EGU24-1614 | Orals | MAL1 | Alexander von Humboldt Medal Lecture
Land-Atmosphere Interactions in Human-Natural Indian Summer Monsoon SystemEGU24-22395 | Orals | MAL2 | Alfred Wegener Medal Lecture
Is the Atlantic Overturning Circulation approaching a tipping point?EGU24-16761 | Orals | MAL3 | Arthur Holmes Medal Lecture
Orogeny and mantle dynamics : Holmes (1931) revisitedEGU24-1234 | Orals | MAL4 | Jean Dominique Cassini Medal Lecture
Rotation of Mars and the Earth revealing their core properties.EGU24-11742 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.2 | Arne Richter Awards for Outstanding ECS Lecture
Digging into the Future: The transition between bedrock and soil as an underexplored frontier zone in geoscienceEGU24-21986 | Orals | EOS1.1 | Angela Croome Award Lecture
Existential Threat: How Scientists Can Work With The Media To Communicate Complex Systemic CrisesEGU24-2760 | ECS | Orals | EOS1.1 | Katia and Maurice Krafft Award Lecture
Reclaiming the rocks: ukuthetha ngezifundo zomhlaba ngesiXhosaEGU24-11717 | Orals | MAL11-AS | Vilhelm Bjerknes Medal Lecture
Discovering global-scale processes in the marine atmosphereEGU24-21254 | ECS | Orals | MAL11-AS | Arne Richter Award for Outstanding ECS Lecture
Weathering the STORM: Challenges and opportunities in tropical cyclone risk researchEGU24-1832 | Orals | MAL12-BG | BG Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award Lecture
Volatile Organic Compounds: mediators of forest-atmosphere interactions and indicators of forest vulnerabilityEGU24-12020 | Orals | MAL12-BG | Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky Medal Lecture
Reflections regarding our biogeochemical studies in lakes and marine environmentsEGU24-8168 | Orals | MAL13-CL | Hans Oeschger Medal Lecture
A slice through time — securing timelines of past climate, global volcanism and human societiesEGU24-3722 | Orals | CL1.2.5 | Milutin Milankovic Medal Lecture by Peter U. Clark
A Revisionist View of the Mid-Pleistocene TransitionEGU24-6597 | Orals | MAL15-CR | Julia and Johannes Weertman Medal Lecture
Understanding glacier processes to decode the drivers of glacier changeEGU24-11275 | ECS | Orals | MAL15-CR | Arne Richter Award for Outstanding ECS Lecture
Supraglacial Lake Drainage: from process puzzle to subglacial diagnosticEGU24-6574 | Orals | MAL16-EMRP | Louis Néel Medal Lecture
Inelastic compaction in porous carbonatesEGU24-10806 | ECS | Orals | MAL16-EMRP | EMRP Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award Lecture
Deformation and reaction of plagioclase-rich rocks at conditions of the lower continental crustEGU24-2658 | ECS | Orals | MAL17-ESSI | ESSI Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award Lecture
X-informatics at the center of scientific discovery: Detecting biosignatures, predicting mineral occurrences, and characterizing planetary kinds.EGU24-4562 | Orals | MAL17-ESSI | Ian McHarg Medal Lecture
The central role of geoscience data standards in generating new knowledgeEGU24-4118 | Orals | MAL18-G | Vening Meinesz Medal Lecture
The Evolution of Positioning Accuracy and Linear vs. Non-linear Motions of the EarthEGU24-11422 | ECS | Orals | MAL18-G | G Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award Lecture
GRACE for Earth system science: novel insights into hydrology, sea level rise, and solid Earth upliftEGU24-5404 | ECS | Orals | MAL19-GD | GD Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award
Geodynamic controls on sediment-hosted lead-zinc deposits in continental riftsEGU24-8419 | ECS | Orals | MAL20-GI | GI Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award Lecture
Towards Sustainable Futures in Tree Assessment using Ground Penetrating Radar: Insights, Developments and Novel PerspectivesEGU24-14781 | Orals | MAL20-GI | Christiaan Huygens Medal Lecture
The silent degassing of volcanoes: a useful tool for volcanic surveillance and a significant contributor to the global CO2 emission from subaerial volcanismEGU24-19206 | Orals | MAL21-GM | Ralph Alger Bagnold Medal Lecture
The Neogene record of Himalayan erosion in the Bengal FanEGU24-1663 | Orals | MAL22-GMPV | Robert Wilhelm Bunsen Medal Lecture
Exploring the deep Earth and planetary interiors by high-pressure experimentsEGU24-4803 | ECS | Orals | MAL22-GMPV | Arne Richter Awards for Outstanding ECS Lecture
Effects of water on the evolution of the Early Moon and deep Earth investigated by experimentsEGU24-9079 | Orals | MAL23-HS | Henry Darcy Medal Lecture
A view into the richness of processes in porous mediaEGU24-6307 | Orals | MAL24-HS | John Dalton Medal Lecture
How far can we go in global flood inundation modelling?EGU24-4270 | Orals | NH2.1 | Highlight | Plinius Medal Lecture
Hazard forecasting: is it a matter of time?EGU24-22472 * | Orals | NH1.2 | Highlight | Sergey Soloviev Medal Lecture
Rapidly intensifying extreme weather events in a warming world: how important are large-scale dynamics in generating extreme floods?EGU24-10769 | Orals | MAL27-NP | Lewis Fry Richardson Medal Lecture
On a few characteristics of geophysical turbulent flowsEGU24-11136 | Orals | MAL27-NP | NP Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award Lecture
Exploring space plasma fluctuations at kinetic scales through stochastic process theoryEGU24-2879 | Orals | OS3.2 | Highlight | Fridtjof Nansen Medal Lecture
Future trends and climate feedbacks of the biological carbon pumpEGU24-2888 | Orals | MAL29-PS | David Bates Medal Lecture
Deciphering Mars’ water cycle with missions and modelsEGU24-4012 | ECS | Orals | MAL29-PS | PS Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award Lecture
Hyperspectral mapping of a kilometer of mantle rock core: insight into active serpentinization systemsEGU24-9250 | Orals | MAL30-SM | Beno Gutenberg Medal Lecture
Seismic images of the continental lithosphereEGU24-14636 | Orals | MAL30-SM | SM Division Outstanding ECS Award Lecture
Uncovering the tectonic secrets of the Atlantic with broadband ocean-bottom seismologyEGU24-2710 | Orals | MAL31-SSP | Jean Baptiste Lamarck Medal Lecture
Sedimentary carbonates: fabrics, ultrastructures and geochemistryEGU24-21896 | Orals | MAL31-SSP | SSP Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award Lecture
New technologies applied to modelling taphonomic alterations of human originsEGU24-12483 | Orals | MAL32-SSS | Philippe Duchaufour Medal Lecture
Beasts, Balances and Boundaries in Soil ScienceEGU24-3620 | Orals | ST1.14 | Highlight | Hannes Alfvén Medal Lecture
Multiscale matters: when coupling across multiple scales drives the dynamics of solar system plasmasEGU24-16741 | Orals | MAL34-TS | Stephan Mueller Medal Lecture
Fault segmentation, off-fault deformation, and fault maturityEGU24-12777 | Orals | CL2.1 | Highlight | CL Division Outstanding ECS Award Lecture
The pattern effect: How radiative feedbacks depend on surface warming patterns and influence near-term projectionsEGU24-15525 | ECS | Orals | ERE5.3 | Highlight | ERE Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award Lecture
Fault Lines to Frontlines: Geomechanical Challenges of Sustainable Energy TransitionEGU24-6103 | ECS | Orals | GM1.1 | Highlight | GM Division Outstanding ECS Award Lecture
Going beyond the river long profileEGU24-19445 | ECS | Orals | HS5.1.1 | HS Division Outstanding ECS Award Lecture
Learning from the past to shape the future. Harnessing multi-scale human data and earth observations to foster sustainable water usage and societal adaptation to climate changeEGU24-10624 | ECS | Orals | NH10.1 | Highlight | NH Division Outstanding ECS Award Lecture
Advancing multi-(hazard)risk science: embracing complexity and cross-disciplinary collaborationsEGU24-10184 | ECS | Orals | OS1.6 | Highlight | OS Division Outstanding ECS Award Lecture
The global influence of ice-ocean interactions in AntarcticaEGU24-13951 | ECS | Orals | ST1.14 | ST Division Outstanding Early Career Scientist Award Lecture
Analysing CME observations and simulations with multi-spacecraft techniques