EGU24-11717 | Orals | MAL11-AS | Vilhelm Bjerknes Medal Lecture
Discovering global-scale processes in the marine atmosphereEGU24-21254 | ECS | Orals | MAL11-AS | Arne Richter Award for Outstanding ECS Lecture
Weathering the STORM: Challenges and opportunities in tropical cyclone risk researchAS1 – Meteorology
EGU24-857 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.1
Improving extreme rainfall forecasting for a flood prone region: A hybrid modelling approachEGU24-1043 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.1
Development of a mathematical model for the determination of the atmospheric boundary layer height using artificial intelligenceEGU24-3462 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.1
Assimilation of HY-2D scatterometer wind field data in CMA-GFSEGU24-4760 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.1
Impact of radio occultation data assimilation on tropical cyclone intensity forecast over the western North PacificEGU24-4851 | Posters on site | AS1.1
Augmenting WRF with PDAF for an Online Localized Ensemble Data AssimilationEGU24-5656 | Orals | AS1.1
Impact of GNSS tropospheric gradient assimilation and sensitivity analysisEGU24-6813 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.1
Numerical Investigation of High Impact Foehn storm in February 1925 using WRF and PALM models.EGU24-6917 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.1
Improving All-sky Simulations of Typhoon Cloud/Rain Band Structures of NOAA-20 CrIS Window Channel ObservationsEGU24-7968 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.1
Development of Rice Paddy Model Based on Noah LSM: Consistent Parameterization of Subcanopy Resistance from the Ponded Water to Dense Rice CanopyEGU24-8324 | Posters on site | AS1.1
Eta features, additional to the vertical coordinate, deserving attentionEGU24-9797 | Posters on site | AS1.1
Arctic temperature persistence in winter and spring and seasonal forecastingEGU24-11953 | Posters on site | AS1.1
A Unified Representation of Subgrid Convection in NOAA’s Unified Forecast SystemEGU24-12794 | Posters on site | AS1.1
Sensitivity Experiments of a Mountain-Induced Gravity Wave Drag Parameterizations for Global Weather ForecastingEGU24-13504 | Posters on site | AS1.1
Second Year Progress of PREVENIR: Japan-Argentina Cooperation Project for Heavy Rain and Urban Flood Disaster PreventionEGU24-13655 | Posters on site | AS1.1
An overview of Japan’s Moonshot Goal 8 R&D program for controlling and modifying the weather by 2050EGU24-13807 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.1
Implementation of the Generalized Double-Moment Normalization Method in the Cloud Microphysics SchemeEGU24-13978 | Posters on site | AS1.1
A Positive-Definite Moist EDMF Parameterization Scheme for Turbulent Mixing in the PBLEGU24-15364 | Posters on site | AS1.1
Development of extended medium-range reforecasting system based on the Korean Integrated Model (KIM)EGU24-15467 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.1
Impact of Nesting Techniques Over Short-Term WRF Forecast AccuracyEGU24-16714 | Orals | AS1.1
The Weather On Demand weather forecast framework - Recent developments and outlookEGU24-17438 | ECS | Orals | AS1.1
A feature-based framework to investigate atmospheric predictability.EGU24-18054 | Posters on site | AS1.1
Enhanced coupled land-atmosphere data assimilation for reanalysisEGU24-18151 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.1
Evaluating multi-task learning strategies for tropical cyclones itnensity forecasting from satellite imagesEGU24-18966 | Posters on site | AS1.1
Effects of initialization of sea ice properties on medium-range forecasts in the Korean Integrated ModelEGU24-18982 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.1
Benefits of initializing equatorial waves on extratropical forecastsEGU24-19593 | Posters on site | AS1.1
Dynamical downscaling and data assimilation for a cold-air outbreak in the European Alps during the Year Without Summer 1816EGU24-20366 | ECS | Orals | AS1.1
Irrigation parameterization in the Operational Numerical Weather Prediction model ICON-nwpEGU24-20553 | Orals | AS1.1
Crossing the Valley of Death : Transitioning Weather Research to Operations in NOAAEGU24-3548 | Posters on site | AS1.2
Improving the Completion of Weather Radar Missing Data with Deep LearningEGU24-5373 | ECS | Orals | AS1.2 | Highlight
Convective environments in AI-models - What have AI-models learned about atmospheric profiles?EGU24-5571 | ECS | Orals | AS1.2
SHADECast: Enhancing solar energy integration through probabilistic regional forecastsEGU24-5849 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.2
Towards seamless rainfall and flood forecasting in the Netherlands: improvements to and validation of blending in pystepsEGU24-5909 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.2
Impact of Spatial Density of Automatic Weather Station Data on Assimilation Effectiveness in WRF-3DVar ModelEGU24-6155 | ECS | Orals | AS1.2
Enhanced Foundation Model through Efficient Finetuning for Extended-Range Weather PredictionEGU24-6545 | Posters on site | AS1.2
Improving precipitation nowcasting using deep generative models: a case-study and experiences in R2OEGU24-6856 | Posters on site | AS1.2
Very Short-Range Precipitation Forecast in Korea Meteorological AdministrationEGU24-6873 | Posters on site | AS1.2
Does more frequent Very Short-Range Forecast provide more useful information?EGU24-7091 | Posters on site | AS1.2
The Development of precipitation model modifed with ECMWF IFS and XGBoost and its performance verificationEGU24-7291 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.2
Improvements in fog predictions via a modified reconstruction of moisture distribution using the Weather Research and Forecasting(WRF) modelEGU24-7753 | ECS | Orals | AS1.2
On the usefulness of considering the run-to-run variability for an ensemble prediction systemEGU24-8449 | ECS | Orals | AS1.2
Radiation fog nowcasting with XGBoost using station and satellite dataEGU24-9528 | ECS | Orals | AS1.2
Ensemble forecast post-processing based on neural networks and normalizing flowsEGU24-9659 | Posters on site | AS1.2
Application Research of Multi-source New Detection Data in Snow Depth Prediction for Beijing Winter OlympicsEGU24-9935 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.2
Machine and Deep Learning algorithms to improve weather forecasts over a complex orography Mediterranean regionEGU24-10809 | Posters on site | AS1.2
Analysis of a rare severe convective weather event in spring in Beijing of ChinaEGU24-12420 | ECS | Orals | AS1.2
Can convection permitting forecasts solve the tropical African precipitation forecasting problem?EGU24-12855 | Posters on site | AS1.2
Project IMA: Lessons Learned from Building the Belgian Operational Seamless Ensemble Prediction SystemEGU24-13809 | Posters on site | AS1.2
Investigating Model Forecast Bias for Rainfall Produced by Slantwise Ascent above Cold HighEGU24-13853 | Orals | AS1.2 | Highlight
A Research Agenda for the Evaluation of AI-Based Weather Forecasting ModelsEGU24-14232 | Posters on site | AS1.2
Statistics of the Subgrid Cloud of an Idealized Tropical Cyclone at Convection-Permitting ResolutionEGU24-14541 | Posters on site | AS1.2
Status and Plan of Standard Verification System for the NWP model in Korea Meteorological AdministrationEGU24-15431 | ECS | Orals | AS1.2 | Highlight
Nowcasting of extreme precipitation events: performance assessment of Generative Deep Learning methodsEGU24-18548 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.2
Enhancing Regional NWP Model with GNSS Zenith Total Delay Assimilation: A WRF and WRFDA 3D-Var Approach in the Greater Region of LuxembourgEGU24-18938 | Posters on site | AS1.2
Forecasting tropical high-impact rainfall events using a hybrid statistical dynamical technique based on equatorial wavesEGU24-19321 | ECS | Orals | AS1.2
Viability of satellite derived irradiance data for ML-based nowcastsEGU24-19377 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.2
Advancing Spatiotemporal Rainfall Nowcasting through Deep Learning TechniquesEGU24-19699 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.2
Evaluation of seamless forecasts for severe weather warningsEGU24-1244 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.3
Distinct changes in boreal summer intraseasonal oscillation over the western North Pacific under mega and equatorial La Niña conditionsEGU24-1376 | Posters on site | AS1.3
The window of opportunity for subseasonal land cold extreme prediction over EurasiaEGU24-1548 | Posters on site | AS1.3
Prediction Skill and Practical Predictability Depending on the Initial Atmospheric States in S2S ForecastsEGU24-2784 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.3
The joint effects of the boreal summer intraseasonal oscillation and Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau monsoon on the precipitation over Southwestern ChinaEGU24-2862 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.3
Robust Relationship between Mean State Moisture and Interannual MJO Activity in Observations and CMIP6 ModelsEGU24-2890 | ECS | Orals | AS1.3
Influence of Arctic sea ice concentration on extreme Ural blocking predictability in subseasonal timescalesEGU24-3148 | Posters on site | AS1.3
Subseasonal Warming of Surface Soil Enhances Precipitation Over the Eastern Tibetan Plateau in Early SummerEGU24-3194 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.3 | Highlight
Converging Deep Learning and Numerical Prediction for Skillful Subseasonal Soil Moisture and Flash Drought ForecastingEGU24-3242 | ECS | Orals | AS1.3 | Highlight
Predicting Forest Damage in Europe: A Subseasonal-to-Seasonal Forecasting Approach for Hydro-meteorological DriversEGU24-3737 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.3 | Highlight
Arctic sea ice loss and La Niña as precursors of extreme East Asian cold wintersEGU24-3796 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.3 | Highlight
Targeted Observations on Arctic Sea Ice Concentration for Improving Extended-range Prediction of Ural BlockingEGU24-3798 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.3
The role of stratospheric processes in the trans-seasonal connection between spring and summer northern annular modesEGU24-4208 | Orals | AS1.3 | Highlight
Subseasonal Typhoon Precipitation Forecast in Taiwan Area Using the ECMWF Reforecasts: Forecast Verification and ApplicationEGU24-4272 | Posters on site | AS1.3
Verifications of Week-1 to Week-4 Tropical Cyclone Forecasts in the Western North Pacific from the ECMWF 46-Day EnsembleEGU24-4665 | Orals | AS1.3 | Highlight
Evaluating Real-time Subseasonal to Seasonal Tropical Cyclone PredictionEGU24-4955 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.3
Subseasonal Predictability of Early and Late Summer Rainfall Over East AsiaEGU24-6452 | Posters on site | AS1.3
Local and remote sources of error inMJO forecasts in the Navy ESPCEGU24-7386 | Posters on site | AS1.3 | Highlight
Weather and Climate conditions over the Arctic and mid-latitude regions affecting air qualityEGU24-7705 | ECS | Orals | AS1.3 | Highlight
Soil enthalpy: an unheeded source of subseasonal predictability?EGU24-8918 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.3 | Highlight
Can Machine Learning Models be a Suitable Tool for Predicting Central European Cold Winter Weather on Subseasonal Timescales?EGU24-9510 | ECS | Orals | AS1.3
Stratospheric impact on subseasonal forecast uncertainty in the Northern extratropicsEGU24-11457 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.3 | Highlight
Deep Learning improved seasonal forecasts for the Blue Nile BasinEGU24-11637 | ECS | Orals | AS1.3
Seasonal classification of North American weather regimes and their effect on extreme weatherEGU24-13143 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.3
Land-Atmosphere Coupling Simulation and Its Role in Subseasonal-to-Seasonal PredictionEGU24-14585 | Posters on site | AS1.3 | Highlight
Improved long-range forecasts in South Korea through integrated forecast informationEGU24-14626 | ECS | Orals | AS1.3
The impact of storm event likelihood on the forecast uncertainty over Europe at S2S time scalesEGU24-14701 | Posters virtual | AS1.3
Northern Hemisphere extratropical cyclone biases in ECMWF sub-seasonal forecasts