for training deep learning models. Several terrain derivatives from the LiDAR digital elevation model (DEM), including slope, hillshade, slope length and steepness (LS) factor, and terrain ruggedness index, were computed. The terrain derivatives and spectral bands (R-G-B-NIR) from the aerial photographs were used to train deep learning models based on different band combinations. 

Despite achieving high accuracy (average precision score above 85%) during training, transferring the models to validation areas resulted in low detection rates, with a large number of false negatives. However, the correctly detected erosion features correspond very well to the reference data delineations, even achieving good results for the differentiation between gullies and cliffs. A closer inspection of the false positive features suggests that the reference data could be incomplete. Our study shows that deep learning has a high potential for automated gully and cliff mapping, but further improvement of the model transferability is needed. A combination of automated and expert-based delineation would potentially result in reliable and efficient erosion feature detection.

How to cite: Abad, L., Hölbling, D., Smith, H., Neverman, A., Betts, H., and Spiekermann, R.: Gully and cliff erosion feature detection in the Wairoa catchment in Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1468,, 2023.

EGU23-1523 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS2.1

Soil erosion susceptibility assessment in Mediterranean areas by means of soil quality. A test in the Guadalmedina watershed (Málaga,Spain) 

Javier González-Pérez, José Antonio Sillero-Medina, Julia Espinosa-Muñoz, and José Damián Ruiz-Sinoga

Soil erosion is one of the most relevant environmental problems facing society today. Climate change has a direct impact on these processes through a feedback loop, especially in the Mediterranean region, where the situation is conceived as one of extreme fragility. The increase in extreme rainfall and temperature events, together with differential human land use, are leading to an intense degradation of Mediterranean soils. Therefore, it is essential to determine the levels of susceptibility of the landscape to erosion processes to create new strategies to improve the management of the land and reduce the potential risks that may exist. Specifically, this work has focused on the Guadalmedina watershed, in Malaga (Spain), which is characteristic of the current dynamics of the Mediterranean landscape. For this purpose, a soil quality index based on a multi-criteria analysis of different soil indicators (water, physical and organic) has been applied in this study, using a total of 132 soil samples measured in the laboratory. In addition, the results of this analysis have been contrasted with soil erosion values derived from the application of RUSLE model. From this process, those slopes and fields with the highest water erosion risk values have been identified at the most detailed scale. In general, the lowest soil erosion rates are found in those areas where soil quality indicators show optimal values. Furthermore, the results obtained indicate that organic soil indicators are decisive in the processes of water erosion in the Mediterranean area.

How to cite: González-Pérez, J., Sillero-Medina, J. A., Espinosa-Muñoz, J., and Ruiz-Sinoga, J. D.: Soil erosion susceptibility assessment in Mediterranean areas by means of soil quality. A test in the Guadalmedina watershed (Málaga,Spain), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1523,, 2023.

EGU23-1892 | ECS | Orals | SSS2.1

Modified global soil risk map using soil erosion and saturated hydraulic conductivity maps 

Surya Gupta, Pasquale Borrelli, Panos Panagos, and Christine Alewell

Soil erosion (SE) and saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) are the essential indicators for land degradation and soil nutrient loss. Both processes are linked with each other as one can enhance the other resulting in positive feedback loops. The increase in soil erosion might block the macropores and reduce Ksat. In contrast, the reduction in Ksat triggers the runoff and increases soil erosion. However, modelling and predicting soil erosion, hydraulic properties are usually not adequately considered. We tried to link soil erosion directly with Ksat on a global scale. For this, we used global soil erosion and saturated hydraulic conductivity maps to yield combined soil risk classes. SE and Ksat maps were obtained from Borrelli et al. (2017) and Gupta et al. (2021), respectively. Each map was classified into six classes based on the previous studies. Moreover, both maps' classes were combined by creating six merged classes to develop the modified soil risk map. The modified soil risk map highlights regions with low Ksat and high SE. Furthermore, the final map was validated using continental and/or national sediment yield (SY) datasets. SY classes were compared with final risk classes to validate the accuracy of the map. The modified soil risk map showed higher accuracy compared to the SE map when compared with SY classes. This study demonstrates the first attempt to link soil erosion to soil hydraulic properties on large scales.

How to cite: Gupta, S., Borrelli, P., Panagos, P., and Alewell, C.: Modified global soil risk map using soil erosion and saturated hydraulic conductivity maps, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1892,, 2023.

EGU23-2355 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS2.1

airSUM - Structure from Motion supported Stock Unearthing Method: Erosion modeling in Viennese vineyards 

Robert Kanta and Sabine Kraushaar

Soil mobilization is particularly high in viticulture. In Austria and especially in Vienna, soil protection measures are frequently implemented, without the vintners knowing about the extent of erosion rates and where they can take additional measures in particular. However, new methods for erosion estimation with high accuracy and cost efficiency are expected to improve this situation. Of which one application will be presented in this study.

A relatively fast and low-cost possibility is the stock unearthing method (SUM), which provides a rough estimation of erosion, based on biomarkers but neglects the inter-row area. The improved ISUM is using additional measurement points in this area and therefore delivering more accurate erosion volumes. Additionally, the use of structure from motion (SfM) DEMs provided respectable results on small plots in vineyards. The combination of SUM and SfM allows the new airSUM approach to provide a significantly more precise estimation of annual erosion rates, making rendering interpolation techniques unnecessary. The resulting model represents the present relief and is able to reproduce visible runoff patterns. The use of airSUM enabled the detection of 32.7 m3 (avg. of ~83.9 t ha-1 yr-1) soil erosion on an area of 700 m2 in a period of 8 years. Erosion hotspots could be modeled mainly in the wheel tracks with depths of up to 20.5 cm parallel to the slope and correspond excellently with field observations. This is partly due to the compaction of the surface, but mainly due to the preferential runoff and erosion. The identification of the erosion hot spots, runoff breaches and consequently runoff concentration allows the precise allocation of mitigation funds to reduce overland flow and erosion.

How to cite: Kanta, R. and Kraushaar, S.: airSUM - Structure from Motion supported Stock Unearthing Method: Erosion modeling in Viennese vineyards, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2355,, 2023.

EGU23-2588 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS2.1

Erosive rainfall clustering across Austria's agricultural areas 

Cristina Vasquez, Andreas Klik, Christine Stumpp, Peter Strauß, Gregor Laaha, Nur Banu Özcelik, Pistotnik Georg, Tomas Dostal, Shuiqing Yin, and Stefan Strohmeier

A few low-frequent but extreme rainfall events generate substantial erosion amounts and, as a result, land degradation negatively affects soil health and agricultural productivity. Determining rainfall erosivity (from small to extreme events) that drive soil erosion will improve our knowledge and understanding of extreme erosion processes and our ability to develop and adapt adequate soil protection strategies. This study aims to analyze rainfall erosivity characteristics across Austria‘s main agricultural production zones using long-term (from 27 to 82 years) with high-resolution (5-minutes) rainfall data from 27 rain gauges. Erosive rainfall characteristics such as rainfall amount, event duration, and the maximum 30-minute intensity were investigated, and typical rainfall types were assessed through a clustering approach based on the k-means algorithm. Results identified three dominant types (clusters) of erosive rainfalls across Austria's agricultural areas. Seasonal distribution analysis showed that the predominant erosive events, characterized by short duration and high intensities, occur during the summer months from June to August. In contrast, the long-duration and low rainfall-intensity events are evenly distributed throughout the year. The spatial distribution of rainfalls related to the largest rainfall erosivities showed a pronounced occurrence in the southeastern pre-alpine areas. Knowledge of the occurrence of erosive rainfall events in space and time eventually supports the implementation of locally adapted Soil Conservation (SC) practices in Austria.

How to cite: Vasquez, C., Klik, A., Stumpp, C., Strauß, P., Laaha, G., Özcelik, N. B., Georg, P., Dostal, T., Yin, S., and Strohmeier, S.: Erosive rainfall clustering across Austria's agricultural areas, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2588,, 2023.

EGU23-3436 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS2.1

The potential to reconstruct 20th century soil carbon erosion in rangelands from small reservoir sediments 

Lu Li, Juliane Krenz, and Nikolaus J Kuhn

Land degradation affects the productivity of the land, but is also associated with a flux of greenhouse gases (GHGs) from soil and vegetation into the atmosphere. The large area of rangelands (35 million km2, cover about 40% of earth’s surface) can contribute significantly to changes of atmospheric CO2 concentrations following even a minor alteration of the rangeland soil C pool (Wang et al. 2002). Degradation of South African rangelands has been a concern for more than 100 years (Rowntree, 2013). The Karoo drylands, covering 30% of the land surface of South Africa, have experienced particular intense soil erosion and thus loss of topsoil C. To sustain the large number of animals, many small farm dams have been constructed mainly in the first half of the twentieth century. As a consequence of the soil erosion, they are now often silted-up and have breached (Boardman, 2014). The sediment deposited behind such small dams offers the possibility to reconstruct the loss soil C for the time peirod between construction and breaching of dams. Five dams were chosen to explore the possibility to use their sediment as an environmental archive for 20th century rangeland soil Carbon loss. The specific aims of our study are to 1) find out whether distinct C profiles can be discerned in dam sediments; 2) identify whether these changes potentially reflect erosion and soil C loss in the dam catchments; and 3) to discuss whether the dam sediments can serve as an environmental archive to reconstruct soil-atmosphere interaction during recent decades. The initial survey of the dams involved the sampling of individual sediment strata and the analysis of their organic and nitrogen content, as well as the 137Cs activity of selected samples to gain an insight into the time of deposition. Two dams showed a profile that indicates a loss of soil C during the first decreased after their construction, while the other dams showed no clear signal or even an increase of sediment C in the younger sediment. One dam showed no 137Cs activity, indicating that it was filled with sediment very quickly after construction. These results illustrate that soil degradation and associated loss of soil C stocks can potentially be reconstructed based on the small dam sediments. However, the source of the sediment C has to be tested, as well as the individual land use and erosion history of each dam catchment. 

How to cite: Li, L., Krenz, J., and Kuhn, N. J.: The potential to reconstruct 20th century soil carbon erosion in rangelands from small reservoir sediments, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3436,, 2023.

EGU23-3537 | Posters on site | SSS2.1

Impact of rapid deforestation and conversion of traditional agricultural practices into food crop production on land and water degradation: a case study from Mayotte Island, Indian Ocean, France (2011-2022) 

Anthony Foucher, Olivier Evrard, Laura Rabiet, Olivier Cerdan, Valentin Landemaine, Maxime Vitter, and Jean-François Desprats

During the last twenty years, Mayotte island (France, Comoros archipelago) has experienced an explosion of population (+80% between 2002 and 2021, taking the official population into account only) leading to a deforestation and a decline in traditional agricultural practices (mahorais garden) in favor of intensive food crop monocultures (e.g. banana, manioc…). These changes in land use are at the origin of an acceleration of erosion dynamics and an excessive transfer of sediments to water bodies downstream. In addition to land degradation, sediment transfers contribute to the filling of reservoirs devoted to supplying drinking water, to the deterioration of the lagoon and to a general loss of biodiversity.

The inertia, trajectory and the sources of this erosion remain poorly documented despite the acceleration of this land use evolution during the last 10 years. In this study, we propose a retro-observation of sedimentary fluxes and sources of sediment based on the analysis of sedimentary archives collected in one of the main reservoirs of the island (Dzoumogné reservoir, 22 ha) along with the development of a sediment tracing approach (associating radionuclide measurements, elemental geochemistry, organic matter and color analyses) in order to reconstruct the evolution of erosion rates and sources of since 2011.

The first results reveal the occurrence of two periods of erosion acceleration between 2013 and 2015, and then after 2019. The first increase (+140% of erosion rates, from 3.5 to 8.5 t ha-1 yr-1) occurred during a period of deforestation, which induced an opening of the landscape (e.g. creation of unpaved roads). The second acceleration phase took place during the most recent period of agriculture expansion associated with an intensification of agricultural practices (+115% of erosion rates, from 3 t ha-1 yr-1 in 2017 to 6.5 t ha-1 yr-1 in 2020). The sediment accumulated in the reservoir between 2011 and 2021mostly originated from subsurface sources (bank erosion, unpaved roads, gullied soils) and intensive cultivation (e.g., in 2021, 35% of sediment originated from unpaved roads, channel banks, landslides and 27% from intensive cultivation) while forests that are less exposed to erosion only supplied a limited contribution to sediment (<18%). As land use changes are expected to continue in the coming years, understanding the factors controlling the erosion dynamics and the supply of sediment sources are of prime importance in order to implement effective conservation measures and to protect the land and water resources.

How to cite: Foucher, A., Evrard, O., Rabiet, L., Cerdan, O., Landemaine, V., Vitter, M., and Desprats, J.-F.: Impact of rapid deforestation and conversion of traditional agricultural practices into food crop production on land and water degradation: a case study from Mayotte Island, Indian Ocean, France (2011-2022), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3537,, 2023.

EGU23-3578 | Orals | SSS2.1

Soil loss by water erosion assessment uncertainties – experiences from South Africa 

Jussi Baade, Kevin Zoller, and Jay Le Roux

The Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) was initially developed to support the implementation of conservation measures to minimize soil loss by water erosion, i.e. sheet and rill erosion, on a local scale and in the context of agricultural land use. The approach was refined over decades and became the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE).  At the same time the scope of applications has grown considerably. Due to its rather simple structure and relatively low demand for input data, it has been used for the assessment of soil loss from water erosion for ever growing spatial entities, i.e. regional scale catchments or whole countries. Recently this has been applied on a global scale in order to identify global hotspots of soil erosion. This coherent approach for a global comparison is most welcome against the background of the large number of country-specific assessments which are rather difficult to compare.

However, there are two issues of concern. First, one needs to remember that RUSLE-derived soil loss assessments do not account for gully erosion, which might not be linearly scaled with sheet and rill erosion. Furthermore, information on the uncertainties of RUSLE based erosion assessments are not frequently reported. This especially concerns the impact of specific combinations of varying unique input data on the results.

In this contribution we compare in high spatial resolution the results of two RUSLE-based soil loss by water erosion assessments conducted for six 100 by 100 km large study sites in South Africa. The first assessment was conducted about two decades ago and was based on the then available data covering the whole of South Africa. The second assessment is a revision, which includes the latest input data for rainfall erosivity, soil erodibility, the topographic factor as well as land cover and management. When compared, the results of the current soil loss estimates are an order of magnitude lower than the previous estimates. Does this difference represent a temporal trend or just the inherent uncertainties reflecting different input data and slightly different data processing? This is the question discussed in this contribution.

How to cite: Baade, J., Zoller, K., and Le Roux, J.: Soil loss by water erosion assessment uncertainties – experiences from South Africa, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3578,, 2023.

Global efforts to restore the world’s degraded croplands require knowledge on the degree and extent of accelerated soil organic carbon (SOC) loss induced by soil erosion. However, methods for assessing where and to what extent erosion takes place is still inadequate for precise detection of erosion hotspots at high spatial resolution.


In this study, we attempted to develop a spectra-based soil erosion mapping approach to pinpoint eroded hotspots in a typical catchment located in the black soil region of Northeast China as characterized by undulating landscapes. We built a ground-truth dataset consisting of three classes of soils representing Severe, Moderate, and Low erosion intensity because of their inter-class contrasts in estimated erosion rates from 137Cs tracing. The spectral separability of different erosion classes was first tested by a combined principal component and linear discriminant analysis (PCA-LDA) against laboratory hyperspectral data and then validated against Sentinel-2 derived broadband spectra.


We will present results on the performance of the PCA-LDA model to classify soil erosion intensity classes based on laboratory and satellite-based soil spectra. We further identified distinctive spectral features representative of shifting soil albedo and biochemical composition due to erosion-induced SOC mobilization. A classification scheme comprising the spectral features was applied to the Sentinel-2 bare soil composite for pixel-wise soil erosion mapping, from which 15.9% of the catchment area was detected as erosion hotspots while the Moderate class occupied 65.4%.Our study highlights the potential of the spectral-based remote sensing approach for  better targeted cropland management to combat soil degradation.

How to cite: Qi, L. and Shi, P.: Detection of soil erosion hotspots with accelerated carbon losses in the black soil region of Northeast China as driven by Sentinel-2 multispectral remote sensing, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4089,, 2023.

EGU23-5030 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS2.1

Eco-geomorphological repercussions of recent climate dynamics on soil quality from Cabo de Gata-Níjar Natural Park (Almería, Spain) 

Julia Espinosa-Muñoz, José Antonio Sillero-Medina, and José Damián Ruiz-Sinoga

In the Mediterranean area of southern Spain, a well-defined rainfall gradient is identified, ranging from 1.000-1.500 mm annual rainfall in the western sector to less than 150 mm in the extreme east. This fact implies a related impoverishment of ecosystem services, intensified by the impacts of current climate dynamics and leading to a degradation of soil-water-plant relationships and reflected in different indicator properties. In this respect, protected natural environments have a fundamental role to preserve and protect ecosystem services. Thus, the mitigation of the effects of climate change on them is a crucial challenge.  For this reason, this study has focused on the Cabo de Gata-Níjar Natural Park (UNESCO Global Geopark), located at the eastern end of the above-mentioned gradient, with territorial characteristics related to arid and semi-arid climatic conditions where the consequences of the current pluviometric pattern are emphasising the vulnerabilities of these areas. This research aims to (i) analyse the eco-geomorphological dynamics in last decades from a climatic and vegetation cover perspective and (ii) contrast this evolution with the soil quality situation, with emphasis on soil organic properties as determinants of the main degradation processes in the Mediterranean area. Methods used combine the statistical analysis of climatic variables based on data from the SAIH Hidrosur Network (1997-2022) with the use of spatial remote sensing techniques by applying vegetation indices in Sentinel-2 images. In addition, a total of 276 soil samples were collected and analysed to determine their physical, hydrological, and organic properties. On a preliminary way, the results show large differences between different landscape units. On the one hand, areas where abiotic factors control the current eco-geomorphological dynamics and where the aggressiveness of rainfall is causing important degradation processes, a reduction in the organic content of soils and, in general, a dynamic associated with rhexistasy, and on the other hand, areas where biotic factors are improving environmental conservation and the prevalence of biostasy processes.

How to cite: Espinosa-Muñoz, J., Sillero-Medina, J. A., and Ruiz-Sinoga, J. D.: Eco-geomorphological repercussions of recent climate dynamics on soil quality from Cabo de Gata-Níjar Natural Park (Almería, Spain), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5030,, 2023.

EGU23-5160 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS2.1

Short- and long-term changes in soil physical properties following biochar addition to soils with different textures 

Martin Zanutel, Sarah Garré, and Charles Bielders

In the context of global soil degradation, biochar is being promoted as a potential solution to improve soil quality in addition to its carbon sequestration potential. Burying biochar in soils has been shown to affect soil physical properties, but the intensity of this effect depends, among others, on soil properties and application rates. Moreover, the long-term effects of biochar remain largely undocumented yet they are important to quantify given biochar’s persistency in soils. The objective of this study was therefore to determine the short-term and long-term effects of biochar on soil physical properties in function of soil texture and biochar application rates. For this purpose, experiments were conducted in Wallonia (southern Belgium) at two sites with different soil texture (silt loam and sandy loam). Both sites are characterized by the presence of former kiln sites that were used for studying the long-term (> 150 years) effect of hardwood biochar. In addition, fresh biochar produced from Picea abies at 500°C by GreenPoch SA was buried in subplots at both sites at rates of 1% and 2% in mass in the top 10 cm just before the spring sowing in 2021. Samples were collected on September 2021 in kiln sites, in fresh biochar (1 & 2%) subplots and in biochar-free reference plots, in triplicate. The measured soil physical properties were the bulk density, the water retention curve and the hydraulic conductivity curve.

Reference subplots were characterized by higher bulk density and lower saturated water content than biochar subplots. The presence of biochar increased the water content for pF < 1.5. These biochar effects were higher for the sandy loam compared to the silt loam and in the short-term compared to the long-term. The plant available water capacity increased with the presence of biochar on the sandy loam, but was unaffected on the silt loam. The hydraulic conductivity was slightly higher for pF < 1.5 in the biochar subplots compared to the reference subplots. On the silt loam, this effect was more visible for fresh biochar whereas on the sandy loam, this effect was higher in the kiln sites. Therefore, the study highlighted a positive effect of biochar in the short-term and in the long-term on soil physical properties for the range of soils and biochar application rates investigated here. Further research may be needed to confirm the observed trends over a wider range of soil types, biochar types and biochar application rates as well as to better understand the underlying mechanisms.

How to cite: Zanutel, M., Garré, S., and Bielders, C.: Short- and long-term changes in soil physical properties following biochar addition to soils with different textures, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5160,, 2023.

EGU23-5433 | ECS | Orals | SSS2.1

Non-contact methods for measuring craters formed on soil after a drop impact 

Rafał Mazur, Michał Beczek, Magdalena Ryżak, Agata Sochan, Cezary Polakowski, Karolina Gibała, and Andrzej Bieganowski

The splash phenomenon is one of the stages of water erosion, i.e. a process that causes soil degradation. The crux of splash is the detachment and displacement of soil particles due to the impact of raindrops. Another important aspect of the phenomenon is that a deformation called a crater is formed at the point of the impact. Research on craters helps to expand the knowledge of the splash phenomenon and may contribute to understanding its relationship with successive stages of water erosion. The quantities used to describe the deformation include static dimensions (e.g. depth or diameter of the crater) and dynamic quantities to describe the course of the deformation (e.g. the time for the crater to reach a stable shape). The small size of the craters and the high dynamics of their formation induce the use of accurate and advanced measurement methods.

The aim of the work is to present selected non-contact methods for measuring craters formed on soil after a drop impact.

The study was focused on photography, high-speed imaging, 3D surface modelling, and computed tomography (CT). The discussion of the methods includes a brief description of the measurements, the range of quantities that can be determined with the methods, and indication of their strengths and weaknesses. Knowledge of these issues allows making an informed choice of measurement methods when planning new experiments or projects, which may significantly affect the results that can be obtained.



Mazur, R.; Ryżak, M.; Sochan, A.; Beczek, M.; Polakowski, C.; Bieganowski, A. Soil Deformation after Water Drop Impact—A Review of the Measurement Methods. Sensors 2023, 23, 121.

This work was partially supported by the National Science Centre, Poland within the framework of project no. 2020/37/N/ST10/03363.

How to cite: Mazur, R., Beczek, M., Ryżak, M., Sochan, A., Polakowski, C., Gibała, K., and Bieganowski, A.: Non-contact methods for measuring craters formed on soil after a drop impact, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5433,, 2023.

EGU23-5853 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS2.1

Land use changes and spatial susceptibility in small Mediterranean basins 

Ana Triano-Cornejo, María Eugenia Pérez-González, and José Damián Ruiz-Sinoga

Soil erosion is one of the most recurrent environmental problems of public interest today. The western Mediterranean is an area sensitive to the effects of Climate Change, according to the latest IPCC Sixth Assessment Report, due to the proven increase in extreme events such as heat waves, extreme rainfall and droughts. Within this, the importance of competition in the territory between tourism and agriculture will be the result of radical changes in land use that are affecting the ecomorphological system to the point of making it even more susceptible due to the emergence and increase of high risks in the Mediterranean basins. Therefore, it will be essential to determine the levels of susceptibility of the basins under study with respect to erosive processes in order to create new mitigation measures to improve soil management and reduce these risks. Through this study we intend to analyze changes in land use and territorial susceptibility in several basins in southern Spain, in Malaga. The main objective is to determine the incidence and susceptibility of these basins and to analyse how they have been affected by land use changes through an observation of land use changes and the application of the RUSLE model. This project will look at the differences between two contrasting basins. One basin with steep slopes and the emergence of more sensitive crops, such as vineyards, which will increase the fragility of Mediterranean basins after torrential events, causing the appearance of a higher risk of erosion, while the other basin will be differentiated with the appearance of clearings that decrease the steep slopes together with changes to more competitive crops, such as subtropical crops. The results demonstrate the correlation between land use and torrential events in Mediterranean basins with respect to their susceptibility in their ecogeomorphological system.

How to cite: Triano-Cornejo, A., Pérez-González, M. E., and Ruiz-Sinoga, J. D.: Land use changes and spatial susceptibility in small Mediterranean basins, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5853,, 2023.

EGU23-6421 | ECS | Orals | SSS2.1

Modelling Switzerland’s actual erosion risk on arable land 

Anina Gilgen, Silvio Blaser, Jérôme Schneuwly, Catherine Hutchings, and Volker Prasuhn

In Switzerland, soil erosion by water is a challenge due to the complex topography. It is stipulated by law that a soil removal rate of 2 t/ha/yr (for soil depth < 70 cm) or 4 t/ha/yr (for soil depth > 70 cm) on arable land must not be exceeded as a long-term average. Furthermore, an impairment of soil fertility and of water bodies and near-natural habitats due to erosion should be avoided by all means.

In this study, we calculated the actual erosion risk on arable land of Switzerland for 2021 using newly available data sources on crops and tillage practices. The erosion risk was calculated with the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation:

A = R∗K∗L∗S∗C∗P

With R = rainfall and surface runoff factor, K = soil erodibility factor, L = slope length factor,  S = slope gradient factor,  C = soil cover and cultivation factor, and P = erosion control factor.

The product of the factors R∗K∗L∗S represents the potential erosion risk. For the calculation, we used the available potential erosion risk map by Bircher et al. (2019).

To derive realistic C factors adapted to Swiss climate conditions, the following procedure was applied: average crop-specific C  factors for two geographical regions (valley, mountain) and three distinct tillage types (plough mulch, direct seeding) were deduced from data of the Swiss agri-environmental monitoring programme (SAEDN; Gilgen et al. 2023), which provides detailed management data on the field level of approximately 300 farms since 2009. The categorised C  factors were allocated to individual parcels using geo-referenced crop area polygons of the Swiss cantons as well as direct payment data from the Federal Office for Agriculture on crop-specific tillage types.

Since no data on the P factor was available, it was estimated using expert knowledge. Calculation was carried out on a 2x2m grid and summarised at municipality level.

Our calculations represent the best yet for Switzerland's actual erosion risk. However, a comparison with the erosion that has actually occurred, as carried out by Bircher et al. (2022), is still pending. The described method can be used in the future for monitoring that focuses on the environmental impact of farmers' management changes. A prerequisite for this is that sufficiently detailed data on farm management continues to be available.



Bircher, P., Liniger, H.P., and Prasuhn, V. (2019): Aktualisierung und Optimierung der Erosionsrisikokarte (ERK2): Die neue ERK2 (2019) für das Ackerland der Schweiz: Schlussbericht. Bundesamt für Landwirtschaft, Bern 

Bircher, P., Liniger, H.P., and Prasuhn, V. (2022): Comparison of long-term field-measured and RUSLE-based modelled soil loss in Switzerland. Geoderma Regional, 31, e00595,

Gilgen, A., Blaser, S., Schneuwly, J., Liebisch, F., and Merbold, L. (2023): The Swiss agri-environmental data network (SAEDN): Description and critical review of the dataset. Agricultural Systems, 205, 103576,

How to cite: Gilgen, A., Blaser, S., Schneuwly, J., Hutchings, C., and Prasuhn, V.: Modelling Switzerland’s actual erosion risk on arable land, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6421,, 2023.

EGU23-8245 | ECS | Orals | SSS2.1

Effect of wind-driven rain on runoff, infiltration and soil erosion 

Sophia Bahddou, Wilfred Otten, Richard Whalley, Ho-Chul Shin, Mohamed El Gharous, and Jane Rickson

Soil erosion is a result of detachment and transport of particles or small aggregates from the soil surface. Previous research has predominantly focused on studying the effects of either rainfall or wind on soil erosion processes as separate erosive agents. To date, there have been only few studies into the simultaneous effect of both agents operating at the same time on soil erosion and hydrological processes. In this research, the effect of wind velocities on the erosivity of rainfall was studied, comparing windless rain (WLR) and wind-driven rain (WDR) events when applied to a sandy loam soil. A moderate slope gradient of 11%, a simulated rainfall intensity of 90 mm hr-1, a rainfall duration of 30 minutes and wind velocities up to 9 m s-1 were used. The runoff, infiltrate and soil loss (including splash erosion measured at different heights) were compared between the different events and treatments. The soil surface roughness was measured before and after the rainfall event, using a hand-held laser scanner, to evaluate the effect of WLR and WDR on the surface morphology. The outcome of this study shows that, for the smooth surface under WDR, infiltrate volumes were less than under WLR and decreased with increasing wind velocity, while the runoff volumes increased under WDR compared with WLR. The rate of rainsplash erosion increased under the WDR event compared to the WLR event at all heights. The amount of splash-eroded particles decreased with height above the soil surface. We conclude that wind has an effect on the erosivity of rainfall; therefore, it should be considered in erosion studies.

Acknowledgments: This work was funded by OCP group, Morocco

How to cite: Bahddou, S., Otten, W., Whalley, R., Shin, H.-C., El Gharous, M., and Rickson, J.: Effect of wind-driven rain on runoff, infiltration and soil erosion, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8245,, 2023.

EGU23-8611 | Orals | SSS2.1

Historical evolution and future storylines of degradation drivers in Mediterranean arid and semiarid agro-ecosystems 

Aristeidis Koutroulis, Manolis Grillakis, and Athanasios Tsilimigkras

Mediterranean ecosystems are already under pressure from the combined impacts of direct human activities and anthropogenic climate change. In this highly human-managed region, land degradation and accelerated dryland expansion threaten the biological systems and the natural resources that sustain agriculture and forests [1]. The question of "what is the driving force of the changes," and specifically whether anthropogenic climate change or direct human management is to blame, is crucial. The attribution of these changes plays a key role in better managing the arid and semiarid Mediterranean agro-ecosystems, especially considering a different future climate. Here we examine the net effect of anthropogenic climate change-induced changes in the state of two significant land degradation factors, aridity and rainfall erosivity, across the Mediterranean.

We rely on a state-of-the-art counterfactual stationary climate dataset, a hypothetical climate in a world without climate change [2], to estimate impact indicators since the onset of industrial revolution (1900-2019). We compare results against aridity and rainfall erosivity calculated from observational (factual) climate data to examine historical imposed long-term changes attributed to human induced climate change. The difference between past impacts and counterfactual impacts is a proxy for a broad-scale concept facilitating a top down approach to define degradation and physical vulnerabilities of Mediterranean agro-ecosystems, in the frame of REACT4MED project. We further analyze scenarios of future climate change to unravel future trends. The information is further downscaled at pilot area level to support the co-development and analysis of local-scale indicators. Results will serve as a basis for the detection of potential future degradation trends used in the identification of potentially suitable areas in the Mediterranean for up or out-scaling of restoration measures beyond REACT4MED pilot areas.


[1] Daliakopoulos, N., et al. "Yield response of Mediterranean rangelands under a changing climate." Land Degradation & Development 28.7 (2017): 1962-1972.

[2] Mengel, M., et al. “ATTRICI v1.1 – counterfactual climate for impact attribution.” Geosci. Model Dev., 14, 5269–5284.

Acknowledgements: This work has received support from REACT4MED (GA 2122) PRIMA funded project, supported by Horizon 2020.

How to cite: Koutroulis, A., Grillakis, M., and Tsilimigkras, A.: Historical evolution and future storylines of degradation drivers in Mediterranean arid and semiarid agro-ecosystems, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8611,, 2023.

EGU23-8889 | ECS | Orals | SSS2.1

A crop phenology-based approach to quantify the C-factor at the field-parcel scale in Europe 

Francis Matthews, Panos Panagos, Pasquale Borrelli, and Gert Verstraeten

The crop cover-management (C-) factor in arable landscapes describes the soil erosion susceptibility associated with seasonally cultivated crops. Previous informatic and computational limitations have led many modelling studies to prescribe C-factor values and assume spatial and temporal stationarity. However, the multiple influencing factors ranging from parcel-scale crop cultivation and management to regional-scale rainfall regimes motivate new methods to capture this variation when identifying at-risk areas. Modern data systems (in this case: field parcel vector data, Sentinel-2 time series, rainfall erosivity time series networks, EU-scale land survey (LUCAS) and European regional statistical data) provide spatially and/or temporally dense information sources on which scalable model parametrisation frameworks can be built and updated. Here, we define a multi-component method to derive the C-factor by associating time series of canopy and residue surface cover from Sentinel-2 and climate-specific rainfall erosivity with Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS) field parcel data from European Union Member States. A standardised approach is emphasised to increase the future interoperability and inter-comparability of soil erosion modelling studies deploying the C-factor. Additionally, field parcel simulation units with associated crop declarations provide a new reference scale to link predictions of soil erosion risk with specific management decisions and declarations by farmers. After implementing the method on a homogenised subsample of 8600 field parcels covering available IACS data regions, several key findings are outlined: 1) time series information provides new opportunities to predict the time-criticality of erosion in specific crop cultivations, 2) the varying (a-)synchronicity between seasonal crop canopy cover and heavy rainstorms means that spatial variability is inherent within the C-factor across Europe, and 3) the addition of agricultural management practices (e.g. tillage practice descriptions) to open-access IACS repositories can facilitate more comprehensive evaluations of the C-factor and soil erosion risk in the future.

How to cite: Matthews, F., Panagos, P., Borrelli, P., and Verstraeten, G.: A crop phenology-based approach to quantify the C-factor at the field-parcel scale in Europe, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8889,, 2023.

Soil erosion by water is considered as one of the most serious processes degrading the soil functionality of arable soils around the globe. To assess the risk of water erosion at larger scales, the universal soil loss equation (USLE) and its derivates are commonly used for the implementation of policy instruments.

An important factor needed within (R)USLE model exercises is the K-factor, which reflects the natural erodibility of the topsoil. The spatial explicit determination of the K-factor is crucial to create reliable soil loss estimate maps. However, the accurate estimation of the K-factor at the regional level is challenging due to different existing calculation methods and as a variety of spatial data (e.g. soil texture fractions, rock fragments, soil organic matter) is needed. The latter severely limits the choice of available data, which differ in spatial resolution and information content of the required parameters. This leads to a high potential of uncertainty in the regional estimation of K-factors, but also of the soil erosion estimates at regional level.

Therefore, the aim of the study presented is to determine the spatial and quantitative accuracy of different soil data sets and calculation methods for estimating the K-factor for Germany. Furthermore, the influence of possible uncertainties on the estimation of soil erosion risk by combining all factors of the (R)USLE should be evaluated. Based on the aim of this study we modelled K-factors for three available harmonized German-wide datasets: I) LUCAS soil dataset of Europe), II) BÜK1000 and III) BÜK200 (soil overview maps for Germany) using the existing equations of A) Wischmeier and Smith (1978) and its extension of B) Auerswald et al. (2014) representing the original K-factor nomograph. For the validation of the three datasets, K-factors based on 2234 arable soil profiles across Germany from the Agricultural Soil Inventory (BZE_LW) with most detailed soil information were calculated.

The results reveal significant differences between calculation methods and data sets for the German-wide assessment of K-Factors. The LUCAS soil dataset overestimates average K-Factors of the BZE-LW by ~ +21 % (RMSE = 0.015, R² = 0.30), while BÜK200 underestimates K-Factors by ~ -30 % (RMSE = 0.016; R² = 0.34). In contrast the calculation method has a low impact on the average K-Factor estimation (~ 5 %) while the RMSE is comparable high with 0.012 (R² = 0.57).

The results imply that the choice of the calculation method and dataset at regional level is important and that detailed information on soil texture (e.g. very fine sand fraction) are crucial and strongly needed in order to improve the estimation of reliable K-Factors and soil erosion risk on regional-scales. 


How to cite: Saggau, P. and Steinhoff-Knopp, B.: Uncertainties in the regional estimation of Soil Erodibility. A German wide evaluation of the K-Factor comparing current datasets and calculation methods., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9045,, 2023.

EGU23-9334 | Orals | SSS2.1

The impact of new detailed (R)USLE-C-factor maps for Germany on soil loss estimates 

Bastian Steinhoff-Knopp and Philipp Saggau

The (R)USLE and its many derivates are the most used models to estimate soil loss by water at regional scale. Within the (R)USLE the C-factor is used to assess the impact of crop and soil management on erosion. The exact, temporal and spatial explicit determination of the C-factor is crucial to create reliable maps on soil loss estimates, monitoring the impact of agricultural practices on soil erosion and evaluating the efficiency of policy instruments.

The derivation of accurate high-resolution C-factor data for larger regions remains a challenge, as a variety of spatio-temporal data (crops/crop rotation, tillage management, interannual variation of rainfall erosivity) is needed. Based on recent improvements in calculation methods and the availability of earth observation data, the C-factor can be estimated using agricultural statistics and parcel-based information on crop cultivation. Consequently, we developed two types of spatially explicit and regional C-factor datasets for Germany, mapping the impact of agricultural practice on soil erosion in a more reliable and spatially detailed way: i) harmonized mean C-factors for municipalities for 1999, 2003, 2007, 2010, 2016 and 2020, and ii) parcel-based C-factors for the period 2017-2020 based on crop type maps from satellite data.

In this contribution, we will present the implemented methods and will discuss the impact of the new detailed C-factor maps on soil loss estimates in a spatial resolution of 10 x 10 m for German cropland. The results show an increase in the C-factors for municipalities during the last two decades by 17 %. The parcel-based data reveals the C-factor ranges within the municipalities: While the mean C-factor for all parcels across Germany is 0.107 (conventional cropping; 2017-2020), the standard deviation within the municipalities ranges from 0 to 0.141 at a mean standard deviation of 0.045. This results in differences in erosion rates of up to 7 t / (ha • a), highlighting the importance of spatially explicit C-factor estimates.

How to cite: Steinhoff-Knopp, B. and Saggau, P.: The impact of new detailed (R)USLE-C-factor maps for Germany on soil loss estimates, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9334,, 2023.

EGU23-9800 | ECS | Orals | SSS2.1

Statistical analysis of a systematic review on soil water erosion assessment in Morocco 

Houda Lamane, Latifa Mouhir, Rachid Moussadek, Bouamar Baghdad, Hamza Briak, Abdelmjid Zouahri, and Ali El Bilali

A large effort has been devoted over the past century to assessing soil erosion using a variety of methods under a wide range of climatic conditions, soil types, land uses, topography, and others. Thus, we attempt to provide an analysis of national data of several soil erosion modeling and fingerprinting. The methodology adopted for this research is a review of scientific articles, conference papers and thesis on soil erosion, focusing more on categorization of the different soil erosion models and methods applied. Based on the statistical analysis provided by this review, the results are as follows: (i) Even though the threat of soil erosion is grave, the number of studies conducted to characterize and evaluate soil erosion in Morocco is limited. (ii) Studies on water erosion modeling are concentrated in the north of the country (Rif 32.89%, High Atlas 32.89%, Occidental Meseta 18.43% and Middle Atlas 10.53%). (iii) Water erosion models have been steadily developed and interfaced with GIS based approaches in recent decades. (iv) Although Morocco is geomorphologically and geologically varied (Rif, Middle and High Atlas, Mesetian and Saharan domain), several authors use soil erosion assessment models that ignore the unique characteristics of each study area and fail to adapt them to local conditions. (v) USLE (R) models have been widely used and modified over the past two decades and remain the most commonly used modeling tool today. (vi) The largest proportion of the erosion rate is concentrated in the Atlas and Rif mountains. (vii) Demonstration of a strong relationship between soil erosion rates with environmental factors and modeling conditions, and the lack of correlation with study area size and erosion rate. While the overall results show a relatively high variance, which cannot be explained by this combination of factors, it is partly related to the experimental conditions. This review is intended to support future soil erosion assessment and to facilitate the identification of priorities for soil erosion research in Morocco by supplying a state of the art for future targeted and comprehensive analyses to deal with the issue of soil erosion in Morocco.

Keywords: Soil water erosion models, Fingerprinting methods, Literature review, Morocco.

How to cite: Lamane, H., Mouhir, L., Moussadek, R., Baghdad, B., Briak, H., Zouahri, A., and El Bilali, A.: Statistical analysis of a systematic review on soil water erosion assessment in Morocco, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9800,, 2023.

Soil erosion and associated land degradation, accelerated by anthropogenic activities, are serious worldwide environmental problems that can reduce crop productivity and cause on- and off-site damages resulting from sediment transport and deposition. A common feature of the agriculture-dominated landscape of the Prairie Pothole Region in western Canada is depressional wetlands (typically 10 to 20, small seasonal to permanent waterbodies per square kilometer).  These wetlandscapes are fragile agro-ecosystems that have been disturbed and impacted through human-induced soil erosion, receiving influxes of sediment and associated constituents (e.g., phosphorus, organic carbon and pesticides) from the surrounding local and regional sources (e.g., cultivated fields). The general objective of this study was to estimate the severity of soil loss and sedimentation rates, and sediment flux from surrounding cultivated fields into wetlands. The study area included two sub-watersheds in the Prairie Provinces of Manitoba and Alberta, within the Canadian portion of the Prairie Pothole Region. Soil and sediment cores were collected along multiple transects from the uppermost portion of each catchment to the central area of the wetland.  Transects were distributed within catchments to capture the variability resulting from the topographic complexity. The results of this study demonstrated high rates of soil loss in the upper slope and middle slope positions, and high rates of deposition in lower slope and foot slope positions of wetlandscapes. Furthermore, the areal average of transect data provided sediment delivery ratio estimates of 57% for Manitoba and 35% for Alberta, which indicates that a relatively high amount of the mobilized sediment was exported beyond the cultivated fields towards the wetlands, mostly deposited in riparian areas.

How to cite: Zarrinabadi, E. and Lobb, D. A.: Assessing soil erosion and sediment flux using 137Cs within topographically complex landscapes of Prairie Pothole Region of Canada, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9841,, 2023.

EGU23-10002 | ECS | Orals | SSS2.1

Historical evolution of gullies: Impact of climate 

George Olivier, Marco J. Van De Wiel, and Willem P. De Clercq

Gully erosion is regarded as one of the worst land degradation processes in the world. It is a complex geomorphic process resulting in on-site land degradation due to the removal of soil, and off-site land degradation, due to mobilised soil, pollutants, and pesticides adversely affecting soil and water resources. Climate change predictions show that the frequency of high-magnitude rainfall events will increase, thereby exacerbating the degradation impacts of gullying. By assessing long-term datasets (>30 years), the relationship between gully evolution and climate variability can be observed, providing potential insight into gully evolution under climate change. We aim to isolate climate as a driving factor by investigating three sites under similar land-use, environments transformed into conservation areas but exhibiting contrasting climates. The sites are in South Africa (SA), located in the arid Karoo, a Lowveld area with Savanna land cover and a humid Grassland region. A triangulation of methods was implemented, including i) digitising gully change from remotely sensed imagery spanning up to 78 years, ii) conducting field measurements, and iii) interviewing land managers. In the arid Karoo, gullies were discontinuous, forming successive chains waning into deposition zones, only to be reactivated again with an abrupt headcut downstream of the depositional area. Continuous gullies were found in the Grassland and Savanna regions. Remotely sensed image analysis shows a mean annual linear expansion along the main drainage line was the largest in the Savanna, 2.8 m, compared to 0.5 m and 0.4 m recorded in the Grassland and Karoo. However, the mean planimetric area changes of gullied extent were 6 and 8.4 times larger in the Grasslands compared to the Karoo and Savanna. Fieldwork confirmed active gully processes at all three sites, identifying active sub-surface processes, only found in the Grassland, as the leading cause for the morphological difference between the extensive Grassland gullies and the narrower linear gully features in the Savanna and Karoo. However, certain gully headcuts in the Karoo present as bulbous transforming into narrower downstream channels, most likely a result of being artificially enlarged from failed gabion installations at the headcut. During interviews with land managers, concerns about contemporary gully erosion were noted at all three sites, with the implementation of mitigation measures ongoing. There is consensus among the three methodologies, identifying that gully erosion remains stubbornly active, even after transforming to a conservation-orientated land-use. In the Karoo and Savanna, human influence and rainfall variability were attributed as causal factors of gullying, inherited from ill-placed farm roads and overgrazing, respectively. In the Grasslands, soil type is deemed the dominant driver of gullying, although animal tracks (specifically those from antelope) forming pathways for water after rainfall was contentious. Our analysis shows that gully erosion severity follows the climate gradient of SA. However, it remains difficult to completely isolate climate as a driver due to different inherent soil properties, geology, and slope. We expect an increase in gully erosion for all three sites under climate change predictions, although more pronounced in the Grassland region.

How to cite: Olivier, G., Van De Wiel, M. J., and De Clercq, W. P.: Historical evolution of gullies: Impact of climate, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10002,, 2023.

EGU23-11081 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS2.1

Effects of vegetation root on erosion degree under different arrangements of river banks. 

Yen-Ching Chiang, Jin-Fu Li, and Su-Chin Chen

With environmental protection becoming more and more important in recent years, the suitability of traditional regulation methods in rivers such as bank protection and river cutoff begins to be challenged. The regulation methods combined with ecology have become an important goal in natural rivers nowadays. In this research, a series of flume experiments were conducted to discuss the effect of bank erosion on vegetation roots between bare and vegetated banks.

The experimental parameters of flow discharge, water depth,  and channel slope are 0.014 , 9.5 cm, and 0.001, respectively. A kind of vegetation, Vigna radiate, is planted in cultivation boxes for 1 – 2 weeks and then moves into the channel as the vegetated banks. A laser scanner is set up on the flume channel to record the variation of initial and final topography. The results show that the erosion ratios of bare and vegetated banks are 40.24 % and 24.34 %, respectively. The root system of vegetation has a function of anti-erosion on river banks. In addition, we observe the exposed roots formed a protective layer along the flow direction on the bank over a period of time after beginning the experiment. The protective layer by roots helps the river bank resist water erosion and reduce the amount of erosion in the covered area.

How to cite: Chiang, Y.-C., Li, J.-F., and Chen, S.-C.: Effects of vegetation root on erosion degree under different arrangements of river banks., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11081,, 2023.

EGU23-11902 | Orals | SSS2.1

Modelling gully head formation in badlands 

Mauro Rossi, Dino Torri, Sofie De Geeter, Cati Cremer, and Jean Poesen

Gully erosion is a damaging process not yet sufficiently understood and parameterized. Gully head topographic thresholds are empirical models used to predict the gully head formation. Such model have been used to investigate gully processes mostly in cropland, rangeland and forest. This study extends such modelling approach to badlands. Different badlands (eight sites) have been studied in the Mediterranean environment in Italy and Spain, characterized  by diversified climatic, lithological, and geological settings under different anthropogenic conditioning. Badlands have been characterized by their specific human history in addition to their geomorphological properties. Land use, as part of the human history, strongly affected many badland formation and development, through  extremely impacting land exploitation (usually overgrazing). The effect of geological and geo-morphological processes are usually particularly well visible. While the weakening effect of joints is confirmed, the different geological layer bedding orientation with respect to the slope aspect generates a different development of badland morphologies and different values of gully head thresholds values (as shown in two badlands sites on the same geological material and climate). The selection of Curve Number values, at the base of the introduction of land use into the gully head thresholds, has been more objectively defined in order to reduce arbitrariness in threshold application. The study additionally revises some of the physical basics behind the gully head threshold concept, requiring a description of the soil resistance in terms of frictional and cohesive components. This implies the explicit inclusion of rock fragment into the grain size distribution, which cannot be limited to fine grains. It results into an enriched threshold formulation that allows to describe the condition for gully head initiation and retreat as the result of the tradeoff between the frictional and cohesive components of the soil resistance forces. Eventually, the gully head threshold concept is confirmed and extended to include badlands.

How to cite: Rossi, M., Torri, D., De Geeter, S., Cremer, C., and Poesen, J.: Modelling gully head formation in badlands, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11902,, 2023.

EGU23-12400 | Posters virtual | SSS2.1

Land degradation estimation by SDG 15.3.1 computed at the local scale: the case of the six Mediterranean study sites of the NewLife4Drylands project 

Cristina Tarantino, Saverio Vicario, Maria Adamo, Rocco Labadessa, Francesca Assennato, Nicola Alessi, Nicola Riitano, Marcello Vitale, Martina Perez, Cristina Domingo-Marimon, Pau Montero, and Vicenc Carabassa

In 2015, during the 12th Conference of the Parties (COP) a new overall vision objective of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for 2030 called “Achieving Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN)” was incorporated. NewLife4Drylands (NL4DL;, the LIFE Preparatory project, focuses on the use of remote sensing for the identification of a framework for the monitoring of land degradation and results of nature-based restoration interventions for achieving LDN. With this aim, Indicators and/or their proxies have been extracted from satellite data as essential variables for land degradation status assessment. Six Mediterranean Natura 2000 study sites located in Italy, Greece and Spain were considered as case studies and pressures and threats affecting each of them were analysed as land cover mappings, burn severity mappings, time series of climatic and phenology spectral indices, precipitation indices, soil organic carbon mappings.  Freely available satellite data from Landsat and Sentinel-2 programs were considered: in the case of sites less than 50 hectares in size, commercial satellite data at very high spatial resolution were used for evaluation. The indices analyzed will be integrated for the computation of SDG 15.3.1 indicator “proportion of land that is degraded over the total land area” according to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and UNCCD guidelines. SDG 15.3.1 standard formula considers sub-indicators to be integrated: trends in land cover, primary productivity and soil organic carbon. The novelty in the project outcomes is two-fold: 1) the estimation of drivers/disturbance (drought, fire, etc.) of LDN together with sub-indicators will allow to give practical indication to land manager; 2) sub-indicators have been computed at the local scale. For each study site, short-term and long-term analyses will be approached. Results will be part of a protocol for the assessment of land degradation and monitoring restoration interventions of degraded land.

How to cite: Tarantino, C., Vicario, S., Adamo, M., Labadessa, R., Assennato, F., Alessi, N., Riitano, N., Vitale, M., Perez, M., Domingo-Marimon, C., Montero, P., and Carabassa, V.: Land degradation estimation by SDG 15.3.1 computed at the local scale: the case of the six Mediterranean study sites of the NewLife4Drylands project, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12400,, 2023.

EGU23-13380 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS2.1

Future soil erosion of shifting cultivation on hillslopes – modeling interactions between slope steepness, fallow periods, and climate change 

Lea Sophia Schröder, Livia Rasche, Kerstin Jantke, Gaurav Mishra, Stefan Lange, and Uwe A. Schneider

Shifting cultivation, also known as slash-and-burn agriculture, on steep terrain has been criticized for causing high rates of soil erosion thus promoting land degradation in South and Southeast Asia. Particularly, short fallow periods resulting from increasing land pressure are suspected of accelerating degradation processes. In addition, the rising frequency of high-intensity precipitation events associated with climate change can be expected to further increase the pressure on shifting cultivation. However, abandonment of shifting cultivation has turned out to be hardly feasible or desirable, particularly, where it provides food security and cultural identity to the tribal population, as is the case in Northeast India. This raises the question how increasing pressure from reduced fallow periods and climate change will affect future soil erosion of uphill shifting cultivation systems. As measured data on these interactions are not available, we applied a modeling approach to identify trends in soil erosion for different slope inclinations, fallow periods, and climate change scenarios. We used the Environmental Policy Integrated Climate (EPIC) Model to simulate daily soil loss for three different climate scenarios (SSP126, SSP370, SSP585) derived from five climate models for the near (2021-2050) and far (2071-2100) future. Simulations were carried out for six collected soil profiles, short, medium, and long fallow periods, and slope inclinations up to 70 %. Our results indicate a negative, non-linear relationship between the length of the fallow period and erosion, with soil loss being more than twice as high for systems with a 10-year compared to a one-year fallow regime. Further, our research demonstrates that long fallow periods can compensate, to a limited extent, for steep slopes. However, climate change, particularly under the medium-high (SSP370) and high-end (SSP585) emission scenarios, will lead to substantial increases in erosion by a factor of 2.2 and 3.1, respectively, towards the end of the century, thus reducing the possibility space for sustainable shifting cultivation.

How to cite: Schröder, L. S., Rasche, L., Jantke, K., Mishra, G., Lange, S., and Schneider, U. A.: Future soil erosion of shifting cultivation on hillslopes – modeling interactions between slope steepness, fallow periods, and climate change, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13380,, 2023.

Soil erosion represents a serious challenge for agricultural production and for the environment. Soil erosion impacts, such as reduction of fertile soil, alteration of the carbon cycle and pollution and eutrophication of water bodies, represent a significant management concern for the European Union. Modelling can help define efficient and targeted mitigation strategies by identifying the long-term controlling factors and the areas where, and periods during which, soil is at high risk of erosion. However, to define such strategies, there remains a lack of modelling approaches a) able to provide with longer term baseline information which to measure the success or otherwise of mitigation strategies at the catchment scale and b) accessible and robust enough to be used, understood and trusted by users with more or less expertise, including researchers, land managers and policy makers. In response, this project will improve the robustness and accessibility of quantitative methods for supporting agricultural land management. The objectives of this project are: (i) to develop an accessible soil erosion model, iMPACt-erosion, based on interactive Jupyter Notebooks, to support agricultural land management at the catchment scale, (ii) to apply a robust model evaluation based on the use of both long-term soil loss observations and global sensitivity analysis to achieve greater confidence in model predictions and (iii) to identify the soil erosion controlling processes and vulnerable areas and periods to define targeted and effective mitigation strategies until 2100. We present the model and the first model evaluation results, which show that simulations are consistent with observed soil loss rates (estimated from both fallout radionuclides and tree mound measurements) in the last 60 years in olive orchard catchments in South Spain.

How to cite: Peñuela, A. and Vanwalleghem, T.: iMPACt-erosion: A robust and accessible model for a long-term effective management of agricultural soil erosion, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13611,, 2023.

EGU23-13709 | Posters on site | SSS2.1

Soil loss due to crop harvesting – a spotlight on research gaps and the need of further research activities at the global scale 

Fritjof Busche, Michael Kuhwald, Philipp Saggau, and Rainer Duttmann

Worldwide, soil erosion is one of the main causes of soil degradation and the loss of important soil functions. Wind, water and tillage erosion and their environmental, economic and social impacts have been researched for decades. Soil erosion by root and tuber crop harvesting (SLCH), however, is rarely focused in research, although erosion rates can reach up to 22 Mg ha-1 harvest-1 (Parlak et al. 2016).
The aim of this study is to raise awareness of SLCH and to advance research on this topic. To achieve this aim, all available peer-reviewed studies on this topic are used to provide an overview of investigated soil erosion rates worldwide and to identify the environmental impact of SLCH. In addition, the differences between SLCH and other forms of erosion are highlighted. Furthermore, important future research aspects for an enhanced understanding of SLCH are identified.
Comparing soil loss due to crop harvesting with other forms of erosion, it can be stated that (i) erosion rates of SLCH are as high as for water erosion and wind erosion, (ii) SLCH always and only occurs during the harvest of tuber and root crops, which affected 8.4 % of the world’s arable land in 2019 (1.1 million km²), (iii) SLCH can occur at any relief position and any parent material, thus it can be the only erosion process of an affected field without the appearance of wind or water erosion and (iv) SLCH always affects entire fields that are harvested multiple times over several years, depending on the crop rotation.
Based on the reviewed studies, the following further research activities are necessary for a better understanding of the processes of SLCH: (i) global data collection of crops whose erosion rates have not been studied yet, (ii) conduct studies on continents such as North America, South America and Oceania, where data on SLCH erosion rates are currently missing, (iii) development of models to predict SLCH erosion rates and (iv) monitoring the distribution of the adhering soil to evaluate the environmental effects of SLCH.
This review shows that further studies on the topic of SLCH are necessary to quantify actual data on erosion rates for different crops in different regions and provide more awareness of this topic in erosion research.

How to cite: Busche, F., Kuhwald, M., Saggau, P., and Duttmann, R.: Soil loss due to crop harvesting – a spotlight on research gaps and the need of further research activities at the global scale, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13709,, 2023.

EGU23-13925 | ECS | Orals | SSS2.1

Challenges and progress in the detailed estimation of sediment export in agricultural watersheds in Navarra (Spain) after two decades of experience 

Iñigo Barberena, Eduardo Luquin, Miguel Ángel Campo-Bescós, Javier Eslava, Rafael Gimenez, and Javier Casalí

In 1993, the Government of Navarre (northern Spain) began the installation and operation of a network of experimental watersheds in order to assess, among other aspects, soil erosion in representative agricultural areas of the territory. Initially, sediment sampling at the outlet of each of the five basins was performed on a daily basis, despite which it was possible to get a highly fruitful and novel knowledge on sediment export (Merchán et al., 2019). However, in the last 16 years, with the aim of studying sediment export in more detail, the sampling frequency was increased so that the behavior of the sedimentogram at the event level could be known. In these cases, when the amount of sediment was large enough, the sediment texture was also determined. In addition, from the beginning of the observations, a turbidimeter was used to record turbidity data every 10 minutes. The aim of this work is to deepen the knowledge of sediment export dynamics in representative agricultural watersheds of Navarre by analyzing the database described above and focusing in specific events. To do this, first, the entire database was represented in graphs that include variables such as sediment texture, samples taken per event, daily mean precipitation, turbidity, flow rate, etc. Next, events with a minimum of six samples were selected and the linear relationship between turbidity and sediment concentration was analyzed using simple linear regressions, as this is the method used in similar works. Subsequently, these same event data were added to set up monthly samples where again linear regressions were performed. Apart from the simple linear analysis, where the linear relationship with turbidity was analyzed as the only predictor variable, different artificial intelligence methods have been explored, such as the generalized linear model (GLM), support vector machine (SVM), multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS) and random forest (RF), adding additional variables such as accumulated precipitation, and season or water level in the analysis. The results from all these statistical studies have been disappointing, since no pattern or generalization has been found to predict sediment concentration from the variables considered. These results suggest that the sediment export behavior of small agricultural watersheds is particularly complex and controlled by spatially and temporally varying variables. It is evident that at least some of these variables have not been taken into account in the study. The high variability found in sediment textures supports the hypothesis that the erosive behavior of watersheds is of great complexity. We believe that the consideration of variables such as vegetation on slopes and channels and its evolution can be helpful in the analysis.


Merchán, D., Luquin, E., Hernández-García, I., Campo-Bescós, M. A., Giménez, R., Casalí, J., & Del Valle de Lersundi, J. (2019). Dissolved solids and suspended sediment dynamics from five small agricultural watersheds in Navarre, Spain: A 10-year study. CATENA, 173, 114–130.

How to cite: Barberena, I., Luquin, E., Campo-Bescós, M. Á., Eslava, J., Gimenez, R., and Casalí, J.: Challenges and progress in the detailed estimation of sediment export in agricultural watersheds in Navarra (Spain) after two decades of experience, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13925,, 2023.

EGU23-14413 | Orals | SSS2.1

Field monitoring of cyclic freezing process: effect of air temperature on frozen layer thickness 

Kateřina Bočková, José Moya, Andrés Macías, and Jean Vaunat

Freezing is an important factor in soil degradation. In order to predict soil erosion in mountainous areas, the freezing process and the frequency and extent of freezing must be understood. This study aims to identify a relationship between air temperature and a depth of freezing, taking into account soil water content. The soil is considered to be frozen when all the free water within the pores freezes which, according to our numerical model, mainly occurs at temperatures slightly below 0°C. On the other hand, the temperature is not homogeneous in the soil as it is driven by the process of heat diffusion from the soil-atmosphere interface to depth, controlled by soil thermal conductivity and heat capacity, which depend on ice and water contents. As a consequence, the relationship between air temperature and the thickness of the frozen layer is not direct, and the relevance of using air temperature as a measure of frozen depth is to be evaluated.

A small N-S-oriented claystone ridge in an Eastern Pyrenees badland is being monitored. A series of thermometers, water content sensors, and specific heat sensors are collecting data in 5-minute intervals on both sides of the ridge. The data show an attenuation of temperature oscillation with an increasing depth and a time delay of the surface temperature propagation. The differences in the soil temperatures on the north and south side are moreover showing the importance of solar radiation in the process. These observations are further integrated into a procedure allowing for the analysis of possible ad-hoc relationships between current and past air temperature and depth of the frozen layer.

How to cite: Bočková, K., Moya, J., Macías, A., and Vaunat, J.: Field monitoring of cyclic freezing process: effect of air temperature on frozen layer thickness, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14413,, 2023.

EGU23-14553 | ECS | Orals | SSS2.1

Assess land degradation status based on Earth Observation driven proxy indicator 

Nikiforos Samarinas, Nikolaos Tziolas, and George Zalidis

Land degradation is a global topic in climate change debates resulted from different types of human activities as well as from physical processes. Resilient, healthy soils are important to help reduce the ecological and economic impact of environmental change and extreme conditions. The development of adequate and broadly applicable indicators and thresholds is challenged by the great diversity of European soils and climate, as well as different political, economic, and social conditions which lead to different priority settings for targets and indicators. This work built upon current environmental awareness (e.g CAP, SDGs, etc.) to design a methodological framework for environmental performance metrics related to land degradation. The framework was oriented towards a data-driven environmental metric approach leveraging Copernicus Sentinel-2, existing open-access databases such as LUCAS (Land Use/Cover Area frame statistical Survey) and GEOSS (e.g., Soil Grids) vast dataset archives to provide metrics for environmental actors. Based both on the international literature and European commission documentations this work is focused on the combination of vital importance indicators of soil degradation and soil health. A novel deep learning architecture was implemented to support the final knowledge extraction with a pixel-based spatial resolution of 10m for the determination of Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) and Clay content. The above indicators are used as enhanced geospatial inputs to a soil erosion modelling approach providing improved predictions. A proper approach was followed for the SOC:clay ratio generation and with the soil erosion product combination to provide an ambitious land degradation index. An agricultural area in Northern Greece was used as a demonstration test site area for the proposed methodology.

How to cite: Samarinas, N., Tziolas, N., and Zalidis, G.: Assess land degradation status based on Earth Observation driven proxy indicator, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14553,, 2023.

EGU23-15335 | ECS | Orals | SSS2.1

Towards a more sustainable global soil health monitoring through soil spectroscopy 

Zampela Pittaki, Tor-Gunnar Vagen, Valentine Karari, Elvis Weullow, Dickens Alubaka Ateku, and Leigh Ann Winowiecki

Healthy soil can be defined as a dynamic ecosystem that performs a variety of essential functions such as controlling plant disease, nutrient cycling, improving soil function with positive effects for filtering and storing water, and nutrient capacity, and contributing to improving crop production. Healthy soil also contributes to mitigating climate change by maintaining or increasing its carbon content. Therefore, information on spatial variability of key soil properties is essential for prioritizing and tracking land management interventions, from the small-scale farm level to the global landscape level. In addition, healthy soil is critical for achieving several SDGs such as #2, 3, 6, 13, 15 and 17. However, the determination of soil properties through wet chemistry measurements is often expensive and time-consuming process, and consequently, soil analyses are restricted to a limited number of soil samples. A method that predicts the soil properties fast, inexpensively, and accurately is soil spectroscopy, which can provide immense opportunities for monitoring important soil health indexes. In this study, the evaluation of three algorithms for predicting three key soil properties, soil organic carbon (SOC), pH and Magnesium (Mg) using mid-infrared spectral data were studied using a dataset of more than 3400 samples. The soil samples were collected across Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) region using the well-established Land Degradation Surveillance Framework (LDSF) method developed from World Agroforestry (ICRAF). The developed trained calibration models were based on the widely used in the soil spectroscopy research Partial Least Squares (PLS) and Random Forest (RF), and the not applied so far Bayesian Regularization for Feed-Forward Neural Networks (BRNN). The dataset was split into calibration (70%) and validation (30%) sets. Furthermore, the threshold of 5% was applied and thus, only the data with value that lie between 5% and 95% of each soil property were included. In this way, the extreme values that will bias the model and the predictions were excluded. Results has shown that the calibration model developed based on the BRNN algorithm yielded the more robust predictions among the three studied soil properties (R2 of val 0.90, 0.92, 0.87 for pH, Mg, SOC, respectively). The predictions utilizing soil spectroscopy for determining soil properties in this study are showing its extremely potential to be beneficial in the support of soil health.

How to cite: Pittaki, Z., Vagen, T.-G., Karari, V., Weullow, E., Ateku, D. A., and Winowiecki, L. A.: Towards a more sustainable global soil health monitoring through soil spectroscopy, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15335,, 2023.

EGU23-16219 | Posters on site | SSS2.1

Simulation of spatial and temporal dynamics of soil organic carbon reserve in Romania 

Cristian Valeriu Patriche, Ionuț Vasiliniuc, Bogdan Roșca, and Radu Gabriel Pîrnău

The present study performs a simulation of soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics in Romania by coupling an evolution model of organic carbon with an erosional model. The simulation starts from the current SOC reserve, computed for the first 20 cm of soil, based on organic carbon content and bulk density, the latter being estimated through a pedotransfer function. The evolution model of SOC takes into account the annual accumulation of organic residues, the active and stable organic carbon contents, the humification and mineralization rates. The annual accumulation of organic residues is estimated from crop type for the arable land and from Corine Land Cover land use / cover types for the rest of the territory. The humification rate of organic residues is expressed through the izohumic coefficient, which depends on the land use/cover type. The mineralization rate of the active organic carbon content depends on climate factors (temperature) and granulometry (clay content). The application of the SOC evolution model produces an estimation of SOC accumulation under automorphic conditions. On the other hand, erosional processes determine soil loss and implicitly soil carbon loss. To account for this impact, we used an erosion model based on the universal soil loss equation, which was adapted and validated for the Romanian territory. Assuming the annual erosion rates are constant, our 50 years simulation show that important areas of the country, situated in the plateau and hilly regions, are experiencing a regressive dynamic of SOC. Under climate change scenarios, the temperature increase may enhance the mineralization of active SOC, leading to a more intense depletion of soil fertility.

How to cite: Patriche, C. V., Vasiliniuc, I., Roșca, B., and Pîrnău, R. G.: Simulation of spatial and temporal dynamics of soil organic carbon reserve in Romania, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16219,, 2023.

EGU23-16736 | Orals | SSS2.1

Conservation Agriculture to Rebuilt Soil Fertility in Northern Tunisia 

Mohamed Annabi, Haithem Bahri, Hatem Cheikh M'hamed, Meriem Barbouchi, and Wael Toukebri

Tunisia is an agriculture country. Such as many other Mediterranean countries precipitations  remains a decisive factor not only for the different agricultural uses of lands (rainfed or irrigated system) but also for the soils erosion. The latter  is accentuated by agricultural practices (tillage, pesticide inputs, low crop residue restitution…) which are often productive but do not protect natural resources. All these factors have led to the development of conservation agriculture based on no-tillage as a mean to combat soil erosion. In fact, in Tunisia, no-tillage areas increased from 52 ha in 1999 to 17000 ha in 2020. Based a set of 20 plots covering 6 soils types and located in the semi-arid area of the country, a periodic monotoing of a set of soil parameters were done during three years, which include soil sensitivity to erosion according Le Bissonnais method, soil organic matter content and soil microbial respiration. For each plot, a half  of the surface was no-tilled and the other half was conducted according the conventional method based on soil returning. The results show a rapid effect of no-tillage on soil erosion, since an improvement of 18%, 42% and 39% of soil resistance to erosion, respectively after the first, second and third year of switching to no-tillage system. The soil microbial activity response was also significative, whit a progressive increase of soil respiration in the no-tilled treatments compared to tilled treatments. The microbial respiration was higher in non-hydromorphic soils and particularity in the red Mediterranean soils, calcic-magnesic soils and isohumic soils were moisture conditions was the most favorable for a development of soil microorganisms. For soil organic matter content, the evolution trend was not detectable in relation to the slow evolution of this soil parameter. However, the evolution of particulate organic matter content (a part visible of soil organic matter, with a size larger than 2mm) shown an increase in no-tilled treatments comparative to the tilled treatments. The increase of the particulate organic matter content was more important in vertisols, podzol, calcic-magnesic soils and isohumic soils in relation with their higher wheat production compared to other studier soil types.


How to cite: Annabi, M., Bahri, H., Cheikh M'hamed, H., Barbouchi, M., and Toukebri, W.: Conservation Agriculture to Rebuilt Soil Fertility in Northern Tunisia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16736,, 2023.

EGU23-16894 | ECS | Orals | SSS2.1

Influence of anthropogenic climate change on soil erosion occurrence: Gully Nacala, Mozambique 

Ingrid Ferreira Lima, Chiaki Kobayashi, Benedito da Silva, Yumi So, and Yasui Hitomi

Gully is an issue of the climate crisis in most coastal areas of the world. More than 70% of the world's sandy coastlines would be eroded in recent decades. Anthropogenic climate change is one of key factors controlling soil erosion occurrence. Soil erosion control is extremely important for soil conservation work and territorial planning. The municipality of Nacala, province of Nampula, Mozambique, has gully susceptibility as a known problem. The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), concerned about the intense urban erosion in the Nacala region, which causes problems not only for the population living in critical areas but also for the proper functioning of the Nacala Port, has been making efforts to identify the causes and mechanisms of the phenomenon and suggest corrective and preventive measures covering the area of the Mocone basin, Nacala. Thus, we obtained information on the causes and mechanisms of evolution of these phenomena to allow the joint search for the features that determine the natural susceptibility to erosion of the municipal territory. We also identified that the soil type in the Mocone basin is sandy-clayey, with an infiltration capacity of 50mm/hour, erodible, with a drainage network mainly characterized by rills and gullies, with periodic surface runoff, only during heavy rains. Our studies indicated a catchment with a significant area upstream of the erosion process (2.34 km2). The maximum project flows obtained in the our preliminary hydro-meteorological studies, considering intense rains with a return period of 100 years, and with duration equal to the time of concentration of the catchment basin (90 min), also proved to be quite significant, with values above of 25 m³/s. Accelerated erosion in this location seems to occur, preferentially, in sectors where those natural factors have been exacerbated by anthropic factors due to inadequate occupation of the physical environment. This urbanization resulted in waterproofing, an increase in surface runoff volumes and a reduction in the concentration time of this basin. In addition, the rainwater drainage of some streets was released directly into the natural terrain, without the proper hydraulic works to reduce energy. The rapid development of the erosion branch towards the Nacala Port proves this close relationship between inadequate urban drainage and the evolution of the analyzed erosion process. The results obtained also prove, once again, the importance of analysis and mitigation approaches for large scale erosion processes that contemplate the catchment basin in its entirety, where erosion control practices or changes in soil cover are necessary.

How to cite: Ferreira Lima, I., Kobayashi, C., da Silva, B., So, Y., and Hitomi, Y.: Influence of anthropogenic climate change on soil erosion occurrence: Gully Nacala, Mozambique, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16894,, 2023.

EGU23-277 | ECS | Orals | SSS2.3

Local assessment of technical forestry awareness on soil erosion after wildfire – the case study of Central Portugal region 

Ana R. Lopes, Sandra Valente, Jacob Keizer, and Diana Vieira

Wildfires consist in an environmental problem with a global dimension, but also with future demands as fire prone regions will likely increase, driven by new climate constrains but also socioeconomic drivers. Similarly to other land degradation pressures, despite the large scale of its occurrence, wildfires impacts require assessment and mitigation actions at local scale. Therefore, there is an urgent need to identify local agent’s perspectives regarding wildfires impacts in the ecosystems, and incorporate their local knowledge into post-fire land management decision making. Can a local analysis contribute to political decision-making, streamlining and simplifying processes established at national level?

In an attempt to assess the local perception that technical forest managers have on soil erosion after wildfire, an investigation was conducted, having the central region of Portugal as case study. In this project, we assessed the relevance that technical forest managers give to post-fire soil erosion, by identifying the priority of their activities, established procedures, and their perception of present and future risk following wildfires. Thus, a survey was structured and provided to 108 entities (100 municipalities and 8 inter-municipal communities), being active for reply between 14 September and 14 October 2022. The survey was structured in three main sections: i) general characterization of the entity, ii) description of its global relationship with forest land management and actions after wildfire, and iii) identification of procedures and technical tools used for post-fire land management.

From the 108 requests, 78 answers were obtained, and 52 were considered valid for analysis. The results identified a general concern with soil erosion after wildfire. However, the focus of individual local concerns with wildfires impacts is mostly targeted to loss of biodiversity, the abandonment and degradation of affected areas, followed only then by the soil losses by erosion. Respondents also identified that they have implemented, or are aware of the implementation, of erosion mitigation measures in their actuation area, being these measures mainly represented by the construction of organic barriers and interventions in water bodies, for soil stabilization and overflow redirection. Technical tools are generally used for forest management planning, but not with the main intention to control soil erosion neither to promote its rehabilitation. Respondents also refer that an open source, and updated, technical tools on this scope would allow them to design an emergency strategy on time. This would also enable the support of the local decision-making process, and contribute to a standardized and streamlined response from diverse municipalities affected by the same wildfire.

According to the results obtained, two main strategies can be inferred in order to promote the local conservation of forest soils after an wildfire: i) local empowerment to act and contribute with technical support to private local forest owners and managers, and ii) the reinforce of the awareness-raising process, by adapting campaigns (information/language) to the different, affected and interested, stakeholders.

How to cite: R. Lopes, A., Valente, S., Keizer, J., and Vieira, D.: Local assessment of technical forestry awareness on soil erosion after wildfire – the case study of Central Portugal region, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-277,, 2023.

EGU23-1570 | ECS | Orals | SSS2.3

How acidic or alkaline soils affect SOC stock in a post-abandonment secondary succession process: a case study in th Mediterranean mid-mountains. 

Melani Cortijos-López, Pedro Sánchez-Navarrete, Teodoro Lasanta, and Estela Nadal-Romero

Mediterranean mountains have been affected by an intense process of cropland abandonment since the middle of the last century, as a result of the rural exodus. This has led to the activation of natural revegetation processes in marginal areas that have not been managed. Literature has recorded different soil responses to secondary succession depending on factors such as climate, altitude, soil depth and type, but still very little is known about the influence of soil pH. Thus, the main objective of this work is to identify how soil quality and carbon sequestration are affected by secondary succession after abandonment for two types of soil lithologies (acidic and alkaline). For this purpose, the Leza Valley (La Rioja, Spain) was selected as the representative study area. Soil samples were collected for each lithology, at different depths (0-40 cm), for 5 stages of succession (cropland (CRL); shrubland (SH); bushland (BS); young forest (YF); and old forest (OF)), and their physicochemical properties were analysed in the laboratory. Data analysis was carried out and these are the most relevant results: i) there are significant differences between acidic and alkaline organic carbon stocks; ii) the alkaline soils increase their SOC stock with the advance of succession, and significant differences were observed between the first stages of abandonment and BS, YF and OF; iii) while in the acidic soils no significant differences were observed, and the highest values were recorded in YF; iv) these results may be the combination of interactions between pH, soil properties and plant and microbiological communities that establish in these areas. Our work has shown the relevance of considering the lithology of our soils in order to determine which post-abandonment management practices may be the most appropriate for our study area. Therefore, it is necessary that policies and management strategies include this type of analysis to achieve the best results of soil carbon sequestration.

Acknowledgement: This research project was supported by the MANMOUNT (PID2019-105983RB-100/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033) project funded by the MICINN-FEDER. Melani Cortijos-López is working with an FPI contract (PRE2020-094509) from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness associated to the MANMOUNT project

Keywords: abandoned croplands, natural revegetation, carbon sequestration, soil pH, Iberian System (Spain)

How to cite: Cortijos-López, M., Sánchez-Navarrete, P., Lasanta, T., and Nadal-Romero, E.: How acidic or alkaline soils affect SOC stock in a post-abandonment secondary succession process: a case study in th Mediterranean mid-mountains., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1570,, 2023.

EGU23-3504 | Orals | SSS2.3

New approach to evaluate the intensity of ancient human activities, based on organic matter characteristics using Rock-Eval® thermal analysis. 

Marie-Liesse Aubertin, Oscar Pascal Malou, Manuel Arroyo-Kalin, Umberto Lombardo, Tiphaine Chevallier, Priscia Oliva, Frédéric Delarue, Julien Thiesson, Katell Quenea, David Sebag, and Geoffroy de Saulieu

Archaeological anthrosols constitute a heritage of long-term carbon storage and soil fertility. Their anthropogenic features are affected by the type and intensity of ancient human activities. Human activities can follow a gradation of disturbance intensity, with lower intensity related to a weak human pollution of natural soil, and stronger intensity related to anthropogenic materials inputs (e.g. refuse pits). Soil properties are indeed deeply modified by the addition of objects (e.g. bones, ceramic) and of organic matter with distinct chemical composition and biological stability (e.g. charcoal). The aim of the study was to establish a new analytical approach to distinguish intensities of human activities, based on organic matter characteristics. To this end, we studied intertropical soil profiles (0-120 cm) from Cameroon, Brazil and Bolivia, with spatial or temporal intensity variations of human activities. We used standard compositional parameters (hydrogen index, HI, and oxygen index, OI) and advanced thermal parameters (I-index and R-index) from Rock-Eval® pyrolysis, as well as magnetic susceptibility, to characterize anthrosols.

Results demonstrated the potential of Rock-Eval® pyrolysis parameters to identify human activities changes. First, the deviation of I-index (delta-I) between our samples and a reference value from natural sites informed about the intensity of human impacts, allowing for the distinction between artificial infilling of refuse pits and soil profiles with no or few human impacts. Second, positive HI:OI correlation established the importance of charcoal as main organic C source. The magnetic susceptibility informed about the presence of burnt soils in a Brazilian and one of the Bolivian sites. The combination of all these parameters, when represented with soil depth, allowed for the estimation of temporal changes in Brazilian and Bolivian sites. The topsoils were similar for all sites, relative to a low intensity of human activities or to the resumption of natural pedogenesis, thereby alleviating the effects of ancient human activities on organic matter characteristics. In contrast, the subsoils exhibited higher intensities of ancient human activities, with even higher values of intensities in Bolivian sites, thereby evidencing the long-term conservation of their effects on organic matter characteristics.

To conclude, anthropogenic activities may durably affect organic matter characteristics in tropical sites, even after several centuries. Beyond being of interest for archaeological research, this new approach raises questions about the long-term consequences of our current human activities.

How to cite: Aubertin, M.-L., Malou, O. P., Arroyo-Kalin, M., Lombardo, U., Chevallier, T., Oliva, P., Delarue, F., Thiesson, J., Quenea, K., Sebag, D., and de Saulieu, G.: New approach to evaluate the intensity of ancient human activities, based on organic matter characteristics using Rock-Eval® thermal analysis., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3504,, 2023.

EGU23-5949 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS2.3 | Highlight

Sustainable increase of SOC stocks and nutrients in sandy subsoils by ameliorative fractional deep tillage (aFDT) 

Marisa Gerriets, Martin Leue, Sylvia Koszinski, and Michael Sommer

The sandy soils of Eastern Germany show a high gradient in soil organic carbon (SOC) between topsoil and subsoil. This is reflected in the low nutrient supply, water storage capacity and increased compaction susceptibility of the subsoil. In view of these productivity limitations, ameliorative fractional deep tillage (aFDT) was developed in the late 1950s.

The aim of this subsoil melioration measure is to create shafts enriched with organic-rich topsoil material in the subsoil to remediate root restricting layers and promote accessibility of subsoil resources. At the same time, organic C sequestration is induced by mixing of subsoil material low in organic matter into the topsoil. The 50 cm deep and 7-15 cm wide shafts are created at 35-80 cm intervals by a special plough or modified loosener. Thereby, solid zones remain between the shafts to ensure stability and reduce the risk of re-compaction of the strip wise deep tillage.

We studied three 37- to 43-year-old historical field trials representing a soil quality gradient near Müncheberg to investigate the long-term effects of aFDT on SOC accumulation as well as nutrient stocks in the subsoil and organic carbon sequestration in the topsoil. Besides the shaft, the topsoil, the area next to the shaft, the subsoil material below the shaft and reference topsoil without aFDT outside the trial plot were sampled. In total, 43 shafts were sampled.

We found that the 50-75% of the original SOC was still preserved in the shafts. The shafts had significantly higher SOC contents (+286%) and nutrient contents (P+75%, K +33%, Mg +50%) compared to surrounding subsoils (E/Bw horizons). These results indicate that aFDT is an effective melioration method to increase the SOC and nutrient stocks.

How to cite: Gerriets, M., Leue, M., Koszinski, S., and Sommer, M.: Sustainable increase of SOC stocks and nutrients in sandy subsoils by ameliorative fractional deep tillage (aFDT), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5949,, 2023.

The development of the balance of carbon stocks is at the EU level as well as nationally a key issue related to climate change and the state of the environment, and nowadays it is also strongly linked to the economic perspective through common agreements related to taxonomy. This places the need to produce new researched information as a basis for decision-making.

In Finland, the lack of soil information is becoming a limitation of climate-resilient agriculture and forestry policy measures. Because of this, Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) and its partners have launched several projects to improve the situation. In the new projects, remote sensing methods, digital tools and the use of artificial intelligence have been developed in particular to expand the regional coverage of soil data and to enable the assessment of the national carbon stock. By developing the production of information and making the use of databases more efficient, land use measures can be directed and targeted in such a way that they maintain and strengthen carbon sinks and stores.

GTK's partners in the projects have been the Natural Resources Institute Finland, the Universities of Helsinki and Turku, the Finnish Food Authority, the National Land Survey of Finland and RADAI, and the work would not be possible without interdisciplinary cooperation.

How to cite: Pihlaja, J.: Development of soil research supporting climate resilience and decision-making in Finland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6129,, 2023.

EGU23-6290 | Posters virtual | SSS2.3

Adapting irrigated maize cropping to a changing climate 

Carla S.S. Ferreira, Matthew T. Harrison, Nicolas F. Martin, Guillermo S. Marcillo, Pan Zhao, Ran Tao, Naira Hovakimyan, and Zahra Kalantari

The European Mediterranean region is heralded globally for both its high vulnerability to soil degradation and realization of the climate crisis, with ambient temperatures increasing at rates 20% faster than the global average. Maize crops in this region experience moderate to severe water stress during late spring and summer, although such trends are being exacerbated by lack of agricultural irrigation, which has exhausted ~70% of freshwater reserves to date. Future water scarcity is expected to increase as evaporative demand ramps in line with global warming, with rainfall intensity and distribution becoming more variable, and with intensification of weather extremes including drought. Agricultural droughts occur when soil moisture for a prolonged period is below the wilting point threshold, leading not only to yield reduction or failure, but also impaired soil biogeochemical processes, enhanced losses of terrestrial carbon and soil biodiversity. Thus, agricultural water management is key not only in terms of global food security but also in terms of natural capital and environmental stewardship, namely planning for net-zero greenhouse gas emissions. Here, our aim was to identify adaptations for maize crops that improve water-use efficiency, resulting in greater production for lower water requirement. Using the Agricultural Production Systems sIMulator (APSIM) crop model, we simulated maize growth in 14 regions across the European Mediterranean region under historical (1984-2021) and future (2064-2100) climate horizons, assuming a 22% decrease in precipitation and a 5.6ºC increase in temperature following the Six Assessment Report of the IPCC (IPCC, 2022). Treatments included a range of irrigation quanta per season (0 mm, 200 mm, 400 mm, 560 mm, 920 mm, 1400 mm, 1600 mm and 2000 mm) and several representative irrigation infrastructures. Irrigated water was applied with furrow, sprinkler and drip-irrigation systems. Under future climates, we reveal that penalties in rainfed maize yields range from between 30% to complete catastrophic collapse. Increasing irrigation applied helped alleviate negative impacts of the climate emergency. However, even under optimal irrigation, maize yields decreased by 6-44% (except for modest increases in Villamanan [north Spain] and Montelier [south France]). For the same amount of water applied over the season, drip and sprinkler systems were conducive to greater yields than furrow irrigation (1-63% and 1-52%, respectively), with the rotating sprinkler (pivot) irrigation providing the highest average water use efficiency (10-17 kg grain/mm water). Drip irrigation – characterised by smaller amounts of water applied more frequently for a longer duration - was conducive to higher evaporation losses than pivot and furrow. Understanding the impacts of climate variability under future climates will be critically important for developing productive, profitable, efficient irrigation strategies that improve security of carbon, water and food.

Keywords: Climate change, irrigation management, crop yield, water use efficiency, Mediterranean region


How to cite: S.S. Ferreira, C., T. Harrison, M., F. Martin, N., S. Marcillo, G., Zhao, P., Tao, R., Hovakimyan, N., and Kalantari, Z.: Adapting irrigated maize cropping to a changing climate, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6290,, 2023.

Soils are often underestimated and overlooked in reviewing national economic structures. Soils and groundwater are the essential basics for food production. Beyond securing nourishment, quantity and quality of soils are pivotal factors in farming, forestry and further land use. The potential of soils governs the availability and variety of its products for national food security and trading. In most industrial European countries, farming has only a share of about 1% of the national gross domestic product but secures vital needs. In the Sub-Saharan region, the same share varies between 16% and 20%, largely depending on regional weather, water availabilty and soil quality. The largest threats are climate change and depletion of soils. Whereas European countries aim for steadily increasing sustainability, countries in Southern Africa are often struggling between short term profits, preservation of soils and necessary climate adaptions. The study sheds some light on the different roles of soils in European and Southern African economies, their inter-dependencies, the necessity to map quantities and qualities of soils for managemant measures and growing needs with a still fastly rising population in Southern-Africa. 

How to cite: Meyer, U.: Soils and Economy - Snapshots on Europe and Southern Africa, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6715,, 2023.

EGU23-7463 | Posters on site | SSS2.3

Options for reducing agricultural ammonia emissions on different soil types 

Kitti Balog, Sándor Koós, Béla Pirkó, Nóra Szűcs-Vásárhelyi, Marianna Magyar, János Mészáros, Mátyás Árvai, Anita Szabó, Zsófia Adrienn Kovács, Tünde Takáts, and Péter László

A governance perspective of the European Union, that increasing efforts are dedicated towards reducing emissions of air pollutants, including ammonia. To reach this goal, Directive 2016/2284 (NEC) has been adopted, which sets a total annual emission limit value for all EU countries to be achieved by 2030. To contribute to the ambitions of sustainable agriculture, Hungary needs to reduce ammonia emissions by 32% compared to 2005 levels. Since 90% of ammonia emissions are related to agriculture, change in agrotechnical practices is needed to reach the target.

Our goal is to find optimal land use management practices in order to minimize ammonia emission, thus creating interactions between land degradation reduction and climate neutrality. A small-scale plot field trial was set up to demonstrate the possibilities of reducing ammonia emissions from urea fertilizer (46.6% active N ingredient), due to agrotechnical treatment combinations [split dose (60-40%) fertilizer application and incorporation] taking into account different test crops (wheat, triticale, grain sorghum, maize, sunflower), soil properties, climatic factors and vintage effect. In the experiment, urease inhibitor (Limus  Yellow) was tested, which was designed to inhibit the urease enzymes catalyzing the hydrolysis of urea, thus reducing and slowing the formation of ammonium, and reducing the loss of ammonia. Treatment combinations were set up in 4 replicates in a randomized design, with a total of 32 plots and 4 controls on four different soil types (Arenosol in Őrbottyán, Chernozem in Nagyhörcsök, Luvisol in Keszthely and Gleyic Chernozem in Karcag – according to WRB) with sand, loam, clayey loam and clayey loam texture, respectively. The volatilized ammonia was investigated using a passive  chamber method (phosphoric - acid  and glycerol mixture as trap to NH3) for 6 weeks in the case of hoe culture and for 12 weeks in the case of cereals, during which the ammonia release was determined at 2-week intervals.

The inhibitor delayed the rate of ammonification in all soil types, thus reducing ammonia emissions in the weeks following application, but at a decreasing rate. The order of the soils from high to low ammonia reduction due to the inhibitor (2-year averages) was Arenosol (52%) > Chernozem (50%) > Luvisol (46%) > Gleyic Chernozem (20%), which shows a correlation with soil texture (from low to high clay content).

Split fertilizer application reduced ammonia emissions by 48% (3-year average) compared to treatments where 100% of the N dose was applied at the start (2020, 85%; 2021, 24%; 2022, 35%).

Incorporation has an ammonia emission reduction effect of 57% (3-year average) (2019, 53%; 2021, 70%; 2022, 49%). On Gleyic Chernozem, ammonia emission reduction was 68%, while on Luvisol it was 71% (2021) and 49% (2022) compared to leaving it on the surface.

Considering the test crops, incorporation was the most effective in reducing ammonia emissions in maize (62%), sunflower (67%) and grain sorghum (68%), against inhibitor effect (49, 54 and 3 %, respectively). In contrast, the inhibitor effect was the strongest in winter wheat (46 %) and triticale (52 %), against split dose application (28 and 31%, respectively).

How to cite: Balog, K., Koós, S., Pirkó, B., Szűcs-Vásárhelyi, N., Magyar, M., Mészáros, J., Árvai, M., Szabó, A., Kovács, Z. A., Takáts, T., and László, P.: Options for reducing agricultural ammonia emissions on different soil types, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7463,, 2023.

EGU23-8708 | Orals | SSS2.3

Trading water for carbon in agricultural systems 

Erik Schwarz, Anna Johansson, Cristina Lerda, John Livsey, Anna Scaini, Daniel Said-Pullicino, and Stefano Manzoni

Climate change and agricultural intensification are placing enormous pressure on soil to provide essential services, from water storage and nutrient provision to carbon sequestration. Indeed, storing carbon in agricultural systems is proposed as an effective climate mitigation approach. Yet, storing carbon comes often at a cost in terms of water consumed—water used either to increase productivity and carbon inputs to soil, or to create conditions in the soil that promote carbon storage. These linkages are perhaps most evident in rice paddy systems.

Rice – a staple food for 3 billion people – consumes more water than any other crop, leading to unsustainable water withdrawals. However, this large water consumption allows paddy soils to store more carbon than under other land uses, because flooding of the fields keeps soils saturated and inhibits organic matter decomposition. Therefore, changing water saving approaches such as alternate wetting and drying has the potential to reduce carbon storage and alter the provision of other ecosystem services. But how much can soil organic carbon change across land uses and when water management is altered?

In this contribution, we discuss the mechanisms of carbon storage in paddy fields, using data from a meta-analysis of soil carbon budgets in tropical rice paddies and from a detailed investigation of carbon storage along a gradient of a land use and soil age in a temperate rice system. The meta-analysis shows that, as expected, reducing the time of flooding decreases soil organic carbon, but also results in a net decrease of greenhouse gas emissions. The more detailed study shows that in temperate conditions with relative short flooding time, rice paddies can store as much organic carbon as forest sites, despite the higher carbon inputs of forests compared to rice systems. This higher carbon storage is achieved thanks to decreased soil respiration in anaerobic conditions and increased mineral associations of organic carbon. These results show that water management strongly affects soil carbon storage, and that trade-offs emerge between sustainable water use and long-term provision of soil-related ecosystem services.

How to cite: Schwarz, E., Johansson, A., Lerda, C., Livsey, J., Scaini, A., Said-Pullicino, D., and Manzoni, S.: Trading water for carbon in agricultural systems, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8708,, 2023.

EGU23-11518 | Orals | SSS2.3

Mapping spatial and vertical repartitions of soil carbon stocks, additional storage potential and storage dynamics at the regional scale 

Delphine Derrien, Clémentine Chirol, Laurent Saint-André, and Geoffroy Séré

Soils constitute a carbon reservoir that can help to mitigate climate change, or conversely accelerate greenhouse gas emissions if not managed properly. Soils are heterogenous and dynamic systems, which physico-chemical properties impact their current soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks and their capacity to store more carbon. Land-use planning aiming to preserve and increase SOC stocks should therefore be aware of the spatial repartition of various soil types and of the SOC dynamics therein.

This project aims to map the effect of soil typology on the spatial and vertical repartition of soil carbon stocks, additional storage potential and storage dynamics at a regional scale to improve guidance of SOC storage strategies. The study site is a 320 km2 temperate rural region in NE France. Eight dominant soil types are defined, notably Calcaric cambisols in the agricultural valleys, deep silty and acidic soils in the forested plateaus, shallow rocky calcaric soils on the hillslopes, and deep clay-rich hydromorphic soils in the alluvial valleys.  

Based on logarithmic fits of soil carbon data extracted from 197 full-depth soil profiles, mean soil organic carbon stocks are obtained as a function of depth for each represented soil type and land cover. The additional storage potential corresponds to the difference between the current stock and the maximum stock, as estimated by the fit of the upper 25% of the soil carbon content data.  Finally, a depth-dependent SOC dynamic model using multilayer soil modules is used to simulate SOC stock evolution. Results are mapped by combining the spatial information given by a pedological map and a map of land covers.

Median soil carbon stocks over the full soil profile range from 78 to 333 tC ha-1, of which 59 to 148 tC ha-1 are in the topsoil (0-30 cm). The lower stocks are found in the shallow, rocky cultivated soils, and the highest stocks in the gleysols under grasslands. The additional storage potential varies from 19 tC ha-1 for shallow, rocky forest soils to 197 tC ha-1 for cultivated gleysols. SOC build-up is heterogenous and depends on the mean residence time of carbon in the represented soil types.

Maps of carbon stocks show the areas to preserve to avoid C losses, and maps of additional storage capacity for different time horizons show areas in which to implement carbon storage practices. Going forward, the association of carbon stock mapping and modelling should allow us to estimate at which depths and over which timescales.

How to cite: Derrien, D., Chirol, C., Saint-André, L., and Séré, G.: Mapping spatial and vertical repartitions of soil carbon stocks, additional storage potential and storage dynamics at the regional scale, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11518,, 2023.

EGU23-12830 | Posters virtual | SSS2.3

Quantifying the potential of agricultural soils to store carbon. A data-driven approach illustrated for the Netherlands.  

Yuki Fuijta, Sven Verweij, Tessa van der Voort, and Gerard Ros

Improved soil and cropland management changes the soil carbon stocks and thereby mitigate climate change. However, spatially explicit insights on management impacts as well as critical thresholds for optimum SOC levels are lacking, which is crucial for actionable changes in farming practices. In this study we unravelled the contribution of soil texture, geohydrology and soil quality to changes in SOC in the Netherlands using a data-driven approach (using XGBoost) using 21.123 soil analyses done by agricultural laboratories. The current C stock of the 0-30cm soil layer is 119 ton C ha-1 and could be increased by 21 to 59 ton C ha-1 depending on soil type, land use and the agronomic measures taken. The SOC saturation capacity, expressed as the ratio between the actual and potential SOC stock varied from 85 to 93% in grassland soils, from 55 to 83% in arable soils and from 69 to 91% in other land uses. On average, the actual C saturation degree was 75%. The key factors controlling the potential of soils to sequester additional carbon within environmental limits for N and P included the crop sequence in the last decade, soil texture (i.e. oxide extractable aluminium, iron and phosphorus), the acidity, and groundwater depth. The data driven approach shows that spatially explicit recommendations for carbon farming are possible up to the farm and field scale, facilitating the implementation of carbon farming and the mitigation of climate change. When all agricultural fields are saturated with C, an equivalent of 257 Mton of CO2 can be stored.  

How to cite: Fuijta, Y., Verweij, S., van der Voort, T., and Ros, G.: Quantifying the potential of agricultural soils to store carbon. A data-driven approach illustrated for the Netherlands. , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12830,, 2023.

EGU23-13552 | Orals | SSS2.3

Enabling carbon farming: a robust, affordable and scalable approach leveraging remote and proximal sensing 

Sven Verweij, Maarten van Doort, Yuki Fuijta, Tessa van der Voort, and Gerard Ros

The main hurdle in instrumentalizing agricultural soils to sequester atmospheric carbon is a development of methods to measure soil carbon stocks on farm level which are robust, scalable and widely applicable. Specifically, it is necessary that socio-economic barriers related to cost, usability and accessibility are overcome. We present the Wageningen Soil Carbon Stock pRotocol (SoilCASTOR), a method for soil carbon stock assessment using satellite data, direct soil measurements via mobile soil sensors and machine learning which can help overcome these socio-economic hurdles. The method has a low cost per hectare and uses plug-and play tools (soil scanner), which lower the threshold users need to overcome. The method has been tested and applied for multiple farms in Europe and the United states on agricultural fields with variable crop rotations, soil types and management history. Results show that the estimates are precise, repeatable and that the approach is rapidly scalable. Carbon stocks in the top 30 cm range between 1.8-6.1 kg C/hectare and resolution is up to 10x 10 meters. The precision of farm C stocks is below 5% enabling detection of SOC changes desired for the 4 per 1000 initiative. The assessment can be done robustly with as few as 0.5 samples (or 2-3 minutes) per hectare over a range of scales, for farms varying from 20 to 200 hectares.These findings can enable the structural and widespread implementation of carbon farming. This approach has recently been awareded the Bayer Grants4Tech innovation prize.

How to cite: Verweij, S., van Doort, M., Fuijta, Y., van der Voort, T., and Ros, G.: Enabling carbon farming: a robust, affordable and scalable approach leveraging remote and proximal sensing, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13552,, 2023.

EGU23-14111 | ECS | Orals | SSS2.3

Investigation of soil carbon sequestration and storage in Hungarian forest sites under different climatic conditions 

Péter Végh, Pál Balázs, András Bidló, and Adrienn Horváth

A szén-elnyelő erdők és talajok előtérbe kerülnek a szénsemlegesség mielőbbi elérése érdekében. A folyamatosan növekvő kibocsátás felborítja a légkör egyensúlyát, és a folyamatok eltolódásával klímaváltozásban vagy időjárási szélsőségekben nyilvánul meg. Kutatásunk célja az erdei ökoszisztémákban különböző éghajlati és erdészeti viszonyok között tárolt szerves széntartalom felmérése volt. A talajelemzésre helyeztük a hangsúlyt, mert a talaj szén mennyisége közel azonos a föld feletti biomasszában tárolt szén mennyiségével. Mintegy 40 kijelölt erdőállományból vettünk mintát, hogy meghatározzuk az egyes erdőállományok talajában tárolt szerves szén mennyiségét. A talajmintákat 40 cm mélységű fúrással gyűjtöttük. A talajmintavétellel egyidejűleg a mintavételi pont közelében lévő egyes állományok élőfaállományát is felmértük. A 40 kijelölt erdőállományban eddig végzett vizsgálatok alapján a területek Cambisols, Luvisols és Arenosols talajosztályokba sorolhatók (WRB 2020). A talajminták pH-értéke többnyire savas (átlag = 5,9), az állaga vályogként határozható meg. A 0-40 cm-es termőtalajok talaj szervesanyag-tartalma (SOM) 1,45%, ami ~14 t széntartalmat jelent hektáronként. A környéken még mindig van elegendő csapadék a növényzethez zavartalanul; így a szénmérleg a térségben jelenleg stabil annak ellenére, hogy az alommennyiség csökkenése miatt a készletek már most is csökkennek. 9) és a textúra vályogként határozható meg. A 0-40 cm-es termőtalajok talaj szervesanyag-tartalma (SOM) 1,45%, ami ~14 t széntartalmat jelent hektáronként. A környéken még mindig van elegendő csapadék a növényzethez zavartalanul; így a szénmérleg a térségben jelenleg stabil annak ellenére, hogy az alommennyiség csökkenése miatt a készletek már most is csökkennek. 9) és a textúra vályogként határozható meg. A 0-40 cm-es termőtalajok talaj szervesanyag-tartalma (SOM) 1,45%, ami ~14 t széntartalmat jelent hektáronként. A környéken még mindig van elegendő csapadék a növényzethez zavartalanul; így a szénmérleg a térségben jelenleg stabil annak ellenére, hogy az alommennyiség csökkenése miatt a készletek már most is csökkennek.

Ez a cikk a TKP2021-NKTA-43 projekt keretében készült, amely a Magyar Innovációs és Technológiai Minisztérium (jogutód: Kulturális és Innovációs Minisztérium) a Nemzeti Kutatási, Fejlesztési és Innovációs Minisztérium támogatásával valósult meg. Alap, a TKP2021-NKTA támogatási konstrukció keretében finanszírozott. A Kulturális és Innovációs Minisztérium ÚNKP-22-3-I-SOE-99 Új Nemzeti Kiválósági Programja pedig a Nemzeti Kutatási, Fejlesztési és Innovációs Alapból támogatott.

How to cite: Végh, P., Balázs, P., Bidló, A., and Horváth, A.: Investigation of soil carbon sequestration and storage in Hungarian forest sites under different climatic conditions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14111,, 2023.

EGU23-14616 | Posters virtual | SSS2.3

Effect of afforestation on the organic carbon stock of soils 

András Bidló, Mátyás Csorba, Pál Balázs, Péter Végh, and Adrienn Horváth

Since 1922, the territorial proportion of forests has increased from 12% to 22% due to large-scale afforestation in Hungary. These planted forests bind huge amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. The sequestered carbon is partly stored in the above-ground biomass of forests in the form of organic matter. At the same time, a similar amount of carbon can be found underground. The research aims to assess the effect of afforestation on the amount of organic carbon stored in the soil (SOC).

During our investigations, we collected samples from 3 study areas from the Hungarian Great Plain. We compared the soil of the poplar and acacia forests in the sample areas with the grassland soils located directly next to these plantations. By the natural conditions, the pH of forest (7.75 and 8.29 pH(H2O)) and grassland (8.01 and 8.45 pH(H2O)) samples was weakly alkaline/alkaline. We measured a lower pH value in case of forests, which clearly shows the leaching effect in the forest soils. The average humus content of the tested soil samples was 0.94%. The lowest measured value was 0.09%, while the highest was 4.21% which clearly showed that dry sandy soils have a low organic matter content.

The soil and the litter cover contain 7 to 37 tons SOC/ha. The differences between the studied areas were very large. The carbon stock of the soils was higher in forest stands in every case. This shows that in long term the afforestation increases the amount of carbon stored in soils compared to grasslands.

This article was made in frame of the project TKP2021-NKTA-43 which has been implemented with the support provided by the Ministry of Innovation and Technology of Hungary (successor: Ministry of Culture and Innovation of Hungary) from the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund, financed under the TKP2021-NKTA funding scheme.


How to cite: Bidló, A., Csorba, M., Balázs, P., Végh, P., and Horváth, A.: Effect of afforestation on the organic carbon stock of soils, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14616,, 2023.

Cropland soils show large potential to sequester carbon to achieve climate neutrality. Changes in management can affect an increase of carbon sequestration or reducing carbon losses in form of emissions or leaching. However, the impact of management changes on the sequestration and other processes needs to be quantified to provide advice to farmers. Experiments to analyse impacts of management changes are costly and labour intensive. Additionally, these experiments take time and cover only a small range of environmental conditions. Therefore, modelling is widely used to over-come these limitations. Model results allow the estimation of all relevant fluxes for the overall greenhouse gas emission balance or, depending on the model, for some parts. This is a fast and efficient method to quantify soil organic carbon (SOC) changes due to modifications in agricultural management. Even though, models proved their quality of simulating SOC changes, there are some restrictions in the use of models for actual advice based on model results. In the here presented study, three key points will be analysed: First, the additional impacts beside the SOC changes. Carbon sequestration can be offset by emission of other greenhouse gases or management changes affect yield, which needs to be included in the analysis. While these two variables are well covered by usual model approaches, other aspects like food quality are more difficult to include. Second, how does the complexity of the model affect the result. The simple assumption that more complex models are potentially more accurate, but also require more input data is in most cases realistic (this is a generic assumption which is not always true). More input data and more complexity are also associated with potentially increased uncertainty. Third, who is running the model. While research-based advice using more complex models might be potentially more accurate, models used by farmers might be more specific and direct in providing key information. Additionally, the impact of the increased data demand and required data can affect an increased error. These points are analysed on examples and case studies. This includes an analysis beyond the carbon sequestration and how to include these aspects in the analysis. Further, results of a tool developed for stakeholders/farmers is compared with results of a biogeochemical model for selected sites. Finally, an analysis of the limitations of the models due to data demand and data availability. The analysis of wheat yields shows mainly positive impacts on the SOC change, but mainly reduced yield. The comparison of the two models indicates the impracticability of the more complex option, as the data demand is not orientated on the data availability. The decision based on model results requires a careful use of models and a good understanding of the results.

How to cite: Kuhnert, M.: Using modelling and tools for advice on improved agricultural management to achieve climate neutrality in croplands, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14833,, 2023.

EGU23-15333 | ECS | Orals | SSS2.3

The effects of olivine fertilization on growth and elemental composition of barley and wheat differ with olivine grain size and rain regimes. 

Jet Rijnders, Sara Vicca, Eric Struyf, Thorben Amann, Jens Hartmann, Patrick Meire, Ivan Janssens, and Jonas Schoelynck

With rising population growth, there is a need for increased food production. With rising temperatures and more frequent droughts due to climate change, it becomes more challenging to keep up with this increased demand for food. Therefore, a change in land use and management is needed in which enhanced silicate weathering (ESW) can play an important role. Weathering of silicate rocks has been regulating the atmospheric CO2 concentrations for over decades, but with the rise in atmospheric CO2, the natural weathering is too slow. Grinding the silicate rocks into a fine powder and spread it over for example agricultural fields will increase the reactive surface area and hence, the amount of CO2 that is stored in soils. The application of silicate minerals to soils can enhance plant growth by multiple processes, for example by counteracting soil acidification and by the release of plant nutrients. In this way, ESW can be used on agricultural fields without competing for land like other carbon capture techniques (e.g. Bio-Energy with carbon capture and storage). This study investigates the use of olivine (a fast-weathering Mg-rich silicate mineral) as a fertilizer in agriculture using a full-factorial mesocosm experiment. Barley and wheat were grown under two different rain regimes (daily rain vs weekly rain) and with application of two different grain sizes of olivine (p80 = 1020 µm and p80 = 43.5 µm). Our results showed increased plant growth and biomass with olivine addition, albeit only for fine olivine. However, this was not translated in an increase in yield of wheat and barley. Besides changes in biomass, we found significant differences in plant nutrient concentrations. As expected, Mg concentration increased significantly. However, BSi and Ca concentrations decreased with fine olivine application. Nitrogen in grains was also increased in the fine olivine treatment. In contrast to fine olivine, coarse olivine addition had almost no influence on nutrients. Ca, Mg and Si concentrations in plant samples followed the same trend as in the soil pore water, in contrast to metal concentrations. Olivine addition increased Ni and Cr availability in the soil pore water, but the concentrations of these elements in plant tissue did not increase and were even below detection limit for the majority of samples. While the influence of olivine on metal concentrations in plant samples was not affected by rain treatment, the influence of olivine on nutrients in the plants and plant growth was. Fine olivine addition enhanced the plants resistance to drought as it reduced the decrease in biomass with weekly rain treatment compared to daily rain treatment. This positive effect of olivine addition can be due to the increased weathering rate in combination with enhancement of soil properties like increased soil water retention. In this way, the use of olivine as a fertilizer on agricultural fields can mitigate climate change while it can also contribute to the solution for increased food demand.

How to cite: Rijnders, J., Vicca, S., Struyf, E., Amann, T., Hartmann, J., Meire, P., Janssens, I., and Schoelynck, J.: The effects of olivine fertilization on growth and elemental composition of barley and wheat differ with olivine grain size and rain regimes., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15333,, 2023.

EGU23-15465 | Posters on site | SSS2.3

Climate change impacts on crop production and soil carbon stock in a continuous wheat cropping system in southeast England 

Shuo Liang, Nan Sun, Jeroen Meersmans, Bernard Longdoz, Gilles Colinet, Minggang Xu, and Lianhai Wu

Understanding dynamics of soil organic carbon (SOC) stock in agroecosystems under climate change is imperative for maintaining soil productivity and offsetting greenhouse gas emissions. Simulations with the SPACSYS model were conducted to assess the effects of future climate scenarios (Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) 2.6, 4.5 and 8.5) and fertilization practices on crop yield and SOC stock by 2100 for a continuous winter wheat cropping system in southeast England. Weather data between 1921 and 2000 was considered as a baseline. SPACSYS was first calibrated and validated with the data of the Broadbalk continuous winter wheat experiment for over a century. Six treatments were used: no fertiliser (control), a combination of chemical nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium with three N application rates (N1PK, N3PK and N5PK), manure only (FYM) and a combination of manure and chemical nitrogen application (FYMN). SPACSYS simulated grain yields and the dynamics of SOC and TN stocks well compared with the observations. Future climatescould significantly increase wheat yield by an average of 8.3% as compared to the baseline. FYMN was characterized by the highest grain yield. Moreover, when considering NPK practices, the relative increase in SOC stock under the RCP8.5 (+3.3%) was higher than those under the RCP4.5 (+1.4%), whereas the RCP2.6 indicated a negative effect (-0.6%) on SOC stocks. When considering manure amendments, the SOC stock decreased (-1.2%) under all RCP scenarios. However, continuous manure amendments can still be considered as a sustainable strategy for SOC sequestration with C stock increases between 34-106 kg C ha-1 yr-1. Future climates generally had positive effects on C sequestration in continuous wheat system with an annual C sink of 43-425 kg C ha-1 yr-1. Mineral fertiliser plus manure could be recommended as a good practice for simultaneously increasing crop productivity and having a rather high C sink under future climate change.


How to cite: Liang, S., Sun, N., Meersmans, J., Longdoz, B., Colinet, G., Xu, M., and Wu, L.: Climate change impacts on crop production and soil carbon stock in a continuous wheat cropping system in southeast England, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15465,, 2023.

SSS3 – Soils as Records in Time and Space

EGU23-828 | ECS | Posters virtual | SSS3.1

"Paleopedology of Siwalik Paleosols of Kangra Sub-Basin, NW Himalaya: Implication for Weathering and Climate change 11 Ma to 6 Ma" 

Pooja Yadav, Abdul Hameed, Rohit Kumar, and Pankaj Srivastava

The Himalayan Mountain range is the most prominent and active intracontinental range in the world. The outer part of this range is marked by the Himalayan foreland basin (HFB) in south that resulted due to the thrust loading and subsidence with synorogenic sedimentation from the hinterland. The lowermost part of the HFB is marked by the molassic sediments of “Siwalik” which thins out to the south. The time frame between 11Ma to 6 Ma (mid to late Miocene) is critical to understand the changes related to monsoon and vegetation as there is no detailed record or systematic study of late Cenozoic weathering and paleopedogenesis in fluvial sediments of the HFB. In the present study, we present a high-resolution paleopedological record of the paleosols along a traverse of ~ 1.8 km in the Kotla-Brail section of the Kangra sub-basin of the HFB. In the field, the paleosols are characterized by 1-2 m thick Bw, Bt, Bk, Bss, Bk horizons, rhizocretions, pedogenic carbonates (PC), and Fe/Mn mottles and concretions. The paleosols in the Lower Siwaliks show a dominance of 2.5 Y and 5 YR hue, whereas in the Middle Siwaliks they are defined by 5 YR and 7.5 YR hue. Micromorphology of these paleosols confirmed varying degrees of weathering, and paleopedogenesis showing a blocky structure, clay coatings, biogenic activity, and diffused impure micritic nodules as PC in the Bw and Bt, Btk horizons. These pedofeatures are more strongly developed in paleosols of the Lower Siwaliks than in comparison to weakly-moderately paleosols of the Middle Siwaliks.

Clay mineralogy determined based on XRD study of the total (<2 µm) fine clay (<0.2 µm) fractions of these paleosols is characterized by the dominance of smectite, vermiculite, and mixed-layer minerals in paleosols of the Lower Siwalik. The clay mineral assemblage shows a  decrease in the abundance of smectite and increase of kaolinite towards the transitions to Middle Siwalik at ~10 Ma. This also shows transformation of the smectite and vermiculite to interstratified clays at about ~8 Ma. After ~8.5 – 8.0 Ma, the paleosols are again marked an increase of the amount of smectite, vermiculite, and mixed-layer minerals in paleosols of the Middle Siwalik towards their transitions to Upper Siwalik. The varying intensity of weathering, paleopedogenesis, and clay mineral assemblage of the paleosols in the Lower and Middle Siwalik suggest fluctuating climatic conditions that evolved from initial semi-arid to sub-humid at ~11 Ma that to higher precipitation at ~8.5 to 8 Ma then again to semi-arid to arid conditions at ~6.5 Ma.


Keywords: Himalayan Foreland Basin (HFB), Siwalik, Paleosols, Micromorphology, Clay Minerals

How to cite: Yadav, P., Hameed, A., Kumar, R., and Srivastava, P.: "Paleopedology of Siwalik Paleosols of Kangra Sub-Basin, NW Himalaya: Implication for Weathering and Climate change 11 Ma to 6 Ma", EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-828,, 2023.

In the present study we report paleopedology of the fluvial sequences of the Siwalik Group in the Himalayan Foreland Basin, NW Himalaya that formed during ~12 Ma -5.5 Ma. The paleosols formed during this time period are critical to understand weathering and paleopedogenic processes during the evolution of foreland basin over the entire Himalayan range. This work highlights field-characteristics, micromorphology, clay mineralogy, and geochemistry of the ~0.5 km thick Lower Siwalik and ~1.7 km thick Middle Siwalik successions along the Katilu Khad, Kangra sub-basin. In the field, the paleosols are characterized by 1-2 m thick Bw, Bt, Bk, Bss, and BC horizons, blocky and wedge-shaped pedogenic structures, root traces, color mottling, Fe-Mn oxide concretions, slickensides, pedogenic CaCO3 (PC), and bioturbation features. 

Micromorphological observations show the dominance of moderate to well-developed paleopedofeatures in paleosols of the Lower Siwalik in contrast to the moderately to weakly-developed paleopedofeatures in paleosols of the Middle Siwalik. The comparative analysis of various pedogenic features i.e., PC, illuvial clay, mottles, Fe-Mn concretions, microstructures, and bioturbation features confirmed varying degree of the paleopedogenic maturity in the paleosols at different intervals of the Siwalik successions.

Clay mineralogy of the total clay (<2 μm) and fine clay fraction (< 0.2 μm) of the Lower and Middle Siwalik paleosols suggests varying chemical weathering of silicates and change of paleoclimatic conditions during paleopedogenic processes during this time period. The clay mineral assemblage of the total clay and fine clay fraction show the varying distribution of illite, chlorite, kaolinite, smectite, vermiculite and interstratified clay minerals in these paleosols. Large amounts of smectite together with pedogenic carbonates in part of the Lower Siwalik at 12.0 Ma, and at 10.9 Ma and in Middle Siwalik at 9.2 Ma, and at 5.5 Ma suggest arid to semiarid dry climatic conditions Whereas, dominance of kaolin, illuvial features, and dissolution of pedogenic carbonates suggests sub-humid to humid climatic condition at 11.6 Ma, 8.5 Ma, 7.1 Ma, and at 6.5 Ma.

The bulk geochemistry of the paleosols also confirmed varying degree of pedogenic weathering showing high CIA and CIA-K (CIW) values and ~ 800 mm to 1400 mm MAP for paleosols of the Lower and Middle Siwalik. The high MAP (~ 1200 mm to 1400 mm) at ~11.6 Ma, ~8.5 to 8.0 Ma, and 7.1 to 6.5 Ma in paleosols of the Lower Siwalik and Middle Siwalik correspond to increased chemical weathering and paleopedogenesis. While the intervening periods correspond to less MAP (~800 mm to 1100 mm) with large amount PC and less chemical weathering. Based on micromorphology, clay mineralogy, and geochemical characteristics of the paleosols it is interpreted that climate change during ~12 Ma to 5.5 Ma is characterized by humid (11.6 Ma) to semiarid (11.0 Ma to 8.5 Ma), and humid-subhumid (8.5 Ma to 6.5 Ma) in response to Himalayan orogeny and its linkage to regional and global atmospheric conditions.

Keywords: Himalayan Foreland Basin, Paleosols, Siwalik, Micromorphology, Clay mineralogy, Geochemistry

How to cite: Hameed, A., Yadav, P., Kumar, R., and Srivastava, P.: Paleopedological evolution of Siwalik succession from Kangra sub-Basin, NW Himalayan: Implications for climate change and weathering conditions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-838,, 2023.

EGU23-2241 | Posters on site | SSS3.1

Post-sedimentary pedogenesis in colluvial soils in the context of the landscape sedimentary history (Czechia) 

Tereza Zádorová, Vít Penížek, Magdalena Koubová, Lenka Lisá, Daniel Žížala, Lenka Pavlů, Václav Tejnecký, and Ondřej Drábek

Colluvisols, representing a significant part of the erosional catena in undulating landscapes, often changed by long-term agricultural management, undergo a complex development with alternating phases of material deposition and slope stability, with subsequent initiation of soil formation processes. The presented study focuses on the detailed description of the post-depositional evolution of four up to 4m-deep colluvial profiles, formed in different colluvial positions in two environmentally and historically distinct areas of Czechia, situated in the loess region of South Moravia and Central Bohemian Upland, built on plutonic rocks. A multi-proxy approach consisting of analyses of clay mineralogy, micromorphology, humic acids and geochemical parameters was applied to distinguish the inherited and in-situ developed pedogenetic features and link them with the sedimentary history of the studied soils, assessed using optically stimulated luminescence dating and 137Cs activity. Marked differences in the type and maturity of pedogenetic features were identified not only in individual plots but also in different colluvial positions within the same plot. While signs of bioturbation, mainly related to root activity and soil fauna, were observed even in recent colluvial layers after a short period of stabilization, more advanced processes of weathering, organic matter stabilisation and clay illuviation are typical only for early-sedimented layers with long post-depositional development. Redoximorphic features were more pronounced in the side valleys compared to the toe-slope colluvial positions; similarly marked differences between colluvial positions were observed for humus quality, with significantly more stable organic matter concentrated within side valleys. In both sites, distinct and largely contradictory trends in the transformation of clay minerals, reflected in the proportions of different phyllosilicate layers, were observed, corresponding to the specific conditions of soil development. 

Study was supported by grant nr. 21-11879S of the Czech Science Foundation.

How to cite: Zádorová, T., Penížek, V., Koubová, M., Lisá, L., Žížala, D., Pavlů, L., Tejnecký, V., and Drábek, O.: Post-sedimentary pedogenesis in colluvial soils in the context of the landscape sedimentary history (Czechia), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2241,, 2023.

As one of the soil types, peat is an important soil carbon storage and archive of past environmental changes. Here we used multi-core and multi-proxy records from a peatland near Da’erbin Lake in the Arxan region of Northeast China to reconstruct peatland development and carbon accumulation history and to understand their responses to past climate changes during the last 2500 years. Our macrofossil results show that the peatland was characterized by a sedge-dominated fen from 490 BCE to 1450 CE, changed to a Sphagnum-dominated poor fen or bog with abundant shrubs (mostly Ericaceae) during the period of 1450–1960 CE, and finally became predominated by Sphagnum after 1960 CE. The time-weighted mean apparent carbon accumulation rate (aCAR) from three cores range from 19.5 to 53.0 g C m-2 yr-1 with a mean value of 32.4 g C m-2 yr-1, but increase rapidly to 139.2 g C m-2 yr-1 during last several decades. During the early stage of the past 2500 years, three coring sites that are only 50 m apart were all in the fen phase but they had highly variable peat properties. The fen-bog transition occurred at different times at these sites due to local influences of autogenic process, permafrost dynamics, or fire disturbance. These observations suggest that fens are highly heterogeneous, not only in peat properties but also in ecosystem dynamics. The dramatic increase in aCAR during the late stage of bog phase after 1960 CE cannot be explained entirely by limited decomposition of recently-accumulated peat. Instead, this was likely due to increasing Sphagnum dominance and resultant low decomposition of Sphagnum-derived organic matter, suggesting the important role of vegetation change in controlling carbon accumulation rates. Around the 1990s CE, an increase in allogenic CAR—after removing the age-related long-term autogenic effect—seems to correspond with a period of increase in regional summer precipitation, revealing a sensitive response of ombrotrophic bog ecosystem to climate change at decadal timescale.

How to cite: Xia, Y., Yang, Z., and Yu, Z.: Responses of peatland development and carbon accumulation to climate change over the past 2500 years in the Arxan region, Northeast China, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2515,, 2023.

EGU23-2822 | Posters on site | SSS3.1 | Highlight

Neolithic Agronomists shaped Chernozem in South-Eastern Bavaria 

Jörg Völkel, Prof. Dr., Anna Sophia Holmer, Ildikó Bösze, and Günther Moosbauer, Prof. Dr.

Up to today, the reason for the genesis of chernic horizons in Germany is a matter of discussion. Recent literature is strongly suggesting a purposeful anthropogenic soil management from neolithic times as an origin of these soils. Here we provide another example of neolithic activities meliorating the soil from a calcic Luvisol to a Chernozem with a dimension of several hectares. This is striking, since it is the first finding of a chernic horizon of this extensiveness in Bavaria, Germany.

The Chernozem has been discovered close to the city of Straubing (48°53′N, 12°34′O, MAP 757 mm, MAT 8,6°C), which is situated in the highly arable Danubian Gäuboden and part of the so called Altsiedelland. It has been home to human settlers ever since the first settlers belonging to the Linearbandkeramik (LBK) culture immigrated, among other things like the optimal climatic conditions due to its very favorable soil characteristics (luvisols) developed on Loess. The neolithic Chernozem is located directly next to a graveyard with graves dating in early neolithic times and later as well as neolithic settlements 500 m away. Collected 14C and OSL-data strongly suggest that part of the Chernozem was covered by a roman colluvium probably eroded from the former graveyard hill by roman ploughing activities. Our obtained 14C data places the chernic horizon itself into the early LBK and onwards. Nowadays the chernic horizon is mostly overprinted by the ongoing soil genesis as an argic horizon. Small charcoal flakes (< 0.5 mm) make the chernic horizon appear greyish-black up to today, with carbon-contents of around 1%. The colour intensifies in the center of the Chernozem area closely by the settlements and graveyard and fades out to a distinct grey shadow in the argic horizon of the calcic luvisol above around 2 km away.

These findings leave no room for doubt: The Chernozem has an anthropogenic origin and was created by the neolithic settlers, following a purpose in managing and meliorating the soil.

How to cite: Völkel, Prof. Dr., J., Holmer, A. S., Bösze, I., and Moosbauer, Prof. Dr., G.: Neolithic Agronomists shaped Chernozem in South-Eastern Bavaria, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2822,, 2023.

The Volyn’ Upland is a “loess island” in the middle of the European loess belt. In the previously studied sections of this region, the Pleistocene palaeosols are mainly polygenetic; therefore, the pedocomplexes comprise no more than two soils. The study of the sections located both on the slopes of the river valleys and in the buried gullies, contributed to detailed stratigraphy of the pedocomplexes.  

Three pedocomplexes have been distinguished in the sections, which, according to palaeopedological and palynological data, were tentatively correlated with MIS 5, 7 and 9, respectively. The lower pedocomplex (S3, MIS 9) comprises two soils. The lower soil (S3-II) is a Luvisol with multi-phased clay coatings in the Bt horizon. However, micromorphology detects a clear primary A horizon with abundant coprolites. The upper soil (S3-I) has a well-developed A horizon and Ag horizon in the depression. However, clay coatings in the Bt horizon testify to the clay translocation.

The middle pedocomplex (S2, MIS 7) comprises two welded soils separated by a thin loess bed. The lower soil (S2-II) is a Luvisol, in places marked by a pronounced A horizon, in which clay coatings occur, whereas in the E horizon secondary carbonate nodules appear.  In places, the upper soil (S2-I) turns into two separate soils: the lower Haplic Chernozem and the upper Cambisol, both densely dissected by soil veins. These soils are dark, leached of carbonates, with crumby and granular microstructure. Many krotovinas occur in the subsoil.

The upper pedocomplex (S1, MIS 5) is subdivided into three sub-pedocomplexes, interbedded with sandy facies in depressions and thin loess-like deposits at the topographically higher positions. The lower sub-pedocomplex (S1-III, MIS 5e) is represented, depending on the parent material, by Luvisol, Retisol or Podzol with abundant clay coatings in the Bt horizon. In places, the forest soil is overlain by Entic Podzol with a more pronounced A horizon and is underlain by a Gleysol in depression. The middle sub-pedocomplex (S1-II, MIS 5c) comprises three soils: the lower Entic or Albic Podzol, the middle Chernozem and the upper Cambisol. A distinguished feature of these soils is the rapid increase in sand content in almost all studied sections. The upper sub-pedocomplex (S1-I, MIS 5a) is interpreted as a Cambisol, in places with a well-developed A horizon. In the upper soils of S1, pale brown spots occur.

Three Gleysols have been distinguished in the upper thick loess unit (L1, MIS 2-4). The lower Gleysol (MIS 3) is better developed and mostly polygenetic; in places the soil turns into a pedocomplex consisting of two or three soils: the lower Gleysol, the middle Gleyic Cambisol and the upper Calcaric Cambisol. The middle Gleysol appears to be polygenetic, as evidenced by palynology and micromorphology. Large ice-wedge pseudomorphs are associated with the upper Gleysol, which makes it possible to interpret soil as tundra-gley.

The study was supported by the National Research Foundation of Ukraine, grant number 2020.02/0406.

How to cite: Bonchkovskyi, O.: A detailed palaeosol record of Middle and Upper Pleistocene from the central part of the Volyn’ Upland (the NW Ukraine), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3857,, 2023.

EGU23-5502 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS3.1

Using advanced geophysical data processing to improve low detection data in archaeological sites 

Rui Jorge Oliveira, Bento Caldeira, José Fernando Borges, and Mourad Bezzeghoud

Geophysical data with noise issues are quite common, resulting in low detection conditions. This prevents the ground content from being evaluated to determine the existence of structures buried in the ground in an archaeological site. Standard processing on ground-penetrating radar and magnetic data does not effectively eliminate or mitigate this effect. The use of advanced and customized data processing is a viable solution to the problem. This processing can be applied using mathematical transforms in conjunction with data decomposition techniques, allowing for easier and less computationally intensive data manipulation. The circular symmetry of the data is enabled by the 2D Fourier transform, making operations like filtering easier to implement. In the transformed domain, factoring techniques such as singular value decomposition can be used (SVD). After analyzing the decomposed signal, the components can be matched to the signal and noise. The 2D wavelet transform allows for data decomposition, with operations such as multiresolution SVD and multidirectional gradient calculation applied to each channel to select the most informative content from a dataset. The chain application of these operations allows for the improvement of geophysical data despite an apparent lack of information. Testing on field data obtained at Villa Romana de Pisões (Beja, Portugal) is an example of successful application. Advanced geophysical data processing operations can improve the data and should be used in conjunction with standard operations.

Acknowledgment: The work was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) project UIDB/04683/2020 - ICT (Institute of Earth Sciences).

How to cite: Oliveira, R. J., Caldeira, B., Borges, J. F., and Bezzeghoud, M.: Using advanced geophysical data processing to improve low detection data in archaeological sites, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5502,, 2023.

As sea levels rose since the end of Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) ancient coastal communities were often forced to abandon their settlements and move inland. Today, many of these abandoned sites are covered by sand or lay in shallow water. Examining these can shed light on past coastal communities as well as settlement patterns in ancient times. Archaeological excavation along the coast is particularly tricky and often sporadic in nature. Thus, high‐resolution shallow geophysical methods, which have become a standard in archaeological studies since they provide a noninvasive way of imaging the subsurface before an excavation, would seem like a perfect solution. However, most methods are limited in their ability to work near the shoreline – the transitional zone between classical land-based methods and standard marine ones. Ground penetrating radar (GPR), for example, is greatly affected by moisture and salinity and is therefore limited in its ability to work in areas saturated with seawater. Seismic reflection is time consuming to overcome issues of poor vertical and spatial resolution and sensitive to urban noise, while magnetics would provide poor results for sand covered sandstone. Other techniques, such as electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) have been shown to work in coastal areas and in shallow water. However, this method can be slow, as it involves setting up complex arrays for each cross section measured. This study will present the frequency domain electromagnetic (FDEM) method, which has the potential to overcome these problems and can bridge the gap in knowledge by measuring in the nearshore environment. The ease of use and quick scanning capability means that large areas can be covered in a relatively short time. There are no electrodes or loops to set up. Since it measures swaths, results are obtained in map-view and not cross-section, with little interpolation. Different frequencies penetrate to different depths (lower frequencies corresponding to deeper penetration). Therefore, the result is a series of frequency maps corresponding to the integration of all subsurface data in a specific sampled volume (i.e. down to the frequency-related depths), providing important information on shallow subsurface properties. The use of multiple frequencies allows for the resolving of internal structures within the depth range. Overall, the FDEM method has proven to be a valuable tool for studying coastal archaeology, and it is likely to continue to play an important role in the field in the coming years. Its ability to detect buried objects and structures and to study the geomorphology of submerged landscapes makes it an essential tool for researchers working in this field.

How to cite: Lazar, M. and Basson, U.: Frequency domain electromagnetic methods for coastal archaeology – a new(ish) approach for the detection of ancient settlements, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5919,, 2023.

EGU23-8737 | ECS | Orals | SSS3.1 | Highlight

Geophysical characterization of the shallow subsoil at a heavily urbanized archaeological site: the Roman Amphitheater and the Scrovegni Chapel in Padua. 

Giorgio Cassiani, Ilaria Barone, Mirko Pavoni, Jacopo Boaga, and Rita Deiana

The characterization of the shallow subsoil at complex archaeological sites requires sufficient spatial coverage and resolution as to provide the necessary information. This is all but trivial, particularly where historical superposition of layers requires also sufficient depth investigation and resolution. The Scrovegni Chapel in Padua, with its Giotto's fourteen century frescoes, and recently added to the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites, stands on the remains of the local Roman amphitheater. The hypogeum located under the chapel shares its western wall with a part of the wall of the amphitheater. To date, no information is available about the soil below the apse of the chapel. Over the past decade, several ERT and GPR measurements have been conducted outside the chapel, straddling the amphitheater structure for archaeological and geomorphological characterization of the area. In 2021, a first 3D active and passive seismic survey was conducted using about 1500 wireless sensors, aiming at using surface waves to provide a 3D image of the subsurface in terms of shear wave velocity. In 2022 three 20 m deep boreholes were drilled around the chapel and equipped with fiber optics, ground deformation sensors, and electrodes for cross-hole ERT, and about 200 1-C and 3-C wireless seismic sensors were placed around the drilling area. During the drilling, additional 3D seismic data were acquired from the surface, which completed the datasets acquired in 2021. The geophysical data thus acquired and the time-lapse monitoring that will be possible around the area of the Scrovegni Chapel in Padua will allow reconstructing the geomorphology of the subsurface on which the chapel rests, but also to better study and analyze the possible interactions between the structure of the chapel and the buried structure of the Roman amphitheater from the mechanical point of view as well as from the perspective of the seismic response of this specific site.

How to cite: Cassiani, G., Barone, I., Pavoni, M., Boaga, J., and Deiana, R.: Geophysical characterization of the shallow subsoil at a heavily urbanized archaeological site: the Roman Amphitheater and the Scrovegni Chapel in Padua., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8737,, 2023.

EGU23-9663 | Posters on site | SSS3.1

Khalat al-Saharij - An Iron Age Small Site and Long Anthropogenic Effect on the Soil 

Oren Ackermann, Jenny Marcus, Jan Fišer, Gilad Itach, Martin Janovský, and Nimrod Wieler

Ancient anthropogenic long-term effects on soil chemical composition is a well-known phenomenon in large archaeological sites. In the current presentation, this effect will be shown in Khalat al-Saharij, a small site located in central Israel, in the footslope of the main highlands of the country. The site served as a farmhouse during the Neo Assyrian rule and was dated to the second half of the 8th century BCE.

Archaeological excavations of the site revealed a building that included two strips of rooms built around a square courtyard, a rock-hewn water reservoir, and agricultural facilities scattered in the area east and west of the building, including agricultural terraces.

The main aim of the current research was to find an anthropogenic signature in the sediments of the site, and in the sediments of the surrounding fields. 

POSL, PXRF and XRF methods were applied in order to achieve this aim.

The results showed that a significant anthropogenic signature was recorded on the sediments of the building and its square courtyard. This is reflected in the chemical composition that was enriched by phosphorus (P) and calcium (Ca), and by the mixed pOSL signal values. In the anthropogenic fields, the chemical signature is typical of natural soil with a high amount of Iron (Fe) and Manganese(Mn) which reflect high water availability.  

It is interesting that although the site is small in size and was inhabited for a short period of time, the human imprint has remained hundreds of years after its abandonment.

How to cite: Ackermann, O., Marcus, J., Fišer, J., Itach, G., Janovský, M., and Wieler, N.: Khalat al-Saharij - An Iron Age Small Site and Long Anthropogenic Effect on the Soil, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9663,, 2023.

EGU23-10838 | ECS | Orals | SSS3.1

Geophysical investigation of kurgans in Uzun Rama steppe, Goranboy region, Azerbaijan 

Kamal Bayramov, Clara Jodry, Gunel Alizada, Sarvar Mammadov, Vusal Azimov, and Malik Abdullayev

Kurgans are funeral chambers, evidence of burial tradition dating back to the first thousand years BCE, of nomadic populations that covered a vast area in-between Europe and Asia. In Azerbaijan, past archaeological explorations revealed numerous large kurgans from the Early Bronze, which correspond to Kura-Arexed period (ca. 3500-3000 BCE), and relatively smaller burials of Late Bronze/Early Iron Ages. To improve the efficiency of the excavation process, geophysical methods have been widely and effectively applied for many years to provide clear and useful images of archeological targets hidden underground such as kurgans.

In this work, we introduce a multi-method archaeo-geophysical survey done in May 2022 to investigate Early Bronze Age kurgans located in Uzun Rama Steppe of Goranboy region in Azerbaijan. Applied method cover different depth of investigation and resolution to provide a wealth of information on the structure of three kurgans aligned in a North-South direction. It comprises coincidental DC-resistivity and seismic refraction tomographies of 70.5 m with a 1.5 m spacing going over all kurgans, a Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) 40 m long profile using a 500 MHz antenna on the northern kurgans going from East to West and a magnetic map 24 x 25 m on the southern one.

The DC-resistivity profile shows two layers, a medium resistivity layer (500 to 600 W.m) from the surface to 6 m depth and a very conductive layer (> 10 W.m) under it. The first layer contains three areas of lower resistivity (~ 60 W.m) that are limited in thickness and length. As these three spots are marked by higher height on-site, we interpret them as the three kurgans. The coincidental seismic profile is a lot less detailed (due to physical properties and higher spacing between receiver) and define only three homogeneous layers, a first layer from the surface to 1 m depth with a P-wave velocity of 300 m/s, a second layer of higher velocity (1000 m/s) from 1 m depth to approximately 6 m depth and a final third layer of 2000 m/s velocity. Even though, the resolution is lower, we interpret the first layer as an attempt of the model to represent the kurgans. The GPR profile give a high attenuate image due to low resistive layer. However multiple diffractions can be seen in the first meter of the subsurface that can indicate the presence of ancient artefact related to the kurgans. Finally, the magnetic map defines the limit of the kurgan as a positive-negative anomaly probably due to the burning ritual that ended the implementation of a kurgan.

This geophysical campaign allowed us to accurately locate the kurgans as well as provide information on the environment. DC-resistivity and magnetic mapping seem to get the best results in our case. A future archaeological investigation will be put in place based on these results.

How to cite: Bayramov, K., Jodry, C., Alizada, G., Mammadov, S., Azimov, V., and Abdullayev, M.: Geophysical investigation of kurgans in Uzun Rama steppe, Goranboy region, Azerbaijan, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10838,, 2023.

EGU23-10982 | Orals | SSS3.1 | Highlight

Construction and Agriculture in Sand at the Early Islamic Plot-and-Berm Groundwater Harvesting Agroecosystem South of Ancient Caesarea 

Lotem Robins, Joel Roskin, Elle Grono, Revital Bookman, and Itamar Taxel

Based on surveys and three excavation seasons, we report details on one of the first major utilizations of loose aeolian sand for construction and (hypothesized) vegetable agriculture at the Early Islamic Plot-and-Berm (P&B) agroecosystem south of Caesarea Maritima, along the Mediterranean coast of Israel. P&B agroecosystems are an innovative initiative to reconstruct sand bodies and dunefields into agricultural plots sunken between sand berms. These agroecosystems are sporadically found between Iran and Iberia and some are still in use. The plots, usually ~1 m above the groundwater table allowed easy access to the water via shallow wells for irrigation.

Research methods included pedological and sedimentological analyses, micromorphology and compositional analyses such as Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy to detect heating of cultural additives (e.g., fired clays, pyrogenic lime); plant ashes (e.g., deliberate enrichment of fuel and/or recycling of former crop cycles as part of plot maintenance); and pollen and phytolith analysis to detect micro-botanical proxies of crops. Relative chronologies were obtained from portable luminescence profiling (pOSL). OSL ages along with artifacts analysis indicate that the agroecosystem was established during the late 9th or 10th century and functioning until the early decades of the 12th.

Refuse, including ash, carbonate, trace elements and artifacts, extracted from the dumps of Caesarea was combined with local sand to stabilize the berm surface but also partly altered the physical and chemical properties of the sand and increased its fertility, mainly in the plots, to form grey sandy to sandy loam anthrosols. This refuse was combined in different mixtures along the ~5 m thick berm fill and upon its slope and crest surface to stabilize the earthwork and comprise an anti-erosive agent. Similar mixtures were used to support berms and foundations of structures that served for lime production, agroecosystem management and local farming utilities. A 5 m high mound constructed out of interchanging anthrosediments was also piled up within a plot to support a presumable guarding structure. 

Plot anthrosols appear to include a basal, dark grey 20-40 m thick unit, ~ 1 m above the groundwater table that was enrichened with carbonate overlaid by a ~1 m thick grey sand anthrosol. The lower unit probably served for preserving infiltrating irrigation water that was applied to the crops grown atop the light grey anthrosol.

The agroecosystem remained well-preserved and untouched until the mid-20th century. Its pristine preservation is evidence of the ingenious and widespread utilization of refuse for construction and agriculture in sand. The untouched shape of this agrotechnological earthwork in the last millennia is intriguing and may be due to either lack of knowledge, or resources per revenue for similar endeavors.

How to cite: Robins, L., Roskin, J., Grono, E., Bookman, R., and Taxel, I.: Construction and Agriculture in Sand at the Early Islamic Plot-and-Berm Groundwater Harvesting Agroecosystem South of Ancient Caesarea, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10982,, 2023.

Soil marks are detectable by airborne images due to the difference in soil colour between the archaeological feature and the surrounding background soil. Colour of the soil only represents the visible part of the soil spectrum which contains physical and chemical information of the soil. This study will present a spectral analysis method to prospect soil mark features and buried archaeological remains using airborne image data. This method statistically calculates the difference between the targeted spectrum and the background (non-archaeological) soil spectrum. The difference is quantified by an R-value. If the R value is larger than 1, then the spectral behaviour of the targeted spectrum is different from the spectrum of the background soil and, thus, likely to be an archaeological soil spectrum (soil mark). In this study, the spectral analysis method will be applied to APEX imaging spectroscopy data collected from an archaeological site in Sárvíz Valley, Hungary. Previously, the method was successfully applied to the same archaeological site using soil spectra gathered by a portable hand-held VIS-NIR spectrometer. Here, the results showed clear spectral difference between soil mark features and background soil. This study will 1) compare the results of the method from hyperspectral image and ground-based spectral data, and 2) investigate the most effective waveband for identifying archaeological spectral signatures to verify the effectiveness of the method.

How to cite: Choi, Y. J.: Detection of archaeological soil marks using airborne hyperspectral images, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11168,, 2023.

EGU23-12360 | Posters on site | SSS3.1

Intense pedogenic development and large carbon contents in soils above the Pleistocene trimline (NW Italian Alps) 

Michele D'Amico, Emanuele Pintaldi, Dario Melacarne, Andrea Benech, Nicola Colombo, and Michele Freppaz

Most of the Alpine range was influenced by glacier movement or by intense erosive processes during Pleistocene glacial periods, which erased previously existing soils and landforms. Thus, most of the soils in the Alps began developing since at least the end of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). However, some surfaces located above the trimline (the upper limit reached by valley and cirque glaciers) still retain “old” morphologies and can be considered paleosurfaces, often covered by fossil or active periglacial features.

After having found very well developed Umbrisols hidden inside blockfields at 3030 m a.s.l. on the Stolenberg Plateau, Monte Rosa Massif – NW Italian Alps (Pintaldi et al. 2021a, 2021b, 2022), we explored other relict cryogenic landforms located above the Pleistocene trimline, such as blockfields and blockstreams, observing the soils hidden below the surface stone layers.

In most cases, we found extremely well-developed soils, such as Podzols with extremely thick E horizons or Umbrisols with A-Bh horizons up to more than 1-m thick. One of the most important properties was the large organic carbon content, up to 10-13% in soils located inside barren blockstreams and blockfields presently devoid of vegetation, at elevations between 1000 and 2950 m a.s.l..

The age of this organic matter is likely very old. For instance, inside the blockfield on the Stolenberg Plateau (3030 m a.s.l.), the organic matter was up to 22 ka old, corresponding to the early retreat glacial phase after the LGM. The age and nature of the organic matter in the other soils is still being analyzed, and it will be able to give important information on past environmental condition in understudied high-elevation areas in the Alps.



Pintaldi E., D’Amico M.E., Colombo N., Colombero C., Sambuelli L., De Regibus C., Franco D., Perotti L., Paro L., Freppaz M. (2021a). Catena.

Pintaldi E., D’Amico M.E., Colombo N., Martinetto E., Said-Pullicino D., Giardino M., Freppaz M. (2021b).

Pintaldi E., Santoro V., D’Amico M.E., Colombo N., Celi L., Freppaz M. (2022). European Journal of Soil Science.

How to cite: D'Amico, M., Pintaldi, E., Melacarne, D., Benech, A., Colombo, N., and Freppaz, M.: Intense pedogenic development and large carbon contents in soils above the Pleistocene trimline (NW Italian Alps), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12360,, 2023.

EGU23-14081 | ECS | Orals | SSS3.1

Morphology, distribution and origin of soil biogenic carbonates “queras” presents in Loess-palaeosols of Ebro Valley 

Daniela Alvarez, Carlos A. Torres-Guerrero, Rosa M. Poch, and Frank Preusser

Several types of secondary carbonate accumulations have been reported, but some of them are not completely well defined in the field due to unclear nomenclature. This is the case of the “queras”, reported in several Loess-palaeosol sequences of the Ebro Valley, which have often been described as pseudomycelia. Micromorphologically, they are complex pedofeatures (including calcified root cells, infillings and hypocoatings of carbonates and a decarbonated zone), resulting from calcification/decalcification processess at a microscale. They are composed of a central channel (1-2 mm wide and 2-3 cm long) filled with biosparite crystals (Herrero et al., 1992). The study of these secondary carbonate bioaccumulations are important archives for climatic reconstructions in terrestrial environments and can be used for paleoenvironmental reconstructions. The aims of this research are the characterization (morphological, optical and isotopically) of the biocalcifications present in Loess-palaeosols sequences, OSL-dated, to determine the main factors that originate them and their possible use as a palaeoenvironmental proxy. We collected soil samples from seven profile of Loess-palaeosols where the presence of these biocalcifications was recorded. We isolated and manually cleaned complete fragments of queras to describe them and to determine their isotopic composition. For that purpose, we used the queras fraction (sieved fraction of bulk soil between 100-250 µm) removing the residues of micrite with a buffer solution and manually separating the quera fragments with the help of a stereoscope. Thin sections were made to analyse the micromorphology in a petrographic microscope and cathodoluminescence techniques to determine the origin of the calcite. The micromorphology of these biocalcifications is similar in most cases: they present the same number of rows around the central channel (4 to 5), and a decarbonated hypocoating around it, supporting the hypothesis that their origin is derived from the calcification of cells of the root tips as a strategy to acidify the soil surrounding to absorb nutrients. Under cathodoluminescence biosparite has a different behaviour than non-biological calcite crystals. The age of the queras was similar in most horizons and their formation is independent of the age of the loess deposit. The isotopic composition of δ13C correspond mainly to CAM plants and the temperatures of precipitation calculated correspond to a Mediterranean template climate (Cerling and Quade, 1993), implying that the biocalcifications developed in warm environments. Finally, we hope to gain some more certainty of their origin and formation processes from the ongoing analyses of DNA sequencing and pollen recording.

How to cite: Alvarez, D., Torres-Guerrero, C. A., Poch, R. M., and Preusser, F.: Morphology, distribution and origin of soil biogenic carbonates “queras” presents in Loess-palaeosols of Ebro Valley, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14081,, 2023.

EGU23-14576 | ECS | Orals | SSS3.1

Geochemical analysis in the area of a medieval Cistercian manorial farm 

Martin Janovský, Jan Horák, Tomáš Klír, and Laszlo Ferenczi

A multi-element and multivariate geochemical analysis has been carried out at a medieval farm site and village settlement, which belonged to the Cistercian monastery of Plasy (in W Bohemia). The results of our geochemical survey have been evaluated in context of the LiDAR survey covering the same area and the available historic maps (Habsburg Military surveys), which helped to locate relict landscape features and land-use changes. Approximately 300 samples were taken in a grid point pattern within the courtyard of the farm, as well as randomly, in the surrounding areas, in order to identify geochemical signals related to the observable surface phenomena. We have applied different analytical techniques, including PCA, log-transformation and isometrical log-transformation, and through spatial interpolation (IDW) it was possible to link  signals of both anthropogenic and geogenic character to archaeological, cultural and land-use phenomena. The results illuminated more intensive anthropogenic impact in connection to the courtyard area, and the intravillain area of the village, and additionally helped to locate different land-use activities in the  surrounding area (agricultural and possibly industrial). In that regard, this methodology was successfully applied to trace anthropogenic impact beyond narrowly defined archaeological sites. This abstract has been reformulated on the basis of our recently published paper (Horák et al 2023).

Horák, J., Janovský, M.P., Klír, T., Malina, O., Ferenczi, L., 2023. Multivariate analysis reveals spatial variability of soil geochemical signals in the area of a medieval manorial farm. Catena 220.

This abstract is part of the research project: “Monastic manors and the landscape impact of Cistercian estate management: A landscape archaeological and historical ecological study on Plasy Abbey“ financed by the GAČR - Czech Science Foundation, grant No. 21-25061S.

How to cite: Janovský, M., Horák, J., Klír, T., and Ferenczi, L.: Geochemical analysis in the area of a medieval Cistercian manorial farm, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14576,, 2023.

EGU23-15478 | Posters on site | SSS3.1

Elemental and isotopic composition of silver in selected peat profiles of the Czech Republic 

Martin Mihaljevič, Aleš Vaněk, Mária Vaňková, and Vojtěch Ettler

Silver content and isotopic composition were studied in 3 selected 210Pb-dated profiles of ombrotrophic peat bogs in the Jizera Mountains, Ore Mountains and Sumava. The individual peat bogs differ in the rate of peat accumulation and intensity of immission load.

All peat bogs show a peak in the 1970s, which is related to the peak of industrial production in Europe and the associated coal burning. This peak is found at a depth of 7-12 cm in the peatlands studied.

In peat bogs in the Jizera and Ore Mountains, a smaller peak at a depth of 22-25 cm is followed by a peak in Pb concentration, probably related to Ag metallurgy in the 17th century.  This peak is not evident in the Šumava profile, where it is suppressed by elevated Ag concentrations in the underlying rocks.

The individual sources of silver are documented by isotopic composition that appears in the studied geochemical archives.

How to cite: Mihaljevič, M., Vaněk, A., Vaňková, M., and Ettler, V.: Elemental and isotopic composition of silver in selected peat profiles of the Czech Republic, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15478,, 2023.

Paleosol horizons preserved in loess-palaeosol sections (LPS) provide valuable archives of Quaternary palaeoenvironmental changes over time and spatial palaeoenvironmental gradients during the same period. Here, we present the characteristics of paleosol horizons in two LPS near the western edge of the Rhône Rift Valley in southeastern France: (1) the LPS “Baix” (total thickness: 14 m), located about 17 km north of Montélimar (44°42’36”N, 4°43’21”E), thus, in the transition zone between the presently temperate and the Mediterranean region of Europe; (2) the LPS “Collias” (total thickness: 9 m), located in the Uzès Basin, about 15 km northeast of Nîmes (43°57’11.94”N, 4°27’56.71”E), thus, in presently fully Mediterranean climate. Investigation of the paleosol horizons in the main profile at Collias was complemented by those of three smaller nearby LPS, “Collias-North_D112” (43°57’12.55”N, 4°27’55.83”E), “Collias-South_D112” (43°57’12.44”N, 4°27’53.36”E), and “Collias-North” (43°57’21.67”N, 4°28’6.99”E), in order to capture the spatial variability of the characteristics of some key horizons.

To our knowledge, no LPS have been analysed yet in such a transitional position between the presently temperate and Mediterranean climate. Primarily the LPS Baix may provide a crucial link between the rigorously analysed LPS in the presently temperate regions further north (e.g., in northern France, the Alsace region and Germany) and the LPS in the Mediterranean region (e.g., in southern France, Catalonia, Italy and Croatia), including the LPS Collias. Therefore, we aimed to decipher the paleoenvironmental record of the LPS Baix and Collias, and to identify similarities and differences between them. Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating provided a chronological frame for both LPS.

The basal part of the LPS Baix starts with reddish Bt(g) horizons of a Stagnic Luvisol, representing the remains of an Eemian to Early Würmian (MIS 5) pedocomplex formed under warm and - at least temporarily - relatively moist conditions. The corresponding pedocomplex in the profile Collias-North_D112 displays an intensive red (chromic) Bt horizon overlain by several Bw horizons formed in reworked soil sediment and underlain by a massive calcrete. In the main profile at Collias, this red horizon has been entirely reworked by slope processes and has regained an angular blocky structure afterwards. Thus, it appears as a dark orange-red Bw horizon. Both, the LPS Baix and Collias include a prominent brown Bw horizon of a truncated Cambisol that developed in middle Pleniglacial (MIS 3) deposits. It is associated with large, elongated, vertically oriented calcium carbonate nodules, indicating that considerable amounts of calcium carbonate must have been leached from the former middle Pleniglacial Cambisol and accumulated in the underlying loess unit. No distinct palaeosols were observed in the Late-Pleniglacial deposits of the LPS Baix and Collias; a slightly brownish colour indicates very weak weathering (several BCk horizons) in the Late-Pleniglacial sediments of both LPS.

How to cite: Sauer, D., Pfaffner, N., Kadereit, A., Kreutzer, S., Karius, V., Kolb, T., Bertran, P., and Bosq, M.: Palaeosols in the loess section of Baix (Rhône Rift Valley, SE-France), compared to those of Collias: a unique Late-Pleistocene record of the transition zone between the presently temperate and the Mediterranean region of Europe, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15899,, 2023.

EGU23-16684 | Posters on site | SSS3.1

Using biomarker lipids to reconstruct soil fertility through time 

Cindy De Jonge, Jingjing Guo, Petter Hallberg, Marco Griepentrog, Rienk Smittenberg, Francien Peterse, Pascal Boeckx, and Gerd Dercon

Glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs) are ubiquitous membrane-spanning lipids with a wide environmental distribution. In soils, branched GDGTs are produced by a possibly large diversity of bacteria. The relative abundance of methyl groups attached to the central alkyl chains is at the basis of the paleotemperature proxy MBT’5ME. However, MBT’5ME values in soils can also be directly influenced by pH (De Jonge et al., 2021). A second group of compounds, the isoprenoid GDGTs, are produced by archaea. They have been used only sparsely as environmental proxies in soils, although they are at the base of the marine paleotemperature proxy TEX86. In soils, a recent compilation by Yang et al. (2016) illustrates that the temperature dependency of TEX86 is sometimes present, but potentially influenced by other soil (chemistry) parameters.

In addition to temperature, other soil parameters are expected to vary with time, even on a Holocene timescale. For instance, soil mineral fertility (specifically, the concentration of exchangeable cations) will vary following climate or land use changes. As soil mineral fertility will impact the soil nutrient status for vegetation, and impact the soil capacity to store organic carbon (von Fromm et al., 2021), it is a relevant parameter to reconstruct over time. However, as soil fertility of surface soils will decrease during eroision or burial, this parameter can currently not be reconstructed quantitatively.

To investigate the potential of GDGTs as soil fertility proxies, branched and isoprenoid GDGTs were measured in soils from 5 elevation transects (Austria, Bolivia, China, Indonesia and Tanzania, n=74) that cover a large gradient in mean annual temperature (0-28 ℃), seasonality, and soil chemical parameters. Supplemented with climate (temperature and precipitation) data, we evaluate both changes in absolute concentration and relative distribution of the GDGTs. Of the chemical parameters, exchangeable calcium and exchangeable iron are shown to correlate with the absolute abundance of several branched (6 methyl brGDGTs) and isoprenoid (crenarchaeol isomer) GDGT compounds. Based on these relations we have developed ratios to quantify calcium (and summed bases) and iron (and summed metals) [r2=0.61-0.68, p<0.001] using GDGTs in soils. As GDGTs are stable on geological timescales, their presence in paleosoil sequences will thus allow us to reconstruct changes in surface soil fertility (specifically, calcium and iron) through time, even after the mineralogy of the original topsoil has changed.

Based our promising preliminary data we propose that GDGT ratios to reconstruct soil mineral fertility should be developed further using well-characterized modern soils. In addition, we look forward to testing our proxies on paleosoils by starting new collaborations.


De Jonge, C. et al. The influence of soil chemistry on branched tetraether lipids in mid- and high latitude soils: implications for brGDGT- based paleothermometry. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (2021).

von Fromm, S.F., et al. Continental-scale controls on soil organic carbon across sub-Saharan Africa. SOIL 7, 305–332 (2021).

Yang, H., et al. The Response of Archaeal Tetraether Membrane Lipids in Surface Soils to Temperature: A Potential Paleothermometer in Paleosols. Geomicrobiology Journal 33, 98–109 (2016).

How to cite: De Jonge, C., Guo, J., Hallberg, P., Griepentrog, M., Smittenberg, R., Peterse, F., Boeckx, P., and Dercon, G.: Using biomarker lipids to reconstruct soil fertility through time, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16684,, 2023.

EGU23-17056 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS3.1

Studying the water supply system of the Roman villa of Pisões (Beja, Portugal) using ground-penetrating radar and geospatial methods 

Pedro Trapero, Rui Oliveira, Bento Caldeira, Jose Fernando Borges, and André Carneiro

The Roman villa of Pisões (Beja, Portugal), was part of the Lusitanian colony of Pax Iulia. This place stands out for the predominance of the water element in several structures of the villa, highlighting the balneum and the large natatio, one of the largest known in Roman Hispania. The records of the initial excavations that took place since 1967 do not allow the establishment of clear functionalities of the villa. The University of Évora, owner of the site, conceived an action plan for the requalification and enhancement of the archaeological site. One of the tasks aims to investigate using Applied Geophysics. This work analyses the landscape directly related to the villa, given that it is in the flooded area of a river, with a Roman containment dam. It is uncertain whether the water supply comes from this structure or other nearby springs. The use of ground-penetrating radar, combined with unnamed aerial vehicles, all integrated in a geographic information system, allows us to know the location of underground water connections and create a topographic model with high resolution. Considering all the information, we propose a model for the water transport inside the villa and estimate the location of the water supply.

Acknowledgment: The work was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) project UIDB/04683/2020 - ICT (Institute of Earth Sciences).

How to cite: Trapero, P., Oliveira, R., Caldeira, B., Borges, J. F., and Carneiro, A.: Studying the water supply system of the Roman villa of Pisões (Beja, Portugal) using ground-penetrating radar and geospatial methods, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17056,, 2023.

EGU23-171 | ECS | PICO | GM11.4

The infancy of Chinese geoarchaeology: dilemmas from the Quaternary to the Anthropocene 

Yajing Zhao, Zhicai Zhu, Michael J. Benton, and Hao Lu

The study of some classic cases in archeology could provide key information to track where geoarchaeology came from. Joseph Anderson made great contributions to Chinese archaeology and geoarchaeology from the 1920s to 1940s. Previous academic historical studies reflected particularly on pure archaeological methodology; however, in rare cases there has been a focus on the decisive transition from geology to archaeology. Anderson was one of the pioneers who used his knowledge from field work in Europe and America to inform his geoarchaeological work in China. His earliest geoarchaeological study addressed earlier human-environmental interactions by deploying basic concepts and tools. Anderson combined methods from geology with archaeology in three case studies from the 1920s to the 1940s. He came across three dilemmas: i) Analogy dilemma: homological fossils or multiregional origin of artifacts; ii) Principle dilemma: cross-cutting relationships in stratigraphy or archaeology; iii) Time dilemma: synchronic or diachronic systems. At the time, his conclusions drew massive criticism from some archaeologists, especially because of confusion in terminology or principles arising from immature archaeological methodology and neglect of premises in different disciplines. After the development of stratigraphy in the work of classical archaeology before the 1900s and studies on Quaternary human-environmental interactions during the 1900s to 1920s, Anderson found a means to approach the Anthropocene. In summary, here we review the initial geoarchaeological exploration of China during the 1920s to1940s, which is crucial to better understand archaeological academic history and the early history of the Anthropocene as an independent stratigraphic geological unit.

How to cite: Zhao, Y., Zhu, Z., Benton, M. J., and Lu, H.: The infancy of Chinese geoarchaeology: dilemmas from the Quaternary to the Anthropocene, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-171,, 2023.

The settlement of Chimtou located in the Medjerda valley is known for its marble quarry, where yellow marble was mined for the entire roman empire. During the Roman period Chimtou has been a major roman city but little is known about the changes during the transition to the Arab period. The interdisciplinary project ISLAMAFR aims to understand the cultural, economic and landscape transformations of the western Medjerda Valley from late antiquity to the early medieval period (600 to 1000 AD).

Earlier studies in the region by Christoph Zielhofer and Dominik Faust have shown that the landscape evolution of the Medjerda Valley derived from alluvial records indicates short-term changes in fluvial dynamics in the Holocene. During the upheaval from Roman to Arab period they reconstructed great flooding events for the Western Medjerda Valley with a brief slow-down in fluvial activity during the Arab conquest. On the basis of their work we will densify the landscape history using two fluvial and alluvial archives from the hinterland of Chimtou for the period from 600 to 1000 AD. We analyzed sediment cores in the laboratory from an infilled oxbow lake of the Oued Medjerda and a flood channel, which regularly overflows. The successive phases of channel infill of the archives allow us to reconstruct the fluvial activity and landscape changes in their surroundings. A multi-proxy approach was applied, integrating the analysis of the dated high-resolution sediment records with geomorphological mapping, archaeological records, and geological and topographical data. Coupling the long-term landscape changes with high resolved short-term landscape changes identifies the human-environmental interactions in the hinterland of Chimtou from late antiquity to early medieval period.  

How to cite: Pagels, J., von Rummel, P., Chaouali, M., and Bebermeier, W.: Meso-scale landscape changes reconstructed from fluvial and alluvial sedimentological archives around the roman town Chimtou (Medjerda Valley), North Tunisia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-809,, 2023.

EGU23-1479 | PICO | GM11.4

Holocene human-environmental interactions and seismic activity in a Late Bronze to Early Iron Age settlement center in the southeastern Caucasus 

Hans von Suchodoletz, Giorgi Kirkitadze, Tiiu Koff, Markus L. Fischer, Rosa M. Poch, Azra Khosravichenar, Birgit Schneider, Bruno Glaser, Susanne Lindauer, Silvan Hoth, Anna Skokan, Levan Navrozashvili, Mikheil Lobjanidze, Mate Akhalaia, Levan Losaberidze, and Mikheil Elashvili

Long-term human-environmental interactions in naturally fragile drylands are an actual topic of geomorphological and geoarchaeological research. Furthermore, many prehistoric societies in drylands were also affected by seismic activity. The semi-arid Shiraki Plain in the tectonically active southeastern Caucasus is currently covered by steppes and largely devoid of settlements. However, numerous Late Bronze to Early Iron Age city-type fortified settlements suggest early state formation between ca. 3.2 – 2.5 ka that abruptly ended after that time. A paleolake was suggested for the lowest plain, and nearby pollen records suggest forest clearcutting of the upper altitudes under a more humid climate during the Late Bronze/Early Iron Ages. Furthermore, also an impact of earthquakes on regional Early Iron Age settlements was suggested. However, regional paleoenvironmental changes and paleoseismicity were not systematically studied so far. We combined geomorphological, sedimentological, chronological, paleoecological and hydrological modelling data to reconstruct regional Holocene paleoenvironmental changes in the Shiraki Plain, and identify possible natural and anthropogenic causes as well as possible seismic events during the Late Bronze/Early Iron Ages. Our results show a balanced to negative Early to Mid-Holocene water balance probably caused by forested upper slopes. Hence, no lake but an incipient Chernozem developed in the lowest plain. Following, Late Bronze/Early Iron Age forest clear-cutting obviously caused lake formation and the deposition of lacustrine sediments derived from intensive soil erosion. Subsequently, regional aridification obviously caused slow lake desiccation. Remains of freshwater fishes indicate that the lake potentially offered valuable ecosystem services for regional prehistoric societies even during the desiccation period. Finally, colluvial coverage of the lake sediments during the last centuries could have been linked with hydrological extremes during the Little Ice Age. Our study demonstrates that the Holocene hydrological balance of the Shiraki Plain was and is situated near a major hydrological threshold, making the landscape very sensitive to also small-scale human or natural influences with serious consequences for local societies. Furthermore, seismites in the studied sediments do not indicate an influence of earthquakes on the main and late phases of Late Bronze/Early Iron Age settlement. Altogether, our study underlines the high value of multi-disciplinary approaches to investigate long-term human-environmental interactions and paleoseismicity in drylands on millennial to centennial time scales.

How to cite: von Suchodoletz, H., Kirkitadze, G., Koff, T., Fischer, M. L., Poch, R. M., Khosravichenar, A., Schneider, B., Glaser, B., Lindauer, S., Hoth, S., Skokan, A., Navrozashvili, L., Lobjanidze, M., Akhalaia, M., Losaberidze, L., and Elashvili, M.: Holocene human-environmental interactions and seismic activity in a Late Bronze to Early Iron Age settlement center in the southeastern Caucasus, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1479,, 2023.

When looking into land use and human agency in the modification of the landscape, the concepts of socio-economic opportunities vs. natural constraints is one of the key issues. In comparison with the modern world, past human communities relied much more upon local resources and a tight societal structure to better adapt to the conditions and changes in the surrounding environment. Therefore, in the study of prehistorical cultures land use is both a strong source of information about sustenance strategies and community behaviours and a subject potentially easier to model within a set of natural and social parameters. To this purpose, we investigated the settlement distribution patterns of Bronze Age structures of the Nuragic culture on the island of Sardinia (Italy) using spatial point pattern analysis. We investigated different covariates divided into natural (topography, water and geological resources) and cultural (type of structure, settlement hierarchy), alone and in combination, and looked at how each could explain the distribution of Nuragic sites.

Several covariates from both natural and cultural groups show significant values, with the best representing models of pattern distribution coming from the combination of covariates from both groups. Aside from topographic parameters, distance from known ore deposits seems to have an impact on structure density. Among cultural covariates, there is a clear association between simple and complex megalithic structures (nuraghes). This pattern suggests the collation of smaller structures around larger settlements, either by the former emerging from the presence of the latter or vice versa. These findings offer new insight on the development and ways of life of the Nuragic society in their geographical context, and highlight how the relationship between the physical and the social aspects of human-landscape interactions is fundamentally interdependent. This approach could also represent a potential tool to compare to other Bronze Age and prehistorical communities.

How to cite: Mariani, G. S., Brandolini, F., and Melis, R.: Natural and social patterns in the distribution of Bronze Age Nuragic sites (Sardinia, Italy): using the Widom-Rowlinson penetrable sphere model to understand past human occupation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5051,, 2023.

The transition from roaming/mobile hunters-gatherers to sedentary settlements in the southern Levant during the Late Epipaleolithic (Natufian) is considered a decisive point of no return in the history of mankind. While the first sedentary settlements are known predominantly from the Mediterranean area of the Levant, the reasons for this fundamental change in subsistence are deeply rooted in socio-economic adaptations of the last mobile hunters-gatherers in the region at large, and in particular, the Sinai-Negev desert. Here diverse nomadic Epipaleolithic groups left behind numerous small open-air sites along the fringe of the northwestern Negev desert dunefield (Israel). Geoarchaeological and palaeoenvironmental analysis of newly discovered Epipaleolithic sites allow better understandings of the unique socio-economic adaptations of these humans.    

The studied middle Epipaleolithic (Ramonian) open-air Ashalim-west site is situated in a unique geomorphic setting atop a slightly deflated surface upon a 3-5 m thick falling dune at the southeastern edge of the Negev dunefield. The dune is comprised of very fine sand that differs from the common vegetated linear dunes (VLD) of the Negev dunefield, dominated by fine sand. The falling dune mantles a 2nd-order wadi slope of a ~40 m high plateau of Eocene chalk, interbedded with chert beds that probably served for lithic production. The small wadi drains into the Besor basin, the largest ephemeral stream in the northwestern Negev, and the only one that currently transverses the dunefield. Therefore, opposed to smaller basins, it was prone to damming by a wide band of encroaching dunes that may have led to extensive water bodies upstream dune dams and possibly beyond drainage divides.

Four OSL ages in the range of 16.5±0.8 – 15.5±0.8 ka from the upper ~2 m of two sections at the Ashalim-west site correlate with raw portable OSL signals, and reflect rapid aeolian deposition. This deposition, synchronous with the main sand incursion episode into the Negev dunefield during the Heinrich 1 cold event (Roskin et al., 2011), closely fits the age associated with the Ramonian character of the overlaying lithics.

The Heinrich 1 massive aeolian episode may have led to major damming of the Besor basin and widespread expansion of dune-dammed water-bodies upon the Besor floodplains. 1.5 km northeast to Ashalim-west site, remains of slightly later Middle Epipaleolithic (Geometric Kebaran) and Late Epipaleolithic (Natufian and Harifian) are sited on top of fossilized aeolian sand between synchronous seasonal dune-dammed water bodies (Goring-Morris, 1997; Vardi et al., 2018). Here OSL ages of aeolian and fluvial sand beneath the sites also date to the Heinrich 1 period. Later and less intense episodes of dune-damming in these parts of the Besor basin may have allowed for short-term camping upon dune crests and flanks adjacent to water bodies. The perched setting of Ashalim-west, overlooking the largest Besor basin, along with two other Middle Epipaleolithic (Ramonian and Mushabian) sites (Rosen, 1990; Rosen and Kolska-Horwitz, 2005) therefor differs from the abundant Epipalaeolithic open-air sites along the dunefield fringe and may indicate a local choice of high grounds during times of intense dune-damming and water body expansion.


How to cite: Roskin, J., Robins, L., Greenbaum, N., Porat, N., and Yaroshevich, A.: Reconstructing palaeoenvironments of the last mobile hunters-gatherers in the southern Levant during the middle Epipaleolithic period, northwestern Negev dunefield, Israel, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9267,, 2023.

EGU23-11087 | PICO | GM11.4

Documenting the diversity of human responses to Quaternary environmental changes when the stratigraphic record is gone. The experience of the SPHeritage Project 

Andrea Zerboni, Alessandro Perego, Deirdre Ryan, Elisabetta Starnini, and Marta Pappalardo

Archaeological sequences and landscapes preserve evidence of the complex relationship between human communities and climatic/environmental changes occurred in the Quaternary. In this perspective, archaeological sediments and landscapes are proxy data for past ecosystems evolution, as much as for changes in land use, exploitation of natural resources, and human behavior. Most of the latter can be detected and explored with a geoarchaeological approach, using the tools and methods offered by Earth Sciences. For that reason, accurate sampling during the excavation of archaeological sites allows to increase the number and quality information useful to reconstruct the formation of an archaeological sequence, its preservation, and human activities. What can we do when archaeological excavations were carried out before the application of methods from the Earth Sciences? How can we gather information from residual strips or archaeological sediments? The SPHeritage Project (MUR grant: FIRS2019_00040, P.I.: M. Pappalardo) is coping with this challenging task reinvestigating the Balzi Rossi archaeological area (Western Liguria, Northern Italy). This area represents a key site for the reconstruction of how human populations have responded to Pleistocene environmental changes and sea-level variations since the Middle Pleistocene. Local anthropogenic cave sequences have been excavated since the half of the XIX century; unfortunately, the geological processes in charge of the formation of such deposits have been only occasionally considered. As most of the local archaeological sequences were removed, we are combining the analyses of the remnants of strips of anthropogenic sediments still preserved inside local rock shelters as much as sediment samples preserved in museums. Moreover, our geomorphological survey identified new sedimentary sequences preserving information on relative sea level changes, better constraining the time and steps of climate change, sea-level oscillations, and human settlements. Our results confirm that this approach is an effective tool to reconstruct the formative processes of anthropogenic sequences excavated in the past, thus expanding our possibility of understanding the climate-environment-human nexus.

How to cite: Zerboni, A., Perego, A., Ryan, D., Starnini, E., and Pappalardo, M.: Documenting the diversity of human responses to Quaternary environmental changes when the stratigraphic record is gone. The experience of the SPHeritage Project, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11087,, 2023.

EGU23-12609 | ECS | PICO | GM11.4

Human impact on the environment as derived from colluvial deposits – example from the La Tène Period until the Middle Ages in the Siegerland (Germany) 

Kristina Reetz, Jonas Kirch, Jago Jonathan Birk, Astrid Stobbe, and Sabine Fiedler

Human impact on the environment as derived from colluvial deposits – example from the La Tène Period until the Middle Ages in the Siegerland (Germany)

Reetz, K1., J. Kirch1, J.J. Birk1,2, A. Stobbe3 and S. Fiedler1

1 Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz

2 recent adress Georg - August - University Göttingen

3 Goethe - University Frankfurt am Main

The Siegerland is one of the most cohesive mining regions in the Iron Age in Central Europe. While the number of settlement and smelting sites has been increasingly better researched over the last few years, it was basically unknown which impacts by the La Tène iron production on the primary forests have to be considered, and how are such correlated with other activities and soil erosion. Below a smelting site in the southwestern part of the Siegerland, we made a rare find of colluvial deposits in the valley of the Obersdorfbach. It tells about the human impact between the Earlier Iron Age and the heyday of iron production during the La Tène period and the Middle Ages. In addition to pollen and NPP analysis, we used element contents, and molecular markers (n-alkanes, steroids).

The small stream has cut in sections in meanders up to 180 cm deep into the relatively narrow floodplain. There, they lie on a gravel bed with embedded peat (Obersd 1, 170 – 153 cm, calibrated age 700/500 – 350 BC). In the uppermost 10 cm of the fen peat, the proportion of mineral components increases and pebbles are intercalated (Obersd 2, 153 – 145 cm, 350 – 200 BC).  On top are multi-textured sandy-clayey colluvial/floodplain loams with charcoal bands (Obersd 3, 145 – 125 cm, 200 BC – unknown). It is followed by a sandy colluvium from the Middle Ages (Obersd 4, 125 – 110 cm).

In the 7th to the middle of the 4th century BC the forests near Obersdorf consisted mainly of beech and linden trees. Nevertheless, non-arboreal pollen provides evidence of anthropogenic impact (Obersd 1). According to the mountain-archaeological picture, at first iron was produced only on a small scale and the interventions in the vegetation were still small. Although the area should have been sparsely populated at the time, fecal markers suggesting human presence can be found. However, human influence on the landscape increased significantly from about 350 cal. BC (zone Obersd 2). Pollen and n-alkanes show a distinct impact into the vegetation. Forest clearing led to erosion and the accumulation of thick colluvial deposits. Pollen from ruderal places increase significantly, cereals and coprophilous spores occur. The strong anthropogenic influence in zone Obersd. 2 can be correlated with the archaeologically known smelting site. In addition to wood for firing the furnaces, large quantities of clay were needed for their construction. During the transformation of the landscape, erosion increasingly occurred on the slopes. The result is clayey silt sediments with intercalated charcoal bands (Obersd 3). The following sandy colluvium (Obersd 4) from the early Middle Ages shows a dominance of beech, hornbeam, and rye. Steroids show the presence of humans and livestock here.

How to cite: Reetz, K., Kirch, J., Birk, J. J., Stobbe, A., and Fiedler, S.: Human impact on the environment as derived from colluvial deposits – example from the La Tène Period until the Middle Ages in the Siegerland (Germany), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12609,, 2023.

EGU23-12871 | PICO | GM11.4

From Romans to the Anthropocene: Geoarchaeological Investigations in the Central Vienna Basin (Austria) 

Michael Weissl, Diana Hatzenbühler, Christian Baumgartner, and Michael Wagreich

The project »From Romans to the Anthropocene, from Carnuntum to Vienna: An Urban Anthropocene Field Lab« (WWTF ESR20-027) focuses on the urban transformation from the Roman legionary camps of Carnuntum and Vindobona to Vienna's periurban areas. Combining historical and geoarchaeological methods, we investigate the diverging development of the two sites and their manifold relations over time.

The Danube river crosses the mountain ranges of the Wienerwald and Malé Karpaty, forming the eastern and western limits of the central Vienna Basin. For many centuries, the river was both a barrier and a transportation route. The floodplains and river terraces along the Danube served as concentration areas and battlegrounds during countless conflicts between central Europe and its enemies.

The legionary camps of Carnuntum and Vindobona were built during the first century AD at the rim of glacial river terraces, next to the shortest passages across the Danube. During late antiquity, the former provincial capital Carnuntum lost importance. However, Vindobona became first a local center and later the capital of the Austrian rulers. After a sudden Turkish siege in 1529, the fortifications of Vienna were strengthened and maintained until the middle of the 19th century.

Urban development of the region over the centuries was limited not only by permanent military threats. North of the Danube, agriculture was always restricted climatically by aridity and sand drift. Most settlements on the riverbanks of the Danube and its tributaries were affected frequently by floods and erosion. Many villages vanished completely as a consequence of such natural hazards. Since some decades, natural river dynamics have been restricted technically, and many areas under cultivation are now irrigated artificially. The analysis of the sedimentary record downstream of Vienna clearly shows the anthropogenic impact on sedimentation processes.

Contrary to Carnuntum, Vienna could evolve from a legionary camp step by step into a capital and a strong fortress. The demolition of the city walls after the middle of the 19th century, the following long period of peace, and, in particular, the consequent river engineering, were preconditions for the development into a modern metropolis.

How to cite: Weissl, M., Hatzenbühler, D., Baumgartner, C., and Wagreich, M.: From Romans to the Anthropocene: Geoarchaeological Investigations in the Central Vienna Basin (Austria), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12871,, 2023.

The catchment basin of the Sarandopotamos on Evia Island (Greece) has been an environment of habitation and worship since the early Neolithic. Many settlements from different periods have been found in this area. It is also in this catchment, close to the Sarandopotamos delta, that the Swiss School of Archaeology in Greece discovered in 2007, the sanctuary of Artemis Amarysia after centuries of investigation. This discovery aside, we still do not understand if, and the extent to which, the human history of occupation and abandonment in this region is related to its environmental history. Thus, the aim of this research is to use a suite of paleoenvironmental reconstruction methods to recreate ancient landscapes, their environments and their evolution to understand the society-environment relation. The sanctuary and its eventual abandonment could potentially be impacted by synergistic reactions between changes in sediment supply, changes in basin hydrology and sea-level all of which may have impacted both the magnitude and frequency of local flooding via changes in river bed level, lateral shifting of the river and water table rises and falls. Thus, the aim of this project is to undertake an integrated, multi-method reconstruction of the local water-sediment environment and to relate this to the history of the sanctuary and wider human settlement. This will then test whether an environmental influence needs to be retained as a hypothesis for wider societal changes in this area. In order to do this, a model of the sedimentary dynamics of the catchment is being carried out using LAPSUS software, and sedimentary cores are being obtained in order to understand the relationship between environmental and human-driven (e.g. land use) change in the catchment, the geomorphic response of the delta and the history of human occupation. The relationship between the delta and eustatic and isostatic history also has to be understood. A single beam eco sounder survey is been conducted in order to investigate the different delta created by the shift in the Sarandopotamos bed. Moreover, in order to better understand the local context and the landscapes observed today, this project is also interested in the geomorphological history of periods prior to human occupation. These different aspects emphasize the complexity of the project but through developing a multi-disciplinary and multi-scale appraisal of environmental history and how it links to human history we may get a better understanding of the extent to which the two are connected. This poster will present preliminary modelling results that demonstrate the sensitivity of the land-ocean interaction to sea-level rise and delta dynamics from the late Pleistocene through the Holocene to the present.

How to cite: Talas, T.: Society-environment links in the area of the sanctuary of Artemis Amarysia (Evia Island, Greece) based upon paleoenvironmental reconstruction, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13095,, 2023.

Twelve potsherds from the 3rd millennium BCE pottery in southeastern Lithuania were analyzed using X-ray fluorescence (XRF), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) to obtain the bulk geochemical and mineralogical characteristics of the ceramic paste. Microstructures and geochemical variability of the clay matrix and temper were studied by Scanning Electron Microscopy with Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (SEM-EDS). The purpose of this study was to characterize the pottery attributed to the foreign Corded Ware Culture and local Hunter-Gatherers, to imply possible sources of raw material and to evaluate technology choices.

The main clusters of major and trace elements in the bulk compositions (XRF; Šatavičė et al., 2022) reflect the five technological styles identified by the manipulation, shaping, and firing conditions of the ceramic raw material. The XRD and FTIR analysis (Šatavičė et al., 2022) indicated a predominance of iron-rich illite clay, quartz, and alkali feldspar minerals. The early coarse pottery was fired at low to medium temperatures, accompanied by a decrease in the firing temperature of both the cord-decorated and hunter-gatherer pottery. The FTIR and XRD results are not indicative of firing in a reducing atmosphere.

The SEM-EDS with SE and BSE imaging and point analysis allowed to determine the detail mineral chemical composition of the ceramic pastes and tempers. The SEM SE and BSE images showed textural differences in the clay matrix, some of which may be explained by intentionally mixing the clay or a specific pottery surface treatment. The other may be attributed to internal differences in glacial till formation. No grog temper characteristic for the classic Corded Ware was detected, only clay pellets, ferruginous nodules and weathered minerals, which may look like grog to the naked eye. The SEM-EDS point analysis allowed us to investigate the gradual changes in the chemical composition of the clay matrix and to evaluate weathering process. To sum up, both the Corded Ware and the local Hunter-Gatherer pottery were made from the same hydro-micaceous variegated clay from the local Quaternary glacial sediments, which contain weathered granitoid fragments, but display different technological choices for the clay paste preparation, surface treatment, and firing strategies.

The study provided a lot of hitherto unknown information on glacial till, glacial lacustrine and post-glacial lacustrine sediments in SE Lithuania. Their composition, textural properties, susceptibility to weathering were evaluated for the first time in this region.

Šatavičė, E. et al., 2022. Minerals 12, 1006.

How to cite: Skridlaite, G., Šatavičė, E., Zaludiene, G., and Selskiene, A.: Linking geology and archeology: investigations of Corded Ware and contemporary Hunter-Gatherer pottery from SE Lithuania by micro-invasive spectroscopic methods, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14840,, 2023.

In order to investigate the interaction between different human societies and their effect on the natural environment, we focus on three main questions. 1: Where were historical settlements located? 2: Where have the routes connected these settlements passed? 3: How have both these settlements and routes interacted with local pedological and geomorphological processes? The northern Ethiopian Highlands (Tigray) have a documented settlement history spanning at least the last three millennia. Some sites have a centuries- or even millennia-long settlement continuity and the reconstruction of their entanglement can help to learn about the interaction between past societies. Pathways, be it over long- or short distances, provide the potential to investigate past and present decision-making processes in route planning. Furthermore, pathways are an impressive example of human-environment interactions. These pedogeomorphological expressions of human trampling on the same piece of land over a certain period of time have different soil characteristics (soil compaction, pedogenic iron contents) than adjacent land areas and can influence the surface hydrology. Under certain conditions in hilly terrain, pathways can either stabilize or destabilize the landscape, depending on their orientation with regard to the local hydrological network, and their degree of incision into the surface (holloways). As such, we analyzed geomorphic and pedogenic properties of pathways as well as feedback mechanisms between pathways and gully erosion, and how these may influence route planning. The reconstruction of historical routes in northern Ethiopia using a combined approach of geolocating historical travel reports and historical maps dating back to the 15th century as input data for least-cost-path analyses, have the potential to reveal points of interest for further archaeological research.

How to cite: Busch, R., Hardt, J., Nir, N., and Pfeiffer, K.: Routes of Interaction – Research on pre-modern route-setting, pedogenic and geomorphic effects of trampling, and feedback mechanisms between pathways and gully erosion in the Northern Ethiopian Highlands (Tigray), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14877,, 2023.

EGU23-16741 | PICO | GM11.4

O’Estrucan Ports, Where Are Thou ? Multiproxy sedimentological investigation of the Orbetello Lagoon 

Cécile Vittori, Guillaume Jouve, Gilles Brocard, Jean-Philippe Goiran, Quentin Vitale, Lionel Darras, Laurent Mattio, Alessandro Conforti, Christine Oberlin, Frank Preusser, Pierre Sabatier, Edwige Pons-Branchu, Camille Gonçalves, Brahimsamba Bomou, Anne-Lise Develle, Amber Goyon, Stoil Chapkanski, Kevin Jacq, and Maxime Debret

Technical improvements at the end of the Bronze Age led to the rise of a 1rst generation of major sea powers around the Mediterranean Sea, such as Etruria in modern Italy. The Etruscan coast was the fringed by a series of large lagoons. Only one survives today: the lagoon of Orbetello. The lagoon is preserved by two subparallel sand spits that connect former Argentario island to mainland Italy, as situation that today protects it from rapid infilling. A third sand spit, in the middle of the lagoon, hosts the Etruscan city of Orbetello. Today, three canals connect the lagoon to the sea. A massive phase of eutrophication driven by the ingress of fertilizers has plagued the lagoon in late 20th Century. Eutrophication at times has spurred fish and bird kills, and the release of mercury in the water column. Major contingency plans have been implemented to fight off eutrophication, with various success. 

              However little is known of the lagoon management and the evolution of Orbetello before the 17th century CE. Nonetheless, the wealth of the city and the health of its lagoon have been tightly related during the past three millennia. To track this coevolution, a large team of researcher has been assembled to conduct an analysis of the lagoon sediments using XRF scanning of cored sediments, SMIR, Rock Eval, hyperspectral imaging of chromatic pigments, analysis of mercury and phosphorus content, ostracods and pollen assemblages, to document the links between sediment facies, eutrophication and salinity crises, as a result of successive phases of rise and demise of lagoon management over the past three millennia. Here, we focus on the sub-bottom imaging conducted in the very shallow (< 1.5m) waters of this extensive (30 km2) lagoon. The Exail Echoes 10 000 sub-bottom profiler reveals individual layers that can be traced across the lagoon, allowing stratigraphic correlations between cores, and highlighting the environmental significance of the sedimentary facies. Acoustic imaging using a 3.5 kHz Chirp systems from Exail (Haliotis R/V) was conducted offshore to document the architecture of the sand spits protecting the lagoon. The architecture of the deposits, 14C, OSL, and U-Th dating reveal that the lagoon results from the drowning of strandplains that started forming on both side of the older, central sand spit, at the end of the postglacial transgression. Drowning accompanied the final rise in sea level over the past 6.5 ka, forming two lagoons on both sides of the central spit. These initial lagoons eventually coalesced after drowning the central sand spit. Continuation of the lagoon level rise since Antiquity led to the flooding of Bronze Age, Etruscan and Roman settlements. Sub-bottom imaging in the lagoon reveals buried structures possibly used for navigation and salinity control. Sedimentation is marked by an alternation of black, shelly organic silty clays and decimeter-thick layers of broken shells. Radiocarbon dating indicates that the cores capture up to five millennia of sedimentation, with a sharp decrease in sedimentation rates four millennia ago.

How to cite: Vittori, C., Jouve, G., Brocard, G., Goiran, J.-P., Vitale, Q., Darras, L., Mattio, L., Conforti, A., Oberlin, C., Preusser, F., Sabatier, P., Pons-Branchu, E., Gonçalves, C., Bomou, B., Develle, A.-L., Goyon, A., Chapkanski, S., Jacq, K., and Debret, M.: O’Estrucan Ports, Where Are Thou ? Multiproxy sedimentological investigation of the Orbetello Lagoon, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16741,, 2023.

SSS4 – Soil Biology, Microbiology and Biodiversity

EGU23-148 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.3

Higher earthworm abundance in conventionally managed agricultural fields than ecologically managed fields 

Sachin Bhattarai, Stephen Asabere, Daniela Sauer, and Jürgen Friedel

Agricultural activities affect soil fauna and may thus impede biological soil functions. In the field of soil biology, uncertainty remains about which specific activity adversely affects biological soil functions.  This study aimed: (i) to quantify the effect of ploughing activity on earthworm abundance in an experimental farm of the University of Göttingen, Reinshof, and (ii) to compare the earthworm abundance between an ecologically managed field vs. a conventionally managed field. Earthworm sampling, using the mustard method, was done between the 22nd of April and 3rd of May 2021. Three differently managed fields were sampled: ecologically managed with ploughing, conventionally managed with ploughing and conventionally managed without ploughing. Earthworms were collected in 30 locations per field. Soil organic matter contents, penetrometer resistance, and soil moisture were also measured. The conventionally managed ploughed field exhibited a mean earthworm abundance of 98.9 individual per square metre, which was more earthworms than the ecologically managed field that showed a mean earthworm abundance of only 7.86 individuals per square metre. The highest mean earthworm abundance of 160.8 individual per square metre was observed in the conventionally managed non-ploughed field. Species richness of earthworms was also higher in the conventionally managed fields compared to the ecologically managed field. The conventionally managed non-ploughed field had the highest soil organic matter content, moisture status, nitrogen content, and penetrometer resistance, in contrast to the ecological ploughed field, which showed the lowest values for all these parameters. The findings of this study are consistent with previous studies that the non-ploughed fields provide a suitable environment for earthworm communities, as perturbation of earthworms is avoided and soil organic matter levels are maintained, which is a key requirement for earthworms’ survival, therefore increasing their abundance. The very low earthworm abundance of the ecologically managed field was unexpected, but might be explained by the frequent ploughing, used for weed control instead of herbicides. We concluded that ploughing is an important activity that impacts the abundance of earthworms.

Keywords: soil, earthworms, conventional farming, ecological farming, ploughing

How to cite: Bhattarai, S., Asabere, S., Sauer, D., and Friedel, J.: Higher earthworm abundance in conventionally managed agricultural fields than ecologically managed fields, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-148,, 2023.

EGU23-524 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.3

Crop diversification and seed inoculation strategies effects on soil microbial community in soybean cropping systems 

Aghata Cristie Rewa Charnobay, Carl Lalonde-Haman, Luisa Caroline Ferraz Helene, Thiago Gumiere, Mariangela Hungria, and Marco Antonio Nogueira

Crop diversification has gained importance in Brazilian soybean (Glycine max L.) cropping systems, usually cultivated in soybean/2nd season maize (Zea mays L.) successions. Brachiaria grass (Urochloa spp.), a forage highly grown in Brazilian livestock systems, can be a suitable option for the soybean systems diversification. Brachiarias are well adapted to tropical conditions, produce high amounts of above and belowground biomass, have high nutrient cycling capacity, and release exudates known as biological nitrification inhibitors (BNI). All these traits might increase soybean yield and nutrient use efficiency in the agroecosystem.

Brazilian cropping systems rely on plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB), like seed inoculation of soybean with the nitrogen-fixing bacteria Bradyrhizobium, alone or in combination with Azospirillum, to replace mineral N fertilizers.

In this study, we aimed to investigate the soil bacterial community (activity and diversity) response to the diversification of soybean/maize cropping systems with Urochloa ruziziensis and inoculation with different combinations of PGPB. We hypothesize that inoculation with PGPB and diversification of the system with maize intercropped with Brachiaria will enhance microbial community activity and diversity.

A 5-year experiment has been conducted in Londrina (Paraná State, Southern Brazil) in a randomized complete block design with a split-plot arrangement and six replicates. Main plots consisted of soybean during the cash crop season (S: soybean without inoculation; Si: soybean inoculated with Bradyrhizobium; Sc: soybean co-inoculated with Bradyrhizobium + Azospirillum). Sub-plots consisted of different diversification systems after the cash crop season (M: succession with maize; M+U: maize intercropped with U. ruziziensis; Mi+Ui: maize intercropped with U. ruziziensis, both inoculated with Azospirillum). After the soybean harvest in the 2021/2022 cropping season, soil samples were taken at the 0-10 cm soil layer. We analyzed soil enzymes (arylsulfatase, β-glucosidase, and acid phosphatase), environmental factors (soil pH and nutrients), and the 16S gene sequence.

Preliminary results suggest an increase in the relative abundance of some bacterial phyla with Brachiaria. The phylum Proteobacteria, which harbors numerous PGPB, showed higher relative abundance in the cropping systems with Brachiaria, independently of the inoculation strategy in the summer soybeans. On the other hand, for the Nitrospirota phylum, which contains nitrite-oxidizing bacteria, higher relative abundance was observed in S/MiBi and Si/MiBi, compared with Sc/MiBi. Additional results on bacterial community diversity and composition and their relationship with microbial activity and environmental indicators will be discussed.

This study provides novel insights into how crop diversification combined with PGPB affects the soil microbial community and nitrogen dynamics, supporting agricultural and soil management practices to achieve more sustainable production systems.

How to cite: Rewa Charnobay, A. C., Lalonde-Haman, C., Ferraz Helene, L. C., Gumiere, T., Hungria, M., and Nogueira, M. A.: Crop diversification and seed inoculation strategies effects on soil microbial community in soybean cropping systems, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-524,, 2023.

EGU23-1050 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.3

Extracellular polymeric substances from soil-grown bacteria delay evaporative drying 

Pascal Benard, Samuel Bickel, Anders Kaestner, Peter Lehmann, and Andrea Carminati

When soils dry, water flow and nutrient diffusion cease as the liquid phase vital for soil life becomes fragmented. To delay soil drying locally and related adverse effects, bacteria and plants modify their surroundings by releasing extracellular polymeric substances (EPS). As a result, the physical properties of hotspots like biological soil crusts or the rhizosphere differ from those of the surrounding bulk soil. Specifically, EPS-induced modifications delay evaporative soil drying. Despite the evidence of reduced evaporation from EPS-amended soils, the mechanisms controlling soil water content dynamics remain elusive. Thus, our study aimed to elucidate the potential of bacteria to modify their environment when exposed to oscillations in soil water content. We incubated sand microcosms with two contrasting strains of Bacillus subtilis for one week in a flow cabinet. At the end of the incubation period, local water loss was quantified and spatially resolved using time-series neutron radiography. Strain NCIB 3610, a complex biofilm producer steadily modified soil evaporation dynamics during the incubation period resulting in substantially delayed soil drying due to hydraulic decoupling of the evaporation front from the soil surface. Evaporation dynamics remained largely unaltered in the microcosms inoculated with the domesticated EPS-deficient strain 168 trp+ compared to the control treatment. The mechanism of hydraulic decoupling induced by NCIB 3610 was verified by estimates of diffusive fluxes and the position of the evaporation plane in the microcosm. Additionally, the role of polymeric substances in hydraulic decoupling was confirmed by an evaporation experiment using xanthan as an EPS analogue.

How to cite: Benard, P., Bickel, S., Kaestner, A., Lehmann, P., and Carminati, A.: Extracellular polymeric substances from soil-grown bacteria delay evaporative drying, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1050,, 2023.

EGU23-2907 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.3

Soil microbial responses to rewetting depend on rewetting intensity and soil properties 

Xiankun Li, Ainara Leizeaga, Johannes Rousk, Gustaf Hugelius, and Stefano Manzoni

Soil drying and rewetting (DRW) events are perceived differently by the soil microbes depending on their adaptation to the previous soil moisture history. Microbes adapted to intense cycles of DRW can experience an experimental DRW event as less harsh than microbes adapted to stable and moist conditions. The perceived harshness in turn can affect the carbon balance after DRW because it can determine the responses of microbial growth (eventually leading to SOC gains) and respiration (SOC loss) after rewetting. These responses have been categorized as “type 1” with immediate fast recovery, or “type 2” with a time lag before fast recovery, due to low and high levels of perceived harshness, respectively. However, we lack a quantitative definition of perceived harshness and how it varies depending on pedoclimatic conditions. Moreover, microbial response types could vary continuously along a continuum from prototypical type 1 to type 2. Therefore, if the shapes of the response curves could be synthesized by using a single function, then the fitted parameters could be used to reflect the harshness levels perceived by the microbes. In turn, these parameters might be combined into an index of harshness with biological interpretation. Relating this index to climatic and edaphic factors would then help to understand the drivers of harshness and microbial recovery after rewetting. To these aims, we described microbial growth with a single logistic function G(t)=Gmax/(1+eb(t-τ)) and respiration with a rescaled gamma distribution R(t)=Ckntn-1e-kt/Γ[n] using data from 15 papers (in total 97 datasets). These functions described well the rates of fungal and bacterial growth, and whole community respiration after rewetting, resulting in a range of shapes consistent with the idea that soil microbial responses form a continuum between types 1 and 2. The product of growth parameters τ (delay time) and b (growth rate at time τ) allowed separating type 1 and 2 responses better than τ or b alone or than any other parameter describing the growth or respiration response. Thus, the product τ×b could be regarded as an effective index to quantify harshness. This index varied depending on soil and experimental conditions: τ×b increased with rewetting intensity (the difference in soil moisture between dry and wet conditions) and declined with higher pH; moreover, bacteria in carbon-rich soils had lower τ×b and thus perceived lower harshness. These results suggest that both fungi and bacteria facing the challenges of acidic soils are also worse adapted to respond to DRW compared to microbes from near-neutral soils. Carbon-rich soils might instead promote bacterial resilience thanks to the more available resources compared to carbon-poor soils. In conclusion, this study places soil microbial responses to DRW along a continuous gradient from fast to slow recovery as quantified by perceived harshness (which in turn is quantifiable by fitting growth and respiration curves to data). Our results help to predict the microbial carbon allocation to growth and respiration at rewetting across ecosystems and environmental conditions.

Keywords: soil drying and rewetting, microbial resilience, microbial resistance, growth, respiration

How to cite: Li, X., Leizeaga, A., Rousk, J., Hugelius, G., and Manzoni, S.: Soil microbial responses to rewetting depend on rewetting intensity and soil properties, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2907,, 2023.

EGU23-3959 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.3

Temperature fluctuation promotes the thermal adaptation of soil microbial respiration 

Yan Zhang and Ming Nie

Microbial respiration is the main process contributing to soil carbon (C) loss and is simultaneously regulated by changes in mean temperature and temperature fluctuation. The magnitude of the feedback between soil microbial respiration and increased mean temperature may decrease (i.e., thermal adaptation) or increase over time, and accurately representing this feedback within models improves predictions of soil C loss rates. However, climate change entails changes not only in mean thermal conditions but also in the patterns of temperature fluctuation, and whether temperature fluctuation could also cause thermal adaptation has never been addressed. Here, we collected soil samples from 6 sites along a 2,000-km-long west-east transect extending across subtropical forests in China and used them in an incubation experiment involving various temperature regimes to explore how temperature fluctuation influences the thermal response of soil microbial respiration and the underlying mechanisms of this process. We revealed that soil biomass-specific microbial respiration (Rmass) was significantly lower with increasing temperature fluctuation during incubation regardless of the assay temperature, while a positive relationship between Rmass and temperature was observed under increased constant incubation temperature. Structural equation modelling further indicated that increased bacterial species turnover and reduced substrate affinity (Km) promoted the decrease in Rmass associated with greater temperature variation. Our results demonstrate that if such an adaptive response of soil microbial respiration occurs under greater temperature variation, the stimulatory effect of climate warming may be less than that predicted and thus may not increase atmospheric CO2 concentrations as much as anticipated.

How to cite: Zhang, Y. and Nie, M.: Temperature fluctuation promotes the thermal adaptation of soil microbial respiration, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3959,, 2023.

EGU23-4609 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.3

Quantifying soil microbial thermal adaptation 

Charlotte Alster, Allycia van de Laar, Jordan Goodrich, Vickery Arcus, Julie Deslippe, Alexis Marshall, and Louis Schipper

Thermal adaptation of soil microbial respiration has the potential to greatly alter carbon cycle-climate feedbacks through acceleration or reduction of soil microbial respiration as the climate warms. However despite its importance, the relationship between warming and soil microbial activity remains poorly constrained. Part of this uncertainty stems from persistent methodological issues and difficulties isolating the interacting effects of changes in microbial community responses from changes in soil carbon availability. To address these challenges, we sampled nearly 50 soils from around New Zealand, including from a long-term geothermal gradient, with mean annual temperatures ranging from 11-35°C. For each of these soils we constructed temperature response curves of microbial respiration given unlimited substrate and estimated a temperature optima (Topt) and inflection point (Tinf). We found that thermal adaptation of microbial respiration occurred at a rate of 0.29°C ± 0.04 1SE for Topt and 0.27°C ± 0.05 1SE for Tinf per degree of warming, demonstrating that thermal adaptation is considerably offset from warming. These relatively small changes occurred despite large structural shifts in microbial community composition and diversity. We also quantitatively assessed how thermal adaptation may alter potential respiration rates under future warming scenarios by consolidating all of the temperature response curves. Depending on the specific mean and instantaneous soil temperatures, we found that thermal adaptation of microbial respiration could both limit and accelerate soil carbon losses. This work highlights the importance of considering the entire temperature response curve when making predictions about how thermal adaptation of soil microbial respiration will influence soil carbon losses.

How to cite: Alster, C., van de Laar, A., Goodrich, J., Arcus, V., Deslippe, J., Marshall, A., and Schipper, L.: Quantifying soil microbial thermal adaptation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4609,, 2023.

EGU23-8185 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.3

Vegetation changes following forest disturbance affect soil carbon and nitrogen cycles through microbial communities 

Mathias Mayer, Florian Hechenblaikner, Christoph Rosinger, Beat Stierli, Beat Frey, and Frank Hagedorn

Increasing forest disturbance is among the most profound impacts of climate change on terrestrial ecosystems. Insect outbreaks, storms, or wildfires can destroy the whole tree layer, with serious consequences for biogeochemical cycles until succession returns the ecosystem back to a forested state. However, tree regeneration is often inhibited by ungulate herbivory and herbaceous competition, and disturbed ecosystems remain in non-forested states for decades. The impact of such vegetation changes on soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) cycles is highly unknown, because a multitude of plant-soil feedbacks are involved, and underlying processes have hardly been investigated. Here, we studied soil microbial community structure, gene abundance of bacteria, fungi, and N cycling microorganisms, soil enzymes, and C-N dynamics across a disturbed forest landscape in Central Europe, covering a range of successional stages after storm damage and bark-beetle attacks. We used a chronosequence-approach including disturbed sites regrown with Picea abies stands, and disturbed sites dominated by herbaceous pioneer plants, particularly Calamagrostis grasses. Soil C and N stocks increased under a prolonged herbaceous cover. Three decades after disturbance the stocks were ca. 45% higher than those of regrown forest stands. Beside C inputs from herbaceous fine roots, we link this increase to changes in the structure and functioning of the microbial community, which reduces the decomposition of organic matter. With a prolonged herbaceous cover, decreasing fungal abundances coincided with declining activities of phenol oxidase and of hydrolytic enzymes used to acquire nutrients. Since ectomycorrhizal fungi were almost absent compared to regrowing forest stands, this may be linked to reduced ectomycorrhizal mining for organic N. Moreover, ammonia-oxidising (amoA) gene abundances increased along with ammonium and nitrate concentrations, pointing towards an accelerated inorganic N cycle under a prolonged herbaceous cover. A surplus of inorganic N and grass-rhizodeposits renders it also likely that saprotrophs are less dependent on organic matter-bound C and N. Taken together, we found strong evidence for a linkage between above- and belowground communities following forest disturbance. We suggest a prolonged cover of herbaceous pioneer plants opens the nitrogen cycle through microbial communities which reduces mining for organic N and thus, increases soil C storage.

How to cite: Mayer, M., Hechenblaikner, F., Rosinger, C., Stierli, B., Frey, B., and Hagedorn, F.: Vegetation changes following forest disturbance affect soil carbon and nitrogen cycles through microbial communities, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8185,, 2023.

EGU23-9543 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.3

Microbial metabolic response to throughfall exclusion and feedback on soil carbon dynamics along a tropical forest precipitation gradient 

Stephany S. Chacon, Ulas Karaoz, Katherine Louie, Ben Bowen, Trent Northen, Lee H. Dietterich, Daniela F. Cusack, and Nick Bouskill

Tropical forest soils represent some of Earth's largest stores of soil carbon. Humid and warm conditions promote high primary productivity offsetting high ecosystem respiration rates, and this balance has resulted in significant carbon accumulation in plant biomass and soils. These vast carbon stocks can be destabilized under a changing climate, and model projections predict tropical and subtropical regions will experience disturbance to the hydrological cycle, with an increased likelihood of more frequent and prolonged droughts interspersed with periods of intense precipitation. Herein, we examine the functional response of belowground communities to a reduction in throughfall across a 1 m precipitation gradient (2350 to 3400 mm) spanning three sites from the Caribbean coast to the interior of Panama. At each site, 4 throughfall exclusion plots (10 x 10 m) were established to reduce precipitation, and exacerbate the natural variability in seasonal hydrological cycles. In January 2020, approximately 18 months since the inception of throughfall exclusion, each plot was sampled at six locations and two depths (0-10 and 10-20 cm). To identify the traits and mechanisms involved in responding to drought perturbation, we sequenced the microbiomes of the soil samples from the throughfall exclusion and corresponding controls at each site, and measured metabolite accumulation within the soils. Here we report on the accumulation of distinct metabolites along the precipitation gradient and under throughfall exclusion. We note that constitutive production of compatible solutes increases from the wettest to the driest site, indicative of trait selection due to climate history. However, under throughfall exclusion the gradient end members show a more muted metabolic response than the intermediate site. We discuss these responses with respect specific pathways invoked under drying stress, and soil carbon dynamics.  

How to cite: Chacon, S. S., Karaoz, U., Louie, K., Bowen, B., Northen, T., Dietterich, L. H., Cusack, D. F., and Bouskill, N.: Microbial metabolic response to throughfall exclusion and feedback on soil carbon dynamics along a tropical forest precipitation gradient, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9543,, 2023.

EGU23-10184 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.3

What’s brewing? Impacts of cultivation management on the Coffea arabica soil microbiome 

Steve Kutos, Ruth Bennett, and Carly Muletz Wolz

Coffea arabica (coffee) is cultivated on ~28-million acres and is essential to local economies in the tropics. Coffee cultivation, however, is threatened by ongoing climate change as its optimal growth occurs in narrow temperature and precipitation ranges. Areas currently growing coffee might become unsuitable leading to increased deforestation and negative effects on coffee quality. These impacts may be especially strong in coffee cultivated in sun-grown monocultures (~75% of all production) versus shade-grown agroforestry systems given relatively higher temperatures in deforested landscapes. As such, shade-grown coffee systems might be one management strategy used to buffer from future climatic shifts. While shade-grown systems provide many ecosystem benefits, the impact of the cultivation system on soil microbiomes is poorly understood. Soil microorganisms perform vital ecosystem functions including aiding plants in nutrient acquisition, buffering against stress, as well as improving nutrient cycling. This is particularly true in shade-grown coffee systems where soil carbon could be increased through increased microbial biomass and soil nitrogen could be increased through increased plant-association with N-fixing bacteria. Therefore, further understanding of the effects of coffee cultivation methods on soil microbial communities may be key to future coffee productivity and local soil biogeochemical function. To explore these themes, we sampled the soil microbial communities at 30 coffee farms in Colombia, Peru, and El Salvador. These farms varied in cultivation system (sun vs. shade) and flavor profiles that separate specialty grade from conventional quality. Our aim was to explore if soil microbiome diversity and composition differ among the three countries, cultivation systems, and coffee quality. We sequenced the DNA of bacterial (16S) and fungal (ITS) communities in coffee soil on an Illumina MiSeq with analysis completed in QIIME2 to identify microbial taxa and composition. Coffee soil microbiomes had similar relative abundance of phyla and similar number of bacterial and fungal taxa, regardless of country of origin or cultivation system. However, coffee soil microbiomes showed pronounced differences in the microbial community composition among the different countries and cultivation systems. We show that biogeography is an important determinant of coffee soil microbiomes and location-specific impacts need to be considered in future coffee management. Further, our data suggests that sun-grown systems can alter microbial community composition compared to more-sustainable shade-grown systems potentially changing soil functionality. As an example, there were increases in taxa punitively classified as mycorrhizal fungi and N-fixing bacteria in shade-grown coffee systems. Our next steps are to link this microbial data to coffee quality and soil characteristics to uncover potential factors influencing the community structure as well as nutrient cycling rates.

How to cite: Kutos, S., Bennett, R., and Muletz Wolz, C.: What’s brewing? Impacts of cultivation management on the Coffea arabica soil microbiome, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10184,, 2023.

EGU23-10271 | Orals | SSS4.3

Response of soil fauna to land use intensification in a global meta-analysis 

Bibiana Betancur-Corredor and David Russell

Land use intensification, particularly a shift from extensively to intensively managed agroecosystems is often seen as one of the main drivers of global biodiversity decline and is considered the main factor applying pressure on soil biodiversity. When confronted with future land use change, understanding the responses of soil biodiversity to different land use regimes is decisive for adequate land management. However, there is still substantial uncertainty about how consistently different taxonomic groups respond to land use intensification. Oftentimes, different taxa show divergent responses to more intense land use regimes, and the community composition is rarely correlated with land use intensity, which may suggest that the drivers of community composition may not be the same as drivers of diversity. The mechanisms that determine the response of different taxa to land use intensification may be regulated by changes in the plant community and abiotic environmental drivers. We systematically assessed and quantified through meta-analysis the effects of land use intensification on soil organisms in global agroecosystems and analyzed the dependence of these effects on abiotic factors such as soil properties (organic matter, pH, nutrient and water availability, texture) and climatic zone.

How to cite: Betancur-Corredor, B. and Russell, D.: Response of soil fauna to land use intensification in a global meta-analysis, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10271,, 2023.

EGU23-11850 | ECS | Posters virtual | SSS4.3

Composition of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) produced by a range of soil bacteria and fungi 

Rebeca Leme Oliva, Umesh Bahadur Khadka, Jens Dyckmans, Marc Redmile-Gordon, and Rainer Georg Jörgensen

Microorganisms are known to form a matrix of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) on several solid surfaces such as soils. The formation of this matrix provides various benefits not only to the microbial community, but also to the surface it is attached. In soils, for instance, it promotes protection and adherence of microorganisms to soil aggregates and benefits the soil increasing aggregate stability. Even in spite of this knowledge, the contribution of EPS to soil organic matter (SOM) and to SOM turnover is yet unclear, mainly due to methodological limitations. Furthermore, it has also not been determined how the EPS composition affects soil structure, fertility and organic matter dynamics. It is therefore of uttermost importance to study the composition of the EPS matrix and how different microbial functional groups produce EPS in face of varying environmental conditions. To this end, 10 bacterial and 10 fungal species commonly found in soils were grown under different treatments in order to stimulate EPS production. Microorganisms were grown in either glycerol or starch medium with or without the presence of sterile quartz. EPS was extracted using a cation-exchange resin (CER) and its composition was subsequently determined with the quantification of proteins, carbohydrates, amino sugars and DNA. We hypothesized firstly, that EPS production would be higher in cultures with quartz. Secondly, we also expected bacterial EPS production to be higher in cultures with glycerol whereas fungal cultures would produce more EPS in starch medium, reflecting contrasting substrate effects on bacterial and fungal EPS formation. Lastly, we hypothesized that considerable amounts of galactosamine would be found in all extracted EPS, similarly to mucins excreted in the intestines of vertebrates, protecting enzymes. Mucins are a family of proteins with high GalN contents, consequently, GalN might be an indicator to EPS production in soils.

How to cite: Leme Oliva, R., Bahadur Khadka, U., Dyckmans, J., Redmile-Gordon, M., and Georg Jörgensen, R.: Composition of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) produced by a range of soil bacteria and fungi, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11850,, 2023.

EGU23-12303 | Orals | SSS4.3

Warming may cause substantial nitrogen losses from subarctic grasslands 

Sara Marañón Jiménez, Xi Luo, Andreas Richter, Phillipp Gündler, Lucia Fuchslueger, Bjarni D. Sigurdsson, Ivan Janssens, and Josep Peñuelas

High-latitude soils are particularly vulnerable to temperature-driven C losses and may contribute substantially to the increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations. The magnitude of their contribution is, however, uncertain, and largely dependent on the interactions between C and nitrogen (N) biogeochemical cycles, soil microbial activities and the feedbacks between plants and soil microbes. Warming may cause a particularly pronounced acceleration of soil N transformation in N-poor cold regions. The consequent alleviation of plant N limitations in cold ecosystems may increase plant productivity and C inputs to the soil, compensating the expected soil C loss, at least partially. Alternatively, warming may desynchronize or unbalance the intimate coupling between microbial N mineralization and vegetation N uptake, leading to potential soil N loss, but also higher soil C losses. We aimed to elucidate potential mechanisms of ecosystem N losses in subarctic grasslands by determining the effects of soil warming on the seasonal patterns of plant N acquisition and microbial net N immobilization. For this, we performed a seasonal isotope tracing experiment using a mix of 15N-labelled amino-acids along soil temperature gradients in geothermal systems in Iceland.

Soil microbial biomass acted as a temporal reservoir of N by increasing N immobilization particularly during unfavorable winter periods for vegetation, likely due to the alleviated microbial C limitation. However, soil warming exacerbated microbial C limitation and decreased the N storage capacity of soil microbes during snowmelt periods. As a result, a higher proportion of N remained in the extractable soil fraction susceptible to leaching losses.  , however, this increased plant N uptake did not compensate for the lower microbial biomass N storage, leading to ecosystem N losses. Our results highlight the relevant role of soil microbes to safely store and immobilize N when plants do not need it and to release N when plants require it. Warming can weaken this particularly important soil microbial function in cold regions, leading to substantial ecosystem N and fertility losses, which may also promote irreversible soil C losses in these ecosystems.

How to cite: Marañón Jiménez, S., Luo, X., Richter, A., Gündler, P., Fuchslueger, L., Sigurdsson, B. D., Janssens, I., and Peñuelas, J.: Warming may cause substantial nitrogen losses from subarctic grasslands, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12303,, 2023.

EGU23-13475 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.3

Distribution and drivers of soil bacterial communities across different soil management practices and soil diagnostic units in agricultural ecosystems 

Benjamin Bukombe, Sándor Csenki, Dora Szlatenyi, Ivan Czako, and Vince Láng

Soil bacterial communities play an important role in soil health, carbon (C), and nutrient cycling, as well as in soil-plant relationships in agroecosystems. However, our understanding of the drivers and distribution of soil bacterial communities across landscapes is limited. For example, it is not clear how changes in soil management practices (i.e. Till vs No-till vs cover crop), soil diagnostic units, and their associated physical-chemical properties interact to influence the composition and abundance of soil bacterial communities at a larger scale. Here, using samples collected in a countrywide soil survey in Hungary, we combined soil metagenomic sequencing, soil management practices, and soil geochemical data to develop a mechanistic understanding of the drivers of bacterial communities in contrasting agroecosystems. We found that bacterial community composition and distribution significantly differed between soil management practices. Furthermore, we found that soil geochemical properties influenced soil bacterial composition and abundance under similar soil diagnostic units, suggesting that the effects of soil management practices on bacterial communities outweighed the ones of pedogenic processes. Together, these results suggest that soil management practices influence soil geochemical properties that drive the composition and spatial distribution of soil bacterial communities. Consequently, effects and types of soil management should be taken into account when developing soil health indicators for agroecosystems.

How to cite: Bukombe, B., Csenki, S., Szlatenyi, D., Czako, I., and Láng, V.: Distribution and drivers of soil bacterial communities across different soil management practices and soil diagnostic units in agricultural ecosystems, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13475,, 2023.

Forest soils store large amounts of organic matter from aboveground litter. Consequently, practices that affect plant development and soil properties may have crucial impacts on forest ecosystem functions and C feedbacks. In Europe, thinning of forests is a commonly used management practice to promote natural trees regeneration through increasing the temperatures, microbial activity, nutrient availability and irradiance of soil. Forest management influences the occurrence of tree species, the maximum stand density, the organic matter input to the soil decomposer system and hence the availability and quality of microbial resources. Thus, forest management can alter soil microbial community and key ecosystem functions they perform affecting the related ecosystem services, although the functional redundancy of soil microbial communities may minimize these impacts.
Due to the importance of forest soils as both sink and potential source of carbon and their predicted sensitivity to climate change, they became in the last years, one of the key targets of microbial ecologists.
In the present study, we assess the effects of forest management (coppice and high forest) on soil properties and microbial community functions in two Italian forests (turkey oak and beech), in two different seasons, summer and autumn. We investigated functional diversity of microbial communities based on the carbon consumption patterns (by community-level physiological profile, CLPP, and derived average well color development AWCD) and several enzyme activities linked to biogeochemical cycles of C, N and P.
The soil microbial community showed higher metabolic activity in both beech and turkey oak under coppice management (1.32 and 1.54 AWCD, respectively) respect to high forest regime (1.09 and 1.32 AWCD, respectively), only in summer. Significant differences in AWCD values between seasons were found only in forests under high forest management.
Among the investigated soil enzyme activities, only hydrolase showed in summer higher value in beech under coppice respect to high forest management (0.41 vs 0.25 mg FDA g-1soil d.w. h-1). This enzyme activity, however, showed higher values in summer than autumn in both forest soils, regardless the management. Hydrolase activity measures the total microbial activity in soil and is a good general index of organic matter turnover in natural ecosystems.
The results will provide useful data for: improving the sustainability of ecosystems in a scenario of climate change; identifying new biological indicators of soil health and fertility to predict the effects of forest practices.

How to cite: Picariello, E. and De Nicola, F.: The impact of forest management on soil microbial community functions in two forests of South Apennines (Italy), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13840,, 2023.

EGU23-14006 | Orals | SSS4.3

Drought legacy effects on microbial community structure in a managed grassland 

Hannes Schmidt, Joana Séneca, Alberto Canarini, Eva Simon, Marlies Dietrich, Judith Prommer, Ivana Bogdanovic, Victoria Martin, Moritz Mohrlok, Bela Hausmann, Erich Pötsch, Andreas Schaumberger, Wolfgang Wanek, Michael Bahn, and Andreas Richter

The last decades were characterized by rising temperatures, enhanced atmospheric CO2 concentrations, and by an increasing frequency of extreme events such as drought. Soil microorganisms are major drivers of biogeochemical processes, yet the effects of climate change in shaping microbial communities remain poorly understood.

To address this knowledge gap, we examined how future climate conditions (combined +300 ppm CO2 and +3 °C warming, relative to ambient) and drought, alone and in combination, affect microbial community composition throughout the vegetation period in a sub-montane managed grassland (‘ClimGrass’ experiment; Styria, Austria). We combined amplicon sequencing of bacteria, archaea, and fungi with droplet digital PCR to perform quantitative microbiome profiling of seasonal and drought-legacy effects on soil microbial communities.

Drought strongly shaped the bacterial/archaeal and the fungal community structure during peak drought conditions, and this effect could still be detected two and fourteen months after ending drought by rewetting and removing rain-out shelters. In comparison, future climate conditions were observed to exert less pressure on the structure of bacterial/archaeal and fungal communities. Interestingly, abundances of members of Actinobacteria and Bacteroidota for bacteria, as well as Cladosporiaceae and Phaeosphaeriacea for fungi (amongst others) significantly increased during peak drought. Our findings suggest that drought can have immediate and lasting effects on the soil microbial community structure by contributing to the establishment of drought-tolerant microbial communities.

How to cite: Schmidt, H., Séneca, J., Canarini, A., Simon, E., Dietrich, M., Prommer, J., Bogdanovic, I., Martin, V., Mohrlok, M., Hausmann, B., Pötsch, E., Schaumberger, A., Wanek, W., Bahn, M., and Richter, A.: Drought legacy effects on microbial community structure in a managed grassland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14006,, 2023.

EGU23-15148 | Posters on site | SSS4.3

Bacterial cell-mineral associations and their stability under varying moisture conditions 

Marc-Oliver Goebel, Mariam Karagulyan, Anja Miltner, Abd Alaziz Abu Quba, Dörte Diehl, Gabriele E. Schaumann, Matthias Kästner, and Jörg Bachmann

Soil particle wettability controls the water dynamics of dry and unsaturated soil and has an impact on many processes where water is involved. Pure soil minerals are usually wettable, but under environmental conditions they are easily covered by organic compounds, changing their surface properties and potentially making them water repellent. Besides organic compounds such as alkanes, fatty acids, free lipids and waxes, research also indicates a direct influence of bacterial cells on the development of soil water repellency. In a series of stress experiments with different Gram-negative and Gram-positive strains of bacteria we could show that cell surface wettability measured in terms of contact angle is affected by cell stress response caused by hypertonic or drought environmental conditions. The changes in wettability were found to be accompanied by changes in physicochemical surface properties and surface elemental composition of the cells, as indicated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Furthermore, coverage of minerals by cells caused significant changes in particle wettability, rendering originally wettable minerals water repellent, with the effect being more pronounced for cell-mineral associations (CMA) formed with stressed cells. To investigate the physical stability of these CMA, we conducted an incubation experiment with CMA formed by quartz particles and Bacillus subtilis cells either grown under physiological or hypertonic conditions. The CMA were incubated at different water potentials (pF 2.5 and 4.2) and part of them subjected to wetting-drying cycles. The results showed that the quartz–B. subtilis CMA formed with stressed cells remained significantly more water repellent than those formed with unstressed cells during the whole incubation time of 80 days and independent of the incubation conditions. Furthermore, we observed a slight tendency of increasing contact angle with increasing incubation time. Besides the generally lower wettability of the stressed cells, the lower wettability of the CMA formed with stressed cells can be related to a higher degree of microbial coverage, as indicated by higher surface C content and lower surface O/C and Si/C ratios compared to the CMA formed with unstressed cells. The higher microbial coverage can probably be explained by attachment conditions being more favorable in case of the stressed cells, as suggested by interaction free energies calculated using the extended Derjaguin-Landau-Verwey-Overbeek (XDLVO) theory. In summary, the results indicate that the hydrophobizing effect of hypertonic stress on B. subtilis was stable over time and support the assumption that stress-related changes in cell surface properties remained also in necromass and their effect on surface properties of CMA can persist.

How to cite: Goebel, M.-O., Karagulyan, M., Miltner, A., Abu Quba, A. A., Diehl, D., Schaumann, G. E., Kästner, M., and Bachmann, J.: Bacterial cell-mineral associations and their stability under varying moisture conditions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15148,, 2023.

EGU23-15955 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.3

Restoration of soil microbial functional stability in the face of climate extremes 

Shangshi Liu, Adam Bilton, and Richard Bardgett

Ecosystem restoration is known to enhance the functioning and stability of plant communities in the face of climate extremes. However, the effects of ecosystem restoration on soil microbial communities and their functional stability remain poorly understood. Here, we used a long-term (33 years) multiple factorial grassland restoration experiment to assess how different restoration approaches, including farmyard manure (FYM) addition, low amounts of inorganic fertiliser, mixed seed addition, and promotion of red clover, affect multiple dimensions of soil microbial functional stability in response to drought. We found that specific restoration approaches (e.g., FYM addition) not only increased the stability of plant biomass production, but also enhanced drought resistance of soil microbial multifunctionality. Moreover, we identified key factors that drive the multi-dimensional stability of plant and soil microbial communities, which provide mechanistic insights into how grassland restoration impacts above- and below-ground stability in the face of drought.

How to cite: Liu, S., Bilton, A., and Bardgett, R.: Restoration of soil microbial functional stability in the face of climate extremes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15955,, 2023.

EGU23-16057 | Orals | SSS4.3

Effects of intensified freezing-thawing cycles on arctic soil microbiota investigated via soil chips 

Edith Hammer, Julia Duljas, Fredrik Klingenhammer, Hanbang Zou, Bo Elberling, and Louise C. Andresen

Arctic ecosystems are experiencing a strong and fast warming in the realms of climate change, and understanding the involved processes are important to predict impacts and feedbacks on their C cycling. Winter warming leads to frequent and reoccurring snow melts and as a consequence exposed bare ground. This leads to accelerated freeze-thaw cycles, since the snow cover that was insulating the soil below to temperature variations around a few degrees minus now can be exposed to much harsher freezes. We experimentally exposed soil crusts from Greenland to freezing-thawing cycles of different intensities and frequencies and measured the abundance of the three soil microbial groups bacteria, fungi and protists with help of microfluidic soil chips. The soil chips are brought into tight contact with the soil sample, and the microbial community colonizes their transparent pore spaces which enable us to image-based analysis of microbial abundance and interactions. We found that increased freezing frequency (daily versus bi-weekly) strikingly reduced bacterial populations, stronger than increased freezing intensity (-5°C vs -18°C). We also exposed the soil chips to live-freezing under the microscope to analyze direct effects of the approaching ice front on the microbial community. At intermediate freezing temperatures, dead-end pockets in the pore space remained liquid-filled and could act as refugia for the organisms. Fast approaching ice fronts caught fleeing organisms and in some cases led to detrimental outcomes, especially for protists. Disturbances in the trophic network differently affecting predators and pray may thus also contribute to changes in the bacterial carbon cycling.


How to cite: Hammer, E., Duljas, J., Klingenhammer, F., Zou, H., Elberling, B., and Andresen, L. C.: Effects of intensified freezing-thawing cycles on arctic soil microbiota investigated via soil chips, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16057,, 2023.

EGU23-16820 | Posters on site | SSS4.3

Soil properties, habitat structure, climate, and topography as drivers of soil biodiversity 

Xavier Domene, Rubén Olmo-Gilabert, Marcos Fernández-Martínez, and Lluís Comas

The Catalonia Plot System for Terrestrial Biodiversity Monitoring (SISEBIO) is a long-term project aiming to monitor above- and below-ground biodiversity changes due to global change in permanent experimental sites. The project aims: a) to catalogue the existing biodiversity using metabarcoding, b) to describe the environmental drivers explaining such, and c) to identify habitats acting as biodiversity hotspots.

For this purpose, 109 permanent plots were set up in natural areas to covering all the main habitats and climates of Catalonia (NE Spain). Plant, microbial (bacteria and fungi), protists, and microarthropods richness and diversity were assessed between 2018-2021, together with a variety of environmental drivers (soil physicochemical properties, habitat structure, climate, and topography). While plant diversity was assessed through traditional morphological identification, that of soil organisms was assessed by metabarcoding and using operational taxonomic units (OTUs) for this purpose.

Concerning soil biodiversity, 42077 unique OTUs were identified, with around 40% of them only found in once. The highest biodiversity values corresponded to sites located in the Pyrenees, and the environmental factors driving biodiversity were clearly different depending on the taxa studied. However, we failed to find habitat-specific hotspots except for microarthropods, with higher richness values in conifer forests when compared to deciduous forests, shrublands and grasslands.

The existence of biological interactions and historical factors may hinder the emergence of strong environmental trends to describe soil biodiversity patterns. Our results might may guide stakeholders with the implementation of management policies in the most vulnerable habitats to protect their biodiversity, but are also of interest for modelling the impact of global change on soil biodiversity and their ecosystem services.

How to cite: Domene, X., Olmo-Gilabert, R., Fernández-Martínez, M., and Comas, L.: Soil properties, habitat structure, climate, and topography as drivers of soil biodiversity, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16820,, 2023.

EGU23-73 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.4

Preceding crop history modulates the early growth of winter wheat by influencing root growth dynamics and rhizosphere processes 

Nikolaos Kaloterakis, Mehdi Rashtbari, Bahar S. Razavi, Andrea Braun-Kiewnick, Adriana Giongo, Doreen Babin, Kornelia Smalla, Charlotte Kummer, Sirgit Kummer, and Nicolas Brüggemann

Self-succession of winter wheat (WW) in crop rotations results in substantial yield decline. This decline has been mostly attributed to the soil-borne fungus Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici (Ggt; take-all) causing earlier root senescence. A broad shift in the soil microbial community has also recently been proposed to confound this effect even in years without significant Ggt infestation in the field. We aimed to establish a mechanistic basis for the relationship between rotational position of WW and yield decline at an early wheat growth stage. To this end, an outdoor experiment with 1 m deep rhizotrons was set up using a sandy loam soil. WW was grown in soil after oilseed rape (KW1), soil after one season of WW (KW2) and soil after three successive seasons of WW (KW4). The plants were grown until the beginning of stem elongation (BBCH 30). At harvest, both shoot and root dry weight were markedly affected by the preceding crop, with a pronounced reduction of plant biomass of KW2 (-43%) and KW4 (-45%) compared to KW1. At BBCH 30, KW1 soil had much lower mineral N compared to KW2 (-49%) and KW4 (-39%). Non-purgeable organic C, a readily available energy source for soil microorganisms, was further reduced in successive WW rotations compared to KW1. Increased NH4+ and NPOC concentrations were found in root-affected soil compared to root-free bulk soil, indicating a strong hotspot for organic N mineralization in the rhizosphere. At the same time, the markedly higher shoot N concentration led to a lower C:N ratio of 31 for KW1 compared to KW2 and KW4, which had a C:N ratio of 46 and 44, respectively, suggesting a better exploitation of soil mineral N sources by KW1. In contrast, microbial biomass C and N were higher in KW2 and KW4 compared to KW1, pointing to enhanced microbial N immobilization in KW2 and KW4. The higher C:N ratio of WW straw compared to oilseed rape residues that are returned to the soil following harvest, obviously stimulated immobilization of soil N in microbial biomass, thereby limiting the availability of N for WW growth in KW2 and KW4. Root growth traits exhibited a strong response to WW rotational position, with higher root tissue density, root mean diameter and lower specific root length for KW1 compared to KW2 and KW4. Root length density (RLD) was overall higher in KW1 compared to KW2 (-29%) and KW4 (-31%), especially at 0-30 cm soil depth. Interestingly, higher RLD values for KW1 were also observed at the lowest depth of 60-100 cm compared to KW4, suggesting a strong effect of rotational position on nutrient accessibility in the subsoil. Successive WW invested more in acquisitive root traits that did not compensate for the reduction of biomass production. Our results highlight the effect of rotational position of WW on soil and plant properties and provide guidance for management-based adaptations at field level to improve WW productivity.

How to cite: Kaloterakis, N., Rashtbari, M., S. Razavi, B., Braun-Kiewnick, A., Giongo, A., Babin, D., Smalla, K., Kummer, C., Kummer, S., and Brüggemann, N.: Preceding crop history modulates the early growth of winter wheat by influencing root growth dynamics and rhizosphere processes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-73,, 2023.

EGU23-1389 | Orals | SSS4.4 | Highlight

Complete thermodynamic characterization of the soil organic matter from forest ecosystems. 

Nieves Barros, Marko Popovic, and César Pérez-Cruzado

Thermodynamic characterization of soils is a developing field that involves the calculation of the enthalpies, Gibbs energy, and entropy of the soil organic matter, SOM. Its achievement would contribute to the development of the bioenergetics of soil systems beyond the existing theoretical models.

This work shows different experimental procedures and theoretical models for the complete thermodynamic characterization of SOM. It was applied to a total of 31 samples representing different soil horizons from different locations.

Thermodynamic characterization of SOM was achieved through the calculation of empirical formulae for SOM from the SOM elemental composition, application of Patel-Erickson, Sandler-Orbey, and Battley methods, as well as direct measurements of the energy content by simultaneous TG-DSC.

The used computational methods belong to a group of approaches modeling thermodynamic properties of SOM as a sum of contributions from its constituent elements. The first computational approaches were those from the Patel-Erickson and Battley equations. Patel-Erickson equation was used to find the standard enthalpy of combustion, ΔCH⁰PE, of SOM based on its elemental composition:

ΔCH⁰PE(SOM) = –111.14 kJ/mol ∙ (4nC + nH – 2nO – 0nN + 5nP + 6nS)

where nJ is the number of atoms of element J in the empirical formula of SOM. The Battley equation gives the standard molar entropy, S⁰m, of SOM:

S⁰m(SOM) = 0.187 ∑J [ S⁰m(J) / aJ ] nJ

where S⁰m(J) and aJ are standard molar entropy and the number of atoms of element J in its standard state elemental form. The enthalpy from the Patel-Erickson equation is combined with entropy from the Battley equation, to find the Gibbs energy of SOM.

The second computational approach handled equations proposed by Sandler and Orbey that allow finding standard enthalpy of combustion ΔCH⁰SO and standard Gibbs energy of combustion, ΔCG⁰, of SOM:

ΔCH⁰SO(SOM) = –109.04 kJ/C-mol ∙ (4nC + nH – 2nO – 0nN + 5nP + 6nS)

ΔCG⁰(SOM) = –110.23 kJ/C-mol ∙ (4nC + nH – 2nO – 0nN + 5nP + 6nS)

The enthalpy and Gibbs energy obtained using the Sandler-Orbey method were combined to find entropy.  

Results obtained by the application of Patel-Erickson and Sandler-Orbey methods to calculate the enthalpy of SOM combustion did not significantly differ when comparing data given by the TG-DSC with those obtained from the SOM empirical formulation. The same results were obtained when comparing the Gibbs energy. These results enabled the calculation of the entropy of SOM and the comparison of those values among different soil layers and sampling sites.

How to cite: Barros, N., Popovic, M., and Pérez-Cruzado, C.: Complete thermodynamic characterization of the soil organic matter from forest ecosystems., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1389,, 2023.

EGU23-1397 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.4

Linking mass balances and thermodynamic energy balances in simplified model systems with artificial soils 

Shiyue Yang, Alina Rupp, Matthias Kästner, Anja Miltner, and Thomas Maskow

Soils represent the largest terrestrial carbon (C) sink and understanding its dynamics is crucial. The metabolic degradation and stabilization of soil organic matter (SOM) follow the rules of thermodynamics. In the catabolic reaction, SOM is oxidized to CO2 and the part of the energy delivered by this reaction is used in anabolism, during which biomass formation and, thereby, energy and C conservation take place. C and energy fluxes are thus linked and contribute to the C transformation and stabilization in natural soil systems. These processes are among others largely influenced by environmental conditions (e.g. temperature, soil moisture, C/N ratio).

Due to the complexity and heterogeneity of soil, thermodynamic models and experimental approaches to study the linkage of C and energy fluxes in soil systems are rare and still in their infancy. To establish it, we use calorimetric and carbon mass balancing methods to study both C and energy fluxes in artificial soil systems in incubation experiments over 64 days with cellulose and over 16 days with glucose as substrates. This simplified system allows reliable measurement and interpretation of energy input, accumulation and output and their interaction with SOM turnover processes. Carbon and Energy Use Efficiency (CUE and EUE) are studied under varying environmental conditions. The heat production rate and the reaction enthalpy of metabolism in artificial soil systems are monitored with isothermal microcalorimeters. C mass balances consist of mineralization (measured using gas chromatography coupled with thermal conductivity detector), changes in total carbon (quantified by elemental analysis - isotope ratio mass spectrometry), and carbohydrates (recorded via a phenol sulphuric acid assay). In addition, biomass and necromass contents are quantified by phospholipid fatty acid and amino sugar analysis.

EUE will be calculated from calorimetric data and further we will build an energy balance model. Furthermore, evolution of carbon input and output measurements will be further utilized for carbon balance model. Calorimetric and respirometric data provide the calorespirometric (CR) ratio of the soil system, which is closely related CUE (Chakrawal et al., 2020; Hansen et al., 2004). Experimentally determined CUE will be compared to that derived theoretically from CR ratio through calorimetric data and biomass yield modelling (Brock et al., 2017). Preliminary results on the linkage between carbon and energy balance in soil systems will be presented.

Brock, A. L., Kästner, M., & Trapp, S. (2017). Microbial growth yield estimates from thermodynamics and its importance for degradation of pesticides and formation of biogenic non-extractable residues. SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research, 28 (8), 629–650.

Chakrawal, A., Herrmann, A. M., Šantrůčková, H., & Manzoni, S. (2020). Quantifying microbial metabolism in soils using calorespirometry — A bioenergetics perspective. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 148 (May), 107945.

Hansen, L. D., MacFarlane, C., McKinnon, N., Smith, B. N., & Criddle, R. S. (2004). Use of calorespirometric ratios, heat per CO2 and heat per O2, to quantify metabolic paths and energetics of growing cells. Thermochimica Acta, 422 (1–2), 55–61.

How to cite: Yang, S., Rupp, A., Kästner, M., Miltner, A., and Maskow, T.: Linking mass balances and thermodynamic energy balances in simplified model systems with artificial soils, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1397,, 2023.

EGU23-2713 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.4

Combining the time-lapse amino-mapping and zymography to co-localize spatial distribution of organic N with enzymatic activity in the rhizosphere 

Guoting Shen, Andrey Guber, Sajedeh Khosrozadeh, Negar Ghaderi, and Evgenia Blagodatskaya

As N limitation strongly influences ecosystem functioning, numerous studies explored the transformation process of mineral nitrogen. In contrast, the importance of organic nitrogen, which can short-circuit the mineralization step, for plant nutrition in different ecosystems often overlooked. A spatial link between the sources of organic N and N-acquiring enzymatic activity in soil is still missing due to the lack of suitable techniques. Here we developed a novel approach: in situ amino-mapping and coupled it with time-lapse zymography to quantify distribution of organic nitrogen in the rhizosphere of Zea mays L and tested spatial association of enzymatic activity with organic nitrogen abundance at the root-soil interface. Coupling the two approaches enabled identification the hotspots of amino-N, and revealed their co-occurrence with N-related enzymatic activity in seminal roots and root tips: intensive enzymatic activity was accompanied by large amino-N content, especially in the rhizosphere of seminal root tips. This work was conducted within the framework of the Priority program 2089 “Rhizosphere spatiotemporal organization – a key to rhizosphere functions”, funded by German Research Foundation (DFG – Project number: 403664478). Seeds of the maize were provided by Caroline Marcon and Frank Hochholdinger (University of Bonn).

How to cite: Shen, G., Guber, A., Khosrozadeh, S., Ghaderi, N., and Blagodatskaya, E.: Combining the time-lapse amino-mapping and zymography to co-localize spatial distribution of organic N with enzymatic activity in the rhizosphere, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2713,, 2023.

EGU23-3113 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.4

Development of ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry techniques to extend the molecular view of soil organic matter in solution and on mineral particles 

Carsten Simon, Paul Pietsch, Konstantin Stumpf, Klaus Kaiser, and Oliver Lechtenfeld

Soil organic matter plays important roles in soil reactivity and fertility as well as soil physics. Nevertheless, we know relatively little about the individual molecules that make up soil organic matter but ultimately determine its properties. Ultrahigh-resolution mass spectrometry like FT-ICR-MS has revealed an enormous molecular diversity yet it often remains limited to the water-soluble fractions (i.e., dissolved organic matter) analyzed with electrospray ionization (ESI) that represent only a small fraction of the total organic matter contained in soils. To extend the analytical window and leverage the value of non-targeted mass spectrometry, parallel analyses of soluble (via ESI) and particle-associated organic matter (PAOM) via laser-desorption ionization (LDI) and FT-ICR-MS detection is a promising approach, that has yet to prove its full potential. Here, we studied the sensitivity and robustness of the LDI technique based on a combination of dried arable soils, their aqueous DOM extracts, reference DOM samples (Suwannee River Fulvic Acid, SRFA), model compounds (syringic acid, sinapic acid, syringaldehyde, vanillic acid and tannic acid) and model mineral phases (goethite, illite). DOM samples were used to study the effects of a mineral matrix and dilution, while model compounds and SRFA were used to test the effects of laser strength and presence of an organic matrix on intact ionization of analytes. Lastly, non-extracted and extracted soil samples were used to assess if DOM composition trends observed in solution are reproduced in PAOM composition. In general, ESI ionized a very different fraction of the DOM mixture, being more polar and more saturated, while LDI ionized rather small, low-to-mid polar, and less saturated ions. Besides clear differences in PAOM and DOM analytical windows, molecular trends such as aromaticity or nominal oxidation state were well-aligned. Although most insight was gained by combining both types of analyses, our results therefore suggest that direct analysis of soil particles is a fast, reproducible, sensitive and less invasive alternative to routine protocols employing FT-ICR-MS detection, and avoids additional extraction or purification steps.

How to cite: Simon, C., Pietsch, P., Stumpf, K., Kaiser, K., and Lechtenfeld, O.: Development of ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry techniques to extend the molecular view of soil organic matter in solution and on mineral particles, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3113,, 2023.

Vegetation patchiness is hypothesized to affect the spatial heterogeneity of resources and soil nutrient distribution in drylands. Nutrient accumulation under perennial vegetative patches leads to faster nitrogen (N) cycling in times of water availability. Compared to perennials, annual plant patches have a shorter life cycle, and labile nutrient buildup can occur more quickly in these patches due to faster nutrient turnover rates of litterfall and root death. The buildup of these labile nutrient pools, in surface soils under annual plant patches over time, may indirectly facilitate succession by other plants, thus aiding in the establishment of fertility islands. To understand how the establishment of annual plant patches affects soil nutrient dynamics, we planted replicated patches of a widespread local summer annual plant, saltwort (Salsola inermis Forssk.), and assessed how these patches influence the soil N cycle and soil N oxides (N2O and NO) emissions. We also assessed rates of surface litter decomposition of the saltwort plant. We found that rates of soil N transformations and soil N oxides emissions were highest under the plant patch, while they decreased across the patch-to-bare-soil gradient. Water extractable organic carbon (WEOC) accumulation increased in the surface soil beneath the plants and was associated with a large burst in soil N oxides emissions within the patch, following dry soil wetting by the first winter rains. Soil N2O emission pulse increased by 5.2 folds, whiles NO increased by 95.8 folds. Each N-oxide gas, however, had a different post-wetting pattern, with N2O peaking a few hours after wetting and NO after one day. We measured a second pulse in soil N oxide emissions after the third rain event. This pulse occurred only with the plant patch and not outside the patch and was reduced by 54% and 31% for N2O and NO respectively. However, the temporal (peaking) pattern of the second N-oxides pulse was similar to that of the first pulse. Suggesting a reduction in substrate availability as a cause of the reduced pulse. We also found 43% mass loss from the plant litter after 12 months of decomposition. Together, these results suggest that the establishment of saltwort plants affects soil nutrient dynamics and accumulation, thus creating nutrient-rich microsites for potential succession by other annuals and perennials, leading to fertility island establishment in the Negev Desert ecosystem.

How to cite: Yagle, I., Segoli, M., and Gelfand, I.: Patch establishment of the summer annual saltwort plant (Salsola inermis Forssk.) increases N cycling rates and soil N-oxide emissions in Israel’s Negev Desert, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3645,, 2023.

The role of biochar-microbe interaction in plant rhizosphere mediating soil-borne disease suppression has been poorly understood for plant health in field conditions. Chinese ginseng (Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer) is widely cultivated in Alfisols across Northeast China, being often stressed severely by pathogenic diseases. In this study, topsoil of a continuously cropped ginseng farm was amended at 20 t ha-1 respectively with manure biochar (PB), wood biochar (WB) and maize residue biochar (MB) in comparison to conventional manure compost (MC). Post-amendment changes in edaphic properties of bulk topsoil and the rhizosphere, in root growth and quality and in disease incidence were examined with field observations and physicochemical, molecular and biochemical assays. Three years following amendment, increases over MC in root biomass was parallel to the overall fertility improvement, being greater with MB and WB than with PB. Differently, survival rate of ginseng plants increased insignificantly with PB but significantly with WB (14%) and MB (21%) while ginseng root quality unchanged with WB but improved with PB (32%) and MB (56%). For the rhizosphere at harvest following three years growing, total content of phenolic acids from root exudate decreased by 56%, 35% and 45% with PB, WB and MB respectively over MC. For rhizosphere microbiome, total fungal and bacterial abundance was both unchanged under WB but significantly increased under MB (by 200% and 38%), respectively over MC. At phyla level, abundances of arbuscular mycorrhizal and Bryobacter as potentially beneficial microbes was elevated while those of Fusarium and Ilyonectria as potentially pathogenic microbes reduced, with WB and MB over MC. Moreover, rhizosphere fungal network complexity was enhanced insignificantly under PB but significantly under WB moderately and MB greatly, over MC. Overall, maize biochar exerted great impact rather on rhizosphere microbial community composition and networking of functional groups, particularly of fungi, and thus plant defense than on soil fertility and root growth.

How to cite: Liu, C. and Pan, G.: More microbial manipulation and plant defense than soil fertility for biochar in food production: A field experiment of replanted ginseng with different biochars, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4105,, 2023.

EGU23-4926 | Orals | SSS4.4 | Highlight

Biogeochemical consequences of agricultural soil contamination with Sulfamethoxazole (SMX) 

Oleg Menyailo, Heleen Deroo, Corinna Eichinger, and Gerd Dercon

Agricultural soils are increasingly polluted by antibiotics, and this makes them a source of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). However, antibiotics may also change microbial communities in soils, and so alter microbiological processes. Given the knowledge gap on how antibiotics affect soil functioning, in particular soil organic carbon (C) cycling, we conducted an experiment to investigate how different concentrations of the model antibiotic sulfamethoxazole (SMX) alter soil heterotrophic respiration (C mineralization) and priming of soil C.

  We collected Austrian soils rich and poor in soil organic C from Seibersdorf and Grabenegg, respectively. After the samples were sieved at 2 mm, we incubated 80 g of soil in 100 mL jars at room temperature for 30 days. SMX was added at day 1, at six rates (0; 0.01; 0.1; 1; 10 and 100 in water solution. Soil moisture was kept constant at 45% of the soil water-filled pore space throughout the incubation experiment. The flux of CO2 and isotopic composition of C in respired CO2 were determined with a Picarro 2201-i laser isotope analyzer using Keeling plots.

In general, SMX negatively affected the CO2 production rate. The negative effect was larger with a higher SMX concentration. The inhibitory effect of SMX followed a logarithmic function, after excluding outliers. The fitted equations may be used to predict how much the microbial activity is inhibited if the concentration of SMX in soil is known. However, it was also observed in our study that when the antibiotic concentration increases, the marginal toxic effect declines at some specific concentrations, and even a stimulation of CO2 production could be found. This observed increase can be related to the following processes: it may be concentration-dependent AMR, or SMX may act as a C source, but the most likely explanation is that bacterial growth is inhibited. This last suggested process may then reduce competition, so that other microbial groups may proliferate and actively decompose soil organic matter.    

The estimated priming of soil C was positively related to SMX concentration. When readily available C source (glucose) was added, mineralization of soil C increased and this effect was accelerated with an increase in SMX concentration. Overall, the incubation experiment with different concentrations of SMX provided important insights on the toxicological effects of SMX on soil microbial life and the soil C cycle in agricultural soils. The SMX was shown to inhibit soil heterotrophic activity, but would increase losses of soil C in the presence of readily available C.


How to cite: Menyailo, O., Deroo, H., Eichinger, C., and Dercon, G.: Biogeochemical consequences of agricultural soil contamination with Sulfamethoxazole (SMX), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4926,, 2023.

EGU23-5193 | Orals | SSS4.4 | Highlight

Bioenergetic control of soil carbon dynamics across depth 

Ludovic Henneron, Jerôme Balesdent, Gaël Alvarez, Pierre Barré, François Baudin, Isabelle Basile-Doelsch, Lauric Cécillon, Alejandro Fernandez-Martinez, Christine Hatté, and Sébastien Fontaine

Soil carbon dynamics is strongly controlled by depth globally, with increasingly slow dynamics found at depth. The mechanistic basis remains however controversial, limiting our ability to predict carbon cycle-climate feedbacks. Combining radiocarbon and thermal analyses with long-term incubations in absence/presence of continuously 13C/14C-labelled plants, we show here that bioenergetic constraints of decomposers consistently drive the depth-dependency of soil carbon dynamics over a range of mineral reactivity contexts. The slow dynamics of subsoil carbon was tightly related to both its low energy density and high activation energy of decomposition, leading to an unfavorable ‘return-on-energy-investment’ for decomposers. We also observed strong acceleration of millennia-old subsoil carbon decomposition induced by roots (‘rhizosphere priming’), showing that sufficient supply of energy by roots is able to alleviate the strong energy limitation of decomposition. These findings demonstrate that subsoil carbon persistence results from its poor energy quality together with the lack of energy supply by roots due to their low density at depth. These findings provide insights into the bioenergetic control of SOC persistence and indicate that an increase in plant rooting depth induced by global change could threaten the storage of millennia-old SOC in deep layers.

How to cite: Henneron, L., Balesdent, J., Alvarez, G., Barré, P., Baudin, F., Basile-Doelsch, I., Cécillon, L., Fernandez-Martinez, A., Hatté, C., and Fontaine, S.: Bioenergetic control of soil carbon dynamics across depth, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5193,, 2023.

EGU23-6404 | Orals | SSS4.4

Microbiome of rhizosphere: from structure and functions 

Yakov Kuzyakov, Ning Ling, and Tingting Wang

Microbial composition and functions in the rhizosphere – an important microbial hotspot – are among the most fascinating yet elusive topics in microbial ecology. Based on the similarity of rhizosphere properties with respect to carbon availability and nutrient depletion, we hypothesized that (i) rhizobacterial populations are recruited from the bulk soil, but are preselected by excess released root carbon, so that bacterial diversity is lower in the rhizosphere and bacterial networks are less stable, (ii) the rhizosphere is home to more abundant copiotrophic bacteria than the bulk soil, and iii) the functional capacity involved in the carbon and nitrogen transformation would be greater in the rhizosphere.

We used 557 pairs of published 16S rDNA amplicon sequences from the bulk soils and rhizosphere in natural and agricultural ecosystems (forests, grasslands, croplands) around the world to generalize bacterial characteristics with respect to community diversity, composition, and functions.

The rhizosphere selects microorganisms from bulk soil to function as a seed bank, reducing microbial diversity. The rhizosphere is enriched in Bacteroidetes, Proteobacteria, and other copiotrophs. Highly modular but unstable bacterial networks in the rhizosphere (common for r-strategists) reflect the interactions and adaptations of microorganisms to dynamic conditions. Dormancy strategies in the rhizosphere are dominated by toxin–antitoxin systems, while sporulation is common in bulk soils. Functional predictions showed that genes involved in organic compound conversion, nitrogen fixation, and denitrification were strongly enriched in the rhizosphere (11–182%), while genes involved in nitrification were strongly depleted. Thus, rhizosphere is the most powerful factor shaping the composition, structure and functions of the soil microbiome and of biogenic element’s cycling.


Ling N, Wang T, Kuzyakov Y 2022. Rhizosphere bacteriome structure and functions. Nature Communications 13, 836.

How to cite: Kuzyakov, Y., Ling, N., and Wang, T.: Microbiome of rhizosphere: from structure and functions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6404,, 2023.

EGU23-6542 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.4 | Highlight

Energy content of soil organic matter in soil profiles investigated by bomb calorimetry and DSC-TG 

Marcel Lorenz, Dörte Diehl, Thomas Maskow, and Sören Thiele-Bruhn

Soil organic matter (SOM) represents a continuum of progressively decomposing organic compounds mainly provided by primary producers and predominantly metabolized by adapted dynamic microbial communities. The carbon (C) in SOM flows through the microbial biomass, which needs – beside C and nutrients – Gibbs energy for growth and maintenance. The microbial metabolism and thus the degradation and stabilization of SOM follow thermodynamic laws. The thermodynamic perspective on soil systems is increasingly becoming the focus of research and has the potential to take us a substantial step towards a mechanistic understanding of SOM turnover and stabilization. An integral part of new bioenergetic concepts and models is the energy content of SOM, but the number of empirical studies dealing with soil C cycling or storage in relation to energy contents and flux is small.

In this study, topsoil profiles (comprising organic forest floor horizons OL, OF, OH and the mineral soil layer 0-5 cm) at an afforested post-mining site were investigated to evaluate the influence of (i) soil depth – representing different stages of organic matter (OM) turnover – and (ii) litter quantity and quality (litterfall and fine root tissues) provided by different tree species (Douglas fir – Pseudotsuga menziesii, black pine – Pinus nigra, European beech – Fagus sylvatica, red oak – Quercus rubra) on the energy contents of SOM. The total energy content stored in soils and plant litter was determined using two calorimetric approaches: bomb calorimetry and differential scanning calorimetry combined with thermogravimetry (DSC-TG).

The results of the litter inputs obtained with both methods showed the same trends: the C cycle in the soil was fueled by aboveground and belowground litter inputs, with energy-richer litterfall tissues (needles > leaves) compared to fine root tissues. However, with bomb calorimetry higher energy contents were generally observed in plant litter but also in the upper two forest floor horizons (OL, OF) of the soil profiles. The energy content per unit C (calorific value) changed with increasing depth due to the progressive turnover and stabilization of organic compounds but surprisingly, we identified opposite depth trends with both methods: bomb calorimetry revealed decreasing calorific values, while with DSC-TG increasing calorific values were determined. The few existing studies reported either the one trend or the other with ongoing decomposition, leading to different interpretations of the energetic driven microbial modulated formation and turnover of SOM.

It is mandatory to overcome this fundamental challenge to achieve a reliable integration of the promising bioenergetic approaches into conceptual and modelling frameworks to assess SOC turnover and persistence based on robust empirical data.

How to cite: Lorenz, M., Diehl, D., Maskow, T., and Thiele-Bruhn, S.: Energy content of soil organic matter in soil profiles investigated by bomb calorimetry and DSC-TG, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6542,, 2023.

EGU23-7293 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.4

Designing of novel hydroxyapatite nanoparticles from fish by-products to be coupled with highly efficient phosphate solubilising bacteria 

Piera Quattrocelli, Elisa Pellegrino, Clara Piccirillo, Robert C. Pullar, and Laura Ercoli

Hydroxyapatite nanoparticles (nHAs) deriving from by-products have gained increasing interest as novel phosphorus (P)-based fertilisers, since they can provide a slow P release, minimising P losses and adverse environmental side-effects, and reducing the dependency of agriculture on mineral fertiliser inputs. Phosphate solubilising bacteria (PSB) have proven to release P available for crop uptake from different inorganic sources (e.g. tricalcium phosphate, TCP, hydroxyapatite, HA). In the present study, nHAs were prepared from salmon (S-nHAs) and tuna (T-nHAs) bones by a calcination process, followed by a high energy ball milling. The obtained fine powders were characterised by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) for size and shape and by X-ray diffraction (XRD) for crystal phase composition. The phosphate solubilisation activity of seven selected PSB strains belonging to Pseudomonas and Paraburkholderia genera was in vitro investigated under acidic (pH = 5.5) and alkaline (pH = 7.5) conditions by a quantitative assessment of the solubilised PO43- from TCP, S-nHAs and T-nHAs over time. Moreover, time trend of pH and organic acids in the liquid media were investigated. Characterization of S-nHAs by XRD and SEM revealed a biphasic composition of the material consisting of TCP and HA – about 50 wt% of each phase - and a heterogeneous rounded-shape (Ø < 50 nm) material. By contrast, XRD pattern of T-nHAs showed a single-phase composition mainly made of pure HA (> 95 wt%) and SEM micrographs exhibiting an elongated shape uniform in size (200 x 30 nm). At day seven, Pseudomonas graminis PG0319 solubilised the highest proportion of the total PO43- in the TCP substrate under acidic pH (83%), followed by Pseudomonas rhodesiae PR0393 and P. graminis PG1211 (79% and 72%, respectively). In S-nHAs under alkaline pH, Paraburkholderia terricola PT0405, PR0393, PG0319 and PG1211 solubilised from 53% to 57% of the total PO43-, whereas in T-nHAs under acidic pH the maximum solubilisation efficiency was 27% by PT0405 at day seven. The difference in the solubilisation of S-nHAs and T-nHAs is due to the lower solubility of HA in comparison with TCP. Values of pH in in the liquid media decreased over the time along with an increasing PO43- solubilisation activity, suggesting an extracellular secretion of organic acids by PSB. Accordingly, differential patterns of organic acids were detected among strains with TCP as well as S-nHAs and T-nHAs. Notably, gluconic, propionic, fumaric and acetic acids played key roles during P solubilisation with all the tested strains, substrates, and pH conditions. Our results indicate that the use of microbial inocula together with P-based nanofertilisers is a promising option for a sustainable agricultural transition.

How to cite: Quattrocelli, P., Pellegrino, E., Piccirillo, C., Pullar, R. C., and Ercoli, L.: Designing of novel hydroxyapatite nanoparticles from fish by-products to be coupled with highly efficient phosphate solubilising bacteria, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7293,, 2023.

EGU23-8157 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.4

Evaluating soil structure and biological activity in soil cores under different management systems 

Frederic Leuther, Dorte Fischer, Naoise Nunan, and Anke Herrmann

Soil structure is a key feature in controlling microbial access to organic matter in soils. The spatial arrangement of solids and pores in agricultural soils is shaped by the used tillage and crop system. However, spatial heterogeneities make it difficult to determine relationships between soil biology and soil structure, and often homogenized, sieved soils are used to evaluate organic matter turnover in soils. In this study, we used heat dissipation as an indicator for biological activity in soils taken from two different tillage systems (conventional vs. reduced tillage) and two different cropping systems (crop rotations with either maize or winter wheat as main crop) running for 12 years. In order to evaluate the impact of soil structure, we investigated the response of both repacked and undisturbed soil cores (3 cm in height, 2.7 cm in diameter) to water and glucose addition. Pore structure indicators and particulate organic matter content were quantified by X-ray computer tomography at a resolution of 15 µm.

We will show that calorimetry is a suitable tool to monitor the biodegradation of C sources in undisturbed soil cores and that both tillage system and crop rotation effect biological activity in soil. In summary, soil under maize cultivation dissipated more heat compared to the wheat crop rotation. In both, repacked and undisturbed samples, conventional tillage promoted heat dissipation in response to water addition, likely due to the annual incorporation of labile organic matter. However, structural and organic matter indicators could only explain the variance in heat dissipation to some extent. Thus, the usage of undisturbed soil cores provides new challenges to evaluate the link between soil structure and microbial activity due to increased variability.

How to cite: Leuther, F., Fischer, D., Nunan, N., and Herrmann, A.: Evaluating soil structure and biological activity in soil cores under different management systems, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8157,, 2023.

EGU23-8238 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.4

Functional traits of Zea mays L. varieties determine drought effects on soil structure and carbon allocation in the rhizosheath 

Franziska Steiner, Andreas J. Wild, Nicolas Tyborski, Shu-Yin Tung, Tina Köhler, Franz Buegger, Andrea Carminati, Barbara Eder, Jennifer Groth, Benjamin D. Hesse, Johanna Pausch, Tillmann Lüders, Wouter Vahl, Sebastian Wolfrum, Carsten W. Mueller, and Alix Vidal

The spatial arrangement of the soil surrounding the root can improve plant resource acquisition under drought and is closely related to the fate of soil organic carbon (SOC). Thus, the formation of soil structure and the establishment of a stable rhizosheath can potentially improve plant drought resistance and contribute to maintained crop yields during drought events. Yet, soil structure formation is a complex process determined by the interaction between various functional plant and soil properties, such as the soil (micro)biome, root exudation, or root morphological characteristics. To date, it is not understood how water scarcity affects soil aggregation in the vicinity of roots, by which functional traits these drought effects can be modified, and how this feedbacks on the cycling of SOC. 

Thus, we investigated drought effects on rhizosheath properties and their link with functional plant traits. We conducted a greenhouse experiment with 38 maize varieties where half of the plants were grown under optimum moisture, while the second half of replicates were subjected to drought stress after an initial establishment phase. For each plant, the rhizosheath soil was sampled and its aggregate size distribution, carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) content, and the proportion of newly maize-derived C were analysed via natural abundance 13C. In addition, we recorded functional plant and rhizosphere traits, such as morphological and chemical root properties, microbial enzyme activities, and plant biomass.

Drought-stressed plants formed lower amounts of rhizosheath, with a decreased physical aggregate stability and increased concentrations of SOC, N, and newly maize-derived C. Furthermore, under drought larger proportions of the elements were allocated into the microaggregate fractions. In particular, maize-derived C, along with N, accumulated under drought stress in the smaller aggregate size classes of the rhizosheath. Maize varieties forming larger amounts of roots under drought stress tended to maintain higher macroaggregate stability in the rhizosheath. In contrast, cultivars that invested little in root growth but promoted higher microbial enzyme activities in the rhizosheath and maintained root N contents under drought were associated with a strong accumulation of maize-C and N in the smaller aggregate size classes. 

Trait-based experimental approaches, such as the one presented here, are deepening our mechanistic understanding of drought effects in the crop rhizosheath and can thus help to guide future crop selection for improved drought resistance.

How to cite: Steiner, F., Wild, A. J., Tyborski, N., Tung, S.-Y., Köhler, T., Buegger, F., Carminati, A., Eder, B., Groth, J., Hesse, B. D., Pausch, J., Lüders, T., Vahl, W., Wolfrum, S., Mueller, C. W., and Vidal, A.: Functional traits of Zea mays L. varieties determine drought effects on soil structure and carbon allocation in the rhizosheath, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8238,, 2023.

EGU23-8627 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.4

How do soil mechanical properties and mucilage affect the root penetration resistance to root growth? 

Ravi Kumar Mysore Janakiram, Jan Vanderborght, and Johan Alexander Huisman

Root elongation is affected by biological, physical, and chemical soil properties. Key soil physical properties determining soil strength are water content and bulk density. Highly compacted soils provide strong resistance to root growth. Therefore, it is vital to understand the effects of water content and density on the ability of roots to penetrate soil. Plant roots release a polymeric gel consisting of polysaccharides and lipids called mucilage. Mucilage also affects the physical, chemical, and biological properties of the soil, and thus is expected to have a significant effect on the penetration forces associated with root growth. In this study, penetration resistance is investigated for two soil types (sand and loam) treated with two types of mucilage obtained from flax and chia seeds. To determine penetration forces, a rheometer (MCR 102e, Anton Paar, Germany) equipped with a stainless steel needle with a shaft diameter 1 mm and an apex angle of 60° was used to mimic a root. In all measurements, the needle penetrated the soil with a velocity of 40 µm/s. Soil samples were prepared with various water content (6%, 9%, 12%, and 15%) while keeping the dry density of the soil constant following standard procedures of a mini-compaction test.  To investigate the effect of mucilage concentration, penetration tests were carried out for different concentrations (control, 0.1%, and 0.5%). Results suggest that an increase in water content significantly reduced the penetration forces. A clear effect of the type and the concentration of root exudate on the penetration resistance was also observed. It is concluded that root penetration forces are significantly affected by soil type, water content, and the type and concentration of mucilage in the rhizosphere. 

How to cite: Mysore Janakiram, R. K., Vanderborght, J., and Huisman, J. A.: How do soil mechanical properties and mucilage affect the root penetration resistance to root growth?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8627,, 2023.

Flavonoids are known to perform complex physiological functions in the plant organism. The synthesis of flavonoids, their quantitative and qualitative composition depends on the genotype, age and habitat of the plant. Flavonoids are predominantly synthesized in assimilating organs and then distributed throughout the plant organism. Part of the flavonoids is released through the roots into the rhizosphere. Depending on the chemical structure, flavonoids in the soil can be ionized, oxidized or form covalent adducts with thiol compounds, complexes with metals or ammonium forms of nitrogen.

Rutin (quercetin-3-O-rutinoside), when excreted by plant roots in a slightly alkaline environment, like most flavonols, is partially ionized, acquiring greater mobility in soil solutions. In combination with ammonium nitrogen, rutin actively spreads in the rhizosphere and is recognized by rhizospheric bacteria. Thus, PGPR (plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria) isolated from the seed coat of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) reveal high sensitivity to rutin-ammonium complexes. Pseudomonas putida strain PPEP2-SEGM-0220 (GenBank: MW255059.1) stimulated the growth of main and lateral roots in soybean seedlings. The sensitivity of this strain to the rutin-ammonium complex on nutrient medium (King's B) was found at a solution concentration of 5 µg/ml. This indicates that the ionized form of rutin is biologically active and performs the function of a selective attractant for symbiotic microorganisms in the rhizosphere. Obviously, isolated PGPRs have molecular mechanisms for recognition of the rutin-ammonium complex. The presence of positive chemotaxis increases the probability of colonization of the plant with the PGPR strains it needs. Thus, the processes of transformation of quercetin-3-O-rutinoside in the soil are extremely important in the formation of plant-microbial systems.

How to cite: Likhanov, A.: Positive chemotaxis of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria to the ionized form of rutin, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8644,, 2023.

EGU23-9096 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.4

Isothermal Macrocalorespirometry – Novel Instrument Design to Analysis Microbial Metabolism in Soil Systems 

Eliana Di Lodovico, Maximilian Meyer, Thomas Maskow, Gabriele Schaumann, and Christian Fricke

Isothermal microcalorespirometry is a non-destructive technique widely used to study terrestrial activity in ecosystems by measuring the heat and the carbon dioxide (CO2) released by metabolic reactions of soil organisms. Therefore, microbial communities naturally present in the soil play a key role in the C and N cycle thereby releasing heat and CO2 which are quantitatively related to the matter fluxes via the law of Hess. In order to measure both quantities simultaneously, current methods follow mainly a purely calorimetric approach (absorbent method or GC analysis) [1]. In the absorbent method, CO2 is measured indirectly via the heat released during the absorption reaction in a NaOH-solution (CO2-trap), which is placed in the sample vessel together with the soil sample. This approach presents a few disadvantages, e.g. indirect CO2 measurement, small sample size, low sample throughput, low CO2 partial pressure and oxygen limitation. 

To overcome the drawbacks of the current calorespirometric approach, a newly designed isothermal macrocalorespirometer (IMCR) was developed by combining a classic respirometer and the proven concept of isothermal microcalorimetry. The IMCR is composed of 10 mobile channels placed in a thermally isolated box, water-thermostated at 20°C. Each channel is composed of a heat sink and a heat sensor directly in contact with the sample vessel (calorimetric unit), plus a vessel with a KOH-solution (CO2-trap) in which a pair of electrodes is immersed (respirometric unit) connected to the channel’s lid. The spatial separation between the two units, the use of electrodes and the size of the channel, make it possible to overcome the disadvantages of the absorbent method (NaOH-solution) mentioned above. The new approach has been successfully tested with glucose-induced microbial metabolic activity in soil samples, allowing the quantification of the calorespirometric ratio . Additionally, TGA-DSC-MS and GC-MS analysis will be performed, necessary to close balances of mass and energy fluxes.

This newly designed IMCR will be applied in the wider frame of calorimetric environmental soil studies, aiming at understanding the carbon dynamics in soil, the latter being known as the biggest carbon pool among the natural matrix. New knowledge in this area support potential solutions for climate change, intimately connected to the global carbon fluxes.

[1] Wadsö L., A method for time-resolved calorespirometry of terrestrial samples, Methods 76 (2015) 20–26

How to cite: Di Lodovico, E., Meyer, M., Maskow, T., Schaumann, G., and Fricke, C.: Isothermal Macrocalorespirometry – Novel Instrument Design to Analysis Microbial Metabolism in Soil Systems, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9096,, 2023.

EGU23-9613 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.4 | Highlight

Soil Microorganisms Involved in Glucose Assimilation in Small and Large Pore Micro-habitats of Different Plant Systems 

Zheng Li, Alison Cupples, Andrey Guber, and Alexandra Kravchenko

Background. High plant diversity is known to increase carbon inputs to soils, impact soil microbial community composition and promote soil microbial activity. Large pores are likely to hold more roots residues, provide more efficient oxygen supply, and have more dissolved nutrients and carbon carried by water fluxes. Soil pore structure also impacts the activities of soil microbial communities. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of 1) plant systems, representing a 9-year gradient of plant diversity (no plants, monoculture switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.), and high diversity prairie), 2) soil pore size (small (4-10 µm Ø) and large (30-150 µm Ø)), and 3) incubation time (24 hr (short-term) and 30 days (long-term)) on the microbial communities involved in the utilization of a newly added carbon (glucose). This is the first work to explore the influence of soil micro-habitat, as presented by pores of different sizes ranges, on the microbial communities’ responses to new carbon inputs.

Methods. The intact soil cores (5 cm Ø) from the three systems were supplied with either 50 μM C g-1 soil of 13C labeled glucose, unlabeled glucose, or no glucose. Glucose was added to small or large pores based on matrix potential approach. After 24 hr or 30 day incubations stable isotope probing (SIP) was used to identify the phylotypes actively responsible for glucose assimilation in the small and large pore micro-habitats. Both extracted DNA and the fractions separated by SIP were subject to 16S rRNA gene sequencing. PICRUST2 was used to predict the microbial functions of the sequencing data from KEGG orthologs.

Results. The overall microbial communities were affected by multiple years of contrasting vegetation, but not by pore sizes or incubation times. Pseudomonas (Proteobacteria) played an important role in carbon uptake from glucose in all short-term incubations and in the long-term incubations within large pores. In the long-term incubations of both switchgrass and prairie systems’ soils, the community compositions of carbon consumers acting within the small and large pore micro-habitats differed and could be linked to disparate carbon assimilation strategies (r- vs. K-strategists) and to disparate carbon acquisition ecological strategies (plant polymer decomposers, microbial necromass decomposers, predators, and passive consumers). The predicted enriched functional genes indicated the dominance of glucokinase in the soil of the prairie, but not switchgrass system, suggesting a competitive advantage for consuming glucose.

How to cite: Li, Z., Cupples, A., Guber, A., and Kravchenko, A.: Soil Microorganisms Involved in Glucose Assimilation in Small and Large Pore Micro-habitats of Different Plant Systems, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9613,, 2023.

EGU23-9746 | Orals | SSS4.4

Exploring Real-time Oxygen Dynamics in the Rhizosphere of Sorghum with High Spatial and Temporal Resolution 

Joanne Shorter, Joseph R. Roscioli, Elizabeth Lunny, William Eddy, and Wendy Yang

The presence of oxygen in soil controls the occurrence and rates of biogeochemical processes underlying soil nutrient transformations and greenhouse gas dynamics.  Oxygen (O2) levels within the rhizosphere are heavily modulated by both root and microbial respiration.  Thus, a microscopic environment near the root may be a microbial hotspot and not well represented by broader, non-rhizosphere soil.  Here we examine the millimeter-scale oxygen consumption or loss processes in the rhizosphere of sorghum, how they are influenced by irrigation practices, and the relationship between oxygen dynamics and nitrification in the rhizosphere.

In a field study at a research farm at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, sorghum was grown under a rainout shelter with plants undergoing one of 2 irrigation treatments.  Soil O2 concentration and isotopic ratios, nitrous oxide (N2O), and carbon dioxide (CO2) were measured in the rhizosphere of the sorghum via an array of novel microvolume probes coupled to an Aerodyne TILDAS (Tunable Infrared Laser Direct Absorption Spectrometer).  Probes were placed within the rhizosphere or outside the root zone with the aid of root windows installed at the site.

We collected continuous, real-time, in situ measurements of O2, O2 isotopes, CO2 and N2O over the 2022 sorghum growing season.  The high spatial and temporal resolution of the measurements allowed us to observe spatiotemporal heterogeneity of biogeochemical activity in the rhizosphere as a function of agricultural activity.  

We will also report on controlled laboratory incubations to quantify the impact of soil microbial oxygen consumption on 18O enrichment as compared to water displacement in the soil; and controlled greenhouse experiments to measure fine scale gradients of oxygen concentrations and isotopic composition near roots.

The novel microvolume sampling system coupled with the O2 detection method can provide insights into fine scale gradients driven by higher microbial activity in microbial hotspots within the rhizosphere.  Measurements on this mm-scale have further applications for monitoring other trace soil gases and their spatial and temporal heterogeneity in soil systems. 

How to cite: Shorter, J., Roscioli, J. R., Lunny, E., Eddy, W., and Yang, W.: Exploring Real-time Oxygen Dynamics in the Rhizosphere of Sorghum with High Spatial and Temporal Resolution, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9746,, 2023.

The growth-stimulating bacteria (PGPB-group) in the increasing of the plant-microbial interaction potential in the winter wheat agrocenosis


Boroday V.V.1, 2,

Doctor of Agriculture Science,

Yakovenko D.O.1,

1 Institute of Agroecology and Environmental Management, Metrologichna str., 12, Kyiv, 03143, Ukraine

2National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Heroiv

Oborony str.15, building 3, of. 207, Kyiv, 03041, Ukraine


The use of microorganisms of the PGPB group will contribute to the activation of nitrogen fixation and phosphate mobilization in the soil, and increase the potential of plant-microbial interaction. The purpose of our research was to find out the effect of biological preparations Groundfix® and Azotofit-r® (“BTU-Center”) on the main physiological groups of soil microorganisms during the cultivation of wheat plants of the Bohdana variety in the conditions of the Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. The biological preparation Groundfix® includes Bacillus subtilis, B. megaterium var. phosphaticum, Azotobacter chroococcum, Enterobacter spp., Paenibacillus polymyxa. Azotofit-r® contains nitrogen-fixing bacteria A. chroococcum and its biologically active products.

It is established that in the agrocenosis of winter wheat, biological preparations Groundfix® and Azotofit-r® affect the ratio of ecological and trophic groups of microorganisms, in particular nitrogen-fixing, oligotrophic and microorganisms involved in the mineralization of humic substances, and the direction of mobilization processes in the soil. The complex application of biological preparations in different phases of plant development contributed to the slowing down of mineralization processes, the preservation of soil nitrogen in a more accessible form to plants during the period of active growth.

The coefficient of oligotrophicity for the soil with the use of biological preparations in the spring weeding phase was low (<1). This indicates a high supply of soil microbiota with easily digestible organic substances and the formation of optimal conditions for the functioning of the soil microbial complex.

The use of Azotofit and Groundfix (3 l/ha) for pre-sowing cultivation contributed to the abundance of saprotrophic species in these variants within 88.9-90.0% of the total abundance of micromycetes.

Thus, the use of biological preparations Azotofit and Groundfix contributed to reducing the infectious potential of the soil and  increasing its microbiological activity in the agrocenosis of winter wheat.


How to cite: Boroday, V. and Yakovenko, D.: The growth-stimulating bacteria (PGPB-group) in the increasing of the plant-microbial interaction potential in the winter wheat agrocenosis , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10067,, 2023.

EGU23-12829 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.4

Traitbased modeling of microbial distribution and carbon turnover in the rhizosphere 

Ahmet Sırcan, Thilo Streck, Andrea Schnepf, and Holger Pagel

Microorganisms possess the ability to adapt to different environmental conditions through the use of various strategies. This diversity in strategies allows us to categorize them based on their functions in the ecosystem. Copiotrophs have a fast growth rate but a low carbon use efficiency (CUE), while oligotrophs have a slow growth rate but a high CUE. In the rhizosphere, the effect of root exudation on different functional microbial groups is not well understood. Process-based modeling is a useful tool to analyze the complex feedback between roots and soil in the rhizosphere. Here, we present a rhizosphere model that explicitly considers two different microbial groups (oligotrophs and copiotrophs) classified based on their microbial traits that correlates each other due to physiological trade-offs and organic carbon accessibility (dissolved organic carbon, mucilage and sorbed carbon). The model is one-dimensional axisymmetric, simulating a soil cylinder around individual root segments. The model was conditioned using a novel constraint-based Markov chain Monte Carlo parameter sampling method. Applying this approach enabled the identification of parameter sets that led to plausible model results in agreement with experimental findings from a comprehensive literature review. The conditioned model predicts organic matter concentration curves from the root surface into the soil driven by root exudation. Our simulations show a decreasing pattern of dissolved organic carbon, which is utilized by oligotrophs and copiotrophs, away from the root surface. Furthermore, we observe a slightly higher proportion of copiotrophs than oligotrophs near the root surface and dominance of copiotrophic biomass at very high nutrient availability conditions as expected from ecological theory and experimental evidence. However, the model predictions are still highly uncertain. Thus, further experimental data and observations are required for model conditioning.

How to cite: Sırcan, A., Streck, T., Schnepf, A., and Pagel, H.: Traitbased modeling of microbial distribution and carbon turnover in the rhizosphere, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12829,, 2023.

EGU23-14382 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.4

Drought increases the relative contribution of mycorrhiza-mediated mineral N uptake of Sorghum bicolor 

Rosepiah Munene, Osman Mustafa, Sara Loftus, Mutez Ahmed, and Michaela Dippold

Climate change scenarios forecast increasing droughts in large areas globally with significant effects on food production. Nutrient availability is an imperative factor for plant growth and it is greatly modulated by water availability. Nitrogen (N) availability extensively constrains plant growth in most terrestrial ecosystems especially in sub-Saharan Africa, where soils are unfertile and often degraded. How rhizosphere traits at the plant soil-interface affect N uptake in response to drought in N poor tropical soils remains elusive. We used 15N, and 13C pulse labelling to trace and quantify N transport from a root-restricted compartment by AMF across an air gap to the host plants coupled with quantifying the allocation of carbon to below-ground pools. Three sorghum genotypes were grown under optimal and water deficit conditions. By tracer analysis in the plant tissues, we assessed that drought enlarged uptake and delivery 15N by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) from the root restricted compartment across the air gap to the host plant. In addition, drought induced enhanced below-ground incorporation of recently assimilated carbon (C) into the microbial biomass pool both in rhizo-hyphosphere and hyphosphere. Enzyme assays revealed that whereas potential enzymatic reaction (Vmax) of chitinase was reduced under drought, that of leucine amino peptidase (LAP) was upregulated by water scarcity suggesting that N input from protein mineralization was relatively enhanced to that of chitin following moisture limitation. Michaelis-Menten constant (Km) of LAP strongly increased by drought compared to that of chitinase which displayed genotype-specific shifts in rhizosphere enzyme systems. We conclude that in addition to AMF symbiosis, enzyme regulation and enhanced belowground C allocation are key strategies to enhance nitrogen uptake under adverse conditions of resource limitations.

How to cite: Munene, R., Mustafa, O., Loftus, S., Ahmed, M., and Dippold, M.: Drought increases the relative contribution of mycorrhiza-mediated mineral N uptake of Sorghum bicolor, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14382,, 2023.

EGU23-15250 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.4

Short-term drought effect on biochemical processes and microbial growth in the rhizosphere of two maize genotypes. 

María Martín Roldán, Roman Hartwig, Monika Wimmer, and Evgenia Blagodatskaya

The rhizosphere is a highly dynamic biological interface where most decomposition processes of soil organics are performed by actively growing microorganisms producing extracellular enzymes. As the rate of enzymatic reactions and affinity of enzymes to the substrate are influenced by plant genotype and water content in soil, we hypothesized to boost genotype effect of wild and root hair deficient maize plants after a short-term drought due to resources limitation. We further hypothesized that (1) maximum enzymatic rates (Vmax) for ß-glucosidase, leucine-aminopeptidase, acid phosphatase, and N-acetylglucosaminidase will decrease due to low accessibility to substrates; and (2) microbial growth will be retarded due to limited nutrients availability. We tested these hypotheses on the Zea mays L. (WT) and a root hair deficient mutant (rth3) grown in soil columns. Drought effect was compared between the brushed soil from roots called root-affected soil, and the rhizosphere soil obtained after the subsequent washing of roots. Microbial growth induced by glucose and nutrients application was determined by microcalorimetry.

Only two of four enzymes tested were sensitive to drought: ß-glucosidase and phosphatase. Maximum enzymatic rates of ß-glucosidase and phosphatase in the rhizosphere were, respectively, 73 and 47 % slower under drought treatment, compared to the well-watered plants. In the rhizosphere of rth3, only ß-glucosidase activity was reduced by 32 % under drought treatment compared to well-watered plants In root-affected soil, drought decreased ß-glucosidase activity by 72 and 57% for WT and rth3 plants, respectively. In the rhizosphere of WT plants, higher affinity for substrates was revealed for ß-glucosidase and phosphatase, respectively, as 31 and 42% lower Michaelis-Menten affinity constant (Km) under drought versus optimal watering. In the root-affected soil of rth3 mutant, only ß-glucosidase showed a 39 % lower Km under drought compared to well-watered plants. Higher enzymatic affinity under drought versus optimal moisture indicated a different set of enzymes either of microbial or plant origin. On the other hand, plant genotype effect was visible under drought for ß-glucosidase activity in rhizosphere soil, when maximum rate was 54 % lower for WT plants compared to rth3, suggesting that ß-glucosidase activity hotspots were not associated to root-hairs.

Glucose-induced microbial growth was retarded for 12 to 14 hours under drought compared to well-watered treatment. A prolonged lag phase could be due to the smaller fraction of active microorganisms, which is driven by a non-optimal moisture of the soil. Moisture appeared to be a more determinant factor for microbial growth and enzymatic activity compared to plant genotype, whose effect was reinforced under drought.

How to cite: Martín Roldán, M., Hartwig, R., Wimmer, M., and Blagodatskaya, E.: Short-term drought effect on biochemical processes and microbial growth in the rhizosphere of two maize genotypes., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15250,, 2023.

EGU23-15947 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.4

Role of root hairs in rhizosheath aggregation and in the carbon flow into the soil 

Pedro Paulo de C. Teixeira, Svenja Trautmann, Franz Buegger, Vincent J.M.N.L. Felde, Johanna Pausch, Carsten W. Müller, and Ingrid Kögel-Knabner

Plants' roots promote changes in soil structure, forming a strongly-bound soil layer in the surroundings of the root, which is named as rhizosheath. Rhizosheath formation is attributed mainly to the root hairs' presence, that favors the enmeshment of the soil particles around the roots, and the release of mucilage and exudates, which acts as gluing agents of those soil particles. In the present work, we studied the rhizosheath aggregate formation of two Zea mays L. genotypes with contrasting root hair development: a mutant with root hair defective elongation (rth3) and a corresponding wild type (WT). We also tracked the fate of recently-deposited C in the rhizosheath aggregates using two 13CO2 pulse labeling approaches (single vs. multiple pulse labeling). The sampled rhizosheath aggregates were further separated using dry-sieving fractionation into three aggregate size classes: primary small particles and smaller microaggregates (<53 µm), larger microaggregates (53-250 µm) and macroaggregates (>250 µm). We observed that the aggregate size distribution followed the same pattern in both genotypes. This result reinforces the assumption that other soil properties are more important for rhizosheath aggregation than root hair elongation. We observed that the higher potion of the recently-deposited root-derived C (57%) was accumulated in the macroaggregates. Moreover, the multiple pulse labeling approach proportioned a higher 13C enrichment of the rhizosheath aggregates fractions than applying a single pulse. Despite both single and multiple labeling approaches have resulted in a similar distribution of 13C in the rhizosheath aggregates, multiple pulse labeling provided a higher enrichment in the rhizosheath aggregates, which allowed a better separation of significant differences between the genotypes.

How to cite: de C. Teixeira, P. P., Trautmann, S., Buegger, F., J.M.N.L. Felde, V., Pausch, J., W. Müller, C., and Kögel-Knabner, I.: Role of root hairs in rhizosheath aggregation and in the carbon flow into the soil, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15947,, 2023.

EGU23-16129 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.4

Influence of organic amendments, moisture content and temperature on carbon mineralization of forest soils 

Ina Krahl, Karsten Kalbitz, and Christian Siewert

Predicting soil organic carbon (SOC) mineralization under changing climatic conditions is complicated by the diversity of SOC composition. We combined incubation experiments with continuous respiration measurements and thermal analysis to investigate the informativeness of SOC thermal stability. Thermogravimetry is used in studies to determine soil properties such as total organic C, nitrogen, and clay content and to investigate the relationships between thermally labile and stable SOC and biodegradability. Soil respiration (SR) was measured in forest soils with added organic materials (wood, litter, and weeds with C contents of 49, 10, and 35%, respectively, and N contents of 0.1, 0.6, and 3%, respectively) at 20°C and 10°C and different soil moisture contents (5, 10, 20, 40, and 75% of field capacity). Wood amendments were further subdivided into pine (Pinus sylvestris) and beech (Fagus sylvatica) with three different particle sizes. We used topsoil samples from a pine forest, a beech forest, and a long-term agricultural experiment with different properties (C in %: 1.5, 2, and 4; clay in %: 5, 9, and 25, respectively). Basal respiration increased with soil C content, while Q10 levels decreased with field capacity 10 > 40 > 75% in forest and agricultural soils. This order changed depending on the sampling location when organic material was added. Decreasing wood particle size significantly increased SR. Weed additions caused the highest increase in soil respiration. After 10 weeks of incubation at different moisture and temperature conditions, organic amendments were mineralized faster in beech forest soils than in soils under pine forests. A multifactorial analysis of variance showed a significant influence (p < 0.01) of the interactions between temperature, moisture, site, and wood particle size on SR. Preliminary results from analysis of changes in thermal mass loss (TML) between 200 and 550 °C (reflecting SOC thermal stability) due to added organic material and incubation will be presented. Approaches to determine relationships between TML and carbon mineralization will be discussed.

How to cite: Krahl, I., Kalbitz, K., and Siewert, C.: Influence of organic amendments, moisture content and temperature on carbon mineralization of forest soils, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16129,, 2023.

EGU23-16135 | Orals | SSS4.4

The role of water management technologies in regulating iron-phosphorus interaction in rice rhizosphere 

Luisella Celi, Sara Martinengo, Michela Schiavon, Marco Romani, Daniel Said-Pullicino, Angelia Seyfferth, and Maria Martin

Phosphorus (P) availability to rice plants is influenced by its strong interaction with iron (Fe). In the rhizosphere microenvironment, the soil-plant interactions cause the formation of Fe-plaques that can retain porewater components, such as P. The Fe-P processes have been extensively described in paddy soils managed under continuous flooding, although, due to the increasing water scarcity, new water-saving techniques have been adopted. However, their effects on P retention/release mechanisms are largely unknown.  


In order to assess the impacts of water-saving techniques on the rhizosphere Fe-P dynamics and P availability to rice, a macrocosm experiment was conducted to compare the effects of three different water management practices: continuous water flooding (WFL), alternated wet and dry (AWD), and delayed flooding (DFL). Three P fertilization levels were tested for each water management strategy. The concentrations of Fe and P in porewater were monitored until rice harvesting. The plant tissues were analyzed for P concentration, and the content of amorphous and crystalline Fe (hydr)oxides in root plaque was estimated via oxalate and dithionite extractions at mid-tillering, stem elongation, heading and harvesting.


The molar P/Fe ratio in porewater and the formation of Fe plaques differed as a result of the combined effect of water management and P fertilization.  The WFL and DFL treatments led to a higher Fe plaque formation with respect to AWD, while in all water management treatments, Fe plaque formation was higher without P fertilization. The early rice development stages were characterized by a greater amount of amorphous Fe (hydr)oxides in root plaques. The proportion of crystalline Fe (hydr)oxides increased with plant development, despite the lower amount of total Fe plaques, suggesting a reduction of the poorly ordered fraction, especially when no P was supplied. Rice plants could be supposed to respond to P-limited conditions, exuding protons and/or organic acid anions that increase P availability through Fe plaque dissolution. This was confirmed by the negative correlation between porewater P concentration and the content of crystalline Fe in the plaques. These results indicate the complex spatio-temporal interconnection between P and Fe cycling at the root-soil interface. The amount of Fe plaques formed on the root surface and their crystallinity degree can explain the mechanisms that regulate their potential in P retention/release and the consequent effects on plant uptake.


This study was funded by the PSR Lombardia 2014-2020 (“P-rice Fosforo in risaia: equilibrio tra produttività e ambiente nell'ottica delle nuove pratiche agronomiche”)


How to cite: Celi, L., Martinengo, S., Schiavon, M., Romani, M., Said-Pullicino, D., Seyfferth, A., and Martin, M.: The role of water management technologies in regulating iron-phosphorus interaction in rice rhizosphere, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16135,, 2023.

EGU23-16304 | Posters on site | SSS4.4 | Highlight

SoilSystems, a research program on systems ecology of soils – energy discharge modulated by microbiome and boundary conditions 

Sören Thiele-Bruhn, Matthias Kästner, Anja Miltner, Thomas Maskow, and Marcel Lorenz

Large fluxes of solar energy conserved in organic matter pass through soil as conduit from primary production to mineralisation. Soil organisms are channelling the flux, are fuelled by the energy, and contribute by their bio- and necromass. Previous research targeted either biogeochemical turnover processes or the microbiome but rarely linked both. Microbial biomass and its necromass were identified as major constituents of soil organic matter (SOM) and highly counterintuitive results were found on the relation of the microbiome to the systems boundary conditions provided by water, oxygen, nutrients, and minerals etc. A major deficit is that soils are currently not considered as energy driven open systems. Energy is the `fuel´ of all animate systems including soils in which microbial biomass consume the organic matter and energy input. With the necromass plus other SOM it constitutes carbon and energy containing intermediates.

The general aim of SoilSystems is to link energy and matter turnover and fluxes in soils to functional and structural biodiversity. SoilSystems proposes a systems ecology concept for linking balances of changes of Gibbs energy and heat production to organic matter turnover and the microbiome. This concept will be applied in model experiments with various bulk soils and isotope labelled substrates with defined energy supply and molecular structures in order to evaluate losses, efficiencies, and the modes of energy and matter retention.

This presentation gives an overview on the recently started research priority program SoilSystems, funded by the German Research Foundation. The planned research will be outlined that is aimed to elucidate microbial processes driving organic matter along energy use channels, thereby converting easily degradable detritus molecules to microbial biomass and finally long-term stabilised necromass. Thermodynamic principles are generally valid for the Earth system and thus also for soils; however, only few studies exist regarding energy use and maintenance (energy budgets) of microbiomes related to carbon use and ecosystems in soil.

SoilSystems aims to answer the key-question: What drives the interrelated energy and matter fluxes in soil systems exemplified by carbon turnover and storage? The microbiome, energy input, mineral and boundary conditions, and how do they interact?

How to cite: Thiele-Bruhn, S., Kästner, M., Miltner, A., Maskow, T., and Lorenz, M.: SoilSystems, a research program on systems ecology of soils – energy discharge modulated by microbiome and boundary conditions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16304,, 2023.

EGU23-16674 | Posters on site | SSS4.4

Enzymatic kinetics and microbial growth in the rhizosphere of maize: visualization and quantification of the functions 

Evgenia Blagodatskaya, Maria Martin Roldan, and Guoting Shen

Biochemical processes in the rhizosphere are distributed heterogeneously and depend on biotic and abiotic factors such as root morphology and physiology which affect the allocation of substrates, nutrients and water availability. In the frame of Priority Program ‘Rhizosphere Spatiotemporal Organisation – a Key to Rhizosphere Functions ’ we aim to visualize and quantify enzymatic activity related to C, N and P turnover in order to link them with microbial functional traits in space and time. To do that, we apply a time-lapse zymography of hydrolytic and oxidative enzymes coupled to micro-sampling of rhizosphere hotspots for enzymatic kinetics determination at the early vegetation stage of maize. Kinetic parameters of microbial growth will be estimated by micro-calorimetry. Traditional approaches of rhizosphere sampling will be compared with novel methodology at the level of individual soil aggregates. Specific strategies of two plant genotypes (wild type and root hair deficient mutant) in response to limiting conditions of water and nutrients content will be tested on two soil substrates of contrasting texture (loam and sand). Field experiments in a long-term maize monoculture will help disclose the interactions between rhizosphere and detritusphere from decaying roots of previous years.

How to cite: Blagodatskaya, E., Martin Roldan, M., and Shen, G.: Enzymatic kinetics and microbial growth in the rhizosphere of maize: visualization and quantification of the functions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16674,, 2023.

Soil saprophagous fauna strongly impacts litter decomposition through its modification of microbial communities and activity. However, soil fauna is very diverse, with different feeding strategies. For example, arthropods such as woodlice and millipedes and epigeic earthworms (litter-feeders) are known to feed on the litter layer, while endogeic earthworms feed on organic particles mixed with the soil mineral layer. Distinct fauna may have a very different impact on the final forms of the soil organic matter. They could act synergistically as endogeic earthworms may require the fragmentation and incorporation of litter into the soil by litter-feeders to access their food. We performed a three-months microcosm experiment in which we tested the effect of litter fragmentation and presence of litter-feeders (isopods or epigeic earthworms of Dendrodrilus rubidus species) on the survival and change in biomass of endogeic earthworms (of Aporrectodea caliginosa species). We also tested whether different combinations of fauna and litter fragmentation affect microbial biomass and respiration, and the forms of the soil organic matter. We used a recent post mining soil, to create a stressful environment with poor food resources for the endogeic species. The hypotheses were that endogeic earthworms would be positively affected by the fragmentation and mixing of litter with the soil, whether it would be done manually or by epigeic earthworms or isopods, and that this would impact soil properties. First results showed no decrease in the biomass of A. caliginosa in any of the treatments. A. caliginosa was able to consume the alder litter added at the soil surface at a similar rate than the epigeic D. rubidus, even without previous fragmentation and in the absence of litter-feeders. A loss of carbon through respiration and an increase of dissolved organic carbon content in the soil were associated with the presence of epigeic earthworms, while an increase in soil microbial biomass carbon was induced only by endogeic earthworms when litter was added at the soil surface. Nitrates content was increased when both types of earthworms were present. Interestingly, endogeic earthworms had an opposite impact on microbial biomass and dissolved organic carbon content when litter was mixed in small pieces with the soil or added at the soil surface. First conclusions are that though the endogeic earthworm A. caliginosa do not seem to require a first fragmentation of the litter to access it, the final effect on decomposition differ according to the other fauna present and to the fragmentation of the litter. Analyses of the forms of the organic matter in the different treatments will allow to determine how this impacted the incorporation of organic matter into the soil.

How to cite: D'Hervilly, C. and Frouz, J.: Do interactions between litter-feeders and endogeic earthworms impact soil organic matter content and its forms? Results of a microcosm experiment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-837,, 2023.

Globally soil fauna can consume about half of litter fall. Important question is how this activity affect mineralization and stabilization of soil organic matter. Here we explore how much fauna effect litter decomposition and organic matter stabilization in soils of various ages supplied by litter of various quality.   Laboratory mesocosm consist from litter and mineral layer mineral soil originated either from spruce and alder stand which were growing either on post mining soils (young soil) or from soil in close vicinity of post mining sites (mature soil), mineral soils were supplied by matching litter, mesocosms were either without fauna or supplied by two individuals of earthworm Aporectodea rosea. Results show significant effect of tree, soil age and earthworm; alder respire more than spruce, young soil respire more than old soil, and mesocosms with earthworms respire more than without earthworms.  Earthworm effect show statistically significant interaction with tree and soil age, earthworms always increase respiration in alder soil, but in spruce only in mature soil while opposite was true for young soil.  In general earthworms promote removal of litter from soil surface and its accumulation in mineral soil. Earthworms promote C storage in MAOM  namely in young spruce soil. Results indicate that in young soils which are far from saturation (spruce on post mining soil) earthworm activity promote soil C storage most likely by promoting C storage in MAOM, in the contrary in mature,  C saturated soils, earthworms rather promote soil respiration.

How to cite: Frouz, J. and Irshad, S.: How the effect of earthworms on soil organic matter mineralization and stabilization is affected, by litter quality and stage of soil development., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1118,, 2023.

EGU23-1282 | Orals | SSS4.5

Fungal pairwise interactions shift from positive to negative under warming stress 

Francois Rineau, Wouter Reyns, Camille Carpentier, Fons Van Der Plas, Richard Bardgett, Natalie Beenaerts, and Frederik De Laender

The impact of climate change on soil processes depends on how abiotic stressors (drought, flood, heatwave…) affect soil species physiology directly, but also indirectly through their interactions. A number of different theoretical frameworks have been designed to conceptualize the latter. The most widely used is the stress gradient hypothesis, which states that facilitation should be more common in stressful environments. However, these interactions are notoriously difficult to investigate in soils, because of the difficulty to isolate low competitor species and of the sheer number of species in soil, and therefore of interactions to test experimentally. Consequently, this topic has been traditionally approached through network analyses, that are based on frequency of co-occurrences, but has its own flaws.

In this paper, we used a combination of isolation methods to recover the widest possible range of soil fungi with randomized co-cultivation tests to cover as many interactions as possible. This way, we investigated how multiple pairwise competitive interactions were affected by abiotic stress (high temperature, low water availability).

In absence of abiotic stress, the presence of another species mostly affected growth positively, demonstrating facilitation among soil fungal species under benign conditions. In presence of temperature stress, either alone or combined with water stress, these positive effects became negative, contradicting the stress gradient hypothesis. We did not find the interaction outcomes to be predictable by some of the trait data we investigated, such as abiotic stress tolerance or intrinsic growth rate.

Overall, our results demonstrate that in a very simplified but controlled system, climate change shifts the interaction types from mostly facilitative to mostly negative. We discuss further potential implications in the presentation.

How to cite: Rineau, F., Reyns, W., Carpentier, C., Van Der Plas, F., Bardgett, R., Beenaerts, N., and De Laender, F.: Fungal pairwise interactions shift from positive to negative under warming stress, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1282,, 2023.

EGU23-2092 | Posters on site | SSS4.5

Microscopis fungi of Technosols in cities of different climatic zones 

Maria Korneykova, Dmitriy Nikitin, Maria Vasilieva, and Viacheslav Vasenev

Among the high diversity of urban soils, of particular interest are soil constructures (Technosols) created by man to solve certain problems: landscaping and recultivation. Microorganisms quickly respond to external influences and are indicators of changes occurring in ecosystems. Microfungi determine the soil health, and the activity of saprotrophic microscopic fungi can lead to improved soil properties associated with soil fertility.

The aim of the study was to evaluate the quantitative indicators of soil fungal communities of 2-years-old Technosols, created on the basis of peat, sand and loam, in different climatic zones in comparison with background soils.

The studies were carried out in cities located in different climatic zones: subarctic (Apatity), temperate continental with a humid climate (Moscow), and temperate continental with a dry climate (Rostov-on-Don). Soil sampling was carried out at stations with soil constructures of a composition universal for all regions: peat/sand/loam in the ratio 1/1/1.

Quantitative assessment of the content of ribosomal genes of fungi was performed by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The fungal biomass was determined by luminescence microscopy method.

The predominance of fungal biomass over that of prokaryotes was revealed in all climatic zones, both in background soils and in Technosols. The fungal biomass in Technosols of different climatic zones varied from 0.073 to 0.790 mg/g of soil. In Apatity and Moscow, its values 2 years after the creation of Technosols were lower than in the background soil; in Rostov, the values were close. In the Technosols of Apatity and Moscow, microfungi were mainly in the form of mycelium, while in Rostov-on-Don, spores prevailed over mycelium. However, small spores prevailed in all zones, both in background soils and in Technosols. Over the 2-years period of Technosols development in the subarctic and the temperate zone, similar trends in the state of the fungal community were noted, while in the area with a warmer climate, other patterns were revealed.

The number of the fungal ITS rRNA ribosomal genes copies in the soils varied from 5.95×108 in the Technosols of Apatity to 3.39×109 gene copies/g soil in the background soil of the Moscow region. According to the quantitative content of fungal genes copies over a two-year period, the Technosols of Rostov-on-Don correspond to the background soils and slightly exceed the values of the latter. In the subarctic, the values of this indicator are also comparable for Technosols and background soils, while in Moscow, the number of copies of Technosols genes is 2.5 times less.

Thus, the change in the quantitative indicators of soil fungal communities over time makes it possible to judge the dynamics of the development of Technosols in different climatic zones. However, for such a short period (2 years), the state of fungal communities does not reach the state of the background ecosystems in any of the regions. We can only talk about trends in the parameters of the fungal community in the direction of background ecosystems.

How to cite: Korneykova, M., Nikitin, D., Vasilieva, M., and Vasenev, V.: Microscopis fungi of Technosols in cities of different climatic zones, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2092,, 2023.

EGU23-3352 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.5

Can earthworms increase inorganic carbon sequestration in an artificial environment? 

Tullia Calogiuri, Mathilde Hagens, Jan Willem van Groenigen, and Alix Vidal

Enhanced Silicate Weathering (ESW) has emerged as a promising Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) technology. However, it is still not clear which factors could maximize ESW rates. Previous studies have shown the potential of soil biota to amplify mineral weathering rates. Among the relevant soil biota are earthworms, which have been found to enhance nutrient release from soil minerals. This is indicative of their ability to increase weathering rates and further inorganic carbon (C) sequestration. Here we aim to accelerate ESW rates in a bio-reactor through earthworm activity. First, we identified the optimal conditions for earthworm survival and activity in an environment exclusively composed of ground silicate rocks and organic substrate. Second, we determined to what extent earthworms can enhance inorganic C sequestration in such a system. We carried out 5 rounds of 2-month experiments in a climate chamber at 25°C. The set-up of the experiments consisted of 200 columns, each topped by a sprinkler connected to an irrigation system, which allowed for different water irrigation rates and watering frequencies. The leachate of each column was collected in a jerrycan kept at 4˚C. Within this set-up, we used two endogeic earthworm species (Aporrectodea Caliginosa and Allobophora Chlorotica) at different densities (10, 20, and 30 earthworms kg-1 soil), three types of rock flours (Basalt, Lava and Dunite) of two grain sizes (0.063 and 1.5 mm), one organic source (straw) and two water irrigation rates (125 and 250 ml day-1 kg-1 soil) at three watering frequencies (1, 2 and 5 times/day). Rock flours were used not only as single type or single size, but also as mixtures of types and/or sizes. At the end of each experiment, we measured earthworm survival and activity, and inorganic C sequestration rates by summing cumulative dissolved inorganic C in the leachate and the newly formed solid inorganic C content. We found no differences in survival and activity between the two earthworm species, but we did find an optimum for both parameters at a density of 10 earthworms kg-1 soil. Earthworms showed a clear preference for a mixture of grain sizes compared to single size, and for single mineral type compared to a mixture of mineral types. The response of earthworm survival and activity to the two water irrigation rates was similar, but at a water irrigation rate of 250 ml day-1 kg-1 soil a frequency of 5 times/day resulted in higher activity. Preliminary results indicate that earthworms increase mineral weathering rates and thereby sequester inorganic C. We demonstrate that earthworms can thrive in a fully artificial environment designed to ESW rates, removing one hurdle for designing a bio-reactor aimed at optimizing carbon sequestration.

How to cite: Calogiuri, T., Hagens, M., van Groenigen, J. W., and Vidal, A.: Can earthworms increase inorganic carbon sequestration in an artificial environment?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3352,, 2023.

EGU23-6338 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.5

Nutrient Dynamics in Soil and Soil Water impact Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) Colonization and Abundance on Grassland Slopes in Eastern Bavaria, Germany 

Anna Sophia Holmer, Kaiyu Lei, Sigrid van Grinsven, and Jörg Völkel

It is widely known that natural soils under different land use provide a heterogenous environment regarding nutrient availability. This affects plants as well as microorganisms such as arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF).  It can have an impact on the abundance and amount of root colonization by AMF. These complex systems are often studied in experimental setups, while the wider scope of natural systems shaping entire landscapes so far received less attention.

To unravel the impact of land use and the soil parent material (including the typical periglacial layering along slopes in the area) on nutrient availability and thus AMF root colonization and total abundance, two forest-grassland-creek catenae were selected in the low mountain region of the eastern Bavarian Forest (Germany). This landscape is characterized by the uniformity of the bedrock and its weathering product (saprolite), which decisively shapes the landscape. One of the two catenae was extensively used for feed production with 2-3 cuts per year. It received slurry twice a year as well as carbonic magnesium lime. The other catena had always been used as part of a deer browsing area with low stocking density. It has never been fertilized (apart from deer excretions) or limed and is mulched once per year. Soil profiles along both catenae were sampled and suction cups placed according to the periglacial layering, to investigate the nutrients in percolation- and interflow water coming downslope. Moreover, samples were taken for the investigation of AMF colonization and abundance according to the catena-profiles.

We will present our results on the nutrient dynamics observation along the two catenae. These consist of nutrient concentrations in slope water from the suction cups as well as carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus contents along the catenae. Moreover, we will show the corresponding AMF root colonization and AMF abundance data. We expect these data to show a correlation of nutrient dynamics along the slope with AMF colonization and abundance as well as a difference between the two sites in nutrient dynamics and resulting AMF occurrence, according to the divergent land use.

To summarize, we will provide a field-based observation of the impact of land use regimes and landscape-shaping geological disposition on nutrient dynamics along grassland slopes in the Bavarian Forest, which influence AMF colonization and abundance.

How to cite: Holmer, A. S., Lei, K., van Grinsven, S., and Völkel, J.: Nutrient Dynamics in Soil and Soil Water impact Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) Colonization and Abundance on Grassland Slopes in Eastern Bavaria, Germany, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6338,, 2023.

EGU23-6714 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.5 | Highlight

Interactions among earthworms species affect soil functioning 

Thomas Z. Lerch, José H.R. Araujo, Yvan Capowiez, Anne Pando, Christian Hartmann, and Lise Dupont

Earthworms are involved in the regulation of many soil ecosystem services. Their communities are often composed of several species but the role of each species and the potential interactions among these species on soil functioning is still poorly understood. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that the higher the earthworm diversity, the stronger the effect on soil processes and plant growth. A second assumption relied on the fact that earthworm effects depend on soil texture. To test our hypotheses, a laboratory controlled experiment was conducted on 5L mesocosms filled with 3 grassland soils with different textures (from sandy to loamy), covered by a layer of green waste compost. In each soil, 8 combinations of 3 different species of earthworms (Lumbricus terrestris, Lumbricus castaneus, and Allolobophora chlorotica) were tested. The experiment lasted about 14 months during which the CO2 and the water holding capacity were recorded. Then, Lolium perenne were grown during 6 months. At the end of the experiment, analyses of soil porosity and aggregation were performed by X-ray-tomography followed by dry sieving. Results obtained shows that the assembly of the 3 species had the strongest effects on compost mineralization and hydric properties, depending on the soil texture. The analyses of the soil physical structure revealed that interactions between earthworm species lead to significant changes in the soil porosity and aggregation profiles. The ongoing analyses of plant biomass will determine whether the demonstrated changes in soil properties will result in changes in plant growth and physiology.

How to cite: Lerch, T. Z., Araujo, J. H. R., Capowiez, Y., Pando, A., Hartmann, C., and Dupont, L.: Interactions among earthworms species affect soil functioning, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6714,, 2023.

EGU23-8071 | Posters on site | SSS4.5

An endohyphal bacterium impacts growth and metabolism of carbohydrates associated with storage and hemicellulose degradation of its fungal host 

Monika Schmoll, Miriam Schalamun, Sabrina Beier, Ida Scalmani, Stephane Compant, and Wolfgang Hinterdobler

In nature, complex organismic communities have evolved for optimal colonization of habitats. Interkingdom interactions between fungi and bacteria can be mutualistic, but also parasitic. Ongoing research reveals an increasing number of fungi inhabited by bacteria, which results in diverse phenotypic alterations in fungi. Therefore, we were interested, how widespread the presence of endofungal bacteria is in strains of the genus Trichoderma, which fulfil a variety of ecological functions – from beneficial plant interaction and mycoparasitism on pathogenic fungi to degradation of cellulosic litter.

We found evidence for the presence of endohyphal bacteria of different species in the majority of Trichoderma strains tested. Interestingly, we did not detect a preference of specific bacterial species for a fungal species or vice versa. In the saprophyte Trichoderma reesei, we detected endohyphal bacteria by confocal microscopy and specific staining. We could confirm the presence of a Methylobacterium species in the hyphae by sequencing of 16S rRNA. After curing T. reesei QM6a from the bacteria using antibiotics, re-sequencing of the 16S rRNA and whole genome sequencing of the isolated bacterium confirmed its identity. Again, the association with Methylobacterium turned out to be strain specific with strains from different tropic habitats than species specific. Isolation of the bacterium from T. reesei QM6a showed that it is not obligate biotroph and both the bacterium and the fungus are viable individually.

In order to evaluate the interrelationship of Methylobacterium and T. reesei, we applied phenotype microarrays to assess metabolic contributions of the bacterium and performed functional assays. Antagonism against pathogenic fungi on plates was not perturbed in the absence of Methylobacterium from T. reesei on no general growth defect was obvious. However, BIOLOG analysis clearly showed a light dependent alteration of growth in the cured strain especially on xylitol, an intermediate of hemicellulose degradation and D-mannitol, a carbohydrate with important roles in stress response and carbon storage.

Accordingly, comparative transcriptome analysis between wild-type and cured fungal strains indicates an influence of the endohyphal Methylobacterium of T. reesei QM6a on diverse metabolic pathways, with different patterns upon growth in light or in darkness. The hypothesis, that the endohyphal bacterium of T. reesei QM6a supports the metabolic adaptation of the fungus to growth in light is corroborated by sequencing the genome of Methylobacterium, which comprises multiple genes with light-response associated protein domains.

In summary, we discovered an intriguing new physiological aspect of T. reesei, which opens up a new field of research with high potential for gaining an in depth understanding of interkingdom interaction of fungi with their prokaryotic inhabitants. On a broader scale, our findings highlight the abundance and important interaction of soil fungi with their endohyphal bacteria for ecosystem functions like carbon degradation, which is currently hardly considered in microbiome research and warrants further studies into the role of such interkingdom interactions in microbial communities.

How to cite: Schmoll, M., Schalamun, M., Beier, S., Scalmani, I., Compant, S., and Hinterdobler, W.: An endohyphal bacterium impacts growth and metabolism of carbohydrates associated with storage and hemicellulose degradation of its fungal host, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8071,, 2023.

EGU23-8993 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.5

Mycorrhizal guild interactions, rather than the Gadgil effect, slow decomposition of mor-layer humus 

Louis Mielke, Julien Klein, Alf Ekblad, Roger Finlay, Björn Lindahl, and Karina Clemmensen

Boreal forest soils are dominated by three fungal guilds; ectomycorrhizal fungi associated with canopy-forming trees, ericoid mycorrhizal fungi associated with understory shrubs and free-living saprotrophic fungi. We followed decomposition of pine needle litter and mor-layer humus in a factorial pine root exclusion and shrub removal experiment in a mature pine forest over three years to evaluate fungal guild effects on mass loss. Litter mass loss was 10% faster when ectomycorrhizal fungi were excluded, however this ‘Gadgil effect’ was only found in one of two litter sets, and it was independent of shrub presence. In contrast, humus mass loss was hampered by shrub presence and promoted by ectomycorrhizal fungi, although presence of both guilds resulted in the largest humus mass remaining. This suggests that saprotrophic-ectomycorrhizal interactions are of little significance for early-stage litter decomposition, while ericoid and ectomycorrhizal guilds interact to determine late-stage organic matter balance in boreal forest soils.

How to cite: Mielke, L., Klein, J., Ekblad, A., Finlay, R., Lindahl, B., and Clemmensen, K.: Mycorrhizal guild interactions, rather than the Gadgil effect, slow decomposition of mor-layer humus, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8993,, 2023.

EGU23-9220 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.5

Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and their associated plant communities jointly respond to long-term nutrient deficiencies in a managed grassland 

Kian Jenab, Lauren Alteio, Stefan Gorka, Ksenia Guseva, Sean Darcy, Lucia Fuchslueger, Alberto Canarini, Victoria Martin, Julia Wiesenbauer, Felix Spiegel, Bruna Imai, Hannes Schmidt, Karin Hage-Ahmed, Erich M. Pötsch, Andreas Richter, Jan Jansa, and Christina Kaiser

Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) form mutualistic associations with roughly 70% of vascular plant species, supporting the nutrient acquisition of their host plants and deriving carbon in return. AMF and plant communities are linked to each other by host-specificity and the ecological selection of favorable nutrient and carbon trading strategies. Changing soil nutrient availabilities can affect both plant and AMF communities directly and also indirectly via the response of their partners.  We aimed to elucidate the combined response of AMF (belowground) and plant (aboveground) community compositions to changing soil nutrient availabilities.

We sampled soil and roots from a long-term nutrient deficiency experimental grassland in Admont (Styria, Austria). The grassland plots have been fertilized with different combinations of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) over 70 years. Aboveground biomass cuts were removed three times each year, leading to long-term deficiencies of nutrients not replaced by fertilizers. Soil and root AMF community compositions were measured by DNA and RNA amplicon sequencing of the 18S rRNA gene. In addition, we assessed the plant community composition of the sampled roots by amplicon sequencing of the chloroplast rbcL (RuBisCo large subunit) gene region, and visually recorded the plant community composition on each investigated plot.

Our results demonstrate that N and P deficiencies influenced soil AMF community composition, whereas K deficiency had a major impact on root AMF community composition. Interestingly, the plant community composition was affected by N and P, similar to the soil AMF community composition. Both, soil and root AMF community compositions were significantly correlated to plant community composition across all treatments, the correlation was however stronger for soil AMF communities (R2 = 0.55, p< 0.001). By using bipartite network analysis, we identified several fungus-plant pairs that responded consistently to treatments.

Our results indicate that the response of grasslands to nutrient deficiencies is potentially driven by strong feedbacks between plant and belowground AMF community compositions. We here demonstrate that the known interactions between grassland plants and AMF - which are often investigated from a single plant or monoculture perspective - are major drivers of how diverse plant community compositions will respond to environmental change, such as fertilization. In conclusion, considering the ecology of the subsurface AMF communities may strongly benefit our understanding of plant communities in a future environment.

How to cite: Jenab, K., Alteio, L., Gorka, S., Guseva, K., Darcy, S., Fuchslueger, L., Canarini, A., Martin, V., Wiesenbauer, J., Spiegel, F., Imai, B., Schmidt, H., Hage-Ahmed, K., Pötsch, E. M., Richter, A., Jansa, J., and Kaiser, C.: Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and their associated plant communities jointly respond to long-term nutrient deficiencies in a managed grassland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9220,, 2023.

EGU23-10025 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.5

Differential climate dependence of microbial, mesofaunal and macrofaunal litter decomposition across a Mediterranean to hyper-arid aridity gradient 

Nevo Sagi, Viraj Torsekar, J Alfred Daniel, Efrat Gavish-Regev, and Dror Hawlena

Litter decomposition in most terrestrial ecosystems is regulated by moisture-dependent biological activity, leading to a positive association between precipitation and decomposition rates. In drylands, decomposition is often higher than predicted by climate conditions and weakly associated with annual precipitation, a discrepancy known as the dryland decomposition conundrum. One possible resolution may be that low microbial decomposition is compensated by litter consuming macro-arthropods that are better adapted for activity under arid conditions. In this study we quantified the contribution of organisms of different sizes to litter decomposition across an aridity/precipitation gradient from Mediterranean (mean annual precipitation (MAP) of 526 mm) to hyper-arid climate (MAP = 22 mm). We performed a litter box experiment in seven sites along the gradient during two different seasons – a dry summer and a wetter winter. We manipulated access to litter by organism size and monitored the activity of macro-detritivorous fauna in each site during both periods. We found that microbial decomposition rate increased with MAP. However, litter mass loss induced by mesofauna and macrofauna followed a unimodal pattern, with mesofaunal and macrofaunal decomposition peaking under semi-arid (MAP = 367 mm) and arid (84-148 mm) climate conditions, respectively. This result corresponded to macro-detritivore abundance, species richness and biomass that similarly peaked in the arid sites. These patterns were consistent across seasons, but macrofaunal decomposition rates in the arid sites were 2.5- to 7-fold higher in summer than in winter. Whole-community decomposition was dictated by microbial decomposition in winter and by macrofaunal decomposition in summer. Whole community decomposition rates in arid sites during summer were as high as in the semi-arid and Mediterranean sites in winter, eliminating total differences across these climates at the annual scale. Our findings highlight the importance of macro-detritivores for litter decomposition under arid conditions, which compensates for low microbial and mesofaunal activity, advocating a possible resolution for the dryland decomposition conundrum. This is not the case under hyper-arid climate conditions, where macrofaunal activity is severely limited and cannot compensate for low microbial decomposition. We conclude that the relationship between climate conditions and decomposition is mediated by organism size. Moreover, differential adaptation of microorganisms, mesofauna and macrofauna to aridity may alleviate the dependence of decomposition on moisture availability. This new mechanistic understanding is essential for integrating faunal effects into biogeochemical models in the face of the global aridification trend.

How to cite: Sagi, N., Torsekar, V., Daniel, J. A., Gavish-Regev, E., and Hawlena, D.: Differential climate dependence of microbial, mesofaunal and macrofaunal litter decomposition across a Mediterranean to hyper-arid aridity gradient, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10025,, 2023.

EGU23-10742 | Posters on site | SSS4.5

Nematode hitchhiking in soil bacteriophage dispersal 

Kyle Mason-Jones, Cassidy Dietz, Mark Zwart, Johannes Helder, and Lisa van Sluijs

Lytic bacteriophages are major drivers of bacterial mortality and biogeochemical cycles in several ecosystems, roles that have also been hypothesized in soil. Phage particles have no metabolism of their own, yet to achieve sustainable replication they must travel from one host to the next through the surrounding environment. Evidence from soil physics and phage biology suggests that this is a hazardous journey for unprotected phages, especially under the prevailing assumption that dispersal occurs by diffusion. However, many other viruses overcome dispersal challenges by taking advantage of vectors – third-party organisms that carry the virus from one host to the next. We hypothesized that bacterivorous nematodes play this role in soil, picking up phages while feeding on bacteria and transferring them to uninfected bacteria while foraging. We postulated that nematodes would provide active and directed transport of phages between bacterial patches via two possible mechanisms. First, nematode intestines could temporarily harbour infected bacteria during nematode movement. Second, nematodes could carry phages through external attachment to the nematode cuticle. Using experiments with model nematodes (C. elegans) and bacteria (E. coli, P. putida) along with phages (T7, Phi Ppu-W11) we confirmed that transfer occurs at high frequency when facilitated by nematodes, and does not occur without nematodes. Resource availability was found to influence the transfer by modulating nematode behaviour in agar, but this effect was not found in structured compost habitats. Based on these results we propose that vectors are crucial for soil phage dispersal, suggesting that phage roles in soil function are mediated by interactions with local fauna.

How to cite: Mason-Jones, K., Dietz, C., Zwart, M., Helder, J., and van Sluijs, L.: Nematode hitchhiking in soil bacteriophage dispersal, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10742,, 2023.

Podsolization is influenced by soil forming factors such as precipitation, parent material, variation in e.g., snowpack melt, groundwater table, water flow velocity, and pH. However, in a thorough meta-analysis of 48 publications, containing 259 dated profiles, Zwanzig and co-authors used the formation of an E-horizon and its increase in thickness over time as an indicator of progressive podsolization1 and showed that progressive podsolization was linked to “Coniferous” and “Ericaceae-Coniferous-Mix” vegetation. Both vegetation types are affiliated with mycorrhizal fungi, which obtains energy from the host plant and in return deliver nutrients to the plant. Specifically, Coniferous and Ericaceae vegetation hosts ectomycorrhizal (ECM) and ericoid mycorrhiza (ERM) fungi, respectively. Linking ECM fungi to the podsolization process was done more than two decades ago by Van Breemen and co-authors2. They observed extensive tunnel weathering of primary minerals by ECM fungi in the top horizons which was almost absent in the underlying B-horizon, thus indicating that some ECM fungi accelerate mineral weathering in the top part of the soil and increase Al mobilization. Furthermore, within the last two decades it has been discovered that ECM fungi with diverse evolutionary origins have a large capacity to reductively dissolve iron minerals as a part of their decaying mechanism driven by Fenton chemistry3. Furthermore, genomic analyses suggest that ERM species might have the ability to initiate a Fenton reaction4 albeit this has only been experimentally verified for one species5. Here it is suggested that the ability to generate tunnel weathering and reductively dissolve iron minerals are not driven by the same mechanism, nor by the same metabolites, but can be done by (at least) two taxonomically distinct yet functionally similar groups of fungi affiliated nutrient pore soils.  Thus, it is suggested that podsolization, or at least Fe translocation in podzol, is driven by mycorrhiza fungi and is an artifact of the fungi decaying mechanism.

Zwanzig, L., Zwanzig, M. & Sauer, D. Outcomes of a quantitative analysis of 48 soil chronosequence studies in humid mid and high latitudes: Importance of vegetation in driving podzolization. CATENA 196, 104821 (2021).

van Breemen, N., Lundström, U. S. & Jongmans, A. G. Do plants drive podzolization via rock-eating mycorrhizal fungi? Geoderma 94, 163–171 (2000).

Tunlid, A., Floudas, D., Op De Beeck, M., Wang, T. & Persson, P. Decomposition of soil organic matter by ectomycorrhizal fungi: Mechanisms and consequences for organic nitrogen uptake and soil carbon stabilization. Front. For. Glob. Chang. 5, (2022).

Martino, E. et al. Comparative genomics and transcriptomics depict ericoid mycorrhizal fungi as versatile saprotrophs and plant mutualists. New Phytol. 217, 1213–1229 (2018).

Burke, R. M. & Cairney, J. W. G. Carbohydrate oxidases in ericoid and ectomycorrhizal fungi: a possible source of Fenton radicals during the degradation of lignocellulose. New Phytol. 139, 637–645 (1998).

How to cite: Lyngsie, G.: Fungal triggered iron translocation in the oxic environment - Advances in understanding podsolization, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11550,, 2023.

EGU23-11680 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.5

Interplay between aboveground plant biodiversity, soil organic matter, and soil microbial functional diversity in a grazed Danish island ecosystem 

Joanne O'Keeffe, Jeppe Aagaard Kristensen, Camilla Fløjgaard, and Carsten W. Müller

Animal grazing is known to affect both, soil carbon storage and above and belowground biodiversity. However, we lack a more detailed understanding how specific soil properties might determine biodiversity and soil carbon storage as affected by grazing. Thus, in the present work we aim to connect the geo- and biodiversity with organic matter decomposition functionalities of the soil community, and thus identify how this regulates soil carbon and nitrogen storage. Therefore, we analysed aboveground plant biodiversity, soil microbial functional diversity, and soil organic matter (SOM) characteristics on a summer grazed island (Eskilsø) in a Danish fjord. Specifically, plant biodiversity analyses were conducted and topsoils sampled at thirty plots (4 replicated soil samples per plot) on the ca. 140 ha island. The plots cover the island’s main habitats: salt meadows, meadows, and developing dry grasslands. Soils were analysed for organic carbon (OC), total nitrogen (TN), organic phosphorus (OP), inorganic phosphorus (IP), and pH. Additionally, community level physiological profiles (CLPP) were analysed using the Microresp technique to make inferences about soil microbial functional diversity and activities. 
We are able to demonstrate that plant biodiverse plots contained greater contents and stocks of SOM. This also correlates with an increased soil microbial functional diversity. The findings are in line with the often observed positive interaction between aboveground diversity and belowground functionality of the soil biome in grassland ecosystems, partly due to increased amounts and diversity of rhizodeposits. As microbial activity is important for mediating the turnover of plant derived organic matter into more stable soil OM pools, this reflects the correlation with higher soil OC stocks and thus links to soil carbon persistence. For the studied island ecosystem we are able to demonstrate how the fate of soil organic matter is functionally linked to the interactions between above- and below-ground components of the ecosystem. 

How to cite: O'Keeffe, J., Aagaard Kristensen, J., Fløjgaard, C., and Müller, C. W.: Interplay between aboveground plant biodiversity, soil organic matter, and soil microbial functional diversity in a grazed Danish island ecosystem, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11680,, 2023.

EGU23-11986 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.5

Revealing the contributions of the belowground plant root associated microbiome to soil aggregation in agricultural soils 

Marta Gil Martinez, Eve Isobel Galen, Simon Andersen, Eva Faurholdt Jørgensen, Lea Ellegaard-Jensen, Thanassis Zervas, Carsten Suhr Jacobsen, Flemming Ekelund, Kristian Holst Laursen, and Rasmus Kjøller

Soil aggregation is an important physical indicator of soil health. Aggregation result from biological and physicochemical processes in which primary soil particles and organic matter are bound. Biotic-mediated soil aggregation is mainly assisted by fungal hyphae facilitating macroaggregate formation through mechanical union and exudation of binding agents. In agricultural soils, many crops establish a symbiosis root- arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi where the extensive mycelium directly connects roots and soil aggregates. However, the relative importance and specific contributions of the belowground plant root associated microbiome to soil aggregation is still not known.

We set up a pot experiment under controlled conditions to investigate the aggregate stability of different crop species in an organic agricultural sandy soil. We manipulated the soil microbiome by planting 10 common crop species with different mycorrhizal status, 5 species with AM fungal symbiosis (barley, clover, maize, oat and wheat) and 5 non-mycorrhizal species (buckwheat, lupine, quinoa, rapeseed and spinach). We filled each pot with sandy soil sieved to 2 mm and added two sealed mesh bags, with mesh size of 40 µm to avoid roots but promoting hyphal entrance. Mesh bags were filled with the same sandy soil further sieved to 1 mm and 0.25 mm, respectively. All pots were harvested in the 10th week and biomass, roots and soil samples were processed.

Soil aggregate stability, measured by wet sieving method, showed that soils with AM fungal symbiosis became more aggregated as these soils presented a higher % in soil fractions > 500 µm and > 250 µm. Moreover, non-mycorrhizal crops soils showed a significantly higher free mineral fraction (< 63 µm), i.e. a loss of soil aggregation. Still, our results showed that no crop species, independently their mycorrhizal status, were able to form aggregates above the sieving size and not all crop species conferred the same soil aggregation. Among mycorrhizal crop species, barley and wheat showed a higher soil aggregation compared to oat and maize. Curiously, barley and wheat were the crop species with the highest AM root colonization, 74 and 69 %, respectively, as well as the soils with the highest microbial biomass C, N and their ratio. Our results showed that exists a positive correlation between microbial biomass, root colonization and soil aggregation. Further analysis will provide data on soil mycelial length as well as fungal and bacterial community profiles.

In conclusion, the mycorrhizal status of different crop species revealed the key role of AM fungi in soil aggregation and its relationship with microbial biomass; however, not surprisingly, the effects are species dependent. Our forthcoming data of the soil microbial communities and their functionality will further reveal which groups have a direct effect on soil aggregation.

How to cite: Gil Martinez, M., Galen, E. I., Andersen, S., Faurholdt Jørgensen, E., Ellegaard-Jensen, L., Zervas, T., Jacobsen, C. S., Ekelund, F., Laursen, K. H., and Kjøller, R.: Revealing the contributions of the belowground plant root associated microbiome to soil aggregation in agricultural soils, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11986,, 2023.

EGU23-12246 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.5

Fungal root endophytes and their role in carbon to nitrogen exchange with plants 

Alberto Canarini, Jinsen Zheng, Keisuke Koba, Joana Séneca, Kazumichi Fujii, Saori Furukawa, Mie Honjo, Hiroshi Kudoh, Takanori Nishino, Yoshihiro Kobae, Kei Hiruma, Kazuhiko Narisawa, Katie Field, Yin-Tse Huang, Toby Kiers, and Hirokazu Toju

Root fungal endophytes are present in most plants and co-occur with other mycorrhizal fungi. Their intraradical colonization suggests a special, differentiated relationship with host plants and increases opportunities for close interactions between hosts and fungal symbionts (e.g., carbon to nutrient exchange or hormone signalling). During the symbiosis between plant and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), specific trading features are established. These features have been incorporated into the biological market hypothesis, where dynamics of carbon to nutrient trading in the plant‐mycorrhizal fungal mutualism are compared to trades in a market economy. Multiple examples of similar dynamics have been shown for root endophytic fungi: soil nutrients are transported to the plant in exchange for carbon. However, plants have been shown to be able to reward AMF that exchange larger amount of nutrients (and vice versa), while at least some root fungal endophytes have been described as “by-product mutualists”, where the fungal symbiont enhances the performance and fitness of their host plant by providing benefits, but not requiring major investments from the host. Whereas AMF have received large attention, the role of fungal endophytes in carbon to nutrient exchange with plants remains largely uninvestigated.

In this study we aimed at developing a controlled system to evaluate effects of multiple fungal endophytes (Colletotrichum tofieldiae and Cladophialophora chaetospira) on a model plant species (Lotus japonicus) and their role in the carbon to nitrogen exchange in the presence of different nitrogen sources (organic and inorganic). We further developed this controlled system to include plants colonized by AMF. Two-compartment petri dishes were used to achieve plant root colonization in a nutrient limited compartment and allow separation of nutrient sources only accessible by the fungal endophytes. We performed dual 15N and 13CO2 pulse-labelling experiments to trace the fate of plant carbon into fungal biomass and of different nitrogen sources into plant aboveground tissues. We analysed root for RNA sequencing to gain insights into the genetic controls over the observed dynamics.

We successfully established a controlled system and found that C. tofieldiae can elicit positive effects on plant growth and nitrogen acquisition. These effects are dependent on the nutrient source to which the fungus has access to, with positive effects displayed in the presence of organic nitrogen. Plants exchange relatively less carbon to C. tofieldiae accessing organic nitrogen. Root transcriptome shows specific changes in response to root fungal colonization which are dependent on the nitrogen source available to the fungal endophyte. Furthermore, the presence of AMF did not modify the observed carbon to nitrogen exchange dynamics.

In conclusion we show that the root fungal endophyte C. tofieldiae can play an important role for plant nutrient acquisition in the presence of organic nitrogen. The trade of nitrogen for plant carbon displays different features from the AMF symbiosis (i.e., higher amount of nitrogen is not rewarded with plant carbon investment) and different gene regulations are involved. Our results indicate complementarity between C. tofieldiae and AMF during root colonization, offering mechanistic explanations for the concomitant presence of AMF and fungal endophytes in terrestrial ecosystems.

How to cite: Canarini, A., Zheng, J., Koba, K., Séneca, J., Fujii, K., Furukawa, S., Honjo, M., Kudoh, H., Nishino, T., Kobae, Y., Hiruma, K., Narisawa, K., Field, K., Huang, Y.-T., Kiers, T., and Toju, H.: Fungal root endophytes and their role in carbon to nitrogen exchange with plants, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12246,, 2023.

Earthworms may act as double-edged swords for soil organic matter (SOM). While they can enhance organic matter (OM) mineralization via increased microbial activity they can also elevate OM stabilization in aggregates as particulate or mineral-associated OM. In this study, we will test this potentially opposing impact in beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) forests on limestone, a forest ecosystem with particularly high earthworm activity. A specific focus will be on OM transformation along the continuum from the forest floor (O horizons) to mineral soil (A horizons). The forest floor can represent a substantial OM-pool which is an important source for SOM formation via bioturbation or leaching but can be vulnerable to alterations due to climate change. In an extended lab mesocosm experiment, we will incubate local earthworm species in soil columns consisting of O and A horizons from four beech forest sites along an elevation gradient from 550 to 1250 m in the Swiss Jura Mountain range. Along this gradient, the dominating forest floor type is mull with its thickness increasing with altitude. We will establish the following three treatments (1) control with soil and unlabeled litter, (2) with soil and labeled litter and (3) with soil, labeled litter, and earthworms. For this setup, the Ol horizon will be replaced with beech litter highly enriched with 13C, 15N, and 2H. Soil respiration (CO2) and leaching (C, N, and H in dissolved OM) will be repeatedly measured. Our setup will allow for a separation of fluxes from the O horizons and the A Horizon. After approximately 4, 7, and 10 months each, a subset of mesocosms will be harvested to investigate isotope enrichment in earthworm biomass, earthworm casts, physical soil fractions, PLFAs, and microbial necromass. This will allow us to establish a mass balance of beech litter turnover as affected by earthworms for a time scale representative of one vegetation period. Fluxes of unlabeled OM will inform on the fate of inherent SOM. We expect that (1) following an initial colonization phase, earthworms will stimulate labeled litter mineralization and enhance litter transfer to aggregate fractions while not affecting the total SOM stock. (2) In the long term, less of the labeled material will be mineralized and more SOM stabilized in aggregate fractions will be recycled.

How to cite: de Jong, P., Schleppi, P., and Hagedorn, F.: Earthworms as double-edged swords for organic matter turnover from forest floor to mineral soil – a mesocosm experiment with labeled beech litter, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12586,, 2023.

EGU23-13605 | Posters on site | SSS4.5

Long-term manuring enhances glomalin-soil-carbon sequestration by increasing its recalcitrance and macro-aggregation 

Hongbo Yang, Jeroen Meersmans, Gilles Colinet, Wenju Zhang, and Qiong Xiao

It’s well known that agroecosystems have a great carbon sequestration potential. Within this process plays Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) an important role. Glomalin is a recalcitrant carbon fraction processed from AMF, its accumulation in response to fertilization is unclear. Here, we used a 30-year various fertilization experiment, including CK, NPK, NPKM, NPKS, M, NPKMR, and Fallow treatments, to observe the temporal trend of GRSP in bulk soil as well as across different aggregates. Meanwhile, we combined soil abiotic (pH, nutrients, MWD, GRSP chemical composition) and biotic (AMF biomass and diversity) properties to distinguish the mechanisms of long-term different fertilization on GRSP accumulation. Our results showed that GRSP content increased with time under both the fertilization and fallow treatment, but remained unchanged under the CK treatment. Manuring (M, NPKM, NPKMR) significantly increased GRSP content by increasing recalcitrance (aromatic) C in GRSP and mass percentage of macroaggregates (>0.25mm) compared with no (CK) and mineral fertilization (NPK) treatments. Manuring increased mean weight diameter (MWD) and GRSP content in macroaggregates (>0.25mm), relative to CK and NPK. There was a significant positive correlation between MWD and GRSP content in macroaggregates (>0.25 mm). Organic fertilizer also increased the proportion of aromatic C in GRSP, AMF biomass and diversity in cropland. Random forest and variance partitioning analysis showed that chemical composition of GRSP and aggregate stability together controlled the accumulation of GRSP. The structural equation model indicated that AMF properties regulate soil aggregate stability and composition of GRSP, which mediates the effects of fertilization on GRSP accumulation. In summary, long-term manuring promotes the GRSP accumulation, mainly be ascribed to the increased of AMF biomass, diversity, corresponding GRSP recalcitrance and aggregate stability. This study contributes to the understanding of the fertilization impacts on GRSP accumulation, and provides a feasible way forward for long-term soil carbon sequestration in sustainable agriculture.


How to cite: Yang, H., Meersmans, J., Colinet, G., Zhang, W., and Xiao, Q.: Long-term manuring enhances glomalin-soil-carbon sequestration by increasing its recalcitrance and macro-aggregation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13605,, 2023.

EGU23-14905 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.5

Increased tundra root biomass offset invasive earthworm effects on SOC decomposition 

Hanna Jonsson, Gesche Blume-Werry, Adrian Wackett, Emeli Arvidsson, Oscar Lundgren, and Jonatan Klaminder

Arctic soils store nearly half of the global soil organic carbon, but what will happen with this large carbon pool if soil macrofauna, able to ingest organic matter accumulated at depths in the soil, establish in the Arctic? The question is justified as emerging evidence suggests that low soil organic carbon (SOC) turnover rates in high latitude ecosystems could, in addition to abiotic factors, partly be due to the current lack of larger detritivores that can stimulate the breakdown of organic matter. Earthworms are large detritivores increasing their distribution into arctic ecosystems. With potential to both increase stabilisation and decomposition of SOC, but also enhance plant productivity, it has been difficult to determine what net effect earthworms have on ecosystem C storage. The scientific debate around this ‘earthworm dilemma’ has however primarily focused on the fate of SOC in response to earthworms, leaving cascading effects on plant productivity largely undiscussed.

Here, we use a four-year outdoor experiment to study the effects of introducing earthworms to tundra vegetation types on both plant biomass (above and belowground) and SOC. We found that earthworms invasive to the Arctic: i) reduced the SOC pool beneath herb dominated tundra while they increased the SOC pool under dwarf-shrub dominated tundra; ii) increased the below ground biomass in both vegetation types; and iii) increased the total plant biomass C to the degree that it offset the SOC losses from the herb dominated soil. In the dwarf-shrub vegetation, earthworms increased both the plant C pool and the SOC pool resulting in a net increase of the ecosystem C stock. We highlight that the effect on root growth seems of great importance when predicting how ecosystem C sequestering responds to invasive earthworms. Both through increased plant biomass C but also through increased deposition of persistent root-derived organic matter.

How to cite: Jonsson, H., Blume-Werry, G., Wackett, A., Arvidsson, E., Lundgren, O., and Klaminder, J.: Increased tundra root biomass offset invasive earthworm effects on SOC decomposition, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14905,, 2023.

EGU23-16494 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.5

Characterization of cellulose decomposed by saprotrophic fungi using Raman spectroscopy 

Ashish Ahlawat and Dimitrios Floudas

Wood decomposition has been studied extensively due to its importance in wood deterioration and carbon cycling processes. Wood decaying fungi are categorised into white rot, soft rot and brown rot. White rot fungi have an enzymatic mechanism by which they can digest lignin and crystalline cellulose. Instead, brown rot fungi lack the enzymes to digest lignin and crystalline cellulose. Several hypotheses have been made on the mechanism by which brown rot fungi mine carbon out without the required enzymes mainly focussing on extracellular metabolites and metal ions. Here, we investigate chemical and structural modifications on cellulose produced by saprotrophic fungi using Raman specrtroscopy under different conditions. In additions, known modifications introduced by chemicals on cellulose will also be compared to fungal changes on cellulose.

How to cite: Ahlawat, A. and Floudas, D.: Characterization of cellulose decomposed by saprotrophic fungi using Raman spectroscopy, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16494,, 2023.

EGU23-16863 | Orals | SSS4.5

Effect of agricultural soil conservation practices on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal and bacterial communities and crop productivity in two agro-ecological zones in Italy and Zambia 

Elisa Pellegrino, Gaia Piazza, Blessing Mhlanga, Myriam Arcidiacono, Christian Thierfelder, Marco Nuti, and Laura Ercoli

Agricultural production in regions such as sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is very low as compared to other regions such as the Mediterranean area (MED). Differences are mainly due to agricultural input use which is generally lower in SSA. Indeed, in both regions, where unsustainable agricultural practices are largely applied although varying in intensification, soil organic carbon degradation and soil biodiversity decline are widespread issues. However, whether changes of soil microbial diversity have consequences on agroecosystem services, like crop productivity, in such agro-ecological zones is still scarcely investigated at field level. This long-term field study aimed to understand how different agricultural practices, such as conservation agriculture (CA)-based systems, affect soil microbiome (i.e., arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and bacteria) and their implications on crop productivity. We selected two contrasting soils and agro-ecological zones, in Italy (Centre of Agro-Environmental Research “Enrico Avanzi” – CiRAA – in Pisa) and in Zambia (Msekera Research Station – MRS – in Chipata), to investigate the responses of AMF and bacterial community to CA practices. The experiment at CiRAA was started in 1993 on a silt loam soil and was set up as a split plot design to test tillage regime as the main plot factor and nitrogen (N) fertilization rate as the sub-plot factor. Tillage regimes were conventional tillage (CT) and minimum tillage (MT), while the N fertilization rates were no fertilization (N0) and fertilized with 200 kg N ha-1 split into three applications (N200). For all treatments, wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was rotated with soybean (Glycine max L.) in one-year rotations. The experiment at MRS was started in 2012 on a sandy clay loam soil and tested three treatments: CT and maize (Zea mays L.) as sole crop, no-tillage plus mulch (NT+M), and no-tillage plus mulch and rotation (NT+M+R) with maize in rotation with soybean. The climate is cold humid Mediterranean (Csa) at CiRAA and warm temperate with dry winters and hot summers (Cwa) at MRS. DNA was extracted from soil: for AMF PCRs were carried out amplifying part of the SSU, ITS1, 5.8S, ITS2 and part of the LSU of the 18S rRNA region, while for bacteria PCRs were carried out amplifying the V3 and V4 regions of the 16S rRNA region. AMF were characterized by a cloning and Sanger sequencing approach (ca. 1700 bp), whereas bacteria by an Illumina sequencing approach (ca. 630 bp). In both zones, AMF and bacterial composition was similar among CA systems, whereas the long-term implementation of the CA systems resulted in more diverse microbial communities across the agro-ecological zones. CA systems led to positive interactions between AMF and bacterial communities and more complex soil microbial networks. This ultimately led to an improved crop yield. At MRS, soybean as a rotational crop enriched bacterial diversity and within the AMF communities, members of the family Gigasporaceae were more dominant. We finally identified the microbial taxa highly related to crop productivity, providing cause-effect relationships for the involvement of microbes in crop productivity.

How to cite: Pellegrino, E., Piazza, G., Mhlanga, B., Arcidiacono, M., Thierfelder, C., Nuti, M., and Ercoli, L.: Effect of agricultural soil conservation practices on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal and bacterial communities and crop productivity in two agro-ecological zones in Italy and Zambia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16863,, 2023.

EGU23-16888 | Posters on site | SSS4.5

Armored mesh bags: collecting mycelium of mycorrhizal fungi in a tropical rainforest 

Andrey Zuev, Ina Schaefer, Nguyen Van Thinh, and Anna Zueva

Mycorrhizal fungi play a vital role in soil processes and form a large part of belowground biodiversity in tropic ecosystems. Unlike temperate forests, many tree species in tropical stands are dominated by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), which form high amount of extraradical mycelium and even rhizomorphs, penetrating both soil and leaf litter. The quantification of mycelium biomass in natural systems often being conducted with the use of sand filled in-growth mesh bags made of nylon mesh [1]. The use of plastic polymer for mesh bags in temperate systems is justified by low bioavailability of the material that can be hardly decomposed by soil bacteria and fungi or penetrated by roots or soil invertebrates. In a number of tropical forests, the activity of invertebrates is more aggressive, mostly due to the termites foraging, resulting in the disruption of the integrity of the mesh bags and consequent samples loss.

Here we introduce the use of dual-walled in-growth mesh bags made of nylon and stainless steel. Its relevance was attested in Dong Nai (Cat Tien) National Park in Southern Vietnam. The harvested biomass of extraradical EMF mycelium and taxonomic composition of EMF and AMF fungi was compared in regular and dual-walled in-growth mesh bags across two tropical rainforests, dominated by both EMF and AMF associated tree species. The biomass was accessed with PLFA analysis for fungal biomarkers 18:2ω6,9, 18:1ω9 [2] and 18:0 [3]. The taxonomic composition of extraradical mycelium from harvested in-growth mesh bags was studied with new-generation sequencing, including specific primer pair WANDA/AML2 for the SSU ribosomal RNA gene of AMF fungi and ITS fragment (primer pair ITS3/ITS4) for ectomycorrhizal fungi.

Double-walled mesh bags remained completely intact, while about 40% of regular mesh bags were damaged by termite activity after 180 days of exposure. The biomass of extraradical mycelium of ectomycorrhizal fungi was comparable between forests dominated by EMF and AMF associated trees and reached 114.5 and 122.1 µg of «fungal» carbon g-1 of substrate respectively. The total amount of the three measured PLFA biomarkers did not differ between both variants of in-growth mesh bags and surrounding soil, while the median values were slightly higher for mesh bags compared to soil (1.9 and 1.6 µg g-1 of substrate respectively). Application of ITS fragment was 100% positive among harvested mycelium samples from both forests, while AMF fungi were detected in 62% of samples from the forest dominated by AMF-associated trees and 70% samples from the forest dominated by EMF-associated trees.

This study was supported by Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (project 3.4-1071297-RUS-IP).


[1] Wallander H, Nilsson LO, Hagerberg D, Bååth E (2001) Estimation of the biomass and seasonal growth of external mycelium of ectomycorrhizal fungi in the field. New Phytol 151:753–760.

[2] Ruess L, Chamberlain PM (2010) The fat that matters: Soil food web analysis using fatty acids and their carbon stable isotope signature. Soil Biol Biochem 42:1898–1910.

[3] Chen J, Ferris H, Scow KM, Graham KJ (2001) Fatty acid composition and dynamics of selected fungal-feeding nematodes and fungi. Comp Biochem Physiol B Biochem Mol Biol 130:135–144.

How to cite: Zuev, A., Schaefer, I., Van Thinh, N., and Zueva, A.: Armored mesh bags: collecting mycelium of mycorrhizal fungi in a tropical rainforest, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16888,, 2023.

EGU23-802 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.7

Adaptation dampens the response of microbial community respiration to temperature 

Rebecca Millington, Francisca C. García, and Gabriel Yvon-Durocher

Microbial respiration in soils controls a key flux in the global carbon cycle, yet its sensitivity to warming remains uncertain. Respiration rates increase exponentially with rapid warming, but the response is dampened over time. Several possible mechanisms have been suggested to explain the response: taxon-level adaptation, changes to community composition and changes to community biomass. However, the role played by each mechanism has not been resolved. Here, we separate the relative importance of these mechanisms, finding that taxon-level adaptation has a larger role in controlling the dampening of the temperature sensitivity of community respiration rather than changes to community composition. We used a novel dataset of five taxa incubated simultaneously in monoculture and as a community across a range of temperatures in a controlled laboratory environment, which showed the expected dampening of community respiration. Taxon-level adaptation, changes to community composition and changes to community biomass were all observed, with a new mathematical model of taxon-level adaptation revealing that the dampening of taxon-level respiration was due to changes in maintenance respiration and cell mass. The importance of taxon-level adaptation in the dampening of community respiration response to temperature reconciles disagreement from previous studies and provides evidence for a robust representation of microbial processes in carbon cycle models.

How to cite: Millington, R., García, F. C., and Yvon-Durocher, G.: Adaptation dampens the response of microbial community respiration to temperature, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-802,, 2023.

Microorganisms catalyze almost all transformation processes of organic carbon in soil and are largely responsible for changes in soil carbon cycle feedback to climate change. To account for the microbial role in regulation of carbon-climate feedback, several dozens of microbial models have been developed in the past decades, mostly based on an idea that microbial biomass or microbial extracellular enzymes control decomposition of soil organic carbon (SOC). However, these idea-based models may or may not be well supported by empirical evidence. This presentation will show how data have been used to develop and test microbial models with three case studies. The first case study is to infer microbial mechanisms from observed patterns of lignin decomposition. Our study indicates that time-dependent growth and mortality of the microbial community, instead Michaelis-Menten kinetics, control microbial decomposition of lignin. The second case is to incorporate observed mechanisms into a carbon cycle model. Our meta-analysis indicates that changes in SOC under experimental warming and nitrogen addition are closely related to changes in microbial oxidative enzyme activities but not in hydrolytic enzyme activities. We directly incorporated this observed mechanism into a terrestrial ecosystem model to predict SOC changes. The third case study is to confront microbial models with nearly 58,000 vertical profiles of SOC over the globe to identify mechanisms underlying global SOC storage. Overall, scientists have developed different microbial models to explore all kind of possibilities while data offer reality. The data-model integration helps identify the most probable mechanisms under a Bayesian inference framework.

How to cite: Luo, Y.: Data-driven approaches to soil microbial modeling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1751,, 2023.

EGU23-2882 | Orals | SSS4.7

Response of soil organic matter turnover to soil salinization and climate warming 

Shang Wang, Bahar Razavi, Sandra Spielvogel, and Evgenia Blagodatskaya

Climate change is turning soil salinization into a global problem due to the increasing frequency and severity of coastal salt and brackish water ingress. How increasing salinity affects microbial metabolic activity and its consequences for matter and energy turnover under climate warming remain unclear. Thus, we conducted a lab incubation experiment to explore the interactive effects of salinization and warming on microbial and enzymatic functional traits related to the CO2 (matter) and heat (energy) losses in the course of glucose metabolism.

Soil from coastal grassland was artificially salinized to, middle (2.06 mS cm-1) and high (3.45 mS cm-1) levels by gradually adding salt solution, while the soil with ambient salinity (0.49 mS cm-1) was defined as control. Effect of realistic warming (+2 ℃) on CO2 emission and heat release from soil amended with glucose was estimated by the respirometer Respicond V and microcalorimeter TAM Air, respectively. Energy and carbon use efficiency, calorespirometric ratio, microbial growth parameters and enzyme kinetics were determined in the salinity gradient.

Despite cumulative CO2 emission and heat release were not affected by soil salinity, we observed gradual delay in glucose induced respiration (GIR) and heat release with the increasing salinity level. In contrast, warming facilitated both GIR and heat release, and increased the cumulative CO2 by 8-14%, but had no effect on the cumulative heat.

Before glucose addition, high salinity greatly reduced the C-acquiring enzyme activities (β-D-glucosidase, cellobiohydrolase) by 17-39% compared with control, while an activity of the P-acquiring enzyme (acid phosphomonoesterase) notably increased by 24 and 82% under middle and high salinity, respectively. In soil activated with glucose, high salinity greatly increased the activities of both C- and P-acquiring enzymes up to 74 and 30%, respectively, compared with control. Surprisingly, irrespectively of microbial activation by glucose, the N-acquiring enzyme activity (leucine aminopeptidase) was not affected by salinity.

The interactive effect of soil salinity and climate warming on the fate of soil organic matter, energy and carbon use efficiency, calorespirometric ratio and microbial community will be discussed in our presentation.

How to cite: Wang, S., Razavi, B., Spielvogel, S., and Blagodatskaya, E.: Response of soil organic matter turnover to soil salinization and climate warming, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2882,, 2023.

EGU23-2918 | Orals | SSS4.7

Decomposition kinetics as an optimal control problem 

Stefano Manzoni, Arjun Chakrawal, and Glenn Ledder

Microbial explicit models are constructed by linking decomposition (the process of organic matter break-down) and substrate uptake to microbial growth, respiration, and mortality. Therefore, the specific choice of the decomposition and/or uptake kinetics affects how in the model microbes grow and die, with consequences for carbon stabilization. There are well-established theories for extracellular enzymatic reactions and for substrate transport and uptake by cells, which allow deriving formulas for the decomposition and uptake kinetics, respectively. These laws account for microbial growth (e.g., in the Monod equation), but implicitly assume that microbial traits encoded in model parameters are static. Yet, microbes adapt to the environmental conditions they experience, resulting in temporally dynamic traits at both population and community levels. Adaptation is a result of natural selection for the fittest organisms. Therefore, we can describe adapted microbes by assuming they maximize their growth for given environmental conditions (e.g., limiting the amount of available resources) and given metabolic tradeoffs (e.g., decreasing efficiency of substrate to biomass conversion at high growth rates). In this contribution, we translate this assumption into a formulation of decomposition as an optimal control problem, where the objective is the maximization of cumulative growth, the constraint is imposed via a substrate mass balance, and the control parameter is the realized substrate uptake rate, assumed to be the outcome of optimally adapted production of extracellular enzymes and cellular uptake capacity. This optimal control problem is solved analytically for a simple case study (one substrate, homogeneous microbial community), leading to optimal decomposition kinetics that scale with the square root of substrate carbon content (different from Monod or Michaelis-Menten equations) and with a strong effect of maintenance respiration. If maintenance respiration is high, the kinetics flattens, and the optimal decomposition rate remains larger than zero even as the substrate is depleted. This means that the optimal decomposition rate approaches zero-order kinetics and exhibits increasingly high values as maintenance costs are increased. Interestingly, a tradeoff emerges between the rate of substrate consumption at the beginning of decomposition and microbial carbon use efficiency (ratio of growth over uptake). At high resource availability, efficient but slow-growing microbes are selected, whereas at low resource availability inefficient but fast-growing microbes are favored because they can more effectively compete for the limited resources. These results suggest that optimization methods offer an alternative way to define decomposition kinetics laws that account for microbial adaptation.

How to cite: Manzoni, S., Chakrawal, A., and Ledder, G.: Decomposition kinetics as an optimal control problem, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2918,, 2023.

EGU23-3290 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.7

Particulate organic matter as electron acceptor for microbial respiration in peatlands 

Rob A. Schmitz, Nikola Obradović, Martin H. Schroth, and Michael Sander

Northern peatlands store approximately 500 Pg carbon in the form of peat particulate organic matter (POM). Ombrotrophic bogs are peatlands that only receive water and nutrients through precipitation, creating anoxic, water-logged soils deprived of inorganic terminal electron acceptors (TEAs). In the absence of suitable TEAs for anaerobic respiration, methanogenesis prevails as final step in the degradation of organic matter and is expected to result in equimolar CO2:CH4 production ratios. However, field and laboratory studies revealed higher CO2:CH4 production ratios than expected based on low concentrations of canonical inorganic TEAs, suggesting the presence of a previously unrecognized TEA used in anaerobic microbial respiration. It has been hypothesized that oxidized particulate organic matter (POMox) functions as TEA, explaining elevated CO2:CH4 production ratios. Through seasonal water table fluctuations, POM gets re-oxidized abiotically, creating a microbial hotspot at the oxic-anoxic interface. To investigate these processes, incubation studies linking CO2 and CH4 production to the reduction of POMox are indispensable. Here, we present data strongly indicating that POM collected from ombrotrophic bogs in Sweden functions as TEA in anaerobic respiration, suppressing methanogenesis. We ran anoxic incubations with various initial ratios of oxidized and reduced POM and hence a range of starting electron accepting capacities, which we quantified using a novel spectrophotometric assay. Increasing contributions of POMox resulted in higher CO2:CH4 production ratios and prolonged transition times from anaerobic respiration to methanogenesis. These findings strongly support the use of POM as TEA, suppressing methanogenesis until POMox was depleted through respiration. Additionally, we developed an incubation system that allowed amending incubations with 13C-labeled substrates to selectively track their conversion to 13CO2 and 13CH4. Using 13C-glucose we successfully linked 13CO2 and 13CH4 formation ratios to POM redox state. Our results advance our understanding of microbial carbon turnover in peatlands in the present and future climate.

How to cite: Schmitz, R. A., Obradović, N., Schroth, M. H., and Sander, M.: Particulate organic matter as electron acceptor for microbial respiration in peatlands, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3290,, 2023.

Soil imaging visualizes and quantifies processes in soil hotspots across space and time involving microorganisms, roots and carbon and nutrient sources, thereby helping to elucidate mechanisms. A wide range of individual approaches exists to determine spatial distributions of soil pH (optodes), root exudation and pesticides (14C phosphor imaging), fertilizers (33P phosphor imaging), nutrient fluxes (DGT), etc.

Since processes and mechanisms are clearly multi-factorial, combining individual approaches is key for any real understanding of soil processes. Multi-imaging comes with a set of challenges as firstly, scales need to be bridged as imaging methods operate at different spatial scales from cm to nm. Secondly, their time scales vary from minutes to days. Thirdly, the sequence of method application needs careful consideration as some methods leave behind chemicals, which may interfere with other measurements.

Imaging methods were initially developed for laboratory-controlled conditions, and only several were already adapted for field conditions. We will present the challenges for application soil imaging techniques in the field and problems related to sequential application. We will suggest a workflow for multi-imaging, which includes suggestions on coupling methods to study defined soil process, the sequence of the methods application, image alignment, hotspot thresholding and analysis, co-localization of images and quantitative image analysis. The perspectives, advantages and challenges of multi-imaging approaches will be comprehensively discussed.

How to cite: Bilyera, N., Banfield, C. C., and Dippold, M. A.: Perspectives and methodological challenges of imaging soil hotspots and coupling soil images of different origin in multi-imaging approach, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4445,, 2023.

Peatlands are a globally important carbon sink, storing up to 455 Pg C as soil organic carbon. One of the drivers of this immense storage relates to the extremely low rate of peat decomposition, which is ultimately regulated by the bacterial community of these peat soils. Previous studies note that vegetation type (e.g., bog vs. fen), depth of peat, water level and pH may determine bacterial composition in peatlands. However, in terms of global patterns, the key controlling variables remain elusive due to a lack of data synthesis and direct experimental evidence. To identify bacterial community composition in global peatlands and key controlling variables, we conducted a field survey of 7 peatland sites in Korea, a meta-analysis of published data from over 95 peatland sites, and pH-manipulation experiments in the UK, by employing NGS analysis targeting 16sRNA.

Although immense variabilities in bacterial composition among sites were observed, pH appears to be a dominant controlling variable shaping bacterial community structure. For example, high pH is associated with higher relative abundance of Proteobacteria, while low pH appears to be related to the abundance of Acidobacteria. Variations of bacterial composition at different depths or vegetation types in a single site are smaller than those among different locations, suggesting that environmental changes in local conditions such as water level fluctuation and carbon availability may be less critical than the mean temperature or overall pH of a given site. Our study further suggests that the long-term changes in pH may have much greater implications than previously assumed, with peat decomposition likely to accelerate during the current recovery from acidification being experienced by peatlands across the world.


How to cite: Kang, H. and Freeman, C.: Patterns of bacterial composition in global peatlands and their controlling variables, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4559,, 2023.

EGU23-5249 | Orals | SSS4.7

Stoichiometrically constrained soil microbial community adaptation modeled with SESAM 

Thomas Wutzler, Bernhard Ahrens, and Marion Schrumpf

Describing the coupling of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and carbon (C) cycles of land ecosystems requires understanding microbial element use efficiencies of soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition. These efficiencies are studied by the soil enzyme steady allocation model (SESAM) at decadal scale. The model assumes that the soil microbial community and their element use efficiencies develop in a way that maximizes the growth of the entire community. Specifically, SESAM approximated this growth optimization by allocating resources to several SOM degrading enzymes proportional to the revenue of these enzymes, called the Relative approach. However, a rigorous mathematical treatment of this approximation has been lacking so far. 

Therefore, this study derives explicit formulas of enzyme allocation that maximize total return from enzyme reactions, called the Optimal approach. When comparing predictions across these approaches, we find that the Relative approach is a special case of the Optimal approach valid at sufficiently high microbial biomass. However, at low microbial biomass, it overestimates  allocation to the enzymes having lower revenues.

The model finding that a smaller set of enzyme types is expressed at low microbial biomass provides another hypothesis for why some substrates in soil are preserved over decades although being decomposed within a few years in incubation experiments. This study is another step in integrating a simple representation of an adaptive microbial community into coupled stoichiometric CNP SOM dynamic models. 

How to cite: Wutzler, T., Ahrens, B., and Schrumpf, M.: Stoichiometrically constrained soil microbial community adaptation modeled with SESAM, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5249,, 2023.

EGU23-5268 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.7

Using the Calorespirometric Ratio to investigate the metabolism of a growing microbial community dominated by Firmicutes in glucose-amended soil 

Martin-Georg Endress, Ruirui Chen, Evgenia Blagodatskaya, and Sergey Blagodatsky

Soil microorganisms rely on coupled fluxes of carbon and energy from the decomposition of organic substrates to fuel their maintenance and growth requirements. This complex coupling depends on environmental conditions as well as the specific metabolic reactions carried out by the microbial community, but our understanding of the principles governing these dynamics is still limited. The joint analysis of both matter and energy fluxes and in particular the linkage of the microbial carbon and energy use efficiencies (CUE and EUE) during substrate turnover have the potential to elucidate the underlying metabolic pathways. However, such evaluations remain rare.

In this study, we present measurements of heat and CO2 release from soil after batch input of glucose along with estimates of microbial biomass and community composition. The results reveal a temporal variation in the ratio of heat to CO2 release (Calorespirometric Ratio, CR) that is inconsistent with simple aerobic decomposition of the substrate. In addition, we find that the dynamics are dominated by the growth of Firmicutes, whose relative abundance increases from 2 percent of initial biomass to almost 50 percent over the course of the incubation.

To interpret these findings, we developed a dynamic model of carbon and energy fluxes during growth on glucose. The model simulates aerobic respiration as well as anaerobic fermentation to lactate and acetate depending on the time-varying availability of O2 and accounts for activation of the microbial population after initial dormancy. Model simulations capture the complex experimental CR pattern and suggest a gradual depletion of available O2 and a concurrent shift to anaerobic pathways as the main driver of the dynamics. Given the widespread adaptation to anaerobic conditions found in prevalent members of the Firmicutes, this interpretation is consistent with the observed dominance of the phylum. Notably, model variants of lower complexity that do not include fermentation or increasing microbial activity fail to appropriately reproduce the measured CR and biomass.

These results highlight the potential of the joint analysis of matter and energy fluxes in a combined experimental and modeling approach. The evolution of CR over time revealed the presence of complex dynamics even in the simple case of glucose-amended soil samples and provided constraints on the metabolic processes behind those dynamics that align with the available biomass and community composition estimates. By considering the balance of multiple metabolic pathways as well as the concept of microbial activity, our findings offer a more detailed description of temporal microbial carbon and energy use that goes beyond the assumption of constant CUE and EUE. Such an approach will be essential for the investigation of more complicated transformations of organic matter in soil.

How to cite: Endress, M.-G., Chen, R., Blagodatskaya, E., and Blagodatsky, S.: Using the Calorespirometric Ratio to investigate the metabolism of a growing microbial community dominated by Firmicutes in glucose-amended soil, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5268,, 2023.

EGU23-5847 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.7

Disentangling the effects of microbial functional diversity and carbon availability on soil organic carbon decomposition 

Swamini Khurana, Rose Abramoff, Elisa Bruni, Bertrand Guenet, Boris Tupek, and Stefano Manzoni

The factors governing stability of soil organic carbon vary from chemical characteristics to physical occlusion from either biotic (such as plant roots, soil fauna and microorganisms) or abiotic agents (such as water). By mediating the decomposition potential, microbial community diversity and structure may play an important role in the fate of soil organic carbon. In this theoretical study, we aim to understand the role of the microbial community diversity and composition in soil organic carbon storage and decomposition. 

We constructed a model describing a microbial process network incorporating diverse organic matter compounds and microbial groups. The microbial groups varied from each other with respect to their affinity to depolymerise, take-up, metabolise and assimilate organic compounds. We allowed for adaptation of microbial communities to available carbon, and competition among microbial groups.  We tested this process network with functionally diverse microbial communities which were subjected to varying carbon availability. This framework allowed us to explore organic carbon decomposition rates and their temporal evolution under different conditions of microbial diversity and carbon availability, as well as the tendency of a soil microbial system to store carbon. 

We found that the microbial community functional diversity is a good predictor of organic carbon decomposition rates. This result suggests that an  organic carbon decomposition rate modifier could be defined based on functional diversity and then included in soil carbon models. Furthermore, we observed that organic carbon decomposition by functionally similar communities in carbon poor conditions slowed down after approximately half of the initial carbon was consumed. In the same conditions, functionally diverse communities with a higher number of biotic agents allowed a more complete decomposition. However, with increasing initial carbon availability, the functional diversity of the microbial community ceased to play a role in soil carbon storage. These results link microbial community diversity and carbon availability to decomposition potential and thus organic carbon stability in soils.

How to cite: Khurana, S., Abramoff, R., Bruni, E., Guenet, B., Tupek, B., and Manzoni, S.: Disentangling the effects of microbial functional diversity and carbon availability on soil organic carbon decomposition, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5847,, 2023.

EGU23-6112 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.7

Modelling climate-substrate interactions in microbial SOC decomposition 

Marleen Pallandt, Bernhard Ahrens, Marion Schrumpf, Holger Lange, Sönke Zaehle, and Markus Reichstein

Soil organic carbon (SOC) is the largest terrestrial carbon pool, but it is still uncertain how it will respond to climate change. Especially the fate of SOC due to concurrent changes in soil temperature and moisture is uncertain. It is generally accepted that microbially driven SOC decomposition will increase with warming, provided that sufficient soil moisture, and hence enough C substrate, is available for microbial decomposition. We use a mechanistic, microbially explicit SOC decomposition model, the Jena Soil Model (JSM), and focus on the depolymerization of litter and microbial residues by microbes. These model processes are sensitive to temperature and soil moisture content and follow reverse Michaelis-Menten kinetics. Microbial decomposition rate V of the substrate [S] is limited by the microbial biomass [B]: V = Vmax * [S] *  [B]/(kMB + [B]). The maximum reaction velocity, Vmax, is temperature sensitive and follows an Arrhenius function. Also, a positive correlation between temperature and kMB-values of different enzymes has been empirically shown, with Q10 values ranging from 0.71-2.80 (Allison et al., 2018). Q10 kMB-values for microbial depolymerization of microbial residues would be low compared to those of a (lignified) litter pool. An increase in kMB leads to a lower reaction velocity (V) and V becomes less temperature sensitive at low substrate concentrations. In this work we focus on the following questions: “how do temperature and soil moisture changes affect modelled heterotrophic respiration through the Michaelis-Menten term? Is there a temperature compensation effect on modelled decomposition rate because of the counteracting temperature sensitivities of Vmax and kMB?” We model these interactions under a mean warming experiment (+3.5 °K) as well as three soil moisture experiments: constant soil moisture, a drought, and a wetting scenario.

How to cite: Pallandt, M., Ahrens, B., Schrumpf, M., Lange, H., Zaehle, S., and Reichstein, M.: Modelling climate-substrate interactions in microbial SOC decomposition, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6112,, 2023.

EGU23-6453 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.7

Numerical comparison of five soil microbial models, in relation to measurable soil organic matter fractions 

Enrico Balugani, Simone Pesce, Celeste Zuliani, and Diego Marazza

The last decade has seen an increase of innovative soil carbon models that takes explicitly into account the microbial community interaction with the soil organic matter, and various state of protection of the soil organic matter itself. This proliferation is fuelled by (a) the recognition that microbial ecology is the main determinant of soil organic carbon mineralization, and (b) that soil organic matter can be protected from microbial degradation in various ways. Of particular interest is the interaction of the organic matter with the mineral fraction of the soil, which can lead to mineral adsorbtion and the formation of soil aggregates. However, the uncertainties about soil microbial ecology and organic matter – mineral fraction have led to the formulation of various soil microbial models, each one modelling some of the aspects of the complex net of interacting processes, but not other. These models often use different assumptions, model structures, and pool definitions. The lack of comparability among models, and the low comparability of models with measurable data, makes it hard to discriminate among them and to use them to assess the driving processes relevant for soil carbon dynamics depending on climatic, soil and vegetation conditions.

A first attempt to compare some of these models has been presented in Sulman et al. (2018); however, the lack of a harmonization framework for the models, and the use of lumped model pools/flows such as soil respiration and bulk soil organic carbon, have led to the conclusion that the uncertainties are too elevated to discriminate among the models.

Here, we propose a framework to harmonize five different soil microbial models among them (MEND, CORPSE, MIMIC, DEMENT, RESOM), and harmonize them with measurable soil organic matter fraction widely recognized as related to processes of interaction with the soil mineral fraction (aggregates, mineral associated organic matter, dissolve organic matter, and particulate organic matter). We reformulated the five models based on this framework, and analysed them on the same parameter space to understand in which regions of said space the models gave results that were substantially different.

The results show that: (a) the model can be clearly distinguished in most regions of the parameters space, (b) it is possible to calculate an index of robustness of the models. This information can help in design specific experiments to test the models and, this way, get insights about the driving processes in certain conditions (different climates, soils, vegetations); moreover, the robustness index can give indication about their applicability to different conditions, which is of utmost importance if they are to inform Earth System Models.

How to cite: Balugani, E., Pesce, S., Zuliani, C., and Marazza, D.: Numerical comparison of five soil microbial models, in relation to measurable soil organic matter fractions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6453,, 2023.

EGU23-7231 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.7

Microbial enzyme activities and use channels during microbial turnover of organic carbon substrates in soil  

Denise Vonhoegen, Ubaida Yousaf, and Sören Thiele-Bruhn

Recent studies of soil organic matter formation focus on energy and matter fluxes and their linkage to broaden the understanding of the processes and drivers underlying microbial turnover of organic carbon substrates in soil. In this study, which is part of the DriverPool project in the SoilSystems priority program, the energy and mass balances of organic matter turnover are investigated with special reference to the soil microbial community by testing selected hydrocarbon substrates with different properties.

In a first incubation experiment the effect of substrate size was investigated by comparing the turnover of glucose (180 Da) and α-1,4-maltoteraose (666.6 Da). We hypothesize that exoenzymatic activity is required for substrates exceeding a size of 600 Da; thus, resulting in a different process type (adaptation-oriented process) compared to the intracellular turnover of  glucose (growth-oriented process). From a batch microcosm experiment, subsamples were collected after different incubation periods to determine microbial pools (biomass, necromass) and the incorporation of the C13-labeled substrates. Enzymatic activity of exoenzymes (α- and β-glucosidase, N-acetyl-glucosaminidase, sulfatase, phosphatase, fungal peroxidase) and endoenzymatic activity (dehydrogenase) were assessed to elaborate the understanding of metabolic pathways. To analyze shifts in the microbial community and to identify a bacterial- or fungal-dominated use channel for each substrate, substrate induced alteration in phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) patterns of the harvested samples will be studied as well. First results show differences in enzyme activity pattern for glucose and maltotetraose.

How to cite: Vonhoegen, D., Yousaf, U., and Thiele-Bruhn, S.: Microbial enzyme activities and use channels during microbial turnover of organic carbon substrates in soil , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7231,, 2023.

EGU23-7245 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.7

Implications of optimal resource allocation in soil microorganisms 

Erik Schwarz, Salim Belyazid, and Stefano Manzoni

Soil microbes are key players in the cycling of soil organic carbon. In the complex soil system, microbes are faced with multiple stresses and trade-offs. In order to build biomass and proliferate, microbes have to mine accessible substrate and simultaneously have to survive abiotic stresses such as dry conditions. How they allocate carbon to the production of microbial biomass, extracellular enzymes, or biomolecules that help resist abiotic stresses is an important control of soil organic carbon fate. High carbon use efficiency fuels the build-up of microbial necromass, while increased production of exoenzymes might accelerate the breakdown of particulate organic matter. Production of additional biopolymers needed to sustain metabolic activity under stress – e.g., the production of osmolytes for maintaining turgor pressure in drying soils – poses an additional carbon cost that trades-off with the production of biomass and extracellular enzymes. Here we propose a conceptual model of soil carbon cycling with an explicit representation of these microbial allocation trade-offs. The model resolves physical processes such as saturation dependent substrate diffusion and is formulated at steady-state. It is based on the premise that microbes are optimally adapted to the environment they inhabit – meaning that the allocation trade-offs between the production of biomass, extracellular enzymes, and biomolecular stress response are adapted to maximize the microbial growth rate under these conditions. Using this conceptual model, we investigate how microbial allocation traits (fraction of carbon taken up and allocated to new biomass, extracellular enzymes, or osmolytes) might vary over a range of environmental conditions. Optimal allocation of carbon leads to increased investment in extracellular enzymes when carbon is scarce, and to progressively higher investment in osmolytes in drier conditions. While these trends are somewhat expected, the model predicts (rather than prescribing) the sensitivity of these allocation traits to changes in soil moisture and available carbon as a consequence of the optimality assumption. We conclude by exploring what implications these results might have for soil organic carbon fate.

How to cite: Schwarz, E., Belyazid, S., and Manzoni, S.: Implications of optimal resource allocation in soil microorganisms, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7245,, 2023.

EGU23-7550 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.7

Beyond growth? The significance of microbial maintenance for carbon-use efficiency in the light of soil carbon storage 

Tobias Bölscher, Melanie Brunn, Tino Colombi, Luiz A. Domeignoz-Horta, Anke M. Herrmann, Katharina H.E. Meurer, Folasade K. Olagoke, and Cordula Vogel

During decomposition of organic matter, soil microbes determine the fate of C. They partition C between anabolic biosynthesis of various new microbial metabolites (i.e. C reuse) and catabolic C emissions (i.e. C waste, mainly through respiration). This partitioning is commonly referred to as microbial carbon-use efficiency (CUE). The reuse of C during biosynthesis provides a potential for the accumulation of microbial metabolic residues in soil. The microbial metabolic performance is a key factor in soil C dynamics, because the vast majority of C inputs to soil will – sooner or later – be processed by soil microorganisms. Soil C inputs will thus be subjected to microbial allocation of C towards reuse or emitted waste, with the former leading to C remaining in soil. Recognized as a crucial control in C cycling, microbial CUE is implemented – implicitly or explicitly – in soil C models, which react highly sensitive to even small changes in CUE. Due to the models’ high sensitivity, reliable soil C projections demand accurate CUE quantifications, capturing unambiguously all metabolic C fluxes.

The current concept of microbial CUE neglects microbial maintenance which could make up considerable parts of the microbially processed C. Commonly, CUE is quantified from C incorporated into biomass or used for growth and C released as CO2. Extracellular metabolites, such as polymeric substances (EPS), exoenzymes or nutrient mobilizing compounds, as well as intracellular maintenance metabolites, such as storage compounds or endoenzymes, are ignored although they represent microbial metabolic C reuse and thus C remaining in soil.

Based on theoretical considerations and a case study for EPS production, we will demonstrate that neglecting microbial maintenance can have severe impact on estimation of terrestrial C storage. For instance, ignoring measured EPS production (of a quantity of C which equals 37 % of the C used for growth) causes a substantial underestimation of CUE. Here, current approaches of CUE provide an apparent CUE of 0.20 while disregard an actual CUE of 0.25 (i.e. CUE is 25 % higher when maintenance metabolism is considered). Based on our findings, we suggest an adjustment of how we conceptualize and calculate microbial CUE in soils.

How to cite: Bölscher, T., Brunn, M., Colombi, T., Domeignoz-Horta, L. A., Herrmann, A. M., Meurer, K. H. E., Olagoke, F. K., and Vogel, C.: Beyond growth? The significance of microbial maintenance for carbon-use efficiency in the light of soil carbon storage, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7550,, 2023.

EGU23-7901 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.7

General drivers of microbial carbon use efficiency in soils 

Julia Schroeder, Florian Schneider, Christoph C. Tebbe, and Christopher Poeplau

The efficiency by which soil microbes direct metabolised carbon to their growth, i.e. the microbial carbon use efficiency (CUE), is hypothesised to be driven by soil pH, nutrient stoichiometry and the microbial community composition (e.g. Fungi-to-Bacteria ratio). Despite extensive research it remains difficult to identify general trends in how these drivers affect CUE and results of individual studies often point in different directions. To unravel general trends, we aggregated a unique data set of samples analysed using the 18O-labelling technique - all derived from the same laboratory - to gain deeper insights into the relationship between CUE and pH, CN ratio and the relative abundance of domains (based on 16S and ITS gene copy numbers by qPCR). To date, the growing data set comprises 685 observations of 18O-CUE, including samples from 41 individual sites under three different land use types (forest, managed grassland, cropland) from tropical to subarctic climate. A Random Forest model and a linear mixed-effects model approach were used to analyse the data. Preliminary results on a filtered and aggregated subset (n= 221; aggregated to reduce the heterogeneity of the data set structure) suggest that the CUE is strongly dependent on soil pH, following a U-shaped curve. The relationship between CUE and pH was found negative for pH < 5.5 and positive for pH ≥ 6.5, while overall the CUE was found to be negatively correlated to soil C:N ratio. Additional data on climate (MAT, MAP), soil texture, and soil microbial community will complement the analysis.

How to cite: Schroeder, J., Schneider, F., Tebbe, C. C., and Poeplau, C.: General drivers of microbial carbon use efficiency in soils, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7901,, 2023.

EGU23-8678 | Orals | SSS4.7

A spatial microbial competition mechanism of soil carbon persistence 

Oskar Franklin, Mark T.L. Bonner, Shun Hasegawa, and Torgny Näsholm

Here we present a novel model supplementing existing theories of soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition, based on evolutionary-ecological principles rather than chemical or physical limitations to decomposition. We argue that decomposition of some substrates, in particular nitrogen-rich non-hydrolyzable matter (NHLS), may be constrained by spatial competition from opportunists (Bonner et al., 2022). Our model is based on two linked hypotheses: (1) From an evolutionary point of view, microbes should optimise their enzyme production to maximise the net fitness gain (F), and they should only decompose NHLS if the uptake of decomposition products (S) brings a net fitness gain (F > 0) in terms of growth minus costs of enzyme production. (2) F strongly depends on the fraction of decomposition products absorbed by the decomposer, i.e. the return on enzyme investment, which depends on the distance to the substrate and the competition from opportunistic bacteria. A minimum ‘safe’ distance for oxidative decomposition is included, based on the idea that cost of oxidative stress to the decomposer will surpass potential gain from decomposition when the activity is too close. Although the model predictions have not been tested directly against observations, they provide proof-of-concept that substrate can be spared decomposition and accumulate even when it is physically and chemically accessible. Due to the spatial competition effect, it is not profitable for either bacteria or decomposer fungi to decompose NHLS under certain conditions.  Our framework can help explain a variety of SOM dynamics, including priming and the suppression of decomposition by nitrogen addition.



Bonner MTL, Franklin O, Hasegawa S, Näsholm T. 2022. Those who can don't want to, and those who want to can't: An eco-evolutionary mechanism of soil carbon persistence. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 174: 108813.

How to cite: Franklin, O., T.L. Bonner, M., Hasegawa, S., and Näsholm, T.: A spatial microbial competition mechanism of soil carbon persistence, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8678,, 2023.

Soil microbes govern biogeochemical processes such as carbon and nutrient cycling, but the microbial controls on soil nutrient stoichiometry vary under different environmental contexts. Recent evidence suggests that microbial genomic traits such as GC content and genome size correlate with soil pH and soil C: N ratios, but how this pattern relates to the fate of soil organic carbon (SOC) and in which microbial groups this occurs is inconclusive. The rapid generation of environmental metagenomic datasets presents a unique and relatively untapped resource that can be used to examine microbial niche breadth, or soil resource use and reuse, and how specific groups of microbes respond to environmental gradients. Metagenome assembled genomes (MAGs) for soil microbes can describe the functional potential of populations, serving as valuable descriptors of niche breadth for soil microbial communities.  Here, we aimed to identify the ecological factors structuring microbiological nutrient cycling functions, and how they vary with microbial traits and functional groups by harmonizing soil metagenome datasets with soil nutrient measurements across space and time. We applied the Hutchinsonian niche hypervolume concept to examine relationships between microbial functional niche and environmental resource space. We expect that comparative analysis of MAGs across diverse environments varying in soil organic C and N can identify specific functional and/or taxonomic groups of microbes contributing to SOC dynamics, such as fungal saprotrophs. Biotic and abiotic controls such as climate and vegetation that influence these groups of microbes can then be identified using large-scale amplicon sequence datasets that represent broad spatiotemporal scales.

How to cite: Shek, K. and Wymore, A.: Microbial niche breadth as a tool to identify controls on carbon and nutrient cycling across environmental gradients, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9060,, 2023.

EGU23-9238 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.7

Investigation of the growth rate and antibiotic production of Marine Actinobacteria in the International Space Station 

Marialina Tsinidis and Manolis Simigdalas

The present experiment investigates the behavior of marine actinobacteria in the International Space Station (ISS). More specifically, the aim of the experiment is to examine the growth rate and antibiotic production of the actinobacteria and as a result the correlation between the growth rate and the viscosity of the liquid (mix of actinobacteria and nutrient agar). The experiment is performed in cooperation with Nanoracks and launched via Falcon 9, Space – X and remained in the ISS for a 90-day time period under constant temperature (4 degree Celsius), being stirred by the astronauts on a weekly basis. There is a medical and pharmacological interest since marine actinobacteria are a source of bioactive natural and antibiotic products, beneficial for the human organism, producing a variety of secondary metabolites. The experiment in the ISS indicates growth similar to the experiment on Earth, with slightly higher values showing that the bacteria survived the microgravity conditions. The viscosity is slightly greater in the ISS, potentially due to the change in the density of the liquid, following the growth of the bacteria.


How to cite: Tsinidis, M. and Simigdalas, M.: Investigation of the growth rate and antibiotic production of Marine Actinobacteria in the International Space Station, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9238,, 2023.

EGU23-9585 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.7

Linking soil microbial carbon sequestration to cover crop diversification in agricultural soil systems across Europe 

Alexander König, Christoph Rosinger, Katharina Keiblinger, Sophie Zechmeister-Boltenstern, Anke Herrmann, and Erich Inselsbacher

Sequestering atmospheric CO2 into soil organic matter through changes in agricultural practices is an appealing idea to improve soil ecosystem services and to improve global change mitigations. The old view of carbon (C) stability in soil, based on the intrinsic properties of the organic matter inputs (e.g. lignin content), would lead policy towards greater percentages of recalcitrant organic matter content in crops. Recent research suggests otherwise and that managing how the soil microbiome process C inputs is a more fruitful approach (Sokol et al., 2019, Poeplau et al., 2019). It is therefore to decipher and evaluate the link between the aboveground plant community and the complex belowground diversity of the microbiome and their metabolic processes that mediate C sequestration. Lehmann et al. (2020) proposed a theoretical framework in which the persistence of C in soil can be understood as the outcome of interactions between the molecular variability of organic matter input and spatio-temporal microbial heterogeneities of the soil system.

Within the EnergyLink framework we therefore investigate various microbial markers to illuminate possible physiological changes across several European agricultural field sites with different cover crop management types. Specifically, for detecting shifts in microbial necromass composition and quantity we target amino-sugars (galactosamin, gluctosamine, mannosamine and muramic acid), for evaluating effects on growth rates we measure 14C incorporation into ergosterol for fungi and 14C-leucine incorporation for bacteria and to grasp changes in uptake strategies we test extra cellular enzyme activities for different nutrient classes. Additionally, we determine C:N:P ratio for bulk soil, microbial biomass and above ground plant biomass to estimate stoichiometric imbalances. Here we present results from our first sampling campaign and discuss implications of diversified cover crops on soil carbon properties on a European scale.

How to cite: König, A., Rosinger, C., Keiblinger, K., Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S., Herrmann, A., and Inselsbacher, E.: Linking soil microbial carbon sequestration to cover crop diversification in agricultural soil systems across Europe, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9585,, 2023.

EGU23-9924 | Orals | SSS4.7

Long-term plant-microbe interactions weaken the rhizosphere priming effect in tundra systems 

Nicholas Bouskill, Bill Riley, Zhen Li, and Zelalem Mekonnen

Ecosystem priming is a critical process contributing to the carbon balance of tundra soils. On one hand, plant exudation of labile organic compounds can stimulate microbial activity inducing the decomposition of more complex organic matter, resulting in soil carbon loss. On the other hand, the efficient processing of plant exudates, and stabilization of microbial necromass in soils, can increase soil carbon stocks, reducing CO2 emissions to the atmosphere. The divergence between positive and negative priming depends on ecosystem stoichiometry, microbial trait distribution, climate, and non-linear interactions between plants and microbial activity. Here we employ a mechanistic model, ecosys, to examine the role of microbial trait distribution and plant-microbe interactions in determining priming effects on tundra soil carbon stocks. The ecosys model represents distinct functional guilds of bacteria (e.g., heterotrophic decomposers, nitrifiers) and fungi (e.g., mycorrhizae and saprotrophs), and the diversity within, as a function of their traits, including carbon use efficiency (CUE). We examine the role of priming in short- and long-term experiments. We initially benchmarked the ecosys model to well-studied sites in the North American Arctic and explore how diversity in microbial CUE regulates soil carbon stocks under different priming conditions (e.g., a single application of labile carbon vs. semi-continuous exudation conditions) over the course of one year. We then scale up these simulations to the whole of Alaska and examine how plant-microbe interactions alter the priming effect over centennial time scales, with and without warming. We generally observed the attenuation of the priming effect contingent upon elevated nutrient concentrations under warming, which reduced plant exudation to soils. We will discuss these results, and how microbial traits influence the long-term balance of soil carbon in tundra ecosystems. 


How to cite: Bouskill, N., Riley, B., Li, Z., and Mekonnen, Z.: Long-term plant-microbe interactions weaken the rhizosphere priming effect in tundra systems, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9924,, 2023.

EGU23-10879 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.7

Global links between soil microbes and biogeochemical functions 

Gabriel Reuben Smith, Johan van den Hoogen, Kabir Peay, Manuel Delgado-Baquerizo, Robert Jackson, Kailiang Yu, and Thomas Crowther and the Soil Organisms Team

Soil contains immense stocks of carbon, which may accelerate climate change if released. Soil microbes affect these carbon stocks by producing decomposition-catalyzing enzymes, a capacity varying across different microbial groups. Consequently, establishing links between global variation in microbial communities and functions should substantially enhance future projections of soil carbon. To this end, we here reveal global patterns in soil microbial community function using nearly 13,000 observations of microbial biomass, community structure, and enzyme activities (>100,000 measurements). We find total biomass and fungal and Gram-negative bacterial dominance increase with latitude, whereas Gram-positive bacteria predominate near the equator. Enzyme stoichiometry correspondingly suggests greater nitrogen and carbon limitation at higher latitudes. Comparing microbial and enzyme patterns, fungal biomass indicates nitrogen limitation, whereas Gram-negative bacterial biomass indicates carbon limitation. Together, microbial community structure explains significant variation in enzyme profile uncaptured by climate, soil properties, or landcover. Soil microbial communities dominated by fungi and Gram-negative bacteria exhibit less enzyme activity per unit biomass, with two- to four-fold variation in temperature- and biomass-normalized activity rate observed across the Earth. Significant functional differences thus arise with global turnover in microbial communities, indicating that community structure merits a central position in process-based soil models.

How to cite: Smith, G. R., van den Hoogen, J., Peay, K., Delgado-Baquerizo, M., Jackson, R., Yu, K., and Crowther, T. and the Soil Organisms Team: Global links between soil microbes and biogeochemical functions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10879,, 2023.

EGU23-10998 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.7

Modeling population-level controls on soil microbial turnover across scales 

Katerina Georgiou, Ksenia Guseva, Jennifer Pett-Ridge, and Christina Kaiser

Soil is organizationally complex and spatially heterogeneous with exceptional microbial diversity that varies in time and space. Hotspots of microbial activity are prevalent, yet they are patchy and periodic and it remains intractable to represent this level of detail in macro-scale soil microbial models. Most macro-scale microbial models have, therefore, been focused on exploring theory and capturing select processes in a simplified way. However, effective equations that account for population- and community-level controls may be needed to suitably capture emergent feedbacks at macro-scales. In this study, we explore the effective relationships that emerge between spatially aggregated carbon pools in a micro-scale soil model with competition and space constraints. Specifically, we use an individual-based, spatially explicit model to simulate the response of soil microbes to a range of scenarios with increasing carbon inputs, including spatially-uniform (homogeneous) and spatially-clumped (heterogeneous) increases, where the input flux integrated over the total area is the same in both scenarios. The latter is meant to mimic hotspots of carbon inputs, for example, in the rhizosphere or near preferential flow paths. We find that competition between microbes and the probability of invasion from neighboring microsites plays a critical role in emergent density-dependent dynamics of microbial growth and turnover. Our study elucidates the role of population-level controls on microbial turnover at macro-scales, and motivates careful consideration of scale-dependent model representations. 

How to cite: Georgiou, K., Guseva, K., Pett-Ridge, J., and Kaiser, C.: Modeling population-level controls on soil microbial turnover across scales, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10998,, 2023.

EGU23-11025 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.7

Tracking transcription in soil microbial communities during the Birch Effect 

Peter Chuckran, Mary Firestone, Alexa M. Nicolas, Ella T. Sieradzki, Jennifer Pett-Ridge, and Stephen Blazewicz

In drought affected ecosystems, a large portion of the annually respired CO2 from soil may occur in the short period following the first rain event after drought. This process, where the rewetting of dry soil results in a pulse of CO­2, is commonly known as the Birch Effect. This pulse of activity influences the stability and persistence of soil carbon which, considering the large and growing extent of dryland and drought-impacted ecosystems, may have far reaching implications. It’s been shown that the consumption of the compounds driving the Birch Effect varies temporally and that different taxa grow over the course of wet-up; however, the transcriptional response of specific taxa during wet-up, and their associated characteristics, has not been fully explored.  In this study we map metatranscriptomes against metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) in order to assess the transcriptional response of taxa to wet-up at 0, 3, 24, 48, 72, and 168 h post rewetting. We found distinct temporal response patterns that were often conserved on the family-level. Based on response patterns, we grouped genomes into early, mid, and late responders. The average transcriptional profile of MAGs within these different response types did not vary substantially from each other. Instead, for a majority of MAGs, we found shifts in the transcriptional profile of functional genes over time. Together, these findings suggest that much of the temporal dynamics of microbial transcription during the Birch Effect are controlled by differences in within-taxa response time as opposed to stark differences in functional gene transcription between response groups.

How to cite: Chuckran, P., Firestone, M., Nicolas, A. M., Sieradzki, E. T., Pett-Ridge, J., and Blazewicz, S.: Tracking transcription in soil microbial communities during the Birch Effect, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11025,, 2023.

EGU23-11477 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.7

Linking heat and matter turnover over microbial successional stages in the soil to substrate quality and quantity 

Fatemeh Dehghani Mohammad Abadi, Thomas Reitz, Steffen Schlüter, and Evgenia Blagodatskaya

One of the major research foci of modern environmental sciences is the mechanism of carbon sequestration in the course of microbial decomposition of organic compounds in soil. Microorganisms decompose soil organic matter as a source of carbon, energy, and nutrients for their metabolism. The transformation process of various organic compounds in the soil is driven by competition between diverse microorganisms during several successional stages. The number, duration, and amplitude of which are dependent on substrate quality and quantity by regulating the tradeoff between fast but less efficient and slow but more efficient microbial taxa. In the frame of the Priority Program “Soil Systems”, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), we aim to study the relationships between substrate turnover rate, CO2 release, heat production, and efficiency of microbial metabolism at various stages of microbial succession in the course of cellulose decomposition in a fertilized Haplic Cambisol soil. To link metabolism efficiency with microbial functional traits, the kinetic parameter of microbial enzymes and growth parameters are determined at different stages of microbial succession. This research will thus contribute to the elucidation of regulatory mechanisms of energy and matter turnover in soil.

How to cite: Dehghani Mohammad Abadi, F., Reitz, T., Schlüter, S., and Blagodatskaya, E.: Linking heat and matter turnover over microbial successional stages in the soil to substrate quality and quantity, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11477,, 2023.

EGU23-11989 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.7

Chemical and microbial mass balances in microbial turnover of two easily degradable carbon substrates 

Ubaida Yousaf, Denise Vonhoegen, and Sören Thiele-Bruhn

Recent research indicates that soil microbes play a significant role in the formation and turnover of soil organic matter (SOM). Thus, OM is metabolized by microorganisms through intracellular and extracellular enzymatic activity, with one portion of it being converted into biomass and another being respired for energy. This causes an energy and matter flux that is adjusted and slowed down by ongoing recycling of the matter and residual energy. Matter and energy are conserved as much as possible throughout repeating microbial growth cycles, resulting in an "energy use channel," and/or storage as necromass. Soil fertility and several other soil functions depend on the activity of diverse soil microbial populations and, consequently, on continual energy and carbon flows within the soil system. Fluxes and stoichiometry concerns must be considered for the maintenance of microbial diversity and ecosystem activities in soil, including C storage. To comprehend C turnover and sequestration in terrestrial ecosystems, further knowledge of the relationship between element cycling and energy fluxes is required. In this project, we present a conceptual overview of microorganisms as mediators of SOM production, we do that by investigating seven carbon substrates with varying complexity with the same model soil (fertilized Dikopshof) in five different incubation experiments.

In the first experiment, we study the effect of substrate size (Glucose — 180 Da, α — 1,4-maltotetraose — 666,6 Da). We hypothesize that exoenzymes would be required to degrade any substrate greater in size than 600 Da, meaning different CUE/EUE due to a change in the process type from growth-oriented processes — high energy flux for glucose degradation to the adaption-oriented processes for the larger substrate, i.e., maltotetraose in this case. The substrates were labelled with 13C to determine various carbon pools in the samples. Destructive sampling was used to obtain subsamples from 6 different time points. Aminosugars and acids were used as markers of microbial biomass/necromass. Chloroform fumigation extraction was performed to determine microbial biomass of carbon and nitrogen. In combination with further data to calculate the microbial quotient (Cmic/OC), the respiratory quotient (qCO2= resp./Cmic), and CUE. Gas flux sampling and isotope selective CO2 analysis to determine the differences in the turnover of the substrates (Energy consumption respiration) The energy accumulation includes the formation of additional biomass, necromass, and metabolites. Analysis of C, H, N, S, O, and P to calculate the stoichiometry of OM. 


How to cite: Yousaf, U., Vonhoegen, D., and Thiele-Bruhn, S.: Chemical and microbial mass balances in microbial turnover of two easily degradable carbon substrates, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11989,, 2023.

EGU23-12021 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.7

Effect of pore network architecture on the efficiency of microbial soil organic matter decomposition 

Magdalena Rath, Ksenia Guseva, and Christina Kaiser

Microbial decomposition of soil organic matter is one of the major drivers of nutrient and carbon cycling in terrestrial ecosystems. Soils are spatially heterogeneous habitats built up hierarchically from µm- to mm-sized aggregates that provide a complex pore system. An enormous diversity of microbes occupies this physically and chemically heterogeneous pore space. Although, in recent decades the consensus has largely been established, that microbial processes are strongly affected by the architecture of the soil pore space and the patchiness of the substrate distribution within it, still, the integration of pore network characteristics in models of microbial activity is scarce. 

We use an individual-based modelling approach to address the following questions:

  • How does pore network architecture affect the efficiency of microbial organic matter decomposition?
  • How do pore network properties like average node degree, shortest path length, and clustering coefficient affect the efficiency of organic matter decomposition?
  • What is the effect of additional heterogeneity in pore sizes or distribution of substrate between pores on microbial efficiency?

To incorporate the spatial structure the soil pore space that forms microhabitats is modelled as nodes of a network. Specific attributes are assigned to the nodes to describe their physical and biochemical conditions. Microbes inhabit a certain fraction of microhabitats (nodes) of the network and degrade organic matter that is available to them. Depending on microbial growth neighboring pores can be invaded  through the connecting links.
 We were able to identify a number of network properties that affect the spread of microorganisms trough the network and the subsequent decomposition efficiency of the total substrate available in the system. While high clustering of nodes enables nearly complete decomposition of substrate, the presence of highly connected nodes (hubs) can decrease the efficiency of decomposition and lead to higher amount of substrate that remains undegraded. Regarding microbial growth parameters, the system shows a threshold behaviour. If microbial growth stays below a certain threshold value, microbes live only in the initially occupied pores and are not able to invade new pores. When the substrate concentration or the growth rate reaches the threshold value, there is a jump to large-scale invasion of all reachable pores in the network and much higher efficiency in the decomposition. In addition, high heterogeneity in substrate concentration or pore sizes lead to lower invasion efficiency, lower decomposition rate and a higher amount of substrate that is left at the end. Overall, we found that the spatial structure of the pore network had a more pronounced effect on microbial decomposition efficiencies than microbial physiological parameters, such as maximum microbial growth rates or extracellular enzyme kinetics.
 Our findings allow for better understanding of the impact of soil pore network architecture on microbial processes. This is of high relevance when modelling the response of soil microbial communities to climate change.

How to cite: Rath, M., Guseva, K., and Kaiser, C.: Effect of pore network architecture on the efficiency of microbial soil organic matter decomposition, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12021,, 2023.

EGU23-12332 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.7

Labile substrate availability shapes interactions in a synthetic chitin-degrading soil bacterial community 

Moritz Mohrlok, Lauren Alteio, Ksenia Guseva, Julia Mor Galvez, Erika Salas Hernández, and Christina Kaiser

Chitin decomposition involves different extracellular enzymes and intermediate products, giving rise to complex social dynamics within chitin-degrading communities. These communities are therefore an ideal model system to investigate how complex organic matter is decomposed in soil, and what effect microbial interactions have on the decomposition process. We used a synthetic consortium consisting of three unrelated, potentially chitin-degrading soil bacterial strains (Paenibacillus alginolyticus, Paraburkholderia xenovorans and Solirubrobacter soli) to investigate how their interactions affect the decomposition of chitin, and how the availability of labile carbon influences these interactions.

The strains were grown in monoculture and in all possible combinations on three different substrates (2% chitin, 2% n-acetylglucosamine (NAG, the monomer of chitin) and a mixture of 1% chitin and 1% NAG). Cumulative respiration as a community performance metric was measured over the course of two weeks using the MicroResptm system. We measured the concentration of chitin oligomers (chitobiose and chitotriose) at the endpoint using PMP-derivatisation and UPLC-Orbitrap MS. The final microbial community composition was assessed via 16s Amplicon sequencing and the 16s gene copy number was measured with droplet-digital PCR.

Depending on the substrate, each strain showed distinct respiration patterns in monoculture, indicating different functionalities. We found both competitive and synergistic interactions in the strain combinations, depending on the involved species and available substrate. P. xenovorans dominated the other strains whenever the labile substrate (NAG) was added. The relative abundance of the less competitive strains (P. alginolyticus and S. soli) was however increased in the treatment containing only chitin compared to the NAG-treatments. Chitin was degraded a lot more when all three strains were included, as shown by both the maximum respiration and chitobiose concentration. All three strains were still detectable in this treatment, which was not the case when NAG was present from the beginning.

Based on these results we assume that energy limitation forces synergistic interactions in this model community, increasing the chitin decomposition efficiency. Adding labile substrate alters these interactions, leading to the exclusion of less competitive strains. Our results emphasize how interacting bacteria of different functional groups can result in increased decomposition of complex soil organic matter and how the relationships between different species in a microbial community at a soil microsite might change based on the available substrate.

How to cite: Mohrlok, M., Alteio, L., Guseva, K., Mor Galvez, J., Salas Hernández, E., and Kaiser, C.: Labile substrate availability shapes interactions in a synthetic chitin-degrading soil bacterial community, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12332,, 2023.

EGU23-13193 | Orals | SSS4.7

Heterogeneity and C dynamics in soil 

Naoise Nunan, Hannes Schmidt, Claire Chenu, Valerie Pouteau, and Xavier Raynaud

Heterogeneity (spatial, temporal chemical and biological) is a fundamental property of soils. Although it is rarely explicitly accounted for in models of soil microbial functioning, it is a determinant of microbial access to substrate and therefore of microbial activity. Microbial adaptation to heterogeneity is also likely to play a significant role in determining microbial activity and therefore C persistence in soil. A more developed understanding of heterogeneity and how microbial communities interact with their heterogenous environment can help us better understand the mechanisms that regulate microbial activity and soil C dynamics, as well as offer potential avenues for upscaling. In this presentation I will show how microbial communities have adapted to spatial and molecular heterogeneity at the microbial scale and, through the use of a spatial explicit model, how spatial and molecular heterogeneity interact to reduce decomposition. Pore scale heterogeneity affects the distribution of both decomposers and organic matter. Using a stable isotope approach, I will show that, although there does not appear to be a clear relationship between microbial decomposer composition and pore size, a simple relationship emerges between pore size and microbial decomposition of organic substrate. As the pore size distribution of soils can be deduced from pedo-transfer functions, this relationship may provide a more mechanistic basis for the representation of moisture effects on C dynamics in larger scale models.

How to cite: Nunan, N., Schmidt, H., Chenu, C., Pouteau, V., and Raynaud, X.: Heterogeneity and C dynamics in soil, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13193,, 2023.

EGU23-13715 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.7

Organic fertilizer amendment affect soil aggregates during crop growth: a hotspot for microbial phosphorus turnover? 

Nelly Sophie Raymond, Federica Tamburini, Astrid Oberson, Jakob Magid, and Carsten Müller

Farming practices affect soil structure and aggregate formation. The addition of organic fertilizers, such as cow manure, is a practice that can affect soil aggregation and can foster the formation of macroaggregates, which resemble high contents of rather labile soil organic carbon (SOC). Soil aggregates, known to be hotspots for microbial activity, can also be assumed to be hotspots for microbial nutrient cycling. Within the soil system, microorganisms play an active key role in the cycling of phosphorus (P) by: 1) storing P within their biomass, 2) mineralizing non-plant available organic P, and 3) solubilizing inorganic P forms. Microorganisms are thus a key driver in the cycling of P in soil. However, P cycling through the microbial biomass is often limited by SOC availability. The use of organic fertilizers may provide the OC required for microorganisms to cycle P, especially in SOC rich maccroaggregates. The main objective of the present work is to better understand how soil microorganisms’ habitat and P-cycling is affected by the addition of cow manure and how it affect the P cycling through microbial biomass. We collected soils from a long term field trial consisting of different organic soil amendments (Taastrup, Denmark), namely a soil amended with cow manure and a soil amended with mineral fertilizer (nitrogen, potassium and P). We determined soil aggregate size distribution as well as macroaggregate stability, soil C, N and P contents and microbial biomass C, N and P within aggregate size fractions We are able to demonstrate that the application of organic fertilizer has clearly affected soil macroaggregation and stability, as well as the nutrient distribution and content within the aggregates. As large macroaggregates between 2 and 8 mm dominated the sampled soils (49-79 % of the soil mass), we selected these macroaggregates as a functional unit to evaluate the effect of the organic fertilizer on microbial P cycling. We suggest that the addition of cow manure alleviates microorganisms’ OC limitation and thus stimulate P cycling through microbial biomass. The better understanding of soil microorganisms activity and organic fertilizer interaction at the aggregate scale is providing a better understanding of plant-P availability which will benefit the development of future sustainable cropping systems.

How to cite: Raymond, N. S., Tamburini, F., Oberson, A., Magid, J., and Müller, C.: Organic fertilizer amendment affect soil aggregates during crop growth: a hotspot for microbial phosphorus turnover?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13715,, 2023.

EGU23-14428 | Orals | SSS4.7

The importance of bacterial metabolism contribution to soil organic carbon revealed by Monte Carlo simulations 

Annette Dathe, Laurel Lynch, Dominic Woolf, and Johannes Lehmann

Soil is the largest terrestrial carbon reservoir and processes leading to carbon sequestration play a crucial role in quantifying size as well as changes of this important pool. Microorganisms transform plant residues to smaller organic compounds, and often necromass is assumed to be the main stable end product. The turnover of microbial biomass at end of life, however, is only one pathway by which microorganisms contribute to soil organic matter. As a proof-of-concept, we use a mechanistic modeling approach with Monte Carlo simulation of 10,000 iterations, where input parameters vary according to values derived from literature. Bacterial growth follows a Monod kinetic, and biomass is further transformed to exudates, waste, and exo-enzymes, which vary in their C:N ratios. Assuming abundant N-resources, bacterial necromass contributes with 23.2% (median) of organic carbon only a minor portion to microbially-derived soil organic matter at the end of the simulation of 72 days. Most of the microbially derived organic carbon originates as part of metabolism by a combination of exudation (median 39.0%), wastes such as for osmotic regulation (median 22.4%), and exoenzyme production (median 10.3%). The organic product yields vary by about 300% between anabolic stages six days after substrate additions compared to catabolic stages at the end of the simulation. Predictions and management of soil organic carbon sequestration should therefore be based on carbon input through microbial metabolism rather than assumptions of carbon input solely at end of life.

How to cite: Dathe, A., Lynch, L., Woolf, D., and Lehmann, J.: The importance of bacterial metabolism contribution to soil organic carbon revealed by Monte Carlo simulations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14428,, 2023.

EGU23-14657 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.7

Investigating the effect of temperature on growth and microbial biomass accumulation during winter 

Christoph Gall, Lucia Fuchslueger, Hannes Schmidt, Andrea Söllinger, Mathilde Borg Dahl, Alexander Tveit, Bjarni Sigurdsson, Stephanie Eichorst, Ben Roller, and Andreas Richter

It is well documented that microbial biomass increases during winter in cold mountain or tundra ecosystems, but the cause and mechanism of such accumulation is unclear. Results from a grassland in Iceland demonstrated that the microbial biomass carbon (MBC, measured by the fumigation-extraction method) increased in winter, while microbial DNA content remained constant. We thus hypothesized that this accumulation of microbial biomass during the cold season is driven by the decrease in temperature, that increases the carbon storage of individual cells, but not by an increase in microbial cell numbers.

To test this hypothesis, we conducted a laboratory incubation experiment with soils from a grassland in Iceland sampled before the onset of winter in early October (around 9 °C). We then exposed the soils to decreasing temperatures (0.5 °C, 3 °C, 6 °C and 9 °C) over five months. We analyzed microbial biomass carbon (MBC) and quantified the DNA content. Over the course of five months, we found higher MBC values at cool temperatures compared to warm conditions. As expected, cooling did not affect the DNA content, leading to a significantly higher MBC to DNA ratio when soils were incubated at 0.5 °C compared to 9 °C. This indicates that numbers of microbial cells did not change across temperatures, but that microbes at lower temperatures stored more carbon. We also found similar patterns in soils collected at different time points in the field. Furthermore, we estimated microbial DNA production, i.e., growth rates, by measuring the incorporation of 18O from labelled water into DNA. We observed lower microbial growth rates under field conditions in winter, indicating that increasing biomass carbon was not due to increased growth and that growth and turnover was balanced at all temperatures. Instead, we suggest that carbon uptake (which was decreased at lower temperatures) was less affected by cold temperatures than growth, so that microbial carbon could accumulate. We also verified this pattern in growth and carbon uptake rates with decreasing temperatures in the laboratory incubation experiment.

Decreasing growth (cell division) and turnover rates with decreasing temperatures, at a lower but sustained carbon uptake rate, suggest that the cell size of soil microorganisms may increase when exposed to cooling. We will show and discuss first results from measurements with a suspended microchannel resonator (SMR), that, together with microscopic imaging allows to assess the mass (size) of individual cells of microorganisms at different temperatures. 

How to cite: Gall, C., Fuchslueger, L., Schmidt, H., Söllinger, A., Borg Dahl, M., Tveit, A., Sigurdsson, B., Eichorst, S., Roller, B., and Richter, A.: Investigating the effect of temperature on growth and microbial biomass accumulation during winter, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14657,, 2023.

EGU23-14803 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.7

Uniting microbial modelling with microfluidic soil chips 

Edith Hammer, Pelle Ohlsson, and Hanbang Zou

Empirical soil models reproducing soil characteristics can help to reduce the inherent complexity of soils in experiments. Microengineered or microfluidic soil chips can simulate the soil pore space at microscale in a transparent material that enables direct visual investigation of soil- and soil microbial processes including monitoring of single cells and their interactions in communities. Through the chips it is possible to control and closely monitor microhabitat conditions including oxygen levels and pH, and to single out factors such as spatial relations, pore space structure or resource patch size. They can be designed either close to realistic conditions such as based on µCT measurements, or using simple geometrical patterns that can be frequently replicated and modified within the chip design. They can thus be tailored to fit scenarios of spatially explicit soil computer models and used for iterative in-silico – in-situ experiments. We found amongst others that the geometric shape of a pore space and its connectivity influences bacterial and fungal growth, their interactions and enzymatic activity. We can measure those factors spatially resolved at cellular scale.  We want to initiate a discussion for future collaborations between soil chip experimentalists and computer modelers.

How to cite: Hammer, E., Ohlsson, P., and Zou, H.: Uniting microbial modelling with microfluidic soil chips, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14803,, 2023.

EGU23-16018 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.7

Successful characterisation of on-site wastewater treatment system biomats using the Microbes of Activated Sludge and Anaerobic Digesters (MiDAS) taxonomic database 

Alejandro Javier Criado Monleon, Jan Knappe, Celia Somlai, Carolina Ospina Betancourth, Muhammad Ali, Thomas P. Curtis, and Laurence William Gill

There has been a large output of genomic data in ecological studies of centralised wastewater treatment plants over the past number of years. One significant collaboration of Danish and Swedish research institutions lead to the development of the Microbes of Activated Sludge and Anaerobic Digesters (MiDAS 4) global taxonomic database. The database has been an effective tool in understanding centralised systems, however, there has been no known application of this tool in understanding the ecology of organisms in the on-site wastewater treatment systems. The growth of microbial mats or "biomats" has been identified as an essential component in the attenuation of pollutants within the soil treatment unit (STU) of conventional on-site wastewater treatment systems (OWTSs). Two research sites were employed to determine the influence of the pre-treatment of raw-domestic wastewater on these communities. The STUs at each of the two sites were split, whereby half received effluent directly from septic tanks, and half received more highly treated effluents from packaged aerobic treatment systems [a coconut husk media filter on one site, and a rotating biodisc contactor (RBC) on the other site]. Effluents from the RBC had a higher level of pre-treatment [~90% Total Organic Carbon (TOC) removal], compared to the media filter (~60% TOC removal).  These sites' biomat were sampled two-dimensionally in respect of distance and depth, to configure ecological data with changes in the volumetric water content values which had been used successfully as an indicator of the location of the biomat. A total of 92 samples were obtained from both STU locations and characterized by MiDAS taxonomic database. Our study has shown that the biomats receiving primary or untreated effluent have less pronounced increases in denitrifiers compared to the biomats receiving treated or partially treated effluent. but biomats receiving primary effluents have been found to be capable of removing six times the amount of total nitrogen. This suggests that the increases in functional richness within the STU are secondary to bioclogging, as metabolic rates could be limited by hydraulic conductivity.

How to cite: Criado Monleon, A. J., Knappe, J., Somlai, C., Ospina Betancourth, C., Ali, M., Curtis, T. P., and Gill, L. W.: Successful characterisation of on-site wastewater treatment system biomats using the Microbes of Activated Sludge and Anaerobic Digesters (MiDAS) taxonomic database, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16018,, 2023.

EGU23-16359 | Orals | SSS4.7

Use of PGPR (GROUNDFIX®) to Improve Soil Health 

Dmytro Yakovenko and Svitlana Korsun

Nowadays, the integral indicators of soil health in agrocenoses are the crop yield and the quality of raw material. In order to achieve efficient use of soil in the field, it is necessary to understand its physical, chemical and biological properties. It is essential to consider the possibilities of improving of the soil health and plant nutrition using different types of biofertilizers, especially of microbial origin. The standard indicators included in the agrochemical certificate describe various physical and chemical properties: humus content, granulometric composition, soil density, productive moisture, acidity, salinity degree, content of mobile or hydrolyzed nutrients – N, P, K, and microelements as well as different contaminants - mobile forms of cadmium, lead, pesticide residues, etc. For the microbial analysis, it is suggested to evaluate biological indicators by the number of microorganisms and the ratio of certain physiological groups. Principle of soil condition assessment according to the research conducted includes main groups of microorganisms: oligotrophs, pedotrophs, microorganisms that use different nitrogen compounds (mineral – organic), nitrogen-fixing bacteria; different groups of fungi: saprotrophs or pathogens.

The results of conducted experiments showed that before and after application of a complex of PGPR (Groundfix®) at a rate 1 l/ha, the soil indicators had a tendency to improve. The content of mobile phosphorus compounds increased by 49.3% and potassium increased by 55.8% respectively. This efficiency was achieved due to the microorganisms that contribute to the release of phosphorus and potassium from hard-to-reach compounds. Statistical data analysis showed that humus content and hydrolyzed nitrogen dependent were high during both the first soil sampling in May and the next one in August (204.4 mg/kg and 207.2 mg/kg). This stability was provided by the high number of microorganisms that transform organic compounds contributing to both the destruction of light organic matter of plant residues and the synthesis of humus substances. According to the results of the soil analysis, the bacteria could affect the acidity of the soil. Another important fact to discover was increase in the diversity of saprophytic fungi from two to five genera, including fungi genus Trichoderma, counting 15% from the total number of fungi. These changes could be explained by the activation of the indigenous agronomically valuable microbiota in the soil. Therefore, application of the product Groundfix affected the number of microorganisms of certain physiological groups. The ratio between these groups showed that in the soil there is a predominance of synthesis over destruction processes. The number of Azotobacter bacteria increased by 2.4 times, which confirms the high level of soil fertility.

Contrary to what has often been assumed, the efficacy of PGPR bacteria usage in soil health improvement has confirmed by multiple analyses and statistical data. Our finding indicate that this complex of bacteria not only activate other beneficial groups of organisms but also make P and K more available for plants uptake. As a result, farmers get more rich harvest on their fertile soil.

How to cite: Yakovenko, D. and Korsun, S.: Use of PGPR (GROUNDFIX®) to Improve Soil Health, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16359,, 2023.

EGU23-16479 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.7

Deep learning-based object detection for soil bacterial community analysis in microfluidics 

Hanbang Zou, Pelle Ohlsson, and Edith Hammer

Microfluidics is a multidisciplinary platform that integrates microfabrication, physical chemistry analysis, automation, and microscopy. It has the advantages of precise liquid manipulation, rapid measurements, and real-time visualization at the microscale, which is especially of interest and benefit to microbial studies. Soil Chips are microfabricated microfluidic devices typically made of glass and polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), designed to mimic the real soil network and allow real-time visualization and characterization of microbial activity at the micro-scale. They have so far been used to investigate microbial activities, interactions, community composition, and distribution under different conditions in soil analog systems. Challenge comes when working with natural soil samples. Due to mineral aggregates and debris, valuable information such as the abundance of individuals, cell morphology, and the relationship between bacteria and their geochemical and physical environment are difficult to extract via a simple thresholding method. Since microorganisms and microfluidic structures have distinct features from the noisy background that can be easily picked up by our eyes, a biologically inspired convolutional neural network model for object detection is the most suitable tool for this task.
We used a small part of data from three different experiments to train a well-developed object detection and segmentation algorithm Mask RCNN and implemented further analysis of bacteria abundance, spatial distribution, and morphological characterization. We are able to plot the distribution of all the detected bacteria including clusters in terms of abundance, size, shape, and index of aggregation. A distinct difference in bacteria characteristics can be observed in the samples acquired from three locations (Greenland, Sweden, and Kenya). We are now planning to extend the classification library to include other microbial groups including fungi, protists, invertebrates, and micro arthropods.

How to cite: Zou, H., Ohlsson, P., and Hammer, E.: Deep learning-based object detection for soil bacterial community analysis in microfluidics, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16479,, 2023.

EGU23-16487 | Orals | SSS4.7

Microbial necromass ≠ microbial biomass: Microbial death pathways affect soil organic carbon sequestration 

Tessa Camenzind, Kyle Mason-Jones, India Mansour, Matthias C. Rillig, and Johannes Lehmann

The last two decades soil organic matter research developed rapidly, uncovering a central role of soil microorganisms in the sequestration and storage of soil organic carbon (C), especially through accumulation of their necromass. However, despite strong evidence that the so-called soil microbial carbon pump is an important process, the direct characterization of microbial necromass in soil is difficult to achieve, leaving the actual chemical composition and formation of necromass unresolved. To fill this knowledge gap, we compiled evidence from microbiological literature on the processes of microbial dying, here referred to as microbial death pathways (MDPs). We discuss how fungi and bacteria die in soil, regarding the causes of death but also the consequences for chemical composition of microbial necromass. Evidence from existing literature clearly shows that MDPs in soil microorganisms represent relevant processes that affect necromass composition and its subsequent fate. Depending on environmental conditions and the relative significance of different MDPs, cell wall : cytoplasm ratios increase, while nutrient contents and easily degradable compounds are depleted. Thus, microbial necromass does not equal microbial biomass. These insights on microbial necromass are relevant for our understanding of mechanisms underpinning biogeochemical processes: (i) the quantity and persistence of microbial necromass is also governed by MDPs, not only the initial  biomass composition; (ii) efficient recycling of nutrients in microbial biomass during MDPs may minimize nitrogen losses during the process of C sequestration; (iii) human-induced disturbances do not only affect microbial activity, but also necromass quantity and composition. We present evidence for this novel concept of MDP, showing that not only microbial growth, but also death drive the soil microbial carbon pump. Additionally, we show some first data on actual experiments with “real” microbial necromass based on these principles, and discuss possibilities to explore this topic in future research studies.

How to cite: Camenzind, T., Mason-Jones, K., Mansour, I., Rillig, M. C., and Lehmann, J.: Microbial necromass ≠ microbial biomass: Microbial death pathways affect soil organic carbon sequestration, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16487,, 2023.

SSS5 – Soil Chemistry and Organic Matter Dynamics

Hummock-hollow microtopography is common in the northern peatlands of the world, but its effects on soil organic carbon (SOC) components are still poorly understood. In this study, we investigated effects of microtopography on SOC stocks and soil labile organic carbon (LOC) fractions in a sedge peatland in Changbai Mountain in northeast China. We found that SOC and soil LOC fractions had much heterogeneity in microtopography. SOC concentration in hummocks was significantly higher than under hummocks and in hollows. On average, the total SOC stock to a depth of 0.3 m below the ground surface was 19.00 kg C/m2. 56% of the total SOC stock was stored in soils in and under hummocks, despite the hummock only covering 30% of the total area. Light fraction organic carbon (LFOC), easily oxidizable organic carbon (EOC), microbial biomass carbon (MBC) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in hummocks were significantly higher than under hummocks and in hollows. In addition, the cumulative soil CO2 emissions in hummocks were 2.0 and 4.5 times higher than those under hummocks and in hollows. The temperature sensitivity of soil CO2 fluxes (Q10) were 1.55, 1.67, and 1.52 in hummock, under hummock and in hollow, respectively. Redundancy analysis (RDA) identified that SOC explained most variations in soil LOC fractions (59.6%), followed by soil total phosphorus (7.4%) and soil water content (6.6%). Our findings indicate that the hummocks are important carbon pool in the sedge peatland, but they are vulnerable to global warming and human disturbance. Hummock-hollow microtopography creates heterogeneity in hydrological conditions and soil physicochemical properties, and thus influences SOC stocks and soil LOC fractions at a small scale. This study highlights the importance of microtopography in carbon storage and cycling and has direct implications for the assessment of the carbon sequestration function in northern peatlands.

How to cite: Wang, M.: Heterogeneity of soil organic carbon dynamic regulated by microtopography in boreal peatlands, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1207,, 2023.

EGU23-4845 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.1

Assessment of thermal analysis techniques for determining organic, black, and inorganic carbon contents in urban soils 

Junge Hyun, Jeehwan Bae, and Gayoung Yoo

Although urban greenery is an important area for soil carbon (C) sequestration in national and international policies, there is a lack of studies on its unique soil C status. Especially the contribution of black carbon (BC) and inorganic carbon (IC), which originated from anthropogenic activities, need to be separated from ecosystem-driven organic carbon (OCeco) to accurately quantify the soil C sequestration in urban ecosystems. However, there is currently no standardized, widely used method to separate various forms of C in this soil. In this study, we suggested a robust and reliable method to discriminate the OCeco, BC, and IC contents and understand the anthropogenic effects on C in urban soils. To achieve this objective, we tested the accuracy of the “EGA with peak deconvolution approach” that derives a CO2 thermogram from an evolved CO2 gas analyzer (EGA) connected to a thermal analyzer and conducts sample-by-sample peak deconvolution. Since we used the model mixtures that had known OCeco, BC, and IC contents, the absolute accuracy of this approach could be tested. As a result, EGA with peak deconvolution approach showed high accuracy (R2 > 0.90), and the regression lines between the known and measured values were close to the 1:1 line.

Using the EGA with peak deconvolution approach, we further investigated the soils in urban greeneries. EGA with peak deconvolution approach was helpful in understanding the impacts of human intervention on the soil C cycle. Surrounding land use significantly altered the soil OCeco/TC and BC/TC but was not soil IC/TC; the OCeco/TC tended to increase with green area, while the BC/TC had a positive relationship with impervious area. The suggested method can be used to evaluate the C sequestration rate of SSM practices in the urban area. Without the information on OCeco and BC, the impacts of human intervention on soil C can be misinterpreted, which overestimates the C sequestration rate.

How to cite: Hyun, J., Bae, J., and Yoo, G.: Assessment of thermal analysis techniques for determining organic, black, and inorganic carbon contents in urban soils, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4845,, 2023.

EGU23-5864 | Posters on site | SSS5.1

New opportunities to unravel the microarchitecture of soil organo-mineral associations by NanoSIMS using the upgraded Oxygen source 

Carmen Höschen, Steffen Schweizer, and Ingrid Kögel-Knabner

Organic matter (OM) and soil mineral constituents interact closely at the submicron scale forming structural units and providing biogeochemical interfaces. Soil structure itself plays a key role for carbon storage, microbial activity and soil fertility and pollutant mitigation. A better understanding to which extent biogeochemical processes and interactions in the soil are driven by the spatial arrangement of OM and mineral constituents requires advanced efforts to apply novel microspectroscopy approaches.

NanoSIMS, allowing unique elemental and isotopic analyses at nanometer spatial resolution, provide valuable insights into the architecture of soil organo-mineral constituents and crucial processes taking place at the microscale.

The instrument is equipped with two ion sources: the Cesium source (Cs+) convenient to detect ions related to organic matter distribution and the Oxygen source (O-) favourable to provide information on mineral phases or metals in samples. With a spatial resolution similar to the Cesium source and high stability, the upgraded radio frequency (RF) plasma Oxygen source  recently installed at the TUM is now best suited for novel analytical approaches to probe elemental and isotopic composition of soil organo-mineral constituents in soils at the microscale.

We will show examples of how the two primary ion sources, single or correlatively applied, enable novel experimental designs in soil biogeochemistry. Novel combinations of the OM distribution (12C, 13C and 14N, 15N) detected by the Cs+ source with the distribution of e.g. Si, Al, Fe, Ca, Mg, K, and Na of minerals as revealed by the O- source are now possible.

Post-processing tools for unsupervised clustering and supervised segmentation facilitate the comparison and quantitative analysis of the spatial architecture within intact soil structures. These ongoing developed tools can contribute to the extent of our understanding of biogeochemical processes taking place at organo-mineral and mineral-mineral interfaces in soil systems at the microscale.

How to cite: Höschen, C., Schweizer, S., and Kögel-Knabner, I.: New opportunities to unravel the microarchitecture of soil organo-mineral associations by NanoSIMS using the upgraded Oxygen source, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5864,, 2023.

EGU23-6871 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.1

Detecting the Disintegration: Insights into soil structure decay following OC depletion 

Franziska B. Bucka, Vincent J.M.N.L. Felde, Stephan Peth, and Ingrid Kögel-Knabner

Aggregate forming and stabilizing processes have been intensively studied as they are closely linked to organic carbon (OC) sequestration. However, soils are no static systems and consequently, their structure is subject to constant breakup and turnover processes.

In order to study soil structure turnover with respect to the loss of OC, we designed an incubation experiment with soil microcosms, allowing OC-loss by leaching and microbial respiration, while preventing any mechanical disturbance.

We incubated intact soil cores of an arable Luvisol derived from Loess-deposits in south-east Germany for 300 days at constant water-tension and 25 °C to promote microbial activity. During the incubation, CO2-release and OC leaching from the microcosms were monitored. A subset of microcosms was sampled each month to assess the effect of progressing OC depletion on the size distribution, OC content and stability of the aggregates.

The incubation led to a reduction of the initial OC (11.2 mg g-1) by 2.2 mg per g soil and a more narrow C:N ratio, which corresponded to a reduced OC coverage of the mineral surfaces (1.7 m² g-1 to 0.9 m² g-1, as determined by N2-BET). Despite the OC reduction, the aggregate size distribution (as determined both by wet- and dry-sieving) did not change significantly, although there was a trend towards a reduced aggregate mean weight diameter (higher reduction after wet-sieving). The aggregates’ mechanical stability (as determined by dry-crushing), even slightly increased with a lower OC-content in the bulk soil.

Those observations highlight that OC depletion, without additional mechanical influence, does not immediately lead to the decay of soil structure. This suggests the existence of OC-storage sites that are not prone to OC-loss by leaching or microbial degradation. In contrast, the sites of initial OC-loss might not contribute to the structural stability of a soil.

How to cite: Bucka, F. B., Felde, V. J. M. N. L., Peth, S., and Kögel-Knabner, I.: Detecting the Disintegration: Insights into soil structure decay following OC depletion, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6871,, 2023.

EGU23-7089 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.1

Effects of pedon-scale soil heterogeneity on soil temperature and surface energy fluxes - Does it matter? 

Melanie A. Thurner, Xavier Rodriguez-Lloveras, and Christian Beer

Soil texture, i.e. its composition of clay, silt and sand, as well as organic material, is often very heterogeneous within small distances. State-of the-art land-surface models usually cannot capture this due to their coarse grid. However, neglecting small-scale soil heterogeneity may affect the estimated exchange of energy, water, and carbon between land and atmosphere strongly.

This discrepancy is especially problematic when modelling permafrost soils, where the heterogeneity-induced mismatch can make the difference between frozen and unfrozen soil, as well as waterlogged and unsaturated soil, as soil texture determines physical properties such as heat and water-storage capacity. By that, soil heterogeneity affects the build of soil ice and resulting frost heave, determines pond locations, and ultimately influences soil genesis, e.g. by inducing cryoturbation. The determination of soil geophysics also propagates into biogeochemical dynamics, affecting the arctic carbon cycle by providing the environment for either carbon stabilization or degradation.


To assess the effect of soil heterogeneity in detail, and quantify the potential mismatch, we develop a two-dimensional geophysical soil model with a spatial resolution of less than 10 cm at the region of interest. We apply our model at permafrost sites, because our ultimate aim is to understand cryoturbation as a permafrost-specific soil process and its relevance for the arctic carbon cycle, which will finally allow us to improve predictions of the Arctic carbon budget.

Here we present our first results, where we study the effect of fine-scale soil heterogeneity on soil temperature, water, and implications for the simulated sensible and latent heat fluxes between soil and atmosphere. By comparing simulations with and without soil texture heterogeneity, as well as with and without lateral fluxes of heat, we are able to quantify the effect of soil heterogeneity at small scale and discuss the effect on larger scales.

How to cite: Thurner, M. A., Rodriguez-Lloveras, X., and Beer, C.: Effects of pedon-scale soil heterogeneity on soil temperature and surface energy fluxes - Does it matter?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7089,, 2023.

EGU23-8300 | Posters on site | SSS5.1

Going with the flow: Initial soil structure development by percolating dissolved organic matter 

Ingrid Kögel-Knabner, Franziska B. Bucka, Vincent J.M.N.L. Felde, and Stephan Peth

Percolating dissolved organic matter (DOM) from the topsoil is considered the main source of subsoil organic carbon (OC) in temperate soils. Although DOM adsorption to minerals has been extensively studied, comprehensive knowledge about its influence on subsoil OC storage and structure development is limited.

We conducted a short-term incubation experiment using artificial model soils without pre-existing aggregates to study the effects of percolating DOM within varying soil textural conditions on OC turnover and initial structure development.

The model soils were designed with contrasting texture (clay loam, loam, sandy loam), but identical mineral composition (quartz, illite, montmorillonite, goethite), mimicking subsoil conditions, where mineral surfaces free of OM come into contact with percolating DOM. The regular application of DOM under a constant suction head (-15 kPa) enabled the DOM to percolate freely through the soil matrix over the course of the experiment.

A higher sand content caused a lower porosity, which was accompanied by a lower moisture content. In contrast, the OC retention (21% of the OC input), and the microbial abundance and activity were unaffected by the soil texture. The percolating DOM created patches of OM covers on 10% of the mineral surfaces (N2-BET) within an otherwise OC-free mineral matrix.

The biochemical processing of the percolating DOM solution induced the formation of large, water-stable aggregates (wet-sieving) in all textures without requiring the presence of physical organic nuclei. Aggregate formation was pronounced in the clay-rich soils (58% mass contribution), which also exhibited a higher mechanical stability of the aggregates.

The results highlight that retention and microbial mineralization of dissolved OM are decoupled from pore sizes and soil solution exchange, but are instead driven by the mineral composition and OC input.

The biochemical processing of percolating DOM can induce large soil aggregates. Here, the presence of fine mineral particles enhances the formation and mechanical stability of the aggregates, irrespective of their surface charge or sorption properties.

How to cite: Kögel-Knabner, I., Bucka, F. B., Felde, V. J. M. N. L., and Peth, S.: Going with the flow: Initial soil structure development by percolating dissolved organic matter, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8300,, 2023.

EGU23-9140 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.1

Small scale soil heterogeneity shows stable subsoil preferential flow paths of water and DOC over a 5 year period in a Dystric Cambisol 

Sebastian Socianu, Hanna Böhme, Timo Leinemann, Patrick Liebmann, Karsten Kalbitz, Robert Mikutta, and Georg Guggenberger

Preferential flow paths (PFPs) are intertwined soil regions that link top and subsoil and through which water and consequently nutrients flow across the soil profile. PFPs enable newly available carbon sources to reach deeper soil layers, enabling soil microorganisms to flourish in an otherwise substrate-poor subsoil. A reliable assessment of organic carbon (OC) translocation into the subsurface requires an understanding of the small scale variability of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations and fluxes into the subsoil.

Using segmented suction plates over a 5-year period, we measured DOC and water fluxes, and subsequently OC translocation, at three depths in three soil profiles down to 1.5 m in a sandy Dystric Cambisol in Lower Saxony (Germany). DOC fluxes and water fluxes were correlated and decreased with depth. Overall fluxes were dependent on seasonal fluctuations of precipitation, with the winter and spring months bearing the highest water fluxes. We found significant flux variability between suction plates and soil depths. Rank analysis showed stable regions of high and low water and DOC fluxes, suggesting stable subsoil PFPs over these five years. Furthermore, the significance of small scale spatial heterogeneity as estimated by intraclass correlation was higher than the seasonal variability in each hydrological year, strengthening the idea that PFPs in a soil profile persist over years. In addition, SUVA analysis showed a decrease in OM aromaticity with depth in all three profiles and it was moderately correlated with water fluxes, indicating selective retention of complex organic matter along the soil profile.

These findings highlight the potential for long-term stability of PFPs in subsoils and their significance for the development and maintenance of biogeochemical subsoil C hotspots, and that small scale soil heterogeneity plays a major role in controlling water and nutrient movements across the soil profile.

How to cite: Socianu, S., Böhme, H., Leinemann, T., Liebmann, P., Kalbitz, K., Mikutta, R., and Guggenberger, G.: Small scale soil heterogeneity shows stable subsoil preferential flow paths of water and DOC over a 5 year period in a Dystric Cambisol, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9140,, 2023.

Abstract :[Background] The black soil area in northeast China is an important grain production base in China, and soil erosion is serious. Soil aggregate stability has a profound influence on soil erosion process. The purpose of this study was to clarify the fragmentation characteristics of surface and bottom soil aggregates in sloping farmland under different damage mechanisms, and to evaluate the stability characteristics of aggregates under different damage mechanisms, so as to provide theoretical basis for the prevention and control of soil erosion in sloping farmland in rainy season. [Methods] The typical long straight sloping farmland in northeast Black soil region was selected as the study area. Samples were taken every 30 m along the longitudinal section of the slope length, with a sampling depth of 30 cm and a sampling length of 1020 m. The particle size distribution and stability parameters of soil aggregates were determined by Le Bissonnais (LB) method (including fast wetting (FW), slow wetting (SW) and runoff disturbance (WS) treatments. [Results] 1) Under the three treatments of LB method, FW treatment (rainstorm) had the largest damage to soil aggregate structure, SW treatment (light rain) had the least damage to soil aggregate structure, and WS treatment (disturbance) was in the middle. On the whole, the aggregate stability showed MWDSW>MWDWS>MWDFW. 2) Analysis of soil aggregates in the topsoil (0-10 cm) showed that SW treatment (light rain) caused the soil aggregates to break into aggregates of >0.2 mm. WS treatment (disturbance) caused the fragmentation of soil aggregates mainly concentrated in 2-0.2 mm grain size, indicating that the >2 mm grain size aggregates were mainly destroyed by raindrop splashing, which made them split into microaggregates. After FW treatment (rainstorm), the aggregates were broken in <1 mm size, which provided abundant loose aggregates for raindrop splash erosion and runoff erosion process, and became the main source of erosion materials in soil erosion process. 3) The aggregate fragmentation of surface layer (0-30 cm) was more sensitive to 0-10 cm soil layer after light rain. The aggregate fragmentation effect under rainstorm and irrigation was more obvious in 0-20 cm soil layer. The effects of raindrop splashing and runoff disturbance on aggregate fragmentation in 0-30 cm soil layer are similar. MWD0-10cm < MWD10-20cm < MWD20-30cm in different soil layers under the three failure mechanisms. 4) In the three treatments of LB method, 1 mm grain size was taken as the critical, and 1 mm grain size was used as the index to distinguish soil stability. Soil aggregate size >1 mm had a strong resistance to soil dissipation, clay expansion and mechanical oscillation. This result could characterize the factors affecting soil stability structure.

How to cite: Liu, H. and Jia, Y.: Study on the structure and stability characteristics of typical black soil aggregates in Northeast China based on Le Bissonnais method, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10424,, 2023.

EGU23-10958 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.1 | Highlight

The thermodynamics of aggregate development, structure, and size 

Thomas Ritschel and Kai Totsche

Soil's aggregated structure is fundamental for the functioning of soil, and aggregation is a crucial process within pedogenesis. While aggregates are often considered stable entities, bonds between aggregate forming materials can form, consolidate, and break over time. Consequently, individual aggregates are subject to permanent restructuring and do not show a final spatial configuration that remains stable. Instead, only the temporal average of aggregate features converges to a constant value and –in case the system comprises a large ensemble of aggregates– a situation of thermodynamic equilibrium will establish over time. The dynamics of disaggregation and restructuring might be equally important for the establishment of aggregate structure as the aggregation mechanisms themselves and should therefore be considered when modeling structure formation. We conducted a comprehensive numerical analysis to reveal the interplay of aggregation mechanisms and the breaking of aggregate bonds in a physicochemical framework that combines three-dimensional transport with DLVO-type surface interactions. The attractive and repulsive energies between aggregate forming materials were used to model the temporal dynamics and stability of bonds in a heuristic manner. Despite the ongoing formation and breaking of bonds, we show that aggregation approaches a thermodynamic equilibrium depending on the physicochemical environment. Specifically, an ensemble of aggregates of sufficient size to provide robust statistical averages converges to a state of constant mean properties, e.g., aggregate size and aggregate morphology. Aggregates and their structure should therefore be considered dynamic entities, where an ensemble might reach a steady-state equilibrium, but each individual aggregate does not.

How to cite: Ritschel, T. and Totsche, K.: The thermodynamics of aggregate development, structure, and size, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10958,, 2023.

EGU23-11593 | Orals | SSS5.1

Elucidating cm-scale heterogeneity in soil biogeochemistry with a 13C pulse-chase assay 

Lukas Kohl, Petri Kiuru, Marjo Palviainen, Maari Raivonen, Markku Koskinen, Laura Matala, Mari Pihlatie, and Annamari Laurén

Spatial heterogeneity in the soil pore network is commonly understood to lead to spatially distinct biogeochemical transformations like the production of methane in anaerobic pockets in unsaturated soils. Yet, demonstrations of this heterogeneity and its linkage to soil structure (e.g., the spatial position in the soil pore network architecture) remains elusive.

We therefore developed an assay to elucidate centimeter-scale differences in biogeochemical reactions within and between peat soil cores. For this, we injects a isotope-labeled substrate (sodium 13C2-acetate) at different locations in intact peat samples (10 cm diameter x 10 cm height) and followed its conversion to 13CO2 and 13CH4 over 5 days time in an automated measurement system using a Picarro G2201-i trace gas analyser. We analyse the ratio of 13CH4 and 13CO2 produced from the amended substrate, the fraction of substrate converted to 13CH4/13CO2, and the time course of 13CH4/13CO2 release. 

To test this approach, we collected seven pairs of peat core samples (15-25cm depths, 10 cm diameter, >30m between apart) at a drained forested peatland in Southern Finland. As one of the goals was to evaluate the effects of water retention hysteresis, half of the samples were set to -15 hPa water potential after draining to -30 hPa water potential, while the other half was set to same water potential after water-saturating the samples. In three experiments per core, we injected 10 nmol sodium acetate in 1mL water at 2, 5, and 8cm depth. We find both fixed effects (of core, injection depth, water treatment) and random effects that might be governed by the position of the injection with the peat core. 

We find, for example, that while a subset of the peat cores emitted (natural abundance) CH4, these cores showed highly heterogeneous conversions of the injected label into CH4 and CO2 that could not be explained by the fixed effects, demonstrating the spatial heterogeneity of methanogenesis and heterotrophic respiration within the peat core.

In our future work, we will explore if pore networks models extracted from microtomographic images can explain these contrasting results. 

How to cite: Kohl, L., Kiuru, P., Palviainen, M., Raivonen, M., Koskinen, M., Matala, L., Pihlatie, M., and Laurén, A.: Elucidating cm-scale heterogeneity in soil biogeochemistry with a 13C pulse-chase assay, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11593,, 2023.

EGU23-11663 | Posters on site | SSS5.1

Spatial variability of Carbon turnover in soil microaggregates and the challenge of combining multi-scale approaches 

Nele Meyer, Jacqueline Kaldun, Andrey Rodionov, Wulf Amelung, and Eva Lehndorff

The long-term stability of soil organic carbon (SOC) is controlled by stabilization mechanisms, among which physical stabilization through microaggregate (<250µm) formation is considered to be critically important. Yet, the turnover of Carbon in aggregates is not well understood. Here, we aimed at unravelling the importance of microaggregates for long-term C storage in a soil subjected to a C3-C4 vegetation change 36 years before sampling. We hypothesized that Carbon in microaggregates is characterized by a longer mean residence time (MRT) than that of bulk soil and that SOC turnover appears predominantly at the outside of aggregates. Free and occluded size fractions (250-53 µm) were obtained by wet sieving and ultrasound. True aggregates were manually isolated from size fractions and analyzed for quantity, C content, and bulk δ13C. Additionally, we used laser ablation isotope ratio mass spectrometry (LA-IRMS) with a resolution of 20 µm to study small-scale patterns of δ13C within aggregates and on their surfaces. The calculated MRT of Carbon in occluded and free aggregates was with 62 and 105 years only slightly longer than that of bulk soil (58 years). Also the low quantity of true aggregates (<5% aggregates in size fraction) questions their importance for soil C storage. The spatial variability of δ13C within individual aggregates was considerable, both in C3 (-18.8±6.4) and C4 (-19.6 ±5.5) soil, but without difference between inside and surface locations. No aggregates being clearly older than 36 years, i.e. with only C3-derived SOC isotope signatures were found, suggesting that on the micro-scale microbial turnover processes control δ13C more than expected. In summary, aggregates seemed to be subjected to high rates of formation and decay. Altogether, it is therefore questionable whether aggregates considerably contribute to overall long-term SOC storage. Yet, results need to be treated with caution and we will present evidence that the concept of source mixing between C3 and C4-derived Carbon is not valid in small-scale approaches where differences in δ13C are dominated by C turnover processes rather than source.

How to cite: Meyer, N., Kaldun, J., Rodionov, A., Amelung, W., and Lehndorff, E.: Spatial variability of Carbon turnover in soil microaggregates and the challenge of combining multi-scale approaches, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11663,, 2023.

EGU23-12421 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.1

Quantifying the impact of 3D pore space morphology on diffusive mass transport in loam and sand 

Matthias Weber, Benedikt Prifling, Nadja Ray, Alexander Prechtel, Maxime Phalempin, Steffen Schlüter, Doris Vetterlein, and Volker Schmidt

Effective diffusion is an important macroscopic property for assessing mass transport in porous media. Numerical computations on segmented 3D CT images yield precise estimates for diffusive properties. On the other hand, geometrical characteristics of pore space like, e.g., porosity, specific surface area and further transport-related descriptors can be easily computed from 3D CT images and are closely linked to diffusion processes. In the present contribution, we consider six different soil samples of loam and sand, whose 3D microstructure is quantitatively investigated using univariate as well as bivariate distributions of geometrical descriptors of pore space. This information is used for investigating microstructure-property relationships by means of empirically derived regression formulas, where a particular focus is put on the differences between loam and sand samples. In this way, it is possible to obtain a deeper understanding for the relationship between the 3D microstructure of the pore space and the resulting diffusive properties due to the analytical nature of the prediction formulas. In particular, it is shown that formulas existing so far in the literature for predicting soil gas diffusion can be significantly improved by incorporating further geometrical descriptors such as geodesic tortuosity, chord length distribution or constrictivity. The robustness of these formulas is investigated by fitting the regression parameters on different data sets as well as by applying the empirically derived formulas to certain data that is not used for fitting. Among others, it turns out that a prediction formula based on porosity as well as mean and standard deviation of geodesic tortuosity performs best with regard to the coefficient of determination and the mean absolute percentage error. Moreover, it is shown that with regard to the prediction of diffusive properties the concept of geodesic tortuosity is superior to geometric tortuosity, where the latter is based on the skeleton of the pore space. 

How to cite: Weber, M., Prifling, B., Ray, N., Prechtel, A., Phalempin, M., Schlüter, S., Vetterlein, D., and Schmidt, V.: Quantifying the impact of 3D pore space morphology on diffusive mass transport in loam and sand, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12421,, 2023.

EGU23-13591 | Posters on site | SSS5.1

Seven years of research on process-based, mechanistic modeling of aggregation and its drivers 

Alexander Prechtel, Simon Zech, and Nadja Ray

Advanced imaging techniques now allow to take snapshots of soils even down to the nanoscale. Nevertheless, assessing the temporal evolution of elemental distributions, distinguishing different liquid phases and identifying dynamic microbial processes is experimentally still challenging. Consequently mechanistic models operating at the pore scale facilitate the study and understanding of phenomena shaping soil structures as, e.g., carbon turnover, and vice versa.

We present an overview of a versatile hybrid discrete continuum modeling approach combining cellular automata and partial differential equations, which integrates the complex coupling of biological, chemical, and physical processes. Dynamic liquid and gaseous phases, diffusive processes for solutes, mobile bacteria transforming into immobile biomass, and ions are prescribed by means of partial differential equations. Furthermore the solid phase is dynamic, e.g. through aggregation of soil particles, the addition and decomposition of particulate organic matter, or the mechanical influence of roots and their exudates. The virtual soil structures rely on micro-CT images or particle libraries derived from dynamic image analysis of water-stable aggregates.

Applications include structure formation of clay minerals, the interplay between soil structural dynamics and organic matter turnover, or the impact/importance of liquid phase connectivity and substrate supply. Finally the mathematical homogenization technique is used to show a way how to incorporate information from the pore scale to macroscale models, e.g. by coupling microscale carbon turnover to profile-scale CO2 transport.

How to cite: Prechtel, A., Zech, S., and Ray, N.: Seven years of research on process-based, mechanistic modeling of aggregation and its drivers, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13591,, 2023.

EGU23-14821 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.1

The functional roles of mucus during aggregation 

Tom Guhra, Arnold Wonneberger, Katharina Stolze, Thomas Ritschel, and Kai Uwe Totsche

Soil organisms influence pedogenesis on a molecular level through the production of biopolymers which potentially interact with soil minerals depending on their molecular properties. Specifically, biopolymers can inhibit aggregation as separation agent or promote aggregation as bridging agent (Guhra et al. 2022). Mucus, a biopolymer excreted by earthworms consisting mainly of proteins, polysaccharides, and, to a lesser extent, lipids, has often been neglected so far, despite earthworm's fundamental contribution to soil quality and structuring via bioturbation. In our study, we investigate the role of cutaneous earthworm mucus (CEM) of L. terrestris during the formation of organo-mineral associations and aggregates. For this purpose, batch experiments were carried out with goethite and CEM at different pH values and increasing CEM concentrations resulting in the formation of mucus-goethite associations. Afterwards, the (homo/hetero) aggregation of these newly formed mucus-goethite associations with quartz particles was investigated in response to mucus-C loadings on mineral surfaces and CEM concentration in solution.

Our experiments showed a pH dependent CEM structure and an adsorption to goethite controlled by concentration and pH. Polysaccharides from CEM adsorb preferentially under acidic conditions (pH 3) and low CEM concentration (6 mg mucus-C/l). In contrast, a stronger adsorption of proteins was observed at higher CEM concentrations (30 mg mucus-C /l). In subsequent aggregation experiments, the hetero-aggregation rate of organo-mineral associations and quartz was decreased at low C-loadings and increased at high loadings in comparison to the CEM-free reference. Furthermore, the aggregation between goethite particles was inhibited by electrostatic/steric repulsion (separation agent) when high CEM concentrations were present in solution (mineral:mucus ratio of 17), while CEM functions as bridging agent at low relative CEM supply (mineral:mucus ratio of > 83).

The formation and the aggregation behavior of mucus-mineral associations contribute to nutrient/carbon storage as well as structure formation in soil. The composition, function, and (im-)mobilization of CEM and corresponding organo-mineral associations in earthworm-influenced soil structures is shaped by CEM availability and the structure/reactivity of CEM affected by environmental parameters.




Guhra, T., Stolze, K. and Totsche, K.U. 2022. Pathways of biogenically excreted organic matter into soil aggregates. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 164, 108483.

How to cite: Guhra, T., Wonneberger, A., Stolze, K., Ritschel, T., and Totsche, K. U.: The functional roles of mucus during aggregation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14821,, 2023.

EGU23-15383 | Posters on site | SSS5.1

X-ray imaging demonstrates that air-filled porosity and its connectivity controls carbon mineralisation near saturation in intact soil cores. 

Elsa Coucheney, Emilien Casali, Nicholas Jarvis, and Johannes Koestel

One source of uncertainty in the prediction of soil carbon (C) dynamics is the regulation of microbial activity by soil moisture. This important factor regulates both the survival and the activity of the microbial community through the availability of water, air and substrates. The role of soil structure in the response of C mineralisation to soil moisture is not taken into account in models. We need to better understand how the heterogeneity of the soil pore space and changes in soil structure affect C mineralisation through the regulation of soil water retention and thus the distribution of air and water in the pore system. We hypothesized that soil structure has a predominant effect on the response curve close to saturation by affecting the amount and distribution of the air phase in soil, in which the diffusion of gases takes place: transport of air (O2) to microbes and transport of the mineralisation product (CO2) back to the atmosphere.

To obtain soils of contrasting structure, we sampled 8 intact cores (at a depth of 10-15 cm) from four blocks of an agricultural field experiment located in northern France a under conventional or no-till management. Each core (5 x 6.5 cm) was consecutively incubated over a period of one week after equilibration at water potentials of -2.5, -10, -20 and -30 cm and C mineralisation rates were estimated at day 1, 3 and 7. Air distributions in the soil pore networks were quantified by X-ray tomography between each equilibration/incubation period. Water retention curves, soil dry bulk density and porosity were estimated from water contents (weights) measured at each potential.

The estimated porosity varied from 0.40 to 0.52 and the Van Genuchten parameter alpha (estimated from water retention curves) varied from 0.05 to 0.09 cm-1 and both were slightly smaller under no till compared to conventional management. Air contents varied from zero to 0.09 m3 m-3 and were positively correlated to the C mineralisation rates, which varied from 18 μg CO2 g-1C h-1 near saturation to 65 μg CO2 g-1C h-1 at water potentials of -20 to -30 cm. X-ray analyses carried out at the four different water potentials further showed that C mineralisation rates were positively correlated to the volume fraction of the air-filled porosity connected to the upper surface of the cores.

These results confirm that soil structure is important in the C mineralisation response to soil moisture close to saturation by regulating the air content and its distribution in soil at water potentials ranging from 0 to -30 cm.

How to cite: Coucheney, E., Casali, E., Jarvis, N., and Koestel, J.: X-ray imaging demonstrates that air-filled porosity and its connectivity controls carbon mineralisation near saturation in intact soil cores., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15383,, 2023.

EGU23-15453 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.1

Changes in soil organic matter quality during long-term bare fallow do not affect microaggregate stability 

Alexander Fechner, Robert Mikutta, Klaus Kaiser, Tobias Bromm, Cordula Vogel, Jeroen Zethof, Michaela Aehnelt, Georg Guggenberger, and Stefan Dultz

Organic substances of diverse origins are known to promote the formation of microaggregates in soils. However, their contribution to the resistance of microaggregates against mechanical stress remains unclear. This study tests for possible effects of plant- and microbial-derived organic matter on the stability of microaggregates against ultrasonic dispersion, taking advantage of a 14-year field experiment with either continuous (cropland) or minimum (bare fallow) organic inputs. The idea was that minimum input will result in the depletion of organic matter and, consequently, in decreased microaggregate stability. Microaggregates were separated into three size fractions (<20, 20-53, 53-250 µm) by wet sieving and subjected to ultrasonic disturbance at various energies. The contents of organic C, total N and neutral and amino sugars in microaggregates were determined by thermal combustion and biomarker analyses, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of intact and crushed microaggregates was used to analyse the spatial distribution and oxidative alteration of organic matter. The results show that most microaggregate samples under bare fallow showed little to no decline in organic C concentrations, while bulk soil C decreased from 1.2 to 0.9 %. Amino and neutral sugars, however, decreased significantly, indicating decreased contribution of microbial products. This finding is in conflict with the missing plant C input, which should have promoted microbial processing of organic matter, resulting in declining contents of organic C with increased contributions of microbially derived compounds. Microaggregate surfaces were significantly enriched in C, with no decrease under bare fallow, which might indicate that microaggregates are not built around organic cores but are structural units collecting organic matter from their surroundings. This agrees with the finding that more oxidised and microbially processed material is stored within microaggregates, while organic matter on the outer surfaces is less oxidised, i.e. less strongly processed and thus fresher. This may explain why microaggregates lost very little organic C during fallow, as degrading plant material could have provided organic matter, substituting the loss of mineralized microbial organic matter. All microaggregate size fractions showed little and rather similar resistance against mechanical stress, achieving near complete dispersion after the application of 25 J/ml. Microaggregate stability was, in agreement with organic C contents, similar for both treatments but showed no indication that the varying contribution of amino and neutral sugars was of relevance to microaggregate stability. We conclude that, despite the clear effect of bare fallow on the organic matter composition, it had little effect on microaggregate organic C contents and their resistance to mechanical stress. This indicates that the composition of organic matter may not be the primary factor for the mechanical stability of microaggregates.

How to cite: Fechner, A., Mikutta, R., Kaiser, K., Bromm, T., Vogel, C., Zethof, J., Aehnelt, M., Guggenberger, G., and Dultz, S.: Changes in soil organic matter quality during long-term bare fallow do not affect microaggregate stability, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15453,, 2023.

Soil structure is a dynamic property of soils, which refers to temporal changes in the spatial arrangement of pores, organic matter, and minerals. As for many chemical reactions, also soil structure can be at a state of dynamic equilibrium, in which bulk properties, such as macroporosity, average pore size, and others apparently remain constant even though pores are formed and destroyed continuously. On the long term, the creation and destruction of structural properties are in balance as long environmental conditions, such as climate or cover crops, do not change or no external disturbances, such as tillage, become effective.

The irreversible redistribution of soil constituents, i.e. soil structure turnover, itself determines essential soil functions. For example, the creation and disruption of a pore network affects water flow, water storage, and aeration. Microsites of higher densities limit the accessibility of plant residues and organic amendments for microbiology through pores, and in consequence, increase the capacity of soil to store organic carbon. However, so far there are only few experiments trying to capture these dynamic processes and quantify the contribution of different drivers. Using examples describing the relationship between soil structure and soil functions at different sites, I will show that there is a need for new long-term monitoring experiments to capture these dynamics at temporal resolution.

How to cite: Leuther, F.: Soil structure – a dynamic soil property which effects multiple soil functions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15721,, 2023.

EGU23-16345 | Orals | SSS5.1

Soil heterogeneity and how it controls ecosystem functions and soil development 

Stephan Peth, Daniel Uteau, Vincent John Martin Noah Linus Felde, and Svenja Roosch

Soil structure is complex and dynamic on various scales. Soil heterogeneity as an expression of soil structural complexity develops over time and is controlled by biological, physical and geochemical processes and their interactions. Biotic and abiotic mechanisms shape the soil (micro)environment by forming interconnected pore spaces and solid particle arrangements. Commonly soil development begins with a more or less homogeneous initial structure which evolves towards an increasingly heterogeneously shaped soil architecture serving as a habitat of living organisms and in turn controlling matter, energy and gas fluxes. The relationship between soil structure and function seems to result in a self-organized system of pores and biogeochemical interfaces that is in equilibrium with its boundary conditions. 

In this presentation, we will demonstrate the interaction between soil heterogeneity and function using imaging approaches. Examples will include (i) root – soil interactions and rhizosphere oxygen distribution, (ii) spatial distribution and mineralization of organic matter in soil aggregates with contrasting architecture, (iii) the effect of initial soil heterogeneity on soil structural evolution and (iv) in-situ deformation patterns upon mechanical stresses. These examples provide an insight into the internal dynamics of soil architectures and their related physical, biological and geochemical processes which are important to understand ecosystem-relevant soil functions.

How to cite: Peth, S., Uteau, D., Felde, V. J. M. N. L., and Roosch, S.: Soil heterogeneity and how it controls ecosystem functions and soil development, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16345,, 2023.

EGU23-17493 | Posters on site | SSS5.1

Are pseudo-sands internal soil biophysical reactors? 

Hermann F. Jungkunst, Simone Kilian Salas, Paul A. Schroeder, Jens Boy, and Georg Guggenberger

Most biogeochemical models commonly obtain their soil input from pedotransfer functions based on soil texture and other crude but widely available soil data. However, soil texture based on single grain size distribution neglects the impact of actual soil structures in the field. Consequently, scientific efforts are being made to correct for this systematic bias in predicting soil functioning. Pronounced discrepancies between field measurements and model predictions occur for tropical soils: overestimated N2O emissions is a prominent example of this mismatch. A well-known characteristic of tropical soils, potentially responsible for the systematic error, are stable aggregates called pseudo-sands. In the field they are perceived as sand, but in the lab measured as clay and silt. The simple assumption that pseudo-sands act just like sands in the field seems to work satisfactorily for certain hydrological predictions, so models were easily adjusted to it. However, here we pursue the hypothesis that, biogeochemically, pseudo-sands do not act like sands. Due to their high internal surface and rough structure, pseudo-sands, unlike sands, provide a wide variety of ecological niches for a diverse community of microorganisms to establish. We will present first evidence for pseudo-sands to act more like a biophysical reactor than just another grain of sand. The long-term goal is to develop a transfer function related to the properties of pseudo-sands that will lead to improved models for tropical soils.

How to cite: Jungkunst, H. F., Kilian Salas, S., Schroeder, P. A., Boy, J., and Guggenberger, G.: Are pseudo-sands internal soil biophysical reactors?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17493,, 2023.

EGU23-303 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.2

Do published field experiments inform the longevity of biochar in soil? 

Chenzhe Xu, Saran Sohi, Jonathan Hillier, and Elizabeth Baggs

The efficiency of biochar application in soil carbon sequestration (SCS) is highly sensitive to biochar longevity. To predict biochar longevity at extended timescales, modelling is essential. It is often expressed that data from field experiments can support this understanding, especially long-term field experiments (LTEs). Our work tests this assertion, using the existing evidence base. A literature search for LTEs of greater than 3-year duration and other criteria was conducted, with the null assumption that biochar C is inert in soil. Observations of soil organic carbon (SOC) after biochar additions from selected LTEs were made against predictions from the Roth C model, assuming no biochar decay.

At the end of July 2022, we found 982 articles describing field experiments that concerned biochar longevity and SCS and initiated within the last two decades. Among them, only 17 reported LTEs matching our screening criteria and providing long-term data suitable for modelling. In these LTEs, a range of SOC dynamics were observed where an acceptable level of fit could not be achieved using a plausible range in parameters. A range of potential reasons for the deviation between measured observations and model predictions were considered, including priming effects on native SOC, migration of biochar particles, sampling and measurement issues, etc. Such factors could not be isolated with sufficient confidence to adjust observational data or model parameters, confounded by the inability to distinguish the dynamics of biochar C and non-biochar C.

Current field data do not enable us to reject the null hypothesis. Reliable parameterization for biochar longevity solely based on field experiments may not be possible on timescales relevant to mitigation of climate change. Instead, alternative strategies for assessing biochar longevity are required, that can be verified in real-time alongside a set of permanent benchmark sites, across different agro-ecological zones with uniform experimental standards, not least in sampling strategy and biochar C and non-biochar C distinction. That will support the incremental adoption of biochar, while providing a robust method for post-hoc adjustment of mitigation benefit.

How to cite: Xu, C., Sohi, S., Hillier, J., and Baggs, E.: Do published field experiments inform the longevity of biochar in soil?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-303,, 2023.

EGU23-700 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.2

Effect of Organic Fertilization and Deficit Irrigation Management on Processing Tomato 

Jenny Shrestha, Silvia Locatelli, Carlo Nicoletto, Francesco Morbidini, Giampaolo Zanin, Dorcas Franklin, Paolo Sambo, and Carmelo Maucieri

An experiment was carried out to determine if organic fertilizer and deficit irrigation combination could replace the traditional management of processing tomato crop (mineral fertilizer and irrigation of 100% crop evapotranspiration, ETc), without affecting yield and quality of production. The study was conducted from June 2022 to September 2022 at the experimental farm of the University of Padova, adopting a split-plot experimental design. The experiment was conducted under a plastic tunnel greenhouse where only the roof was covered to avoid the rainfall influence and at the same time to permit air circulation. Four fertilizer treatments, control (no fertilization), mineral fertilizer, unseived compost, and sieved compost (< 2mm) were applied in factorial combination with two irrigation treatments, 100% ETc and 75% ETc. Data on the vegetative, physiological, yield, and quality parameters were collected. The maximum plant height (75.3 cm) and stem diameter (17.0 mm) were recorded on plants fertilized with unseived compost; both of these parameters did not show significant differences in response to the irrigation level. For physiological parameters, significant differences were found among irrigation treatments. During the daytime, the 25% reduction of optimal irrigation water volume determined a reduction of 4.6% for stomal conductance (0.372 mol m-2 s-1 at 100% ETc) and of 14.2% for transpiration (4.56 mmol m-2 s-1 at 100% ETc). Regarding fluorescence, the highest value (0.769) was recorded for 75% ETc and mineral fertilization, while the lowest (0.733) was for 100% ETc and mineral fertilization. The number of ripe fruits per plant was significantly higher in the treatments with compost (60 fruits plant-1) than in the unfertilized control (39 fruits plant-1). The yield was neither influenced by fertilization nor by irrigation level showing an average value of 2 kg plant-1. Similarly, the qualitative analysis of the tomato fruits showed significantly higher soluble solid content (+5.8%) and pH (+1.4%) at 100% ETc than 75% ETc which showed an average value of 4.11 ˚Brix and 4.20, respectively. The fruits' dry matter content was not significantly influenced by the studied treatments. The results were derived from one year experiment, and they have to be confirmed in future experiments. However, they indicate that compost, whether sieved or not can be a valuable solution for the processing tomato fertilization and that deficit irrigation can be a valuable solution to reduce agricultural water use with only a few effects on plant production and quality parameters.

How to cite: Shrestha, J., Locatelli, S., Nicoletto, C., Morbidini, F., Zanin, G., Franklin, D., Sambo, P., and Maucieri, C.: Effect of Organic Fertilization and Deficit Irrigation Management on Processing Tomato, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-700,, 2023.

EGU23-2694 | Posters on site | SSS5.2

Revisiting a short rotation coppice plot trial 10 years after biochar application: can we expect long-term effects on soil organic carbon content? 

Stefan Pätzold, Ester Bellantone, Alexandra Sandhage-Hofmann, and Felix von Glisczynski

Biochar and related commercial products have been intensively studied in the past years with respect to their potential benefit for soil fertility and carbon sequestration. Yet, little is known about long-term effects of modern biochar application to soil organic carbon (SOC) content at plot scale and in temperate climate.

To evaluate potential effects of biochar application on soil organic carbon (SOC) and total nitrogen (Ntot) content, the soils of a field trial at Campus Klein-Altendorf, an experimental site of the University of Bonn (Germany), were re-sampled in 2022. The short rotation coppice plot experiment with four tree species had been established in 2012 on a Luvic Stagnosol formed from loess. Four treatments in threefold replication were realised: untreated control, compost, and two biochar–compost substrates with 15% (BCS15) and 30 % biochar (BCS30), respectively (in total 48 plots). All amendments were applied at 30 Mg dry matter ha–1 and incorporated to 0.15 m depth before the trees were planted.

Prior to application of the amendments in 2012, the mean SOC and Ntot content were typical for arable loess soils in the region. In the first three years, no significant effects on soil fertility parameters and plant growth were observed, but C stocks were enhanced in the biochar treatments (von Glisczynski et al., 2016).

During the re-sampling campaign after ten years, soil samples were taken from 0-0.1, and 0.1-0.2 m depth, corresponding to the sampling design at the beginning of the trial. The samples were conventionally analysed for SOC and Ntot (elemental analysis). Priority was given to the control and the 30% biochar treatment to estimate the maximum effects. The first and preliminary results point to a significant increase of the SOC content in the BCS30 treatment, but also in the untreated control when compared to the initial contents published by von Glisczynski et al. (2016). The mean SOC content in 0-0.2 m depth over all tree species raised from 12.5 g kg-1 to 13.8 g kg-1 (control) and 16.9 g kg-1 (BCS30) SOC, respectively. Total N also increased to 1.3 (control) and 1.4 g kg-1 (BCS30), respectively. Resolving more in detail the depth distribution clearly showed that the SOC increase occurred predominantly in the uppermost 0-0.1 m (BCS30: 21.5 g kg-1, control: 16.5 g kg-1); here, the BCS30 treatment showed a significantly larger C:N ratio than the control. In contrast, little difference was observed in 0.1-0.2 m depth (BCS30: 12.2 g kg-1, control: 11.2 g kg-1). The increase of SOC and Ntot also in the untreated control as well as their depth profiles point to an effect not only of biochar application, but also of abandonment of soil cultivation for 10 years in the short rotation coppice. However, further in-depth investigations are necessary to confirm these presumed long-term effects.

How to cite: Pätzold, S., Bellantone, E., Sandhage-Hofmann, A., and von Glisczynski, F.: Revisiting a short rotation coppice plot trial 10 years after biochar application: can we expect long-term effects on soil organic carbon content?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2694,, 2023.

EGU23-2978 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.2

Co-composted biochar enhances soil fertility more than individual additives 

Irina Mikajlo, Brice Louvel, Jaroslav Záhora, Thomas Z. Lerch, and Bertrand Pourrut

Biochar is considered a promising amendment to store carbon and improve degraded soil properties. However, this additive could have disadvantageous effects on plants and soil organisms due to its charring process toxic by-products and its ability to retain nutrients. To mitigate these negative effects, co-amendments with an organic additive such as compost have been proposed, but comparative studies are scarce. In this study, we investigated the influence of biochars applied (i) solely, (ii) mixed with matured compost or (iii) co-composted biochar on soil properties and plant growth. To this aim, three different types of biochar derived from various feedstocks were tested in two soil with different agronomic properties (Luvisol and Fluvisol). After three months of greenhouse experiment with grown lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. capitata L.), the shoot and root biomasses were quantified and the soil physicochemical properties were measured (pH, CEC, total N, organic C and soil available P). Solely applied biochar did not influence plant yield and maintained alkaline soil pH. Contrariwise, biochar mixed with matured compost maintained an average increase of lettuce growth by three times with risen soil nutrient content and kept alkaline pH. Whereas treatments with co-composted biochar and solely added compost promoted plant growth by almost six times, kept pH on neutral levels and nutrients on an average level with CEC equally enhanced, regardless of the biochar origin or the soil type. These results suggest that co-composted biochar addition to the soil is a convincing way to maintain soil fertility in a long term.

How to cite: Mikajlo, I., Louvel, B., Záhora, J., Lerch, T. Z., and Pourrut, B.: Co-composted biochar enhances soil fertility more than individual additives, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2978,, 2023.

EGU23-3104 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.2

The effect of new leonardite-based soil amendments on soil organic carbon and carbon dioxide emissions from black soil 

Viktoriia Hetmanenko, Olesia Volosheniuk, Ievhen Skrylnyk, and Angela Kutova

The current declining soil fertility along with the need for intensification of crop production and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction is a great challenge, which may be mitigated by sound soil organic carbon (SOC) management. Organic soil amendments have long been known to increase the organic matter content of the soil. Locally available organic soil amendments are an essential source of carbon and nutrients. The significance of the production of new soil amendments has become even clearer considering the escalating prices of chemical fertilizers. Leonardite (oxidized lignite) has a high content of carbon (48.3%) and can be an efficient raw material for soil amendment production. To increase the degree of humification of leonardite and to improve its fertilization value mechano-activation with different materials was used. Iron as a variable-valent metal played the role of a catalyst for the synthesis of the humic substance while bentonite was used as matrice to their synthesis. Molasses was used as the binder during the granulation of soil amendments. For the production of organo-mineral amendment to organic granules obtained a mineral fertilizer layer was added to achieve an N:P:K ratio of 1:0.86:0.95. Correct dose and method of soil amendment application play an important role in its efficient use. We have tested two methods of application of new soil amendments (band incorporation and broadcasting) at two rates of total nitrogen fertilization (30 and 60 kg N ha-1) in a field trial for two years. The sum of positive temperatures on the experimental field is 2400-2900 С. The average annual precipitation is 465-680 mm. The soil - Chernozem Podzolic with organic carbon content by the Tyurin method is 2.37 %. Application of organo-mineral amendment (N60) led to an increase of total organic carbon content in the topsoil by 10% compared to the no treatment and mineral fertilization. The integral indicator of the complex dielectric permeability revealed a decrease of polarity of the humic supramolecular structure due to organo-mineral amendment application. This change led to the formation of a more complex, polydisperse, and heterogeneous molecular aggregate organization with high hydrophobicity and stability. The data obtained during the growing period of maize showed that the intensity and the dynamics of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from soil depend on the hydrothermal conditions and the type of soil amendments. Cumulative CO2 flux increased with an increasing application rate of soil amendments. The highest mean value of CO2 emissions (0.77 kg CO2/ha/hour) during the growing season was observed under broadcasting of organic soil amendment (N60). Further long-term measurements of soil organic carbon dynamics on different soil types across a variety of technological operations of new soil amendments application are important to reliably quantify rates of SOC accumulation and GHG emissions.

How to cite: Hetmanenko, V., Volosheniuk, O., Skrylnyk, I., and Kutova, A.: The effect of new leonardite-based soil amendments on soil organic carbon and carbon dioxide emissions from black soil, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3104,, 2023.

EGU23-5371 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.2

Inclusion of biochar hydrological properties in a C dynamic model with field data 

Maria Caterina Vaccari, Simone Pesce, Enrico Balugani, and Antonio Volta

Biochar is considered one of the most promising tools to increase soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration to achieve IPCC climate change targets. Research on the effect of biochar on soil carbon dynamics and its indirect effect on soil moisture through models that need to be extended, tested and validated with long term experiments.

Our work aimed at providing a starting point through the integration of two models: Criteria 1D and RothC to account the indirect effect of biochar on SOC due to changes in soil hydrological properties. 

In order to account the indirect effect of biochar on soil moisture, we modified the RothC-Biochar (Pulcher et al 2022), a modified version of RothC that account the biochar priming effect and biochar recalcitrance properties, modifying the calculation of Total Soil Moisture Deficit (TSMD), a parameter related to soil moisture in RothC, through the relation between TSMD and θ (soil water content) suggested in Farina et al 2013.

Thus, we ran the CRITERIA 1D agrometeorological model to estimate the Van Genuchten water retention curve parameter from a multi-year field experiment (2017-2022) in a vineyard in Tebano (Ravenna, Italy), to estimate θ from field.

Since 2017 in Tebano we applied biochar produced from vine clippings and pruning residues. We installed sensors for weather and soil moisture between plots in 2019, with 5TE probes we monitored soil moisture, temperature and conductivity and with MPS1 probes soil matrix potential.

We applied a correction on the parameters that regulate the Van Genuchthen water retention curve function in CRITERIA 1D to account the effect of biochar on soil hydraulic properties. Then we compared the data obtained from the field probes with Criteria outputs to verify that the applied correction was accurate; finally, we use the Criteria results as input for RothC-Biochar.

The simulation with the modified RothC-Biochar models suggests that applying biochar on agricultural field would result in an increase of 2 tC ha-1of native SOC after 4 years compared to a bare soil due to indirect effect of biochar on soil moisture.


How to cite: Vaccari, M. C., Pesce, S., Balugani, E., and Volta, A.: Inclusion of biochar hydrological properties in a C dynamic model with field data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5371,, 2023.

Accurately predicting the stability of a biochar sample placed in the environment is important for guiding climate policies and the emerging voluntary market for carbon removal. The stability of biochar in soils varies with feedstock type, pyrolysis parameters, and environmental conditions. Previous assessments have correlated biochar stability estimates to single features – like pyrolysis temperature, elemental molar ratios, or incubation duration – but these assessments used different datasets and methodologies and reached different conclusions. Therefore, our aim was to develop an open dataset of biochar decomposition experiments, and to develop a transparent data preparation and processing toolchain, enabling reproducibility of scientific results. We first made an inventory of all published biochar incubation experiments, and then collected the incubation data and an extensive set of associated metadata (i.e., biomass and biochar properties, pyrolysis and incubation conditions). In a second step, we developed a data analysis toolchain, including functions for extrapolation of the incubation data to longer times and models for correlation between metadata and estimated biochar stability. In the extrapolation step, the incubation data was fitted to decay functions. Care was taken to explore the effect of using different fitting algorithms and constraints, and to apply a recalibration of the incubation temperature. For the correlation step, several strategies were applied, including both single-feature linear regressions to reproduce previous results and multi-feature regressions based on decision trees. So far, a dataset of 135 observations with more than 8000 data elements was collected making it one of the largest biochar stability datasets available. For the first time, raw biochar decomposition data is also compiled for 111 observations (mostly laboratory incubations). The initial data exploration revealed that although pyrolysis temperatures in the range 350 to 700°C are well represented, there is a data gap at higher temperatures with only a few data points at 1200°C. Likewise, only two observations are available with a molar H/C ratio below 0.2. These gaps can guide design of future incubation studies, as these parameters are often seen as indicators of stability. During curve fitting with single, double, or triple exponential models, we noted that the choice of initial conditions was important for finding a good fit, but we also noted that in many cases fitting uncertainties were high, residuals were not necessarily randomly distributed, and that some observations did not fit well to any type of exponential model (likely due to experimental conditions). Nevertheless, we were able to approximately reproduce the fitting results reported in Woolf et al. (2021). Finally, linear correlations were established between predicted stability and pyrolysis temperature, molar H/C ratio, but also other features available in the dataset, yielding similar correlation coefficients as previously reported (0.1 to 0.4). Attempts to understand the variability in predicted stability (using principal component analysis) and to develop multi-variate and non-linear models have so far not significantly improved model performance without overfitting. Opportunities remain to use the compiled data for other types of modelling, e.g. in soil carbon models.

How to cite: Azzi, E. and Sundberg, C.: Revisiting biochar decomposition data and long-term stability estimates: a transparent and reproducible analysis, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5625,, 2023.

Soil fertility refers to the capacity of soil to support plant growth and development. Cation exchange capacity (CEC) is a fundamental measure of soil fertility quantifying soil's ability to retain essential cation nutrients such as potassium, ammonium, calcium, and magnesium, serving as a reservoir for soil native cations and artificially applied ones. However, soils are a finite resource and therefore subjected to unprecedented pressure due to rapid human population growth, agricultural activity, and food consumption, resulting in unsustainable soil degradation. For this reason, the application of exogenous organic matters (EOMs) such as biosolid, compost, manure, and biochar, is regarded as one of the most sustainable approaches for enhancing soil fertility, plant growth, and yield, soil carbon content, microbial biomass, and activity as well as preventing desertification by improving soil structure stability. Given the diverse origins of organic amendments from agriculture, forestry, industry, or wastewater-derived biosolids, their physical and chemical properties are different and may differently affect the adsorption and affinity of nutrient cations such as NH4+ and K+. Understanding the intrinsic properties of these EOMs in conjunction with the K-NH4 cation exchange behavior would improve our understanding of K-NH4 fertility management in organic matter-amended soil. The motivation for this study is the recognized knowledge gaps regarding cations exchange in organic materials, in particular, exchange reversibility. The main objective of this study is to quantify the cation exchange reversibility of K-NH4 in EOMs and to assess the hysteretic desorption behavior. Binary exchange experiments were conducted in which soils or organic materials were pre-saturated with NH4+. The results were analyzed based on the Gapon equation and the Freundlich model. The results demonstrated significant differences between soil and organic materials in adsorption capacity and selectivity of K+ and NH4+. In the desorption phase, the hysteretic desorption of K+ and NH4+ was observed and found to be concentration dependent. In our presentation, the results of exchange isotherm and adsorption-desorption will be presented and discussed.    

Keywords: soil organic matter, cation exchange, selectivity coefficient, adsorption, desorption, potassium, ammonium.

How to cite: Nguyen, B.-T. and Arye, G.: Cation exchange reversibility of potassium-ammonium binary solution: effect of organic matter, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5668,, 2023.

EGU23-5811 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.2

Long-term action of biochar in paddy soils: effect on organic carbon and functioning of microbial communities 

Qianqian Zhang, Tida Ge, Michaela Dippold, and Anna Gunina

Increasing soil carbon (C) sequestration in paddy fields is significant for ensuring food security and achieving C neutrality in China. Biochar has been widely used as a soil amendment; still, long-term effects on the mechanisms of biochar's effect on soil C accumulation and the mediating role of microorganisms are poorly understood. To address this issue, three field experiments on paddies were chosen (Changsha, Nanjing, and Jiaxing), where biochar was applied for 7 to 8 years. The treatments included control (no addition), N (N fertilizer, 120 kg ha-1), N+B1 (N and low amount of biochar, 15-24 t ha-1), and NB2 (N and high amount of biochar, 22.5-48 t ha-1), effects on soil organic C (SOC) mineralization, dissolved organic C (DOC), activities of enzymes, microbial biomass C (MBC) and community composition (based on phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs), and C utilization efficiency (CUE) were studied. Biochar reduced cumulative CO2 emissions in Changsha (by 32-34 %), Jiaxing (3.0-27 %) (p<0.05), and in Nanjing with under NB2 treatment (by 36 %) compared to N treatment. Biochar increased soil pH (0.03-0.38 units) in Changsha and Nanjing but did not affect Jiaxing plots. Biochar increased SOC, total N, chitinase activity, MBC (by 18-28 %,) and CUE (by 24-65 %, except in Jiaxing) but decreased DOC content (by 3-14 %) and peroxidase activity. Biochar addition increased the total and bacterial PLFA contents and decreased the bacteria:fungi ratio at the three sites (except for total PLFA in Nanjing) compared to the N treatment. The correlation analysis revealed that cumulative CO2 emission was reduced under the increase of pH, MBC, SOC, and CUE, bacterial PLFA, and stimulated by DOC content and the rise of bacterial:fungi ratio. These indicated that long-term biochar amendments mainly increased the amount of C that bacteria can assimilate; the increase of MBC content and CUE could point to the stimulation of microbial C sequestration.

How to cite: Zhang, Q., Ge, T., Dippold, M., and Gunina, A.: Long-term action of biochar in paddy soils: effect on organic carbon and functioning of microbial communities, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5811,, 2023.

EGU23-6280 | Posters on site | SSS5.2

Varying soil organic matter composition differences between pools in acidic and calcareous soils 

Gergely Jakab, Balázs Madarász, Zoltán Dévény, Dóra Zacháry, Tibor Filep, and Zoltán Szalai

Intensive inversion tillage operations triggered a considerable organic carbon release from cultivated topsoils. Decreasing tillage intensity or land use change are reported to increase the soil organic matter (SOM) content of the degraded topsoil even within a decade. However, the chemical composition, storage mechanisms, and fate of the SOM surplus are not fully understood. Among the environmental and soil conditions, the role of carbonates is considered essential. The present study compares the SOM surpluses due to tillage intensity drop under acidic forest soils and Chernozems. The topsoils (0-10cm) of three long-term (~20 years) field trials were investigated in Hungary. SOM composition was estimated using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Tillage intensity drop and pasture construction significantly increased the SOM content in all sites’ topsoils. At two locations, both organic matter pools increased, whereas only the mobile SOM pool has grown due to pasture construction. This suggests that a considerable amount of additional carbon can be stored in the soil, even in crop fields, using conservation technics. The SOM surplus did not change the original SOM composition trends of the labile and stable OM pools; consequently, the OM composition of the pools is rather the functions of soil and environmental conditions than sequestration mechanisms. In the acidic soil and the Chernozem under pasture, the mineral phase associated OM (stable pool) was ruled by aliphatic components, whereas the mobile, aggregation occluded OM was more aromatic. In agreement with the mainstream literature, we found the opposite trend on the other Chernozem site. Therefore the role of carbonates solely does not explain the differences. For more general trends, additional case studies must be involved. This research was funded by the National Research, Development, and Innovation Office (NKFIH), grant number: K-123953, and supported by the Eötvös Loránd Research Network SA41/2021, and EJP Sic-Soc-Dyn.

How to cite: Jakab, G., Madarász, B., Dévény, Z., Zacháry, D., Filep, T., and Szalai, Z.: Varying soil organic matter composition differences between pools in acidic and calcareous soils, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6280,, 2023.

The interest in biochar, the persistent product of pyrolysis as a soil amendment, began in the first decade of the 2000s and rooted in research on fertile, anthropogenic Terra preta soils in the Amazon region. Research paper numbers started to rise exponentially from 2007/2008 onwards, resulting in more than 27,434 published papers with the keyword “biochar” to date (January 2022) according to Easy Web of Science. Its persistence [1] makes properly produced biochar an interesting approach for carbon dioxide removal (CDR) with added benefits for soil fertility [2]. For the overall soil C sequestration that comes with biochar use, three points are crucial: (1) the persistence of biochar itself with depends largely on the pyrolysis temperature and duration, the soil and climatic conditions; (2) the effect that biochar application may have on the already existing soil organic carbon, where an initial short-lived positive priming seems to switch towards a negative priming after 0,5 – 2 years when soil-biochar only mixtures are investigated [3]. However, the least well-known item regarding the overall CDR potential of biochar use in soils is the question (3) if and under what circumstances biochar may cause an additional soil organic carbon build-up, above that observed in a control soil/agricultural ecosystem without biochar application when soils receive permanently new C, e.g. via a green cover, crops plus intercropping and other practices. For example Blanco-Canqui et al. [4] observed a significantly higher SOC build-up over 6 years after biochar application on average in three field experiments in the mid-west US of about 7 vs. 2 tons per ha in the biochar versus control plots. Weng et al. [5] demonstrated that, indeed, the maximum soil C concentration ceiling could be lifted by (repeated) biochar applications to a subtropical grassland in Australia. In this contribution, I examine the available experimental evidence and mechanistical understanding with regard to such “humus-return of biochar investment” effects, if and under what conditions they can be obtained and what methods are available to investigate this effect in long-term field experiments. The contribution aims to stimulate discussion on a joint methodical framework to investigate such a potentially free “SOC interest return” effect of biochar use in agriculture which may be as important as the C sink generated by biochar application itself.

  • Lehmann, J., et al., Biochar in climate change mitigation. Nature Geoscience, 2021. 14(12): p. 883-892.
  • Schmidt, H.P., et al., Biochar in agriculture - A systematic review of 26 global meta-analyses. Global Change Biology Bioenergy, 2021. 13(11): p. 1708-1730.
  • Wang, J., Z. Xiong, and Y. Kuzyakov, Biochar stability in soil: meta-analysis of decomposition and priming effects. GCB Bioenergy, 2016. 8(3): p. 512-523.
  • Blanco-Canqui, H., et al., Soil carbon increased by twice the amount of biochar carbon applied after 6 years: Field evidence of negative priming. GCB Bioenergy, 2020. 12(4): p. 240-251.
  • Weng, Z., et al., Microspectroscopic visualization of how biochar lifts the soil organic carbon ceiling. Nature Communications, 2022. 13(1): p. 5177.

How to cite: Kammann, C.: Evidence and research needs to identify potential SOC stock increases after biochar application: A literature study and roadmap to understand long-term effects, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6678,, 2023.

EGU23-6867 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.2

Strengthening the bioeconomy in tropical countries while preserving soil organic carbon stocks by recycling recalcitrant coproducts: A case study for Ecuador. 

Christhel Andrade Diaz, Enrico Baluganic, Ezequiel Zamora-Ledezma, and Lorie Hamelin

Crop residues are a key supply of renewable carbon for the bioeconomy. However, the mobilization of crop residues from agricultural fields to the bioeconomy is commonly limited to 15-60% [1] of their technical potential to avoid depleting soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks [2]. Nevertheless, the coproducts remaining from several bioeconomy pathways are rich in recalcitrant carbon that could be returned to soils to maintain the SOC levels. In tropical countries, the great diversity of pedoclimatic conditions promotes the production of a vast variety of crops, which produce large amounts of residues that are commonly left unharvested or burned on the fields. This study investigates, for the specific context of tropical countries, the interaction between crop residue harvesting and long-term SOC dynamics when coproducts obtained from pyrolysis (biochar), gasification (char), hydrothermal liquefaction (hydrochar), and anaerobic digestion (digestate) are returned to soils. Besides the focus on tropical conditions, important novelties are that the soil carbon model RothC [3] was adapted to include extra pools representing the labile and recalcitrant (%CL and %CR) fractions of each coproduct, as well as their mineralization rates (kL and kR). In addition, the potential effect of coproducts in SOC mineralization, commonly referred to as priming effect (PE) was also included in the adapted model. The model was applied to the entire croplands in mainland Ecuador, used as a representative of tropical context given the availability of high spatial resolution data. Ecuador’s croplands were clustered in >105,000 simulation units, including 10 crops representing 95% of the total national production (i.e., banana, plantain, cocoa, coffee, oil palm, sugarcane, rice, maize, wheat, and barley). Simulations were carried out with our adapted RothC-bioeconomy model to compare, over 100 y (2020-2120), the four bioeconomy pathways studied herein to a reference scenario where crop residues are not supplied to the bioeconomy (unharvested). The climate variables used followed the RCP4.5 trajectory [4]. The spatially-explicit results, which are still being processed, describe the conditions and amount of crop residues that can be harvested for bioeconomy in order to maintain or increase long-term SOC stocks.


[1] C. Andrade Díaz, et al., 2022. doi: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2022.120192. [2] H. Blanco-Canqui and R. Lal, 2009. doi: 10.1080/07352680902776507. [3] K. Coleman and D. S. Jenkinson, 1996. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-61094-3_17. [4] IPCC, 2018.

How to cite: Andrade Diaz, C., Baluganic, E., Zamora-Ledezma, E., and Hamelin, L.: Strengthening the bioeconomy in tropical countries while preserving soil organic carbon stocks by recycling recalcitrant coproducts: A case study for Ecuador., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6867,, 2023.

EGU23-7294 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.2

Impact of organic amendments from date palm residues on water retention properties of two coarse texture soils 

Elie Le Guyader, Xavier Morvan, Maxime Gommeaux, Vincent Miconnet, Béatrice Marin, Mohamed Moussa, Nissaf Karbout, Rahma Inès Zoghlami, María José Delgado-Iniesta, and Diego S. Intrigliolo

The cultivated dryland soils of North Africa present low fertility and productivity due to low organic matter content (Brahim et al., 2021). Date palm residues are an abundant resource in these regions and only a minor part is recovered in oasian agroecosystems. The ISFERALDA project – Improving Soil FERtility in Arid and semi-arid lands using Local organic DAte palm residues – aims at developing the use of organic amendments based on traditional production (composting and slow pyrolysis) as a key tool to improve soil fertility and soil properties.
The objective of this study was to quantify the effects of compost and biochar based on date palm residues on soil water retention. Two soils with properties similar to North Africa soils (sandy loam texture, alkaline pH, low organic matter content) were collected in a semi-arid Mediterranean area of southeast Spain. In addition, and in order to test further the influence of soil texture, soil sand content was artificially increased by supplementing the natural soils with washed quartz sand. The different types of organic amendments were tested at a dose of 60 t/ha (Edeh et al., 2020): compost alone, biochar alone and mixture of compost and biochar (50:50 in weight). Water content was measured using pressure membrane apparatus at nine different matric potential (pF), ranging from the saturation to the permanent wilting point.
The results showed that water retention was higher in soil with organic amendments regardless of the pF and the soil type. For a specific soil, the addition of biochar alone or in combination with compost to the soil resulted in higher values than compost alone. The improvement in water retention properties was more pronounced for soils amended with sand. Thus, composting and/or pyrolysis of date palm residues is a viable alternative to improve the water retention properties of sandy and loamy soils. 

Date palm – arid and semi-arid lands – organic amendments – soil water retention

References :

Brahim, N., Karbout, N., Latifa, D., & Bouajila, A. (2021). Global Landscape of Organic Carbon and Total Nitrogen in the Soils of Oasis Ecosystems in Southern Tunisia. Agronomy, 11, 1‑17.

Edeh, I. G., Mašek, O., & Buss, W. (2020). A meta-analysis on biochar’s effects on soil water properties—New insights and future research challenges. The Science of the Total Environment, 714, 136857.

How to cite: Le Guyader, E., Morvan, X., Gommeaux, M., Miconnet, V., Marin, B., Moussa, M., Karbout, N., Zoghlami, R. I., Delgado-Iniesta, M. J., and Intrigliolo, D. S.: Impact of organic amendments from date palm residues on water retention properties of two coarse texture soils, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7294,, 2023.

EGU23-7996 | ECS | Posters virtual | SSS5.2

Influence of solid vs. liquid digestate application on soil organic matter accrual and stabilization, and microbial communities evolution 

Martina Sinatra, Beatrice Giannetta, Giorgio Galluzzi, Alessandra Tondello, Piergiorgio Stevanato, Andrea Squartini, and Claudio Zaccone

The decline of soil organic matter (SOM) as well as the depletion of micro and macronutrients are among the most serious threats facing many agricultural soils of the world. Consequently, in many countries, soil amendments are increasingly originating from a wide range of organic wastes, as a win-win strategy to mitigate global warming while increasing soil fertility. Digestate, a by-product of the anaerobic digestion generally characterized by both high biological stability and content of nutrients (including nitrogen – N –), is often used as a fertilizer and/or organic amendment. However, a safe and functional application of digestate in agriculture requires an in-depth understanding of its possible impacts on the native SOM, on carbon sequestration mechanisms, as well as on soil microbial communities.

The aim of this work was to test the influence of solid vs. liquid digestates on both SOM accrual and the distribution of SOM in particulate organic matter (POM) and mineral associated organic matter (MAOM) pools.

The experiment was set up as a randomized complete block design with two factors, namely solid and liquid digestate, with 3 replicates. A control treatment (no digestate), two depths (0-15 and 15-30 cm) and a digestate application at a rate of 340 kg of potentially available N ha-1 yr-1 were considered. Soil samples were collected few days following the amendment (t0), and after 3 (t3) and 6 (t6) months. All samples (54) were characterized for pH, EC, bulk density, total organic C (TOC), total N (TN), texture and major and trace elements. Moreover, the abundance of key genes related to the N cycle was assessed by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Finally, POM and MAOM fractions were isolated and characterized by elemental analysis (CHNS).

Preliminary data suggest that, after 6 months from the amendment, soil organic C (SOC) stock in the first 15 cm of depth was not affected by digestate application, whereas a significant influence was observed for TN, especially when liquid digestate was added. On the opposite, the application of digestate had a significant influence on both SOC and TN stock at 15-30 cm of depth. Moreover, while the distribution of SOC between MAOM and POM was exclusively affected by the application of digestate, independently of depth, the distribution of TN between SOM pools was influenced by both the treatment and the time. In particular, the time factor seems to play an important role on TN concentration in the MAOM. As regards the abundance of bacterial genes, the solid digestate conferred an increase to those for nitrification (amoA), denitrification (nirK, nosZ) and total bacteria (16S), particularly at 15-30 cm of depth. The effect reached its maximum after three months from the application and decreased near control levels after six months.



SM and CZ thank Cattolica Agricola soc. agr. a r.l. and Iniziative Biometano s.p.a. for allowing the experimental activity.

How to cite: Sinatra, M., Giannetta, B., Galluzzi, G., Tondello, A., Stevanato, P., Squartini, A., and Zaccone, C.: Influence of solid vs. liquid digestate application on soil organic matter accrual and stabilization, and microbial communities evolution, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7996,, 2023.

EGU23-8354 | Orals | SSS5.2

Response of soil organic matter fractions to biochar and organic fertilizers – Results from a nine-year field experiment 

Beatrice Giannetta, César Plaza, Giorgio Galluzzi, Iria Benavente-Ferraces, Juan Carlos García-Gil, Marco Panettieri, Gabriel Gascó, and Claudio Zaccone

We investigated the effects of biochar (BC) at 0 and 20 t ha-1, combined with two organic fertilizers (municipal solid waste compost, MC, and sewage sludge, SS), on soil organic matter (SOM) in a 9-year field experiment. To capture the protection by soil minerals and iron (Fe) against microbial decomposition, we fractionated SOM into particulate (POM) and mineral-associated organic matter (MAOM), and analyzed the fractions by iron (Fe) K-edge extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy.

BC and the two organic amendments increased soil organic carbon (OC) content, but only the organic fertilizers significantly increased total nitrogen (N) content. BC increased particulate OC and total N contents, while the organic fertilizers only increased particulate total N content. BC significantly increased mineral-associated OC content, while the organic fertilizers increased both mineral-associated OC and total N contents. We found no interaction between BC and organic fertilizers on mineral-associated OC and total N contents. The Fe EXAFS data fitting showed that the Fe(III)-SOM content of the Fe phases in POM and MAOM in unamended soils were noticeably different. Hematite represented the main Fe oxide phase in the POM fractions from all the amended soils, and Fe(III)-SOM averaged around 15%. In the amended soils, besides hematite (also present in the unamended soil), ferrihydrite occurred in all MAOM fractions, although at a different proportion.

How to cite: Giannetta, B., Plaza, C., Galluzzi, G., Benavente-Ferraces, I., García-Gil, J. C., Panettieri, M., Gascó, G., and Zaccone, C.: Response of soil organic matter fractions to biochar and organic fertilizers – Results from a nine-year field experiment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8354,, 2023.

Biochar is an aspirational strategy for long-term carbon sequestration in soil, emergent in guidelines by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Yet, the rate and pathways of biochar mineralization remain uncertain, and information is scarce on the role of soil temperature. Recent studies predicting the 100-yr stability of biochar in soil use a profile of temperature sensitivity (Q10) for biochar mineralization that deviates markedly from common biochemical temperature relationships, especially at mean annual temperatures of 0-10°C, which prevail in many temperate soils. Here, we compared estimates of biochar stability using (i) empirical Q10 data and (ii) Arrhenius activation energies for biochar mineralization similar to those for other recalcitrant biomolecules. The results indicate that empirical Q10 data used so far overestimate the long-term stability of biochar in soils at 0-10°C, but underestimate the stability at >10°C. The size of these effects increases with higher molar ratio of hydrogen to organic carbon (H/Corg) in the biochar, meaning that predictions for labile biochars are more uncertain. We conclude that care should be taken when normalizing biochar stability data to prevailing soil temperatures and call for further studies to document the temperature sensitivity of biochar mineralization

How to cite: Elsgaard, L. and Eriksen, R. L.: Temperature control on biochar decomposition in soil - implications for long-term carbon sequestration, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9326,, 2023.

Biochars have notable potential in sequestering atmospheric carbon over long terms and offer various agricultural and environmental co-benefits. However, there is limited information about the long-term effects of added biochars, as there are only handful of continuously monitored biochar field experiments expanding over a decade, and especially poorly have been studied the long-term effects from boreal regions. The soils in northern colder boreal regions typically have higher carbon content and undergo continuous freeze-thaw cycles. Therefore, effects of biochars in these regions may differ from those observed in warmer climates.

We studied the effects of a single application of softwood biochars on two contrasting boreal agricultural soils (nutrient-poor, coarse textured Umbrisol and fertile, fine-textured Stagnosol), both with high initial soil organic carbon contents, over 13 years following the application in 2010 or 2011. We focused on plant yield formation as well as nutrient uptake dynamics of all major Finnish field crops, as well as on soil physical properties and greenhouse gas emissions.

We found that the ability of biochar to enhance the supply of nutrients to plants and hence to improve the crop biomass yield exists in boreal conditions, although these effects were minimal and not consistent over the years. Biochar notably increased plant K content, and reduced the plant content and uptake of Al and Na in several years in Stagnosol. The relative plant contents of Cd and Ni in Umbrisol, and P, K, Mg, S, Al, Cu, Fe and Ni in Stagnosol increased over the years. Despite these increased plant contents, no significant improvement was observed in crop biomass yield by added biochar over the first eight years.

The enhanced plant available water and reduced bulk density previously reported during the initial years were faded in long-term, likely due to dilution of biochar concentration in topsoil. However, the potential of biochar to affect N2O emission persisted, even seven years after the application, this contributed to reduced yield-normalized non-CO2 GHG emissions. In the presentation, we will share also the preliminary results for the latest growing seasons 2019–2022.

How to cite: Tammeorg, P., Kalu, S., Karhu, K., and Simojoki, A.: Long-term effects of softwood biochars on boreal soils: results from two experiments through 13 years on soils, nutrient cycling and crops, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9707,, 2023.

Fusain is a macroscopic component, or lithotype, of coal. Microscopic fragments of fusain are referred to as “inertinite” maceral, which is commonly found in all carbonaceous and most sedimentary rocks. Fusain/inertinite is formed by carbonization of biomass in oxygen deficient paleo-wildfires and subsequent transportation into peatbogs and sedimentary basins. Substantial quantity of fusain/inertinite is commonly found in most post-Devonian coal and sedimentary rocks. Inertinite fragments are often microscopically characterized by their intricate vacuole structures inherited from the original cell lumens, which attests to their remarkable high preservability during geological processes.

Fusain/Inertinite is generally believed by geologists to be chemically highly inert due to its intense degree of aromatization and ordering of carbon molecular structure and cannot be degraded by shallow surface processes including oxidation and biodegradation. The “selective diagenesis” processes continue to preferentially degrade the more labile organic carbon fractions while preserving the most refractory fractions that are thermodynamically least favored to breakdown. The long-term, geological evolution of organic carbon in the Earth’s crust through three main stages of diagenesis, catagenesis, and metagenesis, is studied by organic petrology and organic geochemistry methods. This presentation provides results of these methods for a set of 20 synthetic biochars produced from different feedstocks to compare their geochemistry and optical characteristics with the commonly preserved geological fusain/inertinite in coal and other carbonaceous rocks.

The results show that biochars that have been produced at maximum pyrolysis temperature of over 600°C, resemble properties of the most refractory fusain/inertinite in the Earth’s crust and would not be degraded as long as other more thermodynamically labile organic carbon compounds are in existence. Any degradation of these biochars can only be perceived under intense geological burial heat in the Earth’s mantle or contact metamorphism by igneous intrusions and hydrothermal processes. The claim of short-term carbon permanence for biochars contradicts co-existence of fusain/inertinite with labile organic carbon commonly observed in carbonaceous rocks. Degradation of refractory fusain/inertinite would not be thermodynamically favored while large quantity of labile organic carbon is readily and commonly available in carbonaceous rocks. The results of this study highlight the need for re-thinking carbon permanence of biochars within the context of the deep geological carbon cycle.

How to cite: Sanei, H. and Petersen, H. I.: Carbon permanence of biochar; a lesson learned from the geologically preserved charcoal in carbonaceous rocks, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10913,, 2023.

EGU23-11054 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.2

Permanence of soil applied biochar: Conclusions from the natural pyrogenic carbon cycle validate carbon sink accounting. 

Johannes Meyer zu Drewer, Samuel Abiven, Nikolas Hagemann, and Hans-Peter Schmidt

Biomass pyrolysis and a non-oxidative use of the produced biochar is widely acknowledged as a negative emission technology and part of Pyrogenic Carbon Capture and Storage (PyCCS). Biochar with a molar H/C ratio < 0.4, which is usually achieved by pyrolysis at 550°C or above, is highly persistent when applied to the soil. Still, the exact residence time remains subject to debate. Practical assessment tools and reliable models for carbon accounting are needed. Persistence of soil applied biochar is often assessed using soil incubation trials of rather short time horizons, lasting several month or years, with consecutive extrapolation of the observed degradation rate. Within such experiments, the decomposition rate of the biochar continues to decrease over time indicating that biochar consists of a broad range of carbonaceous compounds of different recalcitrance. Hydrogen pyrolysis, an analytical method used to determine the degree of aromatisation, suggests that 75% of the carbon in biochar with an overall H/C ratio <0.4 consists of persistent aromatic carbon (PAC), which will persist after soil application for > 1000 years, (Bowring et al., 2022; Howell et al., 2022), independent of the soil type and climate. The remaining 25% of the biochar carbon (heteroaromatic, aliphatic, etc) are considered semi-persistent carbon (SPC), presenting a mean residence time (MRT) in soil of 50 to 100 years, depending on soil type and climate. Based on this, up to 99% of the PyC loss quantified in an incubation trial may be attributed to the spectrum of SPC compounds, while the occurring PAC decay is very small and a neglectable loss in the context of carbon sink accounting. To validate the PAC residence time, data on long-term dynamics of the global, natural PyC cycle provides new insights. Natural PyC is produced from incomplete combustion in e.g. forest fires and is introduced to ecosystems globally at a scale of 0.114-0.383 Gt year-1. Given the global deposits of natural PyC of 550-1,650 Gt a MRT of 1,440 to 14,500 years can be calculated (Bird et al., 2015; Santín et al., 2016; Bowring et al., 2022 ). Natural PyC is produced in an uncontrolled manner, thus achieving a lower degree of aromatisation, a smaller PAC pool and lower MRT compared to optimized PyC produced by controlled pyrolysis. Therefore, observations from the natural PyC cycle render the assumed PAC residence time conservative. Further research is necessary to enable empirical quantification of the PAC content of biochar across a broad range of feedstock material and pyrolysis conditions. Hydrogen pyrolysis is an elaborate, yet expensive tool not suitable for routine analysis e.g. in biochar and biochar C-sink certification. Thus, further methods for PAC quantification must be developed and standardized.

  • Bird et al. (2015). Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 43(1), 273–298.
  • Bowring et al. (2022). Nature Geoscience 15:2, 15(2), 135–142.
  • Howell et al. (2022). Science of The Total Environment, 849, 157610.
  • Santín et al. (2016). Global Change Biology, 22(1), 76–91.

How to cite: Meyer zu Drewer, J., Abiven, S., Hagemann, N., and Schmidt, H.-P.: Permanence of soil applied biochar: Conclusions from the natural pyrogenic carbon cycle validate carbon sink accounting., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11054,, 2023.

EGU23-11195 | Orals | SSS5.2

Sorption and desorption controls on alanine bioavailability in volcanic soils 

Natsuko Kitagawa, Tetsuhiro Watanabe, Kozue Sawada, Takashi Kunito, and Shinya Funakawa

Recent studies have shown that mineral-associated organic N is an important source of bioavailable N, and organic N sorption to/desorption from clay minerals may be a key factor of N dynamics in soils. This study aims to elucidate the importance of sorption/desorption to the mineralization of amino acids in volcanic soils. We hypothesized that in volcanic soils, sorption of amino acid to minerals reduces its mineralization and that desorption of amino acid differs reflecting soil properties.

Soils sampled from the O, A, and B horizons of three volcanic soils were used. Incubation experiments using the tracer method were carried out to assess the mineralization of alanine, which was used as a representative amino acid in the soil. Soils were placed in glass jars and were amended with 13C labeled alanine at a rate of 1% of total N to investigate the effects of alanine sorption on its mineralization. Similarly, separate soils were amended with 13C labeled alanine sorbed to iron oxides to examine the desorption of alanine. The percentage of mineralization of the added alanine over 7 days of incubation was determined. Acid oxalate extractable Al and Fe (Alo and Feo) of soil were measured as representative clay mineral components contributing to sorption. Sorption isotherm experiments were carried out to understand each soil’s sorption characteristics, and the results were fitted to Freundlich’s sorption equation.

The percentage of mineralization of free alanine was the highest in O horizon soils at 40% and showed a decreasing trend going down the soil profile. The mineralization of alanine sorbed to iron oxides was approximately 56% of that of free alanine, regardless of the soil properties. Our results suggest that approximately 44% of the sorbed alanine was strongly sorbed to the iron oxides, but the remaining alanine was easily desorbed and mineralized similarly to free alanine. Freundlich-k constants were correlated with both Alo and Feo content and mineralization of alanine (r = 0. 70, P < 0.05, r = −0.63, P < 0.05, respectively). Furthermore, based on the fitted Freundlich’s equation, the amount of alanine that was sorbed of the added alanine in the incubation experiment was calculated, and the results indicated that alanine mineralization was strongly correlated with the ratio of sorbed to added alanine (r = −0.95, P < 0.001).

We conclude that the desorption of sorbed alanine was constant regardless of soil properties and that sorption reduced alanine mineralization rather than delaying it.

How to cite: Kitagawa, N., Watanabe, T., Sawada, K., Kunito, T., and Funakawa, S.: Sorption and desorption controls on alanine bioavailability in volcanic soils, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11195,, 2023.

Average soil temperatures in winter in Germany are frequently between 0 and +10℃, usually at high soil moisture levels. Therefore, the decomposition of soil organic matter and soil nitrogen (N) cycling are still active and could be substantial under these conditions, potentially leading to high N losses both in the form of nitrate to the groundwater and nitrous oxide to the atmosphere. High carbon soil amendments (HCA) have the potential to immobilize excess mineral N in the soil due to stimulation of microbial biomass growth. However, to date, it is not sufficiently known how well this N immobilization works at lower temperatures, and how long the effect will last over winter. In order to elucidate how the application of different HCA affects N immobilization in soil under winter conditions, we conducted a 7-month laboratory incubation experiment with silty clay soil low in soil organic carbon from a recultivation area after open-cast lignite mining near Jülich, Germany. Each soil column contained about 500 g of recultivation soil sieved at 2 mm. A scenario of a typical mineral N content after harvest was created by adding 50 kg NH4+-N ha-1 to the soil before application of the different HCA, which were then added at a rate of 4 t C ha-1. Eight different treatments were implemented: application of NH4+ only (B), and then NH4+ applied with wheat straw (WS), biochar (BIO), spruce sawdust (SS), lignite (LIG), cellulose (CEL), a combination of wheat straw (2 t C ha-1) and spruce sawdust (2 t C ha-1) (CWS), and a combination of wheat straw (2 t C ha-1) and biochar (2 t C ha-1) (CWB), respectively. In the three straw treatments, carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions peaked 14 days after the start of the experiment. In all treatments, CO2 emissions decreased with time. In the end, the CEL treatment had the highest cumulative CO2 emission during the entire incubation period. In contrast, the CEL treatment had a significantly lower soil nitrate content than all other treatments over the whole duration of 7 months, indicating that cellulose was most effective and long-lasting in stimulating microbial N immobilization under temperate winter conditions in silty clay soil.

How to cite: Zhao, K., Reichel, R., Wissel, H., and Brüggemann, N.: The effect of different high carbon soil amendments on N retention capacity under winter conditions in silty clay soil with low organic carbon content: An incubation study, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12342,, 2023.

EGU23-12758 | Posters on site | SSS5.2

Effect of land management on incorporation of prickly pear crop residues in different soil organic matter fractions of a Sicilian soil under desertification risk 

Eleonora Grilli, Iseult Malrieu, Hafiz Khuzama Ishaq, Rosaria D’Ascoli, Elio Coppola, Giovanna Battipaglia, Simona Altieri, and Simona Castaldi

The return of organic amendments and plants residues to the soil is a fundamental measure for carbon (C) accrual in soil, in particular in agroecosystems of Southern Mediterranean areas, where aridity limits plant growth and litter inputs as well as soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition, often resulting in land degradation and desertification risk. The allocation of this residual C in SOM fractions which are more prone to fast mineralization, at the onset of the rainy season, might significantly vary with the quality of the residues and the type of land management. The extent of residues incorporation is also relevant as it increase the SOM-microbial interactions responsible of SOM processing, mineralization and stabilization. We investigated the effect of two types of land management, no tillage and minimum tillage, on the incorporation of C from a list studied soil amendment, pruned prickly pear cladode residues, in the SOM of the same crop site, and its distribution in the particulate organic and mineral associated organic matter fractions. The characteristics 13C signature of the Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill, which is an obligate CAM plant, was used to identify which of the two soil management practices was more effective in storing more C and of a more stable form along the soil profile (0-30 cm). Two adjacent cactus plantation located in southern Sicily, were used, where the different land management was maintained in the last 10 years. The analysis was part of the measures of adaptation investigated by the project Desert-Adapt (LIFE16 CCA/IT/000011) in areas under desertification risk.

How to cite: Grilli, E., Malrieu, I., Ishaq, H. K., D’Ascoli, R., Coppola, E., Battipaglia, G., Altieri, S., and Castaldi, S.: Effect of land management on incorporation of prickly pear crop residues in different soil organic matter fractions of a Sicilian soil under desertification risk, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12758,, 2023.

EGU23-15258 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.2

Studying Soil Organic Matter Composition in Arable land: Can Soil Management Impact Carbon Pools? 

Thulfiqar Al-Graiti, Gergely Jakab, Noémi Ujházy, Károly Márialigeti, Tamás Árendás, Máté Karlik, and Zoltán Szalai

Soil organic matter (SOM) is an essential fraction of soil and contributes to its fertility. Land use and cultivation may affect SOM. This study investigates whether SOM concentration and composition differ in soil pools or are changed by soil management (tillage, fertilisations, and crop covers). Soil samples were collected in April 2019 from cropland and nearby grassland. The study sites were part of a long-term experiment in Martonvasar (Hungary), established in 1958 and characterised by Chernozem soils. Total organic carbon (TOC) contents and compounds were studied in three soil pools (bulk soil, fast pool, and slow pool). Both TOC and total N concentrations were high in the slow pool, with higher stored C contents in grassland than in cropland. Tillage effects reduced aggregate stability in cropland, which explains a lower aliphatic content than grassland. Insufficient physical protection due to the tillage practice may enhance OM loss in cropland even under fertiliser inputs. Neither fertiliser nor crop covers affected SOM compositions, while they were different in soil pools. More complex OM in the slow pool than in the fast pool. It indicates that the slow pool is the main protecting path for SOM, possibly referred to older or decayed organic compounds. To understand the bottom-up process, microorganisms’ community role in SOM stabilisation needs to be studied.

How to cite: Al-Graiti, T., Jakab, G., Ujházy, N., Márialigeti, K., Árendás, T., Karlik, M., and Szalai, Z.: Studying Soil Organic Matter Composition in Arable land: Can Soil Management Impact Carbon Pools?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15258,, 2023.

EGU23-15356 | Orals | SSS5.2

Subsoil management in agriculture and changes in organic matter stocks 

Julien Guigue, Sara L Bauke, Sabine J Seidel, Miriam Athmann, Oliver Schmittmann, Ingrid Kögel-Knabner, and Wulf Amelung

Global environmental changes are threatening the productivity of agroecosystems. Floods or droughts, together with long-term decline in soil organic matter stocks are pointing to the necessity of finding solutions for sustainable performance of agroecosystems.

Deep soil horizons store significant amounts of water, soil organic carbon and nutrients, and thus subsoil management is being increasingly considered as an option to sustain crop productivity under unfavorable conditions.

We used samples from several field experiments in Germany designed to investigate the potential benefits of deep ploughing together with deep placement of organic fertilizers on soil organic matter stocks. We recorded hyperspectral images of 1-metre soil cores in the Vis-NIR range and modelled the C distribution at a very high spatial resolution (53×53 μm²). Using approaches for GIS analyses, we quantified the changes in C and N stocks and we will present their spatial distribution resulting from the incorporation of different types of organic fertilizer (compost vs green manure) in subsoils. The organic matter stocks and C:N stoichiometry are both impacted by the agricultural management and the imaging technique allows us to distinguish between increased amount of organic matter in hotspots or in soil mineral matrice and to discuss the mechanisms controlling the observed changes.

How to cite: Guigue, J., Bauke, S. L., Seidel, S. J., Athmann, M., Schmittmann, O., Kögel-Knabner, I., and Amelung, W.: Subsoil management in agriculture and changes in organic matter stocks, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15356,, 2023.

EGU23-17040 | Orals | SSS5.2

Impact of biomass ash content on biochar carbon speciation and stability 

Nikolas Hagemann, Pellegrino Conte, Jens Leifeld, Robin Giger, Thomas D. Bucheli, Hans-Peter Schmidt, and Jannis Grafmüller

Amending biomass with wood ash (2-10%) is a novel strategy in biochar production to increase the amount of biomass carbon retained in the solid phase (biomass to biochar) during pyrolysis by up to 35%. Thereby, the carbon sink potential of industrial biochar production could be substantially increased, when such ash-amendments would be used on large scale. Also, this research enables insight on the impact of ash-derived minerals on the resulting carbonaceous compounds during pyrolysis. In addition to pyrolysis conditions and initial biomass carbon speciation, the content of alkali and alkaline earth metals (AAEM) in the biomass ash phase may be another important factor determining the speciation of the resulting pyrogenic carbon. Here, we will present data on the thermal stability analyzed with differential scanning calorimetry and the carbon speciation of ash-amended biochars investigated with 13C and 1H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy.

Differential scanning calorimetry revealed a lower thermal stability of these ash-amended biochars compared to biochars without an ash amendment, which may indicate the formation of carbon species of lower persistence during pyrolysis induced by the added minerals. While the persistent carbon pool of biochar is made of numbers of fused aromatic carbon rings, the semi-persistent carbon pool is including aliphatic, small aromatic and heteroaromatic carbon frameworks. Therefore, analyzing the differences in carbon speciation of ash-amended biochars compared to non-amended biochar gives a closer insight on the impact of AAEM and other ash components on pyrogenic carbon speciation and how resulting biochars may persist in soil.

How to cite: Hagemann, N., Conte, P., Leifeld, J., Giger, R., Bucheli, T. D., Schmidt, H.-P., and Grafmüller, J.: Impact of biomass ash content on biochar carbon speciation and stability, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17040,, 2023.

EGU23-17065 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.2

Quantification of the persistent aromatic carbon content in biochar 

Silvio Voßwinkel, Axel Ulbricht, Nikolas Hagemann, Hans-Peter Schmidt, Volker Herdegen, and Andreas Siegfried Braeuer

Quantification of the time-dependent carbon sequestration by biochar remains a challenge. Recently, hydrogen pyrolysis was suggested to identify the content of stable polycyclic aromatic carbon (SPAC) or persistent aromatic carbon (PAC), which would not degrade to a relevant extent for centennial timescales due to their high degree of aromaticity and condensation (>7 rings). However, hydrogen pyrolysis is too expensive and laborious for broad application or even use in routine analysis.

Here, we test a suite of analytical methods in order to identify alternatives to hydrogen pyrolysis for the quantification of SPAC/PAC in routine analysis of biochar or other pyrogenic carbons. We use 34 experimental biochars out of two precursors, wood and straw, produced at different highest treatment temperatures (HTT = 400-800 °C) and eight industrial biochars obtained from different feedstocks and different pyrolysis technology with HTT of 550-1200 °C. The methods include elemental analysis to obtain molar ratios of H/C and O/C, electrical conductivity of the solid as a proxy for the degree of condensation, thermogravimetric analysis coupled to differential scanning calorimetry (TG-DSC) to assess thermal stability (R50) and Raman spectroscopy. Raman spectra of the D- & G band provide information on the nanostructural development and should allow relative quantification of the semi-persistent and persistent carbon fractions. An incubation experiment (biochar + sand + compost microbial consortium) under laboratory conditions will provide direct data on biochar mineralization to quantify the semi-persistent fraction (SPC).

Using a broad range of HTT and two different precursors as well as industrial biochars out of existing commercial pyrolysis reactors, we aim to cover a relevant parameter space to identify the possible range of SPAC/PAC and SPC content in industrial biochars. In an ideal case, this work will enable the use of low-cost technology such as Raman and/or electrical conductivity of the solid to quantify or estimate SPAC/PAC with a sufficient accuracy and precision.

How to cite: Voßwinkel, S., Ulbricht, A., Hagemann, N., Schmidt, H.-P., Herdegen, V., and Braeuer, A. S.: Quantification of the persistent aromatic carbon content in biochar, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17065,, 2023.

EGU23-17470 | Posters on site | SSS5.2

Long Term Experiment Platform : proposition for a global site network and experience coordination for the study of agronomical and environmental effects of biochar 

Diego Marazza, Simone Pesce, Enrico Balugani, Alessandro Buscaroli, and Nicolas Greggio

After a long debate spanning 20 years, biochar has emerged as a promising land management technique for addressing climate change and improving soil fertility. Biochar is an effective long-term carbon store due to its resistance to decomposition compared to fresh organic matter or compost, and it has the potential to stabilize soil organic matter when added to the soil. 

However, there is a lack of long-term data and knowledge about Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) stocks due to a lack of historical databases. Studies have shown that few experiments have lasted over 3 and focused on estimating SOC increase from biochar application. Additionally, few of these studies have measured biochar decay rate.  

In line with the lack of a consistent number of historical databases we developed the LTEP-BIOCHAR ( a specific platform for experimenting with biochar application to soil with the agronomic and environmental purposes such as carbon sequestration, soil erosion, and soil biodiversity in real conditions and over a significant timeframe. The LTEP-BIOCHAR is community-driven resource dedicated to biochar and includes around 22 long-term experiments from Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. The platform aims to list active field experiments, identify methodological gaps in current experiments, suggest new hypotheses, establish a minimum standard of analysis, create a network of expert researchers, support the design of coordinated experiments, and promote the platform at a wider international level. 

Next steps in research will include collaboration with experts in the domain of pyrogenic carbon from vegetation fires and finding agreement among practitioners on the mean residence time of C-biochar and related measurements (e.g. isotopic signature, loss of ignition, near-infrared spectroscopy).  

How to cite: Marazza, D., Pesce, S., Balugani, E., Buscaroli, A., and Greggio, N.: Long Term Experiment Platform : proposition for a global site network and experience coordination for the study of agronomical and environmental effects of biochar, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17470,, 2023.

EGU23-1525 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.3 | Highlight

Carbon preservation in soils: The role of carbon chemistry in soil aggregate formation 

Alba Otero-Fariña, Helena Brown, Ke-Qing Xiao, Juan Antelo, Sarah Fiol, Pippa Chapman, Joseph Holden, Steven Banwart, and Caroline Peacock

To mitigate climate change, it is of vital importance to increase the stocks of global soil organic carbon (SOC), which also improves soil resilience, soil fertility and thus food security. 

The preservation of SOC heavily depends on its vulnerability to microbial degradation. Two processes and their interplay strongly influence carbon protection: the formation of primary organo-mineral (O-M) complexes via the sorption of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) to fine-grained soil minerals, and the aggregation of these to form micro and macroaggregates. To date, research suggests that the chemistry of the SOC and the mineralogy of the soil matrix play a key role in the formation of O-M complexes and their stability against microbial degradation, but whether and to what extent these factors help control micro and macroaggregation are unknown. 

We focus our investigation on how the chemistry of the SOC source affects the stability and aggregation of iron (oxyhydr)oxide O-M complexes. Thus, we determine the sorption behaviour of different SOC sources chosen to represent different functional group chemistries, using sorption isotherm experiments and electrophoretic techniques. We also conduct long-term aggregation experiments to track aggregate particle size using a novel Particle Size and Shape Analyzer technique.  

Our findings suggest that the stability and aggregation modes of O-M complexes are a function of SOC chemistry, and that aggregation patterns are strongly influenced by the presence of microbial exudates and communities. 

How to cite: Otero-Fariña, A., Brown, H., Xiao, K.-Q., Antelo, J., Fiol, S., Chapman, P., Holden, J., Banwart, S., and Peacock, C.: Carbon preservation in soils: The role of carbon chemistry in soil aggregate formation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1525,, 2023.

EGU23-2051 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.3

Long-term fertilization and PFM changed the accumulation of stalk-derived POM in soil aggregates under field conditions 

Xinxin Jin, Roland Bol, Tingting An, Lihong Zheng, Shuangyi Li, Jiubo Pei, and Jingkuan Wang

Plastic film mulching (PFM) is critical for agricultural planting and production in semi-arid and arid areas. Particulate organic matter (POM) is assumed to be a sensitive indicator of evaluating the effects of different agricultural practices on soil fertility and soil organic carbon (SOC) pool. Soil aggregates are the main storage sites for POM. However, there is limited information regarding how PFM and fertilization influences the dynamic changes of newly added stalk-derived POM in Brown earth. Consequently, a depth-study of the fate of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) derived from maize stalk residues as the POC and PON fractions in soil aggregates will help in predicting the active organic matter component sequestration in the soil. The dynamics and contribution of the newly added maize stalk C and N as POC and PON in different soil aggregates (using dry sieving method divided to > 2, 1-2, 0.25-1and < 0.25 mm) was analyzed by an in-situ 13C15N-tracing technique under 27-year long term PFM and different fertilization treatments. Over the 360 d cultivation, the POC and PON contents were significantly (P < 0.05) higher in the nitrogen (N) and organic manure (M) treatments than other fertilizer addition treatments. Compared with no PFM, PFM accelerated the decomposition of maize stalk C in the N fertilizer treatment, exhibiting an increase of 64% in stalk-derived POC in the initial cultivation time. In addition, stalk-derived POC tended to accumulate in 1-2 mm aggregates in the summer and fall as a result of long-term PFM coupled with fertilization. However, the stalk-derived PON was decreased with the cultivation time in different four aggregates. Stalk-derived POM was tended to accumulate in the macroaggregate size fraction (> 0.25 mm) over 360 days of cultivation in the field conditions. Accordingly, PFM application and fertilization practices had important effects on accumulation of newly added stalk-derived POM in soil aggregates.

How to cite: Jin, X., Bol, R., An, T., Zheng, L., Li, S., Pei, J., and Wang, J.: Long-term fertilization and PFM changed the accumulation of stalk-derived POM in soil aggregates under field conditions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2051,, 2023.

EGU23-2255 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.3

Molecular characterisation of fire-affected soil organic matter by a 5th generation wildfire in SW-Portugal 

Nicasio T. Jiménez-Morillo, Nuno Guiomar, Ana Z. Miller, José M. De la Rosa, and José A. González-Pérez

Forest fires are a recurrent ecological phenomenon in the Mediterranean basin. They induce molecular changes in soil organic matter (SOM) leading to immediate and long-term environmental consequences [1]. The SOM is of paramount importance as indicator of soil health [2]. Fire-induced changes in SOM include the alteration of biogenic chemical structures and the accumulation of newly formed ones, enhancing dynamics in the complex balance between the different C-types [2,3]. Therefore, understanding SOM molecular composition, before and after fire, is fundamental to monitor changes in soil health, as well as its natural or man-mediated recovery [3,4]. Our aim was to assess the molecular composition of organic matter in fire-affected leptosols, at two depths (0–2 and 2–5 cm) under different vegetation types located in the southwestern of Portugal (Aljezur, Algarve). The SOM characterization was conducted by analytical pyrolysis (Py-GC/MS), a technique based on the thermochemical breakdown of organic compounds in the absence of oxygen at elevated temperatures [5]. The Py-GC/MS has been found suitable for the structural characterization of complex organic matrices [4], providing detailed structural information of individual compounds considered fingerprinting of SOM. However, due to the relative high number of molecular compounds released by analytical pyrolysis, the use of graphical-statistical methods, such as van Krevelen diagrams, are usually applied to help monitoring SOM molecular changes produced by fire [3,4]. This work represents the first attempt to evaluate the fire effects in SOM using a detailed molecular characterisation of SOM under different vegetation canopies, recently affected by wildfire, in southern Portugal.



[1] Naveh, Z., 1990. Fire in the Mediterranean – a landscape ecological perspective. In: Goldammer, J.G., Jenkins, M.J. (Eds.), Fire in Ecosystems Dynamics: Mediterranean and Northern Perspective. SPB Academic Publishing, The Hague.

[2] González-Pérez, J.A., González-Vila, F.J., Almendros, G., Knicker, H., 2004. The effect of fire on soil organic matter—a review. Environ. Int. 30, 855–870.

[3] Jiménez-Morillo, N.T., De la Rosa, J.M., Waggoner, D., et al., 2016. Fire effects in the molecular structure of soil organic matter fractions under Quercus suber cover. Catena 145, 266–273.

[4] Jiménez-Morillo, N.T.; Almendros, G.; De la Rosa, J.M.; et al., 2020. Effect of a wildfire and of post-fire restoration actions in the organic matter structure in soil fractions. Sci. Total Environ. 728, 138715.

[5] Irwin, W.J., 1982. Analytical pyrolysis—a comprehensive guide. In: Cazes, J. (Ed.), Chromatographic Science Series, 22: Chapter 6. Marcel Dekker, New York.


Acknowledgments: This work was funded by national funds through FCT–Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (EROFIRE project, ref. PCIF-RPG-0079-2018) and by the EU-FEDER co-funded project MARKFIRE (ref. P20_01073) from Junta de Andalucía. This research was also funded by the European Union through the European Regional Development Funds in the framework of the Interreg V A Spain-Portugal program (POCTEP) through the CILIFO (Ref.: 0753_CILIFO_5_E) and FIREPOCTEP (Ref.: 0756_FIREPOCTEP_6_E) projects. A.Z.M. and N.T.J.M. thank the FCT for contracts CEECIND/01147/2017 and 2021/00711/CEECIND, respectively. N.T.J.M. and A.Z.M. were also supported by MCIN “Ramón y Cajal” contracts (RYC2021-031253-I and RYC2019-026885-I, respectively).

How to cite: Jiménez-Morillo, N. T., Guiomar, N., Miller, A. Z., De la Rosa, J. M., and González-Pérez, J. A.: Molecular characterisation of fire-affected soil organic matter by a 5th generation wildfire in SW-Portugal, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2255,, 2023.

EGU23-2423 | Orals | SSS5.3

The subsoil horizons are the preferential location for organic carbon stabilization in chestnut forests 

Mauro De Feudis, Gloria Falsone, William Trenti, Gilmo Vianello, and Livia Vittori Antisari

Forest soils are recognized to be important organic carbon storage, but the role of surface and subsurface soil horizons on such function and its drivers are still field of debate. In this context, we examined the dynamics of soil organic carbon (SOC) for a chestnut forestry system in a temperate area of northern part of Apennine mountain range in Italy. Specifically, we questioned: what are the main i) SOC forms both in mineral surface and subsurface soil horizons? ii) factors affecting SOC stabilization?. Soil samples were collected by horizon and SOC was separated into organic C of the particulate organic matter (POM_C), sand–size aggregates (sand_C) and the mineral–associated organic C (MAOM_C). The easily oxidizable C (EOC), water–soluble organic C (WSOC), the microbial biomass–C and its respiration, and the total and easily extractable glomalin–related soil protein (T–GRSP and E–GRSP, respectively) were also estimated. Then, the E–GRSP–to–T–GRSP and E-GRSP–to–SOC ratios, the metabolic (qCO2) and microbial (qMIC) quotients were calculated. The POM_C, sand_C and MAOM_C showed the highest concentrations in A horizon (26.5, 14.6 and 13.9 g kg–1, respectively) highlighting the importance of the litter floor on the organic matter pools quantity in the topsoil. Further, the A horizon was enriched of the most labile organic C forms (i.e., EOC and WSOC) indicating the key role of A horizon for the development and growth of chestnut forest ecosystems. In fact, the labile organic C forms provide several ecosystem services, such as plant growth and yield. Unlike A horizon, the subsurface horizons preserved SOC mostly in the most stable form (63.8 %, on average). Because of the role of fungal biomass and its exudates to increase SOC capture and stabilization, the great potential of the subsurface horizons to store MAOM_C can be attributed both to the higher release of exogenous GRSP (higher E–GRSP–to–T–GRSP ratio) by mycorrhizal fungi and fungal mycelium expansion (higher E-GRSP–to–SOC ratio) within such horizons (0.504  and 0.061, respectively) compared to the A horizon (0.244 and 0.034, respectively). Therefore, the subsurface soil horizons seemed to have more favourable conditions for microorganisms compared to surface one as shown by the lower qCO2 and the higher qMIC values found in the former than in the latter. Overall, the present investigation highlighted the importance of subsurface soil horizons of chestnut forests on C stabilization processes compared to the A horizon likely due to the better edaphic conditions for the microbial communities. Thus, our results pointed out the key role that the subsurface soil horizons of chestnut forests could have for mitigating the current climate change.

How to cite: De Feudis, M., Falsone, G., Trenti, W., Vianello, G., and Vittori Antisari, L.: The subsoil horizons are the preferential location for organic carbon stabilization in chestnut forests, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2423,, 2023.

Lipids from the wax layers of plant leaves and plant roots as preserved in soils and sediments have been used for decades as proxies for environmental reconstructions. In particular the n-alkanes of higher chain-lengths (ca. C25-C37) are used to this end. The past decade has seen an increased research attention for the use of plant lipids as molecular proxies. This includes an emerging interest in applications aimed at unravelling the dynamics of soil organic matter (SOM) rather than answering purely palaeo-ecological questions[1] as well as in reconstructing multiple environmental factors at once. Here I highlight these developments via two examples of recent work by our group. In the first example we applied analysis of n-alkanes and n-alcohols preserved in plaggic Anthrosols to reconstruct the origin of the plant material that was used as the stable fillings that were applied to fertilize the soils in this unique agricultural system. In the second example we examined plant derived n-alkanes preserved in soils along an altitudinal transect in the Ecuadorian Andes as part of a coupled reconstruction of palaeo-vegetation and palaeo-climate. I discuss both the exciting new insights gained as well as the challenges that still remain.


[1] J.M. van Mourik, T.V., Wagner, J.G. de Boer, B. Jansen, (2016). The added value of biomarker analysis to the genesis of plaggic Anthrosols; the identification of stable fillings used for the production of plaggic manure. SOIL, 2, 299-310

[2] B. Jansen, H. Hooghiemstra, S.P.C. de Goede, J.M. van Mourik, (2019). Chapter 5 - Biomarker analysis of soil archives, Eds. J.M. van Mourik, J.J.M. Van der Meer, Developments in Quaternary Sciences, 18: 163-222

[3] M.L. Teunissen van Manen, B. Jansen, F. Cuesta, S. León-Yánez, S., W.D. Gosling, (2020). From leaf to soil: n-alkane signal preservation, despite degradation along an environmental gradient in the tropical Andes. Biogeosciences, 17, 5465-5487

How to cite: Jansen, B.: Plant lipids as proxies to trace the origin and dynamics of soil organic carbon, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2772,, 2023.

ABSTRACT: Global nitrogen (N) deposition has impacted the structure and functioning of soil microbial communities, translating into important changes to the cycling of soil organic matter (SOM). Recent frameworks have proposed that portioning the particulate and mineral-associated organic matter (POM and MAOM) fractions can help us better understand SOM cycling. However, how N deposition affect the fractionation of SOM into MAOM and POM forms, and how soil microbes process these across soil profile all remain unclear. Here we examined the microbial phospholipid fatty acids and determined N and soil organic carbon (SOC) content in POM and MAOM at depths of 0–10, 30–40 and 70–100 cm after 10-year N addition at rates of 0, 2, 10 and 50 g m-2 yr-1 in a temperate steppe. We found that N addition remarkably shifted microbial communities by increasing the relative abundances of bacteria and gram-positive (GP) bacteria, and decreasing gram-negative bacterial across the three soil layers. These effects of N addition tended to increase with the N addition rate but diminished with soil depth probably as pH decreased with the N addition rate but increased with soil depth. Both N addition and soil depth may cause similar microbial community shifts, through which fungi and GP bacteria become dominant, but may through different mechanisms. More than 60% of total SOC and N are stored as MAOM in this grassland. The share of SOC and total N in the MAOM was slightly decreased by N addition in 0-10 cm but significantly increased in deeper soils. The ratios of POM-C/MAOM-C and POM-N/MAOM-N significantly decreased with soil depth regardless of N addition treatments. Moreover, N addition increased the two ratios in 0-10 cm soil, but decreased them in deeper soil layers. N addition increased the stocks of SOC (MAOM: +11 %; POM: +23 %) and total N (MAOM: +10 %; POM: +27 %) in 0–10 cm soil, but increased only in MAOM in 30–40 cm (SOC: +24 %; total N: +24 %) and 70–100 cm (SOC: +15 %; total N: +13 %) soils. Soil physicochemical features exerted stronger controls than microbial properties in the distribution of SOC and total N in the two fractions regardless of soil depth because of eight soil features explaining more of the total variation than eight microbial properties. Our findings imply that increase in N deposition may make more SOC stabilized as MAOM fraction in grassland soils.

Keywords: Nitrogen deposition, Soil microbiome, Mineral-associated organic matter, Subsoil

How to cite: Niu, G., Huang, J., Lu, X., and Rousk, J.: Decadal nitrogen addition enhanced soil C and N storage in mineral-associated organic matter by altering soil abiotic and microbial properties in a temperate grassland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3272,, 2023.

Subsoils have gained increasing attention due its slower soil organic carbon (SOC) turnover than in topsoil. Thus, subsoil with low content of mineral associated organic matter but a large number of exchange sites on mineral surfaces represents the potential to accumulate and sequester carbon (C). Generally, it has been assumed that the carbon turnover mechanism in topsoil and subsoil is influenced by similar environmental factors, with the difference of a lower C content in subsoil. In contrast, diverse abiotic variables prevalent in subsoils, like low temperature, high moisture, nutrient availability, etc., have been shown to imply different processes influencing C turnover in subsoils. Therefore, differences in processes and factors affecting SOC turnover in topsoil and subsoil are incompletely identified and understood.

Our objective is to investigate whether C decomposition and stabilisation mechanisms in topsoil and subsoil differ given the same added substrate content, as well as how it responds to increasing substrate C content. To assess these questions, a long-term (total duration 20-year) field incubation experiment was conducted at three different locations with varied soil textures in which soil was mixed and labelled with isotopically (13C) enriched beech litter substrate with different C contents of 8, 16, 32, and 64 g substrate kg-1 in topsoil (10 cm) and 2, 4, 8, and 16 g substrate kg-1 in subsoil (60 cm), filled in mesocosms, and buried. Soil samples were collected after one, two, and four years. Soil was fractionated into particulate organic matter (>20µm) and mineral-associated organic matter (<20µm) to find out how carbon is stabilised in these fractions, and stable C isotopes were measured. Our results indicate that the decomposition of the identical litter substrate strongly depends on the soil depth. The results of four years of buried field-microcosms will be presented, which will shed more light on differences in mechanisms responsible for SOC dynamics and the fate of litter substrate into different SOC pools of topsoil and subsoil.


How to cite: Begill, N., Don, A., and Poeplau, C.: Investigating soil organic matter dynamics in topsoil and subsoil by burying isotopically labelled litter substrate for four years, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3538,, 2023.

EGU23-3581 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.3

Plastic film mulching combined with manure fertilizer application promotes microbial necromass carbon accumulation within soil macroaggregates 

Xu Liu, Roland Bol, Tingting An, Yaocen Liu, Hongbo Wang, Chang Peng, Shuangyi Li, and Jingkuan Wang

Plastic film mulching is a common agricultural management to increase crop yield in the dry and cold regions. The improved soil hydrothermal environment under mulching conditions could change soil microbial activities and soil aggregation, thereby affecting soil organic carbon (C) sequestration. However, it remains not clear that how mulching regulates microbial necromass C accumulation and distribution within soil aggregates, especially under different fertilizer applications. We analyzed the contents of fungal and bacterial necromass C (taking amino sugar as biomarkers) and their contributions to organic C within soil aggregates under mulching combined with different fertilization treatments (no fertilization, CK; inorganic fertilizer application, IF; and manure fertilizer application, MF) in a 900-day in-situ field experiment. On day 360, the contents of fungal and bacterial necromass C within macroaggregates were 25% and 12% higher in the mulching combined with IF treatment, and were 20% and 32% higher in the mulching combined with MF treatment relative to the corresponding no-mulching treatments, respectively. On day 900, the mulching combined with CK and IF treatments decreased microbial necromass C content within soil aggregates, while the mulching combined with MF treatment promoted microbial and fungal necromass C accumulation within macroaggregates (>0.25 mm), compared with the corresponding no-mulching treatments. Mulching increased the fungal/bacterial necromass C ratio within macroaggregates on day 900, but decreased this ratio within microaggregates during the whole incubation period compared with the corresponding no-mulching treatments. Moreover, microbial necromass C occupied 28%–43% and 40%–56% of organic C within macroaggregates and microaggregates on day 900, respectively. Overall, mulching combined with the application of manure fertilizer greatly promoted microbial necromass C accumulation, and thus increased organic C sequestration within macroaggregates.

How to cite: Liu, X., Bol, R., An, T., Liu, Y., Wang, H., Peng, C., Li, S., and Wang, J.: Plastic film mulching combined with manure fertilizer application promotes microbial necromass carbon accumulation within soil macroaggregates, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3581,, 2023.

EGU23-3868 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.3

Alterations of soil organic matter following 130 years of afforestation assessed by molecular markers 

Tatjana Carina Speckert and Guido Lars Bruno Wiesenberg

In alpine areas of the European Alps, many of the pastures are no longer economically profitable and are converted into forests (Bolli et al., 2007). Afforestation on former pastures affects soil organic matter (SOM) dynamics through alteration of quality and quantity of root and aboveground biomass litter input. Compared with pasture OM, forest OM is less decomposable and characterized by increased C:N ratio as well as increased lignin concentration (Hiltbrunner et al., 2013). Therefore, it could be expected that long-term afforestation on a centennial scale may have a severe impact on SOM dynamics, an aspect that remains so far unknown as most of the earlier studies focused on successions between 30 and 50 years (Vesterdal et al., 2002).

In the current study, we aimed to identify the major sources of SOM in a subalpine afforestation sequence (40-130 years) with Norway spruce (Picea abies L.) on a former pasture in Jaun, Switzerland. Therefore, we combined plant- and microorganism-derived molecular proxies from several compound classes such as free-extractable fatty acids and phospholipid fatty acids.

We observed a decline in soil organic carbon (SOC) stock (9.6 ± 1.1 kg m-2) after 55 years and a recovering of the SOC stock 130 years (12.7 ± 0.9 kg m-2) after afforestation. Overall, there is no alteration of the SOC stock in the mineral soil following afforestation of former pasture (13.3 ± 0.9kg m-2) after 130 years. But if we consider the additional SOC stock accumulated in the organic horizons (between 0.8 and 2 kg m-2), the total SOC stock slightly increased, although OM in organic horizons is less stabilized than mineral-bound OM. An increase of the C:N ratio in the Oi-horizon with increasing forest age (40yr: 36.9 ± 2.6; 55yr: 40.9 ± 4.1; 130yr: 42.4 ± 6.6) reflects the alteration in litter quality towards poorly decomposable compounds in older forests. In addition, preliminary results show an increase in the abundance of Gram+ (+3%) and Gram- bacteria (+6%), especially in the young (40yr) forest. Thus, the bacterial community seems to proliferate in the early succession before the fungal-dominated community takes over. Thus, the change in SOM source and quality following afforestation may not result in considerable stock changes, but results in better stability of SOM in the mineral soil.


Bolli, J. C., Rigling, A., Bugmann, H. (2007). The influence of changes in climate and land-use on regeneration dynamics of Norway spruce at the treeline in the Swiss Alps. Silva Fennica, 41, 55.

Hiltbrunner, D., Zimmermann, S., Hagedorn, F. (2013). Afforestation with Norway spruce on a subalpine pasture alters carbon dynamics but only moderately affects soil carbon storage. Biogeochemistry, 115, 251-266.

Vesterdal, L., Ritter, E., Gundersen, P. (2002). Change in soil organic carbon following afforestation of former arable land. Forest Ecology and Management, 169, 137-147.

How to cite: Speckert, T. C. and Wiesenberg, G. L. B.: Alterations of soil organic matter following 130 years of afforestation assessed by molecular markers, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3868,, 2023.

Soil organic matter (SOM) is a key player in soil functioning and services in forest lands, which had been subject to accelerated land degradation particularly in karst terrain in Southwest China. So far, there had been poor knowledge of pool and molecular composition of SOM associated with soil aggregates across lithologic origins of karst soil. In this study, undisturbed topsoil (0-10 cm) samples were collected in forest lands on sandstone (SS), dolomite (DS) and limestone (LS) sedimentary rocks in a karst terrain from Guizhou, Southwest China. Changes in SOM pool distribution and molecular composition of water-stable aggregates were explored using size and density fractionation and GC/MS detection of extracted biomarkers. The OC content ranged from 41.05 g kg-1 on SS to 50.94 g kg-1 while the mean weight diameter of sand-free soil water-stable aggregates ranged from 420.9 μm on SS to 544.4 μm on DS, across the lithologic sequence. With biomarker molecular assay, the higher SOC storage was relevant to the higher abundance of plant-derived organics (lignin, cutin, suberin, wax and phytosterols) in macro- and micro- aggregates. Whereas, the higher OC in silt & clay fraction of topsoil on DS and LS could be explained by the higher abundance of microbial lipids plus cutin and suberin. Also, the higher ratio of (Ad/Al)v to (Ad/Al)s of silt-clay fraction pointed to a stronger degradation of lignin thereby. Thus, the forest soil of dolomite and limestone origin preserved a relatively high level of SOC storage in topsoil, mainly with accumulation of POC physically protected in macro- and micro- aggregates. Moreover, the high SOC of topsoil on dolomite could also be attributed to enrichment of SOC in the clay silt fraction, mainly with mineral association of microbially degraded OCs.

How to cite: Lin, Q., Chen, S., Feng, X., and Pan, G.: Pool distribution and molecular composition of organic matter among water-stable aggregate size fractions of karst topsoil across a lithologic sequence from Guizhou, Southwest China, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3957,, 2023.

EGU23-5557 | Orals | SSS5.3

Tracing sources and turnover of soil organic matter in a long-term irrigated dry forest - a non-exchangeable hydrogen isotope approach 

Claudia Guidi, Marco Lehmann, Katrin Meusburger, Matthias Saurer, Valentina Vitali, Martina Peter, Ivano Brunner, and Frank Hagedorn

Soil organic matter (SOM) originates from various sources such as foliar litter, roots and microbial (e.g. fungal) components. The relative sources contribution represents one of the key unknowns in SOM dynamics. Our study aimed to explore whether stable isotope ratios of non-exchangeable hydrogen (Hn) bound to organic matter can be used to differentiate SOM sources, since natural 2Hn abundance can strongly differ between root and foliar tissues. We also investigated if long-term irrigation with 2H-depleted water in a pine forest can be used to track Hn incorporation into organic matter inputs and eventually in the soil pools.

In a 17-year-long irrigation experiment in a dry pine forest, we assessed variations in natural abundance of 2Hn, 13C, and 15N in SOM sources (foliar litter, fine roots, fungal mycelia), decomposing litter, soil (organic layers and uppermost 5 cm-mineral soil) and particle-size fractions. We then applied a Bayesian mixing model (including δ2Hn,δ13C, and δ15N) to estimate the relative sources contribution to SOM.

Natural 2Hn abundance was significantly higher in roots vs. foliar litter (up to +39‰), and in fungal mycelia vs. roots (up to +41‰). Results from Bayesian mixing model suggest that foliar litter contributed to approximately 68 ± 10% of SOM in organic layers and in coarse particulate organic matter (POM). Foliar litter and roots contributed similarly to upper 2 cm of mineral soil (46 ± 11%), while 2-5 cm of mineral soil were largely derived from roots (61 ± 13%). Fungal mycelia contributed to 18 ± 8% of mineral-associated organic matter (MOM), while only to 1-2% of coarse and fine POM. Bayesian mixing models provided only a general indication of the sources contribution to SOM, also considering that isotopic signatures shifted during decomposition. Measurements of isotope signatures in microbial necromass might allow a more accurate assessment of the different SOM sources contribution.

The δ2Hn depletion of soil water under irrigation was paralleled by a comparable decrease in δ2Hn of roots (~12‰). In comparison, the natural 2Hn abundance in fresh needles and foliar litter decreased less strongly (~ 7‰ and 4‰, respectively), likely due to photosynthetic adjustments that may have counterbalanced the irrigation water 2H-depletion. Similar to soil water 2H-depletion, δ2Hn values in coarse POM were 11‰ lower in irrigated vs. dry plots, suggesting that nearly all organic Hn turned over or exchanged with soil water in less than two decades. In contrast, δ2Hn values in fine POM and MOM decreased only by 3‰ under irrigation, which indicate that these fractions comprise slower cycling Hn pools.

Our study showed that the natural 2Hn abundance represents a promising tool to differentiate among SOM sources. While 13C and 15N did not clearly separate between roots and foliar litter, Hn isotopic signatures allowed a good discrimination between SOM sources. In addition, long-term irrigation can provide a potential in situ 2H-labelling of SOM, which may help to examine organic Hn turnover rates across SOM pools.

How to cite: Guidi, C., Lehmann, M., Meusburger, K., Saurer, M., Vitali, V., Peter, M., Brunner, I., and Hagedorn, F.: Tracing sources and turnover of soil organic matter in a long-term irrigated dry forest - a non-exchangeable hydrogen isotope approach, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5557,, 2023.

The sequestration of carbon in the form of organic compounds in the soil is considered one of the main strategies for mitigating climate change. Mountain ecosystems have a great potential to store soil organic carbon (SOC) due to relatively lower temperatures and higher precipitation, which slow down the rate of organic matter decomposition. However, mountains are also regions particularly vulnerable to changes caused by direct and indirect human activity, in particular climate change and land cover change. All these changes have an impact on soil properties and thus on SOC stocks and their stability. One of the changes that has been particularly evident in mountainous regions in recent decades is the rapid succession of forests over grasslands, due to the land abandonment and the effects of global warming. In addition, the soil cover of mountainous regions is characterized by a large natural diversity of soil-forming processes, which is reflected in differences in the SOC sequestration potential. Thus, the aim of this research was to determine the effect of different soil-forming processes compared to different land cover on SOC stock and SOC stability. 
The SOC stock was measured in soils subjected to various soil-forming processes (podzolization, brunification, peat accumulation) and with different land cover (ancient forests, succession forests, meadows) in three similar study areas in the Carpathians (S Poland). The highest SOC stocks in the first 30 cm of soil were found in ancient forests (between 4.2 kg m-1 and 8.8 kg m-1) and the lowest in meadows dominated by tall-grass communities (1.3–2.0 kg m-1). The SOC stock was significantly higher in Podzols than in Cambisols and Histosols; however, most of the soils subjected to podzolization were found in forests. In addition, in mineral soils with contrasting pedogenic pathways (Podzols and Cambisols) soil organic matter fractionation was carried out. The preliminary results indicate that Podzols are characterized by much higher SOC content outside water-stable aggregates and in light fractions (particulate organic matter), which suggests relatively a weaker stability of organic matter in this type of soils than in Cambisols.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 952327 (HES-GEO) and has been supported by a grant from the Priority Research Area Antropocene (Young Labs) under the Strategic Programme Excellence Initiative at Jagiellonian University.

How to cite: Musielok, Ł., Stolarczyk, M., Rudnik, A., and Buczek, K.: The role of soil-forming processes and changes in land cover in the storage and stabilization of soil organic carbon - preliminary results from the Carpathians (Southern Poland), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6229,, 2023.

EGU23-6849 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.3

Complementarity and drivers of thermal and physical soil organic carbon fractions at the scale of mainland France 

Amicie Delahaie, Lauric Cécillon, Claire Chenu, Dominique Arrouays, Line Boulonne, Claudy Jolivet, Céline Ratié, Nicolas Saby, Marija Stojanova, Antonio Bispo, Manuel Martin, Pierre Arbelet, Jussi Heinonsalo, Christopher Poeplau, Kristiina Karhu, Pierre Roudier, Samuel Abiven, Lorenza Pacini, and Pierre Barré

Assessing soil organic carbon biogeochemical stability is critical for estimating future changes in soil carbon stocks. Several methods for the assessment of soil organic carbon (SOC) biogeochemical stability have been proposed but very few can be implemented on large sample sets. Indeed, to date, only simple physical fractionation protocols (e.g. Lavallee et al., 2020) and Rock-Eval® thermal analysis techniques (Delahaie et al., 2022, SOIL discussion) have been implemented on data sets larger than a few hundred samples. Simple fractionation techniques allow separating a particulate organic carbon fraction (POC; considered labile) and an organic fraction associated with minerals (MaOC; considered more stable). Regarding thermal analyses, Rock-Eval® results associated to the PARTYsoc machine-learning model (Cécillon et al., 2021) provide a measure of the active (mean residence time of ca. 30 years) and centennially stable SOC fractions.

In this study, we present the results of physical fractionations performed on ca. 1000 samples and thermal analyses performed on ca. 2000 samples from French mainland topsoils (RMQS program). We compare the amount and the drivers of each fraction. Our results show that most of the MaOC fraction is not stable at a centennial timescale. However, we show using a Random Forest model that the MaOC content and the centennially stable SOC content are similarly influenced by a common set of drivers: clay, pH and climatic conditions (mean annual temperature and mean annual precipitation). Finally, we discuss the complementarity of these two types of relatively high-throughput fractionation protocols.



  • Cécillon, L., Baudin, F., Chenu, C., Christensen, B. T., Franko, U., Houot, S., Kanari, E., Kätterer, T., Merbach, I., van Oort, F., Poeplau, C., Quezada, J. C., Savignac, F., Soucémarianadin, L. N., & Barré, P. (2021). Partitioning soil organic carbon into its centennially stable and active fractions with machine-learning models based on Rock-Eval® thermal analysis (PARTY SOC v2. 0 and PARTY SOC v2. 0 EU). Geoscientific Model Development14(6), 3879-3898.
  • Delahaie, A. A., Barré, P., Baudin, F., Arrouays, D., Bispo, A., Boulonne, L., Chenu, C., Jolivet, C., Martin, M. P., Ratié, C., Saby, N. P. A., Savignac, F., & Cécillon, L. (2022). Elemental stoichiometry and Rock-Eval® thermal stability of organic matter in French topsoils. EGUsphere, 1-31.
  • Lavallee, J. M., Soong, J. L., & Cotrufo, M. F. (2020). Conceptualizing soil organic matter into particulate and mineral‐associated forms to address global change in the 21st century. Global Change Biology26(1), 261-273.

How to cite: Delahaie, A., Cécillon, L., Chenu, C., Arrouays, D., Boulonne, L., Jolivet, C., Ratié, C., Saby, N., Stojanova, M., Bispo, A., Martin, M., Arbelet, P., Heinonsalo, J., Poeplau, C., Karhu, K., Roudier, P., Abiven, S., Pacini, L., and Barré, P.: Complementarity and drivers of thermal and physical soil organic carbon fractions at the scale of mainland France, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6849,, 2023.

EGU23-7186 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.3

Soil organic matter as a mediator of energy fluxes - a new perspective 

Anna Gunina and Yakov Kuzyakov

The transformation of “energy to (soil organic) matter’’ has long been the focus of scientific attention, but a definitive conceptual framework does not yet exist. Following the classical definition of energy given by Odum and Odum (1977) and the principles and laws of energy, we have developed an experiment-based review of the complex process of microbial conversion of energy and carbon (C) from litter to soil organic matter (SOM). Based on the transformation rate of plant residues, the amount of plant-derived energy persisting in soil (after one year) ranges from 7 to 20 % of total energy input depending on the plant community (for example, spruce and broadleaf forests and grasslands were taken). This represents 0.8-10 % of the energy already stored in SOM but only adds 0.4-5 % C to the existing SOM pool. We have introduced two new parameters - energy quality representing primarily substance, and energy availability representing the ability of microorganisms to utilize that substance (or pool of substances) under actual soil conditions. According to these parameters, we have assigned the main classes of organic substances to one of the three groups that show the availability of energy stored in microorganisms. When the energy availability is >1, microorganisms gain more energy than invest by the decomposition of organic substances; when energy availability is <1, then energy investment is required for the co-mining of nutrients, and some compounds are unsuitable for energy mining due to low efficiency, and in this case, they will be partially decomposed by co-metabolism (no energy gain). We have estimated the energy investment of soil microorganisms for exoenzyme production and concluded that the disadvantage of enzymatic degradation could explain the ‘stability’ of the SOM because the energy input (investment) required for degradation exceeds the energy gain. Following the linear decrease in energy density (by 106 kJ mol-1 C) of a broad range of organic substances per nominal oxidation state of C (NOSC) unit upon oxidation and experimental data on litter decomposition, we have developed the concept showing changes in the NOSC and the energy content of plant residues during decomposition and formation of SOM. Mineralization, recycling, and accumulation processes control energy and NOSC changes in organic pools. Mineralization processes lead to energy losses and an increase in NOSC, while SOM accumulation increases energy content and decreases NOSC. Recycling can shift both the energy content and NOSC values depending on the environmental conditions of the soil and the quality/quantity of litter input. As a result, the SOM pool is different from the initial litter in the energy content and NOSC. The SOM has a more diverse molecular composition but a narrower range of NOSC values than plant residues, consists of microbial necromass and substances recycled by microorganisms, and contains, on average, substances with a higher energy content than the initial plant residues. Based on the developed concept, we have concluded that plant-derived C and energy that persist in the form of SOM ensure energy fluxes in the soil system.

How to cite: Gunina, A. and Kuzyakov, Y.: Soil organic matter as a mediator of energy fluxes - a new perspective, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7186,, 2023.

EGU23-7318 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.3

Soil organic matter stability decreases with increasing urbanization in highly weathered rainfed tropical arable soils 

Stephen Boahen Asabere, Axel Don, Tino Peplau, and Daniela Sauer

Urbanization is a major land use change factor affecting soils. There is little understanding of how expansions of tropical West African cities have affected soil organic matter (SOM) composition and dynamics. In such cities, urban agriculture is common, playing an essential role in food security and urban sustainability. However, tropical soils tend to have low nutrient contents and cation exchange capacity. Thus, management strategies that enhance soil fertility and carbon (C) sequestration are needed. Developing such strategies requires a thorough understanding of how SOM dynamics alter in response to urban growth. Here, our objective was to assess how urbanization has affected the relatively stable mineral-associated-SOM (MAOM) and the labile particulate-SOM (POM) fractions in rainfed urban arable maize fields of Kumasi, a typical expanding city in Ghana (West Africa).

Using a grid-based satellite approach, and keeping other factors constant (including climate, topography, parent material and soil type), we took topsoil samples (0–10 cm) along an urban-intensity (UI) gradient, distinguishing: (i) low UI, located >400 m away from any primary road and having been under urbanization for <30 years, (ii) mid-low UI, located ≤400 m from a primary road and having been under urbanization for <30 years, (iii) mid-high UI, located >400 m from primary road and having been under urbanization for ≥30 years, (iv) high UI, located within ≤400 m from a primary road and having been under urbanization for ≥30 years. SOM fractions were isolated from the soils using a size separation approach, whereby the sand-sized fraction (0.063 - 2 mm) was regarded as POM and the clay- and silt-sized fraction (<0.063 mm) as MAOM. Prepared samples were ultimately analyzed for SOC using a Leco temperature ramp C analyzer, where a temperature threshold of 600 ºC was used to separate organic from inorganic C.

We found that mean SOC contents of the POM fraction increased markedly from 7.7 g kg-1 in the low UI topsoils to 13 g kg-1 in their high UI counterparts, suggesting an increase in POM with increasing urbanization. This trend was not observed for the MAOM that showed SOC contents of 4.5, 4.1, 4.9, and 4.1 g kg-1 for the low, mid-low, mid-high, and high UI topsoils, respectively. Moreover, the share of SOC contents of POM in the bulk SOC increased from 51% in the low UI topsoils to 64% in the high UI topsoils, whereas that of MOAM decreased by 6% from 31% to 25%, respectively. These findings suggest that while there is evidence of strong anthropogenic contributions of SOM to urban arable soils, urbanization does not seem to promote SOC storage in the relatively stable MAOM fraction. Consequently, rainfed urban arable soils in Kumasi will need management interventions for keeping appropriate long-term SOM levels to maintain soil functions.       

How to cite: Asabere, S. B., Don, A., Peplau, T., and Sauer, D.: Soil organic matter stability decreases with increasing urbanization in highly weathered rainfed tropical arable soils, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7318,, 2023.

EGU23-7982 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.3

Formation of organo-Fe (oxyhydr)oxide interactions during the first stages of Martian regolith simulant terraforming 

Beatrice Giannetta, Antonio G. Caporale, Danilo Oliveira De Souza, Paola Adamo, and Claudio Zaccone

Future long-term space missions beyond Low Earth Orbit (e.g., to Mars) depend on the development of bioregenerative life support systems able to produce food crops based on in situ resource utilization. Mars regolith potentially contains most of the essential nutrients for plant growth, except for organic matter (OM). Several strategies and treatments can be applied to improve nutrient deficiency of simulants and enhance their performance as plant growth substrates. Although Mars regolith simulants have been characterized by mineralogical, physico-chemical and hydraulic properties, no data are available to date in the scientific literature about the stabilization of exogeneous OM by minerals, including iron (Fe) oxides, over time.

This study aims at understanding the mineral transformation and OM turnover in the early stages of terraforming. The Mojave Mars Simulant MMS-1, alone (R100) and with a commercial compost 70:30 v:v (R70C30), was compared to a fluvial sand, alone and with compost (S100 and S70C30). Potato was grown on these substrates for 99 days in greenhouse. Samples were fractionated, obtaining particulate OM (POM) and mineral associated OM (MAOM), andcharacterized for total nitrogen and organic carbon (OC), total element concentration (ICP-OES) and by Fe K-edge X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) and extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS).

In the whole medium, OC increased in S70C30 (10×) and R70C30 (25×). As expected, most of the OC accumulated in the POM fraction of both growing media (10× in S70C30 and 20× in R70C30), while OC in the MAOM was 3-times higher in R70C30 than in S70C30. Chlorite, smectite and goethite were the main Fe species in S100, according to XANES, while Fe(III)-OM was found in both fractions of S70C30. Moreover, according to EXAFS, hematite occurred in POM, whereas goethite in MAOM. XANES revealed the occurrence of smectite, maghemite and ferrihydrite in R100, and of nontronite and hematite in the MAOM and POM, respectively.

Revealing Fe species involved in the formation of organo-mineral interactions will help to identify the main critical aspects and future challenges related to sustainable space farming improving the in-situ use of Martian resources.

How to cite: Giannetta, B., Caporale, A. G., Oliveira De Souza, D., Adamo, P., and Zaccone, C.: Formation of organo-Fe (oxyhydr)oxide interactions during the first stages of Martian regolith simulant terraforming, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7982,, 2023.

EGU23-8025 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.3

Is the additional organic carbon stored thanks to alternative cropping systems and organic waste products application predominantly stable at a decadal timescale? 

Tchodjowiè Israel Kpemoua, Pierre Barré, Sabine Houot, François Baudin, Cédric Plessis, and Claire Chenu

The implementation of agroecological practices can lead to an additional soil organic carbon (SOC) storage. The carbon sink effect will be more effective, even in the short and medium term, if the additional storage is realized in the form of persistent organic carbon (OC) and not in labile OC. The objective of this study was to evaluate the biogeochemical stability of additionally C stored by agroecological practices. Biogeochemical stability was assessed using particles size and density fractionation and Rock-Eval (RE) thermal analyses with PARTYsoc machine learning model. Samples were collected from the QualiAgro experiment, where organic wastes products (OWPs) including biowaste compost (BIOW), residual municipal solid waste compost (MSW) and farmyard manure (FYM) were applied, and from the La Cage experiment, where conservation (CA) and organic (ORG) agriculture had been established for 20 years. The plots that received the OWPs showed that 60-66% of the additional C was stored in mineral-associated organic matter (MAOM-C) and 29 - 39% in particulate organic matter (POM-C), whereas in CA and ORG, 77 - 84% of the additional C was stored in MAOM-C versus 15 - 23% in POM-C. While leading to additional C stocks of similar sizes, MSW and FYM exhibited higher proportions of the additionally stored C as POM-C (39 and 29% respectively) compared to CA (15%). This suggests a recalcitrance of POM under OWPs management compared to CA. The PARTYSOC model using RE thermal analysis parameters allows to predict the active (30 - 40 years) and stable (>100 years) carbon pools as defined in the AMG model. The results revealed that most, if not all, of the additional C belonged to the active C pool. These findings suggest that although additional SOC is mainly associated with MAOM-C, it is probably not stored in a form with a mean residence time exceeding ~30 years. The agroecological practices implemented in both long-term field experiments have resulted in substantial short-term additional C storage, but this storage will only be maintained at a high level if these storing practices are continued.

How to cite: Kpemoua, T. I., Barré, P., Houot, S., Baudin, F., Plessis, C., and Chenu, C.: Is the additional organic carbon stored thanks to alternative cropping systems and organic waste products application predominantly stable at a decadal timescale?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8025,, 2023.

EGU23-8035 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.3

13C natural abundance for analysis of steps of organic carbon transformation in soil: application for various ecosystems 

Ying Wang, Anna Gunina, and Yakov Kuzyakov

Following the developed concept of carbon (C) flows during soil organic matter (SOM) formation, from which the probable C pathways between the aggregates and SOM fractions can be suggested based on the natural changes of the 13C/12C ratios, we have prepared the review based on 42 publications. The data were collected from the existing databases using the following keywords: “soil organic matter fractions and 13C”, “density fractionation and 13C”, and “soil aggregates and 13C”; publications contained the data from forest, shrubland, grassland, and cropland ecosystems that were located in the Temperate, Mediterranean, subtropical and tropical climatic zones were chosen; only the top 20 cm were considered. Besides the δ13C data, the main soil properties, including pH, total C and nitrogen contents, texture, and the dominant type of soil minerals, were collected. All data for the isotopic composition of aggregates (>2000, 250-2000, 52-250, and <53 µm) and density fractions (<1.4, 1.4-1.6, 1.8-2.0, and >2.2 g cm-3) were normalized to the δ13C values of bulk soils. The preliminary analyses have shown that the isotopic composition of density fractions separated from the soils allocated in temperate and Mediterranean climates followed the previously established order, namely was getting heavier with the increase of particle densities. In contrast, density fractions separated from the soils of subtropical and tropical zones did not show prominent trends, or isotopic composition showed the enrichment in 12C with increased particle density. The isotopic composition of fractions separated from forest soils was also found with more minor variations compared to cropland and grassland. The data related to the probability of C flow between the density fractions and aggregates during SOM formation were also calculated and will be presented, as well as the concept explaining the effect of land use and climatic variables on the changes of the isotopic composition of density fractions and aggregates.

How to cite: Wang, Y., Gunina, A., and Kuzyakov, Y.: 13C natural abundance for analysis of steps of organic carbon transformation in soil: application for various ecosystems, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8035,, 2023.

EGU23-8543 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.3

Organic carbon stabilisation mechanisms in estuarine marsh soils: Effect of salinity and flooding frequency 

Friederike Neiske, Joscha N. Becker, Maria Seedtke, Daniel Schwarze, and Annette Eschenbach

The capability of coastal wetland soils to store large amounts of organic carbon (OC) has been increasingly recognised. Stabilisation mechanisms (e.g. aggregation or mineral association) and stability of organic matter (OM) (recalcitrant vs. labile) are important features for the long-term storage of soil organic carbon (SOC). In estuarine marshes, SOC storage is dominated by a complex and dynamic interaction of abiotic conditions such as tidal inundation or changes in salinity. However, little is known on OC stabilisation and stability in these transitional ecosystems and how they are affected by system-specific characteristics. Therefore, our aim was to assess the effect of flooding and salinity on (i) OC stabilisation by aggregation and mineral association and (ii) the stability of the OC pool in estuarine marsh soils.

We analysed topsoil (0 – 10 cm) and subsoil (10 – 30 cm) samples from 9 marsh zones along the salinity gradient (salt, brackish and freshwater) and flooding gradient (pioneer zone, low and high marsh) of the Elbe Estuary for their SOC contents, OC stabilisation mechanisms (density fractionation), OC stability (incubation with one- and two-compartment model fits) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations.

Total SOC contents were highest in the freshwater marsh and decreased towards topsoils with higher salinity. Flooding frequency had no uniform effect on SOC contents: While there was a positive tendency with decreasing flooding frequency, subsoils of the freshwater marsh showed the opposite trend. Total SOC contents were positively correlated with mineral-associated OC (CMAOM) and pedogenically unprotected particulate OM (CfPOM). The highest proportion of CMAOM was found in topsoils of freshwater marshes and it decreased towards higher salinities in topsoils of high marshes and pioneer zones. The OM protection by aggregation (CoPOM) increased in topsoils of high marshes. The proportion of CfPOM was less directly affected by salinity and flooding than by the CN ratio of the aboveground biomass (CNlitter). Furthermore, CfPOM correlated positively with the potential mineralisable C (Cpot) and labile C (Clabile) and negatively with the recalcitrant C pool (Crecalcitrant) that were derived from the one- and two-compartment models. Labile C, Cpot and Crecalcitrant were also strongly influenced by CNlitter. Moreover, Crecalcitrant was linked to the proportion of CMAOM. Concentrations of DOC increased with total SOC and Cpot but decreased with CoPOM.

We conclude that SOC stabilisation in the Elbe Estuary is mainly related to mineral association of OM. With increasing terrestrial influence, physical protection in aggregates becomes more important. Besides these pedogenic stabilisation mechanisms, recalcitrance is strongly determined by vegetation characteristics.

How to cite: Neiske, F., Becker, J. N., Seedtke, M., Schwarze, D., and Eschenbach, A.: Organic carbon stabilisation mechanisms in estuarine marsh soils: Effect of salinity and flooding frequency, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8543,, 2023.

EGU23-10208 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.3

Assessing soil carbon cycling as a function of intercropped maize-forage systems and nitrogen rates using 13C natural abundance 

Laudelino Vieira da Mota Neto, Marcelo Valadares Galdos, Vladimir Eliodoro Costa, and Ciro Antonio Rosolem

Intercropping maize along with forages fertilized with N can potentially increase soil carbon sequestration, contributing to climate change mitigation. However, there is a lack of knowledge if the input of new C sources in this production system impacts the cycling of the original soil C and SOM fractions, especially in tropical soils. To investigate this, soil samples were taken up to 80 cm depth from a 7-year experiment where ruzigrass (Urochloa ruziziensis), palisadegrass (Urochloa brizantha) and Guinea grass (Megathyrsus maximus) were intercropped with maize fertilized with (270 kg N ha-1) or without N. In these samples, SOM was fractionated by size into particulate (POM) and mineral-associated (MAOM) organic matter and submitted to 13C natural abundance measurements. Intercropping with Guinea grass reduced the δ13C values in comparison to ruzigrass and palisadegrass, especially under N fertilization. Forage grasses reduced the δ13C values up to 40cm, indicating the contribution of the grasses for the cycling of the original carbon of the soil. Nitrogen supply increased the contribution of C from the grasses to the POM fraction if compared to the no N application. Further, 13C  in POM at 0-10 and 10-20 cm differed from deeper layers, probably due the above- and belowground C inputs on the uppermost soil layers. Under N supply, Guinea grass lowered the δ13C value, which did not occur in the palisade and ruzigrass treatments. In contrast to POM, the δ13C values of MAOM decreased in all depths, with the highest change at the uppermost soil layer. Our findings showed that intercropping influenced the cycling of total C and SOM fractions , with differences in the soil profile. However, only Guinea grass changed δ13C values under N supply.

How to cite: Vieira da Mota Neto, L., Valadares Galdos, M., Eliodoro Costa, V., and Antonio Rosolem, C.: Assessing soil carbon cycling as a function of intercropped maize-forage systems and nitrogen rates using 13C natural abundance, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10208,, 2023.

EGU23-10362 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.3

Divergent controls on particulate and mineral-associated organic carbon formation and persistence 

Paige Hansen, Alison King, Jocelyn Lavallee, Meagan Schipanski, and M. Francesca Cotrufo

Identifying global controls on soil carbon (C) storage, as well as where soil C is most vulnerable to loss, are essential to realizing the potential of soils to mitigate climate change via C sequestration. However, we currently lack a comprehensive understanding of the global drivers of soil C storage, especially with regards to particulate (POC) and mineral-associated organic carbon (MAOC). To better understand global controls on these two C fractions, we synthesized climate, and net primary production (NPP), and soils data from 73 published studies and databases. This large dataset is representative of multiple land cover types, including broadleaved and coniferous forests, grasslands, shrublands, wetlands, tundra, and wetlands. We then applied structural equation modeling (SEM) to assess hierarchical, interactive controls on global POC and MAOC pools (i.e., g POC or MAOC per kg soil) in topsoils. Our SEM tested relationships between NPP and climate (i.e., mean annual temperature (MAT) and effective moisture, assessed as mean annual precipitation minus potential evapotranspiration), as well as the extent to which climate and NPP, along with soil texture and pH, govern POC and MAOC storage. We found that NPP is positively related to MAT and effective moisture. Additionally, POC storage is negatively related to both MAT and pH, while MAOC storage is positively related to NPP and effective moisture, but negatively related to soil % sand. Given that temperature and pH impose constraints on microbial decomposition, these results indicate that POC storage is primarily controlled by C output limitations. In contrast, strong relationships with variables related to plant productivity constraints and to mineral surfaces available for sorption indicate that MAOC storage is primarily controlled by climate-driven C input limitations and C stabilization mechanisms. Together, we demonstrate that divergent controls govern C storage in POC and MAOC, and that these controls are consistent across multiple ecosystem types.

How to cite: Hansen, P., King, A., Lavallee, J., Schipanski, M., and Cotrufo, M. F.: Divergent controls on particulate and mineral-associated organic carbon formation and persistence, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10362,, 2023.

A wide range of image-based techniques revealed mounting evidence of a heterogeneous arrangement of mineral-associated organic matter (OM) in soils at the microscale and nanoscale. Spectromicroscopic approaches using such as NanoSIMS, STXM-NEXAFS, AFM, STEM-EELS, and others have provided insights about a patchy and piled-up arrangement of OM. This arrangement is determined by different local OM properties and mineral composition as well as OM-OM interactions. The emerging conceptual framework of the microscale arrangement of OM affects our understanding of soil functions: By compartmentalizing and decoupling local carbon sequestration in the mineral soil matrix, by localizing the mechanical stabilization of soil structure, by altering surface properties and re-distributing ion exchange sites, and by shaping distinct biotic microenvironments. After an overview on the spectromicroscopic evidence, this contribution will illustrate the emerging conceptual framework of localized soil functions, and highlight opportunities for research approaches based on the patchy and piled-up arrangement of OM at the microscale and nanoscale.

How to cite: Schweizer, S.: Taking a closer look: How spectromicroscopic imaging of organo-mineral associations leads to a novel perspective on interrelated soil functions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11969,, 2023.

EGU23-12085 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.3

Mineral type, land use, and management intensity drive the formation of mineral-associated organic matter in temperate soils 

Susanne Ulrich, De Shorn Bramble, Ingo Schöning, Robert Mikutta, Klaus Kaiser, and Marion Schrumpf

Formation of mineral-associated organic matter (MAOM) supports accumulation and stabilization of carbon in soil, and thus, is a key factor in the global carbon cycle. Little is known about the interplay of mineral type, land use, and management intensity on the extent of MAOM formation. We addressed this research question by exposing mineral containers with pristine minerals (goethite, as a representative of oxide-type mineral phases, and illite, representing layered aluminosilicate minerals) for five years to ambient soil conditions at 5 cm depth in 150 grassland and 150 forest plots in three regions across Germany. After recovery, the content of organic carbon (OC) of the minerals was determined by dry combustion. Results show that irrespective of land use and management intensity, more OC accumulated on goethite than illite (on average 0.23 and 0.06 mg m-2 mineral surface, respectively), demonstrating that mineral type was the most crucial factor for MAOM formation. Carbon accumulation was consistently greater in coniferous forests than in deciduous forests and grasslands. Structural equation models revealed that in grasslands, fertilization had contradictory effects on carbon accumulation, with the positive effect being mediated by enhanced plant productivity and the negative effect by reduced plant species richness. Overall, our results suggest that OC stabilization in soil is primarily driven by mineral type, in particular iron and other metal oxides. The mineral-driven MAOM formation is further modified by land use and management intensity.

How to cite: Ulrich, S., Bramble, D. S., Schöning, I., Mikutta, R., Kaiser, K., and Schrumpf, M.: Mineral type, land use, and management intensity drive the formation of mineral-associated organic matter in temperate soils, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12085,, 2023.

EGU23-12386 | Posters on site | SSS5.3

Hair-ice, fungal guttation droplets, ice ribbons and needle ice from a chemical perspective 

Diana Hofmann, Gisela Preuss, Pietro Fontana, and Christian Mätzler

As a result of global warming, now evident also in temperate latitudes, longer periods of snow-free winters, instead with plenty of precipitation are becoming increasingly common. If the temperatures then fall below freezing point, one can, with a little luck, discover hair ice - hair-like, flexible structures reaching up to 10 cm in length without any ramifications.

This natural phenomenon, already described in 1918 by Alfred Wegener, was a mystery for a long time. Only in the 21st century a fungus (Exidiopsis effusa) was discovered as the causative agent [1].

Hair ice develops exclusively on rotten hardwoods on/in which this fungus is present, at high humidity, preferably windless, and temperatures slightly below freezing. Once infected, corresponding branches can be repeatedly elicited hair-rise growth under optimal conditions (field & climate chamber). Hair ice, unlike frost needles, arises from the base. At the onset of hair-ice melt a very thin fibre becomes apparent, which carries brownish water drops. Melting water samples show complex mass spectra similar to dissolved organic carbon e.g. from terrestrial/ marine waters, soil extracts or aerosols.

Hair ice samples of various tree species were desalted, concentrated by solid phase extraction and subsequently analyzed by flow injection analysis in a Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometer, equipped with an ESI source and a 7 T supra-conducting magnet (LTQ-FT Ultra, ThermoFisher Scientific) - the key technique for the analysis of complex samples, simultaneously providing molecular level details of thousands of compounds. As main result, complex, but almost identical spectra were found. For their chemical characterization van Krevelen diagrams, typical to classify samples regarding polarity and aromaticity were plotted. By comparison with references biopolymer substance classes were derived. As result, lignin and tannin could be detected as the main hair-ice substance classes, supposed to act as freezing catalyst as well as recrystallization inhibitor.

For the question, if and what happens in summer, we sampled in several years guttation droplets, too – of this fungus and for comparison from a fungus of another family. Both samples were carbon riche, but only the samples from Exidiopsis effusa show such a complex DOC-spectrum, but in contrast to hair ice peak depleted with mainly tannin assignment.

Popular scientific publications have led to an increasing interest in hair ice and related phenomena in recent years. We have received spectacular photos of various ice structures, followed by first samples of needle ice and ice ribbons. After initial measurements for their C content, HPLC-MS investigations still with a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer have been performed. For final analyses a cooperation with a FTICRMS working group is now sought.

[1] D. Hofmann, G. Preuss and C. Mätzler (2015) Biogeosciences 12: 4261–4273

How to cite: Hofmann, D., Preuss, G., Fontana, P., and Mätzler, C.: Hair-ice, fungal guttation droplets, ice ribbons and needle ice from a chemical perspective, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12386,, 2023.

EGU23-12839 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.3

Dynamics and stability of soil organic matter: climate vs. time 

Giorgio Galluzzi, César Plaza, Simone Priori, Beatrice Giannetta, and Claudio Zaccone

This study aims to investigate the mechanisms of soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration with depth as a function of time and climate. Two chronosequences located along a climate gradient were investigated. The first chronosequence (ADI) consisted of fluvial terraces, whereas the second (LED) of fluvio-glacial terraces. Four sites (Q2, Q3, Q4 and Q5) located in 3 terraces (T1, T2, and T3), with age ranging from about 125,000 to 2,000 yr, were investigated for ADI, while 3 sites (Q1, Q2, and Q3) in 3 terraces (T1, T2, and T3, respectively), with age range from about 16,000 to 10,000 yr, were selected for LED. All sites were grasslands. Soil samples were collected (1 profile and 2 cores per site) by horizon, and each horizon sub-sampled by depth (each 5 cm). The sub-samples were characterized for pH, EC, total organic C, total N, texture, mineralogy, total and extractable elements, and for soil respiration. Particulate organic matter (POM) and mineral-associated organic matter (MAOM) were isolated and characterized by elemental and thermal analyses.

In ADI, the oldest site (ADIQ2) stocks 2 times more C in the topsoil (15 cm) than the youngest site (ADIQ5) (60 and 27 MgC/ha, respectively). Furthermore, in ADIQ3, 38% of the total SOC accumulated between 30 and 80 cm (48 MgC/ha). In LED, the youngest site (LEDQ3) shows the highest SOC stock to both 15 and 30 cm (86 and 138 MgC/ha, respectively). In LEDQ1, 46% of the total SOC accumulated between 30 and 90 cm (94 MgC/ha). Among sites having same age but different climate, LEDQ3 (the wettest and coldest site) stocks ~2 times more carbon than ADIQ3 (the driest and warmest site) to the first 30 cm of depth.

In LED, the ratio between the organic C in MAOM/POM in the topsoil ranges between 0.6 and 1.8, while in ADI between 1.1 and 3.9. Thermal indices (e.g., WL400-550/200-300, TG-T50) show that the stability of bulk SOM and pools generally increased with depth in ADI sites, whereas remained constant in LED. ADI soils had similar cumulative respiration (RHCUM), whereas LEDQ3 exhibited the highest RHCUM along the first 30 cm. Indeed, LEDQ3 had a 3× higher RHCUM than ADIQ3 in topsoil.

Our data show that significant amounts of organic C were accumulated in deeper soils (>30cm). Moreover, soil organic matter (SOM) stability, and especially that of MAOM, in ADI increased with depth. The relative contribution of POM to C storage was more important in LED than in ADI, especially in the topsoil. Overall, our data suggest that climate has a greater influence on the size of SOC stocks than age, which in turn exerts a major influence on the stability of SOM.

How to cite: Galluzzi, G., Plaza, C., Priori, S., Giannetta, B., and Zaccone, C.: Dynamics and stability of soil organic matter: climate vs. time, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12839,, 2023.

EGU23-13410 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.3

Turnover of soil organic matter and microbial biomass under C3-C4 vegetation change: implications for carbon sequestration in Mediterranean agricultural soils. 

Layla M. San-Emeterio, José Antonio González-Pérez, Rafael López-Núñez, Lorena M. Zavala, Yakov Kuzyakov, and Anna Gunina

 Carbon isotopic composition of soils subjected to C3–C4 vegetation change can be used to estimate C turnover in bulk soil, but more specifically in soil organic matter (SOM) pools with fast and intermediate turnover rates. Analysis of phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA) has been widely used to evaluate rapid changes in soil microbial populations. In this study we investigated the effect a C3–C4 vegetation change experiment, along with a sustainable practice versus tillage soil microbial community composition as well as their isotopic C composition by compound-specific PLFA 13C analysis.

Soils (Calcaric Cambisol) from an agricultural trial located in Southern Spain were sampled, which are characterized by high carbonate content (~27%) low fertility and low organic matter contents. The experimental trial consisted in replacing former C3 vegetation by maize crop (C4 plant) since February 2017, comprising two different treatments: A) after harvesting, maize surpluses were chopped and applied to surface soil, hereafter known as aboveground biomass “A” treatment; B) the total part of maize plant was left out after harvesting, including the roots, known as belowground biomass “B” treatment. Moreover, untreated soil was taken as control plots, “C”, where soil was tillaged and kept the same isotopic signature as the former land use. Composite soil samples (0-5 cm) were taken.

PLFA profiles revealed a great abundance of bacterial activity, comprising gram-positive and gram-negative, along with branched (i-14:0, i-&a- 15:0, i:16:0, i-&a- 17:0) and mono- and polyunsaturated groups (16:1n7, 18:2n6, 18:1w9c and 18:1w7c). Significant increase of fungal abundance in “B” treatment may indicate decrease of litter decomposability, which facilitates fungal development. The “A” treatment also indicated a greater microbial activity, though intermediate in most of the groups compared to control. Lastly, in control plots, it is observed a significant decrease of G- bacteria, which correlates well with lower C content. indicates the low amount of easily available root exudates (Gütlein et al., 2017), which are the preferred C source for this microbial group. On the other hand, significant 13C enrichment of PLFAs varied across microbial groups. “B” plots showed greater 13C contribution for fungi, whereas the application of aboveground biomass contributes greatly to the gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. PLFA 13C mean residence times were much longer for bacteria compared to the rest of microbial groups.

Our results indicate that the addition of biomass in SOM-depleted agricultural soils resulted an increase of microbial biomass, denoting a predominant bacterial activity. Over 5 years of C3-C4 vegetation change, fungi and actinobacteria showed the fastest turnover rates compared to bacteria, which appeared to play a major role in the rapid acquisition of C into the soil microbial community. Fungi and actinobacteria appeared to have a delayed utilization of C or to prefer other C sources upon application of grounded biomass. Further discussion will be made on the implications of sustainable practices for enhancing C sequestration under Mediterranean climate.

How to cite: M. San-Emeterio, L., González-Pérez, J. A., López-Núñez, R., M. Zavala, L., Kuzyakov, Y., and Gunina, A.: Turnover of soil organic matter and microbial biomass under C3-C4 vegetation change: implications for carbon sequestration in Mediterranean agricultural soils., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13410,, 2023.

EGU23-13825 | Posters on site | SSS5.3 | Highlight

How does edaphic context affect soil organic matter persistence? 

Karen Vancampenhout, Judith Schellekens, Sascha Nijdam, Keunbae Kim, Maria I.J. Briones, Bart Muys, Ellen Desie, and Boris Jansen

European and Flemish climate-change policies aim to enhance carbon (C) storage in soils of conservation areas, including natural areas such as forests, grasslands and wetlands. Soil capability and condition however may impact C persistence and material cycles in soils, and therefore the sustainability of this policy effort, by making soil C stocks more vulnerable to climatic anomalies, shocks and disturbances. Edaphic limitations in terms of nutrients, acidity, temperature or moisture availability have been shown to affect soil C persistence, but processes behind this effect remain elusive and poorly quantified.

In this contribution, we therefore present several case studies in western European forests and wetlands, where we assess how the molecular composition of several soil organic matter fractions varies along gradients of soil cover, edaphic conditions and perturbation intensity. Furthermore, by comparing different fractions and markers, we evaluate the suitability of different methods to evaluate changes in soil carbon dynamics, as a tool to predict the potential impact of anthropogenic stresses and management interventions on soil carbon persistence.

How to cite: Vancampenhout, K., Schellekens, J., Nijdam, S., Kim, K., Briones, M. I. J., Muys, B., Desie, E., and Jansen, B.: How does edaphic context affect soil organic matter persistence?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13825,, 2023.

EGU23-13926 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.3

The role of lignin in the saprotrophic degradation of plant biomass in boreal forest soil. 

Aswin Thirunavukkarasu, Mats Öquist, Jurgen Schleucher, Tobias Sparrman, Mattias Hedenstrom, Mats Nilsson, and Stefan Bertilsson

The amount of carbon stored in boreal forests soil as Soil organic matter (SOM) is significant. Carbohydrate polymers such as cellulose and hemicellulose constitute 40-50% of the SOM mass in the surface mor layer, even in SOM that has been decomposed for decades to centuries. This is in contrast to conceptual decomposition models assuming aromatic and aliphatic polymers to constitute the fraction of recalcitrant SOM. One prevailing view for support is that lignin manifest itself as a factor in the stabilization of carbohydrate polymers as SOM. However, detailed elucidation of how the complex array of molecular moieties making up SOM decompose over time is lacking. Here we investigated the effect of lignin content and composition during the progressive degradation of polymeric carbohydrates, lignin, and lipids in the lab during a year-long soil decomposition study using Aspen (Populus tremula) wood as a model substrate. To specifically address lignin decomposition we used a range of Aspen clones that varied naturally in their lignin content (high lignin 30% - low lignin 25%) with boreal coniferous forest soil obtained from the surface moor layer (O-horizon). The decomposition of the different molecular moieties of the model substrate was evaluated by Two-dimensional (2D) liquid state 1H–13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. In addition, the CO2 production during decomposition was monitored continuously and assays for exo-enzymatic activity was carried out at selected time points.

The NMR spectroscopy revealed that for different periods of decomposition, saprotrophic microorganisms preferred different monomers of polymeric lignin, carbohydrates, and lipids. The relative degradation of resinol, spirodienone, and cinnamyl alcohol were higher among lignin interlinkages and the relative degradation of p-hydroxybenzoate and syringyl were higher among lignin subunits. For carbohydrates, the relative degradation of mannose and glucose were higher than that of e.g. xylose. The relative degradation of unsaturated fatty acids was higher among lipids. The lignin: carbohydrates ratio decreased linearly over the period of decomposition. This showed that the initial degradation of lignin compounds was greater compared to the decomposition of carbohydrate compounds. The significant difference in the relative degradation of mannose among model substrate with different lignin content showed that lignin had no effect on cellulose degradation but may have had an effect on the preferential degradation of hemicelluloses. The high-resolution decomposition patterns we observe are crucial for obtaining a detailed mechanistic understanding of plant polymer decomposition by soil microorganisms during the initial stages of SOM genesis.


Keywords: Soil organic matter (SOM), Lignin, Carbohydrates, 2D NMR, Decomposition

How to cite: Thirunavukkarasu, A., Öquist, M., Schleucher, J., Sparrman, T., Hedenstrom, M., Nilsson, M., and Bertilsson, S.: The role of lignin in the saprotrophic degradation of plant biomass in boreal forest soil., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13926,, 2023.

EGU23-15659 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.3

SOC sequestration affected by fertilization in rice-based cropping systems over the last four decades 

Shuhui Wang, Nan Sun, Shuo Liang, Shuxiang Zhang, Jeroen Meersmans, Gilles Colinet, Minggang Xu, and Lianhai Wu

Enhancing soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks through fertilization and crop rotation will contribute to sustaining crop productivity and mitigating global warming. Although it is known that cropping systems may affect SOC stocks by influencing the balance between C input and C decomposition, only few studies focused on the impact of different rice cropping systems on SOC stock changes in paddy soils. In this study, we analyzed the differences in SOC stocks and their driving factors in the topsoil (0–20 cm) with various fertilization measures in two rice-based cropping systems (i.e. rice-wheat rotation and double rice rotation systems) over the last four decades from seven long-term experiments in the Yangtze River catchment. The treatments include no fertilizer application (CK), application of chemical nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers (NPK) and a combination of NPK and manure (NPKM). Results showed that during the last four decades, the topsoil SOC stock significantly increased by 8.6 t ha-1 on average under NPKM treatment in rice-wheat system and by 2.5–6.4 t ha-1 on average under NPK and NPKM treatments in double rice system as compared with CK. A higher SOC sequestration rate and a longer SOC sequestration duration were found in NPKM treatment than that in NPK treatment in both cropping systems. The highest relative SOC stock percentage (SOC stock in fertilized treatments to CK) was observed under the NPKM treatment in both cropping systems, though no significant difference was found between these two cropping systems. However, the fertilization-induced relative increase of the SOC stock was 109.5% and 45.8% under the NPK and NPKM treatments, respectively in the rice-wheat system than that in the double rice system. This indicates that the rice-wheat system is more conducive for SOC sequestration. RF and SEM analyses revealed that the magnitude and influencing factors driving SOC sequestration varied between two systems. In the double rice system, continuous flooding weakens the influence of precipitation on SOC sequestration and highlights the importance of soil properties and C input. In contrast, soil properties, C input and climate factors all have important impacts on SOC sequestration in rice-wheat system. This study reveals that the rice-wheat system is more favorable for SOC sequestration despite its lower C input compared to the double rice system in China’s paddies.

How to cite: Wang, S., Sun, N., Liang, S., Zhang, S., Meersmans, J., Colinet, G., Xu, M., and Wu, L.: SOC sequestration affected by fertilization in rice-based cropping systems over the last four decades, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15659,, 2023.

EGU23-15729 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.3

Managed pastures enhance soil carbon stocks from degraded pasture in Ferralsol of Brazilian Cerrado 

Lucas Raimundo Bento, Steffen A. Schweizer, Patrícia P. A. Oliveira, José R. M. Pezzopane, Alberto C. de C. Bernardi, Ingrid Kögel-Knabner, and Ladislau Martin-Neto

The conversion of native vegetation into agricultural lands is often associated with a decrease in soil C. The soils from the Brazilian savannah (named Cerrado), with 200 million hectares, are rich in Fe and Al (hydr)oxides, which could result in more organo-mineral associations and lead to particularly high C storage. The changes in the C stocks from the conversion of native forest into degraded pasture (DP), and the adoption of proper management to recover DP and increase C stocks in such Ferralsols are not well understood. To provide insights into the drivers of C storage, this study compared the C stocks across depth in the top 1m and the distribution of C in the soil fractions 24 years after the adoption of different management systems in degraded pastures in the Brazilian Cerrado.

A DP area located in São Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil was converted into different management systems: (i) RMS: rainfed pasture with moderate animal stocking rate, (ii) RHS: rainfed pasture with higher animal stocking rate, and (iii) IHS:  irrigated pasture with higher stocking rate. As a control, the adjacent native vegetation (FO) was also evaluated. The adoption of management started in 1996 with RMS and in 2002 for RHS and IHS. Except for the DP, all areas were limed and N-fertilized. RMS with 200 kg N ha, RHS 400 kg N ha, and IHS with 600 kg N ha. Soil sampling was carried out in 2020 and the C stocks were evaluated up to 1 m deep. To state vegetation change from C3 (native forest) to C4 (introduced pasture) the isotopic natural abundance of 13C was analyzed. To evaluate the contribution of mineral-associated and particulate organic matter forms to C storage, we performed a physical fractionation by size and density with SPT 1.8 g cm-3, respectively.

Our results showed that the conversion of FO into DP decreased soil C stocks.  Otherwise, the adoption of management in DP with RMS and RHS increased C stocks achieving levels similar to FO. RMS showed the highest C stocks with the lower dosage of N-fertilizer and animal stocking rate. IHS area did not increase their C stocks compared to DP, which may be related to limited root growth after irrigation decreasing the C input. Around 50% of the C stocks in RHS and RMS systems are pasture-derived (C4 plants) according to the 13C abundance. This shows that half of C stocks from rainfed pastures is of preserved organic matter from previous FO. While in the IHS and DP systems, the organic matter composition is mainly pasture-derived. Our preliminary data showed that the RMS topsoil contained more free particulate organic matter than the FO, suggesting that the C stocks were enhanced mainly by pasture-derived biomass input. The contribution of mineral-associated organic matter still will be evaluated.

Our study shows that the recovery of degraded pasture soils by management leads to increased OC stocks derived from fertilized pasture but also higher maintenance of OC from FO.

How to cite: Bento, L. R., Schweizer, S. A., Oliveira, P. P. A., Pezzopane, J. R. M., Bernardi, A. C. D. C., Kögel-Knabner, I., and Martin-Neto, L.: Managed pastures enhance soil carbon stocks from degraded pasture in Ferralsol of Brazilian Cerrado, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15729,, 2023.

Under conservation agriculture (CA), soil aggregates physically protect soil organic C, creating microhabitats with heterogeneities in nutrient availability. These may become rich in microbial taxa with structured interconnections, and thus maintain the equilibrium between C sources and sinks. A long-term experiment on tillage and N fertilization located in the Mediterranean was used to investigate the microbiota within small macroaggregates (sM), and occluded microaggregates (mM). At surface layer N fertilization was the main driver of diversity of prokaryotes and fungi in soil aggregates, whereas at subsurface layer tillage intensity was the primary driver. Moreover, although along the soil profile a conserved core microbial community was found across managements in soil aggregates, some taxa were unique to certain managements. At surface layer, N fertilization significantly modified the prokaryotic community structure in sM and mM under conventional tillage, whereas in the subsurface layer, tillage modified the community structure of prokaryotes in both soil aggregates, and of fungi in mM. The fungal community structure in sM was strongly modified by the interaction between tillage and N fertilization at both soil layers and in mM only at surface layer. Overall sM had a higher diversity of prokaryotes and a lower diversity of fungi than mM. Small macroaggregates and mM had distinctive microbial community structures. Prokaryotic taxa, such as Actinobacteria, Chloroflexi and Thermomicrobia, and fungi, such as Agaricomycetes, Dydimellaceae, and Mortierellaceae, characterized sM, whereas others prokaryotes (Betaproteobacteria, Sphingobacteriia, Blastocatellia) and fungi (Sordariales, Lasiosphaeriaceae and Glomeraceae) characterized mM. Within- and cross-domain network were more complex in mM than sM at surface layer, and the opposite occurred at subsurface. Some prokaryotic and fungal taxa (Chloroflexi and Sordariomycetes), found abundant in hubs within soil aggregate networks, were consistently positively related to C cycling and soil structuring. We can therefore conclude that soil aggregation should be included in a more complete ‘multifunctional’ perspective of soil ecology, and that a full understanding of soil processes requires analyses emphasizing feedbacks between soil structure and soil microbiota, rather than a unidirectional approach simply addressing single members in bulk soil. As CA systems and soil structure were strongly connected to soil microbiome and function, the application of CA practices should be supported for the restoration of disturbed soils, the prevention of soil erosion and the enhancement of SOC storage. Overall, the higher diversity and differentiated soil microbial structures observed in minimum and fertilized tillage systems may offer biological buffering capacity and maintain agriculturally relevant soil functions. This study allows to improve the knowledge on taxa resistant and sensitive to modifications induced by tillage and N fertilization, according to soil aggregation size. We also demonstrate that linking taxonomy to function is a priority for explaining the ecological interactions that promote SOC accumulation in soil aggregates.

How to cite: Ercoli, L., Piazza, G., Helgason, T., and Pellegrino, E.: Microbiome structure and interconnection in soil aggregates across conservation and conventional agricultural practices allow to identify taxa related to soil functioning, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16928,, 2023.

EGU23-17105 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.3

Evidence for the diagenetic formation of fused aromatic ring structures in an organic soil 

Jeewan Gamage, James Longstaffe, Adam Gillespie, Andy Lo, Sameer Al-Abdul-Wahid, and Paul Voroney

Understanding the molecular make-up of recalcitrant organic matter (rSOM) is important to postulate the capability of soil organic matter (SOM) to sequester carbon and mitigate climate change. Humic acid (HA) extracted from the river bed sediment (RS) from the West Holland river was analyzed, aiming to characterize and quantify the fused ring aromatic structures (FRA) portion. FARs can be formed through condensation and polymerization reactions and act as an important skeletal structure of the rSOM which has a mean residence time >1000 years. We conducted a series of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments, 13C Direct Polarization Magic Angle Spinning (DP-MAS) NMR spectroscopy, and Dipolar dephased (dd) DPMAS NMR, chemical shift anisotropy (CSA) cross-polarization (CP) total sideband suppression (TOSS) NMR experiment and a dd-CSA filtered CPTOSS to accurately quantify the proportion of FRAs in the sediment HA sample. We compared the proportions of the functional groups of the RS with the surface (0-20 cm, TS) and deep (>90 cm, CS) soil HAs of the nearby Holland Marsh, Muck Crops Research Station to understand the linkages and the transformations of SOM happened while transportation (wind erosion and horizontal seepage) to the muck river sediment. We found that 90% of the aromatic C in the RS is non-protonated, and 32% of the aliphatic region was non-protonated. The DPMAS spectral comparison between RS, TS and CS clearly showed that RS contains characteristic peaks of both TS and CS. Moreover, the proportion of non-protonated aliphatics in RS (32%) is high compared to TS (18%) and CS (29%). Our results indicate that in muck river sediment soil HA, non-protonated aliphatics (CRAM-like structures) contribute to the rSOM more than FRAs, while in TS and CS, FRAs' contribution is higher than the non-protonated aliphatics. Collectively our results show the link between terrestrial organic matter transportation to the river sediment and the transformation that occur in the rSOM fraction in the river sediment SOM. This new knowledge allows us to understand the structural changes that happen in the sequestered carbon in different soil environments.

How to cite: Gamage, J., Longstaffe, J., Gillespie, A., Lo, A., Al-Abdul-Wahid, S., and Voroney, P.: Evidence for the diagenetic formation of fused aromatic ring structures in an organic soil, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17105,, 2023.

EGU23-1101 | Orals | SSS5.5

Soil management effects on soil organic matter properties and carbon sequestration (SOMPACS) 

Jerzy Weber, Peter Leinweber, Yakov Kuzyakov, Edyta Hewelke, Magdalena Frąc, Michael Hayes, Vaclovas Boguzas, Lilla Mielnik, James J. Leahy, Urszula Norton, Andy Gregory, Maria Jerzykiewicz, Riccardo Spaccini, Wojciech Stępień, and Vincenzo Di Meo


SOMPACS is a project recommended by EJP SOIL for funding under the 1st External Call "Towards Healthy, Resilient and Sustainable Agricultural Soils". The purpose of SOMPACS is to disclose management practices enriching soils with the organic matter pools that are most resistant to microbial decomposition. The project started in 2022 and will be implemented by a consortium of 12 research institutions from Poland, Germany, Ireland, Lithuania, UK, Italy and the USA until 2025.


Soil samples from eight long-term field experiments with different soil management and cultivation systems (conventional tillage vs. no-tillage; mineral vs. organic fertilization; management with and without catch crop; arable land vs. grassland; and cultivated vs. non-cultivated soils) will be investigated. Field experiments will include trials of increasing duration: 22-year (Lithuania); 26-year (Italy); 30-year (Poland, Ireland); 46-year (Poland); 54-year (Lithuania); 100-year (Poland), and 178-year Broadbalk experiment (UK). Experiments will also be carried out in production fields, where additives that stimulate root growth and provide very stable C (commercial humic products, biochar, and biogas digestate) will be applied. The effects of these additives on the content and properties of SOM will be investigated also in experimental plots accompanied by the incubation studies on the microbial decomposition of SOM and these additives. In parallel with soil sampling, plant productivity will be measured in all field experiments. Basic soil properties will be supplemented by the following investigations based on state-of-the-art approaches: SOM composition and stability by Py-GC-MS; aggregate size classes and C pools of increasing physicochemical protection; analysis of δ13C and δ15N of the separated SOM pools; microbiological properties (community-level physiological profiling, selected functional genes involved in C and N cycles, microbiome and mycobiome analyzes by next-generation sequencing, genetic diversity using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism);  enzymatic activity; soil water retention and soil water repellency; mineral composition of clay fraction; soil structure stability. The most resistant SOM pool (humin) will be isolated by different methods (isolation vs. extraction) and examined for chemical composition and structure, using spectrometric and spectroscopic techniques (mass spectrometry, NMR, FTIR, EPR, UV-Vis-NIR, fluorescence). The C stocks in the soil profile will be evaluated and the extractable C in cold water will be determined to assess the potential leaching and microbial availability of C. Additionally, CO2 emissions from the soil of chosen experiments will be measured directly under field conditions.


In the first stage of the research, soil samples were collected from a depth up to 100 cm and the humin fraction from surface horizons was isolated for spectroscopic studies. Meantime, the impact of various types of cultivation on the yield was determined. 


A closer understanding of the persistence of SOC in top- and subsoil, as well as identifying management practices that contribute to minimizing greenhouse gas emissions, will show the possibilities of increasing the stable SOM pools, thus improving the potential of C sequestration. Understanding the impact of soil management on sustainable agricultural production and the environment, and in particular on climate change mitigation, should be widely promoted and put into practice.

Project partly financed by NBCR (project EJPSOIL/I/78/SOMPACS/2022).

How to cite: Weber, J., Leinweber, P., Kuzyakov, Y., Hewelke, E., Frąc, M., Hayes, M., Boguzas, V., Mielnik, L., Leahy, J. J., Norton, U., Gregory, A., Jerzykiewicz, M., Spaccini, R., Stępień, W., and Di Meo, V.: Soil management effects on soil organic matter properties and carbon sequestration (SOMPACS), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1101,, 2023.

In June of 2009, a long-term field experiment was conducted in the Shang-zhuang Experimental Station of China Agricultural University (CAU) at Haidian District, Beijing (N 40° 08′ 21″, E116°10′ 52″). The soil is calcareous fluvisol and the field located on an alluvial plain at an altitude of 51 m and a shallow groundwater level of 1-1.5 m. The region has a typical continental monsoon climate with an annual average air temperature of 11.6 °C and an annual average precipitation of 400 mm. The typical cropping system is winter wheat (from October each year to June of the following year) and summer maize (from June to September each year).

There are 6 treatments in the experiment: chemical fertilization with returned-straws both of wheat and maize was as experiment control (CK, or B0); 30, 60, and 90 t/ha Biochar were applied on the base of CK, coding as B30, B60, and B90; meanwhile, returning straw of wheat and maize but no chemical fertilizer (WM) and only wheat straw returning (W) were also as a treatment. After application of Biochar in June of 2009, all other agronomic practices were same as local real production way.

Although the field experiment is going on, we have got important conclusions till now, that are, (1) About 40% biochar lost from the 0-20 cm soil layer during the first 5 years after Biochar application; (2) No more than 25% biochar located in the aggregates >53 um in the 5th year after Biochar application; (3) Biochar decreased the turnover of C in the returned-straw to SOC by 11% to 31% during the first 5 years after Biochar application, and the main decrease occurred from the wheat straw; (4) Biochar decreased soil labile organic carbon pool about 50%; (5) Priming effect caused by Biochar was positive during the first 3 years but negative during the 3 to 5 years after Biochar application; (6) Biochar decreased wheat-straw-derived SOC in larger aggregates, but accumulated more in smaller aggregates; (7) Biochar increased soil pedogenic carbonate content in the 0-20 cm soil layer during the 8 years after Biochar application; (8) Biochar amendment significantly increased subsoil pH (0.3−0.5 units) during the 10 years after biochar application; (9) The transported Biochar in subsoil acted as nuclei to precipitate pedogenic carbonate; (10) Biochar amendment enhanced soil inorganic carbon pool by up to 80% in the 2m soil profile. All these results have been published on international journals such as Science of the Total Environment, Soil Tillage Research, CATENA, Journal of Soils and Sediments, Journal of Integrative Agriculture, Agricultural Ecosystems & Environment, Soil Use Management, and Environmental Science & Technology.

How to cite: Li, G.: Long-term field experiment for exploring effects of Biochar on soil processes in winter wheat-summer maize cropping system in Northern China, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2157,, 2023.

EGU23-2191 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.5

Microbial growth kinetics under deeply- vs. shallow-rooted plants with soil depth profiles 

Kyungjin Min, Eric Slessarev, Megan Kan, Jennifer Pett-Ridge, Karis McFarlane, Erik Oerter, and Erin Nuccio

Climate-smart land management practices that replace shallow-rooted annual crop systems with deeply-rooted perennial plants can contribute to soil carbon sequestration. However, deep soil carbon accrual may be influenced by active microbial biomass and their capacity to assimilate fresh carbon at depth. Incorporating active microbial biomass, dormancy, and growth in microbially-explicit models can improve our ability to predict soil’s capacity to store carbon. But, so far, the microbial parameters that are needed for such modeling are poorly constrained, especially in deep soil layers. Here, we used a lab incubation experiment and growth kinetics model to estimate how microbial parameters vary along 240 cm of soil depth in profiles under shallow- (soy) and deeply-rooted (switchgrass) plants 11 years after plant cover conversion. We also assessed resource origin and availability (total organic carbon, 14C, extractable organic carbon, specific UV absorbance of K2SO4 extractable organic C, total nitrogen, total dissolved nitrogen) along the soil profiles to examine associations between soil chemical and biological parameters. Even though root biomass was greater and rooting depth was deeper under switchgrass than soy, resource availability and microbial growth parameters were generally similar between vegetation types. Instead, depth significantly influenced soil chemical and biological parameters. For example, resource availability and total and relative active microbial biomass decreased with soil depth. Decreases in the relative active microbial biomass coincided with increased lag time (response time to external carbon inputs) along the soil profiles. Even at a depth of 210–240 cm, microbial communities were activated to grow by added resources within a day. Maximum specific growth rate decreased to a depth of 90 cm and then remained consistent in deeper layers. Our findings show that >10 years of vegetation and rooting depth changes may not be long enough to alter microbial growth parameters, and suggest that at least a portion of the microbial community in deep soils can grow rapidly in response to added resources. Our study determined microbial growth parameters that can be used in microbially-explicit models to simulate carbon dynamics in deep soil layers.

How to cite: Min, K., Slessarev, E., Kan, M., Pett-Ridge, J., McFarlane, K., Oerter, E., and Nuccio, E.: Microbial growth kinetics under deeply- vs. shallow-rooted plants with soil depth profiles, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2191,, 2023.

EGU23-2338 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.5

Evaluating the Impact of Blanket Peatland Restoration on Carbon Dynamics using 3D X-ray Micro-Computed Tomography 

Jack Brennand, Simon Carr, and Elizabeth Evans

Peatlands are the second largest global store of carbon and represent the most efficient terrestrial carbon store on the planet. ~13% of the world’s blanket peatlands are located in the UK, and they play a potentially crucial role in regulating climate. It is estimated that they store ~3.12 billion tonnes and sequester ~5.5 million tonnes of carbon per year, equivalent to ~1% of the UK’s total annual greenhouse gas emissions. However, unsustainable anthropogenic exploitation of blanket peatlands has resulted in ~90% of the known extent in the UK categorised as being in poor condition under the Joint Nature Conservation Committee standards. This is a consequence of these peatlands experiencing cutting, overgrazing, burning, drainage, and erosion. Due to these anthropogenic disturbances, UK blanket peatlands are suggested to emit ~10 million tonnes of carbon per year, representative of ~2% of the UK’s total annual greenhouse gas emissions. In response, the UK Government has incorporated peatlands in national level policy through the setting of restoration targets under climate change commitments. However, restoration targets are not being met and there are no ‘hard’ policies for blanket peatland restoration specifically. This is partly due to a lack of primary research into the effectiveness of peatland restoration.

This study explores the interactions between peat structure and peat function, which is indicative of carbon sequestration and storage (carbon dynamics), in restored blanket peatlands under different treatments and timescales in Cumbria, England. 3D X-ray Micro-Computed Tomography (µCT) is applied to peat core samples from natural, degraded, and restored blanket peatlands to visualise and quantify the internal structure of peat soils at a 0.51µm resolution. Structures include; 1) air filled and water filled pore networks; 2) air filled and water filled root networks; 3) peat matrix density; and 4) other organic matter developments which regulate the carbon dynamic function of peat soils. For the first time, this study will identify and evaluate the impact of blanket peatland restoration on peat structure and function. The investigation is also reinforced with bulk chemical and field monitoring datasets. These are integrated with the µCT outputs to understand the response of carbon dioxide and methane dynamics to blanket peatland restoration.

How to cite: Brennand, J., Carr, S., and Evans, E.: Evaluating the Impact of Blanket Peatland Restoration on Carbon Dynamics using 3D X-ray Micro-Computed Tomography, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2338,, 2023.

EGU23-2591 | Orals | SSS5.5

Data science approaches for soil carbon mapping – a call for greater transparency 

Victoria Janes-Bassett, Richard Bassett, Jordan Phillipson, Ross Towe, Peter Henrys, and Gordon Blair

Soils are the largest terrestrial store of carbon, storing more carbon than the atmosphere and the biosphere combined. Soil carbon plays a key role in the delivery of a wide range of ecosystem services including climate regulation, food production, water quality and regulation and as such is often used as a proxy for ‘soil health’. International initiatives such as ‘Carbon 4 per mille’ highlight the potential for carbon sequestration in soils as a mechanism for climate mitigation, and the UK’s NetZero target depends on significant land-based carbon sequestration. Therefore, a need exists to quantify present-day soil carbon stocks at both regional and national scales to guide policy decisions and provide a baseline to enable estimates of carbon sequestration potential. 

To meet this need Digital Soil Maps (DSMs) have gained significant provenance, providing high-resolution maps through spatial extrapolation of observed data to regional, national and global scales. These maps are created by applying data-science methods to observational point data and associated covariates to create a predictive model. The model is used to extrapolate the prediction over the area for which covariate information is available. The predictive models often indicate impressively high levels of accuracy based on test/validation data. However, due to differences in both the range of data, methods and covariates used to drive predictive models, multiple DSMs created for the same areas are unlikely to be identical, which is indicative of the uncertainty associated with these mapped products. Much like with process-based models, there is a need to understand which data-science methodology is most suitable for a given research question and provide clarity on the magnitude of uncertainty associated with predictions. 

In this study, we quantify uncertainty in DSMs as a result of methodological choice; we apply several approaches (Random forest, Gaussian Process, Generalised Additive Model, Neural Network and Linear Regression) to create multiple predictive models of SOC concentration across the UK. By allowing the models to select from identical input data we provide a fair comparison of each approach through isolating uncertainty in DSMs as a result of methodological choice. In addition to accuracy assessment of each of the generated DSMs, we evaluate the suitability of each of these methods for DSM application. Most crucially, we highlight the need for caution in relation to the assumed levels of accuracy of generated DSMs when considering only standard validation statistics, and the limitations of these approaches when data has bi-modal distribution, a common feature of data that encompasses both mineral and organic soils. Whilst standard statistics evaluating the overall accuracy of the DSMs are highly significant, levels of accuracy across land use classifications vary considerably. Our study highlights the need for increased transparency in communication of uncertainty and limitations of derived map products. 

How to cite: Janes-Bassett, V., Bassett, R., Phillipson, J., Towe, R., Henrys, P., and Blair, G.: Data science approaches for soil carbon mapping – a call for greater transparency, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2591,, 2023.

EGU23-2817 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.5

The role of zero-tillage in mitigating climate change in tropical soils 

Hannah Cooper, Murray Lark, Sofie Sjogersten, and Sacha Mooney

Soils are a significant store of organic carbon, globally storing an estimated 1550 Gt C to a depth of 1 metre. They are also substantial sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, contributing one-fifth of global CO2 emissions, one-third of CH4 emissions and two-thirds of N2O emissions. Soil carbon in agricultural lands can represent a net sink or source of CO2 depending on microclimate, cropping history and land management. Zero-tillage is an increasingly popular strategy to minimise soil erosion, increase biological activity and promote soil health. However, the extent to which zero-tillage reduces GHG emissions whilst increasing soil carbon, compared to other management strategies, is extensively debated, and represents a crucial knowledge gap in the context of climate change mitigation. Contrasting tillage strategies not only affect the stability and formation of soil aggregates but also modify the concentration and thermostability of soil organic matter (SOC) associated within them. Understanding the thermostability and carbon retention ability of aggregates under different tillage systems is essential to ascertain potential terrestrial carbon storage and greenhouse gas release.


Across Brazil, zero-tillage accounts for c. 45% of agricultural management, thereby making it a critical agricultural management practice throughout South America. This has been a popular management strategy since the 1940s and provides long-term field sites for which to understand and elucidate the key mechanisms which govern carbon retention/mineralization across different tillage managements. We measured GHG release and characterized the concentration and thermostability of SOC within various aggregate size classes under both zero and conventional tillage using Rock-Eval pyrolysis. The geometry of the pore systems was quantified by X-ray Computed Tomography and used to link soil structural characteristics to organic carbon preservation, thermostability and GHG release. Soil samples were collected from experimental fields across Brazil, which had been under zero-tillage for as little as one year up to 31 years, and from adjacent fields under conventional tillage.


Soils under zero-tillage had significantly increased pore connectivity whilst simultaneously decreasing interaggregate porosity, providing a potential physical mechanism for protection of SOC in the 0–20-cm soil layer. Changes in the soil physical characteristics associated with the adoption of zero-tillage resulted in improved aggregate formation compared to conventionally tilled soils, especially when implemented for at least 15 years. In addition, we identified a chemical change in composition of organic carbon to a more recalcitrant fraction following conversion to zero-tillage, suggesting aggregates were accumulating rather than mineralizing SOC. This study also revealed that, when combining all three GHG fluxes, potential global warming potential from zero-tilled soils was 50% smaller than that of conventionally tilled soils. These data reveal profound effects of different tillage systems upon soil structural modification, with important implications for the potential of zero-tillage to simultaneously increase carbon sequestration and decrease GHG release compared to conventional tillage, contributing to mitigating against climate change in these soils.

How to cite: Cooper, H., Lark, M., Sjogersten, S., and Mooney, S.: The role of zero-tillage in mitigating climate change in tropical soils, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2817,, 2023.

EGU23-3089 | Posters on site | SSS5.5

Long-term SOC stabilization in sandy subsoils – evidence from historical tillage experiments 

Michael Sommer, Marisa Gerriets, Dymphie Burger, Sara Bauke, and Wulf Amelung

Large SOC sequestration rates can be achieved by admixing C undersaturated subsoil into topsoil (e.g. by deep tillage), hence creating a strong disequilibrium in the C cycle of the local soil-plant-microbiome system. The magnitude of C sequestration (sum of SOC changes in top- and subsoil) strongly depends on the fate of SOC translocated into the subsoil. Here we present evidence for a strong preservation of subsoil SOC even after 40-60 years by re-analyses of historical field trials on sandy soils (Albic Luvisols, Arenic, Neocambic) in E Germany. Compared to Ap horizons (retain samples),  which were translocated into subsoil decades ago, 50-70% of former SOC is still detectable after 40-60years. From one field experiment (V210) a non-linear decline of SOC contents can be concluded (levelling off after 20y).

How to cite: Sommer, M., Gerriets, M., Burger, D., Bauke, S., and Amelung, W.: Long-term SOC stabilization in sandy subsoils – evidence from historical tillage experiments, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3089,, 2023.

The combination of biochar and nitrogen (N) addition has been proposed as a potential strategy to mitigate climate change by sequestering carbon (C), while simultaneously boosting crop yields. However, our current knowledge about how biochar and N addition alter mineralization of native soil organic C, which is referred to priming effects (PEs), is largely limited. To address these uncertainties, three C3 biochar (pyrolyzing rice straw at 300, 550, and 800 ℃) and its combination with N fertilizer (urea) were incubated in a C4-derived soils at 25 ℃ in the laboratory. Our results showed that all these 3 types of biochar with different addition rate caused positive priming of native soil organic C decomposition (up to +58.4%), but negative or no priming occurred in biochar bound N treatments. The maximum negative PEs (-14.5%) were observed in 300 ℃ biochar with 1% addition rate bound N (B1300N) treatment. We find a negative correlation between the priming intensity and soil inorganic N content across all treatments. Furthermore, the biochar-induced PEs regulated by microbial biomass, fungi/bacteria ratio, and microbial metabolic efficiency. These findings indicated that eligible biochar used for blending traditional mineral fertilizer has a larger climate-change mitigation potential than biochar and fertilizer alone, while sustain relatively high crop yields.

How to cite: He, Y. and Zhou, X.: Nitrogen input alleviates the priming effect of biochar addition on soil organic carbon decomposition, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4092,, 2023.

EGU23-4814 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.5

In situ 13C isotope labelling of maize to determine root carbon inputs to the soil. 

Celia Fernández Balado, Elisabeth Ziss, Ferdinand Hartmann, and Rebecca Hood-Nowotny

Soil organic carbon (SOC) depletion mainly affects croplands, and it reduces the function of soil to control erosion, to hold water and to store carbon. Hence, arable production needs adaptation of restorative practices to increase C sequestration. Roots are key for sustainable agriculture because they are the main precursors of SOC. Increased and deeper roots are a viable option to maximize carbon input to the soil to enhance SOC. However, there is a lack of data on the extent and distribution of roots for different crop types under different management conditions. This study aimed to quantify root carbon inputs and sequestration potential of maize as well as to determine root biomass and architecture under different organic amendment applications. Maize was labelled with 13C-CO2 in the field at the beginning of the growing period. Leaf, root, and soil subsamples from labelled and unlabelled plants were taken during the three weeks after labelling. The carbon distribution and turnover in the investigated pools was assessed by analysing 13C by Elemental Analyzer Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer (EA-IRMS). Furthermore, to test the effect of the organic amendments on root growth, maize was grown in an adjacent field with identical conditions with the following treatments: (i) control, (ii) biochar (iii) compost and (iv) NPK. At the end of the growing period, roots were excavated to 30 cm depth and prepared for biomass and root architecture determination. The data collected will allow us to determine carbon distribution and turnover in the investigated pools and assess total C inputs to the soil. Moreover, it will allow us to assess whether the management practices investigated can be used to enhance root C input.

How to cite: Fernández Balado, C., Ziss, E., Hartmann, F., and Hood-Nowotny, R.: In situ 13C isotope labelling of maize to determine root carbon inputs to the soil., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4814,, 2023.

EGU23-5647 | Orals | SSS5.5

Additions of ochre to soil increase the retention of organic carbon 

Mark E Hodson, Mahmuda Islam, Matty Metcalf, and Amy Wright

Fe oxyhydroxides are known to adsorb organic carbon in soil, protecting it from degradation. In this presentation we will report the results of experiments in which we added waste ochre (Fe oxy-hydroxide) precipitated by waters draining former UK coal mines to soils and observed decreases in carbon lability and thus increased carbon storage.


In batch experiments in which ochre was added to soil at rates of 5 wt % and 10 wt % by mass and shaken in 20 mL 0.01 M CaCl2, organic carbon release into solution was significantly reduced suggesting that the ochre had adsorbed organic carbon. In an initial set of plant growth experiments soil was amended with 5 wt% ochre and wheat plants grown for 6 weeks. The concentration of organic carbon leached from the soil over the course of the experiment and the hot water extractable organic carbon at the end of the experiment were significantly reduced by c. 43 % and 16 % respectively indicating a reduction in carbon lability. However, plant growth was reduced by c. 50 % by the ochre amendments. As Olsen P was reduced by the ochre amendments we ascribe this growth reduction to reduced P availability due to adsorption of P to the ochres. In a follow up set of experiments we added both ochre and KH2PO4 to soils. The KH2PO4 was added at a rate equivalent to levels of recommended P fertiliser application in the UK. In this second plant experiment, there was no difference in plant biomass between the study control and the ochre-treated soils and carbon lability was still significantly reduced by the ochre treatments. In addition to this the ochre amended soils leached less phosphate over the course of the experiment.


These results suggest that Fe oxide amendments to soil may be a practical way of changing soil chemistry in order to increase the amount of carbon retained in soils but that care must be taken to ensure that phosphorus availability is not negatively affected.


However, rough calculations indicate that the global supply of Fe-rich waste may be insufficient for Fe-oxide waste amendments to generate significant increases in soil carbon at a global scale. So addition of Fe-oxide wastes may represent a local means of waste-generating industries to offset their carbon footprint.

How to cite: Hodson, M. E., Islam, M., Metcalf, M., and Wright, A.: Additions of ochre to soil increase the retention of organic carbon, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5647,, 2023.

EGU23-5814 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.5

Soil carbon storage as affected by the conversion from croplands to pastures with holistic grazing in Eastern Denmark 

Klara Sørensen, Joanne A. O’Keeffe, Kari Bækgaard Eriksson, and Carsten W. Müller

Agricultural management is strongly affecting soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks and cycling in half the world’s habitable land areas. Regular cropping with annual crops is known to considerably reduce soil carbon stocks, with detrimental effects to soils’ fertility and heightening atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations. Compared to croplands, grasslands and pastures generally store more SOC. Thus, the conversion of croplands into pastures and grassland can be beneficial for soil carbon storage. The objective of the present study was to elucidate how the conversion of a cropland into holistically grazed pastures affect SOC storage. To test differences in soil OC we used a space for time approach and sampled a chronosequence consisting of a 4-year-old pasture, 10-year-old pasture and a nearby crop-field near Ringsted, Denmark. Mean annual temperature is 8.9°C and annual precipitation 695 mm, all three sites classified as a sandy loam according to Danish soil texture maps. Sampling was done in late September and early October, where 10 soil cores to 40 cm depth were taken from each field and split into samples of 0-10, 10-25 and 25-40 cm. SOC, total N, pH and bulk density (BD) was determined for each sample. SOC concentrations and stocks were calculated by equivalent soil mass approach, and comparisons of SOC and BD between managements done through linear mixed modelling, to account for spatial autocorrelation between samples from one soil core. Results show that both pastures have significantly higher SOC concentrations and lower bulk densities than the crop field. The 10-year-old pasture showed slightly higher SOC concentrations and stocks in the top 10 cm, but this difference was not statistically significant. No other significant differences were found between the two pastures. This suggests that SOC and BD changes happen rapidly after conversion from croplands to pastures, and a steady low build up of additional soil OC occurs after a certain threshold of SOC stocks is reached. However, as we used a space for time approach, one can not fully rule out differences in historic land-use and thus certain similarities between the pastures before the conversion compared to the sampled cropland. 

How to cite: Sørensen, K., A. O’Keeffe, J., Bækgaard Eriksson, K., and W. Müller, C.: Soil carbon storage as affected by the conversion from croplands to pastures with holistic grazing in Eastern Denmark, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5814,, 2023.

EGU23-7401 | Orals | SSS5.5

Impacts on surface and sub soil physical properties under minimum tillage through long-term compost application 

Kenneth Loades, Anna Barclay, David Boldrin, Sandra Caul, Madeline Giles, and Mark Hanlon

Background: The application of composts to agricultural soil is a well-established practice with evidence showing multiple benefits within the field and beyond through changes in a number of soil functions. With soil health and function becoming increasingly important it is critical to understand the impact of soil management on function and changes in soil carbon, both within the root growth zone and, more importantly, within soil below the plough pan, an area of increasing interest.

Methods: A long-term compost application trial was established in 2004 under continuous spring barley with 3 differing compost application rates and a unamended control treatment. Following establishment in 2004 all treatments, except the control, received 50 t ha-1 of municipal green compost, no amendments in 2005, low (35 t ha-1), medium (100 t ha-1), and high (200 t ha-1), applications in 2006 and 2007 before continuous 35 t ha-1 annual applications from 2008 to 2022. Plot structure is a randomised block design with soil being a sandy silt loam cultivated under minimum tillage practices. Intact soil cores were collected from both surface soils (~20mm) and subsoils (~300mm) for each plot in spring 2022 prior to compost application, cultivation, and sowing. Full water release data was collected including characterisation of the least limiting water range (LLWR), the available water beyond which mechanical impedance restricts root elongation (2.0 MPa). Additionally, soil resilience tests were performed to simulate trafficking with impacts on soil bulk density quantified and data on wet aggregate stability, visual evaluation of soil structure, and hydraulic conductivity were also collected.

Results: Within surface soils, medium and high compost application rates increased hydraulic conductivity when compared to control plots, the low compost application rate decreased hydraulic conductivity when compared to unamended plots. Surprisingly, within subsoil, compost application was found to significantly impact hydraulic conductivity (P<0.04) with hydraulic conductivity shown to be higher within the medium rate compost application treatment. A significant difference in water stable aggregates (WSA) within surface soils was observed between treatments (P<0.01) and a significant difference in soil bulk density (BD) between treatments (P<0.01) with BD decreasing with increasing compost levels. No significant differences in sub soil bulk density were observed between treatments (P=0.131) however WSA was found to be significantly different in sub soils between treatments (P<0.01). Data on carbon, soil water release characteristics, and nutrient status will also be presented highlighting the long-term benefits of compost application.

Conclusions: Results show that the surface application of compost under minimum tillage practice and the production of continuous spring barley can influence subsoil functions with wider ecosystem benefits.

How to cite: Loades, K., Barclay, A., Boldrin, D., Caul, S., Giles, M., and Hanlon, M.: Impacts on surface and sub soil physical properties under minimum tillage through long-term compost application, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7401,, 2023.

EGU23-8248 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.5

Adjustments of the Rock-Eval® thermal analysis for Soil Organic and Inorganic Carbon (SOC and SIC) quantifications 

Joséphine Hazera, David Sebag, Isabelle Kowalewski, Herman Ravelojaona, Eric Verrecchia, and Tiphaine Chevallier

Quantifying Soil Organic and Inorganic Carbon (SOC & SIC) separately in carbonate soils involves successive pretreatments and/or measurements to separate the two carbon forms. The Rock-Eval® (RE) thermal analysis has been developed in the 70’s by IFPEN to study oil bearing rocks with a ramped heating pyrolysis and oxidation. The RE has been increasingly used over the past 20 years to quantify and characterize SOC without pretreatments and with a single analysis in any kind of soils. To improve the SOC and SIC quantifications by RE, Disnar & al. (2003) and Sebag & al. (2022a; 2022b) suggested statistical corrections of the TOC and MinC standard parameters, which are SOC and SIC content estimators respectively. However, few applications have focused on SIC quantification and no adjustments of the RE standard analysis cycle have been investigated. This study aims at adjusting the RE standard analysis protocol to quantify SOC and SIC. For this, a panel of carbonate soils with a wide range of SOC and SIC contents was analyzed by RE. The SOC and SIC quantifications by RE were compared to those obtained by elemental analysis (EA, standard method to quantify soil carbon). A too high SIC amount in the RE crucible (> 4 mg) led to an underestimation of the SIC content, even after correcting the MinC parameter. The higher the SIC amount in the RE crucible, the more the SIC content was underestimated. The standard analysis cycle was too short to achieve a complete thermal decomposition of the SIC amount in the crucible leading to an underestimation of the SIC content. Thus, we propose to extend the last oxidation isotherm from 3 min to 5 or 7 min to achieve the complete SIC thermal decomposition. Moreover, the temperature limit used during the pyrolysis to distinguish the CO and CO2 emitted by organic matter thermal cracking and carbonate thermal decomposition phase is often inappropriate as the thermoresistant part of SOC and the main part of SIC decompose simultaneously after 550°C. Thus, we suggest to stop the pyrolysis phase at the onset of SIC decomposition to drag all SIC signal during the oxidation phase only. This modification of the standard analysis protocol for carbonate soils allows us to avoid some of the statistical corrections suggested by Disnar & al. (2003) and Sebag & al. (2022a; 2022b). Finally, we propose a new RE analysis protocol to simplify the calculations and improve the accuracy of SOC and SIC quantifications in carbonate soils.   

Disnar, J.R., B. Guillet, D. Keravis, C. Di-Giovanni & D. Sebag, 2003. Soil organic matter (SOM) characterization by Rock-Eval pyrolysis: scope and limitations. Organic Geochemistry 10.1016/S0146-6380(02)00239-5

Sebag, D., V. Lamoureux-Var, I. Kowalewski, D. Pillot & H. Ravelojoana, 2022a. Procédé pour la quantification et la caractérisation du carbone dans les sols. IFP Energies Nouvelles Patent No. 3121225. France.

Sebag, David; Lamoureux-Var, Violaine; Kowalewski, Isabelle; Ravelojoana, Herman; Lefrançois, Noémie, 2022b. Improved quantification of SOC and SIC in Rock-Eval® thermal analysis. SOM (8th International Symposium on Soil Organic Matter), Seoul, Korea.

How to cite: Hazera, J., Sebag, D., Kowalewski, I., Ravelojaona, H., Verrecchia, E., and Chevallier, T.: Adjustments of the Rock-Eval® thermal analysis for Soil Organic and Inorganic Carbon (SOC and SIC) quantifications, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8248,, 2023.

EGU23-9063 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.5

Predicting Spatiotemporal Soil Organic Carbon Responses to Management Using EPIC-IIASA Meta-Models 

Tara Ippolito, Juraj Balkovič, Rastislav Skalsky, Christian Folberth, and Jason Neff

The management of Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) is a critical component of both nature-based solutions for climate change mitigation and global food security. Agriculture has contributed substantially to a reduction in global SOC through cultivation, thus there has been renewed focus on management practices which minimize SOC losses and increase SOC gain as pathways towards maintaining healthy soils and reducing net greenhouse gas emissions. Mechanistic models are frequently used to aid in identifying these pathways due to their scalability and cost-effectiveness. Yet, they are often computationally costly and rely on input data that are often only available at coarse spatial resolutions. Herein, we build statistical meta-models of a multifactorial crop model in order to both (a) obtain a simplified model response and (b) explore the biophysical determinants of SOC responses to management and the geospatial heterogeneity of SOC dynamics across Europe. Using 35 years of multifactorial, spatially-explicit simulation data from the gridded Environmental Policy Integrated Climate-based Gridded Agricultural Model (EPIC-IIASA GAM), we build multiple polynomial regression ensemble meta-models for unique combinations of climate and soils across Europe in order to predict SOC responses to varying management intensities. We find that our biophysically-determined meta-models are highly accurate (R² = .97) representations of the full mechanistic model and can be used in lieu of the full EPIC-IIASA GAM model for the estimation of SOC responses to cropland management. Model stratification by means of climate and soil clustering improved the meta-model’s performance compared to the full EU-scale model. In regional and local validations of the meta-model predictions, we find that the meta-model accurately predicts broad SOC dynamics while it often  underestimates  the measured SOC responses to management.  Furthermore, we find notable differences between the results from the biophysically-specific models throughout Europe, which point to spatially-distinct SOC responses to management choices such as nitrogen fertilizer application rates and residue retention that illustrate the potential for these models to be used for future management applications.While more accurate input data, calibration, and validation will l be needed to accurately predict SOC change, we demonstrate the use of our meta-models for biophysical cluster and field study scale analyses of broad SOC dynamics with basically zero fine-tuning of the models needed. This work provides a framework for simplifying large-scale agricultural models and identifies the opportunities for using these meta-models for assessing SOC responses to management at a variety of scales.

How to cite: Ippolito, T., Balkovič, J., Skalsky, R., Folberth, C., and Neff, J.: Predicting Spatiotemporal Soil Organic Carbon Responses to Management Using EPIC-IIASA Meta-Models, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9063,, 2023.

EGU23-9460 | Posters virtual | SSS5.5

Integrating manure management with winter rye for sustainable intensification of no-till corn silage systems for sequestering soil carbon. 

Gabriella Burkett, Oladapo Adeyemi, Casey Kula, and Amir Sadghpour

Dairy producers often apply manure to meet the nitrogen (N) needs of a corn (Zea mays L.) crop (N-based management). This can increase soil carbon (C) but leads to overapplication of phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) which could result in increased soil test P (STP) and K (STK) over time. One stategy used in manure management to achieve N requirement of a corn crop while reducing STP and STK buildup and increasing soil C is to move from a N‐based applications of manure to a P‐based (crop‐removal) management with integrating winter cereal rye (Secale cereale L.; WCR) as double crop with corn silage and supplementing N need with inorganic fertilizer. A four-year trial was initiated in Breese, IL in 2019. The experimental design was a randomized complete block design with four replicates. Treatments were (1) corn silage with liquid UAN fertilizer; (2) P-based manure with no WRC; (3) N-based manure (liberal N credit) with no WCR; (4) N-based manure (conservative N credit) with no WCR; (5) P-based manure with WRC; (6) N-based manure (liberal N credit) with WCR; (7) N-based manure (conservative N credit) with WCR. We measured corn and rye yield, the N and P concentrations in the biomass, N and P removal and balances for the system, and soil test P. We also evaluated phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA), soil aggregate size distribution and stability, soil bulk density, soil β-glucosidase (BG) enzyme, soil organic C and labile C (POXC) over a 90 cm soil profile. Our results indicated that integrating WCR with P-based manure rates maintains STP over time. High rate of manure (conservative N credit) and WCR resulted in increased soil C which was supported by higher fungi:bacteria ratio in the soil.

How to cite: Burkett, G., Adeyemi, O., Kula, C., and Sadghpour, A.: Integrating manure management with winter rye for sustainable intensification of no-till corn silage systems for sequestering soil carbon., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9460,, 2023.

EGU23-10555 | ECS | Posters virtual | SSS5.5

Impact of Agroecological Methods on Aggregate Associated Carbon Fractions 

Casey Kula, Amir Sadeghpour, and Reza Keshavarz Afshar

Using agroecological methods such as biochar amendments, manure-based fertilizer, and leaving crop residue on field is known to add organic matter and carbon to the soil which in turn can lead to soil health improvement as well as changes in soil physical properties. The previously stated methods were used as treatments as well as a combination of each in a Colorado farm field. Post analysis soil physical tests were run to evaluate the aggregate fractionation, organic matter, water-stability, permanganate oxidizable carbon, and the carbon to nitrogen ratio of each aggregate fraction as well as range of macro- (2mm-6.3mm), meso- (.25mm-2mm), and micro-aggregates (<.25mm).

How to cite: Kula, C., Sadeghpour, A., and Keshavarz Afshar, R.: Impact of Agroecological Methods on Aggregate Associated Carbon Fractions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10555,, 2023.

EGU23-12579 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.5

Soil carbon-sequestration and climate mitigation – definitions and their implications 

Felix Seidel, Axel Don, Claire Chenu, Daria Seitz, Thomas Kätterer, and Jens Leifeld

Carbon sequestration has become a buzz word and generates large expectations on ecosystems to take up carbon (C) from the atmosphere. These so-called negative emissions could compensate greenhouse gas emissions and help to stabilise the global climate.  However, the term C sequestration is often misleadingly used fostering biased conclusions and exaggerated expectations. C sequestration is defined as net uptake of C from the atmosphere. Soils have a particularly large potential to take up C yet many soils currently continuously loose C. Measures to build up soil C may only reduce soil C losses (C loss mitigation) but will not result in a net C sequestration. While checking 100 recent papers we found only 5% correctly using the term C sequestration. Even worse, 13% of the papers used C sequestration equivalent to soil C stocks. Here we call for a rigorous and concise use of the term C sequestration and discuss implications of misleading applications.

How to cite: Seidel, F., Don, A., Chenu, C., Seitz, D., Kätterer, T., and Leifeld, J.: Soil carbon-sequestration and climate mitigation – definitions and their implications, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12579,, 2023.

EGU23-12794 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.5

Physical protection of soil organic carbon in Swedish arable soils in relation to oxalate-extractable aluminum. 

Miyanda Chilipamushi, Tino Colombi, Thomas Kätterer, Claudia von Brömssen, and Mats Larsbo

Stabilizing soil organic carbon (SOC) is essential for maintaining soil structure and carbon sequestration. Soil aggregation through organic-mineral associations helps to protect SOC from microbial decomposition physically. Recent research has shown that the chemical interactions between SOC and reactive aluminum (Al) phases may be central for this aggregation in acidic soils and, hence, for the protection of SOC. However, the role of reactive Al phases in protecting SOC on a national level in Sweden is unclear. We analyzed 100 topsoil samples from the Swedish national monitoring program ‘Swedish soil and crop monitoring inventory’ taken between 2001 and 2017 in a grid covering all major agricultural areas in Sweden and determined the Al and iron content after chemical extraction using ammonium oxalate acid. We also estimated silt-sized aggregation from the differences in particle size distributions measured with a laser diffraction analyzer (Partica LA-950 V2, Horiba) between mechanically and chemically dispersed samples. Preliminary results show that SOC is indeed positively correlated with oxalate extractable Al on a national scale in Sweden, while correlations with clay and oxalate extractable iron are much weaker. The results derived from this study can help to determine the relationship between reactive Al phases, soil aggregation, structure, and the potential for carbon sequestration in Swedish arable soils.

How to cite: Chilipamushi, M., Colombi, T., Kätterer, T., von Brömssen, C., and Larsbo, M.: Physical protection of soil organic carbon in Swedish arable soils in relation to oxalate-extractable aluminum., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12794,, 2023.

EGU23-13898 | Orals | SSS5.5

What limits carbon sequestration in soils? 

Axel Don, Florian Schneider, Henrike Heinemann, Daria Seitz, Neha Begill, and Christopher Poeplau

Carbon (C) sequestration in soils has been discussed as important climate mitigation option with the potential to generate negative emissions. Agriculture requires such negative emissions since some of their greenhouse gas emissions are unavoidable and require compensation to achieve net zero. Expectation of soils contribution to climate mitigation need to come down from theoretical assumptions to realistic estimates. In order to do so the limitations for soil C sequestration need to be analysed and discussed. Here we present a framework with case studies looking at limitations that are i) intrinsic due to the soils´ ability to stabilize SOC on mineral surfaces (C saturation) and the current state of high SOC stocks ii) constraints by net primary productivity and biomass availability, and iii) restrictions due to limited land area and increasing global demand for food, feed and fibre from agricultural production. For the start of this analysis we used data of the first German Agricultural Soil Inventory comprising more than 3000 sites. In total 34% of agricultural topsoils (0-10 cm depth) in Germany contain high SOC stocks with more than 4% soil organic matter. In particular soils with ground water influence and grassland land-use contain high SOC stocks, which need to be maintained first before further SOC accumulation can be achieved. C saturation was frequently discussed as reason for preventing further built up of stabilised SOC in C-rich soils. However, based on data from long-term field experiments and the national soil inventory we challenge the perception that C saturation is a limiting factor for soil C sequestration in our soils.

Biomass is required to maintain and enhance SOC. However, the quality and form of biomass influences the effectiveness for SOC formation. Roots are more important than above ground biomass. This shifts the view of C-management to below ground. Above ground biomass, such as straw, maybe harvested without harms to SOC stocks and used in industrial processes or converted to biochar. Strongly limited is the land area on which measures for SOC built-up can be implemented without compromising other ecosystem services. Avoiding leakage of greenhouse gas emissions due to measures for SOC sequestration are a major challenge. With the example of cover crops as agricultural management option we illustrate these limitations and discuss how some of the limitations for SOC sequestration could be removed.

How to cite: Don, A., Schneider, F., Heinemann, H., Seitz, D., Begill, N., and Poeplau, C.: What limits carbon sequestration in soils?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13898,, 2023.

EGU23-14004 | Orals | SSS5.5

The effect of land management on soil organic carbon dynamics along the soil profile in a tropical region (southern Kenya) 

Marijn Van de Broek, Claude Müller, Bernard Vanlauwe, and Johan Six

While the importance of soil organic carbon (SOC) in the global carbon cycle is well-established, many knowledge gaps remain related to how land management affects changes in SOC stocks, and protection mechanism of SOC. This is particularly the case for the tropics, as is clear from multiple recent meta-analyses on data related to soil biogeochemistry. In addition, while current knowledge on SOC dynamics is derived from the topsoil, studies on how land management affects subsoil OC properties are scarce.

Therefore, we studied how two types of land management affect SOC characteristics down to 1 m depth in two locations in southern Kenya. At one location (Embu), the effect of nutrient management on protection mechanisms of SOC is assessed, while at the second location (Mau Forest region) we study the effect of land use changes on soil biogeochemistry. The focus of this study is on assessing how land management affects SOC protection mechanisms (using carbon fractionation) and the contribution of microbial necromass to total SOC (using amino sugar analysis). In addition, multiple other soil properties, including microbial ecology, have been quantified to improve our understanding of the effect of land management on subsoil OC dynamics.

Using our results, we aim (i) to improve understanding of these processes and (ii) to use this knowledge to improve a mechanistic model simulating soil C and N dynamics along the soil profile.

How to cite: Van de Broek, M., Müller, C., Vanlauwe, B., and Six, J.: The effect of land management on soil organic carbon dynamics along the soil profile in a tropical region (southern Kenya), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14004,, 2023.

EGU23-14590 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.5

Priming effects decrease with quantity of cover crop residues – implications for net soil carbon sequestration 

Zhi Liang, Jim Rasmussen, Christopher Poeplau, and Lars Elsgaard

Recent meta-analyses suggest a global potential of cover crops to increase soil organic carbon (SOC), thus contributing to climate change mitigation. However, some studies also found that cover cropping did not affect or even reduced SOC, thus it is uncertain how this effect is controlled. Here we aimed at comprehensively evaluating the potential and mechanisms of carbon (C) sequestration from cover crops in a Danish long-term crop rotation field experiment (LTE) initiated in 1997. We quantified SOC to 1-m depth, and also operationally divided soil organic matter into fractions of particulate organic matter (POM) and mineral associated organic matter (MAOM) to investigate the C saturation status of soils. Moreover, we performed a mescosm study with topsoils where the fate of varying doses (0.1-1.6 mg C g-1 soil) of 14C-labeled cover crop residues (fodder radish, FR; Raphanus sativus L.) and SOC priming were traced in two texturally similar soils having the same long-term management, but different SOC contents (2.0 vs. 2.6% SOC). Our LTE results showed that cover cropping for up two decades had negligible effect on SOC contents in POM and MAOM fractions in the topsoil and in the subsoil. However, the mesocosm study showed considerable net C increases (20-25% of added) when the cover crop C input exceeded 0.3 and 0.6 mg C g-1 in soils with 2.0 and 2.6% SOC, respectively. This was due a combination of new SOC formation and priming effects shifting from positive to negative. Collectively the LTE and mesocosm study suggests that buildup of SOC stock was not essentially constrained by soil C saturation, but rather by the low productivity and C input from cover crops. Our study suggests that agricultural management practices should be adopted (e.g., species choice and sowing time) to achieve a cover crop C input that exceeds a certain threshold to ensure effective C sequestration.

How to cite: Liang, Z., Rasmussen, J., Poeplau, C., and Elsgaard, L.: Priming effects decrease with quantity of cover crop residues – implications for net soil carbon sequestration, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14590,, 2023.

EGU23-14924 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.5

Influence of enhanced silicate weathering on microbial processes and soil carbon formation in agricultural soil 

Jaeeun Sohng, Iris Holzer, Heath Goertzen, Radomir Schmidt, and Kate Scow

Enhanced silicate weathering (ESW) is an innovative technique to leverage natural processes which usually operate over millions of years to potentially replenish nutrients and carbon (C) in soil. ESW involves applying pulverized silicates to increase reactive mineral surfaces which in turn may speed-up the weathering and scale to aid in global CO2 removal. However, current studies supporting ESW has been relying on theoretical estimates and short-term laboratory experiments whose results are difficult to extrapolate to the field. Also, many studies have focused on inorganic C chemistry while soil is a rich medium that mediates a multitude of chemical and biological processes, many of which are not well studied but may play an important role in controlling ESW. To address this gap, the Working Lands Innovation Center (WLIC) Project was launched in 2019 for a field scale test, and three commercial amendments (compost, biochar, and silicate powder—meta-basalt) have been applied yearly with a full factorial design in a 2.07 ha corn field at the Campbell Tract research facility located on the UC Davis campus. My project within WLIC evaluates the impact of ESW on soil surface C pools related to microbial processes and its potential synergies with traditional organic amendments. We hypothesized that co-applying organic amendments plus pulverized silicate minerals will: 1) increase microbial biomass with distinct microbial community composition; and 2) increase the formation of stable carbon pools (e.g., mineral associated organic matter) relative to only silicate applied soil. To test this, we sampled soils from all possible amendment combinations at pre-, and post-harvesting seasons in 2021 and 2022. We completed a suite of analyses to monitor temporal changes of soil chemistry, multiple C pool sizes, and microbial parameters. Here, we will examine the causal mechanisms that explain how adding extra C with silicates may change microbial environments and carbon pool dynamics over a two-year period. Our findings will provide critical information whether natural soil processes, such as rock weathering and soil organic C stabilization, can be engineered (and accelerated) for management purposes at agricultural field scale.

How to cite: Sohng, J., Holzer, I., Goertzen, H., Schmidt, R., and Scow, K.: Influence of enhanced silicate weathering on microbial processes and soil carbon formation in agricultural soil, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14924,, 2023.

EGU23-15783 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.5

Alteration of the Black Carbon pool shortly after a fire under dry conditions at the boreal southern border 

Oliver Donnerhack, Patrick Liebmann, Philipp Maurischat, and Georg Guggenberger

Fires belong to the most intensive disturbances in ecosystems, but do have different effects on the soil depending on their intensity and fuel materials. Taiga ecosystems contain significant reserves of potentially fire-prone materials, and as temperatures rise in the circumpolar region and precipitation patterns change, an increase in the frequency and intensity of fires is observed. In these fires, incomplete combustion processes result in the formation of black carbon (BC), which is known as a long-term carbon sink due to its chemical properties. As the majority of forest fires are ground fires burning at a rather low intensity in terms of duration and temperature, it is discussed that the BC species formed under these circumstances are chemically less stable than those formed at high temperatures and should therefore only be considered as temporary carbon sinks.

Here we studied the effects of low intensity ground fire shortly after the event and tracked changes in BC within the first four years after the fire event at the southern edge of the boreal forest. We analysed a fire transect running through the two main forest types of this region, focusing on the BC species that we could quantify using the BPCA method. Our results indicate a decline in BC after the fire within the four years of observations, which mainly mainly occurred for the low condensed BPCAs. This finding is independent of the forest typ. Since the precipitation within the experimental period was also negligible and only occurred in very small amounts, we exclude leaching as well as a possible significant aeolian losses, since the trees remained unaffected by the fire and covered the soil against strong wind. We therefore deduce that in situ degradation of the BC must have occurred.
Concluding, the general assumption that BC is a stable, long-term carbon sink needs to be questioned more critically. Together with other studies, our results show a quite fast decrease in the concentration of low-condensed BC species in soil over time, indicating a potential for degradation.

How to cite: Donnerhack, O., Liebmann, P., Maurischat, P., and Guggenberger, G.: Alteration of the Black Carbon pool shortly after a fire under dry conditions at the boreal southern border, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15783,, 2023.

Soils play a major role in mitigating climate change, as they sequester vast stocks of organic carbon and thereby buffer atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Inorganic nitrogen has been shown to have varying effects on soil C, sometimes promoting soil C buildup yet enhancing C loss in other cases. This contradiction may be a function of how soil C is stored, with C in particulate organic matter (POM) being much more susceptible to microbial decomposition than C in mineral-associated organic matter (MAOM). We have compiled a global dataset of over 200 papers which used a rigorous density fractionation methodology for quantifying stocks of C in POM and MAOM. Preliminary results suggest that inorganic N addition via deposition decreases organic C storage in MAOM, while not affected POM. Further, soil C storage in both pools increased with lower pH, countering our hypothesized negative effect of acidification on microbial activity.

How to cite: Willard, S. and Waring, B.: Quantifying the global impact of nitrogen deposition on persistent and vulnerable soil C pools, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16023,, 2023.

Soil organic matter consists of components that differ in their specific stabilization/decomposition dynamics, and turnovers. From a simplified viewpoint, two fractions in particular can be distinguished from one another. Particulate organic matter (POM) is predominantly unbound in the soil matrix. The POM decomposition rate is defined by its inherent chemical recalcitrance and occlusion within aggregates. Mineral-associated organic matter (MAOM) is significantly smaller and is protected from decomposition by its adsorption to mineral surfaces. MAOM-C has therefore significantly longer mean residence times in soil than POM-C. Since the soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks are determined by C input/output balances, it is important to decrease C output quantities by increasing the long-term stabilization of OC within the MAOM-C stocks. However, MAOM-C cannot be enriched indefinitely. It is limited by the amount of clay and fine silt particle surfaces it can adsorb to and to the general land-use management. We investigated the validity of a POM-C/MAOM-C ratio indicator on 25 long-term field experiments in Central Europe to evaluate the sustainability of SOC management measures. We found that the POM-C/MAOM-C ratio might be used to assess the sustainability of agricultural management in before/after management change comparisons. Accordingly, a sharply increasing ratio indicates that the change in management does not adequately affect the long-term MAOM-C storage of soil. Moreover, we found a dependence between the POM-C/MAOM-C ratio and the MAOM-C sequestration deficits in soils, where arable soils with a POM-C/MAOM-C ratio indicator > 0.35 are close to MAOM-C saturation. If these observations are repeatable on further arable soils, the POM-C to MAOM-C ratio of 0.35 could be used as a management target to avoid organic over-fertilization and N loss, especially in coarse-textured soils. Thereby, the indicator might help to optimize SOC management and sequestration on arable soils and support climate change mitigation strategies.

How to cite: Just, C., Kögel-Knabner, I., and Wiesmeier, M.: The POM-C / MAOM-C ratio as a compliance indicator for sustainable soil organic carbon management of arable soils in Central Europe, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16476,, 2023.

EGU23-16807 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.5

Carbon storage in soil parent materials - a source, a sink, or both? 

Daniel Evans and Thomas Blattmann

Soils are an important component of the global carbon cycle. Ensuring and maintaining the ability of soils to sequester and store carbon is crucial for mitigating climate change. A large proportion of research to date has focused on carbon storage in the uppermost horizons of a soil profile. Meanwhile, the sequestration and storage of carbon in subsoils and underlying soil parent materials is an area that is only recently being studied. This presentation will evaluate the role of soil parent materials as long-term sinks for organic carbon, using recent empirical research across a range of ecosystems and lithologies. However, some soil parent materials could also represent important sources of petrogenic (i.e., rock-derived) organic carbon. Research currently being carried out on carbon-rich bedrock exposed by retreating glaciers in Switzerland will be used to highlight how petrogenic organic carbon, once mobilized into the soil profile during soil formation, could threaten net zero carbon targets. The presentation will conclude with a synthesis of the research gaps that require further attention by a multidisciplinary geoscience community.

How to cite: Evans, D. and Blattmann, T.: Carbon storage in soil parent materials - a source, a sink, or both?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16807,, 2023.

EGU23-16809 | Orals | SSS5.5

Biochar amendment on greenhouse gases emissions and soil carbon sequestration in subtropical paddy fields: a ten-year study 

Jianlin Shen, Yanyan Li, Zongming Li, Juan Wang, and Jinshui Wu

Paddy field is one of the important sources for CH4 emissions, and can also be the carbon sink by soil carbon sequestration. In this study, a ten-year study was conducted to evaluate the long-term effects of biochar amendment on greenhouse gas emissions and soil carbon sequestration. Straw-derived biochar was applied once in 2012 at 24 and 48 t ha-1. The results showed that the annual CH4 emissions decreased by 20-50% as compared with no biochar amendment in the first four years after biochar addition. There were consistent CH4 emission reduction in the 10th year after biochar addition, with a reduction rate of 18-27%. The reduction of CH4 emission from paddy field was mainly related the improve of aeration, and the redution of the abundance ratio of methanogen/ methanotrophy. Biochar only increased N2O emissions in the first year after biochar addition due to additional nitrogen input caused by biochar addition. Biochar addition increased soil total organic content (TOC) in the first year after biochar addition, and the TOC contents showed no decrease after 10 years. Biochar addtion did not increase or decrease rice yield in a ten-year average. This indicated that biochar can be a useful measure for decreasing greenhouse gases emissions from subtropical paddy fields, and for increasing soil carbon sequestration in a long-term period. 

How to cite: Shen, J., Li, Y., Li, Z., Wang, J., and Wu, J.: Biochar amendment on greenhouse gases emissions and soil carbon sequestration in subtropical paddy fields: a ten-year study, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16809,, 2023.

EGU23-16926 | Posters on site | SSS5.5

Changes in carbon stock in agricultural soils over 20 years in South Korea 

Jung-Hwan Yoon, Hyuck Soo Kim, and Jae E. Yang

In the carbon neutral era, soil carbon became more important. Soil carbon pools (2400 Gt) are about three times larger than atmospheric pools, and soil carbon sequestration can store large amounts of organic carbon. Soil carbon storage has been reported as an effective tool to mitigate climate change in various studies, including the IPCC. Among them, it is known that agricultural soil can sequester carbon every year through sustainable soil management. In this study, we investigated changes in soil carbon storage (excluding volcanic soils) using the results of the Monitoring Project on Agri-Environmental Quality in South Korea from 1999 to 2018. Land use was categorized into paddy, upland, orchards and greenhouses. The soil organic carbon content of cultivated land has increased steadily over the past two decades, with annual organic carbon increases of 0.16 g kg-1 in paddy, 0.26 g kg-1 in upland and 0.33 g kg-1 in orchard, and 0.21 g kg-1 in greenhouse. In the 2000s, the use of chemical fertilizers decreased and the amount of livestock manure compost increased, which seems to have increased soil organic carbon. As a result of calculating the total annual increase in soil organic carbon in the entire cultivated land, it was found that 770,000 tons of C were stored in the soil (0-20 cm) per year. This corresponds to about 11% (2.8 million tons CO2-eq) of the 24.7 million tons CO2-eq of Korea's agricultural and livestock greenhouse gas emissions in 2018. South Korea also presented a scenario to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, but currently does not include a method for using carbon sequestration. Looking at changes in soil carbon over the past 20 years, we found that soil can make a significant contribution to carbon neutrality if we introduce soil management that increases soil carbon and quantify the carbon sequestration. Therefore, it is judged necessary to introduce a soil management method that can maximize the carbon sequestration of the soil.

How to cite: Yoon, J.-H., Kim, H. S., and Yang, J. E.: Changes in carbon stock in agricultural soils over 20 years in South Korea, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16926,, 2023.

Purpose To meet the Paris Agreement targets the Government of the Netherlands aims to sequester 0.14 Mt C per year in clay and sandy soils from 2030 onwards through alternative management practices. Multiple international meta-analyses and modelling studies have been carried out to quantify the soil carbon sequestration potential of alternative management practices. However, the specific impact of such practices for Dutch field conditions have not yet been assessed. In this study, we quantified the potential of a broad range of alternative management practices to sequester carbon in Dutch agricultural clay and sandy soils.  MethodsAlternative management practices included altered crop rotations, non-inversion tillage, use of compost and use of animal manure for arable farming and extending pasture age, maize-grass rotation replacing continuous maize cropping, and non-inversion tillage in maize cultivation for livestock farming. Measurements were performed in existing long-term field experiments (LTE’s) comparing treatments of the alternative practices to the standard practices. For some practices like altered rotations and extending pasture age no LTE’s were available. In those cases the comparison between practices was designed by comparing field plots on farmers’ fields based on history of the field and comparable soil conditions. Soil sampling was carried out at the 0-30 cm and 30-60 cm depth layers between 2018-2020 using a standardized protocol including soil density sampling.  ResultsThe variation in carbon sequestration rates appeared to be higher on sandy soil as compared to clay soil. The most promising management practices on clay soil were compost additions (0.4 t C ha-1 year-1), extending pasture age (1.3 t C ha-1 year-1) and non-inversion tillage in maize cultivation (0.7 t C ha-1 year-1). On sandy soils maize-grass rotation significantly increased soil carbon levels (1.8 t C ha-1 year-1) together with liquid manure applications (0.6 t C ha-1 year-1).ConclusionOur study shows that the potential of alternative management practices under Dutch field conditions to sequester carbon in agricultural soil is largely determined by soil type. In addition, our results show that, based on the investigated management practices, livestock farming has more options to sequester carbon in agricultural soil than arable farming.


How to cite: Schepens, J. and Koopmans, C.: Evaluating carbon sequestration of different alternatieve management practices in the Netherlands, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16990,, 2023.

EGU23-1544 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.11

Changes in soil carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus along two temperate slope-floodplain-creek catenas under different land use - A case study in Southeast Germany 

Kaiyu Lei, Franziska Bucka, Sigrid van Grinsven, Jörg Völkel, and Ingrid Kögel-Knabner

The impacts of land use on organic carbon (OC) and nitrogen (N) in different ecosystems have been widely studied. However, less attention has been paid to its influence on the change of total phosphorus (Pt) and its two fractions, inorganic P (Pi) and organic P (Po), along slopes. In addition, since N and P are the main factors causing the eutrophication of aquatic ecosystems, it is essential to link the terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.

Two slope-floodplain-creek catenas were chosen in the low mountain region of the eastern Bavarian Forest. The slopes of the two catenas have been extensively managed for grassland and cropland use, respectively. The floodplain was under grassland use. They were fertilized with sludge, occasionally with farmyard manure, under the same regime. Additional carbonic magnesium lime was applied annually at the cropland. Soil profiles at the top, middle and bottom slope, as well as the floodplain area, were sampled according to their horizons and replicated with three soil cores in each catena. Liquid-nitrogen freeze-cores of the aquatic sediments were sampled to extend each catena into the below-slope creek.

We found the grassland slope had higher OC and N content in the topsoil (0-10 cm) and higher Pt and Po content in both the topsoil (0-40 cm) and subsoil (40-60 cm). The P content in the topsoil (0-40cm) of the grassland slope was dominated by Po, while the cropland slope was Pi -dominated. The OC and N stocks on the grassland slope were significantly higher than at the corresponding position on the cropland slope. Except for the lowest P stock found on the top slope of grassland, the Pt stock in topsoil (0-20 cm) was not land-use affected while the Po stock was significantly higher on the grassland slope. An accumulation of OC, N and Po in topsoil (0-20 cm) from top to bottom of the slope was observed. In the floodplain, upslope cropland use decreased the OC, N, Pt content and stocks, but reversely for Po. The upslope land use effect on OC, N and P content in the creek sediment was limited.

In conclusion, this study provides a field-based observation on the change of OC, N and P (Pt and Po) under different land use upslope from terrestrial to aquatic systems through two slope-floodplain-creek catenas.

How to cite: Lei, K., Bucka, F., van Grinsven, S., Völkel, J., and Kögel-Knabner, I.: Changes in soil carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus along two temperate slope-floodplain-creek catenas under different land use - A case study in Southeast Germany, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1544,, 2023.

EGU23-2731 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.11

Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus inputs on the diversity of carbon-, nitrogen-, and phosphorus- mineralization microbial communities in subtropical Chinese fir plantations 

Shuang Liu, Xinyu Zhang, Huimin Wang, Junxiao Pan, Yuqian Tang, and Fusheng Chen

The regulation of N and P input on microbial communities is related to the bottom-up effects of soil resources (i.e., nutrients), and the top-down effects of predators (i.e., protists). However, it is not clear how exogenous N, P, and NP inputs effect on the bottom-up (pH, soil nutrients, and eco-stoichiometry ratio of C: N: P), and top-down (abundance and diversity of protist community) factors to estimate soil microbial community involved in C-, N-, and P- mineralization. In this study, we explored the effects of a 7-years N, P, and NP inputs on the bottom-up and top-down controls on the abundance and diversity of functional microbial communities in the subtropical Chinese fir plantations using metagenomic sequencing. The results showed that N and NP inputs decreased soil pH and soil acidifying cause a reduction in the alpha diversity of microbial function. Exacerbated soil microbial C limitation under N, P, and NP inputs was negatively correlated with the alpha diversity of metagenomic function. The alpha diversity of bacteria was negatively correlated with the ratios of soil total and available N: P, due to increasing available P content. Regarding top-down effects of protists on the abundance and diversity of microbial C-, N-, and P- mineralization community, P and NP inputs increased alpha diversity of protist, thus, selectively increased the relative abundances of Calditrichaeota involved in C-mineralization, and decreased the relative abundances of Elusimicrobia and Marinimicrobia involved in N-mineralization. Although protozoa feed on both bacteria and fungi, changes in protists under N, P, and NP inputs mainly affected bacterial diversity and abundance, with no significant changes in fungi. Overall, the present results provide important knowledge on bottom-up (pH, soil nutrients, and eco-stoichiometry ratio of C: N: P), and top-down (abundance and diversity of protist community) factors of the abundance and diversity of the microbial community involved in C, N and P mineralization in the context of elevated N and P input.

How to cite: Liu, S., Zhang, X., Wang, H., Pan, J., Tang, Y., and Chen, F.: Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus inputs on the diversity of carbon-, nitrogen-, and phosphorus- mineralization microbial communities in subtropical Chinese fir plantations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2731,, 2023.

Conventional overfertilization combined with flooding irrigation is common practice in solar greenhouse vegetable production systems in Eastern China. However, how these practices may affect soil nutrient concentrations remains understudied. Here we report on a regional soil sampling study in Shouguang county, which is the major and pioneer area of greenhouse vegetable production in China. In our study, we measured soil nutrient concentrations (mineral N, Olsen-P, and available K) as well as soil physico-chemical parameters (e.g. pH, SOC) down to 3 m soil depth in 60 greenhouses differing in years since establishment (5, 10, and 20 years) and compared those to nutrient concentrations in 20 adjacent arable fields. We found that in greenhouse soils compared to soils of adjacent arable fields: (1) soil nutrients were significantly elevated in the topsoil (0-30 cm), while nutrient concentrations in the subsoil were much lower and differences between greenhouse and arable soils diminished; (2) N:P:K ratios were imbalanced towards P and K as these elements are not easily leached as N; (3) the soil pH is decreased. After about 20 years of continuous greenhouse vegetable production, the topsoil pH was lowered by 0.92 ± 0.07 units. Our study shows that overfertilization combined with flooding irrigation has serious impacts on soil chemistry and soil nutrient concentrations. The observed nutrient imbalances are dramatic and indicate that e.g. P and K fertilization may not be needed for years to come. Also the observed decline of the significant decrease in the soil pH of calcareous soil indicates, that the soil pH carbonate buffer system is at the edge to break down, with unknown consequences for soil fertility. These facts strongly suggest that unnecessary excessive fertilizer and irrigation water applications for producing vegetables in solar greenhouse systems should be stopped and replaced with more sustainable production methods, e.g. drip fertigation with reduced fertilizer application.

How to cite: Wan, L., Lv, H., Xia, L., Lin, S., and Butterbach-Bahl, K.: Overfertilization combined with flooding irrigation contributes to soil nutrient accumulation and pH decline in greenhouse vegetable production systems, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3156,, 2023.

EGU23-3208 | Posters on site | SSS5.11

Soil nitrogen pool and its fractions in German apple orchards under organic vs conventional management 

Magdalena Sut-Lohmann, Mark Grimm, Martina Heinrich, Sawdha Baig, and Thomas Raab

Agriculture is a massive production with intensive practices, like large variety of agro-chemicals, heavy machinery etc., that support food security. However, recently more and more attention is given to food safety in relation to human, environment and soil health. An alternative strategy is organic agriculture that avoids the use of synthetic chemicals and maintain the sustainable food production. But organic farming cannot completely support the worlds foods demand, so adaptation is needed to reach a sustainable productivity while protecting the environment.

Soil nitrogen (N) pool consists of inorganic and organic fractions. Inorganic and a part of labile organic N is a primary nutrient source for plants and microbes. Different nitrogen fractions play various roles in soil ecosystems and can be strongly influenced by the site management. Soil nitrogen transformations are directly relatable to plant health, thus strongly influence healthy functioning of soil ecosystem. Knowledge about the soil nitrogen pools is necessary to assess the proper and sustainable fertilization approaches under various management practices. To evaluate various N fractions, fresh soil samples were sampled (20 cm depth, row and near tree) at 8 conventional and 8 organic apple farms (Germany: states of Brandenburg, Saxsony and Saxony-Anhalt), with various age, locations and management practices. Soil samples were analyzed using CNS, Kjeldhal digestion, spectrophotometer and chloroform fumigation. The aim of this study is to compare the total and labile (particulate organic, microbial biomass and water extractable organic) N fractions in soil samples considering various site management approaches, topography and climate.


How to cite: Sut-Lohmann, M., Grimm, M., Heinrich, M., Baig, S., and Raab, T.: Soil nitrogen pool and its fractions in German apple orchards under organic vs conventional management, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3208,, 2023.

Nitrogen (N) availability is one of the critical limiting factors regulating plant growth, microbial activity, and the interactions between plants and soil microorganisms. The competition between plants and microorganisms, represented by the ratio of microbial N immobilization and plant N uptake (measured as Nim: PNU ratio), generally reflects the degree of N limitation in a terrestrial ecosystem. However, the key factors driving the pattern of Nim: PNU ratio across global ecosystems remain little understood. Here, using a global data set of 1022 observations from 184 studies, we examined the relative importance of mycorrhizal associations, N availability, climate, plant, and soil properties on the Nim: PNU ratio. Our results show that mycorrhizal fungi type (arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) vs. ectomycorrhizal (EM) fungi) in combination with soil N availability explain the variation in the Nim: PNU across terrestrial ecosystems. In AM fungi-associated ecosystems, the relation between Nim and PNU displayed a weaker negative correlation (r =-0.06, p < 0.001), whereas there was a stronger positive correlation (r = 0.25, p < 0.001) in EM fungi-associated ecosystems. Those results indicated that the AM-associated plants display a weak interaction with soil microorganisms for N absorption, while EM-associated plants cooperate with soil microorganisms. Further, we found that the Nim: PNU ratio for both AM- and EM-associated ecosystems gradually converge at a stable value (14.7 vs. 13.5, p > 0.05) with greater N availability. Our study thus highlights that plant-microbial interaction for N absorption both equalize and stabilize at increased N supply, and both these mechanisms primarily depend on the mycorrhizal association of plants in terrestrial ecosystems.

How to cite: Du, Z. and Zhou, X.: Plant-microbial interactions for nitrogen absorption converge between arbuscular- and ectomycorrhizal-dominated ecosystems at high nitrogen availability, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4095,, 2023.

EGU23-4261 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.11

Effects of spatial variations on soil nitrogen transformations in Chamaecyparis obtusa forest through in situ 15N tracing method 

Zixiao Wang, Makoto Shibata, Jinsen Zheng, Keitaro Fukushima, Jiajie Du, and Shinya Funakawa

Soil inorganic nitrogen (N), i.e., NH4+ and NO3-, are essential resources for tree growth in forest ecosystems. Input of these inorganic resources are regulated by ammonification and nitrification and output are consumed either by abiotic or biotic (soil microbes, tree fine roots) processes. To the best of our knowledge, although previous studies have discussed net uptake rates of fine roots among different soil groups or vegetation types, variations within a local scale (same soil group and vegetation) remain an enigma. Moreover, since widely-used experiment set-ups in soil N transformation studies exclude live fine roots, uptake strategy of trees and their competition for inorganic nutrients with microbes are unknown. Therefore, this study aims to clarify 1) net uptake rates of fine roots; and 2) uptake strategy of the same tree species and the ratio of microbial/plant assimilation along a hillslope.

An in situ incubation combining 15N tracing method with virtual soil cores was performed in Chamaecyparis obtusa (Japanese cypress) forests at up and down sites of a hillslope. 15N-labeled moieties (2.2 mg 15NH4NO3 g-1 soil and 0.2 mg NH415NO3g-1 soil, both are 98+ atom% 15N) were injected evenly through the cores located around the trees with five replicates. A-horizon soil was sampled after 0.25 h and 24 h. Soil and fine roots were sent for further analyses after sieving. The soil-environmental factors were determined.

Differences in the soil-environmental variables were observed at up and down slopes, including soil pH, NH4+, NO3-, total dissolved N, microbial biomass carbon (C) and N, total C and C/N ratio. Fine root biomass was higher at up slope (1.5 kg m-3) than down slope (0.8 kg m-3) while net uptake rates of fine roots in both 15NH4NO3 (11 and 20 μg 15N g-1 roots d.w. d-1) and NH415NO3 (4.7 and 8.3 μg 15N g-1 roots d.w. d-1 at up and down slope, respectively) were higher at down slope. Ammonification and nitrification rates were also higher at down slope (0.6 and 3.2 mg N kg-1 d-1 for ammonification and 0.1 and 1.1 mg N kg-1 d-1 for nitrification at up and down slope, respectively), where soil pH was higher and C/N ratio was lower. However, net uptake amount per core did not demonstrate any trend at both slopes. Such results suggest that fine roots may try to ensure the supply of nutrients to trees by increasing their biomass when less soil inorganic N can be produced. Soil pH and C/N ratio could play a key role in determining uptake strategy of trees through affecting soil N transformation rates.

In addition, the ratio of microbial/plant assimilation of N was higher at up slope for 15NH4+ and for 15NO3- to a lesser extent. Since soil moisture content was higher at down slope, such results might suggest a higher mass transfer of N nutrients induced by a higher mass flow of water. Therefore, higher N concentration could be maintained onto root surfaces at down slope, decreasing acquisition rates by microbes and increasing net uptake rates by fine roots.


How to cite: Wang, Z., Shibata, M., Zheng, J., Fukushima, K., Du, J., and Funakawa, S.: Effects of spatial variations on soil nitrogen transformations in Chamaecyparis obtusa forest through in situ 15N tracing method, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4261,, 2023.

Dissolved organic matter (DOM), the most active functional component of soil organic matter (SOM), plays a vital role in regulating soil biogeochemical processes and accumulation and decomposition of SOM and their responses to global change. Although the quantity and fluxes of soil DOM has been inventoried across diverse spatio-temporal scales, the underlying mechanisms accounting for the variability in DOM dynamics remain unclear especially in upland ecosystems.

Mollisols is famous for its high fertility and is vital for global crop production. Northeast China is one of the three Mollisols regions in the world, contributing to 1/4 of Chinese grain production. However, a loss of SOM has occurred in this area over the past decades, both in its content and activity. Understanding the processes involved in DOM transformations is of critical importance for SOM management. Here, a gradient of SOM storage across twelve Mollisols uplands with various cultivation years in northeast China were used to understand links between DOM dynamics, microbial metabolism, and abiotic conditions. We assessed the composition, biodegradability and key biodegradable components of DOM. In addition, SOM and mineral-associated organic matter (MAOM) composition, soil enzyme activities, oxygen availability, soil texture, and iron (Fe), Fe-bound organic matter and nutrient concentrations were quantified to clarify the drivers of DOM quality.

Changes in concentrations of DOM and SOM were tightly coupled across various croplands. The proportion of biodegradable DOM increased exponentially with decreasing DOM concentration. Spectral analyses showed that larger fractions of small-molecular phenols and proteinaceous components mainly contributed to the greater biodegradability of DOM. Unexpectedly, the composition of DOM was decoupled from that of SOM or MAOM, but significantly related to enzymatic properties. Further analyses indicated that soil oxygen availability exhibited a dominant role in DOM generation. As DOM concentration declined, increased soil oxygen availability regulated DOM composition and enhanced its biodegradability mainly through three ways: 1) stimulated oxidase-catalyzed depolymerization of humic substances into small aromatic molecules; 2) promoted production of protein-like DOM components due to lower enzymatic C/N acquisition ratio; and 3) oxygen-induced oxidation of Fe(II) to Fe(III) removed complex DOM compounds with large molecular weight. Therefore, along with aggregates fragmentation during the decline of SOM in Mollisols with longer cultivation history, the increased oxygen availability improved the biodegradability of DOM and accelerated the turnover and loss of active SOM pool.

Overall, this study demonstrated the cascading effects of oxygen on soil Fe oxidation-reduction, microbial metabolism and the dynamics of DOM, which would help understand the processes of labile SOM transformations and interactions among various drivers and improve the SOM managements in upland ecosystems and the predictions of responses of soil carbon to climate change.

How to cite: Chen, Z., Li, Y., and Ding, W.: Oxygen availability regulates the persistence of soil dissolved organic matter by mediating microbial metabolism and iron oxidation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4294,, 2023.

EGU23-4568 | Posters on site | SSS5.11

Soil phosphorus content determined by Mehlich 3 and modified Mehlich 3 methods 

Tonu Tonutare, Tõnis Tõnutare, Raimo Kõlli, Kadri Krebstein, and Kersti Vennik

During the last century multiple methods have been developed for the determination of the amount of plant available nutrient elements in the soil. One of the critical nutrient elements in soil is phosphorus. Most of the phosphorus exists in soil in the form of insoluble inorganic and organic compounds. Therefore the amount of plant available P is limited as soluble P. The goal in the development of methods is to find an extraction solution, which can extract the nutrients from soil in a similar amount as plant roots. Due to large variations in soil properties and plants abilities it is a very complicated task. 
Several methods for determination of plant available P in soils are P specific (Bray P1, Olsen, CAL). Many methods are developed using the same extractant for two (DL, Joret-Hebert) and three (AL, AAC-EDTA) element extraction simultaneously. To minimize the time of analysis and laboratory costs the focus of the research is directed to the development of multielement methods, which is usable for macro and micro nutrients analysis from the same extract.
One widely used multielement method is Mehlich 3, developed in 1983. This method is useful for determination of macro elements (P, K, Ca, Mg) and microelements (Zn, Fe, Cu, Mn, B) in soil. As used extractant (0,2M CH3COOH, 0,25M NH4NO3, 0,015M NH4F, 0,013M HNO3, 0,001M EDTA) consists of nitrate (NO3-) ions, this method can not be  used to determine nitrate in soil. The modified multielement method was proposed by Yanai et al. in 2000, where the composition of the extraction solution is: 0,2M CH3COOH, 0,25M NH4Cl, 0,005M citric acid, and 0,05M HCl. As there are no nitrate ions in the composition of the solution, it could be used beside macro and micro nutrient elements also for nitrate content determination in soils. 
In our research soil sample sets with different pH, texture and carbon content were analyzed by Mehlich 3 and modified Mehlich 3 method. Correlations of analyzed P contents between methods and impact of soil properties to the correlations were investigated. 

How to cite: Tonutare, T., Tõnutare, T., Kõlli, R., Krebstein, K., and Vennik, K.: Soil phosphorus content determined by Mehlich 3 and modified Mehlich 3 methods, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4568,, 2023.

EGU23-4899 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.11

Estimation of N and N₂O cycling processes using the information of bacterial functional genes in the East Sea 

Hyo-Ryeon Kim, Jae-Hyun Lim, Hae-Kun Jung, Seo-Young Kim, and Il-Nam Kim

Marine nitrogen (N) cycle plays important roles in controlling marine ecosystem and biogeochemistry, as it is well known as a limiting element for marine productivity and significantly influences on the carbon and phosphorus cycles in the marine environment. Also, nitrous oxide (N₂O) production via marine N cycling is regarding as climate interaction with a big concern owing to its significant warming potential in the atmosphere. The East Sea (ES) is a semi-enclosed marginal sea, but frequently referred to as a miniature ocean as it shows multiple ocean dynamic processes. Recently, a number of studies reported that the ES is rapidly changing due to anthropogenic perturbations. Given that understanding of the ES’s biogeochemical cycles under such a condition is apparently urgent, we have little knowledge about particularly N cycling and N₂O production mechanisms to date. At present, the application of metagenomics approaches is widely used for understanding marine N cycle as an important means. Here, using the information of bacterial functional genes, we for the first time investigate (1) N cycling processes and (2) N2O production pathways during June and October 2021 at three different depths (0m, 150m, and 750m) of the ES.

How to cite: Kim, H.-R., Lim, J.-H., Jung, H.-K., Kim, S.-Y., and Kim, I.-N.: Estimation of N and N₂O cycling processes using the information of bacterial functional genes in the East Sea, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4899,, 2023.

EGU23-5437 | Posters on site | SSS5.11

Investigation of the decay of DOM fraction in soils with different vegetation types by fluorescence and 2D-correlation spectroscopy 

Tibor Filep, Dóra Zacháry, Marianna Ringer, Gergely Jakab, and Zoltán Szalai

Dissolved organic matter (DOM) fraction of four soils with different vegetation types (grassland, spruce, oak, agricultural) were incubated at 15 °C and the chemical changes of organic matter were monitored by synchronous fluorescence and 2D-correlation spectroscopy. Fluorescence spectroscopy revealed that at the beginning of incubation, on day 3, the proportion of low molecular weight readily biodegradable compounds increases, and from day 8 onwards, the initiated microbial degradation generates a large number of medium molecular weight molecules. At further samplings (days 21, 35 and 60), the proportion of compounds of microbial origin decreases systematically, due to a decrease in microbial activity caused by the lack of substrate. In 2D correlation measurements, we found that the temporal change in spectral ranges was as follows: 250 → 290 → 360 nm. This provides spectroscopic evidence that microorganisms start to consume low molecular weight peptide or sugar-like substances and then release organic matter into the environment through their death and metabolism. At a later stage of incubation, they start to break down the higher molecular weight fulvic acid-like molecules.

We concluded that (i) similar patterns emerged in the spectral features of degradation for the four different soils: the dynamics of organic molecules with different size ranges were the same, (ii) a general scheme was found during the decomposition: microorganisms begin to break down the low-molecular-weight organic substances, and then, through their death and metabolism, release organic substances into their environment; finally, in the later stages of mineralization, the higher molecular weight, fulvic acid-like molecules are degraded and (iii) 2D-correlation spectroscopy has proven to be an effective tool for monitoring chemical changes in dissolved organic matter, revealing both simultaneous and sequential chemical events.

This work was supported by the Development and Innovation Fund of Hungary [grant No. NKFIH 132191].

How to cite: Filep, T., Zacháry, D., Ringer, M., Jakab, G., and Szalai, Z.: Investigation of the decay of DOM fraction in soils with different vegetation types by fluorescence and 2D-correlation spectroscopy, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5437,, 2023.

Microbial transformation of organic compounds is a key process in soil. Microorganisms are responsible for important soil functions such as degradation of organic pollutants, but also for the formation and transformation of soil organic matter (SOM). Research on both processes suffers from missing knowledge on the process details, but also on the controlling factors and transformation products formed. In case of organic pollutants, most studies relied on the use of radiolabelled compounds, as such studies are required for market approval of chemicals, e.g. for pesticides. Such studies regularly show formation of non-extractable residues (NER), even under optimal conditions for microbial activity. The characterization of NER is difficult, preventing adequate risk assessment. In contrast, SOM studies usually comprise general C balances, without focus on detailed microbial processes. We are now using considerations on general principles of microbial metabolism and a combination of knowledge on the degradation of natural organic compounds as well as organic pollutants to get more detailed insight into both processes. This includes better characterization of NER for improved environmental risk assessment, an improved framework describing SOM transformation and stabilization as well as the identification of controlling factors for both types of metabolic processes.

For heterotrophic organisms, each growth substrate is both a C- and an energy source. The allocation depends on the actual requirements of the organisms as well as on the chemical structure of the substrate. Therefore, each substrate will only partially be mineralized (catabolism), the other part will be used as C source for biomass synthesis (anabolism). As a consequence, microbial biomass will be formed, and its residues will contribute to SOM after cell death. We already showed in earlier studies on pesticide degradation in soils that biomass residues of the degraders (biogenic NER = bioNER) account for a substantial part of the NER found by isotope mass balances. The close link between mineralization and biomass formation suggests a relation between mineralization and formation of biomass and bioNER, which represents the carbon use efficiency (CUE). CUE may vary and controls the allocation of natural organic substrates to respiration vs. microbial biomass formation, which is a key prerequisite for necromass accumulation. However, CUE is strongly affected by microbial metabolism, which adapts to environmental conditions.

Mass balances for a number of pesticides including bioNER formation were performed under different conditions, by manipulating pH and TOC concentrations of a study soil and incubating at different temperatures or in different soils. In particular, incubation temperature had a strong effect on the total degradation efficiency, but also on CUE during pollutant degradation and therefore on the contribution of bioNER to total NER. We can expect similar effects for the turnover of natural organic compounds and thus SOM formation. If supported by modelling of microbial biomass formation, this information can significantly improve the risk assessment in the framework of market approval of chemicals and advance our knowledge on factors controlling organic compound turnover and SOM formation under climate change.

How to cite: Miltner, A., Nowak, K. M., Muskus, A., Zheng, T., and Kästner, M.: Combining results on organic pollutant degradation and on soil organic matter turnover gives indications for the control of key microbial transformation processes in soils under global change, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5550,, 2023.

EGU23-6965 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.11

Origin and chemical composition of DOM fractions from topsoil and subsoil layers of a silty and a sandy forest soil using FT-IR and fluorescence spectroscopy 

Dóra Zacháry, Tibor Filep, Áron Sziklai, Csilla Király, Gergely Jakab, Marianna Ringer, and Zoltán Szalai

The different environmental conditions (temperature, oxygen and water availabilities), microbial composition, availability of fresh organic inputs and textural and mineralogical properties of soil layers with the depth result differences between the origin, composition, C/N ratio and stability of the dissolved organic matter (DOM) of topsoils and subsoils.

This research examines the content and chemical composition of the DOM of topsoil and subsoil layers of a silty Luvisol and a sandy Arenosol. Both soils are derived from oak forests from Hungary. The soils were collected as composite samples (10 random subsamples within a 20 m × 20 m area) from the 0–20 and 30–50 cm layers.

The DOM was extracted with ultrapure water for 12 h at room temperature with a tumbling shaker. The sample was centrifuged for 35 min (1400 × g) and the supernatant was decanted and passed through a 250 µm-sieve. The fraction that passed through the sieve was filtrated through a 0.45 μm membrane filter to obtain the DOM samples. The filtered samples were acidified to pH 2 with HCl, passed through a solid phase extraction cartridge using a styrene divinyl benzene polymer sorbent (Agilent Mega Bond Elut PPL), eluted with methanol and dried.

The dried DOM samples were analyzed with a Bruker Vertex 70 FT-IR spectrometer. For each sample a spectral range of 4000–400 cm1, a resolution of 4 cm1, 128 scans, and three replicates were recorded. Relative absorbances were calculated for six peaks (2920, 2850, 1730, 1640, 1515, or 1420 cm1) representing characteristic organic matter compounds.

The dried DOM samples were dissolved in 0.05 M NaHCO3 solution in order to determine the C and N content and the fluorescence and UV-VIS-NIR spectroscopical properties. The total organic carbon and nitrogen content of the DOM samples were analysed using a TOC/TN analyser (Shimadzu TOC-L). The chemical composition of the DOM samples was determined using fluorescence (Shimadzu RF6000) and UV-VIS-NIR (Shimadzu UV3600) spectrometry. Excitation-emission matrices were obtained by measuring fluorescence intensity excitation wavelengths ranging from 230–450 nm and emission wavelengths ranging from 260–600 nm with 2 nm increments. Fluorescence, humification and biological indices were determined from the fluorescence spectra in order to determine the sources, structural complexity and humification degree of the DOM samples. Synchronous fluorescence spectra were recorded with a fixed wavelength difference (Δλ=18) to separate SOM components with different molecular weights. Specific UV absorption (SUVA254 and SUVA280, L mg-1 m-1) was calculated by dividing the absorption at 254 and 280 nm by the DOC concentration.

The study aimed to assess the differences between the sources and the structural and chemical variability of the DOM samples from varying soil depths with different textural properties.

This work was supported by the Development and Innovation Fund of Hungary [grant No. NKFIH 142936] and the Eötvös Loránd Research Network [grant No. SA41/2021].

How to cite: Zacháry, D., Filep, T., Sziklai, Á., Király, C., Jakab, G., Ringer, M., and Szalai, Z.: Origin and chemical composition of DOM fractions from topsoil and subsoil layers of a silty and a sandy forest soil using FT-IR and fluorescence spectroscopy, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6965,, 2023.

EGU23-7993 | Orals | SSS5.11 | Highlight

Microbial carbon use efficiency in soil under N deposition: Meta-analysis of 13C and 18O approaches 

Yakov Kuzyakov, Junxi Hu, Congde Huang, and Shixing Zhou

The carbon use efficiency (CUE) of soil microorganisms is a critical parameter for the first step of organic carbon (C) transformation by and incorporation into microbial biomass and shapes C cycling in terrestrial ecosystems. As C and nitrogen (N) cycles interact closely and N availability affects microbial metabolism, N addition to soil may shift the microbial CUE. We conducted a meta-analysis (100 data pairs) to generalize information about the microbial CUE response to N addition in soil based on the two most common CUE estimation approaches: (i) 13C-labelled substrate addition (13C-substrate) and (ii) 18O-labelled water addition (18O-H2O).

The mean microbial CUE in soils across all biomes and approaches was 0.37. The effects of N addition on CUE, however, were depended on the approach: CUE decreased by 12% if measured by the 13C-substrate approach, while CUE increased by 11% if measured by the 18O-H2O approach. These differences in the microbial CUE response depending on the estimation approach are explained by the divergent reactions of microbial growth to N addition: N addition decreases the 13C incorporation into microbial biomass (this parameter is in the numerator by CUE calculation based on the 13C-substrate approach). In contrast, N addition slightly increases (although statistically insignificant) the microbial growth rate (in the numerator of the CUE calculation when assessed by the 18O-H2O approach), significantly raising the CUE. We explained these N addition effects based on CUE regulation mechanisms at the metabolic, cell, community, and ecosystem levels. Consequently, the differences in the microbial responses (microbial growth, respiration, C incorporation, community composition, and dormant or active states) between the 13C-substrate and 18O-H2O approaches need to be considered. Thus, these two CUE estimation approaches should be compared to understand microbially mediated C and nutrient dynamics under increasing anthropogenic N input and other global change effects.


Hu J, Huang C, Zhou S, Kuzyakov Y 2022. Nitrogen deposition affects microbial carbon use efficiency: Meta-analysis of similarities and differences in 18O and 13C approaches. Global Change Biology 28 (16), 4977-4988.

How to cite: Kuzyakov, Y., Hu, J., Huang, C., and Zhou, S.: Microbial carbon use efficiency in soil under N deposition: Meta-analysis of 13C and 18O approaches, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7993,, 2023.

EGU23-9903 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.11

Effects of Lactobacilli inoculum on tomato plants, soil nitrogen transformations and greenhouse gass emissions. 

Aikaterina (Katerina) Bouzaki, Lars Elsgaard, George Menexes, George Zanakis, and Georgios Giannopoulos

In the framework of the EU Green Deal, the reduction of chemical fertilization is promoted to enhance sustainable agriculture. An ecological option is to utilize the potential of soil microorganisms to improve plant growth and secure crop production. Past studies focused mainly on Rhizobia and their specific plant-growth promoting effects on target plant hosts (N-fixing). Recently, Lactobacilli (Firmicutes) gained increasing appreciation as soil nutrient regulators, besides their known plant protecting properties, for a broad range of plant hosts.

In this pot experiment, we studied the short-term effects of a Lactobacillus soil inoculant (LB) on tomato plants (Solanum lycopersicum L. var. extasi) and nitrogen kinetics, in two different soils (sandy (S), loamy (L)), with chemical (U; urea; 460 N mg/kg) and organic (DC; digestate compost; 22 g/kg) treatment. An unfertilized control (C) treatment for each soil was also included. The experiment lasted 115 days and two experimental setups run in parallel; soil containers a) without and b) with plants. During the experiment soil concentrations of NH4+, NO3-, NO2-, CO2 and N2O were measured. At the end of the experiment, additional agronomic traits (total biomass, total N) and soil N mineralization potential (AMN) were measured. 

The addition of LB in C and DC treatments increased soil NH4+ that ranged 1.5 – 28% relative to the treatments without LB, for both soils. When LB was added in the U treatment we observed a negative effect, -3% and -54% for L and S soil, respectively. A contradicting pattern was observed for soil NO3-, when LB was added in all treatments, soil NO3- increased and decreased in L and S soil, respectively. Soil NO2-, CO2 and N2O emissions increased in DC and U treatments for both soils, relative to C. Interestingly, when LB was added we observed a consistent decrease in soil NO2- and N2O emissions but a consistent increase in CO2 emissions for both soils was observed, relative to those treatments without LB. The addition of LB had a positive effect on plant biomass and total plant N for all treatments and for both soils, except U+LB treatment in S soil. As for AMN rates, there was not a consistent pattern.

In conclusion, our preliminary results indicate a positive effect of non-N-fixing lactobacilli inoculant on plant attributes for soils amended with compost. Furthermore, we documented a microbial approach to mitigate potential N2O emissions from organic amendments for the first time.

The BSc research work by Katerina Bouzaki was partly supported by the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (H.F.R.I.) under the 2nd Call for H.F.R.I. Postdoctoral Research Projects (#1053) awarded to Principal Investigator Dr. Georgios Giannopoulos.

This project was co-implemented with industrial partner Corteva Agriscience Hellas SA.     

How to cite: Bouzaki, A. (., Elsgaard, L., Menexes, G., Zanakis, G., and Giannopoulos, G.: Effects of Lactobacilli inoculum on tomato plants, soil nitrogen transformations and greenhouse gass emissions., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9903,, 2023.

EGU23-10043 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.11

Organic P in soil and its extraction by Mehlich 3 method. 

Tõnis Tõnutare, Tõnu Tõnutare, Raimo Kõlli, Kadri Krebstein, and Kersti Vennik

Phosphorus (P) is limiting plant nutrient in natural and agriculturally used soils. P is presented in soil composition of various inorganic (mineral) and organic compounds.  Organic P compounds are very strongly adsorbed on the mineral surfaces and are therefore not available to the plants. Desorption of P from mineral surfaces into soil solution would be more limited for organic P compounds compared to inorganic P compounds. It is suggested that organic P availability is limited mainly by the solubility of organic P compounds. Due to very few works on soil organic P there is not enough information about potential contribution to P availability in the soil–plant system.
The goal of this research was to investigate the correlation between soil organic phosphorus and fraction of organic phosphorus extracted by Mehlich 3 method. Also the impact of soil pH, organic carbon content and texture to this correlation is under interest. 

How to cite: Tõnutare, T., Tõnutare, T., Kõlli, R., Krebstein, K., and Vennik, K.: Organic P in soil and its extraction by Mehlich 3 method., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10043,, 2023.

Forest ecosystems in central Europe are currently experiencing various environmental changes like ongoing nitrogen deposition, rising CO2 levels and more frequent summer droughts, with potential impacts on biogeochemical processes in soils. Monitoring of soil properties, especially sensitive indicators like the activities of extracellular enzymes, enables studying the net effect of different simultaneously ongoing global changes on soil processes. Therefore, we measured the potential activities of four extracellular enzymes related to the C, N, P and S cycle (beta-glucosidase, N-actetyl-glucosaminidase, acid phosphatase and sulfatase)  of topsoils (0-10 cm of the mineral soil) from 150 forest plots under different management in three German regions as part of the Biodiversity Exploratories ( project (Swabian Alb in the South, Hainich-Dün in the center and Schorfheide Chorin in the North of Germany) in May of 2011, 2014, 2017 and 2021. Analyzed soil samples were mixed samples composed of 14 soil cores (5 cm diameter) per plot, taken along two 40 m transects, sieved to < 2mm, and stored frozen before analyses.  Additional information on soil C, N and pH was obtained for the same samples.
Results revealed that the interannual variation of enzyme activities was about twice as high as that of soil organic carbon contents. Organic carbon, total nitrogen contents or soil pH showed no consistent trend over time across the regions. The same was true for the enzymes beta-glucosidase, N-acetyl-glucosaminidase and sulfates while acid phosphatase activity increased in all regions from 2011 to 2021 with the smallest absolute increase from on average 1290 to 2753 nmol MUF g−1 dw h−1 in the sandy and most acidic region Schorfheide Chorin, and the largest one in the loess-dominated silt-clay soils of the Hainich-Dün region (from 3474 to 5570 nmol MUF g−1 dw h−1).  Accordingly, the ratio of carbon-to-phosphorus acquiring enzymes declined with time. Plots following Moorhead et al. (2016, indicated a consistent shift from N- to P-limitation across regions, independent of their total P contents and for both, coniferous and deciduous forests. Forest ecosystems seem to need to acquire more P from organic sources but given that both, plants and microorganisms can produce acid phosphatase, we are currently not able to say, if the increased phosphatase activity was a direct plant response or one (potentially mediated) by microorganisms. However, elevated CO2 and N-deposition can both potentially lead to nutrient imbalances and thus increasing forest P requirements, and also summer droughts might reduce plant nutrient uptake, so that the observed trend might be an additive effect of all, rather than being attributable to one alone. As next steps we will test if changes in enzyme activities go along with changes in soil microbial communities and with leaf litter P contents.

How to cite: Schrumpf, M. and Schöning, I.: Soil enzyme monitoring reveals increasing forest phosphorus demand in central Europe over the last decade, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11858,, 2023.

EGU23-11961 | Posters on site | SSS5.11

Cover crop C inputs; Multiple aerial and isotope insights from a long-term field trial. 

Rebecca Hood-Nowotny, Celia Fernández-Balado, Katharina Schott, Anna Wawra, Matthias Konzett, Maria Heiling, and Gerd Dercon

Use of cover crops, mulches and other soil management practices have been widely promoted within the EU, as measures to draw down carbon dioxide and increase soil organic carbon in the fight against climate change. These approaches are being investigated in a number of programs and projects EU-wide, for example the EJP-SOIL program.

We used a long-term fully replicated maize based field trial with different crop and soil management practices, namely residue incorporation and/or inclusion of a cover crop, to explore carbon sequestration potential. We used natural abundance stable isotope approaches to follow the fate and residence time of mulched residues and to determine the most stable organic matter pools in these systems. We measured isotope signatures in particulate organic matter (POM), mineral associated organic matter (MOAM), stable aggregate bound organic matter (IA-POM) and soil microbial biomass (Mi-BIO) to characterize the impact of the soil fraction, on the fate and stability of the carbon pool and to test a number of emerging paradigms in soil science. We hypothesized that the residence time of the POM fraction and MOAM fractions would be lower under higher nitrogen inputs and that it would be possibly to detect these shifts using a stable isotope approach. Moreover, we used handheld and unmanned aerial vehicle UAV-captured multispectral data to investigate impacts of management on a plot scale.

Preliminary results show that even at low mulch rates (<3 t plant material ha-1) mulching significantly increased soil carbon storage in the long term, albeit at lower rates than predicted. This increase was due to increases in SOM in the top-soil. As hypothesized mulch with lower C:N ratios contributed less to overall soil carbon storage, but whether this was due to differences in carbon accumulation in the short-term POM pool or long-term MOAM pool remains to be revealed by on-going isotope analysis. The high replication and detailed investigation of this long term field trial should allow us to tease out a number of processes in the carbon and nitrogen cycle and allow us recommend suitable management practices for increasing soil organic carbon stocks. 

How to cite: Hood-Nowotny, R., Fernández-Balado, C., Schott, K., Wawra, A., Konzett, M., Heiling, M., and Dercon, G.: Cover crop C inputs; Multiple aerial and isotope insights from a long-term field trial., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11961,, 2023.

EGU23-13173 | Posters virtual | SSS5.11

Drivers of spatial variability of soil respiration along altitudinal gradient in Northwest Caucasus Mountains 

Olga Gavrichkova, Sofia Sushko, Lilit Ovsepyan, Ilya Yevdokimov, Alexandra Komarova, Anna Zhuravleva, Sergey Blagodatsky, and Kristina Ivashchenko

Mountains occupy almost a quarter of the land area and store significant pools of soil organic matter (SOM), which is a potential source of atmospheric CO2 under warming climate. However, carbon fluxes in mountain areas with high environmental heterogeneity remain poorly understood, in particular regarding the spatial variability of soil respiration (RS). The study was conducted on the northeastern slope of the Northwest Caucasus Mountains (1260-2480 m a.s.l.; Russia) that crossed five vegetation belts (i.e., mixed, fir and deciduous forests, subalpine and alpine meadows). RS was measured simultaneously (at 10 a.m. on 11 August 2018) across five vegetation belts (at 12 randomly distributed points per belt; totally n = 60) using the closed static chamber technique. As potential drivers of RS spatial variability, soil physico-chemical (temperature, moisture, total and dissolved C and N contents, C:N ratio, pH), soil microbial (microbial biomass C content, basal respiration, enzymatic activities: β-glucosidase, chitinase and leucine aminopeptidase) and vegetation properties (grasses projective cover, its species richness, Shannon-Wiener diversity index, abundance of graminoids and forbs) were assessed. The RS rate ranged from 1.3-12.7 µmol CO2 m-1 s-1, with average values of 3.7 and 7.3 µmol CO2 m-1 s-1 for forests and grasslands respectively. Stepwise regression and subsequent path analysis showed that key driver of RS spatial variability in forests was temperature-sensitive soil chitinase activity (explained variance 50%), while in grasslands it was graminoid abundance (explained variance 27%). The forest soils are mostly limited in N, therefore RS variability depends largely on SOM-derived CO2 sources, i.e. activity of the N-acquiring enzyme. In the grasslands, extensive network of fine roots and the associated considerable contribution of root-derived respiration to Rs, makes the flux more sensitive to vegetation composition and associated phenology and C allocation patterns. Thus, soil N availability and differences in plant cover play a crucial role in regulation of RS spatial patterns in mountains ecosystems.

This study was financially supported by Russian Science Foundation, No 22-74-10124.

How to cite: Gavrichkova, O., Sushko, S., Ovsepyan, L., Yevdokimov, I., Komarova, A., Zhuravleva, A., Blagodatsky, S., and Ivashchenko, K.: Drivers of spatial variability of soil respiration along altitudinal gradient in Northwest Caucasus Mountains, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13173,, 2023.

EGU23-16629 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.11 | Highlight

Modelling the phosphorus cycle in European agricultural soils under current and different management scenarios 

Anna Muntwyler, Panos Panagos, Stephan Pfister, and Emanuele Lugato

Phosphorous (P) is an essential nutrient for all crops, yet excess P leads to the pollution of the environment. Additionally, the mineral P fertilizer production uses rock P, a non-renewable resource that is on the critical raw materials list of the European Commission. This context calls for action to find ways to increase P use efficiency and reduce the loss of P to the environment. To come up with effective solutions, process-based models, such as DayCent, can help depict and investigate the effects of scenarios on the P cycle. On top of the calibrated Nitrogen and Carbon submodels, the P submodel of the biogeochemical model DayCent has recently been calibrated and tested using European long-term experiments. DayCent has a detailed representation of soil biogeochemistry and can reproduce the major effects of climate and agricultural management on crop production. We exemplify the possibility of the model to represent the current European agricultural soil P budget, including changes in the P pools in space and time. For this task, the model is run with data-derived soil characteristics and complemented with state-of-the-art input data sets. Additionally, the model is used to project the influence of various agricultural management scenarios from 2019 until 2030 and 2050 compared with a baseline of current agricultural practices targeted at different European biogeochemical hotspot areas. Finally, the detailed model and scenario results showcase a promising tool for assessing biogeochemical cycles in agricultural soils, including their interconnections.

How to cite: Muntwyler, A., Panagos, P., Pfister, S., and Lugato, E.: Modelling the phosphorus cycle in European agricultural soils under current and different management scenarios, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16629,, 2023.

EGU23-17165 | Posters virtual | SSS5.11

Interaction between water, crop residue and fertilization management on the source-differentiated nitrogen uptake by rice 

Andrea Vitali, Federica Russo, Francesco Vidotto, Eleonora Francesca Miniotti, Luisella Celi, Marco Romani, and Daniel Said Pullicino

Alternate wetting and drying (AWD) is considered as an effective water-saving practice for rice cultivation widely applied across the world. Although AWD can reduce global warming potential compared to continuous flooding (CF), it may have negative effects on N availability for crop by promoting N losses (nitrification-denitrification, leaching) and immobilization, due to the frequent soil redox cycling. By means of a growth chamber pot experiment and a 15N stable isotope approach we investigated the interactions between water, crop residue and fertilizer N management on the contribution of different N sources (i.e. fertilizer, rice straw, soil) to rice plant N uptake. We hypothesized that with respect to CF, AWD will decrease plant uptake of fertilizer (FDN), straw (StDN), and soil (SDN) derived N due to greater losses, greater microbial N immobilization during residue turnover under oxic conditions, and less N supply from soil organic matter (OM) desorbed under reducing conditions. Moreover, we hypothesized that the underlying processes will be influence by the timing of straw addition with respect to flooding and the temporal distribution of mineral N application.

Rice was grown for 60 d in a factorial setup including: (i) two water regimes: CF for 60 d vs. AWD (30 d of flooding followed by 30 d of alternating conditions involving 3 drain-flood cycles), and (ii) three straw and fertilizer managements that involved a combination of straw addition (10 Mg ha-1) 30 or 60 d before seeding (S30 and S60, respectively), and N fertilization (ammonium sulfate) split between pre-seeding and tillering in 60+60 or 80+40 kg N ha-1, such that treatments compared were S30-N60-N60, S30-N80-N40 and S60-N60‑N60. 15N-enriched fertilizer and straw were used in separate replicated setups to quantify the relative contribution of FDN, StDN and SDN to plant N uptake, as well as fertilizer use efficiency (FUE).

Plant N was mainly soil and fertilizer-derived (≈ 58 and 40%, respectively), while straw only contribute a minor amount (< 3%). Although AWD reduced total N uptake by about 10-13% with respect to CF, FDN and FUE were only slightly affected by water management, suggesting that differences in N nutrition did not depend exclusively on fertilizer N losses. SDN contributed more to plant nutrition in CF than in AWD, particularly when straw was incorporated in proximity to flooding. The combination of a fresh OM supply and reducing conditions under CF favoured the reductive dissolution of Fe oxides and desorption of soil OM that increase soil N supply via mineralization. StDN contributed less to plant nutrition in AWD than in CF albeit the higher mineralization rates we expected with more frequent oxic conditions. We attributed this to a higher microbial N demand under aerobic conditions that leads to a greater immobilization SDN during decomposition. The higher SDN and StDn for N60-N60 treatment with respect to N80-N40 suggested that an equilibrated splitting of N fertilizer between pre‑seeding and tillering stages could favor microbial activity under AWD improving straw degradation and soil N release.

This research was funded by the Lombardy Region through the project RISWAGEST

How to cite: Vitali, A., Russo, F., Vidotto, F., Miniotti, E. F., Celi, L., Romani, M., and Pullicino, D. S.: Interaction between water, crop residue and fertilization management on the source-differentiated nitrogen uptake by rice, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17165,, 2023.

SSS6 – Soil Physics

EGU23-2544 | ECS | Orals | SSS6.1

Bacterial growth and decomposition are regulated by soil pore network characteristics, while fungi are independent: insights from computed tomography 

Diego Soto Gómez, José Eugenio López Periago, David Fernández Calviño, Johannes Rousk, and Paula Rodríguez Pérez

The characteristics of the soil pore network condition the flow of nutrients, liquids, gases, and temperature through this medium. We hypothesized that soil structure properties will also control soil microbial processes. To test this, we selected soil samples where land use generated differences in soil structure. Unaltered soil samples from three adjacent plots were analysed: a potato field soil, ploughed after harvesting, two weeks before sampling (Control); another ploughed potato plot, in which bioaugmentators (plant growth promoting bacteria) had been applied to increase soil biodiversity (Bio); and a third soil, dedicated to melon cultivation, without bioaugmentation, followed by six months of fallow (Melon). In each soil, three different depths were analysed (between 0/-3.33 cm; -3.33/-6.67 cm; and -6.67/-10 cm), and, at each depth, we separated aggregates into three size categories: >0.8 cm, 0.8-0.2 cm, and <0.2 cm. The structure of each core was analysed by computed tomography, while the leucine incorporation method (bacterial growth) and the acetate incorporation into ergosterol method (fungal growth) were used to estimate rates of microbial growth, and respiration was measured to estimate soil decomposer functioning.

The land uses affected soil structural variables. Bio pores had a significantly higher number of branches than Control and Melon. Regarding the aggregate fraction, most of the parameters considered (physical and biological) showed significant differences: the matrix fraction pores (aggregates < 0.2 cm) had a higher connectivity, were more tortuous, but presented a lower number of branches and junctions. On the other hand, there were also lower rates of bacterial growth, fungal growth and respiration in larger aggregates. No significant differences were found considering depth.

We detected links between rates of microbial growth, decomposer functioning and the porous network characteristic differences between samples. The fractal dimension was generally correlated with bacterial growth (r = 0.43, p-value = 0.04), also within Control (r = 0.86, p-value = 0.03) and Melon (r = 0.88, p-value = 0.02) land uses but not for Bio (r = 0.51, p-value = 0.30). Bacterial growth also increased in higher pore tortuosity (r = 0.49, p-value = 0.02), but was inversely correlated with the proportion of pores that end in the matrix (r = -0.41, p-value = 0.05). In the Bio treatment, microbial growth and decomposer were more independent of the pore architecture, and less correlated than in Control and Melon treatments. There, bacterial growth was favoured by higher connectivity (r > 0.86) and optical density (r > 0.69), while respiration increased with the number of pores (r > 0.75) and pore length (r > 0.71). The respiration rate within small aggregates (0.2 to 0.8 cm) increased with the length and number of pores (r > 0.84).

In conclusion, aggregation seems to have a greater effect on the physical and biological properties of the soil than differences between land uses studied and the depths considered. On the other hand, characteristics such as connectivity, tortuosity, and the length and number of pores seem to regulate both bacterial growth and respiration, while fungal growth appears independent.

How to cite: Soto Gómez, D., López Periago, J. E., Fernández Calviño, D., Rousk, J., and Rodríguez Pérez, P.: Bacterial growth and decomposition are regulated by soil pore network characteristics, while fungi are independent: insights from computed tomography, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2544,, 2023.

EGU23-3366 | ECS | Orals | SSS6.1 | Highlight

Diversity of soil biopores and their influence on soil water infiltration under various pedoclimatic conditions 

Charlotte Védère, Hanane Aroui Boukbida, Yvan Capowiez, Sougueh Cheik, Guillaume Coulouma, Rinh Pham Dinh, Séraphine Grellier, Claude Hammecker, Thierry Henry des Tureaux, Ajay Harit, Jean-Louis Janeau, Pascal Jouquet, Jean-Luc Maeght, Cornelia Rumpel, Stéphane Sammartino, Norbert Silvera, Siwaporn Siltecho, Lotfi Smaili, Bounsamay Soulileuth, and Nicolas Bottinelli

Despite the large contribution of macropores made by soil engineers to the soil macroporosity and water infiltration, few studies have addressed the specific contribution of soil engineer groups, dynamics of biopores and their efficiency in conducting water. Thus, we aimed to investigate the link between soil macrofauna, soil biopores and water infiltration under different pedoclimatic conditions. To do so, we conducted an experimentation in twelve study sites with a large longitudinal gradient from France to Vietnam.  The experiment consisted in the field incubation of repacked soil in cores (15 cm in height and 15 cm in diameter) and controlling the activity of soil engineers in the manner of litter bag. For each site, soil columns were: (i) covered with a mesh (200µm) or not and (ii) with or without addition of organic residues to the soil surface. After 12 months, we measured (i) the 3D organization of biopores by X-ray computed tomography and (ii) the saturated hydraulic conductivity by Beerkan method. In addition, soil macrofauna communities and the 3D organization of biopores was measured in each study field. 

Addition of organic residues increased up to 2-fold the volume percentage of biopores which reached similar values than those observed for each study field. The co-inertia analysis between the data matrix characterizing the shape of biopores and the data matrix of the macrofauna communities showed no statistically significant correlation. Saturated hydraulic conductivity increased with the presence of biopores by 2 to 50-fold with the lowest increased in soils presenting largest saturated hydraulic conductivity. In conclusion, these results demonstrated that biopores are rapidly regenerated regardless the pedoclimatic conditions while the efficiency of biopores in conducting water is related to soil properties.

How to cite: Védère, C., Aroui Boukbida, H., Capowiez, Y., Cheik, S., Coulouma, G., Pham Dinh, R., Grellier, S., Hammecker, C., Henry des Tureaux, T., Harit, A., Janeau, J.-L., Jouquet, P., Maeght, J.-L., Rumpel, C., Sammartino, S., Silvera, N., Siltecho, S., Smaili, L., Soulileuth, B., and Bottinelli, N.: Diversity of soil biopores and their influence on soil water infiltration under various pedoclimatic conditions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3366,, 2023.

EGU23-5106 | Posters on site | SSS6.1

Soil structure dynamics matters: Modelling the impact of land management on soil functions using BODIUM 

Sara König, Ulrich Weller, Bibiana Betancur-Corredor, Andrey Zaytsev, Ute Wollschläger, and Hans-Jörg Vogel

BODIUM is a systemic soil model that integrates the most important processes and components in soil and at the soil-plant interface in order to predict land management impact on soil functions.

A central role plays soil structure dynamics. Different land use and tillage regimes alter the pore space in a characteristic way. Biological processes such as root growth and earthworm activity contribute to the changes in soil pore structure.

We show model scenarios where different structure dynamics are evaluated in their effect on plant growth, water percolation including fast breakthrough due to macropore flow, and nutrient efficiency.

Parts of the soil structure modeling are supported by the open access soil structure library (; Weller et al., 2022), where characteristic macro- and mesopore architectures obtained from Xray-CT imaging are available for different soil types and soil managements.

The model also allows exploration of climate change scenarios and evaluation of mitigation strategies.


Weller, U., Albrecht, L., Schlüter, S., and Vogel, H.-J.: An open Soil Structure Library based on X-ray CT data, SOIL, 8, 507–515,, 2022.

How to cite: König, S., Weller, U., Betancur-Corredor, B., Zaytsev, A., Wollschläger, U., and Vogel, H.-J.: Soil structure dynamics matters: Modelling the impact of land management on soil functions using BODIUM, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5106,, 2023.

EGU23-5679 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS6.1

Monitoring the temporal evolution of soil structure of three innovative production systems in the field 

Clémence Pirlot, Anne-Catherine Renard, and Aurore Degré

Alternative agricultural practices emerge to provide more sustainable productions systems and to meet
tomorrow's diets. These practices and varying climatic conditions will have impacts on soil structure and
thus, on soil hydraulic properties. However, most models do not consider the temporal variability of soil
hydraulic properties, which can lead to poor decision making. Thus, quantifying the temporal evolution of
hydraulic properties is essential to better understand the impact of emerging agricultural practices on soil
structure (Chandrasekhar et al., 2018).

In most studies, temporal variation of soil hydraulic properties is investigated using punctual
measurements in the field or in the laboratory (Alskaf et al., 2021; Geris et al., 2021). Results are often
inconsistent between studies due to the timing and type of measurement performed (Chandrasekhar et
al., 2018; Strudley et al., 2008). In addition, most research focuses on the topsoil layers and does not
consider the longer term effects on the deeper layers of the soil (Wahren et al., 2009).

In this research, temporal evolution of the hydraulic properties of three innovative production systems is
continuously monitored up to 90 cm depth. The three systems are designed to disrupt current agronomic
trials and aim to produce the ingredients of tomorrow’s diets. They are pesticide-free and have long-term
rotations of 8 years with intercrops. These systems are implemented on 8 parcels of the University of
Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech on a typical loamy soil in Belgium.

The innovative systems were instrumented with 24 Teros 12 water content and 24 Teros 21 water
potential sensors from MeterGroup. Both types of sensor are robust and highly accurate. The Teros 12
probes also measure soil temperature and salinity. Potential probes can measure potential over a wide
range of values from -9 to -2000 kPa. All probes are connected to MeterGroup's ZL6 data loggers which
allow real-time data collection. The water content and potential probes are placed in parallel in the first
three soil layers at 30, 60 and 90 cm depth in 8 plots. Intact soil cores are also taken every two months to
determine bulk density and total soil porosity.

The simultaneous determination of both water content and water potential over time under natural
conditions allows the temporal evolution of the hydrodynamic properties to be captured at the level of
the first three horizons. This monitoring will make it possible to quantify the temporal evolution of the
structure of a loamy soil under the effect of alternative agricultural practices and varying climate
conditions. The first two years were contrasted in climatic conditions with a wet and a dry year. In addition,
a diverse range of agricultural practices with different crops such as beet, camelina, corn, rapeseed and
winter wheat were grown in both years. The results of these first two years of monitoring will be presented
at the EGU 2023 General Assembly and compared to theoretical properties that would be obtained using
classical PTF.

How to cite: Pirlot, C., Renard, A.-C., and Degré, A.: Monitoring the temporal evolution of soil structure of three innovative production systems in the field, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5679,, 2023.

Freeze-thaw (FT) cycles have shown to affect the evolution of the pore space of agricultural soils, thereby affecting their hydraulic properties. In the temperate-boreal zones, FT patterns are projected to shift from relatively long and uniform freezing periods to more frequent fluctuations around 0°C as a result of climate change. To better anticipate potential consequences for water storage and flows in agricultural soils, a thorough evaluation of the importance of FT cycles in this context is required.

Here we summarize the findings of studies investigating the effects of FT cycles on various pore-space characteristics (e.g. macroporosity, pore connectivity, percolating pore space) and hydraulic properties (e.g. infiltration capacity, hydraulic conductivity, water retention) of agricultural soils. This includes the results of a laboratory experiment where we simulated different FT scenarios representative for current and future winter conditions in the temperate-boreal zones.

Our findings suggest that a shift in FT patterns with climate change indeed has the potential to alter, at least temporarily, water retention properties and (near-)saturated hydraulic conductivities of agricultural soils. We highlight that this is despite most changes in pore-space characteristics seem to occur in pores with a diameter smaller than 50 µm. The persisting increase in pore connectivity of specific soils with an increasing number of FT cycles appears to be decisive in this respect. However, to assess fully the magnitude of changes in soil water functions at the field scale may require modelling. We finally stress that the sensitivity of hydraulic properties to FT patterns questions the transferability of results of some previous studies to the natural environment, applying unrealistic temperatures and rates of freezing and thawing.

How to cite: Klöffel, T., Larsbo, M., Jarvis, N., and Barron, J.: Freeze-thaw effects on pore space and hydraulic properties of agricultural soils – a summary of studies and implications for the temperate-boreal zones in a changing climate, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6054,, 2023.

Heterogeneous soil-landscapes with varying land uses and land covers are common in the hilly areas of the lower Yangtze valley of China. Variations of soil quality, mainly driven by soil organic matter and soil aggregation, across these soil-landscapes impacts the development of agro-industries in rural areas. How the development of macroaggregates (MAC) and their pore structure in relation to soil organic matter and microbial community varies with soil-landscapes (disturbed and undisturbed) remained unclear. Both bulk samples and undisturbed cores were collected from topsoil (0-15 cm) respectively on forestland (FL) under vegetation conservation on the hill slope, orchard (OR) and upland cropland (UL) on the slope and paddy fields (PF) in the basin in a small watershed from suburb Nanjing of China. Soil organic carbon (SOC) pools and microbial phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs) as well as basic physico-chemical properties were measured while size fractionation of water-stable aggregates were performed. Further, the pore structure of the macroaggregate samples were analyzed with X-ray micro-computed tomography (X-ray μCT). Compared to FL, topsoil SOC was lower by 54%-70%, soil aggregate stability by 41-67% and total PLFAs by 14%-42% under the disturbed agricultural soil-landscapes. The mass fraction of macroaggregates was lower in OR, UL and PF, by over 44%. The total porosity of the macroaggregates, estimated by the μCT images, was lower by 17% and 33% under UL and OR though unchanged under PF. A similar trend was found for the connected porosity and total throat area. To note, both SOC and microbial PLFAs of the macroaggregate samples were significantly positively correlated to total porosity, connected porosity and total throat area, across the landscapes. Overall, soil quality was seen profoundly reduced in the disturbed soil-landscapes under agricultural activities although PF was shown most close to FL in the context of organic carbon stabilization and microbial biomass conservation. Thus, improving rice paddy management through soil organic matter conservation and macroaggregation could contribute to sustaining local soil quality for better agricultural development in the hilly rural area.

How to cite: Zheng, Z. and Genxing, P.: Changes in microbial community and soil organic matter mediated by macroaggregate pore structure across soil-landscapes in a hilly watershed, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6755,, 2023.

EGU23-9069 | ECS | Orals | SSS6.1

Grazing livestock move by Lévy walks: Implications for soil structure dynamics 

Alejandro Romero-Ruiz, Paulo De-Meo-Filho, Simon Pulley, Carmen Segura, Jordana Rivero-Viera, Kevin Coleman, Laura Cardenas, Alice Milne, and Andy P. Whitmore

Animal behavior is a complex trait known to have strong feedbacks with environmental conditions across all ecosystems. Understanding how animals interact with their environment is therefore a key element for gaining new insights on how ecosystem landscapes develop and what is the potential environmental degradation caused by different species of animals. Within animal behavioral traits, characterizing animal movement has received attention because it is relatively easy to monitor. Despite the widely differing conditions in which different species of animals exist, it has been demonstrated that statistical models of animal movement based on random walks (e.g., Brownian and Lévy walks) often offer a consistent and accurate representation of animal movement in diverse ecosystems. Grazing livestock systems are particularly interesting to explore as they play an important role in the context of climate change and agricultural sustainability. Movement of grazing livestock has not been fully explored nor described, and knowledge on the way they impact the environment temporally and spatially is often empirical and remains largely unknown. To fill these gaps and to provide new insights on spatio-temporal impacts of grazing animals on soil structure, we characterized daily and seasonal patterns of grazing livestock using GPS (Global Positioning System) data from conventionally grazed and cell-grazed paddocks. In addition, we used a soil compaction model to predict changes in bulk density due to grazing. We found that the way grazing livestock move is consistent with a Lévy walk and that Lévy properties depend on the dimensions of the grazing cells (constraints and attractors). The combination of an animal movement model and a soil compaction model allowed us to obtain treatment-specific spatially explicit maps of soil properties affected by grazing that are consistent with observations.

How to cite: Romero-Ruiz, A., De-Meo-Filho, P., Pulley, S., Segura, C., Rivero-Viera, J., Coleman, K., Cardenas, L., Milne, A., and Whitmore, A. P.: Grazing livestock move by Lévy walks: Implications for soil structure dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9069,, 2023.

EGU23-9129 | ECS | Posters virtual | SSS6.1

Influence of soil pore structure on the rate of microbial oxygen consumption 

Poulamee Chakraborty, Andrey Guber, and Alexandra Kravchenko

O2 availability is one of the main factors influencing microbial processing of soil carbon and nitrogen and their cycling, and soil pore structure is what drives micro-scale patterns of O2 availability. The diffusivity of O2 is known to be a function of soil porosity and moisture content. However, the actual distribution of O2 in the soil is a product of dynamic interactions between physical (O2 diffusion) and microbial (O2 consumption) processes and is influenced by the soil pore structure. Measurements of gas diffusivity can be achieved via several laboratory techniques, while the determination of O2 consumption by microorganisms is challenging. The objectives of this study are, first, to propose a method for measurement of microbial O2 consumption under steady-state conditions in saturated soil and near saturated soil, and, second, to quantify the rate of O2 consumption in soil materials with contrasting pore structures but similar microbial compositions. The proposed method is based on Fick’s second law of diffusion, given as , where R(z) is an O2 consumption term, C is the concentration of O2, and Ds is the effective molecular diffusion coefficient of O2. The equation was solved for R(z) under steady-state conditions (near saturated soil) where the flux (J)=0. Two soil materials with contrasting pore structures, namely dominated by > 30 μm Ø pores (i.e., large-pore soil) and by < 10 μm Ø pores (i.e., small-pore soil), were prepared. The O2 profile was measured to the depth of 1 cm in the two materials under saturated and near-saturated conditions using O2 microsensor (Unisense, Aarhus, Denmark). As expected, the O2 diffusion was higher in large-pore soil as compared to the small-pore soil, however, the estimated rate of volumetric O2 consumption was also higher in the large-pore soil as compared to the small-pore soil. This finding supports the notion that large pores provide a better micro-environment for soil microorganisms stimulating their activity with subsequent increases in O2 consumption. Our ongoing work builds on these findings and explores the rate and spatial distribution patterns of O2 diffusion and microbial O2 consumption in soils with contrasting pore structures in the presence of plant residues.

How to cite: Chakraborty, P., Guber, A., and Kravchenko, A.: Influence of soil pore structure on the rate of microbial oxygen consumption, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9129,, 2023.

EGU23-10771 | Orals | SSS6.1

Long-term contrasting land uses influence on soil pore structure and organic carbon 

Maoz Dor, Lichao Fan, Kazem Zamanian, and Alexandra Kravchenko

The advancements of agriculture practices and technologies in harnessing natural resources has been a major component of humanity's development to produce and maintain food safety. As the bed for agricultural crops, soils are a major natural resource, and soil structure plays a crucial role in agricultural productivity. Long term differences in land use and agronomic management result in differences in soil physical structure, which also translates into variations in pore networks. Decomposition of organic matter and, hence, soil carbon storage capacity are closely related to the pore domain, which is the main environment where chemical and biological processes leading to carbon protection or decomposition take place. In this study, we explored pore structure, carbon characteristics, and their relationships in contrasting ecological systems from a long-term (> 30 years) experiment located at Kellogg Biological Station (Michigan, USA). The studied systems are (i) an agricultural intensively managed system of corn-soybean-wheat rotation (CT), (ii) a native early successional community abandoned from agriculture in 1989 (ES), (iii) a mowed grassland that has never been tilled or in agriculture (NTG), and (iv) late-successional deciduous forest that has never been cleared for agriculture (DF). An x-ray tomography analysis of intact soil cores was used to investigate pore size distributions, connectivity, and morphology to assess soil pore structure. We also measured total soil carbon and nitrogen contents, mineral associated organic carbon (MAOM), and particulate organic carbon (POM), short- and long-term soil respiration, and microbial biomass carbon. Preliminary results showed that the volumes of the soil pores with 30-180 mm Ø, the size range considered as the optimal microbial habitat, followed the trend of DF>NTG »ES>CT. The nitrogen and carbon content of these systems are also in agreement with this trend. Interestingly, MAOM fraction, considered to be a more recalcitrant form of carbon, followed the same trend, while the ratio of MAOM to total organic carbon did not change notably among the systems.

How to cite: Dor, M., Fan, L., Zamanian, K., and Kravchenko, A.: Long-term contrasting land uses influence on soil pore structure and organic carbon, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10771,, 2023.

EGU23-11103 | Posters on site | SSS6.1

Impacts of soil management on the pore structure of boreal arable clay soils 

Jari Hyväluoma, Petri Niemi, Kofi Brobbey, Sami Kinnunen, Arttu Miettinen, Riikka Keskinen, and Helena Soinne

Soil management is known to have significant effects on soil structure. Especially, grassland renovation and associated ploughing may have destructive influence on structure, but on the other hand conversion of arable land to grassland can improve pore structure and soil functions. In crop rotations including perennial grasses, soil structure is affected by these counteracting processes. The purpose of this work was to study and quantify the impacts of varying soil management practices on the structure of boreal arable heavy clay soils. We studied intact topsoil samples collected from two sites by X-ray computed microtomography, image analysis, image-based pore-scale flow simulations, and water retention measurements. At both sites, one area under long-term (at least 30-year-old) grassland was compared with adjacent field area with contrasting managements:

  • Site 1: Cereal production under no-till management for 13 years prior to sampling.
  • Site 2: Crop rotation of a livestock farm with cereals and perennial grasses, tillage by ploughing. At the sampling time this field area had been two years under grass after preceding 3-year cereal period.

Both imaging and water retention showed statistically and practically significant differences in the soil macropore structure at site 1 such that porosity of the long-term grassland was clearly higher that that under cereal production. On the contrary, at site 2, only minor differences between managements were observed. Our results show that the soil management practices affect the macropore structure of boreal arable clay soil and that no-till and crop-rotation managements had clearly different effects on soil structure as compared to long-term grasslands.

How to cite: Hyväluoma, J., Niemi, P., Brobbey, K., Kinnunen, S., Miettinen, A., Keskinen, R., and Soinne, H.: Impacts of soil management on the pore structure of boreal arable clay soils, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11103,, 2023.

EGU23-11624 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS6.1

Soil structure changes of constructed soil in bioretention cell during three years 

Petra Heckova, Michal Snehota, John Koestel, Ales Klement, and Radka Kodesova

Constructed soils play an important role in urban hydrology e.g. in the functioning of green roofs and stormwater bioretention cells. Water infiltration, colloid transport, and heat transport are affected by changes in pore system geometry particularly due to the development of macropores and clogging by particles. The aim is to elucidate changes in bioretention cell performance by studying the structural changes of soils at the microscale by invasive and noninvasive methods. Noninvasive visualization methods such as computed microtomography (CT), are an effective mean of soil structure assessment. X-ray CT is capable to investigate soil in terms of structure development, pore-clogging and pore geometry deformations.

Two identical bioretention cells were established in December 2017. The first bioretention cell (BC1) collects the stormwater from the roof of the nearby experimental building (roof area 38 m2). The second bioretention cell BC2 is supplied from a tank using a controlled pump system for simulating artificial rainfall. Each BC is 2.4 m wide and 4.0 m long. The 30 cm thick biofilter soil mixture is composed of 50% sand, 30% compost, and 20% topsoil. Bioretention cells are isolated from the surrounding soil by a waterproof membrane. The regular soil sampling program was initiated in 2018 in order to visualize and quantify the soil structure and internal pore geometry of samples. Undistributed samples were collected from the surface of the filter layer twice a year from each BC. The aluminum sampling cylinders had an internal diameter and height of 29 mm. Three batches of samples were taken during three years. The first set of 24 undisturbed samples was collected upon planting in June 2018, while the second set of 24 samples was taken after the end of the first vegetation period in November 2018. The second batch of 48 samples, were taken in the same period as in the previous year.  The last batch of 24 samples was taken in June 2020. Those collected samples were scanned by CT imaging.

Analyses of pore network morphologies were performed on the scanned samples. Macroporosity, pore thickness, pore connection probability, critical diameter and Euler-Poincare density were determined to understand pore space in the biofilter. Macroporosity in BC1 shows a decreasing trend in the first three periods, it can be a result of soil consolidation. In subsequent periods, macroporosity remains constant in BC1. The characteristic pore connection probability in BC1 also shows a decreasing trend in the first three periods, but compared to the macroporosity, the connectivity increases in the last two periods in BC1. This may be due to plants growth, which was most pronounced in 2019. The samples' most frequently represented pore thickness ranges from 80 to 330 µm in all periods in both BCs. The percentage of these pores was higher than 50% in both BCs.

How to cite: Heckova, P., Snehota, M., Koestel, J., Klement, A., and Kodesova, R.: Soil structure changes of constructed soil in bioretention cell during three years, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11624,, 2023.

EGU23-12086 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS6.1

Use of Anionic Polyacrylamide to improve soil properties and challenge slope instabilities: preliminary data 

Giulia Frutaz, Claudia Meisina, Massimiliano Bordoni, and Rinaldo Sorgenti

Nowadays, changing climate is continuously posing new challenges to land management and conservation, also in built areas and agricultural fields. Polymers such as polyacrylamide (PAM) offer a suitable tool to stem soil degradation, as well as having a wide range of applications. We performed a detailed investigation about this polymer applications with particular attention to the field of slope instabilities through a systematic literature review to assess the extent and the specifics of the research done on Polyacrylamide as an improver of soil features, browsing between more than 800 articles published from 1990 to 2022. Research on polyacrylamide application increased since the 2000s, its main use being the prevention of irrigation-connected erosion, even if in more recent years its ability as a soil stabilizer became more and more newsworthy. We then proceeded to reconstruct soil samples in laboratory to observe the effects of application of anionic polyacrylamide (PAM) on their physical, volumetric, mechanical, and hydrological properties. First, two sets of samples were reconstructed using kaolin and sandy loam soil, respectively, with three different dry densities (varying between 1.2 and 1.6 g/cm3), three different initial water contents (varying between 10% and 40%) and five different polymer application rates (0%, 0.003%, 0.03%, 0.3%, and 1%by weight). The polymer, a granular anionic polyacrylamide, provided by Micronizzazione Innovativa Srl, has been manually applied and mixed with the samples, constituted by pvc cylinders with a diameter of 9.5 cm and 15 cm high. Preliminary results showed that the increase of PAM percentage in samples generally coincided with increase of liquid limit and plasticity index, causing at the same time a more gradual and regular release of samples water compared to untreated samples. These preliminary results can stress on the possible application of PAM to improve other soil features which could impact on slope instabilities occurrence, in a frame of sustainable solutions for reduction of landslides susceptibility, hazard and risk.







Soil conservation

Land degradation

How to cite: Frutaz, G., Meisina, C., Bordoni, M., and Sorgenti, R.: Use of Anionic Polyacrylamide to improve soil properties and challenge slope instabilities: preliminary data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12086,, 2023.

EGU23-12345 | Posters on site | SSS6.1

Integrating MRI and modeling for Understanding Freeze-Thaw Processes in Saturated Soil and Sand 

Michal Snehota, Martina Sobotkova, Tomas Princ, Jan Sklenar, Martin Jex, Michal Benes, and Andreas J Pohlmeier

In this study, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was used to investigate the freezing and thawing process of a series of repacked samples of sand, soil, and sand-soil mixture. The samples were placed in a thermally insulated container inside a vertical bore MRI scanner and cooled by flowing cold gaseous nitrogen through a porous material at the top of the container. Temperatures were monitored in several points above the sample and at the sample surface, and a marker placed on the sample surface was used to measure sample deformation. A 4.7 T magnet was used for MRI and the Multiple-Slice Spin-Echo (MSME) and Zero Echo Time (ZTE) pulse sequences were employed to obtain the images. The contrast between the frozen and unfrozen water in the samples was given by the substantial difference in T1 and T2 relaxation times between the two states. The hydrogen in the frozen water does not produce any signal for both pulse sequences, thus all the signal represent the liquid/unfrozen water. The time-lapse three-dimensional (3D) imaging was performed during the entire course of the experiment with alternating use of the MSME and ZTE imaging techniques. Once the freezing front reached near the bottom of the sample, the thawing process was initiated by switching the inflow of cooling gas to the inflow of nitrogen at room temperature. The small changes in sand structure as a consequence of volumetric ice-water changes were studied using spatiotemporal analysis of the freezing front advancement and frozen water volume. The study detected interesting patterns of preferential thawing on the onset of thawing process in the case of sand. The MSME pulse sequence was successfully used to image the process in the sand, whereas the ZTE was capable of detecting water in the finer soil material. The data obtained in the study were used to develop two-phase ice-water simulation models to interpret the experimental results and better understand the freezing and thawing phenomena.

How to cite: Snehota, M., Sobotkova, M., Princ, T., Sklenar, J., Jex, M., Benes, M., and Pohlmeier, A. J.: Integrating MRI and modeling for Understanding Freeze-Thaw Processes in Saturated Soil and Sand, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12345,, 2023.

EGU23-12630 | Posters on site | SSS6.1

Quantifying earthworm bioturbation from changes in vertical bulk density profiles 

Mats Larsbo, Johannes Koestel, Eveline Krab, and Jonatan Klaminder

The rate at which soil becomes physically mixed due to earthworm actions (bioturbation) has relevance for the fate of nutrients and pollutants and for the soil’s ability to sequester carbon. Nevertheless, methods to quantify bioturbation under field-like conditions are largely lacking. The soils of the Fennoscandian tundra offer a special possibility to quantify bioturbation, because they have developed in the absence of soil burrowing macrofauna. They commonly exhibit a thick organic layer on top of the mineral soil with a sharp layer boundary. The bulk density of the two soil layers differs markedly. Since bioturbation mixes both soil layers, the temporal changes in the bulk density profile of such soils may be exploited to estimate bioturbation rates in the field. In this study, we applied a model for earthworm bioturbation to observed changes in soil densities occurring in a mesocosm experiment with intact soil carried out in the arctic during four summers. We show that changes in soil density profiles can indeed be used to infer realistic earthworm bioturbation rates. Although uncertainties in parameter values were sometimes large, the results from this study suggest that soil turnover rates and endogeic earthworm soil ingestion rates in tundra soils may be as high as those reported for temperate conditions. Such large bioturbation rates can explain observed large morphological changes in nearby soils where dispersing earthworms have resulted in complete inmixing of the organic layer into the mineral soil. Our model is applicable to soil profiles with marked vertical differences in bulk density such as the soils of the Fennoscandian tundra where earthworms are currently dispersing into new areas and to layered repacked soil samples that are incubated in the field.

How to cite: Larsbo, M., Koestel, J., Krab, E., and Klaminder, J.: Quantifying earthworm bioturbation from changes in vertical bulk density profiles, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12630,, 2023.

EGU23-12683 | Posters on site | SSS6.1 | Highlight

Coupled modelling of soil structure dynamics, carbon cycling, hydrological processes and crop production 

Nicholas Jarvis, Elsa Coucheney, Mats Larsbo, Elisabet Lewan, and Katharina Meurer

Soil-crop models are potentially useful tools to support analyses of the effects of climate and crop and soil management practices on crop production and the environment (e.g. carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas emissions or the leaching of agro-chemicals). However, it is not clear whether current generation models can be used to simulate long-term trends in crop production and the environmental impacts induced by changes in climate or land use because they do not consider the effects of soil structure dynamics at seasonal to decadal  (e.g. root growth, activity of macro-fauna) and centennial time scales (e.g. changes in organic matter content) on soil hydraulic functions, hydrological processes, crop growth and carbon cycling.

Here, we present a new soil-crop model that accounts for the interactions between soil structure dynamics, carbon cycling, soil physical and hydraulic properties, soil water balance and crop growth. The importance of soil structure dynamics is illustrated by long-term simulations of soil organic matter storage, soil water balance components and crop yields for a field site in central Sweden under climate change and contrasting management practices (organic amendments and crop varieties with an enhanced allocation of carbon to roots).

How to cite: Jarvis, N., Coucheney, E., Larsbo, M., Lewan, E., and Meurer, K.: Coupled modelling of soil structure dynamics, carbon cycling, hydrological processes and crop production, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12683,, 2023.

EGU23-12922 | Orals | SSS6.1

Towards a quantification of the interactions between soil architecture and microbial dynamics under a dynamical soil architecture 

Valérie Pot, Claire Chenu, Patricia Garnier, and Xavier Portell

Over the last decade, the joint development of soil imaging tools and microscale models has made possible to start quantifying the role of soil architecture on soil functions and in particular on soil microbial activity. Microscale heterogeneity of soils have been considered to explain the microbial response, developing the concept of ‘hot-spots'. A major result highlighted from these studies is that spatial accessibility between the trophic resource and soil microorganisms is a key factor (Dungait et al., 2012). Under conditions of limited access, the decomposition of soil organic matter can be drastically reduced, whereas under conditions of optimal access the physiological traits of the microorganisms control the decomposition rate (Vogel et al., 2018). Interactions between soil architecture and microbial dynamics can also be indirect through the degree of soil pore aeration. For instance, the spatial accessibility between particulate organic matter and aerated soil pores can be related to the N2O production of soil samples (Ortega et al., 2023). New indicators quantifying the spatial accessibility are now emerging (Mbé et al., 2021 ; Rohe et al., 2021). Such spatial indicators of soil heterogeneity could feed the pedotransfer functions used to modulate organic matter decomposition rate in macroscale models of soil carbon dynamics. However the relevance and the robustness of these indicators to explain microbial activity remain to be evaluated (Schlüter et al., 2022). They have been established for static environmental conditions while soil architecture is highly dynamical, continuously changing under biotic and abiotic factors. Due to the complexity of obtaining sequential imaging datasets, few studies have imaged the 3D dynamics of soil architecture (Bottinelli et al., 2016). Mathematical models simulating the deformation of the 3D arrangement of solid particles using geomechanics laws for granular media (Duriez & Galusinski, 2021) or using fractal approaches for simplified soils (Perrier, 1995) have been developed. Other microscale modelling studies have attempted to simulate soil architecture dynamics through the action of microbes or physico-chemical processes using simplified rules (Crawford et al., 2012 ; Rupp et al., 2019). These incentive models have yet to be used to simulate microbial soil functions. We discuss these approaches and how they could be used to investigate to what extent the dynamics of soil architecture modifies the spatial accessibility between organic matter and microorganisms and in fine the soil organic matter decomposition rate.



Bottinelli et al., 2016. Geoderma 65, 78-86.

Crawford et al., 2012. J R Soc Interface 9, 1302-1310.

Dungait et al., 2012. Global Change Biology 18, 1781-1796.

Duriez & Galusinski, 2021. Computers & Geosciences 15, 104936.

Mbé et al., 2021. Eur J Soil Sci., 13144

Ortega et al., 2023. Geoderma, 116224.

Perrier , 1995. PhD Thesis.

Rupp et al., 2019. Front Environ Sci. 7, 170.

Schlüter et al., 2022. Soil, 8, 253–267.

Vogel et al., 2018. Ecological Modelling 383, 10-22.

How to cite: Pot, V., Chenu, C., Garnier, P., and Portell, X.: Towards a quantification of the interactions between soil architecture and microbial dynamics under a dynamical soil architecture, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12922,, 2023.

EGU23-13683 | Orals | SSS6.1

Mechanistic understanding of the effect of soil carbonates and organic amendments on soil structure and biological activity. 

Xavier Portell, Isabel S. de Soto, Wilfred Otten, Paul D. Hallett, and Iñigo Virto

Calcareous soils are common in arid and semi-arid regions and account for around half of the earth surface. In addition to the more widely studied soil organic carbon (SOC) pools, these soils also hold a large stock of soil inorganic carbon (SIC) surpassing SOC stocks. Nonetheless, despite their relevance, the effect of the interplay between SOC and SIC in calcareous soils is still poorly understood.

Soil carbonates can dissolve and re-precipitate in soil pores in short periods of time, dynamically changing the soil pore space, causing direct and indirect impacts on the SOC cycle that increase organic matter turnover rates (Fernández-Ugalde et al., 2011) than in soils of similar characteristics (climate, clay content, etc) without carbonates. This can be partially caused by the fact that carbonates dynamics (dissolution-precipitation) contributes somehow to a slower mineralization of organic matter. Several hypotheses exist to explain this positive effect for the stabilisation of SOC. One is the abundance of Ca that would favour mineral-mineral and organo-mineral interactions and associations. Another is that carbonates can protect SOC from further degradation by cementation. This can be related to carbonate crystals interfering with SOC mineralization by microorganisms.

We use a combination of 3D X-ray Computed Tomography and new mechanistic modelling to determine the relationship between the presence of carbonates in soil (and their dynamics) on the SOC mineralization rates (modelled). Preliminary results will be presented in this contribution.

Soil samples subject to different treatments were obtained from two soil sites: Arazuri (Navarra, Spain) and Rodezno (Rioja, Spain). The Arazuri soil supports a long-term experiment assessing the effect of the continuous application of sewage sludge on agricultural soil quality and productivity. Two contrasting fertilisation treatments corresponding to a baseline (mineral fertilization) and a high organic fertilisation treatment (80 t ha-1 of sewage sludge) were selected. Rodezno samples were obtained in an agricultural field subject to identical historical agricultural management for decades but naturally presenting two types of soils, differing in their carbonate content in their upper horizon (none and 20% equivalent calcium carbonate) due to their position on the landscape. Air-dried soil aggregates were scanned using a Nikon XT H 225ST X-ray CT system at two voxel resolutions 5 µm (2-5 mm aggregate size) and 25 µm (> 5 mm aggregate size). In parallel, a spatially-explicit mechanistic model of the SOC dynamics (Portell et al. 2018) considering explicitly the role of soil bacteria was expanded to take into account the modifications of the soil architecture due to the presence of soil carbonates as observed in the scanned samples.

Image-analysis of the X-ray CT data allowed to quantify the effect of calcium and organic fertilisation in the pore space distribution and connectivity. In addition, the combination of imaging data and the mechanistic model allowed to estimate mineralisation rates and link them to the calcium carbonate content and fertilisation treatment. Overall, our research provides a deeper understanding of the soil carbon organic and inorganic cycles.

References: Fernández-Ugalde et al. (2011). Geoderma,164: 203-214; Portell et al. (2018) Front. Microbiol. 9:1583.

How to cite: Portell, X., de Soto, I. S., Otten, W., Hallett, P. D., and Virto, I.: Mechanistic understanding of the effect of soil carbonates and organic amendments on soil structure and biological activity., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13683,, 2023.

EGU23-13930 | Posters on site | SSS6.1

Freezing-Thawing Cycles of Saturated Sand Sample 

Martina Sobotkova, Alexandr Zak, Michal Snehota, and Michal Benes

Freezing and thawing cycles in laboratory were studied. Freezing-thawing cycles were carried out in the laboratory on fully saturated packed sand sample (15 cm in diameter and 20 cm in height). Series of freezing-thawing cycles were conducted with newly designed experimental setup. The setup consisted of inner plastic tube covered on its sides and outer plastic tube. The column sample was placed into the precisely controlled freezer chamber. The top of the sample was covered by an aluminum lid. Initially the sample was equilibrated at +10 °C then the temperature inside the chamber was changed to -10 °C. The inner temperature of the sample was monitored in three depths by thin temperature sensors (109 SS, Campbell Scientific, USA) horizontally inserted into the sample. The experiment aims to provide information on freezing dynamics and thermo-mechanical changes during the freezing and thawing cycles. Horizontal gradient within freezing cycle was monitored. The data were compared with simulations obtained by a numerical model (Žák et al., 2013). The model is based on the heat balance within the sample assembly and a modified heat equation for the porous medium temperature allowing for the phase transition below the freezing point depression. 

How to cite: Sobotkova, M., Zak, A., Snehota, M., and Benes, M.: Freezing-Thawing Cycles of Saturated Sand Sample, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13930,, 2023.

EGU23-15651 | ECS | Orals | SSS6.1

Soil N2O emissions: how much does soil structure matter? 

Emile Maillet, Isabelle Cousin, Marine Lacoste, and Agnes Grossel

Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a greenhouse gas almost 300 times more powerful than CO2 in terms of global warming potential, and it is also the first ozone-depleting substance emitted in the 21st century. Approximately 43% of N2O emissions are estimated to be due to anthropogenic activities worldwide, and 52% of this anthropogenic part come from cultivated soils. The main cause of anthropogenic emissions is nitrogen fertilization.

The production, transfer and emission of N2O from soils are complex multifactorial processes, with a high spatial and temporal variability. Although N2O production in soils has multiple origins, the main source remains denitrification reactions during microbial respiration under anaerobic conditions. Thus, one of the major soil control factors is the availability of oxygen to soil organisms, which partly depends on the soil structure. The spatiotemporal variability of N2O emissions is explored by deterministic studies that focus either on the soil microstructure scale, i.e. the scale of N2O production and microorganism habitat, or on the macrostructure scale, to focus on fluids transfers. However, the influence of soil micro- and macrostructure studied together on N2O emissions is still poorly known, and represents the objective of this work.

A multi-scale approach was adopted to better understand the determinism of N2O emissions. The spatial variability of N2O emissions at the field scale was estimated during a snap-shot campaign on the same soil type with contrasted structural states, induced by different agricultural practices (4 soil modalities crossing strip-till and tillage with compacted or uncompacted areas). 24 soil cylinders were collected in low and high N2O emission zones and were then scanned by using both X-ray macro- and micro-tomography. Quantitative morphological tools were used to describe soil structure at the macro and micro scales while simultaneously studying other soil properties influencing N2O emissions (air permeability, gas diffusivity, nitrogen, pH, soil texture, etc.). The 4 soil modalities studied showed contrasted N2O emissions along with contrasting macrostructural and gas transfer indices. The ongoing work is aimed at clarifying the relationships between multiscale soil structure, gas transfer and other soil factors on N2O emissions.

How to cite: Maillet, E., Cousin, I., Lacoste, M., and Grossel, A.: Soil N2O emissions: how much does soil structure matter?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15651,, 2023.

Deep burrowing earthworms produce exudates that coat the biopore wall with compacted finer-textured and organic matter-rich. The coating exhibit high spatial heterogeneity that, although connected to the inter- and intra-aggregate pore network in structured soils, can limit the flow exchange between the macropore and the soil matrix during preferential flow. Such flow exchange can be dynamically quantified if known the complex hydro-mechanical interrelations between biopore structure and soil matrix affecting the stress-strain behaviour at macroscopic scale. Our hypothesis was that the hydro-mechanical interrelations may be described with the discrete element method (DEM) coupled with the pore finite volume (PFV) approach if the model reproduces the pore network between coating and soil aggregates. Therefore, the objective was to develop a coupled DEM-PFV model together with a parameterization procedure based on machine learning algorithm to find the dependency between macroscopic mechanical and hydraulic soil properties obtained from drainage experiments of biopore samples to calibrate micro parameters of the model. The solid phase of the soil matrix was created using DEM inside a cube of about 5 cm edge, randomly filled with two aggregate sizes of 1 mm diameter (constituted by particles of 0.052 mm in diameter) and 0.4 mm diameter (constituted by particles of 0.03 mm in diameter). The pack of aggregates was compressed until the porosity reached the experimental value. The coating surface was created with a thickness of 0.25 mm and particles of 0.015 mm in diameter and compressed to reproduce the experimental porosity. The DEM models were coupled with a two-phase PFV model (2PFV) to simulate hydro mechanical effects during drainage. A total of 500 drainage simulations were performed for matrix and coated sample by randomly varying particle Young's modulus and bond strength. Saturation and strain along with the pressure head were measured to train the machine learning algorithm. The drainage experiments were designed to promote the movement of water from the soil matrix across the coated burrow surface. Thus, the samples were placed in the sandbox with the coated burrow in contact with the sand layer. An optical-laser sensor together with a tensiometer were used to quantify the pressure-head and sample shrinkage while the pressure was reduced at a rate of approximately 50 Pa s-1. In total, 40 samples of each treatment were used in these measurements. The poly-dispersed DEM-2PFV model was able to reproduce the pore network of coating material and the inter- and intra-aggregate pore network of the matrix that changed dynamically with the increment of pressure head. The machine learning model revealed that the bond strength among particles within aggregates governed the shrinkage of soil matrix, while the particle stiffness of the coating material reduced the susceptibility of aggregate breakage producing a more stable inter-aggregated pore network during the drainage process. This study confirmed that coating material present in biopore surface increases the horizontal soil hydro structural stability. The microscale hydro-mechanic modelling can be useful for finding flow exchange parameters inputs for upscaled models and correlating pore-scale parameters to experimentally determined stress-strain macro parameters.

How to cite: Barbosa, L. A. and Gerke, H. H.: A discrete element model for describing coupled hydro-mechanical processes during drying of soils with coated worm burrows, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16408,, 2023.

EGU23-16637 | ECS | Orals | SSS6.1

Compared physical properties of repacked and undisturbed soil samples as assessed by shrinkage analysis: method, interest and limitations 

Cédric Deluz, Pascal Boivin, Thomas Keller, and Sebastian Dötterl

Field scale is a key scale for soil quality management in cropland, particularly for organic carbon and nutrient contents. To cope with within field variability, composite samples are collected which allows determining inexpensive average analytical properties for purposes such as soil quality monitoring. This is not feasible for most soil physical properties which require the collection of undisturbed soil samples for their determination. Unfortunately, most physical properties show large and unpredictable variability, thus leading to heavy soil sampling, laboratory costs and physical data processing to determine field properties and their time trend. Shrinkage analysis (ShA) provides a characterization of the soil pores, their air and water equilibrium and the soil structure stability, on the full soil water content range. It is usually performed on undisturbed soil samples; however, it was also performed on repacked soil samples from 2 mm size hand-fractioned aggregates. Moreover, it characterizes the physical properties of the two pore systems, namely the structural pores and the plasma pores. The later can be assumed to remain unchanged upon fractionation. Oppositely, the coarser structural pores are obviously destroyed. However, the intra aggregate structure and, therefore, the smaller size structural pores, might be conserved. In the frame of a large scale on-farm diagnosis of soil quality, we hypothesized that a part of the soil physical properties quantified with ShA could be characterized on repacked composite soil samples collected at field scale. This was tested by comparing (i) the physical properties of undisturbed soil samples and repacked soil samples on a wide range of soil types and quality and (ii) the relationships between soil organic carbon content, soil clay content, and the physical properties of undisturbed and repacked soil samples, respectively. 

How to cite: Deluz, C., Boivin, P., Keller, T., and Dötterl, S.: Compared physical properties of repacked and undisturbed soil samples as assessed by shrinkage analysis: method, interest and limitations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16637,, 2023.

EGU23-1164 | ECS | Orals | SSS6.3

Development of a probability approach to determine water and colloidal pollutant flow behavior in urban heterogeneous soils 

Gersende Fernandes, Simone Di Prima, Gislain Lipeme Kouyi, Rafael Angulo-Jaramillo, Matteo Martini, and Laurent Lassabatere

Nature-based systems are being employed to allow stormwater to infiltrate directly in the soil, which is supposed to capture pollutants. To better track the evolution of such systems performances, in particular the infiltration and filtration performances, and to be able to optimize their management, these systems need to be better known. Currently, there is a lack of knowledge and methods regarding the characterization of the macropores and matrix contributions in infiltration and filtration of urban soils, whereas the quality of groundwater and the capacities of these systems are at stake. 

To tackle these limits, a large infiltrometer of 50 cm in diameter with two water-supply reservoirs of approximately 40 L each, was developed to characterize both hydrodynamic and nanotracers transfer parameters. Cumulative water infiltration was carried out at a constant hydraulic pressure head of 10 cm. Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs), which mimic both colloidal pollutants and bacteria flow behaviors in soils, were designed to be detectable by ground-penetrating radar (GPR). Fifty volumes of SPIONs solution (i.e., 50 x 5 mL at 3.35g/L) were injected into the ring and the GPR was passed along different survey lines around the ring several times during the infiltration experiment. GPR data was treated with ReflexW (Sandmeier Scientific Software, Karlsruhe, Germany) and Rockware (RockWare, Inc, 2015) to define a 3D block diagram of the infiltration bulb. The probability of presence of the nanoparticles was obtained from comparing the radargrams, before and after nanoparticle injection, by using two methods (Allroggen and Tronicke, 2015; Di Prima et al., 2020) on a R software (

The large infiltrometer device, compared with a smaller one (Di Prima et al., 2015), is proved effective for estimating water and transfer parameters. The dispersion of SPIONs gave an idea of the relative importance of the transfer through the soil macropores as compared to the soil matrix. The probability of SPIONs presence gave information on the filtration function of soils. The whole device application will be illustrated and discussed with regard to its use for the assessment of the infiltration and filtration functions of bio-infiltration systems. 


Allroggen, N., Tronicke, J., 2015. Attribute-based analysis of time-lapse ground-penetrating radar data. Geophysics 81, H1–H8.

Di Prima, S., Lassabatere, L., Bagarello, V., Iovino, M., Angulo-Jaramillo, R., 2015. Testing a new automated single ring infiltrometer for Beerkan infiltration experiments. Geoderma 262, 20–34.

Di Prima, S., Winiarski, T., Angulo-Jaramillo, R., Stewart, R.D., Castellini, M., Abou Najm, M.R., Ventrella, D., Pirastru, M., Giadrossich, F., Capello, G., Biddoccu, M., Lassabatere, L., 2020. Detecting infiltrated water and preferential flow pathways through time-lapse ground-penetrating radar surveys. Sci. Total Environ. 726, 138511.

How to cite: Fernandes, G., Di Prima, S., Lipeme Kouyi, G., Angulo-Jaramillo, R., Martini, M., and Lassabatere, L.: Development of a probability approach to determine water and colloidal pollutant flow behavior in urban heterogeneous soils, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1164,, 2023.

EGU23-2830 | ECS | Orals | SSS6.3

Evidence of hillslope connectivity on Aleppo pine plantation by artificial stemflow experiments and preferential flow pathways detection using time-lapse ground penetrating radar surveys 

Elisa Marras, Gersende Fernandes, Filippo Giadrossich, Ryan D. Stewart, Majdi R. Abou Najm, Thierry Winiarski, Brice Mourier, Rafael Angulo-Jaramillo, Alessandro Comegna, Antonio del Campo, Laurent Lassabatere, and Simone Di Prima

The hydrological response of steep slopes catchments is strongly conditioned by the connectivity of subsurface preferential flows. The objective of this research is to investigate the role played by stemflow infiltration in subsurface water flow dynamics, focusing on a forested hillslope located in an Aleppo pine Mediterranean forest (Pinus halepensis, Mill.) located at Sierra Calderona, Valencia province, Spain. We combined stemflow artificial experiments with ground-penetrating radar (GPR) techniques as a non-invasive method to investigate stemflow-induced preferential flow paths activated by different trees and the related hydrological connectivity at the hillslope scale. Our observations allowed us to identify different dynamics associated with the initiation of stemflow and then lateral preferential flow, including the activation of connected preferential flow paths in soils that received stemflow water from different trees. These observations provided empirical evidence of the role of stemflow in the formation of lateral preferential flow networks. Our measurements allow estimations of flow velocities and  new insight on the magnitude of stem-induced lateral preferential flow paths. The applied protocol offers a simple, repeatable and non-invasive way to conceptualize hillslope responses to rainstorms.

How to cite: Marras, E., Fernandes, G., Giadrossich, F., Stewart, R. D., Abou Najm, M. R., Winiarski, T., Mourier, B., Angulo-Jaramillo, R., Comegna, A., del Campo, A., Lassabatere, L., and Di Prima, S.: Evidence of hillslope connectivity on Aleppo pine plantation by artificial stemflow experiments and preferential flow pathways detection using time-lapse ground penetrating radar surveys, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2830,, 2023.

EGU23-2879 | ECS | Orals | SSS6.3

Spatio-temporal variation of surface soil hydraulic properties under different tillage and maize-based crop sequences in a Mediterranean area 

Rasendra Talukder, Daniel Plaza-Bonilla, Carlos Cantero-Martínez, Simone Di Prima, and Jorge Lampurlanés

In arid and semi-arid regions, high intensity rainfall and/or irrigation water drop leads to development of surface crust, and it has the potential to alter surface soil hydraulic properties while also accelerating runoff and erosion. However, the temporal variation of soil hydraulic properties under irrigated conditions due to surface crust under different soil management practices has rarely been studied. On a long-term tillage field experiment (26 years), in Agramunt, NE Spain, a study was carried out using Beerkan infiltration tests in conjunction with the inverse optimization algorithms of  the BEST method (Beerkan Estimation of Soil Transfer parameters) to investigate the effects of surface crusting on the spatio-temporal variation of saturated soil hydraulic conductivity (Ks, mm s-1), sorptivity (S, mm s-0.5), mean pore size (r, mm) and number of hydraulically active pores per unit area (N, m-2). Three tillage systems (intensive tillage, IT, reduced tillage, RT; and no-tillage, NT), two crop sequences (short fallow-maize, FM; and legume-maize, LM) and two positions (within the row of crops, W-row, and between the rows of crops, B-row) were assessed to evaluate the crusting effect on the above-mentioned soil hydro-physical properties. In response to autumn tillage, IT increased Ks and S due to higher r and N, but both declined after 60 days. RT, on the other hand, exhibited resilient to crust formation and despite having a lower N value, maintained comparable Ks and S values. After the spring tillage, its effect was immediately lost because of high-frequency water application, and both IT and RT developed crusted layers, resulting in decreased Ks, S and N. Long-term NT was resilient to form crust and an increasing trend of Ks and S was observed over time, except for the last sampling. Spatial variation (i.e., B-row vs. W-row) of Ks and S was found because of crusting, and independently of crop sequence, non-crusted soils (W-row) had consistently higher Ks (0.021 vs. 0.009 mm s-1)and S (0.65 vs. 0.38 mm s-0.5) than crusted soils (B-row) due to their lower bulk density and N. According to the findings of this study, conservation agriculture practices such as RT and NT improve the stability of surface soil structure and steadily reduce the risk of crust development. Further, surface cover by crops may help to prevent crust formation within the row of crops, improving soil hydraulic conductivity. This enhanced water flow path must not be neglected when measuring infiltration.

How to cite: Talukder, R., Plaza-Bonilla, D., Cantero-Martínez, C., Di Prima, S., and Lampurlanés, J.: Spatio-temporal variation of surface soil hydraulic properties under different tillage and maize-based crop sequences in a Mediterranean area, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2879,, 2023.

Homogeneous soil and related darcean approaches are sometimes insufficient to describe flow processes in porous media. For this purpose, the double permeability (DP) approach was proposed by Gerke and van Genuchten (1993) and was then adapted by Lassabatere et al. (2014) to the quasi-exact implicit infiltration model of Haverkamp et al. (1994). The separation into two compartments called fast-flow and matrix regions with related volumetric fractions allows the modeling of preferential flow in soils. The inverting procedure from multiple-tension disc infiltration experiments proposed by Lassabatere et al. (2014) allows the estimation of DP hydraulic soil properties, i.e., the quantification of the volumetric fractions occupied by the two regions and their related hydraulic properties. This approach was applied to the studied experimental green roofs. Green roofs are structures known to play the role of buffer medium by absorbing the peak loads in the stormwater networks (thus reducing the risk of floods) and contributing to the attenuation of the urban heat island. The quantified hydrological contribution of these structures at the urban scale can be approached with the help of numerical modeling. In this study, we investigated the numerical modeling of the flow in vegetated roofs, which remain a challenging topic. In this study, multiple-tension infiltrometry tests were applied to experimental lysimeters simulating a vegetated roof (Yilmaz et al., 2016). These experimental infiltration data were inverted using the DP approach to estimate the properties of the material constitutive of the studied green roofs. Then Hydrus 1-D software was used to model the runoff produced by the experimental roof for several rainfall events. For this purpose, a summer period with three successive rain events was chosen, and the ability of DP to simulate the observed runoff was investigated. The results allow the validation of the proposed characterization and modeling method and provide material for understanding the hydraulic behavior of green roofs and the permanence of preferential flow in these structures. 

Gerke, H.H., van Genuchten, M.T., 1993. A dual‐porosity model for simulating the preferential movement of water and solutes in structured porous media. Water Resources Research 29, 305–319.

Haverkamp, R., Ross, P.J., Smettem, K.R.J., Parlange, J.Y., 1994. 3-Dimensional analysis of infiltration from the disc infiltrometer .2. Physically-based infiltration equation. Water Resources Research 30, 2931–2935.

Lassabatere, L., Yilmaz, D., Peyrard, X., Peyneau, P.E., Lenoir, T., Šimůnek, J., Angulo-Jaramillo, R., 2014. New analytical model for cumulative infiltration into dual-permeability soils. Vadose Zone Journal 13, vzj2013.10.0181.

Yilmaz, D., Sabre, M., Lassabatère, L., Dal, M., Rodriguez, F., 2016. Storm water retention and actual evapotranspiration performances of experimental green roofs in French oceanic climate. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering 20, 344–362.

How to cite: Yilmaz, D. and Lassabatere, L.: Estimation of dual permeability hydraulic properties and modeling the hydrological response of an experimental green roof, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2926,, 2023.

EGU23-3409 | Posters on site | SSS6.3

Infiltrometer ring-size effects on infiltration and macropore hydraulic activation 

Saint-Martin Saint-Louis, Anthony Traullé, Gersende Fernandes, Simone Di Prima, Rafael Angulo-Jaramillo, and Laurent Lassabatere

Climate and global changes will force cities to adapt to new drastic meteorological and hydrological conditions. Within this context, urban planning has pointed to the need to restore the natural water cycle in urban cities. Restoring the natural water cycle means promoting water infiltration in urban areas to facilitate groundwater recharge and minimize runoff at the soil surface. Several techniques were developed with this goal, including those aimed at infiltrating water in specific drainage works like sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS). However, the management of SUDS requires monitoring their capability to infiltrate water and its permanence with time. Indeed, several processes may impact the hydraulic characteristics of soils and, consequently, the infiltration capacity of bio-retention. Among others, clogging may reduce the soil's hydraulic conductivity and decrease infiltration. Conversely, plant growth and related development of root systems may promote macropore networks and increase the bulk hydraulic conductivity of soil, resulting in an increase in infiltration.

Infiltration techniques, including single-ring water infiltration experiments, were developed to monitor the soil's hydraulic properties and investigate their evolution with time. Infiltration techniques are based on infiltration tests with rings with radii in the order of 5-10 cm. If the question of the type of condition imposed at the soil surface was already posed (e.g., the question of the value of the water pressure head to impose, the presence of a sand layer for tension infiltrometers, etc.), the question of the ring size has not been investigated in depth.

In this study, we investigate the impact of the ring size on the results of water infiltration experiments, particularly regarding the activation of the soil macropore network and the hydraulic characterization of soils. We then performed infiltration experiments with rings of two contrasting sizes (7.5 cm versus 25 cm for the radius). Water infiltrations were carried out, involving the same total cumulative infiltration depth of 300 mm. BEST methods were then applied to derive the soil hydraulic parameters (Angulo-Jaramillo et al., 2019). The results were then compared between the large and the regular (small) rings. Differences in estimate means and standard deviations were discussed for each hydraulic parameter. Numerical modeling was also performed using HYDRUS (Radcliffe and Simunek, 2018) with synthetic soils to explain the difference in results between ring sizes with the concept of partial activation of the macropore network depending on the ring size. Our results constitute the first step toward understanding the ring effect on soil hydraulic characterization and its optimization with regard to the activation of all types of porosities.


Angulo-Jaramillo, R., Bagarello, V., Di Prima, S., Gosset, A., Iovino, M., Lassabatere, L., 2019. Beerkan Estimation of Soil Transfer parameters (BEST) across soils and scales. J. Hydrol. 576, 239–261.

Radcliffe, D.E., Simunek, J., 2018. Soil physics with HYDRUS: Modeling and applications. CRC press.

How to cite: Saint-Louis, S.-M., Traullé, A., Fernandes, G., Di Prima, S., Angulo-Jaramillo, R., and Lassabatere, L.: Infiltrometer ring-size effects on infiltration and macropore hydraulic activation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3409,, 2023.

EGU23-3810 | Posters on site | SSS6.3

Modeling cumulative infiltration into dual-permeability soils 

Laurent Lassabatere, Deniz Yilmaz, Pierre-Emmanuel Peyneau, Simone Di Prima, Majdi Abou Najm, Ryan D. Stewart, Jesús Fernández-Gálvez, Joseph Pollacco, and Rafael Angulo-Jaramillo

Preferential flow is the rule rather than the exception, which questions the applicability of homogeneous models to simulate flows accurately. Gerke and van Genuchten (1993) developed the dual-permeability (DP) approach to account for preferential flow. This approach describes the soil as a combination of the fast-flow and the matrix regions. It defines a set of partial differential equations based on the application of Richards' equation to each region, in combination with an additional equation to govern water exchange between the two regions. In this study, we propose a strategy to model cumulative infiltration into DP soils considering the magnitude of the water exchange between the two regions.

In the absence of water exchange, infiltration can be considered independently in each region (Lassabatere et al., 2014). Consequently, the bulk infiltration at the soil surface equals the sum of the infiltration into the two independent regions weighted by their volumetric fractions. For this reason, the quasi-exact implicit (QEI) analytical model developed by Haverkamp et al. (1994) for single permeability (SP) Darcian soils can be applied to each region, and the two separate infiltrations can be summed to compute the bulk infiltration. The resulting QEI-Σ model was already detailed in Lassabatere et al. (2014). In the case of instantaneous water exchange, the water pressure head equilibrates instantaneously between the two regions. At any water pressure head, the bulk soil water retention and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity equal the combination of these hydraulic functions for the two regions. On a physical basis, the soil behaves as a Darcian soil with bimodal hydraulic functions, and water infiltration can be quantified by solving Richards’ equation considering bimodal hydraulic functions. Consequently, the QEI model can be used with the "bimodal" sorptivity computed from the bimodal hydraulic functions to depict the QEI-S2K model. Between these two limiting scenarios (i.e., zero versus instantaneous water exchange between the two regions), the problem must be solved numerically.

In this study, we modeled water infiltration into DP soils for various scenarios between the two extreme cases of zero and instantaneous water exchange. We used the two limiting models, QEI-Σ and QEI-S2K, to compare the cumulative infiltration for zero versus instantaneous water exchange. We used numerical simulation with HYDRUS-1D to solve the same scenario and compared it with the analytical models. Then, we modeled the cases with intermediate magnitudes of water exchange to characterize the progression from one extreme to the other. We then varied the value of the hydraulic conductivity of the interface between the two regions, with null values corresponding to zero water exchange, and quasi-infinite values corresponding to instantaneous water exchange. Our findings participate in the optimization of direct and inverse modeling procedures for preferential flow and their contributions to water infiltration into soils.

Gerke, H.H., van Genuchten, M.T., 1993. Water Resources Research 29, 305–319.

Haverkamp, R., Ross, P.J., Smettem, K.R.J., Parlange, J.Y., 1994. Water Resources Research 30, 2931–2935.

Lassabatere, L., Yilmaz, D., Peyrard, X., Peyneau, P.E., Lenoir, T., Šimůnek, J., Angulo-Jaramillo, R., 2014. Vadose Zone Journal 13.

How to cite: Lassabatere, L., Yilmaz, D., Peyneau, P.-E., Di Prima, S., Abou Najm, M., Stewart, R. D., Fernández-Gálvez, J., Pollacco, J., and Angulo-Jaramillo, R.: Modeling cumulative infiltration into dual-permeability soils, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3810,, 2023.

EGU23-3977 | ECS | Orals | SSS6.3

The linkage between near-saturated hydraulic conductivity and tritium leaching 

Ping Xin, Charles Pesch, Trine Norgaard, Goswin Heckrath, Kai Zhang, Lis Jonge, and Bo V.Iversen

Macropore flow in structured soils is an important process in relation to the transport of water, contaminants and nutrients in the soil. A close relation exists between hydraulic conductivity K(h) near saturation and the potential of macropore flow. At the same time, tracer breakthrough experiments in the laboratory can determine the degree of macropore flow. In this study, we aim to investigate a direct link between tracer breakthrough characteristics and soil hydraulic properties (SHPs) of structured soils, which may explain spatial variation of solute transport in soils. We used SHPs and tracer breakthrough characteristics for 71 undisturbed topsoil columns (19 cm height, 20 cm diameter) from Denmark. We defined K10 (near-saturated hydraulic conductivity) as K(h) at a matric potential (h) of −10 cm and used logarithmic transformation, logK10. On the same soil columns, we calculated the 5%, 25%, and 50 % arrival times (AT) as the percentage of the cumulative relative mass of tracer percolating through the bottom of the soil column. The regression analyses proved significant positive relation between logK10 and 5% AT, 25% AT, and 50 % AT. The saturated hydraulic conductivity appeared to be less critical for the shape of the tracer breakthrough curves. In addition, the 5% AT, 25% AT, and 5 0%AT correlated with soil pF values at 1.7, 2.0, and 2.5 (volumetric water content at h equal to −100 cm, −300 cm, and −500 cm, respectively) showing significant negative correlations.  Linking SHPs with tracer breakthrough characteristics on large intact columns thus proves highly useful for characterizing soil macropore functions.

How to cite: Xin, P., Pesch, C., Norgaard, T., Heckrath, G., Zhang, K., Jonge, L., and V.Iversen, B.: The linkage between near-saturated hydraulic conductivity and tritium leaching, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3977,, 2023.

EGU23-4078 | Orals | SSS6.3

Assessment of the BEST-WR three-term formulation to estimate water repellent soil hydraulic properties 

Deniz Yilmaz, Simone Di Prima, and Laurent Lassabatere

It’s known that certain soils surfaces may be subjected to water repellence, which prevents immediate water infiltration. With time, the water repellence vanishes and the water infiltration initiates. In such situation, the infiltration models developed for regular soils are not able to describe this early infiltration process. Recently, Abou Najm et al. (2021) proposed a simple corrector factor to deal with this problem and to account for water repellence at the beginning of the infiltration process in water-repellent soils. These authors applied their correction factor to the Philip two-term approximate transient expression. Recently, Di Prima et al. (2021) used this approach to adapt the BEST-slope algorithm (Lassabatere et al., 2006), based on the two terms transient expansion of the quasi-exact implicit (QEI) model for modelling water infiltration into regular soils for the estimation of the initial soil sorptivity (S) and the saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) of water repellent soils. The new model for the hydraulic characterization of soils regardless the degree of water-repellence, was named BEST-WR. It was validated using analytically generated data, involving soils with different textures and a dataset that included data from 60 single-ring infiltration tests. However, some points of the BEST-WR method deserved further investigations, especially concerning the validity time of the two-term approximate expansion used to fit the data. Indeed, if this validity time is defined for the BEST-Slope method, this is not the case for the BEST-WR method. To alleviate the issue of the limitation in time, Yilmaz et al. (2022) proposed an extension of the BEST-WR model by increasing the number of terms considered for the approximate expansions of the QEI model. They applied the correction factor to the three-term approximate expansion which is known to have a much wider validity time interval. This new formulation called BEST-WR-3T has the advantage of being valid on a very large time interval, allowing the modelling of the whole experimental datasets, without worrying about time limitations, for most practical applications. In this study, this new more robust formulation is evaluated on several examples using both analytical and field infiltration obtained with different approaches: the regular manual Beerkan method or using the automated infiltrometers developed by Di Prima et al. (2016). The robustness of the new method is observed when the BEST-WR method encounters difficulties in estimating soils parameters.  


Abou Najm et al. (2021). A Simple Correction Term to Model Infiltration in Water‐Repellent Soils. Water Resources Research, 57(2), e2020WR028539.

Di Prima et al. (2016). Testing a new automated single ring infiltrometer for Beerkan infiltration experiments. Geoderma, 262, 20-34.

Di Prima, et al. (2021). BEST-WR: An adapted algorithm for the hydraulic characterization of hydrophilic and water-repellent soils. Journal of Hydrology, 603, 126936.

Lassabatère et al. (2006). Beerkan estimation of soil transfer parameters through infiltration experiments—BEST. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 70(2), 521-532.

Yilmaz et al. (2022). Three-term formulation to describe infiltration in water-repellent soils. Geoderma, 427, 116127.

How to cite: Yilmaz, D., Di Prima, S., and Lassabatere, L.: Assessment of the BEST-WR three-term formulation to estimate water repellent soil hydraulic properties, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4078,, 2023.

EGU23-4174 | ECS | Orals | SSS6.3

Does soil structure affect water infiltration? Global results from a meta-data systematic review 

Christelle Basset, Majdi Abou Najm, Xiaoxiao Hao, and Andre Daccache

Soil structure is a crucial component of soil health and quality that significantly impacts water infiltration. Natural or anthropogenic drivers, such as soil management practices, can drastically alter soil structure, which in turn can affect water infiltration. These changes in soil structure have opposing effects on water infiltration into soils and are often difficult to quantify. Here, we present a narrative systematic review (SR) of the impacts of soil structure on water infiltration. Based on inclusion and exclusion criteria, as well as defined methods for literature search and data extraction, our systematic review led to a total of 153 papers divided into two sets: experimental (131) and theoretical (22) papers. That implied a sizable number of in-situ and field experiments that were conducted to evaluate the effects of soil structure on water infiltration under the influence of different land uses and soil practices. Significant effects of soil structure on water infiltration were inferred from analyzing the metadata extracted from the collected articles. These effects were further linked to land use and management, where we demonstrated the influence of three distinct categories: tillage, crop management, and soil amendments. Additionally, significant correlations between infiltration rate and soil structural characteristics were established, with R2 values ranging from 0.51 to 0.80, as well as between saturated hydraulic conductivity and soil structural characteristics, with R2 values varying from 0.21 to 0.78. Finally, our review emphasized the significant absence of and the need for theoretical frameworks studying the impacts of soil structure on water infiltration.

How to cite: Basset, C., Abou Najm, M., Hao, X., and Daccache, A.: Does soil structure affect water infiltration? Global results from a meta-data systematic review, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4174,, 2023.

EGU23-4362 | Posters on site | SSS6.3

Capturing SUbsurface PREferential transport processes in agricultural HILLslope soils: SUPREHILL CZO 

Lana Filipović, Vedran Krevh, Jasmina Defterdarović, Zoran Kovač, Igor Bogunović, Ivan Mustać, Steffen Beck-Broichsitter, Horst H. Gerke, Jannis Groh, Radka Kodešová, Aleš Klement, Jaromir Dusek, Hailong He, Giuseppe Brunetti, Thomas Baumgartl, and Vilim Filipović

Agricultural hillslopes present particular challenges for estimating vadose zone dynamics due to a variety of processes, such as surface runoff, vertical flow, erosion, subsurface preferential flow affected by soil structure and layering, non-linear chemical behaviour, evapotranspiration, etc. To investigate these processes and complexity, the SUPREHILL critical zone observatory (CZO) was started in 2020, at vineyard hillslope site in Croatia. The observatory is extensively equipped for the soil-water regime and agrochemical fluxes monitoring, and includes an extensive sensor network, lysimeters (weighing and passive wick), suction probes, surface and subsurface flow and precipitation collection instruments. The main objective of the SUPREHILL observatory is to quantify subsurface lateral and local scale preferential flow processes. Local-scale nonlinear processes in eroded agricultural hillslope sites have large significance on water and solute behaviour within the critical zone and thus need to be researched in depth using combined methods and various approaches. First results from the sensor and lysimeter network, soil-water regime monitoring, isotope analysis, and agrochemical concentrations in 2021 supported the hypothesis of the observatory, that the subsurface flow plays a relevant part in the hillslope soil-water dynamics. In the wick lysimeter network, although the highest cumulative outflow values were found at the hilltop, the highest individual measurements were found at the footslope. During high-intensity rainfall events, there were differences in weighing lysimeters, possibly related to subsurface lateral flow. Based on the isotope analysis, wick lysimeters exhibit a greater variation of d-excess values than suction probes. Agrochemical fluxes confirmed the sloping effect on their transport in soil and demonstrated the favourability of Cu transport by subsurface flow. Using the comprehensive database presented herein, future analyses of this hypothesis will be carried out in more detail using model-based analyses.  

How to cite: Filipović, L., Krevh, V., Defterdarović, J., Kovač, Z., Bogunović, I., Mustać, I., Beck-Broichsitter, S., Gerke, H. H., Groh, J., Kodešová, R., Klement, A., Dusek, J., He, H., Brunetti, G., Baumgartl, T., and Filipović, V.: Capturing SUbsurface PREferential transport processes in agricultural HILLslope soils: SUPREHILL CZO, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4362,, 2023.

Treated wastewater (TWW) has gained recognition as an alternative source for freshwater irrigation and is steadily expanding worldwide, particularly under the current climate change. Beyond its many advantages, it has been found that prolonged use of TWW renders the soil water-repellent to certain degrees. The flow in these soils has been known to take place in preferential flow pathways (unstable flow). This lecture presents the results of a study performed in a commercial citrus orchard grown on sandy-loam soil in central Israel that has been irrigated with TWW. Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) surveys revealed that water flow in the soil profile is occurring along preferential flow paths, leaving behind a considerably nonuniform water-content distribution. The preferential flow in the soil profile led to uneven distribution of salts and nutrients, with substantially high concentrations in the drier spots and lower concentrations in the wetter spots along the preferential flow paths. The chemical's pore concentration, which depends on the local soil water content, is higher than paste-measured concentrations and may even reach toxic values. This could partially explain the negative effect that prolonged TWW irrigation has on soil and trees. The relationship between water-repellent soils and the spatially nonuniform distribution of nutrients and salts in the root zone was verified in a consecutive in-situ study where soil water repellency was eliminated by surfactant application to the soil. Repeated ERT surveys and chemical concentration measurements in disturbed soil samples along transects revealed that the surfactant application diminished the preferential flow pathways and rendered the soil water and dissolved chemicals uniformly distributed. The preferential flow elimination and increased chemical distribution uniformity result in a yield increase compared to the surfactant-untreated soil. The different aspects of the results will be further presented and discussed. 

How to cite: Wallach, R.: The effect of water-repellent soil-induced preferential flow on the spatial distribution of nutrients and salts in the soil profile of a commercial orchard, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4692,, 2023.

The soil water retention curves(SWRCs) were acquired by experiments based on the evaporation method and compared with the result of volumetric pressure plate and chilled mirror tests for five samples in Korean residual soils. Under 100kPa suction, the SWRCs by the evaporation test agreed with those of volumetric pressure plate tests in the axis of effective saturation for five samples. In two samples, initial values of water content have shown 6% of difference, which doesn’t affect the fit of SWRCs. In the higher suction, the SWRCs were measured rapidly by chilled mirror tests. The SWRCs were fit efficiently  from low to high suction by both the evaporation and the chilled mirror tests. It is found that the fit only by low suction data couldn’t the actual SWRC accurately. Using the result of the current SWRCs and other data, the DB has been constructed and the parameters of the van Genuchten fit were interpreted. It was found that Korean residual soils are classified by three soils based on the range of void ratios.

Acknowledgements This research is supported by grant from Korean NRF (2019003604), which are greatly appreciated.

How to cite: Oh, S., Park, G., and Seo, Y.: A comparative study of soil water retention curves by the evaporation test with other experiments for Korean residual soil, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4893,, 2023.

EGU23-5271 | ECS | Orals | SSS6.3

Evaluating stemflow infiltration through time-lapse ground-penetrating radar surveys on a Faidherbia albida tree in Senegal's Sahel 

Saidou Talla, Waly Faye, Gersande Fernandez, Laurent Lassabatere, Rafael Angulo-Jaramillo, Olivier Roupsard, Simone Di Prima, and Frederic C. Do

In the Sahel region, agroforestry is a land-use system widely adopted as a more sustainable agricultural production system. In this type of system, woody perennials that are grown in association with agricultural crops and pastures, constitute spatially disconnected zones where microclimate and soil’s infiltrability, physical, chemical, and biological conditions are assumed locally improved. Particularly the stemflow concentrates a part of the intercepted rainfall from the canopies to the stems. Hence stemflow can induce preferential infiltration around the stem base and promote groundwater recharge.

In the West African Sahel, Faidherbia albida (Delile) A.Chev. is commonly adopted as multi-purpose woody perennial in agroforestry systems. It is a deciduous tree with an inverse phenology as it loses the leaves during the rainy season. Although, the absence of leaves during the rainy season is expected to decrease the interception and to consequently decrease stemflow, evidence of stemflow at the base of F. albida trees were reported in the literature when the stems were partially covered with green leaves (Chinen, 2007).

In this study, we carried out timelapse ground penetrating radar (GPR) surveys in conjunction with a simulated stemflow event to investigate stemflow-induced infiltration by an F. albida tree trunk and root system. We established a survey grid (2.1 m × 2.1 m) around an F. albida, consisting of twelve horizontal and ten vertical parallel survey lines with 0.3 m intervals between them. Two stemflow pulses, each of 20 L, were poured on the tree trunk using a PVC pipe with a 1-mm-diameter hole every 50 mm. The pipe was connected to a plastic funnel and positioned around the tree trunk at 0.4 m from the soil surface. One grid GPR survey was carried out before the stemflow simulation experiment. A total of 40 L of water was used during the experiment. A second survey was carried out after the injection of the first 20 L, while the last survey was carried out after the second stemflow pulse. We collected a total of 66 (3 GPR surveys × 22 survey lines) radargrams using a GSSI (Geophysical Survey System Inc., Salem, NH) SIR 3000 system with a 900-MHz antenna. We therefore obtained for each survey line a pre-wetting and two post-wetting radargrams. Next, we created other forty-four matrixes based on absolute differences between pre- and post-wetting amplitude values. Higher differenced values occurred because of amplitude changes and time shifts related to wave propagation.

The analysis of the differentiated radargrams provided evidence of deep infiltration along the tap roots. The wetted zone extended mainly in-depth providing evidence of the potential role played by the F. albida trees in groundwater recharge processes due to their deep rooting, preferably reaching the groundwater table. Put all together, this study shows a first signal of the importance of accounting for stemflow infiltration in the water balance of agroforestry systems with F. albida trees.


Chinen, T., 2007. An observation of surface runoff and erosion caused by acacia albida stemflow in dry savanna, in the south-western republic of Niger 10.

How to cite: Talla, S., Faye, W., Fernandez, G., Lassabatere, L., Angulo-Jaramillo, R., Roupsard, O., Di Prima, S., and Do, F. C.: Evaluating stemflow infiltration through time-lapse ground-penetrating radar surveys on a Faidherbia albida tree in Senegal's Sahel, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5271,, 2023.

EGU23-5608 | ECS | Orals | SSS6.3

INFILTRON-mod, a simplified preferential infiltration model for modeling bioretention systems 

Asra Asry, Gislain Lipeme Kouyi, Jérémie Bonneau, Tim D. Fletcher, and Laurent Lassabatere

The preferential flow and transport through unsaturated zones have received considerable attention in the soil and agricultural fields, particularly in increasing discharge rates and amounts and the subsequent transportation of pollutants to groundwater. Over the past century, traditional stormwater control has been replaced by a new low-impact development (LID) approach called " on-site alternative design strategy", which aims to restore or maintain the hydrological functions of urban watersheds by using the capacity of soil and vegetation to retain and filter wastewater pollution, such as bioretention facilities. Therefore, obtaining an accurate estimation of water Infiltration within Bioretention basins is crucial. The Bioretention modeling usually refers to the implicit reservoir base model, which is based on the mass balance and interaction between all the components of the hydrologic cycle (evapotranspiration, overflow, exfiltration to surrounding soils, infiltration through filter media or non-saturated zone, and underdrain discharge) during the time. Among the existing bioretention models, the unsaturated zone or filter medium is considered a homogeneous medium, and the flow is calculated with conceptual infiltration models, such as the Green-Ampt model, the Horton model, etc. Despite our knowledge that the soil reservoir medium is heterogeneous (e.g., coarse materials, plant root systems), it is, therefore, necessary to use a physics-based infiltration model that considers the impact of non-equilibrium and preferential flow on the hydrological and hydrogeochemical performance of bioretention facilities. The INFILTRON-mod, a generic physics-based package, has been proposed for this aim.

This package consists of infiltration models, including the Green-Ampt model and three other specific custom-made models, for uniform and non-uniform flows in soils based on the Darcian approach and mass balance. Uniform and non-uniform flows are modeled using the single and double permeability approaches, respectively. The dual permeability concept assumes that the soil consists of two reservoirs, i.e., the general matrix and fast flow regions, each obeying the Darcian approach. We assumed instantaneous exchange between the two regions. Consequently, we assumed that the wetting fronts in the two reservoirs advance at the same rate. Then the different sets combined with the single or double permeability approaches were tested against numerically generated data using HYDRUS and real experimental data obtained with INFILTRON-exp, "a specific large ring infiltrometer" deployed at several experimental sites.

The results show that the custom-made models lead to different results, with some being better. In addition, considering the dual permeability models improved the fits of the experimental data acquired with the infiltrometer. Then, the improved model was used to model the observations from the Wicks Reservoir bioretention basin (Melbourne, Australia), including the water head in the filter layer and outflow rates, and this led to satisfactory results. The results obtained from this study will be used to develop the INFILTRON-mod package that can be easily integrated into the LID modeling performance for calculating the infiltration element in the unsaturated filter medium.

How to cite: Asry, A., Lipeme Kouyi, G., Bonneau, J., Fletcher, T. D., and Lassabatere, L.: INFILTRON-mod, a simplified preferential infiltration model for modeling bioretention systems, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5608,, 2023.

EGU23-6752 | ECS | Orals | SSS6.3

Impact of the use of woodchips as drainage material on infiltration in secondary wastewater effluents infiltration trenches 

Pauline Louis, Laura Delgado-Gonzalez, Vivien Dubois, Laurent Lassabatère, and Rémi Clément

Wastewater management and treatment are key points in maintaining the quality and the sustainability of water resources. To preserve receiving water environments, efforts are being conducted to improve the treatment efficiency. Soil infiltration can therefore be used as a nature-based solution tertiary treatment, in some areas without surface water available, or with supplementary water bodies’ protection regulations. Secondary wastewater effluents (SWE) infiltration surfaces  mainly consist of infiltration trenches or flood-meadows. Among the main issues encountered with soil infiltration, two can be highlighted: the possible low hydraulic conductivity induced by soil clogging, on the one hand, and the use of non-renewable draining materials such as pebbles or gravel to ensure the distribution of water in trenches, on the other hand. In France, in order to overcome those issues, stakeholders are now considering the replacement of the gravel with woodchips, a renewable biodegradable material, also prone to biodiversity in soils. If there is no woodchip-filled soil infiltration surfaces downstream wastewater treatment plant in France, woodchips are however used for decentralized wastewater treatment, even though no study has quantified precisely their efficiency. The understanding of the flow processes and the risk of preferential flows in the woodchip-filled infiltration trenches is a prerequisite for a proper management of these works.

Our study aims at investigating flow regimes in woodchip-filled infiltration trenches. Several woodchip-filled infiltration trenches were studied and analyzed with regards to their infiltration capacity in four decentralized wastewater treatment sites, located in South-West of France on silty-clay soil. Measurements of infiltration capacity of the soil below the woodchips-filled trenches were conducted with infiltration tests according to the Beerkan method (Braud et al., 2005). On each site, two tests were conducted on the bottom of the infiltration trenches after extracting woodchips and two others in the soil at a lateral distance of 1 m from the infiltration trench at the same soil depth, in order to sample the same type of soil. The soil hydraulic functions, i.e., water retention and hydraulic conductivity curves, below the woodchips and in the natural soil profiles were then calculated using the BEST method (Angulo-Jaramillo et al., 2019) and compared. Our findings showed that the use of woodchips locally maintains or even enhances the infiltration rate in the soil below. Moreover, the hydraulic conductivity was 5 to 14 times higher (up to 8600 mm.d-1) in soils under woodchip-filled infiltration trenches than in the reference soils. To explain such positive effects, several hypothesis were formulated and discussed against physical, biogeochemical and ecological factors (woodchips organic amendment, suitable moisture conditions, earthworm communities’ activity). Dye tracer experiment, soil pit, and soil samples (chemical tracings and analyses) revealed the presence of preferential pathways induced by macro fauna and roots plants. An earthworm count showed that the majority of earthworms in the woodchips were 10 times higher than in the natural soil profile. Experiments also showed an organic carbon enrichment in woodchip-filled infiltration trenches soils that could lead to an improvement and stabilization of soils structure.

How to cite: Louis, P., Delgado-Gonzalez, L., Dubois, V., Lassabatère, L., and Clément, R.: Impact of the use of woodchips as drainage material on infiltration in secondary wastewater effluents infiltration trenches, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6752,, 2023.

EGU23-7099 | ECS | Orals | SSS6.3

Assessment of long-time series of soil water content through an innovative robust statistical model 

Giada Sannino, Mirko Anello, Marco Riani, Fabrizio Laurini, Marco Bittelli, Massimiliano Bordoni, Claudia Meisina, and Roberto Valentino

The aim of this research is testing a new statistical model able to describe the interaction between soil and atmosphere. The model is based on a robust parametric LTS (Least Trimmed Squares) method and harmonic functions. It has been developed taking into account field measurements of quantities involved in both infiltration and evapo-transpiration phenomena, such as volumetric water content, soil-water potential, air temperature, rainfall amounts and solar radiation. The proposed statistical model allows assessing the volumetric water content at different sites using only time series of daily rainfall amount as input data. The model was applied in different test sites, whose data were assumed by the International Soil Moisture Network (ISMN). In fact, ISMN allows getting free time series of soil and meteorological data from monitoring stations all over the world. This note shows how the proposed model is accurate with respect to field data in estimating the volumetric water content in different soils, climates and depths. Future implications of this research will regard water content predictions, especially in areas where field data are scarce. Since the proposed LTS algorithm is very efficient and the computational workload is rather low, the possibility of coupling it with a slope stability analysis over large areas will be investigated, in order to get a distributed real-time model for shallow landslides susceptibility.

How to cite: Sannino, G., Anello, M., Riani, M., Laurini, F., Bittelli, M., Bordoni, M., Meisina, C., and Valentino, R.: Assessment of long-time series of soil water content through an innovative robust statistical model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7099,, 2023.

In recent years, scientists & physicists faced a question about the macroscope boundary condition interacting with the capillary pressure related to fluid topology. How to integrate the relationship of mechanics between thermal physical quantities (e.g free energy, entropy, & pressure) and fluid topology variables (e.g surface area, mean curvature, & Euler-Characteristic) play a main role in Continuum Mechanics research on low Reynold number flow in porous media in the future. As well, developing the theory approach is our research purpose. The perspective of Newton's Mechanics can not fit the demand of dealing with multiphase porous media flow with a lot of complex and unknown constraints and cross-scoping variables. To build up the dynamic model containing the topology states for multiphase flow in porous media, we introduced two concepts to cross the barricade of Newton mechanics applying to multiphase porous media flow, the generalized coordination and Lagrangian mechanics based on Hamilton’s Principle (The Least Action Principle). The principle shows that any physical quantity changing path making the “Action” as a function(Lagrangian integration) of generalized coordination is holding the minimum. Lagrangian mechanics is widely used in many other frontal research regions depending on the Lagrangian quantity design and generalized coordination setting, including dynamical Structure Analysis, Automatic control theory, electrodynamic and Standard Models in Particle Physics.

We provide the approach from Lagrangian mechanics to describe the thermodynamic and topology changing path during the multiphase flow process. This study recognized the topology state variable as generalized coordination. Furthermore, the Lagrangian quantity and dissipation terms were designed in this research with the kinetic energy, Landau potential, and Rayleigh dissipation function. We combined Steiner’s formula as fluid geometric constraint, dissipation system, and Lagrangian Mechanics to develop the evolution dynamic equations for fluid topology properties. Then we derive the geometrical conservation equations for the topology state variables during the whole dynamics process. Also, the derivation of Darcy’s law finished from Lagrangian mechanics under saturated and steady conditions.


How to cite: Liu, C. Y. and Hsu, S. Y.: Thermodynamic and Topology path equations, Multiphase flow in porous media with Steiner’s Formula & Lagrangian Mechanics, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7331,, 2023.

EGU23-8089 | ECS | Orals | SSS6.3

Dynamic neutron and X-ray three-dimensional imaging of fluid flow and mixing during mineral precipitation in porous rocks 

Paiman Shafabakhsh, Tanguy Le Borgne, Joachim Mathiesen, Gaute Linga, Benoît Cordonnier, Anne Pluymakers, Anders Kaestner, and François Renard

Flow and mixing processes in porous media control many natural and industrial systems, such as microbial clogging, oil extraction, and effluent disposal. In many systems, the porosity may evolve during mineral precipitation, such as in rocks, and control fluid mixing and fluid transport properties. Here, we use three-dimensional in situ dynamic neutron and X-ray micro-tomography imaging to explore fluid transport into Berea sandstone core samples during in-situ carbonate precipitation. Neutron imaging can track fluid flow inside the rock, whereas X-ray imaging illuminates the regions where mineral precipitation occurs. We control the precipitation of calcium carbonate in the rock through reactive-mixing between solutions containing CaCl2 and Na2CO3. By solving the advection-diffusion equation using the contrast in neutron attenuation from time-lapse images, we derive the 3D velocity field of the injected fluids and characterize the evolution of the permeability field into the rock during mineral precipitation. We also investigate the mixing between heavy water and a cadmium solution under the influence of mineral precipitation. Results show that, under the effect of mineral precipitation, a wide range of local flow velocities develop in the sample, under the same fluid injection rate, and we quantify the distribution of flow velocities in the sample. Moreover, we observe more efficient mixing between heavy water and a cadmium solution after mineral precipitation. The finding of this experimental study is useful in progressing the knowledge in the domain of reactive solute and contaminant transport in the subsurface.

How to cite: Shafabakhsh, P., Le Borgne, T., Mathiesen, J., Linga, G., Cordonnier, B., Pluymakers, A., Kaestner, A., and Renard, F.: Dynamic neutron and X-ray three-dimensional imaging of fluid flow and mixing during mineral precipitation in porous rocks, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8089,, 2023.

EGU23-8263 | Posters on site | SSS6.3

Preferential flow in a long-term no-tillage experiment on a silt loam soil in Mediterranean conditions 

Jorge Lampurlanes, Rasendra Talukder, Daniel Plaza-Bonilla, Carlos Cantero-Martínez, and Ole Wendroth

Water flow throughout the soil allows and regulates life on the Earth's surface. Knowing where this flow mainly takes place (preferential flow) is critical i) to measure it appropriately, ii) to take advantage of it for a more efficient use of water. Soil management has great impact on soil hydrological properties and can have an effect at catchment scale, while knowing within plot variability can improve flow estimations at plot level. On a 22-year-old experiment comparing intensive (IT) and no-tillage (NT), soil hydrological properties were determined within (W-row) and between (B-row) crop rows several times along two cropping years (2018-19 and 2019-20) on undisturbed soil cores. Tillage significantly influenced soil water retention being higher under IT than NT in the wet range above -10 cm soil matric potential. The cause was a larger volume of mesopores (1000 to 300 µm in diameter) in IT. Despite that, hydraulic conductivity was significantly higher in NT in this range, especially because mesopores in NT revealed greater pore continuity than in IT. No differences in soil hydraulic conductivity were found at lower soil matric potentials. These results suggest that, although IT increases soil porosity creating new pores regularly, these pores are less interconnected than the long-standing pores created in NT by the roots and fauna activity. The lower hydraulic conductivity in IT can reduce infiltration and increase runoff losses resulting in less water available for crops.  The position with respect to the crop row (W-row or B-row), did not have an impact on soil water retention but on soil hydraulic conductivity, that was significantly higher under W-row than B-row above -10 cm H2O soil water potential. Although the volume of pores of different size classes did not differ between both row positions, continuity of macropores (>1000 µm) was significantly higher under W-row than B-row and tended to be higher W-row also for the other pore classes. The effect of the sowing slot, the growth of the plant roots, and the protective effect of the plant cover itself can explain the preferential flow pathway found W-row. The differences between flow regimes under different tillage systems found at the small scale highlight the importance of considering the site-specific management impacts on soil structure and pore geometry, as these will affect hydrological flow processes at the catchment scale. Differences between positions with respect to the plant row need to be considered to properly characterize hydrological flow phenomena in soils, even under the same management practices.

How to cite: Lampurlanes, J., Talukder, R., Plaza-Bonilla, D., Cantero-Martínez, C., and Wendroth, O.: Preferential flow in a long-term no-tillage experiment on a silt loam soil in Mediterranean conditions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8263,, 2023.

The macropore-matrix mass transfer of water and solutes is an important aspect of non-equilibrium-type of preferential flow in structured soils. For a representative soil volume, effective mass transfer parameters depend on heterogeneous local properties of the soil macropore structure, its geometry and shape, and on properties at macropore walls that can differ from those of the matrix with respect to texture, organic matter, bulk density, and porosity. These affect the soil pore system locally with respect to hydraulic, mechanic, bio-geo-chemical, and other processes. Clayey aggregate skins, for example, may be more due to plastic deformation but can restrict water exchange; solutes may become adsorbed along macropore surfaces and released under changing condition. Still relatively little is known about formation of such local biological hotspots in soil, on how to determine the local mass transfer parameters, and how to upscale to the scale of the soil volume, and on the interrelations between all the individual local properties and the combined effect on relevant bulk soil transport processes. The present contribution reviews recent experimental and modeling work including field and lab percolation experiments using the movement of bromide, Brilliant Blue, iodide, and Na-Fluorescein to identify the flow paths and parameter optimization approaches for determining such parameters. It seems that preferential transport of reactive solutes depends even more strongly on the geometry and properties at flow paths surface than the water flow itself or the movement of conservative solutes. The identification and determination of effective mass transfer parameters in two-domain models remains a challenge when considering that local changes in the soil structure are highly dynamic during the vegetation, the seasons, and due to soil management.

How to cite: Gerke, H. H.: Characterization of macropore-matrix mass transfer parameters in two-domain preferential flow models, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8635,, 2023.

EGU23-13041 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS6.3

Coupled surface and subsurface flows for earthen embankments using finite-volume methods 

Nathan Delpierre, Hadrien Rattez, and Sandra Soares-Frazao

The majority of breaching of earthen embankments is triggered by overtopping flows or waves. These phenomena are usually simulated using the shallow-water equations complemented by the Exner equation to reproduce the progressive erosion of the embankment and the growth of the breached area. Such an approach neglects the degree of water saturation in the embankment as well as the flow through the embankment that can alter the stability of this structure by reducing the soil’s mechanical strength. This is enhanced in case of severe droughts, as observed during the summer 2022, when desiccation cracks were observed in several embankments, leading to preferential paths for the water to infiltrate the soil during subsequent rainfalls.

In this paper, we present a combined approach in which the degree of saturation and the flow through the embankment are solved using the Richards equation that is coupled to the system of shallow-water equations for the flow over the embankment. The groundwater flow is simulated by solving the 2D Richards’s equation on an unstructured triangular mesh with an implicit finite volume scheme, based on a direct gradient evaluation. The shallow-water equations are solved in one dimension on a structured mesh using an explicit scheme with Roe’s formulation for the fluxes.

Several tests were performed to demonstrate the capacity of the proposed Richards’s solver to reproduce transient groundwater flows and compared to results from the literature obtained with different numerical approaches. In the same way, the shallow-water’s equation solver was validated by comparison with previous experimental results from the literature.

Then, by coupling both models using a source term, a mass-conservative coupled model was obtained. It became possible to simulate the evolution of the pore water content inside a dike subjected to overtopping for different initial conditions. Further work will focus on the interaction of dike’s related flows with erosion and mechanical failure processes, and on the validation of the model by comparisons with experimental data that will be obtained with medium-scale tests.

How to cite: Delpierre, N., Rattez, H., and Soares-Frazao, S.: Coupled surface and subsurface flows for earthen embankments using finite-volume methods, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13041,, 2023.

EGU23-14883 | ECS | Orals | SSS6.3

Could hydraulic parameters variation affect the vegetation development in treatment wetlands? 

Liviana Sciuto, Alessandro Sacco, Giuseppe L. Cirelli, Antonio C. Barbera, and Feliciana Licciardello

Abstract: Treatment wetlands (TWs) are complex ecosystems due to variable conditions of hydrology, soil hydraulics, plants and microbiological species diversity and mutual interactions. On the one hand, hydraulics plays a vital role on the treatment performance and on the life cycle of TWs, on the other hand, the vegetation substantially contributes to remove and to retain pollutants. As well known, the unavoidable and progressive clogging phenomenon in TWs affects their hydraulics. A lack of knowledge still remains to what extend hydraulic parameters variation can affect the vegetation developments in TWs. To answer to this question, the Phragmites australis development in comparison with hydraulic characteristics was monitored in a 8 years old - horizontal flow (HF) TW located in Mediterranean area (Eastern Sicily, Italy). Data were collected in nine observation points equally distributed along three transects established at 8.5 m (T1), at 17 m (T2) and at 25.5 m (T3) from the inlet. The falling head (FH) test was conducted to assess the hydraulic conductivity (Ks) variation in the HF-unit. Residence time distribution (RTD) analysis was performed to evaluate the real hydraulic retention time (HRT) and the hydraulic efficiency parameter (λ). Finally, the saturation method was applied for substrates porosity (φ) determination. In the HF-TW a morphological and chemical characterization of Phragmites australis above-ground biomass was carried out in 2022. In particular, plants density (in terms of culms number) and height (m) were measured at the end of the growing season (July). In each transect of the HF-TW, fresh weight (g), dry matter (DM, %), ash (%), volatile solids (VS, %), pH, Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN, % of DM) and fiber content (cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin) were estimated. Preliminary results showed a strong positive regression between DM and both Ks (R2 = 0.78) and porosity values (R2 = 0.97) observed in the HF-TW. This study could contribute to help plant operators to understand hydraulic characteristics effects on the biomass, to improve TWs treatment efficiency, system management and lifespan.

Keywords: Wastewater treatment, Phragmites australis, plants growth, hydraulic characteristics, substrate.

Acknowledgments: This research was funded by the University of Catania-PIAno di inCEntivi per la RIcerca di Ateneo 2020/2022—Linea di Intervento 3 “Starting Grant” and the PhD Course in Agricultural, Food and Environmental Science (Di3A, University of Catania).

How to cite: Sciuto, L., Sacco, A., Cirelli, G. L., Barbera, A. C., and Licciardello, F.: Could hydraulic parameters variation affect the vegetation development in treatment wetlands?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14883,, 2023.

EGU23-16621 | ECS | Orals | SSS6.3

Spatio-temporal analysis of soil surface hydraulic properties in a semi-arid agroforestry system of the Senegalese groundnut basin 

Waly Faye, Didier Orange, Seydou Talla, Frederic Do, Christophe Jourdan, Olivier Roupsard, Abdoulaye Faty, Awa Niang, Alioune Kane, Simone Di prima, Raphael Angulo-Jaramillo, and Laurent Lassabatere

In Senegal, the groundnut basin is the main agricultural region under a semi-arid climate, heavily cultivated in an agrarian system combining agricultural rotation and agroforestry dominated by Faidherbia albida trees. The soils of the groundnut basin, essentially sandy, have a low water retention capacity. In this area, water is a limiting factor, and the climate variability represents an additional constraint on an already precarious agricultural production system. It is therefore essential to improve knowledge on water saving practices and soil humidity dynamics. The management of water resources in agricultural fields requires reliable information about soil hydraulic properties, which control the partition of rainfall into infiltration and runoff, and their spatio-temporal variability.

To investigate the variability of soil hydraulic parameters we have carried out infiltration measurement in open space without tree and below tree canopies. A total of 24 infiltration measurements were carried out using an automatic single-ring infiltrometer in the nearby of each plot (4 measurements × 6 plots), and after removing the first 10 cm of uncompacted sand. The infiltration tests were carried out in June, October and December, respectively before, during and after the crop season. We used the Beerkan Estimation of Soil Transfer Parameters (BEST) method to retrieve the soil hydraulic parameters from infiltrometer data and field measurements of soil porosity, initial and saturated soil water contents and soil bulk density.

The statistical analysis of the data showed a high variability during the cultivating period, both in time and space, especially of the saturated soil hydraulic conductivity Ks. However, the Ks seems higher under tree cover, around 0.186 mm/s, for 0.167mm/s without any tree canopy influence.  Despite the expected homogeneity of the investigated sandy soil, the presence of the perennials triggered a patchy distribution of soil hydraulic conditions. These preliminary results evidenced the importance of taking into account parameters variability and landscape structure when simulating soil water dynamics in the Senegalese groundnut basin.

How to cite: Faye, W., Orange, D., Talla, S., Do, F., Jourdan, C., Roupsard, O., Faty, A., Niang, A., Kane, A., Di prima, S., Angulo-Jaramillo, R., and Lassabatere, L.: Spatio-temporal analysis of soil surface hydraulic properties in a semi-arid agroforestry system of the Senegalese groundnut basin, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16621,, 2023.

EGU23-16729 | Orals | SSS6.3

Swell ways to measure how plant roots, biological exudates and temporal weathering impact soil structure and infiltration characteristics 

Paul Hallett, Maria Marin, Hannah Balacky, Md Dhin Islam, Annette Raffan, Erika Salas Hernández, and Utibe Utin

Time results in large changes to soil infiltration characteristics due to weather, mechanical stability and the action of biology.  Even as the water status changes in a wetting soil, swelling may alter infiltration characteristics. Our laboratory has developed several novel approaches to measure how soil water infiltration characteristics vary over time and are influenced by biological processes or weathering stresses.  The measurements are often combined with an assessment of mechanical properties and pore structure so that underlying processes driving soil structure dynamics can be disentangled. An overview and a discussion of the benefits and challenges of the approaches will be provided.

A small-scale infiltrometer (sub-mm size) was adapted to allow for measurements of water infiltration and repellency at aggregate or rhizosphere scale.  It has been applied in numerous studies exploring the impacts of biological exudates, plant roots and weathering.  More recent research has compared results from this infiltrometer with X-Ray CT imaging to determine the impacts of soil pore structure on infiltration characteristics.  A challenge with a small-scale infiltrometer is experimental error caused by tip contact with the soil and the shape of the wetting front.  This has been demonstrated from repeated tests on repacked sands and sieved soils.

If soil aggregates, spatial variability or hot spots like the rhizosphere are not of interest, conventional infiltration measurements with flow across the entire surface of a soil core offer less laboratory experimental error.  We used this approach to explore the dynamics of soil wetting and swelling as affected by a range of biological exudates.  Repacked soil discs were wetted by a sintered disc attached to a weighed water reservoir, with swelling measured dynamically in horizontal and vertical directions using infra-red sensors.  Whereas polygalacturonic acid (PGA) had no affect on sorptivity, increasing concentrations of lecithin and actigum decreased sorptivity, likely due to different mechanisms of surface tension and viscosity respectively.  Total swelling was positively correlated with water sorptivity for both lecithin and actigum, suggesting that an expanding pore structure in the unconfined soil discs may enhance water uptake rates.  Biological exudates therefore have dual impacts on decreasing wetting and swelling rates, which will affect soil structural stability.

Current research is exploring soil structural stability impacts on soil hydrological properties over time.  This includes field studies exploring the impacts of soil amendments and management practices, and laboratory studies with controlled structural changes from wetting/drying and mechanical stresses.  In this work, changes in water infiltration due to stresses are explained from pore structure analysis with X-Ray CT imaging and mechanical stability tests.

How to cite: Hallett, P., Marin, M., Balacky, H., Islam, M. D., Raffan, A., Salas Hernández, E., and Utin, U.: Swell ways to measure how plant roots, biological exudates and temporal weathering impact soil structure and infiltration characteristics, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16729,, 2023.

EGU23-17539 | Posters on site | SSS6.3

Subsurface preferential flow occurrence and relevance in agricultural hillslopes: experimental evidence 

Vilim Filipović, Annelie Ehrhardt, and Horst H. Gerke

Preferential flow (PF) has long been discussed as potential cause for unintended contamination of ground and surface waters with agrochemicals. In agricultural soil landscapes, especially along hillslopes, the mostly vertically-directed preferential flow (VPF) of infiltrating water in unsaturated topsoil horizons fosters the formation of water saturated pore regions at less permeable subsoil horizons that can trigger laterally-oriented preferential flow (LPF) along subsurface preferred flow paths. The occurrence of LPF processes depends on complex interrelations between soil properties and subsurface structures, climatic conditions, crop development, and agro-management, among other factors. Field observations in hillslope agricultural soil landscapes to quantify the relevance of LPF are rare. Here we present studies on LSF processes at two contrasting sites. One is the CarboZALF-D, located in northeastern Germany in hummocky arable soil landscape (Luvisol and Regosol soil types). The second (SUPREHILL) is an agricultural vineyard hillslope with Stagnosol soils located in central Croatia. Both sites show erosion and tillage effects in the soils along slopes. An extensive network of soil moisture sensors, suction cups, and lysimeters are installed at both sites. Relevant soil physical, hydraulic, and chemical properties have been determined for running simulation models. The SUPREHILL site has been equipped also with self-constructed subsurface runoff collection system, while at CarboZALF-D site, LPF was captured by a field tracer experiment; and in the laboratory, LSF along a soil horizon boundary was studied on undisturbed soil monoliths. Different subsurface flow processes were identified and captured at the two sites, for SUPREHILL shortly below the topsoil along the lower permeable Btg horizon and for CarboZALF-D at buried topsoil under colluvium and along coarser-textured bands within compact glacial till C-horizon. The collected experimental results revealed the qualitative importance of LPF and transport in the subsurface; the presented experimental data will be used for the model-based quantitative analysis of the LPF related processes.

How to cite: Filipović, V., Ehrhardt, A., and Gerke, H. H.: Subsurface preferential flow occurrence and relevance in agricultural hillslopes: experimental evidence, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17539,, 2023.

EGU23-2141 | ECS | Posters on site | HS8.2.1

Estimating hydraulic conductivity using extended leak-off test conducted during drilling large-diameter borehole 

Yeonguk Jo, Yoonho Song, and Sehyeok Park

Extended leak-off test (XLOT) is one of the in-situ tests, routinely conducted to evaluate integrity of the cased and cemented wellbores during deep borehole drilling, as well as in situ hydraulic properties at a casing shoe depth.

We introduce results of the XLOT conducted in a large diameter borehole, which is drilled for installation of deep borehole based geophysical monitoring system to monitor micro-earthquakes and fault behavior of major linearments in the subsurface. The borehole was planned to secure a final diameter of 200 mm (or more) at a depth of ~1 km deep, with 12" diameter wellbore to intermediate depths, and 7-7/8" (~200 mm) to the bottom hole depths.

We drilled first the 12" diameter borehole to approximately 504 m deep and installed API standard 8-5/8" casing, then cemented the annulus between the casing and bedrock. Then we carried out the XLOT, for several purposes such as confirming casing and cementing integrity, as well as estimating in-situ stress and hydraulic conductivity at the casing shoe depth. To that end, we drilled 4 m length interval to directly inject water and pressurize into the rock mass using the upper API casings. During the XLOT, we recorded flow rates and interval pressures in real time. Based on the logs, we tried to analyze hydraulic conductivity of the test interval, and compare the results with previously reported hydraulic properties measured in other ways.

How to cite: Jo, Y., Song, Y., and Park, S.: Estimating hydraulic conductivity using extended leak-off test conducted during drilling large-diameter borehole, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2141,, 2023.

EGU23-2274 | ECS | Orals | HS8.2.1

Evaluating solute-Trapping Induced Non-Fickian Transport in Partially Saturated Porous Media 

Ilan Ben-Noah, Juan J. Hidalgo, Joaquin Jimenez-Martinez, and Marco Dentz

We study the upscaling of pore-scale solute transport in partially saturated porous media at different saturation degrees. The interaction between structural heterogeneity, phases distribution and small-scale flow dynamics induces complex flow patterns and broad probability distributions of flow. In turn, this spatial distribution of flow velocities, at the pore scale, induces irregular (non-Fickian) transport of dissolved substances (e.g., contaminants), causing an earlier arrival and longer tailing, which may have grave consequences in underestimating risk assessments and prolonged cleanup times of contaminated sites.

Here, we suggest an integrated continuous time random walk (CTRW) modeling framework, which accounts for also the entrapping of particles in zones of low flow velocities, to estimate the resident times of solutes in the media. Furthermore, comparing the results of the CTRW model to a well-established numerical simulation method allows a phenomenological evaluation of the model's physical parameters for different conditions (i.e., volume of entrapped air, mean water flow rate, or solute molecular diffusion coefficient).   

In this study we show that entrapped air promotes preferential solute transport and solute trapping in low flow regions. Moreover, we demonstrate that the trapping frequency and trapping time depend on the interaction between advection and diffusion (i.e., the Péclet number). An integrative CTRW model captures the effects of trapping in stagnant regions and preferential transport on non-Fickian dispersion of solutes.

How to cite: Ben-Noah, I., Hidalgo, J. J., Jimenez-Martinez, J., and Dentz, M.: Evaluating solute-Trapping Induced Non-Fickian Transport in Partially Saturated Porous Media, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2274,, 2023.

EGU23-3033 | ECS | Posters on site | HS8.2.1

Land subsidence induced by groundwater withdrawal: from conceptual model to Hydromechanical model in Chousui River Alluvial Fan, Taiwan 

Gumilar Utamas Nugraha, Chuen-Fa Ni, and Thai Vinh Truong Nguyen

The Choushui River Alluvial Fan (CRAF) is facing serious land subsidence problems. In recent years, the main subsidence areas have gradually moved inland, causing security issues for the Taiwan High-Speed Rail (THSR) in the Yunlin county. Although pumping groundwater along the high-speed railway is forbidden, the problem of sinking land has remained. The causes of land subsidence can be multiple and complex. There are discussions about the causes of land subsidence in the Chousui River Alluvial Fan. This study aimed to develop a hydromechanical land subsidence model in this groundwater basin. The modeling process is divided into two broad parts: the groundwater flow model and the hydromechanical/land subsidence model. The development of the model was focused on the severe area of land subsidence in this basin; for this situation, the so-called “site specific model” was developed. Another reason this study used the site-specific model is that the Taiwan government has installed an integrated land subsidence monitoring system in the severe area, including Multilevel Compacting Well (MLCW), GNSS, and Groundwater observation well. This abundant data can be used when calibrating the groundwater flow and mechanical model. The modeling process starts with the construction of site-specific conceptual modeling derived from the basin scale conceptual modeling. This process revealed that the site consists of four aquifers and four aquitard layers with various thicknesses. The next process was creating a numerical groundwater model that began with creating a grid of the model domain. The model consists of fifty rows and fifty columns with ten by-ten meter grid cells and eight layers representing four aquifers and four aquitards. For perimeter boundary conditions, the model has specified head boundary conditions on the east and west part and no-flow boundary conditions on the north, south, and bottom of the model. the hydraulic and mechanical for the initial input of the model were generated using the previous study in this basin. Groundwater flow calibration processes were done using the PEST package. The model was evaluated using a multi-criteria performance meter: R-squared, root mean squared error (RMSE), mean absolute error (MAE), and Nash Sutcliffe Error (NSE). The calibration process for the groundwater flow model shows an excellent result for both mechanical and groundwater flow. The next step is modeling simulated subsidence using scheduling pumping using a different pumping rate scenario. This simulation aimed to reduce subsidence using calibrated pumping rate value but the difference in time of pumping. The result shows a significant subsidence reduction with scheduling pumping in a certain well. Any stakeholder can consider this result to reduce subsidence in the Chousui River Alluvial Fan.

How to cite: Utamas Nugraha, G., Ni, C.-F., and Vinh Truong Nguyen, T.: Land subsidence induced by groundwater withdrawal: from conceptual model to Hydromechanical model in Chousui River Alluvial Fan, Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3033,, 2023.

Experimental observation and measurement are essential to fundamentally understanding the processes that govern fluid flow and mass transport in rough-walled fractures. The micro-PIV (micro-Particle Image Velocimetry) technique has been introduced for flow visualization inside microscale rough-walled fractures. However, the methodology for mass transport visualization has yet to be established, which is crucial for the analysis/quantification of mass transport and dispersion in rough-walled fractures. This study presented the improved micro-PIV technique to visualize mass transport and measure solute concentration in rough-walled rock fractures. Calibration processes for determining the solute concentration from the measured fluorescence intensity were presented, and measured concentrations were applied to the solute transport and dispersion analyses to validate the measurement technique. The microscopic imaging and analysis demonstrated the transition from macrodispersion to Taylor dispersion-dominant transport. As the fluid velocity increased, higher concentration gradients occurred across the fracture aperture, enabling the solute to break through rapidly along the main flow channel in the middle of the fracture aperture. We successfully visualized channelized solute transport associated with eddies that accounts for Taylor dispersion and non-Fickian transport. This technique enables phenomenon-based experimental research on fluid flow and solute transport in microscale rock fractures, which used to remain in the realm of numerical simulations. Our improved visualization technique will contribute to experimentally elucidating mass transport processes in rough-walled rock fractures.

How to cite: Kim, D. and Yeo, I. W.: Microscopic imaging technique for solute transport in rough-walled rock fractures using micro-PIV, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3285,, 2023.

EGU23-4020 | ECS | Orals | HS8.2.1

Thin film flow: fluid transport via thin liquid films in slow porous media flows 

Marcel Moura, Paula Reis, Gerhard Schäfer, Renaud Toussaint, Eirik Grude Flekkøy, Per Arne Rikvold, and Knut Jørgen Måløy

The standard liquid transport processes in porous media happens through a network of interconnected pore bodies and pore throats (here called the primary network). When a non-wetting phase displaces a wetting phase from a porous sample (drainage), thin films of the wetting phase are bound to be left on the surface of the constituting grains (for example when air displaces water from a porous rock, thin films of water are left behind, covering the rock grains). Under certain conditions, isolated liquid films can eventually merge, forming a secondary network of interconnected films and capillary bridges (see red arrows in the figure) that can effectively enhance the overall connectivity of the medium and act as a new pathway for fluid transport. We have performed experiments using transparent networks with the objective of studying transport processes that are enhanced by film flow. Our setup allow us to directly visualize the secondary network in the sample and we have shown how fluid bodies that are not linked via the primary network can actually be connected via the secondary network. This connection has important consequences for processes such as the dispersion of pollutants in soils and the transport of nutrients to plants in arid regions.




Moura, E. G. Flekkøy, K. J. Måløy, G. Schäfer and R. Toussaint, “Connectivity enhancement due to film flow in porous media,” Phys. Rev. Fluids 4, 094102 (2019).

Moura, K. J. Måløy, E. G. Flekkøy, and R. Toussaint, “Intermittent dynamics of slow drainage experiments in porous media: Characterization under different boundary conditions,” Front. Phys. 7, 217 (2020).

How to cite: Moura, M., Reis, P., Schäfer, G., Toussaint, R., Flekkøy, E. G., Rikvold, P. A., and Måløy, K. J.: Thin film flow: fluid transport via thin liquid films in slow porous media flows, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4020,, 2023.

EGU23-4701 | Posters on site | HS8.2.1

Evaluating groundwater responses to earthquakes using hydrological and environmental tracer data 

Dugin Kaown, Dong-Chan Koh, Jaemin Lee, Jaeyoun Kim, and Kang-Kun Lee

Environmental tracer data were applied to assess chemical signatures of deep fluid in the fault zones in the southeastern part of South Korea. After MW 5.5 Pohang Earthquake in November 2017, hydrogeochemical and environmental tracer data from groundwater samples around epicenter were monitored from 2017 to 2021. Monitoring wells significantly responded to the earthquakes were selected to evaluate temporal variations of environmental tracer data in the groundwater system. The southeastern part of South Korea shows a distinctive NNE-directed geomorphological feature with several strike-slip fault systems and two wells are closely located to this fault. One monitoring station, KW5, is closely located to the Ulsan Fault, which is a reverse. 3He/4He was slightly increased in most of groundwater samples from monitoring wells after MW 5.5 Pohang Earthquake, while 3He/4He decreased in some groundwater samples from wells around reverse fault (Ulsan fault). Especially, 3He/4He in the wells of KW5 station closely located to the Ulsan Fault considerably decreased after the earthquake. However, the concentrations of Na, Ca, SO4 and HCO3 increased around wells in Ulsan Fault after the earthquake. In this study, the response of aquifer system after earthquakes was compared to assess the differences in chemical changes of fluid around strike-slip and reverse faults using hydrogeochemical and environmental tracer data.

This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT) (No. 2022R1A5A1085103).

How to cite: Kaown, D., Koh, D.-C., Lee, J., Kim, J., and Lee, K.-K.: Evaluating groundwater responses to earthquakes using hydrological and environmental tracer data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4701,, 2023.

The fracture density of rock could create the applying shock waves phase difference at the laboratory scale. For using this technology in determining the stress status along the wave propagating path, removing unnecessary noise is the most crucial task. In this study, a machine learning method with Long short-term memory (LSTM) algorithm to retreat the signals from sophisticated seismograms is proposed. The primary analyzing target is data across the 2022 Taitung, Eastern Taiwan seismic event and another micro-seismic data set associated with a surface crack on a hill of Ping-Tong, southern Taiwan. It is found that there is no phase difference among vertical and horizontal components from the same record, when comparing the difference between two various records then the result is distinct. The detecting sub-surface crack density via phase difference has increased in some seismic data pairs of eastern Taiwan after the rupture of the 2022 Taitung earthquake. The machine learning method with LSTM helps to elevate the data retrieval accuracy which cannot be done by conventional Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT). Records from stations adjacent to the hypocenter offer better agreement in phase difference measurement, the higher signal possibly causes it to noise ratio (SNR) in the such neighborhood.


Keywords: phase difference, machine learning, LSTM, crack density, stress field

How to cite: Yu, T.-T. and Peng, W. F.: Inverting the Subsurface Fracture Density by Detecting the Phase Difference of Various Seismic wave with Machine Learning, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4868,, 2023.

EGU23-6531 | Posters on site | HS8.2.1

About the possibility of monitoring groundwater fluxes variations through active-DTS measurements 

Olivier Bour, Nataline Simon, Nicolas Lavenant, Gilles Porel, Benoît Nauleau, and Maria Klepikova

The monitoring of temporal variabilities of groundwater flows is a critical point in many hydrogeological contexts, especially for the characterization of coastal aquifers, sub-surface heterogeneities or else groundwater/stream interactions. Considering the lack of available methods, we investigate the possibility of monitoring and quantifying groundwater fluxes variations over time through active-Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) measurements. Active-DTS, consisting in heating a fiber optic cable, performs very well for investigating the spatial distribution of groundwater fluxes but the method has never been tested to continuously monitor groundwater fluxes changes. In this context, both numerical simulations and sandbox experiments were performed in order to assess the sensitivity of temperature elevation to variable flow conditions. Results first demonstrate that when a flow change is followed by a long-enough steady-state flow stage the temperature elevation stabilizes independently of previous fluxes conditions. Thus, the stabilization temperature can easily be interpreted to estimate groundwater fluxes using the analytical model commonly used under steady flow conditions to interpret active-DTS measurements. Under certain flow conditions, depending on the nature of flow variations, the approach also allows the continuous monitoring of fluxes variations over time. If instantaneous flow changes occur, the superposition principle can even be used to reproduce the temperature signal over time. In summary, we demonstrated through these preliminary results the possibility of for monitoring and/or quantifying the temporal dynamic of groundwater fluxes at different temporal scales including diurnal and periodic fluxes variations, which open very interesting perspectives for the quantification of subsurface processes.

How to cite: Bour, O., Simon, N., Lavenant, N., Porel, G., Nauleau, B., and Klepikova, M.: About the possibility of monitoring groundwater fluxes variations through active-DTS measurements, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6531,, 2023.

EGU23-6663 | ECS | Posters on site | HS8.2.1

3D characterisation of the Yorkshire Wolds chalk aquifer, UK 

Laura Burrel, Rowan Vernon, Jon Ford, Richard Haslam, Tom Randles, Helen Burke, Mark Woods, Jonathan Lee, and Katie Whitbread

The Yorkshire Wolds Chalk aquifer, provides the main source of water supply in East Yorkshire and the city of Hull, which have a population over 900.000. Its structural configuration, including the effects of faulting, influence groundwater flow across the region. However, stratigraphic and structural characterisation is challenging due to limited bedrock being exposed at surface, with most of its extension covered by Quaternary glacial deposits and arable fields and pastures. While the coastal sections have been well characterised through the years, inland areas of the Yorkshire Wolds Chalk aquifer have not been systematically mapped since the late 19th century. The available maps do not reflect present-day stratigraphic divisions or current tectonic understanding, leading to an underestimation of the structural complexity of the aquifer.

A multi-faceted approach to geological mapping is being undertaken in the region by the British Geological Survey, in collaboration with the Environment Agency and Yorkshire Water, integrating remote sensing, targeted field mapping, palaeontological analysis, 2D onshore seismic interpretation and borehole records. The objective of the project is to deliver an up-to-date geological map and structural model of the Chalk bedrock and Quaternary deposits which will impact on the groundwater resources management.

The recent mapping campaigns have led to identifying and characterising numerous new faults in different structural trends, which were not present on previous maps. It has also led to a significant shifting of stratigraphic contacts and formation thicknesses, which have more lateral variability than previously thought. We present some of the most recent updates on the Yorkshire Wolds Chalk aquifer map, which highlight the importance of revising old cartography using modern tectonic and stratigraphic concepts and a multidisciplinary approach to field data collection and compilation. We are also interested in discussing with the hydrogeologist community how to better capture and represent structural complexity around fault zones, so it has an impact on hydrogeological modelling.

How to cite: Burrel, L., Vernon, R., Ford, J., Haslam, R., Randles, T., Burke, H., Woods, M., Lee, J., and Whitbread, K.: 3D characterisation of the Yorkshire Wolds chalk aquifer, UK, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6663,, 2023.

EGU23-6813 | Posters on site | HS8.2.1

An interactive map platform for groundwater data visualization and real-time numerical modeling 

Chuen-Fa Ni, I-Hsien Lee, Gumilar Utamas Nugraha, and Thai Vinh Truong Nguyen

Accurate assessment of groundwater resources relies on sufficient measurements and efficient analysis tools. The integrated technologies and multidisciplinary knowledge of groundwater have enhanced the understanding of dynamics in groundwater systems. Taking advantage of wide developments in computer sciences and web services, the web platform provides an excellent open environment for groundwater investigations. Most groundwater-relevant web platforms are mainly focusing on data visualization. The data, such as points, polylines, polygons, and pre-analysis results (i.e., the figures) overlap a street map to indicate the locations of interest and quantify the influenced regions of groundwater hazards. Such a one-way interaction framework has significantly limited the implementations of measurement data and groundwater-relevant applications. The study aims to develop an online web-based platform for groundwater data visualization, temporal and spatial data analysis, mesh generation and flow modeling. The study integrates multiple program languages to bridge the data flow and online visualization. The interactive real-time web environment enables users to screen temporal and spatial measurements on the web map, conduct online data analyses, and develop numerical groundwater models. With a well-designed database and numerous modules for data analyses and modeling, the platform allows users to share data and develop collaborative activities. The built-in analysis tools can also improve the efficiency of groundwater management and decision-making processes.

How to cite: Ni, C.-F., Lee, I.-H., Nugraha, G. U., and Nguyen, T. V. T.: An interactive map platform for groundwater data visualization and real-time numerical modeling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6813,, 2023.

EGU23-6983 | Orals | HS8.2.1

Surface and subsurface mapping of the Flamborough Head Fault Zone to inform groundwater management in the Yorkshire Wolds, UK. 

Rowan Vernon, Laura Burrel, Jon Ford, Richard Haslam, Tom Randles, Dave McCarthy, Mark Woods, and Helen Burke

The Flamborough Head Fault Zone (FHFZ) is a regionally-significant structural zone in northeast England which dissects the Upper Cretaceous Chalk Group, a 500 m thick limestone succession which is a principle aquifer and main source of water supply in the region. The geometry and physical characteristics of the Chalk succession, including the effects of faulting, influence groundwater flow across the region. Consequently, understanding the architecture of the FHFZ is vital to sustainably managing water resources in this area.

The FHFZ marks the southern extent of the Cleveland Basin and the northern margin of the Market Weighton Block and has a complex history of Mesozoic-Cenozoic extension and compression. It is predominantly comprised of east-west trending faults which form a graben that is dissected by north-south trending faults, including the southern extension to the Peak Trough, the Hunmanby Fault. To the west, FHFZ links with the Howardian Fault System and offshore, in the east, it is truncated by the north-south trending Dowsing Fault. The FHFZ is well exposed and described in coastal cliff sections at Flamborough Head but the inland architecture of the faults has hitherto been poorly explored predominantly due to limited inland-exposure.

To address this a multi-faceted approach to geological mapping has been undertaken in the region by the British Geological Survey, in collaboration with the Environment Agency and Yorkshire Water Limited. Remote sensing, targeted field mapping, palaeontological analysis, passive seismic and 2D onshore seismic interpretation have been integrated to understand the inland architecture of the FHFZ in unprecedented detail. Combining these techniques has enabled us to bridge the gap between the surface geology and deeper subsurface structure, increase our understanding of the geology of the region and produce an improved conceptual model at a range of depths which will be used to better manage water resources.

How to cite: Vernon, R., Burrel, L., Ford, J., Haslam, R., Randles, T., McCarthy, D., Woods, M., and Burke, H.: Surface and subsurface mapping of the Flamborough Head Fault Zone to inform groundwater management in the Yorkshire Wolds, UK., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6983,, 2023.

EGU23-7325 | Orals | HS8.2.1

Groundwater flow changes in response to extensional earthquakes: a case study from the 2016-17 seismic sequence in Central Italy 

Costanza Cambi, Francesco Mirabella, Marco Petitta, Francesca Banzato, Giulio Beddini, Carlo Cardellini, Davide Fronzi, Lucia Mastrorillo, Alberto Tazioli, and Daniela Valigi

Changes in groundwater flow in response to strong earthquakes are widely described in many tectonic environments. For example, a post-seismic discharge variation is often attributed to an increase of bulk permeability due to co-seismic fracturing and/or to a change in the role of faults in acting as conduits/barrier to groundwater flow.

We take as an example the fractured aquifer of the Mts. Sibillini carbonate massif, in Central Italy, which were affected by a strong and prolonged extensional seismic sequence in 2016-17. The sequence was characterized by an M=6.5 event (mainshock), an M=6 event, an M=5.9 event, up to 60 M>4 events and several M>5 earthquakes. The strongest events caused rupturing of the topographic surface for a cumulative length in the order of 30 km and an important portion of aftershocks occurred at depths where groundwater is stored.

As a response to the seismic sequence, the main NNW-directed groundwater flow was diverted to the west and a discharge deficit was observed at the foot-wall of the activated fault system with a relevant discharge increase, accompanied by geochemical variations, at the fault system hanging-wall.

By integrating geo-structural reconstructions, seismological and ground deformation data, artificial tracer tests results and a 4-years discharge and geochemical monitoring campaign data, we show that the observed groundwater variations are due to a combination of permeability increase along the activated fault systems and hydraulic conductivity increase of the hanging-wall block due to fracturing, extension and subsidence, which determined a fast aquifers emptying. Seismicity temporarily triggered a change of the pre-existing predominant along-faults-strike NNW-SSE oriented regional flow to a west-directed flow, perpendicular to faults strike. We discuss the position of the aquifer with respect to the activated faults and how this affected the observed phenomena.



Cambi, C., Mirabella, F., Petitta, M., Banzato, F., Beddini, G., Cardellini, C., ... & Valigi, D. (2022). Reaction of the carbonate Sibillini Mountains Basal aquifer (Central Italy) to the extensional 2016–2017 seismic sequence. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 1-13. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-26681-2

How to cite: Cambi, C., Mirabella, F., Petitta, M., Banzato, F., Beddini, G., Cardellini, C., Fronzi, D., Mastrorillo, L., Tazioli, A., and Valigi, D.: Groundwater flow changes in response to extensional earthquakes: a case study from the 2016-17 seismic sequence in Central Italy, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7325,, 2023.

EGU23-7646 | Posters on site | HS8.2.1

Experimental and simulation study of quasistatic capillary rise resulting in pressure-saturation (p-s) hysteresis 

Animesh Nepal, Marco Dentz, Juan J Hidalgo, Jordi Ortin, and Ivan Lunati

During imbibition, fluid-fluid interface at the inlet of a constriction experiences an increase in capillary force that results in rapid fluid invasion known as Haines jump. During drainage, the interface gets pinned at the end of the constriction, which causes p-s trajectories to follow different paths during imbibition and drainage resulting in p-s hysteresis. In this work, we performed quasistatic two-phase flow experiments and simulations of cyclic imbibition and drainage to have a quantitative understanding of pore-scale processes resulting in pressure-saturation (p-s) hysteresis. We considered two different 2D Hele-Shaw cell setups: a capillary tube with a horizontal constriction (ink-bottle) and a heterogeneous porous media randomly populated by cylindrical obstacles. In both setups, drainage and imbibition were driven by quasitatically changing the pressure gradient between the inlet and the outlet of the domain. The experimental results were compared with the results from numerical model in OpenFOAM, which solves the Navier-Stokes equations employing volume of fluid method to calculate the position of the interface and the continuum surface force model to describe surface tension. For the ink-bottle setup, we observed that multiphase flow through a single constriction displayed the signature trait of p-s hysteresis, which depends innately on the cross-section gradient. The steeper the cross-section gradient, the more pronounced the p-s hysteresis, moreover, p-s hysteresis did not occur below a critical gradient. We derived an analytical solution to calculate the critical gradient and compared it with the critical gradient obtained from experiments and simulations. In heterogeneous porous media setup, we observed rapid fluid invasion and retention patterns in small pores during imbibition-drainage cycles, which give rise to hysteretic p-s trajectories. This comparative study will allow us to quantitatively link the pore-scale capillary physics to large-scale p-s hysteresis.

How to cite: Nepal, A., Dentz, M., Hidalgo, J. J., Ortin, J., and Lunati, I.: Experimental and simulation study of quasistatic capillary rise resulting in pressure-saturation (p-s) hysteresis, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7646,, 2023.

Nanoparticles (NPs), especially nanoscale zero-valent iron (nZVI) particles, have been extensively used to directly treat contaminated zones in aquifers because of their desirable properties, i.e., high specific surface area and potential mobility. Understanding the transport of nZVI particles, through water-saturated porous media has important implications for many natural and engineered systems. For the first time, we used spin-echo single point imaging (SE-SPI) of low-field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (LF-NMR) to monitor nanoparticle transport through a heterogeneous porous medium. The ability of this method to provide information of nano- to micro-scale pore structure and to monitor transient processes is verified by a transport experiment using modified nZVI particles. Experimental observations, including (i) the more rapid migration of the front relative to bulk transport of the injected solution of NPs and (ii) the retention of NPs, with 27% of the iron retained at the conclusion of deionized water flushing, highlight the important controls of complex pore structure on the resulting retardation, attenuation and efflux of NPs. Complementary numerical simulations evaluate sample heterogeneity and its effects on local transport properties. In general, the model considering four regions of distinct porosities shows improved performance, as highlighted by the low overall residual sum of squares (0.041 to 0.138), compared to another model assuming a homogeneous pore structure (0.044 to 0.328). Overall, SE-SPI imaging is shown to be an important tool in refining transport processes of NPs in heterogeneous porous media with application to constrain complex natural systems. 

How to cite: Zhang, Q. and Dong, Y.: High-resolution characterization of nanoparticle transport in heterogeneous porous media via low-field nuclear magnetic resonance, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7850,, 2023.

EGU23-9396 | ECS | Orals | HS8.2.1

Characteristics of saltwater wedge under the chalk cliffs of Sainte-Marguerite-sur-Mer (Normandy, France) using optical and geophysical methods. 

Thomas Junique, Raphael Antoine, Stéphane Costa, Bruno Beaucamp, Vincent Guilbert, Cyril Ledun, Olivier Maquaire, Faycal Rejiba, and Cyrille Fauchard

Saltwater wedge is a natural phenomenon defined as the displacement and retention of saltwater in a freshwater aquifer. This saline intrusion can modify the content of dissolved elements in coastal freshwater aquifers, which can have consequences for water use (drinking or agricultural), on the ecology, the environment, the erosion of coasts, and the stability of coastal structures.

This study focuses on the integration and coupled interpretation of various geophysical and optical data obtained on the ground and by drone to evaluate the intrusion of seawater in a coastal chalk cliff in Sainte-Marguerite-sur-Mer in Normandy, France. The objective is to characterize the freshwater-saltwater interface and describe the internal structure of the formation. To do so, the combination of geophysical (Electrical Resistivity Imaging, ERI), aerial (visible and thermal infrared photogrammetry, IRT), and geotechnical (piezometers) methods was adopted.

The ten ERI profiles (transverse and longitudinal to the cliff) allowed for the mapping of the electrical resistivity distribution. The novel contribution of this study was the highlighting of a marine intrusion under the chalk cliffs visualized using transverse ERI profiles implanted directly on the steep dip of the cliff. The use of a 30m deep piezometer positioned on the plateau of the cliff and intersecting the ERI profiles made it possible to constrain the resistivity values to the measured salinity values. The presence of this saltwater wedge was characterized by low resistivity values. The top of the cliff and the parts close to the outcrop showed significant resistivities, indicating a high level of potential damage (cracks in the outcrop, underground cavities). This allowed for the identification of a zone (about 10m before the main scarp) vulnerable to the risk of collapse.

It has been shown that the difference in groundwater density leads to unstable conditions. We propose that the denser saline water covering the less dense freshwater creates a haline convection of the brackish waters at the base of the cliff and at the level of the rocky shore platform. The IRT was used to identify the wet areas of the cliff and the resurgences of the water table on the platform. Finally, all the data were grouped to propose a conceptual model of saline intrusion under the coastal cliffs.

How to cite: Junique, T., Antoine, R., Costa, S., Beaucamp, B., Guilbert, V., Ledun, C., Maquaire, O., Rejiba, F., and Fauchard, C.: Characteristics of saltwater wedge under the chalk cliffs of Sainte-Marguerite-sur-Mer (Normandy, France) using optical and geophysical methods., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9396,, 2023.

EGU23-9766 | ECS | Orals | HS8.2.1

Investigating sediment transport in karst using hydrograph unmixing, sediment transport modeling and multi-source hysteresis 

Leonie Bettel, James Fox, Admin Husic, Tyler Mahoney, Arlex Marin, Junfeng Zhu, Ben Tobin, and Nabil Al Aamery

Karst characterizes almost 15% of the worlds terrain, however the mechanics of sediment transport and its prediction in karst river and cave systems remains underdeveloped. Hysteresis analysis has recently been used more to investigate the behaviors of sediments during storm events in surface systems and to some extent in karst systems. Historically, clockwise and counter-clockwise hysteresis typically refer to proximal and distal sourcing for streams. For karst systems, clockwise and counter-clockwise hysteresis has been identified to refer to an saturated and unsaturated aquifer prior to the event.

However, most interpretation of hysteresis assumes a single dominant water source, for example runoff, and assumes that baseflow is not contributing to the sediment load. One aspect of sediment hysteresis and its interpretation that has received less attention is the occurrence of several, significant water sources, eroding and delivering sediment to the watershed outlet. It is common for both surface stream systems  and karst subsurface systems to have multiple water sources contributing to the total sediment load. Each of the sources carries their own sediment time distribution, and often lead to complex hysteresis looping behavior after mixing. The primary goals of this work are to (1) study how the complex source water-sediment mixing processes impact hysteresis results and (2) to carry out solutions to the water-sediment mixing processes for karst streams, caves, and springs and show the utility and uncertainty of the method.

Several high-resolution sensors have collected data at a karst spring in central Kentucky, USA, for a 2.5 year period. Water unmixing was performed using electrical conductivity as a tracer to separate the groundwater from the surface water and infer sediment sources. Theoretical analyses have shown that not only timing and magnitude of sedigraphs influence the result of the hysteresis loops, but also timing and magnitude of each of the multiple water sources have a strong effect on the resulting hysteresis loop. The groundwater flow shows to have dominant counter-clockwise hysteresis loop, surface water shows to have clockwise loops dominating. Depending on the timing and magnitude of the water sources, the hysteresis loop at the karst spring varies from strictly counterclockwise, to a figure-8 loop, to a complex pattern.

How to cite: Bettel, L., Fox, J., Husic, A., Mahoney, T., Marin, A., Zhu, J., Tobin, B., and Al Aamery, N.: Investigating sediment transport in karst using hydrograph unmixing, sediment transport modeling and multi-source hysteresis, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9766,, 2023.

EGU23-10078 | Orals | HS8.2.1

Large-scale physics of hydrodynamic transport in random fracture networks 

Marco Dentz and Jeffrey D. Hyman

We study flow and hydrodynamic transport in spatially random fracture networks.
The flow and transport behavior is characterized by first passage
times and displacement statistics, which show heavy tails
and anomalous dispersion with a strong dependence on the injection
condition. The origin of these behaviors is investigated
in terms of Lagrangian velocities sampled equidistantly along particle
trajectories, unlike classical sampling strategies at a constant rate. The
fluctuating velocity series is analyzed by its copula density, the
joint distribution of the velocity unit scores, which reveals a simple correlation
structure that can be described by a Gaussian copula. This insight
leads to the formulation of stochastic particle motion in terms of a
Klein-Kramers equation for the joint density of particle position and
velocity. The upscaled model captures the heavy-tailed first passage
time distribution and anomalous dispersion, and their dependence on the
injection conditions in terms of the velocity point statistics and
average fracture length. The first passage times and displacement
moments are dominated by extremes occurring at the first step.
The developed approach integrates the complex interaction of flow and structure
into a predictive model for large scale transport in random fracture networks.    

How to cite: Dentz, M. and Hyman, J. D.: Large-scale physics of hydrodynamic transport in random fracture networks, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10078,, 2023.

EGU23-10693 | ECS | Orals | HS8.2.1

Data acquisition and processing of multi-frequency oscillatory hydraulic tomography in a granular aquifer 

Aymen Nefzi, Daniel Paradis, René Lefebvre, and Olivier Bour

Transport of solutes in aquifers is controlled by the heterogeneous spatial distribution of hydraulic properties, but the characterization of aquifer heterogeneity is quite challenging with conventional methods. Hydraulic tomography (HT) was developed to define the heterogeneous distribution of hydraulic conductivity (K) and specific storage (Ss). HT involves the emission of a series of hydraulic head perturbations in a stressed well and the recording of this signal at several levels in the stressed and observation wells. All recorded hydraulic head responses are simultaneously analyzed through numerical inversion, which provides the spatial distribution of hydraulic properties at a scale relevant for local site investigations.

This communication reports on a tomographic experiment carried out in a heterogeneous and highly anisotropic granular aquifer at the Saint-Lambert research site near Quebec City, Canada. This site has already been the object of detailed characterizations with multiple hydraulic methods: pumping tests, packer slug tests, flowmeter profiles, vertical interference tests, and slug test tomography. A relatively new approach named oscillatory hydraulic tomography (OHT) was tested, in which multi-frequency oscillatory head perturbations are induced in an interval isolated by packers of the stressed well by a submerged rod that is electronically controlled by a winch system. Hydraulic responses are measured in the stressed intervals and in multiple intervals of an observation well.

This study was primarily aimed at testing, first on an operational level, if the OHT signal could be generated in the stressed well and propagated to the observation well in a highly anisotropic granular aquifer. Second, the study developed a rigorous workflow for the treatment of the measured hydraulic heads. Third, in terms of characterization efficacy, the study aimed to determine if multiple controlled frequencies would allow the assessment of K spatial distribution.

Results show that the field experiment provided clear measured hydraulic responses that could be used to obtain the 2D distribution of hydraulic properties from the inversion of OHT measurements. Comparison was made of inversion results using a single oscillatory frequency and multiple frequencies. Under conditions of realistic field measurement noise and uncertainty, it will be valuable in future work to compare the imaging capabilities of oscillatory hydraulic tomography against other tomographic methods. Further investigation is also needed to examine the information content of oscillatory hydraulic tomographic data for characterizing K and Ss heterogeneities through a sensitivity and resolution analysis. This study demonstrates the practical potential for the implementation of OHT experiments in relatively low permeability and highly anisotropic granular aquifers.

How to cite: Nefzi, A., Paradis, D., Lefebvre, R., and Bour, O.: Data acquisition and processing of multi-frequency oscillatory hydraulic tomography in a granular aquifer, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10693,, 2023.

EGU23-11028 | ECS | Posters on site | HS8.2.1

Impact of structural heterogeneity on solute transport and mixing in unsaturated porous media: An experimental study 

Oshri Borgman, Francesco Gomez, Tanguy Le Borgne, and Yves Méheust

Solute transport in unsaturated porous media plays a crucial role in soil nutrient dynamics, pesticide leaching, and contaminant migration to aquifers through the vadose zone. Natural porous media are characterized by a strong structural heterogeneity, which impacts solute spreading and mixing and the resulting chemical reaction rates. In addition, incomplete pore-scale solute mixing requires high-resolution experimental measurements to understand the system’s mixing dynamics. Our goals are to 1) study the impact of structural heterogeneity on the spatial distribution of fluid phases and 2) establish how fluid phase arrangement impacts solute spreading and mixing during unsaturated flow. We use two-dimensional porous media consisting of circular posts in a Hele-Shaw-type flow cell. The positioning of the posts is random, but we control the medium’s heterogeneity by varying the disorder in the posts’ diameters and their spatial distribution’s correlation length; increasing this length introduces more structure in the porous medium.

In our experiments, we first establish an unsaturated flow pattern with a connected liquid phase and then introduce a fluorescent solute pulse transported by the moving liquid phase. We track the solute concentration and gradients’ evolution by taking periodic images of the flow cell and analyzing the fluorescence intensity field. Our results suggest that, as previously shown, decreasing the saturation degree enhances and sustains mixing rates in a disordered porous media due to the emergence of several preferential flow pathways during unsaturated flow. Moreover, increasing the solid posts’ spatial correlation reduces the number of air clusters and their interface roughness, and increases their mean size. This leads to fewer preferential flow paths during unsaturated flow for the higher correlated, more structured, porous media, compared to the less structured ones. This reduction in preferential flow paths’ number suppresses mixing rate enhancement in the more structured porous media, compared with the less structured porous media, during unsaturated flow. Our experiments show the non-trivial effect of structural heterogeneity and saturation degree on solute mixing in porous media flows. The effects demonstrated by these results are likely to affect reactive solute transport processes such as dissolution and precipitation and adsorption-controlled solute migration.

How to cite: Borgman, O., Gomez, F., Le Borgne, T., and Méheust, Y.: Impact of structural heterogeneity on solute transport and mixing in unsaturated porous media: An experimental study, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11028,, 2023.

EGU23-12405 | ECS | Orals | HS8.2.1

Quantifying aquifer interaction using numerical groundwater flow model evaluated by environmental water tracers data: Application in Bandung groundwater basin, Indonesia 

Steven Reinaldo Rusli, Albrecht Weerts, Syed Mustafa, Dasapta Erwin Irawan, and Victor Bense

Anthropogenic impact on groundwater storage depletion has been detected in many places from catchment to global scales, including in our study area, the Bandung groundwater basin, Indonesia. Groundwater abstraction of various magnitudes, pumped out from numerous depths of aquifers, stimulates different changes in hydraulic heads among vertical subsurface stratifications. Such circumstances generate groundwater movement, where it flows from the upper layer storage to underlying aquifers, referred to as aquifer interaction in this study. Meanwhile, remote-sensing products such as GRACE measure the integrated water storage changes over depth and space, making it difficult to capture and derive the storage internal vertical groundwater fluxes from such signals. As an alternative, environmental water tracers (EWT) have been used to investigate subsurface water movement and to gain a conceptual understanding of groundwater flow dynamics. However, quantitative measurement of the rates of fluxes is not often possible, despite being essential to ensure sustainable groundwater resources management.

In this study, we utilize (a) groundwater flow modeling in conjunction with (b) EWT data to quantify the aquifer interaction driven by multi-layer groundwater abstraction in the Bandung groundwater basin, Indonesia. The available environmental water tracers data include major ion elements (Na+/K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl-, So24-, HCO3-), stable isotope data (d2H and d18O), and groundwater age estimates (radiocarbon/14C content). These measurements are used to qualitatively evaluate the numerical groundwater flow model. The model, forced by recharge calculated using the hydrological model of wflow_sbm, is calibrated by minimizing the difference between the dynamic steady-state simulated and the observed groundwater levels.

We evaluate the groundwater flow model and the EWT-driven analysis from multiple perspectives. The results suggest that the groundwater recharge is uniformly distributed spatially, the groundwater is flowing regionally from the basin periphery inward to the basin’s center following the topographical distribution, and vertical groundwater fluxes are identified. All three deductions, in a qualitative sense, are agreed upon by both the EWT observations and the groundwater flow model. From the groundwater flow model, we quantify that the aquifer interaction is equivalent to, on average, 0.110 m/year, which is highly significant compared to the other groundwater budgets. We also determine the unconfined aquifer storage volume decrease, calculated from the change in the groundwater table, that results in an average declining rate of 51 Mm3/year. This number shows that the upper aquifer storage is dwindling at a rate that is disproportionate to its groundwater abstraction, hugely influenced by the aquifer interaction. The storage lost from only this partition contributes up to 60.3% of the total groundwater storage lost, despite contributing to only 32.3% of the groundwater abstraction. Additionally, we also investigate and examine the correlation between the groundwater level changes and the groundwater abstraction zones. The results of our study confirm that quantification of the aquifer interaction and groundwater level change dynamics driven by multi-layer groundwater abstraction in multi-layer hydrogeological settings is possible by our proposed methods. Applying such methods will assist in deriving basin-scale groundwater policies and management strategies under the changing anthropogenic and climatic factors, thereby ensuring sustainable groundwater management.

How to cite: Rusli, S. R., Weerts, A., Mustafa, S., Irawan, D. E., and Bense, V.: Quantifying aquifer interaction using numerical groundwater flow model evaluated by environmental water tracers data: Application in Bandung groundwater basin, Indonesia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12405,, 2023.

EGU23-12447 | Orals | HS8.2.1

Estimating Fracture Network Damage After a Subsurface Detonation Using Geogenic Noble Gases. 

W. Payton Gardner and Stephen J. Bauer

Noble gas release can be used to investigate the timing, location and magnitude of fracture creation.  Here, a numerical model of gas release and transport, resulting from fracturing events, is used to estimate first-order fracture network characteristics after subsurface detonation.  Released radiogenic noble gases after detonation of three different subsurface explosions of varying source characteristics were interpreted.  A broad suite of gases was sampled from 62 discrete sampling intervals in a 3-D array surrounding the explosion location using an automated field sampling system and a capillary inlet quadrupole mass spectrometer.  Gases analyzed include: 4He, 36,40Ar, 20Ne, N2, O2, NO and CO2/N2O.  Geogenic gas arrivals were observed in a subset of sampling locations.  All geogenic gas arrivals were observed in ports with explosive-derived gas arrivals.  Helium amount and arrival time were used to estimate fracture network damage using a numerical model which allows dynamic changes in fracture aperture, matrix porosity and permeability.  The amount of fracture damage was significantly different between the three different explosions and consistent with other observations of damage.  These results illustrate how geogenic noble gases can be used to understand damage, transport, and fracture creation in fracture networks, with implications for a variety of subsurface topics including hydraulic fracking, mine failure, earthquake and volcanic monitoring.

How to cite: Gardner, W. P. and Bauer, S. J.: Estimating Fracture Network Damage After a Subsurface Detonation Using Geogenic Noble Gases., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12447,, 2023.

EGU23-13617 | Orals | HS8.2.1

Stochastic modeling of bacterial transport and retention during aquifer artificial recharge 

Juan J. Hidalgo, Benjamín Piña, Cristina Valhondo, Claudia Sanz, and Marta Casado

Managed aquifer recharge (MAR) sytems based on water filtration allow to improve recharged water quality and quantity by retaining suspended particles and microorganisms. However, the periodic detection in groundwater of pathogens and other microorganisms that represent a significant risk for human health makes it necessary to study the mechanisms affecting the propagation and fate of microbial populations during the process.

In this work a series of column experiments were performed to characterize bacteria transport in porous media. Two type of columns were built. One using only sand and another using a combination of sand, compost and wood chips. In each column a punctual injection of tracers (rhodamine and amino-G acid) and bacteria consortium collected from the effluent of a wastewater treatment plant were injected. Samples of column outflows were collected to obtain breakthrough curves of the tracers and the different amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) of bacteria to determine the material influence on the retention of bacteria. Bacteria displayed a strong anomalous behavior with late arrival peaks and longer tails than those obtained with the tracers.

A continuous time random walk (CTRW) transport model was developed to interpret the experimental results. The model characterizes transport in terms of mobile-immobile domains. Bacteria are transported with the mean flow and experience transitions from and to low mobility zones with a certain frequency. Transport is described in terms of four parameters, namely, the mean flow velocity, the dispersion coefficient, the trapping rate, and the mean residence time in the immobile zones. The model was able to reproduce satisfactorily the observed breakthrough curves of over 470 measured ASVs. The analysis of the breakthrough curved determined that bacteria form two clusters. The breakthrough curve of one cluster has heavy tails and it is formed by small, motile, gram-negative bacteria. The other cluster displays strong peaks and a relatively weaker tailing. CTRW parameters are able to predict the cluster in which a certain bacteria belongs.

How to cite: Hidalgo, J. J., Piña, B., Valhondo, C., Sanz, C., and Casado, M.: Stochastic modeling of bacterial transport and retention during aquifer artificial recharge, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13617,, 2023.

Knowledge of the saturated hydraulic conductivities of aquitards in provisional groundwater abstraction sites is essential to assess the sustainability of future water production. The subsurface of the site in the southwest of The Netherlands has a simple layer cake stratigraphy. Temperature-depth profiles in 12 boreholes were measured and analysed to infer vertical fluxes across an aquitard at a depth (~100 m) below where the impact of recent surface warming could be detected. Hence, the analytical mathematical solution for coupled groundwater-heat flow described by Bredehoeft & Papadopulos in 1965 could be be employed for this purpose. The selection of the depth interval for the aquitard for which the solution is applied, is guided by scanning through the TDP to find depth-intervals for which both a low RMSE between observed temperature and solution is obtained as well as a high Peclet number indicative of significant vertical groundwater flow. Through comparison of the depth intervals with lithological data, temperature-depth profiling is shown to have the capacity to detect aquitards, provided that the approximate depth of the aquitard is known, as well as the flux direction and magnitude across the aquitard. In combination with observed hydraulic gradients, the spatial variability of hydraulic conductivity of the aquitard could be evaluated. These values range from 10 to 100 mm/d, where earlier estimated values using more traditional methods suggested a range of  5 to 10 mm/d.

How to cite: Bense, V., Nie, L., and Oosterwijk, J.: Thermal profiling to quantify the spatial variability of ambient groundwater flow at a provisional groundwater abstraction site, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13937,, 2023.

EGU23-14697 | Orals | HS8.2.1

Quantitative three-dimensional imaging of macropore flow in undisturbed soil under different irrigation intensities 

John Koestel, Anna Schwenk, Nick Jarvis, and Mats Larsbo

Macropores have important beneficial impacts on the hydrological cycle, since they reduce risks of waterlogging, surface runoff, soil erosion and flooding. On the other hand, macropore flow is also associated with significant ecosystem disservices, since it can dramatically accelerate the leaching of contaminants to surface water and groundwater. Several approaches to model preferential macropore flow have been developed. One approach is to use the kinematic wave equation, in which the kinematic exponent should depend on the exponent in a power law relationship between wetted macropore surface area and macropore saturation. Most model applications have relied on calibration of model parameters against measured data on water flow. This makes critical testing of the underlying model concepts difficult and raises the question of whether the model is matching the data for the right reasons or not. In this study, we used X-ray tomography to quantify water and air distributions in macropores at varying steady-state flow rates in two topsoil and two subsoil columns (diameter 9 cm) sampled from a clay soil. We collected sufficient data to derive the kinematic wave exponent from the image data for the two topsoil samples. We found that the wetted macropore surface area and macropore saturation were indeed related by a power law for the first three irrigation intensities, corresponding to kinematic exponents of 1.22 and 1.26, respectively. These promising results need to be verified in future experiments that should be conducted on soil samples with smaller diameters to achieve better image resolutions and signal-to-noise ratios.

How to cite: Koestel, J., Schwenk, A., Jarvis, N., and Larsbo, M.: Quantitative three-dimensional imaging of macropore flow in undisturbed soil under different irrigation intensities, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14697,, 2023.

EGU23-15371 | ECS | Posters on site | HS8.2.1

Connecting the dots: Fracture mapping for landfill sites in fractured bedrock” 

Bilal Tariq, Helen Kristine French, Stéphane Polteau, Helgard Anschütz, and Sean Salazar

A landfill constructed in fractured bedrock can pose a potential risk of contaminant leachate to the surroundings through fractures and/or fracture networks. Therefore, adequate understanding of factures and fracture networks is a key element for constructing environmentally safe, sustainable and long-term landfills in fractured bedrocks. Mapping of geological features especially fracture networks provides essential data to establish a fundamental understanding of the local geology and hydrogeology of such landfill sites.

The objective of this study to develop  a 3D model of fractures and fracture networks, surrounding a quarry in southwestern Norway, Rekefjord. The test site, selected as a potential landfill site, consists of  moderately fractured crystalline monzonorite near the shoreline. Eight previously drilled and logged observation boreholes (NGI) on the crest surrounding the open pit were analysed. Results of subsurface fracture mapping from well logs show that orientations of natural fractures are scattered and mostly appear to be open. The Terzaghi correction shows there could be more steeply dipping fractures, these are not well captured through vertical borehole logging. Additional field work consisted of drone scanning of the interior of the whole quarry and specific locations to generate a virtual 3D model. This 3D model is used to conduct fracture measurements using the LIME software. The fracture data extracted from the 3D model will be used to assess the correlation and consistency in fracture orientation between the internal rock face and borehole measurements. The geometry of fracture networks and individual fractures can have significant impact on flow through fractured rock. 

Results will also be used to constrain a numerical groundwater flow model to improve understanding of potential pathways of contaminants from the landfill to the surroundings. The results of this research will improve assessment methodology and criteria for new landfill sites in fractured bedrock.

How to cite: Tariq, B., French, H. K., Polteau, S., Anschütz, H., and Salazar, S.: Connecting the dots: Fracture mapping for landfill sites in fractured bedrock”, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15371,, 2023.

EGU23-15397 | Orals | HS8.2.1

Forchheimer gravity currents in porous media 

Vittorio Di Federico, Alessandro Lenci, and Sepideh Majdabadi Farahani

The displacement of one fluid by another in porous media is of interest in reservoir engineering, groundwater remediation, and subsurface heat recovery. In several instances, i.e. in coarse or macro porous media, or in heavily fractured rocks, the threshold Reynolds number is exceeded and inertial effects cannot be neglected. Consequently, the Forchheimer extension of Darcy’s law describes the motion, and a novel quantity, the Forchheimer or inertial coefficient, enters the picture, entailing implications on several coupled phenomena. We study plane gravity currents propagating in a homogeneous porous medium of given permeability saturated with a lighter fluid, but results are also valid for the displacement of a heavier ambient fluid (brine) by a lighter one advancing below the roof of a porous layer such as in CO2 injection. The injected fluid volume is given by a global conservation of mass and varies as a power-law function of time. Under the lubrication approximation, the pressure gradient is hydrostatic and the one-dimensional transient problem governing the current depth, when expressed in dimensionless form, depends uniquely by a pure number equal to the combination of a Reynolds number multiplied by a Forchheimer number and divided by the square of a densimetric Froude number. We explore the two limit cases of dominating inertial effects or prevailing viscous effects and demonstrate that in both cases the governing equations are amenable to a semi-analytic similarity solution governed by the aforementioned pure number. For a current with constant volume, the solution takes a closed form. 

How to cite: Di Federico, V., Lenci, A., and Majdabadi Farahani, S.: Forchheimer gravity currents in porous media, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15397,, 2023.

EGU23-15772 | Orals | HS8.2.1

Theory of drying of polymer solutions in porous media 

Andrea Carminati, Pascal Benard, and Peter Lehmann

Plant roots and bacteria release in soils polymeric blends of substances which alter the physics of soil water flow and support life in soils. They adsorb water, decrease the surface tension of the soil solution and increase its viscosity, and, more generally, they change the soil solution into a non-Newtonian liquid with viscoelastic properties. A theory of drying of polymer solutions in porous media is missing and it is needed to understand the feedback between physics of porous media and life in soils. It was observed that during drying polymer solutions are deposited as thin surfaces spanning multiple pores and that these depositions are associated with a decrease in evaporation rate. Here, we provide a physical explanation of surface formation. The modeling framework includes Darcian flow across the polymeric network driven by a gradient in water potential. As the polymer dries and air invades the pore space the polymer network is stretched. The stretching causes a stress in the polymer network that alters the relation between water potential and polymer concentration: the more stretched is the polymer network the smaller is the spacing between the polymers at a given water potential, and the lower is the permeability of the network. The model predicts that at a critical point during evaporation there is an asymptotic increase in polymer concentration at the gas-gel interface corresponding to the deposition of solid-brittle interfaces. The onset of this glass transition depends on flow rate and pore size, with earlier deposition for fast high evaporative fluxes and small pores. The model explains why evaporation is suppressed much earlier and more significantly when the polymer solution dries into a porous medium, in comparison to the case when the polymer solution is free to dry outside a porous medium.

How to cite: Carminati, A., Benard, P., and Lehmann, P.: Theory of drying of polymer solutions in porous media, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15772,, 2023.

Fate and transport of colloids and bio colloids in structurally heterogeneous porous media are known to exhibit anomalous behaviours such as non-Gaussian breakthrough curves. Classical approaches, like Colloid Filtration Theory, relies on spatial averaged quantities, neglecting flow topology heterogeneity brought about by both local pore scale surface irregularities and broad pores size distribution: two potential triggers for super diffusive effects and broad trapping time distributions. Recent theoretical work has tried to address these deficiencies by modeling deposition and flow variations as stochastic processes (Miele et al., Phys. Rev. Fluids 2019; Bordoloi et al., Nat. Commun. 2022). However, experimental evidence to demonstrate its validity for 3D geologic structures is still lacking. We thus design a novel experimental set-up to assess colloid fate transport under realistic structural heterogeneity with controlled laboratory conditions. Heterogeneous pore structures are first obtained from X-ray tomography of field samples and are subsequently 3D-printed at high resolution. Column transport experiments with gold (Au) nanoparticles are then conducted at different flow regimes, from which effluent concentration (at the macro scale) and colloid deposition (at the pore scale) are collected. These empirical data are complemented with pore network analysis that parametrizes the co-presence of preferential channels and stagnant cavities and, further, validates the stochastic model of interest. The findings shed light on the main drivers and structural hotspot for colloid filtration in realistic porous media.

How to cite: Miele, F., Patino, J., and Morales, V.: Surface Induced Anomalous Transport of Nanoparticle in 3D Printed Structurally Heterogeneous Soils: coupling experiments and stochastic models, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16451,, 2023.

EGU23-16609 | ECS | Posters on site | HS8.2.1

Effect of spatially correlated disorder on solute dispersion and mixing in partially saturated porous media 

Ali Saeibehrouzi, Petr Denissenko, Soroush Abolfathi, and Ran Holtzman

The transport of solute particles is common in many natural and engineering processes, such as nutrition/contamination transport in subsurface systems or underground carbon dioxide sequestration.  While most of the available investigations concentrate on single-phase scenarios, more often, multiple fluids coexist, denoted frequently as unsaturated conditions. Here, and by means of direct numerical simulation, the effect of spatially correlated disorder in pore size is examined for two-phase displacement in viscous fingering regime. Following the stabilisation of fluids interface (steady-state condition), the solute solution is introduced into the invading phase with lower viscosity. Simulation results indicate that the spatial disorder impacts solute migration through the invading phase saturation and tortuosity of velocity streamlines. A bimodal variation can be seen from the histogram of probability of pore-scale Peclet number with zones being mostly dominated by either advection or diffusion. In addition, there exists a transition region with an interplay between both advective and diffusive mechanisms. The creation of trapped regions focuses the flow into preferential pathways, resulting in a higher dispersion coefficient. This, on the other side, forms a concentration gradient transverse to the direction of flow, directing solute solution through diffusivity from preferential pathways to low-velocity zones.

How to cite: Saeibehrouzi, A., Denissenko, P., Abolfathi, S., and Holtzman, R.: Effect of spatially correlated disorder on solute dispersion and mixing in partially saturated porous media, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16609,, 2023.

The Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products, PPCPs, a category of Emerging Contaminants are omnipresent in the environment. These PPCPs have allured significant importance globally over two decades. Because of the lack of efficient treatment systems concerning to their varying Spatio-temporal effects, they impose chronic toxicity on the environment. Therefore, understanding the fate and transport behavior of PPCPs is of prime importance for the successful accomplishment of remediation operations.  In the study, three different PPCPs viz. Metformin, Triclosan and Erythromycin were modeled using numerical techniques in the silty saturated porous media using the software- COMSOL Multiphysics. A fate and transport model considering advection, dispersion, degradation, and adsorption is conceptualized as imitating the real soil column scenario. The column was fed with continuous injection of the contaminants in consideration. Further, sensitivity analysis is carried out by varying flow and transport parameters (longitudinal dispersivity, Darcy’s velocity, adsorption coefficient (Kd), and degradation coefficient) by three orders of magnitude. The degradation and adsorption delayed the process of transport of the three ECs, thereby taking more time to travel through the column. Erythromycin having comparatively less Kd is detected in the column outlet before metformin and triclosan. The results depicted a denoting effect of adsorption, Darcy’s velocity, and degradation co-efficient, thereby highlighting the importance of adsorption, advection and degradation being important factors in the transportation of PPCPs via saturated silty soil. Moreover, the longitudinal dispersivity tends to have a negligible effect on the concentration modeled, thus proving to be a less significant parameter influencing the transport of PPCPs in the environment. The results of the simulation may serve as a foreboding tool for prior identification of the ever-increasing ECs in the environment. Furthermore, the results may prove to be useful in policymaking and risk assessment due to the PPCPs. 

How to cite: Ashraf, M., Chakma, S., and Ahammad, Z.: Apprehending the complex transport and fate behavior of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in Silty Saturated Porous media - A Numerical Study, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16896,, 2023.

EGU23-17037 | Orals | HS8.2.1

Early Time Effective Reactivity of Reactive Transport in Cylindrically-Advected Reaction Fronts is enhanced by Hydrodynamic Dispersion 

Pratyaksh Karan, Uddipta Ghosh, Yves Méheust, and Tanguy Le Borgne

Reaction fronts are widespread in nature and are encountered frequently in the geological context. Examples include contaminant spread, neutralization-based reservoir decontamination, biogeochemical phenomena, and many more. The complex porous structures of subsurface formations renders the flow geometry incredibly complex, which in turn can, and often does, lead to interesting and peculiar reactive transport. For instance, the stretching and folding of the reaction front due to flow shear can enhance the effective reactivity, and flow stagnation spots can serve as sites for accummulation of reactants.

At the Darcy scale, the spreading of the front is controlled by hydrodynamic dispersion, which is a continuum scale manifestation of the pore scale interaction between heterogeneous advection and molecular diffusion. When the flow field is uniform, the consequence of dispersion is only a quantitative enhancement of diffusion. However, if the flow field varies in space, as may occur for example during aquifer remediation by injection of a neutralizing agent, the effect of hydrodynamic dispersion will lead to qualitative modifications in reactive transport dynamics as compared to hypothetic scenarios where the only diffusive mechanism is molecular diffusion. Yet, despite the ubiquity of dispersion, its impact on reactive fronts in porous media has not been addressed for flows with an axisymmetrical geometry, which are typical of well injection scenarios.

Therefore, we study the impact of hydrodynamic dispersion on reactive transport in cylindrically-advected bimolecular reaction fronts. We show that, in the reaction-limited regime at early times, mechanical dispersion is the dominant transport process and augments the reaction front’s advancement (which scales as t1/3, t being the time), the reaction rate (which scales as t2/3) and the product mass (which scales as t5/3), in comparison to a dispersion-free scenario (for which, the reaction front advancement, the reaction rate and the product mass scale as t1/2, t1 and t2 respectively). On the other hand, depending on the strength of hydrodynamic dispersion, we may encounter a dispersion-dominated, mixing-limited, regime of the reactive front at large times, which exhibits a declining reaction rate. This bevahior is significantly different from the dispersion-free scenario where a declining reaction rate is never encountered. Lastly, at sufficiently long times (longer for stronger dispersion), the reaction front transitions to a behavior akin to that seen in the dispersion-free scenario, wherein the differences between the dispersive and the dispersion-free scenarios become negligible.

How to cite: Karan, P., Ghosh, U., Méheust, Y., and Le Borgne, T.: Early Time Effective Reactivity of Reactive Transport in Cylindrically-Advected Reaction Fronts is enhanced by Hydrodynamic Dispersion, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17037,, 2023.

EGU23-17055 | ECS | Orals | HS8.2.1

Convective dissolution of carbon dioxide in 2D water-saturated porous media: an experimental study in two-dimensional micromodels 

Niloy De, Naval Singh, Remy Fulcrand, Yves Méheust, Patrice Meunier, and François Nadal

Convective dissolution is a perennial trapping mechanism of carbon dioxide in geological formations saturated with an aqueous phase. This process, which couples dissolution of supercritical CO2, convection of the liquid containing the dissolvedCO2, and mixing of the latter within the liquid, has so far not been studied in two-dimensional porous media. In order to do so, two-dimensional (2D) porous micromodels (patterned Hele-Shaw cells) have been fabricated from UV-curable NOA63 glue. NOA63 is used instead of PDMS, which is permeable to CO2 and does not allow for a controlled no flux boundary condition at the walls. The novel fabrication protocol proposed here, based on the bonding of a patterned photo-lithographed NOA63 layer on a flat NOA63 base, shows good reproducibility regardless of the pattern’s typical size, and allows for easy filling of the cell despite the small value of the gap. A pressure chamber allows pressurizing the CO2 and outside of the flow cell up to 10 bars. Experiments were performed in 11 different porous media geometries. As expected, a gravitational fingering instability is observed upon injection of gaseous carbon dioxide in the cell, resulting in the downwards migration of dissolved CO2 plumes through the 2D porous structure. The initial wavelength of the fingers is larger in the presence of a hexagonal lattice of pillars. This effect can be correctly predicted from the theory for the gravitational instability in a Hele-Shaw cell devoid of pillars, provided that the permeability of the hexagonal porous medium is considered in the theory instead of that of the Hele-Shaw cell. Fluctuations around the theoretical prediction observed in the data are mostly attributed to a hitherto unknown weak locking of the wavelength on the distance between closest pillars.

How to cite: De, N., Singh, N., Fulcrand, R., Méheust, Y., Meunier, P., and Nadal, F.: Convective dissolution of carbon dioxide in 2D water-saturated porous media: an experimental study in two-dimensional micromodels, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17055,, 2023.

EGU23-17293 | Orals | HS8.2.1

Controlling colloid transport through porous media via local gradients of solute concentration 

Mamta Jotkar, Ilan Ben-Noah, Juan J. Hidalgo, Marco Dentz, and Luis Cueto-Felgueroso

Diffusiophoresis referring to the colloidal particle migration triggered by gradients of local salt concentration, has been established in the recent years as an efficient particle manipulation tool in relatively simple microfluidic setups such as plane channels, dead-end pores, Y-shaped channels, vertical diverging pores, etc. Owing to the fact that the particle velocities depend logarithmically on the solute concentration gradients, small variations in the concentration fields can result in significantly large diffusiophoretic particle motion. However, despite the recent investigations hardly anything is known about its effects in the field of flow and transport in porous media. Spatial heterogeneities and complex fluid-phase distributions are quite ubiquitously found across spatial scales ranging from pore-scale to field-scale. These have a strong impact on the flow and transport of dissolved solutes through porous media giving rise to rich heterogeneous solute landscapes that provide local gradients of solute concentration, a prerequisite for diffusiophoretic motion. Following this motivation, we perform pore-scale simulations to understand the effects of diffusiophoresis at pore-scale in partially saturated media for varying degrees of fluid saturation and quantify their impact on the macroscopic particle transport. We envision that by exploiting the heterogeneous solute landscapes, particle motion can be controlled in an efficient manner. Depending on the sign of the diffusiophoretic mobility, determined by the size and surface charge of the colloidal particle, localized particle entrapment or removal can be achieved systematically. Our results that are pioneer in the field of diffusiophoretic transport through porous media, will pave the way to attaining controlled particle manipulation through porous media. 

How to cite: Jotkar, M., Ben-Noah, I., Hidalgo, J. J., Dentz, M., and Cueto-Felgueroso, L.: Controlling colloid transport through porous media via local gradients of solute concentration, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17293,, 2023.

EGU23-17488 | Posters on site | HS8.2.1

Optical thermometry to characterize heat transport in permeable porous media 

Arwa Rashed, Maria Klepikova, Gauthier Rousseau, Francesco Gomez, Joris Heyman, Benoît Fond, and Yves Méheust

The study of heat transport in porous media has recently attracted a lot of attention due to the wide range of industrial and geological applications, yet the impact of the structural heterogeneity of naturally occurring aquifers on their hydraulic and thermal properties is often disregarded. In that regard, a novel application of phosphor thermometry to porous media is proposed with the aim of examining under which conditions the validity of existing thermal transfer models in complex natural saturated porous media can be questioned. This experimental technique relies on monitoring the temperature-dependent luminescence properties of solid phosphor particles seeded into the fluid as tracers, using light sources and cameras. It offers the possibility of characterizing quantitatively the interaction between flow and heat transport processes at the pore scale in transparent analog porous media, with minimal interference and from spatially-resolved measurements, hereby overcoming the technical limitations of current experimental techniques, which are constrained to point temperature measurements.

Here, as proof of concept, we present a demonstration experiment performed on a slow-moving flow in a synthetic porous medium with a heterogenous size distribution, and using YAG:Cr3+, a thermographic phosphor with a temperature sensitivity exceeding 0.3%/K [1]. The measurements are performed using a modulated light source and are recorded at a sampling rate of 1 kHz during continuous injection of an aqueous solution which is initially at a constant temperature, different from that of the resident solution. The results show the dynamics of the spatial temperature distribution in the porous medium with a precision of ±0.3°C.

[1] J. L. Bonilla and B. Fond, "Phosphor thermometry using the phase-shift method: optimization and comparison with decay time method," 2022.

How to cite: Rashed, A., Klepikova, M., Rousseau, G., Gomez, F., Heyman, J., Fond, B., and Méheust, Y.: Optical thermometry to characterize heat transport in permeable porous media, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17488,, 2023.

EGU23-17523 | ECS | Orals | HS8.2.1

Experimental characterization of Rayleigh-Taylor convection in granular media for CO2 sequestration by dissolution trapping 

Shabina Ashraf, Jayabrata Dhar, François Nadal, Patrice Meunier, and Yves Méheust

A large fraction of greenhouse gases (about 60%) released into the atmosphere are due to CO2 emissions from industrial processes and the burning of fossil fuels [1]. One of the strategies employed to reduce the emissions is rapping them securely in the subsurface [2-4]. Dissolution trapping, in particular, involves injection of CO2 into the subsurface where the supercritical CO2 (sCO2) dissolves in the aquifer brine and forms a CO2 enriched layer within solution. The interface between the high density CO2 rich brine on the top and the ambient low density aquifer water below results in destabilization of the aforementioned layer [2-4]. This leads to a gravitational instability which then causes a natural convection of CO2 rich brine to lower layers, thereby accelerating further dissolution of the sCO2 into the fresh brine.

The study of Brouzet et al. shows that traditional continuume scale, Darcy law-governed, models underestimate the timescales of the convective dissolution’s dynamics, owing to local heterogeneity in the pore-scale flow, and that it may thus be necessary to take pore-scale fluctuations into account [5]. We present here a 2D experimental study using miscible analog fluids with a contrast in densities to understand the convective transport of the dissolved sCO2. The fluids and the granular media are refractive index matched, which renders the medium transparent and helps in accurate quantification of experimental findings at various Rayleigh (Ra) and Darcy numbers (Da). Darcy scale simulations are used to complement the two-dimensional experimental measurements and it was found that Darcy scale simulations underpredict the experimental findings by several orders of magnitude, which is consistent with the findings by Brouzet et al. We investigate convective dynamics for various values of the number by changing the density of fluids, the properties of the granular medium (permeability, size of the granular medium) which determines the size of the instability with respect to pore size. When that number is much smaller than 1, obvious causes for the failure of the continuum scale description can be excluded, yet discrepancies remain between the experimental results and the simulations.


[1] Contribution of Working Group III to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, IPCC 2014.

[2] Emami-Meybodi, H., Hassanzadeh, H., Green, C. P., & Ennis-King, J. (2015). Convective dissolution of CO2 in saline aquifers: Progress in modeling and experiments. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 40, 238-266.

[3] Pau, G. S., Bell, J. B., Pruess, K., Almgren, A. S., Lijewski, M. J., & Zhang, K. (2010). High-resolution simulation and characterization of density-driven flow in CO2 storage in saline aquifers. Advances in Water Resources, 33(4), 443-455.

[4] Meunier, P., & Nadal, F. (2018). From a steady plume to periodic puffs during confined carbon dioxide dissolution. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 855, 1-27.

[5] Brouzet, C., Méheust, Y., & Meunier, P. (2022). CO2 convective dissolution in a three-dimensional granular porous medium: An experimental study. Physical Review Fluids, 7(3), 033802.

How to cite: Ashraf, S., Dhar, J., Nadal, F., Meunier, P., and Méheust, Y.: Experimental characterization of Rayleigh-Taylor convection in granular media for CO2 sequestration by dissolution trapping, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17523,, 2023.

SSS7 – Soil Pollution and Reclamation

EGU23-1876 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS7.1

Methodological proposal for the reconstruction of paleofire and fire history from sedimentological analysis 

Carlos Sánchez-García, Marcos Francos, and Manuel Esteban Lucas-Borja

Fire is a transcendental natural element in ecosystems. At the level of anthropic use, it plays a fundamental role when it comes to managing forest areas, and at the environmental level, it is a key factor in the evolution of ecosystems. Anthropogenic fires began to be detected in the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition, and in recent centuries they have become a constant in the Mediterranean regions. One of the post-fire effects is the loss of soil due to erosion, and in turn, the restoration measures are aimed at stabilizing the soil. Levees are one of the measures that has been used historically, these places act as sediment traps and, therefore, from the analysis of sediment and the analysis of sedimentary coals, the forest history of an affected area by fire, could be reconstructed. This presentation aims to provide a methodological proposal for the study and analysis of historical and prehistoric fires based on sedimentary analysis. The area that has been chosen for the proposal is dissociated between the southeast and the center-west of the Iberian Peninsula, Province of Albacete and Provinces of Salamanca, respectively. The sampling of sediment containment dikes and the analysis of the different soil layers (clay, sand or ash) are part of erosion and transport after fire. In this case, the ash layers serve as dating and the accumulation of sediments in upper layers allows us to know the loss of soil that occurred after the fire event. The different restoration measures that have been taken after the fire will cause the sedimentary aggradation in the dike to be different. Finally, in areas where the dry-stone walls have been built with the same intention as the dikes, it is possible to reconstruct the history of the fires from the sedimentary carbon; this technique is widely used in paleoenvironmental studies and, in this case, would provide information about the forest response at different climatic moments during the Holocene.

How to cite: Sánchez-García, C., Francos, M., and Lucas-Borja, M. E.: Methodological proposal for the reconstruction of paleofire and fire history from sedimentological analysis, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1876,, 2023.

EGU23-2606 | Posters on site | SSS7.1

Effects of prescribed fire on soil hydrology on a global scale: a systematic review and a meta-analysis 

Demetrio Antonio Zema and Manuel Esteban Lucas-Borja

Wildfires are becoming more intense and threatening increasingly larger areas, with loss of biodiversity and increased hydrogeological risks. Prescribed fires are one of the most effective tools to control and limit the risk of catastrophic wildfires, preserving the natural state of forests. However, indications about the correct use of prescribed fire are needed by forest managers, and the analysis of published data reported in the relevant literature may be essential. This paper presents a review of 41 papers published in international scientific journals in the last 20 years about the hydrological and erosive effects of prescribed fire on forest soils. A quantitative database of observations about water infiltration, soil water repellency, surface runoff and soil erosion has been set up, based on measurements in 85 case studies reported in those articles. The effects of annual precipitation, soil slope, burn severity, fire application season, post-fire ground cover, and vegetation type on post-fire hydrology have been statistically explored using meta-analysis techniques. The bibliographic research has revealed that the case studies are not homogeneously distributed on the global scale but concentrated in few countries. The meta-analysis has shown that water infiltration decreases and soil water repellency appears in the short-term after prescribed fire. Noticeable increases in surface runoff (up to 20-fold the values measured in the unburned soils) and mainly in soil erosion (with peaks of 700-fold the pre-fire conditions) are common in the few months after the prescribed fire. Water infiltration is significantly influenced by precipitation, soil slope, soil burn severity, and vegetation type. All these variables together with burn season and ground cover after fire application are significant factors of variability of surface runoff, while only soil slope, vegetation type and burn season are significant drivers of soil erosion. The period of soil disturbance due to fire on soils commonly last few months, but some studies show that the pre-fire hydrological and erosive response to prescribed fire does not restore after two years. The post-fire increase in soil erosion is higher compared to surface runoff, and the highest soil loss is observed when fire is applied in summer in forest covered by trees, at soil slopes higher than 40%, moderate to high severities. On a practical approach, indications about the control and mitigation of the hydrogeological hazard after prescribed fire are given to land managers as follows: (i) need for post-fire management actions and control of soil burn severity and level of post-fire ground cover burning; (ii) temporal and spatial extensions of experimental activities to multi-year monitoring, catchment-scale investigations and observations also in case of repeated applications of prescribed fire; (iii) integration of the experimental observations with measurements of soil properties, vegetation characteristics and water quality; (vii) guidelines for standardized and appropriate measurement and analytical methods in experimental activities, in order to ensure the comparability of data and consistent interpretation of results.

How to cite: Zema, D. A. and Lucas-Borja, M. E.: Effects of prescribed fire on soil hydrology on a global scale: a systematic review and a meta-analysis, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2606,, 2023.

EGU23-3221 | Orals | SSS7.1

Growing perennial grasses on contaminated soils for phytoremediation and renewable energy: a nature-based solution to maximise energy and eco-system service provision? 

Richard Lord, Ben Nunn, Ben Wright, Andrea Colantoni, Leonardo Bianchini, Riccardo Alemanno, Oleksandra Tryboi, Maico Severino, and Wilson Leandro

Available data indicates 2.8 million potentially contaminated sites, just across the EU-28. While 650,000 sites have been registered, only 1 in 10 have so far been remediated[1]. The management cost of European contaminated sites is estimated at €6 billion annually[2]. The main types of contaminants are potentially toxic elements (including heavy metals). Similarly, a 2014 Government study in China found 16.1% of all soil and 19.4% of arable land showed contamination, with Cd, Ni and As being the main pollutants[3]. Meanwhile, the global challenge of feeding growing populations while still reducing greenhouse gas emissions leaves less agricultural for dedicated bioenergy crops[4]. Therefore, there is a pressing need to successfully combine nature-based decontamination through phytoremediation with bioenergy production.


Given the wide variety of non-agricultural marginal lands[5], species selection must combine significant biomass production with acceptable levels of contamination for subsequent use or energy conversion.  Whereas specialist hyperaccumulator plants may achieve higher levels of contaminants and greater bioconcentration and translocation factors, their inherently lower productivity means that biomass, energy yield and mass of contaminants removed per unit area will be relatively small.  In contrast, high yielding, low contaminant uptake characteristics, such as for conventional energy crop species, could result in greater energy production, economic viability and biomass utilisation potential.


Here we report on field scale trials to implement this strategy, part of the CERESiS (ContaminatEd land Remediation through Energy crops for Soil improvement to liquid biofuels Strategies) H2020 Project (GA 101006717). We have evaluated the performance of Phalaris, Miscanthus, Saccharum and Pennisetum species for combined phyto-remediation and phyto-management of contaminated land during energy crop production in Brazil and Europe.  Reed canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea) is a native perennial rhizomatous C3 species suitable for non-agricultural or marginal lands and climatic zones such as Scotland (where Miscanthus x giganteous cannot grow).  Our phytoremediation trials using Phalaris in Italy and Ukraine are the first we are aware of.  In the UK the CERESiS project has utilised field trials originally established during the BioReGen (Biomass, Remediation, re-Generation: Reusing Brownfield Sites for renewable energy crops) EU Life demonstration Project (LIFE05 ENV/UK/000128) in 2007.  These allowed direct comparison of the actual contaminant removal rates of three crop species:  Although the biomass of Miscanthus and short-rotation coppice Salix contained higher concentrations of certain elements, Phalaris far out-performed these in terms of biomass, ease and economy of production[6].  Surprisingly, despite lower contaminant concentrations in Phalaris, such was the increased biomass that the total mass removed was still greater than for Miscanthus or Salix.  This suggests that low-uptake phyto-excluding plants which can tolerate contaminated soils and grow productively may still represent the best and most economically viable option for clean-up of contaminated sites. Meanwhile this nature-based solution can simultaneously deliver a variety of wider societal and environmental benefits, such as greening-up derelict land or the enhanced storage of carbon in soils[7].

[1] Pérez & Eugenio (2018).

[2] Panagos et al. (2013).


[4] Searchinger et al. (2018).

[5] Mellor et al. (2021).

[6] Lord (2015).

[7] Lord & Sakrabani (2019).

How to cite: Lord, R., Nunn, B., Wright, B., Colantoni, A., Bianchini, L., Alemanno, R., Tryboi, O., Severino, M., and Leandro, W.: Growing perennial grasses on contaminated soils for phytoremediation and renewable energy: a nature-based solution to maximise energy and eco-system service provision?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3221,, 2023.

EGU23-4373 | ECS | Orals | SSS7.1 | Highlight

Engineered soils for recultivation of degraded sites 

Anja Gantar, Vesna Zupanc, Helena Grčman, and Marko Zupan

The total area of agricultural land in Europe and Slovenia is constantly decreasing, causing the loss of a potential for food production and self-sufficiency capacity. In addition to limiting soil sealing, one of the main objectives of the EU Soil Strategy for 2030 involves recultivating degraded sites, which requires appropriate materials, in particular for fertile, top layers.

Due to the complexity of the restoration process of agricultural land, the ability of the restored areas to provide full or any scope of ecosystem services as expected depends on several factors. What the opencast mines have in common is the removal of the top, fertile part of the soil in the exercising of mining rights. The availability of fertile soils with suitable properties is often one of the main limitations for appropriate recultivation. Whilst less fertile soil or even inert construction or industry residuals may be used to recultivate the lower layers, the top layers require using engineered soils with appropriate physical, biological and chemical properties. These properties depend on the purpose of the final use of sites. Apart from making sure that the engineered soils have appropriate physical, chemical and biological properties, it is also necessary that they do not contain excessive concentrations of potentially hazardous substances when it comes to agricultural use.

The primary aim and objective is to develop technologies for producing fertile soils from inorganic and organic waste resulting from construction work or opencast mines and other industrial processes. The main categories of waste where the Slovenian recycling rate is lower than the EU rate are sewage sludge and non-hazardous construction and demolition waste. In this contribution, we are studying how to improve non-fertile soils with various additives of secondary origin to prepare fertile soil mixtures that enable a safe space greening or even food production.

Acknowledgements: Project LIFE20 IPE/SI/000021 je co-financed by European Union.

Keywords: agricultural landscape, land rehabilitation, recultivation, top soil

How to cite: Gantar, A., Zupanc, V., Grčman, H., and Zupan, M.: Engineered soils for recultivation of degraded sites, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4373,, 2023.

EGU23-4533 | Posters on site | SSS7.1

How do mine rehabilitation strategies affects soil heterogeneity and structure in the long term? 

Thomas Baumgartl, Franziska Bucka, Evelin Pihlap, and Vilim Filipovic

Open-cast or surface mining present a site-specific and a temporary use of land that unavoidably involves the displacement of the fertile topsoil layer and overall environmental change. Following mine closure, rehabilitation of mining areas is essential to build sustainable and stable landforms. Reclamation of soils is particularly challenging as their construction needs to take into account broader land reclamation analysis including soils, water, vegetation, stability and biodiversity effects. The objective of this study was to assess development in soil properties of rehabilitated soils since construction (1980, 1998, 2009, 2016, 2017) focusing on hydraulic and mechanical soil properties. The study was performed at an open-cast lignite coal mine site in south-east Australia (Victoria) in 2021. Soil hydraulic properties (SHP) were determined using the extended evaporation method while the mechanical properties were assessed using in-situ vane shear tests. The study indicated the relevance of a consistent soil cover design and construction. The soil hydraulic properties results showed a shift in soil water retention curve characteristic (1980 vs 2017 site), together with a decrease in saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks), which can certainly influence soil water dynamics and increase surface runoff. The vane shear test showed large heterogeneity among the sites with rehabilitated sites indicating large internal variation compared to the reference site and generally higher shear resistance. Differences in soil hydraulic conductivity and higher SOC storage over time revealed developments in soil recovery, but the improvement in soil mechanical strength did not show any relation to soil properties affecting soil structural stability. Rather, the change was driven by the large variability in texturally affected pore size distribution among the sites. The observed small-scale heterogeneity of the rehabilitated soils is most likely explained by disturbance due to excavation activities and used rehabilitation methods as well as availability of the soil material. Closer monitoring of rehabilitated areas temporally and spatially as well as in improvement in topsoil cover design is recommended, as such heterogeneity leads to uncertainty in long-term sustainable landscape formation.

How to cite: Baumgartl, T., Bucka, F., Pihlap, E., and Filipovic, V.: How do mine rehabilitation strategies affects soil heterogeneity and structure in the long term?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4533,, 2023.

EGU23-4561 | Posters on site | SSS7.1

How a Short Prescribed Fire Affects Soil Physical and Hydraulic Properties, Soil Water Balance, and Emergent Vegetation in a Grassland 

David Zumr, Tailin Li, Jakub Jeřábek, Jan Winkler, and Magdalena Vaverková

A controlled burn was conducted on a grassland in Řisuty, Czech Republic, to study the effects of a short prescribed fire on soil physical and hydraulic properties, soil water balance and emergent vegetation. The grassland was newly established on arable soil three years prior to the study. The experimental site contained a weather station and sensors to measure soil temperature and soil moisture at three different depths. The soil, a loamy Cambisol, was not water repellent. A 5 x 5 m plot covered with sun-dried grass was burnt. The fire reached a temperature of about 700 °C over a period of 15 minutes. The subsequent hydrological regime of the soil was compared with that of a nearby unburned reference plot. Immediately after the fire and at weekly to monthly intervals thereafter, soil samples were taken to determine organic carbon content, soil structure stability, hydraulic conductivity, bulk density and soil texture. The results showed that temporary burning improved the hydraulic properties of the topsoil, with the infiltration capacity and water content of the soil in the burnt plot increasing throughout the year compared to the control plot. This provided a suitable habitat for the colonising vegetation. The findings suggest that small-scale controlled biomass burning can have a positive impact on the soil ecosystem and a temporary improvement in the hydraulic properties of the upper soil layer. The contribution is a result of a INTER‐COST project of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech republic, grant no. LTC20001.

How to cite: Zumr, D., Li, T., Jeřábek, J., Winkler, J., and Vaverková, M.: How a Short Prescribed Fire Affects Soil Physical and Hydraulic Properties, Soil Water Balance, and Emergent Vegetation in a Grassland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4561,, 2023.

EGU23-4613 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS7.1

Changes in soil chemical properties along afforestation chronosequence in the dried Aral Sea bed, Kazakhstan, from 1990-2019 

Gaeun Kim, Jieun Ahn, Hanna Chang, Jiae An, and Yowhan Son

Desiccation of the Aral Sea left a vast area of unstable, saline, and barren seafloor. In response, afforestation using indigenous trees, mainly Haloxylon species, has been performed to ameliorate the soil. This study examined 1) changes in topsoil chemical properties after vegetation establishment based on 30-year chronosequence of afforested sites and 2) dynamics in the topsoil properties in two cases of naturally vegetated versus afforested areas. In August 2019, soils were sampled from the northeastern Aral Sea bed, Kazakhstan, where the shoreline retreated during the 1970s. We selected a non-saline area without any vegetation, a visibly salinized area without any natural vegetation, and 12 paired sites with predominantly sandy soil texture that were naturally vegetated or afforested during 1990, 2000, 2005, 2008, 2013, and 2017. In the 0‒10 cm soil layer, 3 points were sampled in each site and we analyzed soil pH, electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS), exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP), total nitrogen (TN) and carbon (TC), total organic carbon (TOC), available phosphorus concentration (P2O5), exchangeable cation concentrations (K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, and Na+), and cation exchange capacity (CEC). The soil samples in chronosequence sites showed a wide range of EC, without any significant temporal trend. The pH ranged between 8.5 and 10.0, characterized soil as alkaline. CEC ranged from 9 to 45 cmolc kg-1. Soil pH, EC, and TDS variations among the chronosequence sites (natural or afforested) were not statistically significant. In contrast, we observed marginal increases in K+ and P2O5 after the vegetation establishment. Also, TN and TOC concentrations increased over time, significantly faster in afforested than in naturally vegetated sites. However, TC contents showed a sudden decrease in the oldest natural vegetation. This result may be partly attributed to the spatial variability in sampling locations used for the chronosequence analysis. Lastly, there were strong positive correlations among TOC, TN, K+, and P2O5; which imply an increase in soil organic materials’ contribution to nutrient accumulation and overall soil quality. In conclusion, afforestation contributed to soil amelioration but this effect was also observed in naturally vegetated sites.

How to cite: Kim, G., Ahn, J., Chang, H., An, J., and Son, Y.: Changes in soil chemical properties along afforestation chronosequence in the dried Aral Sea bed, Kazakhstan, from 1990-2019, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4613,, 2023.

Irrigation with secondary treated waste water (TWW) may harm soils, especially clayey ones, through increasing soil salinity and sodicity that subsequently impair its physical and hydraulic properties. We compared the effects of TWW-irrigated  compost and tuff trenches placed in an almond orchard of Kibutz Lavee, Israel, on  properties of a clayey soil to those of TWW or fresh water (FW) irrigation.  Both types of trenches did not reduce soil sodicity (expressed in terms of sodium adsorption ratio, SAR). Compost trenches had no effect on soil salinity while the Tuff ones reduced salinity.  Compost trenches increased soil water content and oxygen concentration, whereas Tuff increased aeration but not soil water content. All treatments irrigated with TWW did not improve aggregate stability relative to irrigation with FW. We conclude that compost and tuff trenches could be considered as solutions for enhancing aeration in the root zone and thus potentially improve crop performance.

How to cite: Levy, G., Zireeni, Y., and Bar-Tal, A.: Effects of Trenches Filled with Compost or Tuff on some Properties of a Clayey Soil Irrigated  with Secondary Treated Waste Water., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4888,, 2023.

EGU23-5920 | Posters virtual | SSS7.1

The response of soil in a semi-arid landscape with SE orientation after early prescribed burning. 

Álvaro Fajardo-Cantos, Esther Peña-Molina, Javier González-Romero, Daniel Moya, Asunción Díaz, Raúl Botella, Manuel-Esteban Lucas-Borja, and Jorge Antonio De las Heras

The current forest fire regimes are increasing due to high temperatures, global warming and frequency of wildfires in dry ecosystems like in the Mediterranean Basin. These issues are decreasing ecosystem’s resistance and resilience, worsening desertification, for this reason, it is of great importance to analyze the effects on the soil. However, it is now possible to apply some preventive tools to avoid wildfire effects or reduce their impacts on ecosystems. Fire is used as preventive tool, prescribed burning (PB) change both the fuel loads in forest ecosystems and vegetation strata. However, fire can produce changes in soil characteristics and physico-chemical parameters.

The studied PB was carried out in spring 2021 (early burn) in SE Spain. The mainly vegetation is shrub (i.e., Macrochloa tenacissima (L.) Kunth, Cistus Clusii Dunal, Salvia rosmarinus (L.) Schleid) with poor dry soils formed mainly by cambisols. For improve the knowledge at short/medium-term PB effects on soil, this study attempted to analyze the ecological early PB effects on semi-arid land soils by CO2 flow soil respiration (SR) automatic chamber (CFLUX-1 Soil CO2 Flux System), minidisk infiltrometers for soil hydraulic conductivity (SHC) by infiltration rate and Water Drop Penetration Time (WDPT) methodology for measuring soil water repellency (SWR). It also analyzed soil physico-chemical properties. In addition, this study tries to generate a protocol or guide of good practices for PB. There were no significant differences in any studied variables after the 1-year period according to our formulated hypotheses. However, effects were observed on some parameters on the first days after the PB, such as SOM and nutrients.

How to cite: Fajardo-Cantos, Á., Peña-Molina, E., González-Romero, J., Moya, D., Díaz, A., Botella, R., Lucas-Borja, M.-E., and De las Heras, J. A.: The response of soil in a semi-arid landscape with SE orientation after early prescribed burning., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5920,, 2023.

EGU23-7858 | Orals | SSS7.1

The potential of plantations to restore ecosystem services, a case study from Ghana 

Frank Berninger, Hugh Brown, and Mark Appiah

The role of plantations for restoring humid forest ecosystems is subject to intense debate. Some studies suggest that plantations are inferior to secondary forests in most ecosystem services. In contrast, other studies emphasise the role of planted trees that could catalyse an accelerated development towards late-successional forests. Our study analyses a unique dataset of old (>40 years) unmanaged timber plantations. Planted species were Aucoumea klaineana, Cedrela odorata, Tarrietia utilis, and Terminalia ivorensis. We compare these to secondary forests, and pristine primary stands. Our results indicate that in the unmanaged plantations, species-rich stands with high biomass evolved. The carbon stocks of the unmanaged plantations exceeded the secondary forest and had similar levels to the primary stands. The biomass of the naturally regenerated trees in the plantations was similar to secondary forests. Not surprisingly, timber value of the plantations surpassed both primary forests and secondary forests. Results were more mixed for biodiversity attributes. Plantations of Aucoumea klaineana had lower diversity values than the primary and secondary forests. However, other species, especially plantations of Cedrela odorata, had similar diversity to primary and secondary forests. Species with high conservation value were present in all three ecosystem types. Above-ground carbon stocks in plantations were highest, and there were no statistical differences in below-ground carbon stocks. Our results indicate that plantations could play a role in rapidly accruing carbon in tropical landscapes. 

How to cite: Berninger, F., Brown, H., and Appiah, M.: The potential of plantations to restore ecosystem services, a case study from Ghana, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7858,, 2023.

EGU23-8228 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS7.1

Adaptive land management to fight land degradation in Mediterranean agroforestry pastoral areas 

Hafiz Khuzama Ishaq, Eleonora Grilli, Iseult Malrieu, Micol Mastrocicco, Rosaria D’Ascoli, Gianluigi Busico, Flora Angela Rutigliano, Rossana Marzaioli, Elio Coppola, Fernando Pulido, Filipe Silva, Marco Bijl, Joao Madeira, and Simona Castaldi

Healthy soils are fundamental to support ecosystem functions and productivity and represent an adaptive fundamental condition to face climatic change extremes, like in Southern Mediterranean often characterized by land degradation, soil erosion and desertification risk. As part of the project LIFE16 CCA/IT/000011 Desert Adapt, since 2018 we have been working on agroforestry pastoral areas of Portugal to test more adaptive strategies, including changes in grazing cycles which can allow a better regeneration of the grass cover, higher protection of the soil and improvement of the overall soil functions that support pasture productivity. We present the first data set of soil monitoring from spring 2022 and we combine the evaluation of soil amelioration with a full integrated management view of the improved grazed system to underline the multiple beneficial environmental effects of soil protection within and beyond the soil system.

How to cite: Ishaq, H. K., Grilli, E., Malrieu, I., Mastrocicco, M., D’Ascoli, R., Busico, G., Rutigliano, F. A., Marzaioli, R., Coppola, E., Pulido, F., Silva, F., Bijl, M., Madeira, J., and Castaldi, S.: Adaptive land management to fight land degradation in Mediterranean agroforestry pastoral areas, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8228,, 2023.

EGU23-8507 | ECS | Orals | SSS7.1

Optimising soil profiles to support calcareous grassland habitat creation 

Chris McCloskey, R. Jane Rickson, Wilfred Otten, Rebecca Butler, Chris Cantle, Matt Hobbs, and Ceri Spears

Calcareous grasslands are some of Europe’s most species-rich plant communities and important biodiversity sites. These habitats are, however, threatened; many in the UK were lost to changing land use during the 20th century and pressure continues on the remaining (often scarce and fragmented) sites. Habitat restoration and rewilding are increasingly important both in the public consciousness and in governmental policy, and the ecological value and threatened nature of calcareous grasslands make them a prime target for restoration efforts. A growing number of projects are therefore working to restore or re-create chalk grassland ecosystems. An under-explored aspect of this, however, is how by-products from land development projects might be re-purposed to create the specialised soil environment needed to support calcareous grassland communities. This has the potential to combine sustainable re-use of construction materials with novel ways to create or restore calcareous grassland habitats and thus ensure infrastructure projects contribute to net biodiversity gain.


In this study we investigate how to optimise the design of soil profiles to support calcareous grassland ecosystems. The study site is located in within the Central 1 section of the HS2 (High Speed 2) Phase One rail development in the Colne Valley (England) being delivered by the Align joint venture. The aim is to create a large area of calcareous grassland as part of a broader (127 hectare) mosaic habitat creation including calcareous grassland, wood pasture and wetland in land that is currently used for construction but was previously arable land. The ‘Colne Valley Western Slopes’ will, when complete, be the largest single area of habitat creation along the HS2 route and will significantly contribute to the project’s commitment to deliver ‘No Net Loss’ in biodiversity.


The properties of underlying soils are critical for the establishment, development and health of this internationally important chalk grassland ecosystem. Physical, chemical and biological properties such as soil structure, drainage and restricted nutrient availability are essential for supporting the diverse plant assemblages found in calcareous grasslands. In this project, we are testing through a combination of controlled environment studies and field trials four constructed soil profiles using different configurations of site-derived materials/construction by-products, using both controlled environment studies and field trials. The site-won materials include: 2.6 M m3 of excavated chalk from 16 km of tunnel construction, crushed limestone and concrete from decommissioned compounds/haul roads, and subsoils (stripped during site clearance) that contain highly variable percentages of CaCO3. Here we present results from a large-scale mesocosm trial alongside initial field trial data to assess how these constructed soil profiles affect key factors for habitat creation, including soil hydrology, soil microbial dynamics, nutrient cycling, and vegetation establishment and diversity. The findings for this project will inform and effectively complete the earthworks design for the creation of 88 hectares of calcareous grassland in the Colne Valley, as well as providing insights for other chalk grassland restoration projects elsewhere.

How to cite: McCloskey, C., Rickson, R. J., Otten, W., Butler, R., Cantle, C., Hobbs, M., and Spears, C.: Optimising soil profiles to support calcareous grassland habitat creation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8507,, 2023.

EGU23-10170 | ECS | Orals | SSS7.1

Seed microbial community characterisation and isolation from three species common to fire-prone Australia. 

Nathali Maria Machado de Lima, Ryan Tangney, Miriam Muñoz Rojas, and Mark Ooi

Microorganisms called endophytes are passed from parent plants to their offspring and play significant roles in plant growth and development. In recent years, endophytes have gained attention for their ability to help plants withstand stress and have been used in revegetation efforts. However, there is still a lack of understanding about seed endophytes in ecosystems prone to fire, where the dormancy and germination of seeds are affected by various factors that can impact the persistence of plant populations. This gap in knowledge hinders the ability to predict how plant populations will respond to selective pressures and stress caused by climate change. To address this, the present study focused on characterizing seed-borne endophytes in order to understand their potential to enhance germination and growth under stress. Mixed and pure cultures of endophytes were isolated from the fire-prone species Anigozanthos manglesii, Haemodorum planifolium and Haemodorum spicatum, all of which are native to Banksia woodlands in Western Australia and belong to the Haemodoraceae family. The bacterial community composition and diversity of each species were also analyzed using next-generation sequencing targeting the 16S rRNA. This study is unique in examining seed endophytes in fire-prone species and provides a foundation for future research on the relationship between seed microbiome composition, germination success, and seedling vigour.

How to cite: Machado de Lima, N. M., Tangney, R., Muñoz Rojas, M., and Ooi, M.: Seed microbial community characterisation and isolation from three species common to fire-prone Australia., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10170,, 2023.

EGU23-12372 | ECS | Posters virtual | SSS7.1 | Highlight

Dry grassland restoration in Mediterranean degraded lands: the NewLife4Drylands pilot case in Alta Murgia 

Rocco Labadessa, Luigi Forte, Serena D’Ambrogi, Paolo Mazzetti, Laura Tomassetti, and Cristina Tarantino

The need of adopting practices to restore degraded land has been stressed by the new Soil Strategy, with regard to dry ecosystems showing greater risk of desertification. To assess the effectiveness, feasibility and replicability of restoration techniques applied to Mediterranean dry ecosystems, a set of different restoration techniques has been tested in Alta Murgia National Park (Southern Italy), one of the NewLife4Drylands project (NL4D; pilot sites. This area is particularly subjected to land degradation processes as a result of recent and widespread activities of rock shattering for the conversion of calcareous pastures to croplands, which had caused an extensive loss of semi-natural vegetation and ecosystem functions. Experimental efforts were aimed at testing sustainable techniques for the restoration of protected dry grassland types that naturally occur in the study area. Within an overall surface of 9000 m2, 42 experimental plots of 20x10m areas (14 treatments with 3 replicates) were selected in either recently ploughed or unploughed surfaces. For each soil type, a set of restoration techniques was tested, including different combinations of soil processing (i.e. harrowing, topsoil inversion, sod cutting, soil compression), transfer of plant material (i.e. dry hay, seed-enriched hay, shrub seeds) and soil cover (jute bionet). Unmanaged surfaces were selected as control plots for each soil type. Restoration effects, in terms of changes in plant community and soil features, will be monitored in comparison with initial conditions. The experimented approaches, along with the assessment of its effectiveness and feasibility, will provide useful information to guide the users to the identification of the most suitable nature-based solutions for the restoration of degraded lands. Within the aims of the NL4D project, the results of this experiment will be used to validate protocols and monitoring tools for environmental management and planning at local and regional scale based on the use of remote sensing techniques.

How to cite: Labadessa, R., Forte, L., D’Ambrogi, S., Mazzetti, P., Tomassetti, L., and Tarantino, C.: Dry grassland restoration in Mediterranean degraded lands: the NewLife4Drylands pilot case in Alta Murgia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12372,, 2023.

Soil salinization has a detrimental effect on plant growth and contributes to agricultural land degradation. The ionic composition of the soil is a significant indicator of soil health. The soluble and exchangeable cation affects the physio-chemical properties of the soil, which in turn determine the suitability of the soil for agricultural use. Currently, soil salinization is one of the major threats to the agricultural productivity of arable lands in many regions of the world. The soils in arid and semi-arid regions having low precipitation and high evaporation rates, like the Negev Desert in Israel, are especially prone to high salinization. Due to the scarcity of fresh water, marginal irrigation water sources such as brackish water in conjunction with surface or subsurface drip irrigation are used extensively in these regions. In the long term, such practices are unsustainable, as precipitation and irrigation are too low to leach the accumulated salts from the active root zone. Salinity and sodicity already existing in many soils of semi-arid and arid regions are further exacerbated by such practices and the continued use might render the land uncultivable. Hence developing a sustainable and economical reclamation regime for saline-sodic soil is essential, while considering the available irrigation water quality in these regions. The main objective of this study was to develop a viable reclamation strategy by using locally available water resources, like brackish water, treated wastewater, desalinated water, and distilled water as rain simulation, with/without soluble or solid gypsum as an amendment. We used flow-through soil column experiments to study the cation transport and exchange in saline-sodic soil from Kibbutz Revivim, Israel (drip irrigated with brackish water for three decades) with four different water qualities and soluble gypsum. The results showed the effect of different water qualities and soluble/solid gypsum on the saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) and dynamics of cation exchange and transport in the soil. The transport of the major cations Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, and the Ks of the soil will be presented and discussed.

Keywords: saline-sodic soil, soil reclamation, cation exchange, irrigation water quality, gypsum.

How to cite: Solomon, R. and Arye, G.: Reclamation of Saline and Sodic Soil: Effect of Irrigation Water Quality and Gypsum application form, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12454,, 2023.

EGU23-13674 | ECS | Orals | SSS7.1

Plant and soil biodiversity is essential for supporting highly multifunctional forests during Mediterranean rewilding 

Guiyao Zhou, Manuel Esteban Lucas-Borja, Shengen Liu, and Manuel Delgado-Baquerizo

The multidimensional dynamics of biodiversity and ecosystem function during the rewilding of Mediterranean forests remain poorly understood, limiting our capacity to predict how future restoration efforts may help mitigating climate change. Here, we investigated the changes in multiple dimensions of biodiversity and ecosystem services in a 120-year forest succession after harvest to identify potential trade-offs in multiple dimensions of ecosystem function, and further assess the link between above and belowground biodiversity and function. We found a positive influence of successional age on multiple dimensions of biodiversity and function, but also some important trade-offs. Two ecosystem axes of function explained nearly 75.4% functional variation during ecosystem rewilding. However, while the first axis increased with successional age promoting plant productivity and element stocks, the second axis followed a hump-shaped relationship with age supporting important reductions in nutrient availability and pathogen control in old forests. Our study further revealed that a significant positive relationship between plant and soil biodiversity with multiple elements of multifunctionality as forests develop. Moreover, the influence of plant and soil biodiversity were especially important to support a high number of function working at high levels of functioning. Our work provides new insights on the patterns and functional trade-offs in the multidimensional rewilding of forests, and further highlight the importance of biodiversity for long-term Mediterranean rewilding.

How to cite: Zhou, G., Lucas-Borja, M. E., Liu, S., and Delgado-Baquerizo, M.: Plant and soil biodiversity is essential for supporting highly multifunctional forests during Mediterranean rewilding, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13674,, 2023.

EGU23-13700 | Orals | SSS7.1

Soil forming processes visible 30 years after the primary and secondary forest succession in post-mining and post-fire area 

Agnieszka Józefowska, Wiktoria Ogar, Van Trần Thị Hồng, Tomasz Wanic, Bartłomiej Woś, and Marcin Pietrzykowski

In the Anthropocene era, human activity has very often caused large-scale degradation of entire ecosystems including the soil, with attempts to restore the degraded areas to their ecological functions. Human intervention consisting of afforestation with various tree species initiates and accelerates the long-term process of primary succession in post-mining sites and secondary succession on sites following large-scale disturbances caused by fires.

The advances of soil formation process were investigated in reclaimed areas. Variants afforested with different tree species located in post-mining and post-fire area were investigated. The research plots have been replanted with various tree species, Pinus sylvestris L., Larix decidua Mill., Betula pendula Roth, and Quercus robur L. First research area was opencast sand mine where primary succession supported by afforestation occurs (SM). Second place was reclaimed areas after a large scale fire with secondary succession supported by afforestation. In post-fire place were investigated two variants with (PF_C) and without (PF) pyrogenic (charcoal) carbon present in soil. Each combination of tree and place were investigated in one soil profile and three additional soil cores collected from 0-90 cm, what gave four repetitions of each variant. Soils were characterised on the basis of the World Reference Base (WRB) and their basic properties such as pH, organic carbon and total nitrogen content, sorption properties and grain size distribution were determined.

Studies in transformed areas such as post-mining or post-fire are focusing mainly on the topsoil, in presented research the main goal was to determine what are the differences in pedogenesis in mentioned above scenarios. 

There were slight differences in the thickness of humus horizons (H) in soils under investigated variants. The thickness of H horizons was higher in plots in post-fire in PF_C variant compared to PF and SM. In SM were noted that the highest thickness of H horizon occurs under Larch. In post-mining areas under each tree species occurs Arenosols in post-fire areas occurs Podzols. 

This research was funded by The National Science Centre, Poland, grant No. 2021/42/E/ST10/00248. 

How to cite: Józefowska, A., Ogar, W., Thị Hồng, V. T., Wanic, T., Woś, B., and Pietrzykowski, M.: Soil forming processes visible 30 years after the primary and secondary forest succession in post-mining and post-fire area, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13700,, 2023.

EGU23-13923 | ECS | Orals | SSS7.1

Cropland abandonment across the Yangtze River Basin does provide only limited benefits for C sequestration 

Yuqiao Long, Jing Sun, Joost Wellens, Gilles Colinet, Wenbin Wu, and Jeroen Meersmans

Recent estimates from satellite imageries indicated that extensive cropland abandonment took place across China due to rural outmigration, agricultural policy and environment changes[1-3]. Cropland abandonment provides an opportunity for C sequestration, and therefore climate change mitigation, soil retention and food security. However, this depends on the duration of cropland abandonment, which lacks comprehensive research. In this study, we map cropland abandonment and recultivation across the Yangtze River Basin in central China using a series of annual land cover maps of the period 2000 - 2020. The InVEST model is used to study the spatial distribution of carbon storage. We found that cropland abandonment is widespread, but last on average only 5.5 years. In addition, over 50% of the abandoned croplands will be recultivated (i.e. back into cropland) or convert into impervious surfaces (i.e. urban) within 20 years, limiting its ability to provide ecosystem services, such as climate regulation, soil retention and food security, due to a relatively small capacity of C sequestration. More precisely, the combined effect of recultivation and conversion into impervious surfaces resulted in an accumulated loss of 75% of abandoned croplands and 41% of carbon as compared to a situation without recultivation or conversion into impervious surfaces. In conclusion, this study highlights the need for land policymakers to make careful reflections as regards the conversion of abandoned croplands in order to mitigate climate change and combat soil degradation. Hence, it could be interesting to set up incentives for ecological restoration in order to valorize opportunities that cropland abandonment may provide us with when aiming to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).



1. Liang, X.; Jin, X.; Yang, X.; Xu, W.; Lin, J.; Zhou, Y. Exploring cultivated land evolution in mountainous areas of Southwest China, an empirical study of developments since the 1980s. Land Degradation & Development 2021, 32, 546-558.

2. Long, Y.; Wu, W.; Wellens, J.; Colinet, G.; Meersmans, J. An In-Depth Assessment of the Drivers Changing China’s Crop Production Using an LMDI Decomposition Approach. Remote Sensing 2022, 14, 6399.

3. Yan, J.; Yang, Z.; Li, Z.; Li, X.; Xin, L.; Sun, L. Drivers of cropland abandonment in mountainous areas: A household decision model on farming scale in Southwest China. Land Use Policy 2016, 57, 459-469.

How to cite: Long, Y., Sun, J., Wellens, J., Colinet, G., Wu, W., and Meersmans, J.: Cropland abandonment across the Yangtze River Basin does provide only limited benefits for C sequestration, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13923,, 2023.

EGU23-14817 | ECS | Orals | SSS7.1

Post-tin-mining agricultural soil regeneration using local organic amendments improve nitrogen fixation in legume-cassava cropping system on Bangka Island, Indonesia 

Rizki Maftukhah, Katharina M Keiblinger, Axel Mentler, Ngadisih Ngadisih, Murtiningrum Murtiningrum, Michael Gartner, Rosana M Kral, and Rebecca Hood-Nowotny

Post-tin mining soil in Bangka Island shows poor fertility and hence limited suitability for agricultural production. Previously, we found that organic amendments like compost, charcoal, and their combination improve the yield of intercropping cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) and legume species (Centrosema pubescens). We hypothesize that N-fixation by centrosema in combination with the application of organic amendments has a highly beneficial effect on crop production via improved the nitrogen content from both, the soil amendment and plant's atmospheric nitrogen fixation.

To evaluate the amount of nitrogen fixed by centrosema in post-tin mining soil; soil and crop samples were taken from different soil amendments treatments: (1) dolomite (10 t ha-1); (2) compost (10 t ha-1); (3) charcoal (10 t ha-1); combined treatment of (4) charcoal+compost (10 t ha-1 for each); and (5) charcoal+sawdust (10 t ha-1 for each); and a control for intercropping system of local crops (Cassava and Centrosema) in July 2018. The centrosema was harvested twice during the first and second season (December 2018 and July 2019). The 15N natural abundance method was used to estimate nitrogen fixation (N2-fixation) in centrosema at harvest time.

Comparing season and treatment, the proportion of nitrogen derived from N2-fixation (%Ndfa) was comparable. However, the amount of N2-fixation was significantly different due to biomass accumulation. Soil amended with compost increased N2-fixation in centrosema by 6-fold compared to control (50 kg ha-1), while combined treatment of charcoal and compost increased this value by 8-fold (73 kg ha-1). When comparing the seasons, the average N2-fixation in the first season was roughly ten times greater than in the second season (30 and 3.17 kg ha-1, respectively). In terms of total nitrogen uptake by centrosema across seasons, soil amended with compost or charcoal+compost significantly improved total N uptake in centrosema (61 and 111 kg ha-1, respectively). Accordingly, organic amendments, in particular in charcoal + compost treatment, significantly increased ammonium in the soil at harvest time (6.71±0.29 µg g-1).

Our findings suggest that organic amendments, particularly combined application of charcoal and compost in post-tin mining soils can increase N2-fixation of intercrop centrosema as well as nitrogen availability in the soil, which is of crucial importance in infertile post-mining soils.

Keywords: legume, mining, soil amendment, intercropping, nitrogen fixation

How to cite: Maftukhah, R., Keiblinger, K. M., Mentler, A., Ngadisih, N., Murtiningrum, M., Gartner, M., Kral, R. M., and Hood-Nowotny, R.: Post-tin-mining agricultural soil regeneration using local organic amendments improve nitrogen fixation in legume-cassava cropping system on Bangka Island, Indonesia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14817,, 2023.

EGU23-14965 | Posters on site | SSS7.1

Emerging soil microbial-based strategies and seed enhancement technologies for restoring biodiverse degraded ecosystems 

Miriam Muñoz-Rojas, Frederick Dadzie, and Nathali Machado de Lima

Global environmental changes such as drought, intense fire and land degradation are rapidly transforming the structure and functioning of ecosystems worldwide. These changes are leading to a severe loss of above and belowground biodiversity and increased soil degradation. Soil microorganisms control important ecosystem functions such as nutrient cycling, plant productivity and climate regulation. Thus, microbially assisted conservation and restoration have the potential to reconnect above- and belowground dynamics, creating functional ecosystems that are more resilient to climate change impacts.
Our recent research has focused on (i) assessing the responses of soil microbial communities to disturbance, e.g., severe fire, and extractive activities such as mining, and (ii) developing bio inoculants composed of locally sourced soil bacteria from the rhizosphere, and biocrust cyanobacteria, to promote plant growth and soil fertility and enhance ecosystem capacity for global change adaptation. This presentation will showcase some key findings of these studies conducted in contrasting Australian ecosystems (shrubland-grassland in the arid zone, and subtropical/temperate forests). These outcomes include the successful translocation of whole-soil communities for inhibiting weeds, and the effective use of indigenous microbes (rhizobacteria and cyanobacteria combinations) for soil carbon sequestration, nitrogen fixation, and growth promotion of key arid and temperate plant species. We will also discuss the potential applicability of these approaches through emerging seed enhancement technologies such as biopellets, for landscape-scale conservation and restoration programs in the context of climate change.

How to cite: Muñoz-Rojas, M., Dadzie, F., and Machado de Lima, N.: Emerging soil microbial-based strategies and seed enhancement technologies for restoring biodiverse degraded ecosystems, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14965,, 2023.

EGU23-15496 | Posters on site | SSS7.1

Chemometric evaluation of the field burn severity indexes 

José A. González-Pérez, Nicasio T. Jiménez-Morillo, José A. Vega, Cristina Fernández Filgueira, Teresa Fontúrbel, and Gonzalo Almendros

For temperate regions in forests and scrublands, a 5-level categorization was established to operationally define soil burn severity (SBS). This classification is important for estimating post-fire erosion risks and scheduling post-fire rehab activities [1]. This work describes the relationships between field SBS and molecular-level changes in the soil organic matter (SOM). Direct analytical pyrolysis [2] was used to study unburned (SBS-0) and burned soils (SBS 1 to 5) at two scenarios: 1) wildfire, and 2) burning laboratory experiment. The pyrolysis compounds were identified and plotted in modified 3D van Krevelen diagrams [3]. Moderate chemical changes occurred between stages SBS-0 to SBS-3, such as, dehydration, demethylation, depletion of polymethylene structures, carbohydrate rearrangements, lignin demethoxylation and triterpene preservation. Clear SOM transformations occurred at SBS-4 onwards with concentration of alkyl structures (triterpenes). Progressive changes in terms of SBS were not linear for all compounds. The subtraction surfaces suggest two major stages: SBS (0–1) generation of pyrolytic anhydrosugars; and SBS (3–4) generation of condensed compounds. Molecular-level changes in SOM after wildfire and laboratory experiment were similar. Nonetheless, the former showed incorporation of alkyl compounds and methoxyphenols, probably inputs of charred biomass from the vegetation.

Keywords: Soil Burn Severity; Statistical Analysis; Analytical Pyrolysis

[1] Vega, JA. et al. 2013. Plant Soil 369, 73–91
[2] Jiménez-Morillo, NT. et al. 2016. Catena 145, 266–273
[3] Almendros, G. et al. 2018. J. Soils Sediments 18, 1303-1313

Funding projects: MARKFIRE (EU-FEDER Andalusia; P20_01073), EROFIRE (FCT Portugal; PCIF-RPG-0079-2018). Contract: N.T.J.M. (FCT CEECIND/00711/2021 and RYC2021-031253-I). Technical assistance D. Monis and A. Carmona.

How to cite: González-Pérez, J. A., Jiménez-Morillo, N. T., Vega, J. A., Fernández Filgueira, C., Fontúrbel, T., and Almendros, G.: Chemometric evaluation of the field burn severity indexes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15496,, 2023.

EGU23-17010 | ECS | Orals | SSS7.1

Paired comparisons of native and commercial inoculants, bacteria and fungi, and single and multi-strain microorganisms show equal effects on plant growth in dryland ecosystems. 

Frederick Dadzie, Miriam Muñoz-Rojas, Eve Slavich, Patrice Pottier, Karen Zeng, and Angela T. Moles

Identifying an efficient microbial inoculant to promote plant growth is a key pillar in microbial ecology. A wide variety of microbial inoculants have been developed worldwide mostly driven by agricultural demand to define the best inocula. However, the efficacy and comparisons of different microbial inoculants used in dryland ecosystems have rarely been tested. Here, we provide the first quantitative comparison of the effects of commercial versus native inoculants and single versus multiple strain inoculants as well as bacteria versus fungi inoculants on plant growth under field conditions in dryland ecosystems. We used a global meta-analysis of 62 dryland studies to compare the performance of different inocula type on plant growth. We found that microbial inoculation increased plant growth by 43% (CI = 29.69% - 58%) on average in dryland ecosystems, however the magnitude of effect was statistically similar between native (53%, CI = 31% - 80%) and commercial inoculants (40%, CI = 9% - 78%), or between single (39%, CI = 24% - 55%) and multiple strain inoculants (49% , CI = 32% - 68%) or between fungi (39% , CI = 28% - 61%) or bacteria inoculants 43% (CI = 23% - 58%). Our results confirm an assumption that, microorganisms do not usually follow macro-ecological theories and that the choice of an inoculant should be tailored to the purpose and design of the project. In drylands. The result is not only beneficial for agricultural practices in dryland ecosystems, but it is very crucial in dryland restoration projects, especially when the soil system is severely degraded and microbial inoculation is integrated as a plant growth promoter.

How to cite: Dadzie, F., Muñoz-Rojas, M., Slavich, E., Pottier, P., Zeng, K., and Moles, A. T.: Paired comparisons of native and commercial inoculants, bacteria and fungi, and single and multi-strain microorganisms show equal effects on plant growth in dryland ecosystems., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17010,, 2023.

EGU23-17322 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS7.1

Long-term effects on soil forest unmanaged after a wildfire at different fire severities: historical fire at Cadiretes Massif, Catalonia, Spain 

Antonio Peñalver-Alcalá, Eduardo A. Garcia-Braga, Joaquim Farguell, Marcos Francos, and Xavier Úbeda

Wildfire is a common disturbance in Mediterranean forests ecosystems. However, during the last decades wildfire frequency and burned surface area have been increasing. The abandon of forest areas by the population, the change of soil uses and climate change are causing wildfires of higher magnitude and difficult to control. The affected ecosystems have several difficulties to recover due to the high temperature reached during those great fires. The effects of fire on burnt soil forests depend on many different factors, such as the intensity of fire, duration, quantity of combustible or recurrence among others. However, the understanding of wildfire effects on soil forests at long-term is still needed to improve.

The aim of this study is to monitor the long-term effects (28 years) of a wildfire (55 ha) in Cadiretes Massif on soil properties in two areas affected at different fire severities (low severity: LS; high severity: HS). An unburnt Control area (C) adjacent to the burnt area was selected to compare with LS and HS. Prior the wildfire, the area was a plantation of Pinus pinaster ssp. with some individuals of Quercus suber L. No management has been applied in the area after the wildfire. The soil properties studied were hydrophobicity, pH, salinity, extractable calcium (Ca2+), magnesium (Mg2+), sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), Total Nitrogen (TN), Total Organic Carbon (TOC) and Soil Organic Carbon stock (SOCstock). Moreover, non-tree biomass accumulation on soil forests was collected in three different layers: freshly fallen, dry litter and humus.

In all studied areas (C, LS, HS) a hydrophilic behavior was observed. Moreover, in both burnt areas (LS and HS) and in C area were found similar pH values and Mg2+, Na+, K+ concentrations (~5.3, ~591 mg kg-1, ~142 mg kg-1, ~244 mg kg-1; respectively). However, significant differences (p<0.05) were found in soil salinity, Ca2+, TN, TOC and SOCstock between C area (~115µS cm-1, ~2955 mg kg-1, ~0.26%, ~6.9%, ~113 kg C m-2) and burnt areas (LS: ~87µS cm-1, ~2681 mg kg-1, ~0.22%, ~5.0%, ~72 kg C m-2; HS: ~80µS cm-1, ~2337 mg kg-1, ~0.19%, ~4.5%, ~57 kg C m-2). Related to the non-tree biomass accumulation, significant difference was found in the accumulation in humus between C (~232g m-2) and burnt areas (LS: ~116g m-2; HS: ~100g m-2). No significant differences were found in the accumulation of freshly fallen (~275g m-2) and dry litter (~111g m-2).

These results could indicate that at long-term, soil properties of burnt areas are partially able to recover and reach similar values to those of unburnt areas. However, it also seems that some soil parameters need more time to reach similar values than unburnt areas, especially after high severity fire episodes

How to cite: Peñalver-Alcalá, A., Garcia-Braga, E. A., Farguell, J., Francos, M., and Úbeda, X.: Long-term effects on soil forest unmanaged after a wildfire at different fire severities: historical fire at Cadiretes Massif, Catalonia, Spain, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17322,, 2023.

EGU23-226 | ECS | Orals | SSS7.3

Biological assessment of in-situ rehabilitation of polluted soils by waste-derived Technosols 

Antonio Aguilar-Garrido, Mario Paniagua-López, Ana Romero-Freire, Manuel Sierra-Aragón, Francisco Javier Martínez-Garzón, and Francisco José Martín-Peinado

Soil pollution by potentially harmful elements (PHEs) is a major environmental problem. Metal mining is one of the main pollutant sources, especially due to complex waste management. Residual polluted soils in the Guadiamar Green Corridor (Seville, Spain) more than 20 years after the Aznalcóllar mine spill and the remedial actions undertaken are a striking example of the potential damage. This study aimed to evaluate, at short term, the effectiveness of two Technosols designed to remediate these affected soils. In particular, the remediation process was assessed focusing on measurements of soil enzyme activity (dehydrogenase, cellulase, acid phosphatase, and protease) and the recovery of natural vegetation. Both Technosols (T4 and T6) were composed of ex-situ polluted soil [60%] and two mining wastes (iron oxyhydroxides-rich sludge [2%] and marble sludge [20%]); together with an agro-industrial waste (solid olive-mill by-product [18%]) in T4, and an urban waste (vermicompost from gardening [18%]) in T6. About 25 cm of the Technosols were surface applied in situ on polluted soils in triplicate. After one year of application (t1), Technosols (T4 and T6; depth: < 25 cm) and treated polluted soils (T4-PS and T6-PS; depth: 25-30 cm) were characterised (soil properties, total, soluble and bioavailable PHEs, and soil enzyme activities) and compared to initial conditions (t0). Vegetation in the treatments was also monitored by measuring cover, specific richness and diversity index. These polluted soils (T4-PS(t0) and T6-PS(t0)), besides posing a significant environmental and human health risk due to their extreme characteristics (pH<4, high concentration in PHEs), also showed low microbiological activity measured by dehydrogenase activity (<2 µg TPF g soil-1 16 h-1). Technosols T4 and T6 showed optimal conditions to rehabilitate the polluted soils and recover the non-existent natural vegetation (neutral pH, high OC, CaCO3 and nutrient content, loamy textures, and good structure). Microbiological activity also increased slightly in these soils compared to the polluted one. And over time it was strongly stimulated. Dehydrogenase increased 20-fold (~85 µg TPF g soil-1 16 h-1), phosphatase 2-fold and cellulase 4-fold in T4(t1) compared to initial values. In T6(t1), dehydrogenase increased 6-fold (~63 µg TPF g soil-1 16 h-1), phosphatase 2-fold and cellulase remained constant. In contrast, in both Technosols, protease activity was almost halved. Technosols treatment reversed the adverse conditions (strongly acidic pH neutralisation, 2-fold increase in OC, addition of CaCO3, and slight increase in CEC), and, in general, significantly reduced solubility and bioavailability of As, Cd, Cu, Cr, Ni, and Zn (except for Sb). It also stimulated microbiological activity. Dehydrogenase, cellulase, acid phosphatase, and protease activity in the treated polluted soils (T4-PS(t1) and T6-PS(t1)) was higher compared to initial conditions. Furthermore, after one year, 100% vegetation cover was established with the application of both Technosols. However, greater biodiversity developed in T4 than in T6, with higher specific richness (13 vs. 9) and diversity index (2.93 vs. 2.51). Therefore, these Technosols were effective in rehabilitating these polluted soils, as they improved soil properties, reduced PHEs mobility and bioavailability, and also promoted microbiological activity and establishment of biodiverse natural vegetation.

How to cite: Aguilar-Garrido, A., Paniagua-López, M., Romero-Freire, A., Sierra-Aragón, M., Martínez-Garzón, F. J., and Martín-Peinado, F. J.: Biological assessment of in-situ rehabilitation of polluted soils by waste-derived Technosols, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-226,, 2023.

EGU23-238 | ECS | Orals | SSS7.3 | Highlight

Partial peat replacement by biochar as a potential strategy to increase plant growth, nutrient sink and circular economy 

Alvaro Fernando Garcia Rodriguez, Francisco J. Moreno-Racero, José M. García de Castro Barragán, José M. Colmenero-Flores, Nicolas Greggio, Miguel A. Rosales, and Heike Knicker

The use of peat in traditional agricultural systems and nursery enterprises is an environmental concern. Since the high CO2 and greenhouse gas emission due to peat excavation contributes considerably to climate change and global warming it is key to find new valuable resources in the field of carbon based materials production and application. This approach not only contributes to the concept of circular economy and the reduction of contaminants and waste, such as excessive nitrogen (N) fertilizers, but is also beneficial with respect to nutrient recovery and use efficiency. In this work we partially replaced peat with different amounts of biochar obtained from vineyard pruning as plant growing substrates while implementing N fertirrigation. We studied the effect on the growth, different content of N forms and other nutrient dynamics impact of lettuce plants grown under greenhouse and semi-hydroponics conditions. Substrate mixtures contained 30% of vermiculite and 70% of different biochar:peat treatments as follows: 0:70 (B0), 15:55 (B15), 30:40 (B30), 50:20 (B50), and 70:0 (B70). Higher biochar treatments increased pH and electrical conductivity of the substrate, negatively affecting plant growth and germination (especially in B70). The substitution of 30% peat by biochar (B30) delayed seed germination but improved plant growth and N use efficiency. This is related with a higher nitrate (NO3) retention capacity in the substrate, leading to higher contents of organic N and NO3 in the plant shoot. The treatment B30 also increased the water holding capacity of the substrate, which may enhance soil moisture characteristics and pore size distribution, maximizing water availability to plants. Our study demonstrates that the use of biochar can reduce the consumption of peat and excessive N fertilizers, while promoting a more sustainable farming with positive impact on both the plant growth and the environment.

Acknowledgement: This research was funded by European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme un-der the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 895613 and EIT Food program (Black to the Future Project, EIT-21217). This EIT Food activity has received funding from the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), a body of the European Union, under Horizon Europe, the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. A.F. Garcia-Rodriguez acknowledges the Spanish National Research Council for providing JAE Intro-ICU grant.

How to cite: Garcia Rodriguez, A. F., Moreno-Racero, F. J., García de Castro Barragán, J. M., Colmenero-Flores, J. M., Greggio, N., Rosales, M. A., and Knicker, H.: Partial peat replacement by biochar as a potential strategy to increase plant growth, nutrient sink and circular economy, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-238,, 2023.

EGU23-263 | Posters on site | SSS7.3 | Highlight

Sometimes size matters – new insights into the physical disintegration of biochar 

Gabriel Sigmund, Andrea Schmid, Hans-Peter Schmidt, Nikolas Hagemann, Thomas D. Bucheli, and Thilo Hofmann

It is often assumed that the physical disintegration of biochar determines its persistence and mobility in soil. Freeze-thawing can cause physical stress on biochar, breaking it down into smaller and presumably more reactive particles. We here investigated the physical decay and subsequent mobilisation of five different biochars under "realistic worst-case scenarios" in a laboratory sand column setup, in shaking as well as in sonication experiments. Mobilisation of carbon from biochar particles (0.25 - 1 mm) was studied in a sand column (pH 6.3, with and without 80 freeze-thaw cycles). Small biochar particles did not disintegrate much after the freeze-thawing, possibly due to freezing point depression in biochar micropores. Freeze-thaw-induced physical decay of biochar is a process that is more pronounced in large biochar particles with substantial meso- and macropores, based on our results compared to literature data. Biochar with larger ash fractions disintegrated more, presumably due to the formation of unstable voids within the biochar associated with ash pockets. The physical stability of biochars produced from the same feedstock at different pyrolysis temperatures decreased with increasing aromaticity, which could be related to higher stiffness of the more aromatic structures. Soil moisture content increased carbon mobilisation from biochar more than physical stresses such as freeze-thawing. The physical disintegration of biochar and subsequent mobilisation of micro- and nanoscale carbon should therefore be considered less important and in many cases is not expected to be a decisive factor for the stability of biochar in soil.

How to cite: Sigmund, G., Schmid, A., Schmidt, H.-P., Hagemann, N., Bucheli, T. D., and Hofmann, T.: Sometimes size matters – new insights into the physical disintegration of biochar, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-263,, 2023.

EGU23-519 | ECS | Orals | SSS7.3

Impact of hydrochar on the soil organic matter, nutrients status and microbial activity in sunflower-planted soils 

Francisco Jesús Moreno Racero, Marta Velasco Molina, Rafael López Núñez, Enrique Martínez Force, Miguel Ángel Rosales Villegas, and Heike Knicker

The hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) of organic feedstocks results in hydrochar, a product free of pathogens with the potential to be used as soil amendment as an efficient tool to recycle nutrients from organic waste and improve soil quality. However, presently the knowledge about the mechanisms of controlling hydrochar biogeochemical effects in planted soils is still scarce. Likewise, there is not much understanding about the effects under deficit irrigation conditions. In the present work, a hydrochar (250 ºC, 0.5 h) from chicken manure was used to evaluate the impact of this amendment on nutrient status and dynamics, the microbial activity and the quantity and quality of the organic matter of sunflower-planted soils during a 77 days greenhouse experiment. The main objective of this study was to obtain a better understanding of the interrelationship between soil organic matter (SOM), soil nutrients, microbial activity and irrigation management of soils.

The hydrochar was applied to a Cambisol with doses of 3.25 and 6.5 t ha-1. For comparison, mineral fertilizer treatments with the same contribution of total nitrogen (N) as the amendment were included in the study. Sunflower plants (Helianthuus annus L.) were grown in pot cultures under two irrigations conditions (60 and 30% of the soil water retention capacity).

Total macro- and micronutrients, along with soluble nutrients among the soils were monitored after 30 and 77 days. The SOM composition of these soils was characterized by solid-state NMR spectroscopy. For the microbiological studies, the microbial biomass carbon (MBC) and N (MBN) were analysed by the fumigation-extraction technique. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and N (DON) were also analysed. Determination of β-glucosidase, acid phosphomonoesterase and dehydrogenase activities were assayed to study the microbial metabolism of soil. We test the hypothesis that hydrochar has an impact on composition and dynamics of nutrients, SOM quality and soil microbial activities, resulting in a beneficial effect on the soil-plant system in both irrigation conditions.

How to cite: Moreno Racero, F. J., Velasco Molina, M., López Núñez, R., Martínez Force, E., Rosales Villegas, M. Á., and Knicker, H.: Impact of hydrochar on the soil organic matter, nutrients status and microbial activity in sunflower-planted soils, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-519,, 2023.

EGU23-559 | ECS | Orals | SSS7.3

Remediation of toxic contaminants from groundwater using low-cost adsorbent 

Nekita Boraah, Sumedha Chakma, and Priyanka Kaushal

Water, being the most important resource in the world, has become a cause of concern in the present time. About one-fifth of the population on earth lack access to safe drinking water. Access to safe drinking water has been a grave problem for India, especially in rural areas where the lack of usable water has resulted in decades-old sanitation and health problems. The main access to potable water is generally surface water and groundwater. However, with the increasing population and emerging demands, there is a possibility of a threat to groundwater in terms of both contamination and depletion. The potential sources of groundwater contamination include storage tanks, septic systems, uncontrolled hazardous waste, landfills, chemicals and road salts, and atmospheric contaminants. Among the contaminants, heavy metals contamination in water is a major concern worldwide- wide and it adversely affects human health. The major problem with heavy metals is their non-biodegradable nature, because of which their persistence is likely to be for a longer time. Toxic heavy metals like Cr, Pb, Cd, Hg, Ni, Cu, and Zn pose a threat to the ecology even at their lowest concentrations.

            This study takes into account the contamination problem of Northeast India. Among the toxic heavy metals, contamination by iron (Fe), arsenic (As) and fluoride (F-) is found to create much of problems for the people of the region due to their toxicity to many life forms. According to the groundwater yearbook 2020-2021, the amount of arsenic and iron in groundwater is noted to be 71.29µg/l and 12.93mg/l. Most of the treatment processes like, electrocoagulation, adsorption, membrane processes, ion exchange, precipitation, and chemical oxidation processes are employed for the removal of heavy metals from water, the majority of which are either challenging or need high maintenance costs. This paper focuses on developing a low-cost and efficient adsorbent that can remediate the toxic heavy metals from groundwater. In this study, wood biochar is used as the low-cost adsorbent for remediation. The study takes into account the effect of physicochemical parameters like pH, dosage, and initial concentration along with a thorough study of the characteristics of biochar to examine the removal efficiency and the optimum was found to be 99.5% in the case of both iron (Fe) and arsenic (As) respectively.

How to cite: Boraah, N., Chakma, S., and Kaushal, P.: Remediation of toxic contaminants from groundwater using low-cost adsorbent, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-559,, 2023.

EGU23-1006 | ECS | Orals | SSS7.3

Contaminated or just dusty? Understanding the nature of contaminants found in biomass grown on historic mine sites to inform pre-treatment options 

Benjamin Nunn, Richard Lord, Christine Davidson, James Minto, and Neelam Manzoor

The aim of this study is to understand better how potentially toxic elements (PTE) interact with biofuel crops when they are grown on contaminated land. Bioenergy has considerable sustainability challenges to overcome including the risk of diverting farmland for biofuel production to the detriment of food supply. The use of contaminated land to grow bioenergy crops would increase the sustainability of bioenergy resulting in an increase in land available for energy crops whilst enabling the remediation of degraded soils and providing ecosystem services. It is important to understand how the biofuel plant is interacting with the PTE as this will inform pre-treatment options. The approach taken involved field trials of 648 pre-grown Phalaris arundinacea plants which were begun in 2018 in soils at a historic Pb-Zn mine site in the North East of England. Soils from this mine site were found to have very low levels of nutrients and very high levels of PTE (Pb and Zn >13000 mg/kg). The way that high density PTE phases (such as Pb minerals) interacted with the biomass was assessed with an innovative approach involving imaging the biomass with x-ray computed tomography (XCT). The use of the XCT allowed for greater understanding of the location and nature of the Pb within the biomass and is a frequently used non-destructive 3D imaging and analysis technique where X-rays are used to create a radiographic image of the scanned component. Whilst the use of this technique for 3D imaging of plant root and soil systems and in plant structures is increasing its application remains rare, particularly in the context of this study.

Plants in their third year of growth were sampled in a random pattern from the field trial in Summer 2022 by cutting with scissors at a height of 10cm. The sample was then divided equally with one left unwashed and another washed with HCl in a 1 molar solution and the surfactant Tween80. The biomass was then dried and a sample of both the washed and unwashed was selected for imaging with the XCT. The innovative use of the XCT has allowed for several key discoveries. Firstly, there are considerable numbers of high density dust particles across the biomass and concentrated in particular areas in the unwashed biomass (Fig 1). The density of some of this dust ~6g/cm3 is similar to that of the expected Pb mineral forms (e.g. cerussite 6.58 g/cm3). In the images of washed biomass, the high density dust remains in the joints between the “node” and leaf “sheath” of the plant. This is an important finding as it suggests that in order to achieve “clean” biomass from contaminated land, plants could be ground and then washed allowing the high density dirt to sink and be removed. Resulting far simpler pre-treatment procedure than if the PTE were found to have been absorbed into the plant by biological processes.

Figure 1 XCT image of unwashed Phalaris arundinacea  

How to cite: Nunn, B., Lord, R., Davidson, C., Minto, J., and Manzoor, N.: Contaminated or just dusty? Understanding the nature of contaminants found in biomass grown on historic mine sites to inform pre-treatment options, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1006,, 2023.

The Leadville Mining District in central Colorado, USA began in 1860, extracting over $2 billion USD (current value) in precious metals over its 140 year history.  Unfortunately, mining operations and pyritic deposits contributed to metals contamination in surface/ground waters, ultimately decimating parts of the food chain.  Some sediments contained > 30,000 ppm available Zn; subsequently, sites were devoid of vegetation leading to enhanced erosional losses.  The location was deemed a US EPA Superfund site in 1983.  In 1998, a study was initiated to prove that alluvial mine tailings’ acid-generating potential can be reduced via lime application (224 Mg ha-1), and the addition of biosolids (224 Mg ha-1) in conjunction with native seed mixes could help reclaim these locations. 

In 2019, we revisited Leadville to access reclamation success on soil health, plant metal accumulation, and the potential positive or negative long-term environmental effects.  Four transects were located on-site, corresponding to past locations that contained varying heavy metal concentrations yet with ~ the same soil pH.  Five soil samples (to 15 cm) were collected along each transect; all plants were collected within a 1-m quadrant next to each soil sampling location.  Five additional soil samples were collected on-site in areas represented by seeps, where no plants were growing and soil surface metal salt precipitates were present.  We utilized the Soil Management Assessment Framework (SMAF) to ascertain changes in soil health between on-site locations, and overlaid this data with plant metal concentration data.  We found that soil organic C, aggregate stability, bulk density, microbial biomass C, pH, EC, and extractable P and K were indicative of soil reclamation success.  Unfortunately, SMAF does not ascertain differences in bioavailable heavy metals, which were still elevated at locations across the site, leading to excessive plant heavy metal accumulation even though plants did not show toxicity symptoms. However, the presence of plants has helped stabilize these alluvial mine tailings, protecting them from loss via water erosion, leading to improved ecosystem function and services. We anticipate this work leading towards a framework to ascertain soil-plant health on heavy metal contamination mine lands globally.

How to cite: Ippolito, J., Li, L., and Banet, T.: Can soil and plant health, and ecosystem services, be improved via reclamation efforts in heavy metal-contaminated alluvial mine tailings deposits?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1635,, 2023.

EGU23-2301 | Orals | SSS7.3

Assessment of the agronomic impact of rice husk ash, volcanic ash, green compost and wood biochar as soil amendments 

José María De la Rosa, Sara Pérez-Dalí, Ana Z. Miller, Paloma Campos, Águeda Sánchez-Martín, Beatriz Cubero, Nicasio T. Jiménez-Morillo, Agustín Merino, and José Antonio González-Pérez

Today's agriculture faces the challenge of guarantee food supply of a growing population while human activity has already degraded nearly 40 % of the world's soils [1], which lose productive capacity and increase dependence on mineral fertilizers. In this context, the valorization and recycling of mineral and agricultural waste for use as substrates or soil amendments promotes the local and sustainable economy as well as the implementation of activities based on closing the soil nutrients’ cycle. Moreover, pyroclastic rocks and volcanic ashes formed by volcanic eruptions are usually rich in Si, Ca, Mg, Al, Fe, K, P and S [2], so they can be used in agriculture as inorganic mulch. Looking for an effective solution to the great waste generation and the current challenges of sustainable agriculture [3], this study addresses the agronomic effects of the application of contrasting inorganic and organic materials including green compost, wood biochar, rice husk ash and volcanic ash released in the recent eruption of the Tajogaite volcano (La Palma Island, Spain) as amendments of an alkaline soil typical of the Mediterranean basin. For this purpose, barley seeds were planted and grown under controlled conditions in a greenhouse for 60 days on a Luvisol amended with the above-mentioned materials.

The organic amendments improved soil physical properties, such as the reduction of bulk density and of the soil resistance to penetration, and increased the organic carbon content. Biochar increased the amount of refractory organic matter of the Luvisol. The application of rice husk ash, volcanic ash, and to a lesser extent the green compost, increased the nutrient content of the soil. Nevertheless, no significant differences were observed on germination rates, productivity and abiotic markers of stress of the barley plants.

Acknowledgements: Authors thank the financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MCIN) under the projects RES2SOIL (PID2021-126349OB-C22) and TUBOLAN (PID2019-108672RJ-I00) supported by MCIN and AEI. The European Joint programme EJP SOIL funded from the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant agreement Nº 862695) is also thanked for funding the subproject EOM4SOIL.


[1] Gibbs, H.K., Salmon, J.M., 2015. Appl. Geogr. 57: 12-21.

[2] Ramos, C.G., Querol, X., Dalmora, A.C., Pires, K.C.J., Schneider, A.H., Oliveira, L.F.S., Kautzmann, R.M., 2017. J. Clean. Prod., 142: 2700-2706.

[3] De la Rosa, J.M., Campos, P., Diaz-Espejo, A., 2022. Agronomy, 12: 2321.

How to cite: De la Rosa, J. M., Pérez-Dalí, S., Miller, A. Z., Campos, P., Sánchez-Martín, Á., Cubero, B., Jiménez-Morillo, N. T., Merino, A., and González-Pérez, J. A.: Assessment of the agronomic impact of rice husk ash, volcanic ash, green compost and wood biochar as soil amendments, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2301,, 2023.

EGU23-3014 | ECS | Orals | SSS7.3

Multi-layered physical parameters govern mercury release from soil, its fate and potential for human health and ecological risk 

Monami Kondo, Anna Korre, Takeshi Komai, and Noriaki Watanabe

Global mercury (Hg) management is an important issue for regulators and regional stakeholders, especially since the entry into force of the Minamata Convention in 2017. Although Hg has been used widely in pharmaceutical and industrial products, some forms of Hg present adverse risks for humans and ecosystems and, thus, Hg is considered both an air and soil pollutant. The UNEP Global Mercury Assessment Model (2013) clearly stated that it is important to understand the mechanisms of Hg release from soils because the amount emitted could be comparable to that released by human activities and from rivers and seas. Zero-valent gaseous elemental mercury (GEM) is the main component of gaseous Hg in the atmosphere and the most mobile species. To reduce the risk of human exposure to Hg, the mechanisms of GEM transport in the environment should be investigated and understood better.

A number of past studies have aimed to determine the relationship between GEM fluxes from soils and various environmental factors, both through laboratory experiments and field observations. These suggest that higher GEM fluxes are associated with higher soil and air temperature [1-3], increased solar irradiance [4,5], and with higher soil moisture [6,7]. However, it is not known which factors drive GEM flux and how to control conditions so as to suppress Hg emission from soil. The aim of this study was to investigate the main environmental factors influencing Hg release from soil, taking into account factors previously identified but not comprehensively interpreted.

Rigorous monitoring data was collected at two sites, tree-covered and shaded high-humidity forested areas (Site 1) and an open artificial soil environment with no trees (Site 2) in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan. This paper discusses the sites and methods used as well as the in depth analysis carried out. In the case of Site 2, the PCA and FA results have shown that atmospheric pressure, solar irradiance, and soil moisture are the primary factors driving GEM flux. In contrast, for Site 1, the analysis indicated that GEM fluxes were driven by as a cohesive group of factors rather than sequentially acting parameters. The results also suggest that it may be possible to estimate Hg emissions from soil by observing the magnitude of primary causality which could be useful for Hg management for the protection of human health and to minimise adverse ecological risk.


[1] Siegel, S.M., Siegel, B.Z. (1988) Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 40, 443–448.

[2] Gustin, M.S., Jaffe, D. (2010) Environmental Science & Technology, 44, 7, 2222–2227.

[3] Lin, C.J., Gustin, M.S., Singhasuk, P., et al. (2010) Environmental Science & Technology, 44, 22, 8522-8528.

[4] Floreani, F., Acquavita, A., Petranich, E., Covelli,S. (2019) Science of The Total Environment, Volume 668, 925-935.

[5] Viktor V. Kalinchuk, Evgeny A. Lopatnikov, Anatoliy S. Astakhov, et al. (2021) Science of The Total Environment, Volume 753, 142003.

[6] Lindberg, S. E., Zhang, H., Gustin, M., et al. (1999) Journal of geophysical research, 104 (D17), 21879– 21888.

[7] Gustin, M.S., Stamenkovic, J. (2005) Biogeochemistry 76, 215–232.

How to cite: Kondo, M., Korre, A., Komai, T., and Watanabe, N.: Multi-layered physical parameters govern mercury release from soil, its fate and potential for human health and ecological risk, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3014,, 2023.

EGU23-5791 | ECS | Orals | SSS7.3

Phosphates removal from water by raw and modified biochar from food processing wastes 

Styliani Biliani, John Vakros, and Ioannis Manariotis

Wastewater and drainage waters that discharge in the water bodies contain phosphates that increase eutrophication. In order to remove phosphates ions different type of sorbent materials have been examined such as biochar (BC). The aim of our study was to investigate the effectiveness of biochar produced from easily available food processing waste materials, the effect of pyrolysis temperature, and the modification of biochar for the removal of phosphates from water. Eggshells (EGS), rice husk (RH) and Coffee materials were pyrolyzed at 400 and 800oC. The sorption efficiency of each raw material (eggshells, spent coffee grounds and rice husks) was also examined after modification with MgCl2⋅6H2O.

Generally, biochars pyrolyzed at 800oC had higher sorption capacity compared to biochars pyrolyzed at 400oC. Kinetic experiments demonstrated that magnesium modified EGS pyrolyzed at 800oC were superior for the removal of phosphates (27.5 mg P/g). The EGS and RH biochars and the corresponding magnesium modified biochars pyrolyzed in 800oC were further examined in isotherm studies. The highest sorption capacity (qmax) was observed with EGS pyrolyzed at 800oC and was 11.4 mg PO43--P/g. Modified EGS biochars pyrolyzed at 800oC had almost the half sorption capacity compared to unmodified materials. Modification of RH biochar pyrolyzed at 800oC resulted in higher sorption capacity by 34% for phosphates, compared to the RH biochar. The specific surface area values of the biochars examined is not a decisive factor for nutrient sorption. Reaction between magnesium and calcium (for the eggshell samples) ions with phosphates is responsible for the higher sorption efficiency.

How to cite: Biliani, S., Vakros, J., and Manariotis, I.: Phosphates removal from water by raw and modified biochar from food processing wastes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5791,, 2023.

EGU23-7384 | ECS | Orals | SSS7.3

Phosphorus Transport in Nano Rockphosphate Treated Soils 

Monisha Perli and Damodhara Rao Mailapalli

The excessive usage the phosphorous (P) fertilizers in agricultural soils is associated with several problems such as accumulation of phosphorous in the soil, heavy metal pollution, and eutrophication of surface water resources. The nano rock phosphate (nano RP) was found to be an efficient phosphorous fertilizer agronomically, but the transport behaviour of nano rockphosphate is still unknown. Therefore, an attempt was made in this study to investigate the transport behaviour of nano RP by conducting a short-term soil column experiment. The treatments were considered as control, Single Super Phosphate (SSP), bulk RP and nano RP at standard recommendations; each treatment was replicated three times. Leachate samples were collected after every water application. After 15th day, the soil samples were extracted from the columns from three depths, 0-1cm, 9-10cm and 34-35cm. Leachate samples and soil samples were analyzed for Ortho-P and Total P. The mobility of Ortho-P is greater in nano RP treated soils compared to that of SSP and bulk RP treated columns. It may be due to its lowered particle size which has increased the solubility of P. The SSP treated columns have higher amounts of unevenly distributed total – P compared to that of nano and bulk RP treated columns, proving the reduction in P accumulation in nano RP treated soil. The nano sized phosphorous particles can increase the mobility of P and thereby reduce the accumulation of phosphorous in soils. Hence, the application nano RP may be the best alternative to SSP, to maintain a healthy soil environment. Long-term and field scale studies are suggestable to confirm the same transport behaviour of nano phosphorous in real field conditions.


Keywords: Nano-rockphosphate, phosphorus transport, soil pollution.

How to cite: Perli, M. and Mailapalli, D. R.: Phosphorus Transport in Nano Rockphosphate Treated Soils, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7384,, 2023.

EGU23-7819 | ECS | Orals | SSS7.3

Feedstock type and pyrolysis temperatures regulate the impact of biochar on soil health in arid land agroecosystems 

Ahmed Al Rabaiai, Daniel Menezes-Blackburn, Said Al-Ismaily, Rhonda Janke, Bernard Pracejus, Ahmed Al-Alawi, Mohamed Al-Kindi, and Roland Bol


Biochar amendments are gaining globally for improving soil health and carbon storage.  This study investigated the physicochemical properties and impact on soil microbes of biochar amendments derived from two feedstock sources: date palm leaves (D), and mesquite plants (M); pyrolyzed at 450, 600 and 750 ℃. SEM images revealed that the pore size increased with increasing pyrolysis temperature. According to the Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy results, the increase in pyrolysis temperatures reduced the O-H and C-O bonds while increasing the proportion of C-C bonds. The dynamic thermal gravimetric analysis evidence that the thermostability was greatest at a pyrolysis temperature of 750 °C, and was also significantly different for the two feedstock materials used. The M feedstock produced biochar with the highest surface area (600 m2 g-1) and carbon content based on loss on ignition (95%); moreover, this biochar reduced soil microbial enumeration and respiration, and this effect was more pronounced for biochar pyrolysed at 750 °C. As a result, M biochar feedstocks are not recommended for improving soil health, but they may be useful as microbial inhibitors when soil-borne plant pathogens are present. Based on the physicochemical properties and the biochar impact on soil properties, D at 600 °C was chosen as the best-performing biochar in our study for improving soil health in arid lands and was selected for further research as a soil amendment. The large differences in biochar physicochemical properties and their observed effect on soil properties confirmed that the feedstock type and pyrolysis temperatures must be considered during biochar production for soil health applications in arid-land agroecosystems.

How to cite: Al Rabaiai, A., Menezes-Blackburn, D., Al-Ismaily, S., Janke, R., Pracejus, B., Al-Alawi, A., Al-Kindi, M., and Bol, R.: Feedstock type and pyrolysis temperatures regulate the impact of biochar on soil health in arid land agroecosystems, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7819,, 2023.

EGU23-8289 | ECS | Orals | SSS7.3

Application of carbon compound-specific isotope analysis (carbon-CSIA) to investigate microbial transformation of glyphosate 

Kleanthi Kourtaki, Philipp Martin, Daniel Buchner, and Stefan Haderlein

Glyphosate (N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine) is the most applied herbicide in the world with an estimated annual application of 740 to 920 kt by 2025 extrapolating the current weed management strategy. Overuse of glyphosate in agriculture has led to frequent detection in terrestrial and aquatic environments. Concerns about glyphosate load and occurrence in the environment increase as its concentrations in water bodies tend to approach or exceed the EU drinking water threshold of 0.1 μg/L. Knowledge on the role of transformation processes on glyphosate fate in soil and water is critical to assess its impacts on the ecosystem. So far, the prevalent methods for the evaluation of glyphosate transformation include monitoring of concentration changes and detection of transformation products. However, in many cases concentration data cannot unequivocally distinguish actual elimination by transformation from other processes also reducing aqueous concentrations, such as sorption and dilution. The detection of transformation products is also often problematic due to either lack of suitable analytical methods or their fast metabolization and assimilation into the microbial biomass.
A promising complementary approach to concentration analysis is compound-specific stable isotope analysis (CSIA, e.g., 13C/12C for carbon-CSIA), which can be used to study both the cause as well as the extent of transformation of organic contaminants such as glyphosate. A proof of a shift in the stable carbon isotope ratio (13C/12C) during transformation as well as its magnitude depend on the underlying reaction mechanism and thus can be indicative for a specific transformation pathway.
Microbially driven transformation is considered as the main process driving glyphosate elimination in the environment. Two main pathways have been reported for biotransformation of glyphosate depending on the specificity of the enzyme system involved. Catalysis of C—P bond cleavage occurs by a multienzyme complex known as C—P lyase resulting in the formation of sarcosine and phosphate as primary metabolites. The second pathway involves the cleavage of the C—N bond by the enzyme glyphosate oxidoreductase (GOX) yielding  aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA) and glyoxylate. Even though biotransformation of glyphosate has been frequently described and a carbon-CSIA method for it was established, isotope effects associated with the different microbial transformation pathways have scarcely been reported. Evidence of isotope fractionation related to its microbial transformation could elucidate the underlying transformation pathways that govern its removal from the environment. To this end, we applied isotope analysis during glyphosate transformation by different bacterial strains. The strains hold similar or different enzymes and are aerobically cultivated under P-limiting conditions. Preliminary results so far have showed no significant carbon-isotope fractionation (<1 ‰) during glyphosate transformation by two strains following the C—P pathway. An enrichment method for glyphosate compatible with subsequent CSIA analysis is under development to accomplish precise analysis also low concentrations due to extensive transformation (Cmin=20 mg/L).

How to cite: Kourtaki, K., Martin, P., Buchner, D., and Haderlein, S.: Application of carbon compound-specific isotope analysis (carbon-CSIA) to investigate microbial transformation of glyphosate, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8289,, 2023.

EGU23-9066 | ECS | Orals | SSS7.3

Granulated biochar-based NPK fertilizer and its impact on nutrient leaching, plant growth and soil-borne N2O emissions 

Jannis Grafmüller, Daniel Kray, Claudia Kammann, Marie E. Mühe, Hans-Peter Schmidt, and Nikolas Hagemann

Biochar amendments to fertilized soils are an important step towards more resource-efficient practices in agriculture by limiting the amounts of nutrients being leached to water bodies or transformed to the potent greenhouse gas (GHG) nitrous oxide (N2O). Biochar was often amended to the soil separately to the fertilizer application. Alternatively, biochar and nutrient bearing salts or minerals can be blended and aggregated, e.g., granulated prior to soil application. However, the impact of this practice on biochar effects on nutrient availability, leachability and soil-borne N2O emissions is so far largely unexplored. Here, we present data on the effects of a granulated, biochar-blended mineral NPK fertilizer applied to a sandy soil in two different greenhouse pot trials on white cabbage and spinach, respectively. In the white cabbage (Brassica oleracea convar. Capitata var. Alba) experiment, the biochar blended NPK fertilizer reduced nitrogen leaching by 30 to 45% compared to the pure NPK fertilized control following two simulated heavy precipitation events. Results in a similar range were obtained when pure, milled biochar was homogeneously mixed with pure NPK fertilizer in the soil as a further control. The reduced nutrient loss in biochar-amended pots may have contributed to increases in cabbage head biomass of 14% for the granulated biochar NPK fertilizer and 34% for the loose mix of milled biochar with pure NPK fertilizer, when compared to the NPK fertilizer control without biochar. In the spinach (Spinacia oleracea, no precipitation events) experiment, the biochar-blended granulated fertilizer increased the marketable fresh spinach yields by 5% while the mixture of milled biochar and pure NPK fertilizer in the soil increased yields by 13% compared to the control without biochar, respectively. The analyses of GHG emissions that were measured during this experiment allows to comprehend whether these yield increases were also caused by a lower volatilization of fertilized nitrogen as N2O-N. With these two experiments, we provide insights on how biochar-blended fertilizers interact with plants and the soil system and how biochar could be used in agricultural practices to increase nutrient use efficiencies, i.e., the environmental costs per unit of yield produced, by reducing the undesired loss of nutrients from soil in combination with yield increase.

How to cite: Grafmüller, J., Kray, D., Kammann, C., Mühe, M. E., Schmidt, H.-P., and Hagemann, N.: Granulated biochar-based NPK fertilizer and its impact on nutrient leaching, plant growth and soil-borne N2O emissions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9066,, 2023.

EGU23-9431 | ECS | Orals | SSS7.3

Transport of selected organophosphorus pesticides through alluvial sediment with the addition of microbially inoculated chars 

Irina Jevrosimov, Marijana Kragulj Isakovski, Tamara Apostolović, Srđan Rončević, Dragana Tamindžija, and Snežana Maletić

The aim of this study was to investigate the transport behavior of two selected organophosphorus pesticides (chlorpyrifos-CP and chlorpyrifos-methyl-CPM) through Danube alluvial sediment in the absence and in the presence of microbially inoculated chars originated from sugar beet shreds (biochar produced at 400°C and three hydrochars produced at 180, 200, and 220°C). Bacillus megaterium strain was used for microbial inoculation of investigated carbon-based adsorbents. Column experiments were used to simulate sorption in non-equilibrium conditions. Obtained results were modeled using the advective-dispersive equation (ADE). For column experiments only with alluvial sediment retardation coefficient (Rd) was in the range (Rd=15.5-16) and higher biodegradation was observed for CPM (λ=4.15) than for CP (λ=1.80). The retardation coefficient (Rd) for investigated compounds in column experiments with the addition of inoculated carbon-based materials ranged from (Rd=20-275). The addition of inoculated carbon based materials in a column filled with alluvial sediment significantly increases the retardation coefficient (Rd). This may be a consequence of simultaneous adsorption on the organic matter of the alluvial sediment, on carbon-based materials and results of biosorption. The biodegradation (λ) of the investigated compounds in a column filled with the addition of inoculated adsorbents was in range (λ=0.4-4.5) and was lower compared to the column without the addition of chars. A higher retardation coefficient (Rd) in column experiments with the addition of inoculated chars was observed for biochar than for hydrochars, which is directly correlated with the higher specific surface area (SSA) of the investigated biochar. Generally, the addition of inoculated carbon-based materials to contaminated sediments has the potential as a remediation technique to inhibit the leaching of pollutants to groundwaters and affect their immobilization.

Keywords: transport, biochar, hydrochar, chlorpyrifos, chlorpyrifos-methyl, sugar beet shreds


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Research Executive Agency (REA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. Grant agreement No. 101059546

How to cite: Jevrosimov, I., Kragulj Isakovski, M., Apostolović, T., Rončević, S., Tamindžija, D., and Maletić, S.: Transport of selected organophosphorus pesticides through alluvial sediment with the addition of microbially inoculated chars, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9431,, 2023.

EGU23-10077 | Posters on site | SSS7.3

Improvement of physical, chemical and biological properties of saline soils and gossan waste through integrated biotechnological approach: Technosols and pasture development 

Maria Manuela Abreu, Antonio Aguilar-Garrido, Patrícia Vidigal, and Ana Delaunay Caperta

In coming years, food demand will rise sharply in line with population growth. This demand will be met largely through the expansion of agricultural land, a limited and strained resource. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure a more productive but also sustainable agricultural system. The reclamation of marginal lands underused, such as saline and drought-prone lands, or even abandoned mining areas, could be a possible solution. In this sense, phytostabilisation is considered a suitable method for their rehabilitation and reconversion to crop and livestock activities. Some pasture plants can tolerate adverse growth conditions (e.g., high concentrations of potentially hazardous elements (PHE) and EC, low pH, organic C and nutrients, and poor structure). However, limited and slow plant growth can limit the environmental rehabilitation success. The combined use of Technosols and pastures may be an effective green technology towards reclaiming these marginal areas for food production. To verify this hypothesis, this study evaluated the improvement saline soils’ properties and gossan waste through Technosols and development of a biodiverse pasture. A Technosol was constructed using a saline Fluvisol of the Tagus Estuary and another one utilizing a gossan waste from the São Domingos mine, both with a mixture of organic and inorganic amendments. Four treatments were considered: (i) Fluvisol (VF), control of salinity; (ii) Technosol-Fluvisol (TVF); (iii) gossan waste (G), control of PHE contamination; and (iv) Technosol-Gossan (TG). After two months of pasture growing, samples from each treatment were characterised for soil properties, nutrient pool, soil enzyme activities, and aggregate stability, and compared to initial conditions. Both Technosols were effective in attenuating the main disturbances of these degraded environments. In TG, the acid pH of the gossan waste was neutralised (G: 3.8 - 4.1, TG: 6.5 – 6.7). Similarly, in TVF, salinity (EC) and exchangeable Na were reduced by about 65% and 60%, respectively. Nutrient pool in both Technosols was also enhanced by overall increases in organic C, N, P, K, Ca, Fe, Zn and Cu. Likewise, microbiological activity has been stimulated by Technosols and establishment of a pasture. For example, in G dehydrogenase activity was practically null, and in TG although it was also reduced/small, it increased 15 times more. While with the pasture, it increased 6-fold. In FV there was already some dehydrogenase activity, but in TVF it was six times higher and with the pasture even more elevated, reaching values like those of a healthy grassland. The other enzymes analysed (β-glucosidase, cellulase, acid phosphatase, urease, and protease) were also stimulated. Better aggregation was also observed in Technosols, as the number of larger aggregates (> 2 mm) was higher than in controls. In TG these represented 68% compared to 34.5% in G, and in TVF 93.6% compared to 32.8% in VF. Finally, all these improvements have allowed the establishment of a good pasture. Thus, the combined use of Technosols and pastures may be an effective green technology to convert marginal lands into food production areas (grazing or foraging).

How to cite: Abreu, M. M., Aguilar-Garrido, A., Vidigal, P., and Caperta, A. D.: Improvement of physical, chemical and biological properties of saline soils and gossan waste through integrated biotechnological approach: Technosols and pasture development, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10077,, 2023.

EGU23-10100 | ECS | Orals | SSS7.3

Design of support means for the fixation of biofilms in anaerobic reactors for the treatment of leachate based on principles of biomimetic 

Zully Gomez, Johanna Solano, Maria Rodrigo, and Javier Rodrigo

The appropriate treatment of leachate is currently one of the priorities of municipalities and large cities for the proper management of solid waste landfills. Leachate management represent a risk for public health and a potentially high environmental impact due to the diverse content of pollutants. Specially in megacities, leachate treatment is extremely important due to the large amount of waste generated by the high demographic concentration. However, current technology used for leachate treatment requires improvements to reduce the pollutant load

The “Doña Juana” sanitary landfill in Bogotá (Colombia) has a physicochemical and biological leachate treatment system. To improve the biological treatment of leachate a better reactors design to minimize the organic load of the effluent discharged into water bodies once they are treated is proposed. In this case study, the efficiency of a supported bed anaerobic reactor for the treatment of Doña Juana landfill leachate has been evaluated. A new design of the support medium for biofilm fixation is proposed considering the characteristics required to increase performance, such as the porosity of the material used, its shape and its general configuration. To improve these designs biomimicry techniques have been used, seeking to imitate elements of nature to adapt them to engineering designs.

Given the versatility of different shapes and configurations that nature offers, biomimicry offers great opportunities to adapt them to functional designs, systems, processes and natural elements. In this work the fundamental bases of this discipline will be considered in the design of the support medium for anaerobic biofilms in the reactor for the treatment of leachate, so as to improve the fixation of the microorganisms responsible for the degradation of organic matter in the proposed medium.

How to cite: Gomez, Z., Solano, J., Rodrigo, M., and Rodrigo, J.: Design of support means for the fixation of biofilms in anaerobic reactors for the treatment of leachate based on principles of biomimetic, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10100,, 2023.

EGU23-11837 | ECS | Orals | SSS7.3

Environmental, agricultural and economic implications of the use of nano-agrochemicals for a sustainable food production of Brassica oleracea var. capitata L. 

Daniel Arenas Lago, Mónica Villanueva Villar, Rocío González Feijoo, Alberto Vaquero García, David Fernández Calviño, Elena Rivo López, and Manuel Arias Estévez

The traditional use of agrochemicals causes environmental pollution and global public health problems. The fact that plants use only a part of the agrochemicals added to the soil makes them ineffective. The frequent application of excessive doses of fertilizers to soils can lead to risks of environmental contamination, mainly of aquifers and surface waters. This opens up new technological challenges that can be applied to agriculture and food production to meet the needs of the population. The use of nanoagrochemicals (NAC) is recent and there are insufficient studies to provide information on their potential impact on the environment. In this study, NACs were synthesized by simple, rapid, economical, and sustainable methods to evaluate their potential impact on the soil-water system and in the cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.)  crop. The main objective of this study is to synthesize urea-hydroxyapatite and potassium sulfate NACs for application in soils as nanofertilizers, in order to reduce agricultural inputs, to achieve more environmentally friendly agrochemicals and to evaluate from an economic point of view the cost-effectiveness of the use of these nanomaterials in agriculture versus the traditional use of agrochemicals. For this purpose, the aforementioned nanoparticles were synthesized and characterized. Subsequently, a field assay was carried out in experimental plots of 4 m2 in which four different treatments with NAC and traditional fertilizers were applied (in quadruplicate): (i) urea-hydroxyapatite NAC; (ii) potassium sulfate NAC; (iii) urea-hydroxyapatite NAC and potassium sulfate NAC; and (iv) non-nanoparticulate traditional fertilizer treatments; and two doses: (i) an optimum dose according to the usual fertilizer contents (NPK) used for this crop.; and (ii) half the optimum dose.  Soils were sampled at the beginning and end of the assay for characterization. The crop was closely monitored throughout the growing period and at the end of the crop cycle, the cabbages were harvested for size, weight, yield, and nutrient content determination. An economic-financial analysis was also carried out comparing the yield of the use of NAC versus the use of traditional fertilizers. The main results showed that the treatment with NAC at half the dose showed similar yield (number of cabbage harvested: 93), size (diameter) (35.3 ± 2.1 cm), and weight (0.38 ± 0.08 kg) values as the cabbages treated with traditional fertilizers (yield: 91; size: 34.8 ± 1.5 cm; weight: 0.41 ± 0.10 kg). Thus, NAC applied at half dose was efficient for the production of this crop. The analysis of cost-effectiveness proved that the treatment cost with NAC at half dose was lower than the treatment with optimal doses of traditional fertilizers, which indicates that the use of these NAC can be profitable and minimizes the input of fertilizers to the soil.


This research was supported by the grants to research groups in the Campus of Ourense (InOu 2022). Daniel Arenas-Lago thanks for the postdoc grant Juan de la Cierva Incorporación 2019 (IJC2019-042235-I).

How to cite: Arenas Lago, D., Villanueva Villar, M., González Feijoo, R., Vaquero García, A., Fernández Calviño, D., Rivo López, E., and Arias Estévez, M.: Environmental, agricultural and economic implications of the use of nano-agrochemicals for a sustainable food production of Brassica oleracea var. capitata L., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11837,, 2023.

EGU23-12492 | Posters on site | SSS7.3

Behaviour of Coincya transtagana (Cout.) Clem.-Muñoz & Herm.-Berm., an Iberian endemism in the area of the abandoned mine of Aparis 

Ana D. Caperta, Filipa Couchinho, and Maria Manuela Abreu

The rare endemic species Coincya transtagana (Cout.) Clem.-Muñoz & Herm.-Berm (Brassicaceae) is distributed in the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula, in Alentejo, Algarve and Andalusia. This species has a strong association with copper mining areas in Baixo Alentejo, including the Aparis mine, in Barrancos. However, it is still unknown if this species is an indicator of metals in the soil (metallophyte). This study aims to investigate the behavior of this species in soils rich in potentially toxic elements. To this end, soil samples and plants were collected in the Aparis mine, and soils’ physicochemical and multi-elemental characterization, and enzymatic activities (dehydrogenase, β-glucosidase, cellulase, acid phosphatase, urease, and protease) were evaluated. Plant biomass was determined, and plants’ chemical multielemental analysis was carried out. The results showed that the soils had slightly basic pH values and not saline, poor in mineral N, with medium to high organic matter concentration, low C:N ratio, medium cationic exchange capacity, and normal Fe, Mn, and Ca concentration. In the soils, the concentration of Zn and Cu was above, and K and Mg were below the values favorable to the good plant development. Dehydrogenase had the highest enzymatic activity whereas protease had the lowest activity. The samples in which C. transtagana had higher biomass corresponded to soil samples where the soil has higher quality. Among the potentially toxic chemical elements studied, Cu is the element with the highest concentration in both soils and plants. The plants present accumulative and non-accumulative behaviors, being considered an accumulator of Mo and S, as well as tolerant to the elements Ni and Zn. In conclusion, our findings showed that this species is well adapted to the mine soil, regardless of the contamination at the local. Further studies are required to test the potential of C. transtagana for potentially toxic soil elements phytostabilization.


How to cite: Caperta, A. D., Couchinho, F., and Abreu, M. M.: Behaviour of Coincya transtagana (Cout.) Clem.-Muñoz & Herm.-Berm., an Iberian endemism in the area of the abandoned mine of Aparis, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12492,, 2023.

EGU23-12501 | Posters on site | SSS7.3

Biodegradation potential of fenthion and disulfoton on inoculated biochar through alluvial Danube sediment 

Snežana Maletić, Irina Jevrosimov, Marijana Kragulj Isakovski, Dragana Tamindzija, Ana Volaric, Tamara Apostolovic, and Srdjan Roncevic

Increased pesticide uses over the last few decades raise a serious threat to environment, especially to the groundwater the most important drinking water resource. This work investigates the biodegradation potential of two selected organophosphorus pesticides, OPPs (fenthion and disulfoton) on Danube alluvial sediment in the presence of microbially inoculated biochar (BC). The investigated BC was produced by slow pyrolysis of the Miscanthus giganteus at a temperature of 400°C. Bacillus megaterium BD5 was isolated from the alluvial Danube sediment sample and was successfully immobilized on BC in the form of vegetative cells and endospores. The breakthrough curve of thiourea as a nonsorbing substance was symmetrical, indicating absence of physical nonequilibrium processes in porous media. In general, the results indicate that the Rd coefficient for fenthion (Rd=30) is higher than the Rd for disulfoton (Rd=20), but higher biodegradation was observed for disulfoton (λ=6) than for fenthion (λ=4.5). The highest biodegradation could be a consequence of high adsorption on BC and biosorption. Further enhancement of the biodegradation processes could be achieved by integration with bioelectrochemical remediation system, which will be done in the future experiments.

Acknowledgment. Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Research Executive Agency (REA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. Grant agreement No. 101059546

How to cite: Maletić, S., Jevrosimov, I., Kragulj Isakovski, M., Tamindzija, D., Volaric, A., Apostolovic, T., and Roncevic, S.: Biodegradation potential of fenthion and disulfoton on inoculated biochar through alluvial Danube sediment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12501,, 2023.

Nutrient density in manure and fermentation residues is too low to economically justify transporting them to regions with phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) demands. However, they present a valuable feedstock for the production of commercial P fertilizers via pyrolysis. Phosphorus availability in the resulting chars for plant uptake can be further improved by adding potassium (K) salts to the feedstock prior to pyrolysis, while vinasse can be added for N enrichment. Such recycling-derived N-P(-K doped) fertilizers are expected to release nutrients slowly to the plants and to have positive environmental effects like nitrate retention, reduction of nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions and carbon (C) sequestration. We conducted a greenhouse pot experiment with celery and spinach cultures to investigate the P fertilization performance and environmental effects of newly developed recycling-derived N-P(-K) char fertilizers. Four novel pyrolysis products were tested: three different N-enriched (vinasse) dry flowable products (pyrolyzed material: dried pelletized chicken manure, digestate, and the dried solid fraction of pig slurry, respectively), and a char from dried pig manure, which had been enriched with potassium acetate prior to pyrolysis. The pot experiment demonstrated that P-char fertilizers, combined with a liquid organic N fertilizer commonly used in organic farming (vinasse), can provide the same P-fertilization as triple super phosphate (TSP), with yields similar to or higher than those obtained with mineral N fertilizers. Furthermore, the char fertilizers, and in particular the K-doped char, reduced nitrate leaching significantly compared to treatments with TSP + calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN) or TSP + vinasse. Liquid vinasse application drastically enhanced N2O emissions compared to pots where less or no liquid vinasse was applied without char. P-char fertilizers may thus provide a promising building block for a circular economy-based P supply chain while simultaneously reducing environmental costs in the form of less nitrate leaching and lower N2O emissions and contributing to soil C sequestration in the plough layer.

The project was funded by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) on the basis of a resolution of the German Bundestag. The project was carried out by the Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food (BLE) within the framework of the Innovation Promotion Program. Title of the research project: "Carbon-based fertilizers from phosphorus-rich slurry, manure and fermentation residues by carbonization with nitrogen recovery", grant numbers 2818105215, 2818105015 and 2818107115.

How to cite: Görres, C.-M., Kammann, C., and Appel, T.: Potential of novel organic NP(K)-char fertilizers as part of a circular economy-based phosphorus supply chain – results from a pot experiment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13312,, 2023.

EGU23-14303 | Orals | SSS7.3

Effects of repeated root-zone application of biochar-fertilizer mixtures in the field on vegetable crop yields, plant N use and N2O emissions 

Claudia Kammann, Christina Funk, Anthea Spiller, Maximilian Koppel, Jana Zinkernagel, and Christoph-Martin Geilfus

Biochar produced via pyrolysis is increasingly used in agriculture, either applied pure in larger amounts or as part of fertilizer applications. Biochar production temperatures above 500 °C result in highly persistent aromatic carbon that sequesters C with mean residence times of centuries to millennia [1]. Research over the last decade has shown that its agricultural use has mainly positive effects [2] although these are not guaranteed. Biochar is discussed as one of the few available ready-to-go negative CO2 emission technologies with agricultural benefits; its production and use can already be certified and traded as a carbon sink [3]. However, with regard to agricultural applications, the initial research approach to use large amounts of biochar per hectare (>10 t ha-1) is usually not sufficiently incentivised by corresponding yield increases covering the expenses for biochar [1]. Hence, recent research focuses on biochar use as a mixing component of organic or mineral fertilizers. Here, we report the results of repeated smaller amount applications (2.5 t ha-1 per crop cycle) of biochar to the root-zone with each cropping, i.e. to the same plots over four consecutive vegetable crop production sets during 2021 to 2023. The experimental set-up was a two-factorial randomized block design field study with five blocks (plot replications). Factor 1 was the use of mineral versus organic fertilizer, factor 2 was no biochar application (control) or two differently produced biochars from woody waste materials (i.e. 6 treatments overall). Fertilizers or biochar-fertilizer mixtures were applied to the root zone at seedling planting; for the mineral fertilization, part of the total fertilizer sum was added manually as fertigation irrigation during crop growth. In 2021, spring and summer 2022, celery root, salad and broccoli were grown, while in autumn-winter 2022/2023, spinach was grown. Greenhouse gas fluxes were measured weekly for the last crop cycle to investigate long-term (partly-aged) biochar effects with the closed-chamber method and will be reported. The biochar-organic fertilizer blends never increased yields significantly for either of the crop species. However, in the beginning, organically fertilized vegetable yields were generally lower than those with mineral fertilization which reversed over the third and fourth crop cycles (broccoli and spinach) for the controls. When combined with mineral fertilizer, biochar significantly increased the yield of celery (up to 20%), of broccoli (up to 70%) and spinach (up to 54%) while the biomass of salad was slightly reduced with biochar application. Soil mineral N concentrations before or after crop plantings / harvests and plant N uptake indicated an improved N use efficiency with biochar use. Our results demonstrate that lower amounts of biochar plus repeated applications with each crop cycle may be a way forward for agriculture in particular when combined with mineral fertilization.

  • Lehmann, J., et al., Biochar in climate change mitigation. Nature Geoscience, 2021. 14(12): p. 883-892.
  • Schmidt, H.P., et al., Biochar in agriculture - A systematic review of 26 global meta-analyses. Global Change Biology Bioenergy, 2021. 13(11): p. 1708-1730.
  • EBC Certification of the carbon sink potential of biochar. ( Version 2.1E of 1st February 2021, 2020. 35.

How to cite: Kammann, C., Funk, C., Spiller, A., Koppel, M., Zinkernagel, J., and Geilfus, C.-M.: Effects of repeated root-zone application of biochar-fertilizer mixtures in the field on vegetable crop yields, plant N use and N2O emissions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14303,, 2023.

EGU23-14391 | ECS | Posters virtual | SSS7.3

Yield and toxicity risks of a mixed pasture in sulfide-rich tailings recovered with a Technosol 

Diego Arán, Adelaida Pastrac Lungu, Maria Manuela Abreu, and Erika S. Santos

The combination of designed Technosols and revegetation is one of the favored remediation at medium-long term and valorization strategies for sulfide-rich tailings. The plant-Technosol interactions improve several physic-chemical characteristics of mine tailing material and reduce its environmental risk. However, the transfer of potentially hazardous elements (PHE) for the aerial parts of plants can pose toxicity risks for fauna and limitations on the commercial valorization of the crop (e.g., animal feed). The current study assessed, in sulfide-rich tailings recovered with a Technosol designed with eutrophic and alkaline properties: i)Yield and toxicity risk of a mixed pasture; ii)Environmental risk of the PHE leaching. Sulfide-rich tailing without Technosol was used as control.

The current experiment was carried out in microcosm and greenhouse-controlled conditions for two consecutive growth cycles. Each plant pot had available for plant growth a surface of 200.96 c, 14 cm depth and ≈3 kg of Technosol+Sulfide tailing (1:2.5 m:m). A total of ≈13 g of seeds/pot was sown, one month after incubation of the materials (t0). Plant shoots dry weight was determined at what was considered the peak of each growth cycle, to estimate the crop yield. The PHE contents were determined in the dried plant shoots from each of sampling (t1 and t2: five and eight months after sowing, respectively) and in simulated soil pore water in t0 and t2.

Sulfide-rich tailings presented pH≈2.7, very low fertility and high PHE concentrations in pore water. These conditions did not allow any germination of pasture. The designed Technosol improved several physic-chemical characteristics of the rich-sulfide tailings (e.g. increase of pH to ≈8, available nutrients and organic C, and decrease of PHE in pore water), allowing a significant pasture cover.

The average yield of pasture was of 1.08 g and 1.05 g per pot, for t1 and t2, which correspond to an average yield of 0.530 t/ha. In general, PHE concentrations in plant shoots were within the range considered as sufficient/normal for plants and met the tolerable plant contents for agronomic crops (e.g., mg/kg- Cu: 14.76 and 8.95; Zn: 100.63 and 75.12; Fe: 305.26 and 417.79 for t1 and t2 respectively). By contrast, Mn concentration in plant shoots (mg/kg- t1:432.39; t2: 351.34) were above normal plant concentrations falling, in some cases, within the range considered as phytotoxic (>400 mg/kg). Nonetheless no visual signs of Mn phytotoxicity were observed. For animal diets, PHE concentrations in plant shoots were below the maximum allowable for pre-ruminants and ruminants, thus not preventing the use of plant shoots as feed.

Although additional assays should be done in order to improve the pasture yield, this study showed that is possible a secure environmental rehabilitation of rich-sulfide tailings through this designed Technosol and the economic valorization of these recovered areas for pastures of domestic animals.

Acknowledgment: This research was supported by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (UID/AGR/04129/2020, Non-foodCropMine Project). The authors thank Minera Los Frailes for technical cooperation and providing access to the study area and field samples.

How to cite: Arán, D., Pastrac Lungu, A., Abreu, M. M., and S. Santos, E.: Yield and toxicity risks of a mixed pasture in sulfide-rich tailings recovered with a Technosol, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14391,, 2023.

EGU23-15392 | ECS | Posters virtual | SSS7.3 | Highlight

Soil-plant system of pastures from an agrosilvopastoral system implemented on abandoned Fe–Mn mine 

Erika S. Santos, Maria Manuela Abreu, and Sabina Rossini-Oliva

In the Iberian Pyrite Belt there are several small Mn abandoned mines, where soils developed on contaminated materials as well as those adjacent to contaminated areas have been converted by the local population into traditional agrosilvopastoral systems without any evaluation of their environmental risk.

Although no visual symptoms of phytotoxicy have been observed in vegetation, there is no information about the potential environmental risk of these soils and vegetation, especially in the herbaceous cover grazed by domestic animals. The Fe–Mn mine located in Ferragudo (Portugal) was exploited between 1959 and 2001. Posteriorly this area was converted in an agrosilvopastoral system with Quercus ilex woodland with small tree density and cultivated grass species. In the present study a biogeochemical characterization of this abandoned mine area was done in order to evaluate the potential environmental risk of the grassland. Soil samples were collected in two depths until a maximum of 20 cm as well as the aerial part of grassland. Soils were analysed to potentially hazardous elements (PHE) concentrations in total and available fraction as well as to other classical parameters. In plants was also determined the PHE concentrations being these values compared to the maximum allowed value for domestic animals.

Soils had a pH close to neutral and a good fertility. The concentrations of some PHE (e.g. Mn and Fe) in total soil fraction were higher than the average concentrations in non-contaminated soils of the region. However, the available concentrations were small. The elements concentrations in plants depended on element. In general, this agrosilvopastoral system did not pose a significant environmental risk.

How to cite: S. Santos, E., Abreu, M. M., and Rossini-Oliva, S.: Soil-plant system of pastures from an agrosilvopastoral system implemented on abandoned Fe–Mn mine, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15392,, 2023.

EGU23-15857 | Orals | SSS7.3

Mitigation of phosphorus and arsenic pollution in soils: from the laboratory to the field 

Juan Antelo, Sarah Fiol, Alba Otero-Fariña, Mitra Amini, Rasoul Rahnemaie, Xose L. Otero, and Felipe Macías

Phosphorus (P) is an essential element for biomass growth and is a major component of fertilizers applied to crops. Excessive application of P to agricultural soils may lead to P-leaching and increasing concentrations of this element in aqueous system. This may cause the degradation of water quality through eutrophication processes. Arsenic on the other hand is a very toxic element that may be present at high concentrations in soil and aqueous environments due to weathering processes or to anthropogenic sources as mining and agricultural activities.

To design adequate remediation techniques for the mitigation of phosphorus (P) and arsenic (As) pollution it is key to understand the geochemical processes and the environmental drivers controlling their availability. In soil systems, the mobility of P and As is controlled by their interaction with soil minerals. Among these minerals, iron and aluminum oxyhydroxides are known to form especially strong surface complexes with both components, limiting its availability to the environment. On the other hand, the presence of soil organic matter may compete with these pollutants for the mineral surface sites, increasing the contamination risk in the soil system.

In the present work, we have studied at laboratory scale the As and P adsorption process on iron mineral surfaces under variable conditions. This includes changes of pH, redox conditions, presence of major ions (i.e. calcium, sulfate) or other trace elements (i.e. chromate, copper), and the presence of natural organic matter (i.e. humic substances or simple organic acids). Also, surface complexation models were applied in order to simulate and predict the behavior of such systems. The obtained results reveal that the presence of organic matter or other anionic species are important factors capable of increasing the mobility of P and As contaminants, whereas changing the redox potential or the carbon content in the organo-mineral aggregates has little effect.

The information obtained, allowed to design remediation solutions that could be applied at field scale. The soil characteristics and the biogeochemical processes can be improved by the application of amendments based on circular economy aspects, i.e. compost, biochar, Technosols. We have studied the effectiveness of the superficial application of these materials to immobilize both P and As, varying the main environmental drivers affecting to the sorption or desorption processes.

How to cite: Antelo, J., Fiol, S., Otero-Fariña, A., Amini, M., Rahnemaie, R., Otero, X. L., and Macías, F.: Mitigation of phosphorus and arsenic pollution in soils: from the laboratory to the field, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15857,, 2023.

Community gardens and allotments are being trialled as a nature-based solution to mitigate multiple health and social, economic, and environmental/climate issues in Belfast. However, working in close proximity to urban lead-contaminated soils and ingestion of site-grown produce may pose significant health risks to community members unless remediating action is undertaken. Current research indicates that organic soil amendments adsorb common urban metal contaminants, particularly lead, and thus may limit plant/crop uptake and consequent human health risks after ingestion. This research seeks to investigate health risks associated with ingesting soils and vegetables grown in lead-contaminated and biochar-remediated soils in Lower Botanic Gardens, Belfast, using controlled pot experiments and concurrent field plots. Pots and plots will comprise combinations of high and low lead concentrations in soil, high and low lead concentrations in soil amended with 5%w/w biochar, and seeded with leaf (lettuce), bulb (garlic), and root (carrot) vegetables. Following a standard growth period, the pre- and post-growth soils, and vegetables will be tested using the Unified BARGE Method in vitro bioaccessibility methodology to determine the bioaccessible fraction for lead derived from soils and vegetables with and without biochar remediation. This will then give an indication of ingestion risk associated with biochar-amended and non-amended lead-contaminated soils, and different soil-grown vegetables. It is anticipated that there may be a mild-moderate risk of lead absorption in the gut after ingestion of non-amended contaminated soils; followed by a reduced risk posed by ingestion of site-grown vegetables with a risk hierarchy of carrot > garlic > lettuce; and a further reduced risk from produce grown in biochar-amended soils. These results would support the use of soil amendments to improve the scope of greening nature-based solutions on typically unfeasible contaminated sites, with the ultimate goal of enhancing health and social, economic, and environmental/climate conditions in urban areas.

How to cite: Doherty, R., Cox, S., and Newell, J.: Investigating ingestion risks from soils and vegetables grown in urban lead-contaminated soil, and mitigation by soil amendments, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17177,, 2023.

EGU23-1626 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS7.4

Does plastic and microplastic change the soil physical properties? A review 

Ahsan Maqbool and José Alfonso Gómez


Microplastics (5mm) enter the soil in several ways, including directly through the purposeful use of plastic (e.g., in plastic mulch, greenhouses, or coated items) or inadvertently through the addition of sewage sludge, compost, or irrigation water that has been polluted with plastic. The effect of microplastic on plant growth, soil biota, and soil physicochemical properties has been reviewed (Shafea et al., 2022), while soil physical properties have yet to be synthesized. Soil structure is an important soil feature affecting key variables in earth system models like, e.g., soil aggregation and soil hydraulic properties (Fatichi et al., 2020). These soil physical properties are influenced by widespread microplastic dispersion and pervasiveness, which might affect the soil's capacity to provide different ecosystem services and is a potential obstacle to sustainable agriculture (Rillig & Lehmann, 2020). Thereby, we present the preliminary results of a review on the plastic and microplastic impact on soil physical properties, including soil compaction, soil aggregation, water retention and transmission, and porosity, from peer-reviewed publications. Our review indicates that increasing plastic and microplastic concentration reduces soil compaction due to changes in bulk density. Soil structure and aggregate stability are also subject to alteration due to plastic contamination. Microplastic in the soil might affect water repellency, mainly measured by water drop penetration time. However, data on hydraulic properties, thermal properties, and pore-size distribution are scant. Moreover, potential factors, i.e., plastic-type, size, concentration, and soil type, by which microplastic can influence soil physical properties, are also discussed. This communication tries to identify trends in the influence of plastic and microplastic among different treatments using different indexes. From this analysis, we identify knowledge gaps for future studies.

Keywords: agroecosystem, microplastic, soil aggregates, infiltration.


Fatichi, S., Or, D., Walko, R., Vereecken, H., Young, M. H., Ghezzehei, T. A., Hengl, T., Kollet, S., Agam, N., & Avissar, R. (2020). Soil structure is an important omission in Earth System Models. Nature Communications, 11(1), 522.

Rillig, M. C., & Lehmann, A. (2020). Microplastic in terrestrial ecosystems. Science, 368(6498), 1430–1431.

Shafea, L., Yap, J., Beriot, N., Felde, V. J. M. N. L., Okoffo, E. D., Enyoh, C. E., & Peth, S. (2022). Microplastics in agroecosystems: A review of effects on soil biota and key soil functions. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science.

How to cite: Maqbool, A. and Gómez, J. A.: Does plastic and microplastic change the soil physical properties? A review, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1626,, 2023.

EGU23-1899 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS7.4

From intentionally used plastic films to soil microplastic contamination 

Ana Carolina Cugler Moreira, Florian Wilken, Melanie Braun, and Peter Fiener

In modern agriculture, plastic material is intentionally used for different purposes. In 2020, it was estimated that about 7.1 105 t of plastic was used in European agriculture, whereas most plastic was applied in form of plastic mulch films to improve growing conditions, e.g., via temperature regulation or reduction of evaporation. Most of this plastic films are made from Light Density Polyethene (LDPE) with different physical (e.g., thickness between 15 and 200 µm) and chemical properties (e.g., different types and amounts of additives for UV stabilization). Plasticulture improves productivity but a growing number of studies indicate soil contamination with macro-, meso- and microplastic particles originating from plastic mulching films. The aim of this study is to compare the changes in plastic film properties and stability as basis for the fragmentation into meso- to microplastic following different environmental stressors applied to plastic films used for different purposes. A series of lab experiments was set-up to mimic natural UV radiation as well as mechanical stress. Overall, six different agricultural films were tested (two black LDPE mulch films, thickness 20 µm; two transparent LDPE films of small tunnels, thickness 180 µm; and two black-white LDPE asparagus mulch films, thickness 100 and 150 µm). In a first step, different UV light exposures time were used (Q-SUN Xe-1-SE xenon test chamber, TUV (300-400 nm)) to simulate LDPE aging as exposed to sunlight at the soil surface, in second step mechanical stress was applied during an abrasion test (20 g of standard soil were mixed with the degraded samples at 4 rpm for 61 days). Both treatments and their combinations were then analyzed regarding changes in plastic properties. Therefore, we used a 3d laser scanner confocal microscope (LSM) to analyze changes in plastic surfaces, a Fourier-transform infrared-attenuated total reflectance spectrometer (FTIR-ATR) to determine changes in the chemical compounds, an optical contact angle (OCA) to determine changes in hydrophobicity and finally tested changes in mechanical stability with a universal nanomechanical tester (UNAT). First results indicate that UV alone can affect the stability of the films, which is increased by mechanical stress. The FTIR-ATR spectra, especially from the thin black film, presented variation at the carbonyl band (1800-1600 cm-1) after the degradation test; LSM results for the degradation test didn’t show any significant change, while preliminary results from the mechanical stress present changes on its surface; for OCA preliminary results the thin black film showed a variation from 85.7o to 77.2o after UV degradation. Overall, the tests indicate the importance of a combination of UV radiation and mechanical stress for LDPE film degradation, which especially in case of the thin, black mulch film leads to a change in plastic properties paving the way for plastic fragmentation within months of environmental exposure, while the thicker foils are less affected within such timeframe. Hence, thin plastic mulching foils might improve agricultural productivity but on the cost of increasing soil plastic contamination.

How to cite: Cugler Moreira, A. C., Wilken, F., Braun, M., and Fiener, P.: From intentionally used plastic films to soil microplastic contamination, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1899,, 2023.

Due to the ecological risk posed by plastic pollution, biodegradable plastics (BDPs) usage in agriculture has gained attention as an alternative to conventional plastics. However, agricultural soil remains a major reservoir of microplastics (MPs) in today’s global environment. Given the persistence of MPs, few studies have focused on the fate and transport of conventional MPs from agricultural topsoil. However, understanding the transport of biodegradable MPs is largely unknown. The aim of this study is to analyze the erosion and transport behavior of biodegradable polylactic acid (PLA) MPs (size 250 – 300 μm) under simulated heavy rainfall events on fallow and crusted agricultural soils. The experiment used fluorescent PLA filament to obtain the MPs. Based on the fluorescent property of the PLA MPs, a simple, reliable, and cost-effective method using darkroom photography under a 365nm UV lamp, and an Image J script was developed for quantification. The study was conducted on three plots (1m × 1m) of loamy soil at an agricultural field in the Czech Republic. A concentration of 4 g m-2 of PLA MPs was incorporated into the top 5 cm of the soil in each plot. Rainfall simulations with an intensity of 60 mm h-1 were carried out twice within one week in April 2022. The results showed a general depletion of biodegradable PLA MPs in the delivered sediment. Eroded sediments showed mean enrichment ratios of 0.59 ± 0.05 in the fallow plot and 1.45 ± 0.37 in the crusted plot. Higher MP enrichment and sediment delivery were observed on crusted soil compared to fallow soil, suggesting a more conservative erosion and transport for the latter. Overall, our study highlights that a relatively high-density biodegradable MP, such as PLA, tends to remain within the topsoil and is negligibly affected by rainfall-induced surface runoff and very low infiltration capacity.

How to cite: Sinha Ray, S., Zumr, D., and Dostal, T.: Transport of Polylactic Acid (PLA) Microplastics in Agricultural Soils under Simulated Rainfall Events - Analyzing Surface Water Runoff as an Environmental Pathway, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3220,, 2023.

In Europe, about 0.71 million tonnes of agricultural plastic were intentionally used in 2019. Most widely used were plastic films (about 75%), which are dominated by light density polyethylene (LDPE). Especially LDPE plastic films for mulching covers in direct contact arable soil to increase temperature and reduce evaporation. Thereby, microplastic is detached from the mulch film via mechanical and environmental weathering. Another microplastic pathway in arable soil is the application of sewage sludge. Depending on land use, a 4 to 23 times higher microplastic contamination in soils than in the sea is estimated. Obviously, microplastic input to soils is critically high, but an accurate quantification is still lacking. This is partly caused by challenges in detection and analysis of microplastic in soils. First, it is challenging to extract microplastic from a matrix of organic and inorganic particles of similar size. Second, the well-established spectroscopic methods (e.g., Raman and FTIR) for detecting microplastics in water samples are sensitive to soil organic matter, and they are very time-consuming. Eliminating very stable organic particles (e.g., lignin) from soil samples without affecting the microplastic to be measured is another challenge. Hence, a robust analytical approach to detect microplastic in soils is needed. In this context, we developed a methodological approach that is based on a high-throughput (25 g soil sample) density separation scheme for measurements in a 3D Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope (Keyence VK-X1000, Japan) and subsequently using a Machine-Learning algorithm to classify and analyze microplastic in soil samples. Our aim is to develop a method for a fast screening of microplastic particle numbers in soils while avoiding the use of harmful substances (e.g., ZnCl2) or prolonged organic carbon destruction. For method development, we contaminate a standard soil (LUFA type 2.1 - sand: 86.6% sand, 9.7% silt, 3.7% clay, 0.58% organic carbon; and LUFA type 2.2 - loamy sand: 72.6% sand, 16.8% silt, 10.7% clay, 1.72% organic carbon) with different concentrations of transparent LDPE microplastic (< 700 µm), LDPE microplastic originating from black mulch film (< 400 µm) and microplastic originating from Bio-degraded black mulch film (< 250 µm). For density separation, three non-toxic, easy to handle mediums were compared for the best microplastic output: distilled water (ρ = 1.0 g/cm3), 26% NaCl solution (ρ = 1.2 g/cm3), and 41% CaCl2 solution (ρ = 1.4 g/cm3). The separated microplastic plus organic particles and some small mineral particles were scanned using a 3D Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope. For each sample, the 3D Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope generates three different main outputs: color, laser intensity, and surface characteristics. Based on these data outputs, a Machine-Learning algorithm distinguishes between the mineral, organic, and microplastic particles. It was found that color changes of microplastics due to soil contact challenge the classification but can be compensated by surface characteristics that become an essential input parameter for the detection. The presented methodological approach provides an accurate and high-throughput microplastic assessment in soil systems, which is critically needed to understand the boundaries of sustainable plastic application in agriculture.

How to cite: Scheiterlein, T. and Fiener, P.: Microplastic detection in arable soil using a 3D Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope coupled with a Machine-Learning Algorithm, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4315,, 2023.

EGU23-4371 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS7.4

Effects of microplastic aging on its detectability and physico-chemical properties in loess and sandy soil 

Leila Shafea, Angelo Yoffre Rodriguez Carlos, Susanne Karoline Woche, Leopold Sauheitl, Marc-Oliver Göbel, and Stephan Peth

Comparing pristine microplastic (MP) to aged MP collected from the soil environment, aged MP particles generally have a rougher surface and thus a greater specific surface area, higher crystallinity, more oxygen-containing functional groups, and lower tensile strength, as well as greater mobility and consequently a higher risk of leaching into the groundwater [1, 2]. The aged MP is produced due to the solar UV irradiation and soil abiotic and biotic processes [3]. Thus, pristine and aged MP may behave differently in the environment due to different surface properties and MP extraction from soil consequently must ensure to recover both, pristine and aged MP. Therefore, we aimed to develop a fast and efficient laboratory method to detect pristine and aged MP and to compare the recovery rate of aged and pristine MP. For this purpose, an experiment was conducted by adding pristine and UV-aged (UV irradiation period: 35 d) MP particles of two different types, polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and polystyrene (PS), at three sizes (S: 500 µm, M: 500-630 µm, L: 630 µm -1mm) to sand and loess soil at a concentration of 0.5% w/w. For extraction, a density separation was performed, using saturated NaCl (1.2 g cm-3) and NaI (1.8 g cm- 3) solutions, followed by H2O2 (33 %) treatment to remove soil organic matter. Recovered MP was quantified gravimetrically. The physico-chemical properties of pristine and aged MP before and after extraction were analyzed by Mid-FTIR for changes in surface functional groups and by contact angle (CA) determination for changes in wetting properties due to aging. We found that the recovery rates of pristine and UV-aged particles were the same for both PS and PET, with no significant differences between recovery from sand and loess soils. The average recovery rate of all samples was about 81 %. Pristine MP was hydrophobic (CA≥90) while aged MP was subcritically water repellent (CA>0 and <90°). In line, FTIR spectra indicated the formation of hydroxyl groups (i.e., polar sites) in aged MP. FTIR spectra before and after recovery showed no significant differences, however, CA of aged MP (size L) was increased to >90° after recovery, probably due to amphiphilic organic matter (OM) compounds sorbed during extraction. In conclusion, the tested recovery procedure did work for pristine and aged MP at all size fractions and loess and sandy soils, while the extraction procedure seems to result in an interaction between polar sites and released OM in case of aged MP.

Keywords: Microplastic, Pristine, UV-aged, Recovery, Identification, Quantification.

[1] doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.02.079. [2] doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2021.117407.117407.[3] doi: 10.1002/jpln.202200136.

How to cite: Shafea, L., Yoffre Rodriguez Carlos, A., Woche, S. K., Sauheitl, L., Göbel, M.-O., and Peth, S.: Effects of microplastic aging on its detectability and physico-chemical properties in loess and sandy soil, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4371,, 2023.

EGU23-5406 | ECS | Orals | SSS7.4 | Highlight

Vertical transport of microplastic in agricultural soil in controlled irrigation plot experiments 

Wang Li, Saunak Sinha Ray, Emilee Severe, David Zumr, Tomáš Dostál, Josef Krasa, Florian Wilken, John N. Quinton, Ahsan Maqbool, Jos ́e Alfonso G ́omez, and Christine Stumpp

Microplastic pollution in agricultural sites has gained increased attention in recent years. Many studies focused on the impact of plastic residues on soil functions, such as soil physiochemical properties, fertility, and biodiversity. However, research on the transport behavior of microplastics (MPs) in agricultural soil remains rare. Therefore, it is important to understand the transport mechanism of MPs in the natural environment. Plot experiments (1x1 m) were conducted in an agricultural site (silty loam) near Prague to investigate the size-dependent movement of MPs under both artificial irrigation (first campaign) and natural rainfall (second campaign). Before irrigation, fluorescent PE microspheres with four different size ranges (53-63 µm, 125-150 µm, 250-300 µm, 425-500 µm) were mixed with soil and then uniformly distributed on the plot surface (upper 1 cm). Deuterium as a conservative tracer was added and well mixed with water for the rainfall simulation. The rainfall simulation with an intensity of 60 mm/h was applied. Results from the first campaign show that the maximum migration depth of MPs was up to 4-6 cm, which is consistent with the results from the tracer experiment. Moreover, larger particles were mostly found on the top layer up to 2 cm, with small MPs at 53-63 µm transported down to 6 cm. These results indicate that the infiltration of water could enhance the movement of MPs in the soil profile, with smaller MPs having higher mobility under rainfall simulation. This finding provides insight into the mobility of MPs in agricultural soils, and it could be applied for control and risk assessment to estimate the potential of MPs leaching into aquifer systems.

How to cite: Li, W., Ray, S. S., Severe, E., Zumr, D., Dostál, T., Krasa, J., Wilken, F., Quinton, J. N., Maqbool, A., G ́omez, J. ́. A., and Stumpp, C.: Vertical transport of microplastic in agricultural soil in controlled irrigation plot experiments, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5406,, 2023.

EGU23-8476 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS7.4 | Highlight

Large scale detection of plastic covered crops using multispectral and SAR satellite data 

Alessandro Fabrizi, Peter Fiener, Thomas Jagdhuber, Kristof Van Oost, and Florian Wilken

The use of plastic in agriculture (plasticulture) started together with the rise of plastic in global markets, around 1950. Nowadays, plastic plays a key role in agriculture as an inexpensive, lightweight and resistant material. In European vegetable production, around 80% of plastic use is attributed to plastic films for crop covers. While meeting the needs of both producers and consumers (e.g., higher yields, early harvest, availability of out-of-season products), serious concerns have been raised about end-of-life management of plastic films. Different management practices, crop and film types are potentially controlling the amount of macro- and microplastic residues that remain in soil. While part of the scientific studies is improving our understanding of the environmental risks of plasticulture, a tool to monitor and quantify its extent at large scale (e.g., regions up to countries) is still lacking. The presence of publicly and freely available satellite data with increasing temporal and spatial resolution, coupled with increasing computing capabilities, qualify satellite remote sensing as a potential data source for large scale plasticulture monitoring. The challenge of detecting plastic covered crops by satellite data stimulated a growing number of papers. However, most of the literature focuses on local plasticulture hotspots, while a few authors recently tried to identify either greenhouses or plastic mulched farmlands (PMF) at larger scale. To the best of our knowledge, no attempts have been made for large scale plasticulture mapping in regions where different types of plastic covers are present (PMF, tunnels and greenhouses).

In this research study we aim at identifying PMF, tunnels and greenhouses across Germany, one of the most active countries in the EU agricultural plastic film market. Google Earth Engine cloud computing capabilities were combined with Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data coming from a whole year of acquisitions. In this context, time series analyses were supplied with a novel multi-image classification-based index (called Plastic Detection Frequency, PDF). The index was created by looping a random forest classifier over a yearly image collection to address the seasonality of temporary plastic covers (e.g., mulch foils, tunnels), which might not be caught by analysing time series with traditional methods alone. The results were evaluated in two German sub-regions (Cologne-Bonn region and Rhine-Valley south of Mainz), by combining ground truth sampling on Google Earth images and regional crop type databases. The overall accuracy assessed in the evaluation regions reaches 90% when plasticulture is distinguished between PMF, tunnels and greenhouses, while it exceeds 95% when the total area of plasticulture is mapped. Based on the feature rank, the PDF resulted to be the most important feature in the classification process. Moreover, the PDF showed higher values for crops typically associated with use of plastic films, which points at a strong relationship between the PDF and the presence of plastic covers. This study demonstrates the potential of an operational workflow for large scale plasticulture mapping and monitoring by synergising freely available optical and SAR satellite data.

How to cite: Fabrizi, A., Fiener, P., Jagdhuber, T., Van Oost, K., and Wilken, F.: Large scale detection of plastic covered crops using multispectral and SAR satellite data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8476,, 2023.

EGU23-8848 | ECS | Orals | SSS7.4

LDPE and biodegradable plastics differentially affect plant-soil nitrogen partitioning and microbial uptake 

Michaela Reay, Lucy Greenfield, Martine Graf, Charlotte Lloyd, Richard Evershed, Dave Chadwick, and Davey Jones

Micro and macroplastics, produced from plastic mulch film and polytunnels, are contaminants of growing concern in agricultural settings. However, their impact on nitrogen (N) cycling and partitioning in plant-soil-microbial systems, critical to soil health and food security, is poorly understood. The differing impact of conventional plastics (e.g. low density polyethylene; LDPE) and emerging biodegradable plastics on microbially-mediated N transformations is also unclear, especially with accumulation over long timescales. In this mesocosm-scale study, spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) was exposed to macro (1 x 1 cm) or microplastic (< 500 μm) produced from LDPE or biodegradable (polylactic acid/polybutylene adipate terephthalate (PLA/PBAT); 15%/85% w/w) plastic mulch at concentrations equivalent to 1 (0.02%), 10 (0.2%) and 20 (0.4%; LDPE only) years of plastic mulch film use. Mesocosms were fertilised with ammonium nitrate (40 kg N ha−1, 20 atom%15N), and partitioning of 15N-labelled fertiliser into plant biomass, soil and leachate yielded a partial mass balance. Soil-N partitioning was probed via diffusion of extractable ammonium and nitrate, and compound-specific 15N-stable isotope analyses of soil microbial protein. Barley chlorophyll content and growth were used to determined effects on plant health. Plant health parameters were not effected by increasing concentrations of micro or macroplastic, however, there were concentration-dependent decreases in plant 15N uptake. This was linked to increased leached nitrogen for biodegradable and LDPE micro- and macroplastic, due to changes in physical pore flow pathways. This was also observed for total soil 15N, while varying patterns in soil 15N partitioning between plastic type, size and concentrations revealed potential complexities of impacts of N cycling for macro and microplastics. Assimilation into soil microbial protein was higher for biodegradable plastics, which we associate with early-stage degradation. Microbial assimilation in the presence of LDPE was a function of abiotic impacts on leaching, with suppression of inorganic N transformations. While micro- and macroplastics altered soil N cycling, the limited impacts on plant health indicated the threshold for negative effects was not reached at agriculturally relevant concentrations during early-stage barley growth. However, changes in soil N cycling and available N will impact nitrogen use efficiency and soil organic matter dynamics. Thus, the differing impacts of conventional and biodegradable macro and microplastics, and effects of accumulation, must be considered in risk assessments for agricultural plastics. 

How to cite: Reay, M., Greenfield, L., Graf, M., Lloyd, C., Evershed, R., Chadwick, D., and Jones, D.: LDPE and biodegradable plastics differentially affect plant-soil nitrogen partitioning and microbial uptake, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8848,, 2023.

EGU23-9039 | ECS | Orals | SSS7.4

Characterising the Chemical Additive Content of Agricultural Plastic Mulch Film 

Charlie Monkley, Michaela Reay, Richard Evershed, and Charlotte Lloyd

Plastic is a prominent material finding growing use globally within agricultural supply chains, through cultivational practices to product packaging. Mulch film is one such ‘plasticulture’ application where opaque film is stretched over the soil surface to maintain a humid microclimate at the crops / fruits soil-root zone as well as protecting ungerminated seeds and small crops from pests. However, mulch film represents an unregulated chemical input source to agroecosystems, whose ecotoxicological legacy is yet to be assessed. The first step in addressing this issue is characterising the chemical content of the source material that may later be released. Amidst the polymeric base, manufacturers include a diverse multitude of chemical additives into plastic formulations to aid with manufacturing, improve functionality, retard degradation and alter aesthetics. In most cases, additives are not chemically but physically bound to the polymeric matrix meaning over time they are free to migrate and be released to the surrounding agroecosystem. Once released, these chemicals may cycle between compartments, interacting with biota or entering the food chain through uptake by plant life or livestock. To trace the extend of release and subsequent interaction of chemical additives within ecosystems, the formulation of the film must be determined. An untargeted characterisation approach has to be adopted, as additive packages remain confidential as property of the manufacturers. Microwave assisted solvent extraction and dissolution-precipitation have been implemented for two agriplastic mulch films: synthetic low density polyethylene (LDPE) and biodegradable polylactic acid (PLA; 15 %) / polybutyrate adipateterephthalate (PBAT; 85 %) blend. Extracts were analysed by GC-MS and spectral libraries used to characterise the leachable content of the films. Alternatively, thermal desorption of the additives from the polymeric base and subsequent analysis of the volatiles through py-GC/MS allows for rapid screening of low molecular weight species, with the caveat of loss in quantification accuracy. An array of chemicals have been identified including: plasticisers (phthalates, citrates, adipates), slip agents (fatty amides), antioxidants (hindered phosphates, hindered phenols), antistatics (fatty esters), lubricants (fatty alcohols, alkanes) and transformation products of both additives and polymer. Additive characterisation work is complimented by confirmation of the mulches polymeric compositions or revelation of unreported polymeric components, through techniques such as fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Later investigation seeks to understand the transformation, cycling and fate of these additive targets within agroecosystems at predicted release levels, which are based on leaching studies into water and in-field measurements.

How to cite: Monkley, C., Reay, M., Evershed, R., and Lloyd, C.: Characterising the Chemical Additive Content of Agricultural Plastic Mulch Film, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9039,, 2023.

EGU23-11465 | ECS | Orals | SSS7.4

Microbial communities associated with plastic mulch debris in agricultural soils 

Giovana P. F. Macan, Manuel Anguita-Maeso, and Blanca B. Landa

Currently, plastic mulch debris represent one of the main sources of microplastic pollution in agricultural soils. However, there is still limited research on plastic and microorganisms' interaction in terrestrial agroecosystems as compared to marine ecosystems. In this study, we have characterized the microbial communities associated with agricultural plastic mulch debris by using culture-dependent, and culture-independent (i.e., high-throughput DNA sequencing) approaches. Weathered plastic mulch debris samples were collected from the topsoil of five agricultural fields in Baza, Granada province in southern Spain, characterized by intensive horticultural production over the last ten years. The bacterial communities from the plastisphere soil (soil tightly adhered to the plastic) as well as the community tightly attached to the plastic surface were assessed by estimating the culturable populations by dilution plating on general media and the total (culturable and non-culturable) populations by NGS analysis of 16S rRNA amplicons. Additionally, all the plastic samples were characterized by FTIR spectroscopy and identified as polyethylene. The results from the culturable approach showed a significantly higher number of colony-forming units in the plastisphere soil than on the plastic surface, revealing some differences among field plots. Furthermore, 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing showed that the bacterial alpha-diversity, as measured by Richness index was higher in the plastisphere soil. Beta diversity Weighted-UniFrac index indicated that the main significant differences in the bacterial communities occurred among field plots, which might be related to the soil type, and/or crop history, and a lower effect of the plastic niche sampled. Some genera such as Arthrobacter, Bacillus, Blastococcus, Kocuria, Nocardioides, Sphingomonas, and Streptomyces were present in high abundance on both plastisphere soil and plastic surface from all the assessed fields. Furthermore, in one of the fields, the genera Polycyclovorans and Bdellovibrio showed significantly higher abundance in the plastic surface than in the plastisphere soil, indicating in this case a selective effect of the plastic for specific bacterial genera. Further research is still needed to better understand the potential impacts of plastic pollution on terrestrial agroecosystems as well as the complex interaction between plastic and microorganisms.

“This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 955334 - SOPLAS.”

How to cite: Macan, G. P. F., Anguita-Maeso, M., and Landa, B. B.: Microbial communities associated with plastic mulch debris in agricultural soils, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11465,, 2023.

EGU23-13542 | ECS | Orals | SSS7.4 | Highlight

Biodegradation of commercial mulch films in Swiss agricultural soils: Results from combined laboratory, mesocosm and field incubations 

Silvan Arn, Flora Wille, Mattia Cerri, Ralf Kägi, Thomas Bucheli, Franco Widmer, Kristopher McNeill, and Michael Sander

Non-biodegradable polyethylene mulch films are widely used in agriculture to allow for an extended growing season and to increase crop yields. These mulch films are, however, difficult to completely recollect from the field after use, particularly when they are thin (< 25 µm). Residual mulch film pieces can accumulate in soils over time, thereby negatively impacting soil productivity and possibly turning agricultural soils into sources of plastics to surrounding environments. Mulch films certified as biodegradable in soils promise to be a solution to these problems. While such mulch films are already commercially available, a thorough assessment of the biodegradation dynamics of biodegradable mulch film products in soils in the field is lacking. So far, certification relies exclusively on laboratory soil incubations coupled to respirometric analysis of CO2 formed from the mulch films during biodegradation. Respirometric analyses are, however, very challenging to implement in field incubation studies. Past studies determining concentrations of biodegradable mulch films in field soils and attempts to follow their biodegradation dynamics in the field have relied on approximate quantification approaches, such as determining the decrease in surface area or gravimetric mass of film pieces recollected by hand. To advance a more robust and quantitative analytical approach for residual mulch film quantification in soils, we present a methodology to solvent extract and quantify the main synthetic polymeric components of commercial biodegradable mulch films, poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate) (PBAT) and polylactic acid (PLA), from soil. The methodology is based on exhaustive Soxhlet extraction using chloroform/methanol coupled to quantitative 1H-NMR of the extracted residual PBAT and PLA. We show full recovery of these polymers added to soils in spike-recovery experiments. Here, we use this approach to assess the biodegradation of two commercial biodegradable mulch films in three Swiss agricultural soils in a multiyear incubation study. These incubations are conducted at three experimental incubation scales: flasks in the laboratory, mesocosms in a greenhouse and the actual field. We statistically compare biodegradation rates and extents between three soils, two tested films across the three incubation scales, as well as differences in the relative rates of biodegradation between PBAT and PLA. Thereby, we assess the transferability of biodegradation results from laboratory incubations to field incubations. Our results highlight variations in biodegradation between soils and polyesters and indicate that laboratory soil incubations show faster biodegradation than measured in the same soil in the field.

How to cite: Arn, S., Wille, F., Cerri, M., Kägi, R., Bucheli, T., Widmer, F., McNeill, K., and Sander, M.: Biodegradation of commercial mulch films in Swiss agricultural soils: Results from combined laboratory, mesocosm and field incubations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13542,, 2023.

EGU23-13713 | ECS | Orals | SSS7.4

Quantifying the movement of microplastics in soil in response to overland flow and splash erosion 

Emilee Severe, Ben Surridge, Rachel Platel, Michael Coogan, Michael James, Peter Fiener, and John Quinton

Microplastics are ubiquitous in the environment. While it is well documented that microplastics can be harmful to aquatic and terrestrial life, little is understood about how microplastics affect soil environments. Understanding the processes enhancing or constraining microplastic transport through the environment, including within soils, is essential in order to minimize the negative impacts of microplastic pollution. Soil erosion is thought to be a primary process responsible for translocating microplastics from soils to aquatic environments. This study aims to investigate the processes controlling microplastic movement in response to rainfall and overland flow in laboratory rainfall simulations. Using fluorescent photography, we compared the real- time movement of a natural soil particle, sand, with two types of microplastics of differing densities (linear low-density polyethylene and acrylic) in two size fractions (250-355 μm and 500-600 μm). We quantified the rate and number of microplastic particles transported by overland flow and splash erosion, along with the depth to which the particles migrate into the soil profile. The results from this study represent some of the first empirical data that seek to quantify microplastic surface transport processes. Ultimately, additional research in this area will be required to more accurately estimate the extent to which microplastics are exported from soils and the factors that control this export.

How to cite: Severe, E., Surridge, B., Platel, R., Coogan, M., James, M., Fiener, P., and Quinton, J.: Quantifying the movement of microplastics in soil in response to overland flow and splash erosion, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13713,, 2023.

EGU23-13873 | ECS | Orals | SSS7.4

Towards quality-assured measurements of microplastics in soils using fluorescence microscopy 

Quynh Nhu Phan Le, Crispin Halsall, Stoyana Peneva, Olivia Wridley, Wulf Amelung, Melanie Braun, John Quinton, and Ben Surridge

Fluorescence microscopy utilising Nile Red staining was applied and tested to analyse microplastic particles in soil. Given a large number of analytical methods for measuring plastic particles in environmental and biological matrices, often utilising microscopy/spectroscopy approaches, efforts were made to validate this method for a range of soils and different microplastic (MP) particle types (varying size and morphology).  Eight MP types (including both non-biodegradable and biodegradable plastics) within three size categories (dia. 500-1000 µm, 100-250 µm and 10-150 µm) were spiked into three different agricultural soils (loam-reference soil, clay, and sandy soils) for a comprehensive assessment of the fluorescence microscopy methodology. Each soil (with replicates) was subject to digestion, density separation and filtration (with Nile Red staining) prior to analysis using fluorescence microscopy (GFP filter set, excitation/emission 470/525 nm) and bright filed microscopy for black microplastics. As a tool to shorten the analysis time, a digital image analysis pipeline using Image J was developed, allowing fully automated particle recognition and quantification of MPs in the samples. The main steps for image analysis, including background correction, fluorescent intensity thresholding, watershed segmentation and particle analysis, were optimised, the validation of which showed high accuracy (88% match to true observation) for MP particles on a filter without a soil matrix. To avoid false positive results due to the presence of natural organic particles from the soil matrix, the numbers of microplastics recovered from spiked samples were corrected with those found in the non-spiked soils. Recoveries ranged from 80-90% for MP with sizes from 500-1000 µm regardless of the soil types, whereas those for smaller MP (10-250 µm) varied between different soils and plastic types (e.g., recovery for low-density polyethylene, LDPE, from sand and loam-reference soil were 85% and 90% respectively whereas those for polybutylene adipate terephthalate/polylactic acid, PBAT/PLA, were 60% and 10% respectively). The lowest recovery rates were observed in clayey soil (20% for LDPE and 5% for biodegradable plastics PBAT/PLA). A relationship between the microplastic mass (LDPE and PBAT/PLA fragments) and the corresponding particle number was established in this study, which enabled the conversion between mass and particle number data. Fluorescence microscopy with Nile Red staining and automatic particle recognition software provides a relatively reproducible and accurate technique for plastic particle counts in heterogeneous matrices like soil. Still, selectivity for different polymer types is clearly limited. 

How to cite: Phan Le, Q. N., Halsall, C., Peneva, S., Wridley, O., Amelung, W., Braun, M., Quinton, J., and Surridge, B.: Towards quality-assured measurements of microplastics in soils using fluorescence microscopy, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13873,, 2023.

EGU23-15971 | ECS | Orals | SSS7.4 | Highlight

Long term influences of PVC microplastics on soil chemical and microbiological parameters 

Sofia Barili, Alessandro Bernetti, Ciro Sannino, Nicolò Montegiovo, Eleonora Calzoni, Alessio Cesaretti, Irina Pinchuk, Daniela Pezzolla, Benedetta Turchetti, Pietro Buzzini, Giovanni Gigliotti, and Carla Emiliani

Microplastics are emerging pollutant found in many ecosystems including soil. Within them, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is one of the most toxic polymers and is known for its remarkable resistance to degradation. The recalcitrant nature of PVC and the improper waste disposal could cause serious environmental concerns. In addition, the possible fragmentation and accumulation of small plastic particles in agricultural soils might have impacts on soil chemical and microbiological properties. Based on these considerations, a microcosm experiment was set up to investigate the effects of PVC microplastics (0.021% w/w) on soil chemical properties and soil bacterial and fungal communities at different incubation times (from 3 to 360 days).

Among chemical parameters, soil CO2 emissions, fluorescein diacetate hydrolysis (FDA), total organic C (TOC), total N, water extractable organic C (WEOC), water extractable N (WEN) and SUVA254 were investigated, while the structure of soil microbial communities was studied at different taxonomic levels (phylum and genus) by sequencing bacterial 16S and fungal ITS2 rDNA (Illumina MiSeq). The number and the dimensions of PVC particles were also evaluated after one year of experiment.

The results showed that the presence of PVC particles in soil caused significant (p < 0.05) variations in chemical parameters in short- and medium-term, thus suggesting that the presence of this polymer in soil can affect the turnover of organic matter. In the long period, instead, an increase of the soil enzymatic activity (FDA) was observed.

The analysis of microbiological parameters showed that PVC microplastics significantly affected (p < 0.05) the structure of soil microbial communities changing the abundances of specific bacterial and fungal taxa: Acidobacteria, Actinobacteria, Bacteroides, Candidatus_Saccharibacteria, and Proteobacteria, , among bacteria, and Ascomycota, Basidiomycota, and Mortierellomycota among fungi, suggesting that the impact of this polymer could be taxa-dependent.

A significant (p < 0.05) decrease of the number and dimensions of PVC particles was also detected after one year of incubation, supposing a possible role of microbial community on polymer degradation.

How to cite: Barili, S., Bernetti, A., Sannino, C., Montegiovo, N., Calzoni, E., Cesaretti, A., Pinchuk, I., Pezzolla, D., Turchetti, B., Buzzini, P., Gigliotti, G., and Emiliani, C.: Long term influences of PVC microplastics on soil chemical and microbiological parameters, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15971,, 2023.

EGU23-16140 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS7.4

Temperature impacts polymer biodegradation rates in soils in predictable ways but with dependencies that differ between soils 

Juliana Laszakovits, Ralf Kägi, Flora Willie, Michael Sander, and Kristopher McNeill

Biodegradable polymers can play an important role in helping to overcome the plastic pollution problem by replacing conventional, persistent polymers in specific applications. These include applications in which plastics are used directly in the environment and cannot be completely recollected (e.g., mulch films and seed coatings) and for bags used to collect biowaste for industrial composting. Temperature is an important system factor that determines the rate at which biodegradable polymers biodegrade in both natural and engineered environments. Yet, there is a limited quantitative understanding of how temperature impacts polymer biodegradation rates in the open environment, specifically in soils. Temperature not only affects the activity of soil microorganisms but also their extracellular enzymes that hydrolyze backbone bonds in biodegradable polymers. Here, we assessed the impact of temperature on the biodegradation of poly-3-hydroxybutyratehydroxyhexanoate (PHBH) in agricultural soils. We incubated PHBH in three different standards soils and at four temperatures (5, 15, 25 and 35 ºC). We determined the amount of residual PHBH in soil over time by extracting PHBH from the soil using a chloroform-methanol mixture and then quantifying the extracted polymer using proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H NMR). We find that the rate of PHBH biodegradation increased with increasing temperatures in all three soils, but that the rates and temperature dependence of the rates variedbetween soils. The fastest biodegradation occurred in LUFA 6S (clay) followed by LUFA 2.4 (loam), and the slowest biodegradation was in LUFA 2.2 (sandy loam). The soil-dependence likely reflects differences in the abundance and activity of microbial degraders in these soils. At lower incubation temperatures, there was a noticeable lag-phase prior to the onset of biodegradation, which was most pronounced in soil LUFA 2.2 . When the lag-phase is included in the kinetic modeling, the temperature-dependence of the PHBH biodegradation rate can be described reasonably well by the Arrhenius rate law but differs between soils. We further investigated the microbial colonization dynamics of PHBH film surfaces during the lag-phase using optical and scanning electron microscopy. After incubation of solvent-cast PHBH films in the soil at the aforementioned temperatures, microscopic analyses revealed that fungal hyphae were involved in both colonization and initial breakdown of the PHBH films, and that fungal activity increased with increasing temperature. Taken together, these results suggest that a careful determination of the temperature dependence of polymer biodegradation in different soils is needed to predict, from standard tests run at elevated and constant temperature, how quickly biodegradable polymers will biodegrade in the open environment where temperatures are lower and variable.

How to cite: Laszakovits, J., Kägi, R., Willie, F., Sander, M., and McNeill, K.: Temperature impacts polymer biodegradation rates in soils in predictable ways but with dependencies that differ between soils, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16140,, 2023.

EGU23-208 | ECS | Orals | SSS7.7

An assessment of soil pollution from artisanal gold mining in Wantia Area (Meiganga, Cameroon) 

Sabine Danala Danga, Leopold Ekengele Nga, Tebogo V. Makhubela, and Dieudonne L. Bitom

Cameroon has a strong geological potential for several mineral resources that, if well managed, could support economic growth through development of the mining sector. Wantia Area (Meiganga, Cameroon) is a “golden area” where gold is extracted by artisanal and slightly mechanized methods. Despite its economic contribution to the country's gross domestic product (GDP), gold mining is a source of environmental pollution, health hazards, deforestation and enhanced erosion that leads to the destruction of farmland. Unstable mine shafts, dumps and tailings, which are not monitored nor rehabilitated, cause environmental degradation. For example, where sulphides are in contact with water and air there is formation of acid mine drainage (AMD), polluting aquifers and surface water by heavy metals. In this study, we aim to assess the level of environmental degradation and metallic pollution of soil following gold mining to aid the preservation of environment and to promote a sustainable exploitation of mineral resources in mining sites. Macro-morphological characterization reveals that soils are clayey, slightly compacted and porous, with grain sizes in mainly clay to silt range. These soils are acidic with pH varies from 5.21 to 5.91, and consequently favorable to the solubilization of heavy metals [1].

The mineralogical assemblage of the soils obtained using x-ray diffraction (XRD) is mainly composed of quartz, kaolinite and muscovite, but also contains low concentrations of hematite, limonite, gibbsite, orthoclase, albite and calcite. This mineralogical assemblage is consistent with the region's geology, dominated by muscovite and biotite granites, orthogeiss and sandstones, and the weathering patterns [2]. The bulk chemistry of the soils and sediments obtained using x-ray fluorescence (XRF) showed high trace metal contents that exceed the maximum levels in upper continental crust [3]. Concentrations of trace metals (As, Cr, Cd, Fe, Ni, Pb, Sb, and Zn) in soil samples were analyzed using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and the results were used to assess the pollution using an Enrichment Factor (EF) and geoaccumulation index (Igeo). Levels for all studied trace elements in soil samples greatly exceed those of the average continental crust and largely exceed those found in the control soil samples taken from areas distant from wind and/or water contamination by mining waste. EF revealed anthropogenic sources for Cd, As and Sb in these soils. Igeo indicates that Wantia soils are moderately to extremely polluted with As and Sb. Further studies are ongoing on the physico-chemical and microchemical analyses to determine the mineral phases that host and/or adsorb trace metallic elements (TME), the mechanisms of their retention and release into the environment, and transfer into the nutritional chain. Remediation methods can be suggested to overcome this situation and to ensure a sustainable use of mineral resources.


[1] Jung, M.C., & Thornton, I., (1996). Applied Geochemistry, 11, 53-9.

[2] Ganwa, A.A., et al., (2008). Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 340, 211-222.

[3] Rudnick R.L., & Gao, S., (2003). Composition of the Continental Crust. The Crust, Elsevier-Pergamon, Oxford, 1-64.



Keywords Wantia soils, Soil pollution, Artisanal gold mining, Heavy metal contamination.

How to cite: Danala Danga, S., Ekengele Nga, L., Makhubela, T. V., and Bitom, D. L.: An assessment of soil pollution from artisanal gold mining in Wantia Area (Meiganga, Cameroon), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-208,, 2023.

EGU23-231 | ECS | Orals | SSS7.7 | Highlight

Categorization of mining waste based on geochemical and toxicological characterization data in restoration/remediation projects. Case study of the San Quintín Pb-Zn mine (Ciudad Real, Spain) 

Inmaculada Ferri Moreno, José Ignacio Barquero, Óscar Andreu-Sánchez, Pablo Higueras, Mari Luz García-Lorenzo, and José María Esbrí

San Quintín is one of the derelict mines in Alcudia Valley Mining District, where large amounts of mining wastes have been disseminated during the last two centuries. These dumps and tailings materials are an important source of contamination of heavy metals and metalloids in the area. Nowadays, the restoration project for the abandoned mining area is beginning to be drafted, including a risk assessment of the wastes before restoration works. In this work, we carried out toxicity studies of these polluted materials, including data about total and soluble contain of As, Cd, Pb, Zn and Fe, mineralogical composition, and some bioassays to determine the toxicity effect of the samples to crustaceans (D. magna and T. platyurus) and algae (R. subcapitata). The pollution load index (PLI) has been calculated for each sample based on the pollution index (PI). Multielemental data and the indices calculated show that most of the samples present extremely high values of potentially toxic elements, and high values of contamination respect the background levels: 444 mg kg-1 Cd, 144,900 mg kg-1 Pb, 47,700 mg kg-1 Zn, 202,600 mg kg-1 Fe and 549 mg kg-1 As. The bioassays suggest a relationship with pH, conductivity and grainsize. The EC50 values were 458.7 to <2 of toxic units (TU) for D. Magna whereas for T. Platyurus the results oscillated between 2500 to <2. On the other hand, for algae organisms were 2083.3 to <2 TU. The studies carried out reveal the large accumulation of potentially toxic elements in mining waste and the risk they may pose to the associated ecosystems that develop in the area, as well as to human health.

How to cite: Ferri Moreno, I., Barquero, J. I., Andreu-Sánchez, Ó., Higueras, P., García-Lorenzo, M. L., and Esbrí, J. M.: Categorization of mining waste based on geochemical and toxicological characterization data in restoration/remediation projects. Case study of the San Quintín Pb-Zn mine (Ciudad Real, Spain), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-231,, 2023.

EGU23-620 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS7.7

Trace metals in the topsoil of Kandahar region, Afghanistan and their associated health and ecological risk 

Abdul Wahid Monib and Sudesh Yadav

In urban regions, surface dust and topsoil can be used as indicators of metal pollution. Numerous studies have been conducted in different locations throughout the world to assess metal pollution and associated environmental and human health risks, but none have been conducted in Afghanistan's Kandahar region. The purpose of this study is to examine the environmental and health risks of metal concentrations (As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, V, and Zn) in topsoil samples of sampling site. The average metal concentrations in the topsoil slightly exceeded their corresponding background values in Upper Continental Crust (UCC). Top soil samples showed low contamination for Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, V, Zn and considerable to very high contamination for As. Pollution load indices (PLI) demonstrated that all sampling sites are at a high load of metal pollution (PLI >1) indicating deterioration of soil quality.  

According to Geo-accumulation Index (Igeo), topsoil samples fall under uncontaminated category for Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, V, Zn and moderately to heavily contaminated for Cd and heavily to extremely contaminated for As. Ecological risk values suggested that study area had low risk for Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, V, Zn while considerable to high risk for Cd and high to very high risk for As. According to the health risk assessment, ingestion is the major pathway for non-carcinogenic risk and children are at more risk as compared to adults. Fall outs of high ammunition usage, wear and tear of heavy duty vehicles and fossil fuel consumption seems to be responsible for the high levels of metals in topsoil of Kandahar region. More such studies need to be conducted with more spatial coverage to identify contaminated areas and subsequent remediation to safeguard human health and ecosystem.

How to cite: Monib, A. W. and Yadav, S.: Trace metals in the topsoil of Kandahar region, Afghanistan and their associated health and ecological risk, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-620,, 2023.

EGU23-1045 | ECS | Orals | SSS7.7 | Highlight

Industrial dust deposition in Gravelines (Northern France): first investigations on trace metal contamination of urban soils 

Marine Casetta, Jacinthe Caillaud, Sylvie Philippe, Lucie Courcot, David Dumoulin, Vincent Cornille, Véronique Alaimo, Gabriel Billon, and Michaël Hermoso

Through the discharge of pollutants, urbanization and industrial activities impact all the compartments of the environment and the ecosystems. Consequently, metal pollution of soils and atmosphere has become a significant problem in urban areas.

In the Dunkirk agglomeration (Northern France), the construction of a large seaport during the 20th century was accompanied by the installation of several metallurgical industries. Dust emissions resulting from their production and storage activities are mainly composed of atmospheric particles of soot, aluminosilicates, silica, calcium or iron. These industrial particles can be associated with specific minor and trace elements : Cr, Cu, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Pb, Ti, Zn or Cl. The composition and the size of the particles determine their fate after emission and influence their toxicity. 

This study focuses on sedimentable particles (>20 µm) that cannot penetrate deeply into the respiratory system but can be ingested, especially by children. Due to its location (1 to 2 km South-West of major industries), the city of Gravelines is particularly exposed to dust deposition during North-East windy and dry events.

Among the studies conducted on particles emitted in the Dunkirk area, none was focused on soil matrices. Therefore, the question of the long-term fate of their deposition remains open : what is the influence of these dusts on the chemical quality of the soils of Gravelines ? Which areas of the city of Gravelines are the most affected by metal contamination (potentially associated with dust) ?

Pedological and chemical parameters of topsoils (the first 5 cm) sampled in the city of Gravelines were, first, characterized with the aim to interpret their reactivity to metal inputs. Then, the trace metal concentrations of topsoils and collected dust samples were determined by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP–MS) to (1) map the areas contaminated by trace metals, (2) assess the levels of environmental pollution, (3) quantitatively characterize the metals associated with dust fallout, and (4) highlight the specific influence of industrial dusts on the potential soil contamination in Gravelines. 

The first results on the metal contents measured in the topsoil samples of Gravelines rather reflect a diffuse metallic contamination. The study of the entire topsoil samples may be questioned because of the dilution of the "dust" signal by the soil matrix. The relative youth of the large seaport of Dunkirk (between 30 and 40 years old), as well as the probable re-mobilization of dust by the winds, may partly explain the moderate contamination measured in soils of Gravelines. However, our results show higher levels of contamination (for some specific metals) and a significant Pollution Load Index (PLI) in the soils located near dust emission sources. Moreover, the combined mapping of metal contents and soil parameters allows the identification of possible differences in metal behavior depending on the nature of the matrix considered. This latter aspect will be discussed in particular according to the use of soils and vegetation (e.g. proximity of the vegetable gardens), in order to highlight areas requiring special attention from an ecotoxicological point of view.

How to cite: Casetta, M., Caillaud, J., Philippe, S., Courcot, L., Dumoulin, D., Cornille, V., Alaimo, V., Billon, G., and Hermoso, M.: Industrial dust deposition in Gravelines (Northern France): first investigations on trace metal contamination of urban soils, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1045,, 2023.

EGU23-2217 | Posters on site | SSS7.7

Evaluation of water quality change and sludge generation according to hydrogen peroxide treatment during lime neutralization 

YoungWook Cheong, Dong-Wan Cho, Giljae Yim, and Jeong-Yun Jang

This study investigated the effect of hydrogen peroxide treatment on the removal pH for Fe, Al, and Mn and sludge production in the lime neutralization process. In the laboratory, the AMD collected from the coal mine was oxidized with 5% H2O2, and then neutralized to pH 3, 5, 7 and 9, respectively, with 20% lime slurry. In the control experiment, the same neutralization experiment was performed without H2O2 treatment. During the experiment, the supernatant was measured for pH and Eh and analyzed for Fe, Al, Mn, Ca and SO42- ions. Simple neutralization without H2O2 treatment up to pH 8 resulted in almost 100% Fe (<0.3 mg/L), Al (<0.3 mg/L), and Mn (2 mg/L) removal. Neutralization with pre H2O2 treatment also eliminated Fe and Al at pH 6 to the same removal efficiencies and Mn remained at 15 mg/L. The use of lime was 17% less and the weight of sludge was 35% less, and the volume of sludge decreased by 47%. As a result of evaluating the pH-Eh-Fe diagram for hydrogen peroxide/lime neutralization facilities, it was evaluated that Fe could be removed at pH 5-6. It can be concluded that neutralizing up to pH 6 after oxidation effectively minimizes the amount of sludge generated by removing Fe and Al and suppressing gypsum production.

How to cite: Cheong, Y., Cho, D.-W., Yim, G., and Jang, J.-Y.: Evaluation of water quality change and sludge generation according to hydrogen peroxide treatment during lime neutralization, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2217,, 2023.

Wheel weights used for balancing tires are among the top five anthropogenic lead (Pb) sources contaminating the surface environment in modern society. In the present study we characterized size, shape, and stages of degradation of wheel weights from the U.S.A. to understand abrasion, dissolution, and transfer of metallic Pb. In a previous study of wheel weights [Ayuso and Foley 2020, Jour. Geochem Explor.], we identified partially abraded and chemically corroded textures with coatings of reconstituted Pb particles, including litharge (PbO) and/or plattnerite (PbO2), in a matrix of clays, feldspars, silica, and iron-oxides. New examples of finely comminuted Pb-rich particles (by Field Emission-Scanning Electron Microscopy) include platy sheaths, rods, and tabular crystals up to about 30 µm in length, slender needles less than ~0.5 µm in width, and submicrometer-sized flakes, chips, and masses of indeterminate form.  Abraded Pb oxide particles are mostly <1 µm-size consisting of acicular needles and hair-like crystals; the size and particle shapes can have significant adverse health impacts if ingested, inhaled, or imbedded in the human body. Pb isotope analysis (by Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry and High Resolution Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry) provides a way to identify the main lead exposure pathways. Lead isotopic ratios for wheel weights (bulk and acid-leachates) in plots of 206Pb/207Pb (~1.130-1.230) vs. 208Pb/207Pb (~2.410-2.470) are analytically indistinguishable. The 208Pb/207Pb and 206Pb/207Pb data implicate a lead source from Mississippi Valley-type deposits (U.S.A.) and a less radiogenic endmember which may link to an international lead source, such as ore deposits of China. Degradation of wheel weight particles will influence the Pb isotopic composition of local surface and groundwater regardless of whether the contribution is from solid particles derived from grain erosion or from dissolved forms of Pb. Geochemical modelling supports the argument that pH is a primary factor in lead corrosion; however, the range of sizes (<63 µm) and morphologies (needles, hairs) identify an additional health concern associated with intake of weathered products of Pb components found in water and soils. The legacy of past and current uses of Pb metal in manufactured products will continue to be of global concern because these industrial products remain readily available through both primary and secondary global markets.

How to cite: Foley, N. and Aysuo, R.: Surface topography, mineralogical survey, and Pb isotopic compositions of vehicle wheel weights: Major heavy metal contaminants of roadways, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2425,, 2023.

EGU23-3839 | Orals | SSS7.7 | Highlight

Distribution and bioavailability of rare earth elements (REE) in metal-rich marshland soils using passive samplers 

Carlos Ruiz Cánovas, Maria Dolores Basallote, Aaron Mendez, Rafael Leon, Jonatan Romero, Ricardo Millan-Becerro, and Rafael Pérez-López

Rare earth elements (REE) are a group of chemically similar metallic elements (i.e. lanthanide which are becoming increasingly important in the transition to a green, low carbon economy due to their key role in permanent magnets, lamp phosphors, batteries, catalysts and other applications [1]. The growing use of REE has led to an inherent increase of REE emissions into the environment and may pose a risk to living organisms, therefore their distribution and bioavailability should be studied across different environments. The distribution and bioavailability of REE in metal-rich marshland soils was studied by performing a transect sampling across the marshland and the combination of 24h passive sampler deployment (diffusive gradient in thin films; DGTs) and determination of labile fractions (i.e., porewaters, ion-exchangeable, acid-extractable and associated to carbonate). REE in DGTs ranged from 0.75 to 4.9 μg/L, while in porewaters most samples exhibited values below the detection limit of the equipment, which highlights the suitability of these devices to monitor trace pollutants at low concentrations in estuarine sediments. A spatial trend in REE and Y absorption by DGT was observed, with increasing values in sediment depth and with river influence. REE and Y are scarcely contained in the ion-exchangeable fraction, and preferentially associated to the carbonate-associated and acid-extractable fractions, although exhibiting a high variability. This variability seems to be controlled by the mineralogical assemblage, especially those REE carrying minerals (e.g., Al oxyhydroxysulfates, phosphates, poorly-sorbed onto Fe oxyhydroxysulfates and aluminosilicates). A comparison between REE and Y concentration in labile fractions (porewaters, DGTs, sequential extractions) showed no relationship between concentrations in DGTs and the rest of labile fractions. The application of NASC-normalized patterns to environmental compartment studied suggest that the REE and Y retained in the sediment does not only come from labile species in porewaters but also from the passing of Al nanoparticles and colloids contained in the sediments through the membranes of the DGTs.


This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under the research project TRAMPA (MINECO; PID2020-119196RB-C21).

[1] Binnemans, K., Jones, P.T., Blanpain, B., Van Gerven, T., Pontikes, Y., 2015. Towards zero-waste valorisation of rare-earth-containing industrial process residues: a critical review. J. Clean. Prod. 99:17–38.

How to cite: Ruiz Cánovas, C., Basallote, M. D., Mendez, A., Leon, R., Romero, J., Millan-Becerro, R., and Pérez-López, R.: Distribution and bioavailability of rare earth elements (REE) in metal-rich marshland soils using passive samplers, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3839,, 2023.

EGU23-4357 | Orals | SSS7.7

Mobility of potentially toxic metals and metalloids in soils impacted by tailings with distinct oxidation stages. 

M. Aurora Armienta, Diana Zúñiga-Vázquez, Olivia Cruz, Alejandra Aguayo, and Isabel Reséndiz

To develop effective methods to solve pollution problems caused by mine tailings in soils, the environmental availability of potentially toxic metals and metalloids (PTMM) must be adequately assessed. This involves detailed chemical and mineralogical studies in the tailing piles and impacted soils. Research carried out in tailings with various oxidation degrees in a semi-arid historical Mexican mining zone revealed differences in the mobility of As, Cd, Pb, Zn, Cu, Mn in the respective soils that were impacted by rain wash-off, aerial transport, and acid mine drainage. Sequential extractions showed that most of the PTMM were in the Mn and Fe oxyhydroxides fractions in soils impacted by oxidized tailings while a predominance in the proportion present in the organic and sulfide fractions was determined in those receiving the influence of less oxidized deposits. Zn and Cd presented the highest geoavailability in oxidized tailings. Although sulfide minerals oxidation as pyrite and arsenopyrite produce acid mine drainage, the abundance of calcite in the geology of the area increases the pH and promotes the formation of iron oxyhydroxides that retain part of the PTMM through sorption. On the other hand, although As has low mobility in soils (less than 3 % in the soluble fraction), its high total concentrations (up to 51,500 mg/kg), implies also an environmental hazard. A modification in the climate conditions of the area, such as heavy storms that may be promoted by climate change, would increase the tailings transport through wash-off,  in addition to the mobilization and soil infiltration mainly of the most geoavailable elements by dissolution.

How to cite: Armienta, M. A., Zúñiga-Vázquez, D., Cruz, O., Aguayo, A., and Reséndiz, I.: Mobility of potentially toxic metals and metalloids in soils impacted by tailings with distinct oxidation stages., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4357,, 2023.

EGU23-5607 | Orals | SSS7.7

Antimony mobility and (bio)availability as reported from studies in derelict mines South Iberia 

Pablo Higueras, Jose M Esbri, Fabienne Battaglia-Brunet, Jesus D Peco, Hugues Thouin, Jose I Barquero, Saturnino Lorenzo, and Eric Gloaguen

Antimony (Sb) is a semimetallic element, with important applications in modern industry. Europe as a whole, and Spain, Portugal and France have been important suppliers of this element. However, nowadays European production is almost null, except as a by-product of lead mining, always containing variables amounts of Sb. Due to these considerations, Sb is considered as a critical resource for Europe.

The ERA-MIN2 funded project AUREOLE (tArgeting eU cRitical mEtals (Sb, W) and predictibility of Sb-As-Hg envirOnmentaL issue) involves the French geological survey (BRGM), the Portuguese University of Porto, and the Spanish University of Castilla-La Mancha in the search of new criteria to prospect Sb mineralizations, as well as to assess the environmental possible consequences of the exploitation of Sb deposits.

This communication summarizes the main results obtained through the last three years of research based on the assessment of environmental concerns of the element, based on the surveying of Sb derelict mineralizations in South-Central Spain. In these, geochemical and biogeochemical surveys have been carried out, aimed to identify the main factors affecting the mobility and (bio) availability of the element and related ones (mainly Pb, but also Hg) in the nearby physicochemical. The diversity and structure of bacterial communities on a former mining site was investigated. Biogeochemical interactions will be discussed in the different mine environments (tailings, dump, polluted soil, sediments).

Geochemical and mineralogical soil characterization showed that most Sb remains as sulphide (≈99%), with a very small fraction bound to Fe and Mn oxy-hydroxides or organic matter, and a negligible proportions of leachable Sb. However, higher Sb mobility rates can be reached under oxidising conditions, with a long contact time between solids and water. The relationship between Sb concentrations in the soils and their measured enzymatic activity has yielded unclear results. Globally, results put forward that Sb mobility seems to be very low in semiarid climates, with also very low soil-to-plant transfer rates.

How to cite: Higueras, P., Esbri, J. M., Battaglia-Brunet, F., Peco, J. D., Thouin, H., Barquero, J. I., Lorenzo, S., and Gloaguen, E.: Antimony mobility and (bio)availability as reported from studies in derelict mines South Iberia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5607,, 2023.

EGU23-6787 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS7.7

Estuarine filter for trace metals and emerging contaminants: an example from Southampton Water, UK 

Jana-Sophie Appelt, Andrew Cundy, Jessica Whiteside, and Paul Bray

Organic and inorganic contaminants have deleterious effects on organisms and ecosystems worldwide. Elevated trace metal concentrations are known to cause poisoning and diseases such as Minamata disease, persistent PAHs are found regularly both in industrial discharges and in human body fluids and trace amounts of exogenous hormones can have significant (population level) impacts on aquatic organisms and cause serious diseases, obesity, and infertility in humans. Through wastewater treatment plants, discharge and agriculture, these contaminants end up in aquatic systems and their associated bed sediments. For a range of contaminants, estuarine sediments have been shown to be effective “traps”, moderating contaminant input from rivers to coastal and marine ecosystems, depending on the physical and chemical properties of the sediments. Sediment composition, particle size, organic matter content as well as contaminant chemical structure and speciation play an important role in the interaction between contaminants and sediments. However, for many pollutants, such as hormones, the circumstances that influence these trapping processes are still unclear. Further research is needed to fully understand the behavior of these contaminants and to assess possibilities to reduce their input into the environment and into aquatic food systems.

Here, we examine the sedimentary trapping of a range of emerging and conventional contaminants in the intertidal sediments of Southampton Water, a major industrialized and urbanized estuarine system in the southern UK.

Sediment cores (dated with Pb-210 and Cs-137 dating) show historical trends in contamination related to waste discharges into the estuary (e.g., for Cu and Pb), while surface sediments indicate point source inputs of contaminants, resulting in sedimentary concentration of contaminants which significantly exceed local geological background concentrations (e.g., Hg, with concentrations up to 2.4 ppm). TOC, δ13C values and major elements indicate an association with the sediment grain size. Ongoing work is examining distribution, trapping and breakdown of hormones and PAHs in sediments, and the role of sediment composition in these processes, using a sample preparation method for the simultaneous analysis of PAHs and hormones in sediments via GC-MSMS. 

How to cite: Appelt, J.-S., Cundy, A., Whiteside, J., and Bray, P.: Estuarine filter for trace metals and emerging contaminants: an example from Southampton Water, UK, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6787,, 2023.

EGU23-7543 | Posters on site | SSS7.7

3D Characterization of potentially toxic elements dispersion in Portman Bay using mineralogical and geochemical indicators 

Mari Luz García-Lorenzo, Xabier Arroyo-Rey, Inmaculada Ferri-Moreno, Jose María Esbrí, Francisco Javier Ortiz Zarco, Carmen Pérez-Sirvent, and María José Martínez-Sánchez

The exploitation of mineral resources is a fundamental activity for the development of societies, but the importance of the alterations caused to the environment has not been considered when carrying out these exploitations. In the case of metallic mining, sulphide oxidation and leaching of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) lead to soil and water pollution.

Sierra Minera of Cartagena-La Unión (SE, Spain) has historically been a major mining district. Technological development caused production to rise during the second half of the 20th century, leading to an increase in tailings dumps, producing one of the biggest ecological disaster on the Mediterranean coast.

Sediments from Portman Bay were collected during the Pilot Project for its regeneration (2008). Samples have been analyzed in 12 cores of 10 meters deep, with one sample every meter. Two cores were selected and analyzed to a depth of 24 meters in order to reach the original bedding material and thus be able to make a 3D model of the extent of the contamination at depth.

The total PTEs content was determined after an acid digestion. In addition, a characterization of the mineralogical composition has been carried out by XRD, both in powder samples and oriented aggregates for the determination of bulk and clay mineralogy respectively.

The materials studied showed sandy texture, except collected close to the discharge point, as in the core located in the internal area of the Bay, where the texture is finer. The total PTEs content is high and follows the following order of concentration: Zn > Pb > As > Cu > Cd.

The mineralogical results showed the presence of quartz, feldespars and phyllosilicates in most of the samples. The rest of the minerals present in the samples correspond to different phases of Fe as sulphides (pyrite), oxides (hematite and magnetite), oxyhydroxides (goethite), carbonates (siderite) and sulphates with different states of hydration, such as jarosite. Gypsum appears in most of the samples, regardless of their depth. The presence of jarosite is relevant in the surface samples of cores in the inner part of the bay, as well as in the first line of cores located near the dumping point. In the case of cores located further away from the coastline, the presence of this phase has been detected both at surface and at depth.

Clay mineralogical data revealed that samples with mining residues contain greenalite, chlorite and mica-illite as main minerals, with minor amounts of minnesotaite, kaolinite and smectite. On the other hand, in the samples from the deeper zones corresponding to the bedding materials, the phyllosilicates found are mica-illite, kaolinite and chlorite in order of abundance.

The statistical integration of the results has allowed the selection of quartz, pyrite, siderite and arsenic as representative variables for the 3D model. Taking into account that the current reclamation project in the bay includes mobilization of part of the waste to a mining cut, the use of these 3D models is very useful as a complement to the geochemical and mineralogical characterization.

How to cite: García-Lorenzo, M. L., Arroyo-Rey, X., Ferri-Moreno, I., Esbrí, J. M., Ortiz Zarco, F. J., Pérez-Sirvent, C., and Martínez-Sánchez, M. J.: 3D Characterization of potentially toxic elements dispersion in Portman Bay using mineralogical and geochemical indicators, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7543,, 2023.

EGU23-8303 | Posters on site | SSS7.7 | Highlight

Pb and Sr Isotopic Compositions of Soils in Urbanized Industrial Settings, East Los Angeles, California, U.S.A: From Geogenic to Anthropogenic Sources 

Robert Ayuso, Nora Foley, Jill Johnston, Rani Indela, John Jackson, and Damon Bickerstaff

Preliminary lead and strontium isotopic compositions of soil profiles collected from highly urbanized and industrialized sites were measured to develop a survey of possible sources of lead. Potential lead and strontium sources range from geologic (e.g., bedrock and bedrock-derived soils) to anthropogenic (e.g., vehicular traffic and legacy of burning fossil fuels, heavy metal smelters, manufacturing of paint, plastics, lubricants, residential development, agricultural amendments, atmospheric deposition, etc.). Twenty-one soil profiles were sampled (6 samples/profile site to a depth of 60 cm). Lead concentrations and isotopic compositions (thermal ionization mass spectrometry and inductively coupled mass spectrometry) were measured for bulk soils, acid-leachates, and residues of bulk leaching. The soils include rock-forming silicates (e.g., feldspars, quartz, mafic minerals) and secondary minerals and amorphous materials (e.g., iron-oxyhydroxides, clays, organics). The lead isotopic compositions of acid-leachates of the soils represent lead adsorbed to mineral surfaces or held in soluble minerals (for example, iron- and manganese-hydroxides, and carbonate); soil residues likely reflect feldspar and other rock-forming minerals in bedrock-derived soils. The soils plot as a broad band in 206Pb/207Pb and 208Pb/207Pb space extending from radiogenic values (typical of rock-derived lead (bedrock and bedrock-derived soils) to lower 206Pb/207Pb and 208Pb/207Pb values that likely indicate anthropogenic/industrial types of lead (for example, heavy metal aerosols, leaded paint, agricultural amendments). Lead isotopic values of the Los Angeles soils form a broad band  intermediate between values of lead ores from the highly radiogenic U.S. Mississippi Valley type deposits and less radiogenic lead deposits of China.  Labile lead (leach fractions from soils) shows a moderate range in values of 206Pb/207Pb ~1.1671 to 1.1928, and 208Pb/207Pb ~2.4319 to 2.4498. Residues overlap the leach compositions and extend to more radiogenic values (rock-derived lead). The lowest values of 206Pb/207Pb (~1.1754) and 208Pb/207Pb (~2.4375) and highest lead contents (~4000 ppm) were measured in soils near where lead was smelted. Higher values of 206Pb/207Pb and 208Pb/207Pb and lower values of lead (~25 ppm) are found in other bulk soils and may represent lead derived from bedrock. The variations in lead isotope values in the soil profiles are consistent with contributions from distinct sources, which include both natural and anthropogenic lead.

How to cite: Ayuso, R., Foley, N., Johnston, J., Indela, R., Jackson, J., and Bickerstaff, D.: Pb and Sr Isotopic Compositions of Soils in Urbanized Industrial Settings, East Los Angeles, California, U.S.A: From Geogenic to Anthropogenic Sources, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8303,, 2023.

EGU23-8964 | ECS | Orals | SSS7.7 | Highlight

Oral bioaccessibility of potentially toxic elements in stream- and terrace- sediments affected by mining activities, Remance gold mine (Panama) 

Ana González-Valoys, Samantha Jiménez-Oyola, Carla Patinha, Eva María García-Nogüero, Jesús Peco, José Ignacio Barquero, Jonatha Arrocha, Miguel Vargas-Lombardo, José María Esbrí, and Pablo Higueras

Abstract: The Remance gold mine, in Veraguas, Panama, has been widely affected by mining activity, whose last exploitation period was between 1989 and 1999, by the company Minera Remance S.A. Previous studies have reported that stream sediments are severely polluted; terrace sediments represented a serious ecological risk and stream sediments a high ecological risk represented by the presence of high concentrations of potentially toxic elements (PTEs. In addition, the study also showed that soil health, evaluated through the DHA (dehydrogenase activity) factor, is more affected in the terrace sediments and stream sediments than in the soils. The carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic risk assessment was exceeded for children into a recreational setting in areas of major mining activity; for adults, the carcinogenic risk is also exceeded mainly by the ingestion route. The area is inhabited by peasants, who carry out their daily activities, such as recreation and subsistence agriculture, reason why it is necessary to carry out bioaccessibility studies on these materials to properly assess the real risks for this population.

The objective of this study has been to determine the oral bioaccessibility of PTEs in terrace sediments and stream sediments to evaluate the health risks that these materials represent in case of accidental ingestion in a recreational setting. The following PTEs were analysed: were determined in the pseudo-total fraction by ICP-OES: Cu, As, Zn, Sb and Ba. The oral bioaccessibility test was performed by the UBM method and the concentrations of the PTEs in the gastric and gastrointestinal phase were determined by ICP-OES. The percentage of bioaccessibility (% BAF) for the PTEs, and the carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic risks by ingestion in all fractions were evaluated for children and adults in a recreational setting.

The results show that terrace sediments have higher total concentration of PTEs than stream sediments, while the oral bioaccessibility is higher in stream sediments than in terrace sediments and is higher in the gastric phase than in the gastrointestinal phase. The order of oral bioavailability was as follows: Cu>Zn>Ba>As>Sb.

As for the non-carcinogenic risk by ingestion, the maximum permissible limit (HI=1) is exceeded for the sum of the studied PTEs in the pseudo-total fraction of stream sediments and terrace sediments in a recreational setting for children, but not in the gastric and gastrointestinal fractions. The maximum permissible limit for carcinogenic risk (1x10-5) is exceeded by As for adults and children in all stream and terrace sediments in the pseudototal fraction, and for children in the gastro and gastrointestinal fraction in the stream sediments of “El Toro” stream and terrace sediments of “Veneno” stream below one of the mine tailings accumulations. Therefore, recreational activity in these streams is not recommended.

Keywords: bioaccesibility, potentially toxic elements, ingestion, stream sediments, terrace sediments, gold mine, Panama

How to cite: González-Valoys, A., Jiménez-Oyola, S., Patinha, C., García-Nogüero, E. M., Peco, J., Barquero, J. I., Arrocha, J., Vargas-Lombardo, M., Esbrí, J. M., and Higueras, P.: Oral bioaccessibility of potentially toxic elements in stream- and terrace- sediments affected by mining activities, Remance gold mine (Panama), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8964,, 2023.

EGU23-9474 | Posters on site | SSS7.7

Acid mine drainage and ecotoxicity in soils and sediments. 

Carmen Pérez-Sirvent, Maria Jose Martínez Sanchez, Salvadora Martínez Lopez, Lucia Belen Martinez Martinez, Manuel Hernandez Cordoba, Carmen Hernandez Perez, Ascension Banegas Garcia, Imad el Jamaoui, Jaime Bech, and Mariluz Garcia Lorenzo

Measurements of acid volatile sulphide (AVS) and simultaneously extracted metals (SEM) in sediments are used to assess the toxicity of metals to native benthic organisms. The AVS is obtained from the sulphides contained in the sediments by addition of acid and the SEM are the metals extracted during the AVS treatment. The AVS/SEM method reflects a more precise estimation of sediment toxicity to benthic organisms than "total" metal values (cadmium, copper, lead, nickel and zinc) by measuring a "bioavailable" fraction of the metals present. Sediment toxicity is assessed by calculating the sum of the SEM (µmol/g dry weight) divided by the AVS concentration (in the same units): a ratio less than or equal to 1 indicates that the metals in the sediment are not bioavailable, while a ratio greater than 1 indicates that the metals are bioavailable.

In this case, they are applied to soils containing mining waste and marine sediments that were buried under these inputs in Portman Bay (SE Spain) and compared with the values obtained from the ecotoxicity tests used: microtox, ostracodes and gambarus for sediments and phytotoxicity tests for topsoil samples.

The results confirm the ecotoxic characteristics of some of the samples evaluated and also allow an approximation to be made of the impact that neighbouring materials may have if subjected to AMD, when there is intense precipitation and the waters of the wadis reach the bay with the runoff from the neighbouring mining areas.

How to cite: Pérez-Sirvent, C., Martínez Sanchez, M. J., Martínez Lopez, S., Martinez Martinez, L. B., Hernandez Cordoba, M., Hernandez Perez, C., Banegas Garcia, A., el Jamaoui, I., Bech, J., and Garcia Lorenzo, M.: Acid mine drainage and ecotoxicity in soils and sediments., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9474,, 2023.

EGU23-9901 | Posters on site | SSS7.7 | Highlight

Assessment of bioaccessible As in a wetland with mining influence (Mar Menor, SE Spain). 

Manuel Hernandez Cordoba, Salvadora Martínez Lopez, Lucia Belen Martinez Martinez, Maria Jose Martínez Sanchez, Carmen Perez Sirvent, Carmen Hernandez Perez, Ascension Banegas Garcia, Imad el Jamaoui, and Jaime Bech

Mining areas are so complex that it is sometimes difficult to differentiate between anthropogenic contamination and geogenic anomalies. This is the case in the so-called Sierra de Cartagena-La Unión, which constitutes a mining district of Ag, Pb, Zn, Fe in stratabound sulphide deposits that have been exploited for more than three thousand years. Since the closure programme was implemented in 1991, the area has remained abandoned. This results in runoff from extreme rainfall events, as well as wind action, allowing the transport of dissolved or suspended particles and pollutants from mining areas to the plain of Campo de Cartagena, the Mar Menor and the Mediterranean Sea. In this area, arsenic pollution is one of the main environmental and public health problems. In general, arsenic levels in uncontaminated soils rarely exceed 10 mg/kg, the proposed Generic Reference Level (GRL) being 7.84 mg/kg for the Region of Murcia. In exclusion zones, As concentrations exceed 300 mg/kg, reaching in some cases 5000 mg/kg (coinciding with accumulations of mining waste, ponds, dumps, etc.).

The main objective of this work was to evaluate the potential risk to humans, through the main route of entry, ingestion, represented by the soils of the Rambla del Beal basin (SE Spain) and its mouth in the Lopoyo Wetland (Mar Menor, SE Spain), taking into account:

- Total As content in four different soil fractions (˂2mm; ˂250µm; ˂100µm; ˂63µm).

- Bioaccessible arsenic content in four different soil fractions (˂2mm; ˂250µm; ˂100µm; ˂63µm).

- Two possible adult land uses (agricultural and residential) and one possible child land use (residential).

For the determination of As bioaccessible, in vitro extraction methods were used. Among the various in vitro methods to assess the relative bioavailability of existing metals, the Solubility Bioaccessibility Research Consortium (SBRC) method was selected, as it provides an adequate relationship between bioavailability and bioaccessibility of arsenic, with a high correlation with the results obtained in vivo experiments, distinguishing two phases, stomach and intestinal.

In the area studied, the Lopoyo Wetland is the area that presents the greatest risk to the health of people (both children and adults). It is an area that requires priority intervention for its recovery. The arsenic contamination present and its mobility in this reduction-oxidation zone represents an unacceptable risk for both public health and the ecosystem.

The results highlight the importance of carrying out risk analysis studies on human health at sites potentially contaminated by carcinogenic trace metals such as arsenic, taking into account the concentration of bioaccessible As.  According to the results obtained when the study is carried out with the total concentration of arsenic, i.e. without bioaccessibility, the results of unacceptability of the carcinogenic risk and of the systemic hazard are much higher than those obtained with bioaccessibility, independently of the granulometric fraction on which the determination is carried out. Moreover, these results are reproducible for all possible uses (scenarios) of the site.


How to cite: Hernandez Cordoba, M., Martínez Lopez, S., Martinez Martinez, L. B., Martínez Sanchez, M. J., Perez Sirvent, C., Hernandez Perez, C., Banegas Garcia, A., el Jamaoui, I., and Bech, J.: Assessment of bioaccessible As in a wetland with mining influence (Mar Menor, SE Spain)., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9901,, 2023.

EGU23-11188 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS7.7

Contamination of organic raw materials and recycled organic fertilizers with antibiotics 

Sophia Albert, Elke Bloem, Doreen Babin, and Kornelia Smalla

Since the resources for mineral fertilizers are limited and the energy costs have recently risen considerably, there is an increasing interest in closing nutrient cycles and the recycling of nitrogen and phosphorus in secondary raw materials. Nutrient-rich waste materials can be used directly as a fertilizer or after processing. If other valuable ingredients such as organic carbon are in the product after processing, pollutants can be present as well. In the present work, contamination by antibiotics will be discussed. Antibiotics are used in large quantities to treat bacterial infections in humans but also in animals for food production. Resistant or even multi-resistant strains can occur in feces if antibiotics are regularly used in higher quantities. It was the aim of the study to show which recycled organic fertilizers contain a particularly high amount of antibiotics and how this might affect the relative abundance of resistance genes and mobile genetic elements. Sewage sludge and composted sewage sludge, digestate with animal excrements, residues from food production and processed fertilizers such as ash products or struvite were studied. Exemplary, 14 antibiotics out of three classes were analyzed. Especially fluoroquinolones and tetracyclines are present at higher concentrations in fertilizers of animal origin. In processed fertilizers, the concentrations depend not only on the origin but also on the carbon content, since antibiotics can bind to organic matter.

How to cite: Albert, S., Bloem, E., Babin, D., and Smalla, K.: Contamination of organic raw materials and recycled organic fertilizers with antibiotics, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11188,, 2023.

EGU23-11706 | Posters on site | SSS7.7

Evaluation of Amd production under experimental conditions 

Maria Jose Martinez-Sanchez, Mariluz Garcia Lorenzo, Salvadora Martínez Lopez, Lucia Belen Martinez Martinez, Manuel Hernandez Cordoba, Ascension Banegas Garcia, Jaime Bech, Carmen Hernandez Perez, Imad el Jamaoui, and Carmen Perez Sirvent

In order to predict the future behaviour of technosols designed for the remediation of sites contaminated with mining waste, a pilot experiment was carried out in containers under an enclosed building.

One-metre cubic polyvinyl chloride (PVC) containers were used and filled with soil of the different types that are abundant on the site. Four soil types were selected with different textures (sandy to silty-clay), different mineralogy and different PTE content. Soil mixtures were also prepared with limestone filler at different proportions (30, 40 and 50 %).

These containers were subjected to a humidity and drying process, simulating the rainfall conditions that the site receives as an average annual value, in 10 successive cycles, maintaining the experience for 4 years. The drains obtained were analysed and their corresponding crystallised phases were obtained and characterised by XRD and electron microscopy. The metals determined were Fe, Cd, Cu, Pb, As and Zn.

This experiment allows us to differentiate the behaviour of the selected soils with respect to humidity, since the untreated soils with a clayey loam texture are AMD producers, with very low pH and a high mobilisation of metals. In contrast, sandy textured soils and soils containing 30 % or more limestone filler have a pH close to 7 and small metal contents close to the limit of quantification.

Efflorescences are more abundant in those leachates rich in Zn and Fe, being copiapite, hexahydrite, bianchite and gypsum the main soluble phases associated with these leachates.  Finally, the percolates with a higher salt load correspond to the third percolation carried out approximately nine months after the start of the experiment.


How to cite: Martinez-Sanchez, M. J., Garcia Lorenzo, M., Martínez Lopez, S., Martinez Martinez, L. B., Hernandez Cordoba, M., Banegas Garcia, A., Bech, J., Hernandez Perez, C., el Jamaoui, I., and Perez Sirvent, C.: Evaluation of Amd production under experimental conditions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11706,, 2023.

EGU23-11874 | Posters on site | SSS7.7 | Highlight

First monitoring data of the post-project of geomorphological and geochemical rehabilitation in Lousal (Portugal) 

José María Esbrí, Ramón Sanchez-Donoso, Lucía Muntaner, Monica Martins, Mariluz García-Lorenzo, Ana Margarida Pereira, Alvaro Pinto, Jorge Relvas, Francisco Javier Lillo, María Tejedor, and José Francisco Martín-Duque

The rehabilitation of the Lousal mine in Portugal, carried out during September-November 2021 within the framework of the LIFE RIBERMINE project, is the first designed and built rehabilitation project in Europe where geomorphic reclamation methodologies have been combined with solutions aimed at addressing the problems caused by the generation of acid mine drainage and the mobilisation of potentially toxic elements (PTE).

To assess the success and impact of the rehabilitation actions on the hydrochemistry of surface and groundwater in Lousal, four groundwater samples and two surface water samples were collected in May 2022. In each of the water samples, in situ dissolved oxygen, pH, conductivity was measured and PTEs and cation-anion content analysis were carried out by ICP - MS in an external laboratory. The post mine rehabilitation effects of recent less acidic leachates with lower metallic loads have not yet reflected correction to the pH or EC values, but they are significant in terms of oxidation reduction potential and presence of PTEs.

The geomorphic evolution and development of vegetation in the reclaimed area has been monitored since the conclusion of the reclamation actions in November 2021. After the completion of the rehabilitation work, localised rilling processes were observed in areas where surface run-on entered the rehabilitation topography from adjacent areas. These erosive forms were corrected by extending limestone blocks over the eroded areas to create additional open limestone channels that manage incoming surface runoff and minimise its erosive potential. Throughout 2022, no signs of active erosion have reappeared in the restored area, demonstrating the success of the physical stabilisation actions applied in the intervention area.

Vegetation has successfully developed during the year 2022, after manual sowing in November 2021. Currently, the intervention area is almost completely covered with herbaceous vegetation, with the exception of some small areas where the density of vegetation is lower.

It is expected that the data and information obtained from the continued monitoring of this pioneering mine rehabilitation project will provide new knowledge and methodological innovations that can be applied to future mine rehabilitation projects around the globe with characteristics similar to those of the Lousal mine.

How to cite: Esbrí, J. M., Sanchez-Donoso, R., Muntaner, L., Martins, M., García-Lorenzo, M., Pereira, A. M., Pinto, A., Relvas, J., Lillo, F. J., Tejedor, M., and Martín-Duque, J. F.: First monitoring data of the post-project of geomorphological and geochemical rehabilitation in Lousal (Portugal), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11874,, 2023.

EGU23-13800 | Posters on site | SSS7.7

Geochemical processes controlling the partitioning of metals between water and sediments / marsh soils in an estuary affected by acid mine drainage leachates 

Rafael Pérez-López, Ricardo Millán-Becerro, María Dolores Basallote, Francisco Macías, Carlos Ruiz Cánovas, and José Miguel Nieto

All climate change predictions foresee a rise in sea level in the coming decades. Estuaries are environments particularly affected by this change due to their biodiversity. The Estuary of Huelva (SW Iberian Peninsula) is one of the most vulnerable ecosystems on the coastline on a global scale because it represents a transition zone between an acid fluvial environment severely polluted by acid mine drainage and alkaline seawater. Sediments and marsh soils are rich in iron and aluminium precipitates, which are highly reactive due to their nano-particle size. They also act as sinks for numerous pollutants, particularly arsenic. This research focuses its attention on the study of the set of geochemical and mineralogical processes that affect the mobility of metals and the stability of the particulate material under estuarine mixing, especially those processes that would be triggered by a foreseeable rise in sea level. Moreover, this study provides insight into the high contribution of the acid mine drainage discharges to the release of other elements (S, Zn, Cd, Ni and Co) to the coastal areas, as their initial concentrations behaved conservatively in mixing solutions with no participation in sorption processes. Some potentially toxic elements that remain mobile after reaching the estuary, finally end up to the Atlantic Ocean contributing significantly to the total pollutant loads and threatening the environmental conditions of coastal areas. Knowing the stability and mobility of pollutants in the estuarine areas that will be flooded in the next years according to most predictive models of climate change is essential for the design of adaptation strategies and minimization of impacts on the estuarine environment.



This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under the research project TRAMPA (PID2020-119196RB-C21).

How to cite: Pérez-López, R., Millán-Becerro, R., Basallote, M. D., Macías, F., Ruiz Cánovas, C., and Nieto, J. M.: Geochemical processes controlling the partitioning of metals between water and sediments / marsh soils in an estuary affected by acid mine drainage leachates, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13800,, 2023.

EGU23-14282 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS7.7

Chemical stabilization of heavily contaminated mine soils using technosols made from non-hazardous industrial wastes 

Sandra Fernández Landero, Juan Carlos Fernández Caliani, Inmaculada Giráldez Díaz, Emilio Morales Carrillo de Albornoz, Mercedes Ruiz Montoya, Cinta Barba Brioso, and Isabel González Díez

Abandoned mine lands often have lost their natural resilience and adaptive capacity to retain potentially toxic trace elements (PTE) and, therefore, can act a secondary source areas of acidic effluents and harmful contaminants into surface and pore waters. To address this issue, a batch leaching test was conducted to assess the effects of tailored combinations of non-hazardous industrial wastes on the immobilization of PTE in three mine soils (MS2, MS3, MS4) of the historic Rio Tinto mining district (Spain). To do this, different Technosols (T) were prepared by mixing, at a ratio of 60:40 (w/w), organic (R2: sludge from the clear treated water) and inorganic waste materials with acid-neutralizing capability (R4 and R5: slags from the iron and steel making industry) and adsorbent properties (R6: red gypsum). The Technosols tested were made of: (T0) exclusively MS2, MS3 and MS4 (controls); (T1) 80%MS4+20%[R2+(R5+R6)]; (T2) 75%MS3+25%[R2+(R5+R6)]; (T3) 75%MS2+25%[R2+R4]; (T4) 75%MS2+25%[R2+R5]; (T5) 75%MS3+25%[R2+R5]; and (T6) 75%MS4+25%[R2+R5]. The leaching test was performed according to the standard EN-12457-4, at a liquid-to-solid ratio of 10 L kg-1 with constant agitation for 24 h. The leaching conditions were recorded in terms of pH and Eh values, and the PTE concentrations in the leachate solutions were analyzed by ICP-MS. Results showed that the leachates from untreated MS were ultra acid (pH 2.5-3.5) and had concentrations of Cu, Pb and Zn as high as 556 mg kg-1 (MS3), 90 mg kg-1 (MS4) and 28 mg kg-1 (MS3), respectively, while the released concentrations of Cr, Ni, As and Cd were below 1 mg kg-1. In relative terms, the most mobile PTE were Cd, Cu and Zn, which accounted for 12.6%, 10.3% and 5.4% of its total concentration, respectively. The Technosol application was able to buffer the soil pH to average values of 7.6, thus enhancing the attenuation of PTE by chemical fixation. The mobile fraction of PTE was drastically reduced or even rendered virtually negligible (<0.10%) except for Ni, which was leached from the T1 up to 0.79% of its total concentration, and for Cd (0.49% from the T2). In particular, T3 was the most effective for reducing the mobility of Cd, and T4 and T5 showed promise for assisting in the attenuation of Cu. Chemical speciation calculations predict that most of the PTE leached from untreated MS are in the form of sulfate complexes, comprising 62-77% of the dissolved fraction, and to a lesser extent as free ions. Upon treatment, the activity of such species decreased noticeably with increasing pH, while the contribution of hydroxyl complexes was shown to increase. In conclusion, the use of Technosols was effective in reducing the acid generation potential of the MS and for boosting the PTE stabilization processes.

How to cite: Fernández Landero, S., Fernández Caliani, J. C., Giráldez Díaz, I., Morales Carrillo de Albornoz, E., Ruiz Montoya, M., Barba Brioso, C., and González Díez, I.: Chemical stabilization of heavily contaminated mine soils using technosols made from non-hazardous industrial wastes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14282,, 2023.

EGU23-14865 | Posters on site | SSS7.7

Urban soil pollution and assessment of human health risks in the industrialized city of Huelva 

Annika Parviainen and Francisco José Martín-Peinado

The city of Huelva in SW Spain is known to be affected by air pollution derived from industrial activities1,2 and the soils surrounding the industrial estates contain anomalous concentrations of potentially toxic elements (PTEs)3. This study focuses on the urban soils of Huelva covering 33 sampling points in the principal public parks, playgrounds, and green areas. We evaluated potential contamination of the soils comparing Al-normalized values, contamination factor (CF) with respect to background values, and regulatory levels after analyzing the concentrations of PTEs (Cu, Zn, Co, As, Cr, Cd, Pb and Ni) in the topsoil, and further we assessed the potential toxicological effects using Lactuca Sativa L. bioassay and human exposure modelling. Al-normalized data highlighted anomalous high concentrations for Cu, Zn, As, Cr, and Pb. Moreover, CF values higher than one were found in 88% of the soils for Cu, 85% for Zn, 30% for Co, 45% for A36% for Cr, 100% for Cd, 45% for Pb, and 18% for Ni with elevated maximum concentrations (2083, 790, 16, 51, 153, 5.0, 293, and 32 mg/kg, respectively). The regulatory values for As (36 mg/kg) and Pb (275 mg/kg) were exceeded in soils of ten sampled urban areas. However, the germination and root elongation bioassays with Lactuca sativa L. did not show phytotoxicity in any of the tested soils, and health exposure modelling did not present risk for toxic effects nor for carcer. This study highlights the vicinity of the industrial area as a risk factor for the accumulation of PTEs in urban soils and previous studies corroborate this3,4. We recommend monitoring of the urban soils of Huelva, further investigations on the soils that can be declared as polluted soils according to this study, and also to increase the number of toxicity bioassays with different organisms and to include different exposure routes for human health risk.


This work has been financed by the EMC21_00056 project granted by the Council of University, Research and Innovation of the Regional Government of Andalusia.



  • Parviainen, A., Casares-Porcel, M., Marchesi, C. & Garrido, C. J. Lichens as a spatial record of metal air pollution in the industrialized city of Huelva (SW Spain). Environ. Pollut. 253, 918–929 (2019).
  • Fernández-Camacho, R. et al. Geochemical characterization of Cu-smelter emission plumes with impact in an urban area of SW Spain. Atmos. Res. 96, 590–601 (2010).
  • Guillén, M. T. et al. Heavy metals fractionation and multivariate statistical techniques to evaluate the environmental risk in soils of Huelva Township (SW Iberian Peninsula). J. Geochemical Explor. 119120, 32–43 (2012).
  • Guillén, M. T., Delgado, J., Gómez-Arias, A., Nieto-Liñán, J. M. & Castillo, J. Bioaccessibility and human exposure to metals in urban soils (Huelva, SW Spain): evaluation by in vitro gastric extraction. Environ. Geochem. Health 44, 1501–1519 (2022).

How to cite: Parviainen, A. and Martín-Peinado, F. J.: Urban soil pollution and assessment of human health risks in the industrialized city of Huelva, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14865,, 2023.

EGU23-15081 | Posters virtual | SSS7.7

Restoration with mining wastes and construction and demolition wastes to improve circular economy and soil functions 

Jose Navarro Pedreño, Teresa Rodríguez Espinosa, Alejandro Carpena López, Manuel Miguel Jordán Vidal, Ignacio Gómez Lucas, and Jaume Bech Borrás

Circular economy is based on the re-use of wastes. However, it also implies the application of solutions that can help to reduce the environmental and climate change impacts. On the one hand, the preparation of materials for construction from mining activities generates wastes, for instance in marble and stone industry. On the other hand, the use of these materials in construction also generates wastes, construction and demolition wastes (CDW), which account for more than a third of all waste generated in the EU. In the case of the SE of Spain, stone preparation (cutting, polishing, etc…) produces fine and coarse wastes, mainly from carbonate rocks and secondary from granites. The large building activity produces residues in a wide variety of materials (concrete, bricks, wood, glass, metals and plastics). 
Mining restoration could be an opportunity to reuse those materials, as many mining holes are abandoned and need to be refilled before the preparation of a soil cover and landscape recovery.
In this work, it has been studied the restoration of an ancient mining hole (up to 10 meters depth and 21000 m2), situated in the SE of Spain under a BSk climate -Köppen and Geiger classification-, with marble wastes and CDW, and finally the formation of a Technosol (IUSS Working Group WRB) which can support a vegetation cover. Several actions were done as follow: refilling of the mining hole first with marble wastes (calcareous materials mainly of different sizes), the second was the addition of CDW and the third was the mixing of CDW with topsoil (approximately last 50 cm depth of surface restoration) forming the surface and conditioning the topography to reduce soil erosion. This action was accompanied by the construction of a central drainage stone filled canal (50 cm depth). After two years, Pinus halepensis vegetation was introduced (261 pine trees). Two years later, soil samples were taken (0-5 cm to measure bulk density and 0-20 cm depth to measure pH, electrical conductivity and organic matter) in eight selected points distributed equidistant in the restored area. 
The results showed that the soil had a slightly basic pH, but not homogeneous along the surface (from 8.13 to 8.89). In the case of the electrical conductivity, the variation between samples was greater (0.49 to 2.41 dS/m) and probably controlled by the lithology of the area, in the north close to Triassic formations with soluble gypsum formations and in the middle to the south to calcareous rocks. The organic matter (between 1.13 to 1.59 %) and the bulk density (1.40 to 1.47 g/cm3) were more homogeneous in the restored area. The survival of the pine trees was successful and more than 80%, considering no irrigation applied excepting the first month.
The use of this materials could be of interest to reduce the impact, favoured the circular economy and restoration of ancient mining areas, recovering the landscape and the soil functions.

How to cite: Navarro Pedreño, J., Rodríguez Espinosa, T., Carpena López, A., Jordán Vidal, M. M., Gómez Lucas, I., and Bech Borrás, J.: Restoration with mining wastes and construction and demolition wastes to improve circular economy and soil functions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15081,, 2023.

EGU23-15539 | ECS | Orals | SSS7.7

Prediction of Pb and Zn in urban soil using VIS-NIR-SWIR spectroscopy 

Mahsa Nakhostinrouhi, Mohammadmehdi Saberioon, Mohsen Makki, Kolja Thestorf, Saeid Homayouni, Majid Kiavarz, and Seyed Kazem Alavipanah

Heavy metals serve as a subset of chemical elements with higher density than iron. Besides, these environmental pollutants are constant and nonbiodegradable elements that can cause toxicity and genetic mutations to the live cells. Depending on the study area, an increase in soil heavy metals from a specific level often created by human activities can lead to many adverse effects on individuals, soil, and plants. In case of their existence in the food chain or transfer to groundwater resources, human health is seriously threatened. Over numerous years, being affected by a colossal number of pollutant resources such as world war and household waste, industry, transportation systems, and urbanization has changed Berlin to a city at risk of soil pollution by heavy metals. That is why carrying out a study on heavy metals in this city is of great significance. Chemical analysis is the first and most traditional ways to measure soil heavy metals. Despite high precision, this method is complicated, time-consuming, costly, and ineffective on a large scale. However, the spectral data facilitates the rapid and cost-effective assessment of these elements. Therefore, in this study, the ability of spectral data to predict heavy metals in Berlin’s soil is examined.

When it comes to the data required, there are two categories: 1) heavy metals (Pb and Zn) related to more than 600 soil samples collected from 2016 to 2018 and measured in the laboratory, and 2) the spectral data measured for each sample in the range between 350 to 2500nm in a spectrometry lab. All data is divided into training (80%) and testing (20%) to reach this aim. Next, the first group is used to train the machine learning algorithms, including partial least square regression (PLSR), support vector regression (SVR), and random forest (RF). Moreover, the second group is used to test the models. Finally, the accuracy of models is evaluated by correlation of determination (R2), and Root mean square error (MSE). As a part of the results, R2 and MSE were achieved 0.25, and 4394.45 for Pb, and 0.18 and 6558.49 for Zn.

How to cite: Nakhostinrouhi, M., Saberioon, M., Makki, M., Thestorf, K., Homayouni, S., Kiavarz, M., and Alavipanah, S. K.: Prediction of Pb and Zn in urban soil using VIS-NIR-SWIR spectroscopy, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15539,, 2023.

The Central Federal District (CFD) of Russia is a highly populated area with a developed infrastructure where agriculture specializes in the cultivation of cereals, vegetables, sunflowers, and cattle breeding. The territory is also known for a deficiency of Cu, Co and I in the environment and respectively in the main agricultural plants and animals cultivated in the CFD, as well as in the diets of the local rural and urban population living on local products.

The cartographic basis used for the creation of preliminary assessment maps of the distribution of trace elements in the soil cover of the region was the Unified State Register of Soil Resources of Russia (scale 1:2 500 000). Levels of Cu, Co and I content in soils were based on our original experimental database and published data of the elements concentration in the cartographic units "topsoil-subsoil". To estimate the ecological and geochemical risk we used threshold concentrations in soils leading to specific diseases in cattle grazing within the particular areas. These concentrations were based on numerous experimental data obtained by different scientific teams (Kovalsky, 1974, 1991; Korobova, 1992; Ermakov, 2015, etc.).

The mapping allowed demonstration of zonal and regional peculiarities in Cu, Co and I status of the soil cover in CFD. The obtained cartographic estimates are comparable with the published averaged results at the oblast level. Comparison with the published medical information on the cases of thyroid disease registered  for the first time in their life for the period from 2013 to 2017 on the level of administrative unit "oblast" showed a significant (p=0.08) inverse (R=-0.47) correlation with our cartographic estimates of soil iodine status weighted for the corresponding oblast's with due regards to their soil structure (numbering 14 in CFD with exception of Bryansk and Oryol oblast'). The two indicated oblast's were considerably affected by radioiodine shock during the Chernobyl accident which contributed to increase of thyroid damage especially in case of its suffering from iodine deficiency.

How to cite: Bech, J., Baranchukov, V., and Korobova, E.: Cartographic evaluation of the risk of Cu, Co and I deficiency in the soil cover of the Central Federal District (Russia) provoking spatial variation of the endemic morbidity level, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16965,, 2023.

SSS8 – Soil, Environment and Ecosystem Interactions

The importance of freshwater ecosystems is pivotal for human well-being. Lakes, recognized as essential water reservoirs, these ecosystems support the provision of a wide array of ecosystem services (ES) across reams (terrestrial and aquatic). However, anthropogenic activities increase environmental degradation. Consequently, its contribution as ES provider may decrease over time. Thus, it is essential to analyze lake ES assessment over time. Mapping and assessment methodologies for lake ES assessment are scarce. Moreover, indicator data is limited in space and time. Therefore, most ES mapping and assessment research is conducted on a case study basis, focusing on qualitative approaches. Comprehensive quantitative national lake ES mapping and assessments are largely missing but necessary. In this study, we develop quantitative methodological frameworks to map and assess lake ES nationally. The methodologies were applied to Lithuania, which comprises more than 1000 lakes. Since all lakes were unavailable, we utilized information from the HydroLAKES database. The methods use freely available data from national and international databases and remote sensing imagery. In total, 5 ES, defined based on the Common International Classification of Ecosystem Services (CICES), were analyzed: (1) fibers and other material for non-nutritional purposes; (2) water for non-drinking purposes; (3) maintenance of nursery conditions; (4) maintenance of chemical conditions; and (5) recreation. Since lake ES are influenced by their surrounding terrestrial dynamics (e.g., nutrient flows, noise), we included a 5 km buffer around each lake. Land-use dynamics were assessed using Corine Land Cover for 1990, 2000, 2006, 2012, and 2018. The testing of methodology results allowed us to identify general patterns of lake ES supply in Lithuania. The ES fibers and other materials for non-nutritional purposes show a higher supply in the eastern part of Lithuania, which generally increased from 1990 to 2018. The ES water for non-drinking purposes shows only slight changes in its supply over time. The maintenance of nursery and chemical conditions ES show a decline in the supply over time, especially in the northeastern part of the country. The ES recreation also shows nearly no changes in its supply over time.

This study was conducted under the framework of the “Lithuanian lake ecosystem services: impacts of climate and land-use change” (LACLAN) Project. This project receives funding from the European Social Fund under the No 09.3.3-LMT-K-712 “Development of Competences of Scientists, other Researchers, and Students through Practical Research Activities” measure.


How to cite: Inácio, M. and Pereira, P.: A methodological framework to map and assess lake ecosystem services: a multi-temporal analysis study in Lithuania, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1321,, 2023.

EGU23-1423 | Posters on site | SSS8.2

Agriculture intensification impacts on soil and water ecosystem services 

Paulo Pereira, Igor Bogunovic, Miguel Inacio, Wenwu Zhao, and Damia Barcelo

Agriculture intensification is increasing due to food demand and consumption patterns. Intensive agriculture is based on management that promotes the maximum profit per unit of area and involves agrochemicals, irrigation and heavy machinery. The purpose is to have high crop yields and livestock productivity. This practice's implications are increasing soil degradation and the loss of ecological functions and consequently to the detriment of ecosystem condition and services. Intensive agriculture practices are related to high erosion rates, soil compaction, pollution (e.g., pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals, pharmaceuticals), nitrification and acidification, loss of fertility and productivity, desertification, diffuse pollution, ground and surface water contamination, land fragmentation, loss of biodiversity, greenhouse gases emission, air pollution and ultimately human impact. All these effects contribute dramatically to global environmental change. Soils are the base of life. Therefore, such intensive use will induce rapid degradation. This is a global reality. Shreds of evidence from the world are plentiful: Tropical rainforests destruction in Amazonia, Congo Basin and southeast Asia due to the establishment of agriculture plantations or livestock farms, irrigation in semi-arid or arid areas of central Asia and Saudi Arabia and acidification in Northeast Europe. All these forms of soil degradation have negative implications on soil ecosystem services. For instance, agriculture intensification affects multiple regulating ecosystem services. The soil loses the capacity to regulate erosion, floods, water purification, and carbon storage, contribute to microclimate regulation, and combat pests and diseases. It also hampers the soil's capacity to supply fodder, water, wild food and medicinal plants. Although crop yields may increase, intensive agriculture practices are not sustainable since they contribute to soil degradation. Without any intervention (e.g., fertilization), there will be a loss of fertility, and yields may be reduced. Also, diffuse pollution from agriculture contributes to surface water bodies' loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services. These areas are also key for food provisioning. Intensive agriculture also dramatically impacts cultural ecosystem services such as landscape aesthetics, recreation and heritage. We have many challenges ahead regarding the impacts of agriculture intensification, and it is key to halt and reduce their impacts on ecosystem services. We live in challenging times when food security needs to be ensured for a growing global population. How we can balance between food production and soil degradation? What practices are more adjusted in each context to ensure the sustainability of agroecosystems? These are key questions that need to be answered. Bottom line is that we need to develop practices to follow a sustainable path, instead of exhausting the ecosystems and their services at a dramatic pace.         


We would like to acknowledge the support of the project Enhancing ecoSysteM sERvices mApping for poLicy and Decision mAking (SELINA), financed by the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101060415.

How to cite: Pereira, P., Bogunovic, I., Inacio, M., Zhao, W., and Barcelo, D.: Agriculture intensification impacts on soil and water ecosystem services, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1423,, 2023.

Connectivity has emerged as a useful concept for exploring the movement of water and sediments between landscape locations and across spatial scales. Studies on the influences of extreme precipitation events on sediment connectivity of slope-gully systems in a small watershed can provide a theoretical basis for comprehensive watershed management. Taking the farmland watershed in Caijiachuan watershed in Ji County of the Loess plateau as the research area, UAV and remote sensing images were used to carry out field investigations on a slope and gully system before and after the extreme precipitation event occurred in October 2021. The landscape patterns before and after extreme rainstorm were analyzed, the sediment connectivity of the slope-gully system was quantified, and the spatial distribution and topographic features of landslide points were identified, the responses of typical engineering measures to extreme precipitation was evaluated. The results showed that: (1) the rainfall event lasts 84 hours, with a cumulative rainfall of 160.4 mm, a rainfall intensity of 1.9 mm/h and a rainfall frequency of 0.16%. It was an extreme rainstorm that comes once in a hundred years. (2) After the rainstorm, the number of patches increased, the landscape shape index increased, the Contag index decreased, and the Shannon diversity index decreased. (3) Sediment connectivity was unevenly distributed in the watershed before the rainstorm, but it increased after the rainstorm. (4) After the rainstorm, the sediment connectivity of the landslide site decreased, and the landslide mainly occurred at 0-10°and 40-50°, accounting for 29.11% and 17.74%, respectively. After the occurrence of extreme rainfall, landscape pattern fragmentation and richness of the slope-gully system decreased. Landslides induced by extreme rainfall events affect sediment connectivity, and the sediment connectivity index could be used to identify landslide sites and assess the response of typical soil and water conservation engineering measures to extreme rainfall. The results of the study could provide support for integrated watershed management and ecological restoration after extreme precipitation events.

Keywords: Extreme precipitation; Check dam; Sediment connectivity; Integrated watershed management

How to cite: Feng, J. and Yu, Y.: Effects of extreme precipitation on sediment connectivity in a farmland watershed of the gully region, the Loess Plateau of China, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3012,, 2023.

EGU23-4022 | ECS | Orals | SSS8.2

Enhancing protected areas for climate refugia in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau 

Ting Hua, Wenwu Zhao, Francesco Cherubini, Xiangping Hu, and Paulo Pereira

Protected areas (PAs) are the critical societal tool to conserve biodiversity, while rapid climate change potentially threatens the ecological outcomes of PAs. Therefore, targeting conservation and adaptation efforts necessitate a well-understand of the relationship between PAs and climate refugia. it is defined as buffer regions for species against exposure to climate change. Previous studies to identify climate refugia mainly relied on terrain-based metrics or climatic velocity, which ignore the ecosystem’s internal processes. To promote more biologically meaningful climate adaptation solutions, efforts need to be made to incorporate internal and external ecological processes to improve climate refugia identification. This work identified climate refugia in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP), based on environmental diversity, phenology stability, and climatic velocity. It highlights the capacity to cope with extreme weather events, synchronization with plant growth cycles, and future climate adaptation, respectively. The results show that the climate refugia identified by environmental diversity, climatic velocity, and phenology stability indicators differed substantially, indicating the possible absence of functional complementarity of climate adaptation. Furthermore, existing PAs have notable conservation gaps for these refugia identified, particularly in the southeastern part of QTP. It highlighted the urgency of strengthening PAs for climate refugia in the QTP. Our work provides a comprehensive understanding of climate refugia, which can support better climate-driven conservation policies in the face of global warming.

How to cite: Hua, T., Zhao, W., Cherubini, F., Hu, X., and Pereira, P.: Enhancing protected areas for climate refugia in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4022,, 2023.

EGU23-5191 | Orals | SSS8.2

Labile and Stable Soil Organic Carbon in abandoned lands with different management 

Estela Nadal Romero, Melani Cortijos-López, Manel Llena, Erik Cammeraat, and Teodoro Lasanta

Soil is a key element in the Earth system, and changes in land management can affect soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics and the provision of ecosystem services related to soil. The content and stock of SOC has been adopted as the measure to be used for land degradation assessment. Nevertheless, SOC dynamics linked to land use and land cover changes after land abandonment is still a controversial issue. From the mid-20th century, Mediterranean mountains have undergone intense transformations due to climate change and severe socio-economic marginalisation, linked to depopulation and cropland and pasture abandonment. These processes led to a very different landscape, with a massive invasion of shrubs, secondary succession to forest and afforested areas. The objective of this study is to analyse the effects of post-land abandonment management practices on soil organic carbon dynamics (stocks and fractions). We selected three land abandonment scenarios in the Central Pyrenees: (i) natural revegetation with broadleaf vegetation; (ii) natural revegetation versus afforestation with coniferous forest; and (iii) abandonment of grasslands and woody encroachment. The total SOC stocks and fractions (through density fractionation) were analysed: Free light Fraction (FLF), Occluded Light Fraction (OLF), and Heavy Fraction (HF). Results showed that: (i) revegetation resulted in a constant and slow SOC accumulation processes; (ii) grassland enhanced accumulation of SOC, and the woody encroachment of these areas produced a significant loss of SOC during the first revegetation stages; (iii) density fractions were significantly affected by land use and land cover changes; (iv) the labile fractions (FLF and OLF) were significantly higher under coniferous forest than under grassland and shrubland; and (v) differences were also observed between coniferous and broadleaf forest, suggesting that broadleaf litter is incorporated faster in the mineral soil. The present study showed that land abandonment in Mediterranean mountains does not only affect SOC stocks, but also triggers the addition of labile carbon into the soil. It also changes the dynamics and sequestration of stable SOC, making this information essential in the design of future post-land abandonment strategies.


Acknowledgements: This research project was supported by the MANMOUNT (PID2019-105983RB-100/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033) project funded by the MICINN-FEDER and the PRX21/00375 project funded by the Ministry of Universities of Spain from the “Salvador de Madariaga” programme. Melani Cortijos-López is working with an FPI contract (PRE2020-094509) from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness associated to the MANMOUNT project. Manel Llena has a “Juan de la Cierva Formación” postdoctoral contract (FJC2020-043890-I/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033) from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.

How to cite: Nadal Romero, E., Cortijos-López, M., Llena, M., Cammeraat, E., and Lasanta, T.: Labile and Stable Soil Organic Carbon in abandoned lands with different management, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5191,, 2023.

 Establishment of nature reserves (NRs) is a common method to avoid biodiversity loss and degradation of ecosystem services (ESs). The evaluation of the ESs in NRs and the exploration of associated influencing factors are the basis to improving the ESs and management. However, the ESs effectiveness of NRs over time remains questionable, namely due to the heterogeneity of landscape characteristics inside and outside the NRs. This study (i) quantifies the role of 75 NRs in China to maintaining ESs (i.e., net primary production (NPP), soil conservation, sandstorm prevention and water yield) from 2000 to 2020; and (ii) reveals the trade-offs/synergies; (iii) identifies the main influencing factors of ESs effectiveness of NRs. Results show that more than 80% of NRs had positive ESs effectiveness, and higher ESs effectiveness in older rather than recent NRs. For different ESs, effectiveness over time increases for NPP (E_NPP) and soil conservation (E_SC), but decreases for sandstorm prevention (E_SP) and water yield (E_WY). There is a clear synergy relationship between E_NPP and E_SC. Moreover, the ESs effectiveness are closely correlated with elevation, precipitation, and perimeter area ratio. Our findings can provide valuable information for supporting management, improvement of ESs effectiveness and site selection planning of NRs.

How to cite: liu, Y.: The role of nature reserves on conservation effectiveness of ecosystem services in China, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5700,, 2023.

According to Pereira et al. (2018) soils provide and regulate many ecosystem services and play an important role in sustaining humanity. The benefits we receive from soils are directly or indirectly linked to clean air and water and food production, among others. The type, quantity or quality of soil ecosystem services depends on the specific environmental characteristics that will determine soil properties and functions. The valuation of soil ecosystem services depends on natural features and management type. Non-sustainable practices induce soil degradation/devaluation and many disservices, while sustainable practices can maintain and improve soil ecosystem services. Overall, soil ecosystem services quality and quantity over the long-term will depend on how sustainably we manage our land. 

In this study, the aim is the assessment of differences between the carbon storage in soils from different olive orchard cultivation systems for a preliminary evaluation of this regulating soil ecosystem service. To do this, we selected four different olive orchard cultivation systems: traditional (no sustainable practices), intensive (no sustainable practices and irrigation), ecological (sustainable practices: no chemical amendments, no tillage, and grass cover), and abandoned (abandoned at least 60-70 years ago and recolonised with shrubs). Soils were sampled following a longitudinal transect from the bottom of the cultivated/abandoned hillslopes to the top: every 10 m disturbed and undisturbed samples were taken in the upper 0-10 cm of soil profile. Once the soil samples were dried in laboratory conditions and sieved to 2 mm, the bulk density and organic carbon content were determined as follows: I) bulk density by the core method (Blake and Hartge, 1986); ii) organic carbon content with the application of the 1.74 factor to the organic matter content obtained by means of calcination. Both parameters let calculate the carbon storage (Ruiz-Sinoga and Romero-Díaz, 2010).   


Blake, G.R., Hartge, K.H. 1986. Bulk density, In: Klute, A. (Ed.), Methods of Soil Analysis, Part 1, Physical and Mineralogical Methods, 2nd Ed. Agronomy Monograph, 9. American Society of Agronomy and Soil Science, Madison, W, pp. 363–375. 

Pereira, P., Bogunovic, I., Muñoz-Rojas, M., Brevik, E.C. 2018. Soil ecosystem services, sustainability, valuation and management. Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health, 5:7–13. 

Ruiz-Sinoga, J.D, Romero-Díaz, A. 2010. Soil degradation factors along a Mediterranean pluviometric gradient in Southern Spain. Geomorphology, 118:359–368. 

How to cite: Martinez-Murillo, J. F. and Menjíbar-Romero, M.: Differences in the superficial storage of organic carbon in soils from different olive orchard cultivation systems and ecosystem service implications (Sierras Subbéticas Natural Park, southern Spain)., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7668,, 2023.

EGU23-12142 | ECS | Orals | SSS8.2

Homeowner Survey Responses and Yard Soil Biogeochemistry within the Long Island Sound Watershed 

Christopher D. Ryan, Peter M. Groffman, Robert J. Johnston, David Newburn, Colin Polsky, Tom Ndebele, and Haoluan Wang

The immediate watershed of the Long Island Sound (LIS) is largely composed of car-centric suburban landscapes, with extensive areas of altered, sealed, and even some polluted soils. In such suburban contexts, the lawn represents a particular kind of widespread landscape regime with considerable ecologic influence. Though varying in both size and degree of landscaping, suburban homes generally have yards, often with areas of maintained turfgrass lawn. With concern for eutrophication and hypoxic conditions within the LIS due to excess nutrient input possibly from yards, residents within the LIS watershed were surveyed regarding yard and LIS related practices and perspectives. Eighty-nine of these respondents were randomly selected to collect ecological data from their yards during spring, summer, and fall of 2021. Soil cores were collected in spring and summer, with two random 10 cm depth soil samples from both front and back yards when possible. Soil moisture, pH, nitrate, and ammonium content were determined at the Advanced Science Research Center in New York, NY. Survey data was combined with the collected biophysical data for further interdisciplinary analysis.

Average soil ammonium content was found to notably decrease with even one application of fertilizer per year (3.4 g N/kg dry soil to 1.01 kg N/kg dry soil). Average soil nitrate was found to increase with each repeated fertilization event per year (36.56 g N/kg dry soil with zero reported annual applications on one end to 66.22 g N/kg dry soil with five annual applications on the other end). Respondents who said they had increased their fertilizer compared with five years ago had the highest average soil nitrate content (59.43 g N/kg dry soil) and lowest average soil ammonium content (0.45 g N/kg dry soil) amongst all respondents. People who didn’t report using fertilizer had the lowest average soil nitrate content (36.16 g N/kg dry soil) and the highest average soil ammonium content (4.05 g N/kg dry soil). People that reported hiring a professional to fertilize their yard (but not fertilizing it themselves) had the highest average soil moisture content (19.97%), soil nitrate content (56.5 g N/kg dry soil), and pH among respondents (6.21). People that identified as highly aware about recommendations on the use of fertilizer had the highest average soil nitrate content (48.16 g N/kg dry soil), and also the lowest average soil ammonium content among respondents (1.32 g N/kg dry soil).

These results demonstrate the impact that yard fertilization practice has on soil chemistry. Most significantly, reported increases in fertilization show increases soil nitrate content, but with corresponding decreases in soil ammonium content. Furthermore, increasing education and outreach around yard fertilization may not inherently decrease yard fertilization, as perhaps individuals who engage with materials related to fertilization recommendations are more likely to even apply fertilizer. Both reported awareness of recommended practices and utilizing a professional for fertilization were associated with higher soil nitrate content. Homeowner yard contexts remain significant with direct influence on the nutrient content of the soils of the LIS watershed.

How to cite: Ryan, C. D., Groffman, P. M., Johnston, R. J., Newburn, D., Polsky, C., Ndebele, T., and Wang, H.: Homeowner Survey Responses and Yard Soil Biogeochemistry within the Long Island Sound Watershed, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12142,, 2023.

Soils in meadows from high Mediterranean mountains play an important role from the ecosystem service point of view: e.g., regulating water cycle and capturing soil organic carbon, provisioning support to herbaceous plants and thus grass for wild animals and cattle, and cultural aesthetic values to mountainous landscape. These soils are threatened by global warming because it may bring modifications in vegetal species, vegetation type, and coverage. Also, an increment in grazing pressure may lead to a decrease in vegetation cover and thus enhancing soil degradation as well as increasing water erosion. All these would implicate modifications in the provided ecosystem services.

To investigate the soil ecosystem services provided by soils from meadows located in the upper part of a Mediterranean mountain (Sierra de las Nieves National Park), a first approach to characterize their properties was conducted. These meadows are located above 1,700 m.a.s.l., are related to the presence of marly bedrock where shrub cover is less than 50%, mainly, because of the coat and sheep grazing activity is not intensive. To do this, firstly, meadow soils were randomly sampled in the upper 0-10 cm of depth collecting disturbed and undisturbed samples. Once these samples were dried in laboratory, the following properties have been analysed: bulk density, gravel content, texture, aggregate stability fraction, organic carbon content, organic matter content, pH, electrical conductivity, cationic exchangeable capacity, cations, saturation in bases, and water holding capacity in field and wilting points. After the data validation one statistical analysis will be performed for a broad characterisation and preliminary evaluation of soil ecosystem services.

How to cite: Menjíbar-Romero, M. and Martínez-Murillo, J. F.: Characterization of soil properties and soil ecosystem services in meadows from a high Mediterranean mountain (Sierra de las Nieves National Park, southern Spain)., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12674,, 2023.

EGU23-12676 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS8.2

Application of stable isotope methods (13C,18O) to link climate change-induced drought stress and bark beetle susceptibility in Austrian forests 

Katharina Schott, Barbara Kitzler, Gernot Hoch, Michael Grabner, Elisabeth Ziss, Andrea Watzinger, Christoph Bauerhansl, and Rebecca Hood-Nowotny

The impacts of climate change in forests are often cascading, affecting plant growth, plant performance but often also rendering trees susceptible to insect pathogen attack. Potentially these insect infestations could have a greater impact on the forest’s carbon sequestration potential, than the direct climate effects on plant growth and forestry production. Regional and context-specific responses to a changing climate are expected: In regions where forest productivity is constrained by low temperatures, such as high altitudes,  growth is likely to increase as temperatures rise, whilst in regions with limited water availability, a decline in growth is predicted as a result of more frequent and prolonged droughts and/or changing precipitation patterns.

Norway spruce is high-yielding, easy to manage and has a number of economic advantages over broadleaf production.  Spruce is economically the most important and common tree species in Austria, making up over 50% the Austrian forestry area. Area-wide planting throughout Austria was supported for decades, which often led to planting in regions where the production risk for spruce was and remains high and where active management does not necessarily cover costs. This legacy of this planting policy means that stands are often still planted on sites, where the trees are close to the limit of suitability. Spruce has shallow roots and less access to deeper soil moisture, so it is particularly susceptible to drought stress. Trees that suffer from changing site conditions are likely to be more susceptible to disease and insect infestation than trees that are not exposed to additional site stresses. In an effort to identify sites that have suffered from drought in the past and that are vulnerable to possible pest infestations, a method to predict bark beetle susceptibility is being developed, based on stable isotope signatures in tree rings. Specifically, we will test whether the stable isotope data (¹³C,¹⁸O) in the tree rings can provide an accurate archive of information about past climate variability and physiological responses to environmental and geomorphological conditions: These data can provide historical insights into water status, in particular soil water availability and use, temperature and water consumption of individual trees. They can be correlated with detailed archived weather and precipitation data as well as easily measured parameters such as canopy temperature or spectral data. We will present our approach and the first results, which are based on samples from the Austrian forest inventory and complemented with samples from additional bark-beetle infested areas.

How to cite: Schott, K., Kitzler, B., Hoch, G., Grabner, M., Ziss, E., Watzinger, A., Bauerhansl, C., and Hood-Nowotny, R.: Application of stable isotope methods (13C,18O) to link climate change-induced drought stress and bark beetle susceptibility in Austrian forests, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12676,, 2023.

EGU23-13244 | ECS | Orals | SSS8.2

Ecosystem carbon sequestration service supports the Sustainable Development Goals progress 

Caichun Yin, Wenwu Zhao, and Paulo Pereira

Ecosystem carbon sequestration service (ECSS) is the benefits humans derive from the ecosystem carbon sequestration process, which is key to regulating climate, stabilising the natural foundation for development, and supporting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) achievement. However, how ECSS contributes to the SDGs still needs to be discovered. Here, based on downscaling localisation SDG indicators, regression methods, and mechanism analysis, we identified the contribution of ECSS to the SDGs, taking China’s Loess Plateau (LP) region as an example. The results showed that the LP made higher progress on resource and environmental SDGs, such as SDGs 13, 12, 6, and 7 (climate, consumption and production, water, and energy) in the last two decades. As for the relationships between ECSS and SDGs, the progress of SDGs 6, 7, 13 and 15 (water, energy, climate, and ecosystems) showed positive linear responses to ECSS. The response of SDGs 1, 4, 8, and 12 (poverty reduction, education, economic growth, and consumption and production) to ECSS showed a threshold when the standardised ECSS value was 0.11. To improve ECSS for a more sustainable ecological foundation underpinning the SDGs, ECSS management should be improved to protect the ecosystem carbon pool and improve carbon sequestration function, as well as to promote the social-ecological co-benefits. This work links carbon sequestration service to sustainable development and can help in leveraging nature’s contributions towards carbon neutrality and the 2030 Agenda.

How to cite: Yin, C., Zhao, W., and Pereira, P.: Ecosystem carbon sequestration service supports the Sustainable Development Goals progress, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13244,, 2023.

EGU23-13341 | Orals | SSS8.2

Burned soils in Europe require attention: post fire soil erosion is long lasting 

Diana Vieira, Pasquale Borrelli, Dina Jahanianfard, Akli Benali, Simone Scarpa, and Panos Panagos

Annually, millions of hectares of land are affected by wildfires worldwide, disrupting ecosystems functioning by affecting on-site vegetation, soil, and above- and belowground biodiversity, but also triggering erosive off-site impacts such as water-bodies contamination or mudflows. Wildfires consist in an environmental problem with a global dimension, and its occurrence at EU scale is well documented.

However, the estimation of the indirect impacts of wildfires, such as increased soil erosion at wider scales, are still lacking. In this study, we present a soil erosion assessment following the 2017's wildfires at the European scale with the RUSLE model, including an analysis of vegetation recovery and soil erosion mitigation potential (Vieira et al., 2023).

Results indicate a sharp increase in soil losses with 19.4 million Mg additional erosion in the first year following the wildfire when compared to unburned conditions. Over five years, 44 million Mg additional soil losses were estimated, and 46% of the burned area presented no signs of full recovery. Post-fire mitigation with mulching could attenuate these impacts by 63–77%, reducing soil erosion to background levels by the 4th post-fire year. Soil erosion risk based mitigation strategies revealed near optimal mitigation potential when compared with thoses based on burn severity alone.

Our insights may help identifying target policies to reduce land degradation, as identified in the European Union Soil, Forest, and Biodiversity strategies.


Vieira, D.C.S., Borrelli, P., Jahanianfard, D., Benali, A., Scarpa, S., Panagos, P., 2023. Wildfires in Europe: Burned soils require attention. Environmental Research, 2023, 217, 114936. 

How to cite: Vieira, D., Borrelli, P., Jahanianfard, D., Benali, A., Scarpa, S., and Panagos, P.: Burned soils in Europe require attention: post fire soil erosion is long lasting, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13341,, 2023.

EGU23-14954 | Orals | SSS8.2

Mars regolith simulant as substrate for cultivation of higher plants in Space colonies: the need for organic amendment for potato as a case study 

Roberta Paradiso, Antonio Caporale, Greta Liuzzi, Mario Palladino, Stefania De Pascale, and Paola Adamo

Future long-term space exploration beyond Low Earth Orbit and long permanence of human colonies on solar system planets will depend on the development of specific technologies able to regenerate resources, while minimizing the waste production, and to exploit the resources available in-situ. Bioregenerative Life Support Systems (BLSSs) are artificial ecosystems in which appropriately selected organisms are assembled by combining their metabolic routes in consecutive steps of recycling, to reconvert the crew wastes (carbon dioxide, faeces and urine) into edible biomass, oxygen and potable water. Higher plants represent an optimal tool to renew air through photosynthesis, to purify water through transpiration, and to recover waste products through mineral nutrition, while providing fresh food and health benefits to the astronauts. However, the configuration of fertile substrates for plant cultivation based on extra-terrestrial resources is still a challenge.

Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is a candidate crop for space cultivation, based on technical and dietary criteria, including productivity and nutrient composition (content of carbohydrates and proteins). We evaluated the adaptability of potato cv. ‘Colomba’ to the growth on six substrates: the MMS-1 Mars regolith simulant, alone (R100) and in mixture with 30% in vol. of green compost (R70C30), a fluvial sand, alone or mixed with 30% of compost (S100 and S70C30), a red soil from Sicily (RS), and a volcanic soil from Campania (VS). We assessed the physicochemical properties of the substrates, the physiological and biometric parameters, and the nutritional quality of tubers in potato plants grown in pot on in cold glasshouse.

Both R100 and S100 were alkaline (pH ≥8.6) and coarse-textured, lacking organic matter and pivotal macronutrients. The amendment with compost significantly lowered their alkaline pH and improved the chemical fertility. The sandy-loam textured VS was sub-alkaline, slightly calcareous, with higher organic C and nutrient availability than RS. This latter was neutral-to-sub-alkaline, clay textured, poorly calcareous, with significantly higher CEC than VS.

Leaf photosynthesis was higher in plants grown in terrestrial soils and S100. Plant growth was greater in VS, R70C30 and S70C30, while it was reduced on R100. Plants produced healthy tubers on all the substrates.

MMS-1 regolith simulant was found poor in nutrients and unsuitable to sustain adequately the plant growth. Amendment with organic compost improved MMS-1 physiochemical properties and fertility and plant performance.

Keywords: Solanum tuberosum L., controlled environment, Bioregenerative Life Support Systems (BLSSs), in situ resource utilization (ISRU), MMS-1

How to cite: Paradiso, R., Caporale, A., Liuzzi, G., Palladino, M., De Pascale, S., and Adamo, P.: Mars regolith simulant as substrate for cultivation of higher plants in Space colonies: the need for organic amendment for potato as a case study, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14954,, 2023.

Agronomic management is known to affect critical ecosystem services such as soil health, the quality of runoff water and crop production. However, few studies have been able to evaluate all the ecosystem services at the small catchment scale (1-10 ha) through long-term studies. As a part of the Long-Term Agroecosystem Research (LTAR) Network in the US, work at the Riesel Watersheds in Texas has been able to evaluate the role of managing fields with a focus on soil health practices (e.g., no-tillage, cover crops, reduced fertilizer inputs) compared to traditional practices. This presentation will provide the results of five years of study on the management practices related to soil health, water quality, and crop production. In the US, many producers make decision based on economics, so profitability of the practices will also be presented. In brief, reduced fertility inputs coupled with no-tillage and cover crops resulted in gross losses for most years; however, in the fifth year of study these practices resulted in a gross profit of $836 USD/ha, despite a severe drought and high variable costs associate with production. Further, event mean concentrations for dissolved reactive phosphorus were roughly half (0.06 vs 0.13 mg/L) for the field managed for soil health compared to the traditionally managed field. In light of expected high input costs and climate variability, agronomic management to promote soil health and water quality may provide additional benefits to producers.

How to cite: Smith, D., Adhikari, K., and Hajda, C.: Optimizing agronomic management for soil health, water quality, crop production and profitability in the Texas Blackland Prairie, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16713,, 2023.

EGU23-16969 | ECS | Orals | SSS8.2

Factors influencing CES use in Vilnius, Lithuania 

Luis Valença Pinto, Miguel Inácio, Marius Kalinauskas, Katažyna Bogdzevič, Eduardo Gomes, and Paulo Pereira

The assessment of preferences of cultural ecosystem services (CES) in urban areas is crucial for decision-making regarding the management of urban green spaces (UGS), which are expected to suffer intense and increasing pressure worldwide, due to urban population growth and climate warming. In this study, we assessed the perceived relevance of five groups of CES (social activities, inspirational activities, cultural activities, spiritual activities, and physical activities), in Vilnius city, Lithuania (n=1.114), through participatory mapping and preference-based questions (5-point Likert scale). Our results identify Physical and Social activities as the most important CES for the respondents, while Spiritual activities were the less prevalent. Exploratory factor analysis showed that the respondent's recreation experience preferences mostly influenced all CES activity groups except for the Social activities group. Regarding Cultural activities, preferences for understanding things & learn about history are the most relevant. For Inspirational activities, developing knowledge & to learn were the most important aspects. Enjoying nature's quietness & frequency were the most relevant aspects of Physical activities. For Spiritual activities, the most relevant variables are related to the development of spiritual activities and the reflection on personal religious values. Finally, Social activities were mainly influenced by socio-demographic variables, namely Education levelGender and Age group. Regarding the spatial distribution of activities, different CES activity groups showed different spatial distributions. Inspirational activities showed the highest dispersion, and Spiritual activities the highest concentration. The results are of particular relevance to municipal managers, allowing for a better understanding of users’ interactions with the territory, and its multifunctionality, and also for the identification of potential areas of conflict between conservation and recreation.

How to cite: Valença Pinto, L., Inácio, M., Kalinauskas, M., Bogdzevič, K., Gomes, E., and Pereira, P.: Factors influencing CES use in Vilnius, Lithuania, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16969,, 2023.

EGU23-2137 | ECS | Orals | SSS8.4

Exploring the soil health-water quality-ecosystems services nexus of long-term conservation tillage plots under intense irrigation 

Tad Trimarco, Erik Wardle, Emmanuel Deleon, Ansley Brown, Cassidy Buchanan, and James Ippolito

Farmers and land managers are tasked with maintaining high productivity, planning for long-term intensification, and increasingly, making considerations for the impact of their management on ecosystem services. In particular, there has been increasing attention on the role that management practices have on soil health and water quality. Despite a wealth of literature connecting soil health and water quality theoretically or mechanistically, there is little empirical research connecting soil health to land management practices designed to improve water quality. Moreover, those projects that do connect soil health to water quality often do so on farms that meet their irrigation needs through rainfall inputs, potentially missing the impact that reliance on irrigation has on both soil health and runoff water quality.

A number of Best Management Practices (BMPs) have been developed to mitigate the impact of agricultural runoff to receiving water bodies, with conservation or reduced tillage  proposed as a way to reduce the effluent loading of both nutrients and sediment. Additionally, reducing tillage intensity and frequency has been shown to improve soil health along a number of metrics and to sequester carbon for climate change mitigation. However, these concepts have rarely been empirically connected, and even less so in semi-arid environments characterized by high temperatures, low precipitation, and significant inputs. In-depth studies of multiple aspects of environmental health on conservation tillage plots, particularly those performed at farm-scale, can provide insights to inform farmer decision-making.

We examined soil health and water quality metrics on a long-term research conservation vs. conventional tillage comparison site using the Soil Management Assessment Framework (SMAF) and Edge-of-Field Monitoring (EoF) of water quality to elucidate the impact of reduced tillage on furrow-irrigated corn. The SMAF program aims to assign scores ranging from 0.0-1.0 to indicate the relative “healthiness” of a soil with a series of ten biological, chemical, physical, and nutritional measurements. Meanwhile, water quality is evaluated through EoF monitoring of a handful of key water quality analytes in irrigation runoff that pose an environmental problem in the region, and various approaches are used to connect effluent water quality to soil health measurements. These relationships, along with measurements of soil carbon fractionation, crop yield, and farm profitability, are used to evaluate conservation tillage in furrow-irrigated agriculture for a broad set of ecosystem services. Our analysis suggests that conservation tillage provides a number of valuable ecosystem services and general benefits over conventional tillage, including improvements to physical and biological soil health indicators, reduced runoff of nutrients and sediment, reduced carbon intensity of production, and increased farm profitability. However, conservation tillage in furrow-irrigated agriculture is not without its challenges, namely control and management of irrigation water. Overall results are collectively presented to provide a broader comparison of conservation and conventional tillage through an interdisciplinary lens at farm scale and with attention paid to the ways in which farmers make decisions regarding land management.

How to cite: Trimarco, T., Wardle, E., Deleon, E., Brown, A., Buchanan, C., and Ippolito, J.: Exploring the soil health-water quality-ecosystems services nexus of long-term conservation tillage plots under intense irrigation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2137,, 2023.

EGU23-3634 | Posters on site | SSS8.4

'How healthy is my soil?' – A soil care app 

Örjan Berglund, Kerstin Berglund, and Anna Bjuréus

Soil structure and soil health depend on many physical, chemical and biological factors that interact in a complex way and can be hard and expensive to measure. In order to develop a tool to assess soil health and increase awareness among farmers, students and advisors of the importance of good soil health, a soil app, 'How healthy is my soil?' was developed. The EU Rural Development Programme funded the work.

The mobile app is based on earlier research where a Field Test was developed. This Field Test has now been digitized and developed further into the free-of-charge mobile app 'How healthy is my soil?' and is available in Swedish and English for iPhone and Android phones.

The app contains three major parts: 1. General questions about the field, 2. Soil health tests, and 3. A water infiltration test. All tests are easy to perform, and the equipment needed is generally found on a farm. You are step-by-step guided through the tests and asked questions that normally have three answers to choose from. Many pictures, films, and extra information help you interpret what you see. The results are presented and summarized at the end of each test. You can create a PDF with the results to be sent by e-mail to any address of your choice. The GPS and map function in the app makes it easy to find your way back to the same place later to follow up on soil improvement measures taken. More tests will be included in the app in the future.

To get a first picture of how your soil generally works, choose a location representative of the field. To learn more about your soil, you can perform the test at more locations in the field, one that is better than your representative site and possibly a worse place. Then you can compare the actual soil health in the field to how it can appear at its best and worst.

When you have done the tests for a field, you can think about possible mitigation measures based on the overall impression of the results. In the app, you get tips on various soil conservation measures to improve your soil and what you should avoid and minimize to achieve good soil health. You can make an action list for each field.

All parts of the app can be performed separately, but together they give an even better picture of the soil health. By doing the tests regularly, preferably together with other farmers and advisors, it is possible to assess and monitor soil health. From this knowledge, it is possible to develop a long-term strategy to improve the soil of your fields.

How to cite: Berglund, Ö., Berglund, K., and Bjuréus, A.: 'How healthy is my soil?' – A soil care app, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3634,, 2023.

Intensified soil use and management practices have led to serious soil degradation in the world’s croplands, compromising their ability to provide food and ecosystem services. Under the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals framework, “change in soil C stock” has been adopted as a key indicator to assess the degree and extent of cropland degradation. Among the underlying drivers that can cause soil C losses, reduced inputs of organic substrates, tillage-induced soil structural destabilization and erosion-associated lateral matter transfer are regarded as key processes that not only diminish the bulk C content, but also alter the soil C composition of functionally distinct fractions.

In this study, we attempt to analyze the relationship between soil degradation and soil C dynamics from a "beyond bulk” perspective. We selected two study sites, one in Northeast China and one in the Belgian Loam Belt, that share similar bulk soil C content, soil texture and parent materials, but contrasting degrees of soil degradation at regional scale. We will present results on (i) the response of soil aggregate stability, as a measure of soil degradation, to varying bulk C content, as well as to particulate and mineral-associated organic C fractions; (ii) how varied organic inputs and soil erosion intensity could affect the fraction of soil particulate organic carbon that has important control over the level of aggregate stability.

How to cite: Ma, J. and Shi, P.: Assessing soil degradation status in croplands: insights from the variations in soil particulate organic carbon fraction, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4063,, 2023.

EGU23-4377 | ECS | Orals | SSS8.4

What is the place for soils in scenario-based ecosystem services approaches ? A systematic review 

Ottone Scammacca, Alice Cadero, Sabina Asins, Giulia Bondi, Luboš Borůvka, Gabriele Buttafuoco, Costanza Calzolari, Martina Czuba, Cecilie Foldal, Armin Hofbauer, Liia Kukk, Erica Lumini, Eduardo Medina Roldàn, Kerstin Michel, Maria José Molina, Lilian O'Sullivan, Sylwia Pindral, Elsa Putku, Barbara Kitzler, and Christian Walter and the Ottone Scammacca

Prospective studies and scenario-based approaches are pivotal to support land planning, agricultural and environmental management. The integration of soils within such approaches have recently developed significantly, alongside the increasing attention given to soil-related ecosystem services (ES). Such interest is explained by the urgent need to assess how soil ecosystem services and their related threats (ST) (e.g. soil erosion, soil biodiversity loss, soil contamination, soil sealing) may evolve in response to potential changes in climate, production systems or land management. This generally involves describing the dynamics of soil changes over time as a function of different driving forces (e.g., climate change, public policies), but also assessing variations in space considering soil characteristics.

A group of researchers participating in the SERENA project of the EJP Soil program conducted a meta-analysis to study the methods used in existing prospective studies focusing on six soil ES (e.g. biomass production, habitat for biodiversity, hydrological control, environmental pollution control, greenhouse gas and climate regulation, pest and disease control) and ten ST (e.g. soil erosion, soil organic carbon loss, nutrient imbalance, soil acidification, soil contamination, waterlogging, soil compaction, soil sealing, salinization, loss of diversity). Approximately 150 scientific articles referenced in Scopus and the Web of Science were selected in order to analyze how soil properties are considered in scenario-based approaches for ES and ST mapping and assessment.

The objective of this study is to show the results of this  review which involved multiple researchers at the European level in order to highlight how soils are accounted for in ES and ST assessment and mapping exercises through scenario-based approaches. More particularly, the aims of the review are to: i) understand what main drivers are used in scenarization approaches (e.g. land use changes, climate change) and how the scenarios are developed; ii) what are the main soil properties and the associated metrics used to assess and map soil ES and ST, and; iii) what methodological approaches are currently chosen to assess ES and ST changes across time and space.

The outcomes of such an analysis would help highlighting the state of the art of soil ES and ST research at the European level and, therefore, establish milestones to guide future trajectories in the field.

This might support and encourage the harmonization of practices at the European level in ES-related studies and in scenarization practices, in order to create operational and homogeneous tools and frameworks to support the development of pertinent strategies and land-planning policies, with a specific focus on agricultural lands.

How to cite: Scammacca, O., Cadero, A., Asins, S., Bondi, G., Borůvka, L., Buttafuoco, G., Calzolari, C., Czuba, M., Foldal, C., Hofbauer, A., Kukk, L., Lumini, E., Medina Roldàn, E., Michel, K., Molina, M. J., O'Sullivan, L., Pindral, S., Putku, E., Kitzler, B., and Walter, C. and the Ottone Scammacca: What is the place for soils in scenario-based ecosystem services approaches ? A systematic review, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4377,, 2023.

Spain, with 16,902,421 hectares under cultivation, ranks fourth in agricultural production in Europe and tenth worldwide. The weight of the agricultural sector represents 9.2% of the total GDP of the Spanish economy, and it is the sixth economy that contributes the most employment to the European agri-food sector. Knowing the risks associated with the use of agricultural soils, as well as the services that these soils provide to the ecosystem, is of great importance to address problems associated with their management. In the context of the SERENA project (Soil ecosystem services and soil threats modelling and mapping), funded by the European Joint Program on Soil (EJP-Soil), we present, on the one hand, functional indicators expressed in the form of maps of the bundles that are generated between individual soil threats:

- Agricultural Soils / Soil Compaction

- Agricultural Soils / Soil Erosion Rates

- Agricultural Soils / Soil Drought.

Or combined soil threats:

- Agricultural Soil Compaction / Agricultural Soil Erosion Rates

As well as the bundles among the services that agricultural soils provide to the ecosystem, such as:

- Primary production/ Organic carbon content in the soil

- Agricultural Soils / Water retention capacity

- Agricultural Soils / Important areas for the conservation of birds and biodiversity.

These indicators can be useful in the formulation of public policies, in decision-making by end-users, and in the dissemination and transfer of knowledge by social media.

How to cite: Asins, S., Molina, M. J., and Doñate, E.: Agricultural Soils in Spain: mapping the problems that threaten them, and the ecosystem services they provide., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6016,, 2023.

EGU23-6939 * | Posters on site | SSS8.4 | Highlight

An outlook on the state of soil health research 

Fabio Terribile, Angelo Basile, and Antonello Bonfante

Looking to research databases (e.g. WoS), it is self-evident that (i) in the last 5 years there is an exponential increase of papers having a Soil Health (SH) focus (« soil health » in the title), (ii) most of these papers are produced after USA and Asian countries while Europe is well behind (less than 1/3 of USA production), (iii) most of this scientific production is sustained by public authorities (e.g. USDA in USA).

It is also well known that Soil health has become a key topic for policy due to the contribution of the EU Soil Mission. Thanks to this effort, in EU we have an important direction towards its definition since Soil Health needs to deliver a specific list of ecosystem services (after             the Soil Thematic Strategy policy instrument).

Then how to measure soil health? If we look the scientific work on SH, there are plenty of indicators based on soil parameters, soil properties and soil functions, but almost no or minimal ecosystem services evaluations.

The most widespread approaches in scientific literature is to evaluate SH are based on empirical approaches. But if SH has to evaluate ecosystem services and if SH requires approaches easy to be transferable to new areas then it is of paramount importance to stress the need and importance of mechanistic models versus empiric models. In fact decades of research have proved that empirical approaches require much larger calibration dataset and they have also much lower transferability as compared to mechanistic models. Consequently, not all models are the same especially in view of their implementation in operational Decision Support Systems.

This approach it will enable adaptation to every specific region and their related ecosystem services.

What is now required from the research community are: (i) Operational procedures to assess multiscale ecosystem services and the role of soils in contributing to such services and (ii) effective way to communicate results to end-users and stakeholders.


How to cite: Terribile, F., Basile, A., and Bonfante, A.: An outlook on the state of soil health research, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6939,, 2023.

EGU23-7570 | Orals | SSS8.4

Insights into using the HAIR2014 tool to estimate soil pesticide risk in agricultural soils in Ireland 

Alina Premrov, Matthew Saunders, Alison O'Reilly, Mathavan Vickneswaran, Elena Zioga, Dara Stanley, Blanaid White, James C. Carolan, and Jane C. Stout

The HAIR 2014 (HArmonized environmental Indicators for pesticide Risk) modelling tool [1],[2] was used to  estimate the risks of pesticide use in agricultural soils in Irish agricultural  sites. This work  was  undertaken as a part of the PROTECTS research project [3], which is collating the baseline information required to build towards mitigating the impacts of pesticide use in terrestrial ecosystem services in Ireland. We focused on estimating the potential  risks posed by pesticides in a number of agricultural  sites  using specific terrestrial risk-indicators in the HAIR2014 [2] for selected active substances (ASs). on refinements to the  HAIR2014 tool for Irish conditions [4],[5] , and involved adjusting  the tool to include model-inputs at the site-scale for a number of Irish agricultural sites. The sites were sampled and the soils analysed during 2019 and 2021 for  the quantification of  ASs residues, as well as other soil physical-chemical parameters.  Climate data for each site were obtained from the nearest Met Éireann weather station [6]. The information on crop, soil, and ASs application rates obtained from the on-site investigations was fed into HAIR databases. The  previously refined spatial (GEO) database [4], [5] was also adjusted for site-scale modelling. We will present the generated HAIR2014 simulation outputs for selected ASs, such as the acute and chronic terrestrial risk indicators for earthworms (ETRe) [2] for the Irish agricultural sites used in this study. The overarching aim of this work is to generate pesticide risk indicator outputs for Irish agricultural soils that will inform potential site-scale risk assessments and assist the development of recommendations for potential future national soil-monitoring /sampling needs.



Thanks go to Irish Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) for funding the PROTECTS project.




[1] HAIR2014, (last assessed 2022). HArmonized environmental Indicators for pesticide Risk. URLs:;

[2] Kruijne, R., et al.  (2011). HAIR2014 Software Manual (2014);  Hair 2010 Documentation Alterra Wageningen UR.

[3] PROTECTS project, (2018). Protecting terrestrial ecosystems through sustainable pesticide use URL:

[4] Premrov, A., Saunders, M., Zimmermann, J., Stout, J., (2021). Insights into preliminary procedures for estimation of soil pesticide risks in Irish grasslands using HAIR2014 tool, IGRM2021, Limerick, Ireland. URL:

[5] Premrov, A., Saunders, M., et al, and Stout, J.(2022) Insights into using HAIR2014 tool for estimating soil pesticide risks in Irish grasslands for selected herbicide active substances , EGU General Assembly 2022, EGU22-2989, URL:, 2022.

[6] Met Éireann (latest assessed 2023) Historical Data URLs:; CC-BY-4.0; Copyright Met Éireann).

How to cite: Premrov, A., Saunders, M., O'Reilly, A., Vickneswaran, M., Zioga, E., Stanley, D., White, B., Carolan, J. C., and Stout, J. C.: Insights into using the HAIR2014 tool to estimate soil pesticide risk in agricultural soils in Ireland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7570,, 2023.

EGU23-8020 | ECS | Orals | SSS8.4

Regional assessment of soil type and land occupation influence on ecosystem services 

Clémentine Chirol, Delphine Derrien, Laurent Saint-André, and Geoffroy Séré

As highlighted by recent regulations in Europe and worldwide, the multifunctionality of soils and their capacity to deliver services to societies are of increasing importance to land planners and decision makers. Soils provide multiple ecosystem services (ES) including food production, biomass-energy and contribution to climate change regulation through carbon storage. These services need to be estimated and visualised at relevant scales in order to improve their consideration in land planning decisions.

This project aims to map interdependent bundles of soil ecosystem services at a regional scale so that the effect of land planning decisions on ES delivery can be apprehended by stakeholders. The study site is a 320 km2 rural region in Meuse/Haute Marne, France, composed of 56% cropland, 30% forest and 14% grassland. The pedological properties are provided by 85 soil profiles, grouped into 8 dominant soil types, and a 1/50,000 pedological map. Soil typology is dominated by Calcaric cambisols in the agricultural valleys, but features also deep silty and acidic soils in the forested plateaus, shallow rocky calcaric soils on the hillslopes, and deep clay-rich hydromorphic soils in the alluvial valleys.

Using an expert-based decision support model (Destisol1), soil functions and ecosystem services were scored for all spatial units defined by soil type, slope category and land cover. Functions are calculated based on the soil bio-physico-chemical properties across the whole depth of the pedons. Scores, ranging from 0 to 3, are based on expert-based rules defining threshold values for all soil indicators. Correction factors are applied to the ecosystem service scores to account for the effect of land cover. Finally, correlated bundles of ES across all spatial units are obtained by principal component analysis.

Our results synthetise the effect of soil type on ecosystem services provision, and display the spatial synergies and tradeoffs through three maps of ES bundles. The first ES bundle map compiles the provisioning services (food production, provision of construction wood, provision of biomass energy), which depend dominantly on land use. The second map shows the hydrological regulating services (water quality, erosion mitigation and flooding mitigation), which depend on slope, land use and soil hydromorphy. The third map shows the climate and biological regulating services (contribution to climate change regulation through carbon storage, local cooling effect, biodiversity), which depend on land use, soil depth, rock fragment content and organic matter content. Going forward, maps of ES bundles could be generated for different land planning scenarios to assess the ensuing losses and gains of ES, and promote a more holistic consideration of soil ES by stakeholders.

Reference: 1. Blanchart, A. et al. Towards an operational methodology to optimize ecosystem services provided by urban soils. Landsc. Urban Plan. 176, 1–9 (2018).

How to cite: Chirol, C., Derrien, D., Saint-André, L., and Séré, G.: Regional assessment of soil type and land occupation influence on ecosystem services, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8020,, 2023.

EGU23-8079 | Orals | SSS8.4

A web-based tool for the quantification of the soil health based on Ecosystem Services 

Angelo Basile, Marco Acutis, Antonello Bonfante, Marco Botta, Giuliano Langella, Piero Manna, Alessia Perego, Angela Puig-Sirera, Fabio Terribile, and Marialaura Bancheri

A formal definition and quantification of soil health is still a long way off. However, a broad consensus is based on the close connection between the soil capacity to provide ecosystem services and its state of health.

We propose a integrate assessment of multiple potential soil-based ecosystem services through the use of a process-based modelling, simulating the water flow and the crop growth in the soil-plant-atmosphere system.

Specifically, we evaluate the soil contribution to i) Food provision through the biomass estimation; ii) Nutrient and pollutants retention and release through the estimation of soil filtering capacity; iii) Water regulation/runoff and flood control through the number of days showing a potential runoff triggering; iv) Water regulation/water storage through the water yearly stored in the soil; v) Water regulation/groundwater recharge through its yearly value; and vi) Microclimate regulation through the total evapotranspiration. All of the above ecosystem services are combined into one indicator of soil health. 

The proposed approach was framed in the context of the geospatial Decision Support Systems LandSupport ( that, in the latest years, proved to be powerful instruments for the what-if scenario analysis in support of multiple stockholders and end-users.

Through the what-if scenario analysis the end-user can evaluate the soil health resilience of a specific soil by simulating the effects of some degradation processes occurrence: i) a compacted plow layer at a chosen ploughing depth, ii) a compacted soil surface, iii) a thickness reduction of the Ap horizon following an erosion process. Furthermore, the gain in soil health can be evaluated by simulating the effect of an increase of organic matter.

The Soil Health tool is designed to assist Public Authorities, such as regional environmental agencies, farmers and farmer advisors in designing plans and in evaluation of impacts of the measures in order to ensure a good health of the soils.

How to cite: Basile, A., Acutis, M., Bonfante, A., Botta, M., Langella, G., Manna, P., Perego, A., Puig-Sirera, A., Terribile, F., and Bancheri, M.: A web-based tool for the quantification of the soil health based on Ecosystem Services, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8079,, 2023.

EGU23-8573 | ECS | Orals | SSS8.4

Novel Printed Soil Decomposition Sensors Based on Biodegradation 

Madhur Atreya, John-Baptist Kauzya, Stacie DeSousa, Evan Williams, Austin Hayes, Karan Dikshit, Jenna Nielson, Abigail Palmgren, Sara Khorchidian, Shangshi Liu, Anupama Gopalakrishnan, Eloise Bihar, Carson Bruns, Richard Bardgett, John Quinton, Jessica Davies, Jason Neff, and Gregory Whiting

The in situ sensing of soil health through the monitoring of microbial and enzymatic activity has remained a challenge, and is typically limited to laboratory techniques that are time and labor intensive. In addition, results from assessments done offsite do not always reflect real time bio-chemical-physical processes occurring in soil. Here, we present a novel printed decomposition sensor comprising a poly(hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) and carbon composite material.1 As the PHBV binder biodegrades in soil, the resistivity of the composite increases, which can be easily read with low-cost, wireless readout equipment. A correlation can be drawn between sensor response and general microbial activity in both soil and compost tea in as little as 14 days. Since PHBV is degraded by numerous microbes in the soil, it can be considered a “broad spectrum” decomposition sensor. However, this sensor is also a proof of concept that can possibly be modified to detect more specific soil decomposition activity, such as denitrification. We propose that selectivity can be achieved by mapping the enzyme(s) or microbe(s) of interest to a list of candidate binder materials that they reliably degrade. This design methodology considers the physical and chemical properties of these materials before and after degradation in soil and possible effects by interference enzymes and microbes.

1. Atreya, M.; Desousa, S.; Kauzya, J.; Williams, E.; Hayes, A.; Dikshit, K.; Nielson, J.; Palmgren, A.; Khorchidian, S.; Liu, S.; Gopalakrishnan, A.; Bihar, E.; Bruns, C. J.; Bardgett, R.; Quinton, J. N.; Davies, J.; Neff, J. C.; Whiting, G. L. A Transient Printed Soil Decomposition Sensor Based on a Biopolymer Composite Conductor. Adv. Sci. 2022, 2205785, 1–10.


How to cite: Atreya, M., Kauzya, J.-B., DeSousa, S., Williams, E., Hayes, A., Dikshit, K., Nielson, J., Palmgren, A., Khorchidian, S., Liu, S., Gopalakrishnan, A., Bihar, E., Bruns, C., Bardgett, R., Quinton, J., Davies, J., Neff, J., and Whiting, G.: Novel Printed Soil Decomposition Sensors Based on Biodegradation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8573,, 2023.

EGU23-9534 | Posters on site | SSS8.4

SERENA Project: to define relevant change scenarios for evaluating the impact on soil-based ecosystem services in European agricultural landscapes 

Daniela Smiraglia, Veronica Fioramonti, Anna Luise, Nicola Riitano, and Francesca Assennato

SERENA Project aims to improve the effectiveness of European policies on the environment, and in particular on soil, through the analysis of soil-based ecosystem services and soil threats in some of European agricultural landscapes. The need for sustainable and effective agro-management methods, practices and techniques to contribute to the improvement of soil quality and to mitigate the effects of global change scenarios foresee has been widely recognized. In addition to the identification and evaluation of indicators for soil-based ecosystem services and soil threats, the project also foresees to define relevant scenarios based on the best available scientific knowledge, useful for evaluating the dynamics of a variety of land degradation impacts on ecosystem services. A specific study is devoted to the available knowledge on expected projections that main drivers, as climate change, demographic trends, changes in land use/land cover and land management could produce in agricultural soils. The first outcomes of the scenario analysis, and the resulting implications on soil health and on ecosystem services, will be then discussed with end-users to co-construct relevant scenarios to support planning and decision-making processes. This approach considers that the collaboration with end-users plays a key role to address the evaluation of impacts of soil related policies striving to achieve national and global environmental targets, including Agenda 2030 and its Sustainable Development Goals, involving broadly decision-makers and stakeholders, helping their effectiveness.

How to cite: Smiraglia, D., Fioramonti, V., Luise, A., Riitano, N., and Assennato, F.: SERENA Project: to define relevant change scenarios for evaluating the impact on soil-based ecosystem services in European agricultural landscapes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9534,, 2023.

EGU23-9824 | Orals | SSS8.4

Monitoring the evolution of sealed surfaces in Flanders (Belgium) with annual high-resolution soil sealing maps 

Kasper Cockx, Joris Pieters, Ellen Van De Vijver, Peter Willems, and Stijn Vanacker

Soil sealing results in an increased flood risk, reduced water infiltration, higher temperatures in urban areas, decreased carbon storage and biodiversity losses. As the Flanders region in Belgium has one of the highest soil sealing rates in Europe, it is especially prone to these effects. Hence, sustainable spatial management is crucial to ensure a healthy living environment and address climate change. The Flemish government therefore wants to promote de-sealing and limit additional sealing. An example of a concrete policy measure is that by 2050 sealed surfaces in open space zoning have to be reduced by 20% compared to 2015, which corresponds with a decrease of 9 000 ha.  
In order to monitor the evolution of sealed surfaces, and thus the effectiveness of sealing-related policy measures, a method was developed for automatically generating annual and spatially detailed soil sealing maps of Flanders. These maps combine “known” sealing from administrative databases (buildings and transport infrastructure) with modelled sealing based on artificial intelligence. Administrative databases do not (adequately) cover parking lots, private driveways and garden terraces, which are a substantial part of the sealed area in Flanders. Hence, a machine learning model was built for deriving this remaining sealing from 25 cm resolution aerial imagery. For this purpose, an assessor manually labeled the sealed parts on a subset of the images. Based on this training set, a convolutional neural network model was used to produce a sealing probability map, which was converted to a binary modelled sealing map. Finally, a continuity correction was applied to ensure a temporally consistent result across the yearly maps.            
According to this method, 1 m resolution soil sealing maps were obtained for 2013 until 2021. These maps show that an additional area of sealed surfaces of approximately 15 000 ha was constructed in Flanders between 2013 and 2020. They also reveal that de-sealing takes place in Flanders every year, but also is always over-compensated by new sealing. As a result, there is a net increase of soil sealing year after year. The annual soil sealing maps also show an upward trend in open space zoning that moves in the opposite direction to the target of decreasing by 9 000 ha.

How to cite: Cockx, K., Pieters, J., Van De Vijver, E., Willems, P., and Vanacker, S.: Monitoring the evolution of sealed surfaces in Flanders (Belgium) with annual high-resolution soil sealing maps, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9824,, 2023.

EGU23-10508 | Posters on site | SSS8.4

Protocol Development for Quantitative Estimation of Soil Ecosystem Services 

Sung Chul Kim, Jin Wook Kim, Young Kyu Hong, Jung Hwan Yoon, Hyuck Soo Kim, Hee Jung Kim, and Jae E. Yang

Quantitative and qualitative estimation of soil ecosystem has been studied for understanding importance of soil ecosystem. However, estimation of soil ecosystem is a complex process and requires numerous soil properties. The main objectives of this research was i) to select minimum data set of soil properties, ii) to develop quantitative estimation protocol for estimating soil ecosystem and iii) apply the developed protocol for quantification of soil ecosystem in water supply conservation area in Korea. In order to select minimum data set of soil indicators, national soil database provided by Rural Developed Administration (RDA) was used as a raw data set and principal component analysis was used for choosing the minimum data set. Total of 11 soil properties including 4 physical properties (bulk density, sand and clay contents, available water capacity), 5 chemical properties (pH, electric conductivity, soil organic matter, available phosphorus, cation exchange capacity), and 2 biological properties (soil respiration, soil enzyme concentration) were selected for soil indicators. Three representative models (more is better, optimum, and less is better) were obtained for each soil indicators and scaled from 0 to 1 for quantification. Developed quantification protocol was applied in 250 locations from water supply conservation area. The average score for provisioning, regulating, and supplying ecosystem service was 0.50, 0.68, and 0.82 respectively. Based on quantitative estimation of soil ecosystem service in Korea, provisioning ecosystem service including biomass production and water storage needs to be improved.

How to cite: Kim, S. C., Kim, J. W., Hong, Y. K., Yoon, J. H., Kim, H. S., Kim, H. J., and Yang, J. E.: Protocol Development for Quantitative Estimation of Soil Ecosystem Services, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10508,, 2023.

EGU23-11749 | ECS | Orals | SSS8.4

Are soil quality indicators good predictors for agricultural yield? 

Emily Overturf, Felix Seidel, Florian Schneider, and Axel Don

Soil quality scoring is a useful tool in land management as it can help determine the most suitable land use and is used to estimate the value of land for agricultural or forestry production. In agriculture, soil scoring can also help to inform management practices such as fertilizer application and irrigation rates, or even determine taxation levels as is the case in Germany. Various indicator-based soil scoring systems exist, and are often claimed to be linked to crop yield potential as an important ecosystem service.  In Germany, a system more than 100 years old called the Bodenschätzung is still used today and provides the most detailed soil information system for agricultural land across Germany. Calculating the Bodenzahl (soil score) with this method requires expert knowledge, is only applicable to German soils and does not consider climate variables such as mean annual temperature and precipitation. The Müncheberg Soil Quality Rating (MSQR) is an emerging method developed in Germany in 2007 which attempts to make yield potential scoring simpler, more widely applicable and more accurate. This system claims to be usable without extensive training and was suggested to be globally applicable by some previous studies. It also considers climate variables such as drought risk and soil temperature regime that may allow for more accurate yield predictions than soil-only methods like the Bodenzahl. However, there is little evaluation on the relation between soil quality indicators and yield. Therefore, we tested the implementation of the MSQR system and calculated MSQR scores for 3104 sampling points from the first German Agricultural Soil Inventory following the MSQR guide. In addition, we tested the performance of the Bodenschätzung with the Bodenzahl for the sampling points and related these soil quality indicators with 10 years of point specific yield data from our data set.  Preliminary findings suggest that the MSQR may determine yield potential and yield stability better than the Bodenschätzung, likely due to the fact that climate variables are considered. However, MSQR parameters may need to be adjusted locally for the method to accurately predict yields in different regions, which makes a global application of the method more complex. In general, soil indicators seem to predict only part of agricultural yield at national scale with management practices and climate still playing important roles.

How to cite: Overturf, E., Seidel, F., Schneider, F., and Don, A.: Are soil quality indicators good predictors for agricultural yield?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11749,, 2023.

EGU23-12161 | ECS | Orals | SSS8.4

Soil health in Norway: On-farm assessments of soil health with no-till and conventional farming practices 

Frederik Bøe, Jannes Stolte, Loes van Schaik, and Coen Ritsema

Soil health is defined as the capacity of a soil to function as vital living ecosystem. No-tillage is a non-inversion practice that has been highlighted as a practice for improving soil health, and thereby improving soil ecosystem delivery. However, evidence on soil health and farming practices that improve soil health is limited in Norway. We present results on effects of long-term farming practices on soil health in Southeast (SE) Norway on similar soil and topographic characteristics. Physical, chemical, and biological soil indicators were measured on two neighbouring farms, one with no-till and cover crops (NT+CC) and one with conventional harrowing and ploughing (CP), on loam soil in SE Norway. Soil samples were collected to compare soil health indicator between farming practices. We established two systematic sampling grids (~ 0.4 ha) with grid intersection points every 15 m x 15 m to produce a total of 33 sampling points and 17 and 20 cells in the CP and NT+CC field, respectively. We used a combined approach of transect-, point- and cell sampling, depending on the spatial variations of the soil indicators. Soil health indicators included bulk density, cohesion, aggregate stability, saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat), total organic carbon, total nitrogen, pH, permanganate-oxidizable carbon and earthworm count. Preliminary results indicate significantly different (p<0.001) earthworm count in the NT+CC (24.7±6.4) compared to CP (6.0±3.2). Moreover, higher mean Ksat was measured in NT+CC (83.5±29.5 cm/day) compared to CP (46.0±40.0 cm/day). Here we discuss further the effects of no-till and cover crops on soil health and the selection of soil indicators to evaluate soil health.

How to cite: Bøe, F., Stolte, J., van Schaik, L., and Ritsema, C.: Soil health in Norway: On-farm assessments of soil health with no-till and conventional farming practices, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12161,, 2023.

EGU23-12256 | Orals | SSS8.4

Evaluation of soil indicators for agriculture in The Netherlands 

Marjoleine Hanegraaf, Janjo de Haan, Wieke Vervuurt, Sabine Schnabel, Erik Van den Elsen, and Saskia Visser

Since soil health is considered important for both agriculture production and climate change, there is growing consensus on the selection of relevant soil indicators. However, reference and/or target values to evaluate the indicators are poorly defined. We designed a system for a uniform and integral evaluation of soil quality. The system (named BLN) supports the Dutch aims for sustainable management of agricultural soils by 2030 and annual sequestration of 0.5 x 106 kg carbon. BLN consists of a set of soil health indicators and corresponding reference values for assessing ecosystem services, e.g. carbon sequestration, bulk density, and microbial biomass. Pre-selected features of BLN are: i) give a reliable representation of integral soil quality, ii) able to detect changes in soil quality in time and space, iii) applicable for national and/or regional regulatory monitoring purposes as well as field and/or farm management. Indicators and analytical methods were selected on the basis of accuracy, reliability, rapidity, and cost-effectiveness. Initial reference and/or target values were taken from a national survey and from literature. The system distinguishes reference and target values ​​for four different soil type / land use combinations. BLN Version 1.1 comprises 18 indicators for soil organic matter, chemical, physical and/or biological aspects of soil health, many of which are from routine soil analysis. To test its use, BLN was applied within a network of arable farms covering the major arable regions in The Netherlands. Soil samples were taken in autumn 2019, 2021 and 2022 and analysed for BLN and other soil parameters e.g. disease suppressiveness. Also, details of annual soil and farm management since 2010 were registered, as well as regional climate statistics. Data-analyses include change over time for individual indicators, PCA-analysis with all measured indicators, and, for soil carbon, modelling with the ROTHC-model. Results will be discussed viz. a multi-criteria approach for further development of the BLN system, including possible improvement of reference / target values as well as extension of the system with other soil type / land use combinations.

How to cite: Hanegraaf, M., de Haan, J., Vervuurt, W., Schnabel, S., Van den Elsen, E., and Visser, S.: Evaluation of soil indicators for agriculture in The Netherlands, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12256,, 2023.

Beginning in 2020 the research of the MultiFruit cluster seeks to optimize food production and the provision of ecosystem services in multifunctional landscapes. Joining agricultural production with the provision of ecosystem services and the preservation of biological diversity, the outcomes of this project aim to provide comprehensive findings to farmers, and the agricultural community as a whole, that are also applicable in the face of climate change. Active apple orchards located in greater Brandenburg, Germany of both organic and conventional management practices have been selected as the sites of research. The present state of organic apple orchards in Germany can best be described as organic “conventionalization”; high yielding orchards with little to no plant diversity, with the major differences being the substitution of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides with organic alternatives certified by the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (Bundesamt für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit). The project implements an interdisciplinary approach, with researchers of ecology, economics, soil and microbial sciences. The ecological subproject is investigating how local management measures and the surrounding landscapes affect natural pest control by beneficial insects. The soil group are investigating the toxicological and soil health impacts of conventional and organic practices through analysis of both plant and soil material collected from the orchards. Microbial studies seek to provide information on the microorganisms that promote the growth, health, and performance of fruit trees. The economic studies aim to assess the costs and benefits of management measures and resulting pest control services for fruit growers and society as a whole. The overall expected outcome of this cluster is to maximize ecosystem services provided by the orchards while optimizing yield and maintaining soil and orchard health.  Here we show the preliminary results of the 2021 field campaign related to the soil group. The processed plant and soil material was analyzed at our laboratory and total elemental concentration of all constituents was determined using Microwave assisted MP-AES for select metals and cations (Zn, Cu, Fe, Al, Mg, Ca, K). These results, in conjunction with measured soil properties (pH, EC, Scheibler carbonate measurement, Total N, Total C) aid in the effort to determine the effects of the various management practices on the soil health and the mobility and translocation of metals and cations within the plant tissues.

How to cite: Grimm, M., Sut-Lohmann, M., Raab, T., and Heinrich, M.: Integrated analysis of Multifunctional Fruit production landscapes to promote ecosystem services and sustainable land-use under climate change (MultiFruit): Approaches and first results of soil sampling campaign, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12714,, 2023.

EGU23-13094 | Posters on site | SSS8.4

A conceptual framework to link some soil concepts: Soil Quality, Soil Health, Soil-based Ecosystem Services, Soil threats. A proposition from the EJP SOIL – SERENA project 

Isabelle Cousin, David Montagne, Rodrigo Anton-Sobejano, Ottone Scammacca, Janjo De Haan, and Erik van den Elsen

The EU Soil Strategy aims at providing EU soils in a healthy state by 2050, with the intermediate objective of 70% of healthy soils by 2030.  This ambitious objective urges both the monitoring of Soil Quality and Health over the whole of Europe, and the development of sustainable management practices to restore degraded soils.  The links between some soil concepts remain unclear and limit the evaluation of management practices to improve Soil Health and Quality. In the framework of the EJP SOIL programme, the SERENA project developed a framework to interconnect a set of key concepts like Soil Quality, Soil Health and Soil Ecosystem Services, and Soil Threats. Some definitions have first been browsed from the literature, and adaptations/syntheses have been proposed and ranked by the SERENA project participants in order to arrive at a set of definitions supported by scientist from participating EU countries. A conceptual framework has then been proposed, initially based on the framework proposed by the EJP SOIL project SIREN. It is mainly based on a 2 interlinked boxes representation, combining the ecosystem and the socio-economic system. Ecosystem Services (ES) are considered both as a supply, from the ecosystem, or as a use, by the socio-economic system, which is the part of the ES supply directly or indirectly used or experienced by the society (farmers, institutions, whole population). The Natural Soil Capital, consisting mainly as the below-ground processes and functions, determines the ES supply by the whole ecosystem under specific conditions and type of use, together with the aboveground processes and functions associated to the other components of the ecosystem. Society is also responsible for the pressures on the whole system: it can either increase threats on soils (through the increase of cultivated land areas or intensification of agricultural practices, for example), or improve Soil Quality, Soil Natural Capital, and ES supply (thanks to agricultural practices increasing soil carbon stocks, for example). The main originalities of the SERENA frameworks are: i) to consider both Soil Quality and Soil Threats at the interface between the ecosystem and the socio-economic system, ii) to conceptualise a Soil Health threshold as a specific level of Soil Quality to define either healthy or unhealthy soils. The proposed conceptual framework of the SERENA project is open to discussion in the whole Soil Science community. A common and shared framework as such would enable a homogeneous and more structured research about soil ecosystem services and a better communicability to policy-makers and the general public.

How to cite: Cousin, I., Montagne, D., Anton-Sobejano, R., Scammacca, O., De Haan, J., and van den Elsen, E.: A conceptual framework to link some soil concepts: Soil Quality, Soil Health, Soil-based Ecosystem Services, Soil threats. A proposition from the EJP SOIL – SERENA project, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13094,, 2023.

EGU23-14468 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS8.4

Regional assessment of agricultural soil ecosystem services and bundles definition through spatial analysis. A regional approach in Navarre (Spain). 

Rodrigo Antón, Iñigo Virto, João Augusto Coblinski, and Isabelle Cousin

Soils play a crucial role in the sustainable delivery of a wide range of ecosystem services (ES), linking soil functions of ecosystems to human well-being and socio-economic activities. When such linkages are well recognized, in a medium to long-term trajectories in the delivery of soil-based ecosystem services (SES) in relation to climate and land use or soil management are poorly known, particularly when it is not question of individual services but to bundles of services and their relationships. The identification and assessment of bundles of ES, and the definition of reference thresholds represents a key point in the assessment of soil multifunctionality and in the monitoring of soil health.

The region of Navarre (10,391 km2) is characterized by a high climatic variability, with a rainfall gradient ranging from >2500 mm in the north to <350 mm in the southeast, as the most significant natural division in the territory. This translates into a variability in terms of agricultural use, which represents 39% of the total area with 90.7% cropland and 9.3% grassland, and where more than 30% is irrigated. This agricultural use was characterized in the context of the LIFE NADAPTA project, which aims to improve the adaptive management of agriculture soils to climate change in the region. In the framework of this project, twelve zones with homogeneous conditions for plant growth were defined by combining biogeographical and vegetation series information. In a second step a network of more than 150 agricultural plots within the region were defined, where a set of soil indicators were measured, including topsoil organic carbon, available water holding capacity and bulk density.

Going a step further, this work proposes the assessment of the SES provided by the agricultural soils in the region according to different stratification options of the territory, with the aim of identifying patterns in the support of SES within these stratifications. The hypothesis of the work is that a correct stratification of the territory can allow the clustering of the territory in homogeneous service providing areas and, therefore, identify bundles of SES and define reference thresholds.To this end, a first phase involved the identification and selection of the main SES provided by the soils in the region and the definition of a set of indicators for their evaluation. The SES considered are i) biomass production, ii) erosion control, iii) climate regulation and iv) hydrological control. The definition of SES indicators has been done using the cascade as a general indicator framework. The set of indicators are going to be evaluated in a second phase of the work at the regional scale according to different stratification options within the region: no stratification, NADAPTA zoning, land use and climatic stratification.

How to cite: Antón, R., Virto, I., Coblinski, J. A., and Cousin, I.: Regional assessment of agricultural soil ecosystem services and bundles definition through spatial analysis. A regional approach in Navarre (Spain)., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14468,, 2023.

EGU23-14776 | Orals | SSS8.4

Define optimum carbon levels in soils in view of multiple soil functions 

Gerard Ros, Kees van den Dool, and Wim De Vries

Soil organic matter (SOM) content is key for a healthy and high-quality agricultural soil and drives soil processes controlling both crop yield and environmental losses. An increase in soil organic matter or carbon (SOC) levels is seen, both by many conventional farmers and by policy makers, as a desirable objective. Better plant nutrition due to retention of nutrients (N, P, S, micronutrients), ease of cultivation, penetration and seedbed preparation, greater aggregate stability, reduced bulk density, improved water holding capacity and enhanced porosity have all been associated with increased amounts of SOC. A critical threshold for SOC below which the soil becomes less fertile and sustainable is however missing. Consideration of such critical levels involves assessment of the quantitative evidence, i.e. the nature of SOM and the properties it confers on soils, whether justifiable limits can be set for a range of soil types, climatic conditions, or land management/cropping practices and, finally, whether there are any dis-benefits from an increase in SOM levels in soils. Using quantitative relationships derived from literature we assessed the contribution of SOC to the aforementioned soil functions and properties, and linked this contribution to critical targets for the soil functions evaluated. Using this we derived an optimum SOC range for agricultural soils and we illustrate the potential benefits of changes in SOC for most common agricultural systems across Europe. 

How to cite: Ros, G., van den Dool, K., and De Vries, W.: Define optimum carbon levels in soils in view of multiple soil functions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14776,, 2023.

EGU23-14922 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS8.4

Spontaneous groundcover on olive grove management: effects on water infiltration and soil aggregate stability 

Javier González-Canales, Omar Anton, Adrian Borrego, Alfredo Cuevas, Ana Moreno-Delafuente, Rubén Ramos, and Blanca Sastre

Traditional olive grove management based on frequent tillage promotes erosion and soil structure loss. As a result, soil health decreases driving to degraded and impoverished soils. This problem is worst due to the location of olive groves in slope areas and the climate of central Spain, with long periods of drought and extreme rainfall events, which enhanced the erosion of bare soil. A shift to a more sustainable management model is needed, proposing groundcovers (GC) as an alternative to frequent tillage (TLL), aiming to increase soil organic carbon, protecting and retaining the soil from erosion and increasing nutrient cycling and, at the same time, enhancing other ecosystem services such as carbon sequestration and the increase in soil biodiversity. A trial was carried out in LEÑOSOST project (2018-2021) selecting 16 pairs of olive groves from different farmers in Madrid Region, with a low-density framework of approximately 70 trees·ha-1 (12x12 m spacing). Each plot pair was composed of spontaneous groundcover management and its equivalent with traditional tillage. Soil sampling was carried out at four depths (0-5 cm, 5-10 cm, 10-20 cm and 20-30 cm) for the analysis of specific physical, chemical and microbiological soil properties, such as water-stable aggregates, calculated according to Kemper and Rosenau method (1986) and expressed as the percentage of micro-aggregates wet sieving resistant (< 2 mm diameter). Some soil physical properties were also measured "in situ", such as water infiltration, using a simple ring infiltrometer (Ø=12.5 cm) following the method described in USDA (2001). It has been observed that vegetation cover increases the infiltration rate almost twice in GC plots (109 mm·h-1) than in TLL plots (52mm·h-1), while the percentage of water-stable aggregates under 0-5 cm depth increased the most (49% under GC regarding 38% under TLL plots, p<0.05). Therefore, using groundcovers as olive grove management improves rainwater infiltration, enhancing water storage to be used by the olive tree, and allows the formation of soil aggregates that control soil erosion and host a large number of soil microorganisms thus, improving their functions of decomposition of organic matter and within the nutrient cycling, contributing to improve soil health.

How to cite: González-Canales, J., Anton, O., Borrego, A., Cuevas, A., Moreno-Delafuente, A., Ramos, R., and Sastre, B.: Spontaneous groundcover on olive grove management: effects on water infiltration and soil aggregate stability, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14922,, 2023.

EGU23-15010 | Orals | SSS8.4

Spatial relationships among soil-based ecosystem services can vary at the regional and local level 

Eduardo Medina Roldán, Romina Lorenzetti, Fabrizio Ungaro, and Costanza Calzolari

Ecosystem services (ESs) are currently seen as a useful support tool in the context on land management and environmental policies. Thus, great efforts are in progress for exploiting their potential. One of such ESs-based tools is when two or more ESs are taken into account at the same time. Here we analysed at a regional scale, soil-based ecosystem services (SESs), and their bundles (relationships consistent in space and time among two or more ESs taken into account ), showing their usefulness for decision makers. We used SESs derived from specific-calibrated data (produced through soil digital mapping) on soil properties from the plain area of Emilia Romagna in Italy, and applied spatially-explicit tools to investigate SESs relationships (i.e., synergistic or antagonistic/trade-offs).


ESs relationships in the bundles concept are usually understood as constant at a global spatial basis. For instance, a bivariate ESs relationship such as a trade-off between soil carbon and crop production are usually assumed to remain constant all over the extension of a particular area of study. However, our approach shows that, at the local level, there can be deviations from the global relationships among SESs. In such local deviations the sign of the SESs relationship can can even change (e.g., a global SESs trade-off can show local synergies). At our case such deviation from a global trade-off to local scale synergy was observed for such SESs as carbon stock (CST) and water infiltration capacity (WAR). The deviation in the CST-WAR pair relationship was likely caused by how particular soil properties determine these SESs, since the local deviations in this SESs pair were associated to pedo-units at the landscape scale with particular properties. Thus, management practices that try to maximise such SESs with a single approach at a global level (study area) are likely to succeed in some, but not all of such pedo-units. Overall, our approach highlights how SESs can be useful in guiding land management decisions, and how inherent soil properties play a role in determining the relationships among SESs.

How to cite: Medina Roldán, E., Lorenzetti, R., Ungaro, F., and Calzolari, C.: Spatial relationships among soil-based ecosystem services can vary at the regional and local level, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15010,, 2023.

EGU23-15094 | Orals | SSS8.4

Data-RAS A National Digital Soil Radioactivity Map 

Roberto Barbetti, Giuseppe Corti, Flavio Fontana, and Claudia Fontana

The Council Agricultural Research and Economics, Research Centre for Agriculture and Environments of Florence, (CREA-AA), National Soil Archive (ARCAN) is an important resource for current and future soil research. ARCAN holds 32,612 archived specimens, collected from 13,156 sites across Italy. The ARCAN is also very relevant from a historical and agroecological point of view, collecting soil samples from surface and subsurface horizons, in some cases taken before Chernobyl and almost all after Chernobyl (1986-2021). In particular, 7,000 agricultural samples are representative of all regions of Italy, collected in the same year (1994), with the same standard sampling and analysis protocol. In this work we show up a new database management system (DATA-RAS) to achieve Vis-Nir spectroscopy data and environment radioactivity data on ARCAN soil samples. Combined use of Vis-Nir and gamma ray spectroscopy to predict soil properties offers a task to populate the database. After that it is possible to obtain a digital soil map of artificial or natural radioactivity of Italian soils. The main purpose of this work is show up an Entity Relationship model of DATA-RAS, that represents other than a database a Smart Data Exchange a system to better managing ARCAN and rapidly exchanging information with other national and European partners. The ultimate goal is to use the most advanced information and communication technologies to create an innovative platform that digitally manages open data with 3D methods and augmented and virtual reality techniques (AR and VR). The DATA-RAS platform will be integrated with scientific information systems and a natural language interface for knowledge communication.

How to cite: Barbetti, R., Corti, G., Fontana, F., and Fontana, C.: Data-RAS A National Digital Soil Radioactivity Map, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15094,, 2023.

EGU23-15508 | Posters on site | SSS8.4

Multi-approach assessment of soil-based ecosystem services: the study case of Emilia Romagna Region (Italy) 

Piero Manna, Alessandra Aprea, Marialaura Bancheri, Angelo Basile, Gabriele Buttafuoco, Costanza Calzolari, Eduardo Medina, Paola Tarocco, and Fabrizio Ungaro

The European vision for soil by 2050 is anchored in the EU biodiversity strategy for 2030 and in the Climate Adaption Strategy with the purpose of contributing significantly to several objectives of the European Green Deal and Sustainable Development Goal 15.3 of the United Nations. Consequently, Soil based Ecosystem Services (SESs) have now become a critical topic within the scientific community and policy where both definition and quantification of SESs are being actively discussed. Based on available inputs, different approaches can be chosen at the required spatial scale and outputs. Among the many available approaches, there are those based on a time-invariant soil property (e.g., clay content, AWC) or on a soil property varying on time (e.g., SOM), or yet process-based (e.g., soil functions). The study was carried out within the EJP Soil SERENA project and was aimed at comparing the outcomes of two different approaches for assessing SESs, in which soil physics is the key factor in regulating the functioning of agricultural ecosystems. In particular, i) a physically based modelling approach to map and quantify multiple potential SESs considering the non-linear processes and dynamic nature of the whole ecosystem ii) a spatially explicit indicators-based approach based on DSM and geostatistics. Both approaches are fed with soil data from the regional soil database. The study area (3703 km2) is the province of Bologna (Emilia Romagna Region, NE Italy) and was chosen because of its large variability in terms of pedoclimatic conditions with 7 climatic zones and about 200 soil mapping units. The comparison involved the following SESs: water regulation and storage, buffering capacity, climate regulation (via C stock sequestration), crop production, and was performed in terms of data availability, spatial scale, output provided, and users’ needs.

How to cite: Manna, P., Aprea, A., Bancheri, M., Basile, A., Buttafuoco, G., Calzolari, C., Medina, E., Tarocco, P., and Ungaro, F.: Multi-approach assessment of soil-based ecosystem services: the study case of Emilia Romagna Region (Italy), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15508,, 2023.

EGU23-16139 | Posters on site | SSS8.4

Methodological framework towards the synthesis of multiple biological indices of soil quality 

Stefano Mocali, Francesco Vitali, Loredana Canfora, Andrea Manfredini, Gaia Bigiotti, Francesca Antonucci, Simone Figorilli, Simona Violino, Federico Pallottino, Flavia Pinzari, Eligio Malusà, and Corrado Costa

A multi-factorial parametric characterization of soil health is crucial to monitor the correct provision of soil ecosystem services (ES) and to ensure its preservation over time in the current climate change scenario. In this framework, the implementation of biological indicators is still lagging the established use of physical and chemical indicators for soil quality assessment. Moreover, different biological groups are often analysed separately and not like a unique set of dynamic compartments that necessarily interact with each other, mutually determining soil biodiversity. Different initiatives at EU level have been undertaken to improve soil biodiversity monitoring practices, to finally promote their integration into Member States’ national soil quality monitoring policies. Nevertheless, few initiatives clearly aimed at evaluating the multiple level integration of soil health monitoring indices. at multiple level, and established practices for determining and communicating multi-level soil biological health are still scarce.

The aim of this work is to ultimately develop a framework for the synthesis of multiple indices of soil quality, focused on biological indicators, to determine soil health and monitor its provision of ES. This work dwells at the intersection of the EXCALIBUR and EJP-Soil (MINOTAUR) European projects action and consortia. As a proof-of-concept, we selected "nutrient cycling" as ES to be evaluated. We identified the soil chemical and physical indicators that could be used for the monitoring of this ES under real field conditions within different pedoclimatic contexts, and we used those variables to build an "a priori" knowledge set and model of the nutrient cycling features in the considered samples. Next, we selected a set of possible biological indicators at different scales (Ii.e. synthetic indices or specific community components) and for different levels of soil biota (Ii.e. meso-fauna, micro-fauna, bacterial and fungal microbiota). Finally, we investigated the relationship between biological and chemical-physical indicators with the working hypothesis of identifying the most robust relationships. Different unsupervised data analysis methodologies were assessed for their ability in the evaluation ofuncovering the relationship between abiotic and biotic variables, also paying attention to the possibility of clear representation of the data and results for improved communication

How to cite: Mocali, S., Vitali, F., Canfora, L., Manfredini, A., Bigiotti, G., Antonucci, F., Figorilli, S., Violino, S., Pallottino, F., Pinzari, F., Malusà, E., and Costa, C.: Methodological framework towards the synthesis of multiple biological indices of soil quality, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16139,, 2023.

EGU23-16392 | ECS | Orals | SSS8.4

Handbook to establish a large-scale soil biodiversity monitoring: the French experience of the RMQS-Biodiversity 

Camille Imbert, Lucia Santorufo, Carole Ortega, Claudy Jolivet, Apolline Auclerc, Nolwenn Bougon, Yvan Capowiez, Bruno Chauvel, Nathalie Cheviron, Daniel Cluzeau, Jérôme Cortet, Mickael Hedde, Antoine Lévêque, Florence Maunoury-Danger, Christian Mougin, Laurent Palka, Guénola Pérès, Lionel Ranjard, Cécile Villenave, and Antonio Bispo

One quarter of the living beings are located beneath our feet but we know very little of them (FAO, 2020). This statement will perhaps quickly change because the soils are now on the political agenda. For France, soil is mentioned in the Green Pact at European level (Montanarella, 2020) and in the country government's Biodiversity Plan. The law on soil health is also planned for 2023 (Köninger et al., 2022). However, as its biological component remains poorly understood, the indicators used by stakeholders give only a biased view of soil quality (Lehmann et al., 2020). It is therefore urgent to catch up on the knowledge of soil biodiversity in order to establish benchmarks for bioindicators, based on standardised data.

In parallel, the French Biodiversity Office working on the linkages between all French terrestrial biodiversity monitorings, pointed out the absence of soil biodiversity monitoring in France.

Rather than creating de novo a soil biodiversity monitoring, it was preferred to add biodiversity surveys to the already existing French Soil Quality Monitoring Network (RMQS), hereafter called the RMQS-Biodiversity. The RMQS covers a big part of the French territory (the continental part as the over seas) since 2000. Every year, 180 study sites are sampled. Thus, all the sites are sampled in 10-12 years (Jolivet et al., 2018). The RMQS provides data about all physical and chemical aspects of soils. Regarding the soil biological component, microorganisms and enzymatic activities are also surveyed. By the past, soil fauna was studied on around 100 sites but the experience was not maintained (Imbert et al., 2021). Moreover, a major strength of the RMQS is the network of involved people included the 12 field teams, the coordination team, the funders and data users (researchers and stakeholders).

To implement the biological measurements, we gathered a group of experts on soil biodiversity. As meetings go by, five protocols were defined to assess the most exhaustively possible the soil biodiversity taxa and three functions (soil macroporosity, enzymatic activities and organic matter degradation).  

Then, the protocols were tested in real conditions on 30 RMQS study sites with the field teams. The duration of each protocol was quoted to clearly assess the costs.

We concluded that the biodiversity sampling of 180 RMQS study sites per year, would cost around 1 000 000 euros. We propose five scenarios giving compromises between financial costs and data quality.

If the RMQS-Biodiversity is maintained, it would make possible: 1) to advance on the still too partial knowledge of soil biodiversity and its interactions with agricultural practices and 2) based on the knowledge acquired, to develop bioindicators and their benchmarks, in order to accurately assess soil quality, in the context of Soil Health (Lehmann et al., 2020).  A complete soil monitoring, including its three components (physical, chemical and now biological), would thus provide a relevant tool to policy- makers to reach reconciling human activities and soil integrity.

How to cite: Imbert, C., Santorufo, L., Ortega, C., Jolivet, C., Auclerc, A., Bougon, N., Capowiez, Y., Chauvel, B., Cheviron, N., Cluzeau, D., Cortet, J., Hedde, M., Lévêque, A., Maunoury-Danger, F., Mougin, C., Palka, L., Pérès, G., Ranjard, L., Villenave, C., and Bispo, A.: Handbook to establish a large-scale soil biodiversity monitoring: the French experience of the RMQS-Biodiversity, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16392,, 2023.

EGU23-16690 | Orals | SSS8.4

Pedodiversity, biodiversity, and SOC storage in an alpine pasture 

Chiara Ferré, Gaia Mascetti, Sara Agaba, Roberto Fuccella, Rodolfo Gentili, and Roberto Comolli

Mountain soils provide a variety of ecosystem services (ES) that are increasingly threatened by anthropogenic impacts and climate change.

We present here the results of a study on the pedodiversity, biodiversity, and soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration of alpine soils in a pasture of the central Alps, that took into account the effect of morphology and vegetation. The study area was the Andossi plateau (350 ha) in Valchiavenna (Lombardy Region), between 1800 and 2000 m elevation.

As part of the PascolAndo project, whose goal was to promote sustainable pasture management, at 160 georeferenced points we characterized soils (down to bedrock or a maximum of 50 cm) and carried out the floristic survey to define the vegetation type; soil samples were collected by horizons and analyzed for the main soil properties.

The main soil types were Leptosols, Regosols, Cambisols, Umbrisols, Podzols, Gleysols and Histosols, strongly related to geomorphology and vegetation type (peat bogs, earth hummocks, and poor, calcareous, shrub and rich pastures).

Histosols and Gleysols of peatland and wet areas showed the highest SOC stock with an average of 31.8±2.6 kg m-2 and 23.3±2.7 kg m-2 respectively, followed by Umbrisols, distributed all over (17.2±6.2 kg m-2), and Podzols (16.6±4.6 kg m-2), typical of poor pastures and shrub areas. The most prevalent soils on the plateau were Cambisols (average SOC stock of 13.6±2.7 kg m-2): Eutric Cambisols were primarily in rich pasture and Dystric Cambisols in poor pasture. Among poorly developed soils, Regosols stored on average 10.8±4.2 kg m-2, while Leptosols, widespread on steep slopes in calcareous pastures and shrub areas, showed the lowest SOC stock (9.6±4.9 kg m-2).

Soil types, vegetation types, and SOC were first modeled using geomorphometric variables (27 variables extracted from a 4-m resolution DTM) and vegetation indices (NDVI, NDWI, NDRE, for 3 dates of the growing season, extracted from Sentinel 2 images) and then spatially estimated, allowing quantification of the pedodiversity, biodiversity, and SOC sequestration in the study area.

The study showed that the plateau has a high level of biodiversity and pedodiversity, with OC-rich soils that are important for regulating the global climate. There was evidence that grazing and livestock loading affected soil ES by acting on biodiversity, soil fertility, and erosion.

How to cite: Ferré, C., Mascetti, G., Agaba, S., Fuccella, R., Gentili, R., and Comolli, R.: Pedodiversity, biodiversity, and SOC storage in an alpine pasture, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16690,, 2023.

EGU23-17196 | Posters on site | SSS8.4

Capability of selected indicators for soil organic carbon stability to predict soil functions 

Guusje Koorneef, Ron de Goede, Sophie van Rijssel, Mirjam Pulleman, and Rob Comans

Soil organic carbon (OC) is pivotal for soil functioning, especially in the domains of elemental cycling, disease control and the regulation of soil structure and water. High OC contents are generally associated with improved soil functioning, and therefore OC content is widely used as a soil health indicator. The stability of OC influences all functions that depend on microbial decomposition (e.g. nutrient provisioning) or carbon retention (e.g. C sequestration). Yet, a standardized indicator for OC stability that can be used in soil health assessments is still in development. Here, we investigate to what extent selected OC stability indicators can predict soil functioning, and which type of OC stability indicator improves predictions most as an additional measurement besides OC content.

We collected soil samples from arable fields in the Netherlands on marine clay (n=144) and sand (n=81) soils. For each soil sample, 18 different soil function measurements were performed and grouped into 3 function domains (i.e. elemental cycling, disease control, and the regulation of soil structure and water). In addition, 21 OC stability indicators were analyzed and grouped into 4 types of OC stability indicators (i.e. carbon pools; carbon fractions, thermal stability indicators, and indicators based on elemental ratio). Multiple linear regression was used to determine how much of the variation in each soil function measurement could be predicted by the OC stability indicators and other measured intrinsic soil properties (e.g. texture and pH).

We found that OC stability and intrinsic soil properties could significantly predict soil functions better in the domain of regulation of soil structure and water (R2adj=40±18%) than in the other 2 function domains (elemental cycling: R2adj =32±31%; disease control: R2adj =22±11%). OC stability indicators could predict 80±26% of this maximum explainable variation, averaged over all soil functions (clay: 82±18%; sand: 77±32%). This percentage did not differ significantly between the function domains. A regression model with only total OC content explained 18±21% of the maximum explainable variation (clay:23±26%; sand:14±14%). The addition of 1 OC stability indicator increased this percentage to 49±23% (clay: 58±20%; sand: 39±22%). Predictions of soil functioning were most strongly improved by including a thermal stability indicator in addition to total OC content.

We conclude that OC stability indicators can predict soil functioning adequately and that thermal stability indicators show particular potential as OC stability indicator in soil health assessments.

How to cite: Koorneef, G., de Goede, R., van Rijssel, S., Pulleman, M., and Comans, R.: Capability of selected indicators for soil organic carbon stability to predict soil functions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17196,, 2023.

EGU23-17354 | Posters on site | SSS8.4

Microbial bioindicators of soil health and management practices using long-term experiments across Europe 

Marketa Mareckova, Alena Maslova, Darya Nasyrova, Jan Kopecky, Guenola Peres, Felipe Bastida, Carmen Trasar-Cepeda, Cristina Aponte, and Stefano Mocali

Soil health has been defined as the soil's capacity to support crop growth without becoming degraded. Yet, soil health is under threat by overuse, climate change, salinization, erosion, compaction, nutrient depletion, contamination with toxic heavy metals or pesticides, overgrazing, and human assisted migration of soil-borne pests. Many agricultural practices that are proposed to be sustainable provide relatively small improvements and merely slow down the rate of degradation, which means that soils remain endangered. Thus, not only improvements in soil quality and fertility, but also a restoration of the soil food web, locking-up carbon in soil organic matter, improving water holding capacity, and diminishing soilborne pest outbreaks need to be addressed. To establish a representative database of soil factors changes induced by various agriculture management as well as factors reflecting local soil conditions and climate, seven long term experiments were sampled for physical, chemical and biological soil characteristics. Those include also the community composition and quantity of microorganisms, namely bacteria, archaea and fungi, which seem to be the most promising soil bioindicators. Thus, the main goal of the study was to combine the soil factors representing soil management and relate them to soil microbial communities for estimation of changes in microbial phylogenetic and functional diversity, which will be proposed as indicators of soil health. Since some management practices are replicated within our data set, the selected indicators will be determined using one set of sites and confirmed using another set of sites. The experiment is part of the EJP Soil – MINOTAUR project and covers different regions of Europe, so we anticipate proposing those indicators for agriculture practices as a measure of changes in soil quality and prediction of future soil development.

How to cite: Mareckova, M., Maslova, A., Nasyrova, D., Kopecky, J., Peres, G., Bastida, F., Trasar-Cepeda, C., Aponte, C., and Mocali, S.: Microbial bioindicators of soil health and management practices using long-term experiments across Europe, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17354,, 2023.

EGU23-17438 | Posters on site | SSS8.4

Importance of harmonized data in soil macrofauna monitoring in Europe- Soil management a key indicator 

Sharjeel Ashfaq, Guénola Pérès, Rajasekaran Murugan, and Johann Zaller

Soil macrofauna plays a crucial role in ecosystem services and stability. They perform diverse set of ecosystem services that contribution to soil health, plant, and human wellbeing. However, little is known about the diversity, abundance, and distribution of soil macrofauna in Europe. Furthermore, the extent to which soil management practices impact these soil microorganisms in agroecosystems across pedoclimatic conditions is not well understood. Investigating of underlying ecological relationships is hampered by the lack of harmonized, interactive, and continental-scale data in agroecosystems. To assess the role of soil macrofauna in agricultural soils, appropriate functional indicators with their patterns and biomass are needed. The project MINOTAUR (Modelling and mapping soil biodiversity patterns and functions across Europe) under the EJP SOIL program aims to address the lack of harmonized and central databases for soil macrofauna and their driving factors in agricultural soils across Europe. Soil macrofauna’s diversity and biomass are being identified and collected from various data platforms, databases, EU projects and considers grey data sources in different countries. Standardized metadata templates have developed for collected data in reference to location, management practices and condition of agricultural soils. The database in agricultural systems will be compared (arable vs perennial) with associated soil functions and properties. Data will be harmonized with closely interaction with project partners (e.g., EUdaphobase, European Soil Observatory, JRC databases) to make an interactive inventory of European soil macrofauna indicating driving factors (climatic and soil and management variables) for long term-use and to identify knowledge gaps on soil macrofauna research. Sharing of integrated harmonized data by MINOTAUR project and through standardized database will allow researchers to investigate and respond to a wide range of topics, such as simultaneously evaluating soil macrofauna diversity distributions and causes of diversity change. Finally, such a comprehensive database will support policy makers in their efforts to halt a further loss of soil biodiversity across Europe and will allow them to make policies regarding soil health issues by using the harmonized data.

How to cite: Ashfaq, S., Pérès, G., Murugan, R., and Zaller, J.: Importance of harmonized data in soil macrofauna monitoring in Europe- Soil management a key indicator, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17438,, 2023.

Soil degradation of the spoil ground generated during the construction of expressways is a serious concern, and the ecological environment of the mound created by the unplanned piling of abandoned soil is poor. Revegetation could quickly and efficiently restore the ecological environment of the spoil ground. This study aimed to explore the direct and indirect effects of different fertilization treatments on the remediation of spoil ground soil using vetiver grass, and determine the most appropriate combination of fertilizers to help repair the ecological environment of the spoil ground. To study the changes in the physicochemical properties, enzyme activity, microorganisms in rhizosphere soil, and plant characteristics of vetiver grass, 12 treatments were set up, including no fertilization (CK), a single application of nitrogen fertilizer (N1:150 kg/ha, N2:300 kg/ha, and N3:450 kg/ha), a single application of phosphorus fertilizer (P1:350 kg/ha and P2:700 kg/ha), and a chemical fertilizer combination (NP: N1P1, N2P1, N3P1, N1P2, N2P2, N3P2). Compared with CK, combined nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization improved the physicochemical properties, enzyme activities, microbial diversity of rhizosphere soil and the plant traits, more significantly than the treatment with nitrogen or phosphorus fertilization alone. Path analysis showed significant differences between the direct and indirect paths of plant characteristics under the N, P, and NP treatments. NP treatment was more helpful in improving the soil environment of spoil ground, because NP treatment had a higher path coefficient for plant traits (NP (0.807) > N (0.703) > P (-0.993)) and enzyme activities (NP (0.897) > P (0.767) > N (0.373)). N2P2 had the highest comprehensive score (34), indicating that N2P2 could be used as an effective fertilizer combination.  These results indicate that the benefits of appropriate cultivation and fertilization practices to help restore degraded soil. Combined fertilization treatment (NP) improved the path coefficient of soil physicochemical properties to plant traits and soil enzyme activities, and thus better restored the habitats of spoil ground.

How to cite: Bai, L. and Shi, P.: Rapid restoration of spoil ground along expressways through a combination of vetiver grass cultivation and fertilization, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1823,, 2023.

Soil aggregates are important for improving the soil quality and structure. Soil erosion causes the fragmentation and migration of soil aggregates. Vegetation restoration is an effective method for controlling soil erosion, and the vegetation distribution on the slope changes the hydrological processes. However, there is a lack of studies on the regulation of vegetation patterns with respect to soil aggregate loss. In this study, four different vegetation patterns were used to study the loss characteristics of soil aggregates during erosion: no vegetation (pattern A), upslope vegetation (pattern B), middle-slope vegetation (pattern C), and downslope vegetation (pattern D). The results show that the proportions of microaggregates (<0.25 mm) in the sediments during erosion are 65.2%, 72.4%, 77.7%, and 87.7% for patterns A, B, C, and D, respectively. The loss of macroaggregates (>0.25 mm) in the sediment is significantly higher in pattern A than in the other patterns (P < 0.05): A (34.8%) > B (27.6%) > C (22.3%) > D (12.3%). Vegetation on the slope reduces the mean weight diameter (MWD) of aggregates in the sediments by 66.0%–70.0% and the fractal dimension increases by 0.42%–0.96%. The vegetation pattern has different effects on the enrichment rate of aggregates in sediments: the enrichment ratio of macroaggregates decreases by 20.9%–64.7% and the enrichment ratio of microaggregates increases by 11.1%–34.5%. These results indicate that downslope vegetation effectively reduces soil erosion and the loss of soil macroaggregates.

How to cite: Zhao, Z. and Shi, P.: Vegetation patterns affect soil aggregate loss during water erosion, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1955,, 2023.

EGU23-2215 | ECS | Posters virtual | SSS8.10

Future runoff forecast in Hanjiang River Basin based on Wetspa model and  CMIP6 model 

Xi Zhou, Wei Chen, Qingtao Liu, Hongxia Shen, Siyu Cai, and Xiaohui Lei

 In order to comprehensively consider the impact of human activities on runoff simulation and improve the accuracy of runoff simulation, so as to make a more accurate prediction of the future runoff of the Hanjiang River Basin, this study improved the reservoir module of the Wespa model, adding two parts: reservoir inflow data correction and water storage and outflow data calculation without measured data. Use the improved model to verify its applicability to the Hanjiang River Basin, then, choose the ones who has the most familiar trend with the historical data in the future climate model data (CMIP6). Put the selected data in the model to predict the runoff of Hanjiang River from 2021 to 2060. By analyzing the future runoff trend of Ankang, Huangjiagang and Huangzhuang in the Hanjiang River Basin from 2021 to 2060 and the changes of average runoff, seasonal runoff and monthly runoff compared with the historical period (1981-2020), the conclusions drawn are as follows: (1) The improved Wetspa model has good applicability in the Hanjiang River Basin; (2) The future runoff of Ankang section is decreasing, while that of Huangjiagang and Huangzhuang sections is increasing; (3) Compared with the reference period, the average runoff of the three sections in the future shows an increasing trend, which indicates that there will be flood risk in the future; (4) Compared with the reference period, the runoff proportion of the three sections will increase in spring and winter, and decrease in autumn. Attention should be paid to the risk of drought in autumn. In terms of months, the proportion of runoff from April to June increases, decreases from September to November, and increases and decreases in other months are uncertain.

How to cite: Zhou, X., Chen, W., Liu, Q., Shen, H., Cai, S., and Lei, X.: Future runoff forecast in Hanjiang River Basin based on Wetspa model and  CMIP6 model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2215,, 2023.

Dryland areas are regarded as highly sensitive to climatic changes. A positive relationship between average annual rainfall, and environmental factors is often assumed for areas with an average annual rainfall of 100-400 mm. The above assumption disregards the fact that a climate change in some dry-land areas is not limited to climatic factors. In addition, the climatic models, based on average annual rainfall, disregard the rainfall characteristics at the rain-shower level, which greatly influence the degree to which rainwater will percolate, thereby significantly affecting the spatial redistribution of water resources. The present work deals with the complex relationships between average annual rainfall, and environmental variables in sandy areas, along a rainfall gradient of  90-450 mm, in the south eastern Mediterranean area, Israel. Data obtained clearly show that average annual rainfall is not a good indicator of water resources, and ecosystem characteristics. The controlling factors vary from one site to another.

How to cite: Yair, A.: Landscapes of sandy areas along a rainfall gradient of 90-450 mm, average annual rainfall, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2220,, 2023.

The hydrological conditions are key factors in ensuring the health of water ecosystems. The lack of runoff data constrains the assessment of the basin's evolutionary pattern of the eco-hydrological conditions. The Yongding River Basin (YDRB) is a typical water-scarce basin in northern China, where the changing environment has led to widespread water scarcity and ecosystem degradation problems. In response to the shortage of information at the upper reaches of the YDRB at the Xiangshuibao gauging station, this study adopted a distributed hydrological model, WetSpa, to simulate the daily runoff data in this station from 1960 to 2019. Then, Indicators of Hydrologic Alteration (IHA) was used to identify the most ecologically relevant hydrological indicators (ERHIs) and further determine the "true" eco-hydrological variation point in the basin. Finally, the evolution rule of the eco-hydrological conditions in the basin was analyzed and the overall hydrological alteration degree of the Xiangshuibao Section was determined. The results showed that the rising rate, decline rate, annual maximum 1-day flow, annual minimum 1-day flow, annual maximum flow occurrence time, and July flow were the ERHIs. The variation period was from 1980 to 1986. Except for the annual maximum 1-day flow and decline rate were moderate variation indicators, all others were low variation indicators. The overall hydrological variability of the Xiangshuibao section was low. The results of this study were intended to provide a reference for ecological management construction in the YDRB and other similar areas.

How to cite: Yang, Y. and Cai, S.: Analysis of the hydrological conditions based on hydrological model in a data-scarce basin: A case study in the Yongding River Basin, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3101,, 2023.

EGU23-3395 | ECS | Posters virtual | SSS8.10

How to study mechanism of avalanche on reservoir bank: a retrospective study 

Yihang Li and Xiangzhou Xu


Reservoir-bank avalanche is a common hydrogeological problem whether in China or other countries, and analysis for the mechanism of collapse on reservoir bank is an important issue in the field of disaster prevention and mitigation. This paper reviews the methods which had been used to study the mechanism of reservoir-bank avalanche, including field monitoring, field investigation, model or field experiment, and numerical simulation. In virtue of many advantages, e.g., high efficiency and automation, field monitoring has become a powerful tool in evaluating reservoir-bank collapse. Nevertheless, field monitoring is also subject to some external factors related to remote sensing technology, such as weather conditions, environment, and other factors. Field investigation has the characteristics of flexibility and maneuverability. However, a field investigation is a sampling method based the observation in the representative area, and the hazard information cannot be comprehensively obtained via field investigation in the study area. A common merit for the field monitoring and investigation is that data observed with the methods mentioned above may be used to calibrate the results of the model experiment and numerical simulation, but field monitoring or investigation are not applicable to track the process of bank collapse. Different from the monitoring or investigating method, an experiment of reservoir-bank collapse under closely monitored or controlled experimental conditions focuses on the regularities of bank collapse from a micro perspective. The model experiment may be conducted in a laboratory far away from the study area, and the experimental scenario may be freely designed if needed. Yet the researchers should consider the similarity of the cumulative effect while designing the downscaled model experiment for reservoir bank failure. Maybe it is easy to simulate and observe the complicated topographical conditions of bank collapse in the field experiment, because no change exists in the scale of the underlying surface and properties of erosion material. In fact, usually to make accurate observations and simulations is relatively difficult in the field. Numerical simulations have been widely used to analyze and predict the reservoir-bank avalanche from a macro perspective all over the world, whereas the result of the numerical simulation has to be verified with that obtained from monitoring, investigation or experiment. In summary, each research method presents its own characteristic set of advantages and limitations. Scientists may use an appropriate route for analysis according to objectives and contents of a specific project.

Key words: Reservoir-bank avalanche; Field monitoring; Field investigation; Model experiment; Numerical simulation

How to cite: Li, Y. and Xu, X.: How to study mechanism of avalanche on reservoir bank: a retrospective study, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3395,, 2023.

EGU23-3559 | Orals | SSS8.10

Climatic against land use variability impact on soil erosion in two contrasting environments 

Olivier Cerdan, Valentin Landemaine, Anthony Foucher, Jean-François Desprats, Olivier Evrard, Thomas Grangeon, Clément Chabert, and Sébastien Salvador-Blanes

At continental and geological time scales, tectonic forces and climate are the first landscape evolution drivers. However, since the Neolithic, human is recognised as being a new geomorphic agent, indirectly or directly moving significant amount of materials across landscapes. In a context of global changes, when both climate and human activities are rapidly evolving, the question of the relative contribution of climate variability and anthropogenic activities to soil erosion remains poorly quantified. Understanding this contribution is however key to the design of appropriate soil erosion management plans. Based on two catchment-scale hydrosedimentary observatories, the objective of this study is to quantify the relative importance of climate variability and land use change on the erosive response of two headwater catchments located in contrasted environments. The first study area is in a volcanic tropical island and the second one is in a lowland, intensively cultivated plain under an oceanic temperate climate. More particularly, we will investigate the importance of rainfall and associated flood events intensity and frequency on the water and sediment fluxes. The influence of these temporal dynamics (i.e. frequency/intensity of events) will be studied according to different land uses, as the two questions (spatial/temporal variabilities) are closely interlinked.

How to cite: Cerdan, O., Landemaine, V., Foucher, A., Desprats, J.-F., Evrard, O., Grangeon, T., Chabert, C., and Salvador-Blanes, S.: Climatic against land use variability impact on soil erosion in two contrasting environments, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3559,, 2023.

EGU23-4031 | Posters virtual | SSS8.10

Research on the Annual Water Dispatch Model of the Yangtze-to-Huaihe River 

Lina Zhang, Xaohui Lei, Chao Wang, Yi Ji, and Jiahui Sun

The project of the Yangtze-to-Huaihe River diversion focuses on urban and rural water supply, taking into both irrigation and water supply as well as improving the ecology of Chaohu Lake. It is a major strategic water resource allocation project across river basins and across provinces. This study used a combination of a simulation model and optimization technology to establish an annual water dispatch model based on the principle of water balance for the Yangtze-to-Huaihe River diversion project and employs genetic algorithms to optimize the proportion of the two-line river diversion for the section of Yangtze River-to-Chao lake. The possible scenarios of the annual water dispatching model were analyzed from two aspects of runoff water condition and water use planning, and typical years scheduling scenarios were established, including short-term planning and long-term planning of low flow years, short-term planning and long-term planning of normal flow years, and short-term planning and long-term planning of high flow years. The annual water dispatch model was used to simulate the annual scheduling schemes for these different scenarios, and the results of water diversion and water supply, divisional scheduling, and lake storage conditions were compared and analyzed for scheduling schemes. The simulation results showed that the water shortage in the near-term planning level year (2030) and the long-term planning level year (2040) was basically zero in the flat water year and the abundant water year, and there was a large water shortage in the dry water year in both the near-term and long-term planning level years, mainly in agriculture. The total amount of water diversions for each typical year in the scheduling scheme was thus significantly reduced compared with that in the design plan. In the far and near future planning, the abandoned water was less in the dry water year and relatively more in the rich water year and the flat water year, and the abandoned water was similar in the two lakes in the flat water year, while the abandoned water mainly occurs in Chaohu Lake in the rich water year. The northern section of the river was the main object of the water supply of the river-supply project, and the supply of this section accounts for about 57% of the total amount in the dry water year, more than 75% of the total amount in the flat water year, and more than 97% of the total amount in the rich water year. From the viewpoint of the whole section of the project, the water supply in the dry water year was the largest, the lake utilization in the flat water year was the largest, and the abandonment rate in the abundant water year is the largest under the near and long term planning. The results of this study can provide a certain foundation and reference value for the construction of project scheduling operation and scheduling system.

How to cite: Zhang, L., Lei, X., Wang, C., Ji, Y., and Sun, J.: Research on the Annual Water Dispatch Model of the Yangtze-to-Huaihe River, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4031,, 2023.

In fragile karst watershed, landscape pattern mainly affects evapotranspiration, interception, surface runoff, soil water infiltration and groundwater formation through spatiotemporal variation of land use, vegetation pattern, and then influences the discharge and sediment transport. A new Vegetation-Topographic factor (VTF)was constructed by NDVI and DEM data from 2000 to 2018. Based on VTF classification , Vegetation-Topographic landscape index(VTLI) was calculated by FRAGSTATS to analyze the impact of VTLI change on runoff and sediment yield in Nandong underground river system(NURS). The results showed that :(1) PD, IJI, LSI, SHDI were significantly positively correlated with runoff and sediment, while AI, CONNECT were significantly negatively correlated with runoff and sediment yield(P<0.05). LPI and DIVISION indices were not significantly correlated with discharge, but positively correlated with sediment yield. (2) PD, IJI, LSI and SHDI were the main promoting factors for runoff, while LSI and SHDI were the main promoting factors for sediment yield. CONNECT and AI were the main restrain factors of sediment yield, Which showed a downward trend. (3) In urban areas, VTF was decreased and has persistence trend. In basin-mountain margin areas, VTF was increased and has persistence trend. In mountain area, VTF was unchanged or not significantly increased but was anti-persistence trend. The change of landscape pattern indexes varied the runoff and sediment yield of NURS. The trend and persistence of VTF vary greatly in different geomorphic positions of NURS. These results will provide theoretical basis for watershed management and soil conservation of karst fragile ecosystem in southwest China. 

How to cite: Liu, P., Li, Y., and Yu, Y.: Landscape pattern change affect runoff and sediment yield in Nandong underground river system, Southwest China, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4222,, 2023.

Rehabilitation in the mining context refers to restoring the natural characteristics such as land stability, vegetation, soil functions, biodiversity and hydrological cycle. The main aim of mine rehabilitation is to construct environmentally sustainable landforms and to restore their ecosystem services, either to a site specific stable equilibrium or ideally to its previous state. The objective of this work is to build a predictive and decision making tool using hypothetical modelling to simulate water fluxes for two different scenarios in terms of different soil cover depth including vegetation (grass). Hypothetical hydrological modelling was performed using the HYDRUS-1D with one-dimension water flow modelling based on the Richards equation and hydraulic functions of van Genuchten-Mualem model. The soil and coal hydraulic parameters were derived from laboratory tests using the extended evaporation method. Water flux modelling was performed for 2021 using the climatic data from Latrobe Valley (Victoria, Australia) meteorological station, where the coal and soil samples were collected. Two scenarios were selected which varied in the depth of soil cover and coal layer, both with grass vegetation on top of the soil columns. The first scenario (S1) had 50 cm of soil cover, while the second scenario (S2) had 100 cm of soil cover on top of coal material, respectively. Modelling results revealed that soil water content and fluxes were directly reflecting the precipitation pattern and the most limiting factor in downward water flow was the low permeability of the coal layer. The hydraulic parameters for coal show large water retention capacity at very low hydraulic conductivity. The shallower soil cover in the S1 scenario resulted in higher soil water content during the period of intense rainfall and resulted in larger and faster initiation of surface runoff. The thicker soil cover layer resulted in larger infiltration rate and root water uptake which was however limited when the soil was fully saturated in both scenarios. Interestingly, very similar bottom flux in both scenarios even with two different coal layer depth (i.e., 30 cm vs 80 cm) were recorded. Water balance results indicate increase in potential of storing water in the S1 scenario which has a thicker coal layer due to its high water retention capacity. However, at this point it is not clear to what extent stored water from coal can be available for plants. Beside valuable research insights in terms of soil cover design, hypothetical modelling will assist in preventing experimental design flaws and providing a more efficient, robust controlled experiment performed in a next study phase.

How to cite: Filipović, V. and Baumgartl, T.: Hydrological performance of soil and vegetation covers impact in mine rehabilitation: results of a preliminary modelling study, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4348,, 2023.

Land-use and rainfall characteristics are two crucial influencing factors that affect the surface runoff and soil loss process; however, less attention has been paid to nested watersheds in vulnerable geo-ecosystems. In this study, we analyzed rainfall characteristics impacts on runoff and sediment in one of the nested watersheds, which contains six sub-watersheds with different land uses (secondary forest watershed, mixed forest watershed, closed watershed, plantation watershed, farmland watershed and farming-pastoral watershed) on the Loess Plateau, China. According to rainfall amount, rainfall duration and maximum rainfall intensity within 30 min (I30), 180 rainfall events during 2004–2019 were categorized into four types using K-means clustering method, and different hydrological years were distinguished. The runoff coefficient and sediment yield under the rainfall regime I (little precipitation, moderate duration of precipitation, low intensity of precipitation) were the lowest; under the rainfall regime IV (high precipitation, short duration of precipitation, high intensity of precipitation), these values were the largest. The average runoff coefficient among the six sub-watersheds analyzed varied as follows: farmland watershed (2.42%) > farming-pastoral watershed (2.38%) > closed watershed (1.11%) > secondary forest watershed (1.08%) > mixed forest watershed (0.73%) > plantation watershed (0.43%). The closed watershed had the lowest average sediment yield, while the farming-pastoral watershed showed the highest one. In addition, the runoff coefficient and sediment yield also changed differently in various hydrological years. The results of this study suggest that natural restoration measures are the optimal choice for coordinating the relationship between surface runoff and sediment yield. In future research, enhanced long-term monitoring is needed to accurately describe watershed processes.


How to cite: Zhao, J., Zhang, J., and Yu, Y.: Effects of land uses and rainfall regimes on surface runoff andsediment yield in a nested watershed of the Loess Plateau, China , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4627,, 2023.

EGU23-5218 | Posters virtual | SSS8.10

Mapping Groundwater-dependent Ecosystems in Arid Central Asia: Implications for Controlling Regional Land Degradation 

Hu Liu, Chan Liu, Wenzhi Zhao, Yang Yu, and Omer Yetemen

Groundwater-dependent ecosystems (GDEs) exist all over the world, especially in water-limited regions. To achieve better water management, it is necessary to map and identify GDEs. Central Asia (CA) is one of the most arid regions in the mid-latitudes and one of the major regions with shallow groundwater tables. However, the role of groundwater in the impacts of climate change and regional anthropogenic activities on environmental risks, especially regional desertification, is inadequately understood due to the limited available research on GDEs. In the present study, a remote sensing-based method was used for mapping GDEs in regional CA, and three means—overlay analysis, correlation analysis, and the water balance method—were adopted to validate the accuracy of the mapping outcomes. Our results indicated that: 1) GDEs were concentrated around large lakes and in central Kazakhstan (between 46°N and 50°N latitudes), and areas "Very Likely" and "Likely" to be GDEs accounted for 36.89%, and 28.85% of the total natural vegetation areas, respectively; 2) at the watershed scale, the Sarysu Basin had the largest proportion (94.02% of the area) of potential GDEs while the Ysyk-Kol Basin had the lowest proportion (17.84%); 3) all the three validation methods indicated a good performance for our GDE mapping results. We concluded that the remote sensing-based GDE identification method can be considered a potential approach for mapping GDEs regionally. Better recognition of relationships among groundwater availability, ecosystem health and groundwater management policies should be developed by conducting further studies, to protect GDEs and to prevent regional land degradation.

How to cite: Liu, H., Liu, C., Zhao, W., Yu, Y., and Yetemen, O.: Mapping Groundwater-dependent Ecosystems in Arid Central Asia: Implications for Controlling Regional Land Degradation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5218,, 2023.

EGU23-5817 | ECS | Orals | SSS8.10

A metaanalysis of the regularity of environmental spatialpatterns and a theory relating them to stochastic processes 

Karl Kästner, Christoph Hinz, Daniel Caviedes-Voullième, Nanu Frechen, and Roeland C van de Vijsel

Fascinating spatial patterns are found in many ecosystems. For example, patterns in Dryland ecosystems often consist of vegetation patches which alternate with bare soil. The patterns appear strikingly regular, when their formation is driven by scale-dependent feedbacks. Because of their regularity, such patterns are conceptually understood to be periodic. The formation of periodic patterns has been reproduced with idealized numerical models and the vulnerability of pattern forming ecosystems to environmental pressure has been preferentially studied with such models. However, natural patterns appear far from periodic. So does the distance between and the size of the patches vary systematically and the fringes of the patches are ragged. Previously, we revisited tests for periodicity and demonstrated that the large majority of regular patterns found in nature are not periodic. We also introduced a method to quantify the regularity of patterns, and found that natural patterns are of intermediate regularity, in-between uncorrelated noise and periodic functions, which can best be described by stochastic processes, where the irregularity is intrinsic to the pattern and not due to added noise. Here, we corroborate our previous results with a comprehensive metastudy, where we analyze natural and computer-generated patterns found in the leading literature. Furthermore, we extend our theory for the formation of stochastic patterns with arbitrary regularity to two dimensions. We find that our theory captures well the spectral properties of both isotropic, i.e. spotted, labyrinthic and gapped, as well as of anisotropic, i.e. banded patterns.

Figure 1: a) Normalized spectral density averaged over the natural and model generated patterns found in the literature. The density of the natural patterns consists of a wide and low lobe, while the density of the model generated patterns consists of a narrow and high peak. b) Median regularity and interquartile range for the natural and model generated patterns. The modelled patterns are 3-5 times as regular as the natural patterns. Number of samples indicated next to the median.

How to cite: Kästner, K., Hinz, C., Caviedes-Voullième, D., Frechen, N., and van de Vijsel, R. C.: A metaanalysis of the regularity of environmental spatialpatterns and a theory relating them to stochastic processes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5817,, 2023.

EGU23-6057 | ECS | Orals | SSS8.10

Land use management effects on water yield and hydrological connectivity after rural abandonment in a mid-mountain basin: Leza Valley (Iberian System, Spain) 

Manel Llena, Javier Zabalza, Melani Cortijos-López, Teodoro Lasanta, and Estela Nadal-Romero

During the second half of the 20th century the mountain areas of the Mediterranean region undergone an intense process of rural abandonment. This process together with a transition to warmer and drier climatic conditions caused a decrease in runoff and sediment yield, which have several consequences from hydrological, geomorphological and ecological points of view. Land use management of these areas has become a target of environmental authorities and stakeholders to ensure the sustainability of ecosystem services. An active management has been applied in some areas through the reduction of vegetation density or by human afforestation, while other areas have not been managed, undergoing a natural process of revegetation. In this context, assessing the contribution of different land use management on runoff is fundamental for addressing water management at the catchment and regional scales, especially in a context of climate change. The main objective of this work is to analyse the relative effects of land use management techniques to hydrological connectivity and water yield in a Mediterranean mid-mountain basin. To pursue this objective, we applied hydrological connectivity (IC index) and ecohydrological (RHESSys) models to different sub-catchments of the Leza Valley (Iberian System, Spain), representative of three different scenarios: (i) natural revegetation, (ii) human afforestation, and (iii) shrub clearing. Results show how hydrological connectivity tends to decrease when vegetation cover increases (i.e., natural revegetation and human afforestation) while tends to increase when shrub clearing takes place. Runoff coefficient followed a similar pattern, decreasing in basins where vegetation increases and decreasing where there is vegetation clearing. Important differences were observed in terms of the distribution of connectivity changes, their location in relation to the outlet and the effects on surface runoff.

This research project was supported by the MANMOUNT (PID2019-105983RB-100/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033) project funded by the MICINN-FEDER and the PRX21/00375 project funded by the Ministry of Universities of Spain from the “Salvador de Madariaga” programme. Manel Llena has a “Juan de la Cierva Formación” postdoctoral contract (FJC2020-043890-I/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033) from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, while Melani Cortijos-López is working with an FPI contract (PRE2020-094509) from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness associated to the MANMOUNT project.


How to cite: Llena, M., Zabalza, J., Cortijos-López, M., Lasanta, T., and Nadal-Romero, E.: Land use management effects on water yield and hydrological connectivity after rural abandonment in a mid-mountain basin: Leza Valley (Iberian System, Spain), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6057,, 2023.

The widespread occurrence of soil erosion reflects the accelerated deterioration of the surface ecological environment. The spatiotemporal variation of rainfall erosivity is the key driving factor for soil erosion by water, especially in the Loess Plateau in China. The Fenhe River basin in the Loess Plateau was selected as a case study based on the daily rainfall data from 1962 to 2019. Using a rainfall erosivity model based the daily rainfall, we studied the changing pattern. Furthermore, the impact of rainfall erosivity on sediment load was evaluated, and the possible causes for changes in sediment load were discussed. The results showed that the annual rainfall erosivity of the 12 weather stations experienced an insignificant change (p > 0.05). Moreover, before the 1980s, the decrease in annual watershed average rainfall erosivity may be the main reason for the decrease in annual sediment load, while after the 1980s, the construction of check dams may be the main factor leading to annual sediment load reduction, especially around 1993. However, the increase of vegetation was a main reason for the reduction of annual sediment load after 1999. Given Fenhe River basin as a typical watershed of the Loess Plateau, the study of rainfall erosivity and its impacts on the sediment in this area can provide a useful reference for further ecological construction and soil erosion control in the Loess Plateau.

How to cite: Yu, K., Jia, L., Xu, G., Li, P., and Li, Z.: The changing pattern of rainfall erosivity and its impact on sediment load in the Loess Plateau, China: A case study of a typical watershed, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6540,, 2023.

EGU23-7488 | Posters on site | SSS8.10

Effects of long-term enhanced game population density on soil physical, chemical, and microbiological properties 

Erich Inselsbacher, Helene Gerzabek, Ursula Nopp-Mayr, and Martin Gerzabek

Forests are critically influenced by game animals since the browsing and peeling by these animals has a detrimental effect on forests by affecting a broad range of processes in forest ecosystems. Further, plants that are browsed by herbivorous game animals show stress reactions which can lead to a change in plant species composition and in belowground interactions between roots and soil microorganisms. On the other hand, a high game population density leads to high nutrient and carbon (C) inputs via excrement and, in case of feeding, via fodder inputs. These inputs can have positive effects on plant nutrition and growth as well as soil organic C build-up. While previous studies have focused on various topics related to the effects of game animals on forest ecosystems, an overarching understanding of soil-plant-wildlife interactions and feedback reactions is still missing. In this study, we aim at tackling this short-coming and elucidating the effect of long-term enhanced game population density on soil physical, chemical, and microbial properties. The study site includes different forest types located in the vicinity of Vienna, Austria, and consists of a fenced area with high game animal population density and a directly adjacent, open forest area with lower animal density, serving as a control. Soil samples were taken from three depths (0-10 cm, 10-20 cm, 20-50 cm) from ten sub-sites differing in plant species composition and underbrush density. In the laboratory, we analyzed soil density, particle size distribution, pH, electric conductivity, total C and N, microbial biomass C and N, plant-available nutrients, and root density to study the effect of a high density of game animals (wild boars, deer) in the study area. The results gained in this study will serve as a scientific basis for a subsequent, long-term research and monitoring strategy. Here, we present results from the first sampling campaign and discuss implications of environmental impacts of wildlife animals on a larger scale.

How to cite: Inselsbacher, E., Gerzabek, H., Nopp-Mayr, U., and Gerzabek, M.: Effects of long-term enhanced game population density on soil physical, chemical, and microbiological properties, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7488,, 2023.

EGU23-8480 | Orals | SSS8.10 | Highlight

Climate and anthropogenic effects on the coevolution of soils and vegetation: A case-study in the Pacific island of Santa Cruz (Galapagos, Ecuador) 

Veerle Vanacker, Rose Paque, Ilia Alomia Herrera, Jean Dixon, Yessenia Montes Anchali, Frantz Zeheter, and Armando Molina

Understanding the complex interactions between climate, vegetation and soils is important for the sustainable management of soil ecosystems in the context of climate and land use change. Few benchmark data exist on soil-landscape and vegetation interactions, as most soil ecosystems have a legacy of past land use and management.

By working in the Galapagos Islands, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, we have the opportunity to better constrain the coevolution of soils and vegetation over millennial timescales for pristine soil ecosystems. Five monitoring sites are located on the Pacific Island of Santa Cruz, and they cover a ~10 km long NW-SE stretch. Along this gradient with a 10-fold increase in mean annual precipitation, the climate effects on the coevolution of soils and vegetation were quantified. Soil weathering extent was assessed through geochemical proxies, and these data were then related to time-series of precipitation, air and soil temperature, and humidity to explore the relationships between soil and vegetation development, and climate. Then, by contrasting the data from five pristine soil ecosystems with data from agricultural soils, new information was obtained on the anthropogenic effects on soil ecosystems.

Soil weathering indices and elemental mass balances were used as a measure of soil development and were derived from the soil's physical and chemical properties measured at soil profiles. For the pristine sites, there is a nonlinear relationship between the degree of soil and vegetation development and (hydro)climatic data. Forest conversion into agricultural land leads to measurable effects on soil ecosystem services and functions.

How to cite: Vanacker, V., Paque, R., Alomia Herrera, I., Dixon, J., Montes Anchali, Y., Zeheter, F., and Molina, A.: Climate and anthropogenic effects on the coevolution of soils and vegetation: A case-study in the Pacific island of Santa Cruz (Galapagos, Ecuador), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8480,, 2023.

EGU23-9126 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS8.10

Potential effect of agricultural terraces on landslide occurrence: the tropical mountains of Rwanda 

Pascal Sibomana, Matthias Vanmaercke, Deogratias Nahayo, Arthur Depicker, Bernard Tychon, Aurélia Hubert, Emmanuel Rukundo, and Olivier Dewitte

The tropical mountainous environments of the Northern-western provinces of Rwanda in Africa are often referred to as the breadbasket of the country and are also densely populated. This high demographic pressure is associated with significant land management practices. In particular, agricultural practice of terracing has been promoted as soil and water conservation measure on the steep hillslopes of the region. However, the region is also landslide prone and the  potential effect of terracing on landslides occurrence has never been considered in the land management strategy. In this work, we assess this  potential effect through the analysis of more than 4000 recent landslides that were triggered by intense rainfall events. Exploring the role of slope, lithology, regional landslide susceptibility patterns and the types of terraces (typology, age), we show that, overall, terracing increases the odds of landsliding when compared to non-terraced hillslopes. Although the terraces are implemented as soil and water conservation measures in the region, we find that they result into higher hillslope hazard.

How to cite: Sibomana, P., Vanmaercke, M., Nahayo, D., Depicker, A., Tychon, B., Hubert, A., Rukundo, E., and Dewitte, O.: Potential effect of agricultural terraces on landslide occurrence: the tropical mountains of Rwanda, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9126,, 2023.

EGU23-9891 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS8.10

Spatial relationships between soil properties and land use change after agricultural land abandonment 

Kristine Afanasjeva, Raimonds Kasparinskis, and Olgerts Nikodemus

During the last few decades significant amount of agricultural land in Latvia have been abandoned and overgrown, due to various factors. It is considered that abandonment is strongly influenced by socioeconomic and political factors, however, soil quality should be taken into consideration, as it plays a very important role in the development of vegetation. The aim of the research is to clarify spatial relationship of soil properties with different land use change scenarios.
The study was conducted in the polygon (310 ha) characterized by slightly undulated topography in the southeast part of Latvia, where over the last 60 years, abandonment of agricultural land and overgrowth with forest has been observed.
For the spatial assessment of land use change, aerial photo materials between 1954 and 2014 were digitized, where three types of land use were determined: arable land, grassland and forest. From 1954 till 2014 land use in the study area has changed significantly, therefore several scenarios were distinguished: a) arable land → forest; b) grassland → forest; c) arable land → grassland; d) grassland → grassland. In the study area 36 soil profiles were established, samples were collected and physical and chemical analyses (soil texture (sand, silt, clay (%), pHKCl, total carbon (%), total nitrogen (%), exchangeable cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, Fe3+, Al3+) (cmol(+) kg-1)) according to standard methods were conducted in the laboratory. To estimate statistically significant (p<0.05) differences between land use scenarios and soil properties was used One-Way ANOVA.
The study results shows that the area covered by forest increased from 11% to 62%, between 1954 and 2014, but arable land decreased from 33% to 0,1% and grassland area decreased by 20%. In 2014 agricultural lands are mainly overgrown with Alnus incana (48.6%), Salix caprea (19%) and Betula pendula (14%), as well with Populus tremula and Picea abies. Statistical analyses showed significant differences of soil textural classes: content of sand and silt fraction, pHKCl value, and exchangeable cations (Ca2+, Al3+) between former arable land that changed to forest and arable land that changed to grassland. Arable land overgrows faster in areas of poorer soil and lighter soil textural classes, in contrast longer agricultural activity was found in areas, characterized by relatively heavier soil textural classes. Soil was more acidic and concentration of Al3+ was significantly higher in areas that have been overgrown by trees. 
Statistical analysis revealed that soil texture, acidity and nutrient availability significantly influence further development of land, either area will be transformed to forest or kept as grassland. Although, overgrowth is considered as reasonable land use option of abandoned agricultural lands, preliminary results showed that investigated marginal lands are suitable for farming. Further study will be conducted in a wider region for deeper understanding of mechanisms responsible for land use changes.

How to cite: Afanasjeva, K., Kasparinskis, R., and Nikodemus, O.: Spatial relationships between soil properties and land use change after agricultural land abandonment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9891,, 2023.

EGU23-10293 | Orals | SSS8.10

The search for path-dependency mechanisms using physically-based soil-landscape modelling of landslides 

Arnaud Temme, Mostafa Sadeghnejad, Harsimran Singh Sodhi, and Jalal Samia

The spatial pattern of landslide susceptibility is a key input for decision making by many natural hazard agencies. Therefore, the estimation of landslide susceptibility maps has received much attention in the last decades. Increasingly, such maps are produced by statistical methods that relate the locations of observed landslides to geofactors such as slope steepness or vegetation density. Almost without exception, these susceptibility assessments are entirely spatial. At the same time, recent studies of large multitemporal landslide datasets have shown empirically that landslide susceptibility changes over time as well as space, as a result of the impact of recent nearby landslides. In at least two study sites, places near previous landslides are temporarily more susceptible to landsliding, sometimes substantially so. Several candidate mechanisms underlie this form of complexity (called path-dependency) in the landslide system, and targeted field measurements in landslide-prone study sites should be recorded to fully understand which mechanism is most important.

Awaiting such measurements, physically-based mechanistic modelling of landslide impacts in the soil-landscape system can help explore the possible mechanisms. Here, we report on our development of landslide simulation capabilities in soil-landscape evolution model LORICA. In this model, landslides affect not only surface elevation, but also local soil and vegetation properties. Since other processes in the model also affect these properties, the impact of landslides is not permanent. Applied to a hypothetical soil-landscape, this model allows us to explore whether a) local topographic effects such as oversteepening, b) temporarily changed soil hydraulic parameters, or c) disruption of vegetation and roots, are the most likely mechanisms behind landslide path-dependency.

How to cite: Temme, A., Sadeghnejad, M., Singh Sodhi, H., and Samia, J.: The search for path-dependency mechanisms using physically-based soil-landscape modelling of landslides, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10293,, 2023.

EGU23-10408 | ECS | Orals | SSS8.10

Ecogeomorphological assessment of a mangrove wetland in the Pacific Islands 

Eliana Jorquera, Patricia Saco, Danielle Verdon-Kidd, and Jose Rodriguez

Coastal mangroves are essential areas for the habitat of coastal and marine ecosystems, which are under constant anthropogenic and climatic pressure. Sediment and biological accretion can attenuate the effects of sea-level rise by rising the ground level. The balance between the soil accretion and the sea-level rise under climate change conditions will determine the response of the mangrove and its adaptation/survival.

This contribution presents the ecogeomorphological assessment of the Dreketi river wetland (northern coast of Vanua Levu - Republic of Fiji). This mangrove wetland belongs to the central area of the Great Sea Reef, which was declared as Ramsar site in 2018. The Dreketi river catchment is the main contributor of water and sediments to the wetland. The amount of water and sediments generated in the catchment were determined using a hydro-sedimentological, physically based watershed scale model (SWAT). Then, the response of the Dreketi mangrove wetland to sea-level rise and climate change was analysed using an eco-geomorphological (EGM) model.

The hydro-sedimentological model proved to be suitable to represent the sediment concentration in the Dreketi river catchment with a good performance against sediment concentrations obtained using remote sensing products. The EGM was able to represent the spatial distribution of suitable areas for mangrove habitats, given the current conditions. Under sea-level rise events, after 100 years, a significant amount of the suitable area could disappear for a sea-level rise. The model showed the profound effect that sea-level rise and sediment accretion have on the wetland's future evolution, highlighting the importance of the sediment input from the contributor catchment.

How to cite: Jorquera, E., Saco, P., Verdon-Kidd, D., and Rodriguez, J.: Ecogeomorphological assessment of a mangrove wetland in the Pacific Islands, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10408,, 2023.

EGU23-10518 | Posters on site | SSS8.10 | Highlight

Predicting the fate of coastal wetlands using a simplified domain ecogeomorphic model. 

Jose Rodriguez, Patricia Saco, Angelo Breda, Steven Sandi, and Neil Saintilan

Predictions of the fate of coastal wetlands under the effects of sea-level rise (SLR) vary widely due to uncertainties on environmental variables, but also due to unavoidable simplifications in the models. Here, we present a simplified domain ecogeomorphic model that includes all relevant hydrodynamic, sedimentation and vegetation dynamics mechanisms that affect wetland evolution, it does not require detailed information and it is efficient enough computationally to allow the simulation of long time periods. We test this framework and apply it in different settings typically found in coastal wetlands around the world, comprising different geomorphic configurations, vegetation types, sediment characteristics and tidal regimes. Most of the wetland settings analysed are unable to cope with the high SLR rates expected by the end of the century, in agreement with results using paleo-records during periods of high SLR rates.

How to cite: Rodriguez, J., Saco, P., Breda, A., Sandi, S., and Saintilan, N.: Predicting the fate of coastal wetlands using a simplified domain ecogeomorphic model., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10518,, 2023.

EGU23-10976 | ECS | Orals | SSS8.10

NDVI and Accumulated Antecedent Precipitation (APP) in four different vegetation types in drylands of Mendoza, Argentina 

Carlos Brieva, Patricia Saco, Steven Sandi, and Jose Rodriguez

Arid and semi-arid ecosystems are under the pressure of climate change and are facing overgrazing and logging, which has led to increased degradation and desertification processes. The Drylands of Mendoza, Argentina, are fragile ecosystems devoted to cattle breeding on native bushes and rangelands. Livestock farming relies on the productivity of natural resources, closely related to the monthly, annual, and seasonal rainfall, which is a critical driver of vegetation productivity and dynamics. This study aims to determine the relationship between NDVI and Accumulated Antecedent Precipitation (AAP) in natural dryland as a basis for decision support in cattle grazing. NDVI from MODIS-Terra (MOD13Q1 V6.1) and AAP estimated by satellite using GPM (Global Precipitation Measurement) were correlated using Pearson's Correlation Coefficient at monthly timesteps over a period of 20 years (June 2000 to May 2020) considering 0 APP (monthly) and 1, 3-, 6-, 9- and 12-months AAP. The analysis was carried out spatially (pixel-to-pixel) in 5 points of each of 4 primary vegetation types of the interest area (Bush steppe with low land cover; Open Bush; Forest of Prosopis Flexuosa; and Psammophilious Grassland). NDVI responses to 3 months of AAP were significant for all vegetation types in the study area. Tracking vegetation responses to rainfall in this region is of outmost importance for management of the limited water resources.

How to cite: Brieva, C., Saco, P., Sandi, S., and Rodriguez, J.: NDVI and Accumulated Antecedent Precipitation (APP) in four different vegetation types in drylands of Mendoza, Argentina, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10976,, 2023.

EGU23-11301 | Posters on site | SSS8.10

Modelling soil erosion focusing on event-size occurrences under global change in a vineyard catchment 

Rossano Ciampalini, Amandine Pastor, Frédéric Huard, Stéphane Follain, Feliciana Licciardello, Armand Crabit, and Damien Raclot

Soil erosion is a balance between forces acting to detach and transport sediment and those resisting, such as soil cohesion or protection of vegetation cover. The amount of eroded particles is proportional to the acting forces, but the feedback, as is widely acknowledged, has a non-linear behaviour. Moreover, most of the erosion is concentrated in the strongest events, as evidenced by many authors.
Here, in a long-term simulation, we investigate the occurrence of the size of the erosion events in a vineyard catchment area. We analysed around 700 rainfall events over 20 years  from two climate series (historical 1985-2005, and and future 2040-2060), and four contrasted land use and management scenarios.
The results confirmed that the erosion is driven by a limited number of strong events with an increment in future series due to an increase in frequency of the more severe rainfall events. We observed that: 1) Size of erosion events VS return time exhibit different logarithmic trends in each LU scenario; 2) Long-term erosion series show that the few major erosion phases are due to a limited number of events, the most severe; 3) The concentration of erosion events towards the highest values is more pronounced in intensified landscape indicating more reactive erosion than in protected landscapes.
This suggests that controlling the state of intensification of a landscape (i.e. intensified or preserved) can mitigate soil erosion even if climate change tends to increase erosion rates.

How to cite: Ciampalini, R., Pastor, A., Huard, F., Follain, S., Licciardello, F., Crabit, A., and Raclot, D.: Modelling soil erosion focusing on event-size occurrences under global change in a vineyard catchment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11301,, 2023.

EGU23-11363 | Orals | SSS8.10 | Highlight

The relative importance of the amount and spatial distribution of vegetation as indicators of dryland function 

Angeles G. Mayor, Susana Bautista, Fernando Maestre, and Francisco Rodríguez

Bare-soil connectivity and vegetation cover have proven to be good indicators of dryland function. The two properties are closely correlated and reflect the combined role of both the amount and spatial distribution of vegetation, making it difficult to disentangle the relative importance of each. Using partial correlation analyses between bare-soil connectivity, vegetation cover and soil function data from 109 dryland plots distributed worldwide, we have investigated the independent explanatory role of the two vegetation metrics along a variety of environmental gradients. Our results show that bare-soil connectivity and vegetation cover swap their relative importance as indicators of dryland function along most of the environmental gradients considered, with bare-soil connectivity increasing its independent explanatory role for both the milder and harder end of the gradients, and pattern-independent vegetation cover being a better predictor for medium-moderate  conditions.

How to cite: G. Mayor, A., Bautista, S., Maestre, F., and Rodríguez, F.: The relative importance of the amount and spatial distribution of vegetation as indicators of dryland function, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11363,, 2023.

EGU23-12589 | Orals | SSS8.10

Remote sensing salt marsh biomass: a dialogue between technical approach and spatial patterns of ecogeomorphological complexity 

Tegan Blount, Andrea D'Alpaos, Sonia Silvestri, and Marco Marani

Salt marshes provide a multitude of ecosystem services while simultaneously being susceptible to habitat loss and degradation in response to climatic and anthropogenic disturbances. Thus, the spatially explicit characterisation, monitoring and sustainable management of these environments is crucial. Particularly as salt marshes are considered a blue carbon ecosystem due to their enhanced ability to produce and sequester organic carbon, acting as long-term reservoirs with a role in climate change mitigation. Since tidal wetlands are bio-geomorphologically intricate, biotic and abiotic coevolution is a key factor in the landscape development. Given the complexity of the processes and the interactions which underlie the system, research in this field requires a multidisciplinary approach. Remote sensing is a facet of this approach, which can enable the cost-effective analysis of salt marsh systems across a range of temporal and spatial scales.

Herein we analyse the application of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) based light detection and ranging (LiDAR) and optical sensors as tools to derive salt marsh biomass spatial distribution and structure in the Venice Lagoon (Italy). All validation and empirical relations are based on in situ data. Our results allow us to (1) derive digital terrain and vegetation models (DTM and DVM) and canopy structure using an efficient and open-access procedure; (2) examine the effect which scan angle, post-processing and variation in ecogeomorphological characteristics have on the accuracy of remote sensing results and; (3) further elucidate good practice guidelines for UAV based remote sensing of salt marsh topography and biomass. The results indicate that a linear feedback exists between the LiDAR scan angle and the DTM elevation error, notable for angles above 10 degrees. Furthermore, there is a dialogue between the accuracy of the remote sensing derived data and the spatial patterns driven by salt marsh ecogeomorphological complexity. Thus, characteristics such as vegetation density, elevation transitions between geomorphological structures and differences along the marsh gradient result in spatially variable levels of uncertainty. Overall, our analyses support salt marsh sustainable management as well as enhance the understanding of salt marsh ecogeomorphological complexity.

How to cite: Blount, T., D'Alpaos, A., Silvestri, S., and Marani, M.: Remote sensing salt marsh biomass: a dialogue between technical approach and spatial patterns of ecogeomorphological complexity, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12589,, 2023.

Plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae) is a small, common burrowing herbivore with average 150 g, native to grassland in the Asia, especially to alpine meadows in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Termed as bioturbator herbivores, this animal can create extensive soil disturbance through digging and burrowing activities. In the process of disturbing the soil, these animals break the soil surface layer, increasing water infiltration, soil moisture, and the capture of organic matter, which leads to change in soil ecological processes. This small burrowing herbivore can shape alpine meadows, even contributes to alpine meadow degradation because its density can range up to 300 individuals per hectare. Consequently, plateau pika is generally considered as a pest in China and extensive control efforts have been conducted to eradicate it. However, several studies have argued that plateau pika is a keystone species for alpine meadow ecosystem. To date, no consensus about the role of plateau pika in alpine meadow ecosystem has emerged among policy makers, professionals and herders, and more studies are needed to examine the impact of plateau pika on soil process. Therefore, take plateau pika as an example, our study focuses on accurately evaluating the service functions of the alpine grassland ecosystem including productivity, soil conservation, and C sequestration under the bioturbation by small burrowing herbivore.

How to cite: Pang, X., Xu, X., and Wang, Y.: Soil disturbance: Responses of soil carbon to plateau pika bioturbation in alpine grasslands on the Qinghai Tibetan Plateau, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13424,, 2023.

Rainfed agriculture is conducted on 80% of the world's arable land and provides 60% of the world's food, therefore playing an important role in ensuring food security for a growing population. Climate change impacts are predicted to be harmful for rainfed agriculture all over the world, which will face future yield reductions of up to 30%, so more attention should be given to the efficient use of agricultural water in agricultural production, especially under rainfed conditions. Intercropping is a traditional sustainable planting system having advantages of increased production and improved yield stability, which is widely valued and has attracted increasing interest as a strategy to deal with climate change. Clarify the water consumption process of the intercropping system, especially the complementary and competition mechanism of soil water between species, is necessary for optimizing the field management and improving the water use efficiency of the intercropping system. The Loess Plateau is a typical rainfed farming area in northern China, the limitation of water resources and soil erosion are two major problems for efficient agricultural production. Therefore, we focuses on water consumption process of the intercropping system on the Loess Plateau, and the research results can provide theoretical support for the healthy and sustainable development of agriculture in rainfed area.

How to cite: Ma, L.: A strategy to deal with climate change: Intercropping system has attracted increasing interest., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14554,, 2023.

EGU23-15029 | ECS | Orals | SSS8.10

Modelling soil water and climate dynamics to understand soil formation in Mediterranean landscapes 

Andrea Román-Sánchez, Tom Vanwalleghem, Ana Laguna, Adolfo Peña, Juan Vicente Giraldez, and Luca Brocca

Influence of the Mediterranean climate, relief and geology can shed light on the most important processes that affect the mechanisms and rate of bedrock weathering. Despite the effort dedicated to exploring the processes of soil formation, little is known about the quantitative aspects of these processes. This research is based on developing a spatially explicit model of soil water and climate dynamics to explain the processes in soil formation. This model includes a simple soil water balance model, climatic data, topographic variables and runs a daily time step. The model calibration is performed with satellite soil moisture data for the Mediterranean basin. The model highlights the importance of soil water flux at different topographic positions on soil formation on long-term time scales.

How to cite: Román-Sánchez, A., Vanwalleghem, T., Laguna, A., Peña, A., Giraldez, J. V., and Brocca, L.: Modelling soil water and climate dynamics to understand soil formation in Mediterranean landscapes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15029,, 2023.

EGU23-15228 | Orals | SSS8.10

Within-patch plant diversity modulates the eco-hydrological source-sink dynamics of dryland landscapes 

Susana Bautista, Valeriia Nazarova, David Fuentes, and Francisco Rodríguez

Source-sink processes and feedbacks are critical for ecosystem function and dynamics in dryland landscapes. In patchy-vegetation drylands, the runoff generated on bare-soil inter-patches provides resource inputs to downslope patches, enhancing plant growth and increasing patch cover, which in turn controls the size of the bare-soil areas, completing a source-sink feedback loop. Both the efficiency of vegetation patches in capturing and storing runoff-driven resources and the response of the patch vegetation to such resource inputs depend on the functional traits of the species in the patch. We hypothesized that increasing within-patch plant diversity enhances the sink function of the patch, and thus reinforces the strength of the source-sink feedback. To test such hypothesis, we established over 600 vegetation patches on a 0.5 ha bare-soil experimental slope, resulting in six replicated treatments that combined different numbers of species and individuals per patch (up to 8 species and 8 individuals per patch). Based on drone surveys conducted five years after the establishment of the vegetation patches, we estimated the area, height, volume and normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI) of each patch, as well as a variety of metrics that captured the size and shape of the upslope bare-soil inter-patch draining into each patch. We found that increasing the size of the drainage area resulted in a general increase in NDVI and patch growth. For a given patch size (number of plant individuals), increasing within-patch plant diversity increased the overall strength of the positive relationships between patch performance and drainage area. Our results demonstrate that within-patch plant diversity controls eco-hydrological source-sink dynamics in drylands, and highlight the potential of establishing functionally-diverse plant patches for the restoration of degraded drylands.

How to cite: Bautista, S., Nazarova, V., Fuentes, D., and Rodríguez, F.: Within-patch plant diversity modulates the eco-hydrological source-sink dynamics of dryland landscapes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15228,, 2023.

EGU23-15745 | Posters on site | SSS8.10

Influence of Hillslope Aspect on a Cinder Cone Evolution: The Sandal Divlit example, Kula, Turkey 

Omer Yetemen, Aydogan Avcioglu, Orkan Ozcan, Ibrahim Simsek, Mesut Kolbuken, In-Young Yeo, Kwok Pan Chun, Tolga Gorum, and Omer Lutfi Sen

Microclimatic variations in semi-arid ecosystems can cause topographic asymmetry over geologic time scales due to uneven distribution of incoming solar radiation as a function of slope aspect. This phenomenon has long been recognized in geomorphology and has been studied primarily in catchments with high spatial heterogeneity in climate forcing and underlying lithology. Due to fluctuations in prevailing climate and lithological differences in the studied catchments, the formation age and size of the catchments add another level of complexity and uncertainty. Due to their small size, uniform lithology, well-constrained initial morphology, and relatively young age, cinder cones are natural laboratories for better understanding the eco-hydro-geomorphic evolution caused by nonlinear interactions between vegetation, climate, and soil. The Sandal Divlit cinder cone located in the Kula volcanic field, western Turkey, is an inactive volcano and formed in the last stage of volcanism in the region. The climax vegetation in the primary succession following the volcanic eruption can be seen on north-facing slopes with trees. North-facing slopes have deeper soils than south-facing slopes, which have sparsely herbaceous plants and shrubs and thin, weakly developed soils. Airborne-LiDAR surveys and the digital elevation models having 5 m and 12.5 m spatial resolution were used to analyze the geomorphic descriptors and canopy structure of the cone as a function of aspect. In the summer and winter seasons, the surface temperatures of the cone were measured using a thermal-imaging drone. The results show that north-facing slopes are much cooler and have less evaporative demand than south-facing ones. As a result of denser vegetation attributed to relatively more available soil moisture, they are steeper than south-facing ones due to better erosion protection. Despite its young age (<30 ka), the cone has developed topographic asymmetry and is imprinted with the signature of aspect-related vegetation difference. This finding is further evaluated and with the results of landscape evolution models to assess the role of microclimate due to vegetation on the development of asymmetric geomorphological features.

This study has been produced benefiting from the 2232 International Fellowship for Outstanding Researchers Program of the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) through grant 118C329. The financial support received from TUBITAK does not indicate that the content of the publication is approved in a scientific sense by TUBITAK.

How to cite: Yetemen, O., Avcioglu, A., Ozcan, O., Simsek, I., Kolbuken, M., Yeo, I.-Y., Chun, K. P., Gorum, T., and Sen, O. L.: Influence of Hillslope Aspect on a Cinder Cone Evolution: The Sandal Divlit example, Kula, Turkey, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15745,, 2023.

EGU23-16505 | ECS | Posters virtual | SSS8.10

Evaluation of the effects of grassland distribution on erosion processes of the loess hillslopes under simulated rainfall 

Ruoxiu Sun, Li Ma, Jianjun Zhang, and Yawei Hu

Vegetation distribution are of great significance to control soil erosion and water and soil loss on slope.  In order to further explore the influence of slope vegetation distribution on the process of sediment yield and discharge, and quantitatively analyze the relationship between vegetation distribution and sediment yield and discharge. Through field rainfall simulation, under the condition of 15° slope, the sediment yield and runoff were observed under the conditions of different vegetation coverage (40%, 60%), different rainfall intensity (30, 60, 90 mm/h) and different vegetation distribution positions (relative distance 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1). The results showed that: (1) under a certain slope and rainfall intensity, the runoff yield and sediment yield increased rapidly at first and then tended to be stable under different vegetation distribution conditions. (2) In this study, the average runoff yield and sediment yield firstly decreased and then increased with the increase of the relative distance. The average runoff yield of the slope with the relative distance of 0.2 was the minimum. (3) The random forest algorithm shows that rainfall intensity and vegetation coverage have important effects on runoff yield, and rainfall intensity and vegetation relative distance have important effects on sediment yield. (4) When the vegetation coverage was 40%, the optimal vegetation relative positions were 0~0.36 and 0~0.31, respectively, with the main objective of reducing runoff and sediment. When the vegetation coverage was 60%, the optimal relative vegetation positions were 0~0.43 and 0~0.22, respectively, to reduce runoff and sediment. This study shows that slope vegetation distribution has an important effect on sediment yield and runoff. Under the same vegetation coverage, the smaller the relative distance of the grass belt, the better the effect of reducing runoff and sediment. The research results can provide theoretical basis and data support for optimal allocation of vegetation in the process of ecological restoration.

How to cite: Sun, R., Ma, L., Zhang, J., and Hu, Y.: Evaluation of the effects of grassland distribution on erosion processes of the loess hillslopes under simulated rainfall, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16505,, 2023.

Understanding the spatial distribution and controlling factors of soil organic carbon(SOC) at different scales is essential for an accurate estimation of soil organic carbon stocks. Furthermore, this understanding is vital for evaluating the impact of soil managemen to both soil quality and climate change. Our study were conducted in a Loess revegetated small watershed and the effects of topography, vegetation, soil properties factors on SOC distribution and redistribution at surface and different depths were evaluated, the results were as follows:

(1) The interactions between vegetation type and topography and soil depth significantly impacted SOC(P<0.05) in 0-200cm. The relative contribution of topographic factors to the SOC content exceeded that of vegetation type in entire soi lprofile, which implied that topography was the dominant factor controlling the spatial distribution of SOC in the studied small watershed.

(2) SOC stock in deep soil layer(200–500cm) was 7.62kgm−2, accounting for 40% of the total carbon, soil factors(including soil clay, soil water content, and soil bulk density) were dominant in deep soil layers(200–500cm), averagely accounting for 44.3%.

(3) Vegetation restoration alleviated the redistribution and spatial heterogeneity of SOC by reducing the migration of soil active organic carbon and soil erosion. thus, our research presented some new insights for SOC evaluating in loess-gully regions with their complicated terrain and short recovery time, but with wide distribution in the Loess Plateau of China.

How to cite: Zha, T., Yu, H., Zhang, X., and Yu, Y.: Distribution and influencing factors of soil organic carbon in a revegetated small watershed in the Chinese Loess Plateau, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16576,, 2023.

EGU23-16963 | Posters on site | SSS8.10

Sink patches, nurse shrubs and plant water-use strategies control the establishment of tree seedlings in Mediterranean-dry reclaimed mining hillslopes 

Eduardo Vicente, Mariano Moreno de las Heras, Luis Merino-Martín, José Manuel Nicolau, and Tíscar Espigares

Ecohydrologically suitable microsites, such as surface depressions and micro-topographical barriers acting as sink patches intercepting and infiltrating runoff, as well as nurse shrubs have largely been proposed as tools to improve the establishment of tree vegetation in Mediterranean reclaimed landscapes and other degraded dryland environments. We analyze the impact of sink patches and nurse (Genista scorpius) shrubs developed in Mediterranean-dry reclaimed mining hillslopes (Utrillas field site, central Spain) on seedling performance up to 8 years after plantation of two tree species with contrasted water-use strategies: Pinus nigra, a drought avoider species, and Quercus ilex, a drought tolerant species. Nurse shrubs enhanced early establishment of seedlings in shaded spots under its canopy. Further, sink patches ameliorated the survival of both species, although only increased plant growth during wet years that promoted source-to-sink transference of surface water resources as surface runoff. The survival and growth of P. nigra seedlings were strongly constrained during dry periods, resulting in a high cumulative mortality after 8 years regardless of microsite. Q. ilex showed a better performance during the experiment, keeping the positive effects of suitable microsites on plant survival after 8 years of plantation. Overall, our results encourage the use of ecohydrologically suitable microsites that concentrate water resources and nurse shrubs that ameliorate local conditions as key spots for introducing late-successional tree species in Mediterranean-dry reclaimed mining sites. Our results also indicate that seedling functional strategy to cope with drought is a critical factor conditioning plantation performance, therefore constituting a fundamental species selection criterion for restoration actions in Mediterranean areas, especially under effects of climate change.

How to cite: Vicente, E., Moreno de las Heras, M., Merino-Martín, L., Nicolau, J. M., and Espigares, T.: Sink patches, nurse shrubs and plant water-use strategies control the establishment of tree seedlings in Mediterranean-dry reclaimed mining hillslopes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16963,, 2023.

EGU23-1767 | Orals | HS10.3 | Highlight

Concentrative drop impacts by a bunch of canopy drips: hotspots of soil erosion in forest 

Ayumi Katayama, Kazuki Nanko, Seonghun Jeong, Tomonori Kume, Yoshinori Shinohara, and Steffen Seitz

Soil erosion induced by rainwater in forest ecosystems is mainly determined by throughfall kinetic energy (TKE) and ground vegetation cover. TKE is determined by raindrop size and velocity as well as precipitation amounts. Lateral canopy water flow paths can create localized concentrations of throughfall as impact points with considerable high TKE. At structurally mediated woody surface drip points notably bigger canopy drips can thus be formed under forest canopy. It is also assumed that TKE per 1mm rainfall amount (i.e., unit TKE) at impact locations is considerably higher than that at general locations due to increased rain drop sizes, resulting in a higher risk of soil erosion. However, the TKE and subsequent splash erosion potential at these impact locations have rarely been described in the previous literature and have not been quantified yet. The objectives of this study are (1) to evaluate the intensity of TKE and unit TKE at an impact location and (2) to compare those with general locations and freefall kinetic energy. We measured TKE using splash cups at seven points under a beech tree in a cool temperate forest, Japan, during five rainfall events in each leafed and leafless season. Five splash cups were further installed at an open area outside the forest as a reference. A rainfall collector was installed next to each splash cup, and throughfall at each point was quantified. TKE at the impact location (9142 ± 5522 J m-2) was 15.2 times higher than that at general locations under beech (601 ± 495 J m-2) and 49.7 times higher than at the open area (184 ± 195 J m-2). The ratio of TKE at the impact location to those at general locations was higher in the leafless season. Unit kinetic energy at the impact location (39.2 ± 23.7 J m-2 mm-1) was higher than those at general locations (22.0 ± 12.7 J m-2 mm-1) and at the open area (4.5 ± 3.5 J m-2 mm-1). The branch height at the impact location was lower than most areas at general locations, suggesting that higher unit TKE was induced by a bigger drop size. Our results imply that big-sized canopy drips in addition to intense throughfall amount generated at specific structurally-mediated points of the branch surface contribute far above the average to the erosion potential under the forest.

How to cite: Katayama, A., Nanko, K., Jeong, S., Kume, T., Shinohara, Y., and Seitz, S.: Concentrative drop impacts by a bunch of canopy drips: hotspots of soil erosion in forest, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1767,, 2023.

EGU23-2389 | Posters on site | HS10.3

Vegetation diversity and plant traits affect throughfall partitioning and subsequent splash erosion in managed woodlands 

Steffen Seitz, Corinna Gall, Christian Geißler, Philipp Goebes, Zhengshan Song, and Thomas Scholten

Soil erosion is a serious environmental problem in many parts of the world, especially in ecosystems with high anthropogenic influences. Even if forest stands generally mitigate soil losses, important rates of sediment transport were measured in woodlands in relation with natural and anthropogenic disturbances. Forests provide a multi-storey canopy layer which largely influences rain throughfall patterns as well as a covering layer on the forest floor which protects the soil against direct raindrop impact. Both layers provide different storage capacities and modify the water flow as well as topsoil erosivity. So far, only little research was conducted on how soil erosion control is affected by tree diversity and individual species characteristics under forest stands. Furthermore, ecohydrological processes within the protective leaf litter cover and pioneer non-vascular vegetation developing after disturbances are often not clear.

Here, we summarize results on effects of species diversity, species identity, functional traits of both the tree and the soil covering vegetation layer on soil erosion in subtropical and temperate forest ecosystems with disturbances caused by timber harvesting. We focus on interrill soil erosion determined by micro-scale runoff plots under natural and simulated rainfall and throughfall kinetic energy (TKE) of raindrops measured with splash cups.

Results show that neighbourhood diversity increases TKE, and tree species richness can partly affect sediment discharge, runoff and TKE, although this effect will presumably become more visible after an early successional forest stage. Species identity strongly influences initial soil erosion processes under forest and erosion-promoting and -mitigating species can be clearly identified. That also applies to the leaf litter cover, where single leaf species show varying influences on sediment discharge. Therefore, the appropriate choice of tree species during the establishment of reforestations plays a major role for erosion control. Interestingly, within the soil covering leaf litter layer, the presence of meso- and macrofauna increases soil erosion and thus effects of this fauna group must be considered in erosion experiments. Moreover, species-specific functional traits of trees affect soil erosion rates. High crown cover and leaf area index reduce soil erosion, whereas it is enhanced by increasing tree height. TKE is effectively minimized by low LAI, low tree height, simple pinnate leaves, dentate leaf margins, a high number of branches and a low crown base height. Finally, bryophyte-dominated biological soil crusts (BSCs) importantly mitigate sediment delivery and runoff generation in mesic forest environments and this effect varies tremendously with species specific bryophyte traits. It can be concluded that the ability of BSCs to quickly colonise soil surfaces after disturbance are of particular importance for soil erosion control in early-stage subtropical and temperate forests.

How to cite: Seitz, S., Gall, C., Geißler, C., Goebes, P., Song, Z., and Scholten, T.: Vegetation diversity and plant traits affect throughfall partitioning and subsequent splash erosion in managed woodlands, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2389,, 2023.

EGU23-2433 | Posters on site | HS10.3

Throughfall variability between oak and beech trees in a mountainous Mediterranean catchment 

Marco Dionigi, Matteo Verdone, Daniele Penna, Silvia Barbetta, and Christian Massari

Forests and trees are integral part to the global water cycle and therefore vital for water security. Forest and mountain ecosystems serve as source areas for more than 75% renewable water supply, delivering water to over half the world’s population.

Throughfall generally represents about 70% of bulk precipitation, with a much smaller portion, less than 5%, delivered to the forest floor along tree trunks (i.e., stemflow), and the remainder (~25%) intercepted by the forest canopy and evaporated back to the atmosphere.

The partitioning of water into these three pathways is largely controlled by seasonality, precipitation characteristics, meteorological conditions in addition to physiological and morphological traits related to forest composition.

This study aims to determine the spatial and seasonal variability of throughfall in oak and beech trees growing on two hillslopes of contrasting aspect in the Ussita stream basin (44 km2), Apennine Mountains, central Italy.

Throughfall was measured during 30 sampling periods between July 2022 and December 2022 at four locations by means of gutters connected to tipping buckets. characterized by different land cover, e.g., beech trees and oak trees. Specifically, two monitoring plots are located on a hillslope facing south and the monitoring two stations are located on a hillslope facing north. Moreover, two meteorological stations provide open-area precipitation measurements.

The measurements show that the leafed canopy phase reduced the amount of throughfall in all four experimental sites. In particular, beech trees exhibited the largest inter seasonal differences in throughfall partitioning. This is mainly related to the rapid defoliation characterizing the beeches’ sites starting from September.

The volumetric throughfall was higher during medium and severe rainfall events, while during low rainfall the forest canopy was found intercepting most of the precipitation. On the contrary, during severe events, the forest canopy storage capacity was saturated and most of the rainfall occurring after the saturation was converted into throughfall.

The measurements carried out during medium rainfall events indicate that the differences between canopy structure in oak and beech trees, such as the number of canopy layers and branches orientation, can strongly affect the rainfall partitioning. Oak trees, with high number of canopy layers, low seasonal defoliation and roughness of the bark, have higher canopy storage values than beech trees and are able to generate less throughfall.

Additional data to be collected during the next months will allow us to extend the results achieved in the first phase of analysis.

How to cite: Dionigi, M., Verdone, M., Penna, D., Barbetta, S., and Massari, C.: Throughfall variability between oak and beech trees in a mountainous Mediterranean catchment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2433,, 2023.

Accurate estimation of carbon assimilation and allocation plays a significant role in the plant growth and terrestrial ecosystems. The STEMMUS-SCOPE model integrates photosynthesis, fluorescence emission, and transfer of energy, mass, and momentum in the soil–plant–atmosphere continuum system, and has good performances in estimating water, energy, and carbon fluxes. However, the plant growth states (i.e., leaf area index (LAI) and plant height (PH)) are needed as inputs for running the STEMMUS-SCOPE model, and are obtained either from interpolating observations or taking as constants over the time. As a result, the physical interactions are not adequately captured between radiative transfer, plant growth and soil water movements. The objective of this study is to consider the plant growth in STEMMUS-SCOPE model via coupling a crop growth module (i.e., WOFOST module). The coupled STEMMUS-SCOPE-WOFOST model was evaluated with plant functioning measurements. The results indicate that the simulation of LAI and PH is significantly improved and consistent with the dynamic of the water stress and gross primary production (GPP). Besides, the additional generated state variables (i.e., the biomass of root, leaf, stem as well as yield) can also agree well with the observations. Finally, the interactions between the land surface fluxes, soil moisture dynamic and plant growth are all well simulated. The STEMMUS-SCOPE-WOFOST model provides a mechanistic window to link the satellite observation of solar-induced fluorescence to above- and below-ground biomass, land surface fluxes, and root zone soil moisture, in a physically consistent manner.

How to cite: Yu, D., Zeng, Y., Wang, Y., and Su, B.: Integrated modeling of radiation transfer, plant growth, and the movement of soil moisture in the soil–plant–atmosphere continuum (STEMMUS–SCOPE-WOFOST v1.0.0), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2531,, 2023.

EGU23-2558 | Posters virtual | HS10.3

Rainwater canopy flowpath estimated by raindrop measurements 

Kazuki Nanko, Richard Keim, Sean Hudson, Munehiro Ebato, and Delphis Levia

Water flowpaths caused by incident rainfall onto forest canopy surfaces have a notable effect on the water budgets and chemistry of wooded ecosystems. The objective of this work was to use drop-size distributions in throughfall to identify canopy flowpaths at the intra-event scale and across the phenological transition from leafed to leafless states for a set of three American beech (Fagus grandifolia Ehrh.) trees and konara oak (Quercus serrata Murray) in a multilayered canopy.

Simultaneous measurements of raindrops and throughfall drops by laser disdrometers were analyzed during the transition from leafed to leafless phenophases. Throughfall was partitioned into free throughfall, splash throughfall, and canopy drip with four drop size classes. The partitioning was based on the difference of drop size distributions between open rainfall and throughfall.

Throughfall drop size distributions and volume of each throughfall type varied at both intra-event and inter-event scales. As for American beech, smaller canopy drips, <5.5 mm in diameter, were initiated earlier in rain events, whereas more rainfall accumulation was necessary to generate larger canopy drips, >5.5 mm in diameter. Smaller canopy drips were more dominant in the leafed phenophase when some structurally-mediated woody surface drip points were more muted. These results suggested throughfall from foliar surfaces generated smaller-sized canopy drip with shorter residence time, whereas throughfall from structurally-mediated woody surface drip points generated larger-sized canopy drip with longer residence time. There was also an increase in both free throughfall and splash droplets from leafed to leafless states, consistent with increased canopy gaps and direct interaction with woody surfaces in the leafless state.

Similar analysis was conducted for konara oak. More rainfall accumulation was necessary to generate larger canopy drips as with the American beech, but the amount of the larger canopy drips was stable after generation during rain events compared with smaller canopy drips. Thus, the fluctuation of throughfall amount was correlated with that of the amount of smaller canopy drips.

Based on the results, a conceptualization of the genesis and development of leaf and branch flowpaths in canopies is proposed.

This research was supported by JSPS KAKENHI (Grant numbers JP21K05837, JP17KK0159, JP15H05626). A part of the study is published in Nanko et al. (2022) in Journal of Hydrology (doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2022.128144).

How to cite: Nanko, K., Keim, R., Hudson, S., Ebato, M., and Levia, D.: Rainwater canopy flowpath estimated by raindrop measurements, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2558,, 2023.

EGU23-3420 | Posters virtual | HS10.3 | Highlight

Quantity vs. Efficiency: Differing patterns of self-organized xerophytic shrubs lead to distinct rain harvesting strategies 

Chuan Yuan, Li Guo, Delphis F. Levia, Max Rietkerk, Bojie Fu, and Guangyao Gao

Canopy structure alters net precipitation inputs, partly governing the quantity of water recharging soil moisture. Clumped and scattered shrublands are structured with aggregated and isolated canopies, respectively, demonstrating contrasting self-organized patterns. However, the influence of self-organization on rain harvesting is largely unknown. Hence, we compared rainfall redistribution patterns of different self-organized shrubs of Vitex negundo and soil moisture responses during the 2020–2021 rainy seasons on the Loess Plateau of China. Our results indicated that the scattered shrubs harvested more throughfall (85.6% vs. 74.7%) and net precipitation (90.8% vs. 83.8%) than clumped shrubs. Comparatively, stemflow of clumped shrubs was initiated (57.2 vs. 60.4 min) and peaked (198.9 vs. 207.7 min) earlier, ceased later (84.4 vs. 54.5 min), lasted longer (8.9 vs. 8.4 h), transported more swiftly (397.0 vs. 373.8 mm∙h–1), and yielded a larger quantity (400.8 vs. 355.1 mL), respectively. This flux was funneled more efficiently with 160.1 vs. 140.5 fold to rain per branch, and was productive (1.768 vs. 1.346 mm‧g–1) with unit biomass investment per event. For both self-organized patterns, more throughfall led to wetter soils, but more stemflow resulted in quicker response of soil moisture. Comparatively, the top-layer soil moisture remained more stable post rain under clumped shrubs. Therefore, via canopy interception, the scattered organization was conducive for V. negundo to harvest more rain, but the clumped shrubs harvested rain more efficiently. This might relate to morphological adaptations of shrubs to resist drought and consequent formation and maintenance of self-organizations at the landscape scale.

How to cite: Yuan, C., Guo, L., Levia, D. F., Rietkerk, M., Fu, B., and Gao, G.: Quantity vs. Efficiency: Differing patterns of self-organized xerophytic shrubs lead to distinct rain harvesting strategies, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3420,, 2023.

EGU23-3577 | Orals | HS10.3

The concentration of neutral sugars in stemflow with respect to tree species and canopy phenophase 

Delphis F. Levia, Jeffrey L. Chang, and Thomas H. Epps, III

It is well known that stemflow contains soluble carbohydrates. While neutral sugars play an important role in tree metabolism, data on the concentrations of neutral sugars in stemflow are scant. Neutral sugar inputs via stemflow could influence soil solution chemistry and microbial activity in near-trunk soils. Accordingly, to fill the existing knowledge gap, this study quantifies stemflow neutral sugar concentrations with respect to tree species and phenophase. The concentrations of L-rhamnose, D-glucose, D-mannose, D-galactose, L-arabinose, and D-xylose in stemflow were determined using orbitrap liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry as a function of both tree species (Betula lenta L. [sweet birch], Fagus grandifolia Ehrh. [American beech], Liriodendron tulipifera L. [yellow poplar], and Pinus rigida Mill. [pitch pine]) and phenophase (emergence, leafed, senescence, leafless for deciduous species and emergence, leafed-spring/summer, senescence, leafed-winter for pine). Overall, the median concentrations for all sugars were higher for yellow poplar and pitch pine, and by phenophase, the leafless (or leafed-winter) phenophase had the highest (galactose, arabinose/xylose) or second highest (rhamnose, glucose, mannose) median concentrations for all sugars. We recommend the quantification of neutral sugar concentrations and fluxes in studies seeking a more comprehensive understanding of the physiological ecology of wooded ecosystems.


Funding note: This research was supported by funds from the US National Science Foundation (Award No. GCR-CMMI-1934887).

How to cite: Levia, D. F., Chang, J. L., and Epps, III, T. H.: The concentration of neutral sugars in stemflow with respect to tree species and canopy phenophase, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3577,, 2023.

The capture of colloidal fine suspended particles by vegetation plays an important role in water quality of the shallow aquatic system under rainfall. Quantifying impact of rainfall intensity and vegetation condition on this process remains poorly characterized. In this study, the colloidal particle capture rates under three rainfall intensities, four vegetation densities and with submerged or emergent vegetation were investigated in different travel distance in a laboratory flume. Considering vegetation as porous media, non-Darcy’s law with rainfall as a source term, was coupled with colloid first-order deposition model, to simulate the particle concentration changes with time, determining the particle deposition rate coefficient (kd), representing capture rate. We found that the kd increased linearly with rainfall intensity; but increased and then decreased with vegetation density, suggesting the existence of optimum vegetation density. The kd of submerged vegetation is slightly higher than emergent vegetation. The single collector efficiency (η) showed the same trend as kd, suggesting colloid filtration theory well explained the impact of rainfall intensity and vegetation condition. Flow hydrodynamic enhanced the kd trend, e.g., the theoretical strongest flow eddy structure represented in the optimum vegetation density. This study is helpful for the design of wetland under rainfall, to remove colloidal suspended particles and the hazardous material, for the protection of the downstream water quality.

How to cite: Yu, C.: Capture of colloidal fine suspended particle by aquatic vegetation under rainfall, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5699,, 2023.

EGU23-6330 | Orals | HS10.3

Triple-funneling of trees? Intra-canopy preferential flow of water and elements induced by tree canopies 

Beate Michalzik, Alexander Tischer, Patrick Zerhusen, Ronny Richter, Rolf A. Engelmann, Kirsten Küsel, Christian Wirth, and Martina Herrmann

Trees affect the direction and distribution of crucial components of the hydrological cycle, which were mostly described by measurements on the quantity of precipitation, stemflow and throughfall (TF) collected underneath the canopy. However, due to poor accessibility of tree canopies, our knowledge on hydrological processes within canopies is limited. 

We propose that canopy structure shapes the spatial distribution of incoming rainfall (RF) within the canopy as well as the intra-canopy TF composition. The Leipzig Canopy Crane facility allows to (i) determine water fluxes from above the canopies (RF) and with TF at top, mid and bottom position within the canopy of three tree species – Quercus robur, Fraxinus excelsior, and Tilia cordata, and (ii) to determine the transport of dissolved and particulate organic carbon and nitrogen with TF. In total, 81 TF collectors were set up every month for a two-weeks-period from March to October 2021.

We found amplified water fluxes in TF collectors at top and mid canopy positions compared to incoming RF fluxes, while TF volumes at the bottom decreased. Dimensions of change appear related to RF amount and tree species. Moreover, stability plot analysis indicated that spatial “hot spots” of water fluxes within canopies were temporally persistent.

Our results raise the question whether the concept of a “double-funneling of trees” introduced by Johnson and Lehmann (2006) needs to be extended to a “triple-funneling” approach involving the intra-canopy preferential flow of water and elements occurring in upper to mid canopy positions. Canopy spots with higher water and matter accumulation will alter the chemical, biological, and hydrological heterogeneity in canopy habitat structures below, with strong implications for canopy-associated microbial communities and epiphytes and ecosystem functions.

How to cite: Michalzik, B., Tischer, A., Zerhusen, P., Richter, R., Engelmann, R. A., Küsel, K., Wirth, C., and Herrmann, M.: Triple-funneling of trees? Intra-canopy preferential flow of water and elements induced by tree canopies, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6330,, 2023.

EGU23-6861 | ECS | Posters on site | HS10.3

Water-related soil-moss interactions at different scales 

Corinna Gall, Martin Nebel, Thomas Scholten, Sonja M. Thielen, and Steffen Seitz

Despite being small in size, mosses fulfill vital roles in ecosystem functioning, especially in temperate ecosystems. Due to their unique ecology and physiology, they affect water and nutrient cycles, even at larger scales. This study investigated water-related interactions between soil and moss from the site scale of skid trails in temperate forests to the microscopic scale of individual structural moss traits. First, the natural succession of mosses in skid trails was surveyed, together with their effect on soil erosion using a rainfall simulator. Second, different soil-moss combinations and their impact on runoff formation, percolation, and sediment discharge were investigated. In addition, the temporal dynamics of soil water content were recorded during erosion measurements as well as during watering and subsequent desiccation. Third, a detailed study on how structural traits affect maximum water storage capacity (WSCmax) and its interactions with soil water content was conducted on the species level.

Mosses appeared in our temperate forests as biocrusts during the first few weeks after disturbance and developed for four months until they formed a mature moss cover and biocrust characteristics steadily disappeared. Soil erosion was most reduced when moss-dominated biocrusts were abundant. In general, mosses made a major contribution to erosion control in skid trails after disturbance, showing stronger impacts than vascular plants. The different soil-moss combinations showed clear variations among bare & dry, bare & wet, moss & dry and moss & wet treatments in terms of surface runoff, percolated water volume and sediment discharge. Surface runoff and soil erosion were significantly decreased in the moss treatments, while the amount of percolated water was increased; however, these processes were superimposed by desiccation cracks and water repellency. Moss treatments exhibited lower water contents over time compared to bare treatments, highlighting the strong influence of moss covers and desiccation cracks on the soil water balance. During watering of soil-moss combinations, no clear relationships between water absorption and moss structural traits could be found, which suggests capillary spaces as important influencing factor. In general, mosses were no barrier for infiltration in case of high precipitation rates and they did not store much of the applied water themselves, but passed it on to the soil. During desiccation, mosses with high leaf area index had lower evaporation rates and they prevented desiccation of the substrate, although even dense moss covers did not completely seal the surface. WSCmax of the studied moss species varied widely, which could not be explained by their total surface area or leaf area index, and higher WSCmax values were correlated with low leaf area and high leaf frequency.

Our results underlined the importance of mosses for the soil water balance and protection of soil against erosion in disturbed forest ecosystems. However, it became simultaneously apparent that the role of mosses in forest ecosystems is not yet fully understood and that there is still great potential for further research on soil-water relations and erosion control.

How to cite: Gall, C., Nebel, M., Scholten, T., Thielen, S. M., and Seitz, S.: Water-related soil-moss interactions at different scales, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6861,, 2023.

EGU23-9231 | ECS | Orals | HS10.3 | Highlight

Sheltering Effect from Floating Photovoltaics over the Waterbody-atmosphere Interface 

Baptiste Amiot, Martin Ferrand, Rémi Le berre, Javier Vidal Hurtado, and Stéphanie Giroux--Julien

Floating Photovoltaics (FPV) technology benefits from a remarkable support worldwide for two main reasons: it produces energy for a reasonable carbon budget and it has a lower land-use footprint compared to similar renewable installations. With increasing concerns about freshwater availability, a third asset is likely to boost the momentum of FPV: the potential water savings of reservoirs. As shown in Figure 1, the FPV array is made up of buoys and photovoltaic modules that are prone to reduce the energy input and the action of vapour removal on the surface of the water basin. However, giving a precise assessment of how much water would be saved is complicated, as it relies on the technology of floaters (water surface openings) and the modified physics of the water-atmosphere interface. In this case, looking at the whole system as a canopy that acts on the water-atmosphere interface seems relevant to study the evaporative levels.


This contribution proposes a new modelling approach based on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) calculations to assess the amount of water vanishing into the atmosphere when a reservoir is covered by a half-open structure. A first computational domain is built in which the PV module is explicitly represented as if it were standing in the PV array, considering modules as grid-aligned obstacles (Figure 2). The airflow located below the modules is assimilated to the canopy airflow, and modifying the module geometry has an impact on the advection-diffusion processes of the vapour at the bottom of the canopy. Evaporative rates are computed and a numerical function is created to link the rates to the velocity and direction of the wind. In order to obtain the rate at the reservoir level, a second simulation is setup using a microscale domain that encompasses a reservoir partially covered by an FPV array and the surrounding lands. The numerical function is plugged into the model so that the actions of the FPV array on the atmosphere and canopy flows are conserved during the upscaling process. The methodology is supported by a case study that includes a nominal FPV module geometry. A specific reservoir is analysed, the real elements of geographic information are digitised for this purpose, and a micrometeorological station is installed in the real reservoir. Preliminary measurements show good agreement with the humidity level predicted in the atmosphere, so spatially extrapolated results are proposed to estimate reservoir-level evaporation, and a modified advection-diffusion law related to wind velocity is proposed.

By linking local-scale interactions driven by structure effects (geometries of the floating setup) and the microclimate at the reservoir level, the contribution opens the door to floating structure optimisation with respect to water savings. Moreover, it allows one to predict how the reservoir system will be altered by the half-covered situation using lake modelling (e.g., Global Lake Modelling). This aspect is critical to better predict the evolution of physical parameters below the interface that may have a strong retroaction on the interface and the atmosphere.

How to cite: Amiot, B., Ferrand, M., Le berre, R., Vidal Hurtado, J., and Giroux--Julien, S.: Sheltering Effect from Floating Photovoltaics over the Waterbody-atmosphere Interface, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9231,, 2023.

EGU23-9508 | ECS | Orals | HS10.3

Drivers of root water uptake patterns in a beech-dominated mixed forest 

Gökben Demir, Andrew J. Guswa, Janett Filipzik, Johanna Clara Metzger, and Anke Hildebrandt

Throughfall constitutes the majority of water  entering most forest ecosystems' root zones. Previous studies showed that throughfall patterns are temporally stable and influence soil moisture response to rainfall. However, their impact on soil water distribution ceases rapidly. The spatial variation in root water uptake was proposed as a reason for this decoupling throughfall and soil water patterns, but,  to the best of our knowdeldge experimental evidence is lacking. Therefore, we investigated root water uptake patterns with comprehensive field observations in an unmanaged forest site in the 2019 (April-August) growing season. The research site (1 ha) is a part of Hainich CZE in Thuringia, Germany. In the site, the tree community consists of 574 individuals of various ages (diameter at breast height ≥ 5cm). The European beech dominated site also hosts other temperate species such as Sycamore maple, European ash, and Norway maple. The field observation setup was composed of closely paired (within 1 m) throughfall and soil water content measurements at 34 locations. While soil water content was recorded every six minutes, throughfall was measured weekly. Moreover, we measured open rainfall in an adjacent open grassland (distance 250 m)  at the same time as  throughfall .

We derived root water uptake at each location from diurnal variations within the soil moisture time series. While daily average transpiration ranged between 0.9 mm d and 3 mm potential evapotranspiration changed between 1.8 mm and 3.1 mm. Further, we applied a linear mixed-effect model to identify controlling factors for horizontal patterns of root water uptake throughout the growing season. We found that temporally stable throughfall patterns do not influence root water uptake patterns. Instead, soil water distribution and vegetation features significantly influence local water uptake. We show that greater local soil water storage promoted root water uptake, slightly modulated by field capacity. Further, seasonally declined soil water storage, on average, likely shifted water extraction depth to deeper layers. A higher number of species is also related to higher root water uptake, which possibly signifies water competition among trees. Our findings suggest that elevated throughfall is neither taken up by roots nor retained in the soil matrix, probably due to local processes such as fast flow. Ultimately, the soil water availability and adaptation of co-existing trees to changes in accessible water storage regulate root water uptake patterns.

How to cite: Demir, G., Guswa, A. J., Filipzik, J., Metzger, J. C., and Hildebrandt, A.: Drivers of root water uptake patterns in a beech-dominated mixed forest, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9508,, 2023.

EGU23-9771 | ECS | Orals | HS10.3

Quercus robur and Ulmus laevis water use patterns differ significantly under drought conditions and high vapor pressure deficit in the active floodplain of the lower middle Elbe. 

Lizeth Karina Vásconez Navas, Henrik Busch, Simon Thomsen, Joscha Becker, Volker Kleinschmidt, Alexander Gröngröft, and Annette Eschenbach

Temperate hardwood floodplain forests (HFF) are highly heterogeneous and productive ecosystems threatened by anthropogenic influence and effects of global warming. Quercus robur (oaks) and Ulmus laevis (elms) are acknowledged in literature as the two highest the highest and second highest aboveground carbon biomass stores along the lower middle Elbe floodplain. Both species are adapted to the hydrological fluctuations of floodplain soils. However, in Central Europe, these hydrological fluctuations  are threatened by the IPCC (2022) expected increase of streamflow drought, soil moisture drought and lower groundwater levels, hindering key ecosystem services provided by HFF. Thus, we wanted to assess the water use patterns of both species under water limiting conditions and high vapor pressure deficit (VPD).

The study was conducted during the vegetation period of 2020 in the active floodplain of the Elbe. To understand the influence of soil texture in the soil water dynamics, two sites were selected, a sandy site located in the  high sand embankments and a loamy site, representing the low positioned sites of the floodplains. Sap flow was measured in 5 trees per species per site, using heat-ratio method devices. Additionally, 3 soil profiles per site were instrumented with volumetric water content and water tension sensors in defined depths up to 1.60 meters below ground. One week in June was selected to represent high soil water availability and one in August with less soil water availability, both periods shared similar VPD.

Both species show different reactions to soil type and water availability. Elms kept higher mean daytime sap velocity than oaks even under low water availability (~50% higher). Nonetheless, a steep decrease was recorded for the elms during August in sandy soils, what could be evidence of loss of conductivity due to cavitation. In both, the loamy and the sandy site, oaks had significantly lower mean daytime sap flow velocity than elms (E.g. in loamy soils: 13cm/h and 6cm/h, for elms and oaks respectively).  Intraspecific variability was observed for the oaks when the influence of the soil texture was considered. The oak reduced sap velocity in sandy soils significantly by approximately 50% compared to loamy soils. This indicates higher sensitivity of this species to soil texture and associated soil water potential. Furthermore, to understand the impact of soil texture on tree water use, the Jarvis model was applied. In the sandy site, under drought, the model was not able to explain the reduction in sap velocity considering potential evapotranspiration, thus under this condition soil water potential plays a stronger role in sap velocity regulation.

These results provide insights to the function that different adaptations by species and the influence of site-specific abiotic conditions could have over increased drought periods, providing information that may increment the success of restoration efforts of this ecosystem.

How to cite: Vásconez Navas, L. K., Busch, H., Thomsen, S., Becker, J., Kleinschmidt, V., Gröngröft, A., and Eschenbach, A.: Quercus robur and Ulmus laevis water use patterns differ significantly under drought conditions and high vapor pressure deficit in the active floodplain of the lower middle Elbe., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9771,, 2023.

EGU23-10350 | Orals | HS10.3

Sediment coatings reduce leaf and canopy scale photosynthesis in a salt marsh: a novel soil-plant-atmosphere linkage 

Thomas L. O'Halloran, Michelle E. Furbeck, Erik M. Smith, Thomas J. Mozdzer, and Kyle Barrett

Salt marshes gain vertical elevation to persist under sea level rise by building soil through primary production and trapping inorganic sediments.  Current models assume inorganic sediments contribute positively to marsh elevation, and that plants facilitate deposition and accretion through sediment trapping, suggesting rates of sediment trapping may be positively related to primary productivity.  Here we examine a phenomenon observed in a high salinity salt marsh estuary whereby inorganic sediments contribute to coating the Spartina alterniflora canopy and we investigate whether these coatings can inhibit photosynthesis.  Using eddy covariance observations of carbon dioxide flux, chamber measurements of leaf level photosynthesis, and measurements of leaf and canopy phenology we determined that 1) during rainless periods leaf and canopy greenness decline due to coating development, which is rinsed by rain proportionally to rain amount, 2) canopy light use efficiency declines as coatings develop for up to six days, 3) leaf level quantum use efficiency increases when coatings are removed, 4) canopy light use efficiency is weakly inversely correlated with creek salinity, 5) rinsing leaves amplifies the enhancement of canopy photosynthesis by diffuse light.  This study identifies a new mechanism in which inorganic sediments can inhibit S. alterniflora photosynthesis. Further work is needed to quantify the magnitude of the effect in terms of biomass production to determine whether this is a concern for marsh accretion.  If climate change and sea level rise enhance epiphytic coating development or residence time through, for example, creek bank erosion, sediment mobilization, or by extending rain-free periods, then this process may need to be incorporated in marsh elevation models.

How to cite: O'Halloran, T. L., Furbeck, M. E., Smith, E. M., Mozdzer, T. J., and Barrett, K.: Sediment coatings reduce leaf and canopy scale photosynthesis in a salt marsh: a novel soil-plant-atmosphere linkage, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10350,, 2023.

EGU23-10524 | ECS | Posters on site | HS10.3

Temporal Changes in Deciduous and Coniferous Stemflow Dissolved Organic Matter Composition 

Robyn O'Halloran, Delphis Levia, Jennifer Guerard, and Yu-Ping Chin

Stemflow is rainwater that runs down the trunk of trees and transport canopy derived dissolved organic matter (DOM) to the forest floor. The chemical composition of stemflow may create hot spots and hot moments of biogeochemical reactivity in the soil and water table. The amount and character of stemflow DOM throughout a 12-month period were analyzed to better understand the effect of phenophases (e.g., leafless, emergence, leafed, senescence for deciduous species and leafed-winter, emergence, leafed-spring/summer, senescence for pine) on tree-derived DOM composition. This study collected stemflow from four major species in the eastern United States, Betula lenta L. (sweet birch), Fagus grandifolia Ehrh. (American beech), Liriodendron tulipifera L. (yellow poplar), and Pinus rigida Mill. (pitch pine), on a monthly basis. A total of 157 samples were analyzed for organic carbon concentration, fluorescence, and light absorbance characteristics. Results from one of the absorbance characterizations, specific ultraviolet absorbance at 254nm, SUVA254, indicated a change in DOM composition throughout the phenophases for the four species. American beech and sweet birch increase in SUVA254 values with the lowest values occurring during emergence with progressively higher values from leafless to leafed and finally senescence phases. Pitch pine’s trend from smallest to largest values follows a different pattern beginning with leafed-winter, then leafed-spring/summer then emergence to senescence. Yellow poplar also demonstrates a different trend with no change occurring between emergence and the leafed phase with those two seasons having the smallest values, then progressively increasing in the leafless phase and then senescence. The fluorescence index (FI) values obtained demonstrate similar phenophase trends as the SUVA254 analysis except for sweet birch. The FI values for sweet birch were highest and identical in emergence and leafed, while FI successively declined between senescence and leafless phenophases. These trends indicate species and season influence sources that alter the quantity and compositional characteristics of DOM, e.g., aromatic content, which varied greatly. We are building a parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) model based upon the total fluorescence of stemflow DOM to further investigate these changes and provide a more in-depth analysis of its chemical components throughout the different phenophases of these four trees.

Funding note: This research was supported by funds from the US National Science Foundation (Award No. GCR-CMMI-1934887).



How to cite: O'Halloran, R., Levia, D., Guerard, J., and Chin, Y.-P.: Temporal Changes in Deciduous and Coniferous Stemflow Dissolved Organic Matter Composition, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10524,, 2023.

EGU23-11214 | ECS | Posters virtual | HS10.3 | Highlight

Performance of natural mangrove structure in downstream velocity reduction as compared to engineered porcupine and geobag structure using OpenFOAM 

Riddick Kakati, Subashisa Dutta, and Santosha Dwivedy

Bank erosion is a regular occurrence along most rivers. In low-income nations such as India and Bangladesh, economical engineered structures such as porcupines and geobags have been used to counteract such erosions. Nonetheless, at times of extreme flooding, these structures often become unstable and are subsequently washed away, thereby failing to protect the banks. Vetiver grass, which ties the soil with its roots, is a natural method for preventing bank erosion. However, its flexible structure is unable to significantly reduce velocity. In this study, the OpenFOAM open-source hydrodynamic model was used to assess the efficacy of mangrove root structure in reducing flow velocity. It has been compared to single screen porcupine, dual screen porcupine, and geobag structure in terms of performance in downstream flow velocity reduction. It was observed that single screen porcupine was the least effective at reducing velocity (0.32 %), followed by dual screen porcupine (3.63 %) and single geobag (5.66 %). On the other hand, the mangrove structure was able to lower downstream velocity by 14.26%. In terms of its downstream influence, the single screen porcupine had its influence upto 3.63 cm, followed by dual screen porcupine with 5.53 cm, and single geobag with 13.03 cm. The mangrove structure influence zone on the other hand was very close to the geobag structure (11.53 cm). With its greater velocity reduction capabilities and a considerable zone of influence, mangrove plantations on riverbanks may therefore function as a cost-effective and ecologically sustainable soil erosion management strategy.

How to cite: Kakati, R., Dutta, S., and Dwivedy, S.: Performance of natural mangrove structure in downstream velocity reduction as compared to engineered porcupine and geobag structure using OpenFOAM, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11214,, 2023.

EGU23-11322 | ECS | Orals | HS10.3

Towards a representation of complex ecosystems in the ORCHIDEE Land Surface Model 

Julien Alléon, Gordon Bonan, Josefine Ghattas, Anne-Sofie Lansoe, Sebastiaan Luyssaert, Jérôme Ogée, Catherine Ottlé, Philippe Peylin, Jan Polcher, Andrée Tuzet, and Nicolas Vuichard

Complex ecosystems, such as mixed forests or savannahs, are poorly represented in Land Surface Models (LSM). Those models mainly use simple and efficient representations such as the “big leaf” model for the energy budget in order to minimize time calculation. However, this approach prevents them from modelling more complex processes such as intra-canopy climate or competition for water between different vegetation strata which are highly important processes in order to understand the behavior and the responses of complex and mixed ecosystems in a changing climate. Although some ecosystem-specific models start to represent the 3D structure of complex ecosystems, including competition for light, water and nutrient between species and vertical / horizontal organization, these approaches are still too complex to be fully included in global LSM. However, first steps can be made towards this direction by representing the exchanges and interactions of biophysical fluxes such as water, carbon and energy. This study proposes some first steps towards this direction. We refined the computation of the energy and water transfers in the soil –plant – atmosphere continuum, working both on the horizontal and vertical heterogeneity. On the water transfers side, we implemented the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum model developed by Tuzet et al. (2017) which introduces a proper representation of the water flow inside the vegetation and a stronger coupling between plant water status and stomatal conductance. On the energy budget point of view, we implemented the multi-layer energy budget developed by Ryder et al. (2016) which represents the exchanges and turbulent transport of light and energy within a canopy. Finally, those two works being adapted for site-level modelling, we introduced a sub-grid heterogeneity representation of the energy and water budget in order to implement those developments for global applications. The study focuses on the two first developments which are firstly tested over several forest sites where intra-canopy gradients of humidity and temperature have been measured. A model inter-comparison between two LSM who have developed a vertical multi-layer energy budget, ORCHIDEE and CLM5 (Lawrence et al. (2019)), and the forest model MuSICA (Ogée et al. (2003)) allowed to highlight some of the model strengths and weaknesses. Finally, the expected improvements for complex ecosystems modelling and future developments in ORCHIDEE based on those representations will be presented.

How to cite: Alléon, J., Bonan, G., Ghattas, J., Lansoe, A.-S., Luyssaert, S., Ogée, J., Ottlé, C., Peylin, P., Polcher, J., Tuzet, A., and Vuichard, N.: Towards a representation of complex ecosystems in the ORCHIDEE Land Surface Model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11322,, 2023.

The seasonal variation of precipitation intensity in continental semi-arid flatlands determines the shifting influence of interception in the throughfall and soil moisture regimes under distinct vegetation covers including conifer, broadleaved, grassland and rainfed croplands (i.e., wheat). In a study case located at Sierra de Atapuerca, in the high plains of North Spain, where continental climate defines a very contrasting precipitation intensity between the cold and warm season, the study analyzes the seasonal difference between the low and high energy rain drops affecting throughfall and soil moisture recharge levels along the year. Results identify the distinct response of throughfall, and the subsequent soil moisture change to distinct rainfall events and its consequences for the sustainability of surface conditions afterwards. The study outcomes highlight the major role of vegetation type on modulating the throughfall and soil moisture evolution which influences the exposure of the surface to soil erosion. Snow remarkably distorts the throughfall/interception balance between seasons, representing a third type of alteration, particularly for soil moisture, concerning the vegetation cover. Secondary atmospheric variables such as relative humidity and radiation also seem influential in the soil moisture anomalies and soil surface developing under the different vegetation covers of this environment. The type of canopy cover additionally influences the interaction between different levels of the soil moisture profile which subsequently determines the resilience to drought of the vegetation cover. Consequently, the study contributes to understanding the reciprocal interaction between vegetation and hydrology in the definition of surface processes and land-surface sustainability.

How to cite: Gaona Garcia, J.: Differences in the interception/throughfall balance and its influence on soil moisture regimes under forest, grassland and cropland canopies of a semi-arid continental flatland., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12115,, 2023.

EGU23-12588 | ECS | Posters on site | HS10.3

Modelling sub-canopy landscape-scale shortwave radiation in Eucalyptus forests using a modified Beer-Lambert law combined with airborne LiDAR 

Christopher Lyell, Petter Nyman, Thomas Duff, Glenn Newnham, Assaf Inbar, Patrick Lane, Tegan Brown, and Gary Sheridan

In forest systems, direct shortwave radiation (SWR) plays a vital role in fundamental energy and water processes that require high-resolution modelling at the landscape scale. We propose an alternative approach to modelling high resolution, landscape scale, direct SWR transmittance through forest canopies. This approach utilises airborne LiDAR (AB LiDAR) to calibrate a modified Beer-Lambert Law. Over a three-year period, we established the most comprehensive spatial and temporal sub-canopy dataset of 1-minute pyranometer measurements over 31 diverse sites with varying forest densities and age classes in south-eastern Australia. Measuring below canopy SWR at sub-daily and seasonal variations in zenith angle, as well as peak daily and accumulative radiation loads. The modified Beer-Lambert Law (Rbc = Race-kL), utilises path length through the canopy (L) and AB LiDAR as a representation of the sun's beam to measure transmittance (Rbc/Rac) of above canopy (Rac) to below canopy (Rbc) radiation; To calculate a site-specific extinction coefficient (k). This approach links the theoretical framework of the Beer-Lambert law with the canopy penetrating properties of AB LiDAR, allowing for large-scale spatial extrapolation of SWR transmittance in forest canopies. This differs from previous studies, which either: apply the Beer-Lambert law or the LiDAR penetrating properties separately, use AB LiDAR to represent the vegetation structure from which a Leaf Area Index (LAI) is calculated and transmittance modelled using specific leaf projection functions, or use computationally intense approaches such as ray tracing. These approaches have limitations as they either require site-specific calibration at the point scale, don’t account for seasonal variations in beam penetration angle, are difficult to parameterise across the landscape, or are too computationally intense to feasibly run at the landscape scale. The proposed model combined with LiDAR calibration addresses these limitations as the path length changes with zenith angle, and the calibration of the extinction using LiDAR allows for landscape-level parameterisation in a computationally friendly workflow. With the expanding availability of AB and spaceborne LiDAR, the linking of the penetrating properties of LiDAR with the theoretical concept of the Beer-Lambert law will allow below canopy direct SWR to be modelled with improved accuracy at large scales over daily and seasonal timespans. This improves our ability to model radiation loading below forest canopies across diverse landscapes and terrains, improving the modelling of hydrological, micro-climate, energy and water processes.

How to cite: Lyell, C., Nyman, P., Duff, T., Newnham, G., Inbar, A., Lane, P., Brown, T., and Sheridan, G.: Modelling sub-canopy landscape-scale shortwave radiation in Eucalyptus forests using a modified Beer-Lambert law combined with airborne LiDAR, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12588,, 2023.

EGU23-473 | ECS | Orals | BG3.19

Extreme drought influences N2O hot moment intensity and duration 

Emma Withers, Laura Cardenas, Davey L. Jones, and Dave R. Chadwick

Extreme weather events such as prolonged flooding and extended drought are predicted to increase in frequency and intensity due to climate change. Drying and rewetting influence soil nutrient cycling and greenhouse gas emissions, particularly where nutrient inputs are high such as in agricultural systems. Flooding and drought events therefore directly influence climate change, nutrient fate and nutrient use efficiency. Soil wetting events can stimulate nitrous oxide (N2O) hot moments (disproportionately high emission rates over a short temporal period). Antecedent soil moisture conditions influence these hot moments, however this relationship and the mechanisms underlying it are not yet fully understood.

Characterisation of N2O hot moments in response to current and future climatic conditions is essential to inform land management practices and nutrient application regimes. This work explores the relationship between hydrological events and resultant hot moment dynamics, and aims to elucidate the mechanisms fundamental to these processes.

In this study, soil samples were subjected to four treatment conditions (n=5) for a 14-day dry period: 5%, 20%, 35% and 50% water filled pore space (WFPS). After this period, all soils were fertilised (100 kg N ha-1 ammonium nitrate) and simultaneously wetted to 90% WFPS for a further 14 days, to stimulate an N2O hot moment. Gas emissions (N2O, CO2, CH4) and soil chemistry (NO3-, NH4+, dissolved organic carbon) were analysed throughout the 28-day incubation, and untargeted metabolomics analysis was conducted on day 14 of the dry period.

Our results showed hot moments to intensify under pre-drought conditions, with 5% and 20% WFPS considered a drought, versus 35% and 50% WFPS considered moist. For the first time, we showed extreme drought (5% WFPS) to significantly influence hot moment dynamics compared with moderate drought and moist conditions, with emissions occurring more abruptly and to a greater intensity over a 3-day, versus > 14-day, timeframe. Possible explanations for this shift include microbial osmolyte accumulation during drought and secretion upon rewetting, resulting in a labile C pool (immediate C availability); microbial cell death during drought or rewetting (immediate C availability via necromass); or shifts in microbial community structure, or gene expression rate, following rewetting. Untargeted metabolomics analysis is being conducted to determine the extent of osmolyte accumulation between treatments, including the nature of said osmolytes for indication of species likely involved in accumulation, and to probe any disparities in active microbial metabolic pathways, and therefore function, between treatments.

In summary, our results indicate antecedent conditions to significantly influence N2O hot moments following wetting, with extreme droughts appearing to shift biogeochemical process dynamics compared with dry-to-moist conditions. Microbial activity, function and substrate availability may play explanatory roles in this shift, with untargeted metabolomics promising a powerful tool to probe underlying functional mechanisms.

How to cite: Withers, E., Cardenas, L., Jones, D. L., and Chadwick, D. R.: Extreme drought influences N2O hot moment intensity and duration, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-473,, 2023.

Permafrost thaw can stimulate microbial decomposition and induce soil carbon (C) loss, potentially triggering a positive C-climate feedback. However, earlier observations have concentrated on bulk soil C dynamics upon permafrost thaw, with limited evidence involving soil C fractions. Here, we explore how the functionally distinct fractions, including particulate and mineral-associated organic C (POC and MAOC) as well as iron-bound organic C (OC-Fe), respond to permafrost thaw using systematic measurements derived from one permafrost thaw sequence and five additional thermokarst-impacted sites on the Tibetan Plateau. We find that topsoil POC content substantially decreases, while MAOC content remains stable and OC-Fe accumulates due to the enriched Fe oxides after permafrost thaw. Moreover, the proportion of MAOC and OC-Fe increases along the thaw sequence and at most of the thermokarst-impacted sites. The relatively enriched stable soil C fractions would alleviate microbial decomposition and weaken its feedback to climate warming over long-term thermokarst development.

How to cite: Yang, Y. and Liu, F.: Divergent changes in particulate and mineral-associated organic carbon upon permafrost thaw, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1443,, 2023.

EGU23-1496 | ECS | Orals | BG3.19 | Highlight

Soil carbon and nitrogen responses to global change are informed by soil organic matter fractions 

Katherine S. Rocci and M. Francesca Cotrufo

As the largest terrestrial carbon (C) pool, the feedbacks of soil C to global environmental change have significant implications for our future climate. It is increasingly recognized that studying solely bulk soil C and nitrogen (N) responses to global change is not sufficient. Because different fractions of soil organic matter (SOM) have distinct controls, they likely respond differently to global changes. To investigate the responses of SOM fractions to global change we must combine data synthesis with mechanistic experiments. We investigated the responses of particulate and mineral-associated organic matter (POM and MAOM) to global change through a global meta-analysis and an increased precipitation experiment. In our meta-analysis we found that POM was more strongly influenced by global change than MAOM and that these fractions responded uniquely to global changes. In particular, increased precipitation caused opposing, but non-significant, responses of POM and MAOM C (decrease and increase, respectively) when investigated with meta-analysis. In investigating POM and MAOM responses to an increased precipitation experiment, we find greater support for changes in plant biomass and diversity driving changes in SOM fractions than changes in microbial necromass. Unique, statistically stronger, and plant- and microbially-informed responses of SOM fractions as compared to bulk SOM suggest these fractions are useful for understanding SOM responses to global change. Altogether, our work provides strong evidence that fractionating SOM into POM and MAOM will help determine whether soil C will feed back positively or negatively to climate change.

How to cite: Rocci, K. S. and Cotrufo, M. F.: Soil carbon and nitrogen responses to global change are informed by soil organic matter fractions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1496,, 2023.

EGU23-2619 | Orals | BG3.19

Seasonal variation of nitrous oxide flux and aeration/water stress at different water table levels 

Mansonia Politi Moncada, Matteo Longo, Nicola Dal Ferro, and Francesco Morari

Patterns of nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions related to water-filled pore space and gas diffusivity have been described as evidence of denitrification activity. However, the complexity of factor combinations in managed agroecosystems calls for comprehensive studies relating to N2O emissions and water content dynamics, both spatially and temporally. This study examined the impact of two water table levels and free drainage (60 cm, 120 cm and free drainage, WT60, WT120 and FD) in combination with land management (conservation and conventional agriculture) on the seasonal variation of surface N2O flux and aeration/water stress on the soil profile. N2O emissions and volumetric water content dynamics were measured on a lysimeter experiment over three years (2018-2020). Preliminary results show that N2O emissions were driven by fertilization over time irrespective of water table level and land management. In the topsoil, WT60 and WT120 promoted longer periods of aeration stress under conservation agriculture compared to conventional, whereas FD increased water stress days under conventional agriculture. At 30 and 60 cm depth, water content under FD remained mostly within the range of nonlimiting for plant growth, and under WT60 and WT120 was generally above the aeration limit in-season and over time. Correspondently, calculated relative gas diffusivity was limiting for conservation agriculture in the topsoil compared to conventional agriculture, and below the anoxia threshold for both land management at 30 and 60 cm depth. This suggests that the subsoil could become a potential hotspot for N2O production under shallow water levels. Cumulative surface N2O appears to be related to the cumulative number of aeration stress days derived from the nonlimiting water range, with variation across years and land management.

How to cite: Politi Moncada, M., Longo, M., Dal Ferro, N., and Morari, F.: Seasonal variation of nitrous oxide flux and aeration/water stress at different water table levels, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2619,, 2023.

EGU23-2845 | ECS | Orals | BG3.19

Dynamics of pyrogenic carbon in permafrost-affected soils on short- and long-timescales 

Marcus Schiedung, Philippa Ascough, Severin-Luca Bellè, Robert G. Hilton, Carmen Hoeschen, Steffen A. Schweizer, and Samuel Abiven

Wildfires occur regularly in boreal forests of Northern Canada and are increasing in frequency and intensity due to the impacts of projected global climate change. A by-product of these forest fires is pyrogenic carbon (PyC) as a residue of incomplete combustion. The short-and long-term dynamics of this important soil organic carbon (SOC) pool in permafrost-affected mineral soils, however, is largely unknown. Here we studied eleven boreal forest soils at distinct landscape positions under continuous (northern sites) and discontinuous (southern sites) permafrost. In these we assessed the short-term fate of 13C-labeled PyC and its precursor grass organic matter over two year in-situ soil core incubations. Further, we isolated PyC by hydrogen pyrolysis (PyCHyPy) for quantification and radiocarbon measurements to investigate long-term pools across the landscape.

Losses of PyC after two years were dominated by decomposition with up to three times more PyC losses at northern sites (36%) compared to the southern sites (11%). The losses of the grass organic matter were substantial (69-84%) but losses were larger in southern soils. The PyC persistence depended on site and soil specific properties and not solely on its chemical resistance. Fresh PyC was increasingly decomposition in nutrient limited mineral soils under continuous permafrost, indicating that polyaromatic compounds can act as a nutrient source. Mineral interactions were important and contributed to the stabilization of ~40% of recovered PyC. Mineral-associated PyC mainly remained in particulate forms as identified on the microscale using NanoSIMS. Beside large grass organic matter losses, remaining fractions were recovered predominantly as particles in northern soils but highly dispersed on mineral surfaces in the southern soils on the microscale. Our results highlight that permafrost-affected boreal forest soils are sensitive to fresh PyC and organic matter inputs with substantial losses by decomposition even under continuous permafrost conditions with unique stabilisation mechanisms at the organo-mineral interface.

On the long-term, we identified that the native PyCHyPy represents a millennial age carbon pool with significantly higher ages in continuous (5.5-7.8 cal. ka BP; F14C=0.44-0.54) than in discontinuous (1.2-2.2 cal. ka BP; F14C=0.76-0.88) permafrost soils in 0-15 cm soil depth. The PyCHyPy was markedly older than the bulk SOC (modern with F14C=0.65-1.11). With soil depths, PyCHyPy ages increased to >18 cal. ka BP (F14C<0.10) in cryoturbated soils. In accordance with the age, the PyCHyPy stocks were larger at northern (3.4 ± 0.3 Mg PyCHyPy ha-1) compared to southern (1.4 ± 0.1 Mg PyCHyPy ha-1) sites. The PyCHyPy stocks were found to be independent of permafrost intensity and landscape position within the regions and did not reflect observed SOC variability. By considering the results of the two-year incubation with the long-term observations, we identified that the processes on different temporal scales are not directly linked. A better understanding of PyC dynamics along temporal and spatial scales is required to evaluate soil carbon feedbacks of high-latitude soils with global warming and associated permafrost thaw and shifts in vegetation and wildfire regimes.

How to cite: Schiedung, M., Ascough, P., Bellè, S.-L., Hilton, R. G., Hoeschen, C., Schweizer, S. A., and Abiven, S.: Dynamics of pyrogenic carbon in permafrost-affected soils on short- and long-timescales, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2845,, 2023.

EGU23-2863 | Posters on site | BG3.19

"Global Deep Soil 2100" network - an update 

Michael W. I. Schmidt and the Deep Soil 2100

“Global Deep Soil 2100” is a network for whole-ecosystem warming experiments. The aim of DeepSoil 2100 is to bring together researchers working on long-term experiments. The year ‘2100’ was chosen because IPCC scenarios run until 2100. We welcome whole ecosystem manipulations, warming down to one meter, with or without other manipulations such as water and carbon dioxide concentrations, and studying responses of plants, soil biogeochemistry, ecology, etc.

There are less than a dozen whole-ecosystem warming experiments but not all researchers know about each other. To introduce experiments and involved scientists, we started video meetings end of 2020. This effort brought together experimentalists, modelers and data users into this “whole-ecosystem warming network”, to share practical experience on field experiments, data reporting, discuss observations and results and explore synergies regarding tools, knowledge, and data sharing and interpretation. You can view previous meeting recordings here:

A first workshop to further data compilation and meta analysis and modeling is scheduled for March 2023. Further details and contact can be found on the webpage of the “International Soil Carbon Network”

How to cite: Schmidt, M. W. I. and the Deep Soil 2100: "Global Deep Soil 2100" network - an update, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2863,, 2023.

EGU23-3380 | Orals | BG3.19 | Highlight

Estimating the effect of past century global warming on agricultural topsoil carbon stocks 

Christopher Poeplau and Rene Dechow

Estimating the effect of past century global warming on agricultural soil carbon stocks


Christopher Poeplau, Rene Dechow


Climate change is likely to affect soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks across the globe. Therefore, modelling efforts are undertaken to estimate the effect of future climate change on SOC stocks at different spatial scales and for various climate change scenarios. However, global average air temperature already increased by more than 1°C, which most likely already affected and affects global SOC stocks. Agricultural soils were observed to lose SOC in many parts of the world, which is partly interpreted as climate-driven. For deconfounding management and climate change effects, the latter needs to be estimated comprehensively. In this study, an established FAO framework, including the global SOC map as well as the RothC and MIAMI models, was used to model global agricultural topsoil SOC stock dynamics from 1919 to 2018 as attributable to climate change.

On average, global agricultural topsoils lost 2.5±2.3 Mg C ha-1 with constant net primary production (NPP) or 1.6±3.4 Mg C ha-1 when NPP was modified by temperature and precipitation. These loss rates per °C were comparable to those observed in long-term geothermal warming experiments, which are also presented as a source of validation. Regional variability in SOC stock changes was explained by the complex patterns of alterations in temperature and moisture, as well as initial SOC stocks as major drivers of mineralisation and partly also C inputs in the models. On average, SOC losses have been a persistent feature of climate change in all climatic zones during the past century. This needs to be taken into consideration in reporting or accounting frameworks and halted in order to mitigate climate change and secure soil health. At the same time, the estimated climate-driven loss rates were partly much smaller than observed SOC losses from agricultural soils, indicating that other management-related drivers have been more important. 

How to cite: Poeplau, C. and Dechow, R.: Estimating the effect of past century global warming on agricultural topsoil carbon stocks, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3380,, 2023.

The forest ecosystem plays a key role in mitigating global climate change through carbon sequestration in its biomass and soils to limit the rising atmospheric concentration of CO2. However, the combined overall interaction of climate and forest type on the quantities and forms of soil carbon (organic vs. inorganic) has not yet been sufficiently investigated. In this study, the contents of soil total carbon (STC), soil organic carbon (SOC) and soil inorganic carbon (SIC) were measured along the 4000 km North-South Transect of Eastern China. We sampled 252 soil samples (6 replicates for each site, 3 depths for each site) from four long-term ecosystem  experimental stations in Dinghushan, Shennongjia, Beijing and Changbaishan, along the transect from south to north, including 14 different forest types. The contents of STC, SOC, and SIC in the upper 60 cm soil layer varied in different types of forest with 34–107 g C kg−1, 31–104 g C kg−1, and 1.5–8 g C kg−1, respectively. The northern fir and birch forest, most notably in Changbaishan, had the highest STC and SOC contents. The higher SIC contents were found in the southern evergreen broad-leaved forests in Dinghushan and Shennongjia. The contents of STC, SOC and SIC differed significantly in terms of mean annual temperature (MAT), mean annual  precipitation (MAP), forest type, and soil depth. In the upper 60 cm soil layer, the most significant correlations occurred between SOC (or STC) and MAT (R2SOC = −0.62, R2STC =−0.60) when compared with the correlation between SOC (or STC) and MAP (R2SOC= −0.45, R2STC=−0.45) or elevation (R2SOC=0.48, R2STC=0.48). The soil stratification ratio (SR) of STC and SOC were typically ~2–3 in most forests and even reached 5–7 in Changbaishan forest, indicating a well-functioning ecosystem overall. We concluded that on the near-continental scale (4000 km), forest soil carbon contents and forms (SOC, STC, SIC) were controlled most strongly by temperature (MAT). Therefore, an innovative selection of a specific forest type (fir or broad-leaved forest) within set temperature regimes can better contribute to maximizing soil carbon content and thus optimize its sequestration on the national to near-continental scale to mitigate climate change.

How to cite: Gu, J., Bol, R., Sun, Y., and Zhang, H.: Soil carbon quantity and form are controlled predominantly by mean annual temperature along 4000 km North-South transect of Eastern China, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4172,, 2023.

EGU23-4782 | ECS | Orals | BG3.19

Temperature sensitivity of soil organic carbon decomposition responses to warming and elevated CO2 in the tidal marsh ecosystem 

Jaehyun Lee, Yerang Yang, Hojeong Kang, Genevieve Noyce, and Patrick Megonigal

Tidal marsh is a large reservoir of soil organic carbon (SOC), considered one of the most efficient natural carbon sinks. However, the future carbon pool of this ecosystem has large variability and uncertainty due to climate change such as temperature rise and elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration. Microbial-mediated SOC decomposition is a key process that regulates the carbon cycle of tidal marsh. This process is largely temperature-dependent, thus understanding the response of temperature sensitivity (Q10) of SOC decomposition to climate change is critical to improving our prediction capability of the tidal marsh carbon cycle and the climate feedback. However, the response of Q10 of SOC decomposition on climate change in tidal marsh ecosystem is yet to be revealed, hampering our prediction capability of the future tidal marsh carbon cycle. Here, we elucidate the effect of warming and elevated CO2 concentration on the Q10 of SOC decomposition at a Salt Marsh Accretion Response to Temperature eXperiment (SMARTX). Surface sediments were collected in 2022 (6 years after manipulation started) from ambient, +5.1℃ (W), elevated CO2 (750ppm, eCO2), and +5.1℃+elevated CO2 (W+eCO2) plots and the Q10 of SOC decomposition was determined. W significantly decreased aerobic SOC decomposition rate most likely due to the labile carbon depletion and thermal adaptation, whereas eCO2 and W+eCO2 increased the aerobic decomposition rate at high temperatures (25 and 30℃). Anaerobic SOC decomposition rate was not affected by W whereas eCO2 and W+eCO2 significantly increased anaerobic decomposition rate at all temperatures. Q10 of aerobic SOC decomposition was not affected by W whereas eCO2 and W+eCO2 significantly increased. Q10 of anaerobic SOC decomposition was not affected by climate change. Overall, our finding demonstrates that elevated CO2 concentration increases the vulnerability of soil carbon stock to warming in tidal marshes, with implications for modeling the future carbon cycle of the ecosystem.

How to cite: Lee, J., Yang, Y., Kang, H., Noyce, G., and Megonigal, P.: Temperature sensitivity of soil organic carbon decomposition responses to warming and elevated CO2 in the tidal marsh ecosystem, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4782,, 2023.

EGU23-4785 | ECS | Orals | BG3.19

The long-term effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 and warming on soil microbial communities in a tidal marsh ecosystem 

Yerang Yang, Jaehyun Lee, Genevieve Noyce, Patrick Megonigal, and Hojeong Kang

Tidal marshes are an important transition zone connecting marine, freshwater, and terrestrial ecosystems. Tidal marshes are known to be sensitive to global climate change such as elevated CO2 and warming. In particular, it is yet to be revealed whether the such change may increase or decrease carbon stock in tidal marshes. Although soil microorganisms play an important role in carbon storage in tidal marshes by determining carbon mineralization, little is known about the interactive effects of elevated CO2 and warming on soil microbial communities in field conditions. Here, we elucidate the effects of 6-year experiment of climate manipulation on soil microbial communities in a tidal marsh. The manipulation experiment included 4 treatments of 1) elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations (750 ppm) only, 2) warming (+5.1 °C) only, 3) both elevated CO2 and warming, and 4) ambient conditions. Elevated CO2 significantly changed the structure of the RNA-derived (active) and DNA-derived (total) soil microbial community, but warming did not affect either. The relative abundances of Acidobacteria, Actinobacteria, Chloroflexi, and Planctomycetes were higher in the DNA-derived soil microbial communities than in the RNA-derived soil microbial communities, whereas those of Campilobacterota, Desulfobacteria, Gammaproteobacteria, Myxococcota, and Spirochaetota were higher in the RNA-derived soil microbial communities. In addition, elevated CO2 changed the microbial communities from r- to K-strategists in both RNA and DNA-derived communities, suggesting that this may offset additional C input by roots in a future elevated atmospheric CO2 environment. This study provides a better understanding of microbial response to the combined effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations and global warming in the tidal marsh ecosystems.

How to cite: Yang, Y., Lee, J., Noyce, G., Megonigal, P., and Kang, H.: The long-term effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 and warming on soil microbial communities in a tidal marsh ecosystem, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4785,, 2023.

EGU23-5070 | ECS | Orals | BG3.19 | Highlight

Climate and mineral controls on global soil radiocarbon profiles 

Sophie F. von Fromm, Alison M. Hoyt, Sebastian Doetterl, and Susan E. Trumbore

Radiocarbon measurements provide a powerful tool to assess the persistence of soil organic carbon (SOC). While soil depth is generally one of the most important predictors of soil radiocarbon age, it remains unclear whether this relationship is due to an overall decrease in C input with depth or to changing importance of climatic or mineralogical constraints on SOC decomposition. Due to this lack of mechanistic understanding, we argue that the relationship between soil radiocarbon age and SOC abundance may be a better proxy than depth to investigate SOC persistence. To test this hypothesis, we use globally collected soil radiocarbon data from the International Soil Radiocarbon Database (ISRaD) to examine the influence of climate and soil mineralogy on the relationship between SOC concentration and radiocarbon age at the profile level. Our analysis includes about 600 soil profiles covering all major climatic zones and soil types (except aridisols). We show that extreme climatic and mineralogical constraints can lead to a similar accumulation of old SOC throughout the soil profile but for very different reasons. Climatic extremes include soils from tundra/polar regions where C input and decomposition are constrained by low temperatures and water availability. Mineralogical extremes include volcanic soils (andisols) that are dominated by highly reactive amorphous minerals that limit SOC accessibility. Across all climate zones and for a given SOC concentration, arid soils tend to have younger radiocarbon ages compared to temperate soils. Tropical soils have the youngest SOC at the surface due to high C input and show a relatively uniform distribution of SOC and radiocarbon ages globally. In terms of mineralogy, soils dominated by low-activity clays (oxisols and ultisols) show younger radiocarbon ages than soils dominated by high-activity clays (all other soil types except andisols) for a given SOC concentration. These first results have far-reaching implications for better understanding SOC vulnerability and benchmarking soil carbon models for representing SOC turnover and persistence across climate zones and soil types.

How to cite: von Fromm, S. F., Hoyt, A. M., Doetterl, S., and Trumbore, S. E.: Climate and mineral controls on global soil radiocarbon profiles, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5070,, 2023.

EGU23-6072 | Posters on site | BG3.19

Irrigation decision support unit 

Adam Tejkl, Petr Kavka, Martin Hanel, and Michal Kuraz

Efficiency of irrigation is curtailing for lowering water consumption in intensive agriculture. High water consumption for irrigation of vegetables is driver of small catchments water disbalance and creates problems in proper and efficient running of irrigation systems. High energy consumption also lowers the economical efficiency of small farms.

Ongoing project aims to develop simple and reliable, yet easy to reproduce decision support device. Core part of the device are measuring of the soil moisture content in field in cheap way. 3D printed design in combination with open-source low-cost electronics is utilized. Methodology and results of the ongoing research project will be presented. Project investigates the affordable and simple technical measures that have a potential to increase the number of opportunities for the measuring of soil moisture content.

Device consist of six soil moisture humidity sensors, air temperature and humidity sensor. Rainfall gauge and wind speed gauge is being currently developed. Centerpiece of the device is Arduino Mega board. This microcontroller serves as a control unit of the device, writes measured data to the microSD card, do all the necessary calculations and communicates with the user. Unit is powered via the two 6V solar panels. These solar panels also serve as an indirect solar radiation measuring device. Measuring step 10 minutes is chosen.

Continuously the theories are developed and tested, subsequently conclusions are implemented into the next generation of the device. Durability and reliability of the device is tested in laboratory setup and in a field. Laboratory setup consists of a growing tent with four planting pots. In each planting pot one tomato plant is grown. Growing tent is also equipped with UV lights and ventilation to allow all year-round testing. Planting pots are filled with soil from outdoor experimental plots, this allows us to simulate different scenarios without a need to wait for suitable weather conditions. Two and two planting pots are placed in a common basins, this enables draining and flooding of the soil and comparative testing of two different scenarios. In field developed unit is placed alongside professional meteorological station EMS Brno, which measures soil moisture in four depths, rainfall height, wind speed, solar radiation and air temperature and humidity.

The laboratory setup is placed in the building of CTU Faculty of Civil Engineering in Dejvice, the experimental sites are located roughly 30 km to the north and north-west from Prague. In the fields near villages Libiš and Hlavenec. Both places have different soil type and irrigation method. Libiš has Fluvisols and is irrigated via large scale river supplied sprinkler irrigation system, Hlavenec has Phaeozems and irrigation is done via drip or small sprinkler fed from a small on-site reservoir. Water balance is monitored in all testing localities.

The research is funded by the Technological Agency of the Czech Republic (research project SS01020052 – Utility and risk of irrigation over the Czech Republic in changing climate

How to cite: Tejkl, A., Kavka, P., Hanel, M., and Kuraz, M.: Irrigation decision support unit, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6072,, 2023.

EGU23-6390 | Orals | BG3.19

Rapid Lignin Degradation in a Laboratory Incubation Experiment 

Dario Püntener, Tatjana C. Speckert, and Guido L.B. Wiesenberg

Alpine and sub-alpine areas react very sensitive to global climate change and carbon cycling therein has been understudied, so far. A major component of plant litter that is commonly regarded as hardly decomposable is lignin. Consequently, the improved knowledge on degradation of lignin and soil organic carbon in alpine areas is of great importance to better understand their response to climate change. Therefore, we conducted a closed-jar incubation experiment under controlled conditions. 13C labelled plant litter (above ground litter from Lolium perenne) was added to two different soils from a sub-alpine area, one pasture soil and one forest soil originating from Jaun, Switzerland. To investigate the effect of increasing temperatures, the incubation was conducted under three different temperature regimes (average growing season temperature of 12.5°C, +4°C (16.5°C) and +8°C (20.5°C)) for the period of one year with five consecutive destructive samplings.

Lignin phenols were extracted using the CuO oxidation method, subsequent sample clean-up and quantification by GC-FID. Compound-specific stable carbon (δ13C) isotope composition of the lignin phenols was measured by GC-IRMS.

For all treatment groups, lignin concentrations decreased over the period of one year. The average decrease across all treatment groups was -22.7%. The decrease was slightly higher for the forest soil (-24.9%) than for the pasture site (-20.5%). No significant difference was observed between the control soil with and without added labelled litter. Average lignin decrease for the pasture soil was highest for the lowest temperature (-27.1%). For the two higher temperature treatments the decreases were identical with -17.1% and -17.3%. For the forest soil, the decrease was highest for a temperature of 16.5 °C (26.9%) and slightly lower for 12.5°C (25.7%). Surprisingly, the lowest decrease was observed for 20.5°C (22.1%).

The evolution of the 13C labelled litter signal enables the assessment of the degradation of fresh litter in the soils. For all different soils and incubation temperatures, the amount of litter-derived lignin phenols decreased by more than 50% already within two weeks after litter addition. In the further course of time, the 13C signal decreased much more slowly but remained considerably different from control soils. A possible explanation for this is a high availability of easily degradable carbon within the litter, providing enough energy to produce enzymes for lignin degradation.

Over the course of a year, also older lignin in the control samples degraded in a similar range as in the samples with litter addition, with a strong decrease in the initial phase and a slower decomposition in the later phase. This can be explained by the better availability of carbon at the beginning of the experiment and missing fresh litter during the later course.

Contrary to expectations, the degradation of lignin did not increase with rising temperature. This could be due to a lower temperature optimum of the current microbial community which is adapted to the current sub-alpine temperature regime. A complementary field incubation will show whether and how the laboratory results can be transferred to field conditions.



How to cite: Püntener, D., Speckert, T. C., and Wiesenberg, G. L. B.: Rapid Lignin Degradation in a Laboratory Incubation Experiment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6390,, 2023.

EGU23-7743 | Posters on site | BG3.19

The promotion of decomposition of root-derived biomass by warming is depth dependent in a temperate forest 

Binyan Sun, Cyrill Zosso, Guido Wiesenberg, Margaret Torn, and Michael Schmidt

IPCC climate scenarios (RCP 8.5) suggest 4°C warming until 2100, which could accelerate soil carbon loss, greenhouse gas release, and further promote global warming. Despite low carbon concentrations, subsoils (> 30 cm) store more than half of the total global soil organic carbon stocks. However, it remains largely unknown, how deep soil carbon will respond to warming and how root-derived carbon as a potential recalcitrant part of soil carbon could contribute to carbon stabilization in subsoils. After three years of root-litter incubation, we aim to i) quantify decomposition of root-litter at different depths in a +4°C warming field experiment, ii) assess whether specific plant polymers will degrade differently in warmed and control plots, iii) identify decomposition products of plant biomass remaining.

In a field experiment in a temperate forest (Blodgett Forest, Sierra Nevada, CA, USA), 13C labelled root-litter was incubated at three soil depths (10-14, 45-49, 85-89 cm) in soil cores for one and three years. For bulk soil, we measured carbon and nitrogen concentrations, and δ13C isotope composition. For individual molecular analysis, we quantified and determined the δ13C isotope composition of microbial biomarkers (PLFA), and plant-derived biomarkers (mainly suberin monomers released after base hydrolysis). We also explored suberin monomers as biomarkers for root-derived biomass (here ω-hydroxy fatty acids).

We observed the following:
i) In the plots without additional labelled root-litter, warming led to heavier suberin biomarker δ 13C values compared with control plots, especially in the topsoils. This indicates a more advanced degradation due to warming.
ii) In plots with added labelled root-litter, bulk soil δ13C values become heavier with soil depth. For individual suberin markers, we find less excess 13C with warming especially in topsoils, indicating more advanced decomposition in topsoils with warming. This advanced decomposition was not found in subsoils.

We conclude that the decomposition of root organic matter is depth dependent, and warming promotes the loss of suberin in topsoils, which contradicts the present assumption of suberin as a slowly degrading part of plant-derived organic matter.

How to cite: Sun, B., Zosso, C., Wiesenberg, G., Torn, M., and Schmidt, M.: The promotion of decomposition of root-derived biomass by warming is depth dependent in a temperate forest, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7743,, 2023.

EGU23-7749 | ECS | Orals | BG3.19 | Highlight

Effects of soil carbon management and drought on grassland root systems and soil microbial communities 

Daniela Guasconi, Sara Cousins, Petra Fransson, Stefano Manzoni, and Gustaf Hugelius

Grasslands are often water-limited ecosystems with high belowground carbon allocation. Their root systems and soil microbial communities play an important role in regulating the soil carbon pool, and properly managed, grasslands may contribute to climate change mitigation via sequestration of carbon (C) in soils. However, it is still uncertain how roots and microbial communities are affected by drought and changes in precipitation patterns in combination with management for soil C sequestration. Expected longer dry periods and more intense precipitation events will evoke soil microbial responses that may feed-back on soil carbon storage.

We set up an experiment in southern Sweden in 2019 to investigate the response of belowground biodiversity to chronic drought (via partial rainfall exclusion) and carbon amendments in the form of a compost addition. We sampled belowground plant biomass, root traits and soil microbial communities from two grasslands with different land use history and over several depths. We extracted and sequenced fungal and bacterial DNA using metabarcoding, and carried out vegetation inventories at the sites - including plant biomass and relative abundance of plant functional types. At the same time, we monitored changes in soil moisture and soil organic matter from topsoil to deep soil, to assess the effect of the treatments throughout the soil profile.

After three years of treatment, we expected to observe changes in the root systems and soil microbiota in response to decreased precipitation, as well as interactions between soil moisture and the organic matter added through the compost amendment. In addition, we expected to see shifts in the composition of fungal functional groups involved in organic matter decomposition and mycorrhizal symbionts limited to the rooting zone. The analyses suggest that changes in soil C and soil moisture affect only the topsoil. While overall root biomass did not change significantly in the treatment plots over the course of the experiment, we observed a slight increase in rooting depth and root mass density and a decrease in fine root length under drought. The results of this study will contribute to assess ecosystem responses to drought, and to evaluate the potential for soil carbon sequestration in grasslands and its possible impacts on belowground biodiversity.

How to cite: Guasconi, D., Cousins, S., Fransson, P., Manzoni, S., and Hugelius, G.: Effects of soil carbon management and drought on grassland root systems and soil microbial communities, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7749,, 2023.

Soil respiration is a measure of the flux of greenhouse gases and accounts for the release and uptake of CO2, CH4 and N2O. It is a function of heterotrophic microbial activity through the mineralisation and immobilisation of organic matter and the symbiotic relations formed in the rhizosphere, contributing to the autotrophic component. It is a primary process within woodlands that contribute to the efflux of CO2, the sink capacity of CH4 and the variable flux of N2O. Understanding how woodland soils will react to rising atmospheric CO2 levels is critical for budgeting, modelling, and providing insightful management strategies for global forests. The Birmingham Institute of Forest Research is a Free Air Carbon Enrichment facility (BIFoR-FACE), whereby the seasonal and diurnal fumigation of CO2 is closely controlled. Providing localised and enriched atmospheric CO2 levels across the canopy of a mature temperate Oak dominant woodland that is representative of 2050 levels.

The flux of CO2 from the soil has been continuously measured within fumigated treatment (eCO2) and ambient control (aCO2) arrays since 2017, with capabilities to additionally measure CH4 and N2O being added in 2020. Across all arrays, CO2 fluxes showed significant negative correlations with soil moisture but significant positive correlations with soil temperature. Initial trends from 2017 - 2020 indicated that eCO2 arrays had a higher efflux of CO2 relative to paired aCO2 arrays, with this pattern switching in 2021. During the 2021 and 2022 fumigation seasons, eCO2 arrays have seen a decline in the efflux of CO2, to levels lower than aCO2 plots. Mean values during 2022 for the efflux of CO2 within eCO2 arrays were 2.63 μmol m-2 s-1 (n = 18762) versus 3.62 μmol m-2 s-1 (n = 22856) for aCO2 arrays. Uptake of CH4 and efflux of N2O were not significantly different between arrays, although eCO2 arrays had lower CH4 uptake and N2O efflux. Indicating a potential decline in the efflux of CO2 but a reduced uptake of CH4 from temperate woodlands under future atmospheric conditions. Further investigation will now look to understand the mechanistic drivers behind these changes, focusing on the microbial heterotrophic contribution as a potential mediator of these noted flux rates changes under eCO2

How to cite: Armstrong, A.: How will forest soils ‘breathe’ in 2050? Soil respiration of CO2, CH4 and N2O under elevated atmospheric CO2., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8621,, 2023.

EGU23-8625 | ECS | Posters virtual | BG3.19

Wheat Cover Crop Management Impacts Corn Yield, Soil Nitrogen Dynamics, and Nitrous Oxide Emission 

Oladapo Adeyemi and Amir Sadeghpour

Agricultural soil  management is the main source of nitrous oxide (N2O) emission, contributing 78% of total N2O emissions. Winter cereal cover crops (WCCCs) are recommended as the best in-field management practice to minimize nutrient loss to Illinois water and the Gulf of Mexico. WCCCs including wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) are often terminated 3-4 weeks prior to planting corn. Delaying termination increases nitrogen (N) uptake and decreases N leaching potential. Literature is scant on the effect of wheat termination (early vs. late or cover crop removal) on corn yield and N2O emission during corn growing season. The objective of the study includes evaluating effect of wheat termination management vs. a no-cover crop control on (I) corn leaf area index (LAI) and grain yield; (II) soil nitrate-N, ammonium-N, and total N dynamics; (III) soil volumetric water content (VWC) and temperature trends; (IV) soil N2O emission; and (V) yield-scaled N2O emissions. We found that Corn yield was higher in Fallow and explained by peak LAI values. Majority of N2O emissions occurred after N fertilization prior to corn V10 growth stage. Soil nitrate-N had its peak period after sidedressing N coinciding with peak N2O emissions for most of cover crop treatments. Yield-scaled N2O emission were lowest in the fallow in both years and varies across other cover crop treatments in 2020 and 2021 reflecting on lower N balances in that treatment. Average soil VWC prior to corn V10 growth stage explained 74% of soil N2O-N emissions indicating when N is supplied in high amount, soil VWC drives N2O-N emissions. Gram + bacteria was negatively related to cumulative N2O-N emissions.

How to cite: Adeyemi, O. and Sadeghpour, A.: Wheat Cover Crop Management Impacts Corn Yield, Soil Nitrogen Dynamics, and Nitrous Oxide Emission, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8625,, 2023.

EGU23-9252 | ECS | Orals | BG3.19

Drivers of soil microbial activities and greenhouse gas emissions along an elevational gradient 

Xingguo Han, Anna Doménech Pascual, Joan Pere Casas-Ruiz, Jonathan Donhauser, Karen Jordaan, Jean-Baptiste Ramond, Anders Priemé, Anna M. Romaní, and Aline Frossard

Mountain ecosystems contribute substantially to global carbon and nitrogen biogeochemical cycles. Although soil respiration, and microbial biomass, activities and diversity have been extensively studied at different altitudes worldwide, little is known on causal link between environmental drivers, microbial functions and emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in soils of different elevation. Here, by measuring in-situ GHG fluxes, soil properties, organic matter (OM) quality, microbial enzyme activities, biomass and gene abundances, we investigate factors that control long-term GHG fluxes (carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O)) in natural soils with an elevational gradient of ~2400 m across Switzerland with different vegetation covers. Results showed that CO2 and N2O fluxes increased significantly with elevation from top to the treeline, but slightly decreased from the treeline to bottom. Contrastingly, no significantly patterns of CH4 fluxes across the whole elevation were observed. Spearman correlations revealed that the increased CO2 and N2O fluxes were highly correlated to the significant increases in soil temperature, moisture, organic matter (OM) quantity and quality (increases in the relative contribution of humic-like vs. fresh-like OM), bacterial and fungal biomass and gene abundances. Structural equation model, hierarchical partitioning and random forest regression further confirmed that, in addition to soil temperature and moisture, SOM quantity and quality are the most driving factors of microbial activity and respiration. Our study highlights the importance of OM quality as a driving factor of soil microbial metabolic activities in Alpine soils across the elevation, and predicts a potential increase in GHG emissions in high-altitudinal soils with the expected upwarding-shifting treeline under climate warming.

How to cite: Han, X., Pascual, A. D., Casas-Ruiz, J. P., Donhauser, J., Jordaan, K., Ramond, J.-B., Priemé, A., Romaní, A. M., and Frossard, A.: Drivers of soil microbial activities and greenhouse gas emissions along an elevational gradient, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9252,, 2023.

EGU23-9883 | Orals | BG3.19

(Intra-event) dynamics of the total mobile inventory in soil - importance for carbon balances and coupling of subsurface ecosystems 

Katharina Lehmann, Robert Lehmann, Martina Herrmann, Simon Schroeter, and Kai Uwe Totsche

A diverse and broad range of sizes and materials – the total mobile inventory (TMI) – is mobile in soil (Lehmann et al., 2021). Constituting matter exchange between surface and subsurface ecosystems, it is still almost unknown how dissolved, colloidal to particulate fractions (>0.45 µm) fluctuate in seepage of undisturbed soil in both the short (intra-event scale) and long terms (seasons and multiannual periods). In the topographic groundwater recharge area of the Hainich Critical Zone Exploratory (NW-Thuringia), we monitor TMI dynamics using tension-controlled lysimeters in topsoil and subsoil under forest, pasture, and cropland. Soil seepage and precipitation were sampled on a regular (biweekly) and event-scale cycle and analyzed by physico-/hydrochemical, spectroscopic, and molecular biological methods. Within >6.5 years, fluctuations in the TMI were mainly driven by atmospheric conditions (precipitation, temperature), showing pronounced seasonality in the signature of dissolved components (e.g., sulphate) and the seepage pH. In hydrological winter, the total export of bacteria from soil was 1.5-fold higher compared to summer. However, episodic, and strong infiltration events, for instance after snowmelts or heavy rain storms, resulted in increased mobilization of particles. Noteworthy, the export of particulate organic carbon (POC) during winter infiltration events accounted for ~80% of the total annual translocation. Taking >20% of the total mobile OC on average, mobile POC, thus, must be taken into account in carbon balances and for ecosystem interactions. Against the background of increasing climate variability and extreme conditions due to climate change, we furthermore investigated intra-event dynamics of the TMI by increased temporal resolution to improve the understanding of the factors influencing the translocation. During a snow melt event (February 2021) and a simulated heavy rain event (artificial irrigation, August 2021), strong intra-event fluctuations of the TMI (e.g., nitrate, DOM, microorganisms) were also caused by effects of preferential flow. Besides improving our understanding of the soil carbon balance, our long-term monitoring identifies possible controlling factors for the coupling and supply of subsurface ecosystems (aeration zone, groundwater) and for their chemical, biological and functional fluctuations.

Lehmann, K., Lehmann, R., & Totsche, K. U. (2021). Event-driven dynamics of the total mobile inventory in undisturbed soil account for significant fluxes of particulate organic carbon. Science of The Total Environment, 143774.

How to cite: Lehmann, K., Lehmann, R., Herrmann, M., Schroeter, S., and Totsche, K. U.: (Intra-event) dynamics of the total mobile inventory in soil - importance for carbon balances and coupling of subsurface ecosystems, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9883,, 2023.

EGU23-10207 | Posters on site | BG3.19

Coupled soil biogeochemical and plant responses to experimental warming control emergent soil carbon stocks 

William Riley, Jing Tao, and Margaret Torn

Soil organic carbon (SOC) responses to atmospheric warming depend on soil biogeochemical and plant responses and their interactions. These processes occur over a wide range of time scales and are spatially heterogeneous, leading to difficulties in predicting emergent ecosystem carbon dynamics. Here we explore coupled soil and plant responses to warming using a mechanistic model (ecosys) and observations from a whole-soil warming experiment in the Sierra Nevada mountains of California (Blodgett Forest Whole Soil Warming Experiment). ecosys represents the coupled hydrological, thermal, soil biogeochemical, and plant processes that affect ecosystem carbon cycling, and has been applied and tested in dozens of ecosystems. We briefly describe the model components relevant to the warming study and then show that it accurately simulates observed soil moisture and temperature, SOC stocks, root biomass, and experimental warming effects on soil T and moisture. Using the simulations, we then show that the emergent short-term effect of warming on respiration losses is dominated by heterotrophic respiration vs changes in plant inputs. However, multi-season to multi-year responses strongly depend on changes in N availability and plant N uptake, leading to increased soil surface CO2 emissions from heterotrophic and autotrophic respiration, increases in aboveground biomass, and relatively small changes in SOC stocks from increased litter inputs. We also explore the roles of microbial thermal adaptation and soil moisture on the SOC stock changes. Finally, we compare the short- and long-term responses to warming to evaluate how well experimental soil warming manipulations directly inform ecosystem carbon dynamics under expected long-term climate change warming. Our work highlights the need to evaluate climate change impacts on the carbon cycle for the integrated plant-soil system, and points to needed improvements in current large-scale land models.

How to cite: Riley, W., Tao, J., and Torn, M.: Coupled soil biogeochemical and plant responses to experimental warming control emergent soil carbon stocks, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10207,, 2023.

EGU23-10327 | Posters on site | BG3.19

The effect of altered moisture availability on greenhouse gas emissions in sub-alpine peatlands in southern Australia 

Vanessa Wong, Rory Ferguson, and Joslin Moore

Peatlands store amongst the highest proportion of soil carbon in terrestrial ecosystems, but there is significant concern surrounding the effect climate change, and in particular, altered soil moisture regimes have on carbon cycling in these ecosystems. While greenhouse gas dynamics of boreal and high-elevation peatlands are well-studied in the northern hemisphere, less is known about peatlands in an Australian context. Soils were sampled from Lake Mountain, a sub-alpine peatland in south-eastern Australia at along a transect at four sites; sphagnum, wet peat, mid slope and woodland sites. The soils were incubated for 31 days to determine the effect of altered moisture content on CO2, CH4 and N2O fluxes under controlled conditions. Three moisture scenarios were assessed, a wet, dry and a 14-day wet-dry cycle examined over four sites, with three replicate cores per site. The Lake Mountain peatlands were estimated to store 114.52 Mg ha-1 in the top 20 cm, which is lower than other estimates of high elevation peatlands in south-eastern Australia. There was no effect of treatment on greenhouse gas fluxes, but higher carbon to nitrogen ratio was found to increase CO2 and CH4 fluxes. Some N2O sequestration was also identified. The results suggest that over the short term where soils do not dry out completely, site characteristics have a larger influence on GHG emissions compared to altered moisture availability.

How to cite: Wong, V., Ferguson, R., and Moore, J.: The effect of altered moisture availability on greenhouse gas emissions in sub-alpine peatlands in southern Australia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10327,, 2023.

EGU23-11241 | ECS | Orals | BG3.19

Post-drought root exudation defines soil organic matter stability in a temperate mature forest 

Melanie Brunn, Benjamin D. Hafner, Tobias Bölscher, Kyohsuke Hikino, Hermann F. Jungkunst, Jiří Kučerík, Janina Neff, Karin Pritsch, Emma J. Sayer, Fabian Weikl, Marie J. Zwetsloot, and Taryn L. Bauerle

Forest soils are crucial for many ecosystem services that rely on soil organic matter (SOM) stability. Carbon allocated to roots and released as exudates to the rhizosphere plays a key role in SOM stabilization. Under periodic drought, elevated root exudation and SOM accumulation have been reported. Yet, whether root exudates control SOM formation and stability in mature forests once the drought ends is largely unknown. We examined whether root exudates from P. abies and F. sylvatica trees relate to SOM formation and stability in soil depth profiles one year following five years of experimental drought (Kroof experiment, Germany). We collected root exudates throughout the rooting zone and combined the data with thermogravimetric analysis of SOM in the rhizosphere and non-rooted soil. We found that the rhizosphere of both species was characterized by stable SOM fractions that did not decrease post-drought, suggesting potential protection of SOM due to rhizodeposition and root exudates. In contrast, stable SOM fractions decreased relative to controls in non-rooted topsoil below P. abies, indicating a loss of stabilized SOM from drought-affected and re-wetted soil. Our measurements provide valuable insights into post-drought SOM formation and mechanisms of SOM stabilization in forest ecosystems under climate change.

How to cite: Brunn, M., Hafner, B. D., Bölscher, T., Hikino, K., Jungkunst, H. F., Kučerík, J., Neff, J., Pritsch, K., Sayer, E. J., Weikl, F., Zwetsloot, M. J., and Bauerle, T. L.: Post-drought root exudation defines soil organic matter stability in a temperate mature forest, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11241,, 2023.

EGU23-11793 | Orals | BG3.19 | Highlight

Soil moisture manipulation in a semi-arid pine forest demonstrates large changes in carbon turnover time with no change in soil carbon stock 

David Yalin, Rafat Qubaja, Fedor Tatarinov, Eyal Rotenberg, and Dan Yakir

Soil carbon turnover time (tSOC), the ratio between soil organic carbon stocks (SOC), and soil heterotrophic respiration (Rh), is a critical factor in determining soil carbon storage and a key parameter in terrestrial carbon models. While tSOC is generally expected to increase with drying conditions, its interactions with the carbon fluxes and soil moisture are still poorly constrained. Our study centered on a five-year manipulation experiment in the Yatir semi-arid pine forest in Israel, where supplement irrigation eliminated the summer drought. Soil CO2 fluxes (Fs) and soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks were measured under trees and in open areas in a "control" forest plot (CTRL) and an 0.1 ha “irrigated” plot (IRRI). During the dry period (May-November), daily average Fs in the open areas was near zero in the CTRL but significant in the IRRI plots (0.06 and 2.02 µmol CO2 m-2 s-1 respectively, with a similar trend under the trees). Annual-scale fluxes in the open areas were 82 and 321 g C m-2 yr-1 in the CTRL and IRRI plots, respectively (with similar trends under trees). Using published results from the same site enabled us to partition Fs and estimate Rh, which indicated that under the drought conditions (CTRL) tSOC was x5 longer in the open area (and x2 longer under trees) compared with the non-droughted (IRRI) plot. However, no significant changes in the SOC stock down to 40 cm (the typical soil depth at this site) were observed.  Furthermore, there were no differences between treatments in regard to the ratio between the stable mineral-associated organic carbon fraction and the particulate organic carbon fraction. The stability of SOC stocks, despite the large changes in tSOC suggests that carbon inputs must have increased proportionally to match the changes in carbon outputs and provided the main source for the increased Fs. The results indicate that changes in the intensity of the seasonal drought can result in large changes in fluxes and tSOC values with little impact on soil carbon storage and its stability.

How to cite: Yalin, D., Qubaja, R., Tatarinov, F., Rotenberg, E., and Yakir, D.: Soil moisture manipulation in a semi-arid pine forest demonstrates large changes in carbon turnover time with no change in soil carbon stock, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11793,, 2023.

EGU23-12055 | ECS | Posters on site | BG3.19

Snow insulation effects on soil surface temperatures in a snow-fence manipulation experiment 

Yijing Liu, Birger U. Hansen, Bo Elberling, and Andreas Westergaard-Nielsen

Seasonal snow cover is a key control on winter soil temperature (Tsoil) in the Arctic because of its insulating effects. It is still uncertain how variations in soil moisture, climate warming, and vegetation types affect this insulating effect and thus the difference between Tsoil and air temperature (ΔT). In this study, we present an analysis of 8 years (2012–2020) of snow dynamics in an Arctic ecosystem manipulation experiment (using snow fences) on Disko Island, West Greenland. We explore the snow insulation effects under four different treatments ((1) mesic tundra heath as a dry site and fen area as a wet site, (2) snow addition because of the snow fence, (3) summer warming using open-top chambers, and (4) shrub removal) on a plot level scale. The ΔT at 5-cm soil depth (ΔT5) was higher on the snow addition side than on the control side of the snow fences. The ranges of maximum weekly ΔT5 and annual mean accumulated daily ΔT5 were from 11.2 to 19.3 ℃ and 1297 to 1631 ℃ on the control side, and from 14.4 to 22.1 ℃ and 1372 to 1830 ℃ on the snow addition side across all study years, respectively. Based on linear mixed-effects models, we conclude that the snow depth was the decisive factor affecting ΔT5 (p < 0.0001) with a coefficient of 0.05, and found the ΔT5 to be 1.93 ℃ higher (p < 0.0001) in the wet site than in the dry site during the snow cover season. The change rate of ΔT5 as the function of snow depth varies with the evolution of snow cover, it is quicker during the period between the day with maximum snow depth to the last day with snow in most experimental plots. During the snow-free season, there were certain lagged effects of the snow cover on Tsoil and they offset the warming effects from open-top chambers and shrub removal, i.e., the combination of warming and removal treatments could increase ΔT5 by 1.71 ℃ on the control side but only 0.83 ℃ on the snow addition side in the dry site. However, the effects of warming and removal treatments on Tsoil are limited in the wet site because of a higher soil water content. This study quantifies important dynamics in soil-air temperature offsets linked to both snow and ecosystem changes mimicking climate change and provides a reference for future surface process simulations.

How to cite: Liu, Y., U. Hansen, B., Elberling, B., and Westergaard-Nielsen, A.: Snow insulation effects on soil surface temperatures in a snow-fence manipulation experiment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12055,, 2023.

EGU23-12388 | ECS | Orals | BG3.19

Electron transfer to peat particulate organic matter in ombrotrophic bogs and implications for methane formation: a combined field and laboratory study 

Nikola Obradović, Saskia Läubli, Rob Schmitz, Martin Schroth, and Michael Sander

Ombrotrophic bogs are rainwater-fed, water-logged, anoxic, and carbon-rich ecosystems with low concentrations of dissolved inorganic terminal electron acceptors (TEAs), such as nitrate and sulfate. Consequently, methanogenesis is expected to dominate carbon turnover in many of these systems and to result in an approximatively equimolar formation of CO2 and CH4. Yet, numerous studies have reported elevated molar CO2:CH4 formation ratios in peat bog soil incubations, indicating that anaerobic respiration prevails over methanogenesis despite the apparent scarcity of inorganic TEAs. To explain anaerobic respiration, particulate organic matter (POM) was proposed to act as previously unrecognized TEA. Here, we present results from combined in situ field studies and laboratory peat soil incubations to assess electron transfer to oxidized POM (POMox) and its effects on CO2 and CH4 formation. In situ studies consisted of deploying litter mesh bags containing POMox in the anoxic, water saturated subsurface of three ombrotrophic bogs – Lungsmossen (LM), Storhultsmossen (SM), and Björsmossen (BM) – for one year. The electron accepting capacity (EAC) of the retrieved POM decreased by 0.16±0.02 mmol e-/g dry POM in LM, 0.15±0.02 in SM, and by 0.17±0.01 mmol e-/g dry POM in BM, as compared with the buried POMox, demonstrating extensive electron transfer to the buried POM over the course of one year. Extents of POMox reduction were similar for different depths, as tested in BM bog. Exposure of the reduced POM to air (i.e. O2)resulted in an increase in its EAC, supporting that POM acts as a reversible TEA at the oxic-anoxic interface of peat soils. We complemented these in situ field studies with laboratory incubations of reduced POM collected from the same three bogs. Methanogenic conditions were observed in BM peat soil incubations, which were used for further studies. Amending BM soils with POMox and glucose resulted in increases in CO2:CH4 formation ratios of several orders of magnitude. These findings pointed towards anaerobic respiration using POMox as TEA, thereby suppressing methanogenesis. Taken together, our work provides evidence for POMox reduction in situ and substantiates the important role of POM as TEA in controlling CH4 formation in ombrotrophic bogs.

How to cite: Obradović, N., Läubli, S., Schmitz, R., Schroth, M., and Sander, M.: Electron transfer to peat particulate organic matter in ombrotrophic bogs and implications for methane formation: a combined field and laboratory study, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12388,, 2023.

Global warming effects on soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks are expected to be site specific but current process-based models still struggle to forecast spatially explicit long-term trends properly. This study estimated such long-term effects of global warming on European SOC stocks using a novel data-driven space-for-time approach. In principle, this approach estimated site-specific SOC stocks under future climate from SOC stocks in comparable soils but in regions that are already exposed to such climate today. About 20k observations of the LUCAS soil dataset were used to train a machine learning model that predicted SOC stocks from current climate as well as static environmental properties (e.g. geology, soil type, soil texture). Then, this SOC model was used to forecast future SOC stocks in Europe under various CMIP6 climate scenarios. Preliminary results suggest Europe’s top 20 cm of mineral soil to loose on average 2 to 6 Mg SOC ha-1 by the end of this century. But global warming-induced changes in SOC showed pronounced regional differences. SOC was anticipated to even rise under global warming in some areas, particularly in Northern European forest ecosystems. In vast parts of southern Europe, unprecedented future climate limited the applicability of the data-driven SOC model. This was the case for up to 49% of all sites in the most extreme climate scenario. In contrast, for the remaining 51% of sites in all climatic scenarios, equivalent "soil-climate twins" could be successfully located elsewhere in contemporary Europe. It is proposed that outcomes from data-driven space-for-time models could complement and act as cross-checks for process-based modelling outputs to gain confidence in long-term projections of SOC stocks under global warming.

How to cite: Schneider, F.: How does global warming affect European SOC stocks? A data-driven space-for-time approach, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12926,, 2023.

The rise in atmospheric CO2 concentrations, and the associated increase in global warming and likelihood of severe droughts, is altering terrestrial carbon (C) and nutrient cycling, with potential feedback to climate change. Soil microbial communities and their functioning represent a major research area in this context. Microbes regulate important biogeochemical functions, including C fluxes between the biosphere and atmosphere and the availability of essential nutrients for plant growth, such as nitrogen (N) and phosphorous (P). Thus, improving our ability to quantify microbial responses to climate change is of utmost importance. While each climate change factor has been widely studied individually, it was shown that their combined effect is difficult to predict from the simple knowledge of each single factor.

In 2013, a climate change experiment (“ClimGrass”) was set up on a montane grassland in Austria, with the aim to assess the potential interaction of multiple climate change factors (warming, elevated CO2 and drought) on the functioning of managed grasslands. The experimental design followed a response surface model approach for warming and elevated CO2, with each factor having two levels of increase above ambient (+1.5 and +3°C for warming and +150 and +300ppm for elevated CO2). Drought was nested on this experimental design within a subset of treatments and implemented in multiple years. This design, combined with multiple harvests across seasons and years, allowed us to test the potential for interactive, non-linear and seasonal effects of multiple climate change factors.

Across multiple years and seasons, we analyzed parameters related to soil microbial communities and their functions in relation to the biogeochemical cycles of C, N and P. By using a large range of approaches, from in situ stable isotope labelling to the analyses of functional genes, we covered different aspects related to the cycling and stability of C in soil and to major processes involved in nutrient cycling.

In this talk, I will provide an overview of the multiple experiments carried out in ClimGrass. I will show that combined elevated CO2 and warming can have minor but important interactive and non-linear responses that cannot be predicted by studying each factor individually. Seasonality represents a major mediator of climate change effects on important microbial functions, an aspect that is often overlooked. I will also focus on the response of soil microbial communities to drought and the implications of combined warming and elevated CO2 treatments.

How to cite: Canarini, A. and the ClimGrass: Effects of multiple climate change factors and their seasonal variation on the soil microbial community and its functions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13067,, 2023.

EGU23-13256 | ECS | Orals | BG3.19

Litter mixing leads to the formation of a common decomposition pattern in a bog ecosystem 

Raphael Müller, Apoline Zahorka, Franz Holawe, and Stephan Glatzel

Peat accumulation is the result of a small imbalance between the formation and decomposition of plant litter. Changing environmental conditions alter the vegetation cover in peatlands and therefore litter quality inputs. Litter mixing effects, describing variable interactions between different litter types and decomposition rates, have been studied, but observations and directions of non-additive effects are not consistent. To better understand litter mixture effects of an ombrotrophic bog, where the encroachment of vascular plants has been observed, we incubated pure litter (Sphagnum (S), Betula (B), Calluna (C)) and three resultant mixtures (SB, SC, BC) over 70 days.

We hypothesized that decomposition pattern of pure substrates differs from mixtures. Also, substrate specific decomposition patterns develop at the beginning of the experiment, which should harmonize with increasing time. Mixtures containing S litter have lower decomposition rates than their pure constituents, while mixtures without S (i.e. BC) show higher decomposition rates.

For our incubation study, we collected three litter types (Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull., Sphagnum capillifolium (Ehrh.) Hedw., Betula pubescens Ehrh.) from an ombrotrophic bog (Pürgschachen Moor, Austria). Oven-dried (60 °C) and sieved (< 2 mm) litter was used for litter bags containing 1 g of pure litter (S, B, C) or mixtures (SB, SC, BC). Bags were inoculated with bog water for 24 h and incubated in 50 mL conical tubes containing 4.5 mL of saturated K2SO4 (glass marbles were used to avoid contact) to ensure constant relative humidity. For every sampling day (0, 2, 14, 28, 70) four replicates of each substrate were prepared. Three bags per day were used for measurements of CO2 production rates, water extractable organic carbon (WEOC) and nitrogen (TN-L), mass loss and total carbon analysis. We measured the specific ultraviolet absorbance at 254 nm (SUVA254) to monitor aromaticity of organic compounds in WEOC. In addition, one litter bag was used for the analysis of C-, N-, P-degrading enzymes using a fluorometric microplate assay. Cube root transformed data was used for k-means clustering to detect litter specific decomposition pattern over time.

As hypothesized, results show that S litter has a constant, low decomposition pattern over the whole experimental time. Other substates share a similar (low decomposition) pattern on day 0 and day 2 (high decomposition). After 14 days, pure substrates develop a specific pattern, while all mixtures share a common pattern. S containing mixtures (SB, SC) behave similar over time but remarkably different than related pure components only on day 28. Our results indicate that, especially in the beginning, patterns of decomposition are mainly time depend, possibly covering litter specific decomposition patterns. In conclusion, whole decomposition patterns showed no clear litter mixing effects, although some measured variabales indicate shifts with increasing time.

How to cite: Müller, R., Zahorka, A., Holawe, F., and Glatzel, S.: Litter mixing leads to the formation of a common decomposition pattern in a bog ecosystem, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13256,, 2023.

EGU23-13536 | Orals | BG3.19 | Highlight

Soil warming accelerates above-ground litter decomposition and soil organic carbon turnover 

Lucia Fuchslueger, Niel Verbrigghe, Jennifer L. Soong, Kathiravan Meeran, Sara Vicca, Francesca M. Cotrufo, Bjarni D. Sigurdsson, Michael Bahn, and Ivan Janssens

The terrestrial soil organic matter (SOM) pool size depends on the balance between SOM formation and stabilization of decomposing plant litter relative to mineralization as CO2.  Decomposition and mineralization processes are to large extents mediated by microbial decomposer communities. In addition, labile fractions released by decomposing litter can be stabilized in mineral associations (MAOM). High latitude ecosystems are particularly affected by global warming. Increasing temperatures can stimulate litter decomposition and increase nutrient mineralization, thereby increasing nutrient (e.g. nitrogen) availability for plants allowing higher productivity and subsequent plant organic matter inputs. On the other hand, if warming accelerates SOM decomposition stronger than formation processes it can cause large carbon and nutrient losses.

Tracing 13C/15N labelled above-ground litter we aimed to disentangle if soil warming changes the balance between litter derived SOM formation through microbial communities, over particulate organic matter (POM) and MAOM stabilization across a decadal geothermal soil warming gradient (from ambient up to +5 °C) in a grassland in Iceland. In addition, we added three levels of inorganic N to disentangle potential direct warming from indirect (over plant feedbacks) effects of increased warming on SOM dynamics.  We found that over the course of two years warming accelerated litter decomposition rates and litter-derived carbon turnover by the microbial community,  and we could recover more litter-derived carbon recovered in particulate organic matter (POM) nor MAOM. Nitrogen additions triggered a faster decomposition of structural above-ground litter compounds, but did not influence carbon turnover in different soil fractions. On the other, hand we found that overall the absolute amount of soil carbon decreased in response to warming. We therefore conclude that direct warming not only increased SOM formation, but also decomposition and mineralization processes, and – at least in the studied grassland – plant inputs may not have counterbalanced warming induced losses.   

How to cite: Fuchslueger, L., Verbrigghe, N., Soong, J. L., Meeran, K., Vicca, S., Cotrufo, F. M., Sigurdsson, B. D., Bahn, M., and Janssens, I.: Soil warming accelerates above-ground litter decomposition and soil organic carbon turnover, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13536,, 2023.

EGU23-13638 | ECS | Orals | BG3.19

Soil carbon in CMIP6 Earth System Models 

Rebecca Varney, Sarah Chadburn, Eleanor Burke, and Peter Cox

The response of soil carbon represents one of the key uncertainties in future climate change due to competing soil carbon driven feedbacks. The ability of Earth System Models (ESMs) to simulate both present day and future soil carbon is therefore vital for reliably estimating global carbon budgets required for Paris agreement targets. In this presentation, the simulation of both present day and future soil carbon is investigated within CMIP6 ESMs.

The ability of CMIP6 ESMs to simulate present day soil carbon is evaluated against empirical datasets, where a lack of consistency in modelled soil carbon remains from the previous generation of models (CMIP5). This underestimation is particularly dominant in the northern high latitude soil carbon stocks. The results suggest much of the uncertainty associated with modelled soil carbon stocks can be attributed to the simulation of below ground processes, and greater emphasis is required on improving the representation of below ground soil processes in future developments of models.

Projections of soil carbon during the 21st century are also evaluated to quantify future soil carbon changes in CMIP6 ESMs and to assess the uncertainty of the soil carbon induced feedback to climate change. The response of soil carbon is broken down into changes due to increases in Net Primary Productivity (NPP) and reductions in soil carbon turnover time (τs), with the aim of isolating the differing responses which influence changes in future soil carbon storage. A reduction in the spread of soil carbon projections is identified in CMIP6 compared to CMIP5. However, similar reductions are not seen in the components due respectively to changes in NPP and τs. The relationship between the induced soil carbon changes due to NPP and τs is investigated and their overall effect on the future soil carbon response is presented.

How to cite: Varney, R., Chadburn, S., Burke, E., and Cox, P.: Soil carbon in CMIP6 Earth System Models, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13638,, 2023.

EGU23-13855 | ECS | Posters on site | BG3.19

Soil organic carbon in alpine environments under a warming climate 

Annegret Udke, Michael Zehnder, Christian Rixen, Markus Egli, and Frank Hagedorn

Climate warming is most pronounced in cold regions impacting plant-soil system with counteracting effects on ecosystem carbon storage. Whereas upward migration of plants (alpine greening) in a warmer climate potentially results in carbon uptake from the atmosphere and sequestration in the soil, increased decomposition at higher temperatures can enhance carbon release from the soil. Carbon losses from soils might be particularly high in soils where large amounts of carbon have accumulated under past climatic conditions. To infer soil organic carbon (SOC) changes of alpine soils in a warming climate, we assessed SOC stocks and their stability change along elevational gradients in the Swiss Central Alps. In our study, we excavated 21 soil pits to the parent material along elevational gradients (2000 to 3100 m a.s.l.) on three different bedrock types (calcareous, amphibolitic and siliceous) and analyzed their SOC stocks, stable isotope composition, and C stability by a soil incubation experiment. First results show a distinct elevation pattern with a strong decline in SOC storage with decreasing vegetation cover above 2700 m a.s.l.. However, soils on amphibolitic bedrock still contained substantial amounts of SOC even at elevations above 3000 m a.s.l. (0.8% SOC; >1.4 kg C/m2). As soils at this high elevation were buried under a few decimeter thick debris layer and no plants were present, it seems likely that these are remnants of fossil soils. In support, the buried soil organic matter (OM) had rather high δ13C values of -23.2‰ and narrow CN ratios of 10.7, indicating that they consist of strongly transformed OM. Analysis of their radiocarbon contents and CN analysis of stones will provide further information on the origin of these high elevation soils. Regardless of their origin, these soils represent a CO2 source. Soils released 0.2-0.5% of their SOC contents within one month upon incubation at 10 and 22°C in the laboratory. Moreover, in situ chamber measurements at the end of August 2022 showed a mean CO2 efflux of approximately 3.6 mg CO2-C/m2h to the atmosphere. Along the studied gradient, the δ13C values of surface soils strongly decreased with decreasing elevation. At the same time, the SOC mineralizability and soil C/N ratios showed a pronounced increase towards the soils at lower elevation having a dense grassland cover. This indicates that along with increasing SOC stocks, the contribution of relatively fresh OM with high turnover rates increases. Overall, our results show that there is a transition from the accumulation of SOC with alpine greening, reflected by alpine soils at lower elevations (< 2700 m a.s.l.), to buried SOC releasing C (possibly ancient C) at high elevation. Future measurements will provide further insight into the rapidity and magnitude of SOC stock changes in alpine terrain with ongoing climate warming. 

How to cite: Udke, A., Zehnder, M., Rixen, C., Egli, M., and Hagedorn, F.: Soil organic carbon in alpine environments under a warming climate, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13855,, 2023.

EGU23-13944 | Orals | BG3.19 | Highlight

Hydrological extremes shift controls on and pathways of carbon loss from mountainous watersheds 

Marco Keiluweit and Cam Anderson

Floodplain soils within mountainous watersheds are dynamic reservoirs of carbon (C), and experience seasonal flooding due to snowmelt and drainage. Climate change is shifting snowpack levels, making these ecosystems vulnerable to more frequent extreme flood and drought years. Here we show how extreme flooding or drought events, and associated variations in redox conditions, impact the dominant controls on microbial C cycling within and export from floodplain soils. Employing in-field monitoring with advanced analytical and molecular tools in the subalpine East River watershed (Gothic, Colorado) we compared seasonal flooding impacts in extremely low and high river discharge years (2018 and 2019, respectively), foreshadowing climate change projections. Our results show that reduced conditions during flooded periods caused reductive dissolution of Fe oxide minerals, mobilizing previously mineral-bound organic C and enhancing export of dissolved organic carbon (DOC). At the same time, flooding decreased CO2 production and selectively preserved chemically reduced DOC, likely due to metabolic constraints on microbial respiration. Upon drainage and re-oxygenation of floodplain soils, however, COproduction increased, but was limited by the concurrant entrapment of DOC by newly precipitated Fe oxides within the soils. Compared to the low discharge year, extreme flooding during high dicharge years underminded mineral protection and heightened mineral constraints, suppressing CO2 production and enhanced DOC export from floodplain soils. We conclude that seasonal flooding events shift the relative and interactive impacts of mineral and metabolic constraints on microbial C cycling in floodplains, altering the balance between CO2 and DOC export. Our results suggest that extreme hydrological events expected with climate change will shift the control on and pathways of C loss from floodplains.

How to cite: Keiluweit, M. and Anderson, C.: Hydrological extremes shift controls on and pathways of carbon loss from mountainous watersheds, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13944,, 2023.

EGU23-14019 | ECS | Posters on site | BG3.19

Nutrient dynamics along the forest floor – mineral soil continuum 

Lexie Schilling, Lars Vesterdal, Jörg Prietzel, Helmer Schack-Kirchner, and Friederike Lang

Slow turnover of the forest floor (FF) is often assumed to be related to immobilization of nutrients within the organic matter. However, the FF is also assumed to be an important nutrient source at sites with low nutrient concentrations of the mineral soil. Climate change could threaten FF mediated tree nutrition due to higher turnover rates of the FF. Yet, little is known about on the (de)coupling of nutrient and FF mass turnover and their controls, nor about future responses to a changing climate.

Within the research unit FOREST FLOOR (FOR 5315) we aim to identify processes that control the relevance of the FF for tree nutrition as compared to the mineral topsoil. We test the hypotheses that (1) at nutrient poor sites the turnover of C is lower than the turnover of P and N, (2) admixture of minerals to FF material and subsequent biotic formation of mineral-organic associations decreases the pool of organically bound P+N and of easily mobilizable P+N, and (3) that in Norway spruce (Picea abies), FF will contribute more to N and P uptake than in maple (Acer pseudoplatanus), while beech (Fagus sylvatica) will take an intermediate position.

Within a natural P and temperature gradient (12 sites), we will test our hypotheses by studying availability to plants and mobilization kinetics of the macronutrients from FF and A horizons using ion exchange resins and membranes. Preliminary tests showed a good suitability of exchanger-resin application to assess P – availability. Moreover, we will benefit from litter bag experiments, and analyze the mobilization of N from labeled litter in a mesocosm approach. Our results will reveal the role of FF for the nutrition of beech, maple and spruce depending on the nutrient status of the mineral soil as well as how climate change is impacting tree nutrition services of the FF.

How to cite: Schilling, L., Vesterdal, L., Prietzel, J., Schack-Kirchner, H., and Lang, F.: Nutrient dynamics along the forest floor – mineral soil continuum, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14019,, 2023.

EGU23-14122 | ECS | Posters virtual | BG3.19

Adaptive management of Mediterranean Pinus halepensis forests in the face of climate change 

Asunción Díaz Montero, Esther Peña Molina, Álvaro Fajardo Cantos, Javier González Romero, Raúl Botella Bou, Daniel Moya Navarro, Jorge Antonio de las Heras Ibáñez, Manuel Esteban Lucas Borja, Santiago Martín Alcón, José Luis Tomé Morán, Esteban Jordán Gonzalez, Lluis Coll Mir, Aitor Ameztegui González, Antonio del Campo García, and María González Sanchís

The main objective of this project is to investigation and develop new tools aimed at adapting Iberian Aleppo pine forests to climate change, as well as their demonstrative application through forest management actions. will focus on the early detection of decay processes and on the improvement of the resilience of this ecosystem by increasing its vigour, its capacity to adapt to climatic aridification and the ability to recover its functions after natural disturbances. The geographical scope of the project will cover the potential area of distribution of the habitat subtype in the Iberian Peninsula, across sub-humid and semi-arid ecological gradient, including the Mediterranean slopes of the Catalan mountains and the Iberian System, the Ebro basin and the pre-Baetic mountain ranges. This will facilitate an integrated implementation of the methodology that involving the main stakeholders that are responsible for the regulation of forest management throughout the area:

- To implement silvicultural treatments aimed at improving vitality and reducing the effects of reduced water availability in a scenario of recurrence of droughts and increased evapotranspiration.

- To implement adaptive treatments to improve the resilience and adaptive capacity of Aleppo pine post-fire regeneration in a scenario of higher frequency and severe wildfires.

After the implementation of ecohydrology and post-fire treatments, a monitoring program will be carried out in the forest stands where the treatments have been executed. We measure physicochemical and biologic parameters of soil and vegetation. Measurements will be realized after the execution and annually to study if the treatments have had the desired effects or not.

How to cite: Díaz Montero, A., Peña Molina, E., Fajardo Cantos, Á., González Romero, J., Botella Bou, R., Moya Navarro, D., de las Heras Ibáñez, J. A., Lucas Borja, M. E., Martín Alcón, S., Tomé Morán, J. L., Jordán Gonzalez, E., Coll Mir, L., Ameztegui González, A., del Campo García, A., and González Sanchís, M.: Adaptive management of Mediterranean Pinus halepensis forests in the face of climate change, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14122,, 2023.


Temperature has a vital effect on the survival of microorganisms. Microorganisms synthesize diverse lipid structures with widely varying biophysical properties for adapting those changing conditions because the membrane lipids play a key role in energy conservation and the maintenance of homeostasis. Temperature not only affects the microbial diversity, but has a significant impact on the composition and degradation of lipids. The predominant core lipids (CLs) of archaea are isoprenoid glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (iGDGTs) and bacteria can synthesize branched GDGTs (brGDGTs). H-shaped iGDGTs, also called glycerol monoalkyl glycerol tetraethers (iGMGTs), are a unique group found in several archaea. In living archaea, iGDGTs occurs with polar head groups, such as monohexose (MH) or dihexose (DH). Upon cell death, most of these intact polar lipids (IPLs) are transformed to CLs via hydrolysis of the polar head groups. Both pure culture and environmental surveys indicate that the number of cyclopentyl rings (Ring Index, RI) per iGDGT correlates with the temperature of their living environment. To study the effect of temperature on the microbial diversity and its membrane lipid composition, three sedimentary cores, named core1 (20cm, 64.2-90.8°C), core2 (36cm, 42.3-72.6°C) and core3 (28cm, 66.5-73.2℃) were sampled from Tengchong hot spring in Yunnan Province, China. We detected iGDGTs-0~8, crenarchaeal and its isomer (crenarchaeol’), iGMGTs-0~5 and brGDGT-Ia~IIIc of CLs and MH/DH-iGDGTs-0~4, MH/DH-crenarchaeal and MH/DH-crenarchaeal’ of IPLs in three cores. Then we calculated RIi of iGDGTs, RIH of iGMGTs and RIIPL of MH-iGDGTs. For all three cores, the absolute abundances of archaeal and bacterial lipids decrease with increasing temperature. However, the relative abundances of archaeal lipids increase with temperature. It means microbial diversity decreases in high-temperature environment, while archaea are more adaptable than bacteria. For lipids, temperature had no significant effect on RIi and RIIPL in core1 and core2, but they had positive correlation in core3. RIH had no correlation with temperature in core1 and core3. In core2, RIH is almost zero above 14cm where temperature increases with depth, while the high value appears in the rest of deeper layers where temperature doesn’t change. The reason of those phenomena may be that: (1) the composition and distribution of microorganisms and their tetraether lipids are influenced by other environmental factors except temperature; (2) different layers have different microbial diversity so that they have different membrane lipids. Besides, we put forward a hypothesis that the influence of temperature on H-RI has a critical temperature value. When the environmental temperature is lower than this value, temperature has no effect on H-RI. Conversely, when the environmental temperature is above this critical value, the effect of temperature on the composition of iGMGTs is unusually significant. As there are few studies on H-RI currently, further studies are needed to confirm this hypothesis or we can find out this critical value in different environment.

Key words: Temperature, Microbial diversity, membrane lipids, Ring index

How to cite: Zhang, J. and Yang, Q.: Effect of temperature on the composition and distribution of archaea and its membrane lipids, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15543,, 2023.

EGU23-15615 | ECS | Orals | BG3.19

Effects of earthworm functional traits on CO2 and N2O emissions from casts 

Yacouba Zi, Marie-France Dignac, Nicolas Bottinelli, Yvan Capowiez, Alessandro Florio, and Cornelia Rumpel1

Earthworm species are grouped into three ecological categories, endogeic, epigeic and anecic from their nutritional behaviors, their strategies of morpho-functional adaptations and localization in the soil profile. These earthworms play a major role in the biogeochemical cycling of carbon and nitrogen through their bioturbation activity and cast production that have specific physical, chemical and biological characteristics. They affect the sequestration of soil C through their influence on soil organic matter (SOM) protection processes. However, CO2 and N2O emissions from cast depend on earthworm species with different physical, chemical and microbiological properties even when these species belong to the same ecological category. Hence the importance of investigating their functional traits to see how they affect greenhouse gas emissions. To do this, we measured the emissions of N2O and CO2 in earthworm cast, then we characterized the physical-chemical properties from elemental and spectroscopic analyses. Finally, these results were related to different morphological (pigmentation, color, size), anatomical (gizzard, pharynx, morren's gland size) and physiological traits. Our hypothesis is that the casts of pigmented and colored earthworms, with a large pharynx and gizzard, morren's gland, secreting a lot of mucus and water produce more CO2, N2O.

How to cite: Zi, Y., Dignac, M.-F., Bottinelli, N., Capowiez, Y., Florio, A., and Rumpel1, C.: Effects of earthworm functional traits on CO2 and N2O emissions from casts, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15615,, 2023.

EGU23-16164 | ECS | Orals | BG3.19

Climate change unbalances biogeochemical cycles of C, N and P in Mediterranean forests 

Elena Villa-Sanabria, Antonio Gallardo, Eduardo Gutiérrez, María S. Serrano, Pablo Homet, and Lorena Gómez-Aparicio

Mediterranean forests are considered to be highly vulnerable ecosystems to climate change because they are water- and nutrient-limited. However, experimental evidence of the combined effects of increasing drought and warming on biogeochemical cycles in these ecosystems is still extremely scarce. To fill this gap, we analyzed during four consecutive years the impacts of rainfall reduction (RE; ambient vs. ~30% reduction in rainfall), soil warming (W; ambient vs. ~ 1 °C increase) and their interaction on biogeochemical cycling of C, N and P in Mediterranean forests. Rainfall exclusion translated into quick significant reductions of soil organic matter (SOM), enzymatic activity (β-glucosidase, urease and acid phosphatase activities) and nutrient availability (ammonium, nitrate and phosphorus) one year after the application of the treatments. These effects were consistent over time. Warming acted synergistically with rainfall reduction to further decrease C-related variables (SOM and β-glucosidase). SOM reduction in forest soils might be the result of delayed leaf senescence as a drought tolerant trait in the forest trees. Warming also had direct positive effects on N- and P- related variables that partially counteracted the negative effects of rainfall reduction on these variables. Overall, our results showed that the different components of climate change (drought and warming) have complex direct and interactive effects on biogeochemical cycles of Mediterranean forests that differ among soil nutrients (C, N, P). Consequently, drought and warming might cause an unbalance in natural biogeochemical cycles of Mediterranean forests, with important consequences for ecosystem functioning.

How to cite: Villa-Sanabria, E., Gallardo, A., Gutiérrez, E., Serrano, M. S., Homet, P., and Gómez-Aparicio, L.: Climate change unbalances biogeochemical cycles of C, N and P in Mediterranean forests, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16164,, 2023.

EGU23-16676 | Orals | BG3.19

Soil and plant nutrient status in temperate forests as affected by long-term drying-rewetting conditions 

Jörg Luster, Antonia Ulmann, Angélique Herzig, and Lorenz Walthert

The increasingly warmer and drier climate will change the geographic distribution of tree species. Here, apart from direct effects of changes in temperature and soil moisture on tree physiology, indirect effects via interactions between soil environmental conditions and the bioavailability of nutrients may play an additional role. Specifically, this comprises effects of desiccation and rewetting on soil properties, and of drought and drought release on root-soil interactions in the rhizosphere. Such effects may be particularly strong for phosphorus, considering its low solubility and mobility in soils.

For this study, we considered data from 44 forest sites across Switzerland representing soil moisture gradients for each of the four major tree species beech (Fagus sylvatica L.), oak (Quercus sp.), pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and spruce (Picea abies Karst). First, we explored the relations between the nutrient status of the soil (total N, hydrogencarbonate extractable inorganic and organic P, microbial P, exchangeable K, Mg, Ca) and soil environmental conditions during four years before soil sampling (average water potential and temperature, number of dry days and drying-rewetting [DRW] cycles as defined by a given water potential threshold). Second, we performed the same analysis using the nutrient status of mature trees (as indicated by nutrient concentrations in bark) instead of the soil nutrient status.

Results indicate a strong influence of DRW on the soil’s P status, whereas other nutrients in the soil are only little affected. On beech and oak sites, the N and P status of the trees increased with increasing moisture and decreasing temperature, and the P status was in addition negatively affected by the length and number of DRW cycles during which high drought stress levels were reached. By contrast, the Ca status of the trees increased with temperature and soil dryness.

Considering observations by others regarding positive effects of high plant nutrient status on a plant’s resilience to drought, our results call for more in-depth studies on the feedback-loops between soil water supply, soil nutrient availability, plant-physiology and root-soil interactions.

How to cite: Luster, J., Ulmann, A., Herzig, A., and Walthert, L.: Soil and plant nutrient status in temperate forests as affected by long-term drying-rewetting conditions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16676,, 2023.

EGU23-17160 | ECS | Orals | BG3.19

Long-term responses of soil and forest floor respiration to increasing temperature in a mixed deciduous forest 

Liliana Scapucci, Luana Krebs, Susanne Burri, and Nina Buchmann

Forests play a crucial role in the carbon biogeochemical cycle. A significant amount of carbon is lost every year through soil respiration (SR). SR is known to respond exponentially to soil temperature (ST), but it is still unclear how SR responded to the long-term increases in temperature. Hence, we currently cannot predict if global warming would result in an overall increase or decrease of CO2 release from forest soils. 
In this context, our study aims to understand how SR has changed over time in a mixed deciduous forest in Switzerland. The study site is located in the Lägeren (CH-LAE) forest at 689 m, which is mainly composed by European beech trees (Fagus sylvatica) and Norway spruce (Picea abies). SR was measured with a closed chamber through survey campaigns in 2006, 2007, 2021 and 2022. In addition, continuous measurements of forest floor Net Ecosystem Exchange (NEEff) with a below-canopy Eddy covariance system have been running since 2014. We then partitioned these fluxes to obtain forest floor respiration (Rff). A random forest analysis was performed to investigate SR and Rff drivers; SR responses to ST were analysed with the Lloyd-Taylor (1994) equation.  
The aims of this research are (1) to compare the magnitude of SR and Rff, (2) to evaluate the drivers of SR and Rff, and finally (3) to investigate the change of ST, SR and Rff over time. We expect that ST is the main driver, and that the magnitude of SR and Rff is comparable. Moreover, we hypothesize a long-term acclimation of SR and Rff to the increasing air and soil temperatures recorded at the study site. We indeed found ST driving SR and Rff, except for drought conditions when soil moisture becomes a limiting factor. We also observed that the sensitivity of SR to ST has increased over time, suggesting higher CO2 fluxes from the forest soil with increasing temperature due to climate change.

How to cite: Scapucci, L., Krebs, L., Burri, S., and Buchmann, N.: Long-term responses of soil and forest floor respiration to increasing temperature in a mixed deciduous forest, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17160,, 2023.

EGU23-17332 | ECS | Orals | BG3.19

Bacterial and fungal communities along temperature and aridity gradients are linked with soil functions across global biomes 

Jonathan Donhauser, Karen Jordaan, Xingguo Han, Anna Doménech Pascual, Joan Pere Casas-Ruiz, Anna M. Romaní, Aline Frossard, Jean-Baptiste Ramond, and Anders Priemé

Changes in temperature and water availability under global warming will alter soil bacterial and fungal community structures and thus ecosystem functioning across the globe. We sampled large-scale temperature and aridity gradients across Greenland, Europe, Spain, the Swiss Alps and South Africa to understand microbial long-term adaptation to climatic conditions in soils and to predict microbial responses to climate change. We found that bacterial communities from South African soils were distinct from those in European and Greenlandic soils, largely explained by high relative abundances of Firmicutes. Conversely, fungal communities additionally differed between European and Greenlandic soils and thus seem to be more affected by oceans acting as geographical barrier compared to bacteria. Interestingly, bacterial communities in hyperarid soils from Northern Greenland clustered with hyperarid soils from Southern Spain and South Africa indicating that these communities share taxa adapted to low water availability despite their distinct geographical origin and temperature regimes. Within regional gradients in Europe and Greenland microbial community structures sequentially shifted along the gradients of temperature and aridity, whereas in the South African gradient soil physicochemical properties such as pH and texture that were not related with aridity were important drivers of microbial community structures. Shifts in fungal and bacterial community structures along climatic gradients occurred in parallel with changes in microbial functions, such as extracellular enzyme activities, greenhouse gas fluxes as well as abundances of functional genes involved in soil carbon and nitrogen cycling. Collectively, our results suggest that alterations in microbial community structures along climatic gradients, which serve as a proxy for climate change over time, translate into an alteration in ecosystem services provided by the community members. Moreover, at the global scale our study indicates that bacterial communities are mainly controlled by environmental conditions whereas fungal communities are more influenced by geographic barriers.

How to cite: Donhauser, J., Jordaan, K., Han, X., Doménech Pascual, A., Casas-Ruiz, J. P., Romaní, A. M., Frossard, A., Ramond, J.-B., and Priemé, A.: Bacterial and fungal communities along temperature and aridity gradients are linked with soil functions across global biomes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17332,, 2023.

SSS9 – Soils, Forestry and Agriculture

EGU23-297 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.1

Pedophysics: a python package for soil geophysics. 

Gaston Mendoza Veirana, Philippe de Smedt, Jeroen Verhegge, and Wim Cornelis

Near surface geophysical electromagnetic techniques are proven tools to support ecosystem services such as agriculture, soil remediation, nutrient management, and heritage conservation. Key influencing geophysical properties are electrical conductivity (σ, or resistivity (ρ)), dielectric permittivity (𝜀) or magnetic susceptibility (μ), that are targeted to model soil properties and state variables such as texture, bulk density, cation exchange capacity (CEC) or water content. To translate geophysical properties into quantitative information on the targeted soil properties, relationships between these have to be considered in appropriate models. These so-called pedophysical models can then be integrated into interpretation schemes (e.g., after inversion, or through incorporating this into forward modelling procedures). This modelling step, translating geophysical properties into soil properties (and vice versa), thus constitutes a key aspect of near surface exploration.

While hundreds of pedophysical models exist to perform this task, these often depend on many properties and parameters defined within a specific range e.g., electromagnetic frequency, texture, and salinity; impeding applications to cases where information about the studied soil is scarce. Therefore, selecting an appropriate pedophysical model for a given scenario is often a very complex task.

To facilitate solutions for pedophysical modelling we present pedophysics, an open source python package for soil geophysical characterization. The package implements up-to-date models from the literature and, based on the user’s needs, automatically provides an optimal solution given a set of input parameters and the targeted output.

First, a virtual soil is defined by inputting any of its available properties. This soil can be defined in discrete states to simulate the evolution of its properties over time. Secondly, a module (predict) is called to predict the target property of interest. Following this workflow, for example, a soil with a given texture and changing water content could be defined to obtain its 𝜀 or σ at a predefined frequency, or, inversely, its water content could be predicted based on changing σ.

However, as soil properties required as input parameters for pedophysical models are often unknown, it can, in such cases, be impossible to obtain a viable prediction outcome. The pedophysics package accounts for such limitations by implementing pedotransfer functions, that allow obtaining the missing properties from the available ones. For example, if CEC is unknown, it is determined based on soil texture and a location.

In summary, the package synthesizes specific pedophysical modeling knowledge. Time-varying properties can be calculated in a straightforward way, and, through the integration of pedotransfer functions, target properties can be predicted with a minimum of information about the studied soil. Thus, by translating known properties to targeted ones, pedophysics is contributing to improve interpretability of near surface modeling schemes; enhancing soil electromagnetic geophysical exploration techniques in ecosystem services applications.  

How to cite: Mendoza Veirana, G., de Smedt, P., Verhegge, J., and Cornelis, W.: Pedophysics: a python package for soil geophysics., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-297,, 2023.

EGU23-2251 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.1

Sensor-based mapping of Danish peatlands 

Triven Koganti, Diana Vigah Adetsu, Martin Larsen, Kristoffer Skovgaard Mohr, Amélie Beucher, and Mogens H. Greve

Pristine peatlands are precious for their Carbon (C) storage ability and the vast range of ecosystem services they provide. Globally, peatlands were heavily altered over the years especially by draining the water table for meeting energy and agricultural needs. Draining the peat results in its enhanced microbial decomposition, increased dissolved C leaching and increased susceptibility to peat fires, thus turning peatlands into C-source ecosystems. Currently, the carbon dioxide (CO2) released from degraded peatlands amounts to approximately 5% of global anthropogenic emissions. Climate change concerns have sparked an interest to reduce these emissions and different initiatives are put forward for the protection, proper management, and restoration of the peatlands. Denmark has its own national goal of reducing CO2 emissions by 70% by 2030; of which agriculture is expected to be a significant contributor. Comprehensive characterization of peat inventory providing status on the C stocks, water table depths and emissions is required for improved land use planning as almost 4.8 million tonnes of CO2 per annum is released from cultivated organic lands (~ 170,000 ha in total). To achieve this, measurements of peat depth (PD) for volume characterization are invaluable. The conventional mapping approach of PD using peat probes is laborious, time-consuming, and provides only localized and discrete measurements. In addition, these manual probing measurements are also prone to errors as occasionally the probes are obstructed by stones, wood and human artefacts causing underestimation and other times they might easily penetrate the soil underlying the actual peat causing overestimation. In Denmark, we are comparing and contrasting the suitability of different electromagnetic sensors, precisely, working on electromagnetic induction (EMI), ground penetrating radar (GPR), and gamma-ray radiometric (GR) principles to accurately characterize the Danish peatlands. We are testing the sensors on both ground-based and air-borne configurations to improve the feasibility, increase accessibility and save costs. A novel drone-based transient EMI sensor is being designed in this direction. So far the results suggest that the EMI and GR techniques are promising to demarcate the peatland boundaries and estimate the PDs up to a certain extent; depending on the gradient in transition between the mineral and organic soils. Ground penetrating radar provided unequivocal results in high-resistive ombrotrophic peat while failing in low-resistive minerotrophic peat due to low signal penetration. In the drone-borne configuration, GR proved superior due to its ease of use and less to no success was achieved using a GPR. Moving forward, we plan on fusing the multisensor datasets using machine learning to improve the prediction accuracy of PDs, find a means for mapping water table depths and perform advanced modelling for comprehending the effects of different management scenarios on CO2 emissions.

How to cite: Koganti, T., Vigah Adetsu, D., Larsen, M., Skovgaard Mohr, K., Beucher, A., and H. Greve, M.: Sensor-based mapping of Danish peatlands, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2251,, 2023.

Farms in Western Australia (WA) are highly variable in soil texture and water retention capacity; therefore, spatial information of soil moisture status in the field is important for crop management. In practice, farmers often rely on point sensors to determine soil moisture in their fields for crop planning. The limitation of point measurements to account for spatial variability highlights the need to develop methods to assess soil moisture across variable broadacre fields. This information could be used for more effective site-specific crop management practices. In this study, we used a mobile nonintrusive electromagnetic induction (EMI) sensor to map soil apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) and to predict soil moisture levels across the field at three depths (0 – 0.5, 0.5 – 0.8 and 0.8 – 1.6m). The predicted soil moisture was compared with the point measurements of soil moisture sensors and soil samples. The inverted electrical conductivity (EC) from EMI surveys was converted into soil moisture using calibrations between electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) to volumetric moisture, which were developed for the different soil textural classes of the field, with R2 of 0.97 to 0.99. The soil moisture variability of the field was also compared with the spatial distribution of 2019 barley yield production. No significant difference was found between the EMI estimated soil moisture values and the point moisture measurements, as well as moisture extracted from soil samples for 0 – 0.5m and 0.5 – 0.8 m depths with Pearson R values of 0.62 and 0.73 respectively. Barley yield was not correlated with mapped soil moisture or soil texture, which may be due to relatively high initial moisture levels following two years of fallow rotation. This study successfully demonstrated spatial soil moisture estimation using EMI sensor in a field with horizontally and vertically variable soil texture.

How to cite: Shaukat, H., Flower, K., and Leopold, M.: Comparing quasi-3D soil moisture derived from electromagnetic induction with 1D moisture sensors and correlation to barley yield in variable duplex soil, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4650,, 2023.

EGU23-5601 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.1

Monitoring soil status in an irrigated saline reclaimed marsh area in SW Spain using multi-receiver electromagnetic induction sensing and inversion 

Mario Ramos, Mohammad Farzamian, José Luis Gómez Flores, and Karl Vanderlinde

Multi-receiver electromagnetic induction (EMI) shows increasing potential for effective depth-specific monitoring of shallow soil properties as EMI sensors become available that provide simultaneous apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) measurements for small depths of exploration (DOE). Inversion of such ECa data results in more detailed soil profile EC estimates that can provide a completer understanding the soil hydrology and chemistry near the surface (<1 m depth). We demonstrated this by monitoring the soil status weekly at eight measurement locations in an irrigated cotton field in a saline reclaimed and tile-drained marsh area in SW Spain using a multi-receiver EMI instrument that provided ECa for 12 different DOEs. Soil water content and water table depth and conductivity were monitored at the eight locations. Inversion of the ECa data at the eight locations yielded characteristic EC profiles that depended on soil water content, irrigation and salt leaching, and water table depth. A depth-specific correlation analysis of the EC profiles and their first derivative elucidated the depths where the correlations were strongest and for which the best estimates of water content and water table depth and salinity could be obtained. The established relationships were then used to estimate these properties along two transects that contained each four of the monitoring locations. This approach allowed the detection of areas where a shallow water table emerged during the irrigation season which led to topsoil and crop salinization and can therefore assist decision-making in soil, water and crop management in this area.



This work is funded by the Spanish State Agency for Research through grant PID2019-104136RR-C21/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by IFAPA/FEDER through grant AVA2019.018.

How to cite: Ramos, M., Farzamian, M., Gómez Flores, J. L., and Vanderlinde, K.: Monitoring soil status in an irrigated saline reclaimed marsh area in SW Spain using multi-receiver electromagnetic induction sensing and inversion, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5601,, 2023.

EGU23-5663 | Posters on site | SSS9.1

Development of a non-invasive modular electromagnetic induction (EMI) system with spatial high resolution for agricultural applications 

Markus Dick, Egon Zimmermann, Johan Alexander Huisman, Achim Mester, Martial Tchantcho Amin Tazifor, Peter Wüstner, Michael Ramm, and Stefan van Waasen

The acquisition of high-resolution soil information is essential for more environmentally friendly and efficient management of agricultural areas in the context of precision farming. The electrical conductivity (EC) of the soil can be measured quickly and without direct contact using electromagnetic induction (EMI) systems. The EC can be related to soil properties such as soil water content, pore water electrical conductivity, nutrition, clay content and salinity. EMI devices provide an apparent conductivity value that averages electrical conductivity variations with depth. To reconstruct the depth-dependent conductivity from measured data, EMI devices with different coil separations between transmitter and receiver or coil orientations are required. For the measurement with different coil separations, measurements with several commercial devices are commonly combined. However, mutual interference between devices is problematic here, so that measurements with the individual devices must be carried out either one after the other or with sufficient spatial separation, which complicates data acquisition substantially. To simplify EMI data acquisition and to improve depth resolution, an EMI device is required that provides simultaneous measurements with a larger number of freely selectable coil distances. To achieve this, a modular scalable multi-coil system (SELMA) with one transmitter and 12 receiver coils was developed. In the first test configuration, the receiver coils are arranged in a coplanar configuration and equally distributed from 0.3 to 3.6 m in a straight line. The system currently operates at a transmission frequency of 20 kHz and is designed for a measurement range from 2 mS/m to 100 mS/m. The noise of the measured apparent electrical conductivity is below 1 mS/m at a measurement rate of 10 Hz. To achieve modularity, decentralised System-on-Chip modules are used for the data acquisition, which are connected to the control unit (PC) via Ethernet. In addition to the apparent conductivity values, temperatures, pressure, and acceleration are recorded. The reliability of the EMI measurements was checked by repeatedly measuring a transect using a custom-made sled.

How to cite: Dick, M., Zimmermann, E., Huisman, J. A., Mester, A., Tchantcho Amin Tazifor, M., Wüstner, P., Ramm, M., and van Waasen, S.: Development of a non-invasive modular electromagnetic induction (EMI) system with spatial high resolution for agricultural applications, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5663,, 2023.

EGU23-5785 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.1

Optimisation of an ERT acquisition for soil-plant interaction in presence of biochar 

Marco D. Vasconez-Maza, Julien Thiesson, Roger Guerin, Frederic Delarue, Aida Mendieta, and Damien Jougnot

In the mitigating strategies of human impact on environments, the biochar addition to shallow soil horizon represents a promising way among the existing Carbon Dioxide Removal technique. This study is part of a project that aims at evaluating the impact of the presence of biochar in soils on the growth of roots. Geophysical techniques are a good candidate for non-invasive investigation and field monitoring. Among the existing techniques, Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) has already shown great potential for detecting the presence and growth of roots in agricultural soils.

In this study, our goal is to test whether ERT is able to track changes in root growth in a technosol. The field experiment takes place on a setup consisting of 20 plots of 2 meters by 3 meters where the first 0.3 meters were disturbed and for half of them biochar has been incorporated (ca. 2% wt.). As we are expecting 3D effect on this specific field (effects of the limits of the plot, effects of the roots), we design a numerical study to determine the best experimental setup for a 2D ERT profile using pyGIMLi, an open-source software library for geophysical inversion.

We conducted several numerical simulations to determine the optimal dimensions of a meshed body, which was considered as a semi-infinite space, to simulate profiles of 48 and 96 electrodes separated by 0.1 meters. Field measurements on plots with and without biochar showed electric resistivity values of 45 ohm m and 56 ohm m, respectively, suggesting that ERT might be able to detect the biochar presence. Using this information, we focus our numerical simulations on a suitable configuration to assess the effect of biochar onto root growth.

How to cite: Vasconez-Maza, M. D., Thiesson, J., Guerin, R., Delarue, F., Mendieta, A., and Jougnot, D.: Optimisation of an ERT acquisition for soil-plant interaction in presence of biochar, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5785,, 2023.

EGU23-5921 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.1

Remote sensing techniques to assess the weeds adaptability to salinity stress induced by soil changes 

Nebojša Nikolić, Sara Cucchiaro, Eugenio Straffelini, Paolo Tarolli, and Roberta Masin

Weeds pose one of the major threats to plant production, as they can reduce yield, interfere with harvest, and host different harmful organisms. Unlike crops, weeds are characterized by great plasticity and adaptability to agroecosystem changes, making them an even more critical threat in a constantly changing environment. The influence of climate change in the form of different stresses to which plants are being more and more exposed is being extensively studied in crops, yet there are few studies concerning weeds. Still, considering the adaptability potential of weeds, they can represent an even more significant threat to agricultural production when abiotic stress, such as salinity, is introduced in the agroecosystem. Currently, remote sensing techniques may be exploited to derive useful, frequent, and low-cost information at different spatial scales. In this work, the Structure from motion (SfM) technique paired with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) was used to map the distribution changes of Abutilon theophrasti in July and August 2022 in three different crop fields in the Po river delta, North-Eastern Italy. The multi-temporal orthomosaics obtained by two various SfM surveys had an image resolution of 2 cm, allowing an accurate photo interpretation and the realization of precise maps of species distribution. In the meantime, different soil samples have been taken from the fields above, and their position was measured by a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), GeoMax Zenith 40. The salinity level of soil samples has been determined by measuring the electrical conductivity using XS Instruments COND 80 electrical conductivity meter (Giorgio Bormac s.r.l, Carpi, Italy) at a sensitivity of 1 µS. Salinity values were spatialized in the study areas, realizing salinity maps through the spatial interpolation tools of the Geographic information system (GIS) software. The salinity maps overlapped the maps of single plants of A. theophrasti. In both of the multi-temporal surveys performed, results show that plants of A. theophrasti can be found in areas where the soil salinity is higher than 8 dS/m, where most of the crop plants have perished.  Considering that the weed plants were present at the same place in both surveys, this indicates that A. theophrasti can tolerate the rise of salinity in the fields better than the crop plants and can therefore outcompete them. These results suggest that soil salinization can have a double negative effect on crop production, both causing abiotic stress and increasing competition.

Acknowledgments: This study was carried out within the Agritech National Research Center and received funding from the European Union Next-GenerationEU (PIANO NAZIONALE DI RIPRESA E RESILIENZA (PNRR) – MISSIONE 4 COMPONENTE 2, INVESTIMENTO 1.4 – D.D. 1032 17/06/2022, CN00000022).

How to cite: Nikolić, N., Cucchiaro, S., Straffelini, E., Tarolli, P., and Masin, R.: Remote sensing techniques to assess the weeds adaptability to salinity stress induced by soil changes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5921,, 2023.

EGU23-7128 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.1

Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) to assess the drip irrigation water in a field cultivated with melon 

Agnese Innocenti, Veronica Pazzi, Marco Napoli, Riccardo Fanti, and Simone Orlandini

Characterization of agricultural soils using geophysical techniques makes it possible to study the heterogeneity of a soil and the preferential pathways of water flows without causing disturbances to soil and plants. Increased knowledge of soil heterogeneity allows the most optimal management of the water resource in terms of crop, yield and sustainability. In this study, time lapse monitoring, using electrical resistivity tomography (ERT), is proposed as a reliable and non-invasive technique to quantify the movement of water flows during the irrigation process.

ERT surveys were conducted in melon cultivated land in southern Tuscany (Italy). Four survey campaigns were carried out between June and August 2022, in which ERT data were collected by taking measurements, before, during, and after the irrigation phase. The investigation was conducted with a 3-D grid in which the 72 electrodes were spaced 0.3 m apart and arranged in three parallel lines, 0.3 m apart and 6.9 m long, for a total of 24 electrodes in each line. The plants were located above a ridge having a height of 20 cm with respect to the ground level and the electrodes were positioned to incorporate 5 melon plants in the configuration. A dipole-dipole configuration was adopted for the acquisition of electrical resistivity data. Commercial ViewLab 3D software was used to process the geoelectrical data.

The interpretation of the ERT results provided information on the spatial and temporal distribution of water flows in the soil and in the root zone of melons during the irrigation phases. The investigation made it possible to identify the preferential ways of infiltration of the irrigation water, the points where the water is absorbed by the roots, and the points where the water instead follows a preferential way distributing itself entirely below the area of root growth. During the investigations, the irrigation time underwent changes dictated by the climatic conditions, therefore the irrigation time and frequency were increased. This manifested itself in the ERT sections with an increase in the conductivity below the roots, i.e., at a depth of about 35 - 40 cm with respect to the ground level. This phenomenon can be explained by the fact that over time the water has developed a greater preferential path, completely bypassed the root system and collected below it, in the zone delimiting the worked soil with the unworked soil.

In the present case study, the ERT technique proved to be a valid survey and monitoring method for mapping the preferential paths of water flows in agricultural land. The ERT sections made it possible to study the distribution of water along the soil profile, highlighting the presence of preferential paths that produce an accumulation of water below the root zone and therefore in an area that is not very usable for cultivation. This technique can therefore be used in this context to study a better irrigation system and an optimal management of the water resource, avoiding preferential paths of the flows which lead to a lower availability of water for the plant.

How to cite: Innocenti, A., Pazzi, V., Napoli, M., Fanti, R., and Orlandini, S.: Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) to assess the drip irrigation water in a field cultivated with melon, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7128,, 2023.

EGU23-7736 | Orals | SSS9.1

Geophysical monitoring of the fresh-saline groundwater interface in Belgian polders 

Guillaume Blanchy, Ali Mehmandoostkotlar, Bert Everaert, Dominique Huits, Sarah Garré, Thomas Hermans, and Frédéric Nguyen

Polders are areas reclaimed on the sea thanks to hydraulic structures like dikes. To prevent flooding, these low-lying areas are constantly drained by a network of ditches that release excess water in the sea (e.g. at low tide). The use of subsurface drainage pipes connected to existing drainage ditches further enabled the drainage of the lands and made them suitable for agriculture. While the groundwater remains saline water from its seaborn nature, with years and precipitation, a fresh water lens, lighter than the deeper saline water, developed near the soil surface, on top of the saline water. This fresh water lens is essential for most conventional crops that would suffer from saline conditions. The thickness of freshwater lenses varies throughout the year as a function of the recharge from rainfall and evapotranspiration.

However, intensive rainfall events and prolonged summer droughts are becoming more frequent with Climate Change and lead to decreasing freshwater lens thickness, endangering crop yield. Controlled drainage systems that enable to regulate the water level in the subsurface drains has the potential to mitigate this issue by imposing a temporary higher water level, hence increasing recharge of the freshwater lens. 

To better understand the dynamics of the fresh/saline water interface throughout the year, we equipped two fields with multilevel piezometers with both head and salinity sensors replicated three times in each field. Along each multilevel piezometer we also installed 1D resistivity sticks with 16 electrodes to obtain a vertical electrical resistivity profile. In addition, electromagnetic induction surveys enabled us to expand the local observations to the entire area (4 ha in total).

The datasets collected in the two fields in the conventional scenario (i.e. without controlled drainage) during the first year, showcase the usual dynamics of the interface, its lateral as well as vertical variability. The use of geoelectrical techniques enable us to distinguish fresh and saline water boundaries and its variability per soil layers. The electromagnetic induction surveys reveal old paleochannels that influence the dynamics of the freshwater lens at the field-scale. Moreover, the dataset also demonstrates how different crops (grass and flax) lead to different ground water and salinization dynamics. In this work, we present our first year of collected field data and related interpretation before the installation of the controlled drainage system.

How to cite: Blanchy, G., Mehmandoostkotlar, A., Everaert, B., Huits, D., Garré, S., Hermans, T., and Nguyen, F.: Geophysical monitoring of the fresh-saline groundwater interface in Belgian polders, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7736,, 2023.

EGU23-8126 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.1

Impact of drought on the water status of vines in a Bordeaux vineyard 

Quentin Chaffaut, Myriam Schmutz, and Jehanne Cavailhes

France is one of the largest producer of wine in the world. Thus, viticulture is a major activity area, particularly in south-west of France where vineyards occupy as much as 42% of the agricultural surface. Vineyards worldwide are being subjected to stress brought about by changes in average temperatures, precipitation, seasonal timing that drives phenology, as well as extreme weather events (van Leeuwen, 2004). Specifically, the Bordeaux vineyards are submitted to strong climate change impact, due to the increase in the duration of heat waves (i.e., increase in evaporative demand), and the decrease in summer precipitations (i.e., decrease in water availability in the soils; Soubeyroux et al., 2020). These stressors contribute to Grape yield and quality.

Our approach consists of identifying the factors that control water availability in vineyard soils in order to adapt cultivation practices.

For this purpose, we have instrumented a vineyard plot (~1 ha) in Medoc. This observatory allows the monitoring of water fluxes within the soil-vine-atmosphere continuum on two rows of vines located in areas with contrasting soil types: one is located in a sandy area, while the other is located in a clayey area. The observatory combines:

  • Soil water status monitoring with
  • Spectral Induced Polarization (SIP) measurement campaigns carried out along the two selected rows of vines and repeated at a bi-monthly rhythm,
  • two permanent multi-level soil water content probes
  • Vines water status monitoring using sap flow sensors, together with water potential measurement campaigns repeated on a monthly basis
  • Ground water level continuous measurement sensors
  • Meteorological parameters monitoring

Our observations show that during the drought of the summer 2022, the vines in the sandy row suffer of greater water stress than the vines in the clay row, and that the soil in the sandy row dries out more quickly and to a greater depth than the soil in the clay row. This highlights the impact of soil type on soil water availability. Our early results suggest that in the case of a prolonged drought period, the vines located on clay plots would thus suffer less from water stress than in the case of plots with more draining soil.


Soubeyroux, JM, Bernus, S, Corre, L, Gouget, V, Kerdoncuff, M, Somot, S, Tocquer, F, 2020. Le nouveau jeu de simulations climatiques régionalisées sur la France pour le service DRIAS, XXXIIIeme colloque de l’Assoc Internat de Climatologie, pp 637-642.

Van Leeuwen, Cornelis, Philippe Friant, Xavier Choné, Olivier Tregoat, Stephanos Koundouras, and Denis Dubourdieu. 2004. Influence of Climate, Soil, and Cultivar on Terroir. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 55(3):207–17. doi: 10.5344/ajev.2004.55.3.207.

How to cite: Chaffaut, Q., Schmutz, M., and Cavailhes, J.: Impact of drought on the water status of vines in a Bordeaux vineyard, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8126,, 2023.

EGU23-9070 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.1

Wet grassland biomass yield prediction considering species composition dynamic 

Valeh Khaledi, Gunnar Lischeid, Bahareh Kamali, Ottfried Dietrich, and Claas Nendel


Every grassland has considerable annual vegetation composition dynamics, especially in sites with shallow water levels (Toogood & Joyce, 2009). These wet grasslands, where the vegetation is regularly consuming capillary water, are very sensitive to water availability and respond rapidly by changing their species composition. As different species produce different biomass, the biomass yield is constantly altering alongside species composition change (White et al., 2000). These dynamics limit the use of mechanistic models for the prediction of biomass yields, especially in response to the water supply. Grassland models have been developed to simulate vegetation growth since the late 1980s (Coffin & Lauenroth, 1990; Thornley & Verberne, 1989). However, none of the existing models can deal with capillary water ascending from shallow groundwater considering the vegetation composition change. In this study, we demonstrate that mechanistic plant growth models for grassland productivity would benefit from the consideration of vegetation composition change in wet grasslands.

Material and method

The data from an extensively agriculturally used wet grassland lysimeter station in Germany, Spreewald (SPW, 51◦52´ N, 14◦02´ E, 50.5 m above sea level) (Dietrich & Kaiser, 2017) was used in this study. In this study, we followed an analytical approach and a modeling approach to reveal the importance of vegetation composition change impact on biomass yield prediction. First, we did a Pearson correlation analysis between vegetation composition indices and biomass. In the modeling approach, the mechanistic process-based simulation model MONICA (MOdel for NItrogen and Carbon dynamics in Agroecosystems) was employed to simulate water fluxes in the soil. In the model, an empirical approach was used for ascending water in the capillary fringe above the groundwater table, using daily rise rates from the German Soil Survey Manual ("Bodenkundliche Kartieranleitung. ," 2005)


The correlation analysis showed a significant association between the vegetation index and biomass yield, with a time lag of one year between the groundwater level and the respective response in the vegetation index. The results from the modeling approach showed that the model did not reproduce the year-to-year variation in biomass well. However, when we removed the effect of the groundwater level on the vegetation composition from the biomass data, the simulation model agreed much better with the remaining pattern. As a result, we conclude that long-term biomass patterns can only be reproduced with mechanistic simulation models when vegetation composition dynamics are considered, e.g. by using it alongside a species competition model.

Keywords: Wet grassland, vegetation composition, capillary rise, process-based model


Dietrich, O., & Kaiser, T. (2017). Impact of groundwater regimes on water balance components of a site with a shallow water table [RESEARCH A R T I C L E]. Ecohydrology.

Toogood, S., & Joyce, C. (2009). Effects of raised water levels on wet grassland plant communities. Applied Vegetation Science, 12, 283-294.

White, R., Murray, S., & Rohweder, M. (2000). PILOT ANALYSIS OF GLOBAL ECOSYSTEMS (Grassland Ecosystems).

How to cite: Khaledi, V., Lischeid, G., Kamali, B., Dietrich, O., and Nendel, C.: Wet grassland biomass yield prediction considering species composition dynamic, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9070,, 2023.

EGU23-11597 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.1

Comparison of vegetation indices using measurement techniques on a scale from plant leaves to plots 

Tibor Zsigmond, Imre Zagyva, and Ágota Horel

In agricultural systems, rapid information from data collection and processing is an important factor for stakeholders and researchers to correctly account for the spatial and temporal variability of crop and soil factors. The aim of the present study was to investigate soil-plant-water systems and interactions using manual and remote sensing techniques in a small agricultural catchment. Four land use types of forest, grassland, vineyard, and cropland (sunflower) were investigated in different slope positions. At the same time, three different tillage practices were applied in the vineyard between the rows: grassed (NT), cover cropped (CC), and tilled (T) inter rows. We evaluated NDVI measurements from three different sources (PlantPen - PP, Meter Group - MG, Sentinel-2 - S2) representing different scales (leaves, 0.33m2, and 100m2). We also compared ground and satellite measurements of varying vegetation indices.

Spectral reflectance sensors were used on the slopes of grassland, cropland, and three vineyard sites. The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI) sensors were used to measure leaf reflectance. A hemispherical sensor set was used for each measurement. Hand-held instruments were used to measure the topsoil soil water content (SWC) and temperature, leaf NDVI and chlorophyll concentrations, and Leaf Area Index (LAI) every two weeks. Satellite data, such as NDVI, green (GCI) and red edge (RECI) chlorophyll indices, and soil-adjusted vegetation index (SAVI), were obtained from the Sentinel-2 database on days when both ground and satellite overpass occurred within 24 hours.

Land use types and slope position have a strong influence on vegetation growth. The highest overall NDVI and leaf chlorophyll values were observed in vineyard and forest samples, and the lowest in grassland. SWC and temperature were the lowest in the forest and vineyards. SWCs were significantly different for T and CC samples (p<0.05) based on slope positions, while soil temperatures were not significantly different between upper and lower slope positions (p>0.05). For the other three land use types, there were no significant differences in values between slope positions. Chlorophyll data showed a very strong correlation between Sentinel-2 retrieved data and hand-held measurements, with r=0.84 for grassland (GCI), r=0.83 for NT (GCI), and r=0.87 for T (RECI). Strong correlations were found between the different sources of NDVI for the grassland samples (e.g. r=0.97, p<0.05 for S2 and MG). Weaker correlations were observed between different inter-row managed vineyard samples (e.g. for tilled inter-row r=0.70 between S2 and PP and r=0.35 between S2 and MG). Since inter-row management strongly influences the overall values of S2, adjustments are needed.

How to cite: Zsigmond, T., Zagyva, I., and Horel, Á.: Comparison of vegetation indices using measurement techniques on a scale from plant leaves to plots, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11597,, 2023.

EGU23-12699 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.1

On the use of seismic geophysical methods to characterize different soil compaction levels 

Alberto Carrera, Mirko Pavoni, Ilaria Barone, Jacopo Boaga, Nicola Dal Ferro, Giorgio Cassiani, and Francesco Morari

To address the non-invasive way of studying soil structure and its dynamics at different scales, several geophysical techniques can complement traditional characterization methodologies. In this context, the most widespread methods for soil investigations rely on the different electrical properties of earth materials which change with the content and salinity of the incorporated fluids. Although the use of seismic methods in soil science studies is not as common as for geotechnical and reservoir characterization, seismic wave fields contain information about the mechanical properties of the subsurface and may offer insights about soil compaction that other geophysical methods cannot provide.

In this work, we evaluate the ability of seismic techniques to assess the differences between small and strong degrees of compaction in soils, relating and validating them with traditional direct measurements. The experiment was conducted at the Experimental Farm “L. Toniolo” of the University of Padova in Legnaro (northeastern Italy), under controlled conditions. The acquisition scheme was designed to resolve small-scale seismic velocity contrasts. Three different levels of induced compaction were investigated with indirect (i.e. geophysics) and direct (i.e. bulk density, texture, volumetric water content) measures.

Preliminary results of refraction and surface waves seismic analysis clearly agree with traditional direct measurements. We demonstrate that this approach is not only sensitive to the compaction phenomenon, but it allows to observe both its lateral and in-depth variability. This study opens up interesting future scenarios for geophysics to highlight the different mechanical responses caused both by soil plastic deformation and soil water distribution due to increasing compaction.


How to cite: Carrera, A., Pavoni, M., Barone, I., Boaga, J., Dal Ferro, N., Cassiani, G., and Morari, F.: On the use of seismic geophysical methods to characterize different soil compaction levels, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12699,, 2023.

EGU23-13024 | Orals | SSS9.1

Electrical resistivity tomography and sap flow measurements on date palm stems to support irrigation management 

Tarig Bukhary, Johan Alexander Huisman, Haoran Wang, Egon Zimmermann, and Naftali Lazarovitch

The cultivation of date palms (Phoenix dactylifera) is widespread in hyper-arid regions and relies on high-frequency irrigation to achieve satisfactory yields. Adequate irrigation management is of great importance, and requires understanding of the dynamics of sap flow and water storage within the date palm stem. Traditionally, sap flow estimates are obtained using heat dissipation probes. This method provides point estimates that may not represent the spatial distribution of sap flow within the date palm stem. The aim of this study is to investigate whether electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) measurements on date palm stems can be used to obtain information on the spatial distribution of sap flow in order to obtain improved estimates of transpiration. In a first step, laboratory experiments were used to improve understanding of the electrical and hydraulic properties of date palm stems. A laboratory set-up was developed that induced flow in a date palm stem segment using vacuum pressure while making time-lapse ERT measurements. It was found that such ERT monitoring allows to visualize changes in radial flow variability due to different flow conditions. In addition, the electrical conductivity of the outflow was considerably higher than that of the introduced solution, which suggest the presence of stored salt in the stem segment. The relationship between bulk electrical conductivity and water content of date palm stem segments was investigated on smaller samples using multi-step-outflow experiments combined with bulk electrical conductivity measurements. The results showed that the water redistribution in the sample was slow after the initial desaturation, which suggests that the water is tightly bound as in a clay soil. The observed relationship between bulk electrical conductivity and saturation could be described with models established for porous media. In a second step, field experiments were performed that combined ERT and sap flow measurements on both juvenile date palm trees growing in lysimeters and mature date palm trees. For this, a custom-made measurement system was used to acquire high-speed ERT measurements with a temporal resolution of several minutes. The high-resolution monitoring of both the juvenile and mature date palms showed a high spatial variability in electrical conductivity within both the juvenile and mature date palm stems. This has obvious implications for the installation of sap flow sensors, where low-conductivity areas likely indicating regions without flow should be avoided. ERT monitoring also revealed diurnal changes in the spatial distribution of the electrical conductivity that are associated with the tree response to irrigation. An induced drought period for the juvenile date palm in the lysimeter also resulted in a noticeable decrease in the mean electrical conductivity on the second day after irrigation was stopped, suggesting that ERT may also provide an early indicator of water stress.

How to cite: Bukhary, T., Huisman, J. A., Wang, H., Zimmermann, E., and Lazarovitch, N.: Electrical resistivity tomography and sap flow measurements on date palm stems to support irrigation management, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13024,, 2023.

EGU23-13502 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.1

In-situ effect of Si fertilization on Soil-plant-water relation for different soil erosion states 

MHD Wael Al Hamwi, Mathias Hoffmann, Joerg Schaller, Mathias Stein, Michael Sommer, Shrijana Vaidya, Katja Kramp, Valerie Pusch, Reena Macagga, Gernot Verch, Norbert Bonk, Peter Rakowski, and Maren Dubbert

Crop production is affected by drought duration and severity, which become more frequent with climate change. Several studies reported the positive effect of Silicate (Si) fertilization on soil and plant water balance. However, the relation between soil type and the impact of Silicate (Si) fertilization on plant performance, as well as the underlying mechanism for water stress tolerance, is poorly understood. To investigate the effect of Si fertilization on soil-plant-water relation in different soil types, we set up a Si fertilization experiment in an arable landscape of Northeast Germany (Uckermark region, 53° 23' N, 13° 47' E) using Barley (Hordeum vulgare) at three different sites with different soil types and erosion stages: 1) Haplic luvisol (non-eroded), 2) Haplic Regesol (extremely eroded) and 3) Endogleyic colluvic regosol (deposition). 3 Kg "Aerosil 300"   are applied to the soil (~1% ASi in topsoil) compared to control plots (no fertilization), with four replicates per treatment at each site. A campaign of 2-3 consecutive days was conducted throughout the experiment period (from April to July 2022) every two weeks. During these campaigns, we measured leaf water potential, gas fluxes (CO2 and Evapotranspiration), NDVI (normalized difference vegetation index) and biomass sampling. Soil water content and temperature were continuously monitored by soil sensors planted in situ at each plot. We harvested Barley at the end of the growing season and measured each plot's plant biomass and seed production. Our data showed that Si fertilization significantly increased the soil water content in the different soil erosion stages by 2-3%. At the plant's early growth stage, the increase in the soil water content related to Si fertilization significantly affected drought mitigation, balancing leaf water potential decrease during drought. Moreover, while plant development was not generally affected by Si fertilization, germination was delayed in non-fertilized plots. However, the vegetation period in 2022 was rather wet and a drought occurred only during the early phenological development of the plant, and no significant effects of Si fertilization on plant performance were visible (leaf water potential, net ecosystem exchange, evapotranspiration, NDVI and yield) after the early stages. Thus, no lasting effect of Si fertilization on drought mitigation on Barley could be detected, as Barley recovered quickly from drought during the early vegetation stage, irrespective of Si fertilization. All things considered, Si fertilization as an approach to enhance plant tolerance during drought is more complex than previously expected. Our results suggest that the timing and duration of drought, as well as soil type, are important factors to consider.

Keywords: Si fertilization, Drought, Soil erosion, Water Stress, Soil water content, Leaf water potential, NDVI, Gas fluxes, Plant performance.

How to cite: Al Hamwi, M. W., Hoffmann, M., Schaller, J., Stein, M., Sommer, M., Vaidya, S., Kramp, K., Pusch, V., Macagga, R., Verch, G., Bonk, N., Rakowski, P., and Dubbert, M.: In-situ effect of Si fertilization on Soil-plant-water relation for different soil erosion states, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13502,, 2023.

EGU23-14364 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.1

Soil phosphorus prediction by visNIR could be dependent on the conversional P determination method 

Tadesse Gashaw Asrat, Stephan M Haefele, Ruben Sakrabani, Kirsty L Hassall, Fassil Kebede, Timo Breure, and Ron Corstanje

Proximal soil spectroscopy can be useful to estimate relevant soil properties in real time and cheaply for agricultural decision support and soil health monitoring. However, prediction performance of plant available soil phosphorus by the visNIR has been unsatisfactory as it is considered among the least spectrally active soil properties. Hence, we compared prediction performance among plant available soil phosphorus (Olsen P), extractable soil phosphorus (ammonium-oxalate extract of P - AmOxP), total soil phosphorus (Aqua regia extract of P - TP) and phosphorus buffer index (PBI) using visNIR soil spectral sensing instrumentations (Neospectra and Fieldspec-4) using East African agricultural soils. The comparison was made by scanning 360 archived soil samples which were collected from 0-20cm soil depth in Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania. The spectra data was pre-treated with SavitskyGolay smoothing + first derivative and a PLSR was used to develop the predictive models from a 75% of the dataset (#270) subsampled by a conditioned Latin Hypercubic sampling (cLHS) method using the spectra space. The model performance was evaluated by an independent set of samples (#90) by calculating the concordance correlation coefficient (CCC), ratio of performance to interquartile range (RPIQ), bias and root mean square error of prediction (RMSEP).  The most important wavelengths for all soil P indicators in the NIR instrument ranged between 2150 -2400 nm whereas it included 500-570 nm for the visNIR instrument. PBI was predicted with higher CCC value of 0.94 and 0.89 for visNIR and NIR, respectively, however it has the least RPIQ (0.4 and 0.3, respectively) values when compared to other soil P prediction by both instruments. TP and AmOxP were predicted with higher accuracy and model consistency when compared to OlsenP and PBI. The visNIR range gave better prediction accuracy and model consistency for all soil P indicators than the NIR range. Hence, our findings indicated that TP and AmOxP could be preferred to predict soil phosphorus status for any agricultural and soil health monitoring using soil spectroscopic techniques.

Keywords: proximal soil spectroscopy, PLSR model, Savitzky-Golay smoothing filter, first derivative, Neospectra, Fieldspec-4, East Africa.

How to cite: Asrat, T. G., Haefele, S. M., Sakrabani, R., Hassall, K. L., Kebede, F., Breure, T., and Corstanje, R.: Soil phosphorus prediction by visNIR could be dependent on the conversional P determination method, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14364,, 2023.

EGU23-15692 | Posters on site | SSS9.1

UAV-based heterogeneity analysis of soil-plant-water system of small-plot experiment with different oat genotypes under Si and S foliar fertilization treatments 

Erika Budayné Bódi, Erika Kutasy, József Csajbók, Solange Paola Acosta Santamaría, Tamás Magyar, Nikolett Szőllősi, Zsolt Zoltán Fehér, Péter Tamás Nagy, Attila Nagy, and Tamás János

Five winter oat (Avena sativa L.) varieties were set in a small-plot field experiment to examine the abiotic stress considering silicone and sulphur foliar fertilization treatments under temperate and dry climatic conditions in Hungary. Numerous in situ and laboratory measurements were performed to describe the crop's condition at various phenological stages. Drones with multispectral, thermal and LiDAR payloads monitored the field both with high temporal and spatial resolution. A high level of GIS data assimilation was performed in order to handle the different spatial-related parameters in one interface.

It is a multi-purpose experiment, and for all of them it is an important criterion whether the study was carried out in a truly homogeneous area. Practically, it means that we ignore the patterns of the crop or the soil. If this is not the case, the various parameters measured should be evaluated accordingly. Hence, our study's main goal here is to reveal the soil and crop heterogeneity level. For this, all the measured parameters are involved in the multi-parameter analysis by which the heterogeneity level of the site can be assessed.

Practically, by this, we can answer the main question: is the field suitable to carry out analysis such as abiotic stress studies or yield prediction modelling on it or shall we handle certain parts differently?

Based on the example of our experiment we design a workflow by which the heterogeneity level of a small-plot field can be assessed and provide a solution for how to handle it in order not to involve data which may mislead analysis.

How to cite: Budayné Bódi, E., Kutasy, E., Csajbók, J., Acosta Santamaría, S. P., Magyar, T., Szőllősi, N., Fehér, Z. Z., Nagy, P. T., Nagy, A., and János, T.: UAV-based heterogeneity analysis of soil-plant-water system of small-plot experiment with different oat genotypes under Si and S foliar fertilization treatments, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15692,, 2023.

EGU23-16030 | Orals | SSS9.1

Geophysics for managing Norwegian agrohydrological threats 

Esther Bloem, Robert Barneveld, Dominika Krzeminska, and Jannes Stolte

Norwegian agriculture is challenged by increased production demand and climate change while being faced with tight restrictions to its environmental impact. Due to climate change, an increase in extreme weather events is expected. High intensity rainfall events lead to flooding and water-logged conditions, which have negative impacts on yield and operational conditions related to tillage and transport (trafficability of the soil). Two thirds of Norway's agricultural area is drained to prevent water logging, but at times these drained soils have problems with too high water content, leading to delayed tillage in spring time resulting in lower yields. About 10% of the cultivated land is considered poorly drained.

Saturation and infiltration excess overland flow leads to sheet erosion. Erosion rates often follow a seasonal pattern with the highest soil losses during late autumn and early spring. For most of the total soil loss only a few runoff events are responsible each year. Soil loss from agricultural areas in Norway is not only harmful because of the loss of nutrient rich topsoil, but also because of off-site effects, especially in freshwater systems.

Poorly drained soils are prone to deterioration of its structure. In areas where overland flow concentrates, this may lead to the development of gullies. Ephemeral gullies make up a considerable part of the sediment losses from agricultural areas. In addition, they are shortcuts for sediment transport, forming a connection between the hillslope and the surface water system.

Seasonal saturation excess because of snow melt and rain also leads to high flow rates in Norway’s stream and river network. Flooding problems at the intersection between streams and roads occur even in first order streams.

While many soil conservation and water retention measures complement each other, they sometimes affect each other adversely. Intensification of tile drainage, for example, may reduce sheet and gully erosion risk levels, but will have an adverse effect on peak flow rates and flood risk. Other measures, like buffer zones, serve both purposes. But when, how and under which circumstances water retention and soil conservation measures function remains a complex question.

Understanding the spatio-temporal dynamics of water in the vadose and groundwater zones therefore is a key component of integrated agro-ecological management strategy at low (farm) and high (regional) levels. While the mechanics of overland water movement and infiltration are generally well understood, there are many significant challenges for system understanding at larger spatial scales, especially under increasingly non-normal weather conditions.

NIBIO endeavors to reconcile measurements and observations with agrohydrological system understanding. Complexity and scale (time and space) are the main challenges in this endeavor. In this presentation we will present how NIBIO uses geophysics for understanding agrohydrological threats and solutions, with focus on drainage, erosion and buffer zones.

How to cite: Bloem, E., Barneveld, R., Krzeminska, D., and Stolte, J.: Geophysics for managing Norwegian agrohydrological threats, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16030,, 2023.

To improve the efficiency of irrigation water application it is necessary to understand 3 important aspects. The depth of wetting reached by each irrigation episode, the overlap between irrigation emitters and the depth where the largest root volume is found. The joint use of electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) with mechanistic hydrological model allows establishing an appropriate irrigation schedule for the particular condition of each irrigation sector, considering aspects for intra-farm soil variability and variations in the root volume of the orchard. For a correct characterization of the existing soil variability in a field, we propose the use of high-resolution ERT (several measurements per hectare) and clustering using k-means for the definition of sites of interest where it is necessary to obtain a petrophysical relationship. (Waxman & Smits, 1968) that allows obtaining the moisture content of the soil from the electrical resistivity of the soil. For the calibration of the mechanistic hydrological model in these same sites, the use of disk infiltrometers measurements is proposed. Through time-lapse ERT measurements in periods between irrigation, it is possible to observe areas of greater water absorption and define areas where there is a greater root volume. Through time-lapse ERT measurements in irrigation episodes, it is possible to determine the depth of wetting reached and use this information to calibrate model parameters of the mechanistic hydrological model. Finally, the use of computer simulations in the defined clusters makes it possible to establish irrigation times and frequencies that ensure a correct overlap between emitters and a wetting depth that reaches the areas of greatest water absorption.

How to cite: Cabrera, D., Faundez, C., and Diaz, P.: The use of high resolution electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and mechanistic hydrological models to increase the efficiency of the wáter applied by irrigation., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16173,, 2023.

EGU23-17083 | Orals | SSS9.1

Determination of upward/downward soil water fluxes using soil thermal profile series : two field case studies 

Sailhac Pascal, Harrouet Titouan, Rivière Agnès, Maugis Pascal, Léger Emmanuel, and Zeyen Hermann

Water transfer through the unsaturated zone, in terms of upward or downward water fluxes, is a critical term for estimation of the water budget. As fluid flow modifies diffusive heat transfer through advective processes, since the early 90s several studies have attempted to deduce vertical water flow from soil temperature series. Likewise, if information on the water content profiles is known, bulk thermal properties can be inferred from thermal time series at different depths.

In this study we compare two field sites in the Paris Basin Area, with two different types of soil and vegetation. We present our preliminary results from two approaches aiming at retrieving inferring soil bulk thermal parameters, namely heat capacity and conductivity, as well as vertical water flow.

On the one hand, thermal measurements until a depth of 1.8 m have been carried out in a managed crop field. Using frequency decomposition of the thermal series, the upward and downward flows are determined. The water fluxes are compared with high-frequency EM time-lapse maps in an attempt to spatialize the variations.

On the other hand, the thermal properties of a wetland area are inferred from soil thermal time series inversion using the thermo-hydrodynamic code suite Ginette, and are compared with spatial distribution of vegetation derived from remote sensing imagery.

The two approaches are compared and discussed with their respective caveats and abilities.

How to cite: Pascal, S., Titouan, H., Agnès, R., Pascal, M., Emmanuel, L., and Hermann, Z.: Determination of upward/downward soil water fluxes using soil thermal profile series : two field case studies, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17083,, 2023.

EGU23-983 | ECS | Orals | HS8.3.2

SoVegI: a new and efficient model coupling photosynthesis and hydraulic transport within the soil-plant continuum 

Oscar Corvi, Sylvain Weill, Benjamin Belfort, Philippe Ackerer, Damien Bonal, and Matthias Cuntz

Climate change impacts on forests cannot be understood without representing the hydraulic functioning of forests. In this work we present SoVegI (Soil-Vegetation Interaction model), a numerically efficient, process-based model of the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum, developed to represent groundwater-forest interactions under drought conditions for broadleaf and deciduous forests of Europe.

The model includes (1) a single layer sun/shade model of mass and energy fluxes at the canopy scale, (2) a stomatal conductance model depending, among other things, on leaf water potential describing the direct link with soil water availability, (3) a process-based soil-root-xylem hydraulic transport scheme assuming the hydraulic transport to be analogous with water transport in a porous media, and (4) a root water uptake model representing the direct coupling between the soil and the vegetation.

The novelty of the model is to present a fast and efficient numerical implementation of the hydraulic transport process within the whole soil-plant-atmosphere continuum that allows coupling with large spatial models. The porous media analogy results in a set of three coupled nonlinear partial differential equations similar to Richards’ equation for porous media in soil. The system is solved using a finite volume, time-implicit approach and an advanced iterative scheme is used to treat the non-linearity of the system.

This new numerical model was successfully tested at the tree and the forest scales at two sites in northern France after being calibrated against sap flow measurements and eddy covariance data, respectively. At the tree scale, the model was able to reproduce the mid-day partial stomatal closure showing the availability of the model to catch the dynamic feedback between the atmospheric and soil water conditions. The model was also capable of reproducing the water storage pool drainage during day time and the night time replenishment, opening interesting perspectives to investigate forests’ risks to hydraulic failure. At the forest scale, the model was able to reproduce the transpiration response to the 2003 soil drought and heat wave in northern Europe with limited computational efforts. These preliminary steps open interesting research perspectives where SoVegI will be coupled with a physically-based integrated hydrologic model to assess the impact of extreme events on groundwater-forest relations.

How to cite: Corvi, O., Weill, S., Belfort, B., Ackerer, P., Bonal, D., and Cuntz, M.: SoVegI: a new and efficient model coupling photosynthesis and hydraulic transport within the soil-plant continuum, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-983,, 2023.

EGU23-1150 | ECS | Orals | HS8.3.2

Transpiration response to atmospheric drying vs. to soil drying: underlying physical and physiological mechanisms and related plant traits 

Tina Köhler, Fabian Joscha Pascal Wankmüller, Walid Sadok, and Andrea Carminati

Plant water use during drought depends on atmospheric demand and soil water supply. Typically, transpiration response to drought is evaluated in two types of experiments: either exposure to a stepwise increase in vapor pressure deficit (VPD), or exposure to soil drying over the course of weeks. Surprisingly however, the extent of similarities and differences of the underlying mechanisms remains poorly documented. This hampers progress towards breeding for well-adapted crops targeting environments with high VPD, high risk of soil moisture deficit, or both. We present an extensive review of the two experimental approaches and use a soil-plant hydraulic model to simulate transpiration responses to both environmental drivers. Existing experimental results lead to contradicting results regarding the role of the plant hydraulic conductance for the transpiration response to atmospheric drying vs. to soil drying: a high plant hydraulic conductance triggers an earlier transpiration decline (i.e. in wetter soil conditions) during soil drying; but enables plants to sustain transpiration at high VPD. A hydraulic framework hypothesizing that transpiration responds to a decline in soil-plant conductance helps to explain the contradiction. At high VPD, water potential gradients mainly develop within the plant, and thus it is the plant hydraulic conductance that limits the water flow during atmospheric drying. During soil drying, the gradients develop in the soil, and thus the soil hydraulic conductivity controls the flow. The plant hydraulic conductance is expected to impact the plant’s sensitivity to the development of water potential gradients around the roots that occurs during soil drying. Thus, stomatal closure and hence transpiration response is related to a drop in hydraulic conductivities in both scenarios but the relevant hydraulic traits differ between the two environmental changes in a predictable way. Such a finding could better guide breeding efforts targeting adaptation to specific drought regimes.

How to cite: Köhler, T., Wankmüller, F. J. P., Sadok, W., and Carminati, A.: Transpiration response to atmospheric drying vs. to soil drying: underlying physical and physiological mechanisms and related plant traits, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1150,, 2023.

EGU23-1552 | Posters on site | HS8.3.2

Implementing microscopic water uptake in soil-plant interaction modelling for assessing effects on crop growth 

Martin Mulder, Marius Heinen, and Mirjam Hack-ten Broeke

Crop transpiration is one of the most important processes in simulating soil-water-plant-atmosphere interactions. Roots perform a crucial role by taking up water and thus contributing to transpiration and enabling crop growth. Shortage of water or oxygen in the root zone results in transpiration reduction as well as reduced crop yield.

In the Netherlands we use SWAP (Soil Water Atmosphere Plant) for simulating effects of hydrology on transpiration and agricultural production. Within SWAP we have now implemented several concepts for root water uptake including two published different versions of so-called microscopic root water uptake.

These microscopic concepts consider water fluxes in a soil column around roots towards and through the roots which results in a water flux to the leaves considering hydraulic characteristics of both soil and plants. Water flow in the soil towards the root is determined by a gradient in the matric flux potential, and the flux into the root and towards the leaves is determined by the hydraulic conductivity of the root wall and hydraulic conductance of the path root-stem-leaves and the gradient in pressure heads of the root system and leaves. Transpiration reduction occurs as a function of the leaf water potential.

For all units of the Dutch Soil Physical Units Map simulations were peformed with these microscopic root water uptake concepts and the results were compared with the simulation results using the more traditional macroscopic root water uptake concept of Feddes. We found that the microscopic concepts both produced more reliable results than the traditional concept. In our presentation we will explain the concepts, show the differences in simulated crop yields, discuss the sensitivity of the microscopic models for the choice of their input parameters, and elaborate on which concepts we would propose for future studies to evaluate the effects of the soil-water system on crop production.

How to cite: Mulder, M., Heinen, M., and Hack-ten Broeke, M.: Implementing microscopic water uptake in soil-plant interaction modelling for assessing effects on crop growth, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1552,, 2023.

Rice is often grown as multiple crops in one year, with reduced tillage upland cropping following flooded cropping gaining prominence due to water use, soil degradation and labour demands.  This study explored whether a deep rather than shallow rooting rice cultivar grown in a flooded cropping cycle, benefited deeper root growth of follow-on rice in an upland, reduced tillage cropping cycle. In a greenhouse study, a simulated flooded paddy was planted with deep (Black Gora) and shallow (IR64) root cultivars and a plant-free control.  Artificial plough pans were made in between the topsoil and subsoil to form different treatments with no plough pan (0.35 MPa), soft plough pan (1.03 MPa) and hard plough pan (1.70 MPa). After harvest of this ‘first season’ rice, the soil was drained and undisturbed to simulate zero-tillage upland, with a photoperiod insensitive variety (BRRI Dhan 28) planted. Root length, root surface area, root volume, root diameter, number of root tips and branches were measured.  The number of roots penetrating the plough pan was measured from camera images and X-ray CT. The overall root length density (RLD), root surface area, number of root tips and branching of BRRI Dhan 28 did not vary between plough pan and no plough pan treatments.  Compared to the shallow rooting rice genotype,  the deep rooting rice genotype as a ‘first season’ crop promoted 19 % greater RLD, 34 % greater surface area and 29 % more branching of BRRI Dhan 28 in the subsoil. In the topsoil, however, BRRI Dhan 28 had 28 % greater RLD, 35 % greater surface area and 43 % more branching for the shallow rather deep rooting genotype planted in the ‘first season’.  The results suggest that rice cultivar selection for a paddy cycle affects root growth of a follow-on rice crop grown under no-till, with benefits to subsoil access from deep rooting cultivars and topsoil proliferation for shallow rooting cultivars.

How to cite: Islam, M. D., Price, A. H., and Hallett, P. D.: Contrasting biopore production by deep and shallow rooting rice cultivars in compacted paddy soils and the impacts on subsequent rice growth, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1875,, 2023.

EGU23-2042 | Orals | HS8.3.2

Advanced techniques for the study of plant interactions with Fungi and other microorganisms in early environments 

Christine Strullu-Derrien, Alan R.T. Spencer, Ria Mitchell, and Paul Kenrick

Microorganisms are key to our understanding of early life on land, especially in terms of below-ground processes. In the fossil record, exceptionally preserved silicified systems are the best sources to document the diversity of Fungi and microorganisms and the roles that they played, including their interactions with plants. Continued advances in technology allow us to document these in unprecedent detail at sites like the Rhynie cherts (Scotland, UK), dating to 407 Ma, and the Grand Croix chert (Massif Central, France), dating to ca 307 ̶ 303 Ma. Techniques we used include Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (CLSM) and Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)-based imaging, among others.

In the Rhynie cherts, plant-fungal associations and glomeromycotan spores have been observed as well as other diverse microorganisms colonizing the substrate. In modern vascular plants, endomycorrhizas are typically associated with roots, but most of the vascular plants at Rhynie were rootless, and endomycorrhizas developed in aerial axes. This is probably the plesiomorphic state for land plants. Data from Grand Croix demonstrate that by the end of the Carboniferous, endomycorrhizas had become associated with the root systems of trees. The evolution of the endomycorrhizal symbioses during the Paleozoic, from early plants to trees, is associated with important changes in the nature of the symbiosis, the structure of the soil, and changes in level of carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere. Using a combination of techniques to decipher the nature of the organisms and their interactions is as an area of developing interest, particularly in the context of recent work on modern relatives.




How to cite: Strullu-Derrien, C., Spencer, A. R. T., Mitchell, R., and Kenrick, P.: Advanced techniques for the study of plant interactions with Fungi and other microorganisms in early environments, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2042,, 2023.

EGU23-2121 | ECS | Posters on site | HS8.3.2

Influence of root systems of different tree species and their exudates in formation of properties of forest soils 

Karolina Staszel-Szlachta, Ewa Błońska, and Jarosław Lasota

The root systems of trees, through the production of biomass and through their exudates, affect the properties of forest soils. There is a lack of basic knowledge about the influence of root systems of basic forest-forming tree species on the properties of forest soils. The purpose of our study was to determine the influence of the roots of six tree species and their root exudates on shaping the physicochemical and biochemical properties of soils. The study included deciduous tree species (ash, hornbeam, oak, beech) and coniferous trees (pine, European larch).  The survey was conducted in 2022 in the Miechow Forest District (southern Poland). Each tree species was represented by 5 study plots. The research included analysis of root systems and analysis of surface properties of soil horizons. Exudates were collected using a culture-based cuvette system. Additionally, we determined the morphology, and production of fine roots.  Basic physicochemical properties and the activity of enzymes involved in the cycling of C, N, and P were determined in the soil samples. The tree species studied have different morphological characteristics of roots and differences in the exudates secreted. In addition, the studied species differ in the rate of growth of root systems.  Significantly higher amounts of secreted carbon from roots were recorded in ash, which had a positive effect on the increase in enzymatic activity.  The amount of C from exudates showed a positive correlation with CB, BG and PH activity. The activity of the enzymes studied also correlated with the morphological characteristics of the roots. Root systems also influenced the formation of basic physicochemical properties such as C and N content.

How to cite: Staszel-Szlachta, K., Błońska, E., and Lasota, J.: Influence of root systems of different tree species and their exudates in formation of properties of forest soils, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2121,, 2023.

EGU23-2825 | ECS | Posters on site | HS8.3.2

Root shrinkage and its mechanisms: why context matter 

Sara Di Bert, Andrea Carminati, Patrick Duddek, Pascal Benard, and Konstantina Papadopoulou

Modeling plant responses to drought over short-to long-term is crucial under rising global warming threats. Roots form the critical gateway between a plant and its water sources in the soil, yet their connection with the soil is still poorly understood. As the soil dries, roots shrink gradually disconnecting from the surrounding soil. This progressive reduction of root-soil contact interrupts the liquid-phase continuity and limits the water movement. The importance of the loss of contact between soil and roots depends on the water potential at which this occurs. If roots lose contact at potential close or beyond the wilting point, when the low soil hydraulic conductivity is already limiting, the loss of contact might not be as important. But if this occurs in still relatively wet conditions, it might trigger an earlier limitation of root water uptake.

Currently, it is known at what water potential roots lose contact with the soil. Furthermore, we expect that this critical water potential is not unique, but it depends on soil properties, soil particle size and porosity, and root properties, such as root hair density and mucilage production.

Here we present an analysis to identify and quantify the forces that bind the soil to the root for different soil textures. We estimate the adhesive forces that hold roots in contact with the soil and that counteract root shrinkage caused by decreasing water potential and cells losing turgor. The ingredients of our analysis are: root hairs, capillary forces and mucilage elastic properties. Thresholds of gap formation at the root-soil interface are identified for varying soil particle size and porosity and for varying root hair density and mucilage elastic properties.

This analysis shows that root-soil contact dynamics do not depend only on the root cell turgor loss point, but also on soil properties, and helps to identify the mechanisms impacting the hydraulic continuity across the root-soil interface.

How to cite: Di Bert, S., Carminati, A., Duddek, P., Benard, P., and Papadopoulou, K.: Root shrinkage and its mechanisms: why context matter, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2825,, 2023.

EGU23-3484 | Orals | HS8.3.2

A mechanistic derivation of 'alpha-omega' root water uptake models. 

Jan Vanderborght, Andrea Schnepf, Daniel Leitner, Valentin Couvreur, and Mathieu Javaux

To describe plant transpiration in drying soil, several models use ‘α-stress functions’, which represent the ratio of the maximal possible water uptake when the plant reaches the wilting point to the transpiration demand or potential transpiration, as a function of the soil water potential. Water potentials vary within the root zone, and the plant ‘senses’ with its root system an average root zone water potential and redistributes the uptake from drier to wetter zones in the root zone. This redistribution or root water uptake compensation is accounted for using an average stress index, ω, which is a weighted average of the local stress indices α at different depths in the root zone, and a critical stress index ωc (Jarvis, 2011; Simunek & Hopmans, 2009). When ω > ωc, root water uptake is equal to the potential root water uptake or the energy limited potential transpiration. The α-ω approach refers to a mechanistic description of water fluxes in the soil-root system but remains semi-empirical missing a direct link with soil and, especially, root hydraulic properties. In this contribution, we derive the α-ω approach starting from a mechanistic description of water flow in a hydraulic root architecture assuming that resistance to flow in the soil towards the soil-root interface can be neglected. In a second step, we include the non-linear soil resistance.

For relatively wet soil conditions and neglecting the soil resistance, root water uptake functions can be cast in a form that is identical to the α-ω approach that was derived by Jarvis (2011), but for opposite conditions, i.e., Jarvis neglected the root resistance compared to soil resistance. Following Jarvis, the α-function should be interpreted as the ratio of the maximal possible uptake by the root system for a certain soil water potential to the maximal possible uptake by the system when the soil is fully saturated, which differs from its common interpretation. This means that the α-function is just a linear function that ranges from zero when the soil water potential is equal to the wilting point to 1 when the soil water potential is zero and that it is independent of the transpiration rate. Another outcome is that the critical stress level ωc is inverse proportional to the hydraulic conductance of the root system and is not a constant but a variable parameter that is proportional to the transpiration rate. For dry soil conditions, when soil resistance is important, we find that α and ω are non-linear functions of the soil water potential. Using α and ω functions that are derived from soil and root hydraulic properties, the uptake distributions can be calculated directly from the soil water potentials without solving a non-linear equation with iterations to derive water potentials in the plant. But, this approach is based on a simplification, which requires further testing.

Jarvis, N. J. (2011). Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 15(11), 3431-3446. doi:10.5194/hess-15-3431-2011

Simunek, J., & Hopmans, J. W. (2009). Ecological Modelling, 220(4), 505-521. doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2008.11.004

How to cite: Vanderborght, J., Schnepf, A., Leitner, D., Couvreur, V., and Javaux, M.: A mechanistic derivation of 'alpha-omega' root water uptake models., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3484,, 2023.

EGU23-4425 | Orals | HS8.3.2

Benchmarking of Functional-Structural Root Architecture Models 

Andrea Schnepf, Christopher K. Black, Valentin Couvreur, Benjamin M. Delory, Claude Doussan, Adrien Heymans, Mathieu Javaux, Deepanshu Khare, Axelle Koch, Timo Koch, Christian W. Kuppe, Magdalena Landl, Daniel Leitner, Guillaume Lobet, Félicien Meunier, Johannes Postma, Ernst Schäfer, Tobias Selzner, Jan Vanderborght, and Harry Vereecken

Schnepf et al., (2020) defined benchmark scenarios for root growth models, soil water flow models, root water flow models, and for water flow in the coupled soil-root system. All benchmarks and corresponding reference solutions were published in the form of Jupyter Notebooks on the GitHub repository Several groups of functional-structural model developers have joined this benchmarking activity and provided the results of their individual implementations of the different scenarios.

The focus of this contribution is on water uptake from a drying soil by a static root architecture. The numerical solutions of the different participating simulators as compared to the provided reference solution.

The participating simulators are CPlantBox, DuMux, R-SWMS, OpenSimRoot and SRI. They have in common that they simulate water flow in the 3D soil domain, water flow inside the root system that is represented as a mathematical tree graph, and the coupling between the two domains in form of a volumetric sink term that describes the transfer of water between the two domains. The simulators differ in the numerical schemes used for solving the water flow equations in roots and soil domains, as well as in the way the sink term is formulated, in particular in the way the possibly increased rhizosphere resistance to water flow is accounted for. 

The results to the water flow in soil benchmarks show how the different simulators perform against the analytical solution to a problem of infiltration into an initially dry soil, as well as a problem of evaporation from initially moist soil. All of the simulators could accurately predict the infiltration front in different soil types as well as the actual evaporation curves.

The coupled problem of root water uptake by a static root architecture from an initially already dry soil posed a bigger challenge to the different simulators and revealed some diversity between the different solutions. The Benchmark with an initially rather dry soil defined a potential transpiration that immediately induced water stress of the plant. The simulators had to simulate the consequent rhizosphere drying and associated increase in rhizosphere resistance. All of the soil simulators smoothed the gradients in the rhizosphere at the soil grid size such that root water uptake was significantly overestimated unless the rhizosphere resistance was explicitly accounted for in the root water uptake model. As a result, all simulators came close to the reference solution (that itself is a numerical solution, see Schnepf et al. 2020 for details). 

In this study, we showed that all simulators are generally able to solve the benchmark problems but minor differences occur amongst the simulators when simulating different soil types. Benchmarking led to model improvements and helped interpret model results in a more informed way. The availability of “reference solutions“ made modellers aware of the range of validity of their numerical solution and encouraged them to improve either their numerical solution or to introduce new processes Future efforts may aim to extend the benchmarks from water flow to further processes, such as solute transport or rhizodeposition.


Schnepf et al., 2020, Front. Plant Sci. 11

How to cite: Schnepf, A., Black, C. K., Couvreur, V., Delory, B. M., Doussan, C., Heymans, A., Javaux, M., Khare, D., Koch, A., Koch, T., Kuppe, C. W., Landl, M., Leitner, D., Lobet, G., Meunier, F., Postma, J., Schäfer, E., Selzner, T., Vanderborght, J., and Vereecken, H.: Benchmarking of Functional-Structural Root Architecture Models, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4425,, 2023.

EGU23-4637 | ECS | Orals | HS8.3.2

Relating Soil-Root Hydraulic Resistance Variation to Stomatal Regulation in Soil-Plant Water Transport Modeling 

Guoqing Lei, Wenzhi Zeng, Chang Ao, Liming Dong, Shenzhou Liu, and Zhipeng Ren

Soil-root hydraulic resistance variation and stomatal regulation are two critical hydrophysiological responses of plants to drought stress; however, few studies have been developed to quantify their interactions. To fill this gap, we developed a soil-plant hydraulic model (SR-HRV) that attempts to characterize the effects of stomatal regulation and three universal soil-root hydraulic resistance variations, i.e., root aquaporins promotion (AQU), apoplastic path damage (APD), and root-soil contact loosening (CONTACT). The sensitive parameters of the SR-HRV model were analyzed and optimized based on a field experiment with sunflower plants (Helianthus annuus L.). Several simulation scenarios were designed to clarify the individual and interactive effects of soil-root hydraulic resistance variations for plants with different stomatal sensitivities. Results show that the sensitivity of simulated stomatal conductance and soil water content response to stomatal regulation parameters, especially to abscisic acid-related parameters, are more active than to soil-root hydraulic resistance variation parameters. But as the soil dries, the sensitivities to APD and CONTACT parameters are rapidly increased. The simulation demonstrates that AQP alleviates the leaf water potential drop-down and maintains relatively high root water absorption of the plant when it is in mild drought conditions, while CONTACT and APD respectively restrict the water flux and drought signal responses with continuous soil dehydration. Moreover, the AQP effects are more pronounced but the effects of APD and CONTACT would be restricted for plants with higher stomatal sensitivity to drought signals. These simulation results imply the diverse response strategies of plants to drought, the collaborations between stomatal regulation and soil-root hydraulic resistance variations should be considered in soil-plant water transport modeling.


How to cite: Lei, G., Zeng, W., Ao, C., Dong, L., Liu, S., and Ren, Z.: Relating Soil-Root Hydraulic Resistance Variation to Stomatal Regulation in Soil-Plant Water Transport Modeling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4637,, 2023.

Various rhizosphere traits have been explored as plant adaptations to modulate the soil-root interface to acquire resources and to enhance plant water status under stress conditions. Mucilage exudation has been suggested to enable water uptake during soil drying. This hypothesis was tested using artificial root analogy due to technical limitations and the lack of suitable plant materials. Here, we tested whether mucilage exudation facilitates water uptake in intact cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata L.) plants growing in loamy soil during drying. We used a root pressure chamber system to measure the gradients in water potential at the root surface as well as the relationship between transpiration rate and leaf xylem water potential in two genotypes with contrasting mucilage production. Higher mucilage exudation attenuated the drop in matric potential at the root surface. In contrast, the gradients in water potential were much steeper in cowpea with less mucilage production. The attenuation of matric potential at the root surface resulted in a linear relationship between transpiration rate and leaf xylem water potential. We conclude that mucilage exudation maintains the hydraulic continuity between roots and soil and decelerates water potential dissipation near the root surface during soil drying. Our findings provide the first in vivo evidence on the role of mucilage on root water uptake.

How to cite: Abdalla, M. and Ahmed, M.: Mucilage enables water uptake in cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata L.) under soil water deficit, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4892,, 2023.

EGU23-5662 | ECS | Posters virtual | HS8.3.2

Impacts of technically modified plant pits on water balance dynamics and tree vitality in urban environments 

Ines A. Nofz, Joscha N. Becker, and Annette Eschenbach

Trees as essential components of green urban structures are of crucial importance for the regulation of the urban climate and human wellbeing. Despite this, the currently rising demand for living space and infrastructure causes an increase in the share of sealed and compacted soils. These trends directly affect soil-plant interactions in urban environments. The synergy of the increasing land use pressure and changing climatic conditions worsen the site and growth conditions and thus the vitality for young and mature trees. A possible adaptation strategy is the transformation of plant pits into water reservoirs combining the discharge of excess water with impermeable sole materials and substrates that optimise the water conductivity and storage capacity. The corresponding aim of this study is the quantification of the effects of the water balance dynamic in the rooting zone on the vitality of young trees at highly sealed sites in the city of Hamburg. The two main questions are 1) Do technically modified plant pits reduce summerly drought stress inside the rooting zone and thus improve the root water uptake and tree vitality?, and 2) Does excess water after high rainfall limit the gas exchange and thus the root growth? To answer these questions, we selected two different sites, one residential area and one pedestrian zone. A total of 13 tree planting pits, including 5 technically modified and 8 generally constructed ones, with two types of substrates and water discharge, are equipped with TDR- and water tension sensors for a continuous monitoring of the soil water balance and O2 and CO2 sensors and tubes for monitoring the gas household. Stomatal resistance, chlorophyll content and fluorescence as well as Δ13C isotope measurements are combined with branch and trunk growth measurements and a tree appraisal to investigate the tree vitality. The comparative data analysis will be used for evaluating the different planting pit variants to give development as well as dimensioning recommendations for prospective planting pit constructions, improving the soil-plant interaction.

How to cite: Nofz, I. A., Becker, J. N., and Eschenbach, A.: Impacts of technically modified plant pits on water balance dynamics and tree vitality in urban environments, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5662,, 2023.

EGU23-6051 | ECS | Posters on site | HS8.3.2

Soil desilication affects the nutrient and silicon status of cassava in South Kivu, DRC. 

Fidèle Barhebwa Balangaliza, Bernard Vanlauwe, Zimin Li, and Bruno Delvaux

Cassava (Manihot esculenta) is widely cropped in many tropical countries. It can be planted and harvested throughout the year making it a major crop for food production and safety. Surplus production can generate income, helping to improve livelihoods. Yet, in DRC, the cassava value chain is poorly developed and its production faces many threats as it lacks support services at almost all levels, although R&D organizations are involved at farm level in production, training, soil improvement and disease control. Though nutrient supply increases productivity, cassava is said to thrive on poor soils. Soil infertility is therefore a major constraint in most cassava growing areas.

Here we highlight the relationship between soil weathering stage and nutrient status of cassava plants in three agroecological zones in South Kivu, DRC. Zones (Z) 1 and 2 encompass ferrallitic soils derived from, respectively, old basalt and gneiss in highlands around Bukavu. Zone 3 includes a variety of soils derived from lacustrine deposits in the Uvira plain. The soils key out as Ferralsol (Z1), Acrisol (Z2), Cambisol and Fluvisol (Z3). Through a survey of 720 households, we identified farms with similar management and selected 120 plots (40/zone) for topsoil-foliar sampling.

In Z1 and Z2, the soils are poor in silt as their texture ranges from sandy clay to fine clay. The soils in Z3 are lighter: loamy sand to sandy clay loam. Our data confirm that the Z1-2 soils have reached an advanced degree of weathering, with weathering indices (TRB, Si/(Al+Fe), CIA, BDI, Parker Index) typical for the ferrallitic domain. In contrast, the soils in Z3 are moderately weathered with mineral reserves 10 times higher. Desilication is strong in Z1-2, but particularly in Z1 where gibbsite occurs with kaolinite. In contrast, Z3 soils contain weatherable minerals (mica, feldspar, plagioclase). The contents of leaf Ca, Mg and K are higher in Z3 than in Z1-2 while Ca depletion correlates with a relative excess of K, suggesting a Ca-K antagonism in cassava. Strong desilication occurs in Z1 soils where bioavailable silicon is extremely low. Yet, we could extract plant phytoliths in all sites, with varying coatings of aluminum, which thus seems to be taken up by cassava.


How to cite: Barhebwa Balangaliza, F., Vanlauwe, B., Li, Z., and Delvaux, B.: Soil desilication affects the nutrient and silicon status of cassava in South Kivu, DRC., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6051,, 2023.

EGU23-6120 | Posters on site | HS8.3.2

Pore-scale simulation of mucilage drainage using phase field method. 

Omid Esmaeelipoor Jahromi, Ravi. A Patel, Johan Alexander Huisman, and Jan Vanderborght

Rhizosphere differs from bulk soil due to the presence of root mucilage, which affects physical, chemical, and microbial processes. It is well known that the rhizosphere responds slowly to water potential changes, which buffers changes in water content and helps keep the rhizosphere wetter than bulk soil during drying. Mucilage can affect solute transport and gas diffusion by affecting the distribution of liquid and gas phases. Despite increased recognition of the importance of mucilage, there still is a lack of models that describe the connectivity between different phases in the pore space of the rhizosphere during wetting and drying. The main challenge for model development is the complex concentration-dependent behaviour of mucilage. At low concentrations, mucilage is more like a liquid, whereas at higher concentrations, dry mucilage becomes a solid. In between, a viscoelastic state is observed where mucilage can be considered as a hydrogel.

In previous work, we have developed a model based on a lattice spring method (LSM). This model was able to simulate the distribution of mucilage in the dry state at the pore scale. However, for wetter states, it is necessary to consider additional physical phenomena like surface tension, contact angle and viscoelasticity. In this study, we therefore aim to develop a Lattice-Boltzmann simulation framework to simulate two phase flow involving mucilage. To capture the interface between the two phases, a phase-field method will be used for interface tracking as this approach has gained considerable attention in recent years. The simulations will proceed as follows. We first assign the properties of a Newtonian fluid to the mixture of water and mucilage and calculate the equilibrium distribution of the liquid phase (mixture of water and mucilage) and gas in a simple pore geometry. Then, the water content will be gradually decreased, which will lead to an increase of mucilage concentration. This will in turn affect the viscosity, surface tension and contact angle, which will result in the emergence of the required viscoelastic behaviour of the mixture. For each of the water contents, the distribution of liquid (or hydrogel) and gas phases will be calculated.

The newly developed model will provide us with new perspectives on hydrodynamic processes within the pore space of the rhizosphere. In addition, the model will help to better understand processes that strongly depend on hydraulic dynamics in the rhizosphere, such as solute transport, root penetration resistance, rhizosheath formation, and microbial activity.

How to cite: Esmaeelipoor Jahromi, O., Patel, R. A., Huisman, J. A., and Vanderborght, J.: Pore-scale simulation of mucilage drainage using phase field method., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6120,, 2023.

EGU23-6447 | ECS | Posters virtual | HS8.3.2

Alteration of soil biophysical properties after decomposition of contrasting root systems 

David Boldrin, Kenneth W. Loades, Jonathan A. Knappett, Anthony K. Leung, and Glyn A. Bengough

Background: Increased water infiltration in the presence of vegetation has been reported in the literature for both woody and herbaceous plants. However, there is a lack of experimental data on macropores development after root decomposition, and consequent alteration of soil biophysical properties.

Methods: To test the effect of contrasting root systems on saturated hydraulic conductivity [Ks], individual plants of Daucus carota [F-DC] (Forb; coarse taproot with few small lateral roots); Deschampsia cespitosa [G-DC] (Grass; fibrous root system), Lotus corniculatus [L-LC] (Legume; thin taproot with several lateral roots) were grown in columns (50 mm diameter; 315 mm height) with sandy loam soil packed at 1.4 Mg/m3. Following 7-month plant-establishment, the columns were split into five sections (60 mm height each). Ks was tested in each section (i.e., down soil depth) using a constant-head permeameter. Fallow soil was also tested as control. Following the Ks tests, column sections (i.e., soil cores) were buried in soil and left for decomposition in a controlled environment. After 7-month decomposition, sections were excavated and re-tested for Ks. To measure the biophysical properties of soil in the root-channels, the same three species were also grown in the top-half of a soil column (300 mm height; 50 mm width; 1.2 Mg/m3) longitudinally divided by a 40-μm nylon-mesh. The columns were maintained at a 15-degree slope to facilitate root growth at the soil-mesh interface. Following plant establishment (5 months), plants were killed by herbicide. The soil columns (rooted and control fallow) were buried in soil and left for decomposition in a controlled environment for 7 months. After the decomposition period, the soil columns were split, and the mesh was removed to expose the developed root-channels. The soil in the exposed root-channels was tested for water sorptivity, water repellency, water retention, soil stability in water, hardness and elasticity.

Results: Ks after plant establishment did not differ notably from that of control soil. In contrast, an abrupt increase in Ks (up to 80-times in F-DC) was measured after decomposition in the vegetated soils (e.g., from 2.04e-6 ± 9.20e-7 to 1.48e-4 ± 3.30e-5 in F-DC at 3 – 63 mm depth). The increase in Ks in G-DC and L-LC was smaller (up to 20-times) compared to F-DC. No Ks change was observed in the control soil. Soil surrounding the root-channels showed greater stability and plant available water. However, we observed smaller sorptivity and greater water repellency in soil surrounding the root-channels of F-DC and G-DC, respectively.

Conclusions: Biophysical alteration of soil after root decomposition depends on plant species. Our findings show that it is possible to engineer soil biophysical properties and bio-pores using contrasting herbaceous species.


How to cite: Boldrin, D., Loades, K. W., Knappett, J. A., Leung, A. K., and Bengough, G. A.: Alteration of soil biophysical properties after decomposition of contrasting root systems, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6447,, 2023.

EGU23-7548 | ECS | Posters on site | HS8.3.2

Effect of plant mucilage on retention and flow of water in soils with different textures 

Bahareh Hosseini, Anders Kaestner, and Mohsen Zarebanadkouki

Previous studies showed that mucilage extracted from chia seed enhanced retention and flow of water in dry conditions due to the intrinsic features of mucilage (increasing viscosity, water-holding capacity, and decreasing surface tension of the liquid phase). To date, there is limited information about the effect of mucilage from plant roots on the hydraulic properties of soils of different textures.

In this contribution, we aimed to evaluate the effect of plant mucilage in different contents (mucilage extracted from maize roots) on the retention and flow of water in soils with contrasting textures (coarse and fine-textured soils). To this end, soils were mixed with mucilage at different contents (0, 2.5, 5, 7.5 mg dry mucilage per gr dry soil) and were packed in aluminum containers (diameters of 1 cm and height of 8 cm) as follows: the control sandy soil (the content of zero) was packed in the first 4 cm of containers followed by a 1 cm layer of treated soils with mucilage. These containers were equipped with porous plates at the bottom allowing us to drain soil from the bottom by applying suction. In the case of fine-textured soils, a 1 cm layer of treated soils with varying mucilage contents was first saturated with water and then placed on top of a 4 cm layer of dry soil inducing a big suction to dry treated soils. During soil drying, we used a time series neutron radiography technique to monitor soil water content redistribution. We used the profiles of water contents during soil drying with a combination of modeling of water flow within soils (the Richard equation) to inversely estimate the hydraulic properties of soils treated with different mucilage contents.

Our data showed that maize mucilage affects the soil’s hydraulic properties. On the one hand, mucilage exuded by maize roots increased the water-holding capacity of both soils. Mucilage also impacted the hydraulic conductivity of both soils. In general, it decreased soil hydraulic conductivity of soils at the near saturation range, but it prevented a big drop in soil hydraulic conductivity as the soil dried compared to a sharper decrease observed in the control soils. Our findings showed that both effects are mucilage content dependent and the magnitude of the effects is soil texture dependent.

How to cite: Hosseini, B., Kaestner, A., and Zarebanadkouki, M.: Effect of plant mucilage on retention and flow of water in soils with different textures, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7548,, 2023.

EGU23-7593 | ECS | Posters on site | HS8.3.2

Root water uptake in grasslands with different management 

Sven Westermann, Jan Bumberger, Martin Schädler, and Anke Hildebrandt

Grasslands are highly dynamic ecosystems which adapt to environmental factors such as climate, soil characteristics and anthropogenic management. Yet, the belowground reaction and adaptation of grassland communities to aboveground drivers are poorly understood. Therefore, we investigated differences in the temporal dynamics of root water uptake, its depth pattern and the evolution of plant available soil water storage between grassland of three distinct management types. Root water uptake in 6 depths up to 90 cm was estimated from diurnal fluctuations of soil water content during rain free periods. Soil moisture measurements were conducted on three replicates of (i) extensively and (ii) intensively managed grassland plots as well as (iii) extensive pasture plots at the Global Change Experimental Facility (GCEF) in Bad Lauchstädt (Central Germany). We found that the grassland vegetation takes up water in depths up to 70 cm during the vegetation period. But while reaching deeper, the total amount of extracted water decreased. The main water source at the beginning of the growing season and after each mowing was in the top 20 cm. However, after mowing, still some uptake in greater depths can be observed. Interestingly, the pastures showed the shallowest uptake profiles although they are not mown and despite their high biodiversity. Our results confirm that water uptake by growing grassland vegetation shifts to deeper soil layers when compensating for the accumulated atmospheric water deficit.

How to cite: Westermann, S., Bumberger, J., Schädler, M., and Hildebrandt, A.: Root water uptake in grasslands with different management, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7593,, 2023.

EGU23-7635 | ECS | Orals | HS8.3.2

The Effects of Soil Texture on Transpiration Losses During Droughts: A Field Study of Three Oak Forests in an Inner Alpine Valley of Switzerland 

Julian Schoch, Lorenz Walthert, Peter Lehmann, Pascal Unverricht, and Andrea Carminati

As safety mechanism during droughts, plants close their stomata to reduce transpiration losses and prevent excessively negative water potentials. Although the coordination between stomatal closure, xylem vulnerability and leaf traits has been extensively investigated, the role of soil hydraulic limitation remains elusive. Here, we test the hypothesis that stomatal closure is triggered by the loss of soil hydraulic conductivity in the root zone. As the soil hydraulic conductivity is a function of soil texture, we further hypothesize that stomatal closure, and more precisely the relation between stomatal conductance and leaf water potential, are soil texture dependent. An alternative hypothesis is that the shoot to root ratio adapts to the specific soil conditions, and it is lower in soils with low hydraulic conductivity. We compared three field sites in an inner alpine valley in Switzerland (yearly rainfall of 600 mm) with the same oak tree species (Quercus pubescens) and varying soil textures. We used the model of Carminati and Javaux (2020), which predicts that the decline in transpiration rate is controlled by the soil hydraulic conductivity, and, consequently, it is more abrupt in 1) coarse textured soils compared to fine textured soils and 2) in plants with high shoot to root ratio.

To test these working hypotheses, stem water status and soil matric potential were measured at various depths of three oak sites. The soil matric potentials were then linked to the hydraulic conductivity and soil water content using a new pedotransfer function (PTF) for forest soils, which overcomes the limits of existing PTFs that were trained for arable soils. A simple water balance model based on changes in water content (deduced from PTF and measured potentials) was used to calculate transpiration rates and was compared with sap flow measurements conducted on two trees per site. Leaf water potentials were estimated from dendrometers after calibration with pressure chamber measurements of leaves. The sap flow measurements correlate well with estimated transpiration rates (R2=0.7).

Comparisons between sites show a similar decrease in stomatal conductance at all three sites during drought, regardless of soil texture. Rather, our data suggest the trees hydraulically adapt to the local soil texture by adjusting their leaf area index and root length density to the local water demand and supply. In coarse-textured soils, oak had a low leaf area index, reducing their water demand, and high fine root length density, increasing their supply. In conclusion, our study suggests a hydraulic adaptation of trees to their local soil texture by adapting their “shoot to root ratio” as quantified here by leaf area index and root density.

How to cite: Schoch, J., Walthert, L., Lehmann, P., Unverricht, P., and Carminati, A.: The Effects of Soil Texture on Transpiration Losses During Droughts: A Field Study of Three Oak Forests in an Inner Alpine Valley of Switzerland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7635,, 2023.

EGU23-8981 | Posters on site | HS8.3.2

The value of cross-disciplinary approaches for plant water uptake modelling 

Maren Dubbert, Valentin Couvreur, Angelika Kübert, Maire Holz, and Christiane Werner

In recent years, research interest in plant water uptake strategies has significantly grown in many disciplines such as hydrology, plant ecology and ecophysiology. Quantitative modelling approaches to estimate plant water uptake and the spatio-temporal dynamics significantly advanced from different disciplines across scales. Despite this progress, major limitations, i.e. to predict plant water uptake under drought or it´s impact at large-scales remain. These are less attributed to limitations in process understanding, but rather to a lack of implementation of cross-disciplinary insights in plant water uptake model structure.

The main goal of this presentation is to highlight how the 4 dominant model approaches, e.g. Feddes approach, hydrodynamic approach, optimality and statistical approaches, can be and have been used to create interdisciplinary hybrid models enabeling a holistic system understanding that e.g. embeds plant water uptake plasticity into a broader conceptual view of soil-plant feedbacks of water, nutrient and carbon cycling or reflects observed drought responses of plant-soil feedbacks and their dynamics under e.g. drought. Specifically, we provide examples of how integration of Bayesian and hydrodynamic approaches might overcome challenges in interpreting plant water uptake related to e.g. different travel and residence times of different plant water sources or trade-offs between root system optimization to forage for water and nutrients during different seasons and phenological stages.

How to cite: Dubbert, M., Couvreur, V., Kübert, A., Holz, M., and Werner, C.: The value of cross-disciplinary approaches for plant water uptake modelling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8981,, 2023.

EGU23-9378 | ECS | Posters on site | HS8.3.2

Linking soil hydrologic and tree transpiration dynamics by dendrometer measurements 

Johanna Clara Metzger, Alexander Schütt, Joscha N. Becker, Christoph Reisdorff, and Annette Eschenbach

Trees in forests and urban environments are increasingly under pressure due to extended periods of drought in central Europe. At the same time, their transpiration performance is all the more important to counteract drought and heat. Defining drought itself, as well as trees’ physiological response strategies, can be closely linked to soil hydrological conditions. In a three-year field experiment with young trees of different species planted in different substrates (n = 3 substrates * 9 species * 5 repetitions = 135 trees) in Northern Germany, we found that soil hydraulic properties strongly affected tree vitality, and that the species’ reactions towards unfavorable conditions differed significantly. This might be due to species-specific transpiration regulation strategies under drought stress. In a second step, we now link tree diameter fluctuations, which have been shown to closely correlate with transpiration, to soil water conditions. To this end, subsets of trees were equipped with dendrometers – 15 trees of one species (Quercus cerris) in three different substrates (sand, planting substrate, and loamy silt) in the growing season of 2020, and 21 trees of seven different species (Amelanchier lamarkii, Carpinus betulus ‘Lucas’, Geleditsia traconathos ‘Skyline’, Liquidambar styraciflua, Ostrya carpinifolia, Quercus palustris, Tilia cordata ‘Greenspire’) in sand substrate in the growing season of 2021. The dendrometer measurements were partly combined with soil water tension measurements (2020: n=6, 2021: n=10). By comparing statistical characteristics of the time series, we want to (1) link soil water and transpiration dynamics and (2) differentiate this link for different substrates and species. Such, tree stem diameter fluctuations, coupling soil conditions and physiological properties, might provide insight into the effect of tree strategic responses to soil drought.

How to cite: Metzger, J. C., Schütt, A., Becker, J. N., Reisdorff, C., and Eschenbach, A.: Linking soil hydrologic and tree transpiration dynamics by dendrometer measurements, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9378,, 2023.

EGU23-9846 | ECS | Orals | HS8.3.2

Coupled effects of soil and atmospheric drying on soil-plant hydraulics of sorghum 

Anna M. Sauer, Mohanned Abdalla, Fabian J. P. Wankmüller, and Mutez A. Ahmed

Transpiration response of plants during both soil drying and increasing vapor pressure deficit (VPD) have been thoroughly studied separately. However, the interactive effects of both on soil-plant hydraulics remain largely unknown. In this study, we tested the combined effects of soil and atmospheric drying on soil-plant hydraulics of sorghum.

Sorghum plants were grown in sandy soil under well-watered conditions with a daily VPD increment, increasing in five steps from 0.5 to 3.7 kPa. After 30 days, the soil was dried over five days. We measured transpiration rate (E), soil water content (θ), soil and leaf water potential (ψsoil, ψleaf) both under wet soil and during soil drying. A soil-plant hydraulic model was used to reproduce the data and provide further insight to disentangle soil and atmospheric effects.

Both soil drying and VPD affected the relation between transpiration rate and leaf water potential. In wet soil conditions, the E (ψleaf-x) relation was linear even at high VPD. During soil drying, this relation was linear in relatively low VPD conditions (0.5 – 2.5 kPa) but exhibited a non-linear relation under relatively high VPD (2.5 – 3.7 kPa). This response was also reflected in a breakpoint of soil-plant conductance at around 2.5 kPa VPD, resulting in a decrease in transpiration. 

We conclude that decreasing soil water status has a stronger impact on soil-plant conductance and water uptake than increasing VPD. Furthermore, the modeling revealed the importance of understanding how soil parameters are changed by the presence of plants, especially during soil drying. We suggest that for a holistic understanding of plant response to drought, more emphasis would need to be given to the interactions between VPD and soil drying, as the effects of VPD become increasingly important with soil drying.

How to cite: Sauer, A. M., Abdalla, M., Wankmüller, F. J. P., and Ahmed, M. A.: Coupled effects of soil and atmospheric drying on soil-plant hydraulics of sorghum, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9846,, 2023.

EGU23-10161 | Orals | HS8.3.2

A root hydraulic properties database: the link between experimental data and functional-structural models 

Juan Baca Cabrera, Jan Vanderborght, and Guillaume Lobet

Root water uptake is a central component in the modulation of water transport in the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum. The mechanistic description of this process, based on root hydraulics, is needed for improving predictions of water fluxes at plant, field or regional scales, and for increasing our understanding of the environmental conditions and vegetation properties affecting it. Functional-structural models can be used for this purpose, but they depend on the availability of accurate data on root hydraulic properties for their parametrization. 

Here, we present an open access root hydraulic properties database obtained from an extensive literature review of more than 200 studies published between 1973–2022. This includes measurements of the radial conductivity and the axial conductance of root segments and individual roots, as well as of the resulting conductance of the whole root system for multiple species, plant functional types (PFT’s) and experimental treatments. To our knowledge, this is the most extensive root hydraulic properties database that has been compiled.

The database shows a very large range of variation in reported root hydraulic properties, which cannot be explained by systematic differences among PFT’s or species, alone, but rather by factors such as root system age, experimental treatments or the driving force used for measurement (hydrostatic or osmotic). Based on these observations, we used the functional-structural model CPlantBox to explore the relationship between root system age and whole root system conductance in more detail, using crop species as an example. For this, both the data needed for model parametrization (hydraulic properties of root segments) and validation (root system conductance) were extracted from the database. The results indicate a decrease in the total conductance per unit root surface area at later stages of development, which could be associated with a larger proportion of less conductive old root tissues.

This analysis exemplifies the importance of the root hydraulic database in two fronts: (1) it serves as a link between experimental data and functional-structural models; and (2) it facilitates the mechanistic description of the factors affecting root hydraulic properties across species and under contrasting environmental conditions.

How to cite: Baca Cabrera, J., Vanderborght, J., and Lobet, G.: A root hydraulic properties database: the link between experimental data and functional-structural models, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10161,, 2023.

Climate, hydrology, and plant processes are three factors that are intrinsically linked to one another. Integration of dynamic vegetation and canopy level processes governed by leaf biochemical traits with the subsurface water flow will help us to make more reliable and actionable predictions in the context of climate change. The limitations of hydrological works that consider plants to be statistical components are highlighted by a number of hydrological studies.

This study aims to highlight how crucial it is to include plant and plant physiological processes as a significant and dynamic component when modeling hydrological processes. For this purpose, we demonstrate the impact of stomatal conductance, photosynthesis, and other biophysical traits on the soil water dynamics within the vadose zone under current and projected (in future) climate scenarios using a process-based crop growth model BioCro II which uses climate variables as its input. We compare our results with those obtained using HYDRUS 1-D, which is a state-of-art model that has a wide range of applications in agriculture and irrigation. HYDRUS 1-D is a model capable of simulating one-dimensional water, heat, and solute transport through an unsaturated porous media. We also discuss the merits of coupling these two models to address some of the future challenges. 

How to cite: Surendran, S. and Jaiswal, D.: Role of biophysical canopy traits on evapotranspiration and its impact on soil water dynamics within the vadose zone, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10703,, 2023.

EGU23-11398 | ECS | Posters on site | HS8.3.2

Preliminary results of container and substrate effect on yield characteristics of Scolymus hispanicus L. in soilless cultivation system 

Dimitris Papadimitriou, Ioannis Daliakopoulos, Ioannis Louloudakis, Ioannis Sabathianakis, and Thrassyvoulos Manios

During the last decades, there has been a growing demand for wild edible vegetable consumption which are considered a staple of the Mediterranean diet for their high nutritional value (Petropoulos et al., 2018). Although the Mediterranean landscape hosts more than twenty wild edible vegetable species (such as Crithmum maritimum, Cynara cardunculus and Taraxacum officinale) which could be commercially cultivated, the cultivation process has not been sufficiently studied (Chatzigianni et al., 2019; Corrêa et al., 2020; Papadimitriou et al., 2020). In this context, we examine the feasibility of soilless cultivation of the wild edible species Scolymus hispanicus L. (Asteraceae) in five substrates including perlite (PE), coir (CO), and three mixtures of perlite and coir at 3:1 (3P1C), 1:1 (1P1C) and 1:3 (1P3C) ratio, in two different containers (grow bag and pot container). Three S. hispanicus L. seedlings were transplanted per grow bag (24 L) and one seedling per plastic pot (8 L) resulting in 8 L of substrate for each plant and 12 plants per substrate. The plants were fertigated daily with a standard nutrient solution which was identical in all ten treatments of the experiment. Four months after transplant, yield characteristics of plants, including leaf number, leaf and tuberous root fresh weight [g] and rosette diameter [cm], were examined. Statistical analysis of the results demonstrates a significant increase in rosette diameter [cm], leaf and tuberous root fresh weight [g] in CO, 1P3C and 1P1C compared to those of 3P1C and PE substrates. Additionally, the use of grow bags significantly increased leaf number and leaf fresh weight [g] compared to those achieved with the use of pot containers, contrariwise pot significantly increased root fresh weight [g] compared to the growbag container. Based on these results, we conclude that an optimal hydroponic system should use mixture of Coir and Perlite substrate of 1:1 ratio in a grow bag container.


Chatzigianni, M., Ntatsi, G., Theodorou, M., Stamatakis, A., Livieratos, I., Rouphael, Y., Savvas, D., 2019. Functional Quality, Mineral Composition and Biomass Production in Hydroponic Spiny Chicory (Cichorium spinosum L.) Are Modulated Interactively by Ecotype, Salinity and Nitrogen Supply. Front. Plant Sci. 10, 1–14.

Corrêa, R.C.G., Di Gioia, F., Ferreira, I.C.F.R., Petropoulos, S.A., 2020. Wild greens used in the Mediterranean diet, Second Edi. ed, The Mediterranean Diet. Elsevier Inc.

Papadimitriou, D., Kontaxakis, E., Daliakopoulos, I., Manios, T., Savvas, D., 2020. Effect of N:K Ratio and Electrical Conductivity of Nutrient Solution on Growth and Yield of Hydroponically Grown Golden Thistle (Scolymus hispanicus L.). Proceedings 30, 87.

Petropoulos, S.A., Karkanis, A., Martins, N., Ferreira, I.C.F.R., 2018. Edible halophytes of the Mediterranean basin: Potential candidates for novel food products. Trends Food Sci. Technol. 74, 69–84.

How to cite: Papadimitriou, D., Daliakopoulos, I., Louloudakis, I., Sabathianakis, I., and Manios, T.: Preliminary results of container and substrate effect on yield characteristics of Scolymus hispanicus L. in soilless cultivation system, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11398,, 2023.

EGU23-11622 | Posters on site | HS8.3.2

Effect of the fertiliser supply for the maize micro nutrient content depending on the part of the plants under long-term field experiment 

Árpád Illés, Csaba Bojtor, Adrienn Kakuszi-Széles, Éva Horváth, and János Nagy

The long-term experiment was carried out at the University of Debrecen, Institutes for Agricultural Research and Educational Farm, Debrecen Edcuational Farm and Landscape Research Institute (DTTI), Látókép Crop Production Experiment Site (47° 83, 030" N, 21° 82, 060" E, 111 m a.s.l.). The experimental area is an excellent site for field crop production, with suitable agrotechnical biological and soil conditions. The trial was established in 1983 by Prof. Dr. János Nagy and has been continued for 39 years with the same parameters, nutrient replenishment system, site, tillage and agrotechnology. The total area of the experiment is more than 1.3 ha, with 1248 plots. The climatic-meteorological conditions of the experimental area are continental and often extreme, with calcareous chernozem soil with a topsoil depth of 80-90 cm and a humus content of 2.71 Hu%. The pH of the soil is 5.76 (slightly acidic). The soil is less susceptible to acidification because the 80-90 cm deep calcareous layer is a good buffer against acidification. In terms of soil acidification, nearly 40 years of high-dosage nitrogen fertilization (300 kg/ha of active ingredient) in the experiment resulted in a pH decrease of only 0.6 units compared to the control.  For this study, nitrogen doses of 0-300 kg/ha were applied at 5 different levels, with a gradual increase in nitrogen and a constant high level of phosphorus and potassium. In a micronutrient uptake effect study of nitrogen fertilisation, it was found that the concentration of zinc, the primary essential micronutrient for maize, was significantly reduced in all crop parts by increasing nitrogen dosage compared to control values. The most significant of these effects was the reduction in stalk zinc concentration in the vegetative parts of the crop, which was at least 39% in all treatments, with the greatest reduction in treatment N4 at 18.61 mg/kg.  In the case of the generative parts of the plant, the zinc content of the grain yield decreased statistically in all treatments, with the greatest negative change in this case also in treatment N4, with a decrease of 39 % (9.14 mg/kg). The iron content responded positively to the increase in nitrogen fertilisation. An increasing trend was measured for all plant parts, which was significant in several cases. Significant increased iron accumulation was observed during the leaf analysis of maize under all fertiliser treatments, with the highest increase of 47 % under the treatment N5. Based on the correlation between copper content and nitrogen supply in plant parts, it was found that increasing nitrogen fertiliser treatments resulted in significant increased concentrations in both maize leaves and cobs, ranging from 5 to 56 % and 8 to 38 %, respectively. The values obtained from stem and grain yield analyses did not show significant changes in effect.

How to cite: Illés, Á., Bojtor, C., Kakuszi-Széles, A., Horváth, É., and Nagy, J.: Effect of the fertiliser supply for the maize micro nutrient content depending on the part of the plants under long-term field experiment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11622,, 2023.

EGU23-11957 | ECS | Posters on site | HS8.3.2

Does mucilage governs rhizosheaths development under drying and wettingCycles? 

Riffat Rahim, Wulf Amelung, and Nina Siebers

Mucilage helps in rhizosheath formation. Rhizosheath is known as the soil attached to plant roots when excavated from the soil after gentle shaking. However, very little is known about mucilage role in the development of rhizosheath under various alternate drying and wetting cycles. This study is design to test the formation of rhizosheath by inducing alternate drying and wetting cycles in the presence of chia seed mucilage. For this experiments, we have used sterilized and unsterilized soils with different clay contents. Sterilized soils are often used in experiments related to soil microbiology. But for underground process like rhizosheath formation it’s very less common. Therefore, we intended to use sterilized and unsterilized soils with 22% and 32% clay contents to check the rhizosheath formation. Sterilized soils were autoclaved at 121oC /103 kPa for 30 min on three consecutive days. After that soils were incubated at 25oC and drying and rewetting cycles were induced to a water holding capacity at field capacity of 75% at regular four intervals. Soils were treated with 0.3% [mg dry mucilage/ g of water] of chia seed mucilage and artificial roots made of flax cord will be used as modeled plant roots. Rhizosheath formation were examined after four wetting and drying cycles. Our preliminary results indicated significantly higher rhizosheath development in unsterilized soils as compared to sterilized soils. In parallel study, we also planned to check soil aggregation by scanning electron microscope (SEM).The quantitative findings of analysis will be presented and discussed.

How to cite: Rahim, R., Amelung, W., and Siebers, N.: Does mucilage governs rhizosheaths development under drying and wettingCycles?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11957,, 2023.

EGU23-12018 | Orals | HS8.3.2

Root water uptake in relation to plant transpiration 

Dagmar van Dusschoten, Daniel Pflugfelder, and Johannes Kochs

Typically, root water uptake (RWU or Utot) is said to be driven by transpiration (Tr). It is however more accurate to state that transpiration causes a reduction in leaf water content that reduces the leaf water potential such that a water potential gradient builds up between leafs and soil water, such that water can be extracted from the soil. For herbaceous plants, the amount of water that is hereby lost is typically assumed to be negligible so the plant can be treated as a resistive system. In how far this is true is open to discussion as quantifying shoot water changes is not easily feasible, especially when the soil-root system is drying out. A balance cannot observe water moving between the soil and the shoot and shoots have empty spaces such that 3D cameras provide an incomplete picture. Shoot weight determination requires that the amount of soil water is independently assessed to discriminate between the two pools of water. This can be achieved when a balance is combined with a Soil Water Profiler (SWaP) on the same soil-plant system. The precision of the SWaP is comparable to that of an expensive balance (<10mg for a 6kg system).

Here we performed experiments with the SWaP – balance combination under modulated light with progressive soil dehydration for sunflower and faba bean (N=4). Our data shows that transpiration precedes Utot by about 5 to 10 mins under wet conditions (pF~2) and Utot can exceed Tr by up to 20%. Gradually, with decreasing soil water content we find that Utot becomes smaller than Tr and at the same time the delay between Tr and Utot increases. For pF>3.5 most of the transpired water stems from the shoot, not from root water uptake, indicating that Tr is a poor proxy for RWU for pot experiments where soil is drying at a rate of ~5% per day at well watered conditions. This is very important for calculations of root conductance during drying scenarios. We found significant differences between sunflower sensitivity to soil drying as compared to faba beans that are somewhat more sensitive. We also present data that shows that the delay between Tr and local water uptake is rather dependent on depth and not so much dependent on local pF, which is typically lower for shallow sections of the pot. This may potentially be explained by loss of root water when Tr increases with light, analogous to shoot water losses.

The combination of the SWaP and gravimetric methods opens up a new way of looking at root water uptake as driven by transpiration and shoot water loss dynamics as it provides hitherto inaccessible information about these processes.

How to cite: van Dusschoten, D., Pflugfelder, D., and Kochs, J.: Root water uptake in relation to plant transpiration, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12018,, 2023.

EGU23-12222 | ECS | Orals | HS8.3.2 | Highlight

How to invest carbon under drought, different strategies in early root system development among barley cultivars 

Amandine Germon, Tino Colombi, Dorette Müller-Stöver, Thomas Keller, and Carsten Müller

Plant roots exposed to water scarcity respond by modulating root functional traits, such as deep and prolific root growth, to maximize resource acquisition. Such adjustments, which include the alterations of root morphology and anatomy to optimize water uptake and/or maximize root survival, may also increase the carbon demand for soil exploration. But this altered carbon allocation to foster belowground resource acquisition limits aboveground plant development. In the present study we investigated the relationship between root physiology, root trait plasticity and whole plant growth under drought stress. We quantified shoot and root traits of nine contrasting spring barley cultivars grown in soil-filled rhizoboxes under well-watered (4 weeks, 55% of field capacity) or drought conditions (2 weeks, 55% of field capacity + 2 weeks without water). Time-lapse imaging was applied to quantify root and shoot growth rates, and combined with measurements of root distribution, morphology, anatomy as well as mycorrhizal colonization. Aboveground traits had a strong and uniform response to drought compared to belowground traits. Root traits’ plasticity were variable and differed among cultivars. The differences between cultivars were particularly pronounced for the proportion of root length and root biomass in deep soil layers as well as changes in root morphological and anatomical traits. We suggest that cultivars characterized by an increase in root conduits, a greater hierarchical structure and a reduction of specific root length and area may be good candidates to promote hydraulic lift while lowering carbon cost for root growth. Increased root length and depth, root density and specific root length in drought condition are different cultivars’ strategies that may promote soil exploration and optimize water uptake. This is directly linked to the interplay of above and belowground carbon investment, with some cultivars yielding both a high shoot biomass and enhanced resource acquisition. Based on our findings, testing new agronomic strategies to mobilize the diversity of cultivars could be key to enhance drought resistance and resilience of barley cropping systems.

How to cite: Germon, A., Colombi, T., Müller-Stöver, D., Keller, T., and Müller, C.: How to invest carbon under drought, different strategies in early root system development among barley cultivars, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12222,, 2023.

EGU23-12448 | ECS | Orals | HS8.3.2

Maize roots under mechanical stress induce increased ethylene concentration in the soil gas phase 

Maxime Phalempin, Eva Lippold, Felix Brauweiler, Bernd Apelt, Henrike Würsig, Mika Tarkka, Steffen Schlüter, and Doris Vetterlein

Mechanical stress induced by soil compaction affects drastically root system architecture and the morphology of individual root segments. Typical effects of mechanical stress on the root responses include decreased root elongation, increased radial thickening and sloughing of cap cells. Many studies have established a link between the mechanical stress encountered by roots (generated in triaxial cells or by restricting root growth with a barrier) and the gaseous plant hormone ethylene; the data suggests that ethylene acts as an endogenous root growth regulator. To the best of our knowledge however, none of the studies on the ethylene and mechanical stress feedback mechanisms measured ethylene concentrations under realistic soil conditions, i.e., in the soil gas phase and over a long period of time. In this study, we aimed at filling this knowledge gap and set up an experiment which allowed to measure ethylene concentration directly in the soil gas phase with passive diffusive samplers and for maize plants subjected to different levels of soil compaction over a period of 21 days in repacked soil columns in the laboratory. With the help of X-ray computed tomography, we investigated the spatiotemporal patterns of ethylene concentrations in the vicinity of roots, in order to assess which type of roots act as a major source of ethylene in the soil. In accordance with the literature, soil compaction induced a significant increase in ethylene concentration in the soil gas phase, which impacted root growth by reducing significantly the growth of fine roots and increasing the share of thicker roots. A visual inspection of the X-ray CT images at different time points of gas sampling showed that high concentrations of ethylene (i.e., above the third quartile of the distribution) were not strictly ascribable to the abundance or type of roots in the vicinity of a probe. Yet, the highest concentrations of ethylene were recorded on the occasions where roots were present close to a probe. The sampling depths and time of sampling had no or very little effect on the measured ethylene concentrations. Our results suggest that ethylene was diffusing rather homogeneously in the soil columns and that microbial activity was also responsible for a good fraction of the ethylene production. Future experiments are planned to assess the contribution of microbes to the total ethylene production.

How to cite: Phalempin, M., Lippold, E., Brauweiler, F., Apelt, B., Würsig, H., Tarkka, M., Schlüter, S., and Vetterlein, D.: Maize roots under mechanical stress induce increased ethylene concentration in the soil gas phase, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12448,, 2023.

EGU23-13045 | ECS | Orals | HS8.3.2

Monitoring root water uptake for understanding tree water use dynamics during dry periods 

Stefano Martinetti, Marius Floriancic, Andrea Carminati, and Peter Molnar

Sufficient water supply to the roots is needed to sustain transpiration demand.  However, detailed measurements of water fluxes into the roots and the gradients in water potential driving these fluxes are rare, particularly in the field, mainly due to the difficulty in accessing roots and performing measurements on them. As a result, field monitoring of tree water use often neglects the root system, and the water fluxes from the soil to the shoot of trees remain a frontier in soil plant water relations.  This measurement gap and lack of understanding of water fluxes in roots makes it difficult to properly determine what drives root water uptake and how it might vary depending on rooting depth, soil matric potential and transpiration rate in the field.

During dry summer 2022, we equipped beech and spruce trees with sap flow sensors and dendrometers on the stem and on roots accessing different soil depths. This allowed us to monitor water fluxes and potentials in the different plant parts, from the integrated fluxes in the stem to the water uptake of single roots. We conducted the measurements at the “Waldlabor” ecoydrological monitoring forest in Zurich, where we comprehensively monitor the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum of beech and spruce with dendrometers, sap flow sensors and frequently measured stem & leaf water potential as well as stomatal conductance. To uncover the roots with minimal disturbance we removed the soil with a special air pressurizer and vacuum pump that allowed soil removal without damaging the roots, installed sensors at roots accessing different soil depths and afterwards covered the roots with soil again. Soil matric potential was measured at 10, 20, 40 and 80 cm depth in proximity to selected roots. At the canopy level, we measured stomatal conductance and leaf water potential throughout the summer.

Here, we demonstrate how the collected data help to understand to which extent trees diversify their water uptake depending on water availability at different soil depths. Because of the scarce precipitation and the limiting soil water availability during the summer, pre-dawn leaf water potential, stomatal conductance as well as sap flow decreased, indicating a reduction in transpiration. Beech trees reduced their stomatal conductance more dramatically than spruce trees, thereby using soil water more quickly. The comparison of sap flow in the roots and the integrated signal measured along the stem reveals differences between roots, with roots accessing deeper soil upholding higher sap flow velocities than roots accessing shallow soil in both species.

The results allow to assess the interplay between aboveground tree hydraulics and water status and belowground water uptake for beech and spruce under drying conditions.

How to cite: Martinetti, S., Floriancic, M., Carminati, A., and Molnar, P.: Monitoring root water uptake for understanding tree water use dynamics during dry periods, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13045,, 2023.

EGU23-13308 | Orals | HS8.3.2

Monitoring spatial and temporal carbon dynamics in the plant soil system by co-registration of Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Positron Emission Tomography for image guided sampling 

Robert Koller, Gregor Huber, Daniel Pflugfelder, Dagmar van Dusschoten, Carsten Hinz, Sina Schultes, Antonia Chlubek, Claudia Knief, and Ralf Metzner

Individual plants vary in their ability to respond to environmental changes. The plastic response of a plant enhances its ability to avoid environmental constraints, and hence supports growth, reproduction, and evolutionary and agricultural success.

Major progress in the analysis of above- and belowground processes on individual plants has been made by the application of non-invasive imaging methods including Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET).

MRI allows for repetitive measurements of roots growing in soil and facilitates quantification of root system architecture traits in 3D. PET, on the other hand, opens a door to analyze dynamic physiological processes in plants such as long-distance carbon transport in a repeatable manner. Combining MRI with PET enables monitoring of short livedCarbon tracer (11C) allocation along the transport paths (i.e. roots visualized by MRI) into active sink structures.

To analyse the link between root-internal C allocation patterns and C metabolism in the rhizosphere, we are combining 11CO2 with stable 13CO2 labelling of plants. Isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) analyses of rhizosphere soil is applied to link root-internal C allocation patterns with distribution of 13C in the rhizosphere soil. The metabolically active rhizosphere organisms are subsequently identified based on DNA 13C stable isotope probing.

In our presentation we will highlight our approaches for gathering quantitative data from both image-based technologies in combination with destructive analysis that provides insights into the functioning and dynamics of C transport processes in the plant-soil system.

How to cite: Koller, R., Huber, G., Pflugfelder, D., van Dusschoten, D., Hinz, C., Schultes, S., Chlubek, A., Knief, C., and Metzner, R.: Monitoring spatial and temporal carbon dynamics in the plant soil system by co-registration of Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Positron Emission Tomography for image guided sampling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13308,, 2023.

EGU23-13619 | ECS | Posters on site | HS8.3.2

Phenotyping faba bean for drought adaptation 

Tomke Wacker and Dorte Dresbøll

Faba bean (Vicia faba) is a promising protein crop for a green transition of our food and food production systems in temperate climates. The crop produces protein rich pulses, with nitrogen derived from the atmosphere, offering the potential to make crop production systems less reliant on fossil energy input. One challenge of increasing faba bean cropping is, however, their drought sensitivity induced yield instability, which may be specifically harmful during the indeterminate flowering period.

A faba bean phenotyping experiment was established at University of Copenhagen, combining field experiments with rhizotube observations. Five commercial cultivars were grown in field plots. To create drought conditions, the plots were partly covered by rain gutters to remove precipitation during the flowering period. In dry seasons, the well-watered control was irrigated. Aboveground growth parameters were assessed, root architectural traits were determined by a shovelomics approach, and stomata imprints were analysed for stomata size and density using a convolution neural network approach.

In order to obtain information on root growth dynamics, plants were grown in 2m tall rhizotubes with a diameter of 15cm and with a transparent surface. Root images were acquired to follow root development over time. Soil water sensors were installed, to observe water content and how it was affected by the drought treatment.


Results from the first two seasons of this three-year project show successful establishment of drought conditions in the field trial using the rain-gutter approach. Yield and yield composition were affected by drought treatment and showed a mean reduction of 0.7-0.8 T ha-1. Cultivars show varying responses to the drought stress, which was reflected on root and shoot parameters. Stomata density and size showed genotypic variation, and cultivar specific plastic adaptation to drought. Stomata density and size correlated strongly with root traits observed from the shovelomics approach, indicating that a deeper, more proliferated root system can support larger transpiration demand. These findings were further supported by the rhiztobue experiments, where maximum rooting depth and stomata cover are correlated.


The preliminary results of this study show interesting interactions between shoot and root phenotyping at different scales, and expands our understanding of the water budget of faba bean.


How to cite: Wacker, T. and Dresbøll, D.: Phenotyping faba bean for drought adaptation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13619,, 2023.

EGU23-14301 | ECS | Posters on site | HS8.3.2

Influence of Ni-hyperaccumulating trees on nickel biogeochemical cycle in a soil-plant system of New-Caledonia 

Claire Ansart, Eric Paidjan, Christophe Cloquet, Emmanuelle Montargès-Pelletier, Sandrine Isnard, Cécile Quantin, Yann Sivry, and Farid Juillot

Ultramafic (UM) soils are of particular interest due to their high content in metals for example Fe, Mn but also in Ni, Co, or Cr up to the ore grade (Butt and Cluzel, 2013). Those high metal contents combined with low contents of plants essential nutrients (Ca, K and P) imply particularly stressful conditions for the vegetation. To take advantage on these specific edaphic conditions, few plant species growing on UM soils have developed ecophysiological strategies including metal hyperaccumulation (Reeves, et al. 2018). Hyperaccumulation implies efficient metal mobilization at the soil-plant interface, i.e. roots, and the transfer to the different aerial organs of plants, which can lead to significant concentrations of metal in stems, sap, latex, and leaves. As example, for Ni, these concentrations can reach up to the percent level, while most plants contain less than 15 µg/g (dry mass) of Ni in their tissues (Brooks et al., 1977). This behaviour is expected to increase Ni-phytobioavailability by litter degradation and complexation of metal with organic ligands in the upper horizon of UM soils (Boyd and Jaffré, 2001; Zelano et al., 2020). This physiological process is also suspected to modify Ni isotope ratios due to absorption, transport and storage in the plant. However, the extent of Ni isotope fractionation in UM soils due to hyperaccumulators remains unclear and debated. While Zelano et al. (2020) suggested that the Ni sequestration by hyperaccumulators and its redistribution in the aerial organs of the plant could hinder Ni isotope fractionation in old individuals, Ratié et al. (2019) reported a preferential uptake of light isotope by roots in soils and Ni fractionation during translocation to the aerial part of the plants leading to heavier isotopic composition in soils.

The present study focuses on Ni-hyperaccumulation Pycnandra acuminata tree, endemic to New Caledonia. To understand the impact of Ni-hyperaccumulating plants on the Ni biogeochemical cycle, twelve soil profiles have been identified in the rainforest of Grande Terre including six profiles developed in the close vicinity of Ni-hyperaccumulating trees P. acuminata and six other profiles developed in the close vicinity of Pycnandra fastuosa, a non-hyperaccumulating tree also endemic in New Caledonia. Nickel concentrations found in hyperaccumulator-soil systems are higher relative to the non-hyperaccumulator-soil systems revealing the influence of P. acuminata and the associated leaves degradation on Ni redistribution in ultramafic soils. Ni isotope compositions and XAS spectroscopy of soil samples will help us to reveal the biogeochemical processes controlling the Ni isotopic signature in UM soils. Although focalized on New Caledonia, our study can be considered representative of the influence of hyperaccumulating trees on the biogeochemical cycle of Ni in UM soils systems worldwide.


Boyd and Jaffré (2001), South Afr. J. Sci. 97, 535 – 538

Brooks et al. (1977), J. Geochem. Explor. 7, 49 – 57

Butt and Cluzel (2013), Elements 9(2), 123 – 128

Ratié et al. (2019), J. Geochem. Explor. 196, 182 – 191

Reeves et al. (2018), New Phytol. 218(2), 407 – 411

Zelano et al. (2020),  Plant and Soil 454(1 – 2), 225 – 243 

How to cite: Ansart, C., Paidjan, E., Cloquet, C., Montargès-Pelletier, E., Isnard, S., Quantin, C., Sivry, Y., and Juillot, F.: Influence of Ni-hyperaccumulating trees on nickel biogeochemical cycle in a soil-plant system of New-Caledonia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14301,, 2023.

EGU23-14362 | Orals | HS8.3.2

Effects of Winter Rapeseed - Faba-bean intercrop and litter mulch on soil Nitrogen  

Moza Al Naemi, Patricia Garnier, Alexandra Jullien, and Celine Richard-Molard

Intercropping management strategy involves the use of legumes alongside a commercial crop to achieve various benefits, such as improved soil nutrient circulation, water retention, and pest control. However, research has shown that there is a lack of understanding of the long-term benefits of legumes within cropping systems and their specific interactions with the soil.


In our experimental setup, we conducted four treatments using soil columns that were 24 cm in diameter and 1 m in length. We grew two winter rapeseeds as a monocrop, an intercrop of one rapeseed and one faba-bean, and two faba-beans as a monocrop in each soil column. We killed the faba-bean during the winter frost and left it as green mulch in the rapeseed intercrop. The final treatment was bare soil control columns. We measured soil nitrogen, the biomass, and nitrogen content of living plants and plant litter in September, October, November, and June. Additionally, we studied the decomposition of rapeseed and faba-bean residues in the soil in a laboratory incubation experiment to measure carbon and nitrogen mineralization.


The majority of mineral nitrogen leaching occurred during late autumn at the beginning of the growing season (September to October) in all treatments. The soil mineral nitrogen contents over the growing season for the rapeseed-faba-bean intercrop system were similar to the rapeseed monocrop system, but lower than in the faba-bean monocrop system. The nitrogen balance in the columns for each treatment revealed that bare soil lost the most nitrogen over time due to leaching and lack of plants to uptake mineral nitrogen and immobilize it as biomass. The second one which lost the most nitrogen by leaching is The faba-bean monocrop. In this treatment, the plant did not use soil nitrogen in the lower portions of the soil column and this portion of the nitrogen in the soil may have been lost by leaching. The nitrogen was better conserved in the soil column and in the plants in the treatments with rapeseed intercrop and monocrop. Soil nitrogen was removed by the plant more efficiently leading to less leaching.


The nitrogen content and biomass of one rapeseed plant in the intercrop was nearly double the one rapeseed plant in monocrop. Indeed, the total biomass and nitrogen content of the two rapeseeds in monocrop was equivalent to the single rapeseed in the intercrop. Conversely, rapeseed mulch had less nitrogen in intercrops than in the monocrop system.


Lastly, the incubation of crop residues initially immobilized soil mineral nitrogen. The faba-bean mulch started releasing more mineral nitrogen than the bare soil after day 70. The release of mineral nitrogen of rapeseed and rapeseed-faba-bean mulch mixture exceeded the nitrogen of bare soil after day 90.


Overall, it is clear that intercropping with legumes can have positive effects on soil nitrogen and plant growth, but more research is needed to fully understand the long-term benefits and interactions between legumes, the soil, and commercial crops.

How to cite: Al Naemi, M., Garnier, P., Jullien, A., and Richard-Molard, C.: Effects of Winter Rapeseed - Faba-bean intercrop and litter mulch on soil Nitrogen , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14362,, 2023.

EGU23-14889 | Posters on site | HS8.3.2 | Highlight

Family ties – root-root communications within the Solanaceae 

Aye Nyein ko, Milena Oliveira, Shimon Rachmilevitch, and Omer Falik

Family ties – root-root communications within the Solanaceae
Competition is a key factor affecting plants. The ability to differentiate between the roots of the same individual and other individuals may reduce the allocation of self/non-self-competition and allow greater availability of resources for other functions, including higher reproductive outputs. We aim to explore root communications within the Solanaceae family crops [Tomatoes, and Bell pepper ] under different degrees of relatedness (DOR). A rhizoslide experiment was conducted to investigate responses of (DOR), based on changes in carbon allocation patterns vectored by roots, shoots, rhizodeposits, and respiration. Overall, the study revealed that tomatoes are a 'costly' neighbor to bell pepper, especially under salinity, whereas bell pepper is a 'benefit' neighbor in increasing tomatoes performance, however, it still differs for each tomato. Future studies will include testing our results in pot and field studies and examining the roles of roots vs shoots by using grafted plants. Our findings will contribute to choosing good neighboring plants in dryland agriculture with newly developed neighbors' plants.
Student’s contribution
We carried out the experimental design of the study after discussing it with the supervisor and performed the experiment. I participated in sampling, measuring plant growth and development, and performing statistical analysis.

How to cite: Nyein ko, A., Oliveira, M., Rachmilevitch, S., and Falik, O.: Family ties – root-root communications within the Solanaceae, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14889,, 2023.

EGU23-14946 | ECS | Posters on site | HS8.3.2

Modelling plant-mycorrhizae interactions - a review 

Malin Forsberg, Birgit Wild, and Stefano Manzoni

Symbiotic associations between plants and soil microbes, especially mycorrhizal fungi, are fundamental for plant nutrition and belowground processes associated with carbon (C) transfer from plants to the rhizosphere and mycorrhizae are key components of the global carbon cycle. Plants sacrifice photosynthetically acquired C in exchange for nutrients from their symbiotic partner. This exchange can be advantageous when mycorrhizae can access nutrient pools that plants cannot reach—either because chemically recalcitrant (e.g., nutrients in organic matter), or physically isolated (hyphae explore soils more effectively than roots). Additionally, the mycorrhizal network can extend into great distance and allows plants to share C and nutrients. Therefore, understanding this relationship and the interactions between plants and soil microbes are vital for creating realistic predictions of C and nutrient cycling in forests.

In this contribution, we review current modelling approaches to plant-mycorrhizae processes and pathways, focusing on C and nutrient cycling, to highlight ongoing trends and knowledge gaps. It is evident that further model-development is needed in order to get accurate predictions. Some models include C and nutrient exchanges between plants and mycorrhizae via empirical factors, lacking a process-based description of these exchanges. Other models describe C-nutrient exchanges based on stoichiometric demand and supply of C and nutrients, possibly resulting in excessively constrained exchanges. The approaches that quantify costs and benefits of symbiosis in an eco-evolutionary framework are promising as they capture adaptation mechanisms. In general, models tend to focus more on stoichiometry than on temperature and soil moisture effects on plant-mycorrhizae interactions. Information about how the soil-plant system reacts to changes with climate dependent environmental conditions are also underrepresented. Therefore, while coupled plant-mycorrhiza models have been tremendously improved in recent years, they might still not fully capture the role of mycorrhizae in the C and nutrient cycling in terrestrial ecosystems.

How to cite: Forsberg, M., Wild, B., and Manzoni, S.: Modelling plant-mycorrhizae interactions - a review, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14946,, 2023.

EGU23-15339 | ECS | Orals | HS8.3.2

Spatio-temporal patterns of chemical gradients around roots investigated with µXRF and X-ray CT 

Eva Lippold, Steffen Schlüter, Rüdiger Kilian, Eric Braatz, Robert Mikutta, and Doris Vetterlein

Chemical gradients around roots are formed by water uptake and selective uptake of elements and thereby triggered radial transport processes. Gradients on different root segments are expected to vary in magnitude, e.g. root age determines duration of root-soil-contact and thus the dimension of depletion or accumulation zones. Current knowledge with respect to chemical rhizosphere gradients is primarily based on linearized (compartmentalized) or pseudo-linearized (rhizobox) systems, which do not represent the radial geometry of transport to and from roots. Within the DFG-funded Priority Program 2089 we developed a new targeted sampling on undisturbed samples containing different root segments to overcome these shortcomings.

In order to evaluate the temporal change of root system architecture, we apply X-ray computed tomography (X-ray CT) and advanced tools of image analysis and registration, as the direct observation of roots in a 3D system is hindered by the non-transparency of soil.

This allows a targeted sampling of specific root ages/types by extracting intact subsamples (ø 1.6 cm) from larger pots (ø 7 cm), in which the plants were grown. To investigate the influence of soil texture and root age on the formation of chemical gradients, this new subsampling protocol was first tested in a pot experiment with two Zea mays L. genotypes  (the wild-type (WT) and the corresponding mutant defective in root hair elongation (rth3)) grown for three weeks in two different textures (sand vs. loam). Resin embedded subsamples containing either segments of the primary root or young roots were imaged with micro X-ray fluorescence (μXRF) to evaluate element distributions as a function of distance to the root surfaces. First results show a higher precipitation of calcium and sulfur in the vicinity of the primary root than in the vicinity of young roots indicating an age effect. Magnitude and extend of the gradient differs between sand and loam.


How to cite: Lippold, E., Schlüter, S., Kilian, R., Braatz, E., Mikutta, R., and Vetterlein, D.: Spatio-temporal patterns of chemical gradients around roots investigated with µXRF and X-ray CT, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15339,, 2023.

EGU23-15808 | ECS | Orals | HS8.3.2

Root soil Nitrogen acquisition by mature Oak trees exposed to elevated CO2: Nitrogen preference and uptake rate under a future climate 

Johanna Pihlblad, R. Liz Hamilton, Manon Rumeau, Emma J. Sayer, Iain P. Hartley, and Sami Ullah

In a future CO2 rich world, nitrogen (N) limitation is projected to decrease the CO2 fertilization effect limiting the ability of temperate forests to mitigate climate change. There are limited direct measurements of roots showing if mature trees are able to increase their N uptake in a future climate. Additionally, it is not currently understood if roots of mature trees can change their N form preference under elevated CO2 to maintain or enhance their N uptake. These are all gaps in knowledge identified as adding uncertainty to modelling efforts assessing ecosystem response to climate change. We quantified the rate of N uptake of living mature oak tree roots (Quercus robur) and their preference of N forms. On two occasions (July and November 2022) we carefully excavated live oak roots of three mature trees in each of the six experimental Free Air Carbon Enrichment (FACE) arrays (three ambient and three +150 ppm CO2) at the BIFoR FACE facility located in Staffordshire (United Kingdom). The live roots were cleaned and pre-incubated in acid washed sand and a nutrient solution for 24 hours to establish an acclimatized baseline condition following excavation. The roots were then exposed to a mix of inorganic and organic N forms where only one form was labelled in each treatment (15N-nitrate, 15N-ammonium, a mix of 20 15N labelled amino acids and an unlabelled control) to elucidate N preferences and rate of uptake during a two-hour incubation period. By analysing the root tissue for 15N our findings will investigate the preferences and uptake rates of N by mature trees under elevated CO2. We hope to shed light on these mechanisms mediating N uptake of mature trees to explain how mature forest stands respond to climate change in a temperate climate.    

How to cite: Pihlblad, J., Hamilton, R. L., Rumeau, M., Sayer, E. J., Hartley, I. P., and Ullah, S.: Root soil Nitrogen acquisition by mature Oak trees exposed to elevated CO2: Nitrogen preference and uptake rate under a future climate, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15808,, 2023.

EGU23-15906 | ECS | Orals | HS8.3.2

Explicit 3D modelling of the rhizosphere processes at plant scale demonstrates the impact of soil texture on root water uptake 

Koch Axelle, Gaochao Cai, Félicien Meunier, Mutez Ali Ahmed, and Mathieu Javaux

The relation between plant transpiration rate (E) and leaf water potential (LWP) is a function of both soil and plant hydraulics and can be affected by local rhizosphere processes. Measuring these very localized processes remains a huge challenge, while observing their impact on the E-LWP relationship is easy. Therefore, the underlying mechanisms of how these processes impact root water uptake (RWU) and whether it is soil texture specific remain unknown. In this study we used a 3-D detailed functional-structural root-soil model to investigate how root and rhizosphere hydraulics control the E-LWP relationship for two maize genotypes (with and without root hairs) grown in two soil types (loam and sand) during soil drying. We assumed that the rhizosphere hydraulic resistance can be taken into account via two processes: (1) a drop in soil water potential between the bulk soil and the soil-root interface and (2) a partial soil-root contact. The simulations revealed that the key process controlling the uptake was soil-dependent. In loam, a drop in soil water potential between the bulk soil and the soil-root interface affected the uptake and RWU started to be limited below soil water potential of -610 hPa. In sand, however, the poor soil-root contact was the main constraint, and the rhizosphere conductance limited RWU at much higher soil water potential (around -90 hPa). In contrast to effective models, our explicit three-dimensional simulations provide exact location and the main driver (root or rhizosphere) of the water RWU distribution patterns as well as the quantification of the active root surface ratio for RWU.

How to cite: Axelle, K., Cai, G., Meunier, F., Ahmed, M. A., and Javaux, M.: Explicit 3D modelling of the rhizosphere processes at plant scale demonstrates the impact of soil texture on root water uptake, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15906,, 2023.

EGU23-16294 | ECS | Posters virtual | HS8.3.2

Geochemical composition of agricultural soils and its link to plant Pb contents 

Gevorg Tepanosyan, Davit Pipoyan, Meline Beglaryan, and Lilit Sahakyan

The compositional peculiarities of the soil’s chemical environment must be taken into account to study the possibility of toxic elements (TE) to be accumulated in plants. This research covered 7 provinces (marzes) of Armenia providing around 80.1% of the national total gross agricultural production. From June to October 2019, the sampling procedure was carried out as part of the national residue monitoring program. Pb geochemical associations in agricultural soils were investigated, revealing the link between these associations and Pb contents in plants, as well as determining the source-specific transfer of Pb from soil to plants, using both compositional data analysis (CoDa) and geospatial mapping. CoDa included the combination of the results of k-means clustering and CoDa-biplot and was applied to study the relationship between the TEs and identify their geochemical associations (CoDaPack v.2.02.21 and R statistics). In addition, a hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) was used to study the links between food Pb contents and soil TE contents in each group of sub-samples identified by k-means clustering.

The obtained results showed that the research area’s unique geology and probable chemical element release sources influenced the soil’s chemical composition. Using HCA, it was discovered that in every sub-sample, the Pb soil and plant contents were in the same cluster. Particularly, CoDa-biplot and k-means clustering enable the distinction of three distinct sub-samples. However, the geochemical associations of the elements in subsamples I and III showed that Pb plant contents were shown in a geochemical association (K, Rb, Pb, and Zn) typical of both fertilizers and potassium feldspar. In contrast, sub-sample II showed that Pb plant contents were in a geochemical association (K, Rb, Pb, and Zn) typical of carbonates. The transfer factor (TF) for the similarly higher values is observed for the sub-sample associated with the geochemical relationship of K, Rb, Pb, and Zn. Moreover, it has been demonstrated that carbonates had a negative impact on the availability of Pb in plants. This can be explained by the capacity of carbonates in sub-samples I and III to fix Pb and reduce its availability in plants. Based on the study’s findings, it is important to emphasize that further research on compositional characteristics of chemical elements via the identification of geochemical associations can enable to reveal of possible connections between the elements in various media.

How to cite: Tepanosyan, G., Pipoyan, D., Beglaryan, M., and Sahakyan, L.: Geochemical composition of agricultural soils and its link to plant Pb contents, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16294,, 2023.

EGU23-17068 | ECS | Orals | HS8.3.2 | Highlight

European forest vulnerability to hydraulic failure: an ecohydrological approach 

Arsene Druel, Nicolas Martins, Herve Cochard, Miquel DeCaceres, Sylvain Delzon, Maurizio Mencuccini, José Torres-Ruiz, and Julien Ruffault

The current acceleration of climate change in Europe makes it essential to assess spatially the impact of drought and heat waves on forest disturbances risk (mortality, wildfire risk, etc…). Recent studies have shown that hydraulic failure is a key driver of forest disturbances. Hydraulic failure can be modelled with state-of-the-art plant hydraulic models that are driven by climate data and different traits including (i) hydraulic traits (such as xylem cavitation resistance and stomatal regulation), (ii) leaf area index and (iii) total soil water capacity. Among these traits soil water capacity is highly sensitive, but is poorly available at large scale.
In this study we used the process based plant hydraulic model SUREAU (Cochard et al., 2021; Ruffault et al 2022) to estimate hydraulic failure risk for forest at the European scale for the last 3 decades. To initialize the model we used spatialized  climate (ERA5), LAI data (from Copernicus remote sensing) and land cover (ESA CCI). Species hydraulic traits for major European species were extracted from global databases. In order to initialize the total soil water capacity at European scale and compensate the lack of soil water data, we developed an algorithm of model inversion based on ecohydrological assumption. The ecohydrological assumption is that forest adjust their total available water capacity through rooting depth, for a given climate, traits combination and Leaf area index to maintain a low embolism rate under normal conditions (excluding extreme drought). Our simulation approach simulations allowed to spatialized forest vulnerability to drought and to map total soil water capacity under forest stands.

How to cite: Druel, A., Martins, N., Cochard, H., DeCaceres, M., Delzon, S., Mencuccini, M., Torres-Ruiz, J., and Ruffault, J.: European forest vulnerability to hydraulic failure: an ecohydrological approach, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17068,, 2023.

EGU23-17074 | ECS | Posters on site | HS8.3.2

Analysis of root distribution and its effect on soil respiration using Hydrus 

Asha Nambiar Puthussseri Valiyaveettil and Gerrit Huibert de Rooij

It is not yet certain if temperate forests are net sources or sinks for atmospheric carbon, making it difficult to assess their potential role in mitigating climate change.  Root distribution and root growth in forests are important for soil respiration in forest soils, which in turn is one of the factors that determine carbon sequestration in and release from these soils. The aim of this study is to examine the effect of rooting depth and root distribution on soil respiration in different types of forest in north-eastern Germany through simulations with the Hydrus-1D model. The model combines a solver for Richards’ equation for soil water flow with routines that determine incorporation of carbon in the soil biomass as well as CO2 production by through respiration and decay. A  simple root distribution function with a single parameter will be used to model the root distribution. The presentation will report the first results of the study. 

How to cite: Puthussseri Valiyaveettil, A. N. and de Rooij, G. H.: Analysis of root distribution and its effect on soil respiration using Hydrus, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17074,, 2023.

EGU23-17337 | ECS | Orals | HS8.3.2

Dynamic root growth in response to depth-varying soil moisture availability: a rhizobox study 

Cynthia Maan, Marie-Claire ten Veldhuis, and Bas van de Wiel

Their flexible root growth provides plants with a strong ability to adapt and develop resilience to droughts and climate change. But this adaptability is badly included in crop- and climate models. Most of them rely on a simplified representation of root growth, independent of soil moisture availability. To model plant development in changing environments, we need to include the survival strategies of plants, but data of subsurface processes and interactions, needed for model set-up and validation, are scarce.

Here we investigated soil moisture driven root growth. To this end we installed subsurface drip lines and small soil moisture sensors (0.2 L measurement volume) inside rhizoboxes (length x width x height, 45 x 7.5 x 45cm). The development of the vertical soil moisture and root growth profiles are tracked with a high spatial and temporal resolution.

The results confirm that root growth is predominantly driven by vertical soil moisture distribution, while influencing soil moisture at the same time. Besides support for the functional relationship between the soil moisture and the root density growth rate, the experiments also suggest that vertical root growth stops when the soil moisture at the root tip drops below a threshold value. We show that even a parsimonious one-dimensional water balance model, driven by the measured water input and output fluxes, can be convincingly improved by implementing root growth driven by soil moisture availability. The model performance suggests that soil moisture is a key parameter determining root growth.

How to cite: Maan, C., ten Veldhuis, M.-C., and van de Wiel, B.: Dynamic root growth in response to depth-varying soil moisture availability: a rhizobox study, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17337,, 2023.

EGU23-1489 | Orals | SSS9.4

A robust DayCent model calibration to represent the impact of integrated soil fertility management on maize yields and soil carbon stocks in Kenya 

Moritz Laub, Magdalena Necpalova, Marijn Van de Broek, Marc Corbeels, Samuel Mathu Ndungu, Monicah Wanjiku Mucheru-Muna, Daniel Mugendi, Wycliffe Waswa, Bernard Vanlauwe, and Johan Six

Sustainable intensification practices, such as integrated soil fertility management (ISFM), form a strategy to close yield gaps while maintaining soil fertility and, typically, are locally tested in field trials. However, to estimate the potential impact of ISFM on a regional scale, field trials are insufficient and biogeochemical models are required. These models need to be calibrated and evaluated when applied to new environments. Here, we present a robust calibration of the DayCent agroecosystem model to simulate the impact of ISFM practices on maize productivity in Kenya, using a probabilistic Bayesian calibration technique with data from long-term field trials at four sites in central and western Kenya. We assessed the efficiency of DayCent in simulating: 1) maize grain yield, 2) changes in soil organic carbon (SOC), and 3) nutrient use efficiency of applied nitrogen (N) fertilizer under different ISFM treatments, which consisted of different organic resources combined with the addition or absence of mineral N fertilizer. After model calibration, both the simulations of maize yield (Nash Sutcliffe Efficiency, NSE 0.51) and change in SOC (NSE 0.54) improved significantly compared to runs using the standard DayCent parameters (NSE of 0.33 and -1.3 for yield and SOC change, respectively). A leave-one-site-out cross evaluation indicated the robustness of the approach for spatial extrapolation, i.e., the significant improvement of model simulations was achieved by calibrating the model with data from three sites and then evaluating it with data from the remaining site. The values of model parameters related to SOC decomposition were most altered  by the calibration, i.e., they were an order of magnitude higher compared to the default parameter values (derived for temperate climates). This suggests that the DayCent temperature function is not suitable to capture SOC decomposition across climates with a single set of parameter values. Further, similar maize yields were simulated for all treatments that received mineral N fertilizer and DayCent underestimated the yield increase observed in the field trials of the combined application of organic resources and mineral N compared sole mineral N application. In contrast, at low levels of nutrient inputs DayCent proved sufficiently sensitive to capture differences in maize yield levels. Finally, while mean yields by treatment were simulated well, year-to-year yield variation was not captured well by DayCent. In summary, our results indicate that DayCent is capable to estimate the mean impact that ISFM practices at typical rates of mineral fertilizer and organic resource applications have on yield and SOC, but may not be capable to estimate the differences in yield potential at very high inputs. While the cross evaluation indicated a robustness for upscaling, the suboptimal representation of year-to-year yield variabilities shows that future projections under a changing climate may be biased by the DayCent model. Consequently, improved model structures, such as improved soil moisture representation, are needed to reduce uncertainty.

How to cite: Laub, M., Necpalova, M., Van de Broek, M., Corbeels, M., Mathu Ndungu, S., Mucheru-Muna, M. W., Mugendi, D., Waswa, W., Vanlauwe, B., and Six, J.: A robust DayCent model calibration to represent the impact of integrated soil fertility management on maize yields and soil carbon stocks in Kenya, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1489,, 2023.

EGU23-1749 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.4

Temporal and spatial changes in soil organic carbon and soil inorganic carbon stocks in the semi-arid area of northeast China 

Shuai Wang, Qianlai Zhuang, Mingyi Zhou, Xinxin Jin, Na Yu, and Ting Yuan
Soil organic carbon (SOC) and soil inorganic carbon (SIC) has important effects on soil physical, chemical and biological properties. They play an important role in coordinating the relationship between soil water and air, increasing soil water holding capacity and improving plant productivity. In this study, a boosted regression trees (BRT) model was developed to map the spatial distribution carbon stocks in the semi-arid region of Northeast China in 1990 and 2015. During the two periods, 10-fold cross-validation technology was used to test the performance and uncertainty of BRT model. In order to construct the model, 9 environmental variables (derived from climate, topography and biology) and 173 (1990) and 223 (2015) topsoil (0–30 cm) samples were used. The comparison between estimated and observed data shows that the RMSE of SOC and SIC stocks were 0.53 kgm− 2 and 0.19 kgm− 2 in 1990, and 0.65 kgm− 2 and 0.20 kgm− 2 in 2015, respectively. Elevation, normalized difference vegetation index, mean annual precipitation and Landsat band 3 were identifies as critical environmental factors for simulating the spatial distribution of SOC, accounting for 76.6 % and 70.3 % of the total relative importance in 1990 and 2015, respectively. Mean annual precipitation, mean annual temperature and topographic wetness index were the critical environmental factors for simulating the spatial variation of SIC during the two periods. Land use change also played an important role in the spatial variability of SOC and SIC stocks. In the past 25 years, soil carbon stocks decreased from 6.2 kg m− 2 in 1990 to 5.9 kg m− 2 in 2015. The spatial distribution pattern of SOC was high in northeastern area and low in southwestern area during the two periods, while the spatial distribution pattern of SIC was opposite to that of SOC stocks. The mapped soil carbon stock distribution is fundamental to future study of soil carbon cycle and regional carbon balance in semi-arid regions.

How to cite: Wang, S., Zhuang, Q., Zhou, M., Jin, X., Yu, N., and Yuan, T.: Temporal and spatial changes in soil organic carbon and soil inorganic carbon stocks in the semi-arid area of northeast China, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1749,, 2023.

EGU23-1998 | Orals | SSS9.4

Sustainable intensification of agriculture andlivestock production in Brazil: a meta-analysis of soil C changes in integrated systems 

Leidivan Almeida Frazão, Evander Alves Ferreira, Warley Rodrigues de Oliveira, Igor Costa de Freitas, Carlos Eduardo Cerri, João Marcos Vilela, Mauricio Cherubin, Dener Oliveira, and André Franco

The use of agroforestry systems and integrated production models have been considered as viable options for tropical regions. Several studies have reported that these sustainable production systems have decreased the GHG emissions into the atmosphere and increased soil carbon stocks. If successful, the integration of crops, forests, and livestock will account for around 23% of Brazil’s 112 million ha of pasture. Every ha of integrated agriculture and livestock farming (IALF) pasture has the potential to remove an average of 3.79 tCO2e from the atmosphere per year. However, given the dynamics and complexity of soil management required when integrating different production components, it is necessary to perform regionalized research about soil carbon storage capacity. According to the Fourth National Communication of Brazil to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Brazil totaled 1,467 teragrams (Tg) of CO2e in 2016. In the search for more sustainable agricultural systems that increase the productivity of cultivated areas and at the same time can mitigate GHG emissions, the National Plan for Low Carbon Emission in Agriculture (ABC Plan), now renamed ABC+, was created aiming to incorporate new practices to mitigate GHG emissions for the 2020–2030 period. The objective of ABC Plan is to expand the agricultural land using the technologies outlined in the plan by 72 million ha - the area is currently close to 50 million ha - and achieve an estimated mitigation capacity of 1.1 billion tCO2e by 2030. Areas that integrate agriculture, livestock and forests, known as agrosilvopastoral systems are projected to expand by over 10 million ha in the period, according to ABC+ Plan.  In order to make recommendations about the adoption of agrosilvopastoral systems, the objective of this study was to summarize the data from literature using the meta-analysis to evaluate the effect of integrated production systems introduction on soil carbon stocks, considering the different biomes in Brazil. When we compared the land use with low-productivity pastures and integrated production systems, we found an increase in soil C stocks under agropastoral, silvopastoral and agrosilvopastoral systems. Considering all the evaluated Brazilian biomes, higher soil C stocks were found for the integrated production systems when compared to low-productivity pastures. The Cerrado and Atlantic Forest biomes showed a higher sampling value, and this is due to the fact that  integrated production systems are more adopted in these two Brazilian biomes. Additionally, the agrosilvopastoral systems in the Cerrado biome showed the highest soil C stocks, but did not differ in relation to the Atlantic Forest and Pampa biomes. The agrosilvopastoral and silvopastoral systems were efficient on soil C inputs, and the values were 65.58 and 57.14%, respectively, higher than in low productivity pasture at 0-30 cm depth. These findings indicate that the land use with pastures and the introduction of trees in productive systems can reverse soil carbon losses. Additionaly, the introduction of trees can increase soil carbon stocks, supporting the potential of agroforestry systems to recover low-productivity areas in Brazil.

How to cite: Frazão, L. A., Ferreira, E. A., de Oliveira, W. R., de Freitas, I. C., Cerri, C. E., Vilela, J. M., Cherubin, M., Oliveira, D., and Franco, A.: Sustainable intensification of agriculture andlivestock production in Brazil: a meta-analysis of soil C changes in integrated systems, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1998,, 2023.

EGU23-2269 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.4

Cover Crops Affecting Pool Specific Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration in Cropland – A Meta-Analysis 

Julia Fohrafellner, Sophie Zechmeister-Boltenstern, Rajasekaran Murugan, Katharina Keiblinger, Heide Spiegel, and Elena Valkama

Greenhouse gas emission can be partly compensated by enhancing soil organic carbon (SOC) levels in soils, e.g. in croplands, which have the highest potential due to their losses in SOC by intensive management. This can be achieved by adopting SOC enhancing soil management practices, such as the cultivation of cover crops (CC). So far, only few long-term experimental studies have investigated the effects of CC on a SOC pool level. There are still uncertainties how CC affect SOC fractions and the stability of the sequestered carbon.

By conducting a meta-analysis, we aim to quantitatively summarize studies related to CC effects on SOC pools throughout soil depths (up to 100 cm) in cropland soils relevant for Europe, as such an analysis is not available so far. We included global studies located in the dry, temperate, and boreal climatic zones, as these are present Europe. The pools chosen for this analysis are the microbial biomass carbon (MBC), the particulate organic matter (POM) and the mineral associated organic matter (MAOM) pool, as well as total SOC. Alongside, we study the effects of a broad range of moderators, such as pedo-climatic factors (e.g., climatic zones, soil texture), other agricultural management practices (e.g., effects of tillage, irrigation, liming, fertilization) and CC characteristics and their management (e.g., CC types, species number, frost resistance, residue management).

By searching several scientific and grey literature databases, we identified 64 studies, of which the majority was conducted in North and South America, whereas only five are available for Europe. The MBC, POM and MAOM pool are studied in 24, 44 and 19 of these studies, respectively. The mean experimental duration is eight years, with a maximum of 39 years. 54% of studies were conducted in a warm temperate climatic zone, 32% in a boreal and 14% in an arid zone. Means values for SOC pools, standard deviations and sample sizes for treatments with CC and controls without CC will be extracted from tables and figures. In order to perform a meta-analysis, logarithm response ratio as an index of effect size will be calculated for each study, which will then be summarized across studies by using weighing procedure. This meta-analysis will provide valuable information on the state of knowledge on SOC pool specific sequestration rates influenced by CC, corresponding quantitative summary results and the source of heterogeneity across studies. These results will offer guidance for future research and assist decision-making processes regarding climate friendly management of agricultural soils.

How to cite: Fohrafellner, J., Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S., Murugan, R., Keiblinger, K., Spiegel, H., and Valkama, E.: Cover Crops Affecting Pool Specific Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration in Cropland – A Meta-Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2269,, 2023.

EGU23-4885 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.4

Soil inorganic carbon: stocks, functions, losses and their consequences 

Kazem Zamanian and Yakov Kuzyakov

Carbonate-containing minerals comprise an additional form of soil carbon known as soil inorganic carbon (SIC). Though SIC stocks are large, they have been disregarded in most studies to carbon sequestration. After reviewing the main forms of SIC (geogenic, biogenic and pedogenic carbonates) and the chemical processes leading to formation of pedogenic carbonates, we review the importance of SIC in the global C cycle and ecosystem functions. Besides pH regulation, SIC and dissolved Ca2+ from carbonates dissolution: i) increase plant growth due to better root growth, nutrient availability and acquisition, as well as provide protection against pathogens; ii) increase activities of soil microorganisms mineralizing nutrients; and iii) bind organic compounds which, consequently, stabilize organic matter, produce larger and stable aggregates, and control water permeability and balance. Consequently, the SIC is crucial not only for pH regulation, but also strongly contributes to many other soil functions and health. Finally, we assess future SIC losses under anticipated global change processes such as increased N deposition and fertilization, elevated CO2, invasive plant distribution and climate change. These SIC losses damage soil functionality and make it more vulnerable to a broad range of degradation factors, including erosion, topsoil and subsoil compaction, acidification and nutrient depletion. Crucial is that in contrast to organic carbon, the SIC losses are irrecoverable. We conclude that SIC is an important soil constituent responsible for a broad range of physical, chemical and biological soil properties and processes as well as ecosystem services such as cycles of C, N and other elements.

How to cite: Zamanian, K. and Kuzyakov, Y.: Soil inorganic carbon: stocks, functions, losses and their consequences, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4885,, 2023.

EGU23-7304 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.4

Soil CO2 and N2O emissions in Sahelian Silvopastoral systems: spatial distribution and annual budget estimation 

Yélognissè Agbohessou, Claire Delon, Manuela Grippa, Eric Mougin, Seydina Ba, Daouda Ngom, and Olivier Roupsard

Silvopastoral systems (SPS) are one of the most common livestock production systems in the Sahel. They are composed of a mix of trees, pastures, and livestock in the same area. Known for providing several beneficial services compared to traditional pastures, SPS can release or absorb greenhouse gases. So far, our understanding of the magnitude and spatial distribution of greenhouse gas emissions in Sahelian SPS is subject to many uncertainties. This is mainly due to a lack of experimental and modelling studies focused on the region.

We use a process-based model, STEP-GENDEC-N2O, that couples vegetation growth, biogeochemistry, and gas emissions to investigate the spatial and temporal pattern of carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from soil and estimate their annual budget in the Sahelian SPS. After model validation using in-situ data collected at the Dahra site (north-western Senegal), simulations were performed on the entire Sahelian area (latitude: 13°N to 18°N; longitude: 18°W to 20°E) divided into 18271 grid cells of 0.1° x 0.1°, from 2010 to 2021. Input variables were extracted from different datasets available at global or regional scales.

We found that the spatial pattern of CO2 and N2O emissions from soils in Sahelian SPS can be mainly explained by the spatial distribution of soil properties (soil temperature, soil sand, and clay content), climate, and animal load. The overall estimated CO2 and N2O emissions from Sahelian SPS during the 2010-2021 period were 0.054 ± 0.005 Tg C yr-1 (1 Tg = 1012 g) and 0.046 ± 0.008 Tg N yr-1, respectively. These values are relatively low compared to other estimates for grazing and cropping systems in other regions. Mapping CO2 and N2O emissions from soils in SPS at the Sahel-wide scale helps identify emission hotspots in order to establish more effective mitigation strategies and management policies for Sahelian SPS.

How to cite: Agbohessou, Y., Delon, C., Grippa, M., Mougin, E., Ba, S., Ngom, D., and Roupsard, O.: Soil CO2 and N2O emissions in Sahelian Silvopastoral systems: spatial distribution and annual budget estimation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7304,, 2023.

EGU23-8046 | Orals | SSS9.4

Applying the AMG Soil Organic Carbon model to assess the carbon trends within French forests 

Mojtaba Houballah, Julia Le Noé, Fabien Ferchaud, Hugues Clivot, Pierre Barré, Bertrand Guenet, and Nicolas Delpierre

To partially compensate for CO2 emissions, the 4 per 1000 initiative proposed an annual 4‰ soil organic carbon (SOC) stock increase. Yet, the feasibility of such an ambitious target is still under debate. The most efficient way to increase the SOC stocks is to increase the C input to the soil. Yet, knowing how much of an increase of SOC should be an objective is subjected to how much carbon is already stored within soils, and the prediction of the change of carbon pool with time. The objective of this work is to predict the carbon trends in forest soils to be able to better assess the target carbon sequestration. To this end, we use the AMG SOC model to simulate the carbon increase in French forests. AMG is a simple, two-pools model that consider the influence of environmental conditions and litter inputs to simulate the dynamics of SOC. AMG has been designed for agricultural soils, and has proved able to simulate SOC dynamics in croplands but has never been tested on forest soils. The model was run over the French RENECOFOR sites network where SOC measurements have been realized 17 years apart (1994-1996 and 2008-2012) on 95 sites and over which an average increase of +0.35 tC ha-1 yr-1 has been evidenced. We have applied the RockEval method, which mixes machine learning with thermal analysis techniques, in order to initialize AMG, separating the passive from the active carbon pool. We calibrated the model with the aim of simulating the SOC dynamics observed in the RENECOFOR. The results show that even if the model can be successful in predicting the carbon trends locally, there is no general parameterization allowing to reproduce SOC stock evolution trends at the scale of the 95 sites. Our findings suggests that even with a good performance in the case of agricultural soils, there is a need to better represent the litter inputting within the AMG model in the case of forests.

How to cite: Houballah, M., Le Noé, J., Ferchaud, F., Clivot, H., Barré, P., Guenet, B., and Delpierre, N.: Applying the AMG Soil Organic Carbon model to assess the carbon trends within French forests, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8046,, 2023.

EGU23-8716 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.4

On-farm research on innovative pioneer farms in North-Eastern Austria: microbial indicators affecting soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration 

Sabine Huber, Christoph Rosinger, Orracha Sae-Tun, Gernot Bodner, and Katharina Keiblinger

Increasing pressures on agriculture related to climate change, as well as recent policy frameworks, have generated widespread attention towards research on soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration. Promoting SOC accrual is of immediate interest for maintaining and restoring soil health in order to ensure continuous soil fertility and functioning. However, despite extensive research regarding soil health promoting farming practices, studies reflecting realistic management outcomes from farms are still scarce. We therefore conducted an on-farm study comprising 21 sites in North-Eastern Austria to compare two farming systems (an innovative ‘pioneer’ and a standard system) and undisturbed field margins as a reference. Pioneer soils have been managed according to soil health-oriented principles with e.g., minimal tillage, high-diversity cover crops and organic amendments to improve soil biology for many years, whereas neighbouring fields under ‘standard’ cultivation represent the current state-of-the-art conventional practices. Based on recent findings suggesting a predominant role of microbial-derived compounds in the long-term accumulation of organic C, the study focused on available nutrients, microbial biomass C, nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), ergosterol, potential activities of C-, N- and P-liberating enzymes as proxies for microbial functioning, and amino sugar contents as proxies for microbial necromass. In addition to management effects, we also investigated whether differences in texture composition across the study sites and soil depth (0-5, 5-20, 20-35 cm) affect microbial biomarkers. Our results indicate that microbial parameters, especially microbial biomass and necromass C, are significantly enhanced in soils of pioneer farming systems. Yet, pioneer cultivation did not reach the levels prevailing in the undisturbed reference system. Moreover, differences between systems were strongly pronounced in the topsoil and declined in deeper soil layers. Soil texture had a profound leverage on management effects. In addition, we could identify significant management predictors for dissolved C contents, which is an important pathway for microbial-mediated SOC sequestration. Our on-farm approach provides meaningful information on how farming systems can be changed towards more sustainability and higher C sequestration.

How to cite: Huber, S., Rosinger, C., Sae-Tun, O., Bodner, G., and Keiblinger, K.: On-farm research on innovative pioneer farms in North-Eastern Austria: microbial indicators affecting soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8716,, 2023.

EGU23-10777 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.4

Effect of moisture content on carbon dioxide emissions in calcareous soils of the Comarca Lagunera, Mexico 

Santos Martinez-Santiago, Gerardo Sergio Benedicto-Valdés, Armando López-Santos, Hilda Victoria Silva-Rojas, Enrique Ojeda-Trejo, Elsa Marcela Ramírez-López, and Julian Delgadillo-Martínez

Calcareous soils are characterized by containing a greater amount inorganic carbon (SIC) than organic carbon (SOC), and both contribute to CO2 emissions to the atmosphere. SOC mineralization and SIC dissolution are related to soil moisture content, but their effect on CO2 emissions from calcareous soils is unclear. This investigation aimed to evaluate the effect of moisture content on CO2 emission of a calcareous soil in the Comarca Lagunera, Mexico.

Calcareous soil samples were taken from a cropland and shrubland of Comarca Lagunera, Mexico and their physical and chemical properties were determined. For a 30-day period, 100g of soil were incubated in closed-jars and two moisture treatments, related to field capacity (FC) and permanent wilting point (PWP) values were applied. The CO2 emission assessment was performed every two days using an infrared gas analyzer (IRGA, PP Systems, UK).

For cropland, the FC, PWP, SIC and SOC values were 27.2 %, 14.6 %, 7.3 % (140.4 Mg ha-1) and 0.23 % (4.4 Mg ha-1), while for shrubland, the values were 27 %, 11 %, 7.6 % (152.8 Mg ha-1) and 0.08 % (1.6 Mg ha-1), respectively. Average emission of CO2, every two days, from cropland soil was 2.1 g CO2 m-2 h-1 for moisture at FC, while to PWP was 1.7 g CO2 m-2 h-1, and for shrubland soil was 1.8 g CO2 m-2 h-1 for moisture at FC, while to PWP was 1.6 g CO2 m-2 h-1.

In both cases, cumulative CO2 emissions were significantly higher in FC compared to PWP. For cropland, cumulative CO2 emissions were 23.4 g CO2 m-2 h-1 and 29.4 g CO2 m-2 h-1, but for shrubland were 21.7 g CO2 m-2 h-1 and 25.3 g CO2 m-2 h-1. Cumulative CO2 emissions for moisture content at FC were equivalent to a soil carbon (C) loss of 1.9 Mg ha-1 and 1.7 Mg ha-1 for cropland and shrubland, respectively. This result implies the loss of 43.2% (1.9 Mg C ha-1 / 4.4 Mg SOC ha-1) of the SOC content in the cropland, but for the shrubland it suggests the total loss of the SOC (1.6 Mg C ha-1 / 1.6 Mg SOC ha-1) and a part of the SIC content (0.1 Mg C ha-1 / 152.8 Mg SIC ha-1).

Our study shows that soil moisture content has a significant effect on CO2 emissions from calcareous soils, such as Comarca Lagunera, where an increase in soil moisture corresponds to increases in CO2 emissions into the atmosphere, where SIC and SOC reserves are involved.

How to cite: Martinez-Santiago, S., Benedicto-Valdés, G. S., López-Santos, A., Silva-Rojas, H. V., Ojeda-Trejo, E., Ramírez-López, E. M., and Delgadillo-Martínez, J.: Effect of moisture content on carbon dioxide emissions in calcareous soils of the Comarca Lagunera, Mexico, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10777,, 2023.

EGU23-12398 | Posters on site | SSS9.4

Perennial crops increase soil carbon stocks in the topsoil compared to annuals by modifying enzymatic activities 

Mingming Zong, Diego Abalos, Ji Chen, Zhi Liang, Lars Elsgaard, and Uffe Jørgensen

Perennial crops can be as a sustainable alternative to annual crops owing to plant traits and management practices that improve productivity and may contribute to soil carbon (C) accumulation. However, our understanding of the mechanisms behind the potential differences in C stocks between perennials and annuals is incomplete, especially in terms of how the changers and drivers vary at different soil depths. Based on a 10-year cropping experiment in Denmark with perennials (tall fescue, grass-legume mixture) and annuals (triticale monoculture, triticale in a crop rotation), we investigated soil C stock changes and driving mechanisms at depths of 0-20 cm (topsoil) and 20-50 cm (subsoil). We observed that tall fescue and grass-legume mixture systems increased soil C stock by 6-20% in the topsoil as compared to annual crops. In the subsoil, the tall fescue system even enhanced soil C storage by up to 56%, but there was no difference in soil C stock between grass-legume mixture, triticale, and triticale in a rotation. Most importantly, we found that the major determinants of soil C stock depended on soil depth. In the topsoil, enzymes exerted a dominant effect on soil C stock. Perennials with low C/N for aboveground biomass and high root biomass seemed to depress oxidase (phenol oxidase and peroxidase) activities and stimulated the nutrient-acquiring enzymes (leucine amino peptidase, β-1,4-N-acetylglucosaminidase), thus depressing the decomposition of recalcitrant C and maintaining plant growth, which facilitated soil C storage. In the subsoil, microbial biomass, rather than the balance between functional enzymes, seemed to be controlling the soil C storage. In their entirety, our results highlight that it is feasible to enhance soil C storage in systems with perennials with higher aboveground biomass quality and root biomass. Furthermore, there is a link to biological drivers (i.e., extracellular enzyme activity and microbial biomass), which may play a differential role in topsoil and subsoil. With improved mechanistic understanding, such biological drivers of soil C stock for agricultural systems should be considered in Earth system models to improve the accuracy of predicting agricultural soil C dynamics.

How to cite: Zong, M., Abalos, D., Chen, J., Liang, Z., Elsgaard, L., and Jørgensen, U.: Perennial crops increase soil carbon stocks in the topsoil compared to annuals by modifying enzymatic activities, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12398,, 2023.

EGU23-12575 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.4

Pyrogenic carbon redistribution in the landscape: example of a small, cultivated temperate watershed 

Johanne Lebrun Thauront, Christian Walter, Philippa Ascough, Pierre Barre, and Samuel Abiven

Naturally occuring pyrogenic carbon (PyC) is produced during wildfires under oxygen limiting conditions. After a fire event, PyC is fragmented, dissolved and transported at the soil surface1,2 and/or downward into the soil3,4. PyC represents on average 15 % of organic carbon in soils and sediments5.Its residence time in soil ranges from 50 to 1000 years6,which makes it the most persistent form of organic carbon in soils. However, at the mouth of the world’s largest rivers, PyC is on average 16,000 years old. This difference is probably due to isolated measurements of turnover time in surface soil horizons which does not take into consideration transport and accumulation processes happening at the landscape scale. We make the following hypothesis : (i) PyC accumulates at depth in soil and in lowland and hill-foot positions, and (ii) PyC in accumulation zones is significantly older than PyC from other sites/depths.

We studied the dynamics of PyC in a well characterized, 120 ha watershed in Brittany, France (ORE AgrHys). We collected soil cores at different topographic positions along three transects and quantified PyC using standard (chemo-thermal oxidation, hydrogen pyrolysis) and novel (Rock-Eval thermal analysis) analytical methods. We also measured the 14C ages of the PyC fraction. We show that relative to total SOC, PyC is preferentially redistributed to depth and that the subsoil (30 to 60 cm) represents about a third of the total soil PyC stock. We do not observe accumulation of PyC at the hill-foot except where superficial erosion products are retained before reaching the stream. We discuss the potential sources and redistribution mechanisms of PyC in the area over the last 10000 years.

1. Bellè, S.-L. et al. Biogeosciences Discuss. 1–35 (2021)

2. Rumpel, C., Ba, A., Darboux, F., Chaplot, V. & Planchon, O. Geoderma 154, 131–137 (2009).

3. Soucémarianadin, L. et al. Soil Biol. Biochem. 133, 12–15 (2019).

4. Schiedung, M., Bellè, S. L., Sigmund, G., Kalbitz, K. & Abiven, S. Biogeosciences 17, 6457–6474 (2020).

5. Reisser, M., Purves, R. S., Schmidt, M. W. I. & Abiven, S. Front. Earth Sci. 4, 1–14 (2016).

6. Singh, N., Abiven, S., Torn, M. S. & Schmidt, M. W. I. Biogeosciences 9, 2847–2857 (2012).

How to cite: Lebrun Thauront, J., Walter, C., Ascough, P., Barre, P., and Abiven, S.: Pyrogenic carbon redistribution in the landscape: example of a small, cultivated temperate watershed, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12575,, 2023.

EGU23-13128 | Orals | SSS9.4

Organic carbon to clay ratios can help to optimize organic amendment use at the farm level 

Stephan Haefele, Jonah Prout, Steve McGrath, and Guy Kirk

Realistic targets for soil organic carbon (SOC) concentrations are needed, accounting for differences between soils and land uses, to help farmers manage the SOC across their farms. We assess the use of SOC/clay ratio for this purpose using data from the the National Soil Inventory of England and Wales and (b) two long-term experiments under ley-arable rotations on contrasting soils in the East of England. The results showed that normalising for clay concentration provides a more meaningful separation between land uses than changes in SOC alone. The results suggest realistic long-term targets for SOC/clay in arable, ley grass, permanent grass and woodland soils. Given the wide range of soils and land uses across England and Wales in the datasets used to test these targets, they should apply across similar temperate regions globally, and at national to sub-regional scales. We use these results to outline a strategy for organic amendment management at the farm level, enabling optimal use of this scarce resource.

How to cite: Haefele, S., Prout, J., McGrath, S., and Kirk, G.: Organic carbon to clay ratios can help to optimize organic amendment use at the farm level, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13128,, 2023.

EGU23-13354 | Posters on site | SSS9.4

Preliminary findings from comparison of in-situ measurements of enhanced weathering proxies with model predictions 

Kirstine Skov, Tzara Bierowiec, Ifeoma Edeh, Mike Kelland, Amy Lewis, Melissa Murphy, Ryan Pape, Will Turner, Peter Wade, Jez Wardman, and Xinran Liu

Enhanced weathering of silicate rock is a promising natural carbon dioxide removal technology, both due to its scalability and associated agronomical benefits. During silicate rock weathering, dissolved carbon dioxide in the form of carbonic acid, reacts with rock minerals to form stable soil pore water bicarbonate or soil calcium carbonate. The carbon dioxide removal potential of enhanced weathering has been successfully demonstrated in short-term lab and mesocosm studies. Due to the transient nature of bicarbonate in the aqueous soil solution, in-field quantification of the carbon dioxide sequestered is tedious, labour-intense and poorly scalable for the verification of carbon credits. Various methods have been suggested in order to quantify the amount of carbon dioxide sequestered through rock weathering. This quantification is essential for verification bodies to award carbon credits. Although various methods have been proposed to demonstrate that in-field weathering is occurring, there is still no consensus for a scalable, profitable solution. In recent years, an increasing number of field trials have seen the light of day. However, large uncertainties about in-field weathering rates and the influence of natural environmental variability, such as drought and vaying temperatures, still exist. 

In this study we focus on two proxies affected by the weathering process, namely pH and EC. We compare field measurements of pH and EC from both in-situ sensors and extracted soil pore water with model predictions from a 1D-reactive transport model. The data originates from an ongoing field trial on an acidic, clay rich soil used for grassland pasture in central Scotland. Such in-field proxy measurements may provide information to help boost confidence in model predictions.

How to cite: Skov, K., Bierowiec, T., Edeh, I., Kelland, M., Lewis, A., Murphy, M., Pape, R., Turner, W., Wade, P., Wardman, J., and Liu, X.: Preliminary findings from comparison of in-situ measurements of enhanced weathering proxies with model predictions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13354,, 2023.

EGU23-13478 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.4

Carbonaceous fraction contents of soil cultural layers from different ages from the area of Verona (NE Italy) 

Mara Bortolini, Federica C. Agnoletto, Elena Argiriadis, Cristiano Nicosia, David B. McWethy, Yannick Devos, Angela M. Stortini, Maela Baldan, Marco Roman, Tiziano Vendrame, Raffaella Scaggiante, Brunella Bruno, Giulio Pojana, and Dario Battistel

Cultural layers are deposits resulting from settlement and human activity on natural soil in the past. Materials from past domestic activities that become buried in the soil can be used to reconstruct human impact in a specific area in the past. The use of fire from early human societies since our times produced an enrichment of fire-related products such as charcoal. The presence and fluxes of charcoal particles in soils and sediments have been associated with the human occupation of a site in specific periods. But not only does the presence of charcoal permits us to infer the presence of human populations, but, in addition, assessing the abundance and degradation level of charcoal fragments can clarify anthropic activities in cultural deposits. In European towns, cultural layers with similar characteristics, have been defined as urban “Dark Earth” (DE) but their age, formation, and composition often differ significantly across sites. This study examined three archaeological sites in Verona, Italy, where DE layers with similar characteristics had been identified. The primary aim of this research was to understand the anthropogenic influence on the development of DE layers, by characterizing their geochemistry and the carbonaceous materials. To pursue this goal, we provided a micromorphological description of the soil and the abundance of charred material. The characterization of the amorphous/crystalline degree through µ-Raman spectroscopy was also investigated. Bulk material was described in terms of amounts of total organic carbon (TOC), recalcitrant organic carbon (ROC), total inorganic carbon (TIC), and trace element concentration. Radiocarbon dating of charred and humin fractions was performed to clarify the dynamics underlying DE origin. The different aspects studied were compared to outline the behavior and the development of the soil under the conditions of human exploitation, investigating the correlations and relationships of the variables. The results showed that a diverse pattern of human activities, including metal tools and/or ceramic manufacturing, was related to the formation of DE layers in urban contexts. Moreover, the investigation of carbonaceous fractions highlighted differences in soil organic carbon and charred material fraction, even if both of which were correlated with human influence.

How to cite: Bortolini, M., Agnoletto, F. C., Argiriadis, E., Nicosia, C., McWethy, D. B., Devos, Y., Stortini, A. M., Baldan, M., Roman, M., Vendrame, T., Scaggiante, R., Bruno, B., Pojana, G., and Battistel, D.: Carbonaceous fraction contents of soil cultural layers from different ages from the area of Verona (NE Italy), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13478,, 2023.

EGU23-13503 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.4

Soil C Impacts of Organic Amendments: Practical Models for Farmer Decision Support 

Helen Hughes and Jonathan Hillier

Managing soil carbon (C) is an important part of agriculture’s role in both mitigating and adapting to climate change, whilst feeding a growing global population. Adding organic materials to the soil surface can be a valuable practice for C storage. However, regular on-farm measurement to monitor soil C is often impractical due to costs and spatial heterogeneity of soil C stocks. Soil C models can be utilised instead, but their data requirements must be reasonable to provide a useful alternative to farmers.

Ideally, decision support tools should provide the most information from the fewest data points. Sub-field scale equilibrium and saturation dynamics of the soil C pool introduce complexity. The result is that environmental, management and time factors must be represented within modelling approaches.

This analysis will compare the utility of several model approaches (including IPCC Tier 1) for predicting the impact of organic amendments in realistic farmer data scenarios. The impact of equilibrium concepts will be considered through factors such as time, baseline soil C values, as well as climate, environment and soil type. How should these factors be prioritised to focus farmer data requirements when providing decision support? What is the information cost of reducing the data burden?

How to cite: Hughes, H. and Hillier, J.: Soil C Impacts of Organic Amendments: Practical Models for Farmer Decision Support, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13503,, 2023.

EGU23-14030 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.4

Sequestering soil organic carbon by planting hedgerows in agricultural landscapes 

Sofia Biffi, Pippa Chapman, and Guy Ziv

Recent policy initiatives have placed a strong focus on the use of agricultural soils for atmospheric CO2 removal by adopting practices for sequestering and storing SOC. In the UK, changes in agricultural land use, such as the integration of woody species in the form of hedgerows--lines of regularly trimmed shrubs commonly used to delimit agricultural fields--, have been recommended for climate change mitigation. The Climate Change Committee has proposed a 40% increase in hedgerow length across the country as a key contribution to net-zero targets. In England, this would equate to 193,000 km of newly planted hedgerows. However, the contribution of hedgerow planting to reaching net-zero goals remains unclear due to a lack of data on the rate at which CO2 is taken up and stored in the soil beneath them. In our study, seventy-eight hedgerows across six different pedo-climatic conditions in England were classified into four age categories. Soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks were quantified at 10 cm intervals for the top 50 cm of soil beneath hedgerows and in adjacent grassland fields. Moreover, we examined the distribution of SOC among particle-size fractions to investigate how hedgerow planting may influence SOC dynamics by affecting the quality and long-term stability of organic matter in soils, particularly to illustrate why hedgerow-associated SOC stocks are rapidly lost after hedgerow removal. SOC stocks beneath hedgerows were higher than adjacent fields for all age categories and hedgerows stored an average additional 40% SOC stock in the top 50 cm of soil compared to adjacent fields and 30% in the top 30 cm of soil. The additional SOC stock beneath hedgerows was 40.9 Mg C ha-1 at 0-50 cm depth, or 6.1 Mg C km-1. We used a 37-year-old SOC sequestration rate to show that if England were to reach its goal of 40% increase in hedgerow length, 6.3 Tg of CO2 will be sequestered and stored in the soil over 40 years (9.9 Tg with aboveground biomass). However, it will take ~200 years to reach this target with current rates of planting in national public agri-environment schemes. These results contribute measurable outcomes towards the estimate of targets for net-zero 2050 and the extent of ecosystem services provision by hedgerow planting in agricultural landscapes. 

How to cite: Biffi, S., Chapman, P., and Ziv, G.: Sequestering soil organic carbon by planting hedgerows in agricultural landscapes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14030,, 2023.

EGU23-14174 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.4

Improved prediction of soil organic carbon sequestration potentials in Austrian arable soils as simulated by multi-model ensembles 

Luca Giuliano Bernardini, Christoph Rosinger, Katharina Keiblinger, and Gernot Bodner

Soil organic carbon (SOC) constitutes the largest terrestrial biological carbon pool globally. SOC in croplands has declined by approximately 50% since the intensification of agriculture. In light of climate change due to rising greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere, the 4p1000 initiative was launched, suggesting that anthropogenic CO2 emissions could be offset by increasing SOC stocks in arable land by 0.4% per year by implementing more sustainable agronomic measures. In order to estimate the potential effect of different measures on SOC at the national scale, modelling approaches are required. In the last decades, a wide array of SOC models have been developed and validated for different soils, climate conditions and land uses across the globe. These models all have their own advantages, disadvantages, and sources of uncertainty. Carbon inputs into soil, a major driver of SOC dynamics, are an estimated quantity in all modelling procedures and represent an additional, large source of uncertainty. To reduce uncertainties, multi-model ensembles are suggested to outperform single model runs. The objective of this study is to determine the optimal SOC model ensemble to reduce estimation errors in future studies.

Therefore, a combination of four carbon turnover models (RothC, Yasso07, ICBM, and C-TOOL) and five published carbon input estimation methods was evaluated by comparing simulations to experimental data from six long-term experiments with 56 treatments on arable land in Austria, with durations from 10 to 32 years to obtain a possible optimal combination for future SOC modelling studies in Austria. Evaluation of model prediction was performed by calculating the absolute mean error (AME), Root Square Mean Error (RMSE) and coefficient of determination on yearly SOC changes to eliminate the effect of different experimental durations on model evaluation.

We show that obtained models strongly differ in their stock estimates, and our selected ensemble strongly improved the estimations of SOC against single model runs with significantly lower absolute mean errors and root mean square error. This is in accordance with literature results and presents a way forward towards a more accurate modelling. We thus argue that multi-model ensembles to estimate SOC stocks in arable soils in Austria should be preferred over single-model approaches due to improved accuracy.

How to cite: Bernardini, L. G., Rosinger, C., Keiblinger, K., and Bodner, G.: Improved prediction of soil organic carbon sequestration potentials in Austrian arable soils as simulated by multi-model ensembles, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14174,, 2023.

EGU23-16372 | Posters on site | SSS9.4

Comparison of soil organic carbon stock change with eddy covariance carbon balance at an ICOS crop ecosystem site reveals unexplained carbon losses 

Benjamin Loubet, Pauline Buysse, Nicolas Saby, Maryam Ghebleh, Jean-Philippe Chenu, Céline Ratie, Claudy Jolivet, Denis Loustau, and Dominique Arrouays

According to the latest estimates, soils globally store 1500 to 2400 Gt of carbon (C) at a depth of 1 m in the form of organic matter. Almost the same amount of inorganic C is estimated to be stored at a depth of 2 m. Soils contain about twice as much organic carbon as the atmosphere and three times as much as vegetation. Small changes in this large soil reservoir could therefore have major effects on atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations. Soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks are strongly influenced by land use, and soils have lost an estimated 140-150 Gt C globally due to disturbance and cultivation since agriculture began 8000 years ago. Global warming is disrupting the carbon cycle and could lead to a decrease in SOC worldwide. Increased nitrogen (N) deposition and intensification of N use in agriculture since the 20th century are also affecting soil inorganic carbon (SIC) stocks through carbonate weathering on agricultural sites, a process that could counteract efforts to increase SOC by changing land management.

Long-term carbon observation sites, such as ICOS ecosystem sites, are unique networks for assessing soil carbon stock evolution by comparing changes in SOC stock over time through soil sampling with the annual ecosystem carbon budget combining CO2 fluxes through eddy covariance, carbon imports and exports through organic fertilization and harvesting, and dissolved carbon leaching. In this study, we compared the evolution of the SOC stock over 14 years with the carbon balance over the same period on the French crop site ICOS FR-Gri near Paris. The site is a wheat-barley-maize rotation with occasional oilseed rape. We find that SOC decreased by 68 ± 18 g C m-2 y-1 over the 14-year period in the 0-60 cm layer, with 70% of the loss coming from the 0-30 cm layer. Integration of carbon fluxes at field boundaries over the period 2006-2011 led to an estimated total carbon loss of 130 ± 110 g C m-2 y-1 in this field, an estimate close to pan-European studies (138 ± 239 g C m-2 y-1). Carbon leaching was estimated over the same period at 28 g C m-2 y-1 of which 21 g C m-2 y-1 was inorganic. The difference between the carbon balance and the SOC stock change amounts more than 50 of g C m-2 y-1, suggesting an additional carbon loss that may partly be carbonate weathering at a site that contains carbonates in part of the field.

How to cite: Loubet, B., Buysse, P., Saby, N., Ghebleh, M., Chenu, J.-P., Ratie, C., Jolivet, C., Loustau, D., and Arrouays, D.: Comparison of soil organic carbon stock change with eddy covariance carbon balance at an ICOS crop ecosystem site reveals unexplained carbon losses, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16372,, 2023.

EGU23-17289 | ECS | Posters virtual | SSS9.4

Transport and fate of wollastonite weathering products through soil and subsoil under realistic irrigation/rainfall conditions 

Reza Khalidy, Yi Wai Chiang, and Rafael M. Santos

Deemed an inexpensive and low-energy method for mitigating atmospheric CO2 levels, enhanced rock weathering offers a long-term stable sink of soil carbon by converting alkaline earth metals into stable carbonates. Several silicate-rich minerals (e.g., basalt, olivine, and wollastonite) have been a matter of particular interest of researchers investigating the applicability of this approach for sequestrating atmospheric CO2 in agricultural and urban soils. Several field-scale and laboratory-scale experiments have been conducted in our research group investigating the impact of the wollastonite amendment on the agricultural soil of Ontario. This includes monitoring pedogenic carbonate formation and migration in soil and subsoil systems (through collecting shallow and deep samples down to 1-meter profiles) as well as the effect on various plant growths in soils amended with crushed wollastonite.

The water (e.g., rainfall or irrigation water) infiltrating the porous medium of soil could transport and relocate solid particles over the vertical profile of the soil. Accordingly, when crushed silicate minerals (e.g., wollastonite) is applied to topsoil, the recurring introduction of water leads to the dissolution of mineral as well as downward migration of weathering products which could be settled in subsoil layers. Furthermore, the dissolution of wollastonite alters the chemical properties (e.g., pH, EC, etc.) of migrating water, which finally find its way to the water table below the soil medium. In the present study, we have looked into evidence of the vertical distribution of weathering products in soils amended with crushed wollastonite, whose relatively rapid weathering rate helps in the shorter-term to inform what occurs in the longer-term with slower weathering minerals. The experimental setup includes soil columns with and without wollastonite enrichment, located under two situations of lab environment (with regular hand-operated irrigation) and outdoor (with natural rainfall-fed). We also investigated the leachate collected from the bottom of columns in term of physiochemical properties.

The current study is part of the analytical and modelling framework we are developing in order to account for newly formed pedogenic carbonate as a qualified implementation for carbon capture credits. Such verified methods would encourage private and governmental entities to contribute to meeting emissions reduction goals and encourage the adoption of enhanced rock weathering as a reliable negative emissions technology.

How to cite: Khalidy, R., Chiang, Y. W., and Santos, R. M.: Transport and fate of wollastonite weathering products through soil and subsoil under realistic irrigation/rainfall conditions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17289,, 2023.

EGU23-140 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.5

The changes of Tea Bag Index parameters depending on the radionuclide contamination level of soils in northern Ukraine 

Volodymyr Illienko, Ivan Volkohon, Alla Klepko, and Mykola Lazarev

Huge soil areas in the northern Ukraine were contaminated with artificial radioactive isotopes after the accident at the Chornobyl nuclear power plant in 1986. Meanwhile, the levels of radionuclide pollution in these areas vary widely, which creates unique opportunities to conduct studies on the impact of the ionizing radiation (IR) on the soil health including functioning of soil microorganisms in field conditions.

We aimed to study the cellulose-destroying activity of the soil microflora at elevated radionuclides contamination. Two experimental sites were chosen – 1) near the exclusion zone (site 1), but outside its borders, and 2) in the exclusion zone (site 2). Both sites were characterized by a significant gradient of radionuclide contamination and the absorbed dose rate (ADR) of IR was formed due to activity of two isotopes 137Cs and 90Sr. We selected three points with ADR of 0.2, 1.0  and 1.6 μGy/hour in the upper soil layer at the site 1 and three points with ADR 3.7, 22.2 and 61.6 μGy/hour in the upper soil at the site 2. The physico-chemical soil properties and climate condition did not differ between all points of one site.

The rate of OM decomposition by soil microorganisms at all experimental points was determined by using the standardized Tea Bag Index (TBI) method (Keuskamp et al., 2013). We used two types of tea bags TM Lipton©: green tea and rooibos as a standardized plant material to determine decomposition rate (k) and stabilization factor (S), percentage of decomposed fast disintegrated litter compounds - green tea (g) and more recalcitrant litter compounds – rooibos (r), respectively.

Two burials of plant material (=tea bags), each time for 90 days, were made: 1) from April to June 2021; and 2) from July to September 2021.

At the site 1, S and g values did not differ among points with different ADR levels. At the same time, k and r values statistically reliably increased with an increase of IR ADR.

At the site 2, S and g values significantly changed as the IR ADR increased. S values decreased, and g values, on the contrary, increased. k and r values increased statistically significantly with IR ADR increase as at site 1.

These results indicate the stimulating effect of relatively small IR doses (site 1) on the functioning of cellulose-destroying microorganisms, which capable to use more recalcitrant litter compounds (i.e., rooibos). At the same time, high IR doses (site 2) accelerate decomposition processes of both litter compounds. We conclude, that small doses of ionizing radiation will not affect soil quality in terms of the functioning of cellulose-destroying microorganisms. In general, our results could help to better understand how IR affects the processes of soil organic matter (OM) transformation.


We acknowledge the National Research Foundation of Ukraine for the financial support of this research (Project number 2020.01/0489).

How to cite: Illienko, V., Volkohon, I., Klepko, A., and Lazarev, M.: The changes of Tea Bag Index parameters depending on the radionuclide contamination level of soils in northern Ukraine, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-140,, 2023.

EGU23-285 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.5

Controlled bush harvesting as a means for restoring soil of encroached savannahs in Southern Africa 

José María García de Castro Barragán, David Shipingana, José M. de la Rosa, Bruce Brewer, Laurie L. Marker, Huw Parry, and Heike Knicker

Rangelands in Namibia have experienced a shift from herbaceous to woody plant dominance which has reduced indigenous plant and animal biodiversity. It is also altering ecosystem function, and threatening subsistence pastoralism. A common approach to reduce these negative impacts is bush thinning. It is expected that removal of brushes will favorite the development of grasslands with a positive impact on their soil organic matter (SOM) stocks. On the other hand, harvesting bush from those systems removes not only biomass but also nutrients that are stored in it. Such losses can decrease soil fertility which is likely to affect the soil carbon stocks on a long term. In search of a better understanding of the consequences of such a restoration approach, the objective of the present work is to study the impact of bush removal on the quantity, quality and biochemical recalcitrance of SOM as well as nutrient contents in soils of an encroached savannah which was subjected to bush harvesting. Therefore, we sampled a chronosequence of soils with up to fifteen years after bush thinning. Their SOM was characterized by solid-state NMR spectroscopy and composition was related to its biochemical recalcitrance determined by measuring the CO2 evolution during microbial degradation in a microcosms experiment of 3 months. First results indicate that up to two years after bush harvesting SOM contents of the soil were decreased, although a recovery was observed with increasing time after harvesting. Ongoing analysis of the stable isotopic ratios are performed to identify if this dynamic is caused by lower litter input due to the change of vegetation from bush to grass or by a faster turnover of the SOM, induced by alteration of the environmental conditions due to bush removal (light, soil moisture, temperature etc.).


Acknowledgement: The authors would like to express their gratitude to the European Commission for the financial support of this research within the European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 (Grant No. 101036401).

How to cite: García de Castro Barragán, J. M., Shipingana, D., de la Rosa, J. M., Brewer, B., Marker, L. L., Parry, H., and Knicker, H.: Controlled bush harvesting as a means for restoring soil of encroached savannahs in Southern Africa, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-285,, 2023.

EGU23-342 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.5

Vadose Zone evolution under shifting cultivation practices in Northeast India.  

Shubhanshu Sharma and Brijesh Kumar Yadav

Shifting cultivation is one of the old methods of farming practiced in various countries, including India, where land is cleared by slash and burn. In India, shifting cultivation, locally known as Jhum, is extensively practiced in its North-eastern states. Since using fire removes the forest land, it is said to have various implications on the vadose zone properties, along with an increase in sediment yield from runoff. The available literature on the effect of Jhum cultivation includes general studies on areas with different intensities of Jhum. Still, the Jhum sites have significant topography and geography variations, making it difficult to evaluate the effects of Jhum cultivation accurately. Therefore, to understand the impacts of Jhum in Northeastern regions in India, three Jhum sites are selected in a micro-catchment under similar topographical conditions in the Aizawl district of Mizoram state in India. Three sites represented various stages of Jhum cultivation, namely Non-Jhum land (NJL) or fallow land, Cultivated Jhum Land (CJL), and Newly Burnt Jhum land (NBJL). The Impacts of Jhum on various physicochemical properties of the vadose zone soils are reviewed thoroughly under multiple stages of Jhum. Hydraulic conductivity measured using Inversed Augur Hole Method gave maximum hydraulic conductivity at NBJL, followed by NJL and CJL. Water and sediment samples were collected from the downhill streams at selected gauging sites near the three Jhum sites. Soil samples were also collected from the selected sites at different depths viz top surface, 5 cm, and 55 cm, such that the impact of Jhum is quantified at various stages after clearing the forest land, along with variation in soil properties with depth. Laboratory analysis of the soil samples showed that Soil Organic Matter (SOM) and Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) values decreased as we moved from the surface to 55 cm below the ground at all three sites. Soil structure in all three areas was similar, with maximum percentages of medium to fine sand suggesting only minor changes due to burning. Further, pre-monsoon and post-monsoon comparison of all the soil/sediment and water quality characteristics is done. Estimation of Macro-nutrients with few micro-nutrients is also done for soil and sediment samples to study the changes in nutritional characteristics of soil at various stages of Jhum. The result of this study would help in managing the soil-water resources of the region and understanding the sustainability of this form of agriculture.

How to cite: Sharma, S. and Yadav, B. K.: Vadose Zone evolution under shifting cultivation practices in Northeast India. , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-342,, 2023.

EGU23-503 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.5 | Highlight

The abundance and activity of microorganisms in the soil under at increasing radioactive contamination 

Ivan Volkohon and Volodymyr Illienko

The research was conducted at two landfills with different levels of contamination by radioactive substances. Landfill 1 is located on the border with the Exclusion Zone of the Chornobyl nuclear power plant. Within landfill 1, three soil sampling points were selected, differing in the degree of radioactive soil contamination. Landfill 2 (four sampling points) is located in the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone directly near the area of the so-called "Red Forest". At this landfill, the sites identified for soil sampling are characterized by a significantly higher level of radionuclide contamination compared to those at landfill 1.

It was found that low levels of radioactive contamination contributed to the activation of the development of microorganisms. Within landfill 1, the accumulation of microbial mass was the smallest with low contamination and the biggest with higher contamination. At the same time, the soil of landfill 2 showed significantly lower (within one order) indicators, especially at the point with the highest contamination.

Determination of the dynamics of the number of fungi in the studied soils shows similar changes in indicators depending on the level of radioactive contamination. Thus, the number of fungi in the soil of landfill 1, as a rule, increases with increasing levels of pollution. However, in the soil of landfill 2, the lowest number of micromycetes among the studied variants was noted during the entire period of research. At the same time, the number of fungi is 10-100 times lower than the corresponding indicator for the soils of landfill 1, depending on the sampling points.

The feature noted for fungi is also characteristic of cellulolytic bacteria, however, due to their very low quantity, they may have an insignificant role in the processes of destruction of plant residues under the studied conditions.

When determining the number of ammonifying microorganisms, it was found that this group of representatives of the soil microbiota becomes more active with

the increasing levels of radionuclide contamination at landfill 1. At the same time, the development of ammonifying microorganisms is suppressed in the soils of landfill 2, especially at the point with the highest level of pollution. Therefore, the peptolytic pathway of the destruction of organic residues (ammonification) is generally consistent with the course of development of pathogens of the saccharolytic pathway (primarily fungi).

The conducted studies indicate the dependence of the development and functioning of microorganisms – destructors of plant mortmass on the level of ionizing radiation. Relatively low absorbed dose rates in the soil of landfill 1 (up to 1.6 μGy/hour) stimulated the development of microorganisms and contributed to the accumulation of their biomass. High absorbed dose rates in the soil of landfill 2 (from 3.7 to 84.0 μGy/hour) negatively affect the studied indicators.

How to cite: Volkohon, I. and Illienko, V.: The abundance and activity of microorganisms in the soil under at increasing radioactive contamination, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-503,, 2023.

EGU23-536 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.5

Recycled organic materials as fertilisers to meet agriculture demand on phosphorus in Mediterranean soils 

Sana Boubehziz, Vidal Barrón, María del Carmen del Campillo, and Antonio Rafael Sánchez-Rodríguez

Phosphorus (P) is essential for plant development and to feed the world population. Most of the P that is used as a fertiliser in agriculture has a mineral origin, whose reserves are scarce as it is a non-renewable resource. Also, international conflicts add pressure to agriculture due to several reasons, for example, increasing the price of the fertilisers (including P fertilisers). At least since 2015 the European Union promotes strategies based on circular economy, and, more recently with the Mission ‘A Soil deal for Europe’, pursues to enhance soil health as this is the base of our food systems, habitats, economy, and prosperity. In Mediterranean areas of Europe, calcareous soils with a low content in organic matter and limitations in the phytoavailability of nutrients such as P and micronutrients (Fe and Zn), are predominant. For these reasons, biobased P fertilisers from wastes/residues could be an alternative to mineral P fertilisers in these soils at the same time as they could enhance soil health as they are rich in organic matter and nutrients. The objective of this study was to assess the potential of different residues (digestate from a biogas plant, compost of olive mill pomace, compost of solid urban waste, vermicompost and vegetal residues) to act as P fertilisers in calcareous soils. Diammonium phosphate (DAP) and the non-application of P were also included in the study to compare with biobased fertilziers. A field experiment was developed (randomized block-4 design) in a calcareous Vertisol in the South of Spain (Córdoba) for two years (in the traditional wheat and sunflower rotation). The different biobased P fertilisers and DAP were applied at the same rate (30 kg P ha-1) and incorporated into the arable layer of the soil (20 cm depth) before sowing durum wheat. Different analyses were done to evaluate the immediate (durum wheat) and residual (sunflower) effects of the different fertilisers: soil P and micronutrients’ availability, biomass and yield, plant nutrient uptake, soil enzyme activities, and bacterial and fungal composition in soil. The obtained results showed a good performance of the biobased fertilizers in comparison with the mineral fertiliser (DAP), i.e., wheat biomass was not negatively affected due to the application of the biobased fertilisers. In addition, the organic fertilizers had an obvious effect on the activity of soil enzymes, especially in acid phosphatase, finding the highest values in the non-P fertilised soils. The biobased P fertilizers evaluated in this study can be an efficient alternative to mineral P fertilizers in Mediterranean areas to maintain soil P availability, enhance soil functionality, provide organic matter, P and other nutrients to the plant.

How to cite: Boubehziz, S., Barrón, V., del Campillo, M. C., and Sánchez-Rodríguez, A. R.: Recycled organic materials as fertilisers to meet agriculture demand on phosphorus in Mediterranean soils, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-536,, 2023.

EGU23-555 | Orals | SSS9.5 | Highlight

Impact of soil management on the quantity and quality of soil organic matter (SOM) and its microbiome. 

Laura Gismero-Rodríguez, Ángel Valverde, José A. Gómez, Katharina H. E. Meurer, and Heike Knicker

In the current context of global change and soil desertification, soil organic matter (SOM) plays an important role as carbon (C) sink, but also for maintaining soil fertility and soil functions. Quantity and quality of SOM depend largely upon soil management strategies that also affect microbial activity and diversity. In the present work we aim to obtain a better understanding of the interrelationship between SOM pools, microbial activity and diversity, and management of agricultural soils. To achieve this, we selected soils along a European gradient managed with and without catch crops, as well as soils with and without cover crops from an olive plantation close to Seville (Spain). The samples of the latter were taken from the top soil of the inter tree lanes managed with and without conventional tillage. For comparison, soils of the tree line treated with herbicides were also included in the study. The SOM composition of these soils will be characterized by solid-state NMR spectroscopy and related to its biochemical recalcitrance determined from the CO2 production during a controlled microcosm experiment of at least 2 month (Respicond Apparatus IV). Soil microbial biomass C and N will be analysed by the chloroform fumigation-extraction method; whereas microbial composition and biomass and microbial activity will be performed using phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA) analysis and extracellular enzymatic essays, respectively. We hypothesisized that higher plant diversity increases SOM quantity and quality, which has a positive impact on soil microbial diversity and activity.

Acknowledgement: This work is financed by the project EJP Soil/Energylink, which received funding through the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 862695 and Tudi, GA 101000224, also of the H2020 program.

How to cite: Gismero-Rodríguez, L., Valverde, Á., Gómez, J. A., Meurer, K. H. E., and Knicker, H.: Impact of soil management on the quantity and quality of soil organic matter (SOM) and its microbiome., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-555,, 2023.

Biochar has largely been proven to be an effective soil carbon storage option. However, the research on effect of climate warming on interaction of biochar with soil organic matter (SOM) cycling is inadequate. We designed this study where a biochar-amended silt-loam Aridisol was incubated at 20 °C (normal temperature) or 30 °C (elevated temperature) for 73 days and various SOM cycling processes were measured. Biochar was derived by pyrolysing sugarcane bagasse at 450 °C for two hours. It was added to soil at 1% (low dose) or 5% (high dose) on weight basis. Biochar increased soil respiration by 12.4% and 21.2% at low and high dose respectivley. Elevated temperature induced 4.7% increase in respiration in the un-amended soil. While 1%BC and elevated temperature did not show any effect, 5% BC at elevated temperature further increased soil respiration by 19%. Biochar at 1% and 5% addition significantly increased microbial biomass by 109.3% and 91.3% respectively. However, elevated temperature significantly mitigated this BC-induced increase in microbial biomass. Similar to soil respiration, BC addition significantly increased activity of C-cycling β-glucosidase. However, unlike respiration, elevated temperature significantly reduced β-glucosidase at both rates of BC addition. This result combined with those of microbial biomass and soil respiration indicate that the elevated temperature shifted microbial biomass more towards maintenance mode thereby leading to mitigated microbial growth and increased soil respiration at 5% BC addition. Chitinase activity was reduced by >50% in response to BC addition, while elevated temperature reduced it by 80% in un-amended soil. Elevated temperature further reduced chitinase activity when BC addition was 1%, whereas, elevated temperature did not change it when BC addition was 5%. Activity of another N-cycling enzyme, leucine aminopeptidase did not change in response to BC or elevated temperature or their combination. On the other hand, nitrate content increased with biochar addition. Moreover, increase in temperature alongside BC addition increased ammonium content while decreasing the nitrate content. These results show that increase in temperature in BC amended soils complicates the dynamics of N availability and N-cycling enzyme in soil. Principal component analysis showed that the microbial biomass is positively linked with biochar addition, only at room temperature whereas microbial biomass is negatively affected by elevated temperature even when BC is added. Moreover, chitinase activity was inversely related to nitrate content in soils, with no clear relationship with ammonium. Overall, the treatments arranged on two opposite axes with respect to temperature while rate of biochar addition had little influence signifying that the effects of biochar are overwhelmingly modulated by elevated temperature.

How to cite: Shahzad, T., Mir, R., and Ahmad, A.: Interactive effect of biochar rates and elevated temperature on organic matter cycling, nutrient availability and extracellular enzyme activity in a silt loam Aridisol, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-752,, 2023.

Chemical accidents have frequently occurred in South Korea as a result of the huge amount of chemicals being used in various industries. Even though fire accidents accounted for 71.9% of chemical accidents during 2008–2018 in South Korea, most ecological research and investigation
has focused on leakage accidents since most fire or explosion gases are diffused out and disappear into the atmosphere. In this study, the possibility of soil contamination by toluene combustion is proposed. A fire simulation batch test was performed and identified the combustion by-products
such as methylbenzene, ethylbenzene, ethynylbenzene, benzaldehyde, 1-phenyl-1-propyne, naphthalene, 2-methylindene using gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC–MS). Naphthyl-2-methyl-succinic acid, a metabolic intermediate of naphthalene metabolism derived from
the combustion product of toluene, was also discovered in field soil and the secondary metabolites such as streptomycin 6-phosphate, 3-Nitroacrylate, oxaloacetate using LC–MS. Moreover, Streptomyces scabiei, participating in naphthalene metabolism, was also discovered in filed soil (contaminated
soil) using 16s rRNA sequencing. As a result, bacterial stress responses in field soil (contaminated soil) affected by gas cloud were identified by discovering metabolites relating to bacterial self-defense action such as fatty biosynthesis. This study draws a conclusion that soil can be polluted enough to affect bacteria by gas cloud and soil bacteria and can encounter stress for a long term even though toluene and its combustion products had already decomposed in soil. 

How to cite: Choi, J.: Assessment of Soil Contamination by Gas Cloud Generated from Chemical Fire Using Metabolic Profiling and Associated Bacterial Communities, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1056,, 2023.

EGU23-2032 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.5

Long-term effects of tillage systems on soil health of silt loam soil in Lower Austria 

Marton Toth, Christine Stumpp, Andreas Klik, Gunther Carl Liebhard, Bano Mehdi-Schulz, Peter Strauß, and Stefan Strohmeier

Tillage is an important management practice that can be necessary to loosen the soil and allow for seeding and aims at enhancing productivity. However, the long-term effects of a particular tillage action on soil health depend on the local soil characteristics and differ amongst soils. The main aim of our study was to evaluate the possible effects of various physical, chemical, and biological soil quality indicators in dependence of three different tillage practices: Conventional Tillage (CT), Mulch Tillage (MT), and No-Till (NT). A long-term tillage experiment that started in 1994 in Mistelbach, Lower Austria, was comprehensively sampled in 2002 and 2021. The research attempts to fill the knowledge gap in the long-term soil health changes due to shifting conventional tillage. To evaluate the soil health changes over time, we assessed the impact of the three tillage practices on selected soil quality indicators in the 0-20 cm layer and below 20 cm, which we determined as being below the plowing depth. The "Soil Management Assessment Framework" (SMAF) procedure was applied to assess and compare the overall soil quality. Twenty-one indicators were selected to compare and evaluate the long-term effects of the three tillage systems (a.); fifteen indicators were used to investigate the temporal changes since the last monitoring (b.); thirteen indicators were selected to assess overall soil quality (c.). The study shows that the tillage practices and temporal conditions significantly affected soil organic carbon (SOC) content. The SOC amount in the 0-20 cm layer was twice as high under no-till (31.2 t/ha) compared to conventional tillage (15.3 t/ha). The SMAF reveals that NT increased SOC content and enhanced soil's physical indicators, such as available soil water, porosity, and coarse pores in the 0-20 cm layer. We found soil quality improvements with MT and NT in the 0-20 cm layer; however, the SMAF also indicates that the soil quality was better below 20 cm in 2021 compared to 2002, independent of the tillage practice. According to our results, conservation tillage practices (such as MT and NT) enhanced overall soil quality, particularly the physical (available soil water, coarse pores) and soil biological indicators, mainly SOC.

How to cite: Toth, M., Stumpp, C., Klik, A., Liebhard, G. C., Mehdi-Schulz, B., Strauß, P., and Strohmeier, S.: Long-term effects of tillage systems on soil health of silt loam soil in Lower Austria, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2032,, 2023.

EGU23-3856 | Orals | SSS9.5 | Highlight

Crop residue biochar’s role in healthy soil and food production: the potential tool to assist organic farming 

Genxing Pan, Cheng Liu, Lianqing Li, Xiaoyu Liu, Rongjun Bian, and Li Yang

Biochar’s multifaceted benefits for soil quality have been well acknowledged whilst its particular effects on plant health have not yet been thoroughly understood. Plant health is conceived as the plant capacity of resource efficient production, of tolerance to abrupt stresses by extreme weather events, of bio-control or bio-defense of soil-borne pathogens and of safe synthesis of functional compounds for food quality and human nutrition. Biochar soil amendment provided quick restoration of soil organic matter, soil structure build-up and stabilization of toxic metals and organic pollutants in soil, benefiting safe growth of crops.  Utilization of biochar for blending mineral nutrients creates slow releasing fertilizers so as to increase nutrient use efficiency and reduce the fertilizer dosage while supplement OC and minor elements to soil. Moreover, use of biochar for co-composting animal wastes to produce novel biochar-based composts is shown an useful application of biochar in organic agriculture. In addition, biochar use in anerobic digestion and as sorbent in waste water and waste slurry is being explored in rural sector. As a particular case for rice crop production, biochar from rice residue to healthy paddy and rice can be managed into a closed loop: rice straw feeding cows and the manure into biochar-compost for soil amendment (reducing methane emission from residue incorporation), rice husk gasification for bioenergy for energy displacement and biochar for blending chemical fertilizers (reducing nutrient release to waters and nitrous oxide emission) for rice production, all these promoting healthy rice production.  improvement). It could be a biochar-centralized bioeconomy in agriculture could become a global solution for reverse soil degradation, environment pollution and soil C loss while significantly mitigating the climate change. The scope and standardization of biochar for crop production should be a research priority for biochar science and technology in agriculture.

How to cite: Pan, G., Liu, C., Li, L., Liu, X., Bian, R., and Yang, L.: Crop residue biochar’s role in healthy soil and food production: the potential tool to assist organic farming, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3856,, 2023.

EGU23-4442 | Orals | SSS9.5 | Highlight

Soil vulnerability to logging-associated compaction in forest ecosystems across global climatic zones 

Meisam Nazari, Samuel Bickel, Emmanuel Arthur, Thomas Keller, and Mathieu Lamandé

Soil compaction caused by mechanized wood harvesting can have long-lasting negative impacts on forest soils and impair forest ecosystem functioning and productivity for decades. However, soil compaction in forest ecosystems cannot be resolved by tillage. Thus, it is of paramount importance to prevent or minimize soil compaction in forest ecosystems. A primary step to achieve this goal is to determine the vulnerability of forest soils to compaction in different climatic zones. In this study, we performed a meta-analysis with 996 observations or 498 pairs of observations (effect sizes; compacted versus not compacted) of soil bulk density (BD) extracted from 57 peer-reviewed publications to assess the effects of climate and initial soil conditions on soil vulnerability to compaction. Forest soils of tropical and temperate zones were most vulnerable to compaction (14.9% and 12.7% increase in BD, respectively), while forest soils of cold and arid zones were less vulnerable (5.2% and 6.4% increase in BD, respectively). Climatic zones with high (> 1000 mm) and moderate (400 ─ 1000 mm) effective precipitation had the most vulnerable soil conditions to compaction (approximately 12% increase in BD) and the soils of climatic zones with low (< 400 mm) effective precipitation were less vulnerable (3.5% increase in BD). Our analyses indicated that the soils of climatic zones with high effective precipitation (tropical and temperate) are characterized by high soil organic carbon and are often wet, leading to low soil bulk densities and high vulnerability to compaction. Finally, we developed maps to illustrate the global pattern of soil vulnerability to compaction in forest ecosystems.

How to cite: Nazari, M., Bickel, S., Arthur, E., Keller, T., and Lamandé, M.: Soil vulnerability to logging-associated compaction in forest ecosystems across global climatic zones, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4442,, 2023.

EGU23-5064 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.5

Effect of inter row management systems on organic carbon and soil physical soil health parameters in vineyards. 

Gunther Liebhard, Stefan Strohmeier, Marton Toth, and Peter Strauss

Inter rows in vineyards provide several functions, which may compete with each other. Thus, different strategies for maintaining inter rows are commonly applied, particularly in vineyards. On the one hand, greening in vineyard inter rows, with no or occasional tillage operations, improves soil structure and health through a range of effects from erosion protection to carbon sequestration. On the other hand, tillage of inter rows is applied to fulfil diverse functions ranging from weed and pest control to the prevention of water competition and water loss during episodes of droughts. However, this may affect soil health and structure parameters regulating essential soil functions.

This study investigated the effects of tillage intensity and green cover on soil organic carbon content and particular soil physical health parameters. 16 vineyards at eight sites in eastern Austria were sampled for bulk density, pore size distribution, percolation stability and soil hydraulic parameters in topsoil samples from 3 to 8 cm. For each site, the parameters were compared for a vineyard with high and a vineyard with low intensive managed inter rows.

Comparing high and low intensive managed inter rows showed that soil health parameters were generally better in vineyards with low intense management and green covers. In particular, soil organic carbon and percolation stability were significantly higher under low intensive soil management with a green cover. Soil bulk density and macropore flow were significantly higher under intensive tillage. However, no significant effects were measured for saturated hydraulic conductivity and pore size distribution.

How to cite: Liebhard, G., Strohmeier, S., Toth, M., and Strauss, P.: Effect of inter row management systems on organic carbon and soil physical soil health parameters in vineyards., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5064,, 2023.

EGU23-5072 * | Orals | SSS9.5 | Highlight

How to mitigate global change impacts on soil health? 

Cornelia Rumpel

There is little doubt that anthropogenic activities have led to profound changes in environmental conditions, which impact biogeochemical cycling and soil functioning. Increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations, global temperature increases, changes in precipitation regimes and more frequent occurrence of extreme events in addition to intensive agricultural practices have adverse effects on soil physical and (micro-)biological properties determining their biogeochemical functioning. In this presentation, I will present the global impacts a and their influence on soil functioning, biogeochemical cycling and ecosystem services in different environments. Feedbacks between the effects of climate change and soil will be presented and soil-based strategies for their mitigation and  adaptation to their consequences will be discussed.

How to cite: Rumpel, C.: How to mitigate global change impacts on soil health?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5072,, 2023.

EGU23-5294 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.5

First glance of French soil contamination by pesticide residues and the interest for broad-scale monitoring 

Claire Froger, Claudy Jolivet, Hélène Budzinski, Manon Pierdet, Giovanni Caria, Nicolas P.A. Saby, Dominique Arrouays, and Antonio Bispo

The intensive use of pesticides in modern agriculture raised concerns about their environmental fate and impacts on the ecosystems. If the monitoring of those substances in water bodies has been established in Europe since the 2000’s, knowledge of soil contamination by such residues is scarce. However, the few studies addressing this issue pointed out the widespread occurrence of pesticides in soils and the risk they can pose for soil biodiversity. This study investigated 111 currently used pesticides in 47 soils sampled across France, mostly from arable lands but also from forest and grasslands theoretically exempted of pesticides applications. The sampling strategy was based on the French Soil Quality Monitoring Network (Jolivet et al., 2022) to evaluate the feasibility of using an existing network for pesticides monitoring in soils. The results demonstrated the widespread contamination of almost all soils samples by residues, including untreated areas such as forests and permanent grasslands. Up to 33 different substances in one soil sample were detected, at concentrations leading to a medium to high ecotoxicological risk for earthworms in arable lands. Several frequently detected residues have never been reported in the literature so far or were found at much lower detection rates. Finally, the comparison with pesticide application records provided by the farmers revealed the unexpected presence of some substance in sites where they were not applied and a longer than expected persistence of several compounds. These findings question the fate of currently used pesticides in the environment under current agricultural practices and advocate for the monitoring of pesticides in soils at broad scales. Filling the knowledge gap of pesticide presence in soil is necessary to understand the contamination of other environmental compartments and prevent their contamination.

Jolivet, C., Falcon, J.A., Berché, P., Boulonne, L., Fontaine, M., Gouny, L., Lehmann, S., Maitre, B., Schellenberger, E., Soler-Dominguez, N., 2022. French Soil Quality Monitoring Network Manual RMQS2 : second metropolitan campaign 2016 – 2027.

How to cite: Froger, C., Jolivet, C., Budzinski, H., Pierdet, M., Caria, G., Saby, N. P. A., Arrouays, D., and Bispo, A.: First glance of French soil contamination by pesticide residues and the interest for broad-scale monitoring, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5294,, 2023.

EGU23-5343 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.5

Biotic and abiotic responses of the boreal forests carbon cycles to climate change and management 

Mousong Wu, Xinyao Zhang, Chunyu Wang, Per-Erik Jansson, Hongxing He, Ivan Mammarella, Pasi Kolari, Wenxin Zhang, and Sien Li

Boreal forests are a large carbon sink and are as important as the tropical forests due to huge carbon stock in both plants and soils. However, the boreal forests carbon sink is affected by climate change on one hand and by management on the hand in last several decades and the need for better understanding of how boreal forests respond to climate and management in a long term is still urgent. In this study we used the process-based CoupModel combining the long-term in-situ measurements to successfully constrain the energy, water and carbon fluxes modeling in a boreal coniferous forest. We noticed that during the extreme drought years, there were large impacts from temperature on boreal forests growth, but not from water and radiation. The harvest of plants has made the boreal forests exposed to lower thresholds of environmental factors, but the impacts of harvest on net carbon fluxes was found just for short period due to the higher ecosystem respiration after harvest. The calibrated model generally depicted good performance for water, energy and carbon fluxes at hourly, monthly, yearly and multi-year scales, but the systematic biases indicated that considering the elevated atmospheric CO2 and nutrients dynamics, the climate variations as well as the more detailed management impacts on boreal ecosystems is of importance. Our study provided new insights into the boreal forests responses to climate change and management over a long period and contributed to better understanding of boreal forests for both the modeling and observation communities.

How to cite: Wu, M., Zhang, X., Wang, C., Jansson, P.-E., He, H., Mammarella, I., Kolari, P., Zhang, W., and Li, S.: Biotic and abiotic responses of the boreal forests carbon cycles to climate change and management, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5343,, 2023.

EGU23-6211 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.5

Impact of forest site preparation on soil functions in a temperate alluvial forest 

Max Behringer and Klaus Katzensteiner

Alluvial forests in the temperate zone of Europe are frequently changing drastically in their hydrological regime, vegetation composition and structure, and disturbance dynamics. Causes are river regulations, historic land use, recent forest management, and introduced species such as Solidago canadensis agg. or the pathogenic fungus Hymenoscyphus fraxineus causing ash dieback. Climate change increases the scale of these changes. As a result, like in the present case study, pre-mature stands dominated by Pica abies or Fraxinus excelsior have to be clearcut. In order to achieve a tree species composition which is adapted to the altered site conditions and still economically desirable, tree planting in a larger scale is inevitable. To control competing vegetation (e.g., Solidago, Clematis, Rubus…), site preparation (mulching and tilling of planting strips) was deemed to be necessary but is discussed controversially. Effects of site preparation on indicators for soil functions were compared for the two dominating soil types, Fluvisols and Rendzic Leptosols, using a chronosequence approach. The following key results were obtained: (1) Soil type has a significant effect upon most indicators. (2) Areas treated ≥5 years ago have a significantly higher bulk density (and thus, despite partly decreased C-concentration, higher C-stocks) in the 20 cm topsoil indicating compaction. (3) Tilling strips significantly impact anecic earthworm abundance (+) compared to areas only mulched. (4) Effects of site preparation on organic C concentration (-), C/N-ratio (-), ratio of microbial to organic carbon (+), abundance of anecic earthworms (+) and hydraulic conductivity estimated from pedotransfer functions (-) were mainly significant for Rendzic Leptosols. This may reflect the mobilization of accumulated forest floor, which was present in mature spruce stands on Rendzic Leptosols but not on Fluvisols. (5) The ground vegetation shows an expected response to clearing (increased cover of light demanding species including Solidago canadensis agg.). Effects of site preparation could not be separated from clearing effects. (6) Nitrate concentrations in seepage are below drinking water standards and show no clear treatment effect, though highest values were found in declining spruce stands on Leptosols.

How to cite: Behringer, M. and Katzensteiner, K.: Impact of forest site preparation on soil functions in a temperate alluvial forest, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6211,, 2023.

EGU23-6248 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.5

Effect of hydromulches on soil temperature in open field conditions in organic farming. 

Sara González-Mora, Jaime Villena, Carmen Moreno, Pablo A. Morales-Rodríguez, Juan A. Campos, Antonio Ruiz-Orejón, Jesús D. Peco, and Marta M. Moreno

During the last decades, investigation is being focused for environmental reasons on the search of alternatives to herbicides and plastics of petrochemical origin to control weeds, both in herbaceous and woody crops and especially in organic farming. With this purpose, more environmentally-friendly materials are being used worldwide, including biopolymers and papers, mainly in annual herbaceous crops due to their shorter useful live. For this reason, various research groups are investigating on the manufacturing of hydromulches of different composition and characteristics as harmless mulch materials which exert properly their functions. In this framework, in the current study we evaluated the effect of three hydromulches on soil temperature in an intensive almond crop planted in the open field. The hydromulches were based on by-products derived from the agricultural sector (barley straw, rice husk, rests from mushroom production), mixed with gypsum as a binder and recycled paper paste and applied liquidly on the ground with subsequent solidification. Additionally, two unmulched treatments were considered as control (manual weeding and a no-weeding treatments). Soil temperature was measured at 5 cm depth, and the variables considered, expressed as ºC, were maximum (Tmax), minimum (Tmin) and mean temperature (Tmean), cumulative soil heat (Cheat) and soil temperature amplitude (TA). Cheat was calculated as the sum of the daily Tmean and TA as the average of (daily max – daily min soil temperature).

As general results, Tmean was higher in the unmulched controls than in the hydromulches mainly for increasing Tmax, resulting Tmin practically no affected by the cover. Consequently, TA and Cheat were higher in the controls, which shows the damping effect of the hydromulches mainly for reducing the highest temperatures, which could be positive for the crops in the current global warming context.

Keywords: hydromulches, soil temperature, global warming, organic farming.

Acknowledgements: Project RTA2015-00047-C05-03 - INIA (Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness).

How to cite: González-Mora, S., Villena, J., Moreno, C., Morales-Rodríguez, P. A., Campos, J. A., Ruiz-Orejón, A., Peco, J. D., and Moreno, M. M.: Effect of hydromulches on soil temperature in open field conditions in organic farming., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6248,, 2023.

EGU23-6271 | Orals | SSS9.5

Development of a composite index for assessment of soil compaction impacts on ecosystem services in agricultural systems 

Mathieu Lamandé, Meisam Nazari, Maliheh Fouladidorhani, Muhammad Mohsin Nawaz, and Emmanuel Arthur

Soil compaction of agricultural systems due to the passage of heavy machinery persistently impairs the soil physical, hydrological, and biogeochemical functioning. Despite the existence of numerous studies on the influence of compaction on soil and plant characteristics, we lack studies translating such impacts into soil-related ecosystem services. Therefore, we aimed to develop five indices of compaction impacts on ecosystem services related to soil, including fresh water supply, food, feed, and fiber production, microbial habitat provision, climate regulation, and water purification. First, we selected the most appropriate soil quality indicators for each ecosystem service based on literature data and expert knowledge. Second, we scored each indicator using the fuzzy logic method and standardized scoring functions. Third, we summed the indicators and divided them by the number of the indicators to achieve a total index for each ecosystem service. Finally, we combined the five individual indices to attain a composite index for the soil-related ecosystem services. We validated the developed ecosystem services indices using experimental data of soil compaction impacts. The results showed that the five indices and the composite index were able to detect the impacts of soil compaction on the investigated ecosystem services. We advocate the use of such indices or composite index to assess how soil compaction interferes with the delivery of soil-related ecosystem services in agricultural systems.

How to cite: Lamandé, M., Nazari, M., Fouladidorhani, M., Nawaz, M. M., and Arthur, E.: Development of a composite index for assessment of soil compaction impacts on ecosystem services in agricultural systems, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6271,, 2023.

EGU23-6295 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.5 | Highlight

Key soil properties to assess and safeguard Mediterranean agro-environments 

Luis D. Olivares-Martínez, Fuensanta García-Orenes, Minerva García-Carmona, Victoria Arcenegui Baldo, and Jorge Mataix-Solera

Unsustainable management in food production has led to the degradation of fertile and biodiverse soils in agricultural and forestry areas of the planet, reducing the supply of ecosystem services and the quality of human life. Therefore, it is a priority to establish policy that promote productivity, as well as the stability and biodiversity of agricultural soils, in congruence with their regional and local geographic conditions. In the framework of the Horizon 2020 SOILGUARD project, that aims to assess the soil biodiversity status in different countries with different management practices and the effects of climate change, this work seeks to identify changes in key properties of soil quality and health in Mediterranean environments under different degradation and management scenarios. Using a raster model of soil degradation obtained through the LUCAS soil information repository, and verification in field though visual soil assessments, plots with two levels of degradation were identified. We worked on 10 plots with traditional management and 10 with organic management, in agricultural Mediterranean area (Murcia, Spain) being considered organic those without using inorganic fertilization for more than ten years. Soil samples were taken from each plot and analyzed for some soil properties such as: organic matter content, microbial biomass carbon, basal soil respiration and some enzymatic activities, also available phosphorus, bulk density, and coarse fragments. One of the main SOILGUARD hypothesis is that soils under organic management have more biodiversity and this makes then more resilient to the climate change. By understanding the changes in soil quality and health, it will be possible to establish more precise recommendations for the establishment of agricultural management policies for Mediterranean environments. The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Horizon 2020 Research & Innovation programme under the Grant Agreement no. 101000371. SOILGUARD Project

How to cite: Olivares-Martínez, L. D., García-Orenes, F., García-Carmona, M., Arcenegui Baldo, V., and Mataix-Solera, J.: Key soil properties to assess and safeguard Mediterranean agro-environments, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6295,, 2023.

EGU23-6945 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.5

Assessment of soil health in orchards of “Rosa Romana” apple of different ages in the Northern Apennines (Italy) 

William Trenti, Mauro De Feudis, Gloria Falsone, and Livia Vittori Antisari

Soil health is fundamental in maintaining and promoting overall ecosystem health and is defined as the continued capacity of soil to function as a vital living system, sustaining biological productivity as well as maintaining or enhancing the quality of air and water.

The aim of this study was to assess the health of soils under orchards where the cultivation of Rosa Romana, a local apple cultivar, is taking place. These orchards were located in the Bologna Apennine farms, ranged in age between 5 and 30 years and were implanted on former cropland. They were all grassed and cultivated following the principles of organic farming.

In this context, a comparison between the soils which belonged to orchards of at least 5 years in six farms with loamy texture was made. In each orchard, a morphological study of soils was carried out through the core of soil until 120 cm; then three mini pits were dug and sampled at a depth of 0-15 and 15-30 cm for physicochemical and biological analyses.

Soil health assessment was carried out via physicochemical and biological analyses and the calculation of two indexes: Dilly’s index (metabolic quotient to soil organic carbon ratio) that highlights the carbon use efficiency of soil microorganisms and the Index of Biological Fertility (IBF), obtained through the sum of scores assigned to significant parameters such as organic matter, microbial biomass C content and its activity.

Soil sampling and analyses were part of the Rural Development 2014-2020 of Emilia Romagna Region Project named “Rosa Romana apple of the Bolognese Apennines: organization of a quality organic supply chain”, which addresses to promote the sustainable management of agricultural areas in the Bologna Apennine by bringing together all actors involved in the cultivation, processing, and commercialization of this local apple cultivar.

The indicators related to soil health showed a difference between the orchards of less than ten years compared to the older ones, the latter displaying better overall health. Dilly’s index showed a growing microbial efficiency from the young orchards to the old ones and the same pattern is present in the IBF. This is due to the older orchards having a higher microbial C content and lower metabolic quotient in both soil layers, and higher SOM in the topsoil layer. These differences, which indicate a lower microbial stress and higher efficiency in the old orchards, may be due to the effect of reduced or null disturbance inflicted to the soil after the conversion of cropland into orchard, as they were no longer tilled and have a permanent grass cover. Moreover, in the topsoil the mineralization quotient and the nitrogen isotope ratio are lower in the older orchards, which may indicate respectively a tendency toward carbon accumulation and a higher fresh organic matter input to the soil of orchards of more than ten years.

These results may suggest that the promotion of the cultivation of the local Apennine apple variety “Rosa Romana” on former cropland in hill and mountain areas could promote the restoration of soil health.


How to cite: Trenti, W., De Feudis, M., Falsone, G., and Vittori Antisari, L.: Assessment of soil health in orchards of “Rosa Romana” apple of different ages in the Northern Apennines (Italy), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6945,, 2023.

EGU23-8371 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.5 | Highlight

Design and development of a new approach to increase the value of biodiversity in agriculture 

Aliyeh Salehi, Marie-Luise Wohlmuth, Raja Imran Hussain, Marietta Metzker, and Jürgen Kurt Friedel

Biodiversity is a vital prerequisite for the resilience of agro-ecosystems, for sustainability and long-term food security. Biodiversity in European agricultural landscapes, however, has declined dramatically over the last century, mainly due to agricultural intensification. Current compensations and incentives for biodiversity-sensitive management are often inefficient as they are applied at individual farm level rather than at landscape level and tend to be generic, top-down solutions at EU or national level. Monitoring rarely is carried out, so there is little opportunity to improve biodiversity in agriculture. Consequently, a new approach to the design, implementation and monitoring of biodiversity-sensitive agriculture is needed. The H2020 project “FRAMEwork” (2020-2025) offers a comprehensive package to develop and implement solutions for biodiversity-sensitive farming in Europe which includes four key drivers: First, an "Advanced Farmer Clusters Concept (AFC)" (key driver 1) developed to monitor, evaluate and implement biodiversity management activities, raise farmer awareness, increase farmer engagement and support adaptive management. Such an Advanced Farmer Cluster Austria was established together with local farmers in 2020. Key driver 2 is a new didactic concept designed to motivate farmers to conserve and promote biodiversity using a bottom-up approach. One of the main priorities for farmers is yield security, which is closely linked to a living soil, i.e. high biodiversity in the soil. Therefore, the topic of biodiversity will be gradually shifted over the project duration from the soil to above-ground parts (below and above ground organisms, plant cover, pollinators and birds). To raise awareness among farmers, farmer cluster workshops with “hand's on-activities” are being conducted and measures to improve biodiversity on the cluster farms in the future are discussed. FRAMEwork has conducted scientific biodiversity monitoring (key driver 3) in all cluster and control farms using standardized methods based on the EMBAL protocol including pollinators (butterflies and bumblebees), breeding birds and vegetation surveys. Additionally, changes in land management in the clusters and on control farms will be recorded and mapped in a geographic information system. Based on the maps, links between landscape-level habitat improvements and biodiversity will be identified. The cluster and control farms are being monitored at the beginning and at the end of the project (years 2 and 5). Impacts of the “AFC” on biodiversity and ES will be analyzed using a Before-After-Control-Impact design. Additionally, to implement and increase the awareness in the general public, Citizen Science events (key driver 4) will be organized on the cluster farm. Material for monitoring biodiversity indicators will be developed for use by experts, farmers, and the general public. First results will be presented.

Keywords: Biodiversity-sensitive farming, Advanced Farmer Clusters, Arable land, Biodiversity, Monitoring

How to cite: Salehi, A., Wohlmuth, M.-L., Imran Hussain, R., Metzker, M., and Friedel, J. K.: Design and development of a new approach to increase the value of biodiversity in agriculture, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8371,, 2023.

EGU23-9016 | Posters on site | SSS9.5 | Highlight

Closing cycles on the farm and in the region 

Eva Erhart, Christoph Reithofer, Lisa Doppelbauer, Marion Bonell, Nadine Hörzinger, and Hans Daxbeck

Today, many farms in arable regions of eastern Austria and elsewhere operate without livestock and depend on external fertilizers whose prices are subject to increasing inflation. Clover grass is essential for organic farms to supply nitrogen to the crop rotation. Cutting and taking away clover grass biomass increases the amount of nitrogen fixed, but the biomass has no use as fodder on stockless farms.

In the EIP-AGRI project Closing Cycles, innovative measures for utilizing residual materials on the farm and in the region were tested in practical trials. Two different forms of cut-and-carry were investigated, one using clover grass as transfer mulch, the other incorporating hay into the soil of arable fields; cooperations between farms exchanging clover grass for manure or slurry; and a cooperation in which clover grass was delivered to a biogas plant in exchange for digestate. Also, three different composting methods were tested.

Nitrogen and carbon balances were calculated for all measures. All substrates used in the various processes, such as clover grass, hay, straw and wood chips, were sampled and analyzed before being composted, fed, exchanged, or transferred on farms. The resulting organic fertilizers such as compost, manure, or slurry were also analyzed. Carbon footprints were calculated and an economic assessment was conducted while the participating farmers provided evaluation concerning practicality.

The closed-loop management measures enable a targeted use of the nitrogen produced by the clover grass for crops that require a copious nitrogen supply. Due to the lack of information published on the carbon footprints of commercial organic fertilizers suitable for organic farming, the measures were compared against mineral nitrogen fertilizer as a benchmark. These calculations showed that, compared to the use of synthetically produced nitrogen fertilizer, net savings of 200-600 kg of greenhouse gases (CO2e) per 100 kg of nitrogen applied were achieved with all measures. Carbon footprint results, however, vary strongly depending on the type of machinery used.

As transport distances of residual materials and received organic fertilizers increase, the share of emissions caused by transport rises steeply. At a distance of 0.5 km, transport CO2e emissions accounted for an average of 3.4% of total emissions. At a distance of 4 km, transport emissions rose to 22% of total emissions, and at 10 km, transport accounted for 41%.

Compared with other commercial fertilizers suitable for organic farming priced at 7 € per kg of nitrogen, all tested measures of closed-loop management, except for the examples of clover grass/slurry cooperation and clover grass composting with charcoal, achieved net cost savings of about 130-400 € per 100 kg N. These figures do not take into account the price increase in 2022. Additional benefits of closed-loop measures such as erosion control, protection from evaporation, micronutrient fertilization and increase of soil organic matter were not included in the calculation.

The results show that closing cycles on the farm and in the region is favorable regarding the carbon footprint as well as financially, if it is ensured that transport distances are kept short and that machinery input is kept as low as possible.

How to cite: Erhart, E., Reithofer, C., Doppelbauer, L., Bonell, M., Hörzinger, N., and Daxbeck, H.: Closing cycles on the farm and in the region, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9016,, 2023.

EGU23-9388 | Orals | SSS9.5

Nutrient and trace element budgets of fields in organic farming– examples from Austria 

Manfred Sager, Lisa Doppelbauer, Christoph Reithofer, Eva Erhart, and Marion bonell


In organic farming, the C and N budget in the soil can be improved by growing clover grass to increase the levels of humus and nitrogen soil content. Other elements may be supplied through organic fertilization as well as the recycling of straw and organic waste. Three case studies attempting to close nutritional cycles on site are presented, to avoid input of external fertilizers. The first case study examined an inter-farm exchange of organically grown clover grass for conventional cattle manure and organic cattle slurry of about equal total nitrogen contents. In this cooperation the farm providing the clover grass lost K, while receiving a surplus of all other elements analyzed (Ba, Ca, Cu, Li, Mg, Mn, Na, P, Sr, Zn). In the second case study, input of cattle slurry versus output of barley grains and straw was examined. Cattle slurry containing about equal amounts of N, K and P found in summer barley grains plus straw per hectare was applied, increasing Ba, Cu, Li, Mg, Mn, Na, Sr, and V on site, whereas Ca and Mo decreased. At half the concentration of slurry, in addition to Ca and Mo, the levels of Ba, Cu, K and Mg decreased as well. If straw was left on the field, all of the elements investigated increased. The third case study analyzed the fertilization effect of digestate from alfalfa-based biogas production on a non-legume cover crop mixture followed by summer barley. Fertilization with liquid digestate led to higher amounts of dry matter and higher contents of Ca, K, Na, P and Sr in cover crop biomass per hectare but had no effect on the yields of the following summer barley. Analysis of soil nitrate before, during and after the cover crop period showed no signs of nitrate leaching. Therefore, the fertilizer N could successfully be stored in plant biomass over the critical winter period for the following crop. 
The three case studies show that innovative methods of clover grass use can successfully close nutrient cycles on stockless organic farms so they can subsist without a need for external supplies. 


How to cite: Sager, M., Doppelbauer, L., Reithofer, C., Erhart, E., and bonell, M.: Nutrient and trace element budgets of fields in organic farming– examples from Austria, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9388,, 2023.

EGU23-9475 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.5 | Highlight

Tillage practices can alter the microbial resistance and resilience to drought 

Albert C. Brangarí, Blandine Lyonnard, and Johannes Rousk

An aspect of ‘soil health’ can be assessed by evaluating the microbial responses to soil rewetting after a period of drought. In general, those microbial communities that had been frequently exposed to extreme moisture fluctuations exhibit a faster recovery of their functions after rain than communities not used to severe droughts. However, whether and how changes in land-use management alter these short-term responses remains unresolved. To investigate this issue, we sampled soils from permanent pastures and tilled croplands, exposed them to a cycle of drying-rewetting, and compared their responses –bacterial growth, fungal growth, and respiration– over soil depth (top 30 cm). Results showed categorically different response patterns across land uses that were noticeable down to the ploughing depth, exhibiting significant differences in the microbial resistance and resilience to drought. When ploughing cancelled soil stratification, the exposure and adaptation of soil microorganisms to conditions of water stress increased, which caused contrasting shifts in the bacterial vs fungal response to drying-rewetting. These results confirmed the capability of land-use management to alter soil health and agroecological functioning.

How to cite: Brangarí, A. C., Lyonnard, B., and Rousk, J.: Tillage practices can alter the microbial resistance and resilience to drought, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9475,, 2023.

The Wayanad district of Kerala, India resides on the crest of the Western Ghats, one of the 36 Biodiversity hotspots in the world and known for its rich abundance of flora and ethnic cultures. Switching of farm practices from traditional to modern and rapid urban developmental activities is seen as a trend in the district. In this scenario, analysis of biodiversity associated with rice-based farms under various farming systems is important in this district. The adjacent upland agriculture area of rice fields of 9 rice-based agroecosystems was selected for the current study. Out of the 9 sites, 3 sites were traditional farms maintained by Kurichiya tribal communities, 3 were organic farms, and the other 3 farms were modern. A total of 45 families, 99 genera, 129 species of tree, and 101 bird species which belonged to 48 families, and 17 orders were identified from the study sites. This study recorded 7302, and 2072 tree and bird individuals respectively. The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) time series data was also derived for each site. The principal component analysis portrayed that there is a compositional relationship among native tree diversity indices, mean NDVI for May, June, August, and October, and bird diversity indices.  Further, Pearson Correlation proved their significant correlation. This study also exhibits the possibility of an increased abundance of Granivorous bird species in less native tree-abundant farming sites, which are considered a pest in rice farms. All the traditional farms were found to be abundant in native tree species and they are reported to have sustainable production in rice fields.  The culture and religious beliefs are the reason for the native tree abundance in their farming sites. Increasing native tree abundance can attract many species of birds which can act as natural enemies for the pests in the farmland.

How to cite: Lopus, M. and Jaiswal, D.: Comparative biodiversity analysis of Kurichiya heritage rice-based farming system with other farming systems, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10665,, 2023.

EGU23-13460 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.5 | Highlight

Microbial community dynamics and utilization of rhizodeposits and synthetic urine in grassland soils. 

Manisha Koirala, Yang Ding, Callum Banfield, and Michaela Dipplod

Microbial community dynamics and utilization of rhizodeposits and synthetic urine in grassland soils.

 Manisha Koirala 1, Yang Ding 2, Callum C. Banfield2, Michaela A. Dippold2 

1 Biogeochemistry of Agroecosystems, University of Göttingen, 37077 Göttingen, Germany


2 Geo-Biosphere Interactions, University of Tübingen, 72076 Tübingen, Germany


Soil microbes thrive in a wide range of nutrient inputs and cope with an imbalanced supply of resources by adjusting their utilization strategies. In grasslands, animal urine and root exudates are essential drivers of C and macronutrient inputs and thus microbial growth and community composition, but little is known about how urine and exudates affect microbial community dynamics and utilization. In a factorial design, synthetic cow urine was applied to a Vertic Cambisol densely rooted by Dactylis glomerata. One day, four days, and 14 days after synthetic cow urine application, root-affected and not-rooted bulk soils were harvested. CFE microbial biomass, phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs), DNA, and enzymatic activities were quantified to characterize the microbiome and its metabolic response.

Shoot biomass increased by 11%, 21%, and 36% at one, four, and 14 days after urine application compared to water application respectively. Root biomass increased by 4% and 9% after four and 14 days of water application, respectively, compared to urine application. In the root-affected soil, the activity of the enzyme acid phosphatase was 26%  higher 14 days after water application compared to that of urine. Conversely, the activity of the ß-glucosidase was 10% higher 14 days after cow urine application compared to water application in root-affected soil. Similarly, 14 days after urine application MBC in bulk soil was 84% higher compared to only water application. However, in the root-affected soils, MBC was 18% higher with water compared to urine application. The amount of DNA was also 0.5% higher 14 days after urine application compared to water application in the root-affected soils.

This study examined and compared the metabolic response of microbial communities and microbial community dynamics due to synthetic urine and water in bulk and root-affected soil. By approaching the study of soils from chemical as well as biological perspectives, an overview of microbial adaptation and structure can be gained to maintain healthy soil in grassland ecosystems.

Keywords: synthetic cow urine, grassland, soil microbial communities, root-affected soil, bulk soil, extracellular enzymes.




How to cite: Koirala, M., Ding, Y., Banfield, C., and Dipplod, M.: Microbial community dynamics and utilization of rhizodeposits and synthetic urine in grassland soils., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13460,, 2023.

EGU23-14347 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.5

Potential Impact of climate Change on Cropland Suitability in Africa using CMIP6 Models 

Temitope Samuel Egbebiyi, Christopher Lennard, Pinto Izidine, Phillip Mukwenha, Piotr Wiolski, Kwesi Akumenyi Quagraine, and Jumoke Esther Ogunniyi

Future changes in the climate are projected to significantly affect the agricultural sector, notably agricultural production which include cropland suitability. The present study examines the impact of climate change on crop suitability and planting season in Africa under the new Shared Socio-economic Pathways (SSPs). Using the multi-model ensemble climate simulation datasets from the CMIP6 simulations under different SSPs (ssp126, 245, 370 & 585) for the historical (1980-2009), near future (2035-2064) and end of century (2070-2099) study periods. Ecocrop, a crop suitability model was used to investigate the impact of climate change at different SSPs on the suitability and planting season of three crop types, cereals (maize), legumes (Cowpea) and root and tuber (Cassava) over Africa owing to their economic importance to the region. Our findings show all three crops are mainly suitable over most part of Africa with suitability index above 0.5 except south of 20oS in southern Africa and in the Sahel zone (north of 14oN) over the historical period. In general, the impact of climate change leads to about 4% and 7% increase in suitable cropland for Maize and Cowpea respectively relative to the historical period while about 4% suitability decrease is projected for Cassava across the four SSPs. Also, a projected decrease about 1-2% in unsuitable area is projected for the three crops both for near future and end of century relative to the historical period. In addition, no change in planting season is expected across the four SSPs except for a projected 1-2month early planting season for Cassava over West and Central Africa in the near future and end of century and 2-month delay in the planting season for cassava over Congo DR by the end of century under carbon emission with no adaptation (ssp585). The study will assist to improve our understanding on the impact climate change under different SSPs on agricultural production in Africa. It will also help inform policy maker in their decision making of adaptation strategies to ensure food security and zero hunger in sub-Saharan Africa.

Keywords : Cropland suitability, Ecocrop, Africa, climate chnage, planting season, CMIP6



How to cite: Egbebiyi, T. S., Lennard, C., Izidine, P., Mukwenha, P., Wiolski, P., Quagraine, K. A., and Ogunniyi, J. E.: Potential Impact of climate Change on Cropland Suitability in Africa using CMIP6 Models, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14347,, 2023.

EGU23-14623 | Orals | SSS9.5

Sustainable agriculture discourses in Germany: a comparative analysis of large-scale text data 

Bartosz Bartkowski, Mansi Nagpal, Marieke Baaken, Katrina Chan, Nina Schneider, Jan Sodoge, and Mariana Madruga de Brito

Agriculture is a prominent topic in sustainability discourses. However, the debate on the context of what constitutes sustainable agriculture remains to be solved. The relationship between agriculture and sustainability is a rather emotionally charged topic. It touches upon central moral issues such as the relationship between people and nature. At the same time, in an era of increasing urbanization, there is growing detachment, particularly of the urban population, from the realities of farming, often leading to romanticizing the past and demonizing modern “industrial” agriculture. This often results in conflicts that are increasingly played out in the political arena, e.g. in the context of bottom-up initiatives such as referenda (e.g. “Biodiversity & natural beauty in Bayern, Germany”) or farmers’ protests (e.g. the protests against nitrate regulations in the Netherlands and Germany). These alternatives reflect public discourses, which seem to exhibit very little overlap. Ultimately, however, these discourses drive agricultural and environmental policy - understanding them is therefore crucial if one wants to understand the continuing failure of sustainability policies.

Here we present a large-scale text analysis using text mining tools to compare three discourses on sustainable agriculture: the scientific discourse (based on an analysis of abstracts from peer-reviewed publications on the topic); the public discourse (based on an analysis of newspaper articles); and the professional farming discourse (based on an analysis of articles from agricultural magazines). We collected three sets of data for the topic modelling analyses: scientific articles (6403 abstracts), newspaper articles (7851 full texts) and agricultural magazine articles (2414 full texts). These were subject to BERTopic modelling analysis to generate coherent topic representations. These topics are used to shed light on discourses related to sustainable agriculture with a focus on Germany. We apply topic modelling to identify topics that emerge from each of these three discourses and compare them in terms of prevalence and temporal development. The overarching question is what is being discussed under the label “sustainable agriculture”, how the three discourses differ in this respect and whether there are any signs of interaction or even convergence in terms of discussed topics. We thus provide a unique perspective on a central, heavily contested part of the sustainability discourse.

How to cite: Bartkowski, B., Nagpal, M., Baaken, M., Chan, K., Schneider, N., Sodoge, J., and Madruga de Brito, M.: Sustainable agriculture discourses in Germany: a comparative analysis of large-scale text data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14623,, 2023.

Coagulants used in wastewater treatment affect subsequent processes including sludge management, recycling, and disposal methods. However, their direct impact on the nutrient availability and leaching, as well as micropollutant leaching on the soil and drainage water from sludge-treated soils have not been fully investigated. This study compared the effects of using biologically stabilized (i.e., anaerobic digestion and composting) sludges (biosolids) produced from chemical precipitation with typically used inorganic coagulant to recently available organic coagulants as soil amendment agents following the growth of Poa pratensis var. Goa. A microplot system equipped with perforated layer and leachate collection port was utilized. A sprinkler system built based on Finnish Meteorological Institute data of rain duration, intensity, and frequency was used to simulate two rain events over the experimental period providing water required for plant growth. The coagulants tested included an inorganic coagulant (IC), polyaluminium chloride (PAC), and organic coagulants, (OC) polyamine (pAmine) and chitosan (Chit). Overall, different coagulant-derived biosolids showed a measurable effect on the availability and leaching of nutrients in addition to the growth of Poa pratensis. Highest leaching of total nitrogen (tot-N) across all coagulants and rain events was observed for composted pAmine. Comparatively, total phosphorous (tot-P) leaching was highest for digested pAmine after the first rain event and digested Chit after the second rain event. Furthermore, Al concentration was found to be highest for digested PAC sludge while Fe concentration was found highest in the control. Evidently, nutrient concentrations in soil samples showed lowest tot-N in composted pAmine while tot-P concentrations remained lower than the tot-N concentrations in this study at 0.71-0.99 mg l-1 for all coagulants and treatments. PAC-sludge fertilized plants showed the lowest total chlorophyll (tot-Chl) concentrations in the leaf for both composted and digested treatments, even lower than the control while pAmine and Chit-sludge fertilized plants showed higher tot-Chl in both treatments. Statistical analysis shows no significant difference in tot-Chl between different treatments (p<0.05, CI=90%). In general, tot-N and tot-P concentrations in grasses were comparable at 20-26 g/kg DM and 3-4 g/kg DM, respectively which signifies the optimum utilization of nutrients by the plant. Micropollutants (e.g., Bisoprolol, carbamazepine, cetirizine, caffeine, diclofenac, paracetamol, tetracycline, etc.) previously measured in initial biosolids were found to be lower than the detection limit in drainage water (<0.050 µg/L) as well as soil samples (<1.0 µg/kg). The fertilizer potential of different coagulants applied was investigated successfully in this study. The selection of the most suitable coagulant will depend on the objective of the wastewater treatment facility towards reutilization of the biosolids. Higher nutrient leaching may have been exhibited by pAmine but it showed the lowest Al and Fe leaching across all coagulants and treatments indicating safer disposal options considering metals concentration. Comparably, pAmine and Chit biosolids induces higher tot-Chl in Poa pratensis indicating better plant health. Lastly, micropollutant leaching and pollution were observed to be low to negligible when using these coagulant biosolids as soil amendment agents.

How to cite: Cainglet, A., Postila, H., Rossi, P., and Heiderscheidt, E.: Coagulant precipitated and biologically stabilized sewage sludge impacts nutrient availability, and risk of nutrient and micropollutant leaching in sludge-amended soils, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14857,, 2023.

EGU23-14967 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.5 | Highlight

How does the geographic location and pest management strategies impacts the geochemical fingerprint of leaves and olives in olive growing systems? 

Valeria Medoro, Giacomo Ferretti, Giulio Galamini, Annalisa Rotondi, Lucia Morrone, Barbara Faccini, and Massimo Coltorti

Recently, the demand for quality and food safety has become more pressing, with a consequent requirement for unequivocal geographical identification of agri-food products. Moreover, the requirement for eco-friendly and human healthy practices is a key issue for the agriculture of the future. In this framework, this work aims at investigating soil, leaves and olives from two areas in the Emilia-Romagna Region (Italy), Montiano (MN) and San Lazzaro (SL), where three different foliar treatments were carried out for each site to protect plants from environmental stress and pests. Geochemical analysis of REE and trace elements were performed to 1) univocally determine the locality of provenance and 2) evaluate if the different foliar treatments can affect the geochemical fingerprint of leaves and olives. the effect of different foliar treatments (no treatment, dimethoate, and alternating of natural zeolitite and dimethoate in MN; Spinosad+Spyntor fly, natural zeolitite and NH4+-enriched zeolitite in SL). Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Partial Least Square-Discriminant Analysis (PLS-DA, including Variable Importance in the Projection analysis) were used to discriminate between localities and different treatments. PCA of leaves and olives highlighted that different foliar treatments can be identified based on different geochemical contents (total variance: 95.64% and 91.08% in MN; 71.31% and 85.33% in SL of leaves and olives, respectively). Slightly lower, although still quite acceptable, results are given by PCA applied to area discrimination (87.46% and 80.43% of total variance). The PLS-DA analysis gave the largest contribution to the discrimination of different treatments and geographical identification. VIP analyses provided to identify which elements could be considered as potential discriminators in the model in order to correlate leaves and olives from the same area: i) Sm and Dy in MN site and ii) Rb, Zr, La and Th in SL field; in order to discriminate different areas Rb and Sr were the best identifiers. Based on REE and trace element analyses, it can be highlighted that 1) the geographical origin could be discriminated and 2) different foliar treatments applied for crop protection can be recognized, which means, reversing the reasoning that each farmer can develop a method to pinpoint his own product.

How to cite: Medoro, V., Ferretti, G., Galamini, G., Rotondi, A., Morrone, L., Faccini, B., and Coltorti, M.: How does the geographic location and pest management strategies impacts the geochemical fingerprint of leaves and olives in olive growing systems?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14967,, 2023.

Global population growth has resulted in land-use (LU) changes in many natural ecosystems, causing deteriorated environmental conditions that impact soil quality. This rapid growth in the global population caused many natural ecosystems to be transformed into human-dominated ones. Such LU dynamics require greater resource exploitation, commonly resulting in degraded environmental conditions that are acknowledged in the soil quality. The effects on the soil are even more acute in water-scarce and limited resources environments such as drylands. Therefore, developing appropriate approaches for soil quality assessment and function evaluation is necessary since the soils in those areas are usually undeveloped and retain lower organic matter capacity. The research aim was to apply, measure, and evaluate soil properties based on the imaging spectroscopy (IS) differences between natural and human-dominated LU practices in the dryland environment of the Negev Desert, Israel.  A flight campaign of the AisaFENIX hyperspectral airborne sensor was used to develop an IS prediction model for the SQI on a regional scale. The spectral signatures extracted from the hyperspectral image were well separable among the four LUs using the partial least squares-discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) classification method (OA = 95.31%, Kc = 0.90). The correlation was performed using multivariate support vector machine regression (SVM-R) models between the spectral data, the measured soil indicators, and the overall SQI. The SVM-R models were significantly correlated for several soil properties, including the overall SQI (R2adjVal = 0.87), with the successful prediction of the regional SQI mapping (R2adjPred = 0.78). Seven individual soil properties, including fractional sand and clay, SOM, pH, EC, SAR, and P, were successfully used for developing prediction maps. Applying IS, and statistically integrative methods for comprehensive soil quality assessments enhances the accuracy of predicting soil health and evaluating degradation processes in arid environments. This study establishes a precise tool for sustainable and efficient land management and could be an example for future potential IS earth-observing space missions for soil quality assessment studies and applications.

How to cite: Paz-Kagan, T.: Soil quality assessment with imaging spectroscopy under land use changes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15172,, 2023.

Microbial multitudes maintain the cycles of nutritive elements in natural ecosystems. We have piloted organic residues of various processes including the food and forest industries as well as municipal waste management. This approach opens up avenues for combining economic and ecological objectives together, which has been evidenced in Finland e.g., in Tampere, Hiedanranta project in 2017 – 2022 with sedimented lake bottom deposits of cellulosic fibers, or in case of combined bioprocessing of meat industry wastes into biogas and organic fertilizers in Kitee (2020 – 2022). The chemical products in the processes include organic acids and sugar alcohols, such as mannitol, whose production was accomplished at record levels using patented technologies developed by Finnoflag Oy. The resulting organic fractions were processed into valuable biofertilizers.

How to cite: Hakalehto, E., Juvonen, M., and Kivelä, J.: Combined strategy in the management of industrial side streams - production of residual soil improvement in the mitigation of environmental burden, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15443,, 2023.

The conversion of natural ecosystems for agricultural production is changing the world's landscapes in pervasive ways. The severity of land degradation in southern Ethiopia has increased at an alarming rate due to high population density which has replaced the old agroforestry (AF) farming system with monocropping. One of the most significant consequences of these activities combined with climate change has been the reduction of biodiversity and land productivity (1). Among others, soil glomalin, soil aggregation and aggregate stability are parameters related to soil health that are affected by land use change . To curb such problems, AF is proposed as an adequate system, since it is an alternative cultivation system based on an ecological and economically sustainable strategy (2). This study was aimed to determine the effect of agroforestry practices (AFPs) on soil glomalin, soil aggregate stability (SAS) and aggregate association with soil organic carbon (SOC). Soil samples and woody species with plant height at breast height (DBH) were collected from homegarden based agroforestry practice (HAFP), cropland based agroforestry practice (ClAFP), woodlot based agroforestry practice (WlAFP) and trees on soil and water conservation based agroforestry practice (TSWAFP) using systematic sampling techniques. The data was analyzed by two way ANOVA and linear regression model by using R 4.2.1 software.  In this study, both easily extractable glomalin related soil protein (EEGRSP) and total glomalin related soil protein (TGRSP) were significantly (p < 0.05) higher in HAFP compared to AFPs, the EEGRSP and TGRSP which decreased in the order of HAFP>WlAFP>TSWAFP>ClAFP at upper surface . On the other hand, the macroaggregate fraction of all AFPs ranged from 22.6-36.5% (for 0-30cm) where the lowest was in ClAFP, while the highest was in HAFP. The micro-aggregate fraction ranged from 15.9–24.6%, where the lowest was in HAFP, but the highest was in ClAFP. The results also indicated that the comparison of SAS with SOC showed relatively higher SOC in macroaggregates than in micro-aggregates. Besides, both macro and micro-aggregate-associated with SOC was higher in HAFP than other three AFPs but SAS decreased with the increasing of soil depths. The results regarding the association of SOC with both macro and micro-aggregates was greatest in HAFP followed by WlAFP. The findings also elucidated that woody species diversity, richness and key soil parameters were strongly related with the EEGRSP, TGRSP, and SAS distribution. Thus, the management practices of AFP could influence the woody species diversity and richness, this, in turn, can influence glomalin and SAS. This implies that AFP can play an important role on the maintenance of soil biodiversity, enriching glomalin and other soil quality parameters with future implications for stable ecosystem.

(1)Bhagwat et al, 2008. Trends in ecology & evolution, 23, 261-267; (2)Wall et, 2015. Nature,, 528, 69-76.

The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of Comunidad de Madrid (Spain) and Structural Funds 2014–2020 (ERDF and ESF) project AGRISOST CM S2018/BAA‐4330


How to cite: Perez-Sanz, A., Yunta, F., Lucena, J. J., Birhane, E., and Masebo, N.: The Effects of Different Agroforestry Practices on Glomalin Related Soil Protein, Soil Aggregate Stability and Organic Carbon-Association with Soil Aggregates in Southern Ethiopia., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15578,, 2023.

EGU23-16038 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.5

Agricultural use of two bioproducts based on pistachio waste as source of nitrogen in a pepper crop 

Antonio Ruiz-Orejón, Francisco Ribas, M. Jesús Cabello, Javier Mena, and Marta M. Moreno

The interest in developing sustainable agriculture is becoming increasingly relevant in recent times, seeking alternatives to synthetic chemical fertilizers and the revaluation of wastes through more environmentally friendly alternatives. During the last decade, the cultivated area of pistachio in Spain is growing very significantly, especially in Castilla-La Mancha (FAO, 2018). During the harvesting and processing of the fruit, residues such as shell and peel of the fruit are generated, remains of vegetables and water from the cleaning process, which have a marked phytotoxic character due to their high content of polyphenols. Therefore, the generation of pistachio wastes, which can reach 40% of the harvest, could be an environmental problem. For this reason, various research groups have used this waste to obtain different products such as active carbon, mulches, biofuels, etc. In the present study, we evaluate the effect of two bioproducts generated from the pistachio harvest residue and determine which of them has a greater agricultural interest (P1: product with less polyphenols, extracted by a thermal process, and P2: product with an additional Steam Explosion process). The bioproducts were evaluated in a pepper crop field with a randomized complete-block design, considering an unfertilized treatment as a control (T0 = Control, T1 = 50% of N needed with P1, T2 = 100% of N needed with P2, T3 = 50% of N needed with P2, and T4 = 100% of N needed with P2). The parameters controlled were: ETc calculated with the FAO methodology (ETc = ETo x Kc), irrigation water (NO3), soil (NO2, NO3, P, K, pH and texture), drainage water (NH4, NO3, P, K, Ca, Mg and pH), crop growth control (LAI and LAD) and dry matter composition of leaf, stem and fruit (N Kjeldahl, P and K). As preliminary results of the first experimental trial, no significant differences in the growth parameters measured between the control and the treatments have been found, although analytical results are still in progress and further research experiments will be stablished in the next years.

Keywords: By-products, organic wastes, global warming, circular economy.

Acknowledgements: Project INIA-2019-0007 (Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness).

How to cite: Ruiz-Orejón, A., Ribas, F., Cabello, M. J., Mena, J., and Moreno, M. M.: Agricultural use of two bioproducts based on pistachio waste as source of nitrogen in a pepper crop, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16038,, 2023.

EGU23-16934 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.5

Can biodegradable mulch materials work similarly to polyethylene from an integral point of view? 

Jaime Villena, Sara González-Mora, Marta M. Moreno, Pablo A. Morales, Juan A. Campos, and Carmen Moreno

The agricultural practice of mulching with polyethylene (PE), despite the undeniable improvements it implies for the crops, leads a major problem of environmental pollution, especially remarkable in organic farming. Apart from its petrochemical origin, PE takes a long time to degrade, so that its use generates a significant volume of waste given the difficulty of soil removal and subsequent recycling after crop harvest. In response to this problem, since the last years of the 20th century, mulches of different origin and characteristics have been formulated and analyzed in a greater or lesser detail as an alternative to PE, more respectful with the environment. In general, they behave satisfactorily in relation to the aspects that focus on the herbicidal effect and the crop yields, fundamentally.

This research addresses on various aspects related to the use of different mulch materials in a sweet bell pepper crop for fresh consumption in Central Spain during four consecutive spring-summer seasons. The treatments tested include PE and unmulched controls (manual weeding and no-weeding), different starch-based (corn and potato) and polylactic acid bioplastics. Based on a joint study of the yield response, fruit quality and weed control, it is remarkable the similarity among different treatments but especially between PE and the corn starch-based material, which would define them as interchangeable mulch materials, with the environmental advantages it implies.

Acknowledgements: Project RTA2011-00104-C04-03 - INIA (Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness).

How to cite: Villena, J., González-Mora, S., Moreno, M. M., Morales, P. A., Campos, J. A., and Moreno, C.: Can biodegradable mulch materials work similarly to polyethylene from an integral point of view?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16934,, 2023.

EGU23-741 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE1.8

Trade-driven relocation of Greenhouse gas emission in India 

Shekhar Goyal and Udit Bhatia

The green revolution enhances crop yield, significantly contributing to many low-income countries' socio-economic development. However, increasing crop yields might raise crop residue burning, leading to adverse human health and environmental consequences. Recent studies show that international trade affects the global distribution of Agricultural Greenhouse Gas (AGHG) emissions, air pollution, and public health. Domestic Interstate Trade (DIT) has similar effects on AGHG within the country but has yet to be comprehensively investigated. Large-scale open burning of crop residue further contributes to severe haze pollution in Indian cities, affecting national climate goals. Given the critical importance of food security, further reducing AGHG remains challenging. While there has been an increasing focus on AGHG, limited attention has been paid to its consumption-based drivers. We found that DIT exacerbates the health burdens of air pollution in Indian states based on regional wind patterns. Here, by tracing the consumption-based accounting of emissions, we evaluated the consequences of agricultural DIT on the emission potential of India. Our preliminary results show that though residual crop burning pollutes nearby regions, it is driven by consumption-based demands. These results suggest that DIT structure readjustment according to emission losses is needed for India while targeting trade intensification strategies. Our findings are relevant to national efforts to reduce emission losses in India. 


How to cite: Goyal, S. and Bhatia, U.: Trade-driven relocation of Greenhouse gas emission in India, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-741,, 2023.

EGU23-1556 | ECS | Orals | ERE1.8

Key trends and opportunities in water footprints of crop production 

Oleksandr Mialyk, Martijn J. Booij, Rick J. Hogeboom, and Markus Berger

Crops consume the majority of green and blue water worldwide which, in many areas, affects water availability and state of ecosystems. Hence, it is important to understand the recent dynamics in crop water footprints (WF, m3 t-1). Here, we analyse the global WF of more than 150 crops during 1990–2019 simulated with a global gridded crop model ACEA at 5 x 5 arc minute resolution. Our results indicate the overall decreasing trends in unit WF across all crop groups. However, these reductions are insufficient to curb the increase in total water consumption, which is mostly driven by the growing demand for oil crops. The WF dynamics vary among regions due to a combination of multiple environmental and socio-economic factors. Thus, it is possible to identify key challenges and opportunities in WFs of crop production. Addressing them may benefit water and food security while making the global food system more sustainable.

How to cite: Mialyk, O., Booij, M. J., Hogeboom, R. J., and Berger, M.: Key trends and opportunities in water footprints of crop production, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1556,, 2023.

EGU23-2393 | ECS | Orals | ERE1.8

Efficiency of dietary sustainability and its global transition 

Pan He, Zhu Liu, Klaus Hubacek, Giovanni Baiocchi, and Dabo Guan

Global diets consume tremendous natural resources while causing multiple environmental and health issues. As the world faces challenges of adequate nutrition security with concomitant climate and environmental crises requiring urgent action, policies need to improve the efficiency of devoting environmental input of the food systems for health benefits. Here we evaluate the global transition of such efficiency in the past two decades represented by health benefits obtained by per unit of 4 key environmental inputs (GHG emissions, stress-weighted water withdrawal, acidifying emissions, and eutrophying emissions) in 195 countries. We find that the efficiency of each environmental input follows an N-shaped curve along the Socio-Demographic Index (SDI) gradient representing different development levels. The efficiency first increases by benefiting from the eliminated stunting with a larger abundance of food supply, then decreases driven by climbing environmental impacts from a shift to animal products, and finally starts to slowly grow again as countries shift toward a healthier diet. Our efficiency indicator offers an improved understanding of nutritional transitions in terms of environmental impacts and a useful way to monitor the transition of dietary patterns, set up policy targets, and evaluate the effectiveness of specific interventions.

How to cite: He, P., Liu, Z., Hubacek, K., Baiocchi, G., and Guan, D.: Efficiency of dietary sustainability and its global transition, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2393,, 2023.

EGU23-3940 | ECS | Orals | ERE1.8 | Highlight

Sustainability trade-offs for equity and climate interventions in global food systems: The case of cocoa in Ghana 

Sophia Carodenuto and Marshall Adams

Despite widespread attempts to ‘eat local,’ many of the lifestyle factors in the Global North rely on the production of agrifood commodities that can only be grown in tropical ecosystems, far from the dominant geographies of consumption. Chocolate, coffee, and palm oil represent a handful of consumer goods that are described as ‘tropical forest risk commodities,’  whose production threatens some of the last remaining biodiversity hotspots and stable carbon sinks. This research assesses the trade-offs between dominant approaches to poverty reduction in tropical forest landscapes – regions where global land use change is concentrated as forests are converted to agrifood commodity production areas to produce consumer goods that are core to global food systems. After Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana is the second largest exporter of cocoa (the main ingredient in chocolate). Ghana’s economy is highly cocoa-dependent, and cocoa provides livelihoods for about a quarter of the population, especially in rural areas where alternative incomes are limited. Although the cocoa sector contributed an estimated US$2.71 billion in government revenues in 2017, many cocoa producers live below the national poverty line.

Policy responses to balance the trade-offs between global food production, climate change, and socioeconomic development have recently come to the fore in Ghana – the world’s second largest producer of cocoa. In 2019, the Government of Ghana introduced the Living Income Differential (LID), which requires buyers to pay an additional US$400 per ton of cocoa on top of the floor price. With low farmer incomes identified as a critical driver of multiple sustainability issues in Ghana’s cocoa sector, this differential is meant to be directly transferred to cocoa farmers in response to the persistent challenge of poverty in cocoa farming communities. Using the Q methodology, we engaged over 50 stakeholders from various levels (international policy experts, cocoa sector stakeholders in Ghana, and cocoa farmers) to understand how LID is perceived, including its potential to transform the rural poverty complex embedded in Ghana’s cocoa supply chain. While the LID is lauded for increasing producer price across the board, our findings indicate that the lack of regard for farmer diversity (i.e., tenure rights, sharecroppers, and caretakers), farm size, and land management strategies (agroforestry versus clearing forest to establish farms) risks undermining the ability of this pricing mechanism to reduce farmer poverty as a way to foster sustainability in the sector. Further, the LID is siloed from on-going sustainability governance efforts in the sector, such as zero deforestation cocoa. If the LID is delivered to farmers across the board without any quid pro quo for how cocoa is produced, the policy’s unintended consequences may include increasing deforestation in the short term, while lowering the world market price of cocoa in the long term as cocoa supply increases. We conclude with policy implications on why different perspectives matter in managing sustainability trade-offs in deforestation frontiers. This study provides important insights for understanding how to achieve multiple sustainability goals together.

How to cite: Carodenuto, S. and Adams, M.: Sustainability trade-offs for equity and climate interventions in global food systems: The case of cocoa in Ghana, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3940,, 2023.

EGU23-4584 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE1.8

Enhanced excreta-based biochar: a novel source of organic fertilizer in the Guatemalan highlands 

Benjamin Wilde, Mona Mijthab, Raluca Anisie, Federico La Blasca, Estefani Gonzalez, and Johan Six

Communities in the highlands of Guatemala are currently struggling with insufficient access to effective sanitation. Water born solutions, often referred to as the “flush and forget model” of human excreta management, cannot be adequately delivered to the rapidly growing peri-urban regions growing across the area. The consequences of the insufficient collection and treatment of this waste are worsening human and environmental health outcomes. Concurrently, smallholder farmers in the region struggle to supply their soil with sufficient quantities of plant nutrients to avoid growing yield gaps. Even when capable of utilizing required amounts of chemical fertilizers, there is no clear option available to maintain soil organic carbon; typically relied upon organic inputs such as animal manure are available in only insufficient quantities.

To deal with the sanitation challenge facing communities in the region, Mosan, an NGO based in the Lake Atitlan region of Guatemala has, for the last several years, piloted a novel approach to sanitation provision. Utilizing an on-site urine diversion system that focuses on the capture, processing, and valorization of excreta, this resource-oriented approach, in addition to providing households with the means to safely manage generated excreta, yields a novel organic fertilizer. Using two treatment processes, alkaline dehydration for urine and pyrolysis for the feces, Mosan can produce an enhanced biochar product that could have the potential to sustainably improve soil health and fertility for small holder highland farmers in the region. Working in partnership with Mosan and Vivamos Mejor, and agricultural development organization based in Guatemala, the Sustainable Agroecosystems group at ETH Zurich has been testing the potential of this novel source of organic fertilizer.

Over the last eighteen months, this interdisciplinary team of researchers, community activists, and farmers has managed two experimental sites in the region. The first focused on the incorporation of enhanced biochar into a potting mix used to grow tree seedlings used for reforestation efforts in the region. The second, a participatory farmer field trial, was designed to compare the yield increases of maize fertilized with enhanced biochar to that grown with chemical fertilizer (urea). In addition to observing no significant differences in the growth performance of the seedlings, or the yield increases of the maize grown with the excreta-based biochar compared to the standard alternatives, our team also observed positive changes to several soil physical and chemical properties in the field trial. Given these results, we argue that a socio-technical transition towards a circular rural-urban system, one predicated on nutrient capture and reuse of currently underutilized organic waste sources such as human excreta, would simultaneously improve human and environmental health outcomes in urban areas, while also increasing long term soil health and fertility in outlying rural ones.

How to cite: Wilde, B., Mijthab, M., Anisie, R., La Blasca, F., Gonzalez, E., and Six, J.: Enhanced excreta-based biochar: a novel source of organic fertilizer in the Guatemalan highlands, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4584,, 2023.

EGU23-5975 | ECS | Orals | ERE1.8

Restructuring the Indian agricultural system toward sustainability and lower environmental costs 

Udit Bhatia, Shekhar Goyal, and Rohini Kumar

The evolving international conflicts have a rippling effect on global food security, forcing nations to impose new trade laws to increase their domestic supply at reduced prices and promote the need to develop local and regional food systems to reduce transboundary dependence. While aiming to become a major global food supplier, India faces significant domestic food security risks. India has achieved food security through injudicious fertilizer application on the domestic front. Past agricultural policies, while primarily focusing on maximizing production, paid less attention to their environmental consequences. India feeds 17.1% of the world's population, with 10.7% of the world's arable land: this will further increase with increasing national and international food trade. Sustainably feeding the growing population has garnered considerable attention; however, its national implementation still needs to be improved. The current intensive agricultural practices operate at low water, nutrient, and nutritional efficiencies, demanding high input for high output. As a result, Nitrogen, Phosphorus losses are high, and groundwater resources are depleting in some areas. The vexing question is how to produce sufficient food in the existing regions with minimum inputs and reduced environmental impact. For this, India must reconfigure its current cereal crop production and interstate crop distribution system by reducing nutrient pollution losses, greenhouse gas emissions, and water consumption while sufficing its increasing nutritional demand. Using a state-of-the-art framework from agricultural sciences, network, and resource optimization, our study provided ways toward national assessment of Indian staple crop system redesign for future sustainable intensification.  Further, by incorporating interstate trade within this restructured system, we try to understand how India's cereal crop redistribution will impact domestic food security. Thus to limit the environmental burden of the growing consumer demand, we optimized crop distribution and domestic trade patterns within the parameters of minimizing nitrogen and phosphorus losses. This realistic multi-dimensional framework will help India and other nations identify sustainable food security solutions. 

How to cite: Bhatia, U., Goyal, S., and Kumar, R.: Restructuring the Indian agricultural system toward sustainability and lower environmental costs, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5975,, 2023.

EGU23-6115 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE1.8

Climate change alters the global diversity of food crops 

Sara Heikonen, Matias Heino, Mika Jalava, and Matti Kummu

Climate change has already impacted the productivity of important food crops. The projected increasing temperatures and changing precipitation patterns affect the climatic suitability of food production areas. Changes in climatic suitability require adaptive actions on farms and will likely alter the potential volume and diversity of food crop production globally.

Existing research has mostly analysed the impacts of climate change on the four staple crops: wheat, rice, maize, and soybean. However, other food crops contribute more than 50% to the global calorie and protein supply and therefore constitute a crucial element of food security. Moreover, these crops might succeed in more diverse climate conditions than the staple crops. If climate change narrows the production potential of the staple food crops, other food crops could become even more important for global food security in the future. Therefore, to comprehensively understand the implications of climate change on food crop production, there is need for analysis on a diverse set of food crops.

In this study, we delineate suitable climate conditions for 27 major food crops using historical climatic data and examine the effect of future changes in climate suitability on food crop production volume and diversity. We define the crop-specific suitable climate conditions utilizing the Safe Climatic Space concept, based on global gridded datasets on biotemperature, precipitation, and aridity in 1970–2000 as well as crop production in 2010. Then, using future climate parameter data, we project changes in global climate suitability for the 27 food crops. The analyses cover five global warming scenarios from +1.5 °C to +5 °C.

The preliminary results indicate that the global food crop production potential on the current croplands will decrease for most crops in all five global warming scenarios. Furthermore, the potential diversity of food crops will decrease significantly at low latitudes but increase in other areas. In all five scenarios, areas near the equator will become unsuitable for most studied crops. On the other hand, on the current extent of cropland, the potential production area of especially oil crops and starchy roots will expand in the northern hemisphere.

For many crops, there is distinct difference in the magnitude of lost production and diversity potential between global warming of +2 °C and +3 °C, highlighting that it is important to restrict global warming at the very maximum to +2 °C. The results of this study could provide insights for agricultural adaptation to climate change by illustrating opportunities for geographically shifting or expanding production in regions where climate suitability is projected to change. Further, the results could identify potential substitute crops for regions where climate conditions might become unsuitable for the currently cultivated food crops.

How to cite: Heikonen, S., Heino, M., Jalava, M., and Kummu, M.: Climate change alters the global diversity of food crops, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6115,, 2023.

EGU23-6434 | Orals | ERE1.8

Energy and fertiliser price rises are more damaging than food export curtailment from Ukraine and Russia for food prices, health and the environment 

Peter Alexander, Almut Arneth, Roslyn Henry, Juliette Maire, Sam Rabin, and Mark Rounsevell

Higher food prices arising from restrictions on exports from Russia or Ukraine have been exacerbated by energy price rises, leading to higher costs for agricultural inputs such as fertiliser. Using a scenario approach with a global land use and food system model (LandSyMM), we quantify the potential outcomes of increasing agricultural input costs and the curtailment of exports from Russia and Ukraine on human health and the environment.  We show that, combined, agricultural inputs costs and food export restrictions could increase food costs by 60-100% from 2021 levels, potentially leading to undernourishment of 60-110 million people and annual additional deaths of 400 thousand to 1 million people if the associated dietary patterns are maintained. In additional to lower yields, reduced land use intensification arising from higher input costs would lead to agricultural land expansion of 130-349 Mha by 2030, with associated carbon and biodiversity loss. The impact of agricultural input costs on food prices is larger than that from curtailment of Russian and Ukrainian exports. Restoring food trade from Ukraine and Russia alone is therefore insufficient to avoid food insecurity problem from higher energy and fertiliser prices. While the Black Sea Grain Initiative has been a welcome development and has largely allowed Ukraine food exports to be re-established, the immediacy of these issues appears to have diverted attention away from the impacts of fertiliser prices. While fertiliser prices at the start of 2023 have come down from the peaks of mid-2022, they remain at historically high levels.  Our results suggest the costs and lower crop yields achieved through reduced fertiliser use will drive high food price inflation in 2023 and beyond. More needs to be done to break the link between higher food prices and harm to human health and the environment.  

This study demonstrates how modelling can be used to explore the complexity and interlinked nature of the globalised food system and to quantifying the trade-offs and synergies for health and environmental outcomes of difference scenarios.

How to cite: Alexander, P., Arneth, A., Henry, R., Maire, J., Rabin, S., and Rounsevell, M.: Energy and fertiliser price rises are more damaging than food export curtailment from Ukraine and Russia for food prices, health and the environment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6434,, 2023.

Extreme weather often causes crop losses with sharp fluctuations in agricultural prices, which imposes negative impacts on sustainable agricultural development. Greenhouse farming is regarded as an effective measure against extreme weather. Thus, it requires a better understanding of the growing complexity of agri-food systems involving greenhouse environmental and societal tradeoffs under climate variations. Considering high energy consumption of greenhouses, this study aims at adopting machine learning with IoT-big data mining to innovatively develop a smart greenhouse environmental control service model under the nexus between meteorology, water, energy, food, and greenhouse environmental control while exploring pathways to low-carbon greenhouse cultivation. The proposed model will be applied to greenhouses in Taiwan for evaluating cross-sectoral synergies and environmental benefits. The results are expected to support greenhouse owners and authorities to make the best use of resources of water, energy, and food through the optimal environmental operation on greenhouse cultivation under extreme climatic events for achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs) and move towards green economy.

How to cite: Hsia, I.-W. and Chang, F.-J.: Machine Learning-Enabled Smart Greenhouse Environmental Control Service Model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6494,, 2023.

Agriculture is a key to the Zambian economy, contributing 20% to the country’s GDP and 12% to the national export earnings. However, climate change has a negative impact on Zambian agriculture production. In line with its Vision 2030 to have an efficient, competitive, sustainable and export-led agriculture sector, Zambia is aiming to improve irrigated agriculture through large investment in irrigation. Considering climate change and variability, it is important to adopt best water and nutrient management practices for sustainable use of agricultural resources. Maize being the major staple crop of Zambia, a study was carried out to improve irrigation management by optimizing water and nitrogen use efficiency for maximum maize productivity at field level under varying water and fertilizer applications. To achieve this goal, our study used and adapted nuclear (neutron probe) and isotope (15N and 13C) techniques to the Zambian agro-ecological conditions. Drip irrigation was used as the targeted system. The experiment was implemented based on three water application levels, i.e., deficit (50% and 75% Evapotranspiration) versus optimal (100% Evapotranspiration)and three nitrogen (N) levels (140 kg.ha-1, 112 kg.ha-1 and 84 kg.ha-1, widely practiced being 112 kg.ha-1). Maize was grown as a sole crop, under drip irrigation, in rotation with a legume over the dry season of Zambia in 2021 and 2022. For both years, maize yield was ranging between 2 and 7 ton.ha-1. Results showed that deficit irrigation can be practiced without a significant negative impact on yield (with higher N levels showing significantly higher yields under deficit irrigation) and nitrogen use efficiency. The total N yield and agronomic water use efficiency were significantly higher, up to 1.5 and 3 times respectively, under deficit irrigation as compared to the optimal. Intrinsic water stress (d 13C results) was higher, though not statistically significant, under deficit irrigation. Thus, considering climate change and sustainable use of resources, deficit irrigation should be considered as the option to achieve higher yield and food security.

How to cite: Mwape, M., Said, H., Phiri, E., Heiling, M., Dercon, G., and Resch, C.: Understanding the interaction between maize water use efficiency and nutrient uptake in irrigated cropping systems, a basis for predicting and improving Zambia’s productivity in a changing climate, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6729,, 2023.

EGU23-7963 * | ECS | Orals | ERE1.8 | Highlight

Healthier diets, healthier planet? Quantifying the biodiversity pressure of fruit and vegetable consumption in South Africa, India, and the UK 

Abbie Chapman, Carole Dalin, Sara Bonetti, Rosemary Green, Genevieve Hadida, Tafadzwa Mabhaudhi, and Pauline Scheelbeek

Eating more fruits and vegetables lowers risk of non-communicable diseases. Globally, people are not eating the recommended amounts of these foods; consumption must increase to improve human health. However, in general, areas of cropland are associated with lower biodiversity than natural land (e.g., forests and grasslands). Converting natural land to cropland for agriculture therefore risks biodiversity loss which, in turn, risks lowering crop yields because biodiversity supports food production via pollination and pest control. Herein lies a trade-off. As the world seeks to eat more healthily, more fruits and vegetables will be produced to meet demand. Here, we share our research into this trade-off between healthy diets and biodiversity conservation.

To quantify the biodiversity pressure associated with healthy fruit and vegetable crops, we made use of freely available data on: species distributions (IUCN, 2013); fruit and vegetable production, yield, and harvested area (Monfreda et al., 2008); and international trade of fruits and vegetables (FAOSTAT; Dalin et al., 2017). Previous research into cropland-biodiversity relationships has typically grouped land-cover types into ‘cropland’ and ‘natural land’, without considering the impacts of specific crops on biodiversity (except for major commodities, like cocoa, and staples, like maize). We have developed a new suite of biodiversity-pressure metrics for specific crops which can be measured globally. These metrics enable us to quantify the species potentially impacted for each unit of crop in both a consumer country and its trade-partner countries. The new measures facilitate quantitative comparisons among specific crops and countries for the first time. Using these new measures, we compared the biodiversity pressures associated with the production and consumption of 54 different fruits and vegetables. We mapped the origin of crops consumed in the UK, South Africa, and India, and quantified associated biodiversity pressures relative to food produced and imported.

Contrary to previous research considering the relative impacts of food crops on climate change and water resources, biodiversity pressure due to fruit production is not always higher than that due to vegetables. The most important factors associated with increased biodiversity pressures include the country of production and the amounts being produced. We did not identify a single suite of crops standing out as particularly unsustainable across all three focal countries. This is significant, as it emphasizes the importance of trade in influencing sustainability. For some crops, domestic production would have a lower biodiversity pressure than importing from trade partners (e.g., UK-grown tomatoes). In such cases, the domestic production of fruits and vegetables should be promoted in conjunction with biodiversity-friendly farming practices. In other cases, domestic production of a crop is associated with a higher biodiversity pressure than the crop’s biodiversity pressure when produced overseas (e.g., UK-grown cherries). Our findings are particularly important in the context of changing trade patterns since the early 2000s, where countries like the UK have been increasingly sourcing fruits and vegetables from abroad. Our results could therefore inform policies aimed at tracing the environmental impacts of food-supply chains in the UK, India, and South Africa.

How to cite: Chapman, A., Dalin, C., Bonetti, S., Green, R., Hadida, G., Mabhaudhi, T., and Scheelbeek, P.: Healthier diets, healthier planet? Quantifying the biodiversity pressure of fruit and vegetable consumption in South Africa, India, and the UK, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7963,, 2023.

EGU23-10063 | Orals | ERE1.8

Risk of deforestation and potential greenhouse gas emissions from vegetable oils’ expansions for food use 

Maria Vincenza Chiriacò, Nikolas Galli, Monia Santini, and Maria Cristina Rulli

The global production of vegetable oils exceeds 200 million tonnes per year, with almost 40% for food use, and around 330 M hectares occupied by oil crops. The most produced is palm (40% if palm kernel oil is included), followed by soybean oil (28%), rapeseed oil (12%) and sunflower oil (9%). Some of these oil crops, particularly oil palm plantations and soy cultivations, are among the main drivers of global land use changes (LUC) and deforestation. In particular palm oil has been one of the most highly criticized due to the link between oil palm cultivation expansion and the loss of primary tropical forests, observed in recent decades. This issue has generated two different responses in the food sector: some players decided to produce and/or use deforestation-free palm oil. Other actors chosen to replace palm oil with other vegetable oils, such as soybean, rapeseed and sunflower oil.

Considering the importance of a proper land management in view of the food-ecosystems-resources nexus, this study assesses the potential LUC and the related GHG emissions that can occur by using sustainable palm oil or replacing it with the other oils for food use. 

A methodology was developed to assess the potential GHG emissions from the LUC due to alternative oil crops expansion at detrimental of high carbon content areas, such as forests or perennial croplands, and the GHG emissions from the production process though a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA).

Under the scenario of 100% replacement of palm and palm kernel oil globally, the extra-land needed to produce the additional alternative oils was determined in their three top producer countries using yield data from literature. An expansion algorithm considering suitability and distance from roads and existing oil crops was developed to determine the potential LUC which may occur in the selected countries. The potential GHG emissions from deforestation and other LUC were calculated from the carbon stock data of the FAO Forest Resource Assessment and IPCC; the field production of the four oils was reconstructed to calculate anthropogenic GHG emissions using relevant LCA existing databases. 

Results show that deforestation-free palm oil is the less impacting in terms of GHG emissions per oil ton thanks to its far highest oil yield. Replacing sustainable palm oil with any other alternative oil is never a favourable solution (Fig. 1), entailing a potential GHG emissions increase from 0.94-0.96 Mg CO2  per ton of palm oil replaced by sunflower oil produced in Ukraine or in Russia (where deforestation is unlikely), to 4.38 Mg CO2 per ton of palm oil replaced by soybean oil produced in Brazil, up to 13.65 Mg CO2 per ton of palm oil replaced by soybean oil produced in Argentina.


Figure 1. GHG emissions in Mg CO2eq t-1 from LCA (blue bars) and LUC (green bars) with 100% palm oil replacement. Based on national trends and forest policies, potential deforestation can be likely (full green), likely with limitation (dense dots), likely with offset (oblique lines), unlikely (scattered dots). Vertical lines for palm oil include deforestation.


How to cite: Chiriacò, M. V., Galli, N., Santini, M., and Rulli, M. C.: Risk of deforestation and potential greenhouse gas emissions from vegetable oils’ expansions for food use, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10063,, 2023.

EGU23-11242 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE1.8

Effect of urease inhibitor and biofertilizer on nitrous oxide emission 

Rayehe Mirkhani, Christian Resch, Georg Weltin, Lee Kheng Heng, Jason Mitchell, Rebecca Clare Hood-Nowotny, and Gerd Dercon

Conventional agricultural practices are heavily dependent on nitrogen fertilizers, which can have negative impacts on the environment through ammonia volatilization and nitrous oxide emission. Previous studies have shown that the use of urease inhibitors or biofertilizers may help reduce such impacts.

A field experiment was established by the Joint FAO/IAEA Centre at the experimental station of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) located east of Vienna (Austria) to determine the effect of urease inhibitor and biofertilizer on nitrous oxide (N2O) emission, in wheat cropping systems. A randomized complete block design including five treatments and four replicates was used in this study. The treatments were: T1 (control treatment - without N fertilizer), T2 (Urea only), T3 (Urea+Urease Inhibitor (UI)), T4 (Urea+Biofertilizer), T5 (Urea+UI+Biofertilizer). All treatments received 50 kg N ha-1 at tillering stage (GS 31), except T1. In this study N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide (nBTPT) or “Agrotain” was used as UI and Azotobacter chroococcum (“AZOTOHELP”) was applied as biofertilizer.

Soil N2O gas fluxes were measured using the static chamber method, eight times between 3 to 84 days after fertilizer application. Gas sampling was performed at the same time each day of measurement, between 8:00 and 10:00 h, to minimize diurnal variation and better represent the mean daily fluxes. A PVC chamber (24 cm height and 24 cm diameter) was inserted into the soil 5 cm deep. The chamber was composed of two separate parts joined together with an airtight rubber. Gas samples were taken at 0 and 30 minutes after closing the chambers using a 500 mL syringe. The gas sample was then immediately transferred from the syringe to a pre-evacuated 1L gas sampling bag with multi-layer foil. Nitrous oxide in the gas samples was analysed using off-axis integrated cavity output spectroscopy (ICOS, Los Gatos).

The statistical analysis showed that UI and biofertilizer had a clear and significant effect on nitrous oxide emission. However, this effect was only observed during the first week after the fertilizer application. Further, the results showed that the highest N2O emission, within this week after adding urea fertilizer, was under the U+UI treatment, which was significantly higher by about 139, 91,79% compared to the Urea+Biofertilizer, Urea, Urea+UI+Biofertilizer treatments, respectively. No significant difference was observed between the other Urea, Urea+Biofertilizer and Urea+UI+Biofertilizer treatments in this period. Although not significantly (p < 0.05), N2O emission was higher in Urea+UI+Biofertilizer treatment compared to the Urea+Biofertilizer treatment.

Due to the ability of UI to reduce ammonia volatilization, we assume that pollution swapping from ammonia volatilization to nitrous oxide emission occurred, explaining the stimulus of UI on nitrous oxide emission. The lower N2O emission in the treatments receiving biofertilizer, compared to the one with no biofertilizer, may be caused by the ability of Azotobacter to reduce N2O emission by N2O-fixation, N2 fixation and reduction of N2O to N2.  

How to cite: Mirkhani, R., Resch, C., Weltin, G., Heng, L. K., Mitchell, J., Clare Hood-Nowotny, R., and Dercon, G.: Effect of urease inhibitor and biofertilizer on nitrous oxide emission, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11242,, 2023.

EGU23-11440 | ECS | Orals | ERE1.8

The potential to increase resilience by replacing feed imports with domestic food system by-products 

Vilma Sandström, Matti Kummu, and Florian Schwarzmueller

Many of the key feedstuff, such as oilseed meals or fishmeal, used in livestock and aquaculture production are highly traded commodities in global agricultural markets. The dependence on these imported inputs creates vulnerabilities to the production countries when disturbances on global trade flows occur. Increasing the feed use of the available food system by-products offers a solution to decrease the dependency and increase food system circularity and resilience. In this global study we combine trade data from various sources of the material flows in feed trade and estimate for the first time the potential to replace the imported feeds with a more efficient use of food system by-products from domestic production. The results highlight the materials and areas with most potential to guide and inform decisions when looking for solutions in the transition towards more sustainable food systems.

How to cite: Sandström, V., Kummu, M., and Schwarzmueller, F.: The potential to increase resilience by replacing feed imports with domestic food system by-products, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11440,, 2023.

EGU23-12259 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE1.8

Effect of urease inhibitor and biofertilizer on wheat yield and related crop parameters 

Corinna Eichinger, Rayehe Mirkhani, Lee Kheng Heng, Jason Mitchell, Rebecca Clare Hood-Nowotny, and Gerd Dercon

Agricultural production must increase by 50% to support about 9 billion people by 2050. Previous studies show that integrated crop-soil management strategies can improve cereal yield by 30% without increasing nitrogen use. Sustainable practices and the application of environmentally friendly technologies can help to reach this point by improving resource use efficiency and increasing yield. For this purpose, the effect of urease inhibitor and biofertilizer were evaluated in this study as environmentally friendly technologies that can increase cereal grain yield.

In the spring of 2022, a field experiment was established at the experimental station of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), located in the east of Vienna, to determine the effect of urease inhibitor and biofertilizer on wheat production. A randomized complete block design including five treatments and four replicates was used in this study. Each main plot was 9 by 9 meters, and a buffer zone of 1.5 meters was implemented between each of the individual main plots. The treatments were: T1 (control treatment - without N fertilizer), T2 (Urea only), T3 (Urea+Urease Inhibitor (UI)), T4 (Urea+Biofertilizer), T5 (Urea+UI+Biofertilizer). All treatments received 50 kg N ha-1 at tillering stage (GS 31), except T1. In this study N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide (nBTPT) or “Agrotain” was used as UI and Azotobacter chroococcum or “AZOTOHELP” was applied as biofertilizer. To determine wheat yield (grain and straw), a 1.5 by 8 meter area was harvested in each main plot (9 by 9 meters). To measure other parameters including the number of tillers per square meter, 1000-grain weight (g), plant height (cm), spike length (cm) and numbers of grains per spike, a 1m-by-1m area was harvested within each main plot for all treatments.

The highest grain and straw yields were observed in the Urea+UI+Biofertilizer treatment, with a grain yield of about 20, 11, 8% higher, compared to the Urea, Urea+UI and Urea+Biofertilizer treatments, respectively. However, a significant difference in grain and straw yields was only observed between Urea and Urea+UI+Biofertilizer treatments. The grain and straw yields in the Urea+UI and Urea+Biofertilizer treatments were not significantly different from both Urea and Urea+UI+Biofertilizer treatments. The number of grains per spike and the weight of 1000-grain in the Urea+UI+Biofertilizer treatment showed an increase of about 20 and 11% respectively, compared to the Urea treatment, but these increases were not significant. Plant height in treatments that received nitrogen fertilizer was not affected by fertilization treatments, but spike length was affected. This study suggests that the use of urea fertilizer coated with urease inhibitor in combination with biofertilizer is a promising way for sustainable crop production in the lowlands of Austria.

How to cite: Eichinger, C., Mirkhani, R., Kheng Heng, L., Mitchell, J., Hood-Nowotny, R. C., and Dercon, G.: Effect of urease inhibitor and biofertilizer on wheat yield and related crop parameters, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12259,, 2023.

EGU23-12478 | ECS | Orals | ERE1.8

Tracing the water footprint of food losses the in trade network: the case of wheat 

Francesco Semeria, Francesco Laio, Luca Ridolfi, and Marta Tuninetti

Food loss and waste is increasingly becoming a topic of great public concern: in 2011, FAO presented the estimate that around one third of the world’s food was lost or wasted every year and SDG 12 (“Sustainable consumption and production”) from Agenda 2030 includes among its targets to “halve per capita global food waste” and to “reduce food losses”. The impact on environmental resources is significant: in particular, 24% of total freshwater resources used in food crop production are lost in the different stages of food loss and waste. While in high-income countries food is mainly wasted at the consumer level, low-income ones record losses concentrated in the agricultural and post-harvest stages. Globally, food markets are telecoupled and globalized, so wasted food has effects on water resources in the whole supply chain, propagating along the trade network up to the countries of initial production, where water resources have been utilized, often through irrigation, altering the local hydrological cycle. The reconstruction of such network is one of the most challenging aspects of tracing the impact of food waste on water resources. The difficulties are due to the numerous food re-exports and nested supply chains, to the different origins of food waste (from production to distribution and consumption), and to the marked variability of the country-specific unit water footprints. As a key hypothesis, we assumed that in each country the ratio between imports and domestic production would be the same in both domestic consumption and exports, to cope with re-export feedbacks in the network. Focusing on the emblematic case of wheat and its derivatives (e.g., flour, bread, pasta), we were able to reconstruct the complex global network that connects losses and wastes at any stage along the supply chain with the corresponding wasted water resources.

Our results show that, for most countries, the network is very extensive and involves many states around the world. For example, in 2016 over 20 foreign countries employed their water resources to produce wheat which in turn was wasted as bread in Italy at the consumer level, accounting for around 15% of the bread’s water footprint (870 m3/t).  This highlights how much water resources are now globalized and that the waste of food in a country can impact even very distant water resources. We also quantify the contribution of each waste component, from agriculture’s field losses to consumers’ household wastes. For Italy, 54% of losses related to bread are at the consumption stage, while only 6% occur at the agricultural stage. Eventually, we present how the relative importance of each component varies, depending on the network of countries involved in the production, storing, processing, distribution and consumption of food.

How to cite: Semeria, F., Laio, F., Ridolfi, L., and Tuninetti, M.: Tracing the water footprint of food losses the in trade network: the case of wheat, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12478,, 2023.

EGU23-12940 | Posters on site | ERE1.8

An evaluation of smartphone applications for LAI estimation to facilitate canopy state assessment in vineyards 

Georgios Ovakoglou, Ioannis Navrozidis, Vasileios Pyrgiotis, Nikos Kalatzis, and Thomas Alexandridis

Crop development and foliar density as expressed with Leaf Area Index (LAI) is an important source of information for disease prevention. Canopy density in vineyards has been correlated with disease incidence, mainly concerning the impact of high density on intra-canopy ventilation and levels of humidity. LAI data can be used together with other data sources, such as temperature, humidity, rainfall etc., to enhance disease predictive models and continuous monitoring of crops. To improve the crowdsourcing aspect of data collection from farmers and agronomists capturing in-field observations, this study was implemented aiming to evaluate LAI smartphone applications. The applications selected for testing and evaluation were smart fLAIr ( and VitiCanopy (, selected based on their applicability, subscription pricing, user-friendliness and continued support from the developers among all available Android applications. The smartphone applications were evaluated against LiCOR 2200C plant canopy analyzer ( to demonstrate the measurement accuracy of each. Sampling for this experiment was carried out in four plots (25 points/plot, 100 total) applying gaiasense smart farming services (, located in two irrigated commercial vineyards in Stimagka, southern Greece. The collected samples were representing various canopy states considering foliar density. Sampling took place during early morning hours (after sunrise) for the first two plots, while the remaining two plots were sampled after midday to early afternoon hours (before sunset). All sampling locations were recorded with geo-tagged photographs. A cap-view of 45o under clear-sky conditions was used for LiCOR2200C measurements and atmospheric scattering correction was applied, following a 4A measurement sequence protocol as described in the instruction manual ( FV2200 software ( was used to process the LiCOR dataset. Statistical analyses were performed after excluding 10% of total acquired samples as outliers. The results show that VitiCanopy has greater accuracy compared to fLAIr with a correlation coefficient of 0.65 over 0.25, while producing overestimated LAI values (mean diff = 0.74, p<0.0001). On contrast, fLAIr generated slightly underestimated LAI values (mean diff=-0.24, F=0.0155). Per plot analysis showed that measurements acquired earlier during the day (first two plots) provided higher correlation values (0.39<r<0.64), while those acquired after midday scored lower (r<0.12). This comes in agreement with relevant literature, suggesting that the ideal light conditions for accurate LAI measurements (under clear-sky conditions) is the earliest possible after sunrise. Although correlation values remained low to moderate (0.07<r<0.64), findings indicate that VitiCanopy performs more accurately than fLAIr and can be used as an alternative to costly and sophisticated equipment, however caution should be taken while standardising the optimal atmospheric/lighting conditions. This insight can be useful for disease predictive models, as well as farmers and agronomists who seek an accessible way to monitor LAI, potentially leading to spatially variable spraying applications. Future plans include the integration of LAI measurements as an additional parameter within the gaiasense’s Smart Farming solution aiming to enhance information richness of the existing operational pest infestation risk index calculation algorithms for vineyards.

This work was supported by EU-H2020 project ‘Resilient farming by adaptive microclimate management’ (STARGATE – 818187).

How to cite: Ovakoglou, G., Navrozidis, I., Pyrgiotis, V., Kalatzis, N., and Alexandridis, T.: An evaluation of smartphone applications for LAI estimation to facilitate canopy state assessment in vineyards, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12940,, 2023.

EGU23-15016 | Orals | ERE1.8

A novel tool implementation to estimate the Land Use Sustainability for crops production under different climate change scenarios 

Joan Miquel Galve, Jesús Garrido-Rubio, José González-Piqueras, Anna Osann, Alfonso Calera, Maria Llanos López, Esteban Henao, David Sánchez, Jesús Puchades, Antonio Jesús Molina, Christina Papadaskalopoulou, Marina Antoniadou, and Dimitris Tassopoulos

The sustainability of crop production regarding different climate change scenarios will compromise actors and activities involved in agri-food systems. Furthermore, sustainable development was defined by the World Commission on Environment and Development as the ability to meet present demands without compromising the needs of future generations. In parallel, according to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), land evaluation is the process of projecting land use potential based on its characteristics, and it has been the principal approach used worldwide to manage land use planning. Its use today is required due to changing needs and pressures from decision-making policies or agricultural market tendencies among others, so a rational use of natural land is a crucial goal for economic development. However, future climate change scenarios will modify the actual crop development conditions and must be tackled.

This paper presents two case studies at the river basin scale to determine the Land Use Suitability (LUS) analysis that is performed according to the FAO framework, thus, areas that are the most suitable for crops using GIS and multicriteria methodology that involves actual and future climatic conditions under different climate change scenarios, crop management practices and edaphological conditions for different crops. The tool developed generates a product that classifies areas suitable for a particular crop from a collection of maps and their corresponding thresholds. The approach involves standardizing the suitability maps, assigning relative importance weights to the suitability maps, and then combining the weights and the standardized suitability maps to obtain a suitability score.

In this paper, the wheat crop LUS at the Júcar River Basin (42,735 Km2, located in Spain) and the cotton LUS at the Pinios River Basin 11,000 km2, located in Greece) are evaluated. Once the LUS is estimated, a collection of yearly thematic maps over both river basins is ready for use by local stakeholders, regarding different climate change scenarios (RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5).

These results are part of the EU Horizon 2020 project REXUS (Managing Resilient Nexus Systems Through Participatory Systems Dynamics Modelling), in which local stakeholders, from farmers to land use managers, are collecting and evaluating the information. Our final goal is to provide spatial information for future climate change scenarios that increase land-use knowledge and enhance decision-making policies.

How to cite: Galve, J. M., Garrido-Rubio, J., González-Piqueras, J., Osann, A., Calera, A., López, M. L., Henao, E., Sánchez, D., Puchades, J., Molina, A. J., Papadaskalopoulou, C., Antoniadou, M., and Tassopoulos, D.: A novel tool implementation to estimate the Land Use Sustainability for crops production under different climate change scenarios, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15016,, 2023.

EGU23-15056 | ECS | Orals | ERE1.8

Usage of by-products and residues of the food system in livestock diets leads to savings in global land and water resources 

Camilla Govoni, Paolo D'Odorico, Luciano Pinotti, and Maria Cristina Rulli

Animal foods play an important role in human nutrition providing essential micro and macronutrients. In addition, animal-source foods cover 16% of the global food supply, so contribute to global food security. However, livestock consumes about 70% of the global agricultural land and one-third of the freshwater available for agriculture, thus fueling the debate on the competition between the food and the feed sector for the use of increasingly scarce natural resources. Several studies suggest that more efficient management in the food system can reduce competition and increase the global food supply without further pressure on resources. Here we propose a strategy consisting in the replacement of energy-rich food-competing feeds, such as cereals and tubers, with agricultural by-products and residues. Thus, we analyze both the current impact on land and water use for animal-source foods and the natural resources (i.e. land and water) saving associated with the replacement. To this aim, we collected data on regional feed use and the potential replacement of these feeds with actually available by-products and residues. Then, the collected data are combined with countries-specific crop yields and a dynamic spatially distributed and physically based agro-hydrological model to analyze the difference in the land and water use between the current baseline condition and the substitution scenario. Considering the replacement of five major cereals and cassava estimated to range between 11% to 16% of their feed use, the potential amount of fertile land and green water volume that could be saved ranges from 10% to 14%, while from 11% to 17% for the blue water volume. While Eastern Asia and North America would reduce their energy-rich feed crop consumption the most, would be Southern, Eastern, and South-Eastern Asia, and Eastern Europe that would benefit the most from the use of agricultural by-products and residues to save land and green water resources. As far as blue water is concerned, the highest savings are expected to occur in Asia, where cereal production is traditionally irrigated, although linked to unsustainable water withdrawals. Furthermore, the effect of trade on the consumption of natural resources, namely virtual land and water trade, is also explored, with feed crop production relocated through virtual resource flows. While Eastern Europe, Northern America, and South America appear as net land and green water exporters, Eastern and Western Asia and Southern Europe appear as net importers, and Western Europe, instead, as both an importer and exporter region through feed trade. On the other hand, Asia and Northern America appear to be net freshwater exporters. As the demand for livestock products grows over the next half-century, any strategy aimed at curbing the demand for primary commodities and making the food system more resilient has the benefit of reducing environmental impacts on both local and distant areas of the world but also the trade dependency of countries, in a time where global food security is threatened by several factors.

How to cite: Govoni, C., D'Odorico, P., Pinotti, L., and Rulli, M. C.: Usage of by-products and residues of the food system in livestock diets leads to savings in global land and water resources, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15056,, 2023.

EGU23-15211 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE1.8

SEDIMENT REUSE FROM TROPICAL RESERVOIRS: assessing the suitability of sediment material for soil improvements and impacts of the practice on plant growth 

Braga Brennda, Arlena Bronsinsky, Saskia Foerster, and Pedro Medeiros

Due to the high rainfall variability in the Brazilian semi-arid region and the occurrence of long periods without rain, society has adopted techniques to cope with drought, with focus on the construction of surface reservoirs. However, silting is causing a decrease in the water storage capacity of those structures, reducing their depth, increasing water losses by evaporation and contributing to the degradation of water quality by adsorbed pollutants. In a context where mitigating solutions are necessary, removal of the nutrient-enriched sediment from the reservoirs’ beds and their subsequent reuse for soil fertilization have been proposed. To assess the potential of the sediment as fertilizer, maize plants were grown under controlled conditions in a greenhouse, considering: i) soil from the region where the sediment was collected with no amendments, ii) soil with 100% of the nitrogen recommendation provided by mineral fertilizer (iii) soil with sediment from São Nicolau reservoir (iii), soil with sediment from São Joaquim reservoir (iv). We observed higher relative chlorophyll content, plant growth and biomass production of maize plants from the soil with added sediment, with a similar behavior to plants growing in the soil with chemical fertilizer. We also found that the silt improves soil structure by increasing the water retention capacity of the soil. We have previously evaluated that this technique is economically feasible and can present savings of up to 30% in relation to traditional fertilization, depending on the characteristics of the sediment. However, sediments from the same hydrographic region may present high spatial variability in their physicochemical characteristics. Therefore, it is relevant to map the spatial distribution of the sediment characteristics. Recently, we demonstrated that diffuse reflectance spectroscopy might be useful to characterize sediments at lower costs and efforts than by laboratory analyses: for instance, regression models for electrical conductivity and clay content performed in the range of good to very good in the study region. A further promising approach is the application of spaceborne imaging spectroscopy to estimate the concentration of elements such as sodium, the electrical conductivity, the content of clay and organic matter in the sediment. The derived information can be used for informed decisions in the application of sediment reuse practice. For example, if the electrical conductivity of the sediment is higher than 4 dS/m, addition of sediment to the soil may prevent plant growth and, therefore, its reuse is not recommended. Thereby, sediment reuse can also potentially promote de-silting of reservoirs, reducing the carbon footprint associated with traditional fertilization and improving the water quality of small reservoirs, the main source of water supply for rural families, by removing nutrients that could return to the water column. In addition, the use of sediments may represent an alternative to increase agricultural production, being less susceptible to market price variation than commercial fertilizers. The CAPES/PROBRAL and the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) are acknowledged for the financial support.

How to cite: Brennda, B., Bronsinsky, A., Foerster, S., and Medeiros, P.: SEDIMENT REUSE FROM TROPICAL RESERVOIRS: assessing the suitability of sediment material for soil improvements and impacts of the practice on plant growth, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15211,, 2023.

EGU23-15582 | ECS | Orals | ERE1.8

Sustainable agricultural strategies to address limited freshwater availability and meet food demand in the Nile River Basin 

Martina Sardo, Maria Cristina Rulli, and Davide Danilo Chiarelli

Providing healthy food from a sustainable food system, while satisfying the demand of a growing population, is one of the major challenges of the century.  The limited agricultural land and water represent the main boundaries to meet the food demand of a growing population (Davis et al., 2014, 2017). Moreover, availability of natural freshwater is expected to furtherly decline in future due to climate change (Rodell et al., 2018) – especially in arid regions – and, thus, there is an urgent need to reshape the agricultural system to sustainably feed a global population approaching 9 billion people in the next century (Godfray et al., 2010).

Food security in the Nile Basin is strictly related to the availability of freshwater resources, which are increasingly threatened by climate change and future demographic trends. Currently, food production is insufficient to meet the population food demand, and all Nile countries are currently net food importers. Healthy food is also needed to address malnutrition within the poorest rural communities in the Nile countries. Countries in the Basin are highly affected by undernourishment - linked low dietary energy - iron-deficiency-induced anemia and diabetes. The agricultural sector is the largest consumer of the Nile waters and, thus, the state of the food system has profound implications for attaining water security in the Nile Basin (NBI, 2020).

In this study we suggest a sustainable agricultural strategy to enhance sustainable a food system within the Nile River Basin. We couple the WATNEEDS hydro-agrological (Chiarelli et al., 2020) model with a linear optimization algorithm to reshape the current cropland with the aim of producing more healthy food, with several benefits for the ecosystem (e.g., reduced irrigation water consumption) and human health. Cropland redistribution can be coupled with agricultural intensification and diet shift generating, at the meso-scale, benefits in terms of irrigation water savings and increase in food self-sufficiency. We first evaluated the amount of irrigation water and the crop production related to the current crop distribution and second, we identified potential differences in food production and water consumption between the current and optimized crop distributions. We use the WATNEEDS model to quantify spatially distributed crop water requirements, - namely blue and green water requirements - which are the volumes of water needed to compensate crop water losses through evapotranspiration. Our results show that crop redistribution increases food availability and, thus, the percentage of population sustained sustainably with the local agricultural production, reducing the pressure on the currently available renewable freshwater resources of the Nile.

How to cite: Sardo, M., Rulli, M. C., and Chiarelli, D. D.: Sustainable agricultural strategies to address limited freshwater availability and meet food demand in the Nile River Basin, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15582,, 2023.

EGU23-15681 | Orals | ERE1.8

Coffee Agrosystems and Climate Change 

Raniero Della Peruta, Valentina Mereu, Donatella Spano, Serena Marras, and Antonio Trabucco

Coffee is one of the most important agri-food systems from a global economic point of view. Most of the production takes place on small and medium-sized farms and is the main source of income for many rural families in several developing countries. Areas suitable for coffee production are very biodiverse and ecologically important, thus negative impacts should be minimized.
Coffee production requires special environmental and climatic conditions. Current and future climate changes could cause problems for a sustainable production and result in lower yields. To overcome these problems, it is necessary to investigate the effectiveness of possible adaptation measures, such as intercropping with other tree species that can provide more shade to coffee plants and favour environmental sustainability. 
In order to study how such modifications could improve the resilience and sustainability of coffee production, the use of process-based models can be very useful. The DynACof model was developed specifically to simulate coffee farming systems, including phenological development, physiological processes related to flower and fruit production, carbon allocation, the effect of water availability, light and temperature, as well as management. We tested the DynACof model on some study areas in Mexico, Brasil and Rwanda and verified that the yield predictions were in line with the observations. We then developed a modelling tool where the model can be applied to entire geographical areas in a spatially explicit manner, using global climatic and soil datasets.
We used this tool to simulate yields in Latin America and Africa, both for the period 1985-2014 and for the period 2036-2065 using climate projections. Comparing the two periods, the model predicts a decrease in yields of about 28% in Latin America and about 12% in Africa. We then simulated specific management options (e.g. agroforestry shading vs intensive monocropping) to assess their efficacy in enhancing environmental sustainability and resilience to climate risks. These impact analyses will be crossed with socio-economic indicators for a more comprehensive climate risk assessment to support adaptation recommendations.

How to cite: Della Peruta, R., Mereu, V., Spano, D., Marras, S., and Trabucco, A.: Coffee Agrosystems and Climate Change, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15681,, 2023.

EGU23-15686 | Orals | ERE1.8

Elucidating climate change adaptation potential of improved maize (Zea mays L.) varieties with crop modelling 

Abel Chemura, Ponraj Arumugum, Eresi Kutesa Awori, and Christoph Gornott

The threats to crop yields are projected to increase under climate change and one of the most promising adaptation measures is for farmers to adjust their crop varieties over time to minimize climate risk. An improved or modern variety is a new variety of a plant species which produces higher yields, higher quality or provides better resistance to plant pests and diseases while minimizing the pressure on the natural environment. Selecting best maize varieties for various sites is also a good agricultural practice that can increase current yields in many low-productivity areas.  In this study, we aimed at identifying the climate change buffering potential of improved maize varieties using a spatialized DSSAT model using a case study across Uganda. We calibrate the model with observed weather data and then replace the weather files with climate projections from the ISIMIP3b. Model evaluation showed that the model performance was satisfactory with a correlation  coefficient (r) of 0.89, coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.79, index agreement (d) of 0.83 with observed yields. The impact of climate change on maize yield show spatial and temporal disparities with general trends showing that they worsen with time (2030 to 2090) and scenario (SSP1-RCP2.6 to SSP3-RCP7.0). At the national level, we project a yield loss of 6.2% (SSP1-RCP2.6) and 4.4% (SSP3-RCP7.0), by around 2030, 8.6% (SSP1-RCP2.6) and 14.3% (SSP3-RCP7.0) by around 2050, and 8.8% (SSP1-RCP2.6) and 26.8% (SSP1-RCP7.0) by around 2090. Switching to an improved variety results in at least double the maize yield under current climatic conditions (113.2%) compared to the current varieties, with maize yield exceeding 10 t/ha in the south-western, western and eastern parts of the country.  This positive yield effect was realized across all grids but substantially varied from around 10% to 500% yield change. Comparing the effect of climate change with an improved variety versus with a conventional variety shows it is always better to use an improved variety under climate change (positive effect), especially under worse case climatic conditions(2.9% and  8% yield buffering by 2090 under  SSP1:RCP2.6 and SSP3:RCP7.0 respectively) at national level. We therefore conclude that improved maize varieties offer a more durable solution to adapt to climate change and seed systems should therefore be strengthened to increase access to improved maize varieties for farmers.

How to cite: Chemura, A., Arumugum, P., Awori, E. K., and Gornott, C.: Elucidating climate change adaptation potential of improved maize (Zea mays L.) varieties with crop modelling, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15686,, 2023.

EGU23-16211 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE1.8

Management Options to Improve Drought Resilience in Sugar Beet 

Sabrina Santos Pires, Gernot Bodner, and Christine Stumpp

Weather-extreme events are increasingly common due to climate change, with longer periods of drought and periods of strong rainfall. Drought periods are a problem in agriculture with several crops suffering from qualitative and quantitative yield reduction depending on the crop growth stage. Sugar beet (Beta Vulgaris) makes up 20% of sugar production worldwide and is the main source of sugar in temperate regions, with a recent increase in its use for biofuel production. The search for drought-resistant varieties of sugar beet with lower water requirements is expanding, however substantial variability in drought resistance regarding yield and quality has not been found so far. The goal of this study was to develop strategies to improve yield security in sugar beet cultivation under low water availability conditions. Therefore, two field experiments were established at sites representative of Austrian sugar beet production (Oberhausen, Marchfeld; Guntersdorf, Weinviertel) over the course of two years, 2020 and 2021. The experiments involved combining breeding strategies (variety selection) with agronomic approaches (soil management, land cover, irrigation, fertilization) to investigate the sugar beet's response to water stress and assess the performance of different sugar beet varieties, leading to a more climate-resilient sugar beet crop. Direct methods of measuring soil hydraulic properties (e.g. via soil moisture sensors) and plant properties (e.g. stomata density and conductance) with stable isotope analysis for carbon and water were combined. As a result, a significant yield increase was found in irrigated plots. Nitrogen fertilization had a detrimental effect when applied extensively. A yield increase was obtained by soil coverage with wooden chips in both years and sites. Furthermore, the choice of variety also played an essential role, especially regarding the trade-off between drought resistance and yield.

How to cite: Santos Pires, S., Bodner, G., and Stumpp, C.: Management Options to Improve Drought Resilience in Sugar Beet, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16211,, 2023.

EGU23-16316 | Orals | ERE1.8 | Highlight

Cross-border environmental impacts of agri-food systems and potential solutions towards sustainability: a case study of trade between Europe and Africa. 

Ertug Ercin, Brecht D’Haeyer, Corjan Nolet, Emrah Alkaya, Didem Mahsunlar, Tolga Pilevneli, and Goksen Capar

Some nations and regions, such as the European Union (EU), use food ingredients and agri-food products that are not produced within their borders while being essential for their food security and food systems. This product flow through international trade means that these regions are connected to water resources outside their borders. It also means they create subsequent environmental and social effects in the original production locations, a phenomenon called ‘cross-border impacts”.  For example, these imports can be a substantial part of existing problems of water depletion and pollution in producing regions since every step in the food system such as growing, harvesting, transportation, production, packaging, and retail consume and pollute water. Furthermore, agricultural production in exporting regions provides the lion’s share of greenhouse-gas emissions from the food systems.

This study first maps the cross-border environmental footprints of agri-food systems in Europe (water and carbon footprints) along the supply chain of major imported agri-food products from Africa. Second, it determines the vulnerability of these agri-food systems to climate change. Third, it identifies potential solutions to minimize the vulnerabilities and environmental impacts of the agri-food systems that are connecting Europe and Africa.

The study shows that the cross-border environmental impact of European agri-food systems on Africa is largely related to imports of oranges, potatoes, grapes, tangerines, and tomatoes. For example, the water footprint of this trade is approximately 5 km3 per year.  These products originate from water-scarce areas such as North Africa (Egypt, Morocco) and South Africa. Furthermore, climate change will reduce water availability in these regions, e.g., 20% less water is expected in North African countries by 2050.

Minimization of food loss and waste along the supply chain of the Europe-Africa trade is investigated as a potential solution to reduce the environmental footprint of this trade. It is found that around a 30% reduction in water footprint can be achieved by eliminating food waste at the consumer level in Europe. Further reductions in environmental impacts can be achieved if manufacturing and transportation losses are minimized as well, up to 10% and 20% reductions in the water footprint and carbon footprint, respectively. Another solution to reduce the footprint of agri-food systems is to source relevant products locally instead of importing from Africa. This option significantly reduces carbon footprints (up to 60%) but not much for water footprints (around 10% reduction). For some food items such as oranges, more water can be saved if they are imported from Africa rather than locally produced in Europe.

This study concludes that the sustainability of agri-food systems has a cross-border dimension, which is mostly neglected in national policies of sustainable production and consumption. The sustainability of such imported agri-food products can be understood by assessing their environmental impacts at production locations. Improving production efficiencies at exporting regions (e.g., reduction of production losses and waste) and minimizing waste of these products at consumer levels can help reduce the environmental consequences of this trade and help achieve our sustainability goals.

How to cite: Ercin, E., D’Haeyer, B., Nolet, C., Alkaya, E., Mahsunlar, D., Pilevneli, T., and Capar, G.: Cross-border environmental impacts of agri-food systems and potential solutions towards sustainability: a case study of trade between Europe and Africa., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16316,, 2023.

EGU23-2712 | Posters on site | SSS9.7

The Relationship of Field Geometry, Harvester Size, and Traffic Intensity during Wheat Harvesting 

Katja Augustin, Santiago Focke-Martinez, Rainer Duttmann, Joachim Hertzberg, and Michael Kuhwald

Investigations of soil compaction in agricultural land often deal with the deployment of heavy, high-performance machinery and their impact on soil structure and functions. The traffic intensity on the field considers the spatial distribution of the number of wheel passes and the wheel load of the machinery. The intensity can vary due to changing machine and field characteristics. However, these dependencies are not analyzed in detail yet.

To what extent the machine’s working size and field geometry influence the traffic intensities during wheat harvesting shall be presented in this contribution. A route planning system planned the routes of three different combine harvesters on 59 fields with varying field geometries. With these routes the spatial traffic intensities of the work process were modeled for all variants.

To represent the structure of the field geometry, eight shape-indices were calculated. The traffic intensities were divided into classes indicating the percentage area for different threshold values of wheel load and wheel passes.

The analysis of the three harvesters showed that the size of the machine has a significant influence on the total trafficked field area and the wheel load distribution. The larger the machine and working width, the more area is affected by high wheel loads, but less total area of the field is passed. Those relations are independent from the field zone (headland, infield or complete field area).

The analysis of the field geometry shows that there is a strong correlation between the passed area with more than 5 and 10 wheel passes in the headland and three shape indices. These shape indices are the interior edge ratio (IER), the interior area ratio (IAR), and the mean fractal dimension (MFD). Both the IER and IAR are dependent on the size of the field. It shows that the larger the field area relative to the perimeter and headland area, the bigger the proportion of area in the headland that has been passed more than 5 and 10 times. Analogously, the more complex the field structure, the greater the proportion of area with more than 5 and 10 passes. This increased traffic intensity is probably because a larger field requires more yield transportations from the infield across the headland.

The study shows that in wheat harvesting, the geometry of the field and the choice of the machine should be considered if high traffic intensities should be avoided to preserve the soil structure.

How to cite: Augustin, K., Focke-Martinez, S., Duttmann, R., Hertzberg, J., and Kuhwald, M.: The Relationship of Field Geometry, Harvester Size, and Traffic Intensity during Wheat Harvesting, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2712,, 2023.

EGU23-3137 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.7

Moisture limits for grassland soil to avoid structural damage due to machine trafficking 

Emanuela Lepore, Olaf Schmidt, Owen Fenton, Saoirse Tracy, Giulia Bondi, and David Wall

Soil compaction is one of the primary threats to soil degradation in Europe; however, data to guide grassland farmers on how to avoid traffic induced soil compaction is limited. In grassland systems, soil moisture regimes are measured by daily soil moisture deficit (SMD) values and, when coupled with soil physical indicators could help safeguard the soil physical quality (SPQ). The objective of this study is to investigate how soil physical quality changes across different induced traffic compaction events at targeted SMD. A field study at Johnstown Castle Beef Farm (Wexford, Ireland) investigated the severity of soil physical changes caused by machine trafficking across different targeted soil moisture regimes. A tractor and a fully loaded slurry tanker trafficked moderately drained soil plots at SMD targets of 10 (dry (D)), 0 (moist (M)) and – 10 (wet (W)) mm. Compaction events simulated four passes across one year of grassland management: at the time of the first silage cut, in April; after the first cut silage harvest, in June; before the slurry spreading opening season, in October; and at the beginning of the slurry spreading period, in January. Soil bulk density (BD) samples were taken in the middle of the tyre marks at different depths (0-10, 10-20 and 20-30 cm). To examine indirect soil physical quality of various treatments, soil physical data was used to calculate the S value (Si) using the SawCal model. Initial results showed that the progressive increase in the number of trafficking events occurring above SMD 0 mm  led to major compaction, which significantly increased (P<0.05) compared to trafficking at SMD 10 mm. The cumulative effect of the four passes showed a significant difference from M to D and W, with M’s BD increasing by 22.2% compared to the control. D and W BDs remained similar ranging between 1.10 and 1.11 Mg m-3. Accordingly, Si values were indicative of very poor (i.e. degraded; S < .035) SPQ in M only. These early results indicate that the most severe degradation occurred in the 0 – 10 cm depth. Forecasting soil moisture is a valuable tool for the protection of SPQ and to enable farmers to minimise any soil degradation due to trafficking.

Keywords: soil compaction, grasslands, soil moisture, field traffic, soil physical quality indicators

How to cite: Lepore, E., Schmidt, O., Fenton, O., Tracy, S., Bondi, G., and Wall, D.: Moisture limits for grassland soil to avoid structural damage due to machine trafficking, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3137,, 2023.

EGU23-5466 | Orals | SSS9.7

New in situ soil bulk density sensor using gamma radiation 

Karin Pepers, Gijs Staats, Fenny Van Egmond, Ronald Koomans, Kees Teuling, and Gera Van Os

Soil compaction and soil bulk density are gaining in importance as soil parameters. The standard measurement with rings is labour intensive and therefore expensive. Medusa Explorations developed a sensor for in situ density measurements, the RhoC. This sensor measures in situ a full soil profile of bulk density every 5 cm up to 1 m depth in 15 minutes, without the need to extract a soil core. The measurement uses gamma ray attenuation combined with a soil moisture sensor. A validation study was performed in two locations, on sandy clay loam and sand soil, both with large within field variation in subsoil compaction. The first results show a good correspondence between both methods. Statistical analysis shows a slightly lower precision for the RhoC measurements than for the rings measurements. The results of this validation study will be discussed.

How to cite: Pepers, K., Staats, G., Van Egmond, F., Koomans, R., Teuling, K., and Van Os, G.: New in situ soil bulk density sensor using gamma radiation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5466,, 2023.

EGU23-5907 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.7

Assessing penetration resistance in Phalaris arundinacea harvest operations under minimum tillage conditions 

Leonardo Bianchini, Riccardo Alemanno, Richard Lord, Ben Nunn, and Andrea Colantoni

Harvesting operations of perennial forage crops can lead to soil compaction problems, which in turn lead to poorer soil structure, increased erosion, and reduced organic matter. The present study focuses on the evaluation of soil compaction caused by harvesting operations of Phalaris arundinacea (Reed Canary Grass) by measuring soil penetration resistance in two different areas of the farm of the University of Tuscia. The measurements were carried out in two consecutive years following the biomass harvesting operations. These field trials are part of the H2020 project CERESiS (ContaminatEd land Remediation through Energy crops for Soil improvement to liquid biofuels Strategies) (GA 101006717), which started in November 2020 and will continue until the end of the project in 2024. P. arundinacea is a species that lends itself to biomass production and phytoremediation of contaminated soils. The areas with different textures were treated with a minimum tillage system, notably, only a secondary tillage of the field with a disc harrow was carried out in late winter 2021 and sown in spring 2021. Part of each area was allocated for control and was fenced off after sowing, to avoid any trampling. The remaining areas were divided into 3 plots in which the operations were repeated. Measurements were taken in 2021 and 2022 following harvesting operations using a John Deere 5100 GF tractor with disc mower. Penetration resistance and soil moisture measurements followed, to verify the impact of the operations and the effect of soil type on compaction. For penetration resistance, 15 measurements per plot were taken up to a depth of 80 cm using an electronic penetrometer model Penetrologger (Royal Eijkelkamp Soil &Water; Giesbeek, The Netherlands). The results of the soil analysis indicate different chemical and physical characteristics between the two areas, in particular, one area has a clay texture and the other a sandy loam texture. The data collected from the measurement of penetration resistance pointed out significant differences between the plots subjected to tractor passage for harvesting operations and the control areas. Differences were also observed between the two areas, which was an expected result given the different texture and humidity recorded; thus, confirming the effect that this parameter can have on compaction and giving an indication of when to avoid entering the field.  It was interesting to note that an effect on the soil can already be seen after two years, despite the minimal intervention. Inspection at different depths showed a general tendency for resistance to penetration to increase with increasing depth, a greater difference between treatments (with tractor and control) up to 40 cm and a tendency to overlap beyond this depth. It will now be interesting to see how this will evolve over the next few years and to assess how the increase in penetration resistance can be further reduced. Compaction affects many other soil parameters, in a context of climate change, it is crucial to implement strategies to reduce it in agricultural operations.

How to cite: Bianchini, L., Alemanno, R., Lord, R., Nunn, B., and Colantoni, A.: Assessing penetration resistance in Phalaris arundinacea harvest operations under minimum tillage conditions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5907,, 2023.

EGU23-6402 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.7

Impact of long-term reduced tillage on water and gas transport in a sandy-loam soil and linkages to biological indicators 

Muhammad Mohsin Nawaz, Emmanuel Arthur, Joséphine Peigné, Meisam Nazari, Maliheh Fouladidorhani, and Mathieu Lamandé

Conservation tillage practices, such as reduced tillage, are often considered beneficial regarding soil fertility and sustainability. However, a risk of developing a shallow compact hardpan is associated with these practices that can hinder optimal water and gas transport within the root zone and thus impact soil health and productivity. To explore this risk, we compared conventional mouldboard ploughing (to 30 cm depth; MP) and reduced tillage (5-7 cm; RT) in a long-term experiment (approximately 15 years) on sandy loam soil. The field was uniformly tilled to a depth of 15-20 cm depth after the termination of the experiment. We evaluated the soil water and gas flow variables (saturated hydraulic conductivity, gas diffusion, and effective air-filled porosity), and biological soil properties for the 20-30 cm layer for the MP and RT treatments.

Soil was more compact in the reduced tillage treatment compared to conventional tillage, especially in the 20-30 cm soil layer. Soil bulk densities in the 20-30 cm soil layer were 1.62 and 1.80 g cm-3 in MP and RT treatments, respectively. There was no difference between the conventional and reduced tillage for effective air-filled porosity or gas diffusivity measured at -100 hPa water potential. Similarly, saturated hydraulic conductivity measured in the field was not different under the two tillage practices. The conventional tillage had 61% more earthworm abundance than the reduced tillage. The results indicated that despite the formation of a compact hardpan at 20-30 cm soil layer, as characterized by a higher bulk density, there were little to no effects of tillage on the soil functions related to water and gas transport. Moreover, the linkages between the soil physical quality indicators and microbial indicators (enzyme activity, microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen) were also explored.

How to cite: Nawaz, M. M., Arthur, E., Peigné, J., Nazari, M., Fouladidorhani, M., and Lamandé, M.: Impact of long-term reduced tillage on water and gas transport in a sandy-loam soil and linkages to biological indicators, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6402,, 2023.

EGU23-7276 | Posters on site | SSS9.7

A UAV-based rut depth detection - A potential for evaluating soil compaction on farmlands 

Christabel Ansah, Robert Rettig, Marcel Storch, and Thomas Jarmer

In recent decades, due to the increasing weight of agricultural machineries, undesirable soil compaction has become a severe factor for soil degradation. It does not only have negative ecological, but also economic effects. Successfully detecting, monitoring and predicting depths of ruts that were used by heavy vehicles can potentially reduce soil compaction. A crucial task is to generate real-world data at site-specific locations. UAV-based approaches have the advantage of providing sufficient spatial coverage and resolution to assess vital information, which can be used to directly evaluate the compaction resulting from the utilization of these heavy machineries. This information could be used for agricultural predictions, optimized routing and best time for treatments, soil regeneration purposes and many more. Therefore, the aim of this research was to spatially detect the depth of ruts, caused by heavy farm machineries on agricultural fields with consumer-grade Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs).

We therefore created a semi-automatic processing pipeline for UAV based data. The georeferenced RGB orthomosaic was used to spatially predict lanes, in the early stages of the crop cycle, by employing a Machine Learning approach. This prediction was subsequently used to extract the height information of the rut and the surrounding area from the SfM (Structure from Motion) Digital Elevation Model. As a reference method for the absolute height information, we compared this DEM (DJI Phantom 4) to the UAV - LiDAR derived DEM (RIEGL miniVUX-1UAV). For both systems, no substantial difference in the quality of the evaluated compaction depth was observed. This allows the use of low-cost UAV RGB systems to contribute to the ongoing research on soil compaction.

How to cite: Ansah, C., Rettig, R., Storch, M., and Jarmer, T.: A UAV-based rut depth detection - A potential for evaluating soil compaction on farmlands, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7276,, 2023.

EGU23-7426 | Posters on site | SSS9.7

Measuring the pore size distribution of a soil sample during the saturated triaxial compression using non-Newtonian fluids 

Martin Lanzendörfer, Jakub Roháč, Martin Slavík, Tomáš Weiss, and Jan Najser

While there are many methods available for the characterization of pore space of soils, most of them are not suitable for observing the gradual changes of the pore sizes of a given sample during the process of its compaction. Non-Newtonian fluids have been utilized recently for approximating the pore size distribution, providing not only a cheaper and more accessible alternative to the classical porosimetry techniques but also a method that allows to keep the sample undisturbed and to be used repeatedly. In particular, the so-called ANA method [1] computes the effective pore size distribution based on a set of saturated flow experiments with different shear-thinning fluids, such as the aqueous xanthan gum solutions of different concentrations.

We will discuss a methodology to measure the progressive changes in the pore size distribution of the sand sample placed in the standard triaxial test chamber where it is subject to a drained compression. After every compression step (i.e. after increasing the pressure level maintained in the chamber, thus further compacting the sample), a sequence of permeability measurements with fluids of different rheology is performed and the effective pore size distribution is approximated. The ANA approach is used in our case since the similar yield-stress method [2] requires using larger hydraulic gradients, which would disturb the effective stress imposed on the compressed sample.

[1] Hauswirth, S.C., Abou Najm, M.R., Miller, C.T., 2019. Characterization of the Pore Structure of Porous Media Using non-Newtonian Fluids. Water Resources Research 55, 7182–7195.

[2] Rodríguez de Castro, A., Agnaou, M., Ahmadi-Sénichault, A., Omari, A., 2020. Numerical porosimetry: Evaluation and comparison of yield stress fluids method, mercury intrusion porosimetry and pore network modelling approaches. Computers and Chemical Engineering 133.


How to cite: Lanzendörfer, M., Roháč, J., Slavík, M., Weiss, T., and Najser, J.: Measuring the pore size distribution of a soil sample during the saturated triaxial compression using non-Newtonian fluids, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7426,, 2023.

EGU23-8501 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.7

Numerical investigation of compaction effects on pore structure and hydraulic properties of fluid-saturated granular materials 

Soheil Safari Anarkouli and Martin Lanzendörfer

Since there is no doubt that soil compaction can induce substantial changes in the soil properties, affecting all kinds of physical, chemical, and biological processes in soils, it is worth some effort to attempt to characterize these changes quantitatively [1]. Soil properties, such as its permeability and hydraulic conductivity or the pressure-saturation relations, to name a few, are closely related to the pore space geometry, in particular to the pore size distribution (PSD). Future progress in incorporating the soil hydraulic properties in the modeling studies related to soil compaction will require, among others, an enhanced understanding of how PSD evolves during the compaction process. In addition to much-needed experimental observations, we believe that a significant part of this endeavor should be devoted to making use of the available pore-scale numerical techniques.

We will focus on the approach based on obtaining the pore structure in between the grains (of idealized grain geometries) for given porosity and particle size distribution. In this study, we use the discrete element method (DEM) [2] to obtain the evolution of pore structure by simulating the movement of grains during the compaction process, for a variety of sphere packings (mono-sized particles and binary mixtures, to start with). For this purpose, we use the open-source platform Yade-DEM [3]. The hydraulic properties of the fluid-saturated granular materials are simulated with the pore-scale finite volume (PFV) model [4]. Also, we use a combination of regular Delaunay facets and regular Voronoi vertices to extract the geometry of the pore structure. The effects of compaction on the pore structure and the hydraulic properties of different spherical packings will be discussed.



[1] Mahmoodlu, M. G., Raoof, A., Sweijen, T., & Van Genuchten, M. T. (2016). Effects of sand compaction and mixing on pore structure and the unsaturated soil hydraulic properties. Vadose Zone Journal, 15(8).

[2] Cundall, P.A., and Strack, O.D.L. (1979) A Discrete Numerical Model for Granular Assemblies. Geotechnique, 29, 47-65.

[3] V. Šmilauer et al. (2021), Yade Documentation 3rd ed. The Yade Project. (

[4] Chareyre, B., Cortis, A., Catalano, E. et al. (2012). Pore-Scale Modeling of Viscous Flow and Induced Forces in Dense Sphere Packings. Transp Porous Med 92, 473–493.

How to cite: Safari Anarkouli, S. and Lanzendörfer, M.: Numerical investigation of compaction effects on pore structure and hydraulic properties of fluid-saturated granular materials, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8501,, 2023.

EGU23-8891 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.7 | Highlight

Remote sensing of vegetation dynamics as an indirect assessment of soil compaction 

Thomas Weninger, Matthias Konzett, Tommy D´Hose, Kees Teuling, and Elmar Schmaltz

Soil compaction is a major threat to global agriculture as it can affect crop production and negatively impact the environment. This can result in increased production costs, additional labor requirements and reduced time windows for field access. Nevertheless, the actual effects of soil compaction on the growth of different crops in different pedo-climatic regions are insufficiently investigated. In this study, possibilities for such assessments by remote sensing are evaluated in three pedo-climatic zones of Europe using a harmonized experimental design. Oceanic climate is subject in Belgium and The Netherlands, while in Austria a location with continental, drier climate and another location in an intermediate continental-hemiboreal climate are included.

By means of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) equipped with optical and multispectral cameras, plant-physiological indicators are surveyed frequently throughout the vegetation period. Examples for such indicators are crop height, vegetation cover and density, NDVI, and a set of further indices derived from the reflectance signature of the plants. Fields are monitored that partly underwent a defined and delimited compaction (headlands or wheel tracks from management using heavy machinery) and soil physical standard methods are applied to characterize the compaction state of the soils (e.g. bulk/packing density, soil penetration resistance). Differences in the listed indicators are analyzed between plants in compacted parts and the non-compacted areas closely nearby under the same growing conditions.

Results from the first year of observations revealed distinct differences between plant growth in compacted and non-compacted areas. Several indicators showed interesting patterns throughout the vegetation period, which will be subject of further in-depth analyses. In the continental climate and affected by an exceptionally dry winter, early stage development of winter wheat was even more vital in compacted areas. Further statistical analyses of the gathered datasets from the UAV- and in-field-observations will provide insights on whether information about the state of soil compaction and its effects on plant physiology are supposed to be derived from these surficial indicators.

How to cite: Weninger, T., Konzett, M., D´Hose, T., Teuling, K., and Schmaltz, E.: Remote sensing of vegetation dynamics as an indirect assessment of soil compaction, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8891,, 2023.

EGU23-8893 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.7

A spatially and temporally high-resolution 4-year soil compaction risk analysis at field scale 

Michael Kuhwald, Katja Augustin, and Rainer Duttmann

Soil compaction due to intensive field traffic is one of the main threats to agricultural soils. Besides lower biomass productivity, compacted soils have a reduced regulation function which affects the air, water and nutrient cycles. To evaluate and mitigate soil degradation by field traffic, it is important to know where, when and to what extent soil compaction may occur during certain work processes.

For this purpose, we modelled and analysed the soil compaction risk for each work process during a 4-year crop rotation (winter wheat, maize, winter wheat, sugar beets) for one field in Lower Saxony, Germany. Based on RTK-GPS tracks recorded by the farm machineries, FiTraM (field traffic model) was used to model the spatial representation and the wheel load for each tire of each work process. Subsequently, these data were used for the soil compaction risk assessment by the SaSCiA-model (Spatially explicit Soil Compaction risk Assessment). In total, 63 work processes were modelled with a spatial resolution of 20 cm.

The model results revealed that the soil compaction risk at field scale is highly variable in space and time. The spatial variations in soil compaction risk are mainly determined by the spatial distribution of soil properties like soil texture, carbon content and soil moisture. In combination with changing wheel loads, e.g. during harvest processes, the soil compaction risk ranges from low to extremely high during one work process. The temporal variation is mainly caused by the weather conditions. A prolonged period with low precipitation resulted in no subsoil compaction risk during maize harvest, although maize harvest is often a major cause of soil compaction.

This study shows that the soil compaction risk varies in a wide range within a certain field. Efforts to mitigate soil compaction should consider spatio-temporal dynamics at high resolution to achieve a sustainable soil management.

How to cite: Kuhwald, M., Augustin, K., and Duttmann, R.: A spatially and temporally high-resolution 4-year soil compaction risk analysis at field scale, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8893,, 2023.

EGU23-9118 | Orals | SSS9.7

Subsoil compaction impacts soil quality indicators in a Calcaric Chernozem 

Maliheh Fouladidorhani, Mathieu Lamandé, Gerhard Moitzi, Muhammad Mohsin Nawaz, Meisam Nazari, Helmut Wagentristl, and Emmanuel Arthur

Soil compaction caused by modern mechanized agriculture has severe impacts on soil functioning and negative consequences on crop production. In the subsoil, these effects are persistent and difficult to ameliorate. To further clarify the compaction effect on the subsoil, we imposed compaction on 21st April 2022 on a moist Calcaric Chernozem (silty clay loam) by pulling a full 2-axle slurry tanker (10 m3, pendulum tandem axle, max. wheel load 3 Mg) with a tractor (19.5 Mg total load) through the field. Six months after the compaction event (in autumn (18th October 2022)), we evaluated the effects on field-measured soil structural quality indicators (SubVESS, bulk density, penetration resistance) and saturated hydraulic conductivity, then compared them to laboratory-measured gas flow-related parameters on intact 100 cm3 soil cores at -100 hPa (air-filled porosity, gas diffusion, and air permeability) at one depth in the subsoil (30-40 cm) and quantified pore geometry and tortuosity and geometry.

Simulation of traffic using TerranimoÒ indicated a risk of compaction down to 30 cm depth. The compacted treatment did not noticeably affect the soil bulk density. However, based on visual evaluation by SubVESS, compaction decreased porosity and aggregate friability. The overall soil structural quality (Ssq) scores were 2.1 and 1.4 for the compacted and control subsoil layers, respectively. Further, compared to the control treatment, a higher penetration resistance for the compacted treatment was observed from 5 cm to 35 cm. Field-measured saturated hydraulic conductivity decreased by 42% after compaction. Soil gas transport by convection (air permeability) and diffusion (gas diffusivity) decreased by 67% and 48%, respectively, after compaction. Furthermore, compaction decreased air-filled porosity and pore organization by 28 and 60%, respectively, and increased pore tortuosity. It can be concluded that although compaction did not increase bulk density in the subsoil, the negative effects of traffic was detectable by SubVESS, and the quantitative parameters related to air and water flow.

How to cite: Fouladidorhani, M., Lamandé, M., Moitzi, G., Nawaz, M. M., Nazari, M., Wagentristl, H., and Arthur, E.: Subsoil compaction impacts soil quality indicators in a Calcaric Chernozem, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9118,, 2023.

EGU23-9332 | Orals | SSS9.7

Persistence of subsoil compaction and potential for natural recovery in a sandy loam soil 

Emmanuel Arthur, Maliheh Fouladidorhani, Fulai Yan, Meisam Nazari, Muhammad Mohsin Nawaz, Lars Munkholm, and Mathieu Lamandé

Mechanization operations in agriculture have, for the last two decades, involved consistently higher wheel loads with an increased risk of soil compaction, particularly in the subsoil. Subsoil compaction is more persistent compared to the topsoil due to limited mitigation options. There is, however, a potential for the natural recovery of compacted subsoils through processes such as freeze-thaw and wet-dry cycles, and biological activity. The objectives of the present study were to (i) quantify the persistent effects of subsoil compaction on subsoil pore characteristics and water flow, based on visual and quantitative methods, and (b) investigate the potential for natural recovery nine years after the compaction event.

Soil compaction was achieved by tractor-trailer combinations for slurry application with a maximum wheel load of 8 Mg on a loamy Luvisol. The compacted plots were trafficked annually for four years (2010-2013). Nine years later (2022), field measurements (saturated hydraulic conductivity, visual evaluation of subsoil structure [SubVESS], and penetration resistance) were conducted at a depth of 0.3-0.4 m. Additionally, undisturbed samples of 100 cm3 were taken for measurements of gas flow (air permeability [ka] gas diffusivity [Dp/Do], and air-filled porosity[ε]) after equilibration at a matric potential of −100 hPa. The negative impact of compaction on the measured variables was compared to previous measurements conducted four years after (2017) the compaction event.

Nine years after compaction, there was still a marked negative effect of compaction on the soil structure assessed by the SubVESS method, with the largest impact observed on soil strength, root growth restriction, and aggregate friability. Saturated hydraulic conductivity was 63% lower in the compacted treatments compared to the control, while penetration resistance increased from 1.91 to 2.65 MPa after compaction. We also observed a strong negative effect of compaction on soil air permeability (−54%), gas diffusion (−30%) and the effective air-filled porosity (−24%). These changes were reflected in decreased pore organization [PO] and tortuosity in the compacted plots. Compared to five years earlier, there was a potential for natural recovery of the gas transport and pore structure variables (ka, Dp/Do, ε, PO). In 2017, there was an average compaction-induced reduction of 55% in the mentioned variables, and this changed to 38% in 2022, suggesting an increased recovery with time. Thus, although the effect of compaction on the subsoil was persistent after several years, there is a possibility that natural processes may play a significant role in recovering critical soil functions after compaction in the upper subsoil.

How to cite: Arthur, E., Fouladidorhani, M., Yan, F., Nazari, M., Nawaz, M. M., Munkholm, L., and Lamandé, M.: Persistence of subsoil compaction and potential for natural recovery in a sandy loam soil, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9332,, 2023.

EGU23-11647 | Posters on site | SSS9.7

Preliminary study about soil compaction and awareness in grasslands in Carinthia (south Austria) 

Glenda Garcia Santos, Marianna Puff, Martin Orel, and Andreas Bohner

The study of the causes and possible remediation strategies at regional level complies with the current European Green deal to monitor soil compaction. We have investigated the influence of different management strategies (use of cattle and machinery) on the storage density and the penetration resistance of permanent grasslands in the south of Austria (Carinthia) based on the recent evidences of soil compaction in two grasslands as studied by Klinger et al. in (2019). Based on this, we have extended the study by selecting more than ten grasslands within two catchments with different management strategies.

The studied indicators were bulk density, soil texture, plant indicators, infiltration capacity, water repellence, water content and electric conductivity at the surface level. Soil profiles of approximately 30 cm were also studied to detect the possible compaction layer and vertical bulk density variations. First results may explain spatial topographical differences i.e. slope and hydrological soil properties and interestingly in some cases, possible correlation between the use of cattle and number of entries in the field and compaction level. We checked if these results contributed or matched farmers awareness.

How to cite: Garcia Santos, G., Puff, M., Orel, M., and Bohner, A.: Preliminary study about soil compaction and awareness in grasslands in Carinthia (south Austria), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11647,, 2023.

EGU23-11665 | Posters on site | SSS9.7

Loads and soil deformations from agricultural vehicles and their influence on soil water retention properties 

Kai Germer, Maike Weise, and Marco Lorenz

Agricultural sites are often influenced by soil deformation and compaction through vehicular traffic. Both can lead to changes in pore-size distribution and consequently in changes at the water retention properties. Compaction usually has the disadvantage that crop yields are reduced and, conversely, avoiding soil compaction has the potential to increase yields and is also more sustainable for the soil. By compaction mainly the macro pores are affected and the lost in pore volume comes from a transformation of macro pores and coarse pores to middle and fine pores.

In this study presented here agricultural sites in Lower Saxony (Germany) were soil sampled before and after vehicle wheelings with different machines. The samples were lab investigated to become soil moisture to pore pressure pairs and based on these pairs samples retention curves were yield by fittings with the traditional constrained van Genuchten model using the HYPROP-Fit software. The goal of the study is mainly to compare the van Genuchten parameters θs (saturated water content) and α (van Genuchten shape parameter) between unwheeled and wheeled situations and this in relation to the used vehicles, depth and position in the field.

The results show that soil compaction mainly occurs as a result of vehicular traffic, which is reflected in predominantly decreasing θs values. In most cases, the van Genuchten parameter α is significantly reduced after traffic loading, indicating that the mean and dominant pore size range is shifting towards finer pores. Based on these results, it may be possible in the future to identify vehicles and types of traffic where the slightest possible negative soil changes are to be expected.

How to cite: Germer, K., Weise, M., and Lorenz, M.: Loads and soil deformations from agricultural vehicles and their influence on soil water retention properties, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11665,, 2023.

EGU23-11751 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.7 | Highlight

Detection of soil compaction by the spatial analysis of vegetation characteristics via UAV and clustering algorithms 

Frauke Lindenstruth, Michael Kuhwald, Katja Augstin, and Rainer Duttmann

Soil compaction due to field traffic can reduce yields and increase a fields susceptibility to surface runoff and soil erosion. However, detecting and monitoring compacted soils is time and labor intensive. Additionally, most detection methods focus on few points within a field and usually do not provide information on the spatial distribution of soil compaction and its effects on a field scale. 
In this study, we aim to present a method for detecting potentially compacted areas on field scale using an unpiloted aerial vehicle (UAV). Using an UAV enable the non-inversive collection of field vegetation patterns want, which can be linked to differences in soil properties and soil structure.
In two study regions, we monitored six fields for four years. For each field, at least four UAV-flights were carried out per season. The UAV was equipped with a RGB and a multispectral sensor. Spatial corrections and spectral calibrations were performed with ground control points and calibration targets. To analyze the data for patterns in the vegetation, models of plant height and various vegetation indices (NDVI, SAVI, WDRVI, EVI) were calculated and combined with three different clustering algorithms (k-means, fuzzy k-means, CLARA). To validate the identified vegetation patterns, several field campaigns were conducted to analyze soil texture, saturated hydraulic conductivity, air permeability, bulk density, and yield. 
Our study shows that patterns in the vegetation can be distinguished by their geometry and orientation. Linear patterns running parallel to the tramlines and planar patterns in the headland indicate potential compaction, whereas rounded patterns are indicators for topography changes. Soil samples within the detected linear patterns overall showed an increase in bulk density, and a decrease in saturated hydraulic conductivity and air permeability. Yield samples were also reduced in those patterns for all studied crops. Thus, we can conclude that UAV analysis is suitable method for soil compaction detection. However, detected patterns can be overlaid by other causes.

How to cite: Lindenstruth, F., Kuhwald, M., Augstin, K., and Duttmann, R.: Detection of soil compaction by the spatial analysis of vegetation characteristics via UAV and clustering algorithms, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11751,, 2023.

EGU23-14940 | Posters virtual | SSS9.7

Soil deformation during field traffic 

Marco Lorenz, Maike Weise, Kai Germer, and Joachim Brunotte

Under moist soil conditions, high wheel loads and repeated wheel passes due to intensive field traffic, e.g. at sugar beet harvest, significantly increase the risk of soil compaction and harmful soil structure damages. The tires of the machines induce loads into the soil via the tire soil interface. The pressure is transmitted into the soil and may induce soil deformations. Plastic soil deformation lead to soil compaction with multiple effects on soil parameter (e.g. dry bulk density, air capacity), soil structure and soil pore system.

A measurement device is presented to measure soil pressure and soil deformation simultaniously in different soil depth. It was applied for different field traffic situations and techniques at silage maize and sugar beet harvest, as well as for the application of digestates on a stagnic Luvisol in northern Germany. Under moist soil conditions, almost every wheel pass leads to plastic soil deformation in the topsoil. Depending on soil loads and conditions, the subsoil can also be deformed. In all measurements, the first wheel pass induces the highest deformation, but every further wheel leads to further soil deformation. Therefore, in addition to the wheel load, the number of wheel passes also plays an essential role in evaluating field traffic and soil compaction processes.

Undisturbed soil cores were collected before and after field traffic in different soil depth (20, 35, 50 cm) and analyzed in the soil physical laboratory. With increasing plastic deformation the total pore volume decreases, wider soil pores were reduced and finer soil pores generally increase. Hence, mainly parameters like dry bulk density, air capacity and saturated hydraulic conductivity react negatively to increasing soil deformation.

How to cite: Lorenz, M., Weise, M., Germer, K., and Brunotte, J.: Soil deformation during field traffic, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14940,, 2023.

EGU23-17310 | Posters virtual | SSS9.7

Evolution of soil structure at field-scale on a silt loam in Northern Germany 

Marie Eden, Joachim Brunotte, and Marco Lorenz

Compaction is considered as one of the major threats to soil quality and health. The use of heavy farm machinery may compact the soil, reducing the pore volume and simultaneously increasing soil bulk density. In this context, a multitude of internal (soil-related) and external factors are at play and influence soil physical properties like bulk density, which is a widely used indicator of compaction.

Undisturbed soil samples were collected on a North German farm from six individual fields, all located within the same area of ~1.2 km². All fields display loess-derived soils, similar in soil type, texture and management (same farmer).  Since 1995, samples were extracted from ~20 and ~40 cm (~35 cm as of 2016) representing top- and subsoil.

For one of the fields, there are approximately 15 observations within a timeframe of roughly 20 years. For the topsoil, a trend of decreasing bulk density was observed, whereas the subsoil showed a trend for the opposite behaviour, with bulk density increasing over time. Soil compaction and thus increased bulk densities are expectable on agricultural fields managed with heavy machinery. However, for the topsoil, regular tillage accompanied by soil loosening might have caused the decrease in bulk density over time. From a soil structural and stability point of view, this might nonetheless not be beneficial.

How to cite: Eden, M., Brunotte, J., and Lorenz, M.: Evolution of soil structure at field-scale on a silt loam in Northern Germany, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17310,, 2023.

Soil erosion by water is one of the main causes of degradation of arable soils worldwide. Through the degradation of soil functionality and the long-distance effect of polluted soil particles, water erosion can severely limit soil fertility and the condition of aquatic ecosystems. Nowadays, a variety of different soil erosion models are used on different spatial and temporal scales to assess soil erosion risk, identify risk areas and support decision makers in adapting soil protection measures. Field studies show that highly compacted field areas such as wheel tracks, can have a major influence on the extent of soil erosion and runoff, but so far, they are not considered in any model-based soil erosion assessment.

The aim of this study is therefore to present an approach for integrating compaction effects of tramlines into process-based soil erosion models. Furthermore, the effects of tramlines on soil erosion and runoff processes within a watershed are to be identified. For this purpose, the soil erosion model EROSION 3D (E3D) was parameterized by accounting for soil conditions of compacted wheel tracks for a watershed in Norther Germany. In a further step, the modelling was conducted for a real heavy rainfall event and calibrated and tested with mapped runoff and soil erosion data. Additionally, a sensitivity analysis of the input parameters was conducted in order to assess soil properties which have a major impact on the model results.

The study shows that small-scale features such as tramlines can be integrated into soil erosion models and that this can significantly improves the spatial prediction of runoff and soil erosion. The model results also show that tramline tracks can have a significant contribution (up to 75 %) to total erosion as well as to sediment input into the water network, while bulk density of the wheel tracks is a major factor influencing modelled runoff and soil loss. The model results indicate that tramlines can play a key role in runoff and erosion processes and that the consideration of highly compacted areas in soil erosion assessments in agricultural landscapes is crucial. The results also indicate, that soil conservation measures may need to foster on tramlines and other compacted field areas such as headlands.


How to cite: Duttmann, R., Saggau, P., and Kuhwald, M.: Compacted wheel tracks as underestimated structures in water erosion events in agricultural landscapes: Results of a first process-based model application at catchment level., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17436,, 2023.

EGU23-17480 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.7

The deeper the lane, the stronger the changes: Soil physical properties of forest skid trails and their spatial distribution 

Lennart Rolfes, Kai Germer, and Andre Peters

In highly mechanized modern timber harvest, forest soils are wheeled by heavy vehicles on skid trails. This leads to structural changes in the soil. The aim of this work was to quantify the soil physical properties of skid trail lanes of different depths (0-10, 10-20, 20-30 cm). Between 2017 and 2021, 18 existing skid trails in a spruce stand in the low mountain range Solling (southern Lower-Saxony, Germany) were examined from a soil physical point of view after repeated use with a harvester (25 Mg total mass) and a forwarder (35 Mg). Undisturbed soil samples were taken at six soil depths in the lane, in the adjacent edge area and in the nearby undisturbed forest soil. In addition, disturbed samples were collected as well for analysis like soil texture. The dry bulk density increases with lane depth and, on average, reaches maximum values in the middle of the lane. This decreases in the edge areas. Significant differences between the treatments can be determined up to a sampling depth of 35 cm. The saturated hydraulic conductivity is lowest in the deepest lanes. With the exception of the sampling depth of 50 cm, this also applies to the porosity, which can primarily be explained by a decrease in the coarse pores. A trend can be derived from the results: The deeper the shape of the lane, the more it deviates from the unwheeled comparison area in terms of its physical soil properties.

How to cite: Rolfes, L., Germer, K., and Peters, A.: The deeper the lane, the stronger the changes: Soil physical properties of forest skid trails and their spatial distribution, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17480,, 2023.

EGU23-1122 | PICO | SSS9.9

Impact of climate change on the bioclimatic suitability of different Portuguese grape varieties in Europe 

Filipe Adão, João C. Campos, João A. Santos, Aureliano C. Malheiro, and Hélder Fraga

Viniculture has a long tradition in southern Europe and is an important socioeconomic sector in many countries. Temperate climates allow for this activity, as moderate temperatures and precipitation are key to the proper phenological development of grape vines. However, the onset of climate change has led to increasingly higher temperatures and changing precipitation regimes during the growing season in the last decades. According to the latest report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a continuation of the observed changes is expected in the coming decades, independently of the radiative forcing scenarios that are considered. Wine quality has already been affected in some regions, but the long-term sustainability of wine growing itself is now in question. To better understand what the future could look like, the bioclimatic suitability of Portugal, Spain, France, and Italy for twelve Portuguese grape varieties was modeled using the R BIOMOD2 platform. Ensemble correlative models were made using the current locations of the grape varieties in Portugal and the bioclimatic indexes "Huglin Index", "Cool Night Index", "Growing Season Precipitation Index", and "Temperature Range during Ripening Index" as predictive variables. The indices were calculated with Copernicus’s E-OBS dataset for the recent past (1989-2005) and the EURO-CORDEX datasets for the future (2051-2080), considering the Representative Concentration Pathways 4.5 and 8.5. The models obtained high scores in the evaluation of their predictive performance (ROC > 0.9) and allowed for the identification of the most suitable regions for the different grape varieties across the study area. A clear shift in bioclimatic suitability towards the north was observed, namely towards the north of Spain and France, and in some cases, also towards regions with higher elevation. These shifts were mainly due to the projected overall rise in thermal accumulation and lower precipitation in the southern regions, which is corroborated by the evaluation of the contribution of each of the indexes to the models. Thus, the long-term sustainability of the wine industry in Europe will most likely require measures of adaptation that mitigate the effects caused by the change in these two atmospheric factors.

How to cite: Adão, F., C. Campos, J., A. Santos, J., C. Malheiro, A., and Fraga, H.: Impact of climate change on the bioclimatic suitability of different Portuguese grape varieties in Europe, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1122,, 2023.

EGU23-4431 | PICO | SSS9.9 | Highlight

Multi-scale and multi-disciplinary approach to evaluate the mechanisms for leaf morpho-anatomical and eco-physiological acclimation of Greco grapevine under different canopy and soil management within the Italian GREASE project 

Veronica De Micco, Antonello Bonfante, Carmen Arena, Giovanna Battipaglia, Francesca Petracca, Chiara Amitrano, Ermenegilda Vitale, Simona Altieri, Arturo Erbaggio, Pierpaolo Sirch, and Chiara Cirillo

In the Mediterranean region, climate models forecast an increase in temperature and irregularities in the precipitation patterns which are a challenge for viticulture. The number, type, intensity and duration of stressors induce specific morpho-physiological responses which are cultivar-specific and are reflected on grape yield and quality. A major challenge for vines in southern Mediterranean area is to invest resources to construct leaves capable of efficiently converting carbon into biomass, while controlling evapotranspiration losses, as well as maintaining a balance between vegetative growth and reproduction. Plants have to harmonize structure and function to achieve efficient physiological processes and use of resources. Although it is not clear whether plant anatomical structure is the bottleneck for efficient functioning or vice versa, it is recognized that tissue growth and photosynthesis cannot be decoupled. Therefore, the knowledge of the plasticity in the coordination between morpho-anatomical and eco-physiological traits in vines is needed to forecast how vineyards would respond to climate changes. Moreover, the impact of climate change depends on pedo-climatic spatial variability, and it can be either buffered or intensified by vineyard management.

Within this framework, the aim of this study was to evaluate the combined effect of two types of canopy management (double guyot and double guyot flipped) and three treatments of soil management (cover crops, natural coverage, and soil tillage) on the coordination of morpho-anatomical and eco-physiological traits in the grapevine cultivar 'Greco' (Vitis vinifera L. subsp. vinifera), autochthonous and widely cultivated in the Campania Region (southern Italy). The field trials were conducted at the Feudi di San Gregorio winery premises in southern Italy, within the GREASE project, funded by the Campania Region through the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020, with the general goal of improving grapevine productivity and resilience for the sustainable management of vineyards.

The status of vines was monitored over three years by applying a multidisciplinary approach allowing the analysis of vines behavior at the single plant- and whole-vineyard levels. Indeed, the growth and the eco-physiological traits of vines were monitored by measuring biometrical parameters, leaf gas-exchanges, chlorophyll a fluorescence emission, and leaf water potentials. Leaves were also sampled to quantify carbon stable isotopes as well as functional anatomical parameters (e.g. parenchyma, stomata and vein traits) linked to the efficiency of gas-exchanges and water flow. Proximal sensing techniques were applied to monitor the whole vineyard performances. The meteorological data and soil water content were collected through weather stations and time-domain reflectometry (TDR) technique.

The overall analysis of results showed that the effect of different canopy and soil management is strongly mediated by inter-and intra-annual variability of climatic factors. From a methodological point of view, the multidisciplinary approach proved to be fundamental to go in-depth in the cause-effect relations and mechanisms for vines acclimation. Only a deep understanding of such acclimation mechanisms can furnish the keys to optimize the utilization of the information collected through the novel proximal technologies, for the design of vineyard management strategies to improve yield and quality still assuring environmental sustainability.

How to cite: De Micco, V., Bonfante, A., Arena, C., Battipaglia, G., Petracca, F., Amitrano, C., Vitale, E., Altieri, S., Erbaggio, A., Sirch, P., and Cirillo, C.: Multi-scale and multi-disciplinary approach to evaluate the mechanisms for leaf morpho-anatomical and eco-physiological acclimation of Greco grapevine under different canopy and soil management within the Italian GREASE project, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4431,, 2023.

EGU23-5079 | ECS | PICO | SSS9.9

Belowground hydraulic resistance generates stomatal closure of grapevine in soil water-limited conditions 

Louis Delval, François Jonard, and Mathieu Javaux

Climate change will exacerbate drought events in many regions, increasing the demand on freshwater resources and creating major challenges for viticulture. In viticulture, the terroir governs the hydraulic behavior of the vine. The terroir is defined as the interactions between climate, soil, plant material (vine and rootstock varieties) and human management practices. The knowledge on grapevine drought stress physiology has increased significantly in recent years, but a holistic comprehension on how soil-plant hydraulic resistances develop and are regulated remains poorly understood. In particular, how different soil-rootstock combinations and their plasticity affect the vine hydraulic condition is still an open question.


The objective of this study is to understand the hydraulics of the soil-plant system in grapevines (Vitis vinifera cv. Chardonnay) in situ, for different soil-rootstock combinations in a temperate oceanic climate, and to investigate its influence on vine water status.


The concomitant and automatic monitoring of soil and collar water potentials, as well as sap flow, made it possible to characterize the evolution of the soil-vine hydraulics in situ in real-time, with hourly measurements for two months. In order to investigate the impact of the soil-rootstock combination, two Belgian vineyards with the same variety (cv. Chardonnay) were selected due to their intra-field heterogeneity of soil physico-chemical properties (two study areas per vineyard). The vines of the first vineyard are grafted on the rootstock 3309C and planted on sandy or loamy soils. Those of the second vineyard are associated to the rootstock 101-14Mgt and grow on loamy or silty-clay soils. In each vineyard the soil is therefore the only variable factor, for which hydraulic properties were measured to a depth of 2 m.


The measurements were collected between mid-July and mid-September, during a period of exceptional drought in Belgium leading to soil water-limited conditions (rainfall anomaly of -153,8 mm and -148,4 mm in the first and second vineyard respectively over this period). The mean soil-plant conductances observed over the season were respectively 0,54.10-5 cm.s-1.MPa-1 and 2,18.10-5 cm.s-1.MPa-1 in the sandy and loamy areas of the first vineyard, and 1,79.10-5 cm.s-1.MPa-1 and 2,97.10-5 cm.s-1.MPa-1 in the silty-clay and loamy areas of the second vineyard. Despite this extreme drought, the minimum observed stem water potential (Ψstem) was -1,47 MPa (sandy study area of the first vineyard). This is in line with other studies that have shown in situ vines typically work within a safe range of water potentials (Ψstem > -1,5 MPa) that do not lead to cavitation or turgor loss. These first observations validate the hypothesis that the increase of belowground hydraulic resistance triggers stomatal closure of vine.

How to cite: Delval, L., Jonard, F., and Javaux, M.: Belowground hydraulic resistance generates stomatal closure of grapevine in soil water-limited conditions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5079,, 2023.

EGU23-5150 | PICO | SSS9.9

Stability of soil moisture and temperature in a rainfed organic vineyard with two cultivars and permanent ground cover of resident vegetation under temperate oceanic climate 

Rosane da Silva-Dias, Manuel López-Vicente, Laura Pereira-Rodríguez, Xiana Raposo-Díaz, Gao-Lin Wu, and Antonio Paz-González

Soil water content (SWC) and temperature (ST) are key parameters in farmland, but are difficult to predict. Under no-tillage (three mowing passes per year) and homogeneous ground (permanent cover of resident vegetation), soil (no significant difference within each soil layer) and topographic (steep and straight slope near the divide) conditions, this study quantified the index of temporal stability (ITS) of the soil hydro-thermic response in a rainfed organic vineyard with humid climate –in Galicia, NW Spain– and two cultivars (Agudelo –Ag– and Blanco Legítimo –BL–). By using 12 capacitance-based technology probes (six per cultivar: 3 per row (R) and 3 per inter-row area (IR)), SWC and ST were measured every 15 min at 5, 15 and 25 cm depth over the crop cycle (242 days). On average, wetter and cooler values appeared in Ag than in BL that may be associated with differences in vine water demand. IR had wetter and cooler conditions than R due to higher water consumption by vines. Time-series analysis was split into three periods: Drying and warming (spring), dry and warm (summer), and wetting and cooling (autumn). The vertical analysis of the relative differences (soil layers) showed that the lowest values of ITSV appeared at 15 cm in all cases for ST, regardless the hydro-thermic periods, vine varieties and field zones, and also at 15 cm for SWC, especially in R over the three periods, and during spring and autumn in IR. The prevailing conditions observed at this layer were the representative conditions of the field during the crop cycle. Conversely, the less representative conditions of the hydro-thermic status of the soil were those obtained in the upper-most layer in all cases of ST and almost all cases of SWC. At 25 cm, the representativeness of SWC and ST was intermediate, but the most representative conditions of SWC appeared at 25 cm during the summer. The horizontal analysis of the relative differences (zones and cultivars) revealed that the values of ITSH showed a homogeneous pattern of soil moisture: R always had more representative values of SWC than IR in the three layers and during the three periods. Regarding ST, the pattern was more variable and R only had more representative values than IR at 15 cm in summer and at 25 cm in spring and summer. The behaviour of SWC and ST differed in terms of temporal stability and spatial representativeness. When the varieties were analysed, BL had more representative values of SWC than Ag, but Ag always had more representative values of ST than BL. These findings explained the low correlation between ITSH-SWC and ITSH-ST. For the first time, ITS was calculated for SWC and ST in a woody crop. These findings prove the complex and distinct spatial and temporal dynamic of SWC and ST in a commercial vineyard, even under homogeneous physiographic conditions, and support the necessity of implementing precision farming practices based on soil water and temperature management.

How to cite: da Silva-Dias, R., López-Vicente, M., Pereira-Rodríguez, L., Raposo-Díaz, X., Wu, G.-L., and Paz-González, A.: Stability of soil moisture and temperature in a rainfed organic vineyard with two cultivars and permanent ground cover of resident vegetation under temperate oceanic climate, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5150,, 2023.

EGU23-5597 | PICO | SSS9.9

Biogeosciences and terroir analysis 

Antonello Bonfante

Terroir is a complex concept aiming to express "collective knowledge of the interactions" between the environment and the vines mediated through human action and "providing distinctive characteristics" to the final product (OIV 2010).

The popular press often treats and communicates it without a proper understanding of the mechanistic relationships between the wine characteristics and the site. These relationships are primarily rooted in the physical environment, particularly in the interactions between the soil-plant and atmosphere system, affecting grapevine physiology, grape composition, and wine (the terroir expression).

Terroir studying and mapping are based on viticultural zoning procedures, realized with different levels of know-how at different spatial and temporal scales, empiricism, and complexity in the description of involved bio-physical processes, integrating or not the multidisciplinary nature of the terroir. The scientific understanding of the mechanisms ruling vineyard variability and the quality of grapes is one of the most important scientific focuses of terroir research. This knowledge can support the analysis of climate change impacts on terroir resilience, the identification of new promise land for viticulture, and drive vineyard management toward a target oenological goal.

In this context, the contribution of biogeosciences is fundamental to producing more accurate and reliable approaches to studying and analysing terroir.

This contribution will show an overview of the current approaches and applied technologies in terroir studies, with special attention to the identification of terroir zones.

How to cite: Bonfante, A.: Biogeosciences and terroir analysis, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5597,, 2023.

EGU23-7792 | ECS | PICO | SSS9.9

Combined effect of basalt dust foliar distribution and water availability on leaf morpho-physiological traits and grape quality in Falanghina 

Francesca Petracca, Chiara Cirillo, Antonello Bonfante, Carmen Arena, Marco Giulioli, Arturo Erbaggio, Chiara Amitrano, and Veronica De Micco

Climate change in the internal areas of the Mediterranean region is causing a decrease in the frequency of rains and an increase in temperatures, leading to dryer and warmer seasons. These conditions, which will become more and more intense in the coming decades, are already affecting viticulture (e.g. photoinhibition, leaf and berry sunburn) influencing the growth and physiology of vines together with the yield and quality of grapes. The sustainability of vine cultivation in these areas is increasingly at risk, thus, the definition of sustainable cultivation techniques is pivotal to stabilize production and maintain high quality standards of the grapes.

The aim of this work is to evaluate the effects of the application of basalt dust on the leaf surface of Vitis vinifera L. subsp. vinifera ‘Falanghina’ grapevine, grown under two different water availability levels over two years characterized by different climatic conditions. The experiment was conducted between 2021 and 2022 in a commercial vineyard of La Guardiense farm at Guardia Sanframondi (Benevento, southern Italy), in the Sannio wine district. The treatment blocks set, localized after geo-physical analysis of the soil, were the following: DI (distribution of basalt dusts and irrigated; Dust-Irrigated), DR (distribution of basalt dusts and rainfed; Dust-Rainfed), NDI (without basalt dusts and irrigated; No Dust-Irrigated), and NDR (without basalt dusts and rainfed; No Dust-Rainfed). The basalt dusts were distributed during the productive-vegetative cycle of the vine (from April to September) and the irrigation was managed according to weather conditions and soil water availability. During the two years of trials, the vegetative growth was monitored through biometric measures, the eco-physiological characteristics through leaf gas-exchanges, chlorophyll “a” fluorescence emission and leaf water potential, during the four main phenological phases: flowering, fruit set, veraison and maturation. Eco-physiological traits were also linked to leaf functional anatomical traits (e. g. lamina thickness, localization of phenolics, stomatal size and frequency) to detect mechanisms for acclimation. After the measurement of fertility, the grapes from each plot were harvested and micro-vinified. The musts and wines were chemically characterized to understand the oenological potential of each one. The analysis of the data from the two seasons 2021 and 2022 allowed us to unravel the effect of inter-annual climatic variability on the potential for photoprotection of the dust distribution. Gained information is useful to evaluate whether the use of basalt dust can be considered a tool for mitigating water stress and rationalizing irrigation protocols.

How to cite: Petracca, F., Cirillo, C., Bonfante, A., Arena, C., Giulioli, M., Erbaggio, A., Amitrano, C., and De Micco, V.: Combined effect of basalt dust foliar distribution and water availability on leaf morpho-physiological traits and grape quality in Falanghina, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7792,, 2023.

EGU23-9176 | PICO | SSS9.9

Seasonal soil moisture response time to rainfall in a rainfed organic vineyard with permanent ground cover under temperate climate 

Xiana Raposo-Díaz, Rosane da Silva-Dias, Manuel López-Vicente, Laura Pereira-Rodríguez, Aitor García-Tomillo, and Antonio Paz-González

This study evaluates the soil moisture response time to rainfall of a small vineyard with two varieties of grapes (Blanco legítimo –BL–, and Agudelo –Ag–) and a permanent ground cover of resident vegetation with numerous plant species (n > 12). No tillage was done and weed control included three mowing passes. The soil –Umbrisol–, is shallow (35 cm depth), stony (36.1% weight of rocks), rich in organic matter (7.2%) –specially in the topsoil (10.0%)– and no difference was observed throughout the field. The study area is located in the municipality of Betanzos (43° 15' 56.20" N; 8° 12' 1.32" W), A Coruña, Spain; under a temperate oceanic climate. The time of response between each precipitation peak and its corresponding peak of soil moisture was calculated for a 242-day period (26th February – 25th October 2021), covering the whole crop cycle. The determined parameters were: (I) volumetric water content (ΔS, %), (II) the peak to peak time (TP2P, min), and (III) the initial response time (Ti, min). A weather station was installed in the field, along with 12 capacitance-based technology soil moisture sensors, 6 in the rows (R) and 6 in the inter-row areas (IR) for the two cultivars. Each probe measured at 5, 15 and 25 cm depth, every 15 minutes. During the study period, a total number of 118 rainfall events were recorded, observing a clear response in 96, 82 and 75 events at 5, 15 and 25 cm depth. No response was observed in 22 events of low rainfall. To refine the analysis, three hydro-thermic periods were identified: Drying and warming (spring), dry and warm (summer), and wetting and cooling (autumn). In the events of longer duration, no defined patterns were observed in responses to moisture between the three layers, but differences were observed in response to rainfall at the depth of 25 cm. In rainfall events of short duration (15-30 min), the pattern in response to soil moisture at 5 and 15 cm was similar in the 3 parameters (ΔS, P2P and Ti). With respect to the minimum values, there was a rise of moisture within the profile, specifically, in R and an interspersed pattern in IR. For the maximum values, there was a descending pattern within the profile regardless the zone or variety with the exception of Ag in IR. In Ag cultivars, both variety and zone were affected by depth, with the lowest correlation at 5 cm. However, in BL cultivars the correlations did not vary clearly between depths or zones. In response to rainfall, the highest correlations were observed at 25 cm and the lowest at 5 cm for variety and zone. On average, Ti was 67, 127 and 160 min at 5, 15 and 25 cm, and P2P was 228, 344 and 378 min at 5, 15 and 25 cm depth. The hydro-thermic periods as well as the intensity and duration of the precipitation events clearly modulated the moisture response to rainfall in the studied soil.

How to cite: Raposo-Díaz, X., da Silva-Dias, R., López-Vicente, M., Pereira-Rodríguez, L., García-Tomillo, A., and Paz-González, A.: Seasonal soil moisture response time to rainfall in a rainfed organic vineyard with permanent ground cover under temperate climate, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9176,, 2023.

EGU23-11177 | PICO | SSS9.9

Counteracting climate change effects on Greco grapevine in the Grease project: soil and canopy management to balance resource use efficiency and wine quality 

Chiara Cirillo, Angelita Gambuti, Martino Forino, Antonello Bonfante, Francesca Petracca, Arturo Erbaggio, Luigi Pagano, and Veronica De Micco

Climate change, causing increasing warming and drought in Mediterranean area, is year by year determining grapevine yield and berry quality reductions, with particular extent in some of the autochthonous grape varieties, as Greco grapevine, cultivated in the Campania Region (southern Italy) and used alone or blend in many quality label wines. Since pedo-climatic conditions affect vineyard productivity and grape quality, the adoption of adequate cultivation techniques, such as soil and canopy management, can support vineyard in counteracting climate change effects, improving grape yield and berry quality, thus allowing to obtain highly valuable wines. The evaluation of the Greco grapes quality by the analysis of primary metabolites of the grape and the secondary ones, with an oenological impact responsible for the organoleptic quality and the longevity of the white wines, is pivotal for understanding whether the adopted cultivation practices might mitigate the negative effects deriving from long-lasting exposure of grapes to drought and/or rainy periods which may determine the onset of organoleptic defects in the wines.

In the framework of the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020, Campania Region funded the Grease project to contribute to the main topic of improving grapevine productivity, resource use efficiency and resilience for the sustainable management of vineyards.

Within the general objective of the Grease project, the aim of this study was to evaluate how different combinations of main cultivation practices, as vine canopy and soil management, can allow to exert a balanced  vegetative and reproductive growth that enhances grape and wine quality, improving farm profitability.

The three-year trial was carried out in a Greco experimental vineyard of Feudi di San Gregorio winery in southern Italy (Avellino, Campania region), aiming to analyze the effects of three soil management practices (cover crops, natural coverage, and soil tillage) and two vine training systems (double guyot and double guyot flipped) on yield, berry and must quality in three vintages.  The meteorological data and soil water content were collected through weather stations and time-domain reflectometry (TDR) technique.

At harvest yield components were determined and berry quality was evaluated by measuring soluble solids, pH, titratable acidity, malic acid, phenolics, assimilable nitrogen etc. Apart usual chemical analytical methodologies, spectrophotometric and chromatographic techniques were used to determine phenolic composition of grapes and wines. Microvinifications were also performed to evaluate the variability of oenological traits under different combination of soil and canopy management.

A great effect of year on primary and secondary metabolites were detected. Soluble solids and total phenolic compounds increased passing from 2020, 2021 and 2023 while a clear trend for titratable acidity and pH was not observed due to a wide variation in malic acid content.  Among soil management practices natural coverage and cover crops resulted in grapes with lower content of soluble solids while the soil tillage determined a lower content of phenolic compounds and hydroxycinnamic acids in grapes. In two years, soil tillage determined higher content of assimilable nitrogen in grapes probably because a lower competition for nitrogen occurred. Trends observed in grapes were confirmed in wines.

How to cite: Cirillo, C., Gambuti, A., Forino, M., Bonfante, A., Petracca, F., Erbaggio, A., Pagano, L., and De Micco, V.: Counteracting climate change effects on Greco grapevine in the Grease project: soil and canopy management to balance resource use efficiency and wine quality, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11177,, 2023.

EGU23-12659 | ECS | PICO | SSS9.9

Mobility of total carbon, nitrogen and polyphenols from grape pomace in the soil column 

Sven Korz, Camilla More, Sullivan Sadzik, Christian Buchmann, Elke Richling, and Katherine Munoz

Grape pomace (GP) can be legally applied as an organic fertilizer in the vineyards in Germany. Some risks are associated with this common practice, since grape pomace is observed to have a high carbon to nitrogen ratio and contains bioactive secondary metabolites. Despite these concerns, up to date little is known about the mobility of substances in the vineyard soil. In this study, our goal was to investigate the mobility of the macronutrient content of GP, derived from four Rhineland palatinate grape varieties, in three different soils in a column model. We used a three-step lab-scale approach that included the analysis of total carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and polyphenolic content (TPC) to analyse the mobility in:

1) the GP, representing the maximum total amount

2) the rainwater, representing the aqueous extractable fraction of the total amount

3) the soil column, as the soil-mobile fraction, as well as the leachate

Our results showed that up to 4 % of the total polyphenolic content of the pomace is leached into the soil. The recovery in the soil strongly depends on the combination of soil type and grape variety investigated. Generally, sandy and acidic soils showed an even distribution of phenolics with a high recovery rate (up to 92 %) of the water extractable amount. Most polyphenols could be recovered from the upper soil layer (0-10 cm). Despite the low pH of GP, there was no effect on soil pH. The same holds true for the C/N ratio. These results give a first impression of the mobility of macronutrients in the soil using a column model, supporting the need for incubation experiments that aim for the effect of the application on biogeochemical processes.

How to cite: Korz, S., More, C., Sadzik, S., Buchmann, C., Richling, E., and Munoz, K.: Mobility of total carbon, nitrogen and polyphenols from grape pomace in the soil column, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12659,, 2023.

EGU23-14155 | ECS | PICO | SSS9.9

Effects of vineyard management and landscape composition on pest control by predatory mites across European wine growing regions 

Stefan Möth, Sylvie Richart-Cervera, Maria Comsa, Rafael Alcalá Herrera, Christoph Hoffmann, Sebastian Kolb, Daniela Popescu, Jo Marie Reiff, Adrien Rusch, Pauline Tolle, Andreas Walzer, and Silvia Winter

Ecosystem services and biodiversity in vineyards are strongly influenced through local edaphoclimatic factors, viticultural practices and landscape composition. Pest control by natural enemies is an important ecosystem service for wine production, contributing to the EU goal to reduce pesticide use by 50 % until 2030. Important natural enemies in this context are predatory mites which are effective in controlling pest mites on vines. In this study, we investigated predatory and pest mite densities in 156 vineyards across five European wine-growing regions ranging from southern Spain to central Romania differing in respect to pesticide use, farming types, inter-row management and landscape composition. We hypothesized that (i) intensive viticultural management practices (e.g. high usage of pesticides and/or intensive vegetation management) would decrease predatory mite populations as well as species richness and that (ii) higher proportions of semi-natural habitats at the landscape scale may mitigate the negative effects of intensive management on predatory mites. Our results showed that only one or two predatory mite species dominated their community composition in the respective wine-growing regions. Furthermore, the farming type was one major factor for predatory mite densities. Conventional and integrated farming resulted in higher population densities compared to organic farming in the Austrian and French study region. The effect of the farming type could be linked to the beneficial impact of a lower pesticide use and lower toxicity for predatory mites in conventional and integrated vineyards. Predatory mite densities also benefited more from spontaneous vegetation cover compared to seeded cover crops in the vineyard inter-row. The increased predatory mite densities in the vineyards with spontaneous vegetation cover could be related to a better supply of pollen as food resource in this inter-row management type compared to seeded cover crops. Contrary to our expectations, predatory mite densities benefited through an increased proportion of vineyards in the surrounding landscape. Our findings showed accordingly, that predatory mites as natural enemies in European vineyards could be promoted through a reduced use of pesticides and extensive vegetation management in the inter-rows. This findings should be considered for European agri-environmental programmes in viticulture to increase natural pest control and at the same time to reduce harmful pesticide use, thereby contributing to the EU pesticide reductions goals.

How to cite: Möth, S., Richart-Cervera, S., Comsa, M., Herrera, R. A., Hoffmann, C., Kolb, S., Popescu, D., Reiff, J. M., Rusch, A., Tolle, P., Walzer, A., and Winter, S.: Effects of vineyard management and landscape composition on pest control by predatory mites across European wine growing regions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14155,, 2023.

EGU23-16735 | PICO | SSS9.9

Effect of multi-level and multi-scale spectral data source on vineyard state assessment 

Eugenia Monaco, Haitham Ezzy, Anna Brook, Maurizio Buonanno, Rossella Albrizio, Pasquale Giorio, Arturo Erbaggio, Carmen Arena, Francesca Petracca, Chiara Cirillo, Veronica De Micco, and Antonello Bonfante

Leaf water potential (LWP) is widely used to assess plant water status and it is commonly used by growers to make immediate crop and water management decisions. However, LWP measurement via direct method presents challenges as it is labour, time intensive and represents leaf-level conditions for sampling of small vineyard block. An alternative approach is using pigment concentration as a proxy for the canopy’s water status. Spectral data methods have been applied to monitor and evaluate crops’ biophysical variables. In this study, a model to predict LWP using via UAS equipped with a VIS-NIR multispectral camera and trained machine learning algorithm, is developed and tested.  The model was tested on three dates in 2020 in a commercial vineyard in the Tufo Wine Region. Three modelling approaches (partial least square regression PLSR, support vector machine SVM, artificial neural network ANN) and two input datasets (combining spectral data and spectral vegetation indices) were used to estimate LWP. All approaches predicted LWP-based on spectral data classified from high to low; the results were consistent in direct proportion to the laboratory results and performed the best results. This research shows the potential for estimating LWP at a vineyard scale based on UAS information, represents a good and relatively cheap solution to assess plant status spatial distribution and therefore it could provide a direct way to achieve precise agricultural vineyard.

How to cite: Monaco, E., Ezzy, H., Brook, A., Buonanno, M., Albrizio, R., Giorio, P., Erbaggio, A., Arena, C., Petracca, F., Cirillo, C., De Micco, V., and Bonfante, A.: Effect of multi-level and multi-scale spectral data source on vineyard state assessment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16735,, 2023.

EGU23-17101 | PICO | SSS9.9 | Highlight

A new interpretation of bioclimatic indices at local scale in Italy 

Laura Massano, Giorgia Fosser, and Marco Gaetani

Viticulture is strictly related with weather and climate. Italy is a world leader in the wine business but also a known hot-spot for climate change. In the last decades, Italian winegrowers already experiences the effect of climate change, especially in terms of warmer growing season, more frequent and longer drought periods, increased frequency of weather extremes as well as shifts in phenological phases, that increase the exposure of the plant at frost risk. This study investigates the impact of climate variability and change on grape yield at local scale in three wine consortiums. Using climate variables from the E-OBS observational dataset, we computed a range of bioclimatic indices, selected by the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV), and correlated them to grape yield data from three wine consortiums in in northern and central Italy. The collaboration with consortiums allows to include in the analysis other factors, besides climate, that influences wine productivity like vineyard management, policies and market.
We evaluate how the interannual variability and the changes in the bioclimatic indices impact on grape productivity in the study areas using a single regression approach. We also combined the bioclimatic indices into a multi-regression analysis to investigate if a more complex methodology
increases the portion of total yield variability explained, in comparison with the single regression approach.


Keyword: climate change, agroclimatic service, wine, local scale

How to cite: Massano, L., Fosser, G., and Gaetani, M.: A new interpretation of bioclimatic indices at local scale in Italy, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17101,, 2023.

EGU23-388 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.10 | Highlight

Macroscopic root water uptake modelling using High-Throughput Screening (HTS) systems: Design and Validation 

Angela Puig Sirera, Lorenzo Bonzi, Fatma Hamouda, Andrea Sbrana, Damiano Remorini, Lorenzo Cotrozzi, and Giovanni Rallo

Climate change and intensive agriculture are responsible for the increasing frequency and intensity of abiotic stresses generating conditions of water scarcity. Currently, there is the need to select and release, in a short time, plants adaptable to the current and future environmental conditions and resistant to biotic and/or abiotic stress. This study presents the design and validation of a High-Throughput Screening (HTS) system for the continuous and simultaneous monitoring of the plant stress response to drought in a semi-controlled environment.

Structurally, the HTS-system is formed by three hardware segments to detect with high-frequency the agrometeorological variables (i.e., atmometry), the weights (i.e., gravimetry), and the soil water content (SWC) (i.e., time domain reflectometry, TDR) of sixteen pots in which the medicinal crop Salvia officinalis L (sage) was grown. Two irrigation treatments, one based on full irrigation and the second on soil water deficit conditions, were applied following a feedback control irrigation scheduling protocol, and an automated micro-irrigation system was designed to manage them.

The system was able to model the sage water stress function following the root water uptake (RWU) macroscopic approach. The threshold of soil water status below which crop water stress occurred was also identified. The gravimetric-based daily evapotranspiration (ETc act) and the time domain reflectometry (TDR) -based RWU rates showed a high correlation, which allowed validating the RWU indicators based on soil moisture sensors to estimate the ETc act fluxes.

Keywords. Agro-hydrological modelling, high-throughput systems; root water uptake; sage; water stress function

How to cite: Puig Sirera, A., Bonzi, L., Hamouda, F., Sbrana, A., Remorini, D., Cotrozzi, L., and Rallo, G.: Macroscopic root water uptake modelling using High-Throughput Screening (HTS) systems: Design and Validation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-388,, 2023.

EGU23-389 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.10

Analysis of the Feasibility of a low-cost DAQ for EM-38Detection and Mapping 

Fatma Hamouda, Lorenzo Bonzi, Giuseppe Provenzano, Àngela Puig-Sirera, Andrea Sbrana, Damiano Remorini, and Giovanni Rallo

Abstract. The EM-38 is a Handheld Electrical Magnetic Induction (EMI) device, non-invasive and commonly used for monitoring salinity, mapping bulk soil properties, and evaluating soil nutrient status. The measured data is an electrical conductivity, [mS/m], which was referred to a representative soil volume of 1.0-1.5 m depth and 2.0 m width.

The Data AcQuisition (DAQ) system for EM-38 (Geonics Inc.) conductivity meter, used for recording the spatial variability of the soil bulk electrical conductivity (EC), is expensive, according to the proprietary software, and do not provide detailed, modifiable circuit schematics.

To address these issues, we developed an easy-to-use, modifiable, and inexpensive data acquisition (DAQ) system for EC data recording and spatializing. In particular, this work investigates the feasibility of using a low-cost open-source DAQ system to be installed on an EM-38 conductivity meter (Geonics Inc.). This DAQ system is based on Raspberry Pi and allows collecting speed and position of the EM-38 device by carrying it on a specific designed sled system.

The EM-38 data (± 200mV) were acquired by A/D converter 24 bit and GPS data ($GPGGA, $GPRMC [NMEA 0183]) were obtained by serial input RS232. The Data logger (Raspberry Pi 4) stored the acquired data and transferred it to the server using an internet connection (Router 4G). The control Firmware has been written in Python language. To ensure the accuracy and reliability of the collected data, the system has been evaluated and tested in well-known open-filed (CIRAAA-a reserch center of the University of Pisa), where the spatial variability of the main soil physical properties (i.e. soil texture, organic matter, electrical conductivity) are known.

The performance has been evaluated by comparing the data string with the one generated by a professional DAQ system. The latter includes a CR1000 data logger (Campbell Scientific) to control and store the EC data and integrats a GPS receiver (GPS16X-HVS, Garmin Inc.) which provides the position, velocity, and timing information.

First results allowed to approve the possibility to extract the analogical signal from the device, which is strongly responsive to the variation of the physical properties of the soil environment. Moreover, the device is able to estimate accurately the spatial patterns of the investigated soil physical properties.


Keywords: Precision farming, Zoning, EMI sensors, soil bulk electrical conductivity, open source DAQ

How to cite: Hamouda, F., Bonzi, L., Provenzano, G., Puig-Sirera, À., Sbrana, A., Remorini, D., and Rallo, G.: Analysis of the Feasibility of a low-cost DAQ for EM-38Detection and Mapping, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-389,, 2023.

EGU23-525 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.10 | Highlight

Using unmanned aircraft system to estimate crop water stress index in a citrus orchard under different irrigation systems 

Matteo Ippolito, Dario De Caro, and Giuseppe Provenzano

Optical and thermal sensors installed on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) can be considered a technological innovation for precision farming. The visible and thermal regions of the electromagnetic (EM) spectrum provide useful information to assess the quality of crop growth and monitor plant water status. Accurate measurements of plant water status with high-resolution thermal images associated with high-efficiency irrigation systems can be a suitable solution to improve energy and water saving.

The objective of this work was to estimate and compare the Crop Water Stress Index (CWSI) obtained in a citrus orchard irrigated with two different irrigation systems, by using a UAS equipped with a thermal camera.

The experiment was carried out in a commercial citrus orchard located in the Northwest of Sicily, Italy, during the irrigation season of 2022. Optical and thermal high-resolution images were acquired at noon on August 23 and 25, and September 2 over two plots, the first of which was irrigated with a subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) and the second with a micro-sprinkler (MSI). Hourly crop reference evapotranspiration, ETo, and Vapour Pressure Deficit (VPD) were calculated by using the weather variables measured by a standard weather station installed in the field, while the plant water status was monitored at an hourly time scale, through three microtensiometers (FloraPulse, Davis, CA) embedded into the woody tissue of trees considered representative of the two irrigation systems. For each thermal image, characterized by a thermal spatial resolution of 15 cm,  soil pixels were initially removed; then, the dry and wet reference temperatures, Tdry and Twet, were estimated as the 0.5 and 99.5 percentiles of the canopy temperature. The values of CWSI were finally calculated based on the maximum Tdry and minimum Twet obtained in the two plots during the examined days.

Vapor pressure deficit and crop reference evapotranspiration resulted in quite similar values in the three days, with hourly VPD and ETo at noon ranging between 1.49 and 1.65 kPa, and between 0.50 and 0.62 mm, respectively. Irrigation heights provided in the examined period resulted equal to 65 mm in a single application in the MSI plot and 48 mm, equally distributed in eight irrigation events, in the SDI plot. In the latter plot, the values of daily stem water potential ranged between -0.5 and -1.1 MPa during the entire period with values of the corresponding CWSI between 0.22 and 0.28; on the other hand, in the plot irrigated with the MSI system the values tended to decline to a daily range between -1.1 and -1.3 MPa as a consequence of the soil drying between consecutive waterings with values of CWSI ranging between 0.30 and 0.34. The analysis showed that both plots were characterized by low water stress levels. However, despite the lower irrigation volume supplied by the SDI system, the values of CWSI resulted always lower than those obtained under the MSI system, confirming the potential of the SDI system to improve water use efficiency. 

How to cite: Ippolito, M., De Caro, D., and Provenzano, G.: Using unmanned aircraft system to estimate crop water stress index in a citrus orchard under different irrigation systems, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-525,, 2023.

EGU23-3383 | Orals | SSS9.10 | Highlight

Towards improved TDR soil water sensing for optimizing irrigation water management 

Robert Schwartz, Hans Klopp, and Alfonso Domínguez

Decreasing water resources available for irrigation will require a thorough reconsideration of how water is allocated and managed for crop production. Electromagnetic (EM) soil water sensing is an important tool that can facilitate spatial and temporal allocation decisions to increase crop water productivity. Accuracy of volumetric water content measurements in the field, however, is problematic with EM sensors, especially in soils with high clay contents and pronounced horizonation. Under many circumstances, measurement uncertainties are large compared with the range of managed allowed depletion. Soil specific calibrations can improve accuracy although the procedures required to achieve this are normally impractical for routine field deployment of sensors. Herein we present our current efforts in improving the accuracy of TDR soil water sensing and their utility in irrigation management, especially under conditions of limited water availability.

Earlier work using a quasi-theoretical model to describe the complex permittivity of soil demonstrated that bound water near clay surfaces and high frequency filtering of the broadband signal were major sources of error for TDR water content estimation. The specific surface area of the soil is partly responsible for these effects, which can also vary in the field because of the dependency of volumetric bound water on bulk density. Although theory can describe how soil apparent permittivity changes with respect specific surface area and bulk electrical conductivity; this does not necessarily reflect how these properties influence the measured travel time. Bound water polarization and dc losses result in signal attenuation of the high frequency components thereby increasing travel time greater than that expected from changes in apparent permittivity.

To circumvent these difficulties, we are currently using a supervised machine learning approach to develop an empirical soil water content calibration based on measured travel time, measured state properties (temperature and bulk electrical conductivity), and inferred properties based on TDR waveform features (specific surface area). For example, at a given water content, the shape of the waveform reflection for a soil dominated by kaolinite is distinct from the reflection of a soil dominated by 2:1 phyllosilicates. Essentially the bulk density x specific surface area modifies the waveform features which in turn can be used to develop in essence an in-situ soil specific calibration.

Introduction of measured soil water contents into crop models provides a way to facilitate real-time yield predictions of alternative water allocation decisions. The Richards Equation will necessarily be incorporated into crop models to permit a mechanistic basis of redistributing soil water in the profile. Soil water sensing can permit the accurate determination of both irrigation application efficiency and infiltration. Incorporation of measured soil water into crop models allows for “course corrections” of simulated profile water and potentially improvements in the estimation of evapotranspiration and yields.

How to cite: Schwartz, R., Klopp, H., and Domínguez, A.: Towards improved TDR soil water sensing for optimizing irrigation water management, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3383,, 2023.

EGU23-7169 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.10

Identification of water scarcity hotspots for the 21st century – the case study of irrigation demands in Germany 

Ian McNamara, Martina Flörke, Thorben Uschan, and Frank Herrmann

In many temperate regions globally, sufficient precipitation and moderate temperatures have meant that green water has sufficed for agriculture. However, the effects of climate change demonstrate that additional crop water is now more frequently required in many of these areas, particularly for dry summer years, with irrigation demands expected to continue increasing. In Germany, this effect has become noticeable over previous years, exemplified by the reduced crop yields in the recent summer droughts of 2018 and 2020.

Our study, performed within the scope of the WADKlim project, identifies critical hotspots for water stress through high-resolution hydrological modelling and statistical analyses to determine groundwater recharge and theoretical irrigation requirements from now until 2100. We set up and calibrated the mGROWA hydrological model over a historical period (1961-2020) at a high spatial (100 m) and temporal (daily) resolution. The calibrated model was then run until 2100 for three climate scenarios (1 x RCP2.6; 2 x RCP8.5), which were selected as a stress test for the system. As model outputs, we derived the spatio-temporal patterns of groundwater recharge as well as crop water requirements, through the application of irrigation rules typical for Germany and accounting for the spatial distribution of different crop types. We converted the theoretical crop water requirements into requirements only for areas that are equipped for irrigation, incorporating multiple scenarios for the rate at which irrigation infrastructure could expand in Germany.

Our results demonstrate the large spatial and interannual variations in irrigation demands throughout Germany. We quantify how the multiplicative effect of warmer and drier summers in combination with increased areas equipped for irrigation is expected to strain water resources in the future. For example, we estimate that mean annual irrigation demands in Germany could increase by as much as 700% by 2075-2100, considering the “worst-case” scenario of climate projection and increase in irrigated areas. Regarding groundwater availability, owing to the expected increase in winter precipitation in Germany, our modelling results show pronounced regional variations in whether or not annual groundwater recharge is expected to increase in the future. Finally, we included estimates of other water requirements and aggregated the results to determine overall water demands at the district level and calculate ratios of water use to groundwater recharge per district. Our results highlight the hotspots in Germany where water stress is expected to increase the most throughout the 21st century, which could likely lead to conflict between different water users (agricultural, industry, public supply).

Determining the spatio-temporal characteristics of how water stress will change requires comprehensive assessments of water availability, crop water requirements, areas equipped for irrigation infrastructure, and other water uses. In addition, the large variability in climate projections means that results from such assessments provide large ranges of expected water stress conditions. We have developed and tested a comprehensive methodology for identifying and mapping water hotspots, which we implemented for Germany using three climate projections. Our methodology is transferable to similar (data-rich) regions, and can also be applied for a complete ensemble of climate projections.

How to cite: McNamara, I., Flörke, M., Uschan, T., and Herrmann, F.: Identification of water scarcity hotspots for the 21st century – the case study of irrigation demands in Germany, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7169,, 2023.

EGU23-8516 | Posters on site | SSS9.10

Optimized regulated deficit irrigation for limited volumes of irrigation water and simultaneous crops. The ORDILS methodology 

Alfonso Domínguez, Robert C Schwartz, Higinio Martínez-López, and José J Pardo

In regions with scarce water resources, as is the case of most of Spain and other Mediterranean countries, a commonly used methodology to regulate the use of irrigation water by farmers is for the regulatory authority to establish a maximum volume, which is controlled through meters installed on farms. Producers of extensive annual crops in these areas have to tackle two significant problems, among others. The first is to decide which crops to grow and the total area to devote to each one for the next crop year, depending on the availability of irrigation water and cropping area. This is complicated by the uncertainty of future weather conditions, especially in the current climate change scenario. The second challenge is to distribute, as efficiently as possible, across the season, the available amount of water in order to achieve maximum crop yields/returns, while avoiding at least the most profitable crops suffering water deficit if adverse climate conditions increase the need to irrigate beyond expected levels and the water resources available. To solve such problems, our research team proposes the development of an optimization algorithm called ORDILS (Optimized Regulated Deficit Irrigation for Limited volumes of irrigation water and Simultaneous crops), which is the result of experience accumulated in national Spanish projects, and other previous European projects. This algorithm, using an initial reference situation, and depending on the water available, as well as the expected crop yields and profitability according to the amount of irrigation water applied, will be able to adapt irrigation scheduling, and even determine the optimum area to be cultivated, with the intention of maximising the farm’s profitability. To demonstrate the applicability of ORDILS a 2-year field experiment with three crops (purple garlic, barley and maize) is being carried out in Albacete (Spain). Thus, three experimental strategies are considered: a) non-deficit irrigation conditions (control); b) the strategy followed by a typical farmer (who attempts to apply non-deficit irrigation and, if water is short, uses the water destined to the least profitable crops to satisfy the water demands of the most profitable; garlic, in this case); and c) the methodology proposed by ORDILS. The aim of the experiments is also to analyse the effect of ORDILS on crop yield, harvest quality and physiological response, the agricultural and economic productivity of the irrigation water and the water footprint, and the profitability of a typical farm managed by this regulation system. The results of the first year were promising but the increase on the final profitability was lower than expected (2%). This resulted from a beneficial distribution of precipitation throughout the growing season that permitted the avoidance of water deficit by garlic and barley during the Spring, the most sensitive period for these crops. Consequently, during this first year the effect of ORDILS was highly conditioned by good climatic conditions for the objectives of the farmer. Nevertheless, under drought conditions it is expected ORDILS can significantly increase the profitability of the farms compared with the profitability obtained by the typical farmer.

How to cite: Domínguez, A., Schwartz, R. C., Martínez-López, H., and Pardo, J. J.: Optimized regulated deficit irrigation for limited volumes of irrigation water and simultaneous crops. The ORDILS methodology, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8516,, 2023.

EGU23-8885 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.10

Towards a dynamic representation of irrigation in land surface models 

Wanxue Zhu and Stefan Siebert

Water use for irrigation has a critical impact on hydrology, ecology, and agricultural productivity. The irrigation water use is determined by (1) the irrigation water volume required per unit irrigated area and (2) the extent of irrigated land. At large scales, the required water volume per unit irrigated area is usually estimated by calculating soil water balances and quantifying the volume of water supply needed to ensure that crop evapotranspiration is at the potential level or at a level minimizing drought impacts on crop yield. Little information is available about the dynamics in the extent of irrigated land, mainly due to the limited observations and investigations at large scales. To fill the above research gap and to test for factors impacting interannual variability in irrigation extent, this study is going to develop a database with 1990-2020 annual irrigated cropland extent for Europe/Eurasia, a region with relatively well data availability, at sub-national resolution. Relationships between annual irrigation extent and factors potentially impacting variabilities in the irrigated area will be tested by using process-based models. The new annual irrigation database will be applied in Community Land Model to quantify differences in dynamics and trends of irrigation water use across the region compared to the use of the current static data products. Consequently, we will analyze the impact of climate variability on the extent of irrigated crops, irrigation water requirements, and irrigation water use. This study will be fundamental for better understanding and qualifying the human impacts on the natural environment and society under climate change, so as to support future scenario forecasts and decision systems, particularly in improving irrigation management.

How to cite: Zhu, W. and Siebert, S.: Towards a dynamic representation of irrigation in land surface models, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8885,, 2023.

EGU23-9004 | Posters virtual | SSS9.10

Are ongoing SUDS design and management routines considering public perception? 

Sergio Zubelzu, Blanca Cuevas, Carlota Bernal, Paloma Esteve, María Teresa Gómez, Jesús López, and Leonor Rodríguez

SUDS were initially conceived for mimicking hydrological original conditions of urban catchments. SUDS have been strongly promoted by public and private decision-makers around the world. Public perception has been previously addressed by different studies many studies in a disconnected manner and at different planes. Similarly, the social benefits have also been studied from different perspectives mostly enhancing local perspectives not clearly comparable between territories. In this work we present the initial literature review on SUDS social aspects and public perception. We find from the previous studies that a general method for both making society aware of SUDS aims and roles and providing designers and planners with public perception is clearly lacking. We seek to highlight the gaps to be filled with further analysis and studies so public society can be completely engaged in SUDS design and operation.

How to cite: Zubelzu, S., Cuevas, B., Bernal, C., Esteve, P., Gómez, M. T., López, J., and Rodríguez, L.: Are ongoing SUDS design and management routines considering public perception?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9004,, 2023.

EGU23-10383 | ECS | Posters virtual | SSS9.10

Modified Irrigation Sustainability Index for the evaluation of irrigation systems in low-impact agricultural basins, case study in the upper Tarqui river basin, Ecuador 

Elizabeth Moreno-Contreras, Rolando Celleri-Alvear, and David Rivas-Tabares

Sustainable irrigation systems promote soil and water conservation, without degrading the environment, being economically viable and socially acceptable. Consequently, this study aims to calculate a novel approach to modify the current method to calculate the irrigation sustainability index (ISI) for efficient use and management of natural resources. The current method to estimate ISI require large surveying of historical data associated with intensive irrigation areas. In most cases limiting the application of the index for countries or regions with scarce data about irrigation technology, management, and traditional irrigation systems. A new methodology has been proposed to overcome these limitations, adjusting the index for the study area in Southern Ecuador. The modified irrigation sustainability index (MISI) evaluated in the Tarqui river basin, comprises three main components: biogeographic, sociodemographic and institutional, each component is integrated by a set of correlated parameters and some modifications were proposed. Thus, the index can be universally used, this modification changes the weights in the calculation expression, making it more relevant and therefore the index can be adjusted easily to a low-impact agricultural basin. The MISI index is presented as a useful alternative for diverse types of irrigation systems using the weighted method and its adjustment. The results support decision-making by showing the value of the irrigation sustainability index to understand the intermediate evaluated parameters to improve the system. The preliminary results show that MISI can support the SDG in terms of global comparison since can be adaptable to local/regional scales, allowing comparisons with the diverse classification of irrigation technologies. Besides, MISI is a valuable tool for tracking and tackling current and future irrigation problems in irrigation districts.


The authors acknowledge the support of the Master in Hydrology  (major in Ecohydrology) of Universidad de Cuenca, co-funded by SDGnexus Network of the DAAD program. The authors also acknowledge support from the European Union NextGenerationEU and RD 289/2021 and the support of Project No. PGC2018-093854-B-I00 of the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades of Spain.


  • David Rivas-Tabares, Ana M. Tarquis, Ángel de Miguel, Anne Gobin, Bárbara Willaarts. Enhancing LULC scenarios impact assessment in hydrological dynamics using participatory mapping protocols in semiarid regions. Sci. Total Environ., 803, 149906, 2022.
  • Rivas-Tabares, A. de Miguel, B. Willarts and A.M. Tarquis. Self-organising map of soil properties in the context of hydrological modeling. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 88,175-189, 2020.
  • Rivas-Tabares, D. A., Saa-Requejo, A., Martín-Sotoca, J. J., & Tarquis, A. M. (2021). Multiscaling NDVI Series Analysis of Rainfed Cereal in Central Spain. Remote Sensing13(4), 568.

How to cite: Moreno-Contreras, E., Celleri-Alvear, R., and Rivas-Tabares, D.: Modified Irrigation Sustainability Index for the evaluation of irrigation systems in low-impact agricultural basins, case study in the upper Tarqui river basin, Ecuador, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10383,, 2023.

EGU23-11522 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.10

Tapered drip laterals and manifolds in flat and rectangular irrigation units 

Salvatore Samuel Palermo and Giorgio Baiamonte

Multiple-diameter laterals and manifolds reduce the total cost in microirrigation systems, however, the length of each sublateral should be determined carefully to assure appropriate performance and uniformity of emitter flow rates. The most accurate method is numerical trial and error, which is time-consuming. Many research efforts have been made to propose simple analytical design procedures. By using the power-law form of the Darcy-Weisbach formula, and equal emitters spacing for the sublaterals, Sadeghi et al. (2016) extended a previously introduced design solution for one-diameter laterals to tapered laterals. Recently, a simplified procedure to design dual-diameter drip laterals has been introduced (Baiamonte and Palermo, 2022), providing relative errors in pressure heads less than 0.5%, and allowing to set different Hazen-Williams coefficients, flow rates, and emitter interspaces for each sublateral. Moreover, this analytical procedure easily allows the detection of the required commercial emitter characteristics. The objective of this work is to extend the aforementioned solution to rectangular irrigation units laid on flat fields. 

How to cite: Palermo, S. S. and Baiamonte, G.: Tapered drip laterals and manifolds in flat and rectangular irrigation units, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11522,, 2023.

EGU23-12977 | ECS | Posters virtual | SSS9.10

How did DANA event affect water status and thermal response of fruit crops? 

María R. Conesa, Wenceslao Conejero, Ana B. Mira-García, Juan Vera, and Mª Carmen Ruiz-Sánchez

In recent years, associated extreme events to climate change are being experienced more frequently and with greater intensity, worldwide but particularly affecting to Mediterranean basin countries. The DANA phenomenon (Spanish acronym for depresión aislada en niveles altos, meaning upper-level isolated atmospheric depression) occurs normally in autumn due to convective storms generated by the existence of cold air in the upper layers of the atmosphere combined with warm winds coming from the Mediterranean Sea. Its effects are devastating, provoking storms of great intensity that cause violent flash-flooding and run-off with a huge capacity for soil erosion. This field experiment focuses on the effects of DANA event of 12-13 September 2019 in Southern Spain on plant water status and thermal response of nectarine trees. Two irrigation treatments were applied during the summer-autumn postharvest (DOY, Day of the year, 158-329): well-irrigated (CTL) and non-irrigated (DRY). Volumetric soil water content (θv), air temperature (Ta) and canopy temperature (Tc) were real-time monitored and the crop water stress index (CWSI) was calculated. Stem water potential (Ψstem) and leaf gas exchange were measured on representative days of the experimental period. The effects of DANA forced to disconnect the soil water content sensors, precluding to measure Ψstem and leaf gas exchange from DOY 255 to 275. Before DANA, withholding irrigation caused a gradual decline in soil and plant water status in the DRY treatment. Minimum values of Ψstem = -2.63 MPa and θv = 13% were obtained at DOY 246. Significant differences were obtained in the Tc, Tc-Ta, and CWSI between treatments. CWSI in the DRY treatment was maximum (0.94) at DOY 232. The effects of DANA reduced the differences between treatments in thermal data, what required to establish different baselines for CWSI calculation. In this sense, the relationship Tc-Ta vs. VPD improved the coefficient of determination after DANA (from R2=0.71*** to 0.83***) in well-irrigated trees. Similar values of Ψstem and leaf gas exchange were found in both treatments after DANA. Only thermal indices showed significant differences between treatments. Furthermore, the strong relationship found between Tc-Ta vs. Ψstem worsened after DANA event (from R2=0.81*** to 0.32*). This work underlined the robustness of infra-red thermography to continuously monitor plant water status under this type of natural weather disaster.  


Acknowledgements: This work was funded by Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación (PID2019-106226RB-C21/AEI/10.13039/501100011033). MR. Conesa thanks to the Spanish Juan de la Cierva programme (IJC2020-045450-I) funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR.



How to cite: Conesa, M. R., Conejero, W., Mira-García, A. B., Vera, J., and Ruiz-Sánchez, M. C.: How did DANA event affect water status and thermal response of fruit crops?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12977,, 2023.

EGU23-13469 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.10

Effect of high saline irrigation water on the sustainability of barley cultivated in a Mediterranean climate 

Pablo Berríos, Raúl Pérez-López, Abdelmalek Temnani, Susana Zapata-García, Francisco J. Caballero, José A. Franco, and Alejandro Pérez-Pastor

The Mediterranean agrosystem 'Campo de Cartagena' (Murcia, Spain) faces a complex challenge, due to almost permanent water scarcity and high diffuse nitrate contamination of the groundwater. The electrical conductivity (EC) of groundwater can reach ≈6.5 dS m-1 and ≈96 mg L-1 of N (NO3-). In contrast, the EC of water from the Tajo-Segura water transfer is ≈1.5 dS m-1 and contains <≈5 mg L-1 of NO3-. Therefore, groundwater quality limits this resource only for tolerant or resistant crops, among them, barley is considered a salinity resistant crop with low nutritional requirements. Thus, the objective of our work was to evaluate the agronomic response of barley 'Shakira' (Hordeum vulgare L.) irrigated with saline water and with the incorporation of continuous monitoring sensors of soil water status and remote sensing. The crop was established during 2022 winter with a seeding rate of 200 kg ha-1 and a drip irrigation system. A completely randomized block design was established with 3 treatments with three blocks and each experimental unit corresponded to 150 m2. The treatments were: (i) "Control", irrigated with 100% water from the water transfer with an EC of 1.46 dS m-1; (ii) "High salinity", irrigated with a mixture of 40% water from the water transfer and 60% groundwater to reach an EC of 4.5 dS m-1, and (iii) "Very high salinity", irrigated with 100% groundwater with an EC of 6.5 dS m-1 and with a total N input of 36.2 kg ha-1 from irrigation water. In the rest of the treatments, fertilizer units were adjusted by proportional fertigation with ammonium-nitrate. Irrigation was scheduled to allow a 30% depletion of field capacity in the active root zone. At the end of the irrigation period, the soil EC1:5 between 0.05 and 0.4 m was significantly higher in proportion to the groundwater treatments. However, no differences were detected in soil EC1:5 or nitrate concentration up to 0.6 m depth. No differences were detected in the yield parameters, reaching an average of 3.5 t ha-1, 16.6 grains per spike, and a 1000-grain weight of 52.2 g. Likewise, the caliber distribution was not affected and the proportion of grains larger than 2.8 mm reached an average of 89.4%. Regarding grain quality, germination capacity (>99%) and dry protein were not affected (10.4%). NDVI and GCI vegetation indices were calculated to evaluate the treatments effect on chlorophyll content and crop vigor, when plants reached 30 and 100% cover and pre-harvest. NDVI ranged from 0.3-0.71 and CGI from 1.5-3.37, both reaching maximum when the crop was fully covered, but no differences between treatments were detected. The results obtained validate the economic viability of barley cultivation irrigated with highly saline water and, from an environmental point of view, highlight the importance of incorporating quantitative and objective methods for irrigation scheduling to minimize water and nutrient leaching.

Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank the ‘Estrella de Levante’ Foundation for funding this experiment through the agreement “6699/21IA-C” with the UPCT. In addition, we thank to Laura Soria-López for the technical support in the laboratory evaluations.

How to cite: Berríos, P., Pérez-López, R., Temnani, A., Zapata-García, S., Caballero, F. J., Franco, J. A., and Pérez-Pastor, A.: Effect of high saline irrigation water on the sustainability of barley cultivated in a Mediterranean climate, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13469,, 2023.

EGU23-14385 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.10

Optimization of deficit irrigation through monitoring the plant and soil water status in adult lemon trees 

Abdelmalek Temnani, Raúl Pérez-López, Pablo Berríos, Giorgio Fioretti, Susana Zapata-García, and Alejandro Pérez-Pastor

Agriculture located in arid-conditions is under high pressure for water resources, due to scarcity and poor quality of water resources to a large extent. Under these conditions, this sector may need up to 70% of the available water, and there is a high level of competition with other economic sectors. The Region of Murcia (Spain) is one of the main productive areas of the country and has the largest irrigated area in relation to its extension. The SE Spain is characterized by a robust hydraulic infrastructure, efficient irrigation systems and a high incorporation of technology for irrigation scheduling. Also, a significant decrease in water resources due to climate change is projected, so it is necessary to maximize irrigation water use efficiency (iWUE) to ensure the economic and environmental sustainability of the sector. Therefore, the main objective of the study was to increase the iWUE and nutrient use to maximize the sustainability of the lemon trees ‘Fino 95’ (Citrus limon L.) in Campo de Cartagena by monitoring the plant and soil water status, during two consecutive seasons. The orchard was established in a 6.5 × 4.5 m planting frame in 2010 with a drip irrigation. A randomized experimental design was established with 12 trees as an experimental unit. Two treatments with four replicates were tested: (i) a control (CTL) irrigated to satisfy the 110% of the crop evapotranspiration (ETc) during the entire crop cycle according to FAO; and (ii) a precision irrigation treatment (PI), irrigated in both seasons as CTL until the start of the fruit-phase II in which the irrigation was reduced by 40%. Several multispectral vegetation indices over canopy were calculated monthly to evaluate the irrigation effect on chlorophyll content and crop vigor. NDVI ranged from 0.8-0.87 and CGI from 4.3-8.7, both reaching maximum values in December, but no differences between treatments were detected. The results confirm the possibility of applying regulated deficit irrigation strategies on lemon trees, achieving a 34% increase in iWUE, and a water saving of around 25% with respect to the CTL treatment. However, the water deficit period should be better delimited according to the trunk growth in this period, as has recently been proven in other citrus fruits, in order not to affect the earliness of the harvest and to obtain a higher percentage of irrigation water savings.

Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank the ‘Sindicato Central de Regantes del Acueducto Tajo-Segura’ for funding this experiment through the agreement “6217/20IA-C” with the UPCT.

How to cite: Temnani, A., Pérez-López, R., Berríos, P., Fioretti, G., Zapata-García, S., and Pérez-Pastor, A.: Optimization of deficit irrigation through monitoring the plant and soil water status in adult lemon trees, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14385,, 2023.

EGU23-15163 | Orals | SSS9.10 | Highlight

Hydrological modeling to support co-designed NEXUS management strategies 

Maria Cristina Rulli, Nikolas Galli, and Davide Danilo Chiarelli

The introduction of participatory processes directly and actively involving stakeholders has been steadily gaining importance also in the definition of water management policies. Moreover, for policies to be sustainable, the decision-making process has to keep a multisectorial vision of water management, for instance taking into account the mutual interactions between water, agriculture and energy production, while being careful to move within the limits of the ecosystem. This inclusive approach to the water-energy-food-ecosystem nexus (WEFE Nexus) is the way in which a community of practice made by both technicians and stakeholders can make conscious and sustainable decisions. In this context, the use of hydrological models takes on a key role, not only to describe the current state of resources use, but also to evaluate the impact on resources of different management strategies. However, it is fundamental to properly structure the information pathway from the stakeholders to the model, as well as the return pathway of model results to the stakeholders. On this depends the successful creation of a fruitful and transparent interaction between technicians and stakeholders. An instance of how models can be applied to this context is the use, within the PRIMA NEXUS-NESS project, of the spatially distributed hydrological model WATNEEDS, developed at Politecnico di Milano,. The project aims at co-creating WEFE Nexus management strategies in 4 different case studies, defined as Nexus Ecosystem Labs (NELs) in 4 different countries of the Mediterranean area: Spain, Italy, Tunisia, and Egypt. The 4 NELs are very different from each other in terms of characterizations and problématiques, but they all present major sustainability challenges that can be conceptualized in terms of WEFE Nexus. In the context of NEXUS NESS, WATNEEDS has been enhanced in terms of spatial ductility and range of possible model scenarios, with the aim to describe the current status of water resources in each NEL and to evaluate the management alternatives proposed by the different stakeholders. Among the alternatives the model can analyse, we report changing the crop calendar, implementing new crops or redistributing the existing crops in the territory, changing or modernizing the irrigation systems, and moving towards indoor cultivation techniques. As an example, we report the results relative to some of the interventions proposed by the stakeholders during the first set of project Workshops, held between May and June 2022. The final results will be provided to the stakeholders in November, to illustrate the different impacts that each choice can lead to, not only in terms of water use, but also of WEFE Nexus in general. In this way, using hydrological models in the evaluation of co-created and participatory policy decisions demonstrates its crucial role in the definition of shared and sustainable management strategies.

How to cite: Rulli, M. C., Galli, N., and Chiarelli, D. D.: Hydrological modeling to support co-designed NEXUS management strategies, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15163,, 2023.

EGU23-15370 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.10

Assessing soil water thresholds for irrigation of maize in north-eastern Austria 

Christian Faller and Reinhard Nolz

The consequences of climate change will affect irrigation also in areas that have so far been little affected by water shortages. In the north-eastern part of Austria with predominantly sub-humid conditions (550 mm mean annual rainfall, 11°C mean annual temperature), water demand is expected to double by 2050. With regard to irrigation, this means both increased crop water requirements and reduced water availability. Improving water use efficiency is one way to sustain agricultural productivity and water resources in the long term. This poses a future challenge also for farmers who have had little to do with the requirements of highly efficient irrigation management so far. In this regard, a potential on-farm strategy is to monitor soil water status and control irrigation based on the plant available soil water. On the technical side, sensors and telemetry networks are available that regularly collect and transmit data. However, the appropriate thresholds for irrigation control must also be known. These depend on the crop, the root development, the soil type and the installation depth of the sensors. Last but not least, farmers need to trust the decision support and use the information appropriately. The aim of this study was to determine threshold values ​​for the irrigation of maize at a location in north-eastern Austria (in the country's largest arable farming area, approx. 35 km east of Vienna) and to subject them to a practical test in the field.

The irrigation system used was a hose reel with an irrigation boom with rotating nozzles (BAUER GmbH). HydraProbe (Stevens Water Monitoring Systems Inc.) and Watermark (Irrometer Company Inc.) sensors were used to measure soil water content and matric potential, respectively. The sensors were integrated into a telemetry network (ADCON by OTT HydroMet GmbH); data were available via a web-application. For practical reasons, the installation depth of the sensors was set at 20 cm. Soil was a sandy loam. A target value for the maximum allowed depletion under optimal to slightly stressed conditions was calculated using a water balance model. Based on HYDRUS-1D (PC-Progress s.r.o.) simulations, the corresponding matric potential at 20 cm depth was −100 kPa. This value should serve as the target value for irrigation. The soil water content data served as a control for the simulation using the FAO AquaCrop model. The latter was used to evaluate the irrigation carried out by the farmer.

The soil water data revealed that the specified threshold was not reached in the practical test. It seems that farmers experience was oriented towards a more sufficient water supply. The simulation showed that water use efficiency could have been improved by using less water; however, in this case a reduction in yield of a few percent would have to be expected. Measuring with only one sensor at a depth of 20 cm proved to be a viable procedure; however, data interpretability could be improved by sensors at several depths.

How to cite: Faller, C. and Nolz, R.: Assessing soil water thresholds for irrigation of maize in north-eastern Austria, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15370,, 2023.

EGU23-16082 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.10 | Highlight

Assessing plant water status in Merlot vineyards using Worldview-3 multispectral images in central Spain 

Juan Claudio Nowack, Luz Karime Atencia, María Gómez del Campo, and Ana María Tarquis

Water status in vineyards is a determining factor, given its relationship with productive and physiological parameters such as vegetative growth, berry ripening, yield and overall wine quality. In-field measurements, through a pressure chamber, provide very accurate and reliable measurements of midday stem water potential (Ψstem), a direct method for determining a plant’s water status by quantifying the tension with which water is retained in the leaf. Despite the robustness of this method, it is not practically applied to extensive commercial vineyards as it is a labour-intensive practice which can narrowly evaluate the significant intra-field variability. Remote sensing offers large-scale information at a single point in time without the need to be physically present in the field. This study aims to assess the use of multispectral imagery from Worldview-3, a commercial satellite, as a tool to indirectly estimate water status in the vineyard through different Vegetation Indexes (VI).

This research was carried out in a commercial Merlot vineyard in Yepes (Toledo), an arid area in central Spain where rainfall and irrigation water availability is scarce. The vines were established in 2002 and arranged on a trellis with a plantation spacing of 2.6 x 1.1 m. Five different irrigation doses were tested to obtain variability in vine water status. Drip irrigation emitters were identical in all treatments ( 2 l h-1), but distances between emitters were adjusted to modify irrigation levels. Treatments were designed as follows: T1 (100% dose) emitters every 0.25 m, T2 (50%) emitters every 0.5 m, T3 (25%) emitters every 1.0 m, T4 (0%) no emitters and T5 (25%) underground emitters every 1.0 m. The results will be discussed in the context of deficit irrigation.

How to cite: Nowack, J. C., Atencia, L. K., Gómez del Campo, M., and Tarquis, A. M.: Assessing plant water status in Merlot vineyards using Worldview-3 multispectral images in central Spain, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16082,, 2023.

EGU23-16111 | ECS | Posters virtual | SSS9.10

Detection of plant water stress in Merlot vineyard using thermal sensors onboard UAVs 

Luz Karime Atencia, María Victoria del Campo, Juan Claudio Nowack Yruretagoyena, Ana María Tarquis Alonso, and Roberto Hermoso Peralo

Knowledge of the water status in commercial vineyards is of great importance when defining the production objectives and the composition of the grape must. Determining the appropriate irrigation doses allows for adjusting the balance between vigour and productive capacity of the vineyard. However, to accurately know the hydration status of the vines, it is necessary to use equipment such as pressure chambers that are hardly replicable. Much effort has been invested in finding a more straightforward simpler methodology that allows knowing the hydration of plants. In this respect, remote sensing technology is presented as an appropriate tool to obtain information from large areas quickly and efficiently. This work aimed to evaluate the accuracy of water stress detection based on thermal sensors onboard UAVs.

The study was carried out in the Merlot vineyard located in Toledo-Spain; arranged on a trellis with a 2.60 x 1.10 m planting frame and established in 2002. High-resolution thermal images were obtained on different dates during the 2021 and 2022 irrigation campaign and at two intervals of the day (9:00 and 12:00 solar hours). Stem water potential (Ψm) and chlorophyll were measured at the same time.

The results indicate that there are statistically significant differences between the different irrigation treatments. These differences were mainly observed in the water-steam potential measurements made in the morning.


Acevedo-Opazo, C., Tisseyre, B., Guillaume, S., & Ojeda, H. (2008). The potential of high spatial resolution information to define within-vineyard zones related to vine water status. Precision Agriculture, 9(5), 285–302.

Jackson, R. D. (1982). Canopy Temperature and Crop Water Stress. 1, 43–85.

Poblete-Echeverría, C., Sepulveda-Reyes, D., Ortega-Farias, S., Zuñiga, M., & Fuentes, S. (2016). Plant water stress detection based on aerial and terrestrial infrared thermography: A study case from vineyard and olive orchard. Acta Horticulturae, 1112, 141–146.



The authors want to thank Bodegas y Viñas Casa del Valle for allowing us to work in their vineyards and the company UTW for supply the drone images. Financial support provided by Comunidad de Madrid through calls for grants for the completion of Industrial Doctorates IND2020/AMB-17341 is greatly appreciated.

How to cite: Atencia, L. K., del Campo, M. V., Nowack Yruretagoyena, J. C., Tarquis Alonso, A. M., and Hermoso Peralo, R.: Detection of plant water stress in Merlot vineyard using thermal sensors onboard UAVs, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16111,, 2023.

EGU23-16225 | ECS | Posters virtual | SSS9.10

Experimental analisys of depending on temperature and solar radiation evapotranspiration empirical models at Republic of Ecuador. 

Ángel del Vigo, Javier Ezequiel Colimba-Limaico, and Leonor Rodríguez-Sinobas

Evapotranspiration is a phenomenon highly involved for water infiltration and redistribution among the soil. It is also an important factor that determines the amount of water available for crops. In this article, evaporation data collected by an evaporimeter tank in a greenhouse at Imbabura province (north of Ecuador) are presented. Based on these experimental results, the validity of five evapotranspiration reference models that depends exclusively on temperature and solar radiation has been tested for this area. It was seen that, there is a good correlation (Pearson-coefficient around 80%) between the observed data and the prediction of these five models, being the Irmak model (2003) what suits better with the observed data for this region. At the end of the article, a new empirical model that was inferred by these experimental data is presented, with the goal to improve the evaporation prediction in this area of South-America.

How to cite: del Vigo, Á., Colimba-Limaico, J. E., and Rodríguez-Sinobas, L.: Experimental analisys of depending on temperature and solar radiation evapotranspiration empirical models at Republic of Ecuador., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16225,, 2023.

EGU23-16607 | Posters on site | SSS9.10

Can soil moisture sensors support smart irrigation decision making in mountain terrace agriculture? 

Adriana Bruggeman, Marinos Eliades, Hakan Djuma, Melpo Siakou, Ioannis Sofokleous, and Christos Zoumides

While our planet is heating up, mountain terraces may be able to maintain agricultural production systems in a cooler environment than the agricultural plains. Mountain terraces are, however, characterised by diverse growing environments, with highly variable, stony soils, variable plant spacing and canopy cover. This limits the effectiveness of sensor-based technologies for efficient agricultural resource management. The objective of this research is to provide guidelines for informed irrigation decision making in mountain terrace orchards. Over the past four years, we have cooperated with four farmers with irrigated fruit trees on traditional dry-stone terraces in the Troodos Mountains of Cyprus. We installed soil moisture sensors at a different number of locations and soil depths, depending on the soil and terrace characteristics. In the stony soils of the apple terraces we installed sensors 3 locations and 2 depths (10 and 30 cm). In the cherry terraces, we installed 12 sensors at 4 locations and 3 depths (10, 30 and 45 cm) and 2 additional sensors at 10 cm. In the deep soils of the nectarine terraces, we installed sensors at 2 locations and 7 depths (10-70-cm depth). In the stony plum terraces, we installed sensors at 2 locations and 3 depths (10, 25 and 50 cm). We analysed the variability of the soil moisture observations and the effect of the uncertainty of the soil moisture observations on irrigation decision making. In the cherry terrace, results of more than 3600 hourly observations for 14 sensors showed that the average difference between the driest and wettest sensors amounted to 11.6% volumetric soil moisture at 10-cm depth, 6.7% at 30-cm depth and 7.6% at 45-cm depth. The maximum difference between the soil moisture sensors was observed immediately after one of the irrigation events (12 May 2022), showing a difference of 187 mm water in the rootzone between the driest and wettest set of sensors at the 3 depths. Based on the depth-weighted average of all 14 sensors, this event showed a drainage loss of approximately 38 mm of the 55-mm applied irrigation, below the 55-cm rootzone. The sensor-based irrigation advice would have suggested that the farmer should have irrigated maximum 17 mm. If the driest set of sensors at the 3 depths would have been used, the irrigation advice would have been the same, whereas based on the the wettest set of 3 sensors, the advice would have been to irrigate maximum 22 mm. This indicates that even though the the irrigation advice can have a 29% error, 33-mm drainage loss could have been saved with sensor-based irrigation scheduling for this event.   

How to cite: Bruggeman, A., Eliades, M., Djuma, H., Siakou, M., Sofokleous, I., and Zoumides, C.: Can soil moisture sensors support smart irrigation decision making in mountain terrace agriculture?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16607,, 2023.

EGU23-17393 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.10

Trade-off between irrigation demands and environmental flows requirements in Spain 

Sandra Paola Bianucci, Álvaro Sordo-Ward, María Dolores Bejarano, and Luis Garrote

Providing adequate water supply following the development of society and ensuring the good status of water-dependent ecosystems is becoming increasingly complex. This is particularly relevant in areas characterized by water scarcity and with unfavourable projections due to climate change, such as the Iberian Peninsula. Water is fully allocated in many water resources systems, while environmental water requirements are intensified. Consequently, it is fairly probable that in the medium and long term water demands will not be satisfied with the current reliability. This fact may particularly affect to irrigation water supply, as the most important consumptive water use. We are developing a National Research Project entitled: Climate scenarios and adaptation of water resources systems (SECA-SRH). The main purpose is to generate knowledge that contributes to the design and implementation of climate change adaptation policies that consider simultaneously technical, economic, social and environmental aspects. The increase of the comprehension of water system behaviour allows decisions making and prioritizing water uses. This would help to achieve the sustainability of the management of water resources systems in the medium and long term. In this study, as part of the mentioned project, we analyse the effect of different criteria for the allocation of environmental flows on the sustainability of the water resources systems in Spain, in the current situation (1989-2019). The availability of water is estimated as the maximum water demand for population and agriculture (irrigation) that can be supplied with a given reliability in a given location of the river network and satisfying environmental flow restrictions. The methodology is based on the use of the high resolution WAAPA model. 720 dams with a reservoir greater than 1 hm3 and 1948 sub-basins are considered. The calculation is made at each dam, at the confluences of the main rivers and for the aggregate set of each sub-basin. The results show that the availability of water in a system is very sensitive to changes in environmental flow regimes. The relationship between reduction in water availability and environmental flows is unevenly distributed in Spain. This result may suggest that the implications of increasing the allocation of water to environmental flows may vary, depending on the hydrological regime and storage availability.

How to cite: Bianucci, S. P., Sordo-Ward, Á., Bejarano, M. D., and Garrote, L.: Trade-off between irrigation demands and environmental flows requirements in Spain, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17393,, 2023.

EGU23-17443 | Orals | SSS9.10

Water retention potentials of Italian soils and physiological responses of potted yellow kiwifruit 

Moreno Toselli, Elena Baldi, Maurizio Quartieri, Giacomo Chiarelli, Greta Nicla Larocca, Evangelos Xylogiannis, and Marco Mastroleo

Correct water management of yellow kiwifruit vines is essential for reaching high yield and fruit quality, to keep plants healthy and avoid useless water loss. The aim of the present experiment was to evaluate the physiological responses of potted Zezy002 (Actinidia chinensis var chinensis) plants to decrease of soil moisture to the wilting point, and to assess the retention curves of 5 typical soil substrates for the kiwifruit production in Italy. The 5 soils were collected from 4 Italian regions named: Basilicata, Calabria, Emilia-Romagna and Lazio (2 soils: Folie and Rosini). Plants from each soil were divided in three groups: 3 plants were irrigated maintaining soil moisture at field capacity (CONTROL); 4 plants were subjected to water stress (STRESS plants), after 48 h of water suspension, two of the four plants were irrigated as for the control plants (RECOVERY). Each pot was provided with a chalk potentiometric probe to monitor soil matric potential (Ym). In addition, soil moisture was evaluated by weight of a soil sample oven-dried, finally daily pot evapotranspiration rate was evaluated gravimetrically by pot weight at 24-h-interval. Leaf gas exchange and stem water potential (Yw) were measured daily. After irrigation suspension, plants rapidly (48 h) reached the wilting point evidenced by the stop of CO2 fixation. This corresponded to stem Yw lower than -1.75 MPa in all soils but the one from Emilia-Romagna which had the higher percentage of loam (42%) that also maintained a positive CO2 assimilation rate longer than the other soils. In this lapse of time, the rate of leaf CO2 assimilation, stomatal conductance and transpiration sharply decreased while intercellular CO2 concentration increased. Similarly stem Yw responded quickly to the suspension and re-start of irrigation, reaching values as low as – 1,9 MPa 2 days after the quit of irrigation. At wilting points soil Ym was: -0.96 MPa for Emilia-Romagna, -0.5 MPa for Basilicata, -1.6 MPa for Calabria, -1.8 MPa for Lazio Folie and -2.3 MPa for Lazio Rosini. CO2 assimilation was better correlated to stem Yw than soil Ym.

Key words: soil water moisture, chalk potentiometric probe, leaf gas exchange, stem water potential, soil matric potential

How to cite: Toselli, M., Baldi, E., Quartieri, M., Chiarelli, G., Larocca, G. N., Xylogiannis, E., and Mastroleo, M.: Water retention potentials of Italian soils and physiological responses of potted yellow kiwifruit, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17443,, 2023.

EGU23-2268 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.11

Estimating and mapping forest canopy fuel parameters from GEDI LiDAR data in Europe 

Elena Aragoneses, Mariano García, and Emilio Chuvieco

Spatially-explicit information on canopy fuel parameters is key for wildfire propagation modelling, emission estimations and risk assessment. This work aims to develop easily-replicable methods to estimate critical fuel canopy parameters from spaceborne LiDAR observations acquired by the Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) sensor onboard the International Space Station. GEDI-like pseudowaveforms were modelled from discrete Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) data and used to select the best GEDI predictor metrics to derive European wall-to-wall forest height and canopy cover maps. Then, GEDI spaceborne footprints were used to generate continental maps of canopy parameters through a two-steps approach: 1) Spatial interpolation of GEDI footprints inside homogeneous forest fuel type polygons, and 2) Modelling machine learning algorithms for the forest fuel type polygons without GEDI footprints inside, using auxiliary multispectral and RADAR imagery and biophysical variables. Our results show the capabilities of remote sensing and GEDI to estimate and map the spatial patterns of critical forest canopy fuel parameters in fire risk prevention and contribute to generating the necessary tools to develop an integrated risk-wise strategy that reduces fire vulnerability of ecosystems across Europe.

How to cite: Aragoneses, E., García, M., and Chuvieco, E.: Estimating and mapping forest canopy fuel parameters from GEDI LiDAR data in Europe, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2268,, 2023.

EGU23-4580 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.11

How wildfires can impact nickel concentration and biogeochemistry at ultramafic drinking water catchments: An example study in New Caledonia 

Gaël Thery, Farid Juillot, Julie Jeanpert, Damien Calmels, Guillaume Morin, Emmanuelle Montarges-Pelletier, Elora Bourbon, Isabelle Kieffer, Pierre Genthon, and Cécile Quantin

In New Caledonia, a significant fraction of soils developed on the Peridotite Nappe are naturally enriched in trace metals, such as nickel and chromium, that can be remobilized upon wildfires (Thery et al., 2022). In this Pacific archipelago, the average annual burnt vegetation surface is estimated to be 30,000 ha, representing 2% of the total land surface (Dumas et al., 2013). However, much larger surfaces can burn during strong El Nino years. This was notably the case in 2016 at Ile des Pins, in the South part of the archipelago, where the burnt surface reached 1000 ha compared to an average annual value of 300 ha. Concomitantly, a dramatic increase in nickel concentrations could be observed in some water supply catchments, with some values reaching up to 4000 µg/L compared to the WHO and European guidelines of 70 µg/L and 20 µg/L, respectively. This situation led the authorities to order some investigations to better understand the link between these increased wildfires and the degradation of freshwater quality.

In this presentation, we will discuss the results of these investigations performed for two years on the dynamics and biogeochemistry of nickel across a drinking water catchment supplied by both surface and groundwater. The surface water originates from a doline, which is a characteristic feature of karstic landscapes frequently observed in the lateritic landscapes on ultramafic rocks from New Caledonia (Jeanpert et al., 2016). Geochemical analyses of the surface water collected in the burnt doline showed very high nickel concentration (i.e. up to 300,000 µg/L) compared to groundwaters (i.e below 30 µg/L). These surface waters were also found enriched in sulfate (i.e. up to 3200 mg/L) compared to groundwaters (i.e. below 8 mg/L). Water isotopes analyses allowed to propose a simple mixing model between these two end-members to reconstitute the water supply at the drinking water catchment. In addition, mineralogical characterization of the doline sediments and XAS-derived analysis of nickel speciation allowed to evidence a mixed Mg/Ni-sulfate and Ni/Fe-sulfides as the two major Ni-bearing mineral species. Although the sulfides are common species in sedimentary settings, the occurrence of a mixed Mg/Ni sulfate was considered to result from the large 2016 wildfires that impacted the nickel biogeochemistry in the sediments. The high solubility of this latter mineral species is probably playing a major control on nickel concentration in the water that is supplied to the downstream drinking water catchment.

This study brings further understanding on how wildfires can impact drinking water catchments quality by modifying the biogeochemical cycling of trace metals across their related watersheds. In the case of New Caledonia where most of drinking water catchments are supplied by surface water (a significant fraction of them being related to ultramafic watersheds), it spreads awareness to local policy-makers about the vulnerability of the water resource relative to wildfires. At a larger scale, it also put some warning on the possible impact of wildfires on drinking water catchments related to ultramafic watersheds worldwide.


How to cite: Thery, G., Juillot, F., Jeanpert, J., Calmels, D., Morin, G., Montarges-Pelletier, E., Bourbon, E., Kieffer, I., Genthon, P., and Quantin, C.: How wildfires can impact nickel concentration and biogeochemistry at ultramafic drinking water catchments: An example study in New Caledonia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4580,, 2023.

Abiotic and biotic factors in forest ecosystems can all be significantly and immediately impacted by forest fires. Additionally, fires pose a long-term concern because they release greenhouse gases (GHGs) into the atmosphere, damage habitat, cause soil erosion, and affect local and global temperatures. In the absence of sufficient information on the damaged forests, such as location, area, and burn severity, issues in policy decisions for restoration inevitably arise. In this study, burned areas and severity were mapped using eight spectral indices derived from Sentinel 2 MSI images using machine learning approaches (Random Forest (RF) and Support Vector Machine (SVM)). The dataset from Copernicus Emergency Management Service (CEMS) was employed as the reference truth for burned area and severity. Our approaches were tested for two study sites that had a similar meteorological environment (dry season) and species (coniferous vegetation).  This study presents a novel methodology for mapping burned areas and severity using Sentinel-2 MSI data and CEMS data, aiming at achieving mapping accuracy and transferability. RF performed better than SVM when classifying pixels within heterogeneous regions. The Normalized Burn Ratio (NBR) and Green Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (GNDVI) were quite significant in determining the severity of a fire, indicating that they might be useful in identifying senescent plants. The findings also demonstrated that the CEMS dataset can be used as a reference for classifying fire damage in other regions. The use of this approach makes it possible to quickly and accurately map the extent of the damage caused by forest fires and has applicability for other disasters.

How to cite: Park, S. and Lee, K.: Satellite-based burn severity mapping and evaluating the transferability of Copernicus EMS data using machine learning approaches, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7609,, 2023.

EGU23-7744 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.11

Detecting Forest Fires by Using Remotely Sensed Data in Riau, Indonesia 

Agustiyara Agustiyara and Balázs Székely

This research aims to shed light on remote sensing data, focusing on remote sensing for forest fires which still largely separates these expertise techniques. In this situation, the use of sentinel data makes it possible to make assessments related to land and forest fires by assessing the land cover function of land fires. The first specific location shows that land fires are clearly visible, especially on the Rupat island which is part of Bengkalis Regency, Riau Province, Indonesia. In a general sense, Rupat Island is a small island with a peatland ecosystem. This becomes complex when various land functions and activities, such as the development of the oil palm plantation industry, protected forest areas, industrial plantation forest (HTI) company areas, peat land, and other land uses activities are found on this island. Forest fires cause extreme long-term damage to the environment, wildlife, flora, and property including forestry and agricultural holdings every year. Along with improving the detection of and response times to such fires, there is also a need to improve post-event delineation, assessment, and monitoring of the affected areas. Such post-event analysis can then feed back into strategies and policies for wildfire prevention, prediction, mitigation, and response. However, the detection of such fires by these tools considers the accuracy in terms of the exact location and extent of land classification and burnt areas. The use of statistically significant remote sensing, the research process two products between 2019 and 2020. The research use data equation through the Sentinel-3 data, where the detection of land fires that are clearly visible in the "fire detection" image by performing a data algorithm to ensure that the fire point is no cloud cover. Sentinel-2 data was also used to explain the loss of vegetation on peatlands in the area of land fires, which clearly shows changes in burnt areas. With the same combination of analyses, sentinel-1 data was also used to clarify the land cover in the fire area, where the classification algorithms (forest) and other functions in sentinel-1 data were identified. Therefore, the use of remote sensing primarily aims to highlight the importance of data fusion and integrate it into the multiple factors and motives for forest and land fires.

How to cite: Agustiyara, A. and Székely, B.: Detecting Forest Fires by Using Remotely Sensed Data in Riau, Indonesia, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7744,, 2023.

EGU23-8043 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.11

An analysis of 100 years of post-fire streamflow responses of British Columbia watersheds 

Karen Abogadil and Usman Khan

Wildfires are becoming larger and more severe due to climate change. This trend affects the forest ecosystem and disrupts many eco-hydrologic processes in forested watersheds. Effects can include rapid runoff responses, increased surface runoff, and elevated erosion, leading to lower water quality and long-lasting effects on hydrologic ecosystem services (drinking water supply or flood regulation). However, post-fire hydrology studies often have variable and contrasting results, making cross-study comparisons difficult. Studies are typically short-term and focused on single wildfire events. Additionally, hydrologic ecosystem services are not always considered. This research has two objectives: to determine accurate indicators for post-fire flow responses; and to develop a flood risk map that considers wildfire history and the hydrologic ecosystem services. The study area includes 336 drainage basins (grouped into five ecozones) in British Columbia, Canada, known for its susceptibility to wildfires and floods. The study analyzes 110 years of wildfire data from 1910 to 2020. Of the 824 wildfires in the study period, over 400 fires were identified with five years of continuous streamflow and precipitation daily flow records. Percent changes in low, high, and peak flows were calculated using pre-fire and post-fire values. Using streamflow, precipitation, wildfire perimeters, land cover and topographic data, statistical analyses were done to determine the most influential watershed characteristic in post-fire streamflow responses. To develop the flood risk map, the same data will be combined with socio-economic and demographic data. Preliminary results suggest differing trends for low, high, and peak flows for the five ecozones in BC, demonstrating the importance of geophysical variables on streamflow response. Results will aid in understanding the effects of climate change over 110 years, specifically the wildfire effects on hydrology in forested watersheds and on the hydrologic ecosystem services provided to nearby communities. The determination of accurate post-fire streamflow indicators will also help water resource managers, urban planners, and other decision-makers allocate resources appropriately for long-term water management and reduce post-fire flood vulnerability.

How to cite: Abogadil, K. and Khan, U.: An analysis of 100 years of post-fire streamflow responses of British Columbia watersheds, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8043,, 2023.

EGU23-9015 | Posters on site | SSS9.11

Tree Root Decay in Soils Following Tree Death after a Crown Wildfire, Canadian Rockies: A Field Investigation  

Edward Johnson, Yvonne Martin, and Olga Chaikina

Wildfire disturbances due to lighting strikes are a relatively common occurrence in subalpine forests of the Canadian Rockies. Tree roots found within forest soils are known to undergo decomposition after crown wildfires. As decay progress, this results in changes to tree root characteristics, including the number of remaining tree roots, distribution of tree root diameters and tensile force at failure of remaining roots. These changes, in turn, may impact soil hydrology and the likelihood of geomorphic process occurrence, including debris slides and debris flows. Herein, we present results of an intensive, annual field measurement program covering a period of about one decade that provides information about tree root decay following a crown wildfire in the Canadian Rockies. The crown wildfire burned a total of 17 000 hectares in Kootenay National Park and provided an opportunity to undertake this field measurement program. Hawk Creek drainage basin was the location in which field sampling of tree root data occurred. A total of 15 soil pits over a range of hillslope gradients were dug and key characteristics of all tree roots emerging from walls of soil pits were measured. Numerical analysis of tree root measurements in each year includes the frequency of tree roots in different diameter classes, frequency of tree roots at different depths below the ground surface and lateral root cohesion. One key finding is that tree roots having a smaller diameter fully disintegrate before larger tree roots. In addition, tree roots situated higher in the soil profile (i.e., closer to the surface) decay preferentially compared to tree roots located lower in the soil profile. Results also show that for a given tree root diameter class, the tensile force at failure decreased very rapidly in the first two years after wildfire occurrence. Similarly, the lateral root cohesion decreased rapidly in the first several years following the wildfire, although some root strength was documented even one decade after wildfire occurrence.

How to cite: Johnson, E., Martin, Y., and Chaikina, O.: Tree Root Decay in Soils Following Tree Death after a Crown Wildfire, Canadian Rockies: A Field Investigation , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9015,, 2023.

EGU23-9283 | Orals | SSS9.11

Long-term management actions of fire-prone Mediterranean ecosystems under climate change using fuel reduction and post-fire restoration 

Mara Baudena, V Ramon Vallejo, Jaime Baeza, Aymen Moghli, Alejandro Valdecantos, and Victor M Santana

Forest fires and extreme droughts will continue to be main disturbances in Mediterranean ecosystems, given the ongoing and projected climatic changes. In fact, an exacerbation of some aspects of their regime is expected. In this perspective, it is fundamental to design adaptive management strategies that can reduce the impact of disturbances and increase ecosystem resilience. To achieve this, it is necessary to develop an integrated management, able to select the best combination of restoration actions for different scenarios. Here, we address the effectiveness of the combination of several actions related to fuel reduction and restoration after fire in the long term, to increase the presence of resprouting species and mitigate fire occurrence, for different future climate change scenarios. Fuel reduction treatments include the application of shrub clearing at different intensities and frequencies. Restoration actions comprise the plantation of resprouting species, aiming to increase ecosystem resilience. We used a simple, ecological, published model, specifically developed for Mediterranean ecosystems and including species competition and post-fire responses, which we calibrated using the recorded vegetation response to treatments. Our results point out that, if we look for more resilient ecosystems in the next decades, we will need an intensification of fuel reduction treatments. Noticeably, including resprouting species has an important effect in the ecosystem. However, the success of these actions will be variable depending on the climate scenario.

How to cite: Baudena, M., Vallejo, V. R., Baeza, J., Moghli, A., Valdecantos, A., and Santana, V. M.: Long-term management actions of fire-prone Mediterranean ecosystems under climate change using fuel reduction and post-fire restoration, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9283,, 2023.

EGU23-9805 | Posters on site | SSS9.11

Wildfire Hot Spot Mapping - Austria Fire Futures 

Florian Kraxner, Andrey Krasovskiy, Charlotte Kottusch, Shelby Corning, Dmitry Schepaschenko, Harald Vacik, Mathias Neumann, Mortimer Mueller, Arne Arnberger, Herbert Formayer, David Leidinger, Tobias Schadauer, Susanne Karel, and Christoph Bauerhansl

The main objective of this Austria Fire Futures study is to develop a unique and innovative concept containing new sets of fire risk hotspot maps at highest spatial resolution under various climate change scenarios and integrate novel insights on local fuel types into forest and forest fire risk models, including new variables such as morphology and recreational activities. To generate such maps on a local scale, fire hazard modeling is necessary to identify endangered forest types in combination with topographic effects. Furthermore, recent fire events in the Austrian Alps show that social aspects, particularly the hiking tourism, are paid too little attention to.
Based on the above motivation, we believe that an innovative and improved fire risk hotspot mapping is the fundament for all further forest- and wildfire prevention and hence needs to be seen as an indispensable tool for an integrated fire management (prevention, suppression, post fire measures) while substantially contributing to mitigating climate change as well as minimizing damage to ecosystems, their services, and people.
The study will improve our understanding of fire-vulnerable forest areas that may shift over time and space given the underlying climate and fuel assumptions. This will allow experts, practitioners, and the interested public to take a look into the future in order to comprehend and derive solid short-/medium-/and long-term recommendations for fire resilient and sustainable forest management and fire emergency planning.

How to cite: Kraxner, F., Krasovskiy, A., Kottusch, C., Corning, S., Schepaschenko, D., Vacik, H., Neumann, M., Mueller, M., Arnberger, A., Formayer, H., Leidinger, D., Schadauer, T., Karel, S., and Bauerhansl, C.: Wildfire Hot Spot Mapping - Austria Fire Futures, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9805,, 2023.

EGU23-9836 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.11

Post-wildfire monitoring for hazard mitigation in Alpine area 

Monica Corti, Laura Corti, Andrea Abbate, Monica Papini, and Laura Longoni

In a climate change scenario, natural disasters and their consequences are expected to increase. In particular, it is proven that the raise of global temperature will drive a higher occurrence of wildfires, leading to a wide range of problems in the mountain areas, such as slope instabilities. As confirmed by many authors, in addition to the disruption of vegetation, wildfires have indeed severe effects over the natural slopes, linked to the hydrological changes provoked by burning, which may cause further economic losses and casualties.

The risen probability of flash flooding and debris flows after wildfires is recognized to depend on an alteration of the soil hydrological properties, and in particular of the soil infiltration capacity. Many studies in literature focused on the trends of soil infiltration recovery after fire, but none of them regards Alpine case studies and only a few are European, even if wildfire phenomenon is relatively common nowadays in the Alps. Furthermore, rainfall thresholds for possible landslide triggering have not been defined for wildfire-affected areas yet.

This work investigates the impact of a wildfire occurred in 2019 in the Southern Alps, starting from the data collected during three years of monitoring activity at different spatial scales and after laboratory rainfall simulations. The investigation of the burnt area was conducted both remotely, by the analysis of Copernicus Sentinel-2 imagery, and throughout field surveys, by performing falling-head infiltration tests. The monitoring activity was distributed over three different sub-areas, taking into account the different fire severity (burnt or unburned sub-area) and the original vegetation type (pine woods or grassland). Moreover, soil samples were collected inside those sub-areas for further laboratory permeability tests and rainfall simulations.

Results were used to retrieve recovery trends for the calibration of a simple 1D hydrogeological model.

In particular, the remote sensing analysis helped to evaluate a recovery time of seven years of the site to pre-fire conditions. On the other hand, field monitoring suggested the recovery to depend mostly on the restoration of the canopy protection, as preventing factor for direct responses to rainfall and soil erosion.

How to cite: Corti, M., Corti, L., Abbate, A., Papini, M., and Longoni, L.: Post-wildfire monitoring for hazard mitigation in Alpine area, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9836,, 2023.

EGU23-10798 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.11

Shifting fire season: who has it worse resprouters, or obligate seeders? 

Alexandria Thomsen and Mark Ooi

Fire is a major factor shaping plant communities, and plant species have evolved to persist through a fire regime, broadly characterised by the frequency, intensity, and season of burns typical of their region. However, historical fire regimes are shifting with changing climate and other factors, including increased ignition sources, and implemented fires, producing more frequent burns of varying intensity. As such, seasonality of fire is shifting and despite the effects of fire on plant persistence being well studied, there is still little understanding on the effects of fire season. In this study, we set up two sites with five treatment areas, an early autumn burn, late autumn burn, early spring burn, late spring burn and a control. We surveyed multiple shrub species for impacts of seasonal burns on resprouting vigour and post-fire flowering in the mediterranean region of South Australia. Fire severity was also measured using soil temperatures, canopy cover consumption and minimum twig diameter. We found that fire response to fire season varied between trait type included seed storage type and seed dormancy type. This study highlights the impact of season of fire and that it should be considered when making species management decisions for plant species persistence.

How to cite: Thomsen, A. and Ooi, M.: Shifting fire season: who has it worse resprouters, or obligate seeders?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10798,, 2023.

EGU23-11387 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.11

Gradient boosting for socio-economic wildfire risk assessment 

Carmen B. Steinmann, Jonathan Koh, Samuel Lüthi, Samuel Gübeli, Benoît P. Guillod, and David N. Bresch

Wildfires are devastating events destroying large parts of physical assets exposed to them in many regions of the world. Therefore, a high-resolution hazard model is needed to accurately assess socio-economic impacts caused by wildfires. Moreover, a probabilistic representation of the hazard covering the range and likelihood of possible wildfire events under certain conditions allows for a more comprehensive risk assessment. This is crucial for many applications, among others the prioritization of adaptation measures and the pricing of insurance.

We determine burning probabilities based on MODIS hotspots and a set of predictors (weather variables, geography, land use) by using a country-specific machine learning model based on the efficient tree boosting system XGBoost. Subsequently, stochastic wildfire events are generated on the basis of these burning probabilities.

Lastly, the open-source climate risk assessment platform CLIMADA is used to compute socio-economic impacts as the combination of the newly developed hazard, an exposure and a vulnerability. The used exposure LitPop spatially distributes macroeconomic indicators (e.g. produced capital) as a function of night light intensity and population density. The vulnerability is represented by an impact function that was calibrated on historic fire damage data. Combining the stochastic impacts with their respective probabilities results in a globally consistent country-specific model of wildfire risk to physical assets.

How to cite: Steinmann, C. B., Koh, J., Lüthi, S., Gübeli, S., Guillod, B. P., and Bresch, D. N.: Gradient boosting for socio-economic wildfire risk assessment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11387,, 2023.

EGU23-11995 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.11

Effects of fire intensity on CO2 exchange in an arctic tundra ecosystem 

Wenyi Xu, Bo Elberling, and Per Lennart Ambus

Recently, the frequency and intensity of wildfires has been increasing in the Arctic as a result of climate change. However, there is still little knowledge on the effects of fire intensity on carbon dioxide (CO2) exchange in arctic tundra ecosystems. We conducted an experimental fire of different burn intensity (i.e., low intensity, high intensity and unburned control) to investigate effects of fire intensity on soil biogeochemical cycles and surface CO2 fluxes over four growing seasons in an arctic heath tundra, West Greenland. Post-fire soil temperatures and soil moisture increased with increasing fire intensity by up to 2.2 ℃ and 18 vol%, respectively. The high-intensity fire also significantly increased soil nitrate concentrations 1 day post fire, but this effect disappeared 1 year post fire. There were no significant effect of fire intensity on soil carbon and phosphorus availability or microbial biomass. The ecosystem shifted from a net CO2 sink to a net CO2 source immediately after the fire, because of the reductions in photosynthetic activity. 1 year post fire the low-intensity burned plots have turned into a net CO2 sink, while the high-intensity burned plots were a net CO2 source for the entire study period. This suggests that the time needed for the burned ecosystem to turn into a net CO2 sink increases with increasing fire intensity. Fire intensity had no effect on ecosystem respiration (ER) immediately after the fire, likely because the increases in microbial respiration caused by elevated soil temperatures and moisture and soil nitrogen availability have offset the decreases in plant respiration. However, 1-3 years after the fire, the high-intensity fire significantly reduced ER rates, suggesting that the moderate increases in microbial respiration only caused by elevated soil temperatures and moisture could not balance out the decreases in plant respiration. Overall, compared with low-intensity fire, high-intensity fire not only combusts more biomass or soil organic matter and releases more CO2 during the fire, but also prolongs the duration of the burned areas as a net CO2 source and consequently enhances post-fire CO2 losses.

How to cite: Xu, W., Elberling, B., and Ambus, P. L.: Effects of fire intensity on CO2 exchange in an arctic tundra ecosystem, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11995,, 2023.

EGU23-13012 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.11

Exploring the fire danger and exposition of settlements at the wildland urban interface: a case study in Graz, Austria 

Mariana Silva Andrade, Mortimer M. Müller, Gergo Dioszegi, and Harald Vacik

Changing climate is likely to increase the intensity of forest fires in Austria. Consequently, the investigation of the fire danger situation at the wildland-urban interface is crucial for the planning of prevention measures against future damages. Hence, a comprehensive fire risk assessment study was performed for Austria, in which five components were considered (natural cause for ignition of forest fires, socioeconomic causes for ignition, vegetation structure, meteorological factors and exposition of important infrastructures). The approach for the fire danger assessment determined for the city of Graz, the second largest city in Austria, as high danger level for fire occurrences. Therefore, the present work introduces a case study for this city, focusing on the exposure of settlements and infrastructure to fire events. The relevant infrastructure features were selected, such as residential buildings, power lines, radio stations, railways, highways and traffic and communication buildings, as well as three types of forests with different management objectives (production forest, site protection forest and object protection forest). In order to analyze the interaction between settlements and vegetation in case of forest fires, buffers were used (i.e. buffer sizes for buildings are 10m, 50m and 150m and other settlements are 60m, 100m and 200m). Infrastructure and forest cover were also classified due to their importance: high, medium and low risk of exposition. For example, production forest was considered to bear a lower risk of exposition due to their economic importance compared to protection forests, that have to protect the city from natural hazards like rock falls or mudflows. On the other hand, radio stations carry a high risk of exposition because of their importance for facilitating the communication of the community. In combing the results of the fire danger assessment for the city of Graz with final exposition map the results indicate that areas around radio stations situated in the northwestern area of the city have a higher risk of exposition. As a result, firefighters must pay particular attention to this region for management and evacuation plans.

How to cite: Silva Andrade, M., M. Müller, M., Dioszegi, G., and Vacik, H.: Exploring the fire danger and exposition of settlements at the wildland urban interface: a case study in Graz, Austria, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13012,, 2023.

EGU23-13669 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.11

Heating response patterns of Alpine soils: from a plot-scale to lab experiments. 

Sara Negri, Beatrice Giannetta, Giulia Mantero, Silvia Stanchi, Raffaella Marzano, Matteo Garbarino, Luisella Celi, and Eleonora Bonifacio

Wildfires play the role of ecosystem shapers in the majority of terrestrial biomes. Nowadays, their regimes are changing as a consequence of land abandonment and climate change. After-fire dynamics are widely studied in North America and Mediterranean environments. However, soils developed in different biomes might not unequivocally respond to fire-induced heating, and forests of the Western Italian Alps are not unfamiliar to fire occurrence.

For these reasons, we conducted several experiments (at plot and lab scale) at environmentally realistic conditions to systematically assess the impacts of fire on the physico-chemical properties of soils belonging to the Italian Alpine ecological region.

A homogenous pine forest (Pinus sylvestris L.) located in a mountain region near Torino experienced the passage of a severe and large wildfire in fall 2017. The field survey carried out in 2020 revealed that lower organic carbon (OC) contents and higher bulk density (BD) values were associated to a greater fire severity. Abundance of pyrogenic carbon was related to the steepness degree, as a consequence of erosion. In the superficial horizons, the naturally high WR expected from soils developed under a conifer stand was not present.

To elucidate mechanisms regulating WR occurrence and evolution, the thermal transformations borne by Alpine soils were investigated at controlled laboratory conditions. Topsoil samples displayed extremely different wettable behaviors upon increasing temperatures (Ts), with or without WR build-up. This occurred mainly in relation to content and composition of organic matter (OM), particle size distribution and abundance of iron (Fe) oxides. Notwithstanding the initial sample hydrophobicity, WR was dramatically lost above 200 °C due to increasing pH values, inducing OM de-sorption from the negatively charged mineral surfaces.

In the same T range, the thermal transformation of soil Fe oxides were found to be primarily directed towards oxidative processes (hematite formation). Ts up to 300 °C could have potentially promoted the stabilization of the remaining (non-combusted) OM, with the synthesis of defect-rich Fe oxides and enrichment in condensed and aromatic compounds, and yet OM was highly dispersible at the high pH values resulting from the thermal treatment, such that OC might be weakly retained on mineral phases in an after-fire scenario.

How to cite: Negri, S., Giannetta, B., Mantero, G., Stanchi, S., Marzano, R., Garbarino, M., Celi, L., and Bonifacio, E.: Heating response patterns of Alpine soils: from a plot-scale to lab experiments., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13669,, 2023.

EGU23-13680 | Posters on site | SSS9.11

Mapping fire susceptibility in Portugal 

Célia Gouveia, Tiago Ermitão, Isabel F. Trigo, and Patrícia Páscoa

Southern Europe is considered a fire-prone region, and fire events occur here every summer. In this context, large fires have hit Portugal over the last 20 years, due to frequent hot and dry summer conditions, and also to high fuel availability in ecosystems. Moreover, climate change in the Mediterranean basin is expected to increase the severity of fire weather conditions and therefore to increase the occurrence of extreme fire seasons.

Recent catastrophic fire seasons have led to the implementation of a set of policies during the months before the fire-season, aiming at fire prevention and suppression, which can in turn increase the combat efficiency of fires during the fire season. Therefore, this work intends to contribute to fire prevention by identifying regions with a high likelihood to burn.

A Principal Components Analysis (PCA) was applied to several climatological, ecological, and biophysical variables, related to fire weather, fuel availability, and elevation covering the period from 2001 to 2021. Results allowed to assess the areas where large fires were more likely to occur in 2022. The central and southernmost regions of Portugal showed a stronger signal in the PCA, indicating a likely high susceptibility to future fire events. The association of fuel accumulation since the last fire event with elevation and favourable fire weather conditions explains most of the variability of the first six PCs. These results were compared with the fires that occurred in 2022, and a match between larger burned areas and high signals in the PCA was found, highlighting the usefulness of this methodology.

This study was supported by FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Portugal) through national funds (PIDDAC) – UIDB/50019/2020, and under the projects FlorestaLimpa (PCIF/MOG/0161/2019).

How to cite: Gouveia, C., Ermitão, T., Trigo, I. F., and Páscoa, P.: Mapping fire susceptibility in Portugal, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13680,, 2023.

EGU23-14313 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.11

A Tailored Fine Fuel Moisture Content Model for Improving Wildfire Danger Rating Systems 

Nicolò Perello, Andrea Trucchia, Mirko D'Andrea, Giorgio Meschi, Silvia degli Esposti, and Paolo Fiorucci

A change in wildfire regimes in several regions around the Earth has been acknowledged in recent decades, with an increase in the frequency of particularly severe events. Consequently, many wildfires management systems have been challenged, renewing interest in Forest Fire Danger Rating (FFDR) models to support preparedness and response phases. The Liguria Region (Italy) and the Italian Civil Protection supported independent research programs that led in 2003 to the development of the FFDR model RISICO. Nowadays the model is used as a decision-support tool by Italian civil protection systems at national and regional levels. RISICO model integrates weather conditions with vegetation types, topography, vegetation indices from satellite and ML-based wildfires susceptibility maps, in order to provide all information available.

One of the main component of RISICO is the Fine Fuel Moisture Content (FFMC) model. Indeed, fine fuel moisture conditions influence the ignition and spread of wildfires, and particularly low FFMC values are often associated with the occurrence of severe events. A new formulation of the FFMC model has therefore been performed to increase its forecasting capabilities and the abilities to discriminate severe wildfire conditions. The FFMC model depends on vegetation types, differentiating the fine fuel moisture behavior through a different response time to weather conditions. This aspect makes it possible to consider the structural peculiarities of each vegetation type, differentiating then forest fire fire risk behavior. The model is also able to simulate fine fuel moisture content at different temporal resolution, ranging from hours to minutes. This makes it possible to describe in detail the fast dynamics of FFMC, which is of particular interest in environments characterized by a rapidly changing forest fire risk such as the Mediterranean environment. A reformulation and parameters calibration of the FFMC model has then been performed, to increase the reliability of the model. The use of the revised FFMC model to simulate moisture conditions in case of wildfires occurred in Italy in the last 15 years shows an increase in the model's ability to discriminate against severe events, characterized by particularly low fine fuel moisture values.


How to cite: Perello, N., Trucchia, A., D'Andrea, M., Meschi, G., degli Esposti, S., and Fiorucci, P.: A Tailored Fine Fuel Moisture Content Model for Improving Wildfire Danger Rating Systems, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14313,, 2023.

EGU23-14379 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.11

Mediterranean catchments post-fire hydrogeological behavior and water quality: insights from the Pisano Mount area (Tuscany, Italy) 

Matteo Nigro, Roberto Giannecchini, Marco Doveri, Matia Menichini, and Ilaria Baneschi

Wildfires are recognized as one of the most affecting ecological agents, altering geomorphological processes, hydrologic cycles, and water quality. On average from 50,000 to 65,000 fires occur in Europe every year, burning approximately 500,000 ha of forested areas. Between September 2018 and February 2019 two large wildfires burnt nearly 1,400 ha of forests and farmlands in the Pisano Mount area (northwestern Tuscany). The mountainous morphology of the area linked to the proximity to the sea causes high precipitation variability and intensity. This, joined with low permeability bedrock (mainly quartzites, schists, and phyllites) and with the extensive vegetation coverage, make the study site a hot spot for surface waters analysis. Moreover, burnt catchments are of primary importance in the recharge processes of the groundwater resources of the costal plain, which are exploited by a large number of inhabitants and agricultural facility. Consequently, the present study is aimed at understanding and quantifying the wildfire impacts on the hydrogeological dynamics and water quality in the studied catchments. Such impacts are being evaluated by comparing burnt and unburnt catchments, which were selected to be as similar as possible from geological, morphological, and vegetational perspectives. The multi-parameter selection method involved Principal Component Analysis and Distance analysis on many potentially feasible catchments. A network of automatic monitoring instruments was deployed on site. Five hydraulic sections of the main streams draining the area were monitored for hydraulic level and physico-chemical parameters. Hydrographs analysis was performed to infer differences in hydrogeological dynamics between burnt and unburnt basins. Monthly samples were collected for stream water and groundwater chemical analysis. In addition, four plate lysimeters were installed to sample soil water for its chemical characterization. The chemical analysis involved major anions and cations, trace elements, water isotopes, and organic compounds, to search for chemical perturbation potentially arising from the wildfire. The investigation highlighted various differences between the burnt and unburnt basin, mainly for the surface waters. The streams draining the burnt areas present different hydraulic behaviour and changes in physiochemical parameters in response to rainfall events. Moreover, the yearly variation of physiochemical parameters and chemical characteristics present an higher variance for those streams draining wildfire affected catchments.

How to cite: Nigro, M., Giannecchini, R., Doveri, M., Menichini, M., and Baneschi, I.: Mediterranean catchments post-fire hydrogeological behavior and water quality: insights from the Pisano Mount area (Tuscany, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14379,, 2023.

EGU23-15243 | Posters virtual | SSS9.11

Forest Monitoring: Fires and Recovery in Alta Murgia: the MOIRA Project 

Sabino Maggi, Maria Patrizia Adamo, Silvana Fuina, Cristina Tarantino, and Saverio Vicario

The risk of wildfires has risen significantly in recent years, not just in Europe but around the world. In Italy alone, hundreds of thousands of hectares are burned each year, resulting in deaths, the destruction of forests and loss of biodiversity, and damage to infrastructure and farms. One way to address this issue is through satellite remote sensing, which is a valuable tool for monitoring and managing fires, assessing risks, surveying and evaluating the damage caused by fires and preparing recovery actions.The objective that the Alta Murgia National Park is pursuing with this project is to gather information on fires that have occurred within the Park area, in order to quickly identify affected areas and aid in their perimeter, characterization and control, and to support the preliminary and timely design of forest restoration efforts, as well as the updating of AIB plans according to legal requirements.

The project aims to develop automated satellite monitoring procedures using Landsat and Sentinel2 imagery to assess the health of forested areas and identify and characterize degradation caused by negative events such as forest fires, illegal logging, conversion of forest land to agriculture, and improper use of areas historically affected by fire. A module based on difference in the Normalized Burn Ratio (NBR) index would allow to define the effective perimeter of damage caused by a fire within the larger perimeter defined by firefighting crews. Additionally, a module using various vegetation indices, such as those related to chlorophyll and carotenoids, will be employed to compare vegetation changes across the landscape and over time.

The project also involves using a time series analysis to retrospectively monitor the recovery of vegetation following a critical event, and a Bayesian approach previously developed by the group will be used to estimate expected phenological statistics with associated error. To further understand the recovery process, a single forested site burned in 2020 will be closely monitored with an eddy covariance tower and through repeated floristic surveys.

Lastly, the project aims to establish a pilot low-cost ground-based monitoring and video surveillance system to supplement the existing video surveillance network. This system will focus on monitoring remote or less frequented areas of the park, where installing high-end monitoring stations would not be cost-effective. The system proposed is self-sufficient in terms of power and is capable of performing real-time image analysis over the study area. In the event of a fire or the emission of harmful gases, the system will immediately alert relevant law enforcement agencies.
The current work summarizes the current state of the project and the scientific results obtained so far.

How to cite: Maggi, S., Adamo, M. P., Fuina, S., Tarantino, C., and Vicario, S.: Forest Monitoring: Fires and Recovery in Alta Murgia: the MOIRA Project, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15243,, 2023.

EGU23-15531 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.11

Using stakeholder-developed forest management maps to model fire reduction treatment effects on forest fire 

Bushra Sanira Asif, Paolo Fiorucci, and Nicolò Perello

Over the past century, severe wildfire events have been recorded globally due to climate change. Changes in climatic conditions may change forest landscape by modifying rates of vegetation formation, shifts in temperature and tree species shift. There was a near-complete loss of native tree species in some affected areas and loss of these species were most strongly linked to burn frequency. Many questions remain regarding how these changes will occur across landscapes and how disturbances such as wildfires may interact with changes to climate and vegetation. Forest management is used to proactively modify forest structure and composition to improve fire resilience. Yet, research is needed to assess how to best utilize the resources to reduce damages due to forest fires. Human communities also exist within these landscapes, and decision regarding how to manage forests must carefully consider how management will affect such communities.

The scientific literature recognizes the importance of incorporating stakeholders' knowledge and the active role of local communities to enhance and strengthen adaptive capacities to fire risk management. However, the research in this area seems to be still at the initial stage, and this gap needs to be addressed through actions that value the knowledge and voices of stakeholders and local communities. This research aims to contribute to this gap by sharing the process with the application of participatory mapping GIS involving forest stakeholders in a forest fire risk area in Liguria, Italy. To investigate local community preferences for forest management, public participation geographic information systems (PPGIS) mapping exercise is a good tool for local residents to express their views on fire reduction treatments (for example, commercial harvest, non-commercial harvest and prescribed fire). Emergent themes from the mapping exercise can be used to inform alternative management scenarios to explore the usefulness of using PPGIS to generate modelling inputs. Scenarios will be ranged from restoration-only treatments to short-rotation commercial harvest. The use of PPGIS is useful for outlining the range of forest management preferences within the local community, for identifying areas of agreement among residents who have otherwise polarized views, and for generating modelling inputs that reflect views that may not be obtained through existing official channels for public participation. Involving forest stakeholders in the decision-making process may increase public acceptance of the forest fire treatments needed to modify wildfire trajectories under future climate conditions and to improve forest resilience.

How to cite: Asif, B. S., Fiorucci, P., and Perello, N.: Using stakeholder-developed forest management maps to model fire reduction treatment effects on forest fire, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15531,, 2023.

EGU23-16785 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.11

Circumpolar patterns of arctic-boreal fire activity 

Rebecca Scholten, Yang Chen, Sander Veraverbeke, and James Randerson

Intensifying wildfires in high-latitude forest and tundra ecosystems are a major source of greenhouse gas emissions, releasing carbon through direct combustion and long-term degradation of permafrost soils and peatlands. Several remotely sensed burned area and active fire products have been developed, yet these do not provide information about the ignitions, growth and size of individual fires. Such object-based fire data is urgently needed to disentangle different anthropogenic and bioclimatic drivers of fire ignition, spread and extinction.

We developed an object-based fire tracking method to map the evolution of fires at a sub-daily scale using Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) active fire detections. The dataset includes ignitions and sub-daily perimeters of individual fires between 2012 and 2021, which are corrected using finer-scale information on waterbodies. Here, we present first results of this circumpolar arctic-boreal fire atlas. We show circumpolar patterns of arctic-boreal fire activity and disentangle the spatially varying influence of drivers of fires. Most fires, as well as the largest fires, occur on the Eurasian continent. Latitudinal differences in fire characteristics and drivers are important, yet regional and continental differences emerge. Knowledge about regional differences in fire regimes and their drivers is required to better understand contemporary arctic-boreal fire regimes and to constrain models that predict changes in future arctic-boreal fire regimes.

How to cite: Scholten, R., Chen, Y., Veraverbeke, S., and Randerson, J.: Circumpolar patterns of arctic-boreal fire activity, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16785,, 2023.

EGU23-1033 | Posters virtual | SSS9.12 | Highlight

evolution and development of ephemeral gully erosion in hilly and gully region of the Loess Plateau in China 

Boyang Liu, Biao Zhang, Ziming Yin, Bai Hao, Shufang Wu, Hao Feng, and Kadambot H.M. Siddique

ephemeral gully erosion is a primary mode of soil erosion that is highly visible, affecting soil productivity and restricting land use. Watershed is the basic unit of soil erosion control; existing research has focused on several typical ephemeral gullies or slopes, which do not fully display changes in ephemeral gullies at a watershed scale. This study analyzed the spatial-temporal evolution and development rate of ephemeral gully erosion at the watershed scale on the Loess Plateau from 2009 to 2021 using remote sensing images (0.5 m resolution), unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), and field investigations. The results revealed that: (1) most ephemeral gullies occurred in southwestern parts of the watershed, with many hills and large slope gradients; (2) average growth rates of each ephemeral gully frequency, length, density, dissection degree, and width were 2.87 km2 y–1, 1.66 m y–1, 0.12 km km–2 y–1, 0.0125% y–1, and 0.04 m y–1 , respectively; (3) ephemeral gully erosion volume (V) and length (L) had a good power function relationship: . The root mean square error (RMSE) and coefficient of determination (R2) between the measured and predicted ephemeral gully volumes suggest that the V–L relationship has a good predictive ability for ephemeral gully volume. Thus, the V–L model was used to evaluate the development rate of ephemeral gully erosion volume in small watersheds from 2009 to 2021, revealing an average value of 743.20 m3 y–1. This study proposed a feasible model for assessing ephemeral gully volume and volume changes at a watershed scale using high-resolution remote sensing images, providing a reference for understanding the development of ephemeral gully erosion in small watersheds over time.

How to cite: Liu, B., Zhang, B., Yin, Z., Hao, B., Wu, S., Feng, H., and Siddique, K. H. M.: evolution and development of ephemeral gully erosion in hilly and gully region of the Loess Plateau in China, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1033,, 2023.

EGU23-1037 | ECS | Posters virtual | SSS9.12 | Highlight

Effect of combining organic and chemical fertilizer plus water-saving system on greenhouse gas emissions, runoff, apple yield and quality in a hilly rainfed apple orchard 

Binbin Zhang, Sihui Yan, Shufang Wu, Hao Feng, Qingtao Meng, and Kadambot H.M. Siddique

Combining organic and inorganic fertilizers is critical for increasing yield, reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and improving soil fertility. However, the effect of combined organic and inorganic fertilizers on GHG emissions in hilly apple orchards is not clear. Furthermore, studies on slope agriculture mostly ignore slope runoff. Hence, a two-year field experiment was conducted in the hilly apple orchard in north Shaanxi to explore the effects of orchard management practices on surface soil water and temperature, GHG emissions, runoff, apple yield, and fruit quality. Three management practices were implemented: (1) combined organic and chemical fertilizer plus water-saving (OCWS) system; (2) chemical fertilizer plus water-saving (CWS) system; (3) conventional practice plus chemical fertilizer without water-saving system (CC). The results showed that, relative to CWS and CC treatments, the OCWS treatment decreased the average surface soil temperature during the apple growing period by 5.54% and 4.54% and increased surface soil water by 8.39% and 10.42%, respectively. Seasonal variation in N2O, CO2, and CH4 followed similar trends across treatments, but the amplitude of change varied. Soil water and temperature affected GHG emissions. Cumulative N2O, CO2, and CH4 emissions varied non-significantly among treatments. Furthermore, the OCWS treatment had a similar global warming potential (GWP) to the CC treatment. The OCWS treatment had a 39.33% lower greenhouse gas intensity (GHGI) than the CC treatment. Averaged across two years, the OCWS and CWS treatments significantly reduced runoff by 49.18% and 43.90% and sediment yield by 72.13% and 68.65% compared to the CC treatment. Furthermore, precipitation had a significant positive correlation with runoff and erosive sediment. Averaged across two years, the OCWS treatment had the highest apple yield (37,550 kg hm–2), crop water production (CWP) (69.40 kg hm–2 mm–1), transverse diameter (84.27 mm), single fruit weight (261.49 g), vitamin C (29.45 mg kg–1), soluble solids (14.28%), soluble sugars (10.74%), and sugar: acid ratio (54.95). The OCWS treatment is an effective management practice for increasing apple yield, improving fruit quality, and reducing adverse environmental impacts on the Loess Plateau in northwest China.

How to cite: Zhang, B., Yan, S., Wu, S., Feng, H., Meng, Q., and Siddique, K. H. M.: Effect of combining organic and chemical fertilizer plus water-saving system on greenhouse gas emissions, runoff, apple yield and quality in a hilly rainfed apple orchard, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1037,, 2023.

EGU23-1132 | ECS | Posters virtual | SSS9.12

Vegetation carbon input moderates the effects of climate change on topsoil organic carbon in China 

Yunfeng Cen, Zhaoliang Gao, Yongcai Lou, Wenbo Liu, and Xun Zhang

Climate change affects soil organic carbon (SOC) and contributes to the uncertainty of terrestrial carbon sinks in the global carbon budget. With changes in vegetation growth and the regulation of its carbon input, the feedback of topsoil SOC to climate change is likely to become more complex at broad geographical scales. China has experienced noticeable changes in climate and surface greening in recent decades, and these changes have effectively influenced the dynamics of topsoil SOC. However, the potential role of vegetation carbon inputs in regulating and buffering climate change impacts on SOC in the context of current ecological restoration is still poorly understood. Therefore, to solve these problems, on the basis of the long-term satellite remote sensing data from 2000 to 2019, multiple linear regression and pathway analyses to investigate the dominant role of different climate factors and vegetation net primary productivity (NPP) on topsoil SOC changes in China, and further reveal the potential role of vegetation carbon inputs in regulating and buffering the effects of climate change on topsoil SOC. The results show that the overall trend of increase in topsoil SOC in China from 2000 to 2019 is significant (P < 0.05), and most regions show a good development trend in the future, except for some areas in the Central South, East, and Northeast regions, where a risk of degradation exists. Relative to climate change, the dominant areas of NPP impact on topsoil SOC in China occupy a considerable proportion, especially in the North, Northwest, and Central South regions, with area proportions of 68.15%, 49.52%, and 47.99%, respectively. Importantly, the indirect positive impacts of climate change on changes in topsoil SOC in China through vegetation carbon input offset the direct negative impacts in most areas. That is, over the past 20 years, increases in temperature and precipitation have led to decreases in topsoil SOC in most of China, whereas the ultimate net effect has been to increase topsoil SOC by promoting vegetation carbon input, particularly in the Loess Plateau region. Our study demonstrates that considering only the effects of climate change on SOC, while ignoring possible changes in carbon transfer from plants to soils, largely reduces the reliability of assessments of SOC stocks and their changes. These results have important implications for enhanced prediction of future SOC changes and provide references for terrestrial carbon sinks management strategies in the context of response to climate change.

Keywords: Topsoil organic carbon, Climate change, vegetation carbon input, Pathway analysis, China.

How to cite: Cen, Y., Gao, Z., Lou, Y., Liu, W., and Zhang, X.: Vegetation carbon input moderates the effects of climate change on topsoil organic carbon in China, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1132,, 2023.

EGU23-1151 | Posters on site | SSS9.12 | Highlight

Understanding the variability and stability of hydrological components under vegetation restoration in watersheds on the Chinese Loess Plateau in past 50 years 

Xiaoping Zhang, Haijie Yi, Fan Xue, Leendert Adrian Bruijnzeel, Zhuo Cheng, Baoyuan Liu, and Yangyang Li

Assessing ecological restoration effects on hydrological regimes is important for watershed management, especially under semi-arid conditions.  The long-term trends of streamflow components were analyzed for three less forested watersheds (LFWs), and for two largely forested watersheds (FWs) within the Beiluo River Basin on the Chinese Loess Plateau.  Three LFWs were undergoing major vegetation restoration, in which the vegetation coverage changed from 16–23% in 1970 to 57–80% coverage in 2019. While as contrast, the two FWs has vegetation coverage from 65–68% in 1970 to 88–92% in 2019. Daily flow data for each watershed and year were normalized by rainfall to eliminate effects of non-stationary rainfall.  Mean annual streamflow totals for the ~60-year study period were 25.1–34.1 and 21.6–48.1 mm y_1 for the LFWs and FWs, respectively.  Average contributions of baseflow to total streamflow were 32–44% for the LFWs and 58–61% for the FWs. Mann-Kendall tests showed significant decreasing trends for annual streamflow and stormflow (0.23–0.54% y_1) from the LFWs throughout.  Mean streamflow from the LFWs between 2000 and 2019 decreased by 58% compared to the pre-2000 period, while the average contribution of stormflow decreased from 66% to 35% (2010s). However, winter baseflow increased with time since start of restoration.  Conversely, streamflow (components) for the FWs showed only slight fluctuations in decadal, annual and seasonal trends.  Both total streamflow and stormflow exhibited strong power relationships with vegetation coverage, illustrating a tendency towards stable flow regimes for vegetation coverage >60–70%.  Large-scale vegetation restoration has fundamentally changed amounts and temporal distribution of streamflow (components) on the Loess Plateau mainly by regulating stormflow. After 20 years of restoration, the trend and proportion of streamflow components from the LFWs approximated those of the FWs.  Since soil erosion is driven by a certain of amount and intensity of runoff, the above results imply that soil erosion and sediment transportation would reach a stability with vegetation restoration to a certain coverage in watersheds. But it is necessary to investigate the difference among regions.  These results underpin the planning of sustainable management of natural resources and socio-economic development during long term ecological restoration on the Loess Plateau.

Keywords: Trends of long-term hydrological elements; Surface flow and baseflow; Vegetation restoration; Loess Plateau

How to cite: Zhang, X., Yi, H., Xue, F., Bruijnzeel, L. A., Cheng, Z., Liu, B., and Li, Y.: Understanding the variability and stability of hydrological components under vegetation restoration in watersheds on the Chinese Loess Plateau in past 50 years, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1151,, 2023.

EGU23-1398 | Posters on site | SSS9.12

A standardized, hybrid, field guide for appraising water erosion risk by practitioners in multiple woody crops and environments 

Jose Alfonso Gomez, Gema Guzman, Auxiliadora Soriano, Peter Strauss, Péter László, Ruoshui Wang, Lisha Wang, Josef Krasa, Tomas Dostal, Zhiqian Wang, John Quinton, Qinke Yang, Stefan Strohmeier, Cristina Vasquez, Marton Toth, Marcella Biddoccu, and Xiaoping Zhang

Under a climate change scenario combining droughts and high intensity rainfall periods, with water erosion damages are becoming more important. So, farmers and land managers must be aware of the consequences of erosion and prevent it, where possible, or at least mitigate their effects. However, evaluation of water erosion risk is usually model-based and complex and therefore not appealing to end users who demand simple, and easy to understand tools to acquire knowledge and adapt farm management and agricultural practices. Paradoxically, some of the key information to understand and predict the effect of soil management can only be properly identified at farm scale with help from practitioners.

This suggests that there is scope for tools that allow the appraisal of water erosion risk by practitioners at farm level. There are successful examples of this approach, for instance Millgroom et al. (2006, 2007) who developed a field tool for organic olive growers. This based field tool was based on a simplified version of the RUSLE (Renard et al., 1997), to assess water erosion risk in organic olive groves at farm scale in Southern Spain. Its approach consisted of four steps: 1) to divide the farm into homogenous zones according to soil types, topography and management practices; 2) to complete an evaluation of the general erosion risk on each previously defined area taking into consideration, crop typology, management practices and topography; 3) to conduct an on-farm check for the visual symptoms of soil erosion on the different defined areas of the farm to account for effects of specific soil type and climate; 4) to combine the general erosion risk (Appraisal 1) and the on-farm check (Appraisal 2) to assess the overall erosion risk.

Although this tool proved successful among practitioners and it showed its potential, in its original form it is confined to a specific niche. Clearly, there is the need to expand this approach for a more general use.

This communication presents a preliminary, in progress, version of a field tool for appraising water erosion risk in woody crops valid in multiple environments and crops, developed in the context of the EU/China TUdi project and the EIP-Agri Operational Group BIOLIVAR. It will combine a dual approach combining erosion risk estimation, from basic farm and management features based on simplified RUSLE factors, with erosion symptoms. Its design is based for a hybrid use, and is available either in a paper form (which remains the most operational one in many field conditions) or in a web-based tool. With this approach this tool aims to achieve these objectives:

1- To provide a standardize tool valid across multiple environments and crops to evaluate water erosion risk in woody crops.

2- To develop an educational tool to provide training on prevention water erosion.

3-To reinforce international cooperation among Chinese and European teams, in cooperation with practitioners.

Acknowledgements: This work is supported projects TUdi (Horizon 2020, GA 101000224), PID2019-105793RB-I00 (Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation) and GOPO-SE-20-0002 (EIP-Agri).

How to cite: Gomez, J. A., Guzman, G., Soriano, A., Strauss, P., László, P., Wang, R., Wang, L., Krasa, J., Dostal, T., Wang, Z., Quinton, J., Yang, Q., Strohmeier, S., Vasquez, C., Toth, M., Biddoccu, M., and Zhang, X.: A standardized, hybrid, field guide for appraising water erosion risk by practitioners in multiple woody crops and environments, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1398,, 2023.

In many agricultural regions, the maintenance of profitability and other ecosystem services without intensifying soil loss due to erosion is still a challenge on a global scale. However, the first steps to address this challenge should be done at farm scale where technicians and farmers have the possibility to make decisions and modify agricultural practices considering local conditions of each farm.

The Protected Appellation of Origin Estepa (DOP Estepa) in Southern Spain, encompass approximately 40,000 ha of olives trees under different soil management systems. In this region, the awareness of balancing economical and environmental sustainability is a fact and there has been a strong collaboration among stakeholders since 2019, reinforced within two large cooperative actions, the EIP-Agri Operational Group BIOLIVAR and the H2020 TUdi project.

One of the activities developed in the DOP Estepa was to evaluate the hillslope water erosion risk at farm plot. For this, a GIS project was created (QGIS v.3.4.11) to aggregate spatial information to apply RUSLE (Dabney et al., 2012). All the key layers freely provided by different regional and national institutions (e.g. CNIG, REDIAM, CAPADR-JA) and Sentinel-2-L-2A images (EOS, 2020). The LS factor was obtained using the algorithms accessible from QGIS based on Desmet and Govers (1996), the K factor was determined based on the soil classification and calibration for different soil types made by Gómez et al. (2014) and R was directly taken from the map provided by REDIAM. The C factor was calculated for the most common soil managements implemented in the area (previously identified through farmers’ questionnaires by Gómez et al., 2021) using the ORUSCAL tool (Biddoccu et al., 2020, Gómez et al., 2021). The use of bare soil or temporary cover crop at plot level was identified comparing differences in the enhanced vegetation index EVI between winter 2019 and summer 2020 Sentinel images (Guzmán et al. (2022)).

This communication presents a prototype of a geospatial database, and future steps to improve it, on which its expansion for other purposes can be easily evaluated by technicians, such as the effect of alternative management scenarios on soil erosion or adding other variables of interest such as, farm yield or pests’ incidence. Its final goals are to establish a monitoring system to detect areas with higher risk of soil erosion, raise farmers’ awareness on the need to improve soil conservation and, in general terms, to contribute to the improvement of olive orchards’ sustainability in the region.

Acknowledgements: PID2019-105793RB-I00 financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, GOPO-SE-20-0002 of the EIP-Agri, and TUdi, GA 101000224, of the European Union’s H2020 research and innovation programme.


Biddoccu et al. 2020. International Soil and Water Conservation Research 8.

Dabney et al. 2012. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 67.

Desmet and Govers. 1996. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 51(5).

EOS. Land viewer. 2020.

Gómez et al. 2014. Agriculture 4.

Gómez et al. 2020.

Gómez et al. 2021. International Soil and Water Conservation Research 9(3).

Guzmán et al. 2022. Land Use Policy 116.

How to cite: Guzmán, G., Soriano, A., Sánchez, A., and Gómez, J. A.: Providing tools for agricultural practitioners: Monitoring system to assess water erosion risk in an olive producing area in Southern Spain combining RUSLE, stakeholders’ surveys, and publicly available information, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1490,, 2023.

EGU23-1519 | ECS | Posters virtual | SSS9.12

Using CSLE to find the dominant factor in the change of soil erosion in the past 50 years on the Chinese Loess Plateau 

Liang He, Xiaoping Zhang, Baoyuan Liu, Gema Guzmán, and José A Gómeza

Once one of the most severe soil loss regions worldwide, the Chinese Loess Plateau has experienced large-scale land use changes and vegetation restoration in the past few decades. Understanding how land use change affects soil erosion is critical in the region's ecological construction and land management. In this study, the Beiluo River Basin covering 26,905 km2 in the hinterland of the Loess Plateau was selected to investigate vegetation restoration and its impacts on soil loss rates over the last 50 years. Results show that land use in the basin has changed considerably, mainly reflected in the upper reaches. From 1970–2020, cropland in the upper reaches decreased by 54%, directly leading to a 9.1-fold increase in forested land. Landsat-NDVI shows vegetation coverage increased from 21.1% to 69.9% over time. Vegetation coverage changed from 48.1% to 78.7% for the entire basin. The Chinese Soil Loss Equation (CSLE) was used and confirmed to be satisfactory with a high coefficient of determination (R2, 0.89) and a strong Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient (0.72), although an underestimation exists. With the change in land use, the specific soil loss simulated in the upper reaches maintained a high rate of around 8,000 t·km−2·yr−1 from the 1970s to the 1990s, dramatically dropping to 3,058 t·km−2·yr−1 in the 2000s, then attenuated to 1,321 t·km−2·yr−1 in the 2020s. For the entire basin, soil loss rates dropped from 4,090 to 1,848 and 890 t·km−2·yr−1 from the 1970s to the 2000s and 2020s, respectively. Attribution analysis showed that the dominant factor in the change in soil loss rates in the 1980s and 1990s relative to the 1970s was the change in rainfall erosivity for the entire watershed. However, with vegetation coverage increasing to 59.0% in the 2000s, vegetation restoration rapidly converted to the dominant factor contributing 78.3% to soil loss decrease in that period. With expanding vegetation cover, its contribution grew to 84.9% in the 2020s. The shift is evident in each reach of the basin except the terrain-plain area with the majority of farmland. The findings are helpful for sustainable land use planning and socio-economic development on the Loess Plateau and in similar areas.

How to cite: He, L., Zhang, X., Liu, B., Guzmán, G., and Gómeza, J. A.: Using CSLE to find the dominant factor in the change of soil erosion in the past 50 years on the Chinese Loess Plateau, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1519,, 2023.

EGU23-1652 | ECS | Posters virtual | SSS9.12

Evaluating the Effects of A Five-year Irrigation Experiment on Soil Quality and Crop Yield using Soil Quality Indexes 

Hao Quan, Lihong Wu, Hao Feng, Tibin Zhang, and Kadambot H.M. Siddique

Soil quality on irrigated farmland is declining due to intensive agricultural activities and inappropriate agricultural inputs. This study aimed to analyze the effects of agricultural inputs (fertilizer and irrigation input) on soil quality and quantify the relationship between soil quality and resource use and yield formation under two irrigation patterns [border irrigation (BI) and drip irrigation (DI)] in the Hetao Irrigation District of China. We identified nine soil indexes [clay, sand, bulk density, pH, soil organic matter (SOM), electrical conductivity of saturated extract, structural stability index (SSI), soil water content, NH4+-N] as the minimum dataset (MDS) in topsoil (0–30 cm) and subsoil (30–60 cm). The results showed that the soil quality indicator (SQI) calculated using multi-linear regression (SQI-M) qualified the relationship between soil quality and crop yield better than the SQI calculated using factor analysis (SQI-F), especially for subsoil. The variation in soil quality was related to soil depth, with the SQIs in topsoil decreasing and subsoil increasing with increasing soil depth. The SQI variation was due to decreased SOM and SSI in topsoil and increased sand content in subsoil. The ANOVA and linear mixed-effects model (LMM) had high predictive performance, the LMM method quantified management, environment and SQIs factors to accurately estimate yield. In addition, the reduction in soil quality decreased the crop water and fertilizer use capacities and soil carbon sequestration capacity. Our study provides a quantitative tool for assessing soil quality in farmland and develops an LMM model to estimate yield considering soul quality. Overall, our findings suggest that continuous irrigation agricultural practices decrease soil quality, limit crop resource use and yield formation, and decrease agricultural sustainability.

How to cite: Quan, H., Wu, L., Feng, H., Zhang, T., and Siddique, K. H. M.: Evaluating the Effects of A Five-year Irrigation Experiment on Soil Quality and Crop Yield using Soil Quality Indexes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1652,, 2023.

Agroforestry systems (AFS) have been realized as a sustainable alternative for food production to adopt climate warming, but a quantitative analysis of the radiation use mechanism of converted farmland from previous desert grassland is missing. Thus, this study aimed to assess the dynamics of interception and absorption of photosynthetically active radiation (fIPAR and fAPAR), intercepted and absorbed radiation use efficiency (RUEi and RUEa), growth and productivity of spring maize grown in AFS. A two-year field experiment was conducted using a factorial combination of two fertilization levels (high and low) and three plastic film mulching (PM) (transparent film, black film, and no film). The observed parameters were: leaf area index (LAI), relative chlorophyll content (SPAD), canopy light use characteristics (fIPAR and fAPAR), soil temperature and maize productive performance. We calculated RUEi and RUEa, and quantified the contribution of light use characteristics and net photosynthetic rate (A) to yield. The results showed that fIPAR and fAPAR increased by 3.4–22.2% and 3.4–14.7% in transparent film mulching (TM) and 3.3–15.7% and 3.3–10.6% in black film mulching (BM) from jointing to grain-filling, respectively, relative to no mulching (NM). Nitrogen application positively affected fIPAR and fAPAR. And, we developing an empirical regression function to calculate the canopy fAPAR. The increased soil temperatures under PM advanced crop development. PM improved LAI, SPAD, A and prolonged the grain-filling duration. TM and BM increased RUEi by 11.7% and 4.4% and RUEa by 12.0% and 3.6% relative to NM, respectively. fIPAR and fAPAR had higher proportional contributions to yield than A, which both decreased slightly with increasing nitrogen application. LAI positively correlated with fIPAR, fAPAR, RUEi and RUEa, which were positively correlated with yield. Thus, TM combined with high nitrogen is recommended to produce high yields and resources use efficiency by maintaining high LAI.

How to cite: Wu, L., Quan, H., and Feng, H.: Plastic Mulching Combined with Fertilizer Affects Crop Light Interactions, Soil Temperature, and Maize Yield in Agroforestry Systems, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1661,, 2023.

EGU23-1728 | Orals | SSS9.12

Characteristics of rill morphology evolution in spoil tips under rainfall and inflow 

Zhaoliang Gao, Yongcai Lou, Guanfang Sun, and Yonghong Li

Soil erosion caused by rill development prevents vegetation recovery of the spoil tips and further accelerates soil erosion, which seriously threatens regional ecological stability. The rill morphological characteristics and rill erosion mechanism of spoil tips slopes were investigated with structure from motion (SfM) photogrammetry. Field runoff plots (5 × 1 m) with slopes of 32° and 36° were treated with rainfall-inflow at inflow rates of 8, 10, and 12 L min-1 and rainfall intensities of 90, 120, and 150 mm h-1. Results showed that rill development has three stages: formation, development and adjustment. Rill network on spoil tips slopes were generally dendritic rather than parallel forms. The average rill depth was the best geometric morphological indicator to characterize rill erosion, and geomorphologic comentropy was the best derived morphological indicator. Both of them have a highly significant logarithmic relationship with soil loss. Runoff shear stress was considered as the best hydrodynamic parameters to characterize the rill erosion mechanism, with a critical runoff shear stress of 1.53 N m-2. These results could contribute to further understanding of rill erosion and provide a useful reference for the prediction and control of soil loss from the spoil tips.

How to cite: Gao, Z., Lou, Y., Sun, G., and Li, Y.: Characteristics of rill morphology evolution in spoil tips under rainfall and inflow, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1728,, 2023.

EGU23-1827 | Posters virtual | SSS9.12

Soil moisture dynamic and desiccation effect of Robinia pseudoacacia plantation sequences in the loess hilly area 

Fengpeng Han, Weiping Peng, Hongyan Fei, and Yonghong Li

Soil moisture is the main factor limiting the revegetation and ecological restoration in the Loess Plateau region. Studying the change patterns of soil moisture across plantations is beneficial to the effective utilization of local soil moisture, meanwhile providing insights for scientific vegetation restoration. In this study, Robinia pseudoacacia (RP) plantations including 10, 15, 25, and 40 years (abbreviated as RP10, RP15, RP25, and RP40, respectively) were selected as the study objects, with the farmland (FL) and native grassland (NG) as controls. The variations of soil moisture and the intensity of soil desiccation at each site from 0–200 cm were analyzed in spring, summer and fall from 2015 to 2021. The results showed that the seasonal variation of precipitation had a strong influence on soil moisture, showing different degrees of lagging effect. The order of average soil moisture in seasons was fall > spring > summer and soil moisture in summer was significantly lower than that in fall and spring (p < 0.05). At depth, the vertical distribution characteristics of soil moisture were similar for RP plantations at the same season but varied within different seasons. The average soil moisture of RP plantations was significantly lower than that of FL and NG (p < 0.05) and showed a decreasing trend with the increase of stand age, which indicates that afforestation seriously increases soil moisture depletion. Furthermore, there were obvious soil drying layers in all RP plantations in different seasons, with the most severe intensity of soil drying in the 150–200 cm soil layer. This study highlights the long-term dynamics in soil moisture of RP plantations, providing insights for sustainable soil moisture use and rational land use management in the loess hilly areas of China.

How to cite: Han, F., Peng, W., Fei, H., and Li, Y.: Soil moisture dynamic and desiccation effect of Robinia pseudoacacia plantation sequences in the loess hilly area, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1827,, 2023.

Deep-rooted vegetation systems in the semiarid area of the Loess Plateau in China may result in deeper soil layers becoming depleted to unsustainable soil moisture levels. The main purpose of this study was to estimate water recovery in the 2-10 m soil layer once the initial deep-rooted vegetation was converted from forest to annual cropland and natural grassland under current climate conditions. Soil moisture at the 0-10 m depth of continuous crop and natural grass lands, crop and natural grass lands of former forest, and planted mature growing forest was measured repeatedly. The soil water storage of mature growing forest was set as the water recovery initial baseline, and that of continuous crop and grass lands were set as the upper limits for water storage recovery of crop and grass lands of former forest. The water recovery rate of annual crop land of former forest was 14.9 mm.yr-1, the total time needed for water to recover to present continuous cropland was 41.2 years. Results showed very little water recovery under natural grasses of former forest with the estimated water recovery rate being 0-2 mm yr-1. At such a minimal rate, the time necessary for the soil water levels to recover to present continuous natural grassland conditions would be 719.3 years. The results of this study indicate that a considerable period of time is necessary for soil water levels to recover in the Loess Plateau region once the soil has been depleted to a certain level. These types of condition may have long term environmental impacts which require further investigation to efficiently manage the water resources of this area.

How to cite: Wang, Z.: Estimating soil water storage recovery under former planted forest on steep slopes in the semiarid area of the Loess Plateau, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1881,, 2023.

Changes in soil carbon (SOC), nitrogen (TN), phosphorus (TP) and microbial biomass play a vital in plant growth, and their stoichiometric ratios have great significance on soil nutrient balance and ecosystem functions. In this sense, it is urgent to advance our understanding of how long-term land use affects SOC, TN, TP, microbial biomass and their stoichiometric ratios along the deep soil profile. This study aims to investigate the effects of land use on soil C, N and P stoichiometry, and their relationships with microbial biomass in mollisol at Northeast China. The long-term land use included woodland (poplar forest as control, PF), maize cropping (MC) and greenhouse vegetable farming (GVF).

The results indicated that soil SOC and TN concentrations in PF were markedly higher than those in MC, and the vertical distribution of SOC and TN concentration showed an inverted triangle trend as the soil deepens. Soil C/N fluctuated in narrower ranges along the soil layers (0–5, 5–10, 10-20, 20–40, 40–60, 60-80, 80-100cm). Both soil C/P and N/P showed significant variability in different land use types, and soil N/P decreased with increased depth of soil layers. Compared to woodland, maze cropping decreased the C content, but increased P content, resulting in the decreases of C:N, C:P and N:P ratios. Hence, maize cropping soil was relatively limited by C and N but enriched with P. By contrast, the C, N and P contents in greenhouse vegetable farming soils were all increased compared to woodland soils, but larger increases of N and P contents resulted into the decreases in C:N and C:P ratios. The intensive fertilization was probably the main contributor to the higher P content, and consequently lower C:N:P ratios in MC and GVF soils. Both the microbial biomass C (MBC) and N (MBN) showed a decreasing trend with the increase of soil depth, and all soil layers from high to low was: GVF > MC > PF. Our results revealed that, the more intensive agricultural practices and stronger biological and geochemical processes lead to more pronounced differences of soil C, N, and P contents and their stoichiometric ratios among land-use types.

How to cite: Zhu, K., Chen, M., Xiahou, S., and Yang, C.: Long-term land use influenced stoichiometric patterns of C, N, P and microbial biomass along soil depth in Mollisol at Northeast China, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1951,, 2023.

EGU23-2479 | ECS | Posters virtual | SSS9.12

Combining Object-Oriented and Deep Learning Methods to Estimate Photosynthetic and Non-Photosynthetic Vegetation Cover in the Desert from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Images with Consideration of Shadows 

Jie He, Du Lyu, Liang He, Yujie Zhang, Xiaoming Xu, Haijie Yi, Qilong Tian, Baoyuan Liu, Xiaoping Zhang, Jose Alfonso Gomez, Josef Krasa, Tomas Dostal, and Tomas Laburda

Soil erosion is a global environmental problem.  The rapid monitoring of the coverage changes in and spatial patterns of photosynthetic vegetation (PV) and non-photosynthetic vegetation (NPV) at regional scales can help improve the accuracy of soil erosion evaluations.  Three deep learning semantic segmentation models, DeepLabV3+, PSPNet, and U-Net, are often used to extract features from unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) images;  however, their extraction processes are highly dependent on the assignment of massive data labels, which greatly limits their applicability.  At the same time, numerous shadows are present in UAV images.  It is not clear whether the shaded features can be further classified, nor how much accuracy can be achieved.  This study took the Mu Us Desert in northern China as an example with which to explore the feasibility and efficiency of shadow-sensitive PV/NPV classification using the three models.  Using the object-oriented classification technique alongside manual correction, 728 labels were produced for deep learning PV/NVP semantic segmentation.  ResNet 50 was selected as the backbone network with which to train the sample data.  Three models were used in the study;  the overall accuracy (OA), the kappa coefficient, and the orthogonal statistic were applied to evaluate their accuracy and efficiency.  The results showed that, for six characteristics, the three models achieved OAs of 88.3–91.9% and kappa coefficients of 0.81–0.87.  The DeepLabV3+ model was superior, and its accuracy for PV and bare soil (BS) under light conditions exceeded 95%;  for the three categories of PV/NPV/BS, it achieved an OA of 94.3% and a kappa coefficient of 0.90, performing slightly better (by ~2.6% (OA) and ~0.05 (kappa coefficient)) than the other two models.  The DeepLabV3+ model and corresponding labels were tested in other sites for the same types of features: it achieved OAs of 93.9–95.9% and kappa coefficients of 0.88–0.92.  Compared with traditional machine learning methods, such as random forest, the proposed method not only offers a marked improvement in classification accuracy but also realizes the semiautomatic extraction of PV/NPV areas.  The results will be useful for land-use planning and land resource management in the areas.

How to cite: He, J., Lyu, D., He, L., Zhang, Y., Xu, X., Yi, H., Tian, Q., Liu, B., Zhang, X., Gomez, J. A., Krasa, J., Dostal, T., and Laburda, T.: Combining Object-Oriented and Deep Learning Methods to Estimate Photosynthetic and Non-Photosynthetic Vegetation Cover in the Desert from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Images with Consideration of Shadows, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2479,, 2023.

EGU23-2483 | Posters virtual | SSS9.12

Improved identification and monitoring of meteorological, agricultural, and hydrological droughts using the modified nonstationary drought indices in the Yellow River Basin of China 

Ben Niu, Yi Li, De Li Liu, Kangkang Wei, Xiaohui Jiang, Ning Yao, Hao Feng, Qiang Yu, Jianqiang He, Zhe Yang, Yanan Jiang, Guang Yang, and Haixia Lin

The nonstationarity exists in the drought indicator series, making drought monitoring and assessment more complex and accurate. Our study aimed to better identify and monitor meteorological, agricultural, and hydrological droughts in the Yellow River Basin (YRB) of China. We constructed the temporal-variate nonstationary standardized drought indices for precipitation (NSPI), evapotranspiration (NSPEI), soil moisture (NSSMI), and runoff (NSRI) based on nine Generalized Additive Models for Location, Scale, and Shape (GAMLSS). Further, we investigated the performance of NSPI/NSPEI/NSSMI/NSRI by comparing with the historical drought events in YRB. The results show that: (1) The probability distribution function (PDF), smoothing function (SF), and degree of freedom (DF) had a significant influence on the fitting goodness of the GAMLSS model. Additionally, PDF was the most important factor to determine the fitting goodness, while the appropriate SF and DF improved the fitting effects of the model. (2) The stationary GAMLSS model mainly was applied to lower-timescale series, and the nonstationary GAMLSS models were more suitable for the higher-timescale series. (3) The NSPI and NSPEI were more sensitive to identifying meteorological drought, but NSPEI was more accurate in identifying drought intensity and duration. The agricultural drought identified by NSSMI agreed well with the historical drought events but had a poor response to mild and moderate drought. (4) Form NSRI, hydrological drought in the tributaries of the YRB was affected by meteorological drought, and the intensity of hydrological drought was heavier than that in the mainstream of the YRB. In conclusion, the nonstationary drought indices could identify drought events more accurately and provide valuable information for drought-resistant work in the YRB.

How to cite: Niu, B., Li, Y., Liu, D. L., Wei, K., Jiang, X., Yao, N., Feng, H., Yu, Q., He, J., Yang, Z., Jiang, Y., Yang, G., and Lin, H.: Improved identification and monitoring of meteorological, agricultural, and hydrological droughts using the modified nonstationary drought indices in the Yellow River Basin of China, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2483,, 2023.

EGU23-2538 | Orals | SSS9.12

Effects of Different Soil Water and Heat Regulation Patterns on the Physiological Growth and Water Use in an Apple–Soybean Intercropping System 

Lisha Wang and Ruoshui Wang and the Luo Chengwei, Xiao Wan, Wan Qian, Dai Houshuai, Xiong Chang, Wang Xin, Zhang Meng, Chen Li, Liu Yun, Zheng Chenghao

In this study, a typical apple-soybean intercropping system was used to analyze the effects of different soil water and heat regulation mode on the spatial distribution of the soil water content (SWC), photosynthetic physiological characteristics, and growth. Three field capacity (FC) upper irrigation limits at 50% (W1), 65% (W2), and 80% (W3) as well as mulching intervals, from seedling to podding stage (M1) and during the full-stage (M2) of soybeans were used. The results showed that the SWC of W3M2 was the highest, while the W2M1 and W1M2 treatments used more deep soil water. Irrigation increased the chlorophyll content, net photosynthesis, and transpiration rate of leaves in the agroforestry system. In addition, the net photosynthetic rate of leaves under the W2 irrigation level increased after mulch removal in the later growth stage. At W1 and W2 irrigation levels, the soybean yield of half-stage mulching was 0.85%–15.49% higher than that of full-stage mulching. Multiple regression analysis showed that grain yield under the W3M2 treatment reached the maximum value of the fitting equation. The photosynthetic rate, water use efficiency, and grain yield under W2M1 reached 71%–86% of the maximum value of the fitting equation, with the largest soil plant analysis development value. To effectively alleviate water competition in the apple-soybean intercropping system, our results suggest adoption of the 80% FC upper irrigation limit (W3) combined with soybean M2 treatment in young apple trees-soybean intercropping system during water abundant years. In addition, adoption of the 65% FC upper irrigation limit (W2) combined with the soybean M1 treatment in water deficit years could effectively improve soil water, heat environment, and promote growth.

How to cite: Wang, L. and Wang, R. and the Luo Chengwei, Xiao Wan, Wan Qian, Dai Houshuai, Xiong Chang, Wang Xin, Zhang Meng, Chen Li, Liu Yun, Zheng Chenghao: Effects of Different Soil Water and Heat Regulation Patterns on the Physiological Growth and Water Use in an Apple–Soybean Intercropping System, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2538,, 2023.

EGU23-3153 | Orals | SSS9.12

Regional Soil Erosion Mapping in Pre-GIS Era: Achievements and implications 

Qinke Yang, Rui Li, Lei Wang, Guowei Pang, Chunmei Wang, Yongqing Long, and Xiaotian Yuan

Before the wide application of remote sensing and GIS, ie the pre-GIS era, researchers carried out a series of regional (national to global scale) erosion mapping and research, and group of analog map of soil erosion maps. This manuscript summarizes the achievements and shortcomings of these analog maps, and then discuss the implications of them on today's digital soil erosion mapping.

From the perspective of geographic information science and digital soil erosion mapping, the main achievements of early soil erosion mapping are summarized in three aspects, including: (1) created the ontology of large regional (national to global) soil erosion research, base on witch, soil erosion can be analysed and control plan can be made. (2) innovatively established the benchmarks and initiation of large regional soil erosion mapping and monitoring; (3) developed a paradigm for for making analog regional soil erosion map. However, the early soil erosion mapping was basically qualitative, static and macro, focusing only on soil and agriculture purpose.

The analog soil erosion map has many implications for the current digital soil erosion mapping, including: (1) It always takes the spatial representation of soil erosion as mission for mappers, but cannot be done as a case of application of remote sensing and other technical methods in soil erosion researches. (2) considering the interaction of various erosion processes such as water erosion, wind erosion, and gully erosion, to represent the comprehensive spatial pattern of various types of soil erosion, and to improve the status quo that the quantitative evaluation of erosion rate is only conducted for a certain erosion type. (3) systematically explore and collect legacy data of soil erosion maps, then establish a free available databased of regional soil erosion maps. (4) considering soil erosion as the driving force of the biogeochemical cycling of essential elements (C, N, P, etc) in earth system, overcome the shortcomings of analog erosion mapping, make a try to develop a new paradigm for digital soil erosion mapping.

How to cite: Yang, Q., Li, R., Wang, L., Pang, G., Wang, C., Long, Y., and Yuan, X.: Regional Soil Erosion Mapping in Pre-GIS Era: Achievements and implications, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3153,, 2023.

EGU23-3595 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.12 | Highlight

A Decision Support Tool for soil erosion in agricultural fields in the European Union and China 

Raquel Falcao, Josef Krasa, Tomas Dostal, Jose Gomez, Maria Llanos, and Gema Guzmán

Within the scope of the TUdi project, EU Horizon 2020 Grant Agreement No 101000224, a questionnaire was responded to by more than 400 farmers from seven countries in Europe and China, aiming to assess farmers' major concerns and develop Decision Support Tools targeted at these issues. One tool currently being developed targets soil erosion and seeks to provide farmers with publicly available historical satellite imagery in a user-friendly platform, as well as guidelines on easy-to-use methodology to assess the degree of soil erosion on the field. The questionnaires also revealed that many farmers do not use official data or digital maps to help make management decisions but are willing to apply simple tools for assessing soil degradation processes. With this, the project hopes to contribute to democratizing access to science, helping farmers – ultimately, the ones who implement soil conservation practices – to make data-driven decisions on soil management and exploring alternatives. The preliminary version of this tool will be presented at the workshop.

Research has been supported by project TUDI (European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 101000224)

How to cite: Falcao, R., Krasa, J., Dostal, T., Gomez, J., Llanos, M., and Guzmán, G.: A Decision Support Tool for soil erosion in agricultural fields in the European Union and China, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3595,, 2023.

EGU23-3756 | ECS | Posters virtual | SSS9.12

Integration optimal irrigation schedule with biochar applications can economize water and maintain yield in cotton&sugarbeet monoculture and intercropping 

Xiaofang Wang, Yi Li, Asim Biswas, Honghui Sang, Hao Feng, Qiang Yu, and Jianqiang He

Arid areas in the world are pressed to grow more crop per drop of water to meet food security. Soil salinity, an unavoidable challenges in arid areas is exacerbating the situations. Management practices such as use of salt tolerant crops including cotton and sugarbeet, plastic mulched drip irrigation, intercropping and application of biochar are often recommended and adopted in many arid areas including Xinjiang, one of the northwestern provinces in China with arid climate. Studying the effectiveness of these management practices, however, are often difficult, costly and time-consuming. For example. difficulty in obtaining information on the dynamics of soil water and salt restricts comprehensive understanding on the effectiveness of soil amendments such as biochar’s impact in increasing yield and optimizing irrigation schedules, while numerical simulations show promise. The objectives of this study were to simulate the dynamics of soil water, salt and root water update (RWU) of cotton and sugarbeet in monoculture and intercropping systems in an arid climatic condition to minimize soil water loss through optimal irrigation under plastic mulched drip irrigation systems. A 3-year field experimental results from a cotton and sugarbeet monoculture and intercropping systems from Xinjiang, China was used to calibrate and validate HYDRUS-2D model. Soil water and salt dynamics were measured at fields with biochar applied at 0 t ha-1 (CK), 10 t ha-1 (B10) and 25 t ha-1 (B25) and the soil hydraulic and solute transport parameters were optimized in HYDRUS-2D, that was calibrated and validated to satisfy the requirements of minimum simulation accuracy (R2>0.75, RRMSE<14.2% and NSE>0.73). Simulation showed that the application of biochar increased storage of soil water and salt. The RWU ranked as B10> B25> CK, which was consistent with soil water storage (SWS) and yield. Soil water balance components indicated that the application of biochar at 10 t ha-1 increased RWU, reduced Ea and water drainage. to the results were helpful to understand the mechanisms of biochar and intercropping in increasing crop yield. The adjusted irrigation schedule can save up to 50 mm of irrigation water and 50 Yuan costs per hectare for farmers. The research provides a reference for agricultural production in arid and semi-arid areas.

How to cite: Wang, X., Li, Y., Biswas, A., Sang, H., Feng, H., Yu, Q., and He, J.: Integration optimal irrigation schedule with biochar applications can economize water and maintain yield in cotton&sugarbeet monoculture and intercropping, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3756,, 2023.

EGU23-3757 | Orals | SSS9.12

Digital close range photogrammetry for the study of soil erosion at flume scale 

Haijing Shi, Minghang Guo, and Junfeng Shui

Soil erosion is a continuous process of detachment, transportation, and deposition of soil particles. Obtaining accurate descriptions of soil surface topography is crucial for quantifying changes to the soil surface during erosion processes. A digital close range photogrammetric observation system based on wireless networking technology was explored and established in this study. Through wireless networking, multi-cameras were concurrently controlled, solving the problems of synchronous acquisition of underlying digital image, big data transmission and storage. Image sensors collected data in parallel based on network command, and noise on the images such as raindrops was eliminated based on the K-means clustering algorithm by serialization technology during data acquisition. After parallel preprocessing, high density 3D point clouds and digital elevation models (DEMs) were reconstructed. The evolution of soil surface topography was dynamically monitored by instantaneous image acquisition at different time intervals during ongoing rainfall. The results showed that the measurement precision of the established system could reach a sub-millimeter level with the minimum single measurement error being 0.0069 mm. In addition, based on the DEM generated from digital point clouds, the amount of soil erosion in different topographic positions within various time periods was calculated. The digital photogrammetric observation methods explored in our study provide a reliable way to monitor soil erosion processes, especially under rainfall conditions. This approach can accurately resolve the evolution of the underlying surface soil erosion, which is of great importance in understanding soil erosion mechanisms.

How to cite: Shi, H., Guo, M., and Shui, J.: Digital close range photogrammetry for the study of soil erosion at flume scale, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3757,, 2023.

EGU23-4033 | ECS | Posters virtual | SSS9.12

Knowledge about Plant Coexistence during Vegetation Succession for Forest Management on the Loess Plateau, China 

Qilong Tian, Xiaoping Zhang, Xiaoming Xu, Haijie Yi, Jie He, and Liang He

Coexistence between species within plant communities is a key issue in the practice of revegetation, forest management, and biodiversity conservation. Vegetation restoration is critical to control soil erosion and improve the ecological environment on the Loess Plateau. Here, we investigate the interspecific relationships of dominant plants during natural vegetation succession on the Loess Plateau. The results suggest that, under the ecological process of environmental filtering, species within communities can reduce interspecific competition and promote species coexistence via spatial heterogeneity and temporal asynchronous differences. The ecological niche overlap index (Oik) significantly and positively correlated with the strength of interspecific associations. Most species pairs had weak competition and more stable interspecific relationships. The results of the χ2 test showed that 317 species pairs were positively associated and 118 were negatively associated. The community is in a positive succession process, and the interaction relationship between species tends to be neutral. We should enhance the protection of positively associated species and pay attention to negatively associated species during forest management. Results revealed that Boott and Lespedeza bicolor Turcz coexisted easily with other species for mutual benefit, which could help build artificial forestland of native species to improve the ecological function.

How to cite: Tian, Q., Zhang, X., Xu, X., Yi, H., He, J., and He, L.: Knowledge about Plant Coexistence during Vegetation Succession for Forest Management on the Loess Plateau, China, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4033,, 2023.

EGU23-4094 | ECS | Posters virtual | SSS9.12

Ecological Restoration Declined the Rainstorm—Flood Relationship for past 40 years on Chinese Loess Plateau 

Zefeng An, Xiaoping Zhang, Liang He, Haijie Yi, Jie He, Weinan Sun, Wenliang Geng, Haojia Wang, Yicheng Wang, Yujie Zhang, and Kaiyang Yu

The Loess Plateau has been experiencing large-scale ecological construction over the past  40 years. The watershed of Zhou River (1334 km2 ) in the core land of the Loess Plateau was chosen as a case study to understand the impact of land use and cover change on the relationship between rainstorm and flood. The land use of the watershed in 1985, 2000 and 2015 was extracted from corresponding Landsat images and the series of event data from 1980 to 2019 of rainfall and runoff were collected from seven rain measuring stations and one gauging station (774 km2) distributed in the watershed. he different magnitude of rainstorm-flood was classified to investigate its responses of ecological restoration by mathematical statistics method. The results showed that the land use conversions were mainly from cropland to forest and grassland, and from grassland to woodland in the time. The proportion of forest and grassland increased from 60.5% in 1985 to 72.1% in 2000 and reached as 85.3% in 2015. While in the meantime, the rainstorm frequency and magnitude of quantity had no obvious trend, however, the annual maximum flood peak discharge in the watershed showed a significantly downward trend, and a change point occurred in 2003. Also the flood magnitude and frequency decreased significantly. Under the same peak discharge, the flooding lag time and runoff coefficient showed an obviously increasing trend compared to that before 2003. And after 2003, most of the floods turned to be once every two years (peak discharge of 169 m3/s) after that year. For floods greater than 10 year-return period, the runoff coefficient is mainly affected by forest land increasing, and the contribution rate is 0~78%. For floods less than 10 year-return period, the runoff coefficient is mainly affected both by the increase of forest land and grassland area, and their contribution rates are 0~57% and 11%~65%, respectively. Outcomes from this study are helpful to understand the shifts of the hydrological process with ecological restoration and assist the sustainable catchment management and land use planning on the Loess Plateau.


How to cite: An, Z., Zhang, X., He, L., Yi, H., He, J., Sun, W., Geng, W., Wang, H., Wang, Y., Zhang, Y., and Yu, K.: Ecological Restoration Declined the Rainstorm—Flood Relationship for past 40 years on Chinese Loess Plateau, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4094,, 2023.

EGU23-4595 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.12

Effects of litter and plant roots on soil properties and infiltration capacity with vegetation succession on the Loess Plateau, China 

Xiaoming Xu, Xiaoping Zhang, Haojia Wang, Jie He, and Fan Xue

Abstract: Vegetation restoration significantly affect soil infiltration capacity, surface runoff and soil erosion by substantially improving vegetation structure and soil properties. However, changes in soil properties and infiltration capacity at different stages of secondary succession in forestland on the Loess Plateau need to be further understood. The aim of this study was to quantify the effects of stand types at different succession stages on soil properties and infiltration capacity, and to identify key factors influencing soil infiltration characteristics on the Loess Plateau, so as to serve for soil erosion control, land use optimization and watershed management. Here, we selected four tree successional stages, consisting of Betula platyphylla Suk.(Bp), Pinus tabulaeformis Carr.(Pt), Quercus wutaishanica Suk- Pine tabulaeformis Carr mixed forests (Qw-Ptmf), and Quercus wutaishanica Mary(Qw), and sloping farmland as controls, to analyse changes in litter and plant roots characteristics, corresponding soil properties and infiltration characteristics. Soil hydraulic conductivity was measured using the single-ring-knife constant water head infiltration method. Soil properties were determined and the effect of soil properties on soil infiltration capacity was analyzed using path analysis. The results showed that litter thickness and biomass generally tended to increase with vegetation succession. Among them Qw-Ptmf had the greatest litter biomass and fine root biomass. Root biomass was greater in all stand types in the 0-5 cm and 5-20 cm soil layers than in the 20-40 cm, with the most rapid decline from the 0-5 cm to the 5-20 cm soil layer. The continuous vegetation restoration significantly improved soil properties and infiltration capacity compared to the control farmland. Qw-Ptmf showed the best soil properties and infiltration capacity, followed by Qw, Pt and Bp. Soil properties of the same tree species at different ages were different, and generally tend to get better as succession progresses. Path analysis showed that litter and plant roots together improved soil properties in the 0-5 cm soil layer, while below 0-5 cm plant roots dominated. Soil porosity and soil bulk density were the most critical factors influencing soil infiltration capacity. It is helpful to understand that vegetation succession fundamentally reduces surface runoff and soil erosion by improving soil properties (especially from 0-20 cm) and increasing soil infiltration capacity in the area. Underground plant roots and ground litter coverage play an important role in improving positively soil properties and thus soil infiltration capacity with vegetation succession. Results of this study can be useful for regional ecological restoration planning, stand management and soil erosion prediction on the Loess Plateau.

Keywords: Forestland  litter and plant roots  soil properties  infiltration capacity  vegetation succession  Loess Plateau

How to cite: Xu, X., Zhang, X., Wang, H., He, J., and Xue, F.: Effects of litter and plant roots on soil properties and infiltration capacity with vegetation succession on the Loess Plateau, China, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4595,, 2023.

The northern Loess Plateau, China is an eco-environment fragile zone with the most serious soil and water loss in the world. Hence, soil face the direct threat of texture coarsening, fertility decline and loss of microbial biodiversity, etc. Selecting rational afforestation species will be beneficial for the maintenance and improvement of soil structure and function in this area. Populus simoni (PS, tree), Caragana korshinskii (CK, shrub) and Salix psammophila (SP, shrub) are major perennial woody plants for afforestation in this region, although they play important roles in preventing soil and water loss, blocking wind and fixing sand and increasing farmers’ income, it is not clear how long-term plantation of these plants affect the quantity and stability of soil organic carbon (SOC) and whether the afforestation species are sustainable for soil resources. So, mature stands over 30 years per species were chosen, and SOC and its stability (the intra-microaggregate fine particulate OC and mineral-associated OC are protected C) whthin 0-10 cm and 10-20 cm were compared. Wet sieving method was used to separate water-stable aggregates, and physicochemcial methods were used to isolate different organic carbon fractions. The results indicated that: 1) SOC content of the bulk soil for CK stands increased by 46.4% and 75.8%, respectively at 0-10 cm, and 32.6% and 67.5%, respectively at 10-20 cm compared to PS and SP stands. 2) The <0.25 mm microaggregate content accounted for more than 74% for three stands, and CK stands had higher free microaggregate (0.053-0.25 mm) during both depths and higher small macroaggregate (0.25-2 mm) at 0-10 cm compared to PS and SP stands, the mean weight diameter at the 0-10 and 10-20 cm soil for CK stands were significantly increased compared with PS and SP treatments. 3) The protected C accounted for 74% ~85% of the total SOC. The protected carbon was significantly and positively correlated with the SOC across treatments. In conclusion, long-term C. korshinskii planation can increase the quantity and stability of SOC via increasing the content of protected C, suggesting C. korshinskii is the rational afforestation species to combat soil degradation under future climate change from the angle of C sequestration. 

How to cite: Li, Y., Chi, T., and Zhang, X.: Afforestation with Caragana korshinskii enhances the quantity and stability of soil organic carbon in the northern Loess Plateau, China, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4634,, 2023.

Whether uptake of rainwater-recharged soil water (RRS) can increase plant transpiration in response to rainfall pulses requires investigation to evaluate plant adaptability, especially in water limited regions where rainwater is the only replenishable soil water source. In this study, the water sources from RRS and three soil layers, predawn (Ψpd), midday (Ψm) and gradient (Ψpd−Ψm) of leaf water potential, and plant transpiration in response to rainfall pulses were analyzed for two dominant tree species, Hippophae rhamnoides subsp. sinensis and Populus tomentosa, in pure and mixed plantations during the growing period (June–September). Mixed afforestation significantly enhanced Ψpd − Ψm, RRS uptake proportion (RUP), relative response of daily normalized sap flow (SFR), and reduced the water source proportion from the deep soil layer (100–200 cm) for both species (P < 0.05). In pure and mixed plantations, the large Ψpd − Ψm was consistent with high SFR for H. rhamnoides, and the small Ψpd − Ψm was consistent with low SFR for P. tomentosa, in response to rainfall pulses. Therefore, H. rhamnoides and P. tomentosa exhibited anisohydric and isohydric behavior, respectively, and the former plant species was more sensitive to rainfall pulses than P. tomentosa. Furthermore, in pure plantations, the SFR was significantly affected by RUP and Ψpd − Ψm for H. rhamnoides, and was significantly influenced by Ψpd − Ψm for P. tomentosa (P < 0.05). However, the SFR was significantly influenced by RUP and Ψpd − Ψmfor both species in the mixed plantation. These results indicate that mixed afforestation enhanced the influence of RRS uptake to plant transpiration for these different rainfall pulse sensitive plants. This study provides insights into suitable plantation species selection and management considering the link between RRS uptake and plant transpiration in water limited regions.

How to cite: Tang, Y.: Differential response of plant transpiration to uptakeof rainwater-recharged soil water for dominanttree species in the semiarid Loess Plateau, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4982,, 2023.

EGU23-5135 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.12 | Highlight

Evaluating Erosion Risk on Agricultural Soils with the Modified Mini-JET Device 

Michal Vrana, David Zumr, Josef Krasa, and Tomas Dostal

The Jet Erosion Test (JET) is a method for determining the erodibility of incohesive agricultural soils by measuring the critical shear stress. The measurements were performed using a modified Mini-JET device, which is well-suited for field measurements as it is small, light, requires a relatively small amount of water, and can be operated by a single person. The Mini-JET device uses a water jet with a known kinetic energy to create an erosion crater in the soil, and then measures the rate at which the crater forms to determine the soil's erodibility and the critical shear stress. These parameters are needed for estimating the susceptibility of the soil to water erosion, and can help in the design of erosion control measures. The Mini-JET experiments were conducted on experimental plots in Risuty, central Czechia. Two soil with different properties were tested. In parallel with the experiments, a number of soil properties were monitored, including bulk density, soil texture, soil water content, aggregate stability, and total organic carbon. A total of 75 simulations were carried out as part of this study. The results of the Mini-JET experiments showed a large temporal and spatial variability in the soil erosion parameters. Despite this variability, the absolute values of the determined erodibility coefficients were comparable to those reported in previous studies. This indicates that the Mini-JET method is suitable for studying the erodibility of agricultural soils, although a sufficient number of replicates must be carried out to obtain representative values. The information obtained with the Mini-JET method can be used in physically based soil erosion models, which are used to predict the erosion of soil and the effectiveness of erosion control measures.  

Research has been supported by project TUDI (European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101000224) and LTA-USA 19019 (Ministry of Education of the Czech Rep.).

How to cite: Vrana, M., Zumr, D., Krasa, J., and Dostal, T.: Evaluating Erosion Risk on Agricultural Soils with the Modified Mini-JET Device, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5135,, 2023.

EGU23-5366 | Posters virtual | SSS9.12

Detecting the future impact of the "Grain for Green" program on land use/ land cover and hydrological regimes in a watershed of the Chinese Loess Plateau 

Haijie Yi, Xiaoping Zhang, Liang He, Jie He, Qilong Tian, Yadong Zou, and Zefeng An

    To increase vegetation coverage and improve ecosystem services, the government has promulgated and implemented the program of "Grain for Green" from 1999 to the present. How and where vegetation cover increases and how land use changes are the determinant factors in regional water resources and hydrological regimes. On Chinese Loess Plateau (LP), an arid and semiarid area with fragmented topography and the transitional vegetation nature, accurate prediction of land use and vegetation change is particularly important. We employed a simple habitat analogy approach, the "Matching Tree Species with Site" principle and the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) to predict the potential vegetation restoration and land use/land cover (LULC) change and investigated its impact on the hydrological regime in a watershed of Liujiahe. Results showed that the maximum recoverable vegetation cover of the Liujiahe watershed was 71.1%, where still 9.2% potential for the vegetation cover and the vegetation of 36.4% of the area continued to improve in the future. Under the current status of vegetation restoration, the areas suitable for future afforestation in the watershed are limited in the area of only 46.06 km2; on this basis, cropland will decrease by 47.4%, and grassland and forestland will increase by 15.8% and 0.7%, respectively, in comparison with 2020. However, SWAT results showed that vegetation restoration has already reduced annual mean runoff and soil water content (SW) by 44.2% and 43.9%, respectively, while evapotranspiration (ET) has increased by 12.6%, and the land use changes in the next 20-30 years will further reduce the runoff and SW by 15.6% and 11.1% respectively, and increase ET by 1.2%. Overall, large-scale vegetation restoration has greatly affected amounts and spatial-temporal distribution of hydrological regimes on the Loess Plateau. After 20 years of vegetation restoration, there is still room for further restoration in the area, however, considering the limited rainfall and water carrying capacity, the vegetation restoration of this watershed should be based on natural restoration or low water consumption grasses and shrubs to avoid a water resources crisis. These results is expected to provide a perspective for modelling LULC changes in areas with fragmented terrain and highly influenced by human activities, and to provide an important for underpinning sustainable management of natural resources on the LP under long-term ecological restoration.

How to cite: Yi, H., Zhang, X., He, L., He, J., Tian, Q., Zou, Y., and An, Z.: Detecting the future impact of the "Grain for Green" program on land use/ land cover and hydrological regimes in a watershed of the Chinese Loess Plateau, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5366,, 2023.

Improving the fertilizer use efficiency (FUE) is an effective way and key factor point to achieve reduce negative the growth usage of fertilizer and reduce surface non-point source pollution in agriculture production in China. Existing research related to the influencing factors of fertilizer use efficiency ignores the impact of famers’ social networks, which can affect the fertilizer use and then its efficiency. This paper analyzed the impact of social networks on fertilizer use efficiency and the mediator effect of green fertilization technology adoption, based on the measurement of farmers' fertilizer use efficiency using stochastic frontier method with a household survey of 569 farmers in Shaanxi of China, which was conducted in 2021. The results shows that the fertilizer use efficiency of kiwifruit production had a low FUE, with an average value of 0.333, which means fertilizer input had a 66.7% reduction potential without the reduction of output. Social network had a significant positive impact on FUE, in which social network trust and learning had a greater impact on FUE. Farmers’ adoption of green fertilization technology played a positive mediator effect in the process of social networks influencing their fertilizer use efficiency, which was mainly promoted by social network trust and learning.Household characteristics such as age, gender, education level and years of agricultural production,farm characteristics such as cultivation scale, number of laborers and whether they join cooperatives, and village characteristics such as the number of village agricultural supply points all have significant effects on FUE.

How to cite: Chang, F., Wang, Y., Liu, L., Liu, J., and Bai, X.: Impact of social networks on fertilizer use efficiency of  kiwifruit production in China- Mediator effectof green fertilization technologies adoption, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10387,, 2023.

Raindrop splash engenders the dispersion and transport of the soil particles,  that is the primary stage in the process of soil erosion. Raindrops with different diameters may have different influences on different soil structures. The research objective was to quantitatively and visually analyze the change in surface aggregates and pore microstructure of five soils (Eum-Orthic Anthrosol, Ustalf, Cumulic Haplustoll, Ustochnept and Quartisamment) in the Loess Plateau caused by various raindrop diameters (2.67, 3.39 and 4.05 mm) using rainfall tests, synchrotron-based X-ray micro-computed tomography (SR-μCT) and digital picture processing. Surface aggregate fragmentation and pore plugging rose as growing raindrop diameter. Under raindrop splash, the increase in raindrop diameter increased the number of microaggregates (≤ 250 μm) of Cumulic Haplustoll, Ustalf and Eum-Orthic Anthrosol; the irregular pore-shape factor of Quartisamment and Ustochnept; and the total number of aggregates and pores. Moreover, the soil physicochemical properties also had a significant impact on surface aggregate breakdown and pore plugging (P < 0.01). Higher sand contents made the soil structure of Quartisamment and Ustochnept more susceptible to splashing. The FD of Eum-Orthic Anthrosol, Ustalf and Cumulic Haplustoll were lower than those of Quartisamment and Ustochnept. The results showed that during rainfall, both raindrop diameter and soil properties affect surface aggregate stability and pore connectivity, which creates the material basis for forming surface crust, clogging pores and reducing the infiltration rate.

How to cite: Li, G.: Aggregate structure destruction and pore plugging caused by raindrop splashes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11478,, 2023.

EGU23-12343 | Posters on site | SSS9.12

Response of Soil Moisture to Vegetation Restoration 

Lei Han, Yuqing Chang, and Zhao Liu

The effects of vegetation on soil water content are very complicated, and precipitation and evapotranspiration are the key contributing factors, which are more significant in spring (water conservation), summer (transpiration and infiltration), and autumn (infiltration). It is easy for irrational planting to result in soil water deficits in ecologically fragile arid regions because evapotranspiration is aggravated by leaves. Moreover, understanding the dynamic changes of soil water content is particularly important for the long-term sustainable development of re-gional ecology. Related research worldwide can be roughly divided into studies on vegetation, soil moisture, rainfall–erosion–infiltration, spatial variation, and climate change, which are car-ried out in typical regions around the world (such as Loess Plateau of China, the Mediterranean region and the United States). Dynamic climate changes, including variations in precipitation and surface temperature, should receive more scientific attention in further studies based on monitoring data in typical regions where climatic features are distinct.

How to cite: Han, L., Chang, Y., and Liu, Z.: Response of Soil Moisture to Vegetation Restoration, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12343,, 2023.

EGU23-12545 | Posters virtual | SSS9.12

Comparison of nitrogen use efficiency of manure and inorganic fertilizer based on long term field trials in Hungary 

Béla Pirkó, Zsófia Bakacsi, Eszter Tóth, Anita Szabó, Tamás Arendás, and Péter Csathó

Sustainability cannot be achieved without improving soil conditions. However, it is estimated that between 60 and 70% of EU soils are unhealthy. Thoughtful use of exogenous organic matter can help restore soil functions and thus improve soil health. Animal manures are the most abundant organic matter in agriculture and, in addition to their high nutrient content, they contribute to improving soil health in many ways by increasing soil biological activity. For these reasons, their efficient and environmentally friendly use is of major importance.

The TUdi project will contribute to develop healthy and productive agricultural ecosystems, where the organic fertilizers play an important role in the nutrient supply of the plants. The ongoing development of the nutrient management tool has to consider the different behavior and characteristic of these materials. Our study gives an example of how the long term field trials results can be implemented in this process.

37 trials have been selected from the database of the Hungarian field trials which contain the effects of farmyard manure and mineral fertilizer application on the basis of NPK nutrient equivalence. Among the various treatments, the yields of the absolute control, the farmyard manure treatment and the one with equivalent amounts of NPK in the form of mineral fertilizer were evaluated. The experiments were grouped according to the soil texture.

Annual fertilization was more favourable in all cases than periodic manure application. Differences between yield surpluses declined with an increase of soil clay contents. The efficiency of fertilization in both farmyard manure and fertilizer treatments were higher on sandy soils, which have the poorest natural nutrient supplying capacity.

The correlation between the changes in the organic matter (OM) content of the control plots soils, and differences of the responses to nutrient applied can be described by hyperbolic functions. A similar correlation was established between the AL—(ammonium lactate) soluble K contents and differences of the responses to farmyard manure and fertilizer.

As the values of these two soil parameters increased, the advantage of the nutrients given in the form of fertilizer over farmyard manure declined.


Keywords: long term field trial, manure application, fertilization, nitrogen use efficiency, nutrient advisory system


How to cite: Pirkó, B., Bakacsi, Z., Tóth, E., Szabó, A., Arendás, T., and Csathó, P.: Comparison of nitrogen use efficiency of manure and inorganic fertilizer based on long term field trials in Hungary, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12545,, 2023.

The impact of land use change on soil organic carbon storages at the regional scale is crucial to the ecological effects of the local environment. According to soil samples and land use data, the effect of land use change on soil organic carbon density and reserves in the surface layer (0~20 cm) of the Loess Plateau, Shaanxi, from 1985 to 2015, was studied. The results show: ⑴The policy of returning farmland to forest has a great impact on the transformation of land use type in the tableland of Shaanxi Loess Plateau. The change of land type mainly focused on the area reduction of cultivated land and grassland, respectively reduced by 6.02% and 15.14%.And the areas of forest land and residential land increased, with an increase of 281.07% and 24.09% respectively. ⑵ In the past three decades, the spatial variation trends of soil organic carbon density in surface soils of the study area were quite different. The increase was 11.43% in 2006 compared with 1985, and 89.74% in 2015 compared with 2006. ⑶ From 1985 to 2006, the area of maintaining land use type was 111997.18 km2, and the surface soil carbon storage increased by 1404.31×106kg. The area of changing land use type was 776.15 km2, and the carbon storage increased by 14.49×106kg. From 2006 to 2015, the area of maintaining land use type was 9359.68 km2, and the surface soil carbon storage increased by 3829.98×106kg. The area of changing land use type was 776.15 km2, and the carbon storage increased by 1318.13×106kg. ⑷ In the past 30 years, the area of maintaining land use type decreased, and the area of changing land use type increased. The conversion of land use type to forest land and grassland was conducive to the formation of surface soil carbon sink, and the conversion to cultivated land and residential land resulted in the release of surface organic carbon. The comparative analysis between the two periods showed that the conversion of land use type was more intense and the soil carbon storage increased significantly after the policy of returning farmland to forests was implemented. Therefore, the policy of returning farmland to forests in the tableland of Shaanxi Loess Plateau can increase the carbon fixation of ecosystem.

How to cite: Liu, M., Zhang, M., and Chang, Q.: Impact of Land Use Change on Soil Carbon Storage in topsoil of the tableland of the Loess Plateau in Shaanxi in Recent Thirty Years, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12781,, 2023.

EGU23-13806 | Orals | SSS9.12 | Highlight

TUdi meta-database of long-term monitored farms and experiments to support soil degradation detection 

Zsófia Bakacsi, Béla Pirkó, Eszter Tóth, Sándor Molnár, Ádám Havas, and László Gyurics

Within the TUdi project a comprehensive list of long-term monitored farms and experiments have been created in 2022, including basic data on the agricultural system, farm typology, soil and climate,  and soil restoring strategies implemented for European TUdi partners (Austria, Bulgaria, Czechia, Hungary, Italy and Spain) and China. These data and results, in line with the objectives of the project, will contribute to the development of Decision Support Tools available to users to detect soil degradation and provide expert advice on mitigation.


The TUdi database contains metadata, structured thematically, allowing insight into the data related to each experimental site (e.g. what purpose experiments are carried out or what type of data is generated in an experiment) and the implementation of queries according to the user's needs.


At present, the TUdi meta-database contains the general description of 34 sites (farms and long-term experiment sites), and meta-information on different treatments, management (e,g. conventional, integrated, organic), tillage practices and different experimental settings of around 140 experiments related to these sites.


A central element to which the other data are linked is the “site” under which the experiments are subdivided. A smaller part of the data is related to the site, while a larger part is related to the experiments. This is the structural element of the database, which cannot be modified in the future. This structure allows the database to be sufficiently flexible, both to add new sites and to add experiments or measured or calculated parameters that can be further linked to the sites.


A query interface is also connecting to the TUdi Database webpage. The filtering options are focusing on the “Degradation threats/challenges” and the “Experiment type/treatment” options. The performance and effectiveness of the queries will be tested when the Partners upload their available experimental data into the system.


According to the first query, concerning the main characteristics of the surveyed sites: 70% of the investigated sites are covered by annual crops, 7% are grasslands and the remaining 23% are orchards or olive plantations. 79% of the applied farming system is conventional, 10% organic, 4 % integrated, and the remaining 8% is a combination of them. Mineral fertilizers are used in 60% of the investigated sites, organic fertilizers in 32%, and their combination in the remaining 8%. Irrigation is applied on about one-third of the described sites (38%).


soil degradation, long term experiments, Decision Support Tool


How to cite: Bakacsi, Z., Pirkó, B., Tóth, E., Molnár, S., Havas, Á., and Gyurics, L.: TUdi meta-database of long-term monitored farms and experiments to support soil degradation detection, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13806,, 2023.

EGU23-1543 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.13

Nitrous oxide and methane emissions are affected by soil tillage systems and crop diversity in the Brazilian Savanna 

Jorge Luiz Locatelli, Jéssica Heloiza Coutinho, Igor Eduardo Martins Menezes, Francisco William Rodrigues da Silva, Leticia Thomaz Cipriani, Diana Fernada Quiceno Torres, Lina Maria Tierradentro Rojas, Cassiano Garcia Roque, Edicarlos Damacena de Souza, Maurício Roberto Cherubin, and Carlos Eduardo Pellegrino Cerri

Population growth associated with the increasing demand for resources around the globe has increased greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, leading to the climate change process. In this study, we assessed the impact of agrosystems intensification on N2O and CH4 emissions in the Brazilian Savanna. We selected two long-term experiments located in Costa Rica – MS and Itiquira – MT, which consisted of soil tillage systems (conventional (CT) and no tillage (NT) systems) and levels of crop diversification with cover crops (e.g., Brachiaria sp., Crotalaria sp., Pennisetum sp.) in soybean-cotton-based cropping systems. Gas emissions were monitored for 8 months (February 2022 to October 2022). N2O and CH4 fluxes were calculated following the linear changes in the concentration of each gas, and cumulative emissions were estimated after extrapolation from hourly to daily fluxes. Data were subjected to analysis of variance, and means were compared by Tukey's test (p<0.05). In Costa Rica - MS, CH4 fluxes varied between -30 and 50 µg m-2 h-1 of CH4-C and were greatly affected by rainfall seasonality. Cropping systems affected cumulative emissions, with soybean + cotton under CT and soybean + cotton + maize presenting emissions of 0.13 and 0.27 kg ha-1 of CH4-C, respectively. Soybean + cotton under NT and the treatments with cover crops (soybean + cotton + Brachiaria sp., and soybean + cotton + rattlebox) promoted CH4 uptake, sequestering up to 0.6 kg ha-1 of CH4-C. N2O fluxes were mostly affected by N fertilization. Peaks up to 270 µg m-2 h-1 of N2O-N were observed, most associated with soybean + cotton + maize treatment, and soybean + cotton under CT. The highest cumulative N2O emissions were observed at soybean + cotton + maize and soybean + cotton + Brachiaria sp. treatment (0.88 kg ha-1 of N2O-N on average). Soybean + cotton under CT and NT systems, and soybean + cotton + rattlebox showed an average cumulative emission of 0.43 kg ha-1 of N2O-N. At Itiquira – MT, CH4 fluxes also were affected by rainfall seasonality, with values ranging between -40 and 90 µg m-2 h-1 of CH4-C. Cumulative CH4 emissions were significantly affected by the treatments, with the highest emissions at soybean + maize succession (i.e., 0.36 kg ha-1 of CH4-C). The succession between soybean + Brachiaria sp. and the other crop rotations involving rattlebox and millet did not differ from each other, presenting an average uptake of 0.13 kg ha-1 of CH4-C. For N2O-N, the fluxes were highly responsive to N fertilization in maize, presenting peaks up to 75 µg m-2 h-1 of N2O-N. Cumulative N2O emissions, however, were reduced (0.18 kg ha-1 ofN2O-N) only at soybean + rattlebox + maize + Brachiaria sp., which was 2.7 times lower than the cumulative emissions found at soybean + maize, soybean + Brachiaria sp., and soybean + rattlebox + maize + Brachiaria sp. for one year period. Overall, our results suggest that cropping intensification in the Brazilian Savanna is an efficient strategy to reduce CH4 and N2O emissions, contributing to tackling the climate change process. 

How to cite: Locatelli, J. L., Coutinho, J. H., Menezes, I. E. M., da Silva, F. W. R., Cipriani, L. T., Torres, D. F. Q., Rojas, L. M. T., Roque, C. G., de Souza, E. D., Cherubin, M. R., and Cerri, C. E. P.: Nitrous oxide and methane emissions are affected by soil tillage systems and crop diversity in the Brazilian Savanna, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1543,, 2023.

Policymakers and businesses in Southeast Asia are increasingly interested in using carbon markets to encourage adoption of regenerative agriculture practices by farmers. These practices are thought to mitigate climate change by reducing soil carbon loss and enhancing soil carbon sequestration. However, there is uncertainty in the ability of regenerative agriculture practices to increase soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks of croplands. We reviewed 92 empirical studies that investigated the effects of 17 regenerative farming practices across 11 broad categories of crops on SOC stock or content in Southeast Asia. Our synthesis found supporting evidence for the use of organic amendments like biochar, compost, and manure, as well as cover cropping, crop rotation, and conservation tillage to increase SOC. However, studies for practices like addition of compost and manure reported increases in greenhouse gas emissions like methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), demonstrating that increases in SOC may be offset by increases in greenhouse gas emissions. Only a few studies measured both the changes in SOC stocks and greenhouse gas emissions and none of the studies completed full greenhouse gas inventories. Estimating the net impact of SOC gains and increase of greenhouse gas emissions will be necessary to understand the overall effect of practices like compost, manure and crop residue incorporation on net atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations. If these practices are implemented for soil carbon projects, practitioners should anticipate increase in greenhouse gas emissions from soils and implement additional practices, such as alternate wetting and drying, to optimize the climate change mitigation effects of regenerative agriculture. We encourage future research on practices with relatively low numbers of studies and variations in experimental designs and conditions, such as agroforestry and changes in crop residue management. Given the interest in scaling up regenerative agriculture through voluntary carbon markets to boost SOC stocks in croplands, policymakers and businesses can support research in this area by making field-collected data from their projects accessible to researchers to further the study of the impact of these practices across different abiotic conditions and soil management patterns. This would alleviate the paucity and improve the quality of empirical data on regenerative agricultural practices in Southeast Asian croplands, facilitate practice-specific meta-analyses, and ideally begin to optimize climate change mitigation effects of regenerative agriculture.

How to cite: Tan, S. and Kuebbing, S.: A synthesis of regenerative agriculture on soil carbon sequestration in Southeast Asian croplands, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2450,, 2023.

EGU23-2587 | Orals | SSS9.13

A meta-analysis of field experiments on the effect of organic matter inputs on N2O emissions in European arable land 

Elena Valkama, Domna Tzemi, Ulises Ramon Esparza Robles, Adam O'Toole, and Alina Syp

The focus of previous research regarding the effects of applying organic matter inputs on carbon sequestration has been mostly restricted to a simple quantification of soil organic carbon stock or CO2 balance. However, all a more comprehensive assessment of net carbon balance should also consider non-CO2 GHG sources and sinks across the soil-plant system. The objective of this study is to synthesize results from field experiments, which explore the effects of adding different organic matter inputs to soil on N2O emissions in Europe.

A comprehensive literature search was conducted using keywords in Web of Science, Agricola, Scopus, ScienceDirect, Google Scholar, and in the reference list of published reviews and meta-analyses. We included European experiments with diverse arable crops cultivated in monoculture or in crop rotations on mineral soils. Cumulative N2O emissions were monitored in the fields that received either solely organic matter inputs (crop residues, green manure, livestock manure, slurry, digestate, compost, biochar or sludge) or in combination with inorganic fertilization, and inorganic fertilization served as a control. Laboratory, greenhouse studies, or field studies solely on organic soils were excluded from the database, as well as studies on permanent crops, pasture, rice fields, forest and semi-natural areas and wetlands.  

The entire database consists of 51 peer-reviewed scientific articles published between 1993 and 2022, and three unpublished items. Nitrous oxide emissions were measured at each site over a period of one month to three years in about 50 sites, in 16 European countries covering all European climate zones, from Alpine North to Mediterranean South. Annual rainfall and average annual temperature varied between 250 mm and 1300 mm, and between 4.5 C and 19.6 C, respectively. The impact of organic matter input in terms of quantity, nature, as well as quality was captured by C/N ratio (1 - 390) and amount of N (20 - 420 kg ha-1).  The list of potential moderators consists of soil physical and chemical properties, such as the percentage of soil organic C, clay, silt, sand, soil texture, C/N ratio and pH for each site, and agricultural management practices, such as type and the amount of inorganic fertilization, tillage system, crop residue management and irrigation type.

The mean values of cumulative N2O emissions for a duration, standard deviations, and sample sizes (equal to the number of replicates) for organic matter inputs and inorganic fertilization were extracted from tables and figures in articles. To perform a meta-analysis, logarithm response ratio as an index of effect size will be calculated for each study, which will then be summarized across the studies by using weighing procedure. The impact of pedo-climatic characteristics, agricultural management practices, the nature and quality of organic matter inputs on N2O emissions will be studied. Findings of the current meta-analysis will provide a robust conclusion on which type of organic matter inputs under which pedo-climatic conditions and management practices emit negligible or significant amount of N2O compared to inorganic fertilizers.   

How to cite: Valkama, E., Tzemi, D., Esparza Robles, U. R., O'Toole, A., and Syp, A.: A meta-analysis of field experiments on the effect of organic matter inputs on N2O emissions in European arable land, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2587,, 2023.

It is essential to reduce methane (CH4) emissions to minimize the contribution of global warming from rice paddies because CH4 contributes approximately 87% to the global warming potential (GWP). An increase in N fertilizer application could reduce CH4 emissions for several reasons: (1) affect the biomass enhancement of crops to store carbon, (2) decrease methanogenesis activity due to increased nitrate respiration, (3) occur nitrate- and nitrite-dependent anaerobic CH4 oxidation. According to the global scale meta-analysis, increasing N application reduces CH4 emissions. However, the reducing effect of nitrogen (N) fertilization on CH4 emissions from rice paddies needs to be confirmed. The changes in CH4 emission induced by N have a reasonably wide margin of error because the research results were not controlled for the direct factors related to CH4 emissions. Hence, although the increased N fertilizer can increase crop productivity and reduce GWP, it is not introduced as an appropriate agricultural practice. 

To elucidate the effects of N fertilization on CH4 emissions from rice paddies, field-based manipulation experiments were conducted in three regions where N fertilizer was applied under the control of the other factors. In addition, we aimed to identify why CH4 emissions differ depending on the amount of N fertilizer through the result of the microbial-mediated CH4 cycle.

Urea was selected as N fertilizer and application rates were at 0, 90, 135, and 180 kg ha-1 (N0, N1, N2, and N3, respectively). Irrigation, rice species (Oryza sativa cv. Samkwang), cultivation period, and input of P, K, Ca, and Si fertilizer were identically managed in 3 sites in Miryang, Wanju, and Hwaseong for three years. DNA/RNA co-extraction was performed using three region’s soil samples in the 3rd year. Real-time qPCR was performed to quantify the mcrA and pmoA gene copy numbers to identify the abundances of methanogens and methanotrophs, respectively.

Cumulative CH4 emissions increased with increasing N fertilizer in Miryang. In contrast, cumulative CH4 emissions significantly decreased with increasing N fertilizer application rates in Hwaseong and Wanju. Especially, N2 and N3 showed CH4 emissions lower than N0 in Hwaseong. In Wanju, the decrease in the abundance of mcrA and subsequently methanogenesis after N1 may cause a reduction in CH4 emissions, while in Hwaseong, the increase in quantification of pmoA and the subsequent higher CH4 oxidation may induce a decline in CH4 emissions. In Miryang, higher mcrA may promote methanogenesis and higher CH4 emissions with an increasing N application. The different responses in methanogens and methanotrophs with different N fertilizer application rates could be due to the initial N concentration. The correlation analysis between initial N including ammonium and nitrate and CH4 emissions from the literature showed a negative relationship at a global scale, suggesting the mechanism based on our experimental results is robust in global rice paddies.

In conclusion, additional N fertilizer application considering the initial N concentration can not only increase crop yield in rice paddies but also reduce global warming by reducing CH4 emissions.


How to cite: Lee, H. H., Choi, E. J., Ju, O. J., Hong, C. O., and Kang, H.: The increase in N fertilizer application is the key to solving the problem of food security and global warming in rice paddy soils with high initial N concentrations., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4783,, 2023.

EGU23-5614 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.13

Carbon and nitrogen services from cover crops are optimized by including legumes in mixtures 

Chiara De Notaris, Esben Mortensen, Zhi Liang, Maria Vincenza Chiriacò, and Jim Rasmussen

Cover crops are cultivated during unproductive periods to provide ecosystem services, such as preventing nitrogen (N) leaching, and have the potential to increase soil organic carbon (C), thus contributing to climate change mitigation. Their effect on soil C storage depends on C input, which is challenging to quantify due to belowground sampling (roots and C deposited in the soil). Leguminous cover crops (in pure stands or in mixtures) increase the productivity of following main crops due to high N input, but also the risk of N losses, compromising the mitigation effect. As C and N services vary with cover crop type, tradeoffs could be minimized by species selection. The aim of this study was to assess C input from different cover crop species and mixtures, as well as N uptake in their biomass, and their effect on soil mineral N (SMN) and yield of the following crop.

We conducted a field experiment in 2020-2021 at Foulum, Denmark (temperate oceanic climate, sandy loam soil), with seven treatments (five cover crops, control with volunteers, and bare soil) replicated four times. Cover crops undersown in spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) in May 2020 were: Lolium perenne L. (ryegrass, RG), Trifolium pratense L. (red clover, RC), Plantago lanceolata L. (plantain, PL) and the mixtures RG-PL and RG-PL-RC. On August 24, 2020, after barley harvest, PVC cylinders (diameter: 29.5 cm, height: 30 cm) were inserted in each plot (25 cm depth) and used for 13C-CO2 multiple-pulse isotopic labeling. Two sessions per week were conducted until cover crop sampling in November 2020, when C and N in above- and belowground biomass, as well C deposited in the soil were determined. Monthly soil sampling (20 cm depth) was performed from August 2020 until April 2021 to assess SMN. Then barley was sown to evaluate cover crops residual effect.

Aboveground biomass was lowest in RG (1.5 Mg ha-1), and highest in RG-PL-RC (5.4 Mg ha-1). Total C input (above- and belowground) ranged from 1.6 to 4.3 Mg ha-1, with RG-PL-RC (highest) being significantly higher than RG-PL and RG (lowest). The same pattern applied to total N input, ranging from 74 to 202 kg ha-1. All cover crop treatments had lower SMN than bare soil and volunteers in August 2020. SMN increased from August until April 2021 with all cover crops except RG, and decreased with bare soil and volunteers. SMN in April was 15 kg ha-1 higher with RC and RG-PL-RC than RG. Barley yield following leguminous cover crops was comparable to plots fertilized with 100 kg ha-1 of mineral N, while non-legumes to 40 kg ha-1. Overall, the mixture with RC provided the greatest C input and positive residual effect. The small change in SMN in April indicate that biomass N was converted into mineral N and taken up by barley during the growing season, thus not increasing the risk of N losses.

How to cite: De Notaris, C., Mortensen, E., Liang, Z., Chiriacò, M. V., and Rasmussen, J.: Carbon and nitrogen services from cover crops are optimized by including legumes in mixtures, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5614,, 2023.

EGU23-5823 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.13

Effects of biodegradable and plastic mulches on soil biogeochemical cycles in an agricultural system 

Alessia Esposito, Enrica Picariello, Luigi Morra, and Flavia De Nicola

Agricultural soils perform important ecological functions and agricultural practices affect the maintenance of these functions. Mulching is an agronomic technique, consisting of covering the soil with a protective layer of natural or artificial materials. Mulching influences soil temperature and moisture, promotes the development of microorganisms, allows the release of nutrients and reduces the development of weed species, improving crop growth. The aim of the research was to evaluate the effect of Low-density polyethylene based mulching film (LDPE) and biodegradable Mater-bi® (thermoplastic starch) based mulching films on soil organic matter and microbial enzyme activities linked to biogeochemical cycles of C, N and P.

The experimental field was established at an organic farm (Capua, Caserta, Southern Italy), under a greenhouse environment. According to organic farming management, soil was amended with green manure and on farm compost. The experiment was carried out in a randomized block design with five treatments replicated four times: soil covered with LDPE film, soil covered with Mater-Bi® films of 3 different thicknesses (18, 21, 25 μm), bare soil in area not mulched under the same tunnel as control. The films were placed on soil surface in October 2021, then strawberry was planted and cultivated until June 2022. After 7 months, in correspondence with the maximum strawberry production, soil was sampled (at 20 cm depth), sieved (2 mm) and samples analysed for organic matter content (by calcination in muffle) and enzyme activities (hydrolase, β-glucosidase, phosphatase and β-glucosaminidase by spectrophotometric method).

The soil organic matter content showed higher value in control soil (4.22%) respect to soil covered with LDPE and Mater-Bi® films 25 µm (on average 3.56%). The β-glucosidase activity showed the highest value in the soils covered with Mater-bi® 18 µm, whereas the hydrolase, phosphatase and β-glucosaminidase showed no significant differences among treatments. Therefore, the application of biodegradable plastic films did not show clear effect on soil organic carbon stock after 7 months, likely due to the high organic matter content characterizing this soil. However, as the enzyme β-glucosidase is involved in the C-cycle, the results indicated a possible effect on this activity due to a faster degradation of the thinnest biodegradable plastic film (Mater-bi® 18 µm). Enzyme activities are sensitive indicators and provide rapid responses compared to soil chemistry analyses, in particular β-glucosidase is significantly correlated with agronomic practices, and it is able to quickly detect changes in soil management. The study of enzyme activities as indicators of soil quality can provide useful data to implement agricultural sustainable management strategies.

How to cite: Esposito, A., Picariello, E., Morra, L., and De Nicola, F.: Effects of biodegradable and plastic mulches on soil biogeochemical cycles in an agricultural system, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5823,, 2023.

EGU23-5895 | Posters virtual | SSS9.13

Trade-off between C sequestration and GHGs fluxes in a long-term maize crop under contrasting management options 

Alessandra Lagomarsino, Claudia Becagli, Alessandro Casagli, Filippo Rocchi, Isabella De Meo, Giorgio Moretti, and Roberta Pastorelli

Monitoring of long-term responses of crop systems to contrasting management options is of key importance to assess the capacity of agriculture to mitigate climate changes, by increasing carbon sequestration and reducing green-house gases emissions. To this aim, long-term trials are fundamental since allow the evaluation of the trade-off between processes occurring at different time frames, such as C storage and CO2, CH4 and N2O emissions.

Within EJP SOIl – ∑OMMIT project a long-term trial established in 1994 was selected in a Mediterranean mountain area in Tuscany (Italy), comparing maize monoculture vs. rotation at contrasting tillage intensities (deep ploughing vs. disk harrowing).

Fluxes of CO2, CH4 and N2O, have been measured in 2021 growing season together with climate factors, inorganic N availability and microbial communities’ composition, and compared with C accumulated in the last 20 years.

The objectives of the monitoring were to assess the impact of cropping systems at low and high tillage intensities on i) the trade-offs between long-term C accumulation and GHGs emissions, and ii) the microbial community composition and activity. Moreover, the work aimed at improving the understanding of the main abiotic and biotic drivers of GHGs exchanges considering the plant-soil-atmosphere integrated system.

The stage of crop rotation had the highest impact on both C storage and GHGs fluxes, showing larger C exchanges and lower N2O emissions with leguminous than maize. Tillage intensities showed not significant changes in CO2 emissions and a slight increase with deep ploughing with respect to disk harrowing, which also experienced a larger C accumulation. All cropping systems, independent of tillage and rotation phase, acted as sinks for CH4.

The soil microbial communities resulted influenced by the different cropping systems. In particular, significant differences were highlighted in the abundance of microbial groups involved in denitrification and nitrification processes.

How to cite: Lagomarsino, A., Becagli, C., Casagli, A., Rocchi, F., De Meo, I., Moretti, G., and Pastorelli, R.: Trade-off between C sequestration and GHGs fluxes in a long-term maize crop under contrasting management options, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5895,, 2023.

Intensified silage maize (Zea mays L.) cultivation has led to several environmental problems such as high greenhouse gas emissions and groundwater pollution, thus further amplifying climate change. Therefore, alternative crops with high carbon (C) sequestration capacities are crucial for sustainable bioenergy production, particularly those that can cope with extreme climate events, such as drought stress. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the potential of the perennial cup-plant (Silphium perfoliatum L.) as a promising alternative for silage maize to increase soil C input and reduce C output (as CO2) under optimum watering and drought conditions. For this purpose, a lysimeter experiment comparing these crops subjected to two watering regimes (well-watered and drought-stressed), was set up at the botanical garden of the University of Bayreuth, Germany. Soil respiration was correlated to soil moisture and temperature, biomass (aboveground and belowground), soil C and nitrogen (N), and dissolved organic C (DOC) and inorganic C in the leachates. Soil CO2 efflux was measured using a Licor-6400XT gas exchange system (LI-COR, Lincoln, NE, USA)) fitted with a soil chamber over three consecutive years. The final cumulative CO2 efflux was greater by 29% under drought-stressed cup-plant than in drought maize, which was explained by the greater belowground biomass production under cup-plant. Cup-plant increased root biomass by 143% (0.86±0.26 vs 2.08±0.33 kg m-2) compared to silage maize, thus, implying a higher contribution of root respiration to the total soil respiration under cup-plant. Despite the soil respiration and DOC leaching being higher for cup-plant than maize, cup-plant increased soil C (by 4%) and N content (by 14%), after only two years of cultivation. Even though root respiration and enhanced microbial activity result in higher soil respiration and C mineralization, the continuous supply of fresh C via the root litter and rhizodeposits of the perennial cup-plant suggests long-term effective C farming and demonstrates the potential of the cup-plant as an ecological alternative to silage maize.

Keywords: Climate change; soil respiration; carbon sequestration; bioenergy crops; leachates


How to cite: Abdalla, K. and Pausch, J.: Can cup-plant (Silphium perfoliatum L.) as a perennial bioenergy crop surpass silage maize (Zea mays L.) for C sequestration?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7103,, 2023.

Exploring how methane(CH4), nitrogen dioxide(N2O) and soil organic carbon(SOC) content change under different grassland management is significant for mitigating global warming. We conduct a global meta-analysis to figure out the responses of CH4, N2O and SOC content to different management and Random Forest models are used to explore the most important driving factors of the changes. Our results show that grazing can cause SOC lose except in the climate zone Arid, which can increase the SOC content. The emission of CH4 of grazing grassland increases under all grazing intensities and all climate zones. By comparison, the emission of N2O decreases because of grazing activity except the light grazing intensity. As for fertilizer application, all types of fertilizers lead to more CH4 and N2O emission. Among all the fertilizers,cattle urine leads to the most soil N2O emission and chemical fertilizer causes the most CH4 emission. When adding inhibitors, the mitigation effects are significant. They can decrease CH4 and N2O emission 35% and 25% respectively. As for the variables importance in grassland soil greenhouse gas emission, the results of Random Forest models show that the most three important variables in most models are initial SOC content, mean annual precipitation (MAP) and the mean annual temperature(MAT).This study highlights that moderate grazing is better for nature grazing grassland when considering the comprehensive mitigation effect and removing livestock excrement or adding inhibitors are effective ways to mitigate non-CO2 greenhouse gas emission from soil.

How to cite: Li, T. and Pan, G.: A global meta-analysis of methane, nitrogen dioxide emission and soil organic carbon changes of grazing grassland soil under different grassland management, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7256,, 2023.

EGU23-7372 | ECS | Posters virtual | SSS9.13

TRUESOIL Project: Understanding Trade-offs and Dynamic Interactions between SOC Stocks and GHG Emissions for Climate Smart Agrisoil Management 

Antonios Apostolakis, Paulina Englert, Peter Dörsch, Oslan Jumadi, Ibrahim Khalil, Katja Klumpp, Sergio Morales, Chukwuebuka Christopher Okolo, Bruce Osborne, Jorge Perez-Quezada, Mari Philatie, Gabriela Posse, Ileana Frasier, Silvina Restovich, Penélope Serrano-Ortiz, Sigrid Trier Kjær, Pauliina Turunen, Bas van Wesemael, Frank Verheijen, and Ana Meijide and the Antonios Apostolakis

According to the Paris Agreement 2015, increased carbon sequestration by soils is a vital option for climate change mitigation and, simultaneously, improves soil health and food security. Agricultural soils are globally depleted in soil organic carbon and, therefore, exhibit a high potential for carbon sequestration. Various agroecological practices aim to increase or maintain soil organic carbon through increasing carbon inputs in the soil (e.g., amendments, plant residues, cover crops) and/or through reducing carbon losses (e.g., reduced or no tillage, adapted grazing). However, these practices have the potential to increase greenhouse gas emissions, which limits their effectiveness in terms of climate change mitigation.

The EJP-SOIL project TRUESOIL (2022-2025) studies trade-offs between agricultural management practices aiming at increasing carbon sequestration and reducing greenhouse gas emissions from agroecosystems across crops, soil properties and climates. TRUESOIL investigates biotic and abiotic drivers of soil organic carbon dynamics and greenhouse gas emissions under field conditions in experimental croplands and grasslands in 13 countries and five continents, covering broad environmental and pedogenic gradients. Further, TRUESOIL investigates the impact of experimental droughts under rainout shelters on crop yields, soil organic carbon pools and greenhouse gas emissions. The project will improve the mechanistic understanding of soil organic matter and greenhouse gas interactions and predict trade-offs between management-induced soil organic carbon changes and greenhouse gas emissions under future climatic conditions. Finally, laboratory incubations will address the role of microbial community composition as shaped by agricultural management in soil organic matter stabilization and nutrients turnover.

TRUESOIL moves beyond bulk soil organic carbon stocks and studies the operational carbon pools of particulate and mineral-associated organic matter. While multiple greenhouse gases are targeted, a focus is given on N2O due to its high warming potential and its relative uncertainty in flux calculations compared to CH4 and CO2 gases. Spanning from boreal to tropical climates, TRUESOIL sites cover a mean annual temperature range from 6 to 27°C and a precipitation range from 300 to 1150 mm. Similarly, soil organic carbon concentrations ranged from 1% to 10% with some sites greatly depleted in soil organic carbon, while others not and without signs of carbon saturation. Based on its wide geographical coverage, the TRUESOIL project will provide recommendations on management measures relevant to multiple stakeholders, from farmers to policy makers.

How to cite: Apostolakis, A., Englert, P., Dörsch, P., Jumadi, O., Khalil, I., Klumpp, K., Morales, S., Okolo, C. C., Osborne, B., Perez-Quezada, J., Philatie, M., Posse, G., Frasier, I., Restovich, S., Serrano-Ortiz, P., Kjær, S. T., Turunen, P., van Wesemael, B., Verheijen, F., and Meijide, A. and the Antonios Apostolakis: TRUESOIL Project: Understanding Trade-offs and Dynamic Interactions between SOC Stocks and GHG Emissions for Climate Smart Agrisoil Management, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7372,, 2023.

EGU23-8709 | Posters on site | SSS9.13

Soil respiration in a traditional olive grove in the southeast of Spain 

Sergio Aranda-Barranco, Penelope Serrano-Ortiz, Andrew Stephen Kowalski, and Enrique P Sánchez-Cañete

Olive groves occupy a large area in the Mediterranean and their management has repercussions on the carbon cycle in this region.  Weed suppression is the most common management in this crop, but its implications for soil respiration (Rsoil) are not well estimated due to the lack in continuous Rsoil measurements. In this research we present a full year of Rsoil in an irrigated olive grove in which a glyphosate-based herbicide was applied to prevent spontaneous weeds (conventional management). For that, an automatic multi-chamber Rsoil system was used (LI-8100 + LI-8150 with 6 chambers, Li-Cor). In addition, soil temperature (Tsoil) and soil water content (SWC) were measured next to each chamber. To study the influence of olive trees on Rsoil, 3 chambers were placed near the olive trunk and another 3 in the middle of the alleys.

Results show seasonal and spatial variability, with higher Rsoil in warm months and lower Rsoil in cold months. Also, Rsoil near the trunk was always larger than in the alleys. The spatial difference increased in the cold months. Diurnal variability was observed with higher Rsoil as the soil temperature increased in the alleys, but this was not observed near the trunks. Under the canopy, a decrease in the Rsoil is observed as the VPD increases, suggesting a major contribution of autotrophic respiration under the canopy. In addition, there is no positive and negative relationship with temperature and SWC under the canopy, while in the alleys, a strong hysteresis occurs in some periods. Finally, rain events were followed by Rsoil peaks. However, low intensity and short duration rain pulses did not manifest on the ground under the olive canopy, so interception is inhibiting this process in part of the agrosystem.

This work was supported by the projects PID2020-117825GB-C21 & PID2020-117825GB-C22 (INTEGRATYON3), B-RNM-60-UGR20 (OLEAGEIs), P18-RT-3629 (ICAERSA) and PPJIB2022-08 funded by University of Granada.

How to cite: Aranda-Barranco, S., Serrano-Ortiz, P., Kowalski, A. S., and Sánchez-Cañete, E. P.: Soil respiration in a traditional olive grove in the southeast of Spain, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8709,, 2023.

EGU23-9598 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.13

Co-application of organic amendments and urea-N enhanced CO2 and N2O emissions from a sandy soil; insights of soil N transformations and organic amendments quality. 

Georgios Giannopoulos, Elpida Pasvadoglou, George Kourtidis, Lars Elsgaard, George Zanakis, and Ioannis Anastopoulos

Under the framework of Circular Economy, EU Green Deal and UN Sustainable Development Goals the use of organic amendments is highly promoted as a cost-efficient solution to improve soil quality and agrosystem sustainability. Nonetheless, their agronomic use comes with an uncertainty of their potential to release ample plant-available N, and to emit soil greenhouse gasses.

We investigated short-term (90 d) soil N dynamics of a sandy soil mesocosms receiving four organic amendments (50 t/ha) (i) cow manure compost (CMC), (ii) food waste compost (FWC), (iii) used digestate substrate (UDS) and (iv) municipal sewage sludge (MSS), without and with N fertilization (200 kg/ha; urea-N). An unamended soil mesocosm was included as control. During the incubation soil NO3-, NH4+, N2O and CO2 were regularly monitored. At the end of the incubation potential N mineralization (AMN), total Kjeldahl N, organic C, and trace-metals were determined.

During the incubation, organic amendments increased ~6x soil NO3- availability (AUC) than C, however soils receiving MSS had similar AUC NO3- to the fertilized soils (~13x). Only MSS increased ~5x available soil NH4+ (AUC) relative to unamended soil. Co-application of urea and organic amendments increased AUC NO3- and AUC NH4+ ~5x, relative to the unamended soil. Organic amendments increased cum. N2O emission by 10, 20, 1% and 13x relative to the control, and additional 20% increase when urea was co-applied for CMC, FWC, UDS and MSS, respectively. Similarly, organic amendments increased cum. CO2 emission by 20, 40, 140, and 1% relative to the control, and additional 10% increase when urea was co-applied for CMC, FWC, UDS and MSS, respectively.

At the end, total N increased by 37, 23, 80 and 20% relative to the unamended soil, and an additional 20% when urea was co-applied for CMC, FWC, UDS and MSS, respectively. Org. C increased by 30, 20, 4 and 50%, and an additional 7% when urea was co-applied for CMC, FWC, UDS and MSS, respectively. AMN increased 2, 50 and 220% and an additional 20% when urea was co-applied for CMC, FWC and MSS, respectively, whereas no change was observed for soil receiving UDS relative to the control. Treatments receiving MSS without and with N had relatively higher amounts of total Mg, Zn, Mn, Cu and S than the unamended soil, whereas no significant differences in trace-metals were observed for CMC, FWC and UDS treatments.

In conclusion, our preliminary results indicate that co-application of organic amendments with urea-N could potentially fuel CO2 and N2O emissions from soils, thus offsetting any favorable aspects of the aforementioned policies. Organic amendment, urea-N and their interaction were significant factors (p≤0.05) driving CO2 and N2O emissions. The quality and composition of the amendments may stimulate soil microbial N transformations, and further investigation will elucidate the intrinsic role of soil microbes and their dynamics regulating CO2 and N2O emissions from soils.

The research project was supported by the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (H.F.R.I.) under the 2nd Call for H.F.R.I. Post-Doctoral Research Projects; #01053 awarded to Dr Georgios Giannopoulos. This project was co-implemented with Corteva Agriscience Hellas SA. 

How to cite: Giannopoulos, G., Pasvadoglou, E., Kourtidis, G., Elsgaard, L., Zanakis, G., and Anastopoulos, I.: Co-application of organic amendments and urea-N enhanced CO2 and N2O emissions from a sandy soil; insights of soil N transformations and organic amendments quality., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9598,, 2023.

EGU23-11122 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.13

The legacy effect of long-term management on greenhouse-gas fluxes in European croplands. 

Ulises Ramon Esparza-Robles, Eugenio Díaz-Pinés, and Alessandra Lagomarsino

In the frame of climate change mitigation, the effect of agricultural practices on soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks has been widely studied in different pedoclimatic conditions across Europe. Practices that have been identified as generally having a positive effect on SOC stocks include those increasing carbon inputs to the soil via external organic matter or via incorporation of crop residues. These practices also modify the soil N2O and CH4 fluxes; this is highly relevant for estimating the overall effect of management strategies on the soil greenhouse gas (GHG) balance, but so far, this aspect has not been assessed comprehensively. In this work, we make use of long-term experiments covering a large range of soil and environmental conditions in Europe. Further, the experiments were selected based on the management practices under investigation (addition of organic matter, crop residue management) and access to data on SOC stock changes as affected by management. Undisturbed soil samples were investigated for non-CO2 fluxes under controlled conditions. As research within the scope of global change, soils underwent a drying-and-rewetting cycle to study the soil response to extreme events in relation to the organic matter inputs. Our lab data provide relevant information on soil non-CO2 fluxes, which will be integrated with SOC stock change data, field GHG flux data and ancillary soil information. Overall, we will increase our understanding of soil processes towards identifying and promoting win-win scenarios between greenhouse gas fluxes and soil carbon storage in European croplands.

How to cite: Esparza-Robles, U. R., Díaz-Pinés, E., and Lagomarsino, A.: The legacy effect of long-term management on greenhouse-gas fluxes in European croplands., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11122,, 2023.

EGU23-11415 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.13

Trade-offs between carbon sequestration by cover crops and off-season nitrous oxide emissions in hemiboreal cereal production 

Sigrid Trier Kjær, Rong Lang, Ievina Sturite, and Peter Dörsch

The use of cover crops in cereal production as a climate smart agricultural practice is generally used to increase carbon sequestration in soils. However, increased plant biomass in wintertime can trigger N2O emissions due to decay during freeze-thaw cycles. So far little is known about N2O winter emissions from cover crops which, in the worst case, could cancel out the carbon gain by cover crops. Here we report N2O emissions from a two-year field experiment in SE Norway with barley and various cover crops (perennial and Italian ryegrass, oilseed radish, summer and winter vetch, phacelia and a mixture of different herbs) measured against controls without cover crops. A field robot was used for measuring N2O emissions at high temporal resolution during off-season, i.e., the period from cereal crop harvest to cereal crop sowing. During the first winter, the snow cover was poor and the significantly higher N2O emissions were measured from oilseed radish during spring thaw whereas perennial ryegrass reduced emissions. A second winter is measured and N2O emissions from both years will be presented. In addition, continuous measurements are needed to assess the effect of diurnal freeze-thaw cycles on N2O emissions before scaling up to annual N2O emission fluxes and comparing with C sequestration.

How to cite: Kjær, S. T., Lang, R., Sturite, I., and Dörsch, P.: Trade-offs between carbon sequestration by cover crops and off-season nitrous oxide emissions in hemiboreal cereal production, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11415,, 2023.

EGU23-12322 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.13

Minor effects of no-till treatment on GHG emissions of boreal cultivated peat soil 

Henri Honkanen, Hanna Kekkonen, Jaakko Heikkinen, and Kristiina Lång

Greenhouse gas emissions of a spring cereal monoculture under conventional tillage and no-till treatments were measured in a peatland in Southwestern Finland for three years in 2018-2021. Nitrous oxide (N2O), carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) fluxes were measured with an opaque chamber technique approximately biweekly throughout the years. During the growing season, canopy net ecosystem exchange (NEE) was measured with a transparent chamber technique and hourly ecosystem respiration (ER) and gross photosynthesis (GP) were modelled with empiric models. On average, the annual emissions were 6.4±2.4 Mg CO2-C ha -1 yr-1, 7.6±3.5 kg N2O-N ha-1 yr-1, and -0.35±0.42 kg CH4-C ha-1 yr-1 for NEE, N2O and CH4, respectively. The effect of no-till management on the GHG balance was non-consistent through years and thus generally of minor significance. No-till reduced annual CO2 emissions by 24% in 2019 and N2O emissions by 33% in 2020 compared to conventional tillage while there were no differences in other years. Measured differences in ER occurred mostly during the winter periods, especially after ploughing. The results indicated that no-till may reduce CO2 and N2O emissions from cultivated peat soil, but it does not lead to large consistent reductions during the first years of NT management.

How to cite: Honkanen, H., Kekkonen, H., Heikkinen, J., and Lång, K.: Minor effects of no-till treatment on GHG emissions of boreal cultivated peat soil, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12322,, 2023.

EGU23-12351 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.13

Effect of agricultural measures on CO2-sequestration, N2O emissions and soil functions 

Thalisa Slier, Dorien Westerik, Jan Peter Lesschen, Chris Koopmans, Jonas Schepens, Wieke Vervuurt, Gerard Velthof, and Jennie van der Kolk

In light of the Paris Climate Agreement, the Dutch government has set mitigation targets for the emission of greenhouse gases (GHGs). One of the targets for the Dutch agricultural sector is to sequester an additional 0.5 Mton CO­2-equivalents per year on mineral agricultural soils, from 2030 onwards. Additionally, all Dutch agricultural soils should be sustainably managed by then. The research programme Smart Soil Use aims to determine to what extent it is possible to meet these goals. Since 2018, various projects and experiments investigated (sets of) measures or management practices that have the potential to store carbon (C). For 12 agricultural measures, C-sequestration potential was determined based on a combination of long-term field experiments in which soil C has been measured and C-modeling using the RothC model. Additionally, trade-offs of these measures with the GHG nitrous oxide (N2O) were monitored in the field experiments, using a static flux chamber setup. In addition, various soil parameters from the BLN (Soil Indicators for Dutch Agricultural Soils) were measured to assess the impact on other soil functions. Here, we present an integrative summary of the results, with for each measure, the C-sequestration potential, the possible trade-off with N2O emissions, and the consequences for soil functions, such as soil fertility and soil biodiversity. Based on the modelling results, it is possible to sequester an estimated 0.9 Mton CO2 yearly, using a combination of measures and assuming a maximum implementation of 100%. The first results show that certain measures increase N2O emissions, but that, overall, a possible trade-off to N2O emissions will not exceed the benefit of C-sequestration on the short term. Based on a qualitative analysis, most of the measures have a positive or neutral effect on soil functions.

How to cite: Slier, T., Westerik, D., Lesschen, J. P., Koopmans, C., Schepens, J., Vervuurt, W., Velthof, G., and van der Kolk, J.: Effect of agricultural measures on CO2-sequestration, N2O emissions and soil functions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12351,, 2023.

EGU23-12433 | ECS | Posters virtual | SSS9.13

Effects of biogas digestate and winter crops on dissolved organic carbon and nitrates fluxes in soil. 

Anne-Flore Didelot, Emilie Jardé, Thierry Morvan, Florian Gaillard, Marine Liotaud, and Anne Jaffrezic

The anaerobic digestion industry is currently in development and enables the energetic valorization of organic waste products (OWP) to generate biogas. A co-product of this process, digestate, is more and more produced and can be recycled on agricultural lands as a low-cost alternative to mineral fertilizers. Thus, the organic carbon (C) it contains could improve the soil quality and store C in subsoil through dissolved organic C (DOC) transfers. Biogas digestate is a recent OWP characterized by a chemical composition rich in recalcitrant molecules and little is known about its impacts on dissolved fluxes in the scientific literature.

In order to evaluate the impacts of biogas digestate and winter crop on DOC and nitrates fluxes in soil, the experimental site EFELE from the SOERE PRO network ( was followed. The long-term evolution of the repeated application of OWP since 2012 was assessed for three different treatments: pig slurry, biogas digestate from the anaerobic digestion of pig slurry and a mineral fertilizer as a control. Lysimeters were monitored from 2014 to 2022 (8 drainage seasons) with two replicates per modality and depth (40 and 90 cm) under winter cover of wheat or mustard. The drainage seasons lasted from November to April. The DOC and nitrates dynamics observed for the four years under wheat and the four years under mustard were repeatable. Nitrates leaching losses were low under mustard (2.7 ± 2.3 kg N.ha-1 at 40cm and 0.9 ± 0.8 at 90cm), which had fulfilled its role as a catch crop, and higher under wheat (30.5 ± 12.9 kg N.ha-1 at 40cm and 14.3 ± 10.1 at 90cm), regardless of treatment. Regarding the DOC fluxes at 40cm depth, there was a significant difference between mustard (34.0 ± 11.4 kg C.ha-1) and wheat (20.6 ± 11.1 kg C.ha-1). DOC fluxes under biogas digestate were significantly higher (36.3 ± 16.2 kg C.ha-1) than under mineral fertilizer and pig slurry (21.4 ± 7.4 kg C.ha-1  on average). At the beginning of the drainage season, the DOC concentrations dynamics were already significantly different between digestate and the two other treatments under mustard, which was sown in September and already well developed. Under wheat, which was sown in November, there was no difference between treatments at the beginning of the season. It was only in the middle of winter, when the crop had more time to develop, that a difference could be observed. It seemed that the crop effect controlled the treatment effect. DOC fluxes to groundwater (90 cm) were not significantly different between treatments or crop (7.4 ± 6.0 kg C.ha-1 on average). Part of the C could be stored between 40cm and 90cm depth or mineralized.

How to cite: Didelot, A.-F., Jardé, E., Morvan, T., Gaillard, F., Liotaud, M., and Jaffrezic, A.: Effects of biogas digestate and winter crops on dissolved organic carbon and nitrates fluxes in soil., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12433,, 2023.

The current scientific knowledge is insufficient enough to indicate universal agricultural strategies which could intensify crop production while lowering enivornemntal antrophogeinc impact from agricultural origins. Ongoing climate change forces farming adaptation, especially in water management at the field level. One of the most commonly used practices to counteract the evergrowing frequency of precipitation anomalies is to alter the groundwater table in agricultural areas. Still, the effects of this practice can lead to changes in oxygen conditions and bioactivity in the soil, which can have hard to predict consequences on nitrogen soil-atmosphere fluxes. We hypothesized that changes in aerobic conditions in the saturation zone and moisture content in the capillary zone can increase N2O emissions and lower NH3 volatilization from fertilized histosols under rewetting conditions. To test this hypothesis we ran a mesocosm study using small scale lysimeters with shifting water table. 6 different water table alternation strategies  were examined (permanent 0,1 m , 0,2 m, 0,3 m, 0,4 m, 0,5 m below surface + fluctuating 0,1 - 0,5 m below surface) in the confrontation with 100kg N/ha Urea and CAN fertilization treatments. Our research showed that permanently higher groundwater level lowers the time between nitrogen application and N2O emission peak but has no significant impact on the total N2O outflux, while fluctuation of the water table significantly increases N2O emissions from CAN treatment. None of the tested water table alternation strategies showed significant differentiation in NH3 volatilization. Hence, further investigation is still needed to reveal the complexity of soil water content impact on nitrogen turnover.

How to cite: Kuśmierz, S., Połeć, K., and Skowrońska, M.: Can alternating groundwater level affect uncontrolled nitrogen losses from rewetted histosols under urea and CAN fertilization? Evidence from mesocosm lysimetric study on nitrogen atmospheric fluxes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12784,, 2023.

EGU23-12863 | Orals | SSS9.13

Net ecosystem carbon balance, emissions of methane and nitrous oxide and water quality in the first four years of rewetting a cultivated peat soil site for paludiculture  

Kristiina Lång, Hanna Kekkonen, Henri Honkanen, Jaakko Heikkinen, Sanna Saarnio, and Tuula Larmola

Cultivated peatlands are a major source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and water pollution in northern Europe, and their future management is a key issue on the path to carbon neutral societies. Conventional cultivation requires drainage, and above the drainage depth all peat is prone to decomposition with the implication that these soils have the highest emission rates per area compared to any other land use. Paludiculture is a management option in which wet-tolerant crops are produced with raised ground water levels. It is thus a GHG mitigation method that allows for slowing down peat decomposition in drained peatlands while still maintaining agricultural income for the landowner. There are tradeoffs to consider when implementing paludiculture: 1) methane emissions rise with the switch of aerobic to anaerobic decomposition, 2) slowing down decomposition reduces nutrient mineralisation from the peat and compromises productivity and 3) harvesting reduces the potential to sequester carbon to the ecosystem compared to natural wetlands. 

We experimented paludiculture at a highly degraded peat site in southern Finland with plots of willow, forage, and mixed vegetation (set-aside). We recorded the yields, emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) and auxiliary environmental data for four years, as well as nutrient content of the soil water for two years. We will present the results of these measurements, including estimates on the net ecosystem carbon balance of each crop based on empiric models.  

Raising the ground water level to the desired depth (-20 cm) turned out to be challenging. The mean annual ground water table levels during the four study years were about 80, 40, 40 and 30 cm (the measurements of the last year are still ongoing). The preliminary results suggest that even a slight raise of the ground water level was able to slow down CO2 emissions from soil respiration, while an increase in CH4 emission partly counteracted this benefit especially when the ground water level was above 30 cm. Nitrous oxide emissions were extremely high after the initial disturbance of the site but remained at a relatively low level after that. The results will be compared to an adjacent site with an annual crop, and paludiculture as a mitigation measure discussed.  

How to cite: Lång, K., Kekkonen, H., Honkanen, H., Heikkinen, J., Saarnio, S., and Larmola, T.: Net ecosystem carbon balance, emissions of methane and nitrous oxide and water quality in the first four years of rewetting a cultivated peat soil site for paludiculture , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12863,, 2023.

EGU23-13368 | Posters on site | SSS9.13

N and P nutrient leaching from long-term slurry application on permanent grassland on clay loam soil 

Zizhou Qi, Jonathan Holland, and Magdalena Necpalova

Over one-third of rivers and a quarter of lakes in Ireland are failing to meet their environmental quality standards for nutrients. This is impacting Ireland’s goal to improve water quality and achieve its EU Water Framework Directive targets. Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) leached from different forms of fertilizer application may contribute to groundwater and surface water contamination causing numerous environmental issues in the agroecosystem and health problems in human beings. There is a lack of knowledge on the magnitude of the effects of the nutrient management strategies and their long-term implementation on N and P nutrient leaching from the soil to the groundwater and surface waters in Ireland. The accurate optimization of the nutrient management strategies requires monitoring of soil water concentrations under the range of management strategies and quantification of the N and P leaching from the soil profile.

The objective is to study the N and P leaching in organic and inorganic forms from a long-term application of cattle and pig slurry and mineral NPK fertilizer over the drainage seasons 2021/22 in Hillsborough (54°28′ 0′′ N, 6°6′ 0′′ W), Northern Ireland, UK. The long-term experiment in Hillsborough was set up in 1970 to measure the effects of frequent applications of organic and inorganic nutrients on plant productivity and soil biogeochemistry. It was set up in a split-plot design with nutrient management as a main factor and grass-species biodiversity (rye-grass vs multi-species sward treatment) as a subplot factor replicated three times. The multispecies sward was reseeded (05/08) after ploughing (31/07) in spring 1969. Leaching was measured in six nutrient management (control, synthetic fertilizer, pig and cattle slurry with high and low rates) and both biodiversity treatments. Soil solution from an 80 cm dept was extracted using suction cups every ten days over a 5-month drainage period. N and P leaching were quantified from nutrient concentrations of various species multiplied by an effective rainfall obtained through Schulte’s Soil Moisture Deficit hybrid model. The total N, total oxidized N, ammonium, total P, and dissolved reactive P have been analyzed, the N and P losses have been quantified for the above species. Nutrient concentrations and losses were analyzed as repeated measures with a linear mixed effects model in R.

Most of the concentrations of various nutrient species were affected by an interactive effect between nutrient management and biodiversity level. The influence of permanent grassland renovation and reseeding is also evident. However, the concentrations are low, below the water quality thresholds defined by water quality legislation and national background levels in groundwater or surface waters despite the high rates of continuous nutrient applications for over 50 years. This is likely associated with the high natural attenuation capacity of the soil driven by clay-loam texture. The data will be further used in the optimization of the nutrient management strategies using an ecosystem process-based model DayCent. We believe that the results of this study will have direct implications for agri-environmental policies in the Rep. of Ireland and in the UK.

How to cite: Qi, Z., Holland, J., and Necpalova, M.: N and P nutrient leaching from long-term slurry application on permanent grassland on clay loam soil, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13368,, 2023.

EGU23-13422 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.13

Nitrous oxide emissions and ammonia volatilisation in a field experiment with different organic and inorganic fertilisers with biochar combinations 

Ferdinand Hartmann, Celia Fernandez Balado, and Rebecca Hood-Nowotny

Agriculture is contributing majorly to anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and pollution. The application of nitrogen fertilizers increases N2O emissions and NH3 volatilisation. Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a highly potent greenhouse gas and ammonia (NH3) can re-react with soil and forms N2O or can lead to other environmental issues in the surrounding. Further, to keep economic (fertiliser prizes drastically increased due to the energy crisis) and ecological (Haber Bosch process is very energy intense and still based on fossil fuels) costs for fertiliser low, a high fertilizer use efficiency is worthwhile. Therefore, advances in agricultural practices reducing atmospheric N-losses are highly relevant in order to mitigate global warming and related environmental issues. Biochar can reduce N2O emissions and NH3 volatilisation by influencing various soil properties. However, this depends on pedoclimatic conditions, the applied biochar, and other agricultural practises. To refine biochar’s use to mitigate atmospheric N-losses more data for different soils and fertilizers are needed, especially from experiments coming close to common agricultural settings. In a field experiment we cultivated corn (Zea mays) with different organic (external organic matter, EOM) and inorganic fertilizers with and without biochar combinations. The original soil was loamy, low in organic carbon and slightly acidic. Our results are showing significant and substantial reductions in N2O emissions and NH3 volatilisation within the first weeks after fertiliser application. This pattern was especially observed for synthetic fertiliser. We suggest that biochar is a suitable amendment for fertilisation, especially for highly productive agroecosystems where high amounts of fertiliser are needed, to reduce environmental impact and increase fertiliser use efficiency.

How to cite: Hartmann, F., Fernandez Balado, C., and Hood-Nowotny, R.: Nitrous oxide emissions and ammonia volatilisation in a field experiment with different organic and inorganic fertilisers with biochar combinations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13422,, 2023.

EGU23-13636 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.13

Revealing trade-offs in cropping systems sustainability by piecing together pedo-climatic datasets and agronomic knowledge with fuzzy logic  

Roberta Calone, Angela Fiore, Maria Luz Cayuela, Alessandra Lagomarsino, Joël Léonard, Fabien Ferchaud, Marco Acutis, Elena Valkama, Guido Pelis, and Simone Bregaglio

Agriculture is among the sectors most affected by climate change and, simultaneously, is the primary responsible for anthropogenic non-CO2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions worldwide. Nonetheless, the actual estimation of global GHGs emissions due to agricultural activities is still subject to significant uncertainty.  The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the Water Footprint Network (WFN) provide a set of equations and emission factors, the so-called Tier 1, for separately estimating carbon stock changes, N2O emissions, and NO3 leaching losses under a limited set of pedo-environmental conditions and agricultural Soil Management Strategies (SMS, i.e., crop choice, fertilization, irrigation, and soil tillage). However, the Tier 1 methodologies do not explicitly consider the multi-faceted interactions among SMS, pedo-environmental variability, and nitrogen and carbon fluxes. Indeed, current research demonstrated that increased N2O emissions and NO3 leaching due to these interactions could offset potential climate-positive effects due to carbon farming.

A Europe-wide policy approach is urgently needed to assess the effects of SMS on nitrogen and carbon fluxes and fulfil the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN's 2030 Agenda. ∑ommit project, financed by the European Joint Programme SOIL, aims to generate a robust indicator to predict trade-offs and synergies between soil carbon sequestration, GHGs emissions, and N leaching losses to identify the best SMS according to their application context. The project harmonized multiple data sources as the 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (IPCC 2019)the WFN Guidelines for grey water footprint accounting (Franke et al 2013), and the Italian National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT), in order to estimate the effects of SMS on four trade-off components: crop yield, soil carbon sequestration, N2O emission, and NO3 leaching losses. Each row of the data frame, the case scenario, represented a combination of soil × climate × SMS, whose effect on the trade-off components was either inferred from the Tier 1 methodologies or derived from meta-analyses and experts’ opinions. Trade-off components were aggregated into a composite index (∑ommit index) using a fuzzy logic model. The index ranges from 0 (bad) to 1 (good), providing a synthetic and comprehensive measure of the environmental impact of SMS in different pedo-climatic conditions. Besides giving an immediate measure of the system performance and facilitating the comparison of alternative SMS, the index lends itself to be disentangled to trace the effect of specific management practices on key aspects of system sustainability. The trade-off system has been also tested with data from long-term experiments and model simulations (STICS and Armosa) to identify the best-performing SMS in different application contexts. The system demonstrated its sensitivity to modulate the expression of trade-off components coherently using simulated and observed data as input. The aggregation procedure smoothed the magnitude of the model errors in reproducing experimental data, leading to lower uncertainty in the index values than in the single trade-off components. This result paves the way for an advised use of crop models to speed up the identification of the best SMS and design more sustainable cropping systems.

How to cite: Calone, R., Fiore, A., Cayuela, M. L., Lagomarsino, A., Léonard, J., Ferchaud, F., Acutis, M., Valkama, E., Pelis, G., and Bregaglio, S.: Revealing trade-offs in cropping systems sustainability by piecing together pedo-climatic datasets and agronomic knowledge with fuzzy logic , EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13636,, 2023.

EGU23-16366 | Posters on site | SSS9.13

The SOMMIT Project: SUstainable Management of soil Organic Matter to MItigate Trade-offs between C sequestration and nitrous oxide, methane and nitrate losses 

Eugenio Diaz-Pines, Frida Keuper, Felipe Bastida, Simone Bregaglio, Maria Luz Cayuela, Claudia Di Bene, Fabien Ferchaud, Rossana Ferrara, Angela Fiore, Joel Léonard, Peter Maenhout, Rok Mihelič, Adam O´Toole, Marjetka Suhadolc, Alina Syp, Elena Testani, Elena Valkama, and Alessandra Lagomarsino

Within the context of climate change there is increasing focus on the implementation of agricultural practices which contribute to soil C sequestration (Cseq) to mitigate rising atmospheric CO2 levels. The agricultural sector is, however, also the largest global contributor to anthropogenic non-CO2 GHGs. N2O and CH4 emissions contribute substantially to the Earth’s radiative forcing and even small impacts on their fluxes could hamper climate change mitigation efforts. While it is known that Soil Management Strategies (SMS) aimed at increasing Cseq in agricultural soils also affect soil N2O and CH4 fluxes and N losses through leaching, data and knowledge are still fragmented. Thus, a Europe-wide policy approach to the resulting trade-offs is urgently needed, given the high global warming potential of N2O. Mitigation effects of agricultural practices enhancing Cseq can largely be offset if N2O emissions increase but SMS enhancing Cseq and reducing non-CO2 GHG emissions imply a “double-win” situation for climate change mitigation. Integrated, coupled investigations are still scarce, with only a few studies addressing trade-offs comprehensively.

Overall, the ∑OMMIT project evaluates trade-offs and synergies between soil C sequestration, nitrous oxide, methane and nitrate losses as affected by soil management options aimed at increasing soil C storage. The integrated and interdisciplinary approach will address the main pedo-climatic conditions and farming systems in Europe, through 1) synthesis and meta-analysis of available literature and data; 2) targeted, novel measurements on key long-term experiments; and 3) simulation of long-term agro-ecological system responses to contrasting management options. Moreover, obtained data will be synthesized through a fuzzy-expert system which will allow for 4) evidence-based identification of optimal strategies for mitigation of trade-offs, and 5) effective stakeholders’ involvement. Overall, we aim at increasing our understanding on the mechanisms and driving forces affecting N2O and CH4 fluxes. Our approach works from different perspectives, allowing a cross-validation on the observed interactions and feedbacks. Here, the current status of the ∑OMMIT project will be presented. We will show the most important results obtained so far and will discuss the implications for soil management strategies in the agricultural European context.

How to cite: Diaz-Pines, E., Keuper, F., Bastida, F., Bregaglio, S., Cayuela, M. L., Di Bene, C., Ferchaud, F., Ferrara, R., Fiore, A., Léonard, J., Maenhout, P., Mihelič, R., O´Toole, A., Suhadolc, M., Syp, A., Testani, E., Valkama, E., and Lagomarsino, A.: The SOMMIT Project: SUstainable Management of soil Organic Matter to MItigate Trade-offs between C sequestration and nitrous oxide, methane and nitrate losses, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16366,, 2023.

EGU23-17251 | Orals | SSS9.13

Trade-offs and synergies of carbon sequestration in global agricultural soils: a literature synthesis 

Marta Goberna Estellés and the TRACE-Soils Team

Agricultural management practices aimed at sequestering carbon (C) in soils can have synergies with many agroecosystem services, but may come at the cost of increased greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and nutrient losses. We performed a systematic literature synthesis to review whether C sequestration practices show synergies with soil structure and soil biota, but generate trade-offs in terms of CO2 and N2O emissions or N and P losses worldwide. We also assessed whether the magnitude of trade-offs and synergies vary across climatic regions and over time.

We performed systematic literature searches in the Web of Science for articles that: 1. experimentally assess the effect of minimising soil disturbance, diversifying agroecosystems, and/or increasing organic matter inputs versus standard practices, and 2. include measurements of C sequestration and at least another response variable related to synergies or trade-offs. We retrieved 771 publications, 537 of which were excluded based on i) the type of article (review, opinion papers), ii) a focus on non-soil habitats, forests or organic soils, or iii) experimental designs not matching our criteria. We included 234 studies that report 572 effects of sustainable practices on 228 sites located in 38 countries. Experiments averaged 10 years of monitoring and the majority reported effects of increasing organic matter inputs and minimising soil disturbance (88%) in temperate and continental climates (75%). Soil organic C increased without compromising crop yields considering all management practices together, i.e. positive effects of sustainable versus standard practices on C sequestration were more frequent than expected by chance. As expected, C sequestration promoted soil biota, but effects were more evident on biomass than on diversity. We also detected synergistic effects on soil aggregation, porosity, water retention and compaction. Negative effects of C retention practices were significant when considering GHG emissions and nutrient losses, particularly for CO2 emissions and mineral N accumulation. However, the magnitude of these trade-offs varied significantly depending on the metrics used to measure them, e.g. field versus lab GHG fluxes. We discuss how these effects vary across management practices, time and space, and review main knowledge gaps detected in the literature.

How to cite: Goberna Estellés, M. and the TRACE-Soils Team: Trade-offs and synergies of carbon sequestration in global agricultural soils: a literature synthesis, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17251,, 2023.

Tropical forests in southern China have been suffering high level of acid rain in recent decades, which may alter soil phosphorus (P) supply capacity and thus affect ecosystem productivity. We conducted a 10-yr field experiment of simulated acid rain (SAR) to examine how acidification impacts seasonal changes of soil P fractions in a tropical forest with highly-acidic soils in south China. The results showed that SAR significantly reduced soil P bioavailability, with increased occluded P pool but reduced the other more labile P pools in the dry season. The decreased soil P bioavailability was primarily related to the repressed P desorption capacity and enhanced P sorption during soil acidification, which regulated by acid-activated soil iron/aluminum minerals and soil organic matter. However, in the wet season, SAR did not change microbial P, soluble P and labile organic P pools. Different from the decline of microbial abundance in the dry season, SAR increased ectomycorrhizal fungi and its ratio to arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi in the wet season, which significantly stimulated phosphomonoesterase activities and likely promoted the dissolution of occluded P. Our results suggest that, even in already highly-acidic soils, the acidification-induced P limitation could be alleviated by stimulating ectomycorrhizal fungi and phosphomonoesterase activities. The differential responses and microbial controls of seasonal soil P transformation revealed here should be implemented into ecosystem biogeochemical model for predicting plant productivity under future acid deposition scenarios.

How to cite: Hu, Y., Chen, J., and Deng, Q.: Mycorrhizal fungi alleviate acidification-induced phosphorus limitation: Evidence from a decade-long field experiment of simulated acid deposition in a tropical forest in south China, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2919,, 2023.

EGU23-3112 | ECS | Orals | BG1.5

Can we account for the “missing” phosphorus in simulated low phosphorus agricultural systems? 

Jennifer Davies, Victoria Janes-Bassett, Martin Blackwell, Andrew Burgess, Jessica Davies, and Philip Haygarth

Long term total phosphorus (P) concentration, inorganic P and / or organic P concentration in agricultural soils is not commonly measured. As a consequence, computer-based models, that have been developed to predict P responses to changing management practices, are typically tested against soil “agronomically available” P data (as measured by tests such as; Olsen-P, Morgan’s-P, Mehlich-3, etc.) and those that do test against total P are limited to a few agricultural experimental sites across the world. While there is some correlation with total soil P, the term “available P” is arguably a functional concept, influenced by a large number of biotic and abiotic factors, rather than a direct soil measurement. This highlights a developmental gap in P modelling which could help to further unlock our understanding of P biogeochemical cycling when used in conjunction with contemporary empirical P research. 

Investigating P cycling in agricultural systems using the computer-based model N14CP has demonstrated that the model can predict carbon and nitrogen cycling and crop yields well for systems receiving abundant fertiliser. However, in systems where there is no P applied, predicted yield responses are greatly underestimated, with “missing” P input concentrations equivalent to annual fertiliser application rates. To date, the testing of N14CP has not included the P pools due to a lack of soil total P and/or soil organic P data from long-term field trials. Using recent total, organic and inorganic phosphate concentrations in the topsoil and yield data from two contrasting long-term field trial sites in the UK and the USA, this research will test P outputs and modelled yields from N14CP. It is hypothesised that the model will underestimate soil P concentrations, and crop yield, in the absence of P fertiliser inputs. This study will then apply changes to the mode model inputs, outputs and control processes to investigate whether these are sufficient to supply the crops and soil with the “missing” P. 

Understanding this source of “missing” P in N14CP will not only be useful for developing our understanding of P processes in computer-based models but could also further understanding of P processes linked to P draw-down in agricultural systems that have a history of high legacy P concentrations. 

How to cite: Davies, J., Janes-Bassett, V., Blackwell, M., Burgess, A., Davies, J., and Haygarth, P.: Can we account for the “missing” phosphorus in simulated low phosphorus agricultural systems?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3112,, 2023.

EGU23-7187 | Posters on site | BG1.5

Phosphorus Bioavailability and Speciation dynamics within fluvial suspended sediments 

David O'Connell, Qingzin Zhang, Diogo Ferreira, Sara Sandstrom, Robbie Goodhue, Laurence Gill, and Yongfeng Hu

Eutrophication of agricultural catchment streams remains a global problem despite increasingly stringent regulations. Long term, sustained release of bioavailable phosphorus (P) from legacy P stored in fluvial sediments may impact downstream water quality, hence greater understanding is required regarding P speciation dynamics and potential release mechanisms from fluvial sediments to the water column.

This study examined the dynamic P fractions, speciation and bioavailability of suspended fluvial sediments from two geologically contrasting agricultural catchment streams (Ballyboughal (BB) and Tintern Abbey (TTA)) using a combination of complimentary techniques including sequential chemical  fractionations (SCF), Dual Culture Diffusion Apparatus mesocosm experiments (DCDA), X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) and X-ray Absorption Near-edge Structure (XANES) spectroscopy. Results from the SCF of fluvial suspended sediments pre- and post DCDA microcosm experiment’s revealed that loosely bound P (PH2O), exchangeable P against OHions (PNaOH), and organic P (POrg) are the major P fraction contributors to the bioavailable P fraction which would promote algal growth. Other P fractions including acid-soluble P principally associated with calcium phosphate compounds (PHCl) and ferric bound P (PCBD) showed relatively lower mineralisation to bioavailable P. Significantly, P K-edge XANES spectra enabled identification of seasonal and spatial P speciation dynamics and the existence of major P fractions including Fe-P and Ca-P associated mineral phases along with organic P compounds. Additionally, SCF, XRF and Ca K-edge XANES show contrasting Ca associated phases between both catchments, with calcite dominant in the BB sediments and Ca humic-complexes predominant in the TTA sediments. Contrasting Ca-P fraction transformation mechanisms of the two catchments are indicated by P redistributions in SCF and the reduction of elemental Ca amounts from XRF analysis. Calcium (Ca) K-edge XANES shows the BB catchment has a large amount of calcite while TTA was shown to contain organic Ca compounds, likely in the form of Ca-humic-complexes. This study provides a conjunctive method for future studies and validation of P speciation and bioavailability assessment associated with fluvial suspended sediments from agricultural catchments streams. The results contribute to future catchment scale sedimentary fluvial P modelling and enhanced catchment management strategies to improved water quality.


How to cite: O'Connell, D., Zhang, Q., Ferreira, D., Sandstrom, S., Goodhue, R., Gill, L., and Hu, Y.: Phosphorus Bioavailability and Speciation dynamics within fluvial suspended sediments, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7187,, 2023.

EGU23-7734 | Orals | BG1.5 | Highlight

Land plant evolution and volcanism led to the Late Devonian mass extinction 

Gabriel Filippelli, Matthew Smart, William Gilhooly, Kazumu Ozaki, Christopher Reinhard, Jessica Whiteside, and John Marshall

The evolution of land plants in terrestrial environments brought about one of the most dramatic shifts in the history of the Earth system — the birth of modern soils — and likely stimulated massive changes in marine biogeochemistry and climate. In particular, multiple marine mass extinctions characterized by widespread anoxia, including the Late Devonian mass extinction around 375 million years ago (Ma), may have been linked to terrestrial nutrient release driven by newly-rooted landscapes. Here, we use recently generated constraints from Earth’s lacustrine rock record as variable inputs in an Earth system model of the coupled C-N-P-O2-S biogeochemical cycles in order to evaluate whether recorded changes to phosphorus fluxes would be adequate to sustain Devonian marine biogeochemical perturbations and extinction dynamics. Results show that globally scaled riverine phosphorus export during the Late Devonian mass extinction generates widespread marine anoxia and produces carbon isotope, temperature, oxygen, and carbon dioxide perturbations generally consistent with the geologic record. Similar results for a competing extinction mechanism, large scale volcanism, suggest the Late Devonian mass extinction was likely multifaceted with both land plants and volcanism as contributing factors.

How to cite: Filippelli, G., Smart, M., Gilhooly, W., Ozaki, K., Reinhard, C., Whiteside, J., and Marshall, J.: Land plant evolution and volcanism led to the Late Devonian mass extinction, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7734,, 2023.

EGU23-12271 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.5

The impact of changing freeze-thaw dynamics under recent climatic changes on nutrient leaching in a Swedish agricultural field 

Anna Lackner, Tobias Klöffel, and Jennie Barron

Agriculture can be a significant contributor of nutrients, such as phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) to surface water, increasing the risk of eutrophication. Soil frost and freeze-thaw (FT) cycles impact both the transport of nutrients through changes in the hydrologic regime of the field and the mobility/availability of nutrients through changes in the biogeochemistry of the field.  With a changing climate, changes in the frequency and duration of FT cycles are expected in regions of higher latitudes and altitudes. However, there is a knowledge gap related to the response of nutrient leaching with changing FT patterns in a changing climate.

The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of soil freezing and thawing on nutrient leaching (N, P) from an agricultural field in northern Sweden for the period 1989-2021. The FT dynamics were modelled in terms of a soil temperature profile using an explicit soil moisture and energy-based process model – the COUP, at an hourly time step. Long term environmental monitoring data of surface and drainage runoff, combined with soil temperature and soil moisture data were used for model calibration and validation. Finally, the modelled FT dynamics and measured nutrient concentrations and runoff were statistically related to each other.

Our preliminary findings confirm the importance of soil frost occurrence for the separation of surface runoff and drainage. However, no clear relationship between soil FT dynamics and nutrient loads (or concentrations) in surface or drainage water could be observed. This suggests that changes in the hydrological regime through freezing and thawing are most important for the amount and export pathways of nitrogen and phosphorous as compared to alternative mechanisms of nutrient mobilisation.

How to cite: Lackner, A., Klöffel, T., and Barron, J.: The impact of changing freeze-thaw dynamics under recent climatic changes on nutrient leaching in a Swedish agricultural field, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12271,, 2023.

EGU23-12467 | ECS | Orals | BG1.5

Human-caused increases in phosphorus burials in global lake sediments during the Holocene 

Luyao Tu, Madeleine Moyle, John Boyle, Paul Zander, Tao Huang, Lize Meng, Changchun Huang, Martin Grosjean, and Xin Zhou

Human activities have contributed to significant disruptions of the phosphorus (P) cycle on Earth’s surface.  Yet, there is little information about when and how humans started to influence the global P cycle in the past. In this study, we reconstruct lake-wide P burial rates during the Holocene based on sediment-P data of 108 lakes across the globe. The results indicate the first distinct increases in lake P burial rates after the mid-late Holocene (at around 4000 years before present BP) at global scales and in Europe. Yet, different land-use histories have caused different timings of the first increases in lake P records in other regions, with ~2000 BP in China and ~550 BP in North America. We further show that global lake P-sequestration rate from ~4000 BP to 1850 Common Era (CE) has doubled compared with that in the period before 4000 BP. Since 1850 CE, the value increased ~six-fold compared with the period before 4000 BP. These findings indicate that anthropogenic activities have been affecting the global P cycle over a pre-industrial background for millennia.

How to cite: Tu, L., Moyle, M., Boyle, J., Zander, P., Huang, T., Meng, L., Huang, C., Grosjean, M., and Zhou, X.: Human-caused increases in phosphorus burials in global lake sediments during the Holocene, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12467,, 2023.

EGU23-13516 | Posters on site | BG1.5

P-TRAP – Reducing diffuse phosphorus input to surface waters 

Thilo Behrends and Sylvia Walter

In 2019 the EU Marie Sklodowska-Curie Training Network P-TRAP has been launched and is now approaching its end. The project has been targeting the diffuse flux of phosphate (P) into surface waters, i.e. the problems of understanding and controlling environmental P fluxes. P-TRAP has been aiming to develop new methods and approaches to trap P in drained agricultural areas and in the sediments of eutrophic lakes. The P-TRAP technologies have in common that they rely on the naturally strong connection between the biogeochemical cycling of P and iron (Fe). Trapping of P involved the application of Fe-containing by-products from drinking water treatment. P-TRAP aspired the ideas of a circular economy and aimed at recovering the retained P in agricultural systems and to convert it into valuable products for agricultural applications. In order to direct and support the development of the technologies, process-orientated investigations on the behaviour of P during the transformation of Fe minerals have been conducted. The poster will highlight some results from the project and will present conclusions, which can be drawn based on the current achievements.

How to cite: Behrends, T. and Walter, S.: P-TRAP – Reducing diffuse phosphorus input to surface waters, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13516,, 2023.

EGU23-13631 | Posters on site | BG1.5

Fe solid phase chemistry and its effect on P retention in the sediment of a eutrophic peat lake 10 years after Fe amendment 

Melanie Münch, Rianne van Kaam, Karel As, Stefan Peiffer, Gerard ter Heerdt, and Andreas Voegelin

Globally, surface water quality and ecosystem functioning are challenged by anthropogenic P inputs. While sterner legislation has led to lower external P loading, internal loading fed by legacy P accumulated in the sediment has become the controlling factor of surface water P concentrations in many European freshwater systems. Fe amendment is a treatment method to control internal P loading, but is not always successful on the long term. In Lake Terra Nova, a polymictic shallow peat lake in the Netherlands, treatment with FeCl3 only led to a temporary decrease in sedimentary P release. Two years after treatment seasonal peaks in surface water P concentrations started to appear and have been increasing in intensity for the past 8 years. Depth-resolved solid phase analysis by sequential Fe and P extractions was combined with bulk X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) at the Fe K-edge and high-resolution micro-X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (µ-XRF) and µ-XAS. At spots with distinctively high Fe contents, pyrite and silicate-bound Fe are identified by microscopic and spectroscopic analyses. The spectroscopic data, however, also point to a finely dispersed Fe species in the sediment matrix which most likely corresponds to Fe complexed by OM in the surface sediment. The correlation of the distribution of P and Fe suggests that P is bound to these Fe-OM complexes. This interpretation is supported by the sequential extraction results which showed that the Fe treatment induced a shift in the dominant P pool from Ca-bound P to Fe- and OM-bound P. Overall, the results indicate that FeCl3 application caused a change in sediment P dynamics towards a highly redox sensitive system in which P bound to Fe-OM is released to the surface water during seasonally low bottom water oxygen concentrations. The results of this study therefore indicate that FeCl3 may not be the ideal additive for the remediation of internal P loading in peaty water bodies due to the high affinity of Fe to OM.

How to cite: Münch, M., van Kaam, R., As, K., Peiffer, S., ter Heerdt, G., and Voegelin, A.: Fe solid phase chemistry and its effect on P retention in the sediment of a eutrophic peat lake 10 years after Fe amendment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13631,, 2023.

EGU23-16011 | Orals | BG1.5

Speciation of soil organic phosphorus: Steps from NMR spectra to bioavailability 

Jürgen Schleucher, Lenny Haddad, Marina Paneque, David Wardle, Andrea Vincent, and Reiner Giesler

Phosphorus (P) is an essential element for all life on Earth. Understanding P cycling is in the context of global change crucial both for modelling of global biogeochemical cycles and for agricultural productivity. Recently, concerns about the future of P fertilizer supply have prompted much research on soil P and method development. 31P Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy has been used to analyse speciation of inorganic and of organic P species (Po), using in alkaline soil extracts1. The region containing signals from phosphomonoesters is particularly important because these compounds are considered biologically active, but there are still significant problems to be resolved particularly for this region of P NMR spectra, including: 1. Poor signal resolution often makes quantification of Po species in this region very challenging. 2. It is unclear if observed signals are due to free P species, or originate from P compounds bound to high-molecular weight soil matter. 3. The question needs to be addressed how signals observed in alkaline extracts relate to P species that were originally present in the soil. Here we present two approaches to address these problems:

In a study of a 5000-year soil chronosequence in Northern Sweden2, we found that humus P composition barely changed, although time since fire varied up to 5000 years. We will present a new method to back-calculate original Po speciation from the observed composition. Results of this method indicate absence of “recalcitrant” Po species, and instead indicate that most Po was originally present as biologically active P metabolites, probably present in live soil organisms. We will discuss implication of these findings for P biogeochemistry.

Second, we studied a diverse group of soils to address how the poorly resolved phosphomonoester region should best be analysed. Deconvolution techniques are required to handle the overlap, but a better understanding of the nature of the signals is required for reliable quantification. Based on combined analysis of 1D 31P NMR, 2D 1H-31P NMR and 31P linewidth measurements, we present a strategy for quantification of phosphomonoester species, as next step in linking observed Po speciation to P bioavailability.


(1) Cade-Menun BJ, Preston CM (1996) A comparison of soil extraction procedures for 31P NMR spectroscopy. Soil Sci 161:770–785

(2) Andrea G. Vincent, Jürgen Schleucher, Reiner Giesler, David A. Wardle (2022) Soil phosphorus forms show only minor changes across a 5000‑year‑old boreal wildfire chronosequence. Biogeochemistry (2022) 159:15–32

(3) Vestergren J, Vincent AG, Jansson M et al (2012) High-resolution characterization of organic phosphorus in soil extracts using 2D 1H–31P NMR correlation spectroscopy. Environ Sci Technol 46:3950–3956. https:// doi. org/ 10. 1021/ es204016h

How to cite: Schleucher, J., Haddad, L., Paneque, M., Wardle, D., Vincent, A., and Giesler, R.: Speciation of soil organic phosphorus: Steps from NMR spectra to bioavailability, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16011,, 2023.

EGU23-16254 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.5

Phosphate pools and oxygen signature in the hyper-arid Atacama Desert 

Xiaolei Sun, Wulf Amelung, Federica Tamburini, Erwin Klumpp, Ramona Morchen, and Roland Bol

The Atacama Desert is a temperate desert restricted by the Pacific Ocean and the Andeans, which is an ideal place to study the biogeochemical phosphate-water dynamics in the conditions with extreme limited water and biomass. We hypothesized that phosphate pools and oxygen signature change along with the increasing distance to the coast and thus aridity. The surface soils (0-10 cm) were sampled along the transect with distance to coast in Paposo region (~25°S) which is located in the Coastal Cordillera nearby the Pacific Ocean from 2.3 to 22.9 km, including 9 altitude sites (600 m, 900 m, 880 m, 920 m, 1000 m, 1200 m, 1450 m, 1700 m, 2110 m). Each site involved 3 samples surrounding the plant with a distance of 0-10 cm and other 3 samples far from the plant with 1 m. The Ca-bound P (HCl-extracted P followed the Hedley sequential P fractionation) accumulated along the increasing distance to coast within 37.9 km and could be described by a mono-exponential regression mode. However, an initial declining trend was detected for phosphate 18O of HCl-Pi and it reached a steady-state condition beyond 10 km from the coastline, which was the maximum distance that advective fog could penetrate inland. Only the nearest site at 2.3 km (600 m.a.s.l) to coast showed an isotope value within the range of full isotopic equilibrium with biologically cycled phosphate. Furthermore, the effects of the present plant distribution on surface soil Hedley P stocks and phosphate 18O signatures were very limited. We concluded that both P stocks and phosphate 18O signatures followed primarily the aridity gradient but phosphate 18O signatures could work as a tracer for long-term climate conditions.

How to cite: Sun, X., Amelung, W., Tamburini, F., Klumpp, E., Morchen, R., and Bol, R.: Phosphate pools and oxygen signature in the hyper-arid Atacama Desert, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16254,, 2023.

EGU23-17064 | ECS | Orals | BG1.5

Formation and aging of Fe(III) and Ca precipitates in exfiltrating anoxic groundwater and effects on phosphate retention 

Ville Nenonen, Ralf Kaegi, Stephan J. Hug, Stefan Mangold, Jörg Göttlicher, Lenny H.E. Winkel, and Andreas Voegelin

The oxidation of dissolved Fe(II) upon exfiltration of anoxic groundwaters into oxic surface waters leads to precipitation of poorly crystalline Fe(III)-solids that strongly bind phosphate (PO4) and thereby can attenuate eutrophication. Fresh Fe(III)-precipitates may transform into more crystalline phases over time, which may lead to the release of initially co-precipitated PO4. The formation and transformation of Fe(III)-precipitates in natural waters is strongly affected by other solutes (Ca, Mg, PO4, silicic acid (SiO4)) that interfere with Fe(III) precipitation and transformation, and thereby also affect PO4 binding. Furthermore, in Ca-containing waters, the repartitioning of PO4 released from Fe(III)-precipitates into Ca-carbonates or –phosphates, could limit PO4 release.

For better understanding the fate of PO4 in aquatic environments, there is a need for a mechanistic understanding of coupled Fe(III)- and Ca-precipitate formation and transformation processes induced by groundwater exfiltration, and their effects on PO4 sequestration. In this laboratory study, we examined the effects of Ca, Mg, and SiO4 on the formation and transformation of Fe(III)- and Ca-precipitates in bicarbonate-buffered aqueous solutions upon Fe(III)-precipitate formation by Fe (II) oxidation in the presence of PO4, over aging periods up to 100 d. Changes in precipitate structures were probed with spectroscopic and microscopic techniques and linked to changes in the retention or release of PO4 over time.

The results show that especially Ca and SiO4 contribute to effective PO4 retention via multiple interdependent processes, and thereby strongly attenuate PO4 release over extended periods of time.



Senn, A.-C.; Kaegi, R.; Hug, S. J.; Hering, J. G.; Mangold, S.; Voegelin, A., Composition and structure of Fe(III)-precipitates formed by Fe(II) oxidation in near-neutral water: Interdependent effects of phosphate, silicate and Ca. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 2015, 162, 220–246.

Senn, A.-C.; Kaegi, R.; Hug, S. J.; Hering, J. G.; Mangold, S.; Voegelin, A., Effect of aging on the structure and phosphate retention of Fe(III)-precipitates formed by Fe(II) oxidation in water. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 2017, 202, 341–360.


How to cite: Nenonen, V., Kaegi, R., Hug, S. J., Mangold, S., Göttlicher, J., Winkel, L. H. E., and Voegelin, A.: Formation and aging of Fe(III) and Ca precipitates in exfiltrating anoxic groundwater and effects on phosphate retention, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17064,, 2023.

EGU23-17071 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.5

Impact of agricultural land use and management on available soil phosphorus content in agricultural catchments of Ireland 

Ognjen Zurovec, Daniel Hawtree, Simon Leach, and Bridget Lynch

The build-up of soil phosphorus (P) in agricultural soils exceeding crop requirements can lead to diffuse P losses that could impair surface water quality. Therefore, adequate spatial information is required to develop viable tools and recommendations for sustainable P management at the local scale. Here, we present a database of nearly 8.000 samples, collected over a 12-year period in four meso-scale (~10 km2) agricultural catchments in Ireland. The agricultural area of each catchment is divided into sampling units (up to 2 ha) and soil samples are repeatedly taken from each sampling unit every 4 years. Four soil sampling campaigns were carried out to date. The results were analysed in the context of soil test P values (Morgan’s P) and classified according to the P index system as defined in the Ireland’s Nitrates Action Programme.

Overall, levels of soil test P did not show substantial changes, with the exception of the most recent sampling campaign. However, when the collected data are considered in a spatial context and accompanied with soil data and land use information, they reveal a more complex story. Notable differences in soil P trends are observed at the individual catchments scale and impacted by land use, agricultural management intensity and some soil properties across and within the catchments. Similarly to the overall soil test P trends, the total area under P index 4 soils (above optimal) decreased in the period preceding the most recent sampling campaign. The most notable decreases in P index 4 soils are found in tillage and drystock fields, but also in the catchment dominated by highly stocked dairy farms availing of a nitrate derogation.

Recent increases in soil test P and consequently areas under P index 4 may not be linked to increased organic or mineral P inputs, but rather come as a result of an overall increase in soil pH from increased lime application observed over the most recent period, which had an impact on the extractable Morgan’s P content. On-farm redistribution of fertilizer P inputs to soils with lower P index status has the potential to increase P use efficiency and decrease P loss risk to surface water.

How to cite: Zurovec, O., Hawtree, D., Leach, S., and Lynch, B.: Impact of agricultural land use and management on available soil phosphorus content in agricultural catchments of Ireland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17071,, 2023.

EGU23-17121 | ECS | Posters virtual | BG1.5

Strategies for optimizing the scalable microbial synthesis of vivianite 

Lordina Eshun, Victoria Coker, Sam Shaw, and Jonathan Lloyd

Vivianite (Fe3(PO4)2·8H2O) has been reported to form as a secondary mineralization product during the microbial reduction of phosphate-containing Fe(III) minerals [1 – 3]. The phosphate-rich nature of vivianite makes it a suitable sink for phosphorus, which is a scarce and irreplaceable resource, and a major contributor to eutrophication in surface water bodies. There is, therefore, interest in synthesizing vivianite by Fe(III) reducing bacteria such as Geobacter sulfurreducens and Shewanella putrefaciens, to treat phosphate-rich waters, recovering the phosphate for re-use in agriculture. In this study, factors including the presence and absence of phosphate and electron shuttle, the buffer system, pH, microbial load, and the type of Fe(III)-reducing bacteria that influence the formation of vivianite under laboratory batch systems have been investigated. The rate of Fe(II) production, and its interaction with the residual Fe(III) and other oxyanions (e.g., PO43-, CO32-) was found to be the main driving factor for secondary mineral formation. Magnetite was formed in treatments with zero phosphates whereas vivianite and green rust were formed in treatments containing phosphate. The rate and extent of Fe(III) bioreduction were higher in Shewanella putrefaciens than in Geobacter sulfurreducens. Vivianite and green rust were both identified as the dominant endpoints in treatments with Geobacter sulfurreducens and Shewanella putrefaciens.


[1] Fredrickson, Zachara, Kennedy, Dong, Onstott, Hinman, & Li (1998). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 62, 3239-3257.

[2] O’Loughlin, Boyanov, Gorski, Scherer, & Kemner (2021). Minerals 11, 149

[3] Zachara, Kukkadapu, Fredrickson, Gorby, & Smith (2002). Geomicrobiology Journal 19, 179–207. 

How to cite: Eshun, L., Coker, V., Shaw, S., and Lloyd, J.: Strategies for optimizing the scalable microbial synthesis of vivianite, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17121,, 2023.

Internal phosphorus (P) loading from sediments is an important component of total P supply to the water column of many eutrophic lakes.  A long-standing paradigm states that the magnitude of internal loading through diffusion of P is limited in the presence of iron (Fe) oxides at the sediment-water-interface, due to efficient sorption and co-precipitation of P with oxide minerals. Iron-rich sediments underlying oxic water columns in shallow lake areas are thus expected to retain, rather than release P. However, recent statistical investigations have suggested that oxic epilimnetic areas of stratifying lakes may be responsible for a significant fraction of the internal P loading in these systems [1], implying a "leaky" seal of Fe oxides even under oxic conditions. Here we study the mechanisms of internal P loading in two Fe-rich eutrophic lakes in southern Finland through geochemical analysis of porewaters, over one annual cycle at five study sites per lake. Diffusive flux calculations using Fick's Law, and upscaling to whole-lake areal estimates, confirm that shallow (approx. <10 m) areas dominate internal P loading even during stratified conditions in summer. Furthermore, the highest instantaneous fluxes of the study were observed in shallow sites in late summer. The results suggest in shallow eutrophic settings with a high organic matter flux to sediments and elevated summer temperatures, remineralization reactions at the sediment-water interface regenerate P efficiently enough to escape capture by Fe oxides, even under sediment molar Fe/P ratios >20.     


[1] Tammeorg, O., Möls, T., Niemistö, J., Holmroos, H., & Horppila, J. (2017). The actual role of oxygen deficit in the linkage of the water quality and benthic phosphorus release: potential implications for lake restoration. Science of the Total Environment, 599, 732-738.

How to cite: Jilbert, T., Zhao, S., and Hermans, M.: The paradox of internal phosphorus loading from oxic areas of iron-rich eutrophic boreal lakes: insights from porewater geochemistry, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17179,, 2023.

EGU23-17209 | Posters on site | BG1.5

Effect of increased sulfate reduction on the stability of authigenic vivianite in lake sediment 

Harm van Kuppevelt and Michael Hupfer

The presence of high levels of phosphorus (P) in surface waters can negatively impact the functioning of ecosystems and water quality. Despite efforts to decrease P concentrations, the accumulation of P reservoirs in sediment from past high external inputs still poses a problem. This legacy P can contribute to internal P loading, which has been shown to extent eutrophication in many freshwater systems. To effectively restore these systems, it is important to understand the geochemical processes that control the fixation and release of P in the sediment. While it is known that under anoxic conditions, P can be stored in the form of the mineral vivianite, it is not well understood if the vivianite reservoir can also act as a source of P. In a field study, mixed sediment from Lake Arendsee, Germany that naturally contained vivianite was placed in the sediment floor of the same lake, in both sulfate reduction depths and below (0-45cm). After three months, the sediment was retrieved and analyzed to investigate the effect of sulfide production on the vivianite pool. Sequential extraction and XRD analysis of the sediment solid phase showed that at shallower depths where sulfide concentrations were higher, there was a significant reduction of the vivianite reservoir and a decrease of P bound to Fe relative to S bound Fe forms. This suggests that P bound in vivianite can act as a P source in sulfidic sediment. Further research is needed to determine the extent of this phenomenon in lakes with increased sulfide production.

How to cite: van Kuppevelt, H. and Hupfer, M.: Effect of increased sulfate reduction on the stability of authigenic vivianite in lake sediment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17209,, 2023.

SSS10 – Metric, Informatics, Statistics and Models in Soils

EGU23-248 | ECS | Posters virtual | SSS10.3

Validation and use of a model for the calculation of trace element accumulation in soils 

Hadee Thompson-Morrison, Elena Moltchanova, Sally Gaw, and Brett Robinson

Most agricultural production requires applications of agrichemicals and amendments to promote crop growth and aid soil fertility. These include fertilisers, pesticides and organic amendments, such as composts. Many agrichemicals and soil conditioners contain Trace Elements (TEs) as either active ingredients (e.g., Cu-fungicides) or contaminants. When TE-containing amendments are applied repeatedly to soils and crops, these TEs may accumulate. Consequently, soil fertility may be affected if these TEs are allowed to reach threshold levels, and plant uptake of TEs may reach critical levels for plant growth and food safety. As such, repeated applications of TE-containing products to productive land may limit both the sustainability of productive systems and future land use in areas where these products are applied. It is both useful and necessary to understand likely timeframes for accumulation and to understand sustainable application rates which might be adopted. There are different approaches to determine this. The use of mass-balance models has been employed as one approach to calculate expected soil TE concentrations into the future under specified conditions. We have developed a suitable mass-balance model for the calculation of TE-accumulation in soils under productive systems. We have used the approach that the model should be simple, rationally convenient and work with biologically relevant concentrations. We have validated the model using data from long-term field trials. The validated model was used to calculate TE-accumulation in oil palm production soils from Indonesia. Based on our findings, it is likely that TE-accumulation will reach threshold levels in oil palm plantations in Indonesia within eight years. We predict that production will become limited by phytotoxic concentrations of trace elements. This will deleteriously impact the world’s largest vegetable oil production system. This model may therefore be a useful tool in determining the sustainability of inputs into productive soils in terms of TE-accumulation.

How to cite: Thompson-Morrison, H., Moltchanova, E., Gaw, S., and Robinson, B.: Validation and use of a model for the calculation of trace element accumulation in soils, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-248,, 2023.

EGU23-721 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS10.3

Topography and climate dictate soil NPK stoichiometry across Africa 

Ndiye Michael Kebonye, Ruhollah Taghizadeh-Mehrjardi, Prince Chapman Agyeman, Kingsley John, Nafiseh Kakhani, and Thomas Scholten

Optimal soil nitrogen-to-phosphorus-to-potassium (NPK) stoichiometry is critical for agricultural production in Africa because it presents the appropriation of input materials to avoid limited or excessive fertilizer applications. Furthermore, an optimum nutrient supply to the plants is crucial to mitigate or eliminating Africa’s food crisis. However, what drivers influence its levels, distribution and variability across different landscapes and scales? Insights regarding these aspects are necessary for (1) the derivation of robust policies associated with crop production and food security, (2) monitoring of changes associated with hotspot areas between NPK stoichiometry and designated drivers, (3) instigation of suitable and well-targeted efforts to ensure that areas with optimal soil NPK levels are maintained since these eventually affect and influence crop yield output, and (4) identification of areas that are imbalanced in NPK content of the soils and thus may need fertilization. Freely accessible major soil nutrient data [i.e., nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K)] for Africa were obtained from the iSDAsoil platform, aggregated to 250 m, and used to compute the NPK stoichiometry estimate. In addition, similar NPK stoichiometry estimates were derived for national-scale major food crop exporters, including South Africa, Ethiopia, and Malawi. All these across-scale NPK stoichiometry estimates coupled with different driver estimates (e.g., human activities/agricultural activities/cropping systems, soil texture, soil pH, etc.) provided the data used to assess pairwise mechanistic and explainable model insights using structural equation models [SEM(s)] plus partial dependence plots (PDPs) respectively. Climate-related factors along with topography were the main direct drivers of NPK stoichiometry connected to the topsoil of Africa (i.e., the entire continent including some selected nations).  Human-related activities contributed less to soil NPK stoichiometry. Interestingly, aboveground biomass was discovered to be interdependent with NPK stoichiometry. This cross-scale benchmark alludes to the variations in NPK stoichiometry under both changing climatic conditions and topography in Africa.

Keywords: NPK Stoichiometry, Soil Nutrients, Climate Change, Food Security, Structural Equation Modeling, Topographic Effects, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Africa


How to cite: Kebonye, N. M., Taghizadeh-Mehrjardi, R., Agyeman, P. C., John, K., Kakhani, N., and Scholten, T.: Topography and climate dictate soil NPK stoichiometry across Africa, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-721,, 2023.

EGU23-4948 | Orals | SSS10.3

Global warming accelerates soil heterotrophic respiration 

Alon Nissan, Uria Alcolombri, Nadav Peleg, Nir Galili, Joaquin Jimenez-Martinez, Peter Molnar, and Markus Holzner

Carbon efflux from soils is the largest terrestrial carbon source to the atmosphere, yet it remains one of the most uncertain fluxes in the Earth’s carbon budget. A dominant component of this flux is heterotrophic respiration, influenced by several environmental factors, most notably soil temperature and moisture. We developed a mechanistic model from micro to global scale to explore how changes in soil water content and temperature affect soil heterotrophic respiration. Simulations, laboratory measurements, and field observations validate the new approach. Estimates from the model show that heterotrophic respiration has been increasing since the 1980s at a rate of about 1.7% per decade globally. Using future projections of surface temperature and soil moisture, the model predicts a global increase of about 40% in heterotrophic respiration by the end of the century under the worst-case emission scenario, which is driven principally by the reduction of soil moisture rather than temperature increase.

How to cite: Nissan, A., Alcolombri, U., Peleg, N., Galili, N., Jimenez-Martinez, J., Molnar, P., and Holzner, M.: Global warming accelerates soil heterotrophic respiration, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4948,, 2023.

EGU23-5287 | Orals | SSS10.3

BODIUM - a systemic approach to model the dynamics of soil functions: validation and scenario simulations 

Ulrich Weller, Sara König, Birgit Lang, Bibiana Betancur-Corredor, Thomas Reitz, Martin Wiesmeier, Ute Wollschläger, and Hans-Jörg Vogel

The increasing demand for biomass for food, animal feed, fiber and bioenergy requires optimization of soil productivity, while, at the same time, protecting other soil functions such as nutrient cycling and buffering, carbon storage, habitat for biological activity, and water filter and storage. Therefore, one of the main challenges for sustainable agriculture is to produce high yields while maintaining all the other soil functions. Mechanistic simulation models are an essential tool for predicting soil functions as well as the complex interactions between these functions.

Here, we present our process-based systemic soil model BODIUM which integrates biological, physical and chemical processes to predict the effect of management activities on soil functions at the field scale. We first present simulations of a long-term field experiment to validate our model along the different soil functions. Then we apply different management scenarios to show the potential of our model for explorative scenario simulations, including tillage, different organic fertilizer treatments, and cover crops.

Finally, we discuss ongoing model developments to further extend BODIUM such as bioturbation, phosphorous dynamics, and fungal-bacterial interactions.

How to cite: Weller, U., König, S., Lang, B., Betancur-Corredor, B., Reitz, T., Wiesmeier, M., Wollschläger, U., and Vogel, H.-J.: BODIUM - a systemic approach to model the dynamics of soil functions: validation and scenario simulations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5287,, 2023.

EGU23-5503 | Posters on site | SSS10.3

Control of soil fertility from organic matter amendments and rotations 

Thibaut Putelat and Andrew P Whitmore

Sustainable agriculture requires that soil fertility be optimal so as to maintain current levels of food production whilst also maintaining environmental quality and even improving both together. Like inorganic fertiliser, organic amendments such as manure or compost can increase crop yield and could partly replace artificial nitrogen, but need a multi-year strategy, because yields may decrease when amendments cease. Other measures to manage arable land such grass and clover leys used in rotation can also enhance crop yield and mitigate certain drawbacks of continuous arable cropping such as soil degradation. Because i. chemical fertilisers may become restricted to reduce GHG emissions and improve water quality, ii. organic amendments can be in short supply, and iii. ley-arable rotations can decrease the prevalence of cash crops, we are seeking optimal means for improving the fertility of land that takes account of the dynamics of the yield-enhancing benefits of organic amendments and leys alongside annual applications of artificial fertiliser.

Using optimal control theory, we shall present a rational basis for combining applications of inorganic fertiliser and organic matter treatments of arable land to a sequence of crops grown in consecutive seasons that ensures maximum profit from crop production and improves soil fertility. Instead of a complex mechanistic approach, we use the empirical idea of a nutrient response curve, which is extended to include both the effects on yield of the nutrients themselves but also the long-lasting benefits of different types of organic matter management using ad hoc recurrence relations to model the carry-over of soil carbon and nitrogen from one season to the next.

Based on this methodology, we will present an analysis of an organic manuring long term experiment at Rothamsted, using, in particular, eight years winter wheat yield data that followed organic matter treatments in the previous stage of the experiment; these treatments ceased before the wheats were grown. Nonlinear regression allowed for the selection and the parameter identification of a single nutrient response curve valid for different organic treatments (farmyard manure, straw, ley). Preliminary results of our control theory suggest that growing wheat for four years in rotation with one year of leys can both reduce the use of nitrogen fertilisers and maximise the farmer's annual profit compared to using either farmyard manure or straw as alternative organic amendments together with inorganic nitrogen fertilisers. We aim to study the impact of such optimal economic strategies on greenhouse gas emissions and nitrate leaching to shed new light on greener farm management strategies and the economic landscape supporting sustainable farming scenarios. Our methodology generalises the well-known single year break-even ratio used in nitrogen fertiliser recommendations to a multi-year metric for interventions such as manure application that persist for several cropping years.


How to cite: Putelat, T. and Whitmore, A. P.: Control of soil fertility from organic matter amendments and rotations, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5503,, 2023.

EGU23-6957 | ECS | Posters virtual | SSS10.3

Pore network modeling as a tool for determining gas diffusivity in peat 

Petri Kiuru, Marjo Palviainen, Arianna Marchionne, Tiia Grönholm, Maarit Raivonen, Lukas Kohl, and Annamari Laurén

Peatlands are significant modulators of biogeochemical cycles and important carbon stocks on a global scale, and they may become large sources of the greenhouse gases (GHG) carbon dioxide and methane because of their vulnerability to management practices and changes in climate. Because gas exchange between peat and the atmosphere occurs primarily via diffusion, a proper knowledge of the gas diffusion rate is essential for correct estimation of the amount of GHG emissions from peatlands. Diffusion is controlled by the structure and connectivity of peat pore space. Pore network modeling (PNM) is an efficient method for the pore-scale description and simulation of transport processes in porous matter and, therefore, a useful tool for the assessment of gas diffusivity in peat, as it explicitly illustrates the relationship between the peat microstructure and the gas transport properties on a macroscopic scale. PNM can also be used to simulate time-dependent soil biogeochemical processes, such as GHG production and consumption.
We extracted interconnecting macropore (diameter greater than 0.1 mm) networks from three-dimensional X-ray micro-computed tomography (µCT) images of peat samples from three depths and simulated steady-state diffusion in the networks using PNM. We then compared the obtained soil gas diffusion coefficients to those determined experimentally from the same samples. The gas diffusivity measurements were made using the diffusion chamber method under different water contents adjusted in a pressure plate extractor. 
The measured soil gas diffusivity was lower in deeper layers because of decreased air-filled porosity and pore connectivity. Nevertheless, the diffusion rates were not extremely low close to saturation, which may imply that connected air-filled pathways for gas diffusion are present in peat even in wet conditions. The pore network simulations were able to reproduce the experimentally determined gas diffusion dynamics rather well. This also implies that the topology and the dimensions of the pore space of most of the peat samples were adequately represented by the network objects. Therefore, the combination of µCT and PNM can be considered a potential alternative to the assessment of soil gas diffusivity through traditional laboratory measurements. However, further research is needed on gas diffusivity in different peat types over a wide water content range. Furthermore, the presented approach provides a basis for mechanistic simulation of GHG cycling in soils.

How to cite: Kiuru, P., Palviainen, M., Marchionne, A., Grönholm, T., Raivonen, M., Kohl, L., and Laurén, A.: Pore network modeling as a tool for determining gas diffusivity in peat, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6957,, 2023.

EGU23-7639 | Orals | SSS10.3

Mechanisms of migration of bacteria the pore space 

Lionel Dupuy, Ilonka Engelhardt, Matthias Mimault, Yangminghao Liu, Daniel Patko, Mariya Ptashnyk, and Michael MacDonald

The establishment of microbes in the rhizosphere requires a complex sequence of mobility, proliferation, and attachment/detachment from the root as well as soil surfaces. Most research has focused on proliferation and biofilm formation while the mobility and attachment of microbes in soil has remained mysterious and hidden. We combined novel microscopy technologies and mathematical models to capture and characterise the dynamic movement of bacteria through soil during the early stages of root colonisation. The study revealed how bacteria behave as a flock to exploit the pore space and move towards plant roots where they collectively interact with the root tip before forming biofilms on more mature root zones. Results in this study add significantly to our understanding of the biophysical mechanisms enabling microbial colonisation dynamics in soil.


Liu Y., Patko D, Engelhardt I.C, George T.S., Stanley-Wall N.P., Ladmiral V., Ameduri B., Daniell T.J., Holden N., MacDonald M.P., Dupuy L.X. (2021). Whole plant-environment microscopy reveals how Bacillus subtilis utilises the soil pore space to colonise plant roots. 118 (48) e2109176118

Engelhardt I. C., Patko D., Liu Y., Mimault M., de las Heras Martinez G., George T. S., MacDonald M., Ptashnyk M., Sukhodub T., Stanley-Wall N. R., Holden N., Daniell T. J. & Dupuy  L. X. The ISME Journal volume 16, pages2337–2347 (2022)


How to cite: Dupuy, L., Engelhardt, I., Mimault, M., Liu, Y., Patko, D., Ptashnyk, M., and MacDonald, M.: Mechanisms of migration of bacteria the pore space, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7639,, 2023.

Two perspectives on soil structure have often been juxtaposed in the past: the “solid phase” or “aggregate” perspective and the “pore” perspective. The debate intensified recently with several opinion papers, letters to the editor, and editorials being published on that matter. The discussion centred around the usefulness of the aggregate concept. Main disputed aspects were whether aggregates (a) are suitable experimental units for measuring and upscaling soil functions and (b) exist in situ or are mere artefacts of the separation method. Some researchers view the pore perspective as superior regarding the explanation and measurement of soil functions and predict that it will largely replace the aggregate perspective. This would mean a major change in the mental models that, up to now, many soil scientists have of the soils they study. Yet the topic remains highly controversial. Despite disagreements between researchers following one or the other perspective, some researchers view these perspectives as complementary, not exclusive. Do we not even agree to disagree? Moreover, people taking the same broad perspective may not agree on all aspects on how to use the concept, as the discussion about aggregates as “biogeochemical reactors” for greenhouse gas production showed.

In order to have a constructive and efficient debate, it seems necessary that we better understand the different perspectives, arguments, and use of terms. Moreover, the discussion in written publications only reflects the views of a part of the scientific community. Thus, in order to gain a broader overview of the views currently present in soil science, other – additional – ways of communication are necessary.

An online survey is a low-inhibition tool to get insight into peoples’ thoughts. A short English-language survey will be spread via email and social media with the aim to answer the following questions:

1. How is the approval of pore or aggregate perspective distributed among soil scientists?

2. How do soil scientists judge the compatibility of the two approaches?

3. (How) do perspectives on soil structure differ between soil scientists at different career stages?

Preliminary results of single or multiple choice questions will be presented to sketch the status quo of how the soil science community conceptually relates to soil structure. Data grouped by career stage might give hints for a future development of this debate.

How to cite: Roosch, S.: Aggregates vs pores? A survey among soil scientists about perspectives on soil structure, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7649,, 2023.

A multi-discliplinary, multi-sectoral team, co-led by the author, is launching a new US-based workgroup with representation from across the rapidly expanding climate smart agricultural community to collaborate on the development and use of an appropriate multi-model ensemble (MME) approach to modeling soil carbon. Although it is not a target of the workgroup at this time, the same modeling approach could eventually be expanded to include methane and nitrous oxide. The workgroup will include the research community, participants in the emerging agricultural carbon marketplace, policy-makers, foundations, and other relevant stakeholders. Such an ensemble approach has ample precedent in modeling other complex processes, such as global climate modeling, weather forecasting, projecting hurricane trajectories, and (perhaps of greatest relevance) predicting crop yields. As demonstrated by the Agricultural Model Intercomparison & Improvement Project (AgMIP),  the median of an MME always gives better predictions than any single model. 

The workgroup will have two deliverables: (1) a peer-reviewed article in a first-tier journal showing the benefits of the MME approach; and (2) an API (free to anyone) that allows any interested party to deploy the MME approach (which helps address fundamental equity issues in the emerging climate smart ag marketplace).

As the effort is undertaken, it will adhere to the following guiding principles:
•    The MME approach will be based on individual models that are each publicly available, documented transparently, and based in peer-reviewed literature whenever possible.
•    The workgroup will invite participation from all private- and public-sector modeling teams. 
•    Funding for the effort is being provided via a public-private partnership. The API will be made available to the public free of charge to any interested party.

This presentation will describe the current status of the new workgroup and issue an open invitation to interested EGU23 conference participants who wish to become engaged in workgroup activities.

How to cite: Gustafson, D.: Pursuing a Multi-Model Ensemble Approach to Soil Carbon in Agricultural Systems, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8600,, 2023.

EGU23-9473 | Orals | SSS10.3

Mechanistic modelling of the rhizosphere across scales 

Andrea Schnepf

The rhizosphere, or the soil directly influenced by plant roots, is a complex and dynamic environment shaped by both plant and soil processes. Plant processes include root growth, rhizodeposition, root water and nutrient uptake or signalling; soil processes include water flow, reactive transport, organic matter decomposition or soil microbe and fauna-related processes. In this contribution, we focus on the soil-related aspects of modelling the interactions within the rhizosphere and how these interactions lead to the emergence of specific properties. Factors such as radial transport, root growth, and diurnal variation all play a role in the formation of patterns within the rhizosphere. However, modelling these processes is challenging due to their interconnected nature and the fact that they occur on multiple temporal and spatial scales. Recent research by Vetterlein et al. (2020) and Schnepf et al. (2022) have addressed these challenges and advances in our understanding of modelling the rhizosphere. For example can the effect of root elongation rate on the radial extension of the rhizosphere be quantified by means of the rhizosphere Péclet number, a dimensionless number that compares the importance of diffusive transport relative to root elongation rate. New findings of Kuppe et al. (2022), who have organized rhizosphere models within a collective framework that allows for the incorporation of microorganisms and their activity and motility, and Deckmyn et al. (2020), who combined soil carbon and food web ecosystem models, will further enhance a mechanistic description of the rhizosphere


Deckmyn G, Flores O, Mayer M, Domene X, Schnepf A, Kuka K, Van Looy K, Rasse DP, Briones MJI, Barot S, Berg M, Vanguelova E, Ostonen I, Vereecken H, Suz LM, Frey B, Frossard A, Tiunov A, Frouz J, Grebenc T, Öpik M, Javaux M, Uvarov A, Vinduskova O, Henning Krogh P, Franklin O, Jiménez J, Curiel Yuste J. 2020. KEYLINK: towards a more integrative soil representation for inclusion in ecosystem scale models. I. review and model concept. PeerJ 8:e9750 DOI 10.7717/peerj.9750

Kuppe CW, Schnepf A, von Lieres E, Watt M, Postma JA (2022) Rhizosphere models: their concepts and application to plant-soil ecosystems. Plant Soil 474, 17–55. doi: 10.1007/s11104-021-05201-7

Schnepf A, Carminati A, Ahmed MA, Ani M, Benard P, Bentz J, Bonkowski M, Knott M, Diehl D, Duddek P, Kröner E, Javaux M, Landl M, Lehndorff E, Lippold E, Lieu A, Mueller CW, Oburger E, Otten W, Portell X, Phalempin M, Prechtel A, Schulz R, Vanderborght J, Vetterlein D (2022) Linking rhizosphere processes across scales: Opinion. Plant and Soil 478: 5-42. doi: 10.1007/s11104-022-05306-7.

Vetterlein D, Carminati A, Kögel-Knabner I, Bienert GP, Smalla K, Oburger E, Schnepf A, Banitz T, Tarkka MT, Schlüter S (2020) Rhizosphere Spatiotemporal Organization–A Key to Rhizosphere Functions. Frontiers in Agronomy 2. doi: 10.3389/fagro.2020.00008.

How to cite: Schnepf, A.: Mechanistic modelling of the rhizosphere across scales, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9473,, 2023.

EGU23-9524 | Orals | SSS10.3

Theoretical model uncovering trade-offs faced by bacteria in the decomposition of large oligosaccharides 

Ksenia Guseva, Moritz Mohrlok, Lauren Alteio, and Christina Kaiser

Microbes play a key role in the degradation of organic matter across all ecosystems. A significant fraction of the organic matter pool available to microorganisms consists of structural polysaccharides, e.g. biopolymers such as cellulose, or chitin, that cannot be directly taken up and have to be broken down outside the cell. For that mean microbes have to produce a variety of extracellular enzymes catalyzing different steps of polymer degradation. Within any substrate-specific enzyme group, e.g. hydrolases that act on a certain polysaccharide such as chitin, we highlight two enzyme types with different kinetic strategies: exo-enzymes that cleave the ends of polysaccharide chains, thereby releasing mono- or dimers, and endo-enzymes that act on all intermittent bonds, thereby generating oligosaccharides of various sizes. Since depolymerization works as a bottleneck for nutrient acquisition and is a multi-step process, the trade-offs of investing in the production of one or the other enzyme type have highly non-trivial consequences for microorganisms. Despite its relevance, the depolymerization dynamics is incorporated in oversimplified manner into microbial growth models, where the general assumption is that all enzymes have exo-like kinetics. In this work we bridge this gap, by theoretically analyzing the consequences of production of different ratios of these enzymes on microbial growth. Our objective was to estimate the possible trade-offs faced by microorganisms growing on biopolymers and compare them to known strategies found in soil bacteria.

To investigate how the interplay of enzyme production strategies within a microbial population affect organic matter degradation, we incorporate polymer degradation by means of population balance equations into an individual-based spatially-explicit microscale microbial community model. This approach allows us to track the spatial distribution of biopolymer molecules of different sizes in space and time, as well as the microbes feeding on them. Our results show that microorganisms are limited not only by the amount of carbon in the system, but also by its form (biopolymer chain size). First we have analysed specialists, producing one or the other enzyme type. We found that the producers of exo-enzymes are well adapted to nutrient rich conditions or when carbon is trapped into small oligomers. We therefore suggest to consider them as copiotrophs. Endo-enzyme producers on the contrary can be considered as oligotrophs, as we found them to thrive in poor nutrient conditions with few long chain molecules. However, endo-producers were completely unable to start growing when too many long chains of nutrients are present. Moreover they are much more susceptible to exploitation as they loose larger parts of their intermediate products to diffusion. For generalists, i.e. microorganisms producing both enzymes, our results show that there is an optimum fraction of endo and exo-enzymes that boosts substrate degradation of long biopolymers and such tuned enzyme production speeds-up microbial growth. Overall, our analysis shows that there are incentive to regulate enzyme production towards this optimum ratio in mixed consortia of cooperating exo and endo-producers.

How to cite: Guseva, K., Mohrlok, M., Alteio, L., and Kaiser, C.: Theoretical model uncovering trade-offs faced by bacteria in the decomposition of large oligosaccharides, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9524,, 2023.

EGU23-10169 | Posters on site | SSS10.3

Molecular Dynamics Simulation, Contact Angle determination, and X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy explain the wetting properties of siloxane model surfaces 

Susanne K Woche, Daniel Tunega, Marc-O. Goebel, Martin Gerzabek, Peter Grančič, Georg Guggenberger, and Joerg Bachmann

The organic coatings of soil particles determine soil wettability, a crucial property for soil functioning. However, the complexity of natural coatings hampers identification of the contribution of individual compounds to soil wetting properties, usually quantified in terms of contact angle (CA). Here, we investigated the impact of chain length and polarity of the head group on CA by using soda-lime glass slides, serving as a model for quartz or feldspar surfaces, coated by siloxane units, serving as a model for organic coating compounds. Siloxane surfaces were prepared by treatment with dichlorodimethyl-(DCDMS) and dimethyldiethoxysilane (DMDES; chain length both 1C; DMS unit), aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES; chain length 3C; APS unit), and octadecyltrichlorosilane (OTS; chain length 18C; ODS unit). The experimentally determined sessile drop CA (CAexp) and the coating thickness (texp) derived from XPS spectra were compared to CAMDS and tMDS resulting from molecular dynamics simulation (MDS) for the models of the (001) tridymite surface coated by DMS/APS/ODS monolayers, assuming monodentate binding. MDS revealed that chain length, polarity of the terminal group, and coating density are the main factors determining surface wettability. Calculated CAMDS for DMS and APS coatings were distinctly < 90◦, while CAMDS for ODS was > 90◦. The main factor for small CAMDS was the short alkyl chain for DMS and the polarity of the terminal amino group for APS. Accordingly, tMDS was <1 nm for DMS and APS and >1 nm for ODS, as CA analysis depth is about 1 nm [1]. With exception of the DMDES-treated slide (CAexp <90°, texp about 1 nm), CAexp, in agreement with texp > 1 nm, was ≥ 90°. This hinted on multilayer formation during preparation and an arrangement of the APS units that exposed a high amount of the hydrophobic backbone that outweighed the impact of the polar amino groups. Similar CAexp and CAMDS in case of DMDES-treatment probably resulted from the low reactivity of DMDES that left uncoated areas, which allowed water molecules to access polar sites of the glass surface. Both, multilayer formation and incomplete coating as well as masking of polar terminal groups by inclined arrangement must be assumed to occur for natural soil particle coatings. To summarize, MDS could explain the differences between MDS and experimental results with respect to experimental and modelled CA and coating thickness. Combination of an ideal und defined system (MDS) and an idealized and defined system (exp) thus proves to be a promising approach to get a better understanding of the factors determining soil wetting properties.

[1] Daniel Tunega, Roland Šolc, Peter Grančič, Martin H. Gerzabek, Marc-Oliver Goebel, Georg Guggenberger, Joerg Bachmann, Susanne K. Woche. 2023. Wettability of siloxane surfaces assessed by molecular dynamics, contact angle determination, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Applied Surface Science, Volume 611, Part B, 155680. DOI:

How to cite: Woche, S. K., Tunega, D., Goebel, M.-O., Gerzabek, M., Grančič, P., Guggenberger, G., and Bachmann, J.: Molecular Dynamics Simulation, Contact Angle determination, and X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy explain the wetting properties of siloxane model surfaces, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10169,, 2023.

EGU23-13245 | Orals | SSS10.3

The role connectivity in soil for stability of soil organic matter degradation: a biophysical model 

Wilfred Otten, Xavier Portell-Canal, and Ruth Falconer

Soils contain the largest terrestrial reservoir of organic carbon, and dynamics in soil organic carbon turnover will drive carbon-climate feedbacks over the coming century. To date, most SOC dynamics have been simulated with pool-based models, which assume homogeneous physical properties in soil. However, there is increasing evidence which suggests that soil carbon turnover is not just determined by carbon inputs, but by restrictions on microbial access to organic matter in a spatially heterogeneous soil environment. Pore geometry is a critical factor in affecting the accessibility of organic matter for microorganisms, but this accessibility has not been explicitly considered in models. Therefore, we have a challenge to mechanistically predict how environmental change will impact on the balance between soil stored in soil and in the atmosphere.

We will exemplify the impact of pore-connectivity on organic matter turn-over by modelling fungal mediated processes in soil. The fungal model includes important fungal processes such as growth, death and spread, secretion of enzymes to degrade soil organic matter, and translocation of dissolved organic matter through its hyphal structure. For such a complex system the question of what constitutes a connected habitat and how this affects soil processes may not be as easy to address and needs to consider more than the pore connectivity often highlighted. For example, for these fungal mediated processes, habitat connectivity may be determined by various characteristics, namely: (i) the total volume of the connected pore space; (ii) the connected air-filled pore volume, through which fungal spread predominantly occurs and gasses diffuse, (iii) the connected water phase volume, through which dissolved C diffuses, (iv) the distribution of particulate organic matter that fuels fungal growth, and (v) biological traits such as those enabling translocation through for example fungal hyphal networks. We demonstrate how various aspects of habitat connectivity differentially impact on two contrasting fungal species, representing e.g. R and K strategists. The results suggest that: i) connectivity of the water phase is critical as it regulates diffusion of dissolved organic matter; this is even so for fungi that preferentially spread through air-filled pores, and ii) whether fungi behave as R or K strategists is not just determined by fungal traits but to a large extend depends on the physical environment. Consequently, selective pressures can be exerted by physical conditions. It was however not possible to identify a key physical driver as the dynamics were mostly determined by interactions between the various types of connectivity. These different pathways tend to compensate each other, enhancing stability of the function. We argue that the fact that multiple connected pathways underpin a soil function leads to resilience of soils to perturbations and underpins soil health. 

How to cite: Otten, W., Portell-Canal, X., and Falconer, R.: The role connectivity in soil for stability of soil organic matter degradation: a biophysical model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13245,, 2023.

EGU23-13407 | Orals | SSS10.3

Cellular automaton based modeling of dynamic soil structures and their functions across scales 

Nadja Ray, Alexander Prechtel, Maximilian Rötzer, and Simon Zech

We present a spatially and temporally explicit mechanistic model for soil aggregation at the microscale. This consists of a cellular automaton model for the dynamic rearrangement of solid building units whose size and shape are derived from dynamic image analysis of wet-sieved, water stable aggregates. This model is combined with a particulate organic matter (POM) turnover model or a model for a growing fine root which exudes and distributes mucilage into the soil. Along this line the mutually interacting soil and POM dynamics and the intertwined processes at the root-soil interface are captured and evaluated simultaneously at the biologically relevant scale. Our comprehensive modeling toolbox allows us to conduct various simulation scenarios and to discriminate and evaluate the underlying processes and different drivers such as texture. We quantify our results by evaluating the stability of the created structures or the dynamical change in local porosity around a growing root. Finally, the insights gained at the microscale are used to parametrize a CO2 transport model at the profile scale. Thereby, the microbially mediated CO2 source is taken into account as well as the driver soil texture, and changing ambient environmental conditions such as water saturation, oxygen concentration and POM content.

How to cite: Ray, N., Prechtel, A., Rötzer, M., and Zech, S.: Cellular automaton based modeling of dynamic soil structures and their functions across scales, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13407,, 2023.

EGU23-13567 | ECS | Orals | SSS10.3

Pore scale modeling of the influence of roots on soil aggregation in the rhizosphere 

Maximilian Rötzer, Alexander Prechtel, and Nadja Ray

We present a mechanistic, spatially and temporally explicit microscale model to investigate the interactions between a growing root, its exudates and the soil structure. Our model allows us to simultaneously simulate and study the dynamic rearrangement of soil particles, the input and turnover of organic matter, the root growth and decay, as well as the deposition, redistribution and decomposition of mucilage into the rhizosphere. The interactions between these components are realized within a cellular automaton framework. Mechanistic rules lead to the formation and break-up of soil structures. The most stable configuration is determined by the amount and attractivity of surface contacts between the particles. Alteration of surface types due to addition and decomposition of organic matter and the root growth induced movements of particles result in varying aggregation dynamics over time and space.

We illustrate the capability of our model by simulating the growth and shrinkage period of a fine root in a two-dimensional, horizontal cross section through the soil. We evaluate various scenarios to identify the impact of the root and further influencing factors that shape soil aggregation in the rhizosphere. More precisely, we address how the soil structure formation is influenced by soil texture and the amount of mucilage. We quantify the variations in local porosity due to the change in available pore space as influenced by the root growth. We further identify attractive properties of the soil surface induced by root exudation as key factors for the creation of stable soil structures.

How to cite: Rötzer, M., Prechtel, A., and Ray, N.: Pore scale modeling of the influence of roots on soil aggregation in the rhizosphere, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13567,, 2023.

EGU23-13626 | ECS | Orals | SSS10.3

The role of root hairs in root water uptake - Insights from an image-based 3D model 

Patrick Duddek, Mutez Ali Ahmed, Mathieu Javaux, Jan Vanderborght, Goran Lovric, Andrew King, and Andrea Carminati

Root hairs, tubular protrusions of epidermal root cells, are considered a key rhizosphere feature: by substantially increasing the contact area between roots and soil, they enhance the ability of plants to capture soil resources. Hence, they are considered a breeding target for improving drought tolerance and yield stability of crops. While their pivotal role in the uptake of immobile nutrients such as phosphorus is well accepted, their effect on root water uptake remains controversial as it varies across plant species. 
By means of image-based modelling, our objective was to identify environmental conditions (e.g. soil water content) and hair traits (e.g. root hair length and density) that determine the effectiveness of root hairs in root water uptake. Furthermore, we investigated the effect of drought stress-induced root hair shrinkage on root water uptake.

We scanned root compartments of 8 days old maize seedlings (Zea Mays L.) grown in a loamy soil using synchrotron radiation X-ray CT. Based on the collected image-data, we implemented a 3D root water uptake model. By solving Richards equation numerically, we computed the propagation of water potential gradients across the root-soil continuum which allowed to quantify root water uptake. The high spatial resolution of the acquired images enabled us to explicitly take rhizosphere features, such as root hairs and root-soil matrix contact into account. We determined the key parameters governing the effectiveness of root hairs in water uptake by comparing a set of six maize root compartments before and after digitally removing their hairs. The quantification of root hair turgor-loss in response to progressive soil drying allowed us to implement hair shrinkage within our model.

We found that the effect of root hairs in root water uptake is governed by 1) the root hair induced increase in root soil contact and 2) root hair length. Furthermore, our results suggest that root hairs potentially facilitate root water uptake under dry soil conditions (< -0.1MPa). However, in the dry range, root hair shrinkage severely reduces the effect of hairs. Depending on their turgor-loss curve, root hairs may still provide a positive effect on root water uptake in a narrow range of soil matric potential. 

In summary, the effect of root hairs on root water uptake depends on soil water content, root-soil contact, root hair length and the turgor-loss point of hairs.

How to cite: Duddek, P., Ahmed, M. A., Javaux, M., Vanderborght, J., Lovric, G., King, A., and Carminati, A.: The role of root hairs in root water uptake - Insights from an image-based 3D model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13626,, 2023.

EGU23-16144 | Orals | SSS10.3

Beyond fractions and pools: Radiocarbon distributions as a constraint for soil organic carbon models 

Shane Stoner, Susan Trumbore, Marion Schrumpf, Sebastian Doetterl, and Carlos Sierra

Laboratory quantification and computer modeling of soil organic carbon (SOC) and radiocarbon (14C) rarely align well. Diverse lab methods exist to separate SOC into “fractions” with operationally defined boundaries which include physical, chemical, and biological thresholds. Compartmental soil models, on the other hand, use homogeneous “pools” to group SOC by its rate of decay. However, the stochastic nature of organic matter decomposition makes it virtually impossible to isolate model pools through fractionation or to model fractions as pools. Radiocarbon is a powerful metric that integrates C fluxes in and out of a system, but fraction and pool 14C valuesrepresent an average which may be composed of widely different C ages. In order to advance and constrain our understanding of SOC dynamics, we need to go beyond mean 14C values of operationally defined pools and instead use radiocarbon distributions. Thermal (oxidative) fractionation of SOC produces continuous C data as a function of temperature (20˚C to 900˚C), and discrete 14C measurements by collecting evolved gas. By fitting splines to 14C data and weighing by C release over temperature, a continuous mass-weighted distribution of 14C can be estimated. Recent modeling advances can similarly estimate system 14C distributions, and models may thus be constrained for the first time by continuous lab data. This convergence is a first step beyond pools and fractions that may significantly increase constraining power. We will present lab and mathematical methods, limitations, and outlooks for advancing soil SOC modeling.

How to cite: Stoner, S., Trumbore, S., Schrumpf, M., Doetterl, S., and Sierra, C.: Beyond fractions and pools: Radiocarbon distributions as a constraint for soil organic carbon models, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16144,, 2023.

EGU23-17460 | Posters on site | SSS10.3

Challenges in applying an empirical modelling approach for resilience of soil carbon functioning 

Lindsay Todman, Adetunji Alex Adekanmbi, Yiran Zou, Xin Shu, Shamina Imran Pathan, and Tom Sizmur

Soils function under highly variable weather conditions which can be challenging to capture in models and metrics. A previous metric of soil resilience used an empirical model to characterize a key soil function (substrate induced respiration) and how this changed over repeated stress cycles. Here, we apply this laboratory and modelling approach to soils from a plot experiment in which cover crops (single species monocultures and 4-species polycultures) were grown over the summer in between autumn sown cash crops in a cereal rotation to compare their resilience. Open Top Chambers (OTCs) were also used to warm the soil surface of part of each plot to mimic climate change impact. Soil samples were collected from these experimental plots after harvesting the cereal crop and we assessed barley grass powder substrate induced soil respiration (a measure of soil microbial function) after 0, 1, 2, 4, and 8 wet/dry cycles imposed in the laboratory. In contrast to previous studies, the initial drying and rewetting stress did not markedly decrease or alter the substrate induced respiration profiles, suggesting that the soil was highly resilient to this stress. Warming slightly reduced soil microbial function after 8 repeated wet/dry cycles, relative to microbial function after 0 wet/dry cycles. However, cover crops, and particularly the 4-species cover crop polyculture, increased soil microbial function significantly after 8 repeated wet/dry cycles, relative to microbial function after 0 wet/dry cycles. The modelling approach suggested high resilience of this soil function in all plots, but did not detect any differences in the resilience of soil carbon functioning for soils from the different plots, but it was unclear whether this was due to lack of sensitivity of the approach. This further emphasizes the challenges in quantifying the ‘resilience’ of soil functioning as it is highly dependent on context.

How to cite: Todman, L., Adekanmbi, A. A., Zou, Y., Shu, X., Pathan, S. I., and Sizmur, T.: Challenges in applying an empirical modelling approach for resilience of soil carbon functioning, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17460,, 2023.



This paper investigates the relationship of six aggregation fractions (2-1.4mm F1; 1.4-1.0 mm F2; 1.0-0.5 mm F3; 0.5-0.25 mm ; F4; 0.25-0.1mm ; F5, 0.1mm > F6) and their average (AVG) with relation to 74 soil attributes.  The database used in this study is based on the heritage soil spectral library (SSL) of Israel over both semi-arid and arid regions representing seven global soil orders from the  USDA list. The database is composed of chemical, physical and spectral measurements. The spectral data consisted of reflectance measurement using the IEEE  standard protocol and across the VIS-NIR-SWIR spectral region as well as XRF analyses of microelements and XRD determination, wet chemistry analysis and quantitative assessment of the soil mineralogy. The correlation matrix between all attributes enables to isolate four cementation agents (CAs) of the soil micro aggregation namely: clay content, clay mineral specious (smectite), organic matter, and free iron oxides contents. Generating a Pedo Transfer Function (PTF) using these CAs revealed equations that well predict the aggregate size fraction of F1,F2,F3, and the average aggregation stage (AVG ) of all soils. A separate spectral-based analysis to evaluate directly the fraction sizes from reflectance measurements without any prior information regarding the CAs, was also generated and revealed high statistic performance with spectral assignments that belonged to the four selected CAs and their derivatives. The final conclusion was that the micro aggregation stage of soil can be assessed directly or indirectly via PTF and also by using spectral analysis and data mining approaches. Assuming that the reflectance information from hyperspectral remote sensing means such as EMIT (NASA initiative) PRISMA (ASI) and EnMAP (DLR) are available today (2022) this approach may add a great deal to the NASA  mission aims at investigating the potential of soil to act as a dust source.


How to cite: Ben-Dor, E., Francos, N., and Ogen, Y.: Estimating of the  Soil Aggregate Size Fraction in Arid and Semi-Arid Soils using Reflectance Spectroscopy, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-79,, 2023.

Multinomial Logistic Regression (MNLR), which is a linear and simple classification algorithm, the probability of each pixel belonging to a class can be calculated and the most probable classes and ground realities are compared in digital soil mapping. However, Random Forest (RF) algorithm, which is a relatively complex classification algorithm that can also discover non-linear relationships, the most probable classes can be determined by measuring the proportion of votes for each class, which it calls estimates of class probabilities in each pixel. In the current study, we used the map with eight FAO-WRB second level soil classes as a result of detailed soil survey mapping in an area of approximately 10,000 ha. We determined the data set points from the mapping units with the area-weighted sampling methodology. Digital soil class maps generated using the two classification algorithms and twenty-three variables representing parent material, organism and topography generated from the digital elevation model and Landsat 7 ETM satellite images. Classification accuracies measured using the confusion matrix. Overall accuracy calculated in training and validation set for MNLR, 52% 48%;  for RF, 48% and 55%, respectively. In general, machine learning algorithms try to minimize the misclassification error and thus the error in all classes is equally important. However, in soil science, the most probable and the second most probable class probabilities produced as a result of these two classification algorithms are important. Thus, confusion index (CI), which is calculated by considering the probability values of the most probable class and the second most probable class, in the training and validation sets of each classification algorithm. Mean CI values were calculated in training and validation set as 0.73 and 0.75 for MNLR; for RF 0.36 and 0.77, respectively. As the CI approaches 0, CI informs us that the most probable class strongly belongs to the class to which it is allocated. Furthermore, there is no high difference between the two models in the training and validation sets, according to the confusion matrix results. However, in the confusion index, there is a 50% difference between the mean confusion index values of the training and validation sets for the RF algorithm. CI maps created are produced according to the model established with the training set, therefore, visual interpretation and pedologist knowledge should be integrated. Accordingly, both classification algorithms failed to digital map the Chromic Cambisol class in the study area. This soil class can be determined in the field according to a subsurface chroma value and has been difficult to capture by our environmental covariate set. We suggest that in addition to giving general accuracy values in the production of any digital soil classes map, the calculation of the confusion index values and their interpretation with pedological information.

How to cite: Kaya, F. and Başayiğit, L.: Digital mapping of WRB soil classes using linear and non-linear classification-based machine learning algorithms and integration of confusion index in knowledge discovery, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-510,, 2023.

EGU23-1497 | ECS | Orals | SSS10.4

Developing parsimonious model for digital soil mapping using forward recursive feature selection 

Songchao Chen, Xianglin Zhang, Jie Xue, Nan Wang, Yi Xiao, Zhou Shi, Anne Richer-de-Forges, and Dominique Arrouays

In the context of increasing soil degradation worldwide, spatially explicit soil information is urgently needed to support decision-making for sustaining limited soil resources. Digital soil mapping (DSM) has been proven as an efficient way to deliver soil information from local to global scales. The number of environmental covariates used for DSM has rapidly increased due to the growing volume of remote sensing data, therefore variable selection is necessary to deal with multicollinearity and improve model parsimony. Compared with Boruta, recursive feature elimination (RFE), and variance inflation factor (VIF) analysis, we proposed the use of modified greedy feature selection, namely forward recursive feature selection (FRFS), for DSM regression. For this purpose, using quantile regression forest, 402 soil samples and 392 environmental covariates were used to map the spatial distribution of soil organic carbon density (SOCD) in Northeast and North China. The result showed that FRFS selected the most parsimonious model with only 9 covariates (e.g., brightness index, mean annual temperature), much lower than RFE (22 covariates), VIF (30 covariates), and Boruta (76 covariates). The repeated validation (50 times) showed that the FRFS derived model performed better than these using full covariates, Boruta, RFE and VIF. Despite the similar performance of the uncertainty estimate (PICP), the model using FRFS and RFE had the lowest global uncertainty (0.86) as indicated by the uncertainty index. In addition, FRFS had the best computation efficiency when considering the steps of variable selection and map prediction. Given these advantages over Boruta, RFE and VIF, FRFS has a high potential in fine-resolution soil mapping practices, especially for these studies at a broad scale involving heavy computation on millions or billions of pixels.

How to cite: Chen, S., Zhang, X., Xue, J., Wang, N., Xiao, Y., Shi, Z., Richer-de-Forges, A., and Arrouays, D.: Developing parsimonious model for digital soil mapping using forward recursive feature selection, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1497,, 2023.

The spatial distribution of soil organic carbon (SOC) serves as critical geographic information for assessing ecosystem services and guides land management for migrating carbon emissions. Digital mapping of SOC is challenging due to the complex relationships between the soil and its environmental conditions. Except for the well-known topography and climate environmental covariates, the aboveground vegetation growth, which interacts with belowground soil carbon, influences SOC significantly over seasonal and interannual variations. Although several remote-sensing-based vegetation indices (e.g. NDVI and EVI) have been widely adopted in digital soil mapping, variables indicating long-term vegetation growth status have been less used. The vegetation phenology, an indicator of vegetation growth characteristics, can be used as a potential time series environmental covariate for SOC prediction. In this study, a CNN-RNN hybrid model was developed for SOC prediction with inputs of static and dynamic environmental variables in a study area located in Xuancheng City, China. The spatially contextual features in static variables (e.g., topographic variables) were extracted by the convolutional neural network (CNN), while the temporal features in dynamic variables (e.g., vegetation phenology over a long period) were extracted by a recurrent neural network (RNN) as represented by using a long short-term memory (LSTM) network. The ten-year phenological variables before the sampling year derived from satellite-based observations were adopted as new predictors reflecting historical temporal changes in vegetation in addition to the commonly used static variables. The random forest model was used as a reference model for comparison. Our results indicate that adding phenological variables can improve the soil carbon prediction accuracy, and demonstrate that the fine-tuned CNN-RNN model is potentially effective and can be a powerful model for SOC predictive mapping. We conclude that the hybrid deep learning models have great potential to enhance soil prediction by simultaneously extracting spatial and temporal latent features from different types of environmental variables, and highlight that using the long-term historical vegetation phenology information can serve as a useful extra input for future applications in the predictive mapping of soil carbon.


Zhang, L., Cai, Y., Huang, H., Li, A., Yang, L., Zhou, C., 2022. A CNN-LSTM Model for Soil Organic Carbon Content Prediction with Long Time Series of MODIS-Based Phenological Variables. Remote Sensing 14, 4441
Yang, L., Cai, Y., Zhang, L., Guo, M., Li, A., Zhou, C., 2021. A deep learning method to predict soil organic carbon content at a regional scale using satellite-based phenology variables. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 102, 102428
He, X., Yang, L., Li, A., Zhang, L., Shen, F., Cai, Y., Zhou, C., 2021. Soil organic carbon prediction using phenological parameters and remote sensing variables generated from Sentinel-2 images. CATENA 205, 105442.

How to cite: Zhang, L., Yang, L., and Zhou, C.: Enhancing predictive mapping of soil carbon by incorporating vegetation growth dynamic information via deep learning, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1878,, 2023.

EGU23-2225 | ECS | Orals | SSS10.4

Incorporating agricultural practices in digital mapping improves prediction of cropland soil organic carbon content: the case of the Tuojiang River Basin 

Qi Wang, Julia Le Noë, Qiquan Li, Ting Lan, Xuesong Gao, Ouping Deng, and Yang Li

Cropland soil organic carbon (SOC) is key to maintain soil fertility for plant growth and mitigating climate change by storing considerable amount of organic carbon. Accurate mapping of cropland SOC is essential for improving soil management in agriculture and assessing the potential of different strategies aiming at enhancing regional carbon sequestration. Digital Soil Mapping represents an intermediate approach between labor-intensive soil measurement survey and uncertain SOC modelling. However, most of the widely-used environmental predictors employed in current cropland SOC mapping describe the natural conditions. Indeed, anthropogenic activities, particularly agricultural management practices have profound impacts on agricultural soils, but have rarely been considered in previous research on SOC digital mapping.
Here, we filled that gap by incorporating within the Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) model several key cropland management practices including carbon input, length of cultivation, and irrigation as management covariates, together with natural variables in order to predict the spatial distribution of cropland SOC in a traditional agricultural area in the Tuojiang River Basin, China. This approach revealed the dominant role of carbon input in explaining SOC variation in this intensively cultivated areas, followed by elevation and soil pH. Adding cropland management practices to natural variables improved prediction accuracy, with the coefficient of determination (R2), the root mean squared error (RMSE) and Lin’s Concordance Correlation Coefficient (LCCC) improving by 16.67%, 17.75% and 5.62%, respectively. Our research highlights the necessity of considering cropland management practices alongside environmental predictors in order to provide more reliable prediction of cropland SOC. We conclude that the construction of spatio-temporal database of agricultural management practices is a research priority as it has a very strong potential, not only to provide accurate digital SOC maps when incorporated within XGBoost model, but also to better initialize the SOC stocks in process-oriented model, such as Dynamic Vegetation Models and Earth System Models.

How to cite: Wang, Q., Le Noë, J., Li, Q., Lan, T., Gao, X., Deng, O., and Li, Y.: Incorporating agricultural practices in digital mapping improves prediction of cropland soil organic carbon content: the case of the Tuojiang River Basin, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2225,, 2023.

EGU23-2312 | ECS | Orals | SSS10.4

Spatial modelling of vineyard erosion using machine learning methods 

Tünde Takáts, János Mészáros, Gáspár Albert, and László Pásztor

Sustainable agriculture is seriously threatened by severe soil erosion, which is also occurred in the Neszmély Wine Region, in the northern part of the Gerecse Hills in Hungary. In the region, three vineyards with visible signs of erosion were chosen to quantify the amount of eroded soil. The empirically based Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) model was utilized first to determine the soil loss. The study sites were monitored with an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) to create high-resolution models of seasonal and annual soil loss. After the empirically based, spatially detailed quantification of erosion, we have tested the applicability of machine learning methods to predict soil erosion for the selected parcels during the same time period. The primary concept was to use the empirically inferred erosion values as observation data to construct parcel-specific prediction models and test them on the remaining two parcels. In the model we have used (i) Sentinel 2 satellite data in the form of both native spectral bands and its derived spectral indices; (ii) terrain features derived from digital surface model created and aggregated from the UAV flights and (iii) formerly elaborated digital soil property maps as auxiliary data. Various machine learning methods (ranger, ridge, xgbLinear, enet, pls, brnn) have been tested to find the best performing predictions. Observation data were generated in the form of random points, in 100 representations. Model performances have been tested by proper measures to evaluate the applicability of the applied machine learning techniques for soil erosion mapping.


Acknowledgment: Our research has been supported by the Hungarian National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NRDI; Grant No: K 131820).

How to cite: Takáts, T., Mészáros, J., Albert, G., and Pásztor, L.: Spatial modelling of vineyard erosion using machine learning methods, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2312,, 2023.

EGU23-2723 | Orals | SSS10.4

What is going on within Google Earth Engine? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis 

Pedro Pérez-Cutillas, Alberto Pérez-Navarro, Carmelo Conesa-García, Demetrio Antonio Zema, and Jesús Pilar Amado Álvarez

Google Earth Engine (GEE) is a geospatial processing platform based on geo-information applications in the 'cloud'. This platform provides free access to huge volumes of satellite data for computing, and offers support tools to monitor and analyse environmental features on a large scale. Such facilities have been widely used in numerous studies about land management and planning. Considering the current lack of relevant overviews, it may be useful to evaluate the utilization paths of GEE and its impact on the scientific community. For this purpose, a systematic review has been conducted using the PRISMA methodology based on 343 articles published from 2020 to 2022 in high-impact scientific journals, selected from the Scopus and Google Scholar databases. After an overview of the publishing context, an analysis of the frequency of satellite features, processing methods, applications are carried out, and a special attention is given to the COVID-19 studies. Finally, the geographical distribution of the reviewed articles is evaluated, and the citation impact metrics is analysed. On a bibliometric approach, 90 journals published articles on GEE in the reference period (January 2020 to April 2022), and this large number of journals reveals the multidisciplinary application of GEE platform as well as the interest of publishers towards this topic of relevance for the international scientific community. The results of the meta-analysis following the systematic review showed that: (i) the Landsat 8 was the most widely-used satellite (25%); (i) the non-parametric classification methods, mainly Random Forest, were the most recurrent algorithms (31%); and (iii) the water resources assessment and prediction were the most common methodological applications (22%). A low number of articles about COVID-19, in spite of the planetary importance of the pandemic effects. The reviewed articles were geographically distributed among 86 countries, China, United States, and India accounting for the large number. 'Remote Sensing' and 'Remote Sensing of Environment' were the leading journals in the citation impact metrics, while the Random Forest method and the agriculture-related applications being the mostly cited. It is expected that these results might change over the mid to long term, due to fast progress in environmental and spatial information technologies, although currently our findings may be worthwhile and useful for assessing the current global deployment of GEE platform.

How to cite: Pérez-Cutillas, P., Pérez-Navarro, A., Conesa-García, C., Zema, D. A., and Amado Álvarez, J. P.: What is going on within Google Earth Engine? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2723,, 2023.

EGU23-3921 | Orals | SSS10.4

Assessing the value of Digital Soil Assessment: a bridge too far? 

Ron Corstanje and Jack Hannam

Digital Soil Mapping (DSM) is a demonstrated viable approach to generate spatial predictions of soil properties but Digital Soil Assessment (DSA) methods are not widely applied as the translational step from DSM to DSA remains challenging. The purpose, in generic terms, of DSA is the conversion of quantitative data on soil properties obtained through DSM to a spatial assessment of the capacity of a soil to fulfil a particular function. However, the interpretation and value of soil information to users for effective decision making is often qualitative rather than quantitative, expressing the capacity and capability of soil to deliver particular services or perform particular functions. We identify three challenges to implementing DSA for decision making and illustrate these with several case studies: 1) Bridging the gap between quantitative DSM to qualitative DSA.  Soil Quality and Health (SQH) are general terms for indicators that are associated with soil security which are neither easy to define, nor easy to quantify. Through combining the UK national soils datasets, and the SQH Bayesian inference, we were then able to predict SQH for soils across Great Britain.  We show that we are able to describe both aleatoric uncertainty and, equally important, epistemic uncertainty through a description of the experts confidence and through using multiple experts. 2) Cascading the uncertainty generated from DSM into DSA. We demonstrate using a stochastic simulation technique and specified threshold values for soil constraints for crop growth that the uncertainty can be incorporated into the resulting value assessments. We show that DSA can be used to quantify the potential contributions of soil constraints versus socio-economic, farm management and other factors, and the importance of allowing for uncertainties and having appropriate constraint criteria is illustrated by the sensitivity of our constraint estimates to the various criteria we tested. 3) Incorporating temporally dynamic environmental data. We developed a DSA that integrated a dynamic modelling approach to determine land suitability under future climatic variability.  The DSA outputs highlighted where best to grow food in the future based on soil and climate interactions, however decision making needs to address potential trade-offs in other soil services before deciding when and where to protect the best quality land. Although we illustrate, through these examples, that informative and useful spatial data about the soil can be obtained through DSA, in each case the process is elaborate and complex, with significant modelling challenges. Unlike DSM, DSA introduces a value judgement on the soil which can be difficult to capture through quantitative modelling processes.

How to cite: Corstanje, R. and Hannam, J.: Assessing the value of Digital Soil Assessment: a bridge too far?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3921,, 2023.

EGU23-4318 | ECS | Orals | SSS10.4

Cropland productivity evaluation based on earth observation and direct measurements, a 100m resolution country assessment 

Nándor Csikós, Brigitta Szabó, Tamás Hermann, Annamária Laborczi, Judit Matus, László Pásztor, Gábor Szatmári, Katalin Takács, and Gergely Tóth

A methodology of quantitative assessment of soil biomass productivity with 100 m spatial resolution on a country coverage is presented. The traditional land evaluation approach - where crop yield is the dependent variable - was followed using measured yield and net primary productivity data derived from satellite images, together with digital soil and climate maps. Further to characterization of soil biomass productivity based on measured data, the weight of soil properties in productivity was also quantified, thus providing an information basis to design sustainable land management practices. To produce these results, we used the Random Forest method for our calculations. The study considers high-input agriculture, which is predominant in the country.  Biomass productivity indices for major crops (wheat, maize and sunflower) as well as general productivity indices were computed for the whole agricultural area of Hungary. The assessment can be repeated for monitoring purposes to support general monitoring goals as well as for reporting in relation to the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. Nevertheless, based on the findings we also propose a method that enables the periodical update of the evaluation, that can also be used as monitoring biomass productivity in the context of climate change, land degradation and the advancement of cultivation technology.

How to cite: Csikós, N., Szabó, B., Hermann, T., Laborczi, A., Matus, J., Pásztor, L., Szatmári, G., Takács, K., and Tóth, G.: Cropland productivity evaluation based on earth observation and direct measurements, a 100m resolution country assessment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4318,, 2023.

EGU23-5543 | ECS | Orals | SSS10.4

Smoothed predicted distributions in digital soil mapping – a comprehensive comparative study to predict soil texture for irrigation 

Madlene Nussbaum, Stefan Vogel, Stefan Oechslin, Simon Tanner, and Stéphane Burgos

Spatial predictions for mapping soil properties are often prone to smoothing of distribution tails. As a result small values are overestimated and large values are underestimated. For many applications there might be not harm, but it is critical for map uses where soil property interpretation for small or large values have a substantial effect. For example, soil texture maps are relevant to implement irrigation strategies or to adjust irrigation soil moisture probes. Texture at the margin of the distributions have a much larger impact on probe adjustment than intermediate textures.

To investigate the effect of different statistical approaches on smoothing of soil texture prediction we analyzed four Swiss data sets originating from different surveys with different strength of response-covariate relationships (weak: arable land north of Berne, n = 1650; weak to medium: arable land of Canton of Zurich, n = 3920; medium: strongly cultivated Gleysols and Histosol in Seeland/Grosses Moos, n = 2510; strong: cultivated Histosols in Rhine Valley, n = 2590). We evaluated behavior around lower and upper tails of predicted distributions for commonly used methods fitted to clay, silt and sand and to additive log-ratio transformed responses: random forest, gradient boosted trees, support vector machines, Cubist regression, k-nearest neighbor, robust external-drift kriging and group lasso. In addition, we applied approaches that are supposed to alleviate the problem of smoothed predicted distributions: 1) post-processing transformation to match original variance, 2) SMOTER algorithm for imbalanced regression, 3) constrained kriging, 4) random forest with resampling weights inverse to histogram, 5) univariate distributional random forest with a distribution loss criteria and a 6) multivariate response variant of distributional random forest.

Validation was done by surveying a design-based dataset for Rhine Valley and Berne and by data-splitting otherwise. Besides computing validation statistics of mean model performance, we evaluated goodness-of-fit of univariate and multivariate distributions. Further, we judged the multivariate accuracy regarding HYPRES and USDA texture classes often used within irrigation applications.

The comparative analysis of the used methods showed that no approach outperformed the others on all datasets regarding mean overall accuracy and at the same time satisfactory prediction of tails. Sometimes random forest with inverse histogram weights was resulting in slightly better predictions at the tails, but it was closely followed by an unaltered random forest. Hence, producing proper prediction along the full distribution of a response remains a challenge.

How to cite: Nussbaum, M., Vogel, S., Oechslin, S., Tanner, S., and Burgos, S.: Smoothed predicted distributions in digital soil mapping – a comprehensive comparative study to predict soil texture for irrigation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5543,, 2023.

EGU23-5877 | Orals | SSS10.4

Effect of sample size, sampling design and calibration model on generating soil maps from proximal sensing data for precision liming 

Sebastian Vogel, Jonas Schmidinger, Ingmar Schröter, Eric Bönecke, Jörg Rühlmann, Eckart Kramer, Titia Mulder, Gerard Heuvelink, and Robin Gebbers

For site-specific estimation of lime requirement, high-resolution soil maps of clay, soil organic carbon (SOC) and pH are required. These can be generated using digital soil mapping (DSM), in which prediction models are fitted on covariates from proximal soil sensors. However, the quality of the maps derived may differ significantly depending on the methodology applied. Hence, we assessed effects of (i) calibration sample size (5-100), (ii) sampling design (simple random sampling (SRS), conditioned Latin Hypercube sampling (cLHS) and k-means sampling (KM)) and (iii) prediction model (linear regression (LR) and Random Forest (RF)) on the prediction performance for the above mentioned three soil properties using data from two multi-sensor platforms. The present case study is based on a geostatistical simulation using 250 soil samples from a 51 ha field in Germany. Among others, Lin’s concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) and root-mean-square error (RMSE) were used to evaluate model performances. Results show that with increasing sample size, improvements of RMSE and CCC decreased exponentially. We found best median RMSE values at 100 calibration soil samples, i.e. 1.73%, 0.3 and 0.21% for Clay, pH and SOC, respectively. However, already with 10 samples, models of moderate quality (CCC > 0.65) can be obtained for all three soil properties. Both, cLHS and KM obtained significantly better results than SRS. At smaller sample sizes, LR showed lower median RMSE values than RF for SOC and pH. Nonetheless, with at least 75-100 and 25-30 samples, RF eventually outperformed LR. For clay, median RMSE was lower with RF, regardless of sample size.

How to cite: Vogel, S., Schmidinger, J., Schröter, I., Bönecke, E., Rühlmann, J., Kramer, E., Mulder, T., Heuvelink, G., and Gebbers, R.: Effect of sample size, sampling design and calibration model on generating soil maps from proximal sensing data for precision liming, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5877,, 2023.

EGU23-6905 | Posters on site | SSS10.4

Mobile Gamma-ray spectrometry for soil texture mapping 

Hami Said, Arsenio Toloza, Gerhard Rab, Thomas Brunner, Lee Kheng Heng, Peter Strauss, Modou Mbaye, and Gerd Dercon

Particle size distribution in soil, or texture, is a property essential for understanding processes driving soil water dynamics, fertility and conservation.  However, soil texture mapping, using traditional soil sampling and analytical techniques, is labor intensive, time consuming and hence expensive.  Having a more rapid and low-cost proximal sensing technique to accurately map soil texture would be a big step forward, in particular at a sufficiently detailed spatial scale for providing advice on soil management at field scale.

For the development of such proximal sensing techniques assisting in soil texture monitoring, a study was carried out by the Joint FAO/IAEA Centre at the Petzenkirchen catchment of the Hydrological Open-Air Laboratory (HOAL), located 100 km west from Vienna in Lower Austria. As sensing technique for determining texture, with emphasis on the topsoil (0-30 cm), Gamma-Ray Sensor (GRS) technology was selected.  A Medusa MS-350 portable GRS was used to measure the spatial activity concentrations ( of 40K (potassium), 238U (uranium), and 232Th (thorium) over 20 points across the studied catchment. These activity concentrations were then linked with soil texture parameters of interest, such as silt, clay, and sand, at the same positions. In total 200 soil samples (10 soil samples for each of the 20 points) were taken for soil texture determination.

Preliminary results showed the best correlation between 40K radionuclide concentrations and clay (R2 = 0.51), and silt (R2 = 0.46). Thus, spatial monitoring of 40K with mobile GRS shows potential for the monitoring of clay and silt. However, correlations with other radionuclides concentrations such as 238U and 232Th were weak with R2 coefficients less than 0.16.

Further studies are now required to assess ways to improve 40K based predictability of soil texture and validate the applicability of this approach in a more generic way, i.e. a wide range of soil textures. This validation will then enable the further development of this nuclear technology for effective and efficient ground based and air-borne soil texture determination.

How to cite: Said, H., Toloza, A., Rab, G., Brunner, T., Heng, L. K., Strauss, P., Mbaye, M., and Dercon, G.: Mobile Gamma-ray spectrometry for soil texture mapping, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6905,, 2023.

Soil mapping has been performed using different predictor features including climatic grids, terrain, or remotely sensed data. However, studies that consider dense time-series of remotely sensed imagery are scarce. Sentinel 2, the operational multispectral mission of European Space Agency, provides remotely sensed data with a 5-day revisit time and 10-m spatial resolution for visible and near infrared bands. Land Surface Phenology (LSP) and derived phenometrics could be obtained from Sentinel 2 time series. In complex forested ecosystems, these phenometrics could be useful predictor features for the spatial prediction of soil properties such as soil organic matter (SOM) or pH. The aim of this work was two folded, i) mapping SOM and pH with thirteen phenometrics derived from Sentinel 2 and terrain features using two machine learning algorithms (Random Forest (RF) and Support Vector Regression (SVR)) and two Feature Selection methods (Sequential Forward and Backward Selection) and ii) evaluating the contribution of LSP phenometrics for SOM and pH mapping through Feature Selection performance.

92 topsoil samples with SOM and pH data were collected in Sierra de las Nieves, southern Spain in 2019. The phenological features were extracted from a three-year time series of Enhanced Vegetation Index 2 (EVI2) computed from all available Sentinel 2 images of 30SUF tile for 2018-2020 period. The time series were smoothed using an asymmetrical gaussian method, and a 10% threshold-based method was used for phenometric extraction. Thirteen phenological features were extracted from the smoothed time series: amplitude, base value, end of season time, end of season value, large integral, left derivative, length of season, maximum value, middle of season, right derivative, small integral, start of season time and start of season value. Together with phenological data, elevation and twelve derived terrain features were used. The performance of two Machine Learning algorithms, Random Forest and Support Vector Regression, was evaluated within a framework with two Feature Selection methods, Sequential Forward Selection and Sequential Backward Selection.

The assessment of phenometrics for SOM and pH mapping highlighted the importance of middle of season for SOM, and Large Integral and End of Season value for pH prediction. Together with phenometrics, LS Factor for SOM and elevation and Channel Network Distance for pH were also found relevant. The performance of RF and SVR was similar for both soil properties, outperforming SVR in terms of R2 for SOM modelling (SOM: R2 of 0.06-0.20 and RMSE of 5.42-5.53; pH: R2 of 0.20-0.37 and RMSE of 0.38-0.40). These results underpinned the suitability of Sentinel 2 time-series and LSP derived phenometrics for soil mapping in forested areas.   

How to cite: Canero, F. M. and Rodriguez-Galiano, V.: Assessment of Sentinel 2 derived phenometrics as predictor features for soil organic matter and pH mapping in a high-altitude Mediterranean forest, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7425,, 2023.

EGU23-8418 | Orals | SSS10.4

Torque-Weighted Index Soil Strength Test (TWISST) for vegetated terrain 

Andrei Abelev, Trina Merrick, Robert Liang, Michael Vermillion, Rong-Rong Li, Willibroad Buma, and Christine Swanson

Improved understanding of vegetation impacts on soil strength could improve erosion and landslide assessment, stabilization and resilience efforts, and off-road vehicle mobility efforts while minimizing damage to vegetation or soil surfaces. It has been shown that belowground biomass, along with soil moisture and type, influences soil strength. Standard handheld geotechnical instruments, such as cone penetrometers, vane and torvane, typically used for measurements of soil strength were developed for civil engineering projects. These devices have been applied to studies in natural areas to determine shear strength profiles, namely wetlands, stream banks, slopes, and coastal dunes. However, in cases where soils are soft or complex, can be saturated, or where vegetation exists, such as coastal areas or wetlands, traditional geotechnical instruments provide uncertain and highly variable results, can miss vegetation contributions to soil strength, and are difficult to compare to one another. A few efforts exist to address these issues. In the case of wetlands, Sasser et al (2018) developed a Wetland Soil Strength Tester (WSST), which measures the torque required to shear the combined soil-vegetation wetland matrix using a four-pin design inserted into the wetland soil 15 cm. In our ongoing work to use remote sensing to map soil and vegetation properties, even when soil is obscured by vegetation, we found that the geotechnical measurements insufficiently capture soil strength in the presence of vegetation. We adapted the WSST design and systematically tested against traditional geotechnical measurements broadly (variety of vegetated terrain, mostly grasses and shrubs, ranging from low to high heights), not necessarily just wetlands, to investigate the utility of the measurements in applications where soil strength is a primary parameter. Soil types included sand, loam, and clay, and each were tested in wet and dry conditions. Measurements of peak torque were recorded at intervals of 90 degrees up to four revolutions with and without surface vegetation present to account for more soil properties than shear failure. Results of the analyses showed that the method can account for a greater variation in initial shear strength than the cone penetrometer-based cone index in soft to medium hard soils, such as wet and dry sands with vegetation and moist to wet clays. Analyses of torque-based measurements beyond initial shear, greater than 90 degrees, revealed a non-uniform and non-linear change in force required as sheared vegetation-soil matrix is further manipulated. Hard soils, especially dry clays were beyond the maximum limits of torque measurements and did not add valuable information beyond traditional geotechnical measurements. Based on these results, a preliminary model of the relationship between the torque-based measurement and the cone index was developed, terrain maps were enhanced, and further applications are being analyzed.  The torque weighted index soil strength test techniques have potential application in stability, erosion, and mobility studies as well as our ongoing research in using remote sensing for indirect inferences of soil properties in vegetated areas.

How to cite: Abelev, A., Merrick, T., Liang, R., Vermillion, M., Li, R.-R., Buma, W., and Swanson, C.: Torque-Weighted Index Soil Strength Test (TWISST) for vegetated terrain, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8418,, 2023.

EGU23-8450 | ECS | Orals | SSS10.4

Digital mapping of soil properties with optimally scaled predictors 

Andrei Dornik, Marinela Adriana Cheţan, Lucian Drăguţ, Andrei Iliuţă, and Daniel Dorin Dicu

Although improved and more effective approaches for predicting the spatial distribution of soils have long been developed, further study in this field is still required. This study proposes an algorithm for generating terrain attributes over several scales and automatically selecting the optimal scale for each predictor using the powerful Random Forests (RF) method, to increase the accuracy of soil property maps. The effectiveness of using optimal scaled predictors to improve the accuracy of soil maps is investigated on nine soil properties (clay, silt, and sand content within the 0-20 cm range, soil porosity within the 0-20 cm range, subsoil porosity, pH within the 0-20 cm range, edaphic volume, humus reserve, and base saturation within the 0-20 cm range). Experiments were carried out in two study areas in western Romania, located along the boundary between the Western Plain and the Western Hills. The first study area contains 96 georeferenced soil profiles, while the second has 92. The initial 12.5 m digital elevation model (DEM) was resampled to 25 m, then in 25 m increments to 1000 m, resulting in 40 coarser versions of the DEM. Each rescaled version of the DEM was used to derive 10 terrain attributes, resulting in 40 rescaled versions of each terrain attribute. Next, a Random Forest (RF) and a linear correlation model with each scaled terrain attribute were created using soil property values. The highest R-squared value and correlation coefficient, respectively, are used by the script to produce two sets of optimally scaled terrain attributes. All multiscale predictors, optimally scaled predictors based on the RF model, optimally scaled predictors based on the correlation coefficient, and original not scaled predictors were the four groups of predictors used to map each soil attribute. The results showed that when the predictors are optimally scaled compared to maps produced with the original unscaled predictors or with all multiscale predictors, more accurate and less uncertain soil property maps are obtained.

How to cite: Dornik, A., Cheţan, M. A., Drăguţ, L., Iliuţă, A., and Dicu, D. D.: Digital mapping of soil properties with optimally scaled predictors, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8450,, 2023.

Soil scientists, farmers, and policy makers are seeking cost-effective alternatives for measuring, monitoring, and verifying changes in soil carbon as a result of land use change and adoption of sustainable management practices. The increasing interest is in line with the need to establish protocols for accurate representation of changes and variability in soil carbon, especially for sustainability metrics and carbon markets. As conventional soil sampling and laboratory analysis schemes are costly and labour-intensive at large scales, remote sensing-based approaches are promising. Digital soil mapping, which uses satellite images as explanatory variables in regression models, is increasingly used primarily to estimate and monitor changes in soil carbon over time and spatially. This study is intended to demonstrate how satellite images coupled with other environmental covariates and field measurements of soil carbon can be used to build models to explain soil carbon variability and change. The study was conducted at the North Wyke Farm Platform, an experimental farm located in Devon, in which different land-uses and management systems including permanent pasture, high-grass sugar and arable crops have been monitoring since 2012. Soil samples were collected in 2012 in a regular grid scheme and analysed for soil carbon, bulk density and other parameters. Subsequent measurements were also carried out in 2016, 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021. Soil carbon values were then related to the spectral reflectance of Landsat-8 and terrain variables to build a baseline prediction model. A gradient boosting algorithm, which was parameterised to find the best parameters that minimise the square error of the prediction, was used. After the model was trained and tested for the baseline year, it was applied to satellite images and terrain attributes of the subsequent years and maps of soil carbon was obtained for each year. The predicted values for each year were compared with measured values in each field. Our results demonstrated that Landsat-8 images coupled with terrain attributes were able to explain 33% of the changes in soil carbon observed between 2012 and 2021. Future research is needed to improve these estimates and take full advantage of remote sensing and machine learning models in monitoring, measuring, reporting and verification of soil carbon stocks in agricultural systems.


How to cite: Valadares Galdos, M. and E. Q. Silvero, N.: Are remote sensing images accurate enough to detect changes in soil carbon over time? An example from the North Wyke Farm Platform, UK, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8597,, 2023.

EGU23-9108 | Posters on site | SSS10.4

Modelling mixed scenarios of canopy and soil spectral reflectance to improve SOC prediction 

Asmaa Abdelbaki, Robert Milewski, and Sabine Chabrillat

Three and four times as much carbon is stored in Earth's soil as organic matter, about 60-80%, compared to what is found in the atmosphere and terrestrial plants. A quantifiable fraction of soil organic matter is soil organic carbon (SOC), which is a key property of soil quality. Since the advent of optical remote sensing technologies and especially with the development of soil and imaging spectroscopy, empirical statistical approaches have often been employed to link the spectral signatures with soil properties. Common approaches are indirect modelling through the multivariate statistical algorithms and machine learning algorithms, where correlation processes and nonlinear relationships between variables are taken. An alternative, to these methods, is forward radiative transfer modelling (RTM) or physical modelling that predicts the spectral reflectance of soils in the solar domain (0.4–2.5 μm) in different scenarios. This approach nowadays is mostly used for modeling wet soils and potentially inferring soil moisture content from soil reflectance, but not used for retrieving other properties such as mixed vegetation content and soil properties such as organic carbon content. In this research supported by WORLDSOILS project, we aim to couple a multilayer radiative transfer model of soil reflectance (MARMIT) to soil-leaf-canopy model (SLC-1D RTM) based on LUCAS soil spectral library (SSL) to simulate reflectances of mixed soil-vegetation scenarios as function of water, vegetation and SOC content. In the integrated model called MARMIT-SLC, changes in the spectral reflectance of the soil surface are considered that include the occurrence of soil moisture, dryness, in addition to the effects of early green crops and dry crop residues. This development may improve the coverage and accuracy of SOC predictions based on remote sensing data. For this, upscaling simulations over a large spatial scale of landscapes are performed. Preliminary results show that the accuracy of SOC predictions obtained from the laboratory's VNIR-SWIR spectra based on LUCAS 2009 soil datasets have increased. Although the RTM approach has been developed systematically to validate the suitability of the improved soil algorithm for global soil mapping, there are challenges in model evaluation and validation of results due to the lack of ground data availability.

Keywords: soil spectroscopy, RTM, MARMIT model, SLC model, Leaf area index, fractional vegetation cover, SOC.

How to cite: Abdelbaki, A., Milewski, R., and Chabrillat, S.: Modelling mixed scenarios of canopy and soil spectral reflectance to improve SOC prediction, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9108,, 2023.

The geochemical predictive models based on environmental correlations were proved to return reliable predictions when the covariates’ feature space is representatively covered by samples. It may be efficient to combine the data from different sampling campaigns. Classical analytical methods of wet mineralisation of trace elements with spectral termination are both cost- and time-consuming. For trace elements, the most common routine is the usage of aqua regia together with < 2 mm sieved samples. Nevertheless, in the Czech Republic, the common usage of partial extraction using cold 2 mol/L nitric acid had preceded the recent practise of aqua regia mineralisation and had left rich legacy datasets from long-term soil monitoring. We tested several models (i.e. simple linear models, step-wise multiple linear models and generalised additive models) to provide a reliable and effective (parsimonious) model for data recalculation between various extractions based on parallel soil analysis of 6,000 representative soil samples. Since all the regression models left highly spatially autocorrelated residuals, we also tested several spatial auto-regressive models among which the geographically weighted regression was found useful. Finally, we tested the predictive models using a quantile regression forest model where the environmental covariates for lithological sources (parent material classification combined with airborne geophysical data) and human-induced sources (night-time lights data, density of mining dumps, density of traffic routes, elements’ deposition rates) were combined with data from remotely sensed surface characterisation (Sentinel-2), multiscale representation of terrain (Gaussian pyramids), and the spatial autoregressive structure of target features (quantile-based buffer distances). We trained several QRF models in high resolution (20 x 20 m) where we researched the effects of using true measured data (3,300 samples) and dataset inflated with regression-recalculated data (11,000 recalculated samples from global and local regression-based levelling) and the potential effects of using the goodness of fit criteria from various regression-based recalculations between methods as weights for final QRF predictive models. The research has been supported by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic under the research project No. SS03010364.

How to cite: Skála, J., Žížala, D., and Minařík, R.: Did the input data inflation via regression-based levelling of data from various analytical protocols affect the performance of geochemical predictive models?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11283,, 2023.

EGU23-11296 | Posters on site | SSS10.4

Modelling organic carbon content of southwestern German soils using visible near-infrared reflectance spectra and multi-temporal Sentinel-2 data 

Michael Blaschek, Larissa Torney, Michaela Frei, Daniel Rückamp, and Sabine Chabrillat

The sustainable management of agricultural land requires reliable information about soil physical and chemical properties. Among these properties, soil organic carbon (SOC) is a key attribute, as it serves as an important indicator for soil health and helps fighting climate change through carbon storage in soils. Since direct measurements are costly, visible near-infrared spectroscopy (VIS-NIR-SWIR) from 400 to 2500 nm is often used to estimate SOC, leveraging a statistical model which relates SOC analytical data to the spectral information obtained in the laboratory from a collection of sieved, air-dry samples. This study evaluates VIS-NIR-SWIR to predict SOC content of southwestern German soils after resampling the recorded soil spectral library (SSL) to match Sentinel-2 bands. It also examines whether these prediction models can then be applied to Sentinel-2 satellite imagery for rapid mapping of topsoil SOC content at a state-wide scale.

A suite of 1500 VIS-NIR-MIR soil spectra, recorded from air-dried, 2-mm, sieved soil samples, were associated with SOC analytical data obtained from different soil surveys done by the State Authority for Geology, Resources and Mining (LGRB) in Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany. Partial least squares (PLS) regression and support vector machines on PLS latent variables (PLS-SVM) were used for spectroscopic modelling. Final estimates showed good results with regards to PLS-SVM with a ratio of performance to deviation (RPD) of 1.96, while slightly less accurate predictions were found for calibration models based on resampled spectra with a RPD of 1.64. The successful spectral prediction model for SOC from resampled spectra was subsequently used to produce a high-resolution map of topsoil SOC content on croplands for entire Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany. To identify bare dry soil pixels a worfklow was established that creates per-pixel composites utilizing three years of Sentinel-2 satellite imagery and spectral indices. Direct standardization (DS) was used for the correction of environmental factors such as variable moisture conditions using a set of representative locations with both dry spectra and Sentinel-2 band values.

Preliminary results indicate that a calibration model based on resampled spectra from a region-specific SSL can be applied to multi-temporal Sentinel-2 data for rapidly estimating the spatial distribution of topsoil SOC content. Unlike official SOC products currently available for Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, the given approach can easily be updated if additional data becomes available or new sensors emerge, for instance, from hyperspectral satellite missions such as EnMAP or CHIME.

How to cite: Blaschek, M., Torney, L., Frei, M., Rückamp, D., and Chabrillat, S.: Modelling organic carbon content of southwestern German soils using visible near-infrared reflectance spectra and multi-temporal Sentinel-2 data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11296,, 2023.

EGU23-11445 | ECS | Orals | SSS10.4

Soil Organic Carbon Estimation in Croplands by Integrating Soil Spectral Library and PRISMA Data 

Sandeep Reddy Bonthu and Shwetha Hassan Rangaswamy

Soil organic carbon (SOC) is a crucial component of soil and is used as a proxy for soil health and fertility. SOC influences water and nutrient holding capacity, nutrient cycling and stability, and water infiltration and aeration properties of soil. Proximal Sensing and Remote sensing are two powerful tools well covered in literature used for quantitative analysis of SOC. It is difficult to examine the nutrients of the soil due to insufficient time for collecting soil samples from agricultural fields during the crop rotation process in countries like INDIA, where extensive agriculture is practiced. In this scenario, linking soil spectral libraries (SSL) developed from proximal sensing with RS image data would enable instantaneous estimation of SOC over a large command area.

A model (calibration using multivariate techniques) which contains the variability of the target site soils should be constructed in this process to extract useful information. However, many times this criterion is not easy to fulfil. To solve this problem, we propose building a soil spectral library using soil samples synthesised in lab conditions and further constructed SSL to estimate SOC and essential soil nutrients. In this regard, spectrum data of collected Alluvial soil samples were generated in lab conditions using ASD FieldSpec 4, while simultaneously analysing soil samples based on standard methods in soil science. A soil sample collected from the field was selected as the master sample, and sub-samples were prepared by combining soil with organic fertiliser and chemicals (spatial structure similar to soil compounds) of various compositions. The emissivity spectra of soil sub-samples were used to construct a spectral library and later used in the machine learning model to estimate the spatial variation of SOC utilizing space-based hyperspectral image (PRISMA). The results revealed that the proposed model for SOC estimation using spectral library is significant for the instant estimation of SOC. Future scope includes testing the approaches' capability for estimating essential soil nutrients in various soil origins.

How to cite: Bonthu, S. R. and Hassan Rangaswamy, S.: Soil Organic Carbon Estimation in Croplands by Integrating Soil Spectral Library and PRISMA Data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11445,, 2023.

Hyperspectral images of new generation satellites, such as the PRISMA system of the Italian Space Agency (ASI), offer an important advantage for monitoring topsoil properties from the field to the regional scale. Although numerous studies about the prediction of soil features by proximal soil spectroscopy have been carried out, the hyperspectral remote sensing of soil features still shows several limits and difficulties. Disturbance of soil surface, namely grass or crop cover, surface stoniness, roughness, and soil moisture, influence the results and need corrections. In addition, the resolution of satellite hyperspectral images is rather low (PRISMA = 30 m) for many objectives.

The aim of this work is to test geostatistical techniques to group proximal electromagnetic induction and remote hyperspectral data to increase the resolution and the accuracy of topsoil texture prediction. Two types of croplands have been used for this study: i) JOL- an arable field in Northern Italy (Jolanda di Savoia, Ferrara) of about 15 ha; ii) BRO- seven vineyards of a winery in central Italy (Brolio castle, Siena), for a total surface of about 30 ha.

In JOL, three dates of PRISMA images were selected: BARE- during the bare soil period (14/2/2021), VEG1- during the summer crop, namely corn (4/6/2021), and VEG2- during the winter crop, namely wheat (30/4/2022), to obtain information about the soil surface and the response of vegetation. In BRO, only two dates of PRISMA images with scarce cloud cover were available, 18/12/2020 and 01/12/2022. In both the dates, the grapevines have no leaves and the interrow was tilled by chisel plow 2-3 weeks earlier. The weeds partially covered the grapevine rows and inter-rows.

To reduce the dimensionality of the hyperspectral data and to preserve as much as possible their information content, a principal component analysis (PCA) of the spectra extrapolated from each image pixel was carried out. The first PCs (PC1) explained most of the variance of the images, therefore, it was selected for analysis. Regarding proximal electromagnetic induction, apparent electrical conductivity of shallower depth (ECa1, about 0-50 cm) has been used. To predict topsoil spatial variation, two geostatistical methods have been tested: i) Regression Kriging (RK), forward stepwise for p < 0.5, and ii) Multiple Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) with gaussian weighting function.

In the study field of arable land (JOL), 36 samples were used for model calibration and cross-validation. The prediction of clay and sand was unsuitable because the spatial correlation with ECa1 or PRISMA images was lacking. On the other hand, SOC showed spatial correlation with BARE-PC1, whereas pH with VEG2-PC1.

In the vineyards, a calibration dataset of 70 points and a validation dataset of 20 points have been used. Clay prediction showed the best results using RK with ECa1 and PC1_2020, providing R2 of 0.68 and RMSEP of 6.43 g·100g-1. Sand prediction showed slightly better results using GWR (R2 of 0.78 and RMSEP of 8.74 g·100g-1), although PC1 of hyperspectral data did not show clear improvements in prediction. Further analyses will include additional PRISMA images acquired during the growing season.

How to cite: Priori, S., Marrone, L., and Casa, R.: Hyperspectral PRISMA images and geophysical proximal sensing data fusion to map topsoil features: vineyard and arable land case studies, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11567,, 2023.

EGU23-12145 | ECS | Orals | SSS10.4

Mapping soil organic carbon with hyperspectral spaceborne images 

Kathrin Ward, Saskia Foerster, and Sabine Chabrillat

Monitoring of soil quality and its degradation is essential to face the big challenges of food security and climate change. One of the main soil parameters to observe is the content of soil organic carbon (SOC) which is linked to soil fertility and other ecosystem services. We investigate the potential of spaceborne hyperspectral images to estimate the content of SOC in the uppermost soil layer. Therefore, we use the spectral information of bare soil pixels in multiple PRISMA images together with chemically analyzed SOC contents of a range of local soil samples and a large-scale soil spectral library. The study site is located in the North-East of Germany within the long-term observatory of TERENO-NE and near the village of Demmin. We compare different machine learning and regression algorithms (Partial Least Squares Regression, Random Forest, Gaussian Process Regression, spectral SOC indices) for each of the images separately and for a synthetic multitemporal image. The best performing models are applied to all bare soil pixels to produce SOC content maps. The preliminary results show medium to high quality models for most cases. With an increasing number of hyperspectral satellites in orbit the outcomes of this case study can provide valuable information for future SOC mapping and monitoring.

How to cite: Ward, K., Foerster, S., and Chabrillat, S.: Mapping soil organic carbon with hyperspectral spaceborne images, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12145,, 2023.

EGU23-12368 | Orals | SSS10.4

Effectiveness of Sentinel-2 imagery, apparent electrical conductivity and topography for delineating site-specific management zones in an olive grove in southern Spain. 

Karl Vanderlinden, Gonzalo Martínez García, Mario Ramos Rodríguez, and Luciano Mateos Iñiguez

Variable rate irrigation (VRI) shows attractive cost/benefit ratios, as compared to drip irrigation, when implemented in large orchards with suitable field and planting geometries. To evaluate the effectiveness of apparent electrical conductivity (ECa), elevation (Z), topographic wetness index (TWI) and time-series of Sentinel-2 NDVI imagery for delimiting VRI zones in olive groves, a study was conducted in a 40-ha commercial plot in southern Spain (Ecija, Seville), equipped with a linear move sprinkler irrigation system and with trees on a 4 × 7 m grid. Soil samples were collected at 140 points on a regular grid with depth intervals of 0.3 m down to 1.2 m and analyzed for soil texture. Relationships between soil texture, topography, ECa and NDVI were analyzed using correlation analysis and regression trees. Time series of correlation between ECa and NDVI showed a seasonal pattern because of the growth-decline pattern of the grass soil cover. The regression tree analysis showed that ECa and elevation were most relevant for classifying NDVI (R2=0.70). Fuzzy k-means classification using ECa+Z yielded 4 classes while for ECa, ECa+Z+TWI and ECa+Z+TWI+NDVI 2 classes were obtained. The zoning based on ECa+Z classified clay content and the 0.95 percentile NDVI successfully. This classification was adopted for VRI since the involved variables can be related to soil water availability. Confounding effects of coarse fragments and soil water content on the clay-ECa relationship could be resolved in future studies by measuring theses variables to improve further the classification.


This work is funded by the Spanish State Agency for Research through grants PID2019-104136RR-C21 and PID2019-104136RR-C22/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by IFAPA/FEDER through grant AVA2019.018.

How to cite: Vanderlinden, K., Martínez García, G., Ramos Rodríguez, M., and Mateos Iñiguez, L.: Effectiveness of Sentinel-2 imagery, apparent electrical conductivity and topography for delineating site-specific management zones in an olive grove in southern Spain., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12368,, 2023.

EGU23-15268 | Orals | SSS10.4

Harmonization and comparison of soil chemical properties of the LUCAS topsoil database and the Hungarian National Soil Monitoring System 

András Benő, Mihály Kocsis, Gábor Szatmári, Annamária Laborczi, Zsófia Bakacsi, and László Pásztor

The European Joint Programme Cofound on Agricultural Soil Management has set the goal of harmonizing national soil databases with the continental LUCAS topsoil database for the purpose of monitoring soil carbon, fertility and land degradation. Up-to-date soil surveys have poor spatial resolution and are very cost- and labour intensive, so harmonizing the existing datasets allows us to create more accurate soil maps with better resolution. The LUCAS topsoil database can be used to complement the Hungarian Soil Information and Monitoring System (SIMS) for the creation of more detailed soil-property maps. Due to the different laboratory analysis methods and sampling strategies used by the two databases, conversion was needed, so the datasets can be directly compared to each other and used together for digital soil mapping. Two sets of topsoil data were used from 2009 and 2015 from both LUCAS and SIMS respectively, so the swiftly changing soil properties (pH, CaCO3, OC, P, K) were available for a more accurate side-by-side comparison. Map products were created for the chemical soil properties of both the LUCAS and SIMS database with the ancillary data of 28 environmental covariates using random forest kriging with 10-fold cross-validation. The spatial resolution of the maps was 100 x 100 m. The raster maps were compared directly to each other using linear regression. In conclusion the results show that the LUCAS and national soil databases can and should be harmonized, merged and used together for creating more accurate soil maps with better spatial resolution at national and continental scale.

How to cite: Benő, A., Kocsis, M., Szatmári, G., Laborczi, A., Bakacsi, Z., and Pásztor, L.: Harmonization and comparison of soil chemical properties of the LUCAS topsoil database and the Hungarian National Soil Monitoring System, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15268,, 2023.

EGU23-15849 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS10.4

Capabilities of the national scale TDR soil spectrum library for predicting primary soil properties and supporting their digital mapping 

Zsófia Adrienn Kovács, János Mészáros, Nóra Szűcs-Vásárhelyi, Péter László, Gábor Szatmári, Mátyás Árvai, and László Pásztor

Soil observations of the Hungarian Soil Degradation Information System were carried out between 2010 and 2012 on 2000 parcels of 285 farms representing the whole territory of Hungary. 6600 soil samples were collected and measured in laboratory for chemical parameters (pH, SOM, CaCO3, NO3, P2O5, K2O, Na, Mg, SO4, Mn, Zn, Cu). The soil samples were retained and they represent a countrywide soil data bank. Very recently we initiated the spectral characterization of the stored samples. The main objective is to establish relationships between traditionally measured soil properties and spectral features to support mapping activities, which tend to rely on hyperspectral remote sensing.

The soil samples are measured with a portable spectral device, namely ASD Field Spec Pro spectroradiometer. By finalizing the spectral measurements, a nationally representative spectral library will be set up, which will contain data on (i) the above listed soil chemical parameters and (ii) reflectance values in 2151 spectral bands. This dataset provides a unique opportunity for testing the predictivity of soil chemical parameters by spectral variables.

First predictivity tests have been carried out to estimate soil organic carbon, available phosphorus and potassium by reflectance spectra. Partial Least Square Regression, Support Vector Machine, Random Forest and Artificial Neural Network were used due to their well-known performance in similar situations using 10 fold cross-validation for the validation of the developed models.

Our paper presents the elaboration of the soil spectrum library and the first results of the predictivity tests carried out between its elements.

How to cite: Kovács, Z. A., Mészáros, J., Szűcs-Vásárhelyi, N., László, P., Szatmári, G., Árvai, M., and Pásztor, L.: Capabilities of the national scale TDR soil spectrum library for predicting primary soil properties and supporting their digital mapping, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15849,, 2023.

EGU23-1868 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS10.5

Multitemporal remote sensing to investigate saltwater intrusion impact on agricultural greening in the Po River Delta (Italy) 

Jian Luo, Eugenio Straffelini, and Paolo Tarolli

Agriculture along the coast depends on optimal water resource management, especially in delta areas. Indeed, freshwater aquifers close to the sea are at risk of saltwater intrusion, with disastrous consequences for crops. This is a complicated process that is the result of multiple factors, both natural and man-made. Droughts are responsible for particularly severe saltwater intrusion events. Indeed, lack of rainfall leads to reduced river flow, which favors the flow of marine water inland. Climate change is aggravating this condition in diverse parts of the globe. Therefore, it is crucial to investigate the process of saltwater intrusion in river deltas deeply. Although this phenomenon has already been addressed in the literature in some areas of the world, there is still much to be done to assess the effects of saltwater intrusion on crops at the sub-regional level. In this task, multi-temporal remote sensing opens up new horizons of knowledge. New Earth observation (EO) technologies make it possible to monitor the evolution of the process over several years of observation and vast areas. The open-source big data offered by international space programmes are an excellent starting point for understanding this trend. This study aims to examine the effects of saltwater intrusion on agricultural greening in the Po Delta (Italy), an important European food production area. The main economic activity in the area is agriculture, made possible by centuries of land reclamation and co-existing with wetlands of considerable ecological importance, now threatened by the salinization of the water. In fact, during dry summers, the Po River's flow rate decreases significantly, favoring the intrusion of saltwater for tens of kilometers inland, affecting irrigation systems and causing severe impacts on production. This study's analyses are based on the correlation between Po river water salinity at 47 sampling sites and NDVI values using Landsat 5. The research results could provide a low-cost, multi-temporal tool based on remote sensing to quantify/map the effects of saltwater intrusion on agriculture at the delta scale, helping stakeholders adopt a more efficient/sustainable use of freshwater near the sea.

Acknowledgments - This study was carried out within the Agritech National Research Center and received funding from the European Union Next-GenerationEU (PIANO NAZIONALE DI RIPRESA E RESILIENZA (PNRR) – MISSIONE 4 COMPONENTE 2, INVESTIMENTO 1.4 – D.D. 1032 17/06/2022, CN00000022). The authors also thank the Start-up funding from Inner Mongolia University (21800-5223728).

How to cite: Luo, J., Straffelini, E., and Tarolli, P.: Multitemporal remote sensing to investigate saltwater intrusion impact on agricultural greening in the Po River Delta (Italy), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1868,, 2023.

EGU23-5230 | Posters on site | SSS10.5 | Highlight

Enhancement of drought monitoring by means of soil sampling and drone-based multispectral sensing 

Giulia Sofia, Martina Sinatra, Paolo Tarolli, and Claudio Zaccone

Monitoring crop physiological responses to drought is crucial to understand progressive impacts on food production and identify resilient and sustainable irrigation practices. Although many climate research experiments provide valuable data, long-term measurements of soil properties and plant characteristics at the field scale are not always affordable. We combined drone-based multispectral remote sensing with measurements of soil properties over multiple pilot farms, where soil sampling was performed for each plot during the drone survey. Our goal was to determine if drone-based indices capture drought stress responses of different crops (maize and sugar beet) and whether responses are affected by soil physical and chemical characteristics (e.g., texture, density, porosity, moisture, pH, electrical conductivity, organic carbon and total nitrogen contents, availability of micro and macro nutrients). 
Significant relationships were found between vegetation indices and soil features for different crop types. Differences found at the field scale were related mostly to organic carbon content and resulted in heterogeneous responses to irrigation practices. Our spatial variability analysis pointed out an overall homogeneous response for areas submitted to severe and moderate drought having similar soil properties, independently of the crop type. More investigation is needed to address the possible effect of local practices (e.g., fertilization, amendment, tillage) at the field scale. The feasibility of carrying out systematic drone flights coincidentally or close to-ground campaigns will reveal the consistency of the observed spatial patterns in the long run.

How to cite: Sofia, G., Sinatra, M., Tarolli, P., and Zaccone, C.: Enhancement of drought monitoring by means of soil sampling and drone-based multispectral sensing, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5230,, 2023.

EGU23-5552 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS10.5

Multi-temporal and multi-scale remote sensing techniques to assess the risk of crop production in soil salinization scenario 

Sara Cucchiaro, Nebojsa Nikolic, Eugenio Straffelini, Roberta Masin, and Paolo Tarolli

As the world population reaches eight billion people with indications of further growth, food security becomes one of the most important topics. At the same time, agriculture is facing a loss of arable land, reducing production capacities. Soil salinization represents a growing threat to coastal agriculture, as the combination of sea level rise and prolonged drought conditions. Identifying and mapping areas prone to this type of risk might help apply precise soil meliorative techniques and choose the right crop to grow in these soils. Nowadays, remote sensing techniques can provide valuable information for this purpose, thanks to frequent and low-cost data at different spatial scales.  In this research, the Structure from motion (SfM) technique paired with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) was used to assess the fitness of two different crops: soybean (Glycine max) and maize (Zea mays) in different salt-affected fields, in the Po river delta, North-Eastern Italy. Multi-temporal SfM surveys, using a multi-spectral camera, were conducted in July and August 2022 to map the consequences of high soil salinity (due to significant drought, low discharge, and consequent saltwater intrusion along the reaches of the Po river delta) on the vegetative status of crops through vegetation indices like the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). Moreover, to measure the salinity level, geolocated soil samples were taken from each field, and the amount of salt was determined using electrical conductivity using XS Instruments COND 80 electrical conductivity meter (Giorgio Bormac s.r.l, Carpi, Italy) at a sensitivity of 1 µS. Salinity values measured in the field were used to create salinity maps through spatial interpolation in GIS software. The latter allowed the salinity maps to be compared with orthomosaics of NDVI values obtained from SfM surveys. Furthermore, multi-spectral images from open-source satellites made it possible to broaden the scale of investigation in both spatial and temporal terms and to compare different data acquisition techniques. Results show a clear relationship between high-ground salinity measurements and low NDVI values, highlighting how remote sensing techniques could provide helpful information for monitoring the progressive effects of soil salinity on crops. It can be observed that soybean is quite sensitive to salinity, perishing after a long exposure even to medium-low salinity levels (1.5 dS/m – 2 dS/m). At the same time, maize seems more tolerant, with plants also surviving high salinity levels (more than 5 dS/m). Other than indicating salinity stress to which plants are exposed, these maps could also apply salt-reducing techniques, such as flushing, more precisely, thus obtaining optimal results while saving water.

Acknowledgments: this study was carried out within the Agritech National Research Center and received funding from the European Union Next-GenerationEU (PIANO NAZIONALE DI RIPRESA E RESILIENZA (PNRR) – MISSIONE 4 COMPONENTE 2, INVESTIMENTO 1.4 – D.D. 1032 17/06/2022, CN00000022).

How to cite: Cucchiaro, S., Nikolic, N., Straffelini, E., Masin, R., and Tarolli, P.: Multi-temporal and multi-scale remote sensing techniques to assess the risk of crop production in soil salinization scenario, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5552,, 2023.

Nowadays, agricultural cultivation in steep slope areas represents an additional challenge against global climate change. Due to increased rainfall intensity and their complex geomorphology, steep-slope vineyards are also strongly affected by erosion processes. Finding solutions to mitigate this problem is a priority to ensure sustainable production. A widely used conservation approach against erosion involves maintaining an organic soil cover through herbs, mulching, or reusing crop residues. Conversely, tillage and weed removal can accelerate soil erosion in steep slope areas and influence their micro-topography by altering soil surface roughness and sediment connectivity. The latter, useful to identify the surface portions that are most connected and prone to more significant erosion, has often been neglected in past soil erosion studies but needs to be considered to effectively define the sediment surface contributing to estimates of erosion processes. Remote Sensing techniques (e.g., digital photogrammetry with Structure from Motion-SfM, Light Detection and Ranging-LiDAR technology) have recently provided new opportunities for surveying erosion processes, especially by exploiting Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) that can also mount multispectral cameras as payloads, which, integrated with topographic data, can provide helpful information for analyzing the status of crops. This research carries out a multi-temporal analysis of sediment connectivity following management changes in the row and vineyard inter-row cover to assess the effects on erosion processes using Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) provided by LiDAR and SfM surveys with UAS. All maps were generated with a centimetric resolution to capture the micro-topographic features. The study vineyard (1943 m2) is located in a steep slope area (ca. 18%) in the municipality of Betanzos (43° 15' 56.20" N; 8° 12' 1.32" W; Coruña, Spain) under a temperate oceanic climate and managed according to organic farming practices, without any irrigation system.

In 2021, all rows and inter-row areas had covered with resident vegetation. In 2022, three treatments were carried out in the inter-row areas (i.e., mixed seeding cover, massive straw mulching, and cover by resident vegetation), while all the rows were covered with jute agro-textile. Eight topographic surveys (i.e., SfM with RGB and multi-spectral camera and LiDAR by UAS) were carried out in the study area from March 2021 to November 2022. The multi-temporal DEMs were used to derive multi-temporal maps of sediment connectivity indices (IC), Differences of IC (DoIC), and DEM of Differences (DoDs) to calculate vegetation volumes and estimate net soil loss and deposition rates over time. Subsequently, the geomorphological information was correlated with the multi-spectral surveys by making orthomosaics and calculating vegetation indices (e.g., NDVI, NDRE) that allowed the assessment of the land cover condition as a result of changes in cultural management of vineyard rows and inter-rows. The preliminary results show how the information obtained from the extensive database created (i.e., DEMs, DoDs, CI and DoIC maps, vegetation indices) is very useful in assessing the effectiveness of the conservation cultivation approaches used, identifying the portions of soil potentially more prone to erosive processes to provide a useful planning tool for stakeholders for sustainable vineyard management.

How to cite: López-Vicente, M., Cucchiaro, S., and Tarolli, P.: Multi-temporal analysis to asses different conservative cultural management on erosion processes in steep-slope agriculture through remote sensing techniques, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5765,, 2023.

EGU23-7043 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS10.5 | Highlight

The importance of a multi-temporal approach to assess climate change impacts in Northern Italian agriculture 

Eugenio Straffelini and Paolo Tarolli

The territory of north-eastern Italy, crossed by the Po River, which flows eastward into the Adriatic Sea, is home to flourishing agricultural production. The area is among Europe's most important rural regions and is crucial for food production. However, the sector is facing the impact of climate change. Among the most worrying phenomena is an increase in the frequency of more severe and longer drought periods, leading to progressively arid climatic conditions. The summer of 2022 was one of the most critical times on record, with the combination of extreme temperatures and severe water shortages. The effects severely impacted agriculture, with crop loss, irrigation problems, and saltwater intrusion into the Po River delta. Emerging multi-temporal satellite remote sensing technologies and the application of big data-based algorithms allow in-depth knowledge of phenomena occurring on Earth and the subsequent research of mitigation solutions. Specifically, monitoring the impacts of extreme drought in the region can be useful in understanding which areas are most at risk in the short term, while the use of future climate models can guide more resilient agricultural management in the future. This research first proposes the application of multi-temporal MODIS satellite indices to assess the agricultural drought that affected north-eastern Italy in the summer months of 2022 and secondly analyses the possible traces of climatic aridification. In addition, we present a study on the relationship between agricultural lands and current & future climates, carried out using high-resolution climate zone maps (RCP8.5 scenario). The aim is to understand the potential future climate in the currently cultivated fields. Mapping present and future critical areas and knowing which farming systems are most at risk due to climate change can be valuable information for managing agricultural assets under the threat of climate change. 

Acknowledgements - This study was carried out within the Agritech National Research Center and received funding from the European Union Next-GenerationEU (PIANO NAZIONALE DI RIPRESA E RESILIENZA (PNRR) – MISSIONE 4 COMPONENTE 2, INVESTIMENTO 1.4 – D.D. 1032 17/06/2022, CN00000022).

How to cite: Straffelini, E. and Tarolli, P.: The importance of a multi-temporal approach to assess climate change impacts in Northern Italian agriculture, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7043,, 2023.

EGU23-7057 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS10.5

High-resolution topographic surveys as a quantitative method for a better understanding of soil piping processes in badlands landscapes: Valpalmas (NE Spain) 

Manel Llena, Jesús Revuelto, Álvaro Gómez-Gutiérrez, J. Ignacio López-Moreno, M. Paz Errea, Esteban Alonso-González, Anita Bernatek-Jakiel, and Estela Nadal-Romero

Soil piping is a land degradation process relatively common in semiarid environments which is related to rilling and gullying in badland areas. This process is a result from a complex combination of different factors as lithology (e.g., swelling clays), topography (e.g., hydraulic gradient) and climate (e.g., strong seasonal contrasts). Better understanding of piping erosion is needed since it can negatively impact land productivity and agricultural sustainability and may affect soil nutrients load and carbon cycles. Piping studies have been frequently focused on the qualitative and quantitative implications of chemical and physicochemical factors affecting the initiation of piping processes together with a qualitative analysis of the hydrological and geomorphological related processes. However, less attention has been given to the study of these processes from a quantitative point of view. High-resolution topography surveying has improved the spatial and temporal scales at which is possible to investigate the landscape through the analysis of landform attributes and the computation of topographic changes. Within this background, the aim of this work is to infer in the key geomorphic piping processes in terms of contributions to shaping the landscape by the application of multi-temporal topographic surveys through SfM-photogrammetry and TLS. To this end we analyse a 7-year dataset of seasonal and annual high-resolution topographic surveys of a badlands landscape dominated by soil piping processes in Valpalmas (NE Spain). We examine the magnitude and distribution of geomorphic processes at multiple temporal scales and its relation with landform morphometric attributes and meteorological variables.

This research project was supported by the MANMOUNT (PID2019-105983RB-100/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033) project funded by the MICINN-FEDER, the PRX21/00375 project funded by the Ministry of Universities of Spain from the “Salvador de Madariaga” programme, the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (project EQC2018-004169-P) and by a grant from the Priority Research Area “Anthropocene” under the Strategic Programme Excellence Initiative at the Jagiellonian University. Manel Llena has a “Juan de la Cierva Formación” postdoctoral contract (FJC2020-043890-I/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033) from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.

How to cite: Llena, M., Revuelto, J., Gómez-Gutiérrez, Á., López-Moreno, J. I., Errea, M. P., Alonso-González, E., Bernatek-Jakiel, A., and Nadal-Romero, E.: High-resolution topographic surveys as a quantitative method for a better understanding of soil piping processes in badlands landscapes: Valpalmas (NE Spain), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7057,, 2023.

EGU23-7605 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS10.5

Comparison and assessment of crop yield estimation from satellite-derived vegetation indices, solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence, and evapotranspiration in southern Sweden 

Xueying Li, Hongxiao Jin, Zhanzhang Cai, Per-ola Olsson, Lars Eklundh, Jonas Ardö, El Houssaine Bouras, and Zheng Duan

Meeting the food demand for the rising global population with current agricultural resources is a great challenge for the 21st century. Accurate crop yield estimation is crucial for food security planning. Traditional ground field measurements can be time-consuming and costly, which has limitations for providing temporally consistent yield information in large areas. During the past decades, satellite-based observations have become an important input for crop yield estimation, since they can capture eco-physiological conditions on the ground consistently and frequently over extensive areas.

Three main independent satellite-based variables for estimating agriculture production can be summarized as: (1) vegetation indices (VIs); (2) biophysical variables; and (3) abiotic environmental factors. NDVI has been widely used in estimating agricultural production. The recently developed Plant Phenology Index (PPI) is shown highly related to vegetation productivity. PPI does not suffer from saturation effects in dense vegetation, and hence, has the potential to address the underestimation problems of crop productivity using other indices. Solar-Induced Fluorescence (SIF) is a direct proxy of plant photosynthesis, which is closely linked to crop yield. Furthermore, satellite-derived evapotranspiration (ET) integrates the effects of multiple environmental factors (e.g., precipitation, temperature, and wind speed) with soil moisture conditions, which has been demonstrated as an essential variable in crop growth monitoring.

However, the performance of these satellite-based datasets for crop yield estimation in Sweden remains insufficiently explored, which motivates us to conduct this study. We will investigate relationships between four satellite-derived variables (i.e., NDVI, PPI, SIF, and ET) and ground-based crop yield data (e.g., wheat, barley, sugar beet) in Skåne county during 2003–2022. Both NDVI and PPI are derived using satellite imagery data from Landsat (16-day, 30 m temporal/spatial resolutions) and Sentinel-2 (~5-day, 10 m) missions. Contiguous SIF (4-day, 0.05°) is selected for providing long-term high-frequency data. The gridded ET dataset (8-day, 0.25°) is merged by multiple ET datasets (i.e., FLUXCOM, GLASS, PML-V2) based on the triple collocation method. The ground measurements of crop yield in multiple agricultural fields in Skåne are obtained from Statistics Sweden.

For methodology, all satellite-derived variables will be firstly harmonized with the crop type map. The ground-based crop yield data will be divided to the training and testing samples in terms of temporal periods and spatial distribution. The linear/nonlinear relationships between four satellite-based variables (both individually and in varying combinations) and crop yield data (training samples) will be explored with different models including machine learning methods. Then the testing samples will be used for independent validation to determine the best variables/variable combinations and models for crop yield estimation. Finally, we will estimate crop yield at the regional scale and analyze its temporal and spatial patterns.

How to cite: Li, X., Jin, H., Cai, Z., Olsson, P., Eklundh, L., Ardö, J., Bouras, E. H., and Duan, Z.: Comparison and assessment of crop yield estimation from satellite-derived vegetation indices, solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence, and evapotranspiration in southern Sweden, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7605,, 2023.

EGU23-7923 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS10.5

Crop Type Mapping Using Self-supervised Transformer with Energy-based Graph Optimization in Data-Poor Regions 

Areej Alwahas, Kasper Johansen, and Matthew McCabe

Updated crop type information is essential for agricultural monitoring and irrigation management applications. However, despite their importance, crop-type datasets, especially recent in-season data are still unavailable in most of developing countries where food security is a major concern. The lack of information on crop types is due to the limitations of traditional field surveys, which are generally infeasible, expensive, and inconsistent over larger spatial scales. Although remote sensing and machine learning approaches can provide cost-effective solutions for automatic crop-type mapping, huge amounts of high-quality training data are required in order to develop such applications. Therefore, semi-supervised or unsupervised learning methods become a potential solution to overcome the issue of lacking labeled training data. 

In this work, we explored semi-supervised and self-supervised techniques to map crop types in data-poor regions such as Saudi Arabia. The Self-supervised Transformer with Energy-based Graph Optimization (STEGO) method is a transformer-based segmentation technique that has the capability of both discovering and segmenting objects without the need for labeled data or human intervention. We evaluated the capability of STEGO to classify crop fields using Sentinel2 images. These images consisted of the derived maximum normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), the standard deviation of NDVI, and the green chlorophyll vegetation index (GCVI).  The STEGO approach uses a novel contrastive loss that helps to distill pre-trained unsupervised visual features into semantic clusters, which is reported to outperform other unsupervised clustering methods. We set k=5, where k is the number of classes that reflects 4 crop types and a background class. 

Preliminary results of STEGO applied to small agricultural regions in Aljouf which is located in the north of Saudi Arabia captured the difference between crops when analyzed visually. Furthermore, assigning a crop-type label to each cluster class can be a challenging task. As for now, a brute force approach is followed to find the best assignment, and that is the assignment that provides the best results. As well as referring to previous knowledge of major crops grown in the region of interest, for this region, the major crops were wheat, olives, and tomato, in addition to “other” and “background” classes, which make up the 5 classes. Further work includes quantifying the accuracy of the clustering performance using the mean intersection over union metric (mIoU) and examining the effects of regional and national upscaling on the performance. 

How to cite: Alwahas, A., Johansen, K., and McCabe, M.: Crop Type Mapping Using Self-supervised Transformer with Energy-based Graph Optimization in Data-Poor Regions, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7923,, 2023.

EGU23-11235 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS10.5 | Highlight

Multi-temporal UAS surveys for reconstructing soil water content of ploughland plots through multispectral and thermal infrared imagery 

László Bertalan, Angelika Pataki, Loránd Attila Nagy, Gábor Négyesi, and Szilárd Szabó

Soil water content (SWC) estimation is a crucial issue of agricultural production, and its mapping is an important task. We aimed to study the efficacy of UAS-based thermal (TH) and multispectral (MS) cameras in SWC mapping.

The study area for the analysis is situated at NE-Hungary near the town of Tépe. the plot is a part of a larger area of intensive agriculture, where the arable crop at the year of surveys was maize. The experimental AOI was set to a maximum size of 200 x 200 meters due to the time-demand and limitations of the multi-sensor surveys. On the plot 3 major soil types are found meanwhile relative relief differences are also notable. Soil samples were collected at the time of surveys to measure the reference SWC rates in laboratory conditions using the gravimetric method.

The aerial mapping tasks were carried out using a DJI Matrice M210 payloads: 1) Micasense RedEdge-MX Dual, 2) Zenmuse XT2. High resolution DEM of the initial surface were mapped by a DJI Matrice M210 RTK v2 + a Zenmuse X7 lens. All imagery were processed in Pix4D Mapper. Machine Learning algorithms were then utilized to model the relationship between reflectance values, land surface temperature and the reference SWC values.

Our surveys were dedicated to a sensitivity analysis on the different settings of Pix4D regarding the downscaling to different pixel resolution of the multispectral data and spectral reflectance calibration too. We have analyzed the differences on the SWC modeling accuracies on the different soil types and relief conditions to develop a more robust estimation for precision drainage designs.


The research is supported by the NKFI K138079 project.

How to cite: Bertalan, L., Pataki, A., Nagy, L. A., Négyesi, G., and Szabó, S.: Multi-temporal UAS surveys for reconstructing soil water content of ploughland plots through multispectral and thermal infrared imagery, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11235,, 2023.

Climate change exacerbates food and water security, and it has been extended to hunger and malnutrition globally. In 2019, The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) announced North Korea was a food shortage country, and it has continued today. In South Korea, an agricultural drought has occurred irregularly since the 2010s by climate change and it impacts both crop quality and quantity negatively. Since these agricultural droughts and food shortages have increased gradually, in terms of climate change, agricultural risk must be addressed at the national level and long-term perspective. To address the agricultural risk quantitively in South and North Korea, rice productivity and Irrigation water demand are set as proxy variables of food and water variation in the agricultural domain. The overall methodology is divided into three-stage. 1) Classification of rice paddy area on the Korean Peninsula using remote sensing data based on machine learning algorithms, 2) Crop simulation using EPIC model on representative years and calibration/validation of the model, 3) multi-temporal crop simulation based on SSP scenario until the 2100s. The rice productivity and irrigation water demand matrix based on the scenario will be calculated and it will be used as a proxy variable in the water-food nexus. Consequently, the results will be extended to agricultural risk assessment on the national level-based Water-Food Nexus approach to address the Sustain Development Goals (SDGs) in Korean Peninsula

How to cite: Lee, S., Karthe, D., Lee, W.-K., and Lee, H.: Assessment of Long-Term and Spatio-temporal Changes between Rice Productivity and Irrigation Water Demand in South and North Korea based on Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSP) Scenario, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13314,, 2023.

EGU23-13599 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS10.5

Combining remote sensing and data-driven models for early season wheat forecasts in Morocco: How transferable and early could a yield predictive model be? 

Bader Oulaid, Toby Waine, Alice Milne, Rafiq El Alami, and Ronald Corstanje

Strong interannual variability in precipitation amounts and distribution, as well as recurrent droughts, are cornerstones of African countries. These phenomena primarily impact rainfed crops, of which wheat is the most important and accounting for more than 80% of cultivated areas in Morocco. An early and consistent projection of pre-harvest grain production would help decision-makers anticipate management demands, detect yield gaps, and better understand wheat response to local climatic circumstances. How early a prediction is needed and the required depend on the nature of the stakeholder. In other words, early in-season forecasts are useful for producers so that they can adjust their inputs accordingly, whereas late-season forecasts are acceptable for other stakeholders, for example those interested in production monitoring.

In this work, we used satellite-derived phenology measures, climate, and soil data to generate in-season yield prediction models for rainfed and irrigated wheat in Morocco. The primary aims were to evaluate the predictive capabilities of the models as time progresses and the transferability of the models outside the area of their implementation. The findings demonstrated that the generated models' accuracy increases over time (i.e., when additional phenological measures are integrated into the models) and that Ensemble models and Random Forest models outperformed the conventional MLR models, including the regularised regression models (Lasso, Ridge, ElasticNet).


How to cite: Oulaid, B., Waine, T., Milne, A., El Alami, R., and Corstanje, R.: Combining remote sensing and data-driven models for early season wheat forecasts in Morocco: How transferable and early could a yield predictive model be?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13599,, 2023.

EGU23-689 | ECS | PICO | SSS10.6

How can we quantify, explain and apply the uncertainty of complex soil maps predicted with neural networks? 

Kerstin Rau, Thomas Gläßle, Philipp Hennig, and Thomas Scholten

Artificial neural networks (ANN), which are mainly used in pattern and image recognition, have now found a wide range of applications in soil science and geoscience. They have proven to be a useful tool for complex questions that also involve a large amount of data, for example prediction of soil classes or soil properties on various scales. However, we face two main challenges when applying ANN: In their basic form, deep-learning algorithms do not provide interpretable predictive uncertainty. Thus, in geosciences and in particular in soil science, they have been used more as black-box models and properties of a machine learning model such as the certainty and plausibility of the predicted variables, for example soil classes, were interpretation by experts rather than quantified by metrics validating the ANN. In most cases regression coefficients or comparable statistical measure are reported for the overall performance of the model. This leads to the second challenge, that is that these algorithms have high confidence of their predictions in areas far away from the training area or in areas where they receive only little information from a small number of data points.
In order to gain a better understanding of these aforementioned properties, we implement in our explorative study on soil classification a Bayesian deep learning approach (i.e., a method to add uncertainty to deep networks) known as last layer Laplace approximation. This is a technique that can be applied as a post-hoc "add-on" without destroying the otherwise good performance of deep classifiers. It helps us to correct the overconfident areas without reducing the accuracy of our prediction, giving us a more realistic uncertainty expression of the model's prediction.  
Our predictor variable soil type provides us with a large amount of complex information about soil processes and properties, which is a great advantage since it would take a lot of time and money to collect all this information individually. At the same time, soil maps are in high demand by authorities, construction companies or farmers. In our study area around Tübingen in southern Germany, there are 41 different soil types, determined according to the German soil classification, sub divisible into typical soils of the Neckar and Ammer valleys, the Swabian Jura and Black Forest, and non-area related soil. In addition to the underlying soil map, remotely sensed variables, a digital elevation model and its derivatives are used as input to the ANN, which is designed to learn the relationship between these and the soil type. As a test case, we then explicitly exclude the Swabian Jura and Black Forest in the training area but include them as prediction regions. Both regions are characterized by very different soil types compared to the rest of the study area due to their considerably different geology, climate, and terrain. Our goal is then to enrich soil type maps with a structured uncertainty to better understand the causality of machine learning models in soil science and their transferability to regions other than the training and validation area.

How to cite: Rau, K., Gläßle, T., Hennig, P., and Scholten, T.: How can we quantify, explain and apply the uncertainty of complex soil maps predicted with neural networks?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-689,, 2023.

EGU23-1500 | ECS | PICO | SSS10.6

Ensemble machine learning improves pedotransfer functions for predicting soil mineral associated organic carbon 

Yi Xiao, Jie Xue, Xianglin Zhang, Nan Wang, Emanuele Lugato, Dominique Arrouays, Zhou Shi, and Songchao Chen

Soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration is a promising natural climate solution for capturing atmospheric CO2, and it provides crucial co-benefits in improving soil functions and services at the same time. Given that SOC is not a single, uniform entity, further knowledge of SOC fractions with distinctive properties, such as particulate organic carbon (POC) and mineral associated organic carbon (MAOC), is necessary in order to fully comprehend how SOC responds to environmental changes. Despite their enormous significance, POC and MAOC information is still scarce in the soil databases, especially on a large scale. The pedotransfer function (PTF) is a useful method for estimating missing soil parameters, but its application in SOC fractions has not received much attention. We assessed the potential of MAOC prediction using machine learning-based PTF (random forest (RF), Cubist, and gradient boosted machine (GBM)) along with predictor selection methods (recursive feature elimination (RFE), and forward recursive feature selection (FRFS)) on 352 representative mineral topsoil samples (0-20 cm) from across Europe. The repeated validation (100 times) revealed that machine learning-based PTFs were capable of accurately predicting MAOC. RFE can effectively reduce the number of predictors from 21 to 12 with comparable performance to the models using all predictors. With only 6 predictors (SOC, silt + clay, nitrogen, nitrogen deposition, soil erosion, and sand), the suggested FRFS algorithm outperformed RFE and had the best model parsimony. Of the three machine learning models, Cubist performed the best when combined with FRFS. Our results also showed that, when compared to a single machine learning model, five model ensemble approaches can increase model accuracy and robustness. This study offers a valuable reference for coupling PTF and legacy soil databases, in order to improve the spatial coverage and effectiveness of SOC fraction forecasts based on machine learning.

How to cite: Xiao, Y., Xue, J., Zhang, X., Wang, N., Lugato, E., Arrouays, D., Shi, Z., and Chen, S.: Ensemble machine learning improves pedotransfer functions for predicting soil mineral associated organic carbon, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1500,, 2023.

Climate change adaptation decisions often require the consideration of risk rather than the environmental hazard alone. One approach for quantifying risk is to use a risk assessment framework which combines information about hazard, exposure and vulnerability to estimate risk in a spatially consistent way. In recent years, publicly available, open-source risk assessment frameworks have been made available, including the CLIMADA tool. Such tools are increasingly being used in combination with ensembles of climate model projections to quantify risk on climate timescales, presenting the ensemble spread as a measure of climate uncertainty. As climate models are computationally expensive to run, this quantification of uncertainty derived from the ensemble of projections is often limited by the number of members available.

We present a novel framework involving the application and extension of the CLIMADA open-source climate risk assessment tool, demonstrating an approach for providing a richer quantification of uncertainty. We show how a statistical Generalised Additive Model, involving an `ensemble member' random effect term, can be used to statistically represent the climate model ensemble summary of risk and be used to simulate many more realisations of risk, representative of a larger collection of plausible ensemble members. We present an application of the framework to an idealised example related to heat-stress and the associated risk of reduced outdoor physical working capacity in the UK.

How to cite: Dawkins, L.: A framework for uncertainty quantification in climate risk assessments (POSTER), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2353,, 2023.

EGU23-3313 | ECS | PICO | SSS10.6

Validation of uncertainty estimates in digital soil mapping 

Jonas Schmidinger and Gerard B.M. Heuvelink

There is growing interest in the field of digital soil mapping (DSM) to quantify the underlying uncertainty of point predictions through different probabilistic prediction models. Uncertainty in DSM is often described in the format of a prediction interval (PI). Yet, PIs or uncertainty estimates in general are only of value for end users if they have good quality, i.e. when they are reliable. Reliability refers to the consistency between predicted conditional probabilities and observed frequencies of independent validation data. Ideally, PIs are also sharp, which refers to the concentration of probabilistic information, i.e. the narrowness of conditional probability distributions. The prediction interval coverage probability (PICP) is currently used in DSM to assess the reliability of PIs but it is ignorant to a potential one-sided bias of its bounding quantiles. Therefore, we propose to complement the current validation procedure with new metrics suggested in the broader probabilistic literature. This includes metrics that do not only evaluate uncertainty estimates in PI format but also quantiles or full conditional probability distributions. The newly proposed metrics are the quantile coverage probability (QCP), the probability integral transform (PIT) and so-called proper scoring rules for relative comparisons. Examples of scoring rules are the continuous ranked probability score (CRPS), which can be decomposed into a reliability part (RELI) and the interval score (IS). Sharpness can be evaluated through the prediction interval width (PIW). We illustrated the use of the various metrics in a case-study using soil pH data from The Land Use and Coverage Area Frame Survey (LUCAS). Thereby, uncertainty estimates of five different models were compared: Kriging with external drift (KED), quantile regression forest (QRF), quantile regression post-processing of a random forest (QRPP RF), quantile regression neural network (QRNN) and a reference null-model (NM).  KED, NM and QRPP RF showed very good reliability according to QCP, PICP, PIT and RELI. QRF was slightly pessimistic in the centre and QRNN very overoptimistic at the edges of the conditional probability distributions. Despite this, QRF performed best according to mean CRPS and mean IS because it produced fewer outliers at the edges. As expected, NM had the lowest sharpness, i.e. the largest PIW values. Sharpness of the other models was overall similar but QRNN had sharper predictions at the edges and QRF was less sharp in the centre of the conditional probability distributions. Lastly, we also generated PIW maps to indicate the spatial uncertainty of the five prediction models. The spatial variability of PIW was larger for QRF, QRNN and QRPP RF in comparison to KED. Whereas with NM, PIW was completely uniform. 

How to cite: Schmidinger, J. and Heuvelink, G. B. M.: Validation of uncertainty estimates in digital soil mapping, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3313,, 2023.

EGU23-4250 | ECS | PICO | SSS10.6

Long term plot scale variability to explore Soil Carbon turnover modeling uncertainties: a C-TOOL implementation 

Franca Giannini Kurina, Johannes Lund Jensen, Bent Tolstrup Christensen, and Jørgen Eriksen

C-TOOL is a simple flexible SOM turnover model competitive with other alternatives that often demands more input information. As most SOC turnover models, C-TOOL rely on plant C inputs derived from measured agricultural yields using simple allometric equations that establish the relation between C inputs and crop yields. The main sources of uncertainty in C turnover models rely on C input calculations and parametrization of initial pool distribution. Since the main output is the temporal dynamic SOC stock, we should refer to long-term data that can be challenging to obtain to appreciate meaningful changes. Nevertheless, in Denmark an experiment from 1981 to 2019 examined the effect of annual additions of different levels of C inputs on SOC storage. This experiment produced a robust validation platform for soil C modelling, permitting to account not only the temporal variability but also the variability beneath each treatment. In this work we implemented the C-TOOL model at a plot level, based on this precise data from spring barley straw disposal at plot level in order to explore SOC turnover modeling uncertainties and validate it performance. We performed a variance-based sensitivity analysis to evaluate how sensitive are C inputs calculations to allometric parametrization using the distributional information on spring barley allometrics (grain yield, harvest index and root biomass and root exudates). After exploring alternatives on the model parametrization related to allometric, initial soil C conditions and initialization period, we arranged a simulation design to test all the possible combinations to assess how accurate is the model in predicting the temporal plot variability of SOC. To be able to perform the numerous scenarios we worked on a feasible computational implementation trough R. Finally, we studied how dependent is the lack of fit to the alternative parametrization and the spatiotemporal variability of field conditions trough a variance component analysis. From the C input variance-based sensitivity analysis we conclude that root exudates and root biomass are the most sensitive parameters. Validation results show that C-TOOL was able to accurately describe the temporal dynamic of SOC in the topsoil due to non-significant differences between simulated and observed data. All the alternative parametrizations register a prediction error below 15 % related to the mean showing differences between observed and predicted between 3.60 and 6.46 Mg C/ha in the top 20 cm depth. This lack of fit was mainly explained by the spatiotemporal (year and block) variability rather than the parametrization alternatives tested. Nevertheless, we conclude that is relevant to focus on the initial soil C condition parametrization but not the in-situ measurements of harvest index. Besides, using a fixed amount of root biomass for spring barley presented better than using the standard allometrics. Further studies dive into a global sensitivity analysis on the multivariate variability distribution of all the inputs involved to get to a robust uncertainty estimation.

How to cite: Giannini Kurina, F., Lund Jensen, J., Tolstrup Christensen, B., and Eriksen, J.: Long term plot scale variability to explore Soil Carbon turnover modeling uncertainties: a C-TOOL implementation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4250,, 2023.

The long-term application of inorganic fertilizer and animal manure to agricultural fields has resulted in soil test P (STP) concentrations that greatly exceed the agronomic critical level in many areas of the world. This build-up of soil P, often referred to as legacy P, can increase the risk of P being mobilized during runoff and leaching events, even years or decades after P inputs have decreased or ceased. If this mobilized P reaches P-limited surface waters, eutrophication can result, leading to serious water quality problems that can adversely impact the environment, human health, and recreational activities. Due to the cost and effort involved in soil, manure, and runoff sampling and testing, as well as implementation of best management practices, nutrient management policies and strategies are often guided by computer model predictions. However, computer model predictions are inherently uncertain, thus it is important to account for this uncertainty when interpreting modeling data and using modeling results to guide decision making

In this study we conducted a sensitivity and uncertainty analysis using the Annual P Loss Estimator (APLE) model focusing on model predictions of STP. We calculated and evaluated the sensitivity coefficients of predicted STP and changes in STP using 1- and 10-yr simulations with and without P application. We also compared two methods for estimating prediction uncertainties: first-order variance approximation (FOVA) and Monte Carlo simulation (MCS). Finally, we compared uncertainties in APLE-predicted STP to uncertainties in measured STP collected from multiple sites in Maryland under different manuring and cropping treatments. Results from our sensitivity analysis showed that predicted STP and changes in STP for 1-yr simulations without P inputs were most sensitive to initial STP whereas model STP predictions were most sensitive to manure and fertilizer application rates when sensitivity analyses included P inputs. For the 10-yr simulations without P application inputs, the range in sensitivity coefficients for crop uptake and precipitation were much greater than for the 1-yr simulations. Prediction uncertainties from FOVA were comparable to those from MCS for model input uncertainties up to 50%. Using FOVA to calculate APLE STP prediction uncertainties using the Maryland data set, the mean measured STP for nearly all site years fell within the 95% confidence intervals of the STP prediction uncertainties. Our results provide users of APLE insight into what model inputs require the most careful measurement when using the model to predict changes in STP under conditions of P drawdown (i.e., no P application) or P buildup. Our results also demonstrate the importance of including model prediction uncertainties when estimating long-term drawdown of STP in agricultural fields.

How to cite: Bolster, C. and Vadas, P.: Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis for predicted soil test phosphorus using the APLE model, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7145,, 2023.

EGU23-8081 | PICO | SSS10.6

Soil water content in vegetation indices dynamics through a recurrence plots approach 

Andrés Almeida-Ñauñay, Ernesto Sanz, Miguel Quemada, Juan José Martin-Sotoca, and Ana María Tarquis

Grasslands are one of the most important and complex ecological systems due to their characteristic dynamics influenced by meteorological and climate patterns. In this sense, drought is one of the most challenging obstacles to overcome. Especially in semi-arid areas, where biomass production is greatly limited by the amount of precipitation. In this line, remote sensing methods have been demonstrated to be a valuable instrument for monitoring vegetation in wide areas, and vegetation indices (VIs) have shown a high sensitivity to vegetation variations. In this line, the soil water content has been shown to be a key factor in vegetation growth. In this work, we compare the temporal dynamics of two semi-arid grassland areas based on a soil water content index estimated in each area.

We selected two semi-arid areas in Spain and time series of VIs are built based on multispectral images of MODIS TERRA product with a temporal resolution of 8 days in each area. Red (620-670 nm) and Near Infrared (841-876 nm) reflectance channels were extracted and filtered by the quality of the pixel. Then, a soil water content index (WCI) is calculated based on the water balance of the soil over time. Recurrence plots (RP) and recurrence quantification analysis (RQA) were calculated to characterize the influence of soil water content on vegetation index dynamics. The characterisation was based on various RQA complexity measurements, including Determinism (DET), among others.

In general, our results revealed that WCI was able to distinguish between areas. RPs revealed a different temporal pattern in each area using WCI and VIs. Furthermore, RQA measurements revealed that the dry area presented a different dynamic in contrast to the wetter area. In general, WCI was shown to be a useful index in characterizing soil water content, and recurrence plots were able to describe and characterise the dynamics of each area.

Acknowledgements: The authors acknowledge the support of Clasificación de Pastizales Mediante Métodos Supervisados - SANTO, from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (project number: RP220220C024).



Almeida-Ñauñay, A.F., Benito, R.M., Quemada, M., Losada, J.C., Tarquis, A.M., 2022. Recurrence plots for quantifying the vegetation indices dynamics in a semi-arid grassland. Geoderma 406, 115488.

Almeida-Ñauñay, A.F., Benito, R.M., Quemada, M., Losada, J.C., Tarquis, A.M., 2021. The Vegetation–Climate System Complexity through Recurrence Analysis. Entropy 23, 559.

Martín-Sotoca, J.J., Saa-Requejo, A., Moratiel, R., Dalezios, N., Faraslis, I., Tarquis, A.M., 2019. Statistical analysis for satellite-index-based insurance to define damaged pasture thresholds. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. 19, 1685–1702.

Sanz, E., Saa-Requejo, A., Díaz-Ambrona, C.H., Ruiz-Ramos, M., Rodríguez, A., Iglesias, E., Esteve, P., Soriano, B., Tarquis, A.M., 2021. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Temporal Responses to Temperature and Precipitation in Arid Rangelands. Remote Sens. 13, 840.

How to cite: Almeida-Ñauñay, A., Sanz, E., Quemada, M., Martin-Sotoca, J. J., and Tarquis, A. M.: Soil water content in vegetation indices dynamics through a recurrence plots approach, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8081,, 2023.

EGU23-11306 | ECS | PICO | SSS10.6

Progressing pedotransfer functions for nation-wide mapping of soil hydraulic properties 

Florian Darmann, Monika Kumpan, Irene Winkler, Peter Strauss, and Thomas Weninger

As the measurement of soil hydraulic properties is time-consuming and expensive, they are often computed from easily measurable soil properties via pedotransfer functions (PTFs). There are plenty of existing PTFs which were mainly derived for specific regions or catchments.

In our study, new PTF’s for Austrian soils were developed to estimate soil hydraulic properties such as field capacity or permanent wilting point. The PTFs were built by applying the random forest method, including prediction of uncertainty measures.

The used database includes soil physical data from different project and monitoring campaigns all over Austria and represents many different landscapes and soil types within the country. It consists of 2300 samples from 518 agricultural sampling locations.

For the derivation of new PTF’s, several inputs were available. Since the model is to be applied to standard data from official Austrian soil mapping, we focused on the therein existing data as input variables. We tested four possible combinations for each target property, with particle size distribution and depth as fixed variables. Bulk density and soil organic matter were added in different compositions.

To ensure the applicability of the newly derived PTF’s, the available data set was randomly divided into two subsets. A fraction of 80 % of the samples were contained in training data set for the derivation of the prediction models, the validation set includes 20 % of the data for determining statistical parameters and for comparison with other PTFs. This comparison showed good applicability of the new PTFs in relation to the previous models with R² ranging from 0,73 to 0,83 per target variable.

Due to the fact that each prediction contains uncertainties, uncertainty maps for all agricultural areas in Austria were created. Therefore the 25% and 75% percentile and the respective interquartile range (IQR) of our predicted properties were determined. The results show mean values for the IQR between 6,8 % for field capacity at 60 hPa and 5,7 % for permanent wilting point.

As main outcome, new models for hydraulic properties of Austrian soils were produced. The comparison with established PTFs showed higher accuracy for the prediction of soil properties in Austrian soils than other established PTFs. With the implemented prediction of uncertainty, areas with good predictions can be identified as well as areas with high uncertainties.

How to cite: Darmann, F., Kumpan, M., Winkler, I., Strauss, P., and Weninger, T.: Progressing pedotransfer functions for nation-wide mapping of soil hydraulic properties, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11306,, 2023.

EGU23-15495 | PICO | SSS10.6

Quantification of uncertainty using artificial neural networks for mapping of soil properties in Germany 

Ruhollah Taghizadeh-Mehrjardi, Gerard B.M. Heuvelink, and Thomas Scholten

Machine learning models have been widely used in digital soil mapping to predict the spatial distribution of soil properties across the landscape. However, due to the unpredictable behavior of soil properties, insufficient training sample size, input data error, uncertainty in model parameters and structure, uncertainty inherently exists in machine learning predictions. Therefore, knowledge of prediction uncertainty is vital for decision-makers and end-users. This study quantifies the overall uncertainty of digital soil maps of Germany for soil acidity, organic carbon, cation exchange capacity, and clay using quantile regression forest (QRF) and artificial neural network (ANN) models. Here, we propose the use of a novel ANN model that directly estimates the lower and upper bounds of a prediction interval by using an architecture with two output neurons. A multi-objective evolutionary algorithm (i.e., non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II) was employed to parameterize the ANN weights. The results of the modeling indicated that ANN performed better than the QRF for predicting soil properties. Additionally, the ANNs produced narrower prediction intervals in comparison to the QRF. Most importantly, ANN yielded prediction interval coverage probabilities that were more closely aligned to their associated confidence levels in comparison to the QRF. In general, the ANNs were not only effective in predicting soil properties, but they were also effective in constructing reasonable prediction intervals for soil characteristics; and therefore, it is recommended to be used for predicting soil properties and quantifying their uncertainty in digital soil mapping.

Keywords: uncertainty estimation, prediction interval, multi-objective optimization, artificial neural networks, machine learning, Germany

How to cite: Taghizadeh-Mehrjardi, R., B.M. Heuvelink, G., and Scholten, T.: Quantification of uncertainty using artificial neural networks for mapping of soil properties in Germany, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15495,, 2023.

EGU23-15802 | PICO | SSS10.6

Communicating the Uncertainty in Predictions from a GIS-Modelling Framework 

Alice Milne, Bader Oulaid, imane el fartassi, Joanna Zawadzka, Rafiq el Alami, Khouloud Tabiti, Helen Metcalfe, Alhousseine Diarra, Vasthi Alonso chavez, Toby Wayne, and Ron Corstanje

Policy makes and other stakeholders working to improve the sustainability of agriculture need access to information on soil spatial variation, and the impacts of management strategies that policy might promote. Models and data can provide such information but typically such products are developed in isolation and so do not allow for an integrated trade-off analysis. To overcome this limitation, we have developed a GIS- modelling framework (GIS-MF) that allows users to interrogate integrated models and data layers. This GIS-MF prototype has been developed for the Tensift watershed which is in the region of Marakesh-Safi, Morocco. The alpha version of the software contains four main components: (i) a field to watershed-scale Digital Soil Mapping viewer, (ii) a watershed scale Ecosystems Services Report viewer (iii) an Interactive Ecosystem Service and Environmental Impacts viewer that allows trade-offs to be explored and (iv) a field-scale yield prediction tool.  For each component it is essential to communicate the uncertainties associated with predictions in a way that is both informative and intuitive to the end users. We have explored several ways for communicating uncertainty that we will present. For the DSM viewer we consider both methods that show uncertainty distributions as well as the probability of exceeding agronomically relevant thresholds. We take a similar approach for the Ecosystems Services Report viewer, and the yield prediction tool. For the uncertainties related to our integrated trade-offs we consider approaches to communicate the changes in multiple objectives. We draw on previous analyses to make conclusions and we will ask the EGU audience their views on each of the methods. 

How to cite: Milne, A., Oulaid, B., el fartassi, I., Zawadzka, J., el Alami, R., Tabiti, K., Metcalfe, H., Diarra, A., Alonso chavez, V., Wayne, T., and Corstanje, R.: Communicating the Uncertainty in Predictions from a GIS-Modelling Framework, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15802,, 2023.

EGU23-17024 | PICO | SSS10.6

Interpreting and evaluating digital soil mapping prediction uncertainties 

Linda Lilburne, Gerard Heuvelink, and Anatol Helfenstein

There is an implicit quality associated with all soil maps which depends on a range of factors including the mapping algorithm, the extent and quality of the calibration data, and the quality and relevance of the co-variates. Spatially explicit prediction uncertainty information is increasingly provided when digital soil mapping methods are used. This may take the form of a 90% prediction interval such as that supplied by ISRIC in their global SoilGrids product. In this study we used independent data sets of particle size measurements from New Zealand and the Netherlands to investigate the accuracy of the prediction interval information in the SoilGrids clay, sand and silt layers. While prediction intervals were wide for both countries, we had expected that these would be narrower for the Netherlands as SoilGrids has more calibration points in the Netherlands than in New Zealand. Spatially, there was much more variation in the prediction interval width in the Netherlands than in New Zealand, with some areas being less uncertain and some highly uncertain. New Zealand had uncertain predictions for the entire country, although the prediction intervals were not as wide as in the most uncertain areas in the Netherlands.

Independent validation showed that the clay prediction intervals were too wide: for New Zealand between 95 and 98% of the validation data were within the 90% prediction interval, for the Netherlands this was between 95 and 97%. For sand we found the opposite, with only between 60 and 70% of the data falling in the 90% prediction interval for New Zealand and between 77 and 88% for the Netherlands. Comparison of prediction errors with prediction interval widths showed that the prediction errors tended to be larger at locations with wide prediction intervals, although this relationship was clearer for the Netherlands than for New Zealand. Estimates that fell outside the sand prediction interval were associated with narrow as well as wide prediction interval widths. Our analyses highlight the importance of users considering soil uncertainty information before using the soil data. It is also important that producers of soil information document the accuracy limitations to help guide potential users and that they evaluate the validity of the uncertainty information prior to release.

How to cite: Lilburne, L., Heuvelink, G., and Helfenstein, A.: Interpreting and evaluating digital soil mapping prediction uncertainties, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17024,, 2023.

Detailed soil maps are crucial to balance interests of urban planning and soil protection. In Switzerland, high-quality arable land is protected by an inventory and surfaces inside the inventory can only exceptionally be developed. Recently, legal frameworks were modified to require detailed soil maps to change the inventory. So far, conventional soil maps at scale of 1:5'000 – directly linked to a prescribed sampling density – are acknowledged to be sufficiently accurate. As conventional mapping is very time-consuming digital soil mapping is currently considered by regional governments to accelerate data collection.

To test digital soil mapping to generate such detailed maps we selected a typical area on the Swiss Plateau of 800 hectares. We sampled 1'120 locations by feature space coverage design. Spatial predictions were computed for soil properties and soil suitability classes were derived. Additional independent validation data was sampled by a stratified random design at 120 locations and used to evaluate overall prediction accuracy. For rootable soil depth, the main soil attribute decisions are based on, model uncertainty was quantified by quantile regression forest.  

Various representations of uncertainty at selected point locations and for a map excerpt were prepared. Following one of the recently formulated ten Pedometrics challenges, we evaluated (mis)understanding thereof by in-depth guided expert interviews with six inventory decision makers. Level of acceptable uncertainty for the inventory and whether end users rather trusted certain sampling densities as opposed to statistical accuracy measures was further discussed in the interviews.

How to cite: Burgos, S., Tanner, S., and Nussbaum, M.: What is the accepted level of erroneous decision for the Swiss arable land inventory? Uncertainty perception of digital soil maps., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17408,, 2023.

SSS11 – Material and Methods in Soil Science

EGU23-1098 | PICO | SSS11.3

Playing in the sandbox: An experimental set-up for comparison of soil moisture profile sensors 

Felix Nieberding, Johan Alexander Huisman, Christof Huebner, Ansgar Weuthen, Bernd Schilling, and Heye Reemt Bogena

To enable an efficient and economical use of limited water resources, sensing techniques to determine root zone soil moisture are gaining importance. Because of their easy handling and ability to provide simultaneous measurements in different depths, so-called soil moisture profile sensors (SMPS) exhibit high potential for climate-smart agriculture. However, determining soil moisture with reasonable accuracy is a complex task. Especially clay content and soil temperature influence the soil dielectric permittivity and might thus affect the electromagnetic soil moisture measurement of the SMPS.

To date, an accurate and easy-to-use method for the evaluation of long SMPS is not available. To this end, we designed a laboratory and a field experiment to better discriminate between changes in soil dielectric permittivity and sensor variability due to environmental effects. The tested SMPS are the SoilVUE10 (50 cm) from Campbell Scientific, the Drill&Drop (60 cm) from Sentek, as well as the SMT500 (50 cm), which is an early prototype from TRUEBNER. The following questions were addressed: (1) How high is the measurement variability of the vertical measurement sections of an SMPS? (2) How strong is the sensor response influenced by changes in temperature? (3) What is the SMPS accuracy compared to reference TDR measurements and how high is the sensor-to-sensor variability? We addressed questions 1 and 2 by placing the SMPS into a container filled with well-characterized fine to medium sized sand (type F36, Quarzwerke Frechen). The sand was water saturated and the temperature of the container was stepwise increased from 5 to 40 °C using a water cooling/heating. Question 3 was addressed by setting up a 2 x 2 x 1.5 m sandbox, also filled with F36 sand at a field site. The sandbox is sealed watertight to the sides and to the bottom and provided with a drainage layer of 20 cm gravel. The water level inside the sandbox can be controlled by pumping water in or out using piezometer tubes, which are permeable in the drainage layer. The SMPS were installed into the sandbox and the measurements were compared against reference measurements made using CS610 TDR probes with TDR100 (Campbell Scientific) and against SMT100 (TRUEBNER) TDT measurements.

Preliminary results using factory calibrations indicate that all tested SMPS have their shortcomings regarding the accuracy of soil moisture estimation. The D&D probe shows a high agreement between the measurement depths and a fair temperature stability, but the soil moisture content was underestimated compared to the reference measurements. In comparison, the SoilVUE10 displayed larger variability between different measurement depths, as well as between different sensors. In addition, the soil moisture was overestimated at high soil moisture content and the accuracy declined strongly above a soil temperature of 25°C. The SMT500, albeit a prototype, performed well at low soil moisture but strongly overestimated the soil water content under saturated conditions. Our experimental setup has generally proven useful for the characterization of SMPS. It clearly showed that the accuracy of the soil moisture estimates obtained with the SMPS is quite variable, especially at high soil moisture content.

How to cite: Nieberding, F., Huisman, J. A., Huebner, C., Weuthen, A., Schilling, B., and Bogena, H. R.: Playing in the sandbox: An experimental set-up for comparison of soil moisture profile sensors, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1098,, 2023.

EGU23-5300 | ECS | PICO | SSS11.3

Fast and Reproducible Aggregate Water-Resistance Index Determination Using Laser Diffraction 

Jan-František Kubát, Michal Vrána, David Zumr, and Petr Kavka

Soil aggregate stability is a measure of the resistance of soil aggregates to degradation and breakdown. It is a major factor influencing the soil health and fertility. The aggregates stability also affects soil erosion rates and water retention. Several factors can influence the stability of soil aggregates, including the type and amount of soil organic matter, the presence of soil biota, and the type and intensity of land management practices. Soil management practices that promote the incorporation of organic matter, such as cover cropping and reduced tillage, can increase soil aggregate stability. The aggregate stability is commonly measured using a variety of techniques, such as the water drop penetration test, in which the penetration of a water droplet is used to assess the strength of soil aggregates, and the wetting and drying method, in which the stability of soil aggregates is measured after they have been subjected to alternating wetting and drying cycles. A common method for measuring soil aggregate stability is the wet sieving method. Within this contribution we present a newly developed procedure based on the equation of Kemper & Rosenau that utilizes laser diffraction to estimate the aggregate water resistance index (AWRI). In developing this new method, emphasis was placed on comparability with the standard sieving procedure carried out with the Eijkelkamp wet sieving apparatus. The water resistance of the soil aggregates was tested for five different soil types (Haplic Luvisol, Chernozem, Regosol, Fluvisol, and Cambisol) sampled in the Czech Republic. The AWRI value determined by the laser diffraction procedure is based on an average particle size of the disturbed aggregates recorded for each fictitious sieve size. The results from a limited number of soil samples show promising agreement between the standard wet sieving and the laser diffractometer procedures. The main advantage of the method is the much faster processing of many samples and their replicates with less variability in the results. However, further measurements are needed to validate the procedure.


This study has been supported by Grant of Technology Agency of the Czech Republic QK22020179 and EC H2020 Project 101000224 (TuDi)

How to cite: Kubát, J.-F., Vrána, M., Zumr, D., and Kavka, P.: Fast and Reproducible Aggregate Water-Resistance Index Determination Using Laser Diffraction, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5300,, 2023.

EGU23-5351 | ECS | PICO | SSS11.3

Influence of soil cover on surface runoff, infiltration, and percolation 

Martin Neumann, Petr Kavka, Adam Tejkl, Tomáš Laburda, and Steffen Beck-Broichsitter

The main goal of this study was to determine the effect of surface cover on soil percolation. Many previous papers have focused on reducing soil loss on steep slopes using geotextiles, but not on the intensity of percolation. Reducing surface runoff can help reduce soil loss, but increased infiltration can also increase the risk of slope collapse. For this research, Enkamat 7220 (plastic geotextile) in six different cover variations was used, as well as bare soil for comparison. A laboratory rainfall simulator with variable rainfall intensity and adjustable slope was used for the experiments, which were conducted at rainfall intensities of 60-160 mm/h. The results showed that the lowest soil percolation occurred on the plot with bare soil and on the plot where the entire surface was covered with geotextile and fully backfilled, likely due to soil compaction. The highest percolation was observed on the plot where the geotextile was fixed on top of the surface using ground anchors. The hypothesis that percolation at the foot of the slope is higher than at the top of the slope due to surface and subsurface flow was also confirmed. In future studies on the effectiveness of geotextiles, additional measurements of percolation would be beneficial for a deeper understanding of these processes. This research was supported by the research projects QK22010261, SS05010180 and CTU in Prague, grant No. SGS OHK1-086/23/11143.

How to cite: Neumann, M., Kavka, P., Tejkl, A., Laburda, T., and Beck-Broichsitter, S.: Influence of soil cover on surface runoff, infiltration, and percolation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5351,, 2023.

EGU23-6524 | ECS | PICO | SSS11.3

Spatio-temporally highly resolved validation of a rill-based soil erosion model with 4D data 

Oliver Grothum, Dave Favis-Mortlock, Petr Kavka, Martin Neumann, Tomáš Laburda, and Anette Eltner

Time-lapse photogrammetry has been proven to be a valuable tool to support the understanding of earth surface processes since it can be used to create 3D models with an unprecedented temporal resolution. Overlapping images are captured simultaneously and structure from motion (SfM) photogrammetry is used to reconstruct 3D point clouds from these images automatically.

We performed one rainfall simulation on an erosion plot in the field covering about 16 square meters and having a slope of 9 degrees and another experiment in the laboratory with a plot of about 4 square meters and a slope of 20 degrees. Rainfall intensities were similar and high in both simulations to ensure rill formation. During the experiment, we measured soil surface changes with a time series of 3D point clouds derived via SfM photogrammetry. We also estimated runoff flow velocities with a tracer and observed the spatial pattern of runoff velocities with particle tracking velocimetry (PTV) applied to videos captured during the field experiment. At the plot outlet, we also measured runoff and sediment yield. These datasets were used as validation data for the soil erosion model.

Soil erosion was simulated with the physically-based model RillGrow and SMODERP, which conceptualizes the formation of erosion rills as a self-organizing dynamic system. We ran several thousand erosion simulations using a Monte Carlo approach. The aim was first to assess the sensitivity of the input parameters of the model, and secondly to automatically find the best fitting set of input parameter values for the given field site conditions and rainfall intensity. We compare the simulation results to global values, such as the sediment yield and runoff, and to local changes, measured by the photogrammetric 4D data.

Our study combines established as well as newly developed data recording and processing methods to create a spatio-temporal high-resolution dataset. This is used to test a soil erosion model with the aim of enhancing understanding of rill erosion processes.

This research was supported by the projects DFG EL926/3-1, SFZP 085320/2022, SS05010180, and SGS OHK1-086/23/11143.

How to cite: Grothum, O., Favis-Mortlock, D., Kavka, P., Neumann, M., Laburda, T., and Eltner, A.: Spatio-temporally highly resolved validation of a rill-based soil erosion model with 4D data, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6524,, 2023.

EGU23-8277 | PICO | SSS11.3

The Influence of Climate Change on Runoff from Headwater Catchments 

Petr Kavka, Martin Neumann, Adam Tejkl, Michal Kuráž, and Martin Hanel

This contribution presented cartographic visualization of project aims.  The goal is to presented the classification the potential utility of irrigation and available water in the Czech Republic territory in the scale of small catchment in square km size. Definition and basic classification of the are presented by Kavka (Kavka, 2021). Classification of the these catchments based on various factors such as terrain morphology, soil characteristics, drought risk, and rainfall variability with final. Main goal of presented are involves the assessing options for retention of the water in the agriculture landscape for the consequence irrigation systems. The research are also focused to the designing and implementing a system for monitoring soil water regimes in irrigated areas as a tool for optimizing irrigation systems and managing water resources.

Water resources are limited by the amount of rainfall and the ways to capture water from extreme precipitation events. To make the most efficient use of these resources, it is important to capture water directly in source catchments and use it for irrigation, rather than relying on technology-intensive infrastructure. Given the changes in climate, which in temperate Central Europe can bring about higher concentrations of extreme precipitation and longer dry periods, it is crucial to adaptation for future changes. From an agricultural perspective, changes in the rapid component of runoff and reduced retention capacity are also key considerations.

In areas that are not near significant watercourses with constant and relative high flow, local sources of water for irrigation may not be relevant. The project includes the identification of areas where it may be possible to store irrigation water at a local scale. The evaluation of the need for hydrological models, local measurements, and balance characteristics of the area. This involves determining the water needs in small catchments, primarily targeted at local irrigation systems, and researching sources of moisture needs. Data on existing and historical small reservoirs and areas with potential water storage for irrigation needs in the source catchments are used for these analyses, considering existing agro-climatic areas and identified historical irrigation systems. The areas with low or zero infiltration (paved road, cities, buildings, etc.) are identified.

 Acknowledgements: This contribution was supported by grant of the The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic – No. SS01020052 - “Utility and risk of irrigation over the Czech Republic in changing climate”. 

How to cite: Kavka, P., Neumann, M., Tejkl, A., Kuráž, M., and Hanel, M.: The Influence of Climate Change on Runoff from Headwater Catchments, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8277,, 2023.

EGU23-12071 | PICO | SSS11.3 | Highlight

Determining the contribution of nitrogen fertilizer and mineralization to volatilized ammonia through the use of nitrogen-15 

Maria Heiling, Rayehe Mirkhani, Christian Resch, Reinhard Pucher, Arsenio Toloza, and Gerd Dercon

Ammonia volatilization (AV) is one of the main pathways of nitrogen fertilizer loss, resulting in reduced crop yields, and a negative impact on the environment. Therefore, reducing AV through proper fertilizer management is essential. We can, however, only provide appropriate management advice when based on accurate measurements, along with understanding the processes involved. For this purpose, the 15N technique has a unique advantage over other methods to precisely identify the sources of ammonia production.

A field experiment was established at the SWMCN laboratory in Seibersdorf on maize with four replications and 120 kg N ha-1 was applied through two equal split applications at 20 DAP (Days After Planting) and 34 DAP. Two 15N microplots inside each main plot were installed. In these microplots, 15N-labeled urea replaced the unlabeled urea according to the time of fertilizer application. Each microplot for 15N-labelled urea was 2.5 m by 2.5 m,and the buffer zone between microplots was 1 m to minimize 15N contamination from adjacent microplot. For these microplots, 15N-labeled urea was used with an enrichment of 5.23 atom% 15N excess. The first microplot received 15N-urea at 20 DAP and unlabeled urea at 34 DAP, the second microplot received 15N-urea at 34 DAP and unlabeled urea at 20 DAP. Ammonia volatilization was measured with semi-static chambers and chambers were installed inside the 15N microplots.

The total cumulative NH3 emissions from urea after the first and second split applications were 13.9 kg N ha-1 and 18.0 kg N ha-1, respectively. This calculation is based on the difference in AV between experimental treatments and control treatment, assuming that AV in control plots indicates the amount of AV from the soil source, whereas AV of the fertilized treatments presents AV from soil and fertilizer sources. It also assumes that all nitrogen transformations, i.e., mineralization, immobilization, and other process in the case of nitrogen, are the same for control and experimental plots. Therefore, the amount of AV in urea treatment was subtracted from the amount of AV in control treatment. The cumulative NH3 emissions from the control treatment (without nitrogen fertilizer) at the same time were 2.7 kg N ha-1 and 3.6 kg N ha-1, respectively. Accordingly, about 20% of the ammonia volatilized from the soil source and the rest could be attributed to the added urea fertilizer.

However, using the 15N labelled fertilizer, it was found that the above assumption shows some flaws. The fraction of nitrogen in the ammonia samples derived from the soil is not constant but changes significantly due to nitrogen fertilizer application. The results show that the nitrogen in the ammonia derived from the fertilizer was 65% and 53% after the first and second split applications, respectively. Therefore, the fraction of nitrogen in the ammonia samples derived from the soil source was 35% and 47% after the first and second split applications. So, the use of the 15N technique shows that adding nitrogen fertilizer likely increased the rate of mineralization by changing the ratio of carbon to nitrogen.

How to cite: Heiling, M., Mirkhani, R., Resch, C., Pucher, R., Toloza, A., and Dercon, G.: Determining the contribution of nitrogen fertilizer and mineralization to volatilized ammonia through the use of nitrogen-15, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12071,, 2023.

EGU23-12154 | ECS | PICO | SSS11.3 | Highlight

Progressing experimental methods for the hydrological characterization of structural soil substrates 

Sebastian Rath, Anna Zeiser, Monika Kumpan, Peter Strauß, and Thomas Weninger

Rising demand for functionality of green infrastructure in urban environments led to the development of combined systems for stormwater retention and infiltration together with urban trees. Frequently, a special type of substrate is used based on coarse gravel or cobbles (ca. 5 – 20 cm) as structure element ensuring load bearing capacity as well as stable pore volume and combine it with a fine growing substrate with a certain storage capacity for water and nutrients. These systems got different names in different parts of the world. They are called structural soils in the US and Singapore, Stockholm systems in Northern and parts of Central Europe, as well as sponge city substrates for urban trees in Austria. Despite progress in technical knowledge about Dos and Don´ts in the installation of structural soils and their stormwater retention functionality, there are no standard lab methods for their hydrological characterization by now.

The main goal was to develop a lab method to determine the retention capacities at different matric potential states and the respective hydraulic conductivity of structural soil substrates. A major challenge therein is to handle the dimensions of the cobbles in lab conditions. For hydrological characterization, the multi-step-outflow method and the evaporation method were combined. The adopted changeable lab setup allows to determine the saturated hydraulic conductivity as well as the total pore volume at the beginning. Afterwards a ceramic pressure plate is used to perform the multistep-outflow method by applying certain negative pressures with a suction pump. In a third step the setup is changed to an evaporation method, which is used to determine the volumetric soil water content at more negative matric potentials.

The first results provide a promising basis for further developments. For example, the available water capacity of structural soil substrates can be narrowed down to around 5 percent by volume, while the air capacity is around 21 percent by volume. This study represents a first step for developing appropriate methodology for a practicable hydrological characterization of structural soils. For the future, the experiment is intended to be extended by observations of wetting front characteristic and to be applied in standard procedures by a wide range of geotechnical or soil science laboratories.

How to cite: Rath, S., Zeiser, A., Kumpan, M., Strauß, P., and Weninger, T.: Progressing experimental methods for the hydrological characterization of structural soil substrates, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12154,, 2023.

Soil is defined in different ways, depending on the scientific discipline and a project’s scope. Understanding these differences is key to facilitate clear communication of subsurface conditions within interdisciplinary project teams and allow a comprehensive presentation of results towards a broader audience. The goal of herein presented research is to find differences and analogies in discipline-dependent definitions of soil, outline resulting challenges and suggest possible solutions.

Definitions of the word soil were reviewed and analyzed in discipline-specific dictionaries of the Oxford reference dictionary series and international standards in regard to soil classifications (i. e. ISO and ASTM). Additionally, a survey was performed among professionals from different disciplines, including, but not limited to pedology, geology, engineering, geomorphology and chemistry. The survey aimed at finding out (i) how the word soil is defined by representatives of different disciplines, (ii) if there are divergent understandings between and within disciplines, (iii) if the various interpretations result in problems in interdisciplinary research and (iv) if and what kind of solutions are needed. The survey was filled out by sixty-two, mostly senior-level professionals from the private sector as well as universities and research institutions.

Together with the results of the analysis of dictionaries and international standards, the answers to the survey showed that there are recognizable differences in the understanding of the word soil and that the majority of the survey participants sees a need to find solutions to how these can be addressed, especially for interdisciplinary projects. It was found that consense among the project team and a clear and comprehensive definition of soil, as it is understood within in a specific project, is required as a minimum from the on-start of a project. Additionally, based on the results of the definitions given in literature as well as in the survey, typical definitions of soil are categorized according to discipline (e. g. soil science, geology, engineering) and a comprehensive summary of terminology and vocabulary is presented in regard to possible synonyms for the word soil. Both approaches aim to assist in defining the word soil by providing a simple terminological framework, in which the project’s detailed definition can be integrated. This framework is flexible enough to be extended to other relevant disciplines (e. g. agricultural science, forestry, law).

How to cite: Kurka, M.: What is Soil? – Addressing challenges due to interdisciplinary differences in the understanding of the word soil, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12277,, 2023.

AbstractThe reservoir-bank collapse has caused soil erosion and bank expansion in the lower Yellow River, which seriously affects the ecological environment and agricultural development. Understanding the processes of mass movement occurred on reservoir-bank is important to predict and control bank expansion. However, little research exists concerning how to accurately quantify the process of bank collapse and trace the source of sediment. In this study, a reservoir-bank model with the gentle slope of 3°, steep slope of 40° and abrupt slope of 70°, was constructed according to geomorphological characteristics of the soil reservoir-bank in Xiaolangdi Reservoir, in which rare earth elements were used to trace the provenance of sediment originated from mass movement on reservoir-bank under different rainfall conditions, and quantify the soil loss from the bank contributed to sediment deposition in reservoir. The results show that the sediment in reservoir mainly comes from steep slope, and the percentage contribution of abrupt slope to the total soil loss increases significantly in rainstorms with the precipitation larger than 60 mm. Under the rainstorms, the contributions of the gentle slope, steep slope and abrupt slope to soil loss were 10%, 55% and 35%, respectively. Without rainstorm, the contributions of the gentle slope, steep slope, and abrupt slope to soil loss were 4%, 72% and 24%, respectively. Meanwhile, sediment deposition in reservoir also mainly derived from steep slope and abrupt slope. The contribution of steep slope and abrupt slope to sediment deposition were 49% and 40% under the rainstorms, and the contribution of steep slope and abrupt slope to sediment deposition without rainfall were 67% and 28%, respectively. In addition, most of the sediment generated from the lower abrupt slope accumulates near the reservoir-bank, while the sediment generated from the steep slope accumulates at a distance from the reservoir-bank. Under the rainstorms, the contribution of upper steep slope to sediment deposition was 54% at 240 cm from the reservoir-bank, while the contribution of lower steep slope to sediment deposition without rainfall was 70% at 180 cm from the reservoir-bank. Whether with or without rainfall, the contribution of lower abrupt slope to sediment deposition was all about 54% at 40 cm from the reservoir-bank. Thus, in the near future, engineering measures such as grid protected slope may be used in the reservoir area to protect the steep slope of reservoir-bank, which can effectively reduce soil erosion and bank expansion in the reservoir area.

Keywords: Bank collapse; Mass movement; Xiaolangdi Reservoir; REEs; Rainstorm

How to cite: Ran, G., Li, T., and Xu, X.: Quantifying provenance of soil originated from mass movement on soil reservoir-bank using rare earth elements, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16172,, 2023.

EGU23-16474 | ECS | PICO | SSS11.3

Development of Geoethics and Sustainable approaches based on Pedological Education 

Hermom Reis Silva, Rosely Aparecida Liguori Imbernon, and Clara Vasconcelos

The rational use of soil has taught in Basic Education in Brazil, in accordance with the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC), from the 2nd year of elementary school. However, for the development of specific skills that involve the interaction between reflective teaching, sustainability, problem solving, among other themes, there are few school projects that promote interdisciplinary strategies for such purposes. In carrying out this pedagogical action, it was necessary to develop methodologies that would integrate the student into the knowledge construction process, from the perspective of environmental education and geoethics.

The project involves directly basic education students, 1st and 5th years of Elementary School level I, and 6th and 9th years of Elementary School level II, and indirectly with participation of high school students, as monitors, in activities in the garden and vegetable garden of School Prof. Francisco de Paula Conceição Junior, a state public school of São Paulo, Brazil.

Based on the Sustainable Development Objective - SDG 15, of the 2030 Agenda, the project developed behavioral changes in students, based on the rational use of land, while developing a teaching methodology in which the student was the protagonist in the learning process. The construction of learning spaces, such as the school's vegetable garden and garden, and the soil laboratory, were strategies in the Interventions adopted in the form of practical, theoretical, and concluding classes.

Built by the students and the teacher in charge, the garden and garden spaces corroborated the development of practical learning within the scope of sustainable development, such as recycling (maintenance of the compost bin for the production of fertilizers from waste produced at school); inclusion of the community in the project (use of sawdust and wood ash donated by traders around the school to correct the soil together with fertilizer); maintenance and planting of garden and garden spaces; implantation/use of the soil laboratory for the application of geoscientific knowledge; holding events at school about soil/planting; conducting thematic theoretical classes, conversation circles for decision-making, among others. In addition to the soil theme, the inclusion of other themes such as water resources, air quality/pollution, types and production of energy were approached, so that the student could discuss geoethics, in the use of resources of the Earth system, and man as a geological agent.

The development of activities allowed the transversality with other curricular components, the inclusion of local environmental problems, since the proposal is based on the construction of knowledge committed to the conservation, preservation, and rational use of resources, regarding geoethics.

The spaces built during the project have become pedagogical instruments for the promotion of environmental, social, cultural, scientific, and intellectual knowledge.

How to cite: Reis Silva, H., Aparecida Liguori Imbernon, R., and Vasconcelos, C.: Development of Geoethics and Sustainable approaches based on Pedological Education, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16474,, 2023.

EGU23-2374 | Orals | SSS11.5 | Highlight

Agricultural Terraces As DNA Archives and Implications for Terrace Archaeology 

Antony G. Brown, Andreas Lang, Daniel J. Fallu, Kevin Walsh, Francesco Ficetola, and Inger Alsos

Although agricultural terraces have a long history of use in the steepland areas of Europe very little is known about their use-history and its variability over space or time. This is partly because, being composed of generally inorganic well drained soil horizons, they often have poor preservation of pollen, spores and even phytoliths. The TerrACE project (ERC funded) set out to test the application of sedaDNA from terrace soils sampled from Greece to northern Norway using metabarcoding. The findings have been surprising - as the expectation was that only soils from the most northerly sites (Norway, UK) with mean annual temperatures below 10oC would provide positive results. This has proven not to be the case, with most sites providing usable data except the very warmest and driest (Crete). This also relates to the timing of agriculture with usable data from the Bronze Age throughout all periods to Late Medieval times. This reveals soil DNA of both a variety of crops, including but not exclusively cereals, and domesticated stock. However, there are, as expected, indications of both leaching and bioturbation effecting these records. These taphonomic aspects will be discussed alongside the potential of sedaDNA for tracing agricultural histories from cumulative soils.

How to cite: Brown, A. G., Lang, A., Fallu, D. J., Walsh, K., Ficetola, F., and Alsos, I.: Agricultural Terraces As DNA Archives and Implications for Terrace Archaeology, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-2374,, 2023.


Rainwater management is an important solution to climate change and flood risk reduction in the urban area. This study presents a nature-based solution to conserve rainwater in the urban area: a kind of permeable brick made of desert sand, of which compressive strength is intensive, water permeability is high, and fabrication cost is low. The desert-sand bricks presented here will be more in line with both the environmental and economic aims of developing countries. The compressive strength is one of the most important factors that impact the service life of permeable bricks, while the fabrication cost is one of the key reasons influencing the market share of permeable bricks. In this study, the minimum compressive strength of the desert-sand brick is 34.9 Mpa, which has exceeded the requirements of the standard JC/T 945-2005. Moreover, the mean and maximum compressive strengths of the desert-sand bricks are 69.6 and 102.8 Mpa, which are 2.3 and 3.4 times of the strength required by the standard JC/T 945-2005, respectively. The fabrication cost of the water-permeable brick designed by the authors is only 12 US dollars/m2, which is much lower than that of the sand-based permeable bricks that already exist in the market. Additionally, more ecological benefits could be gotten because the main aggregate in the sand-based permeable bricks is the desert sand rather than river sand. The results show that the kind of permeable brick can render substantial economic benefits and ecological improvements.

Keywords: Urban area; Water conservation; Permeable brick; Desert sand

How to cite: Xu, X. and Gao, H.: A new technology for green urban construction:using sand-based concrete permeable brick to conserve rainwater in the urban area, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3717,, 2023.

Check dams are an effective soil and water conservation measure which is widely constructed in the world. A large number of check dams have been installed on the Chinese Loess Plateau during the last 70 years, which have played an important role in sediment control and soil conservation. However, high-resolution and large-scale mapping of the location of the check dam and silted field is absent, thus hampering the efficient management of the check dams and quantitative evaluation of their eco-environmental benefits. In this study, we present a methodological framework to extract silted fields and estimate the location of the check dam at a pixel level by using three ensemble learning methods combined with a novel resampling procedure to lessen the influence of class imbalance. Our results indicate that the distribution of check dams and silted fields is a typical imbalanced binary classification problem that the amount of silted field samples only accounted for 4% of the total randomly collected samples, which has a significant impact on the accuracy of both model training and validation. By using the random under-sampling method, the optimal imbalance ratio was determined for each model, combined with the optimal modeling parameters and 23 features, to train and validate the model. The validation results on the testing set show that the F1-score of Random Forest, Extreme Gradient Boosting, and EasyEnsemble model for the silted field is 0.7501, 0.7664, and 0.7754, respectively. The feature importance analysis shows that three macro-terrain features and multi-temporal spectral indices contributed mostly to the accurate extraction of silted fields, among which the multi-temporal vegetation cover change index has the highest feature importance for all models. Applying the tuned model to the whole Wuding River catchment, we produced a 10m-resolution silted fields and check dams map showing that there are ca. 10,500 check dams correspondingly forming ca.283.3 km² area of silted fields. This study provides an important and efficient methodological framework for quick mapping of check dams and silted fields at a high-resolution and a large scale with addressing the imbalanced classification problems.

How to cite: Zhao, J.: Large-scale extraction of check dams and silted fields on the Chinese Loess Plateau using ensemble learning methods, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3879,, 2023.

EGU23-3904 | Posters virtual | SSS11.5

Control technology of gully sediment yield in Yellow River basin 

zhenzhou shen

The ecological protection and the high quality of national strategic in the Yellow River is pointed out that the Yellow River basin management to adhere to the concept of Lvshui Qingshan is the Jinshan Yinshan, strive to strengthen management of ecological protection, promote the implementation of a batch of major ecological restoration and construction projects, including Pisha stone areas in the middle reaches of the Yellow River is to focus on one of the areas to carry out the comprehensive control of ecological. Based on the analysis of the previous treatment theory and practice in the Pisha stone area, the research and development of the ecology-economy comprehensive treatment technology in the Pisha stone area is carried out. Including slope runoff efficient reservoir and utilization technology, the top economic fruit industry mode, block polymer grouting treatment technology of gravity erosion, slope erosion resistance and comprehensive treatment technology, flexible dam-Pisha stone channel modification material check dam and warping DAMS erosion prevention and control technology research and development and integration, finally enhance sieved Pisha stone areas are summarized ecological comprehensive control mode. The comprehensive ecological management model of Pisha stone can provide strong technical support for ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin.

How to cite: shen, Z.: Control technology of gully sediment yield in Yellow River basin, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-3904,, 2023.

The Loess Plateau is the area with the most serious soil erosion in China, and its control of soil erosion has always been a focus of attention and research. As an important engineering measure of soil and water conservation, the check dam plays an irreplaceable role. However, the effect of connection mode between check dam and downstream channel is not considered in the evaluation of sediment interception efficiency of check dam, which may lead to the high calculation result. In this study, in order to evaluate the sediment interception efficiency of check dam more accurately, the control areas of Caoping hydrological station in Wudinghe River Basin and Ganguyi hydrological station in Yanhe River Basin were taken as study areas, and 24 typical dam-controlled watersheds with different land use types, 4 typical small watersheds with different combinations of check dam were selected, the check dam types and their connection modes between check dam and downstream channel were investigated and analyzed, and the sediment interception efficiency of check dam was estimated. According to the difference of connectivity between check dams and downstream channels, there are 11 types of connection modes between check dam and downstream channel: disconnected, connected with spillway, connected with shaft or horizontal pipe, connected with spillway and shaft or spillway and horizontal pipe, connected with shaft, horizontal pipe and spillway, connected with dam body damaged gap, connected with discharge canal, connected with discharge canal and shaft, connected with discharge canal–spillway, connected with discharge canal–shaft and spillway, connected with discharge canal–dam body damaged gap. Based on the actual control area percentage of dam land, the structure connectivity of sediment between check dam and downstream channel was evaluated. The results show that the structure connectivity of sediment is mainly affected by the discharge canal and its length. The sediment interception efficiency of dam system is greater than the sum of single dams. If there is no drainage channel at the bottom of the key check dam, the sediment interception efficiency of the whole dam system will be greatly increased. The results show that the sediment interception efficiency would be 9.74–18.78% higher if the connection mode is not considered. And extreme rainfall increased the sediment connectivity between check dams and downstream channels, thus greatly reduced the sediment interception efficiency of check dams.

How to cite: Jiao, J., Bai, L., Wang, N., and Chen, Y.: Sediment connection modes of check dams and its effects for sediment interception efficiency in the loess hill and gully region, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4040,, 2023.

EGU23-4210 | Posters on site | SSS11.5

Optical Dating of Agricultural Terrace Deposits 

Andreas Lang, Chiara Bahl, Lisa Snape, Barbara Mauz, and Anthony Brown

Agricultural terraces are common features of cultivated hillsides across the world and have recently attracted increasing attention as archives of land-use practices and as soil carbon depositories. Such terraces originate from various soil translocation processes and throughout usage are subject of frequent reworking. Establishing chronologies for agricultural terraces usage is, thus, notoriously difficult. Here, we report results from optically-stimulated luminescence dating of terrace sediments that (i) originate from a wide range of locations across Europe stretching from the Polar circle to the Mediterranean; (ii) are derived from various host lithologies including igneous rocks, Triassic sedimentary rocks, Neogene marine deposits, and Pleistocene glacial and periglacial sediments; (iii) represent a range of cultivation styles including labour intensive manual techniques as well as mechanised tillage; and, (iv) cover a wide span of time periods from the Early Bronze Age through to modern times. Reliable chronologies of optical ages, consistent internally and in agreement with independent age information, were established on silt-sized quartz extracts from loess derived terrace deposits and on sand-sized quartz grains derived mostly from sedimentary host rocks. OSL signals of quartz extracted from deposits with igneous and turbiditic host rocks are often not of sufficient quality for optical dating purposes.

How to cite: Lang, A., Bahl, C., Snape, L., Mauz, B., and Brown, A.: Optical Dating of Agricultural Terrace Deposits, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4210,, 2023.

Check dams, submerged and ground sills, ground ramps, and bendway weirs are in-channel countermeasures built for mitigating flood and debris flow hazards. These torrent control structures have an own durability depending on structure type, material, design, construction, and maintenance, as well as on the physical pressures exerted on them. During the last half-century, while the natural degradation of the structures endangers their functionality, investments in ordinary maintenance have been significantly decreasing, worldwide. Thus, monitoring and planning an ordinary maintenance of existing structures should be a primary purpose for maintaining (or even improving) an adequate level of protection against natural hazards.

The present study proposes a framework for planning and promoting decision-making on the structure maintenance activities. The methodology consists in a procedure of first-level inspection based on three indicators (i.e., damage index, residual functionality, and active process index), followed by the application of a homogeneous Markov chain model on the collected field observations. The study has been conducted on three rivers in North Italy (Oglio, Pioverna, and Staffora) characterised by different hydrological-sediment transport regime, and level of artificiality.

The results of the first-level inspections, merged with a wide spectrum of other information (width, length, height, age of construction, materials, etc.), clearly show the actual status of the structures, whereas the Markov chain model provides different scenarios of physical structure degradation and decline of functionality, in function of time and levels of maintenance.

This framework is an interesting decision support tool for planning a long-term ordinary maintenance on torrent control structures, through a probabilistic assessment of structure failure, and a cost-effectiveness analysis of different maintenance activities. Moreover, this study represents a practical example of watershed management, starting from planning the first-level inspections of the existing torrent control structures until the assessment of the present and future vulnerability of the areas developed along the river channel network.

How to cite: Cislaghi, A., Morando, P., Morlotti, E., and Bischetti, G. B.: A probabilistic approach for planning the ordinary maintenance of existing torrent control structures: from first-level inspections to maintenance strategy, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-4867,, 2023.

EGU23-5591 | ECS | Orals | SSS11.5

Intensification of terrace agriculture on the Northern Apennines during the Medieval Climate Anomaly 

Filippo Brandolini, Tim C. Kinnaird, Aayush Srivastava, and Sam Turner

Recent environmental studies and policies have recommended maintaining archaeological landscape features such as intercropping, agroforestry and cross-slope barriers (e.g. hedgerows, stone walls, earth banks) for their potential benefits to ecosystems. This study focuses on a portion of the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines coinciding with the municipality of Vetto d'Enza (commonly referred as Vetto), located on the right bank of the Enza River in the Man and the Biosphere UNESCO reserve (Emilia-Romagna region, Northern Italy). The main characteristics of this historic rural landscape trace their origin back to the Middle Ages at the period of the Great Countess Matilda of Canossa (10-11th century CE) and the area’s land management system appears to have remained largely unaltered until the end of the 19th-century CE. Among the most distinctive characteristics of this historic landscape are relicts of agroforestry practices (known as ‘alberata emiliana’) and well-preserved stone walls and earth banks that have been used extensively between steeply-sloping fields to delimit tenurial boundaries and to face agricultural terraces. Optically stimulated luminescence profiling and dating (OSL-PD) has been applied to date the sediments associated with earth banks, stone walls and agricultural terraces. The results provide secure construction dates during the Medieval Climate Anomaly - (MCA). This period (ca. 900–1350 CE) is arguably one of the most crucial moments of recent climate change that impacted societies, particularly in Europe. Above average temperatures allowed high-elevation settlements to persist throughout the MCA, though social trends played a large role in the conversion of uplands into an agro-pastoral landscape. These processes are particularly evident on the Apennine mountains, where mediaeval deforestation coincided with intensification of agriculture associated with development of monastic estates that exploited increasingly larger land holdings as well as new settlement patterns in higher-elevation defensible locations.

How to cite: Brandolini, F., Kinnaird, T. C., Srivastava, A., and Turner, S.: Intensification of terrace agriculture on the Northern Apennines during the Medieval Climate Anomaly, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5591,, 2023.

EGU23-6010 | Posters virtual | SSS11.5

Check dam and its functions on the Loess Plateau of North Shaanxi Province, China 

Fei Wang, Wenyan Ge, and Hao Chen

The Loess Plateau is one of the most severe soil erosion area worldwide, and the north Shaanxi Loess Plateau is the main sediment source of the Yellow River. The functions of check dam are analyzed based on the data of land use and land cover change, hydrological process and filed survey on soil property and yield. The average annual soil erosion rate in this region varied from 8000-10000 ton per square kilometer before 1980s and reduce to 2000-4000 ton per square kilometer in recent years. The check dam is one of the most important practices of soil and water conservation in this region. It has a long-term history inspired by the natural dam caused by great landslide in 1969 of Ming Dynasty and developed very fast since 1960s. The functions of check dam cover the whole soil erosion process, sediment and flow of the branches and the Yellow River, agricultural production, soil carbon consequence, and local climate regulation. There were about 33.9 thousand check dams in this region, and the sedimentation in the check dams is around 5.9 billion tons that the average annual reduction of sediment load of the river accounted for 3000-5000 ton per square kilometer in their formation period of 20 to 30 years. The current check-dam land was about 57.3 thousand hectors with very good fertility condition and soil moisture because of the deposition induced by soil erosion of the topsoil and seasonal flashflood in the catchment. The average yield on the check-dam land could be 6000-15000 kg per hector in the semiarid cropland, about 3-10 time of that on the slope, that could reduce the cultivation on the slopes for more food demands and the relating soil erosion generation. The soil moisture retained in the check dam were estimated to about 2 billion ton annually and the SOM in the whole profile of check-dam land could be 3 times high than that in the top-soil layer (less than 1g/kg). The reduction of sediment load in the Yellow River could save a great amount of capacity of reservoirs, decrease the rising of the riverbed and flood risks of the lower stream of the Yellow River, and it also could save 1-3 billion cubic meters of runoff to flush the sediment away into the Bohai Sea. The functions of check dam could be sustainable if well-maintained.

How to cite: Wang, F., Ge, W., and Chen, H.: Check dam and its functions on the Loess Plateau of North Shaanxi Province, China, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6010,, 2023.

EGU23-6090 | Orals | SSS11.5

Spatial distribution patterns and soil properties of lynchet systems in Northeastern Bavaria, Germany 

Anna Schneider, Thomas Raab, Alexandra Raab, Simran Sekhri, and Alexander Bonhage

Former field systems (FFS) in recent forest areas of Central and Northern Europe are often discernible by their characteristic morphology with slightly flattened slope areas and intermediary ridges formed by tillage and water erosion. Soils of such lynchet systems feature distinctly modified stratigraphy and properties and thereby constitute a memory of past land use. At the same time, the legacies of past agriculture affect recent forest ecosystems. High-resolution digital elevation models (DEMs) allow to identify lynchets over large areas and open up new opportunities to study the spatial distribution patterns and soils of FFS. Within our research on different land use legacy features in forest areas, we study FFS in Northeastern Bavaria (Germany) in a geopedological approach, combining large-scale mapping and spatial analysis with the description and analysis of soil properties for specific sites.

Lynchet areas (and other remnants of pre-industrial FFS) in recent forests were mapped from LIDAR DEMs for an area of 2045 km2 (972 km2 forest area). The mapping results show more than 100 km2 of abandoned field systems within the study area, mostly appearing as lynchet systems. Their spatial distribution patterns differ within the study area, mainly depending on parent material and landform. In the limestone region of the Franconian Jura, FFS occur spatially dispersed, often as considerably small, irregularly shaped parcels, presumably reflecting proceeding abandonment of less productive and accessible fields with intensification of agriculture. In contrast, FFS in the Bohemian Massif in the eastern part of our study area were often found in compounds of many regularly shaped parcels, frequently associated with deserted settlement areas.

Soil stratigraphy and properties were studied for FFS and reference positions (forest areas with no indications of former agricultural use) in six study sites, combining detailed characterization of principal soil profiles and an assessment of spatial variations of soil properties in a near-surface sampling approach. First results show that FFS soils are characterized by truncated profiles over most parts of the treads and accumulation of colluvium confined to relatively small areas upslope of lynchet risers. The depth of soil profile truncation and height of lynchet risers differ, mainly related to slope and erodibility of the initial soils. Stratigraphy of the lynchet soils indicates a gradually proceeding formation. Carbon and nitrogen contents were found to differ between FFS and reference soils and to be more homogeneous within the FFS. Carbon contents were mainly lower in the FFS, while both lower and higher nitrogen contents were observed for FFS soils, presumably related to different duration and intensity of agricultural use.

Overall, the results show that the legacy effects of past agriculture affect large fractions of recent forest areas, and can be of different quality depending on lithology of the soils’ parent material and land use history.

How to cite: Schneider, A., Raab, T., Raab, A., Sekhri, S., and Bonhage, A.: Spatial distribution patterns and soil properties of lynchet systems in Northeastern Bavaria, Germany, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6090,, 2023.

EGU23-6273 | Posters on site | SSS11.5

Multi-Scalar analysis of Terrace use and Abandonment in Soave, northern Italy. 

Daniel Fallu, Sara Cucchiaro, Andreas Lang, and Rosa Maria Albert

Agricultural terraces preserve evidence of human action and subsistence strategies from the smallest scales of soil chemistry to the scale of their geographic extent, often hectares. These soils are subject to processes of reworking, both through their construction, use and maintenance by humans and by natural slope processes and pedogenesis. Changes in use, either through abandonment or re-purposing, affect the pedogical and sedimentological processes on the slope, often resulting in partial or toal collapse of the terrase walls. Recent research into soil organic carbon storage makes the understanding of terrace anthrosols an important aspect of modern environmental monitoring and Anthropocene landscape transformations.

Here, we attempt to demonstrate the integration of chemical, micromorphological, stratigraphic, and topographic data for construction, use and abandonment of terraces into three study areas (Soave Castle, Fornace Michelon and Belloca )in Veneto, northern Italy (45.420198°N, 11.255179°E). Soil geochemical data, microbotanical evidence (including phytoliths and soil DNA), luminescence data (both pOSL and OSL dating, radiocarbon, and topographical information are integrated to produce a socio-environmental synthesis which is compared to the known archaeological, historical and environmental records for the region during the past 3000 years. In particular, erosion risk and soil volumes calculated from surface models and test pits aid in understanding how the slope has been modified over time, and how intensity of human activity has impacted soil development and loss. This integrated data provides us a robust platform for assessing the understanding actions taken by farmers to alter the slope and make it more suitable for cultivation, as well as the effects of abandonment and reuse. 

How to cite: Fallu, D., Cucchiaro, S., Lang, A., and Albert, R. M.: Multi-Scalar analysis of Terrace use and Abandonment in Soave, northern Italy., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-6273,, 2023.

EGU23-7175 | Posters virtual | SSS11.5

Application of AHP in flood combination calculation of check dam system 

Lili Gui and Zhijian Wang

Check dam is an important water and soil conservation measure for comprehensive treatment of small watershed in the Loess Plateau. The reinforcement of sick and dangerous check dam is an important measure to ensure the safe operation of check dam and promote the high-quality development of the Yellow River basin. How to scientifically and reasonably determine the flood control standard of each dam and do a good job in flood combination and hydrological calculation is a key technical problem to be solved in the reinforcement design of check dam system engineering. Taking the dam system project of Wan'angou small watershed in Shanxi Linxian County as an example, the overall layout of the dam system project is shown in Fig.1. Based on the relevant theory of "AHP", starting from the upstream of the main and branch ditches in the basin, comprehensively analyze the distribution location of each dam and its impact on the downstream, construct the hierarchical structure model of large and medium-sized silting dams in the dam system, as shown in Fig. 2, from which the distribution characteristics of the dam system in the basin and the correlation between the upstream and downstream dams can be intuitively and quickly analyzed, and on this basis, determine the flood control standard, flood combination and hydrological calculation of each dam. It can be seen intuitively in Fig. 2 that during the design of danger removal and reinforcement, the check dam and the reasons for the improvement of flood control standards need to be improved. For example, two large (1) check dams GZ4* and GZ5* in level 1, first because there are residential areas in the downstream influence area, the flood control standards are increased to large (2) check dams DZ4* and DZ5* according to the specification requirements; Secondly, since its downstream is the large (1)check dam G1 in level 2, considering the flood combination, it is raised to the large (1) check dam GZ4* and GZ5*. At the same time, from Fig.2, it can be determined that the flood combination is analyzed and the hydrological calculation is carried out according to the three conditions of single dam, series dam and parallel dam, for example, the large (1) check dam GD6 in level 5 is calculated according to three parallel check dams.

How to cite: Gui, L. and Wang, Z.: Application of AHP in flood combination calculation of check dam system, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7175,, 2023.

EGU23-7783 | ECS | Orals | SSS11.5

Remote sensing-based analysis for resilient agriculture in steep slope cultural landscapes 

Eugenio Straffelini and Paolo Tarolli

The morphology of cultivated steep slopes is often the result of the layering of traditional agricultural practices. Their complexity and uniqueness result in high cultural-historical value, sometimes leading to the inclusion of landscapes on special protection lists (such as FAO-GIAHS or UNESCO). Agricultural terraces, adopted in different parts of the world for centuries, successfully combine cultivation needs with various valuable ecosystem services. However, cultivating in steep-slope areas is complex and requires a great effort in terms of human and economic resources (primary reasons for agricultural land abandonment). Moreover, their inherent complexity can become a problem during external disturbances. Heavy rainfall, increasingly frequent due to climate change, can generate surface runoff, soil erosion, terrace wall collapse, and landslides. Therefore, it is crucial to establish appropriate management plans to ensure the functionality of these cultural landscapes, guaranteeing agricultural production and territorial security. The advancement of new technologies in remote sensing, high-resolution mapping, and spatial analysis is opening new frontiers to support the management of such landscapes. A virtuous example is the SOiLUTION SYSTEM project (; Rural Development Program for Veneto 2014-2020), carried out in the GIAHS site "Soave Traditional Vineyards" (Italy). It aims to develop innovative soil erosion risk mitigation solutions and improve vineyard management in hilly and mountainous landscapes. It involved high-resolution mapping of terraced landscapes based on low-cost methodologies (such as UAV-SfM photogrammetry) and identifying erosion-prone areas through specific algorithms. In addition, optimal soil management was researched to mitigate surface runoff and sediment production, including adopting biodiversity enhancement strategies. A modelling approach (validated by field measurements) was adopted for the analyses to maximize the reproducibility of the methodology in other contexts. An overview of the opportunities that remote sensing-based analysis can offer to steep-slope agricultural landscapes is proposed here. High-resolution mapping of hydroerosive processes is useful for preventing soil degradation, which, combined with sustainable management, helps to increase the resilience of such cultural and agricultural landscapes.

How to cite: Straffelini, E. and Tarolli, P.: Remote sensing-based analysis for resilient agriculture in steep slope cultural landscapes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7783,, 2023.

EGU23-8240 | Posters on site | SSS11.5

Modeling water flow rate and soil erosion in Mediterranean headwaters (with or without check dams) under land use and climate change scenarios using SWAT 

Demetrio Antonio Zema, Bruno Gianmarco Carrà, Manuel Esteban Lucas Borja, Pasquale Giuseppe Fabio Filianoti, Pedro Perez Cutillas, and Carmelo Conesa Garcia

The use of check dams is a common strategy to contrast soil erosion in the Mediterranean headwaters. However, the effects of these control works on water flow rates and sediment yields have been scarcely investigated under possible scenarios of climate and land use changes. On this regard, the use of hydrological models, such as SWAT, provide reliable hydrological predictions under variable environmental conditions. To fill this gap, this study has evaluated the effectiveness of check dams on the hydrological response of a forest headwater in Calabria (Southern Italy) in comparison to an unregulated sub-catchment with very similar environmental conditions. On this regard, the effects of different combined scenarios of climate change (through three GCMs and two RCP applied to the next 80 years) and land use (forest, pasture, and cropland) on water flow rates and sediment yields in the two headwaters were analysed using the SWAT model. SWAT was first calibrated in a third headwater with very similar climatic, soil and land use conditions, and this verification showed a satisfactory prediction capacity of water flow rate. The water flow rate prediction capacity of the model was satisfactory (coefficients of determination and efficiency of Nash and Sutcliffe equal to 0.71 and 0.67, respectively, and percent bias of 14.9%). No significant differences were detected for the water flow rates and sediment yields between the two sub-catchments (with or without check dams) among the different land uses and climate change scenarios. This was linked to the low hydrological response of both headwaters to the forcing actions, which influenced the low effectiveness of the control works. SWAT estimated higher values of both mean and maximum values of water flow rates and sediment yields under RCP2.6 compared to RCP8.5. Both water flow rates and sediment yields will be very low under all climate and land use scenarios. The regulated headwater with check dams will always produce more runoff and erosion compared to the sub-catchment without check dams. The increases will be up to 60% for the maximum flow rate and 30-35% for the sediment yield in forest land use and under RCP2.6. Although the limitation of this study linked to the lack of validation of the erosion data (due to unavailable records of sediment yield), this study has demonstrated how the use of check dams in headwater catchments may be not effective several decades after their installation for soil conservation purposes in Mediterranean semi-arid areas, where the water flow and erosion rate are limited.

How to cite: Zema, D. A., Carrà, B. G., Lucas Borja, M. E., Filianoti, P. G. F., Perez Cutillas, P., and Conesa Garcia, C.: Modeling water flow rate and soil erosion in Mediterranean headwaters (with or without check dams) under land use and climate change scenarios using SWAT, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-8240,, 2023.

        The ‘Yudiba’ is the Chinese Pinyin of an erosion control engineering measure, which has been widely implemented in the Chinese Loess Plateau and plays an important role in reducing sediment discharge and increasing cultivated land area. Although ‘check dam’ has been widely used as the English term to represent the engineering practice for erosion control and become the general English translation of ‘Yudiba’, the ‘check dam’ could not authentically highlight the soil and water conservation engineering of ‘Yudiba’ in the Loess Plateau.

        Here the differences between the ‘Yudiba dam’ and the‘check dam’ were specifically discussed in aspects of purposes, sizes and main functions. Moreover, the English translations for the ‘Yudiba ’ were analyzed by comparing the connotations of the concepts, the different functions of the erosion control engineering in agricultural development and ecological improvement, as well as the simplicity when used in scientific studies.

        The ‘Yudiba’ is special soil and water conservation engineering measures, initiated from the Loess Plateau of China, referring to the dam structures built in various levels of gullies for the purpose of blocking sediment into cultivated land. The ‘check dam’ is a small temporary barrier, grade control structure or dam constructed across a swale, drainage ditch, or area of concentrated flow. The 'check dam’ differed with the Yudiba dam’ in purposes, sizes and main functions. Currently, various English translations were used in the literature, which were hardly accepted widely as either without representativeness or without simplicity.

        We recommend the ‘Yudiba dam’ based on Chinese Pinyin as the formal English term in order to distinguish between the ‘Yudiba dam’ in the Loess Plateau and check dam’ in other places. Thus, the ‘Yudiba dam’ is suggested to refer to the erosion control measure, which has been widely built in the Loess Plateau of China with the main functions including trapping sediment, reducing gully erosion and increasing the area of farmland in the sediment rich area.

How to cite: Xin, Z.: A new English term of 'Yudiba dam' and its differences from check dam, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12149,, 2023.

EGU23-15944 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS11.5

Agricultural terraces in the UK, new insights from biogenic microremains. 

Mónica Alonso Eguiluz and Rosa María Albert

Agricultural terraces are anthropological features that shape the landscape. In Europe, their construction and use dates back to the late Neolithic and today they can be documented across the continent corresponding to different chronological periods. In addition to the impact on the landscape and the environment, the possibility of expanding the production area, through the construction of terraces, makes it possible to improve the quality and diversity of the crops produced, thus contributing to increasing demographic and social complexity. To better understand the role of agricultural terraces in the environment and society, the TerrACE project has developed a high-resolution research protocol to be applied to different agricultural terrace systems in Europe without chronological distinction. This multi-proxy research includes, among others, the analysis of biogenic microremains to identify past cultivars.

We focus here on the use of biogenic microremains (phytoliths, diatoms, ash pseudomorphs, and faecal spherulites) and FTIR analysis applied to four agricultural terraces from the United Kingdom, with different chronologies: on the one hand, the prehistoric terraces of Plantation Camp and the medieval terraces of Gueswick both in northern England, 72 km apart; and on the other hand, the prehistoric terraces of Charlton Forest and Blick Mead both in southern England, 78 km apart. In addition to evaluating exploited cultivars, we also seek to identify differences and similarities between these sites. While ash pseudomorphs and fecal spherulites were not documented at any of the sites, phytoliths were well preserved at Plantation Camp, Gueswick, and Charlton Forest. In general, it can be observed that the amount of phytoliths decreases with depth. Along with the phytoliths, diatoms have been identified, although to a lesser extent. The most abundant phytoliths were those produced by grasses, especially those of the C3 Pooideae subfamily. Even though evidence of crops is scarce, analyzing the short silica short cells phytoliths we were able to identify barley in Plantation camp, which agrees with its location and chronology. These same analytics, along with complementary methods (i.e., DNA), are being conducted in the other sites to obtain more information regarding the plants cultivated in the terraces.

How to cite: Alonso Eguiluz, M. and Albert, R. M.: Agricultural terraces in the UK, new insights from biogenic microremains., EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15944,, 2023.

EGU23-16334 | ECS | Posters virtual | SSS11.5

Evolution of farm terraces in the upper Sacos River catchment (Alacant) and the effects on soil conservation 

Francesc Cuello-Llobell, Carolina Boix-Fayos, Adolfo Calvo-Cases, and Joan Estrany

Abandoning farm terraces can lead to the collapse of its walls, triggering high soil losses, with the consequent deterioration of the ecosystem services that these terraces generate in Mediterranean mid-mountainous areas. For the management of these areas, a very useful tool is the quantification and detection of processes promoting the degradation of these structures.

In this work, the terraces of the upper area of the Sacos River, (0.44 km2; Tàrbena, Alacant, Spain) were characterized and the material volume lost in the breaks is quantified. For this purpose, SfM-MVS (Structure from Motion, Multiview Stereo) photogrammetry was used to create a high-resolution DEM (0.01 m) of each break. For each one, around 45-50 photographs were taken with the phone camera to create the DEM that matched the surface and height of the collapse, obtaining a 3D model with the Metashape Pro v1.7 software allowing to adjust the surface to calculate the losses. This procedure was applied in 9 of the 82 breaks, representing 10% of them at the whole study area. With this DEM and the ArcGIS software, an interpolation of the terrace heights was carried out without considering the collapse to subsequently obtain the volume lost, from the difference of both rasters. The characterisation of the walls was done by a semi-automatic process that allowed the estimation of the walls’ height and the total length (in metres) within the study area, obtaining densities and relating this to the breaks. To explain the position of the collapses within the catchment, ergo the convergence pattern of surface runoff, a Connectivity Index (CI) was applied on a 1 m resolution DEM obtained from LiDAR data (

The results showed an estimated volume of runoff loss, ranging from 0.02 m³ to 0.34 m³ depending on the walls’ height. A loss of 7.28 t ha-1 yr-1 was estimated for all the studied sub-catchments, higher than an erosion rate of 1 t ha-1 yr-1, considered to be the "sustainable" limit that can occur in a system in the form of sediment loss, indicating the severity of the losses due to falling walls. In addition, the normalised CI allowed the establishment of a threshold at ca. 40% of the same CI, above which, the 96% of the breaks were located. The type of terraces is another determining factor for the location of the breaks, since 68% of them were check-dam terraces, although this type only occupies 32% of the total surface.

The estimated volume per wall collapse in the study area is 15.78 m³, estimated from the regression line of the breaks analysed in detail, obtained from the height of each wall and the material mobilised in each collapse. This is extrapolated to all the breaks detected, considering their height for this extrapolation. This amount of eroded material indicates the need for establishing urgent conservation strategies of these soils, due to their collapse is promoting a sediment cascade process in which concentrated erosion initiate the generation of new watercourses at these hillslopes, no longer functioning as terraces.

How to cite: Cuello-Llobell, F., Boix-Fayos, C., Calvo-Cases, A., and Estrany, J.: Evolution of farm terraces in the upper Sacos River catchment (Alacant) and the effects on soil conservation, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16334,, 2023.

Abstract: As a large-scale check dam, Yudiba Dam on the Loess Plateau of China, is a kind of check dam with the height more than 5 m which is used to retain soil and water, produce grain and control flood. The Yudiba dam plays an important role for vegetation restoration in the process of returning cropland to forest in the Loess Hill Ravine Region of northern Shaanxi. This study explores the telecoupling relationship between the check dam in Yulin, and the vegetation reforestation in the local and adjacent areas based on the statistical yearbook data and remote sensing data of the northern Shaanxi from 2000 to 2020. The results show that: (1) The normalized vegetation index (NDVI) of Yulin, Shaanxi Province, shows an increasing trend during 2001-2015. The NDVI is higher in the east of northern Shaanxi, Yulin, where the check dams are more concentrated, and shows a decreasing pattern in the west of northern Shaanxi where the check dams are more dispersed. The NDVIs of Mizhi, Suide and Qingjian counties in the east are 0.510, 0.511 and 0.520, respectively. The NDVI of Dingbian County in the west is only 0.354, while the NDVIs of Zizhou and Hengshan counties which are closer to the east, are 0.414 and 0.390, respectively. This indicates that the construction of Yudiba dam in Yulin significantly contributed to the growth of vegetation cover in local and other surrounding regions of Yulin. (2) Driven by the policy of returning cropland to forest in Shaanxi Province, the construction of Yudiba dam in the west of northern Shaanxi, e.g. Dingbian county, may be also strengthened because of the need of vegetation restoration. The construction of Yudiba dam will promote the infertile slope farmlands to be replaced with high-productivity check-dam farmlands in the west of northern Shaanxi. Hence the construction of Yudiba dam in Yulin may be helpful in realizing sustainable development of resource and environment in northern Shaanxi Province.

Keywords: Telecoupling, Yudiba dam, sloping farmland, vegetation restoration, returning cropland to forest

How to cite: Wu, R. and Xu, X.: Telecoupled impacts of Yudiba Dam on reforestation in the Loess Hill Ravine Region of northern Shaanxi, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16426,, 2023.

EGU23-16433 | Posters on site | SSS11.5

Microbial communities investigation and biocontrol activity in saffron cultures 

Maddalena del Gallo, Beatrice Farda, Rihab Djebaili, Enrico Sabbi, Claudia Ercole, Loretta Pace, and Marika Pellegrini

Crocus sativus L., commonly known as saffron, is recognized as one of the most valuable spices in the world for the flavouring, nutritional and bioactive properties of its dried stigmas. As underground organs, saffron corms are exposed to infections caused by fungi, bacteria, viruses and nematodes. Among the latter, the genus Fusarium includes fungal pathogens that destroy these cultures, affecting also the composition of the microbial communities associated with the plant. The corms are typically chemically disinfested before sowing to control diseases. However, most fungal pathogens, such as Fusarium spp., are resistant to this treatment. The aim of this work was to i) investigate the microbial communities associated with the rhizosphere of saffron in presence of fusariosis; ii) isolate and characterize the Fusarium pathogen strains; iii) evaluate the biocontrol potential of selected beneficial bacterial strains against the isolated phytopathogens. Soil and plant samples of the saffron cultures were sampled in L’Aquila territory (Italy) and analysed with microbiological approaches, including culture–independent and – dependent methods. The 16S rRNA metabarcoding ITS barcoding was performed to investigate microbial communities composition and identify fungal pathogen isolated strains respectively. Four beneficial bacteria were tested against phytopathogen strains by dual culture method and microscope observations. The metabarcoding analysis revealed the presence of taxa related to the Proteobacteria phylum. The three isolated fungal strains were identified as Fusarium oxysporum ff. spp. and two of the four selected beneficial strains (Bacillus pumilus and WG6) showed an inhibition percentage greater than 50% with disgregation and vacuolization of the hyphae. These preliminary findings serve as the basis for future studies about the possibility of asses more sustainable agricultural practices and eco-friendly strategies to avoid or mitigate Fusarium disease in saffron cultivation and protect a such valuable and precious plant.

Keywords: Fusarium, pathogens, biocontrol

How to cite: del Gallo, M., Farda, B., Djebaili, R., Sabbi, E., Ercole, C., Pace, L., and Pellegrini, M.: Microbial communities investigation and biocontrol activity in saffron cultures, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16433,, 2023.

EGU23-17109 | Posters on site | SSS11.5 | Highlight

Check dam uses for soil conservation and erosion control: a worldwide review 

Manuel Esteban Lucas-Borja and Demetrio Antonio-Zema


The construction of check dams is one of the most common watershed management tools in degraded catchments. For example, check dams have been used throughout the world for torrent control, water supply enhancement, agricultural land development, and watershed restoration among others. Historically, managers have spent important resources for both maintenance of existing and the construction of new check dams. This contribution presents a comprehensive review related to check dams objectives, functions, effectiveness and undesired effects worldwide. Authors aim to synthesize check dams use and efficacy across the wide range of locations and contexts in which the check dams have been installed. The role of complex interactions between ecological impacts, geomorphic processes and engineering activities is also highlighted. Overall, check dams construction is a widely used tool in degraded catchments, although their efficacy in achieving proposed objectives is often not thoroughly assessed. The authors have identified check dams characteristics and the process feedback loops that these tools initiate across a range of spatial scales and geographic locations.

Keywords: Soil erosion, land use change; flooding; watershed management.

How to cite: Lucas-Borja, M. E. and Antonio-Zema, D.: Check dam uses for soil conservation and erosion control: a worldwide review, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17109,, 2023.

SSS12 – Soil Policy and Legislation

EGU23-435 | ECS | Orals | SSS12.2 | Highlight

The future of urban soil policy in Cork, Ireland 

Hannah Binner, Timothy Sullivan, and Maria McNamara

Urban soils are prone to accumulating metals over time. This is caused by the proximity of urban soils to roads and industry, among other sources. In Europe, many urban areas show metal enrichment linked to anthropogenic activity. The public are in contact with urban soils on a regular basis. This potentially has adverse effects on human health, especially in locations with enrichment of metals that are systemic toxicants, such as As, Cd, Cr, Hg and Pb. Despite this, most European countries lack dedicated policy on urban soils. In Ireland, data on urban soil metals exist for only two urban centres (Dublin and Galway), both of which show anthropogenic enrichment of metals. Cork city is an ideal target for study of urban soil metals because its history includes over 200 years of industrial development, and its urban parks include former brownfield and industrial sites. Here, we measured concentrations of urban soil metals for ten sites in Cork city using a portable XRF (X-ray fluorescence) analyser. In addition, two sites were selected for ICP-MS analysis in order to provide an independent test of the accuracy of the XRF data.  Our results show that at all ten Cork sites, Pb is highly enriched in soils, with concentrations up to ten times greater than natural background levels. Fe, Mn and Zn are moderately enriched at each of the ten sites, with concentrations typically between two to five times natural background levels. Metal concentrations are systematically higher at sites in the city centre than suburban sites. These patterns of metal enrichment are similar to those seen in urban soils elsewhere in Europe. Future EU policy is essential for the assessment of urban soils and for the remediation of contaminated sites. This research has already helped to inform the Geological Survey of Ireland and the Government of Ireland Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications to help facilitate the implementation of data-driven legislation. It is anticipated that a relevant soil policy will come into effect in the coming years, which will aid the assessment and remediation of contaminated urban soils across Ireland. 

How to cite: Binner, H., Sullivan, T., and McNamara, M.: The future of urban soil policy in Cork, Ireland, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-435,, 2023.

EGU23-1039 | Orals | SSS12.2

Why food industry and retail need to control impact of their supply chains on soil and how to achieve that 

Jaroslava Frouzova, Vojtěch Čemus, Vojtěch Kotecký, Alena Peterkova, and Jan Frouz

Substantial majority of food used by humanity depends on soil. Human population as well as per capita consumption are growing, this growth requires development of agriculture. At the same time, increasing proportion of human population lives in cities which causes detachment of consumers from soil and food production. Agricultural intensification has increased crop production but at the same time may bring negative environmental effects. Food market chains are, with a few exceptions, driven by retailers who determine sales strategies, price structure, production standards etc. Price is one of the key factors determining customer decisions. Pressure for lower prices can contribute, together with decreasing labor force in agriculture and many other factors, to increased pressure on farm intensification which have negative feedback to environment, society but also to stability of food market supply chain as explained above.  However, an increasing number of food retailers and food and beverage companies view environmental impacts of intensification, including soil degradation, as a risk to stability of their supply chains. They seek options to ensure more sustainable food production. Businesses employ standards and other interventions to steer their suppliers towards preferred practices either as part of their direct contact with suppliers or by using various certification and monitoring schemes operated by third party. This concept is now well established in biodiversity and prevention of deforestation. Nevertheless, soil protection has been emerging as a priority topic as well. Business engagement in soil protection will require effective instruments that can be applied in supply chains. Here we summarize our experiences with development soil protection guidelines in cooperation with Czech Confederation of Commerce and Tourism. 

How to cite: Frouzova, J., Čemus, V., Kotecký, V., Peterkova, A., and Frouz, J.: Why food industry and retail need to control impact of their supply chains on soil and how to achieve that, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1039,, 2023.

Peatland rewetting is a nature based solution and considered a low hanging fruit that may substantially contribute to reaching the net zero goal. Its overall climate impact is very much determined by the interplay of CO2 and CH4 emissions that both strongly and non-linearly depend on water table depth. Rewetting peatlands acts instantaneously, and its overall climate effect depends on the considered time horizon.

In this study, which extends an approach developed for carbon sequestration in mineral soils (Leifeld & Keel 2022), the radiative forcing [W m-2] of peatland rewetting is calculated along a gradient of water table depths of between -60 and +2 cm, based on recently published parameterizations for the temperate zone (Tiemeyer et al. 2020; Evans et al. 2021), for a time horizon of up to 1000 years. Two metrics, the cumulated radiative forcing and the switchover time, are considered.

Switchover times, i.e. the length of time after which the positive radiative forcing due to increases in CH4 emissions at a restored peatland is overtaken by the cumulative negative radiative forcing due to CO2 uptake, range from 398 to almost 798 years, depending on water table. Switchover can only be reached when the system is a net CO2 sink, i.e. at water table depths of -7 cm or less. Both metrics, the cumulative radiative forcing and the switchover time, reveal optimum water table depths of between -6 and -2 cm (i.e., below surface). However, relative to a business-as-usual scenario with a water table of -60 cm, any water table raise improves the overall radiative balance of the rewetted system from the very beginning.

In case of non-permanence of rewetting (e.g., accidental drainage), radiative forcing calculations can be used to derive suitable, biophysically based risk buffer accounts for carbon markets. For example, keeping a peatland rewetted for only 30 instead of 100 years as contractually settled still yields a 51 % climate benefit relative to a business-as-usual. The implications of these findings are discussed in the light of the carbon farming schemes proposed by the EU.



Evans, C.D. et al., 2021, Nature 593, 548–552. Leifeld, J. & Keel, S.G., 2022, Geoderma 423, 115971. Tiemeyer, B. et al., 2020, Ecological Indicators 109, 105838.

How to cite: Leifeld, J.: Assessing the climate benefit of rewetting peatlands: Analysis of suitable metrics and implications of non-permanence for carbon farming schemes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-1747,, 2023.

EGU23-7840 | Orals | SSS12.2

Building on soil sustainability: Principles for soils in planning and construction 

Jess Davies, John Quinton, Roisin O'Riordan, Paul Hatch, Susanna Dart, Adam Birchall, Birgit Hontzsch, Charles Campion, and Noel Farrer

Soils are routinely undervalued, damaged and disposed of during construction and urban development. It is crucial that we not only stem the damage done to these vital ecosystems, but also actively consider how better planning and management of soil can result in environmentally and socially beneficial development. However, this is a significant policy and practice challenge. For example, currently in the United Kingdom, soils on construction sites fall within a gap in policy and legislation and government department remits. Large amounts of soil are being lost and damaged as a result. In 2018, 29.5 million tonnes of soil from construction sites were disposed of in landfill in the UK. Only 0.6 % of this was hazardous, which means a huge amount of this vital resource is being lost during construction. 

In this contribution, we will share evidence on the impacts of construction on soils and present a new set of guiding principles to help improve how soils and their multifunctionality are planned for and managed during construction and urban development. These principles were co-developed by a team spanning academia, local policymakers, master planners and landscape architects, and were formed in consultation with key policy and industry representatives. We will share insights generated through this process and reflect on what’s needed next for securing soil sustainability in planning and construction.

How to cite: Davies, J., Quinton, J., O'Riordan, R., Hatch, P., Dart, S., Birchall, A., Hontzsch, B., Campion, C., and Farrer, N.: Building on soil sustainability: Principles for soils in planning and construction, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-7840,, 2023.

EGU23-9815 | ECS | Orals | SSS12.2

Impact of EU Policies on NUE, Carbon and N₂O Footprint: Do EU Policies mitigate GHGs Emissions? 

Kyriaki (Korina) Koukoutsi, Vassilis Litskas, Nikolaos Monokrousos, George Zanakis, and Georgios Giannopoulos

We investigated the impact of soil organic carbon (SOC) and fertilizer use on NUE, Carbon footprint, and N₂O footprint from agrosystems within the context of EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and Green Deal (EUGD) for sustainable agriculture, GHG mitigation, and fertilizer use reduction.

We targeted 27 fields from the Imathia Plains in Greece, including cotton, maize, and tomato crops, and collected farmer and soil data. The collected data were used within the Cool Farm Alliance Tool to calculate GHG emissions, N₂O emissions, and NUE. Six scenario cases were studied: Scenario 1 used data collected from farmers, with original fertilizer use and current soil organic matter (SOM); Scenario 2 increased SOM by 20%; Scenario 3 involved the application of 20 ton/ha of fully aerobic compost containing 1% total N, resulting in an additional 200 kg N/ha in the soil; Scenario 4 reduced the use of fertilizers by 20%; Scenario 5 reduced fertilizers use by 20% and increased SOM by 20%; and Scenario 6 combined a 20% reduction in fertilizers with the co-application of 20 ton/ha of fully aerobic compost. Compost was added to Scenarios 3 and 6 to evaluate its impact and alignment with CAP and EUGD goals. We assumed that crop yield would be the same for all the scenarios.

The results showed that Scenarios 3 and 6 had NUE values between 30% and 80%. This suggests a low risk of soil mining or N losses. However, these scenarios also had significantly higher GHG (CO2-eqv) and N₂O kg emissions compared to scenarios without compost application. Additionally, increasing SOC by 20% (Scenarios 2 and 5) did not significantly impact NUE and GHG emissions for most crops.

The higher GHG and N₂O emissions in some scenarios may be due to the mechanical processes and fuel required for compost application. Additionally, the decomposition of compost can also produce GHGs, such as methane and carbon dioxide. It is important to consider that carbon fuels microbial activity in the soil, including the production of N₂O. While the addition of organic matter can improve soil health and increase NUE, it is necessary to carefully evaluate the potential impacts on GHG and N₂O emissions and identify strategies to mitigate these emissions if needed.

Based on the results of our research, one question that arises is whether the benefits of improved NUE and reduced risk of soil mining or high N losses are offset by the higher GHG and N₂O emissions in Scenarios 3 and 6. Trade-offs between different factors may need to be considered for sustainable and effective soil management. More research may be needed to understand the higher GHG and N₂O emissions in Scenarios 3 and 6 and identify ways to mitigate these emissions while improving NUE.

Funding: The MSc research work by Korina Koukoutsi was partly supported by the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (HFRI) Post-Doctoral Grant #1053 awarded to Principal Investigator Dr Georgios Giannopoulos. This project was co-implemented with industrial partner Corteva Agriscience Hellas SA.    

How to cite: Koukoutsi, K. (., Litskas, V., Monokrousos, N., Zanakis, G., and Giannopoulos, G.: Impact of EU Policies on NUE, Carbon and N₂O Footprint: Do EU Policies mitigate GHGs Emissions?, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-9815,, 2023.

EGU23-11131 | Orals | SSS12.2 | Highlight

Experiences from co-designing a national soil policy with researchers, policy teams and farmers in Wales 

Jacqueline Hannam, Carmen Sánchez-García, and Erik Button

Since withdrawal from the European Union a series of reforms of agricultural policy are under development in the United Kingdom. There is currently no dedicated soil policy in Wales and the reforms provide an opportunity to devise a new position on soils that sets an ambition for the sustainable use of soils for future generations. To maximise soil policy adoption, we learnt from previous unsuccessful attempts to launch soil policies and developed a completely different approach to co-designing soil policy. We reflect on our experiences as researchers working in placements directly within government policy teams as a mechanism for soil policy development. This involved several different aspects of policy development and a wide range of actors. Key activities included an independent evidence review to ensure current scientific knowledge provided the foundation for the draft soil policy statement. The embedded nature of the researchers within the policy teams meant effective and fluid dialogue, building trusted relationships and the opportunity to challenge the potential bias within the policy teams regarding key evidence. Building consensus towards a draft soil policy statement was a major barrier to overcome. We used the concept of co-design with the policy team and other stakeholders (other policy teams, regulatory bodies, non-governmental organisations, and farmers) to further the development of the draft soil policy statement and to select key objectives for sustainable soil management relevant to Wales. The main outcomes from the placements were: understanding the policy context and mechanisms for policy development; presenting clear and concise evidence; managing complex relationships and challenging institutional structures.

How to cite: Hannam, J., Sánchez-García, C., and Button, E.: Experiences from co-designing a national soil policy with researchers, policy teams and farmers in Wales, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11131,, 2023.

EGU23-11766 | Orals | SSS12.2 | Highlight

Possibilities of Carbon Sequestration in Austrian Soils 

Andreas Baumgarten, Hans-Peter Haslmayr, Michael Schwarz, Marcel Schwarz, Robert Jandl, Philipp Maier, and Herbert Formayer

The potential for carbon sequestration (CSP) in soils is limited by several factors like the geological provenience, the climatic conditions and the land management. Based on the methodology provided by FAO, a national map has been developed for Austria. Additionally to the climatic and topographic data provided by FAO, more detailed data sources have been used to increase the accuracy of the map.

To model the CSP, scenarios with increasing carbon inputs have been used: Business as Usual (BAU),  plus 5% (low), 10% (medium) and 20% (high) carbon input, projected to 2038 and 2040.  The Austrian Soil Organic Carbon (ASOC) map was used as the starting point for the Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) stocks of the soil in the model.

The carbon stocks of Austria's agricultural soils range for the most part between 43 and 103 tC/ha in the BAU scenario, between 43 and 104 tC/ha in the "Low" scenario, between 44 and 105 tC/ha in the "Medium" scenario and between 45 and 108 tC/ha in the "High" scenario. The modelling based on the detailed Austrian data showed the smallest increases in each case (BAU: 43 - 70 tC/ha; Low: 43 - 71 tC/ha; Medium: 44 - 72 tC/ha; High: 45 - 74 tC/ha). The differences between the individual scenarios were also not very pronounced.

An evaluation of the results at the regional level allows a basic interpretation of the sequestration potential based on soil and climatic conditions and can be used as a basis for estimating the possible effect of measures that either stabilise or increase the humus content.

How to cite: Baumgarten, A., Haslmayr, H.-P., Schwarz, M., Schwarz, M., Jandl, R., Maier, P., and Formayer, H.: Possibilities of Carbon Sequestration in Austrian Soils, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-11766,, 2023.

EGU23-12465 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS12.2

Soil data sharing in EU, a survey of available soil datasets found in the scientific literature 

Calogero Schillaci, Iustina Popescu Boaja, Edita Baltrėnaitė-Gedienė, Ester Miglio, Simone Sala, Fenny van Egmond, Maria Fantappiè, Benoit Pereira, Lachezar Flichev, Sara Di Lonardo, Paul Henning Krogh, Michaela Hrabalikova, Estela Nadal-Romero, Anna Ladenberger, and Marc van Liedekerke

In the context of work at the EU Soil Observatory (EUSO), an attempt is made to make a survey of EU supranational soil-related datasets in the EU, stemming from various sources. This work describes efforts made in the EUSO Working Group on Soil Data to find such data availability from a systematic literature search. Understanding the soil data availability due to research and innovation (R&I) investment is crucial to enhance the knowledge capacity and limit anthropogenic disturbance on soil dynamics in current global climate changes. When working at supranational scales, the international peer review literature reveals the data availability. Therefore, most research papers rely on datasets collected under supranational institutional efforts, rigorous laboratory standards and high representativeness of sample-to-population scale variability. On soils, we based all our main productive activities. Increasing our knowledge of soil properties, mapping and modelling its processes helps to quantify the capacity and define thresholds of pressures that need to be respected to prevent irreversible changes. To this end, a systematic bibliographic search was carried out using Scopus and the Web of Knowledge (WoS) and their research performance assessment tools which provide extreme value in understanding the data impact on the scientific community and the related output to the policy development and practical benefit for the society. The main objective of the present work is to prepare an inventory of the produced soil-related EU-wide data related to soil, published in the international peer review literature. A simple query was used to collect the vast majority of peer-review scientific contributions in Scopus and WoS. The search is limited to the topic areas of soil science, geomorphology, geology, agricultural sciences, ecology and other related environmental sectors. From the original search (WoS=481, Scopus=260) we identified 616 articles, with 125 duplicates. The contribution shows how to merge results from citation and abstract databases (SCOPUS and WoS). The screening process of the resulting database was carried out in collaboration with the Sub-WG data from EU projects. Practically, soil datasets were listed and counted following inclusion and exclusion criteria using the spreadsheet developed in the EUSO Working Group on soil data. Data from the bibliometric analysis were further analysed in R through the Bibliometrix R package. The metadata analysis shows that 85% of soil datasets used in publications for soil assessment at the EU scale belong to i) Land Use and Coverage Area frame Survey (LUCAS) soil module followed by ii) Geochemical Mapping Of Agricultural And Grazing Land Soil (GEMAS), and iii) World Soil Information Service (WoSIS)which represent the harmonized collection of legacy soil profiles. This indicates that harmonization procedures among the primary sources are still needed to increase data numerosity and improve models and estimations. In a future extension of the work, we will provide the list of publications with the related soil datasets and metadata. This work contributes to a common ground for a future EU soil data infrastructure and monitoring system (EU and national collaborations) linked to the European Soil Observatory EUSO.

How to cite: Schillaci, C., Popescu Boaja, I., Baltrėnaitė-Gedienė, E., Miglio, E., Sala, S., van Egmond, F., Fantappiè, M., Pereira, B., Flichev, L., Di Lonardo, S., Henning Krogh, P., Hrabalikova, M., Nadal-Romero, E., Ladenberger, A., and van Liedekerke, M.: Soil data sharing in EU, a survey of available soil datasets found in the scientific literature, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12465,, 2023.

EGU23-12627 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS12.2

The Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS) data as a source of detailed land cover changes for the SDG 15.3.1 land degradation indicator 

Calogero Schillaci, Diana Vieira, Luca Montanarella, Arwyn Jones, and Piotr Wojda

The Integrated Administration and Control System IACS consist of several digital and interconnected databases, notably: a system for identifying all agricultural plots in EU countries called the Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS), a system that allows the farmers to graphically declare the agricultural areas for which they apply for aid (the geospatial application GSA). To improve the IACS data availability, EC DG AGRI, in collaboration with the EC DG JRC, has established an IACS data-sharing process to be implemented by the Member States. Thanks to the underpinning INSPIRE Directive and its infrastructure, we are starting to have now millions of parcel data available. These data might be further used within climatic, environmental and soil-related domains, as well as provide additional insights together with precision agriculture data. However, to date, there is not a unique usable platform providing EU-wide IACS data to improve data availability and data reuse further. IACS data are being used and tested in many soil-related use cases, notably in the “land degradation indicator” that will provide a high-resolution agricultural spatial data time series and implement these products into the SDG 15.3.1 indicator geospatial framework. It includes aggregated statistics and actionable recommendations to show what can be done with them to deepen our knowledge of farms and how they can be used for policy support and development. Co-designing usage of IACS data will provide broader understanding of the role of IACS in the frame of the European Commission soil policy development. The analysis carried out in this soil use case provided an application of the UNCCD SDG 15.3.1 indicator at the NUTS3 scale using global and EU available datasets for the three sub-indicators, additionally for the sub-indicator land cover IACS data provided high-resolution information on land cover changes that might cause degradation or improvement in delivering ecosystem services. The SDG 15.3.1 LD indicator calculation has been carried out using the Trends.Earth software; in particular it implies the reclassification of LC from an equivalent level 3 in CORINE to an equivalent level 2, which reduces the quality of the information (cropland includes arable land, permanent crops and mixed classes with over 50% of crops; grassland includes natural grassland and managed pasture land; rangelands include shrubland, herbaceous and sparsely vegetated areas; forestland includes all forest categories and mixed classes with tree cover greater than 40%). IACS data substantially improved the LD assessment in the timeframe (2010-2020) by adding a high-resolution land cover change layer. Now, only the spatial information derived by GSA was used. However, the integration of parcel topography and climatic proxies can reveal patterns and provide useful information for the early detection of LD and the correct management of degraded areas. This system can contribute to better detection of Land degradation drivers.

How to cite: Schillaci, C., Vieira, D., Montanarella, L., Jones, A., and Wojda, P.: The Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS) data as a source of detailed land cover changes for the SDG 15.3.1 land degradation indicator, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12627,, 2023.

EGU23-12747 | Posters on site | SSS12.2 | Highlight

A Decision Support Tool based on field and Earth observation to support restoration activities in degraded land based on Newlife4drylands  Pilot Sites 

Francesca Assennato, Nicola Alessi, Daniela Smiraglia, Nicola Riitano, Rocco Labadessa, and Cristina Tarantino

Land degradation processes have undergone towards a significant increase in recent decades which is likely to further increase if no actions are taken. The need of adopting practices to contain, mitigate and restore degraded land have been stressed by the new Soil Strategy. In order to guide actions, through a common and effective framework, a cost and time efficient approach is needed. Experiences from six pilot sites in southern European countries, selected within the NL4DL LIFE project, were examined and monitored with both available field data and satellite-acquired data, in order to be replicated, improved and transferred to similar degraded sites. The heterogeneity and complexity of degradation processes resulted from the pilot sites highlighted issues and necessities of harmonization and standardization of ecological/physical indicators, especially those derived from satellite observations, when used as proxies of land degradation.  

The aim of the tool is to provide a reference procedure to be applied to monitor restoration activities based on nature-based solutions on degraded lands, once the degradation processes has been identified. Variables considered in the tool include processes of degradation, physical indicators derived from remotely sensed approaches and most common practices of nature-based solutions. Connections between these variables, which form the basis of the relational map of the tool, have been initially collected through the internal knowledge of the project and will be further deepened trough expert-based questionnaires to experts of different disciplines in the field of soil and environmental sciences. 

The decision-making tool provide a workflow to guide the end users in the field of environmental management and planning, through the identification of land degradation processes, the selection of monitoring indicators viable and the most suitable nature based solution for that particular degraded land. The tool will be used as an input base for an action protocol at local and regional scale for environmental management and planning

How to cite: Assennato, F., Alessi, N., Smiraglia, D., Riitano, N., Labadessa, R., and Tarantino, C.: A Decision Support Tool based on field and Earth observation to support restoration activities in degraded land based on Newlife4drylands  Pilot Sites, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12747,, 2023.

InBestSoil (IBS) project has been funded under the call "Incentives and business models for soil health" from the EU Missions program (Horizon Europe) — Grant Agreement n° 1010910990. The University of Vigo leads the project within a consortium of 19 partners from 10 countries with a 48-month duration.

The IBS aims to quantify the economic benefits of the different ecosystem services that healthy soils can provide and analyze the costs and benefits of the interventions to improve soil health. This economic valuation will facilitate investments in soil health and the generation of new businesses, incentives, and policies that help us to reclaim degraded soils or improve the quality of existing ones.

In IBS, we analyzed nine case studies across Europe with different land uses (agricultural, forestry, urban, and mining) across four different biogeographic regions (Boreal, Continental, Atlantic and Mediterranean). These long-term experiments have been running for years into an established network of stakeholders and businesses created to exploit improved soil quality benefits. In each case study, we will assess the outcome of soil reclamation actions by examining the actual soil quality indicators and comparing them with the antecedent indicators before the restoration process. Then, we will conduct an economic valuation of the soil quality differences by considering the potential income from the enhanced ecosystem services that have proved effective in improving soil quality indicators.

To develop a multi-actor approach, we will gather data and opinions from stakeholders about every relevant item in this transformation, i.e., from selecting soil indicators to creating new incentives and policies. These consultations will be done at each step of the project through a collaborative platform developed specifically for the IBS. The IBS partners come from a wide range of sectors (from universities to distribution companies of organic products), allowing us to create an extensive network of stakeholders to share information, feedback experiences, and diffusion of results.

With this information, we will first try to scale up by exporting to other areas the business models that were created around our case studies. Second, we will use the information obtained through the economic valuation to develop new business models. Finally, we will try to integrate the information obtained to develop a set of incentive support systems and new policies.


Acknowledgments: This study has been funded by the Horizon Europe Project InBestSoil (GA  101091099).

How to cite: Soto Gómez, D., López Periago, J. E., Fernández Calviño, D., and Rodríguez Pérez, P.: InBestSoil — Monetary valuation of soil ecosystem services and creation of initiatives to invest in soil health: setting a framework for the inclusion of soil health in business and the policy-making process (Horizon Europe Project), EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-12848,, 2023.

EGU23-13165 | ECS | Orals | SSS12.2

Review of the usage of LUCAS soil data for soil modeling and mapping via bibliometric analysis 

Fuat Kaya, Calogero Schillaci, Gordana Kaplan, and Levent Başayiğit

A centuries-long research area continues to develop on determining diversity in the heterogeneous environment in which the soil is inherently located. As a result of open data sharing, accessible datasets can be easily used by the scientific community and can be of great benefit to the soil science community and policy stakeholders and improve the learning process for early career researchers. Through bibliometric analysis, this study aims to evaluate the scientific outputs obtained from Web of Science databases produced using the Land Use and Coverage Area frame Survey (LUCAS) soil module dataset between 2000 and 2022. A search was made using the words “LUCAS”, “Soil”, and “European” in the title/abstract/keywords field, and over 100 studies have been found and evaluated. Preliminary results showed that the dataset had been used with interest in the scientific community since the first open access date of 2013 in around 100 peer-review papers. LUCAS has been expanding over the years, and international integration has increased. As a result of bibliometric analysis, many colleagues produced scientific outputs using the LUCAS datasets. Review analysis provides insights into the future use of LUCAS, an open-access dataset, in the scientific community. Results enable academics in this field to give references and quick access to regional soil data information on the principal physical, chemical and selected biological properties.

How to cite: Kaya, F., Schillaci, C., Kaplan, G., and Başayiğit, L.: Review of the usage of LUCAS soil data for soil modeling and mapping via bibliometric analysis, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13165,, 2023.

Life on Earth depends on healthy soils. Soil provides food, clean water and habitats for biodiversity while contributing to climate resilience. They are at the centre of many of the most pressing societal challenges of this century. Knowing the state of soil health, its current pressures and its trends is essential for the soil community (e.g. policy makers, researchers or practitioners) to know about where, when and how to better protect, improve or restore soils. The Dashboard of the EU Soil Observatory (JRC Unit D3) aims to do just this. Tapping into the wealth of soil data produced by the JRC and other international research institutions, it provides a clear picture of the state and trend of soil health in the EU. It will also report on the state of implementation of EU soil policy. A focus in the Dashboard is to present soil data spatially. In particular, the EUSO Dashboard uses the ‘convergence of evidence’ methodology to map the likely occurrence of soil degradation processes in the EU and the UK. Through visuals (graphs, maps, infographics, etc.) the EUSO Dashboard aims to be the reference point providing a clear up-to-date assessment of the state of soil health and the policy actions taken at EU level to improve it.

How to cite: Marechal, A.: The Dashboard of the EU Soil Observatory – making soil data speak to policy-makers and society, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-13190,, 2023.

EGU23-14245 | ECS | Orals | SSS12.2

Land-users' perspectives on carbon farming and result-based schemes 

Morten Graversgaard

An extensive body of research has shown that land management practices can increase soil organic carbon stocks on agricultural lands. This knowledge has also gained interest among policy makers, and the concept of carbon farming is increasing in attention. Recently, the EU Commission published its proposal for a regulatory framework on carbon removals, in here the European Commission will set standards for certifying carbon farming activities.

Successful carbon farming presupposes that scheme design enables land users’ to effectively implement relevant carbon farming practices.  Despite these new legislative ambitions on carbon farming, key questions remain, and knowledge is needed on land-users' perceptions of strengths and weaknesses of different designs for carbon farming schemes. In this paper, we analyse 9 different partner countries in EU, that have facilitated focus groups with landowners on carbon farming and scheme design. The paper, presents and discuss the basis for designing schemes that are perceived as fair and effective by land-users. Implementing stakeholders’ preferences in scheme design is important for land-users’ support and uptake of such schemes.

How to cite: Graversgaard, M.: Land-users' perspectives on carbon farming and result-based schemes, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-14245,, 2023.

EGU23-15630 | Orals | SSS12.2

Result-based carbon farming and multifunctionality 

Martin Thorsøe

Enhancing the potential of soils to store more carbon while maintaining existing SOC levels, especially on peatlands and other agricultural soils, is a key lever for mitigating climate change in the LULUCF sector. In late 2022, the European Commission announced a framework for a regulatory framework on carbon removals, which will set standards for future carbon farming activities. To meet the ambitions, the European Commission also emphasises that the forthcoming Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) that comes into effect from January 2023 should increasingly reward farmers environmental- and climate friendly performance through a more result-oriented model. In result-based schemes, payment levels reflect the actual impact of the management practices on carbon stocks (relative to a benchmark), may thus reduce the cost to attain a given environmental benefit.

However, designing effective schemes is a complex process, particularly in terms of (1) minimizing costs (of incentives and MRV), (2) and ensuring environmental performance (effectiveness, additionality and additional ecosystem services) and (3) social (fairness, legitimacy and land-user engagement). Further, optimizing schemes only according to the ability to sequester carbon or prevent emissions may lead to sub-optimal outcomes, rather it may be important to move beyond schemes that only optimize on one parameter. The EJP SOIL Road4Schemes project has gathered an inventory containing 170 European carbon farming schemes. While some of the identified schemes focus exclusively on carbon sequestration while other scheme designs support a wider number of ecosystem services. This presentation synthesizes the experience from these 170 schemes regarding opportunities and barriers for designing successful result-based carbon farming schemes that also include additional ecosystem services.

How to cite: Thorsøe, M.: Result-based carbon farming and multifunctionality, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-15630,, 2023.

EGU23-16230 * | Orals | SSS12.2 | Highlight

A new instrument for contributing to the soil science - policy interface: the EJP SOIL National Hubs 

Claire Chenu, Saskia Visser, Adam O'Toole, Saskia Keesstra, Anna Besse, and Line Carlenius

Driving effectively soil research towards practice and towards policy solutions requires that the involved stakeholders, i.e researchers, practitioners and both national and regional policy makers interact and share information and views. However, these communities rather function in isolation. The European Joint Co-fund programme, EJP SOIL (Towards climate-smart and sustainable agricultural soil management) developed an innovative instrument to this end in each of its 24 participating countries.

EJP SOIL National Hubs are committees of soil stakeholders (farmers, farmers advisors and farmers organisations, industry and agrobusiness, NGOs, local or national governance and policy implementing representatives, scientists), that were set either de-novo for the EJP SOIL or based on existing committees. Their mission is to (i) provide feedback to the EJP SOIL activities and outputs, (ii) voice national position and needs, (iii) contribute to and learn from the work done in research and iv) support in the dissemination of EJP SOIL outcomes

These entities appeared as precious assets for developing a science-policy-practice interface. As an example, the EJP SOIL National Hubs contributed to elaborating the roadmap of the programme and more recently were informed and provided feedback on the programme outputs on soil data harmonization and sharing and on soil monitoring in the perspective of the future European soil health law.

We performed an analysis of their composition and functioning gives insights on how to effectively create and use these entities, which is forecasted by the EU Mission “A Soil Deal for Europe” for all land uses.

How to cite: Chenu, C., Visser, S., O'Toole, A., Keesstra, S., Besse, A., and Carlenius, L.: A new instrument for contributing to the soil science - policy interface: the EJP SOIL National Hubs, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16230,, 2023.

EGU23-16337 | Orals | SSS12.2

Do Agri-Environment Schemes have a role for Soil, Water and Soil Organic Matter 

Jana Polakova, Josef Holec, Jaroslava Janku, Mansoor Maitah, and Josef Soukup

The aim of our study was to review agri-environment (AE) schemes in terms of outcomes for soil water requirements. It should be noted that the implementation of agri-environmental measures in Europe contributes to several ecosystem services and thus has several objectives; of these, the conservation of soil water and soil organic matter is a relevant agenda spearheaded to the heart of research because of the current climatic conditions. The link to carbon storage is relevant although not straightforward. The starting point was a large body of work on agri-environmental measures that examined the effects on biodiversity in narrow geographical areas and the sociology of stakeholder engagement with policy. However, our study proceeded to focus on the effects of agri-environmental measures on soil water and soil organic matter. This study focused on several neighbouring Member States. Two methodological approaches were applied. The quantitative approach was carried out in view of the assessment of expenditure related to agri-environment schemes. The data we used came from the archive of agricultural area per farm in the Eurostat country files, and the expenditure data were reconstrued from the documentation of rural development budget over fifteen years in an in-house archive set up from the sheets by the European Commission. Cost -effectiveness was modelled in a set of two agri-environment schemes. A qualitative approach was used to examine rural development programmes in Central and Eastern Europe ( the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia)  and thus to pinpoint the relevant measures for soil water effects. These analyses were anchored in an extensive set of literature reviews on the identification of soils that need to be protected because of inadequate levels of soil water.

We found that the costs of AE measures reflect thecosts of the particular agri-environmental practice and its constraints on commercial performance. It was found that agri-environmental practices with effect on soil water and soil organic matter are likely to be a precursor for fledgling carbon farming schemes in Central and Eastern Europe, although monitoring is much more a crux in carbon farming than in agri-environmental schemes.

Keywords: soil; water; arable farming; agri-environmental measures

How to cite: Polakova, J., Holec, J., Janku, J., Maitah, M., and Soukup, J.: Do Agri-Environment Schemes have a role for Soil, Water and Soil Organic Matter, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16337,, 2023.

EGU23-16595 | Orals | SSS12.2

Carbon farming schemes throughout Europe, an overall inventory and analysis 

Bert Smit and Jennie van der Kolk

In the EJP Soil project ‘Road4Schemes’ (WP2), we have been working on an inventory of carbon farming schemes throughout Europe. This resulted in a list of 175 schemes, of which some however were located outside the EU. These schemes differed a lot in several characteristics, summarised in six overall themes: 1) documentation available, 2) Payment / Buyers Information, 3) MRV, 4) Safeguards for the society and the environment, 5) Transparency, and 6) Attractiveness. Each of the partner countries in the project selected 1-5 schemes from their national inventory, that they found promising in the light of the expected framework for Carbon Farming that would be outlined by the European Commission in December 2022 (which they actually did). The schemes selected were analysed using the method of a SWOT-analysis. In the SWOT-methodology Strengths and Weaknesses of each scheme were identified using a questionnaire with questions that covered the six themes listed. These questions already included the Opportunities and Threats that were expected to come up from the framework that was announced by the EC. For each theme a score 1, 2 or 3 was given, 1 indicating a very poor quality of that specific theme, 2 presenting an average quality and a score of 3 was given when the theme was (almost) perfectly addressed in the way the scheme had been organised. Each scheme in the SWOT-analysis received six scores in total and an overall score was calculated as the unweighted average of these six scores. The results of this method revealed large differences in quality between the schemes in the inventory. [1] Looking deeper into the results showed us, that a number of ‘overall methodologies’ for carbon farming including making schemes result-based and taking care of proper payments for the farmers can be discerned, that can serve as a basis for designing more or less perfect archetype carbon farming schemes.

At the EGU-session, we would like to present the methods and results of this study and discuss the relevance and consequences of these results for the way existing carbon farming schemes should be improved or future schemes should be designed.

[1] However, quite a number of schemes were still in a pilot phase and not all information was already available of decided upon. That may be partly a matter of time.

How to cite: Smit, B. and van der Kolk, J.: Carbon farming schemes throughout Europe, an overall inventory and analysis, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16595,, 2023.

EGU23-16694 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS12.2

Soil Data Harmonization to Create a Global Soil Data Platform 

Ester Miglio, Simone Sala, Anahita Nafissi, and Sandeep Pandit

The management of our soils plays a crucial role in addressing some of our greatest challenges, such as food security and climate change. Working together across national borders is essential for securing the health and quality of our soil in the future. With multi-stakeholder processes, language and the use of language is very important since the capability of understanding each other is critical. Developing a common language facilitates learning together, trust-building, defining common viewpoints, resolving disagreements, and arriving at technically sound and practical solutions.  

This document represents the initial attempt to create a common soil domain ontology and data model to support the creation of a user-friendly infrastructure in accordance with FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) data principles for uploading, managing, and providing comparable soil data at global scale. To meet these requirements, the review and application of accepted and widely used standards, conventions, and guidelines for the ingestion, organization, and sharing of soil data is necessary. The document should be regarded as a living document that evolves along with the progress of the project and in response to stakeholder feedback.  

This project began with the development of an ontology for the soil domain and the identification of representational terms. This was done by following a data-driven approach, which allowed the determination of relevant entities by making strategic decisions based on data analysis and organization, while facilitating a modular expansion of the knowledge base. Next, a standardized soil vocabulary was defined to facilitate data sharing and discovery. 

Furthermore, soil analytical information is collected and modelled across a variety of data sources, as well as SI units and non-SI units accepted for use with the International System of Units. Finally, a list of relevant conversion factors, regressions, and pedotransfer functions was collected to facilitate data comparison across different data bases.  

How to cite: Miglio, E., Sala, S., Nafissi, A., and Pandit, S.: Soil Data Harmonization to Create a Global Soil Data Platform, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16694,, 2023.

EGU23-16833 | Orals | SSS12.2

A Soil Data Platform to Inform Soil Health Investment 

Simone Sala, Ester Miglio, Dharani Dhar Burra, and Austin Hopkins

Healthy soil is critical to the growth of nutritious food and to farmers’ livelihoods. However, one-third of global soil is already affected by moderate to severe degradation by diverse processes. The reduction of soil degradation is one of the most important policy objectives, but policymakers and local planners require guidance in choosing  the most effective interventions, both scientifically and economically, to reduce soil degradation.  

The complex interconnections between agriculture, the natural environment, and social well-being increase the need of researchers to access and use comprehensive soil data sets. Our ability to manage and support soil depends on the data we collect and the information and knowledge that we generate from them. Nevertheless, soil data accessibility and sharing are currently low and represent one of the major barriers to making better decisions in agriculture. A critical first step to capitalize on the opportunities offered by agriculture science and technologies is thus the standardization, organization, and the making of the multitude of specialty datasets generated by studies and projects publicly available to the global community. 

To address this challenge, Varda is creating an interactive soil digital platform that allows surfacing and comparing existing soil data across the globe in order to facilitate soil data sharing and interoperability. Moreover, the platform highlights soil data gaps across regions through a soil data gap index, and particularly soil health data gap through another ad hoc index developed by Varda and Aberdeen University. Such indexes will allow multilateral organizations, governments, and agribusiness stakeholders to fill some of these data gaps through ad-hoc soil sampling and data collection campaigns.

How to cite: Sala, S., Miglio, E., Burra, D. D., and Hopkins, A.: A Soil Data Platform to Inform Soil Health Investment, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-16833,, 2023.

EGU23-17445 * | Orals | SSS12.2 | Highlight

Status and current considerations on carbon farming in selected European countries 

Susanna Hönle and Claudia Heidecke

There is the expectation that carbon farming can contribute significantly to climate change mitigation by both sequestering carbon from the atmosphere and preventing the release of additional CO2-emissions from the soil. While it seems uncontroversial that measures to improve soil carbon provide many additional ecological benefits, it is rather challenging to integrate carbon farming activities into the existing climate policy frameworks. Apart from the usual concerns about the robustness of monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) and the permanence of the carbon farming result there are other unresolved questions regarding additionality, double-claiming and double-counting when combining state-based action with voluntary carbon markets, where private schemes sell their carbon-credits to companies for the offsetting of their emissions.

Within the scope of the EJP-Soil sub-project Road4Schemes our objective was to examine the current state of carbon farming policies in 9 European countries (including Switzerland and Turkey as non-EU members). Having collected questionnaires both at the level of policy makers and at the level of experts on national greenhouse gas inventories, we are able to make a first assessment of the relevance of carbon farming as a climate mitigation strategy in the individual countries, the reportability of different measures in national climate reporting and the role of private initiatives in achieving scalable climate change mitigation effects. It is furthermore of interest to compare countries’ policy approaches for enhancing carbon farming and integrating the different stakeholders and actors. In this way, this study aims to contribute to the current discussion on the potentials and obstacles of using carbon farming for climate mitigation.

How to cite: Hönle, S. and Heidecke, C.: Status and current considerations on carbon farming in selected European countries, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17445,, 2023.

EGU23-17475 | Orals | SSS12.2

A review of soil C accounting initiatives implemented in EU and extra-EU countries 

Irene Criscuoli, Ilaria Falconi, Andrea Martelli, Stefania Maurino, Maria Valentina Lasorella, Francesco Galioto, Tiziana Pirelli, Giovanni Dara Guccione, and Guido Bonati

Soil is an ecological system and a phylogenetic organism that evolved in response to stimuli and changes. It is a precious, fragile, limited and non-renewable resource, since it takes 100 to 1,000 years to produce one centimetre of fertile soil. Soil constitutes the largest existing organic carbon store and, consequently, plays a central role in the global carbon cycle and in the fight against climate change.

However, land degradation has progressed markedly around the world. In fact, studies show that about 33% of the world’s soils are moderately or strongly degraded. An estimated annual global loss of 75 billion tons of fertile soil is caused by erosion, pollution, unsustainable agronomic practices, change of use (e.g. deforestation or conversion from pasture to cultivated land) and sealing of land. More than 12.7% of EU soil is subject to moderate to severe erosion and degradation. Stocks of organic carbon in farmland and the extent of wetlands and peatlands are steadily decreasing.  

Moreover, carbon, in temperate and cold areas of the planet (such as the EU), is stored in greater quantities in the soil rather than in plants’ biomass, while in tropical areas the exact opposite occurs. Therefore, the protection of soil organic carbon is fundamental especially in Europe.

To maintain and increase soil C stocks, agroecological practices should be fostered by European policies and financial mechanisms. Carbon credits represent one of these financial mechanisms, being tradable certificates corresponding to 1 ton of CO2eq. The methodologies and standards used for the quantification of soil Carbon stocks, aimed at the issuing of corresponding carbon credits are defined as soil C accounting.

In this study, a detailed and critical analysis of soil C accounting initiatives implemented in EU and extra-EU countries has been conducted considering different scales of implementation, C assessment methods and potential barriers.

More specifically, this work aims to:

- in EU: describe the state of carbon accounting legislation and its level of implementation, case studies, relevant and successful EIP Operational Groups;

- identify the critical issues inherent in Carbon Farming (e.g. payment schemes, overlapping of EU public fundings with carbon credits, etc.);
- extra EU: report international case studies of carbon accounting and carbon credits schemes (Australia, Alberta in Canada, Brazil and the United States) to inspire proposals for possible implementation in the EU;
- provide recommendations for future European policies in order to avoid greenwashing and ensure environmental protection.

The outcome is a synthesis of “Lessons Learned” and recommendations for possible transferability of extra-EU initiatives to EU.

How to cite: Criscuoli, I., Falconi, I., Martelli, A., Maurino, S., Valentina Lasorella, M., Galioto, F., Pirelli, T., Dara Guccione, G., and Bonati, G.: A review of soil C accounting initiatives implemented in EU and extra-EU countries, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-17475,, 2023.

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