EGU24-4118 | Orals | MAL18-G | Vening Meinesz Medal Lecture
The Evolution of Positioning Accuracy and Linear vs. Non-linear Motions of the EarthEGU24-11422 | ECS | Orals | MAL18-G | G Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award Lecture
GRACE for Earth system science: novel insights into hydrology, sea level rise, and solid Earth upliftG1 – Geodetic Theory and Algorithms
EGU24-2824 | Posters on site | G1.1
FarZone4IT: A new software for the calculation of far–zone effects for spherical integralEGU24-4098 | ECS | Posters on site | G1.1
Estimation of the Global Root Mean Square Error of Selected Gravitational Field Functionals Calculated by Integral TransformsEGU24-5272 | Posters on site | G1.1
Modelling gravity field of irregularly shaped bodies by numerical methodsEGU24-6872 | ECS | Orals | G1.1
Developed empirical refraction model for precise trigonometric levelling of the La Valette Landslide, FranceEGU24-7346 | Posters on site | G1.1
On solving the nonlinear geodetic boundary value problem using mapped infinite elementsEGU24-7800 | ECS | Orals | G1.1
Seafloor topography recovery improved by combination of different gravity data functionalsEGU24-9318 | Posters on site | G1.1
Fast seafloor topography mapping of large oceanic provinces by optimization/parallelizationEGU24-15596 | Posters on site | G1.1
Uncertainties associated with integral-based transforms of measured potential gradientsEGU24-18996 | Posters on site | G1.1
Control of the accuracy of the Molodensky's integral equation for the gravity anomalies and disturbances on the Earth's modelsEGU24-19367 | ECS | Orals | G1.1
A novel globally convergent maximizer for the multivariate carrier-phase integer ambiguity functionEGU24-1087 | ECS | Posters on site | G1.2
Sensitivity Analysis of Digital Elevation Models in Geoid Modelling for Indian regionEGU24-2185 | ECS | Posters on site | G1.2 | Highlight
Assessing Groundwater Sustainability in the Arabian Peninsula and its Impact on Gravity Fields through GRACE MeasurementsEGU24-4068 | Posters on site | G1.2
Physics-Informed Neural Networks for geoid modeling: preliminary results in ColoradoEGU24-4477 | Posters on site | G1.2
Effect of Implementing Moho Depths on Gravity Interpolation at Large Data GapsEGU24-5383 | ECS | Posters on site | G1.2
Methods for geoid determination in regions with challenging data quality and coverageEGU24-8340 | Posters on site | G1.2
A consolidated 30 Arc-second Global Digital Elevation Model for Geodesy and GeophysicsEGU24-14283 | Posters on site | G1.2
Observation requirements for precise determination of local (quasi)geoidEGU24-17974 | Posters on site | G1.2
Refinements of regional gravimetric and hybrid geoid models in support of the GeoNetGNSS CORS network in Northern GreeceEGU24-770 | ECS | Posters on site | G1.3
Altimetry Waveform Classification and Retracking Strategy for Improved Coastal Altimetry ProductsEGU24-4609 | Posters on site | G1.3
Multi-Indicator Comprehensive Assessment for Observation Stochastic Model of PPPEGU24-5743 | Posters on site | G1.3
Machine learning-based regional slant ionospheric delay model and its application for PPP-RTKEGU24-9203 | ECS | Posters on site | G1.3
Deep Learning spatio-temporal analysis of anthropogenic ground deformation recorded by GNSS time series in the North Adriatic coasts of ItalyEGU24-9543 | ECS | Posters on site | G1.3
Machine learning for atmospheric delay correction in geodesyEGU24-10154 | Posters on site | G1.3
Neural network-based hydrology corrections for borehole strainmetersEGU24-10467 | Orals | G1.3
Improving ground deformation prediction in satellite InSAR using ICA-assisted RNN modelEGU24-11029 | ECS | Orals | G1.3
Quantum Machine Learning for Deformation Detection: Application for InSAR Point CloudsEGU24-11427 | ECS | Posters on site | G1.3
Non-line-of-sight GNSS Signal Classification for Urban Navigation Using Machine LearningEGU24-12487 | ECS | Orals | G1.3
Signal separation in global, temporal gravity data using a multi-channel U-NetEGU24-12556 | ECS | Posters on site | G1.3
An Ionospheric Forecasting Model Based on Transfer Learning Using High-Resolution Global Ionospheric MapsEGU24-12715 | ECS | Orals | G1.3
Explainable AI for GNSS Reflectometry: Investigating Feature Importance for Ocean Wind Speed EstimationEGU24-14724 | ECS | Orals | G1.3
Exploring the performance of machine learning models for the GNSS-IR retrieval of seasonal snow heightEGU24-16940 | Posters on site | G1.3
Manifold Embedding Based on Geodesic Distance for Non-stationary Subsurface Characterization Using Secondary InformationEGU24-1988 | ECS | Posters on site | NP4.1
Predictive ability assessment of Bayesian Causal Reasoning (BCR) on runoff temporal seriesEGU24-3857 | ECS | Posters on site | NP4.1 | Highlight
Spatial-Temporal Analysis of Forest MortalityEGU24-4280 | ECS | Orals | NP4.1
Exploring Machine Learning Models to Detect Outliers in HydroMet SensorsEGU24-5268 | ECS | Orals | NP4.1
Unveiling Geological Patterns: Bayesian Exploration of Zircon-Derived Time Series DataEGU24-5733 | ECS | Posters on site | NP4.1
Comparative Study of Spring and Summer Light Effects on Phytoplankton Communities in Semi-Enclosed Fresh- and Brackish Aquatic Ecosystems.EGU24-6151 | Posters on site | NP4.1
Using information-theory metrics to detect regime changes in dynamical systemsEGU24-9537 | Posters on site | NP4.1
Wavelet-Induced Mode Extraction procedure: Application to climatic dataEGU24-10415 | ECS | Orals | NP4.1
Application of Transfer Learning techniques in one day ahead PV production predictionEGU24-11897 | Posters on site | NP4.1
Results of joint processing of magnetic observatory data of international Intermagnet network in a unified coordinate systemEGU24-12928 | Posters on site | NP4.1
Using the CLEAN Algorithm to Determine the Distribution of Ultra Low Frequency Waves at Geostationary OrbitEGU24-13593 | ECS | Posters on site | NP4.1
Characterizing Uncertainty in Spatially Interpolated Time Series of Near-Surface Air TemperatureEGU24-13879 | ECS | Posters on site | NP4.1
Understanding the role of vegetation responses to drought in regulating autumn senescenceEGU24-16981 | ECS | Orals | NP4.1
A machine-learning-based approach for predicting the geomagnetic secular variationEGU24-17344 | Posters on site | NP4.1
Introducing a new statistical theory to quantify the Gaussianity of the continuous seismic signalEGU24-17566 | ECS | Posters on site | NP4.1
Unveiling Climate-Induced Ocean Wave Activities Using Seismic Array Data in the North Sea RegionEGU24-18061 | ECS | Orals | NP4.1
A new methodology for time-series reconstruction of global scale historical Earth observation dataEGU24-18197 | ECS | Orals | NP4.1 | Highlight
The regularity of climate-related extreme events under global warmingEGU24-18210 | ECS | Posters on site | NP4.1
Long-term vegetation development in context of morphodynamic processes since mid-19th centuryEGU24-19601 | ECS | Posters on site | NP4.1
Discrimination of geomagnetic quasi-periodic signals by using SSA TransformEGU24-22262 | ECS | Posters on site | NP4.1
Temporal Interpolation of Sentinel-2 Multispectral Time Series in Context of Land Cover Classification with Machine Learning AlgorithmsG2 – Reference Frames and Geodetic Observing Systems
EGU24-827 | ECS | Orals | G2.1
Improving Orbit Propagation of LEO Satellites Using Atmospheric Drag AnalysisEGU24-2806 | ECS | Orals | G2.1
Potential of VLBI observations to satellites to estimate orbital elementsEGU24-3521 | ECS | Orals | G2.1
In-flight GNSS phase map calibration modelling with Zernike polynomialsEGU24-5427 | Posters on site | G2.1
Orbit parameterization aspects in global solutions of spherical Laser Ranging SatellitesEGU24-5649 | ECS | Orals | G2.1
Stochastic Modeling of SLR Observations and its Impact on the Parameter EstimationEGU24-6359 | ECS | Orals | G2.1
Sensitivity of different variants of GENESIS orbit to global geodetic parametersEGU24-7776 | ECS | Orals | G2.1
Enhanced orbit determination for BDS-3 satellites with LEO onboard GNSS and inter-satellite link dataEGU24-8395 | Posters on site | G2.1
Assessment of GPS-based accelerometry performance with adaptive filter settingsEGU24-10249 | ECS | Posters on site | G2.1
SPOCC - a GFZ Software Tool for a Multi-GNSS Orbit and Clock CombinationEGU24-10344 | Posters on site | G2.1
Towards a GEodesy and Time Reference In Space (GETRIS): A simulation studyEGU24-12683 | Orals | G2.1
GNSS-based orbit and geodetic parameter estimation by means of simulated GENESIS dataEGU24-16831 | Posters on site | G2.1
Assessment of Jason-3 and Sentinel-6 MF radiation pressure modelEGU24-18289 | ECS | Orals | G2.1
The Galileo for Science project: Constraints on Dark Matter with the Galileo-FOC ConstellationEGU24-18467 | Posters on site | G2.1
On multi technique precise orbit determination for SWOT with respect to altimetry applications.EGU24-19842 | Posters on site | G2.1
Treatment of Modern Global Ocean and Atmospheric Tide Atlases in Precise Orbit DeterminationEGU24-897 | ECS | Orals | G2.2
Improved geodetic datum realization based on simulation studies for co-located SLR-VLBI stationsEGU24-3821 | Orals | G2.2
Benefits for the terrestrial reference frame with VLBI observations to GenesisEGU24-4333 | ECS | Posters on site | G2.2
Impact of terrestrial reference frame on the SLR validation results of GNSS and LEO orbitsEGU24-6472 | ECS | Orals | G2.2
Investigations into GNSS clock biases in a global network of IGS H-Maser stationsEGU24-8188 | Posters on site | G2.2
Changes in the multipath value at ASG-EUPOS GNSS reference network stations in 2010-2021EGU24-9527 | Orals | G2.2
Glacial induced variations in the uplift – a challenge for the reference frame