EGU25-2853 | ECS | Orals | MAL32-AS
How do the little ones grow? Solving the puzzling occurrence of new particle formation in megacitiesEGU25-56 | Posters virtual | VPS2
Links between the Indian Ocean Dipole and Persistent Dry Spells in the Eastern Mediterranean WinterEGU25-125 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS2
State and Stochastic Parameters Estimation with Combined Ensemble Kalman and Particle FiltersEGU25-243 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS2
Envisioning the Role of Physics-Informed Neural Networks in Atmospheric Science: Advancements, Challenges, and Future ProspectsEGU25-888 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS2
Evaluation of Vertically Integrated Liquid Water Content in Indian Summer Monsoon Clouds Using Dual-Polarimetric Doppler Weather RadarEGU25-1073 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS2
Building Equitable Air Quality Networks: Low-Cost Sensors and Community-Led Monitoring in DublinEGU25-1542 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS2
Rainfall Prediction using Hybrid CNN-LSTM approach: A case study in the Boudh district, Odisha, IndiaEGU25-2672 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.23
Genesis, structure and propagation of synoptic systems over the Indian Ocean during the Northeast MonsoonEGU25-3008 | Posters virtual | VPS2
Aerosol-Radiation Interaction During Dense Fog in the Indo-Gangetic Plains RegionEGU25-3431 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS2
Exploring the spatiotemporal variations and key environmental conditions of convective initiations in the Western Jiangnan Region of ChinaEGU25-3896 | Posters virtual | VPS2
Dynamics and Characteristics of Climatic Extremes over East Asia Monsoon regionEGU25-3935 | Posters virtual | VPS2
Characteristics of environmental parameters of short-term heavy rainfall in the Yangtze River Delta region in summerEGU25-4905 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS2
Deep learning-based ENSO modeling and its prediction and predictability studyEGU25-5045 | Posters on site | AS1.31
Ozone anomalies over Eastern and Western Hemisphere Antarctic stations during sudden stratospheric warming life cycleEGU25-5789 | Posters virtual | VPS2
Lessons learned from a UAS survey of methane emissions from multiple biogas plants in FranceEGU25-6767 | Posters virtual | VPS2
Convection Initiation Identification and The Construction of A High-value Dataset Using the Fengyun-4A SatelliteEGU25-7147 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS2
An Enigmatic Variability in the Tropical Middle AtmosphereEGU25-7852 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS2
Extreme rainfall hotspots in India based on spatio-temporal variability of rainfall using unsupervised clustering techniquesEGU25-7965 | Posters virtual | VPS2
An Explainable AI-Driven Feature Reduction Framework for Enhanced Agricultural Yield PredictionEGU25-9946 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS2
Long-term changes in black carbon aerosols and their health effects in rural India during the past two decades (2000–2019)EGU25-10268 | Posters virtual | VPS2
Bridging the Gap: Smart Benches for Accessible Urban Air Quality Monitoring and Public Engagement in the Region of AtticaEGU25-10631 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS2
Harmonizing Low-Cost Air Quality Sensors for a Hybrid Monitoring NetworkEGU25-11635 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS2
Spatio-Temporal Distribution of PM 2.5 and its Association with Agricultural Fires in Northern Argentina.EGU25-13882 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS2
Leveraging Large Language Models for Enhancing and Reasoning Adverse Weather Hazard ClassificationEGU25-14973 | Posters virtual | VPS2
Automated Nighttime Fog Detection and Masking Using Machine Learning from Near Real-Time Satellite ObservationsEGU25-15784 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.24
Changes in MJO Propagation Characteristics and Regional Variations under a Changing ClimateEGU25-17395 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS2
Development and application of the calibration device of precipitation phenomenometerEGU25-17568 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS2
Improving forecasts of extreme precipitation with MAD-WRF mesoscale modelEGU25-19687 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS2
Verification of weather variables linked to Dengue incidence inthe sub‐seasonal scale in VietnamEGU25-20267 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS2
Air Quality Monitoring in Nairobi City, Kenya: Role of Collocation in Low Cost Sensor DeploymentEGU25-886 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS3
Sensitivity of Cloud Invigoration and Suppression Effects to Major Aerosol species During the Indian Summer Monsoon in a Global Climate ModelEGU25-1100 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.22
Modulation of temporal evolution of black carbon aerosols at a rural location in the Western Ghats by meteorology and boundary layer dynamicsEGU25-1370 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS3
Evaluating WRF-Chem for simulating fog episodes: A Case Study from The National Capital Region Delhi, IndiaEGU25-2082 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS3
Exploring the Nexus of Two-Wheeler Gaseous Contributions and Driver Exposure in a Million-Plus Population CityEGU25-2443 | Posters virtual | VPS3
Two Typical Case Studies of Volcanic Eruption Trace Gases Based on EMI ObservationsEGU25-3222 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS3
City-level Disparities in NOX Emission Trends and Their Inhibitory Effects on O3 Mitigation in ChinaEGU25-3841 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS3
SeParation of Ice Nuclei via Density Layers (SPINDL): A new method for characterizing ice nuclei using density gradient centrifugationEGU25-4493 | Posters virtual | VPS3
Comparison of nitrogen dioxide tropospheric columns retrieved by TEMPO and PandoraEGU25-4697 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS3
Direct and indirect effects of biomass burning and dust aerosols under various synoptic processes during the April 2020 pollution case in UkraineEGU25-5297 | Posters virtual | VPS3
Sulfur dioxide trends in Iranian urban areas: assessing the impact of mitigation policiesEGU25-5323 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS3
Assessing black carbon dynamics in Iran: the role of urban growth and land use changes in long-term trends (1980–2023)EGU25-5362 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS3
Turbulence-induced Non-Monotonic Influence of Aerosols on Cloud Droplet Size DistributionEGU25-7314 | Posters virtual | VPS3
Leveraging TEMPO Data: Tools and Services for Air Quality Monitoring and Research from the Atmospheric Science Data CenterEGU25-7978 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS3
Atmospheric deposition of anthropogenic microfibers in different indoor environments of Chennai, IndiaEGU25-12277 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS3
Comparison of Differently Parameterized SARIMA Models using CERES-Derived Aerosol Optical Depth over Indo-Gangetic PlainEGU25-14596 | Posters virtual | VPS3
The Tropospheric Emissions: Monitoring of Pollution (TEMPO) Level 0-1 Processor – Radiometric calibration and intercomparisonEGU25-14804 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS3
Investigation of the Cyclohexene Oxidation Mechanism Through the Direct Measurement of Organic Peroxy RadicalEGU25-14890 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS3
Quantifying the sources of anthropogenic aerosols over western IndiaEGU25-14891 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS3
Impacts of anthropogenic emissions on monsoon precipitation over western India: Insights from high-resolution regional modelingEGU25-14892 | Posters virtual | VPS3
Assessing the Impact of Urban Development and Land Use Changes on Dhaka's Hazardous Air QualityEGU25-14903 | Posters virtual | VPS3
Advancing Greenhouse Gas Mapping with JPL Imaging Spectrometers: AVIRIS, EMIT, and Carbon-IEGU25-15068 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS3
Stratospheric Circulation in the Southern Hemisphere: links to tropical winds, ozone and Hunga EruptionEGU25-15097 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS3
Advancing load-dependent emission factors for ships: Integrating alternative fuels, biofuels, and control technologiesEGU25-15708 | Posters virtual | VPS3
"Investigating Regional and Long-Range Transport Contributions to GHG Concentrations of a Mid-Latitude Urban Site"EGU25-15895 | Posters virtual | VPS3
Tracing Black Carbon's Historical Impact on Regional PrecipitationEGU25-16374 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS3
Voyage Optimization with the VISIR-2 Model on the Shanghai–Los Angeles Green Corridor of shippingEGU25-16376 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS3
Regional and climatic variations in atmospheric microplastic depositionEGU25-16951 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS3
Satellite-Based Analysis of Size-Segregated Aerosols and Their Effects on Warm Cloud Properties over the Northern Indian OceanEGU25-18095 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS3
New Particle Formation and Condensable Vapours in an Arctic Site: Ny-ÅlesundEGU25-18600 | Posters virtual | VPS3
A tropical EM27/SUN network for satellite validation and long term observationsEGU25-19307 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS3
Evaluation of Chamber-based soil greenhouse gas emissions in contrasted land use of the Sudanian savannaEGU25-19539 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS3
Quantifying regional and temporal heterogeneity in greenhouse gas emissions from Indian dietsEGU25-19628 | Posters virtual | VPS3
Estimation and validation of direct aerosol radiative forcing in the Korean peninsula using the GEMS datasetEGU25-20229 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS3
Life cycle assessment of milk production: integrating changes in soil carbon stock with eddy covariance and DNDC modelingEGU25-20571 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS3
Characterization and machine learning prediction of atmospheric pollutants in an urban region of the Cerrado biomeAS1 – Meteorology
EGU25-1679 | ECS | Orals | AS1.1
Effect of boundary layer low-level jet on fog fast spatial propagationEGU25-1763 | ECS | Orals | AS1.1
Wind profile warning characteristics of short-term heavy rain during the Meiyu seasonEGU25-2024 | Posters on site | AS1.1
Analysis and research on the impact of terrain on the "23.7" extremely heavy rainstormEGU25-2044 | Orals | AS1.1
A New Method for Calculating Highway Blocking due to High Impact Weather ConditionsEGU25-2224 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.1
Interpretable ultivariate scoring rules based on aggregation and transformationEGU25-2650 | ECS | Orals | AS1.1
Constraining Future Changes in Extreme Precipitation Using Typical Synoptic PatternsEGU25-2697 | Posters on site | AS1.1
Analysis and Model Verification of Extreme rainfall Processes in Huabei of China in 2023EGU25-3417 | Posters on site | AS1.1
Evolution and Cause Analysis of a Heavy Precipitation Process of Meiyu Along Yangtze RiverEGU25-3842 | Posters on site | AS1.1
IAGOS estimates of climate-process costs for trans-Atlantic flightsEGU25-3880 | Posters on site | AS1.1
A precipitation detection algorithm for 118GHz channels based on FY-3C MWHS II and FY-3C MWTS IIEGU25-4138 | ECS | Orals | AS1.1
Methodological Focus on Hyperparameters for Different Rain Nowcasting ModelsEGU25-5038 | Posters on site | AS1.1
On the Dynamical Core of Aeolus 2.0: An Atmospheric Model Using a Moist-Convective Thermal Rotating Shallow Water FrameworkEGU25-5755 | ECS | Orals | AS1.1
Informing the Unification of a Single Cloud Fraction Scheme in the Met Office’s Unified ModelEGU25-5870 | ECS | Orals | AS1.1
Cloudburst: A Platform for Running Post-Processing Workflows at the Met OfficeEGU25-6014 | ECS | Orals | AS1.1
Data-driven dynamic motion field generation for rainfall nowcastingEGU25-6937 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.1
Lead time-dependent postprocessing of 2-meter temperature forecast using a multivariate generative machine learning modelEGU25-7540 | Posters on site | AS1.1
A Study on Catenary Icing Prediction Method Integrating Physical Modeling and Transformer-Based Deep LearningEGU25-7697 | Posters on site | AS1.1
Characteristics of the Macro- and Micro-Structures of Different Grades of Fog in Jiangsu, ChinaEGU25-8449 | Posters on site | AS1.1
The crossing-point quantile: an optimal point-forecast in terms of ROC areas.EGU25-9468 | Posters on site | AS1.1
Improvements to NWP visibility forecasts using statistical post-processingEGU25-9837 | Orals | AS1.1
Probabilistic Postprocessing of Hourly Precipitation Ensemble Forecasts Using UNetEGU25-10090 | Posters on site | AS1.1
Precipitation Downscaling Using Dynamical and Neural Network Approaches.EGU25-10119 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.1
Pavement Temperature Forecasts Based on Model Output Statistics: Experiments for Highways in Jiangsu, ChinaEGU25-12077 | ECS | Orals | AS1.1 | Highlight
The AIFS: ECMWF’s data-driven weather forecasting systemEGU25-13477 | Posters on site | AS1.1
Impact of climate change on ERA5 cloud cover and convective parameters in Central Europe (1983-2022)EGU25-14147 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.1
Selection and Classification of Warm-Sector Rainfall Events in Beijing-Tianjin-HebeiEGU25-16130 | Posters on site | AS1.1
Enhancing Radar-Based Precipitation Nowcasting Model with AI-Predicted Precipitation Intensity Change RatesEGU25-16934 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.1
Clustering-based spatial interpolation of parametric post-processing modelsEGU25-17194 | ECS | Orals | AS1.1
Exploring spatiotemporal vector autoregressive models for radar nowcastingEGU25-17279 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.1
Nowcasting precipitation events from mesoscale convective systems for Dakar, SenegalEGU25-17282 | ECS | Orals | AS1.1
Hybrid Post-Processing for Solar Power: Bridging Nowcasting to Short-RangeEGU25-19296 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.1
Assessing the Performance of Convection-Permitting Regional Climate Models in Simulating the 2002 Extreme Rainfall Event Over Central EuropeEGU25-19431 | ECS | Orals | AS1.1
Anemoi: A New Collaborative Framework for Data-driven Weather ForecastingEGU25-19706 | Posters on site | AS1.1
Advances in Project IMA, the Seamless Prediction Programme of the Royal Meteorological Institute of BelgiumEGU25-19873 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.1
A comparative study of imputation methods for improving statistical post-processing of weather forecastsEGU25-21081 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.1
Spatial and Temporal Verification of High-Resolution Modelled Rainfall Data for Urban Flood Risk AssessmentEGU25-2643 | Posters on site | AS1.2
Initializing the Taiwan WRF-based Regional Ensemble Prediction System with an Ensemble Partial Cycling StrategyEGU25-3280 | Posters on site | AS1.2
Sensing the Wind with Hot-air Balloons and their Application in an NWP modelEGU25-3638 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.2
A multi-metric evaluation and dynamic correction framework for local wind field prediction during super typhoonsEGU25-3762 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.2
Reconstructing Daily Weather in the Early 19th Century: New Insights from Data AssimilationEGU25-3809 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.2
Development of a Ocean Surface Albedo Scheme with Wave Breaking FactorEGU25-4243 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.2
Isolating the effects of model uncertainty on ensemble reanalysis data and their relation to North Atlantic flow regimesEGU25-5543 | Posters on site | AS1.2
Assimilation and Impact of FY-4B GIIRS Radiances in CMA-BJ Numerical Weather Prediction SystemEGU25-9643 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.2
Performance Assessment of CRA40 and ERA5 Precipitation Products over ChinaEGU25-10218 | Posters on site | AS1.2
Optimizing parameterization schemes with ensemble-based parameter estimationEGU25-10827 | Posters on site | AS1.2
Analysis of an incorrect forecast of a torrential rain event in the UAEEGU25-12631 | ECS | Orals | AS1.2
Applying a Genetic Algorithm to Optimize Hail Prediction Using the Weather Research and Forecasting ModelEGU25-12777 | Posters on site | AS1.2
A Prototype High-Resolution Data-Assimilation System for IsraelEGU25-13971 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.2
Improvement of Impact-based Forecast Using Multi Model Ensemble in 2024EGU25-15854 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.2
Sensitivity Analysis of Parameterization Schemes in the WRF Model for Predicting Urban Precipitation Anomalies Over ChennaiEGU25-17466 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.2
Arctic Temperature Persistence in Summer and Autumn and Seasonal ForecastingEGU25-18433 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.2
The Impact of Ground-based Microwave Radiometer Data Assimilation: A Case StudyEGU25-18692 | Orals | AS1.2
Numerical Weather Prediction meets Machine Learning - a synergy for better forecastsEGU25-19128 | ECS | Orals | AS1.2
Multi-model high resolution analysis of Mediterranean Hurricane Daniel with WRF and ICONEGU25-20640 | Posters on site | AS1.2
A paradigm shift for developing parameterizations of subgrid motion in NWP modelsEGU25-20650 | Posters on site | AS1.2
A process-level comparison of two PBL schemes in the Unified Forecast System in a fog case studyEGU25-20960 | Orals | AS1.2 | Highlight
Implications of AI for Atmospheric Predictability of Convection and Winter StormsEGU25-3579 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.3
Multivariate adjustment in the IAU-based tropical cyclone initialization scheme in TRAMS modelEGU25-4604 | Orals | AS1.3 | Highlight
OMG-HD: A High-Resolution AI Weather Model for End-to-End Forecasts from ObservationsEGU25-5156 | Posters on site | AS1.3
Ensemble Sensitivity Analysis in the Operational Met Office in the UK Ensemble SystemEGU25-7596 | ECS | Orals | AS1.3 | Highlight
WeatherReal: A Benchmark Based on In-Situ Observations for Evaluating Weather ModelsEGU25-7652 | ECS | Orals | AS1.3
A hybrid deep learning and data assimilation method for model error estimationEGU25-7911 | Orals | AS1.3 | Highlight
A data-to-forecast machine learning system for global weatherEGU25-12662 | ECS | Orals | AS1.3 | Highlight
The PREVENIR rapid-update data assimilation and short-range numerical weather prediction system prototype: an urban flood case study over Buenos Aires.EGU25-14520 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.3 | Highlight
Variational Autoencoder-Enhanced Variational Methods for Data AssimilationEGU25-14682 | Posters on site | AS1.3
Skillful Precipitation Nowcasting Based on Multi-scale fusion and Radar ObservationsEGU25-14792 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.3
Improved Model Prediction with Dual-polarimetric Radar Operator in Ensemble Data AssimilationEGU25-14917 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.3
The First Kind of Predictability Problem of El Niño Predictions in a Multivariate Coupled Data-driven ModelEGU25-15517 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.3
Imroving Extreme Precipitation Prediction Accuracy: A Novel Probability-Matching-Based Loss Function for Deep Learning ModelsEGU25-20424 | Posters on site | AS1.3
An Equilibrium Between the Observational Gain and Chaotic Loss of InformationEGU25-21364 | ECS | Orals | AS1.3 | Highlight
A Multi-Modal Observation-Driven Foundation Model for Global Data AssimilationEGU25-420 | ECS | Orals | AS1.4
A neural network-based observation operator for weather radar data assimilationEGU25-2686 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.4
Validation of Rainfall Data Analysis Using Disdrometer Data Under Wet-Bulb Temperature ConditionsEGU25-3384 | Posters on site | AS1.4
Research on Quality Control Methodology of Automatic Precipitation Phase Observation Data Based on Machine LearningEGU25-4163 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.4
Direct assimilation of dual-polarization radar data in the idealized setupEGU25-4313 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.4
Enhancing Tropical Weather Forecasts with Constrained Data AssimilationEGU25-8227 | Orals | AS1.4
Study on representation error of radar data in convective scale data assimilationEGU25-10275 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.4
Dealing with unresolved scales of motion and systematic errors in the assimilation of cloud-affected satellite radiancesEGU25-11180 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.4
Comparison of Hybrid-3DEnVar against 3DVar for the assimilation of surface observations over the Alpine terrain in AROME-AustriaEGU25-12711 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.4
Evaluation of visible satellite images from AROME-Austria as preparation for assimilating visible observationsEGU25-12910 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.4
Tempered local ensemble transform kalmann filter: simple model experimentsEGU25-16093 | Posters on site | AS1.4
Sensitivity of convection to environment within local neighborhoodsEGU25-16990 | Posters on site | AS1.4
Optimal vertical localization for the assimilation of cloud-affected satellite observationsEGU25-18449 | ECS | Orals | AS1.4
Optimizing all-sky infrared radiance assimilation with dynamic cloud-dependent error modelingEGU25-168 | Posters on site | CL5.9
Deep Learning Postprocessing to Enhance Subseasonal Soil Moisture Forecasts Across EuropeEGU25-369 | ECS | Orals | CL5.9
A machine learning-based backward extension of IMERG daily precipitation over the Greater Alpine RegionEGU25-1037 | ECS | Posters on site | CL5.9
Enhancing Hyperlocal 3-Hourly Rainfall Forecasting for Mumbai Using a Hybrid CNN-LSTM Model.EGU25-1738 | ECS | Orals | CL5.9
Prithvi-Typhoon: A Foundation Model Approach for Enhanced Tropical Cyclone Intensity PredictionEGU25-1879 | ECS | Posters on site | CL5.9
Regional High-Resolution Weather Forecasting over the Arabian Peninsula: A Data-Driven ApproachEGU25-4576 | ECS | Posters on site | CL5.9
On the robustness of AI model forecast skill and initial condition uncertainty of the 2021 Pacific Northwest HeatwaveEGU25-4735 | ECS | Orals | CL5.9
Application of a novel deep learning model for precipitation nowcastingEGU25-5319 | ECS | Posters on site | CL5.9
Precipitation nowcasting diffusion model based on turbulence theory and multi-source dataEGU25-7021 | ECS | Posters on site | CL5.9
Uncertainty-aware precipitation generation for Earth system models with diffusion modelsEGU25-7075 | Posters on site | CL5.9
Use of NVIDIA FourCastNet model to improve tropical cyclones risk modelling.EGU25-7861 | Posters on site | CL5.9
Subseasonal to Seasonal Forecast Using Neural Ordinary Differential EquationsEGU25-9087 | ECS | Orals | CL5.9
Coupling AI Emulators and Rare Event Algorithms to Sample Extreme HeatwavesEGU25-9541 * | ECS | Posters on site | CL5.9 | Highlight
Benchmarking Deep Learning Models for Probabilistic Subseasonal Forecasting of Heat ExtremesEGU25-11905 | ECS | Orals | CL5.9
Feature selection for data-driven seasonal forecasts of European heatwavesEGU25-11955 | ECS | Orals | CL5.9
Enhancing Subseasonal Precipitation Forecasting with Foundation Models: A Performance-Driven StudyEGU25-12021 | ECS | Posters on site | CL5.9
Meteorological Analysis and Prediction of Gusts at Istanbul Airport Using Machine Learning AlgorithmsEGU25-12774 | ECS | Orals | CL5.9
From Weather Data to River Runoff: Using Spatiotemporal Convolutional Networks for Discharge ForecastingEGU25-13004 | ECS | Orals | CL5.9
Analysis of optimal atmospheric predictability using machine learning-based forecasting modelsEGU25-13581 | Posters on site | CL5.9
Enhancing European heatwave characterization: deep learning-based downscaling of global climate dataEGU25-14190 | Posters on site | CL5.9
Development of a Deep Learning-Based Weather Forecasting Model Using Short-Term Neighborhood Forecast DataEGU25-15750 | ECS | Posters on site | CL5.9
Sub-seasonal Prediction of Agricultural Drought in India Using Long-Short-Term Memory NetworksEGU25-18929 | ECS | Posters on site | CL5.9
Sphere Fusion Forecast (SFF): A Neural Operator–Based Model for Global Weather ForecastingEGU25-19963 | Posters on site | CL5.9
AI-based Short-Term Wind Speed Forecasting for Real-Time Applications.EGU25-20607 | ECS | Orals | CL5.9
Beyond the Unseen: Assessing AI Climate Emulators’ Capacity to Simulate Very Rare EventsEGU25-2679 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.7
Improving Subseasonal Prediction of Summer Extreme Precipitation Over Southern China Based on a Deep Learning MethodEGU25-3789 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.7
Long-Lead Forecasts of the Yearly Varying Annual Evolution of the Northern Hemisphere Stratospheric Polar VortexEGU25-3926 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.7
Subseasonal-to-Seasonal (S2S) Forecast Skill Attribution across the United StatesEGU25-4253 | ECS | Orals | AS1.7
Unraveling the sources of subseasonal predictability with machine learningEGU25-4325 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.7
The coupling of MJO with oceanic Kelvin waves in the three major oceanic basinsEGU25-4729 | ECS | Orals | AS1.7
Seasonal AFNOCast: A Deep Learning Approach for Enhanced Regional Seasonal PredictionsEGU25-6102 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.7
Investigating the role of the Madden-Julian Oscillation in Antarctic sea ice variabilityEGU25-7776 | Posters on site | AS1.7
Effect of Parameter Variation in the BMJ Scheme on the Simulation of MJO Propagation and StructureEGU25-7926 | Posters on site | AS1.7
Subseasonal activities of tropical cyclones over the western North Pacific in GloSea6EGU25-9206 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.7
AI-based reconstruction of European temperature and precipitation anomalies from the Euro-Atlantic weather regimesEGU25-10659 | Posters on site | AS1.7
Probabilistic Load Forecasting for the City of Milan based on Subseasonal PredictionsEGU25-11278 | Posters on site | AS1.7
Distinct dynamic processes in 10–25-day and 25–70-day variability of the Siberian HighEGU25-14531 | Posters on site | AS1.7
Quantifying the practical local predictability of the January 2021 sudden stratospheric warming using a novel nonlinear methodEGU25-15260 | Posters on site | AS1.7
Predicting the Power Load of a Market Area in Italy at the Seasonal ScaleEGU25-17591 | ECS | Orals | AS1.7
Enhancing Seasonal Predictions with Machine Learning: A Global Perspective on SST Influence in Early WinterEGU25-17667 | ECS | Orals | AS1.7
Subseasonal and seasonal windows of forecast opportunity of extreme European winter weatherEGU25-19590 | Posters on site | AS1.7
Subseasonal predictability of European winters using a weather regimes approachEGU25-21170 | Posters on site | AS1.7
Global Impacts of MJO Large-Scale Precipitation on Tropical Cyclones, Atmospheric Rivers, and Extreme RainfallEGU25-1846 | Posters on site | AS1.8
A Robust Control Framework for Precipitation Regulation under NWP Model UncertaintyEGU25-2014 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.8
Analysis of initial and model error in forecast errors of extended atmospheric Lorenz' 05 systems and the ECMWF systemEGU25-7791 | Posters on site | AS1.8
Detection of Separation Scenarios in Extreme Weather Events Using Regional Ensemble Prediction DataEGU25-8594 | Posters on site | AS1.8
Mitigating extreme events through multi-scenario ensemble forecasts and local interventions in the Lorenz 96 modelEGU25-14252 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.8
Understanding the Impact an Artificial Cold Pool has on an Approaching Typhoon using The Nonhydrostatic Icosahedral Atmospheric Model (NICAM)EGU25-3839 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.6
Causal Links Between North Atlantic SSTs and Summer East Atlantic Pattern Predictability: Implications for Seasonal ForecastingEGU25-6006 | ECS | Orals | CL4.6
Investigating the sensitivity of 20th century seasonal hindcasts to tropospheric aerosol forcingEGU25-6176 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.6
Influence of winter Arctic sea ice anomalies on the following autumn Indian Ocean Dipole developmentEGU25-8980 | ECS | Orals | CL4.6
Predicting North Atlantic Temperature Trends with the Analogue Method using the MPI CMIP6 Grand EnsembleEGU25-10305 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.6
Towards improved forecast initialisations with an observation-informed ocean gridEGU25-10815 | Posters on site | CL4.6
Planktonic foraminifera as a tool of past seasonality reconstructionEGU25-11024 | ECS | Orals | CL4.6
Skill assessment of a multi-system ensemble of initialized 20-year predictionsEGU25-13847 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.6
Decadal Predictions with Diffusion Models: Combining Machine Learning and Earth System ModellingEGU25-21570 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.6
Predicting climate indicators at the decadal scale using a hybrid prediction system: application to SUEZ water management plans over FranceEGU25-42 | ECS | Orals | AS1.10
A unified cloud-convection prognostic model for the diurnal cycle of deep convectionEGU25-1228 | ECS | Orals | AS1.10
A robust constraint on the response of convective mass fluxes to warmingEGU25-2141 | Posters on site | AS1.10
Lifecycle Of Convective Precipitation Systems over the Arabian Peninsula Using Object TrackingEGU25-4833 | ECS | Orals | AS1.10
Environmental Drivers and Dynamics of Downdrafts in Simulations of ConvectionEGU25-5932 | Orals | AS1.10
Strengthening of Mesoscale Convective Systems by Soil Moisture Gradients in ICONEGU25-6495 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.10
Response of Microphysical and Rainfall Characteristics to Cloud Seeding: A case study of widespread cloud seeding operations over Saudi ArabiaEGU25-6542 | ECS | Orals | AS1.10
Diabatic heating of mesoscale convective cloud systems from synergistic satellite dataEGU25-6843 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.10
Evaluation of eddy dissipation rate within a regional atmospheric model (MetUM) using radar retrievalsEGU25-11259 | Posters on site | AS1.10
The Characteristic and Mechanism of an Extreme Gale in BeijingEGU25-12076 | ECS | Orals | AS1.10
Investigating the Future Evolution of Extreme Convective Wind Gusts Using Pseudo-Global Warming Experiments.EGU25-12161 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.10
A Gravity Wave-Driven Toy Model to Study Convective OrganizationEGU25-12394 | Posters on site | AS1.10
Observational Insights into Humidity Evolution during Cold Pool PassagesEGU25-12680 | ECS | Orals | AS1.10
Getting a single tropical rainbelt in a global storm-resolving modelEGU25-12737 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.10
A method for characterizing the spatial organization of convection in deep convective systems’ cloud shieldEGU25-13678 | ECS | Orals | AS1.10
What causes faster and slower diurnal offshore rainfall propagation in New Guinea?EGU25-13914 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.10
Mesoscale Convective Systems and Their Atmospheric Drivers Over South AmericaEGU25-15829 | ECS | Orals | AS1.10
The influence of convective organization on tropical free-tropospheric temperatureEGU25-16031 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.10
How is turbulence organized in the dry convective atmosphere? A study utilizing large-eddy simulationEGU25-16247 | Posters on site | AS1.10
Synoptic-Scale Forcing and its Role in a Rare Severe Rainfall Event over the UAE: A Case Study of 15–16 April 2024EGU25-16721 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.10
Modeling the dynamics of Pockets of Open Cells on Marine Stratocumulus: A complexity approachEGU25-17637 | Posters on site | AS1.10
Advancing Spaceborne Observations of Atmospheric Convection: Addressing Sampling Challenges with the WIVERN MissionEGU25-19005 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.10
Conceptual model of organized thunderstorm clusters under wind shearEGU25-19398 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.10
CIN and stable layers in the pre-convective environmentEGU25-19575 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.10
Convective mass flux and cloud anvil development in km-scale climate modelsEGU25-1319 | Posters on site | AS1.11
Impacts of an upper tropospheric cold low on the extreme precipitation in Henan Province, China in July 2021EGU25-1567 | ECS | Orals | AS1.11
How does the spatial scale of surface flux variability affect MCS properties?EGU25-2340 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.11
Comprehending the Attributes and Strengthening of Mesoscale Convective Systems over South AsiaEGU25-2623 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.11
The influence of inverted troughs on the formation of mesoscale convective systems during the North American MonsoonEGU25-5357 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.11
The Influence of South China Sea Summer Monsoon Onset on Mesoscale Convective Systems in Southern ChinaEGU25-5421 | Posters on site | AS1.11
The Interaction Between Low-level Jets and Cold Pools and Their Impacts on Convection InitiationEGU25-5461 | ECS | Orals | AS1.11
Cold pool and Gravity Waves Drive Secondary Convective Initiation Ahead of Squall LinesEGU25-5635 | Posters on site | AS1.11
Simulations of selective seeding of hailstorms over Switzerland: impacts for precipitation and lightningEGU25-7625 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.11
Analysis on the Causes and Forecast Deviation of Rainstorm on the Eastern Foot of Qinling MountainsEGU25-15921 | Posters on site | AS1.11
A case study of hailstorm dynamics during mountain ridge crossingEGU25-16917 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.11
Comparison of future hail trends across Europe based on the HAILCAST diagnostic and hail proxiesEGU25-18567 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.11
Spatio-temporal aggregation of convective cell clusters in European MCSsEGU25-20189 | Posters on site | AS1.11
Effects on urbanization on a WRF-simulated heavy precipitation over the Maceió cityEGU25-6335 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.13
First insights into the diverse remote sensing observations of convection during BOW-TIEEGU25-7132 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.13
Interaction between cloud-radiative effects and convective systems measured during the ORCESTRA field campaign in Aug-Sep 2024EGU25-7235 | Posters on site | AS1.13
Mesoscale controls on trade-wind inversion structure and cloudiness during EUREC4AEGU25-9024 | ECS | Orals | AS1.13
Rain Evaporation Below Shallow Tropical Trade-Wind Cumuli as Predicted by a New Super-Droplet ModelEGU25-13564 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.13
Examining Downstream Impacts of Mesoscale Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies on Trade Cumulus Clouds in Satellite ObservationsEGU25-13654 | Orals | AS1.13
The active role of stratiform and anvil clouds through longwave radiative feedbackEGU25-16165 | Posters on site | AS1.13
BOWTIE: A ship-based field campaign to explore the inner life of the Atlantic ITCZEGU25-16875 | Posters on site | AS1.13
Track ‘n’ Type: Do tracked clouds show a realistic behavior with respect to cloud type?EGU25-17353 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.13
Tracking Clouds: Assessing the representation of mesoscale cloud patterns in the EUREC4A model dataEGU25-17730 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.13
Boundary-layer measurements of the ITCZ with meteorological quadcopters off a trans-Atlantic ship expeditionEGU25-18395 | Orals | AS1.13 | Highlight
Revisiting the Doldrums: New Insights from the ORCESTRA CampaignEGU25-18477 | ECS | Orals | AS1.13
How does the cloud fraction response to aerosol change over the diurnal cycle?EGU25-19918 | Posters on site | AS1.13
Contrasting effects of convective intensity and organisation on anvil cloud radiative effect observed using cloud trackingEGU25-20029 | ECS | Orals | AS1.13
Shallow convection modulation of wind stress patterns in marine atmospheric boundary layerEGU25-20399 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.13
Development of a surface wind retrieval by analysing sunglint geometry from specMACS radiance measurementsEGU25-393 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.14
Quantifying the Relative Contributions of CCN and IN to Extreme Monsoon RainfallEGU25-2195 | ECS | Orals | AS1.14
Using SST as a proxy for cloud phase biases over the Southern OceanEGU25-3449 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.14
First evaluation of Greenland clouds in RACMO2.4 using EarthCARE observationsEGU25-4261 | ECS | Orals | AS1.14
How does Model Grid Resolution Influence Mixed-Phase Processes and UTLS Moisture Transport by a WCB?EGU25-5713 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.14
Riming-dependent Snowfall Rate and Ice Water Content Retrievals for W-band cloud radarEGU25-6928 | ECS | Orals | AS1.14
Observations and Analysis of Cirrus Clouds in the Arctic during Warm Air IntrusionsEGU25-7011 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.14
Cirrus formation in particle-based aerosol-cloud microphysicsEGU25-7218 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.14
In-situ characterisation of graupel in deep convective cloudEGU25-7821 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.14
Cloud microphysics in Arctic and Antarctic environments derived from infrared emission spectroscopyEGU25-10410 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.14
Impacts of Entrainment and Mixing on Ice Growth in Mixed-Phase CloudsEGU25-11239 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.14 | Highlight
Impacts of Wildfire Smoke on Cirrus Cloud FormationEGU25-11347 | ECS | Orals | AS1.14
Detailed coupled approach to ice particles nucleation induced by gravity waves in a global NWP modelEGU25-14507 | Posters on site | AS1.14
Improved Simulation of Arctic Mixed-Phase Clouds with Modified Ice Microphysics in the WDM6 SchemeEGU25-14979 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.14
Orientation dynamics of the ice crystal in a cloud: Effects of Turbulence and Electric FieldEGU25-15500 | Orals | AS1.14
Does small-scale turbulence matter for ice growth in mixed-phase clouds?EGU25-16983 | Posters on site | AS1.14
Global analysis of cirrus origins using satellite observations and Lagrangian trajectoriesEGU25-17170 | ECS | Orals | AS1.14
First estimates of Tropical Tropopause Cirrus lifetimes using balloon-borne lidar observationsEGU25-17522 | ECS | Orals | AS1.14
Clouds Decoded: Understanding Mixed-Phase Clouds with High Resolution Multispectral DataEGU25-17818 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.14
A lattice Boltzmann method to study light scattering by hydrometeorsEGU25-18125 | Orals | AS1.14
Visualizing the Spatial Structure of Strong Riming Events using Scanning Cloud RadarsEGU25-18946 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.14
How does the change from sea ice to open ocean alter Arctic mixed-phase clouds?EGU25-18983 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.14
Investigating ice formation pathways in satellite-observed cirrus clouds using Lagrangian microphysical modellingEGU25-19056 | Posters on site | AS1.14
Early results from EarthCARE cloud microphysics and Doppler Velocity productsEGU25-20471 | Orals | AS1.14
An Overview of the Cold-Air outbrEaks over the Sub-Arctic Region (CAESAR) campaignEGU25-20620 | Posters on site | AS1.14
Dominant microphysical processes for mixed-phase clouds across climate modelsEGU25-1630 | Posters on site | NH1.6
On the influence of lightning distance on the atmospheric electric fieldEGU25-4688 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.6
Correction of Parallax Shift Effect Based on Cloud Top Height for FY-4A LMIEGU25-5416 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.6
Lightning statistics and spatial distribution in South Korea in 2023EGU25-5624 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.6
Characterizing continuing current lightning using multi instrument observationsEGU25-5799 | Orals | NH1.6 | Highlight
Characterisation and localisation of lightning by a flotilla of stratospheric balloons.EGU25-5994 | Posters on site | NH1.6
UHU - another experiment to observe lightning and TLEs from the ISSEGU25-7039 | ECS | Orals | NH1.6
Assessing the Role of Continuing Current in Fire-Igniting Lightning Strokes with Space-Based MeasurementsEGU25-8351 | Orals | NH1.6
A new global gridded lightning dataset with high spatial and temporal resolutionEGU25-8887 | ECS | Orals | NH1.6
Towards a hybrid model to simulate lightning and associated energetic events in various atmospheresEGU25-9121 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.6 | Highlight
Nowcasting Thunderstorms to Protect Lives in AfricaEGU25-9498 | ECS | Orals | NH1.6
A Nowcasting Method for Severe Convective Weather Based on Array Radar and Lightning JumpsEGU25-10228 | ECS | Orals | NH1.6
Investigating vertical distribution of charge in fog through tethered balloon measurements and modellingEGU25-10264 | Orals | NH1.6
Trend-based scaling for high-resolution lightning in climate projectionsEGU25-10837 | ECS | Orals | NH1.6
Investigating the origins of static charge in granular systems of silica and other oxides using acoustic trapsEGU25-11142 | ECS | Orals | NH1.6
Lightning Assimilation based on a 2D-to-3D Bayesian method for Vertical Velocity and Water VaporEGU25-11832 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.6
High resolution imaging of negative leader propagation with LOFAREGU25-12365 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.6
Comparing lightning Superbolts detected independently in the optical and VLF rangesEGU25-12436 | ECS | Orals | NH1.6
A new multi-year data set of Potential Gradient variations at a suburban site in Northeastern GermanyEGU25-13218 | Posters on site | NH1.6
Thermodynamic-Aerosol Relationships of Thunderstorm Environments in the Bangkok Metropolitan RegionEGU25-13547 | Orals | NH1.6
Understanding variability in atmospheric electricity measurements at Sodankyla, FinlandEGU25-15529 | ECS | Orals | NH1.6
Towards predicting lightning and TLE’s in exoplanetary atmospheresEGU25-16145 | Posters on site | NH1.6
Optical and radio emissions from different high-energy electron acceleration mechanismsEGU25-16240 | Posters on site | NH1.6
Evidence of gamma-ray glows observed in the relativistic feedback regime during the ALOFT 2023 flight campaignEGU25-16451 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.6
Investigating the termination mechanisms of gamma-ray glows observed during the ALOFT aircraft campaignEGU25-17913 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.6
Tree and Forest Traits Influencing Lightning Strike ProbabilityEGU25-18036 | Posters on site | NH1.6
Testing the hypothesis of lightning initiation by runaway air breakdown with ALOFT dataEGU25-18046 | ECS | Orals | NH1.6
Comparing Upward Negative Stepped Leader and Preliminary Breakdown PulsesEGU25-19743 | ECS | Posters on site | NH1.6
First Simulations of Lighthing Optical Observations during Daytime in the Context of the C³IEL MissionEGU25-21014 | ECS | Orals | NH1.6
Exploring the Effect of Wind Farms on Lightning and Storm DevelopmentEGU25-21157 | Posters on site | NH1.6
Bottom-dominated negative dipole charge structure in thunderstorms over Tibetan PlateauEGU25-21881 | ECS | Orals | NH1.6
Comprehensive Lightning Observation Using VHF Interferometer and LHAASOEGU25-722 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.2
Precision in Precipitation: Bias Corrections and Machine Learning for Reliable Satellite Precipitation in The LevantEGU25-841 | ECS | Orals | HS7.2
Urban runoff response to climate-change-driven heavy precipitation and urbanizationEGU25-1018 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.2
Statistical Downscaling Techniques and Projection of Future Climate Extremes in the Sudano Sahelian EnvironmentEGU25-2058 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.2
Refining Rainfall Erosivity Estimation: Methodological improvements towards more accurate soil erosion assessmentsEGU25-3262 | ECS | Orals | HS7.2
How IDF Relations Changed in the Past and How They Will Change in the FutureEGU25-4684 | ECS | Orals | HS7.2
Precipitation-driven storm types and their climatology across the Alpine rangeEGU25-7599 | ECS | Orals | HS7.2
Prior knowledge-constrained deep learning for probabilistic precipitation downscalingEGU25-7792 | Posters on site | HS7.2
Statistical downscaling of hourly precipitation in South Korea using the MS-PRISM methodEGU25-8629 | ECS | Orals | HS7.2
Correction of Precipitation Bias from Convection-Permitting Models at the Station Scale in SwitzerlandEGU25-9341 | ECS | Orals | HS7.2
Decadal climatology and trends in global oceanic precipitation from 27 satellite and reanalysis datasetsEGU25-9859 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.2
Drizzle Bias adjustment in climate models: A simple two-step downscaling approachEGU25-10165 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.2
Removal of interfering RLAN signals from C-band weather radar dataEGU25-12929 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.2
Reanalysis Data in Hydrological Applications: A Case Study from GeorgiaEGU25-13830 | Posters on site | HS7.2
Considerations in multifractal downscaling of rainfall: canonical vs. microcanonical cascadesEGU25-13869 | Posters on site | HS7.2
MET Nordic Reanalysis data improves the performance of catchment-level hydrological modelsEGU25-14377 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.2
Enhancing the applicability of radar-based precipitation nowcasting to hydrological applications with a machine-learning based error modelling methodEGU25-14564 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.2
Blunt Extension and Dynamic Generation of Multifractal Cascade Fields Tree for Rainfall Drop Trajectories SimulationsEGU25-14931 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.2
Quantifying Future Shifts in Intensity–Duration–Frequency (IDF) in Singapore: A comparison of methodsEGU25-15936 | Posters on site | HS7.2
A Framework for Convection-Permitting Climate Downscaling over Southern ItalyEGU25-17581 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.2
Daily precipitation dataset (1991-2021) at 1 km resolution over the Po river basin area using KrigingEGU25-19416 | ECS | Orals | HS7.2
Enhancing Extreme Rainfall Nowcasting with Weighted Loss Functions in Deep Learning ModelsEGU25-6983 | ECS | PICO | HS7.1
Multifractal analysis of Liquid Water Content vertical and temporal variabilityEGU25-13674 | ECS | PICO | HS7.1
A decade-long analysis of rainfall in Rome based on disdrometer: Rain patterns and IntermittencyEGU25-836 | ECS | Orals | AS1.18
Vertical profiles of precipitating clouds in Monsoon Regions using the GPM satelliteEGU25-2485 | Posters on site | AS1.18
Application of Machine Learning Techniques in Satellite Precipitation Detection Using Himawari Spectral and Cloud DataEGU25-3399 | Posters on site | AS1.18
Convective and stratiform rainfall characteristics from ground-based observationsEGU25-3492 | ECS | Orals | AS1.18
Machine Learning-based Precipitation Merging: Selection of Input Features and Evaluation BenchmarksEGU25-3513 | Posters on site | AS1.18
Change in the distribution of precipitation events due to the temperature increaseEGU25-4014 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.18
Modeling the Impact of Land Use Dynamics on Flooding: A Case Study of Hafr Al-Batin, Saudi ArabiaEGU25-4412 | Posters on site | AS1.18
Detection and mining of water vapour and precipitation information based on microwave hyperspectral techniquesEGU25-4982 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.18
Ground validation of GPM-IMERG precipitation products across the Kingdom of Saudi ArabiaEGU25-6647 | Orals | AS1.18
Evaluating the sensitivity of GNSS-PRO to different microphysical assumptionsEGU25-6682 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.18
Enhancing IR-Based Satellite Precipitation Estimates Using Machine Learning.EGU25-7237 | Orals | AS1.18
Plans for IMERG V08 and Future Perspectives for Global Satellite PrecipitationEGU25-7426 | Posters on site | AS1.18
Extending and enhancing the satellite precipitation data record from passive microwave sensorsEGU25-7962 | Posters on site | AS1.18
Temporal Trends and Climate Variability Impacts on Precipitation over Saudi ArabiaEGU25-8738 | Posters on site | AS1.18
Regional frequency analysis of maximum 2-day precipitation in SlovakiaEGU25-9513 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.18
Evaluation of Satellite-Based Precipitation Products in the 2023 Summer Extreme Precipitation Events Over North ChinaEGU25-9781 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.18
Improving Quantitative Precipitation Estimation with Solid-State X-Band RadarEGU25-10789 | Posters on site | AS1.18
Validation of satellite estimates of precipitation over ItalyEGU25-11059 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.18
A Critical Assessment of Precipitation Datasets Over ItalyEGU25-11151 | Posters on site | AS1.18
Preliminary results of the assimilation of GNSS delays along slant pathsEGU25-12347 | Posters on site | AS1.18
Projected Changes in the CORDEX-Central Asia’s Precipitation Extremes Using the NEX-GDDP-CMIP6 ModelsEGU25-12874 | Posters on site | AS1.18
Application of ergodicity in regional rainfall frequency analysisEGU25-13282 | Posters on site | AS1.18
Development of a high-resolution database for daily precipitation in GreeceEGU25-13347 | ECS | Orals | AS1.18
Numerical evaluation of the wind-induced bias for the OTT Parsivel2 optical disdrometerEGU25-14175 | Orals | AS1.18
The Fengyun rainfall mission FY3G: the scientific products and validation progressEGU25-14491 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.18
Precipitation observations using snow weight gauges and lysimetersEGU25-14578 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.18
Enhancing Flood Resilience through Developed Intensity Duration Frequency (IDF) Curves for Makkah, Saudi ArabiaEGU25-15807 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.18
Investigating the Potential for Rimed Mass Retrieval Using Polarimetric Cloud Radar ObservationsEGU25-18722 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.18
Evaluation of GPM DPR products after orbit boost using disdrometers over ItalyEGU25-18724 | Posters on site | AS1.18
On validating EarthCARE CPR precipitation products with different instruments at groundEGU25-19080 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.18
An evaluation of the uncertainty of precipitation measurements from optical sensors at a Norwegian mountainous site.EGU25-20148 | Orals | AS1.18
MSWEP V3: Enhancing Global Precipitation Estimates with Machine LearningEGU25-45 | ECS | Orals | CR5.1
Improvement of the CLASSIC Snow Model to Better Simulate Arctic SnowpacksEGU25-2196 | Posters on site | CR5.1
Observations on snow cover and frozen ground in the Chinese Altai MountainsEGU25-3069 | ECS | Orals | CR5.1
Drifting Snow Particle Fragmentation Enhances Blowing Snow SublimationEGU25-3774 | ECS | Posters on site | CR5.1
Dry snow densification over ice sheets in the ORCHIDEE land surface modelEGU25-8377 | ECS | Posters on site | CR5.1
Evaluation of simulated snow inside forests using measured ground temperatureEGU25-9709 | ECS | Orals | CR5.1
Modelling Meltwater Infiltration and Refreezing in Snow under Non-Isothermal ConditionsEGU25-9995 | ECS | Posters on site | CR5.1
Insights of the seasonal evolution of an arctic snowpack from an intensive field campaignEGU25-10482 | Posters on site | CR5.1
Intensive field campaign on snow microstructure evolution at a low-elevation alpine siteEGU25-10619 | ECS | Posters on site | CR5.1
Simulating snow properties and Ku-band backscatter across the forest-tundra ecotoneEGU25-14098 | ECS | Posters on site | CR5.1
Estimating the effect of pre-existing snowdrift on turbulent airflow and subsequent snowdrift in the numerical simulationEGU25-15329 | ECS | Posters on site | CR5.1
Investigating the potential of snow liquid water content retrieval from near-infrared reflectance measurementsEGU25-16197 | ECS | Orals | CR5.1 | Highlight
Drifting Snow around Icebergs: Understanding the Role of Iceberg Size and Shape Through Modeling and Observational DataEGU25-16255 | ECS | Orals | CR5.1
Monitoring dry snow metamorphism from in-situ tomographic measurementsEGU25-17427 | ECS | Posters on site | CR5.1
Learning to filter: Snow data assimilation using a Long Short-Term Memory networkEGU25-17643 | Orals | CR5.1
Calibrating a compressible firn rheology and application to firn in shear zonesEGU25-18277 | ECS | Posters on site | CR5.1
Spatial-variability of snow surface and snowpack properties characterized by near-infrared diffuse reflectance imagingEGU25-21697 | ECS | Posters on site | CR5.1
Firn densification across the Greenland Ice Sheet from the IMAU-FDM (1940-2023)EGU25-1079 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.5
Flood Vulnerability under High-Warming Scenarios: Insights from flood wave Projections and Socio-Economic AssessmentEGU25-1255 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.5
Sources and characteristics of short-duration heavy convective precipitation events in the southeastern Alpine forelandsEGU25-1636 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.5
Regional Disparities in Hydro-climatic Extremes Across Central Asia: Insights from the Tienshan MountainsEGU25-1794 | ECS | Orals | HS7.5
Increasing typhoon risks in Shanghai under the effect of urbanization and sea surface temperature warmingEGU25-1877 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.5
Analysis of extreme precipitation timeseries in Serbia based on station dataEGU25-2722 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.5
Sensitivity of pluvial flood exposure to the selection of intensity-duration-frequency dataEGU25-3385 | ECS | Orals | HS7.5
Integrating natural hazards and social vulnerability to estimate lightning-related mortality risk in MexicoEGU25-5363 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.5
An Improved DP-POA Method for Optimal Operation of Reservoir Flood ControlEGU25-5958 | Posters on site | HS7.5
StoryMaps: Advancing Public Awareness, Preparedness, and Resilience to Flood RisksEGU25-6246 | Posters on site | HS7.5
Adaptation to flood risk on Reunion Island (France): A historical perspective from photographic evidenceEGU25-6432 | Orals | HS7.5 | Highlight
Large-Sample Machine Learning Models for Estimation, Attribution, and Projection of Hydrometeorological ExtremesEGU25-7334 | Posters on site | HS7.5
Rainfall extremes and their impacts: from the local to the National Scale. The INTENSE project.EGU25-7484 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.5
Evolving Dependence Structures Between Compound Flood Drivers Under Future Climate Scenarios: A case study over Greater BostonEGU25-8795 | Posters on site | HS7.5
Nowcasting Radar for Hydrological Flood Prediction: applications in the Marche Region, ItalyEGU25-10315 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.5
Atmospheric drivers of extreme precipitation events in the Indian sub-continentEGU25-14685 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.5
Role of moisture transport in extreme flood events in the Brahmaputra basinEGU25-14945 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.5
Multi-day extreme precipitation caused major floods in India during summer monsoon of 2024EGU25-17944 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.5
Socio-economic vulnerability assessment at building scale: A case study in Youngsan watershed, South KoreaEGU25-18771 | Posters on site | HS7.5
Comparative Analysis of Flash Flood Vulnerability and Resilience through Multidimensional IndicesEGU25-19293 | Posters on site | HS7.5
Large scale atmospheric cross-peril stochastic catastrophe modelsEGU25-20548 | ECS | Posters on site | HS7.5
Investigating the impact of considering hazard preconditions in scenario-based risk estimationEGU25-4645 | ECS | PICO | HS7.9 | Highlight
Irrigation indirectly sustains rainfed crops in India and China through atmospheric recyclingEGU25-6217 | ECS | PICO | HS7.9
Non-local impacts of upwind vegetation on soil moisture across South AmericaEGU25-6823 | ECS | PICO | HS7.9
Simulating Precipitation Reductions from Land-Use Changes in South America: A Novel Emulator ApproachEGU25-10508 | ECS | PICO | HS7.9
Evapotranspiration and Feedback Effects with Climate and Land Use Change in the Eastern German LowlandsEGU25-15031 | PICO | HS7.9
Observational Evidence of Increased Afternoon Rainfall Downwind of Irrigated AreasEGU25-20298 | ECS | PICO | HS7.9
Simulating moisture-vegetation feedbacks in the Amazon under drought and deforestation scenariosEGU25-21892 | ECS | PICO | HS7.9
Vegetation and Wind Speed Dominate Precipitation-Evaporation Recycling Processes during 1980–2021EGU25-1423 | Posters on site | AS1.22
Comparison of local and remote controlling factors on the precipitation isotopic variation in northwestern EthiopiaEGU25-2539 | ECS | Orals | AS1.22
The Water Vapor Origin of a Rainstorm Event in the Taklamakan DesertEGU25-11440 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.22
Bridging the Scale Gap: Leveraging EOF and Non-Parametric Correlation to Connect Meteorological Fields and Precipitation IsotopesEGU25-12645 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.22
Understanding summer monsoon variability in Northern India through isotopic signatures of precipitation water and water vapor isotopesEGU25-12738 | Posters on site | AS1.22
Water Isotopologue Time Series across Tropical Sites during ENSO extremesEGU25-12895 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.22
Understanding the environmental characteristics of frontal precipitationEGU25-12908 | Posters on site | AS1.22
The NISBO data set – high altitude daily precipitation stable isotope data since 2016EGU25-14470 | ECS | Orals | AS1.22
3D Eulerian Calculation of water vapor age moments for climate change and atmospheric dynamics studiesEGU25-14484 | ECS | Orals | AS1.22
Temporal Evolution of Diurnal Cycle of Rainfall Using Rain Gauge Data Over IndiaEGU25-18530 | ECS | Orals | AS1.22
Water vapour isotope anomalies during an atmospheric river event at Dome C, East AntarcticaEGU25-21252 | Posters on site | AS1.22
Dry periods amplify the Amazon and Congo forests’ rainfall self-relianceEGU25-559 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.23
Intraseasonal Oscillations and hydroclimate of Northern South America, Central America and Mexico (Part II: Effects on precipitation)EGU25-589 | ECS | Orals | AS1.23
Wave Resonance Induced Intensification of Mixed Rossby-Gravity Waves by Extratropical ForcingEGU25-663 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.23
Intraseasonal Oscillations and hydroclimate of Northern South America, Central America and Mexico (Part I: The identification process)EGU25-877 | ECS | Orals | AS1.23
A multi-decadal analysis of westerly moisture transport events (WMTEs) in Equatorial East AfricaEGU25-1450 | ECS | Orals | AS1.23
Synoptic variability in the moist margin and its connection to tropical and extratropical weather systemsEGU25-1453 | Orals | AS1.23
Asymmetry Analysis of ERA5 Reanalysis Data in the Context of Tropical CyclonesEGU25-2416 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.23
Improving Situation-Dependent Uncertainty Estimation in Tropical Cyclone Track Forecasts Using Encoder-Decoder Neural NetworksEGU25-3055 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.23
A ML-based perspective on spatio-temporal patterns of convective organisationEGU25-3457 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.23
Deep Learning-based Fusion of Analysis and Satellite Measurements for Ocean Surface Wind Downscaling for Tropical CyclonesEGU25-3650 | Orals | AS1.23
Geostationary Satellite-based Estimation Method for Typhoon Radius of Maximum WindEGU25-3660 | ECS | Orals | AS1.23
Influences of Asymmetric Convection on Vortex Alignment of Tropical Cyclones: Idealized ExperimentsEGU25-3913 | Posters on site | AS1.23
Balanced Evolution of the Vertical Tilt of Simulated Tropical Cyclone Vortices in a Sheared EnvironmentEGU25-4206 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.23
China coasts facing more tropical cyclone risks during the second decaying summer of double-year La Niña eventsEGU25-5779 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.23
Tropical Cyclone Dynamics Shaped by Aerosol-Cloud-Interactions: A Composite Perspective Using ICON Ensemble Simulations.EGU25-6232 | Orals | AS1.23
Effects on the dynamical and microphysical structures of tropical storms in ICONEGU25-6646 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.23
Upper level processes in simple models for tropical cyclones in high resolution simulationsEGU25-6698 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.23
Influence of Western Pacific Madden–Julian Oscillation on New York City's Record‐Breaking Air Pollution in Early June 2023EGU25-7183 | ECS | Orals | AS1.23
Adiabatic and diabatic energy tendencies of the equatorial Kelvin waveEGU25-7847 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.23
Analyzing long term Spatial Changes of Parameters Affecting Cyclonic Activity over the North Indian OceanEGU25-8947 | ECS | Orals | AS1.23
A novel algorithm for detecting Lake Victoria's lake-breeze fronts from station observationsEGU25-9467 | ECS | Orals | AS1.23
Global and Regional Characteristics of Tropical Cyclone Rapidly Intensifying EventsEGU25-9532 | ECS | Orals | AS1.23
Contrast change of cyclogenesis over tropical and extratropical in the EoceneEGU25-9790 | ECS | Orals | AS1.23
Intensity oscillations of tropical cyclones: surface versus mid and upper tropospheric processesEGU25-9891 | Orals | AS1.23
TC-Ocean interaction: modulating roles of ocean internal tides and storm sizeEGU25-10201 | Posters on site | AS1.23
The impact of changes of atmospheric water mass ontropical cyclone intensification in ICON-AEGU25-10328 | ECS | Orals | AS1.23
Projected changes to the intertropical convergence zone in warming scenario global storm resolving simulationsEGU25-11740 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.23
Comparison of Three Cloud Microphysical Schemes on the Rapid Intensification of Typhoon Hagupit (2020)EGU25-13846 | Posters on site | AS1.23
Introducing synthetic convectively coupled Kelvin waves into the Met Office Unified ModelEGU25-14182 | Posters on site | AS1.23
Easterly wave disturbances on tropical south Atlantic and their impact over northeast BrazilEGU25-16482 | Posters on site | AS1.23
Trends in Cyclone Intensity and Their Drivers in the Bay of BengalEGU25-16637 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.23
LAM-ORCESTRA: a Numerical Campaign over the Atlantic ITCZEGU25-17585 | Posters on site | AS1.23
Distinct Features of Tropical Cyclone Landfall over East Asia during Various Types of El NinoEGU25-18495 | ECS | Orals | AS1.23
Cooperative effects of QBO and ENSO on controlling the favorableness of the MJO realizationEGU25-18953 | ECS | Orals | AS1.23 | Highlight
The impact of Sulphate Aerosol Geoengineering on Tropical CyclonesEGU25-20415 | ECS | Orals | AS1.23 | Highlight
Climatic Trends in Tropical Cyclone Rainfall from High-Resolution Satellite ObservationsEGU25-315 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.24
The Relationship of the Madden-Julian Oscillation with Interdecadal Variability Modes During the Monsoon Season in South AmericaEGU25-1017 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.24
Dynamical Influence of Subtropical Jet Stream (STJ) and Tropical Easterly Jet (TEJ) on Indian Summer Monsoon RainfallEGU25-1484 | ECS | Orals | AS1.24
The role of the North American continent in strengthening the Asian monsoonEGU25-2173 | ECS | Orals | AS1.24 | Highlight
Atmospheric Influence of Summer Monsoon on Sea Ice VariabilityEGU25-2285 | Posters on site | AS1.24
Reconciling roles of the South China Sea summer monsoon and ENSO in prediction of the Indian Ocean dipoleEGU25-2584 | Posters on site | AS1.24
Relative contribution of local and remote sources of moisture to East Asian monsoon precipitation in CMIP6 simulationsEGU25-2958 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.24
Indian Summer Monsoon rainfall changes beyond the 21st centuryEGU25-3589 | Posters on site | AS1.24
Future South American monsoon changes are sensitive to Atlantic SST pattern changesEGU25-4614 | ECS | Orals | AS1.24
Investigation and Future Projection of Warm Rain During Winter Monsoon in Java Sea, IndonesiaEGU25-5379 | ECS | Orals | AS1.24
Aerosol mitigation matters to future water availability in the global monsoon regionEGU25-5422 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.24
Sources of Inter-Model Diversity in the Strength of the Relationship Between the Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall and El Niño-Southern OscillationEGU25-6038 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.24
Distinct Characteristics of Active and Break Spells in Flood and Drought Years of the Indian Summer MonsoonEGU25-6560 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.24
Environmental features related to the decadal variation of South China Sea tropical cyclogenesis in the context of summer monsoonEGU25-7074 | Posters on site | AS1.24
Influences of the Indian Ocean SST on the Indian Summer Monsoon and its Seasonal Prediction in El Niño Developing YearsEGU25-7283 | Posters on site | AS1.24
The Effect of High-Mountain Asia Topography on Northern Hemisphere Atmospheric FlowEGU25-9304 | ECS | Orals | AS1.24
Indian Summer Monsoon Onset Delayed by the Weakening of Hadley CirculationEGU25-10023 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.24
Understanding the Uncertainty in the West African Monsoon Precipitation Response to Increasing CO2EGU25-10438 | Orals | AS1.24
Attribution of the Extreme Drought Event over the Yangtze River Valley in ChinaEGU25-13901 | Posters on site | AS1.24
Spatial Scales of Heavy Meiyu Precipitation Events in Eastern China and Associated Atmospheric ProcessesEGU25-14693 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.24
Leading mode and physical dynamics of spring-to-summer rainfall evolution in eastern ChinaEGU25-17038 | ECS | Orals | AS1.24
The role of convection-circulation coupling in expediting South Asian monsoon onset: Insights from SP-CAMEGU25-17380 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.24
Neogene paleoclimatic evolution in Northwestern Luzon, Philippines: Insights from Lower Miocene to Lower Pliocene sedimentary recordsEGU25-18478 | ECS | Orals | AS1.24
Precipitation extremes during Madden Julian Oscillation over IndiaEGU25-18490 | Orals | AS1.24
How can we narrow down the uncertainty in Afro-Asian monsoon projection?EGU25-217 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.26
The Role of Tropical Synoptic-Scale Disturbances in Modulating the Strength of East Pacific Hadley CirculationEGU25-1887 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.26
Interannual variability of winter Asian–Bering–North American teleconnection linked to Eurasian snow cover and Maritime Continent SSTEGU25-2418 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.26
Anthropogenic Climate Change-driven Atmospheric Angular Momentum Increases Length of DayEGU25-4119 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.26
Multi-method quantification of the contribution of circulation changes to summer temperature trends in the northern hemispheric mid-latitudesEGU25-4211 | Orals | AS1.26
Diagnosing and analysing Rossby wave resonance along a circumglobal jetstreamEGU25-5070 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.26
Inter-model spread of AMO-related tropical precipitation in CMIP6EGU25-7090 | Posters on site | AS1.26
Historical trends in windspeed over the Northern Hemisphere in observations and reanalysesEGU25-7437 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.26
Simulated Changes in Large-scale Atmospheric Circulation Energetics from Volcanic Aerosol ForcingEGU25-7843 | Posters on site | AS1.26
An idealized model for the spatial structure of the eddy-driven Ferrel cell in mid-latitudesEGU25-10184 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.26
The joint effects of Interhemispheric Oscillation and Arctic Oscillation on climate anomlies in winterEGU25-10561 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.26
Exploring the Dynamics of Climatological Mean Monsoon Using a Machine Learning Based Empirical Leading Order AnalysisEGU25-10703 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.26
The effect of model biases on the simulated future changes of the North Atlantic jet streamEGU25-10898 | Orals | AS1.26 | Highlight
Contrasting responses to hemispheric forcing govern the evolution of the CO2-induced equatorial Pacific warming patternEGU25-15963 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.26
Competing influences of energy budget variability and gross moist stability on tropical circulation variance under climate changeEGU25-17675 | ECS | Orals | AS1.26
Altered NAO - North Atlantic SST Feedback in Mesoscale Resolving SimulationsEGU25-18003 | Posters on site | AS1.26
A Methodological Framework to Isolate Forced Dynamic Responses in Heat Extremes Using Nudged Climate SimulationsEGU25-18271 | ECS | Orals | AS1.26
Shifting dynamics of the ITCZ: from widening to narrowing in response to abrupt 4xCO2EGU25-18509 | ECS | Orals | AS1.26
Anti-correlated Hadley and Walker circulations through cloud radiative feedbackEGU25-19098 | Posters on site | AS1.26
Revisiting the Loreanz Energy Cycle: Impacts of Global Warming on Atmospheric Energy CycleEGU25-19200 | ECS | Orals | AS1.26
The dynamics of extreme wave-activity events in a warming climate.EGU25-19675 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.26
Large-scale tropospheric wave activity involved in the winter NAO-related variabilityEGU25-1363 | ECS | Orals | AS1.27 | Highlight
The role of Rossby wave breaking in coral bleaching on the Great Barrier ReefEGU25-2523 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.27
AMO and PDO modulate the multidecadal variability of WACEEGU25-2544 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.27
Linking Northern Hemisphere extreme cold weather events to upper atmospheric circulationEGU25-4590 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.27
The Importance of Mesoscale Heating Along a Rossby Wave Packet for the Predictability of a Rossby Wave Breaking EventEGU25-4858 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.27
The influence of diabatic processes on North Atlantic winter jet streaks and their extremesEGU25-7089 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.27
Scale-Dependent Dynamics of Alaskan Ridge Amplification: A Holistic View of Circulation Driving North American Cold SpellsEGU25-8255 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.27
Weakened Circum-global Teleconnection Pattern under global warming would exacerbate heat extremes across EurasiaEGU25-8636 | Posters on site | AS1.27
Tele-connected rainfall extremes over West and East Asia in April 2024 tied to Indian Ocean heatingEGU25-9873 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.27
Summer Greenland Blocking in observations and in SEAS5.1 seasonal forecasts: robust trend or natural variability?EGU25-11835 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.27
The circulation response to Arctic Amplification in zonally symmetric and asymmetric aquaplanetsEGU25-13852 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.27
Intra-seasonal differences in summer blocking patterns over GreenlandEGU25-14079 | ECS | Orals | AS1.27
Future changes in association between atmospheric circulation anomalies and extreme temperature eventsEGU25-15789 | Orals | AS1.27
Double jet streams and their connection to heatwaves in the Northern HemisphereEGU25-15844 | ECS | Orals | AS1.27
Observed circulation trends in boreal summer linked to two spatially distinct teleconnection patternsEGU25-16295 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.27
Composition and Regimes of Advection Driving the Temperature Anomaly Lifecycle in Northwest India: A Machine Learning Based FrameworkEGU25-16688 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.27
Impacts of the Indian summer monsoon on the Antarctic climate and sea iceEGU25-16723 | Posters on site | AS1.27
Trans-Arctic Influence on Far East Cold Waves: A Case Study of the 2020-2021 EventsEGU25-19170 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.27
Aspects of North Atlantic jet stream persistence and impacts on the surface weather in EuropeEGU25-1559 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.28
Changing characteristics of Western Disturbances precipitation over Western HimalayasEGU25-2146 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.28
Is Europe becoming stormier? Extratropical cyclone clustering over the last centuryEGU25-2792 | Orals | AS1.28
Asymmetric hysteresis response of mid-latitude storm tracks to CO2 removalEGU25-2966 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.28
Spatial structural changes of summer storms over the Tibetan Plateau during 2001-2020 based on GPM IMERG dataEGU25-5700 | ECS | Orals | AS1.28
Cloud-radiative impact on the dynamics of extratropical cyclones during NAWDEXEGU25-6430 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.28
Is Europe under UNSEEN Risk of Cyclones of Tropical Origin?EGU25-9818 | ECS | Orals | AS1.28
CMIP6 Multi-model Assessment of Northeast Atlantic and German Bight Storm ActivityEGU25-10092 | ECS | Orals | AS1.28
Intensity-based classification of North Atlantic and European extratropical cyclonesEGU25-10733 | Posters on site | AS1.28
Multi-model assessment of hazard uncertainties in a European windstorm NatCat modelEGU25-15755 | Posters on site | AS1.28
Assessment of the origin of moisture for the precipitation of North-Atlantic extratropical cyclonesEGU25-17891 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.28
Temporal clustering of severe European winter windstorms on intra-seasonal timescales and the explanatory power of large-scale modesEGU25-592 | ECS | Orals | CL3.1.1
Asymmetric response of Atlantic Nino on heatwaves over Northern IndiaEGU25-1872 | ECS | Posters on site | CL3.1.1
Causality of Compound Extreme Heat-Precipitation Events in Northeastern ChinaEGU25-2533 | ECS | Orals | CL3.1.1
Impact of Mid-high Latitude Circulation and Surface Thermal Forcing on Drought Events in Central AsiaEGU25-6295 | Posters on site | CL3.1.1
Heavy convective and stratiform precipitation and their links to atmospheric circulationEGU25-6372 | Orals | CL3.1.1
Widespread multi-year droughts in Italy: identification and causes of developmentEGU25-6883 | ECS | Orals | CL3.1.1
The role of Rossby wave dynamics in spatially compounding heatwaves in mid-summer 2023EGU25-7615 | ECS | Posters on site | CL3.1.1
Delayed impacts of NPO on wintertime surface air temperature in East AsiaEGU25-7953 | Posters on site | CL3.1.1
The intensification of future extreme-rainfall events over Belgium and their dynamic and thermodynamic contributionsEGU25-8369 | Posters on site | CL3.1.1
Heatwave climatology in Ukraine: current (1946-2020) and projected (2020-2100)EGU25-10994 | ECS | Orals | CL3.1.1
Pathways to concurrent North American cold and European wind extremesEGU25-11026 | ECS | Orals | CL3.1.1
The Role of Teleconnection Indices in Modulating Rainfall and Drought in Central BrazilEGU25-11431 | ECS | Orals | CL3.1.1
Influence of Atmospheric Blocking and SACZ Episodes on Extreme Heatwaves in Brazil: A Long-Term AnalysisEGU25-11580 | ECS | Posters on site | CL3.1.1
Exploring and characterizing the life cycles of tracked anticyclones on the northern hemisphereEGU25-12052 | ECS | Orals | CL3.1.1
Impacts of Atmospheric Phenomena on River Flow and Hydropower Stability in BrazilEGU25-13453 | ECS | Posters on site | CL3.1.1
Seasonality of Heatwaves in Central Europe: Insights from Dynamical Systems Theory and Weather RegimesEGU25-15158 | ECS | Posters on site | CL3.1.1
Role of the Siberian Summer Cold Wave in Intensifying East Asian Summer PrecipitationEGU25-19094 | Posters on site | CL3.1.1
Synoptic and Large-Scale Drivers of Extreme Precipitation Events in the Western HimalayaEGU25-733 | ECS | Orals | AS1.30
Wintertime Transarctic Warm and Moist Air Intrusions Tracked in Present and Future ClimateEGU25-2964 | ECS | Orals | AS1.30 | Highlight
Global scale impact of atmospheric rivers on the severity of floodingEGU25-3436 | ECS | Orals | AS1.30
Dynamic and thermodynamic impacts of atmospheric rivers on sea-ice thickness in the Arctic since 2000EGU25-3695 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.30
The Global Atmospheric River Network: A Complex Network Approach to Global Moisture Transport DynamicsEGU25-9886 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.30
Gulf Stream Ocean Conditions Influence on Atmospheric RiversEGU25-12461 | ECS | Orals | AS1.30
Unravelling the sources of moisture for precipitation in atmospheric riversEGU25-14595 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.30
Atmospheric Rivers as Interacting Elements of the Earth System: A Complexity Science PerspectiveEGU25-18198 | ECS | Orals | AS1.30
Arctic Atmospheric Rivers: An in-depth Investigation of their Impact on the Surface Energy BudgetEGU25-18254 | ECS | Orals | AS1.30
Relationship between atmospheric rivers and aerosol atmospheric rivers in the Iberian PeninsulaEGU25-3360 | ECS | Orals | AS1.31
Impact of Sudden Stratospheric Warmings on the Stratosphere-to-Troposphere Transport of OzoneEGU25-4427 | ECS | Orals | AS1.31
Rare Sudden Stratosphere Warming Events in the Southern Hemisphere in 2024EGU25-7908 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.31
Stratosphere-Troposphere Dynamics and North American Cold Spells: A Quantile Generalized Additive ApproachEGU25-7938 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.31
Long-term changes in planetary wave and SSW parameters in the Northern HemisphereEGU25-9214 | Posters on site | AS1.31
Quasi-observational climatology of the gravity wave forcing in the stratosphere.EGU25-10722 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.31
On the predictive value of upper stratosphere dynamics for winter NAOEGU25-11644 | ECS | Orals | AS1.31
An idealized two-dimensional modelling framework to simulate QBO-like oscillationsEGU25-12791 | Posters on site | AS1.31
Stratospheric drivers of precipitation and temperature in southern AfricaEGU25-18971 | ECS | Orals | AS1.31
Stratospheric Drivers of Extreme Weather: Implications for European Storm Damage and Flood RiskEGU25-773 | ECS | PICO | AS1.32
The Internal Tides of the Eastern Arabian Sea: A Seasonal PerspectiveEGU25-3820 | ECS | PICO | AS1.32
Stratospheric Gravity waves in AIRS observations and high-resolution modelsEGU25-6975 | ECS | PICO | AS1.32
Tropospheric gravity waves in the subtropics: Optical detection on low cloud decksEGU25-8479 | ECS | PICO | AS1.32
Modeling and propagation evolution of ocean internal solitary wavesEGU25-11207 | ECS | PICO | AS1.32
Gravity wave analyses with CAIRT – Temperature measurements, GWMF, and ray-tracingEGU25-12924 | ECS | PICO | AS1.32
How variable are gravity wave spectral energies? Insights from a seven-year lidar climatology at 69°NEGU25-13965 | ECS | PICO | AS1.32
Reduction of the estimated gravity wave momentum flux by concurrent wave packetsEGU25-783 | ECS | PICO | AS1.33
Enhanced Lidar Signal Interpretation of Gravity Waves Using Multiresolution AnalysisEGU25-3753 | ECS | PICO | AS1.33
Using an oceanic acoustic noise model to evaluate simulated atmospheric statesEGU25-6678 | ECS | PICO | AS1.33 | Highlight
Observation of mountain waves and secondary gravity waves in the MLT over PatagoniaEGU25-9300 | ECS | PICO | AS1.33
Tracking jet stream winds through gravity waves arriving on surface based pressure sensorsEGU25-848 | ECS | Posters on site | CL3.2.4
Heat Stress Threats in Europe: A Comprehensive Analysis of sWBGTVariations and Trends (1979 -2023)EGU25-916 | ECS | Orals | CL3.2.4
Atmospheric and Oceanic Processes Behind Extreme Precipitation: A Case Study of the Western GhatsEGU25-1049 | ECS | Posters on site | CL3.2.4
Analysis of projected monthly changes of extreme temperature indices to support decision-makersEGU25-1556 | ECS | Orals | CL3.2.4
A global Lagrangian analysis of near-surcface warm and cold temperature extremesEGU25-2790 | ECS | Posters on site | CL3.2.4
Intra‐annual occurrence and risk of humid heatwave in the Northern HemisphereEGU25-2889 | ECS | Orals | CL3.2.4
Storyline climate attribution for compound flooding from tropical cyclone Idai in Mozambique.EGU25-3474 | ECS | Orals | CL3.2.4
Dynamical evolution of extremely hot summers in Western Europe in response to climate changeEGU25-4554 | ECS | Orals | CL3.2.4
Future Changes to Extreme Rainfall over Puerto Rico in an Ensemble of Convection-Permitting SimulationsEGU25-5625 | ECS | Orals | CL3.2.4
The importance of internal variability for climate extreme indicesEGU25-6589 | Orals | CL3.2.4 | Highlight
The perfect storm: loss potential of Eunice-like cyclones in a counterfactual climateEGU25-6594 | ECS | Posters on site | CL3.2.4
A Counterfactual Emulator for Circulation-Driven Extremes in Southeast AsiaEGU25-6834 | ECS | Posters on site | CL3.2.4
Convective Permitting Simulations for Excessive Precipitation Event Under Pseudo-Global Warming in the Black Sea RegionEGU25-8204 | Orals | CL3.2.4 | Highlight
Was July 2021 extreme rainfall in western Germany close to the worst possible?EGU25-8539 | ECS | Posters on site | CL3.2.4
Meteorological Conditions during Compound Wind and Precipitation Extremes in Coastal Southeast AsiaEGU25-8602 | ECS | Orals | CL3.2.4
Climate change caused the catastrophic severity of Cyclone Daniel over Libya in 2023EGU25-9252 | ECS | Posters on site | CL3.2.4
How can the catastrophic risk potential of unseen climate extremes be understood?EGU25-9371 | Posters on site | CL3.2.4
Storylines of heatwaves over Po Valley in a warmer World: drivers and impactsEGU25-10026 | ECS | Posters on site | CL3.2.4
Using seasonal forecast ensembles to estimate of low-probability high-impact events and unprecedented extremesEGU25-10393 | ECS | Orals | CL3.2.4
Estimating Return Periods for Extreme Climate Model Simulations through Ensemble BoostingEGU25-11051 | ECS | Posters on site | CL3.2.4
Preferred pathways of traveling extreme events in land precipitation and temperatureEGU25-12412 | Posters on site | CL3.2.4
The CANARI HadGEM3 Large Ensemble: Design and evaluation of historical simulationsEGU25-12916 | ECS | Orals | CL3.2.4
Evolution of the probability of record-shattering spatially compounding droughts in a changing climateEGU25-14912 | Posters on site | CL3.2.4
Study on the Establishment of Dispatch Mechanism for Mobile Pumps Under Climate Change: A Case Study of TaiwanEGU25-15441 | ECS | Posters on site | CL3.2.4
On the role of sea surface temperature variability in southern Arabian Peninsula extreme rainfall on 16th April 2024EGU25-15749 | Orals | CL3.2.4
Many reasons to safeguard the polar regions from dangerous geoengineeringEGU25-15809 | ECS | Orals | CL3.2.4
From Greenland to the Mediterranean Sea: Unveiling a new cascade mechanism under anthropogenic warming?EGU25-16597 | Orals | CL3.2.4 | CL Division Outstanding ECS Award Lecture
Physical drivers and statistical properties of high impact climate extremesEGU25-16878 | Posters on site | CL3.2.4
The impact of carbon neutrality timing on climate extremes in East AsiaEGU25-17451 | ECS | Posters on site | CL3.2.4
Disentangling drivers of compound heat and drought in EuropeEGU25-21505 | Posters on site | CL3.2.4
Assessment of Surface Urban Heat Island over Bengaluru City in IndiaEGU25-3808 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.10
Bayesian uncertainty quantification of internal climate variabilityEGU25-5784 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.10
Attribution of flood event: a case study of the April/May 2024 floods in Southern BrazilEGU25-6337 | Orals | CL4.10
Research opportunities for combining climate models with moisture trackingEGU25-6885 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.10
Using an explainable neural network to identify tropical drivers of the Northern Hemisphere wave-5 trend patternEGU25-8252 | ECS | Orals | CL4.10
Reduced spread of simulated global warming patterns among CMIP6 models with accelerated pace of warmingEGU25-8966 | ECS | Orals | CL4.10
Influence of Global Warming on Extreme Sea Level Events Along European CoastsEGU25-10729 * | ECS | Orals | CL4.10 | Highlight
Combination of Internal Variability and Forced Response Reconciles Observed 2023 WarmingEGU25-10906 | ECS | Orals | CL4.10
Attributing changes in extreme precipitation across the Northeast U.S. under different climate scenariosEGU25-17291 | Orals | CL4.10
Representation of tropical and extratropical trends in ECMWF seasonal hindcastsEGU25-17493 | Posters on site | CL4.10
Quantifying changes in seasonal temperature variations using a functional data analysis approachEGU25-17706 | Orals | CL4.10
Forced Component Estimation Statistical Methods Intercomparison Project (ForceSMIP)EGU25-20122 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.10
Advancing climate research through the WCRP core project on Earth System Modelling and Observations (ESMO)EGU25-2583 | ECS | Orals | CL4.12
Estimates of the Global Clear-Sky Longwave Radiative Feedback Strength from Reanalysis DataEGU25-3714 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.12
Positive forcing over land cools the Eastern Pacific OceanEGU25-4990 | ECS | Orals | CL4.12
Reversal of Precipitation Trend and Large-Scale Atmospheric Temperature Inversion in Hothouse ClimatesEGU25-5900 | ECS | Orals | CL4.12
Influence of Mean State Biases on Projections of the Tropical Warming PatternEGU25-5950 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.12
An Estimation of the Efficacy of Methane Radiative Forcing Using Radiative KernelsEGU25-8545 | Posters on site | CL4.12
Basic physic predicts stronger high cloud radiative heating with warmingEGU25-14568 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.12
Hydrological sensitivity affected by tropical tropospheric stabilityEGU25-15286 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.12
Understanding the drivers of Arctic amplification through an idealized radiative-advective equilibrium modelEGU25-17356 | ECS | Orals | CL4.12
Water Vapor Spectroscopy and Thermodynamics Constrain Earth’s Tropopause TemperatureEGU25-17908 | ECS | Orals | CL4.12
Quantifying the tuning uncertainty on the climate sensitivity of the EC-Earth climate modelEGU25-20708 | ECS | Orals | CL4.12
CO2-dependence of Longwave Clear-sky Feedback is sensitive to TemperatureEGU25-20772 | ECS | Orals | CL4.12
Changes in the large-scale circulation and the clear-sky response to warming at very slow rotation ratesEGU25-2349 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.15
Impact of Summer North Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature Tripole on Precipitation over Mid–High-Latitude EurasiaEGU25-2359 | ECS | Orals | CL4.15
Extreme heat event over Northwest China driven by Silk Road Pattern and its possible mechanismEGU25-3376 | ECS | Orals | CL4.15
On the Atlantic extratropical-tropical teleconnection in response to external freshwater forcingEGU25-5054 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.15
What type of summer North Atlantic Oscillation will trigger the downstream Silk Road teleconnection pattern, and how?EGU25-5192 | Posters on site | CL4.15
Epoch-based Sea Surface Temperature for Climate System AnalysisEGU25-5659 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.15
StoryPy: A Python-based package to compute climate storylinesEGU25-5732 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.15
Diverse Response of Western North Pacific Anticyclone to Fast-Decay El Niño During Decaying SummerEGU25-13940 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.15
Creating a Database of Climate Extremes and Variability in Polar Ice CoresEGU25-18859 | ECS | Orals | CL4.15
Tropical Teleconnections with Summer Temperature Anomalies in the Eastern MediterraneanEGU25-18886 | ECS | Orals | CL4.15
Disentangling reduced representations of teleconnections using variational autoencodersEGU25-846 | ECS | Orals | AS1.38
Elevational dependency of precipitation climatology and trends in global mountains: a model viewEGU25-1058 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.38
Enhanced Predictability of Himalayan Orographic Precipitation Extremes Using a Kilometer-Scale Convection-Permitting Multi-Physics EnsembleEGU25-1443 | ECS | Orals | AS1.38
Quantifying processes of winter daytime and nighttime warming over the Tibetan PlateauEGU25-2606 | ECS | Orals | AS1.38
Sources of temperature biases in Regional Climate Models over complex orography: a general approachEGU25-3039 | ECS | Orals | AS1.38
Strongly Heterogeneous Surface-Water Warming Trends in High Mountain AsiaEGU25-3810 | ECS | Orals | AS1.38
Sensitivity of tropical orographic precipitation to wind speed with implications for future projectionsEGU25-5859 | Orals | AS1.38 | Highlight
The TEAMx Observational Campaign – First findings from the winter campaignEGU25-6679 | Posters on site | AS1.38
Precipitation Uncertainty Hampers the Understanding of Glacier Response in High Mountain AsiaEGU25-6939 | ECS | Orals | AS1.38
Investigating lee wave trapping mechanisms over the UK and IrelandEGU25-7058 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.38
A KGE-based weighted mean of stations’ ensemble to estimate the air temperature at Jungfraujoch since 1900EGU25-8083 | Posters on site | AS1.38
Mountain waves occurrence in Polish Carpathians and their influence on aviation operationsEGU25-12489 | ECS | Orals | AS1.38
Forest Transition and its Hydro-Climatic Impacts in the Indian Himalayas: Inferences from Field ObservationsEGU25-13987 | Posters on site | AS1.38
Investigating the spatial structure of winds in complex terrain using a mobile wind lidarEGU25-14115 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.38
Assessing The Impact of Global Warming on Glacial Elevation of The Bolam GlacierEGU25-15922 | Posters on site | AS1.38
Observed hotspots of changing snow depth and snowfall in European mountain regionsEGU25-16079 | Posters on site | AS1.38
Campaign TEAMx: First results of wind observations compared to model simulations at three sites in the Inn Valley (Austria)EGU25-16132 | ECS | Orals | AS1.38
Understanding elevation-dependent warming in the Alps through high-resolution surface energy balance analysisEGU25-16472 | ECS | Orals | AS1.38
Assessing the representation of flow separation in Foehn descent with high-resolution numerical simulationsEGU25-16725 | Posters on site | AS1.38
Steps for the identification of Elevation Dependent Warming in the PyreneesEGU25-16963 | ECS | Posters on site | AS1.38
Insight into subsurface - quantification of alpine heat waves and their impact on high mountain permafrostEGU25-17153 | Posters on site | AS1.38
Refining valley wind days detection from in situ observations and ERA5 reanalysisEGU25-20147 | Orals | AS1.38
On the structure of the atmospheric boundary layer over highly complex terrainEGU25-26 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE2.1
A Novel Metric for Quantifying Solar Irradiance Stability: Mapping Solar Irradiance Variability to Photovoltaic Power GenerationEGU25-1947 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE2.1
Ocean-atmospheric drivers of wind and solar energy seasonal variability in tropical South AmericaEGU25-2140 | Posters on site | ERE2.1
Storm Erwin: Societal and energy impacts in northern Europe on 7-9 January 2005EGU25-2999 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE2.1
Utilizing Satellite and Meteorological Data to Evaluate Potential Wind Farm and Photovoltaic Panel Sites Inland and Offshore TaiwanEGU25-5236 * | Orals | ERE2.1 | Highlight
Probabilistic solar radiation forecasting across Europe using deep learningEGU25-8062 | ECS | Orals | ERE2.1
Evaluation of Hourly Solar Radiation Products for Solar Energy Applications over ChinaEGU25-9336 | ECS | Orals | ERE2.1
The role of North Atlantic Oscillation teleconnections in solar irradiance nowcasting error variabilityEGU25-9925 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE2.1
The impact of sudden stratospheric warmings on electricity consumption and wind power generation in FinlandEGU25-10807 | ECS | Orals | ERE2.1
Assessment of CAMS Radiation Service over France in different sky conditionsEGU25-11305 | Orals | ERE2.1
A Large Eddy Simulation using the WRF model over the sea: a real case study of a stormEGU25-11490 | ECS | Orals | ERE2.1
Leveraging Spatially Explicit Data for Accurate Renewable Energy Forecasting in FranceEGU25-12210 | Posters on site | ERE2.1
Saharan Dust and Solar Energy: Quantifying Forecasting Challenges in Hungary’s Rapidly Growing PV SectorEGU25-14067 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE2.1
AI-Driven Power Forecasting for Renewable Energy: A Multi-Terrain Analysis from Shandong Province Wind FarmsEGU25-14324 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE2.1
Vertical distribution of near-surface aerosol extinction over North China and its impacts on tower photothermal power generationEGU25-15415 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE2.1
The IEA Wind TCP Task 51 Austria - Stakeholder interaction and priorities for forecastsEGU25-16488 | ECS | Orals | ERE2.1
Interfacial Gravity Waves from a Single Wind Turbine in a Conventionally Neutral Boundary LayerEGU25-16750 | Posters on site | ERE2.1
Evaluating Global and Regional Weather Models for Solar Energy Forecasting in West Africa: A Case Study in Burkina FasoEGU25-17120 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE2.1
Assessment of Medium-Range and Sub-Seasonal Ensemble Forecasts of Solar Irradiance and Wind Speed Over China: Applications for Renewable EnergyEGU25-18719 | ECS | Orals | ERE2.1
Using AI forecast of satellite imagery to improve solar generation forecastsEGU25-20085 | Posters on site | ERE2.1
A seven year study on the assessment of shortwave surface solar radiation in CyprusEGU25-20121 | ECS | Orals | ERE2.1
Intense dust events over the Mediterranean Basin and their impact on PV power potentialEGU25-21843 | Posters on site | ERE2.1
Sensitivity Analysis of Radiation Schemes in WRF-Solar for SolarEnergy Applications in SenegalAS2 – Boundary Layer Processes
EGU25-2036 | ECS | Orals | AS2.1
Decay of Turbulence during Evening Transition at the Kempegowda International Airport, Bengaluru, IndiaEGU25-2133 | ECS | Posters on site | AS2.1
Improving the Urban Boundary Layer Wind Speed by Coupling the TKE-ACM2 PBL Scheme with the Building Effect Parameterization ModelEGU25-2863 | Orals | AS2.1
Impact of Changbai Mountain Topography on the Spring Fog over the Bohai SeaEGU25-3520 | Orals | AS2.1 | Highlight
Experimental determination of offshore turbulence spectra and lateral coherences with multiple lidarsEGU25-4133 | ECS | Posters on site | AS2.1
Mesoscale modeling of the urban boundary layer in a coastal city. The case of Valencia.EGU25-6010 | ECS | Posters on site | AS2.1
Concentration fluctuations and mean time of exceeding of hazard thresholds on industrial sitesEGU25-6841 | Posters on site | AS2.1
Impacts of Terrain Slope and Surface Roughness Variations on Turbulence Generation in the Nighttime Stable Boundary LayerEGU25-8050 | ECS | Posters on site | AS2.1
Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer Characteristics Observed during the FATIMA-YS Campaign at the S-ORSEGU25-9491 | ECS | Posters on site | AS2.1
Simulation of radiatively driven mixing in a smoke cloud using "one-dimensional turbulence"EGU25-11186 | ECS | Posters on site | AS2.1
Implicit Large Eddy Simulations of Boundary Layer Flows: Modeling Surface Roughness by Stochastic MicrotopographyEGU25-14672 | ECS | Orals | AS2.1
Ultra-wideband RF photonics spectrometer for atmospheric boundary layer sensingEGU25-15291 | ECS | Posters on site | AS2.1
Extending turbulence generation methods for efficient mesoscale-to-LES couplingEGU25-15917 | Posters on site | AS2.1
Horizontal and vertical analysis of sea breezes in the Gulf of Cádiz (SW Spain) from surface stations and radiosounding dataEGU25-16689 | ECS | Posters on site | AS2.1
Statistical Analysis of Nocturnal Downvalley Flows Over the Annual Cycle: Insights from a Pyrenean Valley (France)EGU25-16873 | Posters on site | AS2.1
Retrieving Parameters of the Planetary Boundary Layer from Near- and Thermal-infrared Satellite ObservationsEGU25-17533 | ECS | Posters on site | AS2.1
Simulations of Arctic winter stable-boundary layers during MOSAiC campaign using ICON-NWP and the influence of sea-ice roughnessEGU25-18484 | ECS | Orals | AS2.1
Parameterization of the Turbulence Averaging Error by Doppler Wind Lidars: a Simulator ApproachEGU25-18608 | Orals | AS2.1
Wind and turbulence measurements with different sonic sensor head geometriesEGU25-438 | ECS | Orals | AS2.2
The Role of Data Assimilation in Enhancing Warm Fog Predictions Over Delhi and NCREGU25-445 | Posters on site | AS2.2
Fog drip and its relation to groundwater in the tropical seasonal rain forest of Xishuangbanna, Southwest ChinaEGU25-1966 | Posters on site | AS2.2
Seasonal fog enhances crop water productivity in a tropical China rubber plantationEGU25-2221 | Posters on site | AS2.2
Sea Fog under the North Wind with the Influence of Foehn Wind in the Okhotsk SeaEGU25-2705 | Posters on site | AS2.2
Sea Fog Top Height Retrieval over the Yellow Sea andBohai Sea Using Island ElevationEGU25-3506 | Posters on site | AS2.2
Characteristics of Jet Stream in Low-altitude Airspace and Impact to Fog in Tianjin Urban AreasEGU25-4376 | Posters on site | AS2.2
Evaluation and improvement study on the planetary boundary-layer scheme for fog-forecasting in North ChinaEGU25-4971 | Posters on site | AS2.2
Research on Sea Fog Prediction in the Northwest Pacific Using Machine LearningEGU25-5025 | Posters on site | AS2.2
Distribution characteristics and Mechanism of Springtime Sea Fog PenetrationEGU25-7865 | ECS | Posters on site | AS2.2
Aerosol Based Fog Forecasting System and Visibility Parameterization For Delhi and NCREGU25-9259 | Posters on site | AS2.2
Advancements in fog prediction in weather and climate model guided by DNSEGU25-9989 | ECS | Orals | AS2.2
Leveraging Integrated Water Vapor derived from GPS for fog detection and fog characteristics analysisEGU25-11460 | ECS | Posters on site | AS2.2
The influence of aerosol particles on fog microphysics during the Fog and Aerosol InteRAction Research Italy (FAIRARI) campaign 2021/22EGU25-12492 | ECS | Posters on site | AS2.2
Integrating Ground-Based and Satellite Observations to Map Fog in the Namib DesertEGU25-15078 | ECS | Posters on site | AS2.2
From Haze to Fog: Investigating Aerosol-Fog Interactions and Source Shifts in Wintertime DelhiEGU25-15225 | ECS | Posters on site | AS2.2
Contrasting Fog Dynamics between Urban and Rural Environments: Insights from Winter Observations over Delhi and JewarEGU25-15592 | Orals | AS2.2 | Highlight
Air pollution reduction and climate change drive long-term trends of fog liquid water content in the Po ValleyEGU25-16701 | ECS | Posters on site | AS2.2
Spatiotemporal variability of fog and dew occurrence in the Atacama Desert - a view from a network of weather stationsEGU25-17107 | ECS | Posters on site | AS2.2
Satellite observations reveal higher persistence of fog in polluted conditions in the Po valley, ItalyEGU25-19827 | ECS | Posters on site | AS2.2
Classification of Fog Life Cycle Phases Using Ground-based and Satellite-based ObservationsEGU25-1539 | Posters on site | AS2.3
Observational Studies on the Land-air Exchange Processes over the Tibetan MountainEGU25-2935 | Posters on site | AS2.3
Ensemble machine learning for interpretable soil heat flux estimationEGU25-3154 | ECS | Posters on site | AS2.3
Exploring Forest-Atmosphere Interactions Under Heat Extremes in a Semi-Arid RegionEGU25-4594 | Posters on site | AS2.3
Addressing a sensible heat bias in open-path eddy covariance carbon dioxide flux measurementsEGU25-5075 | ECS | Posters on site | AS2.3
High-resolution monitoring of CO2/O2 transport in recharge wellsEGU25-6639 | ECS | Posters on site | AS2.3
Methodological challenges for understory eddy-covariance measurementsEGU25-9629 | ECS | Posters on site | AS2.3
Metrological Traceability in Eddy Covariance Measurements of CO2 FluxEGU25-9912 | ECS | Posters on site | AS2.3
Parametrization of extremely heterogeneous land-surface processesEGU25-11746 | ECS | Posters on site | AS2.3
Evaluating a Flux Footprint Model Using Tracer Release Experiments and Tall Tower Eddy Covariance MeasurementsEGU25-12023 | ECS | Posters on site | AS2.3
Irrigation impacts on the severe summer 2003 drought and heat wave event in Central EuropeEGU25-12704 | Orals | AS2.3
Spatial source attribution of eddy covariance flux data by inversion optimizationEGU25-13303 | ECS | Posters on site | AS2.3
The greenhouse gas exchange of a drained peatland forest: first insights from eddy-covariance measurements of CO2, CH4 and N2O fluxes in EstoniaEGU25-15199 | ECS | Orals | AS2.3
Discovering new Influences on Dispersive Heat Fluxes over Heterogeneous Surfaces with Machine LearningEGU25-19157 | Posters on site | AS2.3 | Highlight
The Land-Atmosphere Feedback Initiative (LAFI): Field observations, modeling approaches, and first resultsEGU25-19174 | ECS | Posters on site | AS2.3
Evaluation of CO2 and energy balance fluxes from a maize canopy in east Tennessee using the SURFATM modelEGU25-20222 | ECS | Posters on site | AS2.3
Assessing the discrepancy of energy fluxes over spring wheat under sloping topography conditionsbased on eddy covariance measurementsEGU25-1665 | ECS | Orals | AS2.5 | Highlight
Surface microlayer ecosystems as platforms for viral adaptation and dispersal in the Central ArcticEGU25-1770 | Posters on site | AS2.5
Methane distribution, production, and emission in the Western North PacificEGU25-5221 | ECS | Posters on site | AS2.5
Evaluation of Arctic Ocean surface carbon fluxes from Atmospheric Inverse AnalysisEGU25-5360 | Posters on site | AS2.5
Accelerating CO2 outgassing in the equatorial Pacific from sat-ellite remote sensingEGU25-7519 | Posters on site | AS2.5
Estimation of Arctic Air-Sea CO2 Fluxes by Inverse Methods: Use of OSSEs to Assess Atmospheric Sampling StrategiesEGU25-8419 | ECS | Posters on site | AS2.5
Investigating Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Ozonolysis of Phytoplankton CulturesEGU25-10303 | ECS | Posters on site | AS2.5
Chemical Drivers of Oceanic Ozone Uptake – Iodide vs SurfactantsEGU25-10513 | ECS | Posters on site | AS2.5
Evaluating Methane Emissions and Sea-Air Fluxes in the Southern OceanEGU25-11404 | ECS | Posters on site | AS2.5
North Atlantic fjords are minor sources of nitrous oxide to the atmosphereEGU25-12341 | ECS | Posters on site | AS2.5
Greenhouse Gas Dynamics in Coastal Ecosystems: Insights from the Baltic Sea and Auckland, New ZealandEGU25-12512 | Posters on site | AS2.5
Nitrous oxide from three temperate estuaries discharging in the North Sea: No estuary is like anotherEGU25-12999 | Posters on site | AS2.5
A 25-year record of atmospheric deposition of iron speciation in the East Mediterranean: The impact of pHEGU25-13680 | ECS | Posters on site | AS2.5
Understanding the drivers of the air-sea CO2 flux seasonal variability in the upwelling systems off Peru and Baja CaliforniaEGU25-15135 | ECS | Orals | AS2.5
Global Oceanic Nitrogen Deposition under Future Emission Pathways and Responses to Nitrogen Emission ReductionsEGU25-15375 | ECS | Orals | AS2.5
Characterizing marine atmospheric VOC diversity and fluxes using PTR-TOF-MS measurements in the Baltic SeaEGU25-15858 | ECS | Orals | AS2.5
Compensatory Mechanisms Reduce ENSO-driven Nitrous Oxide Emission Variability in the Eastern Tropical PacificEGU25-17040 | Posters on site | AS2.5
Advancing predictions of Dimethylsulfide emissions and biogenic sulfur aerosol in the Mediterranean region via machine learningEGU25-17784 | Orals | AS2.5
Marine emissions of methanethiol increase aerosol cooling in the Southern OceanEGU25-17950 | Posters on site | AS2.5
Some Recent Contributions from the Heidelberg Aeolotron to Understanding Air-Sea Gas ExchangeEGU25-346 | ECS | Posters on site | OS3.1
BASS Mesocosm Study: trace gas processes during a phytoplankton bloom with extreme slick formationEGU25-7269 | Posters on site | OS3.1
Surfactants’ global regulation of CO2 fluxes across the air-sea interfaceEGU25-8521 | Posters on site | OS3.1
Surfactant distribution can impact air-sea exchange in a Tropical Estuarine System in the Caribbean.EGU25-8823 | ECS | Orals | OS3.1
Biogeochemical Links in the Sea-Surface Microlayer: A Multidisciplinary Mesocosm StudyEGU25-8931 | ECS | Orals | OS3.1
Photochemical dynamics of carbonyl compounds in the sea-surface microlayer (SML) based on a mesocosm studyEGU25-11560 | ECS | Posters on site | OS3.1
Organic Alkalinity in the Sea-Surface Microlayer: Implications for Ocean Acid-Base ChemistryEGU25-11844 | ECS | Posters on site | OS3.1
Effects of a Phytoplankton Bloom and Photobleaching on Colored and Fluorescent Dissolved Organic Matter in the Sea-Surface MicrolayerEGU25-13644 | ECS | Orals | OS3.1
Influence of a Surfactant on Physical Processes Above and Below Wind-Generated Waves in a Wind-Wave TankEGU25-16057 | Posters on site | OS3.1
Detection and Characterization of Mycosporine-like Amino Acids in the Sea Surface Microlayer of the Baltic Sea during SummerEGU25-466 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.3
Effects of N fertilization on soil chemistry dynamics in Ferralsols of the High Potential Maize Zone, KenyaEGU25-1042 | ECS | Orals | BG1.3
Investigating the sensitivity of modelled nitrogen inputs in the Mediterranean to dry deposition parametersEGU25-1143 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.3
Emissions of ammonia and nitrogen dioxide over the Iberian Peninsula estimated with satellite observationsEGU25-2297 | Posters on site | BG1.3
Acidification of European croplands by nitrogen fertilization: Consequences for carbonate losses, and soil healthEGU25-3928 | Posters on site | BG1.3
Synchronized N2O/CH4/H2O/NH3 plume mobile measurement system based on low-power open-path laser analyzersEGU25-4076 | ECS | Orals | BG1.3
Managing nitrogen to achieve sustainable food-energy-water nexus in ChinaEGU25-6623 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.3
Trade-offs between crop yield, soil organic carbon and greenhouse gas emissions under reduced tillage and rainfall exclusionEGU25-7923 | Posters on site | BG1.3
Influence of soil organic matter and reduced rainfall on nitrous oxide emissions along a cultivated hillslopeEGU25-8269 | Posters on site | BG1.3
Decreasing N deposition leads to significant decrease in foliar N concentrations in forest treesEGU25-8306 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.3
Investigating Nitrous Oxide Pathways and Soil Carbon-Nitrogen Interactions Using Isotopic Techniques to Mitigate Greenhouse Gas EmissionEGU25-9733 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.3
Nitrogen transformation mediated by artificial root exudates derived from young alder and English oak treesEGU25-10603 | ECS | Orals | BG1.3
Landscape fluxes and dry deposition velocity of ammonia near a cattle feedlot using flux gradient approachEGU25-11361 | Posters on site | BG1.3
Standardization of a resistance model for the calculation of nitrogen deposition in the updated German standard VDI 3782-5EGU25-11640 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.3
Rhizobia inoculation to mitigate nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from UK grasslands and herbal leys under intercropping systems.EGU25-11830 | ECS | Orals | BG1.3
The role of tree pollen in forest nitrogen cycling: A laboratory perspectiveEGU25-12860 | Orals | BG1.3
Impact of wet nitrogen deposition on soil nitrogen emissions in West African ecosystemsEGU25-14072 | Orals | BG1.3
Hotspots and hot moments of DNRA in the Vadose Zone of Agricultural CroplandsEGU25-14338 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.3
Estimating the Tipping Point between N2O Emissions and C Sequestration in Soil using the DNDC v. CAN ModelEGU25-15249 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.3 | Highlight
Changing patterns of global nitrogen deposition driven by socio-economic developmentEGU25-15466 | Posters on site | BG1.3
Cover crop diversity and summer drought increase off-season N2O emissions from Finnish agricultural soilEGU25-16227 | ECS | Orals | BG1.3
Phosphorus addition impacts on soil nitrogen dynamics in a subtropical plantationEGU25-17098 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.3
Microbial nitrogen cycling in wetland forests with varying management statuses across EuropeEGU25-17316 | Posters on site | BG1.3
The GreenEO Project: Satellite-Based Services to Support Sustainable Land Use Practices Under the European Green DealEGU25-18590 | Orals | BG1.3 | Highlight
Dutch and EU consumption-based assessments of nitrogen losses throughout the global food systemEGU25-19141 | Posters on site | BG1.3
Long-term variations in nitrate leaching from ICP Forests Level II plotsEGU25-20072 | ECS | Orals | BG1.3
Nitrate in water: Understanding the sources using δ15N and δ18O valuesEGU25-20384 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.3
Nitrous oxide emissions in natural and managed wetlands across EuropeAS3 – Atmospheric Composition, Chemistry and Aerosols
EGU25-138 | Posters on site | AS3.1
Aerosol Monitoring at the Western Arabian Peninsula and North region of KSA (NEOM).EGU25-516 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.1
Sensitivity of Phase Partitioning of Inorganic Aerosols to pH and ALWC In Northwestern Indo-Gangetic PlainEGU25-1895 | Posters on site | AS3.1
Core-shell morphology of PM2.5 from three Northeast Asian cities: Its role in reactive uptakeEGU25-2290 | Posters on site | AS3.1
Source apportionment of aerosol ammonium in the urban boundary layer of Beijing from tower-based observationsEGU25-2440 | Posters on site | AS3.1
The impact of nitrogen oxides emitted from cement manufacturing facilities on the PM 2.5 concentration in the atmosphereEGU25-3447 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.1
Atmospheric Dispersion Assessment of Fine Particulate Matter Precursors from Landfills Using the Gaussian Plume ModelEGU25-4600 | Orals | AS3.1 | Highlight
Advancing aerosols in Earth system modeling with artificial intelligenceEGU25-5023 | ECS | Orals | AS3.1
Increasing aerosol emissions from boreal biomass burning exacerbate Arctic warmingEGU25-5435 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.1
Quantitative analysis of indoor CO2 and PM levels during violin performance in a music practice roomEGU25-5464 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.1
Bridging Surface and Column Perspectives: Insights into Aerosol Chemical Composition and Optical Properties from SPARTAN and AERONET DataEGU25-5540 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.1
Dominant Remote Sources and Their Potential Contributions to Airborne Dust over Typical Asian RegionsEGU25-6321 | ECS | Orals | AS3.1
Integrating Simulations and Observations: A Foundation Model for Estimating Aerosol Mixing State IndexEGU25-9126 | Posters on site | AS3.1
Long-term monitoring of ambient aerosols at a subtropical high-altitude mountain site in the western North PacificEGU25-10129 | Posters on site | AS3.1
Towards Atmospheric Compound Identification: A Reference Library of Simulated Electron Ionization Mass SpectraEGU25-10154 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.1
Advancements in the incorporation of complex soot morphology within atmospheric sciencesEGU25-11354 | Posters on site | AS3.1
An Improved Representation of Organic Aerosol Composition and Atmospheric Evolution in the EC-Earth3-AerChem modelEGU25-13343 | Posters on site | AS3.1
Characterization of Aerosols for Stratospheric Solar Radiation ManagementEGU25-15947 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.1
The heterogeneous reaction of HNO3 and HCl with CaCO3 in the context of stratospheric aerosol injection and its impact on stratospheric ozoneEGU25-17174 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.1
Impact of Aircraft Emissions on Ultrafine Particles Sulfate Content around Frankfurt/Main international AirportEGU25-17261 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.1
Long-Term Variability of Air Pollutants in the Indo-Gangetic Plain: Drivers, Trends, and HotspotsEGU25-17364 | ECS | Orals | AS3.1
Atmospheric black carbon mass absorption cross-section: a literature reviewEGU25-19425 | ECS | Orals | AS3.1
Investigating Organic-Mineral Core-Shell Aerosols: A Study of Hydroxyl Radical OxidationEGU25-19589 | ECS | Orals | AS3.1
Global inversions of black carbon emissions using TM5-MP coupled with CTDASEGU25-20059 | Posters on site | AS3.1
Air Quality Assessment in Safranbolu (Karabük): A Critical Step Towards Combating Air Pollution in Turkey's Steel Industry HubEGU25-647 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.2
Chemical Analysis and Source Apportionment of Particulate-Bound Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Northeast IndiaEGU25-2587 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.2
Revisiting the global atmospheric glyoxal budget: updates in secondary production pathways and evaluations against satellite observationsEGU25-3072 | Posters on site | AS3.2
Anthropogenic influence on terpene concentrations in urban air in Helsinki, Finland: Insights from wintertime measurementsEGU25-3522 | ECS | Orals | AS3.2
An Urban Emission Inventory Approach for Source Specific Atmospheric Chamber StudiesEGU25-4126 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.2
Improved isoprene emission estimates from MEGAN and comprehensive modeling of BVOCs driven aerosol dynamics in the Boreal forestsEGU25-5154 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.2
Modelling taxonomic biodiversity driven effects on regional air quality using the new chemical mechanism URMELLEGU25-7373 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.2
Cloud-Aerosol Chemistry Observations at Whiteface Mountain: Organic Acids and the Growing Importance of AmmoniumEGU25-9422 | ECS | Orals | AS3.2
Insight from VOC flux measurements on managing air quality in citiesEGU25-10238 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.2
Underestimated Formaldehyde Emission from Residential Coal Combustion in North ChinaEGU25-10519 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.2
Gas-phase Experiments on the Reactivity and Fate of Short-Chain Fatty Acid Ethyl Ester DerivativesEGU25-12518 | Orals | AS3.2 | Highlight
Evaluating the emissions and chemistry of understudied VOC sources using observations from field and laboratory studies.EGU25-12883 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.2
The Role of Oxygenated Organosulfates in Mixed Biogenic and Anthropogenic New ParticleFormationEGU25-13021 | Posters on site | AS3.2
Volatile organic compound measurements in an urban coastal environment impacted by oil refinery emissionsEGU25-13407 | ECS | Orals | AS3.2
Gas-particle partitioning and yield of organic nitrate under different VOC, NOx, and oxidation conditionsEGU25-15281 | Orals | AS3.2
Sources of Oxygenated Organic Molecules and Their Impacts on Organic Aerosol in ChinaEGU25-15473 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.2
Source and sink of volatile organic compounds over snow surfaceEGU25-15710 | Orals | AS3.2
Emerging diversity of volatile organic compounds from freshwater and marine ecosystemsEGU25-16150 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.2
Improving BVOC emission estimation with high-resolution tree species mapping in urban areasEGU25-16682 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.2
Breaking Calibration Barriers: Quantifying Oxidation Products in Chamber and Field Measurements via Voltage ScanningEGU25-17927 | Posters on site | AS3.2
Identifying volatile organic compounds at a rural site in the Italian Po ValleyEGU25-18770 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.2
Characterization of Volatile Organic Compounds in the Arctic Atmosphere: Insights from High-Resolution Measurements of VOCs at Villum Research StationEGU25-20688 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.2
Urban emissions fate towards secondary aerosol formation; a chamber studyEGU25-20718 | Posters on site | AS3.2
Analysis of twenty years (2004–2023) observation of non-methane hydrocarbons in a subtropical coastal environmentEGU25-21187 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.2
Coupling Measurements of Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds and Ozone Reactivity in the FieldEGU25-853 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.3
Chemical Characterization and source apportionment of PM2.5 over an upwind site of Delhi during Biomass Burning and Diwali Festival periodEGU25-2937 | Posters on site | AS3.3
Influence of Salting Out and Organic Nitrogen on Mixed Amino Acid Aerosol Cloud-Nucleating AbilityEGU25-5118 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.3
Chemical composition and source identification of fluorescent components in water-soluble organic carbon in the city of Karlsruhe, GermanyEGU25-5301 | Posters on site | AS3.3
Volatility and Atomic Ratio of Aromatic Secondary Organic Aerosol: Effects of Aging and Alkyl SubstituentsEGU25-5677 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.3
High-resolution, seasonal studies of carbon sources in atmospheric dust in Gliwice, using the radiocarbon methodEGU25-9109 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.3
Freezing atmospheric organic nucleation: A matrix isolation studyEGU25-9180 | Posters on site | AS3.3
Modelling aerosol chamber experiments with kinetic gas-to-particle partitioning of organic molecules under humid conditionsEGU25-10433 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.3
Causes of the unremitting high ambient levels of PM10 in a suburban background site in NE SpainEGU25-10922 | Orals | AS3.3 | Highlight
Occurrence of a “forever chemical” in the atmosphere above pristine Amazon ForestEGU25-11178 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.3
Synthesis and Characterization of Organic Peroxides from Monoterpene-derived Secondary Organic AerosolEGU25-12699 | ECS | Orals | AS3.3
Insufficient mass spectrometric detection of synthesized hydroperoxy acids from α-pinene ozonolysisEGU25-13005 | ECS | Orals | AS3.3
Oxygenated Organic Molecules in Newly Formed Biogenic Particles: Molecular Structures and Formation PathwaysEGU25-13194 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.3
Formaldehyde as a SOA Indicator: Regional and Temporal VariabilityEGU25-13516 | ECS | Orals | AS3.3
Understanding the Importance of the H-Abstraction Channel in HOM Formation from OH Oxidation of α-pineneEGU25-14134 | ECS | Orals | AS3.3
Photochemical Aging Enhances the Viscosity of Biomass Burning Organic AerosolEGU25-14487 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.3
Spatial distribution and Source Apportionment of Organic Nitrogen in PM2.5 over Northeast AsiaEGU25-15491 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.3
Nonlinear Formation of Secondary Organic Aerosol from Biogenic VOC MixturesEGU25-16087 | Orals | AS3.3
Isoprene nitrates drive new particle formation in Amazon’s upper troposphereEGU25-17091 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.3
Characterization of cooking aerosol through an ensemble of measurements targeting chemical composition, physical properties and oxidative potential.EGU25-17234 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.3
Distribution of jet engine oil emissions in the urban surroundings of Germany's largest airportEGU25-17378 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.3
Molecular representation of benzene SOA for 3D modellingEGU25-18823 | ECS | Orals | AS3.3
Sensitivity of Cloud Microphysics to BVOC-Induced Aerosol Growth Over Boreal ForestsEGU25-19500 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.3
New particle formation from alpha pinene and trace sulfuric acid in the CERN CLOUD chamberEGU25-19908 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.3
Application example of a novel untargeted LC-UHRMS processing approach for the analysis of organic aerosolsEGU25-372 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.5
Continuous Detection of Pathogenic Bioaerosol Using Antibody Labelled Magnetic Beads and Flow CytometryEGU25-986 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.5
Investigation on meteorological dependency of airborne bacterial communities enriched with pathogens over Eastern HimalayasEGU25-4339 | Posters on site | AS3.5
Assessing indoor fungal spore health impacts with real-time detection technologiesEGU25-7168 | Posters on site | AS3.5
Artificial Intelligence for Pollen and Spore Detection, Forecasting and Human Health (AIPS)EGU25-10456 | Posters on site | AS3.5
A case study based on bioaerosol emissions from farmland and animal housesEGU25-16487 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.5
Global Modeling of Fluorescent Aerosol Particles with Machine Learning Reveals Potential Regional Anthropogenic ImpactsEGU25-17236 | Posters on site | AS3.5
Testing the generation of fungal spore aerosols with a new atomization setupEGU25-18207 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.5
UAV-based aerosol and VOC measurements above a spruce forest canopy in Lower AustriaEGU25-2169 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.6
Improved Formulation of Snow Fragmentation during Collision with Hail/ Graupel based on Field Observation at JungfraujochEGU25-2825 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.6
Life cycle of ice-nucleating particles in an Arctic cold air outbreakEGU25-4346 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.6
How do volcanic eruptions effect cloud hydrometeor properties?A case study of the Raikoke eruption 2019EGU25-4383 | Posters on site | AS3.6
Comparing ice-nucleating particles in extensive stratiform cloudsEGU25-5737 | ECS | Orals | AS3.6
Fluorescent fungal spores as a major contributor to ice nucleating particles in the European sub-ArcticEGU25-6935 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.6
Ice Nucleation Abilities and Chemical Characteristics of Laboratory-Generated and Aged Biomass Burning AerosolEGU25-8753 | Posters on site | AS3.6
The Impact of Atmospheric Photochemistry on Marine Aerosols: Ice Nucleation and Droplet ActivationEGU25-13928 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.6
Do bioaerosols or mineral dust dominate the global population of ice-nucleating particles?EGU25-15357 | Orals | AS3.6
Polysaccharides - Important Constituents of Ice Nucleating Particles of Marine OriginEGU25-16405 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.6
Sensitivity studies on secondary ice processes using detailed microphysics schemeEGU25-16421 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.6
Fragmentation in Collisions of Snow with Graupel/Hail: New Formulation fromField ObservationsEGU25-16438 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.6
Dependence of ice nucleation activity on mineralogy and particle size of surface dust from Morocco and Iceland in immersion freezing mode.EGU25-16455 | ECS | Orals | AS3.6
Modelling Ice Nucleating Particles from High-Latitude Sources to Reproduce Arctic In Situ ConcentrationsEGU25-18611 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.6
An Investigation of the Validity of Secondary Ice Production Parameterizations in WRF in an Orographic Environment with Preliminary Data From CHOPINEGU25-20340 | ECS | Orals | AS3.6 | Highlight
Vertical transport and segregation of ice nucleating particles in deep convective cloudsEGU25-1247 | ECS | PICO | CL4.14
Vertical Profiling of Dust Layers in the Eastern Mediterranean: Sources, Dynamics, and ImpactsEGU25-3373 | ECS | PICO | CL4.14
Analysis of PM2.5 Impacts from Agricultural Vinyl Waste Treatment Processes and Uncollected WasteEGU25-4644 | ECS | PICO | CL4.14
Intermediate-mode mineral dust aerosols efficiently scatter solar radiationEGU25-4775 | PICO | CL4.14
Paleoclimate informed simulations for constraining aerosol radiative effectsEGU25-5652 | ECS | PICO | CL4.14
From Sahara Desert to Ukraine: an integrated study of mineral dust transportEGU25-6183 | ECS | PICO | CL4.14
Meteorological Drivers of East Asian dust activity in spring 2001-2022EGU25-8292 | ECS | PICO | CL4.14
Saharan dust deposition in the eastern Mediterranean Sea: ballasting agent or fertilizer?EGU25-8965 | ECS | PICO | CL4.14
Photovoltaic production in West Africa: Impact of dust and water footprint of cleaning operationsEGU25-9264 | PICO | CL4.14 | Highlight
The shadow of the wind: photovoltaic power generation under Europe's dusty skiesEGU25-11653 | PICO | CL4.14
Earth Observations and Atmospheric Dust: unveiling Atlantic Ocean depositionEGU25-13198 | PICO | CL4.14
Giant Particle Size Distribution and Composition Near and In Dust SourcesEGU25-16684 | ECS | PICO | CL4.14
Enhancing Aerosol Modeling: Integrating the Mineralogy of Mineral Dust into ECHAM_HAMMOZEGU25-17479 | ECS | PICO | CL4.14
A 21-year evaluation of MODIS Aerosol Optical Depth retrievals during Icelandic dust eventsEGU25-1448 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.8
Airborne microplastic radiative effects: a sensitivity studyEGU25-1526 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.8
The effects of sediment properties on the aeolian abrasion and surface characteristics of microplasticsEGU25-1543 | ECS | Orals | AS3.8
Global climate model development: Adding microplastics to the UK Earth System ModelEGU25-6787 | Orals | AS3.8 | Highlight
Plastic burning: An important global source of atmospheric nanoplastic particlesEGU25-7251 | Orals | AS3.8 | Highlight
Are we underestimating microplastic emissions from agricultural soils?EGU25-8428 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.8
Atmospheric microplastic measurements reconciliation with emission estimates: A Lagrangian approachEGU25-10405 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.8
A Comparative Examination of Atmospheric Models for Studying Airborne Micro- and Nanoplastic PollutionEGU25-11340 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.8
Physical and Chemical Characterisation of Nanoplastic AerosolEGU25-11439 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.8
Quantifying the detachment dynamics of microplastic car tire-wear particles using a deep learning framework in a laboratory wind tunnel.EGU25-11924 | Posters on site | AS3.8
Atmospheric microplastics emissions estimation and uncertainty quantification using Gibbs samplerEGU25-12448 | ECS | Orals | AS3.8
Potential Influence of Microplastics on Cloud Formation through Heterogeneous Ice NucleationEGU25-13014 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.8
Quantification of wind-driven MP mobilisation potential in semi-arid regions in Kazakhstan using wind tunnel experimentsEGU25-13643 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.8
Occupational Exposure to Elevated Levels of Inhalable Microplastics in Plastic and Fiber Factory WorkersEGU25-13857 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.8 | Highlight
Do Microplastics Contribute to the Total Number Concentration of Ice Nucleating Particles?EGU25-16816 | ECS | Orals | AS3.8 | Highlight
High-resolution TD-PTR-MS as a novel analytical technique for nanoplastic detection– quantification in high-altitude glacial snow samplesEGU25-17574 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.8
POLARSENSE: Polar Online Airborne Nano and Microplastic Sensing and Environmental MonitoringEGU25-19123 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.8
Airborne microplastics distribution in indoor and outdoor environments of a rapidly growing city in South IndiaEGU25-1262 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.9
Middle Atmosphere Climatology using LIDAR for the evaluation of atmospheric conditions during man-made object reentryEGU25-2816 | Posters on site | AS3.9
Space sustainability through atmosphere pollution? De-orbiting, atmosphere-blindness and planetary environmental injusticeEGU25-3801 | Posters on site | AS3.9
Recent Observations of Rocket Exhaust Effects on the IonosphereEGU25-4564 | Posters on site | AS3.9
Rocket Launches and Satellite Re-Entry: Potential Issues and the Need for Additional Modeling and MeasurementsEGU25-6158 | Posters on site | AS3.9
What do we know about the chemistry of spacecraft constituent metals in the Lower Mesospehere-Upper Stratosphere?EGU25-9526 | Orals | AS3.9
DLR Initiative S3D: Advancing Space Sustainability and Sustainable DevelopmentEGU25-13478 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.9
Reducing the Environmental Impacts of Rocket Launch Emissions through Launch Parameter VariationsEGU25-14035 | Orals | AS3.9
In situ observations of a kerosene-fueled rocket plume sampled during SABRE 2023EGU25-15071 | ECS | Orals | AS3.9
Development and assessment of space launch and re-entry emission inventories for atmospheric modellingEGU25-17301 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.9
Defining the environmental impacts of satellite megaconstellation missions in a rapidly growing space sectorEGU25-18151 | ECS | Orals | AS3.9
Designing a mission concept for atmospheric plume measurements during a rocket launch eventEGU25-20347 | Posters on site | AS3.9
Atmospheric and climate effects of NOx emissions from Aviation and Rocket launchesEGU25-974 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.10
Label-free Ambient Pollen Identification and Classification Using Total Internal Reflection Microscopy and Deep LearningEGU25-3092 | Orals | AS3.10
Hydrometeorological drivers of Cupressaceae pollen rupture in southeastern SpainEGU25-3533 | ECS | Orals | AS3.10
EUMETNET AutoPollen: establishing a European network for automatic bioaerosol detectionEGU25-12519 | Posters on site | AS3.10
Assessing Associations Between Pollen Resilience Index Forecast Values and Allergic Health Symptoms Induced by AeroallergensEGU25-12813 | Posters on site | AS3.10
A 43 years-long European pollen reanalysis for alder, birch, and oliveEGU25-14796 | Posters on site | AS3.10
Betula pollen observation: integration of automated device records into long-term datasetsEGU25-15510 | Orals | AS3.10
Forecasting the Onset of Cupressus Flowering in the Mediterranean RegionEGU25-17983 | Posters on site | AS3.10
Bridging Automatic and Manual Pollen Monitoring: A Path Towards Homogenized Long-Term Time SeriesEGU25-19020 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.10
Performance of the Swisens Poleno automatic air-flow cytometer in Nordic conditionsEGU25-19841 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.10
Advancing eDNA analysis techniques of atmospheric bioaerosol samplesEGU25-19857 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.10
A glance into specie composition of biological aeroallergens: metagenomic approachEGU25-21470 | ECS | Orals | AS3.10
Evaluating the capture efficiency of fungal spores with automatic monitors: the case of BAA500 (Hund GmbH)EGU25-21490 | Orals | AS3.10
The influence of local particles on classifier performance for pollen monitoringEGU25-354 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.11
Distributional characteristics and causes of single-layer stratiform clouds in the Southeastern Pacific OceanEGU25-387 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.11
Exploring the hidden role of aerosols in altering the Indian Summer Monsoon rainfall variability through cloud modificationEGU25-1182 | Posters on site | AS3.11
Ice-Phase Influence on Aerosol Susceptibility in Wintertime Marine Boundary-Layer Clouds over Northwest Pacific OceanEGU25-1885 | Posters on site | AS3.11
Submicron-size aerosol scavenging by electro-collection and ice nucleationEGU25-1987 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.11
Assessment of the Cloud Seeding Efficiency over Tom Green County Texas, USAEGU25-2046 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.11
Urban-Rural differences in characteristics for Shallow Clouds observed over Chennai, a tropical megacity in IndiaEGU25-2559 | ECS | Orals | AS3.11
Regional to global impacts of boreal biomass burning emissions changes: a multi-model studyEGU25-2741 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.11
Role of aerosols in modulating the convection over the South China Sea associated with boundary layer clouds during boreal winterEGU25-2980 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.11
Constrained changes in future diurnal cloud pattern cause stronger ocean warming and radiation imbalanceEGU25-3245 | ECS | Orals | AS3.11
Investigating a double moment, fully coupled aerosol-cloud model over the AmazonEGU25-3333 | Posters on site | AS3.11
Towards Understanding Biases in Cloud Radiative Effects Simulated in E3SMv3EGU25-3346 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.11
Air Mass Patterns for Deep Convective Clouds over Poland in the first and second generation Meteosat retrievalsEGU25-3965 | Posters on site | AS3.11
Aerosol-cloud interactions near cloud base deteriorating the haze pollution in East ChinaEGU25-4280 | ECS | Orals | AS3.11
Indian Summer Monsoon Response to Regional Aerosol Emission Changes: RAMIP insightsEGU25-4312 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.11
Impacts of reductions in non-methane short-lived climate forcers on future droughtsEGU25-5943 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.11
Impact of aerosol-cloud interaction on aerosol effective radiative forcing revealed by a Random Forest Regression over CMIP6 dataEGU25-6060 | Orals | AS3.11 | Highlight
Strong contribution of SO2 emissions reductions from China to global warming intensification since 2010EGU25-6413 | Posters on site | AS3.11
Simulation of Biomass Burning Events and Their Atmospheric Effects: A Study with WRF-ChemEGU25-6953 | ECS | Orals | AS3.11
Sub-Saharan African Precipitation Responses to Aerosol Emission ChangesEGU25-7034 | ECS | Orals | AS3.11
Estimation of turbulence dissipation rate within shallow cumulus using airborne Particle Image VelocimetryEGU25-7763 | ECS | Orals | AS3.11
Aerosols exacerbating the heterogeneity of precipitation vertical structuresEGU25-8044 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.11
Regimes of Droplet Size Distribution Evolution in Stratocumulus: From Adiabatic Growth to Entrainment and MixingEGU25-8549 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.11
Wind-induced aerosol transport and associated precipitation enhancement over South - East AsiaEGU25-8614 | ECS | Orals | AS3.11
Mechanisms of surface solar irradiance variability under broken cloudsEGU25-8619 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.11
Unveiling the hidden heating layer at the top of stratocumuliEGU25-8750 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.11
How will climate change impact fog and low clouds in the Namib desert?EGU25-8938 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.11
How 3D cloud radiative effects are influenced by microphysics of low-level cloudsEGU25-10008 | Posters on site | AS3.11
Insights into aging of biomass burning aerosols based on satellite observations and trajectory modellingEGU25-10728 | Orals | AS3.11
When Co-Variability Mimics Causal Aerosol-Cloud Interactions in Satellite DataEGU25-13039 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.11
UAV-Based Insights into Cloud Particle Size Distributions from the CHOPIN CampaignEGU25-13393 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.11
A Holistic Investigation of Cloud Droplet Formation Representation in General Circulation ModelsEGU25-14185 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.11
Effects of the Sea Salt Aerosol On an Idealized Tropical Cyclone Microphysics Using a Bulk MethodEGU25-15228 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.11
Constraining aerosol–cloud radiative forcing using present-day observationsEGU25-15271 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.11
Predicting Modal Aerosol Chemical Composition for Improved CCN Closure: A Boreal Forest Case StudyEGU25-15296 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.11
Clouds' Clout on the Aerosol Size Distribution - Modelling Detailed Chemical ProcessingEGU25-15483 | ECS | Orals | AS3.11
Evidence of Anthropogenic Aerosols Impacts on the Southwestern U.S. Droughts since 1980EGU25-16293 | ECS | Orals | AS3.11
Anthropogenic aerosol-induced changes in radiative forcing and temperature over the MediterraneanEGU25-16348 | ECS | Orals | AS3.11
Impact of Asian aerosols on the summer monsoon strongly modulated by regional precipitation biasesEGU25-16380 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.11
The Cloud-Aerosol Transition Zone from Satellite and Ground-Based Lidar ObservationsEGU25-18015 | ECS | Orals | AS3.11
Quantification of aerosol influence on day-to-day mesoscale variability of shallow convectionEGU25-18206 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.11
Retrieving Microphysical Properties of Arctic and Mediterranean clouds using a synergy of remote sensing and in situ instrumentationEGU25-18274 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.11
Novel measures for diagnosing and evaluating entrainment-mixing in warm and mixed-phase clouds using airborne, in situ measurementsEGU25-18461 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.11
Cloud observations over Limassol, Cyprus using CLOUDNET facilitiesEGU25-18479 | Posters on site | AS3.11
Anthropogenic aerosol effects on convective clouds and precipitation in global km-scale simulations with ICON-HAM-liteEGU25-18569 | Posters on site | AS3.11
High-Resolution Insights from the Max Planck CloudKite During EUREC4AEGU25-18825 | ECS | Orals | AS3.11
Simulating shipping impacts on clouds in a high-resolution weather modelEGU25-19507 | ECS | Orals | AS3.11
Modelling marine cloud brightening in large-eddy simulation and parcel model intercomparison projectsEGU25-20619 | Posters on site | AS3.11
Regime Classification and AI-Enhanced Causal Analysis of Aerosol-Cloud Interactions Based on Long-Term ObservationsEGU25-597 | ECS | Orals | AS3.13
Unveiling the Impact of Lightning-induced NOx on Air Quality Over IndiaEGU25-1921 | Posters on site | AS3.13
Brown Carbon in East Asia: Seasonality, Sources, and Influences on Regional Climate and Air QualityEGU25-2322 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.13
Extreme heat and drought have amplified the adverse effects of dust events across EurasiaEGU25-3433 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.13
Variation of Modified Combustion Efficiency and Its Impact on Biomass Burning Emission Estimation in AfricaEGU25-3439 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.13
Modeling the Effects of Vegetation and Snow on Dust Storm over the Gobi DesertEGU25-3923 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.13
Convective injection into stratospheric intrusions alters tropopause chemical structureEGU25-4100 | Posters on site | AS3.13
Superimposed effects of typical local circulations and aerosol–radiation interaction on heavy hazeEGU25-4164 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.13
Modeling Study on the spatiotemporal distribution of global atmospheric brown carbonEGU25-4618 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.13
Asian dust storm performing the role in surface ozone reductionEGU25-4747 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.13
Impacts of Sea-Land Breeze on the Ozone Pollution under varied synoptic weather patterns in the Pearl River Delta, ChinaEGU25-5542 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.13
Impacts of northward typhoons on autumn haze pollution over North China PlainEGU25-9564 | ECS | Orals | AS3.13
What drove the rapid ozone reduction at a background site in South China during 2018-2023?EGU25-10924 | ECS | Orals | AS3.13
Complex Ozone-Temperature Relationship in the North China Plain Under Heat ExtremesEGU25-12236 | ECS | Orals | AS3.13
Understanding the influence of particle growth on air quality and local climate in megacityEGU25-12257 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.13
Pollution characteristics of ozone and atmospheric particulate matter during 2013-2017 associated with meteorological factors in Lhasa, TibetEGU25-16683 | ECS | Orals | AS3.13
Analyzing the Environmental Impact of Thermal Power Plants on Air Pollution across Taiwan.EGU25-17363 | Posters on site | AS3.13
Role of Bay of Bengal cyclone in unusual aerosol loading and fog events over the Kerala regionsEGU25-17376 | ECS | Orals | AS3.13
Climate Response to a Decade of Anthropogenic Emission Changes (2013-2023)EGU25-18288 | ECS | Orals | AS3.13
Meteorological Drivers of Compound Atmospheric Events Associated with High Mortality Rates in SpainEGU25-20017 | ECS | Orals | AS3.13
Understanding Drivers of Extreme Ozone Events: A Sensitivity Study with WRF-ChemEGU25-3629 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.16
Rapid Ash Removal in the 2022 Hunga Volcano Plume: The Role of Aerosol Microphysical ProcessesEGU25-6342 | Posters on site | AS3.16
Will the climate response to volcanic eruptions change in the future?EGU25-10745 | Posters on site | AS3.16
Developing a set of simple metrics to evaluate the performance of models with interactive stratospheric aerosolsEGU25-12390 | Posters on site | AS3.16
ENSO response to tropical volcanic eruptions: the role of the seasonEGU25-12721 | ECS | Orals | AS3.16
Unveiling volcanic forcing through lunar eclipses: past, present and future perspectivesEGU25-12900 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.16
The Impact of 2022 Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai (Hunga) Eruption on Stratospheric Circulation and ClimateEGU25-13842 | ECS | Orals | AS3.16
Stratospheric Aerosol layer responses to volcanic and wildfire perturbationsEGU25-14519 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.16
State dependence of stratospheric aerosol chemistry-climate impacts in GFDL-ESM4.1EGU25-15396 | Posters on site | AS3.16 | Highlight
Can Reanalysis Datasets Show Unprecedented Stratospheric Water Vapor After the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai Eruption?EGU25-16379 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.16
Radiative Effects of Hunga Volcanic Eruption in the Middle Atmosphere: A Model and Observation-Based AnalysisEGU25-16818 | ECS | Orals | AS3.16
The response of African monsoons to the symmetric and asymmetric Volcanic eruptions in past and future climateEGU25-17973 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.16
Sensitivity of Monsoon Onset to Idealised Volcanic ForcingEGU25-18647 | Posters on site | AS3.16
Balloon Network for stratospheric aerosol Observations (BalNeO): A new network to monitor the stratosphereEGU25-18827 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.16
Winter Warming in Northern Eurasia Following the 1783 Laki Volcanic EruptionEGU25-18860 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.16
Investigating the Climatic Impacts of Volcanic Eruptions over Eurasia and MENA Using the MIROC6 Coupled Climate ModelEGU25-19434 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.16
Climate Responses to Volcanic Eruption Clusters in the North Atlantic Under Different Boundary ConditionsEGU25-19929 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.16
Impact of the April 2024 Ruang volcanic eruption on the Asian Tropopause Aerosol Layer: insights from Balloon measurementsEGU25-20169 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.16
Rapid adjustments after volcanic eruptions - A stepwise approach towards a better understanding of short-term adjustments in climate modelsEGU25-20342 | Posters on site | AS3.16
Nonlinear precipitation and temperature response to large low-latitude eruptions spanning the last two millenniaEGU25-21360 | Posters on site | AS3.16
Exploring stratospheric aerosol radiative forcing using the SASKTRAN radiative transfer frameworkEGU25-59 | ECS | Orals | AS3.17
Variability and long-term changes in tropical cold-point temperatureEGU25-474 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.17
Stratosphere to troposphere transport of ozone over South America during the SouthTRAC campaignEGU25-610 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.17
Comparing simulated polar stratospheric clouds in the UKESM with CALIOP satellite dataEGU25-1407 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.17
Impact of the 1994–1997 Temporary Decrease in Northern Hemisphere Stratospheric Methane on the 1990s Methane TrendEGU25-1676 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.17
Mechanistic evaluation of reanalysis composition and circulation in the Asian monsoon tropopause layerEGU25-2047 | Posters on site | AS3.17
Significant Response of Methane in the Upper Troposphere to Subseasonal Variability of the Asian Monsoon AnticycloneEGU25-2225 | ECS | Orals | AS3.17
Changes in the convective transport into the upper troposphere due to climate changeEGU25-2797 | ECS | Orals | AS3.17
Evaluating the impact of tropopause definitions on long-lived tracer distributions in the exUTLSEGU25-3680 | ECS | Orals | AS3.17
Understanding Boreal Summer UTLS Water Vapor Variations in Monsoon Regions: A Lagrangian PerspectiveEGU25-4335 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.17
Analysing mixing processes in tomographically imaged filaments of Asian Monsoon outflow during the PHILEAS campaign using computer visionEGU25-4817 | ECS | Orals | AS3.17
Stratosphere-Troposphere Exchange during a Typhoon event: A Lagrangian approach.EGU25-6027 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.17
Vertical Variability of Relative Humidity and Its Relation to Cirrus Clouds in the Extratropical UTLSEGU25-6744 | ECS | Orals | AS3.17
Anthropogenic Ammonia's Impact on Upper Tropospheric Aerosol Composition and Climate ForcingEGU25-7998 | ECS | Orals | AS3.17
Comparative Analysis of Transport Trace Gases in High-Resolution Simulations from ICON-ART and IFS ModelsEGU25-8181 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.17
Cirrus related diabatic processes and impact on ExTL structureEGU25-8337 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.17
Understanding Convective Transport Through Transit and Turnover TimescalesEGU25-8559 | ECS | Orals | AS3.17
Evidence of Tropospheric Uplift into the Stratosphere via the Tropical Western Pacific Cold TrapEGU25-9313 | Orals | AS3.17
Fine scale structure of the tropopause region as measured during the TPEx missionEGU25-9737 | Orals | AS3.17
Tracking air mass history with respect to convective mixing - a SOUTHTRAC exampleEGU25-10043 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.17
Observed perturbation of stratospheric chemical composition caused by wildfires smoke vorticesEGU25-10853 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.17
Are springtime Arctic ozone concentrations predictable from wintertime observations?EGU25-11148 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.17
Evidence of gravity wave contribution to vertical shear and mixing in the lower stratosphere: a WISE case studyEGU25-12700 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.17
Towards Measuring the Uptake of HCl to Organic Aerosol Proxies Under Stratospheric ConditionsEGU25-13178 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.17
How ENSO affects ozone, RHi and transport dynamics at the UTLS above Palau and the Tropical West PacificEGU25-13843 | ECS | Orals | AS3.17
Widespread influence of aerosol from the Asian summer monsoon throughout the extratropical lower stratosphereEGU25-13848 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.17
Clear air turbulence induced tracer mixing in the UTLS using Chemistry-Climate Model EMACEGU25-14762 | ECS | Orals | AS3.17
A new method to quantify tracer dispersion in the upper troposphereEGU25-15106 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.17
Observation of biomass burning aerosol from Canada in a warm conveyor belt outflow event over Europe during TPExEGU25-16298 | ECS | Orals | AS3.17
Fractal Characteristics and Seasonal Variations of Ice-SupersaturatedRegions (ISSRs) in the Tropopause RegionEGU25-18146 | Posters on site | AS3.17
How representative are turbulence diagnostic statistics on seasonal time scales?EGU25-18470 | ECS | Orals | AS3.17
Turbulent fractions in the Tropical Tropopause Layer using STRATEOLE-2 long-duration balloon measurementsEGU25-19191 | ECS | Orals | AS3.17
A Source of Clear-Air Turbulence? Tracking Gravity Wave Formation in Inertially Unstable RegionsEGU25-19811 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.17
Observations of water vapor in the UT/LS of unprecedented accuracy with non-equilibrium corrected frost point hygrometersEGU25-20209 | ECS | Orals | AS3.17
Importance of the representation of aerosol wet scavenging for aviation aerosol transportEGU25-20453 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.17
The Organic Contribution to Stratospheric Aerosol Particles Collected during the SABRE 2023 CampaignEGU25-786 | ECS | Posters on site | ST3.3
Stratosphere, Stratopause, and Lower Mesosphere in the JRA-55and JRA-3Q reanalyses: Insights and DiscrepanciesEGU25-3889 | Posters on site | ST3.3
Stratospheric contraction under Climate Intervention by Sulfate Aerosol InjectionEGU25-4006 | Orals | ST3.3
The neutral October effect in the lower mesosphere simulated by different modelsEGU25-4603 | ECS | Posters on site | ST3.3
Polar ozone anomalies, radiative effects, and their connection to mesospheric tidal dynamics during extreme eventsEGU25-4750 | ECS | Posters on site | ST3.3
Investigation of Polar Mesospheric Summer Echoes observed with the EISCAT VHF radarEGU25-10859 | Posters on site | ST3.3
Recent observations of Lithium atoms in the middle atmosphere by lidarEGU25-12527 | ECS | Posters on site | ST3.3
Decadal Trends of Non-Migrating Eastward-Propagating Diurnal Tides in the MLT RegionEGU25-13155 | ECS | Posters on site | ST3.3
High-resolution Analysis of Evolving Mesospheric KHI at Poker FlatEGU25-13463 | ECS | Posters on site | ST3.3
Vertical Gravity Wave Coupling Combining Ground and Satellite Based MeasurementsEGU25-13733 | Posters on site | ST3.3
ICON/MIGHTI as a Nightglow Probe of the Atomic Oxygen Green LineEGU25-13773 | ECS | Orals | ST3.3
Observing Mesospheric Gravity Waves with NASA’s AWE Mission and Correlating to GNSS TEC MapsEGU25-15306 | ECS | Orals | ST3.3
From data to discovery: understanding tropical middle stratospheric ozone variability through causal inferenceEGU25-19358 | ECS | Posters on site | ST3.3
Modelling and validation of small-scale variability of the MLTI using WACCM-RR over ScandinaviaEGU25-2784 | ECS | Orals | AS3.19
Bridging the Scale Gap: Non-Equilibrium Phase Changes in Contrail FormationEGU25-2948 | Posters on site | AS3.19
WRF Configuration for Prediction of Aircraft-Induced Cirrus FormationEGU25-4258 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.19
Modeling the impact of aviation fuel hydrogen and sulfur content on contrail properties: insights and implicationsEGU25-7440 | Orals | AS3.19
Physics-informed Machine Learning (PIML)-guided Contrails Formation PredictionEGU25-7550 | Posters on site | AS3.19
Enhanced Predictive Modeling and Validation of Persistent ContrailsEGU25-8923 | ECS | Orals | AS3.19
On Short-Term Climate Adjustments Following Abrupt Cirrus Cloud Formation from ISSREGU25-9035 | ECS | Orals | AS3.19
High-resolution simulations of contrails from hydrogen-powered aircraftEGU25-9076 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.19
A novel Contrail Detection Algorithm for the Meteosat Second Generation satelliteEGU25-10666 | Posters on site | AS3.19
Simulating the climate benefit of contrail reduction through targeted SAF in 2030 at Copenhagen airportEGU25-11011 | Posters on site | AS3.19
HYDEA Project Work Package 6: Contrail modeling for hydrogen combustion.EGU25-11045 | Orals | AS3.19
Influence of tail plan vortices on contrail vortex and dissipation phaseEGU25-11289 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.19
Highly-resolved simulations of contrail formation generatedby fuel cell-propelled aircraftEGU25-11345 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.19
A Global Aviation Emission Inventory of Contrail-Processed nvPM ParticlesEGU25-11372 | Posters on site | AS3.19
Ground-based installations at the Haute Provence Observatory (OHP) to monitoring and study condensation trailsEGU25-11650 | Orals | AS3.19
1D/2D radiative forcing modelling of a contrail using a Monte-Carlo approachEGU25-11993 | ECS | Orals | AS3.19
Modelling contrail cirrus using a double-moment cloud microphysics scheme in the UK Met Office Unified ModelEGU25-12684 | Posters on site | AS3.19
Understanding contrail formation in the near-field of modern turbofan enginesEGU25-13300 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.19
Ground Cameras with ADS-B Data for High-Resolution Contrail Detection & AttributionEGU25-13450 | ECS | Orals | AS3.19
Influence of Fuel Sulfur Content and nvPM Emissions on Contrail Formation: A CFD-Microphysics ApproachEGU25-14010 | ECS | Orals | AS3.19
Assessment of Exhaust Plume Microphysics for Quantification of Contrail Climate ImpactsEGU25-15429 | Posters on site | AS3.19
Addressing Uncertainty and Rerouting Strategies in Aviation Climate Impact AssessmentsEGU25-15580 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.19
Modelling of contrail climate effects with the AviTeam and the CoCiP modelEGU25-16019 | ECS | Orals | AS3.19
Numerical investigation of installation effects on condensation trail evolution during the vortex phase.EGU25-17034 | ECS | Orals | AS3.19
Accurate Contrail Simulation In the Jet and Vortex Phases by Combining Space- and Time-Developing ParadigmsEGU25-17191 | ECS | Orals | AS3.19
Comparing high-fidelity LES of early contrail formation with ground-based imagesEGU25-17834 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.19
Occurrence of embedded contrails in cirrus clouds observed with the HALO research aircraftEGU25-18681 | ECS | Orals | AS3.19
Integration of mixed-fidelity aircraft/engine modelling to assess contrail mitigation strategiesEGU25-19067 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.19
Estimating the Climate Effect of Contrails in Mid-Latitudes Using a Lagrangian Framework in the EMAC ModelEGU25-19677 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.19
Flying around storms: Structured supersaturation at weather systemsEGU25-19765 | ECS | Orals | AS3.19
On the long-term propagation of contrails using a novel high-fidelity advection-diffusion modelEGU25-19851 | Posters on site | AS3.19
Contrail detection at nighttime combining lidar, meteorological and system ADS-B dataEGU25-19879 | ECS | Orals | AS3.19
Assessing Contrail Radiative Effects: A Comparison of MTG Satellite Detections and Physics-Based SimulationsEGU25-20111 | Posters on site | AS3.19
The Contrail OBservations And Lifecycle Tracking (COBALT) project - Observations and initial resultsEGU25-20263 | Posters on site | AS3.19
A Modular, Object-Oriented Python Framework for Advanced SAF Microphysics ModellingEGU25-1 | Posters on site | CL2.1
Theoretical reference estimate for the components of the global energy balanceEGU25-601 | ECS | Orals | CL2.1
Impact of Aerosol Optical Properties on Surface reaching Shortwave Radiation over Delhi in WRF-ChemEGU25-849 | ECS | Posters on site | CL2.1
Upper Tropospheric Humidity and Cloud Radiative Forcing: A Tropical PerspectiveEGU25-2516 | Posters on site | CL2.1
The Global Energy Balance as represented in Atmospheric ReanalysesEGU25-4868 | ECS | Orals | CL2.1
Investigating Bjerknes Compensation under the abrupt-4xCO2 CMIP6 experimentEGU25-5356 | Posters on site | CL2.1
Is the cloud absorption of solar radiation still underestimated significantly by current climate models?EGU25-5791 | ECS | Posters on site | CL2.1
Asian Summer Monsoon Exacerbates the transport efficiency of Stratospheric Aerosol InjectionEGU25-6703 | ECS | Orals | CL2.1
Comparison of solar spectral irradiance measurements with pyrheliometer total solar irradiance data.EGU25-8237 | Posters on site | CL2.1
Changes in global water vapor from observations and reanalysis productsEGU25-8463 | ECS | Posters on site | CL2.1
Highly-resolved satellite remote sensing based land-use change inventory yields weaker surface albedo-induced global coolingEGU25-8471 | ECS | Posters on site | CL2.1
The response of radiative forcing to high spatiotemporally resolved land-use change and transition from 1982 to 2010 in ChinaEGU25-10498 | Posters on site | CL2.1
External radiative forcing partly explains the Europe winter cooling in 1998-2012EGU25-10896 | Posters on site | CL2.1
Assessing the direct aerosol impact on surface irradiance using satellite-based and surface reference dataEGU25-12299 | Orals | CL2.1
Contributions of Driving Factors to Variations in Global Surface Solar RadiationEGU25-13806 | ECS | Orals | CL2.1
An insufficient subsurface depth biases the long-term surface energy balance in Land Surface ModelsEGU25-13923 | Orals | CL2.1
Examining fast radiative feedbacks using machine-learning-based emulators of weatherEGU25-14827 | Posters on site | CL2.1
China's autonomous solar energy products with the application of Fengyun satellitesEGU25-15920 | Orals | CL2.1 | Highlight
Recent global temperature surge intensified by record-low planetary albedoEGU25-19022 | ECS | Orals | CL2.1
The important role of feedback processes for contrail cirrus climate impactEGU25-20092 | ECS | Posters on site | CL2.1
Black Carbon Emissions and Their Relation to Emission Characteristics from Traditional Cookstoves in Rural IndiaEGU25-20539 | ECS | Posters on site | CL2.1
Atmospheric process, radiation forcing, and climate effects of short-chain perfluoroketonesEGU25-561 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.22
Characteristic aerosol properties from ecologically sensitive high-altitude region of Western Ghats in IndiaEGU25-658 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.22
Quantification of Chemical and Dynamical loss in Recent Antarctic Ozone depletionEGU25-1053 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.22
An Investigation on Source-Specific Health Risks Associated with Metals Present in Clouds over Hilly Regions in Indian SubcontinentEGU25-7323 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.22
Overview of Atmospheric Aerosol Observations during the ATWAICE Expedition in the Central ArcticEGU25-9716 | Posters on site | AS3.22
Expanding the Langley Calibration Method to Infrared Wavelengths: Modeling, Validation, and ApplicationsEGU25-12303 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.22
Seasonal Dynamics and Radiative Impacts of Black Carbon in the Yumthang Valley in Sikkim Himalaya, IndiaEGU25-12522 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.22
When the World Stopped: Insights into Aerosol masking effect and Black Carbon Source ShiftsEGU25-14674 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.22
Vertical profiles of black carbon measured using high-altitude balloon experiments over an urban location in IndiaEGU25-15052 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.22
Investigating marine driven new particle formation during the SOPHYAC-light campaignEGU25-15303 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.22
The annual cycle and sources of relevant aerosol precursor vapors in the central Arctic during the MOSAiC expeditionEGU25-17907 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.22
Relating aerosol optical properties to different emission sources at a coastal site in SwedenEGU25-18161 | ECS | Orals | AS3.22
Aerosol volatility over High-Altitude site in Western Ghats, India: Effect of semi-volatile organics coatingEGU25-1161 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.23
Optimal estimation of cloud properties from thermal infrared observations with a combination of deep learning and radiative transfer simulationEGU25-1538 | Orals | AS3.23 | Highlight
Polarimetric Remote Sensing of atmospheric aerosols: The first year of SPEXone PACEEGU25-1551 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.23
Multilayer Retrieval of Cloud Top heights from MODIS over the Southern OceanEGU25-4196 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.23
Identifying the Role of Clouds in the Recent Decrease in Top of the Atmosphere Reflectance Over GreenlandEGU25-4701 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.23
First Retrievals of Aerosol Optical Thickness and Surface Reflectance using EnMAP Radiance Data with the XBAER AlgorithmEGU25-5535 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.23
Impact of aerosol load on solar radiation in the northeast China regionEGU25-6443 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.23
Retrieval and validation of aerosol and surface properties from HARP2/PACE using GRASP algorithmEGU25-10514 | Posters on site | AS3.23
Estimation of Cloud Condensation Nuclei (CCN) from SPEXone on PACE using a deep neural network retrieval algorithmEGU25-11285 | Posters on site | AS3.23
Estimation of Global PM2.5 from Polarimetric Remote Sensing (POLDER-3/GRASP) and CAMS Reanalysis DataEGU25-12956 | Posters on site | AS3.23
Optical properties of smoke particles: modeling and interpretationEGU25-13530 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.23
Statistics of Optical and Microphysical Properties of Ice and Mixed-Phase Clouds on the Antarctic PlateauEGU25-14162 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.23
Sensitivity and Identification of Cloud Phases in the Solar Spectrum Using Dual-View Satellite ObservationsEGU25-14494 | ECS | Orals | AS3.23
Advanced Aerosol Retrievals with RemoTAP and PARASOL: Enhancing Understanding of Aerosol-Cloud InteractionsEGU25-15328 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.23
Long-term spatiotemporal features of aerosol optical characteristics and relative humidity in China's offshore areasEGU25-16774 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.23
Analysis of Cloud Types and their Geometrical Properties over the Mediterranean using CloudSat ObservationsEGU25-18561 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.23
Evaluation of CAMS Reanalysis Aerosol Optical Properties Against POLDER/GRASP Retrievals: Insights into Fine and Coarse Mode Aerosol CharacteristicsEGU25-18672 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.23
Versatile Aerosol and Cloud Obstruction Mask (ACOM) for Diverse Remote Sensing ApplicationsEGU25-6317 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.24
Ghost Plumes: Artificial splitting of greenhouse gas emission plumes in passive remote sensing observations in special viewing geometriesEGU25-6912 | Orals | AS3.24
Detection Limits of the GHGSat Constellation for Carbon Dioxide and MethaneEGU25-8353 | Posters on site | AS3.24
End-to-end simulations for greenhouse gas monitoring from space with a spectrometer - lidar - camera sensor tripletEGU25-9717 | ECS | Orals | AS3.24
Madrid Methane Remote Sensing: first results of a landfill field campaignEGU25-10453 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.24
Investigating the Impact of Modern Absorption Cross-Section Databases on CO2 RetrievalsEGU25-11171 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.24
Analysis of Methane Emissions from the Darvaza Gas CraterEGU25-11707 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.24
High resolution Turbulence modelling to improve complicated methane emissions observed from Satellite ImageryEGU25-14549 | Orals | AS3.24
Carbon-I, a NASA Earth System Explorer Mission concept for Greenhouse Gas ObservationsEGU25-15004 | Posters on site | AS3.24
The Potential for Future Satellite Missions to Advance the Arctic Methane Permafrost Challenge (AMPAC)EGU25-16209 | Posters on site | AS3.24
First data from GEMINI-UK, the UK national network of ground-based greenhouse gas observing spectrometersEGU25-16665 | Posters on site | AS3.24
Can we obtain consistent emissions in Europe from three different CH4 TROPOMI products?EGU25-17010 | ECS | Orals | AS3.24
Evaluating national & urban Indian methane emissions using satellitesEGU25-17057 | ECS | Orals | AS3.24
Investigating Indian methane emission using TROPOMI retrievals and WRF-GHG modelling frameworkEGU25-17625 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.24
A ground-based remote sensing measurement network designed to infer net emission of CO2 and methane from the City of EdinburghEGU25-18869 | Posters on site | AS3.24
Assessing the Capability of Sentinel-5P (TROPOMI) NO2 Measurements to Monitor Point Source CO2 EmissionsEGU25-19252 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.24
Global Detection and Analysis of Methane Plumes in 2024 Using TROPOMI ObservationsEGU25-1546 | Orals | AS3.25
Background, urban, and industrial NO2 estimated from TEMPO satellite observationsEGU25-6723 | Orals | AS3.25
Complementarity of GEO, LEO, and Lagrange-1 Point Satellite Aerosol ObservationsEGU25-7802 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.25
Spatiotemporal variability of single-scattering albedo over Asia using ground- and satellite-based remote sensingEGU25-9038 | ECS | Orals | AS3.25
Sensitivity of GEMS formaldehyde vertical columns to a priori profile for air mass factor during ASIA-AQEGU25-11665 | Orals | AS3.25 | Highlight
Investigating air pollution and climate change on the African continent: a Global South perspectiveEGU25-13335 | ECS | Orals | AS3.25
Diurnal emission fluxes and lifetimes of nitrogen oxide estimated from GEMS observationsEGU25-15013 | ECS | Orals | AS3.25
GEMS Hourly Ozone Data: Enhancing MDA8 Estimates and Reducing Overestimated Health RisksEGU25-15879 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.25
Spatiotemporal pattern analyses of AOD and NO2 VCD in Southeast Asian countries using low-Earth and geostationary orbit satellite dataEGU25-17031 | Posters on site | AS3.25
The Path to Sentinel-4/UVN Operations: Products, Calibration and Validation, Monitoring, and Data Processing SystemsEGU25-17477 | Posters on site | AS3.25
Prototype Development of Algorithms for CH4 and CO2 Observation Using Cube SatellitesEGU25-17580 | Orals | AS3.25
The PEGASOS project for comparisons of Geo-Ring data with LEO and ground based dataEGU25-17636 | ECS | Orals | AS3.25
Integrating geostationary satellite data into CAMS: Insights from the CAMEO project and GEMS data assimilationEGU25-17674 | Posters on site | AS3.25
The Path to Sentinel-5/UVNS Operations: Products, Calibration and Validation, Monitoring, and Data Processing SystemsEGU25-19951 | Posters on site | AS3.25
Establishment of the Pandora Asia Network and validation of GEMSEGU25-666 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.26
Unveiling Occupational Exposure: The Impact of Particulate Matter on Traffic Policemen in Industrial ZonesEGU25-669 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.26
Interlinking Land Use Land Cover, Forest Biomass, and Air Quality in the Megacity Delhi, IndiaEGU25-1581 | ECS | Orals | AS3.26
Mapping and Modeling CO2 traffic emissions within local climate zones in HelsinkiEGU25-2269 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.26
Analysis of Roadside PM Concentrations Using Low-Cost Air Quality Monitoring Systems in South KoreaEGU25-3011 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.26
Evolution of Air Pollutant Emission Standards in South Korea’s Municipal Waste Incineration Facilities : A Focus on Particulate MatterEGU25-3361 | Posters on site | AS3.26
Impact of Revamping on PM, NOX, and HCl Emissions in Municipal Solid Waste Incineration FacilitiesEGU25-3368 | Posters on site | AS3.26
Estimating the variability of NOx emissions from the city of Wuhan with TROPOMI NO2 data during 2018 to 2023EGU25-3375 | Posters on site | AS3.26
The impact of changes in Korea's electricity supply policy on air pollutants: Focusing on fine dust (PM10, PM2.5)EGU25-3538 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.26
Air Quality Challenges in a Petrochemical Urban Area: Signatures of Pollution Sources and Atmospheric ConditionsEGU25-3684 | ECS | Orals | AS3.26
Using airborne greenhouse gas enhancement ratios for source apportionment in Asia during ASIA-AQEGU25-6270 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.26
Living with VOCs: Understanding indoor emissions and their implications beyond four wallsEGU25-6714 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.26
Natural ventilation of a room-atrium system with fluctuating opposing windEGU25-7547 | Posters on site | AS3.26
Physical and optical properties of black carbon observed at the 303-meter-high Tower in the urban environment.EGU25-8467 | ECS | Orals | AS3.26
Estimation of carbon dioxide fluxes in the city of Paris using the ICON-ART-CTDAS modelEGU25-8920 | Posters on site | AS3.26
Ozone Flux Measurements and Data Correction in Coastal Megacities in South Korea Busan and Ulsan, South KoreaEGU25-9568 | ECS | Orals | AS3.26
High-Resolution Urban Emission Mapping: Sensor-Driven CO2 Inverse Modeling in GlasgowEGU25-11082 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.26
Air quality issues in therapeutically exposed locationsEGU25-11711 | ECS | Orals | AS3.26
High-Resolution Quantification of Biogenic CO2 Fluxes over a Metropolitan AreaEGU25-12146 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.26
Mechanisms of Surface Ozone's Chemical Response to High Temperatures: Differences Between Urban and Rural AreasEGU25-12873 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.26
CHETNA-Traffic: Street level CO2 and pollutant emission analysis from road traffic in Indian citiesEGU25-13038 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.26
Comparative Analysis of Indoor Air Quality and Health Risk Assessment in Academic Workspaces in India and AustraliaEGU25-14270 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.26
Advanced Oxidation-Based System for Odor and Cooking Fume Reduction in Korean Barbecue Restaurants: Long-Term Evaluation and Impact AnalysisEGU25-14947 | ECS | Orals | AS3.26
Carbon Sequestration across Urban Vegetation Types in Changing Climate in Finnish CitiesEGU25-15353 | Posters on site | AS3.26
Understanding GHG Emission Trends in Romania: Sectoral and Regional PerspectivesEGU25-15891 | Posters on site | AS3.26
Measurement of Methane Concentrations at Ground Level in Bucharest during August 2024 Using a Mobile LaboratoryEGU25-16129 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.26
Determining Key Factors Influencing Ozone Formation in Taichung City, Taiwan Using Machine Learning ModelsEGU25-16784 | ECS | Orals | AS3.26 | Highlight
Towards high-resolution air pollutants sensing through dense low-cost sensor networks – a case study in MunichEGU25-17841 | ECS | Orals | AS3.26
Assessment of Munich’s CO2 emissions via Bayesian inversion using MUCCnet data from 2020-2025EGU25-17963 | Orals | AS3.26
Urban CO2 and CH4 atmospheric measurements in the Milan city area (northern Italy)EGU25-18076 | ECS | Orals | AS3.26
Eddy covariance measurements of CO2 fluxes along an urban-to-rural gradient in the Paris areaEGU25-19788 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.26
Short-term energy and carbon balance calculation and footprint-based land cover classification at an urban siteEGU25-19806 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.26
Oxidative Potential of Indoor Particulate Matter Collected During Campaigns in the UK, Slovenia, and SwedenEGU25-1282 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.27
Novel Insights into Atmospheric Methane Variability and Climatic Drivers in Eastern Saudi Arabia Using TROPOMI/Sentinel 5P ObservationsEGU25-1754 | ECS | Orals | AS3.27
Declining opportunity and enhanced targeting of short-term emission controls for major events in ChinaEGU25-3172 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.27
Revealing the characteristics of long-term Chinese tropospheric formaldehyde under the influence of socio-natural sourcesEGU25-3426 | Posters on site | AS3.27
Top-down NOx estimation from TROPOMI observation over East AsiaEGU25-3688 | Posters on site | AS3.27
Impact of wind fluctuations on the performance of the divergence method: How steady is the state?EGU25-4718 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.27
Atmospheric pollution in Ukraine (2022-2023): role of fires in CO, NO2, and aerosol emissions during two years of military conflictEGU25-4902 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.27
Four-decade Trends and Latitudinal Variations of Satellite-derived Aerosol in Global Oceanic RegionsEGU25-5690 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.27
Quantifying Sulfur Dioxide Emissions from Industrial Activities by a Helicopter-borne System and TROPOMI in the Southern Arabian PeninsulaEGU25-5821 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.27
Estimation of Long-Term Ozone Variability in East Asia (2005–2024): Integration of OMI, TROPOMI, and GEMS Satellite DataEGU25-9209 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.27
Dynamic lightning NOx production rates obtained with space-based low-Earth orbiting and geostationary lightning imagersEGU25-9438 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.27
Retrieval and Comparison of Multi−Satellite Atmospheric composition concentration Data from the EMI Series InstrumentsEGU25-10058 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.27
Monitoring ammonia point sources over East Asia from the Geostationary Interferometric Infrared Sounder (GIIRS) on board China's FengYun-4 satelliteEGU25-12938 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.27
Enhancing the flux divergence approach for accurate NOx emission estimation: An evaluation using high-resolution synthetic satellite dataEGU25-13358 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.27
Five years of satellite-based HCHO and NO2 monitoring over the Metropolitan Area of São Paulo, Brazil: insights from the BIOMASP+ projectEGU25-14326 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.27
Tracking daily NOx emissions from an urban agglomeration based on TROPOMI NO2 and a local ensemble transform Kalman filterEGU25-16544 | ECS | Orals | AS3.27
Towards MTG-IRS retrieval of CO using IASI from the interferogram domainEGU25-17035 | ECS | Orals | AS3.27
Contribution of Geostationary Satellites to the Observation of Atmospheric NH3EGU25-18728 | Posters on site | AS3.27
Temporal variability of NH3 in European hot spots based on satellite and in-situ observationsEGU25-19924 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.27
Presenting a Concise OMI and TROPOMI NO2 Afternoon Data Record.EGU25-20500 | Posters on site | AS3.27
Validation of all S5P ozone products (total columns, tropospheric columns and profiles) with a single reference network.EGU25-142 | Posters on site | AS3.28
Spatial air pollution modeling generating design of measurement networkEGU25-2279 | Posters on site | AS3.28
100-Meter High-Resolution Modeling and Validation of PM and NO2 Concentrations in Urban Areas of South KoreaEGU25-2307 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.28
Application of a Super-Resolution Algorithm to Improve the Spatial Resolution of Air Pollutant Concentrations in the Seoul AreaEGU25-3013 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.28
An Application of Deep Learning in the Zhuoshui River Basin for Multi-Station PM10 ForecastEGU25-5155 | Posters on site | AS3.28
A modeling study for assessment of air quality across European countriesEGU25-5628 | ECS | Orals | AS3.28
Emulating tropospheric chemistry with physics-informed machine learningEGU25-7297 | Posters on site | AS3.28
Key Atmospheric Processes in The Canadian Oil Sands Identified through Model EvaluationEGU25-11407 | Orals | AS3.28
On the applicability of the deposition velocity concept for ambient aerosolsEGU25-13481 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.28
Evaluating machine learning models for ozone pollution forecastingEGU25-16433 | ECS | Orals | AS3.28
Machine learning for high-resolution mapping of air pollutants over Italy (2021–2023)EGU25-16770 | Posters on site | AS3.28
Street-scale Air Pollution Modelling in İstanbul – The Case of Beşiktaş DistrictEGU25-16806 | Posters on site | AS3.28
Improvements and challenges of modeling air pollutants by assimilating Sentinel-5p TROPOMI observationsEGU25-17198 | ECS | Orals | AS3.28
Implementation of a particle resuspension model in a Large Eddy Simulation codeEGU25-18376 | Posters on site | AS3.28
The HAM-M7 aerosol scheme within OpenIFS 48r1: developing EC-Earth4EGU25-18837 | Posters on site | AS3.28
PM10 Spatiotemporal Patterns in Portugal: Functional Data Analysis from 2017 to 2018EGU25-39 | Posters on site | AS3.29
Source Apportionment of Ambient PM2.5 Data using the EPA-PMF Model at Monitoring site near the steel millEGU25-1087 | ECS | Orals | AS3.29
Advancing PM2.5 Source Apportionment through Dispersion Normalized PMF: A Comprehensive Study across IndiaEGU25-2700 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.29
Methods and issues of reducing reactive loss impacts in ambient VOC source apportionmentsEGU25-3840 | Posters on site | AS3.29
Effect of dispersion normalisation on PM10 elemental sources at a rural background site in Central EuropeEGU25-4796 | Posters on site | AS3.29
PMF-Bayesian Modeling for Spatial Source Apportionment of Airborne Particulate MatterEGU25-4799 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.29
Substantial Differences in Source Contributions to Carbon Emissions and Health Damage Revealed by Adjoint ModelingEGU25-4893 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.29
Integrating Weather Patterns with PMF Modeling: Insights into PM2.5 Pollution Sources and Future Applications to OzoneEGU25-6691 | Posters on site | AS3.29 | Highlight
Alpha Release of the US Environmental Protection Agency’s Environmental Source Apportionment Toolkit (ESAT)EGU25-7495 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.29
Source Apportionment of Optical Properties of Carbonaceous Aerosols between Urban and Rural areas in Republic of Korea, spring 2022EGU25-7532 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.29
A comparative study of PM2.5 source apportionment and toxicological effects based on differences in heavy metal analysis methodsEGU25-7712 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.29
Comparative Evaluation of Secondary Organic Aerosols in PM2.5 in Shenzhen Using Multiple MethodologiesEGU25-10883 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.29
Source attribution of fine particulate matter in European cities for different meteorological yearsEGU25-13996 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.29
Hourly chemical composition and source apportionment of PM in industrial and mining areas of SW Europe using a near real-time techniqueEGU25-15427 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.29
BTEX in Urban Air: Source Apportionment, Seasonal Trends, and Health Risk Assessment Across Three Western Indian Metropolitan CitiesEGU25-15558 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.29
Observation-based investigation unveils major local sources of heavy metals associated to fine particulate matters (PM2.5) in an urban areaEGU25-15834 | ECS | Orals | AS3.29
Traditional and new Approaches in Source Apportionment: A Critical Evaluation of Bias and LimitationsEGU25-16605 | Posters on site | AS3.29
Trend Analysis of PM2.5 Source Contributions in Seoul and Ulsan, South Korea (2016-2022)EGU25-16932 | Posters on site | AS3.29
Source Apportionment of PM2.5 in Southeast Asia: Bangkok, Thailand, and Jakarta, IndonesiaEGU25-258 | Posters on site | AS3.30
Granulometric Insights into PAH Concentrations and Health Risks: A Study of Urban Street Dust in Warsaw, PolandEGU25-355 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.30
Long-term Assessment of Black Carbon Variation and Mechanisms Driving Extreme Events in Major Global Source RegionsEGU25-1780 | ECS | Orals | AS3.30
Advancing Collaborative Solutions to Transport-Related Air Pollution: Insights from the MI-TRAP ProjectEGU25-2502 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.30
Study and update on the characteristic composition of urban emission sources of ozone precursor VOCs in TaiwanEGU25-4529 | ECS | Orals | AS3.30
SIMROUTE: A Tool for Assessing the Emissions Mitigation Potential of Weather Routing in Short Sea ShippingEGU25-4876 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.30
Seasonal Trends, Sources, and Health Impacts of PAH-Bound PM10 in Krakow Amidst the COVID-19 PandemicEGU25-5879 | ECS | Orals | AS3.30
Atmospheric aerosol from on-road transport in Europe: The role of different vehicle typesEGU25-6147 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.30 | Highlight
Real world cold-start emissions measurements in a parking garageEGU25-8748 | Orals | AS3.30
Real-Time Source Apportionment with ACSM-Xact-Aethalometer (AXA) and SoFi RTEGU25-8854 | ECS | Orals | AS3.30
NOx emissions from inland shipping using plume cross-sections obtained from MAX-DOAS measurementsEGU25-8939 | Posters on site | AS3.30
Secondary aerosol formation potential of vehicles representing different transport sectorsEGU25-9086 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.30
Volatile Organic Compound concentrations in the exhaust of a natural gas, a gasoline, and a diesel passenger car under various driving conditionsEGU25-10668 | ECS | Orals | AS3.30
Modeling 2020 regulatory changes in international shipping emissions helps explain 2023 anomalous warmingEGU25-11826 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.30
Transport and Ultrafine Particles: Source Apportionment Across EuropeEGU25-14936 | Posters on site | AS3.30
Understanding the impacts of climatic background on winter PM2.5 over East AsiaEGU25-14959 | ECS | Orals | AS3.30
Fresh and Secondary Exhaust Emission Outcomes of Lubricating Oil Blended into Marine FuelEGU25-15145 | Orals | AS3.30
Comprehensive characterization of organic aerosol in a traffic environmentEGU25-15321 | Orals | AS3.30
Multi-model effective radiative forcing of the 2020 sulfur cap for shippingEGU25-15650 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.30
Modelling the source contribution in the urban background of major air pollutants for 10 European cities in near-real time with LOTOS-EUROSEGU25-15808 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.30
Model Study of Water Vapor and VOCs Adsorption on Bulk Jet Engine Soot Particles: Thermodynamic and Kinetic AspectsEGU25-15913 | Posters on site | AS3.30
Modelling of road contributions to PM2.5 and particle number concentrations with the LOTOS-EUROS modelEGU25-16555 | ECS | Orals | AS3.30
Emission Factors of Primary Pollutants from a Real-world Tunnel MeasurementEGU25-18158 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.30
Exploring the oxidative potential of vehicles emissions from bench dynamometer to underground tunnels and parking lotsEGU25-19470 | Posters on site | AS3.30
Climate Relevant Properties of Aerosol Emissions from Iron & Steel and Thermal Power Plant Emissions in IndiaEGU25-19731 | ECS | Orals | AS3.30
Volatility of ultrafine and solid particles at a traffic site in Athens, Greece.EGU25-19744 | ECS | Orals | AS3.30
Renewable Fuel: Assessing VOC and Particle Emission Reduction in a Hybrid Diesel EngineEGU25-20134 | Posters on site | AS3.30
In vitro assessment of biological impact of volatile/semi-volatile primary and secondary emissions derived from vehiclesEGU25-644 | ECS | Orals | AS3.31
Assessing the Impact of Emission Reductions on Surface O3 and PM2.5 in IndiaEGU25-2578 | ECS | Orals | AS3.31
Assessing the Air Quality Impacts of Net-Zero GHG Emissions in Europe and Switzerland with ICON-ARTEGU25-6389 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.31
Modelling emission-driven air-quality changes over Central EuropeEGU25-7639 | Posters on site | AS3.31
Day and night variations in aerosol properties and particulate matter in Changchun, ChinaEGU25-10011 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.31
Long-Term Trends in Surface Ozone Over Ireland: Insights from long-term measurement dataset and advanced model contributions.EGU25-10177 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.31
Short-term human intervention did not significantly improve urban air qualityEGU25-11543 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.31
Understanding the Changes in Future Air Quality and its Drivers in IndiaEGU25-14428 | Posters on site | AS3.31
A study on the speciation of NOy and its implications for the atmospheric oxidation capacity in Taichung, TaiwanEGU25-17230 | ECS | Orals | AS3.31 | Highlight
Quantifying the Climate Penalty on Air Quality in Europe – Insights from INSPEnCaT ProjectEGU25-17382 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.31
Assessment the effect of emission reductions on long-term trend in carbonaceous aerosols from 2014 to 2021 in eastern ChinaEGU25-975 | ECS | PICO | AS3.32
Tropospheric NO2 over South and East Asia measured by OMI and modelled by UKCAEGU25-6871 | ECS | PICO | AS3.32
Comparison of reference upper-air GRUAN and homogenized RHARM data with GNSS-ROEGU25-7654 | ECS | PICO | AS3.32
Long-Term Trends of Atmospheric Black Carbon Deposition across ChinaEGU25-11279 | ECS | PICO | AS3.32
ENSO impact on mid-tropospheric composition above the Tropical Western Pacific via air mass transportEGU25-16483 | ECS | PICO | AS3.32 | Highlight
The contribution of natural emissions to tropospheric composition above the AmazonEGU25-17517 | ECS | PICO | AS3.32
High-resolution modeling of organic aerosol and its components over EuropeEGU25-18852 | ECS | PICO | AS3.32
Regional dynamics and trends of N2O and O3 in the lower stratosphereEGU25-19881 | PICO | AS3.32
A study of the ozone effective temperature temporal and spatial featuresEGU25-1166 | Posters on site | AS3.33
Traitement IASI-NG L1C : développement, validation et produitsEGU25-1595 | ECS | Orals | AS3.33
Influence of the parameterised transport in ICON-ART on the simulated methane concentrations over EuropeEGU25-2805 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.33
Heterogeneous Observation-Based Threshold Velocity Dataset for Wind Erosion and Its Implementation in the iDust Prediction SystemEGU25-2859 | ECS | Orals | AS3.33
The evaluation of model simulations and analysis of error sources for typical spring dust events in China.EGU25-5670 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.33
Impacts of chemical and meteorological data assimilation on air-quality and meteorological predictions in the Korean PeninsulaEGU25-6940 | Orals | AS3.33
On the Impact of Satellite Data Assimilation on Mineral Dust PredictionsEGU25-12348 | Posters on site | AS3.33 | Highlight
Towards the next CAMS reanalysis of atmospheric compositionEGU25-12830 | Posters on site | AS3.33
Enhancing Volcanic Eruption Simulations with the WRF-Chem ModelEGU25-13348 | Posters on site | AS3.33
Three Decades of Integrated Atmospheric Composition & Meteorology Model Developments: Current Status and New RequirementsEGU25-13618 | Posters on site | AS3.33
Current and Future Advances in NOAA’s Air Quality Predictions from a regional to global perspectiveEGU25-16136 | Posters on site | AS3.33
Integrating Low-cost Sensor Systems and Networks to Enhance Air Quality Forecasting and Reanalysis ApplicationsEGU25-17295 | Posters on site | AS3.33
Implementation of the Aerosol Module HAM-M7 within OpenIFS: Evaluation of Surface ConcentrationsEGU25-1203 | Posters on site | AS3.34
Top-down estimation of ammonia emissions from pig farm area using Backward Lagrangian Stochastic modelEGU25-1240 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.34
Seasonality and health risk assessment of anthropogenic volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in a rural Seosan, South KoreaEGU25-2618 | ECS | Orals | AS3.34
Global ammonia emission could be halved with cost-effective measuresEGU25-3228 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.34
The effect of post-harvest cover crop management on N2O emissionsEGU25-4260 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.34
Decadal analysis of ammonia emission levels in the lowlands of eastern Germany using remote sensing dataEGU25-6101 | Orals | AS3.34
Ammonia emission estimates using CrIS satellite observations over EuropeEGU25-8327 | Posters on site | AS3.34
Predicting Enteric Methane Emissions in Dairy Cows Using Deep Learning ModelsEGU25-8992 | ECS | Orals | AS3.34
FERTIPAS: Emissions of organic FERTIlizers as Secondary Organic Aerosol PrecursorsEGU25-9186 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.34
Development of a Satellite-Based Algorithm for Detecting Methane Emission Changes from Rice PaddiesEGU25-9903 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.34
Modeling the impacts of ozone deposition on wheat yieldsEGU25-10491 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.34
Surfatm-PM: a model of bi-directional particulate matter exchanges over a grasslandEGU25-13536 | ECS | Orals | AS3.34
Leveraging In Situ and Satellite Data to understand Changing Ammonia above an Agricultural HotspotEGU25-15997 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.34
Assessing the ammonia mitigation potential from the Indian agriculture sector for improving air quality in IndiaEGU25-17465 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.34
Agricultural sources impact on NH3 and PM levels in the South-Central AnatoliaEGU25-17924 | ECS | Orals | AS3.34
Long-Term NH3 Assesment with Meteorological Parameters to Obtain Temporal Profiles in Agricultural RegionsEGU25-3074 | ECS | PICO | AS3.35
The impact of chlorocarbons on tropospheric composition: a global model studyEGU25-6802 | ECS | PICO | AS3.35
Quantifying the role of bromine in the atmospheric oxidation of mercury (Hg)EGU25-9442 | ECS | PICO | AS3.35
Source mechanisms of tropospheric bromine monoxide in Ny-Ålesund between 2017 and 2023EGU25-16206 | ECS | PICO | AS3.35
Validation of TROPOMI tropospheric BrO columns employing CHACHA airborne campaign measurementsEGU25-16865 | ECS | PICO | AS3.35
Assessing the Impact of Bromine and Iodine Chemistry on Tropospheric CompositionEGU25-3493 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.36
Enhanced nocturnal oxidation chemistry in the upper mixing layer of megacitiesEGU25-3673 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.36
Accurately Predicting Spatiotemporal Variations of Near-Surface Nitrous Acid (HONO) Based on a Deep Learning ApproachEGU25-3713 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.36
Photolysis of atmospherically important carbonyls: Quantum yield measurements using an NO radical tracer methodEGU25-5603 | Posters on site | AS3.36
Global southward shift in anthropogenic emisisons enhance tropospheric hydroxyl radicals during 1999-2019EGU25-5762 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.36
The development of Open path cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy for detecting ambient nitrate radicalsEGU25-7156 | ECS | Orals | AS3.36 | Highlight
Biogenic Emissions Modulate the Tropospheric Hydroxyl Radical (OH) Response to Climate WarmingEGU25-7933 | Posters on site | AS3.36
Significant contributions of sea spray aerosol to vertical ClNO2 formation over coastal South ChinaEGU25-9998 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.36
Exploring the influence of OH fields and secondary CO production on CO emission estimatesEGU25-10283 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.36
Accurate Elucidation of Oxidation Under Heavy Ozone Pollution: A Full Suite of Radical Measurement In the Chemical-complex AtmosphereEGU25-10586 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.36
Long-term field measurements of OH reactivity using laser flash photolysis coupled with time-resolved broadband UV absorption spectroscopyEGU25-10634 | Orals | AS3.36
A versatile instrument for simultaneous detection of atmospheric H2SO4 and OH radicalsEGU25-11702 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.36
Atmospheric Nitrous Acid (HONO) in Contrasting EnvironmentsEGU25-12714 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.36
Investigating HO2 uptake onto the surface of secondary organicEGU25-14586 | Orals | AS3.36
Vertical changes in volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and impacts on ozone formationEGU25-14854 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.36
Contributions of Anthropogenic Chlorine Emissions to secondary pollutions in ChinaEGU25-15619 | ECS | Orals | AS3.36
Towards automated inclusion of representative autoxidation chemistry in explicit modelsEGU25-16213 | Posters on site | AS3.36
Volcanic vents – OH mixing ratios as in a Bunsen burner flame?EGU25-17088 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.36
Investigating Isoprene Oxidation in the Upper Troposphere: Insights from Cold-Temperature Chamber ExperimentsEGU25-17736 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.36
Chemical budgets of OH, HO2+RO2 and H2SO4 in a sub-urban temperate forest near ParisEGU25-18072 | Posters on site | AS3.36
Increased Urban Ozone in Heat Waves due to Temperature-Induced Emissions of Anthropogenic Volatile Organic CompoundsEGU25-18818 | ECS | Orals | AS3.36
Development of a novel instrument for long-term measurements of OH reactivityEGU25-1800 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.37
New particle formation induced byanthropogenic–biogenic interactions on the southeastern Tibetan PlateauEGU25-2512 | ECS | Orals | AS3.37
Shielding effect of brown organic coating on black carbon aerosolsEGU25-3922 | ECS | Orals | AS3.37
Size-Dependent Sigmoidal Reaction Kinetics for Pyruvic Acid Condensation in Single Aqueous MicrodropletsEGU25-6000 | Posters on site | AS3.37
Analysis of Hygroscopic Cloud Seeding Materials Using K-CPEC facilityEGU25-7329 | Orals | AS3.37 | Highlight
Deposition ice nucleation via homogeneous freezing of adsorbed waterEGU25-9100 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.37
Training machine learning potentials with accurate long-range interactions for atmospheric molecular dynamics collision simulationsEGU25-9215 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.37
Computational methods for generating clusters of oxygenated organic moleculesEGU25-9874 | ECS | Orals | AS3.37
Simulation chamber study of the spectral optical properties of flame soot and their link to compositionEGU25-12982 | ECS | Orals | AS3.37
Investigations on the fate of selected peroxy radicals using synthetized precursors and isomeric speciationEGU25-15787 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.37
Machine Learning Interatomic Potential for Atmospheric ChemistryEGU25-16753 | ECS | Orals | AS3.37
Role of the geminal diol pathway in organic aerosol formation from multigenerational aromatic oxidationEGU25-17557 | Orals | AS3.37
Comparison of ROx radicals measurements in the atmospheric simulation chamber SAPHIREGU25-18142 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.37
Investigation of APNs Chemistry from the Oxidation of Volatile Organic Compounds in the Atmospheric Simulation Chamber SAPHIREGU25-18730 | Posters on site | AS3.37
Characterization of APi-ToF-CIMS Sensitivity to Multifunctional Organic Molecules at EUPHORE ChambersEGU25-19209 | ECS | Orals | AS3.37
Binding free energy from umbrella sampling at ML-enhanced Born-Oppenheimer MD simulationsEGU25-21308 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.37
Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from the Photooxidation of Naphthalene and Benzene Mixtures under Different Reaction ConditionsEGU25-267 | ECS | Orals | BG1.2
Uncertainties in carbon emissions from land use and land cover change in IndonesiaEGU25-1596 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.2
Hurricanes trigger ocean CO2 uptake and phytoplankton bloom in a high-resolution Earth system model simulationEGU25-2043 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.2
Increasing Methane Summer Diurnal Amplitude in Siberia: A 2010–2021 Analysis from the ZOtino Tall Tower Observatory (ZOTTO)EGU25-2215 | ECS | Orals | BG1.2
Global trends in ocean fronts: impacts on air-sea CO2 flux and chlorophyll concentrationsEGU25-2466 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.2
Underestimation of Methane Emissions From the Sudd Wetland: Unraveling the Impact of Wetland Extent DynamicsEGU25-6054 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.2
Four decades of full-scale nitrous oxide emission inventory in ChinaEGU25-6416 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.2
Analysis of ground-based column and in situ surface concentrations of CO2 at Xianghe, China, using WRF-Chem simulationsEGU25-6427 | ECS | Orals | BG1.2
Improved air-sea CO2 flux estimates by adding sailboat measurementsEGU25-7650 | Posters on site | BG1.2
Characteristics of carbon sink and the influence factors in Ngoring Lake, Qinghai-Tibet PlateauEGU25-9368 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.2
Assessing the optimal drivers for flux data gap-filling using random forest networksEGU25-10099 | Posters on site | BG1.2
High-Resolution Wetland Methane Flux Modeling for the Tibetan Plateau Using Machine LearningEGU25-10326 | ECS | Orals | BG1.2 | Highlight
Declining coral calcification to enhance twenty-first century ocean carbon uptake by gigatonsEGU25-10374 | Posters on site | BG1.2
Methane budget, seasonality and interannual variability of the three major river basins in Tropical South AmericaEGU25-12730 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.2
Refining methane emission estimates in the Amazon basin: Addressing spatiotemporal variability and habitat diversityEGU25-14074 | ECS | Orals | BG1.2
Net carbon exchange in the Amazon, Cerrado, and Caatinga: Challenges and Insights from the 2023/2024 DroughtEGU25-14803 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.2
Regional method to quantify coastal anthropogenic carbon changesEGU25-15075 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.2
Assessing Bottom-Up and Top-Down Methane Emission Estimates in Northern High Latitude Regions (2018–2021)EGU25-15454 | Posters on site | BG1.2
Inverse modelling of global CH4 emissions using surface based measurements and GOSAT satellites retrievals.EGU25-15780 | ECS | Orals | BG1.2
Mitigation and implications of methane emissions from dairy cow barnsEGU25-16464 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.2
High-Resolution simulation of CO2 Concentrations Over Jiangsu Province in China Based on WRF-Chem-VPRM and Six Emission InventoriesEGU25-16559 | ECS | Orals | BG1.2
Using atmospheric O2 to disentangle the natural and anthropogenic CO2 signalsEGU25-17087 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.2
Assessment of Forest Carbon Management Using Net Primary Productivity on the Korean PeninsulaEGU25-18709 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.2
Emissions of climate-altering species from open vegetation fires in the Mediterranean region - A review on methods and dataEGU25-18920 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.2
Net community production in the Greenland Sea: a comparative case study using Argo data of nitrate, oxygen, and DICEGU25-19322 | ECS | Orals | BG1.2
Assessing the recent ocean carbon sink with data assimilation into a global ocean biogeochemistry modelEGU25-21437 | Orals | BG1.2
The ocean carbon sink under record-high sea surfacetemperatures in 2023/24EGU25-428 | Posters on site | AS3.41
Advancements in Methane in Air Standards for ground-based concentration measurement and emissions quantificationEGU25-3528 | ECS | Orals | AS3.41 | Highlight
MethaneSAT: Quantifying Discrete and Dispersed Methane Sources on Basin-ScalesEGU25-5106 | Posters on site | AS3.41
Direct measurements of methane emissions from natural gas end use in GermanyEGU25-5538 | Posters on site | AS3.41
Aircraft- and ground-based quantification of coal mine methane emissions in the Hunter Coalfields, AustraliaEGU25-8399 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.41
Constraining the Seasonal and Interannual Variability of Global Sectoral Methane Emissions in the 2010s using GOSAT XCH4 dataEGU25-10770 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.41
Development of a Mobile Measurement Unit to Identify and Map Local Methane SourcesEGU25-11860 | Posters on site | AS3.41
Methane retrievals and emission estimates of localized sources from EnMAP and EMIT space-borne dataEGU25-11972 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.41
Characterization and methane emissions potential of non-producing oil and gas wells in Colombia and ArgentinaEGU25-12148 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.41
Drone-based methane emissions monitoring from orphaned oil and gas wells in Pennsylvania, USEGU25-12842 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.41
Gas Flaring Efficiencies of Selective Oil and Gas Facilities in the Sultanate of OmanEGU25-13054 | ECS | Orals | AS3.41
Estimating methane emissions from surface coal mines using satellite observationsEGU25-13193 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.41
Progress Toward a First Measurement-Based Oil and Gas Sector Methane Inventory for ColombiaEGU25-14322 | Orals | AS3.41
Measurement of Methane Emissions from a sewage treatment lagoon in Victoria AustraliaEGU25-14581 | Posters on site | AS3.41
Methane emission reduction potential in the Chinese oil and gas industryEGU25-14858 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.41
Advancing methane emission quantification: a robust methodology for site-level measurementsEGU25-15400 | Orals | AS3.41
Methane emission to the atmosphere from the first gas-producing well in TransylvaniaEGU25-16113 | Orals | AS3.41
Evaluation of inverse models to estimate methane emissions from European countriesEGU25-16153 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.41
Methane emissions estimated from airborne measurements from open-pit and underground coal mines in the Bowen Basin, AustraliaEGU25-16833 | Posters on site | AS3.41
Improved estimations of waste-related methane emissions using satellite observations: a case study on a US landfillEGU25-17051 | Posters on site | AS3.41
IMEO’s Baseline Science Studies improves country-level methane quantificationEGU25-17584 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.41
Estimation of methane emissions from gas excavation activities in the Transylvanian Basin, Romania.EGU25-18230 | Posters on site | AS3.41
Source and Site Level Reconciliation of Methane Emissions at the Midstream SectorEGU25-19062 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.41
Synthesis of the ROMEO Project Findings: Assessing Romania’s O&G Methane Emissions and Advancing Accurate Methane Emission InventoriesEGU25-19083 | ECS | Orals | AS3.41 | Highlight
UNEP's IMEO Methane Alert and Response System to drive the mitigation of anthropogenic methane emissionsEGU25-19193 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.41
Validation of a methodology for methane flux quantification from an aircraft using a controlled release experimentEGU25-20392 | Posters on site | AS3.41
Detection and quantification of anthropogenic methane emissions in Germany using mobile measurementsEGU25-21353 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.41
A dual-platform approach for quantifying methane emissions at site levelEGU25-1108 | ECS | Orals | AS3.43
Field based greenhouse gas emission measurement from onsite containments in Nepal.EGU25-1198 | Posters on site | AS3.43
Capturing and translating the dynamics of traffic emissions using a congestion-based frameworkEGU25-4446 | Posters on site | AS3.43
Improving GHG emissions estimates and multidisciplinary climate research using nuclear observations: the NuClim projectEGU25-4694 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.43
Analysis on greenhouse gas reduction strategies for thermoelectric coolers using cradle-to-gate life cycle assessmentEGU25-4839 | Orals | AS3.43
Monitoring urban CO2 emissions from space: current status and future potentialEGU25-5294 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.43
Leveraging wide area XCO2 deep learning in estimating urban CO2 emissions from spaceEGU25-5425 | Orals | AS3.43
Quantify natural gas methane emissions from a city cluster in East ChinaEGU25-6791 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.43
Global Emissions of Tetrafluoromethane (CF4) Hexafluoroethane (C2F6) Determined by Inverse ModelingEGU25-8355 | ECS | Orals | AS3.43
Bridging the Fleet Distribution Data Gap with Satellite Imagery and Deep Learning for GHG EstimationEGU25-8609 | Posters on site | AS3.43
Enhancing top-down HFC-134a emission estimates through parameter space explorationEGU25-10046 | Orals | AS3.43
Measurement and modelling of Eddy-covariance fluxes of CO2 in the city of ZurichEGU25-10322 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.43
Utilizing tropospheric CO isotope observations from a low-latitude Atlantic sampling network to constrain the oxidative chlorine sinkEGU25-10382 | ECS | Orals | AS3.43
Designing CO2 sensor networks for German cities: Insights from synthetic studies in Berlin and MunichEGU25-10965 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.43
Towards an urban CO2 and air pollution network in Heidelberg-MannheimEGU25-11062 | Posters on site | AS3.43
Green4Clim: Making the University of Zurich a real-world laboratory for climate change mitigationEGU25-11561 | Orals | AS3.43
Steps towards improved inverse modelling of GHG fluxes: recent work within ITMSEGU25-11782 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.43
Near-real-time CO2 traffic emission maps of 10 European cities based on high-resolution GPS-based dataEGU25-12856 | ECS | Orals | AS3.43
Inverse modelling of N2O fluxes over Europe: An EYE-CLIMA initiativeEGU25-13030 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.43
Evaluating ICON-ART’s Performance in Simulating Methane: A Benchmark Against aircraft observations, CAMS, and WRF ModelsEGU25-13577 | ECS | Orals | AS3.43 | Highlight
CHETNA-Overview: City-wise High-resolution Carbon Emissions Tracking and Nationwide AnalysisEGU25-14671 | Posters on site | AS3.43
Prospects of scientific monitoring ,verification and reporting to support national and subnational GHG inventoriesEGU25-15002 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.43
Study on the influence of the origin region on the relationship between carbon dioxide and methane concentrations in South KoreaEGU25-15020 | Posters on site | AS3.43
Toward Monitoring Greenhouse Gas Emissions from National to Regional and Urban ScalesEGU25-16572 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.43
Significant Overestimation in Anthropogenic Methane Emissions in ChinaEGU25-16892 | ECS | Orals | AS3.43
A Hybrid Approach to Carbon Monitoring in India by combining Satellite-based NO2 and CO2 mixing ratiosEGU25-17019 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.43
A scalable approach to high-resolution, bottom-up GHG emission inventories using open dataEGU25-17986 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.43
Addressing uncertainties in top-down estimates of national-scale greenhouse gas emissions across different inversion systemsEGU25-18706 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.43
A Standardised Procedure for Estimating Greenhouse Gas Baselines Using Radon-222EGU25-19189 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.43
High-resolution CO2 flux modelling on the building-scale using GRAMM/GRAL and in-situ measurements for the Paris metropolitan areaEGU25-21706 | Posters on site | AS3.43
Enhancing Urban GHG Monitoring: Progress of the NIST test-bed systemEGU25-1822 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.44
Global CO2 flux estimation using NISMON-CO2 and GOSAT for carbon cycle analysis improvementEGU25-2991 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.44
Impact of Global Climatic Phenomena on the Carbon Exchange Dynamics of the Indian Terrestrial BiosphereEGU25-3937 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.44
Improved estimates of net ecosystem exchanges in mega-countries using GOSAT and OCO-2 observationsEGU25-4002 | ECS | Orals | AS3.44
Can radon-222 help to improve methane emission estimates? Results from a dual-tracer inversionEGU25-4375 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.44
Reconstruction and downscaling of historical land surface boundary conditions with Machine LearningEGU25-4834 | Orals | AS3.44 | Highlight
A decade of progress in carbon cycle science from NASA’s Orbiting Carbon Observatory (OCO-2 and OCO-3) missionsEGU25-5574 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.44
Deep learning-based identification of environmental memory effects on gross primary productivity of alpine grasslands in Qinghai-Tibetan PlateauEGU25-5697 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.44
Development and evaluation of high-resolution regional CO2 data assimilation-forecast system in East AsiaEGU25-6531 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.44
Using explainable machine learning to study restored peatland CH4 flux heterogeneityEGU25-9204 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.44
Modelling atmospheric CO2 and CH4 mixing ratios over mixed natural-agricultural wetlands in the Ebre River DeltaEGU25-10249 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.44
Uncertainty in Land Carbon Fluxes Simulated by CMIP6 Models from Treatment of Crop Distributions and Photosynthetic PathwaysEGU25-10599 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.44
Investigating ecosystem respiration CO2 signals using night-time ICOS tower observationsEGU25-13589 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.44
Towards a high-resolution inversion system over France using in-situ observationsEGU25-13739 | ECS | Orals | AS3.44
Optimizing CO2 emission estimates in Paris through enhanced urban atmospheric monitoringEGU25-16220 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.44
X-BASE: terrestrial carbon and water flux products from FLUXCOM-XEGU25-17063 | Posters on site | AS3.44
Machine Learning and the Carbon Cycle: Chasing the Holy GrailEGU25-17324 | ECS | Orals | AS3.44
Using machine learning to enable national methane emissions inference from large satellite datasetsEGU25-17329 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.44
Recalibrating neural network estimates of net ecosystem exchange in a Bayesian synthesis inversionEGU25-18007 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.44
Towards a greenhouse gas emission monitoring and Verification system for Belgium (VERBE): Evaluation of WRF-GHG simulations with observational dataEGU25-18221 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.44
Investigating the Benefits of Large-Eddy Simulation for Simulating Urban CO2 Emissions Using WRF-LES Over the Paris AreaEGU25-18419 | ECS | Orals | AS3.44
Predictive models of ecosystem productivity in water-limited conditionsEGU25-20406 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.44
An uncertainty quantification framework for data-driven carbon flux upscalingEGU25-1429 | ECS | Orals | AS3.47
Assessment of Hydrogen’s Climate Impact Is Affected by Model OH BiasesEGU25-7461 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.47
Quantifying climate implications of a future hydrogen economy using a two-box modelEGU25-8383 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.47
Future Hydrogen Soil Deposition: Multi-model assessment of hydrogen deposition and lifetimeEGU25-9443 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.47
Controlled-release experiment to optimize emission quantification of H2 point sourcesEGU25-9950 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.47
Development of Instrumentation for Mobile Measurements of Hydrogen EmissionsEGU25-15596 | Posters on site | AS3.47
Constraining potential geological sources of atmospheric hydrogen using a box-model approachEGU25-16526 | Posters on site | AS3.47
Volatile Organic Compounds Model Intercomparison Project (VOCMIP)EGU25-17780 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.47
First coupled H2-HD inversion with a 3D chemical transport model (TM5): Constraining the global hydrogen budgetEGU25-18263 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.47
Evaluating Hydrogen Emissions from Incomplete Combustion: Historical Trends and the Role of PolicyEGU25-19715 | Posters on site | AS3.47
Impacts of hydrogen on tropospheric ozone and methane and their modulation by atmospheric NOxEGU25-21824 | ECS | Orals | AS3.47
Changes in climate forcing from hydrogen deployment as a decarbonization strategyAS4 – Interdisciplinary Processes
EGU25-3313 | Posters on site | AS4.1
Decadal time series of high-resolution downwelling spectral radiancemeasurements from Concordia Station, AntarcticaEGU25-3634 | Posters on site | AS4.1
Assessment of Long-Term Climatic, Hydrological, and River Ice Dynamics in River OulankajokiEGU25-9051 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.1
30 years of Antarctic weather station observations by the IMAU network (1995-2025)EGU25-9646 | Posters on site | AS4.1
Interconnections between the components of the Antarctic climate system: a causal inference approachEGU25-10147 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.1
Glacier-Climate Interactions across Time: A West Greenland Case StudyEGU25-11681 | Posters on site | AS4.1
Surface radiation budget data in a bipolar perspective: observations, comparison and exploiting for products.EGU25-12116 | Orals | AS4.1
Melting energy sources in rainfall conditions over Pine Island Bay, Antarctica.EGU25-12294 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.1
Evolution of precipitations and snow depth over the Arctic sea ice modeled by the regional climate model MAREGU25-13156 | Posters on site | AS4.1
Polar-to-midlatitude teleconnections in a warming world: Statistical relationships from large ensemblesEGU25-13164 | ECS | Orals | AS4.1
The Key Role of the Southern Annular Mode During the Seasonal Sea Ice Maximum in Recent Antarctic Sea Ice LossEGU25-13984 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.1
Quality-controlled meteorological datasets from SIGMA automatic weather stations in northwest GreenlandEGU25-14448 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.1
Coupled Influence of Synoptic Weather and Topographic Control on Near-surface Wind Variability in the Denman Glacier Basin, East AntarcticaEGU25-14582 | ECS | Orals | AS4.1
Extreme Precipitation in the Cyrosphere: Atmospheric River Interaction with Antarctic Sea IceEGU25-15568 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.1
Emulating Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Melt Using Graph Neural NetworksEGU25-15824 | ECS | Orals | AS4.1
Exploring atmospheric transport into the Arctic 1940 to 2023 - A Lagrangian PerspectiveEGU25-15984 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.1
Pathways of Atmospheric Rivers in the Arctic: Dynamics, Moisture Transport, and Impacts on Sea Ice during April 2020EGU25-16387 | Posters on site | AS4.1
Characteristics of Strong Winds at Jang Bogo Station in East Antarctica: An 8-Year Observational StudyEGU25-19587 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.1
Investigating the drivers of future changes in Arctic aerosols in UKESM1 using a Lagrangian air-mass trajectory frameworkEGU25-614 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS5.7/AS4.3
Evaluating a Parameterization for Sublimation of Blowing Snow with In-situ Observations in the ArcticEGU25-752 | ECS | Orals | ITS5.7/AS4.3
Local Production of Arctic Sea Spray Aerosol in the Fall-Winter TransitionEGU25-3641 | ECS | Orals | ITS5.7/AS4.3
Evaluation and Attribution of a Warm Winter Bias Over Arctic Sea Ice in a Climate ModelEGU25-5474 | ECS | Orals | ITS5.7/AS4.3
The importance of oceanic emissions for modelling Arctic aerosols and cloudsEGU25-7289 | Posters on site | ITS5.7/AS4.3
Lagrangian pathways connecting the Weddell and Bellingshausen SeasEGU25-8439 | Posters on site | ITS5.7/AS4.3
Unraveling the Atmospheric Water Cycle over the Asian Water Towers through water vapor isotopic observationsEGU25-10134 | Posters on site | ITS5.7/AS4.3
From the Arctic to Antarctica: Observations of vertical aerosol distribution from tethered balloon measurementsEGU25-10763 | Posters on site | ITS5.7/AS4.3
Evaluating new sea-ice parameterizations in NorESM for air-sea gas and heat exchangeEGU25-10952 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS5.7/AS4.3
Aerosol Number Concentration and Cloud Condensation Nuclei Variability During Warm and Moist Intrusions into the ArcticEGU25-12366 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS5.7/AS4.3
Arctic response to high-latitude effusive volcanic eruptions depends on the climate stateEGU25-12992 | Posters on site | ITS5.7/AS4.3
How well do downscaled Global Climate Models represent SMB in Antarctica?EGU25-14691 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS5.7/AS4.3
Effects of advanced atmosphere-sea ice exchange coefficient in the Korean Integrated Model (KIM)EGU25-16059 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS5.7/AS4.3
Exploring local and long-range aerosol source contributions to summertime CCN in Southern Greenlandic fjord systemsEGU25-17925 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS5.7/AS4.3
Evaluating natural aerosol sources from the Arctic Ocean during the onset of sea ice meltEGU25-19566 | Orals | ITS5.7/AS4.3
Emission patterns and trends of primary marine organic aerosol in the ArcticEGU25-6347 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.4
Assessing the aerosol and moisture transport to the Arctic through atmospheric river and their impact on cloudsEGU25-6488 | Posters on site | AS4.4
Long-term Analysis of Vertically Resolved Cloud Observations at Ny-Ålesund (Svalbard) using Self-Supervised Deep LearningEGU25-8990 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.4
Diagnosing moisture sources, transport and transformation in the Arctic withwater vapor isotopes in atmospheric modelingEGU25-9487 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.4
Model analysis of the changing role of convection in the Arctic climateEGU25-12746 | Orals | AS4.4
Have three years of observations explained model biases in Southern Ocean clouds?EGU25-13748 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.4
Lagrangian single-column modeling of Arctic airmass transformationEGU25-15288 | Posters on site | AS4.4
Investigation of virga with active remote sensing in Ny-Ålesund, SvalbardEGU25-15714 | ECS | Orals | AS4.4
The Microphysical and Radiative Interactions of Arctic Multilayer CloudsEGU25-15924 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.4
The two Arctic wintertime boundary layer states: Disentangling the role of cloud and wind regimes in reanalysis and observations during MOSAiCEGU25-16621 | ECS | Orals | AS4.4 | Highlight
Marine sources of ice-nucleating proteins in the Arctic and their impact on atmospheric processesEGU25-16625 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.4
Seasonal Dynamics of Bioaerosols and Ice Nucleating Particles in the High Arctic AtmosphereEGU25-17572 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.4
A calibration method for the UV-Vis-NIR and SWIR spectrometers installed at THAAO and its impact on the retrieval of cloud propertiesEGU25-17930 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.4
What are the most important contributors to Arctic precipitation: When, where and how?EGU25-18439 | Posters on site | AS4.4
Modelling cloud phase and radiative effects in the European ArcticEGU25-18624 | ECS | Orals | AS4.4
Properties of Arctic mixed-phase clouds explored by multi-frequency radarsEGU25-18964 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.4
Investigating the Atmospheric and Biological Significance of Ice-Nucleating Macromolecules Produced by Antarctic MossesEGU25-19437 | Posters on site | AS4.4
Comparison of ERA5 and CARRA reanalyses with long-term atmospheric measurements at the THAAO, GreenlandEGU25-19981 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.4
Airborne in-situ cloud observations around the Antarctic peninsula from the Southern Ocean Clouds projectEGU25-20517 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.4
Virga Detection Tool based on Micro Rain Radar in ArcticEGU25-21627 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.4
Landfalling Atmospheric Rivers in the Antarctic Peninsula: Synoptic Evolution and Oceanic FeedbackEGU25-21662 | Posters on site | AS4.4
Atmospheric Rivers and Antarctic Peninsula Precipitation Phase TransitionsEGU25-957 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.4
Exploring Dynamics of Climate and Atmosphere Employing the Temperature Indices Using Bias-Corrected GCMS and Ensemble Model ApproachEGU25-1397 | ECS | Orals | CL4.4
Tropical temperature distributions over a range of climates: theory and idealised model simulationsEGU25-1648 | ECS | Orals | CL4.4
Different Roles of Land-atmosphere Coupling in Compound Drought-heatwave EventsEGU25-1850 | ECS | Orals | CL4.4
Nonlinear interactions amplify the most extreme midlatitude heatwavesEGU25-2239 | ECS | Orals | CL4.4
A simple complementary framework for evaluating evaporation base on land-atmosphere couplingEGU25-2431 | ECS | Orals | CL4.4
Tracking tropical deforestation impacts on local and regional hydroclimateEGU25-4419 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.4
Identification of climatic extremes by multi-fractal analysis of long climate data seriesEGU25-4887 | Posters on site | CL4.4
Effects of climate change and grazing on soil organic carbon stock of alpine wetlands on the Tibetan PlateauEGU25-5714 | ECS | Orals | CL4.4
Unveiling the influence of multi-layer snowpack in seasonal forecast system on model climatological biasEGU25-5959 | ECS | Orals | CL4.4
Recurring and Co-Occurring Climate Extremes in Eastern Africa. A Normalcy?EGU25-7299 | ECS | Orals | CL4.4
Land climate under warming in radiative-convective equilibrium simulationsEGU25-7752 | ECS | Orals | CL4.4
Causal Dynamics of Land–Atmosphere Coupling under Compound Dry–Hot EventsEGU25-8597 | ECS | Orals | CL4.4
Dynamic Impacts of Eurasian Spring Snowmelt on Summer Heat Extremes in Northern East AsiaEGU25-8944 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.4
How shallow and deep groundwater impact environmental parameters correlated with global heatwavesEGU25-10175 | ECS | Orals | CL4.4
Soil moisture-atmosphere feedback controls more than half of total climate effects on land carbon uptakeEGU25-12031 | ECS | Orals | CL4.4
Buffering of climate extremes within riparian forest corridors: a theoretical study with practical applicationsEGU25-12438 | Orals | CL4.4
Identifying regional drivers shaping daily maximum temperatures and their extremesEGU25-13907 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.4
How do land-use changes shape the occurrence of extreme temperatures across Europe?EGU25-14418 | Posters on site | CL4.4
Estimating the impact of irrigation and groundwater pumping on regional hydroclimate using an Earth System ModelEGU25-15325 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.4
Role of Pre-Monsoon Showers in the Evolution of Indian HeatwavesEGU25-16413 | Posters on site | CL4.4
A Holistic Multi-Index Approach to Quantify Land Feedback Strength Across Evapotranspiration RegimesEGU25-16565 | ECS | Orals | CL4.4
Expanding Amazon dry-hot season under anthropogenic climate changeEGU25-16957 | Orals | CL4.4
Heat capacity, cooling efficiency and drought stress of vegetated surfacesEGU25-17114 | ECS | Orals | CL4.4
Increases in extreme ET leading to a higher risk of flash droughtsEGU25-18334 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.4
Assessing soil moisture-induced changes in land carbon sink projections of CMIP6 modelsEGU25-19778 * | ECS | Orals | CL4.4 | Highlight
Observed and projected increase of extreme precipitation events on dry soilsEGU25-1122 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.1
Forest Fire Variability Over the Central India Region from 2001–2020EGU25-1390 | ECS | Orals | BG1.1
Revisting Intensity of Combustion Waves to Address Outstanding Issues in Wildfire ModellingEGU25-1707 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.1
Modeling Fire-Atmosphere Feedbacks: Insights from the 2019/2020 Australian WildfiresEGU25-1776 | ECS | Orals | BG1.1
Spatiotemporal changes in global cropland fire activity from 2003 to 2020EGU25-2016 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.1
Wildfires and biomass burning in northern Thailand: Observations from ASIA-AQ CampaignEGU25-2253 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.1
Near-field atmospheric dispersion of a gas emitted from a hot source : a comparison between analytical modelling and in situ measurementsEGU25-2313 | ECS | Orals | BG1.1
Determining the human signal in burned area under a changing climateEGU25-2467 | ECS | Orals | BG1.1
The contribution of fires to PM2.5 and population exposure in Pacific AsiaEGU25-3090 | ECS | Orals | BG1.1
Identifying Ignition Drivers of Lightning-Ignited Wildfires in Boreal ForestsEGU25-3113 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.1
Biomass Burning Organic Aerosols as a Pool of Atmospheric Reactive Triplets to Drive Multiphase Sulfate FormationEGU25-3308 | ECS | Orals | BG1.1
Global Drivers of Post-Fire Ecosystem Recovery: Insights from Solar-Induced Chlorophyll FluorescenceEGU25-4352 | ECS | Orals | BG1.1
Rising Synchronicity of Extreme Fire Weather Across Europe in a Warming ClimateEGU25-6847 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.1
Changes in atmospheric oxidising capacity cause teleconnections between biomass burning and NH4NO3 formationEGU25-7107 | ECS | Orals | BG1.1
Development of a Wildfire Risk Prediction System based on Deep Learning Methods and Remote SensingEGU25-8307 | ECS | Orals | BG1.1
Vegetation fires as a source of soil-dust particles – a global model perspectiveEGU25-8751 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.1
Explainable deep learning reveal the contribution of wildfire to ozone in ChinaEGU25-9010 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.1
Global fire regimes, their non-fire characteristics, and changes in time.EGU25-12104 | ECS | Orals | BG1.1
Large eddy simulations of the Williams Flat Fire: Aqueous chemistry in pyrocumulous cloudsEGU25-13861 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.1
Interactive Fire Emissions Coupled with Climate and Chemistry in GFDL’s Earth System Model version 4.1EGU25-14193 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.1
Understanding Wildfire Emissions: From Composition to Variability, and their Link to Fire CharacteristicsEGU25-15841 | ECS | Orals | BG1.1
Modeling peat burned area and understanding its drivers with machine learningEGU25-16179 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.1
Climate feedback of forest fires amplified by atmospheric chemistryEGU25-16840 | ECS | Orals | BG1.1
Morphological drivers of flammability in canopy and litter contexts across conifer familiesEGU25-17284 | Posters on site | BG1.1
Introducing the Leibniz Science Campus “Smoke and bioaerosols: Release, processes, and impacts in a changing climate”EGU25-17646 | ECS | Orals | BG1.1
Investigation of the intense wildfire events and NH3 levels over the Eastern MediterraneanEGU25-18252 | Orals | BG1.1
Impact of wildfires on air quality as seen by IAGOS in-situ measurementsEGU25-18640 | ECS | Orals | BG1.1 | Highlight
Adapting to fire in a warming climate: towards global assessment of prescribed grazing and prescribed fireEGU25-18688 | ECS | Orals | BG1.1
Satellite observation of long-range transport of wildfires plumes in the northern hemisphere in 2008-2023EGU25-18848 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.1
An improved approach for simulating peat ignition probability using experimental dataEGU25-19104 | Orals | BG1.1
A new measurement site in northern Botswana to observe savanna fire plumesEGU25-20164 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.1
Assessing increased turbidity in reservoirs due to wildfiresEGU25-283 | ECS | Orals | OS1.9
Drivers of sensible heat flux in the Southern Ocean and their relationship to submesoscale frontsEGU25-3897 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.9
Different Trajectory Patterns of Ocean Surface Drifters Modulated by Near-inertial OscillationsEGU25-5067 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.9
Ocean-Atmosphere Coupling Processes during Typhoons in the East China SeaEGU25-5418 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.9
Impacts of Dust on Surface-Radiative Fluxes, and Sea Surface Temperatures in the Red SeaEGU25-5512 | Posters on site | OS1.9
Development and evaluation of the probability density distribution for mixed layer depth over the global oceansEGU25-5569 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.9
The Impact of the Eastern Pacific Fresh and Warm Pools on the Bimodal Seasonality of Barrier LayersEGU25-5858 | ECS | Orals | OS1.9
Intensification of Pacific tropical instability waves over the recent three decadesEGU25-6934 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.9
Shallow open-ocean convection in the Weddell Sea: A case study using observations and modelling techniquesEGU25-7745 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.9
interaction between boundary layer turbulence and submesoscale mixed layer eddies and its influence on upper ocean stratificationEGU25-10164 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.9
Interannual Variability of Near-Inertial Energy in the SouthChina Sea and Western North PacificEGU25-11742 | Posters on site | OS1.9
Two-particle dispersion in the Gulf of Gabès using a high resolution nested ocean modelEGU25-12896 | Posters on site | OS1.9
Near surface bubble, gas and flow measurements during the Bubble Exchange in the Labrador Sea (BELS) cruise – early resultsEGU25-14006 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.9
Relating surface signatures to modeled turbulence dynamics in open channel flowEGU25-14246 | ECS | Orals | OS1.9
Spatial Extent and Variability of Equatorial Deep-Cycle Turbulence in the Pacific Cold TongueEGU25-16290 | ECS | Orals | OS1.9
The role of small-scale ocean mixing processes in regional sea surface temperatureEGU25-16435 | Posters on site | OS1.9
Three-dimensional Ocean Surface Layer Response to Rain, Wind Bursts and Diurnal HeatingEGU25-17338 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.9
Leveraging automatic differentiation for calibrating vertical mixing parameterizationsEGU25-17915 | Orals | OS1.9
Why do warm anticyclonic eddies in the Agulhas Leakage undergo dynamic adjustments?EGU25-17994 | Posters on site | OS1.9
On the way towards understanding the effect of sea-water surfactants on gas transfer velocityEGU25-18385 | Posters on site | OS1.9
Characterizing Wind-Generated Waves Using a Color Imaging Slope Gauge (CISG)EGU25-18410 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.9
Impact of Submesoscale Dynamics and Turbulent Mixing on the Senegalo-Mauritanian Upwelling SystemEGU25-20498 | Posters on site | OS1.9
Otis intensification and its relationship to El Niño and Climate Change in the eastern Pacific OceanEGU25-21343 | Orals | OS1.9
Accelerated Estimation of Sea Spray-Mediated Heat Flux Using Gaussian QuadratureEGU25-21345 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.9
The Interannual Variability of North Pacific Subtropical Mode Water Subduction Time Modulated by Aleutian LowEGU25-363 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.10
Climate, Air Quality, and Health Inequities in Europe: Evidence-Based Policy ImplicationsEGU25-560 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.10
Impact of nitrogen dioxide pollution on paediatric asthma and premature mortality in South AfricaEGU25-798 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.10
A comparative air quality and spatial planning study between two sites in a legacy mining town, Welkom, South Africa 2022-2023EGU25-1218 | ECS | Orals | AS4.10
Breaking siloes of decision making for effective and systematic air quality solutionsEGU25-2439 | Posters on site | AS4.10
Mitigating air pollution benefits multiple sustainable development goals in ChinaEGU25-3541 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.10
Investigating drivers of recent reductions in PM2.5 concentrations across the UKEGU25-3661 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.10
Spatiotemporal Trends in Anthropogenic NOx Emissions in the Northern Hemisphere: Insights from Satellite Observations and Atmospheric ModelingEGU25-4374 | Posters on site | AS4.10
Unraveling the health impacts of local and cross-border air pollutionEGU25-5146 | ECS | Orals | AS4.10
Household and ambient air pollution mortality risk: global insights from macro-level indicatorsEGU25-5695 | Posters on site | AS4.10
Air pollution and the impact of meteorological factors in air quality of Chalki Island during a winter period of 2023-2024EGU25-6068 | Posters on site | AS4.10
Quantifying the Burden of Air Pollution on Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in EuropeEGU25-10552 | ECS | Orals | AS4.10
Using high-resolution TROPOMI NO2 columns to assess health disparities in NO2 exposure across LondonEGU25-11546 | ECS | Orals | AS4.10
Inequality in hazardous volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions and concentrations measured over Los AngelesEGU25-14015 | Posters on site | AS4.10
Exploring PM2.5 dynamics in Santiago, Chile: how satellite data and machine learning could inform environmental policyEGU25-18004 | ECS | Orals | AS4.10 | Highlight
Provincial economic and air quality-related health impacts of China’s potential partitioned carbon regulationEGU25-18940 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.10
A Comprehensive Assessment of Disparities in UK Air Pollutant Emissions, Exposure, and Health Burden to Inform PolicyEGU25-20428 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.10
Assessing Short-Term Cardiovascular Effects of PM2.5 and Its Components in a Traffic Microenvironment: A Crossover Panel Study in Urban IndiaEGU25-20465 | Posters on site | AS4.10
Fine-scale Climate Projections over Minnesota for the 21st CenturyEGU25-21565 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.10
Assessing PM2.5 Exposure and Health Risks in a Mining and Thermal Powerplant Township in Southern India: Impacts on Air Quality and Public HealthEGU25-4545 | Posters on site | ITS3.4/AS4.11
Comparative Insights from Living Labs: Driving Sustainable Urban Behaviors through Participatory ScienceEGU25-8084 | Posters on site | ITS3.4/AS4.11
CLIMATE OBJECTIVE: I-CHANGE and UIF amateur photographers' alliance for climateEGU25-10110 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.4/AS4.11
Our Climate Story: Exploring local climate challenges and solutions through serious gamingEGU25-10503 | Posters on site | ITS3.4/AS4.11
ChallengeYeti App: Bridging the Knowledge-Action Gap through Gamification and Digital EngagementEGU25-11243 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.4/AS4.11
Integrated modelling chain for tailored traffic policy interventionsEGU25-13390 | Posters on site | ITS3.4/AS4.11
Citizen science in action: air pollution campaigns and thermal comfort assessment from I-CHANGE DayEGU25-17092 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.4/AS4.11
Best Practices for Citizen Engagement in Climate Change AdaptationEGU25-18817 | ECS | Orals | ITS3.4/AS4.11
Community-Centric Rainfall Monitoring for Climate Awareness and Urban Flood Mitigation AdvocacyEGU25-20709 | Orals | ITS3.4/AS4.11
Flying Thermometers: How Urban-Dwelling Bats Help Map Urban Heat IslandsEGU25-6304 | ECS | Posters on site | NH11.4
Using an ensemble of flood catastrophe models to explore the interplay of loss variability and the catastrophe model calibration processEGU25-7007 | Orals | NH11.4 | Highlight
Insured Losses from European Natural Catastrophes: Is there a trend over time?EGU25-7030 | Posters on site | NH11.4
Disaster Risk Reduction through innovative insurance solutionsEGU25-9693 | Posters on site | NH11.4
First results from the implementation of a new fire-spread model in FireHUB platformEGU25-9927 | ECS | Orals | NH11.4
Quantifying the Impact of Recent Climate Trends on North Atlantic Hurricane Activity and LossesEGU25-10365 | Posters on site | NH11.4
Modeling cyclone risk variations in Australia by ENSO phases.EGU25-10429 | ECS | Posters on site | NH11.4
How drought risk evolution impacts crop weather insurance loss ratio in France?EGU25-11503 | Posters on site | NH11.4
Analysis of the insurance impacts of storm clusters: a case study with Generali FranceEGU25-17961 | Posters on site | NH11.4
Designing representative European storm surge scenarios for insurance risk assessment: challenges, results, and limitationsEGU25-18168 | Posters on site | NH11.4
Development of a climate-driven stochastic event catalogue for Wildfire in EuropeEGU25-18838 | ECS | Posters on site | NH11.4
Development of a Globally Connected, Climate-Driven, Stochastic Drought Model for Hazard Assessment using Machine Learning TechniquesEGU25-19732 | ECS | Orals | NH11.4
Country-level energy demand for cooling using CMIP6 and world population projectionsEGU25-20119 | Orals | NH11.4
Projected Impacts of Climate Change on High Temperatures for Tomato CultivationEGU25-473 | ECS | Orals | NP6.1
Turbulent Lagrangian fCO2 time series statistics in the Southern OceanEGU25-1290 | Posters on site | NP6.1
Dispersal of invasive species larvae within the Orust-Tjörn fjord systemEGU25-1454 | ECS | Posters on site | NP6.1
An Adaptive Masking Time Series Transformer based Representation Learning Model for Well Log CurvesEGU25-5726 | ECS | Posters on site | NP6.1
Manifold Embeddings for Multispectral Time-Series Land Disturbance DetectionEGU25-6863 | ECS | Posters on site | NP6.1
Spatiotemporal Causal Effect Estimation in Complex Dynamical SystemsEGU25-6918 | ECS | Orals | NP6.1
New ABL measurements of Lagrangian relative dispersion by means of radiosonde clustersEGU25-11509 | ECS | Orals | NP6.1
Sparse pre-whitening operators for regression of climatic time seriesEGU25-11558 | Posters on site | NP6.1
An Innovative Technique for Reaction wheel Interference Separation in Satellite Magnetic Field SignalsEGU25-11897 | Posters on site | NP6.1
Numerical studies of connectivity and Lagrangian transport in the world’s oceansEGU25-17867 | ECS | Posters on site | NP6.1
An Intensive Biomass Burning Aerosol Observation phase in 2022, over Skukuza, South Africa: CO transport and balance over Southern AfricaEGU25-334 | ECS | Posters on site | NP2.2
A new process-based carbon cycle for the FaIR simple climate modelEGU25-1288 | ECS | Orals | NP2.2
The influence of freshwater biases on AMOC stability and consequences for CMIP6 modelsEGU25-2501 | Posters on site | NP2.2
A Residual Ordering of SST Koopman Spectra for the Identification of Fundamental ModesEGU25-2814 | ECS | Orals | NP2.2
Ensemble simulation of the AMOC collapse in a conceptual climate modelEGU25-3266 | ECS | Orals | NP2.2
Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics and Climate Predictability: Investigating Entropy Production and FrenesyEGU25-3480 | ECS | Posters on site | NP2.2
Causal analysis of time series data for modeling nonlinear phenomenaEGU25-9070 | ECS | Orals | NP2.2
Physics-aware kernel Koopman operator estimation for consistent nonlinear mode decompositionEGU25-9917 | ECS | Orals | NP2.2 | Highlight
An unsupervised method for extracting coherent spatiotemporal patterns in multi-scale dataEGU25-12960 | ECS | Orals | NP2.2
Data-driven Discovery of Predictive Spatiotemporal Patterns leading to Tropical CyclogenesisEGU25-14642 | ECS | Posters on site | NP2.2
Using Deep Learning to Identify Initial Error Sensitivity for Interpretable ENSO ForecastsEGU25-16465 | ECS | Posters on site | NP2.2
Simplifying Earth System Projections: Mimicking ESM Results with a Diffusion ModelEGU25-17881 | Orals | NP2.2
Towards a unified understanding of AMOC changes under warming and fresh water forcingEGU25-19443 | ECS | Orals | NP2.2
Linking response to forcing to natural variability using a Koopman operator formalismEGU25-20624 | ECS | Orals | NP2.2
Improving climate bias and variability via CNN-based state-dependent model-error correctionsEGU25-1069 | ECS | PICO | AS4.17
Study on long-range transport of dust-associated airborne bacteria over Eastern Himalayas in IndiaEGU25-1414 | ECS | PICO | AS4.17
Cyanobacteria and climate change: Insights from Atmospheric and Heritage StudiesEGU25-1548 | ECS | PICO | AS4.17
Hidden Ecosystems Above: Unraveling Viral-Bacterial Interactions in CloudwaterEGU25-3895 | ECS | PICO | AS4.17
Impact of Yellow Dust Event on PM2.5 Microbial Communities during Spring in Ulaanbaatar, MongoliaEGU25-6447 | ECS | PICO | AS4.17
Photoheterotrophy provides increased fitness in airborne bacteria: Aerosol simulation chamber studiesEGU25-7510 | PICO | AS4.17
Preliminary study of Microbiology in Clouds at Whiteface Mountain in New YorkEGU25-11035 | ECS | PICO | AS4.17
In-depth analysis of the origin of Primary Biological Aerosol Particles in a temperate forest of LeipzigEGU25-16671 | ECS | PICO | AS4.17
Isolation and characterization of potentially pathogenic bacteria from mountainous regions in FranceEGU25-18628 | PICO | AS4.17
Microorganisms from North African deserts persist in Southern Europe’s atmosphereEGU25-19919 | ECS | PICO | AS4.17
Growth Dynamics of Dust-Borne Bacteria on Atmospheric Dust Substrates and Potential ImplicationsEGU25-12575 | Posters on site | ITS3.20/AS4.19 | Highlight
Artificial Intelligence as a tool for upholding human rights in disaster management: A Case Study of Wayanad landslidesEGU25-16460 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS3.20/AS4.19
Advanced Diagnostic and Forecast System of Icing Conditions for UAV Operational SafetyEGU25-17964 | Posters on site | ITS3.20/AS4.19
City Climate Monitoring System for Zürich, Basel and TallinnEGU25-922 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.20
Meteoric 10Be as a Tracer of Chemical Weathering in Glacial SedimentsEGU25-1711 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.20
New Opportunities for Modeling Cosmogenic Isotopes Using the Chemistry-Climate Model SOCOLEGU25-2277 | ECS | Orals | AS4.20
Modelling the modern oceanic cycle of beryllium-10 and beryllium-9EGU25-3110 | Posters on site | AS4.20
Denudation and weathering rates of carbonate landscapes from meteoric 10Be/9Be ratiosEGU25-6701 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.20
Insights on Denudation Controls of Volcanic Tropical Islands from Meteoric 10Be/9Be RatiosEGU25-7851 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.20
Authigenic beryllium isotopes in maar lake sediments response to climate change since the last deglaciationEGU25-10115 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.20
Thermoremanent magnetic, 10Be and 14C data provide no convincing evidence for longterm solar variability in the HoloceneEGU25-13118 | ECS | Orals | AS4.20
Meteoric 10Be/9Be as a Proxy for Denudation and Uplift in the active Albanides orogenic beltEGU25-15588 | Posters on site | AS4.20
Orographic and convective precipitation control meteoric 10Be wet depositional fluxes at low latitudeEGU25-19388 | ECS | Posters on site | AS4.20
Modeling Long-Term Cosmic Ray Transport: The Role of Magnetic Turbulence Uncertainties in Heliospheric Field ReconstructionEGU25-4857 | PICO | SM8.5
Comparative Analysis of IDC REB Bulletins with NEIC Seismological BulletinEGU25-7200 | PICO | SM8.5 | Highlight
Combined (DAS/Seismometers) Seismic Analysis of an Underwater Explosion in the Baltic SeaEGU25-9831 | ECS | PICO | SM8.5
Moment Tensor Inversion Analysis of DPRK6 Nuclear Events Using CTBTO/IMS DataEGU25-15641 | ECS | PICO | SM8.5
Understanding phase classification throughout the International Data Centre acoustic pipelineEGU25-5780 | Posters on site | NP1.3
ClimaMeter: a rapid attribution framework for weather extreme eventsEGU25-7645 | ECS | Orals | NP1.3
Advancing the understanding of extreme events through the lens of dynamical system theoryEGU25-10570 | Posters on site | NP1.3
VORTEX project: The role of the polar vortex on the predictabIlity of extreme events in the Northern HemisphereEGU25-10822 | ECS | Orals | NP1.3
Exploring a new methodology to quantify natural variability in conditional extreme event attributionEGU25-10966 | ECS | Posters on site | NP1.3
Winter cyclones drive stronger surface wind extremes in the North Atlantic than in the Southern OceanEGU25-12284 | ECS | Orals | NP1.3
Comparative predictability of eastern and western north pacific blocking eventsEGU25-13213 | ECS | Orals | NP1.3
Sensitivity of Dynamical Coupling to Large-Scale Circulation in European Winter ExtremesEGU25-13374 | ECS | Posters on site | NP1.3
Causality and predictability of the Pan Atlantic compound extremesEGU25-13784 | ECS | Orals | NP1.3
RHITA: a framework for real-time detection and characterization of weather extremesEGU25-14873 | ECS | Orals | NP1.3
Large-scale atmospheric circulation as a source of uncertainty in western European heat extreme projectionsEGU25-15668 | ECS | Posters on site | NP1.3
High-risk atmospheric circulation patterns for Italian precipitation extremesEGU25-17852 | ECS | Posters on site | NP1.3
The impact of the upward trend in the NAO index on precipitation dynamics in the Mediterranean regionEGU25-18740 | ECS | Orals | NP1.3
Analyzing the Historical and Projected Evolution of the Global Diurnal Temperature Range (DTR)EGU25-19577 * | Orals | NP1.3 | Highlight
Unraveling the Rising Threat of Atmospheric and Marine Heatwaves in the Mediterranean RegionEGU25-20545 | ECS | Orals | NP1.3
Characterizing ENSO Through Topological Analysis of Jin-Timmermann Model's Chaotic RegimesAS5 – Methods and Techniques
EGU25-2059 | ECS | Orals | CL4.7
Coupling techniques in the new high resolution SHiELD + MOM6 model for extreme weather predictionEGU25-2254 | Orals | CL4.7
Spectral Causal Analysis of Air-Sea Coupling Feedbacks through the MesoscaleEGU25-4489 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.7
Quantifying Ensemble Divergence in Large-Domain Convective-Scale Simulations over AfricaEGU25-4874 | Orals | CL4.7
High-Resolution Simulations with the Community Earth System Model (CESM): An UpdateEGU25-5848 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.7
Improvement of large-scale circulation simulation in an ocean-sea ice model with high-resolutionEGU25-6699 | Posters on site | CL4.7
Multi-year simulations at kilometre scale with the Integrated Forecasting System coupled to FESOM2.5 and NEMOv3.4EGU25-7755 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.7
Convergent Response in Aquaplanet Climate Change Experiments with Increasing Horizontal ResolutionEGU25-8534 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.7
Storm-Resolving Model ICON at the Air-Sea Interface: Insights into Momentum Dynamics and Parameterization ChallengesEGU25-9160 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.7
Mediterranean extreme precipitation events in storm-resolving NextGEMS Earth System ModelsEGU25-9386 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.7
Scientific developments of IFS-NEMO for Destination Earth’s Climate Adaptation Digital TwinEGU25-10848 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.7
Assessing the impact of anthropogenic aerosols in a kilometer-scale Earth system modelEGU25-10993 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.7
Representation of West African mesoscale convective systems in NextGEMS km-scale simulationsEGU25-11001 | ECS | Orals | CL4.7
Unveiling global haboob behavior with a kilometer-scale aerosol-climate modelEGU25-11145 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.7
Assessing the impacts of climate change in Iberian mountains using the NextGEMS km-scale global climate simulationsEGU25-11236 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.7
The ICON-ParFlow coupling: Integrating a continental-scale hydrological model into an Earth system modelEGU25-11601 | Orals | CL4.7
Are global km-scale climate models becoming indistinguishable from observations?EGU25-11818 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.7
Understanding tropical precipitation biases in kilometer-scale global climate models using the atmospheric energy balance frameworkEGU25-12756 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.7
Comparing biases in the earth system model ICON-ESM-ER with its predecessor MPI-ESM-EREGU25-13120 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.7
Discovering convection biases in global km-scale climate models using computer visionEGU25-15682 | Orals | CL4.7
Tales of Storms: Climate Storylines of Extreme Precipitation Events in Autumn 2024EGU25-17833 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.7
Dry spell representation on regional and global scale using convection-permitting models within the nextGEMS projectEGU25-18760 | Orals | CL4.7
Eddy activity in the high-latitude Southern Ocean and its response to climate changeEGU25-20426 | Posters on site | CL4.7
Regionally focused aerosol-climate modelling at kilometer scaleEGU25-2641 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.2
Enhancing Numerical Model Accuracy with Quasi Double-Precision: Extending the Application to Dynamics and Tracers in MPAS-AEGU25-3460 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.2
The simulation of tropical cyclones in the Western North Pacific by a climate system model FGOALS-f3-H and the effects of ocean couplingEGU25-4105 | Orals | AS5.2
The sensitivity of a climate model to numerical mixing in its ocean componentEGU25-4566 | Posters on site | AS5.2
Fully implicit timestepping methods for the rotating shallow water equationsEGU25-4636 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.2
Land Components Control the ENSO Representation in the Earth System Model MIROC-ES2LEGU25-5694 | ECS | Orals | AS5.2
Development of a GPU-accelerated, Finite Element based Dynamical Core for Sea IceEGU25-5990 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.2
Biases in model simulations of Indian Summer monsoon low-pressure systemsEGU25-6374 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.2
Impact of vertical velocity damping on the numerical stability and atmospheric representation in ICONEGU25-6960 | Orals | AS5.2
Rational Approximation of Exponential Integration (REXI) for dynamical coresEGU25-7001 | ECS | Orals | AS5.2
Parameterization adaption needed to unlock the benefits of increased resolution for the ITCZ in ICONEGU25-7497 | Posters on site | AS5.2
Effects of the high-resolution river routing model on seasonal prediction modelEGU25-7966 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.2
Global existence of the strong solution to the climate dynamics model with topography effects and phase transformation of water vaporEGU25-14770 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.2
Underestimated trends of Amundsen Sea Low associated with unrealistic interdecadal tropical variability in CMIP6 modelsEGU25-16648 | Posters on site | AS5.2
Fast-wave slow-wave spectral deferred correction methods applied to the compressible Euler equationsEGU25-16827 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.2
Developing ECMWF’s portable next-generation atmospheric dynamical coreEGU25-17712 | Posters on site | AS5.2
Technical improvements with the GLOBO atmospheric model, through collaboration with ESiWACE3EGU25-19121 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.2
FRIDOM: A new modular Python based framework for geophysical fluid simulationsEGU25-19435 | Orals | AS5.2
Analysis of a Seamless Semi-Implicit Finite Volume Method for Atmospheric FlowsEGU25-19830 | Posters on site | AS5.2
Automating the construction of time-parallel 4DVar data assimilation systems for finite element models.EGU25-252 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.16/AS5.4
A Comprehensive Assessment of Climate Data Bias-Adjustment Techniques Over AustraliaEGU25-4123 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.16/AS5.4
Leveraging Deep Learning for Downscaling GOME-2 Atmospheric Data Using TROPOMI ObservationsEGU25-7043 | Posters on site | ITS1.16/AS5.4
Statistical downscaling applied to the CMCC Seasonal Prediction System 3.5EGU25-8914 | Posters on site | ITS1.16/AS5.4
Adjusting the Weather Generator for Use in Operational Forecasting Weather-Dependent ProcessesEGU25-13504 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.16/AS5.4
Downscaling a heat stress index in southern South America using deep-learningEGU25-15262 | Posters on site | ITS1.16/AS5.4
The development of a high-resolution global land use projection downscaling modelEGU25-15411 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.16/AS5.4
How to Make Downscaling Model Inputs Closer to Real Distribution Patterns?EGU25-80 | ECS | Orals | AS5.5
Enhancing tropical cyclone track and intensity predictions with the OWZP-Transformer modelEGU25-628 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.5
Development of a Novel ANN-Based Predictive Model for Multi-Site ILCR Estimation Using Weather Parameters and PM2.5EGU25-873 | Posters on site | AS5.5
Estimation of surface-based aerosol composition from satellite data-driven machine learning model over south AsiaEGU25-1413 | Posters on site | AS5.5
Inland Ozone Production Due to Nitrogen Dioxide Transport Downwind of a Coastal Urban Area: A Neural Network AssessmentEGU25-2638 | Orals | AS5.5 | Highlight
Deep learning-based surface O3 responses to anthropogenic and meteorological changesEGU25-2682 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.5
Comparison of LSTM and Bi-LSTM Models for Predicting PM2.5 Concentration in SeoulEGU25-2683 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.5
A Transfer Learning-Based Model for PM2.5 Prediction in SeoulEGU25-4569 | ECS | Orals | AS5.5
An AI System to Predict Street-Level Air Quality: Introduction to the QUALARIA ProjectEGU25-8958 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.5
Reconstruction of Radar Composite Reflectivity Based on Satellite Observations and Deep LearningEGU25-10253 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.5
Utilizing a residual neural network ensemble for ground-based cloud classificationsEGU25-10255 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.5
Diurnal, seasonal, and spatial patterns of weather influences on PM2.5 concentrations in Poland: An explainable machine learning approachEGU25-10297 | ECS | Orals | AS5.5
MeshGraphNets for 3D atmospheric flow in Urban Environment for Atmospheric DispersionEGU25-10486 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.5
Objective characterization of mesoscale cloud patterns from graph theory and an Ising-like model (BICIM).EGU25-11971 | Posters on site | AS5.5
Estimating Anthropogenic NOx Emissions Using Convolutional Neural Networks with Horizontal Transport ConsiderationsEGU25-13106 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.5
Physics-Informed AI for Enhanced Climate Downscaling and Extreme Event Prediction in the Energy SectorEGU25-13224 | ECS | Orals | AS5.5
Diffusion models for image-based nowcasting of desert dust for West AfricaEGU25-14604 | ECS | Orals | AS5.5
Multilevel Deep Learning for Non-Local Prediction of ABL Flow Fields Across Varying Stability RegimesEGU25-14723 | ECS | Orals | AS5.5
Efficient machine learning frameworks for prediciting China’s future air quality trendsEGU25-15264 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.5
Deep learning for global three-dimensional ocean modeling with physical response consistencyEGU25-15746 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.5
From Prediction to Causation: Understanding theDrivers of Maximum Deep Convective Systems AreaEGU25-16620 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.5
Deep Learning based Bias Correction of Forecast Products with Fusion of Geographical InformationEGU25-18422 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.5
Bias Correction of Maximum Temperature Forecasts for Ensemble-Based model using Various Machine Learning Techniques for Hyderabad StationEGU25-18459 | ECS | Orals | AS5.5
Leveraging observations to bias-correct the Arctic surface energy budget in reanalysis through machine learningEGU25-1299 | Posters on site | ESSI1.6
Building a framework for the design and deployment of digital twins: the Digital Twin Factory projectEGU25-3702 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI1.6
What if Data story telling was the corner stone for environmental digital twins?EGU25-6965 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI1.6
Global post-processing of ERA5 precipitation product via graph-based neural networksEGU25-8155 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI1.6
Deep Learning for Radar Quantitative Precipitation Estimation over Complex Terrain in Southern ChinaEGU25-10817 | ECS | Orals | ESSI1.6
MLOps on DestinE Data Lake – Towards Reproducible AI on Edge ServicesEGU25-12042 | Posters on site | ESSI1.6
Implementing FAIR Agrobiodiversity Workflows for the Destination Earth Data LakeEGU25-13817 | Posters on site | ESSI1.6
Real-time Prediction of Global Tropical Deciduous Ecosystem Phenology with Deep LearningEGU25-14658 | Posters on site | ESSI1.6
Comparison of the Minimum Bounding Rectangle and Minimum Circumscribed Ellipse of Rain Cells from TRMMEGU25-15162 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI1.6
Uncertainty Evaluation of Deep Learning Models Using an Artificial RainfallEGU25-15669 | ECS | Orals | ESSI1.6
Post-Processing Neural Weather Model Outputs for Tropical Cyclone Intensity ForecastsEGU25-16981 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI1.6
Flow matching for in situ, spatially consistent weather forecast downscalingEGU25-17080 | ECS | Orals | ESSI1.6
Spatial Gap Filling in a Geostationary Land-Surface Temperature Product with a Masked AutoencoderEGU25-18447 | ECS | Orals | ESSI1.6
ArchesClimate: Ensemble Generation for Decadal Prediction using Flow MatchingEGU25-19021 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI1.6
RAINA - High-resolution nowcasting of precipitation and wind extremes with a foundation model for the atmosphereEGU25-19238 | Orals | ESSI1.6
Destination Earth Data Lake user story on Danube Delta water reservoirEGU25-1266 | Posters on site | AS5.8
First deployment of a drone-borne active AirCore in a volcanic plume at Mount EtnaEGU25-4415 | ECS | Orals | AS5.8
Cloud Sampling with UAS during the #CHOPIN Campaign at Mount Helmos in October 2024EGU25-4488 | Posters on site | AS5.8
Added value of off-the-shelf UAS for exploring Alpine valley flowsEGU25-5595 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.8
UAV-based methodologies for quantifying methane emissions from point sourcesEGU25-9080 | ECS | Orals | AS5.8
Quantifying methane emissions from UK Landfills Using Unmanned Aerial VehiclesEGU25-9677 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.8
Improving the accuracy of particle concentration measurements of an optical particle counter (UCASS) for balloon soundingsEGU25-9787 | Posters on site | AS5.8
Using uncrewed aerial systems for investigating the vertical aerosol particle distribution close to German airportsEGU25-11744 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.8
Enhancing High Resolution Atmospheric Profiling Using UAS: Deployment and Validation of the PARASITE Sensor PackageEGU25-11881 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.8
Combined measurement of Saharan dust, meteorological variables and space charge with the uncrewed aircraft system MASC-3 over CyprusEGU25-13819 | ECS | Orals | AS5.8
Max PlanckWinDarts: High-resolution measurements in the planteray boundarylayer with a tethered balloonEGU25-15058 | Orals | AS5.8
Improving weather forecasts through an operational network of Meteomatics MeteodronesEGU25-17544 | ECS | Orals | AS5.8
Hovering a Microscope on a Drone: Development of UAV Based Systems for High-resolution Imaging of Falling SnowEGU25-19551 | Posters on site | AS5.8
A multi-gas sensor system lifted by a tethered aerostat for real time in-situ investigation of volcanic plumesEGU25-19785 | Posters on site | AS5.8
Greenhouse gas emissions from wastewater treatment plants using drone-based measurementsEGU25-20826 | Orals | AS5.8 | Highlight
Preliminary results of World Meteorological Organization Uncrewed Aircraft Systems Demonstration Campaign (WMO UAS DC)EGU25-127 | Posters on site | AS5.9 | Highlight
Pilot Study About Inventory of Air Pollutants in a Rural Community of Guanajuato, Mexico using a Low-Cost ATMOTUBE® MonitorEGU25-298 | ECS | Orals | AS5.9
Ammonia miniaturized sensors: Are they ready to be used in outdoor environments?EGU25-788 | ECS | Orals | AS5.9
Statistical Modelling of low cost PM2.5 sensor data in Dar es Salaam CityEGU25-829 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.9
Improving PM2.5 Exposure Modeling by Hyperlocal Monitoring Using Low-Cost Sensors in the Kolkata Metropolitan AreaEGU25-1095 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.9
Leveraging Open Data and Land Use Regression Models for Scalable Air Quality Monitoring: Integrating Low-Cost Sensors for Global ApplicabilityEGU25-1232 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.9 | Highlight
Establishing a Nationwide Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Network: The Clean Air Initiative and PM2.5 Monitoring in The GambiaEGU25-1550 | Posters on site | AS5.9
OPENAIR - Low Cost Air Quality Sensing Best Practises and Open Data PlatformEGU25-4367 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.9
Challenges and Opportunities in Monitoring Indoor Air Quality with Low-Cost SensorsEGU25-5007 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.9
Application of Low-cost Sensor Network in Extreme Environment: A Case Study of Ozone Pollution in Tibetan PlateauEGU25-5634 | ECS | Orals | AS5.9
FILTER: Framework for Improving Low-Cost Sensor Network Data for Air Quality MonitoringEGU25-5687 | Posters on site | AS5.9
Improving Zimbabwe’s capacity for air quality monitoring from the ground and by TROPOMIEGU25-6193 | Orals | AS5.9
How can the low-cost air quality sensor community maximize its positive impact?EGU25-7223 | ECS | Orals | AS5.9
Validating low-cost indoor air quality monitors to improve exposure monitoring in nail salonsEGU25-8701 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.9
Democratizing Access to Accurate Air Quality Measurements with Open-Source ToolsEGU25-12322 | ECS | Orals | AS5.9
Characterization of low-cost sensors via simultaneous field measurements: a case studyEGU25-12373 | ECS | Orals | AS5.9
Monitoring Fog Evolution of Air Quality in Central Taiwan Mountain Area Using Air Quality BoxesEGU25-14392 | Posters on site | AS5.9
Integrating Low-Cost Sensors and Black Carbon Measurement for Better Air Quality Management in Europe and BeyondEGU25-14757 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.9
Optical Signals From Confined Materials At Nanometer Scales: Miniaturization As The Future Of Contaminant DetectionEGU25-15277 | Posters on site | AS5.9
Calibration of integrated low-cost environmental sensors based on machine learningEGU25-18970 | ECS | Orals | AS5.9
Investigating In-Cabin Air Quality in Public Utility Buses in the Philippines Using Small-SensorsEGU25-19153 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.9
Optimal data framework for large-scale application of low-cost sensor networks in African citiesEGU25-19203 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.9
From monitoring to mitigating: the role of data in reducing air pollution levels in low- and middle-income countriesEGU25-19930 | Posters on site | AS5.9
Opportunities and challenges of sensor technology for indoor air quality monitoringEGU25-20256 | Orals | AS5.9
Performance of low-cost sensors to measure PM10: do they also measure coarse particles?EGU25-20302 | ECS | Orals | AS5.9
Improving indoor air quality in schools: Evidence from an air purifier intervention with low-cost sensorsEGU25-20418 | ECS | Orals | AS5.9
Beyond Data: Leveraging Low-Cost Sensors for Policy Impact and Regulatory AcceptanceEGU25-20628 | Posters on site | AS5.9
The climate-health cascade: Assessing the impact of rising temperature and particulate pollution on hospital admissionsEGU25-20880 | Posters on site | AS5.9
PM2.5 level observations during New Year Celebration inIloilo City, Philippines using low-cost sensorsEGU25-21629 | Orals | AS5.9
Integrating Low-cost Sensor Systems and Networks to Enhance Air Quality ApplicationsEGU25-3546 | ECS | Posters on site | HS1.2.2
Innovative Lagrangian Radiosonde Clusters for ABL ObservationsEGU25-3756 | Posters on site | HS1.2.2 | Highlight
Sampling spores and microorganisms in the stratosphereEGU25-12080 | Posters on site | HS1.2.2
Cryoegg, Cryowurst and Hydrobean: wireless instruments for glaciology and hydrologyEGU25-13702 | ECS | Posters on site | HS1.2.2
SPYCE: A Multi-Modal Rodent Monitoring Device for Enhanced Detection, Monitoring, and Behavior AnalysisEGU25-18431 | Posters on site | HS1.2.2
Open Hardware in the UK Floods and Droughts Research Infrastructure (FDRI)EGU25-18763 | ECS | Posters on site | HS1.2.2
Automated wetting of a fiber-optic cable for forest evaporation partitioningEGU25-19559 | ECS | Posters on site | HS1.2.2
Signal Transmission from the Water Surface for Plastic Pollution TrackingEGU25-2495 | Posters on site | AS5.11
Examining the effect of horizontal gradients in trace gas distributions during the intercomparison campaign CINDI-3EGU25-4660 | ECS | Orals | AS5.11
Trace gas and aerosol profile measurements from MAX-DOAS in South Korea during ASIA-AQEGU25-6583 | Posters on site | AS5.11
Estimation of tropospheric water vapor using differential attenuation at microwaves and comparison with other measurementsEGU25-7208 | Orals | AS5.11
Aerosol vertical profile measurements using passive radiometric measurementsEGU25-7990 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.11
UV-Vis remote sensing of shipping emissions and atmospheric pollutants at the North SeaEGU25-8855 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.11
Horizontal Gradients of Aerosols and Trace Gases: Insights from MAX-DOAS Measurements in MainzEGU25-10395 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.11
Feasibility of volcanic CO2, HF, and HCl remote sensing measurements using Fourier-transform infrared spectrometry in scattered sunlight geometryEGU25-13109 | Orals | AS5.11
Overview of the Third Cabauw Intercomparison of UV-Vis DOAS instruments (CINDI-3)EGU25-14161 | ECS | Orals | AS5.11
Surface NO2 Derived from Pandora Column Measurements in Toronto and Detroit-WindsorEGU25-16842 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.11
Intercomparison of MAX-DOAS, FTIR and direct sun DOAS HCHO retrievals in Xianghe (China)EGU25-17520 | Posters on site | AS5.11
Airborne Measurements of NO2, HONO, and HCHO Emissions from Canadian Wildfires and the Oil IndustryEGU25-18486 | Orals | AS5.11
Urban Pollution Monitoring with the AOTF-based NO2 Camera: Validation Campaign in RomeEGU25-19146 | Posters on site | AS5.11
SEICOR - Ship Emission Inspection with Calibration-free Optical Remote sensingEGU25-19196 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.11
First retrievals of aerosol microphysical properties from polarisation-sensitive MAX-DOAS measurementsEGU25-2908 | Posters on site | AS5.12
Models, In situ, and Remote sensing of Aerosols (MIRA)International Working Group: An UpdateEGU25-3192 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.12
Drone-Based Aerosol Profiling: Calibration Using an In Situ Multi-Sensor SystemEGU25-4707 | Orals | AS5.12
Chinese Integrated Meteorological Observation Network for FY Satellite ValidationEGU25-7503 | Posters on site | AS5.12
Tailoring TPTRS for Operational Thermodynamic Retrieval in the Complex Terrain of KoreaEGU25-7797 | Posters on site | AS5.12
Estimation of Satellite-Based Air Temperature Using Land Surface TemperatureEGU25-9642 | ECS | Orals | AS5.12
Satellite Aerosol Composition Retrieval from a Combination of three different InstrumentsEGU25-9959 | Posters on site | AS5.12
Multi-term LSM as methodological platform for advanced multi-sensor remote sensor synergyEGU25-11368 | Posters on site | AS5.12
Large synthesis of in situ field measurements of the size distribution of mineral dust aerosols across their life cyclesEGU25-12468 | Posters on site | AS5.12
Optical and microphysical properties of fire smoke aerosol from in-situ polar nephelometry using GRASPEGU25-12682 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.12
Quantifying dust concentration and mineralogy in the atmosphere, by combining remote sensing and airborne (UAV) in-situ, during the ASKOS campaignEGU25-14616 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.12
Improving Black Carbon Emission Estimates at Global Scale Using GEOS-Chem model and 4D-Var assimilation of TROPOMI/GRASP dataEGU25-14885 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.12
Aerosol Optical Properties in the Eastern Arabian Peninsula from Direct Sun ObservationsEGU25-15230 | Orals | AS5.12
Enhancing Atmospheric Profiling with the AMETHYST Hyperspectral Inversion SystemEGU25-16550 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.12
Daily aerosol variation revealed by synergetic multi-satellite GRASP retrievalEGU25-16759 | ECS | Orals | AS5.12
Object-based characterization of continental Shallow Cumulus using synergistic decameter-scale observationsEGU25-16761 | ECS | Orals | AS5.12
Can bimodal aerosol size distribution be retrieved from AURORA4000 polar integrating nephelometer data?EGU25-18448 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.12
Enhancing WRF-Chem Dust Predictions Through Assimilation of Satellite-Based MIDAS Dust Optical Depth DataEGU25-18680 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.12
Development of a flexible module accounting gas absorption in GRASP allowing simultaneous retrieval of gases and aerosolsEGU25-18977 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.12
Observations informed European Black Carbon emission estimates for 2022EGU25-19313 | Posters on site | AS5.12
Aerosol layer height constrained by micro-lidar to enhance space borne push-broom spectrometer measurements of CH4 and CO2EGU25-19758 | Posters on site | AS5.12
High-Resolution Retrieval of Local Road Emissions from Coarse Satellite Images Using CFD ModelingEGU25-20416 | ECS | Orals | AS5.12
Hourly Seamless Retrieval of Near-Surface PM2.5 and O3 Concentrations across China from 2018 to 2023EGU25-1170 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.13
1.57μm Active Laser Heterodyne Spectrometer and CO2 Concentration MeasurementEGU25-2361 | Posters on site | AS5.13
High-performance data acquisition and processing system based on SOM-FPGA and its application in optical instrumentsEGU25-4475 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.13
Optical sensing platform based on tunable laser absorption spectroscopy for the measurement of carbon dioxide dissolved in seawaterEGU25-6525 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.13
Subpromille measurements of H2 absorption spectra near 1.2 μmEGU25-6846 | ECS | Orals | AS5.13
Laboratory Spectroscopy and Optical Metrology Approaches for Analysis of Atmospheric ConstituentsEGU25-8094 | Posters on site | AS5.13
Sparsity and Non-Negativity Constrained FTIR Spectroscopic Analysis for VOC DetectionEGU25-9240 | Posters on site | AS5.13
A net ozone production rate detection system based on dual-channel cavity ring-down spectroscopyEGU25-9415 | ECS | Orals | AS5.13
A dual-comb spectrometer for open-path monitoring of greenhouse gases concentrations above an urban areaEGU25-12911 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.13
Spectroscopy of gas plumes in the laboratory: remote sensing of comets and icy satellitesEGU25-13275 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.13
New experimental measurements of the Collision-Induced Absorptions of H2-H2 and H2-He in the 3600-5500 cm-1 spectral range from 120 to 500 KEGU25-13660 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.13
A compact light weight instrument for in situ detection of I2 in the marine boundary layerEGU25-14245 | ECS | Orals | AS5.13
Single-photon level detection technique of long open-air path dual-comb spectroscopyEGU25-14308 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.13
Open-path, portable, low-power laser methane sensor system using miniature multi-pass cell for methane mobile monitoringEGU25-15148 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.13
A high-resolution microcavity transmission spectrometerEGU25-15173 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.13
Atomic Oxygen and Temperature Retrieval in the MLT region by Terahertz Heterodyne Measurements from a Satellite: Single vs. Dual-frequency ScenariosEGU25-15608 | Orals | AS5.13
Quartz-Enhanced Photoacoustic Spectroscopy for Environmental MonitoringEGU25-15692 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.13
Design of a new cryogenically cooled radiometer for middle atmospheric water vapor measurements:CRYOWARAEGU25-16084 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.13
A compact mid-IR laser absorption spectrometer for water vapor isotopologue measurements in the upper airEGU25-17500 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.13
A dual-comb spectrometer for remote sensing of greenhouse gases from commercially available devices and components – a progress report.EGU25-18041 | ECS | Orals | AS5.13
Real time monitoring of N2O and CO emissions from vehicles using a quartz-enhanced photoacoustic sensorEGU25-18251 | ECS | Posters on site | AS5.13
Heterodyne Spectroradiometer for Precise Measurements of Carbon DioxideEGU25-19036 | Posters on site | AS5.13
Potential capabilities of CO2 measurement in the atmospheric column using a near infrared laser heterodyne radiometer (LHR)EGU25-20358 | Posters on site | AS5.13
Design of a Laser Heterodyne Radiometer (LHR) Sensor for Wildfire Detection and CharacterizationEGU25-2757 | Orals | GI4.3
Multi product comparison during BELLA-ABL Campaign across different Lidar SystemEGU25-3198 | ECS | Orals | GI4.3
An airborne Raman lidar to sample horizontal meteorological fields in the framework of MAESTROEGU25-3558 | ECS | Posters on site | GI4.3
How can the Latent Heat Flux in a Convective Boundary Layer be Described?EGU25-4141 | ECS | Orals | GI4.3
Raman lidar derived WVMR profiles compared to ERA5 - A WaLiNeAs applicationEGU25-4413 | ECS | Posters on site | GI4.3
Evaluating Wind Velocity Measurement Errors in Ground-Based Doppler LiDAR Using Virtual Doppler LiDAR and Large Eddy SimulationEGU25-5725 | Orals | GI4.3
Status and Development of Lidar applications in China's Meteorological ObservationEGU25-7552 | Posters on site | GI4.3
Scanning Measurements With an Automated Temperature and Moisture Lidar in the Atmospheric Boundary LayerEGU25-8567 | Posters on site | GI4.3 | Highlight
The Cloud and Aerosol Lidar for Global Scale Observations (CALIGOLA): Overview of the current status and future steps of a groundbreaking multidisciplinary MissionEGU25-8872 | ECS | Posters on site | GI4.3
CO2 Measurements with Raman Lidar in the Lower TroposphereEGU25-9052 | ECS | Posters on site | GI4.3
Evaluating the MONARCH Model with Lidar Data: A Step Toward Improving Global Dust Surface ConcentrationsEGU25-10120 | ECS | Orals | GI4.3
Comparison of fresh and aged smoke particles simultaneously observed at the ACTRIS Potenza observatoryEGU25-10454 | ECS | Orals | GI4.3
Raman lidar water vapor observations to assess the uncertainty of MLS and ERA5 at the upper troposhereEGU25-10784 | Posters on site | GI4.3
Real-Time Monitoring of Air Pollution and Detection of Illegal Emissions Using Advanced Scanning LiDAR TechnologyEGU25-10819 | Posters on site | GI4.3
Advanced Scanning LiDAR for Real-Time Detection of Wildfires and Industrial FiresEGU25-11218 | ECS | Posters on site | GI4.3
Relationships Between Surface Fluxes and Boundary Layer Dynamics: Statistics at the Land-Atmosphere Feedback Observatory (LAFO)EGU25-11468 | ECS | Posters on site | GI4.3
Network Doppler Lidar for simultaneous multi-parameter observationsEGU25-11819 | Posters on site | GI4.3
Estimation of optical and microphysical characteristics of contrails using Lidar at SIRTA observatory, ParisEGU25-12416 | Orals | GI4.3
Building a Long-Term Cloud Record from Spaceborne Lidars: Bridging CALIOP to ATLIDEGU25-12573 | ECS | Orals | GI4.3
Calibration of water vapour Raman lidar using GNSS precipitable water vapour and reanalysis model dataEGU25-12951 | Posters on site | GI4.3
Gravity waves observed by lidar at the center and edge of the Southern polar vortexEGU25-14705 | ECS | Orals | GI4.3
The calibration and validation of XCO2 measured by Lidar onboard DQ-1EGU25-15242 | ECS | Posters on site | GI4.3
A field intercomparison of inter-instrument variability of six co-located Vaisala CL61 lidar-ceilometersEGU25-15290 | ECS | Orals | GI4.3
AIRflows - a novel airborne Doppler lidar for high resolution wind measurementsEGU25-15418 | ECS | Posters on site | GI4.3
Estimation of the Optical properties of Arctic Cirrus Clouds: Insights fromLIDAR measurements and Monte Carlo simulationsEGU25-16402 | Posters on site | GI4.3
1.65 µm CH4 ground-based differential absorption lidar measurements in the atmosphereEGU25-16832 | ECS | Orals | GI4.3
Integration of Doppler Wind Lidars in E-Profile wind profiling networkEGU25-16880 | ECS | Posters on site | GI4.3
The desert dust impact on the Boundary Layer in the AtlanticEGU25-17781 | ECS | Orals | GI4.3
Using the ESA eVe reference lidar system for the cal/val of lidar instruments onboard ESA satellite missionsEGU25-18566 | Posters on site | GI4.3
Enhancing lidar aerosol typing schemes: a lidar/photometer synergyEGU25-19403 | Orals | GI4.3 | Highlight
Forecasting Climate Adaptation Through Cirrus Cloud Radiative Forcing Analysis Using 20 Years of MPLNET Lidar MeasurementsEGU25-21533 | Posters on site | GI4.3
Cloud Condensation Nuclei (CCN) and Ice Nucleating Particles (INP) conversion factors based on Thessaloniki AERONET stationEGU25-6148 | Posters on site | GI4.5
HALO airborne measurements; PERCUSION’s contribution to EarthCARE validationEGU25-7774 | Posters on site | GI4.5
In-Situ Hyperspectral Absorption and Backscattering Sensors for Ocean Color and Biogeochemistry ResearchEGU25-7979 | Posters on site | GI4.5
Heat-island-effect of ship-based bulk measurements for evaporation duct estimationEGU25-8293 | Posters on site | GI4.5
Radiometric Calibration using Artificial Intelligence: Constituting Uniform Observing Systems for Infrared SatellitesEGU25-9811 | Orals | GI4.5
ACROSS Mediterranean activities for EarthCARE validation and exploitationEGU25-12925 | ECS | Posters on site | GI4.5
From PACE to PLACE: Results from the First Months of Land Data ProductsEGU25-13336 | ECS | Posters on site | GI4.5
PACE Applications Program: Putting PACE remote sensing data to work for societal benefit across the Earth SystemEGU25-14437 | ECS | Posters on site | GI4.5
The First Year of the Hyper-Angular Rainbow Polarimeter (HARP2) on the NASA PACE mission: Performance, Science, and SynergyEGU25-15557 | Posters on site | GI4.5
Validation of Aerosol Products from Polarimetric Sensors – Application to PARASOL and 3MIEGU25-20586 | ECS | Orals | GI4.5
Liquid Water Cloud Retrievals from HARP2 and AirHARP2 Measurements from the PACE-PAX Validation CampaignEGU25-20694 | Posters on site | GI4.5
System Vicarious Calibration of the PACE Ocean Color InstrumentEGU25-20712 | ECS | Orals | GI4.5
Cross-Calibration of Polar-Orbiting Satellite Ocean-Color Sensors Using a Geostationary Reference SensorEGU25-869 | ECS | Orals | G5.1
Beyond Geostrophic and Gradient Wind: Enhancing Radio Occultation Wind Field EstimationEGU25-965 | ECS | Posters on site | G5.1
Assessment of GNSS-based PWV against radiosonde observation and reanalysis datasets in AntarcticaEGU25-5428 | ECS | Orals | G5.1
Extraction and Application of Subcarrier Phase Measurements in GNSS-R AltimetryEGU25-7362 | ECS | Orals | G5.1
GNSS-derived tropospheric water vapor and precipitation co-variability along continental ChileEGU25-8874 | ECS | Posters on site | G5.1
Evaluation of atmospheric water vapour based on ERA5 Reanalysis Products and GNSS Observations in Algeria.EGU25-8951 | ECS | Posters on site | G5.1
A Ground-based GNSS-R Marine Environment Dynamic Monitoring StationEGU25-8993 | ECS | Posters on site | G5.1
Stacking machine learning model for vertical interpolation of precipitable water vapor using GNSS networks and radio occultation dataEGU25-10034 | ECS | Posters on site | G5.1
Polarimetric GNSS-Reflectometry data over sea ice during the MOSAiC expeditionEGU25-10658 | ECS | Orals | G5.1
Impact of assimilating GNSS Tropospheric Gradients along with Zenith Total Delays for Severe Weather PredictionEGU25-10677 | ECS | Posters on site | G5.1
Comparisons between GAMIT-derived Zenith Tropospheric Delay (ZTD) values from AWS and GNSS met sensor valuesEGU25-12037 | ECS | Orals | G5.1
From ground- to space-based GNSS tomography - initial results and conceptsEGU25-14987 | ECS | Orals | G5.1
Advancing Sea Ice Thickness Retrieval with Spire GNSS-R ObservationsEGU25-15298 | ECS | Posters on site | G5.1
Synergy of GNSS Tomography and Radio Occultation: Methods for Assimilating Refined Water Vapor FieldsEGU25-15408 | Posters on site | G5.1
New horizon of tropospheric studies using the next generation GNSS, Network of Satellite Constellations and AIEGU25-15774 | ECS | Posters on site | G5.1
Investigation on systematic deviations of absolute and double differential partial wet delay between GNSS, PS-InSAR, and ERA-5 model observationsEGU25-16138 | ECS | Posters on site | G5.1
Optimizing GNSS Tomographic Node Distribution Using Signal Geometry for Enhanced Tropospheric SensingEGU25-19045 | ECS | Orals | G5.1
AI for GNSS Reflectometry: Setting a New Benchmark for Earth Surface and Atmospheric MonitoringEGU25-2803 | Orals | ESSI3.2
GOYAS: A FAIR-by-Design System for Innovative remote-sensing data productsEGU25-4203 | ECS | Orals | ESSI3.2
Escaping from the 1600s: Advancing FAIR scientific knowledge with reborn articlesEGU25-9401 | Orals | ESSI3.2
Scalable Solutions for Urban Data Spaces: Insight from the USAGE blueprintEGU25-11467 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI3.2
Advancing FAIR geochemical data: 25 Years of GEOROC database serviceEGU25-14320 | ECS | Orals | ESSI3.2
EarthBank by AuScope: Building FAIR research data infrastructure for the global geochemical communityEGU25-20132 | Orals | ESSI3.2
How domain repositories support reusable data: metadata tools from GFZ Data ServicesEGU25-21162 | Posters on site | ESSI3.2
Implementing FAIR Principles for Earth System Data: Insights from the European Eddy-Rich Earth-System Models (EERIE) projectEGU25-21472 | Orals | ESSI3.2
Community Support and Engagement for FAIR Science in Climate Change AdaptationEGU25-21605 | Orals | ESSI3.2
Status, issues and challenges with FAIRness of seismological waveform data and beyondEGU25-8127 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI2.15
Seamless Upscaling Research from Cloud to HPC using eWaterCycleEGU25-8591 | Orals | ESSI2.15
The EERIE cloud: Apps and Catalogs for Cloudified Earth System Model OutputEGU25-9432 | Posters on site | ESSI2.15
Co-Creating Cloud-Based Tools for Urban Climate-Resilience: The CLIMRES ProjectEGU25-10977 | Posters on site | ESSI2.15
Cloud-Powered Earth Observation Tools for Urban Resilience: The BUILDSPACE ProjectEGU25-12070 | ECS | Orals | ESSI2.15
Performance Benchmarking and Energy monitoring for Climate ModellingEGU25-12918 | ECS | Orals | ESSI2.15
Enhancing Pangeo-Fish with HEALPix Convolution: Impact Evaluation and BenefitsEGU25-13725 | Posters on site | ESSI2.15
Cloud-based platform for the management of hydrogeological risks in the Po BasinEGU25-14306 | ECS | Orals | ESSI2.15
Navigating New Grids: Evaluating DGGS Configurations for Marine Spatial AnalysisEGU25-14400 | ECS | Orals | ESSI2.15
A community oriented approach to enabling open science with Earth science data at scaleEGU25-14610 | Orals | ESSI2.15
Weather Data Streaming with Kerchunk: Strengthening Early Warning SystemsEGU25-16230 | Posters on site | ESSI2.15
Advancing Regional Climate Data Accessibility through a Cloud-native Climate Service DatabaseEGU25-18285 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI2.15
Regridding Satellite and Model Data to DGGS (HEALPix) Using the Pangeo EcosystemEGU25-18336 | Posters on site | ESSI2.15
Advancing Earth System Science through collaboration: An overview of ECMWF Special ProjectsEGU25-20590 | Posters on site | ESSI2.15
Dhemeter: Data Hub for Environmental and METEorological ResourcesEGU25-21279 | Orals | ESSI2.15
Advancing Cloud-Native Data Analysis and Publishing with Pangeo Tools in EarthCODEEGU25-21603 | ECS | Orals | ESSI2.15 | Highlight
The Pangeo Ecosystem Supporting Climate Change Adaptation: The FAIR2Adapt RiOMar Case StudyEGU25-1294 | Posters on site | ESSI2.13
A new sub-chunking strategy for fast netCDF-4 access in local, remote and cloud infrastructures.EGU25-4277 | Posters on site | ESSI2.13
BEACON Binary Format (BBF) - Optimizing data storage and access to large data collectionsEGU25-11118 | Orals | ESSI2.13
Too Big to Handle? Hexagonizing LIDAR and Satellite Data in Geoscience ApplicationsEGU25-12760 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI2.13
Tree-Based Adaptive Data Reduction Techniques for Scientific Simulation DataEGU25-13567 | Posters on site | ESSI2.13
Tables as a way to deal with a variety of data formats and APIs in data spacesEGU25-15672 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI2.13
Scaling Down ESS Datasets: Lessons from the EERIE Project on CompressionEGU25-15864 | Posters on site | ESSI2.13
The Sentinels EOPF Toolkit: Driving Community Adoption of the Zarr data format for Copernicus Sentinel DataEGU25-16791 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI2.13
Development and performance evaluation of dissolved oxygen climatology in the Northwestern PacificEGU25-17102 | Posters on site | ESSI2.13
Calculation of Gridded Surface Current from Observed Lagrangian Trajectories in the East SeaEGU25-17171 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI2.13
Building the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem STAC Catalog: Methodologies, Optimizations, and Community ImpactEGU25-17172 | ECS | Orals | ESSI2.13
Neural Embedding Compression for Earth Observation Data – an Ablation StudyEGU25-17799 | Posters on site | ESSI2.13
Data Spaces and geodata workflows for environmental protectionEGU25-19418 | Posters on site | ESSI2.13
Lossy Data Compression Exploration in an Online Laboratory and the Link to HPC Design DecisionsEGU25-20188 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI2.13
Creating TROPOMI superobservations for data assimilation and model evaluationEGU25-3453 | ECS | Posters on site | BG2.2
Long-term high-frequency isotope-specific monitoring of H2O, CO2, CH4 and N2O exchange between atmosphere and ecosystemsEGU25-3476 | Orals | BG2.2
Carbonyl sulfide sulfur isotopes fractionation and leaves' internal conductanceEGU25-8718 | ECS | Posters on site | BG2.2
From Sunshine to Snowfall: Understanding concurrent CO2 and COS exchange in a Coniferous ForestEGU25-11217 | ECS | Posters on site | BG2.2
Addressing discrepancies in 13CKIE and DKIE values for the CH₄-OH oxidationEGU25-11425 | Posters on site | BG2.2
Expanding Isotope Ratio Analysis of Intact Molecules to Gas Phase Using a MION-Orbitrap SystemEGU25-12043 | ECS | Orals | BG2.2
Assessing drivers of uncertainty in simulating δ¹³C-CH4 at global scaleEGU25-13223 | Orals | BG2.2
Modeling the sulfur isotopic signature of marine carbonyl sulfide emissionsEGU25-14132 | ECS | Posters on site | BG2.2
Simulating Long-Term Trends and Seasonal Dynamics of Carbon Isotopes in Atmospheric CO2 Using a 3D Transport ModelEGU25-14260 | ECS | Posters on site | BG2.2
Multi-model Insights into δ13C-CH4 from Arctic Permafrost ThermokarstsEGU25-15597 | Posters on site | BG2.2
Temporal Variations and Influencing Factors on Atmospheric CO2 in Urban Environments: A Stable Isotope PerspectiveEGU25-16221 | Posters on site | BG2.2
An absolute reference frame for nitrous oxide position-specific and clumped isotopic measurementsEGU25-16416 | ECS | Posters on site | BG2.2
A comprehensive carbon isotopic analysis of seasonal carbon dioxide variability from an urban environment in HungaryEGU25-16768 | ECS | Posters on site | BG2.2
Numerical simulation of the impact of atmospheric OH variability on the global mean δ13C(CH4) trend.EGU25-17599 | Posters on site | BG2.2
In-situ atmospheric measurements of CO2 polyisotopologues at Weybourne Atmospheric Observatory in the United KingdomEGU25-18216 | Posters on site | BG2.2
Semi-automated separation of methane from ambient air for analysis of Δ13CH3D and Δ12CH2D2EGU25-19640 | ECS | Posters on site | BG2.2
Ship-borne atmospheric measurements during MOSAiC contribute to detect CH4 sources and transport pathways in the ArcticEGU25-19970 | ECS | Orals | BG2.2
Continuous methane (CH4) isotope measurements in Lindenberg, GermanyEGU25-20440 | ECS | Orals | BG2.2
In-situ stable carbon isotope measurements with laser ablation and on-chip laser absorption spectroscopyEGU25-20522 | Posters on site | BG2.2
Improvements in ambient CH4 isotope ratio measurements – the isoMET projectAS6 – Short Courses & EDI
EGU25-4377 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.6
A global dataset for lake physical variables from satellite measurementsEGU25-4541 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.6
For a FAIR publishing environment: Geomorphica, the Diamond Open-Access Journal for GeomorphologyEGU25-8669 | Posters on site | EOS4.6
An immersive virtual approach to enhance visibility of global stratotype and reference sections of the PaleogeneEGU25-12152 | Posters on site | EOS4.6
GeoFutures: bridging the gap between geoscience and (dis)engaged audiences for the 21st centuryEGU25-13606 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.6
SubMachine ORFEUS integration: Web-based tools for exploring seismic tomography modelsEGU25-14319 | Posters on site | EOS4.6
The TERN Australia Soil and Herbarium Collection, a national ecological treasureEGU25-15003 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.6
Exploring Lossy Data Compression in an Online Laboratory for Climate Science and MeteorologyEGU25-16049 | Posters on site | EOS4.6
Slinging Earth & (exo)Planets Structure and Dynamics into Diamond Open AccessEGU25-16104 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.6
Planetary Research: Advancing Accessibility and Inclusivity through Diamond Open Access PublishingEGU25-18390 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.6
Toward Long-Term Data Stewardship: Merging The Speleothem Database SISAL into Neotoma, the Palaeoecological “Database of Databases”EGU25-18663 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.6
Enhancing Open EO Knowledge preservation through the integration of the GEO Knowledge Hub and ZenodoEGU25-18716 | Orals | EOS4.6
Opening up historical atmospheric electricity data with Citizen ScienceEGU25-19107 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.6
Navigating the Jungle of CMIP Data as a First-Time User: Key Challenges and Future DirectionsEGU25-19987 | Posters on site | EOS4.6
Tektonika: breaking barriers in scientific publishing one manuscript at a timeEGU25-20355 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.6
A database for igneous rocks of the Newfoundland AppalachiansEGU25-2164 | ECS | PICO | EOS1.6
Communicating uncertainty in extreme event attribution to the mediaEGU25-4471 | PICO | EOS1.6
Communicating uncertainty in weather forecasts: the role of forecast changesEGU25-9081 | ECS | PICO | EOS1.6
Impacting on our Lives: Using British sports and culture to explain uncertainty in climate projectionsEGU25-21809 | ECS | PICO | EOS1.6
Immersed in Uncertainty: Discussing Uncertainty in Science in a PlanetariumEGU25-5760 | Posters on site | EOS3.1
The evolving diversity of the geodynamics community: Ada Lovelace workshop participants from 1987 to 2024EGU25-6932 | Posters on site | EOS3.1
Status and Progress of Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity at EGU General AssembliesEGU25-6963 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS3.1
A new hybrid video & seminar series: Season 3 of Science Sisters is on its way!EGU25-9552 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS3.1
Positive and Negative Academic Workplace Behaviors: Experiences Gathered at a Scientific ConferenceEGU25-10224 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS3.1
Exploring Barriers and Dilemmas in Transition Services: Insights from Korean Special Education Teachers for Students with Intellectual DisabilitiesEGU25-10372 | Posters on site | EOS3.1
Inclusive excellence at the ERC: demographic data on external reviewers and eligibility extensionsEGU25-14621 | ECS | Orals | EOS3.1
Advancing Equity in Geosciences: Insights and Actions from the Canadian EDI LandscapeEGU25-18414 | Posters on site | EOS3.1
An EDI time capsule from the 2023 Karthaus Summer School: Where do we want the glaciological community to be in 50 years?EGU25-20788 * | Orals | EOS3.1 | Highlight
Failure to Act: Universities’ Promising EDI Template Withering on the Vine