EGU24-16741 | Orals | MAL34-TS | Stephan Mueller Medal Lecture
Fault segmentation, off-fault deformation, and fault maturityTS1 – Deformation mechanisms, rheology, and rock-fluid interactions
EGU24-3483 | ECS | Orals | TS1.1
Mechanisms for the nucleation and deformation of symplectites during omphacite breakdownEGU24-5017 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.1
Upper Mantle Heterogeneity Recorded by Microstructures and Fluid Inclusions from Peridotite Xenoliths Beneath the Rio Grande Rift, USAEGU24-8470 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.1
Breaking Boundaries: Deep-Learning-Enhanced Electron Microscopy for Accelerated Super-Resolution Imaging in Solid Earth ResearchEGU24-8853 | Posters on site | TS1.1
Experimental study on high-temperature rheology of hot-pressed mafic granuliteEGU24-9288 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.1
Three-dimensional kinematic analysis of Northern Kapıdağ Pluton: Implications for a transtensional deformation in NW AnatoliaEGU24-9882 | Posters on site | TS1.1
Quartz amorphization to produce porosity in crustal shear zonesEGU24-10734 | ECS | Orals | TS1.1
Experimental and numerical investigation of dislocation-based transient creep mechanisms in the upper mantleEGU24-11323 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.1
Microscale investigations of the evolution of deformation mechanisms in a low-temperature marble mylonite, NE Attica, GreeceEGU24-12851 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.1
The deformation mechanisms of Upper Cretaceous Neotethyan Orhaneli ophiolite, NW TurkeyEGU24-13583 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.1
On the microstructural evolution of Carrara marble during semi-brittle deformationEGU24-15060 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.1
Breccia Mechanisms and Hydrothermal Evolution from Both Colombian Emerald BeltsEGU24-16284 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.1
Relicts of high-temperature fabric in the Strandja Massif, NW TurkeyEGU24-20713 | Orals | TS1.1
Fluid-mediated reactivation of brittle faults in the Bristol Channel Basin, UKEGU24-390 | ECS | Orals | TS1.2 | Highlight
Can we ever predict how fluids may flow within and surrounding faults in carbonates?EGU24-536 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.2
Pore space properties of solution surfaces in shallow-water carbonatesEGU24-569 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.2
A Comparative study of water fluids of coastal and island mud volcanoes: Acase study of the South Caspian BasinEGU24-1240 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.2
Understanding the Heterogeneity and Anisotropy of Permeability in Carbonate Rocks Within a Fault NetworkEGU24-2471 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.2
Petrographic Heterogeneity and Sandstone Evolution in the Groningen Gas Field: Implications for Reservoir GeomechanicsEGU24-5693 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.2
Microstructural characterization of deformation bands in shallow porous carbonates of Apulian Platform, Southern ItalyEGU24-9013 | Posters on site | TS1.2
A new geological model for the Lefka Ori Massif in the accretionary wedge of the Hellenic Subduction Zone.EGU24-10510 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.2 | Highlight
Influence of pre-existing faults on damage distribution in carbonate fault zones: the case study of the Roccapreturo Fault, central ApenninesEGU24-16378 | Orals | TS1.2 | Highlight
Calcite veins as local fluid flow barriers in reservoir rock? The odd occurrence of veins in highly porous aeolian sandstone in NamibiaEGU24-17174 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.2 | Highlight
Spatial variability in topology, connectivity and permeability within deformation band networksEGU24-20887 | Orals | TS1.2 | Highlight
Deformation, fluid flow and diagenesis in deformed granular rocks across scalesEGU24-4702 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.5
Feedbacks between metasomatism, rheological heterogeneities and strain localization in deep subduction interface shear zonesEGU24-5618 | ECS | Orals | TS1.5
Deformation and healing processes in the damage zone of a lower-crustal seismogenic faultEGU24-5807 | Orals | TS1.5 | Highlight
Transient deformation leading to earthquakes: bridging observations from the lab and the fieldEGU24-6361 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.5
Pleistocene near-surface earthquake events recorded in high-porosity fluvial sandstone sequence (Crotone forearc Basin, Italy)EGU24-6392 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.5
Consolidation characteristics of offshore sediments in the Christiana, Santorini, and Kolumbo volcanic field, Greece (IODP Expedition 398)EGU24-8060 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.5
Exploring fault preparation and earthquake nucleation from the laboratoryEGU24-8130 | ECS | Orals | TS1.5
Tracing the extent of fluid circulation in subduction zone forearcs using lithium isotopesEGU24-8751 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.5
Water-induced superplastic deformation and its mechanism of quartzEGU24-9295 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.5
Friction, Mineralogy, and Microstructures: How Complex is the Brittle Deformation of Faults?EGU24-9877 | ECS | Orals | TS1.5
From slow to fast earthquakes: laboratory insights on acoustic and mechanical fault slip behaviorEGU24-10106 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.5
Probing the Micromechanics of Velocity Strengthening Laboratory Faults using Ultrasonic WavesEGU24-10481 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.5
Fluid-rock interaction in eclogite-facies meta-peridotite (Erro-Tobbio Unit, Ligurian Alps, Italy)EGU24-11900 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.5
Frictional strength, healing behaviour and deformation mechanism of low-grade serpentinites at hydrothermal conditionsEGU24-14574 | ECS | Posters virtual | TS1.5
Relative significance of CO2 and silica on talc formation at slab-mantle interface: Insights from experiments on metasomatic boundaryEGU24-15776 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.5
Microcomputed Tomography Unravels CO2-fluid/rock Interaction in Elba's Carbonated SerpentinitesEGU24-16363 | Posters on site | TS1.5
Across the brittle-ductile transition: the role of fluids and anisotropyEGU24-17072 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.5
Temperature and strain-dependent healing of quartz gouges at hydrothermal conditionsEGU24-17448 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.5
Hydrothermal Alteration-Induced Weakening in Experimentally Deformed Fault GougesEGU24-17549 | ECS | Orals | TS1.5
Paleo-seismic and aseismic processes and the role of fluids recorded in an exhumed carbonate faultEGU24-17577 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.5
Isotopic signatures of fluid inclusions from quartz veins record sub-surface fluid-rock interaction associated with the Variscan orogenyEGU24-19532 | ECS | Orals | TS1.5
Seismic Mirror-like Surfaces in bituminous dolostones (Central Apennines, Italy)EGU24-428 | ECS | Orals | TS1.6
Estimate of seismic fracture surface energy from pseudotachylyte-bearing faultsEGU24-4550 | Posters on site | TS1.6
Characterizing shallow creep along the Dead Sea pull-apart basin using geodetic observationsEGU24-5921 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.6
Interaction of fault slip with fast fluid pressure transients in subduction zonesEGU24-7813 | Posters on site | TS1.6
The role of serpentinized mantle on thrust-fault earthquake dynamics offshore SW IberiaEGU24-8731 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.6
Implications of tourmaline frictional and rheological experiments on fault strength and sliding stability in southern TibetEGU24-8767 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.6
A semi-automatic detection for transient events in northern Apennines using strainmeters and GNSS dataEGU24-9007 | Orals | TS1.6 | Highlight
A mechanical insight into the continuous chatter of a fault volumeEGU24-12752 | Posters on site | TS1.6
Healing of fault surfaces: a field vs. experimental perspectiveEGU24-13514 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.6
Discrepant stress distributions around instability regions: A new view for earthquake nucleation zones predictionEGU24-13838 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.6
Slip Behaviors Controlled by Rheological and Frictional Properties of A Two-Phase Mélange in Subduction Shear ZonesEGU24-15197 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.6
Deformation microstructure of the fault rock drill cuttings from the enhanced geothermal system site in Pohang, South KoreaEGU24-15878 | ECS | Orals | TS1.6
Fault orientation in earthquake seismic precursors: insights from the laboratoryEGU24-16581 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.6
Interpretable Embedding of Laboratory Stick-Slip Acoustic Emission Time SeriesEGU24-18746 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.6
Analyzing Earthquake Energy: Unveiling the Spectrum of Fault Behavior in Terms of Moment, Duration, and Rupture SpeedEGU24-20908 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.6
Double Direct Shear Experiments as an interacting two fault system: insights from laboratory seismic cycles on fault interactionEGU24-685 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.10
The internal deformation of the Praid salt diapir and implications for potential storage applicationsEGU24-1059 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.10
Competing development of S and C foliations in mylonitesEGU24-2464 | Posters virtual | TS1.10
Control of salt tectonics on the hydrocarbon traps development: the surrounding structures of the Qom Kuh, Central IranEGU24-3623 | ECS | Orals | TS1.10
The role of post-salt carbonates on salt tectonic minibasin formationEGU24-5204 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.10
Timing and rates of salt movement in the Romanian Eastern Carpathians: insights from Radiocarbon and OSL datingEGU24-6744 | Posters on site | TS1.10
Deformation structures in the evaporitic melange. Case study from the Altaussee salt mineEGU24-8630 | Posters on site | TS1.10
Halokinetic growth wedges in platform carbonates: thoughts on subsidence and carbonate production ratesEGU24-8722 | ECS | Orals | TS1.10
Evolution of a prograding shelf complex affected by salt tectonics, the case of the SW Valencia TroughEGU24-13072 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.10
Poseidon’s seismic breadcrumbs: ultracataclasite vein evolution within a granodiorite along the Naxos Detachment SystemEGU24-16570 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.10
Fabric and microstructural analyses of fine-grained glacier salt (Kuh-e-Namak, Dashti, southern Iran)EGU24-18140 | ECS | Posters on site | TS1.10
Evolution of fracture intensity and topology in granitic rocks: insight from Mt. Capanne Pluton, Elba Island, Italy